@ProbablyTofsla: My bullies are more successful and generally happy than me. Shouldn't have looked for them on Facebook, I guess. @isjahammer: I don't think you get an accurate representation of someones happiness by their Facebook... @Salieri:
I guess. All I know is that my bully literally has had a picture perfect life. Owns a successful company, beautiful wife, beautiful kids, beautiful house with a large backyard, is in phenomenal shape, the whole shebang. It fucking sucks because I'm here, and yeah I'm making good money, but I'm a fucking single bachelor renting a room in a 4 bedroom house with losers for roommates.
@hdawnj: You are fortunate that you can let that stuff go. Not everyone can. @TheNerd415: As someone who tried, but still suffer from social anxiety and panic attacks. I don't think I'll ever be able to. Feels silly, but apparently one year of hell in middle school, a period of life that really has no importance, is enough to fuck up an entire life. @Salieri:
Reach out for counseling if you haven't already. Those experiences were powerful but they are nothing compared to the power still inside you.
@hdawnj: You are fortunate that you can let that stuff go. Not everyone can. @Salieri:
I'm working on it with my therapist. I've had a few childhood bullies apologize. One even pulled their car over when they saw me walking and did a whole, like, speech. I wish they wouldn't. I wish they would just leave me alone. Their guilt has nothing to do with me. I don't fucking owe them anything. To what, make them feel better now? I don't care to know them now! I'm glad they're better people now. That's awesome. But I don't appreciate them forcing themselves into my life and trying to get something from me anymore than I do when people knock on my door and do the same with their religion. I do appreciate when people that were passive participants in the bullying come forward and apologize for enabling it. That's validating. But the people who actively did all that shit....that's their problem, now! That ain't got shit to do with me. I'm not the one they need help from. For context, this went on with the same group of kids for about a decade. Ended when they started doing the violent stuff and starting blood right in front of teachers and kids started getting expelled.
@7in7turtles: I have to say that I don't really remember the times people were assholes to me as much as I remember the times that I was an asshole to other people. Those are the scars I kept. I don't think I was ever a "bully" but I definitely was an asshole as a kid. I was bullied and I lashed out. I regret that. @Salieri:
That means you've grown and reflected.
@ennovyelechim: My bully at high-school made me life hell. She cornered me with her friends in a classroom to beat me up. It didn't go her way and she ended up with a bloody nose. Turns out just because you pick on someone who won't start violence and is quiet it doesn't mean you get to hit them and expect them to not fight back. In my arsenal I had 2 big brothers and I knew not to start a fight but I knew how to finish one especially against someone who was bigger than me. Anyhoo fast forward a few years and I went into labour at 29 weeks which is very premature and my son was in intensive care. My room was 2 floors away in the hospital so I was crying ( as you do) when a health care assistant came in and wrapped me in a hug. Turned out it was 'Tracey' my bully. She'd spotted me and was trying to start up a conversation to tell me how bad she felt about everything and then saw me crying. Mother to mother she knew what I needed was a shoulder to cry on so she hugged me. I told we we had all grown up and nothing you do at 14 should define you forever. It was all quite sweet until I asked how her nose was these days. She told me it still clicked at times and then we laughed so hard someone had to come check on us. @ForeverInaDaze: Small world, I’m sorry you had to go through that (both billing and premature labour). Hope you’re okay and I’m glad you two got a laugh especially in your time of need. @Salieri:
My son is 26 now and just under 6ft tall. You would never know what he went through. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. Tracey turned out to be a lovely adult and a wonderful mother. I'm glad we had a chance to meet as adults and I'll never be able to thank her enough for that moment of kindness she showed me when I needed it most.
@Obi_Sirius: Ran into one of my old bullies a few years after graduation. He was alone and now I knew where he worked. The look of terror on his face was all the closure I needed. @Next-Painting-142: And then what happened? Did he talked to you ? @Salieri:
They kissed, and now live happily ever after.
@Obi_Sirius: Ran into one of my old bullies a few years after graduation. He was alone and now I knew where he worked. The look of terror on his face was all the closure I needed. @Next-Painting-142: And then what happened? Did he talked to you ? @Salieri:
No, I just gave him my best evil grin and left. He was bagging at a grocery store.
@wiglwagl: I bumped into one of my bullies in an airport bar once. I was sitting at the bar with a friend, and there were another couple of guys next to us, and I overheard one of them mention my hometown. We all chatted for a while and I didn’t recognize my old bully. At one point I asked the guys their names, you know, maybe I knew their relatives. My bully said his name very sheepishly and wouldn’t make eye contact. I looked over and finally recognized this fat bald guy was the guy who punched me in the face once, stole my textbook, and made fun of me all the time. I said “Oh hi XYZ, I’m wiglwagl. I know you, and you know me.” He couldn’t look me in the eye, and denied he knew who I was. We had been having a pretty lively conversation, but then we just sat in silence. I wasn’t going to let him off the hook if he wasn’t man enough to admit that he knew me. My friend and I eventually left and that was that. @sunkized: Damn. He was probably scared you might try and beat his ass. @Salieri:
Heh, I’m a lover not a fighter; I could tell he felt super awkward and I do believe that he felt bad about the way he treated me when we were kids, at least I’d like to believe that. Up until I saw him at the airport, I had often had thoughts of revenge against this guy. But having seen him as an adult I just kind of felt sorry for him. Even though he didn’t acknowledge that he knew me, that interaction was enough closure for me.
