[ "My mom and sisters went shopping. My mom paid for my sisters' clothing but she didn't pay for mine.", "I went shopping with my mom and sisters. My mom paid for my sisters' items but she did not pay for mine.", "How come? Is your sister a minor and are you an adult?", "My sisters are all adults_comma_ I am the middle child.", "That doesn't sound fair at all_comma_ I wonder why she did that.", "I paid my bill and I felt so bad.", "If I were you_comma_ I would ask your mom why she paid for your sisters; items and not yours. That's so mean.", "It is very mean. I have a good job so maybe they think I am better off financially.", "Now that I think of it_comma_ it most likely is the reason why; maybe she doesn't even think of it as a mean act and maybe means no harm by it. Regardless it is important to share how you're feeling with her." ]
[ "I met a stranger once. He asked me for a ride.", "I met a stranger once. He asked me for a ride to the store.", "That could be creepy depending on the person. I'm extra paranoid though.", "Yes_comma_ I was very skeptical. He didn't appear trustworthy at all.", "That's understandable_comma_ there's just no way to be sure what a stranger's intentions are." ]
[ "I recently started training my dog to get him to be more obedient. I have a way to go but I'm getting better.", "I recently started training my dog to improve his obedience. I have a way to go but I've been getting better.", "That's great! Consistency is key!", "You are right_comma_ I will keep at it and I'm having some fun at the same time.", "And you're building trust with your dog as well! It's a win-win. :)" ]
[ "I was in Walmart and my son pulled a few items off the shelf onto the floor_comma_ everyone was looking. ", "I was in Walmart and my son pulled a few items off the shelf. Everyone was looking and whispering.", "Kids like touching and looking at things_comma_ I'm sure no real harm was done. People like making a big deal out of everything.", "And it was mostly the older folks_comma_ I tried to put the things back on the shelf.", "I'd say ignore them as best as you can. It's normal for kids to do these kind of things!", "Oh yes_comma_ the employees didn't see a problem with it." ]
[ "It was my first time taking the DMV test. I went there rather early and aced the test.", "It was my first time taking the DMV test. I went there rather early and I aced the test.", "I am happy for you. How did it feel", "I was very happy_comma_ I went there with my dad_comma_ he was happy too. ", "That sounds like a great experience", "Yes it was even though I was a bit nervous." ]
[ "I had to go to a new doctor last week. I was a little unsure and nervous", "I had to go to a new doctor last week. I was a little nervous and unsure going in", "I am usually that way_comma_ whenever I have a doctor's appointment. I hope everything went well.", "It did_comma_ It was nothing to worry about", "Ah. There you go so you were worried about nothing. I am glad that all was well." ]
[ "I ordered take out every day this week. I havent made a home cooked meal in a while. Its kind of bad.", "I haven't made a home cooked meal in a long time.", "Oh_comma_ that's a shame - cooking's such fun. Why did you stop cooking?", "I know. Just been busy. I ordered take out like every day last week.", "Gosh_comma_ I couldn't afford to do that! It's far cheaper for me to cook up a big pot of stew or something and freeze it for busy days.", "I should do that. Im losing money like crazy", "That stuff's hard to come by! It's so easy to chuck stuff in a pot and then go watch tv or do something else for a couple of hours. Tastes better_comma_ too!", "I am going to look up some recipes then. I never use my slow cooker.", "I wish I had a slow cooker. Or one of those Instant Pots everyone's raving about." ]
[ "I was visiting my hometown over the holiday. I passed in front of my old high school. I still looked the exact same.", "I was visiting my hometown over the holiday. I passed in front of my old high school. It still looked the exact same.", "It", "Excuse me? Seeing my old school really brought back a lot of good memories.", "It's weird the way some things from our past seem so timeless. It's nice you had a good experience seeing your school. ", "It really was. I will always remember those times.", "Our past can be a great source of strength and comfort. " ]
[ "I thought my best friend was going to be able to visit me this summer_comma_ but it turns out he can't take the time off from work right now. ", "I thought my best friend was going to be able to visit me this summer. But it turns out he can't take the time off from work right now. I'm a bit bummed_comma_ as I haven't seen him in a long time.", "Would you be able to go meet him instead?", "No_comma_ unfortunately I can't make the drive right now. Maybe next year. ", "That sucks. I would be disappointed also. Hopefully yall can make some time soon to get together." ]
