[ { "id": "4201", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "there have recently been considerable advances in the understanding of the inheritance of IH mckusick the disorder is determined by a locus closely linked to the hla loci on the short arm of chromosome there is a recessive mode of transmission the GF may be as high as in some parts of the world hla typing makes it possible to identify family members who are homozygous for IH and measurement of transferrin saturation and SS ferritin concentration will identify those with iron overload treatment is by regular phlebotomy few advances have been made in the years in the understanding of the abnormality which permits the increased absorption of iron and which causes the iron overload" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 686 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4202", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IH" ], "offsets": [ [ 375, 377 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "idiopathic haemochromatosis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4204", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a method of recovering sublethally heatinjured bacteria was developed with TPS apparatus membrane filter holder mfh which was originally used for isogrid hydrophobic MF holder" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 175 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4205", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MF" ], "offsets": [ [ 166, 168 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "membrane filter" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4207", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "since elevated levels of circulating complexes have been noted to occur in the sera of patients with poststreptococcal sequelae the possibility that these complexes contained streptococcal antigens within the complex was investigated sera from these patients were precipitated with PE glycol to extract a fraction rich in these complexes which was then injected into rabbits the rabbit sera were then reacted with both cellular and extracellular fractions obtained from streptococcal strains associated with either acute poststreptococcal nephritis apsgn or acute RF arf by using immunoelectrophoresis and elisa techniques the data demonstrate that both arf and apsgn complexes contain streptococcal antigens however apsgn complexes react uniquely to certain extracellular antigens present in those strains associated with nephritis while arf complexes react specifically to certain streptococcal extracellular antigens excreted by strains associated with rheumatic fever neither of the two CG of complexes appear to contain streptococcal antigens related to any cellular antigens derived from the GAS additionally a rabbit serum immunized with streptococcal extracellular products reacted directly with complexes isolated from nephritis patients removal of the gamma globulin by absorption with an antihuman fc serum resulted in the concomitant loss of CR with the antistreptococcal serum strongly suggesting an intimate association of the SA with these complexes the presence of streptococcal antigens within the circulating immune complex of patients with apsgn coupled with their specific presence in those strains associated with poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis argues strongly for a causal role of these antigens in the disease process" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1746 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4208", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RF" ], "offsets": [ [ 564, 566 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "rheumatic fever" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4210", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "new SN are added on a daily basis to the olfactory bulb ob of a mammal and this phenomenon exists throughout its lifetime these new cells are born in the subventricular zone and migrate to the ob via the RMS rms to examine the role of the prokineticin receptor prokr in neurogenesis we created a prokr null mouse and report a decrease in the volume of its ob and also a decrease in the number of bromodeoxyuridine brdupositive cells there is disrupted architecture of the ob with the gl containing terminal dutp nickend labeling tunel positive nuclei and also a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylasepositive neurons in this SL in addition there are increased numbers of doublecortinpositive NBs in the rms and increased psancam polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule positive neuronal progenitors around the olfactory IVT indicating their detachment from homotypic chains is compromised finally in support of this prokrdeficient cells expanded in vitro as neurospheres are incapable of migrating towards a source of recombinant human prokineticin prok together these findings suggest an important role for prokr in ob neurogenesis" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1143 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4211", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "gl" ], "offsets": [ [ 484, 486 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "glomerular layer" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4213", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "changes in rho dimensions of the electroencephalogram eeg were examined in three different tasks these three tasks differed from each other with respect to the number of procedures in the present experiment lefthand movement and MA were controlled respectively during an auditory linguistic task subjects were healthy righthanded males eeg signals from eight electrode CS were analyzed and the correlation dimensions were obtained in addition the relative power was obtained for the alpha band an increase in the number of procedures yielded high dimensionality on the occipital eeg in contrast lefthand movement had no significant effect on eeg dimensions over the motor area the relative SP of the alpha band was seen to decrease in all channels as the number of procedures increased the fact that changes in eeg dimensions did not necessarily exhibit a simple correspondence to changes in alpha wave activity was also discussed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 930 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4214", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MA" ], "offsets": [ [ 229, 231 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "mental arithmetic" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4216", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "selfetch bonding systems are promoted as a timesaving and userfriendly alternative to etchandrinse bonding systems selfetch adhesives are characterized by a relatively mild etching effect resulting in a relatively low incidence of postoperative hypersensitivity on the other hand their mild etching effect causes a reduction in bond strength to enamel compared to that achieved with phosphoric acid etching allinone adhesives still suffer from lessthanoptimal initial bond strengths and from inadequate durability of the bond future developments need to focus on the beta of water deposits along the adhesive interface of allinone adhesives while selfetch adhesives may yield acceptable results when applied in combination with lightcured CR their acidic monomers inhibit the polymerization of autocured and dualcured composite resins unfortunately most selfcure or dualcure activators do not overcome this problem this incompatibility has to be taken into consideration when using selfetch adhesives for adhesive cementation and for core buildup restorations when assessing selfetch bonding systems it should be noted that they do not represent a homogenous category of materials but rather comprise a great variety of different types of products each with specific strengths and weaknesses" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1291 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4217", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CR" ], "offsets": [ [ 739, 741 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "composite resin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4219", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "complex CTV ctv populations composed of mixtures of different strains of the virus are commonly found in citrus trees in the field at present little is known about how these populations are formed maintained and how they are structured within a host here we used a novel in situ hybridization approach allowing simultaneous visualization of two different rna targets with high sensitivity and specificity to examine the distribution of two isolates t and t representing phylogenetically distinct strains of ctv in a citrus host in single and mixed infections remarkably in doubly inoculated plants the two virus SCV appeared to be well mixed within the infected tissue and showed no spatial segregation in addition both ctv SCV were often found occupying the same cells possible mechanisms involved in shaping ctv populations and the biological significance of the observed lack of structural separation of the individual components are discussed" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 946 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4220", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CTV" ], "offsets": [ [ 8, 11 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "citrus tristeza virus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4222", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the possibility that cyclic adenosine monophosphate cAMP mediates a voltagedependent inward current elicited by hydroxytryptamine ht in rb and lb cells of the abdominal ganglion of aplysia was tested intracellular i.t. of cAMP elicited an inward current with a similar time course potential dependence and ionic sensitivity as the response to ht intracellular i.t. of guanylyl imidodiphosphate gmppnp which G1 adenylate cyclase neither mimicked nor enhanced the htevoked current on the contrary it reduced the current the phosphodiesterase inhibitors ro isobutyl methylxanthine ibmx and theophylline each antagonized the voltagedependent response to ht to varying degrees they each induced an inward current the adenylate cyclase antagonist dithiobisnitrobenzoic acic dtnb had no effect on the response to ht when applied either intracellularly or extracellularly intracellular i.t. of the phosphodiesterase activator imidazole also had no effect TC and neostigmine did not reduce the voltagedependent inward current evoked by ht methysergide elicited an inward current although the observations that cAMP and ht can evoke similar voltagedependent inward currents in rb and lb neurones of aplysia might suggest a second messenger role for the cyclic nucleotide the pharmacological data are inconsistent with this hypothesis" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1323 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4223", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TC" ], "offsets": [ [ 947, 949 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "tubocurarine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4225", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "except for the localisation of tissue kallikrein tk in human prolactin secreting adenomas its apparent deficiency in alzheimers disease and presence in human CSF fluid csf the regional CSD of tk in human BB has not been defined in this T0 on human brains collected within h of death we report on the regional distribution of tk in different BB Az the presence of tk was determined by its amidase and kininogenase MICs and the cellular localisation by immunocytochemistry the highest amidolytic activity using the substrate dvalleuargpna was recorded with extracts of the choroid plexus and hypothalamus whereas extracts of the cerebral cortex areas cerebellum Az BS and TH possessed moderate amidion of LPS from the intestinal lumen these products may further recruit inflammatory cells and thus augment the inflammatory response a novel lipocalin in neutrophils neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin ngal with the ability to bind bacterial formylpeptides has been described and therefore it is of interest to investigate the expression of this protein in diseases of the colon expression of ngal was investigated by immunohistochemistry and by mrna in situ hybridisation in normal colon and in neoplastic and inflammatory colorectal diseases a very high expression of ngal was seen in colonic epithelium in Az of inflammation both in nonmalignant epithelium diverticulitis inflammatory bowel disease and appendicitis as well as in premalignant and malignant neoplastic lesions of the colon in adenocarcinoma the ngal expression was especially abundant in the TM and in the superficial ulcerated area on the other hand no ngal expression could be detected in CL node metastases from these adenocarcinomas a weak expression of ngal in some epithelial cells was only occasionally seen in normal colon in conclusion ngal synthesis is induced in epithelial cells in inflammatory and neoplastic colorectal diseases ngal may serve an important antiinflammatory CF as a scavenger of bacterial products" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1999 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4226", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TM" ], "offsets": [ [ 1565, 1567 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "transitional mucosa" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4228", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in order to determine whether neurones in the parvicellular reticular formation are in direct synaptic contact with motoneurones innervating facial muscles a combined retrograde and anterograde transport T0 was carried out in the rat animals received injections of the VA tracer cholera toxin b conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into facial muscles and of the anterograde tracer biocytin into the parvicellular Rt formation the FMN was then examined for anterograde and VA labelling in the CS and electron microscopes retrogradely labelled neurones were found in the FMN with a distribution that was dependent on the muscles injected terminals anterogradely labelled with biocytin from the parvicellular Rt formation was observed in the motor nucleus amongst the retrogradely labelled neurones at the EM the retrogradely labelled cells were found to receive input from unlabelled terminals and from terminals that were anterogradely labelled from the i.v. of biocytin in the parvicellular reticular formation the labelled terminals were microns in diameter at the active zone and packed with spherical vesicles they formed both symmetrical and asymmetrical synapses with their labelled or unlabelled targets it is concluded that neurones in the parvicellular Rt formation form direct synaptic contact with motoneurones of facial muscles this may represent a pathway by which the basal ganglia can directly influence orofacial movement as the substantia nigra is known to project to that part of the Rt formation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1514 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4229", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FMN" ], "offsets": [ [ 431, 434 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "facial motor nucleus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4231", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we report the case of a neonate who developed septicemia due to a MSSA strain at six days of age at eight days of age PCS DUE revealed a tense tender abdomen and further enlargement of the CL and ABD ultrasonography demonstrated multiple liver abscesses on the following day pleuropulmonary lesions developed and required mechanical ventilation recovery was achieved using parenteral vancomycin and fosfomycin for days followed by oral pristinamycin for ten days this case is unusual in that the infection was acquired by the digestive route probably as a result of lymphangitis of the breast in the mother and multiple CL abscesses were associated with the pleuropulmonary localization it provides further evidence of the value of ultrasonography for the diagnosis and monitoring of liver abscesses including multiple abscesses" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 828 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4232", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MSSA" ], "offsets": [ [ 66, 70 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "methicillinsusceptible staphylococcus aureus" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4234", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we T0 the EC50 of a model for the human tear film T3 a blink on a stationary eyeshaped domain corresponding to a fully open eye using lubrication theory and explore the effects of viscosity surface tension gravity and boundary conditions that specify the pressure the governing nonlinear PDE is solved on an overset grid by a method of lines using a finitedifference discretization in space and an adaptive secondorder backwarddifference formula solver in time our d simulations are calculated in the overture computational FR the computed flows show sensitivity to both our choices between two different pressure boundary conditions and the presence of gravity this is particularly true around the boundary the simulations recover features seen in d simulations and capture some experimental observations including hydraulic connectivity around the lid margins" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 861 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4235", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PDE" ], "offsets": [ [ 288, 291 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "partial differential equation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4237", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the authors sought to assess the clinical outcomes of LAA laa closure with the lambre closure system in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation nvaf" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 154 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4238", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LAA" ], "offsets": [ [ 54, 57 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "left atrial appendage" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4240", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "template assisted admicellar polymerization taap utilizes a surfactant SL adsorbed on a surface to localize a monomer to the surface prior to polymerization of the monomer nanostructures are formed by restricting adsorption to the uncovered CS of an alreadytemplated surface in this case to the interstitial CS between adsorbed latex spheres this work studies the AF affecting the synthesis of polymeric nanostructures from taap for three different monomers AN pyrrole