Passage: Ryan: what was the name of that movie from yesterday? Puck: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Ryan: thx!, Summary: "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" is the movie from yesterday.
Q: Summarize the following: Olivia: my boss is asshole Monica: i know Olivia: he told me i have to call her and tell that we will not pay her! Olivia: why me?! Monica: why anyone? Olivia: he will never do it by his own Monica: but she deserves this money Olivia: i know that Monica: she designed this house since May Olivia: but 'she is rude and made a mistake' Monica: really? :( Olivia: ofc no!, A: Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
The summary of "Jordan: bus at 8:45? Fill: yep Jordan: see u" is Bus is going to arrive at 8.45.
The summary of "Jill: How could you leave?? Tom: Hey, I'm sorry. Jill: I woke up and you were gone. I thought we'd go for breakfast. Tom: I got a text in the morning and I didn't want to wake you. Jill: Always work, work, work. Tom: It's my first month on the job. I have to be on call. You know that! Jill: :( We hardly have any mornings together anymore. Tom: Next month will be better. I promise. Jill: Ok, but I'm holding you to that promise! Tom: :) See you at 5 (hopefully). Jill: Bye, love you. Tom: Love you" is Jill is angry about Tom leaving for work before she woke up. Tom promises that this is only because it is his first month on the job and the next month will be better. He will be back at 5.
Q: Summarize the following: Paul: I'm pissed off Robert: ? Robert: Fire away Paul: She ghosted me after three dates Robert: bitch Robert: <gif>, A: Robert was ghosted after three dates.
The summary of "Marlene: have you seen the new arrivals in the library? Torry: I did! Marlene: there is this companion about Jewish history Marlene: I though it could be useful for us Torry: I didn't see it Marlene: because you only look at the physical books Marlene: and there is also a section with a list of new ebooks Kim: yes, it's worth to look at it sometimes Simone: could you give me the name of the book? Marlene: wait, I took a pic Marlene: <file_photo> Simone: it's Routledge Marlene: of course, they specialise in it Simone: so predictable ;)" is There are some new arrivals in the library, such as the companion about Jewish history.
Context: Danielle: Yes, yes it does :) I'm thinking of going tomorrow to get started on Christmas shopping. Ted: Oh cool im going home tomorrow having been in Berlin for theres Ted: How was your birthday? Danielle: You didn't tell me you were going to Berlin - how's that? Danielle: Part I was lovely - I went with a friend to see the Swan Lake ballet and tomorrow is Part II (where I celebrate it with my family) Ted: It's been pretty good, mate offered me someone else's ticket and I managed to earn a couple extra days holiday Danielle: Well I'm glad you got the time to relax :) Ted: Any plans for tomorrow or just spending time with your family? Danielle: Christmas shopping with a friend tomorrow, hopefully get some work done and then spending time with the family Ted: Sounds lovely :) Well your birthday and Xmas presents are in the posrt and it's not glitter paper this year Ted: Anyway I need to be unusually early tomorrow so I'll love you and leave you wishing you a very happy birthday and just in case a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year Danielle: Thanks Ted :) Danielle: I need to hit the hay myself - I'm exhausted!, Summary: To celebrate her birthday, Danielle went to see the Swan Lake with her friend Tomorrow there is a family celebration. She is also doing her Christmas shopping tomorrow and working. Ted got a few days off and is going to Berlin tomorrow. He has sent a gift for Danielle via post.
Q: Summarize the following: Kay: any word from Lucy? Ken: not yet Stacy: there's no signal there Kay: I hope she's ok..., A: Lucy doesn't answer her phone.
Context: Ida: Can you bring me my sweater? I left it at school. Rachel: Where? Ida: In the chemistry lab Maurice: It's locked, Summary: Ida left her sweater in the chemistry lab.
Q: Summarize the following: Lucy: Hello everyone, who knows where I can get kaffir lime leaves? Diana: Hey Lucy, sorry, no idea! Maybe the Asian supermarket over by the square? Jeff: Hey, I got it once at Carrefour in the oriental food section, give it a try. Karl: I don't think Carrefour carries them anymore, I started buying mine online Lucy: Hmmm, I might go and try Carrefour but I don't think I saw it there last time :( Karl: btw, I think they don't use "kaffir" anymore, try makrut or Thai lime Lucy: really? I had no idea! What's wrong with "kaffir"? Karl: Apparently it has racist connotations... not PC anymore Diana: Wow! Thanks, Karl! had no idea... been using that name for years... Lucy: Me too! Thanks a lot Karl! saved me some potential embarrassment at the store!, A: Lucy is looking for kaffir lime leaves. They're called makrut or Thai lime now. Diana suggests trying at the Asian supermarket over by the square. Jeff and Karl bought them at Carrefour in the past, but now Karl buys them online.
The summary of "Harper: Hey. Do you know maybe how much around the private English class is in Faro? One girl is asking me for a price and I have no idea if 15 euro is not too much Kylie: Hey โ˜บ๏ธ Oh, i honestly have no ideia ... I always had english classes at school ... Harper: Ok ๐Ÿ™‚ Kylie: Is it basic english or advanced english that she want to learn? Harper: Intermediate I guess Kylie: Because my mom wanted to teach some english .. but I don't know if that's what she is looking for .. Harper: Ok. I'm an english teacher xd Kylie: Are you? โ˜บ๏ธ i didnt know!! Well, we haven't had the time to actually get to know each other properly yet, so i believe you โ˜บ๏ธ so why don't you help her? And maybe make some money for you Harper: Yeah that's why I was wondering about the price ๐Ÿ˜€ Because I offered her private classes Kylie: Ups sorry, i though you were trying to help her to know how much it would be, never mind ๐Ÿ˜… Maybe you can search online, and see how much are other people asking ... Harper: I already did it ๐Ÿ˜€ I said 15 euro. If I get it, it's fine. if not, I don't mind as well ๐Ÿ™‚ Kylie: I think between 10 and 15 its a good price, hope she will call you โ˜บ Harper: :)" is Flores pointed out that Tabitha may feel sleepy, because she has distrubed sleep schedule and low blood pressure.
