27 values
Chernobyl disaster
The operators of the stricken Fukushima I nuclear power plant in northeast Japan have been ordered to pay compensation to families affected by the ongoing crisis at the site, amid calls for the resignation of the Japanese prime minister over how he is handling the crisis, which has now been designated on par with the
in 1986.
Japanese nuclear plant operators ordered to compensate affected families amid calls for prime minister to resign
April 16, 2011
guerra de Osetia del Sur con Georgia en agosto de 2008
Estas son las primeras elecciones que se celebran desde la
. Actualmente sólo Nicaragua y Rusia lo han reconocido oficialmente como un Estado independiente.
Osetia del Sur celebra elecciones parlamentarias
1 de junio de 2009
Scrive: «"Ve ne sarete accorti. Ogni giorno esce una notizia di distrazione di massa. Contrada, la legge sull’aborto, il Papa alla Sapienza. Le prime pagine dei giornali sono solo per loro. I giornalisti servi discutono solo di aria fritta. Sono titoli di copertura, nascondono la realtà. Servono per lavorare nell’ombra. Per evitare ogni cambiamento. Come è avvenuto dopo l’omicidio Moro nel 1978, dopo le stragi di
e di via D'Amelio nel 1992 con le morti di Falcone e Borsellino. In seguito sono diventati presidenti del Consiglio i prescritti Andreotti e Berlusconi"».
Beppe Grillo lancia la sfida politica
24 gennaio 2008
Korean War
The meeting lasted roughly two hours. It was the second major meeting between Moon and Kim in as many months. In April, they met to discuss denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and plans for a formal peace treaty to replace the cease-fire that ended the
on July 27, 1953, a measure that would require involving the US and China.
Korean leaders Moon and Kim meet days after NK-US summit cancellation
May 28, 2018
mistrzostwach świata w 2002 roku
29 listopada 2020 zmarł Papa Bouba Diop, były piłkarz reprezentacji Senegalu, z którą grał na
w Korei Południowej i Japonii.
Zmarł Papa Boupa Diop
28 grudnia 2020
Brasilian GP
Britti Lewis Hamilton on voittanut Formula 1:n maailmanmestaruuden. Hamilton sijoittui viimeisessä
:ssä viidenneksi, mikä riitti mestaruuteen siitä huolimatta, että hänen pahin vastustajansa, brasilialainen Felipe Massa, voitti kilpailun. Kimi Räikkönen oli kisan kolmas.
Hamilton voitti F1-mestaruuden
3. marraskuuta 2008
Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA Francia 2019
Este martes, 2 de julio, la selección de Estados Unidos ha ganado por 1-2 a Inglaterra siendo la primera selección clasificada para la final de la
que se disputará el próximo domingo, 7 de julio, en el Parc Olympique Lyonnais. La selección de Inglaterra se enfrentará a la que pierda la segunda semifinal (Países Bajos-Suecia) en el partido por el tercer puesto, un día antes de la final en el Allianz Riviera. La selección de Estados Unidos ha logrado llegar a su quinta final en un Mundial, la tercera consecutiva y en todos los Mundiales ha llegado al menos a las semifinales. El partido se disputó en el Parc Olympique Lyonnais ante espectadores y la árbitra principal fue la brasileña Edina Batista Alves.
Estados Unidos es finalista del Mundial Femenino de Fútbol por tercera vez consecutiva tras ganar a Inglaterra por 1 a 2
2 de julio de 2019
As vítimas da grande violação dos direitos humanos cometida contra a população da Ucrânia, durante o
foram lembradas, na última semana, no Congresso Nacional Brasileiro.
Holocausto Ucraniano é lembrado no Congresso Nacional
24 de setembro de 2007
bombardementen op Hamburg
Heckscher werd in 1937 in het uiterste noorden in de stad Flensburg () geboren en groeide op in . Hij werd bekend van het Duitse popprogramma "ZDF-Hitparade" dat hij 183 keer presenteerde in de periode van 1969 tot 1984. Hij werd bekend als "Schnellsprecher der Nation" ("snelspreker van het land"), ondanks dat hij door de
in de begon met stotteren. Hij wilde eerst schlagerzanger worden en leerde door het zangonderwijs het stotteren weer de baas te worden.
Duitse showmaster en schlagerzanger Dieter Thomas Heck (80) overleden
25 augustus 2018
A large part of the deficit is attributed to Hurricanes
and Rita.
US trade deficit hits new record
November 11, 2005
Rat za Kosovo
((Beta) -
i Radovan Karadžić se pominju u tekstu na 1.518 stranica čiji je autor masovni ubica iz omladinskog kampa u Norveškoj, osumnjičen i za bombaški napad u petak u Oslu.
Masovni ubica koristio dum-dum metke
24. јул 2011.
2004 Eurovision Song Contest
First becoming famous in her native Ukraine in the 1990s, long-haired self-described "Amazon" Ruslana gained international recognition for winning the
with her song "Wild Dances," inspired by the musical traditions of the Hutsul people of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains.
Eurovision '04 winner Ruslana discusses her paths as singer, spokesmodel, stateswoman and source of inspiration
March 30, 2009
вођа револуције
(Beta) - Председник Кубе Раул Кастро изабран је у уторак за првог секретара кубанске Комунистичке партије, док његов старији брат и
Фидел Кастро није у вођству партије први пут од њеног настанка пре 46 година.
