Unnamed: 0
Ivy had had the worst toothache for days-off and on, but mostly on! No medicines, pills, or numbing gels worked; all she could do was suff. She endured over a week of agony. <extra_id_0> She wept, feeling weak with the relief of her terrible pain.
<extra_id_0> When the pain finally began to subside, Ivy was so very grateful. <extra_id_1>
Caroline was very happy with her white wedding dress. She loved twirling in it and showing it around. Her friend asked her to come outside for a picture. <extra_id_0> When she came back home, the bottom of her dress was now green.
<extra_id_0> She agreed and walked on the grass. <extra_id_1>
But halfway through finishing it, it became very soggy. <extra_id_0> Ian was so upset, he threw his entire box of cereal out.
<extra_id_0> And he had to finish the rest. <extra_id_1>
Sally got a new microphone for her birthday. She started singing into the microphone straight away. <extra_id_0> She had to put the microphone away until the next day.
<extra_id_0> After three hours, she started to lose her voice. <extra_id_1>
It was something I never understood. <extra_id_0> One day I decided to hang out with friends that liked math. After hanging with them, I became a math wiz.
<extra_id_0> In math class, I always failed miserably. <extra_id_1>
So I told my friends I would meet them up later. <extra_id_0> It took me a mile.
<extra_id_0> I walked all the way to the long path. <extra_id_1>
I was gifted an entire collection of little ponies by my aunt. <extra_id_0> I kept them all on a shelf in my room. I pretended Barbie's horse was their mother.
<extra_id_0> She gave me one in every color that existed. <extra_id_1>
So she took a karate class. She practiced every day. <extra_id_0> Rita got in worse shape sitting around waiting for her joints heal.
<extra_id_0> She strained her tendons and joints from too much exercise. <extra_id_1>
Sally was starting rumors about another girl in glass. She would tell everyone that Alice lived in cardboard box. <extra_id_0> But Alice opened her cell phone and showed people pictures.
<extra_id_0> Everyone thought the rumors were true. <extra_id_1>
Dan loved going into hospitals for one reason, the smell. <extra_id_0> In addition, Dan loved to smell the freshly sanitized linens as well.
<extra_id_0> Dan loved the smell of bleach that the hospital emitted. <extra_id_1>
Sara watched the sunrise as she told me she was expecting her first child. She and her husband wanted a big family. <extra_id_0> By the time the sun came up she knew she needed a doctor.
<extra_id_0> When she woke up in pain she thought it must be the flu. <extra_id_1>
Harry had just bought a brand new car. He was driving to his house and hit a pothole. <extra_id_0> Harry called the tow truck to tow the car home.
<extra_id_0> His engine started steaming and Harry pulled over. <extra_id_1>
And she ordered it right away. <extra_id_0> She went to the dentist. But there was nothing that could be done.
<extra_id_0> But after months of using it, her gums began to deteriorate. <extra_id_1>
Erin grew tomatoes. <extra_id_0> She took good care of her tomatoes. She was nervous the day of the competition.
<extra_id_0> There was a garden competition in a month. <extra_id_1>
Charlotte was so excited for her sleepover. <extra_id_0> She figured out all their plans and what she wanted to do with them. Then when she got there she started to cry.
<extra_id_0> She backed all of her clothes and stuff animals. <extra_id_1>
Max was on his way to a baseball game. He entered the stadium and found his seat. As the game commenced he realized he was in the zone for fly balls. <extra_id_0> Rodriguez hit the ball and it flew right to Max, landing in his glove.
<extra_id_0> When Rodriguez stepped up to the plate Max lit up with excitement. <extra_id_1>
I used to ride the North Waco bus to work. <extra_id_0> At the beginning of the year we moved the shop. Now the bus stops right in front of the new shop. Now there is no more mile long walking to work in the morning.
<extra_id_0> It stopped almost a mile from where I work. <extra_id_1>
He decided to turn on a new show before bedtime. <extra_id_0> Andrew was obsessed with the story line.
<extra_id_0> It was riveting that he stayed up watching episodes for hours! <extra_id_1>
He didn't like big corporations taking over. He felt mom and pop shops were being pushed out. <extra_id_0> Unfortunately everything was severely overpriced.
<extra_id_0> He tried shopping at local stores. <extra_id_1>
Last weekend we went to the water park. We got to ride a bunch of different rides. <extra_id_0> I was too short to go on it alone.
