stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
| distance
float64 0
| quality
float64 -3.3
| readability
float64 -2.81
| sentiment
float64 -2.64
_Selected files | _S ရွေးချယ်ထားသောဖိုင်များ | 0.08527 | -1.109375 | 0.455078 | 0.21582 |
So, after a eulogy on the great benefits that the Single Market delivers (to big business and financial groups), we are told that there are still protectionist attitudes and that it is essential to combat them and to move forward in other areas, such as financial services, tax policy, transport, postal services and energy, which are not yet fully liberalised and integrated. | Niisiis, pärast suurte eeliste ülistamist, mida ühtne turg pakub (suurettevõtetele ja finantsrühmitustele), öeldakse meile, et ikka veel valitsevad kaitsvad hoiakud ning et oluline on nende vastu võidelda ja edasi liikuda teistesse valdkondadesse nagu finantsteenused, maksupoliitika, transport, postiteenused ja energeetika, mis ei ole veel täielikult liberaliseeritud ja integreeritud. | 0.12963 | 0.464844 | -1.015625 | 0.511719 |
He's rising out of the grass. | Se nousee ruohosta. | 0.11105 | -0.038574 | 1.9375 | 0.351563 |
I teach here once a week. | මම මෙහෙ එක සතියක් ඉගැන්නුවා | 0.19431 | 0.032227 | 1.875 | 0.546875 |
No one can ignore the challenge to civilisation posed by the lack of nearly one billion jobs and the need to make unprecedented efforts in terms of development and access to information. | Personne ne peut ignorer le défi de civilisation que constitue le manque de près d'un milliard d'emplois. La nécessité de consentir des efforts sans précédent en matière de développement, d'accès aux connaissances. | 0.10913 | 0.261719 | -1.257813 | -0.382813 |
Other users are logged in. | Beste erabiltzaileek saioa hasi dute. | 0.08117 | -0.746094 | 1.851563 | -0.204102 |
Such additional import duties may in particular be imposed if import prices are below the trigger prices. | Οι εν λόγω πρόσθετοι εισαγωγικοί δασμοί μπορούν κυρίως να επιβληθούν εάν η τιμή εισαγωγής είναι κατώτερη από την τιμή ενεργοποίησης. | 0.14394 | 0.412109 | -0.144531 | -0.710938 |
Wood told an all - girl college: “There are no laws attached to sex. | Wood dijo a un colegio de muchachas: “No hay leyes en cuanto al sexo. | 0.08957 | -0.789063 | 1.179688 | 0.202148 |
The audience applauded the actress. | Публика рукоплескала актрисе. | 0.17714 | -0.980469 | 0.835938 | 1.5625 |
Just imagine what havoc this attitude could wreak on marriages and families by creating a loophole for anyone who wants to claim diminished responsibility for a promiscuous life - style! | Iedomājieties, kādu postu laulībai un ģimenei nodarītu šāda nostāja, — tā radītu iespēju aizbildināties ikvienam, kas vēlas mazināt savu atbildību par izlaidīgu dzīvesveidu! | 0.13991 | -1.90625 | -1.328125 | -1.484375 |
Zukhov, this is O'Neill. | Зуков, тук е О'Нийл. | 0.21261 | -0.839844 | 2.015625 | 0.226563 |
One survey revealed that only 1 child in 6 sees his or her divorced father on a weekly basis. | فقد أظهر احد الاستطلاعات ان ولدا واحدا فقط من ٦ اولاد يرى اباه المطلَّق اسبوعيا . | 0.09427 | -0.535156 | 0.808594 | -0.699219 |
Therefore, please stop creating this fear and dissension. | Затова моля, спрете да насаждате страх и разногласие. | 0.11299 | -0.75 | 0.65625 | -1.21875 |
And also I can use each one of you as the acting coach to our future robot companions. | Jag kan också använda var och en av er som lärare i uppträdande för våra framtida robotföljeslagare. | 0.17535 | -0.539063 | 0.714844 | 1.367188 |
However, a distinction must be made between purely bureaucratic matters and cases where rights may be called into question. | Különbséget kell azonban tenni a pusztán bürokratikus ügyek és azok között az esetek között, amelyekben jogokat kérdőjelezhetnek meg. | 0.10688 | -0.369141 | -0.376953 | -0.302734 |
So to find an actual hall is incredible -- for which you can play exactly what you imagine, without it being cosmetically enhanced. | Тому це неймовірно – знайти саме той зал, що підходить, – в якому ви можете грати саме те, що ви уявите, без косметичного "покращення". | 0.20641 | -0.773438 | -0.796875 | 1.640625 |
And so then I went back into the research and spent the next couple of years really trying to understand what they, the whole-hearted, what choices they were making, and what we are doing with vulnerability. | Κι έτσι στην συνέχεια γύρισα στην έρευνά μου και ξόδεψα τα επόμενα δύο χρόνια προσπαθώντας πραγματικά να καταλάβω αυτοί, οι ολόψυχοι, ποιες επιλογές έκαναν, και τι εμείς κάνουμε | 0.12186 | -1.179688 | -0.824219 | 0.064453 |
A few years back a group of researchers at University College London brought a bunch of memory champions into the lab. | Mõni aasta tagasi kutsusid Londoni Ülikooli teadlased grupi mälutšempione oma laboratooriumisse. | 0.13301 | 0.462891 | -0.209961 | 1.046875 |