[ "I applied for a new job at a law firm. I really really need to get this job.", "I applied for a job at a new law firm.", "Did you get any news back?", "Not yet_comma_ but I really really need this job.", "I hope you do get the job_comma_ you deserve it!" ]
[ "My Boyfriend left me and moved out now it is har don me...", "My and John broke up a few weeks back and he moved out now it is hard to stay in my apartment.", "sorry to here that_comma_ it must be tough for you at this moment", "It is and at night when it is dark and quite it is even worse", "but as time passes you will find another and be cheerful as ever." ]
[ "This time of the year makes me think about my dad. He loved football", "This time of the year makes me think of my dad. He loved football", "Oh my dad loves football too. I bet you have some great memories.", "I really do. We had some fun times", "Did you and your dad ever play football together?" ]
[ "I love watching my kids play outside. It's so relaxing.", "Last week while watching my kids play outside_comma_ i get so relaxed.", "Do you have a patio or backyard to do that in?", "Yes and they have lots to do like a swingset_comma_ trampoline_comma_ waterslide.", "I am so jealous of you then ha", "I am very grateful for them to have so much space" ]
[ "I studied hard for the test_comma_ I am quite sure that I will get every question correct.", "I studied hard for the test. I am quite sure that I will get every question correct.", "You must have been really prepared to be so certain of achieving a perfect score!", "Yes i am. I studied really hard ", "I hope you do get that perfect score_comma_ you deserve it after all!", "Thank you. I will be so happy." ]
[ "I was invited to a party today. I am not sure I want to go.", "I was invited to a kids bithday party today.", "That is really neat do you have a kid?", "I have three_comma_ but I kind of don't want to go. So many children_comma_ works my nerves.", "I would go atleast you would get cake", "I havent had cake in years lol" ]
[ "My pet lizard died he was 15 years old. it has been hard on me", "My pet iguana died he was 15 years old..", "Wow! Is that old for an iguana? Im sorry to hear that", "Not really they can live to be 40 years old. He was nice he loved to just hangout with me and sit on me desk and watch me type. ", "My daughter wants an iguana. I am scared of animals ", "They are really sweet creatures_comma_ if you live in a sunny climate they make great pets. One tip is if you want a male get is as young as possible_comma_ they have a hard time forming bounds the older they get ", "She is . She may be able to handle it on her own. Thanks for the info" ]
[ "I was at the grocery store the other day_comma_ waiting in line to check out. The person in front of me was very old and having trouble working their card. The cashier was very rude and condescending.", "While I was at the grocery store I was in line behind a nice_comma_ but very confused older person who had trouble getting their credit card to work.", "That can be frustrating. Did you do anything to help?", "No_comma_ I thought the cashier was going to help her_comma_ but instead_comma_ she started getting very frustrated and began saying some very mean and ugly things to the customer. ", "Oh that is terrible_comma_ cashiers should have more patience." ]
[ "I ate my brother's last piece of birthday cake_comma_ knowing he really wanted it. It made me feel bad", "I ate my brother's last piece of birthday cake_comma_ knowing he really wanted it.", "Was the cake that good_comma_ or were you trying to make him angry?", "The cake was just really good. I felt pretty bad afterwards.", "Maybe you could make it up to him. I'm sure he'll get over it though. " ]
[ "A homeless person begged me for money the other day. I wasn't sure if I should give it to him because I didn't want him to spend it on drugs or something", "A homeless person begged me for money the other day.", "I guess he really need it. Did you give him the money? ", " I wasn't sure if I should give it to him because I didn't want him to spend it on drugs or something_comma_ but I did end up giving him 2 dollars.", "Well_comma_ at least you gave him something. He could buy a burger at McDonald's" ]
[ "I invited my best friend to my party. She has a busy schedule and promised to come.", "I invited my best friend to my party even though she has a very busy schedule.", "Did she end up being able to go?", "The party will be next week_comma_ she said she is not sure she will be coming.", "Well I hope she is able to attend_comma_ if not_comma_ you know it's nothing personal!", "I will understand if she does not show up." ]
[ "My neighbor revs his engine sometimes early in the morning and it gets on my nerves", "Im getting sick of my neighbor. every morning he revs his engine over and over again.", "I dislike people who do that. I never understood why! Have you tried talking to him?", "You cant talk to this guy trust me.", "Oh I believe you. Typically those type of people aren't people you can reason with." ]
