[ "I once cheated on my taxes and i feel bad about it.", "One year i filed false tax forms and i feel really bad about it. I feel like i cheated on society.", "have you been contacted by the IRS?", "No but i want to somehow fix my mistake.", "well id say no news is good news", "Yea that is true." ]
[ "seeing a kid cry in a store", "i went to the grocery store today and i saw a kid walking around alone crying", "Awwww_comma_ that's so sad. Was he lost?", "yes. he could not find his mom. so i helped him find her", "Good job! There need to be more people like you in this world." ]
[ "My favorite football team lost tonight. It makes me feel so unhappy.", "My favorite football team lost tonight.", "American football or soccer?", "American Football. When they lose I feel so unhappy.", "Yeah I bet. Are you a Browns fan or something?" ]
[ "I paid a lot of money for this new printer and it doesn't work", "Man I bought this stupid new printer. I paid a lot of money for it.", "That sounds like a bummer_comma_ what brand?", "Brother. It's a laser printer. For some reason it don't work.", "Too bad you don't have a pond you can throw it into.", "Oh. What a coincidence. I actually do!!!!" ]
[ " was at the store the other day and this random lady kept asking me my political party. She was very weird. ", "This lady at my grocery store was obssed with asking me my political party. I had to almost run away from her.", "shees! some people just dont understand some things others just dont care to talk about", "I felt strange afterwards. I lost a little hope in", "it happens everywhere. some poeple are just too dense to realize . " ]
[ "thinking someone was talking to me when they werent", "i was at a bar yesterday and a pretty girl was near and looking my way and started talking to me", " did it go?", "well_comma_ turns out she wasnt talking to me but was talking to the person standing behind me! i even answered her and everyting", "Oh gosh....that is embarrassing. Were you able to recover? lol" ]
[ "This past wednesday_comma_ I left my class very late and there weren't many people outside_comma_ and a random car pulled up to the curb where I was.", "This past wednesday_comma_ I left my class very late and there weren't many people outside_comma_ and a random car pulled up to the curb where I was.", "What happened?", "I'm not too sure_comma_ but it was just dark and empty_comma_ and my first instinct was to just run_comma_ and that's what I did. The car didn't follow me thankfully.. maybe it was just random. But it was sketchy. ", "It's smart to play it safe. Sometimes we are unable to predict what other humans are capable of.", "Exactly! It was really scary_comma_ and I would rather be safe than sorry. ", "You seem very smart;0" ]
[ "My dog saved my life by scaring away home intruders. i love him so much.", "I love my dog. he will do anything for me. He scared home invaders away the other night.", "What a loyal dog! They are such good creatures. We humans don't deserve them. ", "Haha i agree. We are too lucky evolution provided such wonderful cute creatures.", "I'm glad he was there to protect you! Hopefully it doesn't happen again because that's very scary. " ]
[ "I went to Burger King today and they totally messed up my order. I was so irritated.", "I went to Burger King today and they totally messed up my order.", "Did you take it back?", "No_comma_ I didn't bother. I was too irritated.", "Dang. Did you eat it or throw it away?" ]
[ "I ate deep fried eggplant. YUCK", "You know what I tried the other night?", "No_comma_ tell me about it!", "I was at a restaurant and they had deep fried eggplant. I thought I would try it. NEVER AGAIN THAT STUFF WAS NASTY AND GROSS", "Yeah_comma_ eggplant is pretty gross.", "I shoulda taken it back to the kitchen and made them eat it" ]
[ "I lsot my job and my girl friend broke up with me. Everything is falling apart.", "My life is horrible right now. i lsot my job and my girlfriend broke up with me. :(", "I'm so sorry to hear that. It will get better_comma_ though. ", "I hope so. I need some type of boost to help me be more motivated.", "Going to the gym or taking up a hobby can make you feel more confident and motivated.", "Good advice! Thank you!" ]
[ "My favorite fish died :(", "I came home yesterday from work and found my fish floating :(", "Oh no! I am so sorry. was he old?", "Yeah I've had him for 37 years. It sucked ", "Wow! Sounds like he had a full life. You are a good pet owner.:)", "Hey thank you! Maybe I'll get another one but it's too soon right now" ]
