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Error shows invalid OTP...tried from different devices..same issue.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Please ask user to try now, we tried from backend no issues as of now, user can do forget password now
Error shows invalid OTP...tried from different devices..same issue.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint Customer called and stated that they are unable to login their as they didn't remember the password, when they are trying to reset their password, they are getting error "Mobile Number doesn't exist in our system, please enter a valid Mobile Number to proceed" kindly have a check and help us on the same at the earliest.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Deletion as well as sync has been done, please ask user to try now using FORGET PASSWORD.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint Customer called and stated that they are unable to login their as they didn't remember the password, when they are trying to reset their password, they are getting error "Mobile Number doesn't exist in our system, please enter a valid Mobile Number to proceed" kindly have a check and help us on the same at the earliest.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
ADSP is not able to reset the password from FORGOT PASSWORD and RESET IT options. Screenshots are attached below. Kindly check and resolve the issue.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint
Sync has been done please ask user to now try again login using forgot password.
ADSP is not able to reset the password from FORGOT PASSWORD and RESET IT options. Screenshots are attached below. Kindly check and resolve the issue.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint
Dear Team, User Try to do login using forgot password for resetting ID and password but user is not receiving otp on her mobile no. Requested you to please check the same and rectify the same.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
As checked OTP is getting triggered as well as delivered from our end. PFA screenshot for your reference. Please ask user to try again and check spam folder too for the OTP else user can try with the OTP they are receiving over there mail as same OTP has been triggered for both.
Dear Team, User Try to do login using forgot password for resetting ID and password but user is not receiving otp on her mobile no. Requested you to please check the same and rectify the same.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password Customer called and stated that they are not receiving OTP in their Registered mobile and Email id to reset their password while using forgot password option, kindly have a check and help us on the same.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked OTP is getting triggered as well as delivered over mail id, please ask user to check spam folders too. PFA screenshot for your reference. If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password Customer called and stated that they are not receiving OTP in their Registered mobile and Email id to reset their password while using forgot password option, kindly have a check and help us on the same.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Dear Team, While doing forgot password OTP is not coming receiving on user mobile number /Email ID . Please check the same and rectify this issue asap.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
As checked OTP is getting triggered as well as delivered to phone as well as Email. PFA screenshot for your reference. Please ask user to check there spam mail folder for OTP.
Dear Team, While doing forgot password OTP is not coming receiving on user mobile number /Email ID . Please check the same and rectify this issue asap.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Received a complaint that ADS# forgot her Amway website Password, Thus he select Forgot Password option and enter her registered mobile num# But not received the OTP on it- GKP PUC-XPP
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Hi Team Please ask the user to check his email for the OTP. Regards
Received a complaint that ADS# forgot her Amway website Password, Thus he select Forgot Password option and enter her registered mobile num# But not received the OTP on it- GKP PUC-XPP-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer called and stated that customer wants to change the mobile number and he cannot be able to login customer account customer was using the reset id to update the mobile number, but it is showing as something went wrong the number that customer wants to use is . Kindly check and help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked the requested number is already registered with the user , PFA screenshot for your reference. Please ask user to try with an unique number.
Customer called and stated that customer wants to change the mobile number and he cannot be able to login customer account customer was using the reset id to update the mobile number, but it is showing as something went wrong the number that customer wants to use is . Kindly check and help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer called and stated that they are not able to use the forgot password option as they are getting a pop up that something went wrong kindly connect customer care and You have exceeded maximum number of OTP requests for now. Please try to request a new OTP after some time, kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Please ask user to try now at that point of time OTP counter was set to 5 which is the maximum limit. Now it has been again reset to 1 if OTP doesn't work please try with the OTP they are receiving over there mail.
Customer called and stated that they are not able to use the forgot password option as they are getting a pop up that something went wrong kindly connect customer care and You have exceeded maximum number of OTP requests for now. Please try to request a new OTP after some time, kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Dear Team, The below ADSP is not receiving the OTP on both the registered Mobile number and email ID while using the Forgot password option. Kindly check and rectify the issue.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Email was present in bounce list and it has been removed ,Please ask user to now try again
Dear Team, The below ADSP is not receiving the OTP on both the registered Mobile number and email ID while using the Forgot password option. Kindly check and rectify the issue.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
ADSP - is unable to set password the attached error persists. Please check & assist with the query.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Please ask user to try now.