@keji_goto: Honestly I couldn't imagine forgiving my childhood bully or even comforting them in a situation like this. Maybe this is just me but you don't get to spend years making my life miserable so I don't want to leave my house, don't have friends, can't openly enjoy my interests, have things stolen from me, attacked constantly, and pretty much never being given a moment's peace from elementary up to high school. Spotting me a decade plus after the fact and finally saying how bad you feel for making me wish I was actually dead doesn't mean I forgive you or even have to. Live with the shitty things you did and know there isn't forgiveness for it. Don't care what they offer, could be enough money to set me up for life I'm not interested in easing their guilt because they finally figured out other people are human beings too and the world doesn't revolve around them. More power to those who can but I couldn't. Not hung up on this period of my life or harbor ill will, I just feel no need at all to forgive those who did this for years to me. @sunkized: Understandable. Sending you air hugs keji @Salieri:
To me it's not even a big deal anymore. Just a thing that happened in what feels like a whole other life. I've just always been a firm believer that when people purposefully and continuously engage in shitty behavior forgiveness isn't something they are just given because they show remorse. Want to earn it? Be my guest but forgiveness don't come easy.
@keji_goto: Honestly I couldn't imagine forgiving my childhood bully or even comforting them in a situation like this. Maybe this is just me but you don't get to spend years making my life miserable so I don't want to leave my house, don't have friends, can't openly enjoy my interests, have things stolen from me, attacked constantly, and pretty much never being given a moment's peace from elementary up to high school. Spotting me a decade plus after the fact and finally saying how bad you feel for making me wish I was actually dead doesn't mean I forgive you or even have to. Live with the shitty things you did and know there isn't forgiveness for it. Don't care what they offer, could be enough money to set me up for life I'm not interested in easing their guilt because they finally figured out other people are human beings too and the world doesn't revolve around them. More power to those who can but I couldn't. Not hung up on this period of my life or harbor ill will, I just feel no need at all to forgive those who did this for years to me. @jh1039: You know I completely understand this post but I feel like childhood bullies rarely realise what they are doing or are projecting themselves. Adult bullies on the other hand are different, but childhood bullies often suffer from trauma of their own, often within the family. Others don’t understand what they’re doing and as people change they do feel remorse and guilt, and can become genuinely good people. It’s not to excuse their actions but it’s just to have understanding. Maybe the bullies in my school weren’t anywhere near as bad however @keji_goto: Elementary I give some leeway with depending on what all went down and everything. I get it that kids can be assholes and I know I wasn't perfect back then either. For me it's the length of time and how the sorry comes and all that comes. In OP's message they had to comfort their bully who only said something because their paths crossed. Then it's treated as if this small token somehow undoes everything or shows they've changed. But as you get older, change schools, and all that but those bullies stay the same or get worse? Becomes harder to sympathize with their shitty situation when their way of handling it was beating the shit out of the scrawny kid and harass them to the point that of considering suicide. And they don't stop. Years spent living like this and on top of that who knows what personal issues I have going on at home which compounds that. Nothing like spending your day scared shitless only to get home and realize Dad is pissed enough to trash your room cause you didn't finish your homework or some shit. My sympathy dries up quick for those who take their own personal struggles and use that as reasoning to harass others. @Salieri:
Fair enough I completely understand your point of view. The thing I actually find strange is that there is so many different levels of bullying, yet there is only one classification. This is what makes it so hard to judge from just an online post such as this
@C137Ivy: That’s a nice one. My bully put up a story about how bullying is not okay and I called her out on her bullshit and she just said: omg that was like, so long ago chill out. If I ever see that bitch in the wild she is getting a taste of the beatings she gave me. A really good taste. @sunkized: I experienced 2 diffrent sets of bullies. My first set was when my family lived in the ghetto. Those mofos I stay far away from because they are ratchet and will rob/ shoot my ass most likely. This bully was from my 2nd school. @C137Ivy: This girl I went to the poshest private school ever. So glad I changed to public school. Those little brats were fucking awful. @sendgoodmemes: I went to a private school and my niece has been to both private and public schools. What surprises me is how bad the private school kids believe public school kids to be. Like like kids are kids man. @Salieri:
I must say I’m not American (I’m not sure if you are too) so the situation could be really different, but in my country, kids in private schools are uneducated brats. Their parents basically throw them to a school to keep them from being annoying as much time as possible, and their parents basically pay for their grades and stuff. However, in public schools everyone is at the exact same level, there is no bullshit, and the kids are much more educated and down to earth. Also, in my expierience, so much nicer. They also went through some serious shit too, but they were never awful the same way private school kids were
@GayBlayde: I had people come up me in college and apologize for bullying me in high school. 9/10 times my honest response was “sorry, I don’t remember you at all so I can’t give you closure.” @Salieri:
Power move right there. Their shit clearly didn't stick to you.
@unnervinglynervous: I feel like people should pay attention to this sentiment more: People change. Give them to change and maybe they'll be better. @Sephpoppy: They really do. My mother abused me growing up and I cut her off for a long time. She changed. She went to therapy, fixed her issues, and got to a place we could sort out our shit. Years on, I really believe she’s changed. She’s not like a mom to me, more a nice aunt, but I would have never thought it possible. A friend in college did a really bad thing to me just after I’d been victim of a violent crime. I cut her out too. A few years back I was going to a mutual friends wedding and knew I’d see this woman, so I reached out to heal the wound between us. She was beside herself. She had grown up slightly and realized to her horror what she’d done to me and it was this huge weight she carried around with her since. It had even impacted her choice of career, working with a non profit to provide food and housing and legal support to battered women. She had wanted to reach out for a long time but didn’t want to re-traumatise me, so instead she devoted herself to becoming a better human. I was really moved by that and it was a pleasure to be able to remove the guilt from her. People absolutely can and do change. @Salieri:
@itzPenbar: I dated the person my class including me bullied. @Salieri:
Weird flex but okay.
