n van den prins rezen allen !van hunne zitplaatsen op en hief een ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ I koor het Wilhelmus aan.I Hierna hield de voorzitter van het con
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
jeugd der Parochie had gedaan, trad eensklaps een deftig gekleed ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™—๐™ค๐™ค๐™ง๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ van Suriname binnen, dio in Neger-Engel.-c'h fr.Corneliu?begroet
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "Neger" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "Neger" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "Neger" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "Neger-Engel" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "Neger-Engel.-c'h" } ]
infantere en artillerie, aangewezen om. togen Koem Kaleh, op den ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ en oever, op te treden.Zij brachten die taak met goeden uitslag
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "bezetten" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
n algemeene vreugde die nog aanmerkelijk verhoogd werd, toen de ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š koekjes !en stroontractalie voor den daยป kwam.Ondertussclieยป wa
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
naar zat te kijken, wal dat eindje stengel 10l een knoesligen ouden ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ข geworden, niet zijn bladerdak, zich verheffende boven de eeuwen.Kin
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
woiden aangevuld, zal men zoggen?Noen, de Taipm-oproeron ziin zoo ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ, h dat ze wel voortdurend zullen blijven medewerko de bevolking u
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
ninga; UTRECHT: llubertua, de RllJTter BEI.ยป;*.ยป : Capria. de Pok: ๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ!ยป, de Bl*.Vlanon.Verplanken; I.era!.
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
ren zal, haar ftiefdochter, op wie zij jaloerech was, op de meest ๐™—๐™–๐™ง๐™—๐™–๐™–๐™ง-che manier vermoordde, leidt nL, neer tot deselfde oude discussie
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
nsche meerdere zoo gesteld is bij zijn ondergeschikten.(Ook de ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค-๐™€๐™ช๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ staat รฏfaak zeer op liormat en 't stipt opvolgen door zijn bed
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "bedienden " }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
it blijkt, dat reeds tussen 1635 en 1656 die vrucht op Guadaloupe ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ en aan de Caraiben bekend was en door hen alakalisua (de grote so
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "zuurzakken" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
4.35 Concert.Instruin.๐™†๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐˜œ๐™ฉ en J.Thorne (barit.).5.50 Liederen door R.
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
n.' :"" 'jSHip.i De โ€žaikals", de - wapperende witzijden; hoofdtooi ๐™ข๐™š๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ gouden koorden; iooals de Ti Egyptische stamhoofden ze: dragen, de
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "ยฃ-moskee niet-Mohammedaansche" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
is over spreken, die vent deugde niet voor zijn beroep, veel te ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™—๐™š๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™–๐™–๐™›๐™™! ,Ik zei; dat lic de Bartonยป en miยป limietยป wilde spreken," gin
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
e Courant" W. .1 โ€ข*ยป' j.ict-bestaande tegenstellingen Jansenen ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค-๐™€๐™ช๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ le gaan scheppen.Doch wat schieten we mot dit alls op?Het kan
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
de watergasmaatschappij dr.Kramers en Aarte.In Zevenbergen wordt ๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™ง๐™–๐™จ verkocht.Dit wordt verkregen door invoering in het achterste deel
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
ng trad hij oaier tot Wiideren vroeg kortaf, terwijl hij op het ๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™ž๐™ฅ in de haven wees: "Is alle bslansrstellin* in dat schip bij u v
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
g gezicht, en de andere, een kostschooijongen, was een gebruinde, ๐™š๐™ญ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ uitziende Bobby of Freddy van gene zijde van dsn Oceaan, zijn gel
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "gebruinde" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
jaar.Westaustralische Mijnshares big ven thans iets meer op den ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™, maar waren heden niettemin vast.Ook blijft de goede stemming v
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
"Deze", zeide adv.J.๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ, "is de grootste kruistocht, welke ooit ofte immer door een stedel
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
kon resp. een ontbreken de oorzaak is van stilsttzzzA vยซi groei: ๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™š๐™ž.Niet bij alle menschelijke dwergen is de afwijking het gevolg va
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "dwergen" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "dwergen" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
ar.Alleen wordt hier de tragedie gegeven van een vrouw.Irene, die ๐™‡๐™š๐™จ๐™—๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ de gevangene is van een haar homosexueel overยป heerschende vrouw,
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "Abnormaliteit" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
00 meter, de overwinning van Macaroni in een veld van vijf paarden.๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ!is een crack uit den stal Jean Prat, en was het eenige paard van w
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
chten naar de waarde der goederen en omtrent de statistiek van den ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™ž๐™ฉ en doorvoer.Alvorens den spreker het woord te geven, heette de voo
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
d van een klier met inwendige afscheiding op den groei.Niet alle ๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™š๐™ž is echter veroorzaakt door een tekort van de schildklier: en bg
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "dwergen" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "dwergen" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
en overheen gegaan, doch met het verwonderlijke instinct van een ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ฉ uit de woestijn wist Klaas spoedig de voetstappen van Marion en
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
, nu kwam er zeker regen.Maar 't bleef droog.Vandaag komt 't, zegt ๐™ ๐™ค๐™ ๐™ ๐™ž๐™š.Is that so?Waarom?
