[ "My nephew is playing football this year. He's all grown up :D", "My nephew starts fooball this year!", "oh really? that's very coincidental because my son also started football this year are you happy?", "Heck yeah! He's growing up so fast! ", "i know! they grow so fast and i didn't think i'd use that overly used word but god it's so true", "haha we're getting so old :D" ]
[ "so mad! my cat destroyed my favourite jacket", "SO ANGRY! my cat destroyed jacket! i woke up to wear it and she just destroyed all of it_comma_ it was my new jacket too", "Oh that's awful! Maybe you can try to return it and say it came like that LOL", "it's not funny_comma_ and they won't rethurn it! ", "It's a little funny" ]
[ "I worked hard on my yard sale. I was quite pleased with the sales and knew that there was nothing else I could have done to make it more successful.", "I worked hard on my yard sale. I was quite pleased with the sales and knew that there was nothing else I could have done to make it more successful.", "That's great! It feels good when you can get a little back from the things you have invested so much in!", "It sure does. Also gives you a great sense of accomplishment.", "Definitely! Plus_comma_ gets some of the clutter out of your home_comma_ I guess to make room for more." ]
[ "I came home from shopping to find my front door open. When I walked inside_comma_ I found all of my belongings gone!", "I came home tonight to find a huge shock!", "WHAT WAS THE SHOCK?", "My home had been burglarized!", "oh my god! that's so bad what did you do ?" ]
[ "so many emotions i feel distressed ", "so much going on_comma_ all these feelings are making me anxious and scared", "Why? What is going on?", "too much work stress_comma_ people asking for so much from me_comma_ i am just one person", "Sounds like you need a vacation" ]
[ "in my self for failing so hard", "i am a failure ", "what makes you think so? i'm pretty sure you aren't.", "I wan't to help my fiance_comma_ she is going through so much_comma_ my job isn't paying me much and i've been working as hard as i can and i still can't do much_comma_ i wan't her to come here already because she is the only thing that keeps me sane ", "that doesn't make you a failure! you are doing more than enough and i'm pretty sure she appreciate every single thing you're doing for her.", "yo uthink so? " ]
[ "finding out if baby is boy or girl", "tomorrow we find out if we are having a baby boy or girl", "Oh wow! Congrats!! What are you hoping for?", "i dont care either way.. i already have a boy and girl", "That is so awesome! How old are they?" ]
[ "Headed out to the campground this morning. I have everything packed I believe.", "After a long_comma_ hard week at work_comma_ I am headed to the campground this week to disconnect.", "its always good to get away and reset", "I am pretty certain that I have everything we need for the weekend getaway.", "did you make a check list and double check it?" ]
[ "nightmare", "worst nightmare ", "I'm sorry? What happened?", "i had like 2 nightmares today and didn't sleep well and i got terrified ", "That's awful. I hate when that happens. " ]
[ "I injured my foot a couple of days ago (muscle strain). Now my co-worker keeps calling me slow and laughing about it. When she's not calling me crippled instead. ", "I'm having such trouble with a co-worker. She has no manners at all!", "really? like how? what she do?", "I hurt my foor a few days ago and have been limping a bit. So she goes and calls me crippled at first and she keeps calling me slow and laughing really hard.", "don't worry_comma_ with people like this karma hits them very very hard_comma_ and they get what they deserve ", "I hope so. I'm debating whether to let me boss know. If she does that to a stranger she could be gotten for violating the ADA" ]
[ "someone almost hit me with their car today", "someone almost hit me with their car today", "Were you driving or walking?", "walking_comma_ i was scared for my life", "I hope they caught the person who almost hit you. That kind of incident can leave you traumatized for a long time." ]
[ "I didn't have enough money to pay for my groceries and had to put something back. There were a lot of people in line.", "I didn't have enough money to pay for my groceries and had to put something back. There were a lot of people in line.", "oof thats not a fun siutation", "I was mortified. I probably could have started a fire with just the color of my face.", "thats a vivid description haha" ]