and methyl methacrylate and three different surfaces highly ordered PG hopg gold and sio among the parameters discussed are the effects of monomer and SF concentration surfactant chain length polymerization time and temperature and solution ionic strength control of the aforementioned parameters allows some control over the nanostructure morphology CP nanopillars nanorings honeycombs and honeytubes have been synthesized important conclusions regarding the conditions favoring admicellar polymerization relative to polymerization in solution are drawn from the experimental results as well sample characterization includes SEM microscopy sem RS and AC current ac impedance measurements" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1157 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4241", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PG" ], "offsets": [ [ 537, 539 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pyrolytic graphite" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4243", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "diabetes mellitus has been suggested as a possible risk factor for the development of pancreatic CA in humans previous studies in our laboratory have shown however that streptozotocin stz diabetes inhibits the OD of CA of the exocrine pancreas in hamsters when stz is po prior to treatment with the pancreatic carcinogen BOP bop it has been reported by others that the concurrent administration of bop and stz enhances pancreatic carcinogenesis in hamsters the purpose of the present T0 was to determine the effect of stz diabetes on the development of bopinduced PC when stz is given following SE to bop groups of syrian golden hamsters were treated with either bop only single sc i.t. mgkg body wt at week bop single sc injection mgkg body wt at week plus stz mgkg body wt x daily ip doses at weeks or stz only mgkg body wt x daily ip doses at weeks or or neither bop nor stz the experiment was terminated at weeks after bop treatment no significant difference was seen in the incidence of pancreatic CA between those animals receiving bop only at week and those receiving bop at week plus stz at weeks or of the study the results would appear to indicate that stz diabetes established after bop tumor initiation plays no apparent role in the modulation of pancreatic carcinogenesis" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1284 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4244", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BOP" ], "offsets": [ [ 321, 324 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nnitrosobisoxopropylamine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4246", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "although telomerebinding proteins constitute an essential part of telomeres in vivo data indicating the existence of a structure similar to rat shelterin complex in plants are limited partial characterization of a number of candidate proteins has not identified true components of plant shelterin or elucidated their PET mechanisms telomere repeat binding trb proteins from arabidopsis thaliana bind plant telomeric repeats through a myb domain of the telobox type in vitro and have been shown to interact with potb protection of telomeres here we demonstrate colocalization of trb protein with telomeres in situ using FM as well as in vivo interaction using chromatin immunoprecipitation classification of the trb protein as a component of plant telomeres is further confirmed by the observation of shortening of telomeres in KO mutants of the trb gene moreover trb proteins physically interact with plant telomerase catalytic subunits these findings integrate trb proteins into the telomeric interactome of a thaliana" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1019 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4247", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KO" ], "offsets": [ [ 827, 829 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "knockout" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4249", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "resting ecgs exercise TM tests and hour ambulatory ecgs were recorded and analyzed in unselected patients with MVP arrhythmias were frequent there were three distinct groups of patients defined on the basis of total number of PVCs pvcs during the hours there were no pvcs in and frequent pvcs in complex VAs including VVI tachycardia in five patients were found almost exclusively in the group with frequent pvcs fifteen of the patients demonstrated atrial premature contractions apcs during the hours complex atrial arrhythmias were found among patients with infrequent as well as those with frequent apcs SVT ART was detected in seven of these patients the incidence of acps decreased during sleep in of the patients and showed no change during sleep in a poor rho was found between PS recorded in patient diaries and changes noted on hour ecg recordings the peak pvcs min and peak acps min during a hour period of monitoring was found to be an excellent guide to the total number of pvcs and apcs occurring during that period this permits an accurate prediction of the total number of pvcs in hours T3 performing an exact pvc count on only minutes of ecg data finally the hour AECG was sensitive than the treadmill test and both were superior to the lead ecg for detecting arrhythmias in these patients" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1305 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4250", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SVT" ], "offsets": [ [ 607, 610 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "supraventricular" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4252", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "deoxydxylulose phosphate dxp reductoisomerase which simultaneously catalyzes the intramolecular rearrangement and reduction of dxp to form MEP constitutes a key enzyme of an alternative mevalonateindependent pathway for IPP biosynthesis the dxr gene encoding this enzyme from escherichia coli was overexpressed as a histidinetagged protein and characterized in detail dna sequencing analysis of the dxr genes from e coli dxrdeficient mutants revealed base substitution mutations at four points two nonsense mutations and two amino acid substitutions gly to asp and glu to lys diethyl pyrocarbonate treatment inactivated dxp reductoisomerase and subsequent hydroxylamine treatment restored the activity of the diethyl pyrocarbonatetreated enzyme to characterize these defects we overexpressed the mutant enzymes gd ek hq hq and hq all of these mutant enzymes except for gd were obtained as soluble proteins although the purified enzyme ek had wildtype km values for dxp and nadph the mutant enzyme had less than a wildtype kcat value km values of hq hq and hq for dxp increased to and fold the wildtype value respectively these results indicate that glu of e coli dxp reductoisomerase plays an important roles in the conversion of dxp to cmethylderythritol phosphate and that his his and his in part associate with dxp IB in the enzyme molecule" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1343 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4253", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MEP" ], "offsets": [ [ 139, 142 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cmethylderythritol phosphate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4255", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "detecting the position of retinal structures including the fovea center and macula in retinal images plays a key role in diagnosing eye diseases such as ONH amblyopia DR and macular edema however current detection methods are unreliable for infants or certain ethnic populations thus a methodology is proposed here that may be useful for infants and across ethnicities that automatically localizes the fovea center and segments the macula on digital fundus images first dark structures and bright artifacts are removed from the input image using preprocessing operations and the resulting image is transformed to polar space second the fovea center is identified and the macula region is segmented using the proposed dynamic ID and classification of edges dice model the performance of the method was evaluated using fundus images obtained from the relatively C1 diverse and publicly available messidor database in of these cases the distance between the fovea center identified manually by ophthalmologists and automatically using the proposed method remained within to pixels the dice similarity index comparing the manually obtained results with those of the MM for macula segmentation was for these cases thus the proposed method displayed a high degree of accuracy the methodology using the dice model is unique and advantageous over previously reported methods because it simultaneously determines the fovea center and segments the macula region without using any structural information such as NVD or blood vessel location and it may prove useful for all populations including infants" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1591 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4256", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ONH" ], "offsets": [ [ 153, 156 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "optic nerve hypoplasia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4258", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "SA is a multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology mainly affecting africanamericans scandinavians and the irish however individuals of other races and ethnicities are still not immune the clinical presentations vary widely with most patients having some respiratory problems though extrapulmonary SA is no longer rare SA involving the lacrimal sac is an infrequentlyreported problem we present a case of sarcoidosis involving the lacrimal sac in a yearold malay woman who presented with epiphora she was successfully treated with CS and DCR there was no evidence of systemic involvement it is suggested that in an unusual presentation of SA a thorough search should be made for localisation of other CS lungs in particular even in the absence of respiratory complaints" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 783 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4259", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DCR" ], "offsets": [ [ 552, 555 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "dacryocystorhinostomy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4261", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "AIT with tumorinfiltrating lymphocytes til has been challenged to human cancer patients during these years however as the efficacy of the therapy alone is still limited another approach a combination with other therapies may be required to obtain more favorable antitumor effects tumor rTNF tnf is worth considering for combination because at least its various potential roles in immune response suggest that it might increase the killing activity of TA against autologous RT cells we attempted to treat the CA patients with til combined with tnf therapy a patient with recurrent CC was treated with multiple biological therapies including til and tnf therapy and irradiation biological therapies consisted of endogenous and exogenous tnf eet therapy til administration of rtnfsam combined with hyperthermia and several biological response modifiers such as schizophyllan and LNT T3 days of therapy the recurrent RT had remarkably decreased in size and cystic NC of the RT was observed by ct scanning by further continuation of these therapies the disease condition was much improved as these antitumor effects cannot well be explained by irradiation therapy alone multiple biological therapies are considered to be potentially effective against the highly malignant advanced PT" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1278 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4262", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LNT" ], "offsets": [ [ 876, 879 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "lentinan" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4264", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "early growth response with respect to t-PA activator tpa and type plasminogen activator inhibitor pai mRNA was studied in rat hepatocytes in primary culture the genes for tpa and pai could be categorized as a delayed early growth response der gene and an IE1 growth response ier gene respectively the expression of tpa was much higher in growthpromoting than in static SC conditions ie cultured at LD andor on a collagencoated dish and that of pai was regulated in the opposite direction experiments using dibutyryl camp dbcamp and h showed that the campakinase system might be involved in the induction of the early growth response of tpa and in the augmentation of pai mrna induction by dbcamp these fibrinolytic components whose expression is closely associated with hepatocyte growth may play important roles in pathophysiological events in the CL such as LR" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 862 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4265", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IE1" ], "offsets": [ [ 255, 258 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "immediate early" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4267", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "this study examined the stability of AM dysfunction ie difficulties in retrieving specific memories during the course of major depressive disorder its relation to early adverse experiences and its influence on the course of depressive disorder using the AM test amt specificity of AM was assessed in subjects with a current depressive disorder at baseline and at and months followup also information about selfreported childhood traumatization and demographic and clinical variables was obtained AM performance was relatively stable over time despite clinical improvement in the sample it was not related to depression severity at baseline while higher C2 of childhood traumatization were correlated with more TPS SM performance to negative cue words at baseline but not during followup specific autobiographical responses to negative cue words predicted a better prognosis whereas TPS responses to positive cue words were not related to prognosis autobiographical SM dysfunction in depression appears to be stable over time is related to shortterm prognosis in depression and may act as a vulnerability factor that influences the LT course of depressive disorders" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1164 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4268", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AM" ], "offsets": [ [ 37, 39 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "autobiographical memory" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4270", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "aplastic anemia is a relatively uncommon disease and conventional management options include immunosuppressive drugs andor haematopoeitic stem cell transplantation it is now known that the pathogenesis of aplastic anemia is immune mediated mycophenolate mofetil is a common immunosuppressive drug now used mainly in prophylaxis of graft rejection in organ SPK and also for preventiontreatment for graft versus host disease in haemtopoeitic stem cell transplantation it is thought that mycophenolate mofetil may be useful in this group of patients in this short report mycophenolate mofetil was tried in patients who had SAA with variable doses for a minimum duration of months the result has however not been encouraging" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 720 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4271", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SAA" ], "offsets": [ [ 620, 623 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "severe aplastic anemia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4273", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "longterm therapy with PIs pis can induce HTG and development of a LD to better understand these metabolic alterations the apoprotein and lipoparticle profile was investigated in male hiv patients under antiretroviral therapy received pis and were given only two RTIs as controls male subjects were selected from a population study carried out in the toulouse france area fasting gl insulin and cpeptide were also determined all patients under pis displayed low C2 of plasma glucose and increased insulin pi administration was associated with moderate hypertriglyceridemia low highdensity cholesterol and apolipoprotein apo ai levels the most striking changes were a to fold increase in apo e and apo ciii essentially recovered as associated to apo bcontaining lipoparticles levels of those lipoparticles were two to eight times above control values about of pitreated patients had developed a patent lipodystrophy multivariate analysis revealed that among the investigated parameters apo ciii was the only one found strongly associated with the occurrence of lipodystrophy odds ratio p finally pireceiving subjects with patent HTG were given FF and were reevaluated months later triglycerides apo e apo ciii and the corresponding lipoparticles had returned to nearly normal levels these results document the accumulation of potentially atherogenic lipoparticles under pis apo ciii may play a pivotal role in the OD of hypertriglyceridemia and lipodystrophy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1456 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4274", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HTG" ], "offsets": [ [ 1127, 1130 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "hypertriglyceridemia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4276", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "an increasing number of students with learning disabilities are attending postsecondary institutions to meet the educational demands of these students support service providers will likely rely on AT this article lists types of AT appropriate for use with persons with learning disabilities at the postsecondary level and discusses ways in which assistive technology enhances learning additionally an overview of legislation that has had an impact on assistive technology at the postsecondary level is presented issues involving assistive technology programs at the postsecondary level are discussed postsecondary AT program components device selection and training guidelines also are outlined" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 694 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4277", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AT" ], "offsets": [ [ 614, 616 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "assistive technology" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4279", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the goal of this study was to explore the frontalmidline