[ "As a new manager at my job_comma_ I really like working there. It has lots of benefits.", "As a new manager at my job_comma_ I really like working there_comma_ it has a lot of benefits.", "That's cool. What kind of benefits", "The insurance is good_comma_ 401k and the pay is great.", "That's great. Do they offer dental and vision", "Yes they do offer dental and vision_comma_ It is a nice package." ]
[ "I have a vacation to the Bahamas coming up and I've been spending the past week packing all my belongings. I finally feel like I am ready to go!", "I have a vacation to the Bahamas coming up and I've been spending the past week packing all my belongings. ", "Bahamas is a nice Caribbean island_comma_ you must be really looking forward to it.", "I am very excited. And with all the packing done_comma_ I finally feel ready to go!", "I can just imagine_comma_ make sure you take lots of pictures and dress for the weather. It will be hot. " ]
[ "i have been living on my own and my father paid 3 months rent in advance for me.", "I have been living on my own and my dad paid three months rent in advance for me.", "That was so nice of him!", "I wasn't even expecting it_comma_ it is really nice of him.", "You are lucky to have a nice dad.", "I am so thankful_comma_ I always how him respect." ]
[ "I needed a form from my rental office but no one would answer the phone. I called like 10 times. I really need that form.", "I needed a form from my rental office but no one would answer the phone.", "what did you end up doing?", "I still haven't gotten it. I am so pissed off.", "Oh_comma_ well I hope it works out well for you!" ]
[ "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away_comma_ it was so sad", "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away_comma_ it was so sad", "I'm so sorry to hear that. Death is never easy to deal with.", "It is not_comma_ but thank you_comma_ I appreciate it", "I hope all your family was doing well." ]
[ "This guy called from the phone company asking for very personal info", "This guy called from the phone company demanding my info on the phone", "How odd. Sounds like a scam.", "Yeah i was really nervous", "Did you look into the situation further? Did you call your phone company and see what they had to say about it?" ]
[ "I think my daughter is going to always love school. She practically runs there every day and its all she talks about", "I think my daughter is going to always like school.", "That's a good thing. A lot of people (like me!) hate/hated it. She'll do so much better if she's happy.", "Its all she talks about and she runs there in the mornings. I have to keep up", "How old is she? Is she studying something she can use later in life?", "Oh she is only 5. Its just wishful thinking", "Oh_comma_ well goodness_comma_ encourage her! The sooner she starts learning to love to learn the more joy she'll get out of it!", "I hope she keeps it up. Kindergarten isnt the same as 7th grade lol", "No_comma_ it certainly isn't! Hopefully_comma_ she'll keep loving it and will love learning for the rest of her life. Think what a gift that must be!" ]
[ "I have been collecting supplies for this hurricane season. I am as ready as I'll ever be for whatever comes my way!", "I have been collecting supplies for this hurricane season. I am as ready as I'll ever be for whatever comes my way!", "That's a good idea. It's best to be prepared for a dangerous weather situation_comma_ as you never know when it can happen.", "Yeah_comma_ that is especially true since I am responsible for my wife and kid as well!", "Yes_comma_ as a wife and mother_comma_ I know I usually look to my husband for guidance and strength in situations like that!" ]
[ "I've got ", "I start a new job on monday. I'm sure I'll do great.", "I feel sure as well_comma_ you are clearly determined and intentional.", "Yep and it pays better on top of that.", "That's the beauty of it_comma_ I feel motivated now so I need to keep an eye out on my local job market.", "You should. Your company dosen't have any loyalty to you. Why should you have any for them?" ]
[ "I heard a coworker talking about welfare and other social support in a very negative light. I was offended but decided to hold my tongue.", "I heard a coworker talking down on welfare and other social support. I was offended but decided to hold my tongue.", "Pro's and Con's. Those systems are abuse prone but_comma_ some people need them.", "Yea that is true_comma_ I just have met a few people in need before so I always think of them. That's part of why I didn't speak on it though_comma_ it would take all day discussing factors or something.", "It can be infuriating. For example_comma_ over a 3 year period in my own state_comma_ there was about ~20 million dollars worth of food stamps spent in major vacation hot spots (florida_comma_ hawaii_comma_ california_comma_ virgin islands)" ]
[ "All the family members of my house left to visit grandparents. No one is home with me.", "All the family members of my house left to visit grandma. No one is home with me.", "Why didn't you go", "I had work and couldn't get the time off. Now it's just me and the four walls.", "Or it could be you and a dope house party", "Ah now you are giving me ideas. Thank you.", "Or it could be you and a dope house party", "Great idea but I don't want anything bad to happen." ]