<extra_id_0> I really wanted to go down the big water slide. <extra_id_1>
Dan and his high school basketball team were Champions. They worked hard all year and were very emotional. <extra_id_0> The crowd was touched by their emotions.
<extra_id_0> The whole team stood on the court hugging and crying. <extra_id_1>
Marcia and Carolyn went on a cruise. <extra_id_0> They were on the cruise for one week.
<extra_id_0> They boarded the boat in Florida. <extra_id_1>
Jamie took a plane to Australia. It was a long flight and he was bored. He tried to talk to his neighbor, but they fell asleep. <extra_id_0> When the plane landed, he was happy, but restless.
<extra_id_0> He then watched a few movies on his tablet to pass the time. <extra_id_1>
When she was done she stopped and put her feet on the edges. <extra_id_0> But when she stepped back on it was still going and she flew off.
<extra_id_0> She pulled out her earbuds and thought she shut the treadmill off. <extra_id_1>
Tom was preparing for a business trip. He was scared of flying. Once he got on the plane he was nervous. <extra_id_0> This person helped to calm Tom down, and Tom enjoyed the flight.
<extra_id_0> The person sitting next to him was a meditation instructor. <extra_id_1>
Allen was at the mall with his friends. <extra_id_0> All of sudden a girl with blonde hair and ripped jeans stepped out. Allen fell in love instantly as she walked past. He was so starstruck he couldn't even say hi as she walked away.
<extra_id_0> He was waiting in line for the photo booth. <extra_id_1>
After Dottie's failed butterfly hunt, she was thirsty. It was a sweltering day. <extra_id_0> Luckily, her mom had anticipated Dottie's predicament. On the table was a cold pitcher of lemonade.
<extra_id_0> Ditties slammed open the screen door and announced her dire situation. <extra_id_1>
Mike loved his cat. <extra_id_0> One day Mike got so angry he finally decided to buy a second cat. His second cat was more tender and loving. Mike ended up getting rid of his first cat.
<extra_id_0> His cat would constantly ignore him. <extra_id_1>
I worked on the batch all night long. I was getting very tired. <extra_id_0> I sat there working until the sun came up.
<extra_id_0> I made a big pot of coffee. <extra_id_1>
Jenny's high school had no lacrosse team. <extra_id_0> Jenny decided to start her own lacrosse team. She found a coach and helped recruit other lacrosse players.
<extra_id_0> However, she had wanted to play lacrosse since she was very young. <extra_id_1>
She knew she didn't need to spend money. She decided to make one instead. <extra_id_0> Cindy's new dress was perfect.
<extra_id_0> She found the perfect fabric and designed one. <extra_id_1>
Alex's mom was out of town. <extra_id_0> Alex couldn't believe they were going on a school night. They got home late afterwards. Alex had a hard time waking up the next morning.
<extra_id_0> Dad said they were going to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. <extra_id_1>
John was driving to work one morning. <extra_id_0> John crashed into the stop sign. He was rushed to the hospital. John sustained minor injuries.
<extra_id_0> He tried to avoid a bicyclist. <extra_id_1>
Gina and her friends didn't have hall passes. And the teacher questioning them was very upset about this. <extra_id_0> But she insisted they return to their class.
<extra_id_0> They tried to explain they had permission to be there. <extra_id_1>
Kelsi had a date with Ethan. <extra_id_0> At the restaurant they held hands and laughed. At the end of the date they kissed.
<extra_id_0> He picked her up and they went to dinner. <extra_id_1>
He thought it would be neat to have one. He searched online for hours trying to find one to buy. <extra_id_0> Now Timmy knows there is no such thing as a flea circus.
<extra_id_0> He could only find clipart pictures of flea circuses. <extra_id_1>
Being bedridden with gastroenteritis was something I'd never choose! However, I discovered that no time is wasted if you're determined. <extra_id_0> I hadn't realized how active the mind can be when the body is still.
<extra_id_0> Beside my bed, I piled all the books on my to-read list and dug in. <extra_id_1>
Nick and Lindsey were eighteen when they met. They moved in together. <extra_id_0> Nick didn't want a child but agreed to be a father. They are now married and raising a beautiful son.
<extra_id_0> Lindsay got pregnant. <extra_id_1>
The nights are getting a lot cooler now. I have even noticed the leaves are changing. <extra_id_0> I am looking forward to this season.
