[ { "id": "3601", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "to determine the pharmacokinetics pk of vancomycin in chinese infant patients using a PPK pkk approach in order to provide support for individualized vancomycin therapy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 168 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3602", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PPK" ], "offsets": [ [ 86, 89 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "population pharmacokinetic" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3604", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "mass population screening for asymptomatic neoplastic disease is now national policy in the uk for breast cancer and has been established for many years in the early diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix cancer screening is based on the concept that treatment is more ERP when the disease is localised and aims to detect it when it is at a less advanced clinicopathological stage prior to the development of PS because CC develops in benign adenomatous polyps which are often amenable to endoscopic resection screening may both reduce the incidence of the disease as well as improving outcome from it flexible sigmoidoscopy screening focuses mainly on the PCD of potentially malignant adenomas their endoscopic removal producing a decrease in CC incidence it is a promising approach but conclusive data on effectiveness from a medical research councilsponsored multicentre randomised controlled trial will not be available before FOB testing aims to preferentially detect early stage invasive disease three RCT of FOB screening show that the disease can be detected earlier in its OD leading to reduced mortality from the diseaseand that this is achieved at reasonable cost the department of health is currently giving consideration to its national implementation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1262 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3605", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FOB" ], "offsets": [ [ 929, 932 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "faecal occult blood" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3607", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "nhexadecanoylaminonitrophenyl phosphorylcholinehydroxide a compound resembling sphingomyelin is synthesized it is cleaved by sphingomyelinase to the chromogenic nacylaminonitrophenyl moiety phospholipase c preparations do not hydrolyze this compound the starting material is aminonitrophenol which when acylated with palmitoyl chloride yields the hexadecananilide reaction with betabromoethylphosphoryldichloride gives the phosphate which is quaternized with TMA to give the title compound" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 489 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3608", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TMA" ], "offsets": [ [ 459, 462 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "trimethylamine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3610", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in view of previous conflicting reports the distribution of a water overload was investigated in healthy volunteers the fall in serum sodium was predictable from prior measurement of total body water tritium confirming that the induced hyponatraemia was dilutional using a standard IVF regimen a prospective T0 for days on patients undergoing L1 abdominal surgery established a confidence band for NC in SS sodium concentration this band not only enables precise prediction of whether observed sodium values in patients are normal for that point in their postoperative course but also demonstrates that changes are more prolonged than was at first thought their dilutional nature following uncomplicated surgery is supported by linear relationships between serum osmolality and serum sodium sosm sna p and between observed and calculated osmolality obsosm calcosm p more detailed investigation of patients by ID provided independent evidence of dilutione quail breeder diet had ingredient ranges of to dates to date meat and to date pits the date ingredient diets supported broiler weights and feed conversions comparable to or better than the control diet quail breeder FC decreased at the date level however in the second trial dates supported normal intake EP and EW on all date and date part diets were equal to those of the control" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1336 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3611", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "EP" ], "offsets": [ [ 1260, 1262 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "egg production" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3613", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the interaction between the phase of the breathing cycle and the carotid baroreflex heart rate control was studied in fifteen healthy subjects with special REF to respiratory sinus arrhythmia rsa carotid baroreceptors were stimulated by neck suction with a standardized PLB pattern two types of experiment were performed a neck suction applied in counter phase with the respiratory arterial pressure variations this reduced the amplitude and shifted the phase of the transmural CAP oscillations but did not influence the rsa b during active as well as ventilator assisted breathing brief periods of NS were applied during either inspiration insufflation or expiration NS during active inspiration did not NC the amplitude of the rsa but when applied during expiration increased it by beats x min p less than in the ventilator experiments NS during insufflation and expiration augmented the rsa equally by beats x min p less than the results indicate a decreased sensitivity of the carotid arterial baroreflex during AS inspiration with no equivalent during assisted breathing and suggest that the NC in baroreflex sensibility is a prerequisite for the rise of the rsa" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1167 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3614", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NS" ], "offsets": [ [ 668, 670 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "neck suction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3616", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the authors describe a unique case of an yearold girl with a germinoma located in the left basal ganglia medical PH begins months before with a CDI loss of weight kg at admission vomiting and asthenia computed tomography ct and cranial magnetic resonance imaging mri are performed and demonstrate a left BG tumour nucleus lentiformis diabetes insipidus is considered as nonvisible germinoma localization on the pituitary stalk rather than as a possible consequence of peritumoural oedema surrounding the hypothalamus spinal mri is normal neurological as well as GA examination is normal" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 586 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3617", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CDI" ], "offsets": [ [ 144, 147 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "central diabetes insipidus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3619", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "HHV-8 envelopment is a twostep process which includes acquisition of a primary envelope resulting from budding of intranuclear capsids through the inner nuclear membrane F0 with the outer leaflet of the nuclear membrane releases nucleocapsids into the cytoplasm which then gain their final env by budding into transgolgi LDV it has been shown that the ul gene product is required for primary envelopment of the alphaherpesvirus PR virus prv b g klupp h granzow and t c mettenleiter j virol for secondary envelopment several virusencoded prv proteins are necessary including glycoproteins e i and m a r brack j m dijkstra h granzow b g klupp and t c mettenleiter j virol we show here that the product of the ul gene of prv which is a constituent of mature virions is involved in AA envelopment replication of a ul deletion mutant prvdeltaul was impaired in normal cells this defect could be complemented on cells stably expressing ul ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that intranuclear capsid maturation and budding of capsids into and PR from the perinuclear space were unimpaired however AA envelopment was drastically reduced instead apparently dnafilled capsids accumulated in the cytoplasm in LA similar to those observed in the absence of glycoproteins ei and m but lacking the surrounding electrondense tegument material although displaying an ordered structure capsids did not contact each other directly we postulate that the ul protein is necessary for correct addition of other tegument proteins which are required for AA envelopment in the absence of the ul protein capsids interact with each other through unknown components but do not acquire the electrondense tegument which is normally found around wildtype capsids during and after AA envelopment thus apposition of the ul protein to cytoplasmic capsids may be crucial for the addition of other tegument proteins which in turn are able to interact with viral glycoproteins to mediate secondary envelopment" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1975 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3620", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PR" ], "offsets": [ [ 428, 430 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pseudorabies" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3622", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the metabolism of dimethylhydrazine dmh was investigated in isolated perfused rat CL the separation of cdmh and its metabolites azomethane am azoxymethane aom and MAM mam was performed by OHP liquid chromatography hplc the fractions were quantitatively detected by LS counting of the radioactivity it was demonstrated that dmh is highly metabolized by the CL after h of perfusion the median amounts of dmh and its metabolites in the medium were dmh am aom mam of the given dose during this time and of the total radioactivity were eliminated as am and co in the oxygen stream of the perfusion apparatus were excreted by bile and stored in hepatic tissue the reaction rate t of each individual metabolic step was estimated by means of a mathematical kinetic model as follows dmh leads to am min am leads to aom min aom leads to mam min mam leads to min the results are discussed in comparison to in vivo experiments" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 914 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3623", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MAM" ], "offsets": [ [ 163, 166 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "methylazoxymethanol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3625", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "plant SO from arabidopsis thaliana has been characterized both spectroscopically and kinetically the enzyme is unusual in lacking the heme domain that is present in the otherwise highly rat enzyme from vertebrate sources in steadystate assays the enzyme exhibits a ph maximum of and is also found to function as a selenite oxidase sulfite at the lowest experimentally feasible concentrations reduces the enzyme within the deadtime of a stoppedflow SF-36 at degrees c indicating that the a thaliana enzyme has a limiting rate constant for reduction kred at least times greater than that of the chicken enzyme s the epr parameters for the high and lowph forms of the a thaliana enzyme have been determined and the gvalues are found to resemble those previously reported for the vertebrate enzymes finally the a thaliana enzyme has been probed by resonance RS a detailed analysis of the vibrational spectrum in the region where moo stretching modes are anticipated to occur has been performed with the help of DFT calculations evaluated in the context of the raman data calculated frequencies obtained for two MM systems have been compared to exp resonance raman spectra of Ox a thaliana sulfite oxidase catalytically cycled in both ho and ho the vibrational frequency shifts observed upon olabeling of the enzyme are consistent with theoretical models in which either the equatorial oxygen or both equatorial and axial atoms of the dioxomolybdenum center are labeled importantly the vibrational mode description is consistent with the AS site possessing geometrically inequivalent oxo ligands and a mo dxy redoxactive molecular orbital oriented in the equatorial plane forming a pibonding interaction solely with the equatorial oxo oeq electron occupancy of this mooeq pi redox orbital upon interaction with substrates would effectively labilize the mooeq bond providing the dominant contribution to lowering the activation SE for oxygen atom transfer" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1949 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3626", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SO" ], "offsets": [ [ 6, 8 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sulfite oxidase" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3628", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "serial CEA antigen cea levels were determined by both the roche ria and abbott eia methods in PC with extrahepatic biliary obstruction with benign extrahepatic obstruction with colonic CA without biliary obstruction and normal nonsmoking controls the rocheabbott cea ratios in the patients with malignant and benign obstruction mean ratios and respectively were significantly higher than those in patients with CC without biliary one and in normal controls mean ratios and respectively four patients with malignant obstructions were decompressed successfully bilirubin less than or equal to mgdl the ratios for two of these patients declined to normal while the ratios for the other two remained elevated despite decompression these findings show that some patients with benign or malignant biliary obstruction have elevated cea levels when measured by the roche ria but not with the abbott eia" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 894 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3629", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CC" ], "offsets": [ [ 411, 413 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "colon cancer" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3631", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "unlike in the adult brain the newborn brain specifically takes up serum Al during the postnatal period coinciding with the stage of maximal brain development here we shall summarize our knowledge about the role played by albumin in brain OD the role of this protein in brain OD is intimately related to its ability to carry fatty acids thus Al stimulates oleic acid synthesis by astrocytes from the main metabolic substrates available during brain OD astrocytes internalize Al in vesiclelike structures by receptormediated endocytosis which is followed by transcytosis including passage through the endoplasmic reticulum er the presence of albumin in the er activates the sterol regulatory elementbinding protein srebp and increases SCD scd mrna the key enzyme in OA acid synthesis oleic acid released by astrocytes is used by SN for the synthesis of phospholipids and is specifically incorporated into growth cones in addition OA acid promotes axonal growth neuronal clustering and the expression of the axonal growth associated protein gap all of these observations indicate neuronal differentiation the effect of OA on gap synthesis is brought about by the activation of protein kinase c the expression of gap is significantly increased by the presence of albumin in neurons cocultured with astrocytes indicating that neuronal differentiation takes place by the presence of OA acid synthesized and released by astrocytes in situ in conclusion during BB OD the presence of albumin could play an important role by triggering the synthesis and release of oleic acid by astrocytes thereby inducing neuronal differentiation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1621 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3632", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SCD" ], "offsets": [ [ 733, 736 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "stearoylcoa desaturase" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3634", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the in vitro effects of dehydroepiandrosterone dha and AE on human placental delta betahydroxysteroid dehydrogenase delta isomerase activity delta betahsdh was investigated by incubation of subcellular fractions with c pregnenolone it has been found that dha inhibits the delta betahsdh activity up to at x m concentration while AE seems to be able to lightly stimulate the delt a betahsdh activity with a maximum effect at x m concentration the data concerning AE seem of particular interest as this compound is used as a progestative drug during pregnancy if one consider the GABA effect exerted by several NK and synthetic CS on the delta betahsdh activity" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 659 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3635", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AE" ], "offsets": [ [ 462, 464 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "allylestrenol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3637", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "major aspects of TLE tle can be reproduced in mice following a unilateral injection of KA into the dorsal hippocampus this treatment induces a NCSE and acute lesion of ca cac and hilar SN followed by a latent phase with ongoing ipsilateral neuronal degeneration spontaneous focal seizures mark the ON of the CP in striking contrast the ventral hippocampus and the contralateral side remain structurally unaffected and seizurefree in this T0 PET and neurochemical alterations of the contralateral side were studied to find candidate mechanisms underlying the lack of a mirror focus in this model of tle a quantitative analysis of simultaneous bilateral eeg recordings revealed a significant decrease of theta oscillations ipsilaterally during the latent phase and bilaterally during the chronic phase furthermore the synchronization of bilateral activity which is very high in control was strongly reduced already during the latent phase and the decrease was independent of recurrent seizures immunohistochemical analysis performed in the CL hippocampus of kainatetreated mice revealed reduced calbindinlabeling of ca pyramidal cells downregulation of cck and upregulation of npylabeling in MFs and a RD of galanin immunoreactivity these changes collectively