[ "I love looking at facebook memories. Its like watching my babies grow up all over again.", "Looking at facebook memories are a fun part of my day.", "I do that sometimes to you_comma_ memories are always nice", "Its like watching m kids grow up all over again.", "I look forward to that when I have a kid", "The only get to be babies for a little while. It goes by fast." ]
[ "My brother has offered to drive me somewhere tomorrow for lunch. I just have a feeling its going to be fun", "My brother is driving me somewhere tomorrow for lunch. I just have a feeling its going to be fun", "Is it your birthday?", "No_comma_ its just him being nice", "That's nice. I wish my brothers did that for me." ]
[ "I have a good feeling tonight is going to be fun. I am going to an event", "I have a good feeling tonight is going to be fun. I am going to an event", "What kind of event is it?", "Its a tattoo convention", "Ohh fun_comma_ I love the artistic nature of some. My daughter just got a tattoo in honor of me." ]
[ "I was so scared when my car spun out of control in the snow_comma_ I had never been in that situation before", "I was so scared when my car spun out of control in the snow_comma_ I had never been in that situation before", "That happened to me once. It was terrifying. Were you okay?", "I did end up okay but I could have been very easily injured or even killed", "That is true. We dont get a lot of snow here. I dont think anyone knows how to deal with it" ]
[ "I lost my entire paycheck at the casino last night. I dont know what came over me", "I went to the casino last night. ", "How did you end up doing?", "Terrible. I lost my entire check. I dont know what happened to my rain", "Wow_comma_ that is unfortunate_comma_ I hope you are okay financially...", "I will be. I am never doing that again." ]
[ "I was promised a cuddly bear from build a bear and then my friend backed out.", "I was promised a big cuddly bear from my friend for my birthday. I was looking forward to the bear but I did not get it.", "What did he get you instead?", "He didn't get me anything_comma_ he said he was short on cash. ", "Thats not ok I have been in that situation before and have made my girlfriend a card_comma_ wrote her a poem something. ", "There you go_comma_ it is the thought that counts." ]
[ "My brother accused me of taking his money but i would never do that!", "Im so sick of my brother. he accused me of taking his money today", "That is not cool at all. Why would he say that? Maybe he misplaced it.", "He probably lost it! I would never take anything for anyone!", "That must have made you feel angry. I am sorry that happened to you but please forgive him." ]
[ "I read a book the other day and it made me feel all warm inside. I love books and movies that evoke many emotions.", "I read a book the other day and it made me feel all warm inside.", "I love good books_comma_ what was it about?", "It was about a child who was killed by a drunk driver_comma_ then ended up donating her organs that ended up saving the man who hit and killed her. I love books and movies that evoke many emotions.", "That sounds really deep and dramatic_comma_ I think I would like that one. You might like books like \"The Deep End of the Ocean\" also.", "Thank you for the recommendation!" ]
[ "I sat on the porch last night and relaxed. I was okay with that", "I sat on the porch last night and relaxed. I was more than okay with it", "I love sitting on the porch when the weather is nice.", "It was really nice last night", "Where I live_comma_ it was really nice too. There was a cool breeze and no mosquitoes out." ]
[ "I had to work late the other night and had to walk out to my car alone. It was very dark outside.", "I had to work late the other night and had to walk outside to my car alone.", "I imagine that would be a bit unnerving. It being dark and anything being possible.", "It was very dark and I kept hearing strange noises.", "That sounds creepy_comma_ I would have to start keeping protection with me just in case." ]
[ "I told my crush that I was into her and wanted to take her out.", "I told my crush that I was into her and wanted to take her out.", "Did she accept? I'm sure you would be great to go out with.", "No_comma_ she was not interested. I was a bit bummed but at least I tried_comma_ thanks for the compliment by the way.", "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you will find someone who feels the same about you." ]
[ "because the mom and dad who always supporting me in every situation and not giving me up is great thing in my life", "buddy really its so good to have a great parents in our life", "My parents are no longer living", "sorry_comma_dude", "Its okay_comma_ I have good memories", "always they near you only_comma_be strong always" ]
