Q: Summarize the following: Primrose: anybody's got time 2nite? Eldred: me! why? Dove: I'm ok too Primrose: just thought of having a bottle of wine Eldred: any specific reason? Primrose: nope just like that Dove: i need no reason to drink wine Eldred: yeah so true. so well each get a bottle Dove: good point ellie, A: Sarah won't be able to come to her lesson with Paul this Friday. She's going to Rome for a conference. She'll let him know when they can meet instead until Tuesday. It's not the first time their lesson has been cancelled at the last minute.
The summary of "Emma: I’m flying tomorrow Julie: Cool! Where to? Emma: To San Francisco. And it’s not cool Emma: I’m freaking out Emma: I hate flying Julie: Relax Julie: Statistically the flights are the safest mean of transport Julie: Relatively few accidents happen Julie: But when they do you don’t have big chances Emma: Thank you! That’s really helpful Julie: I’m sorry Julie: I talk without thinking Julie: All will be fine. Don’t worry Julie: And San Francisco is amazing!" is Emma is freaking out about her flight to San Francisco tomorrow. Julie is trying to reassure her.
Q: Summarize the following: Adam: Hi there 👋 Monica: Hey Adam Brett: Hullo Adam: So I'm getting to London (Euston) at 3 pm. You guys up for a drink? Brett: Always Monica: Just like Brett, I'm eager for a drink 24/7 but would only be able to join you later. Would that be ok? Adam: Ofc. What time more or less? Monica: I'll finish work at 5 and then rush to meet you. Should get there at half past Brett: Sure. Where would you like to meet Adam? Adam: I'll be starving so perhaps you could meet me at the Pret at Euston Station and then we can go for a drink wherever <file_other> Brett: Thanks for that. Yeah, sounds like a plan Monica: Cool. Let me know where you're drinking all that booze and I'll join you. xx, A: Jill and Jo are planning to meet tomorrow morning, Caren will let them know if she can.
Passage: Leo: i'm fed up with my kids, don't you want to adopt them? Olie: if you want, Lina is so cute and charming Leo: she's a monster. Olie: you need to have a drink and to talk, don't you Leo: good idea, i'm really tired of doing nothing apart cleaning, cooking, tidying, ironing, washing..., Summary: Leo is fed up with his kids. Olie suggests having a drink and to talk.
Passage: Damian: hey stephanie, can you introduce me to marcus please? Stephanie: sure, what for? Damian: i'd like to ask him a favor Stephanie: really? what? Damian: i'll tell you later ;-) Stephanie: come on, don't do that to me! Stephanie: i want to know NOW!! lol Stephanie: Damien? Damian: i'll tell you later :-D thanks for the introduction! Stephanie: come on, tell me!! Stephanie: damian? Stephanie: damian? you there?, Summary: Flores pointed out that Tabitha may feel sleepy, because she has distrubed sleep schedule and low blood pressure.
Passage: Kim: hi Kim: how are you Bruce: hey Bruce: not so good Kim: hangover? Bruce: yup Kim: you shoudnt drink so much Bruce: i know Kim: with who were you? Bruce: with guys from work Kim: so your company is totally not productive today? :P Bruce: it seems so Kim: hahahaha xD, Summary: Bruce has a hangover after drinking with his co-workers.
The answer of "Summarize the following Keegan: hey, done with the exercises? Keegan: the ones u were supposed to do? Ana: not yet but i'll have done them by tomorrow Keegan: ok Keegan: will you be able to do the listenings as well? Ana: ok Keegan: ok, if you can't make it just let me know tomorrow Keegan: i'll bring the cd player then Ana: no, i'll do it. Keegan: ok see you then Ana: ok bye" is Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Q: Summarize the following: Emma: Hi! Elin: Hi darling, how are you? Elin: It's crazy here. Elin: The girls are sick and we are flying out on Thursday, so my stress levels are a little high 😫 Elin: <file_other> Elin: It's about the harmful chemicals that go into products and that are detrimental to our health. Elin: Products are FDA approved, when in reality they are causing us harm... Emma: Wow!! Emma: Yeah, I freaked out when I found out about some of the chemicals that go into our food... Emma: I haven't seen this specific documentary showing on Netflix though. I'll definitely take a look. Emma: Why we are only realising this now.. beats me.. 🤦 Emma: Oh poor babies, do they have the flu? Emma: Hope they recover quickly!! Emma: Lot's of vitamin C 🍋🍋🍋 Elin: Yes, I'm trying, but they are kids, so it's not easy 😭, A: Tom has a map of Paris.
Context: Mark: <file_photo> Alex: what am I looking it? Mark: do you recognize anyone in this picture? Look closely xD Alex: hahahahha is that Frank?! LOL Mark: <file_photo> Alex: hahahah that's even better :D what is he doing there :D, Summary: Mark and Alex found Frank on a photo.
Q: Summarize the following: Peter: Did Sam tell you anything about him being late today? Gloria: No, why? Peter: Cause it's half past ten and he's still not here. Gloria: No, he didn't say anything but you know how he is... Peter: Lazy? :D Gloria: i'd call it flaky... Peter: Eeeer, I hate it when people are late Gloria: I know... Peter: it's just disrespectful and rude. Gloria: I'm sure he's got an explanation Peter: Oh, I'm sure he does! But why should I care?! I wake up at the crack of dawn... Gloria: It's half past ten, Pete... <file_gif> Peter: Oh go to hell, you too! :D, A: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Passage: Eden: Lol, u really went through all channels to warn us! Good girl! 🤭 Eden: See ya! Jenny: 😂🤭 Jenny: <file_gif> Jenny: Have a good day Ed! See you tomorrow! , Summary: Luke will be on time and will bring some coke to the meeting with Lewis and Matthew.
Q: Summarize the following: Ruth: I am extremely disappointed with you, Daniel. Dan: Yes, mom? Ruth: We will have a serious conversation when I get back. Your grades are absolutely unacceptable. Dan: I'm trying mom... Ruth: No too hard from what I see. I'm taking away the xbox. Dan: No!! Please!! Ruth: When are you going to learn that there are certain priorities in life Dan: I know mom, I'm really REALLY trying Ruth: When was the last time you studied in the evening instead of playing games? Dan: I did my homework yesterday. Ruth: You spent 5 minutes on it and did half of the task. Dan: I need my xbox mom. Ruth: You need to be more responsible! We'll talk at home!, A: Ruth wants to talk to her son Dan about his unacceptable grades. Dan is trying but Ruth reckons he isn't trying hard enough. Dan did half of the task in 5 min yesterday. Ruth wants Dan to be more responsible so she is taking away the xbox.
Q: Summarize the following: Heather: Bit late but on the way Vickie: Ok I'll put the kettle on Heather: Cheers xxx, A: Heather will be a little late. Vickie will put the kettle on.
