Unnamed: 0
There was a new theater in town. <extra_id_0> The seats were comfortable. The popcorn was the best! They decided to go to that theater from now on.
<extra_id_0> The family decided to try it out. <extra_id_1>
He ducked under the trailer to find the rest of the chain. <extra_id_0> He slowly starved to death and was eaten by wild animals.
<extra_id_0> Fred hadn't properly set the brake and it rolled backwards. <extra_id_1>
He visits the local laundromat to have his jeans cleaned. <extra_id_0> Samuelson decides never to let his jeans become so dirty again.
<extra_id_0> When they're clean and dry, he feels much better. <extra_id_1>
Sara had a pet dog. <extra_id_0> Sara's mom was having a new baby and didn't think the dog was safe. She told Sara that they would have to give the dog away.
<extra_id_0> The dog was very overactive and big. <extra_id_1>
He was ecstatic. He had just logged into the server. He found that his new favorite game was released. <extra_id_0> He played it all day long.
<extra_id_0> He purchased it immediately. <extra_id_1>
I wanted to go to Yosemite National Park. <extra_id_0> Along the way I saw a bear.
<extra_id_0> I decided to drive there. <extra_id_1>
I had completely forgotten about it when I left class. <extra_id_0> I completely freaked out because I had forgotten about it. I had to stay up all night writing my paper.
<extra_id_0> A couple of days later, one of my friends asked if I was done. <extra_id_1>
I just learned how to use scripts on MTurk. <extra_id_0> I thought I would be smart and hoard a ton of hits. I worked as fast as I could but only made it through half of them.
<extra_id_0> The newest one has an option to "hoard" hits. <extra_id_1>
Georgina Watson wanted to be an equestrian. <extra_id_0> She cried, pleaded, and screamed at him. But he would not budge. Georgina then got into motorcycles, to her father's dismay.
<extra_id_0> Yet, her father would not let her. <extra_id_1>
Jamie's parents gave him a dollar for each lost tooth. One day, Jamie felt a loose tooth in his mouth. <extra_id_0> He tied a string to the tooth and yanked it.
<extra_id_0> He thought about what a dollar could buy. <extra_id_1>
When I got out I started to dry myself. I quickly noticed the towel was dirty. <extra_id_0> I had to dry out without a towel.
<extra_id_0> Somehow it made its way to the clean laundry. <extra_id_1>
We searched for several clothing that we're cheap in price. <extra_id_0> I decided to try out the first.
<extra_id_0> I came across a nice, red polo t-shirt for $20 dollars. <extra_id_1>
Lily had gotten a major role in a school concert. <extra_id_0> Her mother assured her she was going to do terrific. The words of courage enlightened her and made her feel at ease.
<extra_id_0> She was scared she would mess up or forget her words. <extra_id_1>
He went to buy a bug zapper to hopefully silence them. He set out the bug zapper before going to sleep. <extra_id_0> Thomas opted to buy some earplugs instead.
<extra_id_0> The cicadas didn't fall for it. <extra_id_1>
Emily was reading a book about Vikings. She then noticed some shadow at the door. <extra_id_0> Emily's mind raced and she hid under the covers.
<extra_id_0> It appeared to have two horns on its head. <extra_id_1>
When we left the house it was bright and sunny, but that soon changed. <extra_id_0> On our walk home, it began to rain. Instead of racing home, we played in the rain instead!
<extra_id_0> Rain clouds began to fill the sky, so we turned to go home. <extra_id_1>
He only had one day before the test. He decided to stay up all night and cram. <extra_id_0> He was able to stay awake and study!
<extra_id_0> He kept falling asleep so he drank coffee. <extra_id_1>
Lynn and her friends were busted sneaking in at midnight. <extra_id_0> The girls all stood quiet as she yelled. Lynn's dad drove her friends home.
<extra_id_0> Lynn's mom was Irate. <extra_id_1>
Jane used to be a fan of the New York Mets. <extra_id_0> When they lost the World Series, she was pretty upset. Now she's declared herself a Yankees fan.
<extra_id_0> She was really hoping they would win this year. <extra_id_1>
Chelsea was a popular girl with lots of friends. <extra_id_0> One day, her dad took a new job. They had to move to a big city where Chelsea knew no one. Chelsea hated her new school and had no friends anymore.
