stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
| distance
float64 0
| quality
float64 -3.3
| readability
float64 -2.81
| sentiment
float64 -2.64
But not only the gorges are gorgeous! | Mas não só os desfiladeiros são fenomenais! | 0.13127 | 0.013367 | 1.625 | 1.054688 |
Teaching demands a lot of patience. | Enseñar requiere mucha paciencia. | 0.08313 | 1.203125 | 1.789063 | 0.06543 |
Fifthly, the importance and role of small and medium-sized businesses. Mr Vatanen expressed this most forcefully just now. | Den femte punkten gäller de små och medelstora företagens betydelse och roll, vilket Vatanen starkt betonade nyss. | 0.20737 | 0.363281 | 0.490234 | 1.273438 |
They started excluding me from everything. | لقد بدأتا تستثنيانني من كل شيء . | 0.20172 | -1.398438 | 1.15625 | -1.585938 |
Analysis revealed that the clay was rich in iridium (a metal), 30 times richer than the concentration normally found in rocks. | การ วิเคราะห์ แสดง ว่า ใน ดิน เหนียว มี ธาตุ ไอ ริ เดีย ม (โลหะ ชนิด หนึ่ง) อยู่ เป็น จำนวน มาก มาก กว่า ถึง 30 เท่า ของ ระดับ ที่ พบ ใน หิน ตาม ปกติ. | 0.17814 | 0.419922 | -0.644531 | 1.25 |
During Chinese Vice President Xi Jingping's visit to the United States last week, Tibetan activists greeted Xi and the group of organized supporters with stories about human rights conditions in China. | 지난 주 이루어진 중국 시진핑 부주석의 미국 방문 기간 동안, 티베트인 운동가들은 중국의 인권 상황에 대한 이야기들로 시진핑과 지지자들을 맞았다. | 0.13392 | 1.023438 | -1.265625 | 0.859375 |
After the short visit, we thanked Jehovah that his first big hurdle was over. | Po kratkem obisku sva se zahvalila Jehovi, da je ta prva velika ovira bila mimo. | 0.09103 | -0.878906 | 0.757813 | 0.9375 |
We did not have it so bad in Ireland this time although we have had many serious wind storms on the Atlantic. | Desta vez, a dimensão do problema na Irlanda não foi tão grave, embora tenham ocorrido tempestades muito violentas no Atlântico. | 0.14553 | 0.009399 | 0.435547 | -0.511719 |
I'm not ready yet. | Még nem vagyok felkészülve. | 0.02355 | -0.699219 | 1.976563 | -1.125 |
[ Picture on page 21] | [ Sayfa 21 ’ deki resim] | 0.02336 | 0.087402 | 1.875 | 0.125977 |
This owner's problem isn't that he's using his estate not often - it's his right, he can use it as much as he wants to. | O problema desse patrão não é que ele está usando sua propriedade com tanta frequência - ele está certo, ele pode usá-la o quanto quiser. | 0.15984 | -0.07666 | 0.765625 | -0.185547 |
Marshall Islands | Ynysoedd MarshallName | 0.04339 | 0.707031 | -0.664063 | 0.207031 |
You must see it. | Morate ga vidjeti. | 0.08634 | 0.038818 | 1.96875 | 0.914063 |
Remember we used to throw things away, and we'd point to away? | 記得我們習慣拋棄物品、我們有理由抛棄? | 0.20144 | 0.209961 | 1.3125 | -0.734375 |
But also, if you're really wishing somebody well, it's very hard to judge them at the same time. | مگر پھر بھی، اگر آپ واقعی کسی کا اچھا چاہتے ہیں، مشکل ہے کہ بیک وقت انھیں جانچا بھی جائے۔ | 0.16772 | -0.408203 | 0.507813 | -0.349609 |
You just did. | Cậu vừa làm được. | 0.13368 | -0.484375 | 2.0625 | 0.077148 |
What's the story? | क्या कहानी है? | 0.09197 | -0.275391 | 2 | -0.045654 |
- Got it. | - Förstått. | 0.12603 | -0.816406 | -0.386719 | 0.867188 |