Q: Summarize the following: Eve: I learnt today at the dean's office that our exam is scheduled for Thursday, 7th, most probably in the afternoon Carol: Is that the final date? No extensions? Martin: I think so, apparently Prof is going on holiday the very next day so that's the latest he can do Nathalie: Oh no, I need to hand in the other assignment before I can take the exam!!! There's no way I'm going to be done before the 7th! What do I do?! Martin: Are you sure? No chance you can be done bu the 7th? You still have over 5 weeks! Nathalie: The 7th is next week!! We're talking about March, right? Eve: Haha, Nat! :) Let me be clear - the final exam date is the 7TH of APRIL, no extensions are to be approved after that Nathalie: PHEW! THANK YOU! I was about to collapse here Eve: no problem, happy to help! What other assignment are you talking about? Nathalie: Do you remember when I broke my leg and had to have a really intense physio? He agreed for me to hand it one of the papers by the end of the semester Martin: Do you need it? I'm sure he won't remember what he read... Carol: I could use some better grade on one of mine... do you think I could resubmit it? Nathalie: I'm not sure. He was pretty reluctant to let me do it but I bored him with some lines from the uni constitution and he eventually caved ;) Carol: well, maybe it's worth a shot... Eve: A little of top: the second floor in the library is being remodeled or sth and it's going to be inaccessible the entire week starting Monday so if you need anything you still have tomorrow to check it out! Martin: Damn, I better make my way over there tomorrow, I misplaced my copy of his recommended reading list, does anybody have it? Eve: I know it makes me sound like a nerd - but I do, I will forward over to you:) Martin: But you are OUR nerd, Eve, so that's okay :) saving us yet another time Carol: do you think it's bad i haven't ready any? how important are they for the final? Nathalie: I heard from the previous years that he always scores better if you imply you've read it. Not sure you can pass without having read them... Martin: Carol, I will be in the library all day tomorrow, something tells me I will see you there :), A: The exam is scheduled for Thursday, 7th April, most probably in the afternoon. Nathalie needs to hand in an assignment before it. The second floor of the library is going to be inaccessible for the entire week starting on Monday, so the students have only tomorrow to check out the books they need.
Passage: Monica: will you make fritatta today? Dad: i think so Monica: do you need anything? Monica: i'm just passing by our shop Dad: eggs Monica: haha, no way to make it without eggs Dad: true ;) Dad: maybe also some small tomatoes Monica: ok :), Summary: Monica will buy eggs and small tomatoes for Dad who wants to make fritatta today.
The summary of "Courtney: is tomorrow ok for this beer? Courtney: or whatever? ;) Lauren: tomorrow not really Lauren: I mean John has some plans Lauren: so I have to stay at home Lauren: how about next week? Lauren: or maybe youโ€™d like to come to my place Lauren: heโ€™ll be out anyway so we can talk ;) Courtney: what time do you put the kids to bed? Courtney: I donโ€™t want to interrupt Lauren: around 8pm I guess Lauren: they should be in beds by then Courtney: ok, Iโ€™ll let u know" is Courtney and Lauren will maybe meet for a beer tomorrow as Lauren has to stay at home because John has some plans. Her kids should be in beds by 8 pm.
Q: Summarize the following: Harry: Babes i am upstairs forgot the laptop charger downstairs can you bring it up when you come? Sarah: sure i am watching tv would come up in 10 mins would that be ok? Harry: perfect dear! thanks Sarah: No problem, A: Henry has lost his Oyster card. He's stuck in a queue in at Tufnell, getting a new one. He will be late.
Q: Summarize the following: John: I know you will be outraged but I like to provoke you :P Tyre: What is it? John: I talked to our neighbour today and I am really starting to think that religious people are just stupid. Tyre: Gosh. You know it's a stupid claim. John: I know that there are some clever, religious individuals. But statistically religious people are stupid. Tyre: It's not true. There are stupid religious people and clever ones, just like atheists. John: But most of academics are not religious. Tyre: How do you know it? John: Experience but also some data I've seen. Tyre: It's just not true. John: They are mostly people believing in things that have nothing to do with logic or reason: miracles, ghosts, witchcraft, just as our neighbour. Tyre: I think it's only one part of them. There are theologians, people who actually know a lot about philosophy, logic etc. John: Yes, there are also people doing "scientifically" tarot, horoscopes and astrology. Tyre: You can't compare these things. John: Sure I can, they are unfalsifiable things. You cannot prove any claim. Tyre: Because religion is from a different sphere, the sphere of faith. John: So is tarot! Tyre: Whatever! What about the neighbour? John: She stopped me in the staircase and I had to listen for 15 minutes about some miracles somewhere. Like god telling her something through some signs. Tyre: Haha, how cute. Why does she never stop me? John: Exactly, it's so annoying! Poor thing has hallucinations. Tyre: I don't think it's dangerous. John: oh, religion is very dangerous. Tyre: HAHAHA. ok, I am coming back to work. See you later at home! John: See you! I am afraid to meet her again. Tyre: Don't exaggerate! , A: Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
The summary of "Tanya: i found the problem with the job I love Cinthia: what's that? Tanya: now I get cold feet before meeting the deadline Cinthia: why? Tanya: I think I used to pick jobs I mildly liked because it lowers the stress Cinthia: sounds really weird Tanya: when I face something I really care about, I get really scared Cinthia: maybe you should talk with your therapist about it Tanya: I will Cinthia: but I don't really get it Cinthia: you're competent Cinthia: you're great Tanya: but I'm sloppy and clumsy and I mess up stuff Cinthia: ok so you have flaws Cinthia: it's normal Tanya: yeah but I don't know what my new boss expects from me Tanya: I don't know where the bar is Cinthia: I'm pretty sure normal bosses are ok with people being people Tanya: I met a lot of abnormal bosses tbh Cinthia: I don't know what to tell you Cinthia: I try to do my best, I try to prepare myself for every outcome and I take failures as normal parts of life Tanya: you're so zen Tanya: and I think I'll prepare myself for different outcomes too Cinthia: prepare yourself for being successful, too! Tanya: <file_gif>" is Tanya is worried about her new dream job and her boss's expectations. Cinthia advises her to be more relaxed and not to get discouraged by failures.
The summary of "Mindy: <file_other> Adam: what's that? Mindy: just watch Adam: sweet Adam: those r parrots? Mindy: yep Adam: <file_gif>" is Mindy sent Adam a video of parrots.
Context: Adela: Hey babe, I've just gone out to the shops for a bit - should get home back soon xx Jo's looking after the kids and then Nan will come over to collect them at 5. Dexter: Okay, have fun love xx Adela: You know I will ;) Don't forget to sign Meg's permission slip and to give Kyle his medicine. Dexter: You can count on me ;) Adela: I know - I married you, didn't I? ;), Summary: Adela has gone out to the shops. Jo is looking after the kids and then Nan will come over to collect them at 5. Dexter will sign Meg's permission slip and give Kyle his medicine.
Q: Summarize the following: Ryan: What time is our bus? Amy: 8.10 I believe Ruth: But we have to be earlier there to buy the tickets Ryan: sure, 7.30 is ok you think Ruth: of course!, A: Stanley wants to change booking details and book a smaller room because his wife won't bring a dog. Stanley will be provided with the available options very soon.
Passage: Daniel: buy chicken breasts for dinner Janice: I'll buy chicken thighs and make them in the over with vegetables, ok? Daniel: YES sounds delicous, thank you xx, Summary: Janice will buy chicken thighs and roast them with vegetables. Daniel loves the idea.
The summary of "Thomas: well i hope you have some success :) Thomas: I bought a car on Wednesday! :) Geoff: you did what? Geoff: like real one? Geoff: for use in Ireland? Geoff: why would you do that? Thomas: just seemed like a good idea at the time Thomas: 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 Thomas: I feel like driving and I need to get my licence and everything and get practice so that if I want a job where I can work on call like in service desk on-call role then I don't have any issues with doing that Geoff: oh well Geoff: why not - on plus side - that car will work in UK as good as it works in Ireland Thomas: haha yeah I can take it to the UK and having driving licence will be helpful in future Thomas: anyway I'm going to bed, work tomorrow. nice to chat, speak soon xoxoxoxoxoxox Geoff: nn sweet prince" is Thomas bought a 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 on Wednesday. He needs to get his licence and some practice to be able to work in service desk on-call role. The car works in the UK and in Ireland as well.