Кубански комунисти изабрали стару генерацију
19. април 2011.
World Cup
Australia have defeated Sri Lanka by 53 runs (DL method) in the Final of the
at the Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados, giving them their third successive title.
Australia defeats Sri Lanka in 2007 Cricket World Cup Final
April 28, 2007
Estados Unidos
Además, se investiga la próxima Copa América, que se celebrará en
en 2016, la cual pudo haber sido utilizada como vehículo para la obtención de ganancias ilícitas por parte de varios directivos, según fuentes de la investigación.
Autoridades suizas detienen a altos cargos de la FIFA por corrupción
29 de mayo de 2015
Australian telecommunications giant Telstra has announced that it will be offering a rebate to those customers who placed calls to the United Kingdom to check on relatives in the wake of the recent
. Of the approximately 700 people wounded in the attacks, only 7 were Australians, however there are many more Aussies spread throughout England and Europe at any time.
Australian telecomms firm Telstra offers rebates to those affected by bombings
July 13, 2005
Hurricane Katrina
Nagin, 49, was first elected in 2002 on a platform of fighting government corruption, but he has since become better known for leading the recovery effort in New Orleans after
. At the same time, he has come under criticism for certain remarks, such as asserting that New Orleans would remain a "chocolate city" with an African-American majority.
Nagin, Landrieu advance to runoff in New Orleans mayoral election
April 23, 2006
2012 Democratic National Convention
In this month's edition on the campaign trail: "Wikinews" chronicles three of the lesser-known speakers at the
, a controversial pastor and write-in candidate talks to "Wikinews" about the unrest in the Middle East, and the ballot-qualified American Third Position Party (A3P) presidential nominee travels to Iran to meet President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
On the campaign trail, September 2012
October 9, 2012
Meanwhile, John Michael McConnell, the United States Director of National Intelligence, indirectly implicated LeT. In a speech at Harvard University, he said that the same group responsible for the 2006 Mumbai train bombings was behind last week's attacks. LeT has also been blamed for the
on the Parliament of India in late 2001
Lashkar-e-Toiba implicated in Mumbai attacks
December 4, 2008
терористичких напада на САД
Дерек Фентон, 40-годишњи надзорник у транзитном систему државе Њу Џерси, запалио је три странице свете исламске књиге 11. септембра прошле године, на девету годишњицу
. На тај начин желео је да изрази протест због плана да се муслимански културни центра и џамија изграде две улице од места на коме су некад стајале Куле близнакиње Светског трговинског центра.
Слобода изражавања на делу
24. април 2011.
morte di George Floyd
La NASCAR ha ufficialmente vietato l'uso della bandiera degli Stati Confederati d'America agli eventi. La categoria automobilistica statunitense, una delle più seguite nel paese, ha preso la decisione alla luce dei recenti avvenimenti che sono seguiti alla
lo scorso 27 maggio. La decisione è arrivata cinque anni dopo il divieto ai fan di sventolare bandiere durante le giornate di gara e due giorni dopo le dichiarazioni del pilota Bubba Wallace, in cui sosteneva che la bandiera confederata fosse da vietare.
La NASCAR vieta la bandiera degli Stati Confederati d'America
11 giugno 2020
НАТО бомбардовања
Република Србија је након
1999. године потписала декларацију којом се дозвоља Уједињеним нацијама да привремено управљају њеном јужном покрајином. Резолуција 1244 између осталог гарантује и суверенитет Србије. 17. фебруара 2008. органи привремене самоуправе на Косову и Метохији, уз политичку и организациону подршку ЕУ и САД, донели су једнострану одлуку о проглашењу независности Косова и Метохије од Србије.
Јордан признао независно Косово
8. јул 2009.
Paralímpicos de 2016
Vinícius y Tom son los nombres elegidos para las mascotas de los Juegos Olímpicos y
, que se celebrarán en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Recibieron 323 mil votos, el 44% del total.
Las mascotas de los Juegos Olimpicos de 2016 se nombran Vinícius y Tom
16 de diciembre de 2014
Völkermord an den Armeniern
In seinem Heimatland ist Orhan Pamuk sehr umstritten, da er Kritik an der türkischen Haltung zu dem
während des Ersten Weltkrieges geäußert hatte und sich deshalb 2005 vor Gericht wegen „Öffentlicher Herabsetzung des Türkentums“ verantworten musste. In einem Interview mit dem Tages-Anzeiger, einer überregionalen Tageszeitung, die in Zürich aufgelegt wird, hatte er zu dem Völkermord an den Armeniern Stellung genommen: „Man hat hier 30.000 Kurden umgebracht und eine Million Armenier. Und fast niemand traut sich, das zu erwähnen. Also mache ich es. Und dafür hassen sie mich.“ Das Gerichtsverfahren hatte europaweit für Aufsehen gesorgt, drohte dem Autor doch eine mehrjährige Haftstrafe. Pamuk stellte den Prozess selbst in den Zusammenhang der Aufnahme der Türkei in die Europäische Union und sprach in diesem Zusammenhang von einer neuen Dimension: „Und diese Dimension bedeutet, dass in der Türkei die Freiheit des Gedankens und des Wortes herrschen muss, und dass die Menschenrechte gelten müssen.“ Der von der Europäischen Union kritisierte Prozess wurde Anfang 2006 eingestellt.