[ "I am happy with myself for cleaning my entire house in one afternoon.", "I feel happy with myself right now.", "that's nice_comma_ wanna share this wonderful experience with me?", "Sure_comma_ it was just that I managed to clean my entire house this morning in just a few hours. I defied my own expectations.", "wow! that is such a wonderful thing to do indeed! i am proud of you" ]
[ "my wife makes me happy", "i am over the moon_comma_ do you know how it feels like to have someone that always supports you", "That's amazing! I do not (so far) but i hope to some day.", "i hope so_comma_ stay strong man! it's going to be okay", "Thanks! I appreciate it. I am really happy for you though! That's one of the best things to feel in life I am sure." ]
[ "I went outside my house yesterday and there was a big snake in the driveway! ", "I went outside my house yesterday and there was a big snake sitting in the driveway!", "Oh wow_comma_ that must have been scary! I'm terrified of snakes!", "Yeah_comma_ same here. I never expected to see something like that up close.", "The only time I've seen one up close is when a professional was handling one. I prefer to keep a distance." ]
[ "i thought someone was breaking into my apartment last night", "i thought someone was breaking into my apartment last night", "did you call the police? or did you do what needed to be done?", "well i heard a noise at the window..when i looked i saw a shadow moving. i peaked out the blinds and saw it was a cat. the last tenant fed a stray cat and would come every night to get fed", "well _comma_ glad it wasn't something important. it was just a cat. and you are safe. so that is great!" ]
[ "abilities what they can cause", "i am so scared... what if ...", "What if what? What has you so fearful?", "my own abilities_comma_ i am so smart_comma_ i am scared of what i may become ", "Maybe a career in astro-physics is in your future?" ]
[ "I watched my daughter start high school this week. It seems like just last week she was starting kindergarten.", "I watched my daughter hit another big milestone in her life this week.", "wow! that's amazing what did she do?", "I watched her start high school_comma_ I was reminiscing about her starting kindegarten to what seems like last week.", "oh god yes_comma_ they grow so fast next thing you know she's taking care of you and you are all old haha it's so wonderful" ]
[ "at myself for being so smart", "i am so happy and proud of myself! i am so smart!", "That's great! Is there a particular reason_comma_ or just in general?", "i mean both_comma_ i am smart in general but recently i have been workign super hard and learning more and more and it's paying off_comma_ yesterday i just came up with my owm math formula ", "that's so great! cONGRATS!" ]
[ "i lied to my friend that i was busy this weekend", "i lied to my friend that i was busy this weekend", "Any particular reason that made you do that?", "i felt bad for cancelling but i was just feeling really off", "Right_comma_ well we can all get that way sometimes. I'd just tell your friend directly that you weren't feeling up to it." ]
[ "I had a great lunch today. It really made me happy to eat that delicious sushi.", "I had a really great lunch today.", "thats really nice", "Yes_comma_ it doesn't happen often I feel these days. Had some sushi.", "sushi is the best" ]
[ "in my room no one here", "i am so alone_comma_ no one is here and i wan't to speak with my fiance", "Is there no way to get in touch with anyone?", "i just want this next week to be over_comma_ i have a holiday planned_comma_ but until then i shall remain forever alone in this room ", "Why are you alone in a room? Do you need me to come over?" ]
[ "When tax season came I was in a hurry to get mine done. I was looking forward to a big refund.", "When tax season came I was in a hurry to get mine done. I was looking forward to a big refund.", "really? why is that?", "I tricked myself into saving by over paying on purpose.", "wow! that is next level smartness and thinking! good job" ]
[ "I am so lucky to have someone like my fiancee. She does everything for me.", "I am so lucky to have someone like my fiancee", "i am lucky to have someone like my fiancee too! what makes you so grateful about your fiancee", "That's great! Just the fact that she is always there for me whenever I am in need. ", "it's probably the best feeling on earth right?", "I'd say it is_comma_ for sure! " ]
