New York—The Hon. Denis Burns and Mr. E.
New York — The Hon. Denis Burns and Mr. E.
cleaċta, habit.
cleaċta, habit,
all who entered the grounds spoke more or less of
all who entered the grounds spoke more or less of
e is prefixed to the added particle, be-
e is prefixed to the added particle, be-
Canon Borke(Rey, V J. JP. P. Claremorris, Co. Ma.
Canon Burke(Rev, U J. )P. P. Claremorris, Co. Ma-
With sighing, and sobbing, and sad lamentation,
With sighing, and sobbing, and sad lamentation,
A soilseaċt no a síon,
A soilseaċt no a síon,
The GAEL is now enlarged to sixteen pages ;
The GAEL is now enlarged to sixteen pages;
to the tiny creature that is imperceptible to the
to the tiny creature that is imperceptible to the
I hay loved you, oh brightest and rarest
I hav loved you, oh brightest and rarest
page 31.
Níos díoṁaoiniḋ 'ná míoltóga saṁraiḋ,
Níos díoṁaoiniḋ 'ná míoltóga saṁraiḋ,
'ná laoċ ann Éirinn nár ḋiúltaiḋ m' in-
'ná laoċ ann Éirinn nár ḋiúltaiḋ m' in-
tax, and Prosody.
tax, and Prosody.
Beiḋ ceaṫar air ḟiċiod a lár Moin-na-
Beiḋ ceaṫar air ḟiċiod a lár Ṁoin-na-
ḃeiḋaḋ sé ráiṫte nach m-beiḋeaḋ aon
ḃeiḋaḋ sé ráiṫte nach m-beiḋeaḋ aon
eudaiġe maiṫe ḋóiḃ; tá a n-eaglais féin
eudaiġe maiṫe ḋóiḃ; tá a n-eaglais féin
advertisements in the Irish Times, setting forth
advertisements in the Irish Times, setting forth
news agencies; or send sixty cents to-
news agencies; or send sixty cents to
iuġ'ḋ, no innisin, aon niḋ d' a ṁeud
iuġ'ḋ, no innisin, aon niḋ d' a ṁeud is
"In the reign of Henry VIIL., according to S.
"In the reign of Henry VIII., according to S.
Má tá siad crapalta,
"Má tá siad crapalta,
graces which she pours down on us I purpose this
graces which she pours down on us I purpose this
gus atá, a d-taoḃ ar sínsear, ar d-
gus atá, a d-taoḃ ar sínsear, ar d-
And chorus of the winds that blow.
And chorus of the winds that blow.
Ó ċruṫuġaḋ an doṁain ġo d-tí seo,
Ó ċruṫuġaḋ an doṁain ġo d-tí seo,
maiṫ. Ḃ-fuil an ġrian lonraċ? ḃ-fuil
maiṫ. Ḃ-fuil an ġrian lonraċ? ḃ-fuil
san m-bealaċ, in theay
san m-bealaċ, in the way; or, shorter
New Zealand—Messrs. Goggin and Lynch.
New Zealand — Messrs. Goggin and Lynch.
diaiġ ċéile ;
diaiġ ċéile;
of a copy of this book.”—St. Albans. Vt., Home Journal.
of a copy of this book.” — St. Albans. Vt., Home Journal.
they came, harmonious songs and canticles of praise;
they came, harmonious songs and canticles of praise.
as the originals of Ossian, is the living language
as the originals of Ossian, is the living language
maide tréasna a ḋrama, aiġ ráḋ 'san
maide tréasna a ḋrama, aiġ ráḋ 'san
dred years in Ireland.—Four Masters, and Keating
dred years in Ireland: — Four Masters, and Keating:
kids; ingealtas, grazing, pasturing;
kids; ingealtas, grazing, pasturing;
The proceeds are to be applied to the furtherance
The proceeds are to be applied to the furtherance
raḃ sé an ṁaiṫ, agus is sé duḃairt sé
raḃ sé an ṁaiṫ, agus is sé duḃairt sé
idil Ġaeḋilge, i. a, b, c, d, e, f, g. i, l.
