--- |
dataset_info: |
features: |
- name: image |
dtype: image |
- name: label |
dtype: |
class_label: |
names: |
'0': 001.Black_footed_Albatross |
'1': 002.Laysan_Albatross |
'2': 003.Sooty_Albatross |
'3': 004.Groove_billed_Ani |
'4': 005.Crested_Auklet |
'5': 006.Least_Auklet |
'6': 007.Parakeet_Auklet |
'7': 008.Rhinoceros_Auklet |
'8': 009.Brewer_Blackbird |
'9': 010.Red_winged_Blackbird |
'10': 011.Rusty_Blackbird |
'11': 012.Yellow_headed_Blackbird |
'12': 013.Bobolink |
'13': 014.Indigo_Bunting |
'14': 015.Lazuli_Bunting |
'15': 016.Painted_Bunting |
'16': 017.Cardinal |
'17': 018.Spotted_Catbird |
'18': 019.Gray_Catbird |
'19': 020.Yellow_breasted_Chat |
'20': 021.Eastern_Towhee |
'21': 022.Chuck_will_Widow |
'22': 023.Brandt_Cormorant |
'23': 024.Red_faced_Cormorant |
'24': 025.Pelagic_Cormorant |
'25': 026.Bronzed_Cowbird |
'26': 027.Shiny_Cowbird |
'27': 028.Brown_Creeper |
'28': 029.American_Crow |
'29': 030.Fish_Crow |
'30': 031.Black_billed_Cuckoo |
'31': 032.Mangrove_Cuckoo |
'32': 033.Yellow_billed_Cuckoo |
'33': 034.Gray_crowned_Rosy_Finch |
'34': 035.Purple_Finch |
'35': 036.Northern_Flicker |
'36': 037.Acadian_Flycatcher |
'37': 038.Great_Crested_Flycatcher |
'38': 039.Least_Flycatcher |
'39': 040.Olive_sided_Flycatcher |
'40': 041.Scissor_tailed_Flycatcher |
'41': 042.Vermilion_Flycatcher |
'42': 043.Yellow_bellied_Flycatcher |
'43': 044.Frigatebird |
'44': 045.Northern_Fulmar |
'45': 046.Gadwall |
'46': 047.American_Goldfinch |
'47': 048.European_Goldfinch |
'48': 049.Boat_tailed_Grackle |
'49': 050.Eared_Grebe |
'50': 051.Horned_Grebe |
'51': 052.Pied_billed_Grebe |
'52': 053.Western_Grebe |
'53': 054.Blue_Grosbeak |
'54': 055.Evening_Grosbeak |
'55': 056.Pine_Grosbeak |
'56': 057.Rose_breasted_Grosbeak |
'57': 058.Pigeon_Guillemot |
'58': 059.California_Gull |
'59': 060.Glaucous_winged_Gull |
'60': 061.Heermann_Gull |
'61': 062.Herring_Gull |
'62': 063.Ivory_Gull |
'63': 064.Ring_billed_Gull |
'64': 065.Slaty_backed_Gull |
'65': 066.Western_Gull |
'66': 067.Anna_Hummingbird |
'67': 068.Ruby_throated_Hummingbird |
'68': 069.Rufous_Hummingbird |
'69': 070.Green_Violetear |
'70': 071.Long_tailed_Jaeger |
'71': 072.Pomarine_Jaeger |
'72': 073.Blue_Jay |
'73': 074.Florida_Jay |
'74': 075.Green_Jay |
'75': 076.Dark_eyed_Junco |
'76': 077.Tropical_Kingbird |
'77': 078.Gray_Kingbird |
'78': 079.Belted_Kingfisher |
'79': 080.Green_Kingfisher |
'80': 081.Pied_Kingfisher |
'81': 082.Ringed_Kingfisher |
'82': 083.White_breasted_Kingfisher |
'83': 084.Red_legged_Kittiwake |
'84': 085.Horned_Lark |
'85': 086.Pacific_Loon |
'86': 087.Mallard |
'87': 088.Western_Meadowlark |
'88': 089.Hooded_Merganser |
'89': 090.Red_breasted_Merganser |
'90': 091.Mockingbird |
'91': 092.Nighthawk |
'92': 093.Clark_Nutcracker |
'93': 094.White_breasted_Nuthatch |
'94': 095.Baltimore_Oriole |
'95': 096.Hooded_Oriole |
'96': 097.Orchard_Oriole |
'97': 098.Scott_Oriole |
'98': 099.Ovenbird |
'99': 100.Brown_Pelican |
'100': 101.White_Pelican |
'101': 102.Western_Wood_Pewee |
'102': 103.Sayornis |
'103': 104.American_Pipit |
'104': 105.Whip_poor_Will |
'105': 106.Horned_Puffin |
'106': 107.Common_Raven |
'107': 108.White_necked_Raven |
'108': 109.American_Redstart |
'109': 110.Geococcyx |
'110': 111.Loggerhead_Shrike |
'111': 112.Great_Grey_Shrike |
'112': 113.Baird_Sparrow |
'113': 114.Black_throated_Sparrow |
'114': 115.Brewer_Sparrow |
'115': 116.Chipping_Sparrow |
'116': 117.Clay_colored_Sparrow |
'117': 118.House_Sparrow |
'118': 119.Field_Sparrow |
'119': 120.Fox_Sparrow |
'120': 121.Grasshopper_Sparrow |
'121': 122.Harris_Sparrow |
'122': 123.Henslow_Sparrow |
'123': 124.Le_Conte_Sparrow |
'124': 125.Lincoln_Sparrow |
'125': 126.Nelson_Sharp_tailed_Sparrow |
'126': 127.Savannah_Sparrow |
'127': 128.Seaside_Sparrow |
'128': 129.Song_Sparrow |
'129': 130.Tree_Sparrow |
'130': 131.Vesper_Sparrow |
'131': 132.White_crowned_Sparrow |
'132': 133.White_throated_Sparrow |
'133': 134.Cape_Glossy_Starling |
'134': 135.Bank_Swallow |
'135': 136.Barn_Swallow |
'136': 137.Cliff_Swallow |
'137': 138.Tree_Swallow |
'138': 139.Scarlet_Tanager |
'139': 140.Summer_Tanager |