[ "My daughter started high school this week. I hope she finishes the year on the honor roll.", "My daughter started high school this week. I am so proud!", "thats super cool", "Thanks. My only hope is that she can stay on the honor roll like she has for the past three years.", "thats impressive good luck to her" ]
[ "red dead redemption 2 is coming out which looks awesome", "red dead redemption 2 is coming out which looks awesome", "I can't wait either_comma_ I am looking forward to it as well. Do you know when the release date is?", "i think sometime in october_comma_ gonna be hype", "CoD 4 comes out in about two weeks I think." ]
[ "where is the love ", "this world is just cruel isn't it? i mean where is the love_comma_ do we really hate eachother that much?", "i agree. everyone seems to be out for themself and do not care to help other or take others into consideration", "it sucks so much ", "yeah its a tought thing to have to deal with" ]
[ "getting more money in change", "i went to pick up some food and got the wrong change back....but didnt realize untill i got home", "oh god! how much did he rip you off by?", "actually they gave me my $20 dollar bill back plus change of the 20", "oh_comma_ so what are you going to do about this?" ]
[ "colleague not understanding ", "i am so frustrated ! at work my colleagues are not understanding it's so annoying! because i am realtively knew and young they are condescending me", "this happens a lot at work_comma_ maybe try to talk to them about it? ", "yeah but they are so full of themselves it's hard ", "i agree everyone is just self-centered and it's very annoying to communicate with those people." ]
[ "I have a test coming up soon", "I have a test coming up soon", "How do you feel about it? Ready?", "kind of but im still scared ill do bad", "Just do your best you can_comma_ and that way you won't have any regrets no matter what the result is." ]
[ "I just moved to a new state for work and haven't made many friends yet.", "I actually just moved to a new state for work.", "oh thats cool", "Yeah the job is nice_comma_ but don't have many friends here yet_comma_ so just kind of alone mostly.", "yea i know that feel its the same for me right now" ]
[ "I had my friend watch my house and feed my dog while I was on vacation. He did a great job.", "I recently had my friend watch my house while I was on vacation.", "You must really trust them. I hope it turned out well.", "Yeah_comma_ he did a great job! Fed the dog and everything. I was satisfied. ", "Now you know who to call when you want to go away again." ]
[ "When I was a kid my sister got the bike that I really wanted. I begrudged her that bike for a long time.", "When I was a kid my sister got the bike that I really wanted. I begrudged her that bike for a long time.", "Oh yeah my brother would always get some things I wanted too. Made me feel jealous. ", "It was especially hard because she didn't really care about the bike. ", "That's even worse. Well I hope you at least got to ride it when she wasn't looking!", "You know that's funny because I did!" ]
[ "next week ! ", "I CAN'T WAIT! I CAN'T WAIT! next week i am finally going to take a holiday", "oh wow that sounds nice", "thank you! i am so excited! are you going anywhere? ", "i just did last week actually" ]
[ "i saw a guy lie his way through taking a test", "i saw a guy lie his way through taking a test", "oh no! why didn't you do anything about it?", "i aint no snitch? Its not my life why be a loser and ruin theirs", "snitch? is that actually still a thing?", "no i just dont see why anyone would tattle like a child on someone when it doesnt affect you" ]
[ "today_comma_ i made a big discovery ", "today_comma_ i made a discovery and that made me so happy in myself ", "oh wow! what was the discovery?", "i discovered that if you cook ham with cheese and bake it under the oven you can create the most delicious unofficial pizza ", "mind. blown. that sounds breath taking" ]
[ "i was robbed", "when i was walking home last night i was robbed . was terrrible", "oh god! that must have been so scary ", "i just froze and did what they wanted. they pullled a gun and a knife. i gave them my money in my pocket and they left. it was 12 dollars", "oh god! just hand them what they want_comma_ it's not worth your life" ]
[ "our lord has placed us on this earth for a reason", "our lord and saviour will help us! he will guide us all to paradise_comma_ i have faith !", "wow thats very faithful of you", "do you believe ?", "not really but i can respect it" ]