idil Ġaeḋilge, i. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, l,
Baile na Saiġdiúr, Condae Mont-
Baile na Saiġdiúr, Condae Mont-
J. P. Kelly D.T.—Is an enthusiastic supporter
J. P. Kelly D.T. — Is an enthusiastic supporter
timċioll an niḋ ceudna. Níor "ṫroid
timċioll an niḋ ceudna. Níor "ṫroid"
"Dá mbeiḋeaḋ an saoġal dod' ḋaoraḋ'
"Dá mbeiḋeaḋ an saoġal dod' ḋaoraḋ'
A d-taḃarfaċ airís é air ais ġ
A d-taḃarfaċ airís é air ais ga
Bail air mo Lonnduḃ 'ce b' áit a m-beiḋ
Bail air mo Lonnduḃ ce b' áit a m-beiḋ
Thou hast passed through the night-sea, Gomorrah,
Thou hast passed through the night-sea, Gomorrah,
are after learning; don't be ashamed
are after learning; don't be ashamed
Do ṗill a brat 'Uaiṫne,--níor aḋairiġ a
Do ṗill a brat 'Uaiṫne,' — níor aḋairiġ a
109 Union st,
109 Union st,
While we speak the bastard Saxon tongue there i.
While we speak the bastard Saxon tongue there is
but working people will call it sloth. Not expect-
but working people will call it sloth. Not expect-
of mind to him to be thus imprisoned ; yet it was
of mind to him to be thus imprisoned; yet it was
gus gan brúdar a ċuir air a spág on-
gus gan brúdar a ċuir air a spág on-
and they are worth to-day about two and a
and they are worth to-day about two and a
mar sin ó 'n g-ceud lá ar cuireaḋ air
mar sin ó 'n g-ceud lá ar cuireaḋ air
sé dul air aġaiḋ. Tá aon duine uasal
sé dul air aġaiḋ. Tá aon duine uasal
ort ċum do obair a ḋeunaḋ, agus is sé
ort ċum do obair a ḋeunaḋ, agus is sé
Fá ḋeire, mar deir tú, tá páipeur
Fá ḋeire, mar deir tú, tá páipeur
eagair an Ḃoston Pilot, aċt níor b' áil
eagair an Ḃoston Pilot, aċt níor b' áil
M. Cusack,
M. Cusack,
O Mary, Queen of creation, great, indeed, is the
O Mary, Queen of creation, great, indeed, is the
All, all who would scar- them are banished or slaint
All, all who would scar- them are banished or slain!
the Preservation of the Irish Language. Three
the Preservation of the Irish Language. Three
"I found in Ulster from hill to glen,
"I found in Ulster from hill to glen,
unfortunate country.
unfortunate country.
What is the reason that some Irish people
What is the reason that some Irish people
junction of Adams, Willoughby and Fulton Sts.,
junction of Adams, Willoughby and Fulton Sts.,
ple, populace, o and u are broad vow-
ple, populace, o and u are broad vow-
General Manager for SAINT PATRICK'S SALVE, SAINT PATRICK’S PLASTERS, Dr. Henry Guillard's
General Manager for SAINT PATRICK'S SALVE, SAINT PATRICK’S PLASTERS, Dr. Henry Guillard's
Glaoḋaim aire an léiġṫeoire air an
Glaoḋaim aire an léiġṫeoire air an
3naṁ ḋúinn caiṫfiḋ ṡinn féin a ċur roṁ-
gnaṁ ḋúinn caiṫfiḋ ṡinn féin a ċur roṁ-
and was about to make an end of him in a moment
and was about to make an end of him in a moment
the Rev Mr. Jones, the Welsh Language has
the Rev Mr. Jones, the Welsh Language has
Of nations would I prize
Of nations would I prize
Tá múċta ann ṡollus Ṗádruig naoṁṫa
Tá múċta ann ṡollus Ṗádruig naoṁṫa
follas naċ fíor naċ raḃadar riġṫe
follas naċ fíor naċ raḃadar riġṫe
Her heart so light
Her heart so light
the accomplished speaker of the P. C. S. in quite
the accomplished speaker of the P. C. S. in quite
I found in Meath—'air principa'ity—
I found in Meath — fair principality—
timċioll litriġṫe agus graimeara na
timċioll litriġṫe agus graimeara na
perly spelled, and read by an Irish scholar, would
perly spelled, and read by an Irish scholar, would
idea —an idea which should be dear to every self-
idea — an idea which should be dear to every self-
his compound, "leaḃar,” in that form ?
his compound, "leaḃar,” in that form?
of my father! there was, and he says there is
of my father! there was, and he says there is
cuiḃration ard ḃreaeifaḃoin af hig mother tonċue.
cultivation and preservation of his mother tongue.
Ol loveliest do not desert me,
O! loveliest do not desert me,
guage, then they could consistently
guage, then they could consistently