Passage: Lucy: Check it out! Lucy: <file_other> Patricia: Looks good! Howard: Where is this conference? Howard: I see, Accra Howard: Are you applying? Lucy: I thought we could apply as a panel Lucy: But we need one more person Howard: I'm afraid I won't be able to go Howard: I'm way behind with my PhD Howard: And these conferences take time Howard: But it sounds great you should definitely submit a paper Patricia: When is the deadline? Lucy: 21st of January Patricia: That's in 2 days!!, Summary: Jake's flight was postponed by 24 hours. Mia will be at the hospital with Pa when he gets his results. Jake will cook a meal on Thrursday or Friday for Mia and Pa.
Q: Summarize the following: Bart: Hi Bart: I need a favor El: hit it Bart: can u write me a reference? Bart: a draft that my superior could sign El: sure El: sth happened? Bart: I want to change my job El: know the feeling Bart: yes, I cn't hndle the CEO anymore El: ok, I'll write El: just send me the list of your responsibilities Bart: sure, I'll send it soon Bart: thanks so much! El: no pro:), A: Bart wants to change his job. El agreed to write Bart a reference. Bart will send El a list of his responsibilities.
Context: Daniel: any plan for dinner? Anna: I want to go get some food I’m getting cabin fever Daniel: saaaame, Summary: Anna wants to go and get some food for dinner. She and Daniel are getting cabin fever.
The answer of "Summarize the following Tamara: Hi we need to talk. Casper: y so serious babe? 😁 Tamara: because it's serious Casper: you're scaring me 😨 Tamara: im fed up with what you do Tamara: ive seen you commenting some girl's photos Casper: jeeez u mean Julie? my old friend Tamara: who is she? how come i never met her Casper: cause she's from high school Tamara: you were commenting with hearts Tamara: i see you two are close 😠 Casper: honey, no one is as close with me as you are Casper: this is just how Julie and me communicate Casper: i'll call you later and explain Tamara: whatever" is Tamara is jealous of Casper lovingly commenting on Julie's photos, his high school friend. He will call her later and explain.
The summary of "Francis: Crazy shit! Sandro: I know, it was really thrilling, flying is totally my thing! Pisi: Still, you looked like you shitted your pants, bro. Francis: HAHA yeah" is Sandro has flown recently.
Context: Steve: Can you remind me what pages we were supposed to read for tomorrow's classes? Chris: You mean the International Political Relations? Steve: Yup. Chris: pages 10-25 Steve: Thanks a lot man. Steve: By the way, do you think we really need to read that? Chris: Yup. The guys passionate about these texts he makes students read. He gets angry when he sees people don't read it. Chris: When he's not satisfied, he often punishes students with quicktests... Steve: I hate the educational system, when everybody tries to discourage me from absorbing the knowledge... Chris: Nothing comes easy. Steve: So they say... , Summary: Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Passage: Mark: So, did you think about my offer? Peter: I did? Mark: And? Peter: Frankly, I thought I'd get a bit more for this piece of land. Mark: You might, but you'd have to wait. Mark: Who knows how much longer. Peter: This is true. With real property you never know. Mark: Right. Especially now. Banks are not that eager to loan money. Peter: Yeah. So how soon we could conclude the transaction. Mark: It's up to you. You've got all the paperwork ready? Peter: I do. Most of it. Mark: So, we can get this thing moving. Peter: We can. I'd need a downpayment. Some 10%. Mark: That much? Mark: I thought 5% would do for now. Peter: You've got a good price. So, 10% it is. Peter: I should complete the remaining paperwork within a week. Mark: All right. 10% tomorrow and we'll complete transaction in two weeks’ time? Peter: Sounds fine to me. Mark: We'll meet tomorrow at my lawyer's office? Peter: Fine. Text me the address. Mark: Will do as soon as I make the appointment. Mark: Get back to you shortly., Summary: Peter is selling his land to Mark. Mark will pay 10% tomorrow. Peter will complete the paperwork within a week. The transaction will be concluded in 2 weeks. They will meet tomorrow at Mark's lawyer's office. Mark will send Peter the address.
The summary of "Josh: what kind of a name is Dua Lipa :p Hank: why do you have a problem with it Josh: i dont know.. its weird Hank: youre weird ._." is Josh thinks the name Dua Lipa is weird.
Q: Summarize the following: Thomas: well i hope you have some success :) Thomas: I bought a car on Wednesday! :) Geoff: you did what? Geoff: like real one? Geoff: for use in Ireland? Geoff: why would you do that? Thomas: just seemed like a good idea at the time Thomas: 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 Thomas: I feel like driving and I need to get my licence and everything and get practice so that if I want a job where I can work on call like in service desk on-call role then I don't have any issues with doing that Geoff: oh well Geoff: why not - on plus side - that car will work in UK as good as it works in Ireland Thomas: haha yeah I can take it to the UK and having driving licence will be helpful in future Thomas: anyway I'm going to bed, work tomorrow. nice to chat, speak soon xoxoxoxoxoxox Geoff: nn sweet prince, A: Thomas bought a 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 on Wednesday. He needs to get his licence and some practice to be able to work in service desk on-call role. The car works in the UK and in Ireland as well.
Passage: Martha: Wanna join me for the new Spiderman Mary: nah, not for me Jeff: Sure, I love it Zac: me too Martha: ok, I'll check where they play it and will let you know, Summary: Zac and Jeff would like to go for the new Spiderman with Martha. Mary is not keen on joining them.
Context: Paula: Hello? Jane: Yes? What? Paula: Just making sure you are getting my messages. Jane: I am. Did I miss something? Paula: Just didn't hear from you about going out the other night. Jane: Oh, I was busy. Sorry., Summary: Jane was busy and did not reply to Paula's previous messages.
Q: Summarize the following: Isaac: Hey, we still up for our ritual gift swapping this year? Caroline: Of course ;) It wouldn't be a ritual otherwise Isaac: So have you thought of what you want, or am I to get you the latest Nicholas Sparks novel? ;) Caroline: Well you know I never say no to Mr Sparks, but I actually need a purse this year Isaac: Okay, I'll see what I can do - any particular colour?, A: Tamira's outfit for the birthday party is way over the top.
The answer of "Summarize the following Walter: I'll be half an hour l8r bro Conrad: Nelly and Brian have just texted me that R also comin' later Conrad: So take it easy Walter: We have all night so a little delay won't hurt Conrad: I guess so" is Walter is running 30 minutes later, but Nelly and Brian will be late too, so it's not a problem for Conrad.
Context: Juliana: hey Juliana: hope you are okay? Juliana: so, on saturday are we going at the childrens centre? Triza: hey, im not yet sure. Juliana: why? Triza: my friend is having a wedding on saturday Juliana: oh..😟 Triza: 😞😞😞 Juliana: its okay Triza: but i'll let you know if i can come for atleast 1 hour Juliana: yeah, please try, the children there at beverly love you a lot Triza: haha, yeah i know😊😊 Juliana: do i know that friend of yours? Triza: no, i really dont think so Juliana: why Triza: its a friend of Jeff's, i don't think you've met her before Juliana: oh😶😶 Triza: yeah Triza: but we'll see Triza: we can also go together to the wedding Juliana: yeah, that sounds like a plan, lets meet up before and talk more Triza: cool, Summary: Jeff's and Triza's friend has a wedding on Saturday so Juliana can't really go to the beverly childrens centre. She will try to go for at least 1 hour as she knows the kids love her.
