biblenlp-corpus /
jnemecek's picture
history blame
2.32 kB
- no-annotation
- expert-generated
- san
- dji
- eng
- epo
- cmn
- cop
- deu
- hrv
- kky
- haw
- bre
- nld
- bea
- pon
- pes
- dif
- heb
- cha
- kos
- nay
- hbo
- arb
- ita
- rus
- awk
- arp
- hat
- swh
- lat
- bla
- ces
- spa
- vie
- grc
- srp
- fra
- hlt
- ukr
- wro
- ton
- als
- jpn
- cc-by-4.0
- other-public-domain
- translation
pretty_name: biblenlp-corpus
- 1M<n<10M
- original
- translation
task_ids: []
# Dataset Card for BibleNLP Corpus
### Dataset Summary
Partial and complete Bible translations in 42 languages, aligned by verse.
### Languages
als, arb, arp, awk, bea, bla, bre, ces, cha, cmn, cop, deu, dif, dji, eng, epo, fra, grc, hat, haw, hbo, heb, hlt, hrv, ita, jpn, kky, kos, lat, nay, nld, pes, pon, rus, san, spa, srp, swh, ton, ukr, vie, wro
## Dataset Structure
### Data Fields
- **languages** - an N length list of the languages of the translations, sorted alphabetically
- **translation** - an N length list with the translations each corresponding to the language specified in the above field
- **lang** - an N length list of the languages of the files, in order of input
- **file** - an N length list of the filenames from the corpus on github, each corresponding with the lang above
**ref** - the verse(s) contained in the record, as a list, with each represented with: ``<a three letter book code> <chapter number>:<verse number>``
**licenses** - an N length list of licenses, corresponding to the list of files above
**copyrights** - information on copyright holders, corresponding to the list of files above
### Usage
The dataset loading script requires installation of tqdm, ijson, and numpy
Specify the languages to be paired with a list and ISO 693-3 language codes, such as ``languages = ['eng', 'fra']``.
By default, the script will return individual verse pairs, as well as verses covering a full range. If only the individual verses is desired, use ``pair='single'``. If only the maximum range pairing is desired use ``pair='range'`` (for example, if one text uses the verse range covering GEN 1:1-3, all texts would return only the full length pairing).
## Sources