๐™ ๐™ค๐™ ๐™ ๐™ž๐™š
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "groom " } ]
ciaal-demoeraten gehoopt hebben, dat ds.Lingbeek de christelijk-๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™š๐™ฃ zou opsleepen naar het anti-katholieke voorstel-Ter Laan, opdat
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
del 2, 'S.; Avontuur, v.Neijenlloff; Fendel 64, Jansen; Maria Anna, ๐™‹๐™–๐™œ๐™š; Fendel 5, ' Dinkelacher; Victoria, S.; Lowenberg, Galleij; St.Mari
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
.;j Ei ca b-kijft een I :i -.I ';it K-ij su-i-r warm t โ€ข lat de ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™š๐™ก* kr i rijn -.. . : i.i.L begrypeKj .en -dal .- j* p . woirdi n
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
C.v.A.(40) .100 243 Uยป ยฉ โ€” 243W2 4 โ€” โ€” ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™—๐™ค๐™šยป Petr.Ml).A.
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
aten in het westelijk halfrond, aan Rusland voor zijn Europeesch-๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ bezit.Het was dezelfde gedachtengang, die Duitschland en Italiรซ
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
Japanse volk is het enige volk dat van de Goden afstamt,Het Japanse ๐™ง๐™–๐™จ is een goddelijk ras en kan geen fout maken.De rest van de wereld i
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "goddelijk ras" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
e for it but is limited in his personal endeavors by the physical ๐™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™˜๐™–๐™ฅ of a heart disorder.It is well known that the chronic sufferer fr
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
erspartij was hij, de revolutionnaire socialist, danig op' den' ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ geraakt.1 Vroeger de drager van de, roode. vaan voor de oproeri
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
ard, liet het Jiuis over aan de zorg van de oudste kinderen en de ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™จ en meiden en in galop ging ze naar Philadelphia.Als ze heel hard
๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™จ
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
rd Verder wijst Sauerwein er in ditj | verband op, dat op 't Pan-๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ congres reeds een moreele eenheid , van de volken van dit contin
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
half de voetjes op den gepolijsten eikenhouten vk>.f.' โ€žHeb jij je ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ glacรฉ waar je in je bonbonniรจre naar zocht, dan gemist?"antwoordde
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
hebben zich later toegelegd op beschaving van de geรฏmporteerde ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ.Tot groote eer van de R.K. missie most gezegd worden, dat zij o
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
a. -;t. maar ne stippen dat de houding den- ttuiaenden Ned eer den ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค a* eenvoudige ziel-n heelt bednx fd en i ยซlerd.Dat prat-gaan van rf
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
er de mislukkin . van zรผn plannen en over de. beleedigingen v-p dm ๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ had zijn bloed te sterk verhit.Zijn pogingen tot redding hadden zi
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
estemd om de Christenen te fusileeren, leveren aan de zoogenaamde ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™ง๐™—๐™–๐™ง๐™š๐™ฃ.Dit is echter van ondergeschikt belang, zoolang de curve van de I
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
dan te zeggen, dat negers lui zijn!- De โ€žKast".Ook nog een ander ๐™ฏ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™Ÿ๐™š is gekomen om den rechter te vertellen, dat de man, die hem 300 f
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "zwarte, negers" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "zwarte" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "negers, francs " } ]
ermaken" al opgemerkt hoe weinig eigenlike landfeesten in Holland ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ geweest zijn.Voor twee eeuwen werd al terecht gezegd โ€ždat gants H
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
wanhoP'g gevochten hadden om % eu Weg te voeren.De onderkleederen ๐™ข๐™ช๐™ก๐™–๐™ฉ waren gemerkt โ€žA.M."; aan zijn hand had hij een gouden ring niet h
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "52", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "blanke" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "blanke" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
tรซunde op;het redeneerende U verstand, -ppv hetgeen van Mohammed ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ bekend wass en niet het โ€ข- minste op de . traditie, de โ€ž Sunna".