Passage: Anthony: Has anybody read The picture of Dorian Gray? Donald: sure, who hasn't? Mark: but it's an overrated book Mark: I really dislike his style Donald: but isn't it beginning of camp? Anthony: I think it is, that's why I need to read it for my art project Anthony: does anybody have the book Mark: I can lend it to you Anthony: perfect!, Summary: Mark dislikes The Picture of Dorian Gray. Anthony needs to read it for an art project. Mark will lend the book to Anthony.
Q: Summarize the following: Pete: Did you let the cat out?!!! Jane: Yes. Why? Pete: You weren't supposed to let him out. He's injured and under house arrest. That's is not good enough. I thought that you're responsible! Grrrr!, A: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
The summary of "Simon: Where are you guys? Katherine: 101 Simon: Oh, ok. Coming! 🦄🦄🦄 Peter: Please, bring my backpack. I left it downstairs 😓 Simon: No worries!" is Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
The answer of "Summarize the following Aziz: Hi man. Just got off work, how about going down the gym? Darren: Yeah, buddy, I'm up for that! Aziz: Pub after? Darren: You know me too well, dude. See you down there? Aziz: Laters dude!" is Aziz and Darren decided to go to the gym and to a pub afterwards.
The answer of "Summarize the following Simon: Apparently my sister has too much spare time. Simon: She's just decided that having a dog additionally is a great idea. Simon: She has two cats already and likes going out but the idea of taking care of another animal seems legit for her :/ Paula: Not sure if it's such a good idea Paula: Maybe she doesn't realize the amount of things that she'll have to account for. Simon: I think that too. Simon: But it's her choice. Paula: I hope the dog won't suffer because of this :/ Simon: Let's not judge too soon. Maybe it's gonna be fun. Paula: Yup. Fun is the word I had in my mind :D" is Simon's sister has already two cats, but she is thinking of getting a dog. Simon shares this information with Paula. They are both skeptical but decide not to judge.
The answer of "Summarize the following Josh: hi Janice Janice: hi Josh: how are you? Janice: still thinking about this game! Janice: it was amazing! Janice: :D Josh: yeah, it was great Josh: i was having great time with you Janice: me too ^^ Josh: will we repeat it? Janice: would be great <3 Josh: so maybe cinema tomorrow? Janice: actually, tomorrow i'm quite busy Janice: but Saturday sounds great Josh: so Sat than ;) Josh: what kind of movie do you like? Janice: horror movies! Josh: aren't you afraid? Janice: if i will you can hug me <3 Josh: ok, so i will pick sth and let you know Janice: amazing ^^" is Josh and Janice are going to the cinema on Saturday to see a horror movie.
The summary of "Ramona: hi Fabs, guess where we are now. Fabian: Home. Ramona: haha funny Ramona: we're on holiday in Venice Fabian: !!! Ramona: you did erasmus here right? Fabian: not really Fabian: it was in Padova Ramona: oh crap Ramona: I was going to ask you for reccomendations Ramona: we're looking for a place to eat Fabian: I can help with that Fabian: Padova is not so far away from Venice, we went there a couple of times Fabian: there's this big square Ramona: Piazza San Marco? Fabian: shut up Fabian: it's called Campo Santa Margherita Fabian: it's where all the students go Fabian: there's a pizza place called PIZZA AL VOLO Fabian: quite cheap, only there's not place to sit. You just buy and eat on the square Ramona: sounds nice, but it's raining Fabian: oh Fabian: then I can reccomend you to go to Padova Ramona: haha funny Ramona: not really" is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
The summary of "Nora: <file_other> Heard this song? :) Adam: No. Let me listen to it. Nora: I can't get it out of my head! Adam: Catchy! Nora: Right? Adam: Where did you find it? Never heard of the band. Nora: Neither have I. A FoF recommended it to me. Apparently a very alternative type. Adam: Or so it seems. Just checked on wiki - this is their debut album! Nora: I think they'll have a booming career. Adam: So do I! Hey, maybe they have a concert soon? Nora: That's a grand idea! Adam: I'll check!" is Professor Ziegler died in a car crash. He was Sonny's supervisor.
The answer of "Summarize the following Linda: I didn't know Paula's a widow! Pamela: what? Greg: sure she is Corina: I think she has a ring even still Pamela: I thought it was just an amulet Greg: hmm, kind of, after so many years, rather a keepsake Linda: Greg, do you know what happened to him? Greg: yes, he was in the American army Greg: Died in early 1990s in Kuwait Linda: so it's been almost 30 years! Greg: yes, she was very young, just married Greg: she lived in Florida and she was pregnant Linda: she has a child? Greg: no, the boy died in a car accident when he was 18 Greg: I think it was 2009 Linda: god! poor Paula Linda: and she is so positive, helpful and cheerful Corina: sometimes she is melancholic though Linda: it's true, I haven't understood it so far" is Paula's husband died in the early 1990s in Kuwait. Her son died in a car accident at 18.
Passage: Dad: Jon, when are you coming back for xmas? Jon: Well I haven't booked the flights yet Dad: How come? you should book 'em asap! Jon: Yea thanks dad for reminding me Dad: Auntie Shayla is coming here on the 20th dec Jon: I should fly home with her then! Dad: Yep, she's heading back to Toronto after new year's eve Jon: Hmm sounds like a good plan to me. I should give her a call Dad: Yes. We are excited to see y'all Jon: Do you want anything from here? Dad: xmas gifts Jon: oh yea, I have to do some shopping xd thx for reminding me about that too Dad: Are you bringing Shyann home? Jon: No, she's going to her parents for xmas. I can't afford air tix for her xd Dad: Flights are fckn expensive Jon: Ikr Dad: Where is she from already? Jon: Charlottetown Jon: PEI Dad: Will she fly there? Jon: Yea but it's cheaper to fly to PEI than to Sask. Dad: I see. Book your tickets now and we'll talk about our next holiday excursions at home. Mom is excited to see y'all for Christmas. Jon: K will do! ttyl, Summary: Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sue: Hi Penny, how is dad doing? have they moved him yet? xx Penny: Dad ok moved on fri been up weekend and will c him today xx Sue: Is it nice there?xx Penny: seems fine and staff nice too Sue: Good I should be finding out about my car today so I will keep you posted Penny: ok dear xx Sue: my car is having a new engine hoping it will be finished soon xx Penny: well dad is doing fine, glad car being sorted xx Sue: I was hoping to get my car back by now but its still with the guy.. im getting really annoyed about it Penny: theres no point in stressing yourself dear xx Sue: I know but I really need to come and see dad xx Penny: he has a bad chest at the moment and is a bit out of it anyway so best you come when he is a bit more with it xx Sue: Are they taking him back to hospital? Penny: Not at the moment, they are treating him here xx" is They've moved Sue and Penny's dad on Friday. He's fine but has a bad chest. Sue's car has a new engine and she can't wait to have it ready so that she could go and visit dad.