[ "I recently had a daughter and i have never felt so amazing.", "I recently had a child and feel so great.", "Hey congrats!!! Hows being a parent working", "Great! I never realized how much i could love someone. lol", "Yeah I've always heard that about kiddos. Congrats and good luck! I'm sure you will be an awesome parent!! :D", "Thank you :)", "You're welcome. I think I hear a baby crying. You better go check on that :D" ]
[ "I finally graduated and feel relaxed and OK.", "I graduated and feel so happy. It feels great knowing it's over.", "That must be such a relief!", "It is! I had some moments where I thought about quitting. ", "In a way_comma_ it is actually just the beginning." ]
[ "Someone threw away my lunch at work today. I was so upset someone did that.", "Someone threw away my lunch at work today.", "They didn't even eat it! How dare they!!", "I know right! I was so upset someone would do that.", "Did you find out who did it?" ]
[ "my brother buying the car i wanted", "so my brother bought the car i had my eye on", "Oh_comma_ what car was it? Are you jealous?", "i am !! haha it is a 2004 Subaru Forester.....we both already own wrx..", "That is a sweet ride!" ]
[ "My son behaved so well on his first day of school. I am so pleased with him.", "My son behaved so well on his first day of school.", "thats good! how old is he?", "He is 5. I am so pleased with his behavior thus far!", "congratulations! parenting done right!" ]
[ "I was at the airport and fell asleep waiting for my plane and someone woke me up because i was snoring to loud.", "I fell asleep waiting for my plane at the airport and someone woke me up because i was snoring too loud.", "haha. Where they mad? and how did you react?", "No they weren't made i was more mortified and i said sorry.", "Yeah I bet. I would be too. How embarassing " ]
[ "Roller coaster riding tomorrow", "Tomorrow is going to be.......scary!!", "OH NO! How so?", "Taking my nephew to the amusement park and he wants to ride coasters. Those things are scary", "Haha i agree. Hopefully you can make it through it without too much anxiety.", "Yeah I guess I'll just have to jump on one! Maybe I wont be too scared after I try it." ]
[ "A new pizza joint is opening up here. I can't wait to go eat there.", "A new pizza joint is opening up here!", "WOW that's always a good news! i do love my pizza_comma_ and i am guessing you do too!", "Yes_comma_ it will be New York style. I can't wait to go eat there!", "oh god! make sure you post a lot of pictures and give updates on the taste! you must be so excited" ]
[ "My friend made the local hockey team. He worked so hard.", "Just got back from hockey_comma_ my buddy made the team!", "Nice! He must be pretty good.", "He really is_comma_ he worked so hard to get his shot better.", "Nice. You must be pretty happy for him. Will you go to his games?" ]
[ "I can not wait to start my new dream job on Monday.", "I am about to start my new job on Monday! I can't wait!", "What job are you starting?", "It's an engineering job at my friends company.", "Do you get a big raise too?", "Yes! And more freedom. it's awesome!" ]
[ "getting the job", "i had a job interview today and i feel really good about it", "you know something worker_1_comma_ everytime you feel good about something_comma_ it always means that you did good! take for example myself_comma_ when i had my job interview i also felt really good about it and guess what? I GOT THE JOB! ", "i feel the same way!", "that's good news indeed! i wish you the best and make sure you work hard! " ]
[ "My father paid for my university tuition. He allows me to save lots of money.", "So lucky to have my dad.", "You certainly are lucky to have a dad_comma_ me too!", "He'", "I wish everyone was that lucky.", "He is paying for my schooling which is very lucky of me." ]
[ "I recently saved money by switching to a different insurance company. I am shocked by the savings.", "I recently saved money by switching to a different insurance company.", "How much did you end up saving?", "I saved over 15 percent each month. I am shocked by the savings.", "That's amazing_comma_ who did you switch too?" ]