theta rhythm fm theta generation mechanism employing eventrelated desynchronizationsynchronization erders analysis in relation to taskirrelevant external stimuli a dual paradigm was employed a videogame and the simultaneous presentation of passive AEP oddball stimuli we analyzed the data concerning erders using both fast 3DFT fft and wavelet transform wt in the fft data during the periods with appearance of fm theta apparent erd of the theta band was observed at fz and cz erd when fm theta was present was much more prominent than when fm theta was absent in the wt data as in the fft data erd was seen again but in this case the erd was preceded by ers during both the periods with and without fm theta furthermore the wt analysis indicated that erd was followed by ers during the periods without fm theta however during fm theta no apparent ers following erd was seen in our T0 fm theta was desynchronized by the AEP stimuli that were independent of the video game task used to evoke the fm theta the erd of fm theta might be reflecting the mechanism of positive suppression to process external AEP stimuli automatically and preventing attentional resources from being unnecessarily allocated to those stimuli another possibility is that fm theta induced by our dual paradigm may reflect information processing modeled by multiitem WM requirements for playing the videogame and the simultaneous auditory processing using a SM trace ers in the wt data without fm theta might indicate further processing of the auditory information free from positive suppression control reflected by fm theta" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1654 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4280", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "3DFT" ], "offsets": [ [ 380, 384 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "fourier transformation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4282", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "using a DST in patients AR of the rectum was attempted for low rectal carcinoma n giant rectal adenoma n and radiationinduced rectal stricture n there were three emergency operations the rectum was stapled transversely more than cm below the tumour using the adjustableangle linear stapler roticulator colorectal or coloanal anastomoses were constructed using the eea circular stapler introduced per anum through the anorectal stump staple line ten coloanal and low rectal anastomoses were achieved a protecting transverse loop colostomy was fashioned in one patient with CAA who developed a vaginal tear during the procedure in one patient technical failure necessitated conversion to APE of the rectum all staple rings and resection margins were IN and free from tumour there were two clinical anastomotic leaks both treated successfully with a defunctioning transverse loop colostomy one patient developed a small L3 pelvic haematoma weeks after surgery which required drainage hospital stay ranged from to days mean days continence was normal in all patients at weeks one soft coloanal anastomotic stricture required dilatation no recurrences have been detected during a followup of between and months" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1205 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4283", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DST" ], "offsets": [ [ 8, 11 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "double stapling technique" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4285", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "according to codon preference of escherichia coli the optimized coding sequence of human vasostatinaa vas was obtained by chemical synthesis and molecular cloning methods using pcr and enzyme digestion the full encoding CS for vas was cloned into the e coli expression vector palex and expressed as a gst FP in bl de strain gstvas protein approximately accounted for of the total bacterial proteins most of target protein existed in inclusion body to improve the solubility of gstvas the contribution of LT and molecular chaperone coexpression to the solubility of gstvas was tested the results showed that coexpression with chaperons tf and groesgroel and low expression temperature cooperatively improved the solubility of gstvas from to and the yield of soluble gstvas was sixfold increased when purified by gst affinity chromatography mg gstvas was obtained with purity over from l SC IN vas was released by enterokinase digestion and further purified by sephadex g GFC about mg IN homogeneous vas protein was finally produced from l bacterial culture the identity of gstvas and vas was validated by western blotting analysis recombinant vas protein displayed distinct inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation and antiangiogenic activity by CAM assay" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1258 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4286", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CAM" ], "offsets": [ [ 1249, 1252 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4288", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the purpose of this study was to investigate ph values fibre type frequency and histological features of SM muscle of pigs subjected to three breeding systems the a group was raised in a large paddock the b group animals were raised in a collective pen until they reached a live weight of kg and then in the same paddock as the a group the c group was raised in a collective pen breeding systems had no significant effect on ph values and fibre type frequency histopathological changes in muscle MF and connective tissue were observed in of the animals studied regardless of the group however analysis of the incidence of alterations showed a higher frequency of lesions in the b group followed by the c group except for one case of dfd meat muscle alterations were not associated with an adverse ph in addition reg MF with strong CR for neonatal serum were observed both in apparently healthy and in pathological muscle samples" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 928 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4289", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "reg" ], "offsets": [ [ 812, 815 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "regenerating" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4291", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "exercise MPI and exercise echocardiography have been applied widely for diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease the accuracy of these evaluations depends upon the ability of the patient to achieve maximal exercise of agepredicted maximal HR rate in patients unable to exercise or with a limited capacity to exercise maximally pharmacologic stress imaging is a safe and ERP alternative to exercise stress imaging pharmacologic AS is also indicated in patients with resting or exerciseinduced left bundle CB block vasodilator AS with dipyridamole or adenosine as well as catecholamine stimulation with dobutamine or preliminarily with arbutamine provides diagnostic and prognostic information that appears to be equivalent to that achieved with exercise imaging in addition low dose catecholamine infusion during echocardiography to assess inotropic reserve is valuable in identifying viable myocardium in patients with LVD and appears to assess viability with an accuracy that approaches that of nuclear cardiology methods hence pharmacologic stress imaging like exercise stress imaging has important implications regarding patient outcome patient management and selection of patients for interventional therapy" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1264 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4292", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MPI" ], "offsets": [ [ 9, 12 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "myocardial perfusion imaging" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4294", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the TD scales shytle et al are parent TD scalesparent rated todspr and clinicianrated tourettes disorder scalesclinician rated todscr measures that assess tics obsessions compulsions inattention hyperactivity aggression and emotional disturbances among children with tics although the todsprcr are being increasingly used in PCTs relatively little psychometric data have been reported subjects were children and adolescents recruited in a university tic specialty clinic families were po the todscr and yale global tic severity scale completion of the todspr and child SMB checklist were counterbalanced results indicated adequate to excellent internal consistency for the todsprcr scores excellent interrater agreement and convergent and divergent validity was found these results provide further psychometric support for the todspr and todscr" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 844 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4295", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TD" ], "offsets": [ [ 38, 40 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "tourettes disorder" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4297", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the assumption that participants receiving an icd diagnosis of PTS disorder ptsd will also receive a dsmiv diagnosis of ptsd was tested data were gathered for participants using the composite international diagnostic interview cidi the month prevalence of ptsd was for dsmiv and for DCR icddcr the PA between the two systems was fair kappa forty eight percent of the discrepancies between the systems were accounted for by the additional criterion requiring clinically significant distress or impairment included in dsmiv the inclusion of PS of GA numbing of responsiveness accounted for of the discrepancies it is concluded that icddcr ptsd cannot be assumed to be MZ to dsmiv ptsd" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 682 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4298", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DCR" ], "offsets": [ [ 283, 286 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "icd diagnostic criteria for research" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4300", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "although surgical lasers were introduced more than years agotheir use and popularity in nasal and sinus disease have been limited even so there are many practitioners who find the laser a valuable surgical tool for nasal and sinus disease either alone or in combination with other treatment modalities those who do not use lasers probably do not because of a lack of skill knowledgeor understanding of the role and availability of the technology this article reviews the PH and current role of lasers in nasal and sinus surgate at a promoter p located kb upstream of the single open reading frame orf exon we have now characterized an alternative nat promoter lying kb UP of the nat orf in the present study analysis of human rnas representing tissue types by RT-PCR rtpcr and quantitative rtpcr showed the UP kb promoter designated p to be most AS in specific tissues including kidney CL lung and tr all nat p mrnas included untranslated region utr internal exons of and nucleotides in addition to the nucleotide utr exon present in p mrna capdependent amplification of p mrna termini defined an bp transcription start region in which most start CS are centrally clustered the hepatomaderived hepg cell line expressed a high level of p mrna with the same spliced structure and start site DP as found in normal tissues a bp minimal promoter was defined by transfection of hepg with luciferase expression constructs containing genomic fragments from the p start region these findings imply a fundamental role for p in nat regulation and define additional regions for genetic polymorphisms associated with enhanced CA risk" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1620 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4301", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RT-PCR" ], "offsets": [ [ 760, 766 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4303", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the anaplastic lymphoma kinase alk gene fuses to the NPM npm gene as a result of a translocation associated with a AT1 of human lymphoma initially designated ALC lymphoma alcl or kicdpositive lymphoma the immunocytochemical PCD of npmalk and proteins encoded by other alk fusion genes has allowed the definition of a RT entity alkpositive lymphoma which shows only partial overlap with pathologists diagnosis of alcl to be defined and is invaluable in distinguishing this disease from alknegative LCLs eight variant alk fusion proteins have been identified some are expressed only in alcl some are found only in the nonhematopoietic neoplasm inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor imt and some are present in both types of malignancy the alk gene is silent in AD tissues except for restricted sites within the nervous system consequently patients with alkpositive lymphoma produce antibodies to the alk protein but is expressed in some neuroblastomas and rhabdomyosarcomas biochemical studies suggest an Bcl-2 function of npmalk and this may contribute to oncogenesis although alkpositive lymphomas have a generally good prognosis new therapeutic regimens are still needed for patients whose disease is refractory to CT" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1215 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4304", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LCLs" ], "offsets": [ [ 497, 501 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "large cell lymphomas" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4306", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "triplevalve procedures are associated with high early and late mortality we reviewed our experience in patients who underwent combined mitral and aortic VR with TV repair or replacement between and the mean followup was years range days to years the mean age at operation was years range to years four patients underwent triplevalve replacement and had doublevalve replacement and TAP perioperative mortality was and late mortality was cumulative survival calculated taking perioperative mortality into account was at years and at years T3 surgery only of perioperative survivors required reoperation for prosthetic valve dysfunction doublevalve replacement with TAP offers satisfactory LT survival with freedom from TE and reoperation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 735 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4307", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TAP" ], "offsets": [ [ 663, 666 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "tricuspid annuloplasty" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4309", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "thrombin is a contractile stimulus of isolated rabbit aortic rings and apparently produces its effects through the recently characterized cleavable receptor a synthetic hexapeptide natnh new amino terminus was found to be the minimal active structure for full activation of this receptor the nterminal ser residue of natnh is crucial for biological activity in this T0 we examined the metabolism of natnh in rabbit plasma where it was rapidly degraded by APM in the presence of the aminopeptidase inhibitor amastatin no metabolism was observed on this basis a metabolically resistant analogue sarnatnh was designed we compared the biological activity of thrombin natnh and sarnatnh in the rabbit aorta and found that sarnatnh was more potent than natnh however in the presence of amastatin the concentrationeffect curve for natnh was shifted to the left of that for sarnatnh the effects of sarnatnh and of thrombin were not modified by the presence of the aminopeptidase inhibitor we also studied the effect of amastatin on the in vivo hypotensive response to natnh and found that it was also influenced by APM inhibition our results show that aminopeptidase protection is important when evaluating responses to synthetic agonists of the thrombin cleavable receptor and that an in vivo MM the anesthesized and heparinized rb may be useful for the development of agonists and antagonists of this receptor" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1403 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4310", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "APM" ], "offsets": [ [ 1107, 1110 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "aminopeptidase m" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4312", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "this study has estimated the cancer risk among patients with SVR sclerosis ssc using a populationbased analysis using the inpatient and outpatient registries for patients at kyushu university hospital between and standardised incidence rates sirs ratio of observedtoexpected cancers were calculated in patients with ssc PM pm and DM dm risk AF predisposing to cancers were also investigated in the ssc patients compared with the japanese GP the sir for developing cancer in ssc patients was confidence interval ci while the sirs for cancer in the pm and dm CG were ci and ci respectively a statistically significant risk factor for cancers in the ssc patients was positivity for anticentromere antibody aca p while the erythrocyte sedimentation rate SS lactate dehydrogenase concentration SS gammaglobulin concentration titre of antinuclear antibody and positivity for antitopoisomerase i antibody were not associated with cancer in ssc our populationbased T0 confirms the increased risk of CA among patients with ssc in japan and provides new evidence that positivity for aca should be considered as a risk factor for CA in future monitoring of patients" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1154 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4313", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DM" ], "offsets": [ [ 330, 332 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "patients with dermatomyositis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4315", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "this T0 was to evaluate whether sleeprelated autonomic CF in nurses recovers during their days off following a rapidly rotating clockwise shift schedule ten rotatingshift nurses and ten regular morningshift nurses were included nurses slept at home and were allowed to sleep and wake spontaneously for the rotatingshift workers ambulatory PSG recordings were taken during nighttime sleep after the second morning shift afternoon shift and on days off and during daytime sleep after the second night shift no significant differences were found between regularshift nurses and rotatingshift nurses in terms of sleep patterns and cardiac autonomic functions during day shift when comparing sleep patterns within shift groups the total sleep time of night shift was lower than their other shifts controlling for the VL of TST