After having diverted the waters of the Euphrates River, which flowed through the city, the attacking troops were able to move in undetected over the riverbed. | หลัง จาก ได้ เปลี่ยน ทิศ ทาง ของ น้ำ ใน แม่น้ำ ยู เฟ รติ ส ซึ่ง ไหล ผ่าน ตัว เมือง กอง ทหาร จู่ โจม ก็ สามารถ เคลื่อน เข้า ไป ตาม ท้อง แม่น้ำ โดย ฝ่าย ตรง ข้าม ไม่ ทัน รู้ ตัว. | 0.22904 | 0.135742 | -0.960938 | -0.636719 |
It's just an owl, you dumb bitch. | És només un mussol, meuca estúpida. | 0.11256 | -0.384766 | 1.890625 | -1.679688 |
It actually looks very organic. | στην πραγματικότητα μοιάζει πολύ οργανικό. | 0.09889 | 0.46875 | 1.195313 | 1.195313 |
Agriculture only provides 5.5% of employment in the Union. | Daarentegen zorgt de landbouw voor slechts 5,5% van de werkgelegenheid in de Unie. | 0.08401 | 1.4375 | 1.335938 | -0.824219 |
And he was going to speak at the high school next door to us. | Şi urma să vorbească la liceul de lângă noi. | 0.11702 | -0.988281 | 1.453125 | 0.5625 |
Hey, hey. | Oye. | 0.15727 | -0.196289 | -0.236328 | 0.171875 |
Indeed, it is unthinkable that we could put in place substantial and procedural legal regulations solely for one sector - that of the protection of financial interests - without first having created a European legal system. | Det är i själva verket otänkbart att man skulle kunna skapa gemensamma straffrättsliga regler för en enda sektor, nämligen skyddet av ekonomiska intressen, utan att först ha skapat ett gemensamt europeiskt rättssystem. | 0.15711 | -0.115234 | -1.921875 | -0.664063 |
In this company, there are more women than men. | W tej firmie jest więcej kobiet niż mężczyzn. | 0.08625 | -0.261719 | 1.65625 | -0.034668 |
Without air, nothing could live. | 空気がなければ生きることはできない。 | 0.16797 | 0.257813 | 1.875 | -0.664063 |
The alcohol industry should undertake to refrain from directing alcohol advertising at young people. | Odvetvie výroby alkoholu by sa malo zaviazať, že sa zriekne alkoholovej reklamy, ktorej cieľovou skupinou sú mladiství. | 0.16553 | 0.365234 | -0.734375 | -0.597656 |
And Salma asks: | سلما میپرسد: | 0.10627 | -0.539063 | 1.960938 | 0.094727 |
And every guest must be greeted without exception: | Ve her misafir ayırt edilmeden ağırlanmalıdır: | 0.17191 | -0.65625 | 1.0625 | 0.828125 |
Essentially, you have to become one of them, and follow these rules. | Në esencë, duhet të bëheni njëri prej tyre dhe t'i ndiqni ato rregulla të ndryshueshme. | 0.17251 | -0.644531 | 1.023438 | 0.369141 |
You don't have to make an apology. | 君は謝罪する必要はない。 | 0.09115 | -0.396484 | 1.546875 | -0.443359 |
By Evolution or by Creation? | Evolúciou alebo stvorením? | 0.10148 | 1.351563 | 1.460938 | -0.001793 |
You know, if this is your idea of funny, think again. | Ako misliš da je ovo smešno, razmisli ponovo! | 0.19561 | -1.429688 | 1.601563 | -0.699219 |
Living at home is usually less expensive. | Kodus elamine on tavaliselt odavam. | 0.09868 | 1.101563 | 1.132813 | 0.333984 |
There were several demonstrations across Cairo yesterday, demanding justice for Khaled Mohamed Said and for his assassins to be judged - all the way up to the Minister of Interior, Habib El Adly. | Ci sono state parecchie dimostrazioni in diverse zone del Cairo ieri per chiedere giustizia per Khaled Mohamed Said contro i suoi assassini - compreso il Ministro degli Interni, Habib El Adly. | 0.06131 | -0.777344 | -1.617188 | -0.089355 |
-BosIey. | - Bosley. | 0.11288 | -0.394531 | -1.070313 | 0.226563 |