[ "I am going to sit on the porch tonight and read comics. Its simple but relaxing", "I am going to sit on the porch tonight and read comics. Its simple but relaxing", "really _comma_me going to get relax by having beer", "A beer is a good diea", "yeah_comma_well i am not a reader but i love to play video games so much " ]
[ "My son had been doing really well in school. Lately he has been slacking off and not turning stuff in.", "My son had always done so well in school.", "That is good_comma_ is he struggling now?", "Yes_comma_ lately he has been slacking off it seems and he failed a test.", "Did you ask him about it_comma_ or did he make a big change to high school. Sometimes a big change or just burn out can kick in." ]
[ "I tripped in the supermarket this morning. I felt pretty bad after it", "I tripped in the supermarket this morning. I felt pretty bad after it", "Did you get hurt?", "No_comma_ just a little embarrassed", "I know the feeling. Did a lot of people see?" ]
[ "I love seeing happy couples that have been together for decades. I want to be so lucky.", "I love seeing couples that have been married for decades.", "Love is a great thing for sure", "I hope I get that one day. ", "I am with you on that one", "Well good luck lol" ]
[ "I have to take my truck in to the mechanics next week. I'm not sure what the problem is_comma_ but it seems serious. ", "I've got to take my truck to a mechanic next week. ", "Uh oh. Do you think it is something major?", "Yeah_comma_ it's an engine thing_comma_ so it may well be some really bad news. ", "Well I hope it isnt too expensive. Maybe it will be a smaller issue." ]
[ "I had a great job interview the other day. Im really feeling good about how it went.", "I had a great job interview the other day. Im really feeling good about how it went.", "That's fantastic! Hopefully you'll hear something about it soon. ", "I should be. I just feel that I did really well.", "I'm sure you did. Think positive!" ]
[ "My cat passed away the other day. I've been so distraught over it.", "My cat passed away the other day.", "How old was it ?", "He was 5. He got hit by a car. I've been so distraught since then.", "That's terrible. I'm so sorry. You'll never forget him." ]
[ "I've always felt like I have a harder life than most people.", "I always feel like my life is harder than most.", "Why do you feel that way?", "I have no outside support system.", "I am so sorry. I hope you can make friends_comma_ try to join some sort of activities to meet people." ]
[ "I was surprised that the Browns managed to beat the Eagles the other day_comma_ I was shocked the beat the superbowl champions", "I was surprised that the Browns managed to beat the Eagles the other day_comma_ I was shocked the beat the superbowl champions", "Are you a browns fan ?", "I am not_comma_ I am a diehard Eagles fan", "I see_comma_ well then I'm sorry that worked out wrong for you." ]
[ "I've been building myself up to handle problems.", "I've been trying to get myself into a better position to handle problems from.", "What problems do you need to handle?", "financial_comma_ family_comma_ health_comma_ know...everything.", "I got you_comma_ well I hope that you get to that position at some point soon!" ]
[ "I used to think cops were the good guys. But these days whenever I hear news about a police officer shooting an innocent civilian my faith in the law diminishes", "I used to have faith in cops. But whenever I hear about an unarmed civilian shooting or police brutality I lose faith in the law", "I do understand what you are saying. There are good cops and bad cops.", "Yes it depends where you live", "And sometimes it has to do with race_comma_ it is really a sad situation." ]
[ "I was walking outside and I stepped into a pile of dog faeces", "I was walking outside and I stepped into a pile of dog faeces.", "I hate when that happens", "It felt terrible_comma_ I threw away my shoes.", "Damn that sucks. Well at least you can get a fresh pair", "Oh yes_comma_ at least I don't have to get rid of my foot. haha" ]
[ "I cannot wait till tonight. I am going to a tattoo event", "I cannot wait till tonight. I am going to a tattoo event", "That sounds so fun! I always wanted to get a tattoo!", "They can be addiciting", "I know. I have a friend who has both arms covered." ]
[ "I ordered a birthday cake from the local bakery for my husband. It was one of the best decorated cakes I have ever seen. ", "I ordered a birthday cake from the local bakery for my husband.", "What kind of cake was it", "It was a chocolate cake. It was the best decorated cake I have ever seen.", "That sounds so good" ]
[ "I am so lucky that I have been able to keep things afloat after my roomate left. I am pretty happy.", "My roommate moved out a couple of months ago.", "How did that make you feel", "I am happy. Im glad I have been able to keep it afloat without her", "Its nice to be alone sometimes", "She was a terrible roommate anyway" ]