[ "My best friend moved to my dream town.", "My best friend moved to my dream town and in a great big house.", "Oh_comma_ wow. Are you happy for him?", "Yes but i am not going to lie. I wish it were me. lol", "Yeah_comma_ we all get jealous sometimes." ]
[ "My friend is borrowing my car tomorrow. I trust that he will take care of it.", "My friend is borrowing my car tomorrow.", "You are a good friend! Are you nervous?", "No_comma_ I trust he will take good care of it.", "Nice. I wish i had more friends like you." ]
[ "waitng for my son to be born", "my son will be born tomorrow morning !", "Congratulations! What will be his name?", "Waldo Geraldo Faldo III", "That is such a manly name if I ever heard one." ]
[ "My dog is having surgery on his leg. I have faith he will recover.", "My dog is having surgery on his leg.", "aww_comma__comma__comma_ poor pupper. what happend?", "He fell off the bed. I have faith he will recover though.", "good vibes going out to your good boy" ]
[ "I recieved an A on my test and i feel smart!", "I feel great! I killed it on my math test.", "AYYY that's great news! was it a calculator test? or a non calculator one/", "Non calculator. i feel smart :)", "who needs a calculator with a brain like that ey? good job that's amazing news" ]
[ "I bought my fiancee a big cake for her birthday and I hope she likes it because I love her so much.", "I bought my fiancee a big cake for her birthday.", "Was she impressed?", "Yes_comma_ she really liked it I think. I just wanted to show how much she meant to me... with a giant cake haha.", "That's a good idea_comma_ maybe take her on a cute date sometime as well?", "Yes_comma_ that's a great idea. I'm going to try to make the dates as cute as possible." ]
[ "My girlfriend left me for another man. It was on christmas.", "Just got dumped by my Girlfriend.", "Ouch! I am sorry to hear that!", "On christmas too_comma_ how could you do that to someone?", "That's just evil_comma_ no matter what the circumstances may be. I'd never do that." ]
[ "Spent a day binge watching shows on netflix", "Spent a day binge watching shows on netflix", "the best thing a human being can do", "yea i was happy to just relax for a day", "yup_comma_ i love doing that what show did you end up watch?" ]
[ "I want to try to eat sushi someday. I am afraid I will get sick though.", "I want to try to eat sushi someday.", "Oh that's funny_comma_ I actually just had it for lunch today. I'd highly recommend it.", "I want to but I am afraid I might get sick.", "I think as long as you go to a trustable place (not a grocery store-style sushi joint) that makes it fresh and right in front of you_comma_ you'll be less likely to get sick (I never have)." ]
[ "I got a lot of vacation time this summer from work_comma_ so I felt good.", "I got a lot of vacation time off from work this summer.", "That must have been so relaxing!", "Yes_comma_ it felt really good. I'm already looking forward to next summer! haha", "I wish summer would never end." ]
[ "I tripped over someone the other day", "I tripped over someone the other day", "oh damn_comma_ what ended up happening after?", "i apologized and wanted to die", "what the what? why it's not such a big deal_comma_ it happens everyday ", "youve never wanted to just fade from existence you were so embarrassed?" ]
[ "My cat got ran over by someone. He sped off like it didn't matter.", "So sad right now_comma_ my poor cat.", "Oh no_comma_ what happened to your cat?", "She got ran over by some rude driver_comma_ she passed away.", "I am so sorry for your loss." ]
[ "My friend is watching my dog for the weekend. I have faith he will take good care of it.", "My friend is watching my dog for the weekend.", "What kind of dog is it?", "A pekingese. I have faith he will take good care of it.", "That's awesome that you have friends that will do that for you." ]
[ "I spilled my tea on my lap today and it looked awful. Like I peed myself.", "I spilled some tea all over my lap today.", "Are you ok. Did you need to go to the hospital?", "No it wasn't that bad or anything like that (thankfully). Just had to look like I peed my pants for a bit.", "I have never spilled a hot drink on myself before. Weird how that happens." ]