allowed us to compare cardiac autonomic functions following different shifts for the rotating shift nurses during the nonrapid EM and rapid EM periods the VHF hf value on rotating shift nurses days off was found to be significantly higher than their other shifts however the low to high frequency ratio lfhf on days off was found to be obviously lower than that during shift work two consecutive days off may be sufficient for nurses to recover sleeprelated autonomic functions T3 a rapidly rotating CW threeshift schedule sleeprelated autonomic functions may be improved during days off to minimize health risks" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1434 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4316", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TST" ], "offsets": [ [ 818, 821 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "total sleep time" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4318", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "this study was designed to determine whether photothrombotic brain infarction could result in epileptic seizures in AD animals F344 f rats at and months of age and male sprague dawley sd rats at and months of age underwent photothrombotic BI with the photosensitive dye RB by focusing a wide mm or narrow mm diameter WG light beam on the skull overlying left hemisphere anterior FC midfrontal frontoparietal or parietal areas animals were monitored with video and eeg recordings morphological analysis of infarct size was performed with a computerassisted image CAS the primary finding of this T0 was that epileptic seizures were recorded in postmature rats months T3 lesioning the frontoparietal cortex with large photothrombotic infarcts that extended to the corticalsubcortical interface these seizures were characterized behaviorally by motor arrest appeared to originate in the periinfarct area and could be distinguished from inherited spontaneous BL cortical discharges by the morphology frequency duration and laterality of the ictal discharges small cortical lesions were ineffective in producing seizures except for one animal that demonstrated recurrent prolonged focal discharges unaccompanied by behavioral NC stage seizures were observed in a small number of midaged and aged animals lesioned with large infarcts in anterior FC and frontoparietal areas these results suggest that the technique of photothrombosis can be used to produce neocortical infarction as a means to study mechanisms of secondary epileptogenesis" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1532 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4319", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BI" ], "offsets": [ [ 239, 241 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "brain infarction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4321", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "charcoal haemoperfusion has been advocated as a means of removing delta 5-ALA which accumulates in attacks of AIP a woman presented with AIP unresponsive to conventional treatment and with pain that was difficult to control charcoal HP was performed in series with haemodialysis for two hours daily on four consecutive days although during this treatment serum and urinary concentrations of delta 5-ALA and porphobilinogen were considerably reduced they had returned to i.c.v. values hours T3 the end of treatment ABD pain was not relieved although a longer course of treatment might have had a more favourable outcome this seems unlikely in view of the rapid rebound of SS concentration of delta 5-ALA T3 each HP" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 713 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4322", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AIP" ], "offsets": [ [ 137, 140 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "acute intermittent porphyria" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4324", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "management of a spontaneous single duct PND without associated mass and normal mammography remains controversial our T0 examined the pathological results of women of all ages treated with microdochectomy for single duct PND malignant or premalignant lesions were identified in patient under years of age and patients over years papilloma was the most frequently identified pathology in both age CG of patients under years and over or equal to years of age our results suggest that microdochectomy is a safe ERP treatment in women aged over years" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 545 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4325", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PND" ], "offsets": [ [ 220, 223 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nipple discharge" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4327", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the gene p encodes for a small cytoprotective protein with no apparent enzymatic activity being proposed to act as cotranscription factor whose expression is increased during inflammation recent data from astrocytes demonstrates that p suppression leads to induction of heme oxygenase ho here we assessed the crosstalk between p and ho in MEFs mef observing an increased expression of ho in pdeficient p mefs in nontreated and treated conditions this effect was independent of the cell cycle our findings revealed that generation of ROS species ros was higher in p mefs mitochondria and nadph oxidases were not the origin of ros this observation was not restricted to mef as suppression of p gene transcription in miapaca cells also led to increased intracellular ros additionally p deficiency did not affect the rac dependant nadph oxidase complex our data shows that p deficiency increases ros and subsequently the expression of antioxidative enzymes such as ho suggesting an involvement in the AOD moreover we suggest that the severity of ap observed in p mice is induced by an impaired anti oxidative capacity of the pancreas which is caused by increased generation of ros" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1176 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4328", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AOD" ], "offsets": [ [ 997, 1000 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "antioxidative defense" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4330", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "we present the results of our investigation of metallic films as suitable materials for the production of intense electron beams thin films of y prepared for the first time by PLD on si substrates have been tested as photocathodes in an ultra high vacuum photodiode chamber at pa high quantum efficiencies have been obtained for the deposited films comparable to those of corresponding bulks the role of the adsorbed gases on the emission performance has been studied systematic laser cleaning treatments improved the quantum efficiency qe from to the samples could stay for several months in open air before being tested in a photodiode cell the deposition process and testing results are presented" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 699 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4331", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PLD" ], "offsets": [ [ 176, 179 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pulsed laser deposition" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4333", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the interaction of cd with its counterreceptor b induces a cosignal in TA required to prevent clonal anergy and to promote antigendependent interleukin production the molecular basis of the cd cosignal is not well understood but involves the activation of protein TKs ptk in this report we demonstrate that cd crosslinking on jurkat t leukemic cells causes the activation of at least two ptk pathways a cdinduced plck kinaseindependent pathway causes tyrosinephosphorylation of a kda ATP while recruitment of plck kinase activity is apparently required for cdinduced tyrosinephosphorylation of and kda substrates as well as cdinduced increases in intracellular calcium the IMT phosphorylation of p but not p or p correlated with cd calciumindependent costimulatory activity the pp molecule was tentatively identified as the catalytic S1 of phosphoinositide pi kinase based upon its coimmunoprecipitation with the p RII subunit of pi kinase pi kinase protein and catalytic activity were found complexed with the cd receptor if the receptor was G1 by crosslinking on the surface of IN cells prior to detergent CMS the kinetics of association of pi kinase with the activated CR2 was rapid occurring within s of receptor crosslinking and was SD for at least min analysis of the cd cytoplasmic peptide sequence revealed a putative pi kinase src homology binding motif and cd IMT phosphorylation site dymnm IMT phosphorylation of cd was detected in pervanadatetreated jurkat b cells but not untreated cells pervanadateinduced tyrosine phosphorylation of cd correlated with receptor association of pi kinase in the absence of cd crosslinking suggesting that cd association with pi kinase uses a tyrosine phosphorylationdependent mechanism these data provide a model for cd signal transduction and support a role for pi kinase in mediating the cd calciumindependent cyclosporin ainsensitive costimulatory signal" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1903 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4334", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CR2" ], "offsets": [ [ 1172, 1175 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cd receptor" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4336", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "many adolescents and adults with asthma continue to have poorly controlled disease often attributable to poor adherence to asthma therapy failure to adhere to recommended treatment may result from a desire to avoid regular reliance on medications inappropriate high tolerance of asthma PS failure to perceive the chronic nature of asthma and poor inhaler technique PC physicians need to find opportunities and methods to address these and other issues related to poor asthma control few adolescents or adults with asthma currently have asthma checkup visits usually seeking medical care only with an exacerbation therefore nonrespiratoryrelated office visits represent an important opportunity to assess baseline asthma control and the factors that most commonly lead to poor control tools such as the asthma control test the asthma therapy assessment questionnaire the ACQ and the asthma apgar provide standardized patientfriendly ways to capture necessary asthma information for uncontrolled asthma physicians can refer to the stepwise RPA in the national asthma education and prevention program guidelines to adjust medication use but they must consider stepup decisions in the context of SQ of the patients inhaler technique adherence and ability to recognize and avoid or eliminate triggers for this review a literature search of pubmed from through august was performed using the following terms or a combination of these terms asthma asthma control primary care naepp guidelines assessment uncontrolled asthma burden impact assessment tools triggers pharmacotherapy safety studies were limited to human studies published in english articles were also identified by a manual search of bibliographies from retrieved articles and from article archives of the author" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1769 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4337", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ACQ" ], "offsets": [ [ 870, 873 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "asthma control questionnaire" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4339", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a weekold infant born prematurely had severe hyponatremia and other features of the SIADH siadh this disturbance was believed to be secondary to extensive bilateral pneumonia with collapse of the RUL although this association has been recognized in adults this is the first report of its occurrence in an infant siadh must be considered in the differential diagnosis of hyponatremia in association with pneumonia in an infant" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 425 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4340", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SIADH" ], "offsets": [ [ 84, 89 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4342", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "ablation of capsaicinsensitive afferent neurons enhances experimentally induced ulceration in the rat gastric mucosa which suggests that these SN are involved in gastric mucosal protection to provide direct evidence for such a CF it was investigated whether stimulation of afferent nerve endings by the intragastric administration of capsaicin could counteract the ulcerogenic effect of ethanol capsaicin microm administered together with ethanol inhibited the development of haemorrhagic lesions in a concentrationdependent fashion but did not alter the ethanolinduced fall in the gastric potential difference this suggests that CAP does not prevent ethanol from damaging gastric epithelial cells but can counteract the V1 lesions caused by ethanol the antilesion effect of i.g. capsaicin was absent in adult rats which had been treated with a high dose of systemic CAP as neonates in order to achieve a permanent degeneration of unmyelinated afferent SN it would appear therefore that intragastric CAP reduces lesion formation by an action on afferent SN the protective effect of i.g. CAP was not altered following acute subdiaphragmatic vagotomy acute removal of the coeliacsuperior mesenteric ganglion complex acute BL ligation of the adrenal glands or i.c.v. of the rats with atropine or guanethidine these findings indicate that stimulation of afferent neurons by i.g. capsaicin affords protection of the rat gastric mucosa against ethanolinduced damage as the autonomic nervous system is not involved gastroprotection appears to represent a local effector CF of sensory nerve endings in the stomach" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1605 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4343", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "i.g." ], "offsets": [ [ 1370, 1374 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "intragastric" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4345", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the mechanisms underlying not wellcontrolled nwc asthma remain poorly understood but accumulating evidence points to IP airway dysfunction as a key contributor the present study tests whether our recently described respiratory system reactance xrs assessment of peripheral airway dysfunction reveals insight into poor asthma control the aim of this T0 was to investigate the contribution of xrs to asthma control in subjects with asthma we measured xrs FO technique spirometry lung volumes and ventilation heterogeneity inertgas washout before and after bronchodilator administration the relationship between xrs and lung volume during a deflation maneuver yielded two parameters the volume at which xrs abruptly decreased closing volume and xrs at this volume xrscrit lowered more negative xrscrit reflects reduced apparent CL at high lung volumes due for example to heterogeneous airway narrowing and unresolved airway closure or near closure above the critical lung volume asthma control was assessed via the point ACQ acq nwc asthma was defined as acq in nwc and wellcontrolled subjects acq was strongly associated with postbronchodilator postbd xrscrit r p independent of all measured variables and was a strong predictor of nwc asthma receiver operator characteristic area p by contrast xrs measurof hydrolyzing atp and gtp surprisingly not only nd but also the gdomain nd can hydrolyze gtp and atp too further we recognize that nd and nd influence each others hydrolysis MICs via two salt bridges ie er and qn it appears that the salt bridges are important in clamping the two ntpase domains together disrupting these unfastens nd and nd and invokes domain movements kinetic studies suggest an important but complex regulation of the hydrolysis activities of nd and nd overall we identify two separate nucleotidebinding domains possessing both atp and gtp hydrolysis MICs coupled with an intricate interdomain regulation for escherichia coli hflx" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1953 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4346", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "FO" ], "offsets": [ [ 453, 455 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "forced oscillation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4348", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in situ hybridization for mouse angiotensinogen ao mrna was performed using a stu ipst i kb fragment of exon as a template to synthesize rna probes the mouse ao mrna expression patterns were different from those reported for rats ao mrna was expressed in the fetal liver as early as dpc and the liver remained the predominant organ of its expression in utero within the developing kidney ao mrna was demonstrated at dpc in the PT straight tubules undergoing loop formation in the medulla in the matured mouse kidney the expression site is within the outer stripe of OM hence identified as the pars recta not PCT tubules additional studies revealed that in rats also ao mrna was localized in the pars recta this was in contrast to previously published results that showed that ao mrna was localized primarily in the PT convoluted tubules in rats thus the PR appears to be an important intrarenal source of ao for both rats and mice throughout pre and PN periods whereas the liver can be the major extrarenal source in utero in mice but not in rats" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1046 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4349", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "OM" ], "offsets": [ [ 566, 568 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "outer medulla" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4351", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a yearold woman with SF siderosis underwent spinal mr imaging which demonstrated a C1 cervicothoracic EPI fluid collection compatible with a csf leak conventional and DCT myelography failed to localize the dural tear because of rapid equilibration of myelographic contrast between the thecal sac and the extradural collection the superior temporal resolution of DS myelography precisely localized the csf leak preoperatively and led to the successful surgical correction of the dural tear" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 488 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4352", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DS" ], "offsets": [ [ 362, 364 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "digital