[ { "id": "2401", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a singom maltol took place in the circulation even with high doses of ferric maltol containing mg elemental iron in plasma samples withdrawn within min of i.t. and subjected to GF fe eluted with the high molecular weight proteins whilst the 3H was associated with low molecular weight material the rates of beta of fe and of tritium from the plasma and their ultimate fate were very different the t1/2 for fe in the plasma was around min and fe appeared mainly in the bone marrow and liver there was an initial rapid exit of tritium from the plasma with a half life of around min this was followed either by a plateau or by a rise in tritium levels involving entry of maltol metabolites into the circulation these metabolites could be recovered in the urine entry of fe and of 3H into the blood plasma T3 i.d. of feferric hmaltol was also very different at low doses of ferric maltol containing micrograms elemental iron the tritium appeared in the plasma in highest amounts within seconds and then decreased whilst there was a slow rise in fe levels at higher doses of ferric maltol containing mg elemental iron levels of fe in the plasma were highest at min and then fell whereas tritium levels rose steadily mucosal processing of fe prevented further entry of iron at high dose into the circulation initial rates of uptake of hmaltol into isolatcd intestinal fragments were measured over a range of concentrations and revealed that maltol alone could diffuse freely into the tissues whereas maltol complexed to iron showed saturable uptake kinetics similar to those seen with the iron itself after intestinal uptake fe and 3H were associated with different subcellular fractions maltol itself being metabolized to the TG conjugate within the intestinal mucosa it is concluded that dissociation of metal and ligand takes place before entry into the intestinal mucosa iron is then taken up on the endogenous carrier and processed in the normal way whilst maltol enters by DWI its rate of entry being limited by the degree of dissociation it is subsequently metabolized by conjugation and eliminated rapidly from the body in the urine" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2134 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2402", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "i.d." ], "offsets": [ [ 805, 809 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "intraduodenal administration" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2404", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "although its aetiopathogenesis is still unknown WC is meanwhile regarded essentially an organically induced disorder however as shown by this interdisciplinary study psychodynamic AF should not be neglected special attention should be given to the patients experience of the syndrome and secondary psychoreactive processes" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 322 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2405", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "WC" ], "offsets": [ [ 48, 50 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "writers cramp" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2407", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the impact of geographic isolation on ABD aortic aneurysm aaa care in the united states is unknown it has been postulated but not proven that rural patients have less access to EVAR evar vascular surgeons and highvolume treatment centers than their urban counterparts resulting in inferior aaa care the purpose of this T0 was to compare the national experience for treatment of IN aaa for patients living in rural Az or towns with those living in urban areas" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 458 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2408", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "EVAR" ], "offsets": [ [ 177, 181 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "endovascular aneurysm repair" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2410", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "uroporphyrinogen iii synthase hydroxymethylbilane hydrolyase cyclizing ec the fourth enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway was purified to homogeneity from human erythrocytes for enzyme purification and characterization a CS coupled enzyme assay was used which generated the substrate hydroxymethylbilane the oxidized product uroporphyrin iii was quantitated by OHP liquid chromatography uroporphyrinogen iii synthase was initially separated from ALA dehydratase and hydroxymethylbilane synthase by a preparative AE chromatographic step subsequent chromatography on hydroxyapatite phenylsepharose and sephadex g purified the enzyme about fold with anto elicit systematic eeg effects namely a decrease in the lowfrequency components and an increase in the power of the to hz and of the fastfrequency components the eeg modifications were restricted to the anterior scalp Az its detection by means of parametric statistics was conditioned by the relevant individual variability and was inferred resting upon a number of criteria indication at nonparametric tests topography consistency across subjects replicability etc the correlation between eeg changes and drug plasma concentration was ambiguous and the compound was not found to be effective on any of the neuropsychological variables considered the study exemplifies some of the methodological problems in quantitative pharmacoeeg and emphasizes the relevance of topography and replication" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1445 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2411", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AE" ], "offsets": [ [ 515, 517 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "anion exchange" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2413", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "glucose transporter SLC family member is a duplicon of gl transporter SLC family member with a shared homology to and has not previously been isolated in ruminant uteroplacental tissues the transporter has been previously isolated in holstein heifer uterine epithelium but not in ovine epithelium we hypothesized that and its duplicon would be found in bovine uteroplacental tissues and that maternal nutrition and day of gestation would impact mrna expression of and F1 angus heifers were estrus synchronized bred via ai and assigned to nutritional treatment con of requirements to gain kgd res of con at breeding ovariohysterectomy was performed on d or of gestation to d nonpregnant np controls were not bred and ovariohysterectomized on d of the synchronized estrous cycle the resulting treatment arrangement was a × factorial uteroplacental tissues caruncle car intercaruncular endometrium icar and fetal membrane chorioallantois fm were obtained from the Pr uterine horn immediately after ovariohysterectomy for np controls only car and icar were obtained there were no day × treatment interactions for or mRNA in car icar or fm expression of in car was greater on d compared with d in icar was greatest on d compared with d and of gestation in fm was greater on d compared with d expression of was greater in pregnant compared with nonpregnant heifers additionally expression of was greater on d and compared with d expression of in car was greater on d compared to d and in car tended to be greater on d and than on d and was greater on d than on d there was no effect of treatment for either or in car icar or fm these data demonstrate that glucose transporters and are expressed in beef heifer uteroplacental tissues and that they are expressed differentially by day of gestation in bovine uteroplacental tissues" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1824 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2414", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SLC" ], "offsets": [ [ 20, 23 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "solute carrier" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2416", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the effects of chemically induced hypoxia and ionizing radiation on the adhesive properties of mg human osteosarcoma threedimensional spheroids were investigated hypoxia was induced by addition of cocl to small nonhypoxic spheroids and verified by hifalpha expression in addition the possible role of important cell adhesion molecules involved in tumor dissemination in inducing adhesive changes were also studied in particular two key integrins ie the alpha chain of the FNR alpha and the alpha chain of the collagen CD25 an important member of the immunoglobulin superfamily cd or icam and the strategic molecule cd hcam the principal receptor for hyaluronan were examined because of the important role of fibronectin in adhesive processes variations in this extracellular matrix component were also examined the results seem to indicate that coclinduced hypoxia greatly increases adhesion of mg spheroids to both tissue SC plates and plates coated with fibronectin or collagen when compared to controls while IR induces a great decrease in this attachment furthermore chemically induced hypoxia also partially inhibits the effects of IR the data also show that these adhesive changes are accompanied by concomitant variations in the expression of alpha and alpha integrins cd and cd and fibronectin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1301 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2417", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FNR" ], "offsets": [ [ 472, 475 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "fibronectin receptor" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2419", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we experimentally demonstrate and characterize a wide optical stopband filter with transmission peaks constituted by two parallel rows of an antisymmetric ID d photonic crystal with defect in a multimode waveguide the working principle is based on mode coupling for the wavelengths that meet the phase matching condition as the fundamental mode is coupled to a highee of clinical signs of severity the continuation or not of the antibiotic treatment relies on the reevaluation of the CE the bacteriological culture results blood culture and eventual cerebrospinalfluid csf SC after hours of treatment antibiotic treatment is continued for days in case of positive blood culture with amoxicillin CT if then bacterial species implicated are GBS gbs or LM with cefotaxime CT in case of ecoli even if the strains are susceptible to aminopenicillins in case of meningitis due to gbs or l monocytogenes antibiotherapy is continued for days with amoxicillin CT and days of CTX CT in case of e coli meningitis specialist advice should be sought for other bacteria or extendedspectrum beatlactamaseproducing e coli and the absence of bacteriological documentation according to the clinical evolution and the inflammatory parameters it can be decided to continue or not the antibiotherapy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1278 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2420", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "GBS" ], "offsets": [ [ 739, 742 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "group b streptococcus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2422", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we determined the concentration of cytosol ERs in the PN developing right and left CBF cortices of longevans male or female rats to to to and to days of age under anesthesia the rats were gonadectomized and h later they were killed by decapitation and the dorsal RA and left cerebral cortices were separated from the underlying WG matter and placed on ice sephadex lh gel filtration chromatography was used to dissociate the majority of alphafetoproteinbound hestradiol while leaving the receptor hestradiol complex IN the correction for the residual nonreceptor binding including alphafetoprotein was made using parallel incubation containing unlabeled DES the amount of residual nonreceptor binding was subtracted from hestradiolbound protein to calculate highaffinity estradiol binding receptors the results showed that in both sexes estrogen receptor concentration was highest at PN days to in both the right and the left CBF cortex and then decreased until days of age in the female the RA CBF cortex at PN day to had a higher estrogen receptor concentration than the left SC p less than in the male the left SC had a higher cytoplasmic estrogen receptor concentration p less than than the right considering the reported growthinhibiting effects of estrogen on the cerebral cortex the results indicated that one determinant of CBF dominance in both sexes may be the differential exposure to estrogen in the case of the male testosterone converted to estrogen during a critical period of OD" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1494 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2423", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DES" ], "offsets": [ [ 654, 657 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "diethylstilbesterol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2425", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the high wastewater volumes produced during citrus production at pre and postharvest level presents serious pesticide pointsource pollution for groundwater bodies biobeds are used for preventing such pointsource pollution occurring at farm level we explored the potential of biobeds for the depuration of wastewaters produced through the citrus production chain following a labtofield experimentation the dissipation of pesticides used pre or postharvest was studied in compostbased biomixtures soil and a strawsoil mixture a biomixture of composted grape seeds and skins gss showed the highest dissipation capacity in subsequent column studies gss restricted pesticides leaching even at the highest water load lm OPP was the most mobile compound studies in an onfarm biobed filled with gss showed that pesticides were fully retained and partially or fully dissipated overall biobeds could be a valuable solution for the depuration of wastewaters produced at pre and postharvest level by citrus fruit industries" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1011 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2426", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "OPP" ], "offsets": [ [ 714, 717 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "orthophenylphenol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2428", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "aortic tissues from elderly patients were analyzed by congo red IF for amyloid deposits all samples contained amyloid which was resistant to the potassium permanganate reaction tryptophan was present in all amyloid deposits the amyloid failed to react with antiserums to amyloid fibril protein asc or human Pr proteins previous demonstrated in generalized senile cardiac amyloid it also differed from agerelated isolated atrial amyloid which has been shown to lack tryptophan deposits did not react with antiserums specific for amyloid fibril proteins of the a lambda iv a lambda vi aa or aet types these results indicate that senile aortic amyloid is distinct from amyloid present in primary and AA and appears to represent a third form of cardiovascular amyloid associated with the aging process" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 797 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2429", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Pr" ], "offsets": [ [ 307, 309 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "prealbumin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2431", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "thiazide diuretics are among the firstline alternatives in the treatment of primary hypertension the effects of thiazide treatment on salivary production are however little studied and the results so far available are not decisive the aim of the present T0 was to evaluate and compare salivary flow rate and composition during treatment with the thiazide diuretic bendroflumethiazide in a low dose mg od and PL the T0 was performed with a randomized doubleblind crossover design x wk in healthy volunteers the treatment periods were separated by a washout period of wk resting and stimulated whole saliva was sampled three times daily on scheduled days during the treatment periods flow rate was assessed for resting saliva whereas flow rate ph beta amount of total proteins and concentrations of sodium potassium calcium phosphate and magnesium were measured for stimulated whole saliva no effect of bendroflumethiazide on the resting salivary flow rate could be detected while the stimulated flow rate was significantly reduced by about during the thiazide treatment the total sodium SO was significantly decreased by approximately without any detectable change in total potassium SO all other variables of stimulated whole saliva studied were not different from PL it is concluded that treatment with bendroflumethiazide in a low dose significantly reduces the stimulated whole salivary flow rate and total sodium SO in healthy volunteers" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1441 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2432", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "beta" ], "offsets": [ [ 745, 749 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "buffer capacity" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2434", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "galantamine rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of AD became covered by national SHI last year in japan galantamine and rivastigmine are choline esterase inhibitors and memantine is a glu nmda receptor antagonist galantamine also acts on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in addition to chei and it has an apl action and modulates the receptor function by inducing a structural NC of the receptor as its characteristics rivastigmine is used only in patch form and exhibits an GABA effect on butyryl choline esterase memantine protects nerve cells by inhibiting excess actions of glutamate these drugs are also effective for bpsd accompanying dementia particularly memantine exhibits an inhibitory effect on aggressiveness and excitement as its characteristic the administration of these drugs for diseases other than alzheimertype PSD is not covered by national SHI these are expected to be effective for DLB but there has been no evidence reported of an effect on frontotemporal PSD PSD manifests diverse symptoms in the course and consideration of the PCS symptoms is indispensable the thoughtless continuation of antidementia and psychiatric agents without consideration of temporary changes and diversity and changes in needs for medical care impair a patients vital functions and qol those who are involved in the treatment of PSD should always consider the clinical course and changes in needs for psychiatric and physical medical care and novel antidementia drugs should be used based on these" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1512 