Context: Reid: has pollard lost his job? Lennon: I dont know mate has he? Reid: thats what I heard what will he do? Lennon: prob sit on his arse😂😂😂 Reid: well yes and that Lennon: where you hear that anyway? Reid: my mate works at his place Lennon: oh is it Reid: yh, says its closing down at the end of the month Lennon: he will be ok anyways hes always getting job offers Reid: yh I spose he is pretty good on the job front Lennon: that bloke from the garage spoke to him last week abut starting with them he might do that Reid: that would be good he could get our cars done cheap Lennon: good shout mate, Summary: Pollard lost his job. His work place is closing at the end of the month.
Q: Summarize the following: Mailer: any good movies? Oswald: series? Mailer: no, cinema rather Scarlett: try the new fantastic beasts. heard it pretty good Mailer: oh cool thx , A: Mailer wants to go to the movies. Scarlett suggests the new fantastic beasts.
The answer of "Summarize the following Daniel: Could you please turn the volume down or use your headphones? Riley: oh Riley: sure, turning it down Daniel: Thanks" is Miles had a strange dream about being stuck in the 80's. Connie wishes they could go back to their dreams.
The answer of "Summarize the following Joan: I don't know what to buy Joan: For Jana's bday 😑 Ashley: Well Ashley: We can get something for her together Ashley: Splitting money later Joan: Oh thats a great idea Ashley: I would get her some cosmetics Ashley: And a teddy bear Joan: Ye cool Ashley: Do you want to go with me? Joan: Sure what time were meeting? Ashley: Id rather go tomorrow Ashley: Tomrw maybe 6pm? Joan: Sure! Ashley: We're meeting at Lower Place ok Ashley: Then I will drive Joan: Kk Joan: Sounds right Ashley: K great" is Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
Q: Summarize the following: Justin: are you going to go to the renaissance festival? Max: not sure Max: it sounds really nerdy but it really could be fun :-D Justin: I know! let's go, come on! Max: ok, let's go, but let's not tell anyone hahaha Max: they'll make fun of us for the rest of our lives Justin: lol you're right Max: do we have to wear costumes? Justin: not sure Justin: let's just show up in normal people clothes lol, A: Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
Passage: Jacob: <file_photo? Xavier: Is that your dad? Anne: Wow! Jacob: I miss him Anne: 😌, Summary: Jacob misses his father.
The answer of "Summarize the following Yann: How's it going? Poppy: Fine, uncle, how's the kebab business! Yann: Ticking over, my sweet! You all coming to your cousin's 18th? Poppy: Oh no! I forgot to RSVP the invitation! Yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world! Yann: Great! Give your Mama and Pappa my love! Poppy: Bye, Uncs, see you all on the 20th!" is Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Context: Kate: oh no did u see katherine is coming to town next week Susan: oh boy Susan: not her :/ Kate: geez Kate: we will have to go out with her I guess Susan: she's such a bore <file_gif> Kate: but it's just two days, thank god Susan: yeah, I guess we'll survive hehe, Summary: Kate and Susan are displeased with Katherine's arrival because they don't want spend time with her.
Context: Sophia: Hi darling :* How do you feel? Emma: Well, still not ok :( I didn’t feel good all last night. My whole body hurts :( Sophia: I think it might be a flu. Emma: Yeah, it can be that. Sophia: My poor baby :( Emma: :( Sophia: get better soon honey :* Emma: Thanks :), Summary: Jake's flight was postponed by 24 hours. Mia will be at the hospital with Pa when he gets his results. Jake will cook a meal on Thrursday or Friday for Mia and Pa.
Context: Tatiana: What's the point? Betty: The point of what? Tatiana: Of living. Betty: Oh god.. everything ok?... Who knows? Tatiana: I'm ok but we must be here for some reason. Betty: Maybe we're here to have fun. Tatiana: Then why am I not having fun? Betty: Because you're thinking too much about pointless stuff like thiiiiis xD Tatiana: Meh... don't be mean, I was just wondering about this. Betty: Stop thinking about that and just relax and enjoy life! Tatiana: That's actually a good advice. Betty: Just be patient and take one day at a time. Tatiana: It just gets hard sometimes. Betty: Life ain't easy, but if you keep going you will find happiness girl :) Tatiana: Thank you :), Summary: Professor Ziegler died in a car crash. He was Sonny's supervisor.
The summary of "Nick: Opinions required! Gas or induction hob? Ben: Having lived with an induction hob for a while, i’m not convinced.. Ruth: induction- very sleek and quick to boil! Ben: but it doesn’t maintain a constant temperature! Is it typical of all induction or i just got an old one? Ruth: they pulse if use don’t use proper pans Ben: what do you mean proper? Do you mean better+heavier? Ruth: yeah, simply suitable Ben: and i guess i have to learn how to use it.. Ruth: yeah, it’s just different comparing to gas Christian: gas, absolutely without a question- nothing else gives you the control! Nick: I’m definitely more interested in a controllable consistent heat Mary: with induction it’s like on and off so you have to regulate temperature.. Kate: induction- yes, gas- no cause it takes ages to boil water! Tim: you can always use an electric kettle you know? Kate: haha! Not funny! Kate: it’s easier to clean as well. Harry: I’d go for induction cause it keeps the temp after you finish cooking so the food is still warm Tom: Induction! 100% Susan: our induction was terrible! I think it’s common! Emma: another vote for induction here! Ruth: All chefs seem to say gas! Tom: I sell more induction hobs then gas! It’s getting popular and i can see why! Emma: we got ours from the John Lewis outlet so it was ex display and therefore very affordable! Nick: cheer guys for all your opinions! Great talk! I think i’ll go for.. Induction." is Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Context: Evelyn: Hon, I forgot to set out the laundry - could you do that? Robert: sure mom :) Evelyn: Thanks sweetheart :) there are freshly baked flapjack in the oven, they're still a little hot so you might have to wait a while. Robert: :D Robert: <file_gif> Evelyn: Don't forget to do your homework!!, Summary: Evelyn forgot to set out the laundry. Rob will do that. She made some fresh flapjacks, they are in the oven.
The summary of "Shirley: have you ever had lobster? Blake: never :-( Shirley: NEVER!?!?!?!!?! Blake: never Shirley: i'm taking you out for dinner tomorrow and we'll have lobster Blake: i won't say no to that, lol" is Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
The answer of "Summarize the following Pauline: Can I reserve a table for 6 for tonight? Restaurant: Of course, what time? Pauline: 7 PM, if possible. Restaurant: No problem. It's done. Can I help with anything else? Pauline: No, thank you. Restaurant: We're looking forward to seeing you tonight." is Miles had a strange dream about being stuck in the 80's. Connie wishes they could go back to their dreams.