Can you not hear some older persons saying: ‘ Why, where did they get those foolish ideas? ’ | Kan du inte höra en del äldre personer säga: ” Var i all sin dar har de fått de där idiotiska idéerna ifrån? ” | 0.11465 | 0.227539 | 0.824219 | -1.265625 |
Beirut Spring recalls how the war began as his family was preparing for his engagement party. | Beirut Spring relembra como a Guerra começou quando sua família estava se preparando para sua festa de noivado. | 0.12081 | 1.304688 | 0.15332 | -0.367188 |
I would like to draw people's attention to Amendments Nos 1 and 2 which were agreed by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs but not accepted by the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism. | Jeg vil gerne henlede opmærksomheden på ændringsforslag 1 og 2, som blev godkendt af Udvalget om Beskæftigelse og Sociale Anliggender, men ikke af Udvalget om Regionalpolitik, Transport og Turisme. | 0.08519 | -0.019775 | -1.476563 | 0.041504 |
Tom looks pale. | Tom jest blady. | 0.12556 | -0.78125 | 1.992188 | -0.949219 |
Besides harassing individuals, he and the demons treat masses of people as if they were a herd of cattle. | Popri tom, že napáda jednotlivcov, on aj jeho démoni zaobchodia s masami ľudí tak, akoby to bolo stádo dobytka. | 0.13094 | -0.296875 | -0.072754 | -1.4375 |
On our shelves at home, we have a box set of the DVD series "24," season six to be precise. | Hemma på en hylla har vi en DVD-box med serien "24", säsong sex för att vara exakt. | 0.08326 | -0.515625 | 1.09375 | 0.949219 |
Global Voices had the opportunity to speak with Evans to discuss his ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and “going green” transition. | Глобал Војсис имаше можност да зборува со Еванс и да продискутира за неговите идеи, претприемачки дух и за „станувањето зелен“. | 0.09211 | 0.601563 | -0.671875 | 1.648438 |
The pot could be further sweetened by offers to relax existing sanctions and provide a security guarantee if Iran remains non-nuclear. | Se podría hacer más atractiva la propuesta con ofrecimientos de relajación de las sanciones vigentes y facilitar una garantía de seguridad, si el Irán no se nucleariza. | 0.12069 | 0.660156 | -0.855469 | 0.996094 |
(Laughter) So here's my question to you: What are you waiting for? | (Naurua) Kysymykseni teille on: Mitä odotatte? | 0.12216 | -0.318359 | 1.226563 | 0.148438 |
When we're in trouble, when we need new ideas, when we need new jobs, when we need new resources -- this is when we really pay a price for living in a clique. | Quando siamo nei guai, in cerca di nuove idee quando ci serve un nuovo lavoro o nuove risorse... è allora che paghiamo lo scotto di vivere in una cerchia ristretta. | 0.15165 | -0.550781 | 0.337891 | -0.890625 |
A comment from a blog post at Watanzania Oslo blog that posted the Habari Leo article about the police hunt for ze utamu blog owners says: | A oto komentarz z postu na Watanzania Oslo blog, na którym ukazał się artykuł z Habari Leo o poszukiwaniach właściciela ze utamu prowadzonych przez policję. | 0.17415 | -2.34375 | -0.210938 | -0.226563 |
Deeper, deeper, Jin-seok! | Dalam lagi, dalam lagi, Jin-seok! | 0.11798 | -0.617188 | 1.796875 | 0.644531 |
The dog ran after the cat. | Pes honil kočku. | 0.20199 | -0.585938 | 1.914063 | -0.632813 |
- This is yours here, right? | Ini kau punya, kan? | 0.16328 | -0.988281 | 1.898438 | 0.073242 |
