stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
| distance
float64 0
| quality
float64 -3.3
| readability
float64 -2.81
| sentiment
float64 -2.64
What'll you do tomorrow? | Mida sa teed homme? | 0.02901 | -0.417969 | 1.914063 | 0.208984 |
Eventually the salesman persuaded me to buy the expensive machine. | Végül is az eladó rábeszélt, hogy megvegyem a drága készüléket. | 0.12503 | -0.137695 | 0.251953 | 0.40625 |
Play many different solitaire games | Өөр олон хөзрийн тоглоомууд тоглох | 0.23567 | -0.574219 | 1.164063 | 0.664063 |
(Muhammad), ask them, "Do daughters belong to your Lord and sons to them? | Аз онҳо бипурс; «Оё духтарон аз они Парвардигори ту бошанд ва писарон аз они онҳо?» | 0.21577 | 0.648438 | 1.140625 | 0.110352 |
Keep it till it's covered with age | వరకు ఇది వయస్సు నిండిన ఇది ఉంచండి | 0.13709 | 0.099121 | 1.664063 | 0.277344 |
And someone's looking for you. | E c'e' anche qualcuno che la cerca. | 0.16481 | -0.478516 | 1.945313 | -0.002838 |
The chairman tried to persuade us, saying: “You don’t need to leave the party for religious reasons; there are even priests who are members. ” | Ordföranden försökte övertala oss att bli kvar och sade: ” Ni behöver inte lämna partiet av religiösa skäl. Det finns till och med präster som är medlemmar. ” | 0.11381 | -0.217773 | 0.089355 | -0.045898 |
It remains to be seen if these eight men and women will become a mascot for the protest movement or a successful deterrent against it. | Сега остава единствено да видим дели тези осем мъже и жени ще се превърнат в емблема на протестното движение, или успешна пречка срещу него. | 0.14983 | -0.761719 | -0.103516 | -0.233398 |
This can support seasonal farmers around metro areas who are losing out because they really can't meet the year-round demand for produce. | هذا يدعم المزارعين الموسميين حول مناطق القطارات التي تحت الارض الذين يفقدون لأنها لا تفي بالفعل الطلب على مدار السنة للمنتجات. | 0.15884 | 0.022705 | -0.3125 | 0.863281 |
Mr President, my compliments to the rapporteur for his in-depth report. | (NL) Senhor Presidente, as minhas felicitações ao senhor relator pelo seu minucioso relatório. | 0.11746 | 0.910156 | 0.458984 | 1.351563 |
He lived in Chicoutimi, I was in Montreal. | - Vivía en Chicoutimi eu ensinaba en Montreal... | 0.14458 | -0.330078 | 1.578125 | 0.137695 |
A torrent of peer-to-peer social networks and real-time technologies, fundamentally changing the way we behave. | Záplava socialných sieti postavených na peer-to-peer vzťahoch a technológie operujúce v reálnom čase zásadne mení spôsoby nášho správania. | 0.22197 | -0.601563 | -0.488281 | 0.9375 |
Examinations play a large part in education. | A vizsgáknak nagy szerepet tulajdoníthatunk a képzésben. | 0.13629 | 1.890625 | 0.945313 | 0.730469 |
I have wonderful news for all of you. | Я маю чудові новини для всіх вас. | 0.06348 | -0.585938 | 1.617188 | 2.203125 |
I read all I could find about the party program. | Luin kaiken, mitä löysin, puolueen ohjelmasta. | 0.0875 | -0.316406 | 1.570313 | 0.392578 |
Now, I'm 100% sure that the US is targeting my country. | “ Maintenant, je suis sûre à 100% que les Etats-Unis ont pris mon pays pour cible. | 0.14233 | -0.330078 | 1.15625 | -0.585938 |
If we can obtain financial success, it will bring us political power and a recognition of our independence. | Se acadamos uns bos resultados económicos, iso daranos poder político e un recoñecemento da nosa independencia. | 0.13036 | 1.03125 | -0.345703 | 2.203125 |
They feel exactly what you feel at the same time that you feel it. | Čutijo točno to, kar čutiš ti, istočasno kot ti. | 0.11562 | 0.287109 | 0.976563 | 0.71875 |
