hterhalen, wie dát geweest kan zijn!Misschien een tovenaar, een 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙟𝙣𝙢𝙖𝙣, een afgodspriester.Sprookjes zijn zeer oud.De meesten zijn ont
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "afgodspriester" } ]
s aan had en omdat hij bang was,, dat ze zouden bederven als de 𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 er met hun kleine vingers aanzaten.XXX Toen het bleek, dat Oull
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "Lilliputters (x3)" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
n staat New York op bezoek, heeft aldaar een , carload prachtige, 𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙚𝙙 Jerseys gekocht, hoofdzakelijk voor Mr.Pitts alhier.Mr.
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "70", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
er $100 voor bood.Hij had oen metgezel, on deze verklaarde dat zij 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙧 dan 100 mijl gereden hadden om haar oen bezoek te brengen, doch dez
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "73", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
ijd van oorlog, die immers ontkenning is van alle recht, op den 𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙙 geraakt zijn, zoodat onkundigen konden spotten met de resultate
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
uitgeloofd.Als 't maar geen premies zijn, zooals bovenbedoeld» 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙤-𝙀𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙖𝙣 er een kreeg!Jachtongeluk.Zondagmiddag heeft de jacht op bieko
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
d tot doctor in dn ptneeskunde op een proefschrift „Over rewale» 𝙙𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙞" de heer Tjion Njan Han, arts, g»-bóren te Krawang.Vrije Univers
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
, dan is het inderdaad onmogelijk de immigratie van Ned.Indische 𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨 op Nieuw-Guinea wettig tegen te gaan.Doch er is ten slotte wel i
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "kolonisatiegebied " }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
ten, U«hten^«n*d<^ ttl«h, Dlnzperlo, l_«nürltlg«*n. votgh.Illdam, 𝙩𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙖𝙧, Uhhergcu, NIJ» mogen, <Zl*«»ho«« earHaumon, » ¦ * , . . ' ¦ ln d
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
t een jongen, die de matroo?als gids diende.Eveneens werd van een 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧 op het achtererf-Pos aan de Waterkant een bedrag van f 50 ontvree
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
et in de Russische annalen wel anders zal worden voorgesteld, de 𝘼𝙯𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝-Tartaarsche springvloed heeft bitterweinig succes gehad op de di
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "annalen " }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
ing der Mongolen heeft den Russen geleerd, wat gehoorzamen is.De 𝘼𝙯𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙚 heerscher verdween, de Aziatische onderworpenheid bleef.Iwan 111
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "despoot, slavernij " }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
Gabriel.Amand, Rijnland 5.𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙣.Cordula.Schroyers, Clta.
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "71", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "74", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "75", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "76", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
hoogere machten!Raden Intan zon dus op een middel, om den blanken 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙖𝙛 te verwijderen, zoodat deze buiten de mogelijkheid zou zijn kwaad
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
egenstanders, de kleine adellijke partij, die hem zijn eenvoudige 𝙖𝙛𝙠𝙤𝙢𝙨𝙩 niet vergaf.Lang keek hij vorsl Zerym aan, een ouden man, wiens g
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "70", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "71", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "72", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "73", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "74", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "75", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "76", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "69", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "70", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "71", "suggestion": "eenvoudig" }, { "id": "72", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "73", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "74", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "75", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "76", "suggestion": "" } ]
en dat het helmpje thans veilig is op het : hoofd van den agent 𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧,' die • > | thans dan ook, parmantiger dan ooit, | zijn plicht
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
t ligt intusschen voor de hand. dat, wanneer asphah hier eenmaal ~𝙞𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨 is geworden, ook de stegen op den duur zullen worden geasphalteer
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
Rxattordaaß, ri.a.ilrl,,. , , Anlwerp.1'..rt1.n.l rcru 24 "tt.<Jl 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙣 .■!., Hottardam (t.I'ra.lr r.iinl ge]*** 11 Od .41 i. r ~.,*, at ,
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "63", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
jk verminkt 44daschijnlijk bc.ft men hen voor Tjoeliks dief of 𝙠𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧, de scheldnaam voor * zoo gehate untsraettingsbri-tadetuannen.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "inlanders" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
ie in een pot midden in de kamer worden geplaatst; maar bijna elk 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙡 eet in de „restauraties", waar mau tien cants voor een maaltijd b
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "zindelijke" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "zindelijke (patroniserend alsof ze kinderen zijn)" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Zindelijke Chineezen''" } ]
»'s Pausen ,man of all work» was Dominico Fontana, was slechts een 𝙥𝙮𝙜𝙢𝙚𝙚 van Michel Angelo. — Hij was een man van spoed, en als dusdanig ee
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