@sarcausticsodapop: That is so sweet @Salieri:
aw, thanks!
@Filthy_Kate: Well that’s just cute as all heck. @Salieri:
thank you!!
@justsomenori: Well, that's the cutest thing I've read all week @Salieri:
I know! Me too! It makes me happy this stuff happens irl.
@wendz1980: This is just beautiful. @Salieri:
Honestly read the title and expected cynicism Was met with a wonderful and pure happy story Absolutely wonderful
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @joeltrane: Sometimes you have to start the cycle yourself @speakersandwich: Let's not start encouraging murder now @khelwen: Too late. Directions unclear. @Salieri:
Kill Thomas Beckett, you said?
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @joeltrane: Sometimes you have to start the cycle yourself @speakersandwich: Let's not start encouraging murder now @khelwen: Too late. Directions unclear. @Salieri:
Dick got cut off?
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @joeltrane: Sometimes you have to start the cycle yourself @Salieri:
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @Salieri:
Me too. Ugh.
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @Salieri:
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @Salieri:
No killing please.
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @Salieri:
Easy Edmund Kemper!
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @knarlygoat: God I'd kill for just one. @Salieri:
Oops, you killed the one.
@thegoosegoblin: Sounds like he has at least two awesome supporting people in his life! @red_codec: Oh my cup is full alright! It's full with molten boiling bubbling pitch tar of hate ready to douse on my enemies and help them on their way to the burning pits in their afterlife! @Salieri:
Easy, Satan.
@mylifeisgoodagain: You are a good wife. @Salieri:
Don't forget the awesome mil.
@nosiriamadreamer: I do this with my boyfriend's best friend. I'll text his long distance best friend "hey, call him or join him in an online game when you can." He'll respond with a thumbs up emoji and then I'll hear a lot of laughing from the other room about an hour later. Boyfriend tends to isolate himself when he's in a bad mood and when I think the isolation has gone a little too long then I'll send the text. @Salieri:
That’s so sweet!
@nosiriamadreamer: I do this with my boyfriend's best friend. I'll text his long distance best friend "hey, call him or join him in an online game when you can." He'll respond with a thumbs up emoji and then I'll hear a lot of laughing from the other room about an hour later. Boyfriend tends to isolate himself when he's in a bad mood and when I think the isolation has gone a little too long then I'll send the text. @Salieri:
That's so sweet of you. My wife text my mom for me sometimes. But if it's really bad, she texts my dad. I tell her not to but she knows when I'm overwhelmed and need them
@nosiriamadreamer: I do this with my boyfriend's best friend. I'll text his long distance best friend "hey, call him or join him in an online game when you can." He'll respond with a thumbs up emoji and then I'll hear a lot of laughing from the other room about an hour later. Boyfriend tends to isolate himself when he's in a bad mood and when I think the isolation has gone a little too long then I'll send the text. @Salieri:
Man I am way too single for this thread, it's not even noon and I'm already getting teary-eyed.
@NN1080: I aspire to become a partner like you @Salieri:
And I aspire to find a partner like her...Now, moving on to the important stuff, when's the marriage!?
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
Love that you’re giving back years later. Hope one day I can do the same
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @kaldarash: My mom used to do the same, I didn't realize it until I was 22 what was happening. I remembered only one time period before where she actually ate regularly which happened to be when I was cutting grass from 11-13yo. I would give her half the earnings I made, sometimes she'd get $100 in a week. I didn't make the connection until later that she was eating because we could afford enough food. @Salieri:
Shoutout to you for giving her half your money! Really unselfish from your part! Stay safe during these hard times.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Lokasia: My mum was a young widoy with 3 young children and did the same and when times were really bad and we didn't have much on the plate she would make games up like we're in a cafe and she's the waitress and take our orders to make dinner more interesting. I only found out in the last few years she was basically living on potatoes skin and our leftovers. @am_animator: The American dream. -someone who did this for a few years. I was so happy to make enough to not qualify for food stamps. Then I realized I needed 2 jobs because I "made too much" @Salieri:
Yep. It's such a catch 22. I'm proud of not having to rely on assistance at all anymore but the reality is I simply don't make anywhere close to enough to provide 3 square meals a day for 2 adults and 2 children. I eat a lot of snacks for "meals" and rarely more than 2 a day to make sure my kids will never have to go to sleep hungry. It's just an all around sad situation. I really feel for all the people that make even less than I do I have no idea how they do it.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @williamwchuang: We need to increase access to food aid in the US. Really, who's going to get food from a food bank or apply for food stamps unless they really needed it? Maybe 10% might be "fraudulent" but that means 90% are people who need to feed them families. @SportingKC07: So it is an interesting situation to be in. As a Christian I know there are many churches who help people out, even financially. While there are some people who try to scam the system there are a lot who are helped. I have found myself in the position to need both food and financial help, though not in the measure of some of the stories here. However, I had to overcome the thought that there were other people who needed it more (which was and is true) and allow myself to be helped. Some people feel that asking for help is admitting defeat a failure and they don't want to do that. I agree we need to increase access to food aid, but we also need to make sure people who really need it don't feel ashamed about asking or recieving it. @xxjasper012: I have a friend that uses a free food and necessities program at the college near where we live. I know for a 100% undoubtable fact that they do not NEED to use these services, they have plenty of money to buy food and necessities on their own, but they claim that the service isn't actually used by very many people and the school told them to keep coming because if any less people come they will have to shut the service down completely. After getting comfortable using this service they have started going to a local community food bank about once a month too. Do you think that's wrong? I feel almost disgusting with them using these services knowing that they don't need them but I don't know that I should feel that way? I'm really just wondering your opinion @SportingKC07: Personally I would agree that this is wrong. I debated adding that many people that don't feel any shame may be scamming the generosity of others. My wife and I stopped going to the food bank once we no longer needed to. If a program is having a problem with too few people coming then they need to get the word out to those groups who could really benefit from it, no encourage those who are stable to keep coming back. @Salieri:
Dang, you provided some good insight for me. Just a few years ago I accepted some food a couple times from a food bank that would bring food TO the trailer park I was living in because it was definitely in a low income area. Now, I didn't "need" it - I wasn't starving, but I was definitely having a tough time making ends meet and I only used it twice like I said, but looking back, it took a lot of the worry away and at the end of the month I was at least breaking even whereas I'd of been late on bills or not eaten as much as I'd like to. I grappled with whether or not I "should have" but I think I'm exactly the demographic/kind of person you were talking about who would usually be afraid to use such a service, but God bless those who do that work anyway and make it all possible.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @williamwchuang: We need to increase access to food aid in the US. Really, who's going to get food from a food bank or apply for food stamps unless they really needed it? Maybe 10% might be "fraudulent" but that means 90% are people who need to feed them families. @SportingKC07: So it is an interesting situation to be in. As a Christian I know there are many churches who help people out, even financially. While there are some people who try to scam the system there are a lot who are helped. I have found myself in the position to need both food and financial help, though not in the measure of some of the stories here. However, I had to overcome the thought that there were other people who needed it more (which was and is true) and allow myself to be helped. Some people feel that asking for help is admitting defeat a failure and they don't want to do that. I agree we need to increase access to food aid, but we also need to make sure people who really need it don't feel ashamed about asking or recieving it. @Salieri:
Just think of the billions of dollars in food stamps the Waltons use to get a discount on keeping their employees alive, rather than paying a living wage. Wouldn't you rather your tax dollars go towards getting a poor working class person/student/[youtudent/[your occupation here] some sustanance?
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @williamwchuang: We need to increase access to food aid in the US. Really, who's going to get food from a food bank or apply for food stamps unless they really needed it? Maybe 10% might be "fraudulent" but that means 90% are people who need to feed them families. @Salieri:
With how many can “legally” scam the various tax codes and government assistance programs for businesses and get a ton of money without really needing it in any way, I don’t care about the small amount of fraud that might occur at food banks and food charities. My thought is if your life is so bad that you’re scamming food banks for a week’s worth of groceries, we should probably be giving you the food anyway. So really, I would put the number at 100% of those that use those services need them, it’s just a question of whether we’re saying need because income level makes them qualify vs need because society has failed them at some point.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @williamwchuang: We need to increase access to food aid in the US. Really, who's going to get food from a food bank or apply for food stamps unless they really needed it? Maybe 10% might be "fraudulent" but that means 90% are people who need to feed them families. @Salieri:
The overpayment rate is closer to 5%; and of that, only a tenth is actual fraud. It is a very efficient program.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @williamwchuang: We need to increase access to food aid in the US. Really, who's going to get food from a food bank or apply for food stamps unless they really needed it? Maybe 10% might be "fraudulent" but that means 90% are people who need to feed them families. @Salieri:
We need to address the welfare gap in the US, as well. That's the point at which you make too much for aid, but too little to support yourself. It keeps people underemployed because they can't feed their families if they make too much. There's a lot that goes into having welfare/food stamps, too. God forbid you have an absentee landlord who can't acknowledge that you live in the same place you've been renting for the past 5 years. I've forged signatures on these papers for coworkers who couldn't get signatures. I knew where they lived, and that they paid rent, but their benefits were in danger because the person who owned their property didn't give a shit.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @williamwchuang: We need to increase access to food aid in the US. Really, who's going to get food from a food bank or apply for food stamps unless they really needed it? Maybe 10% might be "fraudulent" but that means 90% are people who need to feed them families. @Salieri:
Post doesn't make much sense, most any developed nation has better assistance programs than the US, and even in the US something like a quarter of all kids are getting food assistance, which is one of the benefit programs that isn't hard to get for those who need it, unlike many of the other quite necessary programs that are more lacking in the states.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @ZonaiSwirls: My mom wanted me to have the best possible time in college, so she paid most of my rent and sent an allowance during the summers so I could stay on campus. Recently she told me she would eat a lot of bread and butter sandwiches because she didn't have money for groceries and it kills me because I spent a lot of that money on weed. @Capt_Am: This hits home. The same thing happened to me and I cried at the revelation, but my mom just thought I felt bad about their choice to not eat. What's passed is what's past and cannot be undone, so moving forward (hopefully you still have the chance) develop a better relationship with your mother and take care of her. @ZonaiSwirls: I take care of her now and have picked up the phone bill and pay for things when I can. I still just feel bad :/ @Salieri:
Don’t dwell on it. It will just make you feel shittier, as long as you’re trying to make up for it and realized it was shitty that’s all that really matters.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
This made me cry. Next time you talk to your mom, make sure you tell her we love her <3
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
These kind of sad realities that come out once you’re an adult are soul crushing. The other day it all hit me at once that my mom is a person just like I am and while I was blissfully living my childhood she was being cheated on and abused. I’ve already known those things for years but it hit me that she was going through it alone and sacrificed her well being out of fear that it was the only way she would be able to provide for her kids.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
...I just had a horrifying realization.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
Thank you for sharing this.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
My mom did this too and it was kinda traumatizing for me looking back. People always telling me how grateful I have to be for what she did for us make it even worse in a way. She was emotionally absent, probably due to all the shit she was going through, and completely neglected us emotionally. I'd rather she ate and hugged me than not eat and call me a wimp for opening up about being hurt about my father leaving us.