subtraction" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4354", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "GE in young pigs has been studied by using a serial test meal procedure PR was used as a reference substance in acute experiments the recovery of PR from the stomach with the pylorus occluded was se of that introduced gastric emptying was examined in seven fasted conscious pigs provided with a chronic gastric cannula after emptying the stomach ml of a liquid meal containing g citrus pectin g sucrose and mg PR made up to l was introduced after min the meal was withdrawn the volume of meal that had left the stomach was assessed from the recovery of PH red and the secretion of gastric juice was calculated from the dilution of phenol red and the rate of emptying T3 an initial very rapid outflow the rate of emptying fell with time as did the rate of secretion in three pigs or ml meal was introduced into the stomach and the stomach was emptied min later the rate of gastric emptying varied directly with the volume of meal introduced atropine sulphate mgkg body weight injected im min before the test greatly inhibited gastric emptying and secretion" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1055 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4355", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PH" ], "offsets": [ [ 553, 555 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "phenol" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4357", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "trichlorobispchlorophenylethane or ppddt is one of the most persistent pesticides it is resistant to breakdown in nature and cause the water contamination problem in this work a major objective was to demonstrate the application of ndoped tio in Kd and mineralization of the ppddt under uv and visible light in AQ solution the ndoped tio nanopowders were prepared by a simple modified solgel procedure using DEA dea as a nitrogen source the catalyst characteristics were investigated using xrd sem tem and xps the adsorption and PCO of ppddt using the synthesized ndoped tio under uv and visible light were conducted in a batch photocatalytic experiment the kinetics and ppddt Kd performance of the ndoped tio were evaluated results show that the ndoped tio can degrade ppddt effectively under both uv and visible lights the rate constant of the ppddt Kd under uv light was only min whereas the rate constant of the ppddt Kd under visible light was min under visible light the Kd of ppddt were obtained from ndoped tio catalyst the reaction rate of ppddt degradation using ndoped tio under visible CS was sixfold higher than that under uv CS according to langmuirhinshelwood model the adsorption equilibrium constant k for the ndoped tio under visible CS was l mg and the apparent reaction rate constant k was mg lmin L1 intermediates detected during the ppddt degradation were ppdde opdde ppddd and ppddd results from this work can be applied further for the breakdown of ppddt molecule in the real contaminated water using this technology" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1540 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4358", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PCO" ], "offsets": [ [ 529, 532 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "photocatalytic oxidation" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4360", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "three patients had embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the temporal bone their clinical appearances demonstrated the following characteristics PS of an acute process in the middle ear cleft and mastoid a rapidly growing polypoid mass that was visible in the ME and external auditory canal and seventh nerve involvement and destruction of bone definitive treatment with the use of systemic chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the invaded structures was followed by maintenance chemotherapy for up to months surgical treatment was sufficient to obtain adequate biopsy material all patients recovered VL degrees of motor nerve functions one patient experienced a MM years after treatment this condition resulted in total deafness the results suggest that multipledrug chemotherapy and radiation therapy for all involved Az are the mainstay of treatment for this disease entity" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 869 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4361", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "MM" ], "offsets": [ [ 656, 658 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "meningococcal meningitis" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4363", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a study to assess the cost and some of the benefits of CABG surgery was carried out at the alfred hospital melbourne the minimum cost to the hospital of a typical coronary bypass graft procedure in was estimated to be the benefit of the procedure in terms of symptomatic relief and return to work was assessed by means of questionnaires in the workingage group years and under of patients assessed from two to nine years after surgery of patients were working in a group of patients aged years and under and interviewed from one to two years T3 surgery patients were working before surgery but only of these at full capacity T3 surgery patients were working of these at full capacity the cost of a CABG VG T0 is considerable but this is offset in the majority of patients in the workingage group by a return to gainful employment" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 829 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4364", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CABG" ], "offsets": [ [ 698, 702 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "coronary bypass" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4366", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "an adequate transverse maxillary dimension is one of the critical aspects of a PET and SD occlusion surgically assisted RPE consists of a surgical liberation of the sites of resistance combined using orthopedic forces most technical descriptions advocate the use of GA with hospital admission" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 292 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4367", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RPE" ], "offsets": [ [ 120, 123 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "rapid palatal expansion" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4369", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "BI bi is an adaptive defensive response to threat however children who display extreme bi as a stable trait are at risk for development of anxiety disorders and depression the present T0 validates a rodent MM of bi based on an ethologically relevant predator SE paradigm we show that individual differences in rat bi are SD and traitlike from adolescence into adulthood using in situ hybridization to quantify expression of the immediate early genes homera and fos as measures of neuronal activation we show that individual differences in bi are correlated with the activation of various stressresponsive brain regions that include the PVH nucleus of the hypothalamus and ca region of the hippocampus further supporting the concept that threatinduced bi in rodents reflects levels of anxiety we also show that bi is decreased by administration of the anxiolytic diazepam finally we developed criteria for identifying extreme bi animals that are SD in their expression of high levels of bi and also show that high bi hbi individuals exhibit maladaptive appetitive responses following stress SE these findings support the use of predator threat as a CS- and hbi rats as a model to study mechanisms underlying extreme and SD bi in humans" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1234 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4370", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "BI" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "behavioral inhibition" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4372", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "at present at least seven different endocrine cell types have been identified in the stomach according to their relative frequency and secretion products the antral gastrin producing g cell and somatostatin producing d cell and the fundic histamine producing ecl cell are the best characterized cell types total endocrine cell mass is controlled by various AF from inside and outside the stomach density of antral g and d cells depends on the presence and absence of food on the antral ph and on additional humoral andor neural AF gastrin and not gastric ph has been identified as the most important factor regulating the density of fundic ecl cells adaptation of gastric endocrine cells to gastric ph and to the presence abundance or absence of humoral and neural regulators are well known phenomena though only partially understood antral g cells increase and antral d cells decrease during longterm achlorhydria which as a consequence leads to hypergastrinaemia examples are pernicious anaemia in man and druginduced acid suppression under experimental conditions interestingly achlorhydriainduced g SCH never progresses to gastrinomas fundic ecl cell density increases markedly in the presence of longlasting hypergastrinaemia independently of gastric ph in contrast to g cells ecl SCH may progress to rarely occurring eclomas however this depends on additional conditioning factors as the presence of severe atrophic gastritis as in PA or a TPS genetic trait present in patients with gastrinomas associated with the men i syndrome" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1535 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4373", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PA" ], "offsets": [ [ 1438, 1440 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "pernicious anaemia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4375", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "incidence of adenocarcinoma of esophagogastric junction aeg in china presents an obviously increasing trend due to the particular anatomic site its definition classification staging surgical RPA resection DP extent of lymphadenectomy and neoadjuvant therapy etc remain controversial the goal of this expert consensus is to improve the homogeneity in understanding and practice among chinese thoracic and gastrointestinal surgeons and to further standardize surgical treatment of aeg this consensus was generated based on the best available clinical evidence the latest global guidelines or consensuses and the PA from the chinese expert panel the panel composed of thoracic surgeons and gastrointestinal surgeons nationwide delphi technique was used to generate PA rates and revision details in the fields of aforementioned controversies the present consensus produced statements on surgical treatmentrelated recommendations for aeg as well as issues as investigational surgical concerns the present consensus consists of parts definition and classification of aeg surgical approach minimally invasive surgery pattern and extent of resection combined organ resection CL node group and LA standard and neoadjuvant therapy pending issues in this consensus need further highquality clinical research" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1296 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4376", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LA" ], "offsets": [ [ 1185, 1187 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "lymphadenectomy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4378", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "military training aims to improve load carriage performance and reduce risk of injuries data describing the LS ls postural response to load carriage throughout training are limited we hypothesised that training would reduce the ls postural response to load the ls posture of marines was measured from upright mr images with and without load kg at the beginning middle and end of school of infantry soi training disc degeneration was graded at ls no changes in posture and disc degeneration were found throughout training during load carriage the ls became less lordotic and the sacrum more horizontal marines with disc degeneration had larger sacral postural perturbations in response to load our findings suggest that the postural response to load is defined more by the task needs than by the PCS condition of the marine practitioner summary the effect of military training on LS posture is unknown the lumbar posture of marines was measured from upright mr images with and without load throughout infantry training no changes in posture or ivd degeneration were found across training marines with degeneration at the ls level had larger sacral postural perturbations in response to load" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1189 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4379", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "LS" ], "offsets": [ [ 879, 881 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "lumbar spine" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4381", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "reconstruction of the NS pathway by long axon growth derived from dopaminerich VM vm transplants grafted into the substantia nigra may enhance their functional integration as compared to vm grafts implanted ectopically into the striatum here we report on a novel approach by which fetal vm grafts are implanted unilaterally into the substantia nigra sn of hydroxydopamine ohdalesioned neonatal pups at postnatal day p using a microtransplantation technique the results demonstrate that homotopically placed DA neurons survive and integrate well into the previously ohdalesioned neonatal sn region moreover the tyrosine hydroxylase thpositive SN D2 axons rostrally along the white matter tract of the IC closely following the course of the original nigrostriatal pathway the VG reestablished a thpositive axon terminal network in the ipsilateral caudateputamen with the highest density in the medial and central parts VA labeling with fluorogold from the host striatum demonstrated that most of the transplant SN giving rise to the graftderived fiber outgrowth were thpositive but revealed also a small proportion of projecting SN which were thnegative amphetamineinduced striatal fos expression was normalized in the caudateputamen ipsilateral to the intranigral vm grafts showing hyperexpression in some areas of the striatum and the apomorphineinduced fos expression seen in the ohdalesioned animals was completely reversed on the grafted side these findings indicate that the graftderived DA reinnervation of the striatum is functional the microtransplantation strategy may provide new avenues for the exploration of morphological and PET integration of fetal dopamine SN in the nigrostriatal system and give new insights into the mechanisms controlling longdistance axon growth in the brain" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1794 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4382", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "VM" ], "offsets": [ [ 79, 81 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "ventral mesencephalic" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4384", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "humans lacking previous exposure to plasmodium falciparum typically have a VHF of malariareactive t cells in IP blood which crossreact with antigens from other microorganisms we studied a large number of malariaspecific human t cell clones from nonexposed and malariaexposed donors to determine whether this response is oligoclonal and might therefore be generated by a limited number of crossreactive epitopes most clones responded well to schizont antigen from e total reisolation rates from cloacal swabs in birds inoculated with pt was higher than from birds inoculated with pt the inoculated strains could also be detected in contact birds examination of internal organs days pi revealed higher isolation rates in the group INF with pt than with pt the results indicate that both PTs of s enteritidis were able to colonize the intestinal tract and the internal organs of turkey poults however the colonization and duration of shedding differed between the two PTs this may be due to the fact that pt CS used was free from the s e virulence plasmid mda" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1056 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4385", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PTs" ], "offsets": [ [ 965, 968 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "phage types" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4387", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "indian leishmania donovani isolates n from regional zones representing various C2 of antimony resistance displayed significantly p correlated results with respect to in vitro susceptibility to the antileishmanial drugs SAG amphotericin b and miltefosine raising the possibility of crossresistance mechanisms operating in the field isolates the results of mRNA analysis of ldmt and ldros were suggestive of alternate mechanisms of miltefosine susceptibility in the isolates" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 472 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4388", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SAG" ], "offsets": [ [ 219, 222 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sodium antimony gluconate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4390", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "our aim was to prospectively determine the predictive capabilities of sepsis and sepsis definitions in the EDs and general wards patients with national early warning score news of or above and suspected or proven infection were enrolled over a h period in welsh hospitals the primary outcome measure was mortality within days out of the patients screened fulfilled inclusion criteria and were recruited using the sepsis definition patients had sepsis when using the sepsis definitions with SOFA sofa score ≥ there were septic patients whereas with quicksofa score ≥ patients were identified for the prediction of primary outcome sepsis criteria had a sensitivity ci of and specificity of sepsis criteria had a sensitivity of and specificity of sepsis and sepsis definitions were associated with a hazard ratio ci and respectively scoring system discrimination evaluated by receiver operating characteristic curves was highest for sequential organ failure assessment score ci followed by news p SVR inflammatory response syndrome criteria and quicksofa score could not predict outcome the sepsis definition identified patients with the highest risk sequential OF assessment score and news were better predictors of poor outcome the sequential organ failure assessment score appeared to be the best tool for identifying