ADSP - is unable to set password the attached error persists. Please check & assist with the query.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Customer called and stated that customer is not receiving the OTP while using the reset id and forgot password, kindly check and help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
please ask user to try with the OTP they are receiving over there mail as same OTP has been triggered for both mail as well as phone number.
Customer called and stated that customer is not receiving the OTP while using the reset id and forgot password, kindly check and help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Hi Team, ADSP is getting attached error error while trying to to use forgot password option.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
As checked while proceeding with FORGET PASSWORD and no issues were found with that. PFA screenshot for your reference. Please ask user to try again in a different browser or by clearing the browser history so that the previous session get logged out.
Hi Team, ADSP is getting attached error error while trying to to use forgot password option.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Customer called and stated that they are not receiving the otp while using the forgot password option as they have checked their email id also kindly check and help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked the otp is getting triggered over the mail please ask user to check the mail for the same please check your Spam folder to.PFA screenshot for your reference. .
Customer called and stated that they are not receiving the otp while using the forgot password option as they have checked their email id also kindly check and help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
PC tried to reset the password using forgot option getting error messageAttached screen shot.
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Please ask user to try now using Forget Password.
PC tried to reset the password using forgot option getting error messageAttached screen shot.-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password Customer called and stated that they didn't remember the password when they are trying to reset their password, they are not receiving any OTP in their mobile number and register Email id to reset their password, kindly have a check and help us on the same at the earliest.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Email has been removed from the bounced list, please ask user to try now with the OTP they are receiving over there mail.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password Customer called and stated that they didn't remember the password when they are trying to reset their password, they are not receiving any OTP in their mobile number and register Email id to reset their password, kindly have a check and help us on the same at the earliest.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Hi Team, This PC no. is unable to login to his Amway web account. He tried to reset the password but the verification code is not going to his email ID as well as mobile number. Please help in resolving the issue.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked the otp is getting triggered over mail please ask user to check the mail for the same if they are not receiving the otp over mobile number.
Hi Team, This PC no. is unable to login to his Amway web account. He tried to reset the password but the verification code is not going to his email ID as well as mobile number. Please help in resolving the issue.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer called and stated that customer is not receiving OTP while using the reset id and forgot password option kindly check n help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked the otp is getting triggered over the mail please ask user to check the mail for the otp if they didn't received the otp over mobile number .
Customer called and stated that customer is not receiving OTP while using the reset id and forgot password option kindly check n help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
adsp not able to forget our passwordit shows this message.
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Please ask user now try again as SRE deletion and sync has been done .
adsp not able to forget our passwordit shows this message.-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Hi Team, When ADSP is trying to change the current password using the "Change password " option, she is getting the attached error. Please check and help to resolve the complaint., She is able to login using the same p/w however getting the error upon using "change password" option,.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Please do not enter the profile, do forget password from the login page only.
Hi Team, When ADSP is trying to change the current password using the "Change password " option, she is getting the attached error. Please check and help to resolve the complaint., She is able to login using the same p/w however getting the error upon using "change password" option,.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
customer called and stated that while using forgot password, they are getting the error as mobile number and password are not matching. kindly please check and help.
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Account Synced ,Please ask ABO to clear the browser cache, history and then check again. if issue persist please let us know with error screen shot.
customer called and stated that while using forgot password, they are getting the error as mobile number and password are not matching. kindly please check and help.-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Customer called and stated that customer is not receiving the OTP while using the forgot password option. Kindly check and help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
OTPs got delivered, please ask user to check at their end and OTPs also gets delivered on mail as well
Customer called and stated that customer is not receiving the OTP while using the forgot password option. Kindly check and help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
is unable to reset OR even can not process forgot password . His old cell number is disable . He wants to update new number in Amway records. , Requested to update new cell number in Amway records .
Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Nuber has been updated as per the request. Please ask user to try now using FORGET PASSWORD with mobile number . If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with error screenshot.
is unable to reset OR even can not process forgot password . His old cell number is disable . He wants to update new number in Amway records. , Requested to update new cell number in Amway records .-Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Customer stated that customer is not receiving otp while using reset id and forget password. Kindly check and help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password 4d Via API.