The answer of "Summarize the following Alan: Going to be late for the Tennis club! Dilan: Damn, how long? Alan: Not a lot, just 15 minutes. Dilan: Oh no worries then, see you later! Alan: Alright thanks, cya later." is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
The summary of "Terry: Have you heard guys? Spice Girls announce reunion tour - without Victoria Beckham! Ruth: Old Spice Gareth: Or another way to put it - the 4 spice girls that aren't stupidly rich announce new tour, in hope for raising funds. Jodie: "When five become fourrrrrr" Ruth: :D :D :D Anyway, I don't recall posh spice singing or dancing that much... Gareth: Victoria doesn't need it. She's rich as fuck. Ruth: Probably also thinking she's too good for them... Terry: I loved Spice Girls when I was a kid. Admit you did too!! Ruth: Who didn't... My favourite was the sporty one. I wanted to be fit like her. Terry: I was in love with Emma. So sweet.... Ruth: Old times... Jodie: I wouldn't go to a concert though... Ruth: I don't see a point. " is They are nostalgic about Spice Girls, who are preparing a reunion tour. Jodie and Ruth would not go to a Spice Girls concert though.
The answer of "Summarize the following George: We're leaving tomorrow, finally! Emmanuel: yes, I can't wait Maria: When are you coming back? Jean: next Monday George: have you packed guys? Emmanuel: sure Maria: will you be only in Sapo National Park? George: only? it's huge!" is Mia is not coming tomorrow morning, as she has some problems at work. So Owen does not have to go and pick her up. Mia will phone Nicole later. She may be coming in the afternoon or evening to stay overnight but then she will take a bus, since Nicole cannot fetch her.
Passage: Olivia: <file_other> Olivia: look Michael Buble is playing in 3 months! Noah: oh, that's good to hear, I thought he wasn't much into shows for the past few years Olivia: <file_gif> Olivia: Shall buy us the tickets? :D Noah: When is the concert? Olivia: 26 July Noah: Hmm.. I don't have any plans Noah: why not, buy the tickets :D Olivia: hooray! Noah: <file_gif>, Summary: Professor Ziegler died in a car crash. He was Sonny's supervisor.
The answer of "Summarize the following Emma: Hugh Jackman would coming at the restaurant this weekend <3 Jayden: Really? Emma: Would you want to be famous too? Jayden: Never thought about it Emma: You should go for America's got talent you have good singing skills Jayden: Will talk about that later xD Emma: Get ready to be at restaurant this weekend Jayden: <3" is Emma says that Hugh Jackman will be at the restaurant this weekend.
The summary of "Artur: Where do we send the project from Start Mangt? Essa: To Daniel Artur: Thanks. How about those presentations from the beginning? Also to him? Essa: Yea, we send it all together Przemek: As pptx? Artur: All has to be in PDF, I remember him saying that Daniel: Speaking of, I have only received 15 emails. From 51 :p Artem: Deadline? Daniel: Today... Artem: What time? Daniel: Let's say 23:59 :) Artem: Ok, thanks Bartek: There is no way I can send it today. When do you have to send it to the professor? Maybe we can get some extension? Daniel: I spoke to the professor, he said that I have to send it to him by Sunday. I guess I can accept all during the night, but no later, sorry guys. Btw, 28/51 Maria: We still have a few minutes left :D Daniel: I know we have exams next week, but please guys, the final is tomorrow. I can't send what I have so far - 31/51 Daniel: <file_other>. Please have a look, all student numbers marked in green are the ones I have received on my email Viktor: I sent you mine over a week ago, but it isn't green? Daniel: Found it, thanks for pointing that out. If someone isn't marked just send it to me again :) Aigerim: I sent mine as well - 79730 Daniel: You were marked already... Aigerim: Ok, sorry, thought you marked only people that haven't submitted yet" is Jane is updating her Tinder profile tonight and together with Shona they don't want to find another guy like John, who forgot Jane's birthday.
The answer of "Summarize the following Jayden: babe, can you do the laundry? Jayden: i've already loaded the washing machine, you just need to switch it on Quinn: yeah, sure Quinn: buy some bread on your way home, ok? Jayden: ok" is Quinn will do the laundry. Jayden will buy bread on Quinn's request.
Passage: Alyssa: have you seen this fight on fb?? Alyssa: on the group chat dedicated to planning Alice's bachelorette party Arianna: oh, fuck Arianna: give ma a sec, i'll catch up on everything and i'll be back Alyssa: ok :) Arianna: what a shitstorm Arianna: have you noticed, that this dumbass Juliana added Alice to the group chat? Arianna: talk about surprise party Alyssa: omg no! Alyssa: Alice has to feel awful now, after reading all this shit :/ Arianna: what was the reason for this fight, did you get it? Alyssa: three floozies said that we should organize a male stripper for Alice and the rest of the girls didn’t agree on that Alyssa: then these chicks started calling them names, saying that they’re a bunch of trollops and, well, the girls reacted quite savagely Alyssa: that’s it Arianna: rly?? Arianna: wow we’re all gonna have a blast at this party :// Alyssa: mhm :( if i didn’t care about Alice’s feelings so much, i wouldn’t go Arianna: me too :/ Arianna: it’s gonna be awful, Summary: Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
Context: Zika: I just met with Annabelle Zika: Annabelle is Berdie's bff Kimberly: and? Zika: we kinda knew each other for ages and sometimes talked on fb Zika: and we finally met up! it was great Kimberly: that's great! Kimberly: I'm always anxious when I hang out with people that aren't super close to me Zika: me too Zika: I was worrying we won't have much to talk about Kimberly: so it wasn't awkward? Zika: not at all! Kimberly: :), Summary: Zika finally met up with Annabelle. Kimberly doesn't like to hang out with people that she doesn't know very well.
The summary of "Don: Did you get the transfer? Jim: Yes. Thanks for that mate. Don: No problems." is Jim got the transfer from Don.
Context: Anna: can you send me your recipe for pancakes hun? Caroline: let me find it, i have it in my notebook Anna: ok ok, waiting :) Caroline: <file_photo> Anna: thank you!!! Caroline: good luck :*, Summary: Anna asked Caroline for her pancake recipe. Caroline sent her a photo from her notebook.