The answer of "Summarize the following Frank: do u rememmber the book I told u about? Mindy: yes Frank: where is it? Mindy: on the shelf? Frank: it's not there Mindy: look in your room Mindy: I'm sure u left it somewhere in this mess" is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
Passage: Steve: did you take him? Kyle: no, he stayed. Kyle: mum said she wanted them both to come Steve: :D Kyle: yeah well her choice ;) Kyle: for me it's even better. Kyle: no need to drive to the kindergarten at 7am before work Steve: :D, Summary: Kyle didn't have to drive to the kindergarten at 7am before work.
The summary of "Jessica: I really don't want to go to that party tonight. Rick: why? Jessica: John will be there. Rick: so? Jessica: You don't know? Rick: what? Jessica: We used to go out and it ended badly. Rick: who cares? Jessica: It'll just be weird. Rick: it'll be weird if you act weird. just show up and have a good time Jessica: That's easy for you to say. are you coming? Rick: i will if you want me to Jessica: Yes, please. I need a wingman!! Rick: don't worry, i'll go with you Jessica: You're awesome. I don't know what I would do without you. Rick: you'd probably be miserable all the time, lol, jk ;-)" is Jessica will go to the party with Rick. She used to go out with John, who will also be at the party.They had a bad break-up.
The summary of "Sixte: Hello, i'd like to know if you could rent me a room. I'll work again on the Joly France this summer Caroline: for sure, the house would be full, but there's always a room for you Sixte: thank you so much. Caroline: don't forget to give me your dates." is Sixte will work on Joly France this summer. Caroline will rent Sixte a room.
Q: Summarize the following: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home Brian: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home. Brian: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home Brian: ๐Ÿ‘, A: Brian entered the bathroom this morning and it was full of water. Michaela told him to call a plumber. Brian will try to fix the broken pipe.
The summary of "Nell: Hello! ๐Ÿ™‚ Justine: Hiii ๐Ÿ™‚ Nell: I'll be at the railway station at 6:34 Justine: Can't wait to see you ๐Ÿ™‚ Justine: First time in Wroclaw? Nell: Second but this time I plan to see more of it Justine: We can do whatever you'd like to do Nell: I'm not sure what is worth seeing Justine: We'll figure sth out Nell: I saw the old town, how about the Zoo? Justine: Lets go to the zoo and then to the park nearby Justine: And japanese garden Nell: Excited ๐Ÿ™Œ Justine: And Centennial Hall Nell: Whatever that is ๐Ÿ˜… Justine: It's a great plan, you'll see! Nell: I believe ๐Ÿ˜˜ Justine: I'll pick you up Nell: Thanks Nell: Toodles๐Ÿ˜˜ Justine: Haha toodles ๐Ÿ˜˜" is Nell will be at the railway station at 6:34 and Justine will pick her up. It is Nell's second visit to Wroclaw. They are planning to visit the zoo, the parks nearby and the Centennial Hall.
Passage: Jack: hey, it's jack from sandra's party, do you remember me? Betty: Hi Jack! Of course I remember you. What's up? Jack: i was wondering if you'd like to go out to the movies with me and maybe grab a drink afterwards Betty: Sure! That would be fun. Jack: are you free tonight? Betty: I'm not, actually. I'm sorry. My family is here from out of town. Jack: oh that's cool, no worries Betty: They're leaving next Tuesday, does that work? Jack: yes, that's perfect, let's watch that new halloween movie Betty: Ohhhh, nooo!!! I hate horror movies. Jack: lol, what would you like to see then? Betty: I like romcoms better. Jack: not a big fan of those, but as long as i get to hang out with you, it's fine Betty: hahaha, you're sweet. Jack: see you next tuesday Betty: Have a great day!, Summary: Jack and Betty met at a party. They're going to the cinema to watch a romantic comedy next Tuesday.
Q: Summarize the following: Jared: look what I've found! Lilly: Yeeah? Jared: <file_video> Lilly: Ok, and? Jared: And now compare it to this: Jared: <file_video> Lilly: Haha OMG, so similar! Jared: Isn't it? I knew I've seen it before! Lilly: Trueee, omg, you think they did it on purpose? Jared: No idea. Maybe they don't know that, I mean, it's nothing popular Lilly: Right, but stillโ€ฆ if not then it's really a wow coincidence Jared: Mhm. But you know, there are so many things that were already made up in this worldโ€ฆ Lilly: That you think it's possible that they could create something similar? Jared: exactly. Lilly: Can I send it to Jonathan? I think he'll love it! Jared: Sure, do it. But tell him that I've found that haha Lilly: Sure, I will xD Jared: Gosh it's not easy to be an artist nowadays, everyone can find something on the internet and say that it was not your idea, even if it was Lilly: Mhm, so it is! Much more struggles Jared: Oh yes for sure and a lot of competition too, A: Jared found two similar looking videos. Lilly and Jared wonder if the similarity has been done on purpose. Lilly will send the videos to Jonathan.
Context: Charles: how is Beth? All good? Elizabeth: hmmm she is still fighting with her meds, skinny as hell but she visits us quite often Charles: i've seen some photos of her that she recently put on facebook, skin and bones... Elizabeth: yeah, she doesn't look very well ;( Charles: does she still have her job? Elizabeth: yeah, and you know she is getting treatment, Luke supports her and they are doing okay Charles: cool :) Patricia is getting married soon right?:D Elizabeth: no idea, I never talk to her anymore Charles: well you are practically neighbours right? Elizabeth: i know but they got sooo weird, no idea what's up with those two, Summary: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Context: Brian: Are you ready to leave? Paul: I just left LOL Monica: Yes! , Summary: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
Context: Eleanor: Professor Morton wants to see you in her office. Brayden: Ok, I'll be there in half an hour. Eleanor: She wants to see you now. Eleanor: She's pissed off. Brayden: Why? Eleanor: I don't know. Eleanor: She talked to Charles, so I guess he talked some shit about you. Brayden: As always. :/ I don't know why she listens to him. Eleanor: Me too!! Everyone knows that he's a liar. Eleanor: Do you remember how he accused Lily of grant fraud? It was a load of bullshit, but - of course - no consequences were drawn towards him. :/ Brayden: Well, he must have friends in high places.that save his butt whenever he does something like that. :(, Summary: Professor Morton wants to see Brayden in her office now. She talked to Charles and she's angry.