might limit neuronal excitability in ca and dentate gyrus as well as glu PR from mossy fiber terminals although these PET and neurochemical alterations might not be causally related they likely reflect longranging network alterations underlying the independent evolution of the two hippocampal formations during the development of an epileptic focus in this MM of tle" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1625 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3638", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KA" ], "offsets": [ [ 87, 89 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "kainic acid" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3640", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "bone morphogenetic protein bmp signaling exerts antitumor MICs in glioblastoma however its precise mechanisms remain to be elucidated here we demonstrated that the bmp IL-1RI alk encoded by the acvr gene has crucial roles in apoptosis induction of patientderived gliomainitiating cells gics tgs and tgs we also characterized a bmp target gene distalless homeobox dlx and found that dlx promoted apoptosis and neural differentiation of gics the tumorsuppressive effects of alk and dlx were further confirmed in a mouse orthotopic transplantation MM interestingly valproic acid vpa an antiepileptic compound induced bmp bmp acvr and dlx mrna expression with a concomitant increase in phosphorylation of smad consistently we showed that treatment with vpa induced apoptosis of gics whereas silencing of alk or dlx expression partially suppressed it our study thus reveals bmpmediated inhibitory mechanisms for glioblastoma which explains at least in part the therapeutic effects of vpa" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 982 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3641", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IL-1RI" ], "offsets": [ [ 168, 174 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "type i receptor" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3643", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we have identified a patient with MMA and homocystinuria due to a defect in cobalamin metabolism of the cbc type mutant at the time of admission at eight months of age the patient was malnourished hypotonic and had macrocytic anemia neonatal screening for hypermethioninemia associated with homocystinuria had been NS vitamin b was markedly increased and folate concentration was above normal as were urinary homocystine and methylmalonic acid the patient had abnormal BB stem auditory and visual evoked potentials FB activity of nmethyltetrahydrofolate homocysteine methyltransferase was reduced to approximately of concurrent controls a course of therapy with hydroxocobalamin resulted in a reduction in excretion of MMA acid and normalization of the evoked potentials these studies support the efficacy of hydroxocobalamin therapy in this disease suggest that MMA acid may be the most appropriate metabolite to monitor for therapeutic response and in importance of EP studies in character in objectively monitoring the response to treatment metabolic disease" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1061 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3644", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MMA" ], "offsets": [ [ 34, 37 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "methylmalonic aciduria" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3646", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the present T0 was undertaken to provide anatomical evidence in the rat for a direct projection from the cerebellum towards structures other than the RN which belong to the ventral midbrain tegmentum by using the retrograde as well as the anterograde horseradish peroxidase transport method following unilateral injection in the ventral midbrain tegmentum of horseradish peroxidase free or conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin sparing the RN retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the CL cerebellar lateral nucleus and at lower density in the IP no labeled SN were found in the fastigial nucleus of either side anterogradely labeled axons from lectin coupled horseradish peroxidase injection CS in the lateral and interpositus nuclei reached the contralateral ventral midbrain tegmentum terminal labeling was observed in the entire RN as well as in the lateral division of the VTA in the dorsal region of the substantia nigra pars compacta and in the medial part of the RRF no terminal labeling was found in the caudal linear nucleus interfascicular nucleus PP rostral linear nucleus of the raphe substantia nigra pars lateralis and the substantia nigra pars reticulata terminal labeling was also not observed in the ventral midbrain tegmentum following horseradish peroxidase injection in lateral and interpositus nuclei of rats pretreated with KA in conclusion it is noteworthy that besides the red nucleus the sole structures of VP midbrain tegmentum receiving cerebellar efferents are those with a higher density of dopaminergic cells" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1541 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3647", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IP" ], "offsets": [ [ 546, 548 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "interpositus nucleus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3649", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the liver trauma is still one of the major injury in thoracoabdominal trauma with increasing numbers and incidence in taiwan there is a trend toward a more conservative RPA in the treatment of CL trauma NOM for the stable patients with blunt CL trauma has been advocated in literature recently in veterans general hospitaltaipei fortyfive patients with CL trauma have been admitted to emergency department after accident in past four years eightythree percent of the trauma mechanism was blunt injury and seventeen percent penetrating there were ten patients selected as NOM and eight of them succeeded without T0 retrospective analyzing various AF including age trauma score revised TS injury severity score amount of hemoperitoneum blood loss and transfusion morbidity and hospitalization there are no statistic significances between nonoperative and operative groups except that nonoperative group are less amount of ABT we suggest that the decision to treat the patient without LAP is not based on the degree of hemoperitoneum or the grade of CL injury but rather on the stability of the patient and further evaluation is needed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1132 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3650", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TS" ], "offsets": [ [ 684, 686 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "trauma score" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3652", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the SH rat shr has a y chromosome locus that increases blood pressure this locus requires an androgen receptor and testosterone for maximum expression steroid sulfatase sts catalyzes the conversion of steroid sulfates to their active nonconjugated form in some mammals the steroid sulfatase locus sts is on the y chromosome although the rat sts is on the x chromosome we measured sts activity levels in shr and normotensive WK wky males shr had significantly higher sts activity in testes adrenal gland liver and hypothalamus the km values for sts in the two strains were not significantly different thus activity differences were likely due to differences in enzyme amounts sts activity was measured in the backcross strains shry and shra to test andor confirm a y chromosome influence on sts sts activity levels in these strains were intermediate between those of shr and wky because the blood pressures of shry and shra were also intermediate between shr and wky the sts activity could be a secondary response to the hypertension an alternative hypotheses is that a regulatory locus in addition to the structural locus is responsible for sts activity levels and this regulatory locus is on the rat y chromosome further T0 is needed to discriminate between these possibilities and until the second hypothesis can be eliminated the sts locus or its modifier loci remain a potential component of the y chromosome hypertensive locus" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1431 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3653", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "WK" ], "offsets": [ [ 424, 426 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "wistar kyoto" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3655", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the present study investigated the effects of skf chloromethylbutenyloxymethylh tetrahydrobenzazapine at pre and postjunctional alpha adrenoceptors in the human isolated RSV noradrenaline mumoll produced concentrationdependent contractions of the human saphenous vein which were competitively antagonised by the alpha adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin mumoll and the alpha AR antagonist rauwolscine mumoll indicating the presence of both postjunctional alpha and alpha ARs in this preparation the selective alpha AR agonist uk mumoll also produced concentrationdependent contractions of the human RSV which were antagonised by both rauwolscine mumoll and prazosin mumoll in the presence of angiotensin ii mumoll which itself produced a transient contraction rauwolscine mumoll produced a rightward shift of the uk concentrationresponse curve while prazosin mumoll had no effect skf mumoll under these conditions also produced a rightward shift of the concentrationresponse curve to uk but was at least fold less potent than rauwolscine at prejunctional alpha adrenoceptors exogenous noradrenaline and mumoll induced a concentrationdependent inhibition of stimulationevoked hnoradrenaline release from the human RSV in vitro which was antagonised by rauwolscine mumoll and tolazoline mumoll but not by skf mumollabstract truncated at words" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1337 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3656", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AR" ], "offsets": [ [ 372, 374 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "adrenoceptor" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3658", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "rabbits were subjected to BL ischemia for or h then euthanized and their bladders excised isolated strips of rb bladder detrusor were incubated in normal tyrodes solution and contractile responses to fs carbachol atp and kcl measured Emax Vmax of tension generation and length of time to maximal contraction were determined these studies revealed that contractile responses to fs neurogenic stimulation were most affected by ischemia contractile responses to carbachol atp and kcl were all similarly CS to ischemia" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 514 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3659", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Emax" ], "offsets": [ [ 234, 238 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "maximal contraction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3661", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the authors consider the extent to which psychotropic medications demonstrate benefits in the prevention of suicidal behavior in psychiatric patients results of a medline search are critically reviewed for lithium divalproex and other anticonvulsants conventional and atypical antipsychotics and ADs the existing literature is almost entirely limited to noncontrolled often retrospective studies that do not control for potential biases in treatment selection the use of multiple medications the impact of medication nonadherence and nonrandomized treatment discontinuations nevertheless an extensive literature has arisen regarding observed reductions in suicidal SMB with lithium for mood disorders and to a lesser extent with clozapine for schizophrenia a substantially smaller literature suggests more negative than positive data with divalproex or CBZ in BP disorder while minimal information exists regarding suicidality with atypical antipsychotics other than clozapine studies of ADs have mostly been ST and have focused more on whether they induce rather than ameliorate suicidal thoughts or behaviors the sum of existing studies is generally inconclusive about whether ADs appreciably reduce risk for suicide completions relatively little is known about pharmacotherapy effects on SI as distinct from behaviors possible mechanistic considerations for understanding antisuicide properties include a therapeutic impact on depression impulsivity or aggression potentially mediated through serotonergic or other neuromodulatory systems recommendations are provided to guide future research as well as clinical practice" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1624 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3662", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ADs" ], "offsets": [ [ 988, 991 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "antidepressants" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3664", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "malignant diffuse mesothelioma is characterized by more difficult diagnosis and worse prognosis than other pleural PT in the department of thoracic surgery hyogo medical center for adults patients underwent panpleuropneumonectomy for this disease between january and march in of these cases ga scans were obtained before the T0 to clarify the factors affecting ga uptake in the pleural tumor we compared ga uptake on the involved side of the thorax with ct and the pathological findings of the tumor regarding the use of ga scan imaging for the diagnosis of this disease a number of related findings must be considered such as an encircled wide ga uptake in the thickened pleural involvement and a diffuse slight ga uptake on the affected side with very slight involvement of the pleura when the involved pleural thickness was over mm a definite rho was found between the degree of ga uptake and the macroscopic thickness of mesothelioma in resected specimens thickness of the pleura on ct images demonstrates the real tumor thickness in the case of thickened involvement but in the case of thin involvement the real thickness of AS mesothelioma could not be identified no definite correlation was found between the degree of ga uptake and the histological type or among microscopic findings such as the extent of RT parenchyma ISV and tumor vascularity our results suggest that the ga scan is very useful for revealing the extent of pleural involvement especially when this involvement is more than mm thick" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1508 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3665", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ISV" ], "offsets": [ [ 1328, 1331 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "interstitial volume" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3667", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "octacosanol which has prominent physiological activities and functions has been recognized as a potential AGP in animals a total of dold male arbor acres broiler chicks with similar body weight were randomly distributed into four dietary groups of seven replicates with birds each supplemented with or mg octacosanol extracted from rice bran purity kg feed the feeding trial lasted for six weeks and was divided into the starter day to and the grower day to phases the results showed that the FCR fcr was significantly improved in broilers fed a diet containing mgkg octacosanol compared with those fed the control diet in the overall phase day to p the average daily gain and fcr both showed linear effects in response to dietary supplementation of octacosanol during the overall phase p and respectively broilers fed with or mgkg octacosanol diet showed a higher eviscerated yield which increased by and respectively than those fed the control diet p the breast muscle yield of broilers fed with mgkg octacosanol diet increased significantly by compared with those fed the control diet p eviscerated and breast muscle yield increased linearly with the increase in dietary octacosanol supplementation p and respectively broilers fed with or mgkg octacosanol diet had a greater p phmin value in the breast muscle which was maintained linearly in response to dietary octacosanol supplementation p there was a significant decrease p in drip loss value between the octacosanoladded and the control groups the drip loss showed linear p and quadratic p responses with dietary supplementation of octacosanol these studies indicate that octacosanol is a potentially effective and safe feed additive which may improve feed efficiency and meat quality and increase eviscerated and breast muscle yield in broiler chicks dietary supplementation of octacosanol at mgkg diet is regarded as the recommended dosage in the broilers diet" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1920 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3668", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FCR" ], "offsets": [ [ 493, 496 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "feed conversion ratio" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3670", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "ABA aba is a plant hormone involved in seed development and responses to various environmental stresses oxidation of abscisic aldehyde is the last step of aba biosynthesis and is catalysed by aldehyde oxidase ec we have reported the occurrence of three isoforms of AO aoalpha aobeta and aogamma in arabidopsis thaliana seedlings but none oxidized abscisic aldehyde here we report a new isoform aodelta found in rosette leaf extracts which efficiently oxidizes abscisic aldehyde ao delta was specifically recognized by antibodies raised against a recombinant peptide encoded by aao one of four arabidopsis AO genes aao aao aao and aao functionally expressed aao protein in the yeast pichia pastoris showed a ATP preference very similar to that of rosette aodelta these results indicate that aodelta is encoded by aao aodelta produced in p pastoris exhibited a very low km value for abscisic aldehyde microm and the oxidation product was determined by gas chromatographymass spectrometry to be aba RNA analysis showed that aao mrna is highly expressed in rosette leaves when the rosette leaves were detached and exposed to dehydration aao mrna expression increased rapidly within h of the treatment these results suggest that aodelta the aao gene product acts as an abscisic aldehyde oxidase in