[ "I was at a crowded coffee shop last week and decided to to run to the bathroom leaving my macbook behind. I never thought about someone stealing it.", "I was at a crowded coffee shop last week and decided to to run to the bathroom leaving my macbook behind. I never thought about someone stealing it.\\", "Oh no that sounds like a nightmare. Did you get it back?", "Nope. I tried to track it but I think they wiped it.", "Ugh that makes me so angry. I hope the police can help you out in some way.", "No. I tried. No one got murdered so im out of luck." ]
[ "My friend kept pinching me. We were at school that day and he was constantly doing it.", "So annoyed at my friend.", "what did they do?", "He keeps pinching me every morning at school.", "ouch_comma_ that's annoying_comma_ why don't you talk to him about it?" ]
[ "I got a gift from my late uncle. It was a clock.", "Just got the most beautiful gift.", "Oh really? What was it?", "A clock_comma_ from my uncle for my 25th birthday. I feel blessed.", "That's nice. Congratulations on the gift. It's a useful one!" ]
[ "I am going to the beach again this weekend_comma_ so I'm really excited about it.", "I'm going to the beach this weekend!", "Which beach?!", "Myrtle Beach in South Carolina", "You must be excited_comma_ have you been there before?", "Yes_comma_ very much! I went there when I was very young_comma_ but I don't remember much of it." ]
[ "I didn't tip my waitress the othe rnight", "Man. I feel so bad about the othe rnight", "oh? what on earth happend ?", "I went to the bar and got drunk. I forgot to tip my waitress.", "oh that's nothing! i thought it was something serious ", "Yeah I still feel bad though. she did a good job and I did spend a lot of money." ]
[ "I cant wait for red dead redemption 2 to come out", "I cant wait for red dead redemption 2 to come out", "sounds like you really enjoy this game. does is seem promising?", "yea ive been waiting years for the game looks amazing", "to be completely honest with you_comma_ i never played that game. but i hope it will come out soon!" ]
[ "I made the highschool basketball team out of camp. I worked so hard.", "So proud of myself for making that team.", "oh what team? that's some very good news man! good job!", "My highschool basketball squad! Thank you very much.", "i love playing basketball_comma_ especially cause i have the height advantage too " ]
[ "I had to take my dog to be put to sleep a few days ago. I was so hurt having to do that.", "I had to take my dog to be put to sleep a few days ago.", "is he okay? why did you have to do that? is he awake now?", "No_comma_ he is dead. He was really old and suffering. I was so hurt having to do that.", "that is so sad" ]
[ "A co-worker just got a big raise and he does about only half the work I do.", "I was surprised a co-worker of mine just got a raise! He doesn't do much work at all...", "Uh ohhh. When is it gonna be your turn?!", "That's what I am wondering! Just a bit miffed about it. I think I do twice the work.", "Wonder if it would help if I call your boss and tell him to give you a raise?", "It might be a worth a shot to do that and stand my ground on my next contract renewal time.", "I will write him a strongly worded letter!", "Haha thank you for that!", "Hey we gotta get you some money somehow!" ]
[ "I saw my 3 year old nephew yesterday for the first time in awhile", "I saw my 3 year old nephew yesterday", "Oh that's nice! How did that go?", "It went awesome! I haven't seen him in forever and we played all day!", "That's great! I bet he had a lot of fun too!", "Yeah! Because of my work schedule I don't see him that much. It's been awhile but we had a blast! " ]
[ "I went to the Olive Garden for dinner tonight. I was pleased with the meal.", "I went to the Olive Garden for dinner tonight.", "did you have fun? what did you eat? ", "I had the chicken alfredo. It was somewhat fun. I was pleased with my meal.", "eating outside every once in a while can always be needed to change your mood _comma_ glad you had fun!" ]
[ "My friend won an award i was also going for", "My friend won an award i was also going for", "omg that's such an amazing news! good job! what is your next goal", "i said my friend won it", "oh my apologies_comma_ i misread that one_comma_ are you proud and happy for him?", "i am but also a bit envious" ]
[ "I got caught stealing out of a donation box. I am so ashamed for doing so.", "I got caught stealing out of a donation box.", "WHAT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ", "I really liked that kind of soup. I am so ashamed for doing so.", "you better be! i hope you learned your lesson though_comma_ we all make mistakes but we need to learn from them " ]
