Passage: Bob: Hey man, wanna come to the GoT-premiere party? Tom: sure, but isn't that like 2 months from now? Bob: yeah, April 14th :) Tom: so basically sure, would be cool Tom: but I don't even know what I will be doing next week :) Bob: That is why I'm writing now - so that you can book the date :) Tom: ok, so I see you are super serious about that :) count me in in that case! Bob: great - good to hear that :) Bob: I will create a facebook event for that with the details later :) Tom: cool, the best way to remember :), Summary: Bob and Tom are going to a Game of Thrones premiere party on April 14th. Bob will create a Facebook event so that they don't forget about it.
Q: Summarize the following: Willie: wow I can't believe it's February already Willie: wasn't Christmas just yesterday? and Halloween two days ago? that's crazy Roger: yeah, time sure flies Roger: even though not much has actually happened in that time Willie: yeah it feels like I haven't done anything? what the heck Roger: but this means it'll be summer holiday soon, too, I guess I don't mind that lol, A: Jose invited Joseph and Donald for dinner after completing a project. Jose, Joseph and Donald will meet in Club Cafe at 8pm. Donald will bring Terry. Jose has a special budget for that kind of events.
The summary of "Mary: Will you take the children to grandma? Adam: Sure, no problem. Mary: Thanks" is Adam will take the kids to grandma at Mary's request.
Passage: Gina: Hey, how's it going? Rob: Ok, not bad, just the problem with my knee. Gina: What problem? Rob: I never told you? I have a problem with my meniscus. I need surgery. Gina: What's that? Rob: The meniscus is the soft cartilage between your knees. Actually, we have 2 of them. Well, one of mine is damaged and needs to be removed. Gina: Have you signed up for surgery? Rob: No, not yet. I checked out 1 hospital and they told me the earliest date they have available is in the year 2022...hehe. Gina: What? Are you serious?? Rob: Yeah, I know, it's crazy. I'm thinking of going privately. Gina: How much would it be privately? Rob: 5000 Gina: That's not too bad. I mean, it's a lot, but not outrageous. Rob: Yeah, I know. Plus I can always get a small loan and pay it off slowly. Gina: Better than waiting till 2022. Is it painful? Rob: I have no idea. It would be arthroscopic surgery, so it's minimally invasive, I guess. Gina: Ok, that's not too bad. My uncle's had arthroscopy done. He was out and about 2 days after he got out of the hospital. Rob: Hmm... that doesn't sound too bad. I've read a lot of blogs on it. Everyone says something different. Gina: I don't think you should worry too much about it. What can happen if you don't do anything? Rob: Well, it could get a lot worse, damaging other parts of the knee. Plus I avoid certain movements now. I'm afraid of the knee locking up, and that's PAINFUL! Gina: That's not good. Just sign up for the surgery. I can help you out a little with the cost. Rob: It's ok, don't worry. I'll go to the bank and get a loan. Gina: The interest's going to be high. If I lend you a little, you won't have to borrow that much. Rob: That's really nice of you. I'll think about it. Gina: I'm serious! Rob: Thanks. Gina: You just need to do something about it before it gets worse. Rob: Ok, thanks for the support! Gina: :), Summary: Gina offered Rob a loan for his knee surgery, as the private one costs 5000.
Passage: Alfons: Where are you now? Arnold: in Bregenz, at the lake Alfons: how long do you want to stay there? Arnold: not more than 2-3 days Jenny: is it nice? Mico: lovely, the weather is beautiful, and the mountains Mico: what about you? Jenny: we're in Vaduz but we make day trips to different places Mico: where? Jenny: mountains, Hohenems, Feldkirch Mico: do you like it? Jenny: it's lovely, Summary: Arnold is staying in Bregenz, at the lake for 2-3 days. Jenny is in Vaduz and they are making day trips to different places, such as the mountains, Hohenems, and Feldkirch.
Passage: Ross: I bought some snacks for today Logan: OK Stephen: 👍, Summary: Mia is not coming tomorrow morning, as she has some problems at work. So Owen does not have to go and pick her up. Mia will phone Nicole later. She may be coming in the afternoon or evening to stay overnight but then she will take a bus, since Nicole cannot fetch her.
The answer of "Summarize the following Isabella: Where are you guys? Sophia: Come on Isabel, we are waving at you! Mia: We are beside the clown on stilts Isabella: I see you! Sophia: hurry up Mia: gogogo!" is Terri and Wendy haven't spoken for about 10 years. Terri has been working at the hospital for 20 years. Wendy still works at the vet's. Terri likes her job. Terri kicked Derek out 3 years ago. Derek had an affair. Terri is with Johnnie now. Wendy never remarried after Jeff.
The answer of "Summarize the following Roxanne: I'm applying for a Spanish passport. Roxanne: My grandfather was Spanish. Ivy: I need to look through my family history. Ivy: I could also need one after Brexit... " is Roxanne is applying for a Spanish passport as her grandmother was Spanish. Ivy needs to look through her family history.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sid: Wanna catch a movie? Annie: sure what do you have in mind? Sid; the Aquaman? :D Annie: haha isn't it a bit childish Sid: noooooo I mean yes but it's the highest grossing movie this week Annie: seriously? Sid: yeah? Annie: okay let's see what the fuss is all about" is Sid and Annie are going to watch Aquaman, highest grossing movie this week.
The summary of "Abigail: Hello, I've seen your post and I'm interested in buying the dress. It's in size 10, am I right? Beatrice: Hello! Yes, 10, but the fabric is quite stretchy. Abigail: That's great. You live in West London, don't you? I'd love to come and try it on. Beatrice: Ealing to be precise. No problem, I have a three-month baby, so I'm usually at home or somewhere nearby. You can come when it suits you. Abigail: Thank you! Will Friday around midday be alright? Beatrice: Oh, sorry, we have a doctor appointment on Friday. But if you could come a bit later, like 2-3 p.m., I should be back by then. Abigail: Sounds perfect! I just need your address. Beatrice: Sure, I'll send you a link to Google maps, it's not that easy to find without it: <file_other> Abigail: Great, thank you very much! Til Friday then. Bye! Beatrice: Bye!" is Beatrice is selling a dress that Abigail is interested in buying. Abigail and Beatrice arrange a meeting on Friday between 2 and 3 PM so that Abigail can try it on. Beatrice sends Abigail a link with her home address.
The summary of "Evie: <file_photo> Evie: soooo handsome! Sophia: omg, insta love! Daisy: WOW! :O Daisy: where do such men dwell...? Evie: <file_photo> Sophia: p e r f e c t i o n Daisy: yeah... Evie: he's my new colleague <3 <3 Evie: just started today Sophia: haha you stalker! Evie: <file_photo> Sophia: IS HE SINGLE? Evie: ... Daisy: IS HE? Evie: i don't know Evie: ...yet! :D Sophia: Daisy... Daisy: ? Sophia: as far as i know YOU are not single... Daisy: well... Daisy: <file_photo> Sophia: yes that's your boyfriend? Daisy: that's temporary Evie: :D Sophia: lol Daisy: i wouldn't hesitate for a second... Sophia: lol... but well... not surprised... :D" is Jake's flight was postponed by 24 hours. Mia will be at the hospital with Pa when he gets his results. Jake will cook a meal on Thrursday or Friday for Mia and Pa.
The summary of "Yasmin: Thank you guys for tonight, it was the best party ever! <3 Paris: <file_gif> Daphne: <3 <3 <3 Cam: we have to do this more often! Xana: It was a BLAST!" is Yasmin, Paris, Daphne, Cam and Xana were at a great party tonight.