[ "These days I'm waking up happier with my life than I was the day before.", "I'm waking up everyday feeling like my life is getting more and more on track toward my goals. It's pretty great", "That should be an awesome feeling. I do wish you all the best in life.", "Thank you for your kind words.", "You're welcome! you have your whole life ahead of you_comma_ you are a star." ]
[ "I get annoyed by my brothers sometimes_comma_ but that is life I guess ", "I get annoyed by my brothers sometimes_comma_ but that is life I guess", "How come? What do your brothers do to annoy you?", "just general annoying tactics_comma_ stealing my spots_comma_ taking showers first_comma_ etc", "I hope they don't do it on purpose to annoy you!" ]
[ "I came home from vacation to find my home had been broken into. They stole my grandmothers broach.", "I came home from vacation to find that my home had been broken into.", "That is terrible. Did the police find them?", "No they didn't. They stole my grandmother's broach. That is not replaceable.", "I hate that people do things like that." ]
[ "I went to the casino to eat yesterday and got so caught up in gambling I didnt get a chance", "I went to the casino just to eat yesterday.", "I love eating at casino's. They have some of the best food.", "I know. I went with my mom and got so caught up in gambling I didnt even get to eat.", "Did you win anything?", "Not even a nickel. I regret going lol" ]
[ "I get annoyed by my brothers_comma_ they can really get on my nerves", "I get annoyed by my brothers_comma_ they can really get on my nerves", "Yeah it happens my little bro drives me crazy sometimes", "That is life I guess_comma_ but luckily I am the biggest and oldest", "Same here how old is your little bro?" ]
[ "I was just informed my grandma has cancer.", "My mom just called and told my my grandma has cancer", "Wow I am so sorry to hear that_comma_ my grandmother passed from cancer about 10 years ago", "Yeah it is just hard now", "I get that_comma_ I will pray for her_comma_ best of luck friend" ]
[ "I used to be ashamed that I was fat. So I worked out and got ripped and feel better about myself", "When I was a kid I was fat and ashamed about it. So I worked out and got ripped and now I feel better about myself", "That is nice. You must have a nice body and I am glad that you feel better about yourself.", "Thanks. Too many people whine about how their life sucks and do nothing to change it. I'm not gonna be that guy", "True_comma_ if one is not happy about something the best thing is to switch things up." ]
[ "My dog passed away a few days ago_comma_ we had him since he was a baby.", "My dog passed away a few days ago_comma_ we had him since he was a baby.", "Sorry to hear that RIP", "Thank you. I wish my love for him could have kept him alive.", "Do you have any other pets", "No that was my only pet. I am thinking of getting another." ]
[ "I am happy with my life right now_comma_ everything is going well", "I am happy with my life right now_comma_ everything is going well", "That is awesome! What all do you have going on?", "I have a good job_comma_ good girlfriend and good friends!", "That is great_comma_ you are very lucky and blessed!" ]
[ "My roommate ate all of my leftovers last night that I was going to take to work for lunch today. ", "My roommate ate all of my leftovers last night that I was going to take to work for lunch today. ", "Wow_comma_ what are you going to do?", "I would like to punch him in the face but I won't. I'll just buy some Burger King or something on the way.", "I would maybe hit him or get revenge at least" ]
[ "Yesterday was my sister's birthday and I totally forgot to call her until today.", "Yesterday was my sister's birthday and I totally forgot to call her until today", "Was she upset!", "She said it was ok_comma_ but I still feel bad about it. I guess I will have to compensate her with a great present.", "What will you get her?" ]
[ "I am mad at how the Eagles played the other day_comma_ they lost to the browns", "I am mad at how the Eagles played the other day_comma_ they lost to the browns", "What sport is that? Sorry but I don't know anything about it.", "It is football!", "Ok_comma_ sorry I didn't know. I hope the play better next time!" ]
[ "I went to pick up my car from the mechanic and found a huge scratch on the side! They are saying they didn't do it! I am so mad right now!", "I went to pick up my car from the mechanic and found a huge scratch on the side! They are saying they didn't do it! I am so mad right now!", "Oh my gosh. I am not surprised they denied any wrong doing. I think that is typical of mechanics. What do you plan to do about it?", "I guess I can't do anything but write a bad review.", "I think bad reviews are important though. A lot of people use those to determine where they go for service. You may save someone else the trouble you have." ]
[ "preparing for a trip.", "I get to drive up to visit my family on Monday. I am pretty excited!", "That sounds great! Have you not seen them in a while?", "I saw my sister about a month ago. But I haven't seen anyone else since February. ", "It will be good to catch up with them! Family is all that matters." ]