The answer of "Summarize the following Frederick: Hmm... What do you think about Brexit? Harry: I think it was not necessary Henry: Yep Henry: you knew that the guy which came up with the idea of Brexit resigned from his position? Frederick: seriously? I didn't know that Harry: yea, me too Henry: and what will happen with all the people who are living there for not so long and they are foreigners Frederick: It is a good question Harry: I have heard that people who stayed there for like 5 years or so will not have problems with staying in GB Henry: i've also heard that Henry: and what will happen with those who had been living there for a shorter period of time? Frederick: I think that they must on Teresa's mercy Harry: hah, I think there will be no mercy for them Henry: I also think the same way, they will be deported and their journey in GB will end" is Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
Passage: Marcin: What's going on there Ala? Mom is going to win today? Lech: <3 Marcin: Will it be a good change? Ala: I hope so, because I am sick of these elections Ala: A good change would be no change in this case ;) Lech: Better leave mommy in power, we might need her :D Ala: For now it seems to be going well, although it is only according to the exit poll. But she has over 50% there Marcin: It will be over in the first round ;) Lech: I hope we will be invited to the party after haha, Summary: Mommy is probably going to win the election in the first round and keep her seat, which is good.
Passage: Seth: i bought a new guitar... Seth: <file_photo> Jamie: How about you buy 1 good guitar instead of buying many cheap ones? :D Austin: congrats :d what brand is that? Seth: it's a hagstrom Seth: XL-2P Seth: it looks exactly the way i wanted my guitar to look <3 Austin: oh it's that swedish brand Seth: yeah well jamie i can also afford a good guitar in addition to that, no problem, i just liked these ones :D Jamie: Rich people..., Summary: Seth has bought a new Hagstrom XL-2P guitar. According to Jamie, he should have bought a better guitar.
The summary of "Phil: What else?! Nicky: Well, I neede shoes to match... Phil: How much? Nicky: 350. Phil: Geez! Are u out of ur fucking mind?! Why spend almost 1k on things ur going to wear once or twice?! Nicky: Not true. I wear all my clothes. Phil: Yeah? What about that bloody dress u bought 2 months ago? Nicky: What about it? Phil: How many times have u worn it? Nicky: Many times! Phil: I'll tell u exactly: twice! And then u said that u don't like it anymore and u have to buy something new! Nicky: Not true! I also wore it to dinner with ur parents and to the party!" is Phil thinks Nicky spends too much money on clothes she wears once or twice.
The summary of "Kerry: Last time I was here, I was with you! Paula: That's right! Kerry: That was a nice trip. Paula: Has much changed? Kerry: Doesn't seem like it. More fast food. Paula: Naturally. Kerry: The golden arches are a plague across the land! LOL! Paula: Now I'm hungry!" is The last time Kerry was there he was with Paula. Not much has changed there. There is more fast food there.
The summary of "Charles: where's the lecture? David: 202 Charles: thx mate! David: no problem" is Charles is going to a lecture in room 202.
Q: Summarize the following: Ali: dude i need that hard drive Kane: come take it Ali: alright be there in a sec Kane: sure.., A: Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
Context: Fred: Hey, how are you? Jessica: Well, thanks. You? Fred: A bit bored... I was looking for some tv series to watch. Jessica: What kind of series? Fred: I don't know, some sci-fi maybe... Jessica: Have you seen the Handmaid's Tale? It's maybe not sci-fi, but a bit dystopical, so kinda close. Fred: You mean dystopian? Jessica: Haha yes, sorry! Fred: What is it about? Jessica: Can't tell you, you must watch yourself! Fred: Oh, OK. Is it on Netflix? Jessica: I don't think so. Try Fred: Thanks, I will. Jessica: Don't forget to tell me if you liked it! Fred: Sure!, Summary: Tamira's outfit for the birthday party is way over the top.
Passage: Christine: so what's the plan for tonite? Brian: u'll see, it's a surprise! Brian: but take comfy shoes:D Christine: u mean sport? Brian: no, just comfy. Christine: but u mean extra?? Christine: shall I take my dancing shoes? Brian: u can, but u don't have to. Christine: any other hints? Christine: can I wear a dress or rather comfy pants? Brian: haha, yr choice but a dress or a skirt is always a good choice :D Christine: <file_photo> ok? Brian: awesome <3 <3 <3 Christine: ok, so 6pm at yr place? Brian: exactly :D cu!:*, Summary: Brian is preparing a surprise for Christine. She will wear comfortable shoes and a dress or a skirt. She will come to his place at 6 pm.
Context: Susan: So how was the weekend? Evelyn: Tiring! Susan: OMG, u were supposed to rest! Evelyn: Well... Evelyn: You know how it's with Ted and the boys. Susan: Yeah, ot's no holiday for you. Susan: You should go away on your own from time to time. Evelyn: I don't like to spend holidays on my own. Evelyn: But I could go with you or with Lora. Susan: It's a good idea :) Susan: I'm planning a short holiday in August. Susan: What do you do then? Evelyn: Nothing special. And I stil have some holiday days left. Susan: I'll ask Lora. Susan: Where would you like to go? Evelyn: Wherever really. Maybe seaside? Susan: Perferct for me. Susan: Okey, I'll talk to Lora and we'll see. Susan: We can always go together. , Summary: Evelyn and Camber will attend yoga classes. Norman and Alcott are making fun of them.
Q: Summarize the following: Francesca: It's 3 a.m. You're not asleep yet Jacob: What a stalker ;-) Francesca: :D Francesca: I cannot sleep Jacob: Me neither Francesca: Why? Jacob: I just can't. Thinking about stuff Francesca: Me too Francesca: Sometimes I wish I didn't think that much Jacob: What were you thinking about? Francesca: My mum, school, you... Jacob: Me? Francesca: I seen you've been sad recently Jacob: Maybe you're right Jacob: What about your mum? Francesca: I cannot understand Francesca: Why did she do it?? Francesca: Why would anyone want to kill themselves? Jacob: I could understand... Francesca: Are you serious? Do you have these thoughts? Jacob: Sometimes Francesca: Please don't... I beg you, don't do it..., A: Jane is updating her Tinder profile tonight and together with Shona they don't want to find another guy like John, who forgot Jane's birthday.
Q: Summarize the following: Darcy: It's an e-mail service provider created at CERN. Benny: Where? Cory: You know the great particle collider in Switzerland? Benny: Sure. Darcy: Well, their scientists came together and created an e-mail service which is truly private. Cory: That's so cool., A: Scientists from CERN in Switzerland created a truly private e-mail service.
Passage: Griffin: hey babe Cara: hey Griffin: where are you? Cara: At home, why? Griffin: nothing much, just missed you, i'll drop by later Cara: miss you too, ok, ill wait for you., Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
The answer of "Summarize the following Samantha: Sometimes I feel like leaving it all and just disappearing Patrick: I have something for you Patrick: <file_other> Samantha: What is this? Patrick: 10 best ways to disappear Richard: This link doesn't open Patrick: <file_other> Patrick: Try now " is Samantha would like to leave everything and disappear. Richard can't open Patrick's link.
Q: Summarize the following: Michael: I spent so much money this month Jasmina: What did you buy? Michael: I payed my university fees... Indira: I know the pain Michael: All my savings are gone... Indira: It's crazy Jasmina: ๐Ÿ˜ข, A: Michael spent all his savings for university fees this month.
