After approach climb straight away to portal.
after approach climb straight ahead four thousand feet oscar kilo mike charlie charlie
Tower, good morning, flight 2408, 9-air, good evening, this is the original, I'm here on the 0-9.
tower good morning quality four zero eight nine fully established on the runway zero nine
Quality 4089, Toursani Tower, good morning, runway 09 cleared to land, wind is calm.
quality four zero eight nine turany tower good morning runway zero nine cleared to land wind is calm
KMZV, můj tým představujeme vektory na výběr 24 a představujeme výběr příliš 2600 kvůli.
klm seven three whiskey maintain present heading for vectoring for ils approach runway two four and reduce your speed now below two six zero knots
Skytrol 35J, turn right heading 180, vectoring for facing
sky travel three five juliett turn right heading one eight zero vectoring for spacing
ATN heading 180, Skytrol 35J.
turning right heading one eight zero sky travel three five juliett
OSKAR TILON, chlapa pa India, vacate via taxiway whiskey, cross runway 26 and continue to the aircraft.
oscar kilo alfa papa india vacate via taxiway whiskey cross runway two six and continue to the airclub
Bekei by RISKI CROM 26, and bekei by the Aeroflot of Tirapatella.
vacate via whiskey cross two six and vacate via the airclub oscar kilo papa india
Tavř Dobré, dopoledne NR1, Juliet Uniform, vykámení v plné výstavě, ILS Runway 24, výstavu maximální 180.
tower dobre dopoledne ryan air one juliett uniform becoming fully established ils runway two four speed maximum one eighty
Rainer Vangelis Unifon, dobrý den, konci mě prahučí.
ryan air one juliett uniform dobry den continue approach
Want die hebben we proberen aan de mancheuvers.
continue approach ryan air one juliett uniform
EBS 205 established.
ups two nine five established
UPS 295, kontakt tower, frekvenci 134560, bye.
ups two nine five contact tower frequency one three four five six zero bye
You guys tune out the other guy.
ups two nine five good night
Party 7RM, switching holding point runway 24, we are ready for the pass
ryan air seven romeo mike route reaching and holding runway two four we are ready for departure
Aranessano, da Roma, è Calaena per la VTUFO.
ryan air seven romeo mike line up runway two four
Stand up and wait on me to call for an 7RM
line up and wait runway two four ryan air seven romeo mike
Oscar Kilo, Papa Mike Bravo, Rissang Smart Level 100
oscar kilo papa mike bravo descend flight level one hundred
Slován Andrej, do Skarky opo, mají právo.
level one hundred oscar kilo papa mike bravo
Trainer, one bravo, all for start-up is approved.
ryan air one bravo alfa startup is approved
Not a pretty ground I want brother, that's it.
startup approved ryan air one bravo alfa
Ryanair 73AHT left heading 360
ryan air seven three alfa hotel turn left heading three six zero
Rijnmond 731, wat help?
ryan air seven three alfa hotel
OSKAR KVM, čáni čáni Praha Radar, dobrý den, vy jste zjistili výsledek na 7.0, po dalšího výsledku seznamujte na Benešov.
oscar kilo mike charlie charlie praha radar dobry den you are identified flight level seven zero after baltu proceed to benesov
OSK KILO KILO INFORM ABA prosím dodáte k baltu
oscar kilo kilo uniform november proceed direct baltu
Проси дарить в Атаскате телефон номер.
proceed direct baltu oscar kilo kilo uniform november
Champ Run 803, vejte do levé, taxi Charlie, alfa, stand Western, Ipon
jump run eight zero three vacate to the left taxi charlie alfa stand western apron
I'll ask you to fuck off and get over to the facility
oscar kilo foxtrot alfa sierra approaching zulu
Oskar, KFOTS, Alpha Sierra, squawk 7000, goodbye.
oscar kilo foxtrot alfa sierra squawk seven thousand and good bye
I'll call you in a second. Goodbye. Okay, folks. Have a good day.
squawk seven thousand good bye oscar foxtrot sierra
Karklovisky, November Lima, Formation X-Pride vacating via Bravo and taxi to Foxtrot Bravo Alpha
oscar kilo whiskey november lima information exprite vacating via bravo and taxi to foxtrot bravo affirm
radar dobre odpoledne sky travel four three two papa passing nineteen hundred climbing to five thousand
Skydrawer 432P, dobrou vpoledne, Praha radar identifed, climb flight level 160.
sky travel four three two papa dobre odpoledne praha radar identified climb flight level one six zero
Glock to VL160, Skydiver 4032, bye bye
climb to flight level one six zero sky travel four three two papa
et il y a le quart des odos au Tareco
via charlie zulu hotel echo
Charlie Zulu, Next Report, Zulu 1, look out, traffic, hélicoptère on a hook mission over Charlie.
heli charlie zulu next report zulu one local traffic helicopter on hook mission over chalet
Hotel Potoscar, Echo 1, à 6000ft.
hotel foxtrot oscar echo one at six thousand feet
Foxhound's car report echo 2 for runway 25.
foxtrot oscar report echo two for runway two five
Bravo Sierra, à gauche, taxiway C
two bravo sierra to the left taxi with
Delta 3X3, go around.
hotel hotel xray go around
hotel xray
Odel korekt, tak, to dziwię parking approved.
hotel echo xray taxi to juliett parking approved
Delta Bravo 3049, I'm Sean Tower, good afternoon.
hotel bravo three zero four nine sion tower good afternoon
Et maintenant, le HXQ, on continue vers Grand-Exsang.
