163 values
53 values
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- This spec has been automatically generated from STM32F40x.svd pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code); pragma Ada_2012; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with HAL; with System; package STM32_SVD.DCMI is pragma Preelaborate; --------------- -- Registers -- --------------- subtype CR_FCRC_Field is HAL.UInt2; subtype CR_EDM_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- control register 1 type CR_Register is record -- Capture enable CAPTURE : Boolean := False; -- Capture mode CM : Boolean := False; -- Crop feature CROP : Boolean := False; -- JPEG format JPEG : Boolean := False; -- Embedded synchronization select ESS : Boolean := False; -- Pixel clock polarity PCKPOL : Boolean := False; -- Horizontal synchronization polarity HSPOL : Boolean := False; -- Vertical synchronization polarity VSPOL : Boolean := False; -- Frame capture rate control FCRC : CR_FCRC_Field := 16#0#; -- Extended data mode EDM : CR_EDM_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_12_13 : HAL.UInt2 := 16#0#; -- DCMI enable ENABLE : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_15_31 : HAL.UInt17 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CR_Register use record CAPTURE at 0 range 0 .. 0; CM at 0 range 1 .. 1; CROP at 0 range 2 .. 2; JPEG at 0 range 3 .. 3; ESS at 0 range 4 .. 4; PCKPOL at 0 range 5 .. 5; HSPOL at 0 range 6 .. 6; VSPOL at 0 range 7 .. 7; FCRC at 0 range 8 .. 9; EDM at 0 range 10 .. 11; Reserved_12_13 at 0 range 12 .. 13; ENABLE at 0 range 14 .. 14; Reserved_15_31 at 0 range 15 .. 31; end record; -- status register type SR_Register is record -- Read-only. HSYNC HSYNC : Boolean; -- Read-only. VSYNC VSYNC : Boolean; -- Read-only. FIFO not empty FNE : Boolean; -- unspecified Reserved_3_31 : HAL.UInt29; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for SR_Register use record HSYNC at 0 range 0 .. 0; VSYNC at 0 range 1 .. 1; FNE at 0 range 2 .. 2; Reserved_3_31 at 0 range 3 .. 31; end record; -- raw interrupt status register type RIS_Register is record -- Read-only. Capture complete raw interrupt status FRAME_RIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. Overrun raw interrupt status OVR_RIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. Synchronization error raw interrupt status ERR_RIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. VSYNC raw interrupt status VSYNC_RIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. Line raw interrupt status LINE_RIS : Boolean; -- unspecified Reserved_5_31 : HAL.UInt27; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RIS_Register use record FRAME_RIS at 0 range 0 .. 0; OVR_RIS at 0 range 1 .. 1; ERR_RIS at 0 range 2 .. 2; VSYNC_RIS at 0 range 3 .. 3; LINE_RIS at 0 range 4 .. 4; Reserved_5_31 at 0 range 5 .. 31; end record; -- interrupt enable register type IER_Register is record -- Capture complete interrupt enable FRAME_IE : Boolean := False; -- Overrun interrupt enable OVR_IE : Boolean := False; -- Synchronization error interrupt enable ERR_IE : Boolean := False; -- VSYNC interrupt enable VSYNC_IE : Boolean := False; -- Line interrupt enable LINE_IE : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_5_31 : HAL.UInt27 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for IER_Register use record FRAME_IE at 0 range 0 .. 0; OVR_IE at 0 range 1 .. 1; ERR_IE at 0 range 2 .. 2; VSYNC_IE at 0 range 3 .. 3; LINE_IE at 0 range 4 .. 4; Reserved_5_31 at 0 range 5 .. 31; end record; -- masked interrupt status register type MIS_Register is record -- Read-only. Capture complete masked interrupt status FRAME_MIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. Overrun masked interrupt status OVR_MIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. Synchronization error masked interrupt status ERR_MIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. VSYNC masked interrupt status VSYNC_MIS : Boolean; -- Read-only. Line masked interrupt status LINE_MIS : Boolean; -- unspecified Reserved_5_31 : HAL.UInt27; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for MIS_Register use record FRAME_MIS at 0 range 0 .. 0; OVR_MIS at 0 range 1 .. 1; ERR_MIS at 0 range 2 .. 2; VSYNC_MIS at 0 range 3 .. 3; LINE_MIS at 0 range 4 .. 4; Reserved_5_31 at 0 range 5 .. 31; end record; -- interrupt clear register type ICR_Register is record -- Write-only. Capture complete interrupt status clear FRAME_ISC : Boolean := False; -- Write-only. Overrun interrupt status clear OVR_ISC : Boolean := False; -- Write-only. Synchronization error interrupt status clear ERR_ISC : Boolean := False; -- Write-only. Vertical synch interrupt status clear VSYNC_ISC : Boolean := False; -- Write-only. line interrupt status clear LINE_ISC : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_5_31 : HAL.UInt27 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ICR_Register use record FRAME_ISC at 0 range 0 .. 0; OVR_ISC at 0 range 1 .. 1; ERR_ISC at 0 range 2 .. 2; VSYNC_ISC at 0 range 3 .. 3; LINE_ISC at 0 range 4 .. 4; Reserved_5_31 at 0 range 5 .. 31; end record; subtype ESCR_FSC_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESCR_LSC_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESCR_LEC_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESCR_FEC_Field is HAL.UInt8; -- embedded synchronization code register type ESCR_Register is record -- Frame start delimiter code FSC : ESCR_FSC_Field := 16#0#; -- Line start delimiter code LSC : ESCR_LSC_Field := 16#0#; -- Line end delimiter code LEC : ESCR_LEC_Field := 16#0#; -- Frame end delimiter code FEC : ESCR_FEC_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ESCR_Register use record FSC at 0 range 0 .. 7; LSC at 0 range 8 .. 15; LEC at 0 range 16 .. 23; FEC at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; subtype ESUR_FSU_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESUR_LSU_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESUR_LEU_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESUR_FEU_Field is HAL.UInt8; -- embedded synchronization unmask register type ESUR_Register is record -- Frame start delimiter unmask FSU : ESUR_FSU_Field := 16#0#; -- Line start delimiter unmask LSU : ESUR_LSU_Field := 16#0#; -- Line end delimiter unmask LEU : ESUR_LEU_Field := 16#0#; -- Frame end delimiter unmask FEU : ESUR_FEU_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ESUR_Register use record FSU at 0 range 0 .. 7; LSU at 0 range 8 .. 15; LEU at 0 range 16 .. 23; FEU at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; subtype CWSTRT_HOFFCNT_Field is HAL.UInt14; subtype CWSTRT_VST_Field is HAL.UInt13; -- crop window start type CWSTRT_Register is record -- Horizontal offset count HOFFCNT : CWSTRT_HOFFCNT_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_14_15 : HAL.UInt2 := 16#0#; -- Vertical start line count VST : CWSTRT_VST_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_29_31 : HAL.UInt3 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CWSTRT_Register use record HOFFCNT at 0 range 0 .. 13; Reserved_14_15 at 0 range 14 .. 15; VST at 0 range 16 .. 28; Reserved_29_31 at 0 range 29 .. 31; end record; subtype CWSIZE_CAPCNT_Field is HAL.UInt14; subtype CWSIZE_VLINE_Field is HAL.UInt14; -- crop window size type CWSIZE_Register is record -- Capture count CAPCNT : CWSIZE_CAPCNT_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_14_15 : HAL.UInt2 := 16#0#; -- Vertical line count VLINE : CWSIZE_VLINE_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_30_31 : HAL.UInt2 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CWSIZE_Register use record CAPCNT at 0 range 0 .. 13; Reserved_14_15 at 0 range 14 .. 15; VLINE at 0 range 16 .. 29; Reserved_30_31 at 0 range 30 .. 31; end record; -- DR_Byte array element subtype DR_Byte_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- DR_Byte array type DR_Byte_Field_Array is array (0 .. 3) of DR_Byte_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- data register type DR_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- Byte as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- Byte as an array Arr : DR_Byte_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for DR_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; ----------------- -- Peripherals -- ----------------- -- Digital camera interface type DCMI_Peripheral is record -- control register 1 CR : aliased CR_Register; -- status register SR : aliased SR_Register; -- raw interrupt status register RIS : aliased RIS_Register; -- interrupt enable register IER : aliased IER_Register; -- masked interrupt status register MIS : aliased MIS_Register; -- interrupt clear register ICR : aliased ICR_Register; -- embedded synchronization code register ESCR : aliased ESCR_Register; -- embedded synchronization unmask register ESUR : aliased ESUR_Register; -- crop window start CWSTRT : aliased CWSTRT_Register; -- crop window size CWSIZE : aliased CWSIZE_Register; -- data register DR : aliased DR_Register; end record with Volatile; for DCMI_Peripheral use record CR at 16#0# range 0 .. 31; SR at 16#4# range 0 .. 31; RIS at 16#8# range 0 .. 31; IER at 16#C# range 0 .. 31; MIS at 16#10# range 0 .. 31; ICR at 16#14# range 0 .. 31; ESCR at 16#18# range 0 .. 31; ESUR at 16#1C# range 0 .. 31; CWSTRT at 16#20# range 0 .. 31; CWSIZE at 16#24# range 0 .. 31; DR at 16#28# range 0 .. 31; end record; -- Digital camera interface DCMI_Periph : aliased DCMI_Peripheral with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#50050000#); end STM32_SVD.DCMI;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Maxim Reznik <reznikmm@gmail.com> -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- License-Filename: LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------- with Program.Elements.Formal_Type_Definitions; with Program.Lexical_Elements; package Program.Elements.Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definitions is pragma Pure (Program.Elements.Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definitions); type Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition is limited interface and Program.Elements.Formal_Type_Definitions.Formal_Type_Definition; type Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Access is access all Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition'Class with Storage_Size => 0; type Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text is limited interface; type Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text_Access is access all Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text'Class with Storage_Size => 0; not overriding function To_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text (Self : aliased in out Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition) return Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text_Access is abstract; not overriding function Range_Token (Self : Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text) return not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Box_Token (Self : Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition_Text) return not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; end Program.Elements.Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definitions;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- C O M P E R R -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package contains the routine called when a fatal internal compiler -- error is detected. Calls to this routines cause termination of the -- current compilation with appropriate error output. package Comperr is procedure Compiler_Abort (X : String; Fallback_Loc : String := ""; From_GCC : Boolean := False); pragma No_Return (Compiler_Abort); -- Signals an internal compiler error. Never returns control. Depending on -- processing may end up raising Unrecoverable_Error, or exiting directly. -- The message output is a "bug box" containing the first string passed as -- an argument. The Sloc field of the node in Current_Error_Node is used to -- provide the location where the error should be signalled. If this Sloc -- value is set to No_Location or any of the other special location values, -- then the Fallback_Loc argument string is used instead. The message text -- includes the node id, and the code parameter if it is positive. -- -- Note that this is only used at the outer level (to handle constraint -- errors or assert errors etc.) In the normal logic of the compiler we -- always use pragma Assert to check for errors, and if necessary an -- explicit abort is achieved by pragma Assert (False). From_GCC is true -- for a GCC abort and false for a front end exception (with a possible -- message stored in TSD.Current_Excep). procedure Delete_SCIL_Files; -- Delete SCIL files associated with the main unit ------------------------------ -- Use of gnat_bug.box File -- ------------------------------ -- When comperr generates the "bug box". The first two lines contain -- information on the version number, type of abort, and source location. -- Normally the remaining text is one of three possible forms -- depending on Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_Type (FSF, Public, GNATPRO). -- See body of this package for the exact text used. -- In addition, an alternative mechanism exists for easily substituting -- different text for this message. Compiler_Abort checks for the -- existence of the file "gnat_bug.box" in the current source path. -- Most typically this file, if present, will be in the directory -- containing the run-time sources. -- If this file is present, then it is a plain ASCII file, whose contents -- replace the remaining text. The lines in this file should be seventy-two -- characters or less to avoid misformatting the right boundary of the box. -- Note that the file does not contain the vertical bar characters or any -- leading spaces in lines. end Comperr;
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
-- Copyright 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. with Pck; use Pck; procedure Foo is type Table is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; type Table_Access is access Table; type Object (N : Integer) is record Ptr : Table_Access; Data : Table (1 .. N); end record; My_Object : Object := (N => 3, Ptr => null, Data => (3, 5, 8)); -- Same as above, but with a pointer to an unconstrained packed array. type Byte is range 0 .. 255; type P_Table is array (Positive range <>) of Byte; pragma Pack (P_Table); type P_Table_Access is access P_Table; type P_Object (N : Integer) is record Ptr : P_Table_Access; Data : P_Table (1 .. N); end record; My_P_Object : P_Object := (N => 3, Ptr => null, Data => (3, 5, 8)); begin My_Object.Ptr := new Table'(13, 21, 34); -- STOP1 My_P_Object.Ptr := new P_Table'(13, 21, 34); Do_Nothing (My_Object'Address); -- STOP2 Do_Nothing (My_P_Object'Address); end Foo;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Modular Hash Infrastructure -- -- -- -- SHA1 -- -- -- -- - "Reference" Implementation - -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2018-2021, ANNEXI-STRAYLINE Trans-Human Ltd. -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Original Contributors: -- -- * Ensi Martini (ANNEXI-STRAYLINE) -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- -- met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- -- distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package body Modular_Hashing.SHA1 is pragma Assert (Stream_Element'Size = 8); -- This implementation makes the assumption that a Stream_Element is 8 bits -- wide. This is a safe assumption in most common applications. Making this -- assumption greatly simplifies this reference implementation. -- -- Internal Subprograms -- ------------------ -- Digest_Chunk -- ------------------ -- This procedure is the internal digest that allows for a 512-bit block to -- be processed without finishing the hash (padding) -- -- This is the bulk of the SHA1 algorithm, missing only the addition of -- message size with padding, which is handed by the Digest subprogram procedure Digest_Chunk (Engine : in out SHA1_Engine) with Inline is A, B, C, D, E, F, K, Temp : Unsigned_32; Word_Sequence : array (1 .. 80) of Unsigned_32; begin -- Break the chunk into 16 32-bit words, assign to Word_Sequence for I in 1 .. 16 loop Word_Sequence(I) := Shift_Left(Value => Unsigned_32 (Engine.Buffer(Stream_Element_Offset((I * 4) - 3))), Amount => 24) + Shift_Left(Value => Unsigned_32 (Engine.Buffer(Stream_Element_Offset((I * 4) - 2))), Amount => 16) + Shift_Left(Value => Unsigned_32 (Engine.Buffer(Stream_Element_Offset((I * 4) - 1))), Amount => 8) + Unsigned_32(Engine.Buffer(Stream_Element_Offset(I * 4))); end loop; -- Create the values for the rest of Word_Sequence for I in 17 .. 80 loop Word_Sequence(I) := Rotate_Left (Value => Word_Sequence(I - 3) xor Word_Sequence(I - 8) xor Word_Sequence(I - 14) xor Word_Sequence(I - 16), Amount => 1); end loop; A := Engine.H0; B := Engine.H1; C := Engine.H2; D := Engine.H3; E := Engine.H4; declare procedure Operations(Index : Integer) with Inline is begin Temp := Rotate_Left (Value => A, Amount => 5) + F + E + K + Word_Sequence(Index); E := D; D := C; C := Rotate_Left (Value => B, Amount => 30); B := A; A := Temp; end; begin -- The following loops are split-up to avoid persistent if-else -- statements that is common in many reference implementations. -- Inlining the operations takes up more code-space, but that is rarely -- a concern in modern times... for I in 1 .. 20 loop F := (B and C) or ((not B) and D); K := 16#5A827999#; Operations (I); end loop; for I in 21 .. 40 loop F := B xor C xor D; K := 16#6ED9EBA1#; Operations (I); end loop; for I in 41 .. 60 loop F := (B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D); K := 16#8F1BBCDC#; Operations (I); end loop; for I in 61 .. 80 loop F := B xor C xor D; K := 16#CA62C1D6#; Operations (I); end loop; end; Engine.H0 := Engine.H0 + A; Engine.H1 := Engine.H1 + B; Engine.H2 := Engine.H2 + C; Engine.H3 := Engine.H3 + D; Engine.H4 := Engine.H4 + E; Engine.Last_Element_Index := 0; end Digest_Chunk; -- -- SHA1_Hash -- --------- -- "<" -- --------- function "<" (Left, Right: SHA1_Hash) return Boolean is begin -- Even though our numbers are split into arrays of Unsigned_32, -- comparison operators can work on each section individually, -- as the lower indices have more significance for I in Message_Digest'Range loop if Left.Digest(I) < Right.Digest(I) then return True; elsif Left.Digest(I) > Right.Digest(I) then return False; end if; end loop; -- The only way we get here is when Left = Right return False; end "<"; --------- -- ">" -- --------- function ">" (Left, Right: SHA1_Hash) return Boolean is begin -- Even though our numbers are split into arrays of Unsigned_32, -- comparison operators can work on each section individually, -- as the lower indices have more significance for I in Message_Digest'Range loop if Left.Digest(I) > Right.Digest(I) then return True; elsif Left.Digest(I) < Right.Digest(I) then return False; end if; end loop; -- The only way we get here is when Left = Right return False; end ">"; --------- -- "=" -- --------- function "=" (Left, Right: SHA1_Hash) return Boolean is begin for I in Message_Digest'Range loop if Left.Digest(I) /= Right.Digest(I) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end "="; ------------ -- Binary -- ------------ function Binary (Value: SHA1_Hash) return Hash_Binary_Value is I: Positive; Register: Unsigned_32; begin return Output: Hash_Binary_Value (1 .. SHA1_Hash_Bytes) do I := Output'First; for Chunk of reverse Value.Digest loop -- Value.Digest big-endian Register := Chunk; for J in 1 .. 4 loop -- Four bytes per digest chunk Output(I) := Unsigned_8 (Register and 16#FF#); Register := Shift_Right (Register, 8); I := I + 1; end loop; end loop; end return; end Binary; -- -- SHA1_Engine -- ----------- -- Write -- ----------- overriding procedure Write (Stream : in out SHA1_Engine; Item : in Stream_Element_Array) is Last_In: Stream_Element_Offset; begin -- Check for a null range of Item and discard if Item'Length = 0 then return; end if; Last_In := Item'First - 1; -- Finally, we can go ahead and add the message length to the Engine now, -- since there are early-ending code-paths below, and so we can avoid -- duplicating code. The only way this can really go wrong is if the -- entire message is larger than the Message_Size, which SHA1 limits to a -- 64-bit signed integer. Therefore a message of 16 exabytes will cause -- an invalid hash, due to a wrap-around of the Message_Size. -- That's a risk we are willing to take. Stream.Message_Length := Stream.Message_Length + (Stream_Element'Size * Item'Length); -- Our buffer has a size of 512 (the size of a "chunk" of processing for -- the SHA-1 algorithm). -- Our write should be automated so that as soon as that buffer is full -- (no matter how much of the Item array is written already), the chunk is -- processed -- In order to take advantage of any processor vector copy features, we -- will explicitly copy Item in chunks that are either the full size of -- Item, 64 elements, or the remaining space in the hash Buffer, whichever -- is largest while Last_In < Item'Last loop declare subtype Buffer_Slice is Stream_Element_Offset range Stream.Last_Element_Index + 1 .. Stream.Buffer'Last; Buffer_Slice_Length: Stream_Element_Offset := Buffer_Slice'Last - Buffer_Slice'First + 1; subtype Item_Slice is Stream_Element_Offset range Last_In + 1 .. Item'Last; Item_Slice_Length: Stream_Element_Offset := Item_Slice'Last - Item_Slice'First + 1; begin if Buffer_Slice_Length > Item_Slice_Length then -- We can fit the rest in the buffer, with space left-over declare -- Set-up a specific slice in the Buffer which can accommodate -- the remaining elements of Item subtype Target_Slice is Stream_Element_Offset range Buffer_Slice'First .. Buffer_Slice'First + (Item_Slice'Last - Item_Slice'First); begin -- Here is the block copy Stream.Buffer(Target_Slice'Range):= Item (Item_Slice'Range); Stream.Last_Element_Index := Target_Slice'Last; end; -- That's it, we've absorbed the entire Item, no need to waste -- time updating Last_In. return; else -- This means the buffer space is either equal to or smaller than -- the remaining Item elements, this means we need process the -- chunk (digest the buffer) no matter what -- First step is to copy in as much of the remaining Item -- elements as possible declare subtype Source_Slice is Stream_Element_Offset range Item_Slice'First .. Item_Slice'First + Buffer_Slice_Length - 1; begin -- Block copy Stream.Buffer(Buffer_Slice'Range) := Item (Source_Slice'Range); Stream.Last_Element_Index := Buffer_Slice'Last; Last_In := Source_Slice'Last; end; -- Now we digest the currently full buffer Digest_Chunk (Stream); end if; end; end loop; end Write; ----------- -- Reset -- ----------- overriding procedure Reset (Engine : in out SHA1_Engine) is begin Engine.Last_Element_Index := 0; Engine.Message_Length := 0; Engine.H0 := H0_Initial; Engine.H1 := H1_Initial; Engine.H2 := H2_Initial; Engine.H3 := H3_Initial; Engine.H4 := H4_Initial; end Reset; ------------ -- Digest -- ------------ overriding function Digest (Engine : in out SHA1_Engine) return Hash'Class is -- The core of the message digest algorithm occurs in-line with stream -- writes through the Digest_Chunk procedure. The role of this function -- is to append the message size and padding, and then execute the final -- Digest_Chunk before returning the digest. -- We work with the data in the Buffer in chunks of 512 bits -- Once we get to the last section that is < 512 bits, we append -- the 64 bit length and padding 0's -- In most cases, this 64 bit + padding will all be in the last section -- of the buffer -- We pad up until the 448th bit (56th byte) and then add the length -- However, we must also keep in mind the fringe case where the data ends -- at bit position 448 or later (byte 56 or later) -- In that case, the approach to take is to pad the final chunk, then add -- a new one that is ONLY padding and the 64 bit length Message_Length_Spliced : Stream_Element_Array(1 .. 8); Special_Case_Index : Stream_Element_Offset := 0; begin -- Splitting the 64-bit message length into array of bytes for I in 1 .. 8 loop Message_Length_Spliced(Stream_Element_Offset(I)) := Stream_Element (Unsigned_8(Shift_Right(Value => Engine.Message_Length, Amount => 8 * (8 - I)) and 16#ff#)); end loop; -- This is a while loop but we use an exit condition to make sure that it -- executes at least once (for the case of empty hash message) loop if Special_Case_Index /= 0 then if Special_Case_Index = 1 then Engine.Buffer(1) := 2#10000000#; else Engine.Buffer(1) := 2#00000000#; end if; Engine.Buffer(2 .. 56) := (others => 2#00000000#); Engine.Buffer(57 .. 64) := Message_Length_Spliced; Special_Case_Index := 0; -- If there is less than 512 bits left in the Buffer else -- The case where one chunk will hold Buffer + padding + 64 bits if Engine.Last_Element_Index < 56 then -- Add the correct amount of padding Engine.Buffer(Engine.Last_Element_Index + 1) := 2#10000000#; Engine.Buffer(Engine.Last_Element_Index + 2 .. 56) := (others => 2#00000000#); -- Finish it off with Message_Length Engine.Buffer(57 .. 64) := Message_Length_Spliced; -- The case where one chunk will hold Buffer + padding, and -- another will hold padding + 64 bit message length else -- Put what we can of the padding in the current chunk Engine.Buffer(Engine.Last_Element_Index + 1) := 2#10000000#; Engine.Buffer(Engine.Last_Element_Index + 2 .. 64) := (others => 2#00000000#); -- Save where we left off in the padding for the next chunk Special_Case_Index := 65 - Engine.Last_Element_Index; end if; end if; Digest_Chunk (Engine); exit when Engine.Last_Element_Index = 0 and Special_Case_Index = 0; end loop; return Result: SHA1_Hash do Result.Digest := (1 => Engine.H0, 2 => Engine.H1, 3 => Engine.H2, 4 => Engine.H3, 5 => Engine.H4); Engine.Reset; end return; end Digest; end Modular_Hashing.SHA1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- -- Copyright 2018 The wookey project team <wookey@ssi.gouv.fr> -- - Ryad Benadjila -- - Arnauld Michelizza -- - Mathieu Renard -- - Philippe Thierry -- - Philippe Trebuchet -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- -- package soc.layout.stm32f4 with spark_mode => on is NB_MEM_BANK : constant := 1; end soc.layout.stm32f4;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- This spec has been automatically generated from STM32L151.svd pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code); pragma Ada_2012; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with HAL; with System; package STM32_SVD.SDIO is pragma Preelaborate; --------------- -- Registers -- --------------- subtype POWER_PWRCTRL_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- power control register type POWER_Register is record -- Power supply control bits. PWRCTRL : POWER_PWRCTRL_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_2_31 : HAL.UInt30 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for POWER_Register use record PWRCTRL at 0 range 0 .. 1; Reserved_2_31 at 0 range 2 .. 31; end record; subtype CLKCR_CLKDIV_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype CLKCR_WIDBUS_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- SDI clock control register type CLKCR_Register is record -- Clock divide factor CLKDIV : CLKCR_CLKDIV_Field := 16#0#; -- Clock enable bit CLKEN : Boolean := False; -- Power saving configuration bit PWRSAV : Boolean := False; -- Clock divider bypass enable bit BYPASS : Boolean := False; -- Wide bus mode enable bit WIDBUS : CLKCR_WIDBUS_Field := 16#0#; -- SDIO_CK dephasing selection bit NEGEDGE : Boolean := False; -- HW Flow Control enable HWFC_EN : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_15_31 : HAL.UInt17 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CLKCR_Register use record CLKDIV at 0 range 0 .. 7; CLKEN at 0 range 8 .. 8; PWRSAV at 0 range 9 .. 9; BYPASS at 0 range 10 .. 10; WIDBUS at 0 range 11 .. 12; NEGEDGE at 0 range 13 .. 13; HWFC_EN at 0 range 14 .. 14; Reserved_15_31 at 0 range 15 .. 31; end record; subtype CMD_CMDINDEX_Field is HAL.UInt6; subtype CMD_WAITRESP_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- command register type CMD_Register is record -- Command index CMDINDEX : CMD_CMDINDEX_Field := 16#0#; -- Wait for response bits WAITRESP : CMD_WAITRESP_Field := 16#0#; -- CPSM waits for interrupt request WAITINT : Boolean := False; -- CPSM Waits for ends of data transfer (CmdPend internal signal). WAITPEND : Boolean := False; -- Command path state machine (CPSM) Enable bit CPSMEN : Boolean := False; -- SD I/O suspend command SDIOSuspend : Boolean := False; -- Enable CMD completion ENCMDcompl : Boolean := False; -- not Interrupt Enable nIEN : Boolean := False; -- CE-ATA command CE_ATACMD : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_15_31 : HAL.UInt17 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CMD_Register use record CMDINDEX at 0 range 0 .. 5; WAITRESP at 0 range 6 .. 7; WAITINT at 0 range 8 .. 8; WAITPEND at 0 range 9 .. 9; CPSMEN at 0 range 10 .. 10; SDIOSuspend at 0 range 11 .. 11; ENCMDcompl at 0 range 12 .. 12; nIEN at 0 range 13 .. 13; CE_ATACMD at 0 range 14 .. 14; Reserved_15_31 at 0 range 15 .. 31; end record; subtype RESPCMD_RESPCMD_Field is HAL.UInt6; -- command response register type RESPCMD_Register is record -- Read-only. Response command index RESPCMD : RESPCMD_RESPCMD_Field; -- unspecified Reserved_6_31 : HAL.UInt26; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RESPCMD_Register use record RESPCMD at 0 range 0 .. 5; Reserved_6_31 at 0 range 6 .. 31; end record; subtype DLEN_DATALENGTH_Field is HAL.UInt25; -- data length register type DLEN_Register is record -- Data length value DATALENGTH : DLEN_DATALENGTH_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_25_31 : HAL.UInt7 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for DLEN_Register use record DATALENGTH at 0 range 0 .. 24; Reserved_25_31 at 0 range 25 .. 31; end record; subtype DCTRL_DBLOCKSIZE_Field is HAL.UInt4; -- data control register type DCTRL_Register is record -- Data transfer enabled bit DTEN : Boolean := False; -- Data transfer direction selection DTDIR : Boolean := False; -- Data transfer mode selection 1: Stream or SDIO multibyte data -- transfer. DTMODE : Boolean := False; -- DMA enable bit DMAEN : Boolean := False; -- Data block size DBLOCKSIZE : DCTRL_DBLOCKSIZE_Field := 16#0#; -- Read wait start RWSTART : Boolean := False; -- Read wait stop RWSTOP : Boolean := False; -- Read wait mode RWMOD : Boolean := False; -- SD I/O enable functions SDIOEN : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_12_31 : HAL.UInt20 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for DCTRL_Register use record DTEN at 0 range 0 .. 0; DTDIR at 0 range 1 .. 1; DTMODE at 0 range 2 .. 2; DMAEN at 0 range 3 .. 3; DBLOCKSIZE at 0 range 4 .. 7; RWSTART at 0 range 8 .. 8; RWSTOP at 0 range 9 .. 9; RWMOD at 0 range 10 .. 10; SDIOEN at 0 range 11 .. 11; Reserved_12_31 at 0 range 12 .. 31; end record; subtype DCOUNT_DATACOUNT_Field is HAL.UInt25; -- data counter register type DCOUNT_Register is record -- Read-only. Data count value DATACOUNT : DCOUNT_DATACOUNT_Field; -- unspecified Reserved_25_31 : HAL.UInt7; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for DCOUNT_Register use record DATACOUNT at 0 range 0 .. 24; Reserved_25_31 at 0 range 25 .. 31; end record; -- status register type STA_Register is record -- Read-only. Command response received (CRC check failed) CCRCFAIL : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) DCRCFAIL : Boolean; -- Read-only. Command response timeout CTIMEOUT : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data timeout DTIMEOUT : Boolean; -- Read-only. Transmit FIFO underrun error TXUNDERR : Boolean; -- Read-only. Received FIFO overrun error RXOVERR : Boolean; -- Read-only. Command response received (CRC check passed) CMDREND : Boolean; -- Read-only. Command sent (no response required) CMDSENT : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data end (data counter, SDIDCOUNT, is zero) DATAEND : Boolean; -- Read-only. Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide bus -- mode STBITERR : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) DBCKEND : Boolean; -- Read-only. Command transfer in progress CMDACT : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data transmit in progress TXACT : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data receive in progress RXACT : Boolean; -- Read-only. Transmit FIFO half empty: at least 8 words can be written -- into the FIFO TXFIFOHE : Boolean; -- Read-only. Receive FIFO half full: there are at least 8 words in the -- FIFO RXFIFOHF : Boolean; -- Read-only. Transmit FIFO full TXFIFOF : Boolean; -- Read-only. Receive FIFO full RXFIFOF : Boolean; -- Read-only. Transmit FIFO empty TXFIFOE : Boolean; -- Read-only. Receive FIFO empty RXFIFOE : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data available in transmit FIFO TXDAVL : Boolean; -- Read-only. Data available in receive FIFO RXDAVL : Boolean; -- Read-only. SDIO interrupt received SDIOIT : Boolean; -- Read-only. CE-ATA command completion signal received for CMD61 CEATAEND : Boolean; -- unspecified Reserved_24_31 : HAL.UInt8; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for STA_Register use record CCRCFAIL at 0 range 0 .. 0; DCRCFAIL at 0 range 1 .. 1; CTIMEOUT at 0 range 2 .. 2; DTIMEOUT at 0 range 3 .. 3; TXUNDERR at 0 range 4 .. 4; RXOVERR at 0 range 5 .. 5; CMDREND at 0 range 6 .. 6; CMDSENT at 0 range 7 .. 7; DATAEND at 0 range 8 .. 8; STBITERR at 0 range 9 .. 9; DBCKEND at 0 range 10 .. 10; CMDACT at 0 range 11 .. 11; TXACT at 0 range 12 .. 12; RXACT at 0 range 13 .. 13; TXFIFOHE at 0 range 14 .. 14; RXFIFOHF at 0 range 15 .. 15; TXFIFOF at 0 range 16 .. 16; RXFIFOF at 0 range 17 .. 17; TXFIFOE at 0 range 18 .. 18; RXFIFOE at 0 range 19 .. 19; TXDAVL at 0 range 20 .. 20; RXDAVL at 0 range 21 .. 21; SDIOIT at 0 range 22 .. 22; CEATAEND at 0 range 23 .. 23; Reserved_24_31 at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; -- interrupt clear register type ICR_Register is record -- CCRCFAIL flag clear bit CCRCFAILC : Boolean := False; -- DCRCFAIL flag clear bit DCRCFAILC : Boolean := False; -- CTIMEOUT flag clear bit CTIMEOUTC : Boolean := False; -- DTIMEOUT flag clear bit DTIMEOUTC : Boolean := False; -- TXUNDERR flag clear bit TXUNDERRC : Boolean := False; -- RXOVERR flag clear bit RXOVERRC : Boolean := False; -- CMDREND flag clear bit CMDRENDC : Boolean := False; -- CMDSENT flag clear bit CMDSENTC : Boolean := False; -- DATAEND flag clear bit DATAENDC : Boolean := False; -- STBITERR flag clear bit STBITERRC : Boolean := False; -- DBCKEND flag clear bit DBCKENDC : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_11_21 : HAL.UInt11 := 16#0#; -- SDIOIT flag clear bit SDIOITC : Boolean := False; -- CEATAEND flag clear bit CEATAENDC : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_24_31 : HAL.UInt8 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ICR_Register use record CCRCFAILC at 0 range 0 .. 0; DCRCFAILC at 0 range 1 .. 1; CTIMEOUTC at 0 range 2 .. 2; DTIMEOUTC at 0 range 3 .. 3; TXUNDERRC at 0 range 4 .. 4; RXOVERRC at 0 range 5 .. 5; CMDRENDC at 0 range 6 .. 6; CMDSENTC at 0 range 7 .. 7; DATAENDC at 0 range 8 .. 8; STBITERRC at 0 range 9 .. 9; DBCKENDC at 0 range 10 .. 10; Reserved_11_21 at 0 range 11 .. 21; SDIOITC at 0 range 22 .. 22; CEATAENDC at 0 range 23 .. 23; Reserved_24_31 at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; -- mask register type MASK_Register is record -- Command CRC fail interrupt enable CCRCFAILIE : Boolean := False; -- Data CRC fail interrupt enable DCRCFAILIE : Boolean := False; -- Command timeout interrupt enable CTIMEOUTIE : Boolean := False; -- Data timeout interrupt enable DTIMEOUTIE : Boolean := False; -- Tx FIFO underrun error interrupt enable TXUNDERRIE : Boolean := False; -- Rx FIFO overrun error interrupt enable RXOVERRIE : Boolean := False; -- Command response received interrupt enable CMDRENDIE : Boolean := False; -- Command sent interrupt enable CMDSENTIE : Boolean := False; -- Data end interrupt enable DATAENDIE : Boolean := False; -- Start bit error interrupt enable STBITERRIE : Boolean := False; -- Data block end interrupt enable DBCKENDIE : Boolean := False; -- Command acting interrupt enable CMDACTIE : Boolean := False; -- Data transmit acting interrupt enable TXACTIE : Boolean := False; -- Data receive acting interrupt enable RXACTIE : Boolean := False; -- Tx FIFO half empty interrupt enable TXFIFOHEIE : Boolean := False; -- Rx FIFO half full interrupt enable RXFIFOHFIE : Boolean := False; -- Tx FIFO full interrupt enable TXFIFOFIE : Boolean := False; -- Rx FIFO full interrupt enable RXFIFOFIE : Boolean := False; -- Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable TXFIFOEIE : Boolean := False; -- Rx FIFO empty interrupt enable RXFIFOEIE : Boolean := False; -- Data available in Tx FIFO interrupt enable TXDAVLIE : Boolean := False; -- Data available in Rx FIFO interrupt enable RXDAVLIE : Boolean := False; -- SDIO mode interrupt received interrupt enable SDIOITIE : Boolean := False; -- CE-ATA command completion signal received interrupt enable CEATAENDIE : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_24_31 : HAL.UInt8 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for MASK_Register use record CCRCFAILIE at 0 range 0 .. 0; DCRCFAILIE at 0 range 1 .. 1; CTIMEOUTIE at 0 range 2 .. 2; DTIMEOUTIE at 0 range 3 .. 3; TXUNDERRIE at 0 range 4 .. 4; RXOVERRIE at 0 range 5 .. 5; CMDRENDIE at 0 range 6 .. 6; CMDSENTIE at 0 range 7 .. 7; DATAENDIE at 0 range 8 .. 8; STBITERRIE at 0 range 9 .. 9; DBCKENDIE at 0 range 10 .. 10; CMDACTIE at 0 range 11 .. 11; TXACTIE at 0 range 12 .. 12; RXACTIE at 0 range 13 .. 13; TXFIFOHEIE at 0 range 14 .. 14; RXFIFOHFIE at 0 range 15 .. 15; TXFIFOFIE at 0 range 16 .. 16; RXFIFOFIE at 0 range 17 .. 17; TXFIFOEIE at 0 range 18 .. 18; RXFIFOEIE at 0 range 19 .. 19; TXDAVLIE at 0 range 20 .. 20; RXDAVLIE at 0 range 21 .. 21; SDIOITIE at 0 range 22 .. 22; CEATAENDIE at 0 range 23 .. 23; Reserved_24_31 at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; subtype FIFOCNT_FIFOCOUNT_Field is HAL.UInt24; -- FIFO counter register type FIFOCNT_Register is record -- Read-only. Remaining number of words to be written to or read from -- the FIFO. FIFOCOUNT : FIFOCNT_FIFOCOUNT_Field; -- unspecified Reserved_24_31 : HAL.UInt8; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for FIFOCNT_Register use record FIFOCOUNT at 0 range 0 .. 23; Reserved_24_31 at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; ----------------- -- Peripherals -- ----------------- -- Secure digital input/output interface type SDIO_Peripheral is record -- power control register POWER : aliased POWER_Register; -- SDI clock control register CLKCR : aliased CLKCR_Register; -- argument register ARG : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- command register CMD : aliased CMD_Register; -- command response register RESPCMD : aliased RESPCMD_Register; -- response 1..4 register RESP1 : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- response 1..4 register RESP2 : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- response 1..4 register RESP3 : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- response 1..4 register RESP4 : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- data timer register DTIMER : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- data length register DLEN : aliased DLEN_Register; -- data control register DCTRL : aliased DCTRL_Register; -- data counter register DCOUNT : aliased DCOUNT_Register; -- status register STA : aliased STA_Register; -- interrupt clear register ICR : aliased ICR_Register; -- mask register MASK : aliased MASK_Register; -- FIFO counter register FIFOCNT : aliased FIFOCNT_Register; -- data FIFO register FIFO : aliased HAL.UInt32; end record with Volatile; for SDIO_Peripheral use record POWER at 16#0# range 0 .. 31; CLKCR at 16#4# range 0 .. 31; ARG at 16#8# range 0 .. 31; CMD at 16#C# range 0 .. 31; RESPCMD at 16#10# range 0 .. 31; RESP1 at 16#14# range 0 .. 31; RESP2 at 16#18# range 0 .. 31; RESP3 at 16#1C# range 0 .. 31; RESP4 at 16#20# range 0 .. 31; DTIMER at 16#24# range 0 .. 31; DLEN at 16#28# range 0 .. 31; DCTRL at 16#2C# range 0 .. 31; DCOUNT at 16#30# range 0 .. 31; STA at 16#34# range 0 .. 31; ICR at 16#38# range 0 .. 31; MASK at 16#3C# range 0 .. 31; FIFOCNT at 16#48# range 0 .. 31; FIFO at 16#80# range 0 .. 31; end record; -- Secure digital input/output interface SDIO_Periph : aliased SDIO_Peripheral with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#40012C00#); end STM32_SVD.SDIO;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
with Ada.Text_IO; package generic_package_renaming_declaration is generic package Enum_IO renames Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO; end generic_package_renaming_declaration;
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
-- This file is covered by the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) License -- Reference: ../License.txt with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; with INI_File_Manager; with GNAT.OS_Lib; with Unix; package body Parameters is package EX renames Ada.Exceptions; package DIR renames Ada.Directories; package LAT renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1; package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package OSL renames GNAT.OS_Lib; package IFM renames INI_File_Manager; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- all_paths_valid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function all_paths_valid (skip_mk_check : Boolean) return Boolean is function invalid_directory (folder : HT.Text; desc : String) return Boolean; use type DIR.File_Kind; localbase : String := HT.USS (configuration.dir_localbase); function invalid_directory (folder : HT.Text; desc : String) return Boolean is dossier : constant String := HT.USS (folder); errmsg : constant String := "Configuration invalid: "; begin if DIR.Exists (dossier) and then DIR.Kind (dossier) = DIR.Directory then return False; else TIO.Put_Line (errmsg & desc & " directory: " & dossier); return True; end if; end invalid_directory; begin if HT.USS (configuration.dir_sysroot) = "/" then TIO.Put_Line ("[A] System root cannot be " & LAT.Quotation & "/" & LAT.Quotation); return False; elsif forbidden_localbase (localbase) then TIO.Put_Line ("[C] Localbase set to standard system folder '" & localbase & "'"); return False; elsif invalid_directory (configuration.dir_sysroot, "[A] System root") then return False; elsif invalid_directory (configuration.dir_toolchain, "[B] Toolchain directory") then return False; elsif invalid_directory (configuration.dir_conspiracy, "[D] Conspiracy") then return False; elsif invalid_directory (configuration.dir_distfiles, "[F] Distfiles") then return False; elsif invalid_directory (configuration.dir_profile, "[G] Profile") then return False; end if; if not (HT.USS (configuration.dir_ccache) = no_ccache) and then invalid_directory (configuration.dir_ccache, "[H] Compiler cache") then return False; end if; if not (HT.USS (configuration.dir_unkindness) = no_unkindness) and then invalid_directory (configuration.dir_unkindness, "[E] Custom ports") then return False; end if; declare log_dir : String := HT.USS (configuration.dir_profile) & "/logs/logs"; option_dir : String := HT.USS (configuration.dir_profile) & "/options/defconf_cookies"; pkgs_dir : String := HT.USS (configuration.dir_profile) & "/packages"; mk_dir : String := HT.USS (configuration.dir_conspiracy) & "/Mk"; begin if HT.equivalent (configuration.dir_packages, pkgs_dir) then if not DIR.Exists (pkgs_dir) then DIR.Create_Path (pkgs_dir); end if; else if invalid_directory (configuration.dir_packages, "[H] Packages") then return False; end if; end if; if not skip_mk_check then if not DIR.Exists (mk_dir) then TIO.Put_Line ("Conspiracy directory exists without Mk contents"); TIO.Put_Line ("Try running 'ravenadm update-ports'"); return False; end if; end if; if not DIR.Exists (log_dir) then DIR.Create_Path (log_dir); end if; if not DIR.Exists (option_dir) then DIR.Create_Path (option_dir); end if; end; return True; end all_paths_valid; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- configuration_exists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function configuration_exists return Boolean is use type DIR.File_Kind; begin return DIR.Exists (conf_location) and then DIR.Kind (conf_location) = DIR.Ordinary_File; end configuration_exists; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- load_configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function load_configuration return Boolean is begin set_chroot; set_cores; if DIR.Exists (conf_location) then begin IFM.scan_file (raven_confdir, ravenadm_ini); exception when ini : others => TIO.Put_Line (ravenadm_ini & " parse issue: " & EX.Exception_Message (ini)); return False; end; declare selected_profile : String := IFM.show_value (master_section, global_01); envprofile : String := OSL.Getenv ("RAVENPROFILE").all; begin if envprofile /= "" and then IFM.section_exists (envprofile) then change_active_profile (envprofile); else if selected_profile = "" then TIO.Put_Line (ravenadm_ini & ": missing global profile_selected field."); return False; end if; if not IFM.section_exists (selected_profile) then TIO.Put_Line (ravenadm_ini & ": profile_selected set to non-existent profile."); return False; end if; end if; end; else insert_profile (default_profile (first_profile)); change_active_profile (first_profile); rewrite_configuration; end if; transfer_configuration; return True; end load_configuration; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- forbidden_localbase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function forbidden_localbase (candidate : String) return Boolean is function downstream (path : String) return Boolean; function downstream (path : String) return Boolean is begin return candidate = path or else HT.leads (candidate, path & "/"); end downstream; begin if candidate (candidate'First) /= LAT.Solidus then return True; end if; return downstream ("/bin") or else downstream ("/boot") or else downstream ("/dev") or else downstream ("/etc") or else downstream ("/lib") or else downstream ("/libexec") or else downstream ("/proc") or else downstream ("/sbin") or else downstream ("/sys") or else downstream ("/tmp") or else downstream ("/var") or else downstream ("/usr/bin") or else downstream ("/usr/dports") or else downstream ("/usr/games") or else downstream ("/usr/include") or else downstream ("/usr/lib") or else downstream ("/usr/libdata") or else downstream ("/usr/libexec") or else downstream ("/usr/obj") or else downstream ("/usr/pkgsrc") or else downstream ("/usr/ports") or else downstream ("/usr/sbin") or else downstream ("/usr/share") or else downstream ("/usr/src"); end forbidden_localbase; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- alternative_profiles_exist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function alternative_profiles_exist return Boolean is begin return IFM.section_count > 2; end alternative_profiles_exist; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- query_physical_memory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure query_physical_memory is -- Works for *BSD, DragonFly, Bitrig -- DF/Free "hw.physmem: 8525971456" (8G) -- NetBSD "hw.physmem64 = 17060806656" (16G) -- MacOS "hw.memsize = 2147483648" (16G) bsd_command : constant String := "/sbin/sysctl hw.physmem"; net_command : constant String := "/sbin/sysctl hw.physmem64"; mac_command : constant String := "/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.memsize"; content : HT.Text; status : Integer; begin memory_megs := 1024; case platform_type is when dragonfly | freebsd | openbsd => content := Unix.piped_command (bsd_command, status); when netbsd => content := Unix.piped_command (net_command, status); when macos => content := Unix.piped_command (mac_command, status); when linux | sunos => -- Impossible case return; end case; if status /= 0 then TIO.Put_Line ("query_physical_memory command failed"); return; end if; declare type styles is (unknown, dragonfly, netbsd); function get_number_string return String; style : styles := unknown; response : constant String := HT.USS (content) (1 .. HT.SU.Length (content) - 1); SP1 : constant String (1 .. 2) := (1 => LAT.Colon, 2 => LAT.Space); SP2 : constant String (1 .. 2) := (1 => LAT.Equals_Sign, 2 => LAT.Space); function get_number_string return String is begin case style is when dragonfly => return HT.part_2 (response, SP1); when netbsd => return HT.part_2 (response, SP2); when unknown => return "1073741824"; end case; end get_number_string; begin if HT.contains (response, SP1) then style := dragonfly; elsif HT.contains (response, SP2) then style := netbsd; else TIO.Put_Line ("Anomaly, unable to detect physical memory"); TIO.Put_Line (response); return; end if; declare type memtype is mod 2**64; numbers : String := get_number_string; bytes : constant memtype := memtype'Value (numbers); megs : constant memtype := bytes / 1024 / 1024; begin memory_megs := Natural (megs); end; end; end query_physical_memory; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- query_physical_memory_linux -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure query_physical_memory_linux is -- On linux, MemTotal should be on first line and that's what we're looking for command : constant String := "/usr/bin/head /proc/meminfo"; found : Boolean := False; status : Integer; comres : String := HT.USS (Unix.piped_command (command, status)); markers : HT.Line_Markers; begin if status /= 0 then raise memory_probe with command; end if; HT.initialize_markers (comres, markers); loop exit when found; exit when not HT.next_line_present (comres, markers); declare line : constant String := HT.trim (HT.extract_line (comres, markers)); begin if line'Length > 12 and then line (line'First .. line'First + 8) = "MemTotal:" then declare type memtype is mod 2**64; sequence : String := HT.trim (line (line'First + 9 .. line'Last)); numbers : String := HT.part_1 (sequence, " "); kilobytes : constant memtype := memtype'Value (numbers); megs : constant memtype := kilobytes / 1024; begin memory_megs := Natural (megs); end; found := True; end if; end; end loop; end query_physical_memory_linux; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- query_physical_memory_sunos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure query_physical_memory_sunos is -- On Solaris, we're looking for "Memory size" which should be on second line command : constant String := "/usr/sbin/prtconf"; found : Boolean := False; status : Integer; comres : String := HT.USS (Unix.piped_command (command, status)); markers : HT.Line_Markers; begin if status /= 0 then raise memory_probe with command; end if; HT.initialize_markers (comres, markers); loop exit when found; exit when not HT.next_line_present (comres, markers); declare line : constant String := HT.extract_line (comres, markers); begin if line'Length > 15 and then line (line'First .. line'First + 11) = "Memory size:" then declare type memtype is mod 2**64; numbers : String := HT.part_1 (line (line'First + 13 .. line'Last), " "); megabytes : constant memtype := memtype'Value (numbers); begin memory_megs := Natural (megabytes); end; found := True; end if; end; end loop; end query_physical_memory_sunos; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- enough_memory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function enough_memory (num_builders : builders) return Boolean is megs_per_slave : Natural; begin if memory_megs = 0 then case platform_type is when linux => query_physical_memory_linux; when sunos => query_physical_memory_sunos; when dragonfly | freebsd | macos | netbsd | openbsd => query_physical_memory; end case; end if; megs_per_slave := memory_megs / Positive (num_builders); return megs_per_slave >= 1280; end enough_memory; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- default_parallelism -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure default_parallelism (num_cores : cpu_range; num_builders : out Integer; jobs_per_builder : out Integer) is begin case num_cores is when 1 => num_builders := 1; jobs_per_builder := 1; when 2 | 3 => num_builders := 2; jobs_per_builder := 2; when 4 | 5 => num_builders := 3; jobs_per_builder := 3; when 6 | 7 => num_builders := 4; jobs_per_builder := 3; when 8 | 9 => num_builders := 6; jobs_per_builder := 4; when 10 | 11 => num_builders := 8; jobs_per_builder := 4; when others => num_builders := (Integer (num_cores) * 3) / 4; jobs_per_builder := 5; end case; end default_parallelism; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- default_profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_profile (new_profile : String) return configuration_record is result : configuration_record; def_builders : Integer; def_jlimit : Integer; floating : constant HT.Text := HT.SUS (ports_default); begin default_parallelism (num_cores => configuration.number_cores, num_builders => def_builders, jobs_per_builder => def_jlimit); result.profile := HT.SUS (new_profile); result.dir_sysroot := HT.SUS (std_sysroot); result.dir_toolchain := HT.SUS (std_toolchain); result.dir_localbase := HT.SUS (std_localbase); result.dir_conspiracy := HT.SUS (std_conspiracy); result.dir_unkindness := HT.SUS (no_unkindness); result.dir_distfiles := HT.SUS (std_distfiles); result.dir_packages := HT.replace_substring (HT.SUS (pri_packages), "[X]", new_profile); result.dir_ccache := HT.SUS (no_ccache); result.dir_buildbase := HT.SUS (pri_buildbase); result.dir_profile := HT.replace_substring (HT.SUS (pri_profile), "[X]", new_profile); result.num_builders := builders (def_builders); result.jobs_limit := builders (def_jlimit); result.avec_ncurses := True; result.defer_prebuilt := False; result.record_options := False; result.batch_mode := True; result.def_firebird := floating; result.def_lua := floating; result.def_mysql_group := floating; result.def_perl := floating; result.def_php := floating; result.def_postgresql := floating; result.def_python3 := floating; result.def_ruby := floating; result.def_ssl := floating; result.def_tcl_tk := floating; case platform_type is when macos => result.avoid_tmpfs := True; when openbsd => result.avoid_tmpfs := True; when others => result.avoid_tmpfs := not enough_memory (builders (def_builders)); end case; return result; end default_profile; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- insert_profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure insert_profile (confrec : configuration_record) is function may_be_disabled (directory : HT.Text; disabled_value : String) return String; function set_builder (X : builders) return String; function set_boolean (value : Boolean) return String; profile_name : constant String := HT.USS (confrec.profile); function may_be_disabled (directory : HT.Text; disabled_value : String) return String is begin if HT.equivalent (directory, HT.blank) then return disabled_value; else return HT.USS (directory); end if; end may_be_disabled; function set_builder (X : builders) return String is begin return HT.int2str (Integer (X)); end set_builder; function set_boolean (value : Boolean) return String is begin case value is when True => return "true"; when False => return "false"; end case; end set_boolean; begin IFM.delete_section (profile_name); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_01, HT.USS (confrec.dir_sysroot)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_16, HT.USS (confrec.dir_toolchain)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_02, HT.USS (confrec.dir_localbase)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_03, HT.USS (confrec.dir_conspiracy)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_04, may_be_disabled (confrec.dir_unkindness, no_unkindness)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_05, HT.USS (confrec.dir_distfiles)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_06, HT.USS (confrec.dir_profile)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_07, HT.USS (confrec.dir_packages)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_08, may_be_disabled (confrec.dir_ccache, no_ccache)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_09, HT.USS (confrec.dir_buildbase)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_10, set_builder (confrec.num_builders)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_11, set_builder (confrec.jobs_limit)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_12, set_boolean (confrec.avoid_tmpfs)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_13, set_boolean (confrec.defer_prebuilt)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_14, set_boolean (confrec.avec_ncurses)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_15, set_boolean (confrec.record_options)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_27, set_boolean (confrec.batch_mode)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_17, HT.USS (confrec.def_firebird)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_18, HT.USS (confrec.def_lua)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_19, HT.USS (confrec.def_mysql_group)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_20, HT.USS (confrec.def_perl)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_21, HT.USS (confrec.def_php)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_22, HT.USS (confrec.def_postgresql)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_23, HT.USS (confrec.def_python3)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_24, HT.USS (confrec.def_ruby)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_25, HT.USS (confrec.def_ssl)); IFM.insert_or_update (profile_name, Field_26, HT.USS (confrec.def_tcl_tk)); end insert_profile; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- change_active_profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure change_active_profile (new_active_profile : String) is begin IFM.insert_or_update (master_section, global_01, new_active_profile); end change_active_profile; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rewrite_configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure rewrite_configuration is comment : String := "This ravenadm configuration file is automatically generated"; begin IFM.scribe_file (directory => raven_confdir, filename => ravenadm_ini, first_comment => comment); end rewrite_configuration; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- transfer_configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure transfer_configuration is function default_string (field_name : String; default : String) return HT.Text; function default_builder (field_name : String; default : Integer) return builders; function default_boolean (field_name : String; default : Boolean) return Boolean; function tmpfs_transfer return Boolean; def_builders : Integer; def_jlimit : Integer; profile : constant String := IFM.show_value (section => master_section, name => global_01); def_profile : constant String := HT.USS (HT.replace_substring (HT.SUS (pri_profile), "[X]", profile)); def_packages : constant String := def_profile & "/packages"; function default_string (field_name : String; default : String) return HT.Text is value : String := IFM.show_value (profile, field_name); begin if value = "" then return HT.SUS (default); else return HT.SUS (value); end if; end default_string; function default_builder (field_name : String; default : Integer) return builders is value : String := IFM.show_value (profile, field_name); converted : Integer; begin if value = "" then return builders (default); else converted := Integer'Value (value); return builders (converted); end if; exception when others => return builders (default); end default_builder; function default_boolean (field_name : String; default : Boolean) return Boolean is value : String := IFM.show_value (profile, field_name); lower_value : String := HT.lowercase (value); begin if value = "" then return default; else if lower_value = "true" then return True; elsif lower_value = "false" then return False; else return default; end if; end if; end default_boolean; function tmpfs_transfer return Boolean is value : String := IFM.show_value (profile, Field_12); lower_value : String := HT.lowercase (value); begin if value = "" then return not enough_memory (builders (def_builders)); else if lower_value = "true" then return True; elsif lower_value = "false" then return False; else return not enough_memory (builders (def_builders)); end if; end if; end tmpfs_transfer; begin if profile = "" then raise profile_DNE; end if; default_parallelism (num_cores => configuration.number_cores, num_builders => def_builders, jobs_per_builder => def_jlimit); active_profile := HT.SUS (profile); configuration.profile := active_profile; configuration.dir_sysroot := default_string (Field_01, std_sysroot); configuration.dir_toolchain := default_string (Field_16, std_toolchain); configuration.dir_localbase := default_string (Field_02, std_localbase); configuration.dir_conspiracy := default_string (Field_03, std_conspiracy); configuration.dir_unkindness := default_string (Field_04, no_unkindness); configuration.dir_distfiles := default_string (Field_05, std_distfiles); configuration.dir_profile := default_string (Field_06, def_profile); configuration.dir_packages := default_string (Field_07, def_packages); configuration.dir_ccache := default_string (Field_08, no_ccache); configuration.dir_buildbase := default_string (Field_09, pri_buildbase); configuration.num_builders := default_builder (Field_10, def_builders); configuration.jobs_limit := default_builder (Field_11, def_jlimit); configuration.avoid_tmpfs := tmpfs_transfer; configuration.defer_prebuilt := default_boolean (Field_13, False); configuration.avec_ncurses := default_boolean (Field_14, True); configuration.record_options := default_boolean (Field_15, False); configuration.batch_mode := default_boolean (Field_27, True); configuration.def_firebird := default_string (Field_17, ports_default); configuration.def_lua := default_string (Field_18, ports_default); configuration.def_mysql_group := default_string (Field_19, ports_default); configuration.def_perl := default_string (Field_20, ports_default); configuration.def_php := default_string (Field_21, ports_default); configuration.def_postgresql := default_string (Field_22, ports_default); configuration.def_python3 := default_string (Field_23, ports_default); configuration.def_ruby := default_string (Field_24, ports_default); configuration.def_ssl := default_string (Field_25, ports_default); configuration.def_tcl_tk := default_string (Field_26, ports_default); -- Derived configuration configuration.dir_repository := HT.SUS (HT.USS (configuration.dir_packages) & "/All"); configuration.sysroot_pkg8 := HT.SUS (HT.USS (configuration.dir_sysroot) & "/usr/bin/ravensw"); configuration.dir_logs := HT.SUS (HT.USS (configuration.dir_profile) & "/logs"); configuration.dir_options := HT.SUS (HT.USS (configuration.dir_profile) & "/options"); end transfer_configuration; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set_cores -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_cores is number : constant Positive := get_number_cpus; begin if number > Positive (cpu_range'Last) then configuration.number_cores := cpu_range'Last; else configuration.number_cores := cpu_range (number); end if; end set_cores; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get_number_cpus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_number_cpus return Positive is bsd_cmd : constant String := "/sbin/sysctl hw.ncpu"; mac_cmd : constant String := "/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.ncpu"; lin_cmd : constant String := "/usr/bin/nproc"; sol_cmd : constant String := "/usr/sbin/psrinfo -pv"; comres : HT.Text; status : Integer; start : Positive; begin -- DF/Free: expected output: "hw.ncpu: C" where C is integer -- MacOS: expected output: "hw.ncpu: C" -- NetBSD: expected output: "hw.ncpu = C" -- OpenBSD: expected output: "hw.ncpu=C" -- Linux: expected output: "C" -- Solaris: expected output: -- The physical processor has 64 virtual processors (0-63) -- UltraSPARC-T2+ (cpuid 0 clock 1165 MHz) -- The physical processor has 64 virtual processors (64-127) -- UltraSPARC-T2+ (cpuid 64 clock 1165 MHz) case platform_type is when dragonfly | freebsd | netbsd | openbsd => comres := Unix.piped_command (bsd_cmd, status); when macos => comres := Unix.piped_command (mac_cmd, status); when linux => comres := Unix.piped_command (lin_cmd, status); when sunos => comres := Unix.piped_command (sol_cmd, status); end case; if status /= 0 then return 1; end if; case platform_type is when dragonfly | freebsd | macos => start := 10; when linux => start := 1; when netbsd => start := 11; when openbsd => start := 9; when sunos => declare markers : HT.Line_Markers; resstr : constant String := HT.USS (comres); pattern : constant String := "The physical processor has "; numcore : Natural := 0; begin HT.initialize_markers (resstr, markers); loop exit when not HT.next_line_with_content_present (resstr, pattern, markers); declare line : constant String := HT.extract_line (resstr, markers); nvp : constant String := HT.part_1 (HT.part_2 (line, pattern), " "); begin numcore := numcore + Natural'Value (nvp); exception when others => numcore := numcore + 1; end; end loop; if numcore < 1 then -- Should never happen return 1; else return numcore; end if; exception when others => return 1; end; end case; declare resstr : String := HT.USS (comres); ncpu : String := resstr (start .. resstr'Last - 1); number : Positive := Integer'Value (ncpu); begin return number; exception when others => return 1; end; end get_number_cpus; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- list_profiles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function list_profiles return String is result : HT.Text; total_sections : Natural := IFM.section_count; begin for index in Positive range 1 .. total_sections loop declare section : String := IFM.section_name (index); begin if section /= master_section then HT.SU.Append (result, section & LAT.LF); end if; end; end loop; return HT.USS (result); end list_profiles; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- delete_profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure delete_profile (profile : String) is begin IFM.delete_section (profile); rewrite_configuration; end delete_profile; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- switch_profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure switch_profile (to_profile : String) is begin change_active_profile (new_active_profile => to_profile); transfer_configuration; end switch_profile; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set_chroot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_chroot is alternate_chroot : constant String := "/usr/bin/chroot"; begin if DIR.Exists (HT.trim (chroot_cmd)) then return; elsif DIR.Exists (alternate_chroot) then chroot_cmd := alternate_chroot & " "; else TIO.Put_Line ("chroot program not found!"); TIO.Put_Line ("ravenadm will not be able to build any software."); end if; end set_chroot; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ssl_selection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ssl_selection (confrec : in configuration_record) return String is nbase : String := HT.USS (confrec.def_ssl); begin if nbase = ports_default then return default_ssl; else return nbase; end if; end ssl_selection; end Parameters;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- A D A . S T R I N G S . W I D E _ U N B O U N D E D -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with -- -- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow -- -- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps; with Ada.Finalization; package Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded is pragma Preelaborate; type Unbounded_Wide_String is private; Null_Unbounded_Wide_String : constant Unbounded_Wide_String; function Length (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Natural; type Wide_String_Access is access all Wide_String; procedure Free (X : in out Wide_String_Access); -------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion, Concatenation, and Selection Functions -- -------------------------------------------------------- function To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Source : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Length : Natural) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function To_Wide_String (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Wide_String; procedure Set_Unbounded_Wide_String (Target : out Unbounded_Wide_String; Source : Wide_String); pragma Ada_05 (Set_Unbounded_Wide_String); procedure Append (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; New_Item : Unbounded_Wide_String); procedure Append (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; New_Item : Wide_String); procedure Append (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; New_Item : Wide_Character); function "&" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function "&" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function "&" (Left : Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function "&" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_Character) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function "&" (Left : Wide_Character; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function Element (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Index : Positive) return Wide_Character; procedure Replace_Element (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Index : Positive; By : Wide_Character); function Slice (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Low : Positive; High : Natural) return Wide_String; function Unbounded_Slice (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Low : Positive; High : Natural) return Unbounded_Wide_String; pragma Ada_05 (Unbounded_Slice); procedure Unbounded_Slice (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Target : out Unbounded_Wide_String; Low : Positive; High : Natural); pragma Ada_05 (Unbounded_Slice); function "=" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function "=" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_String) return Boolean; function "=" (Left : Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function "<" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function "<" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_String) return Boolean; function "<" (Left : Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function "<=" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function "<=" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_String) return Boolean; function "<=" (Left : Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function ">" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function ">" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_String) return Boolean; function ">" (Left : Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function ">=" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; function ">=" (Left : Unbounded_Wide_String; Right : Wide_String) return Boolean; function ">=" (Left : Wide_String; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Boolean; ------------------------ -- Search Subprograms -- ------------------------ function Index (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Pattern : Wide_String; Going : Direction := Forward; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping := Wide_Maps.Identity) return Natural; function Index (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Pattern : Wide_String; Going : Direction := Forward; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping_Function) return Natural; function Index (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set; Test : Membership := Inside; Going : Direction := Forward) return Natural; function Index (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Pattern : Wide_String; From : Positive; Going : Direction := Forward; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping := Wide_Maps.Identity) return Natural; pragma Ada_05 (Index); function Index (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Pattern : Wide_String; From : Positive; Going : Direction := Forward; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping_Function) return Natural; pragma Ada_05 (Index); function Index (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set; From : Positive; Test : Membership := Inside; Going : Direction := Forward) return Natural; pragma Ada_05 (Index); function Index_Non_Blank (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Going : Direction := Forward) return Natural; function Index_Non_Blank (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; From : Positive; Going : Direction := Forward) return Natural; pragma Ada_05 (Index_Non_Blank); function Count (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Pattern : Wide_String; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping := Wide_Maps.Identity) return Natural; function Count (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Pattern : Wide_String; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping_Function) return Natural; function Count (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set) return Natural; procedure Find_Token (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set; Test : Membership; First : out Positive; Last : out Natural); ------------------------------------ -- String Translation Subprograms -- ------------------------------------ function Translate (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Translate (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping); function Translate (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping_Function) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Translate (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Mapping : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping_Function); --------------------------------------- -- String Transformation Subprograms -- --------------------------------------- function Replace_Slice (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Low : Positive; High : Natural; By : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Replace_Slice (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Low : Positive; High : Natural; By : Wide_String); function Insert (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Before : Positive; New_Item : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Insert (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Before : Positive; New_Item : Wide_String); function Overwrite (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Position : Positive; New_Item : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Overwrite (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Position : Positive; New_Item : Wide_String); function Delete (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; From : Positive; Through : Natural) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Delete (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; From : Positive; Through : Natural); function Trim (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Side : Trim_End) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Trim (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Side : Trim_End); function Trim (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Left : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set; Right : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Trim (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Left : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set; Right : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set); function Head (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Count : Natural; Pad : Wide_Character := Wide_Space) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Head (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Count : Natural; Pad : Wide_Character := Wide_Space); function Tail (Source : Unbounded_Wide_String; Count : Natural; Pad : Wide_Character := Wide_Space) return Unbounded_Wide_String; procedure Tail (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Count : Natural; Pad : Wide_Character := Wide_Space); function "*" (Left : Natural; Right : Wide_Character) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function "*" (Left : Natural; Right : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; function "*" (Left : Natural; Right : Unbounded_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String; private pragma Inline (Length); package AF renames Ada.Finalization; Null_Wide_String : aliased Wide_String := ""; function To_Unbounded_Wide (S : Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_String renames To_Unbounded_Wide_String; type Unbounded_Wide_String is new AF.Controlled with record Reference : Wide_String_Access := Null_Wide_String'Access; Last : Natural := 0; end record; -- The Unbounded_Wide_String is using a buffered implementation to increase -- speed of the Append/Delete/Insert procedures. The Reference string -- pointer above contains the current string value and extra room at the -- end to be used by the next Append routine. Last is the index of the -- string ending character. So the current string value is really -- Reference (1 .. Last). pragma Stream_Convert (Unbounded_Wide_String, To_Unbounded_Wide, To_Wide_String); pragma Finalize_Storage_Only (Unbounded_Wide_String); -- Finalization is required only for freeing storage procedure Initialize (Object : in out Unbounded_Wide_String); procedure Adjust (Object : in out Unbounded_Wide_String); procedure Finalize (Object : in out Unbounded_Wide_String); procedure Realloc_For_Chunk (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_String; Chunk_Size : Natural); -- Adjust the size allocated for the string. Add at least Chunk_Size so it -- is safe to add a string of this size at the end of the current content. -- The real size allocated for the string is Chunk_Size + x of the current -- string size. This buffered handling makes the Append unbounded string -- routines very fast. Null_Unbounded_Wide_String : constant Unbounded_Wide_String := (AF.Controlled with Reference => Null_Wide_String'Access, Last => 0); -- Note: this declaration is illegal since library level controlled -- objects are not allowed in preelaborated units. See AI-161 for a -- discussion of this issue and an attempt to address it. Meanwhile, -- what happens in GNAT is that this check is omitted for internal -- implementation units (see check in sem_cat.adb). end Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2021, AdaCore -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- -- met: -- -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- -- distribution. -- -- 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with HAL; with AAA.Strings; private with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package USB_Testing.Output is type Text_Output is tagged private; type Text_Output_Acc is access all Text_Output; procedure New_Line (This : in out Text_Output); procedure Put (This : in out Text_Output; Str : String); procedure Put_Line (This : in out Text_Output; Str : String); procedure Hex_Dump (This : in out Text_Output; Data : HAL.UInt8_Array; Base_Addr : HAL.UInt64 := 0); function Dump (This : Text_Output) return AAA.Strings.Vector; function Equal (Expected, Actual : AAA.Strings.Vector) return Boolean; function Diff (A, B : AAA.Strings.Vector; A_Name : String := "A"; B_Name : String := "B"; Skip_Header : Boolean := False) return AAA.Strings.Vector; private type Text_Output is tagged record Current_Line : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; Vect : AAA.Strings.Vector; end record; end USB_Testing.Output;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S T Y L E -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package collects all the routines used for style checking in the -- compiler, as activated by the relevant command line option. These are -- gathered in a separate package so that they can more easily be customized. -- Calls to these subprograms are only made if Opt.Style_Check is set True. with Errout; with Styleg; with Types; use Types; package Style is procedure Body_With_No_Spec (N : Node_Id); -- Called where N is a subprogram body node for a subprogram body -- for which no spec was given, i.e. a body acting as its own spec. procedure Check_Array_Attribute_Index (N : Node_Id; E1 : Node_Id; D : Int); -- Called for an array attribute specifying an index number. N is the -- node for the attribute, and E1 is the index expression (Empty if none -- present). If E1 is present, it is known to be a static integer. D is -- the number of dimensions of the array. procedure Check_Identifier (Ref : Node_Or_Entity_Id; Def : Node_Or_Entity_Id); -- Check style of identifier occurrence. Ref is an N_Identifier node whose -- spelling is to be checked against the Chars spelling in identifier node -- Def (which may be either an N_Identifier, or N_Defining_Identifier node) procedure Missing_Overriding (N : Node_Id; E : Entity_Id); -- Called where N is the declaration or body of an overriding operation, -- and the node does not have an overriding_indicator. procedure Subprogram_Not_In_Alpha_Order (Name : Node_Id); -- Called if Name is the name of a subprogram body in a package body -- that is not in alphabetical order. -- Remaining style routines come from instantiation of Styleg package Style_Inst is new Styleg (Errout.Error_Msg, Errout.Error_Msg_S, Errout.Error_Msg_SC, Errout.Error_Msg_SP); -- Instantiation of Styleg for compiler use procedure Check_Abs_Not renames Style_Inst.Check_Abs_Not; -- Called after scanning an ABS or NOT operator to check spacing procedure Check_Apostrophe renames Style_Inst.Check_Apostrophe; -- Called after scanning an apostrophe to check spacing procedure Check_Arrow (Inside_Depends : Boolean := False) renames Style_Inst.Check_Arrow; -- Called after scanning out an arrow to check spacing procedure Check_Attribute_Name (Reserved : Boolean) renames Style_Inst.Check_Attribute_Name; -- The current token is an attribute designator. Check that it is -- capitalized in an appropriate manner. Reserved is set if the attribute -- designator is a reserved word (access, digits, delta or range) to allow -- differing rules for the two cases. procedure Check_Boolean_Operator (Node : Node_Id) renames Style_Inst.Check_Boolean_Operator; -- Called after resolving AND or OR node to check short circuit rules procedure Check_Box renames Style_Inst.Check_Box; -- Called after scanning out a box to check spacing procedure Check_Binary_Operator renames Style_Inst.Check_Binary_Operator; -- Called after scanning out a binary operator other than a plus, minus -- or exponentiation operator. Intended for checking spacing rules. procedure Check_Exponentiation_Operator renames Style_Inst.Check_Exponentiation_Operator; -- Called after scanning out an exponentiation operator. Intended for -- checking spacing rules. procedure Check_Colon renames Style_Inst.Check_Colon; -- Called after scanning out colon to check spacing procedure Check_Colon_Equal renames Style_Inst.Check_Colon_Equal; -- Called after scanning out colon equal to check spacing procedure Check_Comma renames Style_Inst.Check_Comma; -- Called after scanning out comma to check spacing procedure Check_Comment renames Style_Inst.Check_Comment; -- Called with Scan_Ptr pointing to the first minus sign of a comment. -- Intended for checking any specific rules for comment placement/format. procedure Check_Defining_Identifier_Casing renames Style_Inst.Check_Defining_Identifier_Casing; procedure Check_Dot_Dot renames Style_Inst.Check_Dot_Dot; -- Called after scanning out dot dot to check spacing procedure Check_EOF renames Style_Inst.Check_EOF; -- Called after scanning out end of file mark procedure Check_HT renames Style_Inst.Check_HT; -- Called with Scan_Ptr pointing to a horizontal tab character procedure Check_Indentation renames Style_Inst.Check_Indentation; -- Called at the start of a new statement or declaration, with Token_Ptr -- pointing to the first token of the statement or declaration. The check -- is that the starting column is appropriate to the indentation rules if -- Token_Ptr is the first token on the line. procedure Check_Left_Paren renames Style_Inst.Check_Left_Paren; -- Called after scanning out a left parenthesis to check spacing procedure Check_Line_Terminator (Len : Int) renames Style_Inst.Check_Line_Terminator; -- Called with Scan_Ptr pointing to the first line terminator terminating -- the current line, used to check for appropriate line terminator and to -- check the line length (Len is the length of the current line). Note that -- the terminator may be the EOF character. procedure Check_Not_In renames Style_Inst.Check_Not_In; -- Called with Scan_Ptr pointing to an IN token, and Prev_Token_Ptr -- pointing to a NOT token. Used to check proper layout of NOT IN. procedure Check_Pragma_Name renames Style_Inst.Check_Pragma_Name; -- The current token is a pragma identifier. Check that it is spelled -- properly (i.e. with an appropriate casing convention). procedure Check_Right_Paren renames Style_Inst.Check_Right_Paren; -- Called after scanning out a right parenthesis to check spacing procedure Check_Semicolon renames Style_Inst.Check_Semicolon; -- Called after scanning out a semicolon to check spacing procedure Check_Then (If_Loc : Source_Ptr) renames Style_Inst.Check_Then; -- Called to check that THEN and IF keywords are appropriately positioned. -- The parameters show the first characters of the two keywords. This -- procedure is called only if THEN appears at the start of a line with -- Token_Ptr pointing to the THEN keyword. procedure Check_Unary_Plus_Or_Minus (Inside_Depends : Boolean := False) renames Style_Inst.Check_Unary_Plus_Or_Minus; -- Called after scanning a unary plus or minus to check spacing procedure Check_Vertical_Bar renames Style_Inst.Check_Vertical_Bar; -- Called after scanning a vertical bar to check spacing procedure Check_Xtra_Parens (Loc : Source_Ptr) renames Style_Inst.Check_Xtra_Parens; -- Called after scanning an if, case or quantified expression that has at -- least one level of parentheses around the entire expression. function Mode_In_Check return Boolean renames Style_Inst.Mode_In_Check; -- Determines whether style checking is active and the Mode_In_Check is -- set, forbidding the explicit use of mode IN. procedure No_End_Name (Name : Node_Id) renames Style_Inst.No_End_Name; -- Called if an END is encountered where a name is allowed but not present. -- The parameter is the node whose name is the name that is permitted in -- the END line, and the scan pointer is positioned so that if an error -- message is to be generated in this situation, it should be generated -- using Error_Msg_SP. procedure No_Exit_Name (Name : Node_Id) renames Style_Inst.No_Exit_Name; -- Called when exiting a named loop, but a name is not present on the EXIT. -- The parameter is the node whose name should have followed EXIT, and the -- scan pointer is positioned so that if an error message is to be -- generated, it should be generated using Error_Msg_SP. procedure Non_Lower_Case_Keyword renames Style_Inst.Non_Lower_Case_Keyword; -- Called if a reserved keyword is scanned which is not spelled in all -- lower case letters. On entry Token_Ptr points to the keyword token. -- This is not used for keywords appearing as attribute designators, -- where instead Check_Attribute_Name (True) is called. end Style;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Iterator_Interfaces; with EU_Projects.Node_Tables; -- -- A partner descriptor keeps some basic information about the -- partner such as -- -- * The name (a short version, too) -- * A label -- * An index -- -- Moreover, every partner has -- -- * One or more roles (name, description and PM cost) -- * One or more expenses -- -- Expenses can be divisible or undivisible. Divisible expenses are related -- to a collections of goods/services where one pays a price per unit. -- For example, the expense for buying one or more cards is divisible. -- An example of undivisible expense is the expense for a single service. -- Honestly, the distintion is quite fuzzy (it is an undivisible expense or -- it is a divisble one with just one object?), but in some context it -- could be handy to be able to do this distinction. -- -- It is possible to iterate over all the roles and all the expenses using -- All_Expenses and All_Roles. -- package EU_Projects.Nodes.Partners is type Partner (<>) is new Nodes.Node_Type with private; type Partner_Access is access all Partner; subtype Partner_Index is Node_Index; No_Partner : constant Extended_Node_Index := No_Index; type Partner_Label is new Node_Label; type Partner_Name_Array is array (Partner_Index range <>) of Partner_Label; type Role_Name is new Dotted_Identifier; subtype Country_Code is String (1 .. 2) with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all C of Country_Code => C in 'A' .. 'Z'); function Create (ID : Partner_Label; Name : String; Short_Name : String; Country : Country_Code; Node_Dir : in out Node_Tables.Node_Table) return Partner_Access; procedure Set_Index (Item : in out Partner; Idx : Partner_Index); function Country (Item : Partner) return Country_Code; function Dependency_List (Item : partner) return Node_Label_Lists.Vector is (Node_Label_Lists.Empty_Vector); overriding function Full_Index (Item : Partner; Prefixed : Boolean) return String; procedure Add_Role (To : in out Partner; Role : in Role_Name; Description : in String; Monthly_Cost : in Currency); procedure Add_Undivisible_Expense (To : in out Partner; Description : in String; Cost : in Currency); procedure Add_Divisible_Expense (To : in out Partner; Description : in String; Unit_Cost : in Currency; Amount : in Natural); type Cursor is private; function Has_Element (X : Cursor) return Boolean; package Expense_Iterator_Interfaces is new Ada.Iterator_Interfaces (Cursor => Cursor, Has_Element => Has_Element); function All_Expenses (Item : Partner) return Expense_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator'Class; function Is_Divisible (Pos : Cursor) return Boolean; function Unit_Cost (Pos : Cursor) return Currency with Pre => Is_Divisible (Pos); function Amount (Pos : Cursor) return Natural with Pre => Is_Divisible (Pos); function Total_Cost (Pos : Cursor) return Currency; function Description (Pos : Cursor) return String; type Role_Cursor is private; function Has_Element (X : Role_Cursor) return Boolean; package Role_Iterator_Interfaces is new Ada.Iterator_Interfaces (Cursor => Role_Cursor, Has_Element => Has_Element); function All_Roles (Item : Partner) return Role_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator'Class; function Cost (Pos : Role_Cursor) return Currency; function Description (Pos : Role_Cursor) return String; function Name (Pos : Role_Cursor) return String; pragma Warnings (Off); overriding function Get_Symbolic_Instant (X : Partner; Var : Simple_Identifier) return Times.Time_Expressions.Symbolic_Instant is (raise Unknown_Instant_Var); overriding function Get_Symbolic_Duration (X : Partner; Var : Simple_Identifier) return Times.Time_Expressions.Symbolic_Duration is (raise Unknown_Duration_Var); pragma Warnings (On); private type Personnel_Cost is record Role : Role_Name; Monthly_Cost : Currency; Description : Unbounded_String; end record; type Expense (Divisible : Boolean := False) is record Description : Unbounded_String; case Divisible is when True => Unit_Cost : Currency; Amount : Natural; when False => Cost : Currency; end case; end record; package Personnel_Cost_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Personnel_Cost); package Other_Cost_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Expense); type Partner is new Nodes.Node_Type with record Personnel_Costs : Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Vector; Other_Costs : Other_Cost_Vectors.Vector; Country : Country_Code; end record; function Country (Item : Partner) return Country_Code is (Item.Country); type Cursor is record Pos : Other_Cost_Vectors.Cursor; end record; type Role_Cursor is record Pos : Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Cursor; end record; type Expense_Iterator is new Expense_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator with record Start : Other_Cost_Vectors.Cursor; end record; overriding function Full_Index (Item : Partner; Prefixed : Boolean) return String is (Image (Item.Index)); overriding function First (Object : Expense_Iterator) return Cursor is (Cursor'(Pos => Object.Start)); overriding function Next (Object : Expense_Iterator; Position : Cursor) return Cursor is (Cursor'(Pos => Other_Cost_Vectors.Next (Position.Pos))); function All_Expenses (Item : Partner) return Expense_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator'Class is (Expense_Iterator'(Expense_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator with Start => Item.Other_Costs.First)); function Has_Element (X : Cursor) return Boolean is (Other_Cost_Vectors.Has_Element (X.Pos)); function Is_Divisible (Pos : Cursor) return Boolean is (Other_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Divisible); function Unit_Cost (Pos : Cursor) return Currency is (Other_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Unit_Cost); function Total_Cost (Pos : Cursor) return Currency is ( if Is_Divisible (Pos) then Unit_Cost (Pos) * Amount (Pos) else Other_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Cost ); function Amount (Pos : Cursor) return Natural is (Other_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Amount); function Description (Pos : Cursor) return String is (To_String (Other_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Description)); type Role_Iterator is new Role_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator with record Start : Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Cursor; end record; function First (Object : Role_Iterator) return Role_Cursor is (Role_Cursor'(Pos => Object.Start)); overriding function Next (Object : Role_Iterator; Position : Role_Cursor) return Role_Cursor is (Role_Cursor'(Pos => Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Next (Position.Pos))); function Has_Element (X : Role_Cursor) return Boolean is (Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Has_Element (X.Pos)); function All_Roles (Item : Partner) return Role_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator'Class is (Role_Iterator'(Role_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator with Start => Item.Personnel_Costs.First)); function Cost (Pos : Role_Cursor) return Currency is (Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Monthly_Cost); function Description (Pos : Role_Cursor) return String is (To_String (Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Description)); function Name (Pos : Role_Cursor) return String is (Image (Personnel_Cost_Vectors.Element (Pos.Pos).Role)); end EU_Projects.Nodes.Partners;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Max Reznik <reznikmm@gmail.com> -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Regions.Entities; with Regions.Shared_Hashed_Maps; private package Regions.Contexts.Environments.Nodes is pragma Preelaborate; type Entity_Node is tagged limited null record; type Entity_Node_Access is access all Entity_Node'Class; function Hash (List : Selected_Entity_Name) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is (Ada.Containers.Hash_Type'Mod (List)); procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Entity_Node'Class, Entity_Node_Access); package Node_Maps is new Regions.Shared_Hashed_Maps (Selected_Entity_Name, Entity_Node_Access, Ada.Containers.Hash_Type, Regions.Contexts.Change_Count, Hash, "=", "=", Free); package Entity_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps (Selected_Entity_Name, Regions.Entities.Entity_Access, Hash, "=", Regions.Entities."="); type Environment_Node; function Empty_Map (Self : access Environment_Node) return Node_Maps.Map; type Environment_Node (Context : access Regions.Contexts.Context) is tagged limited record Counter : Natural := 1; Nodes : Node_Maps.Map := Empty_Map (Environment_Node'Unchecked_Access); Cache : Entity_Maps.Map; Nested : Selected_Entity_Name_Lists.List; end record; function Get_Entity (Self : in out Environment_Node'Class; Name : Selected_Entity_Name) return Regions.Entities.Entity_Access; procedure Reference (Self : in out Environment_Node'Class); procedure Unreference (Self : in out Environment_Node'Class; Last : out Boolean); type Base_Entity (Env : not null Environment_Node_Access) is abstract limited new Regions.Entities.Entity with record Name : Selected_Entity_Name; end record; end Regions.Contexts.Environments.Nodes;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- E X P _ C H 3 -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Aspects; use Aspects; with Atree; use Atree; with Checks; use Checks; with Einfo; use Einfo; with Errout; use Errout; with Exp_Aggr; use Exp_Aggr; with Exp_Atag; use Exp_Atag; with Exp_Ch4; use Exp_Ch4; with Exp_Ch6; use Exp_Ch6; with Exp_Ch7; use Exp_Ch7; with Exp_Ch9; use Exp_Ch9; with Exp_Dbug; use Exp_Dbug; with Exp_Disp; use Exp_Disp; with Exp_Dist; use Exp_Dist; with Exp_Put_Image; with Exp_Smem; use Exp_Smem; with Exp_Strm; use Exp_Strm; with Exp_Tss; use Exp_Tss; with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util; with Freeze; use Freeze; with Ghost; use Ghost; with Lib; use Lib; with Namet; use Namet; with Nlists; use Nlists; with Nmake; use Nmake; with Opt; use Opt; with Restrict; use Restrict; with Rident; use Rident; with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind; with Sem; use Sem; with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux; with Sem_Attr; use Sem_Attr; with Sem_Cat; use Sem_Cat; with Sem_Ch3; use Sem_Ch3; with Sem_Ch6; use Sem_Ch6; with Sem_Ch8; use Sem_Ch8; with Sem_Disp; use Sem_Disp; with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval; with Sem_Mech; use Sem_Mech; with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res; with Sem_SCIL; use Sem_SCIL; with Sem_Type; use Sem_Type; with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util; with Sinfo; use Sinfo; with Stand; use Stand; with Snames; use Snames; with Tbuild; use Tbuild; with Ttypes; use Ttypes; with Validsw; use Validsw; package body Exp_Ch3 is ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- procedure Adjust_Discriminants (Rtype : Entity_Id); -- This is used when freezing a record type. It attempts to construct -- more restrictive subtypes for discriminants so that the max size of -- the record can be calculated more accurately. See the body of this -- procedure for details. procedure Build_Array_Init_Proc (A_Type : Entity_Id; Nod : Node_Id); -- Build initialization procedure for given array type. Nod is a node -- used for attachment of any actions required in its construction. -- It also supplies the source location used for the procedure. function Build_Discriminant_Formals (Rec_Id : Entity_Id; Use_Dl : Boolean) return List_Id; -- This function uses the discriminants of a type to build a list of -- formal parameters, used in Build_Init_Procedure among other places. -- If the flag Use_Dl is set, the list is built using the already -- defined discriminals of the type, as is the case for concurrent -- types with discriminants. Otherwise new identifiers are created, -- with the source names of the discriminants. function Build_Equivalent_Array_Aggregate (T : Entity_Id) return Node_Id; -- This function builds a static aggregate that can serve as the initial -- value for an array type whose bounds are static, and whose component -- type is a composite type that has a static equivalent aggregate. -- The equivalent array aggregate is used both for object initialization -- and for component initialization, when used in the following function. function Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate (T : Entity_Id) return Node_Id; -- This function builds a static aggregate that can serve as the initial -- value for a record type whose components are scalar and initialized -- with compile-time values, or arrays with similar initialization or -- defaults. When possible, initialization of an object of the type can -- be achieved by using a copy of the aggregate as an initial value, thus -- removing the implicit call that would otherwise constitute elaboration -- code. procedure Build_Record_Init_Proc (N : Node_Id; Rec_Ent : Entity_Id); -- Build record initialization procedure. N is the type declaration -- node, and Rec_Ent is the corresponding entity for the record type. procedure Build_Slice_Assignment (Typ : Entity_Id); -- Build assignment procedure for one-dimensional arrays of controlled -- types. Other array and slice assignments are expanded in-line, but -- the code expansion for controlled components (when control actions -- are active) can lead to very large blocks that GCC3 handles poorly. procedure Build_Untagged_Equality (Typ : Entity_Id); -- AI05-0123: Equality on untagged records composes. This procedure -- builds the equality routine for an untagged record that has components -- of a record type that has user-defined primitive equality operations. -- The resulting operation is a TSS subprogram. procedure Check_Stream_Attributes (Typ : Entity_Id); -- Check that if a limited extension has a parent with user-defined stream -- attributes, and does not itself have user-defined stream-attributes, -- then any limited component of the extension also has the corresponding -- user-defined stream attributes. procedure Clean_Task_Names (Typ : Entity_Id; Proc_Id : Entity_Id); -- If an initialization procedure includes calls to generate names -- for task subcomponents, indicate that secondary stack cleanup is -- needed after an initialization. Typ is the component type, and Proc_Id -- the initialization procedure for the enclosing composite type. procedure Expand_Freeze_Array_Type (N : Node_Id); -- Freeze an array type. Deals with building the initialization procedure, -- creating the packed array type for a packed array and also with the -- creation of the controlling procedures for the controlled case. The -- argument N is the N_Freeze_Entity node for the type. procedure Expand_Freeze_Class_Wide_Type (N : Node_Id); -- Freeze a class-wide type. Build routine Finalize_Address for the purpose -- of finalizing controlled derivations from the class-wide's root type. procedure Expand_Freeze_Enumeration_Type (N : Node_Id); -- Freeze enumeration type with non-standard representation. Builds the -- array and function needed to convert between enumeration pos and -- enumeration representation values. N is the N_Freeze_Entity node -- for the type. procedure Expand_Freeze_Record_Type (N : Node_Id); -- Freeze record type. Builds all necessary discriminant checking -- and other ancillary functions, and builds dispatch tables where -- needed. The argument N is the N_Freeze_Entity node. This processing -- applies only to E_Record_Type entities, not to class wide types, -- record subtypes, or private types. procedure Expand_Tagged_Root (T : Entity_Id); -- Add a field _Tag at the beginning of the record. This field carries -- the value of the access to the Dispatch table. This procedure is only -- called on root type, the _Tag field being inherited by the descendants. procedure Freeze_Stream_Operations (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id); -- Treat user-defined stream operations as renaming_as_body if the -- subprogram they rename is not frozen when the type is frozen. procedure Initialization_Warning (E : Entity_Id); -- If static elaboration of the package is requested, indicate -- when a type does meet the conditions for static initialization. If -- E is a type, it has components that have no static initialization. -- if E is an entity, its initial expression is not compile-time known. function Init_Formals (Typ : Entity_Id; Proc_Id : Entity_Id) return List_Id; -- This function builds the list of formals for an initialization routine. -- The first formal is always _Init with the given type. For task value -- record types and types containing tasks, three additional formals are -- added and Proc_Id is decorated with attribute Has_Master_Entity: -- -- _Master : Master_Id -- _Chain : in out Activation_Chain -- _Task_Name : String -- -- The caller must append additional entries for discriminants if required. function Inline_Init_Proc (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the initialization procedure of Typ should be inlined function In_Runtime (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Check if E is defined in the RTL (in a child of Ada or System). Used -- to avoid to bring in the overhead of _Input, _Output for tagged types. function Is_Null_Statement_List (Stmts : List_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns true if Stmts is made of null statements only, possibly wrapped -- in a case statement, recursively. This latter pattern may occur for the -- initialization procedure of an unchecked union. function Is_User_Defined_Equality (Prim : Node_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns true if Prim is a user defined equality function function Make_Eq_Body (Typ : Entity_Id; Eq_Name : Name_Id) return Node_Id; -- Build the body of a primitive equality operation for a tagged record -- type, or in Ada 2012 for any record type that has components with a -- user-defined equality. Factored out of Predefined_Primitive_Bodies. function Make_Eq_Case (E : Entity_Id; CL : Node_Id; Discrs : Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List) return List_Id; -- Building block for variant record equality. Defined to share the code -- between the tagged and untagged case. Given a Component_List node CL, -- it generates an 'if' followed by a 'case' statement that compares all -- components of local temporaries named X and Y (that are declared as -- formals at some upper level). E provides the Sloc to be used for the -- generated code. -- -- IF E is an unchecked_union, Discrs is the list of formals created for -- the inferred discriminants of one operand. These formals are used in -- the generated case statements for each variant of the unchecked union. function Make_Eq_If (E : Entity_Id; L : List_Id) return Node_Id; -- Building block for variant record equality. Defined to share the code -- between the tagged and untagged case. Given the list of components -- (or discriminants) L, it generates a return statement that compares all -- components of local temporaries named X and Y (that are declared as -- formals at some upper level). E provides the Sloc to be used for the -- generated code. function Make_Neq_Body (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id) return Node_Id; -- Search for a renaming of the inequality dispatching primitive of -- this tagged type. If found then build and return the corresponding -- rename-as-body inequality subprogram; otherwise return Empty. procedure Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Predef_List : out List_Id; Renamed_Eq : out Entity_Id); -- Create a list with the specs of the predefined primitive operations. -- For tagged types that are interfaces all these primitives are defined -- abstract. -- -- The following entries are present for all tagged types, and provide -- the results of the corresponding attribute applied to the object. -- Dispatching is required in general, since the result of the attribute -- will vary with the actual object subtype. -- -- _size provides result of 'Size attribute -- typSR provides result of 'Read attribute -- typSW provides result of 'Write attribute -- typSI provides result of 'Input attribute -- typSO provides result of 'Output attribute -- typPI provides result of 'Put_Image attribute -- -- The following entries are additionally present for non-limited tagged -- types, and implement additional dispatching operations for predefined -- operations: -- -- _equality implements "=" operator -- _assign implements assignment operation -- typDF implements deep finalization -- typDA implements deep adjust -- -- The latter two are empty procedures unless the type contains some -- controlled components that require finalization actions (the deep -- in the name refers to the fact that the action applies to components). -- -- The list is returned in Predef_List. The Parameter Renamed_Eq either -- returns the value Empty, or else the defining unit name for the -- predefined equality function in the case where the type has a primitive -- operation that is a renaming of predefined equality (but only if there -- is also an overriding user-defined equality function). The returned -- Renamed_Eq will be passed to the corresponding parameter of -- Predefined_Primitive_Bodies. function Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns True if there are representation clauses for type T that are not -- inherited. If the result is false, the init_proc and the discriminant -- checking functions of the parent can be reused by a derived type. procedure Make_Controlling_Function_Wrappers (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Decl_List : out List_Id; Body_List : out List_Id); -- Ada 2005 (AI-391): Makes specs and bodies for the wrapper functions -- associated with inherited functions with controlling results which -- are not overridden. The body of each wrapper function consists solely -- of a return statement whose expression is an extension aggregate -- invoking the inherited subprogram's parent subprogram and extended -- with a null association list. function Make_Null_Procedure_Specs (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id; -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Makes specs for null procedures associated with any -- null procedures inherited from an interface type that have not been -- overridden. Only one null procedure will be created for a given set of -- inherited null procedures with homographic profiles. function Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc : Source_Ptr; Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Name : Name_Id; Profile : List_Id; Ret_Type : Entity_Id := Empty; For_Body : Boolean := False) return Node_Id; -- This function generates the appropriate expansion for a predefined -- primitive operation specified by its name, parameter profile and -- return type (Empty means this is a procedure). If For_Body is false, -- then the returned node is a subprogram declaration. If For_Body is -- true, then the returned node is a empty subprogram body containing -- no declarations and no statements. function Predef_Stream_Attr_Spec (Loc : Source_Ptr; Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Name : TSS_Name_Type; For_Body : Boolean := False) return Node_Id; -- Specialized version of Predef_Spec_Or_Body that apply to read, write, -- input and output attribute whose specs are constructed in Exp_Strm. function Predef_Deep_Spec (Loc : Source_Ptr; Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Name : TSS_Name_Type; For_Body : Boolean := False) return Node_Id; -- Specialized version of Predef_Spec_Or_Body that apply to _deep_adjust -- and _deep_finalize function Predefined_Primitive_Bodies (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Renamed_Eq : Entity_Id) return List_Id; -- Create the bodies of the predefined primitives that are described in -- Predefined_Primitive_Specs. When not empty, Renamed_Eq must denote -- the defining unit name of the type's predefined equality as returned -- by Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs. function Predefined_Primitive_Freeze (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id; -- Freeze entities of all predefined primitive operations. This is needed -- because the bodies of these operations do not normally do any freezing. function Stream_Operation_OK (Typ : Entity_Id; Operation : TSS_Name_Type) return Boolean; -- Check whether the named stream operation must be emitted for a given -- type. The rules for inheritance of stream attributes by type extensions -- are enforced by this function. Furthermore, various restrictions prevent -- the generation of these operations, as a useful optimization or for -- certification purposes and to save unnecessary generated code. -------------------------- -- Adjust_Discriminants -- -------------------------- -- This procedure attempts to define subtypes for discriminants that are -- more restrictive than those declared. Such a replacement is possible if -- we can demonstrate that values outside the restricted range would cause -- constraint errors in any case. The advantage of restricting the -- discriminant types in this way is that the maximum size of the variant -- record can be calculated more conservatively. -- An example of a situation in which we can perform this type of -- restriction is the following: -- subtype B is range 1 .. 10; -- type Q is array (B range <>) of Integer; -- type V (N : Natural) is record -- C : Q (1 .. N); -- end record; -- In this situation, we can restrict the upper bound of N to 10, since -- any larger value would cause a constraint error in any case. -- There are many situations in which such restriction is possible, but -- for now, we just look for cases like the above, where the component -- in question is a one dimensional array whose upper bound is one of -- the record discriminants. Also the component must not be part of -- any variant part, since then the component does not always exist. procedure Adjust_Discriminants (Rtype : Entity_Id) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Rtype); Comp : Entity_Id; Ctyp : Entity_Id; Ityp : Entity_Id; Lo : Node_Id; Hi : Node_Id; P : Node_Id; Loval : Uint; Discr : Entity_Id; Dtyp : Entity_Id; Dhi : Node_Id; Dhiv : Uint; Ahi : Node_Id; Ahiv : Uint; Tnn : Entity_Id; begin Comp := First_Component (Rtype); while Present (Comp) loop -- If our parent is a variant, quit, we do not look at components -- that are in variant parts, because they may not always exist. P := Parent (Comp); -- component declaration P := Parent (P); -- component list exit when Nkind (Parent (P)) = N_Variant; -- We are looking for a one dimensional array type Ctyp := Etype (Comp); if not Is_Array_Type (Ctyp) or else Number_Dimensions (Ctyp) > 1 then goto Continue; end if; -- The lower bound must be constant, and the upper bound is a -- discriminant (which is a discriminant of the current record). Ityp := Etype (First_Index (Ctyp)); Lo := Type_Low_Bound (Ityp); Hi := Type_High_Bound (Ityp); if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Lo) or else Nkind (Hi) /= N_Identifier or else No (Entity (Hi)) or else Ekind (Entity (Hi)) /= E_Discriminant then goto Continue; end if; -- We have an array with appropriate bounds Loval := Expr_Value (Lo); Discr := Entity (Hi); Dtyp := Etype (Discr); -- See if the discriminant has a known upper bound Dhi := Type_High_Bound (Dtyp); if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Dhi) then goto Continue; end if; Dhiv := Expr_Value (Dhi); -- See if base type of component array has known upper bound Ahi := Type_High_Bound (Etype (First_Index (Base_Type (Ctyp)))); if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Ahi) then goto Continue; end if; Ahiv := Expr_Value (Ahi); -- The condition for doing the restriction is that the high bound -- of the discriminant is greater than the low bound of the array, -- and is also greater than the high bound of the base type index. if Dhiv > Loval and then Dhiv > Ahiv then -- We can reset the upper bound of the discriminant type to -- whichever is larger, the low bound of the component, or -- the high bound of the base type array index. -- We build a subtype that is declared as -- subtype Tnn is discr_type range discr_type'First .. max; -- And insert this declaration into the tree. The type of the -- discriminant is then reset to this more restricted subtype. Tnn := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T'); Insert_Action (Declaration_Node (Rtype), Make_Subtype_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Tnn, Subtype_Indication => Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Dtyp, Loc), Constraint => Make_Range_Constraint (Loc, Range_Expression => Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Attribute_Name => Name_First, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Dtyp, Loc)), High_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Intval => UI_Max (Loval, Ahiv))))))); Set_Etype (Discr, Tnn); end if; <<Continue>> Next_Component (Comp); end loop; end Adjust_Discriminants; ------------------------------------------ -- Build_Access_Subprogram_Wrapper_Body -- ------------------------------------------ procedure Build_Access_Subprogram_Wrapper_Body (Decl : Node_Id; New_Decl : Node_Id) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Decl); Actuals : constant List_Id := New_List; Type_Def : constant Node_Id := Type_Definition (Decl); Type_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (Decl); Spec_Node : constant Node_Id := Copy_Subprogram_Spec (Specification (New_Decl)); -- This copy creates new identifiers for formals and subprogram. Act : Node_Id; Body_Node : Node_Id; Call_Stmt : Node_Id; Ptr : Entity_Id; begin if not Expander_Active then return; end if; -- Create List of actuals for indirect call. The last parameter of the -- subprogram declaration is the access value for the indirect call. Act := First (Parameter_Specifications (Spec_Node)); while Present (Act) loop exit when Act = Last (Parameter_Specifications (Spec_Node)); Append_To (Actuals, Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Defining_Identifier (Act)))); Next (Act); end loop; Ptr := Defining_Identifier (Last (Parameter_Specifications (Specification (New_Decl)))); if Nkind (Type_Def) = N_Access_Procedure_Definition then Call_Stmt := Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc, New_Occurrence_Of (Ptr, Loc)), Parameter_Associations => Actuals); else Call_Stmt := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Function_Call (Loc, Name => Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc, New_Occurrence_Of (Ptr, Loc)), Parameter_Associations => Actuals)); end if; Body_Node := Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Specification => Spec_Node, Declarations => New_List, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List (Call_Stmt))); -- Place body in list of freeze actions for the type. Ensure_Freeze_Node (Type_Id); Append_Freeze_Actions (Type_Id, New_List (Body_Node)); end Build_Access_Subprogram_Wrapper_Body; --------------------------- -- Build_Array_Init_Proc -- --------------------------- procedure Build_Array_Init_Proc (A_Type : Entity_Id; Nod : Node_Id) is Comp_Type : constant Entity_Id := Component_Type (A_Type); Comp_Simple_Init : constant Boolean := Needs_Simple_Initialization (Typ => Comp_Type, Consider_IS => not (Validity_Check_Copies and Is_Bit_Packed_Array (A_Type))); -- True if the component needs simple initialization, based on its type, -- plus the fact that we do not do simple initialization for components -- of bit-packed arrays when validity checks are enabled, because the -- initialization with deliberately out-of-range values would raise -- Constraint_Error. Body_Stmts : List_Id; Has_Default_Init : Boolean; Index_List : List_Id; Loc : Source_Ptr; Parameters : List_Id; Proc_Id : Entity_Id; function Init_Component return List_Id; -- Create one statement to initialize one array component, designated -- by a full set of indexes. function Init_One_Dimension (N : Int) return List_Id; -- Create loop to initialize one dimension of the array. The single -- statement in the loop body initializes the inner dimensions if any, -- or else the single component. Note that this procedure is called -- recursively, with N being the dimension to be initialized. A call -- with N greater than the number of dimensions simply generates the -- component initialization, terminating the recursion. -------------------- -- Init_Component -- -------------------- function Init_Component return List_Id is Comp : Node_Id; begin Comp := Make_Indexed_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Expressions => Index_List); if Has_Default_Aspect (A_Type) then Set_Assignment_OK (Comp); return New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Comp, Expression => Convert_To (Comp_Type, Default_Aspect_Component_Value (First_Subtype (A_Type))))); elsif Comp_Simple_Init then Set_Assignment_OK (Comp); return New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Comp, Expression => Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ => Comp_Type, N => Nod, Size => Component_Size (A_Type)))); else Clean_Task_Names (Comp_Type, Proc_Id); return Build_Initialization_Call (Loc => Loc, Id_Ref => Comp, Typ => Comp_Type, In_Init_Proc => True, Enclos_Type => A_Type); end if; end Init_Component; ------------------------ -- Init_One_Dimension -- ------------------------ function Init_One_Dimension (N : Int) return List_Id is Index : Entity_Id; begin -- If the component does not need initializing, then there is nothing -- to do here, so we return a null body. This occurs when generating -- the dummy Init_Proc needed for Initialize_Scalars processing. if not Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Comp_Type) and then not Comp_Simple_Init and then not Has_Task (Comp_Type) and then not Has_Default_Aspect (A_Type) then return New_List (Make_Null_Statement (Loc)); -- If all dimensions dealt with, we simply initialize the component elsif N > Number_Dimensions (A_Type) then return Init_Component; -- Here we generate the required loop else Index := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_External_Name ('J', N)); Append (New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc), Index_List); return New_List ( Make_Implicit_Loop_Statement (Nod, Identifier => Empty, Iteration_Scheme => Make_Iteration_Scheme (Loc, Loop_Parameter_Specification => Make_Loop_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Index, Discrete_Subtype_Definition => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Attribute_Name => Name_Range, Expressions => New_List ( Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, N))))), Statements => Init_One_Dimension (N + 1))); end if; end Init_One_Dimension; -- Start of processing for Build_Array_Init_Proc begin -- The init proc is created when analyzing the freeze node for the type, -- but it properly belongs with the array type declaration. However, if -- the freeze node is for a subtype of a type declared in another unit -- it seems preferable to use the freeze node as the source location of -- the init proc. In any case this is preferable for gcov usage, and -- the Sloc is not otherwise used by the compiler. if In_Open_Scopes (Scope (A_Type)) then Loc := Sloc (A_Type); else Loc := Sloc (Nod); end if; -- Nothing to generate in the following cases: -- 1. Initialization is suppressed for the type -- 2. An initialization already exists for the base type if Initialization_Suppressed (A_Type) or else Present (Base_Init_Proc (A_Type)) then return; end if; Index_List := New_List; -- We need an initialization procedure if any of the following is true: -- 1. The component type has an initialization procedure -- 2. The component type needs simple initialization -- 3. Tasks are present -- 4. The type is marked as a public entity -- 5. The array type has a Default_Component_Value aspect -- The reason for the public entity test is to deal properly with the -- Initialize_Scalars pragma. This pragma can be set in the client and -- not in the declaring package, this means the client will make a call -- to the initialization procedure (because one of conditions 1-3 must -- apply in this case), and we must generate a procedure (even if it is -- null) to satisfy the call in this case. -- Exception: do not build an array init_proc for a type whose root -- type is Standard.String or Standard.Wide_[Wide_]String, since there -- is no place to put the code, and in any case we handle initialization -- of such types (in the Initialize_Scalars case, that's the only time -- the issue arises) in a special manner anyway which does not need an -- init_proc. Has_Default_Init := Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Comp_Type) or else Comp_Simple_Init or else Has_Task (Comp_Type) or else Has_Default_Aspect (A_Type); if Has_Default_Init or else (not Restriction_Active (No_Initialize_Scalars) and then Is_Public (A_Type) and then not Is_Standard_String_Type (A_Type)) then Proc_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Make_Init_Proc_Name (A_Type)); -- If No_Default_Initialization restriction is active, then we don't -- want to build an init_proc, but we need to mark that an init_proc -- would be needed if this restriction was not active (so that we can -- detect attempts to call it), so set a dummy init_proc in place. -- This is only done though when actual default initialization is -- needed (and not done when only Is_Public is True), since otherwise -- objects such as arrays of scalars could be wrongly flagged as -- violating the restriction. if Restriction_Active (No_Default_Initialization) then if Has_Default_Init then Set_Init_Proc (A_Type, Proc_Id); end if; return; end if; Body_Stmts := Init_One_Dimension (1); Parameters := Init_Formals (A_Type, Proc_Id); Discard_Node ( Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Specification => Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Proc_Id, Parameter_Specifications => Parameters), Declarations => New_List, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => Body_Stmts))); Set_Ekind (Proc_Id, E_Procedure); Set_Is_Public (Proc_Id, Is_Public (A_Type)); Set_Is_Internal (Proc_Id); Set_Has_Completion (Proc_Id); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Proc_Id); end if; -- Set Inlined on Init_Proc if it is set on the Init_Proc of the -- component type itself (see also Build_Record_Init_Proc). Set_Is_Inlined (Proc_Id, Inline_Init_Proc (Comp_Type)); -- Associate Init_Proc with type, and determine if the procedure -- is null (happens because of the Initialize_Scalars pragma case, -- where we have to generate a null procedure in case it is called -- by a client with Initialize_Scalars set). Such procedures have -- to be generated, but do not have to be called, so we mark them -- as null to suppress the call. Kill also warnings for the _Init -- out parameter, which is left entirely uninitialized. Set_Init_Proc (A_Type, Proc_Id); if Is_Null_Statement_List (Body_Stmts) then Set_Is_Null_Init_Proc (Proc_Id); Set_Warnings_Off (Defining_Identifier (First (Parameters))); else -- Try to build a static aggregate to statically initialize -- objects of the type. This can only be done for constrained -- one-dimensional arrays with static bounds. Set_Static_Initialization (Proc_Id, Build_Equivalent_Array_Aggregate (First_Subtype (A_Type))); end if; end if; end Build_Array_Init_Proc; -------------------------------- -- Build_Discr_Checking_Funcs -- -------------------------------- procedure Build_Discr_Checking_Funcs (N : Node_Id) is Rec_Id : Entity_Id; Loc : Source_Ptr; Enclosing_Func_Id : Entity_Id; Sequence : Nat := 1; Type_Def : Node_Id; V : Node_Id; function Build_Case_Statement (Case_Id : Entity_Id; Variant : Node_Id) return Node_Id; -- Build a case statement containing only two alternatives. The first -- alternative corresponds exactly to the discrete choices given on the -- variant with contains the components that we are generating the -- checks for. If the discriminant is one of these return False. The -- second alternative is an OTHERS choice that will return True -- indicating the discriminant did not match. function Build_Dcheck_Function (Case_Id : Entity_Id; Variant : Node_Id) return Entity_Id; -- Build the discriminant checking function for a given variant procedure Build_Dcheck_Functions (Variant_Part_Node : Node_Id); -- Builds the discriminant checking function for each variant of the -- given variant part of the record type. -------------------------- -- Build_Case_Statement -- -------------------------- function Build_Case_Statement (Case_Id : Entity_Id; Variant : Node_Id) return Node_Id is Alt_List : constant List_Id := New_List; Actuals_List : List_Id; Case_Node : Node_Id; Case_Alt_Node : Node_Id; Choice : Node_Id; Choice_List : List_Id; D : Entity_Id; Return_Node : Node_Id; begin Case_Node := New_Node (N_Case_Statement, Loc); -- Replace the discriminant which controls the variant with the name -- of the formal of the checking function. Set_Expression (Case_Node, Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Case_Id))); Choice := First (Discrete_Choices (Variant)); if Nkind (Choice) = N_Others_Choice then Choice_List := New_Copy_List (Others_Discrete_Choices (Choice)); else Choice_List := New_Copy_List (Discrete_Choices (Variant)); end if; if not Is_Empty_List (Choice_List) then Case_Alt_Node := New_Node (N_Case_Statement_Alternative, Loc); Set_Discrete_Choices (Case_Alt_Node, Choice_List); -- In case this is a nested variant, we need to return the result -- of the discriminant checking function for the immediately -- enclosing variant. if Present (Enclosing_Func_Id) then Actuals_List := New_List; D := First_Discriminant (Rec_Id); while Present (D) loop Append (Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (D)), Actuals_List); Next_Discriminant (D); end loop; Return_Node := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Function_Call (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Enclosing_Func_Id, Loc), Parameter_Associations => Actuals_List)); else Return_Node := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc)); end if; Set_Statements (Case_Alt_Node, New_List (Return_Node)); Append (Case_Alt_Node, Alt_List); end if; Case_Alt_Node := New_Node (N_Case_Statement_Alternative, Loc); Choice_List := New_List (New_Node (N_Others_Choice, Loc)); Set_Discrete_Choices (Case_Alt_Node, Choice_List); Return_Node := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc)); Set_Statements (Case_Alt_Node, New_List (Return_Node)); Append (Case_Alt_Node, Alt_List); Set_Alternatives (Case_Node, Alt_List); return Case_Node; end Build_Case_Statement; --------------------------- -- Build_Dcheck_Function -- --------------------------- function Build_Dcheck_Function (Case_Id : Entity_Id; Variant : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is Body_Node : Node_Id; Func_Id : Entity_Id; Parameter_List : List_Id; Spec_Node : Node_Id; begin Body_Node := New_Node (N_Subprogram_Body, Loc); Sequence := Sequence + 1; Func_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Rec_Id), 'D', Sequence)); Set_Is_Discriminant_Check_Function (Func_Id); Spec_Node := New_Node (N_Function_Specification, Loc); Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Spec_Node, Func_Id); Parameter_List := Build_Discriminant_Formals (Rec_Id, False); Set_Parameter_Specifications (Spec_Node, Parameter_List); Set_Result_Definition (Spec_Node, New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc)); Set_Specification (Body_Node, Spec_Node); Set_Declarations (Body_Node, New_List); Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Body_Node, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List ( Build_Case_Statement (Case_Id, Variant)))); Set_Ekind (Func_Id, E_Function); Set_Mechanism (Func_Id, Default_Mechanism); Set_Is_Inlined (Func_Id, True); Set_Is_Pure (Func_Id, True); Set_Is_Public (Func_Id, Is_Public (Rec_Id)); Set_Is_Internal (Func_Id, True); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Func_Id); end if; Analyze (Body_Node); Append_Freeze_Action (Rec_Id, Body_Node); Set_Dcheck_Function (Variant, Func_Id); return Func_Id; end Build_Dcheck_Function; ---------------------------- -- Build_Dcheck_Functions -- ---------------------------- procedure Build_Dcheck_Functions (Variant_Part_Node : Node_Id) is Component_List_Node : Node_Id; Decl : Entity_Id; Discr_Name : Entity_Id; Func_Id : Entity_Id; Variant : Node_Id; Saved_Enclosing_Func_Id : Entity_Id; begin -- Build the discriminant-checking function for each variant, and -- label all components of that variant with the function's name. -- We only Generate a discriminant-checking function when the -- variant is not empty, to prevent the creation of dead code. Discr_Name := Entity (Name (Variant_Part_Node)); Variant := First_Non_Pragma (Variants (Variant_Part_Node)); while Present (Variant) loop Component_List_Node := Component_List (Variant); if not Null_Present (Component_List_Node) then Func_Id := Build_Dcheck_Function (Discr_Name, Variant); Decl := First_Non_Pragma (Component_Items (Component_List_Node)); while Present (Decl) loop Set_Discriminant_Checking_Func (Defining_Identifier (Decl), Func_Id); Next_Non_Pragma (Decl); end loop; if Present (Variant_Part (Component_List_Node)) then Saved_Enclosing_Func_Id := Enclosing_Func_Id; Enclosing_Func_Id := Func_Id; Build_Dcheck_Functions (Variant_Part (Component_List_Node)); Enclosing_Func_Id := Saved_Enclosing_Func_Id; end if; end if; Next_Non_Pragma (Variant); end loop; end Build_Dcheck_Functions; -- Start of processing for Build_Discr_Checking_Funcs begin -- Only build if not done already if not Discr_Check_Funcs_Built (N) then Type_Def := Type_Definition (N); if Nkind (Type_Def) = N_Record_Definition then if No (Component_List (Type_Def)) then -- null record. return; else V := Variant_Part (Component_List (Type_Def)); end if; else pragma Assert (Nkind (Type_Def) = N_Derived_Type_Definition); if No (Component_List (Record_Extension_Part (Type_Def))) then return; else V := Variant_Part (Component_List (Record_Extension_Part (Type_Def))); end if; end if; Rec_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); if Present (V) and then not Is_Unchecked_Union (Rec_Id) then Loc := Sloc (N); Enclosing_Func_Id := Empty; Build_Dcheck_Functions (V); end if; Set_Discr_Check_Funcs_Built (N); end if; end Build_Discr_Checking_Funcs; -------------------------------- -- Build_Discriminant_Formals -- -------------------------------- function Build_Discriminant_Formals (Rec_Id : Entity_Id; Use_Dl : Boolean) return List_Id is Loc : Source_Ptr := Sloc (Rec_Id); Parameter_List : constant List_Id := New_List; D : Entity_Id; Formal : Entity_Id; Formal_Type : Entity_Id; Param_Spec_Node : Node_Id; begin if Has_Discriminants (Rec_Id) then D := First_Discriminant (Rec_Id); while Present (D) loop Loc := Sloc (D); if Use_Dl then Formal := Discriminal (D); Formal_Type := Etype (Formal); else Formal := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (D)); Formal_Type := Etype (D); end if; Param_Spec_Node := Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Formal, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Formal_Type, Loc)); Append (Param_Spec_Node, Parameter_List); Next_Discriminant (D); end loop; end if; return Parameter_List; end Build_Discriminant_Formals; -------------------------------------- -- Build_Equivalent_Array_Aggregate -- -------------------------------------- function Build_Equivalent_Array_Aggregate (T : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (T); Comp_Type : constant Entity_Id := Component_Type (T); Index_Type : constant Entity_Id := Etype (First_Index (T)); Proc : constant Entity_Id := Base_Init_Proc (T); Lo, Hi : Node_Id; Aggr : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id; begin if not Is_Constrained (T) or else Number_Dimensions (T) > 1 or else No (Proc) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; Lo := Type_Low_Bound (Index_Type); Hi := Type_High_Bound (Index_Type); if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Lo) or else not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Hi) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; if Is_Record_Type (Comp_Type) and then Present (Base_Init_Proc (Comp_Type)) then Expr := Static_Initialization (Base_Init_Proc (Comp_Type)); if No (Expr) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; else Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; Aggr := Make_Aggregate (Loc, No_List, New_List); Set_Etype (Aggr, T); Set_Aggregate_Bounds (Aggr, Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => New_Copy (Lo), High_Bound => New_Copy (Hi))); Set_Parent (Aggr, Parent (Proc)); Append_To (Component_Associations (Aggr), Make_Component_Association (Loc, Choices => New_List ( Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => New_Copy (Lo), High_Bound => New_Copy (Hi))), Expression => Expr)); if Static_Array_Aggregate (Aggr) then return Aggr; else Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; end Build_Equivalent_Array_Aggregate; --------------------------------------- -- Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate -- --------------------------------------- function Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate (T : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is Agg : Node_Id; Comp : Entity_Id; Comp_Type : Entity_Id; -- Start of processing for Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate begin if not Is_Record_Type (T) or else Has_Discriminants (T) or else Is_Limited_Type (T) or else Has_Non_Standard_Rep (T) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; Comp := First_Component (T); -- A null record needs no warning if No (Comp) then return Empty; end if; while Present (Comp) loop -- Array components are acceptable if initialized by a positional -- aggregate with static components. if Is_Array_Type (Etype (Comp)) then Comp_Type := Component_Type (Etype (Comp)); if Nkind (Parent (Comp)) /= N_Component_Declaration or else No (Expression (Parent (Comp))) or else Nkind (Expression (Parent (Comp))) /= N_Aggregate then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; elsif Is_Scalar_Type (Component_Type (Etype (Comp))) and then (not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Type_Low_Bound (Comp_Type)) or else not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Type_High_Bound (Comp_Type))) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; elsif not Static_Array_Aggregate (Expression (Parent (Comp))) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; -- We need to return empty if the type has predicates because -- this would otherwise duplicate calls to the predicate -- function. If the type hasn't been frozen before being -- referenced in the current record, the extraneous call to -- the predicate function would be inserted somewhere before -- the predicate function is elaborated, which would result in -- an invalid tree. elsif Has_Predicates (Etype (Comp)) then return Empty; end if; elsif Is_Scalar_Type (Etype (Comp)) then Comp_Type := Etype (Comp); if Nkind (Parent (Comp)) /= N_Component_Declaration or else No (Expression (Parent (Comp))) or else not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Expression (Parent (Comp))) or else not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Type_Low_Bound (Comp_Type)) or else not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Type_High_Bound (Comp_Type)) then Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; -- For now, other types are excluded else Initialization_Warning (T); return Empty; end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; -- All components have static initialization. Build positional aggregate -- from the given expressions or defaults. Agg := Make_Aggregate (Sloc (T), New_List, New_List); Set_Parent (Agg, Parent (T)); Comp := First_Component (T); while Present (Comp) loop Append (New_Copy_Tree (Expression (Parent (Comp))), Expressions (Agg)); Next_Component (Comp); end loop; Analyze_And_Resolve (Agg, T); return Agg; end Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate; ------------------------------- -- Build_Initialization_Call -- ------------------------------- -- References to a discriminant inside the record type declaration can -- appear either in the subtype_indication to constrain a record or an -- array, or as part of a larger expression given for the initial value -- of a component. In both of these cases N appears in the record -- initialization procedure and needs to be replaced by the formal -- parameter of the initialization procedure which corresponds to that -- discriminant. -- In the example below, references to discriminants D1 and D2 in proc_1 -- are replaced by references to formals with the same name -- (discriminals) -- A similar replacement is done for calls to any record initialization -- procedure for any components that are themselves of a record type. -- type R (D1, D2 : Integer) is record -- X : Integer := F * D1; -- Y : Integer := F * D2; -- end record; -- procedure proc_1 (Out_2 : out R; D1 : Integer; D2 : Integer) is -- begin -- Out_2.D1 := D1; -- Out_2.D2 := D2; -- Out_2.X := F * D1; -- Out_2.Y := F * D2; -- end; function Build_Initialization_Call (Loc : Source_Ptr; Id_Ref : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id; In_Init_Proc : Boolean := False; Enclos_Type : Entity_Id := Empty; Discr_Map : Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List; With_Default_Init : Boolean := False; Constructor_Ref : Node_Id := Empty) return List_Id is Res : constant List_Id := New_List; Full_Type : Entity_Id; procedure Check_Predicated_Discriminant (Val : Node_Id; Discr : Entity_Id); -- Discriminants whose subtypes have predicates are checked in two -- cases: -- a) When an object is default-initialized and assertions are enabled -- we check that the value of the discriminant obeys the predicate. -- b) In all cases, if the discriminant controls a variant and the -- variant has no others_choice, Constraint_Error must be raised if -- the predicate is violated, because there is no variant covered -- by the illegal discriminant value. ----------------------------------- -- Check_Predicated_Discriminant -- ----------------------------------- procedure Check_Predicated_Discriminant (Val : Node_Id; Discr : Entity_Id) is Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Discr); procedure Check_Missing_Others (V : Node_Id); -- ??? -------------------------- -- Check_Missing_Others -- -------------------------- procedure Check_Missing_Others (V : Node_Id) is Alt : Node_Id; Choice : Node_Id; Last_Var : Node_Id; begin Last_Var := Last_Non_Pragma (Variants (V)); Choice := First (Discrete_Choices (Last_Var)); -- An others_choice is added during expansion for gcc use, but -- does not cover the illegality. if Entity (Name (V)) = Discr then if Present (Choice) and then (Nkind (Choice) /= N_Others_Choice or else not Comes_From_Source (Choice)) then Check_Expression_Against_Static_Predicate (Val, Typ); if not Is_Static_Expression (Val) then Prepend_To (Res, Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc, Condition => Make_Op_Not (Loc, Right_Opnd => Make_Predicate_Call (Typ, Val)), Reason => CE_Invalid_Data)); end if; end if; end if; -- Check whether some nested variant is ruled by the predicated -- discriminant. Alt := First (Variants (V)); while Present (Alt) loop if Nkind (Alt) = N_Variant and then Present (Variant_Part (Component_List (Alt))) then Check_Missing_Others (Variant_Part (Component_List (Alt))); end if; Next (Alt); end loop; end Check_Missing_Others; -- Local variables Def : Node_Id; -- Start of processing for Check_Predicated_Discriminant begin if Ekind (Base_Type (Full_Type)) = E_Record_Type then Def := Type_Definition (Parent (Base_Type (Full_Type))); else return; end if; if Policy_In_Effect (Name_Assert) = Name_Check and then not Predicates_Ignored (Etype (Discr)) then Prepend_To (Res, Make_Predicate_Check (Typ, Val)); end if; -- If discriminant controls a variant, verify that predicate is -- obeyed or else an Others_Choice is present. if Nkind (Def) = N_Record_Definition and then Present (Variant_Part (Component_List (Def))) and then Policy_In_Effect (Name_Assert) = Name_Ignore then Check_Missing_Others (Variant_Part (Component_List (Def))); end if; end Check_Predicated_Discriminant; -- Local variables Arg : Node_Id; Args : List_Id; Decls : List_Id; Decl : Node_Id; Discr : Entity_Id; First_Arg : Node_Id; Full_Init_Type : Entity_Id; Init_Call : Node_Id; Init_Type : Entity_Id; Proc : Entity_Id; -- Start of processing for Build_Initialization_Call begin pragma Assert (Constructor_Ref = Empty or else Is_CPP_Constructor_Call (Constructor_Ref)); if No (Constructor_Ref) then Proc := Base_Init_Proc (Typ); else Proc := Base_Init_Proc (Typ, Entity (Name (Constructor_Ref))); end if; pragma Assert (Present (Proc)); Init_Type := Etype (First_Formal (Proc)); Full_Init_Type := Underlying_Type (Init_Type); -- Nothing to do if the Init_Proc is null, unless Initialize_Scalars -- is active (in which case we make the call anyway, since in the -- actual compiled client it may be non null). if Is_Null_Init_Proc (Proc) and then not Init_Or_Norm_Scalars then return Empty_List; -- Nothing to do for an array of controlled components that have only -- the inherited Initialize primitive. This is a useful optimization -- for CodePeer. elsif Is_Trivial_Subprogram (Proc) and then Is_Array_Type (Full_Init_Type) then return New_List (Make_Null_Statement (Loc)); end if; -- Use the [underlying] full view when dealing with a private type. This -- may require several steps depending on derivations. Full_Type := Typ; loop if Is_Private_Type (Full_Type) then if Present (Full_View (Full_Type)) then Full_Type := Full_View (Full_Type); elsif Present (Underlying_Full_View (Full_Type)) then Full_Type := Underlying_Full_View (Full_Type); -- When a private type acts as a generic actual and lacks a full -- view, use the base type. elsif Is_Generic_Actual_Type (Full_Type) then Full_Type := Base_Type (Full_Type); elsif Ekind (Full_Type) = E_Private_Subtype and then (not Has_Discriminants (Full_Type) or else No (Discriminant_Constraint (Full_Type))) then Full_Type := Etype (Full_Type); -- The loop has recovered the [underlying] full view, stop the -- traversal. else exit; end if; -- The type is not private, nothing to do else exit; end if; end loop; -- If Typ is derived, the procedure is the initialization procedure for -- the root type. Wrap the argument in an conversion to make it type -- honest. Actually it isn't quite type honest, because there can be -- conflicts of views in the private type case. That is why we set -- Conversion_OK in the conversion node. if (Is_Record_Type (Typ) or else Is_Array_Type (Typ) or else Is_Private_Type (Typ)) and then Init_Type /= Base_Type (Typ) then First_Arg := OK_Convert_To (Etype (Init_Type), Id_Ref); Set_Etype (First_Arg, Init_Type); else First_Arg := Id_Ref; end if; Args := New_List (Convert_Concurrent (First_Arg, Typ)); -- In the tasks case, add _Master as the value of the _Master parameter -- and _Chain as the value of the _Chain parameter. At the outer level, -- these will be variables holding the corresponding values obtained -- from GNARL. At inner levels, they will be the parameters passed down -- through the outer routines. if Has_Task (Full_Type) then if Restriction_Active (No_Task_Hierarchy) then Append_To (Args, New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Library_Task_Level), Loc)); else Append_To (Args, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uMaster)); end if; -- Add _Chain (not done for sequential elaboration policy, see -- comment for Create_Restricted_Task_Sequential in s-tarest.ads). if Partition_Elaboration_Policy /= 'S' then Append_To (Args, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uChain)); end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-287): In case of default initialized components -- with tasks, we generate a null string actual parameter. -- This is just a workaround that must be improved later??? if With_Default_Init then Append_To (Args, Make_String_Literal (Loc, Strval => "")); else Decls := Build_Task_Image_Decls (Loc, Id_Ref, Enclos_Type, In_Init_Proc); Decl := Last (Decls); Append_To (Args, New_Occurrence_Of (Defining_Identifier (Decl), Loc)); Append_List (Decls, Res); end if; else Decls := No_List; Decl := Empty; end if; -- Handle the optionally generated formal *_skip_null_excluding_checks -- Look at the associated node for the object we are referencing and -- verify that we are expanding a call to an Init_Proc for an internally -- generated object declaration before passing True and skipping the -- relevant checks. if Needs_Conditional_Null_Excluding_Check (Full_Init_Type) and then Nkind (Id_Ref) in N_Has_Entity and then (Comes_From_Source (Id_Ref) or else (Present (Associated_Node (Id_Ref)) and then Comes_From_Source (Associated_Node (Id_Ref)))) then Append_To (Args, New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc)); end if; -- Add discriminant values if discriminants are present if Has_Discriminants (Full_Init_Type) then Discr := First_Discriminant (Full_Init_Type); while Present (Discr) loop -- If this is a discriminated concurrent type, the init_proc -- for the corresponding record is being called. Use that type -- directly to find the discriminant value, to handle properly -- intervening renamed discriminants. declare T : Entity_Id := Full_Type; begin if Is_Protected_Type (T) then T := Corresponding_Record_Type (T); end if; Arg := Get_Discriminant_Value ( Discr, T, Discriminant_Constraint (Full_Type)); end; -- If the target has access discriminants, and is constrained by -- an access to the enclosing construct, i.e. a current instance, -- replace the reference to the type by a reference to the object. if Nkind (Arg) = N_Attribute_Reference and then Is_Access_Type (Etype (Arg)) and then Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (Arg)) and then Is_Type (Entity (Prefix (Arg))) then Arg := Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy (Prefix (Id_Ref)), Attribute_Name => Name_Unrestricted_Access); elsif In_Init_Proc then -- Replace any possible references to the discriminant in the -- call to the record initialization procedure with references -- to the appropriate formal parameter. if Nkind (Arg) = N_Identifier and then Ekind (Entity (Arg)) = E_Discriminant then Arg := New_Occurrence_Of (Discriminal (Entity (Arg)), Loc); -- Otherwise make a copy of the default expression. Note that -- we use the current Sloc for this, because we do not want the -- call to appear to be at the declaration point. Within the -- expression, replace discriminants with their discriminals. else Arg := New_Copy_Tree (Arg, Map => Discr_Map, New_Sloc => Loc); end if; else if Is_Constrained (Full_Type) then Arg := Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Arg); else -- The constraints come from the discriminant default exps, -- they must be reevaluated, so we use New_Copy_Tree but we -- ensure the proper Sloc (for any embedded calls). -- In addition, if a predicate check is needed on the value -- of the discriminant, insert it ahead of the call. Arg := New_Copy_Tree (Arg, New_Sloc => Loc); end if; if Has_Predicates (Etype (Discr)) then Check_Predicated_Discriminant (Arg, Discr); end if; end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-287): In case of default initialized components, -- if the component is constrained with a discriminant of the -- enclosing type, we need to generate the corresponding selected -- component node to access the discriminant value. In other cases -- this is not required, either because we are inside the init -- proc and we use the corresponding formal, or else because the -- component is constrained by an expression. if With_Default_Init and then Nkind (Id_Ref) = N_Selected_Component and then Nkind (Arg) = N_Identifier and then Ekind (Entity (Arg)) = E_Discriminant then Append_To (Args, Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Prefix (Id_Ref)), Selector_Name => Arg)); else Append_To (Args, Arg); end if; Next_Discriminant (Discr); end loop; end if; -- If this is a call to initialize the parent component of a derived -- tagged type, indicate that the tag should not be set in the parent. if Is_Tagged_Type (Full_Init_Type) and then not Is_CPP_Class (Full_Init_Type) and then Nkind (Id_Ref) = N_Selected_Component and then Chars (Selector_Name (Id_Ref)) = Name_uParent then Append_To (Args, New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc)); elsif Present (Constructor_Ref) then Append_List_To (Args, New_Copy_List (Parameter_Associations (Constructor_Ref))); end if; Append_To (Res, Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Proc, Loc), Parameter_Associations => Args)); if Needs_Finalization (Typ) and then Nkind (Id_Ref) = N_Selected_Component then if Chars (Selector_Name (Id_Ref)) /= Name_uParent then Init_Call := Make_Init_Call (Obj_Ref => New_Copy_Tree (First_Arg), Typ => Typ); -- Guard against a missing [Deep_]Initialize when the type was not -- properly frozen. if Present (Init_Call) then Append_To (Res, Init_Call); end if; end if; end if; return Res; exception when RE_Not_Available => return Empty_List; end Build_Initialization_Call; ---------------------------- -- Build_Record_Init_Proc -- ---------------------------- procedure Build_Record_Init_Proc (N : Node_Id; Rec_Ent : Entity_Id) is Decls : constant List_Id := New_List; Discr_Map : constant Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List; Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Rec_Ent); Counter : Nat := 0; Proc_Id : Entity_Id; Rec_Type : Entity_Id; Set_Tag : Entity_Id := Empty; function Build_Assignment (Id : Entity_Id; Default : Node_Id) return List_Id; -- Build an assignment statement that assigns the default expression to -- its corresponding record component if defined. The left-hand side of -- the assignment is marked Assignment_OK so that initialization of -- limited private records works correctly. This routine may also build -- an adjustment call if the component is controlled. procedure Build_Discriminant_Assignments (Statement_List : List_Id); -- If the record has discriminants, add assignment statements to -- Statement_List to initialize the discriminant values from the -- arguments of the initialization procedure. function Build_Init_Statements (Comp_List : Node_Id) return List_Id; -- Build a list representing a sequence of statements which initialize -- components of the given component list. This may involve building -- case statements for the variant parts. Append any locally declared -- objects on list Decls. function Build_Init_Call_Thru (Parameters : List_Id) return List_Id; -- Given an untagged type-derivation that declares discriminants, e.g. -- -- type R (R1, R2 : Integer) is record ... end record; -- type D (D1 : Integer) is new R (1, D1); -- -- we make the _init_proc of D be -- -- procedure _init_proc (X : D; D1 : Integer) is -- begin -- _init_proc (R (X), 1, D1); -- end _init_proc; -- -- This function builds the call statement in this _init_proc. procedure Build_CPP_Init_Procedure; -- Build the tree corresponding to the procedure specification and body -- of the IC procedure that initializes the C++ part of the dispatch -- table of an Ada tagged type that is a derivation of a CPP type. -- Install it as the CPP_Init TSS. procedure Build_Init_Procedure; -- Build the tree corresponding to the procedure specification and body -- of the initialization procedure and install it as the _init TSS. procedure Build_Offset_To_Top_Functions; -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Build the tree corresponding to the procedure spec -- and body of Offset_To_Top, a function used in conjuction with types -- having secondary dispatch tables. procedure Build_Record_Checks (S : Node_Id; Check_List : List_Id); -- Add range checks to components of discriminated records. S is a -- subtype indication of a record component. Check_List is a list -- to which the check actions are appended. function Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Determine if a component needs simple initialization, given its type -- T. This routine is the same as Needs_Simple_Initialization except for -- components of type Tag and Interface_Tag. These two access types do -- not require initialization since they are explicitly initialized by -- other means. function Parent_Subtype_Renaming_Discrims return Boolean; -- Returns True for base types N that rename discriminants, else False function Requires_Init_Proc (Rec_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Determine whether a record initialization procedure needs to be -- generated for the given record type. ---------------------- -- Build_Assignment -- ---------------------- function Build_Assignment (Id : Entity_Id; Default : Node_Id) return List_Id is Default_Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Default); Typ : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Etype (Id)); Adj_Call : Node_Id; Exp : Node_Id := Default; Kind : Node_Kind := Nkind (Default); Lhs : Node_Id; Res : List_Id; function Replace_Discr_Ref (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result; -- Analysis of the aggregate has replaced discriminants by their -- corresponding discriminals, but these are irrelevant when the -- component has a mutable type and is initialized with an aggregate. -- Instead, they must be replaced by the values supplied in the -- aggregate, that will be assigned during the expansion of the -- assignment. ----------------------- -- Replace_Discr_Ref -- ----------------------- function Replace_Discr_Ref (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is Val : Node_Id; begin if Is_Entity_Name (N) and then Present (Entity (N)) and then Is_Formal (Entity (N)) and then Present (Discriminal_Link (Entity (N))) then Val := Make_Selected_Component (Default_Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Lhs), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Discriminal_Link (Entity (N)), Default_Loc)); if Present (Val) then Rewrite (N, New_Copy_Tree (Val)); end if; end if; return OK; end Replace_Discr_Ref; procedure Replace_Discriminant_References is new Traverse_Proc (Replace_Discr_Ref); -- Start of processing for Build_Assignment begin Lhs := Make_Selected_Component (Default_Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Id, Default_Loc)); Set_Assignment_OK (Lhs); if Nkind (Exp) = N_Aggregate and then Has_Discriminants (Typ) and then not Is_Constrained (Base_Type (Typ)) then -- The aggregate may provide new values for the discriminants -- of the component, and other components may depend on those -- discriminants. Previous analysis of those expressions have -- replaced the discriminants by the formals of the initialization -- procedure for the type, but these are irrelevant in the -- enclosing initialization procedure: those discriminant -- references must be replaced by the values provided in the -- aggregate. Replace_Discriminant_References (Exp); end if; -- Case of an access attribute applied to the current instance. -- Replace the reference to the type by a reference to the actual -- object. (Note that this handles the case of the top level of -- the expression being given by such an attribute, but does not -- cover uses nested within an initial value expression. Nested -- uses are unlikely to occur in practice, but are theoretically -- possible.) It is not clear how to handle them without fully -- traversing the expression. ??? if Kind = N_Attribute_Reference and then Attribute_Name (Default) in Name_Unchecked_Access | Name_Unrestricted_Access and then Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (Default)) and then Is_Type (Entity (Prefix (Default))) and then Entity (Prefix (Default)) = Rec_Type then Exp := Make_Attribute_Reference (Default_Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Default_Loc, Name_uInit), Attribute_Name => Name_Unrestricted_Access); end if; -- Take a copy of Exp to ensure that later copies of this component -- declaration in derived types see the original tree, not a node -- rewritten during expansion of the init_proc. If the copy contains -- itypes, the scope of the new itypes is the init_proc being built. Exp := New_Copy_Tree (Exp, New_Scope => Proc_Id); Res := New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Lhs, Expression => Exp)); Set_No_Ctrl_Actions (First (Res)); -- Adjust the tag if tagged (because of possible view conversions). -- Suppress the tag adjustment when not Tagged_Type_Expansion because -- tags are represented implicitly in objects, and when the record is -- initialized with a raise expression. if Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) and then Tagged_Type_Expansion and then Nkind (Exp) /= N_Raise_Expression and then (Nkind (Exp) /= N_Qualified_Expression or else Nkind (Expression (Exp)) /= N_Raise_Expression) then Append_To (Res, Make_Assignment_Statement (Default_Loc, Name => Make_Selected_Component (Default_Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Lhs, New_Scope => Proc_Id), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (First_Tag_Component (Typ), Default_Loc)), Expression => Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Underlying_Type (Typ)))), Default_Loc)))); end if; -- Adjust the component if controlled except if it is an aggregate -- that will be expanded inline. if Kind = N_Qualified_Expression then Kind := Nkind (Expression (Default)); end if; if Needs_Finalization (Typ) and then Kind not in N_Aggregate | N_Extension_Aggregate and then not Is_Build_In_Place_Function_Call (Exp) then Adj_Call := Make_Adjust_Call (Obj_Ref => New_Copy_Tree (Lhs), Typ => Etype (Id)); -- Guard against a missing [Deep_]Adjust when the component type -- was not properly frozen. if Present (Adj_Call) then Append_To (Res, Adj_Call); end if; end if; -- If a component type has a predicate, add check to the component -- assignment. Discriminants are handled at the point of the call, -- which provides for a better error message. if Comes_From_Source (Exp) and then Predicate_Enabled (Typ) then Append (Make_Predicate_Check (Typ, Exp), Res); end if; return Res; exception when RE_Not_Available => return Empty_List; end Build_Assignment; ------------------------------------ -- Build_Discriminant_Assignments -- ------------------------------------ procedure Build_Discriminant_Assignments (Statement_List : List_Id) is Is_Tagged : constant Boolean := Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Type); D : Entity_Id; D_Loc : Source_Ptr; begin if Has_Discriminants (Rec_Type) and then not Is_Unchecked_Union (Rec_Type) then D := First_Discriminant (Rec_Type); while Present (D) loop -- Don't generate the assignment for discriminants in derived -- tagged types if the discriminant is a renaming of some -- ancestor discriminant. This initialization will be done -- when initializing the _parent field of the derived record. if Is_Tagged and then Present (Corresponding_Discriminant (D)) then null; else D_Loc := Sloc (D); Append_List_To (Statement_List, Build_Assignment (D, New_Occurrence_Of (Discriminal (D), D_Loc))); end if; Next_Discriminant (D); end loop; end if; end Build_Discriminant_Assignments; -------------------------- -- Build_Init_Call_Thru -- -------------------------- function Build_Init_Call_Thru (Parameters : List_Id) return List_Id is Parent_Proc : constant Entity_Id := Base_Init_Proc (Etype (Rec_Type)); Parent_Type : constant Entity_Id := Etype (First_Formal (Parent_Proc)); Uparent_Type : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Parent_Type); First_Discr_Param : Node_Id; Arg : Node_Id; Args : List_Id; First_Arg : Node_Id; Parent_Discr : Entity_Id; Res : List_Id; begin -- First argument (_Init) is the object to be initialized. -- ??? not sure where to get a reasonable Loc for First_Arg First_Arg := OK_Convert_To (Parent_Type, New_Occurrence_Of (Defining_Identifier (First (Parameters)), Loc)); Set_Etype (First_Arg, Parent_Type); Args := New_List (Convert_Concurrent (First_Arg, Rec_Type)); -- In the tasks case, -- add _Master as the value of the _Master parameter -- add _Chain as the value of the _Chain parameter. -- add _Task_Name as the value of the _Task_Name parameter. -- At the outer level, these will be variables holding the -- corresponding values obtained from GNARL or the expander. -- -- At inner levels, they will be the parameters passed down through -- the outer routines. First_Discr_Param := Next (First (Parameters)); if Has_Task (Rec_Type) then if Restriction_Active (No_Task_Hierarchy) then Append_To (Args, New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Library_Task_Level), Loc)); else Append_To (Args, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uMaster)); end if; -- Add _Chain (not done for sequential elaboration policy, see -- comment for Create_Restricted_Task_Sequential in s-tarest.ads). if Partition_Elaboration_Policy /= 'S' then Append_To (Args, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uChain)); end if; Append_To (Args, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uTask_Name)); First_Discr_Param := Next (Next (Next (First_Discr_Param))); end if; -- Append discriminant values if Has_Discriminants (Uparent_Type) then pragma Assert (not Is_Tagged_Type (Uparent_Type)); Parent_Discr := First_Discriminant (Uparent_Type); while Present (Parent_Discr) loop -- Get the initial value for this discriminant -- ??? needs to be cleaned up to use parent_Discr_Constr -- directly. declare Discr : Entity_Id := First_Stored_Discriminant (Uparent_Type); Discr_Value : Elmt_Id := First_Elmt (Stored_Constraint (Rec_Type)); begin while Original_Record_Component (Parent_Discr) /= Discr loop Next_Stored_Discriminant (Discr); Next_Elmt (Discr_Value); end loop; Arg := Node (Discr_Value); end; -- Append it to the list if Nkind (Arg) = N_Identifier and then Ekind (Entity (Arg)) = E_Discriminant then Append_To (Args, New_Occurrence_Of (Discriminal (Entity (Arg)), Loc)); -- Case of access discriminants. We replace the reference -- to the type by a reference to the actual object. -- Is above comment right??? Use of New_Copy below seems mighty -- suspicious ??? else Append_To (Args, New_Copy (Arg)); end if; Next_Discriminant (Parent_Discr); end loop; end if; Res := New_List ( Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Parent_Proc, Loc), Parameter_Associations => Args)); return Res; end Build_Init_Call_Thru; ----------------------------------- -- Build_Offset_To_Top_Functions -- ----------------------------------- procedure Build_Offset_To_Top_Functions is procedure Build_Offset_To_Top_Function (Iface_Comp : Entity_Id); -- Generate: -- function Fxx (O : Address) return Storage_Offset is -- type Acc is access all <Typ>; -- begin -- return Acc!(O).Iface_Comp'Position; -- end Fxx; ---------------------------------- -- Build_Offset_To_Top_Function -- ---------------------------------- procedure Build_Offset_To_Top_Function (Iface_Comp : Entity_Id) is Body_Node : Node_Id; Func_Id : Entity_Id; Spec_Node : Node_Id; Acc_Type : Entity_Id; begin Func_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'F'); Set_DT_Offset_To_Top_Func (Iface_Comp, Func_Id); -- Generate -- function Fxx (O : in Rec_Typ) return Storage_Offset; Spec_Node := New_Node (N_Function_Specification, Loc); Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Spec_Node, Func_Id); Set_Parameter_Specifications (Spec_Node, New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uO), In_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Address), Loc)))); Set_Result_Definition (Spec_Node, New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Storage_Offset), Loc)); -- Generate -- function Fxx (O : in Rec_Typ) return Storage_Offset is -- begin -- return -O.Iface_Comp'Position; -- end Fxx; Body_Node := New_Node (N_Subprogram_Body, Loc); Set_Specification (Body_Node, Spec_Node); Acc_Type := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T'); Set_Declarations (Body_Node, New_List ( Make_Full_Type_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Acc_Type, Type_Definition => Make_Access_To_Object_Definition (Loc, All_Present => True, Null_Exclusion_Present => False, Constant_Present => False, Subtype_Indication => New_Occurrence_Of (Rec_Type, Loc))))); Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Body_Node, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Op_Minus (Loc, Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc, Unchecked_Convert_To (Acc_Type, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uO))), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Iface_Comp, Loc)), Attribute_Name => Name_Position)))))); Set_Ekind (Func_Id, E_Function); Set_Mechanism (Func_Id, Default_Mechanism); Set_Is_Internal (Func_Id, True); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Func_Id); end if; Analyze (Body_Node); Append_Freeze_Action (Rec_Type, Body_Node); end Build_Offset_To_Top_Function; -- Local variables Iface_Comp : Node_Id; Iface_Comp_Elmt : Elmt_Id; Ifaces_Comp_List : Elist_Id; -- Start of processing for Build_Offset_To_Top_Functions begin -- Offset_To_Top_Functions are built only for derivations of types -- with discriminants that cover interface types. -- Nothing is needed either in case of virtual targets, since -- interfaces are handled directly by the target. if not Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Type) or else Etype (Rec_Type) = Rec_Type or else not Has_Discriminants (Etype (Rec_Type)) or else not Tagged_Type_Expansion then return; end if; Collect_Interface_Components (Rec_Type, Ifaces_Comp_List); -- For each interface type with secondary dispatch table we generate -- the Offset_To_Top_Functions (required to displace the pointer in -- interface conversions) Iface_Comp_Elmt := First_Elmt (Ifaces_Comp_List); while Present (Iface_Comp_Elmt) loop Iface_Comp := Node (Iface_Comp_Elmt); pragma Assert (Is_Interface (Related_Type (Iface_Comp))); -- If the interface is a parent of Rec_Type it shares the primary -- dispatch table and hence there is no need to build the function if not Is_Ancestor (Related_Type (Iface_Comp), Rec_Type, Use_Full_View => True) then Build_Offset_To_Top_Function (Iface_Comp); end if; Next_Elmt (Iface_Comp_Elmt); end loop; end Build_Offset_To_Top_Functions; ------------------------------ -- Build_CPP_Init_Procedure -- ------------------------------ procedure Build_CPP_Init_Procedure is Body_Node : Node_Id; Body_Stmts : List_Id; Flag_Id : Entity_Id; Handled_Stmt_Node : Node_Id; Init_Tags_List : List_Id; Proc_Id : Entity_Id; Proc_Spec_Node : Node_Id; begin -- Check cases requiring no IC routine if not Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Rec_Type)) or else Is_CPP_Class (Rec_Type) or else CPP_Num_Prims (Rec_Type) = 0 or else not Tagged_Type_Expansion or else No_Run_Time_Mode then return; end if; -- Generate: -- Flag : Boolean := False; -- -- procedure Typ_IC is -- begin -- if not Flag then -- Copy C++ dispatch table slots from parent -- Update C++ slots of overridden primitives -- end if; -- end; Flag_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'F'); Append_Freeze_Action (Rec_Type, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Flag_Id, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc))); Body_Stmts := New_List; Body_Node := New_Node (N_Subprogram_Body, Loc); Proc_Spec_Node := New_Node (N_Procedure_Specification, Loc); Proc_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Make_TSS_Name (Rec_Type, TSS_CPP_Init_Proc)); Set_Ekind (Proc_Id, E_Procedure); Set_Is_Internal (Proc_Id); Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Proc_Spec_Node, Proc_Id); Set_Parameter_Specifications (Proc_Spec_Node, New_List); Set_Specification (Body_Node, Proc_Spec_Node); Set_Declarations (Body_Node, New_List); Init_Tags_List := Build_Inherit_CPP_Prims (Rec_Type); Append_To (Init_Tags_List, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Flag_Id, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc))); Append_To (Body_Stmts, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Flag_Id, Loc), Then_Statements => Init_Tags_List)); Handled_Stmt_Node := New_Node (N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements, Loc); Set_Statements (Handled_Stmt_Node, Body_Stmts); Set_Exception_Handlers (Handled_Stmt_Node, No_List); Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Body_Node, Handled_Stmt_Node); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Proc_Id); end if; -- Associate CPP_Init_Proc with type Set_Init_Proc (Rec_Type, Proc_Id); end Build_CPP_Init_Procedure; -------------------------- -- Build_Init_Procedure -- -------------------------- procedure Build_Init_Procedure is Body_Stmts : List_Id; Body_Node : Node_Id; Handled_Stmt_Node : Node_Id; Init_Tags_List : List_Id; Parameters : List_Id; Proc_Spec_Node : Node_Id; Record_Extension_Node : Node_Id; begin Body_Stmts := New_List; Body_Node := New_Node (N_Subprogram_Body, Loc); Set_Ekind (Proc_Id, E_Procedure); Proc_Spec_Node := New_Node (N_Procedure_Specification, Loc); Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Proc_Spec_Node, Proc_Id); Parameters := Init_Formals (Rec_Type, Proc_Id); Append_List_To (Parameters, Build_Discriminant_Formals (Rec_Type, True)); -- For tagged types, we add a flag to indicate whether the routine -- is called to initialize a parent component in the init_proc of -- a type extension. If the flag is false, we do not set the tag -- because it has been set already in the extension. if Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Type) then Set_Tag := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'P'); Append_To (Parameters, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Set_Tag, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc))); end if; Set_Parameter_Specifications (Proc_Spec_Node, Parameters); Set_Specification (Body_Node, Proc_Spec_Node); Set_Declarations (Body_Node, Decls); -- N is a Derived_Type_Definition that renames the parameters of the -- ancestor type. We initialize it by expanding our discriminants and -- call the ancestor _init_proc with a type-converted object. if Parent_Subtype_Renaming_Discrims then Append_List_To (Body_Stmts, Build_Init_Call_Thru (Parameters)); elsif Nkind (Type_Definition (N)) = N_Record_Definition then Build_Discriminant_Assignments (Body_Stmts); if not Null_Present (Type_Definition (N)) then Append_List_To (Body_Stmts, Build_Init_Statements (Component_List (Type_Definition (N)))); end if; -- N is a Derived_Type_Definition with a possible non-empty -- extension. The initialization of a type extension consists in the -- initialization of the components in the extension. else Build_Discriminant_Assignments (Body_Stmts); Record_Extension_Node := Record_Extension_Part (Type_Definition (N)); if not Null_Present (Record_Extension_Node) then declare Stmts : constant List_Id := Build_Init_Statements ( Component_List (Record_Extension_Node)); begin -- The parent field must be initialized first because the -- offset of the new discriminants may depend on it. This is -- not needed if the parent is an interface type because in -- such case the initialization of the _parent field was not -- generated. if not Is_Interface (Etype (Rec_Ent)) then declare Parent_IP : constant Name_Id := Make_Init_Proc_Name (Etype (Rec_Ent)); Stmt : Node_Id; IP_Call : Node_Id; IP_Stmts : List_Id; begin -- Look for a call to the parent IP at the beginning -- of Stmts associated with the record extension Stmt := First (Stmts); IP_Call := Empty; while Present (Stmt) loop if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement and then Chars (Name (Stmt)) = Parent_IP then IP_Call := Stmt; exit; end if; Next (Stmt); end loop; -- If found then move it to the beginning of the -- statements of this IP routine if Present (IP_Call) then IP_Stmts := New_List; loop Stmt := Remove_Head (Stmts); Append_To (IP_Stmts, Stmt); exit when Stmt = IP_Call; end loop; Prepend_List_To (Body_Stmts, IP_Stmts); end if; end; end if; Append_List_To (Body_Stmts, Stmts); end; end if; end if; -- Add here the assignment to instantiate the Tag -- The assignment corresponds to the code: -- _Init._Tag := Typ'Tag; -- Suppress the tag assignment when not Tagged_Type_Expansion because -- tags are represented implicitly in objects. It is also suppressed -- in case of CPP_Class types because in this case the tag is -- initialized in the C++ side. if Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Type) and then Tagged_Type_Expansion and then not No_Run_Time_Mode then -- Case 1: Ada tagged types with no CPP ancestor. Set the tags of -- the actual object and invoke the IP of the parent (in this -- order). The tag must be initialized before the call to the IP -- of the parent and the assignments to other components because -- the initial value of the components may depend on the tag (eg. -- through a dispatching operation on an access to the current -- type). The tag assignment is not done when initializing the -- parent component of a type extension, because in that case the -- tag is set in the extension. if not Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Rec_Type)) then -- Initialize the primary tag component Init_Tags_List := New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (First_Tag_Component (Rec_Type), Loc)), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Rec_Type))), Loc))); -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Initialize the secondary tags components -- located at fixed positions (tags whose position depends on -- variable size components are initialized later ---see below) if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then not Is_Interface (Rec_Type) and then Has_Interfaces (Rec_Type) then declare Elab_Sec_DT_Stmts_List : constant List_Id := New_List; Elab_List : List_Id := New_List; begin Init_Secondary_Tags (Typ => Rec_Type, Target => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Init_Tags_List => Init_Tags_List, Stmts_List => Elab_Sec_DT_Stmts_List, Fixed_Comps => True, Variable_Comps => False); Elab_List := New_List ( Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Set_Tag, Loc), Then_Statements => Init_Tags_List)); if Elab_Flag_Needed (Rec_Type) then Append_To (Elab_Sec_DT_Stmts_List, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Access_Disp_Table_Elab_Flag (Rec_Type), Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc))); Append_To (Elab_List, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Access_Disp_Table_Elab_Flag (Rec_Type), Loc), Then_Statements => Elab_Sec_DT_Stmts_List)); end if; Prepend_List_To (Body_Stmts, Elab_List); end; else Prepend_To (Body_Stmts, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Set_Tag, Loc), Then_Statements => Init_Tags_List)); end if; -- Case 2: CPP type. The imported C++ constructor takes care of -- tags initialization. No action needed here because the IP -- is built by Set_CPP_Constructors; in this case the IP is a -- wrapper that invokes the C++ constructor and copies the C++ -- tags locally. Done to inherit the C++ slots in Ada derivations -- (see case 3). elsif Is_CPP_Class (Rec_Type) then pragma Assert (False); null; -- Case 3: Combined hierarchy containing C++ types and Ada tagged -- type derivations. Derivations of imported C++ classes add a -- complication, because we cannot inhibit tag setting in the -- constructor for the parent. Hence we initialize the tag after -- the call to the parent IP (that is, in reverse order compared -- with pure Ada hierarchies ---see comment on case 1). else -- Initialize the primary tag Init_Tags_List := New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (First_Tag_Component (Rec_Type), Loc)), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Rec_Type))), Loc))); -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Initialize the secondary tags components -- located at fixed positions (tags whose position depends on -- variable size components are initialized later ---see below) if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then not Is_Interface (Rec_Type) and then Has_Interfaces (Rec_Type) then Init_Secondary_Tags (Typ => Rec_Type, Target => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Init_Tags_List => Init_Tags_List, Stmts_List => Init_Tags_List, Fixed_Comps => True, Variable_Comps => False); end if; -- Initialize the tag component after invocation of parent IP. -- Generate: -- parent_IP(_init.parent); // Invokes the C++ constructor -- [ typIC; ] // Inherit C++ slots from parent -- init_tags declare Ins_Nod : Node_Id; begin -- Search for the call to the IP of the parent. We assume -- that the first init_proc call is for the parent. Ins_Nod := First (Body_Stmts); while Present (Next (Ins_Nod)) and then (Nkind (Ins_Nod) /= N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else not Is_Init_Proc (Name (Ins_Nod))) loop Next (Ins_Nod); end loop; -- The IC routine copies the inherited slots of the C+ part -- of the dispatch table from the parent and updates the -- overridden C++ slots. if CPP_Num_Prims (Rec_Type) > 0 then declare Init_DT : Entity_Id; New_Nod : Node_Id; begin Init_DT := CPP_Init_Proc (Rec_Type); pragma Assert (Present (Init_DT)); New_Nod := Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, New_Occurrence_Of (Init_DT, Loc)); Insert_After (Ins_Nod, New_Nod); -- Update location of init tag statements Ins_Nod := New_Nod; end; end if; Insert_List_After (Ins_Nod, Init_Tags_List); end; end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Initialize the secondary tag components -- located at variable positions. We delay the generation of this -- code until here because the value of the attribute 'Position -- applied to variable size components of the parent type that -- depend on discriminants is only safely read at runtime after -- the parent components have been initialized. if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then not Is_Interface (Rec_Type) and then Has_Interfaces (Rec_Type) and then Has_Discriminants (Etype (Rec_Type)) and then Is_Variable_Size_Record (Etype (Rec_Type)) then Init_Tags_List := New_List; Init_Secondary_Tags (Typ => Rec_Type, Target => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Init_Tags_List => Init_Tags_List, Stmts_List => Init_Tags_List, Fixed_Comps => False, Variable_Comps => True); if Is_Non_Empty_List (Init_Tags_List) then Append_List_To (Body_Stmts, Init_Tags_List); end if; end if; end if; Handled_Stmt_Node := New_Node (N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements, Loc); Set_Statements (Handled_Stmt_Node, Body_Stmts); -- Generate: -- Deep_Finalize (_init, C1, ..., CN); -- raise; if Counter > 0 and then Needs_Finalization (Rec_Type) and then not Is_Abstract_Type (Rec_Type) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation) then declare DF_Call : Node_Id; DF_Id : Entity_Id; begin -- Create a local version of Deep_Finalize which has indication -- of partial initialization state. DF_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Name_uFinalizer)); Append_To (Decls, Make_Local_Deep_Finalize (Rec_Type, DF_Id)); DF_Call := Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (DF_Id, Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc))); -- Do not emit warnings related to the elaboration order when a -- controlled object is declared before the body of Finalize is -- seen. if Legacy_Elaboration_Checks then Set_No_Elaboration_Check (DF_Call); end if; Set_Exception_Handlers (Handled_Stmt_Node, New_List ( Make_Exception_Handler (Loc, Exception_Choices => New_List ( Make_Others_Choice (Loc)), Statements => New_List ( DF_Call, Make_Raise_Statement (Loc))))); end; else Set_Exception_Handlers (Handled_Stmt_Node, No_List); end if; Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Body_Node, Handled_Stmt_Node); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Proc_Id); end if; -- Associate Init_Proc with type, and determine if the procedure -- is null (happens because of the Initialize_Scalars pragma case, -- where we have to generate a null procedure in case it is called -- by a client with Initialize_Scalars set). Such procedures have -- to be generated, but do not have to be called, so we mark them -- as null to suppress the call. Kill also warnings for the _Init -- out parameter, which is left entirely uninitialized. Set_Init_Proc (Rec_Type, Proc_Id); if Is_Null_Statement_List (Body_Stmts) then Set_Is_Null_Init_Proc (Proc_Id); Set_Warnings_Off (Defining_Identifier (First (Parameters))); end if; end Build_Init_Procedure; --------------------------- -- Build_Init_Statements -- --------------------------- function Build_Init_Statements (Comp_List : Node_Id) return List_Id is Checks : constant List_Id := New_List; Actions : List_Id := No_List; Counter_Id : Entity_Id := Empty; Comp_Loc : Source_Ptr; Decl : Node_Id; Has_Late_Init_Comp : Boolean; Id : Entity_Id; Parent_Stmts : List_Id; Stmts : List_Id; Typ : Entity_Id; procedure Increment_Counter (Loc : Source_Ptr); -- Generate an "increment by one" statement for the current counter -- and append it to the list Stmts. procedure Make_Counter (Loc : Source_Ptr); -- Create a new counter for the current component list. The routine -- creates a new defining Id, adds an object declaration and sets -- the Id generator for the next variant. function Requires_Late_Initialization (Decl : Node_Id; Rec_Type : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Return whether the given Decl requires late initialization, as -- defined by 3.3.1 (8.1/5). ----------------------- -- Increment_Counter -- ----------------------- procedure Increment_Counter (Loc : Source_Ptr) is begin -- Generate: -- Counter := Counter + 1; Append_To (Stmts, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Counter_Id, Loc), Expression => Make_Op_Add (Loc, Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Counter_Id, Loc), Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1)))); end Increment_Counter; ------------------ -- Make_Counter -- ------------------ procedure Make_Counter (Loc : Source_Ptr) is begin -- Increment the Id generator Counter := Counter + 1; -- Create the entity and declaration Counter_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name ('C', Counter)); -- Generate: -- Cnn : Integer := 0; Append_To (Decls, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Counter_Id, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Integer, Loc), Expression => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0))); end Make_Counter; ---------------------------------- -- Requires_Late_Initialization -- ---------------------------------- function Requires_Late_Initialization (Decl : Node_Id; Rec_Type : Entity_Id) return Boolean is References_Current_Instance : Boolean := False; Has_Access_Discriminant : Boolean := False; Has_Internal_Call : Boolean := False; function Find_Access_Discriminant (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result; -- Look for a name denoting an access discriminant function Find_Current_Instance (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result; -- Look for a reference to the current instance of the type function Find_Internal_Call (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result; -- Look for an internal protected function call ------------------------------ -- Find_Access_Discriminant -- ------------------------------ function Find_Access_Discriminant (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is begin if Is_Entity_Name (N) and then Denotes_Discriminant (N) and then Is_Access_Type (Etype (N)) then Has_Access_Discriminant := True; return Abandon; else return OK; end if; end Find_Access_Discriminant; --------------------------- -- Find_Current_Instance -- --------------------------- function Find_Current_Instance (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is begin if Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference and then Is_Access_Type (Etype (N)) and then Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (N)) and then Is_Type (Entity (Prefix (N))) then References_Current_Instance := True; return Abandon; else return OK; end if; end Find_Current_Instance; ------------------------ -- Find_Internal_Call -- ------------------------ function Find_Internal_Call (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is function Call_Scope (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id; -- Return the scope enclosing a given call node N ---------------- -- Call_Scope -- ---------------- function Call_Scope (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (N); begin if Nkind (Nam) = N_Selected_Component then return Scope (Entity (Prefix (Nam))); else return Scope (Entity (Nam)); end if; end Call_Scope; begin if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call and then Call_Scope (N) = Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Rec_Type) then Has_Internal_Call := True; return Abandon; else return OK; end if; end Find_Internal_Call; procedure Search_Access_Discriminant is new Traverse_Proc (Find_Access_Discriminant); procedure Search_Current_Instance is new Traverse_Proc (Find_Current_Instance); procedure Search_Internal_Call is new Traverse_Proc (Find_Internal_Call); begin -- A component of an object is said to require late initialization -- if: -- it has an access discriminant value constrained by a per-object -- expression; if Has_Access_Constraint (Defining_Identifier (Decl)) and then No (Expression (Decl)) then return True; elsif Present (Expression (Decl)) then -- it has an initialization expression that includes a name -- denoting an access discriminant; Search_Access_Discriminant (Expression (Decl)); if Has_Access_Discriminant then return True; end if; -- or it has an initialization expression that includes a -- reference to the current instance of the type either by -- name... Search_Current_Instance (Expression (Decl)); if References_Current_Instance then return True; end if; -- ...or implicitly as the target object of a call. if Is_Protected_Record_Type (Rec_Type) then Search_Internal_Call (Expression (Decl)); if Has_Internal_Call then return True; end if; end if; end if; return False; end Requires_Late_Initialization; -- Start of processing for Build_Init_Statements begin if Null_Present (Comp_List) then return New_List (Make_Null_Statement (Loc)); end if; Parent_Stmts := New_List; Stmts := New_List; -- Loop through visible declarations of task types and protected -- types moving any expanded code from the spec to the body of the -- init procedure. if Is_Task_Record_Type (Rec_Type) or else Is_Protected_Record_Type (Rec_Type) then declare Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Rec_Type)); Def : Node_Id; N1 : Node_Id; N2 : Node_Id; begin if Is_Task_Record_Type (Rec_Type) then Def := Task_Definition (Decl); else Def := Protected_Definition (Decl); end if; if Present (Def) then N1 := First (Visible_Declarations (Def)); while Present (N1) loop N2 := N1; N1 := Next (N1); if Nkind (N2) in N_Statement_Other_Than_Procedure_Call or else Nkind (N2) in N_Raise_xxx_Error or else Nkind (N2) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement then Append_To (Stmts, New_Copy_Tree (N2, New_Scope => Proc_Id)); Rewrite (N2, Make_Null_Statement (Sloc (N2))); Analyze (N2); end if; end loop; end if; end; end if; -- Loop through components, skipping pragmas, in 2 steps. The first -- step deals with regular components. The second step deals with -- components that require late initialization. Has_Late_Init_Comp := False; -- First pass : regular components Decl := First_Non_Pragma (Component_Items (Comp_List)); while Present (Decl) loop Comp_Loc := Sloc (Decl); Build_Record_Checks (Subtype_Indication (Component_Definition (Decl)), Checks); Id := Defining_Identifier (Decl); Typ := Etype (Id); -- Leave any processing of component requiring late initialization -- for the second pass. if Requires_Late_Initialization (Decl, Rec_Type) then Has_Late_Init_Comp := True; -- Regular component cases else -- In the context of the init proc, references to discriminants -- resolve to denote the discriminals: this is where we can -- freeze discriminant dependent component subtypes. if not Is_Frozen (Typ) then Append_List_To (Stmts, Freeze_Entity (Typ, N)); end if; -- Explicit initialization if Present (Expression (Decl)) then if Is_CPP_Constructor_Call (Expression (Decl)) then Actions := Build_Initialization_Call (Comp_Loc, Id_Ref => Make_Selected_Component (Comp_Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Comp_Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Id, Comp_Loc)), Typ => Typ, In_Init_Proc => True, Enclos_Type => Rec_Type, Discr_Map => Discr_Map, Constructor_Ref => Expression (Decl)); else Actions := Build_Assignment (Id, Expression (Decl)); end if; -- CPU, Dispatching_Domain, Priority, and Secondary_Stack_Size -- components are filled in with the corresponding rep-item -- expression of the concurrent type (if any). elsif Ekind (Scope (Id)) = E_Record_Type and then Present (Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Scope (Id))) and then Chars (Id) in Name_uCPU | Name_uDispatching_Domain | Name_uPriority | Name_uSecondary_Stack_Size then declare Exp : Node_Id; Nam : Name_Id; pragma Warnings (Off, Nam); Ritem : Node_Id; begin if Chars (Id) = Name_uCPU then Nam := Name_CPU; elsif Chars (Id) = Name_uDispatching_Domain then Nam := Name_Dispatching_Domain; elsif Chars (Id) = Name_uPriority then Nam := Name_Priority; elsif Chars (Id) = Name_uSecondary_Stack_Size then Nam := Name_Secondary_Stack_Size; end if; -- Get the Rep Item (aspect specification, attribute -- definition clause or pragma) of the corresponding -- concurrent type. Ritem := Get_Rep_Item (Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Scope (Id)), Nam, Check_Parents => False); if Present (Ritem) then -- Pragma case if Nkind (Ritem) = N_Pragma then Exp := First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Ritem)); if Nkind (Exp) = N_Pragma_Argument_Association then Exp := Expression (Exp); end if; -- Conversion for Priority expression if Nam = Name_Priority then if Pragma_Name (Ritem) = Name_Priority and then not GNAT_Mode then Exp := Convert_To (RTE (RE_Priority), Exp); else Exp := Convert_To (RTE (RE_Any_Priority), Exp); end if; end if; -- Aspect/Attribute definition clause case else Exp := Expression (Ritem); -- Conversion for Priority expression if Nam = Name_Priority then if Chars (Ritem) = Name_Priority and then not GNAT_Mode then Exp := Convert_To (RTE (RE_Priority), Exp); else Exp := Convert_To (RTE (RE_Any_Priority), Exp); end if; end if; end if; -- Conversion for Dispatching_Domain value if Nam = Name_Dispatching_Domain then Exp := Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Dispatching_Domain_Access), Exp); -- Conversion for Secondary_Stack_Size value elsif Nam = Name_Secondary_Stack_Size then Exp := Convert_To (RTE (RE_Size_Type), Exp); end if; Actions := Build_Assignment (Id, Exp); -- Nothing needed if no Rep Item else Actions := No_List; end if; end; -- Composite component with its own Init_Proc elsif not Is_Interface (Typ) and then Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Typ) then Actions := Build_Initialization_Call (Comp_Loc, Make_Selected_Component (Comp_Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Comp_Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Id, Comp_Loc)), Typ, In_Init_Proc => True, Enclos_Type => Rec_Type, Discr_Map => Discr_Map); Clean_Task_Names (Typ, Proc_Id); -- Simple initialization elsif Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization (Typ) then Actions := Build_Assignment (Id => Id, Default => Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ => Typ, N => N, Size => Esize (Id))); -- Nothing needed for this case else Actions := No_List; end if; if Present (Checks) then if Chars (Id) = Name_uParent then Append_List_To (Parent_Stmts, Checks); else Append_List_To (Stmts, Checks); end if; end if; if Present (Actions) then if Chars (Id) = Name_uParent then Append_List_To (Parent_Stmts, Actions); else Append_List_To (Stmts, Actions); -- Preserve initialization state in the current counter if Needs_Finalization (Typ) then if No (Counter_Id) then Make_Counter (Comp_Loc); end if; Increment_Counter (Comp_Loc); end if; end if; end if; end if; Next_Non_Pragma (Decl); end loop; -- The parent field must be initialized first because variable -- size components of the parent affect the location of all the -- new components. Prepend_List_To (Stmts, Parent_Stmts); -- Set up tasks and protected object support. This needs to be done -- before any component with a per-object access discriminant -- constraint, or any variant part (which may contain such -- components) is initialized, because the initialization of these -- components may reference the enclosing concurrent object. -- For a task record type, add the task create call and calls to bind -- any interrupt (signal) entries. if Is_Task_Record_Type (Rec_Type) then -- In the case of the restricted run time the ATCB has already -- been preallocated. if Restricted_Profile then Append_To (Stmts, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uTask_Id)), Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uATCB)), Attribute_Name => Name_Unchecked_Access))); end if; Append_To (Stmts, Make_Task_Create_Call (Rec_Type)); declare Task_Type : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Rec_Type); Task_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (Task_Type); Task_Def : constant Node_Id := Task_Definition (Task_Decl); Decl_Loc : Source_Ptr; Ent : Entity_Id; Vis_Decl : Node_Id; begin if Present (Task_Def) then Vis_Decl := First (Visible_Declarations (Task_Def)); while Present (Vis_Decl) loop Decl_Loc := Sloc (Vis_Decl); if Nkind (Vis_Decl) = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause then if Get_Attribute_Id (Chars (Vis_Decl)) = Attribute_Address then Ent := Entity (Name (Vis_Decl)); if Ekind (Ent) = E_Entry then Append_To (Stmts, Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Decl_Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE ( RE_Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry), Decl_Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Make_Selected_Component (Decl_Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Decl_Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Decl_Loc, Name_uTask_Id)), Entry_Index_Expression (Decl_Loc, Ent, Empty, Task_Type), Expression (Vis_Decl)))); end if; end if; end if; Next (Vis_Decl); end loop; end if; end; end if; -- For a protected type, add statements generated by -- Make_Initialize_Protection. if Is_Protected_Record_Type (Rec_Type) then Append_List_To (Stmts, Make_Initialize_Protection (Rec_Type)); end if; -- Second pass: components that require late initialization if Has_Late_Init_Comp then Decl := First_Non_Pragma (Component_Items (Comp_List)); while Present (Decl) loop Comp_Loc := Sloc (Decl); Id := Defining_Identifier (Decl); Typ := Etype (Id); if Requires_Late_Initialization (Decl, Rec_Type) then if Present (Expression (Decl)) then Append_List_To (Stmts, Build_Assignment (Id, Expression (Decl))); elsif Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Typ) then Append_List_To (Stmts, Build_Initialization_Call (Comp_Loc, Make_Selected_Component (Comp_Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Comp_Loc, Name_uInit), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Id, Comp_Loc)), Typ, In_Init_Proc => True, Enclos_Type => Rec_Type, Discr_Map => Discr_Map)); Clean_Task_Names (Typ, Proc_Id); -- Preserve initialization state in the current counter if Needs_Finalization (Typ) then if No (Counter_Id) then Make_Counter (Comp_Loc); end if; Increment_Counter (Comp_Loc); end if; elsif Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization (Typ) then Append_List_To (Stmts, Build_Assignment (Id => Id, Default => Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ => Typ, N => N, Size => Esize (Id)))); end if; end if; Next_Non_Pragma (Decl); end loop; end if; -- Process the variant part if Present (Variant_Part (Comp_List)) then declare Variant_Alts : constant List_Id := New_List; Var_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location; Variant : Node_Id; begin Variant := First_Non_Pragma (Variants (Variant_Part (Comp_List))); while Present (Variant) loop Var_Loc := Sloc (Variant); Append_To (Variant_Alts, Make_Case_Statement_Alternative (Var_Loc, Discrete_Choices => New_Copy_List (Discrete_Choices (Variant)), Statements => Build_Init_Statements (Component_List (Variant)))); Next_Non_Pragma (Variant); end loop; -- The expression of the case statement which is a reference -- to one of the discriminants is replaced by the appropriate -- formal parameter of the initialization procedure. Append_To (Stmts, Make_Case_Statement (Var_Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Discriminal ( Entity (Name (Variant_Part (Comp_List)))), Var_Loc), Alternatives => Variant_Alts)); end; end if; -- If no initializations when generated for component declarations -- corresponding to this Stmts, append a null statement to Stmts to -- to make it a valid Ada tree. if Is_Empty_List (Stmts) then Append (Make_Null_Statement (Loc), Stmts); end if; return Stmts; exception when RE_Not_Available => return Empty_List; end Build_Init_Statements; ------------------------- -- Build_Record_Checks -- ------------------------- procedure Build_Record_Checks (S : Node_Id; Check_List : List_Id) is Subtype_Mark_Id : Entity_Id; procedure Constrain_Array (SI : Node_Id; Check_List : List_Id); -- Apply a list of index constraints to an unconstrained array type. -- The first parameter is the entity for the resulting subtype. -- Check_List is a list to which the check actions are appended. --------------------- -- Constrain_Array -- --------------------- procedure Constrain_Array (SI : Node_Id; Check_List : List_Id) is C : constant Node_Id := Constraint (SI); Number_Of_Constraints : Nat := 0; Index : Node_Id; S, T : Entity_Id; procedure Constrain_Index (Index : Node_Id; S : Node_Id; Check_List : List_Id); -- Process an index constraint in a constrained array declaration. -- The constraint can be either a subtype name or a range with or -- without an explicit subtype mark. Index is the corresponding -- index of the unconstrained array. S is the range expression. -- Check_List is a list to which the check actions are appended. --------------------- -- Constrain_Index -- --------------------- procedure Constrain_Index (Index : Node_Id; S : Node_Id; Check_List : List_Id) is T : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Index); begin if Nkind (S) = N_Range then Process_Range_Expr_In_Decl (S, T, Check_List => Check_List); end if; end Constrain_Index; -- Start of processing for Constrain_Array begin T := Entity (Subtype_Mark (SI)); if Is_Access_Type (T) then T := Designated_Type (T); end if; S := First (Constraints (C)); while Present (S) loop Number_Of_Constraints := Number_Of_Constraints + 1; Next (S); end loop; -- In either case, the index constraint must provide a discrete -- range for each index of the array type and the type of each -- discrete range must be the same as that of the corresponding -- index. (RM 3.6.1) S := First (Constraints (C)); Index := First_Index (T); Analyze (Index); -- Apply constraints to each index type for J in 1 .. Number_Of_Constraints loop Constrain_Index (Index, S, Check_List); Next (Index); Next (S); end loop; end Constrain_Array; -- Start of processing for Build_Record_Checks begin if Nkind (S) = N_Subtype_Indication then Find_Type (Subtype_Mark (S)); Subtype_Mark_Id := Entity (Subtype_Mark (S)); -- Remaining processing depends on type case Ekind (Subtype_Mark_Id) is when Array_Kind => Constrain_Array (S, Check_List); when others => null; end case; end if; end Build_Record_Checks; ------------------------------------------- -- Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization -- ------------------------------------------- function Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is begin return Needs_Simple_Initialization (T) and then not Is_RTE (T, RE_Tag) -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Check also the tag of abstract interfaces and then not Is_RTE (T, RE_Interface_Tag); end Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization; -------------------------------------- -- Parent_Subtype_Renaming_Discrims -- -------------------------------------- function Parent_Subtype_Renaming_Discrims return Boolean is De : Entity_Id; Dp : Entity_Id; begin if Base_Type (Rec_Ent) /= Rec_Ent then return False; end if; if Etype (Rec_Ent) = Rec_Ent or else not Has_Discriminants (Rec_Ent) or else Is_Constrained (Rec_Ent) or else Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Ent) then return False; end if; -- If there are no explicit stored discriminants we have inherited -- the root type discriminants so far, so no renamings occurred. if First_Discriminant (Rec_Ent) = First_Stored_Discriminant (Rec_Ent) then return False; end if; -- Check if we have done some trivial renaming of the parent -- discriminants, i.e. something like -- -- type DT (X1, X2: int) is new PT (X1, X2); De := First_Discriminant (Rec_Ent); Dp := First_Discriminant (Etype (Rec_Ent)); while Present (De) loop pragma Assert (Present (Dp)); if Corresponding_Discriminant (De) /= Dp then return True; end if; Next_Discriminant (De); Next_Discriminant (Dp); end loop; return Present (Dp); end Parent_Subtype_Renaming_Discrims; ------------------------ -- Requires_Init_Proc -- ------------------------ function Requires_Init_Proc (Rec_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is Comp_Decl : Node_Id; Id : Entity_Id; Typ : Entity_Id; begin -- Definitely do not need one if specifically suppressed if Initialization_Suppressed (Rec_Id) then return False; end if; -- If it is a type derived from a type with unknown discriminants, -- we cannot build an initialization procedure for it. if Has_Unknown_Discriminants (Rec_Id) or else Has_Unknown_Discriminants (Etype (Rec_Id)) then return False; end if; -- Otherwise we need to generate an initialization procedure if -- Is_CPP_Class is False and at least one of the following applies: -- 1. Discriminants are present, since they need to be initialized -- with the appropriate discriminant constraint expressions. -- However, the discriminant of an unchecked union does not -- count, since the discriminant is not present. -- 2. The type is a tagged type, since the implicit Tag component -- needs to be initialized with a pointer to the dispatch table. -- 3. The type contains tasks -- 4. One or more components has an initial value -- 5. One or more components is for a type which itself requires -- an initialization procedure. -- 6. One or more components is a type that requires simple -- initialization (see Needs_Simple_Initialization), except -- that types Tag and Interface_Tag are excluded, since fields -- of these types are initialized by other means. -- 7. The type is the record type built for a task type (since at -- the very least, Create_Task must be called) -- 8. The type is the record type built for a protected type (since -- at least Initialize_Protection must be called) -- 9. The type is marked as a public entity. The reason we add this -- case (even if none of the above apply) is to properly handle -- Initialize_Scalars. If a package is compiled without an IS -- pragma, and the client is compiled with an IS pragma, then -- the client will think an initialization procedure is present -- and call it, when in fact no such procedure is required, but -- since the call is generated, there had better be a routine -- at the other end of the call, even if it does nothing). -- Note: the reason we exclude the CPP_Class case is because in this -- case the initialization is performed by the C++ constructors, and -- the IP is built by Set_CPP_Constructors. if Is_CPP_Class (Rec_Id) then return False; elsif Is_Interface (Rec_Id) then return False; elsif (Has_Discriminants (Rec_Id) and then not Is_Unchecked_Union (Rec_Id)) or else Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Id) or else Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Rec_Id) or else Has_Task (Rec_Id) then return True; end if; Id := First_Component (Rec_Id); while Present (Id) loop Comp_Decl := Parent (Id); Typ := Etype (Id); if Present (Expression (Comp_Decl)) or else Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Typ) or else Component_Needs_Simple_Initialization (Typ) then return True; end if; Next_Component (Id); end loop; -- As explained above, a record initialization procedure is needed -- for public types in case Initialize_Scalars applies to a client. -- However, such a procedure is not needed in the case where either -- of restrictions No_Initialize_Scalars or No_Default_Initialization -- applies. No_Initialize_Scalars excludes the possibility of using -- Initialize_Scalars in any partition, and No_Default_Initialization -- implies that no initialization should ever be done for objects of -- the type, so is incompatible with Initialize_Scalars. if not Restriction_Active (No_Initialize_Scalars) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Default_Initialization) and then Is_Public (Rec_Id) then return True; end if; return False; end Requires_Init_Proc; -- Start of processing for Build_Record_Init_Proc begin Rec_Type := Defining_Identifier (N); -- This may be full declaration of a private type, in which case -- the visible entity is a record, and the private entity has been -- exchanged with it in the private part of the current package. -- The initialization procedure is built for the record type, which -- is retrievable from the private entity. if Is_Incomplete_Or_Private_Type (Rec_Type) then Rec_Type := Underlying_Type (Rec_Type); end if; -- If we have a variant record with restriction No_Implicit_Conditionals -- in effect, then we skip building the procedure. This is safe because -- if we can see the restriction, so can any caller, calls to initialize -- such records are not allowed for variant records if this restriction -- is active. if Has_Variant_Part (Rec_Type) and then Restriction_Active (No_Implicit_Conditionals) then return; end if; -- If there are discriminants, build the discriminant map to replace -- discriminants by their discriminals in complex bound expressions. -- These only arise for the corresponding records of synchronized types. if Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Rec_Type) and then Has_Discriminants (Rec_Type) then declare Disc : Entity_Id; begin Disc := First_Discriminant (Rec_Type); while Present (Disc) loop Append_Elmt (Disc, Discr_Map); Append_Elmt (Discriminal (Disc), Discr_Map); Next_Discriminant (Disc); end loop; end; end if; -- Derived types that have no type extension can use the initialization -- procedure of their parent and do not need a procedure of their own. -- This is only correct if there are no representation clauses for the -- type or its parent, and if the parent has in fact been frozen so -- that its initialization procedure exists. if Is_Derived_Type (Rec_Type) and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Rec_Type) and then not Is_Unchecked_Union (Rec_Type) and then not Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep (Rec_Type) and then not Parent_Subtype_Renaming_Discrims and then Present (Base_Init_Proc (Etype (Rec_Type))) then Copy_TSS (Base_Init_Proc (Etype (Rec_Type)), Rec_Type); -- Otherwise if we need an initialization procedure, then build one, -- mark it as public and inlinable and as having a completion. elsif Requires_Init_Proc (Rec_Type) or else Is_Unchecked_Union (Rec_Type) then Proc_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Make_Init_Proc_Name (Rec_Type)); -- If No_Default_Initialization restriction is active, then we don't -- want to build an init_proc, but we need to mark that an init_proc -- would be needed if this restriction was not active (so that we can -- detect attempts to call it), so set a dummy init_proc in place. if Restriction_Active (No_Default_Initialization) then Set_Init_Proc (Rec_Type, Proc_Id); return; end if; Build_Offset_To_Top_Functions; Build_CPP_Init_Procedure; Build_Init_Procedure; Set_Is_Public (Proc_Id, Is_Public (Rec_Ent)); Set_Is_Internal (Proc_Id); Set_Has_Completion (Proc_Id); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Proc_Id); end if; Set_Is_Inlined (Proc_Id, Inline_Init_Proc (Rec_Type)); -- Do not build an aggregate if Modify_Tree_For_C, this isn't -- needed and may generate early references to non frozen types -- since we expand aggregate much more systematically. if Modify_Tree_For_C then return; end if; declare Agg : constant Node_Id := Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate (Rec_Type); procedure Collect_Itypes (Comp : Node_Id); -- Generate references to itypes in the aggregate, because -- the first use of the aggregate may be in a nested scope. -------------------- -- Collect_Itypes -- -------------------- procedure Collect_Itypes (Comp : Node_Id) is Ref : Node_Id; Sub_Aggr : Node_Id; Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Comp); begin if Is_Array_Type (Typ) and then Is_Itype (Typ) then Ref := Make_Itype_Reference (Loc); Set_Itype (Ref, Typ); Append_Freeze_Action (Rec_Type, Ref); Ref := Make_Itype_Reference (Loc); Set_Itype (Ref, Etype (First_Index (Typ))); Append_Freeze_Action (Rec_Type, Ref); -- Recurse on nested arrays Sub_Aggr := First (Expressions (Comp)); while Present (Sub_Aggr) loop Collect_Itypes (Sub_Aggr); Next (Sub_Aggr); end loop; end if; end Collect_Itypes; begin -- If there is a static initialization aggregate for the type, -- generate itype references for the types of its (sub)components, -- to prevent out-of-scope errors in the resulting tree. -- The aggregate may have been rewritten as a Raise node, in which -- case there are no relevant itypes. if Present (Agg) and then Nkind (Agg) = N_Aggregate then Set_Static_Initialization (Proc_Id, Agg); declare Comp : Node_Id; begin Comp := First (Component_Associations (Agg)); while Present (Comp) loop Collect_Itypes (Expression (Comp)); Next (Comp); end loop; end; end if; end; end if; end Build_Record_Init_Proc; ---------------------------- -- Build_Slice_Assignment -- ---------------------------- -- Generates the following subprogram: -- procedure Assign -- (Source, Target : Array_Type, -- Left_Lo, Left_Hi : Index; -- Right_Lo, Right_Hi : Index; -- Rev : Boolean) -- is -- Li1 : Index; -- Ri1 : Index; -- begin -- if Left_Hi < Left_Lo then -- return; -- end if; -- if Rev then -- Li1 := Left_Hi; -- Ri1 := Right_Hi; -- else -- Li1 := Left_Lo; -- Ri1 := Right_Lo; -- end if; -- loop -- Target (Li1) := Source (Ri1); -- if Rev then -- exit when Li1 = Left_Lo; -- Li1 := Index'pred (Li1); -- Ri1 := Index'pred (Ri1); -- else -- exit when Li1 = Left_Hi; -- Li1 := Index'succ (Li1); -- Ri1 := Index'succ (Ri1); -- end if; -- end loop; -- end Assign; procedure Build_Slice_Assignment (Typ : Entity_Id) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Typ); Index : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etype (First_Index (Typ))); Larray : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'A'); Rarray : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'R'); Left_Lo : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'L'); Left_Hi : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'L'); Right_Lo : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'R'); Right_Hi : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'R'); Rev : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'D'); -- Formal parameters of procedure Proc_Name : constant Entity_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Make_TSS_Name (Typ, TSS_Slice_Assign)); Lnn : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'L'); Rnn : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'R'); -- Subscripts for left and right sides Decls : List_Id; Loops : Node_Id; Stats : List_Id; begin -- Build declarations for indexes Decls := New_List; Append_To (Decls, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Lnn, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc))); Append_To (Decls, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Rnn, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc))); Stats := New_List; -- Build test for empty slice case Append_To (Stats, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => Make_Op_Lt (Loc, Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Left_Hi, Loc), Right_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Left_Lo, Loc)), Then_Statements => New_List (Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc)))); -- Build initializations for indexes declare F_Init : constant List_Id := New_List; B_Init : constant List_Id := New_List; begin Append_To (F_Init, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Left_Lo, Loc))); Append_To (F_Init, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Right_Lo, Loc))); Append_To (B_Init, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Left_Hi, Loc))); Append_To (B_Init, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Right_Hi, Loc))); Append_To (Stats, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Rev, Loc), Then_Statements => B_Init, Else_Statements => F_Init)); end; -- Now construct the assignment statement Loops := Make_Loop_Statement (Loc, Statements => New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Indexed_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Larray, Loc), Expressions => New_List (New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc))), Expression => Make_Indexed_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Rarray, Loc), Expressions => New_List (New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc))))), End_Label => Empty); -- Build the exit condition and increment/decrement statements declare F_Ass : constant List_Id := New_List; B_Ass : constant List_Id := New_List; begin Append_To (F_Ass, Make_Exit_Statement (Loc, Condition => Make_Op_Eq (Loc, Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc), Right_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Left_Hi, Loc)))); Append_To (F_Ass, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc), Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Succ, Expressions => New_List ( New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc))))); Append_To (F_Ass, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc), Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Succ, Expressions => New_List ( New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc))))); Append_To (B_Ass, Make_Exit_Statement (Loc, Condition => Make_Op_Eq (Loc, Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc), Right_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Left_Lo, Loc)))); Append_To (B_Ass, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc), Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Pred, Expressions => New_List ( New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc))))); Append_To (B_Ass, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc), Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Pred, Expressions => New_List ( New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc))))); Append_To (Statements (Loops), Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Rev, Loc), Then_Statements => B_Ass, Else_Statements => F_Ass)); end; Append_To (Stats, Loops); declare Spec : Node_Id; Formals : List_Id := New_List; begin Formals := New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Larray, Out_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Base_Type (Typ), Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Rarray, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Base_Type (Typ), Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Left_Lo, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Left_Hi, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Right_Lo, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Right_Hi, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Index, Loc))); Append_To (Formals, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Rev, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc))); Spec := Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Proc_Name, Parameter_Specifications => Formals); Discard_Node ( Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Specification => Spec, Declarations => Decls, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => Stats))); end; Set_TSS (Typ, Proc_Name); Set_Is_Pure (Proc_Name); end Build_Slice_Assignment; ----------------------------- -- Build_Untagged_Equality -- ----------------------------- procedure Build_Untagged_Equality (Typ : Entity_Id) is Build_Eq : Boolean; Comp : Entity_Id; Decl : Node_Id; Op : Entity_Id; Prim : Elmt_Id; Eq_Op : Entity_Id; function User_Defined_Eq (T : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id; -- Check whether the type T has a user-defined primitive equality. If so -- return it, else return Empty. If true for a component of Typ, we have -- to build the primitive equality for it. --------------------- -- User_Defined_Eq -- --------------------- function User_Defined_Eq (T : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is Prim : Elmt_Id; Op : Entity_Id; begin Op := TSS (T, TSS_Composite_Equality); if Present (Op) then return Op; end if; Prim := First_Elmt (Collect_Primitive_Operations (T)); while Present (Prim) loop Op := Node (Prim); if Chars (Op) = Name_Op_Eq and then Etype (Op) = Standard_Boolean and then Etype (First_Formal (Op)) = T and then Etype (Next_Formal (First_Formal (Op))) = T then return Op; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; return Empty; end User_Defined_Eq; -- Start of processing for Build_Untagged_Equality begin -- If a record component has a primitive equality operation, we must -- build the corresponding one for the current type. Build_Eq := False; Comp := First_Component (Typ); while Present (Comp) loop if Is_Record_Type (Etype (Comp)) and then Present (User_Defined_Eq (Etype (Comp))) then Build_Eq := True; end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; -- If there is a user-defined equality for the type, we do not create -- the implicit one. Prim := First_Elmt (Collect_Primitive_Operations (Typ)); Eq_Op := Empty; while Present (Prim) loop if Chars (Node (Prim)) = Name_Op_Eq and then Comes_From_Source (Node (Prim)) -- Don't we also need to check formal types and return type as in -- User_Defined_Eq above??? then Eq_Op := Node (Prim); Build_Eq := False; exit; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; -- If the type is derived, inherit the operation, if present, from the -- parent type. It may have been declared after the type derivation. If -- the parent type itself is derived, it may have inherited an operation -- that has itself been overridden, so update its alias and related -- flags. Ditto for inequality. if No (Eq_Op) and then Is_Derived_Type (Typ) then Prim := First_Elmt (Collect_Primitive_Operations (Etype (Typ))); while Present (Prim) loop if Chars (Node (Prim)) = Name_Op_Eq then Copy_TSS (Node (Prim), Typ); Build_Eq := False; declare Op : constant Entity_Id := User_Defined_Eq (Typ); Eq_Op : constant Entity_Id := Node (Prim); NE_Op : constant Entity_Id := Next_Entity (Eq_Op); begin if Present (Op) then Set_Alias (Op, Eq_Op); Set_Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Op, Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Eq_Op)); if Chars (Next_Entity (Op)) = Name_Op_Ne then Set_Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Next_Entity (Op), Is_Abstract_Subprogram (NE_Op)); end if; end if; end; exit; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; end if; -- If not inherited and not user-defined, build body as for a type with -- tagged components. if Build_Eq then Decl := Make_Eq_Body (Typ, Make_TSS_Name (Typ, TSS_Composite_Equality)); Op := Defining_Entity (Decl); Set_TSS (Typ, Op); Set_Is_Pure (Op); if Is_Library_Level_Entity (Typ) then Set_Is_Public (Op); end if; end if; end Build_Untagged_Equality; ----------------------------------- -- Build_Variant_Record_Equality -- ----------------------------------- -- Generates: -- function <<Body_Id>> (Left, Right : T) return Boolean is -- [ X : T renames Left; ] -- [ Y : T renames Right; ] -- -- The above renamings are generated only if the parameters of -- -- this built function (which are passed by the caller) are not -- -- named 'X' and 'Y'; these names are required to reuse several -- -- expander routines when generating this body. -- begin -- -- Compare discriminants -- if X.D1 /= Y.D1 or else X.D2 /= Y.D2 or else ... then -- return False; -- end if; -- -- Compare components -- if X.C1 /= Y.C1 or else X.C2 /= Y.C2 or else ... then -- return False; -- end if; -- -- Compare variant part -- case X.D1 is -- when V1 => -- if X.C2 /= Y.C2 or else X.C3 /= Y.C3 or else ... then -- return False; -- end if; -- ... -- when Vn => -- if X.Cn /= Y.Cn or else ... then -- return False; -- end if; -- end case; -- return True; -- end _Equality; function Build_Variant_Record_Equality (Typ : Entity_Id; Body_Id : Entity_Id; Param_Specs : List_Id) return Node_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Typ); Def : constant Node_Id := Parent (Typ); Comps : constant Node_Id := Component_List (Type_Definition (Def)); Left : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (First (Param_Specs)); Right : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (Next (First (Param_Specs))); Decls : constant List_Id := New_List; Stmts : constant List_Id := New_List; Subp_Body : Node_Id; begin pragma Assert (not Is_Tagged_Type (Typ)); -- In order to reuse the expander routines Make_Eq_If and Make_Eq_Case -- the name of the formals must be X and Y; otherwise we generate two -- renaming declarations for such purpose. if Chars (Left) /= Name_X then Append_To (Decls, Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc), Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Left)))); end if; if Chars (Right) /= Name_Y then Append_To (Decls, Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc), Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Right)))); end if; -- Unchecked_Unions require additional machinery to support equality. -- Two extra parameters (A and B) are added to the equality function -- parameter list for each discriminant of the type, in order to -- capture the inferred values of the discriminants in equality calls. -- The names of the parameters match the names of the corresponding -- discriminant, with an added suffix. if Is_Unchecked_Union (Typ) then declare A : Entity_Id; B : Entity_Id; Discr : Entity_Id; Discr_Type : Entity_Id; New_Discrs : Elist_Id; begin New_Discrs := New_Elmt_List; Discr := First_Discriminant (Typ); while Present (Discr) loop Discr_Type := Etype (Discr); A := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Discr), 'A')); B := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Discr), 'B')); -- Add new parameters to the parameter list Append_To (Param_Specs, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => A, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Discr_Type, Loc))); Append_To (Param_Specs, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => B, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Discr_Type, Loc))); Append_Elmt (A, New_Discrs); -- Generate the following code to compare each of the inferred -- discriminants: -- if a /= b then -- return False; -- end if; Append_To (Stmts, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => Make_Op_Ne (Loc, Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (A, Loc), Right_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (B, Loc)), Then_Statements => New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc))))); Next_Discriminant (Discr); end loop; -- Generate component-by-component comparison. Note that we must -- propagate the inferred discriminants formals to act as the case -- statement switch. Their value is added when an equality call on -- unchecked unions is expanded. Append_List_To (Stmts, Make_Eq_Case (Typ, Comps, New_Discrs)); end; -- Normal case (not unchecked union) else Append_To (Stmts, Make_Eq_If (Typ, Discriminant_Specifications (Def))); Append_List_To (Stmts, Make_Eq_Case (Typ, Comps)); end if; Append_To (Stmts, Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc))); Subp_Body := Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Specification => Make_Function_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Body_Id, Parameter_Specifications => Param_Specs, Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc)), Declarations => Decls, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => Stmts)); return Subp_Body; end Build_Variant_Record_Equality; ----------------------------- -- Check_Stream_Attributes -- ----------------------------- procedure Check_Stream_Attributes (Typ : Entity_Id) is Comp : Entity_Id; Par_Read : constant Boolean := Stream_Attribute_Available (Typ, TSS_Stream_Read) and then not Has_Specified_Stream_Read (Typ); Par_Write : constant Boolean := Stream_Attribute_Available (Typ, TSS_Stream_Write) and then not Has_Specified_Stream_Write (Typ); procedure Check_Attr (Nam : Name_Id; TSS_Nam : TSS_Name_Type); -- Check that Comp has a user-specified Nam stream attribute ---------------- -- Check_Attr -- ---------------- procedure Check_Attr (Nam : Name_Id; TSS_Nam : TSS_Name_Type) is begin -- Move this check to sem??? if not Stream_Attribute_Available (Etype (Comp), TSS_Nam) then Error_Msg_Name_1 := Nam; Error_Msg_N ("|component& in limited extension must have% attribute", Comp); end if; end Check_Attr; -- Start of processing for Check_Stream_Attributes begin if Par_Read or else Par_Write then Comp := First_Component (Typ); while Present (Comp) loop if Comes_From_Source (Comp) and then Original_Record_Component (Comp) = Comp and then Is_Limited_Type (Etype (Comp)) then if Par_Read then Check_Attr (Name_Read, TSS_Stream_Read); end if; if Par_Write then Check_Attr (Name_Write, TSS_Stream_Write); end if; end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; end if; end Check_Stream_Attributes; ---------------------- -- Clean_Task_Names -- ---------------------- procedure Clean_Task_Names (Typ : Entity_Id; Proc_Id : Entity_Id) is begin if Has_Task (Typ) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations) and then not Global_Discard_Names and then Tagged_Type_Expansion then Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (Proc_Id); end if; end Clean_Task_Names; ---------------------------------------- -- Ensure_Activation_Chain_And_Master -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Ensure_Activation_Chain_And_Master (Obj_Decl : Node_Id) is Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (Obj_Decl); Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Obj_Decl); Expr_Q : Node_Id; Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Def_Id); begin pragma Assert (Nkind (Obj_Decl) = N_Object_Declaration); if Might_Have_Tasks (Typ) then Build_Activation_Chain_Entity (Obj_Decl); if Has_Task (Typ) then Build_Master_Entity (Def_Id); -- Handle objects initialized with BIP function calls elsif Present (Expr) then if Nkind (Expr) = N_Qualified_Expression then Expr_Q := Expression (Expr); else Expr_Q := Expr; end if; if Is_Build_In_Place_Function_Call (Expr_Q) or else Present (Unqual_BIP_Iface_Function_Call (Expr_Q)) or else (Nkind (Expr_Q) = N_Reference and then Is_Build_In_Place_Function_Call (Prefix (Expr_Q))) then Build_Master_Entity (Def_Id); end if; end if; end if; end Ensure_Activation_Chain_And_Master; ------------------------------ -- Expand_Freeze_Array_Type -- ------------------------------ procedure Expand_Freeze_Array_Type (N : Node_Id) is Typ : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N); Base : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Typ); Comp_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Component_Type (Typ); begin if not Is_Bit_Packed_Array (Typ) then -- If the component contains tasks, so does the array type. This may -- not be indicated in the array type because the component may have -- been a private type at the point of definition. Same if component -- type is controlled or contains protected objects. Propagate_Concurrent_Flags (Base, Comp_Typ); Set_Has_Controlled_Component (Base, Has_Controlled_Component (Comp_Typ) or else Is_Controlled (Comp_Typ)); if No (Init_Proc (Base)) then -- If this is an anonymous array created for a declaration with -- an initial value, its init_proc will never be called. The -- initial value itself may have been expanded into assignments, -- in which case the object declaration is carries the -- No_Initialization flag. if Is_Itype (Base) and then Nkind (Associated_Node_For_Itype (Base)) = N_Object_Declaration and then (Present (Expression (Associated_Node_For_Itype (Base))) or else No_Initialization (Associated_Node_For_Itype (Base))) then null; -- We do not need an init proc for string or wide [wide] string, -- since the only time these need initialization in normalize or -- initialize scalars mode, and these types are treated specially -- and do not need initialization procedures. elsif Is_Standard_String_Type (Base) then null; -- Otherwise we have to build an init proc for the subtype else Build_Array_Init_Proc (Base, N); end if; end if; if Typ = Base and then Has_Controlled_Component (Base) then Build_Controlling_Procs (Base); if not Is_Limited_Type (Comp_Typ) and then Number_Dimensions (Typ) = 1 then Build_Slice_Assignment (Typ); end if; end if; -- For packed case, default initialization, except if the component type -- is itself a packed structure with an initialization procedure, or -- initialize/normalize scalars active, and we have a base type, or the -- type is public, because in that case a client might specify -- Normalize_Scalars and there better be a public Init_Proc for it. elsif (Present (Init_Proc (Component_Type (Base))) and then No (Base_Init_Proc (Base))) or else (Init_Or_Norm_Scalars and then Base = Typ) or else Is_Public (Typ) then Build_Array_Init_Proc (Base, N); end if; end Expand_Freeze_Array_Type; ----------------------------------- -- Expand_Freeze_Class_Wide_Type -- ----------------------------------- procedure Expand_Freeze_Class_Wide_Type (N : Node_Id) is function Is_C_Derivation (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Given a type, determine whether it is derived from a C or C++ root --------------------- -- Is_C_Derivation -- --------------------- function Is_C_Derivation (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is T : Entity_Id; begin T := Typ; loop if Is_CPP_Class (T) or else Convention (T) = Convention_C or else Convention (T) = Convention_CPP then return True; end if; exit when T = Etype (T); T := Etype (T); end loop; return False; end Is_C_Derivation; -- Local variables Typ : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N); Root : constant Entity_Id := Root_Type (Typ); -- Start of processing for Expand_Freeze_Class_Wide_Type begin -- Certain run-time configurations and targets do not provide support -- for controlled types. if Restriction_Active (No_Finalization) then return; -- Do not create TSS routine Finalize_Address when dispatching calls are -- disabled since the core of the routine is a dispatching call. elsif Restriction_Active (No_Dispatching_Calls) then return; -- Do not create TSS routine Finalize_Address for concurrent class-wide -- types. Ignore C, C++, CIL and Java types since it is assumed that the -- non-Ada side will handle their destruction. elsif Is_Concurrent_Type (Root) or else Is_C_Derivation (Root) or else Convention (Typ) = Convention_CPP then return; -- Do not create TSS routine Finalize_Address when compiling in CodePeer -- mode since the routine contains an Unchecked_Conversion. elsif CodePeer_Mode then return; end if; -- Create the body of TSS primitive Finalize_Address. This automatically -- sets the TSS entry for the class-wide type. Make_Finalize_Address_Body (Typ); end Expand_Freeze_Class_Wide_Type; ------------------------------------ -- Expand_Freeze_Enumeration_Type -- ------------------------------------ procedure Expand_Freeze_Enumeration_Type (N : Node_Id) is Typ : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N); Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Typ); Arr : Entity_Id; Ent : Entity_Id; Fent : Entity_Id; Is_Contiguous : Boolean; Index_Typ : Entity_Id; Ityp : Entity_Id; Last_Repval : Uint; Lst : List_Id; Num : Nat; Pos_Expr : Node_Id; Func : Entity_Id; pragma Warnings (Off, Func); begin -- Various optimizations possible if given representation is contiguous Is_Contiguous := True; Ent := First_Literal (Typ); Last_Repval := Enumeration_Rep (Ent); Num := 1; Next_Literal (Ent); while Present (Ent) loop if Enumeration_Rep (Ent) - Last_Repval /= 1 then Is_Contiguous := False; else Last_Repval := Enumeration_Rep (Ent); end if; Num := Num + 1; Next_Literal (Ent); end loop; if Is_Contiguous then Set_Has_Contiguous_Rep (Typ); -- Now build a subtype declaration -- subtype typI is new Natural range 0 .. num - 1 Index_Typ := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Typ), 'I')); Append_Freeze_Action (Typ, Make_Subtype_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Index_Typ, Subtype_Indication => Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc), Constraint => Make_Range_Constraint (Loc, Range_Expression => Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0), High_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Num - 1)))))); Set_Enum_Pos_To_Rep (Typ, Index_Typ); else -- Build list of literal references Lst := New_List; Ent := First_Literal (Typ); while Present (Ent) loop Append_To (Lst, New_Occurrence_Of (Ent, Sloc (Ent))); Next_Literal (Ent); end loop; -- Now build an array declaration -- typA : constant array (Natural range 0 .. num - 1) of typ := -- (v, v, v, v, v, ....) Arr := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Typ), 'A')); Append_Freeze_Action (Typ, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Arr, Constant_Present => True, Object_Definition => Make_Constrained_Array_Definition (Loc, Discrete_Subtype_Definitions => New_List ( Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc), Constraint => Make_Range_Constraint (Loc, Range_Expression => Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0), High_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Num - 1))))), Component_Definition => Make_Component_Definition (Loc, Aliased_Present => False, Subtype_Indication => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))), Expression => Make_Aggregate (Loc, Expressions => Lst))); Set_Enum_Pos_To_Rep (Typ, Arr); end if; -- Now we build the function that converts representation values to -- position values. This function has the form: -- function _Rep_To_Pos (A : etype; F : Boolean) return Integer is -- begin -- case ityp!(A) is -- when enum-lit'Enum_Rep => return posval; -- when enum-lit'Enum_Rep => return posval; -- ... -- when others => -- [raise Constraint_Error when F "invalid data"] -- return -1; -- end case; -- end; -- Note: the F parameter determines whether the others case (no valid -- representation) raises Constraint_Error or returns a unique value -- of minus one. The latter case is used, e.g. in 'Valid code. -- Note: the reason we use Enum_Rep values in the case here is to avoid -- the code generator making inappropriate assumptions about the range -- of the values in the case where the value is invalid. ityp is a -- signed or unsigned integer type of appropriate width. -- Note: if exceptions are not supported, then we suppress the raise -- and return -1 unconditionally (this is an erroneous program in any -- case and there is no obligation to raise Constraint_Error here). We -- also do this if pragma Restrictions (No_Exceptions) is active. -- Is this right??? What about No_Exception_Propagation??? -- The underlying type is signed. Reset the Is_Unsigned_Type explicitly -- because it might have been inherited from the parent type. if Enumeration_Rep (First_Literal (Typ)) < 0 then Set_Is_Unsigned_Type (Typ, False); end if; Ityp := Integer_Type_For (Esize (Typ), Is_Unsigned_Type (Typ)); -- The body of the function is a case statement. First collect case -- alternatives, or optimize the contiguous case. Lst := New_List; -- If representation is contiguous, Pos is computed by subtracting -- the representation of the first literal. if Is_Contiguous then Ent := First_Literal (Typ); if Enumeration_Rep (Ent) = Last_Repval then -- Another special case: for a single literal, Pos is zero Pos_Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Uint_0); else Pos_Expr := Convert_To (Standard_Integer, Make_Op_Subtract (Loc, Left_Opnd => Unchecked_Convert_To (Ityp, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uA)), Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Intval => Enumeration_Rep (First_Literal (Typ))))); end if; Append_To (Lst, Make_Case_Statement_Alternative (Loc, Discrete_Choices => New_List ( Make_Range (Sloc (Enumeration_Rep_Expr (Ent)), Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Intval => Enumeration_Rep (Ent)), High_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Intval => Last_Repval))), Statements => New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Pos_Expr)))); else Ent := First_Literal (Typ); while Present (Ent) loop Append_To (Lst, Make_Case_Statement_Alternative (Loc, Discrete_Choices => New_List ( Make_Integer_Literal (Sloc (Enumeration_Rep_Expr (Ent)), Intval => Enumeration_Rep (Ent))), Statements => New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Intval => Enumeration_Pos (Ent)))))); Next_Literal (Ent); end loop; end if; -- In normal mode, add the others clause with the test. -- If Predicates_Ignored is True, validity checks do not apply to -- the subtype. if not No_Exception_Handlers_Set and then not Predicates_Ignored (Typ) then Append_To (Lst, Make_Case_Statement_Alternative (Loc, Discrete_Choices => New_List (Make_Others_Choice (Loc)), Statements => New_List ( Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc, Condition => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uF), Reason => CE_Invalid_Data), Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, -1))))); -- If either of the restrictions No_Exceptions_Handlers/Propagation is -- active then return -1 (we cannot usefully raise Constraint_Error in -- this case). See description above for further details. else Append_To (Lst, Make_Case_Statement_Alternative (Loc, Discrete_Choices => New_List (Make_Others_Choice (Loc)), Statements => New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, -1))))); end if; -- Now we can build the function body Fent := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Make_TSS_Name (Typ, TSS_Rep_To_Pos)); Func := Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Specification => Make_Function_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Fent, Parameter_Specifications => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uA), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uF), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc))), Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Integer, Loc)), Declarations => Empty_List, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List ( Make_Case_Statement (Loc, Expression => Unchecked_Convert_To (Ityp, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uA)), Alternatives => Lst)))); Set_TSS (Typ, Fent); -- Set Pure flag (it will be reset if the current context is not Pure). -- We also pretend there was a pragma Pure_Function so that for purposes -- of optimization and constant-folding, we will consider the function -- Pure even if we are not in a Pure context). Set_Is_Pure (Fent); Set_Has_Pragma_Pure_Function (Fent); -- Unless we are in -gnatD mode, where we are debugging generated code, -- this is an internal entity for which we don't need debug info. if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Fent); end if; Set_Is_Inlined (Fent); exception when RE_Not_Available => return; end Expand_Freeze_Enumeration_Type; ------------------------------- -- Expand_Freeze_Record_Type -- ------------------------------- procedure Expand_Freeze_Record_Type (N : Node_Id) is procedure Build_Variant_Record_Equality (Typ : Entity_Id); -- Create An Equality function for the untagged variant record Typ and -- attach it to the TSS list. ----------------------------------- -- Build_Variant_Record_Equality -- ----------------------------------- procedure Build_Variant_Record_Equality (Typ : Entity_Id) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Typ); F : constant Entity_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Make_TSS_Name (Typ, TSS_Composite_Equality)); begin -- For a variant record with restriction No_Implicit_Conditionals -- in effect we skip building the procedure. This is safe because -- if we can see the restriction, so can any caller, and calls to -- equality test routines are not allowed for variant records if -- this restriction is active. if Restriction_Active (No_Implicit_Conditionals) then return; end if; -- Derived Unchecked_Union types no longer inherit the equality -- function of their parent. if Is_Derived_Type (Typ) and then not Is_Unchecked_Union (Typ) and then not Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep (Typ) then declare Parent_Eq : constant Entity_Id := TSS (Root_Type (Typ), TSS_Composite_Equality); begin if Present (Parent_Eq) then Copy_TSS (Parent_Eq, Typ); return; end if; end; end if; Discard_Node ( Build_Variant_Record_Equality (Typ => Typ, Body_Id => F, Param_Specs => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))))); Set_TSS (Typ, F); Set_Is_Pure (F); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (F); end if; end Build_Variant_Record_Equality; -- Local variables Typ : constant Node_Id := Entity (N); Typ_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (Typ); Comp : Entity_Id; Comp_Typ : Entity_Id; Predef_List : List_Id; Wrapper_Decl_List : List_Id := No_List; Wrapper_Body_List : List_Id := No_List; Renamed_Eq : Node_Id := Empty; -- Defining unit name for the predefined equality function in the case -- where the type has a primitive operation that is a renaming of -- predefined equality (but only if there is also an overriding -- user-defined equality function). Used to pass this entity from -- Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs to Predefined_Primitive_Bodies. -- Start of processing for Expand_Freeze_Record_Type begin -- Build discriminant checking functions if not a derived type (for -- derived types that are not tagged types, always use the discriminant -- checking functions of the parent type). However, for untagged types -- the derivation may have taken place before the parent was frozen, so -- we copy explicitly the discriminant checking functions from the -- parent into the components of the derived type. if not Is_Derived_Type (Typ) or else Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep (Typ) or else Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then Build_Discr_Checking_Funcs (Typ_Decl); elsif Is_Derived_Type (Typ) and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) -- If we have a derived Unchecked_Union, we do not inherit the -- discriminant checking functions from the parent type since the -- discriminants are non existent. and then not Is_Unchecked_Union (Typ) and then Has_Discriminants (Typ) then declare Old_Comp : Entity_Id; begin Old_Comp := First_Component (Base_Type (Underlying_Type (Etype (Typ)))); Comp := First_Component (Typ); while Present (Comp) loop if Ekind (Comp) = E_Component and then Chars (Comp) = Chars (Old_Comp) then Set_Discriminant_Checking_Func (Comp, Discriminant_Checking_Func (Old_Comp)); end if; Next_Component (Old_Comp); Next_Component (Comp); end loop; end; end if; if Is_Derived_Type (Typ) and then Is_Limited_Type (Typ) and then Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then Check_Stream_Attributes (Typ); end if; -- Update task, protected, and controlled component flags, because some -- of the component types may have been private at the point of the -- record declaration. Detect anonymous access-to-controlled components. Comp := First_Component (Typ); while Present (Comp) loop Comp_Typ := Etype (Comp); Propagate_Concurrent_Flags (Typ, Comp_Typ); -- Do not set Has_Controlled_Component on a class-wide equivalent -- type. See Make_CW_Equivalent_Type. if not Is_Class_Wide_Equivalent_Type (Typ) and then (Has_Controlled_Component (Comp_Typ) or else (Chars (Comp) /= Name_uParent and then Is_Controlled (Comp_Typ))) then Set_Has_Controlled_Component (Typ); end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; -- Handle constructors of untagged CPP_Class types if not Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) and then Is_CPP_Class (Typ) then Set_CPP_Constructors (Typ); end if; -- Creation of the Dispatch Table. Note that a Dispatch Table is built -- for regular tagged types as well as for Ada types deriving from a C++ -- Class, but not for tagged types directly corresponding to C++ classes -- In the later case we assume that it is created in the C++ side and we -- just use it. if Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then -- Add the _Tag component if Underlying_Type (Etype (Typ)) = Typ then Expand_Tagged_Root (Typ); end if; if Is_CPP_Class (Typ) then Set_All_DT_Position (Typ); -- Create the tag entities with a minimum decoration if Tagged_Type_Expansion then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Make_Tags (Typ)); end if; Set_CPP_Constructors (Typ); else if not Building_Static_DT (Typ) then -- Usually inherited primitives are not delayed but the first -- Ada extension of a CPP_Class is an exception since the -- address of the inherited subprogram has to be inserted in -- the new Ada Dispatch Table and this is a freezing action. -- Similarly, if this is an inherited operation whose parent is -- not frozen yet, it is not in the DT of the parent, and we -- generate an explicit freeze node for the inherited operation -- so it is properly inserted in the DT of the current type. declare Elmt : Elmt_Id; Subp : Entity_Id; begin Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Typ)); while Present (Elmt) loop Subp := Node (Elmt); if Present (Alias (Subp)) then if Is_CPP_Class (Etype (Typ)) then Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (Subp); elsif Has_Delayed_Freeze (Alias (Subp)) and then not Is_Frozen (Alias (Subp)) then Set_Is_Frozen (Subp, False); Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (Subp); end if; end if; Next_Elmt (Elmt); end loop; end; end if; -- Unfreeze momentarily the type to add the predefined primitives -- operations. The reason we unfreeze is so that these predefined -- operations will indeed end up as primitive operations (which -- must be before the freeze point). Set_Is_Frozen (Typ, False); -- Do not add the spec of predefined primitives in case of -- CPP tagged type derivations that have convention CPP. if Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Typ)) and then Convention (Typ) = Convention_CPP then null; -- Do not add the spec of the predefined primitives if we are -- compiling under restriction No_Dispatching_Calls. elsif not Restriction_Active (No_Dispatching_Calls) then Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs (Typ, Predef_List, Renamed_Eq); Insert_List_Before_And_Analyze (N, Predef_List); end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-391): For a nonabstract null extension, create -- wrapper functions for each nonoverridden inherited function -- with a controlling result of the type. The wrapper for such -- a function returns an extension aggregate that invokes the -- parent function. if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then not Is_Abstract_Type (Typ) and then Is_Null_Extension (Typ) then Make_Controlling_Function_Wrappers (Typ, Wrapper_Decl_List, Wrapper_Body_List); Insert_List_Before_And_Analyze (N, Wrapper_Decl_List); end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): For a nonabstract type extension, build -- null procedure declarations for each set of homographic null -- procedures that are inherited from interface types but not -- overridden. This is done to ensure that the dispatch table -- entry associated with such null primitives are properly filled. if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then Etype (Typ) /= Typ and then not Is_Abstract_Type (Typ) and then Has_Interfaces (Typ) then Insert_Actions (N, Make_Null_Procedure_Specs (Typ)); end if; Set_Is_Frozen (Typ); if not Is_Derived_Type (Typ) or else Is_Tagged_Type (Etype (Typ)) then Set_All_DT_Position (Typ); -- If this is a type derived from an untagged private type whose -- full view is tagged, the type is marked tagged for layout -- reasons, but it has no dispatch table. elsif Is_Derived_Type (Typ) and then Is_Private_Type (Etype (Typ)) and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Etype (Typ)) then return; end if; -- Create and decorate the tags. Suppress their creation when -- not Tagged_Type_Expansion because the dispatching mechanism is -- handled internally by the virtual target. if Tagged_Type_Expansion then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Make_Tags (Typ)); -- Generate dispatch table of locally defined tagged type. -- Dispatch tables of library level tagged types are built -- later (see Analyze_Declarations). if not Building_Static_DT (Typ) then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Make_DT (Typ)); end if; end if; -- If the type has unknown discriminants, propagate dispatching -- information to its underlying record view, which does not get -- its own dispatch table. if Is_Derived_Type (Typ) and then Has_Unknown_Discriminants (Typ) and then Present (Underlying_Record_View (Typ)) then declare Rep : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Record_View (Typ); begin Set_Access_Disp_Table (Rep, Access_Disp_Table (Typ)); Set_Dispatch_Table_Wrappers (Rep, Dispatch_Table_Wrappers (Typ)); Set_Direct_Primitive_Operations (Rep, Direct_Primitive_Operations (Typ)); end; end if; -- Make sure that the primitives Initialize, Adjust and Finalize -- are Frozen before other TSS subprograms. We don't want them -- Frozen inside. if Is_Controlled (Typ) then if not Is_Limited_Type (Typ) then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Freeze_Entity (Find_Prim_Op (Typ, Name_Adjust), Typ)); end if; Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Freeze_Entity (Find_Prim_Op (Typ, Name_Initialize), Typ)); Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Freeze_Entity (Find_Prim_Op (Typ, Name_Finalize), Typ)); end if; -- Freeze rest of primitive operations. There is no need to handle -- the predefined primitives if we are compiling under restriction -- No_Dispatching_Calls. if not Restriction_Active (No_Dispatching_Calls) then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Predefined_Primitive_Freeze (Typ)); end if; end if; -- In the untagged case, ever since Ada 83 an equality function must -- be provided for variant records that are not unchecked unions. -- In Ada 2012 the equality function composes, and thus must be built -- explicitly just as for tagged records. elsif Has_Discriminants (Typ) and then not Is_Limited_Type (Typ) then declare Comps : constant Node_Id := Component_List (Type_Definition (Typ_Decl)); begin if Present (Comps) and then Present (Variant_Part (Comps)) then Build_Variant_Record_Equality (Typ); end if; end; -- Otherwise create primitive equality operation (AI05-0123) -- This is done unconditionally to ensure that tools can be linked -- properly with user programs compiled with older language versions. -- In addition, this is needed because "=" composes for bounded strings -- in all language versions (see Exp_Ch4.Expand_Composite_Equality). elsif Comes_From_Source (Typ) and then Convention (Typ) = Convention_Ada and then not Is_Limited_Type (Typ) then Build_Untagged_Equality (Typ); end if; -- Before building the record initialization procedure, if we are -- dealing with a concurrent record value type, then we must go through -- the discriminants, exchanging discriminals between the concurrent -- type and the concurrent record value type. See the section "Handling -- of Discriminants" in the Einfo spec for details. if Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Typ) and then Has_Discriminants (Typ) then declare Ctyp : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Concurrent_Type (Typ); Conc_Discr : Entity_Id; Rec_Discr : Entity_Id; Temp : Entity_Id; begin Conc_Discr := First_Discriminant (Ctyp); Rec_Discr := First_Discriminant (Typ); while Present (Conc_Discr) loop Temp := Discriminal (Conc_Discr); Set_Discriminal (Conc_Discr, Discriminal (Rec_Discr)); Set_Discriminal (Rec_Discr, Temp); Set_Discriminal_Link (Discriminal (Conc_Discr), Conc_Discr); Set_Discriminal_Link (Discriminal (Rec_Discr), Rec_Discr); Next_Discriminant (Conc_Discr); Next_Discriminant (Rec_Discr); end loop; end; end if; if Has_Controlled_Component (Typ) then Build_Controlling_Procs (Typ); end if; Adjust_Discriminants (Typ); -- Do not need init for interfaces on virtual targets since they're -- abstract. if Tagged_Type_Expansion or else not Is_Interface (Typ) then Build_Record_Init_Proc (Typ_Decl, Typ); end if; -- For tagged type that are not interfaces, build bodies of primitive -- operations. Note: do this after building the record initialization -- procedure, since the primitive operations may need the initialization -- routine. There is no need to add predefined primitives of interfaces -- because all their predefined primitives are abstract. if Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) and then not Is_Interface (Typ) then -- Do not add the body of predefined primitives in case of CPP tagged -- type derivations that have convention CPP. if Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Typ)) and then Convention (Typ) = Convention_CPP then null; -- Do not add the body of the predefined primitives if we are -- compiling under restriction No_Dispatching_Calls or if we are -- compiling a CPP tagged type. elsif not Restriction_Active (No_Dispatching_Calls) then -- Create the body of TSS primitive Finalize_Address. This must -- be done before the bodies of all predefined primitives are -- created. If Typ is limited, Stream_Input and Stream_Read may -- produce build-in-place allocations and for those the expander -- needs Finalize_Address. Make_Finalize_Address_Body (Typ); Predef_List := Predefined_Primitive_Bodies (Typ, Renamed_Eq); Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Predef_List); end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-391): If any wrappers were created for nonoverridden -- inherited functions, then add their bodies to the freeze actions. if Present (Wrapper_Body_List) then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Wrapper_Body_List); end if; -- Create extra formals for the primitive operations of the type. -- This must be done before analyzing the body of the initialization -- procedure, because a self-referential type might call one of these -- primitives in the body of the init_proc itself. declare Elmt : Elmt_Id; Subp : Entity_Id; begin Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Typ)); while Present (Elmt) loop Subp := Node (Elmt); if not Has_Foreign_Convention (Subp) and then not Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation (Subp) then Create_Extra_Formals (Subp); end if; Next_Elmt (Elmt); end loop; end; end if; end Expand_Freeze_Record_Type; ------------------------------------ -- Expand_N_Full_Type_Declaration -- ------------------------------------ procedure Expand_N_Full_Type_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is procedure Build_Master (Ptr_Typ : Entity_Id); -- Create the master associated with Ptr_Typ ------------------ -- Build_Master -- ------------------ procedure Build_Master (Ptr_Typ : Entity_Id) is Desig_Typ : Entity_Id := Designated_Type (Ptr_Typ); begin -- If the designated type is an incomplete view coming from a -- limited-with'ed package, we need to use the nonlimited view in -- case it has tasks. if Is_Incomplete_Type (Desig_Typ) and then Present (Non_Limited_View (Desig_Typ)) then Desig_Typ := Non_Limited_View (Desig_Typ); end if; -- Anonymous access types are created for the components of the -- record parameter for an entry declaration. No master is created -- for such a type. if Has_Task (Desig_Typ) then Build_Master_Entity (Ptr_Typ); Build_Master_Renaming (Ptr_Typ); -- Create a class-wide master because a Master_Id must be generated -- for access-to-limited-class-wide types whose root may be extended -- with task components. -- Note: This code covers access-to-limited-interfaces because they -- can be used to reference tasks implementing them. -- Suppress the master creation for access types created for entry -- formal parameters (parameter block component types). Seems like -- suppression should be more general for compiler-generated types, -- but testing Comes_From_Source may be too general in this case -- (affects some test output)??? elsif not Is_Param_Block_Component_Type (Ptr_Typ) and then Is_Limited_Class_Wide_Type (Desig_Typ) then Build_Class_Wide_Master (Ptr_Typ); end if; end Build_Master; -- Local declarations Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); B_Id : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Def_Id); FN : Node_Id; Par_Id : Entity_Id; -- Start of processing for Expand_N_Full_Type_Declaration begin if Is_Access_Type (Def_Id) then Build_Master (Def_Id); if Ekind (Def_Id) = E_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type then Expand_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type (N); end if; -- Array of anonymous access-to-task pointers elsif Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then Is_Array_Type (Def_Id) and then Is_Access_Type (Component_Type (Def_Id)) and then Ekind (Component_Type (Def_Id)) = E_Anonymous_Access_Type then Build_Master (Component_Type (Def_Id)); elsif Has_Task (Def_Id) then Expand_Previous_Access_Type (Def_Id); -- Check the components of a record type or array of records for -- anonymous access-to-task pointers. elsif Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then (Is_Record_Type (Def_Id) or else (Is_Array_Type (Def_Id) and then Is_Record_Type (Component_Type (Def_Id)))) then declare Comp : Entity_Id; First : Boolean; M_Id : Entity_Id := Empty; Typ : Entity_Id; begin if Is_Array_Type (Def_Id) then Comp := First_Entity (Component_Type (Def_Id)); else Comp := First_Entity (Def_Id); end if; -- Examine all components looking for anonymous access-to-task -- types. First := True; while Present (Comp) loop Typ := Etype (Comp); if Ekind (Typ) = E_Anonymous_Access_Type and then Might_Have_Tasks (Available_View (Designated_Type (Typ))) and then No (Master_Id (Typ)) then -- Ensure that the record or array type have a _master if First then Build_Master_Entity (Def_Id); Build_Master_Renaming (Typ); M_Id := Master_Id (Typ); First := False; -- Reuse the same master to service any additional types else pragma Assert (Present (M_Id)); Set_Master_Id (Typ, M_Id); end if; end if; Next_Entity (Comp); end loop; end; end if; Par_Id := Etype (B_Id); -- The parent type is private then we need to inherit any TSS operations -- from the full view. if Ekind (Par_Id) in Private_Kind and then Present (Full_View (Par_Id)) then Par_Id := Base_Type (Full_View (Par_Id)); end if; if Nkind (Type_Definition (Original_Node (N))) = N_Derived_Type_Definition and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Def_Id) and then Present (Freeze_Node (Par_Id)) and then Present (TSS_Elist (Freeze_Node (Par_Id))) then Ensure_Freeze_Node (B_Id); FN := Freeze_Node (B_Id); if No (TSS_Elist (FN)) then Set_TSS_Elist (FN, New_Elmt_List); end if; declare T_E : constant Elist_Id := TSS_Elist (FN); Elmt : Elmt_Id; begin Elmt := First_Elmt (TSS_Elist (Freeze_Node (Par_Id))); while Present (Elmt) loop if Chars (Node (Elmt)) /= Name_uInit then Append_Elmt (Node (Elmt), T_E); end if; Next_Elmt (Elmt); end loop; -- If the derived type itself is private with a full view, then -- associate the full view with the inherited TSS_Elist as well. if Ekind (B_Id) in Private_Kind and then Present (Full_View (B_Id)) then Ensure_Freeze_Node (Base_Type (Full_View (B_Id))); Set_TSS_Elist (Freeze_Node (Base_Type (Full_View (B_Id))), TSS_Elist (FN)); end if; end; end if; end Expand_N_Full_Type_Declaration; --------------------------------- -- Expand_N_Object_Declaration -- --------------------------------- procedure Expand_N_Object_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N); Obj_Def : constant Node_Id := Object_Definition (N); Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Def_Id); Base_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Typ); Expr_Q : Node_Id; function Build_Equivalent_Aggregate return Boolean; -- If the object has a constrained discriminated type and no initial -- value, it may be possible to build an equivalent aggregate instead, -- and prevent an actual call to the initialization procedure. procedure Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks (Typ : Entity_Id; Pri_Stacks : out Int; Sec_Stacks : out Int); -- Count the number of default-sized primary and secondary task stacks -- required for task objects contained within type Typ. If the number of -- task objects contained within the type is not known at compile time -- the procedure will return the stack counts of zero. procedure Default_Initialize_Object (After : Node_Id); -- Generate all default initialization actions for object Def_Id. Any -- new code is inserted after node After. function Rewrite_As_Renaming return Boolean; -- Indicate whether to rewrite a declaration with initialization into an -- object renaming declaration (see below). -------------------------------- -- Build_Equivalent_Aggregate -- -------------------------------- function Build_Equivalent_Aggregate return Boolean is Aggr : Node_Id; Comp : Entity_Id; Discr : Elmt_Id; Full_Type : Entity_Id; begin Full_Type := Typ; if Is_Private_Type (Typ) and then Present (Full_View (Typ)) then Full_Type := Full_View (Typ); end if; -- Only perform this transformation if Elaboration_Code is forbidden -- or undesirable, and if this is a global entity of a constrained -- record type. -- If Initialize_Scalars might be active this transformation cannot -- be performed either, because it will lead to different semantics -- or because elaboration code will in fact be created. if Ekind (Full_Type) /= E_Record_Subtype or else not Has_Discriminants (Full_Type) or else not Is_Constrained (Full_Type) or else Is_Controlled (Full_Type) or else Is_Limited_Type (Full_Type) or else not Restriction_Active (No_Initialize_Scalars) then return False; end if; if Ekind (Current_Scope) = E_Package and then (Restriction_Active (No_Elaboration_Code) or else Is_Preelaborated (Current_Scope)) then -- Building a static aggregate is possible if the discriminants -- have static values and the other components have static -- defaults or none. Discr := First_Elmt (Discriminant_Constraint (Full_Type)); while Present (Discr) loop if not Is_OK_Static_Expression (Node (Discr)) then return False; end if; Next_Elmt (Discr); end loop; -- Check that initialized components are OK, and that non- -- initialized components do not require a call to their own -- initialization procedure. Comp := First_Component (Full_Type); while Present (Comp) loop if Ekind (Comp) = E_Component and then Present (Expression (Parent (Comp))) and then not Is_OK_Static_Expression (Expression (Parent (Comp))) then return False; elsif Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Etype (Comp)) then return False; end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; -- Everything is static, assemble the aggregate, discriminant -- values first. Aggr := Make_Aggregate (Loc, Expressions => New_List, Component_Associations => New_List); Discr := First_Elmt (Discriminant_Constraint (Full_Type)); while Present (Discr) loop Append_To (Expressions (Aggr), New_Copy (Node (Discr))); Next_Elmt (Discr); end loop; -- Now collect values of initialized components Comp := First_Component (Full_Type); while Present (Comp) loop if Ekind (Comp) = E_Component and then Present (Expression (Parent (Comp))) then Append_To (Component_Associations (Aggr), Make_Component_Association (Loc, Choices => New_List (New_Occurrence_Of (Comp, Loc)), Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Expression (Parent (Comp))))); end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; -- Finally, box-initialize remaining components Append_To (Component_Associations (Aggr), Make_Component_Association (Loc, Choices => New_List (Make_Others_Choice (Loc)), Expression => Empty)); Set_Box_Present (Last (Component_Associations (Aggr))); Set_Expression (N, Aggr); if Typ /= Full_Type then Analyze_And_Resolve (Aggr, Full_View (Base_Type (Full_Type))); Rewrite (Aggr, Unchecked_Convert_To (Typ, Aggr)); Analyze_And_Resolve (Aggr, Typ); else Analyze_And_Resolve (Aggr, Full_Type); end if; return True; else return False; end if; end Build_Equivalent_Aggregate; ------------------------------------- -- Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks -- ------------------------------------- procedure Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks (Typ : Entity_Id; Pri_Stacks : out Int; Sec_Stacks : out Int) is Component : Entity_Id; begin -- To calculate the number of default-sized task stacks required for -- an object of Typ, a depth-first recursive traversal of the AST -- from the Typ entity node is undertaken. Only type nodes containing -- task objects are visited. Pri_Stacks := 0; Sec_Stacks := 0; if not Has_Task (Typ) then return; end if; case Ekind (Typ) is when E_Task_Subtype | E_Task_Type => -- A task type is found marking the bottom of the descent. If -- the type has no representation aspect for the corresponding -- stack then that stack is using the default size. if Present (Get_Rep_Item (Typ, Name_Storage_Size)) then Pri_Stacks := 0; else Pri_Stacks := 1; end if; if Present (Get_Rep_Item (Typ, Name_Secondary_Stack_Size)) then Sec_Stacks := 0; else Sec_Stacks := 1; end if; when E_Array_Subtype | E_Array_Type => -- First find the number of default stacks contained within an -- array component. Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks (Component_Type (Typ), Pri_Stacks, Sec_Stacks); -- Then multiply the result by the size of the array declare Quantity : constant Int := Number_Of_Elements_In_Array (Typ); -- Number_Of_Elements_In_Array is non-trival, consequently -- its result is captured as an optimization. begin Pri_Stacks := Pri_Stacks * Quantity; Sec_Stacks := Sec_Stacks * Quantity; end; when E_Protected_Subtype | E_Protected_Type | E_Record_Subtype | E_Record_Type => Component := First_Component_Or_Discriminant (Typ); -- Recursively descend each component of the composite type -- looking for tasks, but only if the component is marked as -- having a task. while Present (Component) loop if Has_Task (Etype (Component)) then declare P : Int; S : Int; begin Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks (Etype (Component), P, S); Pri_Stacks := Pri_Stacks + P; Sec_Stacks := Sec_Stacks + S; end; end if; Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (Component); end loop; when E_Limited_Private_Subtype | E_Limited_Private_Type | E_Record_Subtype_With_Private | E_Record_Type_With_Private => -- Switch to the full view of the private type to continue -- search. Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks (Full_View (Typ), Pri_Stacks, Sec_Stacks); -- Other types should not contain tasks when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks; ------------------------------- -- Default_Initialize_Object -- ------------------------------- procedure Default_Initialize_Object (After : Node_Id) is function New_Object_Reference return Node_Id; -- Return a new reference to Def_Id with attributes Assignment_OK and -- Must_Not_Freeze already set. function Simple_Initialization_OK (Init_Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Determine whether object declaration N with entity Def_Id needs -- simple initialization, assuming that it is of type Init_Typ. -------------------------- -- New_Object_Reference -- -------------------------- function New_Object_Reference return Node_Id is Obj_Ref : constant Node_Id := New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc); begin -- The call to the type init proc or [Deep_]Finalize must not -- freeze the related object as the call is internally generated. -- This way legal rep clauses that apply to the object will not be -- flagged. Note that the initialization call may be removed if -- pragma Import is encountered or moved to the freeze actions of -- the object because of an address clause. Set_Assignment_OK (Obj_Ref); Set_Must_Not_Freeze (Obj_Ref); return Obj_Ref; end New_Object_Reference; ------------------------------ -- Simple_Initialization_OK -- ------------------------------ function Simple_Initialization_OK (Init_Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is begin -- Do not consider the object declaration if it comes with an -- initialization expression, or is internal in which case it -- will be assigned later. return not Is_Internal (Def_Id) and then not Has_Init_Expression (N) and then Needs_Simple_Initialization (Typ => Init_Typ, Consider_IS => Initialize_Scalars and then No (Following_Address_Clause (N))); end Simple_Initialization_OK; -- Local variables Exceptions_OK : constant Boolean := not Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation); Aggr_Init : Node_Id; Comp_Init : List_Id := No_List; Fin_Block : Node_Id; Fin_Call : Node_Id; Init_Stmts : List_Id := No_List; Obj_Init : Node_Id := Empty; Obj_Ref : Node_Id; -- Start of processing for Default_Initialize_Object begin -- Default initialization is suppressed for objects that are already -- known to be imported (i.e. whose declaration specifies the Import -- aspect). Note that for objects with a pragma Import, we generate -- initialization here, and then remove it downstream when processing -- the pragma. It is also suppressed for variables for which a pragma -- Suppress_Initialization has been explicitly given if Is_Imported (Def_Id) or else Suppress_Initialization (Def_Id) then return; -- Nothing to do if the object being initialized is of a task type -- and restriction No_Tasking is in effect, because this is a direct -- violation of the restriction. elsif Is_Task_Type (Base_Typ) and then Restriction_Active (No_Tasking) then return; end if; -- The expansion performed by this routine is as follows: -- begin -- Abort_Defer; -- Type_Init_Proc (Obj); -- begin -- [Deep_]Initialize (Obj); -- exception -- when others => -- [Deep_]Finalize (Obj, Self => False); -- raise; -- end; -- at end -- Abort_Undefer_Direct; -- end; -- Initialize the components of the object if Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Typ) and then not No_Initialization (N) and then not Initialization_Suppressed (Typ) then -- Do not initialize the components if No_Default_Initialization -- applies as the actual restriction check will occur later when -- the object is frozen as it is not known yet whether the object -- is imported or not. if not Restriction_Active (No_Default_Initialization) then -- If the values of the components are compile-time known, use -- their prebuilt aggregate form directly. Aggr_Init := Static_Initialization (Base_Init_Proc (Typ)); if Present (Aggr_Init) then Set_Expression (N, New_Copy_Tree (Aggr_Init, New_Scope => Current_Scope)); -- If type has discriminants, try to build an equivalent -- aggregate using discriminant values from the declaration. -- This is a useful optimization, in particular if restriction -- No_Elaboration_Code is active. elsif Build_Equivalent_Aggregate then null; -- Optimize the default initialization of an array object when -- pragma Initialize_Scalars or Normalize_Scalars is in effect. -- Construct an in-place initialization aggregate which may be -- convert into a fast memset by the backend. elsif Init_Or_Norm_Scalars and then Is_Array_Type (Typ) -- The array must lack atomic components because they are -- treated as non-static, and as a result the backend will -- not initialize the memory in one go. and then not Has_Atomic_Components (Typ) -- The array must not be packed because the invalid values -- in System.Scalar_Values are multiples of Storage_Unit. and then not Is_Packed (Typ) -- The array must have static non-empty ranges, otherwise -- the backend cannot initialize the memory in one go. and then Has_Static_Non_Empty_Array_Bounds (Typ) -- The optimization is only relevant for arrays of scalar -- types. and then Is_Scalar_Type (Component_Type (Typ)) -- Similar to regular array initialization using a type -- init proc, predicate checks are not performed because the -- initialization values are intentionally invalid, and may -- violate the predicate. and then not Has_Predicates (Component_Type (Typ)) -- The component type must have a single initialization value and then Simple_Initialization_OK (Component_Type (Typ)) then Set_No_Initialization (N, False); Set_Expression (N, Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ => Typ, N => Obj_Def, Size => Esize (Def_Id))); Analyze_And_Resolve (Expression (N), Typ, Suppress => All_Checks); -- Otherwise invoke the type init proc, generate: -- Type_Init_Proc (Obj); else Obj_Ref := New_Object_Reference; if Comes_From_Source (Def_Id) then Initialization_Warning (Obj_Ref); end if; Comp_Init := Build_Initialization_Call (Loc, Obj_Ref, Typ); end if; end if; -- Provide a default value if the object needs simple initialization elsif Simple_Initialization_OK (Typ) then Set_No_Initialization (N, False); Set_Expression (N, Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ => Typ, N => Obj_Def, Size => Esize (Def_Id))); Analyze_And_Resolve (Expression (N), Typ); end if; -- Initialize the object, generate: -- [Deep_]Initialize (Obj); if Needs_Finalization (Typ) and then not No_Initialization (N) then Obj_Init := Make_Init_Call (Obj_Ref => New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc), Typ => Typ); end if; -- Build a special finalization block when both the object and its -- controlled components are to be initialized. The block finalizes -- the components if the object initialization fails. Generate: -- begin -- <Obj_Init> -- exception -- when others => -- <Fin_Call> -- raise; -- end; if Has_Controlled_Component (Typ) and then Present (Comp_Init) and then Present (Obj_Init) and then Exceptions_OK then Init_Stmts := Comp_Init; Fin_Call := Make_Final_Call (Obj_Ref => New_Object_Reference, Typ => Typ, Skip_Self => True); if Present (Fin_Call) then -- Do not emit warnings related to the elaboration order when a -- controlled object is declared before the body of Finalize is -- seen. if Legacy_Elaboration_Checks then Set_No_Elaboration_Check (Fin_Call); end if; Fin_Block := Make_Block_Statement (Loc, Declarations => No_List, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List (Obj_Init), Exception_Handlers => New_List ( Make_Exception_Handler (Loc, Exception_Choices => New_List ( Make_Others_Choice (Loc)), Statements => New_List ( Fin_Call, Make_Raise_Statement (Loc)))))); -- Signal the ABE mechanism that the block carries out -- initialization actions. Set_Is_Initialization_Block (Fin_Block); Append_To (Init_Stmts, Fin_Block); end if; -- Otherwise finalization is not required, the initialization calls -- are passed to the abort block building circuitry, generate: -- Type_Init_Proc (Obj); -- [Deep_]Initialize (Obj); else if Present (Comp_Init) then Init_Stmts := Comp_Init; end if; if Present (Obj_Init) then if No (Init_Stmts) then Init_Stmts := New_List; end if; Append_To (Init_Stmts, Obj_Init); end if; end if; -- Build an abort block to protect the initialization calls if Abort_Allowed and then Present (Comp_Init) and then Present (Obj_Init) then -- Generate: -- Abort_Defer; Prepend_To (Init_Stmts, Build_Runtime_Call (Loc, RE_Abort_Defer)); -- When exceptions are propagated, abort deferral must take place -- in the presence of initialization or finalization exceptions. -- Generate: -- begin -- Abort_Defer; -- <Init_Stmts> -- at end -- Abort_Undefer_Direct; -- end; if Exceptions_OK then Init_Stmts := New_List ( Build_Abort_Undefer_Block (Loc, Stmts => Init_Stmts, Context => N)); -- Otherwise exceptions are not propagated. Generate: -- Abort_Defer; -- <Init_Stmts> -- Abort_Undefer; else Append_To (Init_Stmts, Build_Runtime_Call (Loc, RE_Abort_Undefer)); end if; end if; -- Insert the whole initialization sequence into the tree. If the -- object has a delayed freeze, as will be the case when it has -- aspect specifications, the initialization sequence is part of -- the freeze actions. if Present (Init_Stmts) then if Has_Delayed_Freeze (Def_Id) then Append_Freeze_Actions (Def_Id, Init_Stmts); else Insert_Actions_After (After, Init_Stmts); end if; end if; end Default_Initialize_Object; ------------------------- -- Rewrite_As_Renaming -- ------------------------- function Rewrite_As_Renaming return Boolean is Result : constant Boolean := -- If the object declaration appears in the form -- Obj : Ctrl_Typ := Func (...); -- where Ctrl_Typ is controlled but not immutably limited type, then -- the expansion of the function call should use a dereference of the -- result to reference the value on the secondary stack. -- Obj : Ctrl_Typ renames Func (...).all; -- As a result, the call avoids an extra copy. This an optimization, -- but it is required for passing ACATS tests in some cases where it -- would otherwise make two copies. The RM allows removing redunant -- Adjust/Finalize calls, but does not allow insertion of extra ones. -- This part is disabled for now, because it breaks GNAT Studio -- builds (False -- ??? and then Nkind (Expr_Q) = N_Explicit_Dereference and then not Comes_From_Source (Expr_Q) and then Nkind (Original_Node (Expr_Q)) = N_Function_Call and then Nkind (Object_Definition (N)) in N_Has_Entity and then (Needs_Finalization (Entity (Object_Definition (N))))) -- If the initializing expression is for a variable with attribute -- OK_To_Rename set, then transform: -- Obj : Typ := Expr; -- into -- Obj : Typ renames Expr; -- provided that Obj is not aliased. The aliased case has to be -- excluded in general because Expr will not be aliased in -- general. or else (not Aliased_Present (N) and then Is_Entity_Name (Expr_Q) and then Ekind (Entity (Expr_Q)) = E_Variable and then OK_To_Rename (Entity (Expr_Q)) and then Is_Entity_Name (Obj_Def)); begin -- Return False if there are any aspect specifications, because -- otherwise we duplicate that corresponding implicit attribute -- definition, and call Insert_Action, which has no place to insert -- the attribute definition. The attribute definition is stored in -- Aspect_Rep_Item, which is not a list. return Result and then No (Aspect_Specifications (N)); end Rewrite_As_Renaming; -- Local variables Next_N : constant Node_Id := Next (N); Adj_Call : Node_Id; Id_Ref : Node_Id; Tag_Assign : Node_Id; Init_After : Node_Id := N; -- Node after which the initialization actions are to be inserted. This -- is normally N, except for the case of a shared passive variable, in -- which case the init proc call must be inserted only after the bodies -- of the shared variable procedures have been seen. -- Start of processing for Expand_N_Object_Declaration begin -- Don't do anything for deferred constants. All proper actions will be -- expanded during the full declaration. if No (Expr) and Constant_Present (N) then return; end if; -- The type of the object cannot be abstract. This is diagnosed at the -- point the object is frozen, which happens after the declaration is -- fully expanded, so simply return now. if Is_Abstract_Type (Typ) then return; end if; -- No action needed for the internal imported dummy object added by -- Make_DT to compute the offset of the components that reference -- secondary dispatch tables; required to avoid never-ending loop -- processing this internal object declaration. if Tagged_Type_Expansion and then Is_Internal (Def_Id) and then Is_Imported (Def_Id) and then Related_Type (Def_Id) = Implementation_Base_Type (Typ) then return; end if; -- First we do special processing for objects of a tagged type where -- this is the point at which the type is frozen. The creation of the -- dispatch table and the initialization procedure have to be deferred -- to this point, since we reference previously declared primitive -- subprograms. -- Force construction of dispatch tables of library level tagged types if Tagged_Type_Expansion and then Building_Static_Dispatch_Tables and then Is_Library_Level_Entity (Def_Id) and then Is_Library_Level_Tagged_Type (Base_Typ) and then Ekind (Base_Typ) in E_Record_Type | E_Protected_Type | E_Task_Type and then not Has_Dispatch_Table (Base_Typ) then declare New_Nodes : List_Id := No_List; begin if Is_Concurrent_Type (Base_Typ) then New_Nodes := Make_DT (Corresponding_Record_Type (Base_Typ), N); else New_Nodes := Make_DT (Base_Typ, N); end if; if not Is_Empty_List (New_Nodes) then Insert_List_Before (N, New_Nodes); end if; end; end if; -- Make shared memory routines for shared passive variable if Is_Shared_Passive (Def_Id) then Init_After := Make_Shared_Var_Procs (N); end if; -- If tasks are being declared, make sure we have an activation chain -- defined for the tasks (has no effect if we already have one), and -- also that a Master variable is established (and that the appropriate -- enclosing construct is established as a task master). Ensure_Activation_Chain_And_Master (N); -- If No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations or No_Implicit_Task_Allocations -- restrictions are active then default-sized secondary stacks are -- generated by the binder and allocated by SS_Init. To provide the -- binder the number of stacks to generate, the number of default-sized -- stacks required for task objects contained within the object -- declaration N is calculated here as it is at this point where -- unconstrained types become constrained. The result is stored in the -- enclosing unit's Unit_Record. -- Note if N is an array object declaration that has an initialization -- expression, a second object declaration for the initialization -- expression is created by the compiler. To prevent double counting -- of the stacks in this scenario, the stacks of the first array are -- not counted. if Might_Have_Tasks (Typ) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Secondary_Stack) and then (Restriction_Active (No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations) or else Restriction_Active (No_Implicit_Task_Allocations)) and then not (Ekind (Typ) in E_Array_Type | E_Array_Subtype and then (Has_Init_Expression (N))) then declare PS_Count, SS_Count : Int := 0; begin Count_Default_Sized_Task_Stacks (Typ, PS_Count, SS_Count); Increment_Primary_Stack_Count (PS_Count); Increment_Sec_Stack_Count (SS_Count); end; end if; -- Default initialization required, and no expression present if No (Expr) then -- If we have a type with a variant part, the initialization proc -- will contain implicit tests of the discriminant values, which -- counts as a violation of the restriction No_Implicit_Conditionals. if Has_Variant_Part (Typ) then declare Msg : Boolean; begin Check_Restriction (Msg, No_Implicit_Conditionals, Obj_Def); if Msg then Error_Msg_N ("\initialization of variant record tests discriminants", Obj_Def); return; end if; end; end if; -- For the default initialization case, if we have a private type -- with invariants, and invariant checks are enabled, then insert an -- invariant check after the object declaration. Note that it is OK -- to clobber the object with an invalid value since if the exception -- is raised, then the object will go out of scope. In the case where -- an array object is initialized with an aggregate, the expression -- is removed. Check flag Has_Init_Expression to avoid generating a -- junk invariant check and flag No_Initialization to avoid checking -- an uninitialized object such as a compiler temporary used for an -- aggregate. if Has_Invariants (Base_Typ) and then Present (Invariant_Procedure (Base_Typ)) and then not Has_Init_Expression (N) and then not No_Initialization (N) then -- If entity has an address clause or aspect, make invariant -- call into a freeze action for the explicit freeze node for -- object. Otherwise insert invariant check after declaration. if Present (Following_Address_Clause (N)) or else Has_Aspect (Def_Id, Aspect_Address) then Ensure_Freeze_Node (Def_Id); Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (Def_Id); Set_Is_Frozen (Def_Id, False); if not Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr (Typ) then Append_Freeze_Action (Def_Id, Make_Invariant_Call (New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc))); end if; elsif not Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr (Typ) then Insert_After (N, Make_Invariant_Call (New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc))); end if; end if; Default_Initialize_Object (Init_After); -- Generate attribute for Persistent_BSS if needed if Persistent_BSS_Mode and then Comes_From_Source (N) and then Is_Potentially_Persistent_Type (Typ) and then not Has_Init_Expression (N) and then Is_Library_Level_Entity (Def_Id) then declare Prag : Node_Id; begin Prag := Make_Linker_Section_Pragma (Def_Id, Sloc (N), ".persistent.bss"); Insert_After (N, Prag); Analyze (Prag); end; end if; -- If access type, then we know it is null if not initialized if Is_Access_Type (Typ) then Set_Is_Known_Null (Def_Id); end if; -- Explicit initialization present else -- Obtain actual expression from qualified expression if Nkind (Expr) = N_Qualified_Expression then Expr_Q := Expression (Expr); else Expr_Q := Expr; end if; -- When we have the appropriate type of aggregate in the expression -- (it has been determined during analysis of the aggregate by -- setting the delay flag), let's perform in place assignment and -- thus avoid creating a temporary. if Is_Delayed_Aggregate (Expr_Q) then -- An aggregate that must be built in place is not resolved and -- expanded until the enclosing construct is expanded. This will -- happen when the aggregate is limited and the declared object -- has a following address clause; it happens also when generating -- C code for an aggregate that has an alignment or address clause -- (see Analyze_Object_Declaration). if (Is_Limited_Type (Typ) or else Modify_Tree_For_C) and then not Analyzed (Expr) then Resolve (Expr, Typ); end if; Convert_Aggr_In_Object_Decl (N); -- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): If the initialization expression is a call -- to a build-in-place function, then access to the declared object -- must be passed to the function. Currently we limit such functions -- to those with constrained limited result subtypes, but eventually -- plan to expand the allowed forms of functions that are treated as -- build-in-place. elsif Is_Build_In_Place_Function_Call (Expr_Q) then Make_Build_In_Place_Call_In_Object_Declaration (N, Expr_Q); -- The previous call expands the expression initializing the -- built-in-place object into further code that will be analyzed -- later. No further expansion needed here. return; -- This is the same as the previous 'elsif', except that the call has -- been transformed by other expansion activities into something like -- F(...)'Reference. elsif Nkind (Expr_Q) = N_Reference and then Is_Build_In_Place_Function_Call (Prefix (Expr_Q)) and then not Is_Expanded_Build_In_Place_Call (Unqual_Conv (Prefix (Expr_Q))) then Make_Build_In_Place_Call_In_Anonymous_Context (Prefix (Expr_Q)); -- The previous call expands the expression initializing the -- built-in-place object into further code that will be analyzed -- later. No further expansion needed here. return; -- Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Specialization of the previous case for -- expressions containing a build-in-place function call whose -- returned object covers interface types, and Expr_Q has calls to -- Ada.Tags.Displace to displace the pointer to the returned build- -- in-place object to reference the secondary dispatch table of a -- covered interface type. elsif Present (Unqual_BIP_Iface_Function_Call (Expr_Q)) then Make_Build_In_Place_Iface_Call_In_Object_Declaration (N, Expr_Q); -- The previous call expands the expression initializing the -- built-in-place object into further code that will be analyzed -- later. No further expansion needed here. return; -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Rewrite the expression that initializes a -- class-wide interface object to ensure that we copy the full -- object, unless we are targetting a VM where interfaces are handled -- by VM itself. Note that if the root type of Typ is an ancestor of -- Expr's type, both types share the same dispatch table and there is -- no need to displace the pointer. elsif Is_Interface (Typ) -- Avoid never-ending recursion because if Equivalent_Type is set -- then we've done it already and must not do it again. and then not (Nkind (Obj_Def) = N_Identifier and then Present (Equivalent_Type (Entity (Obj_Def)))) then pragma Assert (Is_Class_Wide_Type (Typ)); -- If the object is a return object of an inherently limited type, -- which implies build-in-place treatment, bypass the special -- treatment of class-wide interface initialization below. In this -- case, the expansion of the return statement will take care of -- creating the object (via allocator) and initializing it. if Is_Return_Object (Def_Id) and then Is_Limited_View (Typ) then null; elsif Tagged_Type_Expansion then declare Iface : constant Entity_Id := Root_Type (Typ); Expr_N : Node_Id := Expr; Expr_Typ : Entity_Id; New_Expr : Node_Id; Obj_Id : Entity_Id; Tag_Comp : Node_Id; begin -- If the original node of the expression was a conversion -- to this specific class-wide interface type then restore -- the original node because we must copy the object before -- displacing the pointer to reference the secondary tag -- component. This code must be kept synchronized with the -- expansion done by routine Expand_Interface_Conversion if not Comes_From_Source (Expr_N) and then Nkind (Expr_N) = N_Explicit_Dereference and then Nkind (Original_Node (Expr_N)) = N_Type_Conversion and then Etype (Original_Node (Expr_N)) = Typ then Rewrite (Expr_N, Original_Node (Expression (N))); end if; -- Avoid expansion of redundant interface conversion if Is_Interface (Etype (Expr_N)) and then Nkind (Expr_N) = N_Type_Conversion and then Etype (Expr_N) = Typ then Expr_N := Expression (Expr_N); Set_Expression (N, Expr_N); end if; Obj_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'D', Expr_N); Expr_Typ := Base_Type (Etype (Expr_N)); if Is_Class_Wide_Type (Expr_Typ) then Expr_Typ := Root_Type (Expr_Typ); end if; -- Replace -- CW : I'Class := Obj; -- by -- Tmp : T := Obj; -- type Ityp is not null access I'Class; -- CW : I'Class renames Ityp (Tmp.I_Tag'Address).all; if Comes_From_Source (Expr_N) and then Nkind (Expr_N) = N_Identifier and then not Is_Interface (Expr_Typ) and then Interface_Present_In_Ancestor (Expr_Typ, Typ) and then (Expr_Typ = Etype (Expr_Typ) or else not Is_Variable_Size_Record (Etype (Expr_Typ))) then -- Copy the object Insert_Action (N, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Obj_Id, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Expr_Typ, Loc), Expression => Relocate_Node (Expr_N))); -- Statically reference the tag associated with the -- interface Tag_Comp := Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Obj_Id, Loc), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Find_Interface_Tag (Expr_Typ, Iface), Loc)); -- Replace -- IW : I'Class := Obj; -- by -- type Equiv_Record is record ... end record; -- implicit subtype CW is <Class_Wide_Subtype>; -- Tmp : CW := CW!(Obj); -- type Ityp is not null access I'Class; -- IW : I'Class renames -- Ityp!(Displace (Temp'Address, I'Tag)).all; else -- Generate the equivalent record type and update the -- subtype indication to reference it. Expand_Subtype_From_Expr (N => N, Unc_Type => Typ, Subtype_Indic => Obj_Def, Exp => Expr_N); if not Is_Interface (Etype (Expr_N)) then New_Expr := Relocate_Node (Expr_N); -- For interface types we use 'Address which displaces -- the pointer to the base of the object (if required) else New_Expr := Unchecked_Convert_To (Etype (Obj_Def), Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc, Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag_Ptr), Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Relocate_Node (Expr_N), Attribute_Name => Name_Address)))); end if; -- Copy the object if not Is_Limited_Record (Expr_Typ) then Insert_Action (N, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Obj_Id, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Obj_Def), Loc), Expression => New_Expr)); -- Rename limited type object since they cannot be copied -- This case occurs when the initialization expression -- has been previously expanded into a temporary object. else pragma Assert (not Comes_From_Source (Expr_Q)); Insert_Action (N, Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Obj_Id, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Obj_Def), Loc), Name => Unchecked_Convert_To (Etype (Obj_Def), New_Expr))); end if; -- Dynamically reference the tag associated with the -- interface. Tag_Comp := Make_Function_Call (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Displace), Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Obj_Id, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Address), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Iface))), Loc))); end if; Rewrite (N, Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Temporary (Loc, 'D'), Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc), Name => Convert_Tag_To_Interface (Typ, Tag_Comp))); -- If the original entity comes from source, then mark the -- new entity as needing debug information, even though it's -- defined by a generated renaming that does not come from -- source, so that Materialize_Entity will be set on the -- entity when Debug_Renaming_Declaration is called during -- analysis. if Comes_From_Source (Def_Id) then Set_Debug_Info_Needed (Defining_Identifier (N)); end if; Analyze (N, Suppress => All_Checks); -- Replace internal identifier of rewritten node by the -- identifier found in the sources. We also have to exchange -- entities containing their defining identifiers to ensure -- the correct replacement of the object declaration by this -- object renaming declaration because these identifiers -- were previously added by Enter_Name to the current scope. -- We must preserve the homonym chain of the source entity -- as well. We must also preserve the kind of the entity, -- which may be a constant. Preserve entity chain because -- itypes may have been generated already, and the full -- chain must be preserved for final freezing. Finally, -- preserve Comes_From_Source setting, so that debugging -- and cross-referencing information is properly kept, and -- preserve source location, to prevent spurious errors when -- entities are declared (they must have their own Sloc). declare New_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Next_Temp : constant Entity_Id := Next_Entity (New_Id); Save_CFS : constant Boolean := Comes_From_Source (Def_Id); Save_SP : constant Node_Id := SPARK_Pragma (Def_Id); Save_SPI : constant Boolean := SPARK_Pragma_Inherited (Def_Id); begin Link_Entities (New_Id, Next_Entity (Def_Id)); Link_Entities (Def_Id, Next_Temp); Set_Chars (Defining_Identifier (N), Chars (Def_Id)); Set_Homonym (Defining_Identifier (N), Homonym (Def_Id)); Set_Ekind (Defining_Identifier (N), Ekind (Def_Id)); Set_Sloc (Defining_Identifier (N), Sloc (Def_Id)); Set_Comes_From_Source (Def_Id, False); -- ??? This is extremely dangerous!!! Exchanging entities -- is very low level, and as a result it resets flags and -- fields which belong to the original Def_Id. Several of -- these attributes are saved and restored, but there may -- be many more that need to be preserverd. Exchange_Entities (Defining_Identifier (N), Def_Id); -- Restore clobbered attributes Set_Comes_From_Source (Def_Id, Save_CFS); Set_SPARK_Pragma (Def_Id, Save_SP); Set_SPARK_Pragma_Inherited (Def_Id, Save_SPI); end; end; end if; return; -- Common case of explicit object initialization else -- In most cases, we must check that the initial value meets any -- constraint imposed by the declared type. However, there is one -- very important exception to this rule. If the entity has an -- unconstrained nominal subtype, then it acquired its constraints -- from the expression in the first place, and not only does this -- mean that the constraint check is not needed, but an attempt to -- perform the constraint check can cause order of elaboration -- problems. if not Is_Constr_Subt_For_U_Nominal (Typ) then -- If this is an allocator for an aggregate that has been -- allocated in place, delay checks until assignments are -- made, because the discriminants are not initialized. if Nkind (Expr) = N_Allocator and then No_Initialization (Expr) then null; -- Otherwise apply a constraint check now if no prev error elsif Nkind (Expr) /= N_Error then Apply_Constraint_Check (Expr, Typ); -- Deal with possible range check if Do_Range_Check (Expr) then -- If assignment checks are suppressed, turn off flag if Suppress_Assignment_Checks (N) then Set_Do_Range_Check (Expr, False); -- Otherwise generate the range check else Generate_Range_Check (Expr, Typ, CE_Range_Check_Failed); end if; end if; end if; end if; -- If the type is controlled and not inherently limited, then -- the target is adjusted after the copy and attached to the -- finalization list. However, no adjustment is done in the case -- where the object was initialized by a call to a function whose -- result is built in place, since no copy occurred. Similarly, no -- adjustment is required if we are going to rewrite the object -- declaration into a renaming declaration. if Needs_Finalization (Typ) and then not Is_Limited_View (Typ) and then not Rewrite_As_Renaming then Adj_Call := Make_Adjust_Call ( Obj_Ref => New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc), Typ => Base_Typ); -- Guard against a missing [Deep_]Adjust when the base type -- was not properly frozen. if Present (Adj_Call) then Insert_Action_After (Init_After, Adj_Call); end if; end if; -- For tagged types, when an init value is given, the tag has to -- be re-initialized separately in order to avoid the propagation -- of a wrong tag coming from a view conversion unless the type -- is class wide (in this case the tag comes from the init value). -- Suppress the tag assignment when not Tagged_Type_Expansion -- because tags are represented implicitly in objects. Ditto for -- types that are CPP_CLASS, and for initializations that are -- aggregates, because they have to have the right tag. -- The re-assignment of the tag has to be done even if the object -- is a constant. The assignment must be analyzed after the -- declaration. If an address clause follows, this is handled as -- part of the freeze actions for the object, otherwise insert -- tag assignment here. Tag_Assign := Make_Tag_Assignment (N); if Present (Tag_Assign) then if Present (Following_Address_Clause (N)) then Ensure_Freeze_Node (Def_Id); else Insert_Action_After (Init_After, Tag_Assign); end if; -- Handle C++ constructor calls. Note that we do not check that -- Typ is a tagged type since the equivalent Ada type of a C++ -- class that has no virtual methods is an untagged limited -- record type. elsif Is_CPP_Constructor_Call (Expr) then -- The call to the initialization procedure does NOT freeze the -- object being initialized. Id_Ref := New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc); Set_Must_Not_Freeze (Id_Ref); Set_Assignment_OK (Id_Ref); Insert_Actions_After (Init_After, Build_Initialization_Call (Loc, Id_Ref, Typ, Constructor_Ref => Expr)); -- We remove here the original call to the constructor -- to avoid its management in the backend Set_Expression (N, Empty); return; -- Handle initialization of limited tagged types elsif Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) and then Is_Class_Wide_Type (Typ) and then Is_Limited_Record (Typ) and then not Is_Limited_Interface (Typ) then -- Given that the type is limited we cannot perform a copy. If -- Expr_Q is the reference to a variable we mark the variable -- as OK_To_Rename to expand this declaration into a renaming -- declaration (see below). if Is_Entity_Name (Expr_Q) then Set_OK_To_Rename (Entity (Expr_Q)); -- If we cannot convert the expression into a renaming we must -- consider it an internal error because the backend does not -- have support to handle it. Also, when a raise expression is -- encountered we ignore it since it doesn't return a value and -- thus cannot trigger a copy. elsif Nkind (Original_Node (Expr_Q)) /= N_Raise_Expression then pragma Assert (False); raise Program_Error; end if; -- For discrete types, set the Is_Known_Valid flag if the -- initializing value is known to be valid. Only do this for -- source assignments, since otherwise we can end up turning -- on the known valid flag prematurely from inserted code. elsif Comes_From_Source (N) and then Is_Discrete_Type (Typ) and then Expr_Known_Valid (Expr) then Set_Is_Known_Valid (Def_Id); elsif Is_Access_Type (Typ) then -- For access types set the Is_Known_Non_Null flag if the -- initializing value is known to be non-null. We can also set -- Can_Never_Be_Null if this is a constant. if Known_Non_Null (Expr) then Set_Is_Known_Non_Null (Def_Id, True); if Constant_Present (N) then Set_Can_Never_Be_Null (Def_Id); end if; end if; end if; -- If validity checking on copies, validate initial expression. -- But skip this if declaration is for a generic type, since it -- makes no sense to validate generic types. Not clear if this -- can happen for legal programs, but it definitely can arise -- from previous instantiation errors. if Validity_Checks_On and then Comes_From_Source (N) and then Validity_Check_Copies and then not Is_Generic_Type (Etype (Def_Id)) then Ensure_Valid (Expr); Set_Is_Known_Valid (Def_Id); end if; end if; -- Cases where the back end cannot handle the initialization -- directly. In such cases, we expand an assignment that will -- be appropriately handled by Expand_N_Assignment_Statement. -- The exclusion of the unconstrained case is wrong, but for now it -- is too much trouble ??? if (Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Slice (Expr) or else (Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Object (Expr) and then not Represented_As_Scalar (Etype (Expr)))) and then not (Is_Array_Type (Etype (Expr)) and then not Is_Constrained (Etype (Expr))) then declare Stat : constant Node_Id := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc), Expression => Relocate_Node (Expr)); begin Set_Expression (N, Empty); Set_No_Initialization (N); Set_Assignment_OK (Name (Stat)); Set_No_Ctrl_Actions (Stat); Insert_After_And_Analyze (Init_After, Stat); end; end if; end if; if Nkind (Obj_Def) = N_Access_Definition and then not Is_Local_Anonymous_Access (Etype (Def_Id)) then -- An Ada 2012 stand-alone object of an anonymous access type declare Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); Level : constant Entity_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Sloc (N), Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Def_Id), Suffix => "L")); Level_Decl : Node_Id; Level_Expr : Node_Id; begin Set_Ekind (Level, Ekind (Def_Id)); Set_Etype (Level, Standard_Natural); Set_Scope (Level, Scope (Def_Id)); -- Set accessibility level of null if No (Expr) then Level_Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Scope_Depth (Standard_Standard)); -- When the expression of the object is a function which returns -- an anonymous access type the master of the call is the object -- being initialized instead of the type. elsif Nkind (Expr) = N_Function_Call and then Ekind (Etype (Name (Expr))) = E_Anonymous_Access_Type then Level_Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Object_Access_Level (Def_Id)); -- General case else Level_Expr := Dynamic_Accessibility_Level (Expr); end if; Level_Decl := Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Level, Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc), Expression => Level_Expr, Constant_Present => Constant_Present (N), Has_Init_Expression => True); Insert_Action_After (Init_After, Level_Decl); Set_Extra_Accessibility (Def_Id, Level); end; end if; -- If the object is default initialized and its type is subject to -- pragma Default_Initial_Condition, add a runtime check to verify -- the assumption of the pragma (SPARK RM 7.3.3). Generate: -- <Base_Typ>DIC (<Base_Typ> (Def_Id)); -- Note that the check is generated for source objects only if Comes_From_Source (Def_Id) and then Has_DIC (Typ) and then Present (DIC_Procedure (Typ)) and then not Has_Init_Expression (N) and then not Is_Imported (Def_Id) then declare DIC_Call : constant Node_Id := Build_DIC_Call (Loc, Def_Id, Typ); begin if Present (Next_N) then Insert_Before_And_Analyze (Next_N, DIC_Call); -- The object declaration is the last node in a declarative or a -- statement list. else Append_To (List_Containing (N), DIC_Call); Analyze (DIC_Call); end if; end; end if; -- Final transformation - turn the object declaration into a renaming -- if appropriate. If this is the completion of a deferred constant -- declaration, then this transformation generates what would be -- illegal code if written by hand, but that's OK. if Present (Expr) then if Rewrite_As_Renaming then Rewrite (N, Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Defining_Identifier (N), Subtype_Mark => Obj_Def, Name => Expr_Q)); -- We do not analyze this renaming declaration, because all its -- components have already been analyzed, and if we were to go -- ahead and analyze it, we would in effect be trying to generate -- another declaration of X, which won't do. Set_Renamed_Object (Defining_Identifier (N), Expr_Q); Set_Analyzed (N); -- We do need to deal with debug issues for this renaming -- First, if entity comes from source, then mark it as needing -- debug information, even though it is defined by a generated -- renaming that does not come from source. Set_Debug_Info_Defining_Id (N); -- Now call the routine to generate debug info for the renaming declare Decl : constant Node_Id := Debug_Renaming_Declaration (N); begin if Present (Decl) then Insert_Action (N, Decl); end if; end; end if; end if; -- Exception on library entity not available exception when RE_Not_Available => return; end Expand_N_Object_Declaration; --------------------------------- -- Expand_N_Subtype_Indication -- --------------------------------- -- Add a check on the range of the subtype and deal with validity checking procedure Expand_N_Subtype_Indication (N : Node_Id) is Ran : constant Node_Id := Range_Expression (Constraint (N)); Typ : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Subtype_Mark (N)); begin if Nkind (Constraint (N)) = N_Range_Constraint then Validity_Check_Range (Range_Expression (Constraint (N))); end if; -- Do not duplicate the work of Process_Range_Expr_In_Decl in Sem_Ch3 if Nkind (Parent (N)) in N_Constrained_Array_Definition | N_Slice and then Nkind (Parent (Parent (N))) not in N_Full_Type_Declaration | N_Object_Declaration then Apply_Range_Check (Ran, Typ); end if; end Expand_N_Subtype_Indication; --------------------------- -- Expand_N_Variant_Part -- --------------------------- -- Note: this procedure no longer has any effect. It used to be that we -- would replace the choices in the last variant by a when others, and -- also expanded static predicates in variant choices here, but both of -- those activities were being done too early, since we can't check the -- choices until the statically predicated subtypes are frozen, which can -- happen as late as the free point of the record, and we can't change the -- last choice to an others before checking the choices, which is now done -- at the freeze point of the record. procedure Expand_N_Variant_Part (N : Node_Id) is begin null; end Expand_N_Variant_Part; --------------------------------- -- Expand_Previous_Access_Type -- --------------------------------- procedure Expand_Previous_Access_Type (Def_Id : Entity_Id) is Ptr_Typ : Entity_Id; begin -- Find all access types in the current scope whose designated type is -- Def_Id and build master renamings for them. Ptr_Typ := First_Entity (Current_Scope); while Present (Ptr_Typ) loop if Is_Access_Type (Ptr_Typ) and then Designated_Type (Ptr_Typ) = Def_Id and then No (Master_Id (Ptr_Typ)) then -- Ensure that the designated type has a master Build_Master_Entity (Def_Id); -- Private and incomplete types complicate the insertion of master -- renamings because the access type may precede the full view of -- the designated type. For this reason, the master renamings are -- inserted relative to the designated type. Build_Master_Renaming (Ptr_Typ, Ins_Nod => Parent (Def_Id)); end if; Next_Entity (Ptr_Typ); end loop; end Expand_Previous_Access_Type; ----------------------------- -- Expand_Record_Extension -- ----------------------------- -- Add a field _parent at the beginning of the record extension. This is -- used to implement inheritance. Here are some examples of expansion: -- 1. no discriminants -- type T2 is new T1 with null record; -- gives -- type T2 is new T1 with record -- _Parent : T1; -- end record; -- 2. renamed discriminants -- type T2 (B, C : Int) is new T1 (A => B) with record -- _Parent : T1 (A => B); -- D : Int; -- end; -- 3. inherited discriminants -- type T2 is new T1 with record -- discriminant A inherited -- _Parent : T1 (A); -- D : Int; -- end; procedure Expand_Record_Extension (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id) is Indic : constant Node_Id := Subtype_Indication (Def); Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Def); Rec_Ext_Part : Node_Id := Record_Extension_Part (Def); Par_Subtype : Entity_Id; Comp_List : Node_Id; Comp_Decl : Node_Id; Parent_N : Node_Id; D : Entity_Id; List_Constr : constant List_Id := New_List; begin -- Expand_Record_Extension is called directly from the semantics, so -- we must check to see whether expansion is active before proceeding, -- because this affects the visibility of selected components in bodies -- of instances. if not Expander_Active then return; end if; -- This may be a derivation of an untagged private type whose full -- view is tagged, in which case the Derived_Type_Definition has no -- extension part. Build an empty one now. if No (Rec_Ext_Part) then Rec_Ext_Part := Make_Record_Definition (Loc, End_Label => Empty, Component_List => Empty, Null_Present => True); Set_Record_Extension_Part (Def, Rec_Ext_Part); Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (Rec_Ext_Part); end if; Comp_List := Component_List (Rec_Ext_Part); Parent_N := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uParent); -- If the derived type inherits its discriminants the type of the -- _parent field must be constrained by the inherited discriminants if Has_Discriminants (T) and then Nkind (Indic) /= N_Subtype_Indication and then not Is_Constrained (Entity (Indic)) then D := First_Discriminant (T); while Present (D) loop Append_To (List_Constr, New_Occurrence_Of (D, Loc)); Next_Discriminant (D); end loop; Par_Subtype := Process_Subtype ( Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (Indic), Loc), Constraint => Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc, Constraints => List_Constr)), Def); -- Otherwise the original subtype_indication is just what is needed else Par_Subtype := Process_Subtype (New_Copy_Tree (Indic), Def); end if; Set_Parent_Subtype (T, Par_Subtype); Comp_Decl := Make_Component_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Parent_N, Component_Definition => Make_Component_Definition (Loc, Aliased_Present => False, Subtype_Indication => New_Occurrence_Of (Par_Subtype, Loc))); if Null_Present (Rec_Ext_Part) then Set_Component_List (Rec_Ext_Part, Make_Component_List (Loc, Component_Items => New_List (Comp_Decl), Variant_Part => Empty, Null_Present => False)); Set_Null_Present (Rec_Ext_Part, False); elsif Null_Present (Comp_List) or else Is_Empty_List (Component_Items (Comp_List)) then Set_Component_Items (Comp_List, New_List (Comp_Decl)); Set_Null_Present (Comp_List, False); else Insert_Before (First (Component_Items (Comp_List)), Comp_Decl); end if; Analyze (Comp_Decl); end Expand_Record_Extension; ------------------------ -- Expand_Tagged_Root -- ------------------------ procedure Expand_Tagged_Root (T : Entity_Id) is Def : constant Node_Id := Type_Definition (Parent (T)); Comp_List : Node_Id; Comp_Decl : Node_Id; Sloc_N : Source_Ptr; begin if Null_Present (Def) then Set_Component_List (Def, Make_Component_List (Sloc (Def), Component_Items => Empty_List, Variant_Part => Empty, Null_Present => True)); end if; Comp_List := Component_List (Def); if Null_Present (Comp_List) or else Is_Empty_List (Component_Items (Comp_List)) then Sloc_N := Sloc (Comp_List); else Sloc_N := Sloc (First (Component_Items (Comp_List))); end if; Comp_Decl := Make_Component_Declaration (Sloc_N, Defining_Identifier => First_Tag_Component (T), Component_Definition => Make_Component_Definition (Sloc_N, Aliased_Present => False, Subtype_Indication => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Tag), Sloc_N))); if Null_Present (Comp_List) or else Is_Empty_List (Component_Items (Comp_List)) then Set_Component_Items (Comp_List, New_List (Comp_Decl)); Set_Null_Present (Comp_List, False); else Insert_Before (First (Component_Items (Comp_List)), Comp_Decl); end if; -- We don't Analyze the whole expansion because the tag component has -- already been analyzed previously. Here we just insure that the tree -- is coherent with the semantic decoration Find_Type (Subtype_Indication (Component_Definition (Comp_Decl))); exception when RE_Not_Available => return; end Expand_Tagged_Root; ------------------------------ -- Freeze_Stream_Operations -- ------------------------------ procedure Freeze_Stream_Operations (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id) is Names : constant array (1 .. 4) of TSS_Name_Type := (TSS_Stream_Input, TSS_Stream_Output, TSS_Stream_Read, TSS_Stream_Write); Stream_Op : Entity_Id; begin -- Primitive operations of tagged types are frozen when the dispatch -- table is constructed. if not Comes_From_Source (Typ) or else Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then return; end if; for J in Names'Range loop Stream_Op := TSS (Typ, Names (J)); if Present (Stream_Op) and then Is_Subprogram (Stream_Op) and then Nkind (Unit_Declaration_Node (Stream_Op)) = N_Subprogram_Declaration and then not Is_Frozen (Stream_Op) then Append_Freeze_Actions (Typ, Freeze_Entity (Stream_Op, N)); end if; end loop; end Freeze_Stream_Operations; ----------------- -- Freeze_Type -- ----------------- -- Full type declarations are expanded at the point at which the type is -- frozen. The formal N is the Freeze_Node for the type. Any statements or -- declarations generated by the freezing (e.g. the procedure generated -- for initialization) are chained in the Actions field list of the freeze -- node using Append_Freeze_Actions. -- WARNING: This routine manages Ghost regions. Return statements must be -- replaced by gotos which jump to the end of the routine and restore the -- Ghost mode. function Freeze_Type (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is procedure Process_RACW_Types (Typ : Entity_Id); -- Validate and generate stubs for all RACW types associated with type -- Typ. procedure Process_Pending_Access_Types (Typ : Entity_Id); -- Associate type Typ's Finalize_Address primitive with the finalization -- masters of pending access-to-Typ types. ------------------------ -- Process_RACW_Types -- ------------------------ procedure Process_RACW_Types (Typ : Entity_Id) is List : constant Elist_Id := Access_Types_To_Process (N); E : Elmt_Id; Seen : Boolean := False; begin if Present (List) then E := First_Elmt (List); while Present (E) loop if Is_Remote_Access_To_Class_Wide_Type (Node (E)) then Validate_RACW_Primitives (Node (E)); Seen := True; end if; Next_Elmt (E); end loop; end if; -- If there are RACWs designating this type, make stubs now if Seen then Remote_Types_Tagged_Full_View_Encountered (Typ); end if; end Process_RACW_Types; ---------------------------------- -- Process_Pending_Access_Types -- ---------------------------------- procedure Process_Pending_Access_Types (Typ : Entity_Id) is E : Elmt_Id; begin -- Finalize_Address is not generated in CodePeer mode because the -- body contains address arithmetic. This processing is disabled. if CodePeer_Mode then null; -- Certain itypes are generated for contexts that cannot allocate -- objects and should not set primitive Finalize_Address. elsif Is_Itype (Typ) and then Nkind (Associated_Node_For_Itype (Typ)) = N_Explicit_Dereference then null; -- When an access type is declared after the incomplete view of a -- Taft-amendment type, the access type is considered pending in -- case the full view of the Taft-amendment type is controlled. If -- this is indeed the case, associate the Finalize_Address routine -- of the full view with the finalization masters of all pending -- access types. This scenario applies to anonymous access types as -- well. elsif Needs_Finalization (Typ) and then Present (Pending_Access_Types (Typ)) then E := First_Elmt (Pending_Access_Types (Typ)); while Present (E) loop -- Generate: -- Set_Finalize_Address -- (Ptr_Typ, <Typ>FD'Unrestricted_Access); Append_Freeze_Action (Typ, Make_Set_Finalize_Address_Call (Loc => Sloc (N), Ptr_Typ => Node (E))); Next_Elmt (E); end loop; end if; end Process_Pending_Access_Types; -- Local variables Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N); Saved_GM : constant Ghost_Mode_Type := Ghost_Mode; Saved_IGR : constant Node_Id := Ignored_Ghost_Region; -- Save the Ghost-related attributes to restore on exit Result : Boolean := False; -- Start of processing for Freeze_Type begin -- The type being frozen may be subject to pragma Ghost. Set the mode -- now to ensure that any nodes generated during freezing are properly -- marked as Ghost. Set_Ghost_Mode (Def_Id); -- Process any remote access-to-class-wide types designating the type -- being frozen. Process_RACW_Types (Def_Id); -- Freeze processing for record types if Is_Record_Type (Def_Id) then if Ekind (Def_Id) = E_Record_Type then Expand_Freeze_Record_Type (N); elsif Is_Class_Wide_Type (Def_Id) then Expand_Freeze_Class_Wide_Type (N); end if; -- Freeze processing for array types elsif Is_Array_Type (Def_Id) then Expand_Freeze_Array_Type (N); -- Freeze processing for access types -- For pool-specific access types, find out the pool object used for -- this type, needs actual expansion of it in some cases. Here are the -- different cases : -- 1. Rep Clause "for Def_Id'Storage_Size use 0;" -- ---> don't use any storage pool -- 2. Rep Clause : for Def_Id'Storage_Size use Expr. -- Expand: -- Def_Id__Pool : Stack_Bounded_Pool (Expr, DT'Size, DT'Alignment); -- 3. Rep Clause "for Def_Id'Storage_Pool use a_Pool_Object" -- ---> Storage Pool is the specified one -- See GNAT Pool packages in the Run-Time for more details elsif Ekind (Def_Id) in E_Access_Type | E_General_Access_Type then declare Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); Desig_Type : constant Entity_Id := Designated_Type (Def_Id); Freeze_Action_Typ : Entity_Id; Pool_Object : Entity_Id; begin -- Case 1 -- Rep Clause "for Def_Id'Storage_Size use 0;" -- ---> don't use any storage pool if No_Pool_Assigned (Def_Id) then null; -- Case 2 -- Rep Clause : for Def_Id'Storage_Size use Expr. -- ---> Expand: -- Def_Id__Pool : Stack_Bounded_Pool -- (Expr, DT'Size, DT'Alignment); elsif Has_Storage_Size_Clause (Def_Id) then declare DT_Align : Node_Id; DT_Size : Node_Id; begin -- For unconstrained composite types we give a size of zero -- so that the pool knows that it needs a special algorithm -- for variable size object allocation. if Is_Composite_Type (Desig_Type) and then not Is_Constrained (Desig_Type) then DT_Size := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0); DT_Align := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Maximum_Alignment); else DT_Size := Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Desig_Type, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements); DT_Align := Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Desig_Type, Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Alignment); end if; Pool_Object := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Def_Id), 'P')); -- We put the code associated with the pools in the entity -- that has the later freeze node, usually the access type -- but it can also be the designated_type; because the pool -- code requires both those types to be frozen if Is_Frozen (Desig_Type) and then (No (Freeze_Node (Desig_Type)) or else Analyzed (Freeze_Node (Desig_Type))) then Freeze_Action_Typ := Def_Id; -- A Taft amendment type cannot get the freeze actions -- since the full view is not there. elsif Is_Incomplete_Or_Private_Type (Desig_Type) and then No (Full_View (Desig_Type)) then Freeze_Action_Typ := Def_Id; else Freeze_Action_Typ := Desig_Type; end if; Append_Freeze_Action (Freeze_Action_Typ, Make_Object_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Pool_Object, Object_Definition => Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Stack_Bounded_Pool), Loc), Constraint => Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc, Constraints => New_List ( -- First discriminant is the Pool Size New_Occurrence_Of ( Storage_Size_Variable (Def_Id), Loc), -- Second discriminant is the element size DT_Size, -- Third discriminant is the alignment DT_Align))))); end; Set_Associated_Storage_Pool (Def_Id, Pool_Object); -- Case 3 -- Rep Clause "for Def_Id'Storage_Pool use a_Pool_Object" -- ---> Storage Pool is the specified one -- When compiling in Ada 2012 mode, ensure that the accessibility -- level of the subpool access type is not deeper than that of the -- pool_with_subpools. elsif Ada_Version >= Ada_2012 and then Present (Associated_Storage_Pool (Def_Id)) and then RTU_Loaded (System_Storage_Pools_Subpools) then declare Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Def_Id); Pool : constant Entity_Id := Associated_Storage_Pool (Def_Id); begin -- It is known that the accessibility level of the access -- type is deeper than that of the pool. if Type_Access_Level (Def_Id) > Object_Access_Level (Pool) and then Is_Class_Wide_Type (Etype (Pool)) and then not Accessibility_Checks_Suppressed (Def_Id) and then not Accessibility_Checks_Suppressed (Pool) then -- When the pool is of a class-wide type, it may or may -- not support subpools depending on the path of -- derivation. Generate: -- if Def_Id in RSPWS'Class then -- raise Program_Error; -- end if; Append_Freeze_Action (Def_Id, Make_If_Statement (Loc, Condition => Make_In (Loc, Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Pool, Loc), Right_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Class_Wide_Type (RTE (RE_Root_Storage_Pool_With_Subpools)), Loc)), Then_Statements => New_List ( Make_Raise_Program_Error (Loc, Reason => PE_Accessibility_Check_Failed)))); end if; end; end if; -- For access-to-controlled types (including class-wide types and -- Taft-amendment types, which potentially have controlled -- components), expand the list controller object that will store -- the dynamically allocated objects. Don't do this transformation -- for expander-generated access types, except do it for types -- that are the full view of types derived from other private -- types and for access types used to implement indirect temps. -- Also suppress the list controller in the case of a designated -- type with convention Java, since this is used when binding to -- Java API specs, where there's no equivalent of a finalization -- list and we don't want to pull in the finalization support if -- not needed. if not Comes_From_Source (Def_Id) and then not Has_Private_Declaration (Def_Id) and then not Old_Attr_Util.Indirect_Temps .Is_Access_Type_For_Indirect_Temp (Def_Id) then null; -- An exception is made for types defined in the run-time because -- Ada.Tags.Tag itself is such a type and cannot afford this -- unnecessary overhead that would generates a loop in the -- expansion scheme. Another exception is if Restrictions -- (No_Finalization) is active, since then we know nothing is -- controlled. elsif Restriction_Active (No_Finalization) or else In_Runtime (Def_Id) then null; -- Create a finalization master for an access-to-controlled type -- or an access-to-incomplete type. It is assumed that the full -- view will be controlled. elsif Needs_Finalization (Desig_Type) or else (Is_Incomplete_Type (Desig_Type) and then No (Full_View (Desig_Type))) then Build_Finalization_Master (Def_Id); -- Create a finalization master when the designated type contains -- a private component. It is assumed that the full view will be -- controlled. elsif Has_Private_Component (Desig_Type) then Build_Finalization_Master (Typ => Def_Id, For_Private => True, Context_Scope => Scope (Def_Id), Insertion_Node => Declaration_Node (Desig_Type)); end if; end; -- Freeze processing for enumeration types elsif Ekind (Def_Id) = E_Enumeration_Type then -- We only have something to do if we have a non-standard -- representation (i.e. at least one literal whose pos value -- is not the same as its representation) if Has_Non_Standard_Rep (Def_Id) then Expand_Freeze_Enumeration_Type (N); end if; -- Private types that are completed by a derivation from a private -- type have an internally generated full view, that needs to be -- frozen. This must be done explicitly because the two views share -- the freeze node, and the underlying full view is not visible when -- the freeze node is analyzed. elsif Is_Private_Type (Def_Id) and then Is_Derived_Type (Def_Id) and then Present (Full_View (Def_Id)) and then Is_Itype (Full_View (Def_Id)) and then Has_Private_Declaration (Full_View (Def_Id)) and then Freeze_Node (Full_View (Def_Id)) = N then Set_Entity (N, Full_View (Def_Id)); Result := Freeze_Type (N); Set_Entity (N, Def_Id); -- All other types require no expander action. There are such cases -- (e.g. task types and protected types). In such cases, the freeze -- nodes are there for use by Gigi. end if; -- Complete the initialization of all pending access types' finalization -- masters now that the designated type has been is frozen and primitive -- Finalize_Address generated. Process_Pending_Access_Types (Def_Id); Freeze_Stream_Operations (N, Def_Id); -- Generate the [spec and] body of the procedure tasked with the runtime -- verification of pragma Default_Initial_Condition's expression. if Has_DIC (Def_Id) then Build_DIC_Procedure_Body (Def_Id, For_Freeze => True); end if; -- Generate the [spec and] body of the invariant procedure tasked with -- the runtime verification of all invariants that pertain to the type. -- This includes invariants on the partial and full view, inherited -- class-wide invariants from parent types or interfaces, and invariants -- on array elements or record components. if Is_Interface (Def_Id) then -- Interfaces are treated as the partial view of a private type in -- order to achieve uniformity with the general case. As a result, an -- interface receives only a "partial" invariant procedure which is -- never called. if Has_Own_Invariants (Def_Id) then Build_Invariant_Procedure_Body (Typ => Def_Id, Partial_Invariant => Is_Interface (Def_Id)); end if; -- Non-interface types -- Do not generate invariant procedure within other assertion -- subprograms, which may involve local declarations of local -- subtypes to which these checks do not apply. elsif Has_Invariants (Def_Id) then if not Predicate_Check_In_Scope (Def_Id) or else (Ekind (Current_Scope) = E_Function and then Is_Predicate_Function (Current_Scope)) then null; else Build_Invariant_Procedure_Body (Def_Id); end if; end if; Restore_Ghost_Region (Saved_GM, Saved_IGR); return Result; exception when RE_Not_Available => Restore_Ghost_Region (Saved_GM, Saved_IGR); return False; end Freeze_Type; ------------------------- -- Get_Simple_Init_Val -- ------------------------- function Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ : Entity_Id; N : Node_Id; Size : Uint := No_Uint) return Node_Id is IV_Attribute : constant Boolean := Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference and then Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Invalid_Value; Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); procedure Extract_Subtype_Bounds (Lo_Bound : out Uint; Hi_Bound : out Uint); -- Inspect subtype Typ as well its ancestor subtypes and derived types -- to determine the best known information about the bounds of the type. -- The output parameters are set as follows: -- -- * Lo_Bound - Set to No_Unit when there is no information available, -- or to the known low bound. -- -- * Hi_Bound - Set to No_Unit when there is no information available, -- or to the known high bound. function Simple_Init_Array_Type return Node_Id; -- Build an expression to initialize array type Typ function Simple_Init_Defaulted_Type return Node_Id; -- Build an expression to initialize type Typ which is subject to -- aspect Default_Value. function Simple_Init_Initialize_Scalars_Type (Size_To_Use : Uint) return Node_Id; -- Build an expression to initialize scalar type Typ which is subject to -- pragma Initialize_Scalars. Size_To_Use is the size of the object. function Simple_Init_Normalize_Scalars_Type (Size_To_Use : Uint) return Node_Id; -- Build an expression to initialize scalar type Typ which is subject to -- pragma Normalize_Scalars. Size_To_Use is the size of the object. function Simple_Init_Private_Type return Node_Id; -- Build an expression to initialize private type Typ function Simple_Init_Scalar_Type return Node_Id; -- Build an expression to initialize scalar type Typ ---------------------------- -- Extract_Subtype_Bounds -- ---------------------------- procedure Extract_Subtype_Bounds (Lo_Bound : out Uint; Hi_Bound : out Uint) is ST1 : Entity_Id; ST2 : Entity_Id; Lo : Node_Id; Hi : Node_Id; Lo_Val : Uint; Hi_Val : Uint; begin Lo_Bound := No_Uint; Hi_Bound := No_Uint; -- Loop to climb ancestor subtypes and derived types ST1 := Typ; loop if not Is_Discrete_Type (ST1) then return; end if; Lo := Type_Low_Bound (ST1); Hi := Type_High_Bound (ST1); if Compile_Time_Known_Value (Lo) then Lo_Val := Expr_Value (Lo); if Lo_Bound = No_Uint or else Lo_Bound < Lo_Val then Lo_Bound := Lo_Val; end if; end if; if Compile_Time_Known_Value (Hi) then Hi_Val := Expr_Value (Hi); if Hi_Bound = No_Uint or else Hi_Bound > Hi_Val then Hi_Bound := Hi_Val; end if; end if; ST2 := Ancestor_Subtype (ST1); if No (ST2) then ST2 := Etype (ST1); end if; exit when ST1 = ST2; ST1 := ST2; end loop; end Extract_Subtype_Bounds; ---------------------------- -- Simple_Init_Array_Type -- ---------------------------- function Simple_Init_Array_Type return Node_Id is Comp_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Component_Type (Typ); function Simple_Init_Dimension (Index : Node_Id) return Node_Id; -- Initialize a single array dimension with index constraint Index -------------------- -- Simple_Init_Dimension -- -------------------- function Simple_Init_Dimension (Index : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin -- Process the current dimension if Present (Index) then -- Build a suitable "others" aggregate for the next dimension, -- or initialize the component itself. Generate: -- -- (others => ...) return Make_Aggregate (Loc, Component_Associations => New_List ( Make_Component_Association (Loc, Choices => New_List (Make_Others_Choice (Loc)), Expression => Simple_Init_Dimension (Next_Index (Index))))); -- Otherwise all dimensions have been processed. Initialize the -- component itself. else return Get_Simple_Init_Val (Typ => Comp_Typ, N => N, Size => Esize (Comp_Typ)); end if; end Simple_Init_Dimension; -- Start of processing for Simple_Init_Array_Type begin return Simple_Init_Dimension (First_Index (Typ)); end Simple_Init_Array_Type; -------------------------------- -- Simple_Init_Defaulted_Type -- -------------------------------- function Simple_Init_Defaulted_Type return Node_Id is Subtyp : constant Entity_Id := First_Subtype (Typ); begin -- Use the Sloc of the context node when constructing the initial -- value because the expression of Default_Value may come from a -- different unit. Updating the Sloc will result in accurate error -- diagnostics. -- When the first subtype is private, retrieve the expression of the -- Default_Value from the underlying type. if Is_Private_Type (Subtyp) then return Unchecked_Convert_To (Typ => Typ, Expr => New_Copy_Tree (Source => Default_Aspect_Value (Full_View (Subtyp)), New_Sloc => Loc)); else return Convert_To (Typ => Typ, Expr => New_Copy_Tree (Source => Default_Aspect_Value (Subtyp), New_Sloc => Loc)); end if; end Simple_Init_Defaulted_Type; ----------------------------------------- -- Simple_Init_Initialize_Scalars_Type -- ----------------------------------------- function Simple_Init_Initialize_Scalars_Type (Size_To_Use : Uint) return Node_Id is Float_Typ : Entity_Id; Hi_Bound : Uint; Lo_Bound : Uint; Scal_Typ : Scalar_Id; begin Extract_Subtype_Bounds (Lo_Bound, Hi_Bound); -- Float types if Is_Floating_Point_Type (Typ) then Float_Typ := Root_Type (Typ); if Float_Typ = Standard_Short_Float then Scal_Typ := Name_Short_Float; elsif Float_Typ = Standard_Float then Scal_Typ := Name_Float; elsif Float_Typ = Standard_Long_Float then Scal_Typ := Name_Long_Float; else pragma Assert (Float_Typ = Standard_Long_Long_Float); Scal_Typ := Name_Long_Long_Float; end if; -- If zero is invalid, it is a convenient value to use that is for -- sure an appropriate invalid value in all situations. elsif Lo_Bound /= No_Uint and then Lo_Bound > Uint_0 then return Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0); -- Unsigned types elsif Is_Unsigned_Type (Typ) then if Size_To_Use <= 8 then Scal_Typ := Name_Unsigned_8; elsif Size_To_Use <= 16 then Scal_Typ := Name_Unsigned_16; elsif Size_To_Use <= 32 then Scal_Typ := Name_Unsigned_32; else Scal_Typ := Name_Unsigned_64; end if; -- Signed types else if Size_To_Use <= 8 then Scal_Typ := Name_Signed_8; elsif Size_To_Use <= 16 then Scal_Typ := Name_Signed_16; elsif Size_To_Use <= 32 then Scal_Typ := Name_Signed_32; else Scal_Typ := Name_Signed_64; end if; end if; -- Use the values specified by pragma Initialize_Scalars or the ones -- provided by the binder. Higher precedence is given to the pragma. return Invalid_Scalar_Value (Loc, Scal_Typ); end Simple_Init_Initialize_Scalars_Type; ---------------------------------------- -- Simple_Init_Normalize_Scalars_Type -- ---------------------------------------- function Simple_Init_Normalize_Scalars_Type (Size_To_Use : Uint) return Node_Id is Signed_Size : constant Uint := UI_Min (Uint_63, Size_To_Use - 1); Expr : Node_Id; Hi_Bound : Uint; Lo_Bound : Uint; begin Extract_Subtype_Bounds (Lo_Bound, Hi_Bound); -- If zero is invalid, it is a convenient value to use that is for -- sure an appropriate invalid value in all situations. if Lo_Bound /= No_Uint and then Lo_Bound > Uint_0 then Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0); -- Cases where all one bits is the appropriate invalid value -- For modular types, all 1 bits is either invalid or valid. If it -- is valid, then there is nothing that can be done since there are -- no invalid values (we ruled out zero already). -- For signed integer types that have no negative values, either -- there is room for negative values, or there is not. If there -- is, then all 1-bits may be interpreted as minus one, which is -- certainly invalid. Alternatively it is treated as the largest -- positive value, in which case the observation for modular types -- still applies. -- For float types, all 1-bits is a NaN (not a number), which is -- certainly an appropriately invalid value. elsif Is_Enumeration_Type (Typ) or else Is_Floating_Point_Type (Typ) or else Is_Unsigned_Type (Typ) then Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 2 ** Size_To_Use - 1); -- Resolve as Long_Long_Unsigned, because the largest number -- we can generate is out of range of universal integer. Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr, Standard_Long_Long_Unsigned); -- Case of signed types else -- Normally we like to use the most negative number. The one -- exception is when this number is in the known subtype range and -- the largest positive number is not in the known subtype range. -- For this exceptional case, use largest positive value if Lo_Bound /= No_Uint and then Hi_Bound /= No_Uint and then Lo_Bound <= (-(2 ** Signed_Size)) and then Hi_Bound < 2 ** Signed_Size then Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 2 ** Signed_Size - 1); -- Normal case of largest negative value else Expr := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, -(2 ** Signed_Size)); end if; end if; return Expr; end Simple_Init_Normalize_Scalars_Type; ------------------------------ -- Simple_Init_Private_Type -- ------------------------------ function Simple_Init_Private_Type return Node_Id is Under_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Typ); Expr : Node_Id; begin -- The availability of the underlying view must be checked by routine -- Needs_Simple_Initialization. pragma Assert (Present (Under_Typ)); Expr := Get_Simple_Init_Val (Under_Typ, N, Size); -- If the initial value is null or an aggregate, qualify it with the -- underlying type in order to provide a proper context. if Nkind (Expr) in N_Aggregate | N_Null then Expr := Make_Qualified_Expression (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Under_Typ, Loc), Expression => Expr); end if; Expr := Unchecked_Convert_To (Typ, Expr); -- Do not truncate the result when scalar types are involved and -- Initialize/Normalize_Scalars is in effect. if Nkind (Expr) = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion and then Is_Scalar_Type (Under_Typ) then Set_No_Truncation (Expr); end if; return Expr; end Simple_Init_Private_Type; ----------------------------- -- Simple_Init_Scalar_Type -- ----------------------------- function Simple_Init_Scalar_Type return Node_Id is Expr : Node_Id; Size_To_Use : Uint; begin pragma Assert (Init_Or_Norm_Scalars or IV_Attribute); -- Determine the size of the object. This is either the size provided -- by the caller, or the Esize of the scalar type. if Size = No_Uint or else Size <= Uint_0 then Size_To_Use := UI_Max (Uint_1, Esize (Typ)); else Size_To_Use := Size; end if; -- The maximum size to use is System_Max_Integer_Size bits. This -- will create values of type Long_Long_Unsigned and the range -- must fit this type. if Size_To_Use /= No_Uint and then Size_To_Use > System_Max_Integer_Size then Size_To_Use := UI_From_Int (System_Max_Integer_Size); end if; if Normalize_Scalars and then not IV_Attribute then Expr := Simple_Init_Normalize_Scalars_Type (Size_To_Use); else Expr := Simple_Init_Initialize_Scalars_Type (Size_To_Use); end if; -- The final expression is obtained by doing an unchecked conversion -- of this result to the base type of the required subtype. Use the -- base type to prevent the unchecked conversion from chopping bits, -- and then we set Kill_Range_Check to preserve the "bad" value. Expr := Unchecked_Convert_To (Base_Type (Typ), Expr); -- Ensure that the expression is not truncated since the "bad" bits -- are desired, and also kill the range checks. if Nkind (Expr) = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion then Set_Kill_Range_Check (Expr); Set_No_Truncation (Expr); end if; return Expr; end Simple_Init_Scalar_Type; -- Start of processing for Get_Simple_Init_Val begin if Is_Private_Type (Typ) then return Simple_Init_Private_Type; elsif Is_Scalar_Type (Typ) then if Has_Default_Aspect (Typ) then return Simple_Init_Defaulted_Type; else return Simple_Init_Scalar_Type; end if; -- Array type with Initialize or Normalize_Scalars elsif Is_Array_Type (Typ) then pragma Assert (Init_Or_Norm_Scalars); return Simple_Init_Array_Type; -- Access type is initialized to null elsif Is_Access_Type (Typ) then return Make_Null (Loc); -- No other possibilities should arise, since we should only be calling -- Get_Simple_Init_Val if Needs_Simple_Initialization returned True, -- indicating one of the above cases held. else raise Program_Error; end if; exception when RE_Not_Available => return Empty; end Get_Simple_Init_Val; ------------------------------ -- Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep -- ------------------------------ function Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is begin if not Is_Derived_Type (T) then return Has_Non_Standard_Rep (T) or else Has_Non_Standard_Rep (Root_Type (T)); -- If Has_Non_Standard_Rep is not set on the derived type, the -- representation is fully inherited. elsif not Has_Non_Standard_Rep (T) then return False; else return First_Rep_Item (T) /= First_Rep_Item (Root_Type (T)); -- May need a more precise check here: the First_Rep_Item may be a -- stream attribute, which does not affect the representation of the -- type ??? end if; end Has_New_Non_Standard_Rep; ---------------------- -- Inline_Init_Proc -- ---------------------- function Inline_Init_Proc (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is begin -- The initialization proc of protected records is not worth inlining. -- In addition, when compiled for another unit for inlining purposes, -- it may make reference to entities that have not been elaborated yet. -- The initialization proc of records that need finalization contains -- a nested clean-up procedure that makes it impractical to inline as -- well, except for simple controlled types themselves. And similar -- considerations apply to task types. if Is_Concurrent_Type (Typ) then return False; elsif Needs_Finalization (Typ) and then not Is_Controlled (Typ) then return False; elsif Has_Task (Typ) then return False; else return True; end if; end Inline_Init_Proc; ---------------- -- In_Runtime -- ---------------- function In_Runtime (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is S1 : Entity_Id; begin S1 := Scope (E); while Scope (S1) /= Standard_Standard loop S1 := Scope (S1); end loop; return Is_RTU (S1, System) or else Is_RTU (S1, Ada); end In_Runtime; ---------------------------- -- Initialization_Warning -- ---------------------------- procedure Initialization_Warning (E : Entity_Id) is Warning_Needed : Boolean; begin Warning_Needed := False; if Ekind (Current_Scope) = E_Package and then Static_Elaboration_Desired (Current_Scope) then if Is_Type (E) then if Is_Record_Type (E) then if Has_Discriminants (E) or else Is_Limited_Type (E) or else Has_Non_Standard_Rep (E) then Warning_Needed := True; else -- Verify that at least one component has an initialization -- expression. No need for a warning on a type if all its -- components have no initialization. declare Comp : Entity_Id; begin Comp := First_Component (E); while Present (Comp) loop if Ekind (Comp) = E_Discriminant or else (Nkind (Parent (Comp)) = N_Component_Declaration and then Present (Expression (Parent (Comp)))) then Warning_Needed := True; exit; end if; Next_Component (Comp); end loop; end; end if; if Warning_Needed then Error_Msg_N ("Objects of the type cannot be initialized statically " & "by default??", Parent (E)); end if; end if; else Error_Msg_N ("Object cannot be initialized statically??", E); end if; end if; end Initialization_Warning; ------------------ -- Init_Formals -- ------------------ function Init_Formals (Typ : Entity_Id; Proc_Id : Entity_Id) return List_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Typ); Unc_Arr : constant Boolean := Is_Array_Type (Typ) and then not Is_Constrained (Typ); With_Prot : constant Boolean := Has_Protected (Typ) or else (Is_Record_Type (Typ) and then Is_Protected_Record_Type (Typ)); With_Task : constant Boolean := not Global_No_Tasking and then (Has_Task (Typ) or else (Is_Record_Type (Typ) and then Is_Task_Record_Type (Typ))); Formals : List_Id; begin -- The first parameter is always _Init : [in] out Typ. Note that we need -- it to be in/out in the case of an unconstrained array, because of the -- need to have the bounds, and in the case of protected or task record -- value, because there are default record fields that may be referenced -- in the generated initialization routine. Formals := New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit), In_Present => Unc_Arr or else With_Prot or else With_Task, Out_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))); -- For task record value, or type that contains tasks, add two more -- formals, _Master : Master_Id and _Chain : in out Activation_Chain -- We also add these parameters for the task record type case. if With_Task then Append_To (Formals, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uMaster), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Master_Id), Loc))); Set_Has_Master_Entity (Proc_Id); -- Add _Chain (not done for sequential elaboration policy, see -- comment for Create_Restricted_Task_Sequential in s-tarest.ads). if Partition_Elaboration_Policy /= 'S' then Append_To (Formals, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uChain), In_Present => True, Out_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Activation_Chain), Loc))); end if; Append_To (Formals, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uTask_Name), In_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_String, Loc))); end if; -- Due to certain edge cases such as arrays with null-excluding -- components being built with the secondary stack it becomes necessary -- to add a formal to the Init_Proc which controls whether we raise -- Constraint_Errors on generated calls for internal object -- declarations. if Needs_Conditional_Null_Excluding_Check (Typ) then Append_To (Formals, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_External_Name (Chars (Component_Type (Typ)), "_skip_null_excluding_check")), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc), In_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc))); end if; return Formals; exception when RE_Not_Available => return Empty_List; end Init_Formals; ------------------------- -- Init_Secondary_Tags -- ------------------------- procedure Init_Secondary_Tags (Typ : Entity_Id; Target : Node_Id; Init_Tags_List : List_Id; Stmts_List : List_Id; Fixed_Comps : Boolean := True; Variable_Comps : Boolean := True) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Target); -- Inherit the C++ tag of the secondary dispatch table of Typ associated -- with Iface. Tag_Comp is the component of Typ that stores Iface_Tag. procedure Initialize_Tag (Typ : Entity_Id; Iface : Entity_Id; Tag_Comp : Entity_Id; Iface_Tag : Node_Id); -- Initialize the tag of the secondary dispatch table of Typ associated -- with Iface. Tag_Comp is the component of Typ that stores Iface_Tag. -- Compiling under the CPP full ABI compatibility mode, if the ancestor -- of Typ CPP tagged type we generate code to inherit the contents of -- the dispatch table directly from the ancestor. -------------------- -- Initialize_Tag -- -------------------- procedure Initialize_Tag (Typ : Entity_Id; Iface : Entity_Id; Tag_Comp : Entity_Id; Iface_Tag : Node_Id) is Comp_Typ : Entity_Id; Offset_To_Top_Comp : Entity_Id := Empty; begin -- Initialize pointer to secondary DT associated with the interface if not Is_Ancestor (Iface, Typ, Use_Full_View => True) then Append_To (Init_Tags_List, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Comp, Loc)), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Iface_Tag, Loc))); end if; Comp_Typ := Scope (Tag_Comp); -- Initialize the entries of the table of interfaces. We generate a -- different call when the parent of the type has variable size -- components. if Comp_Typ /= Etype (Comp_Typ) and then Is_Variable_Size_Record (Etype (Comp_Typ)) and then Chars (Tag_Comp) /= Name_uTag then pragma Assert (Present (DT_Offset_To_Top_Func (Tag_Comp))); -- Issue error if Set_Dynamic_Offset_To_Top is not available in a -- configurable run-time environment. if not RTE_Available (RE_Set_Dynamic_Offset_To_Top) then Error_Msg_CRT ("variable size record with interface types", Typ); return; end if; -- Generate: -- Set_Dynamic_Offset_To_Top -- (This => Init, -- Prim_T => Typ'Tag, -- Interface_T => Iface'Tag, -- Offset_Value => n, -- Offset_Func => Fn'Address) Append_To (Stmts_List, Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Set_Dynamic_Offset_To_Top), Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Attribute_Name => Name_Address), Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Typ))), Loc)), Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Iface))), Loc)), Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Storage_Offset), Make_Op_Minus (Loc, Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Comp, Loc)), Attribute_Name => Name_Position))), Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Offset_To_Top_Function_Ptr), Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (DT_Offset_To_Top_Func (Tag_Comp), Loc), Attribute_Name => Name_Address))))); -- In this case the next component stores the value of the offset -- to the top. Offset_To_Top_Comp := Next_Entity (Tag_Comp); pragma Assert (Present (Offset_To_Top_Comp)); Append_To (Init_Tags_List, Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Offset_To_Top_Comp, Loc)), Expression => Make_Op_Minus (Loc, Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Comp, Loc)), Attribute_Name => Name_Position)))); -- Normal case: No discriminants in the parent type else -- Don't need to set any value if the offset-to-top field is -- statically set or if this interface shares the primary -- dispatch table. if not Building_Static_Secondary_DT (Typ) and then not Is_Ancestor (Iface, Typ, Use_Full_View => True) then Append_To (Stmts_List, Build_Set_Static_Offset_To_Top (Loc, Iface_Tag => New_Occurrence_Of (Iface_Tag, Loc), Offset_Value => Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Storage_Offset), Make_Op_Minus (Loc, Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Comp, Loc)), Attribute_Name => Name_Position))))); end if; -- Generate: -- Register_Interface_Offset -- (Prim_T => Typ'Tag, -- Interface_T => Iface'Tag, -- Is_Constant => True, -- Offset_Value => n, -- Offset_Func => null); if not Building_Static_Secondary_DT (Typ) and then RTE_Available (RE_Register_Interface_Offset) then Append_To (Stmts_List, Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Register_Interface_Offset), Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Typ))), Loc)), Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Iface))), Loc)), New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc), Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Storage_Offset), Make_Op_Minus (Loc, Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Copy_Tree (Target), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Comp, Loc)), Attribute_Name => Name_Position))), Make_Null (Loc)))); end if; end if; end Initialize_Tag; -- Local variables Full_Typ : Entity_Id; Ifaces_List : Elist_Id; Ifaces_Comp_List : Elist_Id; Ifaces_Tag_List : Elist_Id; Iface_Elmt : Elmt_Id; Iface_Comp_Elmt : Elmt_Id; Iface_Tag_Elmt : Elmt_Id; Tag_Comp : Node_Id; In_Variable_Pos : Boolean; -- Start of processing for Init_Secondary_Tags begin -- Handle private types if Present (Full_View (Typ)) then Full_Typ := Full_View (Typ); else Full_Typ := Typ; end if; Collect_Interfaces_Info (Full_Typ, Ifaces_List, Ifaces_Comp_List, Ifaces_Tag_List); Iface_Elmt := First_Elmt (Ifaces_List); Iface_Comp_Elmt := First_Elmt (Ifaces_Comp_List); Iface_Tag_Elmt := First_Elmt (Ifaces_Tag_List); while Present (Iface_Elmt) loop Tag_Comp := Node (Iface_Comp_Elmt); -- Check if parent of record type has variable size components In_Variable_Pos := Scope (Tag_Comp) /= Etype (Scope (Tag_Comp)) and then Is_Variable_Size_Record (Etype (Scope (Tag_Comp))); -- If we are compiling under the CPP full ABI compatibility mode and -- the ancestor is a CPP_Pragma tagged type then we generate code to -- initialize the secondary tag components from tags that reference -- secondary tables filled with copy of parent slots. if Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Full_Typ)) then -- Reject interface components located at variable offset in -- C++ derivations. This is currently unsupported. if not Fixed_Comps and then In_Variable_Pos then -- Locate the first dynamic component of the record. Done to -- improve the text of the warning. declare Comp : Entity_Id; Comp_Typ : Entity_Id; begin Comp := First_Entity (Typ); while Present (Comp) loop Comp_Typ := Etype (Comp); if Ekind (Comp) /= E_Discriminant and then not Is_Tag (Comp) then exit when (Is_Record_Type (Comp_Typ) and then Is_Variable_Size_Record (Base_Type (Comp_Typ))) or else (Is_Array_Type (Comp_Typ) and then Is_Variable_Size_Array (Comp_Typ)); end if; Next_Entity (Comp); end loop; pragma Assert (Present (Comp)); -- Move this check to sem??? Error_Msg_Node_2 := Comp; Error_Msg_NE ("parent type & with dynamic component & cannot be parent" & " of 'C'P'P derivation if new interfaces are present", Typ, Scope (Original_Record_Component (Comp))); Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Scope (Original_Record_Component (Comp))); Error_Msg_NE ("type derived from 'C'P'P type & defined #", Typ, Scope (Original_Record_Component (Comp))); -- Avoid duplicated warnings exit; end; -- Initialize secondary tags else Initialize_Tag (Typ => Full_Typ, Iface => Node (Iface_Elmt), Tag_Comp => Tag_Comp, Iface_Tag => Node (Iface_Tag_Elmt)); end if; -- Otherwise generate code to initialize the tag else if (In_Variable_Pos and then Variable_Comps) or else (not In_Variable_Pos and then Fixed_Comps) then Initialize_Tag (Typ => Full_Typ, Iface => Node (Iface_Elmt), Tag_Comp => Tag_Comp, Iface_Tag => Node (Iface_Tag_Elmt)); end if; end if; Next_Elmt (Iface_Elmt); Next_Elmt (Iface_Comp_Elmt); Next_Elmt (Iface_Tag_Elmt); end loop; end Init_Secondary_Tags; ---------------------------- -- Is_Null_Statement_List -- ---------------------------- function Is_Null_Statement_List (Stmts : List_Id) return Boolean is Stmt : Node_Id; begin -- We must skip SCIL nodes because they may have been added to the list -- by Insert_Actions. Stmt := First_Non_SCIL_Node (Stmts); while Present (Stmt) loop if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Case_Statement then declare Alt : Node_Id; begin Alt := First (Alternatives (Stmt)); while Present (Alt) loop if not Is_Null_Statement_List (Statements (Alt)) then return False; end if; Next (Alt); end loop; end; elsif Nkind (Stmt) /= N_Null_Statement then return False; end if; Stmt := Next_Non_SCIL_Node (Stmt); end loop; return True; end Is_Null_Statement_List; ------------------------------ -- Is_User_Defined_Equality -- ------------------------------ function Is_User_Defined_Equality (Prim : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin return Chars (Prim) = Name_Op_Eq and then Etype (First_Formal (Prim)) = Etype (Next_Formal (First_Formal (Prim))) and then Base_Type (Etype (Prim)) = Standard_Boolean; end Is_User_Defined_Equality; ---------------------------------------- -- Make_Controlling_Function_Wrappers -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Make_Controlling_Function_Wrappers (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Decl_List : out List_Id; Body_List : out List_Id) is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Tag_Typ); Prim_Elmt : Elmt_Id; Subp : Entity_Id; Actual_List : List_Id; Formal_List : List_Id; Formal : Entity_Id; Par_Formal : Entity_Id; Formal_Node : Node_Id; Func_Body : Node_Id; Func_Decl : Node_Id; Func_Spec : Node_Id; Return_Stmt : Node_Id; begin Decl_List := New_List; Body_List := New_List; Prim_Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim_Elmt) loop Subp := Node (Prim_Elmt); -- If a primitive function with a controlling result of the type has -- not been overridden by the user, then we must create a wrapper -- function here that effectively overrides it and invokes the -- (non-abstract) parent function. This can only occur for a null -- extension. Note that functions with anonymous controlling access -- results don't qualify and must be overridden. We also exclude -- Input attributes, since each type will have its own version of -- Input constructed by the expander. The test for Comes_From_Source -- is needed to distinguish inherited operations from renamings -- (which also have Alias set). We exclude internal entities with -- Interface_Alias to avoid generating duplicated wrappers since -- the primitive which covers the interface is also available in -- the list of primitive operations. -- The function may be abstract, or require_Overriding may be set -- for it, because tests for null extensions may already have reset -- the Is_Abstract_Subprogram_Flag. If Requires_Overriding is not -- set, functions that need wrappers are recognized by having an -- alias that returns the parent type. if Comes_From_Source (Subp) or else No (Alias (Subp)) or else Present (Interface_Alias (Subp)) or else Ekind (Subp) /= E_Function or else not Has_Controlling_Result (Subp) or else Is_Access_Type (Etype (Subp)) or else Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Alias (Subp)) or else Is_TSS (Subp, TSS_Stream_Input) then goto Next_Prim; elsif Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Subp) or else Requires_Overriding (Subp) or else (Is_Null_Extension (Etype (Subp)) and then Etype (Alias (Subp)) /= Etype (Subp)) then -- If there is a non-overloadable homonym in the current -- scope, the implicit declaration remains invisible. -- We check the current entity with the same name, or its -- homonym in case the derivation takes place after the -- hiding object declaration. if Present (Current_Entity (Subp)) then declare Curr : constant Entity_Id := Current_Entity (Subp); Prev : constant Entity_Id := Homonym (Curr); begin if (Comes_From_Source (Curr) and then Scope (Curr) = Current_Scope and then not Is_Overloadable (Curr)) or else (Present (Prev) and then Comes_From_Source (Prev) and then Scope (Prev) = Current_Scope and then not Is_Overloadable (Prev)) then goto Next_Prim; end if; end; end if; Formal_List := No_List; Formal := First_Formal (Subp); if Present (Formal) then Formal_List := New_List; while Present (Formal) loop Append (Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Sloc (Formal), Chars => Chars (Formal)), In_Present => In_Present (Parent (Formal)), Out_Present => Out_Present (Parent (Formal)), Null_Exclusion_Present => Null_Exclusion_Present (Parent (Formal)), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Formal), Loc), Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Expression (Parent (Formal)))), Formal_List); Next_Formal (Formal); end loop; end if; Func_Spec := Make_Function_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Chars (Subp)), Parameter_Specifications => Formal_List, Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Subp), Loc)); Func_Decl := Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Func_Spec); Append_To (Decl_List, Func_Decl); -- Build a wrapper body that calls the parent function. The body -- contains a single return statement that returns an extension -- aggregate whose ancestor part is a call to the parent function, -- passing the formals as actuals (with any controlling arguments -- converted to the types of the corresponding formals of the -- parent function, which might be anonymous access types), and -- having a null extension. Formal := First_Formal (Subp); Par_Formal := First_Formal (Alias (Subp)); Formal_Node := First (Formal_List); if Present (Formal) then Actual_List := New_List; else Actual_List := No_List; end if; while Present (Formal) loop if Is_Controlling_Formal (Formal) then Append_To (Actual_List, Make_Type_Conversion (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Par_Formal), Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Defining_Identifier (Formal_Node), Loc))); else Append_To (Actual_List, New_Occurrence_Of (Defining_Identifier (Formal_Node), Loc)); end if; Next_Formal (Formal); Next_Formal (Par_Formal); Next (Formal_Node); end loop; Return_Stmt := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Extension_Aggregate (Loc, Ancestor_Part => Make_Function_Call (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Alias (Subp), Loc), Parameter_Associations => Actual_List), Null_Record_Present => True)); Func_Body := Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Specification => New_Copy_Tree (Func_Spec), Declarations => Empty_List, Handled_Statement_Sequence => Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List (Return_Stmt))); Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Func_Body), Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Subp))); Append_To (Body_List, Func_Body); -- Replace the inherited function with the wrapper function in the -- primitive operations list. We add the minimum decoration needed -- to override interface primitives. Set_Ekind (Defining_Unit_Name (Func_Spec), E_Function); Override_Dispatching_Operation (Tag_Typ, Subp, New_Op => Defining_Unit_Name (Func_Spec), Is_Wrapper => True); end if; <<Next_Prim>> Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt); end loop; end Make_Controlling_Function_Wrappers; ------------------ -- Make_Eq_Body -- ------------------ function Make_Eq_Body (Typ : Entity_Id; Eq_Name : Name_Id) return Node_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Parent (Typ)); Decl : Node_Id; Def : constant Node_Id := Parent (Typ); Stmts : constant List_Id := New_List; Variant_Case : Boolean := Has_Discriminants (Typ); Comps : Node_Id := Empty; Typ_Def : Node_Id := Type_Definition (Def); begin Decl := Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Typ, Name => Eq_Name, Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))), Ret_Type => Standard_Boolean, For_Body => True); if Variant_Case then if Nkind (Typ_Def) = N_Derived_Type_Definition then Typ_Def := Record_Extension_Part (Typ_Def); end if; if Present (Typ_Def) then Comps := Component_List (Typ_Def); end if; Variant_Case := Present (Comps) and then Present (Variant_Part (Comps)); end if; if Variant_Case then Append_To (Stmts, Make_Eq_If (Typ, Discriminant_Specifications (Def))); Append_List_To (Stmts, Make_Eq_Case (Typ, Comps)); Append_To (Stmts, Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc))); else Append_To (Stmts, Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Expand_Record_Equality (Typ, Typ => Typ, Lhs => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Rhs => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Bodies => Declarations (Decl)))); end if; Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Stmts)); return Decl; end Make_Eq_Body; ------------------ -- Make_Eq_Case -- ------------------ -- <Make_Eq_If shared components> -- case X.D1 is -- when V1 => <Make_Eq_Case> on subcomponents -- ... -- when Vn => <Make_Eq_Case> on subcomponents -- end case; function Make_Eq_Case (E : Entity_Id; CL : Node_Id; Discrs : Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List) return List_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E); Result : constant List_Id := New_List; Variant : Node_Id; Alt_List : List_Id; function Corresponding_Formal (C : Node_Id) return Entity_Id; -- Given the discriminant that controls a given variant of an unchecked -- union, find the formal of the equality function that carries the -- inferred value of the discriminant. function External_Name (E : Entity_Id) return Name_Id; -- The value of a given discriminant is conveyed in the corresponding -- formal parameter of the equality routine. The name of this formal -- parameter carries a one-character suffix which is removed here. -------------------------- -- Corresponding_Formal -- -------------------------- function Corresponding_Formal (C : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is Discr : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Name (Variant_Part (C))); Elm : Elmt_Id; begin Elm := First_Elmt (Discrs); while Present (Elm) loop if Chars (Discr) = External_Name (Node (Elm)) then return Node (Elm); end if; Next_Elmt (Elm); end loop; -- A formal of the proper name must be found raise Program_Error; end Corresponding_Formal; ------------------- -- External_Name -- ------------------- function External_Name (E : Entity_Id) return Name_Id is begin Get_Name_String (Chars (E)); Name_Len := Name_Len - 1; return Name_Find; end External_Name; -- Start of processing for Make_Eq_Case begin Append_To (Result, Make_Eq_If (E, Component_Items (CL))); if No (Variant_Part (CL)) then return Result; end if; Variant := First_Non_Pragma (Variants (Variant_Part (CL))); if No (Variant) then return Result; end if; Alt_List := New_List; while Present (Variant) loop Append_To (Alt_List, Make_Case_Statement_Alternative (Loc, Discrete_Choices => New_Copy_List (Discrete_Choices (Variant)), Statements => Make_Eq_Case (E, Component_List (Variant), Discrs))); Next_Non_Pragma (Variant); end loop; -- If we have an Unchecked_Union, use one of the parameters of the -- enclosing equality routine that captures the discriminant, to use -- as the expression in the generated case statement. if Is_Unchecked_Union (E) then Append_To (Result, Make_Case_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Corresponding_Formal (CL), Loc), Alternatives => Alt_List)); else Append_To (Result, Make_Case_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Selector_Name => New_Copy (Name (Variant_Part (CL)))), Alternatives => Alt_List)); end if; return Result; end Make_Eq_Case; ---------------- -- Make_Eq_If -- ---------------- -- Generates: -- if -- X.C1 /= Y.C1 -- or else -- X.C2 /= Y.C2 -- ... -- then -- return False; -- end if; -- or a null statement if the list L is empty -- Equality may be user-defined for a given component type, in which case -- a function call is constructed instead of an operator node. This is an -- Ada 2012 change in the composability of equality for untagged composite -- types. function Make_Eq_If (E : Entity_Id; L : List_Id) return Node_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E); C : Node_Id; Cond : Node_Id; Field_Name : Name_Id; Next_Test : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id; begin if No (L) then return Make_Null_Statement (Loc); else Cond := Empty; C := First_Non_Pragma (L); while Present (C) loop Typ := Etype (Defining_Identifier (C)); Field_Name := Chars (Defining_Identifier (C)); -- The tags must not be compared: they are not part of the value. -- Ditto for parent interfaces because their equality operator is -- abstract. -- Note also that in the following, we use Make_Identifier for -- the component names. Use of New_Occurrence_Of to identify the -- components would be incorrect because the wrong entities for -- discriminants could be picked up in the private type case. if Field_Name = Name_uParent and then Is_Interface (Typ) then null; elsif Field_Name /= Name_uTag then declare Lhs : constant Node_Id := Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Field_Name)); Rhs : constant Node_Id := Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Field_Name)); Eq_Call : Node_Id; begin -- Build equality code with a user-defined operator, if -- available, and with the predefined "=" otherwise. For -- compatibility with older Ada versions, we also use the -- predefined operation if the component-type equality is -- abstract, rather than raising Program_Error. if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then Next_Test := Make_Op_Ne (Loc, Lhs, Rhs); else Eq_Call := Build_Eq_Call (Typ, Loc, Lhs, Rhs); if No (Eq_Call) then Next_Test := Make_Op_Ne (Loc, Lhs, Rhs); -- If a component has a defined abstract equality, its -- application raises Program_Error on that component -- and therefore on the current variant. elsif Nkind (Eq_Call) = N_Raise_Program_Error then Set_Etype (Eq_Call, Standard_Boolean); Next_Test := Make_Op_Not (Loc, Eq_Call); else Next_Test := Make_Op_Not (Loc, Eq_Call); end if; end if; end; Evolve_Or_Else (Cond, Next_Test); end if; Next_Non_Pragma (C); end loop; if No (Cond) then return Make_Null_Statement (Loc); else return Make_Implicit_If_Statement (E, Condition => Cond, Then_Statements => New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc)))); end if; end if; end Make_Eq_If; ------------------- -- Make_Neq_Body -- ------------------- function Make_Neq_Body (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is function Is_Predefined_Neq_Renaming (Prim : Node_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns true if Prim is a renaming of an unresolved predefined -- inequality operation. -------------------------------- -- Is_Predefined_Neq_Renaming -- -------------------------------- function Is_Predefined_Neq_Renaming (Prim : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin return Chars (Prim) /= Name_Op_Ne and then Present (Alias (Prim)) and then Comes_From_Source (Prim) and then Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram (Alias (Prim)) and then Chars (Alias (Prim)) = Name_Op_Ne; end Is_Predefined_Neq_Renaming; -- Local variables Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Parent (Tag_Typ)); Stmts : constant List_Id := New_List; Decl : Node_Id; Eq_Prim : Entity_Id; Left_Op : Entity_Id; Renaming_Prim : Entity_Id; Right_Op : Entity_Id; Target : Entity_Id; -- Start of processing for Make_Neq_Body begin -- For a call on a renaming of a dispatching subprogram that is -- overridden, if the overriding occurred before the renaming, then -- the body executed is that of the overriding declaration, even if the -- overriding declaration is not visible at the place of the renaming; -- otherwise, the inherited or predefined subprogram is called, see -- (RM 8.5.4(8)) -- Stage 1: Search for a renaming of the inequality primitive and also -- search for an overriding of the equality primitive located before the -- renaming declaration. declare Elmt : Elmt_Id; Prim : Node_Id; begin Eq_Prim := Empty; Renaming_Prim := Empty; Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Elmt) loop Prim := Node (Elmt); if Is_User_Defined_Equality (Prim) and then No (Alias (Prim)) then if No (Renaming_Prim) then pragma Assert (No (Eq_Prim)); Eq_Prim := Prim; end if; elsif Is_Predefined_Neq_Renaming (Prim) then Renaming_Prim := Prim; end if; Next_Elmt (Elmt); end loop; end; -- No further action needed if no renaming was found if No (Renaming_Prim) then return Empty; end if; -- Stage 2: Replace the renaming declaration by a subprogram declaration -- (required to add its body) Decl := Parent (Parent (Renaming_Prim)); Rewrite (Decl, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Specification (Decl))); Set_Analyzed (Decl); -- Remove the decoration of intrinsic renaming subprogram Set_Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram (Renaming_Prim, False); Set_Convention (Renaming_Prim, Convention_Ada); Set_Alias (Renaming_Prim, Empty); Set_Has_Completion (Renaming_Prim, False); -- Stage 3: Build the corresponding body Left_Op := First_Formal (Renaming_Prim); Right_Op := Next_Formal (Left_Op); Decl := Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Chars (Renaming_Prim), Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Left_Op)), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Right_Op)), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))), Ret_Type => Standard_Boolean, For_Body => True); -- If the overriding of the equality primitive occurred before the -- renaming, then generate: -- function <Neq_Name> (X : Y : Typ) return Boolean is -- begin -- return not Oeq (X, Y); -- end; if Present (Eq_Prim) then Target := Eq_Prim; -- Otherwise build a nested subprogram which performs the predefined -- evaluation of the equality operator. That is, generate: -- function <Neq_Name> (X : Y : Typ) return Boolean is -- function Oeq (X : Y) return Boolean is -- begin -- <<body of default implementation>> -- end; -- begin -- return not Oeq (X, Y); -- end; else declare Local_Subp : Node_Id; begin Local_Subp := Make_Eq_Body (Tag_Typ, Name_Op_Eq); Set_Declarations (Decl, New_List (Local_Subp)); Target := Defining_Entity (Local_Subp); end; end if; Append_To (Stmts, Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Op_Not (Loc, Make_Function_Call (Loc, Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Target, Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Left_Op)), Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Right_Op))))))); Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Stmts)); return Decl; end Make_Neq_Body; ------------------------------- -- Make_Null_Procedure_Specs -- ------------------------------- function Make_Null_Procedure_Specs (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id is Decl_List : constant List_Id := New_List; Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Tag_Typ); Formal : Entity_Id; Formal_List : List_Id; New_Param_Spec : Node_Id; Parent_Subp : Entity_Id; Prim_Elmt : Elmt_Id; Subp : Entity_Id; begin Prim_Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim_Elmt) loop Subp := Node (Prim_Elmt); -- If a null procedure inherited from an interface has not been -- overridden, then we build a null procedure declaration to -- override the inherited procedure. Parent_Subp := Alias (Subp); if Present (Parent_Subp) and then Is_Null_Interface_Primitive (Parent_Subp) then Formal_List := No_List; Formal := First_Formal (Subp); if Present (Formal) then Formal_List := New_List; while Present (Formal) loop -- Copy the parameter spec including default expressions New_Param_Spec := New_Copy_Tree (Parent (Formal), New_Sloc => Loc); -- Generate a new defining identifier for the new formal. -- required because New_Copy_Tree does not duplicate -- semantic fields (except itypes). Set_Defining_Identifier (New_Param_Spec, Make_Defining_Identifier (Sloc (Formal), Chars => Chars (Formal))); -- For controlling arguments we must change their -- parameter type to reference the tagged type (instead -- of the interface type) if Is_Controlling_Formal (Formal) then if Nkind (Parameter_Type (Parent (Formal))) = N_Identifier then Set_Parameter_Type (New_Param_Spec, New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc)); else pragma Assert (Nkind (Parameter_Type (Parent (Formal))) = N_Access_Definition); Set_Subtype_Mark (Parameter_Type (New_Param_Spec), New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc)); end if; end if; Append (New_Param_Spec, Formal_List); Next_Formal (Formal); end loop; end if; Append_To (Decl_List, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Subp)), Parameter_Specifications => Formal_List, Null_Present => True))); end if; Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt); end loop; return Decl_List; end Make_Null_Procedure_Specs; ------------------------------------- -- Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs -- ------------------------------------- procedure Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Predef_List : out List_Id; Renamed_Eq : out Entity_Id) is function Is_Predefined_Eq_Renaming (Prim : Node_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns true if Prim is a renaming of an unresolved predefined -- equality operation. ------------------------------- -- Is_Predefined_Eq_Renaming -- ------------------------------- function Is_Predefined_Eq_Renaming (Prim : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin return Chars (Prim) /= Name_Op_Eq and then Present (Alias (Prim)) and then Comes_From_Source (Prim) and then Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram (Alias (Prim)) and then Chars (Alias (Prim)) = Name_Op_Eq; end Is_Predefined_Eq_Renaming; -- Local variables Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Tag_Typ); Res : constant List_Id := New_List; Eq_Name : Name_Id := Name_Op_Eq; Eq_Needed : Boolean; Eq_Spec : Node_Id; Prim : Elmt_Id; Has_Predef_Eq_Renaming : Boolean := False; -- Set to True if Tag_Typ has a primitive that renames the predefined -- equality operator. Used to implement (RM 8-5-4(8)). use Exp_Put_Image; -- Start of processing for Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs begin Renamed_Eq := Empty; -- Spec of _Size Append_To (Res, Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Name_uSize, Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))), Ret_Type => Standard_Long_Long_Integer)); -- Spec of Put_Image if Enable_Put_Image (Tag_Typ) and then No (TSS (Tag_Typ, TSS_Put_Image)) then Append_To (Res, Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Make_TSS_Name (Tag_Typ, TSS_Put_Image), Profile => Build_Put_Image_Profile (Loc, Tag_Typ))); end if; -- Specs for dispatching stream attributes declare Stream_Op_TSS_Names : constant array (Positive range <>) of TSS_Name_Type := (TSS_Stream_Read, TSS_Stream_Write, TSS_Stream_Input, TSS_Stream_Output); begin for Op in Stream_Op_TSS_Names'Range loop if Stream_Operation_OK (Tag_Typ, Stream_Op_TSS_Names (Op)) then Append_To (Res, Predef_Stream_Attr_Spec (Loc, Tag_Typ, Stream_Op_TSS_Names (Op))); end if; end loop; end; -- Spec of "=" is expanded if the type is not limited and if a user -- defined "=" was not already declared for the non-full view of a -- private extension if not Is_Limited_Type (Tag_Typ) then Eq_Needed := True; Prim := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim) loop -- If a primitive is encountered that renames the predefined -- equality operator before reaching any explicit equality -- primitive, then we still need to create a predefined equality -- function, because calls to it can occur via the renaming. A -- new name is created for the equality to avoid conflicting with -- any user-defined equality. (Note that this doesn't account for -- renamings of equality nested within subpackages???) if Is_Predefined_Eq_Renaming (Node (Prim)) then Has_Predef_Eq_Renaming := True; Eq_Name := New_External_Name (Chars (Node (Prim)), 'E'); -- User-defined equality elsif Is_User_Defined_Equality (Node (Prim)) then if No (Alias (Node (Prim))) or else Nkind (Unit_Declaration_Node (Node (Prim))) = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration then Eq_Needed := False; exit; -- If the parent is not an interface type and has an abstract -- equality function explicitly defined in the sources, then -- the inherited equality is abstract as well, and no body can -- be created for it. elsif not Is_Interface (Etype (Tag_Typ)) and then Present (Alias (Node (Prim))) and then Comes_From_Source (Alias (Node (Prim))) and then Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Alias (Node (Prim))) then Eq_Needed := False; exit; -- If the type has an equality function corresponding with -- a primitive defined in an interface type, the inherited -- equality is abstract as well, and no body can be created -- for it. elsif Present (Alias (Node (Prim))) and then Comes_From_Source (Ultimate_Alias (Node (Prim))) and then Is_Interface (Find_Dispatching_Type (Ultimate_Alias (Node (Prim)))) then Eq_Needed := False; exit; end if; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; -- If a renaming of predefined equality was found but there was no -- user-defined equality (so Eq_Needed is still true), then set the -- name back to Name_Op_Eq. But in the case where a user-defined -- equality was located after such a renaming, then the predefined -- equality function is still needed, so Eq_Needed must be set back -- to True. if Eq_Name /= Name_Op_Eq then if Eq_Needed then Eq_Name := Name_Op_Eq; else Eq_Needed := True; end if; end if; if Eq_Needed then Eq_Spec := Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Eq_Name, Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))), Ret_Type => Standard_Boolean); Append_To (Res, Eq_Spec); if Has_Predef_Eq_Renaming then Renamed_Eq := Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Eq_Spec)); Prim := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim) loop -- Any renamings of equality that appeared before an -- overriding equality must be updated to refer to the -- entity for the predefined equality, otherwise calls via -- the renaming would get incorrectly resolved to call the -- user-defined equality function. if Is_Predefined_Eq_Renaming (Node (Prim)) then Set_Alias (Node (Prim), Renamed_Eq); -- Exit upon encountering a user-defined equality elsif Chars (Node (Prim)) = Name_Op_Eq and then No (Alias (Node (Prim))) then exit; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; end if; end if; -- Spec for dispatching assignment Append_To (Res, Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Name_uAssign, Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Out_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))))); end if; -- Ada 2005: Generate declarations for the following primitive -- operations for limited interfaces and synchronized types that -- implement a limited interface. -- Disp_Asynchronous_Select -- Disp_Conditional_Select -- Disp_Get_Prim_Op_Kind -- Disp_Get_Task_Id -- Disp_Requeue -- Disp_Timed_Select -- Disable the generation of these bodies if No_Dispatching_Calls, -- Ravenscar or ZFP is active. if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then not Restriction_Active (No_Dispatching_Calls) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Select_Statements) and then RTE_Available (RE_Select_Specific_Data) then -- These primitives are defined abstract in interface types if Is_Interface (Tag_Typ) and then Is_Limited_Record (Tag_Typ) then Append_To (Res, Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Asynchronous_Select_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Conditional_Select_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Get_Prim_Op_Kind_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Get_Task_Id_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Requeue_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Timed_Select_Spec (Tag_Typ))); -- If ancestor is an interface type, declare non-abstract primitives -- to override the abstract primitives of the interface type. -- In VM targets we define these primitives in all root tagged types -- that are not interface types. Done because in VM targets we don't -- have secondary dispatch tables and any derivation of Tag_Typ may -- cover limited interfaces (which always have these primitives since -- they may be ancestors of synchronized interface types). elsif (not Is_Interface (Tag_Typ) and then Is_Interface (Etype (Tag_Typ)) and then Is_Limited_Record (Etype (Tag_Typ))) or else (Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Tag_Typ) and then Has_Interfaces (Tag_Typ)) or else (not Tagged_Type_Expansion and then not Is_Interface (Tag_Typ) and then Tag_Typ = Root_Type (Tag_Typ)) then Append_To (Res, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Asynchronous_Select_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Conditional_Select_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Get_Prim_Op_Kind_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Get_Task_Id_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Requeue_Spec (Tag_Typ))); Append_To (Res, Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Make_Disp_Timed_Select_Spec (Tag_Typ))); end if; end if; -- All tagged types receive their own Deep_Adjust and Deep_Finalize -- regardless of whether they are controlled or may contain controlled -- components. -- Do not generate the routines if finalization is disabled if Restriction_Active (No_Finalization) then null; else if not Is_Limited_Type (Tag_Typ) then Append_To (Res, Predef_Deep_Spec (Loc, Tag_Typ, TSS_Deep_Adjust)); end if; Append_To (Res, Predef_Deep_Spec (Loc, Tag_Typ, TSS_Deep_Finalize)); end if; Predef_List := Res; end Make_Predefined_Primitive_Specs; ------------------------- -- Make_Tag_Assignment -- ------------------------- function Make_Tag_Assignment (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); Def_If : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N); Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Def_If); Full_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Typ); New_Ref : Node_Id; begin -- This expansion activity is called during analysis. if Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) and then not Is_Class_Wide_Type (Typ) and then not Is_CPP_Class (Typ) and then Tagged_Type_Expansion and then Nkind (Expr) /= N_Aggregate and then (Nkind (Expr) /= N_Qualified_Expression or else Nkind (Expression (Expr)) /= N_Aggregate) then New_Ref := Make_Selected_Component (Loc, Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Def_If, Loc), Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (First_Tag_Component (Full_Typ), Loc)); Set_Assignment_OK (New_Ref); return Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Ref, Expression => Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag), New_Occurrence_Of (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Full_Typ))), Loc))); else return Empty; end if; end Make_Tag_Assignment; ---------------------- -- Predef_Deep_Spec -- ---------------------- function Predef_Deep_Spec (Loc : Source_Ptr; Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Name : TSS_Name_Type; For_Body : Boolean := False) return Node_Id is Formals : List_Id; begin -- V : in out Tag_Typ Formals := New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_V), In_Present => True, Out_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))); -- F : Boolean := True if Name = TSS_Deep_Adjust or else Name = TSS_Deep_Finalize then Append_To (Formals, Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_F), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc), Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc))); end if; return Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Name => Make_TSS_Name (Tag_Typ, Name), Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Profile => Formals, For_Body => For_Body); exception when RE_Not_Available => return Empty; end Predef_Deep_Spec; ------------------------- -- Predef_Spec_Or_Body -- ------------------------- function Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc : Source_Ptr; Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Name : Name_Id; Profile : List_Id; Ret_Type : Entity_Id := Empty; For_Body : Boolean := False) return Node_Id is Id : constant Entity_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name); Spec : Node_Id; begin Set_Is_Public (Id, Is_Public (Tag_Typ)); -- The internal flag is set to mark these declarations because they have -- specific properties. First, they are primitives even if they are not -- defined in the type scope (the freezing point is not necessarily in -- the same scope). Second, the predefined equality can be overridden by -- a user-defined equality, no body will be generated in this case. Set_Is_Internal (Id); if not Debug_Generated_Code then Set_Debug_Info_Off (Id); end if; if No (Ret_Type) then Spec := Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Id, Parameter_Specifications => Profile); else Spec := Make_Function_Specification (Loc, Defining_Unit_Name => Id, Parameter_Specifications => Profile, Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Ret_Type, Loc)); end if; -- Declare an abstract subprogram for primitive subprograms of an -- interface type (except for "="). if Is_Interface (Tag_Typ) then if Name /= Name_Op_Eq then return Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Spec); -- The equality function (if any) for an interface type is defined -- to be nonabstract, so we create an expression function for it that -- always returns False. Note that the function can never actually be -- invoked because interface types are abstract, so there aren't any -- objects of such types (and their equality operation will always -- dispatch). else return Make_Expression_Function (Loc, Spec, New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc)); end if; -- If body case, return empty subprogram body. Note that this is ill- -- formed, because there is not even a null statement, and certainly not -- a return in the function case. The caller is expected to do surgery -- on the body to add the appropriate stuff. elsif For_Body then return Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc, Spec, Empty_List, Empty); -- For the case of an Input attribute predefined for an abstract type, -- generate an abstract specification. This will never be called, but we -- need the slot allocated in the dispatching table so that attributes -- typ'Class'Input and typ'Class'Output will work properly. elsif Is_TSS (Name, TSS_Stream_Input) and then Is_Abstract_Type (Tag_Typ) then return Make_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Spec); -- Normal spec case, where we return a subprogram declaration else return Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Spec); end if; end Predef_Spec_Or_Body; ----------------------------- -- Predef_Stream_Attr_Spec -- ----------------------------- function Predef_Stream_Attr_Spec (Loc : Source_Ptr; Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Name : TSS_Name_Type; For_Body : Boolean := False) return Node_Id is Ret_Type : Entity_Id; begin if Name = TSS_Stream_Input then Ret_Type := Tag_Typ; else Ret_Type := Empty; end if; return Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Name => Make_TSS_Name (Tag_Typ, Name), Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Profile => Build_Stream_Attr_Profile (Loc, Tag_Typ, Name), Ret_Type => Ret_Type, For_Body => For_Body); end Predef_Stream_Attr_Spec; --------------------------------- -- Predefined_Primitive_Bodies -- --------------------------------- function Predefined_Primitive_Bodies (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id; Renamed_Eq : Entity_Id) return List_Id is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Tag_Typ); Res : constant List_Id := New_List; Adj_Call : Node_Id; Decl : Node_Id; Fin_Call : Node_Id; Prim : Elmt_Id; Eq_Needed : Boolean; Eq_Name : Name_Id; Ent : Entity_Id; pragma Warnings (Off, Ent); use Exp_Put_Image; begin pragma Assert (not Is_Interface (Tag_Typ)); -- See if we have a predefined "=" operator if Present (Renamed_Eq) then Eq_Needed := True; Eq_Name := Chars (Renamed_Eq); -- If the parent is an interface type then it has defined all the -- predefined primitives abstract and we need to check if the type -- has some user defined "=" function which matches the profile of -- the Ada predefined equality operator to avoid generating it. elsif Is_Interface (Etype (Tag_Typ)) then Eq_Needed := True; Eq_Name := Name_Op_Eq; Prim := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim) loop if Chars (Node (Prim)) = Name_Op_Eq and then not Is_Internal (Node (Prim)) and then Present (First_Entity (Node (Prim))) -- The predefined equality primitive must have exactly two -- formals whose type is this tagged type and then Present (Last_Entity (Node (Prim))) and then Next_Entity (First_Entity (Node (Prim))) = Last_Entity (Node (Prim)) and then Etype (First_Entity (Node (Prim))) = Tag_Typ and then Etype (Last_Entity (Node (Prim))) = Tag_Typ then Eq_Needed := False; Eq_Name := No_Name; exit; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; else Eq_Needed := False; Eq_Name := No_Name; Prim := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim) loop if Chars (Node (Prim)) = Name_Op_Eq and then Is_Internal (Node (Prim)) then Eq_Needed := True; Eq_Name := Name_Op_Eq; exit; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; end if; -- Body of _Size Decl := Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Name_uSize, Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))), Ret_Type => Standard_Long_Long_Integer, For_Body => True); Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, New_List ( Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, Prefix => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Attribute_Name => Name_Size))))); Append_To (Res, Decl); -- Body of Put_Image if Enable_Put_Image (Tag_Typ) and then No (TSS (Tag_Typ, TSS_Put_Image)) then Build_Record_Put_Image_Procedure (Loc, Tag_Typ, Decl, Ent); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; -- Bodies for Dispatching stream IO routines. We need these only for -- non-limited types (in the limited case there is no dispatching). -- We also skip them if dispatching or finalization are not available -- or if stream operations are prohibited by restriction No_Streams or -- from use of pragma/aspect No_Tagged_Streams. if Stream_Operation_OK (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Read) and then No (TSS (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Read)) then Build_Record_Read_Procedure (Loc, Tag_Typ, Decl, Ent); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; if Stream_Operation_OK (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Write) and then No (TSS (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Write)) then Build_Record_Write_Procedure (Loc, Tag_Typ, Decl, Ent); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; -- Skip body of _Input for the abstract case, since the corresponding -- spec is abstract (see Predef_Spec_Or_Body). if not Is_Abstract_Type (Tag_Typ) and then Stream_Operation_OK (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Input) and then No (TSS (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Input)) then Build_Record_Or_Elementary_Input_Function (Loc, Tag_Typ, Decl, Ent); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; if Stream_Operation_OK (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Output) and then No (TSS (Tag_Typ, TSS_Stream_Output)) then Build_Record_Or_Elementary_Output_Procedure (Loc, Tag_Typ, Decl, Ent); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; -- Ada 2005: Generate bodies for the following primitive operations for -- limited interfaces and synchronized types that implement a limited -- interface. -- disp_asynchronous_select -- disp_conditional_select -- disp_get_prim_op_kind -- disp_get_task_id -- disp_timed_select -- The interface versions will have null bodies -- Disable the generation of these bodies if No_Dispatching_Calls, -- Ravenscar or ZFP is active. -- In VM targets we define these primitives in all root tagged types -- that are not interface types. Done because in VM targets we don't -- have secondary dispatch tables and any derivation of Tag_Typ may -- cover limited interfaces (which always have these primitives since -- they may be ancestors of synchronized interface types). if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then not Is_Interface (Tag_Typ) and then ((Is_Interface (Etype (Tag_Typ)) and then Is_Limited_Record (Etype (Tag_Typ))) or else (Is_Concurrent_Record_Type (Tag_Typ) and then Has_Interfaces (Tag_Typ)) or else (not Tagged_Type_Expansion and then Tag_Typ = Root_Type (Tag_Typ))) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Dispatching_Calls) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Select_Statements) and then RTE_Available (RE_Select_Specific_Data) then Append_To (Res, Make_Disp_Asynchronous_Select_Body (Tag_Typ)); Append_To (Res, Make_Disp_Conditional_Select_Body (Tag_Typ)); Append_To (Res, Make_Disp_Get_Prim_Op_Kind_Body (Tag_Typ)); Append_To (Res, Make_Disp_Get_Task_Id_Body (Tag_Typ)); Append_To (Res, Make_Disp_Requeue_Body (Tag_Typ)); Append_To (Res, Make_Disp_Timed_Select_Body (Tag_Typ)); end if; if not Is_Limited_Type (Tag_Typ) and then not Is_Interface (Tag_Typ) then -- Body for equality if Eq_Needed then Decl := Make_Eq_Body (Tag_Typ, Eq_Name); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; -- Body for inequality (if required) Decl := Make_Neq_Body (Tag_Typ); if Present (Decl) then Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; -- Body for dispatching assignment Decl := Predef_Spec_Or_Body (Loc, Tag_Typ => Tag_Typ, Name => Name_uAssign, Profile => New_List ( Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Out_Present => True, Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc)), Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc, Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y), Parameter_Type => New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Typ, Loc))), For_Body => True); Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, New_List ( Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_X), Expression => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Y))))); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; -- Generate empty bodies of routines Deep_Adjust and Deep_Finalize for -- tagged types which do not contain controlled components. -- Do not generate the routines if finalization is disabled if Restriction_Active (No_Finalization) then null; elsif not Has_Controlled_Component (Tag_Typ) then if not Is_Limited_Type (Tag_Typ) then Adj_Call := Empty; Decl := Predef_Deep_Spec (Loc, Tag_Typ, TSS_Deep_Adjust, True); if Is_Controlled (Tag_Typ) then Adj_Call := Make_Adjust_Call ( Obj_Ref => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_V), Typ => Tag_Typ); end if; if No (Adj_Call) then Adj_Call := Make_Null_Statement (Loc); end if; Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List (Adj_Call))); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; Fin_Call := Empty; Decl := Predef_Deep_Spec (Loc, Tag_Typ, TSS_Deep_Finalize, True); if Is_Controlled (Tag_Typ) then Fin_Call := Make_Final_Call (Obj_Ref => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_V), Typ => Tag_Typ); end if; if No (Fin_Call) then Fin_Call := Make_Null_Statement (Loc); end if; Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl, Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => New_List (Fin_Call))); Append_To (Res, Decl); end if; return Res; end Predefined_Primitive_Bodies; --------------------------------- -- Predefined_Primitive_Freeze -- --------------------------------- function Predefined_Primitive_Freeze (Tag_Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id is Res : constant List_Id := New_List; Prim : Elmt_Id; Frnodes : List_Id; begin Prim := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Tag_Typ)); while Present (Prim) loop if Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation (Node (Prim)) then Frnodes := Freeze_Entity (Node (Prim), Tag_Typ); if Present (Frnodes) then Append_List_To (Res, Frnodes); end if; end if; Next_Elmt (Prim); end loop; return Res; end Predefined_Primitive_Freeze; ------------------------- -- Stream_Operation_OK -- ------------------------- function Stream_Operation_OK (Typ : Entity_Id; Operation : TSS_Name_Type) return Boolean is Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute : Boolean := False; begin -- Special case of a limited type extension: a default implementation -- of the stream attributes Read or Write exists if that attribute -- has been specified or is available for an ancestor type; a default -- implementation of the attribute Output (resp. Input) exists if the -- attribute has been specified or Write (resp. Read) is available for -- an ancestor type. The last condition only applies under Ada 2005. if Is_Limited_Type (Typ) and then Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then if Operation = TSS_Stream_Read then Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute := Has_Specified_Stream_Read (Typ); elsif Operation = TSS_Stream_Write then Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute := Has_Specified_Stream_Write (Typ); elsif Operation = TSS_Stream_Input then Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute := Has_Specified_Stream_Input (Typ) or else (Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then Stream_Operation_OK (Typ, TSS_Stream_Read)); elsif Operation = TSS_Stream_Output then Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute := Has_Specified_Stream_Output (Typ) or else (Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 and then Stream_Operation_OK (Typ, TSS_Stream_Write)); end if; -- Case of inherited TSS_Stream_Read or TSS_Stream_Write if not Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute and then Is_Derived_Type (Typ) and then (Operation = TSS_Stream_Read or else Operation = TSS_Stream_Write) then Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute := Present (Find_Inherited_TSS (Base_Type (Etype (Typ)), Operation)); end if; end if; -- If the type is not limited, or else is limited but the attribute is -- explicitly specified or is predefined for the type, then return True, -- unless other conditions prevail, such as restrictions prohibiting -- streams or dispatching operations. We also return True for limited -- interfaces, because they may be extended by nonlimited types and -- permit inheritance in this case (addresses cases where an abstract -- extension doesn't get 'Input declared, as per comments below, but -- 'Class'Input must still be allowed). Note that attempts to apply -- stream attributes to a limited interface or its class-wide type -- (or limited extensions thereof) will still get properly rejected -- by Check_Stream_Attribute. -- We exclude the Input operation from being a predefined subprogram in -- the case where the associated type is an abstract extension, because -- the attribute is not callable in that case, per 13.13.2(49/2). Also, -- we don't want an abstract version created because types derived from -- the abstract type may not even have Input available (for example if -- derived from a private view of the abstract type that doesn't have -- a visible Input). -- Do not generate stream routines for type Finalization_Master because -- a master may never appear in types and therefore cannot be read or -- written. return (not Is_Limited_Type (Typ) or else Is_Interface (Typ) or else Has_Predefined_Or_Specified_Stream_Attribute) and then (Operation /= TSS_Stream_Input or else not Is_Abstract_Type (Typ) or else not Is_Derived_Type (Typ)) and then not Has_Unknown_Discriminants (Typ) and then not (Is_Interface (Typ) and then (Is_Task_Interface (Typ) or else Is_Protected_Interface (Typ) or else Is_Synchronized_Interface (Typ))) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Streams) and then not Restriction_Active (No_Dispatch) and then No (No_Tagged_Streams_Pragma (Typ)) and then not No_Run_Time_Mode and then RTE_Available (RE_Tag) and then No (Type_Without_Stream_Operation (Typ)) and then RTE_Available (RE_Root_Stream_Type) and then not Is_RTE (Typ, RE_Finalization_Master); end Stream_Operation_OK; end Exp_Ch3;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Goto_Loop is begin <<Start>> Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Goto Loop!"); goto Start; end Goto_Loop;
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
