Unnamed: 0
The waitress brought Tom the wrong drink. <extra_id_0> Tom didn't leave a tip.
<extra_id_0> Tom's food wasn't as good as it usually was. <extra_id_1>
One day a new car showed up in our building's garage. <extra_id_0> Last week the owner took the cover off.
<extra_id_0> The car was covered and we were curious. <extra_id_1>
Greg needed money for a car. <extra_id_0> Since Greg was desperate he decided to rob a gas station.
<extra_id_0> He had a difficult time finding a job. <extra_id_1>
A caveman clubbed a deer. He carried the deer back to camp. His clan was excited. <extra_id_0> He had many night pleasures.
<extra_id_0> The had a festival for the caveman. <extra_id_1>
Will wanted to serve his country, the United States. <extra_id_0> Will ground it out through boot camp and basic training. Will was deployed overseas to Afghanistan. Will served two tours and is now a decorated officer.
<extra_id_0> Will signed up for military service. <extra_id_1>
The mail was delivered to Hal's house at noon. <extra_id_0> He only found his left shoe.
<extra_id_0> Hal searched for his shoes to go outside to get it. <extra_id_1>
Nate had the summer off before college. He wanted to have a lot of new, fun experiences. <extra_id_0> He saw new places and made lots of friends.
<extra_id_0> So he took a job with a traveling carnival. <extra_id_1>
In high school Charlie was an excellent quarterback. <extra_id_0> Charlie was in a bad accident right after graduation.
<extra_id_0> During his senior year Charlie was offered many scholarships. <extra_id_1>
They attended this past year. Helen was very scared. <extra_id_0> They ended up bonding over that.
<extra_id_0> Ethan told her she was okay. <extra_id_1>
Tim had been asked to work late every day for a week. <extra_id_0> On payday, he opened his check.
<extra_id_0> He had agreed even though he hated it. <extra_id_1>
Jeremy was at a punk concert with friends. Someone convinced him to get a tattoo. <extra_id_0> Jeremy braced himself, and let them make the tattoo. It was painful and the tattoo didn't really come out well.
<extra_id_0> They had ink from a pen and a hot needle. <extra_id_1>
The first day I was so anxious I forgot my backpack. I didn't know what to expect from High School. <extra_id_0> I went to first period and saw my old teacher.
<extra_id_0> I was sweating so hard because I didn't have any new clothes. <extra_id_1>
Apparently a pop quiz was just assigned. <extra_id_0> He was unprepared.
<extra_id_0> Fred froze. <extra_id_1>
He had a very special one telling Sarah how he felt about her. <extra_id_0> When he looked around the office he saw Laura opening Sarah's card.
<extra_id_0> He marked the envelope with a single heart. <extra_id_1>
He invited several friends to his house for a poker party. <extra_id_0> Shawn suggested they start with five card draw. By the end of the evening, I had all of Shawn's money.
<extra_id_0> Everyone agreed, I went too. <extra_id_1>
My band practiced for several weeks. <extra_id_0> We went inside and set up our equipment.
<extra_id_0> We got ready for a very big show. <extra_id_1>
Gina really needed a new cell phone. <extra_id_0> Her mother suggested she look online for a phone and protective case. Gina thought this was a great idea and searched online for hours. She finally found a great deal on a new phone with a matching case.
<extra_id_0> She'd dropped her old one so many times it barely worked. <extra_id_1>
When she was halfway done with her degree, her computer stopped. <extra_id_0> She went on to finish her degree and launch her product.
<extra_id_0> She decided to use some money from her loans to get a new computer. <extra_id_1>
She watched the woman swirl the batter into the grease. <extra_id_0> When it was handed to her she nervously ate a piece.
<extra_id_0> She thought to herself it wasn't what she expected. <extra_id_1>
One day his friend brought cookies to school. <extra_id_0> Minutes later he started breaking out.
<extra_id_0> Jim ate one of the cookies. <extra_id_1>
James has a farm. His favorite part is his eggs. <extra_id_0> James then gathers eggs.
<extra_id_0> He always wakes up every morning and goes to the chicken coop. <extra_id_1>
My girlfriend and I were watching a movie at night. While watching the movie, my girlfriend felt something on her neck. She reached back and a screamed as she threw a spider onto our laps. <extra_id_0> I squashed the spider and we went back to the movie.
