Unnamed: 0
Dave packed the car. <extra_id_0> They unpacked the car. Something was missing. They blamed Dave.
<extra_id_0> They drove to the resort. <extra_id_1>
My friends invited me to go skiing on Mount Richards. <extra_id_0> On the slopes that day I fell, and fell, and fell again every time. That was the most frustrating day of my life!
<extra_id_0> I'd never skied but decided this was a good day to learn! <extra_id_1>
He went to see them play when they came to play the Vikings. <extra_id_0> Dan was the only one in his group rooting for the Giants.
<extra_id_0> Dan's whole family was rooting for the Vikings. <extra_id_1>
At school, he behaved the worst. He always argued with other students and never listened to the teacher <extra_id_0> Eventually, Noah grew up and stopped being so bad.
<extra_id_0> Noah's teacher couldn't stand him because of his bad behavior. <extra_id_1>
She decided a van might be practical. <extra_id_0> It felt dorky.
<extra_id_0> She drove one around the lot to test it out. <extra_id_1>
The kids were playing in the living room. <extra_id_0> It hit the tv and shattered it!
<extra_id_0> They were throwing a bouncy ball around. <extra_id_1>
She was given a solo in the school Christmas concert. <extra_id_0> But a week before the show, Tina got laryngitis.
<extra_id_0> She was so proud and excited! <extra_id_1>
Tom was hungry. He spotted an orange on the kitchen table. He peeled it carefully. <extra_id_0> Oranges were his favorite fruit.
<extra_id_0> It was so juicy and good! <extra_id_1>
Tom played football and felt horrible after practice one day. <extra_id_0> He mom noticed he did not look well and took his temperature. Tom was running fever.
<extra_id_0> When he got home he crashed. <extra_id_1>
Rena had a major sweet tooth. She wanted to eat some candy. <extra_id_0> So instead she baked some brownies. Her sweet tooth was satisfied after eating half the pan of brownies!
<extra_id_0> But her candy jar was empty. <extra_id_1>
I decided to start a garden. I planted many seeds. <extra_id_0> I asked my neighbor for some advice. He just laughed and told me that I needed to water the seeds.
<extra_id_0> After a month, nothing grew in my garden. <extra_id_1>
A little old lady stood on the street corner. <extra_id_0> Then a well dressed older man approached her. They talked for a minute and then he gently grabbed her elbow.
<extra_id_0> It was obvious she wanted to cross the street. <extra_id_1>
Candace hated her job, but she loved to paint. <extra_id_0> She took her paintings to a fair to sell. She set for three hour without selling any paintings. Then a man came and bought them all for his gallery.
<extra_id_0> She painted every evening after work. <extra_id_1>
It wasn't enough for him to succeed, he had to see others fail. <extra_id_0> In a fit of madness, he created a terrible video game.
<extra_id_0> One day his greed overcame his senses. <extra_id_1>
They were trying for a baby and she hoped to surprise him as he left. That morning she took a pregnancy test. <extra_id_0> He comforted her and promised they'd end up pregnant soon.
<extra_id_0> To her sadness the test was negative, and she told her husband. <extra_id_1>
Robert was busy driving while texting. He isn't paying attention to the road. <extra_id_0> He Ignores it and keeps going. An SUV crashes right into his passenger seat.
<extra_id_0> He reaches a 4 way stop. <extra_id_1>
Her friend was pregnant. <extra_id_0> She wanted to get married before the baby was born.
<extra_id_0> She was due in a week. <extra_id_1>
After he jumped, he went skydiving. <extra_id_0> Only when it started raining did he have to wait for the next day.
<extra_id_0> He wasn't on the ground yet that he planned to go kayaking. <extra_id_1>
The blue team was down two games. <extra_id_0> They managed to score a point from a block.
<extra_id_0> The red team served first. <extra_id_1>
This summer she decided to visit colorado. She went to the mountains and went hiking. <extra_id_0> Sally had to go home and come back the next day.
<extra_id_0> When she got there it started raining. <extra_id_1>
One day I was taking my son's friends home to their mom. I had to drive around an accident scene. A car had crashed through a chain link fence into a yard. <extra_id_0> We stayed so long watching the kids were a bit late.