pragma No_Run_Time; with Interfaces.C; with APEX; use APEX; with APEX.Processes; use APEX.Processes; with APEX.Partitions; use APEX.Partitions; with Activity; package Main is procedure Compute; procedure Main; pragma Export (C, Main, "main"); end Main;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2016-2017, AdaCore -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- -- met: -- -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- -- distribution. -- -- 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with HAL; use HAL; with nRF51.GPIO; use nRF51.GPIO; with nRF51.Device; use nRF51.Device; with MicroBit.Time; use MicroBit.Time; with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code; package body MicroBit.Display is type Animation_Mode is (None, Scroll_Text); Animation_Step_Duration_Ms : Natural := 200; -- How many milliseconds between two animation steps Animation_Elapsed : Natural := 0; -- How many milliseconds since the last animation step Animation_State : Animation_Mode := None; -- Current animation subtype Width is Natural range Coord'First .. Coord'First + Coord'Range_Length * 2; Bitmap : array (Width, Coord) of Boolean := (others => (others => False)); -- The bitmap width is 2 time the display size so we can instert hidden -- characters to the right of the screen and scroll them in with the -- Shift_Left procedure. Current_X, Current_Y : Coord := 0; -- Current coordinate in LED matrix scan ---------------------- -- Pixel to IO Pins -- ---------------------- subtype Row_Range is Natural range 1 .. 3; subtype Column_Range is Natural range 1 .. 9; type LED_Point is record Row_Id : Row_Range; Column_Id : Column_Range; end record; Row_Points : array (Row_Range) of GPIO_Point := (P13, P14, P15); Column_Points : array (Column_Range) of GPIO_Point := (P04, P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P11, P12); Map : constant array (Coord, Coord) of LED_Point := (((1, 1), (3, 4), (2, 2), (1, 8), (3, 3)), ((2, 4), (3, 5), (1, 9), (1, 7), (2, 7)), ((1, 2), (3, 6), (2, 3), (1, 6), (3, 1)), ((2, 5), (3, 7), (3, 9), (1, 5), (2, 6)), ((1, 3), (3, 8), (2, 1), (1, 4), (3, 2)) ); -- -------------------- -- Text scrolling -- -------------------- Scroll_Text_Buffer : String (1 .. Scroll_Text_Max_Length) := (others => ASCII.NUL); -- Buffer to stored the scroll text Scroll_Text_Length : Natural := 0; -- Length of the text stored in the Scroll_Text_Buffer Scroll_Text_Index : Natural := 0; -- Index of the character to display next Scroll_Position : Natural := 0; -- Scroll position in the screen ---------- -- Font -- ---------- type Glyph is array (0 .. 4) of UInt5; Font : constant array (0 .. 93) of Glyph := ((2#00100#, -- ! 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#, 2#00100#), (2#01010#, -- " 2#01010#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#), (2#01010#, -- # 2#11111#, 2#01010#, 2#11111#, 2#01010#), (2#11110#, -- $ 2#00101#, 2#01110#, 2#00100#, 2#01111#), (2#10001#, -- % 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#, 2#10001#), (2#00100#, -- & 2#01010#, 2#00100#, 2#01010#, 2#10100#), (2#01000#, -- ' 2#00100#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#), (2#01000#, -- ( 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#01000#), (2#00010#, -- ) 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#), (2#00000#, -- * 2#00100#, 2#01010#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- + 2#00100#, 2#01110#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- , 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#), (2#00000#, -- - 2#00000#, 2#01110#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- . 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00010#), (2#10000#, -- / 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#, 2#00001#), (2#01110#, -- 0 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#00100#, -- 1 2#00110#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#01110#, -- 2 2#10001#, 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#11111#), (2#01111#, -- 3 2#10000#, 2#01111#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#01000#, -- 4 2#01010#, 2#01001#, 2#11111#, 2#01000#), (2#11111#, -- 5 2#00001#, 2#01111#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#01110#, -- 6 2#00001#, 2#00111#, 2#01001#, 2#01110#), (2#01110#, -- 7 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#01110#, -- 8 2#10001#, 2#01110#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#01110#, -- 9 2#10001#, 2#11110#, 2#10000#, 2#01110#), (2#00000#, -- : 2#00100#, 2#00000#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- ; 2#00100#, 2#00000#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#), (2#00000#, -- < 2#00100#, 2#00010#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- = 2#01110#, 2#00000#, 2#01110#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- > 2#00100#, 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#), (2#00100#, -- ? 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00000#, 2#00100#), (2#01110#, -- @ 2#10001#, 2#10101#, 2#10001#, 2#00110#), (2#01110#, -- A 2#10001#, 2#11111#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#), (2#01111#, -- B 2#10001#, 2#01111#, 2#10001#, 2#01111#), (2#11110#, -- C 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#11110#), (2#01111#, -- D 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01111#), (2#11111#, -- E 2#00001#, 2#00111#, 2#00001#, 2#11111#), (2#11111#, -- F 2#00001#, 2#00111#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#), (2#11110#, -- G 2#00001#, 2#11101#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#10001#, -- H 2#10001#, 2#11111#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#), (2#00100#, -- I 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#10000#, -- J 2#10000#, 2#10000#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#01001#, -- K 2#00101#, 2#00011#, 2#00101#, 2#01001#), (2#00001#, -- L 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#11111#), (2#10001#, -- M 2#11011#, 2#10101#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#), (2#10001#, -- N 2#10011#, 2#10101#, 2#11001#, 2#10001#), (2#01110#, -- O 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#01111#, -- P 2#10001#, 2#01111#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#), (2#01110#, -- Q 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#11001#, 2#11110#), (2#01111#, -- R 2#10001#, 2#01111#, 2#01001#, 2#10001#), (2#11110#, -- S 2#00001#, 2#01110#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#11111#, -- T 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#10001#, -- U 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#10001#, -- V 2#10001#, 2#01010#, 2#01010#, 2#00100#), (2#10101#, -- W 2#10101#, 2#10101#, 2#01010#, 2#01010#), (2#10001#, -- X 2#01010#, 2#00100#, 2#01010#, 2#10001#), (2#10001#, -- Y 2#01010#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#11111#, -- Z 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#, 2#11111#), (2#01110#, -- [ 2#00010#, 2#00010#, 2#00010#, 2#01110#), (2#00001#, -- \ 2#00010#, 2#00100#, 2#01000#, 2#10000#), (2#01110#, -- ] 2#01000#, 2#01000#, 2#01000#, 2#01110#), (2#00100#, -- ^ 2#01010#, 2#10001#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#), (2#00000#, -- _ 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#11111#), (2#00010#, -- ` 2#00100#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#, 2#00000#), (2#01111#, -- a 2#10000#, 2#11110#, 2#10001#, 2#11110#), (2#00001#, -- b 2#01111#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01111#), (2#01110#, -- c 2#10001#, 2#00001#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#10000#, -- d 2#11110#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#11110#), (2#01110#, -- e 2#10001#, 2#11111#, 2#00001#, 2#11110#), (2#11110#, -- f 2#00001#, 2#00111#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#), (2#01110#, -- g 2#10001#, 2#11110#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#00001#, -- h 2#01111#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#), (2#00100#, -- i 2#00000#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#10000#, -- j 2#10000#, 2#10000#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#10001#, -- k 2#01001#, 2#00111#, 2#01001#, 2#10001#), (2#00001#, -- l 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#11110#), (2#01010#, -- m 2#10101#, 2#10101#, 2#10101#, 2#10101#), (2#01111#, -- n 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#), (2#01110#, -- o 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#01111#, -- p 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#01111#, 2#00001#), (2#11110#, -- q 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#11110#, 2#10000#), (2#01101#, -- r 2#10011#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#, 2#00001#), (2#11110#, -- s 2#00001#, 2#01110#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#00001#, -- t 2#00111#, 2#00001#, 2#10001#, 2#01110#), (2#10001#, -- u 2#10001#, 2#10001#, 2#11001#, 2#10110#), (2#10001#, -- v 2#10001#, 2#01010#, 2#01010#, 2#00100#), (2#10101#, -- w 2#10101#, 2#10101#, 2#10101#, 2#01010#), (2#10001#, -- x 2#10001#, 2#01110#, 2#10001#, 2#10001#), (2#10001#, -- y 2#10001#, 2#11110#, 2#10000#, 2#01111#), (2#11111#, -- z 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00010#, 2#11111#), (2#00100#, -- { 2#00100#, 2#00010#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#00100#, -- | 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#00100#, -- } 2#00100#, 2#01000#, 2#00100#, 2#00100#), (2#00000#, -- ~ 2#00000#, 2#01010#, 2#10101#, 2#00000#) ); procedure Print_C (X_Org : Width; C : Character); procedure Initialize; procedure Tick_Handler; procedure Update_Animation; ------------- -- Print_C -- ------------- procedure Print_C (X_Org : Width; C : Character) is C_Index : constant Integer := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('!'); begin if C_Index not in Font'Range then return; end if; for X in Coord loop for Y in Coord loop if X_Org + X in Width then if (Font (C_Index) (Y) and 2**X) /= 0 then Bitmap (X_Org + X, Y) := True; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; end Print_C; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize is Conf : GPIO_Configuration; begin Conf.Mode := Mode_Out; Conf.Resistors := Pull_Up; for Point of Row_Points loop Point.Configure_IO (Conf); Point.Clear; end loop; for Point of Column_Points loop Point.Configure_IO (Conf); Point.Set; end loop; if not Tick_Subscribe (Tick_Handler'Access) then raise Program_Error; end if; end Initialize; ------------------ -- Tick_Handler -- ------------------ procedure Tick_Handler is begin -- Turn Off -- Row source current Row_Points (Map (Current_X, Current_Y).Row_Id).Clear; -- Column sink current Column_Points (Map (Current_X, Current_Y).Column_Id).Set; if Current_X = Coord'Last then Current_X := Coord'First; if Current_Y = Coord'Last then Current_Y := Coord'First; else Current_Y := Current_Y + 1; end if; else Current_X := Current_X + 1; end if; -- Turn on? if Bitmap (Current_X, Current_Y) then -- Row source current Row_Points (Map (Current_X, Current_Y).Row_Id).Set; -- Column sink current Column_Points (Map (Current_X, Current_Y).Column_Id).Clear; end if; -- Animation if Animation_Elapsed = Animation_Step_Duration_Ms then Animation_Elapsed := 0; Update_Animation; else Animation_Elapsed := Animation_Elapsed + 1; end if; end Tick_Handler; ---------------------- -- Update_Animation -- ---------------------- procedure Update_Animation is begin case Animation_State is when None => null; when Scroll_Text => Shift_Left; Scroll_Position := Scroll_Position + 1; if Scroll_Position >= Coord'Range_Length + 1 then -- We finished scrolling the current character Scroll_Position := 0; if Scroll_Text_Index > Scroll_Text_Length + 1 then Animation_State := None; elsif Scroll_Text_Index = Scroll_Text_Length + 1 then null; -- Leave the screen empty until the character is flushed else -- Print new char Print_C (5, Scroll_Text_Buffer (Scroll_Text_Index)); end if; Scroll_Text_Index := Scroll_Text_Index + 1; end if; end case; end Update_Animation; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (X, Y : Coord) is begin Bitmap (X, Y) := True; end Set; ----------- -- Clear -- ----------- procedure Clear (X, Y : Coord) is begin Bitmap (X, Y) := False; end Clear; ----------- -- Clear -- ----------- procedure Clear is begin Bitmap := (others => (others => False)); end Clear; ------------- -- Display -- ------------- procedure Display (C : Character) is begin Print_C (0, C); end Display; ------------- -- Display -- ------------- procedure Display (Str : String) is begin Display_Async (Str); while Animation_State /= None loop Asm (Template => "wfi", -- Wait for interrupt Volatile => True); end loop; end Display; ------------------- -- Display_Async -- ------------------- procedure Display_Async (Str : String) is begin Scroll_Text_Buffer (Scroll_Text_Buffer'First .. Scroll_Text_Buffer'First + Str'Length - 1) := Str; Animation_State := Scroll_Text; Scroll_Text_Length := Str'Length; Scroll_Text_Index := Scroll_Text_Buffer'First; Scroll_Position := Coord'Last + 1; end Display_Async; ---------------- -- Shift_Left -- ---------------- procedure Shift_Left is begin -- Shift pixel columns to the left, erasing the left most one for X in Bitmap'First (1) .. Bitmap'Last (1) - 1 loop for Y in Bitmap'Range (2) loop Bitmap (X, Y) := Bitmap (X + 1, Y); end loop; end loop; -- Insert black pixels to the right most column for Y in Bitmap'Range (2) loop Bitmap (Bitmap'Last (1), Y) := False; end loop; end Shift_Left; --------------------------------- -- Set_Animation_Step_Duration -- --------------------------------- procedure Set_Animation_Step_Duration (Ms : Natural) is begin Animation_Step_Duration_Ms := Ms; end Set_Animation_Step_Duration; --------------------------- -- Animation_In_Progress -- --------------------------- function Animation_In_Progress return Boolean is (Animation_State /= None); begin Initialize; end MicroBit.Display;
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
package FLTK.Widgets.Valuators.Adjusters is type Adjuster is new Valuator with private; type Adjuster_Reference (Data : not null access Adjuster'Class) is limited null record with Implicit_Dereference => Data; package Forge is function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String) return Adjuster; end Forge; function Is_Soft (This : in Adjuster) return Boolean; procedure Set_Soft (This : in out Adjuster; To : in Boolean); procedure Draw (This : in out Adjuster); function Handle (This : in out Adjuster; Event : in Event_Kind) return Event_Outcome; private type Adjuster is new Valuator with null record; overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Adjuster); pragma Inline (Is_Soft); pragma Inline (Set_Soft); pragma Inline (Draw); pragma Inline (Handle); end FLTK.Widgets.Valuators.Adjusters;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- Localization, Internationalization, Globalization for Ada -- -- -- -- Runtime Library Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2012-2015, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code); -- GNAT: enforce generation of preinitialized data section instead of -- generation of elaboration code. package Matreshka.Internals.Unicode.Ucd.Core_0102 is pragma Preelaborate; Group_0102 : aliased constant Core_Second_Stage := (16#80# .. 16#9C# => -- 010280 .. 01029C (Other_Letter, Neutral, Other, A_Letter, O_Letter, Alphabetic, (Alphabetic | Grapheme_Base | ID_Continue | ID_Start | XID_Continue | XID_Start => True, others => False)), 16#A0# .. 16#D0# => -- 0102A0 .. 0102D0 (Other_Letter, Neutral, Other, A_Letter, O_Letter, Alphabetic, (Alphabetic | Grapheme_Base | ID_Continue | ID_Start | XID_Continue | XID_Start => True, others => False)), 16#E0# => -- 0102E0 (Nonspacing_Mark, Neutral, Extend, Extend, Extend, Combining_Mark, (Diacritic | Case_Ignorable | Grapheme_Extend | ID_Continue | XID_Continue => True, others => False)), 16#E1# .. 16#FB# => -- 0102E1 .. 0102FB (Other_Number, Neutral, Other, Other, Other, Alphabetic, (Grapheme_Base => True, others => False)), others => (Unassigned, Neutral, Other, Other, Other, Unknown, (others => False))); end Matreshka.Internals.Unicode.Ucd.Core_0102;
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
-- NORX3261 -- an Ada implementation of the NORX Authenticated Encryption Algorithm -- created by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Philipp Jovanovic and Samuel Neves -- This instantiation words on 32-bit words, with 6 rounds and a parallelism -- degree of 1 -- Copyright (c) 2016, James Humphry - see LICENSE file for details pragma SPARK_Mode (On); with Interfaces; with NORX; with NORX_Load_Store; pragma Elaborate_All(NORX); use all type Interfaces.Unsigned_32; package NORX3261 is new NORX(w => 32, Word => Interfaces.Unsigned_32, Storage_Array_To_Word => NORX_Load_Store.Storage_Array_To_Unsigned_32, Word_To_Storage_Array => NORX_Load_Store.Unsigned_32_To_Storage_Array, l => 6, k => 128, Key_Position => 4, t => 128, n => 128, rot => (8, 11, 16, 31), r => 384, c => 128);
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- part of ParserTools, (c) 2017 Felix Krause -- released under the terms of the MIT license, see the file "copying.txt" package body Text.Pool is procedure Create (P : in out Reference'Class; Initial_Size : Pool_Offset := Default_Size) is Initial_Chunk : constant Chunk := new Pool_Array (Pool_Offset (1) .. Round_To_Header_Size (Initial_Size)); begin if P.Data /= null then Finalize (P); end if; P.Data := new Pool_Data; P.Data.Chunks (1) := Initial_Chunk; P.Data.Pos := 1; declare H : Header with Import; for H'Address use Initial_Chunk.all (1)'Address; begin H.Refcount := 0; H.Last := Pool_Offset (Initial_Chunk'Last) - Header_Size; end; end Create; function With_Capacity (Size : Pool_Offset) return Reference is begin return Ret : Reference do Create (Ret, Size); end return; end With_Capacity; function From_String (P : Reference'Class; Data : String) return Text.Reference is New_String_Address : constant System.Address := Fitting_Position (Data'Length, P.Data); Target_Data : constant UTF_8_String_Access := To_UTF_8_String_Access (New_String_Address); Null_Terminator : Character with Import; for Null_Terminator'Address use New_String_Address + Data'Length; begin Null_Terminator := Character'Val (0); Target_Data.all := UTF_8_String (Data); return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Data => Target_Data); end From_String; function With_Length (P : Reference'Class; Length : Positive) return Text.Reference is use System.Storage_Elements; New_String_Address : constant System.Address := Fitting_Position (Storage_Offset (Length), P.Data); Target_Data : constant UTF_8_String_Access := To_UTF_8_String_Access (New_String_Address); Null_Terminator : Character with Import; for Null_Terminator'Address use New_String_Address + Storage_Offset (Length); begin Null_Terminator := Character'Val (0); return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Data => Target_Data); end With_Length; procedure Adjust (Object : in out Reference) is begin if Object.Data /= null then Object.Data.Refcount := Object.Data.Refcount + 1; end if; end Adjust; procedure Finalize (Object : in out Reference) is Reference : Pool_Data_Access := Object.Data; begin Object.Data := null; if Reference /= null then Reference.Refcount := Reference.Refcount - 1; if Reference.Refcount = 0 then -- no reference around; take away Usage + 1 from the current Chunk. -- this enables the whole pool data to be freed once all Content -- references vanish. Decrease_Usage (Reference, Reference.Cur); end if; end if; end Finalize; function Current_Chunk_As_String (P : Reference) return String is (As_String (P.Data.Chunks (P.Data.Cur))); end Text.Pool;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!DOCTYPE boost_serialization> <boost_serialization signature="serialization::archive" version="14"> <syndb class_id="0" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <userIPLatency>-1</userIPLatency> <userIPName/> <cdfg class_id="1" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_0"> <name>linebuffer_Loop_1_pr</name> <ret_bitwidth>0</ret_bitwidth> <ports class_id="2" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="3" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_1"> <Value class_id="4" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <Obj class_id="5" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <type>1</type> <id>1</id> <name>in_axi_stream_V_value_V</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo class_id="6" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>stream&amp;lt;AxiPackedStencil&amp;lt;unsigned int, 1, 1, 1, 1&amp;gt; &amp;gt;.V.value.V</originalName> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs class_id="7" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_2"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>2</id> <name>in_axi_stream_V_last_V</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>stream&amp;lt;AxiPackedStencil&amp;lt;unsigned int, 1, 1, 1, 1&amp;gt; &amp;gt;.V.last.V</originalName> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_3"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>3</id> <name>in_stream_V_value_V</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName>FIFO_SRL</coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>3</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> </ports> <nodes class_id="8" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>10</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="9" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_4"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>6</id> <name/> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_5"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>8</id> <name>indvar_flatten</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>21</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>36</item> <item>37</item> <item>38</item> <item>39</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_6"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>9</id> <name>exitcond_flatten</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName>exitcond_flatten_fu_74_p2</rtlName> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>40</item> <item>42</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>icmp</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_7"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>10</id> <name>indvar_flatten_next</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName>indvar_flatten_next_fu_80_p2</rtlName> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>21</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>43</item> <item>45</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_8"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>11</id> <name/> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>46</item> <item>47</item> <item>48</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_9"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>16</id> <name>empty_16</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>..</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>554</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="11" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_32_shifts/sharpen</first> <second class_id="12" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="13" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first class_id="14" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</second> </first> <second>554</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>33</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>26</item> <item>27</item> <item>28</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_10"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>17</id> <name>tmp_value_V</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>..</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>554</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_32_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</second> </first> <second>554</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>tmp.value.V</originalName> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>29</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>extractvalue</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_11"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>18</id> <name/> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>..</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>554</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_32_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</second> </first> <second>554</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>31</item> <item>32</item> <item>33</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_12"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>20</id> <name/> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>..</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>552</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_32_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>linebuffer&amp;lt;1920, 1080, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, unsigned int&amp;gt;</second> </first> <second>552</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>34</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_13"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>22</id> <name/> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </oprand_edges> <opcode>ret</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> </nodes> <consts class_id="15" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="16" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_14"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>35</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>21</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_15"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>41</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>21</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>2073600</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_16"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>44</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <bitwidth>21</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1</content> </item> </consts> <blocks class_id="17" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="18" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_17"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>7</id> <name>newFuncRoot</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>6</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_18"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>12</id> <name>.preheader.i</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> <item>9</item> <item>10</item> <item>11</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_19"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>21</id> <name>.preheader4.i</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>16</item> <item>17</item> <item>18</item> <item>20</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_20"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>23</id> <name>.critedge.exitStub</name> <fileName/> <fileDirectory/> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName/> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName/> <rtlName/> <coreName/> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>22</item> </node_objs> </item> </blocks> <edges class_id="19" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>22</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="20" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_21"> <id>24</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>6</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_22"> <id>27</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>1</source_obj> <sink_obj>16</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_23"> <id>28</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>2</source_obj> <sink_obj>16</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_24"> <id>29</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>16</source_obj> <sink_obj>17</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_25"> <id>32</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>3</source_obj> <sink_obj>18</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_26"> <id>33</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>18</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_27"> <id>34</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_28"> <id>36</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>35</source_obj> <sink_obj>8</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_29"> <id>37</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>7</source_obj> <sink_obj>8</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_30"> <id>38</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>10</source_obj> <sink_obj>8</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_31"> <id>39</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>8</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_32"> <id>40</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>8</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_33"> <id>42</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>41</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_34"> <id>43</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>8</source_obj> <sink_obj>10</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_35"> <id>45</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>44</source_obj> <sink_obj>10</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_36"> <id>46</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>9</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_37"> <id>47</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_38"> <id>48</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_39"> <id>108</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>7</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_40"> <id>109</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>23</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_41"> <id>110</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>21</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_42"> <id>111</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> </edges> </cdfg> <cdfg_regions class_id="21" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="22" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_43"> <mId>1</mId> <mTag>linebuffer_Loop_1_pr</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> <item>4</item> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>2073602</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"/> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_44"> <mId>2</mId> <mTag>Entry</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>7</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"/> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_45"> <mId>3</mId> <mTag>Loop 1</mTag> <mType>1</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> <item>21</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>1</mII> <mDepth>2</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>2073600</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>2073600</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>2073600</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"/> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_46"> <mId>4</mId> <mTag>Return</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>23</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"/> </item> </cdfg_regions> <fsm class_id="24" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_47"> <states class_id="25" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="26" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_48"> <id>1</id> <operations class_id="27" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="28" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_49"> <id>4</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_50"> <id>5</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_51"> <id>6</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_52"> <id>2</id> <operations> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_53"> <id>8</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_54"> <id>9</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_55"> <id>10</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_56"> <id>11</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_57"> <id>16</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_58"> <id>17</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_59"> <id>3</id> <operations> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_60"> <id>13</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_61"> <id>14</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_62"> <id>15</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_63"> <id>18</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_64"> <id>19</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_65"> <id>20</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_66"> <id>4</id> <operations> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_67"> <id>22</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> </states> <transitions class_id="29" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="30" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_68"> <inState>1</inState> <outState>2</outState> <condition class_id="31" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <id>12</id> <sop class_id="32" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="33" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_69"> <inState>3</inState> <outState>2</outState> <condition> <id>20</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_70"> <inState>2</inState> <outState>4</outState> <condition> <id>19</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="34" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first class_id="35" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>9</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second>0</second> </item> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_71"> <inState>2</inState> <outState>3</outState> <condition> <id>21</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>9</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second>1</second> </item> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> </transitions> </fsm> <res class_id="36" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_72"> <dp_component_resource class_id="37" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_component_resource> <dp_expression_resource> <count>9</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="38" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>ap_block_pp0_stage0_flag00001001 ( or ) </first> <second class_id="39" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="40" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_block_state1 ( or ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_block_state2_pp0_stage0_iter0 ( and ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_block_state3_pp0_stage0_iter1 ( and ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_enable_pp0 ( xor ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_enable_reg_pp0_iter1 ( xor ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>exitcond_flatten_fu_74_p2 ( icmp ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>21</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>16</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>13</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_next_fu_80_p2 ( + ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>21</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>68</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>26</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>start_write ( and ) </first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0P0)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(1P1)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>2</second> </item> </second> </item> </dp_expression_resource> <dp_fifo_resource> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fifo_resource> <dp_memory_resource> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_memory_resource> <dp_multiplexer_resource> <count>8</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>ap_NS_fsm</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>4</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>4</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>21</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_done</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>9</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_enable_reg_pp0_iter1</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>3</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>3</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>15</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>in_axi_stream_V_last_V_blk_n</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>9</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>in_axi_stream_V_value_V_blk_n</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>9</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>in_stream_V_value_V_blk_n</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>9</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_reg_63</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>21</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>42</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>9</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>real_start</first> <second> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(0Size)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>(1Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(2Count)</first> <second>2</second> </item> <item> <first>LUT</first> <second>9</second> </item> </second> </item> </dp_multiplexer_resource> <dp_register_resource> <count>10</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>ap_CS_fsm</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>3</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>3</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_done_reg</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_enable_reg_pp0_iter0</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>ap_enable_reg_pp0_iter1</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>exitcond_flatten_reg_90</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_reg_63</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>21</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>21</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>real_start_status_reg</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>start_control_reg</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>start_once_reg</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>1</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>1</second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_value_V_reg_99</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>(Bits)</first> <second>32</second> </item> <item> <first>(Consts)</first> <second>0</second> </item> <item> <first>FF</first> <second>32</second> </item> </second> </item> </dp_register_resource> <dp_component_map class_id="41" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_component_map> <dp_expression_map> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="42" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>exitcond_flatten_fu_74_p2 ( icmp ) </first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>9</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_next_fu_80_p2 ( + ) </first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>10</item> </second> </item> </dp_expression_map> <dp_fifo_map> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fifo_map> <dp_memory_map> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_memory_map> </res> <node_label_latency class_id="43" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>10</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="44" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>6</first> <second class_id="45" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>8</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>9</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>10</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>11</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>16</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>17</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>18</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>20</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>22</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> </node_label_latency> <bblk_ent_exit class_id="46" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="47" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>7</first> <second class_id="48" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>12</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>21</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>2</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>23</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>2</second> </second> </item> </bblk_ent_exit> <regions class_id="49" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="50" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_73"> <region_name>Loop 1</region_name> <basic_blocks> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> <item>21</item> </basic_blocks> <nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </nodes> <anchor_node>-1</anchor_node> <region_type>8</region_type> <interval>1</interval> <pipe_depth>2</pipe_depth> </item> </regions> <dp_fu_nodes class_id="51" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="52" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>48</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>16</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>56</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>18</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>67</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>74</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>9</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>80</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>10</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>86</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>17</item> </second> </item> </dp_fu_nodes> <dp_fu_nodes_expression class_id="54" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="55" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>exitcond_flatten_fu_74</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>9</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_next_fu_80</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>10</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_phi_fu_67</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_value_V_fu_86</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>17</item> </second> </item> </dp_fu_nodes_expression> <dp_fu_nodes_module> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_module> <dp_fu_nodes_io> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>StgValue_17_write_fu_56</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>18</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>empty_16_read_fu_48</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>16</item> </second> </item> </dp_fu_nodes_io> <return_ports> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </return_ports> <dp_mem_port_nodes class_id="56" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_mem_port_nodes> <dp_reg_nodes> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>63</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>90</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>9</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>94</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>10</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>99</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>17</item> </second> </item> </dp_reg_nodes> <dp_regname_nodes> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>exitcond_flatten_reg_90</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>9</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_next_reg_94</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>10</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_reg_63</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_value_V_reg_99</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>17</item> </second> </item> </dp_regname_nodes> <dp_reg_phi> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>63</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> </dp_reg_phi> <dp_regname_phi> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>indvar_flatten_reg_63</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> </dp_regname_phi> <dp_port_io_nodes class_id="57" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="58" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>in_axi_stream_V_last_V</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>read</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>16</item> </second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>in_axi_stream_V_value_V</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>read</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>16</item> </second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>in_stream_V_value_V</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>write</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>18</item> </second> </item> </second> </item> </dp_port_io_nodes> <port2core class_id="59" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="60" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>3</first> <second>FIFO_SRL</second> </item> </port2core> <node2core> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </node2core> </syndb> </boost_serialization>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- -- Copyright (C) 2018, AdaCore -- -- Copyright (c) 2013, Nordic Semiconductor ASA -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this -- software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR -- CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- This spec has been automatically generated from nrf51.svd pragma Ada_2012; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with System; package Interfaces.NRF51.UART is pragma Preelaborate; pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All; --------------- -- Registers -- --------------- -- Shortcut between CTS event and STARTRX task. type SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Field is ( -- Shortcut disabled. Disabled, -- Shortcut enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Shortcut between NCTS event and STOPRX task. type SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Field is ( -- Shortcut disabled. Disabled, -- Shortcut enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Shortcuts for UART. type SHORTS_Register is record -- unspecified Reserved_0_2 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt3 := 16#0#; -- Shortcut between CTS event and STARTRX task. CTS_STARTRX : SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Field := Interfaces.NRF51.UART.Disabled; -- Shortcut between NCTS event and STOPRX task. NCTS_STOPRX : SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Field := Interfaces.NRF51.UART.Disabled; -- unspecified Reserved_5_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt27 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for SHORTS_Register use record Reserved_0_2 at 0 range 0 .. 2; CTS_STARTRX at 0 range 3 .. 3; NCTS_STOPRX at 0 range 4 .. 4; Reserved_5_31 at 0 range 5 .. 31; end record; -- Enable interrupt on CTS event. type INTENSET_CTS_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_CTS_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Enable interrupt on CTS event. type INTENSET_CTS_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenset_Cts_Field_Reset, -- Enable interrupt on write. Set) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_CTS_Field_1 use (Intenset_Cts_Field_Reset => 0, Set => 1); -- Enable interrupt on NCTS event. type INTENSET_NCTS_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_NCTS_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Enable interrupt on NCTS event. type INTENSET_NCTS_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenset_Ncts_Field_Reset, -- Enable interrupt on write. Set) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_NCTS_Field_1 use (Intenset_Ncts_Field_Reset => 0, Set => 1); -- Enable interrupt on RXRDY event. type INTENSET_RXDRDY_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_RXDRDY_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Enable interrupt on RXRDY event. type INTENSET_RXDRDY_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenset_Rxdrdy_Field_Reset, -- Enable interrupt on write. Set) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_RXDRDY_Field_1 use (Intenset_Rxdrdy_Field_Reset => 0, Set => 1); -- Enable interrupt on TXRDY event. type INTENSET_TXDRDY_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_TXDRDY_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Enable interrupt on TXRDY event. type INTENSET_TXDRDY_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenset_Txdrdy_Field_Reset, -- Enable interrupt on write. Set) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_TXDRDY_Field_1 use (Intenset_Txdrdy_Field_Reset => 0, Set => 1); -- Enable interrupt on ERROR event. type INTENSET_ERROR_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_ERROR_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Enable interrupt on ERROR event. type INTENSET_ERROR_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenset_Error_Field_Reset, -- Enable interrupt on write. Set) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_ERROR_Field_1 use (Intenset_Error_Field_Reset => 0, Set => 1); -- Enable interrupt on RXTO event. type INTENSET_RXTO_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_RXTO_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Enable interrupt on RXTO event. type INTENSET_RXTO_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenset_Rxto_Field_Reset, -- Enable interrupt on write. Set) with Size => 1; for INTENSET_RXTO_Field_1 use (Intenset_Rxto_Field_Reset => 0, Set => 1); -- Interrupt enable set register. type INTENSET_Register is record -- Enable interrupt on CTS event. CTS : INTENSET_CTS_Field_1 := Intenset_Cts_Field_Reset; -- Enable interrupt on NCTS event. NCTS : INTENSET_NCTS_Field_1 := Intenset_Ncts_Field_Reset; -- Enable interrupt on RXRDY event. RXDRDY : INTENSET_RXDRDY_Field_1 := Intenset_Rxdrdy_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_3_6 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt4 := 16#0#; -- Enable interrupt on TXRDY event. TXDRDY : INTENSET_TXDRDY_Field_1 := Intenset_Txdrdy_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_8_8 : Interfaces.NRF51.Bit := 16#0#; -- Enable interrupt on ERROR event. ERROR : INTENSET_ERROR_Field_1 := Intenset_Error_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_10_16 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- Enable interrupt on RXTO event. RXTO : INTENSET_RXTO_Field_1 := Intenset_Rxto_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_18_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt14 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for INTENSET_Register use record CTS at 0 range 0 .. 0; NCTS at 0 range 1 .. 1; RXDRDY at 0 range 2 .. 2; Reserved_3_6 at 0 range 3 .. 6; TXDRDY at 0 range 7 .. 7; Reserved_8_8 at 0 range 8 .. 8; ERROR at 0 range 9 .. 9; Reserved_10_16 at 0 range 10 .. 16; RXTO at 0 range 17 .. 17; Reserved_18_31 at 0 range 18 .. 31; end record; -- Disable interrupt on CTS event. type INTENCLR_CTS_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_CTS_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Disable interrupt on CTS event. type INTENCLR_CTS_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenclr_Cts_Field_Reset, -- Disable interrupt on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_CTS_Field_1 use (Intenclr_Cts_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Disable interrupt on NCTS event. type INTENCLR_NCTS_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_NCTS_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Disable interrupt on NCTS event. type INTENCLR_NCTS_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenclr_Ncts_Field_Reset, -- Disable interrupt on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_NCTS_Field_1 use (Intenclr_Ncts_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Disable interrupt on RXRDY event. type INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Disable interrupt on RXRDY event. type INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenclr_Rxdrdy_Field_Reset, -- Disable interrupt on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Field_1 use (Intenclr_Rxdrdy_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Disable interrupt on TXRDY event. type INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Disable interrupt on TXRDY event. type INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenclr_Txdrdy_Field_Reset, -- Disable interrupt on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Field_1 use (Intenclr_Txdrdy_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Disable interrupt on ERROR event. type INTENCLR_ERROR_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_ERROR_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Disable interrupt on ERROR event. type INTENCLR_ERROR_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenclr_Error_Field_Reset, -- Disable interrupt on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_ERROR_Field_1 use (Intenclr_Error_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Disable interrupt on RXTO event. type INTENCLR_RXTO_Field is ( -- Interrupt disabled. Disabled, -- Interrupt enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_RXTO_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Disable interrupt on RXTO event. type INTENCLR_RXTO_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Intenclr_Rxto_Field_Reset, -- Disable interrupt on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for INTENCLR_RXTO_Field_1 use (Intenclr_Rxto_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Interrupt enable clear register. type INTENCLR_Register is record -- Disable interrupt on CTS event. CTS : INTENCLR_CTS_Field_1 := Intenclr_Cts_Field_Reset; -- Disable interrupt on NCTS event. NCTS : INTENCLR_NCTS_Field_1 := Intenclr_Ncts_Field_Reset; -- Disable interrupt on RXRDY event. RXDRDY : INTENCLR_RXDRDY_Field_1 := Intenclr_Rxdrdy_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_3_6 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt4 := 16#0#; -- Disable interrupt on TXRDY event. TXDRDY : INTENCLR_TXDRDY_Field_1 := Intenclr_Txdrdy_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_8_8 : Interfaces.NRF51.Bit := 16#0#; -- Disable interrupt on ERROR event. ERROR : INTENCLR_ERROR_Field_1 := Intenclr_Error_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_10_16 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- Disable interrupt on RXTO event. RXTO : INTENCLR_RXTO_Field_1 := Intenclr_Rxto_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_18_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt14 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for INTENCLR_Register use record CTS at 0 range 0 .. 0; NCTS at 0 range 1 .. 1; RXDRDY at 0 range 2 .. 2; Reserved_3_6 at 0 range 3 .. 6; TXDRDY at 0 range 7 .. 7; Reserved_8_8 at 0 range 8 .. 8; ERROR at 0 range 9 .. 9; Reserved_10_16 at 0 range 10 .. 16; RXTO at 0 range 17 .. 17; Reserved_18_31 at 0 range 18 .. 31; end record; -- A start bit is received while the previous data still lies in RXD. (Data -- loss). type ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Field is ( -- Error not present. Notpresent, -- Error present. Present) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Field use (Notpresent => 0, Present => 1); -- A start bit is received while the previous data still lies in RXD. (Data -- loss). type ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Errorsrc_Overrun_Field_Reset, -- Clear error on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Field_1 use (Errorsrc_Overrun_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- A character with bad parity is received. Only checked if HW parity -- control is enabled. type ERRORSRC_PARITY_Field is ( -- Error not present. Notpresent, -- Error present. Present) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_PARITY_Field use (Notpresent => 0, Present => 1); -- A character with bad parity is received. Only checked if HW parity -- control is enabled. type ERRORSRC_PARITY_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Errorsrc_Parity_Field_Reset, -- Clear error on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_PARITY_Field_1 use (Errorsrc_Parity_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- A valid stop bit is not detected on the serial data input after all bits -- in a character have been received. type ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Field is ( -- Error not present. Notpresent, -- Error present. Present) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Field use (Notpresent => 0, Present => 1); -- A valid stop bit is not detected on the serial data input after all bits -- in a character have been received. type ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Errorsrc_Framing_Field_Reset, -- Clear error on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Field_1 use (Errorsrc_Framing_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- The serial data input is '0' for longer than the length of a data frame. type ERRORSRC_BREAK_Field is ( -- Error not present. Notpresent, -- Error present. Present) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_BREAK_Field use (Notpresent => 0, Present => 1); -- The serial data input is '0' for longer than the length of a data frame. type ERRORSRC_BREAK_Field_1 is ( -- Reset value for the field Errorsrc_Break_Field_Reset, -- Clear error on write. Clear) with Size => 1; for ERRORSRC_BREAK_Field_1 use (Errorsrc_Break_Field_Reset => 0, Clear => 1); -- Error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error. type ERRORSRC_Register is record -- A start bit is received while the previous data still lies in RXD. -- (Data loss). OVERRUN : ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Field_1 := Errorsrc_Overrun_Field_Reset; -- A character with bad parity is received. Only checked if HW parity -- control is enabled. PARITY : ERRORSRC_PARITY_Field_1 := Errorsrc_Parity_Field_Reset; -- A valid stop bit is not detected on the serial data input after all -- bits in a character have been received. FRAMING : ERRORSRC_FRAMING_Field_1 := Errorsrc_Framing_Field_Reset; -- The serial data input is '0' for longer than the length of a data -- frame. BREAK : ERRORSRC_BREAK_Field_1 := Errorsrc_Break_Field_Reset; -- unspecified Reserved_4_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt28 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ERRORSRC_Register use record OVERRUN at 0 range 0 .. 0; PARITY at 0 range 1 .. 1; FRAMING at 0 range 2 .. 2; BREAK at 0 range 3 .. 3; Reserved_4_31 at 0 range 4 .. 31; end record; -- Enable or disable UART and acquire IOs. type ENABLE_ENABLE_Field is ( -- UART disabled. Disabled, -- UART enabled. Enabled) with Size => 3; for ENABLE_ENABLE_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 4); -- Enable UART and acquire IOs. type ENABLE_Register is record -- Enable or disable UART and acquire IOs. ENABLE : ENABLE_ENABLE_Field := Interfaces.NRF51.UART.Disabled; -- unspecified Reserved_3_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt29 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ENABLE_Register use record ENABLE at 0 range 0 .. 2; Reserved_3_31 at 0 range 3 .. 31; end record; subtype RXD_RXD_Field is Interfaces.NRF51.Byte; -- RXD register. On read action the buffer pointer is displaced. Once read -- the character is consumed. If read when no character available, the UART -- will stop working. type RXD_Register is record -- Read-only. *** Reading this field has side effects on other resources -- ***. RX data from previous transfer. Double buffered. RXD : RXD_RXD_Field; -- unspecified Reserved_8_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt24; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RXD_Register use record RXD at 0 range 0 .. 7; Reserved_8_31 at 0 range 8 .. 31; end record; subtype TXD_TXD_Field is Interfaces.NRF51.Byte; -- TXD register. type TXD_Register is record -- Write-only. TX data for transfer. TXD : TXD_TXD_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_8_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt24 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TXD_Register use record TXD at 0 range 0 .. 7; Reserved_8_31 at 0 range 8 .. 31; end record; -- Hardware flow control. type CONFIG_HWFC_Field is ( -- Hardware flow control disabled. Disabled, -- Hardware flow control enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for CONFIG_HWFC_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Include parity bit. type CONFIG_PARITY_Field is ( -- Parity bit excluded. Excluded, -- Parity bit included. Included) with Size => 3; for CONFIG_PARITY_Field use (Excluded => 0, Included => 7); -- Configuration of parity and hardware flow control register. type CONFIG_Register is record -- Hardware flow control. HWFC : CONFIG_HWFC_Field := Interfaces.NRF51.UART.Disabled; -- Include parity bit. PARITY : CONFIG_PARITY_Field := Interfaces.NRF51.UART.Excluded; -- unspecified Reserved_4_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt28 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CONFIG_Register use record HWFC at 0 range 0 .. 0; PARITY at 0 range 1 .. 3; Reserved_4_31 at 0 range 4 .. 31; end record; -- Peripheral power control. type POWER_POWER_Field is ( -- Module power disabled. Disabled, -- Module power enabled. Enabled) with Size => 1; for POWER_POWER_Field use (Disabled => 0, Enabled => 1); -- Peripheral power control. type POWER_Register is record -- Peripheral power control. POWER : POWER_POWER_Field := Interfaces.NRF51.UART.Disabled; -- unspecified Reserved_1_31 : Interfaces.NRF51.UInt31 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for POWER_Register use record POWER at 0 range 0 .. 0; Reserved_1_31 at 0 range 1 .. 31; end record; ----------------- -- Peripherals -- ----------------- -- Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. type UART_Peripheral is record -- Start UART receiver. TASKS_STARTRX : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Stop UART receiver. TASKS_STOPRX : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Start UART transmitter. TASKS_STARTTX : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Stop UART transmitter. TASKS_STOPTX : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Suspend UART. TASKS_SUSPEND : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- CTS activated. EVENTS_CTS : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- CTS deactivated. EVENTS_NCTS : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Data received in RXD. EVENTS_RXDRDY : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Data sent from TXD. EVENTS_TXDRDY : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Error detected. EVENTS_ERROR : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Receiver timeout. EVENTS_RXTO : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Shortcuts for UART. SHORTS : aliased SHORTS_Register; -- Interrupt enable set register. INTENSET : aliased INTENSET_Register; -- Interrupt enable clear register. INTENCLR : aliased INTENCLR_Register; -- Error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error. ERRORSRC : aliased ERRORSRC_Register; -- Enable UART and acquire IOs. ENABLE : aliased ENABLE_Register; -- Pin select for RTS. PSELRTS : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Pin select for TXD. PSELTXD : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Pin select for CTS. PSELCTS : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Pin select for RXD. PSELRXD : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- RXD register. On read action the buffer pointer is displaced. Once -- read the character is consumed. If read when no character available, -- the UART will stop working. RXD : aliased RXD_Register; -- TXD register. TXD : aliased TXD_Register; -- UART Baudrate. BAUDRATE : aliased Interfaces.NRF51.UInt32; -- Configuration of parity and hardware flow control register. CONFIG : aliased CONFIG_Register; -- Peripheral power control. POWER : aliased POWER_Register; end record with Volatile; for UART_Peripheral use record TASKS_STARTRX at 16#0# range 0 .. 31; TASKS_STOPRX at 16#4# range 0 .. 31; TASKS_STARTTX at 16#8# range 0 .. 31; TASKS_STOPTX at 16#C# range 0 .. 31; TASKS_SUSPEND at 16#1C# range 0 .. 31; EVENTS_CTS at 16#100# range 0 .. 31; EVENTS_NCTS at 16#104# range 0 .. 31; EVENTS_RXDRDY at 16#108# range 0 .. 31; EVENTS_TXDRDY at 16#11C# range 0 .. 31; EVENTS_ERROR at 16#124# range 0 .. 31; EVENTS_RXTO at 16#144# range 0 .. 31; SHORTS at 16#200# range 0 .. 31; INTENSET at 16#304# range 0 .. 31; INTENCLR at 16#308# range 0 .. 31; ERRORSRC at 16#480# range 0 .. 31; ENABLE at 16#500# range 0 .. 31; PSELRTS at 16#508# range 0 .. 31; PSELTXD at 16#50C# range 0 .. 31; PSELCTS at 16#510# range 0 .. 31; PSELRXD at 16#514# range 0 .. 31; RXD at 16#518# range 0 .. 31; TXD at 16#51C# range 0 .. 31; BAUDRATE at 16#524# range 0 .. 31; CONFIG at 16#56C# range 0 .. 31; POWER at 16#FFC# range 0 .. 31; end record; -- Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. UART0_Periph : aliased UART_Peripheral with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#40002000#); end Interfaces.NRF51.UART;
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----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EL.Expressions -- Expression Nodes -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Ada.Characters.Conversions; with EL.Variables; with Util.Beans.Methods; with Util.Strings; package body EL.Expressions.Nodes is use EL.Variables; use Util.Concurrent; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. If -- ------------------------------ function Get_Safe_Value (Expr : in ELNode; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Object is begin return ELNode'Class (Expr).Get_Value (Context); exception when E : others => Context.Handle_Exception (E); return EL.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Safe_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Value (Expr : ELUnary; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is begin declare Value : constant Object := Expr.Node.Get_Value (Context); begin case Expr.Kind is when EL_NOT => return To_Object (not To_Boolean (Value)); when EL_MINUS => return -Value; when EL_EMPTY => return To_Object (Is_Empty (Value)); when others => return Value; end case; end; exception when E : EL.Variables.No_Variable => -- If we can't find the variable, empty predicate must return true. if Expr.Kind = EL_EMPTY then return To_Object (True); end if; -- For others, this is an error. Context.Handle_Exception (E); return EL.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELUnary; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is Value : Reduction := Expr.Node.Reduce (Context); begin if Value.Node /= null then Value.Node := Create_Node (Expr.Kind, Value.Node); else case Expr.Kind is when EL_NOT => Value.Value := To_Object (not To_Boolean (Value.Value)); when EL_MINUS => Value.Value := -Value.Value; when EL_EMPTY => Value.Value := To_Object (Is_Empty (Value.Value)); when others => null; end case; end if; return Value; end Reduce; -- ------------------------------ -- Delete the expression tree (calls Delete (ELNode_Access) recursively). -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Delete (Node : in out ELUnary) is begin Delete (Node.Node); end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Value (Expr : ELBinary; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is Left : constant Object := Expr.Left.Get_Safe_Value (Context); Right : constant Object := Expr.Right.Get_Safe_Value (Context); begin case Expr.Kind is when EL_EQ => return To_Object (Left = Right); when EL_NE => return To_Object (Left /= Right); when EL_LE => return To_Object (Left <= Right); when EL_LT => return To_Object (Left < Right); when EL_GE => return To_Object (Left >= Right); when EL_GT => return To_Object (Left > Right); when EL_ADD => return Left + Right; when EL_SUB => return Left - Right; when EL_MUL => return Left * Right; when EL_DIV => return Left / Right; when EL_MOD => return Left mod Right; when EL_LAND => return To_Object (To_Boolean (Left) and To_Boolean (Right)); when EL_LOR | EL_OR => return To_Object (To_Boolean (Left) or To_Boolean (Right)); when EL_CONCAT => -- If one of the object is null, ignore it. if Is_Null (Left) then return Right; end if; if Is_Null (Right) then return Left; end if; if Get_Type (Left) = TYPE_WIDE_STRING or Get_Type (Right) = TYPE_WIDE_STRING then return To_Object (To_Wide_Wide_String (Left) & To_Wide_Wide_String (Right)); else return To_Object (To_String (Left) & To_String (Right)); end if; when EL_AND => return Left & Right; end case; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELBinary; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is Left : Reduction := Expr.Left.Reduce (Context); Right : Reduction := Expr.Right.Reduce (Context); begin -- If at least one value is not constant, return an expression. if Left.Node /= null or Right.Node /= null then if Left.Node = null then Left.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Left.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); elsif Right.Node = null then Right.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Right.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; Left.Node := Create_Node (Expr.Kind, Left.Node, Right.Node); else -- Both values are known, compute the result. case Expr.Kind is when EL_EQ => Left.Value := To_Object (Left.Value = Right.Value); when EL_NE => Left.Value := To_Object (Left.Value /= Right.Value); when EL_LE => Left.Value := To_Object (Left.Value <= Right.Value); when EL_LT => Left.Value := To_Object (Left.Value < Right.Value); when EL_GE => Left.Value := To_Object (Left.Value >= Right.Value); when EL_GT => Left.Value := To_Object (Left.Value > Right.Value); when EL_ADD => Left.Value := Left.Value + Right.Value; when EL_SUB => Left.Value := Left.Value - Right.Value; when EL_MUL => Left.Value := Left.Value * Right.Value; when EL_DIV => Left.Value := Left.Value / Right.Value; when EL_MOD => Left.Value := Left.Value mod Right.Value; when EL_LAND => Left.Value := To_Object (To_Boolean (Left.Value) and To_Boolean (Right.Value)); when EL_LOR | EL_OR => Left.Value := To_Object (To_Boolean (Left.Value) or To_Boolean (Right.Value)); when EL_CONCAT => if Get_Type (Left.Value) = TYPE_WIDE_STRING or Get_Type (Right.Value) = TYPE_WIDE_STRING then Left.Value := To_Object (To_Wide_Wide_String (Left.Value) & To_Wide_Wide_String (Right.Value)); else Left.Value := To_Object (To_String (Left.Value) & To_String (Right.Value)); end if; when EL_AND => Left.Value := Left.Value & Right.Value; end case; end if; return Left; end Reduce; -- ------------------------------ -- Delete the expression tree (calls Delete (ELNode_Access) recursively). -- ------------------------------ procedure Delete (Node : in out ELBinary) is begin Delete (Node.Left); Delete (Node.Right); end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Value (Expr : ELTernary; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is Cond : constant Object := Expr.Cond.Get_Safe_Value (Context); begin if To_Boolean (Cond) then return Expr.Left.Get_Safe_Value (Context); else return Expr.Right.Get_Safe_Value (Context); end if; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELTernary; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is Cond : constant Reduction := Expr.Cond.Reduce (Context); begin -- Condition value is known, evaluate one or the other part. if Cond.Node = null then if To_Boolean (Cond.Value) then return Expr.Left.Reduce (Context); else return Expr.Right.Reduce (Context); end if; end if; declare Left : Reduction := Expr.Left.Reduce (Context); Right : Reduction := Expr.Right.Reduce (Context); begin if Left.Node = null then Left.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Left.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Right.Node = null then Right.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Right.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; Left.Node := Create_Node (Cond.Node, Left.Node, Right.Node); return Left; end; end Reduce; -- ------------------------------ -- Delete the expression tree. Free the memory allocated by nodes -- of the expression tree. Clears the node pointer. -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Delete (Node : in out ELTernary) is begin Delete (Node.Right); Delete (Node.Left); Delete (Node.Cond); end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Variable to be looked at in the expression context -- ------------------------------ -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Value (Expr : ELVariable; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is Mapper : constant access Variable_Mapper'Class := Context.Get_Variable_Mapper; Resolver : constant ELResolver_Access := Context.Get_Resolver; begin -- Resolve using the variable mapper first. If an exception is raised, -- use the context Handle_Exception to give a chance to report custom errors (See ASF). -- If the value can't be found and the Handle_Exception did not raised any exception, -- return the Null object. if Mapper /= null then begin declare Value : constant Expression := Mapper.Get_Variable (Expr.Name); begin -- If the returned expression is null, assume the variable was not found. -- A variable mapper that returns a null expression is faster than raising -- the No_Variable exception (arround 30us on Intel Core @ 2.6Ghz!). if not Value.Is_Null then return Value.Get_Value (Context); end if; end; exception when No_Variable => if Resolver = null then raise; end if; end; end if; if Resolver = null then raise Invalid_Variable with "Cannot resolve variable: '" & To_String (Expr.Name) & "'"; end if; return Resolver.all.Get_Value (Context, null, Expr.Name); end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELVariable; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is Mapper : constant access Variable_Mapper'Class := Context.Get_Variable_Mapper; begin if Mapper /= null then declare Value : constant Expression := Mapper.Get_Variable (Expr.Name); begin if Value.Node /= null then return Value.Node.Reduce (Context); elsif not EL.Objects.Is_Null (Value.Value) then return Reduction '(Value => Value.Value, Node => null); end if; exception when others => -- An exception such as Invalid_Variable can be raised if the value expression -- defined in <b>Value</b> refers to a variable which is not yet defined. -- We want to keep the resolution we did (hence Expr.Name) and still refer -- to the new expression so that it can be resolved later on. Typical case in -- ASF: -- <h:list value="#{list}" var="item"> -- <ui:include src="item.xhtml"> -- <ui:param name="c" value="#{item.components.data}"/> -- </ui:include> -- </h:list> -- -- Here, the <b>Value</b> will refer to the EL expression #{item.components.data} -- which is not known at the time of reduction. if Value.Node /= null then Util.Concurrent.Counters.Increment (Value.Node.Ref_Counter); return Reduction '(Value => EL.Objects.Null_Object, Node => Value.Node.all'Access); end if; end; end if; Util.Concurrent.Counters.Increment (Expr.Ref_Counter); return Reduction '(Value => EL.Objects.Null_Object, Node => Expr.all'Access); exception when others => Util.Concurrent.Counters.Increment (Expr.Ref_Counter); return Reduction '(Value => EL.Objects.Null_Object, Node => Expr.all'Access); end Reduce; -- ------------------------------ -- Delete the expression tree (calls Delete (ELNode_Access) recursively). -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Delete (Node : in out ELVariable) is begin null; end Delete; overriding function Get_Value (Expr : ELValue; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is Var : constant Object := Expr.Variable.Get_Value (Context); Bean : constant access Util.Beans.Basic.Readonly_Bean'Class := To_Bean (Var); begin if Bean /= null then return Bean.Get_Value (Expr.Name); else return Var; end if; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Check if the target bean is a readonly bean. -- ------------------------------ function Is_Readonly (Node : in ELValue; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Boolean is Var : constant Object := Node.Variable.Get_Value (Context); Bean : constant access Util.Beans.Basic.Readonly_Bean'Class := To_Bean (Var); begin return Bean = null or else not (Bean.all in Util.Beans.Basic.Bean'Class); end Is_Readonly; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate the node and return a method info with -- the bean object and the method binding. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Method_Info (Node : in ELValue; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Method_Info is use Util.Beans.Methods; use type Util.Strings.Name_Access; Var : constant Object := Node.Variable.Get_Value (Context); Bean : constant access Util.Beans.Basic.Readonly_Bean'Class := To_Bean (Var); begin if Bean = null then raise Invalid_Variable; end if; -- If the bean is a method bean, get the methods that it exposes -- and look for the binding that matches our method name. if Bean.all in Method_Bean'Class then declare MBean : constant access Method_Bean'Class := Method_Bean (Bean.all)'Access; Bindings : constant Method_Binding_Array_Access := MBean.Get_Method_Bindings; Result : Method_Info; begin for I in Bindings'Range loop if Bindings (I) /= null and then Bindings (I).Name /= null and then Node.Name = Bindings (I).Name.all then Result.Object := Bean; Result.Binding := Bindings (I); return Result; end if; end loop; end; end if; raise Invalid_Method with "Method '" & Node.Name & "' not found"; end Get_Method_Info; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate the node and set the value on the associated bean. -- Raises Invalid_Variable if the target object is not a bean. -- Raises Invalid_Expression if the target bean is not writeable. -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Value (Node : in ELValue; Context : in ELContext'Class; Value : in Objects.Object) is use Util.Beans; use type Util.Strings.Name_Access; Var : constant Object := Node.Variable.Get_Value (Context); Bean : constant access Basic.Readonly_Bean'Class := To_Bean (Var); begin if Bean = null then raise Invalid_Variable; end if; -- If the bean is a method bean, get the methods that it exposes -- and look for the binding that matches our method name. if not (Bean.all in Basic.Bean'Class) then raise Invalid_Method with "Method '" & Node.Name & "' not found"; end if; declare VBean : constant access Basic.Bean'Class := Basic.Bean'Class (Bean.all)'Unchecked_Access; begin VBean.Set_Value (Node.Name, Value); end; end Set_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELValue; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is Var : Reduction := Expr.Variable.Reduce (Context); begin if Var.Node = null then declare Bean : constant access Util.Beans.Basic.Readonly_Bean'Class := To_Bean (Var.Value); begin if Bean /= null then Var.Value := Bean.Get_Value (Expr.Name); Var.Node := null; return Var; end if; end; end if; -- If the reduction returned the same variable, return the same ELvalue. -- Release the counter for the returned variable and increment the other one. if Var.Node = Expr.Variable then Util.Concurrent.Counters.Decrement (Var.Node.Ref_Counter); Util.Concurrent.Counters.Increment (Expr.Ref_Counter); return Reduction '(Node => Expr.all'Access, Value => EL.Objects.Null_Object); else -- Otherwise, replace the variable. return Reduction '(Node => new ELValue '(Variable => Var.Node, Len => Expr.Len, Name => Expr.Name, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE), Value => EL.Objects.Null_Object); end if; end Reduce; -- ------------------------------ -- Delete the expression tree (calls Delete (ELNode_Access) recursively). -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Delete (Node : in out ELValue) is begin Delete (Node.Variable); end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Literal object (integer, boolean, float, string) -- ------------------------------ -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Value (Expr : ELObject; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is pragma Unreferenced (Context); begin return Expr.Value; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELObject; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is pragma Unreferenced (Context); begin return Reduction '(Value => Expr.Value, Node => null); end Reduce; overriding procedure Delete (Node : in out ELObject) is begin null; end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Evaluate a node on a given context. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (Expr : ELFunction; Context : ELContext'Class) return Object is Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 : Object; begin if Expr.Arg1 = null then raise Missing_Argument with "Missing argument 1"; end if; Arg1 := Expr.Arg1.Get_Safe_Value (Context); if Expr.Func.Of_Type = F_1_ARG then return Expr.Func.Func1 (Arg1); end if; if Expr.Arg2 = null then raise Missing_Argument with "Missing argument 2"; end if; Arg2 := Expr.Arg2.Get_Safe_Value (Context); if Expr.Func.Of_Type = F_2_ARG then return Expr.Func.Func2 (Arg1, Arg2); end if; if Expr.Arg3 = null then raise Missing_Argument with "Missing argument 3"; end if; Arg3 := Expr.Arg3.Get_Safe_Value (Context); if Expr.Func.Of_Type = F_3_ARG then return Expr.Func.Func3 (Arg1, Arg2, Arg3); end if; if Expr.Arg4 = null then raise Missing_Argument with "Missing argument 4"; end if; Arg4 := Expr.Arg4.Get_Safe_Value (Context); return Expr.Func.Func4 (Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4); end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Reduce the expression by eliminating variables which are known -- and computing constant expressions. Returns either a new expression -- tree or a constant value. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Reduce (Expr : access ELFunction; Context : in ELContext'Class) return Reduction is Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 : Reduction; begin if Expr.Arg1 /= null then Arg1 := Expr.Arg1.Reduce (Context); end if; if Expr.Func.Of_Type = F_1_ARG then if Arg1.Node = null and Expr.Func.Optimize and Expr.Func.Func1 /= null then Arg1.Value := Expr.Func.Func1 (Arg1.Value); return Arg1; end if; if Arg1.Node = null then Arg1.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg1.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; Arg1.Node := Create_Node (Expr.Func, Arg1.Node); return Arg1; end if; if Expr.Arg2 /= null then Arg2 := Expr.Arg2.Reduce (Context); end if; if Expr.Func.Of_Type = F_2_ARG then if Arg1.Node = null and Arg2.Node = null and Expr.Func.Optimize and Expr.Func.Func2 /= null then Arg1.Value := Expr.Func.Func2 (Arg1.Value, Arg2.Value); return Arg1; end if; if Arg1.Node = null then Arg1.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg1.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Arg2.Node = null then Arg2.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg2.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; Arg1.Node := Create_Node (Expr.Func, Arg1.Node, Arg2.Node); return Arg1; end if; if Expr.Arg3 /= null then Arg3 := Expr.Arg3.Reduce (Context); end if; if Expr.Func.Of_Type = F_3_ARG then if Arg1.Node = null and Arg2.Node = null and Arg3.Node = null and Expr.Func.Optimize and Expr.Func.Func3 /= null then Arg1.Value := Expr.Func.Func3 (Arg1.Value, Arg2.Value, Arg3.Value); return Arg1; end if; if Arg1.Node = null then Arg1.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg1.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Arg2.Node = null then Arg2.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg2.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Arg3.Node = null then Arg3.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg3.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; Arg1.Node := Create_Node (Expr.Func, Arg1.Node, Arg2.Node, Arg3.Node); return Arg1; end if; if Expr.Arg4 /= null then Arg4 := Expr.Arg4.Reduce (Context); end if; if Arg1.Node = null and Arg2.Node = null and Arg3.Node = null and Arg4.Node = null and Expr.Func.Optimize and Expr.Func.Func4 /= null then Arg1.Value := Expr.Func.Func4 (Arg1.Value, Arg2.Value, Arg3.Value, Arg4.Value); return Arg1; end if; if Arg1.Node = null then Arg1.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg1.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Arg2.Node = null then Arg2.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg2.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Arg3.Node = null then Arg3.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg3.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; if Arg4.Node = null then Arg4.Node := new ELObject '(Value => Arg4.Value, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end if; Arg1.Node := Create_Node (Expr.Func, Arg1.Node, Arg2.Node, Arg3.Node, Arg4.Node); return Arg1; end Reduce; overriding procedure Delete (Node : in out ELFunction) is begin if Node.Arg1 /= null then Delete (Node.Arg1); end if; if Node.Arg2 /= null then Delete (Node.Arg2); end if; if Node.Arg3 /= null then Delete (Node.Arg3); end if; if Node.Arg4 /= null then Delete (Node.Arg4); end if; end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a literal number -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Value : Boolean) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELObject '(Value => To_Object (Value), Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a literal number -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Value : Long_Long_Integer) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELObject '(Value => To_Object (Value), Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; function Create_Node (Value : String) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELObject '(Value => To_Object (Value), Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; function Create_Node (Value : Wide_Wide_String) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELObject '(Value => To_Object (Value), Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; function Create_Node (Value : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELObject '(Value => To_Object (Value), Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; function Create_Node (Value : Long_Float) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELObject '(Value => To_Object (Value), Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; function Create_Variable (Name : in Wide_Wide_String) return ELNode_Access is Result : constant ELVariable_Access := new ELVariable '(Name => Null_Unbounded_String, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); begin Append (Result.Name, Ada.Characters.Conversions.To_String (Name)); return Result.all'Access; end Create_Variable; function Create_Value (Variable : in ELNode_Access; Name : in Wide_Wide_String) return ELNode_Access is Result : constant ELValue_Access := new ELValue '(Len => Name'Length, Variable => Variable, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE, Name => (others => <>)); Pos : Positive := 1; begin for I in Name'Range loop Result.Name (Pos) := Ada.Characters.Conversions.To_Character (Name (I)); Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; return Result.all'Access; end Create_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Create unary expressions -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Of_Type : Unary_Node; Expr : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELUnary '(Kind => Of_Type, Node => Expr, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create binary expressions -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Of_Type : Binary_Node; Left : ELNode_Access; Right : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELBinary '(Kind => Of_Type, Left => Left, Right => Right, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a ternary expression. -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Cond : ELNode_Access; Left : ELNode_Access; Right : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELTernary '(Cond => Cond, Left => Left, Right => Right, Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a function call expression -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Func : Function_Access; Arg1 : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELFunction '(Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE, Func => Func, Arg1 => Arg1, others => null); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a function call expression -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Func : Function_Access; Arg1 : ELNode_Access; Arg2 : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELFunction '(Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE, Func => Func, Arg1 => Arg1, Arg2 => Arg2, others => null); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a function call expression -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Func : Function_Access; Arg1 : ELNode_Access; Arg2 : ELNode_Access; Arg3 : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELFunction '(Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE, Func => Func, Arg1 => Arg1, Arg2 => Arg2, Arg3 => Arg3, others => null); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Create a function call expression -- ------------------------------ function Create_Node (Func : Function_Access; Arg1 : ELNode_Access; Arg2 : ELNode_Access; Arg3 : ELNode_Access; Arg4 : ELNode_Access) return ELNode_Access is begin return new ELFunction '(Ref_Counter => Counters.ONE, Func => Func, Arg1 => Arg1, Arg2 => Arg2, Arg3 => Arg3, Arg4 => Arg4); end Create_Node; -- ------------------------------ -- Delete the expression tree. Free the memory allocated by nodes -- of the expression tree. Clears the node pointer. -- ------------------------------ procedure Delete (Node : in out ELNode_Access) is procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Object => ELNode'Class, Name => ELNode_Access); Is_Zero : Boolean; begin if Node /= null then Util.Concurrent.Counters.Decrement (Node.Ref_Counter, Is_Zero); if Is_Zero then Delete (Node.all); Free (Node); end if; end if; end Delete; end EL.Expressions.Nodes;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "blessing" ]
[ "blessing" ]
[ "blessing" ]
pragma License (Restricted); -- -- Copyright (C) 2020 Jesper Quorning All Rights Reserved. -- -- The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of -- a legal notice, here is a blessing: -- -- May you do good and not evil. -- May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. -- May you share freely, not taking more than you give. -- package Setup is function Program_Name return String; function Program_Version return String; function Build_ISO8601_UTC return String; function Uname_M return String; function Uname_N return String; function Uname_P return String; function Uname_R return String; function Uname_S return String; Database_Others : constant String := "others"; Database_Extension : constant String := "idonu"; type Configuration is null record; end Setup;
[ "Zlib" ]
[ "Zlib" ]
[ "Zlib" ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2013-2020, Luke A. Guest -- -- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied -- warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages -- arising from the use of this software. -- -- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, -- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it -- freely, subject to the following restrictions: -- -- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not -- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software -- in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be -- appreciated but is not required. -- -- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be -- misrepresented as being the original software. -- -- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source -- distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with SDL.Error; package body SDL.RWops.Streams is use type Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; function Open (Op : in RWops) return RWops_Stream is begin return (Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type with Context => Op); end Open; procedure Open (Op : in RWops; Stream : out RWops_Stream) is begin Stream.Context := Op; end Open; overriding procedure Read (Stream : in out RWops_Stream; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset) is Objects_Read : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long := 0; function SDL_Read (Context : in RWops_Pointer; Ptr : in System.Address; Size : in C.unsigned_long; Max_Num : in C.unsigned_long ) return C.unsigned_long; pragma Import (C, SDL_Read, "read_wrap"); begin -- Re-implemented c-macro: -- #define SDL_RWread(ctx, ptr, size, n) (ctx)->read(ctx, ptr, size, n) -- Read : access function -- (context : RWops_Pointer; -- ptr : System.Address; -- size : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; -- maxnum : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long) return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; Objects_Read := SDL_Read (Context => RWops_Pointer (Stream.Context), Ptr => Item'Address, Size => C.unsigned_long (Item'Length), Max_Num => 1); if Objects_Read = 0 then raise RWops_Error with SDL.Error.Get; end if; Last := Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset (Objects_Read); end Read; overriding procedure Write (Stream : in out RWops_Stream; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) is Objects_Written : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long := 0; function SDL_Write (Context : in RWops_Pointer; Ptr : in System.Address; Size : in C.unsigned_long; Num : in C.unsigned_long ) return C.unsigned_long; pragma Import (C, SDL_Write, "write_wrap"); begin -- Re-implemented c-macro: -- #define SDL_RWwrite(ctx, ptr, size, n) (ctx)->write(ctx, ptr, size, n) -- Write : access function -- (Context : RWops_Pointer; -- Ptr : System.Address; -- Size : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; -- Num : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long) return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; Objects_Written := SDL_Write (Context => RWops_Pointer (Stream.Context), Ptr => Item'Address, Size => C.unsigned_long (Item'Length), Num => 1); if Objects_Written = 0 then raise RWops_Error with SDL.Error.Get; end if; end Write; procedure Close (Stream : in out RWops_Stream) is use type C.int; Res : C.int := 0; function SDL_Close (Context : in RWops_Pointer) return C.int; pragma Import (C, SDL_Close, "close_wrap"); begin -- Re-implemented c-macro: -- #define SDL_RWclose(ctx) (ctx)->close(ctx) -- Close : access function -- (Context : RWops_Pointer) return Interfaces.C.int; Res := SDL_Close (Context => RWops_Pointer (Stream.Context)); if Res /= 0 then raise RWops_Error with SDL.Error.Get; end if; end Close; end SDL.RWops.Streams;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Linux-OpenIB" ]
[ "Linux-OpenIB" ]
[ "Linux-OpenIB" ]
-- Abstract : -- -- see spec -- -- Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015, 2017 - 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at -- your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the -- hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even -- the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You -- should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- distributed with this program; see file COPYING. If not, write to -- the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, -- MA 02110-1335, USA. pragma License (GPL); with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; package body WisiToken.BNF is procedure Add (Set : in out Generate_Set_Access; Tuple : in Generate_Tuple) is Prev : Generate_Set_Access := Set; Last : constant Integer := (if Prev = null then 1 else Prev.all'Length + 1); begin Set := new Generate_Set (1 .. Last); for I in 1 .. Last - 1 loop Set (I) := Prev (I); end loop; Set (Last) := Tuple; Free (Prev); end Add; function To_Generate_Algorithm (Item : in String) return Generate_Algorithm is begin for I in Generate_Algorithm loop if To_Lower (Generate_Algorithm_Image (I).all) = To_Lower (Item) then return I; end if; end loop; raise User_Error with "invalid generate algorithm name: '" & Item & "'"; end To_Generate_Algorithm; function To_Output_Language (Item : in String) return Output_Language is begin for I in Output_Language loop if To_Lower (Output_Language_Image (I).all) = To_Lower (Item) then return I; end if; end loop; raise User_Error with "invalid output language name: '" & Item & "'"; end To_Output_Language; function To_Lexer (Item : in String) return Lexer_Type is begin for I in Valid_Lexer loop if Lexer_Image (I).all = To_Lower (Item) then return I; end if; end loop; raise User_Error with "invalid lexer name: '" & Item & "'"; end To_Lexer; function Split_Lines (Item : in String) return String_Lists.List is CR : Character renames ASCII.CR; LF : Character renames ASCII.LF; Result : WisiToken.BNF.String_Lists.List; I : Integer := Item'First; First : Integer := Item'First; Last_Char : Character := ' '; begin loop exit when I > Item'Last; if Item (I) = LF then Result.Append (Item (First .. I - (if Last_Char = CR then 2 else 1))); First := I + 1; elsif I = Item'Last then Result.Append (Item (First .. I)); end if; Last_Char := Item (I); I := I + 1; end loop; return Result; end Split_Lines; function Trim (Item : in String_Lists.List; Comment_Start : in String) return String_Lists.List is use Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; Result : String_Lists.List; Comment : Integer; procedure Maybe_Append (Line : in String) is begin if Line'Length > 0 then Result.Append (Line); end if; end Maybe_Append; begin for Line of Item loop Comment := Index (Line, Comment_Start, Going => Backward); if Comment /= 0 then Maybe_Append (Trim (Line (Line'First .. Comment - 1), Both)); else Maybe_Append (Trim (Line, Both)); end if; end loop; return Result; end Trim; procedure Put_Raw_Code (Comment_Syntax : in String_2; Code : in String_Lists.List; Comment_Only : in Boolean := False) is use Ada.Text_IO; Real_Comment_Only : Boolean := Comment_Only; begin for Line of Code loop if Line'Length >= 2 and then ((Line (Line'First) = Line (Line'First + 1)) and Line (Line'First) /= ' ') then -- The line is a comment. Real_Comment_Only := Real_Comment_Only or Line (Line'First .. Line'First + 1) /= Comment_Syntax; Put_Line (Comment_Syntax & Line (Line'First + 2 .. Line'Last)); elsif Comment_Syntax = Elisp_Comment and (Line'Length > 0 and then Line (Line'First) /= '(') then null; elsif not Comment_Only then Put_Line (Line); end if; end loop; end Put_Raw_Code; procedure Put_File_Header (Comment_Syntax : in String_2; Emacs_Mode : in String := ""; Use_Tuple : in Boolean := False; Tuple : in Generate_Tuple := (others => <>)) is use Ada.Text_IO; begin Put_Line (Comment_Syntax & " generated parser support file." & Emacs_Mode); Put_Command_Line (Comment_Syntax & " ", Use_Tuple, Tuple); Put_Line (Comment_Syntax); end Put_File_Header; function Is_Present (List : in WisiToken.BNF.String_Pair_Lists.List; Name : in String) return Boolean is use all type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; begin for Pair of List loop if Pair.Name = Name then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_Present; function Value (List : in WisiToken.BNF.String_Pair_Lists.List; Name : in String) return String is use all type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; begin for Pair of List loop if Pair.Name = Name then return -Pair.Value; end if; end loop; raise Not_Found; end Value; function Is_Present (List : in Elisp_Action_Maps.Map; Name : in String) return Boolean is use Elisp_Action_Maps; begin return No_Element /= List.Find (+Name); end Is_Present; function Count (Tokens : in Token_Lists.List) return Integer is Result : Integer := 0; begin for Kind of Tokens loop Result := Result + Integer (Kind.Tokens.Length); end loop; return Result; end Count; procedure Add_Token (Tokens : in out Token_Lists.List; Kind : in String; Name : in String; Value : in String) is use type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; begin for Token_Kind of Tokens loop if Token_Kind.Kind = Kind then Token_Kind.Tokens.Append ((+Name, +Value)); return; end if; end loop; -- Kind not found; add it declare Temp : String_Pair_Lists.List; begin Temp.Append ((+Name, +Value)); Tokens.Append ((+Kind, Temp)); end; end Add_Token; function Is_In (Tokens : in Token_Lists.List; Kind : in String) return Boolean is begin for Token of Tokens loop if -Token.Kind = Kind then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_In; function Is_In (Tokens : in Token_Lists.List; Kind : in String; Value : in String) return Boolean is begin for Token of Tokens loop if -Token.Kind = Kind then for Item of Token.Tokens loop if -Item.Value = Value then return True; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_In; function Is_Present (Rules : in Rule_Lists.List; LHS : in String) return Boolean is use Rule_Lists; Found : Boolean := False; procedure Process (Position : in Cursor) is begin if -Rules (Position).Left_Hand_Side = LHS then Found := True; end if; end Process; begin Rules.Iterate (Process'Access); return Found; end Is_Present; function "+" (List : in String_Lists.List; Item : in String) return String_Lists.List is Result : String_Lists.List := List; begin Result.Append (Item); return Result; end "+"; function String_To_String_List (Item : in String) return String_Lists.List is Result : String_Lists.List; begin Result.Append (Item); return Result; end String_To_String_List; function RHS_To_RHS_List (Item : in RHS_Type) return RHS_Lists.List is Result : RHS_Lists.List; begin Result.Append (Item); return Result; end RHS_To_RHS_List; function "+" (List : in RHS_Lists.List; Item : in RHS_Type) return RHS_Lists.List is Result : RHS_Lists.List := List; begin Result.Append (Item); return Result; end "+"; procedure Put_Command_Line (Comment_Prefix : in String; Use_Tuple : in Boolean := False; Tuple : in Generate_Tuple := (others => <>)) is use Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Text_IO; Max_Line_Length : constant := 120; Col : Integer := 0; procedure Put (Item : in String; Leading_Space : in Boolean) is begin if Col > 0 and Col + Item'Length + 1 > Max_Line_Length then New_Line; Col := Comment_Prefix'Length; Put (Comment_Prefix); else if Leading_Space then Put (" "); Col := Col + 1; end if; end if; Col := Col + Item'Length; Put (Item); end Put; begin Put (Comment_Prefix & "command line:", False); Put (Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Command_Name), True); if Use_Tuple then Put (" --generate " & Generate_Algorithm'Image (Tuple.Gen_Alg) & " " & Output_Language_Image (Tuple.Out_Lang).all & (if Tuple.Lexer /= None then " " & Lexer_Image (Tuple.Lexer).all else "") & (if Tuple.Interface_Kind /= None then " " & Interface_Type'Image (Tuple.Interface_Kind) else "") & (if Tuple.Text_Rep then " text_rep" else "") & " " & Argument (Argument_Count), -- .wy file True); else for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop Put (Argument (I), True); end loop; end if; New_Line; end Put_Command_Line; end WisiToken.BNF;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- security-policies-roles -- Role based policies -- Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2017, 2018 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; -- == Role Based Security Policy == -- The `Security.Policies.Roles` package implements a role based security policy. -- In this policy, users are assigned one or several roles and permissions are -- associated with roles. A permission is granted if the user has one of the roles required -- by the permission. -- -- === Policy creation === -- An instance of the `Role_Policy` must be created and registered in the policy manager. -- Get or declare the following variables: -- -- Manager : Security.Policies.Policy_Manager; -- Policy : Security.Policies.Roles.Role_Policy_Access; -- -- Create the role policy and register it in the policy manager as follows: -- -- Policy := new Role_Policy; -- Manager.Add_Policy (Policy.all'Access); -- -- === Policy Configuration === -- A role is represented by a name in security configuration files. A role based permission -- is associated with a list of roles. The permission is granted if the user has one of these -- roles. When the role based policy is registered in the policy manager, the following -- XML configuration is used: -- -- <policy-rules> -- <security-role> -- <role-name>admin</role-name> -- </security-role> -- <security-role> -- <role-name>manager</role-name> -- </security-role> -- <role-permission> -- <name>create-workspace</name> -- <role>admin</role> -- <role>manager</role> -- </role-permission> -- ... -- </policy-rules> -- -- This definition declares two roles: `admin` and `manager` -- It defines a permission `create-workspace` that will be granted if the -- user has either the `admin` or the `manager` role. -- -- Each role is identified by a name in the configuration file. It is represented by -- a `Role_Type`. To provide an efficient implementation, the `Role_Type` -- is represented as an integer with a limit of 64 different roles. -- -- === Assigning roles to users === -- A `Security_Context` must be associated with a set of roles before checking the -- permission. This is done by using the `Set_Role_Context` operation: -- -- Security.Policies.Roles.Set_Role_Context (Security.Contexts.Current, "admin"); -- package Security.Policies.Roles is NAME : constant String := "Role-Policy"; -- Each role is represented by a <b>Role_Type</b> number to provide a fast -- and efficient role check. type Role_Type is new Natural range 0 .. 63; for Role_Type'Size use 8; type Role_Type_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Role_Type; type Role_Name_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.String_Access; -- The <b>Role_Map</b> represents a set of roles which are assigned to a user. -- Each role is represented by a boolean in the map. The implementation is limited -- to 64 roles (the number of different permissions can be higher). type Role_Map is array (Role_Type'Range) of Boolean; pragma Pack (Role_Map); -- Get the number of roles set in the map. function Get_Count (Map : in Role_Map) return Natural; -- Return the list of role names separated by ','. function To_String (List : in Role_Name_Array) return String; -- ------------------------------ -- Role principal context -- ------------------------------ -- The <tt>Role_Principal_Context</tt> interface must be implemented by the user -- <tt>Principal</tt> to be able to use the role based policy. The role based policy -- controller will first check that the <tt>Principal</tt> implements that interface. -- It uses the <tt>Get_Roles</tt> function to get the current roles assigned to the user. type Role_Principal_Context is limited interface; function Get_Roles (User : in Role_Principal_Context) return Role_Map is abstract; -- ------------------------------ -- Policy context -- ------------------------------ -- The <b>Role_Policy_Context</b> gives security context information that the role -- based policy can use to verify the permission. type Role_Policy_Context is new Policy_Context with record Roles : Role_Map; end record; type Role_Policy_Context_Access is access all Role_Policy_Context'Class; -- Set the roles which are assigned to the user in the security context. -- The role policy will use these roles to verify a permission. procedure Set_Role_Context (Context : in out Security.Contexts.Security_Context'Class; Roles : in Role_Map); -- Set the roles which are assigned to the user in the security context. -- The role policy will use these roles to verify a permission. procedure Set_Role_Context (Context : in out Security.Contexts.Security_Context'Class; Roles : in String); -- ------------------------------ -- Role based policy -- ------------------------------ type Role_Policy is new Policy with private; type Role_Policy_Access is access all Role_Policy'Class; Invalid_Name : exception; -- Get the policy name. overriding function Get_Name (From : in Role_Policy) return String; -- Find the role type associated with the role name identified by <b>Name</b>. -- Raises <b>Invalid_Name</b> if there is no role type. function Find_Role (Manager : in Role_Policy; Name : in String) return Role_Type; -- Get the role name. function Get_Role_Name (Manager : in Role_Policy; Role : in Role_Type) return String; -- Get the roles that grant the given permission. function Get_Grants (Manager : in Role_Policy; Permission : in Permissions.Permission_Index) return Role_Map; -- Get the list of role names that are defined by the role map. function Get_Role_Names (Manager : in Role_Policy; Map : in Role_Map) return Role_Name_Array; -- Create a role procedure Create_Role (Manager : in out Role_Policy; Name : in String; Role : out Role_Type); -- Get or add a role type for the given name. procedure Add_Role_Type (Manager : in out Role_Policy; Name : in String; Result : out Role_Type); -- Set the roles specified in the <tt>Roles</tt> parameter. Each role is represented by -- its name and multiple roles are separated by ','. -- Raises Invalid_Name if a role was not found. procedure Set_Roles (Manager : in Role_Policy; Roles : in String; Into : out Role_Map); -- Setup the XML parser to read the <b>role-permission</b> description. overriding procedure Prepare_Config (Policy : in out Role_Policy; Mapper : in out Util.Serialize.Mappers.Processing); -- Finalize the policy manager. overriding procedure Finalize (Policy : in out Role_Policy); -- Get the role policy associated with the given policy manager. -- Returns the role policy instance or null if it was not registered in the policy manager. function Get_Role_Policy (Manager : in Security.Policies.Policy_Manager'Class) return Role_Policy_Access; private -- Array to map a permission index to a list of roles that are granted the permission. type Permission_Role_Array is array (Permission_Index) of Role_Map; type Role_Map_Name_Array is array (Role_Type'Range) of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.String_Access; type Role_Policy is new Policy with record Names : Role_Map_Name_Array := (others => null); Next_Role : Role_Type := Role_Type'First; Name : Util.Beans.Objects.Object; Roles : Role_Type_Array (1 .. Integer (Role_Type'Last)) := (others => 0); Count : Natural := 0; -- The Grants array indicates for each permission the list of roles -- that are granted the permission. This array allows a O(1) lookup. -- The implementation is limited to 256 permissions and 64 roles so this array uses 2K. -- The default is that no role is assigned to the permission. Grants : Permission_Role_Array := (others => (others => False)); end record; end Security.Policies.Roles;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- Copyright 2011-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package body Pck is Last_Word : Word := 0; procedure Call_Me (W : Word) is begin Last_Word := W; end Call_Me; end Pck;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . B B . B O A R D _ S U P P O R T -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid -- -- Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The European Space Agency -- -- Copyright (C) 2003-2016, AdaCore -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- -- The port of GNARL to bare board targets was initially developed by the -- -- Real-Time Systems Group at the Technical University of Madrid. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System.Machine_Code; with System.BB.Parameters; use System.BB.Parameters; package body System.BB.Board_Support is use CPU_Primitives, Interrupts, Machine_Code; Sys_Tick_Vector : constant Vector_Id := 15; Interrupt_Request_Vector : constant Vector_Id := 16; -- See vector definitions in ARMv7-M version of System.BB.CPU_Primitives. -- Defined by ARMv7-M specifications. First_IRQ : constant Interrupt_ID := 2; -- This corresponds to the first IRQ number (handled by the NVIC). This -- offset is present so that the Sys_Tick exception can be handled like -- other interrupts, and because interrupt id 0 is reserved. Alarm_Time : Timer_Interval; pragma Volatile (Alarm_Time); pragma Export (C, Alarm_Time, "__gnat_alarm_time"); --------------------------- -- System control and ID -- --------------------------- ICSR : Word with Volatile, Address => 16#E000_ED04#; -- Interrupt Control State (part of the System Control Block - SCB) ICSR_Pend_ST_Set : constant := 2**26; -- Set pending Sys_Tick (RW) ICSR_Pend_ST_Clr : constant := 2**25; -- Clear pending Sys_Tick (W) ----------------------- -- Sys_Tick Handling -- ----------------------- -- We use the Sys_Tick timer as a periodic timer with 1 kHz rate. This -- is a trade-off between accurate delays, limited overhead and maximum -- time that interrupts may be disabled. Tick_Period : constant Timer_Interval := Clock_Frequency / 1000; type Sys_Tick_Registers is record SYST_CSR : Word; SYST_RVR : Word; SYST_CVR : Word; SYST_CALIB : Word; end record; CSR_Count_Flag : constant := 2**16; CSR_Clk_Source : constant := 2**2; CSR_Tick_Int : constant := 2**1; CSR_Enable : constant := 2**0; RVR_Last : constant := 2**24 - 1; pragma Assert (Tick_Period <= RVR_Last + 1); SYST : Sys_Tick_Registers with Volatile, Address => 16#E000_E010#; -- SysTick control and status register (Part of SYST). Next_Tick_Time : Timer_Interval with Volatile; -- Time when systick will expire. This gives the high digits of the time ---------------------------------------------- -- New Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) -- ---------------------------------------------- NVIC_Base : constant := 16#E000_E000#; -- Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) base. NVIC_ISER0 : constant Address := NVIC_Base + 16#100#; -- Writing a bit mask to this register enables the corresponding interrupts type PRI is mod 2**8; -- Type for ARMv7-M interrupt priorities. Note that 0 is the highest -- priority, which is reserved for the kernel and has no corresponding -- Interrupt_Priority value, and 255 is the lowest. We assume the PRIGROUP -- setting is such that the 4 most significant bits determine the priority -- group used for preemption. However, if less bits are implemented, this -- should still work. function To_PRI (P : Integer) return PRI is (if P not in Interrupt_Priority then 0 else PRI (Interrupt_Priority'Last - P + 1) * 16); -- Return the BASEPRI mask for the given Ada priority. Note that the zero -- value here means no mask, so no interrupts are masked. function To_Priority (P : PRI) return Interrupt_Priority is (if P = 0 then Interrupt_Priority'Last else (Interrupt_Priority'Last - Any_Priority'Base (P / 16) + 1)); -- Given an ARM interrupt priority (PRI value), determine the Ada priority -- While the value 0 is reserved for the kernel and has no Ada priority -- that represents it, Interrupt_Priority'Last is closest. IP : array (Interrupt_ID) of PRI with Volatile, Address => 16#E000_E400#; -- Local utility functions procedure Enable_Interrupt_Request (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID; Prio : Interrupt_Priority); -- Enable interrupt requests for the given interrupt ---------------------- -- Initialize_Board -- ---------------------- procedure Initialize_Board is begin -- Mask interrupts Disable_Interrupts; -- Because we operate the SysTick clock as a periodic timer, and 24 bits -- at 168 MHz is sufficient for that, use the unscaled system clock. -- To initialize the Sys_Tick timer, first disable the clock, then -- program it and finally enable it. This way an accidentally -- misconfigured timer will not cause pending interrupt while -- reprogramming. SYST.SYST_CSR := CSR_Clk_Source; -- disable clock SYST.SYST_RVR := Word (Tick_Period - 1); SYST.SYST_CVR := 0; SYST.SYST_CSR := CSR_Clk_Source or CSR_Enable; Next_Tick_Time := Tick_Period; Set_Alarm (Timer_Interval'Last); Clear_Alarm_Interrupt; Enable_Interrupts (Priority'Last); end Initialize_Board; ------------------------ -- Max_Timer_Interval -- ------------------------ function Max_Timer_Interval return Timer_Interval is (2**32 - 1); ---------------- -- Read_Clock -- ---------------- function Read_Clock return Timer_Interval is PRIMASK : Word; Flag : Boolean; Count : Timer_Interval; Res : Timer_Interval; begin -- As several registers and variables need to be read or modified, do -- it atomically. Asm ("mrs %0, PRIMASK", Outputs => Word'Asm_Output ("=&r", PRIMASK), Volatile => True); Asm ("msr PRIMASK, %0", Inputs => Word'Asm_Input ("r", 1), Volatile => True); -- We must read the counter register before the flag Count := Timer_Interval (SYST.SYST_CVR); -- If we read the flag first, a reload can occur just after the read and -- the count register would wrap around. We'd end up with a Count value -- close to the Tick_Period value but a flag at zero and therefore miss -- the reload and return a wrong clock value. -- This flag is set when the counter has reached zero. Next_Tick_Time -- has to be incremented. This will trigger an interrupt very soon (or -- has just triggered the interrupt), so count is either zero or not far -- from Tick_Period. Flag := (SYST.SYST_CSR and CSR_Count_Flag) /= 0; if Flag then -- Systick counter has just reached zero, pretend it is still zero -- This function is called by the interrupt handler that is executed -- when the counter reaches zero. Therefore, we signal that the next -- interrupt will happen within a period. Note that reading the -- Control and Status register (SYST_CSR) clears the COUNTFLAG bit, -- so even if we have sequential calls to this function, the -- increment of Next_Tick_Time will happen only once. Res := Next_Tick_Time; Next_Tick_Time := Next_Tick_Time + Tick_Period; else -- The counter is decremented, so compute the actual time Res := Next_Tick_Time - Count; end if; -- Restore interrupt mask Asm ("msr PRIMASK, %0", Inputs => Word'Asm_Input ("r", PRIMASK), Volatile => True); return Res; end Read_Clock; --------------------------- -- Clear_Alarm_Interrupt -- --------------------------- procedure Clear_Alarm_Interrupt is begin ICSR := ICSR_Pend_ST_Clr; end Clear_Alarm_Interrupt; -------------------------- -- Clear_Poke_Interrupt -- -------------------------- procedure Clear_Poke_Interrupt is begin null; end Clear_Poke_Interrupt; --------------- -- Set_Alarm -- --------------- procedure Set_Alarm (Ticks : Timer_Interval) is Now : constant Timer_Interval := Read_Clock; begin -- As we will have periodic interrupts for alarms regardless, the only -- thing to do is force an interrupt if the alarm has already expired. Alarm_Time := Now + Timer_Interval'Min (Timer_Interval'Last / 2, Ticks); if Ticks = 0 then ICSR := ICSR_Pend_ST_Set; end if; end Set_Alarm; ------------------------ -- Alarm_Interrupt_ID -- ------------------------ function Alarm_Interrupt_ID return Interrupt_ID is (1); -- Return the interrupt level to use for the alarm clock handler. Note that -- we use a "fake" Interrupt_ID for the alarm interrupt, as it is handled -- specially (not through the NVIC). ----------------------- -- Poke_Interrupt_ID -- ----------------------- function Poke_Interrupt_ID return Interrupt_ID is (No_Interrupt); --------------------------- -- Get_Interrupt_Request -- --------------------------- function Get_Interrupt_Request (Vector : Vector_Id) return Interrupt_ID is Res : Word; begin if Vector = Sys_Tick_Vector then return Alarm_Interrupt_ID; end if; Asm ("mrs %0, ipsr", Word'Asm_Output ("=r", Res), Volatile => True); Res := Res and 16#FF#; -- The exception number is read from the IPSR, convert it to IRQ -- number by substracting 16 (number of cpu exceptions) and then -- convert it to GNAT interrupt_id by adding First_IRQ. return Interrupt_ID'Base (Res) - 16 + First_IRQ; end Get_Interrupt_Request; ------------------------------ -- Enable_Interrupt_Request -- ------------------------------ procedure Enable_Interrupt_Request (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID; Prio : Interrupt_Priority) is begin if Interrupt = Alarm_Interrupt_ID then -- Consistency check with Priority_Of_Interrupt pragma Assert (Prio = Interrupt_Priority'Last); Clear_Alarm_Interrupt; SYST.SYST_CSR := SYST.SYST_CSR or CSR_Tick_Int; else declare pragma Assert (Interrupt >= First_IRQ); IRQ : constant Natural := Interrupt - First_IRQ; Regofs : constant Natural := IRQ / 32; Regbit : constant Word := 2** (IRQ mod 32); NVIC_ISER : array (0 .. 15) of Word with Volatile, Address => NVIC_ISER0; -- Many NVIC registers use 16 words of 32 bits each to serve as a -- bitmap for all interrupt channels. Regofs indicates register -- offset (0 .. 15), and Regbit indicates the mask required for -- addressing the bit. begin NVIC_ISER (Regofs) := Regbit; end; end if; end Enable_Interrupt_Request; ------------------------------- -- Install_Interrupt_Handler -- ------------------------------- procedure Install_Interrupt_Handler (Handler : Address; Interrupt : Interrupts.Interrupt_ID; Prio : Interrupt_Priority) is begin if Interrupt = Alarm_Interrupt_ID then Install_Trap_Handler (Handler, Sys_Tick_Vector); else IP (Interrupt - First_IRQ) := To_PRI (Prio); Install_Trap_Handler (Handler, Interrupt_Request_Vector); end if; Enable_Interrupt_Request (Interrupt, Prio); end Install_Interrupt_Handler; --------------------------- -- Priority_Of_Interrupt -- --------------------------- function Priority_Of_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Any_Priority is -- Interrupt 2 .. 83 correspond to IRQ0 .. IRQ81 (if Interrupt = Alarm_Interrupt_ID then Interrupt_Priority'Last else To_Priority (IP (Interrupt - First_IRQ))); ---------------- -- Power_Down -- ---------------- procedure Power_Down is begin Asm ("wfi", Volatile => True); end Power_Down; ----------------------------- -- Clear_Interrupt_Request -- ----------------------------- procedure Clear_Interrupt_Request (Interrupt : Interrupts.Interrupt_ID) is null; -------------------------- -- Set_Current_Priority -- -------------------------- procedure Set_Current_Priority (Priority : Integer) is begin -- Writing a 0 to BASEPRI disables interrupt masking, while values -- 15 .. 1 correspond to interrupt priorities 255 .. 241 in that order. Asm ("msr BASEPRI, %0", Inputs => PRI'Asm_Input ("r", To_PRI (Priority)), Volatile => True); end Set_Current_Priority; end System.BB.Board_Support;
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- G N A T . C G I . D E B U G -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- $Revision$ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2000 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is a package to help debugging CGI (Common Gateway Interface) -- programs written in Ada. package GNAT.CGI.Debug is -- Both functions below output all possible CGI parameters set. These -- are the form field and all CGI environment variables which make the -- CGI environment at runtime. function Text_Output return String; -- Returns a plain text version of the CGI runtime environment function HTML_Output return String; -- Returns an HTML version of the CGI runtime environment end GNAT.CGI.Debug;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
with AUnit.Assertions; use AUnit.Assertions; with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; package body Day.Test is procedure Test_Part1 (T : in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is pragma Unreferenced (T); passwords : constant Password_Vector.Vector := load_passwords("test1.txt"); count : constant Count_Type := count_valid(passwords); begin Assert(count = 2, "Wrong valid password count, expected 2, got " & Count_Type'IMAGE(count)); end Test_Part1; procedure Test_Part2 (T : in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is pragma Unreferenced (T); passwords : constant Password_Vector.Vector := load_passwords("test1.txt"); count : constant Count_Type := count_valid_positions(passwords); begin Assert(count = 1, "Wrong valid password position count, expected 1, got " & Count_Type'IMAGE(count)); end Test_Part2; function Name (T : Test) return AUnit.Message_String is pragma Unreferenced (T); begin return AUnit.Format ("Test Day package"); end Name; procedure Register_Tests (T : in out Test) is use AUnit.Test_Cases.Registration; begin Register_Routine (T, Test_Part1'Access, "Test Part 1"); Register_Routine (T, Test_Part2'Access, "Test Part 2"); end Register_Tests; end Day.Test;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . D E B U G -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1997-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package encapsulates all direct interfaces to task debugging services -- that are needed by gdb with gnat mode. with System.Tasking; with System.OS_Interface; package System.Tasking.Debug is pragma Preelaborate; ------------------------------------------ -- Application-level debugging routines -- ------------------------------------------ procedure List_Tasks; -- Print a list of all the known Ada tasks with abbreviated state -- information, one-per-line, to the standard error file. procedure Print_Current_Task; -- Write information about current task, in hexadecimal, as one line, to -- the standard error file. procedure Print_Task_Info (T : Task_Id); -- Similar to Print_Current_Task, for a given task. procedure Set_User_State (Value : Long_Integer); -- Set user state value in the current task. -- This state will be displayed when calling List_Tasks or -- Print_Current_Task. It is useful for setting task specific state. function Get_User_State return Long_Integer; -- Return the user state for the current task. ------------------------- -- General GDB support -- ------------------------- Known_Tasks : array (0 .. 999) of Task_Id := (others => null); -- Global array of tasks read by gdb, and updated by -- Create_Task and Finalize_TCB ---------------------------------- -- VxWorks specific GDB support -- ---------------------------------- -- Although the following routines are implemented in a target independent -- manner, only VxWorks currently uses them. procedure Task_Creation_Hook (Thread : OS_Interface.Thread_Id); -- This procedure is used to notify GDB of task's creation. -- It must be called by the task's creator. procedure Task_Termination_Hook; -- This procedure is used to notify GDB of task's termination. procedure Suspend_All_Tasks (Thread_Self : OS_Interface.Thread_Id); -- Suspend all the tasks except the one whose associated thread is -- Thread_Self by traversing All_Tasks_Lists and calling -- System.Task_Primitives.Operations.Suspend_Task. procedure Resume_All_Tasks (Thread_Self : OS_Interface.Thread_Id); -- Resume all the tasks except the one whose associated thread is -- Thread_Self by traversing All_Tasks_Lists and calling -- System.Task_Primitives.Operations.Continue_Task. ------------------------------- -- Run-time tracing routines -- ------------------------------- procedure Trace (Self_Id : Task_Id; Msg : String; Flag : Character; Other_Id : Task_Id := null); -- If traces for Flag are enabled, display on Standard_Error a given -- message for the current task. Other_Id is an optional second task id -- to display. procedure Set_Trace (Flag : Character; Value : Boolean := True); -- Enable or disable tracing for Flag. -- By default, flags in the range 'A' .. 'Z' are disabled, others are -- enabled. end System.Tasking.Debug;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- Auto generated file. Don't edit -- Read copyright and license at the end of this file package Encodings.Maps.ISO_8859_15 is function Decode (Char : Character) return Wide_Character; pragma Inline (Decode); procedure Encode (Text : in Wide_String; Text_Last : out Natural; Result : out Raw_String; Result_Last : out Natural; Map : in Encoding := Encodings.ISO_8859_15); procedure Decode (Text : in Raw_String; Text_Last : out Natural; Result : out Wide_String; Result_Last : out Natural; Map : in Encoding := Encodings.ISO_8859_15); end Encodings.Maps.ISO_8859_15; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2006-2013, Maxim Reznik -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- * Neither the name of the Maxim Reznik, IE nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR -- CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
function "-" (Left, Right : Luminance) return Count is begin if Left > Right then return Count (Left) - Count (Right); else return Count (Right) - Count (Left); end if; end "-";