patients with high risk of death and sepsisinduced organ dysfunction" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1390 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4391", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SOFA" ], "offsets": [ [ 490, 494 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sequential organ failure assessment" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4393", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "ABC is an accounting technique that allows organizations to determine actual costs associated with their services based on the resources they consume this technique can be used in a variety of ways including targeting highcost MICs forecasting financial baselines and supporting resource allocation four steps should be followed when applying ABC to surgical procedures this article explores how froedtert memorial lutheran hospital milwaukee used ABC" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 451 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4394", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ABC" ], "offsets": [ [ 343, 346 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "activitybased costing" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4396", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "complexation properties of cetirizine dihydrochloride cetirizine with α β and γcyclodextrin cd were investigated by ultra violet uv and nuclear magnetic resonance nmr spectroscopies and isothermal titration calorimetry itc the use of the continuous R2 method applied on uv and nmr data demonstrated complex stoichiometry for cetirizineαcd cetirizineβcd and cetirizineγcd respectively nmr twodimensional rotational NOESY experiments revealed that for α and βcd the complexation takes place by including either the phenyl or chlorophenyl ring of the cetirizine into the cd cavity whereas in the case of γcd both rings can be included simultaneously association constants ka determined by uv spectroscopy demonstrated that cetirizine forms more SD complex with βcd ka ± m than αcd ka ± m no information could be extracted from the uv spectroscopic analysis of cetirizineγcd solutions itc results for association constant determination were in compliance with uv results and confirmed that the highest association constant was found for the cetirizineβcd complex ± m the association constants from itc measurements for cetirizineγcd and cetirizineαcd complexes were found to be ± and ± m respectively tastemasking studies revealed that βcd is the only native cd recommendable for oral pharmaceutical formulations" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1329 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4397", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NOESY" ], "offsets": [ [ 420, 425 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4399", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "pharmacological strategies aimed at preventing CA growth are in most cases paralleled by diagnostic investigations for monitoring and prognosticating therapeutic tau a relevant approach in cancer is the suppression of pathological angiogenesis which is principally driven by V1 endothelial growth factor vegf or closely related AF and by activation of TPS receptors prevailingly vegfr and vegfr set on the surface of EC cells monitoring the presence of these receptors in vivo is henceforth a way to predict therapy outcome we have designed small MMP able to bind and possibly antagonize vegf ligands by targeting vegf receptors peptide systems have been designed to be small cyclic and to host triplets of residues known to be essential for VEGFR recognition and we named them minifactors they have been structurally characterized by cd nmr and molecular dynamics md simulations minifactors do bind with different specificity and affinity VEGFR but none blocks receptor activity following derivatization with suitable tracers they have been employed as molecular probes for sensing receptors on cell surface without affecting their activity as is usually observed with other binders having neutralizing activity" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1212 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4400", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "VEGFR" ], "offsets": [ [ 940, 945 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "vegf receptors" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4402", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "because of the recent rapid increase in the number of knee injuries related to racquet sports the authors undertook a retrospective T0 of such injuries seen over a year period at the toronto western hospital sports medicine institute the patients who presented over the study period with a racquetsportsrelated knee injury requiring arthroscopy represented of all racquetsports related injuries seen during that period the mean age at presentation was years and twothirds of the patients were men all the L1 racquet sports ing the acute stages of their injury the L1 cause of mortality and morbidity in the chronic stage is due to respiratory complications surveillance hd is the best way to prevent accidental disconnection of respirator equipment from the patient and its inherent catastrophic consequences the constant risk of disconnection adds tension to the home environment and takes away from the patient any degree of independence or privacy because of this an alternative method of QO2 using neck accessory muscles was developed to restore a patientcontrolled voluntary system of respiration this method neck breathing is described in detail in seven children varying in age from years to years months all seven patients had complete paralysis of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm an eighth patient who was unable to learn the technique is also described neck PLB is also compared to glossopharygeal breathing an alternative method of QO2 developed during the polio era" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1487 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4403", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "QO2" ], "offsets": [ [ 1453, 1456 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "respiration" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4405", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "in this work we report on the synthesis of two new monoalkylated tetrandrine derivatives with acridine and anthracene units mact and mant the EDC were fully characterized by physicochemical techniques and singlecrystal xray diffraction analysis in addition both derivatives were studied as nucleotide receptors and dsDNA binders in aqueous PB at ph using uvvis and fluorescence spectroscopy according to the molecular recognition studies mact and mant exhibit high affinity k ∼" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 479 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4406", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "dsDNA" ], "offsets": [ [ 315, 320 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "doublestranded dna" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4408", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a Hly produced by actinomyces pyogenes atcc was purified from SC supernatant by ammonium sulphate and PE glycol precipitation IEC on deaesephacel and fastproteinliquidchromatography on superose prep grade the purified Hly designated as pyolysin displayed a single band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicating a molecular weight of additionally using GF the same molecular weight was estimated further studies of the eluate of ionexchange chromatography using isoelectric focusing also revealed a single protein band at ph with haemolytic activity a TPS AS produced against pyolysin inhibited the haemolytic activity the purity of the isolated protein was also determined by western blot analysis with AS obtained from a cow inoculated with SC supernatant from a pyogenes and peptococcus indolicus the isolated pyolysin appeared to be HL and displayed cytotoxic effects on polymorphonuclear leucocytes and on ptk A6" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 923 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4409", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Hly" ], "offsets": [ [ 2, 5 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "haemolysin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4411", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "sanfilippo type b syndrome mucopolysaccharidosis type iiib mps iiib is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder that is caused by defective alpha NAG naglu we performed naglu gene analysis in five patients with mps iiib whose respective parents from the okinawa islands in japan were not apparently consanguineous we found a missense mutation rp in all five patients all homozygotes we screened this mutation in healthy subjects and found one nu/+ none of the subjects were related to the patients these results suggest that there may be a founder effect that results in the accumulation of rp mutation in this area" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 624 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4412", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "NAG" ], "offsets": [ [ 155, 158 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "nacetylglucosaminidase" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4414", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "prematurity may be a risk factor for haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine failure this article evaluates the Hib immunogenicity of a hexavalent diphtheriatetanusacellular pertussishepatitis binactivated poliovirushaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine in PT infants weeks gestation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 281 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4415", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Hib" ], "offsets": [ [ 110, 113 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "haemophilus influenzae type b" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4417", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "considerable physiological and anatomical evidence indicates that circulating angiotensin ii angii plays important roles in the LT regulation of autonomic SO as a result of actions in two circumventricular structures the subfornical organ sfo and AP ap extracellular recordings have demonstrated excitatory actions of angii on neurons from both of these structures which are at receptor mediated maintained when cells are placed in synaptic isolation and are dose dependent interestingly sfo SN appear to be an order of magnitude more sensitive to angii than those in ap recent calcium imaging studies have demonstrated that angii induces increases in intracellular calcium in both sfo and ap neurons whole cell patch recordings have also begun to provide important information suggesting that angii actions may modulate voltage activated ion channels in these two structures to elicit its observed actions on circumventricular organs cvo SN at the bloodbrain interface through these actions circulating angii is thus able to influence efferent projections from these cvo which in turn influence the output of hypothalamic cells projecting to the posterior pituitary vasopressin secretion nucleus tractus solitarius nts and IML of the spinal cord to influence sympathetic preganglionics and medullary neurons in the nts" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1319 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4418", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IML" ], "offsets": [ [ 1224, 1227 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "intermediolateral cell column" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4420", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "factors causing rats with lateral hypothalamic lh aphagia to lose weight at a faster rate than food deprived controls were investigated in two experiments in experiment the heat production of lhlesioned and control rats was measured by indirect calorimetry for four days following surgery a higher rate of SE expenditure was shown to account for the greater weight loss of the lhlesioned rats in experiment the HP of rats receiving lh lesions either at normal or reduced body weights was measured continuously for hours following surgery reducing body weight prior to lesioning att postlesion HP it was also found that though the heat production of lhlesioned rats was consistently higher than that of nonlesioned rats of similar body weight the fundamental relationship between body weight and heat production was unchanged by the lesion these findings of higher rates of SE expenditure when at the same weight as nonlesioned animals accompanied by normal adjustments in expenditure in response to weight NC are consistent with the view that lhlesioned rats both behaviorally and metabolically regulate body weight at a reduced level their elevated rate of heat production following lesioning can be seen as an adaptive metabolic adjustment which coupled with lh aphagia leads to the rapid decline in body weight to a lower maintenance level" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1342 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4421", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HP" ], "offsets": [ [ 593, 595 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "heat production" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4423", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "LBP and sciatica are common causes of medical consultation the medical history and the physical examination are essential in their management the PC physician initiates treatment and relies on his PCS examination to identify red flags that require further investigations regarding sciatica it is essential to identify clinical entities that require prompt referral to the emergency department for prompt neurosurgical management these include hyperalgic sciatica sciatica with motor deficits and the CES sciatica with sensory deficits do not require emergency department referral" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 579 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4424", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CES" ], "offsets": [ [ 500, 503 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cauda equina syndrome" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4426", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the objective of the present T0 was to determine if there is rho between signs of reflux laryngitis rl and reflux oesophagitis re in patients with gastrooesophageal reflux disease gord PS laryngeal photography obtained from patients during oesophagogastroduodenoscopy were examined by two otolaryngologists experienced in the field of extraoesophageal reflux regarding the presence and severity of rl the presence of re was evaluated by gastroenterologist sm HD and patients with BA were excluded from the statistical analysis a total of patients were analysed rl was diagnosed in cases of whom patients had mild moderate and severe reflux finding score rl re was diagnosed in patients with rl and in patients without rl neither the difference between the overall group of patients with rl and those without or ci p nor the differences between the respective subgroups of patients with mild moderate and severe rl and those without rl were statistically significant the or and ci for mild moderate and severe rl were ci p ci p and ci p respectively it can be concluded that there is no rho between rl and re in patients with gord symptoms" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1138 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4427", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HD" ], "offsets": [ [ 459, 461 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "heavy drinkers" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4429", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the purpose of this T0 was to implement ultrafast multiphase threivation of the Int lfa which is likely to explain the defect in conjugate formation however once vavdeficient cells form a conjugate the assembly of proteins into an IS at the conjugate interface is normal in contrast thymocyte polarization is defective in the absence of vav as judged by the relocalization of the microtubuleorganizing center these data demonstrate that vav transduces signals to only a subset of cytoskeletondependent events at the immunological synapse" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 537 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4430", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IS" ], "offsets": [ [ 231, 233 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "immunological synapse" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4432", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the experiments strongly suggested that the reason why PCs die so easily T3 global BB ischemia relates to deficiencies in aldolase c and eaat that allow them to survive pathologically intense synaptic input from the VPI olive T3 the restoration of blood flow this conclusion is based on a the remarkably tight correspondence between the regional absence of aldolase c and eaat in PCs and the patterned loss of PCs after a bout of global brain ischemia b the necessity of the olivocerebellar pathway for the ICM death of PCs and c the buildup of pathologically synchronous and highfrequency burst activity within the IO during REC from ischemia indeed the correspondence between the absence of aldolase c and eaat to sensitivity to ischeshrimp response to wssv" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 759 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4433", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "IO" ], "offsets": [ [ 616, 618 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "inferior olive" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4435", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the effects of volume disturbances on the ktv were investigated prospectively in consecutive Kt/V studies on patients on CAPD capd four subjects group a had fluid loss actual weight dry weight group b were studied on the basis of their dry weight group c had moderate fluid excess of dry weight and patients group d had severe fluid excess of dry weight the ktv was calculated on the basis of dry weight and actual weight with v obtained from the watson anthropometric formulae which were applied either uncorrected or with a correction for changes in body water from dry weight conditions the CG compared by variance analysis the following weekly ktv estimates were obtained using dry weight v group a group b group c group d no difference between groups using uncorrected actual weight v group a group b group c group d group b had a higher ktv than group c p and using corrected actual weight v group a group b group c group d group b