<extra_id_0> All the Fall flavors are coming out, too. <extra_id_1>
Alistair was a poor man with not much to his name but a small house. He worked hard every day in the farm but the wage was too low. <extra_id_0> He was confused and excited and went to the court.
<extra_id_0> One day he got an urgent letter in the mail asking for his presence. <extra_id_1>
Ted and Sue only had one car. Sue was home all day with their two small children. <extra_id_0> They could not afford to buy another car.
<extra_id_0> She finally told Ted she felt trapped without a car all day. <extra_id_1>
He meant to dump the boiling water into the sink. He slipped and dumped it on his leg instead. <extra_id_0> Greg was howling with pain.
<extra_id_0> The water burned him severely. <extra_id_1>
Tom always suffered from back pain. He decided to go to a doctor about it. <extra_id_0> Tom had a pressed disk in his lower spine.
<extra_id_0> They took some scans and found the problem. <extra_id_1>
He struggled getting gigs. <extra_id_0> So he sat down and rewrote some material for a gig. At the gig he made everyone in the crowd laugh.
<extra_id_0> Even when he got gigs nobody really like his stuff. <extra_id_1>
Then, she jumped in the air. <extra_id_0> It took twenty tries to get it right.
<extra_id_0> The picture kept coming out wrong. <extra_id_1>
Gina was listening to a song for the first time. She did not like this song at all. Her friend Lisa thought it was OK. <extra_id_0> She still didn't like it, but maybe it would grow on her.
<extra_id_0> Gina decided to give the song a second chance. <extra_id_1>
Tom loved computers. He used them for both work and play. <extra_id_0> He decided to buy a new desktop computer. He was very pleased with the fast and great computer.
<extra_id_0> His laptop was old and slow. <extra_id_1>
It turned out they weren't a part of the family at all. The family they belonged to started arguing with Gina's family. <extra_id_0> Gina stood and watched in horror as adults fought like kids.
<extra_id_0> A fight erupted in the park. <extra_id_1>
She decided to go to the animal shelter and adopt a cat. <extra_id_0> She took her home and decided to name her lily.
<extra_id_0> Lisa got to the shelter and finally decided on a calico cat. <extra_id_1>
Bob owned a Bonsai tree. <extra_id_0> The Bonsai tree started to die. Bob gave it some plant food. The Bonsai got better.
<extra_id_0> He tried to water it every day. <extra_id_1>
He had been training extra hard. <extra_id_0> The game got rained out due to a storm.
<extra_id_0> He was nervous but ready. <extra_id_1>
Rick decided to do his own oil change to save money. He bought the oil and filter. <extra_id_0> He ended up spending much more than he'd planned!
<extra_id_0> But then he realized that he needed an oil pan and ratchet. <extra_id_1>
For the first time, her parents took off the training wheels. <extra_id_0> Much to her dismay, she lost balance and feel to the ground.
<extra_id_0> Lisa felt very free and happy that she was riding like a big kid. <extra_id_1>
Amanda went on a blind date with a guy named Joe. Joe took Amanda to the carnival. <extra_id_0> Joe kissed Amanda at the end of their date. They agreed to have a second date because they had a lot of fun.
<extra_id_0> Amanda liked Joe, so she held his hand on the ferris wheel. <extra_id_1>
I took a hammer to the whole floor and smashed every tile. <extra_id_0> Now my floor looked like a work of art.
<extra_id_0> With the pieces, I mortared them back together to make a mosaic. <extra_id_1>
Joanne has a big garden. She enjoys picking the fresh veggies everyday. <extra_id_0> Joanne found not vegetables but rabbits eating them.
<extra_id_0> She went out to the garden to do just that. <extra_id_1>
I had to put the air conditioner on a lot. There were even days we had to stay inside. <extra_id_0> The kids are dying to go out and play.
<extra_id_0> I hope it starts to cool. <extra_id_1>
I packed my boat and hauled it to the lake. <extra_id_0> The car wouldn't stop and ran down into the pond. A quick-thinking fisherman caught it with his tow strap.
<extra_id_0> Backing into the water, I notice my brakes were soft. <extra_id_1>
Samantha was excited to go trick or treating! She spent an hour making sure her costume was perfect. She wandered door to door, asking for candy. <extra_id_0> She sat on the couch and happily ate her candy.
<extra_id_0> After a while, her feet got tired so she headed home. <extra_id_1>
The motorcycle gave a big lurch. It was not enough to remove the bolt. <extra_id_0> I built a device to keep the wheel still. I had to replace a belt.