[ "I have to take my cat to the vet later today. I just want him to feel better", "I have to take my cat to the vet later today. I just want him to be okay", "Has he been sick?", "He has been throwing up a little", "I hope he is okay. " ]
[ "My friend got a new truck. Its the kind of truck I wanted to which makes me feel envious", "My friend got a new truck. It was the kind of truck I wanted so that makes me envious", "What kind was it?", "Its a nissan titan", "Those are pretty nice trucks ;/" ]
[ "I went out and started my own online business!", "I started my own business and im really glad i did it", "What kind of business is it", "its a online marketing business. we already have 100 clients!", "I might need to apply then!" ]
[ "I dropped my plate at the buffet last night. Every one saw", "I went to the buffet last night.", "I love buffets. What kind of food did they have?", "It was seafood night. I dropped my plate in the middle of the food area. It was terrible.", "It happens to the best of us. At least you were able to get more since it was a buffet.", "I know. Everyone kept looking at me while I ate though lol" ]
[ "There was a time when I was having financial difficulties. Someone gave me some money and food to eat.", "There was a time in my life when I was having financial difficulties.", "Happens to the best of us", "It does. Luckily someone was kind enough to give me some money and food to eat.", "There are still some nice people left." ]
[ "I felt like I did well at my job interview yesterday. I went in feeling confident", "I did well at my job interview yesterday. I went in feeling confident", "That is the best way to feel during an interview. Im sure you did a good job.", "I hope to hear for sure soon", "Ill keep my fingers crossed for you." ]
[ "Im leaving in two days for a three month vacation. I have everything already packed and planned out.", "I am leaving in two days for a three month vacation. I have everything already packed and planned out.", "Where are you going", "I am going all over south east Asia. I have all my flights booked. All I have to do is show up.", "That sounds so fun" ]
[ "One time when I was a kid my mother almost drove off of a high_comma_ long bridge. She was too busy yelling at me and not paying attention. ", "One time_comma_ when I was a kid my mom almost drove us off a high bridge_comma_ by accident. ", "Wow! How traumatizing! Were you scared at that time? ", "I didn't have time to be scared. She was busy yelling at me and not paying attention. ", "Oh man_comma_ I think your mother regretted that after knowing she almost hurt her family. That is quite awful to think about.", "Afterwards_comma_ I was freaked out about it. I never really liked riding with her since. " ]
[ "I am appreciative of my family_comma_ they are very nice to me and make me feel loved", "I am appreciative of my family_comma_ they are very nice to me and make me feel loved", "That's cool. What was the last thing they did for you", "They gave me a car as my graduation gift!", "Wow that's pretty must have put in a lot of hard work to earn it" ]
[ "When I was a kid I would always be super honest and open about my feelings. Now I control my emotions around people", "I used to be really open and honest about my feelings around other people. Now I keep them to myself and feel a ton better", "Why is that?", "Lacking control of your emotions makes you weak", "I suppose that is true to an extent_comma_ that makes sense" ]
[ "I knew I was going to pass my bartender test last month. I studied so hard", "I knew I was going to pass my bartender test last month. I studied so hard", "congratulations. sounds like you aced it", "I did pretty well so thanks", "i bet you will make a great bartender_comma_ maybe one of these days you will hook me up with a free drink" ]
[ "One of my coworkers recently lost her daughter. I felt very bad for her and bought her a bunch of things and I make sure to take her out to dinner once a week to take care of her and make sure she's okay", "One of my coworkers recently lost her daughter.", "That's terrible! I can't imagine how hard that is.", " I felt very bad for her and bought her a bunch of things and I make sure to take her out to dinner once a week to take care of her and make sure she's okay", "That's very sweet of you. She's going to need her friends to help her through this!" ]
[ "I just won the lottery! I was finally able to pay my house of and my parents' house.", "I bought a winning lottery ticket!", "That is awesome! How much did you win?", "1 million. I just won the lottery! I was finally able to pay my house of and my parents' house.", "That is absolutely amazing! Lucky you" ]
[ "I miss watching football with my parents this time of the year. We used to love it", "I miss watching football with my parents this time of the year. We used to love it", "Aw I'm sorry to hear that. I bet you have a lot of good memories.", "I really do", "I remember my dad watching football so much as a kid. I used to get so bored." ]
