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Bundesliga Results from 2010 to 2023

This dataset contains the results of all matches in the German Bundesliga from 2010 to 2023. The raw data was collected from the OpenLigaDB API.

The dataset has been prepared and adjusted by me to make it more suitable for machine learning training purposes.

Dataset Information

The dataset has 20 columns, including:

Column Name Description
matchID The unique identifier for each match.
matchDateTime The date and time when the match was scheduled to start.
timeZoneID The timezone of the match.
leagueName The name of the league where the match took place.
leagueSeason The season of the league where the match took place.
leagueShortcut The abbreviated name of the league where the match took place.
matchDateTimeUTC The date and time when the match was scheduled to start in UTC timezone.
lastUpdateDateTime The date and time when the match data was last updated.
matchIsFinished A boolean value indicating whether the match is finished or not.
numberOfViewers The number of viewers who watched the match.
locationCity The city where the match took place.
locationStadium The name of the stadium where the match took place.
team1_Name The name of the first team in the match.
team1_shortName The abbreviated name of the first team in the match.
team1_teamIconUrl The URL of the icon for the first team in the match.
team1_GroupName The group name of the first team in the match.
team2_Name The name of the second team in the match.
team2_shortName The abbreviated name of the second team in the match.
team2_teamIconUrl The URL of the icon for the second team in the match.
team2_GroupName The group name of the second team in the match.
finalresult_pointsTeam1 The final score of the first team in the match.
finalresult_pointsTeam2 The final score of the second team in the match.
halftime_pointsTeam1 The score of the first team in the match at halftime.
halftime_pointsTeam2 The score of the second team in the match at halftime.

The dataset is sorted by matchDateTime in ascending order, which means that the first row in the dataset is the earliest match, and the last row is the latest match.