[ "I am super pumped for the new super smash bros_comma_ I hope it is as great as it looks", "I am super pumped for the new super smash bros_comma_ I hope it is as great as it looks", "I'm looking forward to it too! I remember playing Smash on the N64. I loved it.", "it was a great game_comma_ they have improved every single entry in my opinion!", "Sweet. I hope to meet you on the battlefield someday!" ]
[ "I can't wait for this halloween. I have the cutest theme for my kids", "I just love halloween. This is going to be the best one yet.", "You sound excited? do you do it up big?", "I I do themes with me and my kids. We were all comic book villains last year", "What are you going to do this year?", "Im thinking fast food. Burgers_comma_ fries_comma_ milkshake lol", "That's an interesting theme. Are you going to make the costumes your self?", "Some parts.", "That sounds like lots of fun! " ]
[ "I got all my gear squared away for a hunting trip next weekend.", "I got all my gear squared away for a hunting trip next weekend.", "What do you hunt?", "Lots of things. I love hunting and fishing and outdoor stuff in general but_comma_ dove season opens next weekend.", "I didnt even know there was a dove season. I actually never even went camping before", "There is_comma_ they are a migratory bird and they're prized for their difficulty. You should try it some time. As long as your ok without creature comforts camping and hiking is awesome.", "I want to some day.", "Especially hiking.... assuming you like phsyical challanges too." ]
[ "My husband is going to be away in a business travel for a few day. I'm okey with that because I know he won't be unfaithful or do anything he shouln't while away.", "My husband is going to be away in a business travel for a few day but I'm okey with that", "that is good_comma_ I am glad you can trust him like that!", "Yes_comma_ that is because I know he won't be unfaithful or do anything he shouldn't while away.", "That is awesome_comma_ I am glad you have that type of relationship!" ]
[ "I was shocked when my parents gave me a car for my graduation gift", "I was shocked when my parents gave me a car for my graduation gift", "Wow_comma_ that is great! You must have been very excited and grateful!", "I sure was_comma_ i did not expect that at all", "I hope you enjoy your card very much!" ]
[ "I have been loyal to my girlfriend of almost 3 years now", "I have been loyal to my girlfriend of almost 3 years now", "Congratulations! It always warms my heart to hear about a happy loyal companionship.", "thank you_comma_ I appreciate it_comma_ I think it could work out", "Well_comma_ it has been for three years so that's a great sign!" ]
[ "I bit into a peice of chicken yesterday and it was still pink! I almost threw up", "I had some fried chicken yesterday", "I can't say I'm a huge fan of fried chicken. Did you enjoy it at least?", "No. I bit into it and it was still pink. IT was disgusting", "Ew that's gross! Can't you get sick from partially cooked chicken?", "Yes. Very sick" ]
[ "We were living in Hawaii. We were only a couple of blocks from the Waikiki beach. We had enjoyed the life there with some good friends.", "We used to live in Hawaii. Only a couple of blocks from Waikiki beach.", "Oh wow_comma_ that must have been lovely. How was it living in paradise?", "Exactly that! Paradise! We were living a dream life...everyday was like vacation. I wish we could go back.", "Well I hope for you that one day you can. Maybe retirement! Man_comma_ that would be amazing." ]
[ "I know many people are already suffering for climate change but I believe if politicians take the right measures now_comma_ we can still save the planet.", "I know many people are already suffering for climate change but I believe if politicians take the right measures now_comma_ we can still save the planet", "I could not agree more with you. but it seems like a lot of politicians either don't care or are not putting enough resources into combating climate change.", "I still hope they will be enlightened soon_comma_ I will be praying for that.", "If all people do is pray_comma_ then certainly nothing will change. It's time to start acting instead of wishing for things to change if we want to our children and grandchildren to see a future." ]
[ "I feel bad. Im going to ditch my friends kids party to go on a date.", "MY friend is having a party for her two year old.", "Aww that is sweet are you going?", "I want to go on a date instead. I feel bad", "Aww well do what you think is best", "That's what I want to ask you lol", "Well I would go on the date then buy the kid a big present.", "That's sounds like it would work lol" ]
[ "I just had a son and i feel like a dad for the first time in my life", "I just had a son and Last night he woke up crying. I went in to hold him and in that moment it clicked that im a dad now", "Awww. I remember that feeling with my first kid", "It is a great feeling", "it is. just wait until he says \"dada\" you will melt lol" ]
[ "I told my daughter I would watch a scary movie with her tonight. I don't think I can", "I told my daughter I would watch a scary movie with her tongiht", "What movie do you plan to watch?", "IT. I am so scared when it comes to horror films. I am going to back out", "Oh I've seen that_comma_ it is not too bad! I had fun watching it.", "She said that too but you have no idea how jumpy I am lol" ]