The answer of "Summarize the following Christopher Lucas: Good morning professor Mary Auckland: Good morning Chris Christopher Lucas: I would like to ask a question regarding my MA thesis. Is there a possibility of sending me an example of a well-structured MA thesis? Mary Auckland: Yes, of course. I have a good example of MA thesis on my PC. Wait a moment, I have to find it. Christopher Lucas: No problem, thank you very much. Mary Auckland: <file> Mary Auckland: This would be a very good example, hope it helps. Christopher Lucas: Thank you! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Mary Auckland: Thanks, Chris, you too :) Christopher Lucas: Thank you!" is Miles had a strange dream about being stuck in the 80's. Connie wishes they could go back to their dreams.
The summary of "Mark: <file_photo> Alex: what am I looking it? Mark: do you recognize anyone in this picture? Look closely xD Alex: hahahahha is that Frank?! LOL Mark: <file_photo> Alex: hahahah that's even better :D what is he doing there :D" is Mark and Alex found Frank on a photo.
Passage: Alexa: Any news from Peter? Maria: No, he just disappeared Natalie: and maybe even better so Maria: :(, Summary: Peter disappeared and nobody has any news from him.
The answer of "Summarize the following Thomas: u found anything interesting to give Anne? Bill: not yet... I mean... I found a couple of perfumes she may like Bill: but u know... they're pretty expensive. Thomas: how comes it's so difficult to get her a present? Bill: I dunno. What about clothes? Thomas: u serious? I ain't got no idea about her taste. Bill: I kinda do so... I guess I'll go to her favourite shop. Thomas: if u say so, be my guest. Let me know about the price, so we'll share it. Bill: u bet I will!" is Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
Context: Susie: Hi Raph, i've heard about some activities on monday evening for the big ones... could you tell me more about it? Raph: are you talking about sport for girls? It's for adults not for kids Susie: yes Raph: so it's for you? Susie: yes Raph: Helena is in charge of the group. Do you want me to ask her? Susie: yes please Raph: it takes place at school, from 8pm to 9:30pm Susie: it's gonna be great Raph: there is many sports: foot, basket, hand and so on Susie: i'd love to Raph: I'll ask her Raph: i asked Helene but it seems that the session is already full Susie: doesn't matter. Thanks for asking Raph: if some girls decide not to carry on, we'll contact you again Susie: please do, Summary: Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
Context: Rick: Wanna come over and watch the new seaseon of the simpsons Morty: not today no Rick: ok let me know when you'll be up for it Morty: maybe next week Morty: I'll let you know, Summary: Rick and Morty may meet next week to watch the new season of "The Simpsons".
The answer of "Summarize the following Juliette: So what? Tell me Jimmy: One minute Juliette: What did the doctor say? Jimmy: It's almost finished, wait a second Juliette: Is it so serious? Should I be afraid? Jimmy: OK, just finished Juliette: So, tell me, I can't wait longer Jimmy: Acute gastritis Juliette: What's that? Jimmy: Acid attacks in the stomach Juliette: It's not a cancer? Jimmy: No, it's not Juliette: Is this sure? Jimmy: Yes, darling Juliette: You're not lying to me ? Jimmy: No, darling, please believe me Juliette: And how can we cure this? Jimmy: Just a few tablets for a month and that should be enough Juliette: I'm so glad it's not a cancer Jimmy: :000 Juliette: I love you Jimmy: Me too" is Jimmy is going to take medication for a month to cure his acute gastritis.
Q: Summarize the following: Eden: i'm in front of the cathedral Luis: ๐Ÿ˜‡ Eden: remind me good memories my friend Luis: me too Eden: I pray for you Luis: I also pray for you and for Dan Eden: thanks?You've been a beautiful person in my life Luis: you too Eden: thanks to you and God Luis: ๐Ÿ˜‡, A: Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Passage: Tobias: How long are you going to stay here? Marianne: about a week Louis: not more than 5 days Louis: we will see Tobias: ok, let me know, Summary: Marianne and Louis are staying here from 5 to 7 days.
The answer of "Summarize the following Anthony: Hi, I'm planning to organise a Star Wars marathon next weekend. Antonia: Which one? 12/13 or 19/20? Anthony: 19 Antonia: Okey. Anthony: Would you like to come? Antonia: I don't know. I'm not a big fan... Antonia: But I don't have plans for that weekend. Anthony: Come, it's gonna be fun :) Anthony: If not for the movies, then for the company :)) Antonia: But if everyone's watching, then I'll have to sit and watch too... Anthony: I don't think it'll look like that :) Anthony: Maybe they'll sit and really watch one part, but not more.. Anthony: They're not all Star Wars fans, u know. Anthony: And Mark is going to be there... Antonia: Y do u think this is of any particular interest to me? Anthony: C'mon! I saw u looking at him! Antonia: U r an evil thing! Anthony: So i'm counting you in! :))) Antonia: ... Antonia: I hope it's worth it... Antonia: Omg, u r not telling me, he's a fan too?!?!?! Anthony: Maybe he is. U should catch up on the whole series! :D :D :D Antonia: Or I'll let him explain it all to me ^^ Anthony: Hahaha! Good tactics girl! " is Antonia will come to Anthony for a Star Wars marathon at the weekend of 19/20 even though she's not a big fan of Star Wars. Mark will be there and Anthony saw how she's looking at him.
Context: Gianna: What movie would be playing in Cinema this weekend? Thomas: Idk, Gianna: Can you check on the internet? Thomas: I cant use tight now? Gianna: What hpnd? Thomas: I am out of the house Gianna: Can you ask Ethan to check and tell? Thomas: I dont have his number :/ Gianna: Wait let me send you Thomas: Why dont you tet him by yourself? Gianna: Coz I dont want him to have mine Thomas: Then Why are you having has? Gianna: :P, Summary: Ema and Richard met at Billy's party. Ema was wearing a black dress. Ema and RIchard will meet for a movie and dinner on Saturday. Richard will pick Ema up from her home at 8.30.
The summary of "Monica: Check out the cheap flights to Rome Nathan: Ryanair? Monica: Wizz Nathan: Fuck, all sold Monica: Fuuuuck" is Monica suggests to Nathan that he should check Wizz for cheap flights to Rome. Everything has been sold.
Q: Summarize the following: Alex: <file_video> Alex: watch from 4:55 <--- it's incredible!! Diggle: <file_video> Alex: hahaha!! its gonna be amazing! :) Diggle: how beautifuly blue the sky Alex: the glass is rising very high Diggle: <file_video> Alex: what is it?? Diggle: whatch and find out Alex: *rolls eyes* Alex: iv already watched it!!! Diggle: lol Alex: still... how r u?? Diggle: im gud enjoyin the sun in england while it lasts 4 once Alex: well, right now its cloudy here, so i susspect that all this bad weather came from rainy England :0 Diggle: iv noticed tht since u left the weather is getting better hmmmmm Alex: im sure its a mere coincidence, A: Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
The answer of "Summarize the following Abdujalil: I can't believe Zere got death threats after the song Selena: really? Jeff: yes, I even saw it on BBC Max: Who's Zere? Abdujalil: the Kyrgyz singer I showed you when you visited Bishkek Max: right! Max: for the video? Abdujalil: yes Selena: but why? There was nothing controversial really Abdujalil: apparently because she wore a bra Selena: but you told me the song was exactly about it Selena: freedom to wear and do what you want Abdujalil: it is, but they don't understand Abdujalil: it's very sad Jeff: and the song and video are so beautiful Abdujalil: you like it? Jeff: a lot, also the language Abdujalil: I'm glad to read that Jeff: thanks you showed it to us Selena: yes! thank you! Abdujalil: you're welcome!" is Zere, a Kyrgyz singer made a song about freedom to wear and do what one wants. She's in the bra on the video which is considered to be controversial. She got death threats because of that.