amazone zijn.Ook de Japanseh© boomen vertoonen den zoogenoemdën 𝙙𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙞 en de geheele natuur i§ er een in miniatuur.De paarden zijn ala
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
over tot een kort overzicht van. datgene, wat ons historisch van 𝙙𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙞 bij den mensch bekend is.Achtereenvolgens werden de tijd der ren
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "dwergrassen, dwergen" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "dwergen" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
r bij de Fransche radicalen van tegenwoordig is hij natuurlijk een 𝙥𝙮𝙜𝙢𝙚𝙚.In Frankrijk zullen eerstdaags nikkelmunten worden ingevoerd, en w
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
. in vrijbeid gesteld en bereikten baar bokken als volgb: le pr.M.𝘽𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙣, 12—43— 58; 2e pr.L.J. v.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "63", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
Soudan kan als volgt worden samengevat: 1.Samenwerking der drie 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚 partijen.2.Een commissie van onderzoek in de affaire- Mar tens.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
amenstelling van den X'olksraad, waarbij beoogd wordt hot aantal 𝙞𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙗𝙚 leden van 25 tol 30 le vergrooten en het aantal Eurepee-^he lede
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
Rivera, den vriend van Trotski.Diego Rivera U natuurlijk ook een 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨, die eigen aard verloochent en vobr Indio wenscht te poseeren- Hi
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "63", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "Blanken" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "salon-bolsjewiste; volbloed" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Volbloed''" } ]
oezeer de verwantschap met deze groep groot is.Wellicht ie het een 𝙥𝙮𝙜𝙢𝙚𝙚 uit de onlangs door Hüc kei opgestelde familie der Murracytaceê'n
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
ij niet meer in de tenmen voor het kindergeïecht.Wat was nu de. 𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙙 van deze mysterieuze gesCliiiedenis?Deize: de moeder v.au het 1
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "16 jarig huwelijk" } ]
worden.'De nieuwe bestuursinrichting wordt dan dezelfde als die van 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙤-China.Een gouverneurgeneraal -1 heeft een opperbevelhebber van de t
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
noodeloos uit te stellen.Men heeft kunnen lezen dat de Russische 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣 niets ontzien om het moreel van het Finsche volk te knakken en o.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "arme volk" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
ebleven met den stillen, noesten beschavingsarbeid, waardoor het 𝘼𝙯𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 Rijk zich, onder voorlichting en met behulp der Europeanen, gele
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "dwergenras" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "heidensch-barbaarsche" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "onder voorlichting en met behulp der Europeanen (patroniserend); dwergenras; achterlijkheid; heidensch-barbaarsche" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "dwergenras'' ''heidensch-barbaarse landen''" } ]
asplans 3%.Spies Petroleum 23/6, Shell 110 6, American Mareoni 1«4.𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙣!5H, Vallambrosa 24/6, Anglo Malay 11/9, Linggi 2S/9, Cement common
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "63", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
fst Joh.Ripken (clarinet).8.10 Haagsche avond met medewerking van 𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙙 koor „Onder Ons", dir.Jacob Hamel.Harmonie „Meyerbeer", dir.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
wen maatregel het gebruik van alcohol in anderen vorm dan in wijn 𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙙, zal toenemen en dus bet wijnverbruik verminderen.De Kamer vau ko
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
perwezen; onverschillig welken naam men eraan geeft.Vandaar dat de 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢 geen nut ziet in ascetiek en afzondering ter zelfvolmaking en zelf
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
anje Vrijstaat geworden is, woest en slechts hier en daar door 𝘽𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙣, eenige Bathlapin •n Koranna's bewoond.De zondelingeu van het
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "heidenen" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
Ootmarsum, st, v Trangsund. rf< Randers.9 Aug.Vriendschap, Beek, v 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙚𝙧.s**-' Svendborg, 12 Aug.Dolfijn Beek v Hamburg* j, Yarmouth, 30 Ju
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
hap?«Niemand zal het u kur>nen zc-ggen, het land behoort aan ieder 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢 die de kompanie wil bestrijden.//Maar wie was dan vroeger het hoof
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "vreemdsoortige " }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
en hoofdman slechts gedurende een bepaalden tijd in staat is een 𝙣𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙟𝙠 te besturen.Dan moet hij aftreden Xm^l en' terwijl h« ster« onth
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "negeropperhoofden negers" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "negers " }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "Negeropperhoofden" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "negeropperhoofden; negers" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Negeropperhoofden'' ''Negers''" } ]
dere t (Jeelen der wereld zooveel millioenen men scben van gekleurd 𝙧𝙖𝙨 onder nw bestaar' hebt volstrekt niet inipder." - En tocn beeft dr.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Onleesbaar" } ]
en for reproduction at the fair as the most striking building in 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 America.However, it was not until Dr.Blom's expedition began its
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
hopen zeer, dat zijn „Landbouwdorp" — eene proefneming, hoe de 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙤-𝙀𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙖𝙣 tot landbouwer kan worden gevormd — goede resultaten oplevert!