Orhan Pamuk erhält Literaturnobelpreis 2006
previous Grand Prix
Vettel's teammate and winner of the
Mark Webber came second and the current season champion Jenson Button won the third place on the podium for Brawn GP after pushing Webber very hard on the dying laps of the race with a gap of about half a second at the finish line.
Germany wins 2009 Race of Champions in Beijing, Sebastian Vettel wins 2009 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
November 8, 2009
Islamistischer Terroranschlag in Belgien
Sind jetzt Atomkraftwerke das Ziel von Terroristen?
On Sunday, London-based football club Arsenal, winners of the 2015 FA Cup, defeated 2015 Premier League Champions Chelsea 1–0 in the
Community Shield trophy which was played in the Wembley Stadium.
Arsenal defeats Chelsea 1-0 to win Community Shield 2015
August 4, 2015
Vandaag wordt herdacht dat 36 jaar geleden, in de nacht van 7 op 8 december 1982, vijftien tegenstanders van werden vermoord. De herdenkingen vinden in Nederland en Suriname plaats. Bouterse was tijdens de moorden legerleider en had twee jaar eerder met de
de macht over naar zich toegetrokken. Sinds 2010 is hij gekozen president van Suriname.
Herdenking van de decembermoorden, 36 jaar geleden
8 december 2018
Convenção Nacional Republicana de 2008
George W. Bush, presidente dos Estados Unidos, disse que ele não irá participar na
, devido ao Furacão Gustav.
Bush sai da convenção republicana para acompanhar Gustav
1 de setembro de 2008
Columbine High School shooting massacre
Two Long Island, New York teenagers, aged 15 and 17, have been charged for their alleged involvement in a suspected plot to attack their school next April, on the ninth anniversary of the
Two teenagers charged in alleged school attack plot
July 14, 2007
Сталинградской битвы
Однако накануне премьеры у фильма спешно было отозвано прокатное удостоверение по требованию Общественного совета при министерстве культуры якобы из-за совпадения с празднованием 75-й годовщины окончания
Пионер оштрафовали за Сталина два раза
23 февраля 2018
событиях у вильнюсского телецентра
Следственный комитет России возбудил уголовное дело против литовских прокуроров и судей, ведущих процесс по делу о
13 января 1991 года. Тогда в результате попытки со стороны Москвы подавления мирного митинга сторонников независимости Литовской Республики погибли 14 человек и более 700 получили ранения.
СК России возбудил уголовное дело против литовских судей и прокуроров, расследующих события в Вильнюсе 1991 года
29 июля 2018
Bosnian War
, otherwise known as "The Butcher of Bosnia," has been arrested after being sought for over a decade. The 69-year-old former Serbian general and war crimes suspect was arrested on May 26 by Serbian special police in Lazarevo, Serbia. Mladić was accused of war crimes shortly after the 1992–1995
. He was wanted for genocide and crimes against humanity, including the orchestration of a massacre of over 8000 Muslim Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica.
Ratko Mladić arrested for war crimes
May 28, 2011
zilveren medaille uit 2008
De Duitse speerwerpster Christina Obergföll rondde haar sportcarrière als speerwerpster in 2016 af tijdens het Internationales Stadionfest in Berlijn. Op 24 augustus aanstaande zal ze echter nog met terugwerkende kracht de
van de Olympische Spelen in Peking ontvangen. Dat deelde het Duitse Olympische Comité mee.
Christina Obergföll wint alsnog zilver op de Olympische Spelen van 2008
14 augustus 2019
Избацивањење лаве вулкана Ејафјајајокул
, такође на Исланду, у априлу 2010. године је проузроковало блокаду авио-саобраћаја када је због вулканске прашине отказано 100.000 летова, а осам милиона путника је било спречено да дође на своје одредиште.
Пепео из Гримсветена може захватити и Британију
23. мај 2011.
Европском првенству у Литванији
(Beta) - Кошаркашка репрезентација Србије победом је почела такмичење на
, пошто је у среду у граду Шјауљај победила Италију са 80:68 (10:18, 25:11, 22:24, 23:15).
Кошаркаши Србије победили Италију
31. август 2011.
mass shooting in Christchurch
An Australian, Brenton Tarrant, aged 28, appeared in Christchurch District Court, New Zealand yesterday, charged with one count of murder pertaining to a
on Friday, which caused the death of at least 50 people. Judge Paul Kellar ordered the accused remain in custody until his next court appearance on April 5.
New Zealand mosque murder suspect appears in court at Christchurch
March 17, 2019
All five of the alleged
conspirators, including the self-professed ringleader and mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, have withdrawn their offer of guilty pleas after questions were raised on whether by pleading guilty they can receive the death penalty.
Alleged 9-11 conspirators withdraw offer of guilty pleas
December 10, 2008
российско-грузинской войны
Спустя десять лет после
, восстановление территориальной целостности Грузии остаётся одним из самых актуальных вопросов, которые волнуют население страны. Тбилисский корреспондент Русской службы «Голоса Америки» Нестан Чарквиани попросила президента Республики Грузия Георгия Маргвелашвили рассказать о том, что изменилось за прошедшие годы.