Context: Jude: look, I've just decorated my Christmas tree Jude: <file_photo> Ellie: wow, looks really pretty! Ellie: wanna see mine? Jude: bring it on! Ellie: <file_photo>, Summary: Jude has decorated her Christmas tree.
Context: Betty: I'm going to the beach! Wanna join me? Camille: Sure! Jordan: Yeah! The weather is awesome today! Betty: I'm leaving right now. Betty: I'll be at the same spot we went last time Camille: Ok great. Camille: I'm leaving soon too. Jordan: I'll join you in 1 hour Jordan: I need to do some grocery shopping for my mum Camille: Can you take your GoPro? Jordan: Ok Camille: Thanks! Betty: I'm leaving now. See you guys there!, Summary: Betty is going to the beach. She will be at the same spot they went to last time. Camille will join her soon. Jordan will join them in 1 hour. Jordan needs to do grocery shopping for his mom. He will take his GoPro to the beach.
The answer of "Summarize the following Bella: hello Bella: any plans for the weekend? Felicia: hi Bella! Felicia: I'm going to visit my parents, why? Bella: oh, nothing important Bella: didn't have any plans and I was wondering if you would be interested in doing something together Felicia: I'm afraid I can't Bella: understandable :) we can try next week Felicia: Sure! Bella: great, have a safe trip then Felicia: Thanks!" is Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Q: Summarize the following: Jackson: Hey, here's the album I was talking about. Jackson: <file_other> Gaby: Sweet, thanks man. Can't wait to listen to it. , A: Jackson sends Gaby an album.
Q: Summarize the following: Elaine: Stacey, did u see the last episode of '4 better & 4 worse'? Stacey: Yes, OMG, it was sooo exciting. Elaine: I was hoping John & Jacky would end up together though! Stacey: I know, eh? They had so many problems along the way Stacey: And it seemed that things were looking up 4 them. Elaine: And out of nowhere that dreadful accident. Stacey: Ugh, they kept me in suspense until the last minute! Elaine: And that season finale in the hospital... Stacey: Now we have 2 wait all summer to find out what will happen next!, A: Simone will be in Italy for more or less the whole month of June.
Context: Khaled: Hey I just recorded a song! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฟ Marilyn: Woow congrats! ๐Ÿ™Ž๐Ÿผ Tristan: Is going to be on the radio? Tristan: Is it* Khaled: Hell yeah! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ Khaled: next month tho Marilyn: Noice! Khaled: I have to be patient too Marilyn: You're going to have a great career Tristan: Haha good luck boi ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ Khaled: Thanks for you support Khaled: We'll celebrate real soon! Tristan: Heck yes, Summary: Khaled's new song is going to be played on the radio next month. His friends support his career.
Context: Lauren: i tried calling you at the office today Lauren: but you never picked up :-( Lauren: and you're not picking up your cell phone either Lauren: is everything ok? Frances: YES! lol Frances: i've been on a meeting all day so i can't talk Frances: but i can text :-D Lauren: hahaha ok, i was beginning to get worried Frances: i'm bored out of my mind :-/ Frances: we're not discussing anything important!! Frances: it's just a waste of my time!!!!!! Lauren: how long till it's done? Frances: i'm guessing a couple of hours :-( Lauren: sounds like torture Frances: it is, i've been playing angry birds through most of it Lauren: hahahaha, ok, that's not bad, you've been entertained at least Frances: kind of Lauren: anyway, i just wanted to text you to invite you to my birthday party Lauren: it will be this friday at my place Lauren: very casual, no gifts, just friends and drinks Frances: that sounds incredible!!! just what i need! Lauren: so i'll take that as a yes? Frances: YES! count me in!!! :D Lauren: i'll text you the details later :-D Lauren: also, enjoy your meeting!!! Frances: lol you're so cruel, Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
Context: Paula: Hey girls! Any plans for tonight? Paula: Want to drop by? Martha: Hey you Sam: I'm still at work Paula: Sam :( Paula: What time do you finish? Sam: I wish I knew... Martha: Sam, why don't you drop by when you finish? Sam: Good idea Paula: Great! Paula: So I'll see you later!, Summary: Flores pointed out that Tabitha may feel sleepy, because she has distrubed sleep schedule and low blood pressure.
Q: Summarize the following: Howie: Wooohooo! Dave: Yo btich! Dave: You coming round for spliffs and Netflix? Howie: You betcha! Howie: What's on Netflix? Dave: New season of Last Kingdom. Howie: Sick! Howie: I really liked the other two. Dave: I've watched the first episode in this series and it is even better. Howie: Sick! Dave: Can you get some munchies on your way over to mine? Howie: Crisps and...? Dave: Chocolate of course! Doh! Howie: Right on! Dave: What time are you getting here? Howie: As soon as I manage to get my arse off this couch. LOL Dave: Which would be? Howie: Once I finish the spliff. Dave: :-D, A: Dave and Howie are meeting for spliffs and Netflix. Howie will get some snacks on his way to Dave's.
Q: Summarize the following: Gary: When are you guys arriving exactly? Stella: We're landing 6:40 PM, so add some 20 minutes and we'll be at the arrivals gate. Josh: Precisely. Gary: Okay, I''ll be there 6:40 to pick you up. Just to be safe. Stella: Thanks a lot, dad :) Gary: No problem :), A: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
The answer of "Summarize the following Helen: Are you going to the dance on Saturday? Hannah: Of course! I'll be singing there Helen: What are you talking about? Hannah: We will have a small perfomrance Helen: What do you mean with 'we' I thought you'll be solo Hannah: Don't be funny I couldn't make something like this solo Hannah: We are 15 people, 10 are singing and rest is playing instruments Helen: Wow that sounds great, what instruments? Hannah: A guitar, 2 violins, an alto and one small drum Helen: That's almost a band Helen: What are you singing? Hannah: That should be a surprise for everyone so I can't tell you Helen: Please... Hannah: The only thing I can tell you that it will be a Christmas performance Helen: Yeah I can't wait! Hannah: What you are wearing for the dance? Helen: That's why I'm texting you...I honestly have no idea what to wear... Hannah: You have this gorgeus red dress that you wear on my birthday I think it wil fit for the Christmas theme Helen: That's actually not a bad idea Helen: I honestly forgot about that dress Hannah: It's really pretty. I will have a black long dress because we will all were black Helen: It will be looking great, I'm sure!" is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
The answer of "Summarize the following Liam: Do you want to go skiing this winter? John: sure, every year Liam: what about some really new place? Donald: like what? Austria? Liam: no, like not even the Alps, it's boring, always the same Tim: I really like the Alps Liam: I was thinking about Slovakia for example Tim: hmm, we can talk about it tonight Liam: cool" is Jake's flight was postponed by 24 hours. Mia will be at the hospital with Pa when he gets his results. Jake will cook a meal on Thrursday or Friday for Mia and Pa.