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2435", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AD" ], "offsets": [ [ 60, 62 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "alzheimertype dementia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2437", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "for a long time HI has been considered as a possible causative factor for later development of BB PT however the actual role of previous head trauma in the pathogenesis of intracranial PT is still a matter of debate also due to the possible medicolegal implications some authors have suggested several criteria for establishing a possible causal relationship between the aforementioned factors we report a case of a left posterior paraventricular highgrade glioma which developed years T3 a posttraumatic hematoma occurring in the same area this case is reported in detail and the relevant literature is reviewed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 612 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2438", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HI" ], "offsets": [ [ 16, 18 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "head injury" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2440", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the cyclindependent kinase cdk inhibitors pcip and pkip have been proposed to exert redundant functions in cell cycle progression and differentiation programs although nonoverlapping functions have also been described to gain further insights into the relevant mechanisms and to detect possible functional differences between both proteins we conditionally expressed pcip and pkip in k a multipotent HL-60 cell L1 temporal ectopic expression of either pcip or pkip arrested proliferation inhibited cdk and cdk activities and suppressed retinoblastoma phosphorylation however whereas pcip arrested cells in both g and g Tc phases pkip blocked the gsphase transition furthermore although both pcip and pkip associated with cdk only pkip significantly inhibited its activity most importantly each protein promoted differentiation along a distinct pathway pcip triggered MK maturation whereas pkip resulted in the expression of erythroid markers consistently pcip and pkip were rapid and transiently upregulated when k cells are differentiated into megakaryocytic and erythroid lineages respectively these findings demonstrate distinct functions of pcip and pkip in cell cycle regulation and differentiation and indicate that these two highly related proteins possess unique biological MICs and are not functionally interchangeable" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1327 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2441", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HL-60" ], "offsets": [ [ 400, 405 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "human leukemia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2443", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "molecular imprinted polymers of cefalexin cfl were prepared by noncovalent molecular imprinting technique in the present paper using cfl as template molecule acrylamide am or methacrylic acid maa as PET monomer ethylene dimethacrylate egdma as crosslinker aibn as Inr and methanol as porogen agent different MIPs mips of cfl were synthesized by bulk or suspension polymerization as synthetic method the intermolecular action between am and cfl was investigated by uv and ir spectrophotometric analysis and the results indicated that polymerizing functional monomer am could bond effectively with template molecule cfl by using uv spectrophotometric analysis method it was found that the mip prepared with amegdma by bulk polymerization showed the highest IB capacity for cfl test of selective adsorption made clear that the mip represented more excellent identification property to cfl than to cefadroxol and ampicillin the mips were used as solidphase SE sorbent for SE and enrichment of cfl in actual samples and the recoveries for cfl extraction were found to be n demonstrating the feasibility of the prepared mips for cfl extraction" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1137 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2444", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MIPs" ], "offsets": [ [ 308, 312 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "molecularly imprinted polymers" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2446", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a transitionmetal free synthetic strategy has been developed for the direct synthesis of orthoformyl substituted allyl aryl ethers via a cascade threecomponent coupling of arynes activated alkene and DMF the reaction proceeds via co and cc bond cleavage as well as cc and two new co bond formations in a single reaction vessel the methodology provides a good yield of orthoformyl substituted allyl aryl ethers moreover the synthetic strategy has been utilized for the onepot synthesis of hchromenol derivatives" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 510 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2447", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DMF" ], "offsets": [ [ 200, 203 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nndimethylformamide" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2449", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "cases of aids among women of reproductive age have increased dramatically since nearly a third of all cases among females were reported in alone surveillance of human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection among women is essential for monitoring the spread of hiv over time and identifying TPS populations and geographic areas in need of hiv counseling testing and prevention services blinded unlinked serologic surveys were conducted in the united states and puerto rico in sentinel clinics providing RH services to women including family planning prenatal care and abortion services seventyeight of clinics in cities conducting surveys during and detected at least one hivpositive woman clinicspecific prevalence ranged from median with rates over occurring in clinics predominantly on the east coast and in puerto rico seroprevalence varied by primary type of service raceethnicity and age group median rates were higher in clinics offering prenatal services and lower in abortion and family planning clinics in the same cities in general women years of age showed the highest median rate of infection and rates were higher among black women median than among hispanic median and white women median our data indicate the need to educate women about recognizing and reducing their risk of hiv infection RH clinics with high seroprevalence should implement voluntary hiv CT with appropriate followup clinical evaluation and referral for infected women clinics with low prevalence should seize the opportunity to enhance hiv education and prevention efforts" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1555 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2450", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CT" ], "offsets": [ [ 1370, 1372 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "counseling and testing" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2452", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "objectives we retrospectively investigated the clinical and endocrinological characteristics of AI methods we studied patients who had been diagnosed with adrenal incidentalomas and had undergone detailed clinical and endocrinological evaluations while hospitalized we used common criteria to diagnose the functional PT but for subclinical cushings syndrome we used an updated set of diagnosis criteria SS cortisol ≥ μgdl after a positive response to a mg dexamethasone suppression test if the patient has a low morning ACTH hormone acth level pgml and a loss of the diurnal SS cortisol rhythm results of the patients none had malignant PT had pheochromocytoma and had primary aldosteronism when diagnosed by our revised criteria had cortisolsecreting adenomas cushings syndrome and subclinical cushings syndrome and had nonfunctional tumors compared with the nonfunctional tumor group the primary aldosteronism group and the cortisolsecreting adenoma group were significantly younger and had significantly higher rates of hypokalemia whereas the pheochromocytoma group had significantly larger tumors and a significantly lower body mass index conclusion our T0 found a larger percentage of PET tumors among adrenal incidentalomas than past reports partly because we used a lower SS cortisol level T3 a dexamethasone suppression test to diagnose subclinical cushings syndrome and because all of the patients were hospitalized and could therefore receive more detailed examinations young patients with hypokalemia or lean patients with large adrenal PT warrant particularly careful investigation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1597 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2453", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AI" ], "offsets": [ [ 96, 98 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "adrenal incidentalomas" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2455", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "quadriceps avoidance and higher flexion strategies have been assumed as effects of acl deficiency on knee joint CF during gait however the effect of acl deficiency on anteroposterior stability of the knee during gait is not well defined in this study patients with unilateral acute acl ruptures and the contralateral side IN performed gait on a treadmill flexion angles and anteroposterior translation of the acl injured and the IN controlateral knees were measured at every of the stance phase of the gait from heel strike to toeoff using a combined mri and dual fluoroscopic imaging system dfis the data indicated that during the stance phase of the gait the acldeficient knees showed higher flexion angles compared to the intact contralateral side consistent with the assumption of a higher flexion gait strategy however the data also revealed that the acldeficient knees had higher ATT compared to the intact contralateral side during the stance phase of the gait the higher flexion gait strategy was not shown to correlate to a reduction of the ATT in acl deficient knees these data may provide indications for conservative treatment or surgical reconstruction of the acl injured knees in restoration of the knee kinematics during daily walking MICs" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1254 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2456", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ATT" ], "offsets": [ [ 1050, 1053 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "anterior tibial translation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2458", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "polybrominated diphenyl ethers pbdes contained in waste printed wiring board pwb matrix and surface dust can be emitted into the air during thermal process which is widely used to detach the electronic components from the base boards of waste pwb in this study pbdes concentrations in air and dust samples were detected in a pwbheating workshop and then heating experiments of pbdescontaining materials in a quartz tube furnace were performed to investigate the pbdes emission mechanism the results showed that the mean concentrations of σpbdes in pm and tsp were and ngm respectively compared with surface dust collected from waste pwb ngg pbdes concentrations in dust from the workshop floor ngg heating machine inside ngg and the cyclone extractor ngg were condensed T3 thermal process heating experiments showed that the emission rates of pbdes from pbdescontaining dust were obviously higher than those from pwb fragments in the first h time the cumulative amounts of pbdes emitted from dust increased rapidly at first and then leveled off to become asymptotic to the maximum amounts at the temperature of °c the pbdes emission from dust mainly occurred within the first min and the average emission rates for bde and among the first min were and ngg·min respectively during the initial h period the trends of pbdes emission from pwb fragments had a linear increase and the emission rates of pentabde bde at different temperatures were at a range of nicrobubbles that have either distearoylsnglycerophosphocholine dspc or DPPC dppc as their main lipid the other components were MZ the microbubbles were investigated in vitro over the frequency range mhz at pressures between and kpa and their response to the applied ultrasound was recorded using ultrahighspeed imaging mfps relative to dppccoated microbubbles dspccoated microbubbles had i higher acoustical stability ii higher shell elasticity as derived using the marmottant model dspc ± nm dppc ± nm iii pressure amplitudes twice as high at the second harmonic frequency and iv a smaller amount of microbubbles that responded at the subharmonic frequency because of their higher acoustical stability and higher nonlinear response dspccoated microbubbles may be more suitable for contrastenhanced ultrasound" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2270 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2459", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DPPC" ], "offsets": [ [ 1530, 1534 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "dipalmitoylsnglycerophosphocholine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2461", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the COR cor promotes various aspects of pseudomonas syringae virulence including invasion through stomata growth in the apoplast and induction of disease symptoms cor is a structural mimic of active JA ja conjugates known activities of cor are mediated through its IB to the fboxcontaining ja coreceptor coronatine insensitive by analyzing the interaction of p syringae mutants with arabidopsis thaliana mutants we demonstrate that in the apoplastic space of arabidopsis cor is a multifunctional defense suppressor cor and the critical p syringae type iii effector hopm target distinct signaling steps to suppress callose deposition in addition to its welldocumented ability to suppress salicylic acid sa signaling cor suppresses an saindependent pathway contributing to callose deposition by reducing accumulation of an indole glucosinolate upstream of the activity of the pen myrosinase cor also suppresses callose deposition and promotes bacterial growth in coi mutant plants indicating that cor may have multiple targets inside plant cells" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1043 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2462", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "COR" ], "offsets": [ [ 4, 7 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "phytotoxin coronatine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2464", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the combined GS gs muscle flap is a new research model for use in microvascular free tissue transfer in rats harvest of the combined gs muscle flap is straightforward technically and its increased size makes it particularly useful for PSA and morphological study a single gs muscle complex acco technique could be utilized to prepare novel bioartificial organs as well as cell coculture systems by multilayering different cell types to mimic tissue structures for tissue engineering" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 482 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2465", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "GS" ], "offsets": [ [ 13, 15 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "gastrocnemiussoleus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2467", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a considerable number of patients who undergo cardiac surgery have a variety of comorbid conditions that includes diastolic dysfunction CA of diastolic function may lead to diastolic HR failure that can complicate their postoperative course this form of failure occurs more commonly in patients with hypertensive or VHD diabetes mellitus myocardial ischaemia as well as in HCM or RCM and is more prevalent in the elderly in spite of it being a common cause of heart failure it remains underreported in the postoperative HR we reviewed relevant literature analysing the different therapeutic approaches and formulated a management plan for DHF in the postoperative HR in the intensive care environment based on the most current understanding of this form of cardiac failure" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 772 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2468", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DHF" ], "offsets": [ [ 639, 642 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "diastolic heart failure" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2470", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "HIV virus hiv protease is an important drug target for AIDS syndrome therapy nearly small molecule drugs have been approved by the food and drug administration fda however prolonged use of these drugs produced protease mutants that are not susceptible to many of these drugs the mutated PRs however continue to cleave the substrate peptides and thus remain largely PET this poses a L1 challenge for the treatment strategies thus it has become imperative to understand how these mutations induce drug resistance while maintaining the enzymatic activity of this protein here we perform a comprehensive T0 of the wild type wt and clinically relevant mutated protease bound to a series of fdaapproved drugs and substrates of varying sequences to unravel the mechanism of unhindered activity of the drugresistant protease SCV our results from C1 MD suggest that while IB of the ATP to wt and protease mutants involves multiple hbonding interactions between ATP subsites and the PRs main chain atoms the drug binds primarily through the hydrophobic interactions with the side chains of proteases AS site and flap residues this implies that any side chain variations caused by mutations in protease could greatly modulate the IB affinity of inhibitors but not of the substrates the significantly weaker free energy of IB of the drugs could also be attributed to the limited number of interaction subsites present in the inhibitor structures compared to the substrates these findings in combination with the identified protease flap and active site residues that contribute to ligand recognition and strong IB can help in the design of future resistanceevading hiv PIs" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1660 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2471", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AIDS" ], "offsets": [ [ 55, 59 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "acquired immune deficiency" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2473", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the presence of a tolerogen in IMS within hr of antigen feeding prompted further T0 therefore serum from mice fed with ovalbumin ova was subjected to various immunochemical and biological tests the appearance of