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Its ability to impact team fighting is really high. His AoE abilities allow him to shoot down several enemies at once.
When he unlocks his Ultimate at level 6, his death pressure becomes much more intense. You should keep this in mind when playing against Akshan and avoid staying on track when health is weak.
It is recommended that if assistance is needed, ask your allies for help in order to take objectives together Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease.
Predictable gank patterns by Fiddlesticks before item level 6 can be easily avoided with wards in the river. Rek'Sai's good counter ganks can punish an immobile Fiddlesticks if he attempts a gank.
Your champion is weak at the beginning of the game. Avoid fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you.
Liabilities allows Yasuo to reach this state quickly. Once Yasuo reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, its death pressure increases.
Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron. In the late game, Diana should be near full build.
Your E will be pivotal for fighting during this phase of the game. Always try to flank the enemy and get killed on the back.
When Vex has finished his Mythic article, his free wave and his poke in the way will be devastating. Vex will stay out of the wave of minions.
Post 6 should avoid fighting khazix at any cost because it is much stronger with its Ultimate and will easily kill you. It's going to get gloved much earlier, so make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks.
His damage output will be pretty high as well. Galio's Ultimate R will still be handy during fights due to its knockup and low cooldown.
The monkey is strongly thwarted by an appropriate vision placement, especially during the start of the game. This will prevent him from moving and keep the solitary man safe against him.
dodge incoming damage and escape ganks easily. At level 6, Fizz gains access to his Ultimate R which is a great tool at all stages of the game.
When combined with its Ultimate I, its enemy can be baited to attack the clone CC the enemy/champion team that attacked him.
Once his E capability is broken, the enemy can easily do everything inside him and insure a murder on her. xayah is very vulnerable when its Ultimate R (capacity) is broken.
This is especially true when your Jungler tries to take the Rift Herald or invades the enemy jungle. In a team fight, aim to isolate an enemy from their team members.
Ward around correctly before doing anything. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should have a lot more effectiveness in dueling enemies.
Although, its early game damage is pretty good at level 1 and 2. When he unlocks his Ultimate at level 6, his death pressure becomes much more intense.
Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game. it will allow it to survive longer during its fighting and to play the role of the disruptor very effectively.
Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion. Darius is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate e is an execute. Do not fight him post 6 unless his Ultimate e is down.
Gwen will be very strong when she has her Passive stacked. Think twice before committing to an all-in or 1v1 against Gwen when you see her fully stacked.
Any still enemy will be very dangerous now. Warwick will do a lot of damage while being extremely tanky with her.
Staying with your own team at all times prevents you from getting caught alone. Moving around the map increases the risk of being taken out, which gives a 4v5 advantage to the enemy.
But her Ultimate ability does offer a lot of roaming potential. As soon as Quinn hits level 6 and goes missing, communicate with your team so they know she is left lane.
If facing towards Cassiopeia at level 6, her Ultimate R will only stun you. It is recommended to turn yourself around after using abilities and try to put yourself in her shoes, and think of when you would use it if you were her.
Stick with your team in the late game. Avoiding splitting up or walking away from your team is crucial.
It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. Look for selections in the middle of the game.
Hide in the brushes and wait for the enemies to show up near the brush in which you hide. Your Q will easily take care of enemies if the brush is not rewarded.
Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to blow up your opposition regularly. Look for selections all around the map and keep track of the recently completed fighting.
Keep this in mind and beware of heimerdinger’s empowered abilities. Try to team fight in the open to prevent Heimerdinger from using his empowered E stun entire team.
Kled was able to destroy his enemy in dealing with his Qs and Es, but the details of how this happened are not clear. At level 6, Kled obtained access to his Ultimate R, which allowed him to access all the corridors in different lanes. He also made surprise visits to the bot track.
Avoid getting caught playing against Shen. Avoid leaving Shen Flash E on anyone.
Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain a health or kill lead. In the early game, keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map.
As soon as you touch level 6, use your Ultimate capability on the minion wave. Use your ultimate ability to keep the minion wave pushed into the enemy tower.
Although you will suffer a considerable amount of damage, it will be harder for you to shoot targets like the enemy team would have started collecting defensive objects. At level 16, Zyra will put the last point in his Ultimate R.