<extra_id_0> Luckily the car did not hit the house. <extra_id_1>
Sarah needed to go to sleep for school tomorrow. <extra_id_0> She wound up playing a game and watching videos online. When she looked at the clock, she saw that it was almost four.
<extra_id_0> She couldn't sleep so she stayed on her computer. <extra_id_1>
They had put a merry go round in at the food court. <extra_id_0> Her mother gave her a dollar so she could get on it. She picked a pink horse to ride.
<extra_id_0> Jill really wanted to ride it. <extra_id_1>
She told him he could not get drunk. <extra_id_0> He was sent away for violating parole.
<extra_id_0> He got drunk and she called the police. <extra_id_1>
Rachel had just been really sick. <extra_id_0> She was having a hard time remembering to take them though.
<extra_id_0> She had several antibiotics that she needed to take. <extra_id_1>
The singer stood on stage and motioned to the band. As the music started the singer began to sway. <extra_id_0> The singer took a bow and left the stage.
<extra_id_0> He sang words so sweetly the audience began to weep. <extra_id_1>
Alas, he had to travel to India. French cheese was not common there. <extra_id_0> Bob loved it more than French cheese!
<extra_id_0> But, he discovered an Indian cheese called paneer. <extra_id_1>
But one day a stranger came by. <extra_id_0> When he left, Erica decided to go travelling herself.
<extra_id_0> He talked about faraway lands and travel. <extra_id_1>
Dani and her family decided to try out tent camping. They go to the campground and found their site. They set up their tent and put all their bedding inside. <extra_id_0> It stormed so bad that the wind blew the tent from the stakes.
<extra_id_0> Right when they went to sleep it started storming. <extra_id_1>
Every evening, Sam played football with his friends. One day, Sam's football was stolen by the neighborhood bully. Sam thought that his days of playing football were over. <extra_id_0> Now, Sam has a football that is better than ever.
<extra_id_0> A nice man came along and gave Sam a brand new football. <extra_id_1>
Debra was diagnosed with a deadly cancer. Chemo and numerous drugs were all the doctors could offer. <extra_id_0> Instead, she tried an alternative treatment she found online.
<extra_id_0> Debra wanted to live but she didn't want to undergo chemo. <extra_id_1>
Josie was embarrassed. Her carpet was filthy and company had just stopped by. She called a carpet cleaner to come over and clean her carpets. <extra_id_0> Josie lectured her kids to keep the carpets clean in the future.
<extra_id_0> Soon, they looked brand new again. <extra_id_1>
Cindy's boyfriend was in a band. He invited Cindy to his house to listen to his band. Cindy noticed that the music was too loud. <extra_id_0> When Jane arrived home, she noticed faint ringing in her ears.
<extra_id_0> She did not want to seem awkward by covering her ears or telling them. <extra_id_1>
My yard was covered in leaves. <extra_id_0> I went to the shed and grabbed a rake. I raked the leaves on my yard.
<extra_id_0> I put on my boots and went outside. <extra_id_1>
They sat together and talked for hours. <extra_id_0> As it got late, they laid down and looked at the stars.
<extra_id_0> While they chatted, they drank orange soda and ate snacks. <extra_id_1>
I was watching a horrible movie. The acting was bad to say the least. <extra_id_0> If they can be in a movie so can I.
<extra_id_0> I was thinking to myself how did the actors make it this far? <extra_id_1>
She practiced really hard at band camp. Juliette even got help from her sister. <extra_id_0> Juliette missed marching band tryouts do to having the flu.
<extra_id_0> She would even practice in the rain. <extra_id_1>
He knew instantly when someone was lying. <extra_id_0> Zachary ran away, feeling unloved.
<extra_id_0> His mother told him she loved him, and he knew it was a lie. <extra_id_1>
Shelly is always bossing her boyfriend around. <extra_id_0> Her boyfriend takes offense to this and ends the relationship. Shelly apologizes but it's no use.
<extra_id_0> One day she tells him he is dressed like a hobo. <extra_id_1>
Late in the game the home team got the ball. <extra_id_0> They scored a touchdown and pulled the game out.
<extra_id_0> They threw a short pass which resulted in a long run. <extra_id_1>
He realized then he was not very flexible. <extra_id_0> He did better his second time.