arabidopsis rosette leaves" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1319 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3671", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AO" ], "offsets": [ [ 265, 267 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "aldehyde oxidase" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3673", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the austrian professor erich ruttin was appointed as the director of the ear nose and throat department of istanbul university at the beginning of september leaving behind the directorship of the ENT clinic of rudolfspital in wien ruttin no doubt tried to leave austria due to the beginning of antisemitic influences of the nazi regime in germany which had lead him to sign a contract with the istanbul university for a period of ten years it is remarkable that despite this contract he stayed only one year in turkey this article presents his contributions in the field of otorhinolaryngology during his short stay in turkey and explains the BG of his early departure" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 668 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3674", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ENT" ], "offsets": [ [ 196, 199 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "ear nose and throat" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3676", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "IGP dehydratase igpd has become an attractive target for herbicide discovery since it is present in plants and not in mammals currently no knowledge is available on the d structure of the igpd active site therefore we used a pharmacophore MM based on known inhibitors and d database searches to identify new AS compounds in vitro testing of EDC from the database searches led to the identification of a class of Py aldehydes as novel inhibitors of igpd" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 452 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3677", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IGP" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 3 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "imidazole glycerol phosphate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3679", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "surgical implants of titanium alloy tialv have been found to be susceptible to abrasive wear resulting in the wellknown phenomenon of metallosis in the presence of the acrylic debris generated by loose joint arthroplasty prostheses this abrasive wear is greatly increased however the BL seen in these cases has generally been presumed to be due to the osteolytic effects of particulate acrylic not the alloy debris which has generally been assumed to be biocompatible to examine the in vivo effects of titaniumalloy wear without the added presence of acrylic debris a comprehensive analysis was made of cementless human joint arthroplasty prostheses with tialv alloy surfaces articulating on ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene uhmwpe specimens including the prostheses synovium pseudocapsule and additional soft tissues and periarticular bone were retrieved from hips and two knees specimens were examined by histologic techniques EDX analysis and electron microscopy serial sections of the implants were evaluated for tissue ingrowth tissues surrounding all joints implanted more than one year showed some degree of discoloration indicative of metallosis whereas T3 two years the synovium was HCM and villiform histologic evaluation showed good fixation by bony ingrowth in the vast majority of cases ale of the genus xanthomonas are presented a total of strains obtained from different geographical Az including representative strains of all species of the genus xanthomonas and most pathovars of xanthomonas campestris as well as strains which might be genetically related to the genus xanthomonas were examined for morphological biochemical and physiological features similarities among the strains were expressed numerically by using the coefficient of sokal and michener clustering was performed by using the unweighted average pair group method the conclusions described below were reached i the genus xanthomonas comprises at least the following eight phena x campestris xanthomonas albilineans xanthomonas axonopodis xanthomonas fragariae xanthomonas populi xanthomonas maltophilia xanthomonas oryzae swings et al and x campestris pv graminis egli and schmidt not x campestris pv graminis egli et al ispp list ii x populi ridé ridé and ridé is a separate species iii x maltophilia swings et al forms a separate species iv x campestris pv oryzae ispp list can no longer be regarded as pathovar of x campestris and its recent reclassification as a new species x oryzae swings et al int j syst bacteriol is supported v x campestris pv graminis egli and schmidt not x campestris pv graminis egli et al ispp list seems to form a separate complex of highly related pathovars obtained from members of the poaceae the taxonomic implications of this are discussed vi strains of nearly all x campestris pathovars cluster together in the x campestris phenon within this species we were able to differentiate some entities on phenotypic grounds these groups sometimes corresponded to named pathovars eg x campestris pv manihotis x campestris pv cassavae x campestris pv phlei in several other cases pathovars were found to be heterogeneous vii a number of dubious pseudomonas species were identified as members of or as being close to xanthomonas species both pseudomonas betle and pseudomonas hibiscicola are synonyms of x maltophilia we also confirmed that pseudomonas mangiferaeindicae pseudomonas vitiswoodrowii and pseudomonas gardneri belong to x campestris viii forty phenotypic features allow the differentiation of the eight xanthomonas phena ix a number of additional features of the genera xanthomonas and xylophilus are described" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 3646 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3680", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "EDX" ], "offsets": [ [ 936, 939 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "energydispersive xray" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3682", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a longlasting decrease of the basal and stressinduced arterial blood pressure was obtained in rats with inherited emotional stressinduced hypertension by means of i.v. of the dopamine F0 ldopa during early postnatal ontogeny days of the life permanent hypotensive effect of ldopa was caused by the elevation of the BB but not IP catecholamine C2 and was not related to a stimulation of the HPA system in response to administration of the dopamine precursor the restoring effect of LD was produced through enhancement of synthesis of the BB noradrenaline and perhaps adrenaline the effect was associated with a normalization of the response of the BB adrenergic system to noradrenaline" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 684 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3683", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HPA" ], "offsets": [ [ 390, 393 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "hypothalamicpituitaryadrenocortical" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3685", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "anion gap MA is typically encountered in the emergency department ed setting as the result of shock other endogenous metabolic derangements or from exogenous toxicants the differential diagnosis for toxicantrelated acidosis exemplified by common mnemonics emphasizes acute overdose" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 281 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3686", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MA" ], "offsets": [ [ 10, 12 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "metabolic acidosis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3688", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "sleep is a complex neurological state with its primary CF of providing rest and restoring the bodys SE levels the importance of sleep could be seen from the fact that people spend about onethird of their lifespan in sleep normal human sleep is divided into nonrapid eye movement nrem and rapid eye movement rem sleep and the alteration between nrem and rem occurs about times during a night of normal sleep human nrem sleep could be classified into four stages namely stage i ii iii and iv representing successively deeper stages of sleep sleep is an AS rhythmic neural process produced by several BB Az of which the POA and other basal forebrain areas play a major role in the generation of nrem sleep interaction of the pedenculopontine and LD tegmental areas with the dorsal raphae nucleus and LC is important for rem sleep generation SCN and the pineal gland ensure that sleep and wakefulness follow a circadian periodicity of nearly hours alterations in the SQ quantity and pattern of sleep result in sleep disorders persistent and repeated interruption of sleep affects the health of an individual undiagnosed and untreated wakesleep complaints cause not only misery to the sufferer but it also has SES consequences SD cover a wide spectrum of diseases though there are more than identified sleepwake disorders most sleep complaints can be categorised into five namely hypersomnia insomnia circadian rhythm disorders parasomnias and SD associated with mental neurological and other medical disorders researches during the last years and the advances made in clinical sleep medicine have lead to more effective treatments for the myriad human SD it is not possible to assign a TPS reason for many of the sleep disorders but some aspects of sleep and wakefulness are genetically influenced but most commonly sleepiness during waking hours results from volitional or forced sleep ED during previous nights due to social economic and environmental reasons so public awareness about SD should be an essential part of any programme aimed at global management of sleep disorders" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2077 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3689", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SD" ], "offsets": [ [ 1984, 1986 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sleep disorders" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3691", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "longlasting protective antibody is not normally generated in children following primary respiratory syncytial virus rsv infection frequently leading to reinfection we used the balbc mouse MM to examine the role of the NALT and the bone marrow in the generation of rsvspecific longlasting PCs with a view to further understanding the mechanisms responsible for the poorly sustained rsv antibody C2 following primary infection we show here that substantial numbers of rsvspecific PCs were generated in the bone marrow following challenge which were maintained thereafter in contrast in the NALT rsvspecific plasma cell numbers waned quickly both T3 primary infection and after challenge and were not maintained at a higher level T3 boosting these data indicate that the inability to generate a robust local mucosal response in the nasal tissues may contribute substantially to the likelihood of subsequent reinfection and that the presence of serum antirsv antibody without local protection is not enough to protect against reinfection" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1033 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3692", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NALT" ], "offsets": [ [ 588, 592 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nasalassociated lymphoid tissue" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3694", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "benign PPV is a common type of vertigo seen by the otolaryngologist however intracranial tumors can mimic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in their presentation a review of patients seen in the department of otolaryngology at the ohio state university between july and august identified five patients with intracranial pathologic conditions mimicking benign PPV these patients were first seen with episodic vertigo associated with positional change failure of the PS to respond to the particle repositioning maneuver or the finding of associated AEP or neurologic symptoms prompted further DUE by magnetic resonance imaging of the brain which revealed intracranial pathologic conditions including two meningiomas a vestibular schwannoma a glioma and a lipoma these findings suggest that patients seen with PS like those of benign PPV who do not show improvement T3 undergoing the PRM or those who describe associated AEP or neurologic symptoms should have magnetic resonance imaging done to rule out intracranial pathologic conditions additionally benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and intracranial PT may coexist" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1120 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3695", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PPV" ], "offsets": [ [ 834, 837 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "paroxysmal positional vertigo" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3697", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "given the severity and complexity of the neurologic disorders that can affect infants and children pediatric neurologists frequently encounter complex and challenging ethical issues this discussion uses five cases to illustrate common ethical issues and dilemmas that are confronted by pediatric neurologists these cases involve the provision of ANH to patients in vegetative or minimally conscious states the use of mechanical ventilation for patients with spinal muscular atrophy controversial therapies for ASDs the use of medical information obtained over the internet and genetic testing in children with suspected HD disease the ethical concepts discussed in these cases include autonomy confidentiality futility surrogate decisionmaking the bestinterest principle and the withholding and withdrawal of treatment" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 818 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3698", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ASDs" ], "offsets": [ [ 510, 514 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "autistic spectrum disorders" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3700", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "SQ of life in GA and sexual functioning in particular have become very important in cancer patients due to modern surgical techniques improved SQ of drugs for chemotherapy and very modern radiation techniques more patients can be successfully treated without largely compromising sexual functioning one can assume that because of the lifethreatening nature of cancer sexual activity is not important to patients and their partners but this is not true prostate cancer has become the most common nonskin malignant neoplasm in older men in western countries in this paper we discuss the various methods used to evaluate erectile and SD and the definition of potency data on the etiology of erectile dysfunction after externalbeam radiotherapy for prostate CA is reviewed and the literature is been summarized patients should be offered sexual counseling and informed about the availability of ERP treatments for ED such as sildenafil ICI and vacuum devices cancer affects quality of life and SF the challenge for oncologists is to address this with compassion" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1057 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3701", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ICI" ], "offsets": [ [ 932, 935 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "intracavernosal injection" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3703", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "arterial blood ketone body ratio kbr and hepatic mitochondrial phosphorylation rate pr were investigated in partially hepatectomized rats treated with microgramskg body weight prostacyclin pgi analogue ip T3 T0 and every h thereafter up to h sampling was performed at and h T3 operation in shamoperated rats kbr significantly increased from the preoperative values of and to and at h in the groups with and without pgi treatment respectively p less than kbr returned to the preoperative C2 T3 h in the pgitreated group while it tended to be in the lower normal range in the UT group in the hepatectomized rats kbr significantly decreased in the UT group compared with the preoperative values and the values in the sham it returned to the preoperative range within h in the pgitreated group kbr increased significantly to values above T3 a h delay and was maintained at those levels for h concentrations of total ketone bodies tkb in the UT groups remained in the upper range of preoperative values above nmolml in the shamoperated rats and decreased significantly in the hepatectomized group to nmolml tkb in the treated groups tended to decrease only in the sham to nmolml and was massively reduced in the hepatectomized group to nmolmlabstract truncated at words" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1264 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3704", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "sham" ], "offsets": [ [ 714, 718 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "shamoperated group" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3706", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of widely used veterinary antimicrobials OTC and FLU was studied with six model organisms vibrio fischeri pseudomonas putida pseudokirchneriella subcapitata lemna minor daphnia magna escherichia coli overall median ERP concentration ec values ranged from mgl to mgl pseudomonas putida was the most sensitive organism ec values for h growth inhibition were and mgl for OTC and FLU respectively followed by duckweed lemna minor d growth inhibition ec and mgl and green alga pseudokirchneriella subcapitata d growth inhibition ec and mgl the least CS organism was daphnia magna h immobilization lowestobservedeffect concentration loec of oxytetracycline of mgl oxytetracycline showed limited genotoxicity soschromotest with escherichia coli minimal genotoxic concentration of mgl and flumequine was genotoxic at mgl based on the reported measured concentrations mecs and predicted noeffect concentrations pnecs oxytetracycline may be concluded to be of ecotoxicological concern calculated risk quotient whereas FLU seems to represent lower risk" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1070 