[ "The college football season starts today. I can't wait to watch some games.", "The college football season starts today!", "oh really? Im not the biggest football fan", "I can't wait to watch some games!", "sounds like a fun time sports can get intense" ]
[ "After weeks of studying im ready for my math test", "After weeks of studying im ready for my math test", "I hope you do well on it.", "i think im prepared enough", "Give it all of your best." ]
[ "I think the aliens landed in my backyard", "I heard a loud crash in my backyard!!", "what what happend next? what was it? did you decide too explore this further?", "I looked out my back door and I think it's the aliens! Too scared to go look. It looks like a big ship.", "omg that sounds so adventurous_comma_ if i were you i'd ask them to take me where ever they are going_comma_ cause damn anything is better than this place were living ay? ", "Yeah kinda. I don't think they're going anywhere now since they crashed back there. Maybe I'll go back there and see. Dunno though. i'm scared" ]
[ "I just went cliff diving and I didn't even get nervous.", "I just went cliff diving recently.", "i love cliff diving_comma_ was it your first experience ? and if so how did you find it", "Yes_comma_ first time. I wasn't even nervous actually. I surprised myself. It was a lot of fun.", "wow that's amazing man_comma_ first time for me was so amazing too and are you planning to go again?", "Yes_comma_ I definitely want to do it again. It was such an awesome rush!" ]
[ "My friend got the job promotion I was supposed to get. I am so envious of him.", "My friend got the job promotion I was supposed to get.", "oh damn_comma_ that sucks so much_comma_ i am sorry_comma_ but if he is your good friend you should be happy for him_comma_ maybe something better awaits you", "I guess so_comma_ but I am so envious of him.", "i know you are_comma_ and it takes a lot of practice to remove this feeling_comma_ but it's a bad feeling to have and you should look for other chances" ]
[ "I have to take the bar exam next week. I am sure I will excel at it.", "I have to take the bar exam next week.", "That can be daunting. I hope you are prepared.", "I certainly am. I am sure I will excel at it.", "That will be great. Soon we will be able to call you Attorney At Law. It's so exciting." ]
[ "My youngest niece will be 17 soon. I find myself thinking back to when she was little and I just get teary eyed.", "My youngest niece will be 17 soon. I find myself thinking back to when she was little and I just get teary eyed.", "Yeah_comma_ kids grow up so fast these days.", "All those little moments just come to mind and I get so emotional.", "I don't like thinking about the past for that very reason." ]
[ "I have to make a six layer bean dip later today. I am so ready to do it.", "I have to make a six layer bean dip later today.", "are you excited for this?", "Not really but I am so ready to do it.", "you should be more confident in your abilities! i am sure you'll make an amazing bean dip" ]
[ "My nephew made the football team! ", "My nephew joined the football team this year", "How exciting? What position will he be playing?", "Not sure yet they haven't told him. I can't wait to go to one of his games and watch him play though", "That is always so much fun_comma_ and the kids love having people there to watch them. ", "Yeah! He's pretty darn good at it. I hope they give him a good position. ", "Me too_comma_ and good luck to him.", "Hey thank you! :D" ]
[ "My first day of work begins on Monday and I feel like I am ready.", "I will begin my first day of work on Monday and I think I'm ready for it.", "that's good_comma_ the first week is always the hardest_comma_ but it get's easier and funnier as time goes by", "Yes_comma_ you are right. That is what I am hoping it will go like. Fingers crossed.", "best of luck to you! i hope everything goes well " ]
[ "My dog died and I was just heartbroken. I got her when she was a puppy and she lived to be 20 years old.", "My dog died and I was just heartbroken. I got her when she was a puppy and she lived to be 20 years old.", "aww_comma_ i am so sorry for your lost_comma_ i know this is a very hard time for you", "She truly was an amazing dog. She followed me everywhere_comma_ I should have named her Shadow.", "i am sorry again_comma_ what are you hoping to do now? " ]