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNU ADA RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . O S _ I N T E R F A C E -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1991-1994, Florida State University -- -- Copyright (C) 1995-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is the GNU/Hurd (POSIX Threads) version of this package -- This package encapsulates all direct interfaces to OS services -- that are needed by children of System. -- PLEASE DO NOT add any with-clauses to this package or remove the pragma -- Preelaborate. This package is designed to be a bottom-level (leaf) package with Interfaces.C; with Unchecked_Conversion; package System.OS_Interface is pragma Preelaborate; pragma Linker_Options ("-lpthread"); pragma Linker_Options ("-lrt"); subtype int is Interfaces.C.int; subtype char is Interfaces.C.char; subtype short is Interfaces.C.short; subtype long is Interfaces.C.long; subtype unsigned is Interfaces.C.unsigned; subtype unsigned_short is Interfaces.C.unsigned_short; subtype unsigned_long is Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; subtype unsigned_char is Interfaces.C.unsigned_char; subtype plain_char is Interfaces.C.plain_char; subtype size_t is Interfaces.C.size_t; ----------- -- Errno -- ----------- -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/errno.h function errno return int; pragma Import (C, errno, "__get_errno"); EAGAIN : constant := 1073741859; EINTR : constant := 1073741828; EINVAL : constant := 1073741846; ENOMEM : constant := 1073741836; EPERM : constant := 1073741825; ETIMEDOUT : constant := 1073741884; ------------- -- Signals -- ------------- -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/signum.h Max_Interrupt : constant := 32; type Signal is new int range 0 .. Max_Interrupt; for Signal'Size use int'Size; SIGHUP : constant := 1; -- hangup SIGINT : constant := 2; -- interrupt (rubout) SIGQUIT : constant := 3; -- quit (ASCD FS) SIGILL : constant := 4; -- illegal instruction (not reset) SIGTRAP : constant := 5; -- trace trap (not reset) SIGIOT : constant := 6; -- IOT instruction SIGABRT : constant := 6; -- used by abort, replace SIGIOT in the future SIGEMT : constant := 7; -- EMT instruction SIGFPE : constant := 8; -- floating point exception SIGKILL : constant := 9; -- kill (cannot be caught or ignored) SIGBUS : constant := 10; -- bus error SIGSEGV : constant := 11; -- segmentation violation SIGSYS : constant := 12; -- bad argument to system call SIGPIPE : constant := 13; -- write on a pipe with no one to read it SIGALRM : constant := 14; -- alarm clock SIGTERM : constant := 15; -- software termination signal from kill SIGURG : constant := 16; -- urgent condition on IO channel SIGSTOP : constant := 17; -- stop (cannot be caught or ignored) SIGTSTP : constant := 18; -- user stop requested from tty SIGCONT : constant := 19; -- stopped process has been continued SIGCLD : constant := 20; -- alias for SIGCHLD SIGCHLD : constant := 20; -- child status change SIGTTIN : constant := 21; -- background tty read attempted SIGTTOU : constant := 22; -- background tty write attempted SIGIO : constant := 23; -- I/O possible (Solaris SIGPOLL alias) SIGPOLL : constant := 23; -- I/O possible (same as SIGIO?) SIGXCPU : constant := 24; -- CPU time limit exceeded SIGXFSZ : constant := 25; -- filesize limit exceeded SIGVTALRM : constant := 26; -- virtual timer expired SIGPROF : constant := 27; -- profiling timer expired SIGWINCH : constant := 28; -- window size change SIGINFO : constant := 29; -- information request (NetBSD/FreeBSD) SIGUSR1 : constant := 30; -- user defined signal 1 SIGUSR2 : constant := 31; -- user defined signal 2 SIGLOST : constant := 32; -- Resource lost (Sun); server died (GNU) SIGADAABORT : constant := SIGABRT; -- Change this if you want to use another signal for task abort. -- SIGTERM might be a good one. type Signal_Set is array (Natural range <>) of Signal; Unmasked : constant Signal_Set := ( SIGTRAP, -- To enable debugging on multithreaded applications, mark SIGTRAP to -- be kept unmasked. SIGBUS, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, SIGTSTP, -- Keep these three signals unmasked so that background processes -- and IO behaves as normal "C" applications SIGPROF, -- To avoid confusing the profiler SIGKILL, SIGSTOP); -- These two signals actually cannot be masked; -- POSIX simply won't allow it. Reserved : constant Signal_Set := -- I am not sure why the following signal is reserved. -- I guess they are not supported by this version of GNU/Hurd. (0 .. 0 => SIGVTALRM); type sigset_t is private; -- From /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sigset.h function sigaddset (set : access sigset_t; sig : Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, sigaddset, "sigaddset"); function sigdelset (set : access sigset_t; sig : Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, sigdelset, "sigdelset"); function sigfillset (set : access sigset_t) return int; pragma Import (C, sigfillset, "sigfillset"); function sigismember (set : access sigset_t; sig : Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, sigismember, "sigismember"); function sigemptyset (set : access sigset_t) return int; pragma Import (C, sigemptyset, "sigemptyset"); -- sigcontext is architecture dependent, so define it private type struct_sigcontext is private; -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sigaction.h: Note: arg. order differs type struct_sigaction is record sa_handler : System.Address; sa_mask : sigset_t; sa_flags : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, struct_sigaction); type struct_sigaction_ptr is access all struct_sigaction; -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sigaction.h SIG_BLOCK : constant := 1; SIG_UNBLOCK : constant := 2; SIG_SETMASK : constant := 3; -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/signum.h SIG_ERR : constant := 1; SIG_DFL : constant := 0; SIG_IGN : constant := 1; SIG_HOLD : constant := 2; -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sigaction.h SA_SIGINFO : constant := 16#0040#; SA_ONSTACK : constant := 16#0001#; function sigaction (sig : Signal; act : struct_sigaction_ptr; oact : struct_sigaction_ptr) return int; pragma Import (C, sigaction, "sigaction"); ---------- -- Time -- ---------- Time_Slice_Supported : constant Boolean := True; -- Indicates whether time slicing is supported (i.e SCHED_RR is supported) type timespec is private; function nanosleep (rqtp, rmtp : access timespec) return int; pragma Import (C, nanosleep, "nanosleep"); type clockid_t is new int; CLOCK_REALTIME : constant clockid_t := 0; -- From: /usr/include/time.h function clock_gettime (clock_id : clockid_t; tp : access timespec) return int; pragma Import (C, clock_gettime, "clock_gettime"); function clock_getres (clock_id : clockid_t; res : access timespec) return int; pragma Import (C, clock_getres, "clock_getres"); function To_Duration (TS : timespec) return Duration; pragma Inline (To_Duration); function To_Timespec (D : Duration) return timespec; pragma Inline (To_Timespec); -- From: /usr/include/unistd.h function sysconf (name : int) return long; pragma Import (C, sysconf); -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/confname.h SC_CLK_TCK : constant := 2; SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN : constant := 84; ------------------------- -- Priority Scheduling -- ------------------------- -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sched.h SCHED_OTHER : constant := 0; SCHED_FIFO : constant := 1; SCHED_RR : constant := 2; function To_Target_Priority (Prio : System.Any_Priority) return Interfaces.C.int; -- Maps System.Any_Priority to a POSIX priority. ------------- -- Process -- ------------- type pid_t is private; -- From: /usr/include/signal.h function kill (pid : pid_t; sig : Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, kill, "kill"); -- From: /usr/include/unistd.h function getpid return pid_t; pragma Import (C, getpid, "getpid"); --------- -- LWP -- --------- -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthread.h function lwp_self return System.Address; -- lwp_self does not exist on this thread library, revert to pthread_self -- which is the closest approximation (with getpid). This function is -- needed to share 7staprop.adb across POSIX-like targets. pragma Import (C, lwp_self, "pthread_self"); ------------- -- Threads -- ------------- type Thread_Body is access function (arg : System.Address) return System.Address; pragma Convention (C, Thread_Body); function Thread_Body_Access is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Thread_Body); -- From: /usr/include/bits/pthread.h:typedef int __pthread_t; -- /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h:typedef __pthread_t pthread_t; type pthread_t is new unsigned_long; subtype Thread_Id is pthread_t; function To_pthread_t is new Unchecked_Conversion (unsigned_long, pthread_t); type pthread_mutex_t is limited private; type pthread_rwlock_t is limited private; type pthread_cond_t is limited private; type pthread_attr_t is limited private; type pthread_mutexattr_t is limited private; type pthread_rwlockattr_t is limited private; type pthread_condattr_t is limited private; type pthread_key_t is private; -- From /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED : constant := 1; PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE : constant := 0; PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS : constant := 1; PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM : constant := 0; ----------- -- Stack -- ----------- -- From: /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sigstack.h type stack_t is record ss_sp : System.Address; ss_size : size_t; ss_flags : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, stack_t); function sigaltstack (ss : not null access stack_t; oss : access stack_t) return int; pragma Import (C, sigaltstack, "sigaltstack"); Alternate_Stack : aliased System.Address; -- This is a dummy definition, never used (Alternate_Stack_Size is null) Alternate_Stack_Size : constant := 0; -- No alternate signal stack is used on this platform Stack_Base_Available : constant Boolean := False; -- Indicates whether the stack base is available on this target function Get_Stack_Base (thread : pthread_t) return Address; pragma Inline (Get_Stack_Base); -- returns the stack base of the specified thread. Only call this function -- when Stack_Base_Available is True. -- From: /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/shm.h function Get_Page_Size return int; pragma Import (C, Get_Page_Size, "getpagesize"); -- Returns the size of a page -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/mman.h PROT_NONE : constant := 0; PROT_READ : constant := 4; PROT_WRITE : constant := 2; PROT_EXEC : constant := 1; PROT_ALL : constant := PROT_READ + PROT_WRITE + PROT_EXEC; PROT_ON : constant := PROT_NONE; PROT_OFF : constant := PROT_ALL; -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/mman.h function mprotect (addr : Address; len : size_t; prot : int) return int; pragma Import (C, mprotect); --------------------------------------- -- Nonstandard Thread Initialization -- --------------------------------------- procedure pthread_init; pragma Inline (pthread_init); -- This is a dummy procedure to share some GNULLI files ------------------------- -- POSIX.1c Section 3 -- ------------------------- -- From: /usr/include/signal.h: -- sigwait (__const sigset_t *__restrict __set, int *__restrict __sig) function sigwait (set : access sigset_t; sig : access Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, sigwait, "sigwait"); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthread.h: -- extern int pthread_kill (pthread_t thread, int signo); function pthread_kill (thread : pthread_t; sig : Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_kill, "pthread_kill"); -- From: /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sigthread.h -- extern int pthread_sigmask (int __how, __const __sigset_t *__newmask, -- __sigset_t *__oldmask) __THROW; function pthread_sigmask (how : int; set : access sigset_t; oset : access sigset_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_sigmask, "pthread_sigmask"); -------------------------- -- POSIX.1c Section 11 -- -------------------------- -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthread.h and -- /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h function pthread_mutexattr_init (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_init, "pthread_mutexattr_init"); function pthread_mutexattr_destroy (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, "pthread_mutexattr_destroy"); function pthread_mutex_init (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t; attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_init, "pthread_mutex_init"); function pthread_mutex_destroy (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_destroy, "pthread_mutex_destroy"); function pthread_mutex_lock (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_lock, "pthread_mutex_lock"); function pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_unlock, "pthread_mutex_unlock"); function pthread_rwlockattr_init (attr : access pthread_rwlockattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_init, "pthread_rwlockattr_init"); function pthread_rwlockattr_destroy (attr : access pthread_rwlockattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_destroy, "pthread_rwlockattr_destroy"); PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP : constant := 0; PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NP : constant := 1; PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP : constant := 2; function pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np (attr : access pthread_rwlockattr_t; pref : int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np, "pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np"); function pthread_rwlock_init (mutex : access pthread_rwlock_t; attr : access pthread_rwlockattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_init, "pthread_rwlock_init"); function pthread_rwlock_destroy (mutex : access pthread_rwlock_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_destroy, "pthread_rwlock_destroy"); function pthread_rwlock_rdlock (mutex : access pthread_rwlock_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_rdlock, "pthread_rwlock_rdlock"); function pthread_rwlock_wrlock (mutex : access pthread_rwlock_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_wrlock, "pthread_rwlock_wrlock"); function pthread_rwlock_unlock (mutex : access pthread_rwlock_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_unlock, "pthread_rwlock_unlock"); function pthread_condattr_init (attr : access pthread_condattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_init, "pthread_condattr_init"); function pthread_condattr_destroy (attr : access pthread_condattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_destroy, "pthread_condattr_destroy"); function pthread_cond_init (cond : access pthread_cond_t; attr : access pthread_condattr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_init, "pthread_cond_init"); function pthread_cond_destroy (cond : access pthread_cond_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_destroy, "pthread_cond_destroy"); function pthread_cond_signal (cond : access pthread_cond_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_signal, "pthread_cond_signal"); function pthread_cond_wait (cond : access pthread_cond_t; mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_wait, "pthread_cond_wait"); function pthread_cond_timedwait (cond : access pthread_cond_t; mutex : access pthread_mutex_t; abstime : access timespec) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_timedwait, "pthread_cond_timedwait"); Relative_Timed_Wait : constant Boolean := False; -- pthread_cond_timedwait requires an absolute delay time -------------------------- -- POSIX.1c Section 13 -- -------------------------- -- From /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE : constant := 0; PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 2; PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 1; -- GNU/Hurd does not support Thread Priority Protection or Thread -- Priority Inheritance and lacks some pthread_mutexattr_* functions. -- Replace them with dummy versions. -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthread.h function pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; protocol : int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol, "pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol"); function pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; protocol : access int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol, "pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol"); function pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; prioceiling : int) return int; function pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; prioceiling : access int) return int; type struct_sched_param is record sched_priority : int; -- scheduling priority end record; pragma Convention (C, struct_sched_param); function pthread_setschedparam (thread : pthread_t; policy : int; param : access struct_sched_param) return int; function pthread_attr_setscope (attr : access pthread_attr_t; contentionscope : int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setscope, "pthread_attr_setscope"); function pthread_attr_getscope (attr : access pthread_attr_t; contentionscope : access int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getscope, "pthread_attr_getscope"); function pthread_attr_setinheritsched (attr : access pthread_attr_t; inheritsched : int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setinheritsched, "pthread_attr_setinheritsched"); function pthread_attr_getinheritsched (attr : access pthread_attr_t; inheritsched : access int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getinheritsched, "pthread_attr_getinheritsched"); function pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (attr : access pthread_attr_t; policy : int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setschedpolicy, "pthread_setschedpolicy"); function sched_yield return int; pragma Import (C, sched_yield, "sched_yield"); --------------------------- -- P1003.1c - Section 16 -- --------------------------- function pthread_attr_init (attributes : access pthread_attr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_init, "pthread_attr_init"); function pthread_attr_destroy (attributes : access pthread_attr_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_destroy, "pthread_attr_destroy"); function pthread_attr_setdetachstate (attr : access pthread_attr_t; detachstate : int) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setdetachstate, "pthread_attr_setdetachstate"); function pthread_attr_setstacksize (attr : access pthread_attr_t; stacksize : size_t) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setstacksize, "pthread_attr_setstacksize"); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthread.h function pthread_create (thread : access pthread_t; attributes : access pthread_attr_t; start_routine : Thread_Body; arg : System.Address) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_create, "pthread_create"); procedure pthread_exit (status : System.Address); pragma Import (C, pthread_exit, "pthread_exit"); function pthread_self return pthread_t; pragma Import (C, pthread_self, "pthread_self"); -------------------------- -- POSIX.1c Section 17 -- -------------------------- function pthread_setspecific (key : pthread_key_t; value : System.Address) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_setspecific, "pthread_setspecific"); function pthread_getspecific (key : pthread_key_t) return System.Address; pragma Import (C, pthread_getspecific, "pthread_getspecific"); type destructor_pointer is access procedure (arg : System.Address); pragma Convention (C, destructor_pointer); function pthread_key_create (key : access pthread_key_t; destructor : destructor_pointer) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_key_create, "pthread_key_create"); -- From /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/sched.h CPU_SETSIZE : constant := 1_024; type bit_field is array (1 .. CPU_SETSIZE) of Boolean; for bit_field'Size use CPU_SETSIZE; pragma Pack (bit_field); pragma Convention (C, bit_field); type cpu_set_t is record bits : bit_field; end record; pragma Convention (C, cpu_set_t); private type sigset_t is array (1 .. 4) of unsigned; -- In GNU/Hurd the component sa_handler turns out to -- be one a union type, and the selector is a macro: -- #define sa_handler __sigaction_handler.sa_handler -- #define sa_sigaction __sigaction_handler.sa_sigaction -- Should we add a signal_context type here ? -- How could it be done independent of the CPU architecture ? -- sigcontext type is opaque, so it is architecturally neutral. -- It is always passed as an access type, so define it as an empty record -- since the contents are not used anywhere. type struct_sigcontext is null record; pragma Convention (C, struct_sigcontext); type pid_t is new int; type time_t is new long; type timespec is record tv_sec : time_t; tv_nsec : long; end record; pragma Convention (C, timespec); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: -- typedef struct __pthread_attr pthread_attr_t; -- /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/thread-attr.h: struct __pthread_attr... -- /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: enum __pthread_contentionscope -- enum __pthread_detachstate detachstate; -- enum __pthread_inheritsched inheritsched; -- enum __pthread_contentionscope contentionscope; -- Not used: schedpolicy : int; type pthread_attr_t is record schedparam : struct_sched_param; stackaddr : System.Address; stacksize : size_t; guardsize : size_t; detachstate : int; inheritsched : int; contentionscope : int; schedpolicy : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_attr_t); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: -- typedef struct __pthread_condattr pthread_condattr_t; -- From: /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/condition-attr.h: -- struct __pthread_condattr { -- enum __pthread_process_shared pshared; -- __Clockid_T Clock;} -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: -- enum __pthread_process_shared type pthread_condattr_t is record pshared : int; clock : clockid_t; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_condattr_t); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: -- typedef struct __pthread_mutexattr pthread_mutexattr_t; and -- /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/mutex-attr.h -- struct __pthread_mutexattr { -- int prioceiling; -- enum __pthread_mutex_protocol protocol; -- enum __pthread_process_shared pshared; -- enum __pthread_mutex_type mutex_type;}; type pthread_mutexattr_t is record prioceiling : int; protocol : int; pshared : int; mutex_type : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutexattr_t); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h -- typedef struct __pthread_mutex pthread_mutex_t; and -- /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/mutex.h: -- struct __pthread_mutex { -- __pthread_spinlock_t __held; -- __pthread_spinlock_t __lock; -- /* in cthreads, mutex_init does not initialized the third -- pointer, as such, we cannot rely on its value for anything. */ -- char *cthreadscompat1; -- struct __pthread *__queue; -- struct __pthread_mutexattr *attr; -- void *data; -- /* up to this point, we are completely compatible with cthreads -- and what libc expects. */ -- void *owner; -- unsigned locks; -- /* if null then the default attributes apply. */ -- }; type pthread_mutex_t is record held : int; lock : int; cthreadcompat : System.Address; queue : System.Address; attr : System.Address; data : System.Address; owner : System.Address; locks : unsigned; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutex_t); -- pointer needed? -- type pthread_mutex_t_ptr is access pthread_mutex_t; -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: -- typedef struct __pthread_cond pthread_cond_t; -- typedef struct __pthread_condattr pthread_condattr_t; -- /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/condition.h:struct __pthread_cond{} -- pthread_condattr_t: see above! -- /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/condition.h: -- struct __pthread_condimpl *__impl; type pthread_cond_t is record lock : int; queue : System.Address; condattr : System.Address; impl : System.Address; data : System.Address; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_cond_t); -- From: /usr/include/pthread/pthreadtypes.h: -- typedef __pthread_key pthread_key_t; and -- /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/thread-specific.h: -- typedef int __pthread_key; type pthread_key_t is new int; -- From: /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/rwlock-attr.h: -- struct __pthread_rwlockattr { -- enum __pthread_process_shared pshared; }; type pthread_rwlockattr_t is record pshared : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_rwlockattr_t); -- From: /usr/include/i386-gnu/bits/rwlock.h: -- struct __pthread_rwlock { -- __pthread_spinlock_t __held; -- __pthread_spinlock_t __lock; -- int readers; -- struct __pthread *readerqueue; -- struct __pthread *writerqueue; -- struct __pthread_rwlockattr *__attr; -- void *__data; }; type pthread_rwlock_t is record held : int; lock : int; readers : int; readerqueue : System.Address; writerqueue : System.Address; attr : pthread_rwlockattr_t; data : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, pthread_rwlock_t); end System.OS_Interface;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- C87B09C.ADA -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- CHECK THAT OVERLOADING RESOLUTION USES THE RULE THAT: -- -- IN A FLOATING POINT TYPE DEFINITION, THE DIGITS EXPRESSION MUST -- BE OF SOME INTEGRAL TYPE. SIMILARLY, THE DELTA EXPRESSION IN A -- FIXED POINT TYPE DEFINITION MUST BE OF SOME REAL TYPE. -- TRH 30 JUNE 82 WITH REPORT; USE REPORT; PROCEDURE C87B09C IS FUNCTION "+" (X : INTEGER) RETURN FLOAT IS BEGIN FAILED ("DIGITS EXPRESSION MUST BE OF AN INTEGRAL TYPE"); RETURN 2.0; END "+"; FUNCTION "+" (X : FLOAT) RETURN INTEGER IS BEGIN FAILED ("DELTA EXPRESSION MUST BE OF A REAL TYPE"); RETURN 2; END "+"; BEGIN TEST ("C87B09C","OVERLOADED DIGITS/DELTA EXPRESSIONS IN " & "REAL TYPE DEFINITIONS"); DECLARE TYPE EXACT IS DIGITS "+" (4); TYPE CENTI IS DELTA "+" (0.01) RANGE -2.0 .. 2.0; TYPE CLOSE IS DIGITS "+" (2) RANGE -1.0 .. 1.0; TYPE DECI IS DELTA "+" (0.1) RANGE -1.0 .. 1.0; BEGIN NULL; END; RESULT; END C87B09C;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
with Bitmaps.RGB; package ImageOps is function Manhattan_Distance (A, B : in Bitmaps.RGB.Pixel) return Natural; function Adj_Distance_Sum (Source : in Bitmaps.RGB.Image) return Long_Integer; procedure Noise (Target : in out Bitmaps.RGB.Image); end ImageOps;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- P A R . C H 1 2 -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks); -- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order -- by RM section rather than alphabetical separate (Par) package body Ch12 is -- Local functions, used only in this chapter function P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Package_Declaration return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Type_Declaration return Node_Id; function P_Formal_Type_Definition return Node_Id; function P_Generic_Association return Node_Id; procedure P_Formal_Object_Declarations (Decls : List_Id); -- Scans one or more formal object declarations and appends them to -- Decls. Scans more than one declaration only in the case where the -- source has a declaration with multiple defining identifiers. -------------------------------- -- 12.1 Generic (also 8.5.5) -- -------------------------------- -- This routine parses either one of the forms of a generic declaration -- or a generic renaming declaration. -- GENERIC_DECLARATION ::= -- GENERIC_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION | GENERIC_PACKAGE_DECLARATION -- GENERIC_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION ::= -- GENERIC_FORMAL_PART SUBPROGRAM_SPECIFICATION -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- GENERIC_PACKAGE_DECLARATION ::= -- GENERIC_FORMAL_PART PACKAGE_SPECIFICATION -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- GENERIC_FORMAL_PART ::= -- generic {GENERIC_FORMAL_PARAMETER_DECLARATION | USE_CLAUSE} -- GENERIC_RENAMING_DECLARATION ::= -- generic package DEFINING_PROGRAM_UNIT_NAME -- renames generic_package_NAME -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- | generic procedure DEFINING_PROGRAM_UNIT_NAME -- renames generic_procedure_NAME -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- | generic function DEFINING_PROGRAM_UNIT_NAME -- renames generic_function_NAME -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- GENERIC_FORMAL_PARAMETER_DECLARATION ::= -- FORMAL_OBJECT_DECLARATION -- | FORMAL_TYPE_DECLARATION -- | FORMAL_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION -- | FORMAL_PACKAGE_DECLARATION -- The caller has checked that the initial token is GENERIC -- Error recovery: can raise Error_Resync function P_Generic return Node_Id is Gen_Sloc : constant Source_Ptr := Token_Ptr; Gen_Decl : Node_Id; Decl_Node : Node_Id; Decls : List_Id; Def_Unit : Node_Id; Ren_Token : Token_Type; Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State; begin Scan; -- past GENERIC if Token = Tok_Private then Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX ("PRIVATE goes before GENERIC, not after"); Scan; -- past junk PRIVATE token end if; Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at token past GENERIC -- Check for generic renaming declaration case if Token = Tok_Package or else Token = Tok_Function or else Token = Tok_Procedure then Ren_Token := Token; Scan; -- scan past PACKAGE, FUNCTION or PROCEDURE if Token = Tok_Identifier then Def_Unit := P_Defining_Program_Unit_Name; Check_Misspelling_Of (Tok_Renames); if Token = Tok_Renames then if Ren_Token = Tok_Package then Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration, Gen_Sloc); elsif Ren_Token = Tok_Procedure then Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration, Gen_Sloc); else -- Ren_Token = Tok_Function then Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration, Gen_Sloc); end if; Scan; -- past RENAMES Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Decl_Node, Def_Unit); Set_Name (Decl_Node, P_Name); P_Aspect_Specifications (Decl_Node, Semicolon => False); TF_Semicolon; return Decl_Node; end if; end if; end if; -- Fall through if this is *not* a generic renaming declaration Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); Decls := New_List; -- Loop through generic parameter declarations and use clauses Decl_Loop : loop P_Pragmas_Opt (Decls); if Token = Tok_Private then Error_Msg_S ("generic private child packages not permitted"); Scan; -- past PRIVATE end if; if Token = Tok_Use then P_Use_Clause (Decls); else -- Parse a generic parameter declaration if Token = Tok_Identifier then P_Formal_Object_Declarations (Decls); elsif Token = Tok_Type then Append (P_Formal_Type_Declaration, Decls); elsif Token = Tok_With then Scan; -- past WITH if Token = Tok_Package then Append (P_Formal_Package_Declaration, Decls); elsif Token = Tok_Procedure or Token = Tok_Function then Append (P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration, Decls); else Error_Msg_BC -- CODEFIX ("FUNCTION, PROCEDURE or PACKAGE expected here"); Resync_Past_Semicolon; end if; elsif Token = Tok_Subtype then Error_Msg_SC ("subtype declaration not allowed " & "as generic parameter declaration!"); Resync_Past_Semicolon; else exit Decl_Loop; end if; end if; end loop Decl_Loop; -- Generic formal part is scanned, scan out subprogram or package spec if Token = Tok_Package then Gen_Decl := New_Node (N_Generic_Package_Declaration, Gen_Sloc); Set_Specification (Gen_Decl, P_Package (Pf_Spcn)); -- Aspects have been parsed by the package spec. Move them to the -- generic declaration where they belong. Move_Aspects (Specification (Gen_Decl), Gen_Decl); else Gen_Decl := New_Node (N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration, Gen_Sloc); Set_Specification (Gen_Decl, P_Subprogram_Specification); if Nkind (Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Gen_Decl))) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name and then Scope.Last > 0 then Error_Msg_SP ("child unit allowed only at library level"); end if; P_Aspect_Specifications (Gen_Decl); end if; Set_Generic_Formal_Declarations (Gen_Decl, Decls); return Gen_Decl; end P_Generic; ------------------------------- -- 12.1 Generic Declaration -- ------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1) ------------------------------------------ -- 12.1 Generic Subprogram Declaration -- ------------------------------------------ -- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1) --------------------------------------- -- 12.1 Generic Package Declaration -- --------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1) ------------------------------- -- 12.1 Generic Formal Part -- ------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1) ------------------------------------------------- -- 12.1 Generic Formal Parameter Declaration -- ------------------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1) --------------------------------- -- 12.3 Generic Instantiation -- --------------------------------- -- Generic package instantiation parsed by P_Package (7.1) -- Generic procedure instantiation parsed by P_Subprogram (6.1) -- Generic function instantiation parsed by P_Subprogram (6.1) ------------------------------- -- 12.3 Generic Actual Part -- ------------------------------- -- GENERIC_ACTUAL_PART ::= -- (GENERIC_ASSOCIATION {, GENERIC_ASSOCIATION}) -- Returns a list of generic associations, or Empty if none are present -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt return List_Id is Association_List : List_Id; begin -- Figure out if a generic actual part operation is present. Clearly -- there is no generic actual part if the current token is semicolon -- or if we have aspect specifications present. if Token = Tok_Semicolon or else Aspect_Specifications_Present then return No_List; -- If we don't have a left paren, then we have an error, and the job -- is to figure out whether a left paren or semicolon was intended. -- We assume a missing left paren (and hence a generic actual part -- present) if the current token is not on a new line, or if it is -- indented from the subprogram token. Otherwise assume missing -- semicolon (which will be diagnosed by caller) and no generic part elsif Token /= Tok_Left_Paren and then Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line and then Start_Column <= Scopes (Scope.Last).Ecol then return No_List; -- Otherwise we have a generic actual part (either a left paren is -- present, or we have decided that there must be a missing left paren) else Association_List := New_List; T_Left_Paren; loop Append (P_Generic_Association, Association_List); exit when not Comma_Present; end loop; T_Right_Paren; return Association_List; end if; end P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt; ------------------------------- -- 12.3 Generic Association -- ------------------------------- -- GENERIC_ASSOCIATION ::= -- [generic_formal_parameter_SELECTOR_NAME =>] -- EXPLICIT_GENERIC_ACTUAL_PARAMETER -- EXPLICIT_GENERIC_ACTUAL_PARAMETER ::= -- EXPRESSION | variable_NAME | subprogram_NAME -- | entry_NAME | SUBTYPE_MARK | package_instance_NAME -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Generic_Association return Node_Id is Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State; Param_Name_Node : Node_Id; Generic_Assoc_Node : Node_Id; begin Generic_Assoc_Node := New_Node (N_Generic_Association, Token_Ptr); -- Ada 2005: an association can be given by: others => <> if Token = Tok_Others then if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("partial parameterization of formal packages" & " is an Ada 2005 extension"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; Scan; -- past OTHERS if Token /= Tok_Arrow then Error_Msg_BC ("expect arrow after others"); else Scan; -- past arrow end if; if Token /= Tok_Box then Error_Msg_BC ("expect Box after arrow"); else Scan; -- past box end if; -- Source position of the others choice is beginning of construct return New_Node (N_Others_Choice, Sloc (Generic_Assoc_Node)); end if; if Token in Token_Class_Desig then Param_Name_Node := Token_Node; Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at designator Scan; -- past simple name or operator symbol if Token = Tok_Arrow then Scan; -- past arrow Set_Selector_Name (Generic_Assoc_Node, Param_Name_Node); else Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to designator end if; end if; -- In Ada 2005 the actual can be a box if Token = Tok_Box then Scan; Set_Box_Present (Generic_Assoc_Node); Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (Generic_Assoc_Node, Empty); else Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (Generic_Assoc_Node, P_Expression); end if; return Generic_Assoc_Node; end P_Generic_Association; --------------------------------------------- -- 12.3 Explicit Generic Actual Parameter -- --------------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Generic_Association (12.3) -------------------------------------- -- 12.4 Formal Object Declarations -- -------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_OBJECT_DECLARATION ::= -- DEFINING_IDENTIFIER_LIST : -- MODE [NULL_EXCLUSION] SUBTYPE_MARK [:= DEFAULT_EXPRESSION] -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- | DEFINING_IDENTIFIER_LIST : -- MODE ACCESS_DEFINITION [:= DEFAULT_EXPRESSION]; -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- The caller has checked that the initial token is an identifier -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync procedure P_Formal_Object_Declarations (Decls : List_Id) is Decl_Node : Node_Id; Ident : Nat; Not_Null_Present : Boolean := False; Num_Idents : Nat; Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State; Idents : array (Int range 1 .. 4096) of Entity_Id; -- This array holds the list of defining identifiers. The upper bound -- of 4096 is intended to be essentially infinite, and we do not even -- bother to check for it being exceeded. begin Idents (1) := P_Defining_Identifier (C_Comma_Colon); Num_Idents := 1; while Comma_Present loop Num_Idents := Num_Idents + 1; Idents (Num_Idents) := P_Defining_Identifier (C_Comma_Colon); end loop; T_Colon; -- If there are multiple identifiers, we repeatedly scan the -- type and initialization expression information by resetting -- the scan pointer (so that we get completely separate trees -- for each occurrence). if Num_Idents > 1 then Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); end if; -- Loop through defining identifiers in list Ident := 1; Ident_Loop : loop Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Object_Declaration, Token_Ptr); Set_Defining_Identifier (Decl_Node, Idents (Ident)); P_Mode (Decl_Node); Not_Null_Present := P_Null_Exclusion; -- Ada 2005 (AI-423) -- Ada 2005 (AI-423): Formal object with an access definition if Token = Tok_Access then -- The access definition is still parsed and set even though -- the compilation may not use the proper switch. This action -- ensures the required local error recovery. Set_Access_Definition (Decl_Node, P_Access_Definition (Not_Null_Present)); if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("access definition not allowed in formal object " & "declaration"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; -- Formal object with a subtype mark else Set_Null_Exclusion_Present (Decl_Node, Not_Null_Present); Set_Subtype_Mark (Decl_Node, P_Subtype_Mark_Resync); end if; No_Constraint; Set_Default_Expression (Decl_Node, Init_Expr_Opt); P_Aspect_Specifications (Decl_Node); if Ident > 1 then Set_Prev_Ids (Decl_Node, True); end if; if Ident < Num_Idents then Set_More_Ids (Decl_Node, True); end if; Append (Decl_Node, Decls); exit Ident_Loop when Ident = Num_Idents; Ident := Ident + 1; Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); end loop Ident_Loop; end P_Formal_Object_Declarations; ----------------------------------- -- 12.5 Formal Type Declaration -- ----------------------------------- -- FORMAL_TYPE_DECLARATION ::= -- type DEFINING_IDENTIFIER [DISCRIMINANT_PART] -- is FORMAL_TYPE_DEFINITION -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- The caller has checked that the initial token is TYPE -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Type_Declaration return Node_Id is Decl_Node : Node_Id; Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Type_Declaration, Token_Ptr); Scan; -- past TYPE Set_Defining_Identifier (Decl_Node, P_Defining_Identifier); if P_Unknown_Discriminant_Part_Opt then Set_Unknown_Discriminants_Present (Decl_Node, True); else Set_Discriminant_Specifications (Decl_Node, P_Known_Discriminant_Part_Opt); end if; if Token = Tok_Semicolon then -- Ada 2012: Incomplete formal type Scan; -- past semicolon Error_Msg_Ada_2012_Feature ("formal incomplete type", Sloc (Decl_Node)); Set_Formal_Type_Definition (Decl_Node, New_Node (N_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr)); return Decl_Node; else T_Is; end if; Def_Node := P_Formal_Type_Definition; if Nkind (Def_Node) = N_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Definition then Error_Msg_Ada_2012_Feature ("formal incomplete type", Sloc (Decl_Node)); end if; if Def_Node /= Error then Set_Formal_Type_Definition (Decl_Node, Def_Node); P_Aspect_Specifications (Decl_Node); else Decl_Node := Error; -- If we have aspect specifications, skip them if Aspect_Specifications_Present then P_Aspect_Specifications (Error); -- If we have semicolon, skip it to avoid cascaded errors elsif Token = Tok_Semicolon then Scan; -- past semicolon end if; end if; return Decl_Node; end P_Formal_Type_Declaration; ---------------------------------- -- 12.5 Formal Type Definition -- ---------------------------------- -- FORMAL_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= -- FORMAL_PRIVATE_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_INCOMPLETE_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_DERIVED_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_DISCRETE_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_SIGNED_INTEGER_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_MODULAR_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_FLOATING_POINT_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_ORDINARY_FIXED_POINT_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_DECIMAL_FIXED_POINT_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFINITION -- | FORMAL_INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION -- FORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINITION -- FORMAL_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= ACCESS_TYPE_DEFINITION -- FORMAL_INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION function P_Formal_Type_Definition return Node_Id is Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State; Typedef_Node : Node_Id; begin if Token_Name = Name_Abstract then Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Abstract, Tok_Tagged); end if; if Token_Name = Name_Tagged then Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Private); Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Limited); end if; case Token is -- Mostly we can tell what we have from the initial token. The one -- exception is ABSTRACT, where we have to scan ahead to see if we -- have a formal derived type or a formal private type definition. -- In addition, in Ada 2005 LIMITED may appear after abstract, so -- that the lookahead must be extended by one more token. when Tok_Abstract => Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); Scan; -- past ABSTRACT if Token = Tok_New then Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; elsif Token = Tok_Limited then Scan; -- past LIMITED if Token = Tok_New then Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; else Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; end if; -- Ada 2005 (AI-443): Abstract synchronized formal derived type elsif Token = Tok_Synchronized then Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; else Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; end if; when Tok_Access => return P_Access_Type_Definition; when Tok_Array => return P_Array_Type_Definition; when Tok_Delta => return P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition; when Tok_Digits => return P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition; when Tok_Interface => -- Ada 2005 (AI-251) return P_Interface_Type_Definition (Abstract_Present => False); when Tok_Left_Paren => return P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition; when Tok_Limited => Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); Scan; -- past LIMITED if Token = Tok_Interface then Typedef_Node := P_Interface_Type_Definition (Abstract_Present => False); Set_Limited_Present (Typedef_Node); return Typedef_Node; elsif Token = Tok_New then Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to LIMITED return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; else if Token = Tok_Abstract then Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX ("ABSTRACT must come before LIMITED"); Scan; -- past improper ABSTRACT if Token = Tok_New then Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to LIMITED return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; else Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; end if; end if; Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; end if; when Tok_Mod => return P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition; when Tok_New => return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; when Tok_Not => if P_Null_Exclusion then Typedef_Node := P_Access_Type_Definition; Set_Null_Exclusion_Present (Typedef_Node); return Typedef_Node; else Error_Msg_SC ("expect valid formal access definition!"); Resync_Past_Semicolon; return Error; end if; when Tok_Private => return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; when Tok_Tagged => if Next_Token_Is (Tok_Semicolon) then Typedef_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr); Set_Tagged_Present (Typedef_Node); Scan; -- past tagged return Typedef_Node; else return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; end if; when Tok_Range => return P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition; when Tok_Record => Error_Msg_SC ("record not allowed in generic type definition!"); Discard_Junk_Node (P_Record_Definition); return Error; -- Ada 2005 (AI-345): Task, Protected or Synchronized interface or -- (AI-443): Synchronized formal derived type declaration. when Tok_Protected | Tok_Synchronized | Tok_Task => declare Saved_Token : constant Token_Type := Token; begin Scan; -- past TASK, PROTECTED or SYNCHRONIZED -- Synchronized derived type if Token = Tok_New then Typedef_Node := P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; if Saved_Token = Tok_Synchronized then Set_Synchronized_Present (Typedef_Node); else Error_Msg_SC ("invalid kind of formal derived type"); end if; -- Interface else Typedef_Node := P_Interface_Type_Definition (Abstract_Present => False); case Saved_Token is when Tok_Task => Set_Task_Present (Typedef_Node); when Tok_Protected => Set_Protected_Present (Typedef_Node); when Tok_Synchronized => Set_Synchronized_Present (Typedef_Node); when others => null; end case; end if; return Typedef_Node; end; when others => Error_Msg_BC ("expecting generic type definition here"); Resync_Past_Semicolon; return Error; end case; end P_Formal_Type_Definition; -------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.1 Formal Private Type Definition -- -------------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_PRIVATE_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= -- [[abstract] tagged] [limited] private -- The caller has checked the initial token is PRIVATE, ABSTRACT, -- TAGGED or LIMITED -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr); if Token = Tok_Abstract then Scan; -- past ABSTRACT if Token_Name = Name_Tagged then Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Private); Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Limited); end if; if Token /= Tok_Tagged then Error_Msg_SP ("ABSTRACT must be followed by TAGGED"); else Set_Abstract_Present (Def_Node, True); end if; end if; if Token = Tok_Tagged then Set_Tagged_Present (Def_Node, True); Scan; -- past TAGGED end if; if Token = Tok_Limited then Set_Limited_Present (Def_Node, True); Scan; -- past LIMITED end if; if Token = Tok_Abstract then if Prev_Token = Tok_Tagged then Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX ("ABSTRACT must come before TAGGED"); elsif Prev_Token = Tok_Limited then Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX ("ABSTRACT must come before LIMITED"); end if; Resync_Past_Semicolon; elsif Token = Tok_Tagged then Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX ("TAGGED must come before LIMITED"); Resync_Past_Semicolon; end if; Set_Sloc (Def_Node, Token_Ptr); T_Private; if Token = Tok_Tagged then -- CODEFIX Error_Msg_SC ("TAGGED must come before PRIVATE"); Scan; -- past TAGGED elsif Token = Tok_Abstract then -- CODEFIX Error_Msg_SC ("`ABSTRACT TAGGED` must come before PRIVATE"); Scan; -- past ABSTRACT if Token = Tok_Tagged then Scan; -- past TAGGED end if; end if; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition; -------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.1 Formal Derived Type Definition -- -------------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_DERIVED_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= -- [abstract] [limited | synchronized] -- new SUBTYPE_MARK [[and INTERFACE_LIST] with private] -- The caller has checked the initial token(s) is/are NEW, ABSTRACT NEW, -- or LIMITED NEW, ABSTRACT LIMITED NEW, SYNCHRONIZED NEW or ABSTRACT -- SYNCHRONIZED NEW. -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr); if Token = Tok_Abstract then Set_Abstract_Present (Def_Node); Scan; -- past ABSTRACT end if; if Token = Tok_Limited then Set_Limited_Present (Def_Node); Scan; -- past LIMITED if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("LIMITED in derived type is an Ada 2005 extension"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; elsif Token = Tok_Synchronized then Set_Synchronized_Present (Def_Node); Scan; -- past SYNCHRONIZED if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("SYNCHRONIZED in derived type is an Ada 2005 extension"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; end if; if Token = Tok_Abstract then Scan; -- past ABSTRACT, diagnosed already in caller. end if; Scan; -- past NEW; Set_Subtype_Mark (Def_Node, P_Subtype_Mark); No_Constraint; -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Deal with interfaces if Token = Tok_And then Scan; -- past AND if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("abstract interface is an Ada 2005 extension"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; Set_Interface_List (Def_Node, New_List); loop Append (P_Qualified_Simple_Name, Interface_List (Def_Node)); exit when Token /= Tok_And; Scan; -- past AND end loop; end if; if Token = Tok_With then if Ada_Version >= Ada_2020 and not Next_Token_Is (Tok_Private) then -- Formal type has aspect specifications, parsed later. -- Otherwise this is a formal derived type. Note that it may -- also include later aspect specifications, as in: -- type DT is new T with private with atomic; return Def_Node; else Scan; -- past WITH Set_Private_Present (Def_Node, True); T_Private; end if; elsif Token = Tok_Tagged then Scan; if Token = Tok_Private then Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX ("TAGGED should be WITH"); Set_Private_Present (Def_Node, True); T_Private; else Ignore (Tok_Tagged); end if; end if; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition; --------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Discrete Type Definition -- --------------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_DISCRETE_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= (<>) -- The caller has checked the initial token is left paren -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr); Scan; -- past left paren T_Box; T_Right_Paren; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition; --------------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Signed Integer Type Definition -- --------------------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_SIGNED_INTEGER_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= range <> -- The caller has checked the initial token is RANGE -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr); Scan; -- past RANGE T_Box; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition; -------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Modular Type Definition -- -------------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_MODULAR_TYPE_DEFINITION ::= mod <> -- The caller has checked the initial token is MOD -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr); Scan; -- past MOD T_Box; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition; ---------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Floating Point Definition -- ---------------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_FLOATING_POINT_DEFINITION ::= digits <> -- The caller has checked the initial token is DIGITS -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition, Token_Ptr); Scan; -- past DIGITS T_Box; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition; ------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Fixed Point Definition -- ------------------------------------------- -- This routine parses either a formal ordinary fixed point definition -- or a formal decimal fixed point definition: -- FORMAL_ORDINARY_FIXED_POINT_DEFINITION ::= delta <> -- FORMAL_DECIMAL_FIXED_POINT_DEFINITION ::= delta <> digits <> -- The caller has checked the initial token is DELTA -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; Delta_Sloc : Source_Ptr; begin Delta_Sloc := Token_Ptr; Scan; -- past DELTA T_Box; if Token = Tok_Digits then Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition, Delta_Sloc); Scan; -- past DIGITS T_Box; else Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition, Delta_Sloc); end if; return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition; ---------------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Ordinary Fixed Point Definition -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition (12.5.2) --------------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.2 Formal Decimal Fixed Point Definition -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition (12.5.2) ------------------------------------------ -- 12.5.3 Formal Array Type Definition -- ------------------------------------------ -- Parsed by P_Formal_Type_Definition (12.5) ------------------------------------------- -- 12.5.4 Formal Access Type Definition -- ------------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Formal_Type_Definition (12.5) ----------------------------------------- -- 12.6 Formal Subprogram Declaration -- ----------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION ::= -- FORMAL_CONCRETE_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION -- | FORMAL_ABSTRACT_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION -- FORMAL_CONCRETE_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION ::= -- with SUBPROGRAM_SPECIFICATION [is SUBPROGRAM_DEFAULT] -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- FORMAL_ABSTRACT_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION ::= -- with SUBPROGRAM_SPECIFICATION is abstract [SUBPROGRAM_DEFAULT] -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- SUBPROGRAM_DEFAULT ::= DEFAULT_NAME | <> -- DEFAULT_NAME ::= NAME | null -- The caller has checked that the initial tokens are WITH FUNCTION or -- WITH PROCEDURE, and the initial WITH has been scanned out. -- A null default is an Ada 2005 feature -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration return Node_Id is Prev_Sloc : constant Source_Ptr := Prev_Token_Ptr; Spec_Node : constant Node_Id := P_Subprogram_Specification; Def_Node : Node_Id; begin if Token = Tok_Is then T_Is; -- past IS, skip extra IS or ";" if Token = Tok_Abstract then Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration, Prev_Sloc); Scan; -- past ABSTRACT if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("formal abstract subprograms are an Ada 2005 extension"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; else Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration, Prev_Sloc); end if; Set_Specification (Def_Node, Spec_Node); if Token = Tok_Semicolon then null; elsif Aspect_Specifications_Present then null; elsif Token = Tok_Box then Set_Box_Present (Def_Node, True); Scan; -- past <> elsif Token = Tok_Null then if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then Error_Msg_SP ("null default subprograms are an Ada 2005 extension"); Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch"); end if; if Nkind (Spec_Node) = N_Procedure_Specification then Set_Null_Present (Spec_Node); else Error_Msg_SP ("only procedures can be null"); end if; Scan; -- past NULL else Set_Default_Name (Def_Node, P_Name); end if; else Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration, Prev_Sloc); Set_Specification (Def_Node, Spec_Node); end if; P_Aspect_Specifications (Def_Node); return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration; ------------------------------ -- 12.6 Subprogram Default -- ------------------------------ -- Parsed by P_Formal_Procedure_Declaration (12.6) ------------------------ -- 12.6 Default Name -- ------------------------ -- Parsed by P_Formal_Procedure_Declaration (12.6) -------------------------------------- -- 12.7 Formal Package Declaration -- -------------------------------------- -- FORMAL_PACKAGE_DECLARATION ::= -- with package DEFINING_IDENTIFIER -- is new generic_package_NAME FORMAL_PACKAGE_ACTUAL_PART -- [ASPECT_SPECIFICATIONS]; -- FORMAL_PACKAGE_ACTUAL_PART ::= -- ([OTHERS =>] <>) | -- [GENERIC_ACTUAL_PART] -- (FORMAL_PACKAGE_ASSOCIATION {, FORMAL_PACKAGE_ASSOCIATION} -- [, OTHERS => <>) -- FORMAL_PACKAGE_ASSOCIATION ::= -- GENERIC_ASSOCIATION -- | GENERIC_FORMAL_PARAMETER_SELECTOR_NAME => <> -- The caller has checked that the initial tokens are WITH PACKAGE, -- and the initial WITH has been scanned out (so Token = Tok_Package). -- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync function P_Formal_Package_Declaration return Node_Id is Def_Node : Node_Id; Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State; begin Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Package_Declaration, Prev_Token_Ptr); Scan; -- past PACKAGE Set_Defining_Identifier (Def_Node, P_Defining_Identifier (C_Is)); T_Is; T_New; Set_Name (Def_Node, P_Qualified_Simple_Name); if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at the left paren Scan; -- past the left paren if Token = Tok_Box then Set_Box_Present (Def_Node, True); Scan; -- past box T_Right_Paren; else Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to the left paren Set_Generic_Associations (Def_Node, P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt); end if; end if; P_Aspect_Specifications (Def_Node); return Def_Node; end P_Formal_Package_Declaration; -------------------------------------- -- 12.7 Formal Package Actual Part -- -------------------------------------- -- Parsed by P_Formal_Package_Declaration (12.7) end Ch12;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- -- Provides kafka functionality to interact with Topics -- package Kafka.Topic is -- -- Creates a handle for a given topic. Does not perform the admin command -- to create a topic -- -- librdkafka equivalent: rd_kafka_topic_new -- function Create_Topic_Handle(Handle : Handle_Type; Topic : String; Config : Topic_Config_Type) return Topic_Type; -- -- Creates a handle for a given topic. Does not perform the admin command -- to create a topic -- -- librdkafka equivalent: rd_kafka_topic_new -- function Create_Topic_Handle(Handle : Handle_Type; Topic : String) return Topic_Type; -- -- Destroys the specified topic handle -- -- librdkafka equivalent: rd_kafka_topic_destroy -- procedure Destroy_Topic_Handle(Topic : Topic_Type) with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "rd_kafka_topic_destroy"; -- -- Returns the name of a given topic -- -- librdkafka equivalent: rd_kafka_topic_name -- function Get_Name(Topic : Topic_Type) return String; -- -- Returns the opaque for a given topic -- -- librdkafka equivalent: rd_kafka_topic_opaque -- function Get_Opaque(Topic : Topic_Type) return System.Address with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "rd_kafka_topic_opaque"; private function rd_kafka_topic_new(Handle : Handle_Type; Topic : chars_ptr; Config : Topic_Config_Type) return Topic_Type with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "rd_kafka_topic_new"; function rd_kafka_topic_name(Topic : Topic_Type) return chars_ptr with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "rd_kafka_topic_name"; end Kafka.Topic;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!DOCTYPE boost_serialization> <boost_serialization signature="serialization::archive" version="14"> <syndb class_id="0" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <userIPLatency>-1</userIPLatency> <userIPName></userIPName> <cdfg class_id="1" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_0"> <name>call_Loop_LB2D_buf_p</name> <ret_bitwidth>0</ret_bitwidth> <ports class_id="2" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="3" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_1"> <Value class_id="4" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <Obj class_id="5" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <type>1</type> <id>1</id> <name>in_stream_V_value_V</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo class_id="6" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>stream&amp;lt;PackedStencil&amp;lt;unsigned int, 1, 1, 1, 1&amp;gt; &amp;gt;.V.value.V</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName>FIFO_SRL</coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>3</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs class_id="7" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_2"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>2</id> <name>slice_stream_V_value_V</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName>FIFO_SRL</coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>96</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>3</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> </ports> <nodes class_id="8" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>43</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="9" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_3"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>7</id> <name>buffer_0_value_V</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>168</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="10" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second class_id="11" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="12" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first class_id="13" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>168</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>buffer[0].value.V</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName>RAM</coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>71</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>alloca</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_4"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>8</id> <name>buffer_1_value_V</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>168</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>168</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>buffer[1].value.V</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName>RAM</coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>72</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>alloca</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_5"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>9</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>73</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_6"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>11</id> <name>write_idx_1</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>write_idx_1</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>75</item> <item>76</item> <item>77</item> <item>78</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_7"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>12</id> <name>row</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>row</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>80</item> <item>81</item> <item>82</item> <item>83</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_8"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>13</id> <name>tmp</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>177</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>177</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>84</item> <item>86</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>icmp</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_9"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>15</id> <name>row_1</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>177</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>177</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>row</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>87</item> <item>89</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_10"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>16</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>177</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>177</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>90</item> <item>91</item> <item>92</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_11"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>20</id> <name>tmp_6</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>187</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>187</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>113</item> <item>114</item> <item>116</item> <item>118</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>partselect</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_12"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>21</id> <name>icmp</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>187</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>187</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>119</item> <item>121</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>icmp</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_13"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>22</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>122</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_14"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>24</id> <name>write_idx_1_1</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>211</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>211</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>96</item> <item>97</item> <item>98</item> <item>99</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_15"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>25</id> <name>col</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>col</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>100</item> <item>101</item> <item>102</item> <item>103</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_16"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>26</id> <name>tmp_1</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>104</item> <item>106</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>icmp</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_17"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>27</id> <name>col_1</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>col</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>107</item> <item>108</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_18"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>28</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>109</item> <item>110</item> <item>111</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_19"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>30</id> <name>col_cast</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>131</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_20"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>34</id> <name>tmp_7</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>183</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>183</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>63</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>133</item> <item>134</item> <item>135</item> <item>137</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>partselect</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_21"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>35</id> <name>icmp1</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>183</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>183</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>138</item> <item>140</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>icmp</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_22"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>36</id> <name>write_idx_1_3</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>184</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>184</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>write_idx_1</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>141</item> <item>143</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_23"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>37</id> <name>p_write_idx_1_1</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>183</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>183</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>144</item> <item>145</item> <item>146</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>select</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_24"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>38</id> <name>tmp_value_V_2</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>186</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>186</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>tmp.value.V</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>148</item> <item>149</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_25"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>39</id> <name>buffer_0_value_V_ad</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>150</item> <item>151</item> <item>152</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>getelementptr</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_26"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>40</id> <name>buffer_0_value_V_lo</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>198</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>198</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>153</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>load</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_27"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>41</id> <name>buffer_1_value_V_ad</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>154</item> <item>155</item> <item>156</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>getelementptr</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_28"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>42</id> <name>buffer_1_value_V_lo</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>198</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>198</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>157</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>load</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_29"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>43</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>187</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>187</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>158</item> <item>159</item> <item>160</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_30"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>45</id> <name>tmp_8</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>183</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>183</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>161</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_31"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>46</id> <name>p_Val2_2_0_phi</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>198</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>198</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>162</item> <item>163</item> <item>164</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>select</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_32"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>47</id> <name>p_Val2_2_1_phi</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>198</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>198</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>165</item> <item>166</item> <item>167</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>select</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_33"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>48</id> <name>p_Result_s</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>206</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>206</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>__Result__</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>96</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>169</item> <item>170</item> <item>171</item> <item>172</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>bitconcatenate</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_34"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>49</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>207</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>207</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>174</item> <item>175</item> <item>176</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_35"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>50</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>208</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>208</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>177</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_36"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>52</id> <name>tmp_9</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>183</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>183</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>127</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_37"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>53</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>75</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>operator=</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>209</second> </item> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</first> <second>operator=</second> </first> <second>75</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>128</item> <item>129</item> <item>130</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_38"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>55</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>75</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>operator=</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>209</second> </item> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</first> <second>operator=</second> </first> <second>75</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>124</item> <item>125</item> <item>297</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_39"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>56</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>75</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>operator=</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>209</second> </item> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</first> <second>operator=</second> </first> <second>75</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>126</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_40"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>58</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>75</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>operator=</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>209</second> </item> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</first> <second>operator=</second> </first> <second>75</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>178</item> <item>179</item> <item>296</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_41"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>59</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>75</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>operator=</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>209</second> </item> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Stencil.h</first> <second>operator=</second> </first> <second>75</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>180</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_42"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>62</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>179</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>179</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>123</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_43"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>64</id> <name>write_idx_1_2</name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>211</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>211</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>write_idx_1</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>93</item> <item>94</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_44"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>66</id> <name></name> <fileName>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>177</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>call</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/big_apps_8_shifts/conv2d</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>../../../lib_files/Linebuffer.h</first> <second>call</second> </first> <second>177</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>95</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_45"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>68</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </oprand_edges> <opcode>ret</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> </nodes> <consts class_id="15" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>12</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="16" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_46"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>70</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_47"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>74</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_48"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>79</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_49"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>85</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1080</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_50"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>88</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_51"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>105</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1920</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_52"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>115</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_53"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>117</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>10</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_54"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>120</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_55"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>136</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>63</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_56"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>139</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>63</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_57"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>142</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>64</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>18446744073709551614</content> </item> </consts> <blocks class_id="17" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>12</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="18" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_58"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>10</id> <name>newFuncRoot</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>7</item> <item>8</item> <item>9</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_59"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>17</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>5</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> <item>12</item> <item>13</item> <item>15</item> <item>16</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_60"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>23</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>20</item> <item>21</item> <item>22</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_61"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>29</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>5</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> <item>25</item> <item>26</item> <item>27</item> <item>28</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_62"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>44</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>11</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>30</item> <item>34</item> <item>35</item> <item>36</item> <item>37</item> <item>38</item> <item>39</item> <item>40</item> <item>41</item> <item>42</item> <item>43</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_63"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>51</id> <name>.preheader56.preheader.critedge.0</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>45</item> <item>46</item> <item>47</item> <item>48</item> <item>49</item> <item>50</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_64"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>54</id> <name>._crit_edge</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>52</item> <item>53</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_65"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>57</id> <name>branch4</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>55</item> <item>56</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_66"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>60</id> <name>branch5</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>58</item> <item>59</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_67"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>63</id> <name>._crit_edge33</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>62</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_68"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>67</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>64</item> <item>66</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_69"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>69</id> <name>.preheader.exitStub</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>68</item> </node_objs> </item> </blocks> <edges class_id="19" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>106</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="20" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_70"> <id>71</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>70</source_obj> <sink_obj>7</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_71"> <id>72</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>70</source_obj> <sink_obj>8</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_72"> <id>73</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_73"> <id>75</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>74</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_74"> <id>76</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>10</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_75"> <id>77</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>64</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_76"> <id>78</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>67</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_77"> <id>80</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>79</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_78"> <id>81</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>10</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_79"> <id>82</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>15</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_80"> <id>83</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>67</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_81"> <id>84</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>13</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_82"> <id>86</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>85</source_obj> <sink_obj>13</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_83"> <id>87</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>15</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_84"> <id>89</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>88</source_obj> <sink_obj>15</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_85"> <id>90</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>13</source_obj> <sink_obj>16</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_86"> <id>91</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>16</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_87"> <id>92</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>69</source_obj> <sink_obj>16</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_88"> <id>93</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>64</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_89"> <id>94</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>70</source_obj> <sink_obj>64</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_90"> <id>95</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>66</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_91"> <id>96</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>11</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_92"> <id>97</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_93"> <id>98</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>37</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_94"> <id>99</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>63</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_95"> <id>100</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>79</source_obj> <sink_obj>25</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_96"> <id>101</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>25</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_97"> <id>102</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>27</source_obj> <sink_obj>25</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_98"> <id>103</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>63</source_obj> <sink_obj>25</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_99"> <id>104</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>25</source_obj> <sink_obj>26</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_100"> <id>106</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>105</source_obj> <sink_obj>26</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_101"> <id>107</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>25</source_obj> <sink_obj>27</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_102"> <id>108</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>88</source_obj> <sink_obj>27</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_103"> <id>109</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>26</source_obj> <sink_obj>28</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_104"> <id>110</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>44</source_obj> <sink_obj>28</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_105"> <id>111</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>67</source_obj> <sink_obj>28</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_106"> <id>114</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_107"> <id>116</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>115</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_108"> <id>118</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>117</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_109"> <id>119</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>20</source_obj> <sink_obj>21</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_110"> <id>121</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>120</source_obj> <sink_obj>21</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_111"> <id>122</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>29</source_obj> <sink_obj>22</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_112"> <id>123</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>29</source_obj> <sink_obj>62</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_113"> <id>124</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>38</source_obj> <sink_obj>55</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_114"> <id>125</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>39</source_obj> <sink_obj>55</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_115"> <id>126</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>63</source_obj> <sink_obj>56</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_116"> <id>127</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>37</source_obj> <sink_obj>52</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_117"> <id>128</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>52</source_obj> <sink_obj>53</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_118"> <id>129</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>57</source_obj> <sink_obj>53</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_119"> <id>130</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>60</source_obj> <sink_obj>53</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_120"> <id>131</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>25</source_obj> <sink_obj>30</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_121"> <id>134</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>34</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_122"> <id>135</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>115</source_obj> <sink_obj>34</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_123"> <id>137</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>136</source_obj> <sink_obj>34</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_124"> <id>138</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>34</source_obj> <sink_obj>35</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_125"> <id>140</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>139</source_obj> <sink_obj>35</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_126"> <id>141</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>36</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_127"> <id>143</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>142</source_obj> <sink_obj>36</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_128"> <id>144</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>35</source_obj> <sink_obj>37</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_129"> <id>145</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>36</source_obj> <sink_obj>37</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_130"> <id>146</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>37</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_131"> <id>149</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>1</source_obj> <sink_obj>38</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_132"> <id>150</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>7</source_obj> <sink_obj>39</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_133"> <id>151</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>74</source_obj> <sink_obj>39</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_134"> <id>152</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>30</source_obj> <sink_obj>39</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_135"> <id>153</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>39</source_obj> <sink_obj>40</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_136"> <id>154</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>8</source_obj> <sink_obj>41</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_137"> <id>155</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>74</source_obj> <sink_obj>41</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_138"> <id>156</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>30</source_obj> <sink_obj>41</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_139"> <id>157</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>41</source_obj> <sink_obj>42</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_140"> <id>158</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_141"> <id>159</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>51</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_142"> <id>160</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>54</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_143"> <id>161</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>37</source_obj> <sink_obj>45</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_144"> <id>162</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>45</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_145"> <id>163</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_146"> <id>164</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>40</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_147"> <id>165</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>45</source_obj> <sink_obj>47</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_148"> <id>166</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>40</source_obj> <sink_obj>47</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_149"> <id>167</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>47</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_150"> <id>170</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>38</source_obj> <sink_obj>48</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_151"> <id>171</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>47</source_obj> <sink_obj>48</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_152"> <id>172</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>46</source_obj> <sink_obj>48</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_153"> <id>175</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>2</source_obj> <sink_obj>49</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_154"> <id>176</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>48</source_obj> <sink_obj>49</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_155"> <id>177</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>54</source_obj> <sink_obj>50</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_156"> <id>178</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>38</source_obj> <sink_obj>58</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_157"> <id>179</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>41</source_obj> <sink_obj>58</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_158"> <id>180</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>63</source_obj> <sink_obj>59</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_159"> <id>281</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>10</source_obj> <sink_obj>17</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_160"> <id>282</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>69</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_161"> <id>283</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>23</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_162"> <id>284</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>29</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_163"> <id>285</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>29</source_obj> <sink_obj>67</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_164"> <id>286</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>29</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_165"> <id>287</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>44</source_obj> <sink_obj>54</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_166"> <id>288</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>44</source_obj> <sink_obj>51</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_167"> <id>289</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>51</source_obj> <sink_obj>54</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_168"> <id>290</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>54</source_obj> <sink_obj>60</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_169"> <id>291</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>54</source_obj> <sink_obj>57</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_170"> <id>292</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>57</source_obj> <sink_obj>63</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_171"> <id>293</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>60</source_obj> <sink_obj>63</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_172"> <id>294</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>63</source_obj> <sink_obj>29</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_173"> <id>295</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>67</source_obj> <sink_obj>17</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_174"> <id>296</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>58</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_175"> <id>297</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>40</source_obj> <sink_obj>55</sink_obj> </item> </edges> </cdfg> <cdfg_regions class_id="21" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>7</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="22" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_176"> <mId>1</mId> <mTag>call_Loop_LB2D_buf_p</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> <item>7</item> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>2077921</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_177"> <mId>2</mId> <mTag>Entry</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>10</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_178"> <mId>3</mId> <mTag>LB2D_buf</mTag> <mType>1</mType> <sub_regions> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>4</item> <item>5</item> <item>6</item> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>1080</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>1080</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>2077920</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_179"> <mId>4</mId> <mTag>Region 1</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>17</item> <item>23</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_180"> <mId>5</mId> <mTag>LB2D_buf.1</mTag> <mType>1</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>7</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>29</item> <item>44</item> <item>51</item> <item>54</item> <item>57</item> <item>60</item> <item>63</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>1</mII> <mDepth>3</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>1920</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>1920</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>1921</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_181"> <mId>6</mId> <mTag>Region 2</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>67</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_182"> <mId>7</mId> <mTag>Return</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>69</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> </cdfg_regions> <fsm class_id="24" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_183"> <states class_id="25" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="26" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_184"> <id>1</id> <operations class_id="27" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>7</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="28" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_185"> <id>3</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_186"> <id>4</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_187"> <id>5</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_188"> <id>6</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_189"> <id>7</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_190"> <id>8</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_191"> <id>9</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_192"> <id>2</id> <operations> <count>12</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_193"> <id>11</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_194"> <id>12</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_195"> <id>13</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_196"> <id>14</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_197"> <id>15</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_198"> <id>16</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_199"> <id>18</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_200"> <id>19</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_201"> <id>20</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_202"> <id>21</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_203"> <id>22</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_204"> <id>68</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_205"> <id>3</id> <operations> <count>13</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_206"> <id>24</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_207"> <id>25</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_208"> <id>26</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_209"> <id>27</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_210"> <id>28</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_211"> <id>30</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_212"> <id>34</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_213"> <id>35</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_214"> <id>39</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_215"> <id>40</id> <stage>2</stage> <latency>2</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_216"> <id>41</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_217"> <id>42</id> <stage>2</stage> <latency>2</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_218"> <id>43</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_219"> <id>4</id> <operations> <count>8</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_220"> <id>36</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_221"> <id>37</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_222"> <id>38</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_223"> <id>40</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>2</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_224"> <id>42</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>2</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_225"> <id>45</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_226"> <id>52</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_227"> <id>53</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_228"> <id>5</id> <operations> <count>14</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_229"> <id>31</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_230"> <id>32</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_231"> <id>33</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_232"> <id>46</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_233"> <id>47</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_234"> <id>48</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_235"> <id>49</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_236"> <id>50</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_237"> <id>55</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_238"> <id>56</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_239"> <id>58</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_240"> <id>59</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_241"> <id>61</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_242"> <id>62</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> <item class_id_reference="26" object_id="_243"> <id>6</id> <operations> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_244"> <id>64</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_245"> <id>65</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> <item class_id_reference="28" object_id="_246"> <id>66</id> <stage>1</stage> <latency>1</latency> </item> </operations> </item> </states> <transitions class_id="29" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>7</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="30" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_247"> <inState>1</inState> <outState>2</outState> <condition class_id="31" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <id>55</id> <sop class_id="32" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="33" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_248"> <inState>2</inState> <outState>3</outState> <condition> <id>57</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="34" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first class_id="35" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>13</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second>1</second> </item> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_249"> <inState>6</inState> <outState>2</outState> <condition> <id>68</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_250"> <inState>4</inState> <outState>5</outState> <condition> <id>70</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_251"> <inState>5</inState> <outState>3</outState> <condition> <id>71</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_252"> <inState>3</inState> <outState>6</outState> <condition> <id>69</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>26</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second>0</second> </item> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> <item class_id_reference="30" object_id="_253"> <inState>3</inState> <outState>4</outState> <condition> <id>72</id> <sop> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>26</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second>1</second> </item> </item> </sop> </condition> </item> </transitions> </fsm> <res class_id="-1"></res> <node_label_latency class_id="37" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>43</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="38" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>7</first> <second class_id="39" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>8</first> <second> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>9</first> <second> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>11</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>12</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>13</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>15</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>16</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>20</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>21</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>22</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>24</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>25</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>26</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>27</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>28</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>30</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>34</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>35</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>36</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>37</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>38</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>39</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>40</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>41</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>42</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>43</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>45</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>46</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>47</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>48</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>49</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>50</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>52</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>53</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>55</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>56</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>58</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>59</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>62</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>64</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>66</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>68</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> </node_label_latency> <bblk_ent_exit class_id="40" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>12</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="41" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>10</first> <second class_id="42" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>17</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>23</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>29</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>2</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>44</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>4</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>51</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>4</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>54</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>3</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>57</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>4</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>60</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>4</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>63</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>4</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>67</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>3</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>69</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> </bblk_ent_exit> <regions class_id="43" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="44" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_254"> <region_name>LB2D_buf.1</region_name> <basic_blocks> <count>7</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>29</item> <item>44</item> <item>51</item> <item>54</item> <item>57</item> <item>60</item> <item>63</item> </basic_blocks> <nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </nodes> <anchor_node>-1</anchor_node> <region_type>8</region_type> <interval>1</interval> <pipe_depth>3</pipe_depth> </item> </regions> <dp_fu_nodes class_id="45" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>29</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="46" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>74</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>7</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>78</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>82</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>38</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>88</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>49</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>95</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>39</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>101</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>40</item> <item>40</item> <item>55</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>106</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>41</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>112</first> <second> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>42</item> <item>42</item> <item>58</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>127</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>139</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>149</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>161</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>25</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>168</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>13</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>174</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>15</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>180</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>20</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>190</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>21</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>196</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>26</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>202</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>27</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>208</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>30</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>214</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>34</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>224</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>35</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>230</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>36</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>236</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>37</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>243</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>45</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>247</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>52</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>251</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>46</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>256</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>47</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>261</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>48</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>271</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>64</item> </second> </item> </dp_fu_nodes> <dp_fu_nodes_expression class_id="48" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>25</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="49" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>buffer_0_value_V_ad_gep_fu_95</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>39</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>buffer_0_value_V_alloca_fu_74</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>7</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>buffer_1_value_V_ad_gep_fu_106</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>41</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>buffer_1_value_V_alloca_fu_78</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>col_1_fu_202</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>27</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>col_cast_fu_208</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>30</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>col_phi_fu_161</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>25</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>icmp1_fu_224</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>35</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>icmp_fu_190</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>21</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>p_Result_s_fu_261</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>48</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>p_Val2_2_0_phi_fu_251</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>46</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>p_Val2_2_1_phi_fu_256</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>47</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>p_write_idx_1_1_fu_236</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>37</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>row_1_fu_174</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>15</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>row_phi_fu_139</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_1_fu_196</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>26</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_6_fu_180</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>20</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_7_fu_214</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>34</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_8_fu_243</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>45</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_9_fu_247</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>52</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_fu_168</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>13</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_1_phi_fu_149</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_2_fu_271</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>64</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_3_fu_230</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>36</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_phi_fu_127</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> </second> </item> </dp_fu_nodes_expression> <dp_fu_nodes_module> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_module> <dp_fu_nodes_io> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>StgValue_53_write_fu_88</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>49</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_value_V_2_read_fu_82</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>38</item> </second> </item> </dp_fu_nodes_io> <return_ports> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </return_ports> <dp_mem_port_nodes class_id="50" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="51" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first class_id="52" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>buffer_0_value_V</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>40</item> <item>40</item> </second> </item> <item> <first> <first>buffer_0_value_V</first> <second>1</second> </first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>55</item> </second> </item> <item> <first> <first>buffer_1_value_V</first> <second>0</second> </first> <second> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>42</item> <item>42</item> </second> </item> <item> <first> <first>buffer_1_value_V</first> <second>1</second> </first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>58</item> </second> </item> </dp_mem_port_nodes> <dp_reg_nodes> <count>19</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>123</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>135</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>146</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>157</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>25</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>277</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>13</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>281</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>15</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>286</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>21</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>290</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>26</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>294</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>27</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>299</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>35</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>304</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>39</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>310</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>41</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>316</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>37</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>321</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>38</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>328</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>40</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>334</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>42</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>340</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>45</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>346</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>52</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>350</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>64</item> </second> </item> </dp_reg_nodes> <dp_regname_nodes> <count>19</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>buffer_0_value_V_ad_reg_304</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>39</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>buffer_0_value_V_lo_reg_328</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>40</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>buffer_1_value_V_ad_reg_310</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>41</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>buffer_1_value_V_lo_reg_334</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>42</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>col_1_reg_294</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>27</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>col_reg_157</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>25</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>icmp1_reg_299</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>35</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>icmp_reg_286</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>21</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>p_write_idx_1_1_reg_316</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>37</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>row_1_reg_281</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>15</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>row_reg_135</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_1_reg_290</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>26</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_8_reg_340</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>45</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_9_reg_346</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>52</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_reg_277</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>13</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>tmp_value_V_2_reg_321</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>38</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_1_reg_146</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_2_reg_350</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>64</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_reg_123</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> </second> </item> </dp_regname_nodes> <dp_reg_phi> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>123</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>135</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>146</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>157</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>25</item> </second> </item> </dp_reg_phi> <dp_regname_phi> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>col_reg_157</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>25</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>row_reg_135</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>12</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_1_reg_146</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>24</item> </second> </item> <item> <first>write_idx_1_reg_123</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>11</item> </second> </item> </dp_regname_phi> <dp_port_io_nodes class_id="53" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="54" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>in_stream_V_value_V</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>read</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>38</item> </second> </item> </second> </item> <item> <first>slice_stream_V_value_V</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>write</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>49</item> </second> </item> </second> </item> </dp_port_io_nodes> <port2core class_id="55" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="56" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>1</first> <second>FIFO_SRL</second> </item> <item> <first>2</first> <second>FIFO_SRL</second> </item> </port2core> <node2core> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>7</first> <second>RAM</second> </item> <item> <first>8</first> <second>RAM</second> </item> </node2core> </syndb> </boost_serialization>