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3707", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "OTC" ], "offsets": [ [ 397, 400 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "oxytetracycline" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3709", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "novel magnetic MIPs mmips with multipletemplate based on Si were modified by four types of deep eutectic solvents dess for the rapid simultaneous magnetic SPE mspe of tanshinone â ° tanshinone â ±a and cryptotanshinone from salvia miltiorrhiza bunge glycitein genistein and daidzein from glycine max linn merr and epicatechin epigallocatechin gallate and ECG from green tea respectively the synthesized materials were characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy single factor experiments were to explore the relationship between the SE efficiency and four factors the sample solution ph amount of dess for modification amount of adsorbent and extraction time it was showed that the desmmips have better SE ability than the mmips without dess and the other three dessmodified mmips the best extraction recoveries with desmmip were tanshinone â ° tanshinone â ±a cryptotanshinone glycitein genistein daidzein epicatechin epigallocatechin gallate and EC gallate respectively the novel multipletemplate mmips materials modified by des for the rapid simultaneous mspe of AS EDC were proved to reduce the experimental steps than singletemplate technique and increase the SE efficiency" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1239 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3710", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ECG" ], "offsets": [ [ 355, 358 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "epicatechin gallate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3712", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "although a progressive reduction in dP/dt during sustained left SG stimulation has been well documented there have been no reports on the contractile state T3 nerve stimulation dP/dt after cessation of min of electrical v hz msec left stellate ganglion stimulation has been assessed in open chest dogs before and min T3 stimulation left ventricular contractility was evaluated by the endsystolic pressuresegment length relationship using ultrasonic crystals during a stepwise aortic constriction to increase left ventricular afterload restimulation of the left stellate ganglion was also performed min after cessation of the first stimulation T3 sustained left stellate ganglion stimulation the endsystolic points shifted to the RA from the control and the Mw of multiple pressuresegment length coordinates significantly decreased to mmhgmm mean se p less than n indicating a depression of left VVI contractility increased left ventricular dpdt max and norepinephrine level in the CS gradually returned to near base L1 during min of stimulation these reduced responses lasted for at least min T3 cessation of stimulation the myocardial norepinephrine content was reduced to mean se ngmg wet tissue from of the control level p less than these data suggested that left VVI contractility decreased after sustained cardiac sympathetic nerve stimulation probably due to norepinephrine reduction in the myocardium" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1407 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3713", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "dP/dt" ], "offsets": [ [ 36, 41 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "left ventricular contractility" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3715", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of two anticalcification pretreatments CM and ethanol and serum conditioning of glutaraldehydecrosslinked bovine pericardium on the calcification degree and the presence of gelatinase activities in a subcutaneous implantation model in rats regarding calcification of the implants glutaraldehyde control treatments showed a significatively higher calcification degree than pericardium treated with anticalcification reagents serum conditioning of glutaraldehyde treated tissues did not influence the calcification degree moreover no differences were found in these samples with the time of implantation and days on the other hand anticalcification treatments resulted in a very significant decrease in the calcium content in the implanted CM gelatinase MICs were detected by gelatin zymography in almost all the implanted samples however control tissues with and without SS conditioning showed less gelatinase activities than those samples pretreated with anticalcification treatments metalloproteinase mmp activity was detected in all the samples analyzed but a higher expression of mmp was detected in those implants treated with CM and ethanol additional gelatinase activities showing lower molecular weight than mmp were also detected in both anticalcification treated samples the presence of these gelatinase activities is probably due to host cellular infiltrates and could contribute to the biomaterial Kd" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1467 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3716", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CM" ], "offsets": [ [ 95, 97 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "chloroformmethanol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3718", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "according to evidencebasedmedicine any proposal for the rationale treatment of MCI mci must be based on the results of doubleblind RCTs rcts however since mci at the present time does not constitute a homogeneous clinical syndrome it is still inappropriate to propose a TPS drug treatment moreover rcts assessing the therapeutic value of acetylcholinesteraseinhibitors acheis are negative either trying to improve PS SM performance or preventing the conversion from mci to real alzheimers disease ad the same negative results were obtained with drugs targeting some systems considered as the early steps of the pathophysiological cascade leading to PSD nonsteroidal antiinflammatory compounds rofecoxib sex steroid hormones testosterone Es or antioxidants tocopherol either mci is considered as the very EP of OD of ad and then the treatments will aim at preventively antagonizing the hallmarks of the disease or mci is a new entity and then the drugs will target the associated neurochemical disturbances such as tau protein or soluble abeta oligomers mci could also be considered as a monosymptomatic syndrome amnesia leading to the development of pure promnestic drugs these three hypotheses will be presented on the basis of the neurobiology and the pharmacology and examples of potentially active candidates will be discussed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1330 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3719", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RCTs" ], "offsets": [ [ 131, 135 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "randomized clinical trials" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3721", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a case of RP lymphangiomyomatosis occurring in a yearold woman is reported alphasmooth SMA and desmin were localized in the proliferating cells electron microscopy showed the presence of many thin perinuclear myofilaments with DB the differential diagnosis with leiomyosarcoma has been taken into consideration" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 310 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3722", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DB" ], "offsets": [ [ 227, 229 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "dense bodies" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3724", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the purpose of the T0 was to determine the role of reactive oxygen metabolites in the pathogenesis of interstitial lung involvement in patients with collagen V1 diseases cvd in comparison with control subjects the cellular activity of bronchoalveolar lavage bal cells was measured by means of chemiluminescence cl spontaneously and T3 challenge of the cells with OPZ simultaneously luminol and lucigenindependent the findings show an increase of the spontaneous and stimulated cl of bal cells in cvd more pronounced in luminoldependent cl the luminoldependent cl correlates with neutrophils in bal cell differentiation the results suggest that ROS metabolites take part in interstitial lung involvement in patients with cvd therefore the measurement cl of bal cells is useful in addition to bal cell differentiation in diagnostic of interstitial lung involvement in cvd" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 869 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3725", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "OPZ" ], "offsets": [ [ 363, 366 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "opsonized zymosan" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3727", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the emetic potencies of morphine and its metabolite morphine TG have been determined in the ferret by constructing DR curves for mean total retches and vomits for subcutaneous doses of mg kg to mg kg morphine TG induced retching and vomiting at lower doses than morphine and at a maximal dose induced more retching and vomiting than morphine the emesis induced by both morphine and morphine TG was abolished by the preadministration of naloxone mg kg sc the ht receptor antagonists granisetron and OND mg kg sc failed to abolish or reduce emesis induced by either compound at a highdose mg kg morphine but not morphine TG failed to induce emesis and abolished the emesis induced by the cytotoxic drug cyclophosphamide mg kg ip preliminary pharmacokinetic studies of intravenous and subcutaneous morphine and morphine TG revealed that morphine TG accounts for less than of the metabolic product of morphine in the ferret peak plasma C2 of the two EDC T3 their subcutaneous administration were obtained within min the metabolic profile of morphine was not dosedependent there was no relationship between plasma level and emetic response for either compound" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1154 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3728", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TG" ], "offsets": [ [ 843, 845 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "glucuronide" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3730", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "brazilian spotted fever bsf caused by the bacterium rickettsia rickettsii is the deadliest SF of the world in most of the bsfendemic Az capybaras hydrochoerus hydrochaeris are the principal host for the tick amblyomma cajennense which is the main vector of bsf" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 260 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3731", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SF" ], "offsets": [ [ 91, 93 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "spotted fever" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3733", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the endoscopic D2 medial maxillectomy approach for the management of lesions of the pterygopalatine and ITF provides excellent SE and results with good hemostasis and low morbidity this approach is a viable alternative to the open approaches to these Az" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 253 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3734", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ITF" ], "offsets": [ [ 104, 107 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "infratemporal fossa" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3736", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "chlorophyll containing callus cells of marchantia polymorpha are able to grow under dim illumination in the presence of an organic carbon source and retain the ability to produce polyunsaturated fatty acids pufa including c fatty acids highest pufa production was achieved using 2,4-D as growth regulator inoculum size illumination intensity organic carbon source and Fe2+ are the L1 AF affecting pufa productivity maximum pufa productivity is attained under low light intensity with a PFD ca micromol m s optimal inoculum size and glucose concentration for pufa production are and g l respectively Fe2+ can promote pufa productivity by increasing the intracellular lipid content highest productivities for pufa AA ara and EPA epa were and mg l day respectively pufa production in the m polymorpha SC is shown to be strongly growthassociated environmental stress osmotic pressure is ineffective in promoting pufa productivity chitosan an elicitor also has no effect on intracellular pufa content in cultured m polymorpha cells" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1026 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3737", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PFD" ], "offsets": [ [ 486, 489 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "photon flux density" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3739", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "members of the rat p family such as grip are known as glucocorticoid receptor gr coactivators at certain glucocorticoid response elements gres however grip acts as a gr corepressor we characterized PET interactions of gr and grip in a repression complex where gr tethers to dnabound AP-1 ap as at the human collagenase gene and tested whether the identified interactions were similar or different at other response elements at the ap tethering gre we mapped the grip corepressor activity to a domain distinct from the two known grip activation domains it exhibited intrinsic grindependent repression potential when recruited to dna via gal dnabinding domain interestingly neither the domain nor the activity was detected in the other two p family members src and rac the same grip corepression domain was required for grmediated repression at the nuclear factorkappab nfkappab tethering gre of the human il gene in contrast at the osteocalcin gene gre where gr represses transcription by IB to a dna site overlapping the tata box both grip and src corepressed and the gripspecific repression domain was dispensable thus in a single cell type gr and grip conferred one mode of activation and two modes of repression by selectively engaging distinct surfaces of grip in a response elementspecific manner" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1301 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3740", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AP-1" ], "offsets": [ [ 283, 287 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "activator protein" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3742", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "background CD infection cdi is the most common healthcareassociated infection and is associated with considerable morbidity recurrent cdi is a key contributing factor to this morbidity despite an estimated recurrences annually in the united states there are few accurate estimates of costs associated with recurrent cdi objective we performed this T0 to identify the health consequences of recurrent cdi including need for repeat hospitalization intensive ECU icu stay and surgery to determine costs associated with recurrent cdi and identify determinants of such costs and to compare the outcomes and costs of recurrent cdi to those who develop reinfection methods we identified all patients with confirmed recurrent cdi between january to december at a single referral center healthcare burden associated with recurrence including diagnostic testing pharmacologic treatment and inpatient and outpatient healthcare visits were identified in the months following the first recurrence total healthcare costs were calculated and the predictors of high healthcare utilization were identified results our stuaditionally radiologists have practiced their profession behind the scenes today radiologic practitioners face mounting expectations to communicate more directly with patients however their experiences with patient communication are not well understood the aim of this T0 was to describe the challenges of radiologic practitioners when communicating with patients" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1467 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3743", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CD" ], "offsets": [ [ 11, 13 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "clostridium difficile" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3745", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "baseline frequencies of chromosome aberrations cas were assessed in three samples of HI living in a rural area po delta in pisa downtown and in cascina a small town near pisa italy the three CG were similar for average age SR smoking drinking habit and occupation multifactor anova showed that ca frequencies increased significantly with age p excluding and including gaps and with smoking habit p including gaps p excluding gaps gender drinking habit and occupation exerted no statistically significant effects multifactor anova showed also a significant effect of the site of residence on the frequency of the ca including gaps p and excluding gaps p the ca frequency of the pisa samples was statistically significantly higher than that of the po delta samples air pollution was considered to be a possible factor in determining the observed differences among the CS of residence as levels of air pollutants so and tsp total suspended articles were more elevated in pisa and cascina than in the po delta in addition respiratory PS used as indirect indicators of air pollution at individual level were significantly more frequent in the pisa population than in cascina or in the po delta these findings might support the hypothesis that airpollution C2 even within eec EEC airquality standards may influence baseline ca frequencies" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1332 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3746", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "EEC" ], "offsets": [ [ 1270, 1273 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "european economic community" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3748", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "to determine and quantify the cause of nocturia in men we describe and evaluate the relative contribution of two complementary indices of nocturia the nocturia index ni a measure of nocturnal urine overproduction and the nocturnal BC index nbci reflective of nocturnal BC the records of consecutive