The answer of "Summarize the following Adrian: <file_photo> Adrian: That was when I was walking across the bridge Maria: So beautiful. Where is that? Victoria Falls? Adrian: Yes that's the view from the bridge Maria: I wanna move to u haha Adrian: Haha I'm only here for another week then I leave Maria: Oh so u got a new job? Adrian: You see how you never pay attention to what I say Maria: U said that tomorrow u will start working but u didn't tell me u got a new job. U just told me u gonna have an exam and a break Adrian: Yea the exam is for the new job Maria: Yes I know this. But I didn't know that u got that job already :( Adrian: But I told you long ago Maria: I don't remember anything that u told me that u got a new job. U were just telling me u wanna change a job or u really told me that u had got a new job then I have problems with my memory :) Adrian: You see you don't listen to me Maria: It's not like that. I just don't remember that. Because u didn't tell me that. U told me about the exam and nothing else. I asked about the results and u said that u will have them around in 1 month Adrian: I did tell you a while ago. Even when I was going for the interview and after the interview Maria: Which I guess should mean that in 1 month u will know if u have this job or not. Yeah. U told me u going back to Victoria falls to work there. U didn't tell me that they gave u that job Adrian: I told you Maria: Ok. So maybe I have problems with my memory..." is Adrian has got a new job, and Maria is surprised that he didn't know anything about it.
Passage: Tracey: Never mind diet we really do need catch up xx Pauline: I'm always on a diet they don't work lol. When u free? X Tracey: Next couple of weeks hectic ... just Michelle gets bloody good holidays ..but of after easter. .get girlie day arranged xx Tracey: On it xx by the way 'can you thee me ' xx Pauline: Lol, no x Tracey: Will need to send you wee picture Pauline xx Pauline: I will frame it x Tracey: Just thought of postcard wee sent to Micheal from Ibiza. x Pauline: Funny I found it the other day, still a bit blurry getting it taken lol x, Summary: Tracey and Pauline will meet after Easter.
Context: Shiloh: Wow, did you hear they cast Henry Cavill as Geralt? Casey: Welp... I'm not feeling very positive about this casting Shiloh: I haven't really seen him in any roles, I don't watch many films or tv series, haha. Shiloh: But he doesn't really look like Geralt to me Casey: I've just checked the showrunner's twitter and still don't know what to think Casey: Feels like they only did that to have a big name playing the lead role lol Casey: To attract female audience, maybe Shiloh: I guess there's makeup and clothes... that may change a lot, maybe it'll actually work Casey: Who knows... I'm worried they'll butcher it, I really loved the game Shiloh: Me too, but I guess we've gotta wait until it's on Netflix Casey: Or until we know more about the rest of the cast :p Shiloh: Well, that too... Keeping my fingers crossed for Eva Green as Yen, Summary: Showrunner has announced on Twitter that Henry Cavill will play Geralt in Netflix series. Casey and Shiloh are unsure about the casting choice. Shiloh hopes Eva Green will play Yen.
The answer of "Summarize the following Alan: wyd? Lisa: Just… Going to the shops with mom xP Alan: Haha is it any fun ;p Lisa: Actually it’s not ;/ she just… complains all the time and I have to listen to her. Alan: Sooo… Don’t go! Lisa: I can’t, shed be angry at me o.O" is Lisa is going shopping with her mother. She doesn't enjoy it.
The summary of "Connor: hey mom i need you to pick me up from school Connor: i missed the bus :-( Mom: why? Connor: a teacher wanted to talk to me and i lost track of time Mom: i'm at a meeting i can leave work right now Mom: you'll have to wait for me Mom: i can be there in two hours Connor: TWO HOURS???!?!! Connor: is it cool if i go to Randall's and you pick me up there? Mom: that's fine Mom: you'll have to text me his address Mom: i have no idea where he lives Connor: i'll text you that info later Mom: ok Mom: i'll be there in around two hours" is Jayden has mistakenly called Freddie instead of Fran. He does not usually call him, as he prefers to chat.
Q: Summarize the following: Marie: I have some issues with opening this file for Monday classes Jerry: Me too, anyone already downloaded it? Clara: Damn, I can’t even log to my email :D Jerry: hahahaha Alex: I have it, just let me find it Marie: How come you can open it?? Alex: I think I just downloaded it on time, the link must have expired Jerry: Of course, we had like what? 3 days to do that? Alex: I think so, and now it’s been like 7:D Clara: Just send it here, I still can’t log in, A: Marie and Jerry can't open the file for Monday classes. Clara can’t even log to her email. Alex can send them the file, because she had downloaded it before the link expired. They had only 3 days to do it.
The summary of "Samuel: Do you have the recipe for the weed muffins? Daniel: Didn't know you were a baker Samuel: Come on, help me out Daniel: Am I invited to the party? Samuel: There's no party Samuel: Just me and Pamela Daniel: You guys wanna get really high Daniel: <file_photo> Samuel: Thanks Daniel Daniel: Leave me a few... " is Daniel gives Samuel a recipe for weed muffins and asks for some.
Passage: Emma: the show is about to start where are u? William: Coming Emma: Hury up, Summary: Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
The answer of "Summarize the following Abby: guys, the store is closed. Should I try and find another one, or are we done with this today? Josh: I'd pass, you've already been to so many shops Leo: Yeah, maybe I can try again tomorrow Abby: k" is Jose invited Joseph and Donald for dinner after completing a project. Jose, Joseph and Donald will meet in Club Cafe at 8pm. Donald will bring Terry. Jose has a special budget for that kind of events.
The answer of "Summarize the following Diana: Tommy, please remember it's Dad's birthday tomorrow! Tommy: Ok mum, no problem. Diana: Did you and your brother get Dad a gift or something? Tommy: Jack said he would buy that new Beatles collection, I gave him my half of the money so I hope he didn't forget. :P Diana: Ok, I bought a set of four ties. Tommy: You're trying to appeal to Dad's manager side, while we're aiming at his rock and roll soul, heh. Diana: You got that right. When can you come over? Tommy: After work, around 5, maybe 5.30. Diana: Ok. Tommy: How's Grandma? Diana: Oh, she's getting stronger and stronger. It's been two months since the operation. Tommy: I know. Is Aunt Irene coming to Dad's birthday? Diana: Yes, she's doing the early shift at the hospital tomorrow. Tommy: Ok. Diana: Good night, my son! :) Tommy: Good night, Mother! :D" is Joan is driving to Philadelphia on Saturday morning. Amanda will join her at 9:45 AM after bringing Charlie to his grandmother. The journey will take up to 90 minutes.
The summary of "John: have a nice time at the beach? Anna: let me tell you John: ok hahah Anna: it was amazing weather water ahh amazing but there was one thing John: yeah what's that? Anna: so you know my friend Emma? John: yes I do Anna: she brought her boyfriend and he is the most annoying person ever hahah John: really? why? what he do Anna: everything we do he complain, if we went to the beach he want to go the pool at the pool the beach he want to go John: I hate people like this Anna: and if we went to eat he alwaysss complain were we would go John: id tell him to just shut up and deal with it haha Anna: I told Emma! I was like I can't take it you have to say something to him John: and what she say? Anna: she told me I should grow up John: wowwww " is Anna enjoyed the beach but didn't like Emma's boyfriend, who complained a lot.
