Passage: Gilly: Hi, could you send me that GIF again? Lars: Lol, ok Lars: <file_gif> Gilly: HAHAHAHAHAHAH Lars: You really love it Gilly: Yes, it's fantastic Lars: <file_gif> Gilly: OH. MY. GOD. LOL!!! Lars: Even better, right? :D Gilly: Yes!!! :D, Summary: Gilly laughs at the GIF sent by Lars.
Context: Isabella: yooo, let me know what you think Isabella: <file_video> Isabella: This is the final version for now, but I think we could still clean up some of the editing Maria: AHH! wait, that is like ridiculously good Maria:😍😍 Maria: How long did it take you guys to do this? Isabella: Hmm, I think it was like 5 days of shooting Isabella: But we broke it up and did it over 3 weeks Isabella: And then it was like a week non stop of editing, between Patrick and me Isabella: Well and of course all the time before had I spent writing the script Maria:💪 well damn girl, you are a rockstar Maria: It's really good, if you guys don't win I'm going to be really surprised Isabella: Gah no, don't say that, all the other groups have put in a lot of work as well Isabella: So either way, I'm really proud of the work we did Maria: As you should be! Let me know how everything went after the fest! Isabella: I will 😁 Maria: 😘😘, Summary: Isabella made a video for a contest. She wrote the script for it. It took her and Patrick 5 days of shooting and a week non stop of editing.
Passage: Jason: Although he is not a good striker with multiple goals but his passion and preservance deserves a respect from all Arsenal fan Tua: Not good? Lol... Alfred: He's a good and passionate arsenal player. Jason: Not good in efficiency Roger: What is his goals to minutes ratio Jason? Keep to the facts! Garry: He’s our top scorer in Europa league Dominic: Stop smoking crack, Summary: He deserves respect from Arsenal fans, because he's a top scorer in Europe.
The summary of "Bertha: Hi. We exchanged numbers at the quilt show. I'm getting in touch about the pattern. Are you available? Maude: Hi again! Nice to hear from you. Yes, I can talk over the phone or Skype or we can just chat. What are you up for? Bertha: Chatting is fine. You said you had the double wedding ring pattern? Maude: I do, and I've made it at least 5 times that I can remember. Bertha: Great. Is it easy or? Maude: Not so easy, but it isn't rocket science. I'm happy to help with anything that stumps you. Bertha: That's so kind of you! Can you send it? Maude: Sure. Here it is <file_other> Let me know if you have any questions. Bertha: Okay. Thanks again! Maude: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy quilting!" is Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
The summary of "Daniel: Can you come to my workstation, please? Eveline: Why? Daniel: I need to show you some changes I made in the executive project. Eveline: Oh, sure, just a moment I'll make a coffee. Want some? Daniel: That'd be sweet, thanks!" is Daniel wants to show Eveline some changes in the executive project. She will make coffee for them.
Passage: Angie: Hi John, how is Doreen doing? John: she's ok, the operation went well, she is still in ICU but that's normal apparently. Nancy: any idea when we can visit? John: the surgeon said they will keep her there on the heart monitor to see if there are no irregularities, and when she is on the ward she can have visitors. Angie: Glad it went ok, did they manage to find the leaks around her heart? John: they sealed up two of them, hopefully that is all of them. Nancy: lets hope so. Are you ok? must have been scary for you too? John: It has been quite scary for the both of us indeed, the risks around heart surgery are quite significant. Angie: Is there anything you need? where are you staying? John: I'm staying at Rory's, we are ok thanks. I will call you both when she's on the ward. Angie: thanks John, take care., Summary: Tom has a map of Paris.
Q: Summarize the following: Sue: Hi Penny, how is dad doing? have they moved him yet? xx Penny: Dad ok moved on fri been up weekend and will c him today xx Sue: Is it nice there?xx Penny: seems fine and staff nice too Sue: Good I should be finding out about my car today so I will keep you posted Penny: ok dear xx Sue: my car is having a new engine hoping it will be finished soon xx Penny: well dad is doing fine, glad car being sorted xx Sue: I was hoping to get my car back by now but its still with the guy.. im getting really annoyed about it Penny: theres no point in stressing yourself dear xx Sue: I know but I really need to come and see dad xx Penny: he has a bad chest at the moment and is a bit out of it anyway so best you come when he is a bit more with it xx Sue: Are they taking him back to hospital? Penny: Not at the moment, they are treating him here xx, A: They've moved Sue and Penny's dad on Friday. He's fine but has a bad chest. Sue's car has a new engine and she can't wait to have it ready so that she could go and visit dad.
Q: Summarize the following: Martin: now tell me how new years eve went :D Lilly: do you think I remember anything? hahahah Martin: <file_gif> Lilly: hahaha this is soooo me Martin: so where did you go finally? Lilly: we went to Peter's crib, it was fun but I got sick and I am in bed with a flu :/ Martin: ahhh so it was crazy, I see.. :D Lilly: maybe I just shouldn't smoke on the balcony without my jacket on... Martin: but still, you had fun, right ? Lilly: yes :), A: Lilly went to Peter's crib on New Year's Eve, but now she's sick. Even though, she had fun.
Q: Summarize the following: Noah: My oven looks horrible! Any ideas how to make it shiny again? Thanks! Martha: try Astonish cleaner and a scraper- both very cheap! Beth: try gel oven cleaner- you simply put it on for a while and wipe it off. Very easy! Martha: i have to try that gel cleaner thing Noah: i’m afraid they won’t work! It’s very bad! Martha: get a professional do it for you though it’s expensive Noah: how much? Beth: £80-100 Noah: jesus christ! Beth: you have to keep your oven clean and hygienic Martha: I guess you don’t have a choice Noah: is it really worth the money? Beth: i have my oven done once a year and can tell you it’s worth it! Martha: i agree it’s gonna look like a new one, A: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
The answer of "Summarize the following Samuel: Hey Jo, did you pick the parcel? Joey: I did Joey: It's heavy, what's inside? 😁 Samuel: Stuff for tinkering etc. Joey: Whatever Joey: I'll leave it at the reception desk Samuel: Thank you Joey: You're welcome" is Joey confirms to Samuel that he has picked the heavy parcel. He will leave it at the reception desk.
Q: Summarize the following: Barbara: oh my God, they've just called from that place where I applied for a job Barbara: I thought they never would, it's been 2 months Russell: wow that's great! Barbara: I guess, but now I don't know what to do, ahh... I was thinking about changing my career already Barbara: now I'm conflicted Russell: you'll be fine! if you don't like it, you can always quit later. don't worry!, A: Barbara has just got a call from the place where she applied for a job two months ago.
The answer of "Summarize the following Joseph: Hi, sup? Joey: Hey, man, everything's fine, you? Joseph: Not bad. Joey: How was Rome? Joseph: Beyond words! It was fucking lit, man. The food, the people, the atmosphere. Joey: Nice girls, right? :D Joseph: Word! Italians are hot as hell!! Joey: Told ya! Got any action then? ;) Joseph: Got me some phone numbers, but there wasn't time... Joey: LOL, THERE WASN'T TIME?! Where r your priorities, man?! Joseph: Let's say the group didn't feel the same way about Italian asses as me... Joey: Let me guess: girls wanted to hit the museums and stuff? :D Joseph: Exactly. -.- Joey: We should go together sometime, you know? Joseph: Fucking A, bro! Joey: LOL I wonder if we would live to tell the story, we would be so drunk all the time Joseph: Right, we'll have to find a nurse :D Joey: NurseS, plural, man Joseph: It's a plan then. :D " is Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
The answer of "Summarize the following Cherry: Hey, have you finished the book I gave you? Richard: Yes! It was amazing, thank you! Cherry: Glad you liked it :) Do you have something to read right now? I'm just finishing Catch 22 and it's absolutely brilliant. Richard: Read it, brilliant indeed! But yeah, I'm following up on some classics right now. Cherry: Such as? Richard: Hate to admit, but I've never read Master and Margarita. Cherry: Whoa, no way! Although I'm kind of jealous it's still ahead of you, such a gem. Cherry: By the way, have you set a reading challenge for this year? Richard: Sure thing! :D My goal is 50 as last year I managed to read 40. What about you? Cherry: Same, though it may be a tad optimistic of me, we'll see." is Evelyn and Camber will attend yoga classes. Norman and Alcott are making fun of them.
