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2 classes
Biomicroscopy revealed amiodarone corneal deposits.
CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual "shining," glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.
CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual "shining," glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.
CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual "shining," glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.
CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual "shining," glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.
Visual changes secondary to initiation of amiodarone: a case report and review involving ocular management in cardiac polypharmacy.
While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.
While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.
While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.
While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.
Infant twins sustained severe circumoral and pharyngeal burns from a concentrated solution of benzalkonium (Zephiran) chloride prescribed for treatment of candidiasis.
Infant twins sustained severe circumoral and pharyngeal burns from a concentrated solution of benzalkonium (Zephiran) chloride prescribed for treatment of candidiasis.
CONCLUSION: Long-term treatment with rifabutin may have a reversible and previously undescribed side-effect on retinal function.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a young boy with decreased vision possibly due to retinal damage by rifabutin.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a young boy with decreased vision possibly due to retinal damage by rifabutin.
Retinal dysfunction and anterior segment deposits in a patient treated with rifabutin.
Retinal dysfunction and anterior segment deposits in a patient treated with rifabutin.
We suggest that objective evaluation of retinal function with electrophysiological methods should be performed in patients with visual disturbance during treatment with rifabutin.
A case is presented of a patient who experienced benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation of nefazodone, an antidepressant that inhibits the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme.
A case of SIADH induced by mizoribin administration.
ADH hypersecretion in relation to plasma osmolality was reversed by mizoribin withdrawal, suggesting that bredinin might adversely induce SIADH.
ADH hypersecretion in relation to plasma osmolality was reversed by mizoribin withdrawal, suggesting that bredinin might adversely induce SIADH.
In summary, we report herein the first case of SIADH believed to be an adverse effect of mizoribin, which may therefore needed to be added to the list of drugs which can induce SIADH.
In summary, we report herein the first case of SIADH believed to be an adverse effect of mizoribin, which may therefore needed to be added to the list of drugs which can induce SIADH.
We describe a 74-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 1.5 months after commencement of mizoribin prescription when his arthritis was improved.
We describe a 74-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 1.5 months after commencement of mizoribin prescription when his arthritis was improved.
The disease-modifying drugs he was taking, cyclosporin and methotrexate, were stopped, and the lymphoma resolved spontaneously without the use of chemotherapy.
The disease-modifying drugs he was taking, cyclosporin and methotrexate, were stopped, and the lymphoma resolved spontaneously without the use of chemotherapy.
Acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment for chronic active hepatitis C.
We herein report this rare case of acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment.
A 21-year-old man with Tourette's syndrome, pedophilia, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis experienced seizures after receiving therapy with interferon beta-1a.
Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.
Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.
Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.
Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.
A 68-year-old female patient with advanced ovarian carcinoma collapsed whilst receiving a carboplatin and cyclophosphamide infusion.
A 68-year-old female patient with advanced ovarian carcinoma collapsed whilst receiving a carboplatin and cyclophosphamide infusion.
Carboplatin hypersensitivity presenting as coronary vasospasm - a case report.
Hypersensitivity to carboplatin is a rare but real complication of therapy and should be considered in patients presenting with hyperacute changes on ECG whilst receiving carboplatin therapy.
Hypersensitivity to carboplatin is a rare but real complication of therapy and should be considered in patients presenting with hyperacute changes on ECG whilst receiving carboplatin therapy.
A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.
A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.
A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.
A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.
Capecitabine was discontinued and the allergic reactions resolved after the woman took diphenhydramine for 1 week.
CONCLUSIONS: The use of fluorouracil treatment with careful monitoring can be considered in a patient with mild allergic reactions to capecitabine.
Fluorouracil for allergic reactions to capecitabine.
It was postulated that the allergic reaction was most likely caused by capecitabine or the intermediate metabolites based on the immediate reappearance of symptoms from the rechallenge, pharmacokinetic data, and well-tolerance of fluorouracil.
OBJECTIVE: To report the safe use of fluorouracil in a patient with breast cancer who had allergic reactions to capecitabine.