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
ederlanders principieel tegenstander.Dan in de afstamming?Wat een 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙨 vormen de Nederlanders dan wel niet!Zoo gezien zouden immers alle
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
plezier in Bsopns en zijn vrienden.Want in de eerste plaats was de 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙖𝙛 een wonderlijk ventje met een grote bochel op zijn rug en verder k
[ { "id": "61", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
den mohamedaanschen eeredienst de vrije uitoefening verzekerd, den 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢 met de overige bewoners politiek en burgerlijk gelijke rechten toe
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "mohamedaanschen " }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
de bezielde wetenschappelijke arbeid van de jongere Christclijk-𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙘𝙣 die hun centrum hebben In Rotterdam".Dat zijn de drie belangrij
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
.971; Koreamen 5.327; Anderen 5_70.Er zijn!dbas minder dan 40.000 𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙚𝙙 eh halfbloed Hawaiiers overgebleven.Voortdurend is het aantal ver
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "halfbloed" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "halfbloed, inboorlingen" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
te Hye bij de stad Patna, aan de oevers j ' van de Saóne, een groot 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 zwijn ophield, gingen wg den volgenden morgen uit om er. jacht op t
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Indische zwijn'' ''Afrikaansche en Europeesche soort''" } ]
en in een steriel,. „prat Het la te vreezen dat elke r'-eeering de 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙖𝙛 zal worden van de partij, die haar steunt, en "Joh j-ehee!naar de
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
6.90, te Philadelphia 6.85.Terpentijn 26%.Henzet 𝙒𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 Hteans.4.27%.'Palh 3% Mait Western 35%, id.
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "66", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
t, „hoe al deze menschen zich zoo dwaas kunnen aanstellen, om dien 𝙠𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧 daar?"Dat laatste doelde op Pietje — „Maar arme man, begrijp je da
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "62", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "mislukkeling" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Hopeloze mislukking''" } ]
met 111 tegen 49 stemmen en 21 onthoudingen.De stemming was zeer 𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙙; de katholieken, liberalen en rexisten stemden voor, 4 liberalen
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "Vlaamsch-nationalisten" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "Vlaams Nationalisten " }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
ij Öhina's verjonging, is Tsjang van oordeel dat de inmenging der 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣 gemist kan worden, dat het Rijk hervormd en gemoderniseerd kan wo
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "Oosterling; Westelijken" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "In brokken uiteenvallen'' " } ]
ld had.Niemand wist zich daar iets van te herinneren en de oudste 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚 meende, dat deze notitie geen betrekking op de zaak kon hebben, d
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
eesterswoning, en zoodra had mevrouw de deur niet geopend voor de 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣 of een schot viel en een doodelijke kogel trof haar dwars door he
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "Niet, maar die laatste zin is gruwelijk om te lezen." }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "de hersens inslaan''" } ]
gevleid door de hoogste .waardigheid, die een sterfelijk mensch in 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢, oogen kan hereiken, zeide niet neen.Maar. ... ook Frankrijk heeft
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "Christenhon'den" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "Christenhon'den; naaip; Christenras" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "Christenhonden" } ]
streek in den omtrek van Mecca en Medina voor ieder, behalve voor 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢, tot een verboden terrein gemaakt.In Jiddah is men genoodzaakt Chr
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "ongelovigen" } ]
aard gehad zouden hebben, Is daarmede volkomen gelogenstraft.Het 𝘼𝙯𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙚 paard zou de vertegenwoordiger van de prae-Germaansche periode k
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "62", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "63", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "64", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "65", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "66", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "67", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "68", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "61", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "62", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "63", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "64", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "65", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "66", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "67", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "68", "suggestion": "n.v.t" } ]
Aan dfe orde is de beraadslaging over: I.Het adres vnn den heer B.𝘽𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙣, houdende verzoek om benoemd to worden tot makelaar in koffie, th
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
een andere omstandigheid, die een overloopen en masse van den 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙤-𝙀𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙖𝙣 naar de N.S.B. onwaar- Schijnlijk maakt.