[ "I got a ticket earlier for driving 1 mile over the speed limit. I was so angry about it.", "I got a ticket earlier for driving 1 mile over the speed limit.", "were you in a hurry to be somewhere?", "No_comma_ I was just going at my normal pace. I was so angry getting that ticket.", "hmmm but why did you go 1 mile over/" ]
[ "I remember when gas was only a dollar a gallon. Those were the good old days.", "I remember when gas was only a dollar a gallon.", "Wow_comma_ how long ago was that? I wish it still was.", "It was about 25 years ago. Those were the good old days.", "I'd definitely agree to that. Better times." ]
[ "I got a retro video game system the other day and it really reminded me of my childhood.", "I got a retro video game system the other day.", "Oh cool! Which one did you get?", "It was a Super Nintendo Mini. It really took me back to my childhood days.", "Wow_comma_ I just got the NES one. They are so nostalgic." ]
[ "I wanted to do something to show my Mom some love so I made her a dinner of all of her favorites. I made extras for the freezer so she would be able to enjoy them again.", "I wanted to do something to show my Mom some love so I made her a dinner of all of her favorites. I made extras for the freezer so she would be able to enjoy them again.", "aww that's so sweet of you to do_comma_ did she enjoy that?", "She was thrilled. It was just a small gesture to show her that she is loved.", "even the smallest things can make the biggest different in the world! she is lucky to have a person like you" ]
[ "I remember singing in the choir as a child. It takes me back to a special time.", "I remember singing in the choir as a child.", "i did also . it was fun", "It takes me back to a special time.", "yes. the good ol days" ]
[ "ready for the test", "i have an exam tomorrow but i know i will do well!", "That is the confidence to have!", "i agree!", "I hope you ace that test!" ]
[ "First day of school started out pretty good but then got sort of tough for me. I had a bad class in particular.", "School started off with a real bang for me this week. Ugghhh.", "oh really? care to tell me what on earth happend?", "I was given a lecture to my morning class and when the class was over a student came up to me to tell me my pants were unzipped.", "oh damn_comma_ that's an embarrassing one_comma_ tired morning? it's fine these things happend" ]
[ "I'm going to see a film tonight and I am really crossing my fingers its good.", "I'm going to see a film tonight at the cinema.", "oh really? what movie?", "I think it's called the Happytime Murders. Some murder mystery/comedy with puppets.", "that sounds so fun ! love murder and comedy_comma_ sounds like you're going to have a blast" ]
[ "Didn't do anything this weekend but stay at home by myself", "This weekend is so boring so far", "yeah? nothing interesting happend whatsoever? why not make it exciting yourself?", "Just nothing to do and no one to do it with. I'm just sitting around at home.", "damn_comma_ any plans for next week?", "Nothing yet. Maybe I'll call a friend or something. " ]
[ "I tried to buy a newspaper this morning but it was sold out. I am so upset I couldn't get one.", "I tried to buy a newspaper this morning but it was sold out.", "buying newspaper? 21st century? sold out? whatt that's a first for me_comma_ here they practically give it away for free and we still have many more left_comma_ maybe you can use your phone or tablet to view it? ", "It has special coupons in it. I am so upset I couldn't get one.", "oh man_comma_ don't worry if you google free coupoins there are bunch! that's what i do" ]
[ "I was so let down by a film I watched recently.", "I was so let down by a film I watched.", "ah the good ol high hopes go watch a movie come out disappointed_comma_ i totally get ya man_comma_ what movie? ", "It was called The Meg. It was alright_comma_ but not as fun as I was expecting. A bit by-the-numbers for me.", "oh yes! the meg_comma_ my colleague from work was disapointed beyond repair_comma_ he was telling us all not to watch it_comma_ i guess in a sense i am lucky" ]
[ "Saturday morning and its a great day to be alive! I am anxious for what today has to bring me.", "It's a wonderful Saturday morning and I am so anxious to see what today has to offer!", "I think that's a wonderful attitude to have!", "Thank you_comma_ I am starting the day fishing and I am hopeful that the fish are biting.", "I hope they are as well. I do love some fishing." ]