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- E R R O U T C -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Warning: Error messages can be generated during Gigi processing by direct -- calls to error message routines, so it is essential that the processing -- in this body be consistent with the requirements for the Gigi processing -- environment, and that in particular, no disallowed table expansion is -- allowed to occur. with Atree; use Atree; with Casing; use Casing; with Csets; use Csets; with Debug; use Debug; with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars; with Fname; use Fname; with Namet; use Namet; with Opt; use Opt; with Output; use Output; with Sinput; use Sinput; with Snames; use Snames; with Stringt; use Stringt; with Targparm; with Uintp; use Uintp; with Widechar; use Widechar; package body Erroutc is ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- function Matches (S : String; P : String) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the String S matches the pattern P, which can contain -- wildcard chars (*). The entire pattern must match the entire string. -- Case is ignored in the comparison (so X matches x). function Sloc_In_Range (Loc, Start, Stop : Source_Ptr) return Boolean; -- Return whether Loc is in the range Start .. Stop, taking instantiation -- locations of Loc into account. This is useful for suppressing warnings -- from generic instantiations by using pragma Warnings around generic -- instances, as needed in GNATprove. --------------- -- Add_Class -- --------------- procedure Add_Class is begin if Class_Flag then Class_Flag := False; Set_Msg_Char ('''); Get_Name_String (Name_Class); Set_Casing (Identifier_Casing (Flag_Source)); Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; end if; end Add_Class; ---------------------- -- Buffer_Ends_With -- ---------------------- function Buffer_Ends_With (C : Character) return Boolean is begin return Msglen > 0 and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) = C; end Buffer_Ends_With; function Buffer_Ends_With (S : String) return Boolean is Len : constant Natural := S'Length; begin return Msglen > Len and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen - Len) = ' ' and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen - Len + 1 .. Msglen) = S; end Buffer_Ends_With; ------------------- -- Buffer_Remove -- ------------------- procedure Buffer_Remove (C : Character) is begin if Buffer_Ends_With (C) then Msglen := Msglen - 1; end if; end Buffer_Remove; procedure Buffer_Remove (S : String) is begin if Buffer_Ends_With (S) then Msglen := Msglen - S'Length; end if; end Buffer_Remove; ----------------------------- -- Check_Duplicate_Message -- ----------------------------- procedure Check_Duplicate_Message (M1, M2 : Error_Msg_Id) is L1, L2 : Error_Msg_Id; N1, N2 : Error_Msg_Id; procedure Delete_Msg (Delete, Keep : Error_Msg_Id); -- Called to delete message Delete, keeping message Keep. Marks msg -- Delete and all its continuations with deleted flag set to True. -- Also makes sure that for the error messages that are retained the -- preferred message is the one retained (we prefer the shorter one in -- the case where one has an Instance tag). Note that we always know -- that Keep has at least as many continuations as Delete (since we -- always delete the shorter sequence). ---------------- -- Delete_Msg -- ---------------- procedure Delete_Msg (Delete, Keep : Error_Msg_Id) is D, K : Error_Msg_Id; begin D := Delete; K := Keep; loop Errors.Table (D).Deleted := True; -- Adjust error message count if Errors.Table (D).Info then if Errors.Table (D).Warn then Warning_Info_Messages := Warning_Info_Messages - 1; Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1; else Report_Info_Messages := Report_Info_Messages - 1; end if; elsif Errors.Table (D).Warn or else Errors.Table (D).Style then Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1; -- Note: we do not need to decrement Warnings_Treated_As_Errors -- because this only gets incremented if we actually output the -- message, which we won't do if we are deleting it here! elsif Errors.Table (D).Check then Check_Messages := Check_Messages - 1; else Total_Errors_Detected := Total_Errors_Detected - 1; if Errors.Table (D).Serious then Serious_Errors_Detected := Serious_Errors_Detected - 1; end if; end if; -- Substitute shorter of the two error messages if Errors.Table (K).Text'Length > Errors.Table (D).Text'Length then Errors.Table (K).Text := Errors.Table (D).Text; end if; D := Errors.Table (D).Next; K := Errors.Table (K).Next; if D = No_Error_Msg or else not Errors.Table (D).Msg_Cont then return; end if; end loop; end Delete_Msg; -- Start of processing for Check_Duplicate_Message begin -- Both messages must be non-continuation messages and not deleted if Errors.Table (M1).Msg_Cont or else Errors.Table (M2).Msg_Cont or else Errors.Table (M1).Deleted or else Errors.Table (M2).Deleted then return; end if; -- Definitely not equal if message text does not match if not Same_Error (M1, M2) then return; end if; -- Same text. See if all continuations are also identical L1 := M1; L2 := M2; loop N1 := Errors.Table (L1).Next; N2 := Errors.Table (L2).Next; -- If M1 continuations have run out, we delete M1, either the -- messages have the same number of continuations, or M2 has -- more and we prefer the one with more anyway. if N1 = No_Error_Msg or else not Errors.Table (N1).Msg_Cont then Delete_Msg (M1, M2); return; -- If M2 continuations have run out, we delete M2 elsif N2 = No_Error_Msg or else not Errors.Table (N2).Msg_Cont then Delete_Msg (M2, M1); return; -- Otherwise see if continuations are the same, if not, keep both -- sequences, a curious case, but better to keep everything. elsif not Same_Error (N1, N2) then return; -- If continuations are the same, continue scan else L1 := N1; L2 := N2; end if; end loop; end Check_Duplicate_Message; ------------------------ -- Compilation_Errors -- ------------------------ function Compilation_Errors return Boolean is Warnings_Count : constant Int := Warnings_Detected - Warning_Info_Messages; begin if Total_Errors_Detected /= 0 then return True; elsif Warnings_Treated_As_Errors /= 0 then return True; -- We should never treat warnings that originate from a -- Compile_Time_Warning pragma as an error. Warnings_Count is the sum -- of both "normal" and Compile_Time_Warning warnings. This means that -- there are only one or more non-Compile_Time_Warning warnings when -- Warnings_Count is greater than Count_Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings. elsif Warning_Mode = Treat_As_Error and then Warnings_Count > Count_Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings then return True; end if; return False; end Compilation_Errors; ---------------------------------------- -- Count_Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings -- ---------------------------------------- function Count_Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings return Int is Result : Int := 0; begin for J in 1 .. Errors.Last loop begin if Errors.Table (J).Warn and Errors.Table (J).Compile_Time_Pragma then Result := Result + 1; end if; end; end loop; return Result; end Count_Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings; ------------------ -- Debug_Output -- ------------------ procedure Debug_Output (N : Node_Id) is begin if Debug_Flag_1 then Write_Str ("*** following error message posted on node id = #"); Write_Int (Int (N)); Write_Str (" ***"); Write_Eol; end if; end Debug_Output; ---------- -- dmsg -- ---------- procedure dmsg (Id : Error_Msg_Id) is E : Error_Msg_Object renames Errors.Table (Id); begin w ("Dumping error message, Id = ", Int (Id)); w (" Text = ", E.Text.all); w (" Next = ", Int (E.Next)); w (" Prev = ", Int (E.Prev)); w (" Sfile = ", Int (E.Sfile)); Write_Str (" Sptr = "); Write_Location (E.Sptr); Write_Eol; Write_Str (" Optr = "); Write_Location (E.Optr); Write_Eol; w (" Line = ", Int (E.Line)); w (" Col = ", Int (E.Col)); w (" Warn = ", E.Warn); w (" Warn_Err = ", E.Warn_Err); w (" Warn_Chr = '" & E.Warn_Chr & '''); w (" Style = ", E.Style); w (" Serious = ", E.Serious); w (" Uncond = ", E.Uncond); w (" Msg_Cont = ", E.Msg_Cont); w (" Deleted = ", E.Deleted); w (" Node = ", Int (E.Node)); Write_Eol; end dmsg; ------------------ -- Get_Location -- ------------------ function Get_Location (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Source_Ptr is begin return Errors.Table (E).Sptr; end Get_Location; ---------------- -- Get_Msg_Id -- ---------------- function Get_Msg_Id return Error_Msg_Id is begin return Cur_Msg; end Get_Msg_Id; --------------------- -- Get_Warning_Tag -- --------------------- function Get_Warning_Tag (Id : Error_Msg_Id) return String is Warn : constant Boolean := Errors.Table (Id).Warn; Warn_Chr : constant Character := Errors.Table (Id).Warn_Chr; begin if Warn and then Warn_Chr /= ' ' then if Warn_Chr = '?' then return "[enabled by default]"; elsif Warn_Chr = '*' then return "[restriction warning]"; elsif Warn_Chr = '$' then return "[-gnatel]"; elsif Warn_Chr in 'a' .. 'z' then return "[-gnatw" & Warn_Chr & ']'; else pragma Assert (Warn_Chr in 'A' .. 'Z'); return "[-gnatw." & Fold_Lower (Warn_Chr) & ']'; end if; else return ""; end if; end Get_Warning_Tag; ------------- -- Matches -- ------------- function Matches (S : String; P : String) return Boolean is Slast : constant Natural := S'Last; PLast : constant Natural := P'Last; SPtr : Natural := S'First; PPtr : Natural := P'First; begin -- Loop advancing through characters of string and pattern SPtr := S'First; PPtr := P'First; loop -- Return True if pattern is a single asterisk if PPtr = PLast and then P (PPtr) = '*' then return True; -- Return True if both pattern and string exhausted elsif PPtr > PLast and then SPtr > Slast then return True; -- Return False, if one exhausted and not the other elsif PPtr > PLast or else SPtr > Slast then return False; -- Case where pattern starts with asterisk elsif P (PPtr) = '*' then -- Try all possible starting positions in S for match with the -- remaining characters of the pattern. This is the recursive -- call that implements the scanner backup. for J in SPtr .. Slast loop if Matches (S (J .. Slast), P (PPtr + 1 .. PLast)) then return True; end if; end loop; return False; -- Dealt with end of string and *, advance if we have a match elsif Fold_Lower (S (SPtr)) = Fold_Lower (P (PPtr)) then SPtr := SPtr + 1; PPtr := PPtr + 1; -- If first characters do not match, that's decisive else return False; end if; end loop; end Matches; ----------------------- -- Output_Error_Msgs -- ----------------------- procedure Output_Error_Msgs (E : in out Error_Msg_Id) is P : Source_Ptr; T : Error_Msg_Id; S : Error_Msg_Id; Flag_Num : Pos; Mult_Flags : Boolean := False; begin S := E; -- Skip deleted messages at start if Errors.Table (S).Deleted then Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg (S); end if; -- Figure out if we will place more than one error flag on this line T := S; while T /= No_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (T).Line = Errors.Table (E).Line and then Errors.Table (T).Sfile = Errors.Table (E).Sfile loop if Errors.Table (T).Sptr > Errors.Table (E).Sptr then Mult_Flags := True; end if; Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg (T); end loop; -- Output the error flags. The circuit here makes sure that the tab -- characters in the original line are properly accounted for. The -- eight blanks at the start are to match the line number. if not Debug_Flag_2 then Write_Str (" "); P := Line_Start (Errors.Table (E).Sptr); Flag_Num := 1; -- Loop through error messages for this line to place flags T := S; while T /= No_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (T).Line = Errors.Table (E).Line and then Errors.Table (T).Sfile = Errors.Table (E).Sfile loop declare Src : Source_Buffer_Ptr renames Source_Text (Errors.Table (T).Sfile); begin -- Loop to output blanks till current flag position while P < Errors.Table (T).Sptr loop -- Horizontal tab case, just echo the tab if Src (P) = ASCII.HT then Write_Char (ASCII.HT); P := P + 1; -- Deal with wide character case, but don't include brackets -- notation in this circuit, since we know that this will -- display unencoded (no one encodes brackets notation). elsif Src (P) /= '[' and then Is_Start_Of_Wide_Char (Src, P) then Skip_Wide (Src, P); Write_Char (' '); -- Normal non-wide character case (or bracket) else P := P + 1; Write_Char (' '); end if; end loop; -- Output flag (unless already output, this happens if more -- than one error message occurs at the same flag position). if P = Errors.Table (T).Sptr then if (Flag_Num = 1 and then not Mult_Flags) or else Flag_Num > 9 then Write_Char ('|'); else Write_Char (Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + Flag_Num)); end if; -- Skip past the corresponding source text character -- Horizontal tab case, we output a flag at the tab position -- so now we output a tab to match up with the text. if Src (P) = ASCII.HT then Write_Char (ASCII.HT); P := P + 1; -- Skip wide character other than left bracket elsif Src (P) /= '[' and then Is_Start_Of_Wide_Char (Src, P) then Skip_Wide (Src, P); -- Skip normal non-wide character case (or bracket) else P := P + 1; end if; end if; end; Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg (T); Flag_Num := Flag_Num + 1; end loop; Write_Eol; end if; -- Now output the error messages T := S; while T /= No_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (T).Line = Errors.Table (E).Line and then Errors.Table (T).Sfile = Errors.Table (E).Sfile loop Write_Str (" >>> "); Output_Msg_Text (T); if Debug_Flag_2 then while Column < 74 loop Write_Char (' '); end loop; Write_Str (" <<<"); end if; Write_Eol; Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg (T); end loop; E := T; end Output_Error_Msgs; ------------------------ -- Output_Line_Number -- ------------------------ procedure Output_Line_Number (L : Logical_Line_Number) is D : Int; -- next digit C : Character; -- next character Z : Boolean; -- flag for zero suppress N, M : Int; -- temporaries begin if L = No_Line_Number then Write_Str (" "); else Z := False; N := Int (L); M := 100_000; while M /= 0 loop D := Int (N / M); N := N rem M; M := M / 10; if D = 0 then if Z then C := '0'; else C := ' '; end if; else Z := True; C := Character'Val (D + 48); end if; Write_Char (C); end loop; Write_Str (". "); end if; end Output_Line_Number; --------------------- -- Output_Msg_Text -- --------------------- procedure Output_Msg_Text (E : Error_Msg_Id) is Offs : constant Nat := Column - 1; -- Offset to start of message, used for continuations Max : Integer; -- Maximum characters to output on next line Length : Nat; -- Maximum total length of lines E_Msg : Error_Msg_Object renames Errors.Table (E); Text : constant String_Ptr := E_Msg.Text; Ptr : Natural; Split : Natural; Start : Natural; Tag : constant String := Get_Warning_Tag (E); Txt : String_Ptr; Len : Natural; begin -- Postfix warning tag to message if needed if Tag /= "" and then Warning_Doc_Switch then if Include_Subprogram_In_Messages then Txt := new String' (Subprogram_Name_Ptr (E_Msg.Node) & ": " & Text.all & ' ' & Tag); else Txt := new String'(Text.all & ' ' & Tag); end if; elsif Include_Subprogram_In_Messages and then (E_Msg.Warn or else E_Msg.Style) then Txt := new String'(Subprogram_Name_Ptr (E_Msg.Node) & ": " & Text.all); else Txt := Text; end if; -- If -gnatdF is used, continuation messages follow the main message -- with only an indentation of two space characters, without repeating -- any prefix. if Debug_Flag_FF and then E_Msg.Msg_Cont then null; -- For info messages, prefix message with "info: " elsif E_Msg.Info then Txt := new String'("info: " & Txt.all); -- Warning treated as error elsif E_Msg.Warn_Err then -- We prefix with "error:" rather than warning: and postfix -- [warning-as-error] at the end. Warnings_Treated_As_Errors := Warnings_Treated_As_Errors + 1; Txt := new String'("error: " & Txt.all & " [warning-as-error]"); -- Normal warning, prefix with "warning: " elsif E_Msg.Warn then Txt := new String'("warning: " & Txt.all); -- No prefix needed for style message, "(style)" is there already elsif E_Msg.Style then null; -- No prefix needed for check message, severity is there already elsif E_Msg.Check then null; -- All other cases, add "error: " if unique error tag set elsif Opt.Unique_Error_Tag then Txt := new String'("error: " & Txt.all); end if; -- Set error message line length and length of message if Error_Msg_Line_Length = 0 then Length := Nat'Last; else Length := Error_Msg_Line_Length; end if; Max := Integer (Length - Column + 1); Len := Txt'Length; -- Here we have to split the message up into multiple lines Ptr := 1; loop -- Make sure we do not have ludicrously small line Max := Integer'Max (Max, 20); -- If remaining text fits, output it respecting LF and we are done if Len - Ptr < Max then for J in Ptr .. Len loop if Txt (J) = ASCII.LF then Write_Eol; Write_Spaces (Offs); else Write_Char (Txt (J)); end if; end loop; return; -- Line does not fit else Start := Ptr; -- First scan forward looking for a hard end of line for Scan in Ptr .. Ptr + Max - 1 loop if Txt (Scan) = ASCII.LF then Split := Scan - 1; Ptr := Scan + 1; goto Continue; end if; end loop; -- Otherwise scan backwards looking for a space for Scan in reverse Ptr .. Ptr + Max - 1 loop if Txt (Scan) = ' ' then Split := Scan - 1; Ptr := Scan + 1; goto Continue; end if; end loop; -- If we fall through, no space, so split line arbitrarily Split := Ptr + Max - 1; Ptr := Split + 1; end if; <<Continue>> if Start <= Split then Write_Line (Txt (Start .. Split)); Write_Spaces (Offs); end if; Max := Integer (Length - Column + 1); end loop; end Output_Msg_Text; --------------------- -- Prescan_Message -- --------------------- procedure Prescan_Message (Msg : String) is J : Natural; begin -- Nothing to do for continuation line, unless -gnatdF is set if not Debug_Flag_FF and then Msg (Msg'First) = '\' then return; -- Some global variables are not set for continuation messages, as they -- only make sense for the initial mesage. elsif Msg (Msg'First) /= '\' then -- Set initial values of globals (may be changed during scan) Is_Serious_Error := True; Is_Unconditional_Msg := False; Is_Warning_Msg := False; -- Check style message Is_Style_Msg := Msg'Length > 7 and then Msg (Msg'First .. Msg'First + 6) = "(style)"; -- Check info message Is_Info_Msg := Msg'Length > 6 and then Msg (Msg'First .. Msg'First + 5) = "info: "; -- Check check message Is_Check_Msg := (Msg'Length > 8 and then Msg (Msg'First .. Msg'First + 7) = "medium: ") or else (Msg'Length > 6 and then Msg (Msg'First .. Msg'First + 5) = "high: ") or else (Msg'Length > 5 and then Msg (Msg'First .. Msg'First + 4) = "low: "); end if; Has_Double_Exclam := False; Has_Insertion_Line := False; -- Loop through message looking for relevant insertion sequences J := Msg'First; while J <= Msg'Last loop -- If we have a quote, don't look at following character if Msg (J) = ''' then J := J + 2; -- Warning message (? or < insertion sequence) elsif Msg (J) = '?' or else Msg (J) = '<' then Is_Warning_Msg := Msg (J) = '?' or else Error_Msg_Warn; Warning_Msg_Char := ' '; J := J + 1; if Is_Warning_Msg then declare C : constant Character := Msg (J - 1); begin if J <= Msg'Last then if Msg (J) = C then Warning_Msg_Char := '?'; J := J + 1; elsif J < Msg'Last and then Msg (J + 1) = C and then (Msg (J) in 'a' .. 'z' or else Msg (J) in 'A' .. 'Z' or else Msg (J) = '*' or else Msg (J) = '$') then Warning_Msg_Char := Msg (J); J := J + 2; end if; end if; end; end if; -- Bomb if untagged warning message. This code can be uncommented -- for debugging when looking for untagged warning messages. -- if Is_Warning_Msg and then Warning_Msg_Char = ' ' then -- raise Program_Error; -- end if; -- Unconditional message (! insertion) elsif Msg (J) = '!' then Is_Unconditional_Msg := True; J := J + 1; if J <= Msg'Last and then Msg (J) = '!' then Has_Double_Exclam := True; J := J + 1; end if; -- Insertion line (# insertion) elsif Msg (J) = '#' then Has_Insertion_Line := True; J := J + 1; -- Non-serious error (| insertion) elsif Msg (J) = '|' then Is_Serious_Error := False; J := J + 1; else J := J + 1; end if; end loop; if Is_Info_Msg or Is_Warning_Msg or Is_Style_Msg or Is_Check_Msg then Is_Serious_Error := False; end if; end Prescan_Message; -------------------- -- Purge_Messages -- -------------------- procedure Purge_Messages (From : Source_Ptr; To : Source_Ptr) is E : Error_Msg_Id; function To_Be_Purged (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns True for a message that is to be purged. Also adjusts -- error counts appropriately. ------------------ -- To_Be_Purged -- ------------------ function To_Be_Purged (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean is begin if E /= No_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (E).Sptr > From and then Errors.Table (E).Sptr < To then if Errors.Table (E).Warn or else Errors.Table (E).Style then Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1; else Total_Errors_Detected := Total_Errors_Detected - 1; if Errors.Table (E).Serious then Serious_Errors_Detected := Serious_Errors_Detected - 1; end if; end if; return True; else return False; end if; end To_Be_Purged; -- Start of processing for Purge_Messages begin while To_Be_Purged (First_Error_Msg) loop First_Error_Msg := Errors.Table (First_Error_Msg).Next; end loop; E := First_Error_Msg; while E /= No_Error_Msg loop while To_Be_Purged (Errors.Table (E).Next) loop Errors.Table (E).Next := Errors.Table (Errors.Table (E).Next).Next; end loop; E := Errors.Table (E).Next; end loop; end Purge_Messages; ---------------- -- Same_Error -- ---------------- function Same_Error (M1, M2 : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean is Msg1 : constant String_Ptr := Errors.Table (M1).Text; Msg2 : constant String_Ptr := Errors.Table (M2).Text; Msg2_Len : constant Integer := Msg2'Length; Msg1_Len : constant Integer := Msg1'Length; begin return Msg1.all = Msg2.all or else (Msg1_Len - 10 > Msg2_Len and then Msg2.all = Msg1.all (1 .. Msg2_Len) and then Msg1 (Msg2_Len + 1 .. Msg2_Len + 10) = ", instance") or else (Msg2_Len - 10 > Msg1_Len and then Msg1.all = Msg2.all (1 .. Msg1_Len) and then Msg2 (Msg1_Len + 1 .. Msg1_Len + 10) = ", instance"); end Same_Error; ------------------- -- Set_Msg_Blank -- ------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Blank is begin if Msglen > 0 and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) /= ' ' and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) /= '(' and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) /= '-' and then not Manual_Quote_Mode then Set_Msg_Char (' '); end if; end Set_Msg_Blank; ------------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional -- ------------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional is begin if Msglen > 0 and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) /= ' ' and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) /= '(' and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) /= '"' and then not Manual_Quote_Mode then Set_Msg_Char (' '); end if; end Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional; ------------------ -- Set_Msg_Char -- ------------------ procedure Set_Msg_Char (C : Character) is begin -- The check for message buffer overflow is needed to deal with cases -- where insertions get too long (in particular a child unit name can -- be very long). if Msglen < Max_Msg_Length then Msglen := Msglen + 1; Msg_Buffer (Msglen) := C; end if; end Set_Msg_Char; --------------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_File_Name -- --------------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_File_Name is begin if Error_Msg_File_1 = No_File then null; elsif Error_Msg_File_1 = Error_File_Name then Set_Msg_Blank; Set_Msg_Str ("<error>"); else Set_Msg_Blank; Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_File_1); Set_Msg_Quote; Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; Set_Msg_Quote; end if; -- The following assignments ensure that the second and third { -- insertion characters will correspond to the Error_Msg_File_2 and -- Error_Msg_File_3 values and We suppress possible validity checks in -- case operating in -gnatVa mode, and Error_Msg_File_2 or -- Error_Msg_File_3 is not needed and has not been set. declare pragma Suppress (Range_Check); begin Error_Msg_File_1 := Error_Msg_File_2; Error_Msg_File_2 := Error_Msg_File_3; end; end Set_Msg_Insertion_File_Name; ----------------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number -- ----------------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number (Loc, Flag : Source_Ptr) is Sindex_Loc : Source_File_Index; Sindex_Flag : Source_File_Index; Fname : File_Name_Type; Int_File : Boolean; procedure Set_At; -- Outputs "at " unless last characters in buffer are " from ". Certain -- messages read better with from than at. ------------ -- Set_At -- ------------ procedure Set_At is begin if Msglen < 6 or else Msg_Buffer (Msglen - 5 .. Msglen) /= " from " then Set_Msg_Str ("at "); end if; end Set_At; -- Start of processing for Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number begin Set_Msg_Blank; if Loc = No_Location then Set_At; Set_Msg_Str ("unknown location"); elsif Loc = System_Location then Set_Msg_Str ("in package System"); Set_Msg_Insertion_Run_Time_Name; elsif Loc = Standard_Location then Set_Msg_Str ("in package Standard"); elsif Loc = Standard_ASCII_Location then Set_Msg_Str ("in package Standard.ASCII"); else -- Add "at file-name:" if reference is to other than the source -- file in which the error message is placed. Note that we check -- full file names, rather than just the source indexes, to -- deal with generic instantiations from the current file. Sindex_Loc := Get_Source_File_Index (Loc); Sindex_Flag := Get_Source_File_Index (Flag); if Full_File_Name (Sindex_Loc) /= Full_File_Name (Sindex_Flag) then Set_At; Fname := Reference_Name (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc)); Int_File := Is_Internal_File_Name (Fname); Get_Name_String (Fname); Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; if not (Int_File and Debug_Flag_Dot_K) then Set_Msg_Char (':'); Set_Msg_Int (Int (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Loc))); end if; -- If in current file, add text "at line " else Set_At; Set_Msg_Str ("line "); Int_File := False; Set_Msg_Int (Int (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Loc))); end if; -- Deal with the instantiation case. We may have a reference to, -- e.g. a type, that is declared within a generic template, and -- what we are really referring to is the occurrence in an instance. -- In this case, the line number of the instantiation is also of -- interest, and we add a notation: -- , instance at xxx -- where xxx is a line number output using this same routine (and -- the recursion can go further if the instantiation is itself in -- a generic template). -- The flag location passed to us in this situation is indeed the -- line number within the template, but as described in Sinput.L -- (file sinput-l.ads, section "Handling Generic Instantiations") -- we can retrieve the location of the instantiation itself from -- this flag location value. -- Note: this processing is suppressed if Suppress_Instance_Location -- is set True. This is used to prevent redundant annotations of the -- location of the instantiation in the case where we are placing -- the messages on the instantiation in any case. if Instantiation (Sindex_Loc) /= No_Location and then not Suppress_Instance_Location then Set_Msg_Str (", instance "); Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number (Instantiation (Sindex_Loc), Flag); end if; end if; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number; ---------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Name -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Name is begin if Error_Msg_Name_1 = No_Name then null; elsif Error_Msg_Name_1 = Error_Name then Set_Msg_Blank; Set_Msg_Str ("<error>"); else Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional; Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1); -- Remove %s or %b at end. These come from unit names. If the -- caller wanted the (unit) or (body), then they would have used -- the $ insertion character. Certainly no error message should -- ever have %b or %s explicitly occurring. if Name_Len > 2 and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1) = '%' and then (Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 'b' or else Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's') then Name_Len := Name_Len - 2; end if; -- Remove upper case letter at end, again, we should not be getting -- such names, and what we hope is that the remainder makes sense. if Name_Len > 1 and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len) in 'A' .. 'Z' then Name_Len := Name_Len - 1; end if; -- If operator name or character literal name, just print it as is -- Also print as is if it ends in a right paren (case of x'val(nnn)) if Name_Buffer (1) = '"' or else Name_Buffer (1) = ''' or else Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = ')' then Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; -- Else output with surrounding quotes in proper casing mode else Set_Casing (Identifier_Casing (Flag_Source)); Set_Msg_Quote; Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; Set_Msg_Quote; end if; end if; -- The following assignments ensure that the second and third percent -- insertion characters will correspond to the Error_Msg_Name_2 and -- Error_Msg_Name_3 as required. We suppress possible validity checks in -- case operating in -gnatVa mode, and Error_Msg_Name_1/2 is not needed -- and has not been set. declare pragma Suppress (Range_Check); begin Error_Msg_Name_1 := Error_Msg_Name_2; Error_Msg_Name_2 := Error_Msg_Name_3; end; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Name; ------------------------------------ -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Name_Literal -- ------------------------------------ procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Name_Literal is begin if Error_Msg_Name_1 = No_Name then null; elsif Error_Msg_Name_1 = Error_Name then Set_Msg_Blank; Set_Msg_Str ("<error>"); else Set_Msg_Blank; Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1); Set_Msg_Quote; Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; Set_Msg_Quote; end if; -- The following assignments ensure that the second and third % or %% -- insertion characters will correspond to the Error_Msg_Name_2 and -- Error_Msg_Name_3 values and We suppress possible validity checks in -- case operating in -gnatVa mode, and Error_Msg_Name_2 or -- Error_Msg_Name_3 is not needed and has not been set. declare pragma Suppress (Range_Check); begin Error_Msg_Name_1 := Error_Msg_Name_2; Error_Msg_Name_2 := Error_Msg_Name_3; end; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Name_Literal; ------------------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Name -- ------------------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Name is begin Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional; Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1); Set_Msg_Quote; Set_Casing (Keyword_Casing (Flag_Source), All_Lower_Case); Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; Set_Msg_Quote; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Name; ------------------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Word -- ------------------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Word (Text : String; J : in out Integer) is begin Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional; Name_Len := 0; while J <= Text'Last and then Text (J) in 'A' .. 'Z' loop Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Text (J)); J := J + 1; end loop; -- Here is where we make the special exception for RM if Name_Len = 2 and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 2) = "RM" then Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; -- We make a similar exception for SPARK elsif Name_Len = 5 and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) = "SPARK" then Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; -- Neither RM nor SPARK: case appropriately and add surrounding quotes else Set_Casing (Keyword_Casing (Flag_Source), All_Lower_Case); Set_Msg_Quote; Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; Set_Msg_Quote; end if; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Word; ------------------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Run_Time_Name -- ------------------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Run_Time_Name is begin if Targparm.Run_Time_Name_On_Target /= No_Name then Set_Msg_Blank_Conditional; Set_Msg_Char ('('); Get_Name_String (Targparm.Run_Time_Name_On_Target); Set_Casing (Mixed_Case); Set_Msg_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); Set_Msg_Char (')'); end if; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Run_Time_Name; ---------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Insertion_Uint -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Uint is begin Set_Msg_Blank; UI_Image (Error_Msg_Uint_1); for J in 1 .. UI_Image_Length loop Set_Msg_Char (UI_Image_Buffer (J)); end loop; -- The following assignment ensures that a second caret insertion -- character will correspond to the Error_Msg_Uint_2 parameter. We -- suppress possible validity checks in case operating in -gnatVa mode, -- and Error_Msg_Uint_2 is not needed and has not been set. declare pragma Suppress (Range_Check); begin Error_Msg_Uint_1 := Error_Msg_Uint_2; end; end Set_Msg_Insertion_Uint; ----------------- -- Set_Msg_Int -- ----------------- procedure Set_Msg_Int (Line : Int) is begin if Line > 9 then Set_Msg_Int (Line / 10); end if; Set_Msg_Char (Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + (Line rem 10))); end Set_Msg_Int; ------------------------- -- Set_Msg_Name_Buffer -- ------------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Name_Buffer is begin Set_Msg_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); end Set_Msg_Name_Buffer; ------------------- -- Set_Msg_Quote -- ------------------- procedure Set_Msg_Quote is begin if not Manual_Quote_Mode then Set_Msg_Char ('"'); end if; end Set_Msg_Quote; ----------------- -- Set_Msg_Str -- ----------------- procedure Set_Msg_Str (Text : String) is begin -- Do replacement for special x'Class aspect names if Text = "_Pre" then Set_Msg_Str ("Pre'Class"); elsif Text = "_Post" then Set_Msg_Str ("Post'Class"); elsif Text = "_Type_Invariant" then Set_Msg_Str ("Type_Invariant'Class"); elsif Text = "_pre" then Set_Msg_Str ("pre'class"); elsif Text = "_post" then Set_Msg_Str ("post'class"); elsif Text = "_type_invariant" then Set_Msg_Str ("type_invariant'class"); elsif Text = "_PRE" then Set_Msg_Str ("PRE'CLASS"); elsif Text = "_POST" then Set_Msg_Str ("POST'CLASS"); elsif Text = "_TYPE_INVARIANT" then Set_Msg_Str ("TYPE_INVARIANT'CLASS"); -- Normal case with no replacement else for J in Text'Range loop Set_Msg_Char (Text (J)); end loop; end if; end Set_Msg_Str; ------------------------------ -- Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg (E : in out Error_Msg_Id) is begin if E = No_Error_Msg then return; else loop E := Errors.Table (E).Next; exit when E = No_Error_Msg or else not Errors.Table (E).Deleted; end loop; end if; end Set_Next_Non_Deleted_Msg; ------------------------------ -- Set_Specific_Warning_Off -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Specific_Warning_Off (Loc : Source_Ptr; Msg : String; Reason : String_Id; Config : Boolean; Used : Boolean := False) is begin Specific_Warnings.Append ((Start => Loc, Msg => new String'(Msg), Stop => Source_Last (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc)), Reason => Reason, Open => True, Used => Used, Config => Config)); end Set_Specific_Warning_Off; ----------------------------- -- Set_Specific_Warning_On -- ----------------------------- procedure Set_Specific_Warning_On (Loc : Source_Ptr; Msg : String; Err : out Boolean) is begin for J in 1 .. Specific_Warnings.Last loop declare SWE : Specific_Warning_Entry renames Specific_Warnings.Table (J); begin if Msg = SWE.Msg.all and then Loc > SWE.Start and then SWE.Open and then Get_Source_File_Index (SWE.Start) = Get_Source_File_Index (Loc) then SWE.Stop := Loc; SWE.Open := False; Err := False; -- If a config pragma is specifically cancelled, consider -- that it is no longer active as a configuration pragma. SWE.Config := False; return; end if; end; end loop; Err := True; end Set_Specific_Warning_On; --------------------------- -- Set_Warnings_Mode_Off -- --------------------------- procedure Set_Warnings_Mode_Off (Loc : Source_Ptr; Reason : String_Id) is begin -- Don't bother with entries from instantiation copies, since we will -- already have a copy in the template, which is what matters. if Instantiation (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc)) /= No_Location then return; end if; -- If all warnings are suppressed by command line switch, this can -- be ignored, unless we are in GNATprove_Mode which requires pragma -- Warnings to be stored for the formal verification backend. if Warning_Mode = Suppress and then not GNATprove_Mode then return; end if; -- If last entry in table already covers us, this is a redundant pragma -- Warnings (Off) and can be ignored. if Warnings.Last >= Warnings.First and then Warnings.Table (Warnings.Last).Start <= Loc and then Loc <= Warnings.Table (Warnings.Last).Stop then return; end if; -- If none of those special conditions holds, establish a new entry, -- extending from the location of the pragma to the end of the current -- source file. This ending point will be adjusted by a subsequent -- corresponding pragma Warnings (On). Warnings.Append ((Start => Loc, Stop => Source_Last (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc)), Reason => Reason)); end Set_Warnings_Mode_Off; -------------------------- -- Set_Warnings_Mode_On -- -------------------------- procedure Set_Warnings_Mode_On (Loc : Source_Ptr) is begin -- Don't bother with entries from instantiation copies, since we will -- already have a copy in the template, which is what matters. if Instantiation (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc)) /= No_Location then return; end if; -- If all warnings are suppressed by command line switch, this can -- be ignored, unless we are in GNATprove_Mode which requires pragma -- Warnings to be stored for the formal verification backend. if Warning_Mode = Suppress and then not GNATprove_Mode then return; end if; -- If the last entry in the warnings table covers this pragma, then -- we adjust the end point appropriately. if Warnings.Last >= Warnings.First and then Warnings.Table (Warnings.Last).Start <= Loc and then Loc <= Warnings.Table (Warnings.Last).Stop then Warnings.Table (Warnings.Last).Stop := Loc; end if; end Set_Warnings_Mode_On; ------------------- -- Sloc_In_Range -- ------------------- function Sloc_In_Range (Loc, Start, Stop : Source_Ptr) return Boolean is Cur_Loc : Source_Ptr := Loc; begin while Cur_Loc /= No_Location loop if Start <= Cur_Loc and then Cur_Loc <= Stop then return True; end if; Cur_Loc := Instantiation_Location (Cur_Loc); end loop; return False; end Sloc_In_Range; -------------------------------- -- Validate_Specific_Warnings -- -------------------------------- procedure Validate_Specific_Warnings (Eproc : Error_Msg_Proc) is begin if not Warn_On_Warnings_Off then return; end if; for J in Specific_Warnings.First .. Specific_Warnings.Last loop declare SWE : Specific_Warning_Entry renames Specific_Warnings.Table (J); begin if not SWE.Config then -- Warn for unmatched Warnings (Off, ...) if SWE.Open then Eproc.all ("?W?pragma Warnings Off with no matching Warnings On", SWE.Start); -- Warn for ineffective Warnings (Off, ..) elsif not SWE.Used -- Do not issue this warning for -Wxxx messages since the -- back-end doesn't report the information. Note that there -- is always an asterisk at the start of every message. and then not (SWE.Msg'Length > 3 and then SWE.Msg (2 .. 3) = "-W") then Eproc.all ("?W?no warning suppressed by this pragma", SWE.Start); end if; end if; end; end loop; end Validate_Specific_Warnings; ------------------------------------- -- Warning_Specifically_Suppressed -- ------------------------------------- function Warning_Specifically_Suppressed (Loc : Source_Ptr; Msg : String_Ptr; Tag : String := "") return String_Id is begin -- Loop through specific warning suppression entries for J in Specific_Warnings.First .. Specific_Warnings.Last loop declare SWE : Specific_Warning_Entry renames Specific_Warnings.Table (J); begin -- Pragma applies if it is a configuration pragma, or if the -- location is in range of a specific non-configuration pragma. if SWE.Config or else Sloc_In_Range (Loc, SWE.Start, SWE.Stop) then if Matches (Msg.all, SWE.Msg.all) or else Matches (Tag, SWE.Msg.all) then SWE.Used := True; return SWE.Reason; end if; end if; end; end loop; return No_String; end Warning_Specifically_Suppressed; ------------------------------ -- Warning_Treated_As_Error -- ------------------------------ function Warning_Treated_As_Error (Msg : String) return Boolean is begin for J in 1 .. Warnings_As_Errors_Count loop if Matches (Msg, Warnings_As_Errors (J).all) then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Warning_Treated_As_Error; ------------------------- -- Warnings_Suppressed -- ------------------------- function Warnings_Suppressed (Loc : Source_Ptr) return String_Id is begin -- Loop through table of ON/OFF warnings for J in Warnings.First .. Warnings.Last loop if Sloc_In_Range (Loc, Warnings.Table (J).Start, Warnings.Table (J).Stop) then return Warnings.Table (J).Reason; end if; end loop; if Warning_Mode = Suppress then return Null_String_Id; else return No_String; end if; end Warnings_Suppressed; end Erroutc;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- ADA.CONTAINERS.RED_BLACK_TREES.GENERIC_OPERATIONS -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2004-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The references below to "CLR" refer to the following book, from which -- several of the algorithms here were adapted: -- Introduction to Algorithms -- by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest -- Publisher: The MIT Press (June 18, 1990) -- ISBN: 0262031418 with System; use type System.Address; package body Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Operations is pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Busy*"" is not referenced"); pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Lock*"" is not referenced"); -- See comment in Ada.Containers.Helpers ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- procedure Delete_Fixup (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Node : Node_Access); procedure Delete_Swap (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Z, Y : Node_Access); procedure Left_Rotate (Tree : in out Tree_Type; X : Node_Access); procedure Right_Rotate (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Y : Node_Access); -- Why is all the following code commented out ??? -- --------------------- -- -- Check_Invariant -- -- --------------------- -- procedure Check_Invariant (Tree : Tree_Type) is -- Root : constant Node_Access := Tree.Root; -- -- function Check (Node : Node_Access) return Natural; -- -- ----------- -- -- Check -- -- ----------- -- -- function Check (Node : Node_Access) return Natural is -- begin -- if Node = null then -- return 0; -- end if; -- -- if Color (Node) = Red then -- declare -- L : constant Node_Access := Left (Node); -- begin -- pragma Assert (L = null or else Color (L) = Black); -- null; -- end; -- -- declare -- R : constant Node_Access := Right (Node); -- begin -- pragma Assert (R = null or else Color (R) = Black); -- null; -- end; -- -- declare -- NL : constant Natural := Check (Left (Node)); -- NR : constant Natural := Check (Right (Node)); -- begin -- pragma Assert (NL = NR); -- return NL; -- end; -- end if; -- -- declare -- NL : constant Natural := Check (Left (Node)); -- NR : constant Natural := Check (Right (Node)); -- begin -- pragma Assert (NL = NR); -- return NL + 1; -- end; -- end Check; -- -- -- Start of processing for Check_Invariant -- -- begin -- if Root = null then -- pragma Assert (Tree.First = null); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Last = null); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Length = 0); -- null; -- -- else -- pragma Assert (Color (Root) = Black); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Length > 0); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Root /= null); -- pragma Assert (Tree.First /= null); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Last /= null); -- pragma Assert (Parent (Tree.Root) = null); -- pragma Assert ((Tree.Length > 1) -- or else (Tree.First = Tree.Last -- and Tree.First = Tree.Root)); -- pragma Assert (Left (Tree.First) = null); -- pragma Assert (Right (Tree.Last) = null); -- -- declare -- L : constant Node_Access := Left (Root); -- R : constant Node_Access := Right (Root); -- NL : constant Natural := Check (L); -- NR : constant Natural := Check (R); -- begin -- pragma Assert (NL = NR); -- null; -- end; -- end if; -- end Check_Invariant; ------------------ -- Delete_Fixup -- ------------------ procedure Delete_Fixup (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Node : Node_Access) is -- CLR p274 X : Node_Access := Node; W : Node_Access; begin while X /= Tree.Root and then Color (X) = Black loop if X = Left (Parent (X)) then W := Right (Parent (X)); if Color (W) = Red then Set_Color (W, Black); Set_Color (Parent (X), Red); Left_Rotate (Tree, Parent (X)); W := Right (Parent (X)); end if; if (Left (W) = null or else Color (Left (W)) = Black) and then (Right (W) = null or else Color (Right (W)) = Black) then Set_Color (W, Red); X := Parent (X); else if Right (W) = null or else Color (Right (W)) = Black then -- As a condition for setting the color of the left child to -- black, the left child access value must be non-null. A -- truth table analysis shows that if we arrive here, that -- condition holds, so there's no need for an explicit test. -- The assertion is here to document what we know is true. pragma Assert (Left (W) /= null); Set_Color (Left (W), Black); Set_Color (W, Red); Right_Rotate (Tree, W); W := Right (Parent (X)); end if; Set_Color (W, Color (Parent (X))); Set_Color (Parent (X), Black); Set_Color (Right (W), Black); Left_Rotate (Tree, Parent (X)); X := Tree.Root; end if; else pragma Assert (X = Right (Parent (X))); W := Left (Parent (X)); if Color (W) = Red then Set_Color (W, Black); Set_Color (Parent (X), Red); Right_Rotate (Tree, Parent (X)); W := Left (Parent (X)); end if; if (Left (W) = null or else Color (Left (W)) = Black) and then (Right (W) = null or else Color (Right (W)) = Black) then Set_Color (W, Red); X := Parent (X); else if Left (W) = null or else Color (Left (W)) = Black then -- As a condition for setting the color of the right child -- to black, the right child access value must be non-null. -- A truth table analysis shows that if we arrive here, that -- condition holds, so there's no need for an explicit test. -- The assertion is here to document what we know is true. pragma Assert (Right (W) /= null); Set_Color (Right (W), Black); Set_Color (W, Red); Left_Rotate (Tree, W); W := Left (Parent (X)); end if; Set_Color (W, Color (Parent (X))); Set_Color (Parent (X), Black); Set_Color (Left (W), Black); Right_Rotate (Tree, Parent (X)); X := Tree.Root; end if; end if; end loop; Set_Color (X, Black); end Delete_Fixup; --------------------------- -- Delete_Node_Sans_Free -- --------------------------- procedure Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Node : Node_Access) is -- CLR p273 X, Y : Node_Access; Z : constant Node_Access := Node; pragma Assert (Z /= null); begin TC_Check (Tree.TC); -- Why are these all commented out ??? -- pragma Assert (Tree.Length > 0); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Root /= null); -- pragma Assert (Tree.First /= null); -- pragma Assert (Tree.Last /= null); -- pragma Assert (Parent (Tree.Root) = null); -- pragma Assert ((Tree.Length > 1) -- or else (Tree.First = Tree.Last -- and then Tree.First = Tree.Root)); -- pragma Assert ((Left (Node) = null) -- or else (Parent (Left (Node)) = Node)); -- pragma Assert ((Right (Node) = null) -- or else (Parent (Right (Node)) = Node)); -- pragma Assert (((Parent (Node) = null) and then (Tree.Root = Node)) -- or else ((Parent (Node) /= null) and then -- ((Left (Parent (Node)) = Node) -- or else (Right (Parent (Node)) = Node)))); if Left (Z) = null then if Right (Z) = null then if Z = Tree.First then Tree.First := Parent (Z); end if; if Z = Tree.Last then Tree.Last := Parent (Z); end if; if Color (Z) = Black then Delete_Fixup (Tree, Z); end if; pragma Assert (Left (Z) = null); pragma Assert (Right (Z) = null); if Z = Tree.Root then pragma Assert (Tree.Length = 1); pragma Assert (Parent (Z) = null); Tree.Root := null; elsif Z = Left (Parent (Z)) then Set_Left (Parent (Z), null); else pragma Assert (Z = Right (Parent (Z))); Set_Right (Parent (Z), null); end if; else pragma Assert (Z /= Tree.Last); X := Right (Z); if Z = Tree.First then Tree.First := Min (X); end if; if Z = Tree.Root then Tree.Root := X; elsif Z = Left (Parent (Z)) then Set_Left (Parent (Z), X); else pragma Assert (Z = Right (Parent (Z))); Set_Right (Parent (Z), X); end if; Set_Parent (X, Parent (Z)); if Color (Z) = Black then Delete_Fixup (Tree, X); end if; end if; elsif Right (Z) = null then pragma Assert (Z /= Tree.First); X := Left (Z); if Z = Tree.Last then Tree.Last := Max (X); end if; if Z = Tree.Root then Tree.Root := X; elsif Z = Left (Parent (Z)) then Set_Left (Parent (Z), X); else pragma Assert (Z = Right (Parent (Z))); Set_Right (Parent (Z), X); end if; Set_Parent (X, Parent (Z)); if Color (Z) = Black then Delete_Fixup (Tree, X); end if; else pragma Assert (Z /= Tree.First); pragma Assert (Z /= Tree.Last); Y := Next (Z); pragma Assert (Left (Y) = null); X := Right (Y); if X = null then if Y = Left (Parent (Y)) then pragma Assert (Parent (Y) /= Z); Delete_Swap (Tree, Z, Y); Set_Left (Parent (Z), Z); else pragma Assert (Y = Right (Parent (Y))); pragma Assert (Parent (Y) = Z); Set_Parent (Y, Parent (Z)); if Z = Tree.Root then Tree.Root := Y; elsif Z = Left (Parent (Z)) then Set_Left (Parent (Z), Y); else pragma Assert (Z = Right (Parent (Z))); Set_Right (Parent (Z), Y); end if; Set_Left (Y, Left (Z)); Set_Parent (Left (Y), Y); Set_Right (Y, Z); Set_Parent (Z, Y); Set_Left (Z, null); Set_Right (Z, null); declare Y_Color : constant Color_Type := Color (Y); begin Set_Color (Y, Color (Z)); Set_Color (Z, Y_Color); end; end if; if Color (Z) = Black then Delete_Fixup (Tree, Z); end if; pragma Assert (Left (Z) = null); pragma Assert (Right (Z) = null); if Z = Right (Parent (Z)) then Set_Right (Parent (Z), null); else pragma Assert (Z = Left (Parent (Z))); Set_Left (Parent (Z), null); end if; else if Y = Left (Parent (Y)) then pragma Assert (Parent (Y) /= Z); Delete_Swap (Tree, Z, Y); Set_Left (Parent (Z), X); Set_Parent (X, Parent (Z)); else pragma Assert (Y = Right (Parent (Y))); pragma Assert (Parent (Y) = Z); Set_Parent (Y, Parent (Z)); if Z = Tree.Root then Tree.Root := Y; elsif Z = Left (Parent (Z)) then Set_Left (Parent (Z), Y); else pragma Assert (Z = Right (Parent (Z))); Set_Right (Parent (Z), Y); end if; Set_Left (Y, Left (Z)); Set_Parent (Left (Y), Y); declare Y_Color : constant Color_Type := Color (Y); begin Set_Color (Y, Color (Z)); Set_Color (Z, Y_Color); end; end if; if Color (Z) = Black then Delete_Fixup (Tree, X); end if; end if; end if; Tree.Length := Tree.Length - 1; end Delete_Node_Sans_Free; ----------------- -- Delete_Swap -- ----------------- procedure Delete_Swap (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Z, Y : Node_Access) is pragma Assert (Z /= Y); pragma Assert (Parent (Y) /= Z); Y_Parent : constant Node_Access := Parent (Y); Y_Color : constant Color_Type := Color (Y); begin Set_Parent (Y, Parent (Z)); Set_Left (Y, Left (Z)); Set_Right (Y, Right (Z)); Set_Color (Y, Color (Z)); if Tree.Root = Z then Tree.Root := Y; elsif Right (Parent (Y)) = Z then Set_Right (Parent (Y), Y); else pragma Assert (Left (Parent (Y)) = Z); Set_Left (Parent (Y), Y); end if; if Right (Y) /= null then Set_Parent (Right (Y), Y); end if; if Left (Y) /= null then Set_Parent (Left (Y), Y); end if; Set_Parent (Z, Y_Parent); Set_Color (Z, Y_Color); Set_Left (Z, null); Set_Right (Z, null); end Delete_Swap; -------------------- -- Generic_Adjust -- -------------------- procedure Generic_Adjust (Tree : in out Tree_Type) is N : constant Count_Type := Tree.Length; Root : constant Node_Access := Tree.Root; use type Helpers.Tamper_Counts; begin -- If the counts are nonzero, execution is technically erroneous, but -- it seems friendly to allow things like concurrent "=" on shared -- constants. Zero_Counts (Tree.TC); if N = 0 then pragma Assert (Root = null); return; end if; Tree.Root := null; Tree.First := null; Tree.Last := null; Tree.Length := 0; Tree.Root := Copy_Tree (Root); Tree.First := Min (Tree.Root); Tree.Last := Max (Tree.Root); Tree.Length := N; end Generic_Adjust; ------------------- -- Generic_Clear -- ------------------- procedure Generic_Clear (Tree : in out Tree_Type) is Root : Node_Access := Tree.Root; begin TC_Check (Tree.TC); Tree := (First => null, Last => null, Root => null, Length => 0, TC => <>); Delete_Tree (Root); end Generic_Clear; ----------------------- -- Generic_Copy_Tree -- ----------------------- function Generic_Copy_Tree (Source_Root : Node_Access) return Node_Access is Target_Root : Node_Access := Copy_Node (Source_Root); P, X : Node_Access; begin if Right (Source_Root) /= null then Set_Right (Node => Target_Root, Right => Generic_Copy_Tree (Right (Source_Root))); Set_Parent (Node => Right (Target_Root), Parent => Target_Root); end if; P := Target_Root; X := Left (Source_Root); while X /= null loop declare Y : constant Node_Access := Copy_Node (X); begin Set_Left (Node => P, Left => Y); Set_Parent (Node => Y, Parent => P); if Right (X) /= null then Set_Right (Node => Y, Right => Generic_Copy_Tree (Right (X))); Set_Parent (Node => Right (Y), Parent => Y); end if; P := Y; X := Left (X); end; end loop; return Target_Root; exception when others => Delete_Tree (Target_Root); raise; end Generic_Copy_Tree; ------------------------- -- Generic_Delete_Tree -- ------------------------- procedure Generic_Delete_Tree (X : in out Node_Access) is Y : Node_Access; pragma Warnings (Off, Y); begin while X /= null loop Y := Right (X); Generic_Delete_Tree (Y); Y := Left (X); Free (X); X := Y; end loop; end Generic_Delete_Tree; ------------------- -- Generic_Equal -- ------------------- function Generic_Equal (Left, Right : Tree_Type) return Boolean is begin if Left.Length /= Right.Length then return False; end if; -- If the containers are empty, return a result immediately, so as to -- not manipulate the tamper bits unnecessarily. if Left.Length = 0 then return True; end if; declare Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right.TC'Unrestricted_Access); L_Node : Node_Access := Left.First; R_Node : Node_Access := Right.First; begin while L_Node /= null loop if not Is_Equal (L_Node, R_Node) then return False; end if; L_Node := Next (L_Node); R_Node := Next (R_Node); end loop; end; return True; end Generic_Equal; ----------------------- -- Generic_Iteration -- ----------------------- procedure Generic_Iteration (Tree : Tree_Type) is procedure Iterate (P : Node_Access); ------------- -- Iterate -- ------------- procedure Iterate (P : Node_Access) is X : Node_Access := P; begin while X /= null loop Iterate (Left (X)); Process (X); X := Right (X); end loop; end Iterate; -- Start of processing for Generic_Iteration begin Iterate (Tree.Root); end Generic_Iteration; ------------------ -- Generic_Move -- ------------------ procedure Generic_Move (Target, Source : in out Tree_Type) is begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then return; end if; TC_Check (Source.TC); Clear (Target); Target := Source; Source := (First => null, Last => null, Root => null, Length => 0, TC => <>); end Generic_Move; ------------------ -- Generic_Read -- ------------------ procedure Generic_Read (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Tree : in out Tree_Type) is N : Count_Type'Base; Node, Last_Node : Node_Access; begin Clear (Tree); Count_Type'Base'Read (Stream, N); pragma Assert (N >= 0); if N = 0 then return; end if; Node := Read_Node (Stream); pragma Assert (Node /= null); pragma Assert (Color (Node) = Red); Set_Color (Node, Black); Tree.Root := Node; Tree.First := Node; Tree.Last := Node; Tree.Length := 1; for J in Count_Type range 2 .. N loop Last_Node := Node; pragma Assert (Last_Node = Tree.Last); Node := Read_Node (Stream); pragma Assert (Node /= null); pragma Assert (Color (Node) = Red); Set_Right (Node => Last_Node, Right => Node); Tree.Last := Node; Set_Parent (Node => Node, Parent => Last_Node); Rebalance_For_Insert (Tree, Node); Tree.Length := Tree.Length + 1; end loop; end Generic_Read; ------------------------------- -- Generic_Reverse_Iteration -- ------------------------------- procedure Generic_Reverse_Iteration (Tree : Tree_Type) is procedure Iterate (P : Node_Access); ------------- -- Iterate -- ------------- procedure Iterate (P : Node_Access) is X : Node_Access := P; begin while X /= null loop Iterate (Right (X)); Process (X); X := Left (X); end loop; end Iterate; -- Start of processing for Generic_Reverse_Iteration begin Iterate (Tree.Root); end Generic_Reverse_Iteration; ------------------- -- Generic_Write -- ------------------- procedure Generic_Write (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Tree : Tree_Type) is procedure Process (Node : Node_Access); pragma Inline (Process); procedure Iterate is new Generic_Iteration (Process); ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Node : Node_Access) is begin Write_Node (Stream, Node); end Process; -- Start of processing for Generic_Write begin Count_Type'Base'Write (Stream, Tree.Length); Iterate (Tree); end Generic_Write; ----------------- -- Left_Rotate -- ----------------- procedure Left_Rotate (Tree : in out Tree_Type; X : Node_Access) is -- CLR p266 Y : constant Node_Access := Right (X); pragma Assert (Y /= null); begin Set_Right (X, Left (Y)); if Left (Y) /= null then Set_Parent (Left (Y), X); end if; Set_Parent (Y, Parent (X)); if X = Tree.Root then Tree.Root := Y; elsif X = Left (Parent (X)) then Set_Left (Parent (X), Y); else pragma Assert (X = Right (Parent (X))); Set_Right (Parent (X), Y); end if; Set_Left (Y, X); Set_Parent (X, Y); end Left_Rotate; --------- -- Max -- --------- function Max (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is -- CLR p248 X : Node_Access := Node; Y : Node_Access; begin loop Y := Right (X); if Y = null then return X; end if; X := Y; end loop; end Max; --------- -- Min -- --------- function Min (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is -- CLR p248 X : Node_Access := Node; Y : Node_Access; begin loop Y := Left (X); if Y = null then return X; end if; X := Y; end loop; end Min; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- function Next (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is begin -- CLR p249 if Node = null then return null; end if; if Right (Node) /= null then return Min (Right (Node)); end if; declare X : Node_Access := Node; Y : Node_Access := Parent (Node); begin while Y /= null and then X = Right (Y) loop X := Y; Y := Parent (Y); end loop; return Y; end; end Next; -------------- -- Previous -- -------------- function Previous (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is begin if Node = null then return null; end if; if Left (Node) /= null then return Max (Left (Node)); end if; declare X : Node_Access := Node; Y : Node_Access := Parent (Node); begin while Y /= null and then X = Left (Y) loop X := Y; Y := Parent (Y); end loop; return Y; end; end Previous; -------------------------- -- Rebalance_For_Insert -- -------------------------- procedure Rebalance_For_Insert (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Node : Node_Access) is -- CLR p.268 X : Node_Access := Node; pragma Assert (X /= null); pragma Assert (Color (X) = Red); Y : Node_Access; begin while X /= Tree.Root and then Color (Parent (X)) = Red loop if Parent (X) = Left (Parent (Parent (X))) then Y := Right (Parent (Parent (X))); if Y /= null and then Color (Y) = Red then Set_Color (Parent (X), Black); Set_Color (Y, Black); Set_Color (Parent (Parent (X)), Red); X := Parent (Parent (X)); else if X = Right (Parent (X)) then X := Parent (X); Left_Rotate (Tree, X); end if; Set_Color (Parent (X), Black); Set_Color (Parent (Parent (X)), Red); Right_Rotate (Tree, Parent (Parent (X))); end if; else pragma Assert (Parent (X) = Right (Parent (Parent (X)))); Y := Left (Parent (Parent (X))); if Y /= null and then Color (Y) = Red then Set_Color (Parent (X), Black); Set_Color (Y, Black); Set_Color (Parent (Parent (X)), Red); X := Parent (Parent (X)); else if X = Left (Parent (X)) then X := Parent (X); Right_Rotate (Tree, X); end if; Set_Color (Parent (X), Black); Set_Color (Parent (Parent (X)), Red); Left_Rotate (Tree, Parent (Parent (X))); end if; end if; end loop; Set_Color (Tree.Root, Black); end Rebalance_For_Insert; ------------------ -- Right_Rotate -- ------------------ procedure Right_Rotate (Tree : in out Tree_Type; Y : Node_Access) is X : constant Node_Access := Left (Y); pragma Assert (X /= null); begin Set_Left (Y, Right (X)); if Right (X) /= null then Set_Parent (Right (X), Y); end if; Set_Parent (X, Parent (Y)); if Y = Tree.Root then Tree.Root := X; elsif Y = Left (Parent (Y)) then Set_Left (Parent (Y), X); else pragma Assert (Y = Right (Parent (Y))); Set_Right (Parent (Y), X); end if; Set_Right (X, Y); Set_Parent (Y, X); end Right_Rotate; --------- -- Vet -- --------- function Vet (Tree : Tree_Type; Node : Node_Access) return Boolean is begin if Node = null then return True; end if; if Parent (Node) = Node or else Left (Node) = Node or else Right (Node) = Node then return False; end if; if Tree.Length = 0 or else Tree.Root = null or else Tree.First = null or else Tree.Last = null then return False; end if; if Parent (Tree.Root) /= null then return False; end if; if Left (Tree.First) /= null then return False; end if; if Right (Tree.Last) /= null then return False; end if; if Tree.Length = 1 then if Tree.First /= Tree.Last or else Tree.First /= Tree.Root then return False; end if; if Node /= Tree.First then return False; end if; if Parent (Node) /= null or else Left (Node) /= null or else Right (Node) /= null then return False; end if; return True; end if; if Tree.First = Tree.Last then return False; end if; if Tree.Length = 2 then if Tree.First /= Tree.Root and then Tree.Last /= Tree.Root then return False; end if; if Tree.First /= Node and then Tree.Last /= Node then return False; end if; end if; if Left (Node) /= null and then Parent (Left (Node)) /= Node then return False; end if; if Right (Node) /= null and then Parent (Right (Node)) /= Node then return False; end if; if Parent (Node) = null then if Tree.Root /= Node then return False; end if; elsif Left (Parent (Node)) /= Node and then Right (Parent (Node)) /= Node then return False; end if; return True; end Vet; end Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Operations;
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
with OpenAL.Context.Error; with OpenAL.Context; with OpenAL.Extension.EFX; with Test; procedure efx_002 is package ALC renames OpenAL.Context; package ALC_Error renames OpenAL.Context.Error; package AL_EFX renames OpenAL.Extension.EFX; Device : ALC.Device_t; Context : ALC.Context_t; OK : Boolean; EFX : AL_EFX.Extension_t; TC : Test.Context_t; use type ALC.Device_t; use type ALC.Context_t; use type ALC_Error.Error_t; procedure Finish is begin ALC.Destroy_Context (Context); ALC.Close_Device (Device); end Finish; procedure Init is begin Device := ALC.Open_Default_Device; pragma Assert (Device /= ALC.Invalid_Device); Context := ALC.Create_Context (Device); pragma Assert (Context /= ALC.Invalid_Context); OK := ALC.Make_Context_Current (Context); pragma Assert (OK); end Init; Effects : AL_EFX.Effect_Array_t (1 .. 2); Filters : AL_EFX.Filter_Array_t (1 .. 2); begin Test.Initialize (Test_Context => TC, Program => "efx_002", Test_DB => "TEST_DB", Test_Results => "TEST_RESULTS"); Init; OK := True; if AL_EFX.Is_Present (Device) then EFX := AL_EFX.Load_Extension; AL_EFX.Generate_Effects (EFX, Effects); Test.Check (TC, 56, AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (1)), "AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (1))"); Test.Check (TC, 57, AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (2)), "AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (2))"); AL_EFX.Delete_Effects (EFX, Effects); Test.Check (TC, 58, not AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (1)), "not AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (1))"); Test.Check (TC, 59, not AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (2)), "not AL_EFX.Effect_Is_Valid (EFX, Effects (2))"); AL_EFX.Generate_Filters (EFX, Filters); Test.Check (TC, 60, AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (1)), "AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (1))"); Test.Check (TC, 61, AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (2)), "AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (2))"); AL_EFX.Delete_Filters (EFX, Filters); Test.Check (TC, 62, not AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (1)), "not AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (1))"); Test.Check (TC, 63, not AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (2)), "not AL_EFX.Filter_Is_Valid (EFX, Filters (2))"); else Test.Satisfy (TC, 56, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 57, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 58, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 59, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 60, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 61, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 62, Test.Unsupported); Test.Satisfy (TC, 63, Test.Unsupported); end if; Finish; end efx_002;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2015-2017, AdaCore -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- -- met: -- -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- -- distribution. -- -- 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- -- -- -- This file is based on: -- -- -- -- @file stm32f4xx_hal_usart.c -- -- @author MCD Application Team -- -- @version V1.1.0 -- -- @date 19-June-2014 -- -- @brief USARTS HAL module driver. -- -- -- -- COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System; use System; with STM32_SVD.USART; use STM32_SVD.USART, STM32_SVD; with STM32.Device; package body STM32.USARTs is ------------ -- Enable -- ------------ procedure Enable (This : in out USART) is begin This.Periph.CR1.UE := True; end Enable; ------------- -- Disable -- ------------- procedure Disable (This : in out USART) is begin This.Periph.CR1.UE := False; end Disable; ------------- -- Enabled -- ------------- function Enabled (This : USART) return Boolean is (This.Periph.CR1.UE); ------------------- -- Set_Stop_Bits -- ------------------- procedure Set_Stop_Bits (This : in out USART; To : Stop_Bits) is begin This.Periph.CR2.STOP := Stop_Bits'Enum_Rep (To); end Set_Stop_Bits; --------------------- -- Set_Word_Length -- --------------------- procedure Set_Word_Length (This : in out USART; To : Word_Lengths) is begin case To is when Word_Length_7 => This.Periph.CR1.M0 := False; This.Periph.CR1.M1 := True; when Word_Length_8 => This.Periph.CR1.M0 := False; This.Periph.CR1.M1 := False; when Word_Length_9 => This.Periph.CR1.M0 := True; This.Periph.CR1.M1 := False; end case; end Set_Word_Length; ---------------- -- Set_Parity -- ---------------- procedure Set_Parity (This : in out USART; To : Parities) is begin case To is when No_Parity => This.Periph.CR1.PCE := False; This.Periph.CR1.PS := False; when Even_Parity => This.Periph.CR1.PCE := True; This.Periph.CR1.PS := False; when Odd_Parity => This.Periph.CR1.PCE := True; This.Periph.CR1.PS := True; end case; end Set_Parity; ------------------- -- Set_Baud_Rate -- ------------------- procedure Set_Baud_Rate (This : in out USART; To : Baud_Rates) is Clock : constant UInt32 := STM32.Device.Get_Clock_Frequency (This); Over_By_8 : constant Boolean := This.Periph.CR1.OVER8; Int_Scale : constant UInt32 := (if Over_By_8 then 2 else 4); Int_Divider : constant UInt32 := (25 * Clock) / (Int_Scale * To); Frac_Divider : constant UInt32 := Int_Divider rem 100; begin -- the integer part of the divi if Over_By_8 then This.Periph.BRR.DIV_Fraction := BRR_DIV_Fraction_Field (((Frac_Divider * 8) + 50) / 100 mod 8); else This.Periph.BRR.DIV_Fraction := BRR_DIV_Fraction_Field (((Frac_Divider * 16) + 50) / 100 mod 16); end if; This.Periph.BRR.DIV_Mantissa := BRR_DIV_Mantissa_Field (Int_Divider / 100); end Set_Baud_Rate; --------------------------- -- Set_Oversampling_Mode -- --------------------------- procedure Set_Oversampling_Mode (This : in out USART; To : Oversampling_Modes) is begin This.Periph.CR1.OVER8 := To = Oversampling_By_8; end Set_Oversampling_Mode; -------------- -- Set_Mode -- -------------- procedure Set_Mode (This : in out USART; To : UART_Modes) is begin This.Periph.CR1.RE := To /= Tx_Mode; This.Periph.CR1.TE := To /= Rx_Mode; end Set_Mode; ---------------------- -- Set_Flow_Control -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Flow_Control (This : in out USART; To : Flow_Control) is begin case To is when No_Flow_Control => This.Periph.CR3.RTSE := False; This.Periph.CR3.CTSE := False; when RTS_Flow_Control => This.Periph.CR3.RTSE := True; This.Periph.CR3.CTSE := False; when CTS_Flow_Control => This.Periph.CR3.RTSE := False; This.Periph.CR3.CTSE := True; when RTS_CTS_Flow_Control => This.Periph.CR3.RTSE := True; This.Periph.CR3.CTSE := True; end case; end Set_Flow_Control; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Transmit (This : in out USART; Data : UInt9) is begin This.Periph.TDR.TDR := Data; end Transmit; --------- -- Get -- --------- procedure Receive (This : USART; Data : out UInt9) is begin Data := Current_Input (This); end Receive; ------------------- -- Current_Input -- ------------------- function Current_Input (This : USART) return UInt9 is (This.Periph.RDR.RDR); -------------- -- Tx_Ready -- -------------- function Tx_Ready (This : USART) return Boolean is begin return This.Periph.ISR.TXE; end Tx_Ready; -------------- -- Rx_Ready -- -------------- function Rx_Ready (This : USART) return Boolean is begin return This.Periph.ISR.RXNE; end Rx_Ready; ----------------------- -- Enable_USART_Mode -- ----------------------- procedure Enable_USART_Mode (This : in out USART; Mode : USART_Mode; Data : UInt32 := 16#0000#) is begin case Mode is when Modbus_RTU => -- Set 2-character timeout This.Periph.RTOR.RTO := UInt24 (Data); This.Periph.CR2.RTOEN := True; when Modbus_ASCII => -- Set LF ASCII character (16#0A#) This.Periph.CR2.ADD.Val := UInt8 (Data); when LIN => -- Disable USART This.Periph.CR1.UE := False; -- 1 stop bit This.Periph.CR2.STOP := Stopbits_1'Enum_Rep; -- Disable CK pin This.Periph.CR2.CLKEN := False; -- Disable smartcard mode This.Periph.CR3.SCEN := False; -- Disable half-duplex mode This.Periph.CR3.HDSEL := False; -- Disable IrDA mode This.Periph.CR3.IREN := False; -- Enable LIN mode This.Periph.CR2.LINEN := True; -- Enable USART This.Periph.CR1.UE := True; end case; end Enable_USART_Mode; ------------------------ -- Disable_USART_Mode -- ------------------------ procedure Disable_USART_Mode (This : in out USART; Mode : USART_Mode) is begin case Mode is when Modbus_RTU => This.Periph.CR2.RTOEN := False; when Modbus_ASCII => null; when LIN => This.Periph.CR2.LINEN := False; end case; end Disable_USART_Mode; ----------------------- -- Enable_Interrupts -- ----------------------- procedure Enable_Interrupts (This : in out USART; Source : USART_Interrupt) is begin case Source is when End_Of_Block => This.Periph.CR1.EOBIE := True; when Receiver_Timeout => This.Periph.CR1.RTOIE := True; when Character_Match => This.Periph.CR1.CMIE := True; when Parity_Error => This.Periph.CR1.PEIE := True; when Transmit_Data_Register_Empty => This.Periph.CR1.TXEIE := True; when Transmission_Complete => This.Periph.CR1.TCIE := True; when Received_Data_Not_Empty => This.Periph.CR1.RXNEIE := True; when Idle_Line_Detection => This.Periph.CR1.IDLEIE := True; when LIN_Break_Detection => This.Periph.CR2.LBDIE := True; when Clear_To_Send => This.Periph.CR3.CTSIE := True; when Error => This.Periph.CR3.EIE := True; end case; end Enable_Interrupts; ------------------------ -- Disable_Interrupts -- ------------------------ procedure Disable_Interrupts (This : in out USART; Source : USART_Interrupt) is begin case Source is when End_Of_Block => This.Periph.CR1.EOBIE := False; when Receiver_Timeout => This.Periph.CR1.RTOIE := False; when Character_Match => This.Periph.CR1.CMIE := False; when Parity_Error => This.Periph.CR1.PEIE := False; when Transmit_Data_Register_Empty => This.Periph.CR1.TXEIE := False; when Transmission_Complete => This.Periph.CR1.TCIE := False; when Received_Data_Not_Empty => This.Periph.CR1.RXNEIE := False; when Idle_Line_Detection => This.Periph.CR1.IDLEIE := False; when LIN_Break_Detection => This.Periph.CR2.LBDIE := False; when Clear_To_Send => This.Periph.CR3.CTSIE := False; when Error => This.Periph.CR3.EIE := False; end case; end Disable_Interrupts; ----------------------- -- Interrupt_Enabled -- ----------------------- function Interrupt_Enabled (This : USART; Source : USART_Interrupt) return Boolean is begin case Source is when End_Of_Block => return This.Periph.CR1.EOBIE; when Receiver_Timeout => return This.Periph.CR1.RTOIE; when Character_Match => return This.Periph.CR1.CMIE; when Parity_Error => return This.Periph.CR1.PEIE; when Transmit_Data_Register_Empty => return This.Periph.CR1.TXEIE; when Transmission_Complete => return This.Periph.CR1.TCIE; when Received_Data_Not_Empty => return This.Periph.CR1.RXNEIE; when Idle_Line_Detection => return This.Periph.CR1.IDLEIE; when LIN_Break_Detection => return This.Periph.CR2.LBDIE; when Clear_To_Send => return This.Periph.CR3.CTSIE; when Error => return This.Periph.CR3.EIE; end case; end Interrupt_Enabled; ------------ -- Status -- ------------ function Status (This : USART; Flag : USART_Status_Flag) return Boolean is begin case Flag is when End_Of_Block_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.EOBF; when Receiver_Timeout_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.RTOF; when Character_Match_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.CMF; when Parity_Error_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.PE; when Framing_Error_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.FE; when USART_Noise_Error_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.NF; when Overrun_Error_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.ORE; when Idle_Line_Detection_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.IDLE; when Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty => return This.Periph.ISR.RXNE; when Transmission_Complete_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.TC; when Transmit_Data_Register_Empty => return This.Periph.ISR.TXE; when LIN_Break_Detection_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.LBDF; when Clear_To_Send_Indicated => return This.Periph.ISR.CTS; end case; end Status; ------------------ -- Clear_Status -- ------------------ procedure Clear_Status (This : in out USART; Flag : USART_Status_Flag) is begin case Flag is when End_Of_Block_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.EOBCF := True; when Receiver_Timeout_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.RTOCF := True; when Character_Match_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.CMCF := True; when Parity_Error_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.PECF := True; when Framing_Error_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.FECF := True; when USART_Noise_Error_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.NCF := True; when Overrun_Error_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.ORECF := True; when Idle_Line_Detection_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.IDLECF := True; when Read_Data_Register_Not_Empty => null; -- Cleared by a read to the RDR register when Transmission_Complete_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.TCCF := True; when Transmit_Data_Register_Empty => null; -- Cleared by a write to TDR register when LIN_Break_Detection_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.LBDCF := True; when Clear_To_Send_Indicated => This.Periph.ICR.CTSCF := True; end case; end Clear_Status; ---------------------------------- -- Enable_DMA_Transmit_Requests -- ---------------------------------- procedure Enable_DMA_Transmit_Requests (This : in out USART) is begin This.Periph.CR3.DMAT := True; end Enable_DMA_Transmit_Requests; --------------------------------- -- Enable_DMA_Receive_Requests -- --------------------------------- procedure Enable_DMA_Receive_Requests (This : in out USART) is begin This.Periph.CR3.DMAR := True; end Enable_DMA_Receive_Requests; ----------------------------------- -- Disable_DMA_Transmit_Requests -- ----------------------------------- procedure Disable_DMA_Transmit_Requests (This : in out USART) is begin This.Periph.CR3.DMAT := False; end Disable_DMA_Transmit_Requests; ---------------------------------- -- Disable_DMA_Receive_Requests -- ---------------------------------- procedure Disable_DMA_Receive_Requests (This : in out USART) is begin This.Periph.CR3.DMAR := False; end Disable_DMA_Receive_Requests; ----------------------------------- -- DMA_Transmit_Requests_Enabled -- ----------------------------------- function DMA_Transmit_Requests_Enabled (This : USART) return Boolean is (This.Periph.CR3.DMAT); ---------------------------------- -- DMA_Receive_Requests_Enabled -- ---------------------------------- function DMA_Receive_Requests_Enabled (This : USART) return Boolean is (This.Periph.CR3.DMAR); ----------------------------- -- Resume_DMA_Transmission -- ----------------------------- procedure Resume_DMA_Transmission (This : in out USART) is begin Enable_DMA_Transmit_Requests (This); if not Enabled (This) then Enable (This); end if; end Resume_DMA_Transmission; -------------------------- -- Resume_DMA_Reception -- -------------------------- procedure Resume_DMA_Reception (This : in out USART) is begin Enable_DMA_Receive_Requests (This); if not Enabled (This) then Enable (This); end if; end Resume_DMA_Reception; -------------------------------- -- Read_Data_Register_Address -- -------------------------------- function Read_Data_Register_Address (This : USART) return System.Address is (This.Periph.RDR'Address); ------------------------------------ -- Transmit_Data_Register_Address -- ------------------------------------ function Transmit_Data_Register_Address (This : USART) return System.Address is (This.Periph.TDR'Address); --------------- -- Data_Size -- --------------- overriding function Data_Size (This : USART) return HAL.UART.UART_Data_Size is begin if not This.Periph.CR1.M1 and not This.Periph.CR1.M0 then return Data_Size_8b; elsif not This.Periph.CR1.M1 and This.Periph.CR1.M0 then return Data_Size_9b; else return Data_Size_7b; end if; end Data_Size; -------------- -- Transmit -- -------------- overriding procedure Transmit (This : in out USART; Data : UART_Data_7b; Status : out UART_Status; Timeout : Natural := 1000) is pragma Unreferenced (Status, Timeout); begin for Elt of Data loop loop exit when This.Tx_Ready; end loop; This.Transmit (UInt9 (Elt)); end loop; Status := Ok; end Transmit; -------------- -- Transmit -- -------------- overriding procedure Transmit (This : in out USART; Data : UART_Data_8b; Status : out UART_Status; Timeout : Natural := 1000) is pragma Unreferenced (Status, Timeout); begin for Elt of Data loop loop exit when This.Tx_Ready; end loop; This.Transmit (UInt9 (Elt)); end loop; Status := Ok; end Transmit; -------------- -- Transmit -- -------------- overriding procedure Transmit (This : in out USART; Data : UART_Data_9b; Status : out UART_Status; Timeout : Natural := 1000) is pragma Unreferenced (Status, Timeout); begin for Elt of Data loop loop exit when This.Tx_Ready; end loop; This.Transmit (Elt); end loop; Status := Ok; end Transmit; ------------- -- Receive -- ------------- overriding procedure Receive (This : in out USART; Data : out UART_Data_7b; Status : out UART_Status; Timeout : Natural := 1000) is pragma Unreferenced (Status, Timeout); begin for Elt of Data loop loop exit when This.Rx_Ready; end loop; This.Receive (UInt9 (Elt)); end loop; Status := Ok; end Receive; ------------- -- Receive -- ------------- overriding procedure Receive (This : in out USART; Data : out UART_Data_8b; Status : out UART_Status; Timeout : Natural := 1000) is pragma Unreferenced (Status, Timeout); begin for Elt of Data loop loop exit when This.Rx_Ready; end loop; This.Receive (UInt9 (Elt)); end loop; Status := Ok; end Receive; ------------- -- Receive -- ------------- overriding procedure Receive (This : in out USART; Data : out UART_Data_9b; Status : out UART_Status; Timeout : Natural := 1000) is pragma Unreferenced (Status, Timeout); begin for Elt of Data loop loop exit when This.Rx_Ready; end loop; This.Receive (Elt); end loop; Status := Ok; end Receive; end STM32.USARTs;
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----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jason.Tickets.Models -- Jason.Tickets.Models ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File generated by ada-gen DO NOT MODIFY -- Template used: templates/model/package-body.xhtml -- Ada Generator: https://ada-gen.googlecode.com/svn/trunk Revision 1095 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (C) 2020 Stephane.Carrez -- Written by Stephane.Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Util.Beans.Objects.Time; with ASF.Events.Faces.Actions; package body Jason.Tickets.Models is use type ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access; use type ADO.Objects.Object_Ref; pragma Warnings (Off, "formal parameter * is not referenced"); function Ticket_Key (Id : in ADO.Identifier) return ADO.Objects.Object_Key is Result : ADO.Objects.Object_Key (Of_Type => ADO.Objects.KEY_INTEGER, Of_Class => TICKET_DEF'Access); begin ADO.Objects.Set_Value (Result, Id); return Result; end Ticket_Key; function Ticket_Key (Id : in String) return ADO.Objects.Object_Key is Result : ADO.Objects.Object_Key (Of_Type => ADO.Objects.KEY_INTEGER, Of_Class => TICKET_DEF'Access); begin ADO.Objects.Set_Value (Result, Id); return Result; end Ticket_Key; function "=" (Left, Right : Ticket_Ref'Class) return Boolean is begin return ADO.Objects.Object_Ref'Class (Left) = ADO.Objects.Object_Ref'Class (Right); end "="; procedure Set_Field (Object : in out Ticket_Ref'Class; Impl : out Ticket_Access) is Result : ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access; begin Object.Prepare_Modify (Result); Impl := Ticket_Impl (Result.all)'Access; end Set_Field; -- Internal method to allocate the Object_Record instance procedure Allocate (Object : in out Ticket_Ref) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Impl := new Ticket_Impl; Impl.Version := 0; Impl.Ident := 0; Impl.Create_Date := ADO.DEFAULT_TIME; Impl.Priority := 0; Impl.Status := Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type'First; Impl.Update_Date := ADO.DEFAULT_TIME; Impl.Ticket_Type := Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type'First; Impl.Duration := 0; Impl.Progress := 0; ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); end Allocate; -- ---------------------------------------- -- Data object: Ticket -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Set_Id (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in ADO.Identifier) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Key_Value (Impl.all, 1, Value); end Set_Id; function Get_Id (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return ADO.Identifier is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Get_Key_Value; end Get_Id; function Get_Version (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Integer is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Version; end Get_Version; procedure Set_Summary (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in String) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_String (Impl.all, 3, Impl.Summary, Value); end Set_Summary; procedure Set_Summary (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Unbounded_String (Impl.all, 3, Impl.Summary, Value); end Set_Summary; function Get_Summary (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Object.Get_Summary); end Get_Summary; function Get_Summary (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Summary; end Get_Summary; procedure Set_Ident (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Integer) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Integer (Impl.all, 4, Impl.Ident, Value); end Set_Ident; function Get_Ident (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Integer is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Ident; end Get_Ident; procedure Set_Create_Date (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Ada.Calendar.Time) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Time (Impl.all, 5, Impl.Create_Date, Value); end Set_Create_Date; function Get_Create_Date (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Ada.Calendar.Time is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Create_Date; end Get_Create_Date; procedure Set_Priority (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Integer) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Integer (Impl.all, 6, Impl.Priority, Value); end Set_Priority; function Get_Priority (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Integer is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Priority; end Get_Priority; procedure Set_Status (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type) is procedure Set_Field_Enum is new ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Operation (Status_Type); Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); Set_Field_Enum (Impl.all, 7, Impl.Status, Value); end Set_Status; function Get_Status (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Status; end Get_Status; procedure Set_Description (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in String) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_String (Impl.all, 8, Impl.Description, Value); end Set_Description; procedure Set_Description (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Unbounded_String (Impl.all, 8, Impl.Description, Value); end Set_Description; function Get_Description (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Object.Get_Description); end Get_Description; function Get_Description (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Description; end Get_Description; procedure Set_Update_Date (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Ada.Calendar.Time) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Time (Impl.all, 9, Impl.Update_Date, Value); end Set_Update_Date; function Get_Update_Date (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Ada.Calendar.Time is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Update_Date; end Get_Update_Date; procedure Set_Ticket_Type (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type) is procedure Set_Field_Enum is new ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Operation (Ticket_Type); Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); Set_Field_Enum (Impl.all, 10, Impl.Ticket_Type, Value); end Set_Ticket_Type; function Get_Ticket_Type (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Ticket_Type; end Get_Ticket_Type; procedure Set_Duration (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Integer) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Integer (Impl.all, 11, Impl.Duration, Value); end Set_Duration; function Get_Duration (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Integer is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Duration; end Get_Duration; procedure Set_Progress (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Integer) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Integer (Impl.all, 12, Impl.Progress, Value); end Set_Progress; function Get_Progress (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Integer is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Progress; end Get_Progress; procedure Set_Project (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in Jason.Projects.Models.Project_Ref'Class) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Object (Impl.all, 13, Impl.Project, Value); end Set_Project; function Get_Project (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return Jason.Projects.Models.Project_Ref'Class is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Project; end Get_Project; procedure Set_Creator (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Value : in AWA.Users.Models.User_Ref'Class) is Impl : Ticket_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Object (Impl.all, 14, Impl.Creator, Value); end Set_Creator; function Get_Creator (Object : in Ticket_Ref) return AWA.Users.Models.User_Ref'Class is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Creator; end Get_Creator; -- Copy of the object. procedure Copy (Object : in Ticket_Ref; Into : in out Ticket_Ref) is Result : Ticket_Ref; begin if not Object.Is_Null then declare Impl : constant Ticket_Access := Ticket_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; Copy : constant Ticket_Access := new Ticket_Impl; begin ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Result, Copy.all'Access); Copy.Copy (Impl.all); Copy.Version := Impl.Version; Copy.Summary := Impl.Summary; Copy.Ident := Impl.Ident; Copy.Create_Date := Impl.Create_Date; Copy.Priority := Impl.Priority; Copy.Status := Impl.Status; Copy.Description := Impl.Description; Copy.Update_Date := Impl.Update_Date; Copy.Ticket_Type := Impl.Ticket_Type; Copy.Duration := Impl.Duration; Copy.Progress := Impl.Progress; Copy.Project := Impl.Project; Copy.Creator := Impl.Creator; end; end if; Into := Result; end Copy; procedure Find (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Query : in ADO.SQL.Query'Class; Found : out Boolean) is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := new Ticket_Impl; begin Impl.Find (Session, Query, Found); if Found then ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); else ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, null); Destroy (Impl); end if; end Find; procedure Load (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Id : in ADO.Identifier) is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := new Ticket_Impl; Found : Boolean; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; begin Query.Bind_Param (Position => 1, Value => Id); Query.Set_Filter ("id = ?"); Impl.Find (Session, Query, Found); if not Found then Destroy (Impl); raise ADO.Objects.NOT_FOUND; end if; ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); end Load; procedure Load (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Found : out Boolean) is Impl : constant Ticket_Access := new Ticket_Impl; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; begin Query.Bind_Param (Position => 1, Value => Id); Query.Set_Filter ("id = ?"); Impl.Find (Session, Query, Found); if not Found then Destroy (Impl); else ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); end if; end Load; procedure Save (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Impl : ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access := Object.Get_Object; begin if Impl = null then Impl := new Ticket_Impl; ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl); end if; if not ADO.Objects.Is_Created (Impl.all) then Impl.Create (Session); else Impl.Save (Session); end if; end Save; procedure Delete (Object : in out Ticket_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Impl : constant ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access := Object.Get_Object; begin if Impl /= null then Impl.Delete (Session); end if; end Delete; -- -------------------- -- Free the object -- -------------------- procedure Destroy (Object : access Ticket_Impl) is type Ticket_Impl_Ptr is access all Ticket_Impl; procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Ticket_Impl, Ticket_Impl_Ptr); pragma Warnings (Off, "*redundant conversion*"); Ptr : Ticket_Impl_Ptr := Ticket_Impl (Object.all)'Access; pragma Warnings (On, "*redundant conversion*"); begin Unchecked_Free (Ptr); end Destroy; procedure Find (Object : in out Ticket_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Query : in ADO.SQL.Query'Class; Found : out Boolean) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Query, TICKET_DEF'Access); begin Stmt.Execute; if Stmt.Has_Elements then Object.Load (Stmt, Session); Stmt.Next; Found := not Stmt.Has_Elements; else Found := False; end if; end Find; overriding procedure Load (Object : in out Ticket_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class) is Found : Boolean; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; Id : constant ADO.Identifier := Object.Get_Key_Value; begin Query.Bind_Param (Position => 1, Value => Id); Query.Set_Filter ("id = ?"); Object.Find (Session, Query, Found); if not Found then raise ADO.Objects.NOT_FOUND; end if; end Load; procedure Save (Object : in out Ticket_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Update_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (TICKET_DEF'Access); begin if Object.Is_Modified (1) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_0_1_NAME, -- id Value => Object.Get_Key); Object.Clear_Modified (1); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (3) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_2_1_NAME, -- summary Value => Object.Summary); Object.Clear_Modified (3); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (4) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_3_1_NAME, -- ident Value => Object.Ident); Object.Clear_Modified (4); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (5) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_4_1_NAME, -- create_date Value => Object.Create_Date); Object.Clear_Modified (5); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (6) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_5_1_NAME, -- priority Value => Object.Priority); Object.Clear_Modified (6); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (7) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_6_1_NAME, -- status Value => Integer (Status_Type'Pos (Object.Status))); Object.Clear_Modified (7); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (8) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_7_1_NAME, -- description Value => Object.Description); Object.Clear_Modified (8); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (9) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_8_1_NAME, -- update_date Value => Object.Update_Date); Object.Clear_Modified (9); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (10) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_9_1_NAME, -- ticket_type Value => Integer (Ticket_Type'Pos (Object.Ticket_Type))); Object.Clear_Modified (10); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (11) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_10_1_NAME, -- duration Value => Object.Duration); Object.Clear_Modified (11); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (12) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_11_1_NAME, -- progress Value => Object.Progress); Object.Clear_Modified (12); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (13) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_12_1_NAME, -- project_id Value => Object.Project); Object.Clear_Modified (13); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (14) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_13_1_NAME, -- creator_id Value => Object.Creator); Object.Clear_Modified (14); end if; if Stmt.Has_Save_Fields then Object.Version := Object.Version + 1; Stmt.Save_Field (Name => "version", Value => Object.Version); Stmt.Set_Filter (Filter => "id = ? and version = ?"); Stmt.Add_Param (Value => Object.Get_Key); Stmt.Add_Param (Value => Object.Version - 1); declare Result : Integer; begin Stmt.Execute (Result); if Result /= 1 then if Result /= 0 then raise ADO.Objects.UPDATE_ERROR; else raise ADO.Objects.LAZY_LOCK; end if; end if; end; end if; end Save; procedure Create (Object : in out Ticket_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Query : ADO.Statements.Insert_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (TICKET_DEF'Access); Result : Integer; begin Object.Version := 1; Session.Allocate (Id => Object); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_0_1_NAME, -- id Value => Object.Get_Key); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_1_1_NAME, -- version Value => Object.Version); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_2_1_NAME, -- summary Value => Object.Summary); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_3_1_NAME, -- ident Value => Object.Ident); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_4_1_NAME, -- create_date Value => Object.Create_Date); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_5_1_NAME, -- priority Value => Object.Priority); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_6_1_NAME, -- status Value => Integer (Status_Type'Pos (Object.Status))); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_7_1_NAME, -- description Value => Object.Description); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_8_1_NAME, -- update_date Value => Object.Update_Date); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_9_1_NAME, -- ticket_type Value => Integer (Ticket_Type'Pos (Object.Ticket_Type))); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_10_1_NAME, -- duration Value => Object.Duration); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_11_1_NAME, -- progress Value => Object.Progress); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_12_1_NAME, -- project_id Value => Object.Project); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_13_1_NAME, -- creator_id Value => Object.Creator); Query.Execute (Result); if Result /= 1 then raise ADO.Objects.INSERT_ERROR; end if; ADO.Objects.Set_Created (Object); end Create; procedure Delete (Object : in out Ticket_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Delete_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (TICKET_DEF'Access); begin Stmt.Set_Filter (Filter => "id = ?"); Stmt.Add_Param (Value => Object.Get_Key); Stmt.Execute; end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Ticket_Ref; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is Obj : ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access; Impl : access Ticket_Impl; begin if From.Is_Null then return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end if; Obj := From.Get_Load_Object; Impl := Ticket_Impl (Obj.all)'Access; if Name = "id" then return ADO.Objects.To_Object (Impl.Get_Key); elsif Name = "summary" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Impl.Summary); elsif Name = "ident" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (Impl.Ident)); elsif Name = "create_date" then return Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Object (Impl.Create_Date); elsif Name = "priority" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (Impl.Priority)); elsif Name = "status" then return Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type_Objects.To_Object (Impl.Status); elsif Name = "description" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Impl.Description); elsif Name = "update_date" then return Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Object (Impl.Update_Date); elsif Name = "ticket_type" then return Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Object (Impl.Ticket_Type); elsif Name = "duration" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (Impl.Duration)); elsif Name = "progress" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (Impl.Progress)); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; procedure List (Object : in out Ticket_Vector; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Query : in ADO.SQL.Query'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Query, TICKET_DEF'Access); begin Stmt.Execute; Ticket_Vectors.Clear (Object); while Stmt.Has_Elements loop declare Item : Ticket_Ref; Impl : constant Ticket_Access := new Ticket_Impl; begin Impl.Load (Stmt, Session); ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Item, Impl.all'Access); Object.Append (Item); end; Stmt.Next; end loop; end List; -- ------------------------------ -- Load the object from current iterator position -- ------------------------------ procedure Load (Object : in out Ticket_Impl; Stmt : in out ADO.Statements.Query_Statement'Class; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class) is begin Object.Set_Key_Value (Stmt.Get_Identifier (0)); Object.Summary := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (2); Object.Ident := Stmt.Get_Integer (3); Object.Create_Date := Stmt.Get_Time (4); Object.Priority := Stmt.Get_Integer (5); Object.Status := Status_Type'Val (Stmt.Get_Integer (6)); Object.Description := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (7); Object.Update_Date := Stmt.Get_Time (8); Object.Ticket_Type := Ticket_Type'Val (Stmt.Get_Integer (9)); Object.Duration := Stmt.Get_Integer (10); Object.Progress := Stmt.Get_Integer (11); if not Stmt.Is_Null (12) then Object.Project.Set_Key_Value (Stmt.Get_Identifier (12), Session); end if; if not Stmt.Is_Null (13) then Object.Creator.Set_Key_Value (Stmt.Get_Identifier (13), Session); end if; Object.Version := Stmt.Get_Integer (1); ADO.Objects.Set_Created (Object); end Load; function Attribute_Key (Id : in ADO.Identifier) return ADO.Objects.Object_Key is Result : ADO.Objects.Object_Key (Of_Type => ADO.Objects.KEY_INTEGER, Of_Class => ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); begin ADO.Objects.Set_Value (Result, Id); return Result; end Attribute_Key; function Attribute_Key (Id : in String) return ADO.Objects.Object_Key is Result : ADO.Objects.Object_Key (Of_Type => ADO.Objects.KEY_INTEGER, Of_Class => ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); begin ADO.Objects.Set_Value (Result, Id); return Result; end Attribute_Key; function "=" (Left, Right : Attribute_Ref'Class) return Boolean is begin return ADO.Objects.Object_Ref'Class (Left) = ADO.Objects.Object_Ref'Class (Right); end "="; procedure Set_Field (Object : in out Attribute_Ref'Class; Impl : out Attribute_Access) is Result : ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access; begin Object.Prepare_Modify (Result); Impl := Attribute_Impl (Result.all)'Access; end Set_Field; -- Internal method to allocate the Object_Record instance procedure Allocate (Object : in out Attribute_Ref) is Impl : Attribute_Access; begin Impl := new Attribute_Impl; Impl.Version := 0; ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); end Allocate; -- ---------------------------------------- -- Data object: Attribute -- ---------------------------------------- procedure Set_Id (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Value : in ADO.Identifier) is Impl : Attribute_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Key_Value (Impl.all, 1, Value); end Set_Id; function Get_Id (Object : in Attribute_Ref) return ADO.Identifier is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := Attribute_Impl (Object.Get_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Get_Key_Value; end Get_Id; procedure Set_Value (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Value : in String) is Impl : Attribute_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_String (Impl.all, 2, Impl.Value, Value); end Set_Value; procedure Set_Value (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Value : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is Impl : Attribute_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Unbounded_String (Impl.all, 2, Impl.Value, Value); end Set_Value; function Get_Value (Object : in Attribute_Ref) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Object.Get_Value); end Get_Value; function Get_Value (Object : in Attribute_Ref) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := Attribute_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Value; end Get_Value; function Get_Version (Object : in Attribute_Ref) return Integer is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := Attribute_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Version; end Get_Version; procedure Set_Definition (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Value : in Jason.Projects.Models.Attribute_Definition_Ref'Class) is Impl : Attribute_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Object (Impl.all, 4, Impl.Definition, Value); end Set_Definition; function Get_Definition (Object : in Attribute_Ref) return Jason.Projects.Models.Attribute_Definition_Ref'Class is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := Attribute_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Definition; end Get_Definition; procedure Set_Ticket (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Value : in Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Ref'Class) is Impl : Attribute_Access; begin Set_Field (Object, Impl); ADO.Objects.Set_Field_Object (Impl.all, 5, Impl.Ticket, Value); end Set_Ticket; function Get_Ticket (Object : in Attribute_Ref) return Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Ref'Class is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := Attribute_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; begin return Impl.Ticket; end Get_Ticket; -- Copy of the object. procedure Copy (Object : in Attribute_Ref; Into : in out Attribute_Ref) is Result : Attribute_Ref; begin if not Object.Is_Null then declare Impl : constant Attribute_Access := Attribute_Impl (Object.Get_Load_Object.all)'Access; Copy : constant Attribute_Access := new Attribute_Impl; begin ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Result, Copy.all'Access); Copy.Copy (Impl.all); Copy.Value := Impl.Value; Copy.Version := Impl.Version; Copy.Definition := Impl.Definition; Copy.Ticket := Impl.Ticket; end; end if; Into := Result; end Copy; procedure Find (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Query : in ADO.SQL.Query'Class; Found : out Boolean) is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := new Attribute_Impl; begin Impl.Find (Session, Query, Found); if Found then ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); else ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, null); Destroy (Impl); end if; end Find; procedure Load (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Id : in ADO.Identifier) is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := new Attribute_Impl; Found : Boolean; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; begin Query.Bind_Param (Position => 1, Value => Id); Query.Set_Filter ("id = ?"); Impl.Find (Session, Query, Found); if not Found then Destroy (Impl); raise ADO.Objects.NOT_FOUND; end if; ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); end Load; procedure Load (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Found : out Boolean) is Impl : constant Attribute_Access := new Attribute_Impl; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; begin Query.Bind_Param (Position => 1, Value => Id); Query.Set_Filter ("id = ?"); Impl.Find (Session, Query, Found); if not Found then Destroy (Impl); else ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl.all'Access); end if; end Load; procedure Save (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Impl : ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access := Object.Get_Object; begin if Impl = null then Impl := new Attribute_Impl; ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Object, Impl); end if; if not ADO.Objects.Is_Created (Impl.all) then Impl.Create (Session); else Impl.Save (Session); end if; end Save; procedure Delete (Object : in out Attribute_Ref; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Impl : constant ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access := Object.Get_Object; begin if Impl /= null then Impl.Delete (Session); end if; end Delete; -- -------------------- -- Free the object -- -------------------- procedure Destroy (Object : access Attribute_Impl) is type Attribute_Impl_Ptr is access all Attribute_Impl; procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Attribute_Impl, Attribute_Impl_Ptr); pragma Warnings (Off, "*redundant conversion*"); Ptr : Attribute_Impl_Ptr := Attribute_Impl (Object.all)'Access; pragma Warnings (On, "*redundant conversion*"); begin Unchecked_Free (Ptr); end Destroy; procedure Find (Object : in out Attribute_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Query : in ADO.SQL.Query'Class; Found : out Boolean) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Query, ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); begin Stmt.Execute; if Stmt.Has_Elements then Object.Load (Stmt, Session); Stmt.Next; Found := not Stmt.Has_Elements; else Found := False; end if; end Find; overriding procedure Load (Object : in out Attribute_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class) is Found : Boolean; Query : ADO.SQL.Query; Id : constant ADO.Identifier := Object.Get_Key_Value; begin Query.Bind_Param (Position => 1, Value => Id); Query.Set_Filter ("id = ?"); Object.Find (Session, Query, Found); if not Found then raise ADO.Objects.NOT_FOUND; end if; end Load; procedure Save (Object : in out Attribute_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Update_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); begin if Object.Is_Modified (1) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_0_2_NAME, -- id Value => Object.Get_Key); Object.Clear_Modified (1); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (2) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_1_2_NAME, -- value Value => Object.Value); Object.Clear_Modified (2); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (4) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_3_2_NAME, -- definition_id Value => Object.Definition); Object.Clear_Modified (4); end if; if Object.Is_Modified (5) then Stmt.Save_Field (Name => COL_4_2_NAME, -- ticket_id Value => Object.Ticket); Object.Clear_Modified (5); end if; if Stmt.Has_Save_Fields then Object.Version := Object.Version + 1; Stmt.Save_Field (Name => "version", Value => Object.Version); Stmt.Set_Filter (Filter => "id = ? and version = ?"); Stmt.Add_Param (Value => Object.Get_Key); Stmt.Add_Param (Value => Object.Version - 1); declare Result : Integer; begin Stmt.Execute (Result); if Result /= 1 then if Result /= 0 then raise ADO.Objects.UPDATE_ERROR; else raise ADO.Objects.LAZY_LOCK; end if; end if; end; end if; end Save; procedure Create (Object : in out Attribute_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Query : ADO.Statements.Insert_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); Result : Integer; begin Object.Version := 1; Session.Allocate (Id => Object); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_0_2_NAME, -- id Value => Object.Get_Key); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_1_2_NAME, -- value Value => Object.Value); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_2_2_NAME, -- version Value => Object.Version); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_3_2_NAME, -- definition_id Value => Object.Definition); Query.Save_Field (Name => COL_4_2_NAME, -- ticket_id Value => Object.Ticket); Query.Execute (Result); if Result /= 1 then raise ADO.Objects.INSERT_ERROR; end if; ADO.Objects.Set_Created (Object); end Create; procedure Delete (Object : in out Attribute_Impl; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Delete_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); begin Stmt.Set_Filter (Filter => "id = ?"); Stmt.Add_Param (Value => Object.Get_Key); Stmt.Execute; end Delete; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Attribute_Ref; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is Obj : ADO.Objects.Object_Record_Access; Impl : access Attribute_Impl; begin if From.Is_Null then return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end if; Obj := From.Get_Load_Object; Impl := Attribute_Impl (Obj.all)'Access; if Name = "id" then return ADO.Objects.To_Object (Impl.Get_Key); elsif Name = "value" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Impl.Value); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; procedure List (Object : in out Attribute_Vector; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Query : in ADO.SQL.Query'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Query, ATTRIBUTE_DEF'Access); begin Stmt.Execute; Attribute_Vectors.Clear (Object); while Stmt.Has_Elements loop declare Item : Attribute_Ref; Impl : constant Attribute_Access := new Attribute_Impl; begin Impl.Load (Stmt, Session); ADO.Objects.Set_Object (Item, Impl.all'Access); Object.Append (Item); end; Stmt.Next; end loop; end List; -- ------------------------------ -- Load the object from current iterator position -- ------------------------------ procedure Load (Object : in out Attribute_Impl; Stmt : in out ADO.Statements.Query_Statement'Class; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class) is begin Object.Set_Key_Value (Stmt.Get_Identifier (0)); Object.Value := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (1); if not Stmt.Is_Null (3) then Object.Definition.Set_Key_Value (Stmt.Get_Identifier (3), Session); end if; if not Stmt.Is_Null (4) then Object.Ticket.Set_Key_Value (Stmt.Get_Identifier (4), Session); end if; Object.Version := Stmt.Get_Integer (2); ADO.Objects.Set_Created (Object); end Load; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in List_Info; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin if Name = "id" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Id)); elsif Name = "ident" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Ident)); elsif Name = "summary" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Summary); elsif Name = "priority" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Priority)); elsif Name = "create_date" then return Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Object (From.Create_Date); elsif Name = "update_date" then return Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Object (From.Update_Date); elsif Name = "status" then return Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type_Objects.To_Object (From.Status); elsif Name = "ticket_type" then return Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Object (From.Ticket_Type); elsif Name = "duration" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Duration)); elsif Name = "progress" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Progress)); elsif Name = "creator" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Creator); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out List_Info; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin if Name = "id" then Item.Id := ADO.Identifier (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "ident" then Item.Ident := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "summary" then Item.Summary := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "priority" then Item.Priority := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "create_date" then Item.Create_Date := Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Time (Value); elsif Name = "update_date" then Item.Update_Date := Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Time (Value); elsif Name = "status" then Item.Status := Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value); elsif Name = "ticket_type" then Item.Ticket_Type := Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value); elsif Name = "duration" then Item.Duration := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "progress" then Item.Progress := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "creator" then Item.Creator := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); end if; end Set_Value; -- -------------------- -- Run the query controlled by <b>Context</b> and append the list in <b>Object</b>. -- -------------------- procedure List (Object : in out List_Info_List_Bean'Class; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Context : in out ADO.Queries.Context'Class) is begin List (Object.List, Session, Context); end List; -- -------------------- -- The list of tickets. -- -------------------- procedure List (Object : in out List_Info_Vector; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Context : in out ADO.Queries.Context'Class) is procedure Read (Into : in out List_Info); Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Context); Pos : Positive := 1; procedure Read (Into : in out List_Info) is begin Into.Id := Stmt.Get_Identifier (0); Into.Ident := Stmt.Get_Integer (1); Into.Summary := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (2); Into.Priority := Stmt.Get_Integer (3); Into.Create_Date := Stmt.Get_Time (4); Into.Update_Date := Stmt.Get_Time (5); Into.Status := Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type'Val (Stmt.Get_Integer (6)); Into.Ticket_Type := Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Type'Val (Stmt.Get_Integer (7)); Into.Duration := Stmt.Get_Integer (8); Into.Progress := Stmt.Get_Integer (9); Into.Creator := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (10); end Read; begin Stmt.Execute; List_Info_Vectors.Clear (Object); while Stmt.Has_Elements loop Object.Insert_Space (Before => Pos); Object.Update_Element (Index => Pos, Process => Read'Access); Pos := Pos + 1; Stmt.Next; end loop; end List; procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_Info; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_Info; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_Info'Class (Bean).Load (Outcome); end Op_Load; package Binding_Ticket_Info_1 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_Info, Method => Op_Load, Name => "load"); Binding_Ticket_Info_Array : aliased constant Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array := (1 => Binding_Ticket_Info_1.Proxy'Access ); -- ------------------------------ -- This bean provides some methods that can be used in a Method_Expression. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Method_Bindings (From : in Ticket_Info) return Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array_Access is pragma Unreferenced (From); begin return Binding_Ticket_Info_Array'Access; end Get_Method_Bindings; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Ticket_Info; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin if Name = "id" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Id)); elsif Name = "ident" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Ident)); elsif Name = "summary" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Summary); elsif Name = "description" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Description); elsif Name = "priority" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Priority)); elsif Name = "create_date" then return Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Object (From.Create_Date); elsif Name = "update_date" then return Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Object (From.Update_Date); elsif Name = "status" then return Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type_Objects.To_Object (From.Status); elsif Name = "project_id" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Project_Id)); elsif Name = "project_name" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Project_Name); elsif Name = "creator" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Creator); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out Ticket_Info; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin if Name = "id" then Item.Id := ADO.Identifier (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "ident" then Item.Ident := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "summary" then Item.Summary := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "description" then Item.Description := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "priority" then Item.Priority := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "create_date" then Item.Create_Date := Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Time (Value); elsif Name = "update_date" then Item.Update_Date := Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Time (Value); elsif Name = "status" then Item.Status := Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value); elsif Name = "project_id" then Item.Project_Id := ADO.Identifier (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "project_name" then Item.Project_Name := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "creator" then Item.Creator := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); end if; end Set_Value; -- -------------------- -- Read in the object the data from the query result and prepare to read the next row. -- If there is no row, raise the ADO.NOT_FOUND exception. -- -------------------- procedure Read (Into : in out Ticket_Info; Stmt : in out ADO.Statements.Query_Statement'Class) is begin if not Stmt.Has_Elements then raise ADO.Objects.NOT_FOUND; end if; Into.Id := Stmt.Get_Identifier (0); Into.Ident := Stmt.Get_Integer (1); Into.Summary := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (2); Into.Description := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (3); Into.Priority := Stmt.Get_Integer (4); Into.Create_Date := Stmt.Get_Time (5); Into.Update_Date := Stmt.Get_Time (6); Into.Status := Jason.Tickets.Models.Status_Type'Val (Stmt.Get_Integer (7)); Into.Project_Id := Stmt.Get_Identifier (8); Into.Project_Name := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (9); Into.Creator := Stmt.Get_Unbounded_String (10); Stmt.Next; end Read; -- -------------------- -- Run the query controlled by <b>Context</b> and load the result in <b>Object</b>. -- -------------------- procedure Load (Object : in out Ticket_Info'Class; Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Context : in out ADO.Queries.Context'Class) is Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Context); begin Stmt.Execute; Read (Object, Stmt); if Stmt.Has_Elements then raise ADO.Objects.NOT_FOUND; end if; end Load; procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_Bean'Class (Bean).Load (Outcome); end Op_Load; package Binding_Ticket_Bean_1 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_Bean, Method => Op_Load, Name => "load"); procedure Op_Create (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Create (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_Bean'Class (Bean).Create (Outcome); end Op_Create; package Binding_Ticket_Bean_2 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_Bean, Method => Op_Create, Name => "create"); procedure Op_Save (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Save (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_Bean'Class (Bean).Save (Outcome); end Op_Save; package Binding_Ticket_Bean_3 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_Bean, Method => Op_Save, Name => "save"); procedure Op_Save_Status (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Save_Status (Bean : in out Ticket_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_Bean'Class (Bean).Save_Status (Outcome); end Op_Save_Status; package Binding_Ticket_Bean_4 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_Bean, Method => Op_Save_Status, Name => "save_status"); Binding_Ticket_Bean_Array : aliased constant Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array := (1 => Binding_Ticket_Bean_1.Proxy'Access, 2 => Binding_Ticket_Bean_2.Proxy'Access, 3 => Binding_Ticket_Bean_3.Proxy'Access, 4 => Binding_Ticket_Bean_4.Proxy'Access ); -- ------------------------------ -- This bean provides some methods that can be used in a Method_Expression. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Method_Bindings (From : in Ticket_Bean) return Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array_Access is pragma Unreferenced (From); begin return Binding_Ticket_Bean_Array'Access; end Get_Method_Bindings; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Ticket_Bean; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin if Name = "comment" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Comment); end if; return Jason.Tickets.Models.Ticket_Ref (From).Get_Value (Name); end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out Ticket_Bean; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin if Name = "comment" then Item.Comment := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "summary" then Item.Set_Summary (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); elsif Name = "ident" then Item.Set_Ident (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "create_date" then Item.Set_Create_Date (Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Time (Value)); elsif Name = "priority" then Item.Set_Priority (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "status" then Item.Set_Status (Status_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value)); elsif Name = "description" then Item.Set_Description (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value)); elsif Name = "update_date" then Item.Set_Update_Date (Util.Beans.Objects.Time.To_Time (Value)); elsif Name = "ticket_type" then Item.Set_Ticket_Type (Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value)); elsif Name = "duration" then Item.Set_Duration (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "progress" then Item.Set_Progress (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value)); end if; end Set_Value; procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_List_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_List_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_List_Bean'Class (Bean).Load (Outcome); end Op_Load; package Binding_Ticket_List_Bean_1 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_List_Bean, Method => Op_Load, Name => "load"); Binding_Ticket_List_Bean_Array : aliased constant Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array := (1 => Binding_Ticket_List_Bean_1.Proxy'Access ); -- ------------------------------ -- This bean provides some methods that can be used in a Method_Expression. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Method_Bindings (From : in Ticket_List_Bean) return Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array_Access is pragma Unreferenced (From); begin return Binding_Ticket_List_Bean_Array'Access; end Get_Method_Bindings; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Ticket_List_Bean; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin if Name = "project_id" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Project_Id)); elsif Name = "page" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Page)); elsif Name = "count" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Count)); elsif Name = "tag" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Tag); elsif Name = "page_size" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Page_Size)); elsif Name = "sort" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (From.Sort); elsif Name = "status" then return Status_Type_Objects.To_Object (From.Status); elsif Name = "priority" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Priority)); elsif Name = "ticket_kind" then return Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Object (From.Ticket_Kind); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out Ticket_List_Bean; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin if Name = "project_id" then Item.Project_Id := ADO.Identifier (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); elsif Name = "page" then Item.Page := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "count" then Item.Count := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "tag" then Item.Tag := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "page_size" then Item.Page_Size := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "sort" then Item.Sort := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Unbounded_String (Value); elsif Name = "status" then Item.Status := Status_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value); elsif Name = "priority" then Item.Priority := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "ticket_kind" then Item.Ticket_Kind := Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value); end if; end Set_Value; procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_Info_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Ticket_Info_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Ticket_Info_Bean'Class (Bean).Load (Outcome); end Op_Load; package Binding_Ticket_Info_Bean_1 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Ticket_Info_Bean, Method => Op_Load, Name => "load"); Binding_Ticket_Info_Bean_Array : aliased constant Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array := (1 => Binding_Ticket_Info_Bean_1.Proxy'Access ); -- ------------------------------ -- This bean provides some methods that can be used in a Method_Expression. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Method_Bindings (From : in Ticket_Info_Bean) return Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array_Access is pragma Unreferenced (From); begin return Binding_Ticket_Info_Bean_Array'Access; end Get_Method_Bindings; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Ticket_Info_Bean; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin if Name = "ticket_id" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Ticket_Id)); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out Ticket_Info_Bean; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin if Name = "ticket_id" then Item.Ticket_Id := ADO.Identifier (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value)); end if; end Set_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Stat_Bean; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin if Name = "kind" then return Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Object (From.Kind); elsif Name = "priority" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Priority)); elsif Name = "count" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Count)); elsif Name = "time" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Time)); elsif Name = "remain" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Remain)); elsif Name = "done" then return Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Long_Long_Integer (From.Done)); end if; return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out Stat_Bean; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin if Name = "kind" then Item.Kind := Ticket_Type_Objects.To_Value (Value); elsif Name = "priority" then Item.Priority := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "count" then Item.Count := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "time" then Item.Time := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "remain" then Item.Remain := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); elsif Name = "done" then Item.Done := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Integer (Value); end if; end Set_Value; procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Report_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); procedure Op_Load (Bean : in out Report_Bean; Outcome : in out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Report_Bean'Class (Bean).Load (Outcome); end Op_Load; package Binding_Report_Bean_1 is new ASF.Events.Faces.Actions.Action_Method.Bind (Bean => Report_Bean, Method => Op_Load, Name => "load"); Binding_Report_Bean_Array : aliased constant Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array := (1 => Binding_Report_Bean_1.Proxy'Access ); -- ------------------------------ -- This bean provides some methods that can be used in a Method_Expression. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Method_Bindings (From : in Report_Bean) return Util.Beans.Methods.Method_Binding_Array_Access is pragma Unreferenced (From); begin return Binding_Report_Bean_Array'Access; end Get_Method_Bindings; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the bean attribute identified by the name. -- ------------------------------ overriding function Get_Value (From : in Report_Bean; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is begin return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- ------------------------------ -- Set the value identified by the name -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Set_Value (Item : in out Report_Bean; Name : in String; Value : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is begin null; end Set_Value; end Jason.Tickets.Models;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- Ada Modeling Framework -- -- -- -- Runtime Library Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2011-2012, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is generated, don't edit it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with AMF.Generic_Collections; package AMF.UML.Time_Events.Collections is pragma Preelaborate; package UML_Time_Event_Collections is new AMF.Generic_Collections (UML_Time_Event, UML_Time_Event_Access); type Set_Of_UML_Time_Event is new UML_Time_Event_Collections.Set with null record; Empty_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Set_Of_UML_Time_Event; type Ordered_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event is new UML_Time_Event_Collections.Ordered_Set with null record; Empty_Ordered_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Ordered_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event; type Bag_Of_UML_Time_Event is new UML_Time_Event_Collections.Bag with null record; Empty_Bag_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Bag_Of_UML_Time_Event; type Sequence_Of_UML_Time_Event is new UML_Time_Event_Collections.Sequence with null record; Empty_Sequence_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Sequence_Of_UML_Time_Event; private Empty_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Set_Of_UML_Time_Event := (UML_Time_Event_Collections.Set with null record); Empty_Ordered_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Ordered_Set_Of_UML_Time_Event := (UML_Time_Event_Collections.Ordered_Set with null record); Empty_Bag_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Bag_Of_UML_Time_Event := (UML_Time_Event_Collections.Bag with null record); Empty_Sequence_Of_UML_Time_Event : constant Sequence_Of_UML_Time_Event := (UML_Time_Event_Collections.Sequence with null record); end AMF.UML.Time_Events.Collections;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- awa -- Ada Web Application -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with ASF.Requests; with ASF.Responses; with ASF.Server; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Util.Files; with Util.Properties; with EL.Contexts.Default; with AWA.Modules.Reader; with AWA.Applications; package body AWA.Modules is -- ------------------------------ -- Get the module name -- ------------------------------ function Get_Name (Plugin : in Module) return String is begin return To_String (Plugin.Name); end Get_Name; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the base URI for this module -- ------------------------------ function Get_URI (Plugin : in Module) return String is begin return To_String (Plugin.URI); end Get_URI; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the application in which this module is registered. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Application (Plugin : in Module) return Application_Access is begin return Plugin.App; end Get_Application; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the module configuration property identified by the name. -- If the configuration property does not exist, returns the default value. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Config (Plugin : Module; Name : String; Default : String := "") return String is begin return Plugin.Config.Get (Name, Default); end Get_Config; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the module configuration property identified by the name. -- If the configuration property does not exist, returns the default value. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Config (Plugin : in Module; Name : in String; Default : in Integer := -1) return Integer is Value : constant String := Plugin.Config.Get (Name, Integer'Image (Default)); begin return Integer'Value (Value); exception when Constraint_Error => return Default; end Get_Config; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the module configuration property identified by the <tt>Config</tt> parameter. -- If the property does not exist, the default configuration value is returned. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Config (Plugin : in Module; Config : in ASF.Applications.Config_Param) return String is begin return Plugin.Config.Get (Config); end Get_Config; -- ------------------------------ -- Send the event to the module -- ------------------------------ procedure Send_Event (Plugin : in Module; Content : in AWA.Events.Module_Event'Class) is begin Plugin.App.Send_Event (Content); end Send_Event; -- ------------------------------ -- Find the module with the given name -- ------------------------------ function Find_Module (Plugin : Module; Name : String) return Module_Access is begin if Plugin.Registry = null then return null; end if; return Find_By_Name (Plugin.Registry.all, Name); end Find_Module; -- ------------------------------ -- Register under the given name a function to create the bean instance when -- it is accessed for a first time. The scope defines the scope of the bean. -- bean -- ------------------------------ procedure Register (Plugin : in out Module; Name : in String; Bind : in ASF.Beans.Class_Binding_Access) is begin Plugin.App.Register_Class (Name, Bind); end Register; -- ------------------------------ -- Finalize the module. -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Finalize (Plugin : in out Module) is begin null; end Finalize; procedure Initialize (Manager : in out Module_Manager; Module : in AWA.Modules.Module'Class) is begin Manager.Module := Module.Self; end Initialize; function Get_Value (Manager : in Module_Manager; Name : in String) return Util.Beans.Objects.Object is pragma Unreferenced (Manager, Name); begin return Util.Beans.Objects.Null_Object; end Get_Value; -- Module manager -- -- ------------------------------ -- Get the database connection for reading -- ------------------------------ function Get_Session (Manager : Module_Manager) return ADO.Sessions.Session is begin return Manager.Module.Get_Session; end Get_Session; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the database connection for writing -- ------------------------------ function Get_Master_Session (Manager : Module_Manager) return ADO.Sessions.Master_Session is begin return Manager.Module.Get_Master_Session; end Get_Master_Session; -- ------------------------------ -- Send the event to the module. The module identified by <b>To</b> is -- found and the event is posted on its event channel. -- ------------------------------ procedure Send_Event (Manager : in Module_Manager; Content : in AWA.Events.Module_Event'Class) is begin Manager.Module.Send_Event (Content); end Send_Event; procedure Initialize (Plugin : in out Module; App : in Application_Access; Props : in ASF.Applications.Config) is pragma Unreferenced (Props); begin Plugin.Self := Plugin'Unchecked_Access; Plugin.App := App; end Initialize; -- ------------------------------ -- Initialize the registry -- ------------------------------ procedure Initialize (Registry : in out Module_Registry; Config : in ASF.Applications.Config) is begin Registry.Config := Config; end Initialize; -- ------------------------------ -- Register the module in the registry. -- ------------------------------ procedure Register (Registry : in Module_Registry_Access; App : in Application_Access; Plugin : in Module_Access; Name : in String; URI : in String) is procedure Copy (Params : in Util.Properties.Manager'Class); procedure Copy (Params : in Util.Properties.Manager'Class) is begin Plugin.Config.Copy (From => Params, Prefix => Name & ".", Strip => True); end Copy; Paths : constant String := Registry.Config.Get (Applications.P_Module_Dir.P); begin Log.Info ("Register module '{0}' under URI '{1}'", Name, URI); if Plugin.Registry /= null then Log.Error ("Module '{0}' is already attached to a registry", Name); raise Program_Error with "Module '" & Name & "' already registered"; end if; Plugin.App := App; Plugin.Registry := Registry; Plugin.Name := To_Unbounded_String (Name); Plugin.URI := To_Unbounded_String (URI); Plugin.Registry.Name_Map.Insert (Name, Plugin); if URI /= "" then Plugin.Registry.URI_Map.Insert (URI, Plugin); end if; -- Load the module configuration file Log.Debug ("Module search path: {0}", Paths); declare Base : constant String := Name & ".properties"; Path : constant String := Util.Files.Find_File_Path (Base, Paths); begin Plugin.Config.Load_Properties (Path => Path, Prefix => Name & ".", Strip => True); exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Log.Info ("Module configuration file '{0}' does not exist", Path); end; Plugin.Initialize (App, Plugin.Config); -- Read the module XML configuration file if there is one. declare Base : constant String := Plugin.Config.Get ("config", Name & ".xml"); Path : constant String := Util.Files.Find_File_Path (Base, Paths); Ctx : aliased EL.Contexts.Default.Default_Context; begin AWA.Modules.Reader.Read_Configuration (Plugin.all, Path, Ctx'Unchecked_Access); exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Log.Warn ("Module configuration file '{0}' does not exist", Path); end; -- Override the module configuration with the application configuration App.Get_Init_Parameters (Copy'Access); Plugin.Configure (Plugin.Config); exception when Constraint_Error => Log.Error ("Another module is already registered " & "under name '{0}' or URI '{1}'", Name, URI); raise; end Register; -- ------------------------------ -- Find the module with the given name -- ------------------------------ function Find_By_Name (Registry : Module_Registry; Name : String) return Module_Access is Pos : constant Module_Maps.Cursor := Module_Maps.Find (Registry.Name_Map, Name); begin if Module_Maps.Has_Element (Pos) then return Module_Maps.Element (Pos); end if; return null; end Find_By_Name; -- ------------------------------ -- Find the module mapped to a given URI -- ------------------------------ function Find_By_URI (Registry : Module_Registry; URI : String) return Module_Access is Pos : constant Module_Maps.Cursor := Module_Maps.Find (Registry.URI_Map, URI); begin if Module_Maps.Has_Element (Pos) then return Module_Maps.Element (Pos); end if; return null; end Find_By_URI; -- ------------------------------ -- Iterate over the modules that have been registered and execute the <b>Process</b> -- procedure on each of the module instance. -- ------------------------------ procedure Iterate (Registry : in Module_Registry; Process : access procedure (Plugin : in out Module'Class)) is Iter : Module_Maps.Cursor := Registry.Name_Map.First; begin while Module_Maps.Has_Element (Iter) loop Process (Module_Maps.Element (Iter).all); Module_Maps.Next (Iter); end loop; end Iterate; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the database connection for reading -- ------------------------------ function Get_Session (Manager : Module) return ADO.Sessions.Session is begin return Manager.App.Get_Session; end Get_Session; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the database connection for writing -- ------------------------------ function Get_Master_Session (Manager : Module) return ADO.Sessions.Master_Session is begin return Manager.App.Get_Master_Session; end Get_Master_Session; -- ------------------------------ -- Add a listener to the module listner list. The module will invoke the listner -- depending on events or actions that occur in the module. -- ------------------------------ procedure Add_Listener (Into : in out Module; Item : in Util.Listeners.Listener_Access) is begin Util.Listeners.Add_Listener (Into.Listeners, Item); end Add_Listener; -- ------------------------------ -- Remove a listener from the module listener list. -- ------------------------------ procedure Remove_Listener (Into : in out Module; Item : in Util.Listeners.Listener_Access) is begin Util.Listeners.Remove_Listener (Into.Listeners, Item); end Remove_Listener; -- Get per request manager => look in Request -- Get per session manager => look in Request.Get_Session -- Get per application manager => look in Application -- Get per pool manager => look in pool attached to Application function Get_Manager return Manager_Type_Access is procedure Process (Request : in out ASF.Requests.Request'Class; Response : in out ASF.Responses.Response'Class); Value : Util.Beans.Objects.Object; procedure Process (Request : in out ASF.Requests.Request'Class; Response : in out ASF.Responses.Response'Class) is pragma Unreferenced (Response); begin Value := Request.Get_Attribute (Name); if Util.Beans.Objects.Is_Null (Value) then declare M : constant Manager_Type_Access := new Manager_Type; begin Value := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (M.all'Unchecked_Access); Request.Set_Attribute (Name, Value); end; end if; end Process; begin ASF.Server.Update_Context (Process'Access); if Util.Beans.Objects.Is_Null (Value) then return null; end if; declare B : constant access Util.Beans.Basic.Readonly_Bean'Class := Util.Beans.Objects.To_Bean (Value); begin if not (B.all in Manager_Type'Class) then return null; end if; return Manager_Type'Class (B.all)'Unchecked_Access; end; end Get_Manager; end AWA.Modules;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
package body Test_Call_Filtering is type T is tagged null record; function P(Self : T) return T is begin return Self; end P; function Q(Self : T; I : Integer) return T is begin return Self; end Q; procedure Test is E : T; begin E := E.P.P; E := E.Q(1).Q(2); end Test; end Test_Call_Filtering;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------ --| Semaphores | ------------------------------------------------------ --| Author | Jack (Yevhenii) Shendrikov | --| Group | IO-82 | --| Variant | #25 | --| Date | 29.11.2020 | ------------------------------------------------------ --| Function 1 | D = SORT(A)+SORT(B)+SORT(C)*(MA*ME) | --| Function 2 | MF = (MG*MH)*TRANS(MK) | --| Function 3 | S = (MO*MP)*V+t*MR*(O+P) | ------------------------------------------------------ with Data; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with System.Multiprocessors; use System.Multiprocessors; with Semaphores; use Semaphores; procedure Lab1 is N: Integer; MY_SIMA : SIMA (1,2); procedure Tasks is package My_Data is new Data(N); use My_Data; CPU_0: CPU_Range := 0; CPU_1: CPU_Range := 1; CPU_2: CPU_Range := 2; task T1 is pragma Task_Name("T1"); pragma Priority(4); pragma Storage_Size(500000000); pragma CPU (CPU_0); end T1; task T2 is pragma Task_Name("T2"); pragma Priority(3); pragma Storage_Size(500000000); pragma CPU (CPU_1); end T2; task T3 is pragma Task_Name("T3"); pragma Priority(7); pragma Storage_Size(500000000); pragma CPU (CPU_2); end T3; task body T1 is A,B,C,D: Vector; MA,ME: Matrix; begin Put_Line("Task T1 started"); delay 0.7; Put_Line("T1 is waiting for a permit."); -- Generate Input Values MY_SIMA.P; -- Acquire the semaphore New_Line; Put_Line("T1 gets a permit."); delay 1.0; Input_Val_F1(A,B,C,MA,ME); Put_Line("T1 releases the permit."); MY_SIMA.V; -- Release the semaphore New_Line; Put_Line("T1 is waiting for a permit."); -- Calculate The Result D := Func1(A,B,C,MA,ME); delay 1.0; -- Output MY_SIMA.P; -- Acquire the semaphore Put_Line("T1 gets a permit."); Put("T1 | "); Vector_Output(D, "D"); Put_Line("T1 releases the permit."); New_Line; MY_SIMA.V; -- Release the semaphore Put_Line("Task T1 finished"); New_Line; end T1; task body T2 is MG,MH,MK,MF: Matrix; begin Put_Line("Task T2 started"); delay 1.0; Put_Line("T2 is waiting for a permit."); -- Generate Input Values MY_SIMA.P; -- Acquire the semaphore New_Line; Put_Line("T2 gets a permit."); delay 1.0; Input_Val_F2(MG,MH,MK); Put_Line("T2 releases the permit."); New_Line; MY_SIMA.V; -- Release the semaphore New_Line; Put_Line("T2 is waiting for a permit."); -- Calculate The Result MF := Func2(MG,MH,MK); delay 1.0; -- Output MY_SIMA.P; -- Acquire the semaphore Put_Line("T2 gets a permit."); Put_Line("T2 | "); Matrix_Output(MF, "MF"); Put_Line("T2 releases the permit."); MY_SIMA.V; -- Release the semaphore Put_Line("Task T2 finished"); New_Line; end T2; task body T3 is t: Integer; V,O,P,S: Vector; MO,MP,MR: Matrix; begin Put_Line("Task T3 started"); delay 0.5; Put_Line("T3 is waiting for a permit."); -- Generate Input Values MY_SIMA.P; -- Acquire the semaphore New_Line; Put_Line("T3 gets a permit."); delay 1.0; Input_Val_F3(t,V,O,P,MO,MP,MR); Put_Line("T3 releases the permit."); MY_SIMA.V; -- Release the semaphore New_Line; Put_Line("T3 is waiting for a permit."); -- Calculate The Result S := Func3(t,V,O,P,MO,MP,MR); delay 1.0; -- Output MY_SIMA.P; -- Acquire the semaphore Put_Line("T3 gets a permit."); Put("T3 | "); Vector_Output(S, "S"); Put_Line("T3 releases the permit."); New_Line; MY_SIMA.V; -- Release the semaphore Put_Line("Task T3 finished"); New_Line; end T3; begin Put_Line("Calculations started"); New_Line; end Tasks; begin Put_Line("Function 1: D = SORT(A)+SORT(B)+SORT(C)*(MA*ME)" & CR & LF & "Function 2: MF = (MG*MH)*TRANS(MK)" & CR & LF & "Function 3: S = (MO*MP)*V+t*MR*(O+P)" & CR & LF); Put_Line("!!! Note that if the value of N > 10 -> the result will not be displayed !!!" & CR & LF & "!!! If you enter N <= 0 - execution will be terminated !!!" & CR & LF); Put("Enter N: "); Get(N); New_Line; Tasks; Put_Line("All task finished"); end Lab1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "ISC", "MIT" ]
[ "ISC", "MIT" ]
[ "ISC", "MIT" ]