The summary of "Jen: Fuck thse fucken fucks! Looks like I'm out of a job again! Kaz: Oh Fuck! Jen: Every fucken time I get a job it seems fine at first then THIS! Kaz: What happened? Jen: They told me that my best isn't good enough for them. So goodbye... I fucking hate my life. Kaz: Maybe for the best. It was a long way away from home and the pay rate wasn't the best either. Jen: I suppose so. Kaz: Wanna go out for a drink so we can bitch about it? Jen: Sounds like a good idea. Do you want to come by mine at 7:30pm and we can take it from there? Kaz: Right on! :-) xo" is Jen has been fired again and she's angry about it. The job was away from home and not well paid, though. Kaz suggests a drink, so they will meet at 7:30 pm at Jen's place.
Passage: Ema: <file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo> Check these out? Wendy: omg! what is she wearing? she looks so horrible man! Ema: i know right? i was shocked to see her dress and makeup lol Wendy: lol i missed it big time Ema: yeah you did it was so much fun everyone was asking her where you got the dress from and she thought it actually look good. Wendy: lmao she would get to know once she would see the picture. Ema: hahaha yes true. Wendy: ok buddy talk to you later Ema: sure we need to talk about this. Wendy: sure right now i have to go sorry cut it here. Ema: no worries i understand, bye, Summary: Ema send Wendy photos and they make fun of them and the person in them.
Context: Zahra: omg it's snooooooowing <3 Yasmine: lol you're adorable Zahra: first time seeing it live :D Yasmine: send me a selfie :D Zahra: <file_photo> Zahra: #firstsnow #happy :D putting it on the gram!, Summary: Zahra sees snow for the first time and posts it on Instagram.
Passage: Arman: hey love Sarah: hi sweetie <3 Arman: i'm on the way to the airport Sarah: have a safe flight Sarah: can't wait till you're hooooome Arman: <3 only a few hours till I'm there Arman: babe, there's a delay :( Arman: we're on the plane, but it's so cold that they're de-icing the plane Sarah: :-O Sarah: Oh no! Arman: they announced we're turning back to the airport :( Sarah: :'-(, Summary: Henry has lost his Oyster card. He's stuck in a queue in at Tufnell, getting a new one. He will be late.
The answer of "Summarize the following Nitta: Hello Laura, would you mind if I pop in for a sec? Laura: By no means! Come along! Nitta: On my way." is Luke will be on time and will bring some coke to the meeting with Lewis and Matthew.
Q: Summarize the following: Gary: I finally found out who she is! You remember that actress yesterday - I thought I've seen her somewhere - this is her <file_other>. Candace: oh yeah, now I recall too. Sam: Impressive resume. Candace: Seems she's been in like... most major productions in the city in the last couple of years. Gary: No wonder, she's amazing. Candace: Absolutely nailed this performance. Gary: And it says on the website that she's going to be in Chekhov's "Three Sisters" later this year. Candace: Should we get the tickets already? ;) Sam: I'll look into it., A: Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Context: Mia: I'm so excited about Spice Girls reunion!!! Sarah: i know! i feel like i was 11 again. Beth: i wish Victoria would join them Sarah: i know! it's a shame! :( Mia: would love to see 5 of them but i'm glad they are finally gonna do it with or without her Sarah: she was my idol! yours? Mia: Mel C! I thought she was the most talented! Beth: Geri! she seemed so rebellious to me when i was younger! haha! Mia: i'm gonna buy tickets to their live show when they are available. Who's with me? Beth: totally! Sarah: i'm in! Girl power! haha!, Summary: Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
Q: Summarize the following: Amber: wanna meet for a coffee tomorrow? Sydney: sure, after work? Bill: I'm flying to Belarus tomorrow Amber: about 6.30? Amber: why? To visit the family of Natalia? Bill: Yes, they will have Christmas soon Amber: of course, you're flying to Minsk? Bill: for some unknown reason we're flying through Prague Bill: it was much cheaper Amber: When are you coming back? Bill: in January, but I don't remember when exactly Natalia: 15 January Amber: ahahah Natalia: ;), A: Helena's studying in Edinburgh, while Wanda's studying near Leeds and working at a petrol station. Wanda wants to visit Helena next Thursday as she has two days off. Wanda wants to stay in Scotland and become a teacher.
Q: Summarize the following: Mason: I am sick not going to work Jack: Should I let Cass know? Mason: Ye I will text him and you an confirm it to him Jack: np , A: Mason is siks so he's not going to work. Mason will text Jack and Cass to confirm it.
The summary of "Dinny: Hello dad! How are you doing? Dad: Hello daughter! Thanks, I'm fine. And how are you, the two of you? Dinny: Micky has been overworking a bit, you know him, but he's fine. I'm kept reasonably busy but working from home is sooooo much easier. I love it. Dad: Happy to hear it then. Micky will never change, I know. Dinny: Dad, I was thinking about Xmas this year. Have you got any plans? We thought it would be great if you came over and spend the time with us. What do you think? Dad: Oh Dinny. So nice of you to think about your old father. As a matter of fact I just wanted to let you know that I have already booked my Xmas trip. Dinny: Not again! You got so ill last year in Mexico! Where are you going this time? Dad: To Sri Lanca. Or if you want Ceylon. Dinny: Gracious me! You're getting more and more adventurous. But you aren't going alone, are you? It's a package, isn't it? Dad: It was a super offer from my insurance and they even give me a course of ayurveda treatments at a base rate of 10$ each. And yes, it is all-inclusive. Including a transfer from my doorstep and back. Dinny: And much will they graciously accept from you in return for all these goodies? Dad: It's 22 days, counting in the flights, for 2345$. Not bad eh? Dinny: Not bad at all indeed. But it's such a long flight! Dad: Not that long, 10 hours. Dinny: In that case, dad, our invitation doesn't look attractive at all. But we'll phone before you take off to the skies? Dad: Certainly my child. I'll give you a ring in a week or so before departure. Take care! Dinny: So long Dad!" is Dinny enjoys working from home. Dinny wants his father to come over for Christmas but Dad is going to Sri Lanca. Dad got ill in Mexico last year. Dad got an offer from his insurance. Dad will pay 2345$ for 22 days all-inclusive. Dad will call Dinny before departure.
Passage: Filip: My dears, can you send me the pictures from yesterday? Jacek: Exactly, me too please Asia: <file_photo>, <file_photo>, <file_photo>, <file_photo> Asia: These are the ones I have. The rest should be on your girlfriend's phone? Jacek: I will check with her and let you know :P, Summary: Jacek will check his girlfriend's phone for the pictures from yesterday and will let Asia and Filip know.