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
I hope no parent has to ever endures that
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
It baffles me how rich America is and people from all other countries like mine go there for higher studies to get a good job that pays more than anything in their own country and yet some Americans can't afford food. Assuming you're American, ofcourse, a lot are on social media
@TonkaButt: Growing up I remember mom telling me several times she “wasn’t hungry and just liked watching me eat dinner”. It was only until a few years ago she told me she never had enough money for food so she would just watch my sister and I eat and then eat the leftovers. Fucking crushed me when she told me that. Now whenever she comes out to visit me I always hide money in her purse or bags and she never comes across it until after she leaves. Mad respect for you. I hope 2021 is one of the greatest years for you. @Salieri:
That’s fucking adorable. God bless you
@MommaLegend: You should be very proud of yourself! I have skipped meals myself for my son, and tell him I’m just not hungry. @Salieri:
Please talk to your kid about what you are going through as a family. My mom tried to hide the shit we were going through and it made for confusing times and I still have trust issues because of that.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @mhac009: And paua is abalone @Salieri:
Ah, he's gonna make her abalone sandwich. It's ok, I'll go.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @mhac009: And paua is abalone @GloriousDioxide: Wait wtf it has a name other than paua??? @Salieri:
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @mhac009: And paua is abalone @Salieri:
In South Africa it's called perlemoen. Southern hemisphere unite.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @rheetkd: ka pai = Good. Ka Rawe = awesome. just for clarification @cheshirekitkat01: Sweet as. I have been previously misled @Salieri:
just remember that pai = good, so tino pai is very good.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @poloinne: Thank you for the clarification. I thought I was old and uncool not understanding the lingo. Now I feel better. @Salieri:
Nope, it's Māori
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @Salieri:
You had me at sea urchin.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @MDCCCLV: They eat Moana? @DrippyWaffler: Moana means sea, hence the naming of the Disney character. @crxperxiraia: Interesting fact: Moana is not Hawaiian or Maori. She’s either Tongan or Samoan @DrippyWaffler: Hmmm how did you know that? @crxperxiraia: Well I can tell you this much - she is from the South Pacific. Hawaii is in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s definitely not NZ because we weren’t voyagers. All NZ said about them is “they came in a waka” (boat) so the only place left for them to come from is Tonga/ Samoa where they voyage on heaps of small islands @DrippyWaffler: Right okay, how do you know it's not the northern hemisphere? @crxperxiraia: What’s the real question here? What are you genuinely trying to figure out? Like do you genuinely want to know if she’s NOT from HAWAII? And would like further explanation as to why she’s not from Hawaii. @Salieri:
Yeah sorry if it was unclear, I was just curious as to how you know she wasn't from there. I don't recall then mentioning where it's based and iirc the director said it was the Hawaiian version of the mythology. I'm a kiwi btw not some belligerent American who wants to know why it's not from one of their precious 50 states haha
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @cheshirekitkat01: Clarification for those who need it: kai is food, kaimoana is seafood, ka pai is awesome, kia kaha is be strong and kina is sea urchin @Salieri:
And sus is how red be acting
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @yankykiwi: This is why I miss New Zealand. Moved to USA a few years ago, dont even know my neighbors name, and likely they wouldn't check on me in an emergency. In new zealand, your neighbour's an hour away and they check on you if there's even a power cut. Any kiwi would help someone that's having trouble, you just have to ask, and its never a shameful thing. It was always more of a "you don't even have to ask, you're basically family". I tried saying that in usa and it got weird. I really miss that. @Miscellaneousgurl: Where do you live in the US? My neighbors are all good friends. @yankykiwi: Bay area sfo. Most of my neighbour's don't speak English. What little we do communicate is over translator apps. I overheard them frantically calling 911 one night, turns out my neighbor had someone 20mins away come to help her call, instead of asking me next door. @Salieri:
That’s too bad. I’m in SF proper and have dinner and or happy hour several times a week with my neighbors. It is probably better in neighborhoods with families/ kids rather than singles/roommate situations, at least in the Bay Area. Hang in there. I hope you find more friendly soon.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @yankykiwi: This is why I miss New Zealand. Moved to USA a few years ago, dont even know my neighbors name, and likely they wouldn't check on me in an emergency. In new zealand, your neighbour's an hour away and they check on you if there's even a power cut. Any kiwi would help someone that's having trouble, you just have to ask, and its never a shameful thing. It was always more of a "you don't even have to ask, you're basically family". I tried saying that in usa and it got weird. I really miss that. @Miscellaneousgurl: Where do you live in the US? My neighbors are all good friends. @Salieri:
I’ve mostly only lived in population centers in the US - this is absolutely the norm. It’s “small town USA” that has that community feeling.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @Girlfriend_Material: You guys sound so friendly. @troglodyte_sphincter: Come on over, I'll save you some kaimoana too! Lol @Girlfriend_Material: You should be careful inviting an American over, some of us are about desperate enough, we may just start paddling. Haha, no but really.. @SmuggleCats: Yeah seriously, gimme a marker on a map and I'll start paddling. @Salieri:
Sorry dude, NZ is never found on a map.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @Girlfriend_Material: You guys sound so friendly. @troglodyte_sphincter: Come on over, I'll save you some kaimoana too! Lol @Salieri:
What is it ? Sounds good. Lol.