Context: Garry: I cannot believe January is almost over! Victor: It passed so quickly Cindy: Indeed , Summary: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
The summary of "Henrik: guess what your mother textd me Emily: i don't trust that woman lol Emily: what did she send you???? Henrik: PICTURES OF YOU AS A CHILD!!! Henrik: HAHAHAHAHAHA Henrik: that's an evil laugh btw Emily: oh no oh no oh no oh no Emily: pleaseeeeeeee don't send them to anyone else Emily: please don't!!!! Henrik: hahhaha don't worry about it Henrik: you were adorable… what happened to you? Emily: oh shut up" is Emily's mother sent Henrik photos of Emily as a kid.
Context: Mike: What time are you coming back? Elena: I had to stay at work Mike: ok Elena: Are you making lunch? Elena: put some veggies in Elena: I'm off Mike: ok Elena: will be there in 15 mins Mike: buy some bread Elena: there isn't any? Mike: nope Elena: Not sure where I can get some Mike: on your way?, Summary: Mike is preparing lunch. Elena will be home in 15 minutes.
Passage: Yoko: youve heard about the 100 years of revolution events going on in the city right? Nils: you bet. ive been waiting for this all year. Yoko: what are you going to see? Nils: you know, im not even sure yet. there's so much. more than 100 sites involved Yoko: what about the concert at Gethesmankirche at 19:00? Nils: let me take a look... Yoko: Sounds fascinating Nils: yeah, it does. Yoko: want to get tickets? Nils: sure! i can order them now. Yoko: cool. See you at 18:30 then? Nils: yeah, i'll see you then. Yoko: ok, later! Nils: later!, Summary: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Context: Christopher: ok, people, I’ve got an idea Matthew: hmm? Christopher: let’s go abroad for the weekend 😀 tickets are cheap enough and I don’t know about you, but I’m bored. massively bored. Andrew: I’m out, guys… I just can’t leave Ann alone with the baby, sorry Christopher: Matthew, David? what about you? Matthew: I’m working this weekend 😕 David: well, if they can’t then I’m out as well Christopher: i hate you guys, Summary: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
Passage: Nelson: have you ever read the lord of the rings? Wilson: yeah, of course. it's brilliant. one of my favs. Nelson: cool. i just started it. love the story and characters so far. Wilson: yeah, i think fellowship is my favorite of the 3., Summary: Sarah won't be able to come to her lesson with Paul this Friday. She's going to Rome for a conference. She'll let him know when they can meet instead until Tuesday. It's not the first time their lesson has been cancelled at the last minute.
The answer of "Summarize the following Derek: Poker nite 2nite :D Luke: Can't go. Derek: Y not? Missus not letting u? ;) Luke: Nah. Work thing. Flying out 2moro. Derek: Shame. Luke: Yeah, I know." is Luke can't do poker night with Derek because he is flying out tomorrow.
The summary of "Danielle: i need some shoes but i'm also trying to save money Danielle: any recommendations? Emma: get your shoes online :-D they are ALWAYS cheaper. Danielle: without trying them on? that's weird Emma: you can always send them back if they don't fit" is Terri and Wendy haven't spoken for about 10 years. Terri has been working at the hospital for 20 years. Wendy still works at the vet's. Terri likes her job. Terri kicked Derek out 3 years ago. Derek had an affair. Terri is with Johnnie now. Wendy never remarried after Jeff.
Context: Philip: someone borrowed my Proust, could u guys check? Lollie: for sure it's not me I hate this guy Minnie: i will check my library Xavier: i'm pretty sure I didn't borrow it but gonna check anyway Philip: thx lemme know when you'll find it, Summary: Miles had a strange dream about being stuck in the 80's. Connie wishes they could go back to their dreams.
The summary of "Chad: <file_photo> check it out! Brady: OMG that's awesome!!! where are you guys? Don: wow, way to go buddy! Chad: it's the Cowboys game, VIP passes y'all! Brady: VIP all the way, I see, who's the chick? Don: and what happened to the last one?! Brady: Haha, I'm sure she already bailed, couldn't put up with his crap! Don: haha, can you blame her? girl had more sense than hanging out with this douchebag. no VIP passes will make up for that Chad: WHATEVER. y'all just jealous. and that's my sister btw, you hllbillies Don: what's her #? Brady: LOL man you don't waste time, do ya? Chad, don't give it to him! Chad: no fucking way, man, i"m not that stupid. she's way out of his league anyway Don: oh please, I would be doing her a favor by getting her out of your dumbass family Brady: hahahaha, why are we even friends with that guy again?" is Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Context: Alex: I've just watched a program about depression. 1 in 5 people is depressed! It's shocking! Emma: i think some people may not even realise that they are depressed Nancy: so it means many of our friends are depressed.. they just don't talk about it! Mark: because people don't want to hear about it Emma: a friend of mine has been suffering from depression Eva: depression is real and it sucks! everyday activities are a struggle.. Nancy: yeah, people don't take it seriously Mark: the stigma has to end Emma: people just say don't worry it's all in your head just be positive! Alex: easier said than done! Nancy: we need to open up our minds and open up the talk about depression, Summary: Alex is shocked that 1 in 5 people suffer from depression. Emma thinks that people do not always realise that they have depression. Mark states that people ignore this problem. In Nancy's opinion people should talk openly about depression.
The answer of "Summarize the following Fred: Hey girl, how you doing! Saskia: Shattered Fred! Lovely to hear from you. How are you feeling? Fred: Getting there, day by day... you can't keep a good man down! What you up to? Saskia: On my own tonight, Adam's gone to Doncaster, of all places, to check out a super-duper kebab van. Some sort of silver Airstream trailer thing! Fred: God, your man and his kebab fetish! It never ends! Saskia: I know! What with Adam and Uncle Yann, it's all we talk about at family parties. I only just about know my doners from my shish kebabs. Fred: I have literally no clue what you're on about babes! Saskia: Never mind love, it doesn't matter! Fred: Fancy a drink, I could do with a gin or two? Saskia: Not tonight, too tired. I can't stand town on a Friday, it's heaving with kids! Fred: OK old lady. Come round to mine, I'm just about to get stuck into a lovely bottle of chilled Chablis and some prawn linguine. Saskia: Sounds posh and delicious. Enough there for 2? Fred: Always enough for you, sweetie! It was Paddy's favourite wine, remember? Saskia: Oh yes, darling! I really miss Paddy. Fred: So do I. Saskia: Right, I'll bring some ice cream and chocs for dessert. See you soon! Love you xx Fred: Love you too xxx" is Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Context: Tucker: movie tonight? Sully: ofc :) Tucker: :) I'll buy tickets Sully: great :), Summary: Tucker invited Sally for a movie tonight and he will buy the tickets.
Q: Summarize the following: Eric: What does Tom want for his bday? Lisa: dont know Lisa: he likes cars Lisa: vehicles in general Lisa: animals... Lisa: In Rossmann there are nice animal figurines Lisa: <file_other> Eric: ok i'll buy him a boar Eric: they're in fashion now ;D Eric: tx for help Lisa: <file_gif>, A: Eric will buy Tom a boar figurine for his birthday.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sue: how's the weather? Josh: f.. cold and wet Josh: don't go out if u don;t have to:D Sue: ok ;-)" is Mia is not coming tomorrow morning, as she has some problems at work. So Owen does not have to go and pick her up. Mia will phone Nicole later. She may be coming in the afternoon or evening to stay overnight but then she will take a bus, since Nicole cannot fetch her.