Try to lure that ability and play aggressive while it's on cooldown. When Lulu gets his Ultimate R, his survival increases a lot.
In some matchups you’ll need to just focus on farming and surviving. Gangplank's level 6 is a good powerspike for him in this lane, especially if Gankplank has been pushed in the entire time.
You will be extremely tanky at this stage of the game, so you can tank a lot of damage for your team. Keep looking for choices with your Ultimate at the end of the game.
This will allow you to kill multiple targets with your Ultimate h, especially in intertwined fighting. Malphite will have several elements during this stage of the game.
Your goal early is to keep poking them down. Try to avoid going for extended trades as they will often win those.
Try to blow Lillia up as quickly as possible in a team fight so she can't use her Ultimate R to sleep your entire team. Keep an eye on where Lillia moves around the river and sitting targets like the Baron or the Dragon as she can use her E to inflict some brilliant damage to you and your team.
After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Your bot lane's position was in the mid lane.
Fighting in the jungle can bring you together, allowing Seraphine to get another good Ultimate Roff. Try to fight in the open and separate slightly to avoid being CC'd by Seraphine.
This could lead to a situation where she is forced to take risks and get caught by other players. You can take advantage of this opportunity to set up your Jungler.
Getting caught alone will cause the team to be disadvantaged by 4v5. An attempt should be made to establish guard locations only when the enemy location is known.
You should regroup with your team when you are not able to achieve other goals alone. When doing a team fight, make sure to peel for your carts.
This will also force him to use his Ultimate y or e to grow with- from which you can profit. Kog'Maw is weak at the beginning of the game.
Trundle is inclined to disengage and everything. In difficult matches, it will be impossible for him to do a lot without ganks. If Trundle falls behind early after a bad game, he will really be behind in gold and XP.
After remembering, Twitch can sneak into the track with his s.
Once Volibear reaches Level 3, it can look for a favorable trade when all three of its core capabilities are on the rise. Expect Volibear to play aggressively right now.
Team fights will be a breeze for him from now on. His ability to make team fights unfair due to his pick potential will be quite apparent during this game phase.
Ezreal is harder to kill with the cooldown of his E activated. Ezreal should attempt to abuse the cooldown of his E whenever possible.
Avoid letting him force you to remember otherwise he can take your turn easily with his passive self-attack and self-auto-self-friendly. Ziggs has a huge wave release potential with a lot of poke built in its kit.
Annie lacks mobility and defensive stats, making it hard for her to fight. Try to delay team fights as long as possible while poking her down. If she is low on health or engaging/using Q or Tibbers R aggressively will be very dangerous. Annie's greatest power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R.
Whenever he has 3 Towers Q up, he is always going to be a threat. At level 6, Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, and basically gets 3 new abilities.
Mordekaiser is quite still. If you keep the wave of minions closer to your side of the map, it will hang for the farm and can be capitalized by the Jungler.
Always keeping your Q charged up is essential. Your Q can come in handy at any moment.
At level 6, the player will unlock their Ultimate. At level 6, the player can start playing more aggressively with their Ultimate and get their Jungler to gank their lane, too.
Lulu's gonna get her basics now. This means that its shields will be really powerful, and this will become difficult for the enemy to the entire team.
Stick with your team throughout the late game. If you're caught out of position, the enemy may be able to end the game.
As Lee Sin needs to put himself on someone to kick them to his team, locking it with CC as soon as he engages is ideal because Lee Sin is rather squishy and will be unable to escape if he is chained CC. Lee Sin is really good at removing or removing isolated targets. Lee Sin should group closer to his teammates to make it harder for him to shoot anyone alone.
Swain is super squishy and still.
She'll need to shoot her target before that, or she can count on a gank or her support. Its damage to tower E allows it to buy plates and destroy the towers with ease.
Malphites **Ultimate** can be used to avoid, but only do so if it is on cooldown. Avoid regrouping closely because it will give Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person who darkens with his Ultimate.
Your Ultimate can cause damage and CC to the entire enemy team if you are able to hit them all with it. Amumu is an incredibly strong team fighter.
Kennen should try to flank the enemies for maximum efficiency. Its first element will significantly increase its damage.
Once Orianna hits level 6, she becomes more lane dominant. Her kill pressure and survivability increase at this time.