@troglodyte_sphincter: Ka pai bro/sis. You're an awesome kis. You're an awesome kiwi, and a better parent. I'm a kiwi boy, and, although I don't have much until work starts again, if you ever need to skip meals again let me know, I'll sus you some kai. If I end up diving ill even save you some kaimoana to send. Nothing like some paua and kina! Maybe even some cray if my ankle heals and I can do some real diving. Chur cuz, stay awesome, and stay in touch @Girlfriend_Material: You guys sound so friendly. @Bananayello: Kiwis are truly lovely, lovely people! @Salieri:
I'm Australian and seconding, Kiwis are awesome
@littlemissbecky: Great accomplishment! Skipped plenty of meals myself so the kids didn’t have to. Would do it all over again. @Salieri:
If you ever need help with food, please send me a DM. No judgement. No questions. Just love! I found out 30 years later that my mom did the same for me that you’re doing for your son, so I’d like to be able to pay it forward if I can.
@vegetabloid: Ah, the good old American Dream - choosing between eating or feeding your children in exchange for an unexisting chance of becoming a billionaire. @Salieri:
Not everyone in the world lives in America, but alright.
@RzK: Six years now, feels really weird. I was in the 12th grade when I made this account, I remember the feeling of impending doom when submitting comments/posts and fearing downvotes haha... it felt like I needed peoples approval on here every time and now that im older it's funny to think about. This may sound crazy but I feel it's kinda improved my thinking in a way. Coming up with witty things to say in comments, reading articles I wouldn't bother to read in a high school library, TIL's, etc. This website is both a blessing and a curse really. But if it shut down tomorrow I think an addiction would be cured. @BobTehCat: I agree man, when I joined reddit in 8th grade it was like the cool older brother I never had. Taught me stuff, made me laugh, showed me his porn collection... Using it daily during my teenage years definitely really shaped me as a person, and I'd like to say it's for the better, but I think it's mostly because I was somehow able to resist the more toxic aspects of the site. @Salieri:
It's easy if you're inherently good.
@sjohns19: That's an amazing story! So glad you had such great experiences! @funkitin: Thank you.. I def feel like I've an angel watching my back that led the kind Redditors to me on that night... (My mom). @Salieri:
My mom is passed too! I joined Reddit right after she died to talk about my sturggle and the support was REAL.
@Ukhai: I'm all for anonymity and privacy. But I'd also like to thank all those who haven't deleted informative comments/posts for someone else to stumble upon. I have posts still bookmarked from when I first started lurking ~8 years ago. Been so helpful throughout the time I've been here. @Salieri:
That's pretty damned awesome.
@Fearofthedark88: Good for you. I too check this site everyday. @Salieri:
Redditing is like the BEST addiction ever... :-)
@tumtums22: Where did you get your reddit name from? @funkitin: I love music, funk is one of my fave genre's.. I also had just purchased a kitten around the time I found Reddit. So I was like: "funk kitten" or "fun kitten" ... and when I typed it.. funkitin came out.. Silly I know..but i felt like a creative genius at the time. @Salieri:
Haha, I like that.
@tumtums22: Where did you get your reddit name from? @funkitin: I love music, funk is one of my fave genre's.. I also had just purchased a kitten around the time I found Reddit. So I was like: "funk kitten" or "fun kitten" ... and when I typed it.. funkitin came out.. Silly I know..but i felt like a creative genius at the time. @Salieri:
I was watching Timon & Pumba one day and Timon called Simba a lazy lion. Stuck with me ever since.
@jakemg: I don’t have much to add I’m afraid. But that’s kind of amazing! I’ve been on here for 7 years and I love how I can just see so much stuff I’m interested in (there’s a sub for everything) and discover new stuff I’m interested in. Reddit really is a lot of fun. For the survey: I’m a nearly 40s white dude. We al just come here and unite over memes. @Salieri:
Unite over memes indeed.. My meme game is kinda strong because of Reddit!
@ragvamuffin: Sooooo.... When does the narwhale bacon? @funkitin: The Narwahl Bacons at MIDNIGHT!!! @Salieri:
It's hard to believe that was a thing, right? Today everybody is on Reddit. I mention being active on Reddit in my resumé!
@FuzzySlippers4Me: Middle aged Mexican woman here. I’m so glad you found support in your time of need. It sounds like you’re doing great now. Reddit is my daily escape too. @Salieri:
Hi hey hello!!!! I am a very happy camper. Thank you for reading.. (I love your username..!)