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
tweede ontving bij รฉr zelfs vier.Maar dle werd verkocht aan den ๐™ข๐™š๐™™๐™ž๐™˜๐™ž๐™Ÿ๐™ฃ๐™ข๐™–๐™ฃ en dat gewichtig personage lยป gewoonlijk een man in bรณnls en oo
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "man in bรณnls " }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "sago " }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
appijen zooveel mogelijk te veranderen; de rubber moet naar den ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™; elke directie heeft thans diligent te zijn en te onderzoeken w
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "thans diligent" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
oeien op normale wijze door tot aan hun zevende jaar.Een volwassen ๐™ฅ๐™ฎ๐™œ๐™ข๐™š๐™š weegt 60 a 70 pond.In het Ituri-woud zijn ongeveer vijftigduizend
[ { "id": "45", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "Bijna elke vrouw heeft ieder jaar haar baby" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "dwergbewoners" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "dwergbewonรฉrs" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
per 10 minuten, C. van Groningen 7 minuten om dcor 'n 18 inch dikke ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ข te kappen.P.McLaren deed' het in 1 min. 50 sec.
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "City park" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "dcor 'n " }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
reugde voor allen, bezieling voor de jeugd, eerbiediging van de ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š geestelijke vrijheid en verdraagzaamheid Dat klinkt zeker niet
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "46", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "47", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "48", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "49", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "50", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "51", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "52", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "53", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "54", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "45", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "46", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "47", "suggestion": "ol het driemanschap er in zal kunnen slagen deze klanken ook in werkelijkheid om te zetten" }, { "id": "48", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "49", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "50", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "51", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "52", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "53", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "54", "suggestion": "" } ]
11.90.Balladen li.iril, I 1.60, ncorl.1.85. _ โ€ข "'s ๐™ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž Danst.2o.Huishoudpraatje Kinderuurtfe.5.20.
๐™ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
uw lagen in 't rond opgehoopt, 't vroor hard en overal zag hij de ๐™€๐™จ๐™ ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ค๐˜œ๐™จ rondloopen.Hij ging eens kijken wat ze uitvoerden.Wel, ze waren d
๐™€๐™จ๐™ ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ค๐˜œ๐™จ
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
voort met onze boord en das, ons vest en lange pantalon of dat ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š colbertjasje, tenminste als je volgens het burgerlijke fatsoen
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
den Haag gehouJen vergadering van aandeelhoude: s in de j.VeJ.Ww( ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ยป Exploratie en.Mijnbouw MaatschappH werd door den directeur versl
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
at het gevecht nog niet ten einde was, of dat er een nieuwe bende ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™จ was aangerukt.'Kapitein Van Delft sloeg het oog smeekend naar Hem
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "39", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
terihg 71 รจ vรจntuรจel gepaard; met:hybridizatieรฏvantdelbรฉstaan.de ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ๐™˜๐™รฉ soorten. ||pfi*elukt;het fin; deze richting succes ito. dan|zal
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ven?"โ€žNee", antwoordde Gordon.Hรผ wees naar de deur en zei tot den ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ค๐™ก: โ€žGa weg!"waarop de aangesprokene geruischloos verdween.De twee m
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "gele reptiel" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
o u's terugkomst in de A k a, d e m i a te Athene.Annikeris, een ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ Griek, komt, ge-, volgd door 'n slaaf, den t-in der olijven bini
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
โ€”4 en 6โ€”3 moest hij de meerderheid van onzen landgenoot erkennen.๐™‚๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ dubbelspel, halve eindstrijd: mej.Bennett en Cochet sl. mevr.Lafa
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ijke wijze, waarop zij hun solonummers vertolkten.De nummers voor ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ koor werden over het algemeen onder de beproefde leiding van den