Президент Грузии Георгий Маргвелашвили об отношениях с США, НАТО и российской угрозе
5 августа 2018
Lunedì il ministro Maurizio Lupi si era dimesso proprio in seguito alle pressioni politiche seguite alle indagini giudiziarie che hanno coinvolto il ministero da lui guidato, a causa delle tangenti pagate dagli imprenditori per corrompere i dirigenti statali responsabili delle grandi opere, cioè MOSE,
e TAV.
Incalza resta in carcere dopo le dimissioni del ministro Lupi
26 marzo 2015
Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016
Frankreich wird die
ausrichten. Das gab die UEFA bekannt. Frankreich setzte sich gegen Mitbewerber Italien und Türkei durch. Frankreichs Regierung will 1,7 Milliarden Euro in den Bau und Ausbau der zwölf Spielstätten und der Infrastruktur investieren. Gespielt wird in Bordeaux, Lens, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nizza, Paris, St-Denis, St-Etienne, Straßburg, Toulouse und Nancy. Die Stadien in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon und Nizza sollen neugebaut werden.
Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016 findet in Frankreich statt
ongoing war
Sadr City is a predominantly Shiite Muslim-populated area located in Eastern Baghdad, and is home to about two and a half million people. It has been the target of a series of attacks by suspected Sunni insurgents. In November 2006, five car bombings killed 215 people in the city in one of the most deadly attacks in the
At least 41 killed in bombings in Iraq
April 29, 2009
Copa América de 2015
Fred esteve no elenco da seleção que disputou a
, no Chile, quando o time foi desclassificado pelo Paraguai nas quartas-de-final.
Confira o perfil dos brasileiros convocados para a Copa do Mundo
14 de maio de 2018
korejskou válku
Sungnjemun, která byla často nazývána také Namdaemun ("Velká jižní brána"), byla postavena v roce 1398 za vlády dynastie Čo-sunů a dlouhou dobu sloužila jako hlavní vstup do Soulu, který se tehdy stal hlavním městem Koreje. V roce 1447 byla přebudována a často byla rekonstruována, nicméně některé pilíře stále pocházely z původní stavby. Jako jedna z mála soulských památek přežila japonskou okupaci v letech 1910-45 a
v letech 1950-53. V roce 1962 byla prohlášena za hlavní národní poklad a v roce 2006 zpřístupněna veřejnosti. Byla to nejstarší dřevěná stavba v Soulu.
Vzácná dřevěná brána v Soulu lehla popelem
11. únor 2008
64-я церемония вручения
23 сентября 2012 года в Nokia Theatre в Лос-Анджелесе состоялась
Прайм-тайм премии «Эмми».
В Лос-Анджелесе в 64 раз вручили премию «Эмми»
24 сентября 2012
Alle 96 Passagiere der Tupolew Tu-154, darunter viele hochrangige Vertreter des öffentlichen Lebens Polens, waren bei dem Absturz ums Leben gekommen. Die polnische Delegation war auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen polnisch-russischen Gedenkfeier in Katyn (20 Kilometer westlich von Smolensk in Westrussland gelegen), wo während des 2. Weltkriegs ein
der sowjetischen Armee an 22.000 Polen verübt worden war.
Abschlussbericht zum Flugzeugabsturz der Maschine des polnischen Präsidenten Kaczyński vorgelegt
Expo 2015
Il prof. Franzini si era sempre opposto in Senato Accademico a tutte le delibere relative allo spostamento dell'Università in area
. Nella campagna elettorale era stato fortemente sostenuto dai dipendenti e dagli studenti contrari al trasferimento ed era stato eletto a sorpresa per pochi voti di scarto. Il suo programma prevedeva di non perdere il finanziamento statale di 138 milioni di euro per il trasferimento utilizzandolo per i dipartimenti che non si erano opposti come Chimica, Biologia, Agraria, Farmacia, Biotecnologie, Medicina, Scienze della Terra e di consentire ai dipartimenti che si erano opposti come Matematica, Informatica di rimanere a Città Studi.
Il nuovo rettore della Università Statale di Milano prevede di mantenere a Città Studi un polo di dipartimenti scientifici
11 febbraio 2019
Eurovision Song Contest 2017
Le autorità ucraine hanno vietato l'ingresso per tre anni nel territorio ucraino a Julija Samojlova, scelta dalla rete televisiva pubblica russa "Channel One" per rappresentare il relativo Stato all'
; la decisione è stata presa in quanto nel 2015 la cantante si sarebbe esibita, secondo le autorità locali, in Crimea entrando dal territorio russo e senza le autorizzazioni necessarie da parte delle autorità ucraine.
Negato l'ingresso in Ucraina a Julija Samojlova
22 marzo 2017
чемпионат мира
Сборная России по хоккею с шайбой неудачно начала домашний
, проиграв в первом матче сборной Чехии со счётом 0:3. Встреча проходила 6 мая в Москве, в комплексе «ВТБ Ледовый дворец».
На ЧМ-2016 сборная России по хоккею проиграла свой первый матч
7 мая 2016
Coordinated terrorist attack hits London
Brian: We got great cooperation on some big stories like the UK attacks, did big media notice? (Major explosions at UK oil depot,
Interview with Sue Gardner of the Wikimedia Foundation
October 24, 2007
Sobre las representaciones nacionales seleccionadas, se tuvieron en cuenta los progresos de cada equipo en los dos últimos mundiales (1998 y
) y los promedios en la Tabla de Clasificación del ente rector del fútbol durante los tres últimos años.