and sion tower the hotel xray quebec we just continue toward the grande dixence
Otalisk 2B, kodja frekvenser, kärnreprovet, doktorn lita
hotel xray quebec roger frequency change approved talk to you later
Tango 7 Charlie 1 Mike, sur.
tango seven charlie lima mike sion
Number two looking out for number one, hotel, hotel.
number two looking out for number one hotel hotel
Hôtel Echo X-Ray, wind 230°, 6 knots, runway 25, cleared to land.
hotel echo xray wind two three zero degrees six knots runway two five cleared to land
OOTL, NB, 5500 ft climbing
hotel hotel lima november whiskey five thousand five hundred feet climbing
Alta Bravo Whisky Zulu, Hôtel Sontawa, report.
hotel bravo whiskey zulu hotel sion tower report
Lo spingasso, te lo sparo, sopra.
looking out hotel oscar delta
Hôtel Golf Alpha, reportage à la panne route.
hotel golf alfa report upon route
I'm just passing Equestria Hotel Bravo from Nova Papazula.
sion tower at departure echo two for turn bravo papa zulu
NHIS Roger, report ground completed.
heli charlie zulu roger report ground completed
Noin 0,9-0,2
one zero one two runway two seven bye bye
Hôtel Echo X-Ray, wind 270°, 5 knots, runway 25, clear to land.
hotel echo xray wind two seven zero degrees five knots runway two five cleared to land
Hotel Bravo Kilo, Echo X-ray, exercise is approved.
hotel bravo kilo echo xray exercises is approved
Hôtel Alpha Papa, vous avez fait la fréquence, au revoir.
hotel alfa papa you may leave the frequency bye bye
Hotel El Salimo, Echo One, Sport, 8696.
hotel alfa lima echo one four thousand six hundred feet
Delta Lima, reporte Cotubo.
hotel delta lima report echo two
Report Base F-07, on reporte au 10 novembre.
report base for runway zero seven or report hotel november
Hotel Sarawiki, wind 230°, 8 knots, runway 25, clear stop and go.
hotel charlie whiskey wind two three zero degrees eight knots runway two five just stop and go
a tuto hru.
frequency change approved a toute a l heure
Teleco X-ray number 125
hotel echo xray number one runway two five
La PAPA sur le grand vélo
sierra alfa papa sion ground hello
Leica X-Ray, wind 260,9 knots, runway 25, cleared for touch and go.
hotel echo xray wind two six zero nine knots runway two five cleared for touch and go
это это
touch and go runway two five hotel echo xray
Fox Lima Delta John Danwin runway 25
foxtrot lima delta join downwind runway two five
Kjøringe, Dornvind, Dornvind 25, Foxhose, Kymmerdelta.
tourning downwind runway two five foxtrot lima delta
Moskitostik, ZLK, ready to check?
mosquito six zero echo ready to check
Etouffez le forum Mosquito 15, bravo!
it was for mosquito one five bravo
Yes, Mosquito 15, are you turning base now?
yes mosquito one five bravo are you turning base now
C'est en ligne base, pour ce qui est de l'entrée en voie haute.
turning base now mosquito one five bravo
Sera Golf Kilo, stop please, hold position, sorry sir, hold position, call you back.
sie sierra golf kilo stop please hold position sorry sir hold position call you back
Merci, à bientôt, 4000ft à gauche, non wind.
yes we are approaching two thousand feet left downwind
Next 2025, Hotel Charlie Julius.
next final two five hotel charlie juliett
Transition Tower, Naflager established
sion tower afternoon established
N511T, report going around.
nav checker five one one tower hello again report going around
L'Oxygen 22H, bonjour.
luxor two two hotel sion bonjour
Steadicam number one, report final.
hotel echo xray number one report final
Number one for final approach, thanks
number one report final hotel echo xray
C'est d'accord, il sera en route là. Interaction Nippon, bravo N'Réport, salut!
hotel echo xray roger taxi holding point bravo and report ready
Richard, did you do a flight notification?
roger did you do a planification
On the ground here it goes, X-Core, 1, 5, 4, 7, 8
hotel bravo golf kilo echo one four thousand feet
Golf Kilo, thank you, continue du centre et portez côte au.
golf kilo thank you continue descend report echo two
Norske Kals, P-NB over on climbing, A740
nav checker five one one go around climbing five seven thousand feet
Lovejack, R511, roger, what's the next profile?
nav checker five one one roger what is next profile
Elliot Charlie, so do we have the traffic in sight?
heli charlie zulu we have the traffic in sight
Roger, able to confirm behind?
roger able confirm behind
Hotel Papa Mike, reporte Downwind Runway 25.
hotel papa mike report downwind runway two five
Downwind 25, Hotspot 11
roger downwind two five hotel papa mike
Roger. Hotel Foxtrot Kilo, report Whiskey, Tunage 1023.
roger hotel foxtrot kilo report whiskey qnh one zero two three
Hotel Golf Kilo, you may leave frequency, bye bye.
hotel golf kilo you may leave frequency bye bye
Tango 313 taxi to parking is approved
tango two one three taxi to parking is approved
3426 rejoignez le wind-wind à droite, roulant sur la route 25, Grasse.
three four two six joining right hand downwind runway two five grass
3426, 250°, 12 knots, Grasse 25, landing on this side
three four two six two five zero degrees one two knots grass two five landing on discretion
at my discretion.
landing on my discretion three four two six
C'est un 3x5
say again can you three by five heli hotel yankee
Helio Hotel Yankee, QNH 1017, report Hotel Echo or Golf Echo at your discretion.
heli hotel yankee qnh one zero one seven report hotel echo or golf echo at your discretion
NAB-TECA, Pfeiffermann, Approaching 1007
nav checker five one one reporting one thousand ten thousand feet