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[ "Sharon asks Nick to bring Faith to court for the trail because she feels scared and seeing Faith there will make her feel better but Nick refuses because Faith didn't react well after he brought her to court last time. Sharon is sad but understands that Nick is right they need to do what I best for Faith. Avery sees Nick at Restless style and asks him to bring Faith to court but he says no and she thanks him for the video game. Phyllis is jealous when she finds out Nick bought Avery a video game because video games are like foreplay in their relationship. Phyllis fears that Nick may be developing feelings for Avery and if that is the case Phyllis warns Nick they will have a big problem. Nick tells Phyllis that she and Avery have some things to work out and he insists that he and Avery are just friends. Sharon tells Victor what she and Nick decides about Faith and asks him not to do anything about it because Nick is right. Victor calls Michael and later gives Nick a court order stating that he must bring Faith to court. Avery pleads with Adam to help Sharon because he team has been unable to find Koa and she is scared that Sharon will end up in jail. Adam has a nightmare that Sharon goes to the electric chair and because of the nightmare he goes to see Sharon in jail.", "Phyllis advises Malcolm to save his marriage because he could raise Moses as his own just like Neil raised Lily. Neil and Sofia sign the birth certificate and worry and wonder about how Malcolm feels and what he will do. Malcolm arrives later and tells Sofia that he wants a quick divorce so that he can be done with her. Sofia pleads for a second chance but Malcolm tells her that he has spent years being Uncle Malcolm and he can't handle it one more time. Sofia signs the divorce papers and Malcolm tells Sofia he is going to Guam to get a quick divorce. Sofia yells that Neil said that he would turn his back on her and his family so he should go catch the plane. Neil can't believe that Malcolm ran away again. Malcolm goes to say a tearful goodbye to Phyllis and explains to her that he loves Sofia more then ever but he had to make her hate him so that Neil and Sofia can have a chance to be a family for the sake of the baby. Neil wants to be a part of the baby's life and he asks Sofia to move in with him after she and the baby are released from the hospital. Sofia accepts the invitation telling Neil that Moses deserves to have him as a father.", "" ]
[ "Neil: Wow. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful--?", "Moses: (Fusses)", "Neil: Yeah, Baby Boy.", "Sofia: (Laughs)", "Neil: Moses.", "Sofia: Never in my life.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Moses: (Fusses)", "Neil: Oh, I better bite my tongue. Lily was pretty amazing, too. Lily, your sister, was amazing, too.", "Sofia: (Chuckles) Well, I doubt that Lily would be offended that you find your son gorgeous.", "Neil: My son. You are my son. And you know what, Buddy? There's gonna be some major adjustments coming up, I'm telling you.", "Sofia: Have you, uh, heard from Malcolm?", "Moses: (Fussing)", "Neil: Not a word. You? It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.", "Sofia: He just found out that he has a nephew and not a son.", "Neil: Yes.", "Sofia: He'll, um, he needs time.", "Moses: (Fusses)", "Neil: It's okay. Shh. Yeah. You know Malcolm-- always taking off. Gets old after a while, you know? That's his thing. It's okay. Yes, I know.", "Moses: (Fussing)", "Sofia: You want Mama? Come here, Baby.", "Neil: Yeah, there's your mommy.", "Sofia: It's okay. It's okay.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Woman: It's time to sign Baby Winter's birth certificate. Which one of you gentlemen is the father?", "Moses: (Fusses) (Cries)", "Sofia: Its okay, Baby. It's okay. It's okay.", "Moses: (Fusses)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Victor.", "Victor: Phyllis. Good morning.", "Phyllis: So what's your day like today? Hovering over Sharon? Bending the legal world to your will? Writing another check to Avery Clark?", "Victor: Your sister's an excellent attorney.", "Phyllis: Yeah. That's why you hired her, right? Because she's an excellent attorney-- not because she's my sister.", "Victor: Do you think that she wrote something about her sibling on her résumé? Is that what you're asking?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, no. But I know that you do a 6-page background check on every employee you hire, so you had to have known.", "Victor: Phyllis, I don't get this. Your sister has an excellent reputation as an attorney.", "Phyllis: What--what-- I don't want her here. Why are you doing this to me?", "Victor: I'm not doing anything to you. Now you do me a favor-- don't you use your rag to undermine Sharon's trial. You got that?", "Phyllis: All I care about is a good story. That's the only thing I care about. Excuse me. I lost my appetite.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Oh. I was expecting someone to clean my room. You're welcome to, but you're not exactly dressed for it.", "Avery: Yeah, I'm dressed for court to defend your ex-wife, the woman who went to Hawaii to clear your name and wound up being called a murderer herself.", "Adam: Well, the wizard never gave me a heart, so you can give up trying to touch it.", "Avery: I have sent investigators to Hawaii and Thailand--", "Adam: Yeah? Really? Did he try the poke in Hawaii? It's amazing. It's seaweed, raw fish, soy sauce.", "Avery: No one can find your contact Koa. The D.A. has a solid case. I need a stronger defense, evidence that can clear Sharon, evidence that you at one time had. Adam, if you can save Sharon, for God sake, now is the time to do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thank you. I wanted to check in with you before court...", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Nick: (Sighs) See how you're doing.", "Sharon: (Sighs) I'm trying to psych myself up. (Sighs) Avery told me that things could get ugly, but I just keep telling myself, no matter what they throw at me, I can handle it, no matter what it is. Just anything to get me home to Noah and Faith. Will you bring her to the courthouse today? I-I just really need to see her.", "Nick: I thought we agreed after last time that it's not a good idea.", "Sharon: Nick, I am scared. I just turned down a plea deal, and now the reality is starting to set in that my acquittal is not a sure thing. I just need to see her little face. Please tell me that you will bring her to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, hey.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Hi.", "Phyllis: Rough morning?", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Phyllis, that baby... oh, with his little fat cheeks and his dark eyes... I could photograph him for days and never get a bad shot. But he's not mine. He's not mine. It's like... it's like I've lost a brother, a wife, and a son, all at the same time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: There you go.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Neil: So now you understand just how sensitive the paternal situation is.", "Woman: I feel terrible.", "Sofia: You had no idea.", "Woman: If you want, we can do this later.", "Neil: Now is fine.", "Sofia: Go ahead. Sign your name there... \"Dad.\"", "Neil: Thanks.", "Sofia: \"Moses' Mother.\" (Chuckles) That feels so good. Here you go.", "Neil: Thanks a lot. Um, maybe I should go look for Malcolm.", "Sofia: Okay. Go. W-we'll be fine. Just talk to him before things get any worse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, of course I want you and Faith to be together again. But after the last time when she got to see you, and then she didn't get to see you, that is too hard for her to handle.", "Sharon: But you know what? She's--she's a little bit older now. Maybe it wouldn't affect her the same way.", "Nick: Sharon, when Faith sees you here or at the courthouse, all she knows is she can't run up to you and get in your lap and give you a hug. And then when she goes home, you don't go with her.", "Sharon: Yeah, she couldn't sleep after the last visit.", "Nick: I'm sorry, but Faith will not be in court today. But I'll be there, all right? And hopefully, Avery will make sure that you get to go home to your daughter real soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You really don't live up to the hype if you're coming to me for help.", "Avery: Why are you so bent on vengeance? Because a-a woman who was scared and lonely took a little kindness? Took a little friendship? You know, you're not exactly a couple, Adam, when one of you is presumed dead.", "Adam: Mm. A little--little kindness. Yeah, that's quite a euphemism.", "Avery: Oh, God, the moment she got back, it was over with Sam. She was willing. She was eager to remarry you. Of course, she didn't know it was a trick. But your pride-- my God, is this what your pride is worth to you? Really? A murder conviction and--and decades in prison for somebody you claim you love? If something doesn't go Sharon's way, all we can do is hope for a mistrial.", "Adam: Tough girl running scared.", "Avery: Yeah, I tend to do that when I think that someone who's innocent is gonna spend the rest of their lives suffering for a crime they didn't commit. And you know what? If you were half human, you'd be scared, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Here you go.", "Malcolm: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Maybe you want something stronger.", "Malcolm: (Chuckles) (Sighs) Phyllis, I mean, I-I-I knew this could happen. You know, I-I mean, the baby possibly wouldn't be mine, but... (Sighs) Maybe it's just-- maybe it's karma.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs)", "Malcolm: Maybe it's the universe setting the world to rights. You know, because of me and-- and--and Lily, and Dru, yeah.", "Phyllis: A-and--and Dru. Yeah, no, rubbish. Rubbish. It's not karma. It's biology. It's circumstance. That's all.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: You know, Neil raised Lily. Maybe you could raise Moses.", "Malcolm: Phyllis, it's not the same. I mean... (Sighs) Neil didn't know about Lily. And what he and Dru had was unbreakable. But me and Sophia, we--", "Phyllis: You... you told me you loved her.", "Malcolm: Yeah, but that doesn't mean, um, I don't hate her a little bit for this.", "Phyllis: Well, what about Neil? Hmm? Is it love and hate with him, too?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Malcolm, I've left you a few messages. I checked the club. I can't find you. Uh, we need to talk and set things straight, okay? So why don't you meet me at the hospital, all right? Thanks.", "Neil: Hey. Victor, hi. (Sighs)", "Victor: Hello, Neil.", "Neil: H-have you seen Malcolm by any chance?", "Victor: Nope.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Victor: You seem to be worried about something.", "Neil: Yeah, um, I do, huh?", "Victor: Yeah. The papers are full of... the story about you resigning from Chancellor. Well, I guess your mind is on what \"Restless Style\" posted about Devon and Tucker. That's bothering you? Tucker should never have come to this town.", "Neil: Yeah, well, Victor, listen, I appreciate your concern, but actually, my issues this morning have nothing to do with Devon. Um, I became a father again last night. Sofia's baby is mine.", "Victor: You and Sofia.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Victor: Boy or girl?", "Neil: Little boy.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Neil: Yeah, named after Sofia's father. His name is Moses.", "Victor: Whoa.", "Neil: Right.", "Victor: That's an auspicious name. Lucky to have you as a father.", "Neil: Thanks. I am the boy's father, but Malcolm is married to my son's mother.", "Victor: Well, you and your brother have been there before, haven't you?", "Malcolm: Yeah, we sure have. I just don't know how we're gonna get through it this time, you know?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: I-I tell you, Victor, I can't look at that little boy and think, mistake.", "Victor: So where did you and Malcolm leave it?", "Neil: I have no idea where his head is at. You know, that would require him to actually be in the same room with me and have a conversation. And every second I spend looking for him is a second I spend away from my son.", "Victor: Time goes by very quickly. Enjoy it. Enjoy this time with your son. It'll never come back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: My brother? I don't have one.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Stop it. I know you're mad. I understand that. Listen, I was on the baby D.N.A. merry-go-round for a long time. I have about a million pictures in my cell phone of a baby that I didn't create but I love so much.", "Malcolm: Come on, Phyllis. It's not the same, and you know it.", "Phyllis: Oh, right. Yeah, it-- how is it different, really?", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Malcolm, I mean, I know you're mad. I get it. We've all been betrayed. I've been betrayed, too. I kicked. I screamed. I got upset, but at the end of the day, I realized that love is more important than holding a grudge.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: You said you love Sofia. You said that to me. Love is the only thing that matters.", "Malcolm: But if she chooses to be with my brother, that matters, too.", "Phyllis: You don't know that. You don't know. You don't know what's gonna happen there. Neil has a say in this. Maybe he doesn't want it.", "Malcolm: Phyllis, they-- they share a kid together now.", "Phyllis: It doesn't-- who cares? A lot of--a lot of people share kids, and they're not together. The kid doesn't-- Moses doesn't care about D.N.A.", "Malcolm: (Scoffs)", "Phyllis: Moses cares about someone loving him.", "Malcolm: (Sighs heavily) All right, I guess I better get back to the hospital.", "Phyllis: Yes. (Chuckles)", "Malcolm: Mm.", "Phyllis: You'd better. Are you kidding me? Now is not a good time.", "Avery: (Scoffs)", "Phyllis: Do you want me to go with you?", "Malcolm: No, no, I-I-I'll--I'll check in with you later.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Malcolm: Thanks. Excuse me.", "Phyllis: What?", "Avery: I was looking for Nick.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) Of course you were.", "Avery: Territorial much?", "Phyllis: No... but smart. Look at you. You're still a hero to the downtrodden.", "Avery: Oh, I'm no hero. I'm just not a total bitch.", "Phyllis: But very sneaky, aren't you?", "Avery: You know what? If Nick comes by, just-- no, never mind. Just--I will leave him a note.", "Phyllis: You still play this?", "Avery: Sometimes, when I can.", "Phyllis: Who's giving you cheats? Because I'm not around to give you handouts.", "Avery: Up, up, down, down, left, right--", "Phyllis: Left, right, B, A.", "Avery: Nick gave me that, by the way.", "Phyllis: That was a good choice on Nick's part.", "(Elevator door opens)", "Avery: Yeah, you can borrow it sometime. I don't have a console in my suite.", "Nick: Hey, what's up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Hey.", "Neil: Hi.", "Sofia: You, uh, see Malcolm?", "Neil: He didn't come back to see you?", "Sofia: No, but Moses is sleeping at the nursery. The nurse told me to get some sleep, but I-I can't. I keep worrying about what Malcolm must be going through.", "Neil: Yeah. Sofia, the fact is, Malcolm might not come round, you know? We have to figure things out with or without him. I mean, you and Moses are gonna be released tomorrow, so honestly, the bigger question is, what's next?", "Sofia: You're his father. You can visit him whenever you want.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no. Visit? That's not gonna work for me.", "Sofia: What-- what do you mean? Um, Neil, I can't talk about this right now. I have to wait to see what Malcolm is thinking.", "Neil: What Malcolm is thinking? Oh, you can see what he's-- he's not even-- what--what if he wants to, uh, go home with you and the baby?", "Sofia: (Scoffs) Well, I hope to God he does. I mean, I pray that we can save what we have.", "Neil: Uh-huh, and-- and if he cuts and runs as usual, then what?", "Sofia: Malcolm loves me, and I love him. And we are gonna work this out for Moses.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I was just leaving you a note. You need to bring Faith to the courthouse today.", "Nick: Yeah, I already saw Sharon. The answer was no then. It still is.", "Avery: Well, Faith needs to be there.", "Nick: This is not up for discussion.", "Avery: Okay, well, we can talk about it later at the courthouse.", "Nick: Yeah, we can do that. Answer's gonna be the same.", "Avery: I don't think so.", "Phyllis: I have a question.", "Nick: Shoot.", "Phyllis: What's going on between you and Avery?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I just-- I-I want the jury to see me as innocent and just let me go home to my family. (Sighs) Lunches with Noah, the park with Faith. You know, I bet she can go down the slide by herself now.", "Victor: There's no reason you can't see Faith today.", "Sharon: Well, I-I-I would love that, but I think that Nick is right. It's too confusing for her to come to the courthouse, and I-I just can't put her through that again.", "Victor: Sharon, Faith needs proper support right now, and so do you. I'm going to see to it that both of you have it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: If Malcolm cared more about your marriage than his damn ego, maybe you would get a little--", "Sofia: But how hurt were you? Okay, Neil, remember how hurt you were when you found out about Lily? And you had years to love her, to do your \"Daddy and daughter\" things together. And Malcolm missed out on all of that, and now he's gonna miss out on Moses, too.", "Sofia: Hi.", "Malcolm: Look, we need to talk... alone.", "Neil: Well, if you ask me, the three of us have a lot to talk about.", "Sofia: Neil, please.", "Neil: What?", "Malcolm: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Sofia: Thanks-- thanks for comin' back. Do you want me to send for the baby?", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Sofia, it's been months of \"Let's see.\" You know, let's see how we feel. Let's see who the father of the baby is. Let's see if we still have a marriage. (Sighs) Right now, I can see very clearly that I want a divorce.", "Sofia: Malcolm, you're hurt, and--and--and the hurt is fresh, but we have love, Malcolm, and I--and I know that. And that means we have hope. I mean, you might want a divorce now, but today or--or tomorrow, that'll change, Baby.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Sofia... (Sighs) Just please, just-- just sign these, okay? Sign these. There's a court in Guam that'll process them, and the divorce'll be final in a week. Then I can be done with you.", "Sofia: Why would you slam the door in my face? I will meet you halfway. I will meet you all the way if you let me, Malcolm.", "Malcolm: Sofia, I've spent Lily's whole life playing \"Uncle Malcolm,\" okay? Are you asking me to do that all over again? Is that what you're doing right now?", "Sofia: That baby will adore you.", "Malcolm: Yeah, well, how much will you adore me, Sofia, huh? Would you adore me as much as you did when you slept with my brother?", "Sofia: Oh, okay. You know, I have cried. I have pleaded. I have begged you to forgive me.", "Malcolm: Sofia, just please, just sign the papers, okay? Sign--sign the papers... (Sighs) So I can catch my flight. I'm trying to get to Guam.", "Sofia: (Scoffs) You're just gonna run away, huh? Hmm. You have a wife here who loves you, and a baby who needs you. But no, typical-- just run away. Turn your back, huh? You know, Neil said you would.", "Malcolm: You think you can sign these papers, or do you want to discuss that with Neil, too?", "Sofia: Honey, I will sign the damn papers. There. (Scoffs)", "Neil: Hey.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Neil: Hey, what's goin' on?", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Neil: Hey.", "Sofia: Don't. Just let him go. He's got a flight to catch.", "Sofia: (Sobs)", "Neil: Hey. It's okay.", "Sofia: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Are you serious?", "Phyllis: Nick, you having private meetings with Ashley-- okay, fine. I'm not marking my territory here. It's not like that. Just--with Avery, just... (Sighs) I don't want this to get out of hand.", "Nick: There's nothing. There's less than nothing.", "Phyllis: All right, really? Is there nothing? Did you give her this?", "Nick: Yeah, I gave it to her. She mentioned she was a gamer.", "Phyllis: So you just went out and bought her a video game? Really?", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) This is what we do together. This is ours. I mean, it's practically foreplay.", "Nick: Yeah, I know.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Nick: Um, you're jealous.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're not going there. We're not going there. I am not jealous. I am being preemptive with this. I'm preventing something from happening, something-- but you're being very condescending with me.", "Nick: No. No, no, no. Listen, I get the whole--", "Phyllis: Okay, I-I'm sorry. You--you don't see anything wrong with this? Giving her--going out and buying her a video game? Tha--does that not ring any alarms for you? That's not a problem? Explain that to me. (Sighs)", "Nick: It's revisionist history, because apparently, this was you and Avery's thing first. You guys used to play video games. I'm just a cheap substitute now.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Y-you can't do this. You can't do this. I mean, this thing with Avery-- if it goes where I think it could go, we're gonna have a very big problem.", "Nick: There is nothing to go anywhere, all right? And there it is. But you two have some major unfinished business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Nick has done such an incredible job looking after Faith while I was away. I just feel like I have to trust his judgment here as a father.", "Victor: Well, he could use that good judgment to help Faith in the courtroom. We will all ease her through it.", "Sharon: You know what? It's just one day out of my life, and it's-- soon, it's gonna be over with. Avery's gonna make sure that I'm found innocent, and I'm gonna be home with my kids before I know it every day, every second.", "Victor: Sharon, she needs you, and you need her.", "Sharon: Victor, I know you. I'm begging you, just don't do anything. Just tell me that you'll-- you'll leave this alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Grunts) (Sighs) (Breathing heavily) (Door clangs on metal) (Electricity crackles) (Baby cooing )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I don't want you to get upset today, all right? You do everything in your power to keep your spirits up.", "Sharon: Victor, I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Sharon: I can get through today without seeing Faith. I can, and I will, so I'm trusting you not to do anything about it.", "Victor: You're very strong. I'll see you in court later. (Sighs) Michael, I need you to draw up some papers today. It's very urgent. It's for Sharon, all right? Talk to you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Avery.", "Avery: (Sighs) Okay, I may be stating the obvious here, but I do what I do because to me, there is nothing worse than an innocent person being robbed of their freedom.", "Nick: I'm still not bringing Faith into this courtroom. Sharon and I talked about it. She agrees it's a bad idea.", "Avery: Of course she agrees, because she's worried about Faith. But do you really think it's best for everyone to keep Faith from her mother?", "Nick: In this case, absolutely.", "Avery: Really? You're sure about that?", "Nick: Not a doubt in my mind.", "Avery: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Elevator door opens)", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Did you talk to Sofia?", "Malcolm: I did.", "Phyllis: Did you make a decision? How much love versus how much hate?", "Malcolm: I did.", "Phyllis: You gotta talk to me. I don't know what you're thinking.", "Malcolm: I did the best that I could for... for Moses and Sofia. (Inhales deeply) (Sighs heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Unbelievable, Sofia, that Malcolm would barge in here. You've just given childbirth. And what does he do? He makes you sign divorce papers.", "Sofia: I signed the papers on my own, but I didn't have to. I could have fought, but... the contempt in his eyes just...", "Neil: I don't know what to tell you, Man. I can't explain Malcolm. I'm not about to excuse that stunt that he just pulled. But right now, we got a baby that's probably hungry, you know? He's gonna need a lot of feeding, lots of diapers and bath times. All that's gonna be coming up, and you, you're gonna need support around the clock. You know that. Not just for a couple of hours twice a week.", "Sofia: Well, nobody said you only get four hours.", "Neil: Sofia, when it comes time tomorrow for you and Moses to check out, I want you to come to my place.", "Sofia: (Scoffs) Wait, y-you're talking about disrupting your entire life and mine.", "Neil: You see this little boy right here? He's already done that for us, and I'm not about to let you two go off in the world without me, all right?", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Neil: My baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I know. Time for transfer.", "Sharon: What are you doing here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: What is this? A Newman brother thing? Leave the ex-wife hanging when she needs you the most?", "Nick: Adam's a sociopath suppressing evidence. I'm a father trying to protect his daughter. Does that sound like the same thing to you?", "Avery: It may have been a bit excessive on my part.", "Nick: Now, Avery, was that an apology? 'Cause I think I missed the \"I'm sorry\" part.", "Avery: I just think that Faith would have a real impact on Sharon's state of mind, and I wish you would reconsider.", "Victor: Excuse me.", "Nick: Dad.", "Victor: Son.", "Nick: What is this?", "Victor: This is a court order. You will bring Faith to see her mother. I've taken the decision out of your hands, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: Sofia got pissed. She signed the papers. Here I am.", "Phyllis: So I guess you made your decision.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: More hate than love.", "Malcolm: I love Sofia more than I even knew. I had to make her cut me off, you know? She'd have tried to hang in there, make it work. Her heart's so big. She's too loyal. This way, she can hate me for the divorce, hate me for leavin'. Her and Neil, they have a chance to start a real family.", "Phyllis: But wait a second. (Sighs) Sofia and Neil together?", "Malcolm: Yeah. Yeah, this gives 'em a chance to... to do the right thing for Moses.", "Phyllis: So that's it? You're just gonna sign the papers, get on a plane?", "Malcolm: Yeah. I'm out. I just came to say bye.", "Phyllis: But you're-- you're just going away for-- for a bit to get the divorce, right?", "Malcolm: I'll e-mail you pictures.", "Phyllis: From where? Listen, I don't want to make this all about me, but, honestly, if you put my friends in a room and you walked out... (Voice breaks) There wouldn't be much of a crowd.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Back at you. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: (Normal voice) This is a huge sacrifice you're making. You know that.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: You're a good man. But I'm worried. I'm worried that Neil and Sofia aren't gonna be this miracle family that you're... I mean, that you're-- you're putting them up to be.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Phyllis, if I know anything... I know they will. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Moses is the only thing that matters now. And with Malcolm getting his divorce, and... (Sighs) Doin' his own thing, we don't even have to take him into account.", "Neil: This baby is his family. It could have been like his own son. And what'd he do? Took off again. No idea what he's missing out on. Isn't that right, little boy?", "Neil: So, Sofia, at checkout time tomorrow, am I driving you two back to my place?", "Sofia: Neil, Moses deserves a father like you. Yes. (Chuckles) We will come home with you.", "Moses: (Cries)", "Sofia: Oh, it's gonna be okay.", "Neil: It's all right, Moses.", "Sofia: Yeah.", "Neil: Want to go to your mommy? Want to go to mommy?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Avery: I asked him to take that picture of Sharon and Faith.", "Nick: Why would you do that?", "Adam: I know things aren't going too well.", "Sharon: Because of you, Adam!", "Victoria: If you happen to have those divorce papers on you, I'll go ahead and sign them." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Avery dreams that she goes to The Underground and finds that Nick has prepared a romantic evening for Sharon. Dylan is there and he urges her to cut ties with Nick so they can be together. Avery wakes up. Sharon wakes up from a nap and finds Nick hasn't left her. She apologizes for her meltdown and confesses that she didn't tell him everything. She took advantage of certain situations to spend more time with him. Nick forgives her and says he will always care about her. Before he leaves, he reminds her to call her doctor. After Nick leaves, Sharon explains to \"Cassie\" that she needs to find peace, get healthy. She wasn't manipulating Nick. \"Cassie\" points out that if this were true, \"Cassie\" wouldn't still be there. At Crimson Lights, Dylan is cleaning up when Stitch comes in to tell him about Delia's accident. Dylan's first instinct is to call Chelsea, but he doesn't want to give her false hope. Avery goes to The Underground, and Noah says Nick isn't there. As she leaves, Nick comes in. They reminisce about old times and Avery gives Nick his ring. She hopes he will find someone who deserves him and she's sorry that isn't her. Not realizing how late it is, she goes to Crimson Lights as Dylan is closing up.", "Victoria tries to distract Billy by giving him Johnny, but Billy says he can't do this right now. She wants Billy to talk to her and not watch the video of Delia's play because it's doing more harm than good. She begs him to turn it off before the witch crumples to the floor. Billy throws down his laptop and says that Delia is everywhere, there are things that remind him of her everywhere he looks. He blames himself again for her death and storms out. Victoria gathers Delia's things and puts them in the closet.", "Chelsea asks Adam what's going on with him. Adam admits he fees guilty. Chelsea assures him it isn't his fault Connor might go blind and that they should feel lucky because they still have him. The person who should be feeling guilty is the despicable person who hit Delia and left her by the side of the road. Adam agrees that the driver should own up to it. Chelsea says Adam has to put his emotions aside and be there for his son. Adam promises Connor will see every inch of the world. He gets some money together to purchase corneas off the black market and says this may be their only option. He meets a man in the park and gives him the money. He runs into Billy.", "" ]
[ "[Avery dreaming]", "[Romantic music plays]", "[Footsteps approach]", "Avery: Oh. Set the stage, why don't you.", "Nick: For what?", "Avery: Oh, this is all pretty romantic.", "Nick: [Exhales deeply] Yeah, it is. But it's not for you, if that's what you're thinking. It's one of Sharon's favorites.", "Avery: Sharon?", "Nick: Yeah. Planned a whole evening for just the two of us, me and Sharon.", "Avery: [Scoffs] You can't be serious. You and Sharon, back together? That doesn't even make sense.", "Nick: It makes perfect sense when you think about our history.", "Avery: What about her history? She's unstable, to say the least!", "Nick: Sharon's the love of my life. I never got over her.", "Dylan: Same way you never got over me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Nick?", "Nick: I'm right here. Everything okay?", "Sharon: Um... you didn't leave.", "Nick: No. I told you I wouldn't.", "Sharon: Well, I just -- I-I woke up, and I-I thought you were gone.", "Nick: After you fell asleep, I went in the other room and answered some e-mails. I used your laptop. I hope you don't mind.", "Sharon: No. Not at all. It's fine. I appreciate you staying more than you know.", "Nick: I didn't want to leave you alone.", "Sharon: After my meltdown?", "Nick: It wasn't a meltdown.", "Sharon: Well, it kind of was. I'm so embarrassed.", "Nick: Sharon, don't be.", "Sharon: I just hope you can forgive me for what I did.", "Nick: Sharon, there's nothing to forgive you for.", "Sharon: Well, we both know that's not true. After everything I did today -- I mean, I threw myself at you, I tried to kiss you.", "Nick: It's already forgotten.", "Sharon: You're being very kind. I don't know if I deserve it.", "Nick: Why would you say that?", "Sharon: Because, Nick, I didn't tell you everything. There's more you don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: What's going on with you?", "Adam: Nothing.", "Chelsea: I know you, Adam. I know when you're hiding something. Whatever it is, just say it.", "Adam: You're right. This is killing me.", "Chelsea: I've never seen you like this. What's killing you? Adam?", "Adam: The guilt.", "Chelsea: What do you have to feel guilty about?", "Adam: That poor, defenseless child.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Video playing]", "Billy: Cordelia Katherine Valenti-i-i-ne Abbott!", "Victoria: Yay! Whoo-hoo!", "Billy: Whoo! [Laughs]", "Delia: Do I look scary?", "Victoria: Ohh! That was the most terrifying entrance ever! I'm gonna have to hide my eyes during the performance!", "Billy: Well, the thing is, this kid does know how to make an entrance.", "Victoria: Billy.", "Billy: Who comes into this world on Valentine's Day in a cabin in the middle of a blizzard? This girl, that's who!", "Victoria: Yes, and who delivered the bundle of joy?", "Billy: Her daddy, with these two hands right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Avery", "Dylan: You have to do it, Avery. It's time to take the next step.", "Avery: I don't understand. What next step?", "Dylan: Letting go. You still haven't cut ties with Nick. If you did, we'd be alone. Just the two of us. The way it was meant to be.", "Avery: Dylan, I --", "Dylan: The only reason you can't let go is because you're afraid of moving forward. The choice is up to you. This is your dream. You know what you want. Now wake up and grab it.", "Avery: Dylan, we can't. Whatever's happening right here, we can't. We -- we've both been through a lot right now.", "Dylan: Yet here we are -- a beautiful fall night. It's just -- you know, it's just crazy how we keep finding each other. That's all.", "Avery: You know how I feel about you... how I've always felt about you. But I'm not ready for this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs] Hey. What's going on, Stitch?", "Stitch: Ask me a few drinks from now.", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Rough night at the hospital? I didn't know they let the residents like you do anything. I thought you were just kind of mopping up after the real -- w-what is it?", "Stitch: You haven't heard.", "Dylan: What happened?", "Stitch: Your buddy Billy. His, uh... his little girl died tonight.", "Dylan: Oh, no. Delia.", "Stitch: It was gut-wrenching. The whole place. You think we're all professionals and that we've been there before, but people were really broken up about this little girl.", "Dylan: Man, she was so sweet. [Sighs] Man, I just had a-a tea party with her at Billy's. How did -- how did this happen?", "Stitch: Hit-and-run. Some bastard without a soul.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam, it's all right.", "Adam: How's it just all right?", "Chelsea: You are not to blame for Connor's condition. [Voice breaking] You can't save his sight. Only a donor can. It doesn't matter how rich and powerful you are. If we don't find him a match in the next few weeks... we have to face the inevitable that -- that our son will go blind. But please believe me that that is not your fault.", "Adam: You don't get it. You just don't get it.", "Chelsea: What -- what good does it do us to beat ourselves up? We have to stay hopeful. We -- we just have to pray that a set of corneas becomes available.", "Adam: You do remember what you're hoping for, right? For somebody else to die. A baby, little kid. The miracle we're hoping for is gonna be a...tragedy for a whole another family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Johnny seems to be feeling better. He's probably gonna sleep through the night. I think he just needs us both to take him upstairs. You know, just both tuck him in.", "Johnny: [Fussing]", "Victoria: He misses his daddy. He'd probably like to see his --", "Billy: How are those chompers doing, huh?", "Victoria: Teething's not easy.", "Billy: Can you take him, please? Will you please take him? Take him upstairs. I can't do this right now. Will you please take this -- will you take this kid, please?", "Victoria: Okay. I understand.", "Billy: Sorry.", "Billy: You're this big. And you are so heavy, you're so heavy, you're so heavy you weigh a ton of bricks.", "[Computer key clacks]", "Billy: [Sniffles]", "[Computer key clacks]", "Billy: Starring tonight as the wickedest, witchiest witch of the west, please welcome Genoa City's own Cordelia Katherine valenti-i-i-i-ne...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I can't believe this.", "Stitch: Just -- just plowed into that little girl out on Route 7. Kept right on going.", "Dylan: I mean, Billy... [Sighs] Man. Poor guy. The whole family. Does Chelsea know?", "Stitch: Saw her at the hospital. I'm guessing she was there for Chloe.", "Dylan: Yeah, they're best friends. I mean, Chelsea's got to be a mess. I should call.", "Stitch: Maybe you should if that's your instinct. Make sure she's okay. That feeling doesn't go away just because it's over.", "Dylan: Maybe not. If I did call, it wouldn't help. It might even make things harder. Chelsea's still hoping for something that's not gonna happen.", "Stitch: Because of Avery?", "Dylan: It's because of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I thought we could have a private moment to toast to your success.", "Nick: Shouldn't we maybe wait a little while, see if we have anything to actually celebrate?", "Avery: I think you should look around you. You've already achieved everything you set out to do. So, to dreams coming true.", "Nick: Hear, hear.", "[Glasses clink]", "Nick: I'm not a guy who makes a lot of big speeches, so I'm just gonna fire away and hopefully I can get through it this time.", "Avery: Okay, Nick --", "Nick: We think that we have our whole lives ahead of us. Maybe we don't. Everything can be gone in an instant. And if I've learned anything these past few weeks, it's that you have to cherish every second that you get to spend on this earth. I mean, I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I have everything a man could ever want right here, right now. And I want more. I want a future with you. And I don't want to wait anymore. I just want to do it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, starting right now. I love you, Avery Bailey Clark. Will you marry me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Thud]", "Noah: [Clears throat]", "Avery: Oh. Noah. Um, I-I was just... it's quiet in here.", "Noah: Sorry if I startled you.", "Avery: No, it's...", "Noah: We had an event earlier. We closed early.", "Avery: Oh. Is your dad around?", "Noah: No.", "Avery: Sorry to hear that.", "Noah: Haven't seen him all night. Maybe he had a date. Sorry. That, uh... bad joke. I was just trying to rattle your cage a little bit. That wasn't funny.", "Avery: No, it was a little funny.", "Noah: He might be in later to tell us what we forgot to clean up. I-I can't guarantee if you'll see him, but you can wait if you want.", "Avery: I see. Okay. Thank you. Maybe I'll -- I'll wait a little bit. Haven't seen you since... the wedding fell apart.", "Noah: \"The wedding fell apart.\" I seem to remember something about that.", "Avery: Yeah, you probably hate me.", "Noah: I don't hate you. I know that you're not the only one to blame for what happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What are you talking about? What else did you do?", "Sharon: [Sighs] When I was off my meds... I didn't just sit back and root for you and Avery to split up. I took advantage of certain situations so that I could spend more time with you, hoping that you would realize we belong together.", "Nick: Like that sprained ankle?", "Sharon: And while I would never manipulate Faith, I didn't do as much as I should have to discourage her from hoping we'd be a family again, because that was my dream, too. Or so I thought it was. I was just really a mess when I went off my meds. I shouldn't have. It was a mistake.", "Nick: So, why'd you do it?", "Sharon: [Sighs] I was just so focused on you that I never stopped to think that maybe that's what the problem was. I was just so desperate to get back to how my life was when I felt truly happy. And...the last time I felt that way was before we lost Cassie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Delia: I'm not heavy. I'm little.", "Billy: You're right. I'm sorry. You're little. You're daddy's little girl. You're always gonna be, right? You know her from the Pinkerton pony...", "Victoria: Can you sleep?", "Billy: You loved her in...", "Victoria: Did you get any dinner? Because I could fix you something to eat.", "Billy: No, thank you.", "Victoria: I'm sure you don't feel like eating, but --", "Billy: No, thank you. The thought of food right now is not... I'm not hungry.", "Victoria: Yay! Whoo-hoo!", "[Telephone ringing]", "Billy: Whoo! [Laughs]", "Delia: Do I look scary?", "Victoria: Ohh! That was the most terrifying entrance ever!", "Victoria: It's Jack.", "Billy: You can take it if you want. I can't talk to him again tonight.", "Victoria: Hey, Jack. Yeah. No. I don't really know if he's feeling up to it right now, but I'll ask him. Jack wants to come over. If you want him to, he'll come over.", "Billy: That's not necessary. Thank you.", "Victoria: You know, Jack, he's just really exhausted. Well, thank you for understanding. I'll talk to you tomorrow.", "[Receiver clicks]", "Victoria: [Sniffles] When you took off from the hospital, I was really -- really, really worried about you. I'm just so relieved that Jack found you. I... [Exhales deeply] Is there anybody else in your family that you want me to call? [Crying] Billy, we could talk. It might help if you and I talk. Look, you just keep watching that video over and over again. I really think it's doing you more harm than --", "Billy: Don't touch that.", "Billy: [Grunts]", "Delia: [Groans]", "Billy: You are so heavy, you're so heavy, you're so heavy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I can't blame you for wanting the times back when Cassie was alive. They were...pretty special.", "Sharon: Yeah, they really were. Like, remember that time we -- we went to door county and we brought the kids and we went sailing on the lake?", "Nick: Sharon. You can't re-create the past. No matter how magical they may have seemed.", "Sharon: I know that now. I... [Chuckles] Does this mean you forgive me?", "Nick: Honestly, I'm not happy with what you've done, Sharon. But I'm very proud of you for telling me the truth. Took a lot of courage for you to admit that you have a problem.", "Sharon: Well, once I, uh, admitted it to myself, I had no choice but to be straight with you.", "Nick: Well, knowing now that you're off your medication and why, it wouldn't be fair of me to hold your illness against you.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Nick: But, Sharon, you have got to get back on your program. You took a pill earlier, and you need to keep that up.", "Sharon: I will. I promise. And it means a lot to me to know you care.", "Nick: I will always care about you -- always -- as the mother of my children. We'll always be in each other's lives, but... not the way we were. And I really hope that you will be happy again someday.", "Sharon: I want that, too. I really want that for both of us. To be happy. I'll just have to find a way to do it without you.", "Nick: Okay, so, are you gonna call your doctor, see when you can see him again?", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm -- I'm gonna call tonight. I'll leave a message and just see when I can get the next appointment.", "Nick: Good.", "Sharon: I'm gonna explain to her everything that happened. Maybe try a new medication, one that makes me feel more like myself.", "Nick: I think that's a wise move.", "Sharon: Well, I'm determined to get it right this time.", "Nick: Well, I love hearing you sound so positive.", "Sharon: For the first time in a long time, I do really feel like I can do this. Stand on my own two feet and do it right, so... while you have been a godsend, it's time for you to go.", "Nick: So, if I go, you'll be okay here alone?", "Sharon: Yeah. Promise. I mean, you can't babysit me 24/7. And I'm not gonna have another meltdown. I mean, at least not tonight. [Chuckles] Nick, it was just a joke. I'm joking. You know what? It's a good sign if you can make fun of yourself.", "Nick: Did Dr. Watkins tell you that?", "Sharon: As a matter of fact, she did. If you really want to help me out, then you should just go home and take care of Faith. She should be with her daddy. I mean, I bet if you asked her who she'd rather be with, you or her sitter...", "Nick: [Chuckles] All right. I'll go. But if you need anything -- and I mean anything -- you call me, and I will be right back here, okay?", "Sharon: I will.", "Nick: Okay.", "[Door closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: If we're lucky enough to find a donor, I realize what that means. I'm surprised to see you agonizing over it to this extent.", "Adam: Because I'm just heartless and cold-blooded?", "Chelsea: No.", "Adam: This is punishment for the terrible things that I've done.", "Chelsea: Connor, Sweetheart... [Smooches] ...I think your daddy needs you. Here. Ah. Okay. Compared to Billy and Chloe, we have a lot to be thankful for. The only person who should be eating themselves alive with guilt is the monster who hit Delia with his car and left her by the side of the road to die.", "[Adam remembering]", "[Thud, tires screech]", "[Back to present]", "Adam: You're right. Whoever did this needs to own up to what happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: All right, I'm not gonna touch your computer, okay? But I -- it just seems like it's tearing you up inside just seeing that video over and over again, okay? I can't bear to sit here and watch you suffer like this. I -- it's just -- it's not helping!", "Billy: It's what I have to do.", "Victoria: Can I watch it with you?", "Billy: Yeah, if you want. Sit down.", "Victoria: Billy, I know that you -- that you want to watch -- that you feel like you need to watch this. But you have to let me stop it now, please.", "Billy: Why?!", "Victoria: Just trust me, okay? Just let me stop it. Please. There's a part coming, something that happens to the witch. Do you want to see Delia close her eyes and crumple to the ground? Because I don't want to see that, and I definitely don't want you to see it.", "Billy: [Sighs shakily]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You're so right. Whoever ran down Delia needs to come forward. Not that he will. I mean, he's already proven what a coward he is. [Voice breaking] I mean, to hit somebody with your car and just leave them there? And a child? My God. I mean, how despicable can somebody be?", "Adam: \"Despicable\" is the perfect word.", "Chelsea: [Sniffles] I know you don't get along with Billy or Chloe, but if you had seen them and seen how devastated they were, as a parent, I mean, you would have been as heartbroken as I was. I just hope that they find this guy. [Sighs] I hope that they find him and put him away for a long, long time. I hope the judge shows no mercy. Lock him up, rob him of his family the way that he's robbed Delia's family of years and years with her. [Sniffles] [Exhales deeply] [Sighs] You have to be strong, Adam, for your son. I mean, even if we get this transplant and find a donor in time, it's gonna be a tough road ahead for him. So you just -- you need to set aside your emotions and be there for your son.", "Adam: You're right. I can't focus on my guilt. I have to focus on this little peanut here. I can't think about anything else.", "Chelsea: I'm really glad to hear you say that.", "Adam: Where's my phone?", "Chelsea: Why? Who are you calling?", "Adam: I'm gonna make sure that my son sees every square inch of this damn world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm begging you. Please, for your own sake, just don't watch any more of this. Not tonight, okay? Please.", "Billy: [Voice breaking] What the hell am I supposed to look at, then?! My entire house has my daughter in it somewhere! I mean, her book bag's right there where she left it!", "[Laptop clatters]", "Billy: Her little shoes that I'm never gonna put back on her feet! Not gonna take her for a walk! [Crying] I'm not gonna -- not gonna color with her on this table! I'm not gonna snuggle with her on this couch! But I can look at these decorations, right? Celebrate the last breath my daughter's ever gonna take because of what I did!", "Victoria: No! Don't say that, okay?! [Voice breaking] Don't say that!", "Billy: It's my fault!", "Victoria: It was a freak accident!", "Billy: I --", "Victoria: No, it's not your fault! It's not your fault!", "Billy: I got to go. I can't be here.", "Victoria: Billy, please don't go. Don't go! Don't go! Don't go! [Exhales deeply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: You saying there's nothing going on between you and Avery? 'Cause I don't buy it.", "Dylan: Where do you want to have that drink? Jimmy's?", "Stitch: Don't change the subject.", "Dylan: We're both coming off break-ups.", "Stitch: You know, tonight's been a reminder for me. Life's short. Wasting even a day isn't an option.", "Dylan: Yeah, but if you rush into something when you're not ready, it's a great way to screw things up.", "Stitch: That's fear talking.", "Dylan: Or common sense. The timing's just wrong. Avery has been through enough pain and hurt. I-I don't want to add to that.", "Stitch: You're the only one who can decide if that's worth the risk. But last I heard, no one gets through life without some pain.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Avery, I don't know where my dad is, but it looks like he's not coming in tonight.", "Avery: Yeah, I think you're probably right.", "Noah: Do you want me to leave him a message?", "Avery: No. I'll do this again sometime.", "Noah: Suit yourself.", "Avery: Thank you for inviting me to wait.", "Noah: Well, I didn't really invite you. I just said that you could. Didn't really think that you would.", "Avery: [Sighs] Yes. Well, I appreciate it all the same.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Are you judging?", "Chelsea: No. Not judging.", "Adam: I'm sure you've done plenty of deals that have involved an envelope full of cash.", "Chelsea: You're right. I have. Which is why this whole idea is making me very nervous.", "Adam: Are you assuming I'm being scammed?", "Chelsea: The possibility's there, yes.", "Adam: You don't think there's a black market for human organs, huh?", "Chelsea: Untraceable money is any con's dream, Adam.", "Adam: I didn't look this guy up in the phonebook or online. He came recommended.", "Chelsea: By who?", "Adam: By people who know things about this kind of thing. And these kind of people, they don't get scammed, so this guy would have to be monumentally stupid to try and pull one over on me.", "Chelsea: There are plenty of stupid cons in the world, Adam.", "Adam: I don't care about the money! I don't care! I care about our son and what I can do for him. So, if I have to spread cash around, so be it.", "Chelsea: I agree with you that we need to look at all of our options. I just want to make sure that we do this the right way.", "Adam: The right way might take too long. Are you okay with that?", "Chelsea: What you are about to do, I just do not think it should be our first option. That should be our last resort.", "Adam: This could be our only resort. So make peace with it.", "[Door closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Uh, I'm -- I'm gonna go clean something, I guess.", "Nick: We seem to keep running into each other.", "Avery: Well, it's not really a coincidence. I came looking for you. Do you have time to talk?", "Nick: Yeah. Sure.", "Avery: Okay. My booth. Sorry. Force of habit.", "Nick: I don't see any reason why we can't sit there.", "Avery: Okay. We had a lot of great evenings in this booth.", "Nick: Yeah. They were great.", "Avery: A lot of good memories.", "Nick: You know, if it weren't for you, uh, I never would have opened this club. I mean, I never would have even had the idea to -- to open it up, so... it's like you knew what I needed before I did. Thank you.", "Avery: I'm just glad that everything worked out so well. Um, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately. And I have a lot of regrets. And I hate how I hurt you and how I handled this whole thing so poorly.", "Nick: Avery, we don't have to, uh... I don't want to... I've made peace with what happened.", "Avery: Okay, well... it's just that I haven't. And I'm trying to do that now. You see, there's a part of me that is still holding on to what we had. And I can't do that anymore. It's not fair to either of us. So, um... I'm gonna give this back to you. [Voice breaking] I just think that you should find somebody who's worthy of you. Someone who really deserves to wear your ring. And I don't... I'm sorry I couldn't be that person. You are an incredible man, Newman. And I just want -- I want great things for you. [Exhales deeply] Okay. [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Dr. Watkins, I'd like to come in for an appointment tomorrow, so if you have any time to see me, um, give me a call and let me know. Thanks.", "Cassie: Well played, Mom. Dad's gone, but he's still just worried enough. You can use that to your advantage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You were pretty vague on the phone about your services.", "Man: It's safer that way for everybody.", "Adam: Well, I'm here now. So talk.", "Man: There's a product lined up for exactly what you need.", "Adam: How soon?", "Man: Within 72 hours.", "Adam: I need you to come through on this. My son could be permanently blind if he doesn't get this cornea transplant. And I want you to know something. If you're scamming me, I will track you down myself, and I will personally cut out your eyes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Keys jingle]", "Dylan: Hey.", "Avery: Hi.", "Dylan: I was just closing up.", "Avery: Oh. I guess I didn't realize how late it was. I couldn't sleep.", "Dylan: And you came here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thanks for cleaning up tonight. Place looks immaculate.", "Noah: Really?", "Nick: Eh, maybe. Not really. You, uh, okay with locking up tonight?", "Noah: Yeah, no problem.", "Nick: Okay. You sure?", "Noah: Of course.", "Nick: Uh... can you, um... well...", "[Plaque clatters]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Sweetheart, you've got it all wrong.", "Cassie: Do I? Dad totally bought your explanation. And when he left, he was still concerned. Which means he'll be dropping by more often, making sure you're getting better. And you know how important it is to him to feel needed.", "Sharon: Cassie, I wasn't trying to manipulate your father. I-I really do need help.", "Cassie: Seem fine to me.", "Sharon: No, I-I was much more out of control than I realized. And, I mean, for me to do that, for me to reach out and try to kiss him, that's just not the act of a normal person.", "Cassie: It was strategic -- brilliant, actually! -- Considering the minefield you were in. You almost confessed when you didn't need to. That would have been a complete disaster.", "Sharon: I... Nick told me that I need to move on, and -- and I will.", "Cassie: Yeah, you said that to Dad, too.", "Sharon: And I meant it.", "Cassie: Are you sure it wasn't a lie?", "Sharon: I need to find peace in myself, by myself, without a man. And if I can do that --", "Cassie: It'll prove to Dad that you're well enough to be with him again. Like I said, it's brilliant.", "Sharon: Cassie, I really wish you wouldn't twist around my motives. I need to get myself healthy again. I need to get myself on even keel. And -- and I'm determined to do it right this time. Honest.", "Cassie: Fine. Then answer me this. If you're really telling the truth, why am I still here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Balloons popping]", "Victoria: [Sniffles] [Sobbing]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Your father doesn't always play by the rules. And neither do I. I've been trying to clean up my you'll have an honest person for a mother. A good, decent person to bring you up. But maybe this time your daddy's right. And rules need to be broken.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: This kind of thing requires money, and now that I have your down payment, the wheels will start turning.", "Adam: Money's not an issue. What I don't have is time. Make this happen.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Adam: [Breathes deeply]", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Alex: Yeah. What can I do for you?", "Laura: I may have some information about the hit-and-run that was on Route 7 tonight. It was a black S.U.V.", "Billy: My daughter didn't deserve this.", "Adam: No, she didn't. I'm very sorry." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon worries that Nick is bonding with Sully, so she continues to shift his focus to Chelsea and Connor. Sharon is jumpy and nervous that Nick will discover the truth about Sully. She goes outside because she thinks she hears a noise and then she screams. Chloe wonders if the person calling Sharon could be tied to Adam, but Kevin tells her he doesn't think that's the case. Ashley manages to persuade the manufacturer of their moisturizer to concentrate on making their cosmetics instead of manufacturing the new Brash and Says perfume Bare. That leaves Brash and Sassy unsure if they can fulfill a big order they have from Fenmore's. When Jack asks Phyllis to help him in his plan to bring down Victor, she assures him that she will not let him down this time. Cane is stressed about work and gets upset with his kids for making a mess in his office.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Nick! I need help!", "Nick: Hey! Oh, my God. Whoa, whoa, whoa!", "Sharon: I can't--", "Nick: Okay. Okay.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: Okay. I got it.", "Sharon: Okay. Got it?", "Nick: I got it. I don't got it.", "Sharon: [Yells]", "[Both laugh]", "Chloe: So, Halloween -- it's not my favorite holiday. But now that I have Bella, I just love that she's at the point where she's finally realizing that something special is happening. You know? So everything just needs to be perfect. I mean, the costume, the party, the trick-or-treating. Right down to the jack-o-lanterns. I just can't wait to see her little face light up and watch her giggle and... [Sighs] What's wrong?", "Chelsea: Everything.", "Lily: Okay, you guys. Here we are. Now, who is ready to find the best pumpkin ever? Huh? Hello? Hey, what happened to the running around and having a contest of who can find the best pumpkin? What's going on?", "Charlie: It's not as much fun without daddy.", "Lily: Okay, daddy had to work.", "Mattie: That's all he ever does -- work.", "Charlie: Yeah.", "[Wheelbarrow clatters]", "Cane: Look at these orders! Look at them. Look at them!", "Victoria: I knew we would go big, but this? These numbers are phenomenal.", "Jill: Oh, you did a great job! I am so proud of my team! And you, you can do a Victory dance.", "Billy: I'm all danced out, thank you very much.", "Cane: It's Lauren. Hey! Hey, Lauren. We're excited, yeah. Oh, that's -- that's great. No. No problem. Okay. All right. Bye.", "Jill: What's no problem?", "Cane: That was Lauren, and bare by brash & sassy is flying off the shelves so fast, they're gonna sell out in record time. And she wants to order 200,000 more units for all the stores.", "Victoria: Wow! Are you kidding me? Your gamble with the ad buys really paid off.", "Jill: Hey, hey, hey! Not quite.", "[Door closes]", "Jack: I'm ready to make my move against Victor.", "Phyllis: And you want my help?", "Jack: I need your skill set.", "Phyllis: We can do this, jack. We can bring him to his knees.", "Jack: Just to be clear. Aside from both of us wanting Victor to go down, this doesn't change anything between us.", "Phyllis: I know exactly where I stand with you. Now, what's your plan?", "Jack: Have a seat. Business stories and publicly released information say that Newman is in the black -- in all divisions. Huge profits, never better.", "Phyllis: But that tells a different story?", "Jack: This tells the truth. The oil and shipping arms of Newman are operating at a significant loss. He has been siphoning off money from other divisions to cover that up. He's been lying to the business world, to his corporate partners, he's been lying to his board -- made up largely of his family -- all of whom have just finished lobbying to have him released from prison.", "Phyllis: So they're all going to feel betrayed again, and then Victor is exposed for the lying, manipulating, cheat he is.", "Jack: This is where you come in. I haven't decided the best way to deliver the good news. My first is an anonymous delivery to the D.A. Christine will see that the proper authorities are involved. This is corporate fraud, pure and simple. Victor will never see it coming.", "Phyllis: That is one way to go about it -- involve cricket. But...I have a better idea that doesn't involve the bug --", "Ashley: Jack, I've got news. What are you doing with your heads together?", "Jill: There's no way we can deliver that amount of units that fast.", "Victoria: [Sighs] So we come up with a solution.", "Jill: Well, you better. Because empty shelves mean a sudden drop in interest. Same thing on the internet. If people have to wait too long, sales are gonna plummet.", "Cane: Okay, I'll call the manufacturer, offer them an incentive so they make us a top priority -- problem solved.", "Billy: It's not gonna be that easy. Their new CEO -- Harrison Sawyer Jr. -- of course, only runs the company because he inherited it. He's more interested in schmoozing than he is with contracts and negotiations.", "Victoria: I worked with his father a few years back -- Harrison sr. He's a tough sell, but I managed to negotiate a very lucrative contract for brash & sassy.", "Cane: Okay, go work your magic.", "Victoria: Well, maybe I'll make an appointment with junior and, uh, see if I can make him an offer that he can't refuse.", "Jill: If anybody can do it, you can. In the meantime, since you know this Harrison Jr., You go with her.", "Cane: Are you serious?", "Billy: [Scoffs]", "Cane: You're gonna turn our biggest meeting so far into a date?", "Jill: Would you please relax? This is purely business. And while they're off negotiating for these units, you and I will draft a press release to announce our spectacular triumph.", "Cane: You know, there's a, uh, a little part of you that seems to want to take our spectacular triumph and rub it in our competitor's face.", "Jill: [Chuckles]", "Cane: I'm feeling this.", "Jill: How about a great, big, gigantic part of me? What, do you think that's childish?", "Cane: Mm...a bit.", "Jill: Well, that's too bad. Boy, would I love to see those faces of jabot right about now.", "Ashley: Almost seems like old times, doesn't it?", "Jack: I was just giving Phyllis her next assignment.", "Ashley: I was hoping you were gonna give her her walking papers.", "Jack: Don't worry. Phyllis knows. Her next breach of trust, she is out of here. Understood?", "Phyllis: I have apologized profusely. It'll never happen again.", "Ashley: Once was one too many times. She hacked into your computer. If that's not grounds for dismissal, I don't know what is. I mean, how many shots at \"breach of trust\" does she get? Didn't trust get thrown out the window when she climbed into bed with our brother?", "Phyllis: Hey! I'm still here!", "Ashley: Yeah, you are still here, aren't you? Because you are...what, far too generous?", "Jack: What did you want to see me about, ash?", "Ashley: [Sighs] I was right -- my prediction about brash & sassy's new perfume. Overnight sensation -- sales and orders are going through the roof.", "Jack: So where are we on our strategy to counteract their rollout?", "Ashley: I'm researching it as we speak.", "Jack: Okay, I want something on my desk by the end of today. Something big. And it has to be soon. We don't want to lose any more market share.", "Ashley: Excuse me, hello? I have news, like I said. Our new moisturizer is selling like gangbusters, as well. In fact, so good that I had to place a double purchase order with production. I spoke to Harrison this morning.", "Jack: Well, that's good news. I'm not sure how it's relevant.", "Phyllis: Brash & sassy uses the same manufacturer. They can't handle two orders of that size. If they're making products for us...", "Ashley: They can't fulfill brash & sassy's orders.", "Jack: My sister to the rescue. Outstanding!", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Making this costume. Seeing how excited Connor is to go trick-or- treating, go to this party, filled with joy... and then I remember. Adam's not gonna be able to take Connor trick-or-treating ever again. He's not gonna be able to watch him open Christmas presents or blow out the candles on his birthday cake. And I -- I start to feel like I'm not gonna be able to get through this without him.", "Chloe: I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: Don't be sorry. You've been able to remind me that [Sighs] I have to make every single moment special. Especially Halloween. This has to be the best Halloween for him. Especially after last year [Sniffles] After last year's fiasco of Adam being in custody and [Sighs] You know, being in the hospital.", "Chloe: Yeah. Because of me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, but you weren't you last year. You were acting out of grief. [Sighs] I just remember that night so well. I mean, Adam insisted I take Connor to that party at Newman tower, to give him the best Halloween. And there was that fire. Adam dragged himself out of his hospital bed to come save us. He almost died.", "Chloe: That was really brave.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] He told me after that that the reason he survived was because of me and 'cause of Connor. He said he would always come back for us. Except this time. He's not coming back for us this time. [Sniffles] Oh, gosh. [Sniffles]", "Chloe: I'm so sorry.", "Chelsea: No, it's okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I have to be okay. For my son's sake, I have to be okay. I have to give Connor an amazing life -- full of happy memories. That's what Adam would have wanted. [Sniffles] [Sighs]", "Chloe: I have a great idea. It's a gorgeous day outside. Let's get the kids up from their naps and let's go make happy memories at the pumpkin patch.", "Chelsea: You really are the best. You know that? [Sniffles] You make me feel like I'm strong even when I'm not strong. [Laughs] I don't know what I would do without you.", "Mariah: Nice towel.", "Nick: I was just about to get in the shower. I heard Sharon yell for help. I thought it might be the stalker, so I came running.", "Kevin: What were you gonna do to the stalker dressed like that?", "Nick: Do I need to show you what an incredible towel snapper I am?", "Mariah: Oh, no! No. I don't want to picture that, thank you. [Scoffs]", "Sharon: Well, I'm sorry I startled you, nick. But you know, it was kind of an emergency.", "Nick: It's all good.