[ "my friend helped me move to uni last week", "my friend helped me move to uni last week", "awww that's so sweet of them_comma_ are you guys close?", "yea i was super thankful that he helped me", "that's so nice_comma_ are you looking forward to uni?" ]
[ "in my partner can always rely on her", "ever just look at the sky and wonder \"god i am a lucky man\" ", "yep almost everyday because of my fiancee. what about you?", "yeah you stole the words out of my mouths actually! ", "i know_comma_ there's nothing like true love ." ]
[ "I got a low mark on my math test. I had studied hard.", "Can't believe I got that mark.", "As in a grade?", "Yeah It was a math test and I did my best and studied hard but I failed it.", "That can happen sometimes even when you are prepared. It's like test anxiety. Has it happened before?" ]
[ "I entered a bowling tournament and felt I had a pretty good chance to do well.", "I entered a bowling tournament and felt I had a pretty good chance to do well.", "How did you end up doing?", "Not trying to brag but I did really good.", "How well? I'm proud of you for that my man." ]
[ "A girl tried to go on a date with me. I am already engaged_comma_ so I said no.", "I had a close call earlier_comma_ someone asked me out.", "what? what did you do/", "I'm already in a relationship so I stayed faithful.", "that's so nice! good thing you do_comma_ we need more people like you_comma_ all these normies nowadays just sleeping around and only chasing after cannibalistic desires " ]
[ "of myself for not listening to my fiance", "so worthless! if i had listened to her everything would have been okay now", "What happened!", "she told me to wake up early and set an alarm but i dind't so i woke up late for work", "You must be upset_comma_ are you okay do you need any help?", "i am good_comma_ thanks for asking" ]
[ "I opened up to my girlfriend about my past. It was difficult to do.", "I finally did it_comma_ opened up to her.", "oh did it go well?", "Very well_comma_ I told her all my dark secrets and she was okay with it.", "huh sounds quite intimate" ]
[ "I dont really know anyone at uni", "I dont really know anyone at uni", "Are you nervous of meeting new friends?", "not im just not a social person_comma_ its a very double edged sword", "I think you should look to join a club in school!" ]
[ "staring at the ocean at night ", "ever just stare at the ocean at dark? the bright moon shining into the water and into the retina of your eyes_comma_ it makes you very sentimental ", "yes! i live about 30 mins away from the coast . i love going at night", "it's the best isn't it? especially here_comma_ no one goes so it's even better", "yes_comma_ i love when the water is flat and its just a glassy reflection. i also love when the water is rough and loug" ]
[ "watching my son take first steps", "my son took his first steps today!", "aww that's so nice! did you have the biggest smile on your face/", "from ear to ear. he was so excited. it was so special", "that makes me so happy! you blessed my day! i can't wait to see my son do that too" ]
[ "My brother tried to fight me after class. I couldn't believe it.", "Just had to stop my brother from beating me.", "why was he beating you?", "He was mad he got a low mark on his test believe it or not.", "oh what an abusive person_comma_ how did yo ustop him?" ]
[ "couldn't deliver the work project on time", "...i really thought i could do it_comma_ i had 3 hours do deliver the project at work_comma_ i made a promise i would_comma_ but in the end i couldn't and everyone was so disappointed in me_comma_ i feel so done...", "I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ can you make it up to them?", "i am not sure_comma_ possibly_comma_ i'll have to really do good work_comma_ the thing is i am already doing a 3 man job all alone... what more can they want", "You should try to reach out to them." ]
[ "I failed my science test that I had studied hard on. I don't know what to do.", "I got the worst mark back on my science test.", "i hope it wasn't an important and you still managed to pass everything. why did that happen?", "It was but I studied hard so I'm confused as to how I did.", "don't worry about it_comma_ maybe it was the teacher's fault . but since you're okay and everything is fine there's no point in worrying about it." ]
[ "My brother mark passed away. He died in a car crash.", "I'm so upset right now.", "Tell me what has you so worked up?", "My brother died earlier in a car wreck.", "I am so sorry. I know right now your mind is spinning and everything is chaotic. You need to sit somewhere and let your mind settle down." ]
