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brand | Otherwise, he will not dish out any damage. At level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. |
diana | Diana should be able to one-shot enemies with ease from now on. Her main goal will be to fight around clumped areas to get a multi-man Ultimate R on the enemy team. |
diana | This allows her to quickly get a Flash from the enemy champions' side. Diana's Ultimate R will make her quite dangerous in fights around choke points. |
ryze | If Ryze is in front, hide in high traffic areas and try to blow up enemy champions. Ryze is excellent at the end of the game because he can completely take over the game with his total damage combo and his passive. |
sona | Using Sona Ultimate R will allow her team to look for an all-in-one or win a skirmish on a goal. Sona was very squishy in the early game, making her pretty disposable and easy to put back. |
twistedfate | Twisted Fate's gold CC card should allow him to bring it in and make lines in advance quickly. His first element will allow him to spam his abilities and flatten a lot of damage quickly. |
malphite | Make sure to focus on taking Dragons for your team. After ruining the lower lane and turning immediately, you can take the first Dragon. |
seraphine | Do not rely on them to save yourself or the life of your ADC. Use your Q & E to target both enemies and minions simultaneously to use your mana effectively. |
ezreal | ezreal can use his E to avoid follow-up CC abilities if he gets hit by the initial CC ability ezreal's E provides a safety net, allowing him to quickly recover from unfavorable situations |
irelia | Aim to avoid fighting too close together as this would allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people. Proximity between the players and Irelia should be kept low. |
shen | Shen's E makes it difficult for him to obtain this ability from a clear vision. Shen's potential can be hampered by her E. |
gwen | An early lead for Gwen gives her the advantage to apply pressure against the enemy team's champion. Gwen should fight whoever on the enemy team tries to stop her and take control of the lane. |
braum | The longer the game goes the tankier Braum gets and the stronger his ADC gets too. Try and set Braum behind in the early game to make it harder for him to peel for his ADC as the game goes along. |
ryze | Roaming during this phase would be a problem. The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his enemies. |
leesin | Your main goal during the fighting will be to achieve the highest priority enemy target Moving this enemy target to your team with your Ultimate k is the key. |
ashe | Always keeping your Q charged up is essential. Your Q can come in handy at any moment. |
ezreal | This is good for him as he will be able to continue to poke and harass the enemy before a team fight occurs. Ezreal's E will be on a short cooldown which allows him to escape skirmishes easily. |
pantheon | Pantheon loses most level 6 all-ins against champions with strong damaging Ultimates. This will make his level 6 power spike much weaker compared to many champions. |
ekko | This is a good strategy for taking out enemy champions who are not expecting you. During the mid-game, Ekko will have completed multiple items. |
gwen | Gwen will be split pushing in the mid-game. You can use numbers advantage to take her down or start a team fight on her team while she is elsewhere on the map. |
shen | In this way, even if he reaches everything in you, he will die. A champion named Shen was able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with his W capability. |
drmundo | Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early to unlock his Ultimate m. When Dr Mundo has his Ultimate R, he will look to gank as often as possible because his Ultimate provides a lot of trading power. |
qiyana | Stand outside of the minion wave at all times to avoid being pushed and poked by Qiyana However, do not stand near a wall so you cannot get Ult R'd into it by Qiyana |
diana | Diana’s objective control is good and she can secure objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald without any help. Try to keep them warded or ideally take them before she can to reduce her overall effectiveness. |
caitlyn | When Caitlyn places her W, you can hear the in-game audio. |
malzahar | When he reaches level 6, his death pressure in the way increases. Expect that he frequently looks for aggressive parts with his Ultimate R. |
sylas | Look at the flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with her E to get on the harnesses. Make sure that no one on your team is standing too far forward or out of position as it can allow Sylas to remove them from |
neeko | Do not just stay mid if you cannot get anything done. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easier. |
kled | It'll give him a huge whip, and he'll kill people in an instant. It will be quite the peak of power for him. |
blitzcrank | If Blitzcrank is nowhere to be seen, you might find him on your flank trying to get a good Hook b. You should have vision near you when sieging objectives to watch for Blitzcrank's whereabouts. |
zilean | More items will allow zilean to easily defeat enemies. Cutting enemies with more items will make it easier for the Zilean. |
zilean | Zilean=S' ultimate ability has an abusive cooldown that allows aggressive play during its duration. The player decided to bait his first Q. |