No government wants to see its citizens ’ rights violated by criminals, yet, in most lands today, the “security of person ” of many has been violated due to the rising tide of crime. | Жоден уряд не бажає, щоб кримінальники порушували права їхніх громадян, однак, в більшости країнах сьогодні, „безпеку особи ” багатьох людей порушують через поширення злочину. | 0.11025 | 0.515625 | -1.210938 | -1.71875 |
Can I take a break? | می توانم استراحت کنم؟ | 0.11706 | -0.146484 | 1.929688 | -0.484375 |
The guests are all gone. | A vendégek mind hazamentek. | 0.1921 | -0.796875 | 1.960938 | -0.785156 |
But I hope maybe we can share one or two things as the day progresses. | امیدوارم که بتونیم در طی این روز، یک یا دو چیز را با هم در میان بگذاریم. | 0.19464 | -0.671875 | 0.964844 | 0.730469 |
This causes the little coil of wire to be moved back and forth, since it is rigidly attached to the diaphragm. | Dit heeft tot gevolg dat het kleine met draad omwonden spoeltje (de spreekspoel) heen en weer wordt bewogen aangezien het stevig aan het membraan is bevestigd. | 0.23419 | 0.008301 | 0.416016 | -0.375 |
The leaves turn red in the fall. | A levelek ősszel elvörösödnek. | 0.15183 | 0.271484 | 1.84375 | -0.574219 |
Beer bottles are made of glass. | Láhve na pivo se vyrábějí ze skla. | 0.07898 | 1.210938 | 1.828125 | 0.019653 |
The latest trending story to take Eastern European social networks by storm is that of Europe's newest nation, the Republic of Liberland. | Последната история, бурно завладяла социалните мрежи в Източна Европа, е за най-новата европейска нация - тази на Република Либерландия. | 0.12393 | -0.539063 | -0.578125 | 0.542969 |
(The sitting was closed at 11.15 p.m.) | (Posiedzenie zostało zamknięte o godz. 23.15) | 0.07785 | -0.988281 | 1.867188 | -0.570313 |
At Mildred's, no one opened the door either. | בבית של מילדרד אף אחד לא פתח את הדלת. | 0.10777 | -0.710938 | 1.765625 | -1.375 |
Another issue I see as problematical is that while information on job-seekers is accessible on the portal, there is much less information on companies providing job opportunities. | Další věcí, kterou vnímám jakožto problematickou, je to, že přestože jsou na portálu dostupné informace o uchazečích o práci, je tam mnohem méně informací o společnostech, které nabízejí pracovní příležitosti. | 0.08227 | -0.972656 | -1.898438 | -1.5625 |
Try, just -- please try. | Προσπαθήστε. | 0.20497 | -0.613281 | 1.960938 | 0.199219 |
Founded in 2001, Delicias Criollas unites women from 14 groups from different parts of Uruguay, including Artigas, Canelones, Cerro Largo, Flores, Maldonado, Montevideo, Rocha, San José, Soriano, Tacuarembó and Treinta y Tres. | Kooperativet startede i 2001, og Delicias Criollas har nu samlet kvinder fra 14 forskellige grupper rundt omkring i landet; fra Artigas, Canelones, Cerro Largo, Flores, Maldonado, Montevideo, Rocha, San José, Soriano, Tacuarembó og Treinta y Tres. | 0.07806 | -0.014771 | -1.5 | 1.210938 |
Ultrasound generates more biopsies that are unnecessary relative to other technologies, so it's not widely used. | Siêu âm tạo ra nhiều sinh thiết vốn không cần thiết, so sánh với các kỹ thuật khác, nên nó không được sử dụng rộng rải. | 0.1945 | 0.636719 | -0.644531 | -1.476563 |
“ Students should not be overburdened with matters that are unsuitable to their age, comprehension, and present condition, ” wrote Comenius. | ” אין להעמיס על התלמידים חומר שאינו מתאים לגילם, לתפיסתם ולמצבם הנוכחי ”, כתב קומניוס. | 0.10939 | 0.875 | -0.871094 | -0.435547 |