Earlier the email id was there in the bounce list which has been removed now. please ask user to try now with the OTP they are receiving over there mail as same OTP has been triggered for both mail as well as email id.
Customer stated that customer is not receiving otp while using reset id and forget password. Kindly check and help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password 4d Via API.
Customer called and stated that they are not able to use Forgot Password as they are getting the pop-up Mobile Number doesn't exist in our system, please enter a valid Mobile Number to proceed,kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
As checked mobile number is registered with account . this mobile number is not registered with any of the account hence it is giving error as mobile number doesn't exist in our system. Please ask user to try logging in through .
Customer called and stated that they are not able to use Forgot Password as they are getting the pop-up Mobile Number doesn't exist in our system, please enter a valid Mobile Number to proceed,kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
customer called and stated that they are not receiving the OTP in their mobile number and email id kindly check help us with the resolution as earliest.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
We verified at our end, OTP is delivered on ABO mobile . Please ask ABO to clear the browser cache, history and then check again. if issue persist please let us know with error screen shot.
customer called and stated that they are not receiving the OTP in their mobile number and email id kindly check help us with the resolution as earliest.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer not able to create new password. Showing "Backend error: Username Exists Exception: An account with the given. phone_number already exists. Kidnly do the needful.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Required deletion has been done. Please check.
Customer not able to create new password. Showing "Backend error: Username Exists Exception: An account with the given. phone_number already exists. Kidnly do the needful.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Still not resolve the issue
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Profile is linked now, login with the same details attached in the error image
Still not resolve the issue-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Dear Team, ADSP# is not receiving OTP on his email address during Password reset process. Kindly check and update the issue.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked OTP is getting triggered over registered mail , please ask user to check there spam folder too. PFA screenshot for your reference.
Dear Team, ADSP# is not receiving OTP on his email address during Password reset process. Kindly check and update the issue.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Dear Team, is unable to reset his password, kindly look into this and resolve.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
While proceeding with FORGET PASSWORD no issues were found. PFA screenshot for your reference. Please ask user to try again with a different browser or by clearing the history/cache so that the previous session get logged out.
Dear Team, is unable to reset his password, kindly look into this and resolve.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Hi Team, ABO face problem during reset password through forgot password option. Otp is going on Mobile number & email but its showing invalid. He using email id otp because mobile no. not in use. Please resolve this problem ABO mobile no. is not in use so he can't reset password through reset id option.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
Please ask user to try with a different browser or clear browser history and then try again with the OTP they are receiving over there mail . As same OTP has been triggered for both mail as well as email id. If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with the number users wants to update.
Hi Team, ABO face problem during reset password through forgot password option. Otp is going on Mobile number & email but its showing invalid. He using email id otp because mobile no. not in use. Please resolve this problem ABO mobile no. is not in use so he can't reset password through reset id option.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password.
ADSP trying to reset the password getting message as "current user is not Primary Applicant"Attached screen shot
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Please ask user to try now using FORGET PASSWORD. PFA screenshot for your reference, if issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with error screenshot.
ADSP trying to reset the password getting message as "current user is not Primary Applicant"Attached screen shot-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Customer called and stated that customer is unable to use the reset id option it is showing as account is already linked with mobile kindly check and help.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
User had a linked profile therefore he won't be able to perform reset id please ask user to try again using FORGET PASSWORD. If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with error screenshot.