[ "I accidentally dropped a dumbell on my toe at the gym. I felt so stupid.", "I accidentally droped a dumbell on my toe at the gym. I felt so freaking stupid.", "Did it hurt though", "Yeah it hurt and I was listening to music so I might have yelled a cuss word loudly.", "I am sorry_comma_ I would cuss too if it happened to me", "It hurt my pride more though lol" ]
[ "This time of the year makes me think of my dad. We loved watching football together", "This time of the year makes me thing of my dad. We loved watching football together", "Aw that's cute. Father-son/Father-daughter bonding moments are something I miss out on.", "Yeah I have good memories of it", "It sounds like you and your father got along well_comma_ and that isn't always the case in families. I'm happy to hear that." ]
[ "I opened my front door and saw a big snake. i slammed the door and went back in.", "I opened my front door and saw a big snake_comma_ I immediately slammed the door and went back in.", "That is so scary. I don't know what I would have done_comma_", "It makes me shiver_comma_ just thinking about it. I called animal control.", "You did the right thing. I wouldn't have been able to stop thinking about it.", "It even bothers me while sleeping at nights_comma_ I just cannot get it out of my mind." ]
[ "I just moved out of my parents house into my own apartment. I don't have anyone to talk to anymore.", "I just moved out of my parents house into my own apartment.", "That must be a wonderful feeling_comma_ now you are on your own.", "Its is but I don't have anyone to talk to anymore.", "Ah_comma_ so you are now a loner_comma_ you should try to make friends." ]
[ "I went out to eat at my favorite restaurant last night. There was a hair in my food!", "I went out to eat at my favorite restaurant last night.", "Where did you go?", "It was a locally owned Mexican restaurant. I had been craving it so bad and then there was a hair in my burrito! Ughh", " yeah I got to a few places like that" ]
[ "My wife just told me she won tickets on the radio!", "I just got a call my wife won tickets on the radio!", "Oh awesome! What are the tickets for?", "Some band I think she said it was Rob Zombie", "That will be fun." ]
[ "In my teen years_comma_ I was in love with my best friends girlfriend. It was sad and silly_comma_ but it took me a few years to get over it. ", "When I was a teen_comma_ I fell in love with my best friends girlfriend. ", "Oh that sounds dramatic. How did it turn out?", "I had some bad feelings about it and him for a while_comma_ but I got over it. ", "I'm glad you worked it out!" ]
[ "I was very nervous starting my new job a few months but_comma_ but I've really gotten the hang of things. I'm very comfortable here now.", "I was very nervous starting my new job a few months ago", "A new job can be a little nerve wracking. Did it get better_comma_ once you settled in?", "Absolutely! I've really gotten the hang of things. I'm very comfortable here now.", "That's great. It sound like it's really working out for you. " ]
[ "A lady won $600 next to me at the casino. I was so green with envy.", "A lady sitting at the slot machine next to me won $600", "I wish I was that lucky! I always lose.", "Me too. I was not happy. I had just lost at that machine", "That is worse. I would have been so jealous and annoyed.", "I was both. I moved away from her lol" ]
[ "I failed my accounting class over the summer. I now have to retake it setting me back a little. Im a little bummed out.", "I failed my accounting class over the summer. I now have to retake it setting me back a little. Im a little bummed out.", "That sucks. Did you have a hard time with it?", "I did. I really tried to do well too.", "Maybe you can get a tutor this time." ]
[ "My best friend is going to Tahiti with his family! I wish so bad that I could afford to go there!", "My best friend is going to Tahiti with his family! I wish so bad that I could afford to go there!", "You could always start saving now", "Yeah_comma_ it would take forever though. I just wish I could be like him.", "You can if you want" ]
[ "I have high hopes for tonight. I am going on a date", "I have high hopes for tonight. I am going on a date", "That is great! Are you really excited?", "I am pretty excited", "I hope your date goes well! Stay optimistic and positive!" ]
[ "I got a package in the mail telling me i won a free cruise!", "I can beleive it i won! i won a free disney cruise!", "Awesome! you are extremely lucky. Will you be bringing anyone with you.", "I have to bring my wife of course", "Duh! You better_comma_ I do hope you have a whale of a time. I would be elated." ]