men with lower urinary tract symptoms luts having undergone videourodynamic studies vuds were prospectively studied DUE included american urological association symptom score auass micturition diary day night and hr voided volume and vuds voiding diary analysis was carried out as previously described by us determining the ni nbci and nocturnal polyuria index npi nocturnal urine volumehr UV in the case of auass question degree of nocturia the odds of having a severe aua question response was found to be times higher for patients with nbci compared with patients whose nbci was using logistic SRA in comparing patients with severe nocturia and low nbci with those having mild nocturia and low nbci ni performed in a fashion superior to npi in identifying relative nocturnal urine overproduction as the suspected explanation for their nocturia ni vs p cf npi vs p mannwhitney test respectively we suggest a discriminating threshold of nbci as highly significant in defining diminished nbc as a factor in the etiology of nocturia in addition we propose ni of as a threshold greater than which nocturia may be attributed to nocturnal urine overproduction in excess of maximum BC together these indices describe in quantitative fashion the relative contributions of nocturnal urine overproduction and diminished nbc in identifying the etiology of nocturia in male patients neurourol urodynam" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1690 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3749", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BC" ], "offsets": [ [ 269, 271 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "bladder capacity" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3751", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the tau of the fixed combination of fluralaner plus MOX for the treatment of otodectes cynotis infestations was evaluated in cats after topical application" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 155 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3752", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MOX" ], "offsets": [ [ 52, 55 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "moxidectin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3754", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "trypsin m produced a positive inotropic and chronotropic effect in left and RA respectively and an increase in cAMP the effects were blocked by aprotinine while propranolol phentolamine promethazine and cimetidine and reserpine i.c.v. did not alter trypsin activity TR effects were potentiated by ro a phosphodiesterase inhibitor the cardiac effects of trypsin may be due to increase in cyclic amp and are in PA with previous work indicating that trypsin can activate cardiac adenylate cyclase" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 493 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3755", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RA" ], "offsets": [ [ 76, 78 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "right atria" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3757", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "immature soybean embryos were isolated from soybean SBA l merr seeds at various stages of development to study their accumulation of csucrose in vitro isolated embryos accumulate sucrose at a constant rate over several hours the label entering C1 endogenous pools of sucrose from which ST protein and lipid storage products are formed accumulation is without extracellular sucrose hydrolysis and occurs predominantly by AS transport at physiological SU concentrations a nonsaturable diffusion component apparently superimposed upon the active saturable component dominates overall uptake at exogenous concentrations greater than approximately millimolar sucrose active transport is CS to uncoupling agents and the sulfhydrylmodifying reagent pchloromecuribenzene sulfonate is dependent on more than one SE source and exhibits welldefined requirements for incubation temperature ph and oxygen availability under optimal incubation conditions of degrees c saturating illumination ph and oxygen the apparent km for sucrose is approximately millimolar and vmax is approximately micromoles per hour per milligrams FW embryos readily accumulate SU from dilute exogenous solutions and when preloaded with large amounts of sucrose maintain the internal sucrose pool against steep outward gradients these and other observations indicate that although perhaps fully saturated in vivo AS sucrose transport is a significant component of photosynthate uptake in developing soybean embryos enhancing uptake at physiological sucrose concentrations to fold over diffusion CT" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1558 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3758", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FW" ], "offsets": [ [ 1109, 1111 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "fresh weight" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3760", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "hemodialysed patients with no PH of porphyria may present neurological PS similar to those seen in acute porphyrias porphyria has been associated with an increase in plasma C2 of 5-ALA and porphobilinogen our aim was to evaluate these parameters and the activities of the enzymes involved in the first steps of heme metabolism in nonporphyric HD patients the MICs of aminolevulinate dehydratase and deaminase were determined in red blood cells rbc from hemodialysed patients before and after dialysis plasma levels of aminolevulinic acid porphobilinogen and zinc were also measured these parameters were also measured in volunteers to obtain controls levels the C2 of 5-ALA microgramml and porphobilinogen microgramsml were raised in nonporphyric patients prior to hemodialysis p compared with controls 5-ALA microgramml porphobilinogen microgramml after dialysis there was a decrease in both aminolevulinic acid to microgramml and porphobilinogen to microgramsml although both parameters remained higher than controls p the MICs of both ALA dehydratase uml rbc and deaminase uml rbc were diminished in blood samples of patients before dialysis p compared to controls dehydratase uml rbc deaminase uml rbc after dialysis ALA dehydratase activity was partially recovered to uml rbc while deaminase returned to normal values uml rbc the plasma zinc concentration in hemodialysed patients micrograms ml was significantly lower than controls micrograms ml p addition of mm zinc to the dehydratase reaction mixture raised the activity of ALA dehydratase in blood samples of HD patients taken before and T3 dialysis the T0 reports a partial loss of activity of aminolevulinate dehydratase and deaminase activities in red blood cells from nonporphyric patients undergoing hemodialysis since plasma zinc levels were below normal in HD patients and the activity of aminolevulinate dehydratase could be restored by the addition of zinc it is suggested that these CA in heme metabolism may be explained by altered zinc and associated antioxidant status following dialysis" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2060 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3761", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "5-ALA" ], "offsets": [ [ 803, 808 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "aminolevulinic acid" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3763", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the goal of this research was to create the most appropriate index dose for the optimization of protection in medical exposure in general radiography in kanagawa prefecture we distributed questionnaires to medical institutions in kanagawa prefecture the investigation period was from october to february entrance surface dose esd was used as the index dose investigated regions in GA radiography were the AD chest AD abdomen and infant chest AP projections for all regions the ERP response rate was esd was significantly lower with a flat panel detector fpd than with CR cr in all regions adult chest and abdomen p infant chest p eg mean ±standard deviation esd in the AD chest was ± mgy with fpd and ± mgy with cr in the infant chest with cr esd was significantly higher usinged from cows not assigned to conceptus collection for wholeblood rna extraction on day and for pregnancy diagnosis on day by measuring concentrations of Pa glycoproteins cows receiving csso had greater p ≤ mean plasma concentrations of LA and ω fa compared with con on days and moreover csso supplementation increased p mrna expression of interferontau by the conceptus and blood mrna expression of interferonstimulated gene and oligoadenylate synthetase on day in gestating cows hence postai csso supplementation to b taurus beef cows improved PRs to timed ai which can be associated with increased mrna expression of interferontau by the conceptus when csso is supplemented during early gestation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1481 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3764", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CR" ], "offsets": [ [ 568, 570 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "computed radiography" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3766", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "an w/o/w containing sodium cromoglicate scg w/o/w has been developed for the treatment of AD in children we have conducted a metaanalysis of the primary outcome measure the change in scorad score used in RCTs rcts with this product we conducted a search of standard using the keywords sodium cromoglicate CS topical AD clinical trial we identified clinical studies of which used this scg w/o/w formulation one was a rct using the NC in scorad score we were given access to two further unpublished rcts with this measure the rcts included subjects mean age years each rct was multicentre of weeks duration comparing scg emulsion with the vehicle in which the scg was dissolved using T0 as the unit and the fixed effect MM the mean difference ci in the change in scorad score was p using centre as the unit and the fixed effect model the mean difference ci in the change in scorad score was p these results support the efficacy of this new topical treatment in children with atopic dermatitis" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 990 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3767", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "w/o/w" ], "offsets": [ [ 44, 49 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "emulsion" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3769", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the authors report a rare case of slipped medial rectus muscle with stretched scar in the left eye of a yearold woman following pterygium surgery there was total limitation of adduction in her left eye with complaints of diplopia in all gazes with maximum separation of images in dextroversion on diplopia charting hess charting showed underaction of the MR muscle of the left eye and overaction of the LR muscle of the right eye based on the history and findings a diagnosis of MR muscle disinsertion of the left eye during pterygium surgery was made MR muscle exploration was done and the slipped MR muscle was found attached to its original insertion site via pseudotendonstretched scar the capsule was dissected the scar tissue was excised and the slipped MR muscle was identified hooked and secured with sutures the muscle was reattached with advancement postoperatively the patient was orthotropic and there was no diplopia accidental MR muscle disinsertion during pterygium surgery is a rare but serious complication proper care should be taken intraoperatively during pterygium surgery to avoid this complication however meticulous surgical exploration and reattachment of the muscle yields satisfactory results j pediatr ophthalmol strabismus ee" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1254 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3770", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LR" ], "offsets": [ [ 403, 405 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "lateral rectus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3772", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "mutations in the cuzn superoxide dismutase sod genes are present in approximately of families suffering from familial ALS fals results from several transgenic studies in which falsrelated sod mutations have been expressed have suggested that mutant sod proteins induce cytotoxicity through a toxic gain of CF although the specific mechanism of this has not been fully clarified to investigate the mechanism of toxicity induced by the mutant sod associated with fals we generated transgenic caenorhabditis elegans strains that contain wildtype and mutant human av gr and ga sod recombinant plasmids the transgenic strains expressing mutant human sod showed greater vulnerability to oxidative AS induced by mm paraquat than a control that contained the wildtype human sod in the absence of oxidative AS mutant human sod proteins were degraded more rapidly than the wildtype human sod protein in celegans in the presence of oxidative AS however this rapid degradation was inhibited and the transgenic celegans coexpressing mutant human sod and green fluorescent proteins gfps in muscle tissues demonstrated discrete aggregates in the AD stage these results suggest that oxidative damage inhibits the degradation of falsrelated mutant human sod proteins resulting in an aberrant accumulation of mutant proteins that might contribute to the cytotoxicity" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1348 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3773", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ALS" ], "offsets": [ [ 118, 121 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3775", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a new system for monitoring hiv VCT vct outcomes was established in at seven vct clinics in jakarta and bali indonesia counsellors collected demographic and risk information from vct clients logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with hiv infection in months hiv prevalence in new clients without hiv symptoms was in injecting drug users idus n in female SWs n among transgender people n in MSM n in clients of SWs n in people with highrisk partners n and in other vct clients n among idus being older tested though outreach tested due to being at risk and having injected for one or more years were independently associated with hiv infection this network confirmed high hiv prevalence among idus and transgender people hiv prevalence estimates were consistent with serosurveys" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 800 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3776", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "VCT" ], "offsets": [ [ 32, 35 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "voluntary counselling and testing" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3778", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the molecular events associated with the development of pathological hypertrophy have been shown to be stimulated through gprotein–coupled receptors that activate gq signaling pathways in neonatal cardiomyocytes and in transgenic tg and knockout mice we demonstrated that camkii a multifunctional caregulated protein kinase was G1 through gprotein–coupled receptor and inositol trisphosphate–mediated ca release and suggested that camkii was a downstream mediator of gqcoupled HCM signaling this was supported by the demonstration of camkii activation by pressure overload TAC tac and induction of hypertrophy by tg camkii expression camkii also phosphorylates ca handling proteins including the ryanodine receptor ryr phosphorylation of which markedly increases sarcoplasmic reticulum ca leak increased ryr phosphorylation is associated with HF OD in camkii tg mice and mice genetically deleted for camkii ko have att ryr phosphorylation sarcoplasmic reticulum ca leak and HF development after LT tac genetic ablation of camkii also decreases development of HR failure in gq tg mice and decreases infarct size while improving PET recovery in mice subject to ischemiareperfusion and preventing adverse CR after coronary i.a. occlusion the underlying mechanisms are currently under study" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1292 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3779", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TAC" ], "offsets": [ [ 579, 582 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "transverse aortic constriction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3781", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a gabor wavelets based method is proposed in this paper for evaluating and tuning the parameters of image registration algorithms we propose a d local anatomical structure descriptor namely the maximum responded gabor wavelet mrgw for measuring registration quality based on anatomical variability of registered images the effectiveness of the descriptor is demonstrated through a practical application using the variance of mrgw response to tune parameters of a nonlinear spatial normalization algorithm which is part of the popular software package for medical image processing the SPM spm" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 591 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3782", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SPM" ], "offsets": [ [ 584, 587 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "statistical parametric mapping" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3784", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "SD of the OP and gastrointestinal tract with nonabsorbable antimicrobials and sucralfate a stress ulcer prophylactic that maintains the normal gastric acid bacterial barrier were compared for prevention of pneumonia in a cardiac surgery intensive ECU over months patients received SD and received sucralfate the SD regimen included polymyxin gentamicin and nystatin given as an oral paste and as a solution patients also received standard antacid or histamine blocker AS ulcer prophylaxis patients in the SD group had significantly less colonization of the oropharynx and stomach by GN bacilli vs p less than significantly fewer infections due to GNB vs p and fewer infections overall vs p there was one episode of pneumonia in the SD group and five in the sucralfate group mortality and length of stay did not differ between the groups but those receiving SD had less than onethird as many days of systemic antibiotic therapy with no increase in colonization or infection with resistant gramnegative bacilli thus SD appeared to reduce