Q: Summarize the following: Nestor: <file_photo> Nestor: I think this semester I won’t be able to resist enrolling in random seminars which I find interesting Aida: Please DON’T Aida: As a person who had always done it and always regretted in the end, I feel like you really shouldn’t Aida: Ehem but I haven’t even asked which seminars Aida: 😅 Nestor: History of imperialism in Latin America, Racism in Brasil (!!!), Critical Theory and many many many MOOORE Aida: Oh sounds good, especially the one about racism Aida: Perhaps you could just attend without enrolling? Nestor: Mmmm Aida: I thought you were thinking of an academic career and all these seminars are unrelated to your degree Aida: Remember your grades are Sacred, your diploma has to be flawless, etc. Nestor: AAAAAAA Nestor: You’re touching on difficult subjects here Aida:?! Nestor: I’ve only got one A this year… Professors mostly refuse to give better grades than a B here :( Aida: Fuckers. Sounds like the French system. Only the professor merits an A Nestor: Something like that, actually our education system is very similar Nestor: But I didn’t even want to talk about uni!! Aida: Ooops 🤫 Aida: On a different note… I’m polishing my Portuguese listening to Ludmilla, do you know her? 🤣 Nestor: lol yeah Nestor: They usually play her songs at parties, etc. Nestor: But I don’t listen to her myself Aida: Such a shame. I can’t stop singing “Hoje”. A smashing hit 🥁💥 Nestor: You should tots check out Pabllo Vittar if you happen to have discovered a craving for shitty music Nestor: He’s really “good” Aida: Interesting Aida: Obrigada 😻, A: Nestor wants to take a lot of classes this semester. Aida advises Nestor to focus on essentials. They dislike the grading system. Aida listens to Ludmilla to improve her Portuguese. Nestor recommends Pablo Vittar.
Passage: Luke: <file_link> Peggy: I know! I read about that! Luke: wanna swing by? Peggy: it's so sad :( Luke: yeah I kinda feel the need to be there Luke: you wanna go Peggy: not sure Peggy: I don't know if I can take it Luke: your choice Luke: If you wanna go I can take you Peggy: ok Luke: Ill go after work Luke: around 6pm Peggy: ok I'll let you know, Summary: It is so sad and Luke needs to be there. Peggy will let Luke know if she is going with him. Luke can pick Peggy up around 6 pm.
The answer of "Summarize the following Albert: Good evening, I am writing in connection with the advance payment which I transferred before the first lesson in your sports’ club. Albert: It was impossible for me to attend lessons this year. Benjamin: Good evening, pursuant to the rules of procedure, we are unable to return your advance payment. We checked that your last visit at our club was one year ago. Albert: Can I count on some partial return of my advance payment? Benjamin: I’m afraid we cannot return any sum transferred to us at that time. I invite you to read the regulations available on our website. Albert: Ok, thank you very much. Benjamin: You’re welcome" is Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
Passage: Deacon: Yo, my neighbor's hellion child? Tessa: Yes? Deacon: Just took a screwdriver and scratched all down the side of their car! Tessa: Oh man! Deacon: Yeah, he's a dead little shit now! Tessa: Insurance? Deacon: Probably but still a deductible, according to Fred. Tessa: That kid will be paying with his allowance for years... Deacon: They won't make him, he's spoiled as all hell. Tessa: Brat. Deacon: The worst kind. Tessa: Must be fun living next door. Does he visit? Deacon: Not anymore. I don't put up with his nonsense and he knows it. Tessa: The only way to be around those kinds of kids. Deacon: I know. My sister's kid is the same and hates me too. Tessa: You aren't their doormat. Deacon: No way. Tessa: You doing anything later? Deacon: Just watching a movie or something, probably pizza delivery. Wanna join me? Tessa: Sure! Be there at 7 and will bring the pizza! What do you like/ Deacon: Anything but anchovies and green peppers. Tessa: No prob. CU L8R., Summary: Deacon's neighbour's Hellion child just scratched the side of their car with a screwdriver. Tessa will join Deacon watching a movie or something later, she'll be there around 7 and bring the pizza.
The summary of "Amy: How’s your new yoga classes? Ann: It’s great! I wasn’t sure at first 1.5 h you know.. Amy: 1.5 h?! OMG! Ann: You should come with me next time. Amy: No thanks. It's not really my thing I would be bored as hell! Ann: I thought so too depends on your instructor. You gonna feel so much better afterwards you'll see! Amy: I'll think about it and let you know. Ann: Seriously think it though. It could help with your sleep issues. Amy: I’d rather do some cardio to burn some fat off my bum ha ha! Ann: First part of the practice isn’t that easy believe me! Amy: Isn’t it about sitting on your mat meditating? Ann: Definitely not! Yoga is supposed to be good for both your body and your mind. You’ll see the difference after first classes. Amy: Fine you convinced me. I’ll give it a go! Do I need a mat? Ann: They’ll give you one or I can borrow you one of mine I’ve got two. Amy: I’d rather borrow one from you ha ha! So when’s your next classes? Ann: Thursday at 6. Amy: In the evening i hope?! Ann: Yeah don’t worry. They’ve got classes in the morning but i can’t force myself to get up so early. Amy: Neither do i. So evening practice it is. Ann: You won’t regret it. I’ll bring the mats. Just put on some comfy clothes. Amy: a pair of leggings and a t-shirt will do? Ann: definitely! Whatever you feel comfy in. I wear harem pants and a loose fitting long sleeved top. Amy: Ok. See you on Thursday then! Ann: So glad we’re gonna go there together :)" is Ann goes to new yoga classes. Amy agreed to join her. Ann will lend her a mat as she has two. The next class is on Thursday at 6 pm.
Passage: Hannah: Got myself a new jacket Hannah: Look Hannah: <file_photo> Elly: looking classy Hannah: Exactly what I was looking for Elly: u going to impress that guy at your office lol Hannah: You got me... 😝 Elly: good luck anyway Hannah: 😉, Summary: Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
Passage: Dorothy: mom and dad are planning to go on a cruise for their 40th wedding anniversary Lucas: wow! that sounds like fun Dorothy: they'd like to know if we want to go Lucas: mmmm Dorothy: I know Lucas: a cruise with our parents Dorothy: i know!!! lol Lucas: what do you think? Dorothy: i would love to spend some time with them Lucas: yeah, me too. is it expensive? Dorothy: it's surprisingly affordable Lucas: how many days is it? Dorothy: 7 Lucas: i don't know if my boss will let me take that much vacation time Dorothy: same here Lucas: you know what? we shouldn't let that get on our way, let's go on the cruise! Dorothy: really? Lucas: yes! it will be a lot of fun., Summary: Lucas and Dorothy's mom and dad are planning to go on a 7 day cruise for their 40th wedding anniversary. Lucas and Dorothy are going to join them.
The summary of "Olivia: i found a new group of Kpop dance Mitia: you're on meetup? Olivia: no i don't like too much contact with my people Mitia: you're owned people now? Olivia: of course. the world is mine! Olivia: no i wanted to say with some people... Mitia: i understood, but i thought i'd better ask 🤪 You may have some personal staff Olivia: i have a maid and a butler Mitia: did you smoke? Olivia: i don't smoke, only a cigarette once from time to time. But nothing illegal, never! Mitia: and you don't have bodyguards? Olivia: I hate having someone around me all time. Mitia: could be very stylish coming to school with him Olivia: for sure. I'd love to be bodyguard Mitia: you'll be the one who check and protect. It's all you Olivia: yep, and if i don't like the guy coming... Mitia: battle of looks? Olivia: no, i'll kick him away Mitia: he'll be so pissed off when he'll meet you Olivia: yes he would, but with my 1m20, i gave up the idea. Mitia: still i'm afraid you beat me🤪 Olivia: really? Mitia: no i'm afraid you hurt yourself by doing so!😜😂" is Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
Q: Summarize the following: Mia: Going to the family dinner? Gia: I don't want to Gia: but have to Mia: I don't like meeting these new people Gia: Me neither Mia: What time u be there? Gia: probs 9, A: Gia and Mia are going to the family dinner, and they meet at 9. Gia and Mia do not like family dinners, because they do not feel comfortable with meeting new people.
