Unnamed: 0
My piano teacher told me to write a song. I wrote one that lasted about a minute. <extra_id_0> She actually played it.
<extra_id_0> I had no idea what I was doing. <extra_id_1>
She gave hints about the present she wanted. Her husband bought her something else. <extra_id_0> Justine apologized after she thought about it.
<extra_id_0> They argued over the present. <extra_id_1>
Joe's friend offered to pay him to mow his yard. <extra_id_0> He was suddenly attacked by a swarm of bees.
<extra_id_0> Joe went to his friend's to work on the yard. <extra_id_1>
She got eaten alive. <extra_id_0> The mosquitoes bite her much less after taking B1.
<extra_id_0> She started taking vitamin B1 supplements. <extra_id_1>
Lilly loves to swim in the pool. She thinks the water is so pretty, and she loves to splash. <extra_id_0> When mama gets done with the dishes, they change into their suits. Now it's time to splash in the water!
<extra_id_0> Her mama says she needs an adult to swim with her. <extra_id_1>
They had only been driving for a few hours when they broke down. The engine was completely shot. <extra_id_0> Tom and his friends had to cancel the trip.
<extra_id_0> Fixing it would take weeks and lots of money. <extra_id_1>
My best friend used to knit a lot. <extra_id_0> So, she sold all her yarn to me. Now, I have too much yarn. As a result, everyone I know will be getting knit hats for Christmas.
<extra_id_0> She decided to quit. <extra_id_1>
Jon was the life of the party, well respected, and talented. <extra_id_0> The boy looked sad, so Jon told him it gets better, and to look up. The boy joined them and they danced, and sang karaoke and laughed. They found Jon hanging out again the next day.
<extra_id_0> At the party last night, Jon saw a boy in the corner. <extra_id_1>
Joan spend all morning gathering pecan nuts from her tree. During the afternoon, she removed the shells. <extra_id_0> She served pie for dessert, but her younger girl choked on a nut. As it was a big ordeal, Joan never picked nuts from her tree again.
<extra_id_0> When the nuts were ready, she made pecan pies with them. <extra_id_1>
Rob was good at track. Rob practiced everyday. Rob signed up for a race. <extra_id_0> Rob won the race.
<extra_id_0> Rob ran as fast as he could at the race. <extra_id_1>
She had to admit she was learning a hard lesson. Her choices had led her down a difficult path. She sat quietly, thinking about where she wanted life to take her. <extra_id_0> In the end, she knew she had no control over anything.
<extra_id_0> She didn't know what to do, mulling it over for hours. <extra_id_1>
Alex and Olivia had been dating for a year. Lately all they did was argue. Olivia decided she needed space. <extra_id_0> Olivia then broke up with Alex.
<extra_id_0> While she took time for herself she met someone. <extra_id_1>
Stephanie went to the grocery store to buy eggs. When she got there, the whole dairy section was empty. <extra_id_0> But while she walked back home from her car, the eggs fell. She had to drive again to buy a new dozen eggs.
<extra_id_0> She drove to a new store and bought the eggs there instead. <extra_id_1>
He calls his cable company to cancel his cable service. <extra_id_0> Cris politely declines all the representative's offers and incentive.
<extra_id_0> The cable representative tries to get him to keep his subscription. <extra_id_1>
China was browsing the fresh food section of the market. She strolled passed the assorted colors of vegetables and fruit. Everything looked so delicious to her. <extra_id_0> Then, she headed for the check-out.
<extra_id_0> China picked up a few greens and a melon. <extra_id_1>
Randy was walking in the city. Suddenly he felt something in his pants. <extra_id_0> He couldn't tell who.
<extra_id_0> Somebody took his wallet. <extra_id_1>
Her whole family helped her look for the blanket. <extra_id_0> She was able to sleep sound once she had her blanket.
<extra_id_0> Finally she found it left in the car. <extra_id_1>
Last night I was reading on my Kindle. I was sitting on an office chair looking down. <extra_id_0> She thought I was asleep, looking down. I said I was reading but might as well go to bed.
<extra_id_0> My wife asked if I wanted to go to bed. <extra_id_1>
She went to work despite being sick. Her boss noticed she was sick and sent her home. <extra_id_0> Since she rested, she was able to recover faster.
<extra_id_0> Maria had to rest at home by order of her boss. <extra_id_1>
She heard a loud boom and pulled the car over. Her tire on the car was blown out so she had to call a wrecker. <extra_id_0> She made it to the store but not how she had hoped.
<extra_id_0> The wrecker took her to the nearest store so she could fix the car. <extra_id_1>
She missed him and talked to him on the phone every night. <extra_id_0> She found a job near him and they were able to move in together.
<extra_id_0> After growing more depressed, she realized she had to go to him. <extra_id_1>
Lauren has always wanted to see Metallica live in concert. <extra_id_0> Lauren attends their concert. After the concert, Lauren finds that her ears hurt badly. She wishes that she had never seen Metallica in concert.
<extra_id_0> Finally Metallica announces that the will play in her hometown. <extra_id_1>
Anna was having a sleepover with her friends. Soon, the teenagers started a game of truth or dare. <extra_id_0> Anna refused and thought it was gross. Bob laughed at Anna's reaction.
<extra_id_0> It wasn't long before someone dared Anna to kiss her friend Bob. <extra_id_1>
Her boss Mary agreed to the new work schedule. <extra_id_0> She started taking Wednesdays off.
<extra_id_0> Mary started thinking that having a day off would be great. <extra_id_1>
Emil was doing his best to fill out orders. <extra_id_0> Emil ran to the back and began to cry.
<extra_id_0> The customer yelled at Emil for no reason. <extra_id_1>
Eddie was a Mexican immigrant. <extra_id_0> He married a beautiful big boned woman from the states. Eddie is sipping on a cold drink one day with his wife.
<extra_id_0> He loved the USA like his own country. <extra_id_1>
Steve is accused of a murder. Steve pleads innocence. <extra_id_0> Steve is sent to jail for the murder.
<extra_id_0> Steve loses his case in court. <extra_id_1>