<extra_id_0> I got up to find something to squish the spider. <extra_id_1>
Dora told her husband she saw a mouse in the kitchen. <extra_id_0> So, Dora's husband returned with a humane sticky trap. The next day, Dora found a mouse squirming on the trap. She tossed it in the garbage and put the lid on tightly.
<extra_id_0> Her husband brought home a standard trap, but Dora balked. <extra_id_1>
A little boy named Timmy sure did love his sweets. <extra_id_0> He looked forward to his daily lollipop all morning long. One Saturday, his mother took Timmy to the candy store.
<extra_id_0> His mother gave him a lollipop every afternoon. <extra_id_1>
I asked my neighbor Jack if he would help me put up the tent. <extra_id_0> Now the tent is up and my garden is protected against the rain.
<extra_id_0> He said yes and so he and I got to work. <extra_id_1>
Johnny was supposed to be going home after vacation. His flight was delayed due to weather. Since he'd checked out of his hotel, he decided to go swimming. <extra_id_0> At the end of the day he caught his flight home.
<extra_id_0> He spent the whole day on the beach. <extra_id_1>
Sonia wanted to go snorkeling. <extra_id_0> No one wanted to spend the day at the beach, so she went alone. She put on her equipment and went into the water. But five minutes later, a big storm started and she had to go home.
<extra_id_0> She asked her friends if they wanted to join her. <extra_id_1>
Jon's girlfriend loved books. <extra_id_0> He wanted to give her a great gift. So he made a recording of him reading a book he knew she wanted. He gave her the recording to hear the book in his voice.
<extra_id_0> Her birthday was coming up. <extra_id_1>
Thus, I bought some grapes from the market. <extra_id_0> Finally, I had made wine! Alas, it tasted poor.
<extra_id_0> I fermented them for six weeks. <extra_id_1>
She didn't want to seem like she cared that she was alone. <extra_id_0> She hoped it would look like she was exercising.
<extra_id_0> She decided to walk around the perimeter of the playground. <extra_id_1>
Bob and his friends really enjoyed hiking. They decided to hike on a section of the AT. <extra_id_0> They hiked on the AT for 4 days.
<extra_id_0> They got all their gear together and set out. <extra_id_1>
The man learned French. <extra_id_0> He met a French woman.
<extra_id_0> He traveled to France. <extra_id_1>
We went to an urgent care center. <extra_id_0> She prescribed three medications. I hope they work.
<extra_id_0> The doctor's assistant examined her and ordered an X-ray. <extra_id_1>
Denise auditioned to join the school cheerleading team. During the auditions, a set of mean girls kept heckling her. <extra_id_0> However, despite trying, Denise could not ignore them anymore.
<extra_id_0> Denise did her best to ignore the heckling from the girls. <extra_id_1>
I had to fill out an agriculture form. <extra_id_0> I tried my luck and tried to take a passion fruit to the mainland.
<extra_id_0> It said I would be arrested for taking produce from Hawaii. <extra_id_1>
Terry desired to learn to skateboard. <extra_id_0> But he was frightened of being injured. So he bought a huge amount of safety gear. Some of the safety gear caught on his pants and made him fall.
<extra_id_0> It looked like a cool hobby to him. <extra_id_1>
He hit a man on a motorcycle. <extra_id_0> The man filed a lawsuit against Lemuel. Lemuel had to pay the man one hundred thousand dollars.
<extra_id_0> He claimed that he didn't see the man coming. <extra_id_1>
They bought cooked foods and toys to play in the park. <extra_id_0> The beggar ask for food from Mari family. They gave the beggar some foods and drinks.
<extra_id_0> While eating in the park,a beggar came near to them. <extra_id_1>
Josiah loved playing with his aunt. She always took him by the hands and made him turn around. He loved the sensation of flying in his house. <extra_id_0> And his aunt had to console him from the pain.
<extra_id_0> But when he hit his foot on a table, he screamed. <extra_id_1>
Johnny was a punk rocker. <extra_id_0> He gathered people to protest and spread anarchy. They started burning the flag and throwing bricks. The cops shot them.
<extra_id_0> He hated the government and wanted to have an uprising. <extra_id_1>
Jackie was having her morning coffee in her living room. <extra_id_0> A large piece of ice hit her car windshield. It shattered her windshield.