Q: Summarize the following: Ivan: I am really concerned about the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Ivan: Do you thnik that Putin could openly invade a neighbouring state? Vasily: I understand and share your concerns, Ivan. Vasily: First, the Crimea was taken over by "Little green men" who were in fact Russian soldiers. Vasily: Second, Russian troops were sent to occupy Donets Basin to the east of Ukraine... Vasily: All this may spell serious trouble... Dimitri: That's true gentlemen, the situation seems to be getting more and more tense every month Dimitri: Vasili haven't mentioned the most recent accident in which Russian coast guard ships fired on Ukrainian navy vessels near the Kerch Strait Ivan: This is actually what I was thinking about when I started this conversation. Ivan: But the circumstances of the accident are not completely clear. Dimitri: Yes, there has been a great argument over which side is responsible for this accident. Vasily: I'm not entirely familiar with the accident at Kerch but common sense tells that Russia is to be blamed, as usual... Dimitri: Indeed, this is what most people have already assumed. Dimitri: However, in this particular situation it might be the Ukrainian side that initiated the conflict. Dimitri: In fact, it enabled Petro Poroshenko to declare martial law in Ukraine, which may be a political gimmick beneficial for him in terms of the forthcoming presidential election in 2019. Ivan: Wow, this would be a perfect example supporting the idea that politics is a dirty business... Vasily: My God, but if it turns out to be true, the safety of entire state is at stake! Dimitri: It should not be a surprice if I told you that the interests of oligarchs have been always more important for the people dealing with politics in Ukraine then the good of the state itself... Vasily: It is ubelievable that such things still happen in the 21st century, wow. Ivan: Yes, and ordinary people, lives of millions of innocent people are meaningless in this game... Dimitri: This is a very sad conclusion but, to be honest, it has been like that since the history remembers. Vasily: Very sad vision, indeed. We can only hope that the future would be better time to live. Ivan: No more and no less..., A: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
The answer of "Summarize the following Rose: who is going on Wilhelm's party? do you wanna buy sth together? Fabio: wasn't invited Rose: shit sorry Amelie: sure I'm in Maxine: he didn't invite you?? maybe he will Fabio: i don't know why Rose: do you want me to ask him why weren't you invited? Fabio: no it's awkward Amelie: Rose don't get involved, it's sth between them Rose: yeah but Fabio couldn't talk about it because he was unaware of the situation Fabio: Rose, thanks but it's allright Amelie: now he knows and it's better to sort this out directly Rose: ok Fabio: I'll just talk to him Amelie: ok good luck" is Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Context: James: Hi mate! Have you thrown away the garbage? Alexander: mmm, not yet. I am still in bed. James: c'mon, the neighbours will think somebody has died. How can you even stand the smell? Alexander: I'll do it today James: You have no choice, otherwise we will just die from its fumes., Summary: Sarah won't be able to come to her lesson with Paul this Friday. She's going to Rome for a conference. She'll let him know when they can meet instead until Tuesday. It's not the first time their lesson has been cancelled at the last minute.
The answer of "Summarize the following Cleo: <photo_file> Victoria: I love your nails <3 Robson: Beautiful " is Cleo has beautiful nails.
The summary of "Valerie: Hi, Kinga!!! Vanessa told me that you're leaving tomorrow :(( Kinga: Hello! Kinga: That's right! I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to you :(( Valerie: I'm sorry :( Valerie: I couldn't say hallo to you :(( Kinga: It was very nice to meet you. Kinga: Bye bye Kinga: <file_git> Valerie: So am I :((((( Valerie: <file_gif>" is Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
Passage: Phoebe: Feliciaaaaa where are you Phoebe: you promised you would be there today Maggie: yep, explain yourself Felicia: hey girls Felicia: you won't believe it but I broke my leg on my way home so...I'm in hospital right now xdd Phoebe: WAT Maggie: .... Maggie: how did you manage to do that Felicia: the ground was slippery, I was looking at my phone....and that't all actually Felicia: but the fracture seems to be serious and they even told me something about the keep your fingers crossed Maggie: no way ://////////////////// Phoebe: sounds fucking awful....keep us updated Felicia: I will. What were you doing today? Maggie: nothing special actually, exercices as always Maggie: we're having a test on 14th of October from linguistics Felicia: shieet.....never liked this subject Phoebe: me too, but he said it wouldn't be this difficult Phoebe: so we will see Felicia: I have a request, could you please make some notes for me? Cause I have absolutely no idea when I'll be back Maggie: sure, no problem, but you must do your best to come back quickly Felicia: I promise I will Phoebe: just let us know when is it possible to visit you and we'll come Felicia: that'd be great...I'll text you as soon as I know anything Phoebe: <3 Maggie: okkk Felicia: thank you, like a lot...ok, I gotta go, we're in touch Maggie: yep, we are Phoebe: ok, keep safe, Summary: Felicia won't meet Phobe and Maggie, because she broke her leg and is in hospital now. The test form linguistics is on 14th of October. Felicia asks Phobe and Maggie to make notes for her. They will visit her as soon as possible.
Passage: Pete: wanna go se the crimes of grindelwald? Ann: Oh, I saw it yesterday, sorry... Pete: rly? how was it? Ann: Oh, it was OK but I think I liked the first part better Pete: Interesting, most people tell me it's better then the previous movie. Ann: Dunno, it's just what I think, I won't spoil it for you but when you see it we can talk Pete: Great! Bye now ;* Ann: <file_gif>, Summary: Ann saw "The Crimes of Grindelwald" yesterday. Ann thought the movie was okay, but liked the first part better.
Passage: Amanda: Have you seen the last episode of Anne with an E? Lizzy: It was awesome! I liked the acting very much. Amanda: It’s a bit different from the first series of Anne of Green Gables from the ‘80s don’t you think? Lizzy: Yes, but I think that’s even better 😊 Amanda: it's more about her relations with Marilla and Matthew and the whole community than to Gilbert Amanda: When will Netflix release the 3 series? Lizzy: I guess that in 2019, Summary: Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Q: Summarize the following: Leo: Do you guys have a kindle or an iPad I could borrow? Martha: I have an iPad, but I'm using it :( Jack: I have a kindle. What do you need it for? Leo: I'm going to China and I don't have enough space in my luggage for all the books Martha: Wow! China! How long are you going for? Leo: A month, that's why I thought a kindle might be useful. The flight's long as well and I doubt I'll be able to buy English books there Jack: Hm, I wouldn't be so sure, I don't think it'll be a problem Leo: Maybe, but I think kindle will be a better solution Jack: Sure, you can use but please bring it in one piece ;) Leo: No worries!, A: Lea has been selected for a Skype interview next week for a summer job.
Q: Summarize the following: Quinn: Hello Annie, so sorry to hear about your auntie. How are you doing? Annie: we are ok thanks lovely Quinn: Do you know when the funeral is? Would you like us to be there? Annie: its next Tuesday her children would like you to come so would we but it is up to you Quinn: Then we will to come, but I will arrange childcare so the kids can stay here. They won't understand much of it I think. Annie: that's probably best indeed Quinn: If there is anything we can do please let us know. Annie: will do thanks lovely Quinn: sending hugs XX Annie: thanks x, A: Miles had a strange dream about being stuck in the 80's. Connie wishes they could go back to their dreams.
The answer of "Summarize the following Gary: Did you buy those sneakers? Mark: No, why? Gary: wait, I'll give you a discount at the end of the week Sue: Discount? I want one too! I need some sandals Gary: No problem, just step by Sat or Sun" is Gary is going to give Mark and Sue a discount for shopping.