bard | Focus more on roaming and impacting the map with your Ultimate R and E when you reach this stage. Deep warding, keep your E ready to escape out of any sticky situations. |
zac | Once you get your first item, you should be able to extend the duration of your fights. Make sure you keep the river safe because you will be ruined differently. |
aphelios | Aphelios is a strong team-fighting champion who should group with his team and play as 5. At this stage of the game, Aphelios can effectively melt tanks if he watches his positioning and doesn't get caught out. |
orianna | Orianna isn’t the strongest laner. She has a lot of poke early on thanks to her q and w. |
swain | Swain has strong team combat prowess at the end of the game. Swain can immediately kill the enemy team if he manages to catch them near a choke point. |
twitch | AP Support Twitch has power peaks similar to ADC Twitch. Keep this in mind, especially around the level power peaks. |
sion | Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This increases its damage, and its team combat potential will be respectable enough now. |
nasus | Nasus uses its capabilities to control enemy movements and perform targeted damage. Nasus will have a massive amount of batteries during this phase of the game. |
kayle | Once you've leveled up enough, you can start using your Ultimate R to take more risks and be more aggressive. Kayle is weak early on; hence she will have to depend on her Q for most of her poke and farming in the lane. This is the phase that needs to be played very carefully by Kayle. |
swain | Swain is easy to kill early if it's too wide. Invest in a form of healing reduction to facilitate early killing. |
tryndamere | Trendamere needs a lot of gold and XP to transport solo in the later parts of the game. Every time his Ultimate e is broken, he is very vulnerable. |
renata | She is not strong in the early game. |
neeko | Her ultimate will reduce its cooldown as well. She will now have core items to deal a lot of damage. |
missfortune | If you kill a key target, you could call Baron. Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate, she can easily resume team fighting and disrupt them. |
xinzhao | Do not ignore Xin during team fights. Concentrate him when Xin fights as a team. |
malphite | Depending on the construction he chooses, Malphite can either destroy enemies on the entire map, or provide a reliable front line to his allies. Malphite's main goal is to enter the enemy rear line and separate the front and rear lines. |
kayle | You'll need to be more strategic when trying to fight Kayle from now on. relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries |
yasuo | Because of its finished articles and its ability to get out quickly, Yasuo will make a plethora of damage in a short period of time. The enemy team might as well lose if Yasuo succeeds in moving forward. |
rell | Well's ultimate causes her to create a circle around herself which pulls nearby enemies inwards and deals damage to them. The combo also works well if you're dismounted just starting with E and W at the same time. |
taliyah | This can provide a lot of utility in choking points. The Ultimate R will give the talijah traction to easily land its C. |
shen | The ultimate ability makes for amazing plays. Shen has very good base damage. |
rammus | The ability that grants Ultimate 2 will enable Rammus and his team to get a lot of kills during skirmishes. The first item component will bolster Rammus' survivability. |
leona | To defeat Leona, focus on Level 2 before she does. |
jax | As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives. |
brand | Try to make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze. Blaze deals more damage to the enemy. |
tahmkench | Tahm's early play is rather weak. Mistreat this to get an early advance. |
jax | Once you get your core items, focus on ganking all around the map. Ganking pushed-up enemy lanes is a key strategy. |
gwen | If Gwen uses her Q without multiple stacks, the damage will be futile. Gwen's W ability does not block tower shots but increases her defensive stats. |
braum | Group but do not stand super close together. The longer the game goes the tankier Braum gets and the stronger his ADC gets too. |
naafiri | Gank the lower track Rotate to Drake. |
seraphine | Once Seraphine has finished her first article, her Q damage will increase and her threat to kill too. Being hit by Seraphine's Q will be detrimental. |
aphelios | The enemy team will look to fight Aphelios when his Ultimate R is down, so be very careful about initiating a fight during this time. Focus on farming early on in order to acquire your first item as soon as possible. |
morgana | Parting slightly makes the task much more difficult for her to CC your entire team. Morgana is a good early play jungle. |
samira | The closer Samira Style points are to the S row, the more mobile it will be in the game and will inflict more damage. After reaching position 6, Samira cannot use its Ultimate capability unless its Style points reach maximum. |
nasus | Avoid fighting until you have a few levels behind you. Once you have an article and some levels under your belt, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy. |
shyvana | Shyvana should focus on agriculture and reach level 6 as quickly as possible. When Shyvana takes his first element, he will allow him to clean the camps quickly. |