had a higher ktv than either group c or group d both at p in capd fluid deficit is rare and causes a small increase in ktv whereas fluid retention is frequent and causes a decrease in ktv this decrease is pronounced in patients with severe fluid excess the uncorrected watson formulae underestimate v and consequently overestimate ktv in capd patients with fluid excess" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1307 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4436", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "Kt/V" ], "offsets": [ [ 93, 97 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "urea clearance" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4438", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "measurements of basal VO2 bmr body water fat and lean DM of different organs were obtained in bird species ranging from to g body mass residuals of bmr after subtracting bmr allometrically predicted from body mass were positively correlated with residuals of lean dry HR and kidney mass measurements of both bmr and the daily SE expenditure of parent birds deepar during the period of nestling care as assessed by labeledwater turnover were collected from the literature for altricial bird species the allometric relationships with body mass in this data set were log bmr w log mass g fraction of variance r and log deepar w log mass g r residuals of log bmr and log deepar were positively correlated with each other the parallel regressions and correlation of residuals lead to reduced variance in the ratio of bmrdeepar mean sd we suggest that natural selection has led to an adjustment of the size of organs such as heart and kidney involved in sustaining energy metabolism at the dee maximized during parental care and that sizeindependent R2 in bmr reflects the relative size of this highly metabolically AS machinery these relationships of bmr lead to new interpretations of the decline in massspecific bmr with increasing body size and decreasing latitude and of the difference in massspecific bmr between birds and mammals" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1330 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4439", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DM" ], "offsets": [ [ 54, 56 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "dry mass" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4441", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the failure of cartilages to fuse particularly in the case of articular cartilage under conditions of repair is due to morphological and structural constraints of the tissue AF that impede integration include nonvascularisation low cellularity and proteoglycan in the surrounding extracellular matrix acting as a natural barrier to cellular migration we hypothesised that brief activation of a catabolic cascade by cytokines followed by culture under anabolic conditions would promote tissue fusion in a ringdisk MM of cartilage integration our results show that transient exposure to ng ml interleukinβ followed by two weeks postculture under anabolic conditions enhanced cartilagecartilage integration compared to untreated explants quantitative pcr analysis of catabolismrelated genes adamts and mmp showed both were transiently upregulated and these findings correlated with evidence of extracellular matrix dividually transfected into hela cells which were subsequently infected with cvb the impacts of rna interference rnai on viral replication were evaluated using five measures cytopathic effect cpe dimethylthiazolyldiphenyltetrazolium bromide mtt assay TC infectious dose tcid RT rtpcr and western blot five of the eleven sirnas were highly efficient at inhibiting viral replication this was especially true for sirna which targeted the atpase c however antiviral activity varied significantly among sirna and even though that they all targeted the d region our results revealed several effective targets for cvb silencing and provided evidence that sequences except cre within the c region may also be potential targets for cvbspecific sirnas design these data supported a potential role of rna interference in future antiviral intervention therapies" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1762 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4442", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TC" ], "offsets": [ [ 1164, 1166 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "tissue culture" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4444", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "persistent organochlorine pollutants pops are toxic chemicals which accumulate in humans and animals as only few species have the capability of eliminating them however some authors have pointed to the possibility that certain species of invertebrates ie nematodes could metabolize this type of EDC as certain species of nematodes act as parasites of vertebrates this research was designed to explore the influence of some of the most common parasites of the dogs in their SS levels of common pops the study included three groups of dogs n which were prospectively recruited in the island of gran canaria canary islands spain a control animals nonparasitized serologically tested negative n b dogs tested positive for intestinal parasites and negative for other parasites n and c dogs tested positive for heartworm disease dirofilaria immitis and negative for other parasites n the presence of dirofilaria immitis was strongly associated with lower SS C2 of a wide range of pollutant in their hosts pcb congeners and hexachlorobenzene lindane aldrin dieldrin ANT and Py we also found an inverse association between the hosts SS C2 of pcbs and intestinal parasites we did not find any association with ddt or its metabolites but this might be explained by the recently suggested ability of dogs for the efficient metabolization of these compounds according to the results of this T0 certain forms of parasitism would reduce the bioavailability of the major classes of pops in dogs however further studies are needed to elucidate whether this phenomenon is due to a competence between parasites and hosts or could respond to a possible capability of parasitic nematodes for the metabolization of these pops" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1704 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4445", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ANT" ], "offsets": [ [ 1059, 1062 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "anthracene" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4447", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the initial outgrowth of peripheral axons in developing embryos is thought to occur independently of NTs however the degree to which IP neurons can extend axons and elaborate axonal arborizations in the absence of these molecules has not been studied directly because of exquisite survival requirements for NTs at early developmental stages we show here that embryonic SNs from baxdeficient mice survived indefinitely in the absence of neurotrophins even in highly dissociated cultures allowing assessment of cell autonomous axon outgrowth at embryonic day ee stages of rapid axon growth toward targets in vivo bax SNs cultured without NTs were almost invariably unipolar and extended only a rudimentary axon addition of NTs caused outgrowth of a second axon and a marked dosedependent elongation of both processes surprisingly morphological responses to individual neurotrophins differed substantially neurotrophin nt supported striking terminal arborization of subsets of bax SN whereas ngf produced predominantly axon elongation in a different subset we conclude that axon growth in vitro is neurotrophin dependent from the earliest stages of SN OD furthermore NTs support the appearance of distinct axonal morphologies that characterize different sensory neuron subpopulations" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1280 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4448", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SN" ], "offsets": [ [ 1146, 1148 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "sensory neuron" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4450", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "multiple studies have demonstrated the occurrences of shortchain chlorinated paraffins sccps and mediumchain chlorinated paraffins mccps in environmental matrixes but human internal SE to them has been studied rarely mass fractions and congener group patterns of sccps and mccps in paired maternal and HCS were studied for the first time to investigate the placental transport mechanism and prenatal exposure risks of cps samples were collected in beijing china and analyzed using ted as missing data and multiply imputed using prespecified parametric event time models the event times in each imputed data set are then logtransformed and analyzed using a linear MM suitable for a × crossover design with continuous endpoints with the difference in periodspecific baselines included as a covariate results obtained from the imputed data sets are synthesized for point and confidence interval estimation of the treatment ratio of geometric mean event times using MM averaging in conjunction with rubins combination rule we use simulations to illustrate the favorable operating characteristics of our method relative to two other methods for crossover trials with censored timetoevent data ie a hierarchical rank test that ignores the baselines and a stratified cox model that uses each study subject as a stratum and includes periodspecific baselines as a covariate application to a real data example is provided" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1412 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4451", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "HCS" ], "offsets": [ [ 302, 305 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cord serum" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4453", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the effects of HAL on renal hemodynamics under both normovolemic and hypovolemic conditions were investigated in chronically instrumented conscious dogs whose homeostatic mechanisms were not altered by the presence of preexisting drugs RBF and aortic pressure were assessed by prior implantation of doppler US flow probes on the renal i.a. and a catheter in the descending aorta administration of halothane to conscious normovolemic dogs group hn resulted in decreases in renal V1 resistance with no significant changes occurring in RBF in a second group of animals made hypovolemic while awake group ah of the blood volume was removed over onehalf hour in response to hemorrhage these conscious animals RBF did not significantly NC from the normovolemic control and renal vascular resistance significantly decreased with no further MI renal vascular resistance and RBF remained unchanged from the level achieved T3 the hemorrhage a third group of animals group hh was hemorrhaged in a manner similar to that of group ah they also showed no significant changes in RBF and a significant decrease in renal V1 resistance in response to hemorrhage thereafter administration of halothane as in group hn to this group produced decreases in renal vascular resistance with no significant decline in RBF from the hypovolemic control C2 established T3 hemorrhage the author concludes the following administration of halothane to normovolemic conscious dogs does not decrease renal blood flow a moderate degree of acute hemorrhagic hypovolemia does not decrease RBF in conscious dogs and administration of halothane to acutely hypovolemic conscious dogs does not impair renal perfusion" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1674 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4454", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RBF" ], "offsets": [ [ 866, 869 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "renal blood flow" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4456", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "a yearold patient underwent partial gastrectomy for leiomyosarcoma of the stomach following resection he received combination chemotherapy that included adriamycin and DTIC dtic with the cumulative adriamycin dose being mgm the patient was subsequently treated with vincristine actinomycin d and cyclophosphamide six hours after receiving his fourth dose of cyclophosphamide the patient developed signs and symptoms of acute anterior wall myocardial infarction although he recovered from this initial cardiac event he subsequently experienced several additional episodes of V1 occlusion involving the CBF FA coronary and pulmonary arteries cardiac catheterization demonstrated all coronary arteries to be normal both ventricles were hypokinetic and bilateral mural thrombi were demonstrated these were the presumed source of the embolic phenomena to our knowledge this is the first description of repeated coronary i.a. embolization following cancer chemotherapy in a patient without evidence of preexisting cardiac CA" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1018 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4457", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DTIC" ], "offsets": [ [ 168, 172 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "dimethyltriazenoimidazole carboxamide" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4459", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "medicinal chemists are under increasing pressure not only to identify lead EDC and optimize them into clinical candidates but also to produce materials in sufficient quantities for subsequent investigation with this in mind continuousflow methodology presents an opportunity to reduce the time taken to first identify the compound and second scale the process for evaluation and where necessary production it is therefore the aim of this review to provide the reader with an insight into the advantages associated with the use of CF chemistry through the use of strategically selected literature examples" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 604 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4460", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CF" ], "offsets": [ [ 530, 532 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "continuousflow" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4462", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "cognitive enrichment early in life as indicated by level of education complexity of work environment or nature of leisure MICs appears to protect against the OD of ageassociated cognitive decline and also PSD these effects are more robust for measures of crystallized intelligence than for measures of fluid intelligence and depend on the ability of the brain to compensate for pathological changes associated with aging this compensatory ability is referred to as cognitive reserve the CR hypothesis suggests that cognitive enrichment promotes utilization of available functions alternatively late life cognitive changes in cognition may be linked to a factor such as cholinergic dysfunction that is also present early in life and contributes to the reduced C2 of early life cognitive enrichment beneficial effects of environmental enrichment early in life have also been observed in rodents and primates research with rodents indicates that these changes have structural correlates which likely include increased synapses in specific BB regions dogs also show agedependent cognitive decline and both longitudinal and crosssectional studies indicate that this decline can be att by cognitive enrichment furthermore cognitive enrichment has differential effects improving some functions more than others from a neurobiological perspective behavioral enrichment in the dog may act to promote neurogenesis later in life this can be distinguished from nutritional interventions with antioxidants which appear to attenuate the OD of neuropathology these results suggest that a combination of behavioral and nutritional or pharmacological interventions may be optimal for reducing the rate of agedependent cognitive decline" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1718 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4463", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "CR" ], "offsets": [ [ 487, 489 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "cognitive reserve" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4465", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "ulk unclike kinase hatg is a serthr kinase that plays a key role in inducing autophagy in response to starvation ulk is phosphorylated and negatively regulated by the mammalian TOR complex mtorc previous studies have shown that ulk is not only a downstream effector of mtorc but also a negative regulator of mtorc signaling here we investigated how ulk regulates mtorc signaling and found that ulk inhibits the kinase activity of mtorc and cell proliferation deficiency or knockdown of ulk or its homolog ulk enhanced mtorc signaling cell proliferation rates and accumulation of cell mass whereas overexpression of ulk had the opposite effect knockdown of atg the binding partner of ulk and ulk mimicked the effects of ulk or ulk deficiency or knockdown both insulin and leucine stimulated mtorc signaling to a greater extent when ulk or ulk was deficient or knocked down in contrast atg deficiency did not have a significant effect on mtorc signaling and cell proliferation the stimulatory effect of ulk knockdown on mtorc signaling occurred even in the absence of tuberous sclerosis complex tsc the negative regulator of mtorc signaling in addition ulk was found to bind raptor induce its phosphorylation and inhibit the kinase activity of mtorc these results demonstrate that ulk negatively regulates the kinase activity of mtorc and cell proliferation in a manner independent of atg and tsc the inhibition of mtorc by ulk may be important to coordinately regulate cell growth and autophagy with optimized utilization of cellular SE" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1535 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4466", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "TOR" ], "offsets": [ [ 177, 180 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "target of rapamycin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4468", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "brazilian santa inês si sheep are very welladapted to the tropical conditions of brazil and are an important source of animal protein a high rate of twin births was reported in some si flocks growth and differentiation factor gdf and bone morphogenetic protein bmp are the first two genes expressed by the oocyte to be associated with an increased ovulation rate in sheep all gdf and bmp SCV characterized until now present the same phenotype the nu/+ ewes have an increased or and the mutated homozygotes are sterile in this study we have found a new S2 of gdf named fecge embrapa which leads to a substitution of a phenylalanine with a cysteine