The summary of "Ray: WHERE ARE YOU?? Liam: I'm coming. Ray: You said that 15 minutes ago. -_- Liam: Would you just let me get ready? Ray: It's just us boys. It's not your wedding. Liam: You know I get properly dressed whenever I go out. Ray: Yeah girls do that too. Liam: Am i supposed to laugh at this? Ray: You're supposed to get out of your room and come to the gate. Liam: Okay okay, do not rush me. Ray: The uber's on it's way. Liam: You could've atleast let me come to the gate before ordering the uber. Ray: No we can't wait. We're starving. Liam: Okay I'm almost there. Ray: Yeah right. (Hangs up the phone)" is Simone will be in Italy for more or less the whole month of June.
The summary of "Peter: Do you have internet in your apartment? Tom: sure David: of course, why? Peter: mine doesn't work, may I come over? David: sure!" is Mia is not coming tomorrow morning, as she has some problems at work. So Owen does not have to go and pick her up. Mia will phone Nicole later. She may be coming in the afternoon or evening to stay overnight but then she will take a bus, since Nicole cannot fetch her.
Context: Wanda: I argued with Isho Kayla: What happened?? Wanda: He was just being dumb Wanda: He talks shit about the girls Kayla: Girls? Kayla: Like Kailee and Coco? Wanda: Yes Wanda: He said theyre bitchy Wanda: Take advantage of other people Kayla: Hmm Kayla: Why he thinks like that Wanda: Just because they dont get along Wanda: Doesnt mean he has to call them bitches and shit Kayla: Thats bad Kayla: Isho is weird haha Wanda: Yeah, Wanda: I dont want to talk Wanda: to him for a while Kayla: Wanna go for a ride? Kayla: To menchies? Wanda: Nahh thanks, I will just sleep, Summary: Wanda is mad at Isho, because he said bad things about the girls. She will not talk to him for a while and she will just sleep.
Q: Summarize the following: Luna: Have you gotten the schedule table for this week? Issac: Yes. I checked it already. Thank you very much. Luna: If you should change the schedule, please let me know in advance. I should mark it for others., A: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
Q: Summarize the following: Bridger: How would you describe yourself self in these kind of stuff Bridger: Are you a romantic girl? Geraldine: I am Geraldine: But everything depends on my mood ;) Bridger: I like to think I can read those moods when I see it and actually influence it Geraldine: 😏 Bridger: Oh my days ... 🤒 Geraldine: Huh? Bridger: I got a lil temperature Geraldine: Lol Bridger: From watching the girl's leg back there Bridger: But you look cute 😉 Geraldine: Yeah that was my aim taking that photo Geraldine: Lol Bridger: Haha you just happened to be there Geraldine: Yep, A: Geraldine took a selfie with a girl's leg in the background to show it to Bridger.
The answer of "Summarize the following Pia: how are you getting to Susie's tonight? You wanna share a cab? Isis: Actually Mark offered to give me a ride, we can pick you up if you want Monica: Can I join too? Isis: Sure, no problem :)" is Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Q: Summarize the following: Chris: Can you center fill on top of multiple layers of soric? Chris: With the soric inside layers of reinforcement obviously Joel: Dont see why not. Just plan the resin brake accordingly since the resin front on the top will flow faster than the on the mold surface Chris: so would shooting from the side keep it even top and bottom? Maybe thats my issue with pinholes sometimes Joel: Doubt it, it’s the flow mesh that makes the top flow faster. Joel: Best way to test is small panels done on a piece of glass so you can see what’s going on Chris: Im about out of my inter-laminar flow media and dont know where to get more, that seemed to help with the speed of fill. Joel: I’ve tested with several flow meshes but never any that go in between the layers. The blue mesh seems to flow about twice as fast as the green even though they look identical other than the color Joel: But it seems letting the flow go as slow as you can get away with without it kicking too early is better at eliminating pin holes. It seams that when the resin travels fast it’s more likely to leave tiny bits of air trapped Chris: I had some woven glass stuff that was stiff and didnt distort, like a flow mesh but I got it from a guy and dont know where to get rolls of it Chris: my epoxy is 1500cps mixed.... slow is an understatement Joel: Yeah you might wanna find something thinner Chris: :), A: Joel has tested with several flow meshes and the blue one seems to flow about twice as fast as the green one. Chris got woven glass mesh that was stiff and didn't distort. Chris's epoxy is 1500 cps so will probably get something thinner.
Passage: Ann: Hello friends, we wish you a very happy new year. See you soon. The Maugh's family Bea: a bit late for the McKeen with the opening of the message. Even if i've already seen you this morning i wish you again a happy new year. Ann: 😜 Ann: we'll meet at Café de Paris in 10 minutes? Bea: Ok but i'll be a bit late, wait for me Ann: ok. By the way i confirm that your son is invited tomorrow for LG 's birthday from 11am to late in the afternoon. Bea: Sorry but i didn't know. Bastien didn't tell me about it. It's tomorrow? Ann: yes, luckily i'll check with you Ann: foot, lunch and foot again till they're all too tired Bea: ok, we'll manage, but Bastien will be at 11.30am Ann: He could join them on the soccer field Bea: I'll tell him Ann: could you give me tom's mum number, i'll also have to check with her. Bea: <file_others> Ann: thanks a lot Bea: Sorry Bastien is late, don't wait for him before lunch Ann: no panic, they're still playing outside Bea: Thank for the party, Bastien was very happy. He came so tired that he didn't even eat for dinner and went to bed straight Ann: Here is a picture of the guys Ann: <file_photo> Bea: What a team!, Summary: Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
The answer of "Summarize the following Jill: hello?? who are you talking to? im calling for one hour now its continuously busy?? James: its Ela.. her first day at new job.. you know she would tell me each and every small detail.. Jill: i need to speak something urgent please talk to me first then speak to her James: ok give me a minute" is Krystian saw a woman with big breasts on the subway.
Context: Christine: OMG Jane! Jane: Hi 2 u 2 Chris xD Christine: U will never guess what I just found out! Jane: I'm not even gonna try 2. Christine: Sean and Natasha are getting divorced! :O Jane: Are you shitting me?! Christine: No, I'm dead serious! Jane: How is that even possible? It's only been 2 years! Jane: Remember their picture perfect wedding? Christine: I know eh?! Jane: R u sure this is for real? Christine: Yeah, I found out from Natasha's brother. Apparently Sean cheated on her! Jane: WTF?! The perfect hubby? What a jerk. Christine: Yeah, their fairy tale didn't last 2 long..., Summary: Christine and Jane's friends, Sean and Natasha, are getting a divorce after being married for 2 years. According to Natasha's brother, Sean was unfaithful.
Q: Summarize the following: Vesna: These "debits" from the management moved my ticket for May 2nd, instead of 2nd March and now there is no return, only at my expense. It may be better maybe May, to be in Serbia. Better than March. Ost: Surely. Then it will be nice weather and we will spend nice time here and in the village. Well, it's nice to rest. Mom's with David, keeps him, while Damirs is width mom at a kindergarten workshop. I have received certificates of vaccine, for obtaining a child's supplement for David. We love you. Vesna: Super, I love you. <moa>, A: Jill and Jo are planning to meet tomorrow morning, Caren will let them know if she can.
Context: Eric: Wya? Eve: College Green Eric: stay there, I'll pick you up Eve: <3, Summary: Johny doesn't want to go for Love actually to the cinema, because he and Kayla have already seen it many times.
The summary of "Ida: Can you come over Pete: sorry can't family bday Ida: shame Ida: call me? Pete: ok" is Alina, George, Mary and Tom haven't heard from Jason since he changed his job. Jason left also their group some weeks ago. He hasn't responded to the private message Alina wrote him on Friday.