<extra_id_0> I had gone to the store to get a wrench. <extra_id_1>
Denise was baking a cake for a party. <extra_id_0> She was really worried her mistake would ruin everything.
<extra_id_0> She was adding eggs when she threw in one too many.`. <extra_id_1>
Roz was thrilled when her boyfriend gave her a ring. She proudly flashed the ring so people could admire it. One girl told Roz the stone looked like a fake diamond. <extra_id_0> Then she began doubting her boyfriend's love.
<extra_id_0> Roz began to have doubts about the ring. <extra_id_1>
Jim was shopping for his wife. Their anniversary was coming up. Jim knew his wife wanted new earrings. <extra_id_0> His wife loved them.
<extra_id_0> Jim bought her a pair of beautiful earrings. <extra_id_1>
She gave her car to the valet. <extra_id_0> He stole the car. Susie screamed and called the police to go after him.
<extra_id_0> But when she gave it to the valet the valet drove off with it. <extra_id_1>
John wanted to show his science class a cool experiment. <extra_id_0> The chemicals had made an explosive reaction.
<extra_id_0> He mixed several chemicals together. <extra_id_1>
One day the boy tells Melissa he wants to break up. <extra_id_0> Melissa asks who the girl is.
<extra_id_0> He tells her he has found someone new. <extra_id_1>
I went to the store to buy new markers. I found some that were scented. <extra_id_0> My favorite was the grape one. It reminded me of grape flavored skittles.
<extra_id_0> I opened the caps and sniffed them all. <extra_id_1>
The men were obviously drunk. <extra_id_0> When the men refused, she called the police.
<extra_id_0> Marion asked the men to leave. <extra_id_1>
Every year at the county fair they would have a pie eating contest. <extra_id_0> He was ready to go.
<extra_id_0> Arnold decided to enter into it this year. <extra_id_1>
Yesterday I had some fun with nail polish. <extra_id_0> It was quite fun. I loved painting each nail differently for the style.
<extra_id_0> I painted each nail a different color. <extra_id_1>
Ben was celebrating his birthday. <extra_id_0> They all watched movies. Then they ate cake and sang to him.
<extra_id_0> He invited his friends over to party. <extra_id_1>
I went into the backyard to get comfortable. <extra_id_0> I thought about the meaning of my life.
<extra_id_0> It was quiet and serene out there. <extra_id_1>
Anna went on a mission trip with her church. They were going to Somalia to help build an orphanage. Anna helped erect the walls and carry the timber. <extra_id_0> Afterwards, she was very proud of what she'd done.
<extra_id_0> It was exhausting, but rewarding. <extra_id_1>
I applied baby oil all over my skin and laid down. <extra_id_0> I ended up falling asleep while still tanning. I woke up with massive sunburn all over my body.
<extra_id_0> It was very soothing listening to the waves and such. <extra_id_1>
Kristy hated air travel. Her last flight was delayed. <extra_id_0> Kristy was in the airplane for hours. She decided to just drive from now on.
<extra_id_0> While in the air they had to circle and wait to land. <extra_id_1>
One day Edna and Joe went out for a romantic dinner. They went to a Chinese restaurant. They ordered sushi. <extra_id_0> They had a fun evening.
<extra_id_0> They talked as they ate. <extra_id_1>
He felt timid and weak. <extra_id_0> Naro vanquished many fires and saved countless people. Naro was now brave.
<extra_id_0> Naro decided to become brave by becoming a firefighter. <extra_id_1>
They began to think that I didn't care about or like them. <extra_id_0> After this we were reconciled once more.
<extra_id_0> Finally we began to speak again and I updated them on my life. <extra_id_1>
It didn't matter what he said. She was on the floor with his foot on her head. <extra_id_0> She felt like her heart was breaking in half. He later apologized and said he would stop drinking.
<extra_id_0> He was screaming at her, calling her scum. <extra_id_1>
Christmas day was upon us, and everyone in the family was happy. My family always gets together on Christmas to spend time together. All of the children were laughing and playing. <extra_id_0> Everybody tore open presents together and enjoyed their gifts.
<extra_id_0> They were even asking how long until they could open presents. <extra_id_1>
Padfoot the Pitbull had just come home from the pound. He was getting used to his new surroundings including three cats. Padfoot decided that the cats were actually play toys. <extra_id_0> Padfoot learned quickly not to chase the cats.