[ "I put in an old Backstreet Boys album the other day and the memories came flying back! It's crazy how certain songs can make you remember the past!", "I put in an old Backstreet Boys album the other day and the memories came flying back! ", "I used to love them. I cant believe that are still performing", "I love them still! It's crazy how certain songs can make you remember the past!", "I thought they were so much better that nsync too lol" ]
[ "I went to the movie with a friend_comma_ apparently he saw the movie before and keeps chatting and telling me what's going to happen in the movie.", "I went to the movie with a friend_comma_ apparently he saw the movie before and kept chatting and telling me what's going to happen next in the movie.", "i hate when someone does that_comma_ it can be so annoying :)", "Yes it is geez! If I knew I would have never go with him.", "no need to go that far_comma_ just make sure your friend has not seen the movie before and go out and enjoy it.", "Okay next time I will ask before going out with him." ]
[ "Someone threw a bunch of empty beer cans in my truck bed.", "Someone threw a bunch of empty beer cans in my truck bed.", "what did you do?", "I went to the nearest gas station and borrowed their trash can. It's a bad idea to drive around with a truck bed full of beer cans.", "that is true_comma_ that is lame though", "Some people are jerks." ]
[ "I trust my family_comma_ they have never let me down", "I trust my family_comma_ they have never let me down", "Its always good to have solid family members. Not everyone has that.", "that is true_comma_ i try not to take them for granted", "That's good to hear. " ]
[ "Leaving my wife at home for the war. ", "I've deployed overseas twice in my lifetime_comma_ leaving my wife to care for her own.", "I bet you hate having to leave and I am sure she misses you.", "I did_comma_ but it's been years since my last deployment. It's just nice knowing that she is a strong enough person to hold down the fort.", "You must be proud of her. That is great." ]
[ "My mom told me to pick my brother up from daycare after I got out of school. I forgot him and when the daycare was closed_comma_ they called my mom to see if someone was getting him.", "My mom told me to pick my little brother up from daycare after I got out of school.", "She must have a lot of faith in you.", "Well she did I guess until she got a phone call from his daycare 3 hours after I got out of school. The daycare was closing and my brother was still there. I had forgot him.", "Ouch! I hope he was okay!" ]
[ "I decided to change jobs lately_comma_ but I am now not sure I will adapt to this new job.", "I decided to change jobs lately_comma_ but I am now not sure about my decision. ", "Are your not liking your new job?", "I am now not sure I will adapt to this new job and I am not liking my new boss either.", "That's no good. What are you going to do?" ]
[ "Having kids takes away a lot of your free time. I someties feel pretty alone.", "I feel kind of alone now. I dont hang out with friends much", "I am sorry you are feeling lonely. Why don't you see your friends much anymore_comma_ are you all to busy>", "Kids are keeping me busy. My friends are busy too.", "Yes I know what you mean_comma_ That has happened to me too.", "Parents need a break sometimes lol" ]
[ "I found an old box of toys from my childhood in the attic. Talk about blast from the past! Such good memories!", "I found an old box of toys from my childhood in the attic. Talk about blast from the past! Such good memories!", "Wow what kind of toys did you find", "A bunch of star wars toys and some legos as well!", "THe nostalgia must have been so good!" ]
[ "My daughter cleaned the house before I got home from work and I hadn't even asked her too. It was a pleasant surprise.", "I got home from work the other day and the entire house was spotless", "Nice! Would you like to send the cleaning fairy round to my place?!", "It was my daughter. i hadnt even asked her too!", "What a wonderful daughter you have. She has a very good heart. You've obviously been an excellent parent!", "I guess so. I shuld treat myself... maybe her too", "Definitely both of you :) Maybe go to an ice cream parlor or a spa?", "Thats sound like a good idea", "Or even do both! Is your daughter in school?" ]
[ "I just put in a bid for a house that I really want! I am praying I get it!", "I just put in a bid for a house that I really want! I am praying I get it!", "Oh wow_comma_ that must be exciting! Is this your first home?", "Yes_comma_ and I want this one a lot!", "I hope you do_comma_ too. I will definitely throw in a prayer or two that you do!" ]
[ "I found an old RC car I had when I was a kid in the closet.", "I found an old RC car I had when I was a kid in the closet.", "Does it still work?", "The batteries are long dead. I'll have to get a new battery if I want to test it out.", "Nice. I love finding old stuff from my childhood.", "It's always great when you come across a gem from the past." ]
[ "I drank my roommates beer last night. I feel pretty bad about it.", "I drank my roommates beer last night. I feel pretty bad about it.", "That's pretty rude. Are you going to buy him some more beer.", "Yea but he was leaving early to go tailgate and I didnt have time.", "Man.. I'm glad you're not my roommate." ]
