?dat het hier echter blijk bariv niet gaat om verbetering van de π™œπ™šπ™ π™‘π™šπ™ͺπ™§π™™π™š mensch. doch om zijne vernietiging omdat hij gekleurd e's ?dat m
π™œπ™šπ™ π™‘π™šπ™ͺπ™§π™™π™š
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
lang reeds over dit onderwerp.Niet slechts de inlander, ook de 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀-𝙀π™ͺ𝙧𝙀π™₯π™šπ™–π™–π™£ vraagt de bijzondere aandacht der Regeering.Een prijzenswaardi
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "inlander, pauperisme" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "inlander" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
umentaire films aan te toonen, dat de algemeene opinie, dat de 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀-𝙀π™ͺ𝙧𝙀π™₯π™šπ™–π™–π™£ niet deugt voor landbouw-kolonisatie tot het rijk der fabelen
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
ander*.Hij betoogde echter, dat het publiek gezag niet in de zaak π™œπ™šπ™’π™šπ™£π™œπ™™ had moeten worden.De houding in Duitschland ingenomen ten dien op
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
n.Vandaar, dat destijds zoo wel in de kringen van de ongeloovige π™–π™—π™€π™§π™žπ™œπ™žπ™£π™–π™‘ Societies als van de geloovige missionary Societies, de fatale i
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "kaffers" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "ruwe onmenschen, Engelsch zendeling, Kaffers" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
ls melden Dominie John B.Renville en Antonie en Michel Renville. π™π™–π™‘π™›π™—π™‘π™€π™šπ™™ Indianen, maar volbloed Christenen in woord en daad?En Jan de An
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "volbloed" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
49; bij de transport afdeeling f.31. !Dit alles uitsluitend voor π™žπ™£π™‘π™–π™£π™™π™¨π™˜π™π™š j arbeiders.En het totaal gemiddelde I van alle inlandsche arbei
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
pli-l menten dadelijk zal wegjagen, wanneer!hij zich nog met die π™•π™žπ™œπ™šπ™ͺπ™£π™šπ™§π™žπ™£ mocht ophouden....Maar waar bevindt die Zorka zich op het oogenb
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "31", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
voorheen werd er ook zeer veel koffie uitgevoerd.De tabak ia hier π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨.h en, golijk bekend is, van de beste qualiteit.Volgens de telling
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
ng, dat mannen voortgekomen uit eene kruising van blanke en zwarte π™§π™–π™¨π™¨π™šπ™£ gebrek aan moed en karakter bezitten, op geen grond hoegenaamd ber
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "kleurlingen" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "blanke en zwarte, kleurlingen" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "kleurlingen" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
half de voetjes op den gepolijsten eikenhouten vk>.f.' β€žHeb jij je 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙀𝙣 glacΓ© waar je in je bonbonniΓ¨re naar zocht, dan gemist?"antwoordde
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "31", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
aan de Saaie.Daar werd in een kleine herberg muziek gemaakt β€” π™•π™žπ™œπ™šπ™ͺπ™£π™šπ™§π™’π™ͺπ™―π™žπ™šπ™ . een groote zeldzaamheid.β€žDaar houd ik veel yan," zeide zij, β€ž
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
greep naar haar boegoe-nine s en ; verzuimde daarbij niet haar π™©π™§π™–π™™π™žπ™©π™žπ™€π™£π™šπ™‘π™š figuur te slaan.β–  β€”r htΒ»!; De hele burgerij,'D ol' boeren zijn
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "dieven" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
toomschip Gemma, dat van Hamburg te Gravesend is aangekomen, aan π™–π™―π™žπ™–π™©π™žπ™¨π™˜π™π™š cholera zijn overleden, en dat een derde persoon, een man, zich
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
nd gestopt had.Hir trok met zijn blok naar bet gerechtshof om den π™ˆπ™€π™£π™œπ™€π™€π™‘ aan te klagen.Deze echter loochende stoutweg, dat dit zilver van
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
ndscue Opera, enz., enz.Wij goloo.ven dat op deze wijze van den π™ƒπ™žπ™¨π™©π™€π™§π™žπ™¨π™˜π™π™šπ™£, Optocht heel wat zou zijn te maken.Misschien kan hiervan nog i
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
tie !,,--β– β€’-'- -arer ht. 1 *i '.olpen.i 19.100 balen -. ai Sy iney π™Œπ™ͺπ™šπ™šπ™§_ !..n 1.β– :. .β€’ '~,. ien \an Z'iiil-A.i.*- xnla.