Customer called and stated that customer is unable to use the reset id option it is showing as account is already linked with mobile kindly check and help.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer called and stated that they are not able use forgot password as when they are adding the OTP, they are getting the pop up You have exceeded maximum number of OTP requests for now. Please try to request a new OTP after some time and invalided OTP given try again later, kindly check and resolved the issue at the earliest.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
User can try now, there is some limits set for the day to send the OTP, it gets refreshed everyday, so they can try now
Customer called and stated that they are not able use forgot password as when they are adding the OTP, they are getting the pop up You have exceeded maximum number of OTP requests for now. Please try to request a new OTP after some time and invalided OTP given try again later, kindly check and resolved the issue at the earliest.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer called and asked about the resolution status guided with the forgot password but still they were unable to login, and they were getting the error as current user is not primary, kindly check and help as soon as possible.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
No issues found please try again using incognito mode,
Customer called and asked about the resolution status guided with the forgot password but still they were unable to login, and they were getting the error as current user is not primary, kindly check and help as soon as possible.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Dear Team, The below ADSP is trying to reset the password using the "Forgot password" option. Her registered mobile number is inactive, hence she is using the OTP received on her registered email ID for resetting the password. But the error appears as "INVALID VERIFICATION CODE". Ple check and rectify the issue. ADSP# - DASH, SABITA Reg Mob# Email ID:
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Tried to set password from OTP received on mail, as same OTP is on mail and phone both try again on some other device or in incognito mode
Dear Team, The below ADSP is trying to reset the password using the "Forgot password" option. Her registered mobile number is inactive, hence she is using the OTP received on her registered email ID for resetting the password. But the error appears as "INVALID VERIFICATION CODE". Ple check and rectify the issue. ADSP# - DASH, SABITA Reg Mob# Email ID: : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
As mentioned in previous ticket...we have tried from different devices to reset the password and OTP shows invalid. Hence, i don't think this is due to old browser history or cache problem as per closing remarks of previous ticket. Same OTP getting twice in a shot whenever trying to reset the password. Please refer this : .
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
I tried changing password from website using OTP , and had no issues. Please use a different device once
As mentioned in previous ticket...we have tried from different devices to reset the password and OTP shows invalid. Hence, i don't think this is due to old browser history or cache problem as per closing remarks of previous ticket. Same OTP getting twice in a shot whenever trying to reset the password. Please refer this : .-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
The "Forgot Password" option is not woroking , and an error message related to a network issue appears after entering the OTP. Upon reattempting, the PC still displays an error, indicating "No record found." I kindly request you to promptly investigate and take necessary action.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
As checked their is no issue from our end please ask user to try again login using forgot password and please find attached screenshot for your reference .
The "Forgot Password" option is not woroking , and an error message related to a network issue appears after entering the OTP. Upon reattempting, the PC still displays an error, indicating "No record found." I kindly request you to promptly investigate and take necessary action.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
customer called and stated that he has new logged in to his account from past year as he was registered in Amway year before guided him reset ID option as he was not able to login and in forgot password option, he was facing an error of " mobile number and password combination doesn't match kindly check and help us with the same.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Please ask user to try again using Forget Password with the registered mobile number . Also clear the browser history before trying so that the previous session get logged out. If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with error screenshot.
customer called and stated that he has new logged in to his account from past year as he was registered in Amway year before guided him reset ID option as he was not able to login and in forgot password option, he was facing an error of " mobile number and password combination doesn't match kindly check and help us with the same.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Customer called and stated that they are not able to use the forgot password option as they are not receiving the OTP ,kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest .
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Please ask user to try with the OTP they are receiving over there mail as same OTP is triggered for both mail as well as phone no. If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with error screenshot.
Customer called and stated that they are not able to use the forgot password option as they are not receiving the OTP ,kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest .-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer not able to create new password even after submitting all the correct details. Showing error "The details that you have added could not be verified." Kindly do the needful.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
We tried to proceed with Reset Id with the registered details of the user haven't found any issues with that. PFA screenshot for your reference. Please ask user to try again and if issue still persists feel free to raise anew ticket with the number that need to be mapped against the user profile so we can map the same from backend.
Customer not able to create new password even after submitting all the correct details. Showing error "The details that you have added could not be verified." Kindly do the needful.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
As checked the otp is getting triggered over the mail please ask user to check the mail for the otp if they didn't received the otp over mobile number .
CUSTOMER CALLED AND STATED THAT HE IS NOT RECEIVED OTP ON MOBILE NUMBER, KINDLY CHECK AND HELP IT OUT.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : OTP not received during password reset/forgot Password.
Customer not able to create new password showing Backend error even after submitting OTP.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Deletion has been done kindly verify now.
Customer not able to create new password showing Backend error even after submitting OTP.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Hi Team, PC is trying to change the password by using the Forgot Password option. But the system throws the below error. Kindly check and do the needful.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Please ask user to try now using FORGET PASSWORD. If issue still persist feel free to raise a new ticket.
Hi Team, PC is trying to change the password by using the Forgot Password option. But the system throws the below error. Kindly check and do the needful.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Team - when we entered the OTP error occurs "Technical problem" (screenshot attached).
Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
Please ask user to try now using FORGET PASSWORD.
Team - when we entered the OTP error occurs "Technical problem" (screenshot attached).-Technology : App : Login : Forgot Password not working.
PC has unable to reset the password. Find the attached error page. Kindly fix the error.
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Deletion has been done, please ask user to try now.
PC has unable to reset the password. Find the attached error page. Kindly fix the error.-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
The below said PC Forgot Password Option not Working Kindly check...
Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Please ask user to try now using FORGET PASSWORD, profile has been synced.
The below said PC Forgot Password Option not Working Kindly check...-Technology : Login : Forgot Password : Forgot Password Complaint.
Customer intimated stating that he is not able to avail the FSSAI % uplift points, wherein customer updated the FSSAI on Requesting to please check and help us in getting the promotion picked.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi The reported user has been added to promo, kindly check Regards
Customer intimated stating that he is not able to avail the FSSAI % uplift points, wherein customer updated the FSSAI on Requesting to please check and help us in getting the promotion picked.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
pv upliftment issue for order-
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
pv upliftment issue for order--Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
% PV upliftment not happening.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
% PV upliftment not happening.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points Not UpdatedVolume ABO # of Volume ABO Number: Volume ABO Name: ALAM, MD MURTUJABusiness Nature: MEMBEROrder Number: PV: .BV: Loyalty Points Earned: .Order Value: ,. Volume ABO # of Volume ABO Number: Volume ABO Name: ALI, BARKATBusiness Nature: MEMBEROrder Number: PV: .BV: Loyalty Points Earned: .Order Value: ,. Customer called and stated that the above-mentioned group order points are not update, kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
As we checked points are updated in system. Kindly ask user to verify. If still facing any issue, please feel free to raise the new incident.
Points Not UpdatedVolume ABO # of Volume ABO Number: Volume ABO Name: ALAM, MD MURTUJABusiness Nature: MEMBEROrder Number: PV: .BV: Loyalty Points Earned: .Order Value: ,. Volume ABO # of Volume ABO Number: Volume ABO Name: ALI, BARKATBusiness Nature: MEMBEROrder Number: PV: .BV: Loyalty Points Earned: .Order Value: ,. Customer called and stated that the above-mentioned group order points are not update, kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team, The % points uplift has not been given the below ADSP on the below order.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team Please be informed that the reported concern of Order No # has been already reported to Business and the further necessary actions will be taken from their end. Regards
Dear Team, The % points uplift has not been given the below ADSP on the below order.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team, Kindly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned order and do the needful. Servicing ADSP updated the FSSAI details on . Below is the screenshot for your reference. Order# Order date: PC# - Kabra, Anita Servicing ADSP# - KABRA, MADHURI & BIPULKindly update, whether point uplift orffer will be given to this order or not.If not, kindly suggest what is the reason for the denial and if yes, by when will this be resolved.Please refer this : .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production.
Dear Team, Kindly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned order and do the needful. Servicing ADSP updated the FSSAI details on . Below is the screenshot for your reference. Order# Order date: PC# - Kabra, Anita Servicing ADSP# - KABRA, MADHURI & BIPULKindly update, whether point uplift orffer will be given to this order or not.If not, kindly suggest what is the reason for the denial and if yes, by when will this be resolved.Please refer this : .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Uplift pv not received. Kindly do the needful.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is not present in any of the list provided to us. kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
Uplift pv not received. Kindly do the needful.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team, Please assist with the query below ADSP has updated the FSSAI certificate on but has not received the Nutrilite points updation in the order placed on
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Hi Team, Please assist with the query below ADSP has updated the FSSAI certificate on but has not received the Nutrilite points updation in the order placed on-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADSP uploaded his FSSAI registration on Amway website dated & he placed an order on PC but PV was not uplift
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is now activated for the user . Kindly verify and let us know in case of any concerns.
ADSP uploaded his FSSAI registration on Amway website dated & he placed an order on PC but PV was not uplift-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team , ADSP update address in his profile but not set as Registered address .ADSP not Placed order because POSS Showing Address not Updated.kindly check and do the needful.below is the registered address:-
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
please ask user to check now as billing address has been update.