[ "I was walking and i leaned over to pick something up and ripped my pants", "I was walking and leaned down and ripped my pants", "Wow did anyone see?", "im not sure i think these guys did", "Dang_comma_ it must have been embarrassing " ]
[ "I like too see pictures of my kids when they were babies_comma_ but it always made me cry a little remembering the all times.", "I like too see pictures of my kids when they were babies_comma_ but it always made me cry a little remembering the all times", "You are exactly like me. Those were the good old days", "Yes_comma_ I;m always missing those old days.", "My youngests are 3 and 4 now. Those days are gone" ]
[ "I am starting school again next week. I am not going to have any free time now", "I am going back to school next week.", "That sounds exciting!_comma_ are you nervous?", "Im not. I am a little sad because now I will have no free time at all. School_comma_ work_comma_ kids_comma_ geez", "That is true_comma_ but you will meet new people and learn a lot!", "I am trying to be positive about it. It is for a better future" ]
[ "I have wanted kids all my life. I finally gave birth to my first child! This is that happiest I have ever been.", "All my life I have wanted to be a mom. I finally got the opportunity.", "Congratulations!! How did it feel when you found out?", "It was awesome. I just gave birth last week. This is the happiest I have ever been.", "How cool! Congrats again on your new addition_comma_ I'll keep you in my thoughts and pray you get some sleep in the next 12 months haha" ]
[ "My son came first in her class and was placed on the honor roll", "My son came first in his class and was placed on the honor roll.", "That is great news! You must be really proud of him!", "Yes I am_comma_ I took him to Chucky Cheese in order to celebrate ", "That is good positive reinforcement! Congrats to your kid!", "Thanks a lot_comma_ I really appreciate it." ]
[ "I watched the new Black Panther movie last night. I was a little let down by the story though. It needed more development.", "I watched the new Black Panther movie last night. I was a little let down by the story though. It needed more development.", "Okay_comma_ I am sorry that it was not up to your standard. I have not seen it as yet.", "It is worth a watch_comma_ but just wasn't up to my standards or all the hype.", "Okay_comma_ I understand. I am thinking of watching it." ]
[ "We had a storm last night and lost power. I couldn't find a flashlight. It was so scary.", "We had a storm last night and lost power.", "Oh no. How long was the power out for?", "It was only off for a little over 2 hours_comma_ but I could not find a flashlight and it was so scary.", "That sounds awful!" ]
[ "A couple years ago I went back to college and it had been a little over 20 years since I had dropped out. Needless to say it was a little intimidating.", "So I went back to college a few years ago after having dropped out nearly 20 years prior.", "How does that make you feel", "It was a little intimidating and I felt kind of nervous at first but fell into a grove early on which made me proud.", "Well I wish you the best of luck. If you're hardworking then you'll make it", "Thanks I appreciate the vote of confidence." ]
[ "I'm always expecting new money opportunities. If a door opens I'm going in", "Since I'm self-employed I'm always expecting new opportunities for increasing my income. It feels good to be financially independent", "Oh cool! I bet it's also nice not having a boss breathing down your neck_comma_ right?", "Yeah totally. Are you self-employed too", "I have been in the past. Right now I'm part time with some work at home/stuff. So yeah I do remember liking not having a boss the most!" ]
[ "I should be getting the latest model phone_comma_ I cannot wait. It is getting close to my birthday.", "It is getting close to my birthday and I am planning to get the latest iPhone_comma_ I can't wait.", "Well_comma_ that's a good present! I'm sure you are excited to get it.", "Yes I am it is going to be costly but I deserve to treat myself.", "That's right_comma_ you do. I have a hard time doing that myself and should realize I deserve it as well too.", "You need to treat yourself_comma_ especially working hard sometimes." ]
[ "When I was a little kid I almost drowned in front of 100 people. I was more embarrassed than scared to be honest", "I almost drowned when I was little. I was more embarrassed than scared to be honest", "That sounds horrible! Good thing you are all right and only walked away with a little shame!", "It was big shame haha but I took swimming lessons after and ended up on the swim it worked itself out", "That's good. It could have been a lot worse!" ]
[ "My toilet backed up in my house last weekend! I was so grossed out!", "My toilet backed up in my house last weekend! I was so grossed out!", "I would be too haha...whos fault was it", "I think my kid put too much toilet paper in it!", "How old is your kid" ]