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
ehouden en steeds dieper wordt zyn beteekenis ingezien.De mensch is 𝙝𝙀𝙒𝙀 sapiens: de verstand-hebbende mensch; homo faber, de makende mensch
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
t schuw.Zij spreken zelfs een enkel woord Duitsch, maar de echte π™£π™šπ™œπ™šπ™§π™«π™§π™šπ™šπ™¨ voor uitteekenen zit er bij de meesten nog in.Toen ik bij de keu
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "negerin" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "negerin" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "negerin" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "gebruik het woord neger gewoon niet" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "negerin, zelfde redenering als bij neger" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "negerin" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "negerin" } ]
r het volk's part een Republikein of een Demokraat zijn, jazelfs π™ƒπ™€π™©π™©π™šπ™£π™©π™€π™©.Hij moet ook niet vergeten, dat het volk ook wijs genoeg is om t
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "31", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
, opdat Hij Zijn Zegen zal blijven schenken aan de opleiding van π™žπ™£π™‘π™–π™£π™™π™¨π™˜π™π™š priesters.Juist in oorlogstoestand blijkt de groote noodzakelijk
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "eigen volk, vreemde missionaris, eigen landzonen, meest geschikte" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
i/Juni 25.60.Stemming vast.Tin op termijn: Banka Biiliton Straits π™‚π™šπ™’π™šπ™£π™œπ™™ contract Sept. .72| 73| 741, 121 Oct.72| 72Ï 74i 72i Nov. 71- 711
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
sche regeering in. en, aan den anderen kant. heeft de werving in π˜Όπ™―π™žπ™–π™©π™žπ™¨π™˜π™ Turkije niet de fabelachtige uitkom sten opgeleverd, die men le
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
e Mechelen β€” met de prachtige gevels van stadhuis en hallen als π™–π™˜π™π™©π™šπ™§π™œπ™§π™€π™£π™™ β€” en te St.Niklaas, hebben bewezen, dat Vlaanderen meer dan ooi
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
teadoro, hoewel zij daarmi hoii.lt h. :. β– : in ei- 1 i:iicn der π™©π™§π™–π™™π™žπ™©π™žπ™€π™£π™šπ™‘π™š zedelijkheidkrachtig genoeg om twijfcTloos ,1e ze' -nen.. en ni
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
g.De laatste decennia is deze vorm van kotoniaal bestuur op den π™–π™˜π™π™©π™šπ™§π™œπ™§π™€π™£π™™ gebakt.Naast de decentralisatie-wetgeving eti de bestuurshervor
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
veer als volgt: β€žIk verzeker Uwe Majesteit dat ik door dezelfde π™©π™§π™–π™™π™žπ™©π™žπ™€π™£π™šπ™‘π™š gevoelens voor u en uw Huis vervuld Β°en als mijn vader, en door
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
en menseiyke gedaante aan en sprak tot Haroen: β€žGij wilt een echte π™ˆπ™€π™¨π™‘π™žπ™’ zyn en ge schryft de naam van Allah op de drempel der deur, zodat
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "Duivel? :p" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
proeven het Β«Credo Pugno, ' van onzen grooten Nederlander dr. 3 oh 𝙖𝙖π™₯𝙒𝙖𝙣 te begrijpen en na te volgen en tij de leute: Β»Wat slaaf is mag al
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "slaaf" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "slaaf" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
leedmgsmagazijn In Vermillion, is in jail, onder beschuldiging van 𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙧𝙙 met voorbedachten rade.De twee mannen hebben in een langdurige rec
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
n goud; Een bode heeft het haar gebracht.β€” Adolphe LΓ©bon, kantoor π™—π™šπ™™π™žπ™šπ™£π™™π™š bij Mignaud et fils, verklaart, dat hij op den bewusten dag, tege
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
Apeldoorn, 23 Febr.Boter.Men besteedde Ζ’lO.BO a 12J.0 por %β€ž vat. π™©π™€π™«π™šπ™£π™–π™–π™§, 23 Febr.Boter Ζ’1.20 a 1.30β€” per Kg.Tielerwaard, 24 Febr.
