funcom-java-long /
aakashba's picture
# funcom-java-long
funcom-java-long is a dataset for code summarization presented by Bansal et al. It includes 170k Java methods and summaries for training and 8,192 Java methods in test set. This dataset is extracted from jm52m and is cleaned and deduplicated. The example prompt for fine-tuning is as follows.
- TDAT: \<method code\> COMMENT: \<comment\> \<!endofdoc\>
### funcom_test.tar.gz -- a compressed directory for test set with the text inside this folder whose filename = function id
### funcom_train.tar.gz -- a compressed directory for training set with the text inside this folder whose filename = function id
### funcom_val.tar.gz -- a compressed directory for validation set with the text inside this folder whose filename = function id
### train.bin; val.bin -- bin files for training in the format above.
### test.bin; bin file with the test data in the format above.