The summary of "Abdi: I'm going into the army next Friday (=_=) Dante: This fast? (;一_一)?? Dante: Didn't you say you applied for the army service 2 montjs ago? Dante: 2momths* Abdi: Normally it takes 6 months...(~_~) Dante: I know maybe they got some vacancy(~_~) Dante: It is so sudden😔 Dante: But after 2 years you are gonna become a real man!(^ム^) Abdi: But we are the only one country divided 2 countries Dante: Let's hope soon we could be unified Abdi: Whether it is unified or not I should serve in army.(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Dante: Cheer up u r gonna be okay Dante: I'd say the same thing like you are now ミΘc_Θ-ミ....... Abdi: I am also worried about my girl friend.🌟🌟🌟 Abdi: I heard a lot about the cases like while guys are serving in army their gfs are looking for other guys. Dante: Your gf will wait for you till you finish your service.ヽ(´ー`)ノ Abdi: Who knows? I feel like I am dying already.Σ(゜д゜;) Dante: Don't worry about what didn't happen yet. Everything would be alright. Dante: Let's meet up with other guys and drink before you leave" is Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
The answer of "Summarize the following Peter: When did you last time see Eric? Paul: I think about a month ago Peter: Me too... Peter: At Brenda's birthday Paul: That's strange Paul: He never skipped trainings Peter: First I thought he was sick Peter: I even sent him a message to see if he was ok Peter: "I'm fine, mate" Peter: This is what he wrote Peter: Nothing more Paul: Maybe he's having difficult time Paul: But I have no idea why would that be Peter: Maybe we should visit him Peter: He was never really close to me but I'm worried" is Peter and Paul saw Eric last time a month ago at Brenda's birthday. Peter sent him a message, but Eric was laconic.
The summary of "Grayson: What do you think, should I shave my head? Gregory: what? Halbert: you've got a great hair though... Grayson: I'm tired of washing it and then drying...... it takes a lot of time.... Gregory: If you really want, why not Grayson: I will do that, hope you will recognize me ;p" is Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
The summary of "Pamela: OMG I've just seen Robin Hood! Scott: did u like it? Pamela: Yeah, I liked it, especially Taron Egerton Scott: I got bored a bit, it's the same story told over and over again Pamela: well, you're right, but for me it was still entertaining Scott: Jamie Foxx though was a bit out of his role Pamela: I've never liked him I didn't pay attention to him that much XD Scott: it was a bit to violent and bloody to me Pamela: Scottie, that's what actions movie are like :D Scott: all in all, it wasn't a movie for me :) Pamela: Scottie, you've always been different ;-)" is Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sarah: tonight 8 o'clock? Jenny: ?? Sarah: the gang meeting, Lexie didn't tell you? Jenny: no... Sarah: we're meeting tonight at 8 pm at Ricky's. Can you come? Jenny: I'll try." is Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
The answer of "Summarize the following Raelyn: anything to watch? Truman: movie or series? Raelyn: not really into series. movie would be cool. some good thriller Truman: you want something new? Raelyn: dont care. dont have to be new Tanner: have you seen that Danish movie about 112 operator? Raelyn: dunno. whats it about? Tanner: told ya. 112 operator and basically he aswers the phone Truman: dont sounds like helluva movie in fact Raelyn: yeah Tan more details? Tanner: I know but it's really I mean REALLY exciting and tho not much happens youre on the edge of the seat all the time Raelyn: how come? Truman: yeah exactly Truman: the way its done. you’ve got to see it guys" is Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
The summary of "Tom: What's the homework for tomorrow? Amanda: Which class? Tom: English Amanda: Let me check Patrick: p. 66 ex 7&8 Amanda: There's also an essay Patrick: But it's due next week Amanda: True. " is English homework for tomorrow for Tom, Amanda and Patrick is ex 7&8 p.66. They also have to write an essay for next week.
The summary of "Jane: hey, you're busy? John: A bit. why? Jane: I wanted to ask you a favour. Jane: Should take 10 min, ok? John: Ok, tell me. Jane: I'm having an important skype video call and I need to check the quality of my connection. Jane: Can we have a mock call? John: Sure, what's your skype nickname? Jane: jane.grey12 John: Can't find anyone with such a nick name. John: Maybe I'll find you by email? Jane: Strange, I skyped with a friend a month ago and she found me with no problems. Jane: Anyways. John: Still nothing. John: OK, try to find me: aliceinwonderland. John: I'm using my gf's skype. Jane: haha, good one;-). Jane: Ooops, I can see 35 users with this nickname and no one is from UK, actually John: What about Italy? Jane: yes, one from Florence and one from Reggio Emilia. John: try the one from Florence. Jane: ok, I've sent you a contact request. Jane: can u see that? John: Nope, nothing so far. John: Oh yes... got it and accepted. Jane: Great! Jane: So let's move there. John: ok,cya on skype." is Jane is having an important Skype video call and wants to have a mock call with John.
Context: Lisa: Guess who's got a new hairstyle^^ Anita: Ooh, you finally dyed your hair?! Lisa: Not me, Tommy. He's gotten his first haircut today. He was such an angel there! The lady told me she'd never seen such a calm toddler before! Anita: I bet you're a proud mommy now. Do you have any pics? Lisa: Sure. There you go: <file_photo> Anita: Awww, he looks so cute! Like a proper little gentleman!, Summary: Simone will be in Italy for more or less the whole month of June.
The answer of "Summarize the following Luca: OK, so when do we see each other? Anna: 4 pm? Luca: OK! Where? at the cinema or do you want to eat or drink something before? Anna: Hmm actually I'd love to have a coffee before, I've had a hard day Luca: A lot of work? Anna: Yeah and a new project has started so there were so many, let's say, "basics" to do… Luca: I see.. I hope you'll like the film I've chosen :> Anna: I hope so too haha Luca: It won't be any thriller or horror, rather.. It's good for such a day that you've had Anna: Great :D I have some suspicions what that may be, but ok, I won't say anything - I want a surprise! Luca: And so it will be :D Anna: <file_gif> Luca: Haha ok so what do you think about the Blueberries for the before-the-cinema-coffee? Anna: is it this new cafeteria on the Oxfrod St? Luca: Yes! Anna: Have you been there already? Luca: Nooo, but a friend of mine was and he says it's a really cool place and they have very tasty coffee Anna: Sounds like a perfect place ;) and it's quite close to the cinema Luca: Exactly :) so, see you there at 4 pm? Anna: Yees :) then see u! Luca: see u! Anna: <file_gif>" is Anna and Luca will meet for coffee at Blueberries in Oxford Street at 4 pm. Luca and Anna are going to see a light film of Luca's choice.
Context: Theo: pizza! May: Already?! Theo: Do you have cash? They don't accept credit cards :/ Theo: May? May: I do, no worries, be there in 5, Summary: Stanley wants to change booking details and book a smaller room because his wife won't bring a dog. Stanley will be provided with the available options very soon.