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ch laat ewegen om in naaip van Allah en diens Proieet a.-t, trouwe ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข-zonen te bezweren geen diensl te verleenen aan โ€žde Franken" (voor
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ving spr. aan, dan blUkt dat niet gemakkelijk.Ook een poging om ๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™š๐™ž te omschrijven, uitsluitend van een genetisch standpunt, gelukt
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
als erfenis uit de dagen der slavernij, toen op de plantages de ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ een schat van geestelijke liederen met eigen muziek ontwikkelde
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
gin gemaakt hebben, want 't was in hoofdzaak over de manier waarop ๐™ ๐™–๐™›๐™›๐™š๐™ง-konstabels, zich inlaten met de meiden in verband met passen (gela
๐™ ๐™–๐™›๐™›๐™š๐™ง
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
d kan men verwachten dat in verloop van een mensehenleeftijd het ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™š vraagstuk in Nieuw-Griekenland vanzelf zijn oplossing zal vinden
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "islamitisch klinkt beter tho" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
icus, die goed uit zijn oogen keek, wel gauw de vervalsching zou ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™™๐™š๐™ ๐™ ๐™š๐™ฃ.Welnu, datzelfde zeggen we hรฉm.Zijn bezwaren zijn practisch onge
๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™™๐™š๐™ ๐™ ๐™š๐™ฃ
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
A.Bouma 9 p.Het slot was een ๐™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™˜๐™–๐™ฅ -race, die echter niet die spanning opleverde, die er van verwach
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
deren uitleg.We spraken over dieren.Van den bruinen rolaap zei de ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ: Ariki andek'i-U tuw croro- Ai man~De staart v. d. bruinen rolaap
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
g.Op het oogenblik, dat daar een trein kwam aanstoomen, snelde een ๐™†๐™–๐™›๐™›๐™š๐™ง naar den wissel en verzette dien, zoodat de trein op een zijspoor
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
provinciale hoofdstad wordt, heeft een sterk Oostersch karakter.De ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข-organisatie, waarvan de aangeduide minister de leider is, steunt d
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
Amazone zijn.Ook de Japansche boomen vertoonen den zoogenoemden ๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™š๐™ž en de geheele natuur ia er eรจne in miniatuur.De paarden zijn als
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
et getuigenverhoor der bedienden bleek echter, dat, toen de a yah (๐™—๐™–๐™—๐™ค๐™š) een kaars naar het slaapvertrek harer meesteres had willen brenge
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "39", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
t minder dan 0.6 miflloen kleurlingen en 770.000 inboorlingen van ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ bloed staan.Van dรฉze 2 milHoen blanken zQn meer dan 850.000 tot d
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "misschien zwarte proletariaat (ken dit laatste woord niet)" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ezag ontrooven is dr.Kuyper opgetreden met zijn pleiten voor het ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ verstaan der confessies.Nader dient echter onderde oogen te word
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
onday of October and the second Monday of March ; in the county of ๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ on the second Monday of October and the thlrd Monday of March} In
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
aar ons iยป de wrake.WIJ sullen ons wreken niet met de wapenen der ๐™—๐™–๐™ง๐™—๐™–๐™ง๐™š๐™ฃ, maar met het geeste3zwaard onzer propaganda. ledere man en leder
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
Joseph schudde 't hoofd.โ€žNeen, 't moรฉt uit zijn.Zeg, ๐™ ๐™ค๐™ ๐™ ๐™ž๐™š 1 zou jij daar niet eens van kunnen droomen?"โ€žWat wil je daarmee z
๐™ ๐™ค๐™ ๐™ ๐™ž๐™š
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
etreft, wรผ trachten dat zaakje na te vorschen en te beschry'ven.De ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง redeneert daar niet over, dat is eene nuttelooze inspanning.Wat va
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
en de overige โ–  vplksinstellirigรฉri en "gebruiken in Nederlandsch-๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ Staatsrecht en รฏ'sรŸijkskoloriiรซn'en; overzeesche bezittingen. l&S
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
mรฉรฉr aan# รจen ; , wordt; gevraagd} hetl euvel' na} te laten,. i ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™—๐™š๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™–๐™–๐™›๐™™ is, en omdat dรฉ gelooyigeh รฉr door: gekrenkV wรณr^In hร–everre; d
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
reken.โ€” Mevrouw is bezig haai toilet te maken, antwoordde de ๐™—๐™š๐™™๐™ž๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™๐™š๐™ฅ๐™ข๐™ž๐™Ÿ๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™š๐™ง de dokter zal dus wel zoo lang in zijn kamer willen wachten.