Q: Summarize the following: Siddhi: Hi Greg Siddhi: Happy New year!!! Greg: Hey Siddhi Greg: Thanks, Happy New Year! Greg: hope you're well Siddhi: yes i m good and happy for you Siddhi: take care! :) Greg: You too! Greg: Take care :), A: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Context: Rafael: How was Jordan? Ismael: Great great Ismael: Saw my whole family Rafael: Warm? Ismael: Warm! very! , Summary: Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
The answer of "Summarize the following Ollie: Going out this weekend? Abby: Yes - meeting the girls at Thunder. U? Ollie: Nope. No invites and I was bad last weekend. Abby: Oh! How bad? Ollie: I didn't work out, just sat around and drank like a slug. Abby: Yikes... Ollie: I know. Bad. Abby: No, sounds like me every weekend! Ollie: For me, it was bad. Abby: You are good! Ollie: I try! But anyway, feel like going out but nobody invited me. Wah. Abby: Sorry, bud. I would but its kind of a girls night. Ollie: I get it. Abby: Maybe next weekend? Ollie: Sure! Maybe see a film? Have some food? Abby: Sounds perfect. Ollie: Okay, will text you. Abby: Have a good one! Ollie: You 2!" is Abby is going out with her girls this weekend. Ollie wants to go out but nobody invited him. Ollie will text Abby about going out next weekend.
Context: Mary: I don't know what to get for my dad for Christmas Bruce: What does he like? Mary: He watches TV all the time Bruce: Maybe you should get him a pair of warm slippers and a coffee cup Mary: I need something more original Bruce: How about a new TV? Mary: That's too expensive Bruce: Does he like football? Mary: Yes, he watches sport channel all the time Bruce: Get him a hat or a jacket with a name of his favorite team Mary: That's not a bad idea Bruce: I will send you a link to a store online that personalizes items like these. Will stay in touch., Summary: Mary looks for a Christmas present for her dad. As dad is a great football fan, Bruce recommends a hat or jacket with a name of his favourite team.
The answer of "Summarize the following Chloe: Hi Liam! Guess what? I passed the trigonometry test! 85% :) Chloe: Ur a math genius! Liam: Who's the boss!? Congrats! Liam: U deserved it, u worked so hard. :) Chloe: Thanks :) But I couldn't have done it without u! Liam: I knew u would get the hang of it once u understood the basics. Chloe: Ur just a great teacher! Really. Chloe: I mean everything became crystal clear after the 1st lesson with u. Liam: I'm happy I could help. Liam: But without ur determination & mathematical intuition my help wouldn't have sufficed. Chloe: I couldn't grasp anything in class. Chloe: Mr. Anderson made me so nervous, he was a complete blocking point. Chloe: It's like my mind turned off when he called me to the board. Liam: I know what u mean. He wasn't my favourite prof. either. Chloe: The teacher makes such a difference! Liam: That's true. Chloe: I'm so happy I have that behind me now. Chloe: But this small success is definitely not changing my mind about math. I'm definitely heading towards humanities. Liam: I get ur point. U really need to be passionate about what u choose 2 study at uni. Liam: There's no point in torturing urself. I mean those are meant 2 be the best years of your life! Chloe: Exactly, I'm celebrating this weekend! Liam: Awesome, u finally deserve a break after all that studying :)" is Evelyn and Camber will attend yoga classes. Norman and Alcott are making fun of them.
The answer of "Summarize the following Harry: how's life? Jane: fine, just have tons of work Harry: oh sorry to hear that Jane: can we call eachother up in the evening? Harry: sure when do you get off work Jane: around 6 Harry: ok be in touch" is Jane and Harry will talk on the phone in the evening.
Q: Summarize the following: Penelope: <file_photo> Penelope: should I buy it or not? Julia: how much? Penelope: 40$ Kate: pretty but too expensive Julia:'s too much :/, A: The clothing is pretty, but also too expensive.
The answer of "Summarize the following Nina: hi, wanna meet? Paula: why not, when? Nina: 2morrow sounds fine? Paula: sure, time? Nina: round 9 pm? Paula: kk Nina: i've git so much dish for ya Paula: rly? tell me now! Nina: nah, you'll have to w8 :D Paula: <file_gif> Nina: c'mon hahaha stop it Paula: <file_gif> Paula: you're the worst! Nina: that'll change 2morrow, ya'll see Paula: can't wait then!! Nina: me 2, kiss! Paula: ;*" is Nina and Paula will meet tomorrow at around 9. Nina has some news for Paula.
Passage: Ruby: Did you ever get to that level where WHAM! Everything explodes when you do it right? Awesome! Tommy: Yes! Super cool! Ruby: I'm stuck on this level though. Hints? Tommy: Which one? Ruby: 1780 Tommy: Geez! That's far! I'm not even that far! Ruby: Well, get you! Tommy: How much time do you play??? Ruby: Every day after school is all. Tommy: Until when? Ruby: Well, I play until supper time. Tommy: Yes? Ruby: Mom checks my homework. Tommy: When do you do homework? Ruby: On the bus! Tommy: Go on... Ruby: Then I play after lights out! Tommy: There's a trick here somewhere., Summary: Ruby has been doing great in the game but is stuck at level 1780 now. He plays it a lot.
Passage: Paulina: Hey, what's up? Ala: We had a fun weekend actually, my brother was visiting us :) Ola: Haha, you always have some guests at your place :p Ala: Haha, that's true actually Paulina: You should start charging people :p Ola: What did you do? Ala: We were at the Museum of Polish Vodka yesterday. It was really cool, you should definitely check it out! Paulina: Wow! I wanted to go there for a while now, but it's quite pricey. Was it worth it? Ala: Definitely, it's really modern and the degustation is included ;) Paulina: Say no more, I am in! :D, Summary: Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Q: Summarize the following: Birgit: Should we meet at Vana turg? Isabella: what is it? Birgit: a square in the old town Peter: sure, we can google it Birgit: it's very easy to find Steve: I think I know where it is... Steve: there is this building "Olde Hansa" or something like that Birgit: yes! exactly Steve: great ;), A: Birgit, Isabella, Peter and Steve will meet at Vana turg.
The answer of "Summarize the following Lara: Mercy's at 7? Molly: ok Lara: see u!" is Lara is meeting Molly at Mercy's at 7.
The summary of "Ben: Running late. Sorry. Sam: What's your ETA? Ben: About 15min." is Ben will be late 15 minutes.
Q: Summarize the following: Ruth: what size are you Shirley: size of what Ruth: nevermind Shirley: uh??? Ruth: please just forget about it Ruth: it's supposed to be a surprise, A: Ruth is preparing a surprise for Shirley and needs to know what size Shirley is.
Passage: Beth: hey, you know what's up with Dana? Beth: I called her yesterday, today... she doesn't pick up my calls, I'm worried :( Cristina: another failed IVF :( Beth: oh dear... :( Julia: I talked to her before weekend she's very depressed Julia: honestly, I have no idea how to help her Cristina: and her sister is pregnant again... Beth: omg Cristina: yeah... she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now Cristina: Harry says she goes to work everyday and so on but she's very very sad and anxious :( Julia: I can't even imagine what she's going through Julia: Just want her to know we are here for her Cristina: it was 3rd attempt and Harry says she doessnt want to try anymore Beth: well I can understand that, after all these disappointments... Cristina: plus its so expensive Beth: they could apply for a refund but u know, thats not the real problem Julia: it just seems so unfair Julia: she wants it so much Cristina: I think she just needs some time on her own now Beth: you know, Dana is a bit of a control freak Beth: dont mean this in a bad way Beth: but this situation is out of her control, again and again. she did everything and it's not working, so its hard for her Cristina: totally agree Beth: ok, please let me know if you get any news Cristina: okay I will Julia: I will, Summary: Jane is updating her Tinder profile tonight and together with Shona they don't want to find another guy like John, who forgot Jane's birthday.