[ "I like to do all of my shopping for Thanksgiving dinner early so I will be ready and I don't have to fight the crowds.", "I like to do all of my shopping for Thanksgiving dinner early so I will be ready and I don't have to fight the crowds.", "That's a good idea_comma_ what do you need to buy?", "I scour the sales ads for the early specials and then make my list accordingly. ", "That's smart_comma_ I love a big turkey dinner the family will be pleased I bet." ]
[ "my aunt paid for my exam", "i almost wasnt going to take my pharmacy tech certification exam. was too expensive", "What did you decide to do instead?", "luckily my aunt paid my fee of $275 as an early birthday gift. i passed the test", "That's lucky of you_comma_ do you plan on being a pharmacy tech?" ]
[ "I don't know if I should apply to university or not.", "It's such a tough choice whether to apply to university or not.", "what else would you do if you didnt go?", "I'd likely work at my dads business instead_comma_ he sells cars.", "that sounds like good money" ]
[ "I dont really know anyone at uni", "I dont really know anyone at uni", "Did you try going to any clubs to meet anyone?", "yea but its just hard being an introvert and trying to meet people", "You should consider trying to network though it's worth it." ]
[ "I was there for my brother when he was sad about his girlfriend leaving. I comforted him.", "My brother is lucky to have me that's for sure.", "why is that?", "He broke up with his girl and I was there to keep him sane.", "thats nice of you" ]
[ "My friend ordered me some sushi but fish food scares me. I didn't feel like taking a bite.", "Sushi really creeps me out_comma_ I wasn't able to try any.", "why does it creep you out? i think it's pretty good", "The texture scares me_comma_ I think I'm very apprehensive about it.", "you could always try sushi bowls. " ]
[ "I was not able to do 15 sit ups at my hockey teams practice. I didn't have the strength.", "Sucks not being strong.", "why is that? what happend?", "I wasn't able to do 15 push ups in front of my team of guys.", "it's okay! if you really want to do it you will do it strength isn't all physical your real strength is the will to do! if you have that_comma_ the 15 push ups can be turned to 100!" ]
[ "I couldn't drive my friends stick shift car. Manual is difficult.", "Wow have you ever driven a manual car?", "Just once. If the car had not died I would have hit a building.", "It's hard for sure_comma_ I'm trying to learn but it's kind of embarrasing.", "I know that feeling for sure. I freaked out because I could not remember how to use the brake. " ]
[ "I was in a hurry to get home but I hit every red light and was late. By the time I got home I was fit to be tied.", "I was in a hurry to get home but I hit every red light and was late. By the time I got home I was fit to be tied.", "Did you make it home in time?", "I was bringing something home that was going to be part of supper but since I was late we didn't get to have it. Since I had really wanted it I was pretty ticked off.", "That is so lame_comma_ what caused you to be so late? Just the lights?", "I caught every red light. " ]
[ "loving my wife", "i have never had another female companion other than my wife. today we celebrate 40 year anniversary", "awww_comma_ that's so sweet i aspire to be like you with my fiance_comma_ i will sooon get married! what re you guys planning to do? and what's your guys secret for holding a relationship for so long?", "we are having a big family party. theres no secret. when you find love it takes it course", "i know she is the one_comma_ we are identical in every way_comma_ i am the only person who understands her and she is the only one who understands me_comma_ we communicate about everything and we are both non normies!" ]
[ "My dad won the lotto and wouldn't share with me. It was a huge win.", "Can you believe my dad won and didn't give me any?", "what did he won? were you hoping for some help?", "He won the lotto and won't split the prize with his son", "it's insane how people can be so selfish once they see money_comma_ een your own father becomes a monster. don't let it bother you." ]
[ "my cat vomited on my carpet", "my cat vomited on my carpet", "yikes! that's a load to clean isn't it?", "yea it was super tiresome", "i know! my cats are a hell to take care of as well_comma_ one always poops in the kitchen while the other one chases off my pigeons_comma_ it's really annoying" ]