tolerogen in serum was concomitant with the presence of ova detected by a specific elisa absorption of tolerogenic SS with antiova antibody coupled to sepharose beads effectively removed the tolerogenic moiety from the SS and confirmed that not only was tolerogenicity associated with the presence of antigen but that binding sites for antibody were IN on this tolerogenic form of ova finally serum fractions from antigenfed mice were assayed for total pith the visual complaints of a patient prior to cataract surgery unfortunately these complaints are heard but may not be seriously evaluated by the surgeon as they relate to the patients daily PET problems too frequently snellen acuity is used as a measure which can be extremely misleading this paper will present a number of the patients complaints and illustrate them as they are seen by the patient to give the surgeon a greater appreciation and understanding of these problems" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1147 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2474", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IMS" ], "offsets": [ [ 31, 34 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "mouse serum" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2476", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the data show that syphilis is widespread in the society and may be seen among every age group of population from infants to the elderly a description of unusual cases of syphilis revealed in russia during the current epidemic of this disease is discussed including CS acquired syphilis in children and malignant syphilis in adults" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 331 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2477", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CS" ], "offsets": [ [ 266, 268 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "congenital syphilis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2479", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "missing phenotype data can be a L1 hurdle to mapping quantitative trait loci qtlthough in many cases experiments may be designed to minimize the occurrence of missing datait is often unavoidable in practice thus statistical methods to account for missing data are neededin this paper we describe an RPA for conjoining multiple imputation and qtl mappingmethods are applied to map genes associated with increased breathing effort in mice after lung inflammation due to allergen challenge in developing lines of the collaborative cross a new mouse genetics resource missing data poses a particular challenge in this T0 because the desired phenotype summary to be mapped is a CF of incompletely observed DR curves comparison of the MI approach to two naive approaches for handling missing data suggest that these simpler methods may yield poor results ignoring missing data through a complete case analysis may lead to incorrect conclusions while using a last observation carried forward procedure which does not account for uncertainty in the imputed values may lead to anticonservative inference the proposed RPA is widely applicable to other studies with missing phenotype data" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1177 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2480", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MI" ], "offsets": [ [ 729, 731 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "multiple imputation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2482", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "dopamine microgramskg evoked rumination in sheep when injected as a bolus into the coeliac artery or into the left gastric i.a. but not when injected into the i.c. a mixed alphaadrenoreceptor antagonist phentolamine and an alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist yohimbine prevented dopamine from evoking rumination but a dopaminergic antagonist metoclopramide did not these findings suggest that dopamine stimulated rumination by acting upon alpha adrenoreceptors situated in the area supplied by the LGA whereas dopamine injected intracerebrally may have evoked rumination by an alpha adrenoreceptor effect in the central NS bueno et al and the actions of intrajugular dopamine were exclusively upon IP adrenoreceptors located specifically in the gastric area dopamine microgramkgmin infused into the carotid artery reduced the frequency of Rt contractions by acting upon a centrally located DA receptor mechanism sensitive to metoclopramide but not to phentolamine when dopamine was infused into the coeliac artery or into the LGA the amplitude of Rt contractions was reduced by a IP mechanism sensitive both to metoclopramide and to phentolamine dopamine also reduced the amplitude of reticular contractions when infused into the i.c. but to a lesser degree than when given into the coeliac or left gastric i.a." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1307 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2483", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LGA" ], "offsets": [ [ 494, 497 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "left gastric artery" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2485", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a growing body of evidence indicates that the reninangiotensin system and insulin resistance play crucial roles in left VVI hypertrophy lvh in HT eh angiotensin ii receptor blockers arb have been reported to regress lvh and improve insulin resistance we tested the hypothesis that candesartan an arb could regress lvh in association with improvement of insulin resistance in eh patients the T0 participants were nondiabetic and nevertreated eh patients n candesartan was administered at a mean final dose of mgd for weeks candesartan treatment resulted in a significant decrease of BP lv mass index lvmi homeostasis model assessment homa index and plasma BB natriuretic peptide bnp a significant rho was observed between the percent decrease in lvmi and that of both the homa index r p and bnp r p stepwise regression analyses revealed that the percent decrease of homa index was an independent predictor for both percent decrease in lvmi and plasma bnp our findings suggest that pharmacological blockade of angiotensin ii receptors by candesartan could improve lvh in nevertreated eh patients which may relate to the improvement of insulin resistance" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1151 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2486", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BP" ], "offsets": [ [ 582, 584 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "systolic and diastolic blood pressures" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2488", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the economicallyefficient separation of formic acid from acetic acid and succinic acid has been a key issue in the production of formic acid with the actinobacillus bacteria fermentation to address this issue an optimal threezone SMB smb chromatography for continuous separation of formic acid from acetic acid and succinic acid was developed in this study as a first step for this task the adsorption isotherm and masstransfer parameters of each organic acid on the qualified adsorbent amberchromcgc were determined through a series of multiple FC experiments the determined parameters were then used in optimizing the smb process for the considered separation during such optimization the additional investigation for selecting a proper smb port configuration which could be more advantageous for attaining better process performances was carried out between two possible configurations it was found that if the properly selected port configuration was adopted in the smb of interest the throughout and the formicacid product concentration could be increased by and respectively finally the optimized smb process based on the properly selected port configuration was tested experimentally using a selfassembled smb unit with three zones the smb exp results and the relevant computer simulation verified that the developed process in this T0 was successful in continuous recovery of formic acid from a ternary organicacid mixture of interest with high throughput high purity high yield and high product concentration" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1517 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2489", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SMB" ], "offsets": [ [ 230, 233 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "simulated moving bed" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2491", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "two cases of obstructive ASH with biventricular outflow one in childhood are presented both patients were treated first with propranolol and later by ventriculoseptal myotomymyectomy the first patient died two and onehalf years following surgery and the second patient died in the immediate postoperative period in the first patient the gm HR had an interventricular SP to posterior left VVI wall ratio of and in the second patient the ratio in the gm HR was in both cases the posterobasal left VVI free wall was rounded and hypertrophied as has been reported grossly in obstructive ASH however in both cases the bizarre disoriented cardiocytes typical of asymmetric septal hypertrophy were present in both ventricular free walls as well as in the interventricular SP as has been reported in the nonobstructive variety in these two cases previously reported morphologic criteria for the differentiation of obstructive and nonobstructive disease are not considered reliable" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 972 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2492", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ASH" ], "offsets": [ [ 583, 586 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "asymmetric septal hypertrophy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2494", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "eightyone women with clinical and urodynamic findings of genuine AS incontinence and genital prolapse were randomly selected to be surgically treated with either anterior colporrhaphy or burch colposuspension each patient had a CR clinical and urodynamic DUE before surgery and at months and years after surgery differences in cure rates between the two procedures at the month postoperative DUE were insignificant however at the year postsurgical DUE the cure rate of women who had undergone burch colposuspension was significantly higher than that of women who had undergone anterior colporrhaphy cure rates were and respectively p the burch colposuspension was more effective than the anterior colporrhaphy in the stabilization of the bladder base neck and proximal urethra as confirmed by TVS postoperative spontaneous voiding was uneventful in both procedures results of this study demonstrate that the burch colposuspension in our hands was more ERP in treating GSI and pelvic relaxation than was anterior colporrhaphy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1024 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2495", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "GSI" ], "offsets": [ [ 968, 971 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "genuine stress incontinence" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2497", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the kinetic parameters of absorption and CSD of ingested water ml labeled with do osmolality mosm kg in the body water pool bwp and of its disappearance from this pool were estimated in subjects from changes in plasma or urine deuterium to protium ratio dh over days using one and twocompartment and a noncompartmental pharmacokinetic models cm cm and ncm which applied well to and of the subjects respectively compared with the volume and turnover of the bwp computed with the slopeintercept method ± body mass or ± lean body mass turnover ± l day ie complete renewal in days n the values were accurately estimated with the ncm and cm and were slightly overestimated and underestimated respectively with the cm difference significant for water clearance only ingested water appeared in plasma and blood cells within min and the halflife of absorption min indicates a CR absorption within min the cm showed that in of the subjects ingested water quickly distributed within a V1 before diffusing with a very short halflife ± min to a peripheral compartment ± and ± l respectively which were in complete equilibrium within min pharmacokinetic analyses of water labeled with do can help describe water absorption and distribution for which there is no well defined reference method and value depending on the characteristics of the subjects and the drinks and of environmental conditions" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1390 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2498", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "V1" ], "offsets": [ [ 978, 980 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "central compartment" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2500", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "describe and discuss the tau and safety of botulinum toxin type a btxa intradetrusor i.v. in children with NDO ndo and UI or overactive bladder PS of neurogenic origin noab" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 172 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2501", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NDO" ], "offsets": [ [ 107, 110 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "neurogenic detrusor overactivity" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2503", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a hfpk peptide containing the residues of the HIV virus hiv F0 peptide hfp plus three nonnative cterminal lysines was studied in DPC dpc micelles with d h nmr spectroscopy the hfp is at the nterminus of the gp FP and plays an important role in fusing viral and target cell membranes which is a critical step in viral infection unlike hfp hfpk is monomeric in detergentfree buffered aqueous solution which may be a useful property for PET and structural studies h alpha delta indicated that dpcassociated hfpk was predominantly helical from i to l in addition to the highestintensity crosspeaks used for the first chemical shift assignment denoted i there were additional crosspeaks whose intensities were approximately of those used for assignment i a second assignment ii for residues g to l as well as a few other residues was derived from these lowerintensity crosspeaks relative to the i shifts the ii shifts were different by ppm with the largest differences observed for hn comparison of the shifts of dpcassociated hfpk with those of detergentassociated hfp and hfp derivatives provided information about peptide structures and locations in micelles" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1156 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2504", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DPC" ], "offsets": [ [ 129, 132 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "dodecylphosphocholine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2506", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the fractional distribution of blood flow was measured by the isotope dilution method and absolute blood flow estimated in twentyfour muscles of chronically prepared unanaesthetized cats in the quiet alert cat the estimated mean muscle blood flow ranged from to mlmin g muscle flow was three times greater in grouped red than WG limb muscles the myoglobin concentration ranged from to mgg muscle the myoglobin concentration of grouped red exceeded that of white muscle and varied in each muscle directly and linearly with blood flow with a high rho p capillary density was estimated by determination of ALP phosphatase activity ALP phosphatase activity was significantly greater in red than WG muscles and varied directly with fractional blood flow in these same muscles with a high rho p ICT was generally two to three times longer in red than white muscle there was a direct and highly correlated relationship p between blood flow and ICT the direct linear relationship between muscle blood flow and myoglobin concentration capillary density and contraction time characteristic of QW was lost during REM or excitement produced by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus as a consequence of selective changes in flow in red and WG skeletal muscle the type of metabolism of any skeletal muscle is adapted to its activity during quiet alert behaviour rather than during sleep or excitement" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1391 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2507", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ICT" ], "offsets": [ [ 937, 940 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "contraction time" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2509", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "superior cluneal nerve scn entrapment neuropathy is a known cause of LB pain although surgical release at the entrapment point of the osteofibrous orifice is ERP intraoperative identification of the thin scn in thick fat tissue and confirmation of sufficient decompression are difficult intraoperative indocyanine green video angiography icgva is simple clearly demonstrates the vascular flow dynamics and provides RT information on V1 patency and flow the IP nerve is supplied from epineurial vessels around the nerve vasa nervorum and the authors now present the first icgva documentation of the technique and usefulness of PN neurolysis surgery to treat scn entrapment neuropathy in locally anesthetized patients clinical outcomes were assessed with the rolandmorris disability questionnaire before surgery and at the latest followup after surgery indocyanine green video angiography was useful for identifying the scn in fat tissue it showed that the scn penetrated and was entrapped by the TL fascia through the orifice just before crossing over the IC in all patients the scn was decompressed by dissection of the fascia from the orifice indocyanine green video angiography visualized the scn and its termination at the entrapment point T3 sufficient decompression the scn was clearly visualized on icgva images LB pain improved significantly from a preoperative rolandmorris questionnaire score of to a postoperative score of at the last followup visit p the authors suggest that icgva is useful for the inspection of IP SN such as the scn and helps to identify the scn and to confirm sufficient decompression at surgery for scn entrapment" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1646 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2510", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LB" ], "offsets": [ [ 1318, 1320 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "low back" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2512", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "eleven laboratories participated in the first international workshop of granulocyte serology participants were asked to identify any granulocytereactive antibodies present in human