Unnamed: 0
Rachel was visiting her aunt's house. <extra_id_0> Her orange juice spilled onto the table and a doily table cloth. Her aunt tried to salvage the cloth but it was soaked.
<extra_id_0> They were eating breakfast when Rachel accidentally spilled her cup. <extra_id_1>
She tricked her older sister Nancy into eating rotten vegetables. <extra_id_0> For this she went too far and was sent away to boarding school .
<extra_id_0> She tricked her other older sister Becca into falling down some steps. <extra_id_1>
Amy was joking with her friends in class one day. <extra_id_0> After a while, he told Amy he was giving her detention!
<extra_id_0> The teacher asked her to hush, but she ignored him. <extra_id_1>
I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. It was raining outside and it showed no signs of stopping. <extra_id_0> I pulled into the parking lot and saw that everybody was outside.
<extra_id_0> Naturally I was running late and the weather was making my drive slow. <extra_id_1>
I was lonely as a child. <extra_id_0> I solved my problem by having imaginary friends.
<extra_id_0> I was shy and afraid of people. <extra_id_1>
She looked around the house at the clutter. <extra_id_0> After dinner, everyone would clean super fast for 15 minutes.
<extra_id_0> It was then that she decided to create power-cleaning time. <extra_id_1>
I had a very bad stomach condition and had to go to the doctor. <extra_id_0> The doctor also asked me to hydrate so I did.
<extra_id_0> I went to an urgent care clinic and was just told to lay in bed. <extra_id_1>
He saw giant bugs flying around it. <extra_id_0> He got up and looked outside.
<extra_id_0> In the humid air of the amazon, he couldn't sleep. <extra_id_1>
Sally really enjoyed to go shopping on her days off. She was not as wealthy as she wanted to be so she had to be frugal. <extra_id_0> She folded the dress, put it in her purse and tried leaving the store.
<extra_id_0> One day she decided that she was going to have the dress she wanted. <extra_id_1>
My sister has been dating her boyfriend for 2 years. Yesterday she called me with a surprise. She told me that her boyfriend proposed to her. <extra_id_0> I cannot wait for the wedding next year.
<extra_id_0> She said yes, to my utter amazement. <extra_id_1>
Jim was in class. <extra_id_0> All of a sudden the class started laughing.
<extra_id_0> He was playing with toys at his desk. <extra_id_1>
They met at a movie theater in Washington, DC. <extra_id_0> They fell in love and corresponded by letter while he was at sea.
<extra_id_0> A sad film made my grandma cry, and my grandpa gave her a tissue. <extra_id_1>
Julia's car was covered in dirt. <extra_id_0> Then she took out a bucket and soap.
<extra_id_0> She waited until evening. <extra_id_1>
I put a small plastic spider in my brother's tea as a prank. <extra_id_0> I decided I needed really serious revenge.
<extra_id_0> The following day, he put the spider in my underwear drawer. <extra_id_1>
Luckily his yearly company bonus was enough to cover it. <extra_id_0> When he asked they told him that the company had to scale that back.
<extra_id_0> Tim noticed he never got one this year. <extra_id_1>
SHe made a fantastic painting of the sunset. <extra_id_0> A friend loved it so much she offered her a lot of money for it. Grace couldn't part with the painting.
<extra_id_0> She displayed it on her living room wall. <extra_id_1>
She hadn't been eating. <extra_id_0> She finally passed out. Kayla realized the importance of eating healthy.
<extra_id_0> Kayla was starting to feel weak. <extra_id_1>
Before he could they knocked on his door. <extra_id_0> Tim got along well with them.
<extra_id_0> They offered pie and introduced themselves. <extra_id_1>
Janet was swimming in the pool. <extra_id_0> The lifeguard decided to dive into the water. He pulled her out from the deep side.
<extra_id_0> She tried to swim on the deep side and ended up drowning. <extra_id_1>
Angelica picked up cross stitching as a hobby. She cross stitched throughout all of her 20s. <extra_id_0> So she decided to get rid of all of her cross stitch supplies.
<extra_id_0> But when she turned 30 she stopped cross stitching completely. <extra_id_1>
It was a great deal. <extra_id_0> She couldn't believe it.
<extra_id_0> She found some for less than one dollar. <extra_id_1>
Alex woke up alone on his birthday. He looked all around his house but no one was home. <extra_id_0> Suddenly, his family and friends jump out and reveal a surprise party! Alex had a great birthday with his friends and family.