[ "I saw a family on their porch while I was out on my morning jog and I thought about when my daughter still lived at home.", "I saw a family on their porch while I was out on my morning jog. It made me think about when my daughter still lived at home.", "That's cool that you're active. Does she go to college or what", "No_comma_ she graduated a couple years ago and now she has an apartment. ", "Gotcha. I make sure to call my mom at least twice a week_comma_ I'm 26 and I've got my own apartment as well" ]
[ "I used to be terrified of approaching girls. Now I'm getting numbers left and right", "I was an awkward teenager and was super scared to talk to I'm getting numbers left and right it's pretty great", "That's really awesome_comma_ I'm happy for your success and encourage you to enjoy yourself.", "Haha thanks for your kind words. How's your Saturday going", "So far so good_comma_ just trying to stay cool. Good conversations are helping." ]
[ "I just won $300 dollars on a scratch off ticket. It feel really good. I can pay some bills with it.", "I just won $300 dollars on a scratch off ticket. It feel really good. I can pay some bills with it.", "That is wonderful news. That is a lot of money to win. I am happy for you.", "I couldnt believe it. It really comes in handy. I feel so lucky.", "Oh yes_comma_ you can relax a bit and pay some bills." ]
[ "I bought a scratch off ticket and I won $50.00. I usually lose my money but this time I didn't.", "I bought a scratch off ticket and won $50.00 I usually lose my money but this time I won. Lucky me.", "Amazing. Those things seem to never pay out. That is a lot.", "Yes it is_comma_ they are tempted to buy but hard to win.", "I know that feeling. Did you treat yourself after winning?", "Yes I did I went to a local Chinese restaurant." ]
[ "I am proud of the eagles for winning the superbowl last year", "I am proud of the eagles for winning the superbowl last year", "I'm a Boston boy but I gotta give em props", "thanks_comma_ you beat us in 2005_comma_ that broke my heart", "People hate on Brady cuz he's been gold since day 1. But the Eagles came ready on defense that's for sure" ]
[ "I'm always ready for a fight. I don't go out looking for it but if someone wants to throw down I've got no problem", "I don't go out looking for trouble. But if some stranger disrespects me in public I'm always ready to knock his ass out", "That is good_comma_ that is what we hit the gym for right?", "Yessir do you go to a gym", "I do_comma_ I have been trying to bulkup_comma_ I am 6'4 190 and need some more on my frame" ]
[ "A co-worker of my husband asked me out on a date. I think that was rude and i told him no.", "A co-worker of my husband asked me out on a date. I think that was rude and I told him no.", "That could be awkward. I wonder what made him feel he could do that?", "I have no idea_comma_ some people just don't think before saying things.", "Hopefully he got the point and wont ask again.", "I hope so too_comma_ he made me feel uncomfortable." ]
[ "I think someone was following me home last night. I took off running and didnt stop until I got home.", "I think someone was following me home last night. I took off running and didnt stop until I got home.", "I am happy that you reached home safely. You have to be very careful when traveling at nights.", "I felt so scared. Im just glad I noticed them before it was too late. Never going that way again.", "We are living in a cruel world_comma_ I am just happy that you are fine." ]
[ "I was so mad when my brother beat me in boxing on the WII I kept asking for another round haha", "Playing the WII with my little brother was so frustrating...he would beat me in boxing and tennis and I would be so mad I'd keep asking for another round haha", "I know the feeling_comma_ my little nephew used to beat me at Mortal Kombat constantly just by button smashing. How did your little brother get so good at Wii?", "Well it turned out we were both too close to the sensor and he was like 5 so it read his movements better haha", "Ahhh! Well at least you found out it was just user error and not that he was actually better than you!" ]
[ "I get emotional about my family and friends sometimes_comma_ I am lucky to have them for sure", "I get emotional about my family and friends sometimes_comma_ I am lucky to have them for sure", "Nothing wrong with being emotional. It's healthy. I get a bit emotional about that stuff too. Family and friends are extremely important.", "I guess not_comma_ most people do not have that view though", "If they don't_comma_ that's their loss. My family are so important to me - I love them dearly. The same goes for my close friends. Don't listen to other people - they're the ones missing out!" ]
[ "An elderly friend of mine gave me one thousand dollars to keep for him.", "An elderly friend of mine gave me one thousand dollars to keep for him.", "He must trust you a lot.", "I think so and I will not let him down. I have invited him over for dinner.", "I hope you guys have fun", "I hope so too I am always helpful and respectable to the elderly." ]
[ "I TRUST MY WIFE", "I trust my wife blindly ", "That is nice. we are suppose to trust our spouses.", "Yes_comma_ but nowadays os hard to trust anyone.", "I know one has to earn trust." ]