sera distributed as unknown samples granulocyte immunofluorescence and granulocyte MA were the most commonly used techniques the incidence of falsepositive and falsenegative reactions was and respectively most laboratories were able to distinguish between granulocytespecific and antihla antibodies using PLT absorption the identification of the specificity of granulocytespecific antibodies caused the most problems these were correctly identified on only of occasions" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 650 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2513", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MA" ], "offsets": [ [ 264, 266 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "microagglutination" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2515", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "to determine the applicability and utility of a telephone triage performed by physicians in a PED ped" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 101 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2516", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PED" ], "offsets": [ [ 94, 97 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pediatric emergency department" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2518", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "cisplatin bleomycin and mitomycinc were used to treat patients with recurrent SCC six patients had a partial response yielding a total response rate of nine patients had SD the median survival for the whole group was weeks the median survival for responders was weeks the median progression free interval for the whole group was weeks and the median progressionfree free interval for responders was weeks the toxicities noted were primarily nausea vomiting and myelosuppression the combination of cisplatin bleomycin and mitomycinc has modest effectiveness in the treatment of recurrent SCC but represents no improvement over singleagent chemotherapy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 650 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2519", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SCC" ], "offsets": [ [ 587, 590 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2521", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "strains of aedes aegypti from peoples councils with high indexes of infestation of this vector were studied due to the need of carrying out an effective control of larvae and adults in the municipality of guanabacoa the C2 of susceptibility andor resistance to organophosphate insecticides pyrethroids and a carbamate were determined the results of the bioassays in larvae showed a CR susceptibility to OPs malathion clorpirifos methylpyrimifos and propoxur carbamate in both peoples councils however it was observed a high resistance to temephos and fenthion no resistance to fenitrothion was found in one of the peoples councils at the adult stage and at the dose recommended by the world health organizaton or by the product manufacturers it was observed resistance to malathion fenitrothion and propoxur nevertheless better results were obtained with the pyrethroids with mortality percentages over according to the results obtained by using the sss tributyl phosphotritiade sinergist def and piperonyl butoxide it was demonstrated that the multiple CF esterases and oxidases played an important role in the resistance to temephos and fenthion it was proved that he amplified activity of these enzymes was at an elevated frequency in both peoples councils the same as the GT gst in one of the peoples councils it was observed that in both peoples councils prevailed the amplified activity of a esterases by PAGE" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1415 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2522", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "GT" ], "offsets": [ [ 1276, 1278 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "glutathione transferase" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2524", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the physical properties of a material are defined by its electronic structure electrons in solids are characterized by SE ω and momentum k and the probability to find them in a particular state with given ω and k is described by the spectral CF ak ω this CF can be directly measured in an experiment based on the wellknown photoelectric effect for the explanation of which albert einstein received the nobel prize back in in the photoelectric effect the CS shone on a surface ejects electrons from the material according to einstein SE conservation allows one to determine the energy of an electron inside the sample provided the SE of the light photon and KE of the outgoing photoelectron are known momentum conservation makes it also possible to estimate k relating it to the momentum of the photoelectron by measuring the angle at which the photoelectron left the surface the modern version of this technique is called angleresolved photoemission spectroscopy arpes and exploits both conservation laws in order to determine the electronic structure ie SE and momentum of electrons inside the solid in order to resolve the details crucial for understanding the topical problems of condensed matter physics three quantities need to be minimized uncertainty in photon SE uncertainty in kinetic energy of photoelectrons and temperature of the sample in our approach we combine three recent achievements in the field of SR surface science and cryogenics we use synchrotron radiation with tunable photon energy contributing an uncertainty of the order of mev an electron energy analyzer which detects the kinetic energies with a precision of the order of mev and a he cryostat which allows us to keep the temperature of the sample below k we discuss the exemplary results obtained on single crystals of srruo and some other materials the electronic structure of this material can be determined with an unprecedented clarity" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1923 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2525", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SR" ], "offsets": [ [ 1421, 1423 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "synchrotron radiation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2527", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "changes in the size and shape of the NE were measured from serial transverse sections of plasticembedded chick embryos at stages the neural plate folds into a neural tube during this period changes in volume length apical and basal widths apical and basal surface Az and thickness of the NE were measured and correlated with the amount of folding that had occurred these measurements were made to provide data for comparison with those available from other systems to gain insight into the mechanisms of shaping and bending of the neuroepithelium and to obtain normal parameters for eventual comparison with those obtained from embryos with induced NT defects during stages the volume length apical and basal surface areas and lateral thickness of the NE increase whereas apical and basal widths and median thickness of the neuroepithelium decrease models are presented to demonstrate the effects of possible changes in NEP cell number position and size on the shaping of the neural plate" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 988 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2528", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NE" ], "offsets": [ [ 752, 754 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "neuroepithelium" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2530", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "to examine the effects of PABA paba on the growth of actinomyces viscosus" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 73 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2531", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PABA" ], "offsets": [ [ 26, 30 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "paraaminobenzoic acid" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2533", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the diagnosis of multiple gestation at the time of genetic amniocentesis is a routine occurrence in a combined series of patients referred for antenatal genetic studies from the medical college of virginia and the university of iowa twin pregnancies were encountered twentysix of the patients with twins were referred for AMA the other indications were previous NT defects previous trisomy known carriers of tay sachs disease previous turners syndrome family PH of trisomy and one pregnancy was referred because of an abnormal ultrasound AC procedures outcome of the twin pregnancies and genetic counseling issues are discussed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 627 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2534", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AMA" ], "offsets": [ [ 322, 325 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "advanced maternal age" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2536", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the effect of alternate airflow path designs on fullface mask airpurifying respirators was assessed in healthy volunteers during submaximal exercise respirator designs included no respirator n fullface mask dualcartridge with no nasal deflector fn fullface mask respirator with nasal deflector fd and a powered airpurifying respirator pa physiologic effects were measured by using RIP and subjective responses by two visual analog scales there were significant effects of airflow path design upon the physiologic parameters of ventilation tidal volume and mean flow rate there were no significant physiologic or subjective differences between the fullface mask respirators with and without the nasal deflector in place the pa had less physiologic impact than the nonpowered models but did not show significant subjective benefit the study suggests that both subjective and objective physiologic responses must be utilized in assessing respirator design" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 952 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2537", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RIP" ], "offsets": [ [ 381, 384 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "respiratory inductive plethysmography" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2539", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the physiological role of adrenal androgens in humans remains unclear furthermore there are few data on the relation between sex CS and AA production we have assessed the effects of sex steroid hormone administration on adrenal androgen levels by studying a large group of transsexual patients" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 293 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2540", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AA" ], "offsets": [ [ 136, 138 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "adrenal androgen" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2542", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the antimicrobial activity of propolis extracts prepared in different solvents ethanol and propylene glycol eeppep was evaluated against some bacterial and fungal isolates using the agarwell diffusion method it was verified that all the samples tested showed antimicrobial activity although results varied considerably between samples results revealed that both types of propolis extracts showed highly CS antimicrobial action against grampositive bacteria and fungi at a concentration of staphylococcus aureus Sm CA and sacc research used publicly available information from literature sources and data through expert interviews it draws attention to the fact that touji has been marginalized in the recent health policies the T0 highlights that onsen as a therapeutic landscape has an important role in maintaining health and wellbeing in the country and holds immense value in building social cohesion in local communities the study points to the need for AGA studies on the social and symbolic healing elements related to onsen landscapes as well as the need for developing a comprehensive strategy for strengthening their culturally specific health management roles" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1170 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2543", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Sm" ], "offsets": [ [ 511, 513 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "streptococcus mutans" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2545", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "vasopressin which is important for SMB and brain OD begins to influence osmoregulation with the onset of weaning we studied the role of vasopressin in the OD of feeding behavior since its mechanisms might be essential for the age determination of the suckling and weaning periods radionuclide methods were employed to follow maternal milk solid food and water consumption in developing DI the appearance of solid food NI and the spontaneous extinction of maternal milk NI indicated the onset and the end of weaning the absence of endogenous vasopressin did not influence the onset andor the duration of the weaning period both vasopressindeficient homozygous brattleboro rats and their nu/+ with preserved vasopressin synthesis began to consume solid food and water at the age of days and their intake of maternal milk was terminated about the th day of age thus the maturation of FF behavior in the suckling and weaning periods is vasopressinindependent" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 954 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2546", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DI" ], "offsets": [ [ 386, 388 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "brattleboro rats" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2548", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "chronic muscle and tendon injuries to the groin are common sports injuries the symptoms of groin injuries are often uncharacteristic which can result in a delay in the correct and TPS diagnosis being reached the most common injury is the overuse CS resulting in chronic tendinitis of the adductor muscletendon units especially the AL the rectus femoris and rectus abdominous muscles and tendons are also commonly affected computed tomography magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography have been widely adopted to diagnose muscletendon injuries to the groin ultrasonography has been shown to be accurate and sensitive in diagnosing tendon injuries in the groin region especially small partial ruptures of the muscletendon unit ultrasonography has the advantage of being fast inexpensive and widely available normal findings are readily distinguished from pathological findings providing valuable preoperative information such as location and extent of the injury the differential diagnoses are many and often difficult to reach the most commonly overlooked differential diagnoses are CP and hernias a multidisciplinary RPA is valuable in many cases the recommended treatment is well planned and gradually increased rehabilitation programme during the first stages surgery for acute injuries is rarely indicated surgery for example tenotomy of the adductor longus has given satisfactory results in many athletes when nonsurgical treatment has failed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1451 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2549", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CP" ], "offsets": [ [ 1087, 1089 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "chronic prostatitis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2551", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "polydextrose is a randomly bonded condensation CP of glucose containing minor amounts of bound sorbitol and citric acid this material has been developed for a reducedcalorie bulking bodying or texturizing agent in the manufacture of lowcalorie foods the effect of polydextrose or refined preparation which has been eliminated saccharides under molecular weight of in polydextrose on cariogenicities of streptococcus mutans group serotype ag and certain oral microorganisms was studied some of s mutans strains serotype c and f metabolized polydextrose at a low level and produced LA as compared with glucose it did not serve as a substrate for plaque formation and cellular aggregation of s mutans group and did not utilized waterinsoluble glucan synthesis by glucosyltransferase from s mutans ps c or s sobrinus g in the adherence experiment using polydextrose heat killed cells of s mutans labelled with h and gtase the amount of cells that adhered to the smooth surface was almost further polydextrose inhibited SU dependent waterinsoluble glucan synthesis the case of refined polydextrose was not utilized for the growth acid production cellular aggregation and PI formation of streptococcus mutans group serotype ag refined polydextrose also did not produce LA by certain oral microorganisms it did not serve as a ATP for waterinsoluble glucan synthesis and cellular adherence by gtase from s mutans ps c or s sobrinus g further refined polydextrose inhibited SU dependent cellular adherence by gtase from s mutans psc spf sd rats INF with s sobrinus were fed a diet containing refined polydextrose or SU for days a significantly p less than lower caries score mean se was observed in the rats fed a diet containing refined polydextrose than the control also the value of caries score of rats fed a diet containing the refined polydextrose was almost equal as that of the rats fed a diet containing cornstarch only" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1919 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2552", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LA" ], "offsets": [ [ 1263, 1265 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "lactic acid" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2554", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "cocaine can cause a variety of NP and neurobehavioral complications however it is uncertain whether cocaine causes persistent CBF structural and neurochemical abnormalities in asymptomatic users we studied africanamerican men human immunodeficiency virusnegative asymptomatic heavy cocaine users and normal subjects ventricletobrain ratio vbr and WG matter lesions wml were quantified on magnetic resonance imaging nacetylcontaining EDC na total creatine cholinecontaining EDC myoinositol and glutamate glutamine were measured with in vivo PMR spectroscopy vbr and wml were not significantly different in the cocaine users compared to the normal controls elevated creatine p and Ins p in the white matter were associated with cocaine use na primarily a measure of nacetyl AST and neuronal content was normal normal na suggest no neuronal loss or damage in the BB regions examined in these cocaine users therefore we conclude that neurochemical CA observed might result from alterations in nonneuronal brain tissue" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1013 