<extra_id_0> Alex was sad to be alone on his birthday. <extra_id_1>
I bought my friend Bob a fancy chessboard for Christmas. <extra_id_0> I see Bob only over the Xmas days.
<extra_id_0> It was a tournament sized board made of wood. <extra_id_1>
She was worried she would not do well. <extra_id_0> When she got to school the next day, she fell asleep at her desk.
<extra_id_0> She stayed up all night studying. <extra_id_1>
Tim got a bow and arrows for christmas. When he tried to shoot the target, he missed. <extra_id_0> However, he practiced everyday. Soon, he was an expert at it.
<extra_id_0> He was sad. <extra_id_1>
A student came into the computer lab. <extra_id_0> He typed for hours on the keyboard.
<extra_id_0> He sat down to do his work. <extra_id_1>
There was a friendly old man who lived down in apartment 12. Nobody really knew too much about him. <extra_id_0> The old man had died that day.
<extra_id_0> One day I heard an ambulance coming to our complex. <extra_id_1>
He talked to another customer while he was in line. <extra_id_0> Mr Smith accepted. Mr Smith brought the customer a cup of coffee on his first day.
<extra_id_0> The customer offered Mr Smith a job. <extra_id_1>
Nee was running a race. She was very close with the leading runner. Then she had a burst of speed. <extra_id_0> Nee managed to cross the finish line first and win the race!
<extra_id_0> Nee hurried to overtake her opponent and take the lead. <extra_id_1>
Ari was walking home in the rain one day. <extra_id_0> But the fierce wind bent it immediately! Ari's umbrella was almost unusable!
<extra_id_0> He pulled out his umbrella and opened it. <extra_id_1>
They were eating lunch next to a large bust made of ballistics gel. One of them was bored and started punching the bust. <extra_id_0> They later joked about how difficult life must be as a bust of gel.
<extra_id_0> The other expert also began punching the gel. <extra_id_1>
Fred had recently taken up running. <extra_id_0> His friend recommended a certain running shoe. Fred loved them from the moment he put them on.
<extra_id_0> He was enjoying it except his feet were bothering him. <extra_id_1>
Tom wanted to work at a coffee shop. <extra_id_0> Tom had always found the coffee shop distracting. Tom purchased nice headphones. Tom was able to focus, at the cafe, when using headphones.
<extra_id_0> Usually, he worked at home. <extra_id_1>
Tom was at the pound. <extra_id_0> There was an ugly cat in one cage. It was surprisingly sweet and caring.
<extra_id_0> He wanted a new pet. <extra_id_1>
Gina was at a stop sign at a minor intersection near her house. The intersection rarely had traffic. But during rush hour a few cars backed up waiting for their turn. <extra_id_0> There were 5 times as many cars at the intersection.
<extra_id_0> Today it was rush hour, and a snow storm. <extra_id_1>
Because Jim wasn't paying attention, the lawn mower ran over a hose. <extra_id_0> Jim was pleased to get his second job done early.
<extra_id_0> The hose burst and sprayed water all over the lawn. <extra_id_1>
Tom was struggling to find a job. He wanted to find work in the energy sector. This was because he cared for the environment. <extra_id_0> Although this went against his personal views, he needed the money.
<extra_id_0> After many interviews, Tom was offered a job in the oil industry. <extra_id_1>
Mary was afraid of flying. Mary's sister invited her to attend her wedding in France. <extra_id_0> Mary's hands trembled as she boarded the plane. Mary's flight was peaceful all the way to the airport in Paris!
<extra_id_0> Mary decided her sister was worth facing her paralyzing fear. <extra_id_1>
Tom was a Muslim. <extra_id_0> The neighbors were all nervous Christians. They constantly stared at him and asked provoking questions.
<extra_id_0> He moved into a new neighborhood. <extra_id_1>
Tim had a really important rehearsal with his band. He packed his guitar and amp in his car. <extra_id_0> When he got there he realized he forgot his guitar pick at home.
<extra_id_0> He drove really fast to his friend's house. <extra_id_1>
Ray had a dream of becoming a champion fighter. <extra_id_0> Ray improved and began taking professional bouts. Ray went on to become the American lightweight champion.