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "Indo's" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "Indo's" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "indo's " }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
zijn.Moord en doodslag zijn aan de orde van den dag geweest.Een 𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜, I met name Joseph Kohahawai, is vermoord geworden door een groe
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
n liefdesverhaal dan iets anders.Het klooster dient slechts als 𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙙, zoodat men de film niet kan beschouwen als een visie op het le
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
chte van het behoud van den grond van den pander.Geven wij den 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙤-𝙀𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙖𝙣 deelfde rechten als den Inlander, dan bestaat er eeen enkele r
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "den Indo-Chiness" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "inlander" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "inlander" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
rlei andere dingen hoort men ten bewijze dat het ding voor den 𝙠𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧 een raadsel is.Ze waren eerst erg bang, Jot èen held zelfs er
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
minder scherp was omlijnd, doordat de fagot zich te zeer op den 𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙙 hield.Het vereischte evenwicht werd helaas niet bereikt.In de a
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
he children received one for a present.The old man said, "Isn't it 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙚𝙧, I look like our dominee now," and all agreed it was as natural as
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ar hij voor zgn borstkwaal verblijf hield.Zijn vrouw is uir, een 𝙆𝙖𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 vorstengeslacht, zij moet afstammen van de laatste koningen van
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ngen van de achtstemmige groote Miserere van Palestrina voor het 𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 beroemde koor een minutieuze zaak is ?En dan die verwondering, a
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
roorzaakt.Zo hangen met een aandoening van de schildklier samen: 𝙙𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙞, hazelip en gespleten verhemelte, verminderd gehoor, spraakstoor
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
imvool; lioo aanlig d«*cd de schim tegen liet acJU«-» «<»ekl Het 𝙚𝙭𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 effect in «te L»-«kn»«*-»stndie leek zeer juist g»?troffet-a en i
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
praken op de nalatenschap van wijlen George X.Üavis door de Holland 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙤 Benevolent assoeiation worden gehoord in een proces in Rechter McDo
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
eemsen te maken in dit land, allereerst in Sioux county.En al wat 𝙞𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨-- is wordt Amerikaanse!).De Volksvriend heeft gestreden voor en g
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "Hollands" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
n van de Nias-striiders van de Zuidwestkust van Sumatra en een 𝙠𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧 uit midden-Borneo zün oude oorlogsdansen vastgelegd. .Hierna g
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
haffen.Verbetering' van den maatschappelijken toestand van den 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙤-𝙀𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙖𝙣 en den inlander, door' meer te zorgen voor practisch onderwijs
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "inlander" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "en den inlander ... inlanders" } ]
r, nog eenige zangstukken en:, ten beste, met eindiging van het 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚 bal.nan H.M. de Koningin was het volgend telegram gezonden:
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ehouderij kan het vee tot in de herfst in de \oeide houden en met 𝙞𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨 voeder bijvoeren.Hopelijk is daarna voeder uit Zuid- Oost-Europa
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
-tclijken omslag v- astgesteld op 2.45.Verleden jaar was bet Het 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙛 ■ -had het zuiver voor dit jaar op ƒ !■ i 6.600 tn IÜIS.De aftre
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ng vau het station stonden de vischvrouvven in twee rijen om de 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚 hulde te uren gen, Zij stonden daar met een grooten boog versie
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "vishvrouwen" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "vischvrouwen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "vischvrouwen" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ar sjeweest ls en even zelden iemand, die precies weet, waar de 𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 onder •de hoofdsteden ligt.Zonderling!Er is haast geen "fatsoen
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "Konstantinopel" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ar intusschen wil niemand me binnen laten.Ze zeggen allemaal: met 𝙙𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙣 willen we niets te maken hebben."HEB je dan geen geld gekregen vo
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
menselijke gedaante aan en sprak tot Haroen: — Gij wilt een echte 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢 zijn en ge schrijft de naam van Allah op de drempel der deur, zoda