The summary of "Jeremy: How are you doing guys? Any plans for 31 Dec? Tommy: I think we'll stay home with Margaret Margaret: I really don't feel like going anywhere Tony: I'm going to the city celebration at the main square Margaret: that's the worst possible option Margaret: drunk, vomiting children and the worst music in the universe Tony: hahaha, no, it's not that bad Felicia: I really hate this one evening Felicia: it's so overrated, always chaotic and messy. A nightmare for me Tony: I think one should relax and take it easy Tony: also accept that it's chaotic because it's a big carnival, everybody wants to have fun at that night Felicia: I'd rather prefer to have a warm bath with some nice music and no bullshitting about how important this night is Jeremy: Can I join you in the bathtub? No plans here! Felicia: ahahaha, but the point is to be alone! rebel against the stupid convenance of partying!" is Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
Q: Summarize the following: Bianca: did you get my postcard? Veronica: no? should i? Bianca: yesss :( i sent you one from spain!!! Veronica: maybe it will still come, you know they take a long time sometimes Bianca: i sent it 2 months ago!! :( Veronica: oh... well don't worry, now you have an excuse to go again haha, A: Veronica didn't get Bianca's postcard. Bianca sent it from Spain 2 months ago.
The answer of "Summarize the following Jessica: Are you in bed already? Oscar: Kind of, I am working in bed. Jessica: ok, cool, I wanted to ask you about the task we got from Pieter. Oscar: What about it? It's quite simple. Jessica: How long should it be? Oscar: No more than 2500 words. Jessica: Who knows how much it is? Oscar: You can even ask google. It's about 5 pages, I think. Jessica: Should it be a summary or more like an interpretation of the book? Oscar: I think it is supposed to be rather creative, no need to repeat what was written in the book. Jessica: Gosh, it's pain in the ass this thing. Oscar: No, it's not difficult, I think one afternoon of work. Jessica: I will do it for a week at least. Oscar: Do not pay too much attention to it, it's a minor task, really. Jessica: Thanks, Oscar! I'll start doing it now :( " is Ema and Richard met at Billy's party. Ema was wearing a black dress. Ema and RIchard will meet for a movie and dinner on Saturday. Richard will pick Ema up from her home at 8.30.
Passage: Meg: Do you want to keep working there? Theresa: No other options at the moment Meg: I guess Meg: I've heard you went to the cinema? Theresa: Yes, Serce nie sluga Meg: Ooo, and? Theresa: A comedy... Theresa: and I was crying at the end hahah Meg: :) Meg: I went to see Kler Meg: It's very good Theresa: I've heard. Theresa: Sylvia told me Meg: So you're getting on well with her? Theresa: so-so Theresa: It's a long story Meg: to be accompanied by a glass of wine Theresa: at least 5 Meg: LOL Meg: Hope so!, Summary: Stanley wants to change booking details and book a smaller room because his wife won't bring a dog. Stanley will be provided with the available options very soon.
Context: Sasha: Guys I have a question Ireneusz: What's up? Sasha: But I really wanted this to stay between us Brygida: Sure Ireneusz: will it make me uncomfortable? Sasha: I don't think so Sasha: but it's quite awkward and private Ireneusz: ok... Brygida: is this some kind of awkward body stuff? Sasha: ok I have a crush on Fabiano and I don't know if he's gay Ireneusz: :O Brygida: I didn't know you're gay Sasha: do you know if he's gay or not? Sasha: I don't want things to be awkward Ireneusz: can't you just ask him? Sasha: I feel awkward coming out tbh Sasha: only my really close friends know Brygida: even if he were gay, you work together so it will be awkward Sasha: I don't want to ask him, he may say no due to fear or sth Ireneusz: then come out and see how he reacts Brygida: I don't think dating a coworker is a good idea Sasha: but I'm really into him Ireneusz: you are complaining about your job all the time Ireneusz: this Fabiano crush could motivate you to work somewhere else Brygida: and asking him out would be less awkward because it would be awkward dating and working together Sasha: you're probably right Ireneusz: and hearing no and seeing each other each day is shitty too Sasha: I don't know I'm shy Brygida: shy or not, you kept telling us that you wanna do sth else Sasha: I'll think about it, Summary: Adam is hungry and following Sean's advice, he will search for recipes in the Internet.
Passage: Greg: Dude, I'm confused... Greg: Is it possible that people have actually never landed on the Moon? Diego: I've heard such opinions, indeed Diego: It seems that it's one of the most famous conspiracy theories Greg: After I'd watched a popular video on youtube I became suspicious Greg: What if the whole thing was just a hoax? Diego: It was a well-prepared hoax then Diego: Maybe NASA screwed the entire humankind, I can't tell you :D Greg: The American flag is flying on the recorded movie Greg: There's no wind on the Moon so how the hell is that possible?! Greg: The rocks found on the Moon are similar to the ones that are common in Antarctica Greg: There're no stars on the photos taken on the Moon's surface Greg: And finally a misterious death of the project's participants Greg: 12 of them died tragically within a few years... Diego: That's all thought-provoking, I agree Diego: But I think that if you'd look for some reasonable explanations, you'll find them Diego: I take all those conspiracy theories with a grain of salt Diego: Don't let them bother your mind Diego: Rather accept them as a kind of entertainment Greg: I guess you're right... Diego: I know a few people who are obsessed with such theories Diego: They've been swallowed by those things so much that they started to see conspiracy at every turn Diego: This is insane! Greg: Diego, it was a good decision to have this conversation with you Greg: It seems that you managed to nip my problem in the bud, thanks :) Greg: I'm not going to become a conspiracy theories' freak Diego: My pleasure :) Good for you, Summary: Diego talks Greg out of his conspiracy theories about the moon landing scam.
Passage: Abigail: Girlssssss, i cant find my keys, any idea? Joanne: Hmmm Tracy: on the tavle? Tracy: table* Abigail: I don't see them on the table Joanne: You can take mine, I'll be back at 7 Abigail: Oooo, thanks a lot!!!, Summary: Abigail lost her keys so Joanne will lend her hers at 7, when she will get back home.
Passage: Tommy: Watcha up to today boo Miranda: Gym-work-drink with my party friend Tommy: Haha i have gym, shopping with dad, drink with school friends Miranda: Haha nice xp eh i work all the time Tommy: Even on weekends that’s awful Miranda: At least i know theres progress xp Tommy: Yesss so true Miranda: The annoying thing is that literally everyone has some good advice for me Tommy: What do you mean? Miranda: All my friends tell me what i should do, most of them have no idea about having their own business Tommy: They want to live through you haha cuz they wish they had their own business Miranda: Probably… Idk, they just piss me off Tommy: Don’t worry theyll all just shut up when youre successful Miranda: Let’s hope it will happened eventually XD Tommy: I’m sure it will ;* Miranda: Youre sweet <3 Tommy: Yupp I am haha xp Miranda: Anyway, who are you drinking today with? Tommy: Just some old friends, havent seen each other in a while. Itll probably be very boring xP Miranda: Still, I hope youll have fun :D, Summary: Miranda works all the time even on weekends. Miranda's friends piss her off with their good advice. Tommy reckons Miranda will be successful. Tommy is drinking with some old friends today.