<extra_id_0> A coach at the gym began training Ray personally. <extra_id_1>
Doug slept with Tracy. <extra_id_0> Mr Washington slept with McKevin. Tracy, Doug, McKevin and Mr Washington went to the doctor. They used condoms and recieved clean bill of health.
<extra_id_0> Tracy slept with Mr Washington. <extra_id_1>
Tabitha woke up one morning to see that her alarm hadn't worked. She was running very late and needed to leave soon. She quickly got dressed and brushed her hair. <extra_id_0> It looked sort of sloppy, but she accepted it and left.
<extra_id_0> Then, she tried to apply her makeup as fast as possible. <extra_id_1>
I saw my ladder in my friend's yard. I told him it was my ladder. <extra_id_0> We argued about the ladder for an hour. Until we remembered that we both purchased the ladder together.
<extra_id_0> He said it was his. <extra_id_1>
And he wanted to see how fast it could go. <extra_id_0> And he reached 140 MPH.
<extra_id_0> So he sped down a freeway at 2 AM. <extra_id_1>
Patricia was excited for her cousin's baby shower. But the night before, she woke up because of a pain in her side. <extra_id_0> Eventually she was admitted to the hospital. She had her appendix removed and was grateful for the doctors.
<extra_id_0> As the day went on, the pain got worse and she developed a fever. <extra_id_1>
When they gave her the phone, months of hard work had paid off. <extra_id_0> The phone cracked and Clara was very upset.
<extra_id_0> On the way home, she dropped the phone on the sidewalk. <extra_id_1>
I went to see an eye doctor. <extra_id_0> I picked out some nice frames. Two weeks later they were ready, and I was now a glasses wearer.
<extra_id_0> They told me I need to start wearing glasses to reduce eye fatigue. <extra_id_1>
Anna had always eaten brand name cereal. When she married and had kids, though, her budget tightened. <extra_id_0> To her surprise, they tasted great! Anna started buying nothing but store brands.
<extra_id_0> She decided to sample the store brands. <extra_id_1>
Daniel was always a cat person, never liked dogs. He'd turn his nose up and walk away from a wagging tail. <extra_id_0> It was a small puppy, wagging and happy. Daniel's heart melted and he knew he had now become a dog person.
<extra_id_0> Then one day he heard a scratch at his back door. <extra_id_1>
Vince loaded a slide onto the microscope. <extra_id_0> All the cultures were dead.
<extra_id_0> He searched for any live cultures. <extra_id_1>
Josh woke up to a sunny Saturday morning. He decided to go for a bike ride and enjoy the weather. <extra_id_0> Josh rode his bike to the park and back. He felt good that he got some exercise.
<extra_id_0> He took his bike out and left his house. <extra_id_1>
Kenny is in love. Kenny is about to propose to his girlfriend. <extra_id_0> He got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife. She told him no and broke his heart.
<extra_id_0> He took his girlfriend to a sandy beach to purpose. <extra_id_1>
The man thought he was tough. <extra_id_0> The other man accepted. The other man had a weapon. The man got shot.
<extra_id_0> He threatened another man. <extra_id_1>
Jason loved to play varsity football. <extra_id_0> In one game, he accidentally broke another kid's ankle. His coach told him that he couldn't play for the rest of the season. Jason learned about his mistake and gifted the kid he hurt.
<extra_id_0> The thrill of pounding the enemy team into submission exhilarated him. <extra_id_1>
Lucy and Mary were playing in Mary's yard. They gathered ants and put them in a jar. <extra_id_0> They put the ants into a box and watched. All the ants did was run around in circles.
<extra_id_0> Lucy suggested they race their ants. <extra_id_1>
My boss called me to the office. <extra_id_0> Since I really needed the money, I said yes. The shift lasted a total of 6 hours. As soon as I got home, I fell on the couch and went to sleep.
<extra_id_0> He asked if I can work during the night shift. <extra_id_1>
Tom was walking to his car at night. He didn't notice a spider web in front of him. <extra_id_0> He screamed and jumped. Tom thought it was funny after the fact.
<extra_id_0> Tom freaked out as it touched his face. <extra_id_1>
Jill was worried that her dusty keyboard would make her sick. So she took the keyboard outside. <extra_id_0> The dust went in her throat and eyes. And Jill ended up feeling sick.
<extra_id_0> And she sprayed air at it with a compressed air canister. <extra_id_1>
Bill desired to have an adventure. <extra_id_0> They decided to go on jungle trekking adventure.