<extra_id_0> After the class, people were laughing at him. <extra_id_1>
Gina finished her breakfast at her grandma's house. She was afraid she would have to feed the big barking dogs. But as she went to the door she saw her grandma feeding them. <extra_id_0> Gina was just happy she didn't have to feed them again.
<extra_id_0> They dog's rarely barked at or jumped at her grandma. <extra_id_1>
Ross bought a refurbished coffee maker online. <extra_id_0> The coffee maker made a gurgling noise and did not work.
<extra_id_0> When it arrived in the mail he went to test out the unit. <extra_id_1>
He texted her then hung up the phone. Mattie looked at her phone buzzing, as the notification came through. <extra_id_0> Once in the car, she quickly drove toward the station. He was waiting for her when she got there.
<extra_id_0> That was the signal, so she grabbed her purse and left. <extra_id_1>
Tim was traveling home for the holidays. <extra_id_0> Tim had never experienced that before. He started to freak out and cry.
<extra_id_0> His flight hit some turbulence. <extra_id_1>
But on Christmas, he presented her with a huge box! <extra_id_0> Inside the eighth box was the exact ring she had wanted!
<extra_id_0> She opened it, and found another box - and another and another. <extra_id_1>
Jason was challenged to a friendly fight between him and his friend. <extra_id_0> He started getting really nervous about it. He woke up ready to fight but decided he really didn't want to.
<extra_id_0> He accepted even though he didn't want to. <extra_id_1>
Ida went to the aquarium. <extra_id_0> She was afraid to touch them! But she reached her hand in cautiously.
<extra_id_0> She saw sting rays in the touch pool. <extra_id_1>
I've always loved to eat salads. When I go to restaurants I always order a salad. <extra_id_0> It's so time consuming tossing the salads. I bought a salad spinner and now they take very little time to make.
<extra_id_0> I liked to make my own salads. <extra_id_1>
He practiced every day during track season. <extra_id_0> Once Fred took his jump he was sure he beat the record.
<extra_id_0> At the final meet of the year he went all out. <extra_id_1>
He gave up looking and ordered a replacement. <extra_id_0> It was frustrating.
<extra_id_0> When he got the new ones he found the old ones. <extra_id_1>
Sam always wanted to visit America. <extra_id_0> Once there he was stopped and asked several questions.
<extra_id_0> He got his papers in order and drove through the border. <extra_id_1>
John has a physics test. <extra_id_0> He pulled an allnighter.
<extra_id_0> He has not studied. <extra_id_1>
Paul didn't know who to vote for in the presidential election. He decided to watch the presidential debate. <extra_id_0> After doing more research online, he finally decided. Paul felt good making an informed decision.
<extra_id_0> Paul took note of important topics discussed. <extra_id_1>
Kerry placed cheese and macaroni onto a pan. <extra_id_0> When it was taken out, the top layer was completely burned. I tried to take one bite of the food.
<extra_id_0> She placed it in the oven. <extra_id_1>
Jessie thinks her boyfriend is falling out of love with her. She decides to get cosmetic surgery in order to lure him back. <extra_id_0> Her boyfriend didn't notice her dramatic change. He later left her for someone younger.
<extra_id_0> Jessie has a new found confidence. <extra_id_1>
Jamie was nervous about her upcoming oboe recital. She was new to music. <extra_id_0> She worked extra hard to get read.
<extra_id_0> She'd only been practicing for a couple of months. <extra_id_1>
Her mother died last year and now nobody uses the piano. <extra_id_0> She now takes lessons in her home twice a week.
<extra_id_0> Josie moved the piano to her home and called a teacher. <extra_id_1>
Joan decided she'd bake a cake for her friend. <extra_id_0> She got in her car to go to the market. Once there, she bought all the ingredients needed for the cake.
<extra_id_0> She realized she didn't have all the ingredients, though. <extra_id_1>
My friend said that I had to work overnight. I had just come into class late. <extra_id_0> I had been pulled over.
<extra_id_0> I actually got a ticket. <extra_id_1>
Mary grew up looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving. <extra_id_0> Mary's in laws had come and were now critiquing her cooking. They asked her why such and such a food was so salty or not enough. At the end of the evening, Mary retired to her bedroom and cried.