<extra_id_0> All of a sudden it started to hail. <extra_id_1>
Timothy entered a gas station in Los Angeles. The korean clerk kept looking at him because he was black. <extra_id_0> The korean smiled and said that Timothy went to school with his son. Timothy felt guilty for judging koreans for being racist.
<extra_id_0> Timothy confronted him and said what is his problem. <extra_id_1>
He was studying Russian. <extra_id_0> Eventually, he managed to get an A in his class.
<extra_id_0> It was difficult for him. <extra_id_1>
A politician contacted him and asked him to make a moral on a wall. <extra_id_0> The mural was vandalized within forty-eight hours. Eric stopped vandalizing property after that experience.
<extra_id_0> Eric painted a picture of President Obama. <extra_id_1>
So she got the day's clothing from her chair. <extra_id_0> So when she got up she was nice and toasty.
<extra_id_0> And she put them on under the blanket warming them up. <extra_id_1>
I was coming through a door at work. <extra_id_0> I almost ran into her. She was wearing a purple two piece.
<extra_id_0> I saw my friend Amy. <extra_id_1>
He visited his old school and his parents house. <extra_id_0> Everything was magical. Then he woke up.
<extra_id_0> He flew with the birds and a plane. <extra_id_1>
There was a track meet there. <extra_id_0> I walked through the shot put area. I did not realize someone was throwing.
<extra_id_0> The shot put area was between the bathrooms and the track. <extra_id_1>
Jennifer was very bored sitting at her house alone. She wanted to do something exciting. <extra_id_0> Her friend was reluctant but agreed. The friend backed out at the last minute.
<extra_id_0> She called a friend and offered to pay to go skydiving. <extra_id_1>
The water so so strong it tore through the paper targets. <extra_id_0> When he was out of targets he shut off the hose.
<extra_id_0> The man laughed as he destroyed the targets. <extra_id_1>
Laura and I went on a date to see a movie. <extra_id_0> When we got into the movie Laura dropped her soda! The movie was already started but I went and got another for her.
<extra_id_0> We did a special deal at the theater for cheap. <extra_id_1>
Megan drove her car on top of a very big hill. <extra_id_0> She was zooming past all the other cars on the road.
<extra_id_0> She hit the gas as she began to go downhill. <extra_id_1>
After dinner Lucy called her grandpa to come pick her up. <extra_id_0> Lucy felt odd and left out. Mary's mother allowed them to color instead.
<extra_id_0> Mary and her family read the bible after dinner. <extra_id_1>
He accidentally left it on the floor. <extra_id_0> His friend wasn't upset but asked him to replace it. Tom did so quickly.
<extra_id_0> Tom stepped on the disk and broke it. <extra_id_1>
Jane decided to make cookies for her coworkers. She stayed up for hours making many batches of them. Jane was excited to surprise her coworkers the next day. <extra_id_0> Jane felt ridiculous as she realized she used salt instead of sugar.
<extra_id_0> At work the next day, her coworkers told her they tasted strange. <extra_id_1>
He decided to grow Christmas trees on his land. <extra_id_0> Business was never constant and he stopped growing trees. He ended up working as a custodian.
<extra_id_0> He had a nice farm and sold many trees a few years ago. <extra_id_1>
Fred is driving down the road. His car starts to make a noise. He pulls over to check it out. <extra_id_0> He calls a tow truck for help.
<extra_id_0> Its his engine up in smoke. <extra_id_1>
The director stood on the other side and looked at Mitch. <extra_id_0> A moment later he gave Mitch a signal. Mitch pulled the cords and raised the stage curtain.
<extra_id_0> The overture finished and the director stood still. <extra_id_1>
It was test day. People were scrambling to study. They didn't know the material well enough. <extra_id_0> They all failed.
<extra_id_0> The teacher told them to put everything away. <extra_id_1>
Joe e-mailed her asking for a kiss. <extra_id_0> Joe asked again and again.
<extra_id_0> Kelly said no. <extra_id_1>
Katy was happy when her father got cancer. <extra_id_0> Katy enjoyed being able to live a normal life for a change. Unfortunately, her dad's cancer went into remission. Katy had to resume her career when he recovered.