<extra_id_0> He asked his friends to join him. <extra_id_1>
Carl lost his boxing match. He thought it was because his gloves sucked. He threw them away. <extra_id_0> He won his next match.
<extra_id_0> He bought some new ones. <extra_id_1>
Bonnie needed more spending money. She searched the internet job listings. <extra_id_0> She emailed the prospective employer to arrange an interview.
<extra_id_0> She found a job as a babysitter in her neighborhood. <extra_id_1>
May had a burn from playing with a curling iron. Her mother discovered the plastic hair on the curling iron. <extra_id_0> Her mother made her remove the band-aid and show her the burn. After dressing the wound her mother grounded her for a week.
<extra_id_0> She saw a band-aid on May's leg. <extra_id_1>
Rene has always hated her teeth. <extra_id_0> The dentist suggested a whole mouth of fake teeth. Rene loved this idea and they got started. Three hours later she left the office with a new smile.
<extra_id_0> She went to the dentist to see what could be done. <extra_id_1>
Kelly was making a smoothie. She added yogurt and berries and milk. <extra_id_0> She drank it with a long straw. Her new blender had done a great job!
<extra_id_0> She blended it all up with some ice. <extra_id_1>
Stacy moved away from her hometown after finishing high school. After she left, her parents also moved away. <extra_id_0> Stacy decided to spend the next summer at home to fix up the house. Because of this, the house sold within the next year.
<extra_id_0> However, her parents had a hard time selling their old house. <extra_id_1>
Susie was new at school. <extra_id_0> She was afraid she would make no friends. Thankfully she did.
<extra_id_0> She was nervous. <extra_id_1>
When he was done there was paint on the windows. <extra_id_0> He cut his finger while he was scraping the paint. His blood discolored some of the paint on the car.
<extra_id_0> He scraped the paint off of the windows. <extra_id_1>
Tom lived in a college dorm with a pretty shady roommate. <extra_id_0> Tom debated with himself about what to do. Tom decided to talk with the dorm manager about what he saw. Tom's roommate wound up being expelled from the college entirely.
<extra_id_0> Tom witness his roommate defiling property in another student's room. <extra_id_1>
Ivan wanted to buy a new computer. <extra_id_0> Ivan looked online for answers. But both of his options seemed equally good. He spent so long deciding that he decided to decide tomorrow.
<extra_id_0> But he wasn't sure if he should upgrade his existing one instead. <extra_id_1>
John couldn't understand why his son was playing Pokemon Go. <extra_id_0> He decided to try it to see what it was all about. As soon as he caught his first Pokemon he was hooked.
<extra_id_0> It seemed like a waste of time to him. <extra_id_1>
Marty hosted an art class at her studio last Saturday. <extra_id_0> One of the ladies was my neighbor Joanne. Joanne made a beautiful collage frame at the class.
<extra_id_0> She had nine people in attendance. <extra_id_1>
Ella was at the pool. She decided to try a high dive. <extra_id_0> Then she took a deep breath and leapt.
<extra_id_0> She climbed up the diving ladder and onto the board. <extra_id_1>
VCU is a very small college. <extra_id_0> Since Florida doesn't underestimate VCU, they beat them very badly. The game was not even close.
<extra_id_0> Most people underestimate VCU, but Florida will not. <extra_id_1>
Donald has a big meeting coming up. <extra_id_0> Donald's been preparing for the meeting constantly.
<extra_id_0> He's very excited and nervous. <extra_id_1>
Bev and her brother loved to ride their bikes down big hills. The bigger the better. <extra_id_0> She went flying over the handlebars. Fortunately she just got scraped up a bit.
<extra_id_0> One day Bev hit a rock on the way down. <extra_id_1>
She took teddy down the slides, on the swings, and in the sand box. <extra_id_0> She looked around and could not find Teddy. Ella ran to her mom crying, but Mom already had Teddy waiting.
<extra_id_0> Ella heard her mom calling that it was time to go home. <extra_id_1>
Andrew was hungover. <extra_id_0> Andrew began to feel better.
<extra_id_0> So he got some Gatorade and breakfast. <extra_id_1>
Macy was afraid of her boss's temper. <extra_id_0> Macy came into work on the day that the project was due. Macy's boss started to yell at her in front of her co-workers. Macy decided to hand in her resignation the next day.