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
ekening.β€žWat wordt gedaan β€” zoo vroeg de heer E, om den jongen 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀-𝙀π™ͺ𝙧𝙀π™₯π™šπ™–π™–π™£ voor den strgd des levens voor te bereiden?"En het antwoord lu
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "\"niet passend voor Indische behoeften\"" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "Indo-Europeanen" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
de jongens, werd fde tocht voortgezet, nu naar het 1 Hoofdkwartier π™†π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™š depoi Com ~ be, waar de timmer- kleer- en 3 SChoenrnakerij gevesti
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "koeli is surinaams" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
niet kent, en die dus aan deze een nieuwen voorsprong geeft op de π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨.cho industrie, dan .wΓ³rdt het voor de Nederlandsche mijnen bijkan
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
Geschiedenis der Genees-, natuur- en wiskunde en het Academisch π™ƒπ™žπ™¨π™©π™€π™§π™žπ™¨π™˜π™ Museum te Lelden, vertegenwoordigd door mevr.G.G.
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
zonder hulp te verleenen en het is de politie nog niet gelukt te π™€π™£π™©π™™π™šπ™ π™ π™šπ™£ wie zij waren.Om een einde te maken aan de gewoonte om koelen. t
π™€π™£π™©π™™π™šπ™ π™ π™šπ™£
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
e, was het arme kind zeer bedroefd.Hoe graag had de overste den π™£π™šπ™œπ™šπ™§π™Ÿπ™€π™£π™œπ™šπ™£ nu een groot geldstuk toegeworpen, om het arme kind dubbel te v
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "kan echt niet meer negerjongen!" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "neger (al vind ik dat zelf niet aanstootgevend en verschillende bevriende negers ook niet, tenzij duidelijk denigrerend bedoeld uiteraard))" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
de dwerg begon te groeien.Bij sommige gevallen van hypophysalren π™™π™¬π™šπ™§π™œπ™œπ™§π™€π™šπ™ž werd een groei van 15β€”17 cm bereikt.Het bloed moet van dezelfde
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "idioten" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "dwerg" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "idioten, dwergen" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
n bij de kip, geiten-, rund- of btiffelvlcesch.Van de kip laat de π™žπ™£π™‘π™–π™£π™™π™šπ™§ niets over dan 't geraamte en de veeren.De inge wanden moeten, ge
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "inlander ?" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
Morron en J.I.π™ˆπ™–π™§π™§π™€π™£.9.A. de Lange.
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "22", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
De Arabische 'slavenjagers zijn geheel verdreven luit het groote π™£π™šπ™œπ™šπ™§π™§π™žπ™Ÿπ™  Oeganda, iaan den noordwestelijken oever van het Yictoria-Nyanza
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "negerkoning" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ndo-China en AustraliΓ«.De missiegebieden in handen gegeven van de π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨π™š clerus zijn de volgende: een aartsbisdom en zeven bisdommen in In
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
en donkerΒ» der nuances, alsook beige, castor en Β«la verschillende 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙀𝙣» linten; ook zwart wacht veel succes. : Nu over het model, der hoe
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
lande - ' politiek allo vastheid.En treden de beginselen op den π™–π™˜π™π™©π™šπ™§π™œπ™§π™€π™£π™™, daa moet wel het ideale schade lijden en in het stoffelijke en
[ { "id": "21", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
eeft in den strijd om het bestaan.Honden en varkens zijn voor den π™„π™¨π™‘π™–π™’π™žπ™šπ™© onreine dieren, zijn afkeer daarvan is dus verklaarbaar.Kippen sl
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
beide zyden van de gelagkamer geschaard; Norton bemerkte, dat Elmar π™‹π™–π™œπ™š 2ich onder hen bevond, een pas of twee van Rickard verwijderd.Omdat