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2555", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PMR" ], "offsets": [ [ 540, 543 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "proton magnetic resonance" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2557", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "intrauterine SE to ssris in late pregnancy can cause various serotonergic PS in the newborns we associated the severity of these symptoms to neurotransmitter concentrations and genetic polymorphisms in the cytochrome p maoa and comt enzymes altogether children with prenatal SE to CIT or fluoxetine were genotyped infants with two highactivity alleles of the maoa gene had significantly higher serotonergic symptom scores than infants with at least one lowactivity S2 mean vs p these infants had also higher cord blood dhpg concentrations p carriers of the highactivity comt alleles had higher cord blood prolactin concentrations p according to our results the higher serotonergic symptom score and cord blood dhpg concentration in rapid maoa metabolizers suggest that norepinephrine may modify the severity of perinatal serotonergic symptoms the comt ga polymorphism may affect the occurrence of respiratory distress PS in infants with prenatal ssriexposure via a mechanism involving prolactin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 994 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2558", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CIT" ], "offsets": [ [ 281, 284 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "citalopram" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2560", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "venous thromboembolism vte disease as defined by the occurrence of deep VT or pulmonary embolism occurs among to of patients with CA and is a leading cause of death among these patients use of classical anticoagulation to treat vte in a cancer patient is associated with a higher risk of L1 one and of vte recurrence as compared to noncancer patients updated comprehensive and SR of current data from the medical literature allows to reconsider the classical approach used for anticoagulant treatment in CA patients and to implement adapted recommendations in the use of daily subcutaneous lowmolecularweight heparin lmwh for at least three to six months is recommended as first L1 therapy to treat vte disease in CA patients if lmwh are contraindicated RI other therapeutic approaches are warranted such as use of UF heparin ufh with early introduction of antivitamin k for at least three months or A-V cava filter in case of absolute contraindications to anticoagulation vte prophylaxis in CA patients relies on the same therapeutic approaches as currently used for noncancer patients at high risk of vte the definition of more TPS prophylactic approaches for patients with cancer considered at higher risks of vte will be the subject of many clinical trials in the forthcoming years" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1285 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2561", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "UF" ], "offsets": [ [ 815, 817 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "unfractionated" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2563", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the effect of clavulanic acid on the in vitro activity of betalactam antibiotics against bacteroides fragilis strains was tested the mic on strains of b fragilis tested was greater than microgramsml for penicillin and CET and greater than for ticarcillin CT strains of b fragilis relatively resistant to the test betalactam antibiotics most of them betalactamase producers were retested with the addition of clavulanic acid of the strains were then inhibited by less than or equal to microgramsml of penicillin and CET and by microgramsml of ticarcillin the strongest betalactamase producers were the most susceptible and this was not influenced by change in ph of the diluent for CVA from to both penicillin and cephalothin when combined with clavulanic acid were highly ERP against b fragilis but the therapeutic relevance of these combinations remains to be evaluated" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 870 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2564", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CET" ], "offsets": [ [ 515, 518 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cephalothin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2566", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the lipidlowering agents statins are the most commonly prescribed class of drugs in the western world because of their widespread use many patients undergo surgical procedures while on statins statins in addition to cholesterollowering effects also have AC immunosuppressive and antiproliferative properties that may affect the risk of local wound complications this T0 investigated the relationship between statins and postoperative wound complications in a large cohort of patients undergoing inguinal or ventral hernia repair data mining was performed in the veterans integrated service network visn data warehouse this DB contains clinical and demographic information about all veterans cared for at the ten va medical centers that comprise the south central va healthcare network in the midsouth region of the us aggregate data age body mass index smoking history gender race history of diabetes statin use and postoperative wound complications were obtained for all patients who underwent inguinal or ventral hernia repair during the period october november during the period of the query patients male female of whom received statins underwent herniorrhaphy statin use did not affect the risk of wound infection or delayed wound healing statin use was however associated with an increased rate of local postoperative one complications p when the type of hernia age smoking diabetes and body mass index were included in a multivariate analysis statins remained BL significant as an independent predictor of wound hematomapostoperative bleeding p odds ratio ci patients who undergo inguinal herniorrhaphy while on statins have an increased risk of postoperative wound hematomahemorrhage focus on additional AF that may affect the propensity to postoperative bleeding and on meticulous intraoperative hemostasis are particularly important in such patients" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1859 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2567", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AC" ], "offsets": [ [ 254, 256 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "anticoagulant" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2569", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a yearold woman with kidneylimited recurrence of MPA mpa is described the patient had a history of histologicallyconfirmed mpa years previously which had been in remission with corticosteroid treatment for months followed by no medication thereafter however in february clinical manifestations including leg edema and PU developed followed by rapidly progressive renal in therapy for local control is less clear and is complex because of a variety of factors" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 458 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2570", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PU" ], "offsets": [ [ 318, 320 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "proteinuria" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2572", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in a premature infant BL RV thrombosis and associated thrombosis of the IVC were diagnosed at the age of weeks using a dimensional ultrasound sector scanner with integrated pulsed doppler ultrasound of the renal vessels in contrast to healthy children who showed continuous forward flow in the renal arteries throughout systole and diastole diastolic flow was decreased or even VA in renal VT rvt according to the severity of thrombosis doppler recordings in renal veins normally showed continuous retrograde flow patterns whereas in rvt A-V flow was decreased or absent pulsed doppler ultrasound is a useful and noninvasive method for recording renal flow patterns especially in RVD" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 683 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2573", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RVD" ], "offsets": [ [ 680, 683 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "renovascular disease" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2575", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "stimulation of antigen receptors on wehi b lymphoma cells with antireceptor antibodies antiimmunoglobulin m igm causes irreversible growth arrest this may be a MM for antigeninduced tolerance to self components in the immune system antigen receptor stimulation also causes Ins phospholipid hydrolysis producing diacylglycerol which activates protein kinase c and inositol trisphosphate which causes release of calcium from intracellular stores to better understand the nature of the antigen receptorinduced growth arrest of wehi cells we have examined the basis for it wehi cells in various phases of the cell cycle were isolated by CE and their response was evaluated following treatment with either antiigm or pharmacologic agents that raise intracellular free calcium C2 and activate protein kinase c treatment with antiigm or the pharmacologic agents did not lengthen the Tc instead growth inhibition was solely the result of arrest in the g phase the efficiency of g arrest increased with the length of time during which the cells received signaling before reaching the g phase arrest point maximum efficiency of arrest was achieved T3 approximr limit for these young NW of vertebral compression deformity was defined as a mean height more than lower than adjacent normal vertebrae thoracic and lumbar anterior wedge deformities and central compression were defined as AP ap or midposterior mp height ratios of less than for the patients without vertebral deformities the mean cabi was sd and of these patients had cabi values below the normal young adult range cabi less than in patients vertebral deformities were limited to or midthoracic vertebrae and the mean cabi values for these patients was equal to that for patients without any vertebral deformity for the remaining patients ie patients with one or more vertebral deformities involving at least one distal thoracic or one lumbar vertebra the mean cabi value was below the value for patients without vertebral deformities low cabi values cabi less than were observed in of these patients consistent with the diagnosis of OP fractures based on our cabi results however midthoracic deformity was not associated with significant osteopenia and is not therefore diagnostic of OP fracture" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2248 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2576", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CE" ], "offsets": [ [ 633, 635 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "centrifugal elutriation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2578", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the entry of patients into randomised clinical trials rcts in LC is low a study was undertaken to assess the reasons why patients with nonsmall cell LC did not enter a trial involving randomisation to receive or not receive three courses of cisplatin based chemotherapy in addition to primary treatment by surgery radiotherapy or BSC" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 333 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2579", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BSC" ], "offsets": [ [ 330, 333 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "best supportive care" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2581", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a rare case of valvular PP is reported a yearold japanese man underwent an emergency LAP under a tentative diagnosis of perforating panperitonitis on the th postopen HR surgery day a C1 volume of free intraperitoneal gas was revealed but no ID of gastrointestinal perforation on the th postlaparotomy day PP recurred on the st postlaparotomy day a tiny gastric perforation was detected with an oral contrast medium the patient died of liver failure due to serum SH the autopsy revealed a minute gastric ulcer scar mm in diameter in the mucosa of the fornix which was thought to have caused the valvular PP a literature review was made of reports on cases in two cases of valvular PP the perforating site could not be found even during laparotomy it is suggested that either gastrointestinal series or endoscopy must be carefully repeated in order to identify the perforating site" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 879 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2582", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PP" ], "offsets": [ [ 24, 26 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pneumoperitoneum" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2584", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a recombinant plasmid isolated from a mycobacterium fortuitum genomic library by selection for gentamicin and nethylnetilmicin resistance conferred lowlevel aminoglycoside and tetracycline resistance when introduced into m smegmatis further characterization of this plasmid allowed the ID of the m fortuitum tap gene a homologous gene in the m tuberculosis hrv genome has been identified the m tuberculosis tap gene rv in the annotated CS of the m tuberculosis genome was cloned and conferred lowlevel Tcr when introduced into m smegmatis the sequences of the putative tap proteins showed to CAA identity to membrane efflux pumps of the MFS mfs mainly tetracycline and macrolide efflux pumps and to other proteins of unknown CF but with similar antibiotic resistance patterns approximately TM regions and different sequence motifs characteristic of the mfs proteins also were detected in the presence of the protonophore CCCP cccp the levels of resistance to antibiotics conferred by plasmids containing the tap genes were decreased when tetracycline accumulation experiments were carried out with the m fortuitum tap gene the level of tetracycline accumulation was lower than that in control cells but was independent of the presence of cccp we conclude that the tap proteins of the opportunistic organism m fortuitum and the important pathogen m tuberculosis are probably protondependent efflux pumps although we cannot exclude the possibility that they act as RII proteins" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1475 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2585", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CCCP" ], "offsets": [ [ 921, 925 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "carbonyl cyanide mchlorophenylhydrazone" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2587", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "copper sulfate is widely used in aquaculture SE to this compound can be harmful to fish resulting in oxidative metabolism alterations and gill tissue damage pacu piaractus mesopotamicus wt g were distributed in exp tanks n l and exposed for h to control without copper addition cu mg l cuph without copper addition ph and cuph mg l ph in CL and RM the superoxide dismutase sod was responsive to the increases in the aquatic copper the plasmatic intermediary metabolites and hematological variables in the fish of group cu were similar to those of the control group conversely the exposure to cuph caused an increase in the plasmatic lactate number of red blood cells rbc and hemoglobin hb plasmatic copper concentration cup increased in group cu and cuph which is higher in group cuph suggests an effect of water ph on the absorbed copper exposure to cu and cuph resulted in a reduction in the nakatpase activity and an increase in metallothionein mt in the gills exposure to cuph caused a decrease in glucose and Pyr concentrations and an increase in rbc hb and the branchial nakatpase activity these responses suggest that the fish triggered mechanisms to revert the blood acidosis save energy and increase the oxygen uptake mt was an ERP biomarker responding to copper in different phs and DO combinedfactors caused more significant disturbance in the biomarkers than singlefactors" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1384 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2588", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RM" ], "offsets": [ [ 345, 347 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "red muscle" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2590", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a study was performed to determine whether FP residents followed recommendations made by a CGA clinic of consecutive consultations patients had followup visits with FP residents who participated in the assessment and who subsequently served as their PC physicians adherence of residents to clinic recommendations was monitored for days by medical record review although recommendations to begin or increase a medication were followed of the time residents followed recommendations to stop or decrease medications less than of the time recommendations to order a TPS laboratory test or xray examination were acted on of the time preventive recommendations were followed only of the time residents adherence to teambased care plans varied widely by type of recommendation special efforts are needed to increase compliance with CGA clinic recommendations particularly those for preventive services" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 894 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2591", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CGA" ], "offsets": [ [ 825, 828 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "comprehensive geriatric assessment" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2593", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in a previous study we demonstrated that dahl s rats ss group have low plasma renin activity whereas transfer of a region of chromosome containing the renin gene from dahl r onto a congenic CS of dahl ssjrhsdmcw rats srenrr group restores renin sec responses in the present study we compared the angiogenic responses to electrical stimulation in the ss and srenrr CG to explore the hypotheses that the reninangiotensin system is involved in VE growth factor vegf expression and angiogenesis in skeletal muscle congenic ss and srenrr rats fed a or salt diet were surgically prepared by chronic implantation of an electrical stimulator another group of srenrr rats was treated with lisinopril days before the surgery and throughout the stimulation protocol the RA TA ta and extensor digitorum longus edl were stimulated for hours per day for days the CL muscles served as controls western blot analysis was performed to identify vegf protein expression in these muscles electrical stimulation produced no change in vessel density of the ss group fed a salt diet change and for edl and ta respectively transfer of a region