<extra_id_0> She was assigned a project for which she lacked time to complete. <extra_id_1>
He works in a medical lab. <extra_id_0> Then we ate lunch and he took me home. It was a fun and informational day.
<extra_id_0> He showed me the instruments he uses, like a microscope. <extra_id_1>
She listened to the song every time it played. <extra_id_0> Her friends were enjoying the song when she turned the radio off. Her friends were upset, but she couldn't bare to hear that song again.
<extra_id_0> After 3 months she was sick of the song. <extra_id_1>
He had always wanted a tattoo and now he was old enough. He chose a tattoo parlor and made an appointment. <extra_id_0> Timmy chose his tattoo and braced himself.
<extra_id_0> When he arrived, the artist was very nice. <extra_id_1>
Sarah was helping her family decorate the tree for Christmas. <extra_id_0> She opened it and discovered a brand new glass ornament. She was going to hang it up when she dropped it. The entire thing shattered and Sarah's mom was so mad.
<extra_id_0> Her mom gave her a gift. <extra_id_1>
They set up their tent in a clearing. <extra_id_0> Soon the fire was quite strong. Rachel and her friends sat around the fire telling stories.
<extra_id_0> After the tent was ready, they started building a fire. <extra_id_1>
The rat annoyed the family, as it chewed up wires in the home. <extra_id_0> The cat soon found the rat hiding in his spot.
<extra_id_0> The family soon decided to get a large cat. <extra_id_1>
Robert was relaxing in the local river. <extra_id_0> It seemed like it was going to be a good day. Suddenly, Robert heard a popping noise and began to sink. His inner tube had deflated.
<extra_id_0> He sat in an inflatable inner tube. <extra_id_1>
I woke up way too early. <extra_id_0> My back started hurting, and I couldn't get comfortable.
<extra_id_0> I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. <extra_id_1>
Gage's school day had been cancelled due to rain. He rode the bus home. Gage got off the bus and started to walk to his house. <extra_id_0> Gage rolled up his pants so he wouldn't get them wet.
<extra_id_0> The driveway was flooded! <extra_id_1>
My roommate hates having to go outside to smoke. <extra_id_0> He decided to try and sneak a smoke in the bathroom.
<extra_id_0> The weather was freezing today and he was already cold. <extra_id_1>
I went huckleberry picking with my grandmother. <extra_id_0> My grandmother had secret places to pick berries. We filled up old ice cream buckets with berries.
<extra_id_0> The berries were ripe in late summer. <extra_id_1>
Nick has a math test on Monday. <extra_id_0> He did not want to fail. When he got to the test, he was ready.
<extra_id_0> He decided to start studying early. <extra_id_1>
Nick was so excited about tonight. He had concert tickets to see his favorite group. <extra_id_0> He got to the show super early because he was so excited. The concert was great, and Nick had a wonderful night.
<extra_id_0> Nick went home after work and got ready quickly. <extra_id_1>
On the way home we went to the caverns. <extra_id_0> We looked at the memorabilia the crew left inside the cave.
<extra_id_0> A movie had been made inside. <extra_id_1>
Rachael really wanted to have a slip and slide. <extra_id_0> No one was using it so her brother felt bad. He decided to go for a run on it.
<extra_id_0> So she bought one and set it up. <extra_id_1>
There was a kid named Bill. <extra_id_0> Until one day the sugar went missing.
<extra_id_0> Bill always ate sugar with everything. <extra_id_1>
The Jones family went on vacation. <extra_id_0> The beach was the last place they visited. They all got a bad sunburn at the beach.
<extra_id_0> On vacation, they visited a museum, a theme park, and a beach. <extra_id_1>
It took them awhile to get ready. <extra_id_0> Finally they left for their trip. They had an amazing time!
<extra_id_0> They had to save money and make plans. <extra_id_1>
At the park, Gary saw a huge, and long water slide. <extra_id_0> Gary was so glad he decided to come to the water park today.
<extra_id_0> Gary was nervous, but went down the long water slide. <extra_id_1>
I forgot to mail them. It was already Christmas Eve and it was too late to mail them. <extra_id_0> I secretly found the lists and destroyed them after they threw them.
<extra_id_0> I said we could throw the lists outside and the wind would mail them. <extra_id_1>
Jason ripped his pants on a fence. He decided to buy new pants. <extra_id_0> Next, he went to the mall.
<extra_id_0> First, he went home to change his clothes. <extra_id_1>