[ { "id": "21", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
n hebben onderhouden, is Amsterdam uit zΓΌn hooge positie op den π™–π™˜π™π™©π™šπ™§π™œπ™§π™€π™£π™™ gedrongen en hoeft het de vlag moeten strijken voor Rotterdam.W
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
r een persoonlijke ontmoeting.Ik woon in Oegstgeest, heb inderdaad 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙀𝙣-rood haar (al is het geverfd en geen naturel, maar ik vond de kleu
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
h WEE, die snoodaards!zij zullen 't EENS weten. 't Maakt dat de π™¬π™šπ™§π™šπ™‘π™™π™’π™€π™€π™§π™™ langer kan duren; 't Stapelt de dooden op hopen, door 't vuren
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
t alleen hij grond moet kunnen bezitten.Ik zeide reeds, dat dc 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀-𝙀π™ͺ𝙧𝙀π™₯π™šπ™–π™–π™£ dat als een onbillijkheid zal kunnen' voelen, maar dat mag gee
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ng de var. i v beteringen of te dwinger, waarop de cbioee- β–  schf π™ π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™šπ™¨;reclil had.\ Thans vraagt weder de behandeling der tΒ» ; Suriname
π™ π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™šπ™¨
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "23", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
zaak duidelijk: op het tooneel zelf wordt 'm La PrisonniΓ¨re niets π™‡π™šπ™¨π™—π™žπ™¨π™˜π™ vertoond, en niets onzedΒ»-lijks.Het onzedelijke kan hier <i.>en g
[ { "id": "21", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ederland een brok van het Γ³p de kaart zoo zorgvuldig nederlandsch π™œπ™šπ™ π™‘π™šπ™ͺ𝙧𝙙 gebied ontrukken.Vandaar het voorstel, β€žte trachten, die inboorli
π™œπ™šπ™ π™‘π™šπ™ͺ𝙧𝙙
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ang voor de toekomstigeg luchtverbinding tusschen Europeesch- en π˜Όπ™―π™žπ™–π™©π™žπ™¨π™˜π™ Nederland.Zij hoopt, dat het voorbeeld van den AmerikaanschΓ©n za
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
Nederland.Het volk is er rustig en gemoedelijk, het klimaat, van π˜Όπ™―π™žπ™–π™©π™žπ™¨π™˜π™ standpunt gezien, redelijk, de oogsten zijn er middelmatig, maar
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
Initrsl*Β»), aΒ»ahΒ»in tang.15 Jan.π™ˆπ™–π™§π™§π™€π™£ Fomtrt*.RoßßTd.mβ–  -nalhaa-ptoa Vertr. .6 Jan.Shelljarlss.
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ezen. too am?rtdt Β£P?evoer<l het beroemde en too glmsΓΌg bekenden π™π™žπ™¨π™©π™€π™§π™žπ™¨π™˜π™ treur- Eeno tr J'% bed/\iveil : Brancomir of ΓΌene tragestie uit
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
Den hee len nacht hob ik geschreid.Eindelijk dacht ik aan jou.De π™’π™šπ™©π™žπ™¨ (bastaard!hoorde zijn zuster ΓΆ-afi zender zijn gelaat te verro.'.r
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "23", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
geplaatst op een avondcur sus voor handelsonderwijs, één meisje (π™™π™¬π™šπ™§π™œπ™œπ™§π™€π™šπ™ž) op den wintercursus voor vtersteΓ―naaien op 'een school voor vro
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
s niet van betekenis, doordat de grote oliebedrijven bij voorkeur π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨π™š krachten, ook meer en meer voor de lagere technische werkzaamhede
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ns zal worden genomen, want uitsluitend in die richting zal m.i. de 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀 moei ten worden opgeleid.Met regecringssteun!De landskantoren kunne
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
chter aan doeltreffende werktuigen.Thans kost de arbeid van den π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨π™˜π™π™šπ™£ werkman voel te veel tijd, zoodat hij nauwelijks iets verdi Bij
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
de navolgende bijzonderheden:~Wij hebben de bevrijding van het π™©π™§π™–π™™π™žπ™©π™žπ™€π™£π™šπ™‘π™š Christelijke Spanje uit de machtswellust van de Rode Terreur, d
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
verhaaltrant een bescheiden bijdrage tot de juiste kennb von dlt π™’π™šπ™£π™œπ™§π™–π™¨ heeft gegeven.Β«TJo. eerΒ» brokje Indo-leven" heeft het werkje **>.
