wikiart-face /
asahi417's picture
5968b58 verified
- name: image
dtype: image
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: url
dtype: string
- name: artistUrl
dtype: string
- name: artistName
dtype: string
- name: artistId
dtype: string
- name: completitionYear
dtype: int64
- name: dictionaries
sequence: string
- name: location
dtype: string
- name: period
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: serie
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: title
dtype: string
- name: genres
sequence: string
- name: styles
sequence: string
- name: media
sequence: string
- name: sizeX
dtype: float64
- name: sizeY
dtype: float64
- name: diameter
dtype: float64
- name: galleries
sequence: string
- name: tags
sequence: string
- name: description
dtype: string
- name: width
dtype: int64
- name: height
dtype: int64
- name: group
dtype: string
- name: test
num_bytes: 304516774.52
num_examples: 6135
download_size: 297553264
dataset_size: 304516774.52
- config_name: default
- split: test
path: data/test-*
# WikiART Face
WikiART Face is a collection of faces from paintings extracted from [WikiART](
<p align="center">
<img src="assets/wikiart_face_image.png" width="650"><br>
WikiART face is inspired by [CelebA](, one of the largest human-face image sets, and
we follow the same process pipeline to generate the face image from the original portrait.
<p align="center">
<img src="assets/face_image_pipeline.png" width="700"><br>
The dataset contains following meta attributes from WikiART entry:
- 'image', 'id', 'title', 'url', 'artistUrl', 'artistName', 'artistId', 'completitionYear', 'dictionaries', 'location', 'period', 'serie', 'genres', 'styles', 'media', 'sizeX', 'sizeY', 'diameter', 'galleries', 'tags', 'description', 'width', 'height', 'group'
***Statistics per Art Movement***
| Art Movement | Num of Images |
| abstract-expressionism | 19 |
| ecole-de-paris | 19 |
| expressionism | 435 |
| impressionism | 705 |
| naive-art-primitivism | 66 |
| neo-impressionism | 37 |
| neoclassicism | 2 |
| post-impressionism | 414 |
| realism | 1440 |
| rococo | 910 |
| romanticism | 1441 |
| surrealism | 73 |
| symbolism | 574 |
| All | 6135 |