The summary of "Finn: hey I need your help with something May: yeah sure what's up? Finn: you know my band? May: yeah Finn: we play Friday but I ran into a problem May: ?? Finn: my car broke down and the show is 100 miles out of town May: oh no when's the show?? Finn: this weekend May: can you get it fixed in time? Finn: no the guy said it take 2 weeks so I wanted to see if I could use your car for the weekend? May: oh yes!! this is no problem! Finn: thank you thank you would you like to come with us and watch the show? id love if you could come May: yes I love too!! I work Friday night but I may be able to get out of it Finn: yeah because we are thinking leaving Friday because the shows Saturday and Sunday night May: Yeah! perfect! let me ask my friend if she can cover me Finn: aweseom! :) May: but either way you can take the car its not a problem :) Finn: thanks so much, and I hope you can come with us :) " is May will lend her car to Finn to drive to the concert. She will ask a colleague to cover for her on Friday.
Passage: Randy: Are you ready for the test? Jack: I think so Kelly: I studied a lot! Randy: Me too, but I'm still nervous Jack: It's a difficult test. Lots of people fail it every year Randy: That's why I'm stressed Randy: I talked to some people from the third year Randy: They said it was an armageddon Jack: Yeah Jack: But I don't think that if you studied a lot you will fail it Jack: And we really put a lot of effort Kelly: Exactly. Kelly: I might not get the best grade. But I don't care. I just want to pass. , Summary: Even though Randy Jack and Kelly have studied for the incoming difficult test, they're still nervous of passing it.
Q: Summarize the following: Noemi: Have you finished the essay? Claire: Not even started Amy: I have one page :P, A: Claire hasn't started the essay yet. Amy has written one page.
Q: Summarize the following: Omer: It's 3:30 and you are not here Julia: Sorry I forgot Silvana: Me too Omer: WTF?! It's lack of respect, A: Julia and Silvana forgot to meet with Omer.
Passage: Elisabeth: What are you doing tonight? Logan: Pauline is organising something, so we'll probably join the party Maria: I really don't have plans, no idea what to do Elisabeth: I see... me neither Elisabeth: I'll either stay home or go to Pauline as well Elisabeth: I'm not a fan of New Year's Eve Maria: so maybe let's all go to pauline Elisabeth: I guess that's the best option, Summary: Elisabeth, Logan and Maria are going to Pauline's as she organizes a New Year's Eve party.
Passage: Jimmy: Hey guys, I was wondering if we could quickly go through the responsibilities each one is going to have in view of promotion of our event at the BM Alejandra: Hey 👋 Alejandra: Good idea. I’m responsible for social media so will take care of the Twitter part and post something on Facebook as well Alejandra: I would need Jimmy and Xavi to update me on any info about the event and send me any promotional materials (leaflet, poster, or any images available - however simple), so that I have content to publish Alejandra: Would that be ok with you guys? Alice: Hey guys 👻. Sorry for not being in touch. I am going to send an email around letting pgs at French departments know about the event. Alice: Not sure if anyone will bother coming to London at such short notice though Alice: Sorry 😭 Jimmy: No worries Alice. The email thing sounds cool Jimmy: @Alejandra yep please promote via social media and I’ll try and get relevant info for you as soon as possible. Xavi, how is the leaflet/poster design going? Xavi: Hey, sorry for the delay! I still haven’t heard from the IT guys at my department, but hopefully will have this sorted out before the end of the week. Once again, I’m sorry for the delay but I’m depending on them for that. Jimmy: No worries, just keep us informed and send anything you get from them to Alejandra. Xavi: Cool Jimmy: OK, thanks guys, I think we have it sorted for now. Keep in touch Alejandra: 🤗 Alice: 👌, Summary: Flores pointed out that Tabitha may feel sleepy, because she has distrubed sleep schedule and low blood pressure.
The answer of "Summarize the following Frank: Hi there! What are you up to this weekend? Maria: Hey! Not sure yet, any ideas? Frank: I don't have plans either, should we meet? Maria: Sure! How about Friday? I finish work earlier so we can meet for dinner, what do you think? Frank: Sorry, I can't on Friday - I have lectures ... Maria: No worries, what about Saturday? I have some stuff to do but I can be free in the evening. Frank: Let me check my diary ... Oh no! My mom's birthday party ... I totally forgot! Maria: Oops ... That doesn't sound good! Frank: Oh boy, I don't have a gift! Maria: Well, we can look for something together if you need help ... Frank: Are you sure you have time for that? Maria: I can help you, of course, but only on Friday, as I said, I have some work to do on Saturday. Frank: Ok then, let's meet up after my lectures, is it ok with you? Maria: Ok, sounds good, where should we go? Frank: Let's go to the new shopping centre, they have all the shops I want to visit. Maria: Ok ... will 7pm be ok? Frank: Yes! Perfect! Maria: Great, see you then, I hope we will find a perfect gift! Frank: Me too! We don't really have another option! See you!" is Maria and Frank are going shopping for a birthday present for Frank's mom on Friday at 7pm.
Q: Summarize the following: Mike: Hi :) Paula: hi Mike: I have a question... Paula: ? Paula: go ahead :) Mike: Is my brother going with us? Paula: you mean... to India? Mike: yes Paula: well... I don't know. I'd have to ask Danny Paula: why don't you ask him? :) what's going on? Mike: I just don't want him to go. If he goes i'll probably stay. Paula: whaaat? what's the problem? Mike: maybe I'll go with the other group in october Paula: seriously? Mike: Yep. Mike: I'll tell you more later. Paula: ok..., A: Mike and Paula are going to travel to India soon but Mike might not go with Paula in case her brother, Danny, goes with them. He might go in October with some other people instead.
The summary of "Shawn: good morning! Shawn: i just wanted to let you know how much i enjoyed your party last night :-D Carrie: thanks!! i'm glad you had fun :-) Shawn: everyone did, you're a great hostess! Shawn: throwing parties is hard work though, next time it's your turn! lol" is Carrie enjoyed Shawn's party last night.
Q: Summarize the following: Sandra: Hi, im in the capital until tomorrow noon, fancy a coffee? Mel: Hey! Sure! I will try to rip myself outa work :D when exactly do u have togo? Sandra: 3:30 need to be back and then catch a train Mel: yeah maybe around noon then Sandra: (Y) Mel: Im terribly busy nowadays, but we havent seen each other for aaaaggggeees so i will rip at least an hour Sandra: Cool :* same number, Mel? Mel: yep, yours? Sandra: same old same old Mel: ill be calling you Sandra: gr8 Mel: Ill catch you Sandra: i will be probably going towards the centre Mel: <file_gif> Sandra: btw when is your bday? Mel: 11.03 :D Sandra: mine is 24.02! Mel: So soon ill sing the song to you Sandra: oh my god :D Mel: well, id also react like that to my singing skills haha Sandra: dont be stupid. its my agee! time flies buhuhu Mel: what can you do Sandy. lets meet and complain live :D Sandra: haha yeah cu 2morrow darling xx, A: Sandra and Mel will meet for coffee around noon tomorrow.
Q: Summarize the following: Luke: <file_link> Peggy: I know! I read about that! Luke: wanna swing by? Peggy: it's so sad :( Luke: yeah I kinda feel the need to be there Luke: you wanna go Peggy: not sure Peggy: I don't know if I can take it Luke: your choice Luke: If you wanna go I can take you Peggy: ok Luke: Ill go after work Luke: around 6pm Peggy: ok I'll let you know, A: It is so sad and Luke needs to be there. Peggy will let Luke know if she is going with him. Luke can pick Peggy up around 6 pm.