containing the renin gene restored the angiogenic response change and for edl and ta respectively despite a significantly higher blood pressure blockade of the reninangiotensin system by LIS or high salt restored the responses observed in the ss group fed a low salt diet in addition increases in vegf expression to electrical stimulation were observed only in the srenrr group fed a LS diet these results suggest that renin gene transfer restores angiogenesis and vegf expression in the skeletal muscle of dahl s rats" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1638 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2594", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LS" ], "offsets": [ [ 1504, 1506 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "low salt" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2596", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we have previously described an in vitro system in which the CF lacking for herpes simplex virus type hsv replication can be induced by human cytomegalovirus hcmv the mechanism of this reactivation of quiescent hsv by hcmv has been further defined the hcmv functions responsible for hsv stimulation was examined temporally and the fraction of cells in quiescent cultures producing hsv after superinfection was determined using independent biological genetic and molecular techniques we have made the following observations i as early as h T3 hcmv superinfection hsv rna was expressed in latently INF cells ii at h T3 hcmv superinfection a time when newly synthesized hcmv was not yet apparent infectious hsv was produced by reactivated cultures iii four hcmv temperaturesensitive mutants which are dnanegative at NPT and represent four different complementation CG induced reactivation of hsv at degrees c iv early T3 hcmv superinfection of quiescent cells could be induced to transcribe hsv information v early T3 hcmv superinfection of cells in the quiescent cultures could be induced to yield infectious hsv the finding that a significant interaction can occur between hcmv and quiescent hsv in an in vitro model is noteworthy in CS of the knowledge that both of these herpesviruses often reside simultaneously in the human host" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1331 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2597", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NPT" ], "offsets": [ [ 813, 816 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nonpermissive temperature" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2599", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the neurocristopathies encompass a spectrum of developmental disorders characterized by CA of neural crestderived structures neural crest cells are pluripotent progenitors and the mechanisms by which specific cellfate decisions are regulated have emerged as an important field of study many neurocristopathies are characterized by defects in melanocyte differentiation that can result in pigmentation abnormalities and deafness one example is waardenburg syndrome that can be caused by mutations in the pax sox or mitf genes other neural crestrelated disorders are associated with enteric ganglia defects such as those caused by mutations in the sox or cret genes the pax and sox transcription AF can directly regulate both mitf and cret here we show that pax and sox can physically interact and we map the interaction domains we show that this interaction contributes to pax and sox synergistic activation of a conserved cret enhancer and it explains why sox mutants that cannot bind to dna retain the ability to activate this enhancer in the presence of pax however in the context of the mitf gene pax and sox must each bind independently to dna in order to achieve synergy this difference is consistent with the different structures oftion hemodynamic and bowel motility changes the experiments were performed on pentobarbitalanesthetized mongrel dogs mean arterial pressure map gastric and MES blood flow transonic systems inc and SB motility changes CS gauge technique were monitored the stomach was prepared according to the method of akiyama tea was induced by injecting bupivacain mgkg OPS imaging ops technique cytoscan ar cytometrics pa usa was used to observe in vivo microcirculatory changes the gastric pullup caused significant decrease in intramucosal ph and red cell velocity rbcv in terminal arterioles of the upper part of gastric tube both on the mucosal and serosal side after tea the rbcv returned to baseline level and the intestinal motility index significantly increased functional capillary density of the mucosa or subserosa did not NC during the experiments map was significantly reduced by while the arterial blood flow in gastric and MES arteries was significantly increased tea significantly improves microcirculation of the distal portion of the gastric tube and increases intestinal motility these results show that EA is favourable and should be recommended during reconstructive oesophageal surgery" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2432 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2600", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "OPS" ], "offsets": [ [ 1594, 1597 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "orthogonal polarization spectral" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2602", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "fluorescence anisotropy decay is a popular optical technique to study the structure size shape and even functions of biomolecules the method measures the time dependence of the depolarization of a fluorophore and is therefore sensitive to the changes in the rotational motion eg aggregation and binding or changes in the mobility of segments of biopolymers such as the ones associated with tertiary structure changes fluorescence anisotropy decay often requires the use of fluorescent dyes that need to be covalently attached to the biomolecule the location of the attachment on the biomolecule eg a protein and the linker used affect the mobility of the dye and its anisotropy decay with this study we have combined the exp data with molecular dynamic simulations to offer a more correct interpretation of the fluorescence anisotropy decay of a popular fluorescent dye atto attached to the nterminus of HEL hewl our model showed how the use of relatively simple molecular dynamics computation to simulate the motion of the dye provide a MM to interpret the experimental fluorescence anisotropy decay that yields a better estimate of the hydrodynamic radius of hewl the improvement is provided by a more detailed description of the segmental motion of the dye attached to the protein" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1283 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2603", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HEL" ], "offsets": [ [ 904, 907 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "hen egg white lysozyme" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2605", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we have examined the growth and skeletal maturation of children male female with CPP the aetiology in nine patients male female was secondary to a Thy hamartoma six children male female received no treatment whereas children male female were treated with cyproterone acetate in a mean dose of mgm per day range for a mean duration of years range there was no significant difference between height sds for BA at the beginning and end of observation in either treated or UT groups no significant relationship between the mean dose of cyproterone acetate used and NC in height sds for BA could be determined we conclude that cyproterone acetate has no beneficial effect on the growth prognosis of children with central precocious puberty" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 734 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2606", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CPP" ], "offsets": [ [ 81, 84 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "central precocious puberty" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2608", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "norcarboxydeltatetrahydrocannabinol thccooh distributions in postmortem specimens are rarely reported fifty new jersey state medical examiners cases in which automobile accident deaths suspected of involving marijuana intake were studied for the distributions of thccooh in postmortem urine blood VH and bile specimens cases were selected based on immunoassay tdx urine test results if the preliminary urine test indicated the presence of thccooh apparent thccooh concentration or ngml urine heart blood vitreous humor and bile specimens from the case were analyzed for thccooh concentrations by gas chromatographymass spectrometry the mean standard deviation and range of thccooh in HR blood urine and bile found in these cases were and microgml and microgml and and microgml respectively thccooh was absent detection limit ngml or at low concentration ngml in VH specimens the mean sigma and range of the biletoblood and urinetoblood ratios were and and and respectively the highest concentrations of thccooh were found in bile and the lowest in vitreous humor these findings are consistent with the high hydrophobicity nature of thccooh and further suggest that bile is the specimen of choice for detecting low level of thccooh in postmortem cases" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1250 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2609", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "VH" ], "offsets": [ [ 862, 864 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "vitreous humor" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2611", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "when a patient complains of dizziness the term may cover several types of sensations when the physician carefully takes the history he or she will most often be able to differentiate between vertigo and other types of dizziness including a feeling of lightness or fainting based on this differentiation the dutch college of general practitioners nhg designed a practice guideline for its members the most important causes of vertigo are paroxysmal BPV vestibular neuritis ménières disease and tia or stroke in the VBS differentiation between vestibular neuritis and stroke may be difficult in particular at the onset of the complaints and therefore consultation of a neurologist will often be necessary fortunately special drugs for dizziness are not recommended as their effectiveness has not been proven among the causes of nonvertigo dizziness complaints HV often in the context of anxiety disorder is a major cause in GA the nhg succeeded in compiling a practical guideline" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 979 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2612", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "VBS" ], "offsets": [ [ 516, 519 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "vertebrobasilar system" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2614", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "objective to evaluate the prognosis of tall cell variant tcv compared to usual variant uv PTC TC by comparing diseaserelated mortality and recurrence data from published studies methods ovid medline keyword search using TCV papillary TC was used to identify studies published in english that calculated diseaserelated mortality and recurrence rates for both tcv and uv results a total of cases of TCV PTC TC were reviewed the combined odds ratio of recurrence for tcv compared to uv is with a confid with LD exacerbate involuntary movements the dopamine partial dd agonist pardoprunox reverses motor deficits in MPTP hydrochloride mptptreated primates without hyperactivity indicating that pardoprunox may alleviate dyskinesia without compromising ldopas beneficial actions this T0 examines a clinical scenario in which pardoprunox was introduced in an LD sparing strategy to existing LD treatment in mptptreated marmosets previously primed to express dyskinesia ldopa mgkg produced effects which were stable over the treatment days of increased locomotor activity reversed motor disability and marked dyskinesia pardoprunox slv mgkg plus LD mgkg administration increased locomotor activity over the same treatment period and initially produced an equivalent reversal of motor disability compared to LD however this effect was enhanced as treatment PD this reflected the prolonged duration of effect of pardoprunox compared to that of LD while pardoprunox plus LD treatment initially produced dyskinesia to the same extent as ldopa alone the intensity diminished as treatment progressed and it was significantly different at the end of the T0 on subsequent LD challenge there was no difference in motor disability reversal between those animals previously treated with pardoprunox plus LD compared to ldopa CT but the combination treatment produced significantly less dyskinesia these data suggest that pardoprunox may provide therapeutic benefit in mid to late stage pd by reducing dyskinesia while maintaining efficacy when used with concomitant LD treatment" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2060 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2615", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TCV" ], "offsets": [ [ 397, 400 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "tall cell variant" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2617", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "endobronchial ultrasoundguided transbronchial needle aspiration ebustbna offers a minimally invasive alternative to mediastinoscopy with additional access to the hilar nodes a better safety profile and it removes the costs and hazards of theatre time and general anesthesia with comparable sensitivity although the negative predictive value of mediastinoscopy and sample size is greater ebus tbna also obtains larger samples than conventional tbna has superior performance and theoretically is safer allowing realtime sampling under direct vision it can also have predictive value both in sonographic appearance of the NO and histological characteristics ebustbna is therefore indicated for nsclc staging diagnosis of LC when there is no endobronchial lesion and diagnosis of both benign especially tuberculosis and sarcoidosis and malignant mediastinal lesions the procedure is different than for FB takes longer and requires more training ebustbna is more expensive than conventional tbna but can save costs by reducing the number of more costly mediastinoscopies in the future EBUS may have applications in airways disease and pulmonary vascular disease" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1156 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2618", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FB" ], "offsets": [ [ 898, 900 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "flexible bronchoscopy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2620", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "uv radiation uvr induces serious structural and PET alterations in human skin leading to skin aging and carcinogenesis reactive oxygen species are key players in uvrmediated photodamage and induce the dnabaseoxidized intermediate hydroxydeoxyguanosine ohdg herein we report the protective action of melatonin against uvrinduced ohdg formation and depletion of antioxidative enzymes using ex vivo human fullthickness skin exposed to uvr in a dose mjcm and timedependent manner hr postuvr dynamics of SD of antioxidative enzymes including catalase cat glutathione peroxidase gpx and superoxide dismutase sod or ohdg formation were studied by realtime pcr and immunofluorescenceimmunohistochemical staining uvrtreated skin revealed significant and immediate hr mjcm reduction of mRNA and this effect intensified within hr postuvr simultaneous increase in ohdgpositive keratinocytes occurred already after hr postuvr reaching and upregulation at and mjcm respectively p preincubation with melatonin m led to and significant reductions in ohdgpositive cells and the prevention of antioxidative enzyme gene and protein suppression thus melatonin was shown to play a crucial role as a potent antioxidant and dna protectant against uvrinduced oxidative damage in human skin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1265 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2621", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "mRNA" ], "offsets": [ [ 776, 780 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "gene expression" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2623", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "bricks collected from a contaminated village muslyumovo of the lower techa river valley southern urals russia were measured using TL and optically stimulated luminescence by four EU laboratories and a us laboratory to establish and compare the applied dose reconstruction methodologies the bricks collected from yearold buildings had accumulated a relatively high dose due to natural sources of radiation in the brick and from the surrounding environment this work represents the results of a first international intercomparison of luminescence measurements for bricks from the southern urals the luminescence measurements of absorbed dose in bricks collected from the most shielded locations of the same buildings were used to determine the BG dose due to natural sources of radiation and to validate the age of the bricks the absorbed dose in different bricks measured by four laboratories using TL and optically stimulated luminescence at a depth of mm from the exposed brick surface agreed within T3 subtraction of the NK background dose the absorbed dose in brick due to contaminated river sediments and banks was calculated and found to range between and mgy the cumulative doses in brick due to manmade sources of radiation at and mm depths in the bricks were also measured and found to be consistent with depth dose profiles calculated by MC simulations of photon transport for possible source distributions" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1415 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2624", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TL" ], "offsets": [ [ 130, 132 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "thermoluminescence" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2626", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the safety and tau of a newly developed intravenous formulation of the nonionic UCA gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acidbismethylamide formulated as gadodiamide i.t. was investigated in patients who underwent spinecho magnetic resonance mr imaging before and T3 UCA enhancement the enhanced images had characteristics judged similar to those of images enhanced by means of available gadolinium EDC in patients UCA administration was of major diagnostic help either revealing lesions not apparent without enhancement or providing important lesion characterization in patients the lack of abnormal enhancement patterns was important in excluding the presence of disease in three patients the contrast agent did not provide information