They would lose 40 percent of their land and be surrounded, so they would lose free access to the rest of the West Bank. | Ils allaient perdre le 40 pour cent de leur terre et être encerclés, de façon qu'ils perderaient l'accès libre au reste de la Cisjordanie. | 0.11914 | 0.328125 | 0.507813 | -1.914063 |
This is some brief footage Eva took: | Hier zijn wat beelden die Eva heeft gemaakt: | 0.21173 | -0.730469 | 1.789063 | 0.044189 |
Q: Your organisation works in 10 countries in Southern Africa. | V: Jullie organisatie is in 10 landen in zuidelijk Afrika actief. | 0.04027 | 0.251953 | 0.863281 | 0.625 |
Until the surviving bomber was found, Boston was reduced to a ghost town. | Até o bombista, que sobreviveu, ter sido encontrado, Boston ficou reduzida a uma cidade fantasma. | 0.14567 | -0.099121 | 0.882813 | -1.476563 |
I think I should leave. | Νομίζω πως πρέπει να φύγω τώρα. | 0.14976 | -0.675781 | 1.945313 | -1.203125 |
However, some netizens blamed greater numbers of automobiles as the main reason for the air pollution. | Kanefa, ny sasany amin'ireo mpiserasera no nanatsiny ireo mpamily fiara ho antony iray lehibe miteraka fahalotoan'ny rivotra. | 0.16407 | 1.265625 | -0.445313 | -1.570313 |
I didn't expect you to turn up here. | Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que vous vous montriez ici. | 0.13517 | -0.230469 | 1.773438 | -1.09375 |
Tilman and I take a ride across the city to the press service. | Через весь город едем с Тильманом в пресс-службу. | 0.1616 | -1.335938 | 1.453125 | 0.585938 |
Their goal is to get youth around the world involved in discussions about development, and especially food and climate justice. | Нивна цел е да ги поттикнат младите ширум светот да се вклучат во дебати поврзани со развојот, и особено во дебати кои се однесуваат на безбедноста на храната и климатската правда. | 0.16265 | 1.445313 | -0.423828 | 1.632813 |
And then finally you're able to get that structure out. | Dhe në fund e nxjerrim strukturën. | 0.23402 | -0.220703 | 1.367188 | 0.777344 |
But those that believe and work righteous deeds, they are the best of creatures. | ئىمان ئېيتقان ۋە ياخشى ئەمەللەرنى قىلغانلار - ئەنە شۇلار مەخلۇقاتلارنىڭ ياخشىسىدۇر | 0.23543 | 0.235352 | 1.015625 | 1.367188 |
If you look at the scene, Egypt, for 30 years, had been in a downhill -- going into a downhill. | यदि आप इजिप्त कि स्थिति देखें तो यह 30 वर्षों से बहोत ही बुरी स्थिति में था और इसका पतन हो रहा था | | 0.2299 | -0.792969 | 1.03125 | -1.34375 |
Do you like it? | -Kau suka ini? | 0.22108 | -0.664063 | 1.960938 | 0.632813 |
The reason why it's happening so fast is because of mobile collaboration. | Deje sa to tak rýchlo, vďaka mobilnej spolupráci. | 0.18828 | 0.261719 | 0.613281 | 0.945313 |
Sleek, hand - hewed cedar canoes full of men and women, sometimes dressed in the finest sealskin robes, swarmed out to greet each trading ship. | Ku každej obchodnej lodi sa prihnali štíhle, ručne tesané, cédrové kanoe plné mužov a žien, často oblečených do najjemnejších tuleních kožuchov. | 0.22027 | 0.738281 | 0.139648 | 0.695313 |
Give Greece a chance | Demos a Grecia una oportunidad | 0.14156 | 0.135742 | 1.78125 | 1.125 |
[ Box on page 23] | [ Papildmateriāls 23. lpp.] | 0.21201 | -0.216797 | 1.914063 | 0.020508 |