<extra_id_0> This evening, however, Mary was regretting the entire meal. <extra_id_1>
He decided it was time for a change <extra_id_0> Bill was pretty bad at basketball
<extra_id_0> He joined an adult basketball league <extra_id_1>
Louis and Jenny were riding their bikes down the street. All of a sudden Jenny went flying over her handlebars. <extra_id_0> Louis was afraid Jenny was badly hurt, but she was just scraped up. He helped her get back on her bike to ride back home.
<extra_id_0> Her wheel had hit a big rock in the road. <extra_id_1>
My mom's dog was very furry. <extra_id_0> My mom took the dog to the groomer. The groomer shaved off all of her fur. She finally doesn't have any knots!
<extra_id_0> The dog has knots all over her fur. <extra_id_1>
Ross was on a trip to the beach. It was still early morning but he couldn't sleep. <extra_id_0> He walked over to the beach and waited.
<extra_id_0> He decided he should get up to see the sunrise. <extra_id_1>
She was excited about the trip. <extra_id_0> Ali loved history and wanted to remember her trip. She used her allowance to purchase a new camera for the trip.
<extra_id_0> They were going to the museum, <extra_id_1>
Sarah wanted to read a newly released book. She went to the library. It was closed. <extra_id_0> She read it there in the stacks without paying!
<extra_id_0> She went to the bookstore. <extra_id_1>
Florence loves to try eating new food. <extra_id_0> Her friend told her that they were called Macadamia nuts. Florence tried a few and thought they tasted good. When she went home she was happy to have tried something new.
<extra_id_0> At a party her friend throws, she noticed a new kind of nut. <extra_id_1>
Lucy hated to clean, but she had no choice. She rearranged a few things, and vacuumed the floor. <extra_id_0> Her grandma was not impressed and cleaned the room again.
<extra_id_0> She was certain her grandma would be impressed by her work. <extra_id_1>
Sam wanted to pet the neighbor's dog. He is allergic to dogs and his mom said no. <extra_id_0> Later his eyes were swelled up. He didn't pet the neighbor's dog anymore.
<extra_id_0> He scratched the dog's ear quickly. <extra_id_1>
His dog Spot was scared, and hid whimpering under the bed. <extra_id_0> When the storm was over, everything was okay.
<extra_id_0> Dalton stayed with Spot and comforted him. <extra_id_1>
Tim and Bonnie had been married for many, many Year's. They had never spent more than a week apart. <extra_id_0> Bonnie flew to see him and ended up staying a month. Tim and Bonnie had to spend their 15th anniversary apart.
<extra_id_0> Suddenly, Bonnie's father became very ill. <extra_id_1>
Jim needed to water his lawn. <extra_id_0> Just as he started to get the hose, he heard thunder. Rain started to pour. Jim was glad he didn't need to water his lawn anymore.
<extra_id_0> So he got dressed and went outside. <extra_id_1>
Anna was disappointed. She was reaching the end of a two-hour whale watching tour. <extra_id_0> Then, as if on cue, two whales jumped right past the boat! Anna smiled with delight.
<extra_id_0> But she had not seen any whales at all. <extra_id_1>
My record for traveling to my hometown is four hours. <extra_id_0> I had to go from 90 to 100 miles per hour. When I went through a city I slowed some.
<extra_id_0> It is about 300 miles. <extra_id_1>
Jason always told his parents he didn't like breakfast food. <extra_id_0> Until finally they had an idea. They fed Jason french toast. Now Jason loves breakfast.
<extra_id_0> His parents tried giving him eggs, bacon, and other foods. <extra_id_1>
Susie noticed a restaurant came to town. <extra_id_0> So her friends banded together to try.
<extra_id_0> She was eager to try it. <extra_id_1>
She would knit all day and night until she finished one. She would donate them all to the hospital. <extra_id_0> Jen was glad that her gifts were making people happy.
<extra_id_0> She wanted babies and the elderly to feel comfortable. <extra_id_1>
I talked to the local paper and they said not without a car. <extra_id_0> She said that for every block I did she'd pay me half her rate. I did so well that I was able to pay for a car and start a real route.
<extra_id_0> So I went to my neighbor who delivered them by car. <extra_id_1>
The aliens converged on Cleveland. <extra_id_0> They attended conferences and had greasy meals. Some of them hadn't been on shows for decades.