additional to that obtained with the unenhanced WI no clinically significant changes were observed in vital signs neurologic status or laboratory results the authors conclude that in this limited series gadodiamide i.t. proved to be a safe and useful mr imaging contrast agent for evaluation of the central nervous system and surrounding structures" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1090 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2627", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "WI" ], "offsets": [ [ 790, 792 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "t and tweighted images" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2629", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "an assay based on inhibition of cp effect of HIV virus hiv strains in molt cells was developed to quantitate NT antibodies na in sera of HIV+ individuals the assay was specific and gave results comparable to those obtained by the inhibition of immunofluorescence ifi and reverse transcriptase rt activity attempts were made to correlate the presence and the antibody titres with the clinical status of hivinfected individuals classified according to WR staging classification scheme na titres correlated inversely with the stage of hiv infection compared with AIDS syndrome aids patients hivinfected subjects at stage wr had significantly higher na titres moreover a decrease in na titre in relation to clinical deterioration was noted in sequential sera of eight of aids patients retrospectively examined for na the symptomless subjects showed either the same level of na or a trend towards an increasing antibody titre with time different isolates of hiv strains showed a variability in the extent of sensitivity to neutralization by sera obtained from different HIV+ individuals" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1081 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2630", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "WR" ], "offsets": [ [ 450, 452 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "walter reed" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2632", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in alzheimers disease ad PNs in the cerebellum are spared while for instance pyramidal SN in the hippocampus are neuropathologically affected several lines of evidence suggest that the pathogenesis could be induced by the concentrationdependent polymerization of the amyloid betapeptide abeta into extracellular oligomers the role of intracellular abeta is not fully investigated but recent data indicate that also this pool could be of importance here we use LCM microscopy for isolation of PNs from ad cases and controls and quantify the low C2 of intracellular abeta using a novel and highly CS elisa similar to CA pyramidal neurons the intracellular levels of the most toxic variant abeta as well as the abetaabeta ratio were increased in PNs from SAD cases as compared to controls however the C2 of abeta as well as abeta were clearly lower in purkinje neurons than in pyramidal SN based on the volume of the captured PNs the intraneuronal concentrations of abeta were calculated to be nm in SAD cases and nm in controls the corresponding concentrations in pyramidal neurons from hippocampus were mum and nm respectively the abeta concentration was not significantly altered in ad cases compared to controls however we found ten times higher concentration of abeta in pyramidal neurons mum compared to purkinje neurons mum finally we suggest that high concentration of intracellular abeta correlates with vulnerability to ad neuropathology" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1444 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2633", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CA" ], "offsets": [ [ 615, 617 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cornu ammonis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2635", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "proteolytic fragments of amyloid and PTM of tau species in cerebrospinal fluid csf as well as CBF amyloid deposition are important biomarkers for alzheimers disease we conducted genomewide association study to identify genetic AF influencing csf biomarker level CBF amyloid deposition and disease progression the genomewide association T0 was performed via a metaanalysis of two nonoverlapping discovery sample sets to identify genetic SCV other than apoe ε predictive of the csf biomarker level aβ ttau ptaup ttauaβ ratio and ptaupaβ ratio in patients enrolled in the alzheimers disease neuroimaging initiative adni study loci passing a genomewide significance threshold of p x were followedup for replication in an independent sample set we also performed joint metaanalysis of both discovery sample sets together with the replication sample set in the discovery phase we identified variants in fraac associated with csf aβ level passing the genomewide significance threshold directly genotyped snv rs pfe x imputed snv rs pfe x rs ponesided achieved replication this association became stronger in the joint metaanalysis directly genotyped snv rs pfe x imputed snv rs pfe x additionally we identified locus q imputed snv rs pfe x associated with csf aβ level no other SCV passed the genomewide significance threshold for other csf biomarkers in either the discovery sample sets or joint analysis gene set enrichment analyses suggested that targeted genes mediated by mir mir and mir were EC in various gwas analyses this finding is particularly important because csf biomarkers confer disease susceptibility and may be predictive of the likelihood of PD in alzheimers disease" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1684 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2636", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PTM" ], "offsets": [ [ 37, 40 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "posttranslational modification" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2638", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "racemic picenadol is being tested clinically as an analgesic the enantiomer of picenadol is an opioid agonist and the enantiomer is a weak agonistantagonist the disposition of racemic c picenadol was studied in healthy men T3 a single dose was administered im n and orally n T3 the dose virtually none of the radioactivity that appeared in blood was associated with the red cells in plasma approximately of the radioactivity was attributable to the parent drug the remainder being picenadol glucuronide approximately and other metabolites the t for total radioactivity was hr that for the unchanged drug was hr picenadol was present in plasma almost exclusively as the enantiomer however T3 incubation with GUS and sulfatase plasma contained to times more than picenadol indicating that more conjugated picenadol than conjugated picenadol was in the plasma T3 im and p.o. of cpicenadol plasma levels of radioactivity were generally and times higher than those in saliva respectively more than of the po radioactivity was excreted in the urine mostly as picendol TG and lesser amounts of picenadol sulfate and ndesmethylpicenadol sulfate only about of the po dose of picenadol appeared unchanged in urine the disposition of racemic picenadol in humans was stereoselective the picenadol apparently being metabolized preferentially over the enantiomer this finding was of particular interest in view of the dissimilar pharmacologic MICs of the enantiomersabstract truncated at words" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1479 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2639", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "GUS" ], "offsets": [ [ 707, 710 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "glucuronidase" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2641", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "accumulating evidence suggests that nicotine a drug that stimulates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors may be of therapeutic value in FPD beneficial effects may be severalfold one of these is a protective action against nigrostriatal damage this possibility stems from the results of epidemiological studies that consistently demonstrate an inverse correlation between tobacco use and parkinsons disease this reduced incidence of FPD has been attributed to the NIC in tobacco products at least in part based on exp work showing a protective effect of NIC against toxic insults second several studies suggest a symptomatic effect of nicotine in FPD although effects are small and somewhat variable third recent data in nonhuman primates show that nicotine attenuates levodopainduced dyskinesias a debilitating side effect that develops in the majority of patients on levodopa therapy collectively these observations suggest that nicotine or cns selective nicotinic receptor ligands hold promise for parkinsons disease therapy to reduce disease progression improve PS andor decrease levodopainduced dyskinesias" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1107 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2642", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NIC" ], "offsets": [ [ 460, 463 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nicotine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2644", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the detrimental effect of exogenous lactate during ischaemia on postischaemic contractile CF may be mediated either by a lactateinduced intracellular h load or by an increase in intracellular lactate to distinguish between these two mechanisms isolated rat NF were perfused with lactate or Pyr during LF ischaemia the rationale being that both would decrease h efflux via lactateh cotransport and lead to decreased ph but only exogenous lactate would decrease lactate efflux and lead to increased intracellular lactate p nmr spectra were acquired sequentially while hearts were subjected to min low flow mlmin ischaemia and min reperfusion during ischaemia NF were perfused with KH buffer containing mm glucose controls or mm gl plus either mm lactate or mm Pyr reperfusion of all hearts was with buffer containing only gl intracellular volume estimated to be mlheart using p nmr spectroscopy with phosphonate space markers did not change under any of the ischaemic conditions during the protocol control and Pyr hearts recovered approximately of preischaemic contractile function but there was no recovery of function in lactate NF this lack of REC correlated with a loss of atp during ischaemia which was significantly greater p than the loss of atp in control and pyruvateperfused NF endischaemic intracellular ph was in both lactateperfused and control hearts but significantly lower p at ph in pyruvateperfused hearts both exogenous pyruvate and lactate should have decreased h efflux however the higher ph in the lactateperfused hearts could be explained by a inhibition of glycolysis determined by measurement of myocardial lactate productionl plateletpoor plasma respectively PLT dysfunction in the presence of arterial aneurysm does not appear to have been reported previously" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1785 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2645", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KH" ], "offsets": [ [ 679, 681 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "krebshenseleit" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2647", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the mechanisms of dopamine da release CE nerve endings have been investigated utilizing superfused rat striatal synaptosomes NOM was selected as a tool to discriminate between PR mediated by the da carrier and PR occurring independently of the carrier the following conclusions can be drawn from the results obtained alterations of the sodium gradient across the synaptosomal membrane induced by omission of extracellular na or by ouabain enhanced the PR of hda from prelabeled synaptosomes the PR was blocked by NOM and therefore it was carriermediated the release of da elicited by amphetamine and related phenylethylamines was nomifensinesensitive suggesting that the released da existed from synaptosomes through the membrane carrier depolarization of synaptosomes by high k triggered the PR of both newly taken up and newly synthesized da the calciumdependent PR of da induced by high k veratridine of by the ionophore a was not affected by the carrier blocker NOM and may occur by an exocyticlike process the effects of AP and neuroleptics on the stimulusevoked release of da do not support the existence of a presynaptic receptormediated GABA control of da release identical to that described for noradrenaline" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1217 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2648", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NOM" ], "offsets": [ [ 966, 969 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nomifensine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2650", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "dalanine and diaminopimelic acid originating from bacterial peptidoglycans and hydroxy fatty acids from lipopolysaccharides ET were analysed by gas chromatography using a chiral column chirasilval as stationary phase and selectedion monitoring PCD with negativeion chemicalionization mass spectrometry the amino acids were analysed as nheptafluorobutyryl isobutyl esters after rapid hydrolysis of PGN followed by isolation of the amino acids with disposable ionexchange columns racemization of amino acid enantiomers was controlled by using deuterium chloride in the hydrolysis the hydroxy acids were analysed as opentafluorobenzoyl methyl esters most of the bacteria present in airborne dust from a poultry confinement building were found to be grampositive according to the analytical chemical method whereas the LAL test suggested the presence of appreciable amounts of lipopolysaccharides of GN bacteria further studies are required to compare the utility of these two methods for determining ET in complex environments" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1023 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2651", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LAL" ], "offsets": [ [ 815, 818 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "limulus amoebocyte lysate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2653", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "extremely lowbirthweight elbw infants frequently manifest signs of cardiac dysfunction requiring inotropic support it is not clear if this is due to cardiac injury which can be monitored by measuring cardiac troponin t ctnt we performed a nested prospective cohort T0 at a university level iii NIC unit the study included infants weighing between and g exclusion criteria included evidence of sepsis use of PN CS and cardiac anomalies measurements included SS ctnt and echocardiogram in the first hours of life the mean serum ctnt level of the study population was ngml it was higher in those with lower apgar scores if minute apgar vs ngml p and correlated to initial BD r p infants who required inotropic support had higher ctnt levels than those who did not vs ngml p ctnt concentrations did not relate to simultaneous echocardiographic measures of cardiac CF in elbw infants serum ctnt C2 are higher than normally seen in term infants and adults and they are higher in infants with greater perinatal AS as well as those who show evidence of cardiac dysfunction requiring pressor support" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1090 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2654", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BD" ], "offsets": [ [ 669, 671 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "base deficit" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2656", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "this study aimed to develop a new psychometric instrument to assess vulnerability to risk of suicide and nonfatal selfharm behaviour in young adult male and female offenders in total three studies were conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the new instrument using both exploratory and CFA in different samples participants in all three studies included a total of young adult offenders across six her majestys prisons the new SF-36 suicide concerns for offenders in prison environment scope contained items scoring on two subscales the factorial structure of the new instrument initially obtained with exploratory factor analysis was subsequently confirmed in a new sample the internal consistency of the two subscales were acceptable but the testretest reliability coefficients were moderate concurrent validation with the BHS was acceptable and scope showed the ability to discriminate between those at risk and those with no known history of attempted suicide and nonfatal selfharm behaviour p" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1010 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2657", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BHS" ], "offsets": [ [ 838, 841 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "beck hopelessness scale" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2659", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "three of the five alpha IE1 gene products of herpes simplex virus INF cell proteins icps and play a role in the control of expression of viral beta DE and gamma late genes we report here that icp can inhibit or augment the individual or combined abilities of icp and icp to stimulate expression of chimeric genes containing viral gene promoters in a transient expression system the specific effect of icp was dependent on the viral gene promoter in the chimeric gene icp inhibited the ability of icp and icp to activate some beta gene promoters but augmented their ability to activate other beta or gamma gene promoters when they were used in the target genes activation of the target genes by adenovirus ea was not affected by icp under the same conditions icp also repressed the ability of icp to stimulate expression of a chimeric gene containing an alpha gene promoter IS of a termination codon in the middle of the icp coding region severely reduced the GABA effect of the plasmid indicating that this activity requires expression of PET icp polypeptide this report focuses on the icp activity that negatively regulates icp transactivation of a chimeric gene containing the upstream sequences of the hsv beta gene icp icp decreased the level of mrna initiated at the transcriptional start site of the icp gene the level of expression of the icp gene was not changed by icp but an alteration in the electrophoretic mobility of icp expressed was observed the modulatory effect of icp on hsv transactivators may control the progress of the lytic cycle or provide a balance that varies in different cell types to affect whether lytic or latent infection ensues" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1661 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2660", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DE" ], "offsets": [ [ 148, 150 