Unlike the eurozone and the United Kingdom, where a double-dip recession is already under way, owing to front-loaded fiscal austerity, the US has prevented some household deleveraging through even more public-sector releveraging – that is, by stealing some growth from the future. | Anders dan in de eurozone en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, waar een W-vormige recessie ('double dip') door de grote bezuinigingsoperaties al onderweg is, hebben de Verenigde Staten de schuldenafbouw van de huishoudens ietwat weten te verzachten door nog meer staatsschuld op te bouwen – dwz door wat groei 'van de toekomst te stelen.' | 0.14822 | 0.605469 | -1.421875 | -0.746094 |
This beetle can detect a forest fire at 80 kilometers away. | Оваа бубачка може да насети пожар на оддалеченост од 80 км. | 0.13864 | 1.195313 | 1.242188 | -0.070801 |
You are not at all wrong. | No están equivocados del todo. | 0.21951 | 0.177734 | 1.90625 | 0.206055 |
In fact, they're a ton of fun. | Itse asiassa ne ovat todella hauskoja. | 0.16882 | 0.490234 | 1.882813 | 1.289063 |
An Ethiopian woman named Derartu Tulu turns up at the starting line. | Una dona etíop, la Derartu Tulu, es presenta a la línia de sortida. | 0.16289 | -0.8125 | 0.960938 | 0.174805 |
These modulated waves carry all the variations and tones of the music produced in the studio. | Disse modulerede bølger kan bære alle toner og nuancer i den musik der kommer fra radiostudiet. | 0.16335 | -1 | 0.12793 | 0.828125 |
It's had no serious rivals. | Tidak memiliki saingan yang serius. | 0.0991 | -0.061523 | 1.71875 | 0.062256 |
Will, can I... I... can I... | Уилл, можно... я... можно я... | 0.05905 | -1 | 1.914063 | 0.333984 |
How long does it usually take for us to forgive each other? | معمولاً چه مدت طول میکشد تا یکدیگر را ببخشیم ؟ | 0.13833 | 1.421875 | 1.148438 | -0.357422 |
While evaluations have been finished, the selection process of proposals for funding is still going on. | Ocena wniosków zakończyła się, natomiast wciąż trwa proces selekcji wniosków dotyczących finansowania. | 0.14562 | -1.125 | -0.333984 | 0.382813 |
"What is it, Guendalina?" | -Zer nahi duzu, Guendalina? | 0.15065 | -0.075684 | 1.882813 | -0.219727 |
Tom currently lives with his uncle. | Tomas šiuo metu gyvena su savo dėde. | 0.06797 | -0.964844 | 1.492188 | 0.198242 |
Finally, Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Langen warmly for his report, which, although geared more towards a specific sector, is a valuable contribution. | Finalmente, Senhor Presidente, uma palavra para agradecer vivamente ao senhor deputado Langen pelo seu relatório, cujo objecto é mais sectorial, mas que não é menos importante como contributo. | 0.11367 | 0.236328 | -0.878906 | 2.109375 |
Can't set PAM_RHOST=%s | Nuk arrij të vendos PAM_RHOST=%s | 0.05779 | -0.75 | 1.78125 | -0.789063 |
Whether to draw the Marcus Bains Line (line at current time) in the calendar | શું માર્કસ બેઈન્સ લીટી (વર્તમાન સમયમાં લીટી) કેલેન્ડરમાં દોરવી | 0.16388 | -0.519531 | 1.195313 | 0.164063 |
- Kjetil! | - Kjetil? | 0.1167 | -0.632813 | -0.925781 | 0.589844 |
And whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is Allah 's ; He forgives whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases ; and Allah is Forgiving , Merciful . | Göylərdə və yerdə olanlar Allaha məxsusdur . O , istədiyini bağışlar , istədiyinə isə əzab verər . Əlbəttə , Allah bağışlayandır , rəhm edəndir ! | 0.14338 | 0.738281 | -0.363281 | 0.855469 |