@Billy8000: 7 years and I’ll be you... except the black part... and the woman part. But that’s great to hear. It’s amazing how reddit works and the community that certain subs are. @Salieri:
7 years and I’ll be you... except the black part..and the woman part. You are HILARIOUS. Thank you for reading!! And for the awesome chuckle
@OftenSoConfused: You’re a living breathing realization of how perseverance and willpower can improve your life circumstances. As someone who’s graduating college and looking for a job in this economy, your story give me some hope that it’ll get easier even though my story isn’t nearly as up and down as yours. Thanks for sharing! @JesuswhyChrist: Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad that you feel that way. Keep being optimistic. Keep pushing and you will get through it. Wish you all the best!! @FijiWater001: And now my problems don't seem so large anymore. You are an inspiration, dear JesuswhyChrist. @Salieri:
You have one more challenge. To ensure the shit you endured, survived and succeeded against stop at your generation. Best of luck in making your life's journey a good one!
@OftenSoConfused: You’re a living breathing realization of how perseverance and willpower can improve your life circumstances. As someone who’s graduating college and looking for a job in this economy, your story give me some hope that it’ll get easier even though my story isn’t nearly as up and down as yours. Thanks for sharing! @JesuswhyChrist: Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad that you feel that way. Keep being optimistic. Keep pushing and you will get through it. Wish you all the best!! @Salieri:
And it looks like you have been awarded reddit premium for the rest of your life as well. Nice
@OftenSoConfused: You’re a living breathing realization of how perseverance and willpower can improve your life circumstances. As someone who’s graduating college and looking for a job in this economy, your story give me some hope that it’ll get easier even though my story isn’t nearly as up and down as yours. Thanks for sharing! @DigbyBrouge: She’s the living definition of the true American Dream @delanvital: She's living it in Indonesia then @DigbyBrouge: It’s a metaphor @Salieri:
I know
@Dsajames: Wow. Where are your parents from? Did they grow up in a remote cult or are they just natural assholes? @JesuswhyChrist: We are Indonesians. Sadly, it’s pretty common for such things happen in the culture... @Salieri:
I was in Flores earlier this year and discovered the wonder that is Goyang Dumang by Cita Citata. Just keep on dancing, op
@Dsajames: Wow. Where are your parents from? Did they grow up in a remote cult or are they just natural assholes? @JesuswhyChrist: We are Indonesians. Sadly, it’s pretty common for such things happen in the culture... @Salieri:
I just moved from India two years ago and I understand the kind of toxic culture that exists like this. One of my floormates from my first year was from Jakarta and we had some really nice memories.
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @tishowns: are you me? my spotify hacker only listened to south american EDM and other types. I couldn’t let it continue because my music suggestions got littered with that stuff and it ruined my library. @ishowudawae: This happened to me too, South American edm. I didn't care till they started fucking with my playlists and i would blast death grips whenever I saw them listening and then eventually changed my password. @Salieri:
lmao death grips will definitely do it to ‘em
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @tishowns: are you me? my spotify hacker only listened to south american EDM and other types. I couldn’t let it continue because my music suggestions got littered with that stuff and it ruined my library. @ishowudawae: This happened to me too, South American edm. I didn't care till they started fucking with my playlists and i would blast death grips whenever I saw them listening and then eventually changed my password. @Salieri:
I think my friend [F] was the hacker from either one of your accounts, maybe. I am South american with a friend that hacks other peoples spotifies. She also likes that type of music.
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @garboardload: My wife thinks I’m glad for you!!! @Salieri:
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @garboardload: My wife thinks I’m glad for you!!! @desull: Thanks, I'm glad for her. @Salieri:
Hol up
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @Salieri:
Why would you go to these lengths to accomodate a hacker that literally steals your money?
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @Salieri:
Okay same. I’m pretty sure Spotify got hacked. Based on all these posts
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @Nomadicllama: This happened to me too! Except this person exclusively listened to like South American dance music and kept creating playlists for hardwell and other EDM people (no offence to fans of these kinds of music it’s just not my thing). I hoped we could live peacefully by me deleting the playlists and ‘recently played’ and he/she would get thhe would get the idea to just listen to what they wanted and then maybe delete the history afterwards, I think at one point I even created a playlist titled ‘PLEASE STOP CREATING PLAYLISTS’...but unfortunately that was never the case so eventually we parted ways (I changed the password). @Salieri:
This exact thing happened to me as well! I was so upset. The person deleted all my playlists and would change the music to EDM whenever I was listening to it. So annoying.
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @mcmalyx: I have someone using my Spotify. I don't know what their story is, but all they listen to is meditation music and sleep cycle playlists. Really fucked me up when I saw that on my "recently played" thinking that somehow I was doing that in my sleep or something. @IamJob000: Same! Just happened last week to me. One of the playlists was “Vegan Affirmations”. Immediately called my wife and asked what the hell she was listening to. Strange shit. Others were “stay with me” and “rough waters”. Hacker was going threw something deep. @RegretfulUsername: I’m pretty sure these people aren’t hackers but rather people buying a really cheap subscription to Spotify or whatever service it is by purchasing it from someone who hacks a bunch of accounts and then sells the extra sub accounts that aren’t being used by the account owner. It also seems like this buying of hacked accounts is popular with South American youth as I’ve read about 10 different accounts of this happening to people and the playlists being all South American EDM music. That can’t just be a coincidence. @Salieri:
Or South American EDM lovers are really good at hacking.