It was actually retracted from the journal Lancet, in which it was published, and that author, a physician, had his medical license taken away from him. | Ia telah ditarik balik daripada jurnal Lancet yang telah menerbitkannya dan penulis itu, seorang doktor lesen kedoktorannya telah dibatalkan. | 0.16037 | 0.143555 | -0.542969 | -1.726563 |
According to preliminary results, opposition coalition secures 45.5% of votes and 65 of the 122 Parliament seats, which means John Key of conservative National Party will become new Prime Minister. | Według wstępnych rezultatów, koalicja opozycji otrzymała 45.5% głosów na dostępnych 122 miejsc, co oznacza, że John Key z konserwatywnej Partii Narodowej zostanie premierem. | 0.12358 | -0.416016 | -0.28125 | 1.140625 |
Command Runner | ಆದೇಶ ಚಾಲಕComment | 0.19468 | -0.337891 | -0.002151 | 0.259766 |
Bring your little buddy there too. | Povedi i svog malog prijatelja. | 0.10578 | -0.226563 | 1.539063 | 0.554688 |
Select the week of the month in which to repeat the alarm | Selektearje de wike fan de moanne wêryn' t it alaarm werhelle wurde sil | 0.16249 | -0.494141 | 1.289063 | -0.141602 |
I'm a twin. | ฉันเป็นฝาแฝด | 0.2326 | -0.59375 | 2.0625 | 0.257813 |
Far from being just a dream, it will soon be a reality! | Замість бути мрією, вона незабаром здійсниться! | 0.16211 | -0.067383 | 1.3125 | 1.195313 |
Today, we distributed special identification cards for each of the 13,000 women who will benefit from our cash transfer program—they have no other form of official ID. | Oggi abbiamo distribuito delle speciali tessere identificative alle 13.000 donne che beneficeranno del nostro programma di trasferimento di denaro—non possiedono altri documenti ufficiali. | 0.09151 | -0.092285 | -0.941406 | 1.273438 |
By contrast, traditional manufacturing could offer a large number of jobs to workers straight off the farm, at productivity levels three to four times that in agriculture. | Al contrario, la produzione tradizionale potrebbe offrire un gran numero di posti di lavoro per i lavoratori appena fuoriusciti dalla campagna, a livelli di produttività pari a tre o quattro volte quella agricola. | 0.09591 | 0.707031 | -1.171875 | 1.179688 |
Ma! | მა! | 0.09629 | 1.132813 | -0.136719 | 0.324219 |
It is a health management system that can cure most TB patients in six to eight months without their spending a single day in the hospital. | Đó là một hệ thống điều trị y tế có thể chữa được hầu hết các người mắc bệnh lao trong vòng từ sáu đến tám tháng mà họ không phải ở một ngày nào trong bệnh viện. | 0.17471 | 1.226563 | -0.029785 | 1.398438 |
I said, he's going to UCLA. | Řekl jsem, že jde na UCLA. | 0.04249 | -0.222656 | 2 | 0.191406 |
To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. | Yang membuatku kaget, dia punya suara yang indah. | 0.15368 | 0.341797 | 1.570313 | 1.960938 |
Until 1855, Mazel’s ambition was blocked by a major obstacle: Bamboo did not grow in Europe. | Hingga tahun 1855, ambisi Mazel terhalang oleh suatu rintangan besar: Belum ada bambu yang tumbuh di Eropa. | 0.06392 | 0.71875 | 0.083496 | -1.65625 |
(Laughter) They are the toughest opponents. | (Latter) De er de stærkeste modstandere. | 0.08332 | 0.231445 | 1.101563 | -0.236328 |
The fingerprints left on the weapon correspond with the suspect's. | 凶器に残された指紋は容疑者のものと一致する。 | 0.10718 | -0.566406 | 0.683594 | -0.376953 |
A fire broke out near my house. | Рядом с моим домом вспыхнул пожар. | 0.05093 | -0.443359 | 1.859375 | -1.640625 |
I'm not a member. | Nuk jam një anëtar. | 0.04957 | -0.004272 | 2.015625 | -1.21875 |
Employed in a yarn factory | מועסקים במפעל לחוטים | 0.12329 | 0.462891 | 1.78125 | 0.208008 |
XML Shareable Playlist Format version 1 (*.xspf) | XML Shareable Playlist Format tionndadh 1 (*.xspf) | 0.01416 | -1.390625 | 1.085938 | 0.769531 |
For example, the work of the EU unit located in Dublin has shown that physical distance is no barrier these days to communication and having an effective influence on matters. | Esimerkiksi Dubliniin sijoitetun EU-yksikön toiminta on osoittanut, ettei fyysinen välimatka ole nykyään este tehokkaalle vaikuttamiselle ja yhteydenpidolle. | 0.08469 | -0.253906 | -1.484375 | 1.210938 |
Is Kenya ready to laugh at itself? | Is Kenya er klaar voor om zichzelf uit te lachen? | 0.12541 | 0.742188 | 1.820313 | -0.324219 |
And for the veterans in particular, the V.A. said there's a six-fold increase in mental health pharmaceuticals by vets since 2003. | 拿那些老兵來說, 根據退伍軍人事務部公佈的資料, 自2003年以來退伍軍人服用的精神方面的藥物增加了六倍。 | 0.20481 | 0.001625 | 1.054688 | 1.21875 |
He said , ‘ Shall I find you a god other than Allah , while He has graced you over all the nations ? ’ | « ከአላህ ሌላ እርሱ ከዓለማት ያበለጣችሁ ሲኾን ( የምትገዙት ) አምላክን እፈልግላችኋለሁን » አለ ፡ ፡ | 0.22679 | 0.835938 | 0.773438 | 0.380859 |