A useful by - product of the study has been to systematize our knowledge of many atmospheric phenomena, common and uncommon, while furnishing a sidelight on the frailties of human perception and reporting. | Een nuttig bijprodukt van het onderzoek is geweest dat onze kennis van vele atmosferische verschijnselen, gewone of ongewone, gesystematiseerd is, terwijl daardoor zijdelings licht is geworpen op de gebrekkigheid van de menselijke waarneming en berichtgeving. | 0.15419 | 0.161133 | -1.53125 | 1.101563 |
We don't know how to find Tom. | Chúng tôi không biết cách nào để tìm được Tom. | 0.10123 | -0.625 | 1.9375 | -1.289063 |
I was reading headlines about the recession just like anyone else, and I started to notice a distinct pattern -- that the recession was affecting men much more deeply than it was affecting women. | Ik las de koppen over de recessie, net als iedereen en ik begon een duidelijk patroon te zien -- de recessie had een effect op mannen dat veel groter was dan het effect op vrouwen. | 0.12643 | -0.283203 | -1.015625 | -0.917969 |
I have some money with me. | Tengo algo de dinero por aquí. | 0.16902 | -0.925781 | 1.90625 | 0.259766 |
smartcard This module allows you to configure KDE support for smartcards. These can be used for various tasks such as storing SSL certificates and logging in to the system. | स्मार्टकार्ड यो मोड्युलले तपाईँलाई स्मार्टकार्डहरूका लागि केडीई समर्थन कन्फिगर गर्न अनुमति दिन्छ । यी विभिन्न कार्यहरूका लागि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ जस्तै SSL प्रमाणपत्रहरूलाई भण्डारण गरेर प्रणालीमा लगइन गर्न । | 0.11351 | 2.15625 | 0.435547 | 1.445313 |
Show information about Evolution | Evolution তথ্য প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক | 0.13743 | 0.451172 | 0.090332 | 0.558594 |
The biggest of all obstacles was my studies besides DY-ing. | Het grootste obstakel was mijn studie naast het dj'en. | 0.16456 | -2 | 0.890625 | -1.601563 |
Fake? | ভাঁওতাবাজি? | 0.16482 | -0.109375 | -0.800781 | -1.132813 |
According to Egypt’s Middle East News Agency, the cemetery may contain over 10,000 mummies. | وبحسب وكالة انباء الشرق الاوسط المصرية ، قد تحتوي المقبرة على اكثر من ٠٠٠,١٠ مومياء . | 0.12782 | 0.660156 | 0.482422 | -0.149414 |
- What? That's it? | ¿Eso es todo? | 0.19967 | -0.222656 | 0.021484 | -0.722656 |
Single line prompt | I-prompt yomgca omnye | 0.24615 | -0.535156 | 1.984375 | 0.007935 |
What time do you have? | ¿Qué hora tienes? | 0.06278 | -0.730469 | 1.945313 | 0.118652 |
As you can see it is stopped now. | Kao što vidite, sada stoji. | 0.14492 | -1.007813 | 1.851563 | -1.1875 |
Us? | Meitä? | 0.02351 | -0.773438 | -0.910156 | -0.08252 |
If a spouse’s failings cause marital problems, committing adultery is certainly not the way to solve them. — Hebrews 13: 4. | אם מגרעות בן הזוג גורמות לבעיות בנישואין, ניאוף בהחלט אינו פותר אותן ( עברים י ” ג: 4) . | 0.24369 | 0.318359 | 0.96875 | -1.179688 |
And my father left me a legacy of his handwriting through letters and a notebook. | اور میرے والد نے میرے لیے اپنے تحریروں کا ورثہ چھوڑا خطوط اور ایک نوٹ بک کی شکل میں۔ | 0.12603 | -0.063965 | 0.78125 | 0.6875 |
We're here to see if we can figure out a way to stop the suffering and the bloodshed in Chechnya." | チェチェンで起きている苦難や流血を止める策を 見いだせるか確認しに集まったのです」 | 0.183 | 0.349609 | 0.792969 | -0.267578 |
So you think we'll get to see a tornado today or what? | Credete che oggi vedremo un tornado, oppure no? | 0.11735 | 0.032227 | 1.34375 | -0.675781 |
A Duluth resident was heard to say, ‘ The Arena’s kitchen never looked so clean. ’ ” — July 21, 1972. | Słyszałem, jak ktoś z mieszkańców Duluth powiedział: ‚ W kuchni obok hali jeszcze nigdy nie było tak czysto ’. ” — 21 czerwca 1972. | 0.17068 | -0.416016 | 1.609375 | -0.347656 |