[ "I read a story about a duck that was a mother for 76 ducklings. So sweet.", "There was a story about a duck being a mother to 76 ducklings. It was so sweet.", "That is a lot of kids_comma_ imagine raising that many kids!", "No thanks_comma_ ha. I guess it was a huge deal with scientists as ducks usually only care for up to 15 and the largest known was 35.", "wow_comma_ that is huge_comma_ they must have abosrbed kids from another duck or something", "Yes_comma_ that's a lot of \"other\" ducklings. Was really nice to see the picture." ]
[ "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away_comma_ I am still not over it", "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away_comma_ I am still not over it", "I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom last year.", "Wow_comma_ I am sorry to hear that_comma_ I hope you can cope", "It is a very long process_comma_ but it is true that time does help a tiny bit." ]
[ "It was my last cash and I went into subway bought a sandwich came out and it fell.", "It was my last cash and I went into Subway bought a sandwich came out and it fell from my hands.", "OH no. Were you still at subway?", "I stepped outside but it was my last money_comma_ so I had to go back to work without lunch.", "I know the feeling. Its hard to work when you are hungry.", "Very hard and people saw when it fell_comma_ It was a terrible feeling.", "I bet you were embarassed", "Yes I was_comma_ I guess I was very hungry and my hands were shaking." ]
[ "I can't believe I spent all of my paycheck shopping. I know better", "I cant believe my paycheck is gone already", "What happened? You had too many bills to pay.", "No I spent it shopping online. I am a bad person", "Haha. well at least you treated yourself now you are broke.", "I know. I will look cute for two weeks but have an empty purse lol", "Yes you will be looking cute and get a lot of attention", "Maybe I will get a sugar daddy", "Now you're talking. That would be nice ;)" ]
[ "I am learning how to wake-board this weekend! I am really nervous though!", "I am learning how to wake-board this weekend! I am really nervous though!", "What is wake-board. That sounds a bit scary.", "It is like water skiing but on a board! It is fun_comma_ but a little nerve racking!", " I bet it is_comma_ i am afraid of water_comma_ I cannot swim so i know for a fact I would not be trying that. I hope you have fun." ]
[ "I really miss my man_comma_ he went on a business trip to Europe. So I am here wearing his shirt.", "I really miss my man. He went on a business trip to Europe so I am here in his shirt.", "That no good! How long will he be gone?", "He will be gone for two weeks but it feels like 2 years.", "Just hold on a little longer! You will feel better when he gets back!", "Yes_comma_ absence makes the heart grows fonder." ]
[ "I want to take my kids to a buffet. I am afraid it will be a waste of my oney", "I want to take my kids to a buffet today", "That's great. Hopefully they eat a lot of food!", "I am afraid they won't and I will waste my money", "I am sure they will have a great time", "I hope so. Its not cheap" ]
[ "I made an A in all three of my summer courses. I must say that I even surprised myself.", "I made an A in all three of my summer courses. I must say that I even surprised myself.", "You must be very proud of yourself. I am proud of you. You are a star.", "Thank you I appreciate it. I didnt think I was capable of doing that.", "So you really surprised yourself. I guess you studied hard." ]
[ "I have been trying to get a car but my credit is so bad_comma_ I tried to repair it but to no avail.", "I have been trying to purchase a car but my credit is so bad. I even tried to repair it but to no avail.", "Sometimes it just takes a time and you need to stay proactive. I know it can be disappointing. ", "It is like the more I try the harder it is to be repaired.", "Just keep a budget and stay strict. It will gradually get better.", "Thank you_comma_ hopefully it will get much better and I can get my car." ]
[ "I saw \"The Nighmare Before Christmas\" the other day with my friend and it reminded me of my childhood ", "When I was a little kid I used to watch \"The Nighmare Before Christmas\" with my parents all the time....saw it again just the other day reminded me of my family", "I think I have seen that movie", "What kind of movies do you like", "I like animated movies. I have lots of kids lol" ]
[ "I love looking at old family albums. Takes me back", "I love looking at old family albums", "Do you miss your family", "They live in the city. I just like the memories and seeing us all younger", "Nice I'm in TX and my fam's in MN. I try to visit them at least once a year", "That's good. Gotta keep up with each other" ]
[ "My daughter just competed in her first dance competition. She got 1st place and was up against girls much older", "My daughter just competed in her first dance competition. ", "Oh how exciting! How did she do?", "She got first place! And she was eve competing against much older girls. ", "Amazing_comma_ you must feel really proud!" ]
[ "I am proposing tomorrow!", "I am proposing tomorrow!", "Congrats! How exciting!", "Yeah_comma_ thanks. I'm really nervous_comma_ but I am eager to hear her answer. I'm not sure how it will go.", "Good luck! I am sure it will be fine." ]