The answer of "Summarize the following Eva: Where did you get those candles you lit yesterday? Pat: I got them as a gift. Why are you asking? Eva: Sheer curiosity. But I must admit they smell fabulous! Pat: Thanks. I love them too. Eva: Who did you get them from? Pat: Anthony. Eva: I see :-) Pat: Curiosity killed the cat! Eva: Not me :-) Any occasion or just because he likes you? Pat: As a thank you. Eva: What for? Pat: I helped him finish the project. There were some formal snags and he needed some legal expertise. Eva: Anything else that he needed? Pat: Must be going. Eva: I won't give up :-) See you later :-)" is Pat got scented candles as a thank you gift from Anthony. He needed legal expertise and Pat helped him to finish the project.
The answer of "Summarize the following Tomek: Hey I like this girl but I am kinda nervous to ask her out. Ania: Just do it! I bet you 10$ she will say yes :) Tomek: Do you want to go out with me? (´・ω・`) Ania: Ummmm...sorry not my type. Tomek: Oh, okay! Tomek: Then u owe me $10 😜😜😜" is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
Q: Summarize the following: Sam: hi:) how are things? Eva: I'm fine Lucas: a lot of work, but it's ok ;-) , A: Eva is fine and Lucas has a lot of work.
Q: Summarize the following: Helen: Guys, how to get to this brand new skate park you mentioned? Guy: you just need to take a city bus Guy: I think it's 412 bus Guy: let me check Martin: maybe train? might be faster? Guy: both train and bus are ok Guy: just checked, it's 412 Helen: thanks! Helen: i'll checkout schedules Guy: have fun there grl!, A: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Passage: Madeline: Just won at EuroJackpot! Ava: yeah of course you joker Madeline: I did Madeline: Not millions Ava: how much???? Madeline: But a couple of hundred euros Ava: hope you're not lying to me! Madeline: I'm not, I'm inviting you to a dinner 😀 Ava: you mean fancy dinner 💃 Madeline: It's on me! Ava: damn you're so lucky!!!!! Ava: lets celebrate 🙌 Madeline: Tonight at 6 is fine? Ava: at 6 then, but come pick me up Madeline: Awesome Madeline: Be prepared to be amazed Madeline: Better wear a nice dress and high heels Ava: whats goin on Ava: in this case i gotta go make myself looking posh and all Madeline: Okay see you tonight!, Summary: Madeline won a few hundred euros at EuroJackpot. She and Ava will eat at an elegant restaurant at 6 to celebrate it.
Context: Borys: Sis, is there any diner at home? Adria: Of course. Adria: There is soup in the fridge and some meat in the owen. Mum did it in the morning. Borys: Thx, sis! Later! , Summary: Jeniffer is still in Boston. She will not be back before the weekend.
Passage: John: We should go soon Maria: oh yes, I am quite bored Kate: How will tell her that we have to go? John: I will. I have a good excuse, Summary: John, Maria and Kate want to go. John will tell her because he has a good excuse.
Context: Paul Donaghy: Hi Veronica... Did you send me a friend request on Facebook? Veronica: Yes Paul Donaghy: Ok... Just checking because I've had multiple requests lately from hacked accounts Veronica: It was me from second account which I use mostly recently for work, Summary: Luke will be on time and will bring some coke to the meeting with Lewis and Matthew.
Passage: Nina: Do you know what happened to Kate today? Why she was so sad and quiet? It's not like her! Holly: Yeah, I know. Nina: ??? Holly: It's about her boyfriend. Nina: Ah! They broke up? Holly: Possibly. They had some kind of argument yesterady. That's what she told me. Nina: Did she say what the argument was about? Holly: She wasn't very clear about it. But, for some time already, I've suspected that this boyfriend of hers is a bit of a boozer. Nina: That's not a good news. Holly: Precisely. And I thingk Kate doesn't know what to do about it. Nina: Well, that's now an easy subject. Holly: Maybe I'm wrong... Nina: Did you go to a party with both of them? Holly: I did, but I had to leave early. He was already quite drank when I was leaving at 10:00. Nina: It doesn't mean anything. Holly: You're right, but few days after the party we met Kate, Ariel and me for a coffee and Ariel made some strange remark. I didn't notice it then, but now I think something must have happened at the party after I left. Nina: Do you think we should try talking to Nina? Holly: I suppose so. Better to talk now, before things get worse. Nina: True. Let's arrange a coffee together. Holly: Tomorrow? Around midday? Nina: Fine. , Summary: Kate probably broke up with her boyfriend as he drinks too much. He was drunk when Holly was leaving the party at 10. Holly and Nina want to meet Kate to talk about it around midday tomorrow.
Q: Summarize the following: Adam: Hey, how are you :) Todd: Good, good - how bout you? Adam: great actually :) I'm moving to a new apartment this weekend :) Todd: Awesome - and it's long overdue :) Adam: Yeah, I know my place is a dump, no need to remind me :) Todd: well, honesty is the foundation of any friendship :D Anyway you know I loved your place but it was no Ritz Carlton for sure :) Adam: Lol :) yeah, good memories but I can finally afford something bigger. Which actually brings me to the point - I need you to be my getaway driver :) Todd: Haha, thought so :) Adam: your dad still has that old van? Todd: yeah, he still does :) No idea why still keeps it around Todd: But surprisingly it is still in one piece :) Adam: Brilliant! You think you could borrow it for the weekend? Todd: sure, you know my dad likes you :) And I assume you want me to help with moving? Adam: well, I didn't want to bother you, but since you mention it it would be a great help and a very nice gesture :) Todd: Lol, smooth talker as always :) When do you want to start? Saturday morning? Adam: I was actually thinking about Friday evening... Todd: Sorry, I'm working late on Friday... But I can be there at 9 am on Saturday Adam: Ok, in that case I will pack everything into boxes and prepare some stuff on Friday. This will save us some time Todd: Great, so it's a date :) Adam: Lol, sure is :), A: Simone will be in Italy for more or less the whole month of June.
Q: Summarize the following: Diane: Do you take the vitamins as I told you? Molly: yes mom twice a day Diane: just please take them, because you weren't taking them the last time and they have an expiration date Molly: I do take them for real now Diane: Dad also wants you to know he won't be able to fix those headphone by Friday. Molly: Damn, that's too bad Molly: but he has a lot of work so I get it Diane: I can give you money for another pair if you want. Molly: Nah, no point in buying new ones, I'll just wait Diane: And remember we're going to your uncle's house on Saturday. Your cousin Danny will be there. Molly: ok, cool. I remember btw You remind me just about every other day :P Diane: I just want you to remember, because you tend to forget those things. Molly: I really do remember this time, mom, no worries , A: Mia is not coming tomorrow morning, as she has some problems at work. So Owen does not have to go and pick her up. Mia will phone Nicole later. She may be coming in the afternoon or evening to stay overnight but then she will take a bus, since Nicole cannot fetch her.
The summary of "Debbie: I will make cookies today Hans: good Debbie: I'm excited because I have never made any Hans: really? Debbie: imagine! Debbie: lol Hans: so have fun " is Debbie has never made cookies and will make them today. Hans wishes her fun.
The summary of "Mark: Hey honey... i have reached LA. Amy: hey honey thats great... hopefully you flight was good. Have you reached hotel. Mark: Flight was awesome had a beautiful girl next to me.... havent reached hotel yet on way. Amy: What the f..k, i just simply hate you stay there with her dont come back. Mark: 😃 someone is getting jealous. Just kidding babes. Had a man next to me. Amy: whatever anyways you know i dont like this kind of jokes. Come back soon babes. Tc and enjoy your trip. Sleep well and eat well. Mark: yeah sure babes would tc and eat n sleep well. You too tc. Would be back day after tomorrow. Amy: ok honey off too bed now you tc love you lots miss you lots babes 😙😙😙😙😙😙🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗. Mark: sure honey. Love you lots too missing you like anything darling....😙😙😙😙😙😙🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗" is Pat and Lou are waiting for The stream but Kevin is not interested as it makes him dizzy.