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: Halloween decorations?", "Sharon: Yeah, it's time to get into the spirit! You're gonna go to the pumpkin patch with us, aren't you? Because after that, there's gonna be some decorating to do and some pumpkin carving and some treats to be had.", "Mariah: Yeah, I'm in. Should I got upstairs and get the little monsters ready?", "Sharon: Thank you, yeah.", "Mariah: Cool.", "Nick: Any, uh, word on the stalker? Like, who it might be? Where he might be?", "Kevin: Uh, well, we are monitoring Sharon's phones, we've got a trap and a trace device set up, and we're working with branch security in case the guy does show up, but so far, it's all quiet.", "Sharon: Well, hopefully it will stay that way.", "Nick: Thanks for looking out. Uh, I'm gonna go get changed into my pumpkin- patch attire.", "Kevin: Oh, that's not it? Well, I am sorry that we don't have any more leads. I'm sure you're kinda freaked out, but we get anything -- I promise you -- this guy's cooked.", "Sharon: You know, I'm just trying to keep things normal for the kids. You want to go to the pumpkin patch with us?", "Kevin: Well, isn't that sort of a family thing?", "Sharon: Yeah, but, you know, the more, the merrier. Or should I say scarier?", "Kevin: [Laughs]", "[Telephone rings]", "Nick: That could be him!", "Sharon: [Sighs] It's Dylan! Hi, sweetie. Yeah, everything's okay.", "Faith: Oh! Can I talk to Dylan? I want to tell him we're going to the pumpkin patch.", "Sharon: Hold on a minute, sweetie. Faith would like to talk to you, okay? Okay.", "Kevin: Must be kind of weird, huh? Moving back in. I mean, even if it's just temporary, it's still got to be strange -- awkward, with an ex?", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's a little awkward and I don't like the reason why I'm here, but we got to spend a lot of time with Sharon and the kids, so...", "Mariah: Sully is very excited to go to the pumpkin patch. And he doesn't even know what one is yet.", "Nick: Well, I'm excited, too. Let me go get him. Come on, man, let's got get some jack-o-lanterns!", "Jill: Great job with the press release.", "Cane: All right, I'll get it out right now for you.", "Jill: Mm! No. We need to run it by Billy and Victoria first. What?! You're a team! We've been crushing it with you as a team. Let's just keep up the momentum and we'll build a strategy to take advantage of this spectacular triumph.", "Cane: All right, listen, I'm gonna focus on video marketing so we can get the millennial and maybe build a micro site...", "Charlie and Mattie: Daddy!", "Cane: What are you guys doing here? Hey!", "Lily: Hi. Oh, what a great surprise. Look at these pumpkins!", "Charlie: We picked them ourselves.", "Jill: You did? You did a great job!", "Lily: Yeah, I thought maybe you could take a break and we could have a picnic at the park? You know, since you work late tonight maybe we could carve pumpkins, while we eat?", "Cane: Oh, I would love to, but I can't. I have -- I've got too much work I have to do right now. Guys, I'm sorry.", "Victoria: So anyway, thank you for meeting us on such short notice.", "Harrison: It's my pleasure. It's great to put names to faces.", "Victoria: Yes. [Sighs] Well, we're in a bind, in a good way -- actually in a great way. We have a 200,000-unit order to fill.", "Harrison: Good for you.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Harrison: Great. But before we talk business, let's celebrate your success. They have a 2000 Bordeaux. It's an excellent year.", "Victoria: Oh, nice! Are you a connoisseur?", "Harrison: Uh, I don't know about that. But I am fairly knowledgeable. I enjoy a good bottle.", "Billy: Well, maybe you'd be up for something a little bit less traditional?", "Harrison: I'm always open to try something new.", "Billy: There's a 2007 Napa cabernet. It's big, bold, and --", "Harrison: Let me guess -- brash and sassy?", "Victoria: [Laughs]", "Billy: That is exactly right. It seems fitting for a meeting like this I would say.", "Harrison: Mm. Sounds good to me.", "Victoria: So, perhaps we should talk cost per unit. With incentives...", "Ashley: So, I did finesse the deal with Harrison, but since you're still here...", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Ashley: ...Keep your eye on it. And him.", "Phyllis: I am on it.", "Ashley: Great.", "Jack: Hold on. We're not through yet. Ashley, could I have a moment alone with Phyllis?", "Ashley: No, we're supposed to go over options for brand ambassadors.", "Jack: That'll have to wait.", "Ashley: Of course.", "Jack: Sis. Good job.", "Phyllis: That was close.", "Jack: Okay, you said you have a plan. What is it?", "Phyllis: Victor is waiting for an attack. He is on high alert. This inside information you got, we may not be able to trust it from your source.", "Jack: You think it might be bogus information, that we've been set up?", "Phyllis: If we pass along bogus information to the authorities, they could close the case. And then game over. Victor walks along his merry way.", "Jack: So, what's your plan?", "Phyllis: We leak the information -- to someone like GC buzz--", "Jack: No. No!", "Phyllis: Just hear me out. It would be all over the TV, the web, it would not matter whether it was true or not.", "Jack: Victor can question the validity all he wants, the damage is already done.", "Phyllis: But in the court of public opinion, Victor will be found out guilty as hell.", "Jack: You're a genius, Red.", "Faith: What about this one?", "Nick: Ooh!", "Faith: Oh, no. This one!", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Faith: [Gasps] No, this one! It's so much better!", "Nick: That one's pretty cool.", "Mariah: Is it? They're all orange, round squashes.", "Kevin: Gourds. Pumpkins are gourds.", "Mariah: I promise you, I didn't need to know that.", "Chelsea: Hey, everybody!", "Sharon: Hi! What a nice surprise!", "Nick: What's up, con? How you doing, bud? Yeah.", "Chelsea: We have circled this field twice, and Connor has not found the perfect pumpkin.", "Nick: Ah. What's, uh...what's that one?", "Chelsea: Well, that one is Bella's.", "Nick: Okay.", "Faith: My dad is the best pumpkin picker ever. You should totally help Connor look for one.", "Nick: Are you sure? It's kind of a tradition with just you and me.", "Faith: Okay, make sure the shell is hard, don't pick it up by the stem, and don't choose one that's bigger than you can carry, unless you're with your dad.", "Nick: I have taught you so well.", "Chelsea and faith: [Laughs]", "Faith: And now I can teach sully.", "Sharon: I guess that settles it.", "Nick: Well, okay. Connor, come on, man.", "Chelsea: All right.", "Sharon: Have fun, you two.", "Chelsea: Thanks.", "Faith: Come on, mommy, over here!", "Sharon: All right.", "Mariah: All right. I know you want to. Go photobomb.", "Kevin: Well, Chloe wasn't so keen on hanging out the other day, so...", "Mariah: It was the anniversary of Delia's death. She wanted to be alone. You respected that. That doesn't mean stay away.", "Kevin: Well, I haven't heard from her since, so maybe she needs some more time.", "Cane: Okay, I'll tell you what, I promise you guys as soon as daddy gets home, I'm gonna help you carve these pumpkins, okay?", "Mattie: But we're always asleep when you get home.", "Jill: Aw, that does it. Hey, hey, hey. This is all my fault. I'm a very tough boss, and I've been loading your daddy up with work. So, daddy, take the afternoon off, spend the time with your beautiful babies, 'cause you've earned it.", "Cane: You know what, I have a better idea. How about we get this conference room ready, we go in there and carve so when I've finished, I can go straight back to work?", "Mattie and Charlie: Yeah!", "Jill: All right, but first, hugs and kisses for grandma. And a little bit for grandpa Colin, too. Okay. Have fun!", "Cane: Now, listen, guys, one thing, one thing. We have to be careful, all right? We can't be slinging pumpkin guts around this year, all right? Let's go! Come on, come on, come on!", "Jack: Clearly, we can't just e-mail this information to GC buzz.", "Phyllis: No, we -- we can't leave an electronic trail.", "Jack: Okay, here's what I want you to do -- print a paper copy of this, clear the printer history, and destroy this flash drive. Understood?", "Phyllis: You can count on me, jack.", "Ashley: Did you have a nice chat with jack?", "Phyllis: Lesson learned.", "Ashley: The hell it is. You can keep working my brother, which we both know is exactly what you're doing. But I'm gonna be watching you every step of the way. 'Cause you're not gonna hurt him again.", "Phyllis: Did you let yourself into my office just to dump on me?", "Ashley: The manufacturing deal with Harrison, I don't anticipate there being any problems, but I want you to keep a close eye on production, just in case.", "Phyllis: Not a problem. Is there anything else?", "Ashley: I'm so surprised that you're still here. I mean, honestly, you crossed the line. This wasn't the first time, right? And all jack did was give you a little scolding. And apparently some secret assignment?", "Phyllis: [Scoffs] Well, let me clue you in, jack still hates me. And instead of yelling and screaming about it, he buries me in crappy little assignments like generating a report for a market share that nobody's gonna read. You know what I get? A thousand paper cuts.", "Ashley: And yet you stay. You do know that you're not gonna get what you want, right?", "Phyllis: You know what I'd settle for? To be left alone to do my job, which will only ever be useless brainless busywork in my broom closet because jack does not trust me with anything important anymore.", "Billy: Australia definitely best surf that I've ever been in. I tell you what, Harrison, if I could start every day paddling out and with one or two of these, life would be sweet.", "Harrison: Hmm. A man after my own heart.", "Victoria: [Sighs] So, we, uh, we knew that the launch of the perfume was gonna be huge. But this, I mean, this is incredible. So, I mean, meeting this demand will be a bit of a challenge, um, but if we work together, the more revenue that we make, the more revenue you make.", "Harrison: Right, the people behind the business that interest me do like to surf. What's the rest of your story?", "Billy: [Chuckles] It's not that interesting.", "Harrison: Mm, I doubt that. I must say, you don't strike me as the makeup and perfume kinda guy. How'd you get in the business?", "Billy: [Sighs] An old love.", "Harrison: Well, don't stop now -- let's hear that story.", "Billy: My ex owned brash & sassy. Poured everything in to it, made it what it was, and lost it in a shady negotiation. I wanted to right the wrong, so I bought the company to make amends.", "Harrison: Victoria, your partner's quite the romantic.", "Victoria: Yes, and he's giving you a revisionist history. I doubt that Harrison wants to hear these stories, Billy. And there's a reason that we called this meeting, right?", "Billy: That's true. Victoria's right. Our new perfume is a smash, Harrison. We need to up the production by three fold. We cannot afford to run out.", "Harrison: I'd love to help, but I can't. The factory's at full capacity manufacturing for jabot.", "Victoria: Yeah, but you've handled both companies before. What's changed?", "Harrison: Well, jabot doubled their usual manufacturing order.", "Billy: When?", "Harrison: This morning.", "Billy: I should've known. Thank you for your time, Harrison. It was a pleasure to meet you.", "Harrison: Uh, but I just ordered a second bottle. Billy, you should stay. I'm sure we can work this out.", "Billy: You should stay. I can't sit here and talk business knowing that I was just stabbed in the back.", "Chelsea: You know, this is the easy part, but it's the carving that's the problem.", "Sharon: Oh, well, you should have nick help you with that. He is amazing.", "Nick: Yeah, I don't know about amazing.", "Sharon: Oh, come on, yes, you are. You should lend your expertise to Chelsea and Connor. No, that's not what I'm doing, I'm not matchmaking -- those days are over. This is about the kids. It's about Connor and Bella. You could help them carve their pumpkins and then come home and help faith with hers.", "Nick: Look, I made a promise to Dylan. I'm not leaving you and the kids.", "Chloe: Wait, what's going on?", "Nick: Sharon's been getting some weird calls to her house and on her cell phone. So she may have a stalker. I promised Dylan I'd look out for Sharon and the kids while he's out of town for a couple days.", "Chelsea: Wait, what?! Is this why you wanted to work from home?", "Sharon: Well, I choose to believe that this is over. I have not gotten a weird phone call since Dylan left.", "Chelsea: Well, I'm glad, but I'm with nick on this one. I mean, you shouldn't be alone.", "Nick: Yeah, but I don't want Connor to think I'm bailing on him.", "Sharon: Okay, well, how's this? If Dylan is home by Halloween and Sharon is feeling safe, why don't you come trick-or-treating with me and Connor? You can show him how it's done.", "Nick: Well, I do have some pretty sick trick-or-treating skills.", "Chelsea: Oh, geez, is there anything you're not good at?", "Nick: Well, I can't be in two places at once. I'm working on that.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Nick: I'll tell you what, if Dylan does come home, then I will help you and Connor go trick-or-treating. How's that sound?", "Chelsea: It's a date. But not a date.", "Sharon: No, I get it.", "Chelsea: All right, what do you say? Should we get these ghouls home and start our pumpkin carving?", "Chloe: Yes, just give me one moment, okay?", "Mariah: Looks like fall's officially here.", "Kevin: Okay. [Scoffs]", "Mariah: And it looks like somebody's over needing space.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Chloe: Hey. Sorry, I was kind of mia the last few days, I just...", "Kevin: Yeah, you needed some time.", "Chloe: Well, I was hoping that you had some? Poor Bella, she would really like to see you. And I was thinking maybe we could do some decorating, some -- some carving, you know, the usual Halloween mayhem.", "Kevin: Yeah, that sounds great, but I was supposed to hang with Mariah...", "Mariah: That's okay. You can't disappoint Bella. Go on.", "Kevin: Uh, well, wait till she sees my scary ghost impression. I mean, I'll tone it down a little bit.", "Chloe: You cannot scare my daughter.", "Kevin: I will tone it down. I don't want to scare her.", "Ashley: So you really let Phyllis off the hook. Don't worry. 'M not letting her get to me.", "Ashley: Hmm. Slap on the wrist and a special assignment? Sounds like she may be already is getting to you.", "Jack: Cost analysis of second quarter revenues -- hardly a special assignment.", "Ashley: Phyllis said it was market research.", "Jack: Okay, maybe it w-- I gave her a file. As long as it's pure drudgery. The point is to get her tortured enough to leave the company.", "Ashley: Right, yeah, I think it's really odd that you're okay with her spying on you.", "Billy: Really, jack? This stunt with manufacturing? What the hell are you doing?", "Victoria: So, um, a whole month sailing in the Greek isles? Sounds like paradise.", "Harrison: You should try it sometime. Does Billy like sailing?", "Victoria: Billy likes fun. That, um, ex of his, any chance they're getting back together?", "Victoria: Oh, God, no.", "Harrison: Well, in that case, would you mind giving me his number? I'd love to continue our conversation over dinner. There's a great little place in mistral. I think he'd really like it.", "Victoria: Yeah, he does like it, actually. We went there for our anniversary a few years ago.", "Harrison: You're the ex?", "Victoria: I am.", "[Both chuckle]", "Harrison: Ah. You seem to work so well together. Not everybody could pull that off.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. I mean, what can I say? Sometimes I think we're crazy to do it, but the building hasn't fallen down around us yet, so...", "Harrison: Well, I have to ask, why did you let a guy like Billy go? I mean, he's the total package. Style, charm, intelligence, that smoldering stare.", "Victoria: Oh, he does know how to work that smoldering stare, doesn't he? Oh, well, he's a great guy. We just didn't have a very great relationship, that's all.", "Harrison: Well, I don't know what broke you up. That man bought brash & sassy 'cause it meant that much to you. Now, in the world of romantic gestures [Scoffs] That beats the hell out of flowers, girl. You, uh, ever think that --", "Victoria: No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're coworkers and we're coparents, and that's it. We've actually both moved on.", "Harrison: Or maybe you just refuse to see what's in front of you.", "Victoria: No, I see Billy very clearly.", "Jack: Get the hell out of my office.", "Billy: This is how you're gonna come after me, huh?", "Jack: I don't even think of you.", "Billy: By sabotaging our rollout?", "Jack: I have done no such thing.", "Ashley: You're out of line, Billy.", "Billy: Really? Of course you would take his side, Ashley.", "Ashley: I'm taking his side because you're out of line. We handled this like we would handle any other competitor.", "Billy: This is jack trying to stick it to me, isn't it?", "Ashley: You're wrong! Do you really think he'd be that petty?", "Billy: Yes, I do, 'cause I slept with his wife. Come on, jack. Tell me this isn't personal. Go ahead.", "Jack: I've got work to do.", "Billy: Look me in the eye. Tell me this isn't the first move in a long term plan to sabotage my company.", "Jack: I will say this one more time -- get the hell out of my office.", "Charlie: Stop it!", "Mattie: You stop!", "Cane: What are you doing? I said to you please don't make a mess. I said to you -- guys, what are you doing? Why don't you listen?", "Mattie: Sorry, daddy.", "Cane: Mattie, ju-- no, no, no, no. It's not gonna cut it. Sorry's not gonna cut it this time. It's not.", "Lily: Let's get this cleaned up. Come on, you guys, come on.", "Cane: No, don't touch that, don't touch that. That's important, all right? Just, just, please just stop it.", "Chloe: It was too bad that nick couldn't join us, but I guess with everything that's going on with Sharon, it makes sense that he wants to be close to her.", "Chelsea: Yeah. It must be unsettling having somebody invade your life like that. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.", "Chloe: So are there any leads?", "Kevin: Eh, not really.", "Chloe: So there's something.", "Kevin: Well, whoever it is, they call, they hang up. We tried to trace the call but got nothing. I'm thinking prank and the prankster got bored.", "Chelsea: Well, I don't think Dylan agrees with you. Or else, why would he have nick staying there?", "Kevin: Well, Dylan is very protective of Sharon. Nick's not the only one who's watching her, he's go the whole department involved -- regular patrols.", "Chloe: Did you ever think that maybe this person is trying to contact Dylan, has a tip about the case?", "Kevin: We've got a hotline at the station for that kind of thing.", "Chloe: Yeah, I know. I just think it's weird that Dylan goes out of town, the calls stop.", "Chelsea: Well, I hope they stop for good and this freak leaves them alone. [Scoffs] How in the world did we get pumpkin all the way to the fireplace?", "Kevin: Hey, why are you so interested in these calls to Sharon?", "Mariah: All right.", "Nick: You know, somehow that is just so you, Mariah.", "Mariah: You know, I am very minimalist.", "Sharon: Oh, nice! And what about you, sweetie? You ready?", "Faith: Yep.", "Nick: Let's see it. The big reveal.", "Sharon: [Laughs]", "Mariah: [Laughs]", "Faith: Ahh, 'kay.", "Mariah: Turn that sucker around.", "[All gasp]", "Nick: Oh, yeah! That is the happiest jack-o-lantern I've ever seen.", "Faith: He's happy because he love Halloween.", "Sharon: Aw, good job, sweetie. Okay, you better go up and get ready for bed.", "Faith: Okay. Yours is good too, mommy.", "Sharon: Gee, thanks.", "Nick: You know, she is a sweetheart, because that is a hatchet job.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Sharon: Well, at least I tried. Good thing that my kids are better at this than I am.", "Mariah: Uh, I think sully wins for the best pumpkin gut removal technique.", "Nick: Yeah, come on, little man. I'll take you upstairs and get you all cleaned up. [Groans] Let's go. Nobody wants pumpkin on 'em. Right?", "Sharon: Did you see that?", "Mariah: See what?", "Sharon: How much nick is bonding with sully -- \"my little man,\" \"my little goblin.\" And how they're so alike with the pumpkin slime.", "Mariah: You're being ridiculous.", "Sharon: I'm concerned. In case you've forgotten, there's a crazy woman who wants to tell the whole world my secret.", "Harrison: Thank you. My car's here.", "Victoria: Okay, um, I'll walk you to the door. Thank you again for taking this meeting. If there's anything that you can do to try to facilitate this order as soon as possible...", "Harrison: I'll do my best, but I can't break my arrangement with jabot.", "Victoria: Yeah, of course. [Sighs heavily]", "Jill: Well? How did it go? And where is Billy?", "Victoria: He walked out. And I had to sit through two bottles of wine and no deal.", "Jill: What do you mean, no deal?", "Victoria: And on top of that, did you put that Harrison up to matchmaking or what?", "Jill: Don't be crazy! I've never spoken to him. Why, what did he say?", "Victoria: Never mind.", "Ashley: Time hasn't healed anything yet, has it, Jacky?", "Jack: Every time I think it has, a -- a moment with Billy, a look from Phyllis and it's another knife in the heart for me.", "Ashley: Is there anything I can do?", "Jack: Oh, just be there for me, like you have been. It helps.", "Ashley: I love you.", "Jack: You too. Come on, let's call it a night. Let's get out of here.", "Billy: What are you doing?", "Lily: There. It's good as new.", "Cane: It's not good as new. I ruined a perfectly good time.", "Lily: Hey, you didn't ruin anything, okay? The kids did exactly what we told them not to do. They're old enough to know better.", "Cane: No, it's not their fault. It's mine. I'm just so stressed out at work, I just don't know what I'm doing sometimes. I'm sorry.", "Lily: Honey, don't be so hard on yourself. It happens to me, too. They just -- they just know how to push our buttons and you lose it. I mean, it's fine. Don't worry.", "Cane: Yeah, I got to admit, Mattie had the pumpkin on her nose, it was kind of cute, you know?", "Lily: [Chuckles] They are the cutest. Come here. Hey, hey. Come here. I'm sorry. Sweetie, I'm sorry. Your daddy loves you. I'm so sorry I yelled at you like that.", "Chloe: I'm interested in who the caller might be because, you know, it's -- it's scary. Just like Chelsea said -- and not like Halloween scary, like, creepy scary.", "Kevin: And because...?", "Chloe: And because I'm thinking of Chelsea.", "Kevin: Chelsea?", "Chloe: I know this sounds farfetched, but Dylan was very deep into investigating Adam's death and, I don't know, maybe this caller is trying to reach him because they have a tip or something.", "Kevin: That's an interesting theory, but no. The calls came into the land line and Sharon's cell, not Dylan's. I don't think there's any connection to Adam.", "Chelsea: Kevin, can you help me? I can't seem to get this gunk off. Gross!", "Kevin: What is that? Chelsea [Laughs] No, don't! Get that! Don't rub the paint off, silly. I'm not gonna get the paint off. It's sticky, it's gross.", "Mariah: Sharon, please, take a breath. Take 10! I mean, if you lose your cool -- you're gonna tip nick off that you're wigging out about him being around sully. And you know nick. If he starts to wonder what's up, he's not gonna stop until he figures it out.", "Sharon: You're right. I have got to get it together. [Sighs] [Gasps]", "Mariah: Sharon?", "Sharon: [Shrieks]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: Billy Abbott! You give me back that flash drive right now!", "Billy: You said there's nothing important on here, Phyllis, so it doesn't really matter if I take a look, does it?", "Paul: Does somebody want to tell me what the hell happened? How did my sister get out of here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "The ambulance rushes Dina, on a stretcher, into the hospital emergency room. Ashley is right behind. Ashley yells for a doctor and soon comes face to face with Graham. Gloria is at work when Jack comes out of his office and tells Gloria about Dina being rushed to the hospital. At Newman Towers, Victor sits at a table when Nikki comes in and joins him. Nikki tries to get him to end this feud with Nick. Victor just looks at her. Sharon visits Nick to find out why he had given away his millions instead of talking to her first when it would affect their children. Ashley and Traci are seated in the waiting room, awaiting word on Dina when Jack joins them. Graham joins them to let them know what the doctor had told him about Dina's condition. At the Coffeehouse, Noah finds out via the internet what Nick had done in giving away his millions. Nick assures Sharon that the children will be just fine. Victor refuses to talk about Nick and what he had done in giving away his millions to Jack and his foundation. Victor asks Nikki to move back to the ranch. She just looks at him. Graham and the Abbotts are talking when the doctor comes in and tells them that Dina had a stroke. Graham asks if he can see Dina.", "Noah visits Nick to find out as to why he had given away his millions when they were supposed to be in partnership together and that money would come in handy in getting the new business started. Noah and VIctor meet at the Newman Towers and have a talk about what Nick had done. Jack has to hold Ashley off of Graham from her attacking him. Noah and Sharon discuss Nick and him giving away his mllions to charity. Sharon asks Noah how would he feel when he has children of his own and what he would do for them. At the Newman Towers, Victor and Nick have a talk and try to mend fences and get things back the way it was before Nick had gotten all the money. Victor holds out his hand for a shake. Nick obliges and shakes his hand. Nikii comes to see Jack at Jabot but finds out from Gloria that he will be out the rest of the day. Nikki is surprised that Jack would not have told her. Gloria makes a point of telling Nikki that she had a drink with Victor. Nikki is surprised but gives Gloria her credit card so they could have another drink together. Gloria follows her to the elevator to give her back her card and rub it in a little farther as to how she and Victor was getting along. Nikki tells her to let her know when things \"spiced up\" between her and Victor. Jack issues a warning to Graham concerning Dina and her health. Graham shows them a piece of paper issued by a judge which gives Graham power of attorney concerning Dina and her medical conditon.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: We need a doctor! My mother's unconscious! I don't know for how long! We need a doctor!", "Graham: This is dr. Hummel. He'll be caring for dina.", "Dr. Hummel: What are the patient's vital signs?", "Ashley: Are you associated with him? Because if you are, I don't want you anywhere near my mother.", "Graham: Let him do his job.", "Ashley: I'm not letting you near my mother.", "Graham: This is dina's private personal physician. He has --", "Ashley: I am her daughter. I am the one who has say about her medical care. Please, back away. We need a doctor! Where the hell is a doctor?", "Graham: Do you want your mother to get the best care or not?", "Dr. Hummel: Ma'am, there is no time to waste. I'm familiar with your mother's medical history. I will take excellent care of her. You have my word.", "Ashley: Okay!", "Dr. Hummel: We're good?", "Graham: We're good. Go.", "Ashley: Yes! Go! Mother, jack and traci are on their way! We're gonna take good care of you, I promise. You! Get the hell out of here.", "Graham: I'm not going anywhere until dr. Hummel informs me about her condition...", "Ashley: You are leaving now!", "Graham: ...And we make a plan of action based on her diagnosis!", "Traci: Ashley! What's happened?", "Ashley: I found mother. She was collapsed on the floor of her suite.", "Traci: Oh, no!", "Jack: How long was she out?", "Ashley: I don't know, jack.", "Jack: Did she faint? Did she fall, hit her head?", "Ashley: It could have been both those things. I'm not sure. The doctor is seeing her now. We're not gonna know anything until he examines her.", "Jack: What is he doing here?", "Ashley: He thinks he has some say in her medical care.", "Jack: Her family is here now. You can leave. We're taking over. Come on, girls.", "Gloria: Good morning, boss. Whoa! Did you sleep here?", "Jack: I had to come in early and prepare some paperwork for michael. I want these messengered to him as soon as possible, all right? I'm heading back to the hospital.", "Gloria: Why?", "Ravi: Hospital? Something happen to ashley?", "Jack: No. My mother. She collapsed.", "Gloria: Oh, my god. Jack, is it serious?", "Jack: We're still waiting on word from the doctors.", "Gloria: Anything I can do?", "Jack: Yeah. Cancel all my meetings and ashley'S. I'll call with updates.", "Gloria: All right.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: How do you know that seat isn't taken?", "Nikki: Well, victor, to be honest, I don't think many people are even speaking to you these days, so... I took a shot.", "Victor: That's a hell of a good way to start the day.", "Nikki: Well, how it finishes is what I'm concerned about. I'm not gonna leave until you agree that it's time for you and nicholas to find a way to coexist.", "Victor: You could have said that over the phone, all right? You know damn well I didn't start the fight with nicholas.", "Nikki: I know that, and you don't need to repeat yourself.", "Victor: Apparently I do.", "Nikki: Look, victor, what i need is for you and nicholas to end this feud. And the only person I know who is strong enough to step up and make that happen is you.", "Nick: Hey! If you're here to see chelsea, she went to the office a while ago.", "Sharon: No. I saw the big announcement on \"the hilary hour.\"", "Nick: Right. Come in.", "Sharon: I came by to see how genoa city's newest and most famous philanthropist is doing.", "Nick: You know, I've never felt better. I should have given away a portion of my fortune a long time ago, but I didn't really get the idea until dad siphoned away some money out of one of my checking accounts.", "Sharon: That can't be the reason why you gave away millions and millions of dollars.", "Nick: No, sharon, I did it because I wanted to do some good. That money's just been sitting there doing nothing except generating even more money.", "Sharon: That's really how you viewed your wealth? That's funny, because I always saw it as, um, a nest egg for your children. And now, without even consulting me, the mother of two of those children, it's gone. Nice move, nick.", "Ashley: Hi there. Sorry. Maybe this'll help wake you up a little bit.", "Traci: [ Yawns ] Thank you. Oh, my gosh. I can't believe I fell asleep.", "Ashley: Well, you didn't miss anything.", "Traci: Have you been up all night?", "Ashley: It's difficult to nap when you've been pacing.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Well, listen, I'm good now if you want to find a place to catch 40 winks.", "Ashley: No, I'm okay.", "Traci: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: I'm okay. Don't worry.", "Traci: How can I not? After what you've been facing the last 12 hours...", "Ashley: Thank you for being so protective of me. Listen, I'm not gonna fall apart after what happened last night. I promise you. I'm -- traci... look, I wasn't planning on the world knowing that I'm not john abbott's biological daughter, but I can handle it, even though jack might have his doubts, I have this feeling.", "Jack: Doubts about what?", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] Never mind. Glad you're back.", "Jack: Any news from the doctor?", "Ashley: Nope.", "Jack: Well, I was sure there'd be word the moment i left. Isn't that how it usually works?", "Ashley: There's nothing usual about this. What if graham told the doctor not to talk to us? I mean, what if they've been colluding this whole time?", "Traci: Ashley, I checked on dr. Hummel's credentials. He's solid. I even called his office. He has been treating mother since she's been back in genoa city.", "Jack: What?", "Traci: A doctor of his stature, I just can't see how he would only listen to graham and not consider the family of the patient.", "Ashley: You know what, you're much more reasonable that I am. I just don't understand this. I mean, mother's been seeing a doctor since she got back to genoa city? What part of \"back off\" don't you understand?", "Graham: If you want me to go, I'll go, no problem. I'm only here as a courtesy anyway. I thought you might like to know what dina's doctor told me.", "Jack: Fine. Tell us what you know and make yourself scarce. We'll get the details from mother's doctor ourselves. Additional sponsorship", "[ Glass shatters ]", "Nick: Sharon, you know I'm not some deadbeat dad, all right? I've planned for my kids' future. They're gonna be just fine. I've made sure of that.", "Sharon: Not as fine as they would have been yesterday! Nick, why? Why would you have given away all that money?", "Nick: Because having that money gave dad the impression he could call all the shots in my life. No money means no shots.", "Sharon: And no security blanket.", "Nick: I had $500 million for 6 years. It wasn't just sitting in a coffee can buried out in my backyard. I invested with it. I had some healthy returns. Enough that I'm gonna live comfortably. I planned for contingencies. My kids are gonna be just fine. They can go to any school they want, buy homes, money to kick in when they need it. It's all there. Untouched. Even when I'm long gone, sharon, there's gonna be more than enough to go around, all right? I'm not just some handsome face. There is a brain up here.", "Sharon: And where was that brain when you made this impulsive, life-altering decision?", "Nick: You know, you sound like vick. She said I was a lunatic.", "Sharon: And rightfully so. You know, from where I'm standing, it looks like your only priority was making sure you got rid of every dime in that trust fund.", "Nick: All I did was go back to the way life was before the lawsuit, before I got this ridiculous amount of money thrown into my lap. You know, some people think there's no such thing as too much money. Well, that's not me. That's not who I am.", "Sharon: Well, I applaud you for wanting to use your wealth to give back to the community and help other people. That's your choice. It's not your kids'. But you can't predict the future, nick. Your kids may end up needing more than you've set aside. You basically guessed! And you're so caught up in this argument with your father you can't admit that you may have guessed wrong.", "Victor: You're asking me to put an end to a feud with my son, after he has humiliated me on television, has mocked me?", "Nikki: Victor, our son wasn't trying --", "Victor: No, let's not discuss this, okay? The fact of the matter is that he gave a large chunk of his trust fund -- a trust fund that he got from me, money that i earned -- to a foundation run by jack abbott.", "Nikki: You need to look past that.", "Victor: No, I don'T.", "Nikki: You need to focus on the reality of the situation. Yes, jack's foundation may receive a big part of the money. But there is a long line. People who really need it, they are going to the beneficiaries of it. So can't we just let that be the takeaway of all this? And don't forget -- nicholas could have easily gone to the authorities...", "Victor: He didn't go to the authorities because he can't prove what didn't happen.", "Nikki: Okay. Can't you just look at this --", "Victor: No, I cannot. You want me to be the bigger man? To put this family back together again? You know I'm gonna solve this? You know how that's gonna happen? If you move back to the ranch and stop this nonsense.", "Ashley: A stroke?", "Graham: A minor one. According to dr. Hummel, dina will, over time, make a full recovery. So now that you know the diagnosis...", "Traci: Let me guess. You want us to go home and you will handle everything from here on out.", "Graham: I'll call when there's news.", "Traci: Well, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll wait and hear from the doctor.", "Graham: You think I'm lying?", "Ashley: I think there's a pretty good chance, yeah.", "Jack: The chief of staff is a friend of mine. I'll get the information.", "Ashley: Doctor, what can you tell us?", "Dr. Hummel: The initial test results are back. It appears that dina had a minor stroke.", "Traci: So tell us about that, compared to a major stroke.", "Jack: Doctor, we understand you're her personal private physician, that you've been treating her for a while now. What have you been treating her for?", "Dr. Hummel: Nothing major. Her blood pressure's a little high, but just routine check-ups, really. Let me ask -- did your mother exhibit any warning signs before this incident?", "Jack: Such as?", "Dr. Hummel: Slurred speech, facial droop, loss of coordination...", "Graham: Well, she did seem --", "Jack: He asked her family. We'll answer it. Thank you.", "Ashley: I didn't notice anything at dinner, did you?", "Traci: No. No, I didn'T. Nothing like that.", "Dr. Hummel: Okay, that helps. We'll do a few more tests, but i just want to stress how lucky it is your mother was brought in when she was. According to the paramedics, you were the first on scene?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Dr. Hummel: It's good you found her when you did. It's fair to say that she owes you her life.", "Dr. Hummel: And I want to remind you, the first hours are key in a patient's survival and recovery.", "Ashley: I wish I'd found her sooner.", "Dr. Hummel: Focus on the positive. You got there in plenty of time to avoid a bad outcome.", "Jack: Ashley, we are all grateful to you.", "Traci: Absolutely.", "Graham: Your sister wasn't alone. I was there, too. I'm actually the one who called dr. Hummel, but no thanks is necessary.", "Traci: Can you tell us what we're looking at going forward?", "Dr. Hummel: Oh, well, first things first, we'll get her out of the er and set up in the icu. The nurses will do neuro checks hourly. I've ordered additional tests to assess her risk for a bigger stroke. We'll see what that says. Then we can review the results in detail and come up with a treatment plan.", "Ashley: Will the tests tell us why this happened?", "Dr. Hummel: They might. If they don't, there are other tests we can do to find out what caused the stroke.", "Jack: Doctor, could stress have been a factor?", "Dr. Hummel: Potentially. It can cause the blood pressure to spike, which does put people at risk.", "Jack: I'm sure mr. Bloodworth neglected to tell you, but our mother was under a great deal of stress last night.", "Ashley: That's putting it mildly.", "Dr. Hummel: No, I, uh -- I wasn't aware.", "Jack: Yeah, things happened, unexpected things, at a family gathering. My mother was still struggling with them when I got her back to her hotel suite. She said she was gonna sleep. Obviously that didn't happen. I would never have left her had I see any of the symptoms you described.", "Dr. Hummel: Don't beat yourself up about it. These things occur unexpectedly. But I am curious -- what transpired that made her so upset?", "Ashley: Our mother found out that somebody she believed in greatly had betrayed her. He had lied to her over and over again. She found this out just a couple hours before her stroke. So you can do all the tests you want, but I'm pretty sure that's what caused it.", "Ravi: No. \"Jabot holiday sale\" -- that should be the anchor text. You're right, it is better for fenmore'S. Good catch. I have to go. Upload the changes we discussed. Yeah, thanks. What'd you find out?", "Gloria: I called a couple of nurse friends of mine at the hospital. Apparently, ashley found dina unconscious in her room after the family dinner.", "Ravi: What?", "Gloria: Yeah, and they took her to memorial, and now the siblings are all holding vigil.", "Ravi: Is she gonna recover?", "Gloria: My contacts aren't gonna divulge any stats about her -- confidentiality, all that stuff.", "Ravi: I wonder if this has anything to do with the top of the tower the other night. It was a horrible night for dina. I think that's what caused this episode.", "Gloria: You know, I had other plans, couldn't make it. So fill me in.", "Ravi: I really shouldn'T.", "Gloria: Ravi.", "Ravi: It's family business.", "Gloria: Ravi! I was married to their father for god's sake. I think that counts for something.", "Ravi: I -- I get that.", "Gloria: All right, then good! Spill!", "Ravi: Look, I really can't, gloria, but... could you do me a huge favor?", "Gloria: [ Scoffs ] Really? That's how this works?", "Ravi: Please.", "Gloria: Sorry. I know you're just being protective.", "Ravi: I am.", "Gloria: Very chivalrous. I won't make things more difficult for you than I already have.", "Ravi: Thank you. I appreciate that.", "Gloria: So what's this favor?", "Ravi: Can you make sure that everything that's sent to dina cannot be signed for by graham?", "Gloria: Graham? Did he do something? I know, I know. You're being a good samaritan. But could you give me a little bit of a clue about what this is all about?", "Ravi: Gloria, I would love to. It would make my life so much easier, but it's really not my place...", "Gloria: Yes, ravi. You need to get this off your chest, and I'm just presenting you with an opportunity to do that. And if anybody in this town can keep a secret, it's me.", "[ Telephone rings ]", "Ravi: Oh, thank god. [ Sighs ] Hello? No, ashley's not in today. Uh, yeah, no. Thank you for calling. I'll be right there.", "Gloria: Who was that?", "Ravi: No time.", "Gloria: Should I go with you?", "Ravi: You stay here. I have to take care of something for ashley.", "Graham: While I'm sure dr. Hummel appreciates your passion and determination to find out what caused dina's stroke, you're hardly a trained professional. Let's leave the medical diagnosis to him, shall we?", "Jack: Your input is, as usual, unsolicited. Doctor, since you said it was a minor stroke, when you do anticipate we'll be able to take our mother home?", "Dr. Hummel: We'll have to revisit that question when we get all the test results. But it's important to know the next few hours are critical for dina, as we may not know the extent of the stroke until then. But, as I said, this is, from all appearances, a minor one.", "Traci: Does that mean that we can see her?", "Dr. Hummel: I'm sorry. We're gonna have to hold off for now. She's under a mild sedation. Also, the nurses need to get her up to her room and settled and make their assessments. So I'll go check on the progress and I'll get back with you.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: Thank you, doctor.", "Ashley: Well, good. Gives you some time to get an attorney 'cause you're gonna need one.", "Graham: Why would I need a lawyer?", "Ashley: Maybe because of fraud? But, don't worry, I'm sure we could think of a couple more charges to add to that.", "Victor: I don't need an answer from you this minute.", "Nikki: No, you're just using blackmail to demand one.", "Victor: I'm doing no such thing, okay?", "Nikki: Old habits die hard.", "Victor: Listen to me. If you want our family to be whole again, you move back to the ranch. Simple as that. That way, we will all give hope to the rest of the family, to the children and grandchildren.", "Nikki: I have to say, this is very unexpected. So you're saying that despite all of the fighting and accusations and all of that, you want me to move back to the ranch?", "Victor: What the hell are you talking about? I never wanted you to move out of the ranch! I never did! That was your decision!", "Nikki: All right, I have a question for you.", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: And I want you to consider your answer. By no means am I saying that we are going to reconcile, but if we should someday in the future, would you rather it be we get back together out of fate or because I succumbed to your demands, your extortion? I mean, which option do you think has the best chance of giving us something meaningful, something special like what we once had? I don't expect an answer from you this very minute.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Nick: Yep.", "Sharon: Seriously? You're still pouting?", "Nick: I'm not pouting. I mean, you did say some pretty harsh things.", "Sharon: Well, that's how strongly I feel about this.", "Nick: Well, it's done, and there's no sense of arguing about it.", "Sharon: Well, that might not be true. I mean, call jack or neil! You can renegotiate the amount that you donated. I mean, you can be generous, but not as generous.", "Nick: That's not gonna happen.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Nick: Sharon, I went on national television and told everyone exactly how much i would be donating. So if you don't mind, I would like to hang on to some of my integrity, since I'm now $500 million poorer.", "Sharon: You go ahead and you make jokes. Because you didn't grow up the way that I did, having to scrape together money just to eat or pay your rent. And I can't describe to you how much it's meant to me to know that my children will never have those experiences. I want them to have options that I never had. Like knowing that if they make a mistake or they go through a rough patch that there's a safety net, a cushion that will stop them from falling too far, you know? It would be the thing that would allow them to make a fresh start if necessary, to make a mistake and not have it wreck their lives!", "Nick: They still have that.", "Sharon: [ Scoffs ] You don't get it. To me, money means...freedom. The more you have, the more you can dream. And I'm not talking about buying expensive cars or houses or any ridiculous crazy purchases. I just mean being able to follow your heart. You know, if noah wanted to, he could take a year off and travel the world, and faith could decide to devote her life to being a world champion chess player, I mean, when she grows up.", "Nick: They can still do that. Me making this donation is not gonna prevent them from chasing any of their dreams.", "Sharon: I'm not so sure.", "Nick: Sharon, come on. I mean, there's no reason in the world for anyone to have this much money. Unless you're gonna, like, buy a private island. I mean, look, you have been in this family. You know that money has caused problems so many times.", "Sharon: You know, the only reason why scott is alive right now is because victor was able to afford a $10 million ransom. Now, scott's mother, lauren -- she owns a very successful business, and she wasn't able to save her own son.", "Nick: Well... I mean, you got me there. I don't have a rainy day ransom fund.", "Sharon: You know, I really wish you weren't so cavalier about this.", "Nick: [ Scoffs ]", "Sharon: You know, from my point of view, you don't win the lottery and then give away the jackpot!", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Nick: Oh, am I glad to see you. I need some backup, dude. Go talk some sense into your mother.", "Noah: Her? I came to do that to you. Dad, what were you thinking?", "Jack: 245-A. This is where they moved mother.", "Graham: Yes, that sounds perfect. Room 245-A. Dina mergeron. Thank you.", "Jack: What are you still doing here? You're not welcome here! No one wants you here, including our mother.", "Graham: You don't know that. I was politely escorted out of that mess of a dinner party before I could fully explain things to dina.", "Ashley: You mean fill her head with lies again. Isn't that what you're saying?", "Graham: I'm confident when i sit down with her, I can make her understand.", "Ashley: Really? Understand? No, you tried to manipulate her again. Now, listen to me. You're not going near her room. You're not going near our mother ever again! Are we clear?", "Graham: I've had it with each and every one of you.", "Ashley: Oh, have you?", "Graham: Yes! You're self-righteous. It was clear from the beginning you didn't even want anything to do with your mother, but you came after me because I made time for her and treated her the way she deserved.", "Ashley: You lied to her! You manipulated her! Our mother is done with you! She knows who you are, graham.", "Graham: You don't speak for her. When she wakes up and is ready to receive visitors, she's gonna want to see me! It'll be me that she asks for, not you! And what she'll see through is all of this concern of yours and realize that you're out for blood! Now that the world knows that your father isn't the great john abbott!", "Ashley: Don'T.", "Jack: That's enough.", "Graham: And, in fact, your father is pathetic, a loser! Just like his illegitimate daughter is today.", "Ashley: You son of a bitch!", "Traci: Ashley! Ashley!", "Jack: Ash, ash, ash, ash.", "Traci: Ashley, let go! Come on. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Noah: What if we hit a snag in our expansion plans? I mean, almost every business book that I've ever read always says that this is a risky venture for young companies.", "Sharon: He's right.", "Noah: I've got so much going on right now -- living with tessa, planning the new spots for the underground... it would really make my life a lot easier if we didn't have to worry about our expansion plans.", "Nick: Noah, it --", "Noah: Dad, look, I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your money. I'm saying it might have come in handy if we ran into some kind of unexpected crisis.", "Sharon: That's exactly what i told him.", "Noah: And was it really such a good idea to piss off grandpa even more? I mean, he could have been a valuable asset, but now both those options are off the table.", "Nick: Well, that is one way to look at it. See, I'm choosing to look at it like we are two very smart, two very capable guys who can do this on our own without some insane amount of money sitting in a bank account or some rich family member to bail us out.", "Noah: I do believe in us, dad. But I am worried that this war you're waging with grandpa puts us at a major disadvantage.", "Nick: It's not a war. I mean, not to me. I've washed my hands of him.", "Noah: See, this is part of the problem. You keep on insisting you have nothing to do with grandpa. You already refused to consider a location in a building that he owns. So what's next? We refuse to work with any vendor that doesn't business with newman enterprises? Because most companies do.", "[ Scoffs ]", "Nick: What do you want me to do? Make peace with him?", "Noah: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: Geez. That'd be a start. I have to go.", "Noah: I'll come with you.", "Sharon: Bye, nick.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Ravi: Thank you so much for calling. I will deliver this to ms. Abbott personally.", "Victor: Ravi! What's this?", "Ravi: Oh, uh, this is ashley's innovator of the year award.", "Victor: Oh, my goodness! Look at that!", "Ravi: There was a dinner here to celebrate her accomplishments last night, but it accidentally got left behind. But your staff, they are amazing, they are efficient. They called immediately, and i rushed over to grab it for her.", "Victor: Well, thank you very much. I appreciate your compliments. I'm sorry that ashley didn't pick it up herself. I would have liked to have congratulated her.", "Ravi: Yeah, well, she's, uh, busy.", "Victor: Ooh. Must have been a hell of a party for her to leave this behind.", "Ravi: Yeah, there was some confusion when the party ended.", "Victor: Oh?", "Ravi: Family business. Personal stuff with dina.", "Victor: With dina?", "Ravi: Yeah.", "Victor: And ashley?", "Ravi: Why would you say that?", "Victor: Ravi, ashley and i have known each other for quite some time, you know. We used to be married to each other. We're sll really close. There's nothing I don't know about her.", "Ravi: Well, I should get back to the office.", "Victor: All right. You have a nice day.", "Ravi: I am glad you guys remain close. She's gonna need as many friends as she can get right now.", "Victor: Thank you. Thank you, ravi.", "Ashley: Don't you mention my father's name, you understand me?", "Graham: Oh, which one? The one that raised you, or...", "Jack: You are one smart-ass remark away from getting your own hospital room.", "Ashley: This cannot be a topic that he mentions, please.", "Graham: Oh, well, you better tell that to your mother when she feels better because she's the one that told me john isn't your father.", "Traci: That cannot be true. My mother wouldn't have told you a secret like that if I didn't even know.", "Graham: That in itself should tell you a lot about our relationship. Of course I knew! Long before dina's unfortunate blurt in front of all those people.", "Ashley: You know what...", "Traci: Okay.", "Graham: She felt she could confide in me because I listen to her with empathy, with understanding. She even told me how you became unstable when you found out the truth all those years ago.", "Jack: Okay, that's enough.", "Ashley: No. No. No. I'm okay. I'm not gonna waste my time on you. You disgust me. You're nothing but a sad, pathetic little liar. You lied about brent davis, you lied about your mother being dead. You lied about caring for dina when all you wanted was her money. We saw the real graham last night, the pathetic, sniveling, grasping graham. You can't put it back in a bottle now. It's too late.", "Noah: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Sharon: What is it?", "Noah: Nah, it's nothing.", "Sharon: Noah.", "Noah: Just -- you think I overreacted?", "Sharon: Your father just gave away $500 million. How is anyone supposed to react to that news?", "Noah: I know. I --", "Sharon: Well, I think what you did was completely justifiable.", "Noah: Still, charging over there, popping off without giving it a second thought...", "Sharon: You think you disrespected him.", "Noah: Yeah, because I did.", "Sharon: I can assure you that you didn't, and your father knows that. You know, if anything, I think that you came across as a business partner with legitimate concerns.", "Noah: Yeah, but complaining about money that's not even mine given away to help people that have far less than we do... not my finest moment.", "Sharon: Well, that may not have been your money now, but thanks to nick's impulsiveness, it never will be.", "Noah: Wait, hold on, mom. Look, there's not one second of the day that I ever think about some future inheritance. That's not the problem that i have with dad.", "Sharon: What about your children one day?", "Noah: Children? [ Laughing ] Slow down, mom. Tessa just moved in, okay?", "Sharon: No, I'm not saying that you two will go that far, but you will one day with someone, hopefully. There is no limit to what you will want to do for your children.", "Noah: Yeah, I hear you. I do. I do. Still, dad is teaching us to be independent, to believe in ourselves, which are values I'll want to pass onto my kids one day, so you got to give him props for that.", "Sharon: You're being very magnanimous about this, noah. I hope that for your sake and your father's that giving away all this money turns out exactly how he expects it to.", "Victor: Well, have a good meal, son. You know, I'm gonna instruct my staff to give you the family discount because I bet by now you feel the pinch, don't you?", "Nick: It's funny you say that, you know, I was just at the bank signing some papers regarding my donation. The transfer's been made.", "Victor: Well, I'm sure that has made jack abbott very happy.", "Nick: You know, a large portion of my donation has been earmarked for orphanages around the country. I'm gonna help kids who don't have parents find permanent homes.", "Victor: First, you give a lot of money to jack abbott to piss me off, and now what's this all about?", "Nick: Look, there was a part of me that was trying to be a wise guy, I guess. But as I was reading the letter I wrote to jack and neil instructing them on how I wanted the funds distributed... you know, maybe subconsciously i was acknowledging that you had a very hard life growing up, and i know a big part of that defines who you are. In some ways, maybe it defines our relationship, too.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "[ Clears throat ] [ Glass tinking ] Am I supposed to ring a bell to get customer service?", "Gloria: Well, hello, nikki. I thought I heard somebody.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Gloria: No. No bell. You might want to take a number, though, and you may have to wait for a while because jack is out of the office all day.", "Nikki: He's not gonna be here all day? He didn't mention that to me.", "Gloria: Well, color me stunned. I thought you two shared everything.", "Nikki: Gloria, might you have something more important to attend to so you don't have to worry about what jack and I may or may not share? If not, may I humbly suggest that you get a life?", "Gloria: Actually, I have a magnificent life. Opera, theatre, museums... and the other night, I had drinks with victor.", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] Well, is that so?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. And what a lovely experience. Oh, dear, I hope I'm not making you jealous. You two are still...technically married.", "Nikki: Jealous? Oh, no, no. Not at all. Knock yourself out, gloria. I think you two should go have another round of drinks, and throw in dinner this time. It'll even be on me.", "Gloria: If you don't want me to be out in public with your husband, I understand that, but no need to be snarky about it.", "Nikki: Are you gonna school me in being less snarky? [ Both chuckle ] That's really very amusing. No, gloria, I was being sincere. Yes, victor and I are still married, but we're in limbo. And if I want to keep up an active social life, I can't be upset if he does the same, so... if you do have any interest, you go for it, girl.", "Gloria: [ Chuckles ] I don't think I implied there was.", "Nikki: Yeah, but you've thought about it. Considered it just a little bit. Well, he's a fascinating man. He can be very charming when he wants to be. And he's the kind of man that can make a woman feel like she is the queen of the world, and i could give you advice on how to get his attention.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah? What's in it for you?", "Nikki: Well, we're not together, but he is the father of my children, so... is it so hard to believe I would want him to be happy?", "Gloria: Mm.", "Nikki: You know, you could do worse other than taking up with a person who will treat you well. So, uh, you think about it, and if there is the slightest amount of interest, do call me.", "Gloria: [ Clears throat ]", "Nick: You know, we've been locking horns for so long, i don't think either one of us knows who pushed it past the point of no return. I did give money to jack's foundation to spite you. I was just trying to end things, this back and forth between us, maybe for good. Then you could focus on one of your other rivals.", "Victor: You were never a rival to me, son. But if you're willing to spend this kind of money to make peace, then I'm impressed.", "Nick: Well, that's not the reaction I was expecting.", "Victor: I bet the rest of the family has given you grief.", "Nick: You're right. But I don't care. You know me, I go my own way.", "Victor: As do I, and you know that.", "Nick: So, maybe for the good of the family, then, we just agree to chill out a little bit?", "Victor: Son, peace it is.", "Jack: You have nothing to gain by fighting with us. It's a moot point, graham. I was the last person with mother before she collapsed, and she was ready to wash her hands of you, so forget the humiliation, the embarrassment. If you think this scheme of yours is going any further, you're wrong.", "Graham: And where you see a scheme, I see a deep, abiding relationship.", "Jack: Oh...", "Graham: One that you couldn't possibly understand.", "Dr. Hummel: Dina is still sedated, but she can have one visitor at a time.", "Traci: Oh, jack, you go.", "Graham: That's not happening. I'm seeing her first.", "Traci: You think we're gonna allow that?", "Graham: As it turns out, it's not up to you.", "Traci: Come on.", "Graham: Please see that my time with madame mergeron is uninterrupted.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa. How can you possibly think we're gonna let you go in there before us?", "Graham: As it happens, the matter was decided by a judge.", "Ashley: What is this?", "Graham: Dina's medical power of attorney, and she has signed it to me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: You're looking at the acting C.E.O. Of chancellor industries.", "Lily: There's also something that I want to talk about with you.", "Jordan: Sure. What's that?", "Lily: Us.", "Dina: In the conversation we had, I remember every word you said." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Mariah arrives home from her business trip with a present for Tessa and asks her to go on her next busines trip with her but she tells her she can't because she has to work hard to pay off the people she owes and she hopes to pay off her debt n a year. Mariah is bothered by Sharon's closeness toi Rey and Sharon assures her that she and Rey are just friends because she doesn't want a rebound relationship right now. Mariah talks to Rey and tells him that Sharon is vulnerable and she isn't ready for a relationship right now. Jack invites everbody for an Abbott family breakfast and he says they should all forgive each other for the sake of perserving the family. Ashley apologizes to Billy for helping to cause his gambling relapseand she apologizes to Abby and Kyle for the hurt she caused them . Ashley makes it clear she will never apologize to Jack because he needed to be taught sa lesson. Kyle takes Billy aside and tells him he needs to talk to Summer because she needs to know where she stands with him. Billy talks to Summer who tells him they caould be great together and she is willing to help him with his recover. Billy tells Summer that in his recovery it is advised that he not hae a relationship for a year. Summer doesn't get the pointso Billy has to be a little tougher with her when Phyllis walks into the Jabot office he tells Sumer that he only slept with her to get revenge on Phyllis.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Phyllis: We told you to get information, not to give it.", "Sharon: I haven'T.", "Nikki: You've gotten too close, sharon.", "Tessa: It didn't well with those guys who helped me smuggle crystal into canada.", "Mariah: What happened?", "Tessa: It came time to pay them, and they wanted $20,000.", "Phyllis: After everything we've been through, everything we have together, what, that's worth nothing to you now?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] No. But you were right. Phyllis wasn't the woman for me. Everything is very clear now.", "Jack: The paternity tests were lies. I'm john abbott's son. I have my father back.", "[ Coffee mug rattling ]", "Jack: Hey, I have some fantastic news.", "Dina: You do?", "Jack: I learned who my real father is. It's john abbott.", "Dina: Did I know him?", "Jack: Oh, yes.", "Dina: I did?", "Jack: For a very long time. You were married to him.", "Dina: Really? Hm.", "Jack: A better father, no kid could ever ask for.", "Dina: Ohh.", "Jack: He was an exceptional guy. Loving, caring. I'm trying to live up to his standards. So I want you to know, I am sorry for everything I put you through these last few months.", "Dina: Oh, you -- you're always so lovely.", "Jack: Well, I also want to make you a promise. I'm going to do everything I can to set this family right again.", "Dina: Thank you for caring so much. Now... remind me again who you are.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Phyllis: Hi. It's, uh, me again. I'M... really glad that you're back even though you're doing your damndest to avoid me. So... could you ease up on that? Because we really need to talk. I meant it when I said I'm not gonna stop fighting for you. So you might as well call me back. Thanks.", "Billy: Good morning.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Dina: Oh!", "Billy: Hello.", "Dina: Hello. Good morning to you, my dear.", "[ Chuckles ]", "[ Cellphone beeps ]", "Jack: So, you got a minute?", "Billy: Yeah, sure. What is it?", "Jack: Well, come with me and I'll show you.", "Tessa: Do you have any idea how much I missed you?", "Mariah: Oh, maybe about 1/10 of the amount that I missed you. Oh, don't do the math. Here, just --", "Tessa: Okay.", "Mariah: Just take this.", "Tessa: What? Oh... um... okay. [ Gasps ] I -- I -- I love it!", "Mariah: [ Laughs ]", "Tessa: Oh, my gosh! I can't believe this!", "Mariah: Yeah. It's just a little souvenir that I picked up from one of the street fairs we covered in chicago.", "Tessa: But that means you were thinking of me.", "Mariah: Uh, yeah. What gave it away? The barrage of texts and calls?", "Tessa: Oh, but -- yeah. This -- this is -- this is another level.", "Mariah: Well, I'm really glad that you like it. And the next time that I go away for \"gc buzz,\" you should come.", "Tessa: Yeah, but I can't miss a minute of work until I give those sharks what they claim I owe them.", "Rey: You up for more? Or are you all copped out?", "Sharon: No way. I love your many lessons. I'm getting to know your job.", "Rey: Having a social-work background is going to give you an edge in all this.", "Sharon: In what?", "Rey: Interviewing. Reading responses. Sometimes a self-proclaimed witness -- or victim, even -- could be your perp. I'll show you. I'll be me. You be the witness. [ Sighs ] You claim, after opening the store this morning, you discovered this tag next to its pillow-topped queen-sized mattress.", "Sharon: That's right.", "Rey: The tag clearly states that it can only be removed by the customer. Did you purchase the mattress for yourself?", "Sharon: No.", "Rey: And by your own admission, there were no other customers here, so... you agree that this was an unlawful tag removal?", "Sharon: Why else would I have reported it?", "Rey: Sometimes it would be too suspicious not to.", "Sharon: [ Laughs ] Oh, that's funny.", "Rey: I fired an accusation, pure speculation, to get a reaction. Two common signs of guilt -- aversion to eye contact and dismissing the accusation as a joke.", "Sharon: No, it was funny. I mean, because the whole situation is ridiculous.", "Rey: And yet you act like you did something wrong.", "Traci: Breakfast?", "Jack: For all of us.", "Kyle: And this was your idea?", "Jack: Actually, billy and i were just discussing, before you came in, how important it is for a family to break bread together.", "Billy: Cute, jack.", "Abby: You know, aren't we pushing it a little bit?", "Kyle: Dad, sharp forks. Breakable glassware. This could require medical attention if it goes wrong.", "Billy: Not \"if.\" When.", "Traci: Jack, I know you have the best intention--", "Jack: Yes, I do. We all need this. So? What do you say?", "Dina: Marvelous! Now, would you please all sit down?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: Mom. I thought you left.", "Ashley: I had just gone for a walk. Oh, look. One last seat. I think I'll take it. I mean, they can vote us out as C.E.O., But they can't vote us out of our very own family, right, billy?", "Jack: We would love for you to join us. Please. Additional sponsorship", "Mariah: So, how is the forced fundraising going?", "Tessa: Well, sharon's letting me schedule an unlimited amount of shifts, and nick said that there's more work to do at dark horse, so I should be able to make my second payment this week.", "Mariah: Second payment out of how many installments?", "Tessa: I-in -- in about a year, I'll be done. Uh, maybe less than that. Maybe -- maybe 10 months.", "Mariah: I hate that this is taking over your whole life.", "Tessa: It's not my whole life. Because you're in it. And every time I remind myself of that, the debt goes on autopilot. [ Door opens ] All right, well, it looks like we're getting busy again. Go talk to sharon. She missed you, too.", "Mariah: Has she been hanging out more with rey?", "Tessa: I guess. Lola did make them dinner the other night.", "Mariah: She did? Hmm.", "Sharon: Here you go.", "Rey: You don't have to do that.", "Sharon: Well, that's the least I could do for the free seminar.", "Rey: I didn't mean to come down on you like that. It's just, I get a little caught up when it comes to the job.", "Sharon: No, I didn't feel persecuted. I have never removed a mattress tag in my whole life.