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "23", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
rowed from the African jungles, it has all the earmarks of wild, π™–π™—π™€π™§π™žπ™œπ™žπ™£π™–π™‘ life, its only purpose is to awake evil passions and to fill the
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
straten van Neerland's hoofstad houden en zeilwedstrijden in de π™π™žπ™¨π™©π™€π™§π™žπ™¨π™˜π™π™š grachten zouden evenmin tot hun recht komen.Voorts is 't stadio
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ijn een degelijk, karaktervol, energiek, wellevend man, 't zij 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀-𝙀π™ͺ𝙧𝙀π™₯π™šπ™–π™–π™£, Arabier, β– Javaan of Chinees, hij staat in aanzien bij den Hol
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
zoo betrekkelijk dicht bij Paramaribo nog een vrij origineel en π™₯π™§π™žπ™’π™žπ™©π™žπ™šπ™› Boschnegerdorp te vinden is.Al zijn de bewoners door veelvuldig
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "boschnegers" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "boschnegers, Boschnegerdorp " }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
vuile en leelijke Indiaansche, met hangende borsten, een kleinen π™ˆπ™šπ™¨π™©π™žπ™šπ™¨ met oogen als kolen vuur aan de hand medevoerend. !ZIJ verzocht d
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "23", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "28", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
en slechts langzaam vooruit op den stijgenden gladden trappenwΓ©g, π™ π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™šπ™¨ sloegen hen met bamboestokken en telkens als zij een trede namen
π™ π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™šπ™¨
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "23", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
n een bok, dat in een driehoek was opgesteld stond de naam van de π™©π™€π™«π™šπ™£π™–π™–π™§ Simon, die door de satanjsten als de stichter van hun leer wordt
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
g een voordracht β€” eveneens in de Fransche iaal β€” gehouden over β€žπ˜Ώπ™¬π™šπ™§π™œπ™œπ™§π™€π™šπ™ž".Aangaande de Comeniuskwestie kon Prof. v. d.Broek alleen medede
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ermaken" al opgemerkt hoe weinig eigenlike landfeesten in Holland π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨ geweest zijn.Voor twee eeuwen werd al terecht gezegd β€ždat gants H
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
sbrieven aan zijn blad.Een daarvan handelt over β€žDe keuken van den π™€π™¨π™ π™žπ™’π™€.Daaruit wil ik u een stuk voorzetten tot staving van wat ik hierbo
π™€π™¨π™ π™žπ™’π™€
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
rivieren door dijken terug te dringen in hunne beddingen?Alleen wat π™¬π™žπ™‘π™™ is, willen wij breidelen, opdat het publiek, de maatschappij geen s
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
zij er aan, dat zij weldra de vrouw van den kleinen, leelijkeu, π™’π™žπ™¨π™«π™€π™§π™’π™™π™šπ™£ Salomon zou worden.Zij snelde naar haar kamertje, sloot zich daa
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
godin was duidelijk genoeg.De voorstelling dier godin.Sesjat is π™©π™§π™–π™™π™žπ™©π™žπ™€π™£π™šπ™šπ™‘; zij schrijft met het schrljfrielje op een lang palmblad, dat d
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
223/ " 38% 3529 11 Preanger hooggeel 55 w6O 48 * 51*^ 3(81 11 β€”β€žβ€” 𝙗𝙑𝙖𝙣𝙠...41 .48 37 11 39V< 618 11 Tjilatjap 33 .85 30% Β« 3SV| PJ6I 11 Pan
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
t ons werken aan eigen lotsverbetering.In niets staat thans de 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙀-𝙀π™ͺ𝙧𝙀π™₯π™šπ™–π™–π™£ achter bij den Hollander in de tropen.Men vindt den eerste tha
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
ord, die in Mei jl. werd gepleegd.Het slachtoffer was hierbij een π™žπ™£π™π™šπ™šπ™’π™¨ slager, die toevalliggetuige was geweest van een liefdesbetrekkin
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
dus thans, in de 20ste eeuw, in naam van het Italiaansche volk de 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙖𝙖𝙧 van het Westen zijn?Ik zou het niet willen gelooven voordat er on
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
op en doodden velen die er toch in kwamen en bij de deur stond een π™ π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™š om ze daar weg te vegen.Als iemand de deur opende, en dat moest nu
π™ π™€π™šπ™‘π™žπ™š
[ { "id": "21", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "23", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "24", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "26", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
linkt onkiesch, hΓ¨?Maar ja, ik ben, zooals Carlton zegt, een ruwe 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙖𝙖𝙧.Hier heb je nu een van de meest aantrekkelijke jongemannen, die j
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
cht me niet in staat het beter te doen.Men mag hoogstens even een β€žπ™¦π™ͺπ™šπ™šπ™§ feeling" ondergaan, als in beschouwingen van ervaren hand eigen ui
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "22", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "23", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "24", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "25", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "26", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "27", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "28", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "21", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "22", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "23", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "24", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "25", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "26", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "27", "suggestion": "daii" }, { "id": "28", "suggestion": "" } ]
nΒ»e, V.'alier, J.Strams. hurhani-bar.Dagelijks 3 concerten vaa d* π™•π™žπ™œπ™šπ™ͺπ™£π™šπ™§ KΒ»p*L Seinpost.Psvlljoen.Degelijke 2 concerten, 3 en 9 o.