She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.
She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.
She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.
She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.
After five and six weeks of continuous oral administration of methylprednisolone, the boys developed steroid diabetes.
Reduction of methylprednisolone dosage rather than insulin therapy resulted in better control of glycemia.
Contrary to previous recommendations, our experience cautions against the further use of high-dose cytarabine in patients who develop PPE, and is a timely reminder of the potential toxicity of this agent, which is now increasingly being used as first-line treatment in the management of haematologic malignancies.
It has been suggested that PPE caused by cytarabine does not recur with subsequent cytarabine re-challenge.
Recurrent palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia following high-dose cytarabine treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
We report a patient with recurrent, increasingly severe episodes of PPE, ultimately complicated by a severe bullous eruption, following successive cycles of high-dose cytarabine for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
We report a patient with recurrent, increasingly severe episodes of PPE, ultimately complicated by a severe bullous eruption, following successive cycles of high-dose cytarabine for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Atypical endometriosis may act as a precancerous lesion in the process of tamoxifen-induced malignant transformation of endometriosis.
BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer arising from an endometriotic cyst in a postmenopausal woman under tamoxifen therapy is rare.
CONCLUSION: Tamoxifen may cause malignant transformation of endometriosis through atypical endometriosis even in the postmenopausal state.
Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from an endometriotic cyst in a postmenopausal woman under tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer: a case report.
Clinical, spectroscopic, and imaging abnormalities resolved with discontinuation of metronidazole.
Proton MRS examination demonstrated a persistent lactate elevation during metronidazole treatment.
Reversible MR imaging and MR spectroscopy abnormalities in association with metronidazole therapy.
After nine previous uncomplicated cycles she developed severe anaphylaxis to cisplatin.
Anaphylaxis to cisplatin following nine previous uncomplicated cycles.
Anaphylaxis to cisplatin is an infrequent life-threatening complication which may occur even in patients who have received prior treatment with cisplatin.
Although isradipine has been associated with hepatocellular injury, there are no reports of fulminant liver failure with this agent, and our patient had been treated for >2 years without signs of toxicity.
A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.
A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.
A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.
CASE SUMMARY: A 58-year-old white woman developed fulminant liver failure while being treated with the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin for pneumonia.
CONCLUSIONS: Clarithromycin may be a cause of fulminant liver failure either alone or by inhibiting the metabolism of other drugs.
Fulminant liver failure associated with clarithromycin.
OBJECTIVE: To report a patient developing fulminant liver failure while being treated with clarithromycin for pneumonia.
The most likely cause of liver failure in this patient was, therefore, clarithromycin, which undergoes hepatic metabolism and has been reported to cause fulminant hepatic failure.
The most likely cause of liver failure in this patient was, therefore, clarithromycin, which undergoes hepatic metabolism and has been reported to cause fulminant hepatic failure.
A paradoxical ocular effect of brimonidine.
CONCLUSION: Under certain circumstances topical brimonidine can cause paradoxical raised IOP necessitating vigilance in follow-up of patients on topical brimonidine.
PURPOSE: We report an unusual paradoxical effect of brimonidine.
RESULTS: Brimonidine was observed to cause IOP elevation, confirmed on rechallenge, scoring 8 (strong probability) on an adverse drug reaction probability score.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.
Gabapentin withdrawal presenting as status epilepticus.
Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent, we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased.
Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent, we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased.
Visual hallucinations associated with zonisamide.
Doxycycline-induced hypoglycemia in a nondiabetic young man.
We report the first case of doxycycline-induced hypoglycemia in a young nondiabetic man.
For patients who suffer from osteogenic sarcoma and have anaphylactic reactions to MTX, this desensitization protocol will allow these patients to continue with needed therapeutic or palliative chemotherapy.
He had an immediate hypersensitivity reaction during the initiation of the MTX infusion with diffuse urticaria, facial swelling, cough, and chest tightness.
He had an immediate hypersensitivity reaction during the initiation of the MTX infusion with diffuse urticaria, facial swelling, cough, and chest tightness.