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @mcmalyx: I have someone using my Spotify. I don't know what their story is, but all they listen to is meditation music and sleep cycle playlists. Really fucked me up when I saw that on my "recently played" thinking that somehow I was doing that in my sleep or something. @IamJob000: Same! Just happened last week to me. One of the playlists was “Vegan Affirmations”. Immediately called my wife and asked what the hell she was listening to. Strange shit. Others were “stay with me” and “rough waters”. Hacker was going threw something deep. @RegretfulUsername: I’m pretty sure these people aren’t hackers but rather people buying a really cheap subscription to Spotify or whatever service it is by purchasing it from someone who hacks a bunch of accounts and then sells the extra sub accounts that aren’t being used by the account owner. It also seems like this buying of hacked accounts is popular with South American youth as I’ve read about 10 different accounts of this happening to people and the playlists being all South American EDM music. That can’t just be a coincidence. @Salieri:
Na, it’s definitely gotta be a coincidence, lol
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @mcmalyx: I have someone using my Spotify. I don't know what their story is, but all they listen to is meditation music and sleep cycle playlists. Really fucked me up when I saw that on my "recently played" thinking that somehow I was doing that in my sleep or something. @Salieri:
I had a middle eastern man/woman using my Spotify for a while and didn’t care, until we got in a song battle and he kept switching my song. So I kept playing the lion king song where it stars with “I can see what’s happening”, then I did 2 factor and kicked them off.
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @bikari: I got my spotify hacked recently. They deleted all my playlists and replaced them with Latino Rock music. So whenever I saw the hacker playing music on their device, I switched to a playlist of the Benny Hill theme on repeat, until they gave up and disconnected. @aFanofManyHats: Similar thing happened to me last year, except I played "Get Off of My Cloud" by the Rolling Stones. My mom's suggestion, and it worked. @Salieri:
I see what you did there
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @langlo94: Somebody got access to my Spotify account as well, but he was an asshole and deleted all my playlists and changed the email address to a non-existant one. Thankfully I could still log in with Facebook so I just found put what email he changed it to, registered that address and recovered the account. @Salieri:
Thats definitely one way to do it
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @WhoNeedsTears: I had this happen to me, the person listened to a lot of Kanye. Changed my password straight away. @Salieri:
I would too.. No one needs Kanye in their life.
@kRkthOr: I had a guy hack my spotify once. All he did was add a few hip hop playlists and sometimes I'd see him listening to stuff from the "this device is playing music" notification when I logged in so I'd switch to random country music. I think he spent like 6 months using my account then randomly stopped. I hope he's okay. @WhoNeedsTears: I had this happen to me, the person listened to a lot of Kanye. Changed my password straight away. @Salieri:
The people replying to your comment obviously haven't listened to a Kanye project top to bottom. Despite all his wackiness in the media, the quality of the music stands for itself. His discography is easily in the top 10 all-time of any genre and his influence on today's production from the 808s & Heartbreak album alone speaks volumes to his talent. Dude may be abrasive and arrogant, but you can't deny his creativity.
@000cat: I wish someone would hack my tv accounts so I could have some idea as to what to watch. Modern problems require modern solutions. Ya know?? @smarterthanawaffle: I will be happy to be your tv freeloader. I am in South America on an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job. Access to TV would make this grind more bearable. @000cat: Awwh. That's a really wholesome request dear friend. I feel like this has turned into a job interview or a "what are your intentions with my daughter?" type chat @Salieri:
This got bigger than I anticipated. Share your details or not. I’ve gone this long without access. Someone on here gave me access to Netflix already. Thank you for being a kind internet stranger no matter what.
@000cat: I wish someone would hack my tv accounts so I could have some idea as to what to watch. Modern problems require modern solutions. Ya know?? @smarterthanawaffle: I will be happy to be your tv freeloader. I am in South America on an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job. Access to TV would make this grind more bearable. @SquirrelAkl: “an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job” I’m curious what your job is now? @Salieri:
I'd guess something in agriculture, or a low-level job in petroleum. And moments of sheer terror could relate to natural disasters/weather in the petroleum industry. Out of all the possibilities, the chances of me being right are tiny, but it's my best guess.
@000cat: I wish someone would hack my tv accounts so I could have some idea as to what to watch. Modern problems require modern solutions. Ya know?? @smarterthanawaffle: I will be happy to be your tv freeloader. I am in South America on an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job. Access to TV would make this grind more bearable. @SquirrelAkl: “an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job” I’m curious what your job is now? @Salieri:
Except for the “low paying” part, that is a kind of famous description of being an airline pilot.
@000cat: I wish someone would hack my tv accounts so I could have some idea as to what to watch. Modern problems require modern solutions. Ya know?? @smarterthanawaffle: I will be happy to be your tv freeloader. I am in South America on an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job. Access to TV would make this grind more bearable. @SquirrelAkl: “an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job” I’m curious what your job is now? @Salieri:
I bet is a guard, lot of time bored, then someones try to rob him and then an off duty cop shots the robber.
@000cat: I wish someone would hack my tv accounts so I could have some idea as to what to watch. Modern problems require modern solutions. Ya know?? @smarterthanawaffle: I will be happy to be your tv freeloader. I am in South America on an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job. Access to TV would make this grind more bearable. @SquirrelAkl: “an extremely boring (punctuated by moments of sheer terror) and low paying job” I’m curious what your job is now? @Salieri:
Porn star