Dream-walker. | Kẻ du hành giấc mơ. | 0.2357 | -0.036865 | -1.179688 | 0.482422 |
Not only does Vietnam remain on the list of 10 countries with the fastest growth of Facebook users, Facebook marketing is enjoying a boom in this country with Facebook marketing agencies mushrooming all over Internet. | 베트남이 페이스북 사용자가 가장 급속히 늘어나고 있는 10개 국가 안에 속할 뿐만 아니라 베트남 내에 페이스북 홍보회사들이 기하급수적으로 늘어나는 등 페이스북 마케팅 붐이 일고 있는 추세라는 것이다. | 0.13593 | -0.785156 | -1.25 | 2.0625 |
The first is redistribution markets. | Il primo gruppo è quello dei mercati di ridistribuzione. | 0.14612 | -0.039307 | 0.921875 | 0.130859 |
The train is 30 minutes overdue. | Trenul are întârziere 30 de minute. | 0.07668 | 0.609375 | 1.851563 | -1.234375 |
- This is a project for science class. | - Това е проект за часа по науки. | 0.11815 | 2.21875 | 1.742188 | 0.742188 |
Consider the jobs we would create for the poor natives of the Congo. | Mempertimbangkan pekerjaan yang kita akan tawarkan untuk orang asli Congo yang miskin. | 0.15996 | 0.582031 | 0.863281 | 0.183594 |
And there's a story: Jim Tulles, one of the guys I trained -- I said, "Jim, it's time now. | Mais uma história: eu disse a Jim Tulles, um dos homens que ensinei: "Jim, está na altura. | 0.14325 | -0.507813 | 1.53125 | 0.353516 |
Do you accept credit cards? | Δέχεστε πιστωτική κάρτα; | 0.20085 | 0.384766 | 1.835938 | 0.064453 |
So I just published a book about introversion, and it took me about seven years to write. | Тийм болохоор би интровертийн тухай ном бичсэн. Үүнд би 7 жил зарцуулсан. | 0.19123 | -0.241211 | 0.667969 | -0.335938 |
In sparsely populated countries with few or no railways, most notably America and Australia, enormous road freight vehicles have developed, so-called road trains or rigs. | Mazapdzīvotās valstīs, kurās ir maz dzelzceļu vai to nav nemaz, galvenokārt Amerikā un Austrālijā, ir radīti milzīgi kravas transportlīdzekļi, t. s. autovilcieni. | 0.09828 | 1.007813 | -1.25 | 0.083008 |
And more importantly, you don't actually see what gets edited out. | და რაც უფრო მნიშვნელოვანია, თქვენ ვერც კი ხედავთ, რა წაიშალა. | 0.1682 | 0.195313 | 0.628906 | -1.125 |
If he saves the maximum legal amount, his retirement income goes up, but he's unhappy because now he has less money on the left-hand side to spend today. | თუკი ის ნებადართულ მაქსიმუმს დაზოგავს დღეს, მისი საპენსიო შემოსავლებიც გაიზრდება, მაგრამ ეს არ მოსწონს, იმიტომ, რომ დღეს სახარჯად ნაკლები ფული რჩება - მარცხენა მხარეს. | 0.21401 | 0.910156 | -0.205078 | -0.808594 |
I remember when I was a kid, giving presentations in school, I would have my notes on a piece of paper, and I would put a notebook behind the paper so that people wouldn't be able to see the paper quivering. | मला आठवतं, लहानपणी शाळेत वर्गासमोर बोलताना मी माझे मुद्दे एका कागदावर लिहीत असे, आणि त्या कागदामागे एक वही धरत असे. थरथरणारा कागद कोणाच्या लक्षात येऊ नये, म्हणून. | 0.18528 | 0.239258 | -0.151367 | -0.326172 |
I even took courses at a Jesuit university, and once I attended a three - day seminar taught by a bishop. | Lankiau netgi kursus Jėzuitų universitete, o kartą dalyvavau trijų dienų seminare, kurį vedė vienas vyskupas. | 0.09771 | 0.257813 | -0.06543 | 0.523438 |
Brazil: A Glance at Campus Party Brazil in Pictures · Global Voices | Бразил: Приказ на Campus Party - Бразил преку фотографии | 0.20857 | -1.09375 | 0.824219 | 0.800781 |