'140': 141.Artic_Tern |
'141': 142.Black_Tern |
'142': 143.Caspian_Tern |
'143': 144.Common_Tern |
'144': 145.Elegant_Tern |
'145': 146.Forsters_Tern |
'146': 147.Least_Tern |
'147': 148.Green_tailed_Towhee |
'148': 149.Brown_Thrasher |
'149': 150.Sage_Thrasher |
'150': 151.Black_capped_Vireo |
'151': 152.Blue_headed_Vireo |
'152': 153.Philadelphia_Vireo |
'153': 154.Red_eyed_Vireo |
'154': 155.Warbling_Vireo |
'155': 156.White_eyed_Vireo |
'156': 157.Yellow_throated_Vireo |
'157': 158.Bay_breasted_Warbler |
'158': 159.Black_and_white_Warbler |
'159': 160.Black_throated_Blue_Warbler |
'160': 161.Blue_winged_Warbler |
'161': 162.Canada_Warbler |
'162': 163.Cape_May_Warbler |
'163': 164.Cerulean_Warbler |
'164': 165.Chestnut_sided_Warbler |
'165': 166.Golden_winged_Warbler |
'166': 167.Hooded_Warbler |
'167': 168.Kentucky_Warbler |
'168': 169.Magnolia_Warbler |
'169': 170.Mourning_Warbler |
'170': 171.Myrtle_Warbler |
'171': 172.Nashville_Warbler |
'172': 173.Orange_crowned_Warbler |
'173': 174.Palm_Warbler |
'174': 175.Pine_Warbler |
'175': 176.Prairie_Warbler |
'176': 177.Prothonotary_Warbler |
'177': 178.Swainson_Warbler |
'178': 179.Tennessee_Warbler |
'179': 180.Wilson_Warbler |
'180': 181.Worm_eating_Warbler |
'181': 182.Yellow_Warbler |
'182': 183.Northern_Waterthrush |
'183': 184.Louisiana_Waterthrush |
'184': 185.Bohemian_Waxwing |
'185': 186.Cedar_Waxwing |
'186': 187.American_Three_toed_Woodpecker |
'187': 188.Pileated_Woodpecker |
'188': 189.Red_bellied_Woodpecker |
'189': 190.Red_cockaded_Woodpecker |
'190': 191.Red_headed_Woodpecker |
'191': 192.Downy_Woodpecker |
'192': 193.Bewick_Wren |
'193': 194.Cactus_Wren |
'194': 195.Carolina_Wren |
'195': 196.House_Wren |
'196': 197.Marsh_Wren |
'197': 198.Rock_Wren |
'198': 199.Winter_Wren |
'199': 200.Common_Yellowthroat |
- name: bbox |
sequence: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 578565600.046 |
num_examples: 5994 |
- name: test |
num_bytes: 571979272.934 |
num_examples: 5794 |
download_size: 1145059821 |
dataset_size: 1150544872.98 |
configs: |
- config_name: default |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: data/train-* |
- split: test |
path: data/test-* |
task_categories: |
- image-classification |
size_categories: |
- 10K<n<100K |
--- |
# Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 (CUB-200-2011) |
This dataset contains the Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 (CUB-200-2011) dataset, from [here](https://www.vision.caltech.edu/datasets/cub_200_2011/). |
Each example consists of an image, a label, and a bounding box. (The dataset also contains x/y locations of "parts", e.g. beak, right eye, left wing, throat, etc. and "attributes", e.g. beak shape, wing color, feather pattern. I have not included either of these. Contact me if you want me to add them.) |
**Note:** Some of these images are also in ImageNet! |
### Data Splits |
The CUB-200-2011 dataset has 2 splits: _train_ and _test_. |
| Dataset Split | Number of Instances in Split | |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | |
| Train | 5,994 | |
| Test | 5,794 | |
There are 200 classes, with either 29-30 examples per class in the train split. The test split has more variance in the number of examples per class; most are 29-30 but there are some with fewer (the lowest is 11). |
### Bounding Boxes |
Each bounding box is in the form of [x0, y0, x1, y1] and can be used as such: |
```python |
import datasets |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
dataset = datasets.load_dataset("bentrevett/caltech-ucsd-birds-200-2011") |
example = dataset["train"][0] |
image = example["image"] |
bbox = example["bbox"] |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) |
draw.rectangle(bbox, outline="red", width=2) |
plt.imshow(image) |
``` |
### Citation Information |
``` |
@techreport{WahCUB_200_2011, |
Title = The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset, |
Author = {Wah, C. and Branson, S. and Welinder, P. and Perona, P. and Belongie, S.}, |
Year = {2011} |
Institution = {California Institute of Technology}, |
Number = {CNS-TR-2011-001} |
} |
``` |