The answer of "Summarize the following Tim: I feel like I'm gonna be single forever.. Ava: What happened? Tim: Nothing. Tim: I've been thinking. Tim: And in my opinion, I just wasn't born to be in a relatioship. Tim: Or maybe I'm just having a bad day. Ava: Why do you think you're not good at relationships? Tim: I don't know... Ava: Maybe an example? Tim: For example, I'm always placing sb's else interest before mine... Ava: That's not good, you're right. Ava: But it's not the end of the world either. Tim: Maybe..." is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
Q: Summarize the following: Gerald: Can I ask you a favour? Judith: What is it? Gerald: Maggie and I will be back home very late tonight. Judith: Work? Gerald: Unfortunately. Didn't expect this in the morning. Judith: So? Gerald: Could you come by our house and let the dog out into the yeard? Judith: I don't have the key. Gerald: That's not a problem. It's under the frog. Judith: Which frog? Gerald: Next to the entrance there's a pile of stones and somewhere amongst the there's the front door key. Judith: Really? I thought ppl only did that in the movies. Gerald: Yeah. Really. Can you make it or should I ask someone else? Judith: No, I'll do it. I can pop by around 4. Gerald: That'd be great. We're in your debt. Judith: Don't mention it. Gerald: No, seriously. Let us invite you to dinner as a means of thank you. Judith: That's very nice of you., A: Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
The summary of "Daniel: Hey Nancy! Nancy: Hey Dan! What's up? Daniel: <file_video> Nancy: Whaaat? You went to the seaside without me?! Daniel: But we asked you last week if you could go with us for a short trip Nancy: You didn't say what kind of trip, I thought you meant somewhere in town! Daniel: So we misunderstood each other :( Nancy: I'm so sad now, have fun all of you Daniel: Thanks and let's meet when we get back? Nancy: I'll let you know, I have a lot of studying to do" is Jeniffer is still in Boston. She will not be back before the weekend.
The answer of "Summarize the following Matt: Good morning :) Sophie: Hello :) :* Matt: How are you today? Sophie: Fine. At work. Matt: Can you meet me this week? Sophie: Yes. Wednesday of Thursday Matt: Thursday is fine Matt: You work on Thursday? Sophie: A couple of hours, maybe Matt: Ok... Sophie: Your place? :) Matt: Yes :) 10am? Sophie: So early?! Matt: Can't wait to see you... Sophie: :) can you meet tomorrow? :) Matt: No :( I'm travelling till Wednesday afternoon Sophie: OK. Then Thursday morning. I'm coming for breakfast... Matt: Miss you..." is Sophie will come to Matt's place for breakfast on Thursday at 10 am.
Q: Summarize the following: David: Hi Jessica, congrats for graduating! How did it go? Jessica: Thank you really much Dave, it went pretty good! I got 109 out of 110 😎 David: Well then once again: congrats! It seems you took it seriously, didn't ya? Jessica: You bet I did!, A: Tom has a map of Paris.
The summary of "Bryan: Mom, I need to tell you something. Lucy: Yes, what is it? Bryan: You remember when I told you something must be up, cause lieutenant Wells was calling for me all the time? Lucy: Yes, I do. Bryan: Well… It is serious. And kinda huge Lucy: What is it, son?? Are you… Bryan: Yes, I’m going to Afghanistan. Lucy: O my god… This is terrible! Can’t you do something about it! Bryan: Sorry mom but no, I have to go. Lucy: I will be so scared… Bryan: Mon, don’t be, a situation is pretty stable there, nothing will happen to me. Lucy: How can you know that… War is war. Bryan: It’s not even war anymore! Stop panicking Lucy: How can I not panic, you’re my only son! If anything happens to you… Bryan: It won’t mum, trust me Lucy: I knew the army was a bad idea… Bryan: I’m happy to there! Lucy: What are you saying… Bryan: It’s a great experience, fellow soldiers told me that! Some of them been there Lucy: They’re telling you that to cheer you up… Bryan: What, no, they don’t! Why are you behaving like that! Lucy: Because I’m worried about you… Bryan: Don’t be, I’m a grown up man, time to deal with it. Lucy: I wall always be your mother, so I will always worry. Bryan: I’m going to be OK, do you understand? And now stop it, I’ll visit you on Thursady, will buy some cake. Lucy: Great, I’ll be waiting for you." is Jose invited Joseph and Donald for dinner after completing a project. Jose, Joseph and Donald will meet in Club Cafe at 8pm. Donald will bring Terry. Jose has a special budget for that kind of events.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sara: check this out <file_other> :D Josh: Woah! looks good! Sara: not too expensive, 3 rooms:P Josh: but isn't it too far? Sara: no, I don't think so... Josh: google maps says it's around 30 min to my office... Sara: that's not far! Sara: you can even get there by bike then! Sara: I'll call the owner ok? Josh: kk" is Sara and Jason are looking for a flat. The one Sara found is not far from Josh's office. She will contact the owner.
Context: Sammie: <file_other> are we going? Haha Marina: Absolutely! I'm packing already! Sammie: Awesome :D Marina: :* Sammie: <file_video>, Summary: Marina is already packing.
Passage: Jayde: I cant find out where my book is Ben: Which one? Jayde: English Ben: I have two of them, will give you one, Summary: Ben will give Jayde back one of her English books.
The answer of "Summarize the following Bill: Is everything ok with the computer? Wendy: So far no problems :-) Thank you Bill: Should anything happen, feel free to contact me. Wendy: Ok. You've been most helpful. Have a good day. Bill: Good day to you, too!" is Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
The summary of "James: hows the weather by the way its blumin freezing right now Mia: It's snowing on my side :D How are the dogs? 🙂 James: lucky well im missing the ends of one of my shoe laces, but generally theyre great absolute nut cases but its fun Mia: When you start gushing about them, the you'll know that they're truly part of the family :P James: your elcome to come see them any time, and now its time to go for a walk and freeze Mia: (whilst singing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland") James: Hahaha!! <file_photo>" is James's dogs are well. Mia is allowed to see them any time.
Q: Summarize the following: Nina: On Sunday I'm coming back to Italy for 2 weeks Finn: Oh good for you. You must be glad to be back home Nina: A bit, A: Luke will be on time and will bring some coke to the meeting with Lewis and Matthew.
The answer of "Summarize the following Denny: Hi. I have just asked for the upgrade of the Internet. They have to come and migrate to fibre. Will let you know when they call me as I have to be there. Max: Thank you! When do you reckon they would come? Denny: Monday, I think. Will keep you posted. Max: Fantastic! can't wait!" is Max will let Denny know when they come to upgrade the Internet as Denny needs to be there. It will probably be on Monday.
Passage: Anne: And the weekend starts in 3... 2... 1... Caroline: Not for me :-( Amanda: Why is that? Caroline: Weekend shift :-( :-( :-(, Summary: Caroline has to work on the weekend.
Context: Ana: Hey!! We didn't see each other yesterday :( Ana: I was feeling really ill, so I couldn't come... but can you tell me what I missed? Lewis: not much really... I mean, just some organisational info, I can send you the info later. Ana: ok thanks :), Summary: Ana didn't come yesterday because she was sick. But she only missed organisational information.