[ "The time I waited to see if I got accepted in to school. I was so excited.", "Just waiting for the letter had me so excited.", "what letter? please share this experience with me", "My schools acceptance letter to my program I wanted to join.", "oh wow! that is such good news! i am so happy for you_comma_ what are you going to study there?" ]
[ "Waiting to see if I got accepted in to police academy. It's been a dream of mine.", "I'm working so hard to see if I make the police academy.", "wow that's so motivating to hear_comma_ what inspires you to become a police officer", "I just want to do some good in this world_comma_ lock up some bad guys you know?", "yeah_comma_ i hope you be one of the good cops_comma_ not like the current ones" ]
[ "Living at home with my parents. I'm in no rush to move out.", "It's so nice living here with my mom and dad.", "did you just move back?", "Nope i'm quite content to be here as long as I can.", "i miss waking up to my moms big breakfasts. i actually live a block away from her" ]
[ "eating at a new restaurant ", "i went to a new restaurant that has been getting bad reviews_comma_ it was actually really good.", "What kind of restaurant was it?", "it was a new mexican restaurant. i think the reviews were inaccurate ", "I do love a good burrito_comma_ I should go check it out some time." ]
[ "I was spending a night over with my girlfriend at her mom's house. While she was sleeping I ended up having sex with her mom.", "I recently had an experience that I need to get off my chest.", "go on! tell me about it_comma_ let's hear it", "I was spending a night over with my girlfriend at her mom's house & things ended up happening between her mom & I.", "what ended up happening?", "While my girlfriend was sleeping we ended up having sex.", "that's so disgusting you are disgusting", "It's not something I'm proud of." ]
[ "when my dog died", "my house has been very quiet since my dog died last week", "how long did you have your dog for? that must've been very painful_comma_ losing a pet is always hard", "he was with us for 11 years", "that's a lot of time. you could say he was part of your family. " ]
[ "when someone does not stop talking", "i hate when someone does not take the hint to stop talking", "With those kind of people you just have to be blunt. If that doesn't work then it's time to excuse yourself from the conversation.", "i really do agree. that is usually my approcah", "You are usually left with no other option." ]
[ "I was watching some old TV shows and it really made me start thinking about my childhood.", "I was watching some old TV shows and it really made me start thinking about my childhood.", "were they good memories?", "For sure. It's funny how something like that can just transport you back to yesterday.", "yes i love that feeling" ]
[ "We had a very old dog. He wasn't in any pain_comma_ and he was enjoying food and human company just as much as always. When it came time for him to pass away_comma_ we laid with him on a blanket on the floor until he was gone.", "I was really missing my dog Freddy today. He passed away recently at age 16. He was my constant companion.", "Oh_comma_ I\"m sorry to hear that! I know how hard that can be to lose a loved pet.", "He was special. We've been lucky to have rescued and rehabilitated many animals over the years. We have two insane cats today.", "Well_comma_ I hope you feel better soon!", "Thank you_comma_ that is very kind." ]
[ "son graduated ", "my son graduated high school today", "How exciting! What is he planning on doing next?", "he got a scholarship to play football", "That's impressive_comma_ is he hoping to play professionally?" ]
[ "I've been applying for jobs lately_comma_ and though I want a new career_comma_ I also have to apply for anything I'm close to qualified for to get paid even though I don't want to in case I get stuck there.", "I've been looking for a job. I want to do something fun but also need to apply for boring ones just so I can get paid.", "fun jobs with good pay do exist", "Yes_comma_ but being qualified for them is where the problem lies", "that does make sense" ]
[ "Sometimes I'm afraid to ride the city bus because you never know what kind of drama will unfold.", "Once I rode the city bus and a guy tried to get a free ride and an argument broke out between him and the driver.", "Oh_comma_ it's crazy what some people will try. But_comma_ sometimes an argument can get very interesting to watch!", "Yeah_comma_ it ended with the driver threatening to call the police because the guy was getting really loud about it. Held us up for about 10 minutes.", "I don't really blame the driver. Plus_comma_ that's annoying delay in everybody's busy day." ]