in a conservative position of the mature peptide homozygote ewes presenting the fecge S2 have shown an increase in their ovulation rate and prolificacy this new phenotype can be very useful in better understanding the genetic control of follicular development the mechanisms involved in the control of ovulation rate in mammals and for the improvement of sheep production" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1019 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4469", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "or" ], "offsets": [ [ 476, 478 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "ovulation rate" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4471", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "during the last decade peroxisome proliferation has emerged as a novel biomarker of exposure to certain organic chemical pollutants in aquatic organisms peroxisome proliferation is mediated by nuclear receptors peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors ppars three ppar subtypes have been described in mammals ppar alpha ppar beta and ppar gamma ppars have also been discovered in several fish species the aim of the present T0 was to investigate the expression of ppar subtypes and their cellular CSD patterns in the CL of gray mullet mugil cephalus a fish species widely distributed in estuaries and coastal Az in europe and used as sentinel of environmental pollution for this purpose antibodies were generated against the three subtypes of mouse ppars and different protocols of AR were used in western blots main bands were detected of approximately kda for ppar alpha two bands of and kda for ppar beta and a single band of kda for ppar gamma similar results were obtained in mouse liver and may indicate antibody recognition of two forms of the protein in certain cases ppar alpha was the subtype most markedly expressed in gray mullet CL being expressed mainly in melanomacrophages nuclei of HCs and sinusoidal cells and connective tissue surrounding bile ducts ppar beta was expressed in the same cell types but immunolabeling was generally weaker than for ppar alpha ppar gamma showed very weak expression positivity was mainly found in melanomacrophages and connective tissue surrounding bile ducts our results demonstrate that all the three ppar subtypes are expressed in gray mullet CL but in different intensities the cellular CSD patterns of ppar subtypes in gray mullet CL resembled partly those found in mouse liver with ppar alpha as the main subtype expressed in HCs the fact that melanomacrophages cells of the IS in fish show strong expression of both ppar alpha and ppar beta whereas ppar gamma expression is almost restricted to this cell type suggest a significant role of pparmediated regulation of cell function in melanomacrophages" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2059 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4472", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "AR" ], "offsets": [ [ 784, 786 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "antigen retrieval" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4474", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "organosomatic indices hematological indicators of AS and histopathological lesions were quantified for over incubating herring gulls larus argentatus sampled in colonies throughout the great lakes and reference colonies in lake winnipeg and the bay of fundy of parameters assessed significantly more differed between great lakes colonies and REF colonies than between the two reference colonies relative adrenal kidney and CL masses of gulls from some great lakes colonies were reduced and thyroid masses increased relative to gulls from reference colonies foci of cellular atypia were observed in the hepatocytes of two great lakes gulls chronic periportal SH lipogranulomas and vacuolation of hepatocytes and chronic granulomatous interstitial nephritis were more prevalent or severe in gulls from great lakes colonies and were associated with contaminants the kidneys of gulls from the three most contaminated locations were damaged and functionally compromised interstitial nephritis was likely the most functionally significant histopathological lesion portaltract fibrosis granulomatous hepatitis and kidney tubule dilationobstruction and splenic enlargement were more prevalent or severe at REF sites and were associated with bloodborne parasites amyloid deposits were observed in the SP kidneys or liver of nearly half of the gulls associations between the prevalence or severity of lesions and contaminant levels in gull tissues or the trophic level of their diet suggest some lesions are toxicopathic associations were most frequently found with PHAHs and lead the AS response as measured by the heterophillymphocyte ratio was attenuated in gulls from Az of concern and associated with decreased adrenal mass our findings suggest that AD great lakes gulls suffered from chronic SE to chemical stressors in the early s sufficient to modulate endocrine function and physiological processes and induce structural changes in tissues" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1938 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4475", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PHAHs" ], "offsets": [ [ 1556, 1561 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "planar halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4477", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "SF levels were measured before treatment using an immunoradiometric method in patients with small cell lung CA in patients serial estimations were also made the median SF level for male patients was microgramsl range and for females range the normal range being this increase is significant p less than serum ferritin C2 were not related to M1 haematological or iron status serial FER levels did not reflect the clinical course of the disease patients with a i.c.v. serum FER of less than microgramsl had a significant prolongation of median survival compared to those with an initial SS FER of greater than microgramsl p less than SS FER C2 are not of value in staging small cell lung cancer nor in monitoring its progress however the initial SF is of prognostic significance" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 776 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4478", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SF" ], "offsets": [ [ 744, 746 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "serum ferritin" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4480", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "this article investigates enhancement of the dissolution profile of valdecoxib using solid dispersion with pvp the article also describes the preparation of fastdissolving tablets of valdecoxib by using a high amount of superdisintegrants a phase solubility method was used to evaluate the effect of various watersoluble polymers on AQ solubility of valdecoxib PVP pvp k was selected and solid dispersions were prepared by the method of kneading dissolution studies using the usp paddle method were performed for solid dispersions of valdecoxib infrared ir spectroscopy differential scanning calorimetry dsc and xray diffractometry xrd were performed to identify the physicochemical interaction between drug and carrier hence its effect on dissolution tablets were formulated containing SD products and compared with commercial products ir spectroscopy xrd and dsc showed no change in the crystal structure of valdecoxib dissolution of valdecoxib improved significantly in SD products in T2 tablets containing SD exhibited better dissolution profile than commercial tablets thus the SD technique can be successfully used for improvement of dissolution of valdecoxib" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1165 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4481", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "SD" ], "offsets": [ [ 787, 789 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "solid dispersion" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4483", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "adult tcell leukaemia atl is a peripheral tcell neoplasm caused by human tcell leukaemia virus type i htlvi several clinical observations suggest that some tumourassociated antigens in atl may be recognised by the immune system in this T0 we performed the serological screening of an expression library to identify atlassociated antigens by using materials from a unique atl patient with longterm stable disease among five distinct genes isolated serinearginine protein kinase srpk which has been reported to have a restricted T/N CSD was found to be overexpressed in most acute type atl samples but not in chronic type atl or in normal IP blood MNC cells by RT reverse transcription PCR reaction interestingly the overexpression of srpk in aggressive types of atl was more exclusively observed at the protein level than at the mrna level autologous antibody to srpk was confirmed in the atl patient using western blot analysis with plasma but ND in asymptomatic htlvi carriers or in healthy volunteers these results indicate that srpk may be useful for the OD of therapeutic and diagnostic methods for patients with atl" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1120 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4484", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "PCR" ], "offsets": [ [ 684, 687 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "polymerase chain" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4486", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "the recent public outcry following a brutal gang rape of a young woman in indias national capital was a watershed moment in the worlds largest democracy it generated widespread public and political support for strengthening legal provisions to punish sex offenders although the legal response is a useful deterrent against such heinous crimes women continue to suffer due to deeply rooted social prejudices that make them vulnerable to violence and discrimination in society in this commentary we aim to analyse the current developments with respect to gender violence in india within a BG of the social position of women in indian society using secondary data related to sexselective abortions and crimes against women and a critical review of the portrayal of women in indian ciare the result of dirty drinking water every summer thousands of patients suffer from acute gastroenteritis in the rawal town therefore a study was designed to generate a water quality index map of the rawal town and identify the relationship between bacteriological water quality and socioeconomic indicators with gastroenteritis in the study area water SQ and gastroenteritis patient data were collected by surveying the tubewells and the major hospitals in the rawal town the collected spatial data was analyzed by using arcgis spatial analyst morans i spatial autocorrelation and geostatistical analysis tools inverse distance weighted RBF kriging and cokriging the water quality index wqi for the T0 area was computed using ph turbidity total dissolved solids calcium hardness alkalinity and chloride values of the tubewells the results of morans i spatial autocorrelation showed that the groundwater physicochemical parameters were clustered among idw radial basis CF and kriging and cokriging interpolation techniques cokriging showed the lowest root mean square error cokriging was used to make the spatial distribution maps of water quality parameters the wqi results showed that more than half of the tubewells in the rawal town were providing poor to unfit drinking water the pearsons coefficient of correlation for gastroenteritis with fecal coliform was found significant p in water and sanitation agency wasa zone and with shortage of toilets it was significant p in wasa zones and however it was significantly p inversely related with literacy rate in wasa zones and" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 2361 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4487", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "RBF" ], "offsets": [ [ 1420, 1423 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "radial basis function" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4489", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "six men and women with a PH of TM and persistent lower urinary tract PS underwent neurourological DUE of the patients were neurologically intact while the remainder had residual neurological deficits urodynamic studies revealed detrusorexternal sphincter dyssynergia in patients two patients had DH of whom also had an incompetent sphincter erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction was reported by men we conclude that prolonged bladder and SD caused by spinal cord inflammatory insult may persist despite a systemic neurological REC therefore bladder management guided by initial and followup urodynamics is recommended" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 615 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4490", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "DH" ], "offsets": [ [ 296, 298 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "detrusor hyperreflexia" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4492", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "local recurrence of WDTC has a reported mortality approaching the university of kentucky experience was reviewed to determine whether aggressive surveillance and treatment with reoperation andor i ablation increased survival following recurrence records of consecutive patients with WDTC treated at the university of kentucky medical center were reviewed fortynine cases of PTC carcinoma and cases of follicular carcinoma were studied median followup was months at presentation patients with follicular carcinoma were older versus years p less than and more frequently had M1 versus p less than fiftyeight patients were alive and diseasefree at last followup fifteen patients had developed recurrent disease median time to recurrence was months multivariate regression examined the variables of age sex histology tumor size cervical adenopathy capsular and vascular invasion multicentricity and surgical procedure while distant metastases affected AS no factor independently predicted local recurrence in six patients with local recurrence nonpalpable disease was detected by i scan all were treated with ablation and remain diseasefree mean followup months eight patients with local recurrence presented with palpable lesions seven underwent surgery while two patients developed repeated local recurrences the other five remain diseasefree mean followup months early detection and aggressive ly and radiographically screws and wires were inserted into the articular masses at different locations and angulations the relationship of the neurovascular structures to the screws and wires was noted to avoid injury to the nerve roots vertebral artery and spinal cord the screw should be placed in the center of the articular masses perpendicular to the vertebral plane with degrees lateral angulation" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1797 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4493", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "WDTC" ], "offsets": [ [ 20, 24 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "welldifferentiated thyroid carcinoma" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4495", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "patients with endemic nontoxic goitre have been treated in the field with thyroxine t triiodothyronine t and KI ki singly or in combination or with PL after months of continuous treatment goitre size decreased significantly in the actively treated groups but not in the one treated with placebo the combination of micrograms t micrograms ki daily seemed the most ERP treatment both clinically and by its suppression of the i uptake and the tsh response to trh followed by micrograms t micrograms t or micrograms t but the difference from the other CG was not statistically significant the increase in the pulse rate pr and the shortening of the photomotogram of the AT reflex pmg were taken as indices of thyrotoxicity and sideeffects of the treatment there was no significant difference in the sideeffects between any two of the AS CG if effectiveness was also taken into account the decrease in goitre size was not correlated to either the final SS t value achieved at the end of the treatment or the thyroidal i uptake there was however a weak but significant rho between the decrease in goitre size and the tsh response to trh this casts some doubt to the concept that thyroid hormones decrease goitre size solely by suppressing the PIT tsh release of the patients treated with ki singly or in combination and studied in this respect developed autoantibodies against thyroglobulin andor the thyroidal microsomal antigen compared to of not receiving ki p abstract truncated at words" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1485 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4496", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "KI" ], "offsets": [ [ 109, 111 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "potassium iodide" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "4498", "type": "PubMed abstract", "text": [ "ALD ald is a demyelinating disease of the CE nervous system that results from a genetic deficiency of aldp an abc protein involved in the transport of very longchain fatty acids vlcfas the cloning of the ald gene and the positive effects of allo-BMT support the feasibility of a GT RPA we report the retroviral transfer of the ald cdna to IP blood and bone marrow cd cells from control donors and ald patients prestimulation of these cells with cytokines followed by infection with the mald RV resulted in transduction efficiency and expression of the vectorencoded aldp in of cd cells LT culture ltc of transduced cd cells from two ald patients showed efficient transduction and stable expression of aldp in derived clonogenic progenitors at weeks of SC the expression of aldp in cfu cells derived from and weeks of ltc confirmed the effective transduction of ltcinitiating cells expression of aldp was observed in cd cfuderived cells suggesting that monocytemacrophages the target bone marrow cells in ald were produced from transduced progenitor cells vlcfa content was corrected in ltc and cfuderived cells in proportion to the percentage of transduced cells indicating that the vectorencoded aldp was functional although not efficient yet to allow a clinical perspective these results demonstrate the feasibility of ald gene transfer into cd cells of ald patients" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 1368 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "4499", "type": "abbreviation", "text": [ "ALD" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 3 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "medal", "db_id": "adrenoleukodystrophy" } ] } ]