both extrapulmonary and pulmonary infections" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1080 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3785", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SD" ], "offsets": [ [ 732, 734 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "selective decontamination" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3787", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "previous work by our group showed the possibility to reduce the toxicity of docetaxel upon its encapsulation in polyaminoacid NC with a size of nm the objective of this T0 was to elucidate whether a reduction in the nanocapsules size might facilitate their access to the lymphatic system to do so we analyzed the effect of several formulation parameters on the characteristics of polyglutamic acid pegylated polyglutamic acid and polyasparagine nanocapsules from these experiments we could identify the best conditions to produce NC with a small size close to nm and adequate capacity to encapsulate and sustain the release of the antitumor drug docetaxel moreover the results of the stability T0 made evident the critical role of the polyaminoacid shell on the colloidal stability of the NC in biologically relevant media finally we studied the influence of the particle size nm vs nm on the biodistribution of pgapeg nanocapsules following subcutaneous injection the results showed that the nmsize nanocapsules accumulate faster in the CL nodes than those with a size of nm in summary these data suggest the potential of nmsize polyaminoacid NC as lymphatic drug delivery carriers" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1182 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3788", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NC" ], "offsets": [ [ 530, 532 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nanocapsules" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3790", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "an asymptomatic hivpositive patient with philadelphia chromosome positive CML-BC cml was treated by interferona ifna for four years a sustained hematological response and MCR were achieved however a CR cytogenetic remission phnegative cells was observed when zidovudine azt was introduced as treatment for hivrelated immunodepression moreover this complete cytogenetic remission was confirmed by QPCR showing decreased bcrabl rearrangement at very low level as there are some in vitro reports demonstrating a synergistic antiproliferative effect of ifna and zidovudine we discuss the possibility of synergistic effects between azt and ifna in the treatment of cml" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 663 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3791", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MCR" ], "offsets": [ [ 171, 174 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "major cytogenetic response" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3793", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "PLB is perhaps the physiological CF that is most vital to human survival without breathing and adequate oxygenation of tissues life ceases as would be expected for such a vital function PLB occurs automatically without the requirement of conscious input breathing is subject to regulation by a variety of AF including circadian rhythms and vigilance state given the need for PLB to occur continuously with little tolerance for interruption it is not surprising that PLB is subject to both circadian phasedependent and vigilancestatedependent regulation similarly the information regarding respiratory state including bloodgas concentrations can affect circadian timing and sleepwake state the exact nature of the interactions between breathing circadian phase and vigilance state can vary depending upon the species studied and the methodologies employed these interactions between PLB circadian phase and vigilance state may have important implications for a variety of human diseases including SA asthma SUDEP and sudden infant death syndrome" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1044 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3794", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SUDEP" ], "offsets": [ [ 1006, 1011 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sudden unexpected death in epilepsy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3796", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "as in mammals the DER controls many aspects of growth and development the rate limiting component of drosophila egfr signaling is rho a seven transmembrane domain protein whose expression prefigures egfr signaling little is known about the molecular mechanism of rho CF but genetic evidence suggests that it controls the activation of the ligand spitz a tgfalphalike factor spitzegfr signaling regulates cell determination in the eye but here there is no apparent CF for rhomboid an observation that casts doubt on this prevailing model of rhomboid CF we describe our ID of six new rhomboidlike genes in drosophila and a C1 family of related genes present in organisms as diverse as bacteria and mammals a human rhomboid homolog has also recently been described drosophila rhomboid corresponds to the roughoid mutation it cooperates with rhomboid to control egfr signaling in the eye thereby solving the puzzle of the apparent lack of rhomboid function there rho and roughoidrhomboid act in the signalemitting not signalreceiving cell supporting the idea that spitz activation is regulated by rhomboidlike molecules" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1115 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3797", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "rho" ], "offsets": [ [ 959, 962 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "rhomboid" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3799", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we evaluated the association of a common polymorphism in gammaenac consisting in a c to g transversion in codon with essential hypertension and to the pressor response to salt in whites two hundred fifteen essential HT and normotensive controls were genotyped for the gamma enac polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction method and diagnostic restriction enzyme digestion the genotype distribution of the gamma enac polymorphism in the hypertensives cc and cggg was not significantly different from that of the control group cc and cggg p salt sensitivity was assessed in a group of patients by h mean blood pressure response to changes in salt NI nineteen patients were diagnosed as SS whereas had saltresistant hypertension the gamma enac genotype distribution in saltsensitive patients was cc and cggg not significantly different from the distribution in the saltresistant group cc and cggg p the changes in systolic diastolic and mean blood pressure as measured by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and in plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone induced by high salt diet were not different among the gamma enac genotypes in the present T0 we found no association between the gamma enac polymorphism and essential hypertension or salt sensitivity although these data do not support a major causative role for this polymorphism we cannot exclude that a PET mutation elsewhere in enac might be associated with essential hypertension" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1442 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3800", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SS" ], "offsets": [ [ 684, 686 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "salt sensitive" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3802", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "caerulein caused a marked decrease in levels of cGMP cgmp in the cerebellum in rats this effect was observed to be dosedependent after the intraperitoneal administration of caerulein for doses over microgramskg and lasted for about hr in doses of microgramskg however in vagotomized rats caerulein failed to alter the level of cgmp in the cerebellum caerulein suppressed harmalineinduced increases in cgmp in the cerebellum for more than hr in contrast the increases in C2 of cgmp in the cerebellum induced by treatment with methamphetamine AP and PT were not inhibited by i.c.v. with caerulein these results suggest that the peripheral administration of caerulein can inhibit the activity of climbing fibers for a long period of time in the cerebellum of the rat through the stimulation of the abdominal vagus SN" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 813 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3803", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "cGMP" ], "offsets": [ [ 48, 52 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "guanosine cyclic monophosphate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3805", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "interaction of the local anesthetic dibucaine with SUVs of DMPC dmpc and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine dopc containing different mole percents of monosialoganglioside gm has been studied by fluorescence spectroscopy fluorescence measurements on dibucaine in the presence of phospholipid vesicles containing various amounts of gm yielded a pattern of R2 of wavelength at emission maximum and steadystate anisotropy which indicated that the microenvironment of dibucaine is more hydrophobic and rigid in membranes that contain gm than in CM without it experiments on quenching of fluorescence from membraneassociated dibucaine by KI showed reduced quenching efficiency with the increase in gm content of the vesicles demonstrating lesser accessibility of the iodide quenchers to dibucaine in the presence of gm when compared to that in its absence total emission intensity decay profiles of dibucaine yielded two lifetime components of approximately and approximately ns with mean relative contributions of approximately and approximately respectively the mean lifetime in vesicles was lower than in the AQ medium and showed a definite increase in presence of gm from that in the absence of it all the spectral properties point that dibucaine encountered regions of membrane containing significant amount of gm and penetrated deeper in hydrophobic core of the bilayer" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1363 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3806", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KI" ], "offsets": [ [ 626, 628 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "potassium iodide" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3808", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the significance of developing implantable biocompatible miniature power sources operated in a low current range has become manifest in recent years to meet the n potential etp and other hypercoagulability markers with V1 involvement in patients with behçets disease bd patients and methods we analysed bd patients men mean age ± years without any known thrombophilic factor of which had previously suffered from thrombosis deep venous thrombosis in and IS in and controls matched for age and sex additionally we also evaluated plasma samples with an international normalised ratio inr between and obtained from patients with atrial fibrillation but without a history of embolic events that were under treatment with acenocumarol TG was measured as etp with a chromogenic assay in an automated analyser factor viii von willebrand factor antigen prothrombin fragment ddimer and plasminantiplasmin complexes were also measured" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 926 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3809", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TG" ], "offsets": [ [ 732, 734 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "thrombin generation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3811", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "autoimmune gastritis develops spontaneously in approximately of balbc mice Tx neonatally histologically and clinically it is similar to the atrophic gastritis associated with PA in humans here we identified antigenic protein relating to the pathogenesis of autoimmune gastritis in these mice all sera from thymectomized mice with gastritis contained autoantibodies to the vesicular fraction prepared from rat gastric parietal cells immunoblot analysis revealed all of these to react with a kd protein corresponding in molecular mass with the hkatpase alpha S1 some sera were also reactive with kd andor kd proteins whose sizes correspond to the hkatpase beta subunit and intrinsic factor respectively the finding that immunoadsorption with these sera resulted in reduction of hkatpase activity in the vesicular fraction supported a conclusion of hkatpase alpha andor beta subunits as the antigenic proteins T3 immunization of normal syngeneic mice with various doses of gastric parietal cells or their vesicular fraction all sera from animals demonstrating atrophic GM with lymphocyte infiltration reacted with the hkatpase alpha subunit no antibodies to other proteins were induced even in mice immunized with higher doses of antigen we therefore conclude that hkatpase alpha subunit is important as the target antigen in pathogenesis of autoimmune gastritis in NTx mice probably due to a high affinity for the mhc molecule" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1424 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3812", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PA" ], "offsets": [ [ 175, 177 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pernicious anaemia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3814", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "an image cytometry program was applied to sections of the SF MM of female and male and dayold rats lesser diameter and spatial distribution of more than muscle MF were automatically measured in digital images from muscle sections stained for myofibrillar atpase activity in this muscle only type a b and c fibres were observed at the three ages and in both sexes a fibres were found to have the largest diameter and were the most frequent in the dayold animals females presented larger diameters than did males in contrast in the dayold animals the three fibre types were larger in males than in females at all ages and in both sexes type a occupied to more crosssectional area than type b most images showed a random spatial distribution of their fibre types all fibre types grew in diameter with age the coefficient of variation of the diameter was ageindependent and remained under the finding of an ageindependent variable could have a practical application an increase of the coefficient of R2 can be considered as pathological even without a perfect agematched control" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1074 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3815", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MM" ], "offsets": [ [ 61, 63 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "masseter muscle" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3817", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in rats treated with the hypolipidemic drug NAF np for days the biliary excretion of PG ppg was markedly decreased while in contrast that of CTZ ctz was enhanced this suggests the existence of independent hepatic transport mechanisms for these two anions for both ppg and ctz blood disappearance curves showed an initial rapid phase followed by a second slow phase the rapid phase for both EDC is affected only slightly by pretreatment with np therefore it is inferred that suppression of biliary excretion was attributable mainly to impairment of the livertobile transport process the increased bile flow induced by np treatment was previously shown to be related to the biliary excretion of np and its metabolites inhibition of np choleresis by ppg may involve competition for biliary transport of these compounds the marked hepatomegaly and choleresis seen after np i.c.v. was more evident in male rats than in females" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 921 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3818", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PG" ], "offsets": [ [ 85, 87 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "phenolphthalein glucuronide" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3820", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the value of pleoptic treatment was assessed by a LT followup of patients treated years ago employing a questionnaire sent to patients and a CE of a sample of of these answers were received from persons with different occupations and educational levels who were fairly representative of the population of RNA finland as a whole the treatment was considered beneficial by of these the primary improvement in the mean visual acuity va from to among the persons examined proved to be partly transitory the final mean value being the poorest results were found in the combined strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia group the final va correlated positively with the initial va and negatively with age at the time of treatment BSV improved the prognosis altogether of the patients achieved a va of or better about one half experienced no permanent increase in va and the remainder were distributed evenly between these two extremes" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 926 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3821", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BSV" ], "offsets": [ [ 722, 725 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "binocular single vision" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3823", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "to evaluate the effects of dietary NPP npp content on ileal lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine expression in the cecal tonsils and SP of hens that were or were not inoculated with salmonella typhimurium" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 206 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3824", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NPP" ], "offsets": [ [ 35, 38 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nonphytate phosphorus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3826", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in accordance with the principles of training specificity resistance and ET induce distinct muscular adaptations endurance training for example decreases the activity of the glycolytic enzymes but increases intramuscular ATP stores oxidative enzyme MICs and capillary as well as mitochondrial density