<extra_id_0> She went to a small school where she knew everyone. <extra_id_1>
He set his alarm so he would not oversleep. But when he woke, it was almost noon! <extra_id_0> Alan was angry that he had overslept.
<extra_id_0> He hadn't heard his alarm going off. <extra_id_1>
Sheila was hungry. She really wanted to eat a burger. <extra_id_0> Later that night Sheila began throwing up. She quickly realized she had food poisoning and was upset.
<extra_id_0> Sheila decided to try a new burger place. <extra_id_1>
My cousin divorced her husband in 2012. Her in-laws lived in Indiana. <extra_id_0> Last week I heard she went to Indiana to see an in-law. She told me one of the in-laws was nice.
<extra_id_0> It was a painful divorce, with hard feelings on both sides. <extra_id_1>
He hasn't been able to go this year because there is no snow. Tom watched the weather and saw that there was going to be a storm. <extra_id_0> Tom finally gets his chance to ski!
<extra_id_0> He woke up the next morning to a winter wonderland. <extra_id_1>
A deer ran across the road causing both cars to swerve. <extra_id_0> The other car was fine and didn't notice the other's fate.
<extra_id_0> One car spun out and smashed into a tree. <extra_id_1>
Erin made an account and purchased the book. <extra_id_0> The seller never replied, so Eren contacted customer support.
<extra_id_0> The book never came so Erin contacted the seller. <extra_id_1>
His girlfriend tried to get him a fish for his birthday. <extra_id_0> Tom had a saltwater tank. She apologized and returned it.
<extra_id_0> Unfortunately she got him a fresh water fish. <extra_id_1>
Sally planned to prank her best friend Jenny. <extra_id_0> She found Jenny's car in the parking lot.
<extra_id_0> She blew up lots of balloons and stuffed them in bags. <extra_id_1>
Dan was about to travel to meet his parents this weekend. As Dan was packing, Dan realized he was missing his passport. <extra_id_0> Dan realized that his passport was lost. Dan was upset that he could not find his passport anywhere.
<extra_id_0> Dan searched his entire apartment for the passport. <extra_id_1>
Maya was hosting her very first Thanksgiving dinner. She tried her best to entertain while cooking dinner. As she chatted with guests she ran back and forth to the oven. <extra_id_0> Before it was too late, the turkey burned in the oven.
<extra_id_0> Suddenly she got caught up in a chat with friends. <extra_id_1>
One cat in particular shed a lot. She was tired to sweeping up fur. <extra_id_0> She snapped and shaved the cat!
<extra_id_0> One day, she discovered a huge fur ball on the floor. <extra_id_1>
Adam was running late so he grabbed a coffee to go. <extra_id_0> He started feeling lightheaded and sleepy an hour later. Adam felt irritable and realized he was weak from hunger.
<extra_id_0> He didn't have time to eat anything, and he had to get to work. <extra_id_1>
Chad was responsible for organizing the school fete. Chad wanted the fete to have face painting and games. <extra_id_0> Chad also wanted to have a live concert at the fete as well. Chad could not wait for the children to enjoy the school fete.
<extra_id_0> In addition, Chad wanted to sell various foods at the fete. <extra_id_1>
She decided to stay home instead. <extra_id_0> The rain suddenly stopped.
<extra_id_0> She hoped the rain would let up. <extra_id_1>
They were lucky because Jim always won in them. <extra_id_0> Jim scored the highest out of everyone! It was all because of his lucky jeans!
<extra_id_0> He wore them for the big game. <extra_id_1>
He was up all night finishing his report. <extra_id_0> Suddenly, the calendar caught Jamal's eye. The report was due next week.
<extra_id_0> While exhausted, he was glad it was over. <extra_id_1>
There was a long string of group texts on her phone. <extra_id_0> She read them all intently. She tried not to, but she enjoyed the drama far too much.
<extra_id_0> She had missed them all. <extra_id_1>
Doug chose a new slasher film for the big night. <extra_id_0> They left the theater and Doug drove the girl straight home.
<extra_id_0> When a gory scene came on screen, the date threw up in Doug's lab. <extra_id_1>
He wanted to get his licence so badly! <extra_id_0> She told him what she wanted him to do.