[ "I went into the bathroom and saw that my roommate had forgotten to flush the toilet.", "I went to the bathroom and walked in to a horror show.", "Oh my_comma_ what did you see? A mess I presume?", "Yes_comma_ my roomie had used the toilet and neglected to flush.", "Oh no that is definitely something you don't want to be surprised by." ]
[ "I came home and my goldfish have died", "Man something bad happened yesterday", "what happend? tell me", "I came home from work and my fish was dead", "that's sad news_comma_ i am sorry for this news you must have been extra drained after coming back from work from that news", "Yeah. It was very awful coming home to that. I've had that fish for 37 years and he was my friend." ]
[ "seeing stefan had died made me sad and yearn for the old days", "seeing stefan had died made me sad and yearn for the old days", "I'm sorry_comma_ who was Stefan?", "he played the villain in Lazy town a strange TV show for kids in america", "Oh okay_comma_ now I know. Yeah that was tragic." ]
[ "I saw a cook today not wash his hands after using the restroom. It was so nasty to see.", "I saw a cook today not wash his hands after using the restroom.", "yikes that pretty bad", "It was really nasty to see. I hope no one got sick.", "yea i know what you mean" ]
[ "home break in", "i got home from running errands today to find someone broke in and took my tv and laptop ", "Oh no that is horrible! Did you call the police?", "yes i did. i just got both the tv and the laptop ", "That's good. I'm sorry that terrible thing happened to you." ]
[ "I have a dentist appointment this week. I always get so nervous.", "I have a dentist appointment coming this week", "oh man. i dont like the dentist . is it a normal cleaning and check up or something more?", "Just a check up_comma_ but more if needed. I am always nervous when that time rolls around.", "i would be too!" ]
[ "I'm going to be getting a waxing this week. I'm scared.", "I'm going to get my body waxed this week. ", "well_comma_ that sounds good_comma_ hopefully there won't be a lot of pain.", "Yeah I am a bit nervous about the pain part.", "it'll be fine. don't worry." ]
[ "I urinated on myself in walmart", "One time I was in walmart and peed on myself", "why did you do that? wasn't there a toilet or something?", "Yeah! I was going there but it was busy during black friday. I just couldn't hold it anymore! Everyone saw my wet pants!!!", "that must've been embarrassing. you should've went to the toilet.", "I was trying. There was a line. I should have just peed outside. LOL" ]
[ "Well_comma_ I think my marriage is over. I came home to find my wife in bed with another man.", "A wonderful night of drinking with friends ended terribly.", "oh what went wrong?", "Came home to find my wife in bed with another man from the bar.", "thats a fuckin bummer_comma_ hope you left her" ]
[ "My friend said he might be able to help me move", "My friend said he might be able to help me move", "It's always great to have friends that are willing to help out when you need them the most.", "yea im hoping he can come through for me", "When are you expecting to move?" ]
[ "Someone tried to break into my house last week! I was so scared.", "Someone tried to break into my house last week when I was home!", "thats sounds horrifying", "Yeah it sure was. I was so scared I didn't know what to do.", "hopefully nothing too bad happened" ]
[ "my friend cancelled on me last minute", "my friend cancelled on me last minute", "Ah that sucks. Did they have a good reason to do so?", "not really i was quite sad", "Yes I would be too. I'd let my friend know that I don't appreciate being treated that way." ]
[ "I drank all of my best friend's beer and didn't tell him. Feels bad man.", "I drank all of my best friend's beer and didn't tell him.", "Were you able to replace it before he found out?", "He hasn't figured it out yet. I could still do that I suppose_comma_ before he realizes it.", "I think that would be the best option. Nothing worse to be thirsty and have your taste buds set on something and it's not there." ]