<extra_id_0> It allowed her to take a break from her career for awhile. <extra_id_1>
Last night I had dinner with my parents. When I got there I was surprised to see my grandparents. <extra_id_0> I had a great time catching up with them.
<extra_id_0> I didn't know they were going to be there. <extra_id_1>
I had an intense craving for candy. <extra_id_0> I found a box of sour patch kids.
<extra_id_0> I wanted something sour. <extra_id_1>
Tim was at a fancy dinner. <extra_id_0> He didn't want to do anything embarrassing. He ate as neatly as possible. When it was over, everyone said he did fine.
<extra_id_0> He was nervous. <extra_id_1>
But she'd never had the money for the trip. <extra_id_0> Lisa worked harder than she ever had, and won the contest! She couldn't wait to finally visit Brazil.
<extra_id_0> Lisa's boss decided to hold a contest for a paid vacation. <extra_id_1>
He filled out his application in one night. <extra_id_0> He was optimistic that the positive recommendation would help. Later that month, he found out he had been accepted.
<extra_id_0> He asked a favorite professor to write him a recommendation letter. <extra_id_1>
Molly is out swimming. <extra_id_0> Molly feels something swim near her.
<extra_id_0> Molly swims deep into the ocean. <extra_id_1>
She has been studying for two days. <extra_id_0> When she got to class, her teacher gave her a few minutes to review.
<extra_id_0> She felt ready but was still nervous. <extra_id_1>
Tom had a dog he was trying to train. He bought a dog whistle to use on it. <extra_id_0> Eventually he took it to a dog park. It didn't do anything there either.
<extra_id_0> Tom tried it a few times but it didn't do anything. <extra_id_1>
Ophelia eats some candy. <extra_id_0> She is glad that she doesn't feel hungry any longer.
<extra_id_0> Afterwards she feels better. <extra_id_1>
Kia found a scratched-off lottery ticket on the ground. <extra_id_0> Surprised, she found that the ticket was a $5 winner.
<extra_id_0> She picked it up out of habit and checked the numbers. <extra_id_1>
Jessie's husband has never been a very good photographer. Imagine her surprise when he won first place in a photo contest. She celebrated with him, but remained suspicious. <extra_id_0> The prize-winning photo had been taken by their dog.
<extra_id_0> Then she found Mr Spot's collar with a small camera attached to it. <extra_id_1>
Carly was in New York City with her daughter. <extra_id_0> On their way to the dock, they became lost. They were running through the streets trying to find the right place.
<extra_id_0> They were going to see the Statue of Liberty today. <extra_id_1>
Every year for Thanksgiving my mom makes a pie. <extra_id_0> This year my mom decided to give the recipe only to me. My mom wants me to pass it down to my daughters. I put it in a secret place to keep safe.
<extra_id_0> Everyone always wants the recipe. <extra_id_1>
My teacher gave us a reading assignment before I came home. I started to read the book. <extra_id_0> My mom woke me up next morning at the time she was leaving to work. I quickly packed up and left the house.
<extra_id_0> After several pages, I fell asleep on the table. <extra_id_1>
I wanted to learn how to play the violin. <extra_id_0> The lessons were 300 dollars. After a month, I quit. I decided to just buy violin music instead.
<extra_id_0> I signed up for lessons. <extra_id_1>
Leo's mother took him to the park. <extra_id_0> Leo was swinging very high. Leo fell from the swing and skinned his knee.
<extra_id_0> Leo wanted to swing on the swing set. <extra_id_1>
She has been waiting all summer to see who her teacher is going to be. We received the postcard in the mail yesterday with her teacher's name. <extra_id_0> I hope this teacher is just as good.
<extra_id_0> It was not the teacher she wanted. <extra_id_1>
He let me pick out a gun. I got to fire it for ten dollars worth of ammunition. <extra_id_0> It was fun and taught me a lot.
<extra_id_0> My aim was terrible but kept getting better. <extra_id_1>
Nori and Nala were twin sisters. They couldn't find jobs and were unemployed. Eventually, they started dancing at a strip club. <extra_id_0> The next day, they quit and went back to the drawing board.
<extra_id_0> They got into a fight on the first night. <extra_id_1>
I bought a pair of pretty mink eyelashes. I tried to take the adhesive off. <extra_id_0> I tried to fix it to no avail. The family and I had a good laugh at my expense.