The summary of "Victoria: My brother told me he voted out, what a dick :/ Daniel: Hm, I'm not surprised to be honest Emily: Uhm, isn't he aware that you work abroad Victoria: Well, apparently he's not interested in my future - unless he can really fuck it up :/ Will: My parents voted out as well, I don't get it Daniel: And look what happens, we're like a crazy cat waiting in front of an open door not knowing if we should get out or no Emily: Don't even get me started on this, most of my friends didn't even know what EU is Will: Jesus, people are so dumb Victoria: My brother still doesn't understand "what this is all about"" is Victoria's brother and Will's parents voted in favor of Brexit.
The summary of "Jeff: Hey did you make it to the Polish lesson last night? I came down sick with a severe cold and may miss the next lesson too. Rita: I'm sorry that you are sick! Hope you feel better soon. Yes, I went to the lesson. A lot of people didn't show up actually. Jeff: Did I miss much? Rita: You did, unfortunately, but I can help you catch up. We learned about the instrumental case? Jeff: The what? Rita: Don't worry about it now. Just get better. Jeff: Thanks, Rita. I'll see if I can read about it in the textbook when I get a chance. Rita: Sounds good. The book explains it very clearly, so I don't think you'll find it too confusing. Jeff: Ok, great. Rita: Just so you know, the professor may have to reschedule the next lesson due to personal reasons. She said she'd let us know by email if that happens. Jeff: OK, thanks for the heads up. Rita: No problem. Hope to see you soon in any case. Jeff: Likewise. Take care!" is Tom has a map of Paris.
Q: Summarize the following: Barb: Last night we went to this cool bar Tina: a new place? Barb: new to me but it's pretty famous on the right hand side of the river Tina: right side of the river? why on earth would you go there? Barb: they say the neighbourhood is changing and it really is! Tina: Still I would be afraid I might get robbed Barb: I'm telling you, it's better than you think - check out bottles Tina: <file_gif>, A: Yesterday, Barb went to the bar on the right hand side of the river. Tina would be afraid to go there.
Context: Mr. Alphonse Wilson: Good morning Mr. Brown: Good morning Mr. Wilson Mr. Alphonse Wilson: I've heard you've reached the agreement. Mr. Brown: Yes, we settled the main goals for the newcoming project. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: I'm glad to hear the good news. Mr. Brown: The problem is we don't have enough money to expand the idea further. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: What do you mean Mr. Brown? Mr. Brown: We might need sponsors to promote the product on a large scale. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: I am swaying towards enlargements in PR department Mr. Alphonse Wilson: But if the team reached such conclusion, please do look for companies to sponsor it. Mr. Brown: So far we are certain that after some time we want to enter the US market. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: That sounds reasonable. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: Please send me the details, which you've established at the meeting. Mr. Brown: Of course. Mr. Brown: There is a presentation with an extra slide with our remarks. Mr. Brown: <file_link> Mr. Alphonse Wilson: Thank you. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: I've got to get going. Mr. Brown: Wish you a nice evening Mr. Wilson. Mr. Alphonse Wilson: Thank you. Same to you Mr. Brown., Summary: Mr. Brown will send the meeting summary to Mr. Alphonse Wilson. The objectives for the new project have been established but the company needs to find new financial resources. Mr. Alphonse Wilson prefers PR actions but they might need to look for outside sponsors.
Q: Summarize the following: Karen: I am so sad :( Skyler: What happened Karen: Dad just brought a new Tv Skyler: You should e happy :/ Karen: I broke it :( Skyler: Oh Karen: Can you fix it? Skyler: I havent done this before Karen: Maybe you know some one who can? Skyler: Yeah my brother can handle Karen: Perfect, Call him over my place Skyler: I would Karen: ThNKS Skyler: i asked him to come over, He is busy right now Karen: When would he come? Skyler: today evening Karen: Ask him to bring tools along I dont have those Skyler: Dont worry Karen: k, A: Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
Context: Moshe: What's going on...? You didn't say a word to me, u just left the flat, you don't answer my calls. What happened that u don't want to talk to me at all?! Haven: :/ Moshe: U should take the key. How can u enter the flat when I'm at school? You hurt me with your behaviour. Haven: U've been insulting me all day. Calling me stupid. Stupid old child. I hurt u? Lol rubbish Moshe: I said you were behaving like a child... not that you were a child. I know I shouldn't have said so...I am sorry Haven: U are lying and apologizing at the same time? Lol Moshe: No Haven: Ridiculous, Summary: Moshe and Haven are arguing. Haven left the flat and doesn't answer her phone, because she's angry with Moshe for calling her a child. She has no key to the flat. She refuses to accept Moshe's apology.
The answer of "Summarize the following Kylie: Big RIP I just spilled coffee all over my computer Emery: Awww bb I’m sorry Kylie: I hate this day sm Emery: me too… my mf history teacher forgot to give me my assignment and today he’s yelled at me for not doing it Kylie: it’s so gd annoying Emery: savage" is Kylie is having a bad day as she spilled coffee all over her computer. Emery is also unhappy as his teacher yelled at him for not doing an assignment Emery was actually not given.
Q: Summarize the following: Martin: happy birthday, enjoy your day!🎉🍰 Raoul: thanks Martin: with pleasure! Raoul: I'm waiting for you, it's gonna be nice Raoul: why you didn't come with Flo? Martin: i was to tired. But i'm coming today Raoul: Really?If you do that i'll come and pick you up at the station Martin: I'll be there Raoul: for sure? Not like yesterday? Martin: no, but i'll let you know Raoul: ok l'll wait for you Martin: ok Raoul: are you still coming? Martin: yep! why? Raoul: nothing, just to be sure! Martin: ok Raoul: give me your dock number Martin: ok , i'll tell you Raoul: i'm on my way Martin: we'll arrive in 10 minutes Raoul: arrived Martin: dock 18 Raoul: i've seen on the board, A: Raoul has a birthday today. He will pick Martin up at the station.
Context: Taylor: wash my car please Dad: okay Taylor: thanks , Summary: Tom wishes Laura happy brithday.
Context: Greg: i can't get that song out of my head Kevin: which one? Greg: that's the problem, i'm not really sure what song it is Greg: i'm just humming it Kevin: who sings it? Greg: i don't know either, it's driving me nuts!!!, Summary: Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
The summary of "Tommy: Watcha up to today boo Miranda: Gym-work-drink with my party friend Tommy: Haha i have gym, shopping with dad, drink with school friends Miranda: Haha nice xp eh i work all the time Tommy: Even on weekends that’s awful Miranda: At least i know theres progress xp Tommy: Yesss so true Miranda: The annoying thing is that literally everyone has some good advice for me Tommy: What do you mean? Miranda: All my friends tell me what i should do, most of them have no idea about having their own business Tommy: They want to live through you haha cuz they wish they had their own business Miranda: Probably… Idk, they just piss me off Tommy: Don’t worry theyll all just shut up when youre successful Miranda: Let’s hope it will happened eventually XD Tommy: I’m sure it will ;* Miranda: Youre sweet <3 Tommy: Yupp I am haha xp Miranda: Anyway, who are you drinking today with? Tommy: Just some old friends, havent seen each other in a while. Itll probably be very boring xP Miranda: Still, I hope youll have fun :D" is Miranda works all the time even on weekends. Miranda's friends piss her off with their good advice. Tommy reckons Miranda will be successful. Tommy is drinking with some old friends today.
Context: May: <file_photo> Gabe: Oh damn Peter: Hello May :DDD Claire: Uhm, May, you sure you wanted to send us this?... May: oh god... May: oh no no no no Gabe: yes yes yes :D Peter: this is brilliant Gabe: come on May, you look gorgeous ;) Claire: He's right, you're absolutely rocking it girl! Peter: just out of curiosity - who did you want to send it to? :> Claire: May? are you there? May: I want to disappear Peter: hahaha, might've been worse, you look quite decent May: Just kill me already, Summary: May sends an embarrassing photo of herself to Gabe, Claire and Peter by accident. Gabe, Claire and Peter think May looks great.