in contrast resistance or strength training reduces mitochondrial density while marginally impacting CD metabolic enzyme MICs and IM ATP stores except muscle glycogen the training modalities do induce one common muscular adaptation they transform type iib myofibres into iia myofibres this transformation is coupled with opposite changes in fibre size resistance training increases and endurance training decreases fibre size and in GA myofibre contractile properties as a result of these distinct muscular adaptations ET facilitates aerobic processes whereas resistance training increases muscular strength and anaerobic SP exercise performance data do not fit this paradigm however as they indicate that RT or the addition of resistance training to an ongoing endurance exercise regimen including running or cycling increases both short and long term endurance capacity in sedentary and TR individuals resistance training also appears to improve LT in untrained individuals during cycling these improvements may be linked to the capacity of resistance training to alter myofibre size and contractile properties adaptations that may increase muscular force production in contrast to running and cycling traditional dry land resistance training or combined swim and resistance training does not appear to enhance swimming performance in UT individuals or competitive swimmers despite substantially increasing upper body strength combined swim and swimspecific inwater RT programmes however increase a competitive swimmers velocity over distances up to m traditional resistance training may be a valuable adjunct to the exercise programmes followed by endurance runners or cyclists but not swimmers these latter athletes need more specific forms of RT to realise PI" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2065 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3827", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RT" ], "offsets": [ [ 2049, 2051 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "resistance training" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3829", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "evaluation of the cytotoxicity of a novel dinuclear platinumii complex of formula ptpicolineberenil employing a mtt CA and inhibition of hthymidine incorporation into dna in both mdamb and mcf BCCs demonstrated that the complex was more of a potent antiproliferative agent than cisplatin the dnabinding ability of ptpicolineberenil estimated by an ethidium displacement CA indicated that the complex showed strong specificity for at base pairs in the minor groove of dna our study showed that ptpicolineberenil was a potent catalytic inhibitor of topoisomerase ii in opposition to cisplatin ptpicolineberenil was found to be a more AS inhibitor of collagen biosynthesis than cisplatin the up regulation of betaintegrin and insulinlike growth factor i igfi receptor expression by the complex was shown to be accompanied by an increase in the expression of mitogen G1 protein kinases in breast cell lines the phenomenon was related to the increased expression of nuclear factorkappab nufkappabeta by ptpicolineberenil as shown by the WB analysis flow cytometric analysis and a FL microscopy CA demonstrated that cell death appeared to result from apoptosis with the possibility of secondary CN the data presented suggested that ptpicolineberenil impaired growth and metabolism of breast CA cells more efficiently than cisplatin these results indicated also the different properties of ptpicolineberenil and cisplatin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1414 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3830", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "WB" ], "offsets": [ [ 1032, 1034 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "western immunoblot" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3832", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the regulation of energy intake is a complex process involving the integration of homeostatic signals and both internal and es inputs environmental visual cues are one of the first and primary inputs signaling the potential availability of food" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 244 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3833", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "es" ], "offsets": [ [ 124, 126 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "external sensory" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3835", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "following a subcutaneous dose mgkg of hmethadone Cmax of drug occurred in plasma tissues and selected areas of the central NS cns h T3 injection in both nontolerant and tolerant dogs highest concentrations of MTD were attained in bile and lung compared to other tissues levels of MTD in plasma tissue and cns of tolerant and nontolerant animals were not markedly different up to h T3 i.t. but a much faster rate of egression of free drug lower t was observed subsequently in tolerant dogs peak levels of methadone in various Az of the cns ranged between spinal cord to thalamus mugg in nontolerant and rebellum to TH mugg in tolerant dogs h after i.t. no marked accumulation of MTD occurred in selected areas of the cns in spite of the persistence of drug in these Az the plasma protein electrophoretic profiles did not differ between control nontolerant and tolerant dogs similar qualitative patterns of metabolites were observed in nontolerant and tolerant dogs and the OD of tolerance did not appear to modify the metabolic pathways of methadone" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1048 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3836", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Cmax" ], "offsets": [ [ 49, 53 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "peak levels" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3838", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a new composite prosthesis was recently proposed for the ACL AL it is implanted in the femur and the tibia through two anchoring channels its intraarticular portion composed of a fiber mesh sheath wrapped around a silicone rubber cylindrical core reproduces satisfactorily the ligament response in tension however the prosthesis does not only undergo elongation in addition it is submitted to torsion in its intraarticular portion and bending at its ends this paper presents a new method to evaluate these two types of deformations throughout a knee flexion by means of a geometric MM of the implanted prosthesis input data originate from two sources i a threedimensional anatomic topology of the knee joint in full extension providing the localization of the prosthesis anchoring channels and ii a kinematic model of the knee describing the motion of these anchoring channels during a physiological flexion of the knee joint the DUE method is independent of the way input data are obtained this method applied to a RA cadaveric knee shows that the orientation of the anchoring channels has a C1 effect on the extent of torsion and bending applied to the implanted prosthesis throughout a knee flexion especially on the femoral side the T0 suggests also the best choice for the anchoring channel axes orientation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1312 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3839", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AL" ], "offsets": [ [ 61, 63 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "ligament" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3841", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "TKs are neuropeptides present in sensory nerves in the lung aside from their role as neurotransmitters these peptides exert Th1 and protective effects in the airways although tachykinins may be released from sensory nerves there is increasing evidence that they are also produced by nonneuronal cells the net effect of TKs will likely result from relative changes in the C2 of tachykinins tachykinin receptors and tachykinin degrading enzymes we investigated whether TKs might be produced locally in human airway epithelium in vivo and whether mrna levels for either TKs their receptors or for the tachykinin degrading enzyme neutral endopeptidase nep were altered in subjects with chronic bronchitis compared to normals" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 720 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3842", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TKs" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 3 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "tachykinins" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3844", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "to investigate the effects of antibiotics and the probiotic SB on indigenous microflora and BT bt in burned rats" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 112 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3845", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SB" ], "offsets": [ [ 60, 62 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "saccharomyces boulardii" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3847", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "SLO syndrome slos omim is an AR malformation syndrome characterized by a large spectrum of morphogenic and congenital anomalies slos is caused by mutations in the dhcr gene which encodes dehydrocholesterol reductase the enzyme that catalyzes the final step in cholesterol biosynthesis we report on currently known mutations in dhcr identified in patients affected with slos and discuss their coding consequences these mutations include missense nonsense deletions insertions indel and splice site mutations using information available from published case reports and from patients identified in our clinical diagnostic laboratory we analyzed correlations between TT clinical presentation and dehydrocholesterol level" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 716 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3848", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SLO" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 3 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "smithlemliopitz" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3850", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "tcell mediated immune response toward the HD mite hdm antigens in particular has been reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of AD ad on the other hand studies on the infiltrating lymphocytes in the skin lesion of ad revealed oligoclonal tcell accumulation however it is not clear exactly what antigens the accumulating t cells are exactly recognize in situ therefore this study attempted to determine whether or not the clonally expanded tcell clones in the diseased skin recognize hdm specifically IP blood mononuclear cells pbmc obtained from six patients with ad who revealed high titers of antihdm ige were stimulated with hdm antigens purified from dermatophagoides pteronyssinus dp tcell clonotypes expanded by the stimulation were then identified by the analysis of their tcell receptor tcr bgene sequences using a combination of the reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction and subsequent single strand conformation polymorphism separation the dpresponding tcell clonotypes were compared with those that accumulated in the ad skin lesion in vivo nucleotide sequences of the tcr were also determined as a result the dp stimulation induced oligoclonal tcell expansion from the originally heterogeneous peripheral tcell population of ad patients however only a small part of the dpreacting tcell clonotypes detected in pbmc was MZ to those accumulated in the ad skin lesion in vivo and vice versa this indicates that the frequency of the clonal expansion of dpspecific tcell clonotypes in the skin lesion of ad would be rather limited" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1551 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3851", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AD" ], "offsets": [ [ 133, 135 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "atopic dermatitis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3853", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "fiftyfive cases of ring avulsion injury were reviewed to examine how extent of injury and surgical management correlated with results T3 injury three patients had adequate circulation of patients with inadequate circulation had primary amputation salvage was attempted in of these fingers were amputated secondarily were successfully revascularized and were successfully replanted returntowork time averaged between and weeks cold PS occurred in of salvaged fingers range of motion was usually normal at the metacarpophalangeal joint most patients had degrees or better combined arc of motion at the proximal and DIP joints twopoint discrimination of less than mm returned in of patients with injured SN most patients whose fingers were successfully salvaged were glad they had had the procedure we conclude that amputated digits are salvageable and propose a classification systeme were six hospital deaths for an overall operative risk of one death occurred among patients less than age years operative risk and five deaths occurred in older patients operative risk p for difference between age groups four of patients with a residual gradient greater than mm hg died compared with two of patients with a lower gradient p followup ranged from to years mean years and year actuarial survival rate including hospital deaths was the year survival rate was decreased in patients who had operative procedures other than myectomymyotomy versus p less than and in patients aged years or older versus p less than no correlation was found between preoperative symptoms FC left ventricleaorta pressure gradient or mitral valve insufficiency and operative or late mortality preoperative PS were relieved in of patients with dyspnea of patients with angina and of patients with syncope this experience confirms the effectiveness of operation for relief of PS in patients with the obstructive form of HCM cardiomyopathy the current operative mortality rate is low especially in patients less than years of age our experience suggests that incomplete relief of left ventricular outflow obstruction may increase the risk of early postoperative death" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2136 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3854", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DIP" ], "offsets": [ [ 613, 616 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "distal interphalangeal" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3856", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we describe an unusual case of rapid recurrence of a previously excised IMT of the right VVI outflow tract in a monthold infant the infant is asymptomatic months after the second surgery the very rare cardiac involvement and the early relapse of the inflammatory pseudotumor to the best of our knowledge is a unique combination the IMT as known as a pseudotumor or plasma cell granuloma is an uncommon reactive lesion with unknown aetiology it is found most commonly in the lung and a number of visceral organs such as the SP liver ileum salivary glands UB larynx or BB or in the retroperitoneum and CL NO to our knowledge only cases have been published of such tumor arising within the heart" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 692 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3857", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IMT" ], "offsets": [ [ 332, 335 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3859", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a yearold man was admitted to our hospital because of acute ON of diplopia and gait disturbance on admission ophthalmoplegia ataxia and areflexia were observed he was diagnosed with FS and given intravenous immunoglobulin therapy from day to day after disease ON T3 treatment ophthalmoplegia and ataxia began to improve however he developed taste impairment on day and RA hemifacial weakness on day T3 ON a blink reflex test revealed RA FN impairment on day T3 ON facial weakness and taste impairment remitted and the BR test result was normalized without additional treatment although it has been known that of patients with fisher syndrome complicated by delayed facial nerve palsy the mechanism of the facial nerve palsy has not been elucidated therefore this is a significant report to describe delayed facial nerve palsy combined with taste impairment and successive recordings of blink reflex and facial nerve conduction in a patient with fisher syndrome" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 960 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3860", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BR" ], "offsets": [ [ 518, 520 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "blink reflex" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3862", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "dormancy break and germination of seeds are governed by climatic cues and predicted changes in climate may impact the ecology and conservation of species paysonia perforata and p stonensis are rare brassicaceous winter annuals occurring primarily in fields on floodplains where corn or soybeans are recommended for habitat maintenance we tested the effects of precipitation based on two predictions of changes in climate on seed germination in these two species and placed the results into a management framework seeds of both species collected during peak dispersal in late aprilearly may were given various periods of CS or darkness followed by darkness or light at summer temperatures before placement in darkness during late summerearly autumn in both laboratory and field the CS requirement was met earliest at wk midjuly on alternating wetdry substrate simulating current climatic conditions however seeds of p perforata and p stonensis were photostimulated earliest at wk midmay and wk midjune respectively on a continuously moist substrate simulating predicted future conditions the soil seed bank could be depleted if plowing coincides with PS of seeds fields should be prepared after dispersal but before seeds are photostimulated and harvesting completed before seed germination in early september because seeds are highly photostimulated in late summer disturbance from harvesting must be low to prevent burial cultivation of soybean particularly for forage is better matched to the seed biology and life cycle of paysonia than that of corn under current and predicted climates" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1589 