The answer of "Summarize the following Peggy: Hello everyone! The national congress is held in Warsaw (12-13.01). You are going to have 2 days of meetings, workshops, and parties. All regional councils and team leaders are invited. I expect you to confirm your attendance until next Wednesday. Tim: I don’t want to go! 😟😟 Peggy: Ok, that’s fine 🙄 Peggy: Maria is looking for a logistician to help her with conducting the workshops for parents on Saturday (10am-5pm). We would be forced to cancel the meeting, if none of you could participate. Jada: I have my own workshops this Saturday 😒. Tim: What would I need to do? Peggy: Bring stuff, take it back, look after the participants. As always. Tim: I’m going with my kid to the cinema. It’s her birthday. But I’ll ask Mark 😉. Raphael: Where is it? Peggy: Your school. Raphael: Really 😱😱😱? Tim: Oh, Raphael. You’re the host, you should be a logistician 😅. Peggy: I’m surprised you didn’t know. You work in one team with Maria 😕. Peggy: I don’t understand why you avoid talking to each other. Raphael: She can do it herself 😒. I don’t understand why she needs a logistician. Peggy: Ask her, not me 😒. Raphael: Ok, I have workshops as well – I’m meeting with my new team members, and I have to explain them how the CRM works. Peggy: You can take them to the workshops 🦄. Jada: Just do it! Just say yes! 😜 Raphael: Naaah 🙄🙄🙄 Raphael: Okay. Yes. 😞" is The national congress takes place in Warsaw, 12-13.01. Maria needs a logistician. Tim and Jada can't come. Raphael doesn't want to, but finally agrees.
Passage: Lisa: Do you have anything for a headache? Amy: are you seriously texting me instead of coming to my room and asking in person? Lisa: yes Lisa: I'm dying Amy: let me check Amy: I do Lisa: Plese come and hurry Amy: haha perhaps it has something to do with the amount of vodka in your system Lisa: shut up Amy: coming :*, Summary: Lisa has a terrible hangover. She needs painkillers. Amy supposes the pain is caused by the alcohol. She will bring the pills.
The answer of "Summarize the following Joel: I should probably start reading game manuals :D Joel: I tried some games recently and I was so confused that you wouldn't believe Jay: you tried to play them like other games you already know? Joel: Brutal Legend was the only one that I could play right of the box Joel: that's a hilarious one, really :D Jay: yeah but you'll get confused with the "RTS" parts of it later on :P Joel: I managed to kill myself with the car :D Jay: same, I drove of cliffs so many times that I stopped counting :P Joel: I was trying the games without sound but I suppose I shouldn't Jay: BL soundtrack is amazing if you like metal Joel: "Tenacious D - The Metal"? Jay: and many many others Jay: the list is amazing and you can collect all of them while playing the game to listen while driving the car Joel: oh :D Joel: playing without sound was confusing as I collected a chick on the way Joel: and I have no idea who she is :D Jay: I think there's an option for subtitles Jay: but I might think of a different game Joel: I have this thing where I want to be aware of the surroundings and the headphones hinder that a bit Jay: that might be an issue, I live alone so I don't really care and play without headphones Joel: there might be zombies coming through the door at any time! :P Jay: I have a saber lying close to my desk so I'm not afraid of them ;) Joel: see, that's exactly why I've tried to get myself a broadsword :D Jay: I got mine from my grandfather but I guess the only dangerous part about it is a potential infection Jay: the sharpness of this thing is a tale of the past" is Joel was confused in some of the games he tried recently. He was not confused in Brutal Legend. Both Jay and Joel enjoyed it very much. They killed themselves there many times. The game has a metal soundtrack. Jay has a dull saber close to his desk, so he's not afraid of zombies.
Passage: Roman: Something really LUCKY happened today!( ´∀`)σ)∀`) Klaus: What? What is it? Roman: <file_photo> Klaus: Wallet? Roman: Yes! I found this wallet on the street!😃😃 Klaus: Hey, how about bringing to the police or contact the owner of that wallet? Roman: Why should I?😕😕😕😕😕😕 Klaus: Because it isn’t yours..? 😕😕 Roman: But I found it. Klaus: Come on, check inside. Imagine it is you who lost that wallet.😔😔 Roman: Wait... Roman: There are some name cards. Klaus: Call one of those numbers. Klaus: It might be a bit embarrassing if you pick one of the clients’, but better embarrassed than losing the wallet. Roman: But I FOUND IT! Klaus: I don’t know how much money is inside. But legally he should give you 10% of the money you found for him. Roman: Alright..I SHOULDN’T HAVE SHARTED THIS WITH YOU. Klaus: Dude, I know you wanted to find the owner. Roman: OKAY I’M GONNA CALL one of the numbers. Roman: If nobody answers then it’s mine. Roman: Police will never try to find the owner. I don't trust them. I will get it rather than bringing this money to the police. Klaus: You’re doing good thing. Let me know later if you found the owner., Summary: Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
Passage: David: Hi, do you know if James has the Divergent series? Rebecca: Tv or books? David: Books Rebecca: Hm... I don't think so, but why are you asking? David: I've been wondering what I can get him for Christmas. Rebecca: Oh, ok. But honestly I don't think he'll like it. David: No? He liked that whole Katniss series. Rebecca: Yeah, but it's tad different in my opinion. David: I'm not argue you with you on this. So what do you think he may like? Rebecca: I think maybe the Maze Runner? David: Haven't heard about that one. Rebecca: It's also young adult literature, but there's a lot of action. David: And Divergent doesn't have enough action? Rebecca: It does, but I think too much romance for James' taste ;), Summary: David wants to buy James a book for Christmas. Rebecca thinks he will like the Maze Runner more than the Divergent series.
The answer of "Summarize the following Darren: Hi Buddy! Didn't see you at the gym?! You OK? Ryan: Yeah, mate. Been working bloody nights, too knackered to do much! Darren: Nightmare! You coming Friday? Ryan: Nah, working again, aren't it!? Management don't give a shit about us lot in the warehouse! Darren: Yeah, but it's double time, ain't it! You'll be coining it in! See you next week then! Ryan: Maybe, I dunno... if I can be arsed! I'll give you a bell. See you, mate." is Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Passage: Lilah: Maybe today u wanna skype a little bit? Frank: Maybe not haha Lilah: :( Ok, i won't ask u about this anymore! :) Frank: I'm joking. Maybe later I will skype you Lilah: I know u joking Frank: I will call you in 1 h Lilah: Ok, waiting!, Summary: Frank will skype Lilah in 1 hour.
Passage: Andrew: When do the classes start today Arthur: haven't you heard the news? Andrew: no? what happened Benjamin: The classes are cancelled, dr Morty is sick Andrew: Too bad, I like having classes with him Arthur: me2 but I will not complain :p, Summary: Svetlana and Manpreet introduce themselves to each other and find out they both study at the same college.
The answer of "Summarize the following Sim: Thanks for the cheese! Dan: did you eat it all already?!? Sim: no! I have started it though Dan: glad you like it! Sim: I do, munching my way through right now. Dan: Yum yum Sim: Daisy gave me some chutney that she made, its super nice and goes well with this cheese! Dan: Nice! what kind is it? Sim: Cider and onion Dan: oooo sounds nice, can you get me some? Sim: I'll ask, she said she had loads, I'm sure she won't mind Dan: Will she be selling it again on the Christmas market? Sim: I would assume so! Dan: I'll buy some off her then! Sim: She'll appreciate that! Dan: Gotta go now, enjoy your cheese! Sim: Will do, ta" is Sim's eating the cheese he got from Dan and he enjoys it. Sim got also some chutney from Daisy and he eats it with the cheese. Daisy will be probably selling the chutney on the Christmas market again and Dan's going to buy some of it.
The answer of "Summarize the following Harriet: heyo, did you get your tickets yet? Samantha: no, not yet Samantha: I keep forgetting :-O Harriet: you know they're gonna sell out fast Harriet: the closer we get to xmas Samantha: i know, i know Harriet: do you really want to stand on the train for 3 hours coz there are no seats left? Samantha: ugh no, of course not Harriet: so buy them now!!!" is Samantha keeps forgetting to buy the train tickets. She should do it soon, because they're selling out fast before Christmas.