Passage: Wendy: Where are you? Qin: In class Wendy: Ok i will be right there now, Summary: Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
Context: Ray: any news on Amersham? Caron: Hi Ray.. shes gone for Saturdays starting this week sorry should have emailed you Ray: no problemo😁, Summary: Mia is not coming tomorrow morning, as she has some problems at work. So Owen does not have to go and pick her up. Mia will phone Nicole later. She may be coming in the afternoon or evening to stay overnight but then she will take a bus, since Nicole cannot fetch her.
Q: Summarize the following: Britney: did you decide on the club for tonight? Ashley: yess we are going to Cherry! Kristen: i thought we were supposed to go to Blue Lagoon Ashley: noo way, Cherry is way better, trust me Britney: let's go to Cherry, i have been there once and it was awesome Kristen: ok ;* it's gonna be wild tonight!, A: Jane is updating her Tinder profile tonight and together with Shona they don't want to find another guy like John, who forgot Jane's birthday.
Q: Summarize the following: Liam: As for the next meeting, lets say Friday, agenda will be on your emails soon. Feifei: What time? Liam: 10am? Carla: OK Feifei: Perfect!, A: Jayden has mistakenly called Freddie instead of Fran. He does not usually call him, as he prefers to chat.
Passage: Tom: We're in Dublin airport Tom: Ready to get on the plane :) Chris: I wish you a safe flight then! Chris: Can't wait to see you! :D Tom: Thank you! Chris: I want to ask you sth Tom: Go on Chris: Do you mind going tomorrow to school at 7:10? Chris: I know that we are startind our erasmus things at 9 am but Chris: my teacher want me to come at 8 am and that way i would like to go at 7:10 am Chris: becaus there's a voleyball trainging before that Chris: Is it a problem for you to get up that early? If you don't want to come I can ommit the training. Tom: I don't mind going in at 7:10. Tom: We're just about to take off Tom: I will text you when we land Chris: Ok Chris: No problem Tom: Do you like flying? Chris: Well, I've flied only 2 times in my life but yee I kinda like it Chris: What about you? Tom: It's ok for me., Summary: Lillian made gloves for Isaiah's birthday. She was afraid they are going to be too big but they fit perfectly.
Passage: Charles: Hello Joe: Ssup. Long time pal. Charles: Yeah. Today i was wondering when will Manchester United sell Lukaku🤔 Joe: 😂😂🤣 It ain't happening any time soon bro. Charles: Then we are stuck to draws and losses. Joe: He ain't that bad. As a matter of fact he is the all time goal scorer for Belgium. Charles: Who said so? Joe: Check the statistics. Charles: Haha but that doesn't reflect when he plays for UTD. Joe: Just give him time, the sun will shine on him once again🤞 Charles: I doubt Joe: I don't still understand why you guys are complaining. Bayern Munich fans must be crying now. The team is in shambles😢 Charles: Lucky for them is that they have won the title just the previous season. For us it is almost 6 years. Joe: Have faith😂 Jose is a gaffer. He will win trophies for you guys. Charles:😂😂let wait and see. Joe: Since Ferguson left the club, the team has never been promising like now. Charles: You have a point BTW. Joe: Sure. Patience is everything. Charles: As you say then. Joe:😂😂 , Summary: Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
The answer of "Summarize the following Frank: Fancy going to see a film tonight? Jake: Yeah, why not!? What's on? Frank: The new Marvel one is out, forgot what it's called, though. Jake: Sounds like a plan! 8ish good for you? Frank: Yep! I'll text you the times ASAP. Jake: Great, buddy. See ya later!" is Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
Passage: Patty: what are we doing for New Year's Eve? Jill: I was just thinking about that... not to many prospects this year Patty: Dean is having a party Jill: Dean's parties are the worst :/ Patty: A little dull but he does have some cute friends Jill: a trip to the seaside? Patty: isn't everything booked? Jill: we'll have to check., Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
Context: Kim: Imagine Dragons are playing a concert in Prague next month! Kim: Wanna come with me? Jennifer: That's absolutely wonderful! Jennifer: How much are the tickets? Kim: Not much, I'll tell you later Kim: Gotta go now Jennifer: ok, bye, Summary: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
Passage: John: Hey, I'm gonna be 10 minutes late, sorry Ann: No problem, I'll be waiting by the door - already got the tickets John: Cool :) can you grab me a popcorn and large coke? Ann: Way ahead of ya <file_image> John: Awesome :), Summary: John will be 10 minutes late. Ann will wait for him by the door with popcorn and large coke.
Q: Summarize the following: Morgan: Bt y? Hillary: Don't know. Have been trying to reach him all morning, but couldn't. Morgan: Can u send me his location? Hillary: Sure thing <file_other>. Morgan: Thanks: Lona: And what about me? Hillary: Oh, I've got a special task 4 u :) Lona: What is it? :) Hillary: Ur husband's still got that big car? Lona: Yeah. In the garage. Not used right now. Hillary: Gr8! Can u go to the florists and pick up the flowers for the reception? Lona: All of them?! Hillary: Yeah. They'll help u. Already called them and told them to. Lona: Okay. And what's next? Hillary: Well, bring them to the venue. Don't worry, don't have to put them anywhere. Just tell them u've got the flowers and they'll know what to do with them. Lona: Okay. I'll get on it 2moro. Jess: What about me? Any tasks 4 me? :) Hillary: Sure :) I want u to go to the printing-house and pick up the place cards? Jess: Sure, no problem. That's it? Hillary: Oh, no! Please check them if everything is fine. I've already sent them one batch back. Hillary: Here's the guest list <file_other>. Jess: That's a lot of names... Hillary: I know, but I also know how accurate u r :) Jess: Well, fine. I'll get on it in an hour or so. Hillary: Thanks, girls! Ur all lifesavers :) talk to u all 2moro? Jess: Sure, bye. Morgan: Bye. Lona: Bye., A: Hilary couldn't reach him all morning. She sends Morgan his location. Hilary wants Lona to get flowers for the reception. Hilary wants Jess to go to the printing-house and get the place cards. She sends her the guest list. Jess will get it in about an hour.
Passage: Ruby: hey i need to borrow your suitcase Ruby: please :D Joy: hi, when? Ruby: for next week Joy: oooh sorry i'll be using it :( Ruby: nooooooooo Ruby: :( Joy: how about you finally buy one? Joy: :D Ruby: yeah guess i'll have to Ruby: xd, Summary: Ruby wants to borrow Joy's suitcase for the next week. Joy can't lend it, because she needs it then.
Context: Julia: How did u find out? Gail: Spying on ppl, remember? Julia: So? Gail: I was browsing thru her posts and saw one in which u and a bunch of other ppl were not supposed to see. Julia: U can do that? Gail: On Facebook? Sure! Just restrict the post to certain ppl or group and no one else will see it. Julia: Gotta check it out. So what was in the post? Gail: She was blabbering about how she's frustrated with all the food and fitness and everything on Facebook posts. Julia: But did she mention me specifically? Gail: No. Julia: That's ok then., Summary: Gail was browsing through her Facebook posts. She was complaining about food and fitness.
The answer of "Summarize the following Iona: Some water would be nice if you have time? Will: Of course. No problem. Iona: Thanks! " is Henry has lost his Oyster card. He's stuck in a queue in at Tufnell, getting a new one. He will be late.
Q: Summarize the following: Betty: <file_photo> Betty: Check this out! Betty: It's Kevin Betty: Caught red handed kissing with Jessica Angela: You don't know they're together now? Betty: What? Betty: Why nobody told me?! Angela: It's no secret. Betty: He recovered fast after Natalie dumped him. Angela: Maybe Angela: Maybe not Betty: Right. God knows what's up his head , A: Betty is surprised to hear that Kevin is seeing Jessica so soon after Natalie left him.