<extra_id_0> He got into the car with the examiner. <extra_id_1>
Kelly had her birthday party at her house yesterday. Everything was going just fine. <extra_id_0> All the guests then had to leave.
<extra_id_0> However her power went out. <extra_id_1>
Jenny's family was moving and she didn't like it. She was leaving all of her friends behind and it made her sad. Jenny saw where they would be living as they rounded the driveway. <extra_id_0> After exploring for a while, Jenny thought that the old house was nice.
<extra_id_0> It was a very old house and she wasn't sure about it. <extra_id_1>
It was the last day of school. Kate wanted to spend the night at her friend Sue's. <extra_id_0> Jane realized they wouldn't see each other for months. The girls stood hugging each other and crying.
<extra_id_0> But Sue was spending the summer with her grandma in Maine. <extra_id_1>
Many people with toddlers were there. <extra_id_0> We looked everywhere for her.
<extra_id_0> When it came time to cut the cake one was missing. <extra_id_1>
He set up the chairs. <extra_id_0> He had one chair left over.
<extra_id_0> His guests sat down in them. <extra_id_1>
Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. <extra_id_0> The neighbor had brought her several gifts.
<extra_id_0> A neighbor was there. <extra_id_1>
Renee wanted to lose weight and get in better shape. She found a program for free that started slow. <extra_id_0> Soon she was only jogging every day and not walking. After just three months, Renee was able to run her first 5K.
<extra_id_0> She started walking every day and jogging for a few minutes. <extra_id_1>
Some really good music came on. They went out on the dance floor. <extra_id_0> After awhile he realized the music had stopped, but he hadn't!
<extra_id_0> Joe started dancing, getting totally caught up in the music. <extra_id_1>
One day Brandon and his friends went to the arcade. <extra_id_0> Then they went to the arcade.
<extra_id_0> First they got corn dogs for lunch. <extra_id_1>
But he had to fix the tiles on his roof because they were leaking! Then he thought of a great solution. <extra_id_0> His roof was fixed and Lou never left the ground!
<extra_id_0> He hired a neighborhood boy to fix the tiles for him. <extra_id_1>
He was stressed out. <extra_id_0> He was the top scorer. He was thrilled.
<extra_id_0> He went to the game. <extra_id_1>
Amy had been in junior high for a week. She had met quite a few people. <extra_id_0> Amy talked to a girl while in line to get food. The girl and Amy decided to eat together since they were both alone.
<extra_id_0> But she still had no friends in her lunch period. <extra_id_1>
Tina's mom was making cupcakes for her class bake sale. Tina wanted to help. Her mom knew Tina would likely just make a mess. <extra_id_0> Sure enough, Tina had a great time "helping" get flour everywhere!
<extra_id_0> But to please Tina, she let her daughter help. <extra_id_1>
She lets them swing on the swings while she reads a magazine. However, one of her children falls off the swing. <extra_id_0> She decides never to read while her children are playing again.
<extra_id_0> Janice rushes to make sure he is OK. <extra_id_1>
I went into the restaurant to buy a sandwich. <extra_id_0> The sink was dripping, one very slow drip at a time.
<extra_id_0> The restaurant owner was very frugal, almost miserly. <extra_id_1>
Shane is walking home from work. He notices a girl laying on the ground. He tries to help the girl. <extra_id_0> The girl has been murdered.
<extra_id_0> The girl is unresponsive. <extra_id_1>
I decided to make some soup. <extra_id_0> I decided to buy some broth.
<extra_id_0> But, I did not have broth in my pantry. <extra_id_1>
She had chickens and goats. <extra_id_0> She bought the biggest turkey she could find.
<extra_id_0> She decided to add a turkey to her animals. <extra_id_1>
It's how he got energy and started his day. <extra_id_0> He tried to go without it for a bit but couldn't.
<extra_id_0> After a while he noticed he was addicted to caffeine. <extra_id_1>
He takes pictures of big buildings, trains, and bridges. <extra_id_0> He is very happy that he has a new hobby.
<extra_id_0> Over time, Marcus finds his photography skills improving. <extra_id_1>
Tom was reading a new book. He stood up too fast and dropped his glasses. While looking for them he heard a crunch. <extra_id_0> They were shattered and he couldn't keep reading.