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
gemoederen bedaard, nadat dhr.Houben zich nog in de discussie had ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ met weth.Salden.Alsdan kwam weth.
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
te volgt.Nu het slachtoffer iets concreets in de handen van den ๐™ข๐™š๐™™๐™ž๐™˜๐™ž๐™Ÿ๐™ฃ๐™ข๐™–๐™ฃ heeft gezien, d*> uit zijn lichaam verwijderd heet โ– โ€”, en dat v
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
k al weer in hun klein statuur Japannertjes in pels mogen zijn.De ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ heeft een fleren naam weten te handhaven tegenover de overheersch
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "eskimos (?), Japannertjes" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
r en was zeker completer dan de h.er.Kloppers, hoewel die in den ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™Ÿ๐™ก van N.N. in vele details zuiver aansloot, maar zi!beiden, in hun
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "39", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
Belgiรซ (16 K.M.) en Nederland (1,1 K.M.).Rusland, inclusief, het ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ deel, wint met 0,20 K.M. nog gemakkelijk van de hekkesluiters Al
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
i in werking zal treden, oen ouropeoscho vrouw, dio trouwt mot oen ๐™ข๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข of oen Chinoo-', al haar rechten als Europoesche verliest on mot d
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "Chinoo" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "Chinoo" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ald:- โ–  A i 'โ– โ– oil0il โ– 'p Ook- zouden we aan andere bci scJ^ymgยฎ, ๐™ซ๐˜œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™จ-',;yan de'"Nieuw'e Devotie "falsTde schrijver geeft ร–p'p.; 301. โ– 
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
het bekende artikel Taa den generaal oea -ei r.'oortugaยซl ecbryft ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ.?de wed. dr.I. .i. tUaatk In de .
[ { "id": "37", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
wanneer het rijk in gevaar verkeert, en dan heeft iedere weerbare ๐™ข๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข den plicht het te volgen.Aanvankelijk diende dit heilig vaandel va
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
rlijks he coupons per 2 Januari en 1 Juli van .-Ik ja.u , dooreen ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™–๐™–๐™ง met de reeds ge- M 39,000 hypothecaire speorbligatiรซn van deren s
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
lagen zijn bodemlecht of ai'loehioon of ze zijn bodemvreemd Ui. ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก๐™ค๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฃ.Thans is het echter wel gemaakt, dat het meerendeel autochtoon i
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
in de Hle klasse voor bacoven van elk andere dan de Barbadosche, (๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ) soort.Ie prijs A.All ey n e-Suriname 50 ets. ( f 1.25)
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ekt niet te veel te zeggen, met te beweren, dat de Emancipatie der ๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ in 1803 grootendeels te danken is aan de onvermoeide pogingen van
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
door te letten op de loods vlak achter het ijzeren geraamte.De ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ wordt afgesloten door den hoogen zeedijk, die het geheele eilan
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "38", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "39", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "40", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "41", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "42", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "43", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "44", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "37", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "38", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "39", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "40", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "41", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "42", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "43", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "44", "suggestion": "" } ]
ewusteloos lag en Van Rooijen met hem bezig was, hield een jonge ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ฉ van zijn broeder, die terstoud was toegesneld, door zijn zeker s
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "31", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "Kaffers" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "Kaffers" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
er er op wijst, dat Duitschland ook maar een haarbreed van ziju ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š leer is afgeweken.Zij is niets anders dan een onomwonden milita
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
Oostfriezen, Graafschappors, e. a., hoewel ze niemand om taal of ๐™–๐™›๐™ ๐™ค๐™ข๐™จ๐™ฉ denkt buiten te sluiten.Hiermede volgt het Reglement met de namen
๐™–๐™›๐™ ๐™ค๐™ข๐™จ๐™ฉ
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
fstuit op een zich geheel in eigen kring isoleeren, zooals deze ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ schijnen te doen.En werd de zending in eigen kracht gedreven, d
๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ก๐™ ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "30", "suggestion": "Indianen" }, { "id": "31", "suggestion": "inboorling" }, { "id": "32", "suggestion": "schepsel" }, { "id": "33", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "34", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "35", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "36", "suggestion": "" } ]
Enschede.Opgevoerd werd; ยซDe terugkeer van Richard Leeuwenhartยป, ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ drama ยปยปn dr.H.J.
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "29", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "30", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "31", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "32", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "33", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "34", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "35", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "36", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
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