La FIFA designa las ocho cabezas de serie para el sorteo de los grupos del Mundial de 2006
6 de diciembre de 2005
присоединением Австрии к Третьему Рейху
Напомним, что предпосылкой к увольнению послужила статья А. Б. Зубова, опубликованная в газете «Ведомости» 1 марта 2014 года под заголовком «Это уже было» и вызвавшая большой общественный резонанс. В ней автор подверг критике действия российских властей в Крыму и сравнил их с
в 1938 году.
Профессор Зубов восстановлен в должности
11 апреля 2014
in 2000
This semifinal victory advances the Gliders into the final, where they are to meet the winner of the day's match between the Netherlands and Germany. They are guaranteed at least silver. The Gliders won silver in Sydney
and Athens in 2004 and bronze in Beijing in 2008, but have never won the gold. The USA team is to meet the loser of that match to contest the bronze.
Gliders defeat USA in 2012 Paralympic semifinals
September 8, 2012
Cerkiew została zbudowana w roku 1998 na ziemiach należących do Faty Orlović, muzułmanki, która razem z rodziną została wysiedlona z tamtych terenów w czasie bałkańskiej wojny domowej. Większość jej rodziny zginęło w
, 20 kilometrów od Konjevic Polje. W 2019 roku Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka zarządził rozbiórkę kościoła oraz odszkodowanie w wysokości 31 tysięcy euro (około 140 tysięcy złotych) dla rodziny. Córka Faty, Hurija Karić, stwierdziła w wywiadzie, że ta rozbiórka to „zwycięstwo dla jej matki, dla jej rodziny i dla całej Bośni i Hercegowiny”.
Rozebrano nielegalnie zbudowaną cerkiew w Bośni i Hercegowinie
6 czerwca 2021
Πόλεμο της Κορέας
Ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ γεννήθηκε στις 5 Αυγούστου 1930 στο Οχάιο. Πριν γίνει αστροναύτης, ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ πολέμησε ως πιλότος μαχητικού αεροσκάφους στον
. Κατά τη διάρκεια της αποστολής του Απόλλων 11, ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ έγινε ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που πάτησε το πόδι του στη Σελήνη και έγινε γνωστός με τη φράση ().
Απεβίωσε ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ
26 Αυγούστου 2012
furacão Katrina
"Para mim, o aspecto mais atraente do Ida foi sua rápida intensificação até tocar terra. A tempestade foi muito semelhante ao furacão Opala e ao
, no sentido de que sofreram uma rápida intensificação em uma região, ou redemoinho, de águas quentes e profundas conhecidas como "Gulf Loop Current". Além de fornecer água quente como combustível, esses redemoinhos impedem a chegada de água mais fria à superfície. Esse resfriamento normalmente levaria ao enfraquecimento da tempestade ou, pelo menos, ao fim do fortalecimento. Tanto o Opala quanto o Katrina enfraqueceram antes de tocar terra, mitigando os impactos das tempestades até certo ponto, embora eles obviamente ainda fossem intensos. No Ida, o enfraquecimento próximo à costa realmente não ocorreu", disse Scott Braun, especialista em furacões no "Goddard Space Flight Center" da NASA.
Ida pode ser o 5º furacão mais forte a atingir os Estados Unidos, aponta NASA
1 de setembro de 2021
Sino-Indian War
China would set up two industrial parks in India, one in Gujarat and one in Maharashtra. The deals encompass Chinese investment of US$20 billion in infrastructure projects, modernisation of the Indian Railways, and agreements on trade, space exploration, and civil nuclear energy. China has also committed itself to opening its markets to Indian pharmaceuticals and farm products. A final settlement of the unresolved dispute over the Chinese–Indian border in the Himalayas is also to be sought; the dispute, over which the
of 1962 was fought, arises over where the border should be.
Chinese President signs multiple trade deals with India
September 18, 2014
Eurocopa 2016
La Federación Italiana de Fútbol (FIGC) anunció que presentará una candidatura para ser los organizadores del torneo de la
en el viejo continente. Según la federación, las ciudades italianas de Roma, Turín y Milán serían las principales propuestas para albergar la final del torneo, en caso que fuera seleccionado el país para realizar el evento.
Italia presentó su candidatura para la Eurocopa de 2016
30 de septiembre de 2009
death of Michael Jackson
on Thursday has caused retail demand for his songs and for memorabilia to increase.
Sales of Jackson songs and memorabilia rise after his death
June 27, 2009
2010년 아프리카 네이션스컵
토고 대표팀은 10일 앙골라에서 개최되는
에 참가하기 위해 버스로 이동하던 중이었으며, 아프리카 축구 연맹은 이번 불상사에도 불구하고, 토고 대표팀은 예정대로 대회에 참가해야 한다고 밝혔다. 하지만, 토고 대표팀의 미드필더 알라이시스 로마오는 이번 대회에 참가하지 말아야 한다고 주장하였으며, 토고 대표팀의 주장 에마뉘엘 아데바요르는 확실한 안전이 보장되지 않는다면 이 곳을 떠날 것이라고 덧붙였다.
토고 축구 국가대표팀, 앙골라에서 피격
2010년 1월 9일
2009 FIFA Confederations Cup
After being down 2–0 at halftime, Brazil defeated the United States 3–2 in the final round of the
, claiming their third FIFA Confederations Cup finals victory.