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Well, feel free, though. Like you saw in the exercise, the statute only applies to mattress merchants.", "Sharon: See that? I graduate college, and the learning just continues. From perp-grilling tips to feeling the freedom to do whatever I want in my own bedroom. On the mattress.", "Rey: Oh.", "Sharon: Uh, with the mattress, I mean. With the tags still on.", "Rey: Uh-huh.", "Sharon: Till I decide to give it a good yank.", "Rey: Yeah.", "Sharon: Um...", "Mariah: Hi.", "Sharon: Hi!", "Mariah: [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: That's perfect timing. Um, you know, rey has a lot of detection to do, so why don't you and i come over here and catch up?", "Mariah: Okay.", "Sharon: Um, so, uh... welcome home. Tell me everything.", "Mariah: Thank you. Well, I could describe illinois' five scariest corn mazes, but I kind of left you in a maze of your own. How have you been?", "Sharon: Um, you know, I'm just trying to be strong, and keeping a regular routine, for faith -- and for myself.", "Mariah: Any second thoughts about nick? Seeing if you guys could work it out?", "Sharon: Definitely not. Telling me the truth, you did the right thing. And so did I, by breaking it off. No more going backwards for me. From now on, it is forward and upward.", "Mariah: Well, I applaud you. And I'm not being judgy. I'm just curious.", "Sharon: Okay?", "Mariah: Is, uh, he gonna help you go up, up and away?", "Sharon: Rey?! Um... mariah just forgot to say hello...", "Mariah: I did.", "Sharon: ...Earlier.", "Mariah: I did. Hi. Hi.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Dina: Why is it so dreadfully quiet in this dining room?", "Traci: Um... I think it's because people have a lot on their minds.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Jack: I didn't call this breakfast so that mrs. Martinez could feel important.", "Billy: No, you want us all to pretend that we're peachy.", "Jack: No, that is not my purpose, I promise. Look, speaking for myself, it's not easy for me to sit at this table with ashley, feeling as angry and betrayed as I do. But she is still my sister. I can't cut her out of my life. Eventually, we have to talk. Eventually, there has to be a conversation.", "Ashley: I would like to discuss the plan for jabot now that my ejection is a done deal.", "Billy: No, ash, you don't get to do that. Not after the sabotage job you did on my position as C.E.O. You don't get to sit there and complain about how unfairly you think you're being treated.", "Ashley: Billy, I told you --", "Traci: You know, uh, maybe you have something positive that you could share instead?", "Billy: Yeah, sure. Why not? [ Clears throat ] I take responsibility for my destructive choices, my [Sighs] Relapse in gambling. But we all know that my addictive behavior didn't occur in a vacuum, either. True, nobody held a gun to my head. This person was much more... subtle and shady. And I think it's time that he own his choices. Choices that were clear mitigating factors impacting my slide back into the gutter just before I was voted out as C.E.O. Kyle calculated a plot to orchestrate a train wreck spectacular enough to knock my ass out of that chair. Now, would it be nice if everybody acknowledged his heartless treachery? Yes. But, more importantly, I would rather you acknowledge my position right now in my treatment, in my choices to lead a gamble-free lifestyle... thus, reinstate me as C.E.O. Of jabot.", "Kyle: But even before your high-stakes betting and felony embezzlement, you were still gambling. Pardon the pun, but that's how you roll -- making reckless, executive moves, risking huge chunks of the budget to fulfill your own thrills.", "Jack: I-if I may. We're finally talking. Y-yes, mostly trashing each other, but we're talking. The ice is starting to break. That is a good thing. Another jabot board meeting was not what I had intended. Obsession with business is mostly why we find ourselves in pieces today. It seems to me, to heal ourselves, we're going to have to set business aside and focus on being a family. A family of uniquely different individuals who love each other despite those differences. Who protect that love. A love that has pushed every single one of us at this table to acts of selflessness, of heroism... and forgiveness for the sake of everyone else. If john abbott were at this table, I know in my heart, this is what he would be telling us. That there is no task more important than repairing and nurturing a family that meant everything to him.", "Dina: [ Whimpers ]", "Jack: I'm willing to try. Who's with me? Please tell me I'm not alone in this.", "Mariah: All I'm saying is, you canceled your wedding, nick moved out, and your heart is in a vulnerable place. And now there is this charismatic, insanely fine guy. At your job. Here, at your other job. He lives upstairs. You're having dinner with him. I mean, it could get very complicated.", "Sharon: It won'T. Rey has been very valuable to me at the gcpd. Plus, he helped me land the job. And, yeah, since he's been living upstairs, we've become friends. That's it. Just friends.", "Mariah: Understood. It just wasn't that long ago that you were furious with rey. And now it seems like you've done a complete 180, and you trust him more than ever.", "Sharon: Well, I mean, we talked, you know. And that investigation, it wasn't anything personal. He was just doing a job that he takes a lot of pride in. And I trust him. So, trust me. I've got way too much going on to shove a rebound onto my plate.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Sharon: Oh, wonderful.", "Mariah: You know what? It's about time that we throw her man-poaching carcass out of crimson lights for good. And you know what? We have a cop here to make sure she understands.", "Sharon: Oh, you know what, no. Thanks for your loyalty, but it's not worth it. Phyllis and I still have business together. I can't avoid her.", "Mariah: What business?", "Sharon: work.", "Mariah: Please do something charitable for yourself and cut the evil tart out of your life now.", "Sharon: Oh, god. I'm so used to phyllis' behavior, it doesn't shock me anymore.", "Mariah: Oh, really? Like helping herself to your naked ex-fiancé?", "Sharon: I can handle the bitch.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. 'Cause this bitch has something to discuss. In private.", "Sharon: Of course. Let's make it quick.", "Traci: We can survive this, jack. Like we have so many dark times.", "Jack: As long as we are all at this table, it is possible.", "Traci: And we're willing to make an effort. Start forgiving.", "Abby: Right now, I think I'm still in shock. Over what billy did. What he resorted to to try and cover it up. And the lengths that kyle went to to try to expose it. But you, mom, what you did, not just at the company, but in this house, it's just so much worse. You used me. You used my special bond with my grandmother to try and punish uncle jack. I know that you were hurt. I just never thought that you could do something so horrible.", "Ashley: I'm really, really sorry. I never should have pulled you into this. And I never meant to make you feel that way. Billy. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that you didn't matter, and that I didn't respect you. That was wrong of me. Because it's -- it's not how I feel. I've made these two apologies, and whether or not you all want to believe them, they're sincere. But I'm not gonna be apologizing to jack, and I am not going to be begging for anybody's forgiveness. You're all aware of the sadistic decision that jack made to use my paternity against me. And, frankly, I think it's something that you should all feel very sickened by. I mean, right now, you should feel sickened by this. But... apparently not. Um... for some strange reason, jack, and everybody else who commits a crime against this family, gets a free pass, right? I mean, you colluded with victor to take jabot public. You used your uncle's gambling addiction against him until he hit rock bottom. And, billy, you -- you hid that addiction, and you stole money from your family's company, just like you stole your brother's wife.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: But I'm the monster here, right? I mean, is that something that we can all agree on? I'm the monster? But don't you dare, any one of you, try to act like you're better than me.", "Jack: We're not. If you could get over this persecution complex --", "Ashley: [ Slamming table ] My god! You're gonna call me a narcissist? You, of all people? You sit in that chair, and you act like you belong there. I've got news for you. John abbott was an exceptional man. And I don't care if it's his dna that's running through your veins, you are nothing like him. And you never will be, jack.", "Traci: Ashley! Ashley, what are you doing?", "Billy: Oh, don't worry about it, traci. You can hear her defense. \"We're all horrible. Why can't I be, too?\" [ Clears throat ] Here's the thing, ashley. You're only half right. Yeah, we've all screwed up plenty. Some of us are pretty damn good at it. But for decades, you made us believe that you were above it all. If only your newer deceptions had the same staying power. I'm gonna be at jabot. I don't need a title. I'm just gonna do everything I can to make it right.", "Abby: Aunt traci.", "Traci: Oh! Oh, oh! Honey! Honey, what is it? Why so sad?", "Dina: [ Crying ] I don't understand why everyone is so angry.", "Traci: Ohh.", "Dina: You're all so angry. Why?", "Traci: Oh. Okay.", "Kyle: Hey.", "Billy: Don't talk to me.", "Kyle: Even if it's about summer and you?", "Billy: I don't care what you think you know, kyle.", "Kyle: You went to bed with her. After you found out phyllis did the same with nick.", "Billy: It's none of your business.", "Kyle: It kind of is, since she confided in me. And even though she said it meant something to her, she hasn't heard from you since.", "Billy: What would you like me to do?", "Kyle: Speak to her. She deserves to know where she stands, 'cause i sure as hell have no idea. Do you?", "Abby: Cinnamon tea.", "Dina: Oh, thank you.", "Abby: Your favorite.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] Oh, thank you.", "Jack: Mother, we are so very sorry we upset you.", "Traci: And it will never happen again.", "Dina: Okay. Okay.", "Traci: Conflict and tension frighten and depress her.", "Kyle: We should all think about that. Not be so selfish.", "Jack: Especially during meals.", "Ashley: Is there something you want to say to me?", "Traci: Just how disappointed I am.", "Ashley: Yeah, I'm disappointed, too. In you. It's unfortunate that I'm the only one that stands up to jack's hypocritical and self-righteous behavior. [ Sighs ] I should go.", "Traci: Probably. Don't you worry. Everything's going to be okay.", "Rey: So, what's the deal?", "Mariah: With?", "Rey: Those two. I'm surprised your mom lets her get coffee in here, let alone talks to her.", "Mariah: Yeah, sharon is too proud to let anyone think that phyllis intimidates her. Plus they have this charity project they're working on together, I guess.", "Rey: I'd get a different charity. Your mom's a better woman than I am. So to speak.", "Mariah: Heh. I'm dying to know what kind of person you are. Shall we?", "Sharon: You being in here just comes off as bizarre.", "Phyllis: I haven't received another note from our pen-pal. Have you? Thank god. I think that non-payment was a good strategy.", "Sharon: Well, nikki did pay. Sort of. She sent that foreign account $1. Pushed back a little.", "Phyllis: That's good. That's good. It gets our gutless creep to back off.", "Sharon: Or she has enraged someone very twisted who is now plotting revenge.", "Phyllis: Why are you being so negative?", "Sharon: Did you really just ask me that?", "Phyllis: I'm just saying, odds are, one thing could go right for us in our otherwise miserable lives.", "Sharon: Not mine. I'm feeling very liberated. Much like billy, I'm guessing.", "Phyllis: All I'm doing is guessing. He's avoiding every attempt at contact. I mean, I think the whole thing is just insulting. It's childish.", "Sharon: Oh, well, now look who's being negative. He's in a rehab program. Just think of yourself as another toxic, destructive habit that he needs to quit.", "Summer: Okay. [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Come in.", "Summer: Hi.", "Billy: Hey. Thanks for coming. Have a seat.", "Summer: Yeah. Thank you, uh, for texting me. It'S... really great to see you again. After treatment, I mean. Um... I just hope that you're feeling better. I was really worried about you.", "Billy: Yeah. It was exactly what I needed to clear the fog in my head. Ready to make some positive changes.", "Summer: Well, you already have. This is your new and improved life, and... I'm ready to be a part of it.", "Billy: Yeah. Recovery is not a destination. It's a journey. And the first year is best taken solo. Little too scary and stressful to inflict that on anybody you care about.", "Summer: But if the person cares about you, then that's a decision that they'd want to make for themselves.", "Billy: I don't think you're hearing me.", "Summer: Look, I'm an adult, and I can decide what's best for me. I have, and... it's you.", "Billy: Summer --", "Summer: No, I know. I'd given up on you. I had accepted that there was nothing that was gonna happen between us. Okay? My expectations were completely zero. Till you came to me and told me that you finally realized that you needed me. And as incredible as hearing those words from you felt, our night together was a thousand times better. It was proof that it -- it really hadn't all been in my mind. You felt the same connection as I did. Billy, no illness could scare me away, okay? I care way too much about you. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Mariah: I was surprised to see how close you've gotten with sharon in the last few days.", "Rey: Is it really that shocking?", "Mariah: You're a busy guy. Seems like you've gone out of your way to befriend her.", "Rey: Your mother was the first person in genoa city to show me any kindness. The only one in quite some time.", "Mariah: Well, that's sharon. Even with all the rotten stuff she's been through, her default is to be generous and kind. See the best in people. Until proven otherwise.", "Rey: Mm. Which has happened way too often", "Mariah: You're a cop. You know firsthand how scummy the world can be.", "Rey: Sounds like you do, too.", "Mariah: Oh, yes. I learned that very early on. No law-enforcement training required.", "Rey: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Mariah: You're going to be much sorrier if I find out that this conveniently- located friendship includes more benefits that free coffee and cupcakes.", "Rey: I got the warning.", "Mariah: You think I'm joking.", "Rey: No. Not at all. You remind me of my sister. That's a compliment, by the way. I respect any woman who is not afraid to bottom-line it. Especially when it comes to looking out for their mother. And in the same spirit, I'm married, so... the only thing I'm offering sharon is... friendly, platonic support. No drama.", "Mariah: I'm relieved. Thank you for listening.", "Rey: You're welcome. Do you have another minute?", "Mariah: Yeah, sure. For what? J.T. Hellstrom. Still my case.", "Mariah: How can I help?", "Rey: Well, it says in the police report that you were at victoria newman's party, but slept through when J.T. Hellstrom crashed it. Is that accurate?", "Mariah: Uh, yeah. I was in charge of making the margaritas, and I wanted to make sure they were perfect, which meant rigorous taste-testing and not enough time to eat.", "Rey: Oh. No wonder you fell asleep.", "Mariah: Let's be real. I passed out. Heh...", "Rey: So, is there anything you remember that's not in the police report? It's right here if you want to take a look.", "Sharon: You're both still here!", "Mariah: Hey. How did it go with phyllis?", "Sharon: Oh, there was no charity issue. And she left with every clump of hair on her head that she walked in with.", "Rey: Ahh, you killed it.", "Sharon: And I caught you using my famous and beloved daughter to sharpen your interrogation skills. Not in my coffeehouse.", "Rey: Yeah, well, we can always take it down to the station. Technically you're still a witness.", "Sharon: The only thing she witnessed was the effects of a tequila hangover. The next morning. At home. Hey, where's your power smoothie?", "Mariah: Uh, what?", "Sharon: Come on. Tessa's been waiting to make it for you.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Sharon: Excuse us.", "Rey: Wait.", "Sharon: What's up?", "Rey: You tell me. You seem like you've been irritated with me all morning. What'd I do?", "Jack: Look, I've put off talking about this, but it can't wait.", "Kyle: \"It\"?", "Jack: Your plan to take billy down.", "Kyle: Dad, listen --", "Jack: Manipulating your uncle back into his addiction -- how could you possibly think that was justified? What if it was abby and she had manipulated things so that I was hooked on painkillers again because she didn't like my decisions at dark horse?", "Kyle: It'd be unforgivable.", "Jack: Of course it would be unforgivable. It should have occurred to you when ashley, with her vendetta against me, couldn't stomach this plan of yours.", "Kyle: She was fine using the results to further her agenda, so I can't take too much of her phony moral outrage. How can you?", "Jack: I guess I thought it was her last gasp. The good part of ashley crying out before the darkness and the hate swept in. And, boy, has it. What she said at that table... it cut me to the core.", "Kyle: Me too. Afterwards, I regretted siding with her against billy. Now he hates me. Like you probably do.", "Jack: No, no. I hate -- I hate what you did. But I understand it better now. Look, give billy time. I know he doesn't like the way you reacted, but he's to blame for most of it.", "Kyle: He can stay pissed at me for 60 years if he never gambles again.", "Jack: Fortunately, it doesn't work that way. If an addict truly wants to recover, they have to learn to forgive.", "Kyle: Hope that happens.", "Jack: That makes two of us, son.", "Ashley: Oh, god. Look, I'm not in the mood to hear you gloat, so either you leave or I do.", "Kyle: Gloating would indicate malicious glee, or some kind of satisfaction in all this.", "Ashley: Okay. So, then, why are you here?", "Kyle: You've always been so meticulous. Never making a move without calculating the outcome to the closest probable degree. I think it's the chemist in you. But this time you lost control of the experiment, and what resulted was a mess beyond anything you imagined. You were so angry. Your only focus was tasting vengeance as quickly as possible. And so arrogant!", "Ashley: Kyle. You can't talk to me about arrogance. That's priceless.", "Kyle: So is the lesson you taught me on how to ruin a dream opportunity. You almost got away with it. If you'd only paid your genetics crony andrew with your own money, you would have succeeded. [ Scoffs ] And I'd be the one who helped you do it. To my dad. To billy. Hell, to the whole family.", "Ashley: Yeah, I think you're forgetting your enormous enthusiasm for the task. Using your uncle's gambling addiction against him.", "Kyle: I'll never forget that. Or stop regretting what a heartless, ignorant mistake I made. I had the audacity to think I was better than billy. More cutting-edge. Smarter. Future of jabot. And I proved how wrong I was by choosing to team up with you. You thought you were invincible. But you got sloppy. Just like billy. At least billy could blame his gambling.", "Billy: I think we're looking at what happened through different lenses.", "Summer: One thing was very clear -- that we wanted each other. And I was just as into it as you were. Billy, something beautiful can be born out of the most tragic conditions, and I really do think that you and I could be great together.", "Summer: Okay, when you were at rock bottom, there was a reason that you called me.", "Billy: Yeah, you're right. And it's a hell of a good one. But you're not gonna like it. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all- in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in- one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.", "Tessa: Hi.", "Mariah: I have noticed a lot of weird things going on today. Okay. Well, maybe just two. But still.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Mariah: So, first, sharon's welcoming, mature behavior, it's uncalled for.", "Tessa: Well, the customers seem to like it.", "Mariah: No, no, I-I -- I mean with phyllis.", "Tessa: Oh.", "Mariah: Why is she even talking to that sex-crazed barracuda? What could they possibly be discussing?", "Tessa: I don't know. I stayed away.", "Mariah: It's weird. That's all I'm saying. And -- and with this rey thing.", "Tessa: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: Okay. If it's so organic, and it's so healthy, then why did she practically pull me up from the table like I needed the heimlich? Something is going on with her. And we need to find out what.", "Rey: I needed to ask mariah some questions about hellstrom. I don't suspect her of anything. So what's the problem?", "Sharon: Okay. I'll just tell you. I made mariah go to victoria's that night. And the only plus was that she blacked out so that she didn't see him crash the party. Say I'm obstructing. But I'm her mom. I want her left out of it.", "Rey: Mariah's equipped to take care of herself. And kick some ass if need be. You missed her interrogating me.", "Sharon: How'd you hold up?", "Rey: I told her the truth. You and I are just friends. Accurate?", "Sharon: Well, of course.", "Ashley: How's mother?", "Abby: She's resting. Doing well, for now.", "Jack: We were all just discussing ways to keep mother's happiness and welfare a top priority around here.", "Traci: Yes, there's just too much tension in the house with all of us living here, and we can't have another incident like this morning.", "Jack: We all can do better.", "Ashley: And by \"we,\" you mean me. I mean, I am the source of the tension, so... I think the best solution is for me just to move out.", "Abby: Mom, you don't have to do that.", "Ashley: Yeah, I think I do. I don't want to make things worse for our mother. And I don't want to stay where I'm not wanted.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I've tried to be reasonable. Even kind. But you're not getting it, so I'll be blunt. I have no romantic interest in you. None.", "[ Door opens ]", "Phyllis: Hey. I heard you were in the building. What's going on here?", "Billy: I was just about to tell summer that the reason why I slept with her was knowing what it would do to you when you found out. So there we go. Now you know." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lola gets an unexpected visit from her father who admits he is hiding from the angry husband of a woman with whom he had an affair. Lola tells him to leave and learn to take responsibility for his mistakes. Lola goes to the bathroom because she is feeling sick and Kyle decides to give Adrian money but makes it clear it is a one time thing. Kyle also tells Adrian that if he hurts Lola again he will make sure he regrets it for the rest of his life. Jack and Traci seek help from Leslie and Lori Brooks who tell them they have a letter that Dina wrote to their father and they e-mail the letter to Traci. Jack and Traci read the letter and think the smudges on the paper are tear stains. Jack and Traci also wonder what the quote from Shakespeare in the letter could possibly mean the quote is this\" I must be cruel only to be kind thus the bad begins and the worse remains behind\" Adrian runs into Traci at the Grand Phoenix and he buys her a drink and he flirts with her a bit while they talk. Chelsea and Nick talk to Connor who admits he hit a little boy who was saying mean things about Adam. Nick and Chelsea tell Connor it is never good to fight their is always a peaceful way to resolve problems. Connor calls Adam and it keeps going to voice mail and later Chelsea tells Connor to focus on all the people that love him rather than on the people they have lost. Chelsea also tells Connor that Adam loves him very much.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Jack: Traci and I are working on a little abbott family history. We were thinking about starting things around the time that you and john were first dating.", "Dina: Such beautiful eyes. He became a newspaper man. Dear... sweet... ...stuart.", "Adrian: My beautiful, talented, sweet daughter, you're all grown up.", "Lola: That's what happens to kids when you never see them.", "Connor: Dad said he'd never leave me again, but he did. If he loved me, he would have stayed.", "Chelsea: Damn it, adam. I have to talk to you. Your son needs you.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Want some coffee?", "Chelsea: Uh, no, that's -- that's the last thing I need.", "Nick: What can I do?", "Chelsea: Find adam.", "Nick: Anything else on your to-do list? Because finding him's like pretty much last on mine.", "Chelsea: I've called him. I've called him over and over. I've texted. He just won't get back to me.", "Nick: And you're sure he can help connor?", "Chelsea: I don't know. But I have to do something. Connor, he never acted out like this. He never -- he was never starting fights at school until adam decided to bolt, so... [ Sighs ] So maybe if he comes back...", "Nick: This is somebody who tried to kill his father and put his entire family on a hit list.", "Chelsea: I know who adam is.", "Nick: I don't think anybody really knows who he is. Are you 100% sure that he is a good influence on your son?", "Chelsea: I tried all of your ideas, nick. I -- I gave connor time, I had him talk to sharon, I had him stick to a routine... nothing is helping.", "Nick: Look, it's not gonna change overnight, but we have to be consistent. We've got to stick with it.", "Chelsea: Connor's hurting now. He has all of these emotions he doesn't know what to do with, so until and unless someone can give me a better idea... I'll take every risk necessary to save my son.", "Traci: So what kind of treasures are you digging up now?", "Jack: I'm telling you, every time I open a box or turn a page or pick up a picture, I'm blown away. Did you know genoa city used to be called genoa junction?", "Traci: I had no idea!", "Jack: Thank you.", "Traci: Oh, my gosh. Well, when you start digging up the roots of your family tree, i guess you don't know what you're gonna find.", "Jack: One thing I haven't found yet is any mention or record of the stuart mother has been talking about, nothing to support our theory that she was referring to stuart brooks.", "Traci: Okay. Are we sure he's significant.", "Jack: If you had heard mother's voice when she talked about him, oh, yes, he's definitely important.", "Traci: Well, if it takes us down a rabbit hole, then at least we'll be down there together.", "Jack: You do think there's something to this guy, right?", "Traci: I do.", "Jack: Well, we better find something, or we're gonna have to write this off as an unsolved family mystery.", "Traci: Maybe not. I've been doing a little investigating of this mysterious stuart myself.", "Jack: And?", "Traci: I think I have found some living, breathing resources that may have the answers that we want.", "Kyle: [ Sniffs ] Mmm. I love that you bake when you're stressed.", "Lola: Brown butter triple chocolate chip.", "Kyle: Ooh!", "Lola: Better than tossing and turning all night, like some people.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Every time I close my eyes, I imagine having to wake up and get out of bed for a screaming baby. I didn't mean to keep you up.", "Lola: You didn'T. I was busy dreaming that we had triplets. Three. Identical. And they all exactly like you. You know, I would feed one, and then the other two would start crying, and then, by the end, i was juggling. Babe, like literally, in the kitchen, at society, while trying to feed a full house. I mean, who could sleep after that?", "Kyle: [ Laughs ] I got to ask. Were they boys or girls?", "Lola: I don't know. They were laughing and cooing, the most adorable brown bundles of love.", "Kyle: You sound a little disappointed that we're not pregnant, not that we dodged a bullet.", "Lola: Do I?", "Kyle: I don't know. Do you wish you were carrying our baby? Additional sponsorship", "Chelsea: I hope you don't feel like I'm shutting you out because that's not what I'm trying to do.", "Nick: No. I get it. I just want to help.", "Chelsea: I'm not used to help. I got connor through losing adam, and he was so little, he could barely understand it. And it was just the two of us. And then, you know, calvin came into our life, and connor really blossomed. He did, and then calvin passed away, and I had to get connor through that. Then adam just reappears in his life. It's so much. He's just a little kid.", "Nick: Yeah, he's -- he's had a lot to cope with.", "Chelsea: I mean, I know people say kids are resilient, but sometimes it's just too hard to bounce back.", "Nick: I know it's been hard on him, but I'm not the enemy.", "Chelsea: No, and no one thinks you're the enemy. But adam isn't, either. Not to connor. To connor, he's just his dad.", "Nick: Well, his dad won't answer his phone, and it doesn't seem like he's showing any interest in coming back home. So let's look at what he's got. On one side, he's got all these emotions. They're like five times bigger than he is, and he feels like he's been abandoned by every father figure he's ever had.", "Chelsea: And on the other side?", "Nick: On the other side, he's got us, and we can help him. We can help him understand why he started that fight and why his dad being gone has absolutely nothing to do with him. He's got aunts and an uncle and cousins who love him and will do anything for him. Look, this fight --", "Chelsea: I -- I'll handle it.", "Nick: But that's the thing, chelsea. You don't have to do it alone. I'm right here. Don't you think it would be helpful to have some backup to really help hammer this home? I mean, it can't possibly hurt, can it?", "Lola: I would love to have a baby.", "Kyle: Midnight feedings and dirty diapers?", "Lola: All of it. But not now. This isn't the right time. We're so busy with work, and the ink on our marriage license isn't barely dry.", "Kyle: What if the test had been positive?", "Lola: We would have made it work.", "Kyle: Our baby, when it comes -- no rush -- is going to be so lucky to have so much love.", "Lola: I think we're gonna need something a little more nutritious than these cookies for breakfast. What can I make us, eggs?", "Kyle: Mm. A doctor's appointment.", "Lola: I'm fine. It's probably just a bug. If it gets worse, I'll call the doctor, I promise.", "Kyle: Good. But you need to stay off your feet. You can't work like this, so call your sous chefs and your crew and tell them you're not coming in, and rest.", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: Mm, I love it when you get all soft and cuddly.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: But you're worried over nothing.", "Kyle: Prove it. Wrap yourself up in a blanket and make yourself comfy.", "Lola: Okay, I guess I could finish the thank-you notes from our wedding.", "Kyle: I'll check on you later?", "Lola: Mm-hmm. I love you.", "Kyle: Love you back.", "Lola: [ Gasps ] No. What if I contagious?", "Kyle: We're married. Share and share alike.", "Lola: [ Laughs ]", "Jack: Stewart brooks has been dead for ages. Who are these mysterious sources of yours? Attendees at a seance?", "Traci: [ Laughs ] No. No. He had daughters, who are very much alive and he was very close to. Lorie, leslie, chris.", "Jack: And, of course, peggy.", "Traci: Who says hello and sends her best.", "Jack: I'm glad she doesn't hold a grudge.", "Traci: [ Laughs ] Anyway --", "Jack: So you talked to them. What did they say?", "Traci: Well, uh, unfortunately, chris and peggy don't remember anything significant about dina, but leslie and lorie may be able to help, so they're going to reach out to them, and I should be hearing from one or other sometime today.", "Jack: I had forgotten how good you are at solving mysteries.", "Traci: Well, I haven't solved this one yet, but... fingers crossed. How about you? Find anything?", "Jack: Oh, I've been looking through yearbooks here. Check this out.", "Traci: What you got?", "Jack: [ Groans ] Well, hold on.", "Traci: Oh, my word. Oh!", "Jack: Our parents in their salad days.", "Traci: Oh, I've seen photos of them in their teen years, but oh, my gosh. Seeing them like this... [ Cellphone rings ] Oh! Leslie brooks.", "Jack: Ooh!", "Traci: Leslie, hello! Thank you so much for calling. Very much hope that you have something for us. Good news?", "[ Intercom buzzes ]", "Lola: Hi, babe. Forgot your keys?", "[ Exhales sharply ] [ Door opens ] Oh, my god. Adrian?", "Chelsea: I know yesterday was very upsetting and confusing for everyone, and I understand that you're ticked that your dad left town, but we need to hear your side of the story about what led to that fight at school.", "Connor: Do I have to?", "Chelsea: Yes, you have to because I really want to understand.", "Connor: [ Sighs ] That kid said something.", "Nick: About what?", "Connor: My dad. Mean things. Lies. So I had to do something.", "Chelsea: Something?", "Connor: I hit him. He made me mad. I didn't have a choice.", "Traci: Yes. Thank you so much.", "Jack: What did she say?", "Traci: Potentially, really good news. Apparently, leslie and lorie have catalogued all of their dad's records and his correspondence --", "Jack: Fantastic.", "Traci: When they launched his journalism lab at the walnut grove centennial last year. And they seemed to remember this letter from dina to stuart that was written decades ago, so they're gonna look for it, and, if they find it, they're gonna scan it and e-mail to me. Leslie says don't get our hopes up.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, kind of late for that.", "Traci: [ Giggles ] It could be nothing.", "Jack: Or it could explain what mother's been saying.", "Traci: Stuart would not have kept a letter this long unless it was important, right?", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] This is crazy.", "[ Laughs ]", "Traci: Oh, around here, we are. All abbott, all the time.", "Kyle: Man, I had no idea there was so much stuff. Well, it's a good thing someone in this family got the hoarder gene, or you wouldn't be able to get half as far as you have on your abbott family history project.", "Jack: The more we dig, the more we find out. Speaking of that, you spent a lot of time with dina, listening to her stories, right?", "Kyle: Ooh, we had some good talks.", "Jack: Well, did she ever mention the name stuart or stuart brooks?", "Kyle: Not that I recall. Is that important?", "Traci: We don't know yet.", "Jack: No stone unturned.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Traci: But I do know this, before we open one more box, I need some more coffee. Jack, would you like some?", "Jack: Yeah, I'd love some...", "Traci: Kyle?", "Kyle: I'm good.", "Traci: Okay.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Man, it'll be good to have all this abbott family history for the future generations.", "Jack: Yeah, that's exactly how I feel.", "Kyle: Mm, makes me wonder -- how would you feel about becoming a grandfather?", "Adrian: What a beautiful home you have.", "Lola: What are you doing here?", "Adrian: I'm not here to fight.", "Lola: What do you want?", "Adrian: To apologize. I am so sorry things got so awkward at your wedding.", "Lola: Because you showed up uninvited, like you have now. Except, this time, you show up in shades, which you haven't taken off, even though we're inside, so what's your deal, adrian?", "Adrian: So much like your mother.", "Lola: [ Scoffs ]", "Adrian: Always a step ahead. You're right. [ Sighs ] I'm in trouble.", "Jack: I'm not old enough to be a grandfather! This is -- this is out of nowhere! How is lola doing? I mean, when is she due?", "Kyle: She isn't -- yet.", "Jack: Wait, I thought you just said --", "Kyle: We had a false alarm -- nausea, dizziness...", "Jack: But she's okay.", "Kyle: Yes. She's fine. But, last night, we thought we were about to give out bubblegum cigars -- oh, you look disappointed.", "Jack: No, no. I -- well, okay, maybe a little. No, I'm very confident one day i will be bouncing a baby on this knee. That is, if you two still want to have a child...", "Kyle: We do. At some point. But last night threw us for a loop, you know?", "Jack: Maybe it's time for a refresher course on that birds-and-the-bees talk.", "Kyle: I'm well aware of the circumstances surrounding my conception. Our baby's gonna be a little different.", "Jack: Oh, really?", "Kyle: We have it all planned out. He or she or they will show up when lola and I are at a good place in our careers and lives.", "Jack: Uh-huh. There's an old proverb. \"If you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans.\" No, things never go the way you expect them to.", "Kyle: I know.", "Jack: Oh, if only you did know.", "Kyle: Whenever, whatever, lola and I will figure it out. And have a great father to give us good advice.", "Jack: But that's not why you came here today.", "Kyle: Those crackers mrs. Martinez always has.", "Jack: Ah, dad's scottish digestives.", "Kyle: I can't find them anywhere. Lola loves them, and I was hoping they would help settle her stomach.", "Jack: Mrs. Martinez is in the kitchen, she'll be thrilled to see you.", "Kyle: Be right back.", "Jack: Go, man, go.", "Traci: Everything okay?", "Kyle: Oh, live gives heavy doses of the unexpected.", "Traci: Boy, isn't that the truth? [ Laughs ] Coffee...", "Jack: Thank you.", "Traci: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: What? Wait, something happened? Don't make me beg.", "Traci: I may have received a text. They may have found the letter and they're e-mailing to me.", "Jack: Great. Well, what are you waiting for? Get over here!", "Traci: [ Laughs ] All right. Let's see -- oh!", "Nick: Look, it may not feel like it, but hitting someone, it's never the right option.", "Chelsea: How did you feel afterwards?", "Connor: I don't know, better. Then scared.", "Chelsea: You used to be my little peacemaker, huh? Your friends would be fighting, and you'd find a way to make them stop and -- and make up.", "Connor: But you didn't hear the things he said.", "Nick: Look, I get it. You know, sometimes you feel like you need and want to protect and defend your family, but the second you raise your hand up against someone else, you become the bad guy. It doesn't matter if that other kid started it or not. Connor, it's real easy to make a fist and hit someone. It takes a much bigger man to take a breath and walk away.", "Connor: I want to talk to my dad.", "Chelsea: I know, I know. And I'm trying to reach him, it's just taking me longer than I thought. I mean, he might be traveling, or...", "Connor: Don't you have his number?", "Chelsea: I do, but I don't -- connor. Excuse me, connor! You do not take things without asking permission.", "Connor: Here's his number.", "Chelsea: Connor, I've already tried him 100 times.", "Connor: So try him 101!", "Lola: Why would you do this? I don't want your problems in my home.", "Adrian: We're family, mija.", "Lola: Oh, my god. We're not. You abandoned us. You don't get to come back when you're in trouble.", "Adrian: I understand. But if you'd just let me --", "Lola: Was it a woman?", "Adrian: Why would you think something like that?", "Lola: Oh, I don't, adrian, because of your history with my mom? Because of the stories that I've heard? Because of the way that you look at anything in a dress.", "Adrian: Lola...", "Lola: Just say it.", "Adrian: All right. There was a woman.", "Lola: Of course.", "Adrian: There were sparks. How was I supposed to know she was married? Now the husband is looking for me.", "Lola: So you turn to the daughter who you barely know for help? You really don't know the slightest thing about women, do you? About how to treat people with respect?", "Adrian: I don't have time for etiquette lessons.", "Lola: [ Scoffs ] I don't have time for you. So goodbye, and good luck, adrian.", "Adrian: Lola. Mi amor. I know it's not enough, and all I have right now are words, but I am so sorry for today. And all the todays stretching back from the day you were born, when I wasn't man enough to do the right thing. This isn't the life I would have chosen, but it's the life i have. And I know I have no right to ask you for even the smallest thing...", "Lola: [ Scoffs ] Fine! What happened?", "Adrian: After the wedding, I went to los angeles to see the city, clear my mind, and I met a woman, a singer -- oh! With the voice of an angel. Beautiful, intelligent...", "Lola: And married.", "Adrian: To a piece of garbage. A real lowlife with one hell of a right hook. So I took off. I couldn't go to miami.", "Lola: Because mom has one hell of a right hook, too, huh?", "Adrian: So I thought of you.", "Lola: Forget it. Go ask rey for help. Leave the country, for all i care.", "Adrian: You know I can't do that.", "Lola: You left your family before. What's stopping you now?", "Adrian: Even if I had the money to take off --", "Kyle: Look what I -- whoa. What are you doing here?", "Adrian: It's so good to see you, kyle.", "Lola: Be careful, babe. He's about to ask for money in 5...4...3...2... \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Adrian: I never asked for any money.", "Lola: You know some people have a way of saying things without actually asking. And, when he does, babe, because he will, tell him no. Clean up your own mess. Take responsibility for your own choices.", "Adrian: I'm sorry to come here like this, kyle. It's the last thing I wanted to do. Especially with you two being newlyweds. I just need a place to stay until I can figure out my next move.", "Lola: Your next move is out of my apartment. And what you do afterwards is no -- [ Breathes deeply ] Excuse me. Make sure that he is gone when I am back.", "[ Groans ]", "Adrian: I bet she's told you all kinds of things about me.", "Kyle: She's my wife.", "Adrian: I wish I could say that it's all lies. I've made mistakes. I have many regrets. But she's not one of them. I love her very much. You don't know how happy I am that she's found a good man to take care of her, love her. I wish she could forgive me, but, um, coming here, I'm afraid it's made things worse.", "Kyle: Maybe it's best for everyone if you just leave.", "Adrian: You're right. My daughter hates me. She wants me gone. But, the thing is, if anything were to happen to me, I bet she'd take it the hardest. And I don't want to break her heart again. She's doing so well. She's happy with you and this life she's created for herself. I'd hate for anything to throw her off-course.", "Kyle: Why do I feel like I'm being played?", "Adrian: I meant everything i just said.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] This is a one-time thing. I made it out to cash.", "Adrian: You didn't have to do this, kyle.", "Kyle: So don't make me regret it. If you hurt lola again, I'll make sure you regret that.", "Adrian: You have my word.", "Connor: Voicemail again.", "Chelsea: Give this to me. Honey. I'm so sorry.", "Connor: How long does it take?", "Nick: For what?", "Connor: For a father to forget his kid.", "Chelsea: No. No, connor, he could never forget you.", "Connor: [ Crying ] He just doesn't care about us anymore? Then I don't care about him!", "Chelsea: Come here, come here, come here. It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay! You have me and you have nick, and we love you more than anything, and -- and I'm never gonna leave you. I'm never gonna stop loving you.", "Connor: No matter what?", "Chelsea: Of course. Of course, no matter what.", "Nick: Hey, dude. We're a team, all right? It means we love and protect and support each other, no matter what, through good times and bad. If you need us, we come running.", "Connor: You mean it?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, we mean it, big time. All the time.", "Traci: Dear stuart, summer vacation at the lake is precisely what I needed. After graduation. Senior year was at turns exhausting, gratifying, and thoroughly exciting. I miss the old gang. I wonder if you've run into anyone. I hope they're all well. Profuse apologies for not being in touch since graduation. I'm not much of a letter-writer, so if you don't hear much from me in the months ahead while I settle in college, well, I hope you'll forgive that, too.", "Jack: Sounds like a low-key way of ending a friendship.", "Traci: I don't know, maybe. Just a remind for you of what we learned reading shakespeare in mr. Landis' class... \"I must be cruel only to be kind. Thus bad begins and worse remains behind.\"", "Jack: What the devil does that mean?", "Traci: Why would mother have used some random shakespeare quote?", "Jack: It's got to mean something.", "Traci: Maybe we're just putting too much weight on it. Maybe she just enjoyed quoting the bard.", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no. There's nothing random about this. Look, she kept a picture from the country club in her safe deposit box by itself for how many years? He kept this letter for even longer.", "Traci: Maybe they dated?", "Jack: Wouldn't she have mentioned that?", "Traci: I don't know, jack. You know, we don't know very much about mother's life. Otherwise, this letter would not be a mystery.", "Jack: So, what do you do? I mean, when you're writing a novel and you suddenly run into a brick wall?", "Traci: Well, you go around it. You -- you take a step back, you outside, you get some fresh air. You think about something else for a while. Which is what, I think, I'm going to do.", "Jack: Trace. Trace, before you go... come here, look at this. Anything here look unusual?", "Traci: No.", "Jack: Talking about the smudges.", "Traci: Oh, I do see it now. Well now that looks like stains from teardrops. Do you think that mother was crying when she wrote this note?", "Chelsea: Hey, you know who loves you? Besides me, of course.", "Connor: Who?", "Chelsea: Oh, let's see. There's so many people. Um, there's nick and your aunt victoria, your aunt abby, faith, summer, sharon. Your grandma, your grandpa. All these people care so much about you, and they just want all the best things for you. Doesn't that make you a lucky boy?", "Connor: I guess.", "Chelsea: You guess. Well, they -- they really missed you when you were gone. They missed you so much, and they're so happy they now have you back in their lives. You are smack-dab in the middle of all of their love. So maybe we just focus on that, you know? We focus on all these people that want to cherish you instead of -- instead of focusing on what we've lost.", "Connor: Okay.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Nick: All right, all right, let's go!", "Chelsea: Oh! What's all this?", "Nick: You know, a little popcorn, I got some of the pizza rolls we all love so much heating up in the oven.", "Chelsea: Aww! You didn't have to do that.", "Nick: Well, I know it's not gonna take away all the sad stuff, but some junk food and some games should help. What do you guys think?", "Christian: Yay!", "Connor: Sure. Why not?", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ]", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Nick: All right. A little game night. What should we start with? Uh...hmm. How about parcheesi? [ Laughter ] We could play a rousing game of chess.", "Connor: Next!", "Nick: \"Next!\" Uh, how about the quiet game?", "Connor: No!", "Christian: No!", "Nick: Nobody wants to play the quiet game. We could always play who can get the most popcorn in their mouth?", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Oh! How about a rousing game of who's gonna clean up all this popcorn?", "[ Laughter ]", "Connor: Forget it. What about super hero charades?", "Nick: Super hero charades.", "Chelsea: Ooh!", "Nick: I dig it! Let's do it. What are the teams?", "Connor: I choose christian.", "Nick: Shocker.", "Chelsea: Great.", "Nick: All right, well, guess I'm stuck with you.", "Connor: Winners get ice cream.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ]", "Nick: You are on.", "Kyle: Lola! Can I come in?", "Lola: Stay away!", "Kyle: You need me!", "Lola: If you see me like this, the honeymoon's over!", "Kyle: I'm a big boy. I can take it. I just want to help.", "Lola: There's nothing that you can do.", "Kyle: I can hold you hand. Hold your hair? Look, I swear to you, there is nothing I can see or hear that will make me love you even the slightest bit less.", "Lola: I love you, but leave. Go to work.", "Kyle: I made a promise, before god and all our family and friends, to stand by your side in sickness and health. I'm not budging.", "Lola: What are you doing?", "Kyle: Sticking by your side. Or, at least as close as I can get for now. Look, I'm not going anywhere. This is your life. A husband so hopelessly and forever dedicated to you that he will set up camp outside a bathroom door, if he has to.", "Lola: You're crazy.", "Kyle: In love. Sickness and health. Forever.", "Traci: Hi, robert. May I please have one phoenix rising?", "Adrian: I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like I've seen you before.", "Traci: Well, that's entirely possible.", "Adrian: Miami?", "Traci: No.", "Adrian: Cuba.", "Traci: Not for a while.", "Adrian: Uh, wait a minute. I think I have it now. Were you at a wedding recently?", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Yes. Yes, I was.", "Adrian: Kyle and lola?", "Traci: Yes. Kyle's my nephew. And you must be lola's father.", "Adrian: Yes, I am. I'm sensing my reputation precedes me.", "Traci: Well, actually, I was thinking that shiner must have quite a story.", "Adrian: [ Chuckles ] Just to prove I'm not all bad. May I buy you a drink? Bartender, that phoenix rising is on me.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ]", "Adrian: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: You are the best husband ever. My favorite crackers. Ginger ale.", "Kyle: How are you feeling?", "Lola: Better.", "Kyle: Mm. Hmm, no fever.", "Lola: Told ya.", "Kyle: Guess the worst is behind you.", "Lola: I fought it off. Good riddance to whatever bug that was. And to a pest of another kind. My father.", "Kyle: You don't mean that.", "Lola: I don't?", "Kyle: Tell me the truth. Is there a little part of you that's disappointed he's gone?", "Lola: No. Okay, maybe, like, this much. But when I see him, everything goes lopsided.", "Kyle: But...?", "Lola: I worry about him. He can't take care of himself. What was he thinking, having children? I mean, in so many ways, he's still a kid himself. And there's nothing charming about that in a middle-aged man.", "Kyle: Guess some people aren't meant to be parents.", "Lola: I was thinking about that when I was sitting on the bathroom floor. If we ever become parents, we are going all in. We will be devoting and caring and loving, dependable, and our kids will know that we will always be there for them.", "Kyle: I am 100% committed to having a family with you. You want kids? So do I. One kid, triplets, sextuplets. Whatever life gives us, I think it's going to be the most amazing journey. And I wouldn't want to miss a second of it.", "Lola: I love you so much.", "Kyle: I love you, too.", "Lola: You are the best man ever, better than my father ever was or ever will be.", "Traci: Well, you have had a very interesting life, adrian.", "Adrian: Eh, you don't know the half of it.", "Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh, no, i don'T.", "Adrian: I'm excited that I'm actually talking to an honest-to-god published author.", "Traci: Oh, you flatterer.", "Adrian: I wonder. Will I find myself in one of your novels someday?", "Traci: Well, anything's possible.", "Adrian: That's my middle name. I can promise you this -- it would be a best seller.", "Traci: I don't doubt it.", "Adrian: You know, that old saying is right -- \"truth is stranger than fiction.\"", "Traci: Boy, I will drink to that. Cheers.", "Adrian: Cheers!", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Jack: \"I must be cruel only to be kind. Thus bad begins and worse remains behind.\" Were you cruel, mother? And is the worst behind us?", "Connor: We won! High five, christian!", "Christian: Awesome!", "Connor: You guys don't know much about super heroes.", "Chelsea: You said we were gonna crush them!", "Nick: Well, you are terrible at this game.", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ]", "Nick: Hey, next family night, we're doing a movie marathon.", "Christian: Deal!", "Chelsea: Deal. Um, how about you guys grab some popsicles?", "Nick: And when you come back, it's time for round 2.", "Christian: You're on!", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Is it -- is it just me, or wishful thinking, but is connor really turning a corner?", "Nick: It's like night and day.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, and he seemed, like, genuinely happy. You were watching him, right?", "Nick: Yeah, I mean, we were getting killed in charades, but...", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ]", "Nick: But I feel like we're the winners.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I feel like he was really taking to you, cheering you on even though we were losing horribly.", "Nick: Yeah, well, it was nice. I mean, I know it's just the beginning, but all he's gonna need is more time and understanding.", "Chelsea: And more of you.", "Nick: Whatever he needs, you know that. All I have to do is convince connor.", "Chelsea: Well, he's a smart kid. He'll figure it out.", "Nick: And we're gonna get through this. As a family.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Nick: Teamwork, right?", "Chelsea: Teamwork. Us against the world.", "Nick: Yeah." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Sheila is very uncomfortable with the way that Tom is managing his business after Gloria leaves her room. Tom called Gloria and told her to get the money for his bail and to give it to Jennifer to do the bail out. Sheila already told Tom that she can't be a part of this but apparently he has ignored what she has said. She gets scary when she asks Gloria what it was that Tom said to her to get her to cooperate and bring this envelope full of money to her. Gloria doesn't answer, but Sheila has to put two and two together herself. She knows now that she shouldn't have let Tom know that she needed information about poisons. Does he know? Did he put it together? \"There is only one way to find out,\" Sheila tells herself. Jill tells JT that Bobby is dead but doesn't realize that Brittany is in the room when she says it. Bobby was with his bodyguard when they were both hit by a car that suddenly drove off afterwards. The chances of the hit being random are not good. Jill is sure that this is the work of the bad guys. Brittany will not believe what Jill says even after she calls her contact at the FBI and has the news confirms. She accuses Jill of faking the call. Ashley gets a rude awakening when while visiting Tom he tells her that he knows that Michael set him up and that he can prove it once he gets out on bail. He says that the place where he parks his motorcycle is under surveillance and all that he has to do to prove that he was set up is to get the videotape and watch it. Ashley smiles but finds it difficult. As soon as she is able she gets out of there. Victoria unhappily watches as Sharon does a great job with her audition. She screws up but catches it and improvises beautifully. Everyone else in the room is happy for her audition piece and congratulates her on it. Everyone but Victoria. When Brad opens the door announcing that he has arranged a press conference, Victoria turns on him with venom in his eyes. \"Who told you that you should do that?\" She asks him. He apologizes and is immediately forgiven. Nick makes a point of getting over to Newman to be present at the spokes model auditions after learning that Sharon's audition piece has been changed, that Neil is feeling very suspicious of Brad's influence on Victoria and that Sharon wasn't told that the location of the audition had been changed. Once at the audition, Nick gets to see for himself just how easily Brad is able to bend Victoria when he wants to. He will not allow that to go on much longer." ]
[ "Lauren: Michael.", "Michael: Yeah. What? Right here.", "Lauren: I'm in the hospital?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: What happened?", "Michael: Look, baby, it's not important. The only thing that matters now is that you get well, okay?", "Lauren: Mmm... I was on the roof... your dinner... was getting ready. (Gasps)", "Michael: What? What? What is it? What's wrong? What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: The hospital. That bitch still lives. I can't believe it. I can't believe that I was so close! So close to sweet revenge, watching Lauren whimper and grovel, just about to end it all. And best of all, knowing that I made it happen. That damn boyfriend of hers has to show up and just snatch victory right out of my grasp. There's no justice!", "Sheila: Okay... just get a grip here.", "Sheila: It's time to put on Jennifer's face. And why? Because I just had a small setback. This is not over. Not by a long shot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ashley, we need to talk.", "Ashley: Not now.", "Gloria: No! Did you know that Tom had been arrested, something to do with drugs?", "Ashley: Yes, I knew that.", "Gloria: Well, I certainly hope you're not planning on bailing him out of jail.", "John: Oh, there you are.", "Ashley: I have to go, Dad.", "John: Not until you explain to me what you were doing with that reprehensible man Tom Fisher. Now will you please join me in the dining room?", "Ashley: Daddy, I don't have time for this.", "John: Ashley...", "Ashley: I have a million things on my plate. (Telephone beeps)", "Gloria: Abbott residence.", "Tom: May I speak to John Abbott, please?", "Gloria: I'm sorry, he's-- Tom?", "Tom: Bingo. Put the old man on. I wanna talk to him.", "Gloria: Tom, please, now.", "Tom: Oh, sorry, baby, but if your little house of cards comes tumbling down, you're gonna have nobody to blame but yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Neil, what's wrong?", "Neil: Oh, Brad just moved the auditions to conference room \"B.\"", "Dru: Baby, he can't do that.", "Neil: He just did.", "Dru: But he can't make that kind of call, honey. Only you can.", "Neil: Okay, all right, let's not make a federal case out of it.", "Dru: I'll make a federal case--you know what? At first, I thought that you were being paranoid about Brad Carlton, but ever since you told me this story, I-- well, speak of the devil.", "Neil: Hey, easy, no, Dru, please don't go over there.", "Dru: Brad?", "Brad: Hey, Dru. How are you? Neil?", "Dru: How am I? You know, for someone who's trying to become a member of the Newman Enterprise family, you have one hell of a nerve rolling up on my husband's turf.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: And last but not least, we have our beauty of nature lipsticks. And last, but not least--", "Nick: Wow. You look good.", "Sharon: You think this looks okay?", "Nick: It looks amazing.", "Sharon: Thanks.", "Nick: Maybe some of the glow is a carryover from last night, though.", "Sharon: Could be. I was surprised at how sweet and romantic you were.", "Nick: I hope you didn't mind.", "Sharon: Nick, why would you say something like that? Of course I don't mind. It was wonderful.", "Nick: Yeah, it was. I'm gonna go take a quick shower, okay?", "Sharon: Okay. (Knock on door)", "Sharon: Oh.", "Victoria: Well, don't you look nice.", "Sharon: Thank you. If you came here to see Nick, he, uh, just went upstairs to take a shower.", "Victoria: Actually, I've come to see you to give you this.", "Sharon: Oh. What's this?", "Victoria: New copy for your audition today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Aha.", "Brittany: Oh, hey. I was wondering where you two went so early in the morning.", "Jill: We were just doing a little shopping.", "J.T.: Yeah, we got presents for you, Britt.", "Brittany: For me? Why?", "Jill: Just to let you know how glad we are that you're still here.", "Brittany: Oh, my gosh. That is so nice of you. I can't believe how lucky I am to have friends like you. When Bobby comes back, and we go off together, I promise I will never forget you.", "J.T.: Well, you better not. Open your presents.", "Brittany: Why don't I bring you both some tea first?", "Jill: Oh, tea sounds great.", "Brittany: Good. Okay, I'll be right back. (Telephone rings)", "Jill: Hello. Brittany Marsino? Who wants to know? Uh, I'll tell you what. Just let me take the message. Just tell me, for God's sake. I'm her mother.", "Jill: Thank you.", "J.T.: Who was that on the phone?", "Jill: It was... it was a federal agent. Bobby... Bobby's dead.", "J.T.: What?", "Jill: I--", "J.T.: What?", "Brittany: Bobby can't be dead.", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "J.T.: What happened?", "Jill: Oh, Brittany.", "J.T.: Jill, what happened?", "Jill: Apparently, the agent said it was a hit and run. It was at the house where Bobby was being kept--", "Brittany: No!", "Jill: And they were on their way to the airport--", "Brittany: Damn you, Jill! Damn you, Jill! No!", "Jill: I'm so sorry.", "J.T.: I'm gonna call him back.", "Brittany: No!", "J.T.: The number is on caller I.D.?", "Jill: Yes.", "Brittany: You're a liar!", "Jill: No, no, no, wait a second!", "Brittany: You're a liar! Give that to me! Give it to me! Give that to me!", "Jill: No, don't do caller I.D. do the number the F.B.I. gave us.", "Brittany: Yes, hello, this is Brittany Marsino. I'm calling about my husband Bobby Marsino.", "Jill: Oh, no!", "J.T.: Britt! Britt! Brittany!", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, come on. You wouldn't dare tell John anything. Look what you've got to lose.", "Tom: Just get me outta here.", "Gloria: I can't do it.", "Tom: You better. Or you can kiss your cushy little life and your husband good- bye.", "Gloria: If John--", "Tom: Yeah, yeah, yeah, just forget about that, will ya? Get somebody else to do the deed. Give 'em the cash and get 'em over here.", "Gloria: Who?", "Tom: Try Jennifer-- our mutual friend. Look, I don't care how you do it just do it. You got till the end of the day.", "Gloria: All right. All right. I'll see what I can do.", "Tom: One more thing-- get Ashley over here.", "Gloria: Wait a minute, I thought you said that--", "Tom: Yeah, just get her over here-- today or else.", "John: Now, Ashley, I realize you're a grown woman. But this concerns your welfare, and I will not stand by and idly let him--", "Ashley: Dad, I'm not talking to you about Tom Fisher anymore. I mean it.", "John: Fine, then I will talk to the bastard myself.", "Gloria: John, no!", "John: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I feel so weird. It's not like any illness I've ever had before.", "Michael: Doctor, hey.", "Reese: Excuse me.", "Michael: Sure.", "Reese: How are you feeling?", "Lauren: Um, things are a little fuzzy.", "Reese: Yeah. Any pain? Nausea? Well, the results from your blood tests are in. They're all negative with regard to disease.", "Michael: That's good, right?", "Reese: Well, we're also doing a tox screen. We won't hear back on that for awhile. And, uh, we're gonna be taking you down for an M.R.I. here shortly.", "Michael: A tox screen? What are you thinking it could be?", "Reese: Well, we're just trying to cover all the bases, Mr. Baldwin. I'll be back to check in on you later, Lauren.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Reese: Okay, excuse me.", "Michael: Sure. Thank you. I'll be right back, okay?", "Lauren: Okay.", "Michael: I'll be right back.", "Nurse: Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: Yes.", "Nurse: Would you like to hold these for safekeeping?", "Michael: Oh, yes, thank you. Hmm.", "Michael: Doctor?", "Reese: Yeah?", "Michael: You are gonna find out what's wrong with my fiancée, right?", "Reese: We'll do our best.", "Michael: If you'd only seen the way she was talking last night.", "Reese: As soon as we get the rest of the lab results, we'll know more. (Pager beeps)", "Reese: Excuse me. I have to take this page.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Dru, I have no idea what you're talking about.", "Dru: Yes, you do, Brad. Yes, you do. You switched the conference rooms at the 11th hour for the spokesmodel auditions.", "Brad: I felt a smaller room was a better choice given the size of the crowd.", "Neil: Um, honey, why don't you go along to the office? I'll handle this, okay?", "Dru: Oh--", "Neil: Please?", "Neil: I don't know what you're trying to prove.", "Brad: I'm not trying to prove anything.", "Neil: Brad, as chief operating officer, I'm supposed to produce the spokesmodel auditions. Your job is to be the creative consultant. My job is to get this all on tape. Now I'm willing to dismiss this as a simple oversight on your part.", "Brad: What, that you weren't informed early enough about the change?", "Neil: Any changes you know damn well that I'm supposed to be informed. And that I'm supposed to sign off on them.", "Brad: All right, Neil, listen, you know what? We can talk about this later. I've gotta go. But just so you know. There is one more change, and I want you to be informed.", "Neil: And what is that change?", "Brad: Victoria hired a research firm to make the final decision. I will see you at the auditions.", "Victoria: I know it's a challenge. But I feel like the new pages will give a more complete picture of each of the candidate's skills. Also, I wanted to let you know that we're bringing in an independent market research group. And they will be the ones selecting the spokesmodel based on consumer reactions to the audition tapes.", "Sharon: You're kidding.", "Victoria: Well, we felt that it would be more professional and it would eliminate the possibility of overly subjective factors coming into play.", "Sharon: I see.", "Victoria: All the candidates are receiving this copy. I suspect that most of them will be memorizing it, which I'm sure you'd like to do, too. Good luck.", "Neil: I just came by to tell you that the auditions are gonna be changed to conference room \"B.\"", "Sharon: Oh, okay. Thanks. Uh, I better be getting to work so, um... I'll just-- I'll see you at the office?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: Good luck, babe.", "Sharon: Thanks.", "Neil: Um...", "Nick: Neil, you could've called with this news. Is there something else going on?", "Neil: Listen, I really don't wanna make too much out of this, all right? But I'm starting to have some serious doubts about Brad's intentions.", "Nick: Are you referring to the auditions? All the last minute maneuvering? You think he's behind all that?", "Neil: Nick, it's the way the changes were handled. You know? The man's attitude in general.", "Nick: You don't think he's a team player.", "Neil: Has he ever been? I realize I'm not being exactly objective here. So I might be misreading this situation. Anyway, take it for what it's worth, all right?", "Nick: All right.", "Brad: Hey.", "Victoria: All set?", "Brad: I will be as soon as Dan gets here.", "Victoria: Should be an interesting day.", "Brad: Already has been.", "Victoria: How so?", "Brad: Oh, I had a little run-in with Neil and Dru at the coffeehouse earlier.", "Victoria: Oh?", "Brad: Yeah, they weren't, uh, too happy about the changes being made without Neil's input.", "Victoria: I asked you yesterday not to make him feel marginalized, Bradley.", "Brad: Listen, Victoria, we're working our rear ends off here, okay? Now I'm sorry if I stepped on some toes. But we have a lot to accomplish and a very small amount of time to accomplish it in.", "Victoria: Yes, just remember we're all on the same team. Which reminds me, when I was reviewing the copy for the audition last night, I wasn't satisfied, so I wrote up something new.", "Brad: Can I take a look?", "Victoria: Yeah. I've already distributed pages to all of the candidates.", "Brad: Mm-hmm. I wish you would've let me make some comments.", "Victoria: There's no time. This version's better, though. You're just gonna have to trust me. I saw Sharon at the ranch. Gave her the copy and I told her about the marketing research team. She seemed a bit shaken up. So I guess we've both been making some waves this morning.", "Brad: Well, better off making waves than being swept away by them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Surely, you of all people are not suggesting Ashley should continue seeing that man.", "Gloria: Of course not, John.", "Ashley: Dad, I had my reasons for being out with Tom that night.", "John: Really? What reasons?", "Ashley: I don't wanna get into it right now. But if it makes you feel any better, I have no plans to see him again. (Cell phone rings)", "John: Oh, darn. Yeah, hello. All right, just one moment. This is a business call I have to take. But I just hope you're sincere about not seeing him again.", "Ashley: I am. What is wrong with you?", "Gloria: All right, listen, I know you told your father that you wouldn't see Tom again but...", "Ashley: But what?", "Gloria: He just called when you and John were talking.", "Ashley: Oh, God, he wants to see me, right?", "Gloria: Yeah. 