It's not true! | 这不是真的! | 0.04315 | 0.960938 | 1.976563 | -1.703125 |
Keep in touch by mail. | שמור על קשר בדואר. | 0.09366 | -0.414063 | 1.914063 | 0.640625 |
Mr. White. | Mijnheer White. | 0.04329 | 0.490234 | -0.832031 | 0.086426 |
Secondly, this Great Migration was the first time in American history that the lowest caste people actually had a chance to choose for themselves what they would do with their God-given talents and where they would pursue them. | İkinci olarak, bu Büyük Göç, Amerikan tarihinde alt sınıf olan insanların kendileri için Tanrı tarafından verilen yetenekleriyle ne yapacaklarını ve nereyi takip edeceklerini seçme şansına sahip oldukları bir ilkti. | 0.1622 | 0.455078 | -1.132813 | 0.976563 |
And although I want to thank the talented people of our company foremost for that -- and also there's a factor of luck and timing -- we are absolutely convinced that we did this because of our values. | И въпреки, че искам да благодаря на талантливите хора в нашата компания, преди всичко за това -- а също така роля изиграха късмета и времето -- ние сме абсолютно убедени, че ние постигнахме това заради нашите ценности. | 0.07322 | -1.414063 | -0.660156 | 1.601563 |
I remind Mr Jonckheer that Irish companies or foreign companies in Ireland still have to cross two sea masses to reach the mainland European marketplace. | Jag påminner Jonckheer om att irländska företag och utländska företag i Irland fortfarande måste ta sig över två hav för att komma till marknaden på det europeiska fastlandet. | 0.15191 | 0.392578 | -0.914063 | -0.337891 |
The use of poisons such as alcohol and tobacco must be an individual decision. | Употребата на отрови, като алкохола и тютюна, трябва да бъде индивидуално решение. | 0.11483 | 0.566406 | 0.289063 | -0.244141 |
Publication of that list in January 1933 led to a crisis of confidence in banks that were revealed to have borrowed from the government. | De publicatie van die lijst in januari 1933 leidde tot een vertrouwenscrisis in banken waarvan bekend werd dat zij geld van de overheid hadden geleend. | 0.12087 | 1.148438 | -0.558594 | -2 |
I want to see more revolutionary thinking, and I remain hopeful. | 我希望看到更多革命性的思想。 而我仍然抱有希望。 | 0.11057 | -1.046875 | 0.929688 | 1.90625 |
The doctors said he would never again be able to walk without some support. | הרופאים אמרו שהוא לעולם לא יוכל יותר ללכת בלי תמיכה כשלהי. | 0.1253 | -0.052002 | 1.070313 | -0.769531 |
In a nutshell, the priority of the CCP is to "maintain a stable society." | In poche parole, la priorità del PCC è "mantenere una società stabile." | 0.13519 | 0.105957 | 0.683594 | 1.070313 |
So this is -- these are fertilizer gas plants. | E assim é -- essas são plantas de fertilizantes e gás. | 0.14516 | 0.730469 | 1.390625 | -0.126953 |
You must act under the leadership of your supervisor. | Вы должны работать под руководством своего начальника. | 0.15073 | -0.322266 | 0.980469 | 0.351563 |
Sometimes they don't even have enough food. | De vegades no tenen suficient menjar. | 0.10086 | -0.408203 | 1.71875 | -1.398438 |
Then everything wherein there is breath will be doing what it was designed to do — praising the God who grants peace! | Dann wird alles, was Odem hat, den Daseinszweck erfüllen und Gott, der Frieden schenkt, loben! | 0.19941 | -0.236328 | 0.25 | 1.4375 |
Installed Packages These packages are currently installed on your computer. | संस्थापित पॅकेजेस ही पॅकेजेस सध्या तुमच्या संगणकावर संस्थापित केलेली आहेत. | 0.06457 | -0.339844 | 0.088867 | 0.8125 |