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
sgebouw een door lichtbeelden verduidelijkte voordracht over den π™™π™¬π™šπ™§π™œπ™œπ™§π™€π™šπ™ž bij den mensen.Wanneer men poogt een definitie van een dwerg te
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
volbloed, van Tj.Popta te Gaast; 3e prijs merrieveulen β€žWietske", π™«π™€π™‘π™—π™‘π™€π™šπ™™, van T.Witteveen te Oosterend.Ternaard, 23 September.
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
wij ons met onthullingen en onderstellingen, eigenaardig dooreen π™œπ™šπ™’π™šπ™£π™œπ™™, tevreden stellen, en die geven al heel wat stof.Te veel reeds bi
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "18", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
om de natuur eens te zien en daar is geen uitleg bij noodig.Neem π™•π™¬π™–π™§π™©π™Ÿπ™š maar mee, dat koinu ook goedkooper uit; mijn man rekent drie fran
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "17", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
ekkende huichelarij en verdorvenheid eoner maatschappij, die de π™£π™šπ™œπ™šπ™§π™¨π™‘π™–π™«π™šπ™£ burgerlijk prijs gaf aan de snoodste geweldenarij, en tegelijk
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "negerhut" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
7.40 \ 'β–  8,09 .9,00 R 3 0,00 Berichten. 10,05 ft.10,30 Mignon-π™ π™¬π™žπ™£π™©π™ž i.11,00 Gramof. .11,10 i 11,40-12,00 Gramof. en pianorecital.Hilve
π™ π™¬π™žπ™£π™©π™ž
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "17", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "18", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "19", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
p het Septile meer door het ijs ingesloten.De mannen zijn: Lawrence π™‹π™–π™œπ™š, een papier- en pulphandelaar, met zijn gids en helpers.Gedurende e
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
eid lea aandacht ia Β«Ut jaar al heel weinig merkbaar.AhΒ» oorΒ» Β«aak π™ˆπ™–π™§π™§π™€π™£ ia roeds gemeldΒ» dat do apelera een beetje tben aijn van het wodat
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "18", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "19", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
voor de huishouding zorgen kan, huwen mag!In 1457 zocht een arme π™žπ™£π™‘π™–π™£π™™π™šπ™§ naar ziju ezel en vond het. goudveld van Guiana, waarnaar sir Wal
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "18", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
30 Juli.(Reuter).N 'lande β–  π™†π™¬π™žπ™£π™©π™ž.Β»., der werkuren en loonon to betreken.Baldwin heden zijn pogingen
[ { "id": "13", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "14", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "15", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "18", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "19", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
* * *Stroomende regen!Verkleumde π™‘π™žπ™‘π™‘π™žπ™₯π™ͺπ™©π™©π™šπ™§π™¨, die in de kou van 't Hollandsehe Aprilweer op een taxi wachten
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "14", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
amaribo 2e prijs 24 l , E.Gummels Peu et Content Eervol, vermeld. π™«π™€π™‘π™—π™‘π™€π™šπ™™ of gekruist uit 25 1 β€ž Ramnaramting Cayenne le prijs buitenlandsc
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
eer van begrijpen. β€” Wel, grijsaard, wat zegt gij' ervan?vroeg de π™„π™£π™™π™žπ™–π™–π™£ onverbiddelijk, toen hijl geΓ«indigd had.M.Pelissier gewaardigde z
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]
20-ja rige mej.Catharina van H- en de ex-echt genoΓΆfe van zekeren π™ˆπ™€π™£π™œπ™€π™€π™‘ Long Siug, mej.Coba Molendijk, een zeer, zéér pijmlij ke kwestie
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "17", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "14", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "15", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "16", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "17", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "18", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "19", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "20", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "13", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "14", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "15", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "16", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "17", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "18", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "19", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "20", "suggestion": "" } ]