Dear Team , ADSP update address in his profile but not set as Registered address .ADSP not Placed order because POSS Showing Address not Updated.kindly check and do the needful.below is the registered address:--Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
ADSP claiming that he has updated FSSAI details in portal on but PV uplift didnt happen. Kindly chk and do the needful. order :
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production.
ADSP claiming that he has updated FSSAI details in portal on but PV uplift didnt happen. Kindly chk and do the needful. order :-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADSP claiming that her ID in Amway is already expired and for FSSAI registration she wanted to upload it as a proof. Kindly support.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Digital card has been updated please check.
ADSP claiming that her ID in Amway is already expired and for FSSAI registration she wanted to upload it as a proof. Kindly support.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Dear Team, As per the confirmation received from the respective team order# was eligible for % uplift offer. Kindly check and do the needful.Please refer this : .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team Please be informed that the reported concern of Order No # 1033571690 has been already reported to Business and the further necessary actions will be taken from their end. Regards
Dear Team, As per the confirmation received from the respective team order# was eligible for % uplift offer. Kindly check and do the needful.Please refer this : .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team, Placed below order but the Nutrilite Points BUT % UPLIFT Points are not updated in the same. Please check & assist
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production
Hi Team, Placed below order but the Nutrilite Points BUT % UPLIFT Points are not updated in the same. Please check & assist-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team, ADSP has uploaded his FSSAI detail on and placed on but % uplift not applied on order# . Kindly check and do the needful.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Dear Team, ADSP has uploaded his FSSAI detail on and placed on but % uplift not applied on order# . Kindly check and do the needful.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
INCN [DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE] Customer called and stated that the point for the above-mentioned order is not yet updated kindly check and help with the resolution as earliest.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
As checked points are already updated for the order. PFA screenshot for your reference. If issue still persists feel free to raise a new ticket with error screenshot.
INCN [DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE] Customer called and stated that the point for the above-mentioned order is not yet updated kindly check and help with the resolution as earliest.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team, ADSP complained that the FSSAI % uplift points were not added to their PC purchase, kindy check and do the needful.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production
Hi Team, ADSP complained that the FSSAI % uplift points were not added to their PC purchase, kindy check and do the needful.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team, The has placed the below-mentioned order on 1st November and the order date is showing as 23rd Oct . Kindly check and rectify the issue.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User has placed there first SOP on 23rd September therefore there second SOP got drafted on 23rd October itself and user had the option to pay for that till next 10 days and user has made payment on 1st November because of that order created date is showing as 23 oct but points are updated in nov only. PFA screenshot for your reference.
Hi Team, The has placed the below-mentioned order on 1st November and the order date is showing as 23rd Oct . Kindly check and rectify the issue.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team , ADSP update address in his profile but not set as Registered address .ADSP not Placed order because POSS Showing Address not Updated.kindly check and do the needful.below is the registered address:-
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Address has been updated please check the same.
Dear Team , ADSP update address in his profile but not set as Registered address .ADSP not Placed order because POSS Showing Address not Updated.kindly check and do the needful.below is the registered address:--Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Dear Team, uplift not applied on PC order, however % uplift offer activated on his ADSP number. Kindly check and update
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production
Dear Team, uplift not applied on PC order, however % uplift offer activated on his ADSP number. Kindly check and update-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
% PV upliftment not happening.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
% PV upliftment not happening.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team, Kindly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned order and do the needful. updated the FSSAI details on :: PM. Attached is the leadership for your reference. Order# Order date: Oct
vTechnology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Dear Team, Kindly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned order and do the needful. updated the FSSAI details on :: PM. Attached is the leadership for your reference. Order# Order date: Oct-vTechnology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Order Detail Header Customer called and stated that the points for the above mentioned order is not yet updated kindly check and help with the resolution as earliest.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
AS Checked, order placed on and Please find the attached screenshot for same. We dont see any issue for the order. Please check again and feel free to raise new incident in case of any issue.
Order Detail Header Customer called and stated that the points for the above mentioned order is not yet updated kindly check and help with the resolution as earliest.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADSP account reflecting as PC a/c after login .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Account Synced ,Please ask ABO to clear the browser cache, history and then check again. if issue persist please let us know with error screen shot.