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
uitlatingen van bultenlandsche bladen en deskundigen vermeld.Als 𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 document zal deze uitgave, die verzorgd werd door de firma A.Syt
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
iet dooreenformeeltractaatisbezegeld.Denzelfden dag kwam de Oost-𝘼𝙯𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 e kwestie in de Fransche kamer ter sprake en wel bij de groote i
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "aanrandingen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
lstoï met zijn nieuwe dingen kwam, gold hij voor Europa een halve 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙖𝙖𝙧; thans, een halve eeuw later, bemoeit al wat intellectueel wil zi
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
en oorlog gesleept waren.Wij weten, dat, voor wij in dezen oorlog 𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙙 werden, wij niet de vijanden van het DuUt»che volk. rn zij niet o
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
en niet voor de verrijking van liet moederland.Ze verzekeren den 𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 volle rechten op zijn persoon en eigendom, verschaffen onderwijs
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "plebisciet" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "Hollanders" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
af Harry ten antwoord, „het komt in orde".De song was voor de film „𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙚 Miss Glory", waarin zij als duet gezongen zou worden door Dick Powe
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
's-bay door zijn isolement nu juist niet modern mag heeten. het 𝙤𝙣𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙖𝙛𝙙 noemen mag men toch niet.En die beschaving is niet gekomen van
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
manier, olie onttrok- Uen aan een groot aantal zaden, die of in het 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 voorkomen of wel op kleine schaal worden aangeplant.Onder die zaden
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
n in andere t (Jeelen der wereld zooveel millioenen men scben van 𝙜𝙚𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙪𝙧𝙙 ras onder nw bestaar' hebt volstrekt niet inipder." - En tocn bee
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "ras, rasgenooten" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
-■voor f 4.50.— Hot toeval bracht mee, dat deze laad ontdekt werd.𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙠, eon rocidivist, orkor.t zijn (chuld on vo* telt dat hij wogen» gc
[ { "id": "55", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
men mag vaststellen in geen geval met overblijfselen eener oude 𝙣𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙪𝙪𝙧 te doen te hebben.Frobenius heeft voor sieraden en goede woorde
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "kop" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "negers, negertypen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "negers" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "negers, negertypen" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "negertypen" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
r moet ontruimen (applaus).Wil zullen ons land uit de put belpen, «𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩 bet onze taak en roeping ia.Nooit meer demo» cratisch, maar goed,
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
t «vas toen te laat.Overal werden lucifers gevonden, terwijl dr 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚 surprise e«-enmin ontbrak.Niet genoeg kan ieder gewaarschuwd wo
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ijk precies gezegd heeft.Daar er geen alternatief was, betrad r>e 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚 de kast, waarna Maclean den sleutel in het slot omdraaide.Dan gin
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "dooden" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
ucker bespreekt hst referaat Gammlnga.De heer Gammlnga heeft «en 𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙝 overzicht va» den kleermakerij gegeven, — wat ¦preekster absoluu
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]
hem, kropen steeds weg wanneer het werk niet naar zijn zin was.Als 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙚 vond hij zich natuurlijk stukken hooger staan dan dit bruine, glim
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "inboorlingen, glimmende volkje, koelie" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "inboorlingen, bruine, volkje, koelie" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "koelie" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "koelie" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "dit bruine, glimmende volkje" } ]
rdat II gezonden, en generaal Vigano heeft ¡I eenige compagnieën 𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙚 niiü|i tie in het gebied van Sarae onder de |i wapenen geroepen.
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "60", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "56", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "57", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "58", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "59", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "60", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "413", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "55", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "56", "suggestion": "geen" }, { "id": "57", "suggestion": "kolonie" }, { "id": "58", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "59", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "60", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "413", "suggestion": "" } ]