-- PACKAGE pc_1_interface -- -- The 17th order coefficients are almost always the best choice. -- -- The Predictor-Corrector method uses least-squares to fit a 17th -- order polynomial to the 33 previous values of F in dY/dt = F(t,Y). -- The least-squares-fit polynomial is used to predict the next -- values of F and Y. with pc_1_coeff_16; with pc_1_coeff_17; with pc_1_coeff_18; package pc_1_interface is -- predictor_Coeff_16 (16th order) gives bit better stability. -- predictor_Coeff_17 (17th order) is usually best for numerical -- accuracy, and best choice for general use. -- predictor_Coeff_18 (18th order) gives a bit better numerical -- accuracy when larger stepsizes are used (and when -- desired accuracy is well below machine's ultimate). --generic package Predictor_Corrector_Rules renames pc_1_coeff_16; generic package Predictor_Corrector_Rules renames pc_1_coeff_17; --use this --generic package Predictor_Corrector_Rules renames pc_1_coeff_18; end pc_1_interface;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Maxim Reznik <reznikmm@gmail.com> -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- License-Filename: LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------- package body Program.Nodes.Derived_Types is function Create (Abstract_Token : Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access; Limited_Token : Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access; New_Token : not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access; Parent : not null Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access) return Derived_Type is begin return Result : Derived_Type := (Abstract_Token => Abstract_Token, Limited_Token => Limited_Token, New_Token => New_Token, Parent => Parent, Enclosing_Element => null) do Initialize (Result); end return; end Create; function Create (Parent : not null Program.Elements.Expressions .Expression_Access; Is_Part_Of_Implicit : Boolean := False; Is_Part_Of_Inherited : Boolean := False; Is_Part_Of_Instance : Boolean := False; Has_Abstract : Boolean := False; Has_Limited : Boolean := False) return Implicit_Derived_Type is begin return Result : Implicit_Derived_Type := (Parent => Parent, Is_Part_Of_Implicit => Is_Part_Of_Implicit, Is_Part_Of_Inherited => Is_Part_Of_Inherited, Is_Part_Of_Instance => Is_Part_Of_Instance, Has_Abstract => Has_Abstract, Has_Limited => Has_Limited, Enclosing_Element => null) do Initialize (Result); end return; end Create; overriding function Parent (Self : Base_Derived_Type) return not null Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access is begin return Self.Parent; end Parent; overriding function Abstract_Token (Self : Derived_Type) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is begin return Self.Abstract_Token; end Abstract_Token; overriding function Limited_Token (Self : Derived_Type) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is begin return Self.Limited_Token; end Limited_Token; overriding function New_Token (Self : Derived_Type) return not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is begin return Self.New_Token; end New_Token; overriding function Has_Abstract (Self : Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Abstract_Token.Assigned; end Has_Abstract; overriding function Has_Limited (Self : Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Limited_Token.Assigned; end Has_Limited; overriding function Is_Part_Of_Implicit (Self : Implicit_Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Is_Part_Of_Implicit; end Is_Part_Of_Implicit; overriding function Is_Part_Of_Inherited (Self : Implicit_Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Is_Part_Of_Inherited; end Is_Part_Of_Inherited; overriding function Is_Part_Of_Instance (Self : Implicit_Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Is_Part_Of_Instance; end Is_Part_Of_Instance; overriding function Has_Abstract (Self : Implicit_Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Has_Abstract; end Has_Abstract; overriding function Has_Limited (Self : Implicit_Derived_Type) return Boolean is begin return Self.Has_Limited; end Has_Limited; procedure Initialize (Self : aliased in out Base_Derived_Type'Class) is begin Set_Enclosing_Element (Self.Parent, Self'Unchecked_Access); null; end Initialize; overriding function Is_Derived_Type_Element (Self : Base_Derived_Type) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return True; end Is_Derived_Type_Element; overriding function Is_Type_Definition_Element (Self : Base_Derived_Type) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return True; end Is_Type_Definition_Element; overriding function Is_Definition_Element (Self : Base_Derived_Type) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return True; end Is_Definition_Element; overriding procedure Visit (Self : not null access Base_Derived_Type; Visitor : in out Program.Element_Visitors.Element_Visitor'Class) is begin Visitor.Derived_Type (Self); end Visit; overriding function To_Derived_Type_Text (Self : aliased in out Derived_Type) return Program.Elements.Derived_Types.Derived_Type_Text_Access is begin return Self'Unchecked_Access; end To_Derived_Type_Text; overriding function To_Derived_Type_Text (Self : aliased in out Implicit_Derived_Type) return Program.Elements.Derived_Types.Derived_Type_Text_Access is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return null; end To_Derived_Type_Text; end Program.Nodes.Derived_Types;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2017, AdaCore -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- -- met: -- -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- -- distribution. -- -- 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A driver for the Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC-32 calculation processor, -- using DMA to transfer the data to the CRC unit (instead of the CPU). -- Note this API is for the STM32 F4x family. Other STM MCUs have additional -- CRC capabilities. -- See also app note AN4187 "Using CRC through DMA" -- Example usage, assuming prior clock enabling for the CRC unit: -- Checksum_DMA : UInt32 := 0; -- -- Data : constant Block_32 := ( .... ); -- -- ... -- -- Enable_Clock (Controller); -- -- Reset (Controller); -- -- Reset_Calculator (CRC_Unit); -- if need be -- -- Update_CRC (CRC_Unit, Controller'Access, Stream, Input => Data); -- -- DMA_IRQ_Handler.Await_Event (Next_DMA_Interrupt); -- -- if Next_DMA_Interrupt /= Transfer_Complete_Interrupt then -- Panic; -- end if; -- -- Checksum_DMA := Value (CRC_Unit); with STM32.DMA; use STM32.DMA; with System; package STM32.CRC.DMA is pragma Elaborate_Body; -- These routines use the specified controller and stream to transfer -- all of the Input data components to This CRC unit, updating the -- CRC value accordingly. At the end of the transfer the DMA interrupt -- Transfer_Complete_Interrupt is triggered. Clients are expected to have -- an application-defined handler for that interrupt, in order to await -- completion of the transfer. -- These routines can be called multiple times, back-to-back, presumably -- with different input blocks, in order to update the value of the -- calculated CRC checksum within the CRC processor. Each call will -- result in a Transfer_Complete_Interrupt event. -- Note that you can use a slice if the entire block is not intended for -- transfer, but beware alignment boundaries to prevent copying of the -- actual parameter into a temporary. procedure Update_CRC (This : in out CRC_32; Controller : access DMA_Controller; Channel : DMA_Channel_Selector; Input : Block_32); -- Update the calculated CRC value based on all of the 32-bit components -- of Input. Triggers the Transfer_Complete_Interrupt on completion. procedure Update_CRC (This : in out CRC_32; Controller : access DMA_Controller; Channel : DMA_Channel_Selector; Input : Block_16); -- Update the calculated CRC value based on all of the 16-bit components -- of Input. Triggers the Transfer_Complete_Interrupt on completion. procedure Update_CRC (This : in out CRC_32; Controller : access DMA_Controller; Channel : DMA_Channel_Selector; Input : Block_8); -- Update the calculated CRC value based on all of the 8-bit components -- of Input. Triggers the Transfer_Complete_Interrupt on completion. private procedure Transfer_Input_To_CRC (This : in out CRC_32; Controller : access DMA_Controller; Channel : DMA_Channel_Selector; Input_Address : System.Address; Input_Length : UInt16; Data_Width : DMA_Data_Transfer_Widths); -- Configures the DMA controller and stream for transfering memory blocks, -- of the width specified by Data_Width, to This CRC processor. Then uses -- the controller and stream to transfer the data starting at Input_Address -- to This CRC unit, updating the CRC value accordingly. The number of -- Input memory items (of Data_Width size) to be transferred is specified -- by Input_Length. At the end of the transfer the DMA interrupt -- Transfer_Complete_Interrupt is triggered. end STM32.CRC.DMA;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
pragma Style_Checks (Off); -- This spec has been automatically generated from STM32F3x4.svd pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code); with HAL; with System; package STM32_SVD.CRC is pragma Preelaborate; --------------- -- Registers -- --------------- -- IDR array element subtype IDR_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- IDR array type IDR_Field_Array is array (1 .. 4) of IDR_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- Independent data register type IDR_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- IDR as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- IDR as an array Arr : IDR_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Object_Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for IDR_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; subtype CR_POLYSIZE_Field is HAL.UInt2; subtype CR_REV_IN_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- Control register type CR_Register is record -- reset bit RESET : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_1_2 : HAL.UInt2 := 16#0#; -- Polynomial size POLYSIZE : CR_POLYSIZE_Field := 16#0#; -- Reverse input data REV_IN : CR_REV_IN_Field := 16#0#; -- Reverse output data REV_OUT : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_8_31 : HAL.UInt24 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Object_Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for CR_Register use record RESET at 0 range 0 .. 0; Reserved_1_2 at 0 range 1 .. 2; POLYSIZE at 0 range 3 .. 4; REV_IN at 0 range 5 .. 6; REV_OUT at 0 range 7 .. 7; Reserved_8_31 at 0 range 8 .. 31; end record; ----------------- -- Peripherals -- ----------------- -- cyclic redundancy check calculation unit type CRC_Peripheral is record -- Data register DR : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- Independent data register IDR : aliased IDR_Register; -- Control register CR : aliased CR_Register; -- Initial CRC value INIT : aliased HAL.UInt32; -- CRC polynomial POL : aliased HAL.UInt32; end record with Volatile; for CRC_Peripheral use record DR at 16#0# range 0 .. 31; IDR at 16#4# range 0 .. 31; CR at 16#8# range 0 .. 31; INIT at 16#10# range 0 .. 31; POL at 16#14# range 0 .. 31; end record; -- cyclic redundancy check calculation unit CRC_Periph : aliased CRC_Peripheral with Import, Address => CRC_Base; end STM32_SVD.CRC;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . E X N _ L L F -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- [Long_[Long_]]Float exponentiation (checks off) package System.Exn_LLF is pragma Pure; function Exn_Float (Left : Float; Right : Integer) return Float; function Exn_Long_Float (Left : Long_Float; Right : Integer) return Long_Float; function Exn_Long_Long_Float (Left : Long_Long_Float; Right : Integer) return Long_Long_Float; end System.Exn_LLF;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S E M _ E L I M -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1997-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package contains the routines used to process the Eliminate pragma with Types; use Types; package Sem_Elim is procedure Initialize; -- Initialize for new main source program procedure Process_Eliminate_Pragma (Pragma_Node : Node_Id; Arg_Unit_Name : Node_Id; Arg_Entity : Node_Id; Arg_Parameter_Types : Node_Id; Arg_Result_Type : Node_Id; Arg_Source_Location : Node_Id); -- Process eliminate pragma (given by Pragma_Node). The number of -- arguments has been checked, as well as possible optional identifiers, -- but no other checks have been made. This subprogram completes the -- checking, and then if the pragma is well formed, makes appropriate -- entries in the internal tables used to keep track of Eliminate pragmas. -- The other five arguments are expressions (rather than pragma argument -- associations) for the possible pragma arguments. A parameter that -- is not present is set to Empty. procedure Check_Eliminated (E : Entity_Id); -- Checks if entity E is eliminated, and if so sets the Is_Eliminated -- flag on the given entity. procedure Check_For_Eliminated_Subprogram (N : Node_Id; S : Entity_Id); -- Check that the subprogram S (or its ultimate parent in the case of a -- derived subprogram or renaming) has not been eliminated. An error will -- be flagged if the subprogram has been eliminated, unless the node N -- occurs within an eliminated subprogram or within a generic unit. The -- error will be posted on N. procedure Eliminate_Error_Msg (N : Node_Id; E : Entity_Id); -- Called by the front-end on encountering a reference to an eliminated -- subprogram. N is the node for the reference (such as occurs in a call, -- a protected call or an attribute), and E is the entity of the -- subprogram that has been eliminated. end Sem_Elim;
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; With Ada.Strings.Unbounded; procedure Number_Base_Conversion is Max_Base : constant := 36; subtype Base_Type is Integer range 2..Max_Base; Num_Digits : constant String := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; Invalid_Digit : exception; function To_Decimal(Value : String; Base : Base_Type) return Integer is use Ada.Strings.Fixed; Result : Integer := 0; Decimal_Value : Integer; Radix_Offset : Natural := 0; begin for I in reverse Value'range loop Decimal_Value := Index(Num_Digits, Value(I..I)) - 1; if Decimal_Value < 0 then raise Invalid_Digit; end if; Result := Result + (Base**Radix_Offset * Decimal_Value); Radix_Offset := Radix_Offset + 1; end loop; return Result; end To_Decimal; function To_Base(Value : Natural; Base : Base_Type) return String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; Result : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; Temp : Natural := Value; Base_Digit : String(1..1); begin if Temp = 0 then return "0"; end if; while Temp > 0 loop Base_Digit(1) := Num_Digits((Temp mod Base) + 1); if Result = Null_Unbounded_String then Append(Result, Base_Digit); else Insert(Source => Result, Before => 1, New_Item => Base_Digit); end if; Temp := Temp / Base; end loop; return To_String(Result); end To_Base; begin Put_Line("26 converted to base 16 is " & To_Base(26, 16)); Put_line("1a (base 16) is decimal" & Integer'image(To_Decimal("1a", 16))); end Number_Base_Conversion;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- Ada Modeling Framework -- -- -- -- Runtime Library Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2011-2012, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with AMF.Internals.Tables.UML_Attributes; with AMF.UML.Generalizations.Collections; package body AMF.Internals.UML_Classifiers is ----------------- -- All_Parents -- ----------------- overriding function All_Parents (Self : not null access constant UML_Classifier_Proxy) return AMF.UML.Classifiers.Collections.Set_Of_UML_Classifier is -- [UML241] 7.3.8 Classifier -- -- [3] The query allParents() gives all of the direct and indirect -- ancestors of a generalized Classifier. -- -- Classifier::allParents(): Set(Classifier); -- -- allParents = -- self.parents()->union(self.parents()->collect(p | p.allParents())) P : constant AMF.UML.Classifiers.Collections.Set_Of_UML_Classifier := Self.Parents; begin return Result : AMF.UML.Classifiers.Collections.Set_Of_UML_Classifier := P do for J in 1 .. P.Length loop Result.Union (P.Element (J).All_Parents); end loop; end return; end All_Parents; ------------- -- Parents -- ------------- overriding function Parents (Self : not null access constant UML_Classifier_Proxy) return AMF.UML.Classifiers.Collections.Set_Of_UML_Classifier is -- [UML241] 7.3.8 Classifier -- -- [2] The query parents() gives all of the immediate ancestors of a -- generalized Classifier. -- -- Classifier::parents(): Set(Classifier); -- -- parents = generalization.general begin return Result : AMF.UML.Classifiers.Collections.Set_Of_UML_Classifier do declare G : constant AMF.UML.Generalizations.Collections.Set_Of_UML_Generalization := UML_Classifier_Proxy'Class (Self.all).Get_Generalization; X : AMF.UML.Classifiers.UML_Classifier_Access; -- GNAT FSF 4.6: X is used to workaround crash of compiler. begin for J in 1 .. G.Length loop X := G.Element (J).Get_General; Result.Add (X); end loop; end; end return; end Parents; --------------------- -- Set_Is_Abstract -- --------------------- overriding procedure Set_Is_Abstract (Self : not null access UML_Classifier_Proxy; To : Boolean) is begin AMF.Internals.Tables.UML_Attributes.Internal_Set_Is_Abstract (Self.Element, To); end Set_Is_Abstract; end AMF.Internals.UML_Classifiers;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
generic type T is private; Obj : T; package Layered_Abstraction_P is Obj2 : T := Obj; end;
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
package Generator is type Generator is tagged private; procedure Reset (Gen : in out Generator); function Get_Next (Gen : access Generator) return Natural; type Generator_Function is access function (X : Natural) return Natural; procedure Set_Generator_Function (Gen : in out Generator; Func : Generator_Function); procedure Skip (Gen : access Generator'Class; Count : Positive := 1); private function Identity (X : Natural) return Natural; type Generator is tagged record Last_Source : Natural := 0; Last_Value : Natural := 0; Gen_Func : Generator_Function := Identity'Access; end record; end Generator;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- { dg-do compile} -- { dg-options "-gnatwa" } with Text_IO; use Text_IO; package body renaming1 is procedure Fo (A : Text_IO.File_Access) is begin if A = Text_IO.Standard_Output then null; end if; end Fo; end;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . P O O L _ L O C A L -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System.Memory; with Unchecked_Conversion; package body System.Pool_Local is package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements; use type SSE.Storage_Offset; Pointer_Size : constant SSE.Storage_Offset := Address'Size / Storage_Unit; Pointers_Size : constant SSE.Storage_Offset := 2 * Pointer_Size; type Acc_Address is access all Address; function To_Acc_Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Acc_Address); ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- function Next (A : Address) return Acc_Address; pragma Inline (Next); -- Given an address of a block, return an access to the next block function Prev (A : Address) return Acc_Address; pragma Inline (Prev); -- Given an address of a block, return an access to the previous block -------------- -- Allocate -- -------------- procedure Allocate (Pool : in out Unbounded_Reclaim_Pool; Address : out System.Address; Storage_Size : SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment : SSE.Storage_Count) is pragma Warnings (Off, Alignment); Allocated : constant System.Address := Memory.Alloc (Memory.size_t (Storage_Size + Pointers_Size)); begin -- The call to Alloc returns an address whose alignment is compatible -- with the worst case alignment requirement for the machine; thus the -- Alignment argument can be safely ignored. if Allocated = Null_Address then raise Storage_Error; else Address := Allocated + Pointers_Size; Next (Allocated).all := Pool.First; Prev (Allocated).all := Null_Address; if Pool.First /= Null_Address then Prev (Pool.First).all := Allocated; end if; Pool.First := Allocated; end if; end Allocate; ---------------- -- Deallocate -- ---------------- procedure Deallocate (Pool : in out Unbounded_Reclaim_Pool; Address : System.Address; Storage_Size : SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment : SSE.Storage_Count) is pragma Warnings (Off, Storage_Size); pragma Warnings (Off, Alignment); Allocated : constant System.Address := Address - Pointers_Size; begin if Prev (Allocated).all = Null_Address then Pool.First := Next (Allocated).all; Prev (Pool.First).all := Null_Address; else Next (Prev (Allocated).all).all := Next (Allocated).all; end if; if Next (Allocated).all /= Null_Address then Prev (Next (Allocated).all).all := Prev (Allocated).all; end if; Memory.Free (Allocated); end Deallocate; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize (Pool : in out Unbounded_Reclaim_Pool) is N : System.Address := Pool.First; Allocated : System.Address; begin while N /= Null_Address loop Allocated := N; N := Next (N).all; Memory.Free (Allocated); end loop; end Finalize; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- function Next (A : Address) return Acc_Address is begin return To_Acc_Address (A); end Next; ---------- -- Prev -- ---------- function Prev (A : Address) return Acc_Address is begin return To_Acc_Address (A + Pointer_Size); end Prev; end System.Pool_Local;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- SQL Database Access -- -- -- -- Testsuite Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2011-2012, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with League.Strings; with League.Holders.Integers; with SQL.Databases; with SQL.Options; with SQL.Queries; with Matreshka.Internals.SQL_Drivers.SQLite3.Factory; pragma Unreferenced (Matreshka.Internals.SQL_Drivers.SQLite3.Factory); procedure Test_138 is use type League.Strings.Universal_String; function "+" (Item : Wide_Wide_String) return League.Strings.Universal_String renames League.Strings.To_Universal_String; DB_Driver : constant League.Strings.Universal_String := +"SQLITE3"; DB_Options : SQL.Options.SQL_Options; DB : SQL.Databases.SQL_Database := SQL.Databases.Create (DB_Driver, DB_Options); Query : SQL.Queries.SQL_Query := DB.Query; Result_1 : League.Strings.Universal_String; Result_2 : League.Strings.Universal_String; begin DB.Open; -- Create database schema. Query.Prepare (+"CREATE TABLE test138 (x INTEGER, y CHARACTER VARYING)"); Query.Execute; -- Fill initial data. Query.Prepare (+"INSERT INTO test138 (x, y) VALUES (:x, :y)"); Query.Bind_Value (+":y", League.Holders.To_Holder (+"xyz")); Query.Bind_Value (+":x", League.Holders.Integers.To_Holder (5)); Query.Execute; Query.Bind_Value (+":y", League.Holders.To_Holder (+"abc")); Query.Bind_Value (+":x", League.Holders.Integers.To_Holder (6)); Query.Execute; -- Retrieve first value. Query.Prepare (+"SELECT y FROM test138 WHERE x=:x"); Query.Bind_Value (+":x", League.Holders.Integers.To_Holder (5)); Query.Execute; if Query.Next then Result_1 := League.Holders.Element (Query.Value (1)); else raise Program_Error; end if; -- Retrieve second value. Query.Bind_Value (+":x", League.Holders.Integers.To_Holder (6)); Query.Execute; if Query.Next then Result_2 := League.Holders.Element (Query.Value (1)); else raise Program_Error; end if; -- Compare values was retrieved, they should be different. if Result_1 = Result_2 then raise Program_Error; end if; DB.Close; end Test_138;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- SYSTEM.TASKING.PROTECTED_OBJECTS.OPERATIONS -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package contains all the extended primitives related to protected -- objects with entries. -- The handling of protected objects with no entries is done in -- System.Tasking.Protected_Objects, the simple routines for protected -- objects with entries in System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries. The -- split between Entries and Operations is needed to break circular -- dependencies inside the run time. -- Note: the compiler generates direct calls to this interface, via Rtsfind. -- Any changes to this interface may require corresponding compiler changes. with Ada.Exceptions; with System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries; package System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Operations is pragma Elaborate_Body; type Communication_Block is private; -- Objects of this type are passed between GNARL calls to allow RTS -- information to be preserved. procedure Protected_Entry_Call (Object : Entries.Protection_Entries_Access; E : Protected_Entry_Index; Uninterpreted_Data : System.Address; Mode : Call_Modes; Block : out Communication_Block); -- Make a protected entry call on the protected object represented -- by Object. A pended call is not queued; it may be executed immediately -- or queued, depending on the state of the entry barrier. -- -- E -- The index representing the entry to be called. -- -- Uninterpreted_Data -- This will be returned by Next_Entry_Call when this call is serviced. -- It can be used by the compiler to pass information between the -- caller and the server, in particular entry parameters. -- -- Mode -- The kind of call to be pended -- -- Block -- Information passed between runtime calls by the compiler procedure Service_Entries (Object : Entries.Protection_Entries_Access); pragma Inline (Service_Entries); -- Service all entry queues of the specified object, executing the -- corresponding bodies of any queued entry calls that are waiting -- on True barriers. This is used when the state of a protected -- object may have changed, in particular after the execution of -- the statement sequence of a protected procedure. -- -- Note that servicing an entry may change the value of one or more -- barriers, so this routine keeps checking barriers until all of -- them are closed. procedure Complete_Entry_Body (Object : Entries.Protection_Entries_Access); -- Called from within an entry body procedure, indicates that the -- corresponding entry call has been serviced. procedure Exceptional_Complete_Entry_Body (Object : Entries.Protection_Entries_Access; Ex : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id); -- Perform all of the functions of Complete_Entry_Body. In addition, -- report in Ex the exception whose propagation terminated the entry -- body to the runtime system. function Protected_Count (Object : Entries.Protection_Entries; E : Protected_Entry_Index) return Natural; -- Return the number of entry calls to E on Object function Protected_Entry_Caller (Object : Entries.Protection_Entries) return Task_Id; -- Return value of E'Caller, where E is the protected entry currently -- being handled. This will only work if called from within an entry -- body, as required by the LRM (C.7.1(14)). private type Communication_Block is record Self : Task_Id; end record; pragma Volatile (Communication_Block); -- When a program contains limited interfaces, the compiler generates the -- predefined primitives associated with dispatching selects. One of the -- parameters of these routines is of type Communication_Block. Even if -- the program lacks implementing concurrent types, the tasking runtime is -- dragged in unconditionally because of Communication_Block. To avoid this -- case, the compiler uses type Dummy_Communication_Block which defined in -- System.Soft_Links. If the structure of Communication_Block is changed, -- the corresponding dummy type must be changed as well. -- The Communication_Block seems to be a relic. At the moment, the -- compiler seems to be generating unnecessary conditional code based on -- this block. See the code generated for async. select with task entry -- call for another way of solving this ??? end System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Operations;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- Ada Modeling Framework -- -- -- -- Runtime Library Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2011, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is generated, don't edit it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A multiplicity is a definition of an inclusive interval of non-negative -- integers beginning with a lower bound and ending with a (possibly -- infinite) upper bound. A multiplicity element embeds this information to -- specify the allowable cardinalities for an instantiation of this element. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with AMF.CMOF.Elements; package AMF.CMOF.Multiplicity_Elements is pragma Preelaborate; type CMOF_Multiplicity_Element is limited interface and AMF.CMOF.Elements.CMOF_Element; type CMOF_Multiplicity_Element_Access is access all CMOF_Multiplicity_Element'Class; for CMOF_Multiplicity_Element_Access'Storage_Size use 0; not overriding function Get_Is_Ordered (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return Boolean is abstract; -- Getter of MultiplicityElement::isOrdered. -- -- For a multivalued multiplicity, this attribute specifies whether the -- values in an instantiation of this element are sequentially ordered. not overriding procedure Set_Is_Ordered (Self : not null access CMOF_Multiplicity_Element; To : Boolean) is abstract; -- Setter of MultiplicityElement::isOrdered. -- -- For a multivalued multiplicity, this attribute specifies whether the -- values in an instantiation of this element are sequentially ordered. not overriding function Get_Is_Unique (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return Boolean is abstract; -- Getter of MultiplicityElement::isUnique. -- -- For a multivalued multiplicity, this attributes specifies whether the -- values in an instantiation of this element are unique. not overriding procedure Set_Is_Unique (Self : not null access CMOF_Multiplicity_Element; To : Boolean) is abstract; -- Setter of MultiplicityElement::isUnique. -- -- For a multivalued multiplicity, this attributes specifies whether the -- values in an instantiation of this element are unique. not overriding function Get_Lower (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return AMF.Optional_Integer is abstract; -- Getter of MultiplicityElement::lower. -- -- Specifies the lower bound of the multiplicity interval. not overriding procedure Set_Lower (Self : not null access CMOF_Multiplicity_Element; To : AMF.Optional_Integer) is abstract; -- Setter of MultiplicityElement::lower. -- -- Specifies the lower bound of the multiplicity interval. not overriding function Get_Upper (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return AMF.Optional_Unlimited_Natural is abstract; -- Getter of MultiplicityElement::upper. -- -- Specifies the upper bound of the multiplicity interval. not overriding procedure Set_Upper (Self : not null access CMOF_Multiplicity_Element; To : AMF.Optional_Unlimited_Natural) is abstract; -- Setter of MultiplicityElement::upper. -- -- Specifies the upper bound of the multiplicity interval. not overriding function Is_Multivalued (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return Boolean is abstract; -- Operation MultiplicityElement::isMultivalued. -- -- The query isMultivalued() checks whether this multiplicity has an upper -- bound greater than one. not overriding function Includes_Multiplicity (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element; M : AMF.CMOF.Multiplicity_Elements.CMOF_Multiplicity_Element_Access) return Boolean is abstract; -- Operation MultiplicityElement::includesMultiplicity. -- -- The query includesMultiplicity() checks whether this multiplicity -- includes all the cardinalities allowed by the specified multiplicity. not overriding function Includes_Cardinality (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element; C : Integer) return Boolean is abstract; -- Operation MultiplicityElement::includesCardinality. -- -- The query includesCardinality() checks whether the specified -- cardinality is valid for this multiplicity. not overriding function Lower_Bound (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return Integer is abstract; -- Operation MultiplicityElement::lowerBound. -- -- The query lowerBound() returns the lower bound of the multiplicity as -- an integer. not overriding function Upper_Bound (Self : not null access constant CMOF_Multiplicity_Element) return AMF.Unlimited_Natural is abstract; -- Operation MultiplicityElement::upperBound. -- -- The query upperBound() returns the upper bound of the multiplicity for -- a bounded multiplicity as an unlimited natural. end AMF.CMOF.Multiplicity_Elements;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- M L I B . T G T -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2009, AdaCore -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package provides a set of target dependent routines to build static, -- dynamic and shared libraries. There are several packages providing -- the actual routines. This package calls them indirectly by means of -- access-to-subprogram values. Each target-dependent package initializes -- these values in its elaboration block. with Prj; use Prj; package MLib.Tgt is function Support_For_Libraries return Library_Support; -- Indicates how building libraries by gnatmake is supported by the GNAT -- implementation for the platform. function Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported return Boolean; -- Indicates if when building a dynamic Standalone Library, -- automatic initialization is supported. If it is, then it is the default, -- unless attribute Library_Auto_Init has the value "false". function Archive_Builder return String; -- Returns the name of the archive builder program, usually "ar" function Archive_Builder_Options return String_List_Access; -- A list of options to invoke the Archive_Builder, usually "cr" for "ar" function Archive_Builder_Append_Options return String_List_Access; -- A list of options to use with the archive builder to append object -- files ("q", for example). function Archive_Indexer return String; -- Returns the name of the program, if any, that generates an index to the -- contents of an archive, usually "ranlib". If there is no archive indexer -- to be used, returns an empty string. function Archive_Indexer_Options return String_List_Access; -- A list of options to invoke the Archive_Indexer, usually empty function Dynamic_Option return String; -- gcc option to create a dynamic library. -- For Unix, returns "-shared", for Windows returns "-mdll". function Libgnat return String; -- System dependent static GNAT library function Archive_Ext return String; -- System dependent static library extension, without leading dot. -- For Unix and Windows, return "a". function Object_Ext return String; -- System dependent object extension, without leading dot. -- On Unix, returns "o". function DLL_Prefix return String; -- System dependent dynamic library prefix. -- On Windows, returns "". On other platforms, returns "lib". function DLL_Ext return String; -- System dependent dynamic library extension, without leading dot. -- On Windows, returns "dll". On Unix, usually returns "so", but not -- always, e.g. on HP-UX the extension for shared libraries is "sl". function PIC_Option return String; -- Position independent code option function Is_Object_Ext (Ext : String) return Boolean; -- Returns True iff Ext is an object file extension function Is_C_Ext (Ext : String) return Boolean; -- Returns True iff Ext is a C file extension function Is_Archive_Ext (Ext : String) return Boolean; -- Returns True iff Ext is an extension for a library function Default_Symbol_File_Name return String; -- Returns the name of the symbol file when Library_Symbol_File is not -- specified. Return the empty string when symbol files are not supported. procedure Build_Dynamic_Library (Ofiles : Argument_List; Options : Argument_List; Interfaces : Argument_List; Lib_Filename : String; Lib_Dir : String; Symbol_Data : Symbol_Record; Driver_Name : Name_Id := No_Name; Lib_Version : String := ""; Auto_Init : Boolean := False); -- Build a dynamic/relocatable library -- -- Ofiles is the list of all object files in the library -- -- Options is a list of options to be passed to the tool -- (gcc or other) that effectively builds the dynamic library. -- -- Interfaces is the list of ALI files for the interfaces of a SAL. -- It is empty if the library is not a SAL. -- -- Lib_Filename is the name of the library, without any prefix or -- extension. For example, on Unix, if Lib_Filename is "toto", the -- name of the library file will be "libtoto.so". -- -- Lib_Dir is the directory path where the library will be located -- -- For OSes that support symbolic links, Lib_Version, if non null, -- is the actual file name of the library. For example on Unix, if -- Lib_Filename is "toto" and Lib_Version is "libtoto.so.2.1", -- "libtoto.so" will be a symbolic link to "libtoto.so.2.1" which -- will be the actual library file. -- -- Symbol_Data is used for some platforms, including VMS, to generate -- the symbols to be exported by the library. -- -- Note: Depending on the OS, some of the parameters may not be taken into -- account. For example, on Linux, Interfaces, Symbol_Data and Auto_Init -- are ignored. function Library_Exists_For (Project : Project_Id; In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Boolean; -- Return True if the library file for a library project already exists. -- This function can only be called for library projects. function Library_File_Name_For (Project : Project_Id; In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return File_Name_Type; -- Returns the file name of the library file of a library project. -- This function can only be called for library projects. function Library_Major_Minor_Id_Supported return Boolean; -- Indicates if major and minor ids are supported for libraries. -- If they are supported, then a Library_Version such as libtoto.so.1.2 -- will have a major id of 1 and a minor id of 2. Then libtoto.so, -- libtoto.so.1 and libtoto.so.1.2 will be created, all three designating -- the same file. private No_Argument_List : constant Argument_List := (1 .. 0 => null); -- Access to subprogram types for indirection type String_Function is access function return String; type Is_Ext_Function is access function (Ext : String) return Boolean; type String_List_Access_Function is access function return String_List_Access; type Build_Dynamic_Library_Function is access procedure (Ofiles : Argument_List; Options : Argument_List; Interfaces : Argument_List; Lib_Filename : String; Lib_Dir : String; Symbol_Data : Symbol_Record; Driver_Name : Name_Id := No_Name; Lib_Version : String := ""; Auto_Init : Boolean := False); type Library_Exists_For_Function is access function (Project : Project_Id; In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Boolean; type Library_File_Name_For_Function is access function (Project : Project_Id; In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return File_Name_Type; type Boolean_Function is access function return Boolean; type Library_Support_Function is access function return Library_Support; function Archive_Builder_Default return String; Archive_Builder_Ptr : String_Function := Archive_Builder_Default'Access; function Archive_Builder_Options_Default return String_List_Access; Archive_Builder_Options_Ptr : String_List_Access_Function := Archive_Builder_Options_Default'Access; function Archive_Builder_Append_Options_Default return String_List_Access; Archive_Builder_Append_Options_Ptr : String_List_Access_Function := Archive_Builder_Append_Options_Default'Access; function Archive_Ext_Default return String; Archive_Ext_Ptr : String_Function := Archive_Ext_Default'Access; function Archive_Indexer_Default return String; Archive_Indexer_Ptr : String_Function := Archive_Indexer_Default'Access; function Archive_Indexer_Options_Default return String_List_Access; Archive_Indexer_Options_Ptr : String_List_Access_Function := Archive_Indexer_Options_Default'Access; function Default_Symbol_File_Name_Default return String; Default_Symbol_File_Name_Ptr : String_Function := Default_Symbol_File_Name_Default'Access; Build_Dynamic_Library_Ptr : Build_Dynamic_Library_Function; function DLL_Ext_Default return String; DLL_Ext_Ptr : String_Function := DLL_Ext_Default'Access; function DLL_Prefix_Default return String; DLL_Prefix_Ptr : String_Function := DLL_Prefix_Default'Access; function Dynamic_Option_Default return String; Dynamic_Option_Ptr : String_Function := Dynamic_Option_Default'Access; function Is_Object_Ext_Default (Ext : String) return Boolean; Is_Object_Ext_Ptr : Is_Ext_Function := Is_Object_Ext_Default'Access; function Is_C_Ext_Default (Ext : String) return Boolean; Is_C_Ext_Ptr : Is_Ext_Function := Is_C_Ext_Default'Access; function Is_Archive_Ext_Default (Ext : String) return Boolean; Is_Archive_Ext_Ptr : Is_Ext_Function := Is_Archive_Ext_Default'Access; function Libgnat_Default return String; Libgnat_Ptr : String_Function := Libgnat_Default'Access; function Library_Exists_For_Default (Project : Project_Id; In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Boolean; Library_Exists_For_Ptr : Library_Exists_For_Function := Library_Exists_For_Default'Access; function Library_File_Name_For_Default (Project : Project_Id; In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return File_Name_Type; Library_File_Name_For_Ptr : Library_File_Name_For_Function := Library_File_Name_For_Default'Access; function Object_Ext_Default return String; Object_Ext_Ptr : String_Function := Object_Ext_Default'Access; function PIC_Option_Default return String; PIC_Option_Ptr : String_Function := PIC_Option_Default'Access; function Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported_Default return Boolean; Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported_Ptr : Boolean_Function := Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported_Default'Access; function Support_For_Libraries_Default return Library_Support; Support_For_Libraries_Ptr : Library_Support_Function := Support_For_Libraries_Default'Access; function Library_Major_Minor_Id_Supported_Default return Boolean; Library_Major_Minor_Id_Supported_Ptr : Boolean_Function := Library_Major_Minor_Id_Supported_Default'Access; end MLib.Tgt;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- A D A . W I D E _ T E X T _ I O . E N U M E R A T I O N _ I O -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux; package body Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_IO is package Aux renames Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux; --------- -- Get -- --------- procedure Get (File : File_Type; Item : out Enum) is Buf : Wide_String (1 .. Enum'Width); Buflen : Natural; begin Aux.Get_Enum_Lit (File, Buf, Buflen); Item := Enum'Wide_Value (Buf (1 .. Buflen)); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Data_Error; end Get; procedure Get (Item : out Enum) is begin Get (Current_Input, Item); end Get; procedure Get (From : Wide_String; Item : out Enum; Last : out Positive) is Start : Natural; begin Aux.Scan_Enum_Lit (From, Start, Last); Item := Enum'Wide_Value (From (Start .. Last)); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Data_Error; end Get; --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Put (File : File_Type; Item : Enum; Width : Field := Default_Width; Set : Type_Set := Default_Setting) is Image : constant Wide_String := Enum'Wide_Image (Item); begin Aux.Put (File, Image, Width, Set); end Put; procedure Put (Item : Enum; Width : Field := Default_Width; Set : Type_Set := Default_Setting) is begin Put (Current_Output, Item, Width, Set); end Put; procedure Put (To : out Wide_String; Item : Enum; Set : Type_Set := Default_Setting) is Image : constant Wide_String := Enum'Wide_Image (Item); begin Aux.Puts (To, Image, Set); end Put; end Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_IO;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- Ada Modeling Framework -- -- -- -- Runtime Library Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2011-2012, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is generated, don't edit it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with AMF.Elements.Generic_Hash; function AMF.UML.Protocol_Transitions.Hash is new AMF.Elements.Generic_Hash (UML_Protocol_Transition, UML_Protocol_Transition_Access);
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[ "0BSD" ]
-- This file is covered by the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) License -- Reference: ../License.txt with Ada.Calendar.Arithmetic; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Direct_IO; with Replicant.Platform; package body PortScan.Buildcycle is package ACA renames Ada.Calendar.Arithmetic; package ACF renames Ada.Calendar.Formatting; package REP renames Replicant; ---------------------- -- initialize_log -- ---------------------- function initialize_log (id : builders) return Boolean is FA : access TIO.File_Type; H_ENV : constant String := "Environment"; H_OPT : constant String := "Options"; CFG1 : constant String := "/etc/make.conf"; CFG2 : constant String := "/etc/mk.conf"; UNAME : constant String := JT.USS (uname_mrv); BENV : constant String := get_environment (id); COPTS : constant String := get_options_configuration (id); PTVAR : JT.Text := get_port_variables (id); begin trackers (id).dynlink.Clear; trackers (id).head_time := CAL.Clock; declare log_path : constant String := log_name (trackers (id).seq_id); begin -- Try to defend malicious symlink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symlink_race if AD.Exists (log_path) then AD.Delete_File (log_path); end if; TIO.Create (File => trackers (id).log_handle, Mode => TIO.Out_File, Name => log_path); FA := trackers (id).log_handle'Access; exception when error : others => raise cycle_log_error with "failed to create log " & log_path; end; TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, "=> Building " & get_catport (all_ports (trackers (id).seq_id))); TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, "Started : " & timestamp (trackers (id).head_time)); TIO.Put (FA.all, "Platform: " & UNAME); if BENV = discerr then TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, LAT.LF & "Environment definition failed, " & "aborting entire build"); return False; end if; TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, LAT.LF & log_section (H_ENV, True)); TIO.Put (FA.all, BENV); TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (H_ENV, False) & LAT.LF); TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (H_OPT, True)); TIO.Put (FA.all, COPTS); TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (H_OPT, False) & LAT.LF); dump_port_variables (id => id, content => PTVAR); case software_framework is when ports_collection => TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (CFG1, True)); TIO.Put (FA.all, dump_make_conf (id, CFG1)); TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (CFG1, False) & LAT.LF); when pkgsrc => TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (CFG2, True)); TIO.Put (FA.all, dump_make_conf (id, CFG2)); TIO.Put_Line (FA.all, log_section (CFG2, False) & LAT.LF); end case; return True; end initialize_log; -------------------- -- finalize_log -- -------------------- procedure finalize_log (id : builders) is begin TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, log_section ("Termination", True)); trackers (id).tail_time := CAL.Clock; TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, "Finished: " & timestamp (trackers (id).tail_time)); TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, log_duration (start => trackers (id).head_time, stop => trackers (id).tail_time)); TIO.Close (trackers (id).log_handle); end finalize_log; -------------------- -- log_duration -- -------------------- function log_duration (start, stop : CAL.Time) return String is raw : JT.Text := JT.SUS ("Duration:"); diff_days : ACA.Day_Count; diff_secs : Duration; leap_secs : ACA.Leap_Seconds_Count; use type ACA.Day_Count; begin ACA.Difference (Left => stop, Right => start, Days => diff_days, Seconds => diff_secs, Leap_Seconds => leap_secs); if diff_days > 0 then if diff_days = 1 then JT.SU.Append (raw, " 1 day and " & ACF.Image (Elapsed_Time => diff_secs)); else JT.SU.Append (raw, diff_days'Img & " days and " & ACF.Image (Elapsed_Time => diff_secs)); end if; else JT.SU.Append (raw, " " & ACF.Image (Elapsed_Time => diff_secs)); end if; return JT.USS (raw); end log_duration; ------------------------ -- elapsed_HH_MM_SS -- ------------------------ function elapsed_HH_MM_SS (start, stop : CAL.Time) return String is diff_days : ACA.Day_Count; diff_secs : Duration; leap_secs : ACA.Leap_Seconds_Count; secs_per_hour : constant Integer := 3600; total_hours : Integer; total_minutes : Integer; work_hours : Integer; work_seconds : Integer; use type ACA.Day_Count; begin ACA.Difference (Left => stop, Right => start, Days => diff_days, Seconds => diff_secs, Leap_Seconds => leap_secs); -- Seems the ACF image is shit, so let's roll our own. If more than -- 100 hours, change format to "HHH:MM.M" work_seconds := Integer (diff_secs); total_hours := work_seconds / secs_per_hour; total_hours := total_hours + Integer (diff_days) * 24; if total_hours < 24 then if work_seconds < 0 then return "--:--:--"; else work_seconds := work_seconds - (total_hours * secs_per_hour); total_minutes := work_seconds / 60; work_seconds := work_seconds - (total_minutes * 60); return JT.zeropad (total_hours, 2) & LAT.Colon & JT.zeropad (total_minutes, 2) & LAT.Colon & JT.zeropad (work_seconds, 2); end if; elsif total_hours < 100 then if work_seconds < 0 then return JT.zeropad (total_hours, 2) & ":00:00"; else work_hours := work_seconds / secs_per_hour; work_seconds := work_seconds - (work_hours * secs_per_hour); total_minutes := work_seconds / 60; work_seconds := work_seconds - (total_minutes * 60); return JT.zeropad (total_hours, 2) & LAT.Colon & JT.zeropad (total_minutes, 2) & LAT.Colon & JT.zeropad (work_seconds, 2); end if; else if work_seconds < 0 then return JT.zeropad (total_hours, 3) & ":00.0"; else work_hours := work_seconds / secs_per_hour; work_seconds := work_seconds - (work_hours * secs_per_hour); total_minutes := work_seconds / 60; work_seconds := (work_seconds - (total_minutes * 60)) * 10 / 60; return JT.zeropad (total_hours, 3) & LAT.Colon & JT.zeropad (total_minutes, 2) & '.' & JT.int2str (work_seconds); end if; end if; end elapsed_HH_MM_SS; ------------------- -- elapsed_now -- ------------------- function elapsed_now return String is begin return elapsed_HH_MM_SS (start => start_time, stop => CAL.Clock); end elapsed_now; ----------------------------- -- generic_system_command -- ----------------------------- function generic_system_command (command : String) return JT.Text is content : JT.Text; status : Integer; begin content := Unix.piped_command (command, status); if status /= 0 then raise cycle_cmd_error with "cmd: " & command & " (return code =" & status'Img & ")"; end if; return content; end generic_system_command; --------------------- -- set_uname_mrv -- --------------------- procedure set_uname_mrv is -- valid for all platforms command : constant String := "/usr/bin/uname -mrv"; begin uname_mrv := generic_system_command (command); exception when others => uname_mrv := JT.SUS (discerr); end set_uname_mrv; ---------------- -- get_root -- ---------------- function get_root (id : builders) return String is id_image : constant String := Integer (id)'Img; suffix : String := "/SL00"; begin if id < 10 then suffix (5) := id_image (2); else suffix (4 .. 5) := id_image (2 .. 3); end if; return JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase) & suffix; end get_root; ----------------------- -- get_environment -- ----------------------- function get_environment (id : builders) return String is root : constant String := get_root (id); command : constant String := chroot & root & environment_override; begin return JT.USS (generic_system_command (command)); exception when others => return discerr; end get_environment; --------------------------------- -- get_options_configuration -- --------------------------------- function get_options_configuration (id : builders) return String is root : constant String := get_root (id); catport : constant String := get_catport (all_ports (trackers (id).seq_id)); command : constant String := chroot & root & environment_override & chroot_make_program & " -C " & port_specification (catport); begin case software_framework is when ports_collection => return JT.USS (generic_system_command (command & " showconfig")); when pkgsrc => return JT.USS (generic_system_command (command & " show-options")); end case; exception when others => return discerr; end get_options_configuration; ------------------------ -- split_collection -- ------------------------ function split_collection (line : JT.Text; title : String) return String is -- Support spaces in two ways -- 1) quoted, e.g. TYPING="The Quick Brown Fox" -- 2) Escaped, e.g. TYPING=The\ Quick\ Brown\ Fox meat : JT.Text; waiting : Boolean := True; escaped : Boolean := False; quoted : Boolean := False; keepit : Boolean; counter : Natural := 0; meatlen : Natural := 0; linelen : Natural := JT.SU.Length (line); onechar : String (1 .. 1); meatstr : String (1 .. linelen); begin loop counter := counter + 1; exit when counter > linelen; keepit := True; onechar := JT.SU.Slice (Source => line, Low => counter, High => counter); if onechar (1) = LAT.Reverse_Solidus then -- A) if inside quotes, it's literal -- B) if it's first RS, don't keep but mark escaped -- C) If it's second RS, it's literal, remove escaped -- D) RS can never start a new NV pair if not quoted then if not escaped then keepit := False; end if; escaped := not escaped; end if; elsif escaped then -- E) by definition, next character after an escape is literal -- We know it's not inside quotes. Keep this (could be a space) waiting := False; escaped := not escaped; elsif onechar (1) = LAT.Space then if waiting then keepit := False; else if not quoted then -- name-pair ended, reset waiting := True; quoted := False; onechar (1) := LAT.LF; end if; end if; else waiting := False; if onechar (1) = LAT.Quotation then quoted := not quoted; end if; end if; if keepit then meatlen := meatlen + 1; meatstr (meatlen) := onechar (1); end if; end loop; return log_section (title, True) & LAT.LF & meatstr (1 .. meatlen) & LAT.LF & log_section (title, False) & LAT.LF; end split_collection; -------------------------- -- get_port_variables -- -------------------------- function get_port_variables (id : builders) return JT.Text is root : constant String := get_root (id); catport : constant String := get_catport (all_ports (trackers (id).seq_id)); command : constant String := chroot & root & environment_override & chroot_make_program & " -C " & port_specification (catport); cmd_fpc : constant String := command & " -VCONFIGURE_ENV -VCONFIGURE_ARGS -VMAKE_ENV -VMAKE_ARGS" & " -VPLIST_SUB -VSUB_LIST"; cmd_nps : constant String := command & " .MAKE.EXPAND_VARIABLES=yes -VCONFIGURE_ENV -VCONFIGURE_ARGS" & " -VMAKE_ENV -VMAKE_FLAGS -VBUILD_MAKE_FLAGS -VPLIST_SUBST" & " -VFILES_SUBST"; begin case software_framework is when ports_collection => return generic_system_command (cmd_fpc); when pkgsrc => return generic_system_command (cmd_nps); end case; exception when others => return JT.SUS (discerr); end get_port_variables; --------------------------- -- dump_port_variables -- --------------------------- procedure dump_port_variables (id : builders; content : JT.Text) is LA : access TIO.File_Type := trackers (id).log_handle'Access; topline : JT.Text; concopy : JT.Text := content; type result_range_fpc is range 1 .. 6; type result_range_nps is range 1 .. 7; begin case software_framework is when ports_collection => for k in result_range_fpc loop JT.nextline (lineblock => concopy, firstline => topline); case k is when 1 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "CONFIGURE_ENV")); when 2 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "CONFIGURE_ARGS")); when 3 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "MAKE_ENV")); when 4 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "MAKE_ARGS")); when 5 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "PLIST_SUB")); when 6 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "SUB_LIST")); end case; end loop; when pkgsrc => for k in result_range_nps loop JT.nextline (lineblock => concopy, firstline => topline); case k is when 1 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "CONFIGURE_ENV")); when 2 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "CONFIGURE_ARGS")); when 3 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "MAKE_ENV")); when 4 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "MAKE_FLAGS")); when 5 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "BUILD_MAKE_FLAGS")); when 6 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "PLIST_SUBST")); when 7 => TIO.Put_Line (LA.all, split_collection (topline, "FILES_SUBST")); end case; end loop; end case; end dump_port_variables; ---------------- -- log_name -- ---------------- function log_name (sid : port_id) return String is catport : constant String := get_catport (all_ports (sid)); begin return JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_logs) & "/" & JT.part_1 (catport) & "___" & JT.part_2 (catport) & ".log"; end log_name; ----------------- -- dump_file -- ----------------- function dump_file (filename : String) return String is File_Size : Natural := Natural (AD.Size (filename)); subtype File_String is String (1 .. File_Size); package File_String_IO is new Ada.Direct_IO (File_String); File : File_String_IO.File_Type; Contents : File_String; begin File_String_IO.Open (File, Mode => File_String_IO.In_File, Name => filename); File_String_IO.Read (File, Item => Contents); File_String_IO.Close (File); return String (Contents); end dump_file; ---------------------- -- dump_make_conf -- ---------------------- function dump_make_conf (id : builders; conf_file : String) return String is root : constant String := get_root (id); filename : constant String := root & conf_file; begin return dump_file (filename); end dump_make_conf; ------------------ -- initialize -- ------------------ procedure initialize (test_mode : Boolean; jail_env : JT.Text) is begin set_uname_mrv; testing := test_mode; lock_localbase := testing and then Unix.env_variable_defined ("LOCK"); slave_env := jail_env; declare logdir : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_logs); begin if not AD.Exists (logdir) then AD.Create_Path (New_Directory => logdir); end if; exception when error : others => raise cycle_log_error with "failed to create " & logdir; end; obtain_custom_environment; end initialize; ------------------- -- log_section -- ------------------- function log_section (title : String; header : Boolean) return String is hyphens : constant String := (1 .. 50 => '-'); begin if header then return LAT.LF & hyphens & LAT.LF & "-- " & title & LAT.LF & hyphens; else return ""; end if; end log_section; --------------------- -- log_phase_end -- --------------------- procedure log_phase_end (id : builders) is begin TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, "" & LAT.LF); end log_phase_end; ----------------------- -- log_phase_begin -- ----------------------- procedure log_phase_begin (phase : String; id : builders) is hyphens : constant String := (1 .. 80 => '-'); middle : constant String := "-- Phase: " & phase; begin TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, LAT.LF & hyphens & LAT.LF & middle & LAT.LF & hyphens); end log_phase_begin; ----------------------- -- generic_execute -- ----------------------- function generic_execute (id : builders; command : String; dogbite : out Boolean; time_limit : execution_limit) return Boolean is subtype time_cycle is execution_limit range 1 .. time_limit; subtype one_minute is Positive range 1 .. 230; -- lose 10 in rounding type dim_watchdog is array (time_cycle) of Natural; use type Unix.process_exit; watchdog : dim_watchdog; squirrel : time_cycle := time_cycle'First; cycle_done : Boolean := False; pid : Unix.pid_t; status : Unix.process_exit; lock_lines : Natural; quartersec : one_minute := one_minute'First; hangmonitor : constant Boolean := True; synthexec : constant String := host_localbase & "/libexec/synthexec"; truecommand : constant String := synthexec & " " & log_name (trackers (id).seq_id) & " " & command; begin dogbite := False; watchdog (squirrel) := trackers (id).loglines; pid := Unix.launch_process (truecommand); if Unix.fork_failed (pid) then return False; end if; loop delay 0.25; if quartersec = one_minute'Last then quartersec := one_minute'First; -- increment squirrel if squirrel = time_cycle'Last then squirrel := time_cycle'First; cycle_done := True; else squirrel := squirrel + 1; end if; if hangmonitor then lock_lines := trackers (id).loglines; if cycle_done then if watchdog (squirrel) = lock_lines then -- Log hasn't advanced in a full cycle so bail out dogbite := True; Unix.kill_process_tree (process_group => pid); delay 5.0; -- Give some time for error to write to log return False; end if; end if; watchdog (squirrel) := lock_lines; end if; else quartersec := quartersec + 1; end if; status := Unix.process_status (pid); if status = Unix.exited_normally then return True; end if; if status = Unix.exited_with_error then return False; end if; end loop; end generic_execute; ------------------------------ -- stack_linked_libraries -- ------------------------------ procedure stack_linked_libraries (id : builders; base, filename : String) is command : String := chroot & base & " /usr/bin/objdump -p " & filename; comres : JT.Text; topline : JT.Text; crlen1 : Natural; crlen2 : Natural; begin comres := generic_system_command (command); crlen1 := JT.SU.Length (comres); loop JT.nextline (lineblock => comres, firstline => topline); crlen2 := JT.SU.Length (comres); exit when crlen1 = crlen2; crlen1 := crlen2; if not JT.IsBlank (topline) then if JT.contains (topline, "NEEDED") then if not trackers (id).dynlink.Contains (topline) then trackers (id).dynlink.Append (topline); end if; end if; end if; end loop; exception -- the command result was not zero, so it was an expected format -- or static file. Just skip it. (Should never happen) when bad_result : others => null; end stack_linked_libraries; ---------------------------- -- log_linked_libraries -- ---------------------------- procedure log_linked_libraries (id : builders) is procedure log_dump (cursor : string_crate.Cursor); comres : JT.Text; topline : JT.Text; crlen1 : Natural; crlen2 : Natural; pkgfile : constant String := JT.USS (all_ports (trackers (id).seq_id).package_name); pkgname : constant String := pkgfile (1 .. pkgfile'Last - 4); root : constant String := get_root (id); command : constant String := chroot & root & environment_override & REP.root_localbase & "/sbin/pkg-static query %Fp " & pkgname; procedure log_dump (cursor : string_crate.Cursor) is begin TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, JT.USS (string_crate.Element (Position => cursor))); end log_dump; begin TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, "=> Checking shared library dependencies"); comres := generic_system_command (command); crlen1 := JT.SU.Length (comres); loop JT.nextline (lineblock => comres, firstline => topline); crlen2 := JT.SU.Length (comres); exit when crlen1 = crlen2; crlen1 := crlen2; if REP.Platform.dynamically_linked (root, JT.USS (topline)) then stack_linked_libraries (id, root, JT.USS (topline)); end if; end loop; trackers (id).dynlink.Iterate (log_dump'Access); exception when others => null; end log_linked_libraries; ---------------------------- -- environment_override -- ---------------------------- function environment_override (enable_tty : Boolean := False) return String is function set_terminal (enable_tty : Boolean) return String; function set_terminal (enable_tty : Boolean) return String is begin if enable_tty then return "TERM=cons25 "; end if; return "TERM=dumb "; end set_terminal; PATH : constant String := "PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:" & REP.root_localbase & "/sbin:" & REP.root_localbase & "/bin "; TERM : constant String := set_terminal (enable_tty); USER : constant String := "USER=root "; HOME : constant String := "HOME=/root "; LANG : constant String := "LANG=C "; FTP : constant String := "SSL_NO_VERIFY_PEER=1 "; PKG8 : constant String := "PORTSDIR=" & dir_ports & " " & "PKG_DBDIR=/var/db/pkg8 " & "PKG_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/pkg8 "; CENV : constant String := JT.USS (customenv); JENV : constant String := JT.USS (slave_env); begin return " /usr/bin/env -i " & USER & HOME & LANG & PKG8 & TERM & FTP & PATH & JENV & CENV; end environment_override; --------------------- -- set_log_lines -- --------------------- procedure set_log_lines (id : builders) is log_path : constant String := log_name (trackers (id).seq_id); command : constant String := "/usr/bin/wc -l " & log_path; comres : JT.Text; begin if not uselog then trackers (id).loglines := 0; return; end if; comres := JT.trim (generic_system_command (command)); declare numtext : constant String := JT.part_1 (S => JT.USS (comres), separator => " "); begin trackers (id).loglines := Natural'Value (numtext); end; exception when others => null; -- just skip this cycle end set_log_lines; ----------------------- -- format_loglines -- ----------------------- function format_loglines (numlines : Natural) return String is begin if numlines < 10000000 then -- 10 million return JT.int2str (numlines); end if; declare kilo : constant Natural := numlines / 1000; kilotxt : constant String := JT.int2str (kilo); begin if numlines < 100000000 then -- 100 million return kilotxt (1 .. 2) & "." & kilotxt (3 .. 5) & 'M'; elsif numlines < 1000000000 then -- 1 billion return kilotxt (1 .. 3) & "." & kilotxt (3 .. 4) & 'M'; else return kilotxt (1 .. 4) & "." & kilotxt (3 .. 3) & 'M'; end if; end; end format_loglines; --------------------- -- elapsed_build -- --------------------- function elapsed_build (id : builders) return String is begin return elapsed_HH_MM_SS (start => trackers (id).head_time, stop => trackers (id).tail_time); end elapsed_build; ----------------------------- -- get_packages_per_hour -- ----------------------------- function get_packages_per_hour (packages_done : Natural; from_when : CAL.Time) return Natural is diff_days : ACA.Day_Count; diff_secs : Duration; leap_secs : ACA.Leap_Seconds_Count; result : Natural; rightnow : CAL.Time := CAL.Clock; work_seconds : Integer; work_days : Integer; use type ACA.Day_Count; begin if packages_done = 0 then return 0; end if; ACA.Difference (Left => rightnow, Right => from_when, Days => diff_days, Seconds => diff_secs, Leap_Seconds => leap_secs); work_seconds := Integer (diff_secs); work_days := Integer (diff_days); work_seconds := work_seconds + (work_days * 3600 * 24); if work_seconds < 0 then -- should be impossible to get here. return 0; end if; result := packages_done * 3600; result := result / work_seconds; return result; exception when others => return 0; end get_packages_per_hour; ------------------------ -- mark_file_system -- ------------------------ procedure mark_file_system (id : builders; action : String) is function attributes (action : String) return String; function attributes (action : String) return String is core : constant String := "uid,gid,mode,md5digest"; begin if action = "preconfig" then return core & ",time"; else return core; end if; end attributes; path_mm : String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase) & "/Base"; path_sm : String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase) & "/SL" & JT.zeropad (Natural (id), 2); mtfile : constant String := path_mm & "/mtree." & action & ".exclude"; command : constant String := "/usr/sbin/mtree -X " & mtfile & " -cn -k " & attributes (action) & " -p " & path_sm; filename : constant String := path_sm & "/tmp/mtree." & action; result : JT.Text; resfile : TIO.File_Type; begin result := generic_system_command (command); -- Try to defend malicious symlink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symlink_race if AD.Exists (filename) then AD.Delete_File (filename); end if; TIO.Create (File => resfile, Mode => TIO.Out_File, Name => filename); TIO.Put (resfile, JT.USS (result)); TIO.Close (resfile); exception when others => if TIO.Is_Open (resfile) then TIO.Close (resfile); end if; end mark_file_system; -------------------------------- -- detect_leftovers_and_MIA -- -------------------------------- function detect_leftovers_and_MIA (id : builders; action : String; description : String) return Boolean is package crate is new AC.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => JT.Text, "=" => JT.SU."="); package sorter is new crate.Generic_Sorting ("<" => JT.SU."<"); function ignore_modifications return Boolean; procedure print (cursor : crate.Cursor); procedure close_active_modifications; path_mm : String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase) & "/Base"; path_sm : String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase) & "/SL" & JT.zeropad (Natural (id), 2); mtfile : constant String := path_mm & "/mtree." & action & ".exclude"; filename : constant String := path_sm & "/tmp/mtree." & action; command : constant String := "/usr/sbin/mtree -X " & mtfile & " -f " & filename & " -p " & path_sm; status : Integer; comres : JT.Text; topline : JT.Text; crlen1 : Natural; crlen2 : Natural; toplen : Natural; skiprest : Boolean; passed : Boolean := True; activemod : Boolean := False; modport : JT.Text := JT.blank; reasons : JT.Text := JT.blank; leftover : crate.Vector; missing : crate.Vector; changed : crate.Vector; function ignore_modifications return Boolean is -- Some modifications need to be ignored -- A) */ls-R -- #ls-R files from texmf are often regenerated -- B) share/xml/catalog.ports -- # xmlcatmgr is constantly updating catalog.ports, ignore -- C) share/octave/octave_packages -- # Octave packages database, blank lines can be inserted -- # between pre-install and post-deinstall -- D) info/dir | */info/dir -- E) lib/gio/modules/giomodule.cache -- # gio modules cache could be modified for any gio modules -- F) etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree*.xml -- # gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule is unpredictable -- G) %%PEARDIR%%/.depdb | %%PEARDIR%%/.filemap -- # The is pear database cache -- H) "." with timestamp modification -- # this happens when ./tmp or ./var is used, which is legal filename : constant String := JT.USS (modport); fnlen : constant Natural := filename'Length; begin if filename = "usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports" or else filename = "usr/local/share/octave/octave_packages" or else filename = "usr/local/info/dir" or else filename = "usr/local/lib/gio/modules/giomodule.cache" or else filename = "usr/local/share/pear/.depdb" or else filename = "usr/local/share/pear/.filemap" then return True; end if; if filename = "." and then JT.equivalent (reasons, "modification") then return True; end if; if fnlen > 17 and then filename (1 .. 10) = "usr/local/" then if filename (fnlen - 4 .. fnlen) = "/ls-R" or else filename (fnlen - 8 .. fnlen) = "/info/dir" then return True; end if; end if; if fnlen > 56 and then filename (1 .. 39) = "usr/local/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/" and then filename (fnlen - 3 .. fnlen) = ".xml" then if JT.contains (filename, "/%gconf-tree") then return True; end if; end if; return False; end ignore_modifications; procedure close_active_modifications is begin if activemod and then not ignore_modifications then JT.SU.Append (modport, " [ "); JT.SU.Append (modport, reasons); JT.SU.Append (modport, " ]"); if not changed.Contains (modport) then changed.Append (modport); end if; end if; activemod := False; reasons := JT.blank; modport := JT.blank; end close_active_modifications; procedure print (cursor : crate.Cursor) is dossier : constant String := JT.USS (crate.Element (cursor)); begin TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, LAT.HT & dossier); end print; begin -- we can't use generic_system_command because exit code /= 0 normally comres := Unix.piped_command (command, status); crlen1 := JT.SU.Length (comres); loop skiprest := False; JT.nextline (lineblock => comres, firstline => topline); crlen2 := JT.SU.Length (comres); exit when crlen1 = crlen2; crlen1 := crlen2; toplen := JT.SU.Length (topline); if not skiprest and then JT.SU.Length (topline) > 6 then declare sx : constant Natural := toplen - 5; caboose : constant String := JT.SU.Slice (topline, sx, toplen); filename : JT.Text := JT.SUS (JT.SU.Slice (topline, 1, sx - 1)); begin if caboose = " extra" then close_active_modifications; if not leftover.Contains (filename) then leftover.Append (filename); end if; skiprest := True; end if; end; end if; if not skiprest and then JT.SU.Length (topline) > 7 then declare canopy : constant String := JT.SU.Slice (topline, 1, 7); filename : JT.Text := JT.SUS (JT.SU.Slice (topline, 8, toplen)); begin if canopy = "extra: " then close_active_modifications; if not leftover.Contains (filename) then leftover.Append (filename); end if; skiprest := True; end if; end; end if; if not skiprest and then JT.SU.Length (topline) > 10 then declare sx : constant Natural := toplen - 7; caboose : constant String := JT.SU.Slice (topline, sx, toplen); filename : JT.Text := JT.SUS (JT.SU.Slice (topline, 3, sx - 1)); begin if caboose = " missing" then close_active_modifications; if not missing.Contains (filename) then missing.Append (filename); end if; skiprest := True; end if; end; end if; if not skiprest then declare line : constant String := JT.USS (topline); blank8 : constant String := " "; sx : constant Natural := toplen - 7; begin if toplen > 5 and then line (1) = LAT.HT then -- reason, but only valid if modification is active if activemod then if JT.IsBlank (reasons) then reasons := JT.SUS (JT.part_1 (line (2 .. toplen), " ")); else JT.SU.Append (reasons, " | "); JT.SU.Append (reasons, JT.part_1 (line (2 .. toplen), " ")); end if; end if; skiprest := True; end if; if not skiprest and then line (toplen) = LAT.Colon then close_active_modifications; activemod := True; modport := JT.SUS (line (1 .. toplen - 1)); skiprest := True; end if; if not skiprest and then JT.SU.Slice (topline, sx, toplen) = " changed" then close_active_modifications; activemod := True; modport := JT.SUS (line (1 .. toplen - 8)); skiprest := True; end if; end; end if; end loop; close_active_modifications; sorter.Sort (Container => changed); sorter.Sort (Container => missing); sorter.Sort (Container => leftover); TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, LAT.LF & "=> Checking for " & "system changes " & description); if not leftover.Is_Empty then passed := False; TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, LAT.LF & " Left over files/directories:"); leftover.Iterate (Process => print'Access); end if; if not missing.Is_Empty then passed := False; TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, LAT.LF & " Missing files/directories:"); missing.Iterate (Process => print'Access); end if; if not changed.Is_Empty then passed := False; TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, LAT.LF & " Modified files/directories:"); changed.Iterate (Process => print'Access); end if; if passed then TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, "Everything is fine."); end if; return passed; end detect_leftovers_and_MIA; ----------------------------- -- interact_with_builder -- ----------------------------- procedure interact_with_builder (id : builders) is root : constant String := get_root (id); command : constant String := chroot & root & environment_override (enable_tty => True) & REP.Platform.interactive_shell; result : Boolean; begin TIO.Put_Line ("Entering interactive test mode at the builder root " & "directory."); TIO.Put_Line ("Type 'exit' when done exploring."); result := Unix.external_command (command); end interact_with_builder; --------------------------------- -- obtain_custom_environment -- --------------------------------- procedure obtain_custom_environment is target_name : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" & JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-environment"; fragment : TIO.File_Type; begin customenv := JT.blank; if AD.Exists (target_name) then TIO.Open (File => fragment, Mode => TIO.In_File, Name => target_name); while not TIO.End_Of_File (fragment) loop declare Line : String := TIO.Get_Line (fragment); begin if JT.contains (Line, "=") then JT.SU.Append (customenv, JT.trim (Line) & " "); end if; end; end loop; TIO.Close (fragment); end if; exception when others => if TIO.Is_Open (fragment) then TIO.Close (fragment); end if; end obtain_custom_environment; -------------------------------- -- set_localbase_protection -- -------------------------------- procedure set_localbase_protection (id : builders; lock : Boolean) is procedure remount (readonly : Boolean); procedure dismount; smount : constant String := get_root (id); slave_local : constant String := smount & "_localbase"; procedure remount (readonly : Boolean) is cmd_freebsd : String := "/sbin/mount_nullfs "; cmd_dragonfly : String := "/sbin/mount_null "; points : String := slave_local & " " & smount & REP.root_localbase; options : String := "-o ro "; cmd : JT.Text; cmd_output : JT.Text; begin if JT.equivalent (PM.configuration.operating_sys, "FreeBSD") then cmd := JT.SUS (cmd_freebsd); else cmd := JT.SUS (cmd_dragonfly); end if; if readonly then JT.SU.Append (cmd, options); end if; JT.SU.Append (cmd, points); if not Unix.piped_mute_command (JT.USS (cmd), cmd_output) then if uselog then TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, "command failed: " & JT.USS (cmd)); if not JT.IsBlank (cmd_output) then TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, JT.USS (cmd_output)); end if; end if; end if; end remount; procedure dismount is cmd_unmount : constant String := "/sbin/umount " & smount & REP.root_localbase; cmd_output : JT.Text; begin if not Unix.piped_mute_command (cmd_unmount, cmd_output) then if uselog then TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, "command failed: " & cmd_unmount); if not JT.IsBlank (cmd_output) then TIO.Put_Line (trackers (id).log_handle, JT.USS (cmd_output)); end if; end if; end if; end dismount; begin if lock then dismount; remount (readonly => True); else dismount; remount (readonly => False); end if; end set_localbase_protection; ------------------------------ -- timeout_multiplier_x10 -- ------------------------------ function timeout_multiplier_x10 return Positive is average5 : constant Float := REP.Platform.get_5_minute_load; avefloat : constant Float := average5 / Float (number_cores); begin if avefloat <= 1.0 then return 10; else return Integer (avefloat * 10.0); end if; exception when others => return 10; end timeout_multiplier_x10; --------------------------- -- valid_test_phase #2 -- --------------------------- function valid_test_phase (afterphase : String) return Boolean is begin if afterphase = "extract" or else afterphase = "patch" or else afterphase = "configure" or else afterphase = "build" or else afterphase = "stage" or else afterphase = "install" or else afterphase = "deinstall" then return True; else return False; end if; end valid_test_phase; --------------------------- -- builder_status_core -- --------------------------- function builder_status_core (id : builders; shutdown : Boolean := False; idle : Boolean := False; phasestr : String) return Display.builder_rec is result : Display.builder_rec; phaselen : constant Positive := phasestr'Length; begin -- 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234 -- SL elapsed phase lines origin -- 01 00:00:00 extract-depends 9999999 www/joe result.id := id; result.slavid := JT.zeropad (Natural (id), 2); result.LLines := (others => ' '); result.phase := (others => ' '); result.origin := (others => ' '); result.shutdown := False; result.idle := False; if shutdown then -- Overrides "idle" if both Shutdown and Idle are True result.Elapsed := "Shutdown"; result.shutdown := True; return result; end if; if idle then result.Elapsed := "Idle "; result.idle := True; return result; end if; declare catport : constant String := get_catport (all_ports (trackers (id).seq_id)); numlines : constant String := format_loglines (trackers (id).loglines); linehead : constant Natural := 8 - numlines'Length; begin result.Elapsed := elapsed_HH_MM_SS (start => trackers (id).head_time, stop => CAL.Clock); result.LLines (linehead .. 7) := numlines; if phaselen <= result.phase'Length then result.phase (1 .. phasestr'Length) := phasestr; else -- special handling for long descriptions if phasestr = "bootstrap-depends" then result.phase (1 .. 14) := "bootstrap-deps"; else result.phase := phasestr (phasestr'First .. phasestr'First + result.phase'Length - 1); end if; end if; if catport'Length > 37 then result.origin (1 .. 36) := catport (1 .. 36); result.origin (37) := LAT.Asterisk; else result.origin (1 .. catport'Length) := catport; end if; end; return result; end builder_status_core; ------------------------ -- port_specification -- ------------------------ function port_specification (catport : String) return String is begin if JT.contains (catport, "@") then return dir_ports & "/" & JT.part_1 (catport, "@") & " FLAVOR=" & JT.part_2 (catport, "@"); else return dir_ports & "/" & catport; end if; end port_specification; end PortScan.Buildcycle;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2018, Fabien Chouteau -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- -- met: -- -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- -- distribution. -- -- 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- -- from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -- -- DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -- -- THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with FE310_SVD.GPIO; use FE310_SVD.GPIO; with FE310_SVD.UART; use FE310_SVD.UART; with AGATE.Arch.RISCV; use AGATE.Arch.RISCV; package body AGATE.Console is procedure Initialize; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize is begin GPIO0_Periph.IO_FUNC_SEL.Arr (17) := False; GPIO0_Periph.IO_FUNC_SEL.Arr (18) := False; GPIO0_Periph.IO_FUNC_EN.Arr (18) := True; GPIO0_Periph.IO_FUNC_EN.Arr (17) := True; UART0_Periph.DIV.DIV := UInt16 ((CPU_Frequency / 115200)) - 1; UART0_Periph.TXCTRL.ENABLE := True; for I in 1 .. 1_000 loop null; end loop; end Initialize; ----------- -- Print -- ----------- procedure Print (C : Character) is begin while UART0_Periph.TXDATA.FULL loop null; end loop; UART0_Periph.TXDATA.DATA := Character'Pos (C); end Print; ----------- -- Print -- ----------- procedure Print (Str : String) is begin for C of Str loop Print (C); end loop; end Print; ---------------- -- Print_Line -- ---------------- procedure Print_Line (Str : String) is begin Print (Str); Print (ASCII.CR); Print (ASCII.LF); end Print_Line; begin Initialize; end AGATE.Console;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- Spécification du module Piles. generic Capacite : Integer; -- Nombre maximal d'éléments qu'une pile peut contenir type T_Element is private; -- Type des éléments de la pile package Piles is type T_Pile is limited private; --// "très privé" en Algorithmique ! --// Sur un type privé, on a droit à l'affectation (:=) et l'égalité (=). --// On perd ces opérations avec un type "limited private" (très privé). -- Initilaiser une pile. La pile est vide. procedure Initialiser (Pile : out T_Pile) with Post => Est_Vide (Pile); -- Est-ce que la pile est vide ? function Est_Vide (Pile : in T_Pile) return Boolean; -- Est-ce que la pile est pleine ? function Est_Pleine (Pile : in T_Pile) return Boolean; -- L'élément en sommet de la pile. function Sommet (Pile : in T_Pile) return T_Element with Pre => not Est_Vide (Pile); -- Empiler l'élément en somment de la pile. procedure Empiler (Pile : in out T_Pile; Element : in T_Element) with Pre => not Est_Pleine (Pile), Post => Sommet (Pile) = Element; -- Supprimer l'élément en sommet de pile procedure Depiler (Pile : in out T_Pile) with Pre => not Est_Vide (Pile); -- Afficher les éléments de la pile generic with procedure Afficher_Element (Un_Element: in T_Element); procedure Afficher (Pile : in T_Pile); private type T_Tab_Elements is array (1..Capacite) of T_Element; type T_Pile is record Elements : T_Tab_Elements; -- les éléments de la pile Taille: Integer; -- Nombre d'éléments dans la pile end record; end Piles;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- Copyright 2021 Jeff Foley. All rights reserved. -- Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file. local url = require("url") name = "Gists" type = "scrape" function start() set_rate_limit(1) end function vertical(ctx, domain) local gist_re = "https://gist[.]github[.]com/[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,39}/[a-z0-9]{32}" for i=1,20 do local resp, err = request(ctx, {['url']=build_url(domain, i)}) if (err ~= nil and err ~= "") then log(ctx, "vertical request to service failed: " .. err) break end local gists = find(resp, gist_re) if (gists == nil or #gists == 0) then break end for _, gist in pairs(gists) do scrape(ctx, {['url']=gist}) end end end function build_url(domain, pagenum) local params = { ['ref']="searchresults", ['q']=domain, ['p']=pagenum, } return "https://gist.github.com/search?" .. url.build_query_string(params) end
[ "BSD-4-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-4-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-4-Clause" ]
procedure Library (X : Integer) is begin -- Failure pragma Assert (X < 10); -- Success pragma Assert (X > 0); end Library;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel King -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), -- to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation -- the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, -- and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the -- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING -- FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package DW1000 is pragma Pure; end DW1000;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
package generic_procedure_renaming_declaration is generic procedure test(X : Integer); generic procedure newtest renames test; end generic_procedure_renaming_declaration;
[ "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", "MIT" ]
[ "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", "MIT" ]
[ "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . S T A C K _ C H E C K I N G -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1999-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package provides a system-independent implementation of stack -- checking using comparison with stack base and limit. -- This package defines basic types and objects. Operations related to -- stack checking can be found in package System.Stack_Checking.Operations. pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning; with System.Storage_Elements; package System.Stack_Checking is pragma Preelaborate; pragma Elaborate_Body; -- This unit has a junk null body. The reason is that historically we -- used to have a real body, and it causes bootstrapping path problems -- to eliminate it, since the old body may still be present in the -- compilation environment for a build. type Stack_Info is record Limit : System.Address := System.Null_Address; Base : System.Address := System.Null_Address; Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset := 0; end record; -- This record may be part of a larger data structure like the -- task control block in the tasking case. -- This specific layout has the advantage of being compatible with the -- Intel x86 BOUNDS instruction. type Stack_Access is access all Stack_Info; -- Unique local storage associated with a specific task. This storage is -- used for the stack base and limit, and is returned by Checked_Self. -- Only self may write this information, it may be read by any task. -- At no time the address range Limit .. Base (or Base .. Limit for -- upgrowing stack) may contain any address that is part of another stack. -- The Stack_Access may be part of a larger data structure. Multi_Processor : constant Boolean := False; -- Not supported yet private Null_Stack_Info : aliased Stack_Info := (Limit => System.Null_Address, Base => System.Null_Address, Size => 0); -- Use explicit assignment to avoid elaboration code (call to init proc) Null_Stack : constant Stack_Access := Null_Stack_Info'Access; -- Stack_Access value that will return a Stack_Base and Stack_Limit -- that fail any stack check. end System.Stack_Checking;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . S T R I N G _ O P S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package body System.String_Ops is ---------------- -- Str_Concat -- ---------------- function Str_Concat (X, Y : String) return String is begin if X'Length <= 0 then return Y; else declare L : constant Natural := X'Length + Y'Length; R : String (X'First .. X'First + L - 1); begin R (X'Range) := X; R (X'First + X'Length .. R'Last) := Y; return R; end; end if; end Str_Concat; ------------------- -- Str_Concat_CC -- ------------------- function Str_Concat_CC (X, Y : Character) return String is R : String (1 .. 2); begin R (1) := X; R (2) := Y; return R; end Str_Concat_CC; ------------------- -- Str_Concat_CS -- ------------------- function Str_Concat_CS (X : Character; Y : String) return String is R : String (1 .. Y'Length + 1); begin R (1) := X; R (2 .. R'Last) := Y; return R; end Str_Concat_CS; ------------------- -- Str_Concat_SC -- ------------------- function Str_Concat_SC (X : String; Y : Character) return String is begin if X'Length <= 0 then return (1 => Y); else declare R : String (X'First .. X'Last + 1); begin R (X'Range) := X; R (R'Last) := Y; return R; end; end if; end Str_Concat_SC; end System.String_Ops;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
with Numworks.Display; with Numworks.Backlight; with HAL; use HAL; with Bitmap_Color_Conversion; with HAL.Bitmap; use HAL.Bitmap; package body Render is Buffer : aliased GESTE.Output_Buffer := (1 .. Numworks.Display.Width * 10 => 0); Screen_Pt : GESTE.Point := (0, 0); --------- -- Put -- --------- procedure Push_Pixels (Buffer : GESTE.Output_Buffer) is Temp : UInt16_Array (Buffer'Range) with Address => Buffer'Address; begin Numworks.Display.Push_Pixels (Temp, DMA_Theshold => 5000); Numworks.Display.Wait_End_Of_Push; end Push_Pixels; ---------------------- -- Set_Drawing_Area -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Drawing_Area (Area : GESTE.Rect) is begin Numworks.Display.Set_Drawing_Area (((Area.TL.X - Screen_Pt.X, Area.TL.Y - Screen_Pt.Y), Area.BR.X - Area.TL.X + 1, Area.BR.Y - Area.TL.Y + 1)); Numworks.Display.Start_Pixel_Write; end Set_Drawing_Area; ----------------------- -- Set_Screen_Offset -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Screen_Offset (Pt : GESTE.Point) is begin Screen_Pt := Pt; end Set_Screen_Offset; ---------------- -- Render_All -- ---------------- procedure Render_All (Background : GESTE_Config.Output_Color) is begin GESTE.Render_All ((Screen_Pt, (Screen_Pt.X + Numworks.Display.Width - 1, Screen_Pt.Y + Numworks.Display.Height - 1)), Background, Buffer, Push_Pixels'Access, Set_Drawing_Area'Access); end Render_All; ------------------ -- Render_Dirty -- ------------------ procedure Render_Dirty (Background : GESTE_Config.Output_Color) is begin GESTE.Render_Dirty ((Screen_Pt, (Screen_Pt.X + Numworks.Display.Width - 1, Screen_Pt.Y + Numworks.Display.Height - 1)), Background, Buffer, Push_Pixels'Access, Set_Drawing_Area'Access); end Render_Dirty; --------------- -- Dark_Cyan -- --------------- function Dark_Cyan return GESTE_Config.Output_Color is (GESTE_Config.Output_Color (Bitmap_Color_Conversion.Bitmap_Color_To_Word (RGB_565, HAL.Bitmap.Dark_Cyan))); ----------- -- Black -- ----------- function Black return GESTE_Config.Output_Color is (0); begin Numworks.Backlight.Set_Level (16); end Render;
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors; package Nutrition is type Food is interface; procedure Eat (Object : in out Food) is abstract; end Nutrition; with Ada.Containers; with Nutrition; generic type New_Food is new Nutrition.Food; package Food_Boxes is package Food_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors ( Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => New_Food ); subtype Food_Box is Food_Vectors.Vector; end Food_Boxes;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- Copyright 2021 Jeff Foley. All rights reserved. -- Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file. local json = require("json") name = "CommonCrawl" type = "api" local urls = {} function start() setratelimit(1) end function vertical(ctx, domain) -- Check that the index URLs have been obtained if (urls == nil or #urls == 0) then urls = indexurls(ctx) if (urls == nil or #urls == 0) then return end checkratelimit() end for i, url in pairs(urls) do scrape(ctx, { ['url']=buildurl(url, domain), headers={['Content-Type']="application/json"}, }) checkratelimit() end end function buildurl(url, domain) return url .. "?url=*." .. domain .. "&output=json&fl=url" end function indexurls(ctx) local resp local cfg = datasrc_config() local iurl = "https://index.commoncrawl.org/collinfo.json" -- Check if the response data is in the graph database if (cfg.ttl ~= nil and cfg.ttl > 0) then resp = obtain_response(iurl, cfg.ttl) end if (resp == nil or resp == "") then local err resp, err = request({ url=iurl, headers={['Content-Type']="application/json"}, }) if (err ~= nil and err ~= "") then log(ctx, err .. ": " .. resp) return nil end if (cfg.ttl ~= nil and cfg.ttl > 0) then cache_response(iurl, resp) end end local data = json.decode(resp) if (data == nil or #data == 0) then return nil end local urls = {} for i, u in pairs(data) do local url = u["cdx-api"] if (url ~= nil and url ~= "") then table.insert(urls, url) end end return urls end
[ "Zlib" ]
[ "Zlib" ]
[ "Zlib" ]
-- SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library -- Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org) -- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. -- In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. -- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, -- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, -- subject to the following restrictions: -- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; -- you must not claim that you wrote the original software. -- If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment -- in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. -- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, -- and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. -- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// with Sf.System.Vector2; with Sf.Graphics.Transform; with Sf.Graphics.Rect; with Sf.Graphics.Color; package Sf.Graphics.RectangleShape is --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Create a new rectangle shape --/ --/ @return A new sfRectangleShape object, or NULL if it failed --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function create return sfRectangleShape_Ptr; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Copy an existing rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape to copy --/ --/ @return Copied object --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function copy (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return sfRectangleShape_Ptr; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Destroy an existing rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape to delete --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure destroy (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the position of a rectangle shape --/ --/ This function completely overwrites the previous position. --/ See sfRectangleShape_move to apply an offset based on the previous position instead. --/ The default position of a circle Shape object is (0, 0). --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param position New position --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setPosition (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; position : Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the orientation of a rectangle shape --/ --/ This function completely overwrites the previous rotation. --/ See sfRectangleShape_rotate to add an angle based on the previous rotation instead. --/ The default rotation of a circle Shape object is 0. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param angle New rotation, in degrees --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setRotation (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; angle : float); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the scale factors of a rectangle shape --/ --/ This function completely overwrites the previous scale. --/ See sfRectangleShape_scale to add a factor based on the previous scale instead. --/ The default scale of a circle Shape object is (1, 1). --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param scale New scale factors --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setScale (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; scale : Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the local origin of a rectangle shape --/ --/ The origin of an object defines the center point for --/ all transformations (position, scale, rotation). --/ The coordinates of this point must be relative to the --/ top-left corner of the object, and ignore all --/ transformations (position, scale, rotation). --/ The default origin of a circle Shape object is (0, 0). --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param origin New origin --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setOrigin (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; origin : Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the position of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Current position --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getPosition (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the orientation of a rectangle shape --/ --/ The rotation is always in the range [0, 360]. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Current rotation, in degrees --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getRotation (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return float; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the current scale of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Current scale factors --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getScale (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the local origin of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Current origin --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getOrigin (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Move a rectangle shape by a given offset --/ --/ This function adds to the current position of the object, --/ unlike sfRectangleShape_setPosition which overwrites it. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param offset Offset --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure move (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; offset : Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Rotate a rectangle shape --/ --/ This function adds to the current rotation of the object, --/ unlike sfRectangleShape_setRotation which overwrites it. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param angle Angle of rotation, in degrees --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure rotate (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; angle : float); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Scale a rectangle shape --/ --/ This function multiplies the current scale of the object, --/ unlike sfRectangleShape_setScale which overwrites it. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param factors Scale factors --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure scale (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; factors : Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the combined transform of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape shape object --/ --/ @return Transform combining the position/rotation/scale/origin of the object --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTransform (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Transform.sfTransform; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the inverse of the combined transform of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape shape object --/ --/ @return Inverse of the combined transformations applied to the object --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getInverseTransform (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Transform.sfTransform; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Change the source texture of a rectangle shape --/ --/ The @a texture argument refers to a texture that must --/ exist as long as the shape uses it. Indeed, the shape --/ doesn't store its own copy of the texture, but rather keeps --/ a pointer to the one that you passed to this function. --/ If the source texture is destroyed and the shape tries to --/ use it, the behaviour is undefined. --/ @a texture can be NULL to disable texturing. --/ If @a resetRect is true, the TextureRect property of --/ the shape is automatically adjusted to the size of the new --/ texture. If it is false, the texture rect is left unchanged. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param texture New texture --/ @param resetRect Should the texture rect be reset to the size of the new texture? --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setTexture (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; texture : sfTexture_Ptr; resetRect : sfBool); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the sub-rectangle of the texture that a rectangle shape will display --/ --/ The texture rect is useful when you don't want to display --/ the whole texture, but rather a part of it. --/ By default, the texture rect covers the entire texture. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param rect Rectangle defining the region of the texture to display --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setTextureRect (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; rect : Sf.Graphics.Rect.sfIntRect); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the fill color of a rectangle shape --/ --/ This color is modulated (multiplied) with the shape's --/ texture if any. It can be used to colorize the shape, --/ or change its global opacity. --/ You can use sfTransparent to make the inside of --/ the shape transparent, and have the outline alone. --/ By default, the shape's fill color is opaque white. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param color New color of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setFillColor (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; color : Sf.Graphics.Color.sfColor); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the outline color of a rectangle shape --/ --/ You can use sfTransparent to disable the outline. --/ By default, the shape's outline color is opaque white. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param color New outline color of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setOutlineColor (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; color : Sf.Graphics.Color.sfColor); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the thickness of a rectangle shape's outline --/ --/ This number cannot be negative. Using zero disables --/ the outline. --/ By default, the outline thickness is 0. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param thickness New outline thickness --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setOutlineThickness (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; thickness : float); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the source texture of a rectangle shape --/ --/ If the shape has no source texture, a NULL pointer is returned. --/ The returned pointer is const, which means that you can't --/ modify the texture when you retrieve it with this function. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Pointer to the shape's texture --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTexture (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return sfTexture_Ptr; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the sub-rectangle of the texture displayed by a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Texture rectangle of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTextureRect (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Rect.sfIntRect; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the fill color of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Fill color of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getFillColor (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Color.sfColor; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the outline color of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Outline color of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getOutlineColor (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Color.sfColor; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the outline thickness of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Outline thickness of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getOutlineThickness (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return float; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the total number of points of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Number of points of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getPointCount (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return sfSize_t; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get a point of a rectangle shape --/ --/ The result is undefined if @a index is out of the valid range. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param index Index of the point to get, in range [0 .. getPointCount() - 1] --/ --/ @return Index-th point of the shape --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getPoint (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; index : sfSize_t) return Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Set the size of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @param size New size of the rectangle --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure setSize (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr; size : Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f); --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the size of a rectangle shape --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ @return height Size of the rectangle --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getSize (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.System.Vector2.sfVector2f; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the local bounding rectangle of a rectangle shape --/ --/ The returned rectangle is in local coordinates, which means --/ that it ignores the transformations (translation, rotation, --/ scale, ...) that are applied to the entity. --/ In other words, this function returns the bounds of the --/ entity in the entity's coordinate system. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Local bounding rectangle of the entity --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getLocalBounds (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Rect.sfFloatRect; --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --/ @brief Get the global bounding rectangle of a rectangle shape --/ --/ The returned rectangle is in global coordinates, which means --/ that it takes in account the transformations (translation, --/ rotation, scale, ...) that are applied to the entity. --/ In other words, this function returns the bounds of the --/ sprite in the global 2D world's coordinate system. --/ --/ @param shape Shape object --/ --/ @return Global bounding rectangle of the entity --/ --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getGlobalBounds (shape : sfRectangleShape_Ptr) return Sf.Graphics.Rect.sfFloatRect; private pragma Import (C, create, "sfRectangleShape_create"); pragma Import (C, copy, "sfRectangleShape_copy"); pragma Import (C, destroy, "sfRectangleShape_destroy"); pragma Import (C, setPosition, "sfRectangleShape_setPosition"); pragma Import (C, setRotation, "sfRectangleShape_setRotation"); pragma Import (C, setScale, "sfRectangleShape_setScale"); pragma Import (C, setOrigin, "sfRectangleShape_setOrigin"); pragma Import (C, getPosition, "sfRectangleShape_getPosition"); pragma Import (C, getRotation, "sfRectangleShape_getRotation"); pragma Import (C, getScale, "sfRectangleShape_getScale"); pragma Import (C, getOrigin, "sfRectangleShape_getOrigin"); pragma Import (C, move, "sfRectangleShape_move"); pragma Import (C, rotate, "sfRectangleShape_rotate"); pragma Import (C, scale, "sfRectangleShape_scale"); pragma Import (C, getTransform, "sfRectangleShape_getTransform"); pragma Import (C, getInverseTransform, "sfRectangleShape_getInverseTransform"); pragma Import (C, setTexture, "sfRectangleShape_setTexture"); pragma Import (C, setTextureRect, "sfRectangleShape_setTextureRect"); pragma Import (C, setFillColor, "sfRectangleShape_setFillColor"); pragma Import (C, setOutlineColor, "sfRectangleShape_setOutlineColor"); pragma Import (C, setOutlineThickness, "sfRectangleShape_setOutlineThickness"); pragma Import (C, getTexture, "sfRectangleShape_getTexture"); pragma Import (C, getTextureRect, "sfRectangleShape_getTextureRect"); pragma Import (C, getFillColor, "sfRectangleShape_getFillColor"); pragma Import (C, getOutlineColor, "sfRectangleShape_getOutlineColor"); pragma Import (C, getOutlineThickness, "sfRectangleShape_getOutlineThickness"); pragma Import (C, getPointCount, "sfRectangleShape_getPointCount"); pragma Import (C, getPoint, "sfRectangleShape_getPoint"); pragma Import (C, setSize, "sfRectangleShape_setSize"); pragma Import (C, getSize, "sfRectangleShape_getSize"); pragma Import (C, getLocalBounds, "sfRectangleShape_getLocalBounds"); pragma Import (C, getGlobalBounds, "sfRectangleShape_getGlobalBounds"); end Sf.Graphics.RectangleShape;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!DOCTYPE boost_serialization> <boost_serialization signature="serialization::archive" version="11"> <syndb class_id="0" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <userIPLatency>-1</userIPLatency> <userIPName></userIPName> <cdfg class_id="1" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_0"> <name>axi_interfaces</name> <ret_bitwidth>0</ret_bitwidth> <ports class_id="2" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>16</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="3" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_1"> <Value class_id="4" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <Obj class_id="5" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <type>1</type> <id>1</id> <name>d_o_0</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo class_id="6" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[0]</originalName> 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<fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[2]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_4"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>4</id> <name>d_o_3</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[3]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_5"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>5</id> <name>d_o_4</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[4]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_6"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>6</id> <name>d_o_5</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[5]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_7"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>7</id> <name>d_o_6</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[6]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_8"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>8</id> <name>d_o_7</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_o[7]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>1</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_9"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>9</id> <name>d_i_0</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[0]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_10"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>10</id> <name>d_i_1</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[1]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_11"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>11</id> <name>d_i_2</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[2]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_12"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>12</id> <name>d_i_3</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[3]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_13"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>13</id> <name>d_i_4</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[4]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_14"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>14</id> <name>d_i_5</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[5]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_15"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>15</id> <name>d_i_6</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[6]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> <item class_id_reference="3" object_id="_16"> <Value> <Obj> <type>1</type> <id>16</id> <name>d_i_7</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>d_i[7]</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <direction>0</direction> <if_type>0</if_type> <array_size>0</array_size> <bit_vecs> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </bit_vecs> </item> </ports> <nodes class_id="8" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>68</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="9" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_17"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>41</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="10" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second class_id="11" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="12" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first class_id="13" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>136</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_18"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>43</id> <name>do_init</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>251</item> <item>252</item> <item>254</item> <item>255</item> <item>256</item> <item>257</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_19"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>44</id> <name>i1</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>5</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>6</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>259</item> <item>260</item> <item>261</item> <item>262</item> <item>263</item> <item>264</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>phi</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_20"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>45</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>265</item> <item>266</item> <item>267</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_21"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>64</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>249</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_22"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>66</id> <name>i1_cast</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>6</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>137</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_23"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>71</id> <name>acc_0_load</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>138</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>load</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_24"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>72</id> <name>d_i_0_read</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>140</item> <item>141</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_25"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>73</id> <name>tmp_2</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>142</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>sext</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_26"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>74</id> <name>tmp_3</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>143</item> <item>144</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_27"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>75</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>145</item> <item>146</item> <item>508</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_28"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>76</id> <name>tmp_1</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>147</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_29"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>77</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>149</item> <item>150</item> <item>151</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_30"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>79</id> <name>acc_1_load</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>152</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>load</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_31"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>80</id> <name>d_i_1_read</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>153</item> <item>154</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_32"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>81</id> <name>tmp_2_1</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>155</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>sext</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_33"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>82</id> <name>tmp_3_1</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>156</item> <item>157</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_34"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>83</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>158</item> <item>159</item> <item>507</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_35"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>84</id> <name>tmp_4</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>160</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_36"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>85</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>161</item> <item>162</item> <item>163</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_37"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>86</id> <name>acc_2_load</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>164</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>load</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_38"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>87</id> <name>d_i_2_read</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>165</item> <item>166</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_39"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>88</id> <name>tmp_2_2</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>191</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>sext</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_54"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>103</id> <name>tmp_3_4</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>194</item> <item>195</item> <item>504</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_56"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>105</id> <name>tmp_7</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>196</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_57"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>106</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>197</item> <item>198</item> <item>199</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_58"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>107</id> <name>acc_5_load</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>200</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>load</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_59"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>108</id> <name>d_i_5_read</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>201</item> <item>202</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_60"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>109</id> <name>tmp_2_5</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>206</item> <item>207</item> <item>503</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_63"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>112</id> <name>tmp_8</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>208</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_64"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>113</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>213</item> <item>214</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>read</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_67"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>116</id> <name>tmp_2_6</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>227</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>sext</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_75"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>124</id> <name>tmp_3_7</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>66</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>66</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>230</item> <item>231</item> <item>501</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>store</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_77"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>126</id> <name>tmp_10</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>16</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>232</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_78"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>127</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>67</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>67</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>233</item> <item>234</item> <item>235</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_79"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>128</id> <name>i_1_7</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>6</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>237</item> <item>238</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_80"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>129</id> <name>tmp_11</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>5</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>239</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>trunc</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_81"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>130</id> <name>exitcond</name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>1</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>240</item> <item>242</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>icmp</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_82"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>131</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>64</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>64</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>243</item> <item>244</item> <item>245</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_83"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>133</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> <fileDirectory>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>69</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>axi_interfaces</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>d:/opt/source/Vivado/Vivado_HLS_Tutorial/Interface_Synthesis/lab4</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>axi_interfaces.c</first> <second>axi_interfaces</second> </first> <second>69</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>247</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>return</opcode> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_84"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>134</id> <name></name> <fileName>axi_interfaces.c</fileName> 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<lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>5</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> </consts> <blocks class_id="17" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>5</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="18" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_90"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>42</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>41</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_91"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>46</id> 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<item>110</item> <item>111</item> <item>112</item> <item>113</item> <item>114</item> <item>115</item> <item>116</item> <item>117</item> <item>118</item> <item>119</item> <item>120</item> <item>121</item> <item>122</item> <item>123</item> <item>124</item> <item>125</item> <item>126</item> <item>127</item> <item>128</item> <item>129</item> <item>130</item> <item>131</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_94"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>135</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>133</item> <item>134</item> </node_objs> </item> </blocks> <edges class_id="19" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>122</count> <item_version>0</item_version> 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<edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>10</source_obj> <sink_obj>80</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_109"> <id>155</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>80</source_obj> <sink_obj>81</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_110"> <id>156</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>81</source_obj> <sink_obj>82</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_111"> <id>157</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>79</source_obj> <sink_obj>82</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_112"> <id>158</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>82</source_obj> <sink_obj>83</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_113"> <id>159</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>18</source_obj> <sink_obj>83</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_114"> <id>160</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>82</source_obj> <sink_obj>84</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_115"> <id>162</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>2</source_obj> <sink_obj>85</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_116"> <id>163</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>84</source_obj> <sink_obj>85</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_117"> <id>164</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>19</source_obj> <sink_obj>86</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_118"> <id>166</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>11</source_obj> <sink_obj>87</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_119"> <id>167</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>87</source_obj> <sink_obj>88</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_120"> <id>168</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>88</source_obj> <sink_obj>89</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_121"> <id>169</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>86</source_obj> <sink_obj>89</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_122"> <id>170</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>89</source_obj> <sink_obj>90</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_123"> <id>171</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>19</source_obj> <sink_obj>90</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_124"> <id>172</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>89</source_obj> <sink_obj>91</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_125"> <id>174</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>3</source_obj> <sink_obj>92</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_126"> <id>175</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>91</source_obj> <sink_obj>92</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_127"> <id>176</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>20</source_obj> <sink_obj>93</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_128"> <id>178</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>12</source_obj> <sink_obj>94</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_129"> <id>179</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>94</source_obj> <sink_obj>95</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_130"> <id>180</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>95</source_obj> <sink_obj>96</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_131"> <id>181</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>93</source_obj> <sink_obj>96</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_132"> <id>182</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>96</source_obj> <sink_obj>97</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_133"> <id>183</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>20</source_obj> <sink_obj>97</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_134"> <id>184</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>96</source_obj> <sink_obj>98</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_135"> <id>186</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>4</source_obj> <sink_obj>99</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_136"> <id>187</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>98</source_obj> <sink_obj>99</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_137"> <id>188</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>100</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_138"> <id>190</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>13</source_obj> <sink_obj>101</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_139"> <id>191</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>101</source_obj> <sink_obj>102</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_140"> <id>192</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>102</source_obj> <sink_obj>103</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_141"> <id>193</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>100</source_obj> <sink_obj>103</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_142"> <id>194</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>103</source_obj> <sink_obj>104</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_143"> <id>195</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>104</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_144"> <id>196</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>103</source_obj> <sink_obj>105</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_145"> <id>198</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>5</source_obj> <sink_obj>106</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_146"> <id>199</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>105</source_obj> <sink_obj>106</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_147"> <id>200</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>22</source_obj> <sink_obj>107</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_148"> <id>202</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>14</source_obj> <sink_obj>108</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_149"> <id>203</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>108</source_obj> <sink_obj>109</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_150"> <id>204</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>109</source_obj> <sink_obj>110</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_151"> <id>205</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>107</source_obj> <sink_obj>110</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_152"> <id>206</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>110</source_obj> <sink_obj>111</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_153"> <id>207</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>22</source_obj> <sink_obj>111</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_154"> <id>208</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>110</source_obj> <sink_obj>112</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_155"> <id>210</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>6</source_obj> <sink_obj>113</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_156"> <id>211</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>112</source_obj> <sink_obj>113</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_157"> <id>212</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>114</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_158"> <id>214</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>15</source_obj> <sink_obj>115</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_159"> <id>215</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>115</source_obj> <sink_obj>116</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_160"> <id>216</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>116</source_obj> <sink_obj>117</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_161"> <id>217</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>114</source_obj> <sink_obj>117</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_162"> <id>218</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>117</source_obj> <sink_obj>118</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_163"> <id>219</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>118</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_164"> <id>220</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>117</source_obj> <sink_obj>119</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_165"> <id>222</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>7</source_obj> <sink_obj>120</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_166"> <id>223</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>119</source_obj> <sink_obj>120</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_167"> <id>224</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>121</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_168"> <id>226</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>16</source_obj> <sink_obj>122</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_169"> <id>227</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>122</source_obj> <sink_obj>123</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_170"> <id>228</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>123</source_obj> <sink_obj>124</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_171"> <id>229</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>121</source_obj> <sink_obj>124</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_172"> <id>230</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>124</source_obj> <sink_obj>125</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_173"> <id>231</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>125</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_174"> <id>232</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>124</source_obj> <sink_obj>126</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_175"> <id>234</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>8</source_obj> <sink_obj>127</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_176"> <id>235</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>126</source_obj> <sink_obj>127</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_177"> <id>237</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>236</source_obj> <sink_obj>128</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_178"> <id>238</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>66</source_obj> <sink_obj>128</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_179"> <id>239</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>128</source_obj> <sink_obj>129</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_180"> <id>240</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>128</source_obj> <sink_obj>130</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_181"> <id>242</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>241</source_obj> <sink_obj>130</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_182"> <id>243</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>130</source_obj> <sink_obj>131</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_183"> <id>244</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>46</source_obj> <sink_obj>131</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_184"> <id>245</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>135</source_obj> <sink_obj>131</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_185"> <id>248</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>46</source_obj> <sink_obj>134</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_186"> <id>249</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>64</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_187"> <id>251</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>250</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_188"> <id>252</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_189"> <id>254</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>253</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_190"> <id>255</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_191"> <id>256</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>250</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_192"> <id>257</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>135</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_193"> <id>259</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>258</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_194"> <id>260</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_195"> <id>261</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>129</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_196"> <id>262</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_197"> <id>263</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>258</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_198"> <id>264</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>135</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_199"> <id>265</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>43</source_obj> <sink_obj>45</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_200"> <id>266</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>45</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_201"> <id>267</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>65</source_obj> <sink_obj>45</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_202"> <id>494</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_203"> <id>495</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>46</source_obj> <sink_obj>65</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_204"> <id>496</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>46</source_obj> <sink_obj>132</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_205"> <id>497</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>65</source_obj> <sink_obj>132</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_206"> <id>498</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>135</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_207"> <id>499</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_208"> <id>500</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>135</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_209"> <id>501</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>121</source_obj> <sink_obj>125</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_210"> <id>502</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>114</source_obj> <sink_obj>118</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_211"> <id>503</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>107</source_obj> <sink_obj>111</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_212"> <id>504</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>100</source_obj> <sink_obj>104</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_213"> <id>505</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>93</source_obj> <sink_obj>97</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_214"> <id>506</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>86</source_obj> <sink_obj>90</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_215"> <id>507</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>79</source_obj> <sink_obj>83</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_216"> <id>508</id> <edge_type>4</edge_type> <source_obj>71</source_obj> <sink_obj>75</sink_obj> </item> </edges> </cdfg> <cdfg_regions class_id="21" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="22" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_217"> <mId>1</mId> <mTag>axi_interfaces</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>4</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_218"> <mId>2</mId> <mTag>Entry</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>42</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_219"> <mId>3</mId> <mTag>For_Loop</mTag> <mType>1</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>46</item> <item>65</item> <item>132</item> <item>135</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>1</mII> <mDepth>1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>4</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>4</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>3</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> </cdfg_regions> <fsm class_id="-1"></fsm> <res class_id="25" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_220"> <dp_component_resource class_id="26" tracking_level="0" version="0"> 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<count>68</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="29" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>41</first> <second class_id="30" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>43</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>44</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>45</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>64</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>66</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>71</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>72</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>73</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>74</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>75</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>76</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>77</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>79</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>80</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>81</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>82</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>83</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>84</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>85</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>86</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>87</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>88</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>89</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>90</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>91</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>92</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>93</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>94</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>95</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>96</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>97</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>98</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>99</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>100</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>101</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>102</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>103</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>104</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>105</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>106</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>107</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>108</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>109</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>110</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>111</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>112</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>113</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>114</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>115</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>116</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>117</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>118</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>119</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>120</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>121</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>122</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>123</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>124</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>125</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>126</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>127</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>128</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>129</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>130</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>131</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>133</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>134</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> </node_label_latency> <bblk_ent_exit class_id="31" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>5</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="32" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>42</first> <second class_id="33" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>46</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>65</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>132</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>135</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> </bblk_ent_exit> <regions class_id="34" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="35" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_221"> <region_name>For_Loop</region_name> <basic_blocks> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>46</item> <item>65</item> <item>132</item> <item>135</item> </basic_blocks> <nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </nodes> <anchor_node>-1</anchor_node> <region_type>8</region_type> <interval>1</interval> <pipe_depth>1</pipe_depth> </item> </regions> <dp_fu_nodes class_id="36" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes> <dp_fu_nodes_expression class_id="37" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_expression> <dp_fu_nodes_module> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_module> <dp_fu_nodes_io> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_io> <return_ports> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </return_ports> <dp_mem_port_nodes class_id="38" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_mem_port_nodes> <dp_reg_nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_reg_nodes> <dp_regname_nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_regname_nodes> <dp_reg_phi> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_reg_phi> <dp_regname_phi> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_regname_phi> <dp_port_io_nodes class_id="39" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_port_io_nodes> <port2core class_id="40" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </port2core> <node2core> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </node2core> </syndb> </boost_serialization>