Which means that styles are always going to change and you're probably going to be wearing something different than you were today eight seasons from now, no matter how environmentally friendly you want to be. | 也就是說,風格一直在改變, 你今天穿的和你在八季之後穿的, 可能會不一樣。 不論你有多想要做好環保。 但我們很幸運,有些東西 是永遠不會退流行的。 | 0.22691 | -0.71875 | -1.03125 | -0.083008 |
One of the blockages - and I speak clearly as an Englishman - is language learning and adaptability to languages, and anything that the PLOTEUS project can do to encourage language learning is, and I hope the Commissioner will agree, a very important part of job mobility. | Az egyik akadály - és ezt most angolként mondom - a nyelvtanulásban keresendő és a nyelvekhez történő alkalmazkodásban, és bármi, amit a PLOTEUS projekt tehet annak érdekében, hogy ösztönözze a nyelvtanulást - és remélem, hogy ezzel a biztos egyetért majd -, a munkavállalási mobilitás egyik igen fontos része. | 0.11622 | 0.091309 | -1.179688 | 1.164063 |
I did, yeah. | Si', l'ho fatto. | 0.11586 | -1.257813 | 2.09375 | 0.402344 |
Some fluids now being tested can transport oxygen. | Beberapa cairan yang saat ini dalam pengujian dapat mengangkut oksigen. | 0.10368 | 0.792969 | 1.328125 | 0.554688 |
- The flow goes nowhere. | - Aliran pergi mana-mana. | 0.12373 | -0.960938 | 1.929688 | -1.429688 |
You learn the number list and you learn how to apply it. | Aprendestes a lista de números e aprendestes como aplicala. | 0.09482 | 0.984375 | 1.515625 | 0.953125 |
If one’s life has been spent acquiring such a “name, ” then, at the end of such a worthwhile life, it can truly be said that ‘ the day of death is better than the day of one’s being born. ’ | Ako je netko trošio svoj život u stjecanju takvog “imena ”, onda se na kraju takvog dragocjenog života, može zaista reći da je“ smrtni dan (bolji) nego dan rođenja ”. | 0.10533 | 0.361328 | 0.373047 | 0.816406 |
By the beginning of the 20th century, Bratislava had become a multinational, multicultural city. | براتسلاڤا في القرن العشرين في مطلع القرن العشرين ، صارت براتسلاڤا مدينة متعددة القوميات والحضارات . | 0.16284 | 0.455078 | -0.294922 | 1.085938 |
Using a basketball expression, flight director Milt Heflin told Newsweek: ‘ We slam - dunked this thing. ’ | Duke përsëritur një shprehje që përdoret në basketboll, drejtori i fluturimeve, Milt Heflin, tha për Newsweek: « Ne bëmë një kundërsulm të shpejtë. » | 0.13138 | -1.335938 | -0.53125 | -0.108398 |
Show task preview below the task list | કાર્ય યાદીની નીચે કાર્ય પૂર્વદર્શનને બતાવો | 0.05997 | -0.535156 | 1.648438 | 0.230469 |
So here you see, from 1960 to 2010, the 50 years of our study. | Alors ici vous voyez, de 1960 à 2010. les 50 and de notre recherche. | 0.07734 | 1.171875 | 1.515625 | 0.78125 |
(Laughter) What you're seeing here is a water filtration system. | (Смях) Това, което виждате тук, е система за филтриране на вода. | 0.0632 | 0.675781 | 0.84375 | -0.056885 |
Did Cathy go, too? | Czy Cathy też poszła? | 0.06513 | -0.9375 | 1.96875 | -0.099121 |
Geometry | Geometriija | 0.05747 | 1.679688 | -0.941406 | 0.147461 |
The massive demonstrations held all over the country came as a result of measures adopted by the Executive, which in its eagerness to take the quickest route out of the economic crisis and to create jobs has deregulated the labour market, made it easier to fire workers, increased employer's flexibility to increase working hours, decreased wages, encouraged the mobility of workers, and facilitated the hiring of young people on work experience placements for longer periods. | Anledningen till massdemonstrationerna över hela landet var de åtgärder som vidtagits av den verkställande makten, som i sin iver att hitta den snabbaste vägen ut ur krisen och främja sysselsättningen avreglerade arbetsmarknaden, gjorde uppsägningar lättare, underlättade företagares förmåga att förlänga arbetstider, sänkte löner, uppmuntrade arbetskraftens rörlighet och har underlättade rekrytering av unga praktikanter för längre perioder. | 0.18075 | -0.271484 | -0.621094 | 0.945313 |