[ "I wanted to go to the party but I was not entirely prepared_comma_ so I borrowed my sister's shoes. She called me asking for her shoes_comma_ I did not tell her that I borrowed it and she is still looking for it. ", "I wanted to go to the party but I was not entirely prepared_comma_ so I borrowed my sister's fancy shoes without her knowledge. It happened that she was looking and I didn't know how to tell her I borrowed it. for her shoes", "Wow that is a predicament ", "It is_comma_ I pretended as if I had no idea what she was talking about. ", "That was probably a good idea", "I hope so_comma_ I promise myself not to do it again." ]
[ "My husband and I were out to dinner with some coworkers of mine and my husband farted right in the middle of it.", "My husband and I were out to dinner with some coworkers of mine and my husband farted right in the middle of it.", "Oh my gosh! That is so funny. Was he really embarrassed?", "I think I was more embarrassed than he was! ", "I can understand that. But its still really funny. My husband is the one to get more embarrassed over things like that." ]
[ "I love to just lay with my daughter and look at her while she sleeps. I couldnt imagine being anywhere else or doing anything thing else. ", "I always wake up before my two year old. I love to just cuddle her and look at her while she sleeps. It makes me so happy.", "Awww! Sounds like you're a great parent!", "I couldnt imagine doing anything else with my life. ", "I hope I can be a mom someday!", "I hope you can be too. " ]
[ "I am waiting on results for a big test I took last week. I am so nervous.", "I am waiting on results from a big test I took last week.", "How do you think you did?", "I don't k now. I am so nervous.", "Well I hope it works out for you!" ]
[ " I was very lonely before I met my girlfriend and close friends", " I was very lonely before I met my girlfriend and close friends", "I am glad you met someone.", "Thank you_comma_ I appreciate it!", "Everyone needs close friends to talk to and hangout with." ]
[ "Someone has knocked on my door in the middle of the night the past two nights. It is kind startling and scary.", "Someone has knocked on my door in the middle of the night the past two nights. It is kind startling and scary.", "Did they knock and leave?", "Yea I didnt see anyone there by the time I got to the front.", "You should put a camera there. You can see it from your phone." ]
[ "Classes start back for me on Monday. I am so ready", "Classes start back for me on Monday", "Are you excited or dreading it?", "Im excited this time. I took the summer off and it was a nice break but I am ready to get back to it", "Good for you. I hope you get a good start.", "Me too. This is going to be my best semester" ]
[ "I met a lady a few weeks ago and we've been texting almost every day since. We're going out next week and I feel really good about it. ", "So_comma_ I met someone new a few weeks ago and we've been texting almost every day. ", "awesome_comma_ whens' the first date?", "Next week. I feel really good about it!", "Aweomse_comma_ always great to see people forming new relationships." ]
[ "I was walking into a meeting at work and fell flat on my face.", "I was walking into a meeting at work and fell flat on my face.", "Ouch! Did you trip over a cord?", "yeah. It was awful.", "Did you hurt yourself?", "Just my pride." ]
[ "My sister talked me into going on a roller coaster with her. I hated it!", "My sister talked me into going on a roller coaster with her.", "Oh yeah? I'm guessing you're not a big fan of roller coasters?", "Not at all. It was so scary. I hated it!", "Aww I'm sorry you didn't like it. Roller coasters can be pretty scary_comma_ even for people like me who enjoy them." ]
[ "I went to the casino with my spouse_comma_ lo and behold I won a large amount of money.", "I went to the casino with my spouse_comma_ lo and behold I won a large amount of money.", "That's great! Did you win it on a table game or at a machine?", "I won it at the machine. I am not gambler so I guess it was beginner's luck.", "Did you stop playing after that or did you try to win more?", "I stopped playing_comma_ I was afraid of losing it all.", "I understand. I play every now and again and I usually quit while I'm ahead. It always ends up that I'm waiting on my friends to lose all their money so we can go home!", "That would be sad to win a lot of money_comma_ then lose it all.", "Yeah - the first time I went with friends_comma_ I won 100 bucks but ended up giving it back to the casino. I told myself that if I won money like that again_comma_ I'd just stop and take the money home. It works out well!" ]
[ "I cant find my debit card. I think my boyfriend took it. I hate when he does that", "I think my boyfriend took my debit card again", "Does he do that often that is not ok", "Its fine for him to ask_comma_ but he isnt answering the phone and I cant find it. I really hate when he does that without me knowing", "Yeah that is really not ok", "I am going to change my pin before he uses it" ]