'Cause he claims he's innocent.", "Ashley: Yeah, he thinks he's been set up or something.", "Gloria: So you've talked to him?", "Ashley: I was with him the night he was arrested.", "Gloria: Ashley, why on earth?", "Ashley: I can't get into this, all right? I've got to get to work.", "Gloria: Please, Ashley, just-- just stop by the police station on your way.", "Ashley: Okay, what is going on? First, you ask me not to bail him out. And now you're telling me I should stop by. What's going on?", "Gloria: Just... I wouldn't ask you to do this if it weren't important.", "Ashley: I think about it, okay? I'll think about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: There you go. Done?", "Lauren: Yeah. Where-- where's my necklace that Scott gave me?", "Michael: It's right here. I got it all packed up for you.", "Lauren: Thank God. Thank God. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost that.", "Michael: Hmm.", "Lauren: It means so much to me and the love it represents.", "Michael: Yeah, he adores you. He really does.", "Lauren: Will you put it on me?", "Michael: You know what? You're gonna have an M.R.I. You won't be able to wear this.", "Lauren: Mmm.", "Michael: You know, um, I feel guilty. Uh, I would never have gone out and stayed as late as I did if I'd known you were so ill. I apologize.", "Lauren: Oh, honey, honey, how could you know? I didn't even know. I was in total denial. I just-- I didn't want anything to spoil our special dinner.", "Michael: Whatcha thinking about?", "Lauren: Last night. It's starting to come back to me. I thought I was coming down with something. Then I started to see things. It was awful.", "Michael: Well, you know, a fever can do that.", "Lauren: No. They were so real to me. Like the worms, a snarling dog and the rat.", "Michael: You kept repeating, \"She was here. She was here.\"", "Lauren: I said that?", "Michael: Yeah. Who were you talking about? Was there someone up on the roof before I got there?", "Lauren: Sheila Carter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jennifer, it's Gloria.", "Gloria: Listen, I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but Tom called again. And, uh, he really needs to get out of jail. Now listen, just listen to me-- I've got the cash. But for obvious reasons, I can't go on record as being the one who gets him out of jail.", "Sheila: (British accent) and you expect me to do it?", "Gloria: Will you?", "Sheila: We've already discussed this. I know you don't care about what happens to tom. And I really don't want to get involved.", "Gloria: Listen, I know--", "Sheila: No, besides, what gives you the right to even ask me?", "Gloria: Believe me, it wasn't my idea. It was Tom's. I think he's counting on you.", "Sheila: So Tom sent you?", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Sheila: What else did he say?", "Gloria: What do you mean?", "Sheila: Why would he think I would help? Did he make a threat?", "Gloria: A threat against you? Uh, I don't know. I'm not sure.", "Sheila: Would you just stop and think! What exactly did the man say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Sheila is in a mental institution in California.", "Lauren: I thought so, too. But I know what I saw.", "Michael: Well, obviously, it was another one of your hallucinations. But it's over now. It's over now, sweetie. You just try and forget it. (Door opens)", "Woman: Time for your M.R.I., Ms. Fenmore.", "Michael: Ooh. I'll be here when you get back. Kiss me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Sip this.", "J.T.: Hey, Britt, you feel any better?", "Brittany: I see now what you're doing. Bobby's not dead. You faked those calls.", "Jill: What?", "Brittany: And I know why, too. Because you don't want me to take Joshua away.", "Jill: Brittany, I would never do something like that.", "Brittany: Yeah, yeah.", "J.T.: You're talking crazy.", "Brittany: Right, am I?", "J.T.: Yes.", "Brittany: No, no, it all makes sense. It all makes sense. But it's not gonna work, Jill.", "Jill: Listen to me. You're upset. You're not in your right mind, darling.", "Joshua: (Cries)", "Brittany: Joshua needs me. And while I'm upstairs, I am going to get online, and I am going to find the real phone number for the F.B.I. And I'm gonna find out the truth!", "J.T.: Just calm down.", "Brittany: Don't touch me! Leave me alone!", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Something wrong, Dru?", "Dru: Yes, Brad. Why was I the last one to find out about the market research group? Is this another one of your power plays?", "Victoria: Hey, don't blame Brad. That was my decision.", "Sharon: Um, Neil?", "Neil: Hmm?", "Sharon: Could you help me out with this part right here? The part about our new hair care products. What do you think I should put the emphasis on?", "Neil: Sure, sure, now this is new copy, isn't it?", "Victoria: I thought the presentation needed some punching up.", "Neil: Yeah, let me see. Um... okay, well, okay, right here-- if it were me, I would accentuate the beauty of nature umbrella name. The products themselves will stand on their own once the public gets to know our--our total concept.", "Sharon: Okay, great, thanks.", "Neil: Sure.", "Brad: All right, people, let's get this show on the road.", "Sharon: Drucilla?", "Dru: Yes?", "Sharon: I think I'm gonna go and get changed. So I'm just gonna leave my purse right over there on the table.", "Dru: Okay, Sharon. Nick?", "Brad: Nick, what are you doing here?", "Nick: I thought I'd sit in on the auditions. No one has a problem with that, right?", "Victoria: Pull up a chair, Nicholas.", "Brad: All right, whenever you guys are ready, let's rock 'n' roll.", "Brad: Dan, would you ask our ladies to come in, please? Thank you.", "Dru: Don't I know you? Sara?", "Sara: Hi, Ms. Winters. We did a runway show in Paris once.", "Dru: Yes.", "Sara: It's so nice to see you again.", "Dru: Likewise. Ladies.", "Brad: Sara, do you have any acting experience?", "Sara: Um, yes, summer stock, a couple of off-Broadway plays.", "Brad: That's great. Well, I want to thank you all for coming. I believe you've been given the new copy. Just relax, have a good time, and we'll bring you in one by one.", "Woman: We have an exciting new line of lipsticks.", "Brad: Are you having trouble with the script, heather?", "Heather: No, sir, just a little nervous.", "Brad: Well, just relax and take your time.", "Heather: Okay.", "Woman: For all the seasons of your life.", "Dru: Great! That was great, Candi!", "Neil: That was really, really great. Thanks a lot for coming. That'll be all.", "Brad: Thank you. Dan, would you send Sharon in, please?", "Dru: I liked her. Did you, Victoria?", "Victoria: Absolutely.", "Brad: Okay, take a deep breath and don't be nervous. Nothing much rides on this-- only the spokesmodel job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: It must've been just terrifying for both of you.", "Michael: It was like walking into a nightmare.", "Ashley: Oh, my God.", "Michael: Look, you know what? I appreciate your concern, but you didn't have to rush over here.", "Ashley: Oh, Michael, Gloria got a call from Tom. And he still wants to see me.", "Michael: You're going to ignore him?", "Ashley: I would love to. But I'm afraid if I turn my back on him--", "Michael: He'll wonder if this second chance you're supposedly giving him is an act.", "Ashley: That's right. And then he might put two and two together that I was helping to frame him. I don't know. The thing is-- he makes my skin crawl. And it's very difficult for me to be in the same room with him and not let it show.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you even involved in this.", "Ashley: Oh, you are not. Neither am I. It's the only way I could protect my father.", "Michael: Well, at least this should be the last time you have to deal with the lout.", "Ashley: I hope so. I'm starting to wish I never heard the name Tom Fisher-- ever.", "Michael: Believe me, that makes two of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump all over you. It's just that I don't like getting in the middle of other people's problems. Sometimes it's hard to tell where Tom is coming from.", "Gloria: Yeah, I know what you mean. Listen, I really think he just wants you to do him a favor. At least that's all he said to me.", "Sheila: I'll do it.", "Gloria: Good. Good. Thank you. Just... just be very careful with this money.", "Gloria: And, uh... please see you do it today.", "Sheila: (Normal voice) Tom wants a favor. Or is he sending me a message? Oh, I knew I never should've asked him anything about the poison. That man--he knows too much. Could he have put all the pieces together? Could he have possibly done that? There's only one way to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I've waited long enough. I'm gonna go check on her.", "Jill: J.T., just give her a little more time.", "J.T.: Tell me again what the F.B.I. guy said when you called him back.", "Jill: Apparently, Bobby died early this morning. It was still dark out. This car came roaring down the street. It swerved up on the sidewalk, and it hit him and his bodyguard, and then it took off.", "J.T.: Nobody got a license plate or anything?", "Jill: No, it just-- it happened too fast.", "J.T.: No evidence that the mob was related to this?", "Jill: Well, it could've been a drunk driver, but something tells me that the bad guys won this time.", "J.T.: Well, we all knew-- including Bobby-- that these guys would do whatever they could to take him out. And as bad as I feel for Marsino, I am really worried about Brittany.", "Jill: She's probably confirmed that the death is real by now.", "J.T.: Poor girl. She really loved that guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Hey. I'm glad you came. You're afraid of me. I understand after what happened. That's why I needed to see you. You've gotta believe that I'm innocent. What they found in my saddlebags wasn't mine. I was set up. I know a lot of guilty people claim that same thing. But I swear to you it's the truth. And I know who did it, too. It was my stepson Michael.", "Ashley: I know that the two of you have had your issues--", "Tom: Look, the man is out to get me, pure and simple. And if you know him at all, you know what he's capable of.", "Ashley: I know he has a history. But so do you-- and not just with your family. I mean, with the law.", "Tom: You heard about the other Drug rap? Look that was nothing. How did you find out about that anyway?", "Ashley: Come on, you know my last name. I'm an Abbott. We have connections you know.", "Tom: So the cops told you? All right, look, I won't waste words trying to convince you. I'll find another way to prove it to you.", "Ashley: How?", "Tom: I saw some security cameras in the motel parking lot. And I'm pretty sure one of 'em was aimed near the garage where my bike was parked. Now as soon as I'm sprung, I'm gonna get over there, get my hands on that tape. It should prove that I'm innocent. If not, then I will keep at it no matter how long it takes. I want you to believe in me again. I want us to... pick up where we left off.", "Ashley: Yeah, I'd like that, too. I gotta go.", "Tom: All right.", "Ashley: I'll talk to you later.", "Tom: Be seeing you soon, Ashley.", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: And last but not least, we have our beauty of nature lipsticks-- designed to stay on your lips kiss after kiss. Um... apparently, one of the other ladies broke this tube. Luckily, I have another one exactly like it in my purse. So now you know my secret-- I not only promote these products, but I use them every day. And like everyone here at Newman Enterprises, I hope to encourage millions of women to embrace the beauty of nature for all the seasons of their lives.", "Dru: Sharon! That was fabulous! Very good! I'm impressed!", "Sharon: I just added that last part in. I hope that's okay.", "Dru: It's fine. Listen, I have another meeting. I'll talk to you later.", "Sharon: Okay, thank you.", "Dru: Okay, bye.", "Nick: Babe, that was-- that was great.", "Sharon: Really?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: Thank you so much for being here. I know it was just to encourage me. I appreciate it.", "Brad: All right, listen, everyone, I've arranged for a small press conference to follow the auditions. The reporters are waiting outside. If you're all ready, I'm gonna have Dan ask them to come in.", "Victoria: Hold on a second. You scheduled a press conference without even telling me? What do you think you're doing, Brad?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, Britt.", "Brittany: Its okay, sweetie.", "J.T.: Brittany?", "Brittany: Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Thanks, nurse.", "Nurse: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: What is it, sweetie? What? Was it Sheila again?", "Lauren: I know I was hallucinating but...", "Michael: But what?", "Lauren: It was so horrible-- the things that she said to me. I know that she's locked away but... she can still get inside my head. That's why... that's why I was on the roof ledge.", "Michael: I don't understand.", "Lauren: There was only one way to silence it. There was only one way to stop her. And that was...", "Michael: No, no, no, sweetheart, hush. Come here. Come here. No one's gonna hurt you. No one's gonna hurt you. I've got you now. You're safe with me. All right? No one can hurt you. I've got you, baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Thank you.", "Tom: Hey, angel. Did I ever tell you how much I love that look? You pay the bail? Good. Let's blow this joint.", "Sheila: No, you know what? Not so fast, Tom. I want to know why you had Gloria drag me into this.", "Tom: Simple-- Glo needed a front. I figured that Brenda or Jennifer-- whatever the hell your name is-- wouldn't mind.", "Sheila: That's all it was? You just needed a favor?", "Tom: You thought I had something else in mind? Interesting-- you're all ticked off 'cause you think I have some other agenda. You mind telling me what you think it was?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I'm sorry about the press conference. I didn't think you'd object. I thought it was a great opportunity to get word out about the line by tying it into the spokesmodels.", "Victoria: I have no problem with the idea-- only the fact that I wasn't informed earlier.", "Brad: And I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again. I guess I made one wave too many.", "Victoria: Apology accepted. So who do we have coming in?", "Neil: That guy is really something else, isn't he?", "Nick: Oh, yeah, he's something else-- but not for long.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Hey, what's wrong?", "Phyllis: I'm about to relive my worst nightmare. That's what's wrong.", "Nick: Are you trying to set Sharon up?", "Sheila: What could you possibly have over me, Tom?", "Tom: Something that could get you in big trouble." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kevin returns as Jana is leaving with Billy. He walks by them unaffected. Billy goes ahead and Jana goes to Kevin to assure him that things are under control and that she will be back for closing. He asks if she is going out with Billy and she tells how she is just going to see his house. Kevin rolls his eyes. She promises that she will be back for closing and runs off. Victor sees Mr. Kim in the hall and invites him in for a chat about business. Victor is surprised at the way that Mr. Kim has taken to Jack. Mr. Kim says that he is impressed with the way Jabot and the family that started it. Lauren finally gets to leave her bed and go see her baby. They haven't even got names. Michael hadn't been thinking about that. Lauren can see that Michael was keeping himself distant in case he lost the child. Victor and Katherine talk about the sale of Jabot. Victor is surprised to learn that after Jack tried to purchase Jabot and failed, he then tried to buy the company secretly. Jana is fascinated by the mansion and when they are done with their tour, Jill is there in the house when the kids come in. She is surprised that Jana knows about how she rose from the life of a manicurist to CEO of a cosmetics company. Katherine meets her too and is stunned when Jana recognizes a Sung Dynasty piece in the house. Billy tries to sneak a kiss at the door but Jana interrupts it by picking that time to put on her helmet. Later, Katherine and Jill tell Billy that Jana is lovely and not nearly the Bohemian that she pretends to be. Back at the coffeehouse, Jana is surprised to find Kevin there. He asks about her date and she tells that she didn't like how Billy shows off and she found him arrogant. She emphasizes what she says by planting a big wet kiss on Kevin. Lauren's baby stops breathing for a short while. The doctor isn't concerned as preemies might do that. It will only become a concern if the happens a lot. Lauren and Michael need to name their baby. She likes the name 'Michael' but he wants the baby to have his own name. They finally decide on Fenmore Michael Baldwin. Lauren gets the news that she is going home, but the baby won't be going with her. He will have to be monitored for a few days longer. Victor meets with the elusive Mr. Kim and asks about the friendship the man has struck up with Jack Abbot. Mr. Kim says that he is impressed with John's family. Victor talks with Katherine and learns that Jack set up a fake company in an attempt to buy Jabot. He then goes to his laptop and types in 'The House of Kim' to do a search. The site for The House of Kim pops up, and soon Mr. Kim's picture does as well." ]
[ "Michael: All right, come on.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Michael: Easy does it. Easy, that's a-girl.", "Lauren: It feels so good just to stand.", "Michael: I know.", "Lauren: If I could, I'd run all the way down to that nursery.", "Woman: Not on my shift, you aren't.", "Michael: Ah! Your limousine awaits. Here...", "Lauren: I'm finally gonna see the baby.", "Michael: Yeah, come on.", "Lauren: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: It amazes me that you have a deal with Mr. Kim after he got food poisoning.", "Jack: What can I say?", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. Did you get him in on the expanded tie-in before or after he got sick as a dog?", "Jack: Oh, well before. Look, Mr. Kim and I both want the same thing-- success for our companies. In fact, the two of us were out discussing future business deals when he ate whatever it was that made him ill.", "Nikki: Hmm. No, Victor said that he saw you at the hospital.", "Jack: Yeah, I raced him to the emergency room as soon as he got sick. I mean, I picked the restaurant. I felt some responsibility for the man's woes.", "Nikki: That is true. Victor mentioned that the two of you talk quite a bit.", "Jack: Well, yeah, I mean, he owns Jabot. I wanna have a relationship with him. I'm cordial with him. It's good for Jabot. It keeps Ashley and me in the loop on future decisions, but I'd hardly call it a friendship.", "Nikki: Oh, no, not a friend like Victor, right?", "Jack: No, not at all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I've looked forward to meeting you.", "Mr. Kim: Likewise, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Call me Victor.", "Mr. Kim: Ji Min.", "Victor: So I understand you were in the hospital. Are you all right?", "Mr. Kim: I feel much better. Thank you for asking.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that. You're here for an NVP meeting?", "Mr. Kim: That's right, with, uh, Mr. Abbott and your wife, I believe.", "Victor: Molly? Excuse me. Uh, would you kindly call Miguel and ask him to take care of Zapato? All right, thank you. Listen, I'm about to pour a cup of tea. Would you care to join me?", "Mr. Kim: I'd love that.", "Victor: Yes.", "Mr. Kim: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey!", "Woman: Haven't I seen you before?", "Michael: Yeah, I have been haunting this place, huh? Well, Nurse Felicia, uh, this is my amazing, incredible, gorgeous, tough as nails, did I mention gorgeous? This is my wife Lauren.", "Felicia: So pleased to meet you. Congratulations.", "Lauren: Thank you. I'm finally gonna meet my son.", "Felicia: Have you settled on a name yet?", "Lauren: You're gonna think this is weird, but...", "Felicia: I understand. You have to meet him first.", "Lauren: Exactly. Come on, I can't wait! Let's go!", "Michael: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Going somewhere?", "Jana: I'm just taking my break.", "Billy: Yeah, we were just leaving.", "Kevin: Don't let me stop you.", "Jana: You know, I should probably go over a couple work things with Kevin while he's here. Is it all right if I meet you at your grandma's?", "Billy: Yeah. You know where it is?", "Jana: Yeah, it's the big house on the hill. I can't miss it.", "Billy: Okay. See you in a few.", "Jana: Okay.", "Kevin: Hey, I thought you were taking off.", "Jana: Yeah, I just wanted to mention, um, I left you the purchase orders to sign and you'll have to hire someone else. Tara just gave her notice.", "Kevin: Oh, okay. I'll pull out the applications and see what we have on file.", "Jana: Okay.", "Kevin: So, uh... you're going out with him?", "Jana: No, not really out on a date. Um, but he's just showing me his place, that's all.", "Kevin: You mean, his grandmother's place.", "Jana: Oh, it's a huge estate. I'm dying to see inside.", "Kevin: Hey, I'll hold things down here. Go. Have fun.", "Jana: Okay, thanks. And don't worry, I'll be back to close, okay? Bye!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, Michael...", "Michael: Isn't he something?", "Lauren: He's perfect. Just like you said.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Hi, Sweetheart. I'm your mommy. I'm so sorry I couldn't be here earlier. But I was sick and the doctors were afraid I'd get you sick. But you are... so beautiful... and special and loved. Your daddy and I love you so much.", "Michael: We sure do.", "Lauren: Oh... you know what? \"Baby Baldwin,\" you know? The nurse was right. We have to name him. Do any of the names fit that we had before?", "Michael: I hadn't really thought about it.", "Lauren: What do you mean, you hadn't really thought about it?", "Lauren: You're afraid.", "Michael: What would I be afraid of?", "Lauren: You didn't wanna get too close. In case...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: May I take your things?", "Jana: Oh, yeah, sure. Thank you so much. Wow. Thank you.", "Esther: Thanks.", "Billy: Hey, you made it.", "Jana: Yep.", "Esther: Can I get you anything?", "Billy: We'll let you know, Esther, thanks.", "Esther: Okay.", "Jana: God, this whole place, it's like \"upstairs, downstairs,\" and I'm definitely from downstairs.", "Billy: My favorite part of the house is where the wine cellar is. Should we grab a corkscrew and check it out?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Kevin is talking at Ashley at the counter]", "Kevin: It was pretty scary there for a while, but Lauren's fever broke-- finally. The baby's getting stronger.", "Kevin: Hi, Mom.", "Gloria: Ashley.", "Ashley: Gloria. So what do I owe you, Kevin?", "Kevin: $1.65.", "Ashley: Here you go. Thanks. I'm so happy to hear that Lauren and the baby are doing better. Send them my best.", "Kevin: I will.", "Gloria: Like hell.", "Kevin: Mom...", "Gloria: Ashley Abbott and her selfish brother don't give a damn about anybody but themselves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Is Victor feeling as well as he looks these days?", "Nikki: Oh, finally! Finally, I can let him out of my sight without being terrified every moment.", "Jack: It's been tough on both of you, hasn't it?", "Nikki: Well, actually, it's brought us closer. I mean, you're right, he has been... reconsidering his priorities and taking it easy. It's been very nice.", "Jack: Yeah. All changes for the good.", "Nikki: You would think that.", "Jack: Hey, wait a minute, I am the first to admit that Victor would never have sold me this company if it weren't for his illness. But try to remember, I didn't go looking for it. He came to me.", "Nikki: I know that.", "Jack: There's something else I didn't go looking for-- Victor's friendship, his respect. He's offered those to me. I have returned them in kind. His new outlook, I am the first to tell you, has changed the quality of my life.", "Nikki: Well, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so cynical, but hell was bound to freeze over one of these days.", "Jack: You always did look cute in figure skates.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. Well, you're right about his outlook changing. He has become so much more accepting.", "Jack: Not meddling with the kids so much?", "Nikki: Not meddling at all, if you can believe it. Our family is finally enjoying some peace.", "Jack: Peace around here, too, it seems.", "Nikki: Yeah, he likes to come in to work. He enjoys the stimulation of other people. And he is actually letting Victoria and Nicholas do their thing. I have to applaud him for that.", "Jack: I'm sure the kids are just pinching themselves. Well, anybody who knows Victor Newman can tell you that he is definitely not the man that they used to call \"ruthless.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm sure you have become aware that Newman Enterprises has owned Jabot Cosmetics a time or two.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I hope you're gonna tell me we've made a good investment.", "Victor: Well, of course. You know, my wife and I wouldn't have held onto our minority stake in that company if we hadn't believed in its future prospects.", "Mr. Kim: Well, that's good to know.", "Victor: Yeah. So, um... what are your plans for the company?", "Mr. Kim: Well--thank you-- I don't foresee making any radical changes, other than to return the company to profitability and maximize the opportunities with NVP.", "Victor: So Jack Abbott has been expanding aggressively?", "Mr. Kim: Well, he's got a great concept and the consumer response has been phenomenal.", "Victor: Phenomenal enough to justify a risky investment overseas?", "Mr. Kim: Well, the House of Kim doesn't have the deep pockets of a Newman Enterprises or a Chancellor Industries. We have to pursue every avenue to increase our revenue.", "Victor: Right. So this deal came as a godsend to you?", "Mr. Kim: It's a good symbiosis.", "Victor: You and Jack seem to be working well together.", "Mr. Kim: No, I respect very much the values on which John Abbott senior built the company. I've told all the Abbotts that, and they've responded in kind. He speaks very highly of you, Victor. And from what I've read and heard about your dealings together...", "Victor: Well, you know, Jack Abbott and I have come a long way. In fact, he surprises me more and more every day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Oh, my God! A pool house, stables, a carriage house--", "Billy: A big apartment over the garage where the chauffeur used to live - hey, Mom. I didn't know you were here.", "Jill: Well, I just walked in.", "Billy: This is Jana Hawkes. She manages the coffeehouse.", "Jill: Oh, no wonder you familiar. Hello.", "Billy: Jill Abbott.", "Jana: Oh, you don't have to tell me who she is. I know exactly who she is. I mean, how many manicurists go on to be CEO's of cosmetics companies?", "Jill: Wow. You have me at a disadvantage. I don't know nearly as much about you.", "Jana: Oh...", "Billy: Jana's a society nut. She likes to read up on all the local celebs.", "Jana: My mum was obsessed with the royals. I suppose that's where I get it from. I mean, anyone famous, really. Serial killers-- they're fascinating people, don't you think?", "Jill: Oh, they are! Jack the ripper-- top of the social register.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hi, Sweetie.", "Michael: You getting tired?", "Lauren: Mmm, mnh-mnh. I just wish you wouldn't hold it all inside.", "Michael: Hold it all inside? What do you want me to say?", "Lauren: I want you to tell me how you've been feeling the past few days when I was so out of it.", "Michael: I was terrified. There were times that I...", "Michael: Mmm... there were just times that I thought that I would lose both of you. And I would be alone. I wasn't sure that you would... hold on.", "Lauren: You were so strong, Michael. I mean, honestly, I couldn't have gotten through any of this without you.", "Michael: I'm just grateful you feel better.", "Lauren: I am better. And I know our baby's going to be, as well. And it's really time that we name him. 'Cause, you know, if we don't, he's gonna go through high school as baby boy Baldwin. oh, he's gonna get teased. What do you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, Mom, what do you say we head back to the hospital to say good night to the baby?", "Gloria: I think that's a good idea.", "Ashley: Excuse me? Gloria, do you happen to know when you're gonna be returning to work?", "Gloria: Why? You miss me?", "Ashley: Yeah, I miss you. Mr. Kim was wondering about the production status of 'Perfume On The Glo'.", "Gloria: I'm on top of it, Ashley, and try not to badmouth me too much while I'm out of the office.", "Ashley: You know, excuse me? I was just passing on some information. I was asking a simple question.", "Kevin: Okay, okay, okay. Mom is just kinda tired on account of everything that's happened.", "Gloria: You don't have to make excuses for me, Kevin. We both know Ashley would gladly sabotage me behind my back to the new boss.", "Ashley: You are so paranoid.", "Gloria: Its only paranoia when they're not out to get you. But you and your brother just keep doing it again and again and again. You know, their father would be so ashamed of them, don't you think, Kevin?", "Ashley: Just stop it! Don't you dare tell me how my father would feel. You wormed your way into his life for two short years. And Jack and I had a lifetime with him. There's no comparison. So just keep your mealy mouth shut!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mr. Kim: How do you do, Mrs. Newman?", "Nikki: Very well, thank you, although, I should be asking you that question.", "Mr. Kim: Well, let's just say I won't be dining on shellfish anytime soon.", "Jack: We'll keep our future business meetings in the office.", "Nikki: So, Mr. Kim, shall we get down to business?", "Mr. Kim: Please, call me Ji Min. If we're gonna do business together, I think we should be on a first name basis.", "Nikki: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You didn't have to rush right over, you know?", "Kay: Oh, come on, I was delighted to get your call.", "Victor: You look beautiful how are you?", "Kay: I'm fine, as are you. That is, if Nikki's reports are accurate.", "Victor: You know, I think she could write a paper on my case and publish it in \"The New England Journal of Medicine.\" Would you like something to drink?", "Kay: Oh, yes, please.", "Victor: All right.", "Kay: Well, I think when your health is threatened, you learn as quickly as you can and, uh, everything you can.", "Victor: You know, I'm just glad and relieved that I can think about something other than myself.", "Kay: And that's why you called me? Because you were thinking of me? Well, here's to you.", "Victor: Of course, I was thinking of you. So... you've been going through quite an upheaval lately.", "Kay: Well, certainly not in my romantic life, so you must be, um, referring to my selling Jabot.", "Victor: About Jack buying back Jabot.", "Kay: Well, and I couldn't sell it to him for legal reasons. And he found that, uh, very... well, he found it very difficult to understand.", "Victor: Mm-hmm, I see.", "Kay: So when I refused to sell it to him he, uh... tried to pull a fast one. He tried to buy the company secretly.", "Victor: So Razz Cosmetics is legitimate?", "Kay: Well, the new parent company is an offshore dummy corporation set up by Jack.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Kay: I was shocked when I found out.", "Victor: Well, Jack's always had a lot of cunning, doesn't he?", "Kay: Oh, he almost fooled me, Victor, almost.", "Victor: Woe to the poor and misguided that ever crossed swords with Katherine Chancellor.", "Kay: Yeah, well... um, I, uh, admit I was irritated when I found out. No, I was really irritated when I found out.", "Victor: I don't blame you.", "Kay: Well, but I can understand why he had to try.", "Victor: You know, I have warned Jack so often not to focus on one particular thing. Balance is the key to the successful life. I wish he would let go of this issue.", "Kay: Well, Victor, he's gonna have to now that House of Kim is the new owner.", "Victor: Let me ask you something, how is it that House of Kim became interested in Jabot in the first place?", "Kay: Well, that's, uh... that's encompassing a few small details that Jack overlooked. No, Kim and Razz are major, major rivals in the Pacific Rim. And you can just fill in the rest of the blanks.", "Victor: So in other words, Jack Abbott unwittingly set this whole thing in motion?", "Kay: Oh, yeah, poor dear soul is wet behind the ears, isn't he? He's not at all like is, is he, old friend?", "Victor: What do you think of them?", "Kay: House of Kim? I like them. They're good. Solid history-- both financially and, um, in the business and, um, outstanding in their demand on quality.", "Victor: Have you met the CEO?", "Kay: Ji Min?", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Kay: Of course, I have. He's a lovely person. Doesn't open his mouth too much, but when he does, he is well worth listening to. Sort of like John Abbott.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. How apropos.", "Kay: I don't know. Who knows? Objective leadership is... probably hat they're going to need right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mr. Kim: Thank you, Jack, Nikki.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Nikki: Thank you very much.", "Woman: This way", "Jack: I think that went quite well.", "Nikki: I think so, too. He's easy to work with. He's charming, yet focused and very eager to make this tie-in work. Somebody you could become friends with.", "Jack: Well, I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet. I think the best I can do is a business relationship. I have to accept the fact he owns Jabot now. Katherine bailed while the bailing is good. I could either sit around and mope, or I could get on with business.", "Nikki: Good way to think about it.", "Jack: Am I happy that my family's company is in foreign hands? No. But I have to have confidence this man is gonna do what's best for the company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: So you've been married a few times then?", "Billy: Yeah, Mom gets around.", "Jill: Billy!", "Jana: Well, I really admire someone who's able to reinvent their lives when the situation calls for it.", "Jill: Well, thank you. I imagine you've done the same thing. I assume you're not from here.", "Jana: Oh, yes. But you know, I was actually going to ask you about your accent-- very exotic. What part of the world did you say you're from?", "Billy: Cheese-consin. Mom's a lifer.", "Jill: Thanks, you make me sound so glamorous.", "Esther: Okay, I thought you kids might like something to munch on to go along with the lemonade. Oh, Jill, should I bring you a glass, too?", "Jill: Yes, but bring it to the den. I have to finish a report for my new boss. Jana, it was lovely to have met you.", "Jana: Likewise.", "Billy: Thanks, Esther", "Esther: Oh, you're very welcome. Now you let me know if there's anything else you need.", "Billy: So... how did you wind up here?", "Jana: I rode my scooter out.", "Billy: No, I mean, my mom was asking how a girl from England winds up in a place like Genoa City.", "Jana: You translated that, did you?", "Billy: I memorized the boondocks-to-English dictionary.", "Jana: Mmm, and would that be the American so-called English or the real thing?", "Billy: Man, someone asks you a personal question and have more footwork than Muhammad Ali.", "Jana: I followed a bloke to Chicago and he dumped me. So I took up a job in Racine as a morgue photographer, but that was a dead end job.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Jana: What, you don't believe me?", "Billy: Uh, I don't know. Should I?", "Jana: It's up to you.", "Billy: So... where do you live now? You don't commute from Racine, do you?", "Jana: I live in a camper by the lake.", "Billy: Seriously?", "Jana: Seriously. There's a year-round campground just south of there. Once I get tired of the half-caf, extra hot, soy, no foam latte, I'm out of here. Onto the next adventure.", "Billy: Do you have the little pink flamingos out in the front yard?", "Jana: Mm-hmm. And Christmas lights strung round all year.", "Billy: Seriously?", "Jana: You and I live very different lives, Billy.", "Billy: I didn't choose my family, you know? It's like I told you, I have to prove myself just as much as you do.", "Jana: Oh, sure, while someone else is making your bed and doing your wash and bringing you morsels on a silver tray.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So... Poindexter is out.", "Michael: Ugh. What about Brutus? Or Hercules?", "Lauren: Excuse me, Brutus Baldwin?", "Michael: Look... he's a strong little guy. He's a fighter.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, he's gonna have to be with that name.", "Michael: His Uncle Kevin can give him boxing lessons.", "Lauren: Look at him... just sleeping. He looks like an angel.", "Michael: That's it! Angel--Angel Brutus Baldwin. Done. (Monitor beeping)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Well, look who's up! What's going on?", "Kevin: Is the baby okay?", "Lauren: He has to be.", "Michael: Something happened while we were in there.", "Gloria: What?!", "Michael: I don't know. We were just sitting there with him, thinking up names. Everything was great.", "Lauren: This alarm started going off.", "Michael: The nurses rushed in and they pushed us out.", "Gloria: Oh, dear God in heaven, haven't we been through enough?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Well, enough about my pink flamingos or lack thereof. Now I want to know about you.", "Billy: Fire when ready.", "Jana: A smart, rich, good-looking guy who likes girls isn't taken?", "Billy: You think I'm good-looking? I go out. I just haven't been serious about anyone in awhile.", "Jana: But you were? What happened?", "Billy: It was impossible to be together.", "Jana: And you call me mysterious?", "Billy: What about you and Fisher? I mean, he's not exactly your type.", "Jana: How do you know what my type is?", "Billy: Smart, rich, good-looking?", "Jana: Kevin and I date. It's nothing really serious, though. I mean, we just hang out together, having a bit of fun. No commitment. But I certainly do like him.", "Billy: You could do so much better than that, Jana. I mean, talk about a nut job.", "Jana: You know, I've heard all the stories. But I believe he's changed. People do change, you know? We've all made mistakes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, Katherine, I must say I'm glad that you think so highly of Mr. Kim. Since he and my wife will be working closely together.", "Kay: Oh, Victor, I knew there had to be a reason.", "Victor: For what?", "Kay: Well, this curiosity about Mr. Kim. You are looking out for your lovely wife.", "Victor: I always do.", "Nikki: I know I was skeptical at first, but I have to say, I'm very proud of the way you're handling this.", "Jack: A guy does what a guy's gotta do.", "Nikki: Excuse me. Hello? Oh, yes. Were the flowers delivered? Great. All right, thank you for confirming that, bye-bye.", "Jack: Who's getting the floral tribute?", "Nikki: I sent flowers to Lauren at the hospital. Have you heard anything about the baby?", "Jack: I hear he's doing pretty well. No serious complications.", "Nikki: Oh, thank God. When I heard he was born six weeks early...", "Jack: It does bring back some memories, doesn't it?", "Nikki: Yeah. Do you ever think about that?", "Jack: Do I think? Yeah, I do think about that. Late at night, can't sleep, it's too quiet? I think about that little boy we lost.", "Nikki: Yeah, me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Felicia: The baby's fine.", "Lauren: Oh, thank God!", "Michael: Why did the alarm go off?", "Felicia: Your baby had an apnea spell.", "Kevin: Isn't that when you stop breathing?", "Felicia: It's a common problem with premature babies. The area of the brain that controls breathing isn't fully developed so we monitor all our preemies for apnea spells.", "Lauren: So what happened? What did you have to do to him?", "Felicia: We just gently stimulated him to restart breathing. If it starts to happen more often, the doctor may prescribe medication or a special nasal device that will help keep the baby's airways open.", "Gloria: But what about for right now?", "Felicia: He hasn't had enough episodes to cause concern. And he should outgrow it in time. Any more questions?", "Lauren: Uh, no. Thank you very much.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "Michael: Why don't you sit down?", "Lauren: Oh, no, the minute they let me, I'm gonna go back to the nursery.", "Woman: First Dr. Okamura wants to give you your test results.", "Michael: Is something wrong?", "Woman: He just said to bring Mrs. Baldwin back to her room.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: It is such an honor to meet you. Billy's been showing me your estate. It's absolutely breathtaking.", "Kay: Well, thank you very much. Uh, it's lovely meeting you, too, uh...", "Jana: Jana Hawkes.", "Billy: We know each other from the coffeehouse.", "Kay: Oh, that's where I've seen you. Yes, of course.", "Jana: I knew who you were, but I have to confess, I was just too shy to introduce myself.", "Kay: Well, any friend of Billy's is certainly welcome here.", "Jana: Thank you.", "Jill: I see you've met Jana.", "Kay: Uh, yes, I was about to ask her to, um, join us for dinner.", "Jana: Oh, bad luck, I'm on break. It would've been so lovely, but unfortunately, I... I can't.", "Kay: That's a pity. Another time?", "Billy: Definitely.", "Jana: Yeah. Um, do you know what Esther did with my things?", "Billy: In the closet. I'll go get it.", "Jana: Okay. U know... I was meaning to mention, I saw this earlier. Is this a sung dynasty?", "Kay: Yes, yes, it is.", "Jana: May I?", "Kay: Of course.", "Jana: Look at that. Dragons were a common motif during this period. This is absolutely exquisite.", "Kay: Thank you. Not that many people are so astute.", "Jill: Where did you learn so much about art, Jana?", "Jana: Oh, I studied it a bit back home, that's all.", "Kay: Oh, I see. Well, thank you again.", "Jana: Oh, thank you. It was lovely meeting you both. Sorry to rush off like this.", "Kay: Bye, nice meeting you, too.", "Billy: I'll walk you out.", "Jana: Okay, thanks. Bye.", "Jill: Bye.", "Jana: Thank you so much for inviting me. I enjoyed every moment.", "Billy: Including this one?", "Jana: Ahem. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Oh! Oh, hi, Mr. Kim.", "Mr. Kim: Am I at Jabot?", "Ashley: Uh, no, I don't think so. Um, I'm looking for my brother Jack. Have you seen him?", "Mr. Kim: Not since our earlier meeting.", "Ashley: Okay. I'll try his office. Bye.", "Mr. Kim: Oh, Ms. Abbott?", "Ashley: Yeah?", "Mr. Kim: You know, I'd love to come down to see you at the lab soon, uh, review the security procedures.", "Ashley: Okay, whatever you say.", "Mr. Kim: Excellent. Thank you so much. Good night.", "Ashley: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So then your meeting went well?", "Nikki: Very well. Ji Min is quite the charmer.", "Victor: Uh-huh. He's a good businessman as well, I think.", "Nikki: Oh, he's a dear to deal with. Now I see why it's so easy for Jack to work with him.", "Victor: Well, a lucrative deal always helps, doesn't it?", "Nikki: Although, we are talking about a man who took Jabot from his family. At least that's how Jack views it. I do worry about ulterior motives.", "Victor: I think Jack feels that a cordial relationship with Mr. Kim will only help Jabot's productivity.", "Nikki: You're right. I just didn't know what to expect. But Jack has been extremely professional. I have to say, I'm actually proud of him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Jack: Come in. Ash, what are you doing here?", "Ashley: I want you to fire Gloria tonight.", "Jack: I can't.", "Ashley: What do you mean, you can't? Isn't that the point of all this deception?", "Jack: I can't fire Gloria.", "Ashley: Well, then have Mr. Kim do it. He seems to enjoy pretending he's in charge.", "Jack: You're not listening.", "Ashley: I want her gone. I don't wanna be around her another minute. I want her gone, gone!", "Jack: I'm not gonna fire Gloria. I can't! I won't!", "Ashley: Why not!", "Jack: God, how do I say this without sounding like a nutcase?", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: Because Dad's ghost... Dad's spirit, whatever, came to me! And told me to do the right thing by Gloria or else!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Who are they from?", "Michael: Ah, Nikki and Victor.", "Lauren: They're so beautiful.", "Dr. Okamura: I hear you've been out for a jog.", "Lauren: I wouldn't go that far.", "Michael: So do you have good news for us?", "Dr. Okamura: I do. Now the last round of tests we did looked good. Which is why you were able to see your baby. The infection's cleared up. Although I would like you to finish the full course of the antibiotics.", "Lauren: Yeah, of course.", "Dr. Okamura: Your hemoglobin count is the normal range. I'm gonna give you a prescription to help boost it up. We don't want you getting anemia.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Michael: No, no, no, you're gonna need all the strength you can muster.", "Lauren: Yeah. Does this mean that I get to go home soon?", "Dr. Okamura: Well, tonight, if you like. I just have to prepare the discharge papers.", "Lauren: Really? Oh, that's so great! And you'll give lots of instructions for the baby and...", "Michael: Yeah, more is more in this case.", "Dr. Okamura: Unfortunately, that's the bad news. I'm afraid your baby's gonna have to be in intensive care for awhile.", "Lauren: Well, then don't even bother discharging me, because I'm not going home without my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, I, uh... went to the hospital for a while. But I thought I should stop by in case I needed to close the place.", "Jana: I told you I'd be back to close.", "Kevin: Yeah, that's right. You did. So, how was hanging out with Billy?", "Jana: It was okay. But the estate is to die for.", "Kevin: Just okay?", "Jana: You can stop fishing, Fisher. I have no interest in young Master William.", "Kevin: Really? Mr. \"I own half this town, so you better kiss my-- my butt.\" You better kiss my butt. Who wouldn't be dazzled?", "Jana: Me, for one. I think it's quite a turn off actually, when people lord it over everyone as if they deserve what they're born into. I find him rather superficial and arrogant if you ask me.", "Kevin: Whereas I am modest and deep.", "Jana: Exactly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Dinner's ready.", "Kay: Thank you, Esther.", "Billy: Man, is my timing superb, or what? Except for Jana having to go to work.", "Kay: Well, it's a pity she couldn't stay. She's quite a unique young lady.", "Jill: Yeah, I could tell that you were surprised she identified that dragon.", "Billy: What dragon?", "Jill: You were getting her jacket. And she recognized one of your grandmother's pieces that most people would never have known about.", "Kay: Well... sufficed to say, she's a well-educated young lady. And, uh, not at all the bohemian she pretends to be.", "Billy: Well, that's what makes her so interesting, Duchess.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey.", "Lauren: Hi. Everything looks okay now.", "Michael: Hello. You decided to give Mommy and Daddy a little adrenaline rush, didn't you? Just to liven everything up.", "Lauren: Sweetheart...", "Michael: Hmm?", "Lauren: I think it's time that we name our baby, don't you?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah \"what's his name\" isn't working anymore, is it?", "Lauren: No. Lil' Bugger?", "Michael: Oh, harsh.", "Lauren: I think we should name him Michael Jr.", "Michael: That's sweet. But, you know, then Kevin would start calling him \"Mikey,\" and I've never broken him of the habit of doing that. And I really hate \"Mikey.\"", "Lauren: Okay. What's your real reason?", "Michael: Aren't you the one who said our offspring deserves a name of his own?", "Lauren: Well, we, uh... we talked about Robert or William.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. \"Bob Baldwin,\" \"Bill Baldwin.\"", "Lauren: Yeah, no, that does not sound good at all.", "Michael: Unless you wanna call him William Robert Baldwin. Then we would have to go back to our ancestral lands in Louisiana. (Cajun accent) Billy Bob Baldwin.", "Lauren: Oh, yes.", "Michael: I guarantee you a good time. And we can just flatten all the \"A's\" in his name.", "Lauren: Okay, that's cute. Cute, but no.", "Michael: (Normal voice) mm-hmm.", "Lauren: No.", "Michael: It's good to see you laugh again.", "Lauren: It's good to laugh.", "Michael: Ah! Yes!", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Yes! Fenmore.", "Lauren: As a first name?", "Michael: Yeah, what's wrong with that? Fenmore.", "Lauren: Fenmore? Well... we could call him \"Finn,\" for short. But his full name will be Fenmore Michael. Come on. Give a little.", "Michael: Fenmore Michael Baldwin.", "Lauren: Yeah. What do you think?", "Michael: I think I can live with that. So what do you say, Buddy? Fenmore? You like that? You good to go with that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Dad's ghost?", "Jack: Oh, come on, I told you about these visits.", "Ashley: No, you told me about a visit. What are you saying, visits? You were probably imagining things.", "Jack: He followed me to Antigua.", "Ashley: He followed you to Antigua?", "Jack: Yeah, it was absolutely crazy. He was standing there in golf clothes.", "Ashley: Okay, so... what happens during these visits, Jack?", "Jack: We talk. Or mostly he talks. And he's furious with me and sometimes he breaks things or has me break things and he's actually done it. He came to me so often for awhile there, I thought I was gonna have a breakdown.", "Ashley: Well, there's no such thing as ghosts, Jack. And you were probably just dreaming.", "Jack: No. I was as awake as I am right now.", "Ashley: Okay, well, then it's your conscience bothering you, huh? I mean, think about it. You're not being logical.", "Jack: None of this is logical.", "Ashley: Why would he want you to keep Gloria at Jabot, but it is okay to kick her out of the house?", "Jack: Because he doesn't like any of this. He hates it. He hates my lying. He hates that I'm making you lie for me. He's furious at me, ash. And right now... I feel like he hates me. He's argumentative. He's confrontational. He's...", "Ashley: Yeah? Our dad? John Abbott? I mean, John Abbott's ghost.", "Jack: Please, please, don't mock me, okay? I know what I saw. I know wt and if I keep going up against him, I'm gonna lose it.", "Ashley: Okay... do you realize that the people we love, when they die, they don't... hate us or judge us or haunt us. Jackie, they just keep on loving us, no matter what. So if you're having these visits, experiences, whatever you wanna call it, it's probably because you're not feeling so hot about some of the decisions you've made lately. And it's not dad coming from beyond the grave to make you feel guilty, it's you feeling guilty.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Neil: You're running around telling everyone that, uh, Dru has lost it. The truth is, you're outta control.", "Michael: What's going on?", "Paul: It's Sheila, Michael. I have some very disturbing news.", "Mr. Kim: You have nothing to be concerned about, Jack.", "Jack: With Victor Newman you always have to be concerned." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Most of the town is now at Clear Springs. JT and Victoria discuss baby names and settle on \"Bubba\" until the baby is born. Jack thinks that Maggie is following him. Nick is furious when he finds out that Jack is a \"person of interest\" in Ji Min's murder. Nikki tells David about Victor calling in the loan. When she asks Katherine for the money, she turns her down. She also asks Jack who turns her down. Nick and Katherine both try to get Victor to change his mind but he won't budge. Victoria tells Nikki she is going to go talk to Victor personally to get him to change his mind. Amber tries to convince Lauren to use her designs and music for the fashion show. Katherine, Cane and JT talk about the problems at Clear Springs. JT looks around and finds major damage in the structure. Maggie finds out that Lauren used to be married to Paul. While Nikki is talking to David about Victor, they hear a loud noise and see the building collapsing. There is screaming and debris everywhere, and we see Sharon lying in the rubble." ]
[ "J.T.: Ignatious? Oh, Iggy? Iggy?", "Victoria: Iggy? As in Iggy pop? Why would anyone do that to their poor little baby?", "J.T.: Well, he grandfathered punk rock. Why not?", "Victoria: How about \"Reed?\" Reed is my mother's maiden name.", "J.T.: You know, I think you're just feeling a little sympathetic to your mom right now. But trust me, that'll pass.", "Victoria: Oh!", "J.T.: What? What?", "Victoria: Oh! Bubba is taking a swim.", "J.T.: Bubba?", "Victoria: Bubba. Bubba's his nickname.", "J.T.: Bubba?", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "J.T.: How about Vlad? Huh?", "Victoria: Vlad?", "J.T.: Yeah, Vlad.", "Victoria: Like Vlad the Impaler?", "J.T.: No, like Vlad Guerrero.", "Victoria: Oh, soccer, baseball, football, is there any sport this baby is not going to play?", "J.T.: Tennis. 'Cause I hate tennis.", "Victoria: Hm.", "J.T.: Vlad Hellstrom. Yeah. A strapping young lad, huh?", "Victoria: You know, I like Italian names. How about Mario? (Italian accent) Mario, meet me in the piazza for a cappuccino.", "J.T.: Mario? As in, Mario brothers?", "Victoria: (Normal voice) Mario? Okay, how about-- how about Marco?", "J.T.: Mnh-mnh. Marco--Marco Graziano. When I was in second grade, every Friday he would, uh, trade lunches with me and made me eat sardine sandwiches. So, no.", "Victoria: Ew.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: How about, um... Ahote?", "J.T.: Well, that's, uh... that's different.", "Victoria: It's beautiful. It's Hopi. It means, um, \"Restless one.\"", "J.T.: Well, there definitely won't be another Ahote in his kindergarten class.", "Victoria: No, there won't.", "(Cell phone beeping)", "J.T.: Oh, work already?", "Victoria: Well, it is almost noon.", "J.T.: I lose track of time when I'm with you.", "Victoria: I'm meeting Adrian today. We're gonna tour the town, and then we're gonna... end up at the historic museum.", "J.T.: Oh, that little white house next to the grange building?", "Victoria: Do you know that that little white house is the finest example of stick architecture in all of Wisconsin.", "J.T.: Well, I think you're a pretty fine example of gorgeous architecture.", "J.T.: You sure you like it?", "Victoria: I love it. And I wanna wear it. I'm not gonna be scared anymore.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "J.T.: That looks nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You didn't come home last night.", "Amber: Yeah, I was up late, working at Fenmore's. I just crashed on the couch.", "Daniel: What were you working on? A get rich quick scheme?", "Amber: (Laughs) the Fenmore's in Clear Springs, they're having a big grand opening fashion show. And Lauren-- she wants to showcase some new talent.", "Daniel: Well, that's great news. Congratulations.", "Amber: Yeah, well, I don't have it yet. She left before I could show her these.", "Daniel: Let me see these. Wow! Yeah, these are sick.", "Amber: Hm. Yeah.", "Daniel: Oh! Yeah. You know, Lauren's gonna flip out. These are really good.", "Amber: Yeah? You know, I'm gonna have all my songs recorded by then. I mean, how cool would it be if I could do the music, too, huh?", "Daniel: Oh, that would really get Cane's attention.", "Amber: Cane who? I am so over it. I mean, this is my future, my career. Just cross your fingers and hope Lauren likes my work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So has Paul given you the tour yet?", "Maggie: Oh, you know, we went jogging this morning.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Maggie: The air was so crisp. The leaves were incredible. I can see why people would wanna live in Clear Springs.", "Lauren: Well, thank you very much. I'm signing you up for the P.R. committee.", "Paul: Okay, they're setting up our table now.", "Maggie: Oh, great.", "Lauren: Have you gone over the schematics?", "Paul: I have. Um, I got some minor recommendations-- adjustments to the security system, but, uh, pretty simple.", "Lauren: Such as?", "Paul: Well, why don't we walk the store first and I'll show you.", "Lauren: All right. Sounds good.", "Paul: Okay, we're all set.", "Lauren: Oh, great.", "Paul: The table's ready.", "Maggie: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: You see where you made a mistake?", "Cane: Mm-hmm. I'm gonna change that.", "Kay: How?", "Cane: Well, carry the one.", "Lauren: Good morning, you two.", "Cane: Hey.", "Kay: Hello, Lauren.", "Lauren: I didn't realize you were in town.", "Kay: Well, I arrived this morning, just.", "Lauren: Is there a problem?", "Kay: No, nothing unusual. I come up here once or twice a month and check on what the lad's doing.", "Cane: Yeah, I've got a couple of different people checking up on me from time to time.", "Lauren: Well, you should be very proud. He's really stepped up.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Kay: Yes, well, he's a Chancellor. I don't expect less.", "Cane: Well, I might've gotten the job through nepotism, but I can guarantee you, she got the better end of the deal. She works me twice as hard as anybody else.", "Lauren: Well, you should come by the store later.", "Kay: Yes, I will.", "Lauren: Great. Nice to see you.", "Cane: Bye-bye.", "Kay: (Laughs) oh, Lauren. Sometimes she just never changes. Well, uh, now listen, I need to talk to Jeffrey Todd privately.", "Cane: I'll call him. I'll set up that meeting.", "Kay: I want to get to the bottom of this kickback and I want to do it internally, before it becomes public.", "Cane: I'll take care of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: The last thing the voters want right now is to foot the bill for another recall election. Let's hope the whole thing is put to rest soon.", "Sharon: So we took a ride on the trolley this morning, did the tour.", "Noah: Yes. There was a skateboard park with a quarter pipe. Dad, you should try it.", "Nick: Well, maybe, if it's padded.", "Sharon: So what else did we see? Um, paddle-boats.", "Noah: Oh, swimming pools.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: And horse and buggy rides.", "Noah: And a chocolate factory that hands out free samples.", "Nick: Mm.", "Sharon: Yeah, he had chocolate for breakfast.", "Nick: Yeah, I can tell. I can tell.", "Jack: My chief of staff gave me the information. I'll be in Madison on Monday, okay? We'll talk then. Thanks.", "Noah: You know, you should take Phyllis up here when she gets out.", "Nick: You know, I wish I could, Bud, but, uh, she can't travel. It's against the rules.", "Jack: Unless it's work-related. Listen, are we a go on Cassie's Challenge being at the casino? I promised my suppliers I'd tell 'em today.", "Sharon: Well, Nick already agreed, didn't you?", "Nick: Yeah, it's a... it's a tie-in with the town's grand opening.", "Jack: That's great. It'll raise a lot of money for a really good cause.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Hey!", "Nikki: Hi.", "David: You're late.", "Nikki: I know. I'm sorry. I couldn't read my own handwriting. I tried to call you.", "David: Yeah, I know. The reception's pretty spotty around here.", "Nikki: Oh, boy. This parking garage is huge!", "David: Yeah.", "Nikki: I'm lucky I found you.", "David: You ready for some good news?", "Nikki: I sure need some.", "David: I've been assured that all the stores will be on time for the grand opening.", "Nikki: Oh, well, that's great. Too bad our resort won't be.", "David: Why? What happened?", "Nikki: Victor called in his loan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Morning.", "Nick: Okay, so, uh, Noah and I will hook up with you guys at around lunchtime?", "Sharon: Works for me.", "Jack: Yeah, I got an interview at noon, a casino manager coming in from Atlantic city.", "Sharon: Okay, well, um, call me when you're finished and we'll meet up.", "Jack: Yep.", "Noah: Can we go to the skate park?", "Nick: Well, did you bring your wheels?", "Sharon: Does he go anywhere without that thing?", "Nick: True. How about your knee pads?", "Noah: Got 'em.", "Nick: And your helmet?", "Noah: Yes, Dad, come on! Let's go!", "Nick: All right.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Oh. All right, we'll go. Hold on, I gotta take this call. Hey, is this my, uh, hot, soon-to-be-work-released-wife?", "Phyllis: Yes, if this is my hot husband?", "Nick: We still on for tomorrow?", "Phyllis: Yes. Definitely. I'm so excited I could burst.", "Nick: Well, I'm gonna be the first one to greet you at work.", "Phyllis: Ooh, greet--greet? Is that what they're calling it now?", "Nick: And I wanna keep doing this. We have to follow the rules, all right?", "Noah: Can I talk to Phyllis?", "Nick: Uh, yeah, hold on. Um, Noah wants to say hi. Here you go, Bud.", "Noah: Hey, Phyllis, guess what?", "Phyllis: Hey! What--what, you pulled an \"A\"?", "Noah: I work with you now. Jack's letting me stuff envelopes. We can see each other all the time.", "Phyllis: Oh, cool! Um, I don't know if the officials are gonna agree with that.", "Noah: I know. I'll put on a disguise. And we can ride in the elevator together.", "Phyllis: We're gonna work something out. Definitely.", "Noah: Okay. Bye, Phyllis.", "Jack: Hey, say hello for me.", "Sharon: Yeah, me, too.", "Noah: Jack and Mom say hi. Here's Dad.", "Nick: Yeah, Summer's gonna put on a disguise, too, and lick some envelopes.", "Phyllis: Okay, that sounds good.", "Noah: Mom, I saw Lauren and Paul and the police lady. Can I go say hi?", "Nick: All right, I'll see you in less than 24 hours.", "Phyllis: Yeah, less than 24 hours. See you later. I love you.", "Nick: Bye.", "Noah: Mom, can I?", "Sharon: Yeah, Sweetie, go ahead, yeah.", "Jack: It seems like everywhere I go these days that detective follows.", "Nick: Why is that? What's going on?", "Jack: I am now a person of interest in, uh, Ji Min's death.", "Nick: Really? Wow, and my son lives with you.", "Jack: Maybe you oughta get the facts before you start spouting off like that.", "Nick: What do they have on you?", "Sharon: Not here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Adrian's doing a segment on the local morning show about the renovation exhibit.", "Nikki: Well, that would've been a great P.R. effort had Victor not called in the loan.", "David: You're not one to just give up.", "Nikki: No, I'm not, but right now--", "David: Good. Because I have some connections worth trying. You might have to sell part of your investment.", "Nikki: I'm desperate.", "David: Okay. Still no reception.", "Kay: Oh, I thought we were gonna meet J.T. in private.", "Nikki: Katherine!", "Kay: Hello, you two.", "Nikki: When did you get in?", "Kay: Oh, just got here.", "David: Cane.", "Cane: Good to see you.", "Kay: Can't stay too long, though. In fact, Cane and I are driving back in a couple of hours.", "Nikki: Ah. Um, do you have a second?", "Kay: Yeah, of course.", "Cane: Um, sure. I have to make a phone call anyway. Okay.", "David: Take care.", "Nikki: David, could you excuse us for a minute?", "David: Absolutely. I'll see you back in town.", "Nikki: Okay.", "David: I'll go work on that problem.", "Nikki: All right. (Sighs) well, after we talked, I thought that I should talk to Victor and try to make peace. See if... we could work it out or at least not rush into a divorce.", "Kay: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Now have you, uh, spoken to him?", "Nikki: I didn't get the chance. He walked in the door and announced that he was calling in the loan.", "Kay: You mean the overdue payment?", "Nikki: No. The entire loan. Katherine, I'm finished.", "Kay: I don't understand, why would he do such a thing? Like that?", "Nikki: I have no idea. But that is what he's done. And right now the only thing I care about is getting Clear Springs out of his control. And I've exhausted all of my resources. Katherine, you know that I would never badger you about money, ever, but I am desperate. I am begging you. Please help me.", "Kay: I wish you had called me before the payment was due, Nikki, you know that!", "Nikki: I know! I know!", "Kay: Now--now I'll stop construction on all the condos immediately.", "Nikki: All right. Thank you.", "Kay: Now I will certainly give you an extension on the amount of time you need on the money that you owe.", "Nikki: Thank you, thank you.", "Kay: Darling, please try to understand this. The company cannot afford the entire loan. It cannot--it simply cannot and I am sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, call my secretary and have 'em set up an appointment for next week. Yeah, we'll talk about it then. Okay, thanks.", "Lauren: Hey!", "Nick: Hi.", "Lauren: I just heard the news, that Phyllis is coming home!", "Nick: I know! Can you believe it? Tomorrow!", "Lauren: Incredible.", "Nick: Yeah, I'm driving home tonight, so I can be there when she shows up for work in the morning.", "Lauren: Then will you tell her that as soon as I get home, I'm coming by to see her.", "Nick: Well, there are some rules about having visitors at work. And if she breaks them, she could get kicked out of the program.", "Lauren: Okay, all right. I'll run everything by Michael and make sure that everything is strictly business when I see her.", "Nick: Cool. Um, I hate to ask.", "Lauren: Hm?", "Nick: Are you free this afternoon?", "Lauren: Yeah. Why?", "Nick: Could you watch Noah for, like, an hour? I need to talk to Jack about something and I don't want Noah to overhear it.", "Lauren: Right. But if this has to do with Clear Springs, I should be in on it. You know, I hear the condos aren't selling. And quite frankly, I'm questioning the fact that I'm even opening a store here.", "Nick: Yeah, all the bad publicity is frightening the retailers.", "Lauren: Including me.", "Nick: Look, we're gonna turn this around.", "Lauren: All right. Well, if you hear anything, you keep me in the loop.", "Nick: I will.", "Lauren: By the way, where is Noah?", "Nick: You know, he's out back feeding the bluebills in the pond.", "Lauren: Well, I will be in the restaurant having breakfast with Paul and Maggie.", "Nick: Okay.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Nick: Thanks again.", "Lauren: Bye.", "Nick: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: I-I've got my computer with me. I will get it to you. All right.", "Victoria: Hey. Hello. Hello. Are you ready to go?", "Adrian: Little snafu. Um, my editor's two-year-old got into her desk and tore up some pages from my manuscript. Is there wi-fi in this town?", "Victoria: Yeah, by the library. But if you need to fax something, you can do it from here.", "Adrian: Well, I-I have to print it out first. I'm gonna head over to the copy center. Let's say we meet in the parking garage in an hour?", "Victoria: The parking garage? Four floors the size of a football field beneath Main Street. I'm gonna need a tracking device to find you.", "Adrian: Okay, point taken. Level \"D,\" east side by the escalators.", "Victoria: All right. I'll see you there. Hopefully.", "Adrian: Okay.", "Nikki: Oh, hello. Excuse me.", "Victoria: Mom, hi!", "Nikki: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Did you-- did you drive around town? Did you see it?", "Nikki: Yes.", "Victoria: So? Isn't it great? It's better than we hoped. I mean, Cane really did, um, he did an extraordinary job, I think. I really feel like everything's starting to come together. I don't know, maybe it's the positive, feel-good hormones kicking in. But... Clear Springs and--and J.T. and Bubba. What about Bubba?", "Nikki: Excuse me? Please tell me that's not my grandson's name.", "Victoria: No, Mom. It's just his nickname until he's born.", "Nikki: (Sighs) oh, you're wearing your ring.", "Victoria: Yeah! Isn't it beautiful? You know, I didn't want to do anything to jinx the pregnancy. I was really afraid that... I was afraid that I wasn't gonna have an opportunity to be a mother ever.", "Nikki: Oh, Honey.", "Victoria: It's more important to me than anything in the world.", "Nikki: I know. I know it is.", "Victoria: It's definitely the best project that I've ever worked on. Ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone ringing)", "Victor: Yes?", "Kay: Uh, victor, Katherine here.", "Victor: Katherine.", "Kay: For you to pull the support from under Nikki after she has worked so hard, my God, man, I think that is ruthless and almost inhumane.", "Victor: Ask yourself the following question, why would I throw good money after bad?", "Kay: Come on, you and I have a long, long history. We both are heavily invested in this project. I'm saying, please do not do this to her.", "Victor: Did my ex-wife come to you, ask you for a loan so that she could pay me back?", "Kay: Yes, she did.", "Victor: You're a good businesswoman. You turned her down, right?", "Kay: Well, I had to. You know I did.", "Victor: If you thought it was a bad business proposition, why wouldn't I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, is your big brother taking care of you? Is he taking care of you?", "Daniel: Big brother is dropping her off at the sitter's on his way to work.", "Phyllis: Oh, yes, thank you.", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: Uh, dare I ask-- dare I ask... did you get your midterm grades back yet?", "Daniel: Innovative and entrepreneurial finance-- \"B-plus,\" Baby!", "Phyllis: Ooh, good! Those are your hardest classes.", "Daniel: Don't cry. Hey! Yeah, I'm stoked, but, I mean, my other grades haven't posted yet.", "Phyllis: Okay. Tomorrow's the day. Tomorrow's the day!", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I've been dreaming of a good bagel for weeks and weeks and weeks. Can you do me a favor?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Can you, uh, can you drop one off at the office before I get there? What's going on? What's going on?", "Daniel: Yes. Yes. I think I could do that.", "Phyllis: Yes. Good. Hey, you, what's going on? What's wrong? Isn't your big brother taking care of you?", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: Isn't he?", "Daniel: Shh.", "Summer: (Cries)", "Daniel: Well, Jack asked me to take care of all the paperwork. On, come on, Girl. I think she's upset because I-I don't know if I got everything right. I had to drop your schedule off to the board--", "Phyllis: Oh, no. On, no, that scares me.", "Daniel: I got a \"B-plus,\" remember?", "Phyllis: It wasn't an \"A-plus,\" remember?", "Daniel: I double-checked. I triple-checked. You should be good.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that makes me feel good. It puts me at ease.", "Daniel: Mm.", "Phyllis: It's a baby girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: But you said we could go to the skate park.", "Nick: I know, Dude, and we're going to, but I have to take care of a few business things first.", "Noah: Mom, this isn't fair.", "Sharon: Sweetie, I told you we were gonna have to work part of the time on this trip.", "Nick: I promise you, all right? It's not gonna take long.", "Noah: I don't wanna go with Lauren.", "Lauren: Oh! I can't believe you just said that! I'm so crushed! Oh, and I wanted to give you a tour of my new store.", "Noah: It's a girl's store.", "Lauren: We have boy things, too.", "Paul: No, it's-- it's a girl store.", "Nick: Yeah, good stuff.", "Paul: It's definitely a girl's store.", "Lauren: You, Guys!", "Paul: No, it's true. Hey, I've got an idea. I've got a fishing pole in my trunk. The walleye and the pike-- I'm telling ya-- have feedbags on for the winter.", "Nick: Ah!", "Paul: What do you say?", "Nick: How does that sound, Man?", "Noah: Way better.", "Sharon: Well, someone forgot to pack his fishing pole.", "Paul: That's all right. He can use mine.", "Nick: Does that sound fun?", "Noah: Okay.", "Paul: Done.", "Nick: Good.", "Paul: You wanna come with us?", "Maggie: Hooks, worms, standing around not talking for inordinate amounts of time?", "Paul: Yeah, it's a great way to relieve stress.", "Maggie: I can think of better ways. No, you go off with Noah.", "Paul: Okay.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Paul: You don't mind if we delay the walk-through?", "Lauren: That's fine. We can rearrange the schedule. In fact, I actually-- I wanna check out the new stores and see if the retailers are having any trouble with delays.", "Maggie: Oh, shopping is my idea of how to relieve stress.", "Lauren: Ah, so then come with me.", "Maggie: Okay. You talked me into it.", "Lauren: Good. Why don't we meet here in an hour? I just have some things I need to wrap up.", "Maggie: Okay, great. That sounds good. See you later.", "Lauren: See you all.", "Nick: Okay.", "Paul: Have fun.", "Lauren: Bye.", "Nick: Hey, you be good.", "Noah: I will.", "Sharon: And you're gonna need a heavier jacket. Let's get one.", "Noah: Okay.", "Paul: I'll find out where I can get a fishing license.", "Noah: Bye, Dad! See you later!", "Nick: See ya. Thank you.", "Paul: Okay, you bet.", "Nikki: No. No announcement yet. I have a call in to Kwan in Hong Kong. Yeah, I-I'm waiting. He was not very happy with Victor the last deal they made, so... I'm hoping to take advantage of that. Um... let me know if you hear anything, okay? Bye. Can you believe that Jack had the nerve to show his face here this morning?", "Nick: Well, yeah, we're actually all here to look at the casino.", "Nikki: Why?", "Nick: Well, we're holding Cassie's Challenge fundraiser event there.", "Nikki: What? Why do you think that's a good place for that?", "Nick: Well, it's in conjunction with the town's grand opening. We think we'll raise a lot of money.", "Nikki: Okay. Have you spoken to your father lately?", "Nick: No. Why?", "Nikki: He called in my loan.", "Nick: Why would he do that?", "Nikki: Oh, because he's Victor Newman and because he can. I couldn't make the payment, and it is in our agreement that he has the right to call in the entire amount.", "Nick: What the hell is he thinking? He has to realize how this is going to affect the development. Not including all of us! Look, Mom, this isn't over without a fight. I'm gonna do whatever I can to make sure you get that money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: The concrete mixed for the band shell was over-watered, resulting in high slump.", "Kay: Which means what?", "J.T.: An increase in shrinkage and a loss of compressive strength. We're vulnerable to freeze-thaw deterioration. Now when I confronted the project manager, he said he'd look into it. When I pressed a little harder, he said he'd fire the sub, and that that mixture was an isolated case.", "Cane: Was it?", "J.T.: Everything that's been poured to date has passed inspection.", "Kay: Then we're covered?", "Cane: Unless the city inspector's on the take.", "Kay: Well, then is there some way we can... inspect this quietly until we find a problem? That is, if there is one.", "Cane: Yeah, I can do that.", "Kay: We have enough trouble in Clear Springs as it is, now the more low key this is, the better off we're going to be. And the cost to Chancellor Industries? You know, that's not to mention the potential lawsuits-- could be staggering. And I do mean, staggering.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: It's really no problem.", "Lauren: All right, before you leave, please go get something to eat and charge it to my room. And I insist on paying you for the day.", "Amber: No, you do not have to do that, okay?", "Lauren: Oh, yes, I do. I needed these plans so badly. I worked hours on them.", "Amber: I know-- I know what you mean. Can--can I show you something?", "Lauren: Hmm? Uh, yeah, sure.", "Amber: Okay. I know that you were planning on featuring a-a new designer for your grand opening of Fenmore's, and, um... I was hoping that maybe, you know, you--you might wanna consider me.", "Lauren: Oh, these are the designs you wanted to show me the other day?", "Amber: Yeah.", "Lauren: Hmm. Very nice.", "Amber: Yeah. You know, I-I believe that I'm--I'm a really talented, you know, designer and-- and singer and songwriter and... all I need is my break. And here are some songs that I recorded also. I also wanted to do the music for the fashion show.", "Lauren: Oh. Would you like me to change the store name to Amber's, as well?", "Amber: I'm not doing that false humility thing. I have talent. And I believe I know what your customers are looking for.", "Lauren: Well... I did like what you designed for Forrester.", "Amber: Thank you. But you see, these-- they're hipper and trendier, but they're not too hip and trendy, they're--they're wearable. You know, fashionably wearable. Kind of like, uh, haute couture meets retro-chic. I was kinda gearing for the younger market.", "Lauren: Well, it's nice to see you so focused and committed. I like this one.", "Amber: Yeah? Is that a yes?", "Lauren: That is-- you will definitely have a presence at the opening. How's that?", "Amber: Yes!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What happened to that Dad who gave his daughter a baby book? The one that told his son he wanted to build a cradle with him? The one that said family was the most important thing.", "Victor: What do you mean, what happened to your dad? I meant that.", "Nick: Well, then you can understand why I'm so stunned that you would do this to Mother.", "Victor: Son, I am saving your mother from further trouble down the road, all right?", "Nick: Oh, so, Dad, you're doing this for the greater good? Give me a break.", "Victor: My decision is final. Your job description at Newman is in acquisitions and venture capital.", "Nick: I am not letting this go. Because this involves all of us, not just you and Mom.", "Victor: You listen to me, stay out of this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So Victor Newman would be running Clear Springs instead of you? What's the diff? One's as bad as the other.", "Nikki: Actually, there is a diff, if you think about it. As much as I dislike you, I would rather see Clear Springs succeed, than you fail. Can you imagine what would happen if Victor were in charge? Believe me, it would behoove you to loan me the money to pay him back.", "Jack: I don't have that kind of money lying around.", "Nikki: I'm sure you could find some.", "Jack: Victor Newman is the last person I wanna see running this development. Even if I wanted to, I can't get my hands on that much cash to save you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Now the concrete on the boathouse? That was fine?", "Cane: Yeah, I was there when it was poured, and an engineer took samples. Watch your step, Grandma. I wanna go have a look at the fitness facility. Joe supervised that without me.", "Joe: Mrs. Chancellor, this is unexpected. Nice to see you.", "Kay: Thank you. I just drop in once in awhile, check on my grandson.", "Joe: So what do you think of the place? It's changed a lot since you've last been here.", "Kay: Everything looks wonderful as far as I've seen.", "Joe: Well, this was a shortcut until the driveway was ready. Sorry about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So why are they looking at you for Ji Min's death?", "Jack: My association with Jabot, I guess.", "Sharon: They just have to look into everything, that's all.", "Nick: Sounds like they're just looking into you. Did you do it?", "Jack: What?", "Sharon: Of course he didn't do it.", "Jack: You honestly think I'm capable of killing someone?", "Nick: I've seen you lose your temper.", "Jack: What, and you haven't?", "Nick: Detective Sullivan followed you up here, right?", "Sharon: That was a joke.", "Jack: Nothing will come of that, believe me.", "Nick: They obviously have a reason to suspect you. So what is it?", "Sharon: Well, they-- they found some dog hair they believe to be Fisher's on Ji Min's body.", "Nick: You and Noah and Jack are the only people that are ever around that dog.", "Jack: None of that means anything.", "Nick: It clearly does to the police.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Um, where's Noah?", "Lauren: Oh, he's up in the room, playing video games.", "Maggie: Oh. Paul said he'd be down in a few, which... that could mean a few hours.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Maggie: The man's got incredible focus, but not when his cell phone is turned on.", "Lauren: Oh, multiple work commitments.", "Maggie: Yeah. It just never stops.", "Lauren: Mnh-mnh.", "Maggie: But I guess that's why we get along so well.", "Lauren: Have you met his mother yet?", "Maggie: Mary?", "Lauren: Yes, Mary.", "Maggie: No. No, I haven't met her, but I've heard some stories.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, there's stories. You know that she's famous for her spare ribs and sauerkraut? Do you know that?", "Maggie: Yeah, he said something-- something about that.", "Lauren: Right. Well, one night we went over there for dinner, and that's what she was serving, of course--", "Maggie: Uh-huh.", "Lauren: And made us take a bag home, and I-I guess we forgot to put it in the fridge-- I don't know what happened-- but we decided to go to a movie and--and then to the lake house for the weekend, and when we got home... oh, my God, it smelled like someone had died in there.", "Maggie: I'll bet! Wow. So you and Paul used to live together?", "Lauren: I thought you knew.", "Maggie: No.", "Lauren: He's my ex-husband.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: From the outside you'd never be able to tell that it's a print and copy center unless you saw the sign, of course.", "Adrian: Cane has done a great job with the mixed-use buildings. I particularly like the work he did on that Greek revival.", "Victoria: It's amazing. And I can't stop admiring how far this place has come. It's just incredible.", "Nick: Hey, Vick?", "Victoria: Huh. You think that when you grow up, your little brother will stop following you around. Hello.", "Adrian: Hey, Guys.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Hey. Wow, look at you! You look great.", "Victoria: Three and a half months to go. I'm sure I'll be nice and ready by then.", "Sharon: Yeah, I know how that feels.", "Victoria: So how's the casino look?", "Jack: Actually, couldn't look better.", "Sharon: Yeah, it looks perfect.", "Nick: Are all the stores rented?", "Victoria: Not yet. No.", "Nick: Well, I was thinking about opening up a pawn shop across the street. Where are you off to?", "Victoria: Adrian-- Adrian has the agenda.", "Adrian: Yeah, there's some, uh, privately restored homes that I still wanna show Victoria. She's gonna swing by N.V.P., and if there's time after that, we're gonna head up to the ski resort.", "Victoria: Yeah, I'd like to see the competition. Oh, and of course, your exhibit.", "Jack: Which is?", "Adrian: It's a... an exhibit documenting the renovations and how blighted downtown areas can be revived.", "Sharon: Yeah, I peeked in earlier. It looked wonderful.", "Nick: Have you talked to Mom?", "Victoria: Yes. I have.", "Nick: Uh, excuse us a minute.", "Adrian: Sure.", "Nick: So... I've made some calls, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.", "Victoria: What do you mean? What are you talking about?", "Nick: Well, Dad called in N.V.P.'s loan.", "Victoria: What? He tells us how important family is and then he does this? After all of Mom's hard work-- after all of our hard work? No, he can't do this. I won't let him.", "[Victoria calls her Dad on her phone]", "Victor: Yes?", "Victoria: Dad.", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: What the hell is wrong with you? After all the hard work we've done up here, and you call in Mom's loan?", "Victor: It's for the best.", "Victoria: Are you kidding me? You don't know what's best for anyone but yourself. All you care about is hurting her!", "Victor: I'm saving your mother from herself. She has made a mess of her life, all right?", "Victoria: I have been overseeing Clear Springs since Newman got involved. I have put my heart and soul into this project. What you've done is selfish and vindictive. You should've consulted me.", "Victor: You listen to me! This is my company. I run it any way I want, you got it?", "Victoria: Dad? He hung up on me. I can't believe it.", "Adrian: You know what? Maybe--maybe you should take a break and relax.", "Victoria: No. No. We're going out. And when we're finished, I'm going back to Genoa City. I'll show him just how much I am my father's daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Thank you so much. Oh, hi, Mrs. Chancellor! What are you doing here?", "Kay: What are you doing here?", "Amber: Well, Lauren asked me to come up. Uh, Fenmore's is featuring some of my designs in the grand opening fashion show.", "Kay: I see. Well, I wish you the best.", "Cane: Grandma?", "Amber: Thank you.", "Cane: Grandmum?", "Kay: Yes? Oh.", "Amber: The--the fashion show will feature some of my designs and--and also a few of the songs I recorded. My music career is really taking off.", "Cane: Good for you.", "Amber: Thanks.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Cane: Wait a second. This is Cane.", "J.T.: Hey, its J.T. listen, I found something really big. You better get down here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, so tell me something. What do you think's gonna happen when Noah finds out about the investigation?", "Sharon: Oh, we don't wanna tell him.", "Jack: There's no need to.", "Nick: Well, until it leaks and hits the internet, which Noah is on all the time.", "Jack: Okay, that's not gonna happen.", "Nick: Jack, what's it like living in denial?", "Sharon: Nick...", "Nick: Look, you're a state senator. You've been hit with one scandal after another. The press keeps coming after you, 'cause you're an easy story. So I'll tell you what, why don't you step back and think about somebody other than yourself for once. Think about what this is gonna do to Noah when he finds out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Where's Noah?", "Maggie: He's getting a snack.", "Paul: Oh.", "Maggie: So... guess who I was talking to while you were upstairs? Your ex- wife.", "Paul: Which one?", "Maggie: Lauren. That's funny how that never came up. I wonder what other deep, dark secrets you've kept hidden from me.", "Paul: Well, I bet you don't know that I play the bongos.", "Maggie: No, I know you don't play the bongos. You have no rhythm.", "Paul: Bagpipes? Hey, I can pull 'em out when we get home.", "Maggie: You could?", "Paul: Promise.", "Maggie: Mm-hmm.", "Paul: What about you? You got secrets?", "Maggie: If I told you, they wouldn't be secrets.", "Lauren: Hey, Guys!", "Paul: Oh, hi.", "Maggie: Hi.", "Paul: Ready to go?", "Noah: Yep.", "Lauren: Well, Noah and I were talking. And we think we should all go fishing.", "Noah: Yeah. She has stuff for fishing at the store.", "Lauren: Yes, I do. I have poles, tackle, lure, an entire sports equipment department at our service. And you called it a girl's store.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Paul: Okay, we stand corrected then, don't we?", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Paul: All right. Well, what about the walk-through for, uh, the security?", "Lauren: Oh, let's do it later. We could all use a break, right?", "Noah: Yep.", "Lauren: How about you? We can use flies instead of worms.", "Maggie: Oh. Okay, I'm in. I liked shopping better, but I'm in.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Paul: Pound it, Buddy. Let's get going.", "Lauren: All right! Hey!", "Maggie: I'm not so good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I found these cracks here. See those? Yeah. There's some over by the stairwell.", "Kay: Oh, Dear.", "J.T.: And then there's these here.", "Kay: Oh, Lord.", "Cane: There's also cracks in the fitness center. I don't believe this. We're gonna have to halt construction. We're gonna have to go over every square inch that Chancellor has built or renovated. This is gonna cost a fortune.", "Kay: Oh, it's gonna cost a whole lot more in lawsuits if we open for business and then something happens.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: I'm sorry, Nikki. I called every source I know. What about Jack? Or that--that banker from Hong Kong?", "Nikki: Nothing.", "David: Mrs. Chancellor?", "Nikki: Turned me down. I can't believe this is happening. I mean, it's not just the money. This was my dream and now my dream isn't gonna happen because of Victor's spite. I have never been so angry at him ever.", "David: It's because he knows that with your talent and drive--he can't stop you.", "Nikki: He has! It's done! I'm done!", "David: No. No. Listen to me. If you lose Clear Springs, another project will come along. A better one. One that doesn't require you to rely on your husband. Nikki, you're not a defeatist. And no one, not even the self- proclaimed, all-powerful Victor Newman can keep you down.", "Nikki: Oh, David.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Gasps)" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor visits Victoria just to see how she is doing after the tornado scare. Victoria receives a call from Mackenzie, letting her know that J.T. was electrocuted. At the hospital, Nina visits Katherine and Murphy to see how he is doing. Heather gives the press a statement as to what the police department was doing to ensure the safety of the people of Genoa City. Ronan defends Heather against one of the reporters for his remarks. At the farm, Meggie comforts Nikki over her broken elopement. Mackenzie lets J.T. know that he was electrocuted. Meggie calls Deacon to give him an update on the progress between Nikki and Victor. Murphy wakes up with Katherine by his side. Nikki and Meggie visit Katherine and Murphy, but Murphy becomes agitated when he sees Meggie. Katherine tries to read his eye movements in order to find out what he is trying to tell her. Meggie lets Murphy know that she knows what he is up to with his Morse code and he will harm the old lady if he doesn't stop. Nikki visits Deacon for a drink which she gulps down, hurriedly. Nikki receives a call from Victoria to pick up Reed at Katherine's, but Nikki refuses. A man comes into the police station whose wife was hurt during the tornado. Heather and Ronan go to help.", "At the police station, Heather administers first aid to Ronan whose arm was injured. At the farm, Meggie pretends that she fell in order to gain Victor's sympathy. Nina visits Ronan at the police department and asks him to get word to Chance that the family is all right. At first, Ronan refuses, but then he agrees. At the farm, Victor lets Nikki know about J.T. being electrocuted. Nikki encourages Victor to marry her. Katherine asks Murphy what he is trying to tell her. Mackenzie lets Katherine know she is pregnant.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Hi.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Billy: (Clears throat) Hello?", "Victor: Excuse me.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victor: I tried calling earlier. I couldn't get through.", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm-- I'm okay. Um, have you heard from J.T. at all?", "Victor: What about J.T.?", "Victoria: I just-- I haven't been able to get a hold of him, and I'm--I'm a little worried about Reed.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Oh, it's Mac. Mac, hi. Hi. Um, how's it going? How's--how's everything with Reed? Is he okay?", "Mac: He's fine, but... J.T. was in an accident. He was out in the storm and there were some downed power lines, and he was electrocuted.", "Victoria: Um, all right. I'm on my way.", "Victor: What happened?", "Victoria: (Sighs) J.T.'s been hurt. He was in an accident. I need to change. I need to find my keys.", "Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Just go upstairs. Go change. I will drive you, okay? It's gonna be fine. I'll drive you.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: (Whispering) Is he asleep?", "Kay: (Sighs) (Whispering) Yes. Finally.", "Nina: Good.", "Kay: Uh, did you, uh, speak to Esther? Everybody fine?", "Nina: Yeah, Chloe is out of town on a photo shoot, so that's good.", "Kay: Mm.", "Nina: And Delia is with Jill and Esther at the house. You and Murphy are here. Everyone's accounted for.", "Kay: Well, not everyone.", "Nina: Ronan doesn't want me checkin' up on him, so...", "Kay: Well, that doesn't, uh, keep you from worrying, does it?", "Nina: Of course not. He's my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Yes, Ma'am. Got it. Got it. Okay. I want three more units downtown patrolling for looters. Contact water and light. I want an E.T.A. on when we're gonna be back up to full power.", "Heather: We've called in extra uniformed officers as well as detectives. G.C.P.D. is working with the fire department to coordinate the rescue effort and have doubled the number of patrol cars on duty to prevent vandalism. My office will enforce a strict zero-tolerance policy on looters.", "Man: That should help your credibility come election time.", "Heather: I'm lookin' out for the citizens of Genoa City. I'm not trying to impress them.", "Man: It's nice when you can do both.", "Ronan: Hey, Buddy. The lady's doing her job. Why don't you back off on the questions a little bit, all right?", "Heather: We're all on the same side here. We want to quickly and efficiently get help where it's needed. We appreciate you doing your part keeping the public informed. Now, uh, I have to get back to doing my part. Thank you.", "Heather: Don't ever do that again. You're the last person I want helping me out.", "Ronan: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, damn it! I still can't get through.", "Meggie: Victor knows you're here.", "Nikki: (Sighs) I just need to... I need to get out of here. Um, wh-when do you think the roads will be safe?", "Meggie: Well, everyone's a little freaked out about the storm, but it seems like the worst has passed.", "Nikki: (Sighs) It's not just that. It's this place. I mean, I practically lived here last fall when Victor was shot. I-I-I slept on this bed so many nights. I could tell you exactly how many tiles are on this ceiling. I know when the nurses change their shifts. I could tell you the slowest elevator. (Sighs) It's--it's just all too much, Meggie-- Murphy, and--and having to worry about the kids.", "Meggie: You know, you don't have to handle this alone. You have Victor to help you.", "Nikki: That's just it. I don't know that I do.", "Meggie: What are you talking about?", "Nikki: He... he called off our elopement.", "Meggie: Oh, Nikki. I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Mac: Hi. You dozed off for a minute.", "J.T.: (Sighs) So it wasn't a bad dream. (Sighs)", "Mac: No. You were electrocuted, and you have some bad electrical burns.", "J.T.: It hurts.", "Mac: I'll get the nurse to give you something for the pain.", "J.T.: (Sighs) What--what about you accepting my proposal? (Sighs) Was that real?", "Mac: (Chuckles) Yeah, so don't go trying to back out now.", "J.T.: (Sighs) No. I love you too much for that.", "Mac: I'm gonna-- I'm gonna get the nurse to give you something. I'm gonna find the nurse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: I wish there were some way I could take away your pain.", "Nikki: (Sniffles) Oh, well, I don't want Katherine to see me like this, so I'm gonna go fix my makeup.", "Meggie: I'll be here.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Deacon: Hey, what's up?", "Meggie: I can tell you what's down-- Nikki.", "Deacon: (Chuckles) That little cocktail of vodka and self-loathing I served her worked, huh?", "Meggie: Oh... (Chuckles) And then some. Victor postponed the elopement.", "Deacon: Oh, really? Well, if I do say so myself, getting Nikki to think that I was her little drinking buddy-- that was a stroke of genius.", "Meggie: How'd you pull it off, Einstein?", "Deacon: Well, before I left work last night, I emptied out a bottle of gin. And then I filled it with water, and when Nikki came in and asked for a drink, I poured myself one from my little private reserve, and, uh, the race was on to see who could fall off the wagon faster, and I never even had to leave the starting gate.", "Meggie: Taking from the rich and giving to us is gonna be easier than I thought.", "Deacon: Yeah, well, before you start spending that money, we still gotta break up the lovebirds.", "Meggie: Well, \"Mrs. Lovebird\" will be knockin' on your door any minute, and I'll handle the mister.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, did you have a nice nap? We have the drill down, don't we? (Chuckles) One for \"Yes.\" Two for \"No.\" Nina's here.", "Nina: Hey, Murph. How you doin'?", "Kay: Murphy, do you know what happened? You had a heart attack, and that's why you're in the hospital. Oh, hi.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Kay: Nikki, Nikki, come say hello to Murphy.", "Nikki: Hi, Murphy.", "Kay: Do you, um, do you think he's trying to tell us something?", "Nikki: I don't know. Have--have the police tried to question him about what happened at the festival?", "Kay: My God, do you think that's it? That--that--that he wants to tell us what happened that night?", "Nikki: It's possible.", "Kay: Murphy, Murphy, Darling, do you--do you want to tell us what happened in the car? What-- (Sighs) Murphy, what--what-- what--wh-what is it? Murphy, what is it, Dear? What--what is it? (Stammers) Darling, uh, Darling, just relax. You--you--you don't-- you don't have to do this.", "Nikki: Wha--", "(Heart monitor beeping)", "Nikki: Oh, you know, may--maybe this was a bad idea.", "Nina: I'll go get some help.", "Kay: Yeah, please. Please. Darling, it--it's all right. It's all right. Just relax. Just relax. No one's going to force you to do anything. Just relax. Just relax.", "Nina: Why don't we get some air? Okay?", "Nikki: That's a good idea.", "Nina: Okay. Come on.", "Kay: Yeah.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Nina: Yeah.", "Meggie: What, you don't think I know what you were doing? Trying to use Morse code? What, you don't think I learned anything when I was married to your son? No, I know all your tricks, Murphy. You try that crap again with that Morse code-- if you do, I'll go after the old lady.", "Nikki: Oh, Meggie, where have you been?", "Meggie: Well, I heard a couple of the nurses talking about road conditions. It looks like they've cleared up, so we can leave now.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Thank God. I'm headed straight to the ranch to check on the kids.", "Kay: Yes, go. Go. Be with your family.", "Nikki: All right, I'll see you later.", "Kay: Okay.", "Meggie: I'll keep a good thought for your husband.", "Kay: Thank you.", "Meggie: You want me to drive?", "Nikki: No. Yes! Yes. Uh, can you drive my car to the ranch?", "Meggie: What about you?", "Nikki: Um, I-I'm not going home. I've hired a driver.", "Meggie: But you just told Mrs. Chancellor--", "Nikki: I know what I told Mrs. Chancellor. I have to go somewhere else, so just don't worry about it. God, I'm gonna take the stairs.", "Meggie: Nikki's on her way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Yeah, hold on. It's Brock. He couldn't get through on your cell.", "Kay: Oh. Brock? Yes, yes. I'm--I'm here with Murphy. Mm-hmm. No, the hospital didn't lose any power. No. Oh, it was a God-awful storm. I know. No, we're all fine, but--but--", "(Static)", "Kay: (Sighs) Bro--", "(Static)", "Kay: Oh, wow. Bro--Brock? (Sighs) Well, I've lost him.", "Nina: So he heard about the storm all the way in Louisiana?", "Kay: Well, he heard it on the national news. (Chuckles)", "Nina: Um, I'm sorry. I have to go. I won't be long.", "Kay: Nina. Nina. Now whatever you're thinking, don't. Don't, because it isn't safe.", "Nina: I won't do anything stupid, okay? I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Got it. Yeah. Yeah. We'll be there. Absolutely.", "Heather: Thank you. Thank you. Finally. The roads into and out of Memorial are clear. I had to threaten to sue the private contractor the city hired for debris removal, but it did the trick.", "Ronan: Nice work.", "Heather: See, sometimes you only have to bring out the big guns and not use them.", "Ronan: Subtle.", "Heather: Really?", "Ronan: Mm.", "Heather: Mm, I wasn't trying to be.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) You do, uh, know that I'm not the enemy here, right?", "Heather: Oh, no. No, no. You're the good guy, who just happened to shoot another good guy in cold blood.", "(Door opens)", "Man: I need help. My car skidded off the road onto the shoulder and hit a guardrail. My wife's trapped inside.", "Ronan: Come on. Show us. Let's go. Come on. Come on.", "Heather: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Deacon: (Sighs) Yeah, just a second. Hey, come in.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Deacon: Um, I'm sorry, um--", "Nikki: No, I-I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have come.", "Deacon: No, I'm glad you did. Uh... (Chuckles) You look as bad as I feel.", "Nikki: It's been a rough day.", "Deacon: Yeah. For me, too. Uh, you, uh, you want a little something to take the edge off?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Now wait a minute. We--we made a pact, remember? No more. No more.", "Deacon: Yeah, I-I-I know. I know we did, and I just, um, I was gonna toss 'em. I-I was. I just thought maybe, you know, we could use a little taste. What do you say?", "Nikki: Yes, please.", "Deacon: Vodka, right?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Deacon: I'm a gin man myself.", "(Liquid pouring)", "(Liquid pouring)", "Deacon: Here you go. Nikki.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: Hey, Nikki, slow down.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: Come on. Nikki, slow down.", "Nikki: I don't want to. I want to feel nothing. I want to be numb and not feel anything, okay?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nikki: Mm. My phone.", "Deacon: Um, here. Here, I'll take this.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, God, its Victoria. (Sighs) (Clears throat) Hi, Honey.", "Victoria: Mom, I'm glad I got you.", "Nikki: What's wrong?", "Victoria: Uh, J.T. has been hurt. He was in an accident.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Is he okay?", "Victoria: I don't know. I just got here to the hospital. I haven't seen him yet. Listen, Mom, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go and-- and pick up Reed from Katherine's house. Um... (Sighs) Look, I just-- he doesn't know anything yet, but I'm just gonna feel a lot better if he's with you. Would you do that for me? Just get him and take him back to the ranch. Mom? Mom, are you there?", "Nikki: I'm here, Honey. Um, I-I-I can't. I'm not anywhere near Katherine's.", "Victoria: What? Where are you?", "Nikki: Um, I-I-I-I think I'm losing you. Can you hear me?", "Victoria: No, Mom, I'm here.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, I-I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I'm sorry. Oh, my God.", "Deacon: What's the matter?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I just lied to my daughter. She wanted me to pick up her son, my grandson, and I can't because my head is already swimming, and... (Sighs) What is wrong with me? There's something wrong with me. What am I gonna do?", "Deacon: Okay. All right. Okay.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: Hey, the kid's not alone. Victoria's probably with Billy. And you're here with me. Everybody's safe. Everybody's exactly where they belong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I'm glad she's gonna be okay.", "Ronan: I would say that you did a good job at keeping the wife calm, but I don't want you to bite my head off again.", "Heather: (Sighs) Oh, my God, you're hurt.", "Ronan: Oh, it's all right. I'm fine.", "Heather: No, you're not fine. We have to clean that. I mean, I don't want the city to have to pick up the tab when it goes septic.", "Ronan: Oh, well, your, uh, your concern is touching.", "Heather: Shut up and take off your shirt.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: Hey, Tony, can you go get the man a clean shirt?", "Ronan: (Sighs) I get it. You just want to see my body.", "Heather: Yeah, I just want to see your body.", "Ronan: Yeah. (Groans) (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) (Winces) Aah! Hey.", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: Hey, hey, hey.", "Heather: Sorry.", "Ronan: Mm. (Inhales sharply)", "Heather: Oh, God.", "Heather: Hold that.", "Ronan: (Winces) Ow. Ow.", "Heather: Okay. All right.", "Ronan: You know that I know that you're hurting over losing Chance, but I lost him, too. You know that, right?", "Heather: (Sighs) You don't get to share in the pain when you're the one who caused it.", "Ronan: You don't think that I know I'm responsible for what happened at that warehouse? Ow.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: I have to live with that every day of my life.", "Heather: I'm finished.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: They just gave him something for the pain.", "Victoria: Why was he out in the storm in the first place? I thought he was with you and Reed.", "Mac: A tornado touched down at the cottage where Cane and Lily were staying, and he went to help.", "Mac: Um, I'm gonna go get some tea.", "Billy: I'm gonna go with you.", "Mac: Okay.", "Victoria: J.T.?", "J.T.: Victoria.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: You know, Nikki, maybe some people just aren't meant to be sober. God knows I've tried. And you've tried, too. I know what you're going through.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. What--what am I doing? What am I doing? I-I-I'm sorry. I-I thought this was the answer, but it isn't. I shouldn't-- I shouldn't be here.", "Deacon: (Sighs heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: (Sighs)", "(Debris crunches underfoot)", "Meggie: What a mess.", "(Car approaches)", "(Car door opens)", "(Car door closes)", "Meggie: (Grunts)", "Meggie: (Grunts)", "Victor: What--", "Meggie: (Moans) Oh.", "Victor: Are you all right?", "Meggie: Yeah.", "Victor: My goodness, did the tree fall on you?", "Meggie: No, the tree was--", "Victor: Be careful.", "Meggie: The tree was down before I got home. Stupid me, I--", "Victor: Let me help you. Oh.", "Meggie: I thought I'd try to clean it up, and I tripped.", "Victor: Are you okay?", "Meggie: Yeah. Oh, some old, dead tree isn't gonna take me down.", "Victor: I'm sorry.", "Meggie: Ooh! Oh!", "Victor: (Grunts)", "Victor: Be careful. Come here. Very careful.", "Meggie: (Grunts)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Okay, listen, I'm-- I'm gonna tell you again. I don't care. I-- I just need you to get someone down there, okay? Now. Now. Hey.", "Nina: What happened?", "Ronan: Oh, it's nothing. It's just a scratch. It's fine. Come down to check on me, make sure I didn't get sucked up and swept off to munchkin land?", "Nina: Uh, yeah, something like that. (Chuckles)", "Ronan: All right.", "Nina: Um, I need a favor.", "Ronan: Yeah, okay. Go ahead.", "Nina: I need you to get a message to--", "Ronan: Do what? No. No way. No. I will not help you with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Thanks.", "Victoria: That's good?", "J.T.: (Sighs) Reed... he's gonna be scared.", "Victoria: Don't worry. You don't worry about that. I'm gonna take care of him, okay?", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: I'm gonna tell him how you were a real hero, and you got hurt helping friends, and that everybody is working really hard to make you better.", "J.T.: (Sighs) Play up that hero part, okay?", "Victoria: That's funny. I thought heroes were supposed to be a little bit humble. No?", "J.T.: (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "Victoria: Gosh, I can't remember the last time we shared a smile together.", "J.T.: I was thinking about... (Sighs) All the good times we had.", "Victoria: I was thinking about you the whole entire way over here. I was remembering how you never left my side while I was in a coma. And when I woke up, I couldn't take care of myself, let alone take care of Reed.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: But you were there for us, and you--you made us into a sweet, little family. We had a lot of love, J.T. I know we can't go back to that. (Sighs) But I'm really sorry we got so far away from it.", "J.T.: Me, too. (Sighs)", "Victoria: When you get out of here...", "J.T.: Victoria--", "Victoria: When you get out of here...", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: We're gonna make this work. You and me and Reed and Billy and Mac, okay? I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, it doesn't seem to be broken.", "Meggie: Oh, Victor. It's fine, really.", "Victor: I sent the staff home to be with their families. Where's Nikki?", "Meggie: Oh, well, when the storm hit, the hospitals wouldn't let anybody leave, but the roads are open now, so it--it shouldn't be that long till she gets home.", "Victor: You know, I really am sorry that you were alone when this happened. My goodness.", "Meggie: Oh, you remember me in Ottawa, don't you? (Chuckles) Just give me a baseball bat and an empty bottle, and I want to take on the world.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Meggie: (Laughs)", "Victor: That's right. I remember. Maybe that's why we get along so well.", "Meggie: We did, didn't we? Right from the start almost.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad this is all right. But, you know, perhaps its destiny.", "Nikki: Oh, Victor.", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart. Come here. Come here.", "Nikki: I am so glad to see you.", "Victor: Oh, Baby.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: I'm so sorry that you were alone in the storm out there, huh?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: Meggie told me that you were in the hospital.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah. Uh, yes. I-I was, but I'm home now. That's the most important thing.", "Victor: Come here.", "Meggie: I'm gonna put my leg up. (Grunts)", "Victor: Be careful.", "Nikki: What happened? (Stammers) Are you gonna be all right?", "Meggie: I'm fine.", "Victor: I'll check on you later, Meggie.", "Meggie: (Grunts)", "Nikki: Oh, my. What--", "Victor: Sit down, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: W-was it the tree?", "Victor: Well, apparently, she tripped. It could have been much worse. Darling, why are you trembling?", "Nikki: Oh, Victor, I-I--I'm fine. I just--I just was scared, you know? The storm and... worried about you, worried about the kids.", "Victor: Well, don't worry about it. I called Nicholas, and everything is okay with the kids, okay? And you know what happened to J.T. at the hospital, don't you?", "Nikki: I-I spoke to Victoria.", "Victor: Yeah, well, he's well taken care of now. And Victoria and Reed are fine, as well.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: Oh, it's-- (Stammers) I don't know. It's--it's more than that. I just feel like after today, I-I really realize how much... how much I need you. (Sighs)", "Victor: Sweetheart, you're upset. Why are you so upset?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I know you want to postpone the wedding.", "Victor: Sweetheart, there's so much going on in our lives now.", "Nikki: I-I don't want to wait a year or a month or even a day. I want to do it now.", "Victor: Baby, I don't want you to be upset.", "Nikki: Please, Victor. Please?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, Murphy, good news. The doctor said, uh, not to worry, that you just got a little overexcited. I didn't tell him that's what happens when you see me. Me, too. Uh, and he said we should, um, wait for the police to talk about what happened at the festival. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to communicate.", "Kay: Darling, I just want to make sure. Do you want to talk about this today?", "Kay: No. You're too tired, hmm?", "Billy: Hey, Man. I heard I missed your Ben Franklin impression.", "J.T.: (Sighs) Yeah, well, I have to remember the kite and key next time.", "Billy: Sorry you're going through this.", "J.T.: I'm worried about Reed.", "Billy: No, don't, Man. I mean, come on. Vicki and I, you know, we'll, you know...", "J.T.: If something happens to me, I want you to take care of him.", "Billy: Okay, okay, yeah, Dude, come on. Nothing's gonna happen. You're gonna get out of here, all right? Then you and I--", "J.T.: Just promise me. Promise me. Promise me you'll do it.", "Billy: I got it covered, but I'm tellin' you, you're gonna get out of here.", "Victoria: I spoke with Esther. Reed's fine. (Clears throat) I thought that the storm might scare him, but apparently he thought it was the awesomest thing ever.", "Mac: (Chuckles) We're gonna have to tell him about J.T.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, as soon as I see him, I will tell him. Don't worry. I'll make it as easy for him as possible.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "Victoria: What is it?", "Mac: It's, uh, basketball tickets. Bucks game, um, November. J.T. was gonna take him, but now... you take him. (Sighs) J.T. would want you--", "Victoria: Uh, no. J.T. is gonna take him, all right? I'm gonna go find Billy.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "Kay: Mackenzie? Are you here to see Murphy?", "Mac: Grandma, uh, no. (Sighs)", "Kay: Well, wh-what is it?", "Mac: J.T. was hurt in the storm. (Sighs) He was electrocuted, and he's alive, but...", "Kay: Oh, my dear God, just when I was thinking nothing--it just could not get worse for this family, and...", "Mac: Everything was going so great for us. J.T... (Sighs)", "Kay: Yes?", "Mac: We're gonna have a baby.", "Kay: Oh, my God. Oh, Darling, uh, don't, Darling. Darling, don't. Don't. Now don't. Don't. Don't.", "Mac: But what if--", "Kay: Don't. No. No. Shh, shh, shh. Don't go there. Don't go there. It's a good sign, a good sign.", "Mac: (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "Kay: Everything is going to be just fine. Oh, Mac.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I got it. I got it. Yeah.", "Nina: Listen to me. Katherine's son called from Louisiana. He heard about the tornado on the news.", "Ronan: Mm-hmm.", "Nina: It's all over cable. Now if Brock has heard about it, then he...", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Nina: Then he has, too.", "Ronan: Yeah, I'm sure he has. So?", "Nina: We have to let him know his family's okay.", "Ronan: There are strict rules that have to be followed to ensure that he is going to be--", "Nina: No, you don't understand. He--", "Ronan: No, you don't understand. He's gone. He's gone. He's out of your life for good. And you can't just call him right now because the weather sucks today.", "Nina: If we don't let him know that his family's okay, he's gonna try to contact us. I know him.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Nina: I know my son. Please. Please just do this for me.", "Ronan: (Groans) Yeah.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Ronan: All right, I will. (Sighs)", "Nina: It's gonna be safer this way. I promise.", "Ronan: Yeah, you know, I really hope so.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Now you listen to me, young man. This, uh, this grandchild-- this great- grandchild of mine needs you to focus on all the energy you can muster up just to get well.", "J.T.: I see where Mac gets her bossiness.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "Kay: All right. Listen, I'll be-- I'll be back soon. Take care of him. Okay?", "Mac: Okay. So... with all the lyin' around you're doin', I'm gonna have to plan our wedding by myself...", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Mac: With our friends and their grudges and their differences, the seating chart alone could take months.", "J.T.: I love you.", "Mac: Well, you better, 'cause I have big plans for us-- wedding, honeymoon, baby, second baby.", "J.T.: (Chuckles) 50th wedding anniversary.", "Mac: I'm there. But you have to plan the party.", "Victoria: We have to pick up Reed. I was hoping that my mom could do it, but she said she was out somewhere and couldn't get to your house.", "Kay: Well, that's odd.", "Victoria: What?", "Kay: Well, she said she was going straightaway from here to the ranch.", "Billy: Did she say where she was?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Well, we got cut off.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kay: Oh, excuse me.", "Billy: Huh.", "Kay: Yes, hello?", "Victoria: Why would Mom say she was going home if she wasn't?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, you have been under a lot of stress lately.", "Nikki: Yes, I have. I-I have. I admit it. (Sighs) Murphy and--and--and now J.T., and the storm. I mean, look at that. That--that tree could have killed any one of us.", "Victor: But, Sweetheart, it didn't, all right?", "Nikki: (Sighs) We got lucky. What about next time? Victor, you are my anchor. You're the one that I can always count on, that I can have and hold always. I need to know that. So please, please reconsider about our elopement. I-I really need to have you as my husband.", "Victor: I have an appointment tomorrow I cannot get out of.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Victor: But the day after we'll fly to Vegas. How's that?", "Nikki: Okay. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "(Ring)", "Deacon: Yeah, I know. I know. Nikki went running back to Victor. Look, it's just gonna take a little more time for me to get her to fall for me.", "Meggie: We don't have time. They're planning to get married the day after tomorrow.", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "Meggie: We have to come up with some way to stop this wedding.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: You decided to stay in Genoa City.", "Diane: Best decision I've made in ages.", "Phyllis: We'll see about that.", "Nikki: Apparently you have a problem with our plans, and I'd like to know what it is.", "Adam: Is that a threat, Brother?", "Nick: It's what needs to be done." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick is angry at Victor for getting a court order for him to bring Faith to court and Victor tells Nick if he doesn't bring Faith to court he will do it himself. Avery tells Ricky to contact a newspaper Photographer and make sure that the photographer is in court to take an important picture. Adam wonders if Sharon intended to return home to him before she decided to let everyone think she had died. Sharon tells Adam that she did intend to return home to him and her children until she realized he would end up in jail for helping her escape. Sharon tells Adam that she decided to go on with her life because pretending to be dead was best for everyone she loved and then she tells Adam that Sam never replaced him in her heart and she wanted to marry him that day in jail but he left her at the alter. Sharon tells Adam that she doesn't need his help and she never wants to see his face again. Adam shows up in court and both Avery and Sharon wonder what he is up to Adam wishes Heather luck with the case today. Adam later tells Heather she did a good job with a witness in the case and when the court is adjourned for the day Adam invites Heather for a drink for old time sake and she accepts his invitation. Sharon spends a little time with Faith before going back to prison and the photographer takes a picture. Nick, Sam, and Victor are upset but Avery explains to them that she needs the picture to be in the newspapers tomorrow to sway the court of public opinion in favor of Sharon. Nick, Sharon, and Victor give Avery permission to use the picture but Nick makes it clear to Avery that he is mad at her for stooping so low as to use Faith.", "Billy tells Michael that he intends to see Victoria and save his marriage and Victor can take his deal and shove it. Michael tells Billy that Victoria asked him for another copy of the divorce papers because she hasn't signed them because she misplaced them. Billy hides in the bathroom of Kevin's hospital room and hears Victoria tell Kevin she is mad at Billy and if he returned home she would tell him that he has been a disappointment in her life. Billy is hurt when he hears Victoria's words and after she leaves Billy asks Kevin to help him sneak into Delia's room and say good-bye to his little girl before he leaves town. Kevin begrudgingly helps Billy sneak into Delia's room then Michael takes Billy back to the trailer. Victoria sits at home for a few minutes before she picks up a pen to sign the papers as she putts the pen over the paper she is startled by Sam's voice and spills coffee on the papers Sam offers to help Victoria dry the papers but she tells him its too late because the papers are ruined. Victor tells Billy he will leave town for good in a few days and if something happens with the transplant and Delia needs him again he will know exactly where he will be.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Spit it out, Adam. Say what you came here to say, and then leave. I'm on my way to court right now. I don't have time for your games.", "Adam: I'm not here to play games.", "Sharon: What then? What could you possibly want?", "Adam: To find out if after you left Genoa City, you ever thought about coming back to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: A court order.", "Victor: Let's discuss it in the hallway, all right?", "Nick: Yeah, let's do that.", "Ricky: Here's the research you asked for.", "Avery: Oh, great. And I have a favor, Ricky.", "Ricky: Name it.", "Avery: Looks like Sharon's daughter will be in court later today, so I want you to contact Stan Gilliam from \"The Chronicle.\" Make sure he's on the list of approved entrants.", "Ricky: No problem.", "Avery: And tell him to have his camera ready.", "Nick: I'm Faith's father.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I know what's best for her.", "Victor: Keeping her from her mother is not what's best for her, all right?", "Nick: Faith was so excited to see her mother last time. Then she was crushed afterwards when she didn't get to go home with her. And then she cried herself to sleep every night, Dad, and I'm not gonna put her through that again.", "Victor: Son, I respect your feelings. But you bring Faith to see her mother, or I'll bring her myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Hey.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Chloe: How you feelin'?", "Kevin: Okay. Just a little sore, like the doctor said.", "Chloe: Yeah. Poor thing. Can I get you anything? No? How about, um, a root beer float? A box of doughnuts? Your favorite.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) No, stop it. I'm good. How's Delia?", "Chloe: Uh, she's zonked out from surgery. But she's exceeding expectations.", "Kevin: That's awesome.", "Chloe: I know. (Sighs) It is. You're awesome.", "Kevin: No, stop it.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Don't start crying again, and don't say the thing that you always say when you start crying.", "Chloe: I mean, come on. How can I not thank you every minute of every day? You saved my daughter's life.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Billy: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Chuckles)", "(Door opens)", "Michael: Oh.", "Billy: (Sighs) Just walk right in. Give me a heart attack, why don't you?", "Michael: Good thing we're in a hospital.", "Billy: Yeah. (Clears throat) Can you get my shirt for me, please?", "Michael: Victor tells me everything went well.", "Billy: Yeah. Thank you. The procedure went well. My daughter now has my bone marrow. It should keep away that leukemia for good.", "Michael: Well, excellent.", "Billy: Yeah. Why are you here anyway?", "Michael: I've been enlisted by Victor to escort you from here to your trailer with no stops along the way.", "Billy: Mm. Well, as your boss would say... (Imitates Victor) \"Ain't going to happen.\"", "Michael: (Chuckles) Meaning?", "Billy: (Normal voice) Meaning the transplant's over. It's complete, and I am no longer underneath Victor's thumb, and I plan on breaking every rule that bastard dictated. First on that list is to go find my wife, let her know her husband is here to stay, and that our marriage is going to be rock-solid from here on out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I don't get it. Where could they be? I left them right here?", "Sam: Hey. (Sighs) I'm gonna head over to Sharon's trial. Keely's in the backyard chewin' on that rawhide bone that you gave him. Can I help you find something?", "Victoria: My... (Scoffs) I could have sworn I left my papers on the table right there. But I can't find them anywhere, and-- oh, you don't think that-- he couldn't have. But he's going through that \"Chewing through everything in his path\" phase. You don't think that the dog-- oh, Sam, I--that's it. I think --I think that-- I think the dog ate-- (Sighs)", "Sam: Your homework?", "Victoria: My divorce papers.", "Sam: Oh, okay.", "Victoria: Yeah, \"Oh.\"", "Sam: I am sorry about that.", "Victoria: No, it's okay. It's okay.", "Sam: I know that, uh, I know that you mentioned you were gonna take action, but, uh--", "Victoria: Yeah, and I did. The papers are all drawn up and... (Sighs) If I could just find them, all I have to do is sign the last page, and my marriage is over. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Look, Son. The trial isn't going very well for Avery, all right? The lack of solid evidence is very detrimental to the entire case. Sharon is longing to hold her. To see her daughter would help her get through this case, all right?", "Nick: Me refusing to bring our very young child to this circus doesn't mean I don't want to help Sharon, Dad. It's about that before you went behind my back to get a judge to get your way. Did you even think what's best for Faith?", "Victor: Are you accusing me of not thinking about the child? Of course I did.", "Nick: If you did, Dad, you wouldn't be pressing this issue. Why are you so compelled to reunite Sharon and Faith right now? What possible good can come from this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You can, uh take off now. Go tell Victor that I am off the clock, and he can take his threats and shove 'em... well, anywhere he'd like.", "Michael: (Chuckles) Mm-hmm. That's a right.., eloquent speech but before you go running off to Victoria expecting some sort of glorious reunion, I should inform you that she has had divorce papers drawn up.", "Billy: Ah, \"Big Daddy\" couldn't wait to wave 'em in my face. But she hasn't signed them?", "Michael: No. She hasn't signed them.", "Billy: Husband to husband, Michael, that tells me something right here.", "Michael: She hasn't signed them because she can't find the papers.", "Billy: (Clears throat) What?", "Michael: She called as I was leaving here requesting another draft of the documents because she had misplaced hers, and she also wanted to tell me that she was ready to sign--today so you should think about that before you, you know, decide to come out of hiding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: It's a big step, you know? Divorce. I've been there myself. You might want to have a close friend or family member there with you cause signing those papers can be pretty difficult.", "Victoria: Right, well, lawyer is a close family friend, and he'll be there. So I will be fine. I'll be okay. (Sighs)", "Sam: Sure if it's what you want.", "Victoria: (Sighs) No. No, it's not what I want. What I want is for Billy to be here with me in our dream house. I want to burn cookies together, and I want to wear ridiculous costumes.", "Sam: You...", "Victoria: For Halloween, which is his favorite holiday. That's what I want. But it's been so long since I've heard from Billy, I've been thinking that he's not coming back. So by signing these papers I'm letting go of the stupid idea and I'm moving forward with reality, and I really don't have any other choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Why are you bringing this up? None of this matters now.", "Adam: It does to me. I'd like to your reasons, why you did what you did, why you let people go on and believe that you were dead, and you were second guessing your decisions?", "Sharon: Of course I did. Do you really think that I could leave my kids and the man that I loved that I didn't have a ounce of remorse? But when I realized that I could never come back because you would have been thrown in a jail for helping me escape... (Sigh) I tried to start over.", "Adam: With Sam?", "Sharon: He never replaced you, Adam? In my heart. I tried to explain that to you when I was captured, but you wouldn't believe me, would you? (Sighs) And you really, really proved that when we were standing here in front of the chaplain in this very room. As I poured out my heart to you. That day. I told you how your love would keep me safe. Whatever came next, but I so wasn't ready for what came next. Adam, the way you ripped my heart out that day. And you shredded it right in front of me, so forgive me if I'm a little skeptical about you right now. I'm just trying to figure out how you're trying to save me now.", "Adam: I'm not. I simply had questions that need answers.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. And--and you needed those when I'm--when I'm on my way to court?", "Adam: Actually, I'm—well I've heard about, uh, what's been going on, and I know things aren't going too well.", "Sharon: Right. Because of where I am!", "Adam: Well, maybe I can help turn things around.", "Sharon: Are you kidding me? (Scoffs) That's--that's the on what you came here today, isn't it? Because you--you want to gloat about how things aren't going so well for me? And tease me about how you can be my savior. So listen to me. Listen really close to what I'm about to say. I will never trust you again, and I'll never want your so-called help.", "(Door opens)", "Woman: Time to head to the courthouse.", "Sharon: There's one thing that I want from you, and that's to never, ever see your face ever again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know what? (Sighs) As soon as Victoria finds out that I'm in town, I'm sure she'll change her mind about this divorce.", "Michael: I know this is a useless thing to ask, but do you think it's worth risking the wrath of Victor Newman, to considering the lengths he's already gone through to keep you away from his daughter? Not to mention--", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got the sword of Myanmar to hold over my head.", "Michael: He's not afraid to use it.", "Billy: I assume he told you what happened over there.", "Michael: It's no concern of mine.", "Billy: You just follow that guy blindly, don't you? As long as the checks clear, it's fine, right?", "Michael: How do you think Victoria will feel if she finds out... about that? Not to mention the fact that you've been hiding in plain sight and haven't been in touch with her? I'm just sayin'. You might have a little trouble convincing her there's a marriage to salvage.", "(Cell phone alert)", "Michael: (Sighs) I have to make a phone call. We'll be heading back to your trailer when I come back, all right?", "Billy: (Groans) Yeah. (Sighs)", "Victoria: Michael, hey.", "Michael: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Michael: Well, I'm surprised to see you here.", "Victoria: I came to check on Delia. But since I ran into you, uh, if you happen to have those divorce papers on you, I'd go ahead and sign them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Good luck today, Ms. Stevens. You're gonna need it.", "Ricky: Hey, Heather.", "Heather: (Sighs) Ricky, hi.", "Ricky: (Chuckles) Well, I guess it's time to take off my brother hat and put on my adversary that, huh?", "Heather: (Chuckles) Helps to have a sense of humor about it, I suppose.", "Ricky: Yeah. I gotta check in with Avery.", "Ricky: Stan's here.", "Avery: Perfect. A jailhouse birdie told me you had a visitor today.", "Sharon: Yeah. It was really bizarre.", "Avery: How?", "Sharon: Adam wanted to rehash the reason why I let everyone think I was dead, and he was very calm, almost too calm, when I told him basically to go to hell. I think he's up to something.", "Avery: Oh, when is he not?", "Heather: That's not a problem, Spencer. I understand how important the Zavala depo is. I-I've got it covered here. There won't be another screw-up like there was with Adam, if that's what you're asking. Great. I'll keep you posted. Good-bye.", "Adam: Heather, hold up a sec. I, um, just wanted to wish you luck in there today.", "Heather: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I know. I know. You're feelin' all icky, and you just want to get sprung from here. I-I can't believe they have you waiting. I mean, a hero should get priority.", "Kevin: Well, the nurse said they were just working on some paperwork, and can you please stop with this hero stuff? I didn't do anything.", "Chloe: You know what? You're right. You're so right. You only saved my daughter's life.", "Kevin: Chloe--", "Chloe: And... you being so humble just makes you even more adorable. Mwah!", "Kevin: Go. Go check on Delia. I'll find out what the holdup is here.", "Chloe: Okay. Maybe she's awed by you. And I can just remind her of how amazing you are.", "Billy: (Quietly) Hey.", "Kevin: (Quietly) What are you doing here?", "Billy: I came to check your vitals, Man, and I gave the guard the slip.", "Kevin: Dude, you just missed Chloe.", "Billy: Yeah, well, near misses are kind of my thing these days.", "Kevin: What? Are you expecting someone?", "Billy: Yeah, your brother-- my designated jailer. I gave him the slip, too. Now look. I need your help.", "Kevin: Forget it.", "Billy: No, no, no, come on. Look, I-I thought you could help. I was gonna stick around. If I decided to leave, I need to see DeeDee one more time and say good-bye. And you're the only person who can make that happen so.....", "Kevin: Did the doctor give you a lobotomy while you were under?", "Billy: I'm serious, Kevin. I want to see my daughter.", "Kevin: Does that mean you're ready to step up and take credit for saving her life? Let everybody know that you're back in town? 'Cause that is the only way that I will agree to help you. Delia does not need to get all excited thinkin' that her dad is back if you're just gonna go and disappear again.", "Billy: Okay, look. (Clears throat) The doctor said that she's under a mild sedative which means she's gonna sleep all day. She won't even realize I'm there, and I need to see my daughter, my little, brave daughter who just went through hell today. So help me out, okay?", "Kevin: (Scoffs)", "Billy: Please?", "(Knock on door)", "Victoria: Hey, Kev? Can I come in?", "Kevin: Uh, wha-- just a second.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Kevin: Sorry about that. I was in the bathroom.", "Victoria: Oh, no, it's okay. Feelin' okay?", "Kevin: Uh, yeah, yeah, good. I'm feelin' good.", "Victoria: Um, listen. I know that you're probably sick and tired of hearing this, but what you did for Delia was truly, truly incredible, and if Billy knew about it, I know that he'd be grateful, and he probably wouldn't call you a-a rodent anymore. At least he wouldn't call you it to your face.", "Kevin: Thanks. Thanks for stopping by.", "Victoria: Because the truth of the matter is... is that Billy is the rat, and I'm really angry at him right now, and I truly thought that he had changed, and I thought that he had matured a lot, but after this disappearing act, I'm telling you, if I saw him again, I would definitely tell him what a disappointment he's been in my life.", "Kevin: Um, look, my mom is gonna be here to pick me up soon, and I have to finish packing.", "Victoria: Oh. Oh, yeah. Of course. I'm sorry. Um, do you need any help with anything?", "Kevin: No, no, no, I'm good.", "Victoria: Are you sure? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to unload all that on you.", "Kevin: Oh, please, don't worry about it.", "Victoria: Okay, well, take it easy. I mean it, okay? Bye.", "Kevin: All right. Thank you. Bye. It's like half this town is walking around the hospital. (Sighs) Okay, first off, there is no way that I can get you anywhere near Delia's room, let alone inside to see her. (Sighs)", "Billy: Yeah, I guess I'm just gonna have to do this by myself.", "Kevin: No, no, Billy. You can't. You can't go out there. You cannot go out there. Billy, my God. You are such a pain in the ass.", "Victoria: Hey. How's she doing?", "Chloe: Hey. She's a champ. The doctor says that she's tolerating the infusion really nicely, and she's just sleeping a lot, which is to be expected.", "Victoria: Good. I stopped by Kevin's room. He should be ready to go soon.", "Gloria: Good. Then I can take him home and baby him. (Chuckles) Michael.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Gloria: Everything okay?", "Michael: Yeah, everything's-- everything's peachy. Uh, I came to check on Kevin. I thought I'd stop in and see Delia, too. She looks good.", "Chloe: She does, doesn't she?", "Gloria: Kevin did that. He made her better.