ADSP account reflecting as PC a/c after login .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Customer called and stated the point are not get up left off FSSAI where they had placed the order by the personal PC id: and the order number: where points are not updated, kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is not present in any of the list provided to us. kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
Customer called and stated the point are not get up left off FSSAI where they had placed the order by the personal PC id: and the order number: where points are not updated, kindly please check and resolve the issue at the earliest.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Customer called and stated that customer is not getting the point upliftment kindly check and help.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production
Customer called and stated that customer is not getting the point upliftment kindly check and help.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
% PV upliftment not happening.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
% PV upliftment not happening.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ABO did two orders in food products to my PC on // & // respectively.But no % pv uplift show. Please resolve this issue ASAP.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
ABO did two orders in food products to my PC on // & // respectively.But no % pv uplift show. Please resolve this issue ASAP.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points Not Updated Group Order DetailsCustomer called and stated that they have updated FSSAI details in their account, but % points were not getting picked while placing the order, and above order details mentioned in which points were not picked kindly have a check and help us on the same.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is not present in any of the list provided to us. kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
Points Not Updated Group Order DetailsCustomer called and stated that they have updated FSSAI details in their account, but % points were not getting picked while placing the order, and above order details mentioned in which points were not picked kindly have a check and help us on the same.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team, ADSP has purchased the Nutrlite points in the below mentioned order, but the FSSAI % uplift PV has been applied. Kindly check and do the needful.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production
Hi Team, ADSP has purchased the Nutrlite points in the below mentioned order, but the FSSAI % uplift PV has been applied. Kindly check and do the needful.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Team-Below orders points not updated -pls support
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points has been updated now, kindly verify.
Team-Below orders points not updated -pls support-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Glister offer amount is showing as DAP/- when we type glster in search option . Only when we go to cart discount amount will show. Actually DAP of the offer glister pack is /- As per the attached screen shot customer will choose normal glister because of the rate difference and this is confusing the customers.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
We have a promotion on the bundle which will be applicable on user's cart and and price after the promotion is shown in user's cart only. Kindly verify and let us know in case of any concerns.
Glister offer amount is showing as DAP/- when we type glster in search option . Only when we go to cart discount amount will show. Actually DAP of the offer glister pack is /- As per the attached screen shot customer will choose normal glister because of the rate difference and this is confusing the customers.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Dear Team, ADSP has uploaded his FSSAI on , however % PV uplift promo not applied on order# placed on PC number. Kindly check and fix the issue.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer was activated for the user on 1st oct . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Dear Team, ADSP has uploaded his FSSAI on , however % PV uplift promo not applied on order# placed on PC number. Kindly check and fix the issue.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADS intimated stating that he is not able to avail the FSSAI % uplift points,wherein ADS updated the FSSAI on and his customer placed order on Order no -
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production. Kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
ADS intimated stating that he is not able to avail the FSSAI % uplift points,wherein ADS updated the FSSAI on and his customer placed order on Order no --Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site. Order done by ADS but no uplifte is received .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
as of now this promotion has been deactivated in production environment as per shared requirement. So, user would be able to retry and avail this offer if the promotion is re-activated in Production
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site. Order done by ADS but no uplifte is received .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADSP updated FSSAI details on & placed order in PC next day but PV uplift didnt pick only for this order... Kindly chk and support.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is eligible for the offer and will be picked for food products .Kindly verify and let us know in case of any concerns.