In Burundi I walked into a prison and it wasn't a 12-year-old boy, it was an 8-year-old boy for stealing a mobile phone. | En Burundi entrei nunha prisión e non había un rapaz de 12 anos, senón un neno de 8 anos que roubara un teléfono móbil. | 0.1454 | 0.094727 | 0.550781 | -1.335938 |
Make your choice. | Odluči se. | 0.17203 | 0.337891 | 1.921875 | 0.722656 |
9 Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda! | ۹ پروپیگنڈے کا شکار نہ ہوں ! | 0.18636 | -0.464844 | 1.414063 | -0.445313 |
Even though I've traveled a lot, I still think like an American woman. | Žijem tu. Aj keď som veľa cestovala, stále rozmýšľam ako americká žena. | 0.14454 | -0.376953 | 1 | -0.028564 |
You do look nice today! | Навистина изгледаш убаво денес! | 0.06747 | 0.71875 | 1.914063 | 2.375 |
“ They have... made a definite contribution to the preservation of some of the most precious things in our democracy. ” — Professor C. | תרמו תרומה ניכרת לשמירה על כמה מן הדברים היקרים ביותר בדמוקרטיה שלנו ” (פרופסור צ ’. | 0.159 | 0.427734 | 0.053711 | 1.734375 |
Eudy Simelane, a football star in the South African national soccer team, was gang raped and then murdered in 2008. | H Eudy Simelane, σταρ του ποδοσφαίρου στην Εθνική Ομάδα Γυναικών της Νοτίου Αφρικής, έπεσε θύμα ομαδικού βιασμού και δολοφονήθηκε το 2008. | 0.11495 | 0.742188 | 0.056885 | -1.390625 |
Validity of Community inland navigation certificates | A közösségi belvízi hajóbizonyítványok érvényességi ideje | 0.23058 | 0.648438 | -1.085938 | 0.582031 |
"%s": loading | "%s": လုပ်ဆောင်နေဆဲ | 0.18294 | -1.164063 | 1.421875 | 0.21875 |
It was quiet, very quiet — an eerie moment. | Sve je bilo mirno, veoma mirno — strašan trenutak. | 0.10028 | -0.90625 | 1.695313 | -0.094238 |
However, it was obvious that not all were sincere. | แต่ อย่าง ไร ก็ ตาม เห็น ได้ ชัด ว่า ไม่ ใช่ ทุก คน ที่ จริง ใจ. | 0.2424 | -0.351563 | 0.972656 | -0.910156 |
Jane didn't die a natural death. | Jane no va morir de mort natural. | 0.05565 | -0.11084 | 1.75 | -0.78125 |
"%s" expects two arguments | "%s" ଦୁଇଟି ସ୍ୱତନ୍ତ୍ରଚରକୁ ଆଶାକରୁଅଛି | 0.13004 | -0.384766 | 1.78125 | -0.172852 |
As we trained our binoculars on the marshes, Jeremy added, rather wistfully: “I could not have wished for a happier or more productive life, especially my 16 years at Minsmere! ” | Kad mēs pievērsām savus tālskatus dumbrājiem, Džeremijs skumji piebilda: ” Es nebūtu varējis vēlēties laimīgāku un ražīgāku dzīvi, īpaši, ja runā par 16 gadiem Minsmīrā! ” | 0.15504 | -0.018311 | -0.640625 | 0.964844 |
He acted as my guide. | Ми беше како водич. | 0.20249 | -0.652344 | 1.921875 | 0.679688 |
You start to realize that "Hey, I could go to this live music event and have an utterly transforming experience that will cover my entire body with goosebumps, but it's more likely that I'll feel claustrophobic and I won't be able to get a beer. | Počinjete shvaćati da "Hej, mogao bih ići na taj koncert i imati potpuno transformirajuće iskustvo od kojeg će se cijelo moje tijelo naježiti, ali više je izgledno da ću se osjećati klaustrofobično i neću moći dobiti pivu. | 0.09503 | -0.925781 | -0.3125 | -0.546875 |
What'd you say? | - O que disseste? | 0.05452 | -0.048828 | 2.046875 | 0.056641 |