Brazil wins FIFA Confederations Cup final, defeats USA 3–2
June 29, 2009
Columbine High School massacre
Today's incident marks the highest death toll yet in US school shootings since the
in April 1999. There were 15 people shot in Jefferson County, near Littleton, Colorado, in the Columbine shooting.
Ten dead on Minnesota Indian reservation after school shooting
March 22, 2005
DS: If you were forced to choose, which war would you prefer to fight in,
or Afghanistan?
John Reed on Orwell, God, self-destruction and the future of writing
October 18, 2007
no-fly zone
The helicopters reportedly flew over Misrata, the third largest city in the country and located on the northwest coast of Libya, on Thursday and Friday, disguised as aid workers from the Red Cross to circumvent the
, which was approved unanimously by the U.N. Security Council in March. The no-fly zone aims at making it impossible for Gaddafi loyalists to perform airstrikes on the rebels.
Gaddafi loyalists allegedly using Red Cross helicopters to bomb rebel held city
May 8, 2011
Abu Ghraib prison scandal
According to the Los Angeles Times, the investigation was opened following a referral from the Senate Armed Services Committee. Captain Fishback is the first officer to make such allegations publicly since the
came to light last year, says the newspaper, quoting an unnamed Capitol Hill aide as saying that the allegations are "very credible".
US army whistleblowers allege widespread torture of Iraqi detainees
September 24, 2005
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has ordered security forces to take firm action against rioters following the
of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. The violence has left at least 44 people dead and dozens injured. Mr. Musharraf insisted the measures were to protect people. VOA's Ayaz Gul reports from Islamabad that a bitter dispute has also erupted over how the 54-year-old politician died and who was behind her assassination.
Musharraf orders strong action against rioters in Pakistan
December 29, 2007
2016 Democratic National Convention
While receiving only minimal media coverage, he has campaigned actively, and according to the latest Federal Election Commission filing, loaned almost US$ 4 million of his own money to the campaign. He has qualified for 48 primary and caucus ballots, but has not yet obtained any delegates to the
. Thus far, according to the count at "The Green Papers", De La Fuente has received 35,406 votes, or 0.23% of the total votes cast. He leads among the many lesser-known candidates but trails both Senator Bernie Sanders who has received nearly 6.5 million votes and front-runner Hillary Clinton who has just shy of 9 million votes.
Wikinews interviews Rocky De La Fuente, U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate
March 31, 2016
оштећене нуклеарне централе Фукушима
(Beta) - Јапанска влада данас је одобрила нове рокове за санацију
, и прихватила да се за две до три године одложи уклањање употребљеног нуклеарног горива из подземних базена због комплексности операција.
Јапан одлаже демонтирање Фукушиме
12. јун 2015.
U.N. Climate Change Conference
The United Nations secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon says setting greenhouse-gas emission targets may have to wait until after the
being held in Bali.
Greenhouse-gas emission targets may come later says Ban Ki-moon
December 12, 2007
coup in 1999
General Musharraf came to power after a blood-less
by overthrowing the democratically elected government of Nawaz Sharif, charging the government with corruption.
Pakistan's judicial crisis deepens as police attack and seal private news channel
March 18, 2007
bombing of a night club
The transcript contains a list of 31 items Mohammed wholly or partially confesses to. These include alleged Al-Qaeda attacks such as the
in and the attempt by Richard Colvin Reid to use a shoe bomb to bring down a U.S. airplane. According to the document, Mohammed also confesses to planning attacks against the Panama Canal, suspension bridges in New York, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the Sears Tower, Big Ben, Heathrow Airport and more.
Transcript of 9/11 confession by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed released
March 15, 2007
China ausgetragenen Weltmeisterschaft
Ein weiterer Punkt, der für Deutschland als Austragungsort sprach, war die Möglichkeit, die Spiele in zwölf Stadien auszutragen. Ausgehend von den Zuschauerquoten der Fernsehübertragungen der dieses Jahr in
kann in Deutschland zudem mit einer großen Resonanz von Seiten der Bevölkerung ausgegangen werden. Das Finale zwischen Brasilien und Deutschland brachte der berichtenden Sendeanstalt teilweise bis zu 50 Prozent an Marktanteil ein. Laut einer Umfrage würden sich 94 Prozent der sportlich Interessierten in Deutschland eine Weltmeisterschaft im eigenen Land wünschen.
FIFA vergibt Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften nach Deutschland und Brasilien
Aún se pueden evidenciar algunos focos de resistencia del Estado Islámico pero, según las autoridades iraquíes, estos se encuentran sin municiones y arrinconados entre el río Tigris y las fuerzas iraquíes. Estos habrían intentado cruzar el río pero el ejército se los habría impedido, además de que no han lanzado más ataques suicidas. La ciudad perdió prácticamente la mitad de su población desde la ocupación del ISIS sobre todo debido al
. Todavía continúan atrapados entre tres y cuatro mil civiles en el fuego cruzado en la ciudad.
El ejército iraquí expulsa al Estado Islámico de Mosul
10 de julio de 2017
Fernando Alonso wins the
FIA Formula-1 Italian Grand Prix at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Monza, Italy, with his teammate, Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton second. The pair won the top two places of the 78th Grand Prix held in Monza, starting from the front line. This win became the first for Fernando Alonso on this track and his another hat-trick.