Passage: Greg: Please tell me a game title it's totally worth buying Martin: With no hesitation Martin: Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Martin: Game's worth your time Greg: I heard so. If you say that it's worth it, then I'm buying it right away. Martin: Great! Can't wait to talk it over with you :P, Summary: Martin recommends Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Greg will buy it.
Passage: John: Hi Henry Henry: Hi John, after a long time. John: Yeah dude, where do you live now? Henry: With my parents John: Where do your parents live? Henry: With me John: Where do you all live? Henry: Together John: Dude don’t joke Henry: I’m not joking dude John: Ok, now tell me, where is your house? Henry: Next to my neighbor’s house John: Where is your neighbor’s house? Henry: Next to my house John: Grrrrrrr, Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
Q: Summarize the following: Jake: <file_photo> Jake: what do lladies think? Is it enough for our kitchen? Miriam: What's the size of it? Jake: 53 length and 25 width Monique: I guess it's enough Monique: and the price? Jake: 20$ Miriam: really? that's a lot :/ Monique: yep, a lot Jake: I'll be looking for something else then, A: Jill and Jo are planning to meet tomorrow morning, Caren will let them know if she can.
Q: Summarize the following: Jolene: Hello everyone! I have created this group to keep all of the discussions in one place :) Jolene: It seems like not everyone checks our facebook page for posts so it would be easier to reach everyone here Esther: great idea! but I think a few of the members are missing Jolene: Esther, feel free to add anyone :) Esther: ok, I'm adding Mike and Will Mike: hey, thanks for remembering about me but I am leaving Poland in a week and will no longer be able to come to the meetings Jolene: oh, that's a shame :( where are you going? Mike: I'm moving to Austria. It was a pleasure to meet you all :) Esther: you too, good luck out there! Mike: thanks :) Will: hey, thanks for adding me. Jolene: so about next week - I have an idea for a new route Will: also 20km? Jolene: yes, more or less. we're going to do a lap around the lake Esther: sounds great!, A: Evelyn and Camber will attend yoga classes. Norman and Alcott are making fun of them.
Context: Mike: hey man, you coming? Tom: yeah, be there in 15 Mike: your 15? Tom: what do you mean? Mike: you know perfectly well that you are always late as fk :P Tom: not true :P I'm fashionably late :D Mike: Lol. Yeah, your fashion is certainly late too :D Tom: screw you :P Mike: :*, Summary: Tom will be at Mike's in 15.
The summary of "Kai: are you at the hotel Jason: yes, we are Poppy: waiting for you in the foyer " is Jason and Poppy are waiting for Kai in the hotel foyer.
The answer of "Summarize the following Mike: dude, wendy has grown prettier Dave:😂😂👍 Mike:😍😍 Dave: i know right? Mike: yeah, since she came from Houston, she looks like an angel Dave: i'll have to hit on her soon Mike: haha, stay off, i hear Jerry is her lover Dave: really😕 Mike: yeah Dave: since when Mike: haha, i dont know, but you can push your luck Dave: haha, i will Mike:😉 good luck Dave: yeah, ill need it" is Alina, George, Mary and Tom haven't heard from Jason since he changed his job. Jason left also their group some weeks ago. He hasn't responded to the private message Alina wrote him on Friday.
Context: Ann: Yo! Are we meeting today? Peter: Hey ho. 🙂 Actually, tomorrow would fit me better, are you free tomorrow as well or only today? Ann: Tomorrow I will spend all day in sintra Peter: after? 🙂 Ann: I don't know what time I will come back. So I don't want to plan anything for tomorrow. And for sure i will be tired after walking the whole day Peter: mh.. ok so what would you suggest? Ann: If not today then Monday? Peter: sounds fine for me Ann: Ok Peter: ok, have fun in sintra 😉 Ann: Thanks, Summary: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Q: Summarize the following: Violet: The evening was so nice! Tabitha: that's true Scarlett: and the pizza there was just amazing, the best in town I'd say Benjamin: it is! Violet: thanks Benjamin for organising it Benjamin: was not easy, hahaha Violet: I know!, A: Violet, Tabitha, Scarlett and Benjamin had a nice evening. Benjamin organized it.
The summary of "Lucia: I need my hair cut. Lucia: When can I come? I've got some time on Thursday and Friday. Eric: Lucia! My dear! Eric: Are you sure? After all, you had your hairstyle done a week ago. Eric: What's the matter? Don't you like it? Lucia: I like it very much and I regret to lose it. Lucia: But I'm changing the job and my hair must be shorter... Eric: I see. You'll tell me everything in detail once you're here, in my beauty salon. Eric: I suggest Friday at 3 p.m. Is it fine for you? Lucia: Sure, perfect. Eric: Fantastic, have a nice day then. Lucia: Thanks, bye." is Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
The summary of "Olivia: When your husband’s cooking.. Xxx Leo: looks yummy! Olivia: Thai red curry! So delicious! Anna: my favourite food! Greg: now i’m hungry! Kelly: looks 10/10! Noah: Wow! that looks amazing! Greg: can i drop by? Olivia: not this time! Haha! ;)" is Stanley wants to change booking details and book a smaller room because his wife won't bring a dog. Stanley will be provided with the available options very soon.
The summary of "Emma: What kind of tights do you need? Ginny: Black tights, skin-coloured tights - generally any tights that don't end up having holes in them after wearing them once or twice... (also, can i ask for a guitar capo?) :P Emma: What type of capo? I don't know anything about them... Ginny: Er... just your standard capo for the guitar (I don't htink they have different sizes...) Emma: There are different types from what I gather Emma: Send me a pic of the type you have in mind " is Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Passage: Sophie: <file_photo> Ava: You look so happy with him Ava: Where are you guys? Sophie: In Kutno Ava: On the way to Warsaw? Sophie: Yes, we should be there in 1.5h Ava: I'll be in Brussels in 2 hours Ava: Then I'll catch a train to Antwerp Sophie: Oh still a long way to go Ava: It's not bad Ava: I can work in the bus Ava: so it's not a wasted time :) Sophie: Good attitude! Ava: And the driver is really funny Ava: His jokes made me feel better Ava: Thanks to him the passengers started interacting with each other Ava: He said that when we are in the Eurotunnel we can see little fish swimming around if we look out the window Ava: It made me laugh Sophie: That's nice :-), Summary: Sophie is in Kutno. Ava is on her way to Brussels. She's going to work in the bus.
The answer of "Summarize the following John: R u watching the match? Frank: Yep! John: Liverpool are unbeaten in this season's Premier League! Frank: they have 28 points! It’s the highest ever tally at this stage of a Premier League season! John: they’ve just missed their golden chance… Scott: Oh nooooo" is John and Frank are watching the match. Liverpool has 28 points this season.
The summary of "Jess: Hi, sorry but I can't come tonight :-( Barbara: Why not? :-( Jess: Brandon got sick. I can't leave Allie and Jason with him all alone. Barbara: Sorry to hear that :-( What's the matter with Brandon? Jess: Flu. But he's feverish and can't really do anything at home. Barbara: I see. Well, we will miss you! Jess: I'm really sorry. Jess: <file_photo> Barbara: I hope Brandon gets better soon. Say hello to him. Jess: I will, thank you! Barbara: In two weeks time we're meeting at Fiona's. You must come then. Jess: I hope that the flu will not last for the next two weeks... Barbara: Well, I guess you need a lot of strength and patience now. Take care! Jess: Thank you. I'll be thinking about you all :-) Sending kisses to all the girls :-* Barbara: :-)" is Helena's studying in Edinburgh, while Wanda's studying near Leeds and working at a petrol station. Wanda wants to visit Helena next Thursday as she has two days off. Wanda wants to stay in Scotland and become a teacher.