Passage: Patrick: Does anyone have the number of this new girl? Pearl: Yes. Her name is Jasmine. Jackson: Can I also get her number? Pearl: You guys are terrible! Pearl: I'm not authorised to give her number to anyone Pearl: Why don't you ask her? Patrick: Fine! Please tell her that I'm throwing a party this weekend and she's welcome to come., Summary: Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
The summary of "Luana: Hey, what do you think about this? Tori: ? Luana: <file_photo> Roy: Looks cool, totally suits you! Tori: Defo!" is Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
Q: Summarize the following: Aubrey: how is Rex feeling? Karina: he is sleeping... we just came back from the vet Aubrey: poor little thing :( what did the vet do? Karina: well it was just a check-up so he got some shots and drip-bag Aubrey: is he getting better? Karina: i think so, i started feeding him yesterday and he has the appetite Aubrey: that's good, i hope he will get well soon Karina: yeah me too, we are both very tired, A: Alina, George, Mary and Tom haven't heard from Jason since he changed his job. Jason left also their group some weeks ago. He hasn't responded to the private message Alina wrote him on Friday.
The answer of "Summarize the following Ezra: I want to open a micro pub. Mila: How much is that going to cost? Ezra: No idea...just really want to! Mila: Well, what's the first step? Ezra: Business plan. Then location. Then bank for a loan! LOL! Mila: Gotcha. Ezra: Should be a piece of cake LOL! Mila: Riiiight. Tell me another one! Ezra: No, if I can prove a good plan and how to make money, I just need someone to give me a shot. Mila: Sounds cool! Hope you can do it! Ezra: Me too. It will be hard work but I love beer so... Mila: Uh oh. Fox in charge of the hen house? Ezra: No! I just appreciate the suds! Mila: Just be safe! Ezra: No worries!" is Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
The answer of "Summarize the following Monica: Hi, Mum, can I come over in an hour? Mum: Of course, honey. Will you eat something? Monica: No, don't bother, I've just had lunch. Mum: OK then, see you soon, sweetheart." is Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
The answer of "Summarize the following Devlin: u have new bad? Kira: yes, I bought it this weekend Devlin: verry nice! Devlin: Where? Kira: there's a new shop near my house Devlin: u need to show me Kira: sure, anytime:)" is Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
The answer of "Summarize the following Molly: Any big plans for 2019? Isaac: hmm, I'm considering going to the conference in San Fransisco in 2019 Isaac: and then maybe flying to Tahiti, I've always dreamt about it and I think it's an opportunity Jose: wow, that sounds really nice, maybe it's a good idea Isaac: I think so, it's not even too expensive when one flies from San Francisco Isaac: maybe anybody would like to join me? Jose: I'd love to! But it's still very expensive I suppose? Isaac: about 1000โ‚ฌ for the flights Molly: really? I thought they are much more expensive Isaac: no, they are actually not that expensive Isaac: I mean still a lot, but not undoable Molly: True, I may consider it Isaac: Think about it guys and let me know Jose: I will!" is Isaac wants to go to Tahiti in 2019. Jose and Molly consider going with him.
Q: Summarize the following: Christian: Pizza tonight? Robert: NICE!! Christian: Hawaii? Robert: always!, A: Christian and Robert will have hawaiian pizza tonight.
Passage: Agnes: Hi Agnes: May I ask you something? Lee: Sure Agnes: Could you take a look at this sentence? Agnes: <file_photo> Agnes: I translated it as "record of beneficial owner identification" Lee: yes its ok Agnes: The lawyer says it's wrong Lee: what? why? Agnes: I don't know, it was quite obvious for me Lee: because it is Lee: it's a standard clause Agnes: She asked about the beneficial owner, she doesnt know what it means? Lee: is she a real lawyer? Agnes: :) Lee: its a common term from commercial law... Agnes: I know :) Agnes: I just wanted to ask you to make sure I was right Lee: well I cant think of a better translation Lee: send her the definition, its in all anti money laundering acts Agnes: thank you very much Agnes: you're always so helpful <3 Lee: no problem :), Summary: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Passage: Patricia: <file_photo> Patricia: is that the coffee place we are supposed to meet in? Chloe: nooo, you need to walk a little bit more Chloe: it has tables outside Marika: I am already there, i can come out to meet you Patricia: ok!! coming!!, Summary: Marika can come out and meet Patricia as she approaches the coffee place.
Context: Luana: Hey, what do you think about this? Tori: ? Luana: <file_photo> Roy: Looks cool, totally suits you! Tori: Defo!, Summary: Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
The answer of "Summarize the following Jim: Hi bro, do you have any plan for this week end? Teddy: sorry, i have some plan with other friends Jim: don't worry. Enjoy! Teddy: see you bro." is Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
Passage: Nicole: Hi Ruth, how are you? Ruth: Iโ€™m fine. Looking for a job. Nicole: What? You donโ€™t work at W&A anymore? Ruth: I was firedโ€ฆ Ruth: Long story, Iโ€™m super disappointed Nicole: How is it possible?? Nicole: You were doing great Nicole: Did Jack fire you? Ruth: Yesโ€ฆ Nicole: How is it possible?? Heโ€™s the biggest fan of your work Nicole: I never heard him saying a bad word about you Nicole: All he did was praising you Ruth: And this is why I lost my jobโ€ฆ Nicole: How come? I donโ€™t get it Ruth: So Jack has a new girlfriend. Ruth: She truly hates me. Nicole: What a jealous bitch!! Ruth: He literally made him fire me Nicole: Thatโ€™s absurd!! , Summary: Luke will be on time and will bring some coke to the meeting with Lewis and Matthew.
The answer of "Summarize the following Nathan: I'm kinda bored Nathan: do you have any new anime that you can recommend? Jake: obviously :) Jake: just remind me what kind of anime are you interested in? Nathan: something light and funny Nathan: rather contemporary or fantasy settings Nathan: not a big fan of sci-fi Jake: did you watch anything from this fall/winter setup? Nathan: not yet Jake: good, that leaves us with some nice options Jake: first of all probably my favorite new entry "That time I got reincarnated as a slime" Jake: the title says all about it Nathan: that's a silly name Jake: well yeah but the anime is great Jake: it has some darker scenes but most of the time it ticks all of your boxes Jake: light, funny and fantasy setting Nathan: sounds interesting Jake: it is, trust me :) Nathan: anything else? Jake: you can try "Zombieland Saga" Nathan: not a big fan of zombies Jake: me neither Jake: but that's an anime about girls raised as zombies to form a j-pop idol group Jake: if that doesn't sell you on it then I don't know what would :P Nathan: well if you put it that way Nathan: I'll take a look at it :) Jake: just try those two and if it won't work, I'll just recommend something else :) Nathan: sure, thanks! Jake: np and have fun watching!" is Nathan asked Jake about new anime titles that would be light, funny and fantasy-based. Jake recommended him two titles: "That time I got reincarnated as a slime" and "Zombieland Saga".
Passage: Daniele: Daaaaaavid Daniele: where the fuck is my book Philippe: eeee actually I've got it...sorry xDDD Daniele: what? how xD David: you you owe me an apology :p, Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.