Fernando Alonso wins 2007 Italian Grand Prix
September 9, 2007
Pražské jaro
Uvádění Mé vlasti jako cyklu je v zahraničí neobvyklé, v Česku má tradici především jako program zahajovacího koncertu festivalu
. Letos ho provede Symfonický orchestr hlavního města Prahy FOK za řízení dirigenta Jakuba Hrůši.
Nizozemský Concertgebouworkest uvedl cyklus Má vlast
16. duben 2010
Eurovision Song Contest
On Saturday, Israel won its fourth victory, first since 1998, at the
, held at Lisbon's Altice Arena in Portugal. Netta Barzilai's song "Toy" won 529 points from public and professional judges. Cyprus and Austria finished second and third respectively with 436 and 342 points.
Netta wins Eurovision Song Contest for Israel
May 15, 2018
чемпіонат Європи з футболу 2016
У відборі до
участь візьме і збірна Гібралтару. Футбольні клуби з Гібралтару братимуть участь в єврокубках, починаючи з сезону 2014/2015 років.
Гібралтар став членом УЄФА
24 травня 2013
Das Kosovo wird von Serbien als serbische Provinz angesehen. Seit dem
vom 24. März 1999 bis zum 10. Juni 1999 steht das Kosovo unter Verwaltung der Vereinten Nationen im Rahmen der United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) - Mission. Die Europäische Union und die Vereinigten Staaten unterstützen die Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen der albanischstämmigen Bevölkerungsmehrheit im Kosovo.
Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovos am 17. Februar 2008 erwartet
Iraq War
George W. Bush, the President of the United States delivered today a speech regarding Iraq and the "global war on terror." Bush claimed that the war in Iraq had been successful. He said that "removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision — and this is a fight America can and must win." The speech marked five years since the start of the
George Bush discusses Iraq 5 years after invasion
March 19, 2008
Декларации независимости США
Двое учёных из Гарвардского университета обнаружили в Англии редкий документ — пергаментный текст
В Великобритании обнаружен редкий экземпляр Декларации независимости США
24 апреля 2017
extensive detainee abuse
Pictures of
in Abu Ghraib taken inside the prison in November 2003 had been released earlier this year. In January 2005, a United States Army court martial proceeding found Army Spc. Charles Graner guilty of abusing prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison. The jury sentenced Graner to ten years in prison. A total of nine other American soldiers were found guilty in allegations stemming from the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.
USA leaving Abu Ghraib
March 10, 2006
Canadian Grand Prix
For the first time in his career, Fernando Alonso won the FIA Formula-1
on the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on an island in the St. Lawrence River.
Fernando Alonso wins 2006 Canadian Grand Prix
June 25, 2006
İran İslam Devrimi
Yıldızın varlığı uydudan çekilen fotoğraflar sayesinde tespit edildi. İnternet arama motoru şirketi Google'ın tespit ettiği sembol 1979 yılında
'nden önce İran'da çalışan İsrailli mühendis tarafından yapıldığı bildiriliyor. Yıldızı "Siyonist sembolü" olarak adlandıran İran sitelerinde bu resmin devrimden 30 yıl sonra hâlâ mevcut olmasının ilginç olduğu bildiriliyor.
İran Havayolları'nın ana binasının çatısında bulunan Davud'un Yıldızı'nın çıkarılmasına talimat verildi
ゲームのタイトルは「sock and awe」(靴下と恐怖)。2003年の
直後、米英軍がとった「shock and awe」(衝撃と恐怖)という作戦をもじっているという。
Convention on Biological Diversity
Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, the Ethiopian government's chief scientist and its representative to the Montreal-based UN
(CBD) had his passport returned without the requested Canadian visa, and without explanation. Dr. Tewolde is Africa's chief negotiator for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
Canada denies visa for Africa's top biosafety negotiator
July 28, 2005
Revolução Cubana
Antes do encontro, o presidente Lula elogiou o presidente e demonstrou seu apreço pela
: "Eu sou da geração que é apaixonada pela revolução cubana. Eu tenho carinho especial pelo Fidel. Visito Cuba desde 1985 e eu estou torcendo para o Fidel ter uma recuperação extraordinária".
Lula se reúne com Fidel Castro
15 de janeiro de 2008
World Games 2017
W dniu 22 kwietnia 2017 roku na Stadionie Olimpijskim został rozegrany mecz futbolu amerykańskiego pomiędzy wrocławską drużyną mistrzem Polski i Europy Panthers Wrocław a austriacką drużyną Swarco Raiders Tirol. Mecz został zorganizowany na inaugurację Stadionu Olimpijskiego po trwającym w latach 2015-2017 remoncie kapitalnym przed
Mecz futbolu amerykańskiego Panthers Wrocław vs Swarco Raiders zainaugurował otwarcie Stadionu Olimpijskiego we Wrocławiu po remoncie
22 kwietnia 2017
Svetskog prvenstva u Turskoj
Kajzeri, (Beta) - Košarkaška reprezentacija plasirala se u sredu u osminu finala
, pošto je pobedila Australiju sa 94:79 (16:12, 27:25, 26:24, 25:18) u četvrtom kolu Grupe A.