ADSP updated FSSAI details on & placed order in PC next day but PV uplift didnt pick only for this order... Kindly chk and support.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
PV UPLIFTS ARE NOT REFLECTING, ADS UPDATED THE fssai Certificate on time on Amway website. order no #
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is not present in any of the list provided to us. kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
PV UPLIFTS ARE NOT REFLECTING, ADS UPDATED THE fssai Certificate on time on Amway website. order no #-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team, Kindly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned order and do the needful. Servicing ADSP updated the FSSAI details on :: AM. Attached is the leadership for your reference. Servicing ADSP# - THAKUR, NETHRA & PRAVEEN KUMAR
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Dear Team, Kindly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned order and do the needful. Servicing ADSP updated the FSSAI details on :: AM. Attached is the leadership for your reference. Servicing ADSP# - THAKUR, NETHRA & PRAVEEN KUMAR-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site. Order done by ADS but no uplifte is received .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is not present in any of the list provided to us. kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site. Order done by ADS but no uplifte is received .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADSP claiming that his downline ADSPh placed below order but % PV uplift Early bird offer didn't pick. Checked and found FSSAI docs uploaded onPM itself. Order no. Please chcek & resolve the issue.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
ADSP claiming that his downline ADSPh placed below order but % PV uplift Early bird offer didn't pick. Checked and found FSSAI docs uploaded onPM itself. Order no. Please chcek & resolve the issue.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Dear Team, As per the confirmation received from team order# is eligible for % PV uplift offer. Kindly check and resolve.Please refer this : .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team Please be informed that the reported concern of Order No # has been already reported to Business and the further necessary actions will be taken from their end. Regards
Dear Team, As per the confirmation received from team order# is eligible for % PV uplift offer. Kindly check and resolve.Please refer this : .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Points uplift not showing even after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
had placed order no for points but points are not added to servicing adsp , also not reflecting in coreplus. Kindly check and update Points for servicing ADSP
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points are updated now, kindly verify.
had placed order no for points but points are not added to servicing adsp , also not reflecting in coreplus. Kindly check and update Points for servicing ADSP-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
indly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned PC order. Servicing ADSP Please refer this :
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is eligible for the offer and will be picked for food products .Kindly verify and let us know in case of any concerns.
indly check the below % points uplift not updated on the mentioned PC order. Servicing ADSP Please refer this :-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
updated FSSAI details on 29th OCT below screenshot for reference.. But for below orders he hasnt got PV uplift. Customer is very upset complaint expected.. Wanted us to the PV to be uplifted.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
User is not present in any of the list provided to us. kindly co-ordinate with business regarding the same.
updated FSSAI details on 29th OCT below screenshot for reference.. But for below orders he hasnt got PV uplift. Customer is very upset complaint expected.. Wanted us to the PV to be uplifted.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
ADSP has updated his FSSAI details on 3rd OCT & placed below order but % PV uplift offer didnt apply. Kindly check and support. OPromised Delivery Date: Oct ,
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
ADSP has updated his FSSAI details on 3rd OCT & placed below order but % PV uplift offer didnt apply. Kindly check and support. OPromised Delivery Date: Oct ,-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
updated his Fssai on 5th Nov. His ordered on 7th Nov.. But he didn't get any PV uplift. Kindly do the needful.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team User is eligible for the offer. Kindly ask the user to try now and let us know in case of any concerns.
updated his Fssai on 5th Nov. His ordered on 7th Nov.. But he didn't get any PV uplift. Kindly do the needful.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Though the pin code is serviceable, all the products in this pin code in the website is showing as NOTIFY ME. Attached the screenshot
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
Pin code is not serviceable. Please ask user to check with other pin code. if issue persist please let us know with error screen shot.
Though the pin code is serviceable, all the products in this pin code in the website is showing as NOTIFY ME. Attached the screenshot-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : My Amway Page.
customer called and stated that for this order their pv pints are not uplifted, kindly check and help out the same.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Order is placed on 28th October by the guest user and there was no uplift promo running at that time. Kindly verify and let us know in case of any concerns.
customer called and stated that for this order their pv pints are not uplifted, kindly check and help out the same.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
PV upliftment not showing .
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
PV upliftment not showing .-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Points uplift not showing against order no after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Offer is activated for the user . Kindly ask the user to try again and let us know in case of any concerns.
Points uplift not showing against order no after getting registered in Fssai and also update the same in Amway site.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team, Please assist in updating the correct Nutrilite points for the below order to the sponsor - % PV uplift PC# - Goenka, Siddhartha, placed the below order but the Nutrilite Points uplift promo is not updated in the same.The Sponsoring ADSP has updated the FSSAI certificate. Please refer this : /.
Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.
Hi Team Please be informed that the reported concern of Order No # has been already reported to Business and the further necessary actions will be taken from their end. Regards
Hi Team, Please assist in updating the correct Nutrilite points for the below order to the sponsor - % PV uplift PC# - Goenka, Siddhartha, placed the below order but the Nutrilite Points uplift promo is not updated in the same.The Sponsoring ADSP has updated the FSSAI certificate. Please refer this : /.-Technology : Hybris Issues : My Account : Points Not Updated.