<extra_id_0> He chased them until it scratched his nose causing him to yelp! <extra_id_1>
Felicia was walking down the street when a man bumped into her. He was scary looking and she screamed when she looked at him. People around her gathered in case she needed help. <extra_id_0> Felicia smiled too but her heart was still beating strong.
<extra_id_0> The man removed his Halloween mask and smiled at her. <extra_id_1>
He wanted to have friends over and play football on the weekends. <extra_id_0> One neighbor said yes, and the other one yelled at him and said no!
<extra_id_0> So he asked his neighbors if that was ok. <extra_id_1>
I was driving home from work on the highway one day. Suddenly, I saw red and blue lights flashing behind me. I pulled over and a cop walked up to my window. <extra_id_0> I apologized, and then he gave me a warning and I drove home.
<extra_id_0> I rolled down the window and the cop gave told me I was speeding. <extra_id_1>
He decided to attack France now. France had prepared earlier for just such an attack. <extra_id_0> Paris is now in Hitler's hands.
<extra_id_0> So Hitler marched his armies through Belgium. <extra_id_1>
We went to a wedding in Sacramento in 2010. <extra_id_0> Her father was rich and loud while her mother was pleasant.
<extra_id_0> Our daughter's college roommate got married. <extra_id_1>
Karen was walking around her campus. All of a sudden she fell over. <extra_id_0> Karen wasn't hurt but needed new flip flops. She bought a new pair that same day.
<extra_id_0> Her flip flop had snapped. <extra_id_1>
Sammy loved eating fruit. <extra_id_0> He took a bunch in his lunch every day.
<extra_id_0> He thought grapes were the best. <extra_id_1>
Jack needed clothes for school. <extra_id_0> They went to many different place. Jack got four outfits for school. He was glad his mom took him shopping.
<extra_id_0> His mom decided to take him shopping. <extra_id_1>
He is started to feel very cooped up in his apartment. <extra_id_0> He finds that being at the library is much better than being at home.
<extra_id_0> Randall decides to visit his local library and apply for jobs there. <extra_id_1>
I called Anna to ask if our plans tonight are still there. She told me that she might be late since she's in traffic. <extra_id_0> Once I arrived at this special restaurant, I took my order. At the same time, I noticed that Anna was eating food with somebody.
<extra_id_0> I decided to go out for food while waiting for her. <extra_id_1>
Eric is playing with matches. <extra_id_0> It starts to burn the cabinets.
<extra_id_0> He accidentally drops a lit one. <extra_id_1>
Being an only child is a bummer. <extra_id_0> There is no one to blame when you break your mom's vase.
<extra_id_0> You don't have siblings to laugh with. <extra_id_1>
I was once jump roping on my driveway. <extra_id_0> I shooed him away but he kept coming back.
<extra_id_0> As I was, there was a fly circling my head. <extra_id_1>
Monica went to the store for her mother. When she got there, she saw a box full of puppies for sale. <extra_id_0> Monica forgot all about her mother's grocery list. She spent all of the grocery money on the puppy.
<extra_id_0> She stopped and picked up the cutest one. <extra_id_1>
Amy and Charles were going on a cruise for their anniversary. They booked and packed for a trip to the Caribbean. This was to be Amy's first time out to sea. <extra_id_0> Till this moment Amy never realized how terrible sea sickness was.
<extra_id_0> Amy became nauseous and dizzy. <extra_id_1>
Nancy was talking to Stacy about their science class. Nancy was trying to offer help on a question. <extra_id_0> She addressed the idea that she developed an alkene.
<extra_id_0> However, Stacy started to get mad at her. <extra_id_1>
Tanya was talking to her friend on the phone. <extra_id_0> She decided to put her phone to rest.
<extra_id_0> She felt the phone overheating. <extra_id_1>
Gary decided he'd like to start playing poker. <extra_id_0> He wasn't quite sure what to do at first with his bets. He just tried to act cool whenever he got a good hand. He wound up winning the entire pot on his first poker night!
<extra_id_0> He went to his friend's house to join in their weekly game. <extra_id_1>
Teddy was going on a big trip. He was headed to the rainy forest for the first time. <extra_id_0> He made his way to the tour guide and the trip began. He saw so many amazing plants and animals, he was delighted.
<extra_id_0> He arrived and got off the plane. <extra_id_1>