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Gloria: Oh, that's good news. Victoria's saying that Kevin's about ready to go home.", "Michael: Oh, great. Uh, you go ahead. I'll catch up.", "Victoria: Michael, actually, I was hoping to discuss that legal matter.", "Michael: Right. Let's go.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Kevin: (Quietly) You know, for somebody who just had bone marrow sucked out of him, you're moving really fast.", "Billy: (Quietly) Shh, shh. Chloe's in there. Hey, can--can you go in there and get Chloe? Get her to leave for a few minutes so I can say good-bye to my daughter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Adam showed up. What do you think he's trying to accomplish?", "Avery: I think he's trying to upset you. Ignore him.", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Adam: Nice to see you, too, Dad.", "Victor: You have no business here.", "Adam: Presumptuous as always.", "Sharon: (Gasps) Nick brought Faith.", "Avery: Oh.", "Sharon: Oh, I hope this doesn't confuse her like last time. (Sighs)", "Man: All rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Henry P. Morrison presiding.", "Judge Morrison: Ms. Stevens, call your next witness.", "Heather: Your honor, uh, the state calls Melanie Albin to the stand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay.", "Michael: Oh, hey.", "Victoria: Gloria's waiting for Kevin to come back.", "Michael: Any idea where he went?", "Victoria: Uh, the nurse wasn't sure. You okay?", "Michael: Huh? Oh, yes. Um, Chantal texted me. Another set of divorce documents are en route to your house.", "Victoria: Good. Okay. I'll have them back to you later today, okay? (Sighs)", "Michael: You sound at peace with your decision. Are you really?", "Victoria: Well, if I had an employee who pulled a no-call, no-show and never came back to work, I would terminate that employee, and I would move on. So it's the same thing with an absentee husband. I think it's time I cut my losses. Wouldn't you agree, Michael?", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Michael: Oh. I'm so sorry. Uh, excuse me. Um, I'm sor-- I'm gonna go see if Kevin's in his room, all right?", "Victoria: Yeah, okay.", "Michael: I-I'll be back.", "(Door opens)", "Chloe: Yeah, I want some.", "Victoria: Oh, hey, um, Michael was just looking for you.", "Kevin: I'll bet.", "Chloe: Hey, we're gonna go grab some hot chocolate. You want to come?", "Victoria: Oh, thanks. That sounds great, but I need to get home, so I'll see you two later.", "Chloe: Okay, bye. Oh, I-I left my purse in the room.", "Kevin: Oh, you know what? I've, uh, I've got cash.", "Chloe: No, well, you know what? I have a picture of Delia, and I want to show it to the caf--", "Kevin: I have that one on my phone. Come here. Come here.", "Chloe: What do you mean? What are you doing?", "Kevin: Come here. Come here. Come here.", "Chloe: (Squeals) Mm.", "Billy: (Quietly) Well, we did it. You did it. You're all good as new.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: And would you say that the hostile encounter that you witnessed on October 27, 2010, confirms that there was bad blood between the defendant and Skye Newman?", "Melanie: Definitely.", "Heather: Thank you very much, Ms. Albin. No further questions, your honor.", "Avery: Get your witness to speculate much?", "Heather: I noticed that you didn't object.", "Avery: Why waste my breath when I'm about to have her for lunch?", "Judge Morrison: Ms. Clark?", "Avery: Mm. You testified that Skye Lockhart entered Gloworm, made a beeline for my client, grabbed her arm, and harsh words were exchanged. Correct?", "Melanie: Yes.", "Avery: So you heard what they were saying.", "Melanie: No, but I could tell it was a heated argument.", "Avery: Oh, but for all you know, they were bickering about who was supposed to pick up the dry cleaning?", "Melanie: Either way, you can tell they didn't like each other.", "Avery: A simple yes or no would have been fine. No further questions.", "Judge Morrison: We'll take a brief recess. (Bangs gavel)", "Faith: See?", "Nick: Yeah, I know.", "Faith: No.", "Nick: Okay, come on.", "Faith: No.", "Nick: Here we go.", "Sharon: Hey, Baby.", "Man: No physical contact.", "Nick: Hey, get the hell outta my face.", "Sam: You know, I'll take care of this guy.", "Avery: Sam, Sam, let him go. I asked him to take that picture of Sharon and Faith.", "Nick: Why would you do that?", "Avery: Because I want that picture on the front page of every newspaper tomorrow.", "Nick: Are you kidding me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Mm. (Laughs) Wow.", "Kevin: Good \"Wow\"?", "Chloe: Yeah, good \"Wow.\" Uh, what--what was that about?", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: You know, you've just been so focused on Delia and the transplant 24/7, and when you're not taking care of her, you're telling anyone who will listen that I'm some sort of savior, and you're talkin' about how much I mean to you, and I just thought that, uh, you deserved some attention, and I just think you're so great, and you're such a great mom, and that kiss was my way of telling you how much you mean to me.", "Chloe: For that, you deserve some hot chocolate. I'm gonna go get my purse.", "Kevin: Ow! Ow! Aah! Aah!", "Chloe: Oh, oh, what's wrong? What's wrong?", "Kevin: Oh, my back. My back.", "Chloe: Okay, okay, I'm gonna get a nurse.", "Kevin: No, no, um, um, maybe if you could just get, uh, my pain medication? I don't think I can make it all the way back to my room. (Groans)", "Chloe: Okay, sit. Sit. All right, wh-where is it?", "Kevin: Oh, uh, uh, the table next to the bed maybe? I'll just wait here.", "Chloe: Okay, all right. Okay, I'll be right back. You're sure you're okay?", "Kevin: Okay, thanks. I'm great, yeah.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Kevin: (Exhales) (Whispering) Dude, you have to come with me now! Chloe's gonna be back any minute. Let's go. Let's go! Billy, we gotta go. Come on.", "Billy: (Whispers) Good-bye, Sweet Girl.", "Kevin: Let's go.", "Michael: I knew it. I knew it. Come on. Come on. Now!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Morrison: Due to a scheduling conflict with the prosecution's next witness, I'm dismissing court early today. The clerk will let you all know when we're reconvening. We're adjourned. (Bangs gavel)", "Man: All rise.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Faith: My blankie. My--", "Sharon: Hi, Baby.", "Nick: Were you a part of this setup with the reporter, Dad?", "Victor: No, Son, I was not. Avery, would you kindly explain yourself?", "Avery: Word on the street is that the trial is not going well. We need to sway public sympathy in Sharon's favor.", "Nick: By exploiting our child?", "Avery: That picture shows Sharon as a loving mother who is heartbroken about being separated from her children, not a cold-blooded killer. The court of public opinion has an enormous influence on the D.A., especially since he's an elected official. And I see none of you agrees with my tactics.", "Sharon: Well, you could have told us about your plan.", "Avery: And risked the photo looking staged? These days, John Q. Public can spot a fake a mile away.", "Victor: I think you're making a good point, Avery.", "Nick: Sharon?", "Sharon: If it helps my case and it gets me home to my kids faster, then I just... I say use it.", "Avery: Ricky.", "Ricky: I'm on it.", "Avery: Okay. (Sighs)", "Nick: Give mommy five.", "Sam: Faith sure looks happy to see her mom.", "Faith: Over there?", "Nick: Yeah, she is.", "Sharon: I miss you, too, Baby.", "Faith: Go over there? Go over there.", "Sharon: I do.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Sure.", "Faith: I'll get my blankie.", "Victor: You're cute as a button. You're adorable. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.", "Adam: Counselor, you were spot-on today.", "Nick: (Gasps) What's that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: That was a stupid thing to pull.", "Kevin: I was trying to tell him that.", "Billy: Just back off. I had to say good-bye to DeeDee. Nobody saw me. She was asleep the whole time.", "Michael: All right. Um, get your things together. We're going back to the trailer, and let's just hope that victor doesn't find out about the stunt you pulled.", "Kevin: And if he does, you keep my name out of it.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Michael: Okay. Head straight to the elevator. Stay in front of me so I can keep an eye on you. Hmm?", "Billy: What, no wheelchair parade?", "Michael: (Chuckles) Move.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay, can you say good-bye to mommy? Tell her it was so nice to see her?", "Faith: Bye, Mommy.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: Bye, Baby. I miss you. I miss you so much.", "Nick: Can you say, \"Love you, Mommy\"? Hmm?", "Sharon: I love you. I love you, Baby.", "Faith: It's not going.", "Nick: It's okay. I'll fix it.", "Avery: I really appreciate you bring--", "Nick: Don't. Don't do that. Don't thank me. What you did today was not cool.", "Faith: (Babbles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Adam: So... (Sighs) Buy you a drink?", "Heather: Sure. Yeah, it'll give me a chance to figure out what's going on with you.", "Adam: Ahh. No, nothing's going on. I--we were close once, and just consider it two old friends hanging out.", "Heather: Just like old times. Doubtful. But, uh, yeah. Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Kevin, you okay? You want a glass of water or anything?", "Kevin: I'm fine, Mom.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Well, it looks like someone's waking up.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Hi. Hi, Baby Girl.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Hi.", "Chloe: Did you dream about unicorns and pretty princesses? Look who came to visit you. It's Gloria and Kevin.", "Gloria: Hey, Delia.", "Delia: Kevin made me all better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Sam: Keely! Come on, Dude.", "Victoria: Aah! (Scoffs)", "Sam: Okay, you know what? I'm gonna--let me--let me-- let me grab a towel. We'll dry it off. It'll be fine, all right?", "Victoria: No, it's too late. It's ruined. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Of course. Of course, you're here.", "Victor: Michael, thank you for keeping an eye on this one.", "Michael: No problem.", "Victor: After a few days of recovering, you will leave town for good.", "Billy: Yeah, well, uh, what if something goes wrong with the transplant, and they need me?", "Victor: Don't you worry about that. I know where you will be.", "Billy: (Sighs) (Inhales sharply)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Tucker: That woman tried to keep my son from me and suddenly, you're her houseguest?", "Kevin: The Gloworm account has been completely drained.", "Jill: Is there anything you need to tell me? 'Cause if there is, now is the time to do it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki finds Victor on the floor in his office at Newman Enterprises and rushes him to the hospital. Victor is diagnosed with swelling in the brain due to the concussion he suffered when he fell off his horse and the second concussion he suffered after the explosion that happened when he was working on the docks in California. Katherine advises Victor to spend time with his family and forget about his fight to get the company back from Jack. Jack is visited by the ghost of his father John Abbot who tells him that he is ashamed of his actions against the Newmans. He only took their company because he was mad that Nikki went back to Victor again. Victoria, Nick, and Abby and tells them he has made a decision that will affect their future.", "Billy can't stand to see Victoria so heartbroken about losing Newman Enterprises so he agrees to spy on Jack for her and take the job at Newman. Jack is thrilled. Sharon reaches out to Adam for help after she starts seeing visions of Nick, Noah, and Victor telling her she has ruined her life. Adam lies to Chelsea about Sharon's two phone calls to him and rushes to Victor's house after Sharon's second plea for help. Sharon continues to be tormented by the voices as she drinks then pours the bottle of alcohol all over Victor's living room and sets the curtains on fire.", "" ]
[ "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Victor, I thought-- oh, my God. My God, Victor! Victor! Oh, my God, Victor, Victor! Victor, wake up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey. Johnny finally go down?", "Victoria: Yeah, he conked out right away... but I fell asleep right after him.", "Billy: You were taking a nap up there?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yes. When have you ever known me to doze off like that? I think it's all this stress with Jack and my dad. It's just starting to get to me.", "Billy: All right, all right, all right, all right. Come here, come here, come here.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: You know this is all gonna pass, right?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: We'll get back to some semblance of our normal lives very soon.", "Victoria: What exactly does that look like?", "Billy: What does that look like?", "Victoria: This \"Semblance\" that you speak of?", "Billy: The semblance I speak of? Last week. Remember that?", "Victoria: I don't think that we can go back to that. I mean, everything's changing, and for better or for worse, things are gonna be really different.", "Billy: Mm.", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Victoria: (Shudders)", "Billy: (Laughs) What?", "Victoria: You're vibrating.", "Billy: Maybe I just like you.", "Victoria: Your phone.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. It's Jack, probably. He can leave another message.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Is he still gloating?", "Billy: I haven't listened, but probably.", "Victoria: Billy, you know, I'm thinking that maybe it would help if you accepted Jack's job offer.", "Billy: You want me to spy on my brother for you?", "Victoria: I'm not asking you to spy...", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: And it's not just for me.", "Billy: Oh, no, here we go! It's your father, your brother, your mother--no, your sister.", "Victoria: And Johnny! This shouldn't be about Jack and my dad. This should be about our future and our children's future.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Not answering my phone calls is not gonna help you, Billy. I am not gonna let up on the familial pressure until you consider my offer. Come on, Brother, we can do great things together. Come work for me at Newman, or as I like to call it these days, \"Abbott Enterprises.\" (Chuckles) Seriously, call me.", "John: Bringing your little brother into this mess?", "Jack: Hey, Dad.", "John: Surprised to see me?", "Jack: Not really. I thought maybe you'd show up to celebrate with me. It's a great day for the Abbotts. I'm sure you're every bit as proud as I am. We finally bested the Newmans.", "John: I'm ashamed of you, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Would you put that thing away? I did not get a babysitter so I could watch my husband conduct business all evening.", "Cane: I know. I'm just trying to keep in touch with Jack, 'cause, see, if he steps in to run Newman, it means he'll need someone to run Jabot.", "Lily: Do you think he would promote you?", "Cane: I mean, I hope so. I think he, um...", "Genevieve: Okay, look, I know you're both still upset.", "Cane: And you don't think that we have a reason to be, do you?", "Genevieve: I would never hire anyone to impersonate my daughter. She's lying. What can I--what can I say to convince you of that?", "Lily: How could a complete stranger know enough to just make this up?", "Genevieve: I don't know. But why don't you bring her down here and--and let's find out, okay? Because if I'm face-to-face with her, I can prove to you that I had nothing to do with this woman tormenting us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Sharon remembering]", "Nikki: I don't trust you, Sharon. It's not Nicholas you love. It's what he has.", "Sharon: You are so off base.", "Nikki: Well, time will tell, won't it?", "Sharon: You're not even gonna give me a chance, are you?", "Nikki: This marriage won't last a year.", "Nick: Why, 'cause you got your mind made up? Because you're determined to destroy our family?", "Victoria: You're fired from Newman Cosmetics, and I wouldn't go to Nick to beg for your position back, because I doubt he'd feel differently.", "Noah: I'm ashamed of what you've been doing, Mom. Okay, you need to take a long, hard look at your life and make some serious changes, and until you do, we have nothing to say to each other.", "Victor: The prenup won't matter, because I've filed an annulment that'll come through soon. This marriage never happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I-I thought you would be thrilled. We are number one, Dad.", "John: And what does it matter, Jack, if you've given up all of your principles to get there?", "Jack: I have done no such thing. I am running our company the same way you taught me.", "John: Oh, please. I just wish that were true.", "Jack: You can't begin to fathom what I have done to put our company on top.", "John: Oh, you're right, Son, I can't. And with all this maneuvering, do you ever wake up and wonder, what exactly do I own, and who are all these people that work for me?", "Jack: If you were in my position, you would do the same thing.", "John: No. Everything I ever did for Jabot was to help my family.", "Jack: This is about family! It is! This is about the Abbotts finally besting the Newmans.", "John: (Laughs) No, Jack, it's about you versus Victor. That's all. No one benefits from this but you, and you will destroy everyone around you who gets in your way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Uncle Jack is really out of line this time. How do we stop this?", "Nick: Abby, you need to take it down a notch.", "Abby: No, I've had it! He's messed with my father, brother, and sister, and now I'm gonna mess him up.", "Nick: How are you gonna do that?", "Abby: I am resourceful and tenacious, and I know how to write a strongly worded letter.", "Nick: Okay, no matter what you say to Jack, it's not gonna change anything. He's spent his entire life looking for revenge against Dad. Well, now he's finally got it.", "Abby: Are you seriously saying that you don't want to beat him into a pulp?", "Nick: Well, I did, but... (Sighs) There's more to life than Newman Enterprises.", "Abby: Wh-what is this alien life-form that's taken over your body?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: (Chuckles) Hey, Mom. What happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Jack... don't you realize that this \"Take no prisoners\" attitude can only serve to hurt you?", "Jack: It feels just great right now.", "John: Oh, and it was essential to take over Victor's company.", "Jack: You bet it was.", "John: Oh, and what about your niece Abby, Nick, and Victoria?", "Jack: I can't worry about them right now!", "John: Ohh. (Chuckles)", "Jack: Besides, they will always, always back Victor.", "John: And why shouldn't they? He's their father.", "Jack: Yeah, and you're my father. Why don't you support me?", "John: Oh, so that's what this is about. You want my approval, my support, that I should tell you what a terrific job you're doing, Jackie!", "Jack: No, no, I don't expect that. No, I don't hold any illusions like that. We agree-- I did this all for me. (Slams glass down)", "John: To get back at Nikki?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So the doctors still don't know why this happened to your father, but they're running tests now.", "Abby: Shouldn't someone call Adam? Not a fan, but he is Dad's son.", "Victoria: A son who helped Jack steal the company away from us.", "Nick: After what Adam has done, he's not going anywhere near Dad.", "Doctor: Sorry for the wait.", "Nikki: Oh, that's quite all right. These are Victor's children. What can you tell us, Doctor?", "Doctor: Well, we're still waiting for the final results, but we do have a preliminary diagnosis.", "Victoria: What is it?", "Doctor: It appears that Mr. Newman may have suffered second impact syndrome and collapsed due to a double concussion he sustained.", "Abby: He was thrown from a horse. Did you know that?", "Nikki: Yes, I filled the doctor in on Victor's medical history.", "Doctor: We think that fall may have been the first concussion, which went untreated, and then there was the explosion you mentioned.", "Nikki: Yes, at the dock in Los Angeles.", "Victoria: Can we see our father, please?", "Doctor: Right now, Mr. Newman needs rest and quiet. I'll allow one visitor at a time, but not all of you.", "Nick: Then we'll wait.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: My father was rushed to the hospital.", "Chelsea: What? Is it serious?", "Adam: Seems like it could be.", "Chelsea: Do you want to go over there, see him?", "Adam: What would be the point?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Chuckles slyly) I see they didn't change the locks. (Chuckles) Victor! Nikki! Vera, Bonnie! The current Mrs. Newman is home!", "[Sharon remembering]", "Victor: You do not belong here.", "Sharon: I wasn't doing anything!", "Victor: It's what you have already done. You have pushed away the people who love you. You deserve your loneliness.", "Sharon: That's not true!", "Nick: Yes, it is. You deserve to lose every good thing you ever had, Sharon, and you did it to yourself.", "Sharon: No!", "Nick: Look at you. You're horrible. I don't even recognize you anymore.", "Sharon: (Voice breaking) Don't say that.", "Victor: Get out of my house!", "Sharon: This should have been my house, too!", "Noah: What's happened to you, Mom? Why do you hate yourself so much?", "Sharon: Stop it. Leave me alone, all of you! Leave me alone! (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Hello, Genevieve.", "Genevieve: Who are you?", "Woman: Are you going to pretend we've never met?", "Genevieve: I've never seen this girl before in my life.", "Woman: You're calling me a liar.", "Genevieve: Okay, so where did you find her and how?", "Cane: The head of security said there was a lady who checked in at the club under the name of Claude Shirl.", "Genevieve: What's your real name?", "Woman: (Sighs) I already told you, she put me up to this.", "Genevieve: Prove it.", "Woman: She booked my room and told me to register under that name.", "Genevieve: Who's paying you to do this?", "Woman: You. Are you also going to deny being married to that criminal Colin or that Cane had a twin or that you had a daughter named Samantha?", "Genevieve: All common knowledge, my dear.", "Woman: What about this-- that even though you were an American living in Australia, you sang your children to sleep with a French lullaby.", "Genevieve: That's a good guess.", "Woman: And your daughter had a kitten.", "Cane: What was its name?", "Woman: Your mother named it Rick, after the Bogart character in \"Casablanca.\"", "Cane: How would she know these things, Mom?", "Genevieve: All I know is that I didn't hire her.", "Cane: Will you please just tell me the truth? Will you please tell me why you brought this girl here and what you possibly thought you would achieve by making me think Samantha is still alive? Just tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Ohh, I need to be with him. I'm feeling anxious right now just being away from him. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be selfish.", "Victoria: Mom, we understand, don't we?", "Nick: Eh, the doctor said he's probably gonna sleep through the night anyway.", "Nikki: Well, I'll let your father know how concerned you all are.", "Victoria: Yeah, just be sure to call us right away if there's any changes.", "Nikki: Of course.", "Victoria: All right, don't push yourself too hard. We're here for you if you need us, okay?", "Nikki: I know, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: All right. Come on, Abby.", "Nick: You gonna be all right?", "Nikki: Yeah. But I gotta say, when I found your father lying on the floor, I-I really thought...", "Nick: That he was dead?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Jack did this to him. He's the reason your father is in this hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You're gonna act like your father isn't sick and it's just business as usual, hmm? (Exhales slowly)", "Adam: Have you heard my phone ring? Have my brother or sisters bothered to call me? Besides, the last time I was with Nicholas, let's just say I'm not too interested in seeing him anytime soon.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, you wouldn't be going there to see Nicholas. Victor might really appreciate--", "Adam: I'm not wanted there, Chelsea. I would just cause too much tension.", "Chelsea: What do you think caused this? I mean, Jack Abbott makes his move and Victor keels over. I'm not a doctor, but I can connect the dots.", "Adam: I hope not. I really hope not.", "Chelsea: See? You do care.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Adam: It's Kevin.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: This is Adam. Is anyone there?", "Sharon: (Gasps) (Gasps) (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: There is always going to be collateral damage, Dad. You know that. I can't let that affect my decisions. I am proud of what I've done. If you're not proud of--", "(Loud knock on door)", "Nick: Open up, Jack!", "Nick: Your actions put my dad in the hospital. You happy now?", "Jack: Well, forgive me if I don't suddenly mourn the demise of Victor Newman. (Chuckles) I just attended his funeral.", "Nick: (Growling)", "Jack: Do you want to punch me, Nick?", "Nick: I want to put your head through this wall!", "Jack: Go ahead. I don't blame you. Might make you feel better, but it won't help you get Newman back. Look, I'd say I'm sorry, but I don't do pity.", "Nick: You think I want pity?", "Jack: No, that's not your style.", "Nick: We used to be friends.", "Jack: You came here to tell me something. What was it?", "Nick: I came to tell you you can go straight to hell.", "Jack: Fine. Duly noted.", "Nick: What is wrong with you? I hate what I see happening to you.", "Jack: And what would that be, Nick?", "Nick: You were right to despise my dad for all the heartless things he's done all these years, but what is crazy to me is you are choosing to go down the same path. You gotta turn this around, Jack.", "Jack: Now why would I do that?", "Nick: So you can live with yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: How's Victor?", "Victoria: (Sighs) He's in stable condition and he's resting right now. (Sighs) You know... losing Newman was one thing, but losing my dad...", "Billy: Okay, hold on.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: We're talking about vicious Victor Newman here. This is just a setback. Besides, he wouldn't give Jack that type of satisfaction.", "Victoria: But, Billy, I know how much this is tearing my father up inside... because a part of me died when Jack took over the company.", "Billy: Vick, don't--", "Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry. I know, I know. Look, I know I shouldn't be falling apart over a business... (Sniffles) And I am grateful for you and for Johnny and for Reed and my family. I am.", "Billy: But you're grieving Newman.", "Victoria: I know. I know, I know, I know. It's just a company.", "Billy: Ahh, don't do that. It's not \"Just a company.\" That particular hunk of brick and mortar is the place where you worked-- not collected a dividend check, but you worked to make yourself and the world better.", "Victoria: Have you been taking great husband classes or something? Because what you just said right there was kind of perfect.", "Billy: I know how you've been feeling about Victor.", "Victoria: I know he's been awful to us, but...", "Billy: Ruthless tendencies aside, the man is still your father, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about mine and wish he were here.", "Victoria: He almost died, Billy, and I just felt so useless.", "Billy: I know. Come here.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: You know that thing you asked? The answer is yes.", "Victoria: Really? Really, you would do that?", "Billy: Yeah, I'll be your spy. I'll betray Jack. Yeah, if that's what's necessary to make everything right, I'll do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I love you so much, but you know that. What you might not know is how terrified we all are. So you need to open those eyes. Don't make us wait another second, darling. Please come back to us. Come back to me.", "Victor: Nikki?", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, you're awake! How do you feel? No, no, no, don't talk. Don't say a word. Stay very still and calm, okay? I'll be right back.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: I'll be right back. Dr. Martin!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So nothing I say is gonna make you feel bad for what you did?", "Jack: You didn't really think it would, did you?", "Nick: Yeah, actually, I did, but what I find most disturbing is somewhere along the road, you lost your soul.", "Jack: (Exhales slowly)", "John: He's right, Jack. You have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I am so sorry I couldn't get here sooner, Darling. I turned my phone off. I didn't get the message.", "Nikki: Oh, listen, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Victor's awake.", "Kay: Oh, he's talking? I mean, is he all right?", "Nikki: Well, all I know is he smiled at me.", "Kay: Oh.", "Nikki: The doctors are examining him now, and the kids are on their way back here.", "Kay: Oh, my God, you must have been frantic. Oh, Sweetheart, I-- listen, by the way, I, uh, I, uh, heard about Jack's takeover.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. It was horrible, and Victor was anticipating something, but not this soon, and Nicholas and Victoria-- they love Newman, but they will bounce back. They'll keep fighting.", "Kay: Yes, yes, of course.", "Nikki: Well, I thought that Victor would, as well, until I found him in the office. I mean, I just got him back, Katherine, and the thought of losing him again--", "Kay: Oh, now, Dear, cast that thought from your mind. Cast those thoughts from your mind. I mean, uh... you saw the man smile at you?", "Nikki: Yes, he did.", "Kay: Well, and smiling men don't die. (Chuckles)", "Nikki: (Laughs)", "Kay: What did the doctor say?", "Nikki: That Victor is a very lucky man. We dodged a bullet today, Katherine.", "Kay: Nothing or no one can keep that man down long. You know that. Because-- here. He just has everything to live for, Nikki, everything.", "(Door opens)", "Nikki: Doctor, how is he?", "Dr. Martin: Uh, still conscious, and my initial diagnosis has been confirmed. Mr. Newman's brain swelled as a result of the two untreated concussions.", "Kay: Uh, yes, but that, uh, that is treatable, is it not?", "Dr. Martin: We've given him anti-inflammatory medication. Uh, right now, he needs bed rest, and he must take it easy.", "Kay: Now, come on. He's gonna pull through.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: What do you want?", "Adam: Sharon. What's going on? Where--where are you?", "Sharon: (Sighs) (Voice breaking) Adam.", "Adam: What happened?", "Sharon: I don't know.", "Adam: Where are you?", "Sharon: Help me! Help me.", "Adam: Where are you?", "Sharon: Victor's house.", "Adam: I'm on my way.", "Chelsea: Who was that on the phone?", "Adam: Kevin met with a client, screwed things up.", "Chelsea: How? What did he do?", "Adam: I just--I gotta go do some damage control.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[Sharon remembering]", "Noah: What's happened to you, Mom? Why do you hate yourself so much?", "(Glass shatters)", "Nikki: You're stupid.", "Victor: I have lost all respect for you.", "Nikki: Look at everything you've thrown away.", "Victor: You are nothing but a loser.", "Nikki: Loser!", "Sharon: (Grunts)", "Victor: You don't belong here.", "Sharon: (Grunts) Stop it! Stop it, stop it!", "Nick: You deserve to lose every good thing you ever had, Sharon, and you did it to yourself.", "Sharon: (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Son, you have got to give me the benefit of the doubt. The girl is lying. She's plotting something.", "Cane: She just admitted to being hired to spook us, Mom, so why would she do it? What does that buy her?", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Lily, please, can you reach him?", "Lily: What do you want to do?", "Cane: I want to get out of here, that's what I want to do.", "Lily: Okay, let's go home.", "Cane: And I'm sorry for this evening.", "Lily: It's okay.", "Genevieve: Who put you up to this?", "Woman: You. You approached me in June, paying me very well to gaslight your son with gifts for his twins, e-mails with nicknames Ethan only shared with Samantha, all to make Ethan think that his sister was still alive.", "Genevieve: Mm. And how is it that I can't remember any of that?", "Woman: Maybe it was such an awful thing, a terrible thing for a mother to do to her own child, that you blocked it out.", "Genevieve: I know you're lying, young lady, and I promise you, I will get to the bottom of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Okay, how's your head?", "Victor: Well, it's still attached, so ain't too bad.", "Kay: (Laughs) Well, then you're gonna recover.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Kay: You know what, Friend? We're cut from the same cloth. When in jeopardy, we just come out swinging.", "Victor: Will you do me a favor?", "Kay: You have it.", "Victor: Will you make sure that Nikki stays strong as long as I'm in here?", "Kay: Okay, and what are you planning, Victor?", "Victor: What do you think?", "Kay: To fight Jack, to get the company back. Oh, God. Dare I be honest with you? You've been given a wake-up call. Yeah, a wake-up call, a message, uh, perhaps, that says your, uh, waging battles against greedy corporate raiders...", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Are over.", "Victor: If you had a chance to... run your company again, wouldn't you want to change the things that you knew had to be changed?", "Kay: But I'm not you.", "Victor: Yeah, but you would keep fighting, wouldn't you?", "Kay: Well, if I were in your position, but I'm not in your position... (Chuckles) Which I, uh, might remind you, uh, is currently lying in a hospital bed.", "Victor: But as you said, you and I are cut from the same cloth, Katherine. And when I'm down and out, lying on my back... I lash out even more. I fight harder.", "Kay: Does this mean you're going to risk your health and, uh, well-being of your loved ones just to fight one Jack Abbott?", "Victor: I have a feeling there's more than one-- just Jack Abbott, you know? I have a feeling I'm gonna have to fight a few other people. No, I think you'd do the same.", "Kay: If I were you, I know what I would do. I'd think about spending some time with my family and making the most of what I have instead of risking everything for what I don't. (Laughs)", "Nikki: Nicholas, Abby, and Victoria are all here, anxious to see you.", "Victor: Well, I'm very anxious to see them.", "Kay: Well, in that case, my friend, I will be going.", "Victor: Bye, Sweetheart.", "Kay: Bye-bye.", "Victor: Thank you for coming.", "Kay: Oh, pleasure.", "Victor: Okay, I appreciate it.", "Kay: Don't let him be, uh, obstinate.", "Nikki: (Laughs) I've been trying to do that for years. I haven't succeeded yet.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Now you listen to me-- you take care of that family of yours like you'd take care of yourself. This is your defining moment, possibly. Pay attention.", "Victor: Good-bye. I will do that.", "Kay: Just-- just pay attention.", "Victor: I will do that. (Chuckling) Bye, Katherine.", "Victor: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Everything is proceeding exactly as planned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Did you hear about Victor?", "Jack: Oh, yeah. Nick came by, barrels blazing, blaming me for his father's latest ailments.", "Billy: Nick came by, and you don't have any apparent injuries? How'd you pull that one off?", "Jack: I talked fast.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Jack: I assume Victoria--", "Billy: Oh, she feels the same way as Nick, but if you see her, you better run, because she's not gonna give you time to talk.", "Jack: And you're not returning my phone calls.", "Billy: Thought this might go over better in person.", "Jack: What, you came here to tell me what a vindictive monster I am?", "Billy: No, Jack, you already know how I feel about what you did.", "Jack: But...", "Billy: But we don't stop being brothers because of what you did.", "Jack: Does that maybe mean you're reconsidering my offer?", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Billy, you hate \"The Mustache\" every bit as much as I do.", "Billy: That's true, but I love Victoria, and it doesn't matter if Newman is run by a Newman or an Abbott. It's Johnny's legacy.", "Jack: So what are you gonna do to protect my nephew's legacy?", "Billy: Well, it looks like I'm gonna say yes to your offer, if for no other reason than to make sure you don't screw it up.", "Jack: This is the best conversation I have had in this room all day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm all right. Just a little setback, you know? After the... accident on the horse and the concussion and then all that stuff that happened in L.A. -- the explosion and... it's all right. I'm all right.", "Nick: Dad, it was a warning.", "Victor: I know, Son. But it all gave me some clarity, you know?", "Abby: A-about what?", "Victoria: Newman?", "Nikki: What are you thinking?", "Victor: I've made up my mind about something that will affect all of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Picks up lighter)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: I'll talk it over with Billy.", "Nick: He just became this family's enemy.", "Phyllis: I have a new plan to get Summer back in my good graces. I am going to win Nick back.", "Adam: (Coughs) Sharon!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kevin is determined to find the person responsible for Delia's death. Alex tells him he should be with Chloe right now. Esther comes downstairs and finds Chloe on the couch. After learning about Delia, she wants to help but Chloe just wants to be held. Kevin arrives and Esther goes to bed. Chloe says she doesn't want Kevin there but he says he needs to be there. Chloe vents to Kevin, she will never forgive Billy for what he did, but she agrees they need to make decisions together as parents and they need to talk about transplant options. Tyler waits for Abby at The Underground and wonders why she's so late. Courtney arrives and Tyler leaves, realizing he's been stood up. Courtney and Noah talk about Noah's future. As they are kissing, Courtney receives a text from someone named Zach and leaves. She tells Noah there's a family emergency. Tyler finds Abby at the park. Abby tells Tyler about Delia. She reminisces. Tyler says he will be there for the good days and the bad for as long as she wants him.", "Adam is consumed with guilt and can't get the accident out of his mind. A woman comes forward and tells Alex that the car that hit Delia is a black SUV, but she doesn't know anything more specific than that. Alex alerts all the body shops in the area that they are looking for a damaged black SUV. At the park, Adam offers his condolences to Billy, who questions Adam's motives. Adam says he isn't so heartless that he doesn't feel for Billy. Billy tells Adam what happened that night. Adam says Billy can't blame himself. Billy says if the cops don't find the person who did this, he will and that's ok with him because prison is too good for the person who killed his daughter. At Billy and Victoria's house, Abby comforts Victoria, who blames herself. When Billy comes home, he asks Abby to leave. Victoria says she will do whatever Billy needs, just please let her help. Billy says he doesn't know what he needs but he knows he can't get through this without her. Chloe knocks on the door and says they have something they have to settle.", "" ]
[ "Kevin: Hey. Any news? Did Forensics get anything on the skid marks or the tire impression?", "Alex: Not yet.", "Kevin: What about the traffic cameras?", "Alex: I got a team, okay? They're searching every inch of the place.", "Kevin: And they haven't found anything?", "Alex: Look, Kev, we're working really hard to get the guy that hit Delia.", "Kevin: Well, it's not enough! [Breathing heavily] I'm sorry. It's not enough.", "Alex: It's okay. I understand, man.", "Kevin: I'm working on something I think could help.", "Alex: Didn't I tell you stay away --", "Kevin: No, it's legit. It is not gonna compromise your investigation in any way. I promise you.", "Alex: Okay. What do you got?", "Kevin: [Sighs, sniffs] This is a [Clears throat] -- This is a list of every auto-body shop within a 20-mile radius. I figure if the sociopath is trying to cover this up, he's gonna want to get his car fixed, right?", "Alex: Yeah. Okay. Hand it over to Patterson, and then you're going home, you understand?", "Kevin: I'm not leaving until I find this son of a bitch! [Breathing heavily] [Sighs] [Sniffles] [Exhales deeply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Footsteps approach]", "Esther: [Sneezes] Ohh. Oh, Chloe, Honey, I didn't know you were home. [Blows nose]", "Chloe: Mom, I thought you were sleeping.", "Esther: Ugh, I should be. I took enough medicine to choke a horse. I hate this cold. I was gonna make some tea, but that can wait. I want to hear all about Delia's big night. I bet she was the best wicked witch ever. Wasn't she? Oh, Honey, I was so sorry I had to miss it.", "Chloe: Mom --", "Esther: I know. I know. I know. I know. I should be in bed. But I'm up now, and we're -- we're both here, and I want to hear everything. Tell me everything about Delia's big night.", "Chloe: [Exhales sharply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Knock on door]", "Abby: I'm so sorry.", "Victoria: Come in. How did you hear?", "Abby: Jack called. Um... I couldn't believe it. I-I thought that he had the wrong name. It couldn't be Delia.", "Victoria: [Sniffles] No. It's just -- it's all unreal, you know. She was just here a few hours ago. She was -- she was getting ready for her play, and she was just so excited. And now she's --", "Abby: I-it just -- it doesn't seem possible. [Sniffles]", "Victoria: Honestly, I mean, I don't know what Billy's gonna do without her.", "Abby: Is he upstairs? 'Cause I-I'd like to see him, give him a hug, tell him that I love him.", "Victoria: No. He just couldn't stand being around Dee Dee's things, all these things that remind him of her.", "Abby: Where did he go?", "Victoria: I don't know. He just took off. He's blaming himself for what happened.", "Abby: We have to find him.", "Victoria: He could be anywhere, Abby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I heard about Delia.", "Billy: Get out of my way.", "Adam: I just want to say that I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. I... I know what you must be going through.", "Billy: You don't have a clue what I'm going through. Now get out of my way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Oh, my sweet Delia.", "Chloe: It's true, Mom.", "Esther: First Mrs. C, then my precious baby granddaughter. It's just too much. This is just too much.", "Chloe: It really is.", "Esther: Oh, Chloe, Honey, I'm so sorry. I should be thinking about you and not about myself. What can I get you? How about some tea?", "Chloe: Oh, Mom, I'm really fine.", "Esther: Oh, my gosh. There's got to be something I can do. I-I know. I-I'll call the funeral home. I'll get the minister, and then we've got to have flowers. Got to have lots and lots of flowers, of course. [Voice breaking] We need music. And then -- there's just so much to do. If you just would tell me what you want.", "Chloe: [Crying] Mom, I just want you to stop talking! Sorry. Mom, I just want you to hold me. [Crying]", "Esther: [Crying] Oh, Honey. I'm sorry. [Sniffles] My baby. I'm so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Yeah, we need to run -- I'll call you back. Stop. Stop right now!", "Kevin: I'm not gonna stop until I find the son of a bitch who killed Delia.", "Alex: Look, I understand you want to help, but this is not the way.", "Kevin: Good! Then give me a gun and a badge and I'll find this guy myself!", "Alex: Why don't you go to be with Chloe? That's the best thing you could do right now.", "Kevin: Oh, she doesn't agree with that. I-I took her home from the hospital, and she told me to leave.", "Alex: And you left?", "Kevin: She doesn't want me there.", "Alex: Are you stupid? She just lost her kid, man. She doesn't know what she wants.", "Kevin: Well, maybe my being there is gonna make things worse. I don't know.", "Alex: She needs you, okay? Whether she admits it or not, she needs you, just as much as you need her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: We share an apartment. You can't think of a better way to spend your evening than to keep me company while I clean up? I mean, Dude, I am flattered, okay? But, uh, kind of freaking me out.", "Tyler: All right, well, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not here to see your ugly mug.", "Noah: Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm the only one here, so if you're not here to see me, then what are you doing here?", "Tyler: I'm meeting Abby. But, yeah, we, uh -- we didn't know you guys closed so early. We thought that this was a bar that stays open once in awhile, you know, actual customers, like a real business.", "Noah: We had an event tonight. But it's probably for the best, though, because this way it's just me seeing you get stood up and not a bar full of people.", "Tyler: Oh, whoa, whoa. What's that mess you talking about? All right, ladies do not stand up Tyler Michaelson. She's probably just running late.", "Noah: Well, it is Abby. She's never been on time for anything in her life.", "Tyler: But she's never been this late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Billy's not responding to my texts.", "Victoria: Mine, either.", "Abby: You know, I'm sure he probably just wanted to be alone, get some fresh air. He hasn't been gone long, has he?", "Victoria: You know what? I don't really know. Time tonight has just been kind of a blur.", "Abby: Okay, um, yeah. Let's -- let's not hit the panic button just yet.", "Victoria: I need to keep cleaning this stuff up anyway before Billy gets home.", "Abby: Look.", "Victoria: Yeah, it was for her post-play party.", "Abby: Balloons and streamers, huh?", "Victoria: Just, you know, I wanted to do something to celebrate her stage debut.", "Abby: Yeah, it's really sweet of you.", "Victoria: No, okay? It wasn't. It was a really, really bad idea.", "Abby: Why would you say that?", "Victoria: Because this party that I wanted to have is the reason that Delia died.", "Abby: Delia died because some careless jerk on Route 7 hit her with his car.", "Victoria: If I had just waited a little bit longer for Hannah to show up or if I had called you or Mom to come and watch Johnny, then I could have gone to the play with Billy. [Voice breaking] And I wouldn't have thrown this stupid party to make up for missing her performance! [Sobs] [Sobbing] And I wouldn't have asked Billy to get out of the car and go get the stupid damn ice cream! And then Delia would be upstairs! She'd be sleeping, and she'd be dreaming about all the things that make her happy.", "Abby: Don't do this to yourself.", "Victoria: Billy is blaming himself, but this is my fault!", "Abby: No, that's not true.", "Victoria: Yes, it is, okay? All right? It is. If I had done one thing differently, Delia would still be alive right now! But she's gone! She's gone, and...the house is never gonna be the same! Billy [Sniffles] Is never gonna be the same.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know how I feel? Okay, Adam, why don't you tell me? You go ahead. You tell me what it feels like to watch your only daughter die right in front of your face. You tell me what it feels like not to be able to do anything at all to help her. Go ahead. Tell me what it feels like. Tell me what it feels like, Adam! I want to know! Tell me what it feels like, Adam!", "Adam: You're right. You're right. I'm...I'm very sorry.", "Billy: You're sorry?", "Adam: I have no idea what you're going through.", "Billy: No, you don't. You don't. So don't even try, 'cause I'm gonna tell you something. The way I feel right now, I wouldn't wish it on anybody, not even you.", "Adam: They have any idea who's responsible for this?", "Billy: Not yet. But the cops are looking for the bastard who did this. And if he wasn't such a coward, he'd come forward. He'd confess and give us just a little bit of peace.", "Adam: Maybe -- maybe the guy never even saw Delia.", "Billy: How do you not see a kid in the middle of the road?", "Adam: What happened? I heard that Chelsea said that she was chasing after her dog.", "Billy: I left them in the car together. I went into a market. I didn't think that anything bad could happen in that short amount of time, but it turns out everything happens --", "Adam: No, no. Don't do that. Billy, please don't do that. You don't... you can't blame yourself for this.", "Billy: What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing?", "Adam: I don't -- I don't know what you mean.", "Billy: We're not friends, Adam. We don't do this. We don't commiserate. You're happy when I'm miserable. Don't you stand there and think that I'm gonna believe that you care about what happens to me or my family. So, what do you want? What do you want?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: A world without Delia. I can't even begin to imagine it.", "Kevin: Then don't. Just hold on to the memories.", "Esther: I will never let them go.", "Kevin: We're gonna get through this.", "Esther: Yeah, well, you and I, well, maybe. But I'm really worried about Chloe.", "Kevin: I am, too. I wasn't sure if I should come or not.", "Esther: I'm really glad you did. She needs you.", "Kevin: Where is she?", "Esther: Delia's room.", "Kevin: By herself? She shouldn't be in there by herself.", "Esther: I know. I'll see if I can get her to come down. Oh.", "Chloe: I'm right here.", "Esther: Honey. Look who came by to see you.", "Chloe: I see that, Mom.", "Esther: I'm gonna make you both some tea.", "Kevin: Thanks, Esther.", "Chloe: Did she call you? I told her not to.", "Kevin: No. I came by on my own. I had a little help from my spiritual adviser at the police station.", "Chloe: Chavez.", "Kevin: Normally he's saying things like, \"Shut the hell up, Fisher,\" or, \"Get back to work, Slacker.\" But I think he was right on about this one.", "Chloe: I told you I didn't want you to come here.", "Kevin: I know. But I...I need to be here right now, Chloe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Looks like you're losing your touch, my friend.", "Tyler: This isn't like Abby. I mean, late, yeah. But not showing? No, man. Something's up.", "Noah: You keep telling yourself that.", "Tyler: All right, why is it so hard for you to believe that women find this impossible to resist?", "Noah: Until tonight. Hey, look, you can use this. You know, make Abby take you out to dinner someplace nice and expensive, make up for ditching you.", "Tyler: Yeah, well, that's not gonna do me any good tonight.", "Noah: All right, well, maybe another beer will.", "Tyler: You know what? That's exactly what I don't need. And besides, you got company.", "Courtney: Hey, Tyler.", "Tyler: Hey, Courtney.", "Noah: Hey. I didn't know you were coming tonight.", "Courtney: Figured I'd come keep you company while you closed up. You almost finished?", "Noah: Uh, almost.", "Courtney: Well, I'm gonna hit the ladies' room, but I'll be right back.", "Noah: Okay. You know, if you want to hang out with us tonight, you could...", "Tyler: Oh, hang out with you and little miss perfect turned-up nose? Nah, man. That's pathetic. Have fun. One of us should.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: This is natural, Vick. Losing Delia, it's incomprehensible. Your brain, it can't process it, so it tries to make sense of something that just doesn't make sense.", "Victoria: I just keep thinking about my part in it and what I did.", "Abby: That's what we do. We do. Go and we try to figure out some reason, some explanation for how this happened. And you go back and you analyze every single thing that you did that led up to that horrific moment.", "Victoria: I could have done something differently. I know I could have done something.", "Abby: Nothing that you did or didn't do caused this to happen.", "Victoria: That's what Billy said.", "Abby: He's right. You should listen to him.", "Victoria: [Sighs] I just -- I can't stop replaying this night over and over again in my head. And it's just like some -- some movie with a horrible ending, and I just can't make it stop.", "Abby: There wasn't anything that you could do.", "Victoria: But if I --", "Abby: No, Vick. Stop doing this to yourself. Stop. I've been where you've been before. And all of the what ifs in the world, it's not gonna change what happened. It's only gonna make you feel worse.", "Victoria: [Sighs] I couldn't possibly feel worse. [Sniffles]", "Abby: Just remember there's only one person responsible for what happened tonight, and that person is not you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Despite what most everyone thinks about me, I'm not so heartless that I don't feel just awful for you. And I'm... I'm very sorry for your loss.", "Billy: My daughter didn't deserve this.", "Adam: No, she didn't. You didn't, either. But you can't blame yourself. It's just a -- it was an accident. It was an awful accident.", "Billy: Yeah. I chose to leave my daughter alone in the car. The person who ran her down, he chose not to help her. He also left her alone. He didn't even cry out for help. And I'm paying for my stupid mistake. But when the cops find him, he's gonna pay, too.", "Adam: Maybe they'll catch the guy.", "Billy: Maybe they'll catch the guy. Maybe they will. But if they don't, I'm sure as hell gonna. And that's fine with me. [Voice breaking] Because prison is way too good for the guy who killed my daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Laura: Detective Chavez?", "Alex: Yeah.", "Laura: My name is Laura McLeay. They sent me at the desk. They told me to come and speak with you.", "Alex: Yeah. What can I do for you?", "Laura: I may have some information about the hit-and-run that was on Route 7 tonight.", "Alex: Okay, Miss McLeay, let me get this right. You were at Adelphia's Market on Route 7 a little before 8:00 p.m. when you saw a car swerve.", "Laura: It looked like the driver lost control. The tires screeched, and the car skidded sideways off the side of the road.", "Alex: And then what?", "Laura: I don't know. I left. I didn't realize that somebody had been hurt until I came home. Bud called and said that -- the guy who runs the market -- he called and said that, uh, a child had been killed on the highway outside his place after I left, so I came straight here to tell you what I saw.", "Alex: Okay. I'm glad you did. Um, what can you tell me about the car?", "Laura: It was a black S.U.V.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: Adam Newman out, Victoria and Noah Newman in. Your grandpa sure does work fast.", "Noah: Well, when he wants something, he sure does go after it.", "Courtney: I have a feeling you take after him.", "Noah: Why? Because I wanted a job at Newman and got it?", "Courtney: Yet you still work here and with Tyler at Jabot?", "Noah: I told Tyler to find a replacement, but telling my dad that I'm leaving the bar, that's -- that's another story. He's not gonna be happy.", "Courtney: What, did he just expect you to tend bar forever?", "Noah: No, but [Scoffs] The last thing that he wants is me climbing the corporate ladder at Newman Enterprises.", "Courtney: I'm sure he'll be cool with it.", "Noah: You don't know my dad.", "Courtney: I kind of do.", "Noah: Hmm?", "Courtney: I mean, I've been best friends with Summer for a while. I've seen how close you two are.", "Noah: We're close, but we don't always agree.", "Courtney: Noah, all kids fight with their parents. I'm sure once he sees how much it means for you to work at Newman, he'll back you.", "Noah: No, you're right. I mean, we've been through some rough times, but in the end, we can always count on each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I put all the decorations in the trash. Is there anything else I can do?", "Victoria: No. Thanks.", "Abby: You know, it's getting kind of late. Maybe I should go look for Billy.", "Victoria: Hi. I'm so glad you're back. I was so worried about you.", "Billy: Abby, uh, thanks, but you shouldn't be here right now.", "Abby: I wanted to.", "Billy: Yeah. [Clears throat]", "Abby: If there's anything that you need -- food, babysitter, anything -- just call me.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Abby: I'm so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: If you're here to talk to me about how I'm feeling, I'm not gonna do it.", "Kevin: I-I won't. That was wrong of me to do before, and -- and I, uh... I'm sorry.", "Chloe: No. Please just don't say that word. I just can't bear to hear it again.", "Kevin: Okay. I won't say anything. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted to be here with you.", "Chloe: What time is it?", "Kevin: I think its a little past 1:00.", "Chloe: It's almost here.", "Kevin: What's that?", "Chloe: Morning. And then I have to see it... a world without Delia in it.", "Kevin: [Sniffles] [Clears throat] What can I do?", "Chloe: Just... [Voice breaking] Turn back the clock. Have Delia come home with us after the play.", "Kevin: You know I would if I could.", "Chloe: It's like I just -- I just want to scream.", "Kevin: Go ahead.", "Chloe: I'm afraid that if I do it, I'm just never gonna stop.", "Kevin: Chloe, scream. Just let it out.", "Chloe: [Crying] No, you don't understand! I have so much rage! I have so much rage that I want to tear this house down with my bare hands!", "Kevin: I know. You have every right to be angry.", "Chloe: I am so far beyond angry that I want to strangle Billy for keeping Delia in that car and for the guy that left my little girl on the side of the road to die! And I swear to God -- I swear to God -- if I see him, I will kill him. [Sniffles]", "Kevin: I wouldn't blame you.", "Chloe: Its not gonna do anything. [Sighs] It's not gonna bring her back. [Sobbing] I just don't know what to do.", "Kevin: I know.", "Chloe: Because I'm gonna wake up in the morning and every morning after that, and I'm not gonna see my beautiful, joyful little girl.", "Kevin: I know.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Laura: It was a black S.U.V. is really all I can say for sure.", "Alex: Was it square? Was it a square? Was it rounded?", "Laura: I'm not really sure.", "Alex: What about the license plate?", "Laura: I couldn't even tell you if it was a Wisconsin plate.", "Alex: Did it have stickers? Did it have any decals, any identifying marks?", "Laura: I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I didn't realize that it would be important.", "Alex: Okay, um, uh, what about the driver? What can you tell me about that?", "Laura: I think it was a man. But again, I'm not really positive. I wish I could be of more help.", "Alex: No, no, no. No, you've helped a lot. Thank you. Thank you for coming in this late, okay? And, please, if you think of anything else, you call me.", "Laura: I will. I will. Thank you.", "Alex: Yeah.", "Laura: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: Abby?", "Abby: Tyler. Thank God you're here.", "Tyler: Yeah. I just got your text. You know, I'm not gonna lie. I was starting to get a little worried when you didn't show --", "Abby: What a horrible night. [Sobbing]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Here. Your mom said to wake her if you need anything.", "Chloe: Where is she, Kevin? Where is my little girl?", "Kevin: She's with Mrs. C. somewhere nice.", "Chloe: She's supposed to be here. She has a field trip next week. And her costume, her Halloween costume, we got to finish it. She's gonna be Lady Gaga.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] Was that your idea or hers?", "Chloe: Hers. It was mine. She was so excited. [Sniffles] I had Chelsea design it, and she was -- she was so funny. [Sobs] [Crying] I am not gonna be able to do this, Kevin.", "Kevin: You just take it one day at a time. There's no rush.", "Chloe: Some things can't wait.", "Kevin: You're talking about what I told you earlier? What the transplant coordinator said?", "Chloe: It has to happen soon, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Johnny went back to sleep. Have you slept? You never said where you went.", "Billy: I went for a walk. You took down the decorations.", "Victoria: I just -- I-I thought that you would --", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah. And her backpack -- where's Dee Dee's backpack? Where are her things?", "Victoria: The backpack and her stuff's in the closet. And I just...I threw out the decorations.", "Billy: So, we're just gonna erase every bit of her in this house? Is that what we're gonna do? Is that gonna help?", "Victoria: No. Listen. I know that nothing is gonna take away the anger and the pain you're going through right now, all right?", "Billy: Okay, stop. Just stop. [Sniffles]", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that...", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: ...I put Dee Dee's stuff away. I'm sorry. I was just trying to make you feel better. That's all.", "Billy: You can't fix this.", "Victoria: I know I can't fix it. But just -- just let me help you try to get through it. Please, Billy.", "Billy: [Sniffles] [Clears throat]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Courtney: Sorry.", "Noah: It's okay. [Clears throat] Everything okay?", "Courtney: Yeah. Just, um, a problem at home.", "Noah: You have to go?", "Courtney: Unfortunately. I'll see you tomorrow? We'll pick up right where we left off. [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: This was one of Delia's favorite places. I used to take her here and get ice cream and play. She loved the swings. I'd push her, and she'd pretend like she was an airplane or a bird. And she always wanted to go higher, but I was afraid that she might fall. But she'd just laugh and say, \"Make my feet touch the sky.\" I thought if I came here, it might make me feel better.", "Tyler: [Sighs] Come on. Let's go ride the swings.", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Tyler: We'll see if we can touch the sky with our feet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Look. You haven't done anything wrong.", "Victoria: I just want to help you.", "Billy: I know you do. I know you do.", "Victoria: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stay here? You want me to go? Do you want me to put Delia's things back out? I'll put her things back out. You want me to watch that video with you again? I'll do it. I'll do whatever you need me to do. Just tell me what you need me to do.", "Billy: I don't know what I need. I want to be a million miles away from here. And at the same time, I don't want to leave. [Voice breaking] I want to walk into Delia's room, shut the door with all of her stuff around me, watch that video a hundred times. [Sniffles] And then I want to close my eyes and just let it all slip to black, you know? I want to remember every moment of her life, and then I just want to forget everything. I don't know what's going on. I'm here, and then I'm there. But really, I'm not anywhere. Sometimes I can't stop crying, and then I just... I don't know. [Crying] And I get really upset and I feel guilty 'cause I can't cry for her anymore. [Sniffling] I don't know where we are. I don't know what this is. [Sniffles] I just know one thing.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: I can't do this -- can't do it without you. [Sniffles] I can't do it alone. [Sniffles] [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: It's hard to know what to do.", "Chloe: It's impossible.", "Kevin: I know that's how it seems. I just don't want you to regret whatever decision you end up making now.", "Chloe: I mean, yesterday I was picking out spring colors for a line. And now... I have to think about whether or not to give away pieces of my little girl. [Sighs shakily] How do you do that?", "Kevin: Maybe it would help if you just thought to yourself... \"What would Delia want?\"", "Chloe: She would want to be here...with her mommy.", "Kevin: I know. But that's impossible. So now you have a really difficult decision to make.", "Chloe: What do you think I should do?", "Kevin: I can't answer that. From here on out, all decisions regarding Delia have to be made by you and Billy.", "Chloe: No! No! Do not say his name, okay?! I don't want to hear his name! I don't want to see him! Because if it weren't for him, then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now! [Sniffles]", "Kevin: Chloe, you're gonna have to deal with him eventually.", "Chloe: Why?! Why?!", "Kevin: Because both of you are Delia's parents. You have to make these decisions together, Chloe.", "Chloe: [Gasping] Maybe. But -- [Sniffles] I hope that you are not asking me to forgive him. Because I will never forgive Billy for what he's done! I will never forgive him!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I was on a thoroughbred, and she beat me back to the stables on her pony. [Laughs] I had to pay her $20 and brush down her horse.", "Tyler: Did she ever tell you how she did it?", "Abby: Yeah, she admitted to me a week later that Victoria had showed her a shortcut. [Chuckles]", "Tyler: The girl outsmarted you.", "Abby: That sweet, innocent face got me every time. Hmm. Well, I bet you are sorry that you answered my text.", "Tyler: No. Why would I be?", "Abby: I'm sure this isn't the evening that you had in mind.", "Tyler: I'm glad that you want to share your memories of your niece with me.", "Abby: Well, thank you for letting me.", "Tyler: I'm not just in this for the good times, you know.", "Abby: Good. Because the next few days are gonna be anything but good.", "Tyler: Well, I'm down -- for the next few days... and for as long after that as you want me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Hey. Notify all the body shops on Kevin's list. Let them know we're looking for a damaged black S.U.V. okay? Cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Adam remembering]", "[Tires screeching]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I can't believe we're never gonna see her again.", "[Knock on door]", "Victoria: It's awfully late. I wonder who that is.", "Billy: That could be the police with information. Chloe.", "Chloe: There's something we need to settle, Billy.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: I'm surprised to see you again so soon.", "Nikki: I need to talk to you.", "Alex: Camera picked up an S.U.V. just a few miles from the crime scene.", "Paul: So, before the morning's out, we could have our man.", "Chelsea: Adam, I know you better than almost anyone, and this isn't like you. What is going on?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon looks out the window and imagines that she sees someone looking in the window at her. She screams. Nick comes to her side and volunteers to have a look around outside, but Paul arrives and she recounts her story to him. He volunteers to have a look around outside but tells them to keep the doors locked. Billy and Phyllis struggle over the flashdrive which Billy refuses to give to her. Chelsea, Kevin, and Chloe spend a quiet evening at home. Paul comes back in and tells them that no one is outside. Paul receives a call that Patty has escaped from the psych hospital. Sharon worries that it is Patty outside her home. Billy manages to get the upper hand on Phyllis and locks her out of her own office. He wants to see what is on the flashdrive when the lights suddenly go out. Phyllis tries to pick the lock to get back in her office when the janitor comes along. Phyllis begs him to let her in. Paul visits the psych hospital to find out how Patty escaped. Paul looks at a few of Patty's paintings and sees a picture of a pregnant woman at Fairview and has a good idea it is Sharon. Nick agrees to have a look around and, not knowing who it is, Kevin hits him in the head. Chloe has a dream about Adam which reveals some things to Chelsea.