Srbija pobedila Australiju, plasirala se u osminu finala
1. септембар 2010.
armenischen Genozides
Der türkische Hochschulratspräsident, Dr. Erdoğan Teziç, hat die Auszeichnung „Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur“, die ihm am 17. Juli 2004 vom französischen Präsidenten Jacques Chirac erteilt wurde, zurückgegeben. Als Grund für die Rückgabe nannte Erdoğan Teziç die Verabschiedung des Gesetzes, das die Leugnung des
unter Strafe stellt (ein Jahr Haft, 45.000 Euro Strafzahlung).
Türkischer Hochschulratspräsident gab französische Auszeichnung zurück
1991 Italian Grand Prix
Michael Schumacher began his career on
(he retired from the earlier 1991 Belgian Grand Prix).
Michael Schumacher wins Italian Grand Prix, announces plans to retire
September 10, 2006
arménské genocidy
Kostel byl uzavřen v letech 1915-1916 během
na tureckém území. Za první světové války sloužil jako německý vojenský štáb a do roku 1960 jako skladiště. Církvi byl navrácen v 60. letech 20. století. Rekonstrukce objektu, který je považován za největší svého druhu na Středním východě, trvala dva roky a byla financována z darů Arménů po celém světě.
Obnovený Surp Giragos bude opět sloužit věřícím
22. říjen 2011
was destroyed
They are checking for any damage that may have occurred during take-off – the "Columbia"
after a piece of foam falling from the external fuel tank split open a wing, allowing super-heated gas to enter the craft upon reentry, leading to its break-up.
Crew of Discovery inspect Shuttle for launch damage
July 27, 2005
Grand Prix Styrii
Wczoraj zespół poinformował, że w:Lewis Hamilton nie wystartuje w drugim wyścigu w Bahrajnie ze względu na pozytywny wynik testu na obecność koronawirusa. Niemiecka stajnia postanowiła skontaktować się z Williamsem, jako że George Russell jest od kilku lat juniorem Mercedesa. Brytyjski zespół porozumiał się z Mercedesem i Russell będzie partnerem zespołowym Valtteriego Bottasa w Grand Prix Sakhiru. Natomiast kolegą zespołowym Nicholasa Latifiego w Williamsie będzie Jack Aitken. Brytyjczyk wcześniej był kierowcą testowym i rezerwowym w zespole Renault, a od kilku miesięcy związany jest z Williamsem. Kierowca jeździł w pierwszej sesji treningowej przed
, przejmując kokpit od George'a Russella.
Russell za Hamiltona, Aitken za Russella w Grand Prix Sakhiru
2 grudnia 2020
Copa Asiática 2015
El combinado palestino nunca ha clasificado a un mundial de la FIFA, pero sí está en la ronda final de la
, donde compartirá grupo con Jordania, Iraq y Japón.
Maradona no será el técnico de la selección de fútbol de Palestina
2 de octubre de 2014
Eurovision Song Contest
Die schwedische Sängerin Loreen hat mit dem Song „Euphoria“ den ersten Platz beim diesjährigen
(ESC) errungen, der im aserbaidschanischen Baku ausgetragen wurde. Die 28-Jährige ist keine Unbekannte in Schweden, 2004 wurde sie Vierte bei der Castingshow „Idol“, einer schwedischen Variante von „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“, damals mit dem Künstlernamen Lorén Talhaoui. Im Jahr 2005 wurde sie Moderatorin einer schwedischen Fernsehshow. Auf Platz 2 kam die russische Gruppe Buranowskije Babuschki, die schon seit mehr als 40 Jahren besteht. Die sechs Sängerinnen traten zu ihrem Lied „Party For Everybody“ als russische Großmütter verkleidet auf, die älteste Teilnehmerin war 76 Jahre alt.
„It is good to have a choice“ – Schweden ist Sieger beim Eurovision Song Contest in Aserbaidschan
Copa América Centenario
En un resultado sorpresivo y con gol polémico por ser convertido con la mano, Perú eliminó a Brasil de la
. El tanto de la polémica fue convertido por Raúl Ruidíaz. El estadio fue el Gillete de Foxborough, Massachusetts.
Perú derrota a Brasil por la mínima diferencia en la Copa América Centenario y lo elimina
13 de junio de 2016
, el 12o. sistema tropical de la temporada -contando depresiones, tomentas y huracanes-, se convirtió en huracán para el informe de las 17:00 hora local, con vientos de Categoría 1 (más de 74 mph ó 119 km/h). A las 17:00 el centro del Huracán Katrina estaba en latitud 26,1 Norte, longitud 79,9 Oeste, a unas 15 millas al Este-Noreste de Fort Lauderdale y a 25 millas al Este-Sureste de Boca Ratón, Florida. Katrina se está moviendo hacia el oeste a 6 millas por hora. Se espera que este movimiento continúe con mayor lentitud en las próximas 24 horas. A esta velocidad y trayectoria, el centro estaría en la costa de la Florida más tarde en la noche.
El huracán Katrina amenaza la Florida
25 de agosto de 2005
Hurricane Katrina
This is not the first time that the Bush administration has come under fire for planting reporters at press conferences. In February of 2005, White House reporter Jeff Gannon was accused of being planted to ask softball questions to President Bush. FEMA itself had earlier undergone criticism during
for using disaster workers for public relations in 2005.
FEMA employees pose as fake reporters during press conference
October 26, 2007