Passage: Mark: I'm working from 6pm onwards Mark: And tomorrow 2pm-9pm Ann: what about saturday? Mark: I'm off Ann: so let's stick with saturday Mark: sure, we can go to the botanic gardens Ann: ok, let meet at my place at 11 and we'll decide then Mark: sure thing! see you! Ann: Bye, Summary: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
The answer of "Summarize the following Karine: the date for the celebration has been scheduled for june 30th. Could you confirm it's ok for you Eleonore: great, thank you so much. You may count on me. Karine: ok. Don't forget to send me you written confirmation. How many of you will participate? Eleonore: For sure 3 people. I'll let you know about Jane asap. Karine: thanks" is Sarah won't be able to come to her lesson with Paul this Friday. She's going to Rome for a conference. She'll let him know when they can meet instead until Tuesday. It's not the first time their lesson has been cancelled at the last minute.
Q: Summarize the following: Finn: How’s life? Jamie: Not too bad, nothing special Martha: Well, I’m looking for a job Terry: How come? Haven’t you changed it recently? Martha: I did, but I don’t like it. It’s been only three months and I’m already bored to death Finn: Maybe you should wait a bit longer? It happens, but it’s just a boring period and things will speed up Jamie: I remember my first year at my company, I wasn’t very happy either Martha: But I don’t want to waste a year waiting if the job becomes cool or not Terry: But what are you looking for now? Martha: I just want a job where I can develop myself instead of sitting in front of the computer performing mindless tasks Finn: If you find a job like this, let me know, I’d love to apply :D Jamie: Me too! Terry: I like my job, maybe it’s nothing special, but I don’t expect that my employer will give my life a meaning ;) Martha: That’s very comforting, thank you, Terry… Terry: But it’s true – either you do what you love and love your job and it becomes all your life or you simply work for money and do what you love after work Martha: Huh, but I don’t have time for what I love with all the overtime Jamie: Hm, aren’t you overthinking it a bit? It’s just work Martha: Where you spend most time of your life :P Finn: I’d rather earn less money and do what I love, but I doubt you’ll find this in a corporation ;) Terry: But not everyone is as adventurous as you are, I still don’t get how you do it – moving all the time Finn: I don’t think about it to be honest. I know that I’d die in front of a screen, it’s completely not for me, so I understand what Martha’s saying, A: Martha is looking for a new job. She only started her current job 3 months ago, but she's very bored already.
Context: Kyle: can you cover me at work? John: what time and day? Kyle: Friday from 10-3 John: yeah shouldn't be a problem let me check Kyle: ok great thanks John: yeah its fine I have class at 4 but its close so its all good Kyle: awesome thanks so much again, Summary: Jose invited Joseph and Donald for dinner after completing a project. Jose, Joseph and Donald will meet in Club Cafe at 8pm. Donald will bring Terry. Jose has a special budget for that kind of events.
Context: Ivan: The party was worse than everyone thinks Kevin: Im realy DONE listening about it Ivan: Trust me its bad everyone may be in trouble, me too Kevin: Broooo whatcha talkin about Ivan: You know Bill sold drugs there Kevin: Yea that’s what id expect Ivan: So Charlotte overdosed and ended up in the hospital Kevin: What!!!!! But nobody mentioned anything! Ivan: Only two people know, me and Ted, we took her there, they called her parents Kevin: Omg it sounds bad Ivan: Because it is, the police were there Kevin: What for, chirst!!! Ivan: They said they’ll investigate it further Kevin: Man you’re screwed Ivan: If they want anything about Bill, I’ll tell them Kevin: Maaaaan not cool Ivan: What am I supposed to do? What if they lock me up Kevin: You didn’t do anything, you don’t know anything, it’s simple Ivan: Hope they’re not checking my messages xD Kevin: Don’t be paranoid, please Ivan: I am a bit, shouldn’t be surprised Kevin: It’ll be ok, stop saying bullshit Ivan: I hope soooo, Summary: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
The summary of "Beth: Seen it? Margareth: What? OMG, what now? You sacre me... Beth: Natalia's comment under your post. Margareth: Fuck... Beth: I'm sorry. Margareth: I just can't believe my eyes..." is Margareth is shocked by Natalia's comment under her post.
The answer of "Summarize the following Mark: Gentlemen! I dare say it's COFFEE TIME! Luke: w00t! Jake: Sry, can't now. Mark: Y? Jake: Boss needs to talk to me. Luke: Had the talk. Don't mention coffee. Jake: Y? Mark: You'll get talked down for coffee time ;) Jake: Rly? Luke: Apparently he doesn't approve of us taking long breaks from work :P Mark: Lol Jake: Gotta go! Looking at me meaningfully! Luke: Well then, kind sir, shall we? Mark: Of course we shall! Jake: W8 for me!" is Tina and Fiona are making fun of Fiona's cat. They are joking it is broken and mean to humans.
Q: Summarize the following: Corina: Are you at the airport? Regina: sure, waiting for K Jorge: Good! we'll meet at the arrivals then Regina: nice!, A: Henry has lost his Oyster card. He's stuck in a queue in at Tufnell, getting a new one. He will be late.
Passage: Meg: Jacoooooooooooob Jacob: haha Meg are you drunk? :D Meg: just a littttttle bit tipsy Jacob: should come pick you up? Meg: could you? you are the sweetest Jacob: just stay where you are Jacob: and send me your location Meg: <file_other> Jacob: coming <3, Summary: Jacob will pick up Meg as she's drunk. She's sending him her location.
Passage: Daria: Where are you? Nath: On the first floor, in the corner. Daria: Coming!, Summary: Kitty won't go for holiday with Sharon because she thinks she can find a better offer for the same amount of money.
Passage: Brenda: hi, how you holding up? Paulina: I'm doing very well actually Brenda: ve heard about your diet Paulina: Claire told oyu? Brenda: yup Brenda: so, any resultst so far? Paulina: yeah.. no Paulina: I mean, I feel better Paulina: but I didnt lose a pound Brenda: muscles weighmore Paulina: I dont know if its muscles Paulina: I don't exercise really Brenda: 😨 Brenda: so its just diet? Paulina: yaeh Paulina: three weeks already, no results Brenda: poor babeh Paulina: 😭 Brenda: good luck with the diet, and move around a bit more! Paulina: I think I'd have to Paulina: bye xx Brenda: bye x, Summary: Paulina has been dieting for three weeks with no results. Brenda advises her to exercise more.
Context: Ula: Guess what!!! Yee: You aced the Econ exam 🤓 Ula: Better!! Ula: Im on the deans roll!! Yee: WOW!!! Congrats Ula: thx dear , Summary: Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Passage: Jeremy: U made it? Crystal: yeah Crystal: the movie with Gaga is a remake Jeremy: Oh, sb's been googling:D Crystal: a 4th one, even Crystal: yeah Jeremy: <file_gif>, Summary: Marshall has asked Alice out. They will have something to eat at 8 pm on Thursday.
The summary of "Jack: Where are my glasses Alonso: How am I supposed to know Jack: I don’t know I was reading yesterday, you were there working, maybe you saw what I did with them xD Alonso: No idea honey Jack: I can’t work without them!! Alonso: Well you need to figure it out on your own, sorry Jack: HOWWWWWWWWWWWW Jack: Loool they were on the table, all the time ;p Alonso: I knew it xd you always do it, sweety <3 Jack: Yesss can’t deny it ;]" is Jack found his glasses on the table.
The answer of "Summarize the following Bruna: Helloooo Bruna: I have arrived. I'm downstairs Vera: Oh, sorry..I thought you were arriving after 3 o'clock Vera: I'm coming down to open.. just give me 2 minutes :) " is Bruna has already arrived. Vera will open in 2 minutes.