[ "brother moved away", "ever since my brother moved out last month the house has been so quiet", "I understand! I felt the same when my son left_comma_ it's seems so much less noise and talk.", "yeah. i got used to his noise", "I understand! I felt the same when my son left_comma_ it's seems so much less noise and talk." ]
[ "friends are most believable persons in my life", "hii friends_comma_ in my life friends are most real persons", "A good friend is hard to find.", "yes this is 100 percent correct. good friends remains us in them mind", "Do you have a best friend?", "yes i have best friend ", "How long have you been friends?", "10 years. you have best friend?", "Yeah but we aren't as close as we used to be." ]
[ "A lot of my old friends have moved away or gotten married. I miss the old days.", "Most of my friends have moved or gotten married so I don't see them much anymore.", "yes. this situation happened every friends relation.due to this we are in relation with a family members", "I miss the old days when we used to hang out & have fun together.", "don't worry all the friends are came to you be happy", "You have any old friends that you miss?", "yes_comma_ one friend", "Have you spoken to them recently?", "2 years later i spoke to him" ]
[ "I need to buy a new car. I am looking at something that uses alternative fuel_comma_ but I cant decide what kind to buy.", "I need to buy a new car. I am looking at something that uses alternative fuel_comma_ but I cant decide what kind to buy.", "that could def be an improvemnt. what kind did you have in mind", "Either electric or hybrid or diesel.", "good choices. which are you leaning towards?", "I would really like to buy a diesel and covert it so I can use corn." ]
[ "my brother showed up on my bday", "my brother showed up to my bday party . he moved out of the state 6 months ago. i hadnt seen him since", "Was it a suprise?", "yes it was. an awesome one", "Where is he living now? Have you heard from him at least?" ]
[ "I was watching the news on social media and there was a terrible story on animal abuse. The kind of people that do this just make me sick.", "I was watching the news on social media and there was a terrible story on animal abuse. The kind of people that do this just make me sick", "i really do hate that stuff", "It's unbelievable how cruel people can be. ", "its a sick sad world" ]
[ "i go on vacation", "i go on vacation tomorrow! i cannot wait!", "I know you have really been looking forward to this. Where did you decide on going?", "i am going to cozumel mexico", "My niece went there and loved it. Are you flying in or taking a cruise?" ]
[ "i got the wrong item", "i ordered a limited editon tshirt from my favorite band and they sent the wrong size", "Were you able to return it?", "yes but i dont know if i should. they said they are out of my size. ", "Does it fit. Id just have them send me a new one when it comes back in stock. Its their mistake." ]
[ "I was walking alone one night and a puppy started following me. It was so cute. I didnt know what to do.", "I was walking alone one night and a puppy started following me. It was so cute. I didnt know what to do.\"", "did he go home with you?", "No_comma_ I abandoned it. Terrible.", "boo. poor pupper", "I was out of the country. If I was home_comma_ I would have just taken it to a shelter." ]
[ "took something without paying", "i went to the store today and realized i took an item without paying", "Oh_comma_ no! Well_comma_ it happens sometimes_comma_ we get so busy and don't notice. ", "that is exactly what happend_comma_ baby was crying and i forgot the case of water under the cart", "Life gets us out of whack_comma_ don't feel bad. I'm sure you can pay for it next time." ]
[ "I paid off all my bills. Its such a great feeling.", "I paid off all my bills. Its such a great feeling.\"", "that's fantastic! It certainly is a great feeling_comma_ financial freedom!", "I want to try and save and travel.", "That's so great!", "I really want to take a trip to Africa. Hope I make it." ]
[ "Florida vacation coming up!", "Man only a couple more weeks left! ", "left until what?", "We go to Florida for vacation! So pumped!!", "that sounds like a lot of fun", "Yeah I can't wait!!!" ]