[ "my girlfriend gave me her facebook password.", "So my girlfriend gave me her password on facebook as a sign of faith", "Oh wow. I have never done that", "Yeah she is good and i trust her", "Well that is great. I think people get upset over other people actions when it comes to facebook." ]
[ "I bought a new puppy about three weeks ago. When I came home from work I found it dead in the living room.", "I bought a new puppy three weeks ago.", "What kind of puppy did you get?", "I got a doberman. Unfortunately I found it dead in my living room when I came home from work.", "Those are \\big right?" ]
[ "I was in a taxi and a farted loudly. i did not mean to but i had been sick", "I was going to the airport and i had been sick. So on the way i acsidently pooted in the car", "Accidents happen. Are you feeling better.", "I am now i had a stomach bug i think", "I heard that was going around." ]
[ "My coworker recently got the big promotion I was working so hard towards. I was pretty upset_comma_ and wished it was me.", "My coworker recently got the big promotion I was working so hard towards.", "Yikes. I'm sorry to hear. Will there be other chances available for promotion?", " Not for a long time. I was pretty upset_comma_ and wished it was me.", "I'd be pretty upset_comma_ too. Did anyone give a reason why your coworker was chosen over you?" ]
[ "Dove season opens next weekend.", "Dove season opens next weekend.", "What is dove season?", "A dove is a type of bird that you hunt with shotguns for.", "Oh! I didn't know people hunted them! What is used to hunt them? Shotguns?", "Yes shotguns. They're considered quite challenging to hit. They fly extremely fast when compared to things like ducks." ]
[ "I have my first test in my class on Monday. I have studied a lot and feel more than ready for it!", "I have my first test in my class on Monday. I have studied a lot and feel more than ready for it!", "You sound confident. What subject is the class? ", "It is an accounting class! That is my degree I am going for! ", "Awesome. I'm sure you'll do well then." ]
[ "I will be travelling to South America next month. It will be an opportunity to know such great and different places.", "I will be travelling to South America next month!", "That is so nice you must be really looking forward to that. Will you be traveling alone?", "No_comma_ I will travel with my sister. It will be such an opportunity to know great and different places and culture!", "Make sure you take lots of pictures and prepare for the weather." ]
[ "I was watching a horror movie all by myself one night. It was really scarey ", "I was watching a horror movie all by myself one night. It was a really scary movie", "You must have been really scare! Could you sleep after that?", "Yes I was_comma_ It was very hard to fall asleep after that.", "I imagine_comma_ I am easily scared with these kind of movies_comma_ so I don't watch them much.", "I had nightmare_comma_ now I try not to watch them." ]
[ "I have keep all of my kids halloween costumes. Its my favorite holiday and I like to reminisce", "Halloween is my favorite holiday", "That's cool what's your favorite part about it", "Dressing up with the kids. i have kept every costume my kids have had.", "Nice_comma_ you're never too old to go trick or treating haha", "Its so fun. I always look back at the photos and remember the good times we have on that day" ]
[ "When I tore my perennial tendon I was frustrated and very upset that I couldn't lift weights.", "I injured my ankle 4 years ago and was super disappointed when I couldn't lift weights", "Were you competing?", "Yes actually. I was supposed to train for a boxing match in China but it fell through", "Thats too bad. What do you do now?" ]
[ "I recently got a new haircut and I feel really good about myself now!", "I recently got a new haircut.", "How did you like it?", "I love it_comma_ I feel very good about myself now!", "Great! A new look can certainly help feel refreshed_comma_ at leas it does it for me." ]
[ "Today I received and invitation to a big party in 2 weeks_comma_ I the party was taking place_comma_ but didn't expect I was going to be invited.", "Today I received and invitation to a big party in 2 weeks.", "Are you planning to attend?", " I knew the party was taking place_comma_ but didn't expect I was going to be invited_comma_ but sure I am looking forward_comma_ I've heard it is going to be amazing.", "I hope you have a great time!" ]
[ "Even though my friend is an idiot and gets himself into trouble I still look out for him", "My friend makes stupid and impulsive decisions and often gets himself into trouble. But I still look out for him ", "You are a loyal friend. I do hope your friend will learn from his mistakes.", "Thanks. Me too. Have you ever had that one friend who had some potential but would just sabotage his/herself", "Yes_comma_ i have that one friend and you don't want to give up on him. I hope he gets it together soon" ]