The summary of "Jasna: What your children are doing? Bojana: David is crying instantly. Jasna: And Damir? Bojana: He is working some drawing. Jasna: He like to drawing? Bojana: Yes, he like drawing very much. Jasna: What he like to draw? Bojana: Automobiles, he is crazy for automobiles. Jasna: Good. Bojana: Sometimes, he draw our family. Jasna: Aha. Bojana: Sometime he draw me, width a hair and glasses. Jasna: Good, children are growing. " is Terri and Wendy haven't spoken for about 10 years. Terri has been working at the hospital for 20 years. Wendy still works at the vet's. Terri likes her job. Terri kicked Derek out 3 years ago. Derek had an affair. Terri is with Johnnie now. Wendy never remarried after Jeff.
The answer of "Summarize the following Marc: Do you have any contacts left at Xcomapny George: uhh no clue Marc: could you find out still? George: I guess George: but why? George: what do you need? Marc: I need some info on their new project George: yikes maybe you shouldn't say anymore lol Marc: hehehe yeah I guess Marc: let me know please George: sure no prob" is Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
Q: Summarize the following: Josh: Hi, s’up? Trish: Hi, not much, u? Josh: Well, been at this concert, just coming back. Trish: What concert? Josh: Acid Monkeys :) Trish: Never heard of them. Josh: No wonder. New band in town. Trish: So what do they play? Josh: A mix of jazz, hip hop and hard rock. Trish: Jeez, rly? Josh: Yup. Trish: And ppl listen to that? Josh: Sure! The house was booming! Josh: Here’s a link <file_other>. Trish: Thanks. Will listen. Josh: BRB Trish: Sure., A: Daisy will come to Amy's place at around 5.30. Amy baked a cake. Daisy will let her know when she's on her way.
The summary of "Bob: hey, can you bring me the external drive from the office? Ann: yeah, just give me 2 minutes, need to finish this email Bob: ok :) thx! Ann: np :)" is Ann needs to finish an e-mail. Then Ann will bring the external drive from the office to Bob at his request.
Q: Summarize the following: Rachel: hey Rachel: I forgot to write down your code Rachel: could you send it please? Rachel: thanks 😘😘 Edward: hey, no problem Edward: S0087 😉, A: Edward's code is S0087.
Context: Amber: Can't get Teddy out of my head... Amber: It's already 6 months since he left me and I still can't get over him, what's wrong with me :( Lora: Oh, my poor Amber... Lora: Nothing's wrong with you, it's Ted to be blamed for ruining everything Amber: I've been trying so hard to be a good girlfriend... Amber: I still don't know where I did a mistake, we seemed to be complementing each other Amber: And suddenly he said it's over, that he doesn't love me anymore and there's another girl... Nicole: Gosh, you've really been through hell because of him, it sounds like a nightmare Amber: It still hurts, the nightmare still lasts... Nicole: I'm so sorry Amber... Nicole: I'd really like to help you in some way, I can imagine how I'd feel in such a terrible situation Lora: Listen girls, maybe you'd like to go somewhere this evening and have a drink? Lora: It's Friday. It'd be much better to go out than sitting and thinking all alone Lora: Amber... we should meet and talk and have some fun too. Let us help you Amber: Okay, I can go somewhere. Can't stand being alone, it's killing me... Nicole: Fine girls. Please, let me know where you're staying. I need to take care of a few things first but then I'm free Lora: Sure, no problem. We'll find something just for this evening. Amber: Thank you guys..., Summary: Teddy left Amber half a year ago. She misses him. She is still depressed. Lora will take her out for drinks to cheer her up. Nicole will join.
Context: Timothy: Any good news? Helen: Unfortunately not... Cecilia: :(, Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
Passage: Natalie: I've booked the hotel. Sandra: Good, the one in LA? Natalie: Yep, the Green Leaf. Nick: Good, is it what think it is? Natalie: <file_gif> Sandra: My clock shows 420! Nick: I've heard about the place, they have the best purple haze! Natalie: And white widow! Sandra: Can't wait! Maybe we can go shopping before... Nick: Before munchies, you mean? :D Natalie: <file_gif> Sandra: Hey guys, maybe a puff outside the campus? Are you free in 30'? Nick: On our bench? Sandra: That's right!, Summary: Natalie has made a booking at the Green Leaf hotel in Los Angeles. They've got the best purple haze and white widow at the Green Leaf. Natalie, Sandra and Nick are going to meet in half an hour on their bench to have a smoke.
Q: Summarize the following: Lena: good evening Grandma: good evening Lena: how do you like texting? Grandma: it's funny Grandma: but I'm very slow Lena: you just have to practise Lena: you will be fine , A: Grandma is still slow at texting.
The summary of "Susie: ask me where i am Evan: where are you? Susie: in bed with my laptop!! aaaaaaaaahahahahaha! Susie: <file_gif> Chad: <file_gif> Evan: hate you." is Susie is in bed with her laptop.
The answer of "Summarize the following Tracy: Rosie! Help! Rosie: Whats up? Tracy: Have you got any felt? Rosie: What? Tracy: Felt! for making clothes and art and stuff Rosie: No of course I don't, why would I have felt? Tracy: I don't know, you and you arty hobbies surprise me all the time! Rosie: Hahaha thanks, I think... what do you need it for? Tracy: I need to make some donkey outfit for work, apparently we are doing a nativity. Rosie: Isn't that something kids do at school? Tracy: YES! and my boss at work. Tracy: Basically I am to be a donkey by next Thursday for the Christmas do at work. Rosie: Are you sure they are not trying to tell you something? Tracy: HAHA very funny. Rosie: Is anyone else invited or are you the only one dressing up? Tracy: Funny indeed, but my colleagues are also struggling with their outfits. So they are as useless as you when it comes to helping me! Rosie: Sorry about that, I am useless when it comes to making outfits indeed. Tracy: Sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way... Rosie: Haha I didn't think you did. Rosie: Coming to think of it, did Sarah not have a donkey outfit for Annabel last year? She is a big kid and you are a little lady so maybe you'll fit in that one? Saves you making something? Tracy: You are a hero!! I remember that actually, I wonder if she still has it!! Rosie: Have you got her number? Tracy: I don't think so. Rosie: Do you want her number or do you want me to call her? Tracy: No give me her number, I'll ring her. Do you think she'll mind? Rosie: Not at all, she'll be happy to help! Rosie: <file_other> Rosie: Good luck! Tracy: Thanks! You're a star!" is Tracy has to make a donkey outfit for a nativity play at work. Rosie gives her Sarah's number as she had one.
The answer of "Summarize the following Bates: Rumour has it you're in town. Nate: Yeah, I landed last night. When do you want to get together? Bates: ASAP Nate: Cool, I'll call you tomorrow then. I'm still a little jet lagged. Bates: Ok, take care." is Nate flew in town last night. He will meet up with Bates tomorrow.
Context: Alexander: I talked to CJ today and he said that his cousin does a fishing tour on the sea for 5 persons for about 35$ each. 3 hours of fishing and the caught fish will be prepared on the BBQ here in the surf camp restaurant.. the last time we talked about it it was more than $100 each as far as I remember.. so that would be a much better deal obviously. George: I’m in! Ken: anybody else interested? We are going tomorrow morning first thing there is space for 5 pax per boat. Boat 1 already full, Alex and summer are interested if we get 3 more for boat 2 Kate: what time? Alexander: 6am Iris: Will probably pass as I tend to get super sea sick. Have fun! Becky: Ah sorry just saw this- been ATV and horseing around all day lol. That adventure sounds amazing! Hope you get some good catches Eve: Sorry it took me 5 hours to reply... We’re gonna pass ;), Summary: Alexander invites George, Ken, Kate, Iris, Becky and Eve to go on a fishing tour at 6 a.m. George accepts the proposal, the rest declines.