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  1. eCQM-Code-Value-Semantic-Set.csv +8 -0
eCQM-Code-Value-Semantic-Set.csv ADDED
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+ Code System,Code,Description,QDM Category,Value Set Name,Value Set OID,Purpose: Clinical Focus,Code System OID
+ SNOMEDCT,183452005,Emergency hospital admission (procedure),Encounter,Encounter Inpatient,2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.307,The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts of inpatient hospitalization encounters.,2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
+ SNOMEDCT,32485007,Hospital admission (procedure),Encounter,Encounter Inpatient,2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.307,The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts of inpatient hospitalization encounters.,2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
+ SNOMEDCT,8715000,"Hospital admission, elective (procedure)",Encounter,Encounter Inpatient,2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.307,The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts of inpatient hospitalization encounters.,2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
+ CDCREC,2135-2,Hispanic or Latino,Individual Characteristic,Ethnicity,2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.837,,2.16.840.1.113883.6.238
+ CDCREC,2186-5,Not Hispanic or Latino,Individual Characteristic,Ethnicity,2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.837,,2.16.840.1.113883.6.238
+ CPT,99377,"Supervision of a hospice patient (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular development and/or revision of care plans by that individual, review of subsequent reports of patient status, review of related laboratory and other studies, communication (including telephone calls) for purposes of assessment or care decisions with health care professional(s), family member(s), surrogate decision maker(s) (eg, legal guardian) and/or key caregiver(s) involved in patient's care, integration of new information into the medical treatment plan and/or adjustment of medical therapy, within a calendar month; 15-29 minutes",Intervention,Hospice Care Ambulatory,2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1584,The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts of interventions to identify patients receiving hospice care outside of a hospital or long term care facility.,2.16.840.1.113883.6.12
+ CPT,99378,"Supervision of a hospice patient (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular development and/or revision of care plans by that individual, review of subsequent reports of patient status, review of related laboratory and other studies, communication (including telephone calls) for purposes of assessment or care decisions with health care professional(s), family member(s), surrogate decision maker(s) (eg, legal guardian) and/or key caregiver(s) involved in patient's care, integration of new information into the medical treatment plan and/or adjustment of medical therapy, within a calendar month; 30 minutes or more",Intervention,Hospice Care Ambulatory,2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1584,The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts of interventions to identify patients receiving hospice care outside of a hospital or long term care facility.,2.16.840.1.113883.6.12