saattrupdan's picture
a6ac17f verified
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: data/train-*
- split: val
path: data/val-*
- split: test
path: data/test-*
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: summary
dtype: string
- name: text_len
dtype: int64
- name: summary_len
dtype: int64
- name: train
num_bytes: 118935809
num_examples: 75219
- name: val
num_bytes: 6551332
num_examples: 4178
- name: test
num_bytes: 6670392
num_examples: 4178
download_size: 81334629
dataset_size: 132157533
license: cc0-1.0
- summarization
- da
- 10K<n<100K
# Dataset Card for "nordjylland-news-summarization"
## Dataset Description
- **Point of Contact:** [Oliver Kinch](
- **Size of dataset:** 148 MB
### Dataset Summary
This dataset consists of pairs containing text and corresponding summaries extracted from the Danish newspaper [TV2 Nord](
### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
Summarization is the intended task for this dataset. No leaderboard is active at this point.
### Languages
The dataset is available in Danish (`da`).
## Dataset Structure
An example from the dataset looks as follows.
"text": "some text",
"summary": "some summary",
"text_len": <number of chars in text>,
"summary_len": <number of chars in summary>
### Data Fields
- `text`: a `string` feature.
- `summary`: a `string` feature.
- `text_len`: an `int64` feature.
- `summary_len`: an `int64` feature.
### Dataset Statistics
#### Number of samples
- Train: 75219
- Val: 4178
- Test: 4178
#### Text Length Distribution
- Minimum length: 21
- Maximum length: 35164
#### Summary Length Distribution
- Minimum length: 12
- Maximum length: 499
## Potential Dataset Issues
Within the dataset, there are 181 instances where the length of the summary exceeds the length of the corresponding text.
## Dataset Creation
### Curation Rationale
There are not many large-scale summarization datasets in Danish.
### Source Data
The dataset has been collected through the TV2 Nord API, which can be accessed [here](
## Additional Information
### Dataset Curators
[Oliver Kinch]( from the [The Alexandra
### Licensing Information
The dataset is licensed under the [CC0