Track brushes will help you a lot with this as well. Yasuo's power peak in the middle of the game also depends on his comp team.
Twitch benefits from extensive trades. It is advisable to try to go for short and unbridled trades on long with him when possible.
Shields are an essential part of a team's defence. The composition of an armored team is beneficial in many situations.
Heimerdinger is an attack damage carry champion. Heimerdinger's abilities allow him to split push and draw aggro while his teammates apply pressure elsewhere on the map.
Don't worry alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible.
Xin is very good in the middle of the game. Expect that he frequently searches for coins around the map, or try to kill you again and again.
Ivern's Q range makes him a pretty good early ganker. Once he hits a target with his Q, both he and his laners will get within auto-attack range of that target if they have vision. Ivern and his laners can get within auto-attack range of the said target if it has vision.
Avoid fighting too close together as it will allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people. Using her Ultimate R allows Irelia to reset and escape from fights more easily.
Always look to auto-attack the enemy champion closest to you (while trying to y multiple enemies) so that you can kite them long enough to get out of their influence area. Your Ultimate w can be a game decider if you use it properly during this phase of the game.
When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on the little bar under her health. If you trade with Irelia, pay attention to low health minions in your lane.
Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the goal. This facilitates the security of the middle tower of the track.
Team fighting can be fatal for Tristana if she is not accompanied by her support team. Focusing on agriculture on the side when there is no team fight is a good strategy for acquiring gold and XP.
CC means to interrupt or cancel. If you kill Karthus at the start of the fight, try to reposition and get away from his Passive.
Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun). If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from Annie at all times.
Focus on matching Ahri's pushing power when you've got your first item. This will prevent her from getting free kills and turret plates. Ahri is quite vulnerable when her Ultimate is down.
After Level 6, Yasuo can use its Ultimate R to complete low health goals. The track brushes help Yasuo disembark his abilities.
Using your empowered d in team fights will provide a large shield to your allies. Try to use your d to help your allies survive unless you need to use your Q or d.
The first element will allow him to get a boost. The first element will give it greater survival all the time.
Purchasing Grievous Wounds early on in-game can give enemy players an advantage in the early game. This advantage can also be applied to the late game, where Illaoi has limited healing and is more susceptible to being taken down.
Its Ultimate will be lethal if used correctly. Rumble is a great team combat champion.
Be careful getting poked out while farming as the enemy may try to bait you into an all-in with a trap. Have an escape plan ready.
Using her Ultimate R allows Irelia to reset and escape from fights more easily. Stand together but not super close together, allowing room for movement without being vulnerable to Irelia's Ultimate R.
An enemy champion with dash or mobility spell can be a hard target to catch out and kill for you. Your own mobility can turn out to be a weak point for you.
Veigar is a monster from the end of the game. Its capabilities e and r allow it to land on multiple targets while the crowd controls them with its n in closed spaces.
If you spot the enemy Jungler nearby, back away as Azir might try to Shurima Shuffle and set up his Jungler. Once Azir has picked up his Nashor's Tooth, he is going to push the wave really quickly.
Twitch can inflate if it's nearby. If you have a lead, go ahead and invade it.
Warding big goals and the implementation of vision in high traffic areas was prioritized at the end of the game. Ward's placements have been designed to keep enemy movements visible so that players can track their opponents' positions and detect when they have launched a goal.
You should only throw (t) out unless you are certain you can land it. Anivia relies on mana and will need to get a Tear on her first back.
Zyra's abilities will allow him to inflict damage on several enemy champions at the same time thanks to his AOE capabilities. Zyra would also have completed several elements when the roles in the middle of the game around.
Gragas' abilities allow him to play aggressively in lane after reaching level 9 and accumulating more ability power. Depending on your build, you will either be dealing tons of damage or tanking a lot of damage for your allies.
Three points in Samira's Ultimate R will give him a huge peak of power. The ability will spread a lot of damage and heal Samira heavily, so team fighting will be optimal.
Prioritize the enemy, rather than focus solely on killing them. To prevent the enemy from responding to fighting in the river.
Use capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so that the team can besiege or prevent an enemy team seat. Quickly erasing minion waves with capabilities allows favorable exchanges with the enemy.