<extra_id_0> Tom accidentally stepped on them. <extra_id_1>
She also notices that she's nauseated for no reason. <extra_id_0> Test reveals that Cara has an abnormal heart rhythm.
<extra_id_0> So she goes to the Doctor who orders numerous tests. <extra_id_1>
He tried to buy lamps to make up for it. <extra_id_0> Unfortunately it didn't replace natural light properly.
<extra_id_0> It helped with visibility. <extra_id_1>
Janna was running through the park. <extra_id_0> She called 911 and told them where she was and what was happening.
<extra_id_0> She saw a tall old man chasing a young girl. <extra_id_1>
Jane decided to have lunch in the cafeteria there she ran into a student who hadn't been to class in a week. Jane confronted the student about her her attendance. <extra_id_0> Jane never saw the student again.
<extra_id_0> The student was embarrassed and promised to come to class. <extra_id_1>
Glenn bought his cats a feather toy. <extra_id_0> Eventually, though, they stole it and hid under the bed with it. When Glenn finally retrieved the toy, the cats had torn it apart. He had to get them a new one the next day.
<extra_id_0> The cats seemed to love when Glenn played with them with the toy. <extra_id_1>
My friend Joe has a son, 16. When his son was 13 he told his dad there was no summer reading. <extra_id_0> I went online and found the school did have summer reading.
<extra_id_0> Joe believed his son. <extra_id_1>
Stacy had a ballet recital. <extra_id_0> Most of her family could not. Her mom said she would come but missed it. Stacy felt defeated.
<extra_id_0> She really wanted her family to come. <extra_id_1>
There was a big golf tournament. <extra_id_0> On the last six holes it was all on the line.
<extra_id_0> I was faced against a big rival. <extra_id_1>
He figured it wasn't too hard to make. <extra_id_0> The French toast came out tasting very bad.
<extra_id_0> He tried his best, but he messed something up. <extra_id_1>
Charles was too talented to stay poor. <extra_id_0> He searched for printers to print his publication cheap.
<extra_id_0> He produced a magazine but it didn't sell online. <extra_id_1>
One hot day, she donned gloves and a sun hat before working. But when she got inside later, she was shocked. <extra_id_0> Only her hands and face remained white.
<extra_id_0> Her arms and neck were bright red with sunburn! <extra_id_1>
I wanted a Mercedes Benz, or a Range Rover, or even a Honda Civic. <extra_id_0> She drove me to the mechanic and showed me my new car.
<extra_id_0> When I turned 16, my mother said she had a surprise for me. <extra_id_1>
I went hiking with my friends. <extra_id_0> One lead to the mountains. One lead to the forest. So we decided to turn around and go back.
<extra_id_0> At the middle of the trail, there were two paths. <extra_id_1>
The shots worked well and reduce her allergy reactions for ten years. As an adult, her allergy symptoms began to get worse. <extra_id_0> She puts drops under her tongue every day and her symptoms are gone.
<extra_id_0> There was a new desensitizing protocol now available. <extra_id_1>
So she was eager to try out for her high school gymnastics team! <extra_id_0> Not only that - the other members had voted her team captain!
<extra_id_0> She tried out and was happy to find she had made the team. <extra_id_1>
Jim had gone everywhere around the world in his sailboat. He wanted to try an inland river cruise. <extra_id_0> The second he put it in the water it sank.
<extra_id_0> Selling his sailboat, he got money for a houseboat. <extra_id_1>
I sped past him and the next thing I saw was two police cars. <extra_id_0> On the news that night I learned the man was wanted for murder.
<extra_id_0> The man ran and the cars pursued him. <extra_id_1>
Tim hated his home life. <extra_id_0> He saved up money and packed secretly. He left his house and never went back. Tim never spoke to his parents again.
<extra_id_0> He decided to run away. <extra_id_1>
A poor man was nervous at hollywood party. <extra_id_0> He asked about who the famous person would like to meet. This opened up a topic for conversation as the answer as unique.
<extra_id_0> He went up to a famous person and asked a question. <extra_id_1>
They bought cooked foods and toys to play in the park. <extra_id_0> The beggar ask for food from Mari family.
<extra_id_0> While eating in the park,a beggar came near to them. <extra_id_1>
Ryan liked to read. <extra_id_0> Ryan's birthday was coming up.