<extra_id_0> I ended up getting the lashes stuck to the skin on my eyelid. <extra_id_1>
Lila lived in the state of Hawaii in the year 2000. She met a man and was dating him for one year when she got pregnant. <extra_id_0> Until one day he punched her and did so every day for a whole year.
<extra_id_0> Their relationship was rocky but she stayed with him for the baby. <extra_id_1>
She went to the local Target to purchase new gloves. There were lots of swimwear options, but no gloves. <extra_id_0> Kay was stunned to find they stopped selling them until next winter.
<extra_id_0> Kay stopped an employee and asked where they were located. <extra_id_1>
Jennifer was quick to take opportunities when they came. <extra_id_0> She stayed long hours into the night finishing a big project.
<extra_id_0> She jumped on board immediately when work asked for her help. <extra_id_1>
Joey was excited that a new family was moving in next door. He took his basketball over when he saw there were two boys. <extra_id_0> Joey invited them over for dinner since they hadn't unpacked boxes.
<extra_id_0> The three kids went to the playground and played hoops for an hour. <extra_id_1>
Suddenly he got mugged by a group of teenagers. <extra_id_0> John decided to call the police. The police could not track the teenagers down.
<extra_id_0> They stole his cell phone and money. <extra_id_1>
Gina was excited since they usually went to Payless. The Footlocker store was 3 times the size of Payless. <extra_id_0> In the end she loved the purple suede sneakers she chose.
<extra_id_0> Gina had a hard time choosing from so many options. <extra_id_1>
Tami was waiting for the results of volleyball tryouts. She and 10 other 8th graders hoped to play for their high school. She called the coach to find out if she made it. <extra_id_0> She hung up when the voicemail picked up.
<extra_id_0> She sat with her fingers crossed as the phone rang, and rang. <extra_id_1>
They were recently remodeling some of their offices. <extra_id_0> They told everyone the books were up for grabs. I took several large boxes of books home with me.
<extra_id_0> One of them contained a large bookshelf. <extra_id_1>
He wasn't a fan of people. <extra_id_0> He ran into an old classmate. Tom ignored him and kept walking.
<extra_id_0> He had to go buy something one day. <extra_id_1>
Joe was a depressed man. He drowned his sorrows by drinking alcohol. <extra_id_0> Joe checked himself into a rehab center. He now lives a happy and sober life.
<extra_id_0> His life was being consumed by liquor and he hated it. <extra_id_1>
Justin is a very charismatic man who loves women. He's not the monogamous type so he likes to date a lot of women. The women love him so much that they accept his terms. <extra_id_0> To current date Justin has had 3 girlfriends for 6 years straight.
<extra_id_0> So for the past 6 years he has dated a lot of women with no problem. <extra_id_1>
He went to go wait in line. He waited a long time. <extra_id_0> They unfortunately sent him home because he was not registered.
<extra_id_0> Finally it was his turn. <extra_id_1>
He needed new skis before his trip. <extra_id_0> He finally decided to just rent some skis.
<extra_id_0> He could not find what he wanted. <extra_id_1>
Marriage had always crossed Nancy's mind. <extra_id_0> One day she got home to a romantic dinner and candles.
<extra_id_0> She never wanted to pressure Jim though. <extra_id_1>
His name is Max and he is very timid. By the time she was ready to leave he was nowhere to be found. <extra_id_0> My dog Ginger grabbed my Aunt's pants and pulled her to where Max was.
<extra_id_0> We may never have found him at all except for the help we got. <extra_id_1>
Tom's Netflix stopped working. He checked and the internet was still working. <extra_id_0> They informed Tom that his latest payment didn't go through.
<extra_id_0> Tom decided to call up the free number. <extra_id_1>
He decided to charge for walking other people's dogs. <extra_id_0> Tom was often dragged around.
<extra_id_0> He got a lot of dogs to make some decent money. <extra_id_1>
She liked him alot and wanted to make a good impression. <extra_id_0> When she lay down in bed that night, she felt something hard. She realized she had left a curler in her hair all through her date.
<extra_id_0> They had a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. <extra_id_1>
Molly turned 5 Year's old today. <extra_id_0> She has seen many animals in her books but never in person.
<extra_id_0> To celebrate the day, her parents took her to the zoo. <extra_id_1>