[ "I wasn't able to make rent this month. My dad helped me cover it.", "I wasn't able to make rent this month.", "Ohh man_comma_ I am so sorry. I have had that happen to me many times over the last five years. Did you contact your landlord?", "My dad helped me cover it_comma_ so that was great!", "It is wonderful that you have family that can help. Are you going to be OK going forward?" ]
[ "I found a kitten in some bushes_comma_ I took it home_comma_ tried to find the owner. No one claimed her so I took her in.", "I found a kitten in the bushes_comma_ I took it home tried to find its owner. No one claimed her so I took her in.", "That was really nice of you! You must have a really caring heart!", "Yes I do_comma_ I took her to the vet and she is sleeping comfortably at home.", "That cat will love you forever!", "Ah I hope so I am getting attached to her." ]
[ "I am going on my first roller coaster ride at Universal Studios next week and am scared out of my mind!", "I am going on my first roller coaster ride at Universal Studios next week and am scared out of my mind!", "I have never been on a roller coaster. I would be very scared too.", "Yeah_comma_ I am hoping I don't scream like a little girl the whole time!", "Hahaha you are going to scream_comma_ I hope you dont puke. It should be fun though." ]
[ "I have rescue some dogs that were on the street and help them find a new home.", "The other day I rescue and abandoned dog on the street_comma_ and took care of him until we found him a new home.", "Awww that is so sweet. Did he go to a good home?", "Yes I tried my best to make sure that these people were willing and able to take very good care of him.", "That is good to hear. I hope he lives a good life." ]
[ "My roommate and best friend just moved out. I am all alone and bored.", "My roommate and best friend just moved out.", "How are you feeling about it? Are you sad?", "I am really sad about it. It is so boring.", "I am sorry about it_comma_ did she move close by or to another town?" ]
[ "My future's looking pretty bright. I'm self-employed with tons of ideas coming to me everyday it's great", "I'm optimistic about my future. Being self-employed with tons of ideas coming to me everyday makes me feel pretty confident that I'll be straight balling in no time", "I bet you will be balling. I hope you remember the poorer folks like me.", "I will. Just send me your bank account details and I'll keep it on the back burner ;)", "That sounds grand :) it's a deal I am rooting for you." ]
[ "I remember the first time I went to the movie. It was with my friends and I was eager to go.", "I remember the first time I went to the movie. It was with my friends and I was eager to go.", "And what movie did you guys see", "I think it was Toy Story. I felt strange looking at the big screen.", "Wow that must have been a while you still keep in touch with these friends", "Yes it was a very long time ago. Oh yes we still keep in touch." ]
[ "I have my annual evaluation this week and really hope for a raise. It's been a good year.", "I am hoping for a raise with my evaluation next week. Fingers crossed. It was a good year though.", "Good luck! I am sure that it will go well.", "Thanks. I hope so. I have been working so hard.", "I hope you find out soon.", "Me too. Hope my boss is in a generous mood_comma_ ha." ]
[ "I just got a new puppy last week and now he's dead. He got hit by a car.", "I just got a new puppy last week and now he's dead.", "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. What happened?", "He got hit by a car.", "Oh no. Poor thing! Hope you are hanging in there." ]
[ "This weekend was very stressful at work_comma_ but I have been able to relax during the weekend and read good books.", "This weekend was very stressful at work_comma_ but I have been able to relax during the weekend and read good books.", "That is good_comma_ reading always relaxes me too.", "Yes I have always love reading. Nothing like reading a good book and a glass of red wine to be happy again after a hard week.", "Yes_comma_ curling up in bed with those things can relax you like nothing else!" ]
[ "I put in an application for a new home and I am really wishing to get it! I've searched everywhere for a home like this!", "I put in an application for a new home and I am really wishing to get it! ", "That is exciting! How long will it take before they give you and answer?", "I'm not sure but I have searched everywhere for a home like this_comma_ I will be so upset if I don't get it.", "I hope everything goes great and you get your new home!" ]
[ "I felt let down by the Patriots when they lost to the Eagles...but I had to give them props since they were the underdogs", "Man the Patriots let me down last year...but gotta give the Eagles props they came ready", "Ah a Patriots fan. Sorry about that_comma_ but they've been so great in the past_comma_ you should feel pride in that.", "True. Brady's got too many haters cuz he's been gold since day 1", "He really is a talented player_comma_ I must admit." ]
[ "My daughter received several awards at the school awards ceremony. I was proud of her hard work to earn them.", "I went to my daughter's awards ceremony at school recently.", "How was that experience for you", "It was really wonderful seeing her go up for so many awards. ", "You must have been proud. But she wouldn't be there if you didn't persistently push her to do her best" ]