<extra_id_0> There were ones from all the great universes. <extra_id_1>
Aya loved sports very much, but she wanted a date for the dance! <extra_id_0> For weeks she practiced looking feminine and acting sweet.
<extra_id_0> She knew she'd have to dress ladylike and wear makeup. <extra_id_1>
He didn't even get to play. <extra_id_0> He threw up in the dugout. His friends all laughed at him until he cried.
<extra_id_0> Being out in the sun made him sick. <extra_id_1>
He woke up early because of the roosters. <extra_id_0> He was bored and hated it.
<extra_id_0> There was slow internet and no reception. <extra_id_1>
Tim was playing with legos. <extra_id_0> Tim decided to try and swallow one. It got stuck in Tim's throat.
<extra_id_0> His parents weren't paying attention. <extra_id_1>
He had packed his backpack with everything he needed. When he got to his cousins he dropped his bag and ran to the swingset. <extra_id_0> Everything Hunter packed was wet and he could not spend the night.
<extra_id_0> Later the sprinklers came on and soaked his backpack. <extra_id_1>
Yesterday I needed new shoes. I drove around everywhere to find that perfect pair. <extra_id_0> They were black.
<extra_id_0> Finally I bought some new ones. <extra_id_1>
Last night Tina was drinking a bottle of wine. As she poured it into a glass, she was clumsy. She ended up spilling some on her dress. <extra_id_0> She had no idea what to do.
<extra_id_0> Tina was disappointed. <extra_id_1>
John went to bed on a sunny day. <extra_id_0> He was awoken by the crazy sounds. By morning everything was blanketed in snow. John was amazed at how fast things could change.
<extra_id_0> Overnight a huge snow storm rolled in. <extra_id_1>
Anna's husband Joe stopped for ice cream after work. He brought Anna a milk shake. <extra_id_0> Joe apologized for the watery shake.
<extra_id_0> But the ten minutes in the car had melted it! <extra_id_1>
I had a meeting in San Diego. I took a taxi to the airport. <extra_id_0> There was a long line of people to get on the plane.
<extra_id_0> I purchased a plane ticket. <extra_id_1>
When they arrived, they did not know where to shop. <extra_id_0> Afterward, Katie noticed a pet shop and went to see the animals.
<extra_id_0> Allison went to a clothing store first and purchased a pretty dress. <extra_id_1>
She would simply spray air freshener over it. <extra_id_0> She went to school smelling awful.
<extra_id_0> One day she forgets to spray her clothing. <extra_id_1>
Abdul studied for many years to become a pilot. <extra_id_0> Abdul was hired by a big airline company. Because of his hard work, Abdul now flies every day.
<extra_id_0> After much hard work, Abdul finally became a pilot! <extra_id_1>
We live in Cambridge, MA. The city passed a law banning plastic bags. My wife went to the supermarket after work. <extra_id_0> Now she keeps several bags in the car.
<extra_id_0> The store made her buy cloth shopping bags. <extra_id_1>
His coat was not in there. He went back to his last class. <extra_id_0> The wallet was missing.
<extra_id_0> The coat was still on the chair. <extra_id_1>
Andy was recently asked to dance at his daughter's wedding. However, Andy did not know how to dance at all. Andy decided he would enroll in some dance classes with his daughter. <extra_id_0> Andy was glad he was learning how to dance for the wedding.
<extra_id_0> After class Andy would practice his new learned moves. <extra_id_1>
Ed told his friends that he needed some new music to listen to. <extra_id_0> He told Ed that the music was great and Ed would love it. Ed took it home and put it in his radio to check it out. He found that his friend was right and he did love the CD!
<extra_id_0> His buddy offered him a new CD. <extra_id_1>
Australia was a 12 hour flight from his country. <extra_id_0> He mostly couldn't wait to see the family dog.
<extra_id_0> He used up his entire holiday time to fly over to visit for two weeks. <extra_id_1>
He saw an apple fall. <extra_id_0> His interest soared. He studied it for years.
<extra_id_0> He wondered why it did that. <extra_id_1>
Our dog ran away. We looked everywhere for him. <extra_id_0> Suddenly we saw a man walking with our dog.
<extra_id_0> When we were tired of looking we sat on the porch. <extra_id_1>