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
with Memory.Container; use Memory.Container; package Memory.Trace is type Trace_Type is new Container_Type with private; type Trace_Pointer is access all Trace_Type'Class; function Create_Trace(mem : Memory_Pointer) return Trace_Pointer; overriding function Clone(mem : Trace_Type) return Memory_Pointer; overriding procedure Read(mem : in out Trace_Type; address : in Address_Type; size : in Positive); overriding procedure Write(mem : in out Trace_Type; address : in Address_Type; size : in Positive); overriding procedure Idle(mem : in out Trace_Type; cycles : in Time_Type); private type Trace_Type is new Container_Type with null record; end Memory.Trace;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Max Reznik <reznikmm@gmail.com> -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ------------------------------------------------------------- with Program.Elements.Declarations; with Program.Lexical_Elements; with Program.Elements.Defining_Names; with Program.Elements.Parameter_Specifications; with Program.Elements.Expressions; with Program.Elements.Aspect_Specifications; package Program.Elements.Function_Renaming_Declarations is pragma Pure (Program.Elements.Function_Renaming_Declarations); type Function_Renaming_Declaration is limited interface and Program.Elements.Declarations.Declaration; type Function_Renaming_Declaration_Access is access all Function_Renaming_Declaration'Class with Storage_Size => 0; not overriding function Name (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return not null Program.Elements.Defining_Names.Defining_Name_Access is abstract; not overriding function Parameters (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Program.Elements.Parameter_Specifications .Parameter_Specification_Vector_Access is abstract; not overriding function Result_Subtype (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return not null Program.Elements.Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Renamed_Function (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access is abstract; not overriding function Aspects (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Program.Elements.Aspect_Specifications .Aspect_Specification_Vector_Access is abstract; not overriding function Has_Not (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Boolean is abstract; not overriding function Has_Overriding (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Boolean is abstract; not overriding function Has_Not_Null (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Boolean is abstract; type Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text is limited interface; type Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text_Access is access all Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text'Class with Storage_Size => 0; not overriding function To_Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text (Self : in out Function_Renaming_Declaration) return Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text_Access is abstract; not overriding function Not_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Overriding_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Function_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Left_Bracket_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Right_Bracket_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Return_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Not_Token_2 (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Null_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Renames_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function With_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; not overriding function Semicolon_Token (Self : Function_Renaming_Declaration_Text) return not null Program.Lexical_Elements.Lexical_Element_Access is abstract; end Program.Elements.Function_Renaming_Declarations;
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUNTIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . E X N _ L L I -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- $Revision$ -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992,1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Long_Long_Integer exponentiation (checks off) with System.Exn_Gen; package System.Exn_LLI is pragma Pure (Exn_LLI); function Exn_Long_Long_Integer is new System.Exn_Gen.Exn_Integer_Type (Long_Long_Integer); end System.Exn_LLI;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- awa-tags-modules -- Module awa-tags -- Copyright (C) 2013, 2016 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with ADO.Sessions.Entities; with ADO.Statements; with ADO.Queries; with ADO.SQL; with Security.Permissions; with AWA.Permissions; with AWA.Services.Contexts; with AWA.Modules.Get; with AWA.Modules.Beans; with AWA.Users.Models; with AWA.Tags.Models; with AWA.Tags.Beans; with AWA.Tags.Components; with Util.Log.Loggers; package body AWA.Tags.Modules is package ASC renames AWA.Services.Contexts; Log : constant Util.Log.Loggers.Logger := Util.Log.Loggers.Create ("AWA.Tags.Module"); package Register is new AWA.Modules.Beans (Module => Tag_Module, Module_Access => Tag_Module_Access); -- Add a tag on the database entity referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified -- by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. procedure Add_Tag (Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in ADO.Entity_Type; Tag : in String); -- Remove the tag identified by <tt>Tag</tt> and associated with the database entity -- referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. procedure Remove_Tag (Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in ADO.Entity_Type; Tag : in String); -- ------------------------------ -- Initialize the tags module. -- ------------------------------ overriding procedure Initialize (Plugin : in out Tag_Module; App : in AWA.Modules.Application_Access; Props : in ASF.Applications.Config) is begin Log.Info ("Initializing the awa-tags module"); App.Add_Components (AWA.Tags.Components.Definition); -- Register the tag list bean. Register.Register (Plugin => Plugin, Name => "AWA.Tags.Beans.Tag_List_Bean", Handler => AWA.Tags.Beans.Create_Tag_List_Bean'Access); -- Register the tag search bean. Register.Register (Plugin => Plugin, Name => "AWA.Tags.Beans.Tag_Search_Bean", Handler => AWA.Tags.Beans.Create_Tag_Search_Bean'Access); -- Register the tag info list bean. Register.Register (Plugin => Plugin, Name => "AWA.Tags.Beans.Tag_Info_List_Bean", Handler => AWA.Tags.Beans.Create_Tag_Info_List_Bean'Access); AWA.Modules.Module (Plugin).Initialize (App, Props); -- Add here the creation of manager instances. end Initialize; -- ------------------------------ -- Get the tags module. -- ------------------------------ function Get_Tag_Module return Tag_Module_Access is function Get is new AWA.Modules.Get (Tag_Module, Tag_Module_Access, NAME); begin return Get; end Get_Tag_Module; -- ------------------------------ -- Add a tag on the database entity referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified -- by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. The permission represented by <tt>Permission</tt> is checked -- to make sure the current user can add the tag. If the permission is granted, the -- tag represented by <tt>Tag</tt> is associated with the said database entity. -- ------------------------------ procedure Add_Tag (Model : in Tag_Module; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in String; Permission : in String; Tag : in String) is pragma Unreferenced (Model); Ctx : constant ASC.Service_Context_Access := ASC.Current; User : constant AWA.Users.Models.User_Ref := Ctx.Get_User; Ident : constant String := Entity_Type & ADO.Identifier'Image (Id); DB : ADO.Sessions.Master_Session := AWA.Services.Contexts.Get_Master_Session (Ctx); Kind : ADO.Entity_Type; begin -- Check that the user has the permission on the given object. AWA.Permissions.Check (Permission => Security.Permissions.Get_Permission_Index (Permission), Entity => Id); Log.Info ("User {0} add tag {1} on {2}", ADO.Identifier'Image (User.Get_Id), Tag, Ident); Ctx.Start; Kind := ADO.Sessions.Entities.Find_Entity_Type (DB, Entity_Type); Add_Tag (DB, Id, Kind, Tag); Ctx.Commit; end Add_Tag; -- ------------------------------ -- Remove the tag identified by <tt>Tag</tt> and associated with the database entity -- referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. -- The permission represented by <tt>Permission</tt> is checked to make sure the current user -- can remove the tag. -- ------------------------------ procedure Remove_Tag (Model : in Tag_Module; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in String; Permission : in String; Tag : in String) is pragma Unreferenced (Model); Ctx : constant ASC.Service_Context_Access := ASC.Current; User : constant AWA.Users.Models.User_Ref := Ctx.Get_User; Ident : constant String := Entity_Type & ADO.Identifier'Image (Id); DB : ADO.Sessions.Master_Session := AWA.Services.Contexts.Get_Master_Session (Ctx); Kind : ADO.Entity_Type; begin -- Check that the user has the permission on the given object. AWA.Permissions.Check (Permission => Security.Permissions.Get_Permission_Index (Permission), Entity => Id); Log.Info ("User {0} removes tag {1} on {2}", ADO.Identifier'Image (User.Get_Id), Tag, Ident); Ctx.Start; Kind := ADO.Sessions.Entities.Find_Entity_Type (DB, Entity_Type); Remove_Tag (DB, Id, Kind, Tag); Ctx.Commit; end Remove_Tag; -- ------------------------------ -- Remove the tags defined by the <tt>Deleted</tt> tag list and add the tags defined -- in the <tt>Added</tt> tag list. The tags are associated with the database entity -- referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. -- The permission represented by <tt>Permission</tt> is checked to make sure the current user -- can remove or add the tag. -- ------------------------------ procedure Update_Tags (Model : in Tag_Module; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in String; Permission : in String; Added : in Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector; Deleted : in Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector) is pragma Unreferenced (Model); Ctx : constant ASC.Service_Context_Access := ASC.Current; User : constant AWA.Users.Models.User_Ref := Ctx.Get_User; Ident : constant String := Entity_Type & ADO.Identifier'Image (Id); DB : ADO.Sessions.Master_Session := AWA.Services.Contexts.Get_Master_Session (Ctx); Kind : ADO.Entity_Type; Iter : Util.Strings.Vectors.Cursor; begin -- Check that the user has the permission on the given object. AWA.Permissions.Check (Permission => Security.Permissions.Get_Permission_Index (Permission), Entity => Id); Ctx.Start; Kind := ADO.Sessions.Entities.Find_Entity_Type (DB, Entity_Type); -- Delete the tags that have been removed. Iter := Deleted.First; while Util.Strings.Vectors.Has_Element (Iter) loop declare Tag : constant String := Util.Strings.Vectors.Element (Iter); begin Log.Info ("User {0} removes tag {1} on {2}", ADO.Identifier'Image (User.Get_Id), Tag, Ident); Remove_Tag (DB, Id, Kind, Tag); end; Util.Strings.Vectors.Next (Iter); end loop; -- And add the new ones. Iter := Added.First; while Util.Strings.Vectors.Has_Element (Iter) loop declare Tag : constant String := Util.Strings.Vectors.Element (Iter); begin Log.Info ("User {0} adds tag {1} on {2}", ADO.Identifier'Image (User.Get_Id), Tag, Ident); Add_Tag (DB, Id, Kind, Tag); end; Util.Strings.Vectors.Next (Iter); end loop; Ctx.Commit; end Update_Tags; -- ------------------------------ -- Add a tag on the database entity referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified -- by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. -- ------------------------------ procedure Add_Tag (Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in ADO.Entity_Type; Tag : in String) is Query : ADO.Queries.Context; Tag_Info : AWA.Tags.Models.Tag_Ref; Tag_Link : AWA.Tags.Models.Tagged_Entity_Ref; begin Query.Set_Query (AWA.Tags.Models.Query_Check_Tag); declare Stmt : ADO.Statements.Query_Statement := Session.Create_Statement (Query); begin -- Build the query. Stmt.Bind_Param (Name => "entity_type", Value => Entity_Type); Stmt.Bind_Param (Name => "entity_id", Value => Id); Stmt.Bind_Param (Name => "tag", Value => Tag); -- Run the query. Stmt.Execute; if not Stmt.Has_Elements then -- The tag is not defined in the database. -- Create it and link it to the entity. Tag_Info.Set_Name (Tag); Tag_Link.Set_Tag (Tag_Info); Tag_Link.Set_For_Entity_Id (Id); Tag_Link.Set_Entity_Type (Entity_Type); Tag_Info.Save (Session); Tag_Link.Save (Session); elsif Stmt.Is_Null (1) then -- The tag is defined but the entity is not linked with it. Tag_Info.Set_Id (Stmt.Get_Identifier (0)); Tag_Link.Set_Tag (Tag_Info); Tag_Link.Set_For_Entity_Id (Id); Tag_Link.Set_Entity_Type (Entity_Type); Tag_Link.Save (Session); end if; end; end Add_Tag; -- ------------------------------ -- Remove the tag identified by <tt>Tag</tt> and associated with the database entity -- referenced by <tt>Id</tt> in the table identified by <tt>Entity_Type</tt>. -- ------------------------------ procedure Remove_Tag (Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Master_Session; Id : in ADO.Identifier; Entity_Type : in ADO.Entity_Type; Tag : in String) is Query : ADO.SQL.Query; Tag_Link : AWA.Tags.Models.Tagged_Entity_Ref; Found : Boolean; begin Query.Set_Join ("INNER JOIN awa_tag AS tag ON tag.id = o.tag_id"); Query.Set_Filter ("tag.name = :tag AND o.for_entity_id = :entity_id " & "AND o.entity_type = :entity_type"); -- Build the query. Query.Bind_Param (Name => "entity_type", Value => Entity_Type); Query.Bind_Param (Name => "entity_id", Value => Id); Query.Bind_Param (Name => "tag", Value => Tag); Tag_Link.Find (Session, Query, Found); if Found then Tag_Link.Delete (Session); end if; end Remove_Tag; -- ------------------------------ -- Find the tag identifier associated with the given tag. -- Return NO_IDENTIFIER if there is no such tag. -- ------------------------------ procedure Find_Tag_Id (Session : in out ADO.Sessions.Session'Class; Tag : in String; Result : out ADO.Identifier) is begin if Tag'Length = 0 then Result := ADO.NO_IDENTIFIER; else declare Query : ADO.SQL.Query; Found : Boolean; Tag_Info : AWA.Tags.Models.Tag_Ref; begin Query.Set_Filter ("o.name = ?"); Query.Bind_Param (1, Tag); Tag_Info.Find (Session => Session, Query => Query, Found => Found); if not Found then Result := ADO.NO_IDENTIFIER; else Result := Tag_Info.Get_Id; end if; end; end if; end Find_Tag_Id; end AWA.Tags.Modules;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S I N F O -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, -- -- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks); -- No subprogram ordering check, due to logical grouping with Atree; use Atree; package body Sinfo is use Atree.Unchecked_Access; -- This package is one of the few packages which is allowed to make direct -- references to tree nodes (since it is in the business of providing a -- higher level of tree access which other clients are expected to use and -- which implements checks). use Atree_Private_Part; -- The only reason that we ask for direct access to the private part of -- the tree package is so that we can directly reference the Nkind field -- of nodes table entries. We do this since it helps the efficiency of -- the Sinfo debugging checks considerably (note that when we are checking -- Nkind values, we don't need to check for a valid node reference, because -- we will check that anyway when we reference the field). NT : Nodes.Table_Ptr renames Nodes.Table; -- A short hand abbreviation, useful for the debugging checks ---------------------------- -- Field Access Functions -- ---------------------------- function ABE_Is_Certain (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation); return Flag18 (N); end ABE_Is_Certain; function Abort_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement); return Flag15 (N); end Abort_Present; function Abortable_Part (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select); return Node2 (N); end Abortable_Part; function Abstract_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); return Flag4 (N); end Abstract_Present; function Accept_Handler_Records (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative); return List5 (N); end Accept_Handler_Records; function Accept_Statement (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative); return Node2 (N); end Accept_Statement; function Access_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Access_Definition; function Access_To_Subprogram_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition); return Node3 (N); end Access_To_Subprogram_Definition; function Access_Types_To_Process (N : Node_Id) return Elist_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); return Elist2 (N); end Access_Types_To_Process; function Actions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else); return List1 (N); end Actions; function Activation_Chain_Entity (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); return Node3 (N); end Activation_Chain_Entity; function Acts_As_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); return Flag4 (N); end Acts_As_Spec; function Actual_Designated_Subtype (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement); return Node2 (N); end Actual_Designated_Subtype; function Aggregate_Bounds (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate); return Node3 (N); end Aggregate_Bounds; function Aliased_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Flag4 (N); end Aliased_Present; function All_Others (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice); return Flag11 (N); end All_Others; function All_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition); return Flag15 (N); end All_Present; function Alternatives (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement); return List4 (N); end Alternatives; function Ancestor_Part (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); return Node3 (N); end Ancestor_Part; function Array_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause); return Node3 (N); end Array_Aggregate; function Assignment_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag15 (N); end Assignment_OK; function Associated_Node (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); return Node4 (N); end Associated_Node; function At_End_Proc (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); return Node1 (N); end At_End_Proc; function Attribute_Name (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference); return Name2 (N); end Attribute_Name; function Aux_Decls_Node (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); return Node5 (N); end Aux_Decls_Node; function Backwards_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement); return Flag6 (N); end Backwards_OK; function Bad_Is_Detected (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); return Flag15 (N); end Bad_Is_Detected; function Body_Required (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); return Flag13 (N); end Body_Required; function Body_To_Inline (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Body_To_Inline; function Box_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration); return Flag15 (N); end Box_Present; function By_Ref (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); return Flag5 (N); end By_Ref; function Char_Literal_Value (N : Node_Id) return Uint is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal); return Uint2 (N); end Char_Literal_Value; function Chars (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Chars); return Name1 (N); end Chars; function Check_Address_Alignment (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause); return Flag11 (N); end Check_Address_Alignment; function Choice_Parameter (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler); return Node2 (N); end Choice_Parameter; function Choices (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association); return List1 (N); end Choices; function Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate); return Flag18 (N); end Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate; function Component_Associations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); return List2 (N); end Component_Associations; function Component_Clauses (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause); return List3 (N); end Component_Clauses; function Component_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition); return Node4 (N); end Component_Definition; function Component_Items (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List); return List3 (N); end Component_Items; function Component_List (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); return Node1 (N); end Component_List; function Component_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); return Node1 (N); end Component_Name; function Condition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Constraint_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Program_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Storage_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative); return Node1 (N); end Condition; function Condition_Actions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme); return List3 (N); end Condition_Actions; function Config_Pragmas (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux); return List4 (N); end Config_Pragmas; function Constant_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Flag17 (N); end Constant_Present; function Constraint (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication); return Node3 (N); end Constraint; function Constraints (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint); return List1 (N); end Constraints; function Context_Installed (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag13 (N); end Context_Installed; function Context_Items (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); return List1 (N); end Context_Items; function Controlling_Argument (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); return Node1 (N); end Controlling_Argument; function Conversion_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); return Flag14 (N); end Conversion_OK; function Corresponding_Body (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); return Node5 (N); end Corresponding_Body; function Corresponding_Formal_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Corresponding_Formal_Spec; function Corresponding_Generic_Association (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration); return Node5 (N); end Corresponding_Generic_Association; function Corresponding_Integer_Value (N : Node_Id) return Uint is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); return Uint4 (N); end Corresponding_Integer_Value; function Corresponding_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Node5 (N); end Corresponding_Spec; function Corresponding_Stub (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit); return Node3 (N); end Corresponding_Stub; function Dcheck_Function (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); return Node5 (N); end Dcheck_Function; function Debug_Statement (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma); return Node3 (N); end Debug_Statement; function Declarations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); return List2 (N); end Declarations; function Default_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Node5 (N); end Default_Expression; function Default_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration); return Node2 (N); end Default_Name; function Defining_Identifier (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); return Node1 (N); end Defining_Identifier; function Defining_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); return Node1 (N); end Defining_Unit_Name; function Delay_Alternative (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call); return Node4 (N); end Delay_Alternative; function Delay_Finalize_Attach (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Flag14 (N); end Delay_Finalize_Attach; function Delay_Statement (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative); return Node2 (N); end Delay_Statement; function Delta_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition); return Node3 (N); end Delta_Expression; function Digits_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition); return Node2 (N); end Digits_Expression; function Discr_Check_Funcs_Built (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration); return Flag11 (N); end Discr_Check_Funcs_Built; function Discrete_Choices (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); return List4 (N); end Discrete_Choices; function Discrete_Range (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice); return Node4 (N); end Discrete_Range; function Discrete_Subtype_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification); return Node4 (N); end Discrete_Subtype_Definition; function Discrete_Subtype_Definitions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition); return List2 (N); end Discrete_Subtype_Definitions; function Discriminant_Specifications (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); return List4 (N); end Discriminant_Specifications; function Discriminant_Type (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification); return Node5 (N); end Discriminant_Type; function Do_Accessibility_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Flag13 (N); end Do_Accessibility_Check; function Do_Discriminant_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); return Flag13 (N); end Do_Discriminant_Check; function Do_Division_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem); return Flag13 (N); end Do_Division_Check; function Do_Length_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_And or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Or or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Xor or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); return Flag4 (N); end Do_Length_Check; function Do_Overflow_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); return Flag17 (N); end Do_Overflow_Check; function Do_Range_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag9 (N); end Do_Range_Check; function Do_Storage_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); return Flag17 (N); end Do_Storage_Check; function Do_Tag_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); return Flag13 (N); end Do_Tag_Check; function Elaborate_All_Desirable (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag9 (N); end Elaborate_All_Desirable; function Elaborate_All_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag14 (N); end Elaborate_All_Present; function Elaborate_Desirable (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag11 (N); end Elaborate_Desirable; function Elaborate_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag4 (N); end Elaborate_Present; function Elaboration_Boolean (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); return Node2 (N); end Elaboration_Boolean; function Else_Actions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression); return List3 (N); end Else_Actions; function Else_Statements (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept); return List4 (N); end Else_Statements; function Elsif_Parts (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement); return List3 (N); end Elsif_Parts; function Enclosing_Variant (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); return Node2 (N); end Enclosing_Variant; function End_Label (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return Node4 (N); end End_Label; function End_Span (N : Node_Id) return Uint is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement); return Uint5 (N); end End_Span; function Entity (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); return Node4 (N); end Entity; function Entity_Or_Associated_Node (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); return Node4 (N); end Entity_Or_Associated_Node; function Entry_Body_Formal_Part (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body); return Node5 (N); end Entry_Body_Formal_Part; function Entry_Call_Alternative (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call); return Node1 (N); end Entry_Call_Alternative; function Entry_Call_Statement (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative); return Node1 (N); end Entry_Call_Statement; function Entry_Direct_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement); return Node1 (N); end Entry_Direct_Name; function Entry_Index (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement); return Node5 (N); end Entry_Index; function Entry_Index_Specification (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part); return Node4 (N); end Entry_Index_Specification; function Etype (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Etype); return Node5 (N); end Etype; function Exception_Choices (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler); return List4 (N); end Exception_Choices; function Exception_Handlers (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); return List5 (N); end Exception_Handlers; function Exception_Junk (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); return Flag7 (N); end Exception_Junk; function Expansion_Delayed (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); return Flag11 (N); end Expansion_Delayed; function Explicit_Actual_Parameter (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association); return Node3 (N); end Explicit_Actual_Parameter; function Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association); return Node1 (N); end Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter; function Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Code_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Relative_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Until_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Modular_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma_Argument_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); return Node3 (N); end Expression; function Expressions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component); return List1 (N); end Expressions; function First_Bit (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); return Node3 (N); end First_Bit; function First_Inlined_Subprogram (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); return Node3 (N); end First_Inlined_Subprogram; function First_Name (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag5 (N); end First_Name; function First_Named_Actual (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); return Node4 (N); end First_Named_Actual; function First_Real_Statement (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); return Node2 (N); end First_Real_Statement; function First_Subtype_Link (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); return Node5 (N); end First_Subtype_Link; function Float_Truncate (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); return Flag11 (N); end Float_Truncate; function Formal_Type_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Formal_Type_Definition; function Forwards_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement); return Flag5 (N); end Forwards_OK; function From_At_Mod (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause); return Flag4 (N); end From_At_Mod; function From_Default (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); return Flag6 (N); end From_Default; function Generic_Associations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation); return List3 (N); end Generic_Associations; function Generic_Formal_Declarations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration); return List2 (N); end Generic_Formal_Declarations; function Generic_Parent (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); return Node5 (N); end Generic_Parent; function Generic_Parent_Type (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); return Node4 (N); end Generic_Parent_Type; function Handled_Statement_Sequence (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); return Node4 (N); end Handled_Statement_Sequence; function Handler_List_Entry (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Node2 (N); end Handler_List_Entry; function Has_Created_Identifier (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement); return Flag15 (N); end Has_Created_Identifier; function Has_Dynamic_Length_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin return Flag10 (N); end Has_Dynamic_Length_Check; function Has_Dynamic_Range_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin return Flag12 (N); end Has_Dynamic_Range_Check; function Has_No_Elaboration_Code (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); return Flag17 (N); end Has_No_Elaboration_Code; function Has_Priority_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return Flag6 (N); end Has_Priority_Pragma; function Has_Private_View (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol); return Flag11 (N); end Has_Private_View; function Has_Storage_Size_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return Flag5 (N); end Has_Storage_Size_Pragma; function Has_Task_Info_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return Flag7 (N); end Has_Task_Info_Pragma; function Has_Task_Name_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return Flag8 (N); end Has_Task_Name_Pragma; function Has_Wide_Character (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal); return Flag11 (N); end Has_Wide_Character; function Hidden_By_Use_Clause (N : Node_Id) return Elist_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause); return Elist4 (N); end Hidden_By_Use_Clause; function High_Bound (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition); return Node2 (N); end High_Bound; function Identifier (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Info); return Node1 (N); end Identifier; function Implicit_With (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag16 (N); end Implicit_With; function Interface_List (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); return List2 (N); end Interface_List; function Interface_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); return Flag16 (N); end Interface_Present; function In_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Flag15 (N); end In_Present; function Includes_Infinities (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range); return Flag11 (N); end Includes_Infinities; function Instance_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation); return Node5 (N); end Instance_Spec; function Intval (N : Node_Id) return Uint is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal); return Uint3 (N); end Intval; function Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement); return Flag7 (N); end Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block; function Is_Component_Left_Opnd (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat); return Flag13 (N); end Is_Component_Left_Opnd; function Is_Component_Right_Opnd (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat); return Flag14 (N); end Is_Component_Right_Opnd; function Is_Controlling_Actual (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag16 (N); end Is_Controlling_Actual; function Is_In_Discriminant_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); return Flag11 (N); end Is_In_Discriminant_Check; function Is_Machine_Number (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); return Flag11 (N); end Is_Machine_Number; function Is_Null_Loop (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement); return Flag16 (N); end Is_Null_Loop; function Is_Overloaded (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag5 (N); end Is_Overloaded; function Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Expon); return Flag13 (N); end Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift; function Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); return Flag7 (N); end Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body; function Is_Static_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag6 (N); end Is_Static_Expression; function Is_Subprogram_Descriptor (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Flag16 (N); end Is_Subprogram_Descriptor; function Is_Task_Allocation_Block (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement); return Flag6 (N); end Is_Task_Allocation_Block; function Is_Task_Master (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); return Flag5 (N); end Is_Task_Master; function Iteration_Scheme (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement); return Node2 (N); end Iteration_Scheme; function Itype (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Itype_Reference); return Node1 (N); end Itype; function Kill_Range_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); return Flag11 (N); end Kill_Range_Check; function Label_Construct (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration); return Node2 (N); end Label_Construct; function Last_Bit (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); return Node4 (N); end Last_Bit; function Last_Name (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag6 (N); end Last_Name; function Left_Opnd (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Binary_Op); return Node2 (N); end Left_Opnd; function Library_Unit (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Node4 (N); end Library_Unit; function Limited_View_Installed (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag18 (N); end Limited_View_Installed; function Limited_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag17 (N); end Limited_Present; function Literals (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Type_Definition); return List1 (N); end Literals; function Loop_Actions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association); return List2 (N); end Loop_Actions; function Loop_Parameter_Specification (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme); return Node4 (N); end Loop_Parameter_Specification; function Low_Bound (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition); return Node1 (N); end Low_Bound; function Mod_Clause (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause); return Node2 (N); end Mod_Clause; function More_Ids (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Flag5 (N); end More_Ids; function Must_Be_Byte_Aligned (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference); return Flag14 (N); end Must_Be_Byte_Aligned; function Must_Not_Freeze (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag8 (N); end Must_Not_Freeze; function Must_Not_Override (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); return Flag15 (N); end Must_Not_Override; function Must_Override (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); return Flag14 (N); end Must_Override; function Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause); return Node2 (N); end Name; function Names (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abort_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause); return List2 (N); end Names; function Next_Entity (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol); return Node2 (N); end Next_Entity; function Next_Named_Actual (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association); return Node4 (N); end Next_Named_Actual; function Next_Rep_Item (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause); return Node4 (N); end Next_Rep_Item; function Next_Use_Clause (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause); return Node3 (N); end Next_Use_Clause; function No_Ctrl_Actions (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement); return Flag7 (N); end No_Ctrl_Actions; function No_Elaboration_Check (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); return Flag14 (N); end No_Elaboration_Check; function No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag8 (N); end No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec; function No_Initialization (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Flag13 (N); end No_Initialization; function No_Truncation (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); return Flag17 (N); end No_Truncation; function Null_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); return Flag13 (N); end Null_Present; function Null_Exclusion_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); return Flag11 (N); end Null_Exclusion_Present; function Null_Record_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); return Flag17 (N); end Null_Record_Present; function Object_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); return Node4 (N); end Object_Definition; function Original_Discriminant (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier); return Node2 (N); end Original_Discriminant; function Original_Entity (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); return Node2 (N); end Original_Entity; function Others_Discrete_Choices (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice); return List1 (N); end Others_Discrete_Choices; function Out_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Flag17 (N); end Out_Present; function Parameter_Associations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); return List3 (N); end Parameter_Associations; function Parameter_List_Truncated (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); return Flag17 (N); end Parameter_List_Truncated; function Parameter_Specifications (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); return List3 (N); end Parameter_Specifications; function Parameter_Type (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Node2 (N); end Parameter_Type; function Parent_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); return Node4 (N); end Parent_Spec; function Position (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); return Node2 (N); end Position; function Pragma_Argument_Associations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma); return List2 (N); end Pragma_Argument_Associations; function Pragmas_After (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative); return List5 (N); end Pragmas_After; function Pragmas_Before (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative); return List4 (N); end Pragmas_Before; function Prefix (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice); return Node3 (N); end Prefix; function Present_Expr (N : Node_Id) return Uint is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); return Uint3 (N); end Present_Expr; function Prev_Ids (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); return Flag6 (N); end Prev_Ids; function Print_In_Hex (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal); return Flag13 (N); end Print_In_Hex; function Private_Declarations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return List3 (N); end Private_Declarations; function Private_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag15 (N); end Private_Present; function Procedure_To_Call (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); return Node4 (N); end Procedure_To_Call; function Proper_Body (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit); return Node1 (N); end Proper_Body; function Protected_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Protected_Definition; function Protected_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); return Flag6 (N); end Protected_Present; function Raises_Constraint_Error (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); return Flag7 (N); end Raises_Constraint_Error; function Range_Constraint (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint); return Node4 (N); end Range_Constraint; function Range_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range_Constraint); return Node4 (N); end Range_Expression; function Real_Range_Specification (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition); return Node4 (N); end Real_Range_Specification; function Realval (N : Node_Id) return Ureal is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); return Ureal3 (N); end Realval; function Reason (N : Node_Id) return Uint is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Constraint_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Program_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Storage_Error); return Uint3 (N); end Reason; function Record_Extension_Part (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition); return Node3 (N); end Record_Extension_Part; function Redundant_Use (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier); return Flag13 (N); end Redundant_Use; function Result_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification); return Node4 (N); end Result_Definition; function Return_Type (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); return Node2 (N); end Return_Type; function Reverse_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification); return Flag15 (N); end Reverse_Present; function Right_Opnd (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else); return Node3 (N); end Right_Opnd; function Rounded_Result (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); return Flag18 (N); end Rounded_Result; function Scope (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol); return Node3 (N); end Scope; function Select_Alternatives (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept); return List1 (N); end Select_Alternatives; function Selector_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); return Node2 (N); end Selector_Name; function Selector_Names (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association); return List1 (N); end Selector_Names; function Shift_Count_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Left or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Right or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Left or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic); return Flag4 (N); end Shift_Count_OK; function Source_Type (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion); return Node1 (N); end Source_Type; function Specification (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); return Node1 (N); end Specification; function Statements (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abortable_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative); return List3 (N); end Statements; function Static_Processing_OK (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate); return Flag4 (N); end Static_Processing_OK; function Storage_Pool (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); return Node1 (N); end Storage_Pool; function Strval (N : Node_Id) return String_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal); return Str3 (N); end Strval; function Subtype_Indication (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); return Node5 (N); end Subtype_Indication; function Subtype_Mark (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); return Node4 (N); end Subtype_Mark; function Subtype_Marks (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause); return List2 (N); end Subtype_Marks; function Synchronized_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); return Flag7 (N); end Synchronized_Present; function Tagged_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause); return Flag15 (N); end Tagged_Present; function Target_Type (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion); return Node2 (N); end Target_Type; function Task_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Task_Definition; function Task_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); return Flag5 (N); end Task_Present; function Then_Actions (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression); return List2 (N); end Then_Actions; function Then_Statements (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement); return List2 (N); end Then_Statements; function Treat_Fixed_As_Integer (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem); return Flag14 (N); end Treat_Fixed_As_Integer; function Triggering_Alternative (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select); return Node1 (N); end Triggering_Alternative; function Triggering_Statement (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative); return Node1 (N); end Triggering_Statement; function TSS_Elist (N : Node_Id) return Elist_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); return Elist3 (N); end TSS_Elist; function Type_Definition (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration); return Node3 (N); end Type_Definition; function Unit (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); return Node2 (N); end Unit; function Unknown_Discriminants_Present (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration); return Flag13 (N); end Unknown_Discriminants_Present; function Unreferenced_In_Spec (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); return Flag7 (N); end Unreferenced_In_Spec; function Variant_Part (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List); return Node4 (N); end Variant_Part; function Variants (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part); return List1 (N); end Variants; function Visible_Declarations (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); return List2 (N); end Visible_Declarations; function Was_Originally_Stub (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); return Flag13 (N); end Was_Originally_Stub; function Zero_Cost_Handling (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); return Flag5 (N); end Zero_Cost_Handling; -------------------------- -- Field Set Procedures -- -------------------------- procedure Set_ABE_Is_Certain (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation); Set_Flag18 (N, Val); end Set_ABE_Is_Certain; procedure Set_Abort_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Abort_Present; procedure Set_Abortable_Part (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Abortable_Part; procedure Set_Abstract_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Abstract_Present; procedure Set_Accept_Handler_Records (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative); Set_List5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Accept_Handler_Records; procedure Set_Accept_Statement (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Accept_Statement; procedure Set_Access_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Access_Definition; procedure Set_Access_To_Subprogram_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Access_To_Subprogram_Definition; procedure Set_Access_Types_To_Process (N : Node_Id; Val : Elist_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); Set_Elist2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Access_Types_To_Process; procedure Set_Actions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Actions; procedure Set_Activation_Chain_Entity (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Activation_Chain_Entity; procedure Set_Acts_As_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Acts_As_Spec; procedure Set_Actual_Designated_Subtype (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement); Set_Node2 (N, Val); end Set_Actual_Designated_Subtype; procedure Set_Aggregate_Bounds (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate); Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Aggregate_Bounds; procedure Set_Aliased_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Aliased_Present; procedure Set_All_Others (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_All_Others; procedure Set_All_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_All_Present; procedure Set_Alternatives (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Alternatives; procedure Set_Ancestor_Part (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Ancestor_Part; procedure Set_Array_Aggregate (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Array_Aggregate; procedure Set_Assignment_OK (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Assignment_OK; procedure Set_Associated_Node (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Associated_Node; procedure Set_At_End_Proc (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); Set_Node1 (N, Val); end Set_At_End_Proc; procedure Set_Attribute_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Name_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference); Set_Name2 (N, Val); end Set_Attribute_Name; procedure Set_Aux_Decls_Node (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Aux_Decls_Node; procedure Set_Backwards_OK (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Backwards_OK; procedure Set_Bad_Is_Detected (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Bad_Is_Detected; procedure Set_Body_Required (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Body_Required; procedure Set_Body_To_Inline (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration); Set_Node3 (N, Val); end Set_Body_To_Inline; procedure Set_Box_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Box_Present; procedure Set_By_Ref (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_By_Ref; procedure Set_Char_Literal_Value (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal); Set_Uint2 (N, Val); end Set_Char_Literal_Value; procedure Set_Chars (N : Node_Id; Val : Name_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Chars); Set_Name1 (N, Val); end Set_Chars; procedure Set_Check_Address_Alignment (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Check_Address_Alignment; procedure Set_Choice_Parameter (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Choice_Parameter; procedure Set_Choices (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Choices; procedure Set_Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate); Set_Flag18 (N, Val); end Set_Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate; procedure Set_Component_Associations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Component_Associations; procedure Set_Component_Clauses (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Component_Clauses; procedure Set_Component_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Component_Definition; procedure Set_Component_Items (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Component_Items; procedure Set_Component_List (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Component_List; procedure Set_Component_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Component_Name; procedure Set_Condition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Constraint_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Program_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Storage_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Condition; procedure Set_Condition_Actions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme); Set_List3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Condition_Actions; procedure Set_Config_Pragmas (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Config_Pragmas; procedure Set_Constant_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Constant_Present; procedure Set_Constraint (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Constraint; procedure Set_Constraints (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Constraints; procedure Set_Context_Installed (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Context_Installed; procedure Set_Context_Items (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Context_Items; procedure Set_Controlling_Argument (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Controlling_Argument; procedure Set_Conversion_OK (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Conversion_OK; procedure Set_Corresponding_Body (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Corresponding_Body; procedure Set_Corresponding_Formal_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Corresponding_Formal_Spec; procedure Set_Corresponding_Generic_Association (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Corresponding_Generic_Association; procedure Set_Corresponding_Integer_Value (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); Set_Uint4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Corresponding_Integer_Value; procedure Set_Corresponding_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Corresponding_Spec; procedure Set_Corresponding_Stub (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit); Set_Node3 (N, Val); end Set_Corresponding_Stub; procedure Set_Dcheck_Function (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Dcheck_Function; procedure Set_Debug_Statement (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Debug_Statement; procedure Set_Declarations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Declarations; procedure Set_Default_Expression (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Default_Expression; procedure Set_Default_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Default_Name; procedure Set_Defining_Identifier (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Defining_Identifier; procedure Set_Defining_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Defining_Unit_Name; procedure Set_Delay_Alternative (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Delay_Alternative; procedure Set_Delay_Finalize_Attach (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Delay_Finalize_Attach; procedure Set_Delay_Statement (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Delay_Statement; procedure Set_Delta_Expression (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Delta_Expression; procedure Set_Digits_Expression (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Digits_Expression; procedure Set_Discr_Check_Funcs_Built (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Discr_Check_Funcs_Built; procedure Set_Discrete_Choices (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Discrete_Choices; procedure Set_Discrete_Range (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Discrete_Range; procedure Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definition; procedure Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definitions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definitions; procedure Set_Discriminant_Specifications (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Discriminant_Specifications; procedure Set_Discriminant_Type (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification); Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Discriminant_Type; procedure Set_Do_Accessibility_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Accessibility_Check; procedure Set_Do_Discriminant_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Discriminant_Check; procedure Set_Do_Division_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Division_Check; procedure Set_Do_Length_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_And or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Or or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Xor or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Length_Check; procedure Set_Do_Overflow_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Overflow_Check; procedure Set_Do_Range_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag9 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Range_Check; procedure Set_Do_Storage_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Storage_Check; procedure Set_Do_Tag_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Do_Tag_Check; procedure Set_Elaborate_All_Desirable (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag9 (N, Val); end Set_Elaborate_All_Desirable; procedure Set_Elaborate_All_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Elaborate_All_Present; procedure Set_Elaborate_Desirable (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Elaborate_Desirable; procedure Set_Elaborate_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Elaborate_Present; procedure Set_Elaboration_Boolean (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); Set_Node2 (N, Val); end Set_Elaboration_Boolean; procedure Set_Else_Actions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression); Set_List3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Else_Actions; procedure Set_Else_Statements (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Else_Statements; procedure Set_Elsif_Parts (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Elsif_Parts; procedure Set_Enclosing_Variant (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Enclosing_Variant; procedure Set_End_Label (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_End_Label; procedure Set_End_Span (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement); Set_Uint5 (N, Val); end Set_End_Span; procedure Set_Entity (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Entity; procedure Set_Entry_Body_Formal_Part (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body); Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Entry_Body_Formal_Part; procedure Set_Entry_Call_Alternative (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Entry_Call_Alternative; procedure Set_Entry_Call_Statement (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Entry_Call_Statement; procedure Set_Entry_Direct_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Entry_Direct_Name; procedure Set_Entry_Index (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement); Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Entry_Index; procedure Set_Entry_Index_Specification (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Entry_Index_Specification; procedure Set_Etype (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Etype); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Etype; procedure Set_Exception_Choices (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Exception_Choices; procedure Set_Exception_Handlers (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); Set_List5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Exception_Handlers; procedure Set_Exception_Junk (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Exception_Junk; procedure Set_Expansion_Delayed (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Expansion_Delayed; procedure Set_Explicit_Actual_Parameter (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Explicit_Actual_Parameter; procedure Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter; procedure Set_Expression (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Code_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Relative_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Until_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Modular_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma_Argument_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Expression; procedure Set_Expressions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Expressions; procedure Set_First_Bit (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_First_Bit; procedure Set_First_Inlined_Subprogram (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_First_Inlined_Subprogram; procedure Set_First_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_First_Name; procedure Set_First_Named_Actual (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_First_Named_Actual; procedure Set_First_Real_Statement (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_First_Real_Statement; procedure Set_First_Subtype_Link (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_First_Subtype_Link; procedure Set_Float_Truncate (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Float_Truncate; procedure Set_Formal_Type_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Formal_Type_Definition; procedure Set_Forwards_OK (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_Forwards_OK; procedure Set_From_At_Mod (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_From_At_Mod; procedure Set_From_Default (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_From_Default; procedure Set_Generic_Associations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Generic_Associations; procedure Set_Generic_Formal_Declarations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Generic_Formal_Declarations; procedure Set_Generic_Parent (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); Set_Node5 (N, Val); end Set_Generic_Parent; procedure Set_Generic_Parent_Type (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); Set_Node4 (N, Val); end Set_Generic_Parent_Type; procedure Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence; procedure Set_Handler_List_Entry (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Node2 (N, Val); end Set_Handler_List_Entry; procedure Set_Has_Created_Identifier (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Created_Identifier; procedure Set_Has_Dynamic_Length_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin Set_Flag10 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Dynamic_Length_Check; procedure Set_Has_Dynamic_Range_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin Set_Flag12 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Dynamic_Range_Check; procedure Set_Has_No_Elaboration_Code (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Has_No_Elaboration_Code; procedure Set_Has_Priority_Pragma (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Priority_Pragma; procedure Set_Has_Private_View (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Private_View; procedure Set_Has_Storage_Size_Pragma (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Storage_Size_Pragma; procedure Set_Has_Task_Info_Pragma (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Task_Info_Pragma; procedure Set_Has_Task_Name_Pragma (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_Flag8 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Task_Name_Pragma; procedure Set_Has_Wide_Character (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Has_Wide_Character; procedure Set_Hidden_By_Use_Clause (N : Node_Id; Val : Elist_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause); Set_Elist4 (N, Val); end Set_Hidden_By_Use_Clause; procedure Set_High_Bound (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_High_Bound; procedure Set_Identifier (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Info); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Identifier; procedure Set_Implicit_With (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag16 (N, Val); end Set_Implicit_With; procedure Set_Interface_List (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Interface_List; procedure Set_Interface_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); Set_Flag16 (N, Val); end Set_Interface_Present; procedure Set_In_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_In_Present; procedure Set_Includes_Infinities (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Includes_Infinities; procedure Set_Instance_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation); Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no Parent set end Set_Instance_Spec; procedure Set_Intval (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal); Set_Uint3 (N, Val); end Set_Intval; procedure Set_Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block; procedure Set_Is_Component_Left_Opnd (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Component_Left_Opnd; procedure Set_Is_Component_Right_Opnd (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Component_Right_Opnd; procedure Set_Is_Controlling_Actual (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag16 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Controlling_Actual; procedure Set_Is_In_Discriminant_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Is_In_Discriminant_Check; procedure Set_Is_Machine_Number (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Machine_Number; procedure Set_Is_Null_Loop (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement); Set_Flag16 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Null_Loop; procedure Set_Is_Overloaded (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Overloaded; procedure Set_Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Expon); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift; procedure Set_Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body; procedure Set_Is_Static_Expression (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Static_Expression; procedure Set_Is_Subprogram_Descriptor (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Flag16 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Subprogram_Descriptor; procedure Set_Is_Task_Allocation_Block (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Task_Allocation_Block; procedure Set_Is_Task_Master (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_Is_Task_Master; procedure Set_Iteration_Scheme (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Iteration_Scheme; procedure Set_Itype (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Itype_Reference); Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- no parent, semantic field end Set_Itype; procedure Set_Kill_Range_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Kill_Range_Check; procedure Set_Label_Construct (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Label_Construct; procedure Set_Last_Bit (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Last_Bit; procedure Set_Last_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Last_Name; procedure Set_Left_Opnd (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Binary_Op); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Left_Opnd; procedure Set_Library_Unit (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Library_Unit; procedure Set_Limited_View_Installed (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag18 (N, Val); end Set_Limited_View_Installed; procedure Set_Limited_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Limited_Present; procedure Set_Literals (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Type_Definition); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Literals; procedure Set_Loop_Actions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association); Set_List2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Loop_Actions; procedure Set_Loop_Parameter_Specification (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Loop_Parameter_Specification; procedure Set_Low_Bound (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Low_Bound; procedure Set_Mod_Clause (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Mod_Clause; procedure Set_More_Ids (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_More_Ids; procedure Set_Must_Be_Byte_Aligned (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Must_Be_Byte_Aligned; procedure Set_Must_Not_Freeze (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag8 (N, Val); end Set_Must_Not_Freeze; procedure Set_Must_Not_Override (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Must_Not_Override; procedure Set_Must_Override (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Must_Override; procedure Set_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Name; procedure Set_Names (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abort_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Names; procedure Set_Next_Entity (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Next_Entity; procedure Set_Next_Named_Actual (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Next_Named_Actual; procedure Set_Next_Rep_Item (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Next_Rep_Item; procedure Set_Next_Use_Clause (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause); Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Next_Use_Clause; procedure Set_No_Ctrl_Actions (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_No_Ctrl_Actions; procedure Set_No_Elaboration_Check (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_No_Elaboration_Check; procedure Set_No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag8 (N, Val); end Set_No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec; procedure Set_No_Initialization (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_No_Initialization; procedure Set_No_Truncation (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_No_Truncation; procedure Set_Null_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Null_Present; procedure Set_Null_Exclusion_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); Set_Flag11 (N, Val); end Set_Null_Exclusion_Present; procedure Set_Null_Record_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Null_Record_Present; procedure Set_Object_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Object_Definition; procedure Set_Original_Discriminant (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Original_Discriminant; procedure Set_Original_Entity (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Original_Entity; procedure Set_Others_Discrete_Choices (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Others_Discrete_Choices; procedure Set_Out_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Out_Present; procedure Set_Parameter_Associations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Parameter_Associations; procedure Set_Parameter_List_Truncated (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement); Set_Flag17 (N, Val); end Set_Parameter_List_Truncated; procedure Set_Parameter_Specifications (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Parameter_Specifications; procedure Set_Parameter_Type (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Parameter_Type; procedure Set_Parent_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Parent_Spec; procedure Set_Position (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Position; procedure Set_Pragma_Argument_Associations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Pragma_Argument_Associations; procedure Set_Pragmas_After (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative); Set_List5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Pragmas_After; procedure Set_Pragmas_Before (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative); Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Pragmas_Before; procedure Set_Prefix (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Prefix; procedure Set_Present_Expr (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant); Set_Uint3 (N, Val); end Set_Present_Expr; procedure Set_Prev_Ids (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Prev_Ids; procedure Set_Print_In_Hex (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Print_In_Hex; procedure Set_Private_Declarations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Private_Declarations; procedure Set_Private_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Private_Present; procedure Set_Procedure_To_Call (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Procedure_To_Call; procedure Set_Proper_Body (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Proper_Body; procedure Set_Protected_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Protected_Definition; procedure Set_Protected_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); Set_Flag6 (N, Val); end Set_Protected_Present; procedure Set_Raises_Constraint_Error (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Raises_Constraint_Error; procedure Set_Range_Constraint (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Range_Constraint; procedure Set_Range_Expression (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range_Constraint); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Range_Expression; procedure Set_Real_Range_Specification (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Real_Range_Specification; procedure Set_Realval (N : Node_Id; Val : Ureal) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal); Set_Ureal3 (N, Val); end Set_Realval; procedure Set_Reason (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Constraint_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Program_Error or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Storage_Error); Set_Uint3 (N, Val); end Set_Reason; procedure Set_Record_Extension_Part (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Record_Extension_Part; procedure Set_Redundant_Use (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Redundant_Use; procedure Set_Result_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Result_Definition; procedure Set_Return_Type (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Return_Type; procedure Set_Reverse_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Reverse_Present; procedure Set_Right_Opnd (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Right_Opnd; procedure Set_Rounded_Result (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion); Set_Flag18 (N, Val); end Set_Rounded_Result; procedure Set_Scope (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol); Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Scope; procedure Set_Select_Alternatives (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Select_Alternatives; procedure Set_Selector_Name (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Selector_Name; procedure Set_Selector_Names (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Selector_Names; procedure Set_Shift_Count_OK (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Left or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Right or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Left or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Shift_Count_OK; procedure Set_Source_Type (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion); Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Source_Type; procedure Set_Specification (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Specification; procedure Set_Statements (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abortable_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative); Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Statements; procedure Set_Static_Processing_OK (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate); Set_Flag4 (N, Val); end Set_Static_Processing_OK; procedure Set_Storage_Pool (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement); Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Storage_Pool; procedure Set_Strval (N : Node_Id; Val : String_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal); Set_Str3 (N, Val); end Set_Strval; procedure Set_Subtype_Indication (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration); Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Subtype_Indication; procedure Set_Subtype_Mark (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Subtype_Mark; procedure Set_Subtype_Marks (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Subtype_Marks; procedure Set_Synchronized_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Synchronized_Present; procedure Set_Tagged_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause); Set_Flag15 (N, Val); end Set_Tagged_Present; procedure Set_Target_Type (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion); Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Target_Type; procedure Set_Task_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Task_Definition; procedure Set_Task_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_Task_Present; procedure Set_Then_Actions (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression); Set_List2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_Then_Actions; procedure Set_Then_Statements (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Then_Statements; procedure Set_Treat_Fixed_As_Integer (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem); Set_Flag14 (N, Val); end Set_Treat_Fixed_As_Integer; procedure Set_Triggering_Alternative (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Triggering_Alternative; procedure Set_Triggering_Statement (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative); Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Triggering_Statement; procedure Set_TSS_Elist (N : Node_Id; Val : Elist_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity); Set_Elist3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set end Set_TSS_Elist; procedure Set_Type_Definition (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration); Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Type_Definition; procedure Set_Unit (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit); Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Unit; procedure Set_Unknown_Discriminants_Present (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Unknown_Discriminants_Present; procedure Set_Unreferenced_In_Spec (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause); Set_Flag7 (N, Val); end Set_Unreferenced_In_Spec; procedure Set_Variant_Part (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List); Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Variant_Part; procedure Set_Variants (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part); Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Variants; procedure Set_Visible_Declarations (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition); Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val); end Set_Visible_Declarations; procedure Set_Was_Originally_Stub (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body); Set_Flag13 (N, Val); end Set_Was_Originally_Stub; procedure Set_Zero_Cost_Handling (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is begin pragma Assert (False or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements); Set_Flag5 (N, Val); end Set_Zero_Cost_Handling; ------------------------- -- Iterator Procedures -- ------------------------- procedure Next_Entity (N : in out Node_Id) is begin N := Next_Entity (N); end Next_Entity; procedure Next_Named_Actual (N : in out Node_Id) is begin N := Next_Named_Actual (N); end Next_Named_Actual; procedure Next_Rep_Item (N : in out Node_Id) is begin N := Next_Rep_Item (N); end Next_Rep_Item; procedure Next_Use_Clause (N : in out Node_Id) is begin N := Next_Use_Clause (N); end Next_Use_Clause; ------------------ -- End_Location -- ------------------ function End_Location (N : Node_Id) return Source_Ptr is L : constant Uint := End_Span (N); begin if L = No_Uint then return No_Location; else return Source_Ptr (Int (Sloc (N)) + UI_To_Int (L)); end if; end End_Location; ---------------------- -- Set_End_Location -- ---------------------- procedure Set_End_Location (N : Node_Id; S : Source_Ptr) is begin Set_End_Span (N, UI_From_Int (Int (S) - Int (Sloc (N)))); end Set_End_Location; end Sinfo;
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
package Problem_50 is -- The prime 41, can be written as the sum of six consecutive primes: -- 41 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 -- This is the longest sum of consecutive primes that adds to a prime below -- one-hundred. The longest sum of consecutive primes below one-thousand that -- adds to a prime, contains 21 terms, and is equal to 953. -- -- Which prime, below one-million, can be written as the sum of the most -- consecutive primes? procedure Solve; end Problem_50;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
-- Gonzalo Martin Rodriguez -- Ivan Fernandez Samaniego with Priorities; use Priorities; with devices; use devices; with Ada.Interrupts.Names; with System; use System; package State is task Display is pragma Priority (Display_Priority); end Display; task Risks is pragma Priority (Risk_Priority); end Risks; task Sporadic_Task is pragma Priority (Sporadic_Priority); end Sporadic_Task; protected Operation_Mode is pragma Priority (Risk_Priority); procedure Write_Mode (Value: in integer); procedure Read_Mode (Value: out integer); private Mode: integer := 1; end Operation_Mode; protected Interruption_Handler is pragma Priority (System.Interrupt_Priority'First + 10); procedure Validate_Entry; pragma Attach_Handler (Validate_Entry, Ada.Interrupts.Names.External_Interrupt_2); entry Change_Mode; private Enter: Boolean := False; end Interruption_Handler; end State;
[ "WTFPL" ]
[ "WTFPL" ]
[ "WTFPL" ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (C) 2020 by Heisenbug Ltd. (gh+spat@heisenbug.eu) -- -- This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, -- as published by Sam Hocevar. See the LICENSE file for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma License (Unrestricted); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- SPARK Proof Analysis Tool -- -- S.P.A.T. - GNAT project file (.gpr) support. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ limited with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; limited with GNATCOLL.VFS; package SPAT.GPR_Support is package SPARK_Source_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps (Key_Type => SPARK_File_Name, Element_Type => Source_File_Name, Hash => SPAT.Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "=", "=" => "="); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get_SPARK_Files -- -- Retrieve all (existing) .spark files from the project. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_SPARK_Files (GPR_File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String) return SPARK_Source_Maps.Map; end SPAT.GPR_Support;
[ "BSD-4-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-4-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-4-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
generic type real is digits <>; function sqrt(y : real) return real; function sqrt(y : real) return real is x, t : real := y; begin if y < 0.0 then raise NUMERIC_ERROR; else loop t := (x + y / x)/ 2.0; exit when abs(x - t) <= real'epsilon; x := t; end loop; return x; end if; end sqrt; with sqrt; with text_io; use text_io; procedure main is package real_io is new FLOAT_IO(float); use real_io; package int_io is new INTEGER_IO(integer); use int_io; epsilon : constant := float'epsilon; function sqrt is new sqrt(float); procedure pi_comp is pi : float := 1.0; n : integer := 1; temp : float; sum : float := 1.0; begin loop n := n + 2; temp := 1.0 / float(n) ** 4; put("Term number "); put((n + 1)/2); put(" is: "); put(temp); new_line; exit when temp <= epsilon; sum := sum + temp; end loop; put("The sum is: "); put(sum); new_line; pi := sqrt(sqrt(96.0 * sum)); put("The value of PI is "); put(pi); new_line; end pi_comp; begin pi_comp; end main;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- This spec has been automatically generated from STM32L4x6.svd pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code); pragma Ada_2012; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with HAL; with System; package STM32_SVD.CAN is pragma Preelaborate; --------------- -- Registers -- --------------- -- master control register type MCR_Register is record -- INRQ INRQ : Boolean := False; -- SLEEP SLEEP : Boolean := True; -- TXFP TXFP : Boolean := False; -- RFLM RFLM : Boolean := False; -- NART NART : Boolean := False; -- AWUM AWUM : Boolean := False; -- ABOM ABOM : Boolean := False; -- TTCM TTCM : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_8_14 : HAL.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- RESET RESET : Boolean := False; -- DBF DBF : Boolean := True; -- unspecified Reserved_17_31 : HAL.UInt15 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for MCR_Register use record INRQ at 0 range 0 .. 0; SLEEP at 0 range 1 .. 1; TXFP at 0 range 2 .. 2; RFLM at 0 range 3 .. 3; NART at 0 range 4 .. 4; AWUM at 0 range 5 .. 5; ABOM at 0 range 6 .. 6; TTCM at 0 range 7 .. 7; Reserved_8_14 at 0 range 8 .. 14; RESET at 0 range 15 .. 15; DBF at 0 range 16 .. 16; Reserved_17_31 at 0 range 17 .. 31; end record; -- master status register type MSR_Register is record -- Read-only. INAK INAK : Boolean := False; -- Read-only. SLAK SLAK : Boolean := True; -- ERRI ERRI : Boolean := False; -- WKUI WKUI : Boolean := False; -- SLAKI SLAKI : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_5_7 : HAL.UInt3 := 16#0#; -- Read-only. TXM TXM : Boolean := False; -- Read-only. RXM RXM : Boolean := False; -- Read-only. SAMP SAMP : Boolean := True; -- Read-only. RX RX : Boolean := True; -- unspecified Reserved_12_31 : HAL.UInt20 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for MSR_Register use record INAK at 0 range 0 .. 0; SLAK at 0 range 1 .. 1; ERRI at 0 range 2 .. 2; WKUI at 0 range 3 .. 3; SLAKI at 0 range 4 .. 4; Reserved_5_7 at 0 range 5 .. 7; TXM at 0 range 8 .. 8; RXM at 0 range 9 .. 9; SAMP at 0 range 10 .. 10; RX at 0 range 11 .. 11; Reserved_12_31 at 0 range 12 .. 31; end record; subtype TSR_CODE_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- TSR_TME array type TSR_TME_Field_Array is array (0 .. 2) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 3; -- Type definition for TSR_TME type TSR_TME_Field (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- TME as a value Val : HAL.UInt3; when True => -- TME as an array Arr : TSR_TME_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 3; for TSR_TME_Field use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 2; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 2; end record; -- TSR_LOW array type TSR_LOW_Field_Array is array (0 .. 2) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 3; -- Type definition for TSR_LOW type TSR_LOW_Field (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- LOW as a value Val : HAL.UInt3; when True => -- LOW as an array Arr : TSR_LOW_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 3; for TSR_LOW_Field use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 2; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 2; end record; -- transmit status register type TSR_Register is record -- RQCP0 RQCP0 : Boolean := False; -- TXOK0 TXOK0 : Boolean := False; -- ALST0 ALST0 : Boolean := False; -- TERR0 TERR0 : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_4_6 : HAL.UInt3 := 16#0#; -- ABRQ0 ABRQ0 : Boolean := False; -- RQCP1 RQCP1 : Boolean := False; -- TXOK1 TXOK1 : Boolean := False; -- ALST1 ALST1 : Boolean := False; -- TERR1 TERR1 : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_12_14 : HAL.UInt3 := 16#0#; -- ABRQ1 ABRQ1 : Boolean := False; -- RQCP2 RQCP2 : Boolean := False; -- TXOK2 TXOK2 : Boolean := False; -- ALST2 ALST2 : Boolean := False; -- TERR2 TERR2 : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_20_22 : HAL.UInt3 := 16#0#; -- ABRQ2 ABRQ2 : Boolean := False; -- Read-only. CODE CODE : TSR_CODE_Field := 16#0#; -- Read-only. Lowest priority flag for mailbox 0 TME : TSR_TME_Field := (As_Array => False, Val => 16#1#); -- Read-only. Lowest priority flag for mailbox 0 LOW : TSR_LOW_Field := (As_Array => False, Val => 16#0#); end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TSR_Register use record RQCP0 at 0 range 0 .. 0; TXOK0 at 0 range 1 .. 1; ALST0 at 0 range 2 .. 2; TERR0 at 0 range 3 .. 3; Reserved_4_6 at 0 range 4 .. 6; ABRQ0 at 0 range 7 .. 7; RQCP1 at 0 range 8 .. 8; TXOK1 at 0 range 9 .. 9; ALST1 at 0 range 10 .. 10; TERR1 at 0 range 11 .. 11; Reserved_12_14 at 0 range 12 .. 14; ABRQ1 at 0 range 15 .. 15; RQCP2 at 0 range 16 .. 16; TXOK2 at 0 range 17 .. 17; ALST2 at 0 range 18 .. 18; TERR2 at 0 range 19 .. 19; Reserved_20_22 at 0 range 20 .. 22; ABRQ2 at 0 range 23 .. 23; CODE at 0 range 24 .. 25; TME at 0 range 26 .. 28; LOW at 0 range 29 .. 31; end record; subtype RF0R_FMP0_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- receive FIFO 0 register type RF0R_Register is record -- Read-only. FMP0 FMP0 : RF0R_FMP0_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_2_2 : HAL.Bit := 16#0#; -- FULL0 FULL0 : Boolean := False; -- FOVR0 FOVR0 : Boolean := False; -- RFOM0 RFOM0 : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_6_31 : HAL.UInt26 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RF0R_Register use record FMP0 at 0 range 0 .. 1; Reserved_2_2 at 0 range 2 .. 2; FULL0 at 0 range 3 .. 3; FOVR0 at 0 range 4 .. 4; RFOM0 at 0 range 5 .. 5; Reserved_6_31 at 0 range 6 .. 31; end record; subtype RF1R_FMP1_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- receive FIFO 1 register type RF1R_Register is record -- Read-only. FMP1 FMP1 : RF1R_FMP1_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_2_2 : HAL.Bit := 16#0#; -- FULL1 FULL1 : Boolean := False; -- FOVR1 FOVR1 : Boolean := False; -- RFOM1 RFOM1 : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_6_31 : HAL.UInt26 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RF1R_Register use record FMP1 at 0 range 0 .. 1; Reserved_2_2 at 0 range 2 .. 2; FULL1 at 0 range 3 .. 3; FOVR1 at 0 range 4 .. 4; RFOM1 at 0 range 5 .. 5; Reserved_6_31 at 0 range 6 .. 31; end record; -- interrupt enable register type IER_Register is record -- TMEIE TMEIE : Boolean := False; -- FMPIE0 FMPIE0 : Boolean := False; -- FFIE0 FFIE0 : Boolean := False; -- FOVIE0 FOVIE0 : Boolean := False; -- FMPIE1 FMPIE1 : Boolean := False; -- FFIE1 FFIE1 : Boolean := False; -- FOVIE1 FOVIE1 : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_7_7 : HAL.Bit := 16#0#; -- EWGIE EWGIE : Boolean := False; -- EPVIE EPVIE : Boolean := False; -- BOFIE BOFIE : Boolean := False; -- LECIE LECIE : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_12_14 : HAL.UInt3 := 16#0#; -- ERRIE ERRIE : Boolean := False; -- WKUIE WKUIE : Boolean := False; -- SLKIE SLKIE : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_18_31 : HAL.UInt14 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for IER_Register use record TMEIE at 0 range 0 .. 0; FMPIE0 at 0 range 1 .. 1; FFIE0 at 0 range 2 .. 2; FOVIE0 at 0 range 3 .. 3; FMPIE1 at 0 range 4 .. 4; FFIE1 at 0 range 5 .. 5; FOVIE1 at 0 range 6 .. 6; Reserved_7_7 at 0 range 7 .. 7; EWGIE at 0 range 8 .. 8; EPVIE at 0 range 9 .. 9; BOFIE at 0 range 10 .. 10; LECIE at 0 range 11 .. 11; Reserved_12_14 at 0 range 12 .. 14; ERRIE at 0 range 15 .. 15; WKUIE at 0 range 16 .. 16; SLKIE at 0 range 17 .. 17; Reserved_18_31 at 0 range 18 .. 31; end record; subtype ESR_LEC_Field is HAL.UInt3; subtype ESR_TEC_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype ESR_REC_Field is HAL.UInt8; -- interrupt enable register type ESR_Register is record -- Read-only. EWGF EWGF : Boolean := False; -- Read-only. EPVF EPVF : Boolean := False; -- Read-only. BOFF BOFF : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_3_3 : HAL.Bit := 16#0#; -- LEC LEC : ESR_LEC_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_7_15 : HAL.UInt9 := 16#0#; -- Read-only. TEC TEC : ESR_TEC_Field := 16#0#; -- Read-only. REC REC : ESR_REC_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for ESR_Register use record EWGF at 0 range 0 .. 0; EPVF at 0 range 1 .. 1; BOFF at 0 range 2 .. 2; Reserved_3_3 at 0 range 3 .. 3; LEC at 0 range 4 .. 6; Reserved_7_15 at 0 range 7 .. 15; TEC at 0 range 16 .. 23; REC at 0 range 24 .. 31; end record; subtype BTR_BRP_Field is HAL.UInt10; subtype BTR_TS1_Field is HAL.UInt4; subtype BTR_TS2_Field is HAL.UInt3; subtype BTR_SJW_Field is HAL.UInt2; -- bit timing register type BTR_Register is record -- BRP BRP : BTR_BRP_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_10_15 : HAL.UInt6 := 16#0#; -- TS1 TS1 : BTR_TS1_Field := 16#0#; -- TS2 TS2 : BTR_TS2_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_23_23 : HAL.Bit := 16#0#; -- SJW SJW : BTR_SJW_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_26_29 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; -- LBKM LBKM : Boolean := False; -- SILM SILM : Boolean := False; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for BTR_Register use record BRP at 0 range 0 .. 9; Reserved_10_15 at 0 range 10 .. 15; TS1 at 0 range 16 .. 19; TS2 at 0 range 20 .. 22; Reserved_23_23 at 0 range 23 .. 23; SJW at 0 range 24 .. 25; Reserved_26_29 at 0 range 26 .. 29; LBKM at 0 range 30 .. 30; SILM at 0 range 31 .. 31; end record; subtype TI0R_EXID_Field is HAL.UInt18; subtype TI0R_STID_Field is HAL.UInt11; -- TX mailbox identifier register type TI0R_Register is record -- TXRQ TXRQ : Boolean := False; -- RTR RTR : Boolean := False; -- IDE IDE : Boolean := False; -- EXID EXID : TI0R_EXID_Field := 16#0#; -- STID STID : TI0R_STID_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TI0R_Register use record TXRQ at 0 range 0 .. 0; RTR at 0 range 1 .. 1; IDE at 0 range 2 .. 2; EXID at 0 range 3 .. 20; STID at 0 range 21 .. 31; end record; subtype TDT0R_DLC_Field is HAL.UInt4; subtype TDT0R_TIME_Field is HAL.UInt16; -- mailbox data length control and time stamp register type TDT0R_Register is record -- DLC DLC : TDT0R_DLC_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_4_7 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; -- TGT TGT : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_9_15 : HAL.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- TIME TIME : TDT0R_TIME_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDT0R_Register use record DLC at 0 range 0 .. 3; Reserved_4_7 at 0 range 4 .. 7; TGT at 0 range 8 .. 8; Reserved_9_15 at 0 range 9 .. 15; TIME at 0 range 16 .. 31; end record; -- TDL0R_DATA array element subtype TDL0R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- TDL0R_DATA array type TDL0R_DATA_Field_Array is array (0 .. 3) of TDL0R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data low register type TDL0R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : TDL0R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDL0R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- TDH0R_DATA array element subtype TDH0R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- TDH0R_DATA array type TDH0R_DATA_Field_Array is array (4 .. 7) of TDH0R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data high register type TDH0R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : TDH0R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDH0R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; subtype TI1R_EXID_Field is HAL.UInt18; subtype TI1R_STID_Field is HAL.UInt11; -- mailbox identifier register type TI1R_Register is record -- TXRQ TXRQ : Boolean := False; -- RTR RTR : Boolean := False; -- IDE IDE : Boolean := False; -- EXID EXID : TI1R_EXID_Field := 16#0#; -- STID STID : TI1R_STID_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TI1R_Register use record TXRQ at 0 range 0 .. 0; RTR at 0 range 1 .. 1; IDE at 0 range 2 .. 2; EXID at 0 range 3 .. 20; STID at 0 range 21 .. 31; end record; subtype TDT1R_DLC_Field is HAL.UInt4; subtype TDT1R_TIME_Field is HAL.UInt16; -- mailbox data length control and time stamp register type TDT1R_Register is record -- DLC DLC : TDT1R_DLC_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_4_7 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; -- TGT TGT : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_9_15 : HAL.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- TIME TIME : TDT1R_TIME_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDT1R_Register use record DLC at 0 range 0 .. 3; Reserved_4_7 at 0 range 4 .. 7; TGT at 0 range 8 .. 8; Reserved_9_15 at 0 range 9 .. 15; TIME at 0 range 16 .. 31; end record; -- TDL1R_DATA array element subtype TDL1R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- TDL1R_DATA array type TDL1R_DATA_Field_Array is array (0 .. 3) of TDL1R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data low register type TDL1R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : TDL1R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDL1R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- TDH1R_DATA array element subtype TDH1R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- TDH1R_DATA array type TDH1R_DATA_Field_Array is array (4 .. 7) of TDH1R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data high register type TDH1R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : TDH1R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDH1R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; subtype TI2R_EXID_Field is HAL.UInt18; subtype TI2R_STID_Field is HAL.UInt11; -- mailbox identifier register type TI2R_Register is record -- TXRQ TXRQ : Boolean := False; -- RTR RTR : Boolean := False; -- IDE IDE : Boolean := False; -- EXID EXID : TI2R_EXID_Field := 16#0#; -- STID STID : TI2R_STID_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TI2R_Register use record TXRQ at 0 range 0 .. 0; RTR at 0 range 1 .. 1; IDE at 0 range 2 .. 2; EXID at 0 range 3 .. 20; STID at 0 range 21 .. 31; end record; subtype TDT2R_DLC_Field is HAL.UInt4; subtype TDT2R_TIME_Field is HAL.UInt16; -- mailbox data length control and time stamp register type TDT2R_Register is record -- DLC DLC : TDT2R_DLC_Field := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_4_7 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; -- TGT TGT : Boolean := False; -- unspecified Reserved_9_15 : HAL.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- TIME TIME : TDT2R_TIME_Field := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDT2R_Register use record DLC at 0 range 0 .. 3; Reserved_4_7 at 0 range 4 .. 7; TGT at 0 range 8 .. 8; Reserved_9_15 at 0 range 9 .. 15; TIME at 0 range 16 .. 31; end record; -- TDL2R_DATA array element subtype TDL2R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- TDL2R_DATA array type TDL2R_DATA_Field_Array is array (0 .. 3) of TDL2R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data low register type TDL2R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : TDL2R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDL2R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- TDH2R_DATA array element subtype TDH2R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- TDH2R_DATA array type TDH2R_DATA_Field_Array is array (4 .. 7) of TDH2R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data high register type TDH2R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : TDH2R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for TDH2R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; subtype RI0R_EXID_Field is HAL.UInt18; subtype RI0R_STID_Field is HAL.UInt11; -- receive FIFO mailbox identifier register type RI0R_Register is record -- unspecified Reserved_0_0 : HAL.Bit; -- Read-only. RTR RTR : Boolean; -- Read-only. IDE IDE : Boolean; -- Read-only. EXID EXID : RI0R_EXID_Field; -- Read-only. STID STID : RI0R_STID_Field; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RI0R_Register use record Reserved_0_0 at 0 range 0 .. 0; RTR at 0 range 1 .. 1; IDE at 0 range 2 .. 2; EXID at 0 range 3 .. 20; STID at 0 range 21 .. 31; end record; subtype RDT0R_DLC_Field is HAL.UInt4; subtype RDT0R_FMI_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype RDT0R_TIME_Field is HAL.UInt16; -- mailbox data high register type RDT0R_Register is record -- Read-only. DLC DLC : RDT0R_DLC_Field; -- unspecified Reserved_4_7 : HAL.UInt4; -- Read-only. FMI FMI : RDT0R_FMI_Field; -- Read-only. TIME TIME : RDT0R_TIME_Field; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RDT0R_Register use record DLC at 0 range 0 .. 3; Reserved_4_7 at 0 range 4 .. 7; FMI at 0 range 8 .. 15; TIME at 0 range 16 .. 31; end record; -- RDL0R_DATA array element subtype RDL0R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- RDL0R_DATA array type RDL0R_DATA_Field_Array is array (0 .. 3) of RDL0R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data high register type RDL0R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : RDL0R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RDL0R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- RDH0R_DATA array element subtype RDH0R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- RDH0R_DATA array type RDH0R_DATA_Field_Array is array (4 .. 7) of RDH0R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- receive FIFO mailbox data high register type RDH0R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : RDH0R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RDH0R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; subtype RI1R_EXID_Field is HAL.UInt18; subtype RI1R_STID_Field is HAL.UInt11; -- mailbox data high register type RI1R_Register is record -- unspecified Reserved_0_0 : HAL.Bit; -- Read-only. RTR RTR : Boolean; -- Read-only. IDE IDE : Boolean; -- Read-only. EXID EXID : RI1R_EXID_Field; -- Read-only. STID STID : RI1R_STID_Field; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RI1R_Register use record Reserved_0_0 at 0 range 0 .. 0; RTR at 0 range 1 .. 1; IDE at 0 range 2 .. 2; EXID at 0 range 3 .. 20; STID at 0 range 21 .. 31; end record; subtype RDT1R_DLC_Field is HAL.UInt4; subtype RDT1R_FMI_Field is HAL.UInt8; subtype RDT1R_TIME_Field is HAL.UInt16; -- mailbox data high register type RDT1R_Register is record -- Read-only. DLC DLC : RDT1R_DLC_Field; -- unspecified Reserved_4_7 : HAL.UInt4; -- Read-only. FMI FMI : RDT1R_FMI_Field; -- Read-only. TIME TIME : RDT1R_TIME_Field; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RDT1R_Register use record DLC at 0 range 0 .. 3; Reserved_4_7 at 0 range 4 .. 7; FMI at 0 range 8 .. 15; TIME at 0 range 16 .. 31; end record; -- RDL1R_DATA array element subtype RDL1R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- RDL1R_DATA array type RDL1R_DATA_Field_Array is array (0 .. 3) of RDL1R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data high register type RDL1R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : RDL1R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RDL1R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- RDH1R_DATA array element subtype RDH1R_DATA_Element is HAL.UInt8; -- RDH1R_DATA array type RDH1R_DATA_Field_Array is array (4 .. 7) of RDH1R_DATA_Element with Component_Size => 8, Size => 32; -- mailbox data high register type RDH1R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- DATA as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- DATA as an array Arr : RDH1R_DATA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for RDH1R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; subtype FMR_CANSB_Field is HAL.UInt6; -- filter master register type FMR_Register is record -- Filter initialization mode FINIT : Boolean := True; -- unspecified Reserved_1_7 : HAL.UInt7 := 16#0#; -- CAN start bank CANSB : FMR_CANSB_Field := 16#E#; -- unspecified Reserved_14_31 : HAL.UInt18 := 16#A870#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for FMR_Register use record FINIT at 0 range 0 .. 0; Reserved_1_7 at 0 range 1 .. 7; CANSB at 0 range 8 .. 13; Reserved_14_31 at 0 range 14 .. 31; end record; -- FM1R_FBM array type FM1R_FBM_Field_Array is array (0 .. 27) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 28; -- Type definition for FM1R_FBM type FM1R_FBM_Field (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FBM as a value Val : HAL.UInt28; when True => -- FBM as an array Arr : FM1R_FBM_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 28; for FM1R_FBM_Field use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 27; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 27; end record; -- filter mode register type FM1R_Register is record -- Filter mode FBM : FM1R_FBM_Field := (As_Array => False, Val => 16#0#); -- unspecified Reserved_28_31 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for FM1R_Register use record FBM at 0 range 0 .. 27; Reserved_28_31 at 0 range 28 .. 31; end record; -- FS1R_FSC array type FS1R_FSC_Field_Array is array (0 .. 27) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 28; -- Type definition for FS1R_FSC type FS1R_FSC_Field (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FSC as a value Val : HAL.UInt28; when True => -- FSC as an array Arr : FS1R_FSC_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 28; for FS1R_FSC_Field use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 27; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 27; end record; -- filter scale register type FS1R_Register is record -- Filter scale configuration FSC : FS1R_FSC_Field := (As_Array => False, Val => 16#0#); -- unspecified Reserved_28_31 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for FS1R_Register use record FSC at 0 range 0 .. 27; Reserved_28_31 at 0 range 28 .. 31; end record; -- FFA1R_FFA array type FFA1R_FFA_Field_Array is array (0 .. 27) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 28; -- Type definition for FFA1R_FFA type FFA1R_FFA_Field (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FFA as a value Val : HAL.UInt28; when True => -- FFA as an array Arr : FFA1R_FFA_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 28; for FFA1R_FFA_Field use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 27; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 27; end record; -- filter FIFO assignment register type FFA1R_Register is record -- Filter FIFO assignment for filter 0 FFA : FFA1R_FFA_Field := (As_Array => False, Val => 16#0#); -- unspecified Reserved_28_31 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for FFA1R_Register use record FFA at 0 range 0 .. 27; Reserved_28_31 at 0 range 28 .. 31; end record; -- FA1R_FACT array type FA1R_FACT_Field_Array is array (0 .. 27) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 28; -- Type definition for FA1R_FACT type FA1R_FACT_Field (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FACT as a value Val : HAL.UInt28; when True => -- FACT as an array Arr : FA1R_FACT_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 28; for FA1R_FACT_Field use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 27; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 27; end record; -- filter activation register type FA1R_Register is record -- Filter active FACT : FA1R_FACT_Field := (As_Array => False, Val => 16#0#); -- unspecified Reserved_28_31 : HAL.UInt4 := 16#0#; end record with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for FA1R_Register use record FACT at 0 range 0 .. 27; Reserved_28_31 at 0 range 28 .. 31; end record; -- F0R_FB array type F0R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 0 register 1 type F0R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F0R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F0R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F1R_FB array type F1R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 1 register 1 type F1R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F1R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F1R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F2R_FB array type F2R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 2 register 1 type F2R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F2R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F2R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F3R_FB array type F3R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 3 register 1 type F3R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F3R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F3R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F4R_FB array type F4R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 4 register 1 type F4R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F4R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F4R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F5R_FB array type F5R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 5 register 1 type F5R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F5R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F5R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F6R_FB array type F6R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 6 register 1 type F6R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F6R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F6R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F7R_FB array type F7R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 7 register 1 type F7R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F7R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F7R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F8R_FB array type F8R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 8 register 1 type F8R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F8R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F8R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F9R_FB array type F9R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 9 register 1 type F9R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F9R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F9R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F10R_FB array type F10R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 10 register 1 type F10R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F10R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F10R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F11R_FB array type F11R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 11 register 1 type F11R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F11R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F11R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F12R_FB array type F12R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 4 register 1 type F12R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F12R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F12R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F13R_FB array type F13R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 13 register 1 type F13R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F13R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F13R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F14R_FB array type F14R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 14 register 1 type F14R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F14R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F14R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F15R_FB array type F15R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 15 register 1 type F15R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F15R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F15R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F16R_FB array type F16R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 16 register 1 type F16R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F16R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F16R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F17R_FB array type F17R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 17 register 1 type F17R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F17R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F17R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F18R_FB array type F18R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 18 register 1 type F18R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F18R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F18R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F19R_FB array type F19R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 19 register 1 type F19R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F19R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F19R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F20R_FB array type F20R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 20 register 1 type F20R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F20R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F20R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F21R_FB array type F21R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 21 register 1 type F21R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F21R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F21R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F22R_FB array type F22R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 22 register 1 type F22R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F22R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F22R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F23R_FB array type F23R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 23 register 1 type F23R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F23R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F23R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F24R_FB array type F24R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 24 register 1 type F24R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F24R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F24R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F25R_FB array type F25R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 25 register 1 type F25R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F25R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F25R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F26R_FB array type F26R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 26 register 1 type F26R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F26R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F26R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; -- F27R_FB array type F27R_FB_Field_Array is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean with Component_Size => 1, Size => 32; -- Filter bank 27 register 1 type F27R_Register (As_Array : Boolean := False) is record case As_Array is when False => -- FB as a value Val : HAL.UInt32; when True => -- FB as an array Arr : F27R_FB_Field_Array; end case; end record with Unchecked_Union, Size => 32, Volatile_Full_Access, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First; for F27R_Register use record Val at 0 range 0 .. 31; Arr at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; ----------------- -- Peripherals -- ----------------- -- Controller area network type CAN_Peripheral is record -- master control register MCR : aliased MCR_Register; -- master status register MSR : aliased MSR_Register; -- transmit status register TSR : aliased TSR_Register; -- receive FIFO 0 register RF0R : aliased RF0R_Register; -- receive FIFO 1 register RF1R : aliased RF1R_Register; -- interrupt enable register IER : aliased IER_Register; -- interrupt enable register ESR : aliased ESR_Register; -- bit timing register BTR : aliased BTR_Register; -- TX mailbox identifier register TI0R : aliased TI0R_Register; -- mailbox data length control and time stamp register TDT0R : aliased TDT0R_Register; -- mailbox data low register TDL0R : aliased TDL0R_Register; -- mailbox data high register TDH0R : aliased TDH0R_Register; -- mailbox identifier register TI1R : aliased TI1R_Register; -- mailbox data length control and time stamp register TDT1R : aliased TDT1R_Register; -- mailbox data low register TDL1R : aliased TDL1R_Register; -- mailbox data high register TDH1R : aliased TDH1R_Register; -- mailbox identifier register TI2R : aliased TI2R_Register; -- mailbox data length control and time stamp register TDT2R : aliased TDT2R_Register; -- mailbox data low register TDL2R : aliased TDL2R_Register; -- mailbox data high register TDH2R : aliased TDH2R_Register; -- receive FIFO mailbox identifier register RI0R : aliased RI0R_Register; -- mailbox data high register RDT0R : aliased RDT0R_Register; -- mailbox data high register RDL0R : aliased RDL0R_Register; -- receive FIFO mailbox data high register RDH0R : aliased RDH0R_Register; -- mailbox data high register RI1R : aliased RI1R_Register; -- mailbox data high register RDT1R : aliased RDT1R_Register; -- mailbox data high register RDL1R : aliased RDL1R_Register; -- mailbox data high register RDH1R : aliased RDH1R_Register; -- filter master register FMR : aliased FMR_Register; -- filter mode register FM1R : aliased FM1R_Register; -- filter scale register FS1R : aliased FS1R_Register; -- filter FIFO assignment register FFA1R : aliased FFA1R_Register; -- filter activation register FA1R : aliased FA1R_Register; -- Filter bank 0 register 1 F0R1 : aliased F0R_Register; -- Filter bank 0 register 2 F0R2 : aliased F0R_Register; -- Filter bank 1 register 1 F1R1 : aliased F1R_Register; -- Filter bank 1 register 2 F1R2 : aliased F1R_Register; -- Filter bank 2 register 1 F2R1 : aliased F2R_Register; -- Filter bank 2 register 2 F2R2 : aliased F2R_Register; -- Filter bank 3 register 1 F3R1 : aliased F3R_Register; -- Filter bank 3 register 2 F3R2 : aliased F3R_Register; -- Filter bank 4 register 1 F4R1 : aliased F4R_Register; -- Filter bank 4 register 2 F4R2 : aliased F4R_Register; -- Filter bank 5 register 1 F5R1 : aliased F5R_Register; -- Filter bank 5 register 2 F5R2 : aliased F5R_Register; -- Filter bank 6 register 1 F6R1 : aliased F6R_Register; -- Filter bank 6 register 2 F6R2 : aliased F6R_Register; -- Filter bank 7 register 1 F7R1 : aliased F7R_Register; -- Filter bank 7 register 2 F7R2 : aliased F7R_Register; -- Filter bank 8 register 1 F8R1 : aliased F8R_Register; -- Filter bank 8 register 2 F8R2 : aliased F8R_Register; -- Filter bank 9 register 1 F9R1 : aliased F9R_Register; -- Filter bank 9 register 2 F9R2 : aliased F9R_Register; -- Filter bank 10 register 1 F10R1 : aliased F10R_Register; -- Filter bank 10 register 2 F10R2 : aliased F10R_Register; -- Filter bank 11 register 1 F11R1 : aliased F11R_Register; -- Filter bank 11 register 2 F11R2 : aliased F11R_Register; -- Filter bank 4 register 1 F12R1 : aliased F12R_Register; -- Filter bank 12 register 2 F12R2 : aliased F12R_Register; -- Filter bank 13 register 1 F13R1 : aliased F13R_Register; -- Filter bank 13 register 2 F13R2 : aliased F13R_Register; -- Filter bank 14 register 1 F14R1 : aliased F14R_Register; -- Filter bank 14 register 2 F14R2 : aliased F14R_Register; -- Filter bank 15 register 1 F15R1 : aliased F15R_Register; -- Filter bank 15 register 2 F15R2 : aliased F15R_Register; -- Filter bank 16 register 1 F16R1 : aliased F16R_Register; -- Filter bank 16 register 2 F16R2 : aliased F16R_Register; -- Filter bank 17 register 1 F17R1 : aliased F17R_Register; -- Filter bank 17 register 2 F17R2 : aliased F17R_Register; -- Filter bank 18 register 1 F18R1 : aliased F18R_Register; -- Filter bank 18 register 2 F18R2 : aliased F18R_Register; -- Filter bank 19 register 1 F19R1 : aliased F19R_Register; -- Filter bank 19 register 2 F19R2 : aliased F19R_Register; -- Filter bank 20 register 1 F20R1 : aliased F20R_Register; -- Filter bank 20 register 2 F20R2 : aliased F20R_Register; -- Filter bank 21 register 1 F21R1 : aliased F21R_Register; -- Filter bank 21 register 2 F21R2 : aliased F21R_Register; -- Filter bank 22 register 1 F22R1 : aliased F22R_Register; -- Filter bank 22 register 2 F22R2 : aliased F22R_Register; -- Filter bank 23 register 1 F23R1 : aliased F23R_Register; -- Filter bank 23 register 2 F23R2 : aliased F23R_Register; -- Filter bank 24 register 1 F24R1 : aliased F24R_Register; -- Filter bank 24 register 2 F24R2 : aliased F24R_Register; -- Filter bank 25 register 1 F25R1 : aliased F25R_Register; -- Filter bank 25 register 2 F25R2 : aliased F25R_Register; -- Filter bank 26 register 1 F26R1 : aliased F26R_Register; -- Filter bank 26 register 2 F26R2 : aliased F26R_Register; -- Filter bank 27 register 1 F27R1 : aliased F27R_Register; -- Filter bank 27 register 2 F27R2 : aliased F27R_Register; end record with Volatile; for CAN_Peripheral use record MCR at 16#0# range 0 .. 31; MSR at 16#4# range 0 .. 31; TSR at 16#8# range 0 .. 31; RF0R at 16#C# range 0 .. 31; RF1R at 16#10# range 0 .. 31; IER at 16#14# range 0 .. 31; ESR at 16#18# range 0 .. 31; BTR at 16#1C# range 0 .. 31; TI0R at 16#180# range 0 .. 31; TDT0R at 16#184# range 0 .. 31; TDL0R at 16#188# range 0 .. 31; TDH0R at 16#18C# range 0 .. 31; TI1R at 16#190# range 0 .. 31; TDT1R at 16#194# range 0 .. 31; TDL1R at 16#198# range 0 .. 31; TDH1R at 16#19C# range 0 .. 31; TI2R at 16#1A0# range 0 .. 31; TDT2R at 16#1A4# range 0 .. 31; TDL2R at 16#1A8# range 0 .. 31; TDH2R at 16#1AC# range 0 .. 31; RI0R at 16#1B0# range 0 .. 31; RDT0R at 16#1B4# range 0 .. 31; RDL0R at 16#1B8# range 0 .. 31; RDH0R at 16#1BC# range 0 .. 31; RI1R at 16#1C0# range 0 .. 31; RDT1R at 16#1C4# range 0 .. 31; RDL1R at 16#1C8# range 0 .. 31; RDH1R at 16#1CC# range 0 .. 31; FMR at 16#200# range 0 .. 31; FM1R at 16#204# range 0 .. 31; FS1R at 16#20C# range 0 .. 31; FFA1R at 16#214# range 0 .. 31; FA1R at 16#21C# range 0 .. 31; F0R1 at 16#240# range 0 .. 31; F0R2 at 16#244# range 0 .. 31; F1R1 at 16#248# range 0 .. 31; F1R2 at 16#24C# range 0 .. 31; F2R1 at 16#250# range 0 .. 31; F2R2 at 16#254# range 0 .. 31; F3R1 at 16#258# range 0 .. 31; F3R2 at 16#25C# range 0 .. 31; F4R1 at 16#260# range 0 .. 31; F4R2 at 16#264# range 0 .. 31; F5R1 at 16#268# range 0 .. 31; F5R2 at 16#26C# range 0 .. 31; F6R1 at 16#270# range 0 .. 31; F6R2 at 16#274# range 0 .. 31; F7R1 at 16#278# range 0 .. 31; F7R2 at 16#27C# range 0 .. 31; F8R1 at 16#280# range 0 .. 31; F8R2 at 16#284# range 0 .. 31; F9R1 at 16#288# range 0 .. 31; F9R2 at 16#28C# range 0 .. 31; F10R1 at 16#290# range 0 .. 31; F10R2 at 16#294# range 0 .. 31; F11R1 at 16#298# range 0 .. 31; F11R2 at 16#29C# range 0 .. 31; F12R1 at 16#2A0# range 0 .. 31; F12R2 at 16#2A4# range 0 .. 31; F13R1 at 16#2A8# range 0 .. 31; F13R2 at 16#2AC# range 0 .. 31; F14R1 at 16#2B0# range 0 .. 31; F14R2 at 16#2B4# range 0 .. 31; F15R1 at 16#2B8# range 0 .. 31; F15R2 at 16#2BC# range 0 .. 31; F16R1 at 16#2C0# range 0 .. 31; F16R2 at 16#2C4# range 0 .. 31; F17R1 at 16#2C8# range 0 .. 31; F17R2 at 16#2CC# range 0 .. 31; F18R1 at 16#2D0# range 0 .. 31; F18R2 at 16#2D4# range 0 .. 31; F19R1 at 16#2D8# range 0 .. 31; F19R2 at 16#2DC# range 0 .. 31; F20R1 at 16#2E0# range 0 .. 31; F20R2 at 16#2E4# range 0 .. 31; F21R1 at 16#2E8# range 0 .. 31; F21R2 at 16#2EC# range 0 .. 31; F22R1 at 16#2F0# range 0 .. 31; F22R2 at 16#2F4# range 0 .. 31; F23R1 at 16#2F8# range 0 .. 31; F23R2 at 16#2FC# range 0 .. 31; F24R1 at 16#300# range 0 .. 31; F24R2 at 16#304# range 0 .. 31; F25R1 at 16#308# range 0 .. 31; F25R2 at 16#30C# range 0 .. 31; F26R1 at 16#310# range 0 .. 31; F26R2 at 16#314# range 0 .. 31; F27R1 at 16#318# range 0 .. 31; F27R2 at 16#31C# range 0 .. 31; end record; -- Controller area network CAN1_Periph : aliased CAN_Peripheral with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#40006400#); -- Controller area network CAN2_Periph : aliased CAN_Peripheral with Import, Address => System'To_Address (16#40006800#); end STM32_SVD.CAN;