nami | This will put you and your carry in the centre of the map for easy sieging and will allow two strong champions to quickly roam to fights and objectives. When engaging start the fight with your ultimate into a queue on something important before pealing for your team. |
pantheon | Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder. |
twitch | Twitch's level 6 capabilities allow it to excel in major battles. Twitch's Level 6 capabilities allow it to take control of early play with ease. |
kassadin | Barging into team fights with high damage potential makes it difficult for the enemy team to counterattack effectively. |
galio | Galio's team can benefit from his frequent assistance. Galio's core items are at this point. |
janna | Move to the mid lane and either stick with your ADC in the mid lane or hug your Mid laner's hand to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tier 1. Place vision around nearby lanes and objectives. |
ezreal | The enemy has time to go in if you waste your E. Buffering your E can be extremely difficult against certain champions. |
skarner | The first element will allow Skarner to quickly clear its camps. This will also increase Skarner's chances of winning 1v1s with enemy Jungler. |
lillia | Lillia is great against tanky champions because she can deal a lot of damage quickly. She struggles against high damage junglers who can easily destroy her. A good build order for Lilia starts with Blue Monster and Pot into Aliyanthries and Tier 2 Boots. After that, a Rift Maker into Crystal Scepter are great pickups before finishing the build. |
karthus | At this stage of the game, Karthus would've maxed his first and second abilities. His damage output in team fights will be very high. |
lux | Play safe for the first levels while landing poke on the enemy with your l. Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. |
udyr | Once Udyr has the Trinity Force, it will be difficult to get him down alone. Team up with one or two buddies to make Udyr's murder easier when he has Trinity Force. |
teemo | This will allow you to detect your enemies. Traps can be used to steal neutral targets with ease. |
milio | A player should not get too far away from his allies at any given time. Getting caught can allow the enemy to take a close goal like Baron, Dragon, a trick or win a 5v4. |
leona | When Leona is wasting her Zenith Blade, it's an opportunity to get away from your ADC safely. You can poke or reposition safely while Leona uses her Zenith Blade. |
zyra | This can lead to your most likely result if the enemy follows you after you lock. Missing E puts you in a very vulnerable position. |
graves | A high level for Graves will help him bolster his overall burst damage when fighting with enemies. Graves will be able to clear minions very quickly with a high level of his ability. |
renekton | If Renekton fights without his Fury or uses the wrong empowered ability, it can result in a lost trade. Avoid using your empowered e whenever possible. |
sett | Level six is a massive power peak because it allows Sett to take an enemy and separate them from the team. He's gonna want to supplant an enemy tanky in the enemy team, though. |
ezreal | the scaling of ezreal is also dependent on the fact that he is very skill shot heavy and will need to land his Qs on the enemy in order to be effective. buffering ezreal's E won't work too well if the enemy has some form of ranged CC which they can use to follow-up on ezreal after he has used his E. |
ryze | Ryze's weakness is quite astounding at the beginning of the game. He should make sure that he plays safely and that he is careful. |
senna | The middle of the ability also shields all allies. A great trick is to drop a ward and target it with Q to extend the range. |
karma | Team fights will be really useful with Karma due to her d. Karma will have two of her abilities maxed out at level 13, giving her a huge damage boost. |
kaisa | Kai'Sa's Passive works in extended trades because she can get more gold and experience. Try to keep trades short so that Kai'Sa's Passive can't be activated on you. |
leesin | If a target is an ally they both gain a shield and the cooldown is halved. The second activation causes him to gain lifesteal and spell vamp for 4 seconds. |
karthus | Using your Ultimate ability regularly ensures you can help your teammates. You should use your e in clumped fights to win. |
viego | You should apply as much pressure as possible to match his first ganks. Viego can steal the lives of his enemies that allow him to escape danger. |
zyra | Adjust your game style to be more defensive and play safer during this phase of the game. Avoid detaching from your ADC when the capacity of Zyra (Grasping Roots) is increasing, as it can interrupt your W (You and Me!). |
gragas | Once Gragas manages to get to level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate R. Gragas will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. |
sett | In the later parts of the game, you should play around your Ultimate R. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place. |
twitch | Place Vision Buy control rooms to help your team locate Twitch before it is capable of gank and getting killed. |
briar | Your Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage in the late game. |