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3863", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PS" ], "offsets": [ [ 1150, 1152 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "photostimulation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3865", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "huntington disease is an adultonset neurodegenerative disorder that is caused by the expansion of a polyglutamine tract within the huntingtin htt protein wildtype htt has been shown to be involved in transcription transport and cell survival here we demonstrate that increased expression of FL wildtype htt in mice is associated with a dosedependent increase in body weight which results from an increase in both TF mass and fatfree mass conversely we show that a reduction in the C2 of wildtype htt is associated with decreased body weight examination of individual organ weights revealed that the weight of the HR CL kidneys lungs and spleen increased with the overexpression of wildtype htt whereas the BB and testis were unaltered on the basis of these initial findings we examined mice that overexpress fulllength mutant htt to determine the effect of polyglutamine expansion on this novel function of wildtype htt we found that overexpression of fulllength mutant htt but not an NT fragment of mutant htt also increased body weight and organ weight except in the brain and testis where mutant htt appears to be toxic in these mice the majority of weight gain could be accounted for by increases in total fat mass further investigation of the WG phenotype revealed that the increases in weight were not accounted for by increased food consumption relative to body weight overall we demonstrate that increased levels of both wildtype and mutant FL htt are associated with increased body weight" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1497 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3866", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TF" ], "offsets": [ [ 413, 415 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "total fat" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3868", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "high doses of cocaine can elicit seizures in humans and in laboratory animals several mechanisms have been proposed for the induction of seizures by cocaine including enhanced MA signaling blockade of ion channels and alterations in gaba and glu transmission mutations in the scna gene which encodes the CNS system cns voltagegated sodium channel vgsc nav are responsible for several human epilepsy disorders including dravet syndrome and genetic SGE with febrile seizures plus gefs mice heterozygous for the rh gefs mutation rh mice exhibit reduced interneuron excitability spontaneous seizures and lower thresholds to flurothyl and hyperthermiainduced seizures however it is unknown whether impaired cns vgsc function or a genetic predisposition to epilepsy increases susceptibility to cocaineinduced seizures" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 811 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3869", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SGE" ], "offsets": [ [ 447, 450 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "generalized epilepsy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3871", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "contraction induced by hyposmotic swelling was examined in rat tail arteries mounted on a myograph containing a modified krebs PSS pss containing mm mannitol mosml hyposmotic swelling was induced by removing mannitol in arteries having basal tone or arteries precontracted with k or the U46619 u removal of mannitol caused a concentration dependent contraction of rat tail arteries concurrent measurement of tension and intracellular calcium cai in arteries loaded with fura showed that both tension and cai increased on SE to a hyposmotic solution removal of endothelium or inhibition of nitric oxide and cyclooxygenase together did not affect contractile responses removal of extracellular ca abolished the contractile response to hyas been conducted in samples obtained from nine countries peripheral blood MNC cells pbmc dried filter paper fp and fresh blood fb samples were collected from hivpositive patients from ecuador colombia venezuela peru chile bolivia argentina uruguay and paraguay from a total of hiv SP samples examined during a year period only were found to be INF with nonbnonf hiv SCV eight of these strains were determined to be AT1 c by heteroduplex mobility CA hma five of these strains were further characterized by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the protease pro and reverse transcriptase rt region of the genome and two were sequenced full length one of the strains was found to be a unique bc recombinant the spread of a third subtype of hiv AT1 c should raise the question of its potential future role in the hiv epidemic in this region" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1574 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3872", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "U46619" ], "offsets": [ [ 287, 293 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "thromboxane mimetic" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3874", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "impairment in work CF is a frequent outcome in patients with chronic conditions such as immunemediated inflammatory diseases imid depression and anxiety disorders the personal and economic costs of work impairment in these disorders are immense PS of pain fatigue depression and anxiety are potentially remediable forms of distress that may contribute to work impairment in chronic health conditions such as imid the present T0 evaluated the association between pain MOS pain effects scale fatigue daily fatigue impact scale depression and anxiety HAD scale and work impairment work productivity and activity impairment scale in four patient populations multiple sclerosis n inflammatory bowel disease n RA ICA n and a depression and anxiety group n using quantile regression controlling for the effects of sociodemographic factors PCS disability and cognitive deficits each of pain depression PS anxiety PS and fatigue individually showed significant associations with work absenteeism presenteeism and general activity impairment quantile regression standardized estimates ranging from to when the distress variables were entered concurrently into the regression models fatigue was a significant predictor of work and activity impairment in all models quantile regression standardized estimates ranging from to these findings have important clinical implications for understanding the determinants of work impairment and for improving workrelated outcomes in chronic disease" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1476 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3875", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RA" ], "offsets": [ [ 704, 706 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "rheumatoid" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3877", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "maternal EC dysfunction is one of the main features of pregnancyinduced hypertension pih it is generally accepted that CEC cecs and endothelial progenitor cells epcs reflect the state of the endothelium its injury andor repair possibilities the objective of this T0 was to determine whether the cecs and epcs numbers in the circulation of women with pih reflect the presence of this pathology IP blood cells of pih and normotensive Pr women were labeled with TPS monoclonal antibodies for cecs DUE samples were labeled with anticd and OKT3 for epcs with antivegfrkdr and OKT3 cells were quantified by flow cytometry the levels of both cecs cd cd and epcs cd vegfrkdr in the peripheral blood of women with pih were significantly lower compared with those of control pregnant women with normal blood pressure level lowered accessibility of maternal cecs and epcs may diminish general regenerative potential of the patient endothelia contributing to pih PS and to the risk of subsequent coronary and arterial disease" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1013 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3878", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CEC" ], "offsets": [ [ 119, 122 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "circulating endothelial cells" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3880", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "there has been considerable literature on sexual issues in women with inflammatory bowel disease ibd but relatively little attention has been paid to these aspects in men to review the available literature and to provide the best management of sexual and reproductive issues in male patients with ibd the scientific literature on sexual and reproductive issues in men with ibd was reviewed several AF including surgical and medication treatments disease activity lifestyle and psychological AF may play a role in the OD of infertility and SD and may negatively impact pregnancy outcomes proctocolectomy with ileal pouchanal anastomosis increases the risk of erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction by up to a treatment with sildenafil can be effective sperm banking should be advised to young men with ibd before surgery both sulfasalazine and methotrexate may be responsible for reversible SD and infertility furthermore sulfasalazine should be switched to mesalazine at least months before conception because of a higher risk of CM in pregnancies fathered by men treated with this drug psychotropic drugs frequently used in ibd may cause SD up to last but not the least voluntary childlessness occurs frequently mainly because of concerns about medication safety in pregnancy and fear of transmitting disease accurate counseling and where necessary psychological support can decrease any misperceptions and fears close collaboration between the gastroenterologist and the patient is recommended for the best management of these relevant neglected aspects in men with ibd" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1569 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3881", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SD" ], "offsets": [ [ 539, 541 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sexual dysfunction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3883", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the inward translocation of the monovalent anionic phospholipid palmitoylsnglycerophosphomethanol in the membrane of human erythrocytes is a fast process t min degrees c translocation of the protonated uncharged phospholipid is not responsible for the fast flip rate and mediation of translocation by the aminophospholipid flippase could be excluded involvement of the anion exchanger band in this process was derived from its inhibition by several established inhibitors of band mediated AE and its acceleration T3 proteolysis of band by external papain the translocation of the dianionic nbdlabeled phosphatidic acid is fold slower but also affected by the inhibitors thus the anion exchanger can act as a flippase defined as a transporter accepting substrates from the lipid bilayer" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 785 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3884", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AE" ], "offsets": [ [ 489, 491 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "anion exchange" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3886", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "as part of a program to develop methods for dosimetry of exposure to sulfur mustard we developed immunochemical methods for the detection of the L1 adduct nhydroxyethylthioethylguanine nhetegua formed T3 alkylation of dna with sulfur mustard T3 immunization of rabbits with CT dna treated with sulfur mustard we obtained the AS w with a high specificity for dna adducts of sulfur mustard with this serum a competitive enzymelinked immunosorbent assay was developed in which sulfur mustard adducts to dna could be detected with a minimum detectable amount of fmol per well and a selectivity that allows detection of one nhetegua among x unmodified nucleotides in ssDNA the complications that arise to isolate doublestranded dna from biological samples and to make the dna singlestranded without destruction of the sulfur mustard adducts result in about a fold higher limit for adduct PCD in dna from human blood than in ssDNA dna presently adducts in WBCs can be detected after SE of human blood to sulfur mustard concentrations or microm we synthesized nhetegmp for use as a hapten to generate monoclonal antibodies against this adduct after immunization of mice with this adduct coupled to the carrier protein KLH we obtained several hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies that recognize nhetegua containing an intact imidazolium ring the sensitivity of the competitive elisa with the monoclonal antibodies was comparable to that of the assays performed with the rabbit antiserumabstract truncated at words" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1511 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3887", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KLH" ], "offsets": [ [ 1211, 1214 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "keyhole limpet hemocyanin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3889", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "since the introduction of laparoscopic surgery for GB disease different types of retrieval devices have been used to extract the GB from the peritoneal cavity these devises infer addthe midst of a period in which fundamental global NC will be required if societies and many species perhaps even our own are to survive the realities are inescapable and the potential implications are likely to affect nearly every dimension of human life in the usa and globally current trends are discouraging and will be extraordinarily difficult to shift given global structural realities it is hard to imagine a time when effective leadership is more necessary or will be more challenging our thesis here is that behavioral systems science can contribute in meaningful ways to shaping and sustaining such leadership leadership required to advance a new progressive movement" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 859 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3890", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "GB" ], "offsets": [ [ 129, 131 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "gallbladder" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3892", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the brain is capable of largescale reorganization in blindness or after massive injury such reorganization crosses the division into separate sensory cortices visual somatosensory as its result the visual cortex of the blind becomes active during tactile braille reading although the possibility of such reorganization in the normal AD brain has been raised definitive evidence has been lacking here we demonstrate such extensive reorganization in normal sighted adults who learned braille while their BB activity was investigated with fmri and TMS stimulation tms subjects showed enhanced activity for tactile reading in the VC including the visual word form area vwfa that was modulated by their braille reading speed and strengthened restingstate connectivity between visual and somatosensory cortices moreover tms disruption of vwfa activity decreased their tactile reading accuracy our results indicate that largescale reorganization is a viable mechanism recruited when learning complex skills" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 999 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3893", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "VC" ], "offsets": [ [ 626, 628 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "visual cortex" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3895", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "CP composite yarns containing a high loading of doublewalled carbon nanotubes dwnts have been developed in which the inherent acrylatebased organic coating on the surface of the dwnt bundles interacts strongly with PVA pva through an extensive hydrogenbond network this design takes advantage of a toughening mechanism seen in spider silk and collagen which contain an abundance of hydrogen bonds that can break and reform allowing for large deformation while maintaining structural stability similar to that observed in natural materials unfolding of the polymeric matrix at C1 deformations increases ductility without sacrificing stiffness as the pva content in the composite increases the stiffness and energy to failure of the composite also increases up to an optimal point beyond which mechanical performance in tension decreases molecular dynamics md simulations confirm this trend showing the dominance of nonproductive hydrogen bonding between pva molecules at high pva contents which lubricates the interface between dwnts" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1032 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3896", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PVA" ], "offsets": [ [ 215, 218 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "polyvinyl alcohol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "3898", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "enhanced conditionability has been proposed as a crucial factor in the etiology and maintenance of panic disorder pd to test this assumption the authors of the current study examined the acquisition and extinction of CRs to aversive stimuli in pd thirtynine pd patients and healthy control participants took part in a differential aversive conditioning experiment a highly annoying but not painful electrical stimulus served as the unconditioned stimulus us and two neutral pictures were used as either the paired conditioned stimulus cs or the unpaired conditioned stimulus cs results indicate that pd patients do not show larger CRs during acquisition than control participants however in contrast to control participants pd patients exhibited larger skin conductance responses to cs stimuli during extinction and maintained a more negative DUE of them as indicated by valence ratings obtained several times throughout the experiment this suggests that pd patients show enhanced conditionability with respect to extinction" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1024 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "3899", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CRs" ], "offsets": [ [ 217, 220 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "conditioned responses" } ] } ]