[ "My family and friends can always count on me to be there. As a Taurus_comma_ loyalty is the #1 priority for me.", "I am a very dedicated member of my family which sometimes can be a bit much to handle.", "Ah yes_comma_ do other members cause some trouble for you?", "Not so much trouble. They stay into trouble and run to me to bail them out. However_comma_ they don't know how to reciprocate.", "That is indeed frustrating. A little appreciation and recognition is what they need to give you I think.", "I definitely think so. I'm not sure that they will ever get it. Being there for me is just a part of my nature." ]
[ "when my food wasnt cooked right", "i had to send my food back tonight at the restaurant. we were at my favorite restaurant ", "why did you have to send it back? what happend", "i am normally not picky with mistakes on my food_comma__comma__comma_but i ordered a chicken sandwch and the chicken was still very pink/ red in the middle", "good thing you returned it! rare or whatever they call it meat is actually very dangerous for you espcially coming from a restaurant good thing you did that!" ]
[ "someone drank the final energy drink", "there was only one monster drink left_comma_ i wanted to get it instead my sister got it! and i feel so envious and angry!", "not cool! i love monsters! i hate when my girlfriend takes the last one", "thankfully my fiance doesn't like monster that much", "that is good to hear!" ]
[ "My new printer gets on my nerves so bad", "You know what really grinds my gears?", "What's that?", "My new printer! I just bought it and it's giving me all kinds of problems already!", "What kind is it? I have a bad one too by the way.", "It's an HP laserjet or something like that. I can't get it to work and it's very frustrating." ]
[ "Headed off to a fishing tournament today. I believe I will win this tournament today.", "I have a fishing tournament today which I am pretty certain I will win.", "Are you going to be on the news when you win??", "I certainly hope so_comma_ that would be awesome!", "Yeah! When you win I get first crack at your autograph!" ]
[ "I'm so happy. I had a great lunch at a new sushi place downtown.", "I'm feeling very happy right now.", "thats nice to hear", "Reason is I found a great new sushi restaurant downtown.", "oh really? I just had some myself today_comma_ love sushi" ]
[ "my cat vomited on my rug the other day", "my cat vomited on my rug the other day", "That sounds like it was a gross situation. I bet it has hard to clean.", "yea i was sick over it_comma_ very sad", "It can always happen with pets and it is a drag to clean_comma_ I know. My dog has done it more than once." ]
[ "i had to wait a day for test results last week", "i had to wait a day for test results last week", "How did you do on your test? Did you find out?", "not too bad_comma_ was scared i failed tho", "What course did you test for?" ]
[ "My wife and I are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. We have always been good and honest to each other.", "My wife and I are celebrating 15 years of marriage today.", "thats awesome good for you", "Thanks. We have been very committed to our wedding vows since day one.", "im glad thats the case" ]
[ "got the wrong order", "i ordered the tshirt i always wanted from my favorite band. but they sent the wrong size", "oh god that's annoying_comma_ the same thing happned to me for my iphone case_comma_ they got me the smaller one isntead of the normal big size one_comma_ so annoyed", "yeah the shirt was a kids size. i contacted the company and they are out of my size but will send me my size plus money back", "ayyy that's a win isn't it? but still annoying but at least you getting it for free now" ]
[ "for the next few weeks", "i am so looking forward to the next few weeks of relaxing and chilling_comma_ and i am hopeful that my mental state will be moe stable when ige tback", "sounds like youre going on vacation!", "i am ! and i am looking forward to it!", "where are you going? i haven't taken a vacation in a long time" ]
[ "old food i haven't had in a long time_comma_ brought back so many memories", "today my grandma made her favourite soup and when i tasted it_comma_ it brought back so many memories! ", "grandma's food always brings back memories_comma_ for some reasons they taste very nostalgic.", "i know right! it took me back to my childhood_comma_ when i played football outside with my friends_comma_ good ol times_comma_ easy and beautiful", "it was so simple back then right? not having to worry about anything but enjoying life." ]