<extra_id_0> He was really interested in animals and reptiles. <extra_id_1>
As a child, Kenny loved watching great acting performances in films. He knew he wanted to grow up to be a professional film actor. <extra_id_0> He paid his dues in the film industry until he got his first big role. Now he is living out his dream of being a professional film actor.
<extra_id_0> He went to school for acting and worked very hard at his craft. <extra_id_1>
She couldn't hold a job anymore. <extra_id_0> Nikki invited her mother to live with her. Her mother happily accepted.
<extra_id_0> She lost her house. <extra_id_1>
Jonah was on a fishing trip. He had taken his boat out to the middle of the lake. Jonah decided to come back into shore. <extra_id_0> Jonah had to use the paddles to get the boat back to land.
<extra_id_0> The motor wouldn't start up. <extra_id_1>
He walks to the local pool hall and plays a few games. <extra_id_0> He decides he will try to spend less time in his apartment alone.
<extra_id_0> Jackson makes new friends while playing pool. <extra_id_1>
The man hammered the nail. The nail bent over. <extra_id_0> It bent again the next time he hit it.
<extra_id_0> The man straightened the nail. <extra_id_1>
Sara was obsessed with a new video game on her phone. <extra_id_0> One day she was so distracted that she walked into oncoming traffic. She broke several bones and was in pain for months before they healed.
<extra_id_0> She would walk around outside while playing it all the time. <extra_id_1>
Ina found a fancy plate at a yard sale. <extra_id_0> Then she heard a crackling.
<extra_id_0> The next day she used it to microwave some food. <extra_id_1>
Then, she opened a coupon book. <extra_id_0> Finally, she was ready to go to the store.
<extra_id_0> She cut out any coupons for things she needed. <extra_id_1>
Tim wanted to meet a nice girl to date. He decided to take a yoga class to help socialize. <extra_id_0> They began dating. They eventually fell in love and got married.
<extra_id_0> He met a like minded nice girl. <extra_id_1>
There was one house that looked dark and spooky. <extra_id_0> Eventually someone came out and told him to leave. The people living there didn't celebrate that holiday.
<extra_id_0> Tim ran up to ring the doorbell and knock. <extra_id_1>
I had to drive to the parking office to get my parking permit renewed. <extra_id_0> Inside, they told me that I did not need to bring the permit in. They renewed my license and gave me a brand new parking permit. But when I got back to my car, I had received a parking ticket.
<extra_id_0> At the parking office, I took my parking permit in with me. <extra_id_1>
John and Mary went to the wilderness for their adventure. They set up their tent. <extra_id_0> Suddenly, a bear came attracted by the food on the fire. John and Mary escaped the scene waiting for the bear to leave.
<extra_id_0> They made a campfire to cook their food. <extra_id_1>
Tina got a tiger on her face. <extra_id_0> She loved it.
<extra_id_0> Everyone complimented her face. <extra_id_1>
Me and my brothers grew up in a neighbor with a lot of kids. <extra_id_0> One day my little brother was injured while being tackled. He could not walk and was in a lot of pain.
<extra_id_0> Everyday after school we would all get together and play football. <extra_id_1>
Dan wanted to buy a kazoo. He went to the music store and picked one out. <extra_id_0> His face turned red with embarrassment as he put the kazoo down.
<extra_id_0> When Dan got to the counter he realized his wallet was missing. <extra_id_1>
Jason was doing graffiti on a wall. <extra_id_0> He had to do community service.
<extra_id_0> He was caught by the cops. <extra_id_1>
Gina loved Easter morning. <extra_id_0> She always hoped it would be filled with candy and such. This time it was filled with all of her favorite things.
<extra_id_0> She loved finding the basket that the bunny had brought. <extra_id_1>
She was ready to teach her students percentages. <extra_id_0> Most of the students wept in disappointment. Only Misses Sky was excited on the topic of percentages.
<extra_id_0> She announced to the class what the day had in store for them. <extra_id_1>
Amy hadn't been speaking to her crush Ray. Ray had been cold and distant for weeks. <extra_id_0> Amy was more confused than ever before.
<extra_id_0> One day at lunch he gave her a muffin. <extra_id_1>