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "delayedearly" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2662", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "human in vivo molecular imaging with positron emission tomography pet enables a new kind of precision pharmacology able to address questions CE to drug OD biodistribution studies with drug molecules carrying positronemitting radioisotopes can test whether a NCE reaches a target tissue compartment such as the BB in sufficient amounts to be pharmacologically active competition studies using a radioligand that binds to the target of therapeutic interest with adequate specificity enable direct assessment of the relationship between drug plasma concentration and target occupancy tailored radiotracers can be used to measure relative rates of biological processes while radioligands specific for tissue markers expected to NC with treatment can provide specific pharmacodynamic information integrated application of pet and magnetic resonance imaging mri methods allows molecular interactions to be related directly to anatomical or physiological changes in a tissue applications of imaging in early drug OD can suggest approaches to patient stratification for a personalized medicine able to deliver higher value from a drug after approval although imaging experimental medicine adds complexity to early drug OD and costs per patient are high AGA use can increase returns on r and d investment by improving early decision making to reduce new drug attrition in later stages we urge that the potential value of a translational molecular imaging strategy be considered routinely and at the earliest stages of new drug OD" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1520 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2663", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NCE" ], "offsets": [ [ 258, 261 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "new chemical entity" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2665", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "EMC is an uncommon lowgrade malignant epithelial neoplasm composed of variable proportions of ductular cells and C1 clear staining myoepithelial cells arranged around the periphery of the ducts about cases have been reported in the world literature most of which were located in salivary PG except for a few cases occurring in unusual locations such as breast lacrimal gland nose paranasal sinus trachea bronchus and lung we here reported the second case of EMC of the nasal cavity with extension to the nasopharynx the patient was a year old chinese female with two months history of progressive nasal obstruction histopathologically the tumor showgents that are under extensive investigation in PCTs in patients with various solid PT the taxanes have demonstrated significant activity against many solid tumors as single agents and in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents in addition paclitaxel and docetaxel arrest cells at the gm phase of the Tc which is the most radiosensitive phase numerous clinical trials have assessed paclitaxelbased chemoradiation therapy in a variety of RT types including nonsmallcell lung cancer smallcell lung CA head and neck cancers EC BT pancreatic and gastric PT and LABC fewer clinical trials have assessed docetaxel plus radiation therapy in these RT types this review highlights recent PCTs of the taxanes in combination with radiation therapy for solid PT" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1405 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2666", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "EMC" ], "offsets": [ [ 458, 461 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "epithelialmyoepithelial carcinoma" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2668", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "several thermodynamic properties of ice ih ii and iii are studied by a quasiharmonic approximation and compared to results of quantum path integral and CP simulations this approximation allows to obtain thermodynamic information at a fraction of the computational cost of standard simulation methods and at the same time permits studying quantum effects related to zeropoint vibrations of the atoms specifically we have studied the crystal volume bulk modulus KE enthalpy and heat capacity of the three ice phases as a function of temperature and pressure the flexible qtippf MM of water was employed for this T0 although the results concerning the capability of the quasiharmonic approximation are expected to be valid independently of the employed water MM the quasiharmonic approximation reproduces with reasonable accuracy the results of quantum and classical simulations showing an improved PA at low temperatures t k this agreement does not deteriorate as a function of pressure as long as it is not too close to the limit of mechanical stability of the ice phases" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1070 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2669", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KE" ], "offsets": [ [ 460, 462 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "kinetic energy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2671", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "fifty stage heterogeneous urinary bladder carcinomas were immunostained for cathepsin b a lysosomal endoproteinase putatively associated with tumor invasion neoplastic cell B6 immunoreactivity was strongly correlated to both WHO positive versus iii positive p and invasion beyond the lamina propria tat positive versus tt positive p most low grade papillary PT displayed a granular c-ANCA compatible with lysosomal distribution in contrast to high grade tumors in which diffuse staining was present in the cytoplasm IF was also accentuated at the advancing front of invading PT and in angiolymphatic tumor emboli nonneoplastic MNC inflammatory cells particularly those at the hosttumor interface displayed VL sometimes intense IF strong tumorcell B6 was more frequent among recurrent tcc than in patients who remain free of disease versus n t cystectomy yr min followup we conclude these observed IF patterns and gradestage associations are compatible with an important biological role for B6 in facilitating host invasion in some bladder PT C2 andor distribution of B6 may also be of potential value in defining clinically aggressive RT subsets" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1145 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2672", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "c-ANCA" ], "offsets": [ [ 382, 388 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cytoplasmic staining pattern" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2674", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in a randomized prospective doubleblind multicenter trial the effect of lowdose conventional heparin iu h was compared to a low molecular weight lmw heparin fragment antifactor xa u h patients years or older undergoing elective abdominal surgery were included correctly treated had malignant diseases the groups did not differ in risk AF analysis was made both on the basis of intention to treat and correct prophylaxis no difference in results between these groups was seen UEDVT ifibrinogen occurred in of the LDH group and in of the lmw heparin group there was a significant delay in the onset of deep vein thrombosis in the lmw heparin group mortality peroperative blood loss transfusions or infectious complications did not differ hemorrhagic complications occurred significantly more often in the lmw heparin group than in the lowdose heparin group significantly fewer patients experienced local i.t. pain in the lmw heparin group aptt and at iii were similar in both groups but antixa activity was significantly higher in the lmw heparin group single daily lmw heparin i.t. reduced the frequency of deep vein thrombosis to the same level as LDH twice daily the dose or administration interval of lmw heparin in this T0 caused significantly more one complications" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1269 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2675", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "UEDVT" ], "offsets": [ [ 475, 480 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "deep vein thrombosis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2677", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the location and size of brain lesions were compared between two CG of patients showing persisting global aphasia according to the criteria of the aachen aphasia test aat the G1 comprised patients suffering from severe hemiparesis for more than months the patients of the second group showed either no hemiparesis at all or motor disturbance at the onset of the disorder with pCR within year the sizes of the BB lesions were determined by means of ct scans the location of the lesions was defined by a statistical model of the brain with labelled anatomical structure which allowed an interindividual comparison in the ct scans the infarcted areas of the brains of patients with hemiparesis always D2 to the wall of the lateral IVT thus including the whole corona radiata with the PT the infarcted areas of the patients without hemiparesis and with transient hemiparesis spared parts of the deep VWM the data obtained via ct scans are of prognostic value for patients with transient hemiparesis since determination of the extent of the lesion by means of ct permits an initial estimate on the possible later degree and quality of the motor REC" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1143 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2678", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "REC" ], "offsets": [ [ 1140, 1143 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "recovery" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2680", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "from to children with splenic traumas were observed at the pediatric surgery of parma the diagnosis was confirmed by splenic scintigraphy with m Tc those patients whose condition was SD with intravenous fluids or blood transfusions were not operated on emergency LAP was necessary only in cases of patients when the general conditions were unstable" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 348 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2681", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Tc" ], "offsets": [ [ 145, 147 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "technetium" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2683", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a national household probability sample of adolescents aged to years was interviewed by telephone about substance use victimization experiences familial substance use and posttraumatic reactions to identify risk factors for DSM of mental disordersth ed american psychiatric association defined substance abusedependence age and ethnicity data were available for participants major findings were a adolescents who had been physically assaulted who had been sexually assaulted who had witnessed violence or who had family members with alcohol or drug use problems had increased risk for current substance abusedependence b posttraumatic AS disorder independently increased risk of marijuana and hard drug abusedependence and c when effects of other variables were controlled african americans but not hispanics or native americans were at approximately the risk of substance abusedependence as caucasians" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 902 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2684", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DSM" ], "offsets": [ [ 224, 227 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "diagnostic and statistical manual" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2686", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "PSD with lewy HB appears to be the second most common form of PSD accounting for about one in five cases the condition is characterized by dementia accompanied by delirium visual hallucinations and PD other common PS include syncope falls SD and depression the presence of both lewy bodies and amyloidplaques with deficiencies in both acetylcholine and dopamine neurotransmitters suggests that DLB represents the middle of a disease spectrum ranging from alzheimers disease to parkinsons disease the diagnosis of DLB is based on clinical features and exclusion of other diagnoses individualized behavioral environmental and pharmacologic therapies are used to alleviate symptoms and support patients and their families cholinesterase inhibitors are more ERP in patients who have DLB than in those with alzheimers disease conversely patients who have DLB do not respond as well to antiparkinsonian medications anticholinergic medications should be avoided because they exacerbate the symptoms of dementia traditional AP medications can precipitate severe reactions and may double or triple the rate of mortality in patients who have PSD with lewy bodies" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1152 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2687", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AP" ], "offsets": [ [ 1016, 1018 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "antipsychotic" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2689", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "purified HSP acid phosphatase is inhibited by sodium fluoride and l tartrate and inhibitions i have been obtained at x and x m concentrations respectively by lineweaverburk plot sodium fluoride shows MK-801 type of inhibition ackermann plot indicates that sodium fluoride is a reversible inhibitor of SP acid phosphatase on polyacrylamide activity gel PACE and by densitometric scan a single molecular form of acid phosphatase has been identified in human seminal plasma inhibition patterns by sodium fluoride and l tartrate have also been performed by polyacrylamide activity gel PACE and almost CR inhibition of hydrolysis of alphanapthol phosphate is observed at mm and mm of sodium fluoride and l tartrate respectively" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 722 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2690", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HSP" ], "offsets": [ [ 9, 12 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "human seminal plasma" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2692", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the dissociation constants ki hihi of two sulfonephthalein indicators BCP and PR were determined as function of temperature degrees c at zero ionic strength FW ph on the free pH scale molal units can be precisely calculated from measurements of indicator absorbance ratios lambdaalambdaa using the following equations ph pki logr ee re and pki pkidegrees adeltazmu mu mu where r lambdaalambdaa pki log ki mu is the ionic strength deltaz and values of a for or t or can be estimated from the equation a t x x for BCP lambda nm lambda nm pkidegrees t e e and e for PR lambda nm lambda nm pkidegrees t e e and e these two indicators can be used to make accurate ph measurements of freshwaters river water lake water groundwater rainwater etc within the range or ph or the precision of ph measurements using PR in wellbuffered freshwaters is on the order of or better" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 863 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2693", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BCP" ], "offsets": [ [ 512, 515 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "bromocresol purple" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2695", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the characteristics of iron stores built up by a new parenteral ironpoly sorbitolgluconic acid complex ferastral have been studied in iron depleted nonanemic blood donors the results from studies on the first three subjects are presented the availability of this storage iron for the chelator desferrioxamine was found to be in the same range as normal iron stores the DP of distribution in reticuloendothelial cells of the bone marrow could not be differentiated from NK storage iron no visible iron could be detected in PC days after iron administration the results from these preliminary studies suggests normal bioavailability of this material for hbsynthesis the absence of iron in PC might be explained by the short time interval between the iron administration and the fine needle aspiration biopsy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 805 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2696", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PC" ], "offsets": [ [ 522, 524 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "liver parenchymal cells" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "2698", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the colonypromoting activities of recombinant granulocytemacrophage colonystimulating factor rgmcsf and rG-CSF rgcsf on primary and secondary colony formation by blast progenitors leukemic colonyforming units lcfu from patients with acute myeloblastic leukemia aml were examined using blast colony CA and compared to colony promotion stimulated by phytohemagglutininstimulated leukocyteconditioned medium phalcm recombinant gmcsf stimulated blast colonies in out of cases examined case not done the magnitude of stimulation by rgmcsf varied significantly according to the type of aml but in GA was lower than that of phalcm blast cells of type m did not form any colonies with rgmcsf although numerous colonies were produced with phalcm type m blasts formed fairly C1 numbers of colonies though slightly less than those stimulated by phalcm blasts of type m and m formed colonies with the stimulation of rgmcsf but the numbers were considerably smaller than type m and those stimulated with phalcm recombinant gcsf stimulated blast colonies in only out of cases of them being type m the number of cases responding to rgcsf was significantly smaller than that responding to rgmcsf and even in cases in which colonies were formed the magnitude of stimulation was minimal from these results it seems likely that blast cells of different types of aml require a different kind of csf for their optimal growth type m blasts responded to the stimulation of rgmcsf well but blasts of other types of aml responded poorly thus except for type m csfs other than rgmcsf seems to be required for the sufficient growth of lcfu recombinant gcsf is not likely to play an essential role in the proliferation of leukemic blasts of most types previous SE to rgmcsf and rgcsf did not alter the selfrenewal capacity cellular phenotype and morphology of colony cells indicating that the direction and degree of differentiation of lcfu stimulated by rgmcsf or rgcsf were not different from those stimulated with phalcm" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1995 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "2699", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "rG-CSF" ], "offsets": [ [ 104, 110 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "recombinant granulocyte colonystimulating factor" } ] } ]