[ "avoided placing an order", "i was going to place an online order for a tshirt_comma_ but the site was really sketchy", "What was sketchy about it?", "it just did not seem secure", "Yikes. Did you end up placing the order?" ]
[ "A spaceship landed in my backyard", "I was sitting here playing video games and heard something loud", "What was it it?", "I looked outside and a freakin spaceship crash landed in my backyard!!!! Christmas came early boys!!", "You cant be serious.", "I am. You should see this!! They're getting out now. Uh oh. I think they see me.", "You definitely made my day.", "Awesome! ", "Well good luck with whatever is out there." ]
[ "I cant wait till I save enough money to take a trip to Antarctica. Its been a dream of mine.", "I cant wait till I save enough money to take a trip to Antarctica. Its been a dream of mine.", "Are you currently saving up?", "Yes_comma_ but it is crazy expensive to go.", "I bet. How far south of the continent are you?", "Im from LA. I spent 4 months in South America in 2015_comma_ but didnt have enough money to go_comma_ so im saving up for another trip to SA.", "Cool. I have a friend that lives in Brazil", "I love Brazil. Floripa and Rio are amazing. I still have 5 years left on my visa so I plan on going back.", "Thats awesome!! Tell Gabi I said hi when you go :D" ]
[ "I always tell the truth to the police.", "I always tell the truth to the police.", "That's a good thing. Lying to the police opens a whole world of trouble.", "Yes_comma_ I do not like trouble.", "Especially if it involves going to jail." ]
[ "I had to go to the ER when I cut my hand. I was very concerned about the course of the treatment while waiting to see the Doctor.", "I had to go to the ER when I cut my hand. I was very concerned about the course of the treatment while waiting to see the Doctor.", "How did you cut your hand?", "Not being careful enough when cutting vegetables. I was talking and cutting at the same time. Big mistake.", "Did you lose any fingers?", "LOL....I put them in the soup. Just kidding_comma_ I still have all of them and they are attached." ]
[ "When I was a teenager the restaurant where I was working was robbed. I was scared to death.", "When I was a teenager the restaurant where I was working was robbed. I was scared to death.", "Did you get hurt doing the robbery?", "No_comma_ but I was the one that they took the money from. It was very traumatic.", "How long ago did this occur?" ]
[ "I really do not want to go to the concert tomorrow.", "I really do not want to go to the concert tomorrow.", "Are you going because someone else wants to or was it something that you wanted to do?", "I do not like the type of music being played. I am being forced to go.", "If you don't have any choice then I suggest you bring earplugs." ]
[ "I rushed through a school crosswalk yesterday in quite an unsafe manner. I am fairly embarrased about it.", "I rushed through a school crosswalk yesterday in quite an unsafe manner. I am fairly embarrassed about it.", "Oh no did people look at you judgingly?", "They did. I could tell that they were disappointed and mad at the same time. I regretted my decision.", "Well you can learn from it_comma_ and be better for it." ]
[ "I came home in my new mclaren. It looked puny compared to my friends new bugatti though...", "I came home in my new mclaren to show it to my friend.", "Whow! That is one mean car! What did your friend say?", " Well It looked puny compared to my friends new bugatti though_comma_ so nobody cared baout mine...", "That must be quite exciting to drive around in those supercars!" ]
[ "I had to take my final a few months ago. I usually hate exams_comma_ but I really loved my class and was ready to ace it.", "I had to take my final a few months ago. I usually hate exams_comma_ but I really loved my class and was ready to ace it.", "That is great. What are you studying?", "Film major. ", "Good luck", "Thanks. Definitely a tough field as far as jobs are concerned. " ]
[ "I have been preparing for a marathon for months. I feel ready. I am sure that I will be able to finish it.", "I have been preparing for a marathon for months. I feel ready. I am sure that I will be able to finish it.", "Whats the distance?", "The distance is 42.195 kilometres.", "How does one prepare for a marathon? By running? " ]
[ "I really have feelings for my new girlfriend.", "I really have feelings for my new girlfriend.", "What kind of feelings?", "I love her more than anything.", "More than anything?! More than cats?? You must really love her!" ]