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?", "Mariah: Do you see something?", "Sharon: Someone's out there. I saw them.", "Mariah: Are -- are you sure? Uh, what if it was just a tree or the wind?", "Sharon: It -- it wasn't that.", "Mariah: Well, how could somebody be out there in this weather? It's all over the news. There's a storm rolling in.", "Nick: Sharon, what did you see? Like a man, woman, a face, what?", "Sharon: I can't -- I-I'm not sure, but it -- it was a person. I know that.", "Nick: All right, you stay here. I'm gonna go check it out.", "Sharon: Wait, no. Nick, you can't go out there by yourself.", "Nick: Just stay here and make sure faith stays upstairs. I don't want her afraid in her own house.", "Mariah: We will, we will. Are you sure?", "Nick: Fine. Whoa!", "Sharon: [Screams]", "Nick: Okay.", "Paul: What's going on?", "Nick: Uh... [Laughs] Sharon, uh, just thought she saw someone outside, but I guess it was you.", "Sharon: I thought -- I don't know for sure.", "Paul: I hate to break it to you, but that's not possible. I came straight up the driveway, right to the front door, so whoever you saw in this window...wasn't me.", "Phyllis: It's just a flash drive.", "Billy: Oh, I can see that.", "Phyllis: Why are you here?", "Billy: Why you trying to commit violence on that flash drive?", "Phyllis: It's like shredding files. It's just more fun.", "Billy: Hmm. That's not possible. Shredding files is one of the most fulfilling things in the world. Why don't you let me help you with that?", "Phyllis: I-I can handle it, thank you.", "Billy: You know what? You just, uh, need something heavy, like, uh, this sweet, little guy right here.", "Phyllis: Go ahead. Knock yourself out.", "Billy: Yeah? All right. Let me tell you how this is done. It's all about angle, speed, and pressure. It's physics, darling. Ready? Before I smash this to smithereens, why don't you tell me what you're trying to hide?", "Kevin: And to complete the spooky effect...", "Chloe: Wow. Max spookiness.", "Kevin: Thank you for respecting my skills.", "Chelsea: Mommy alert. Bella woke up, says that she needs --", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Chelsea: Ooh.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Chelsea: Says she needs another good-night kiss, and apparently Aunt Chelsea is not cutting it.", "Chloe: All right. I am on it. Open this, please. I'm on kissing duty!", "Chelsea: Does that create images in your mind? Chloe, kissing.", "Kevin: Stop it.", "Chelsea: Why? You had a gleam in your eye.", "Kevin: You're not stopping.", "Chelsea: And you're not giving up on Chloe, are you?", "Kevin: Not a chance.", "Mariah: Did you really see someone?", "Sharon: Yes, I saw someone.", "Mariah: But the stalker, there isn't one, unless you count patty, and it's not exactly like she can take woodland strolls. So if you actually saw somebody, we have reached a new level of not-good.", "Sharon: Someone was out there, Mariah, watching us. Watching me.", "Nick: Look, I'm just gonna go outside, end this once and for all, figure out who this is.", "Mariah: Fine. I'm going with you.", "Paul: Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. Mariah, put the poker down. Why don't we all let the policeman handle this, shall we? Stay away from the windows. Lock the door.", "Nick: I'm going with you.", "Paul: No, you're gonna stay here. I need you here to watch the kids. Take care of your daughter and my grandson.", "Nick: All right, I'll call security and let them know.", "Paul: Mariah, you're not gonna need that. Just lock the door behind me.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Sharon: [Gasps] [Sighs]", "Billy: It's amazing how much information can be held on these tiny, little things. All sorts of fun facts.", "Phyllis: I told you, there's nothing on there. Just documents that need to be shredded.", "Billy: What documents specifically?", "Phyllis: Personnel files.", "Billy: How long you gonna hold my hand? Not that I mind. I miss it. I'm just wondering.", "Phyllis: I'm glad you find this entertaining.", "Billy: No. Pure curiosity. See, this is company property. You're not trying to delete it. You're not trying to rewrite it. You're trying to destroy it. That seems dramatic to me. So why you doing that?", "Phyllis: I told you. I'm following jack's orders.", "Billy: Ahh. Like a good, little foot soldier, listening to the boss man, making sure this doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Got to be a reason for that.", "Phyllis: You're missing a critical point. Jack would never give me anything important. Three guesses why he doesn't trust me. You only need one. Look in the mirror if you need some help. Now, you are wasting my time. Give me the --", "Billy: Think I'm gonna hold on to this.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Chelsea: Ooh. [Chuckles]", "Kevin: You okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. It's funny. I used to like thunderstorms.", "Kevin: But now?", "Chelsea: I've just been a bit jumpy lately, for a number of reasons.", "Kevin: Sure. I don't mind thunder. I think it's a fun sound effect to go with these spooky pumpkins. But lightning -- lightning I do not dig.", "Chelsea: You know, the storm is moving in pretty quickly. We can always set up the couch for you tonight if you want.", "Kevin: Uh... you know, normally I would take you up on that, but I have a feeling I'm gonna have to leave soon. Thunder and lightning wreak havoc on the computer system at work, and I bet you $5 I get a call soon saying the computer system's on the fritz and only super Kev can save it.", "Chelsea: Well, I have a feeling super Kev has a cell phone, so I'm sure they can find you wherever you are. Unless that's just your polite way of saying you don't want to sleep on my sofa.", "Kevin: Well, maybe I don't want to stick around so much that, um, somebody starts getting sick of me.", "Chelsea: Kevin, Chloe trusts you. She cares about you. She likes you being around. That's not gonna go away just because you spend the night on our couch.", "Kevin: Chelsea, any little thing I do can make her run screaming in the opposite direction. It's been that way since the night Delia died. And that was the last time I was trying to convince her we should get back together.", "Chelsea: Well, your instincts weren't wrong that night. She really was opening back up to you.", "Kevin: Yeah, it's been baby steps since then, which is fine. I don't mind moving slow. Like glacier slow. She's worth it.", "Chelsea: I'm not being a matchmaker.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Chelsea: Because that would be irritating and you're both adults.", "Kevin: Most of the time, yes.", "Chelsea: But I will leave you a pillow and a blanket just on standby in case you change your mind.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "Chloe: I am telling you, that girl -- she really knows how to work me.", "Kevin: [Chuckles]", "Chloe: I mean, she just looks up at me with her big brown eyes, \"mama, I wuv you.\" And then she just falls back asleep, arms in every direction. She's very dainty, just like her mother. And now this is my reward for successful parenting.", "Kevin: Yep.", "Chloe: Hmm. So, I guess we just ride out the storm.", "Chelsea: It's made better by being together and not alone.", "Kevin: Most things are.", "Chloe: To friendship.", "[Glasses clink]", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Chelsea: Whoa. Oh, my God. That was a big one. Whoo!", "[Baby cries]", "Chloe: Oh. All right. Rock paper scissors to see who goes up.", "Chelsea: No problem. I've got it. Why don't you take care of the snacks?", "Chloe: Okay, I'm on it.", "Kevin: Well, I'll just stay here and guard the wine.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] My hero.", "Kevin: [Chuckles]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "Mariah: Sorry. Sorry. It's just my phone. Hey, Kevin.", "Kevin: Hey. You don't sound good. More stalker calls?", "Mariah: Sharon thinks somebody's outside.", "Kevin: Are you serious?", "Mariah: Dead serious. So stay on the line. We may need to call in the cavalry.", "Kevin: And the chief is outside alone?", "Mariah: Nick called the security guys at the gate and gave them a heads up.", "Kevin: Did you lock the door?", "Mariah: No, we're idiots. Of course we locked the door.", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: It's Paul.", "Mariah: Hang on. He's back.", "Paul: All right.", "Nick: Anything?", "Paul: No sign of anyone. No footprints, and it's about to pour outside.", "Mariah: Did you get all that?", "Kevin: Yeah, I heard it.", "Mariah: Well, I guess you can hang up now. Thanks for staying on.", "Kevin: Just be safe, okay? Don't do anything risky.", "Mariah: Well, of course I'm gonna be safe. I have a poker.", "Kevin: What?", "Mariah: Never mind. I'll talk to you later. Bye.", "Kevin: Bye.", "Nick: Just because you didn't see anything doesn't mean it's all clear.", "Paul: No. Agreed. I'll get some uniforms out here, and we'll sweep the property.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Oh, excuse me. Yeah, this is Williams. What? When did this happen? All right, keep me posted. Damn it. That was Stonevale. Patty is missing.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Oh, really?! Oh, that's what you're gonna do? You're gonna play keep away like a child on a playground?", "Billy: I feel a kinship with this flash drive. It holds pertinent information that somebody's trying to shred.", "Phyllis: What does that mean?", "Billy: Just an observation.", "Phyllis: It's an observation that doesn't make sense.", "Billy: But it distracted you.", "Phyllis: Billy! Billy Abbott, you give me back that flash drive right now!", "Billy: Doesn't count unless you say Billy foster Abbott! You sound like my mother. Even then I'm not gonna listen, so never mind.", "Phyllis: You have no right.", "Billy: You said there's nothing important on here, Phyllis, so it doesn't really matter if I take a look, does it?", "Phyllis: Billy, if you ever cared about me, you will not read what's on those files.", "Mariah: I locked the back door and bolted it, and I turned the light on, too.", "Sharon: This is ridiculous. I-I never should have gotten everyone all worked up.", "Nick: Sharon, you did the right thing. Whoever's out there needs to answer some questions.", "Sharon: Well, maybe all I saw was a branch or a shadow, and now I've got everyone on high alert.", "Mariah: Paul's out looking for his sister. Patty could be anywhere. With the storm coming, she's not exactly stable in the best of times.", "Nick: It's not the first time Paul's had to track down his sister, but he will do it. We got the cops here, we have ranch security. They're gonna do a complete sweep of the whole property.", "Sharon: This is embarrassing. You know, they're not gonna find anything because there is nothing to find. I overreacted.", "Nick: But you do think you saw someone, right?", "Sharon: Maybe I saw Victor taking a walk.", "Mariah: That's a horror story in the making -- Victor in the window, lightning bouncing off his mustache.", "Nick: It's not really my dad's style to be walking around at night, especially coming by here. Look, let the cops do their job. There's nothing wrong with being cautious, which is why I'm gonna go up and check on the kids.", "Mariah: Oh, my God. Patty broke out?", "Sharon: That was her. It had to be. I mean, I couldn't make out a face or anything, but patty is on this property, waiting.", "Mariah: What if you didn't really see anybody? Or what if she left the property already? Sharon, what if patty figured out that we're double-crossing her, trying to get her transferred to another facility far away?", "Sharon: Patty came here for a reason. To say what she has known all along. She's gonna tell everyone the truth about sully. Tonight.", "Billy: That's where we are now? You're gonna play that card? If I ever loved you?", "Phyllis: Billy, open this door, give me the flash drive, and go home.", "Billy: See, it makes me think, Phyllis. I mean, if you're gonna bring up you and me, willfully mentioned, the unmentionable, the one thing that you're trying to forget, well, that says there's something important on here that you don't want me to see. And, you know, me being me, I'm just gonna -- I'm gonna have to see this now. That's just who I am.", "Phyllis: That drive is not yours.", "Billy: But I like to steal things that aren't mine. It's the kind of jerk that I am.", "Phyllis: No, you're not. That's not who you are.", "Billy: Really? Why don't you tell me who I am, then? Please. 'Cause right now, I'm not sure.", "Phyllis: Open the door.", "Billy: No. Curiosity's got this cat. I'm gonna need to see it now.", "Phyllis: Billy. Billy! Stop!", "Chloe: Kevin? I mean, why would he leave without saying goodbye?", "Paul: Somebody want to tell me what the hell happened? How did my sister get out of here? Whoa.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Sharon: If patty's out there, she could find nick or Paul.", "Mariah: Or stab us with a letter opener.", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Chloe: Don't you just love kids? They sleep through everything. The thunder, lightning, creepy outages -- ooh -- that leave us drinking wine in the dark. Oh, and look at this. It's a very nice, spooky ambiance. Chelsea?", "Chelsea: Yeah?", "Chloe: You okay?", "Chelsea: I'm fine. Any word from Kevin?", "Chloe: No. I-I guess he just went out into the storm without saying goodbye.", "Chelsea: Not that you're worried about him or anything.", "Chloe: What? [Scoffs] It's really bad out there. It's raining and thunder and lightning. I would be scared for anyone because I'm a decent human being.", "Chelsea: Yes, you are. You are the best kind of human being.", "Chloe: Well, I wouldn't push it.", "Chelsea: Listen, I am not gonna play matchmaker because that would be rude and that would be pushy, but I don't think Kevin left without saying goodbye.", "Chloe: Uh, except he did.", "Chelsea: Or...did he?", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: It's cute.", "Chloe: Or it's sad. Like, \"you carved my heart out when you left me.\"", "Chelsea: [Laughing] Oh, that is not what this heart means!", "Chloe: Chelsea!", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Chelsea: Ooh. God. Whew. Bad one.", "Chloe: It's okay. Listen, just sit down and drink a glass of wine, okay? It's just -- it's just static. It's like cloud static. At least that's how I used to describe it to Delia.", "Chelsea: No, I know. It's -- it's nothing.", "Chloe: But...", "Chelsea: It's a loud nothing. It gets in my head, and it reminds me of...", "Chloe: Reminds you of what?", "Chelsea: The explosion. [Sighs] The night Adam died. I just keep hearing the sounds. It's so loud. I just keep thinking of the world shaking and -- and the sounds going through the air, and then I think about that night, knowing he couldn't be gone because I had already lost him one time before. [Voice breaking] So there's no way I could lose him again, and then I realize I have. [Sniffles] I realize I've lost him again.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: What did you do?!", "Billy: What do you mean, what did I do? Did you cut the power?", "Phyllis: Yeah! I stood outside this door while I was yelling at you, and I found the main circuit breaker and cut the power off!", "Billy: Maybe you put a kill switch in this computer for this type of thing. And why isn't your computer charged, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Billy! You are being an ass! You have absolutely no right to lock yourself into my office! I am going to call security. Don't you make me call security!", "Billy: Ooh, you're gonna call security? Good luck finding them in the dark. When you do, maybe they'll be interested in the fact that you're trying to tamper with company property.", "Phyllis: Billy, get out of my office. I don't know why you're in there. I have no idea why you're doing this to me.", "Billy: Come on, Phyllis. It's not always about you. Most of the time it is. 9 times out of 10 times it is. But not this time. See, I just came from ripping into Ashley and jack for screwing with brash & sassy's shipping schedule. Maybe that's why you feel guilty. 'Cause you know what jack is up to.", "Phyllis: Get out of my office!", "Billy: You know, jack denied it. Of course, I don't believe him. I'll tell you what. I'll consider opening this door if you tell me what jack is up to.", "Paul: You're sure your emergency generator's gonna hold? The building's on lockdown? Yes. We have guards in place inside and out, and the facility is on lockdown.", "Paul: All right, okay. My sister could be close by. She may have caused the power outage to cover her escape. Or if she's gone already, the power outage could have been caused by the storm. The patient wasn't capable of planning an escape, not in her condition.", "Paul: Oh, really? You don't think she's capable? Listen, doctor, if you don't think she's capable, you haven't read her report. You don't have any idea what you're dealing with. She could be faking it this whole time. I'm telling you, when my sister wants something, she knows how to get it. And if anybody gets in her way, they could get hurt. Your job is protect my sister and protect the community that surrounds us here! You have failed on both counts! My team --", "Paul: I don't even want to hear any excuses, please! Now, I know you have a handwritten visitors' log. I want to see it. I also want to see my sister's paintings. There may be some clue in there that will tell us what she's thinking or where she's planning to go. Now let's move. Please.", "Nick: All right, kids are still out. I left lanterns in their rooms for them.", "Sharon: Should we put something in front of the door?", "Nick: It's just a power outage. The storm's not gonna blow the door open.", "Sharon: It's not the storm. It's patty. She's out there. She cut the power to the house. She's waiting to get in.", "Nick: What? Patty escaped. She could go anywhere. Why would she come here?", "Chloe: You know... these storms, they stir up things for me, too.", "Chelsea: Like what?", "Chloe: When I popped Bella out.", "Chelsea: No. [Laughs] You were yelling so loud it sounded like thunder? Oh, my God.", "Chloe: I wasn't quiet, that's for sure. I mean, it was no having a baby in the cabin with Billy and lily and cane as an audience, but, I mean, there was a really bad storm that night, and, you know, you're just trying to have a baby and just nature is getting in the way. I'm like, \"hello, can we please turn down the thunder or at least give me more meds?\"", "Chelsea: [Laughs] Of course.", "Chloe: But, you know, the where, whens, and hows, they just -- they all fall away when you have your baby in your arms, as well as the bloatedness and, you know, the having to pee all the time, the heartburn.", "Chelsea: Hmm. Three cheers for pregnancy.", "Chloe: Four cheers for babies.", "Chelsea: You are the first real girlfriend I've ever had in my entire life, you know? And you'll always be the best one.", "Chloe: I'm really just a good roommate because, you know, I stock the fridge with wine and sugar and carbs.", "Chelsea: No. It's more than that. It's like I never have to pretend with you, you know? You never judge me.", "Chloe: That's because you're so perfect. Best friend.", "Chelsea: You really are. You really are. No, it's not just that. It's that we can talk about anything and we can tell each other everything, and it's important. Not everybody has that. We're lucky.", "Paul: Oh, patty. Do you know where this might be?", "Paul: No, I'm not sure. The truth is, doctor, my sister's been institutionalized most of her adult life. So she really hasn't seen much of the world. That's lovely.", "Paul: You can feel the peace and freedom -- two things that she never really had. And I assume that was her victim at Fairview, the reason patty is with us here.", "Paul: Yeah, that's Dr. Anderson. Did she talk to you about that night? Never. I wasn't even sure she could recall it.", "Paul: Well, it's clear she does. I mean, that is my point, doctor. We have no idea what's going through her head, what she's thinking, what she wants. Honestly, that's what scares me. What is this? Was this painted here? This is Fairview. And the woman. Any idea who she might be?", "Paul: Yes, I think I know who she is.", "Sharon: Patty is irrational and unpredictable. And she thought that we were friends when we were at Fairview. She thought it was us against Dr. Anderson. She was always in my room. And then that night, it was terrible. A-a woman was dead. And now patty's on the loose!", "Mariah: Sharon's right. Patty's unpredictable, obviously.", "Nick: Yeah, but you thought you were wrong, that it was a tree branch or something. But now you're convinced it was patty?", "Sharon: I said that about the branch because I felt guilty sending people out into the storm. And that was before I heard that patty's now missing. You know, it got me thinking. It would be just like patty to cut off the power to the house.", "Nick: So, sabotage? Uh, just hold on a second here. Okay, here we go. \"Power outage hits Genoa city.\" So patty didn't cut the wires, Sharon. It's cool.", "Sharon: Well, she could still take advantage of the darkness, you know. That's what she does -- hiding and sneaking around. If you don't believe me, ask Dr. Anderson.", "Nick: Yeah, but I guess I don't understand. Why do you think patty would come here? Because she thought you guys were friends?", "Mariah: Maybe it's not about Sharon. Remember, last Halloween, patty broke out to visit her nephew, Dylan. Who knows why? This is patty we're talking about. Logic doesn't exactly apply. She could come here and spout nonsense or get violent, ask for a cup of tea. Who knows? When it comes to patty, anything's possible.", "Nick: Look, I hear you. It's just the cops, the guards, they haven't found anyone. So I think we just all need to take a breath here.", "Sharon: Well, it's getting dark out and the storm is coming. You know, the ranch is huge. Patty managed to get around being caught by her family or the authorities for over a year. I think she can get around a few security guards.", "Nick: Okay. I tell you what. I will, uh, I'll go down to the guard gate, I'll talk to them, and, uh, take a look around myself.", "Sharon: No!", "Mariah: Sharon's right. You should stay inside.", "Nick: I'll be fine. Just when I leave here, lock the door. Don't let anyone else in.", "Mariah: Okay, fine. But you should take this.", "Nick: Mariah, you need to put the poker down once and for all, all right? I can handle patty, and anyone else for that matter. Lock the door.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Sharon: Oh, God. Please, please don't let patty find nick.", "Mariah: Or nick find patty.", "Phyllis: I found out about jabot's manufacturing deal after the fact.", "Billy: What are you doing?", "Phyllis: I'm picking the lock. Then I'm gonna throw a stick of dynamite in there.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Well, good luck with that, coyote. But let's get back to the manufacturing deal. Don't you think that the timing of the whole thing is, uh, I don't know, interesting, I mean, the way that it messes with brash & sassy's rollout and considering jack hates me?", "Phyllis: [Grunts]", "[Screwdriver clatters]", "Phyllis: I'm getting ready to hate you, too.", "Billy: Just tell me what's on the flash drive, Phyllis. It's not that hard.", "Phyllis: You said if I told you about the manufacturing deal --", "Billy: No. No, no, no. That's not exactly what I said.", "Phyllis: Stop playing games!", "Billy: You know, you used to trust me.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God. You might want to get home before the storm.", "Phyllis: I can't. I need to get in there. I need to get something. So if you have a master key, could you please just open the door for me? No master key. But, uh, janitor might have a key to this closet. This closet's my office.", "Billy: That's true. [Clears throat] But you know what, buddy? You can take your time 'cause I got an energy bar here and a bottle of water. So I can stay here all night. And by the time the power comes back on, I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Somebody's in there?", "Phyllis: Yes! Why didn't he just open the door?", "Phyllis: Because he's being a jackass! Well, just -- forget the keys. Forget the keys. Just bust down the door. You can do it.", "[Keys jingling]", "Billy: How's it going with the old key ring?", "Phyllis: [Laughs] I'm gonna shove one down your throat in a minute.", "Billy: Hey, Phyllis. Can you tell our security buddy there's probably more important things to do, like that dear, old lady that's caught in the elevator right now screaming for help?", "Phyllis: There is nobody in the elevator, but you know who is in my office -- closet? Billy Abbott. And your boss jack Abbott fired him a few months ago, and he is pilfering through my files. You know what that is? That is called corporate espionage, my friend.", "Billy: That's true. You ever heard of paragon? That was me. And her, by the way. Not that I'm trying to brag.", "Phyllis: You see? He's admitting he's dangerous.", "Billy: No, no, I'm just confessing for past transgressions that I have since repented for, showing that I am a man with a conscience, that I am trying to change, trying to grow. That should be embraced and celebrated. I say let Billy Abbott be Billy Abbott! Can you hear the dear, old lady scream in the elevator?", "[Desk scrapes]", "Phyllis: What are you doing?! Are you blocking this doorway?! Billy, open the damn door now!", "Billy: Okay. Boot up so we can see what we got.", "Chelsea: [Scoffs] Way to party, lightweight.", "Chloe: [Inhales sharply]", "Chloe: Hello, Adam.", "Adam: Ah!", "Chloe: I assume it was Victor's plan. Start over, find a new life. You get to just walk away again. Just like you did with Delia.", "Adam: I was right, wasn't I? You were working with Victor. Visiting him in prison. You set me up, right?", "Chloe: Yeah. It was elaborate. And difficult. And the worst part was having to say, \"I forgive you.\" Because I will never forgive you, Adam.", "Chloe: [Inhales sharply]", "Chelsea: Chloe?", "Chloe: Adam.", "Paul: [Sighs] Ah. The visitors' log? Good. Let's see if we can find someone who might have helped patty escape. We have extensive security in place, obviously. It's unlikely that anyone could have gotten by --", "Paul: Hold on a second. You recognize a name?", "Paul: I do.", "[Cell phone rings] That'll be about the patient. This is Dr. Powell.", "Sharon: Patty is out there. She will find nick. She will tell him the truth. Nick could run in here and take the baby now! Right now!", "Mariah: I thought you were gonna tell him a minute ago.", "Sharon: I couldn't. I just -- I couldn't. Sully is -- he's just a baby. He didn't ask for any of this. But who knows? Patty's so unpredictable. Maybe she won't say anything. Maybe she just wants me to suffer. But if nick finds out and he takes the baby, and then Dylan comes home and his son's gone...", "Mariah: We can't wait for patty to word-vomit the truth. We have some decisions to make.", "Sharon: The thing is, what if whatever patty says doesn't make any sense or -- or maybe no one will believe her. Maybe she just escaped and ran off. She's done that before. But she's got to know if she is found on this property, she's going straight back into lockup. And I would think that her own personal freedom is more important to her than ruining my life.", "Mariah: Sharon.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Mariah: We can hope that. And that's great. I'm right there with you. But --", "Sharon: No.", "Mariah: Yes.", "Sharon: No.", "Mariah: Yes! Patty is out there. She knows the truth. Forget Victor! Patty is the real-life horror story. Moving under darkness, never knowing when she's gonna jump out and say, \"boo.\" And she is always going to come back. Even when you think she's gone.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "[Footsteps approach]", "Nick: [Groans]", "Mariah: Sharon, we have to prepare for the worst. And I swear to you, I promise I will be by your side every step of the way. You will never be alone. Do you understand?", "Sharon: I need to hold sully. If it's the last time, I need to hold him, tell him how much I love him. His whole life could change tonight. All of our lives.", "[Knock on door]", "Kevin: Mariah! Open up! It's Kevin!", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Mariah: Oh, my.", "Sharon: [Gasps] What happened to him?", "Kevin: I happened to him.", "Mariah: You hit nick?!", "Kevin: Well, not on purpose. I mean, well, I hit someone on purpose, but I didn't know it was nick. He -- he was all backlit. I thought he was the stalker.", "Sharon: So you did this to him, not patty?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Nick: Patty is not here, Sharon. I looked everywhere. I went to the guard gate. It's -- she's just not here.", "Paul: Patty. You know that kind of behavior is unacceptable. If you want a chocolate pudding, ask for it. You can't just break into the kitchen.", "Paul: Patty. Patty. Sweetheart, will you talk to me? Will you talk to me? That -- that pillow you're holding, do you remember holding a kitty like you're holding that pillow a long time ago? That was the night Dr. hurt. Do you remember? Is that what you were thinking about? Patty, can you talk to me?", "Patty: Paulie.", "Paul: That's right, sweetheart. It's me. Go ahead. You can -- you can talk to me. Were you in the kitchen the whole time you were away? Patty, what did you do when you were away from your room? Can you tell me that?", "Patty: Paulie.", "Paul: What?", "Patty: You -- you have to get me out of here. Please. There are bad people here, just like at Fairview. Please, Paulie. Please.", "Nick: I'm fine.", "Mariah: Really? Because it looks like you're growing a second brain.", "Sharon: Stop wiggling.", "Nick: I'm not wiggling. It's just -- it's cold.", "Kevin: It's ice.", "Nick: Kevin, really?", "Sharon: Really, you're wiggling. You know, faith is better with an ice pack than you are.", "Mariah: How hard did you hit him?", "Kevin: I was worried. You said there was a stalker outside, and...yeah, I clocked him pretty hard. But with good reason.", "Mariah: Well, good job, hulk. I guess we were wrong, Sharon. There's nobody outside.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "[Keys jingling]", "Phyllis: Any time. No pressure.", "Billy: What a lovely way to spend the evening, don't you think?", "Phyllis: No!", "Billy: Yes!", "Phyllis: Hurry up. Step on it.", "Billy: Come on, baby. Come on, baby.", "Phyllis: Stay away from my computer!", "Billy: Come on, baby. Ohh! You pretty, pretty thing! Seriously, Phyllis? You have a password on a thumb drive?", "Phyllis: Don't you dare! How many keys do you have left?!", "Billy: Okay, let's go. \"Jack\"? Nope. \"Billy\"? Ah, who am I kidding? \"Summer\"? Phyllis, what's summer's birthday?", "Phyllis: I'm warning you!", "Billy: Do you have a cat? Oh. Hold on a second. R-E-D. You got to be kidding me. Your own nickname, you narcissist?", "Phyllis: Okay. All right. Get away from my desk. Get away from my computer. All right! Escort him off the floor! Get him out of the building right now!", "Billy: [Clears throat] Hey, Ronnie. How's your fantasy football team? Hey, Billy. Really good. Thanks for asking.", "Billy: Good.", "Phyllis: Okay, we get it. Everybody likes you. Go now.", "Billy: It's a good thing you're not acting suspicious.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sighs]", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Adam: Chloe, don't do this.", "Chloe: You know, if you had gotten out of your car that night, this is what you would have seen. My little girl suffering on the side of the road.", "Adam: What's your plan?", "Chloe: I'm gonna watch you die, of course.", "Chloe: [Gasps] [Gasps] [Sighs] It was, uh, it was just a dream.", "Chelsea: No, Chloe. It was a nightmare. And it was all about Adam.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I told you to destroy that thing. What are you still doing with it?", "Phyllis: Doing you a favor, whether you appreciate it or not.", "Billy: Phyllis is trying to hide something, whether it's about jack or jabot or both.", "Paul: Why didn't you tell me you paid my sister a visit?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nate goes to visit Lily and he tells her about Neil's relatioship with Ashley and Lily is hurt that Neil didn't tell her about it. Lily is worried because Cane didn't show up to visit and she asks Nate to check and see if he is okay. Nate finds Cane who admits he thinks he makes things worse for Lily when he visits her but Nate reminds him that It is far worse for Lily trying to survive each day in jail. Nate tells Cane that his wife needs him more then ever and he should put her needs first instead of thinking how uncomfortable he is every time he visits her. Charlie and Devon celebrate Shauna winning her swim meet and Devon advises the kids not to feel gulty about enjoying life because Hilary and Lily would want them to be happy. Phyllis is very angry with Billy for sleeping with Summer , and she gives him a slap in the face after he admits he only did it so she would have to live with the image of the two of them together. Mariah, Tessa, Kyle and Lola have a double date game night at the Abbott house and Lola is hurt when Kyle cuts things short to talk to an upset Summer. Summer wants to leave town but Kyle tells her she has never been a qitter and she is more then capable of making a fresh start without having to leave town. Summer finds Phyllis at Jabot crying and she apologizes to her for sleeping with Billy. Phyllis accepts the apology and they both hug each other while they cry. Billy tries to drink his troubles away and he realizes that what he has done can't be undone.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lily: But, cane, I am not the same person anymore. I am not who I was before the accident and before this place.", "Arturo: Hey, rey, did you know that lola's dating someone?", "Rey: Your fine, upstanding abbott was arrested for interfering with a burial ground.", "Kyle: Forget something?", "Lola: Yeah. This.", "Summer: I'm an adult, and I can decide what's best for me. It's you.", "Phyllis: What's going on here?", "Billy: I was just about to tell summer that the reason why I slept with her was knowing what it would do to you when you found out. So, there we go. Now you know.", "Phyllis: How could you sink so low, to sleep with my daughter to get back at me?!", "Summer: I cannot believe that you just threw it in her face that way.", "Billy: Well, it's two birds with one stone. It's actually quite efficient.", "Summer: [ Gasps ] Since when are you such a pig?!", "Billy: Since always. Ask anyone.", "Phyllis: Really, summer, what did you expect? Tell me. What childish fantasies were running through your mind when you told mariah about nick and me?", "Summer: I did not tell mariah anything! She overheard kyle and me talking. We thought that she could keep her mouth shut. But no. And then, after sharon blew up her own wedding, billy came to me and said that he wanted me. Believe it or not, those are the facts.", "Phyllis: I bet it took you 30 seconds to take your clothes off and jump into bed with him.", "Summer: I thought that we had a real connection. That he was finally ready to act on it. And the next morning, I woke up, and he was already gone to rehab. I have been rooting for him to get better, hoping that things could actually go somewhere between us... until now, anyway. You know, every horrible thing that people say about you is true. This whole time, I thought that my mom was wrong for you. It turns out you two are perfect for each other.", "Billy: She's turning into a little drama queen, isn't she?", "Phyllis: I think she's telling the truth.", "Billy: Oh, she is. It was definitely my idea to sleep with her. Because she's not only your daughter, but she's nick'S. And I can't tell you how sweet it was getting it on with the daughter of the two people that screwed me over.", "Tessa: All right, well, my shift's almost over. How much more work do you need to do?", "Mariah: I am almost done. I just need to hit \"send\" and... voilà. I'm all yours.", "Tessa: Ah. I like the sound of that.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Are you working at dark horse later?", "Tessa: No, I, uh, took the night off. I figured we could, uh, celebrate you coming home from your trip.", "Mariah: I like the sound of that.", "Tessa: You know that new movie that you've been dying to see? It's streaming now. I figured we could go back to my place and watch it.", "Mariah: Hmm. A quiet night alone, no interruptions. Sounds like a celebration to me.", "Nate: I don't know how long they've been getting together, but, I mean, I have never seen neil text so much before. It's sneaking out late at night to meet her, it's --", "Lily: Wait, he and ashley are seeing each other? Like, seriously?", "Nate: I -- I assumed he would have told you.", "Lily: No, he -- he didn't say anything to me. I mean, he's been alone so long. Why wouldn't he share that with me?", "Nate: It's just me guessing. I haven't spoken to him. It could be he feels self-conscious going on about it to you.", "Lily: What, because he's happy? I mean, that's ridiculous. Why wouldn't I want to know about that? [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I -- [ Sighs ] I just... visiting hours are almost over, and cane was supposed to come here today, and he didn'T. Do you know why?", "Kyle: Ahh, beat me to it. I was hoping I'd find you here so I could buy you a coffee.", "Lola: Guess you'll have to settle to watch me drink the one I just bought.", "Kyle: After the week I had, you don't know how good that sounds.", "Lola: Why? What's going on?", "Kyle: Family drama. Work drama. Even for abbott standards, things are one hell of a mess. Which I know must sound like the lamest excuse for not texting.", "Lola: It's cool.", "Kyle: That's sweet of you to say.", "Lola: You know I'm not the high-maintenance type.", "Kyle: [ Exhales softly ] Good to know. Still. I'd like to make it up to you.", "Lola: How?", "Kyle: Taking you out tonight?", "Lola: Mm... i might be free. What'd you have in mind?", "Kyle: Well, I could requisition the jet. Take you to dinner. Lot of great restaurants in chicago.", "Lola: You want to fly me there... to eat?", "Kyle: I want to show you I'm sincere.", "Lola: By wasting a bunch of jet fuel?", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Well, if that doesn't appeal, tell me what I can do.", "Lola: Well, you can start by telling me why you were arrested for grave robbing. Additional sponsorship", "Phyllis: What the hell is wrong with you? You got a problem with me? You go to nick. You go to me. You don't take your frustrations out on my daughter.", "Billy: We were two consenting adults. I got nothing to apologize for. I'm not hiding what I did. That would be you.", "Phyllis: Why don't you stop acting like I cheated on you? We were broken up. I threw you out of the house. That is nothing compared to what you did to my daughter!", "Billy: Oh, I think it was pretty clear at the wedding that me and you, we were done.", "Phyllis: No. You know what? You -- heh... you're despicable.", "Billy: And speaking of sharon, remind me to send her a thank-you note. For telling me the truth before I actually bought a ring. You snowed me. I was just arrogant enough to think that there was something different between me and you. That I was different than all the other guys in your life.", "Phyllis: You know something, you were different. You were different. You were everything to me.", "Billy: You really have a problem with being honest, don't you? Try it. You like having people on the side. You always have. It's why you keep all these men in your orbit. Pretending to be the cool ex to string them along. This time, it was nick. We all know you still got jack on a string.", "Phyllis: You think you hurt me with this disgusting move? It's nothing compared to what you've done to yourself.", "Lily: I mean, could there be a problem with the kids? Is that what's keeping cane?", "Nate: I haven't spoken to him, okay? I have no idea why he's not here today.", "Lily: Well, inmate phone time is over for the day, so I can't even get in touch with him. Can you please find out what's going on for me?", "Nate: I will.", "Lily: Do you promise?", "Nate: Listen, if you don't hear from cane by tomorrow, give me a call. Okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Nate: All right. But I'm sure there's a simple explanation. There's nothing to be concerned about. Okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Nate: All right.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Nate: All right.", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Devon: It wasn't until the last lap that I knew you were gonna win.", "Charlie: [ Chuckles ] Totally.", "Devon: You guys were neck-and-neck. You were going all-out. You reached your hands out, crossed the finish line, took home the victory. It was incredible.", "Charlie: Yeah. The girl you were racing against, danielle, I could tell from the stands, she was like, \"what?!\" I was jumping around like a fool yelling, \"go, shauna!\" [ Shauna laughing ] Could you hear me?", "Shauna: No, silly. I was in the pool, focusing on the race.", "Charlie: I'm gonna get so much grief at school for going against walnut grove. Hey, I don't care, though. You were awesome.", "Shauna: Thanks. I was pretty happy with my time.", "Devon: You should be. You should be very proud, 'cause you put in a lot of hard work, and it's paid off.", "Shauna: Ugh, the competition was way stronger than I'm used to. Okay, right before my event, danielle looked over at me, super-confident, like she knew she was gonna win. [ Devon chuckles ] I started having all these doubts. Un-until I remembered something hilary once told me right --", "Devon: It's okay. I'd love to hear what she told you.", "Shauna: Hilary said she loved it when people underestimated her. She said, \"use it. Let it fuel you.\" So I did. And I cooked it out there.", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Devon: That sounds just like hilary, too.", "Shauna: You know, I felt like she was there with me today. I'm -- I'm sorry.", "Devon: No, please. Don't be sorry at all. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Really.", "Lola: You went through all that trouble only to find out that your grandfather is your grandfather.", "Kyle: The best possible outcome. Knowing he's john abbott's son meant so much to my dad. When he thought that all had been taken away from him, he was a mess. He spent months searching for answers. I wanted to find those answers for him. To give him that. And made a stupid, impulsive decision.", "Lola: You desecrated a grave.", "Kyle: When you put it that way...", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: Guess there's no good way to spin it.", "Lola: You know, part of me admires the lengths that you went to for your dad.", "Kyle: And the other part?", "Lola: Creeped out.", "Kyle: So much for making a good impression.", "Lola: My brothers wanted me to think the worst of you. Rey didn't put anything in context. Which I could strangle him for. He would have known everything that you told me from the police report. Instead, he makes you sound like some moral degenerate.", "Kyle: Glad I could set the record straight.", "Lola: You know, rey always does this -- tries to control my life. And arturo just jumps right on board. You know, they're both having a huge fit because I'm dating you.", "Kyle: I'm glad you didn't put that in the past tense. Hope that means you'll still let me take you out tonight.", "Lola: Sure. As long as our date doesn't involve a cemetery.", "Tessa: Hi, lola.", "Mariah: Kyle, is this who I think it is?", "Kyle: Yes. Lola, this is mariah, an old friend of mine.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Kyle: Lola's the new lady in my life.", "Mariah: It is so good to meet you.", "Lola: Likewise.", "Mariah: I have heard wonderful things, of course. Tessa says that you blew her away with your barista skills.", "Tessa: She totally did. And now I know the difference between cream and crema.", "Lola: You were easy to teach.", "Tessa: Oh.", "Mariah: Well, it's lovely to put a face with a name.", "Kyle: So, what are you guys up to tonight?", "Tessa: Well, actually, we were thinking --", "Lola: Oh, wait. Why don't you hang out with us? We can make it a party?", "Kyle: Why not? You free?", "Mariah: Uh... yeah. Yeah, we could, uh -- we could go eat somewhere.", "Tessa: See a movie?", "Kyle: Or bowling.", "Together: Bowling?", "Kyle: What's wrong with --", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Okay. Never mind. Bowling's out. What else could we do?", "Mariah: Hit up an arcade, I guess?", "Lola: [ Gasps ] I know what we can do. Game night.", "Devon: Hey.", "Nate: Hey. What's going on?", "Devon: How you doing?", "Nate: Good. You?", "Devon: Good, good.", "Charlie: Hey.", "Nate: What's going on here?", "Charlie: We're celebrating! Come join us.", "Nate: Celebrating what?", "Shauna: I won my event.", "[ Giggles ]", "Nate: Oh, yes, yes. That is right. Your, uh -- your swim meet. Congratulations.", "Shauna: Thank you.", "Nate: Let me see the medal.", "Devon: Show it off.", "Nate: Yeah. Look at that. Nice.", "Shauna: Thanks.", "Nate: Hey, I was hoping one of you guys might have heard from cane, know where he is? I tried calling him but, uh, it keeps going to voicemail.", "Devon: I haven't talked to him.", "Nate: No? Charlie?", "Charlie: No, not since breakfast. Why are you looking for my dad?", "Nate: I just need to talk to him about something. It's, uh, no big deal.", "Devon: Be a little more specific, we can help you out, maybe.", "Nate: Cane didn't show up to, uh, visit lily today. I told her I'd find out why.", "Phyllis: I thought you hit rock bottom, but you -- you have gone even lower. In fact, I'd say that this is a new low.", "Billy: And people say I have no ambition. Boy, if they could see me now.", "Phyllis: You do. You sound really proud of yourself. I thought you were a victim. But that's not actually playing very well for you, considering your womanizing ways. In fact, I bet if summer wasn't around, you would have ended up with victoria.", "Billy: Well, as far as revenge sex goes, it wouldn't nearly be as effective.", "Phyllis: Why would you do this to my daughter? No matter how cynical and jaded she has been, you knew that she had feelings for you, and you took advantage of all of that.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: For what? A-a -- just a fleeting moment of satisfaction?", "Phyllis: I am thrilled that you lost your job. And I hope you lose everything else.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] You know, taking summer to bed wasn't one of my finest moments, but you know why I did it? So you have to live with the vivid image of the two of us together. Just like I'm tortured by the thought of you and nick. And the lies that followed. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.", "Kyle: And that's the nickel tour.", "Tessa: Wow. This place is something else. How many bedrooms does it have again?", "Kyle: Uh, eight in the main house, plus a couple more for the live-in help. My grandfather built the estate back in the early '60s. But the pool house, which is where I crash, is a bit newer, which I like.", "Tessa: Okay, you can call it a pool house, but that thing's like a little mini-mansion.", "Kyle: Yeah, I just had the bathroom updated. Kitchen's next.", "Mariah: Why? Because you're such a gourmet chef?", "Kyle: I'll have you know, I make a mean grilled cheese, and my microwavable popcorn -- people would kill for the recipe.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Lola: I can't imagine living in a place so big. Although, I would love to have a kitchen like the one we just came through. Oh, god. The big, beautiful stove. And so much space! And then the grill on the cooktop and two ovens? I mean, this place is, like, out of a magazine.", "Mariah: Well, just so you know, this isn't only kyle's place. I mean, your whole family practically lives here, right?", "Kyle: It just got a little less crowded. But nobody's home but my grandmother, who's asleep, and her nurse. So we pretty much have the place to ourselves. So let the games begin.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: Hey, man. Sorry to interrupt.", "Cane: Hey.", "Nate: Your assistant said I'd find you here.", "Cane: Cool. What's going on?", "Nate: I was at the prison earlier, visiting lily. And she was a little worried that you didn't show up as planned.", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had this, uh, really important business meeting that kind of ran late, so I missed visiting hours.", "Nate: A meeting.", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, a meeting.", "Nate: You're the C.E.O. Of the company.", "Cane: Yep. That's right.", "Nate: Lily was worried that something might have happened to you or the kids.", "Cane: Well, I hope you told her that wasn't the case, right?", "Nate: Well, I told her that, yeah, there was a logical explanation.", "Cane: Which there was. Okay.", "Nate: Here's the problem with that. You don't understand how upset she was.", "Mariah: Okay, ready?", "Tessa: [ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: Set... [ Laughter ] Go!", "Kyle: Um... ah! [ Mariah chuckles ] Um...", "Lola: It's a book.", "Kyle: Uh, uh --", "Lola: And a movie. Five words.", "Kyle: Um...", "Lola: First word. Shakes. Head. Dizzy? [ Laughter ] What?", "Mariah: Shh! Quiet. No words.", "Lola: Okay. Uh, come back to it, okay? Second word? Second word. Third word. Sounds like. Oh, my god.", "Mariah: Heh.", "Lola: Fourth word? Okay. Sounds like four.", "Kyle: Um...", "Lola: Fourth word. Uh-huh.", "Kyle: Uh...", "Lola: Old! Okay. Something, something, for old something?", "Mariah: 30 seconds.", "Lola: Okay. Hurry up. Fifth word. You.", "Kyle: No.", "Lola: Big. Tall. Proud! Macho?", "Kyle: [ Exclaims ]", "Lola: Okay, something, something for old, strong arnold schwarzenegger --", "Mariah: Time! Time, time!", "Kyle: \"No country for old men\"!", "Lola: I've never seen it.", "Kyle: Seriously? It's such a great flick.", "Mariah: Okay. So that is, uh, four points for tessa and I versus your guys' one point.", "Tessa: Yeah, I don't think charades is your game.", "Mariah: Mnh-mnh.", "Kyle: So, let's switch to something else. How about truth or dare?", "Tessa: Oh, I like it.", "Mariah: Yeah, I haven't played that game in, like, a million years. But it sounds fun.", "Lola: Who goes first?", "Kyle: You do.", "Lola: Ah.", "Kyle: Truth or dare?", "Lola: Truth.", "Kyle: Okay. So... you know all about my, um, recent brush with the law. So, why don't you tell me the truth about a time when you did something wrong and regretted it.", "Mariah: Ooh.", "Lola: Uh... let me think. Ah, wait. I know. Okay. So... for the past few years, I have had a bunch of jobs, saving up for the day I could have my own business. Um, so, I waited tables. I worked as a janitor. I collected tolls at a toll booth. That was a total snore.", "Kyle: Uh --", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: And then I was hired at this used-car shop.", "Mariah: Around here?", "Lola: Mnh-mnh. One-man show. Middle of nowhere. I washed the cars and kept his books, and he did the sales part. Uh, I was there for a month, and he still hadn't paid me.", "Kyle: What? No way.", "Lola: Yeah. And when I accused him, he said I was fired.", "Mariah: That sucks. That's crazy. I'm sorry.", "Lola: I threatened to sue, and he just laughed in my face. Said it would cost me more than what he owed me. [ Sighs ] Uh, I was really pissed, actually.", "Tessa: What a creep.", "Mariah: So what did you do?", "Lola: So, I thought about asking arturo to try to, you know, hash it out with this guy -- with his fists, you know what I'm saying? Um, but I like fighting my own battles. So... anyway. There was this old truck parked in the back of the lot. It didn't run, but if you looked at it -- you know, you'd be like, \"what a piece of junk!\" But when I looked at it [Sighs] I saw so much potential, you know? What a beautiful, beautiful thing it could become.", "Kyle: Your food truck. La vida lola.", "Lola: Don't get ahead of my story.", "Kyle: Sorry.", "Lola: I told him I would take the truck in payment for all of the hours I had worked. \"Fine,\" he said. \"If you can drive this car out of this lot by sundown, you can have it.\" I made him shake on the deal, you know. And then he walked away and laughed at me like I was the dumbest female to ever live.", "Tessa: Well -- well, then -- then what happened?", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: Then I went to go get my tools, and went to every other vehicle he owned, basically cannibalized them for enough parts to start my truck. And I made him sign over the title, and I drove away before he realized what I had done.", "Mariah: Woman! You rock!", "Tessa: You're a badass!", "Kyle: That is one hell of a story.", "Mariah: That is amazing.", "Lola: Thanks.", "Kyle: Month's work for a few old car parts? Sounds fair enough to me. Why do you regret it?", "Lola: Oh, I don'T.", "Tessa: Oh.", "Kyle: Okay. [ Laughter ] Your turn.", "Lola: Mariah, truth or dare?", "Mariah: Truth.", "Lola: Same question. Tell us about a time you broke the rules.", "Mariah: I impersonated my dead twin sister to make somebody think that they were crazy, and I will regret it until my dying day.", "Lola: Wow. I don't want to know the details on that.", "Mariah: Yeah, you don'T. You don'T. You really, really don'T. It's pretty much the worst thing that I have ever done.", "Lola: Mm.", "Mariah: So, uh, my turn?", "Kyle: Yeah.", "Mariah: Okay. Tessa. Truth or dare?", "Tessa: Truth.", "Mariah: Same question.", "Tessa: Well, that's easy. I stole your journal and plagiarized your most personal thoughts and wrote a hit song. Good news is that mariah forgave me. Bad news -- I was dropped from my label.", "Lola: I am feeling a lot less of a badass now.", "Kyle: I don't think that's a bad thing.", "Mariah: No.", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Mariah: Definitely not. It, uh, must be nice to go through life without regretting the worst mistakes you've ever made.", "Lola: Or I did something way worse than any of you, and I don't plan to confess, because I plan to get away with it. Oh, my god. Look at your faces. I can't believe you guys fell for that.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: Wow. Ugh.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Tessa: Okay. I see you. You know what? I see you.", "[ Mariah laughs ]", "Lola: You know, I just have a slight poker face. I can't believe you haven't seen \"no country for old men.\" I haven't seen it.", "Tessa: It's so good.", "Mariah: It's good.", "Lola: What is it about? Arnold schwarzenegger?", "Mariah: No. He's not involved in it.", "Tessa: You know what? That would probably make it even more exciting. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Mariah: Okay. Does anybody want another drink?", "Lola: I'll take a beer this time.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Mariah: Tessa?", "Kyle: I got it.", "Tessa: I'm still working on this one.", "Mariah: Okay.", "[ Grunts ]", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Summer. What's up?", "Summer: Um, I really need to talk to you.", "Kyle: This isn't a good time.", "Summer: Yeah, for me, either. Look, if there was anyone else i could go to -- there just -- there isn't, and I realized that I can't really do this alone.", "Mariah: Snowflake! What in the world are you doing here?", "Summer: Can I please just come in?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Tessa: Oh.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: [ Clears throat ]", "Summer: You're, uh, having a party?", "Tessa: Very observant.", "Mariah: I'll ask you again. What are you doing here?", "Kyle: Summer's going through something. She needs to talk.", "Tessa: Now?", "Mariah: You know what, she probably followed us here so she could spoil our night.", "Kyle: Mariah, lay off. She's obviously upset.", "Lola: And you're the only one she can talk to?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] I wouldn't feel right about turning my back on a friend who's obviously hurting. I'm sure you can understand.", "Lola: Of course. You should do what you feel is right for...your friend.", "Mariah: Kyle, summer has never been a friend to you, and if you don't understand that by now, then I don't --", "Lola: Um, I think you, tessa, and I should go. Uh, let them handle... whatever this is.", "Tessa: Yeah, let's go.", "Kyle: Hey. Hey, hey. Thanks. I'm sorry about our evening.", "[ Sighs ]", "Summer: Thank you for not slamming the door in my face.", "Kyle: Let me guess. Billy.", "Charlie: I just feel so guilty. I'm having all this fun, and my mom is stuck in such a horrible place.", "Shauna: Charlie, don'T. Lily wouldn't want you being miserable all the time.", "Devon: I second that. You have to live your life, man. You can't let the bad outweigh the good.", "Charlie: Yeah, I guess.", "Devon: Well, it's very true. Since hilary died, there's been times when I've done that. I thought that, if I wasn't feeling anything other than anger and sadness, I was disrespecting her memory. Then I realized, every time I'm thinking about her, it just makes me feel bad. And hilary doesn't want to be remembered like that. So I've been working on letting go and focusing on the happy times, and what i loved about her, admired. When you talked about how she inspired you, it felt good to do it, right?", "Shauna: Yeah. It sure did.", "Devon: So, you know, I know the situation's a little bit different 'cause of what's going on with your mom, but the lesson still applies. She would not want you to be depressed and moping around and doing things like cutting class. She'd want you to enjoy life, be happy. Enjoy your senior year in school. I know she's said these things to you.", "Charlie: Yeah. Yeah, she has.", "Devon: It's time to take her at her word.", "Nate: Cane.", "Cane: All right, listen. I told you I will deal with this, okay?", "Nate: Fair enough. Now, in case you get waylaid again --", "Cane: Okay, which I won'T.", "Nate: Look, I want to be able to calm lily's fears. Not showing up when you said you would, that isn't like you.", "Cane: So, what's your point? What are you trying to say?", "Nate: My point is, I care about her, and I'm trying to get a handle on how things happened.", "Cane: All right, look. Sometimes I go there, and I feel like I'm making things harder for her, okay?-I feel like I have to walk on eggshells and watch every single word I say while she just focuses on the other inmates and trying to make life easy for herself in there, okay? And if you want me to be completely honest with you --", "Nate: Yeah.", "Cane: Last time I went there, it was strained.", "Nate: It must be hard, seeing how this is changing her.", "Cane: [ Scoffs ]", "Nate: What you're really saying is that the visits have gotten difficult for you. So when your meeting ran over, you took the day off. Gave yourself an easy out without considering how it's affecting her.", "Cane: You have no idea what you're talking about.", "Nate: Lily is my friend.", "Cane: Okay.", "Nate: And after visiting her in that place earlier today, as difficult as this might have been for you, she is the one that has to go back into that cell and figure out how to get through another day. So if it seems like things are changing or she is developing an edge, that's why. Lily needs you as much as she ever has now. More. So you need to get over it and show up. 'Cause it is only going to get harder.", "Cane: [ Exclaims ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Billy: Can I get the usual, please?", "Cane: Usual, please.", "Billy: Randy... make it a double.", "Cane: Two, randy.", "Cane: Don't even think about asking me for a job.", "Billy: Like I'd ever work for you again.", "Cane: Oh, okay. I just figured you were back on the market following your, uh, triumph at jabot.", "Billy: Word travels.", "Cane: Yeah. Well, it kind of does when you're given the opportunity of a lifetime, and you botch it up so badly that your own family gives you the boot.", "Billy: It's like everyone says -- I'm my own worst enemy.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Oh, no. Wait. That's you.", "Cane: [ Snorts quietly ] I think that actually sums us both up.", "Billy: Yeah. Let's go with that.", "Cane: Yeah. Let's do that. I did something unforgivable today.", "Tessa: Game night turned into girls' night. That's not so bad. Is it?", "Lola: I'll let you know' after a beer or two.", "Mariah: Because thanks to summer, you couldn't even finish the one that I opened for you at kyle'S. I cannot believe he let her hijack the night like that.", "Lola: I can. You know, kyle said he thinks that I wouldn't want him to turn his back on a person in pain. Said that, uh, he knew that I would understand.", "Mariah: Do you?", "Lola: Mmph.", "Mariah: Yeah. That's what I thought.", "Tessa: Okay. I know we don't trust her --", "Mariah: Not as far as I can throw her.", "Tessa: But, still, isn't there a chance that summer is really have a crisis?", "Lola: Okay, but even if she was, why run to kyle?", "Mariah: I swear that boy has a tattoo on his butt -- \"property of summer newman.\"", "Lola: You know, that's what she makes it seem sometimes. Like she has some kind of claim on kyle. But after tonight, though, I have to wonder...", "Tessa: What?", "Lola: That maybe he left the door open, and she knows it.", "Kyle: Sounds like a bad scene.", "Summer: Yeah. It was horrible. You know I don't know what was worse -- billy using me to get back at my parents or my mom just blaming me for everything.", "Kyle: Yeah. Billy was wrong to do that to you.", "Summer: I just -- I feel sick. I -- I don't even know how I'm gonna face them again. I don't know. Maybe I'll just leave town.", "Kyle: Since when are you a coward? Or a quitter? Look, this isn't gonna be easy, but you need to handle this head-on. Like that old saying -- \"only way out is through.\"", "Summer: You're making it sound like it's hell on earth, kyle.", "Kyle: Look at it this way, champ -- you have mentioned wanting to make some changes in your life. What better time to do it than after you've made a gigantic mess of things?", "Summer: [ Scoffs ]", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Attagirl. Hey. You got this. Hell, you can do whatever you put your mind to. As unique and outrageous as it may be.", "Summer: [ Exhales softly ]", "Kyle: Can't wait to see what's next for you.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Tessa: Well, those two look jolly.", "Mariah: Maybe summer wrecked their night, too.", "Tessa: Do you -- do you think lola's right?", "Mariah: What, about kyle still being hung up on summer? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. I can't believe he is being so dense. Letting summer ruin his date with lola. Especially when lola is so much smarter and funnier and nicer than her. She's an actual human being.", "Tessa: I thought you and the princess were doing okay.", "Mariah: No. I was being civil for sharon's sake. Now that the wedding's off...", "Tessa: Gotcha.", "Mariah: I don't know. I guess it's possible that summer could be in crisis. She's a toxic person. That's what happens, you know? There's bound to be blowback, and some of it will spill on you.", "Tessa: Right.", "Mariah: Or she could just be playing games.", "Tessa: Oh, okay. Summer doesn't want kyle, but she doesn't want anyone else to want him, either.", "Mariah: Either way, he loses.", "Tessa: Well, since our double date was a flop, maybe we can have a real one.", "Mariah: There's an idea. You know, I was just thinking --", "Kyle: Where's lola?", "Tessa: Oh, what happened to summer", "Kyle: Got her calmed down and sent her on her way. I was hoping we could salvage what was left of the evening.", "Mariah: It's too late. You blew it.", "Phyllis: [ Crying ]", "Summer: Mom?", "Phyllis: [Crying] Go away. I don't want to talk to you.", "[ Sobs ]", "Summer: I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: So am I. So am I. I blamed you. I blamed you, and he -- he tried to hurt us both, and he did a damn good job. We're both better off without that loser.", "Billy: I've never understood why lily puts up with you.", "Cane: Neither can I, buddy. Neither can I.", "Billy: She's a wonderful woman.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Not like phyllis. Thank god she's out of my life.", "Cane: Um, yeah. I heard what happened. Sorry about that.", "Billy: The whole town did.", "Cane: Yeah, but something tells me you guys will be back together within a month. You know, like the last time you broke up.", "Billy: Not this time. I went full scorched-earth. Felt right in the moment.", "Cane: Always does. Always does.", "Billy: Looking back, I -- I went too far. Caused damaged that can't be undone." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Elena persuades Nate not to give up on his relationship with Abby without a fight because she thinks that Nate and Abby have something real. Nick and Chelsea think Connor has turned a corner but later they discover that Connor locked Christian in the garage because he thought Christian was being too whiny. Chelsea asks Phyllis for Adam's address in Los Vegas and Nick promises to go to Vegas and bring Adam back to Genoa City. Devon is worried about Tucker and the situation with the will so he talks to Amanda to try and persuade her to drop the case but she says no she won't drop the case and go home. Cane wakes up on the floor of a dark room where he finds a flashlight and once he searches the room he finds the original pages of Katherine's will so he calls Jill to tell her he is coming home with the original will pages.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Jill: Katherine intended for him to have half her fortune, okay?", "Amanda: Devon hamilton's biological father wanted him to.", "Devon: Why are you the only person he's been in contact with? Why can't he send you the real pages of the will? Is it because it's not real?", "Cane: Why don't I just go and find this guy myself, okay? Chancellor, where are you?", "[ Groans ]", "Nate: I want to know more about you. We all do. Can you blame us?", "Nick: Adam needed to be exposed. At least now he's gone, away from our children, far away. That's got to be some consolation.", "Chelsea: Not to a little boy who doesn't know who to trust anymore. Is it just me, or, wishful thinking, but is connor really turning a corner?", "Nick: Tonight was super fun. I mean, I have not played charades in...years!", "Chelsea: Did you let connor and christian win?", "Nick: No way! They earned that victory. I mean, I did have a questionable partner.", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ]", "Nick: But you have a pretty sharp kid.", "Chelsea: Well, it was great to see you two together and to hear connor laughing again, even at all your corny jokes.", "Nick: What? Who says I have corny jokes?", "Chelsea: Everybody.", "Nick: [ Inhales sharply ] Okay, well, it seems like we're right back on track.", "Chelsea: I hope so.", "Nick: I know so. I mean, you saw connor tonight. He was -- he was laughing, and he was playing like a kid plays, and... it felt like we were a normal family again.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I hardly remember what that's like.", "Nick: Well, get used to it. The other shoe doesn't necessarily always have to drop.", "Chelsea: You've really been amazing. Not just to me, but... to connor. He needs a man like you to look up to.", "Nick: And connor deserves it, you know? After everything he's been through -- losing his stepfather, adam coming in and out of his life... it's a lot to deal with.", "Chelsea: Too much to deal with.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Well... we are gonna pull together as a family and help him through it. And there may be rough times ahead, chelsea, but it won't be anything we can't get past.", "Chelsea: But, nick, when i said I was hoping we were back on track, I -- I wasn't just talking about connor. I was talking about the two of us.", "Phyllis: Oh! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Are you leaving?", "Abby: [ Sighs ] I was planning on it.", "Phyllis: No! No, we have to discuss this security system.", "Abby: Phyllis, please, it has been a monster of a day. Can we please just not do this right now?", "Phyllis: Absolutely not. I've been waiting for you all day long.", "Abby: Well, I have been in meetings. We have conferences to book, catering menus to go over, and let's not forget to mention the wedding that we need to plan. So, please, please, can it wait?", "Phyllis: Ah, yeah. The hotel's first wedding. Imagine what a beautiful memory it'll be, for the bride to walk into her suite and find the entire suite robbed, all her gifts gone. Maybe it'll go viral. Maybe we'll get more hits than we did for the grand phoenix opening.", "Abby: Okay, fine. Let's do this.", "Devon: No, I don't have time to hold your hand through this project. I hired you because you convinced me you knew what you were doing. So I don't want to hear excuses of why you can't now. Just figure it out, or I'm gonna find somebody else who can do the job.", "Elena: Wow.", "Devon: Hey, honey.", "Elena: I'm glad I wasn't on the other end of that phone call.", "Devon: Was it that bad?", "Elena: I mean, did he rob a bank?", "Devon: No, honey.", "Elena: Then, yeah, that was bad. What's going on, devon? This isn't like you.", "Devon: I may have been a little harsh on him.", "Elena: A little?", "Devon: Yes. I will -- I will call him back and make sure everything's okay. I appreciate you being a good influence on me, though.", "Elena: Yeah, I don't know about that.", "Devon: What do you mean?", "Elena: I mean, I planned this impromptu jazz festival so that you could take your mind off of things, like katherine's will.", "Devon: I know, and it did. I had an amazing time with you, babe.", "Elena: But for all the good it did, look at you now. You're snapping at people, you're pacing the floor, you're staring at your laptop all day. And I know you haven't slept all night.", "Devon: Mm.", "Elena: This is gonna eat you alive, devon.", "Devon: Yeah. I know. I -- you're absolutely right, and it's just the more days go by that I don't have any answers, the more my head starts spinning about who's really behind this, and now I have tucker to worry about.", "Elena: Still no word, huh?", "Devon: Still no word. It's like he's dropped off the face of the planet, and I'm concerned about him.", "Elena: Are you concerned about what might have happened to tucker? Or are you concerned about what tucker might have done on your behalf?", "Devon: Oh, I'm concerned about both. We are weakening our enamel more often than we even realize. Additional sponsorship", "Nick: I've been doing my best to give you space so you don't feel pressured.", "Chelsea: You've been perfect. You respected my feelings, you helped me with connor...", "Nick: I realize one great night isn't gonna solve all our problems.", "Chelsea: Only I can do that.", "Nick: Why would you say that, chelsea? You're not the one who screwed up.", "Chelsea: You apologized. You've gone above and beyond to try to make things right. It's up to me to decide whether or not I'm ready to forgive you.", "Nick: Are you saying that you have?", "Chelsea: You were in a tough position. I understand why you couldn't tell connor and me that victor was alive. You were trying to protect us from having to keep a secret from adam.", "Nick: I made the wrong decision.", "Chelsea: I've done worse. And you gave me a second chance.", "Nick: That's because when you came back to town, I took one look at you, and I realized i don't give a damn about the past. I wanted you.", "Chelsea: And I'm tired of trying to keep you at arm's length when all I really want is o feel your arms around me.", "Nick: Mm. No, I'm -- [ Laughs ] I'm not gonna kiss you. Because, if I do, I won't stop. I will kiss you all over, and I will not stop.", "Chelsea: I should hope so.", "Nick: So what I'd really like to do is get those kids in bed and come back here so we're not interrupted.", "Chelsea: I like that plan. Hurry back! We have a long night ahead of us.", "Devon: I just wish I could track tucker down myself and figure out what the hell's really going on because he obviously doesn't feel the need to communicate with me, or anybody else, for that matter.", "Elena: But you love him.", "Devon: Yeah, of course I do. It's -- it's frustrating. This whole thing is frustrating. And I know that I'm taking it out on people that don't deserve it, including you, and I'm sorry for that.", "Elena: Okay, look. We are a team, devon. So whenever you're hurt or worried about something, so am I. I just wish there was something I could do to make this easier for you.", "Devon: Oh, honey, you -- you're doing it right now. I mean, you're -- you're here, you're talking to me, and that's -- that's everything.", "Elena: Yeah, and I don't blame you for being worried about tucker, but I really do think that this whole will situation is a scam.", "Devon: Mm.", "Elena: You remember what amanda said yesterday.", "Devon: I do. She said that some old jerk got her into all of this, and then she tried to cover it up by saying chance sounded old on the phone.", "Elena: See? Girl can't even get her story straight. So who's gonna believe anything else that comes out of her mouth? And everything she said about tucker, it's probably a lie, too.", "Devon: Mm, well, it'd sure be nice to confirm that, if he wasn't on his spiritual journey.", "Elena: Well, maybe... maybe it's not a coincidence. Maybe that old jerk amanda was talking about knew that tucker would be out of reach so he planted some phony story knowing that tucker wouldn't be able to deny it. And then he hired amanda to front it for him.", "Devon: I've thought about that. I've also considered maybe tucker's not on a journey at all, and he's in some real trouble somewhere, or hurt.", "Elena: I don't think you should let your mind go there.", "Devon: Well, it's hard not to when now, what, chance, tucker, and cane are all missing.", "Elena: Cane's missing, too?", "Devon: Yes. He was in vegas looking for chance, and he was keeping in touch with jill regularly, until he just stopped out of the blue. And now she's freaking out and worried.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] I -- maybe there were just no updates.", "Devon: Maybe.", "Elena: But you don't believe that.", "Devon: No, not when three people all connected to katherine's will have all up and vanished. It's a coincidence that's tough for me to buy.", "Elena: Okay, look. I'll admit it, that's strange, and it's quite the coincidence, but maybe there's an explanation for all of this. Maybe tucker really is on some spiritual journey, and maybe chance is off the grid, for whatever reason, and, who knows? Cane could have met a woman. We don't know. But I don't think that we should assume the worst.", "Devon: I'm -- I hope you're right.", "Phyllis: And then these right here are the sensors that the security system will be installing all over the hotel. They're in the walls, so anyone contemplating funny business, they won't detect them.", "Abby: How much is this gonna cost us?", "Phyllis: It's right there.", "Abby: Okay, phyllis, this is more than a 1/3 of what we're paying right now.", "Phyllis: It'll be cheaper, trust me.", "Abby: How does that math work?", "Phyllis: Well, more sensors, less manpower, um... no insurance claims, no lawsuits. It'll take care of itself in a year.", "Abby: But the security system that we have right now is state-of-the-art technology, too.", "Phyllis: Mm, listen, trust me. This is faster, it's mobile. Also, we could use this as pr to ensure our guests that we have the latest technology to protect them.", "Abby: I guess we could use the footage for training purposes, let the staff know what to do in a tricky situation.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm, there you go.", "Abby: It sounds good.", "Phyllis: Wow. Really? That was almost as hard as childbirth. Not -- not as difficult, but almost.", "Abby: Okay, I just -- I have one question.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: If they're securing us, who's securing them?", "Phyllis: I have no idea what you're talking about.", "Abby: Let's just say that some unscrupulous person gets ahold of the security footage and wants to extort someone else.", "Phyllis: Who would you be thinking of?", "Abby: Mm, let's just use me as an example.", "Phyllis: You? Okay.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Really, abby, you have to work on your paranoia. Soon, you're gonna be thinking that you're getting signals from your microwave.", "Abby: Just answer the question.", "Phyllis: Nobody else has authorization to this system. Does that make you happy?", "Abby: No.", "Phyllis: Do you want a contract in blood?", "Abby: I want a complete report on this system. I want to know how it'll work, who has access to it, and then I'm going to send that to an independent security company, and they are going to verify everything that you just told me, and then that will make me feel better.", "Phyllis: Okay. Fine, we'll send this to the vatican and the pope can bless it. It doesn't matter. Time -- time is of the essence. Do we want to go forward with this system or not?", "Abby: Fine. Let's go forward with it.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Thank you. Wow. So difficult. Almost as hard as planning a wedding. Nate better watch out. You're gonna be caught up in all the romance and end up proposing to him.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Christian out here?", "Chelsea: Uh, no. I think he's with connor.", "Nick: Connor said he hadn't seen him in a while.", "Chelsea: Huh. Well, he's got to be somewhere.", "Nick: I checked his room, the, uh -- the kitchen, the playroom. Well, I'll help you find him. Don't worry. Um, we'll find him, and then we'll put him to bed, and then we will pick up right where we left off.", "Nick: Okay.", "Chelsea: Hmm? Come on, you!", "Nick: Not yet...", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ] (Vo) diarrhea?", "Chelsea: Connor, did you notice when christian left your room?", "Connor: I was playing a video game.", "Nick: Did he say where he was going? Did he seem upset?", "Connor: I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.", "Chelsea: Hey, sweetheart, i don't want you to worry, okay? Christian loves playing hide-and-seek. I bet that's what he's doing right now, and, soon enough, he's gonna get sick of waiting for us to find him, and he's gonna come on out.", "Connor: He might be in the backyard.", "Nick: Did he say that's where he was going?", "Connor: He said there was an owl back there, but I never saw it.", "Nick: So you were out there, too.", "Connor: Not now. Before...", "Nick: Christian wouldn't go out in the dark alone.", "Chelsea: You might want to check, though, just in case. Do you remember the time that we went shopping, and you hid from me in the clothes rack? Remember that? And you were just playing a game, but mommy got so scared?", "Connor: You got mad, too.", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ] I did get mad, too. You want to know why? Because I love you so much, and I would never want anything to happen to you. So that's -- that's, I think, the same thing that's happening here. Christian is just teasing us, like you were that day. But I don't want you to worry. I'm sure he's fine. Um, and, as a matter of fact, I bet you can help us find him.", "Connor: How?", "Chelsea: Well, do you know christian's favorite hiding spots? All right. Why don't you show me? Okay.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nate: You got, uh, esp, or something?", "Elena: I just figured you might stop by after your shift, and I've got a few minutes before mine starts, and I was kind of hoping we could have a quick chat?", "Nate: Everything all right?", "Elena: I don't know, I guess.", "Nate: I'll take that as a no. And I'm guessing it's got to do with devon and the phony will pages. I was hoping he would let that go.", "Elena: It's actually gotten worse, if you can believe it. But your instincts were right. Devon's more concerned about tucker's involvement than the money. But we can't get ahold of tucker to talk to him, and now cane's missing, too.", "Nate: Oh, when did that happen?", "Elena: No one really knows, but jill's been trying to get ahold of him for days, and now she's freaking out, and that's weighing heavily on devon. And then there's this whole situation with the lawyer...", "Nate: Amanda?", "Elena: Yeah. I bumped into her last night, and it took everything in me not to tell her off.", "Nate: I, um, recently bumped into her, too.", "Elena: So you know what i mean.", "Nate: I don't think she's the real problem, elena. I also don't think we've been completely fair to her.", "Elena: Excuse me? Where the hell is this coming from?", "Devon: Hello.", "Amanda: [ Sighs ] What do you want?", "Devon: Well, I'm here because I have an idea of how I could help you.", "Amanda: Well, that's a switch. The last time I asked for your help locating mr. Chancellor, you were incredibly rude to me.", "Devon: If that's how I made you feel, I apologize. I'm -- I'm dealing with a whole lot, as I'm sure you can imagine. But I think that you are starting to feel a little uncomfortable about this whole situation, too.", "Amanda: Why, because you know me so well?", "Devon: No, no, because of what you told me. You were sent here by some \"old jerk,\" and those are your words, not mine, to make a case that you can't prove because all you have are copies of what you claim to be the original pages of katherine's will, and that's it. So I think this old man, whoever he is, has hung you out to dry a little bit, and I'm willing to bet that you're not even gonna get paid for this.", "Amanda: Not that it's any of your business, but I did receive a retainer upfront. Standard practice, I never take a case without one.", "Devon: Okay, but I assume that you took the case on contingency and the belief that you were gonna get a big payday at the end, after you convinced me to give up katherine's inheritance, which I'm here to tell you is not gonna happen.", "Amanda: Then why are you here?", "Devon: I just said why I'm here. I think you're getting taken advantage of, and I want to help you.", "Amanda: And I'm having a hard time believing this kinder, gentler devon hamilton.", "Devon: You can believe whatever you'd like, but you're the one that said that you regretted taking this case. So why not trust your instincts? The person that hired you isn't being honest, so you could quit right now and force him to come out and do his own dirty work. And if it's about money, you can --", "Amanda: There it is. Go ahead, finish that sentence, mr. Hamilton. \"If it's about money...\" what? You'll bribe me? Is that why you're here? At pier 1, the color of the moment is elegant indigo.", "Elena: Since when are you friends with amanda?", "Nate: Oh, hang on. We're not friends. I barely know her.", "Elena: Okay, then what makes you think that we treated her unfairly?", "Nate: I've had a couple conversations with her, gotten to know her a little bit.", "Elena: Okay? And she, what, convinced you that she's some poor, misunderstood lawyer?", "Nate: Okay, you're taking this all wrong.", "Elena: [ Scoffs ] Surprising, is all.", "Nate: Amanda seems smart and capable and nobody's fool, which is why I'm having trouble believing she would involve herself in a scam like this.", "Elena: She's a liar, nate. Everything that's come out of her mouth since the moment she stepped foot in this town has been a lie. And, quite frankly, I'm surprised you're falling for it.", "Nate: I'm not falling for anything! I -- call it instinct, call it whatever you like. I just believe we're rushing to judgment on a person we don't even know.", "Elena: Okay. Guess she is easy on the eyes.", "Nate: What is that supposed to mean?", "Elena: It means are you impressed with her professional demeanor, or is it just that she's pretty?", "Nate: That has nothing to do with it.", "Elena: If you say so.", "Nate: Yes, I do say so.", "Elena: I'm sorry. That was bitchy. And I am aware that the only woman you're interested in is abby. You guys okay?", "Nate: No. We're not okay. We split up.", "Amanda: You have insulted me before, but this is low, even for you.", "Devon: Well, I wasn't trying to insult you or bribe you, either.", "Amanda: Then please explain to me why you brought up how much money I was or wasn't making.", "Devon: You didn't let me finish, did you?", "Amanda: I don't have to because this smooth, phony good guy act, it is a setup for your real pitch -- giving me a bag of cash to leave town.", "Devon: You're wrong, okay?", "Amanda: Then you weren't offering to make up the difference financially?", "Devon: I was not. That would be unethical.", "Amanda: Then why the sudden interest in how much money I'm making?", "Devon: I was just pointing out that you probably took this case thinking you were gonna make a bunch of money at the end, but I don't think there's any money to be made. So I'm curious to what your plan b is.", "Amanda: I'm guessing that's where you come in.", "Devon: Hey, I could. I could make some introductions for you, and write letters of recommendation so you can go back home and act like you never even made this mistake. You can go back to your life and your career. You just have to ask me.", "Amanda: And why would you do that for me?", "Devon: I just told you why.", "Amanda: No, no, you gave me a greeting card version of my suddenly charmed life if I left genoa city and went back home. But if this is really such a lost cause, then why are you so anxious to get rid of me?", "Devon: I need to know who's behind this fake will because there's people in my life that i care about that have now turned up missing, and they could be in danger. And I believe that you care enough to know the real truth, but you obviously don'T. So, at this point, I -- I just want to be done with you. I'd like for you to leave. Does that clarify everything for you?", "Amanda: Well, you missed one thing. The real reason you want me gone is because I look like your dead wife.", "Devon: Okay. I'm gonna give you two options, amanda. You can drop this whole thing right now and go home, or you can go down in flames with whoever the hell it is who hired you. That's my warning to you.", "Cane: [ Groans ] Well, look what we have here.", "Chelsea: Oh, thank god! I found him! Hey, buddy. Oh! What -- what's -- what's the matter? Are you hurt? Why is he crying?", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: Connor. Did you lock christian in the garage? I'm leah. And that's me, \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Chelsea: Connor. Look at me. You didn't lock christian in the garage, did you?", "Connor: No.", "Nick: I heard some noises out there, so I went and looked, and found christian. He said --", "Christian: It was really dark.", "Chelsea: I'm gonna ask you one more time, and I want the truth. Did you lock christian in the garage?", "Connor: He was being so whiny.", "Chelsea: So it's a yes? I don't believe this.", "Connor: What are you gonna do now? Send me away? Like dad?", "Chelsea: Connor, no one is sending you away, and I didn't send your dad away, either. I love you, and that is never gonna change, even when you make big mistakes like you did today, but this is really, really bad. I want you to go to your room and think about what you've done.", "Nick: Hold on a second. You owe christian an apology.", "Connor: Sorry.", "Chelsea: Oh, sweetheart. Are you okay? Are you all right? I'm so sorry you got scared. This will never happen again, okay? I promise. Come on, little man. Let's go get you in bed. Then I'll come back and talk.", "Nate: It was a lot of things with abby, but it was mostly about how the newmans rationalize victor's charade, pretending to be dead to set a trap for adam.", "Elena: Nate, you signed up for that, too.", "Nate: I'm not denying my responsibility, but watching how that family handled it afterwards, it was like -- the rules didn't apply if your last name was newman.", "Elena: Okay, but abby doesn't represent her entire family. What other choice did she have but to go along with it?", "Nate: I stayed up nights wracked with guilt about what i had done, but she behaved like it was just the cost of doing business. That was the eye-opener. So it got a little heated, and i told her we were on two different paths.", "Elena: And what did she say?", "Nate: She basically agreed with me.", "Elena: And that was it? No discussion, no trying to find a common ground?", "Nate: Abby's attitude is \"I am who I am, take it or leave it.\"", "Elena: And what did you do, you left it?", "Nate: Come on, elena. Abby's had one foot out the door since we started dating. Do you know how hard it was to talk her into going on a date? And then she wanted to keep slowing things down. Maybe she always knew all along what I should have known -- we were just too different.", "Elena: When devon and I went double-dating with you guys, it was obvious that abby was into you. She was just gun-shy. She had just broken off her engagement with arturo, so she was protecting her heart, trying to take things slowly. I feel like you can understand that.", "Nate: Yeah, I suppose so.", "Elena: So do you want this to be over?", "Nate: The conversation might have gone differently if I had known she wanted to try to work on things.", "Elena: Okay. Then you need to call her. Or, better yet, go see her in person. And give her a chance to open up. I think there's something special between you guys, and it would be a shame to throw it away without even giving it a fight.", "Abby: Good night. Thanks for coming in.", "Phyllis: Poor abby. You're so busy working and dealing with your miserable love life, you have no idea what I'm really up to.", "Chelsea: Adam, pick up. Damn you. [ Scoffs ] He still won't answer his phone.", "Nick: Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing, considering what just happened. I don't think adam's the kind of role model connor needs right now.", "Chelsea: Connor is acting out because he feels rejected by his father, which is the exact same thing that happened to adam.", "Nick: No, it's different, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah, damn straight, it's different. I'll make sure of it. I'm gonna make sure that my son gets everything he needs, which no one ever did that for adam, no one.", "Nick: I thought you told me the thing you are most afraid of is connor turning into adam.", "Chelsea: Yeah, still am.", "Nick: So why do you think him coming back is good for connor? I get it, you want to do everything you can to protect your son, but I think you're forgetting how dangerous adam is.", "Chelsea: Okay, victor can take care of himself, okay?", "Nick: I'm not talking about my dad! I'm talking about all these people that we care about, all of these people in our family who would be at risk if adam comes back, including christian.", "Chelsea: Adam abandoned all claims to christian.", "Nick: So you think he's just gonna stick to that, never decide to cause trouble again or try to insinuate himself in christian's life? I'm telling you, you're just asking for trouble.", "Chelsea: We are already in trouble, nicholas. Don't you see that? Including christian. We're all in trouble. Poor christian. I mean, he probably doesn't understand why -- why connor is acting out like this and taking out all of his anger on him. This poor kid. I mean, he's probably gonna start blaming himself, soon think that -- that he did something wrong to cause all this. No. No. We need to get adam back. He's the person who caused all this, which means he's the only person who can fix it. Look, this isn't my firstrodeo...", "Amanda: I'm guessing you're the good cop?", "Nate: Excuse me?", "Amanda: Well, devon was just here threatening to bring out the torches and the pitchforks if I don't leave town. I'm guessing you're here to pick up the pieces?", "Nate: You don't seem too shattered, and I'm actually here to see somebody else.", "Amanda: Well, don't let me keep you.", "Nate: Can I ask you something?", "Amanda: Depends.", "Nate: Why are you putting yourself through all this?", "Amanda: Now that... is a very good question.", "Phyllis: This is an invitation I didn't expect. [ Sighs ] All right. Why am I here?", "Chelsea: I asked nick to call you.", "Nick: We appreciate you giving us adam's number, but he is not returning any of chelsea's messages.", "Phyllis: What do you expect? You set him up, you tricked him, you ran him out of town, nick.", "Nick: You conveniently forget why.", "Chelsea: Okay, stop. That's not what this is about. This is not about the newmans. This is about a little boy needing his father. If adam could just understand how unhappy connor is, he would want to be here.", "Phyllis: I already tried.", "Nick: Tried what?", "Phyllis: I already tried to get adam back here. I saw him in vegas, and I told him that he should come back for his son, and he said that connor was better off without him.", "Chelsea: Well -- well, we need to try again.", "Phyllis: How do I know this isn't a trick? That you really want to set adam up, and you're trying to use connor as bait?", "Nick: I would never use connor in that way.", "Phyllis: Seriously? Like you didn't use your own kids that way and convince them that their grandfather was dead, just so you could set adam up?", "Chelsea: I wasn't a part of that plan, phyllis. I wasn't a part of the plan. And I'm not lying about connor now. Everything I'm doing to help my son is failing. I'm failing. And now he's just feeling abandoned and unwanted, and it's breaking my heart. Please. I know, if you were in my shoes, you would do whatever it takes. So I'm asking you -- no, I'm -- I'm begging you, phyllis. Please. Please help us.", "Nick: It's not a trap. Okay? There's not enough evidence to indict adam, and dad wouldn't cooperate if there was. He's in no legal jeopardy. We are just trying to give him the chance to do the right thing for the first time in his life.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I just texted you the information as to where he is in vegas.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Don't thank me yet. You have to get him back here.", "Amanda: I've never given up on a client, and... I've never lost a case.", "Nate: Well, there was a time where I never lost a patient, until I did.", "Amanda: What was that like?", "Nate: Sad. Humbling. It took a while to get over, until I learned to adjust my expectations. Doctors aren't gods, we're not all-powerful or all-knowing. We're just people trying to do the best we can. Sometimes, it's enough. Sometimes not.", "Amanda: Well, I never claimed to be all-powerful, all-knowing anything. But... I promise you, I could have wrapped this case up in a matter of days if I had any cooperation from my client.", "Nate: Then maybe it is really time for you to move on, or at least hand it off to someone in your office. Do you have a partner?", "Amanda: Um... I had a partner. He died.", "Nate: I'm sorry.", "Amanda: That is, um, one of the nicest things that anyone has said to me since I stepped foot in this town, good cop or otherwise.", "Nate: You're homesick, aren't you?", "Amanda: Is that an official diagnosis, doctor? Are you gonna prescribe a car ride home, hmm?", "Nate: Not my, uh, field of expertise. But it might be the best thing for you. Anyway, I need to see if abby is still here.", "Amanda: Yes, uh, good luck with that.", "Nate: Good luck to you, too. I mean it.", "Cane: Hey, jill. Hey, it's me. Uh, I'm glad you're there. Um... I know, I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with you, it couldn't be helped, but, listen, um... I'm headed home, and... you won't believe what I'm bringing with me -- the original pages from katherine's will.", "Chelsea: You know, I don't think I should bring connor with me to vegas because who knows how adam will react to that.", "Nick: Chelsea --", "Chelsea: But the thing is, i can't leave him here, either, because who knows how he'll react to that? So I'm thinking maybe if we talk to sharon -- she understands the whole situation.", "Nick: We're not talking to sharon. And you're not going to vegas.", "Chelsea: But I -- I thought we agreed. I thought you understood how important this is to me.", "Nick: I do. That's why I'm gonna go to vegas. I'll bring adam back.", "Chelsea: Thank you. Thank you so much. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Chelsea: We're at memorial.", "Nick: What are you doing at the hospital?", "Chelsea: It's connor.", "Kyle: Why do I have to keep proving myself to you? That's the vibe I'm getting from you, billy, that you're just waiting for me to fall on my face.", "Billy: Yeah, maybe I am.", "Elena: I think you need to talk to someone who's a little closer to the issues, someone who knows katherine and cane better than anyone else.", "Devon: You're talking about lily." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Neil told Nick the timing wasn't right for Sharon to join the company, and certainly not in a high-level position. Nick accused him of trying to protect Drucilla's job, and threatened to go to Victor, while Neil told him to feel free. Drucilla told Sharon she couldn't join the already crowded cosmetics division. Sharon accused her of feeling threatened, while Dru said they'd just wait to see what happened. Victor told Devon about his childhood as an orphan and asked about Devon's absentee Father. Drucilla interrupted their meeting, told Victor about Sharon's desire to work for NE, and asked about Devon. Victor insisted there was more to the story of Devon's Father than anyone was letting on. In front of Jack, Ash lectured Abby about blaming Victor for her accident. Jack later told her to stop defending Victor. Ash said he would never understand, admitted to having confusing feelings, but refused to share them with him. Nikki told Brad she'd had him investigated and apologized for killing his brother. Brad stunned her by revealing she had the wrong guy... he was NOT Charlie Cassen. Kay agreed to let Bobby and Brittany have their wedding at her estate. Brittany blasted Mac for suggesting she postpone the wedding, and was shocked when Bobby announced it would be at the Chancellor Estate. Phyllis told Damon that Dominic Hughes was reformed and would be released. She begged him to give up his vengeance and focus on them. Damon said there was no them, said good-bye to Phyllis and left her in tears." ]
[ "Jack: I'm not sure I ordered the right thing here. Let me try the ice cream, just a little bit.", "Kyle: Dad!", "Jack: Just a little bit. A little bit. Ohh. Oh, that's good.", "Ashley's voice: Did you mean what you said earlier about being happy that abby was yours?", "Victor's voice: Mm-hmm. Because you and I were deprived of raising our own child, weren't we? Do you know how much I was in love with you?", "Ashley's voice: We were in love with each other.", "Victor's voice: You and i should share that joy of a child. But it wasn't to be.", "Kyle: Abby, tell me what happened with the horse.", "Jack: Earth to ashley. Come in, please.", "Ashley: What? What's going on?", "Jack: Wow, you were a million miles away.", "Ashley: I'm right here.", "Jack: Well, abby was just about to tell us how she fell off her horse out at the ranch.", "Ashley: Jack, don't encourage her.", "Abby: He's not, mommy. Kyle wants to know. He's scared of horses, too.", "Devon: I'll be back in a minute. Jamal said you wanted to see me.", "Victor: Yes, devon. Come in.", "Devon: So you gonna yell at me about something?", "Victor: Why do you think that?", "Devon: Well, why else would you have me come in here? I must have done something you didn't like or...", "Victor: Devon, I just noticed that you left some blankets and sheets behind this morning. You didn't put them away. And you also left some dirty dishes in the sink.", "Devon: Well, I knew you were gonna get on me about something.", "Victor: Well, the point is unless you learn how to straighten up after yourself, other people have to do the work for you. That's not very nice. I just wanna remind you, it's a privilege to live in this rec center here. It's not a right. Am I making myself clear?", "Devon: Mr. Newman, I don't get you... at all. You're not my old man, okay? So why do you keep acting like you are?", "Bobby: No, no, no, that room's gonna be too small. Can you move that group and give us the bigger room? No, huh? All right, thanks. Thanks for nothin'.", "Angelo: Hey, what's the matter, big guy?", "Bobby: Get this one. Now we can't have the wedding at brittany's church.", "Angelo: Yeah? You know, why not?", "Bobby: Well, the minister will marry us, just not there.", "Angelo: Yeah, don't tell me. He's afraid a bunch of strippers are gonna show up and start dancing around the altar.", "Bobby: Evidently, he's got some straightlaced people that he's gotta keep happy.", "Angelo: Ahh, so we go someplace else-- look, someplace where, you know, you and me are less likely to get struck by lightning.", "Bobby: Very funny. But not on short notice. Listen, I've checked every restaurant and hotel in town. Either the room's not big enough, or they're booked up.", "Angelo: Well, you know, there's always vegas.", "Bobby: Again with the vegas?", "Angelo: Hey, I like the action. You can get married, I can throw the bones a little bit. What's wrong with that?", "Bobby: One thing-- it's not gonna happen. I mean, just help me here. Just think. There's gotta be someplace in town here that we can have this wedding.", "Bobby: You know what? I got an idea. It's a long shot, but it just might work.", "Angelo: Hey, what long shot?", "Bobby: I'll be back.", "Brad: Nikki, what is this? You think I'm someone named charles?", "Nikki: Charles robert cassen. Are you? Are you charlie cassen?", "Brad: I've never heard that name before in my life.", "Nikki: Are you telling me the truth?", "Brad: Nikki, my name is bradley carlton. Always has been.", "Nikki: No. No. You changed your name once years ago, when you were living in cleveland.", "Brad: How the hell would you know that?", "Nikki: I just do, okay?", "Brad: How?!", "Nikki: I had paul williams look into it.", "Brad: You what?", "Nikki: I'm sorry if that upsets you. Look, I don't even need to know the details on this name change. I just need to know if I'm right... if you truly are who I think you are.", "Nick: Neil, glad i caught you on the cell phone.", "Neil: Hey, I had a meeting here, so your timing was perfect. Have a seat. What's up?", "Nick: We'll get to that in a minute. How are things going?", "Neil: Fine. Newman enterprises, I guess I can say with some pride, is running like a well-oiled machine these days.", "Nick: Cool. Very cool.", "Neil: So you miss it?", "Nick: Sometimes. I miss the game, but other times I'm glad to be out of the rat race.", "Neil: How glad are you?", "Nick: Why do you ask?", "Neil: Well, I'm getting a vibe here that you might be sniffing around to see if there's a chance you can get your old job back at the salt mines.", "Nick: Well, i am sniffing around, but it's not for me. I'd like my wife to start working at newman enterprises.", "Dru: What's up? Oh, cute office.", "Sharon: Thank you. I just thought that maybe we ought to talk in private.", "Dru: Yeah, yeah. Oh, I have so much to tell you, sharon.", "Sharon: Well, I hope you're gonna like this.", "Dru: What?", "Sharon: I might be coming to work at newman enterprises in the cosmetics division.", "Dru: Really?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: That's wonderful. Doing what?", "Sharon: Well, I really am not sure. Nick and I just talked about ways I could represent the company somehow.", "Dru: You and nicholas.", "Sharon: Yeah, and so I was hoping maybe you could, you know, give me some idea of where I might fit in there.", "Dru: Yeah, let me just think about how you could fit in. Let's just think about this for a second. You know, everything is so tight in the corporate world. Of course, I'm integral to the company. I run the whole cosmetics division. Right now how you could fit in, how you could fit in-- not right now, sharon. Not right now.", "Sharon: Well, I was just thinking about maybe something in sales or marketing. I mean, I could even start out as a goodwill ambassador.", "Dru: Goodwill ambassador. That is flawless, that idea. But right now we don't need the person waving and smiling--", "Sharon: No, no, of course not.", "Dru: We need a representation for newman cosmetics-- you know, someone who has a lot of experience, savvy, understands the complexity of the chemistry, the ingredients in the product, the packaging, the distribution, the price points, the margin quotes, all of those things. And then we have a huge online piece, not to mention the big \"P.\" That's the politics within the company as well as that whole retail diaspora out there. Of course, I would know about that because I was an international model--", "Sharon: Look, dru, I understand that there's a lot I have to learn.", "Dru: Yeah, and I've already learned those things. So has phyllis. It's just not a good fit right now, sharon.", "Sharon: Hey, hey, I'm not talking about taking over or anything.", "Dru: No, no, no, I understand that. It's just that, um, we have covered that whole division of labor issue. Yeah.", "Sharon: Let me just tell you where I'm coming from, okay?", "Dru: Go ahead.", "Sharon: I-I love being a mother, you know.", "Dru: Yes.", "Sharon: I mean, my kids bring me tremendous joy and satisfaction, and this is really just-- it's something for me.", "Dru: I got ya. Oh, do I understand that one. I gotta tell you, sharon. This isn't something you just walk into. That's why I've worked so hard, so long to be so successful. I really gained the experience. I've earned it hour upon hour of labor--", "Sharon: And I am going to have to put in those hours, too. I realize that.", "Dru: All right.", "Sharon: Tell me something. Um... are you threatened by the idea of me coming to work at newman?", "J.T.: So how was class this morning?", "Mac: It was good, actually. We had this guest speaker that was talking about schizophrenia and--", "J.T.: Really?", "Brittany: Did bobby call?", "J.T.: Brittany, we were kind of in the middle of a conversation here.", "Brittany: Oh. Sorry. But did he call?", "J.T.: No, he didn't call.", "Mac: Is something wrong?", "Brittany: Try everything. My wedding's in less than two weeks, and I don't even know where we're getting married. (Doorbell rings)", "Kay: Esther? (Doorbell rings)", "Kay: Esther! Oh, god.", "Kay: Oh, mr. Marsino.", "Bobby: Hello, mrs. Chancellor. How are you today?", "Kay: I'm fine, I'm fine. I assume you're here to see jill.", "Bobby: Well, actually, I was hoping that I could talk to you.", "Kay: Me?", "Bobby: I mean, if you're busy, I can come back.", "Kay: No, no, no. I'm so sorry. Come in. Come in, please. Straight ahead to the living room. Will you care for some coffee or, um...", "Bobby: Thanks, but I really can't stay that long.", "Kay: Uh, well, then, uh, sit down. Sit down, please.", "Bobby: Thank you.", "Kay: So tell me, what is on your mind?", "Bobby: (Sighs) I need a favor. Now I hate having to come to you and I know it's a lot to ask, but I'm really in a jam here. I didn't know where I could turn, and then, bam, it hit me. Mrs. Chancellor, you could be the answer to my problem.", "Kay: I'm touched. But I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about.", "Bobby: Well, here's the deal. You like a good wedding, don't you? In a country like ours, the future is full of possibilities.", "Phyllis: Don't you understand? That's why I went to georgia. I went there to warn dominic hughes that if he gets let out, that you will kill him, that if he gets paroled, he is a dead man.", "Damon: Why? Phyllis, why-- why are you robbing me of the opportunity to avenge my son's death? Why won't you let me make him pay for what he did to elias?", "Phyllis: He already has! Listen to yourself! My god, you're so hell-bent on seeking revenge, that you're willing to lose your life for it.", "Damon: I have... I don't have a life.", "Abby: And then starfire went like this.", "Ashley: Careful.", "Abby: And I fell off.", "Jack: Wow.", "Kyle: Was it scary?", "Abby: Real scary, and it hurt, too, bad. I think victor wasn't being very careful.", "Ashley: Honey, that's not very nice. Remember, we talked about this. The horse was probably stung. It wasn't victor's fault.", "Abby: He was supposed to make sure nothing happened.", "Ashley: No matter what anyone says, he only wants what's best for you. You know, he loves you. He would never hurt you.", "Abby: Then why do I have to wear this sling?", "Ashley: Sweetie, the fall was an accident. You can't blame victor. Okay?", "Kyle: Daddy, can I go to the playroom?", "Jack: Yeah, yeah. You know what? I think the storyteller's still up there. Go ahead, buddy.", "Abby: Mommy, can I go, too?", "Ashley: It's \"may I,\" and, yes, you may. Remember, that fall you had was an accident, okay? Go ahead. Watch your arm.", "Jack: Well, that was quite a lecture you gave your daughter.", "Ashley: It wasn't a lecture.", "Jack: Could've fooled me. Seemed to be you were selling her on the idea that victor can do no wrong.", "Ashley: Do you have a point?", "Jack: Yeah. She's a bright kid, ash, and she's not buying it.", "Victor: You're right. I'm not your father. However, I'm your caretaker for the time being, and I happen to run this joint.", "Devon: And what you say around here goes, right?", "Victor: You got it.", "Devon: Well, just so you know, I'm not real big on people telling what to do.", "Victor: Well, devon, I don't give a damn. You're gonna have to get used to it until you are able to make decisions-- proper decisions--on your own, all right?", "Devon: So, like, I'm the soldier, and you're the general type thing, right?", "Victor: That's not the point. What is important is that you learn that we are all in this together. We need to learn to respect one another. Get my drift?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Victor: All right. Then we'll get along.", "Devon: All right, well, is that all?", "Victor: Are you in a rush or what?", "Devon: Not really.", "Victor: Well, then why don't you sit down?", "Victor: Tell me something about your background.", "Devon: Like what?", "Victor: I don't know anything about your father. What's the story about your father?", "Brad: Why the hell should I tell you anything? What you did goes way beyond the pale, a complete betrayal of trust.", "Nikki: I'm sorry. I understand why you feel this way.", "Brad: Do you? Seems to me you did this without any regard for my feelings whatsoever.", "Nikki: Brad, that was not my intent.", "Brad: Well, what was your intent? Because I can't figure out what would possibly possess you to go sleuthing around, digging up dirt on me. Who the hell do you think you are, nikki?", "Nikki: I am somebody who has a lot of questions, questions from my past, and I feel that you are involved in them, so it would be very helpful to me if you could just be honest.", "Brad: Well, it would help if you gave me a straight answer.", "Nikki: All right. Sit down.", "Nikki: Charles robert cassen had an older brother named joshua, and I know that he just vanished without a trace after going to a birthday party. Brad, it was my birthday party, my 5th birthday. Nobody had any idea what happened to him, not even his parents. That's when you moved to cleveland-- to give your family a chance to start over, but I know that you didn't stop thinking about him. I'm sure you wondered if he was still alive somewhere. But, brad, you don't have to wonder anymore... because of me. Because of my father's gun and me. I shot your brother. I killed him.", "Jeff: Next time on \"survivor\". I will not.", "Jeff: Rory makes a daring move. wow, 25 by 11.", "Justine: Oh my gosh!", "Neil: Thanks.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Neil: So sharon is looking to get outta the house, huh?", "Nick: Yeah. She's a great wife and mother, but she's starting to feel like she needs something more in her life, and I can understand that. I'm sure you can, too. Your wife has a great career.", "Neil: Mm. Drucilla's always had a job. It's very important to her. At one point, it even became a problem. She became so involved, it tore apart our home life. Her modeling--that's what broke up our first marriage.", "Nick: Yeah, but you guys ended up together.", "Neil: Do you really think that sharon is ready for this commit-- better yet, are you ready for this commitment? It's gonna change your whole life.", "Neil: Neil, come on, man. We're just talking about a job. What's the big deal?", "Neil: What department?", "Nick: Cosmetics-- marketing, publicity. Sharon's a beautiful woman. She's smart, she's talented, she's motivated.", "Neil: She has no experience. It takes a long time to train someone to where they're even beginning to pull their own weight.", "Nick: I know that.", "Neil: I'm just saying that it might be tougher--", "Nick: Look, I know what you're \"just saying.\" You think that sharon's not gonna stick it out. But look at me, man. I worked hard when I was there. And victoria-- did you ever see anyone bust their hump the way she did?", "Neil: Okay, all right, listen, don't-- don't get defensive on me.", "Nick: I'm not gettin' defensive, but when you start giving me all this management 101 stuff... look, I'm just trying to get my wife a job.", "Neil: Yeah, in cosmetics. Maybe she'd be better off in another area. Something let's say, um, more entry-level.", "Nick: You talkin' about the mail room?", "Neil: I just don't see sharon starting off in marketing or publicity.", "Nick: I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to protect drucilla's turf.", "Neil: No, that's not it at all. In fact, she and phyllis are only spending a small fraction of the ad/pub budget.", "Nick: Okay, then what's the big deal?", "Neil: There is no big deal. We don't need sharon right now. Tell you what. Why don't you go talk to your wife? Um, maybe she should go back to school for awhile. Maybe get a job somewhere where it doesn't say \"newman\" on the outside of the building, build a résumé.", "Nick: You know, I really didn't want to have to go to my father with this. Sharon just happens to be one of victor's favorite people. Are you sure you want him involved?", "Neil: You do what you have to do.", "Nick: All right.", "Sharon: Drucilla, you are threatened, aren't you? You're threatened because I'm a newman.", "Dru: Sharon, need I remind you my husband is the interim C.E.O. Of newman enterprises. I am not threatened. I just earned what I have.", "Sharon: And I will have to earn my way, too, okay? Look... I was hoping to learn from you. I'm not trying to steal your job away or climb up your shoulders on the way up some corporate ladder. I-I wouldn't have even brought this up to you if I were trying to be sneaky.", "Dru: Well, some may find it to be passive-aggressive. I'm simply saying that there's no room at the inn. It's not a good fit.", "Sharon: Okay, well, if it doesn't work out, after awhile, we'll talk about it.", "Dru: I can hear it now. \"Dru, it's getting a little crowded around here. Why don't you take an early retirement?\" Right? Yeah.", "Sharon: What? No. Absolutely not.", "Dru: Sharon, there's nothing I can do about it. If you come into my office, I'll greet you with a smile. But just know this, it's every woman for herself.", "Sharon: Only if you want it to be.", "Dru: Thanks for the heads up, ms. Newman.", "Kay: You want to have your wedding here?", "Bobby: Yeah. I mean, I understand if it's completely out of the question.", "Kay: I--no, no, no, I-I did not say that.", "Bobby: Listen, you would really help me out big time. You don't even know.", "Kay: Well, yes, the estate, uh, has served as a great background for weddings.", "Bobby: You've done weddings here before?", "Kay: Oh, my, yes. Many. (Chuckles)", "Bobby: Well, this is what I was thinking. That we could have the ceremony right here in the living room. Set some chairs and bring in some flowers-- I think it'd be really nice.", "Kay: Mr. Marsino, have you run this by your fiancée?", "Bobby: No, I haven't run it by her yet. But I know that she would love to get married here. I mean, she wants her wedding to be special and beautiful, and let's face it, there's no place more beautiful than your home.", "Kay: I believe you're buttering me up.", "Bobby: (Chuckles) is it working?", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Bobby: Look, uh, brittany means the world to me, and I love her m-more than anything. I want to give her the wedding that she deserves.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. Uh, tell me, mr. Marsino, if I agree to this, what's in it for me?", "Bobby: Only the satisfaction of knowing that you helped a new couple start their life together.", "Kay: Well, that's a good answer. And, uh, fortunately, my answer is, uh, yes, yes.", "Bobby: We can have the wedding here?", "Kay: Be honored.", "Bobby: Mrs. Chancellor, I don't know how to thank you. You--you are the greatest. Come here. Thank you so much.", "Kay: You're most welcome.", "Brittany: So that's the situation. As if I didn't already have enough to deal with, now bobby and I have to find a new place to get married.", "Mac: Sorry, brittany.", "J.T.: That really sucks.", "Brittany: It just makes me so angry. I've been going to this church all my life. I was christened there. Apparently that doesn't count for anything.", "J.T.: Well, at least reverend palmer is still gonna perform the ceremony. That's good news. You said you really liked the guy.", "Brittany: Yeah, he's the best. He even stood up to the church elders. But it didn't do any good. Apparently we're not respectable enough for them.", "Mac: So what are you gonna do?", "Brittany: Well, bobby said he'd figure something out. I have to trust him.", "J.T.: I don't know how you can be so mellow about this.", "Brittany: Well, what else can I do, freak out? That's not gonna solve anything.", "Mac: I have an idea.", "Brittany: What?", "Mac: Well, maybe you should consider postponing your wedding. ñGñúg!Wqya Shortcomings. I pretty much -- like i said is I'm a realist.", "Damon: Please tell me what hughes said to you.", "Phyllis: He's not the same person.", "Damon: What does that mean, phyllis?", "Phyllis: He's very aware of what he's done. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes.", "Damon: It's a game he's playing for the parole board.", "Phyllis: It's not a game. His anguish is real.", "Damon: He's got you snowed.", "Phyllis: No, he doesn'T. This man is suffering.", "Damon: He has no idea what suffering is. And apparently, neither do you.", "Phyllis: This is a man who realizes what he did was wrong and he can never take it back, damon. And he wants to atone for his sins. He wants to do good in the world. He wants to go to cities and get kids out of gangs and--and tell them-- tell them how--how-- the harm they'll be doing to their lives and the lives of others.", "Damon: You know what? You know what? That animal can scream from morning till night that he wants to help kids. Nothing he ever does-- nothing he ever does will make up for the death of my son, nothing!", "Phyllis: Damon, you're not going to georgia, okay? You're not doing it.", "Damon: You can't talk me out of it.", "Phyllis: Why do you want to put yourself through that? Why do you want to see him? He's gonna go free. And then he told me he wants to come here and see you.", "Damon: To genoa city?", "Phyllis: Yeah. He wants to make amends. He wants to tell you how sorry he is.", "Damon: Good. Let him come.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, I told him not to. I don't think he's gonna listen to me.", "Damon: Well, I hope you're right. I hope he does come, the sooner the better.", "Phyllis: Okay, I want you to listen to yourself right now. You listen to yourself. You're going down a path, and you're never coming back. Do you understand that? I'm gonna lose you. And I'm afraid. I'm afraid for us.", "Damon: Oh, what us? There is no us, phyllis, not now.", "Brad: Nikki, I don't know what to say.", "Nikki: Don't say anything. There's nothing to say. I would understand if you never wanted to see me again. I am so, so sorry.", "Brad: You don't have to apologize to me.", "Nikki: I don't know what else to do, brad. I mean, I repressed this for so long, and now it's just exploding in my brain. A-all I do is think about it, night and day.", "Nikki: God, I know his disappearance must have destroyed you. But at least now you know the truth.", "Brad: Nikki, that was a terrible, heartbreaking story. But it isn't me. I am not charles robert cassen. And I never was.", "Jack: You finally have a chance to ease the black knight out of your life, and you're ragging on your daughter for not being fair to victor?", "Ashley: She's not being fair. And frankly, I don't want her to develop an attitude because she happened to take a fall at the ranch.", "Jack: I can't understand why you'd want to have this messy situation around you anymore. Abby finally wants to make a break from victor--", "Ashley: You don't understand.", "Jack: I do understand. Brad doesn't like victor, victor doesn't like him.", "Ashley: You know what? That's mostly brad's fault. He's done nothing to ease the tension between the two of them.", "Jack: Wow. Who's not being fair now?", "Ashley: Look, I'm-- I'm not saying that brad is entirely to blame for this. I know that victor rubs him the wrong way.", "Jack: Go ahead. Hey... ash, what's really going on here?", "Ashley: It's just my own stuff, jack. I'm--I'm gonna work it out.", "Jack: Come on. Open up. I know you and junior are not having an easy time of it right--", "Ashley: That's none of your business.", "Jack: I'm your brother. I'm making it my business.", "Ashley: Well, then you better get used to disappointment. I'm gonna go check on the kids.", "Devon: My father? My father's dead.", "Victor: Hmm. How did he die?", "Devon: He was hit by a truck. What's the difference?", "Victor: Why do i get the feeling you're not telling me the truth?", "Devon: All right, so he's not dead, okay? But he might as well be.", "Victor: Do you know where he is?", "Devon: Who cares where he is? He was never around. And I don't even remember what the guy looks like.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Then you and I have something in common, devon.", "Devon: Yeah, right.", "Victor: Yeah, right. I never really knew my father. He abandoned his family when I was 7 years old.", "Devon: You're kidding.", "Victor: I wish I were. And my mother was too poor to raise two kids, so one of us ended up in an orphanage.", "Devon: You did?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Waited for years for her to come back. She never did. So when I was your age, I got the hell outta there, as far away as I could. Been on my own ever since.", "Devon: Come on. You're making this all up, man.", "Victor: I wish I were making it up, devon.", "Devon: So an orphanage, huh?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. In those days, orphanages were cold places, state-run institutions. Hated that joint. I have a feeling worse than the group homes that you are in and out of.", "Devon: Well, I bet. But I still don't get what this all has to do with me.", "Victor: What this has to do with you is that I want you to understand that I can relate to your bitterness and your anger. I know where you're coming from.", "Devon: Oh, I see. So since you and i are so much alike, I can go out and become a zillionaire, too, right? Is that what you're telling me?", "Victor: (Laughs) that's a good question. Let me tell you something about that, devon. You're a bright kid. You can be anything you set your mind to. Anything. All right.", "Devon: Anything. Well, you know, mr. Newman, what, uh, I really want right now is to be outta this office.", "Victor: Well, then right now you set your mind to helping jamal in the kitchen and washing dishes. How's that?", "Dru: Devon, how ar--", "Dru: Hi.", "Victor: Hi.", "Dru: I can see he's still mad at me.", "Victor: I have a feeling he's mad at the whole world.", "Dru: I guess I'm glad he's with you, victor. Are you getting through to him or...", "Victor: Let's just say we are coping.", "Dru: I know that devon still feels that neil and I betrayed him.", "Victor: Well, if I were you, I wouldn't beat myself up over it.", "Dru: Yeah, I just wish that I had more time with him, you know? He was showing so much promise.", "Victor: Well, you and I both know, to deal with him takes a lot of patience.", "Dru: You're right. You're right. Well, not to change the subject, I understand that your daughter-in-law is gonna be working for newman enterprises. Is that true?", "Victor: I didn't know that.", "Dru: Huh.", "Victor: But then, I don't make those kind of decisions so... hmm. That's neil's department now. By the way, what do you know about that boy's father?", "Dru: Nothing. I spoke to lorena davis, you know, his social worker, and she's shrouded in secrecy and confidentiality clauses. I just assumed the boy's father was dead or never met him. Why?", "Victor: I don't think the father's dead. Something is not right. I think the truth is somewhere else.", "Brittany: I am not postponing my wedding.", "Mac: I don't mean indefinitely, just a few weeks.", "Brittany: No way. Bobby and I set a date, and we're sticking to it.", "J.T.: Mac has a point. It's something to think about.", "Brittany: Well, thanks a lot. You're supposed to be on my side, remember?", "Mac: Look, brittany, I know you're anxious to get married, but this is your wedding day. Why not give yourself a little extra time to pull it together?", "Brittany: I don't need extra time. Bobby and i will figure this out.", "Mac: Okay.", "Brittany: And another thing, if I want your opinion, I'm gonna ask for it.", "J.T.: Brittany, relax.", "Brittany: You stay outta this.", "J.T.: She's just trying to help. Why are you getting so defensive?", "Brittany: Because I'm tired of people sticking their noses in my business. Ever since bobby and I got engaged, all I've heard is that I'm making a mistake, that he's all wrong for me. Well, that's tough. Bobby and I are in love, and we want to do this. So if people don't like it, I don't care.", "Mac: I'm not saying that you shouldn't get married.", "J.T.: Mac, let it go.", "Brittany: Why are you looking at me like that?", "Mac: You seem really determined to go through with this wedding.", "Brittany: Is there something wrong with that?", "Mac: It's almost like you're trying to prove something.", "Brittany: What's that supposed to mean? Wh-what would i be trying to prove? (Knock on door)", "J.T.: I'll get it. (Knock on door)", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Bobby: Hey. Now have I got some fantastic news for you.", "Brittany: Good. I could use some.", "Bobby: I found the place to have our wedding. /Ñ/Ñ dollar prize. 39 keep moving get close are you to crisis mode in terms of not having water? We're on boys got a man. We just lost. Losing there's nine of us. We're all brute str", "Brittany: So you found another church?", "Bobby: No, it's not a church. But I know you're gonna love this place.", "Brittany: See, mac? I told you it would work out.", "Bobby: What's going on here?", "Brittany: Mac wanted us to call off the wedding.", "Mac: That's not what I said.", "Brittany: You might as well have. You've been so negative about this wedding. I'm starting to wonder if I even want you there.", "J.T.: Oh, brittany, come on. Lighten up.", "Bobby: All right, listen, we're not calling off anything, okay? Honey, sit down.", "Brittany: So where is this place? Somewhere really romantic?", "Bobby: Oh, you bet it is. We are gonna get married at the chancellor estate.", "Nikki: Brad...", "Brad: Nikki, I'm not the man you're looking for. Joshua cassen is no relation of mine.", "Nikki: I was wrong.", "Brad: That's what I'm telling you.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any pain. I really thought I had solved this mystery.", "Brad: But you hadn't, nikki.", "Brad: Look, um, this is the last thing I need right now. My life is goin' to hell. And with all that I have going on... I really shouldn't be looking back.", "Nikki: Please forgive me. Please forgive me. I-I didn't mean to open up old wounds. I really thought that I knew what they were. I was trying to do the best thing. I'm sorry. Brad, don't go. Brad.", "Phyllis: So you're just walking away? What is this? Why, because I tried to help you?", "Damon: Phyllis, please. There--there can't be any \"us\" with this that I have to do.", "Phyllis: You have to... no, you're not just throwing me over like this.", "Damon: I'm not gonna have you involved in this.", "Phyllis: I'm involved in this. We're together. We're--we're a team. We're connected.", "Damon: No, see, me and my son are connected. You and I, we're--we're nothing.", "Phyllis: What, are you just dumping me? Just like that? I-I need to seek revenge so that's it, phyllis, good-bye?", "Damon: This is my son. This is my grief. It's my debt.", "Phyllis: I'm begging you. Please don't go. Please don't do this thing.", "Damon: I owe it to elias.", "Phyllis: What do you owe? So you can be old and gray in some jail cell somewhere? What's the purpose of that?", "Damon: You don't understand.", "Phyllis: No, I don't understand. You're right. I'll never understand this.", "[NEXT_ON]", "\"the young and the restless\"...", "Neil: If I'm not gonna allow nicholas newman to tell me how to run the business, I'm certainly not gonna allow my wife to do it. No.", "Dru: Honey, honey, I just wanted to suggest--", "Neil: No, no, case closed.", "Victor: What can I do?", "Sharon: I want a job.", "Bobby: It's too bad you're taken.", "Nikki: What?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric']
[ "Ashley shows up at Newman to meet with Brad. He called her to have a visit and talk. She is in a good mood this time and wonders what it is they have to talk about. He asks her about the divorce. Ashley says that she hasn't done anything about that yet. \"I was just angry when we were talking before. I haven't done anything,\" she says. She assures Brad that she isn't interested in trying to work out the marriage if that is what he is afraid of. Brad seems to think that the divorce might be a good idea. He says that Abby can deal with them being apart now, so the divorce would actually take away any confusion about her parents ever getting back together. Ashley asks if this has to do with Brad dating Victoria. \"Are things moving along in that department? Are you getting serious about her?\" Ashley asks. Brad doesn't answer her. Ashley gets angry and then changes her mind about the divorce. \"I will call my attorney,\" she says before storming out. Daniel has one last appearance to make at court. He pleads guilty to jumping his bail and is sentenced to one-year probation and 500 hours of community service. That community service will primarily be served by him speaking to other kids about the things that he has experienced and how he has learned from the experience. Daniel thanks the judge for the sentence and looks forward to serving it. Sharon has some concerns about getting the job as spokes model. She thinks that her sister-in-law doesn't want her to get the job. Nick confronts Victoria about setting Sharon up to fail. The press make a mockery of Sharon being in the contest. Her name is Newman, she is married to the founder's son, and she works for the company. They call the contest an elaborate publicity stunt. Later Nick tells Victoria that now if Sharon wins, it will look like she was going to win anyway. He doesn't like the way that his wife is treated and he tells Victoria that clearly. Tom suspects that Gloria has more to do with his getting set up, although she denies having anything to do with that. She points out that she wouldn't have paid for him to get out on bail if she was trying to send him to prison. He has thought about that. He knows that she would like to have him in jail but much more than that, she would like to keep his mouth shut about their still being married. He tells her that to prove that she really didn't have anything to do with Michael sending him to jail, she now has to help him bring Michael down. Sheila has been nosing around and she knows that Lauren is in the hospital. She was a nurse and knows that anyone in the hospital is a sitting duck. Later, she gets a syringe and fills it. She gets hospital clothing and heads to the hospital to Lauren's room. Lauren is sleeping. Sheila enters the room, dressed as Jennifer and heads to the Lauren's bedside. \"Sweet dreams,\" she says. \"Or better yet Go to hell!\"" ]
[ "Sheila: According to you, your only agenda is to get out of jail. In a couple of minutes, your paperwork will be processed, and that's exactly what's gonna happen. You'll be a free man... till your trial, at least.", "Tom: What, do you think being in here has addled my brain? Think again, sweetheart.", "Sheila: Meaning?", "Tom: Meaning I know when you're trying to play me, Brenda. The only reason you agreed to do Gloria's dirty work and bail me out with that cash she gave you is you're afraid I got something on you.", "Sheila: What could you possibly have over me, Tom?", "Tom: Something that could get you in big trouble.", "Sheila: I don't think so.", "Tom: Well, let's see, what could it be? What do I know about Brenda-- alias Jennifer? She's got a kinky streak, loves to play dress up, and, uh, oh, I just remembered. She was real determined to get her hands on some poison. What do you think? Could that be it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I can still hear Sheila's terrible voice telling me that I have nothing to live for... and that there was only one way to get rid of her.", "Lauren: You know what the really terrifying thing was is that... I believed her. I was so tempted. I was so tempted to jump off that roof. At that moment... it seemed like the only answer.", "Michael: It was your imagination. It wasn't real.", "Lauren: What if I'm losing my mind?", "Michael: Trust me, sweetheart. It's not gonna happen.", "Lauren: Michael... the doctors can't find anything wrong. But I was hallucinating. So why is that? What could cause that?", "Michael: Once the report comes back from the toxicology lab, we'll know a lot more. I'm sure it'll explain everything, all right?", "Lauren: And what if it doesn't?", "Michael: Shh. Sweetheart, try and relax.", "Lauren: Michael... I'm really scared. She's still inside my head. And what if I'm never free of her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: So when the defendant shows up for their preliminary hearing, the person who set the bail gets their money back, right? Not until the tri-- trial? And how long can that take? Oh, my God. So much for the concept of a right to a speedy trial. Thank you so much for your time. So... did you see Tom?", "Ashley: Yeah, I saw him.", "Gloria: What did he have to say?", "Ashley: He still wants to go out with me. And he claims he's innocent, which, under the circumstances, I find laughable.", "Gloria: So where did you two leave things?", "Ashley: You don't have to worry about anything. I've handled it.", "Gloria: Thank you, Ashley, for putting yourself through that. You know, I never would have asked, but when tom called, he threatened John.", "Ashley: I understand. I just wanted to come here and let you know what transpired. I have to meet somebody. (Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: Hi, Gloria. Where's Jack? I need to see him right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: So why did you want to meet me without Mom?", "Chris: Given her tendency to get a little emotional at times...", "Daniel: Right, right, no. I got it.", "Chris: We have some serious preparing to do for this hearing. I don't want you any more stressed than you already are.", "Daniel: You really think that's possible?", "Chris: Daniel, it's not like last time. Now you're being sentenced as a juvenile, not an adult, and everybody knows you didn't kill Cassie.", "Daniel: Oh, right, like that's gonna matter.", "Chris: Come on, listen. I have every reason to believe that the court is gonna be lenient, given the mitigating circumstances.", "Daniel: Yeah, but you can't be sure, can you, Chris?", "Chris: I know Judge Jennings has a reputation for being fair, but, no, I can't make any promises.", "Daniel: Okay, listen, whatever happens, I'll deal with it, okay? I shouldn't have jumped bail. I knew it was wrong, and I knew that there were gonna be consequences if I got caught, but I did it anyway. So if I get sent away for awhile, well, then--", "Chris: I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen. Daniel, last time, I failed you. The way I see it, this is a chance for us both to get it right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jack? Actually, I don't know if he's left for the day or not, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Well, can you check, please? It's so urgent. I--I'll check.", "Jack: Hey, hey, I thought I heard your voice in here. What's going on?", "Phyllis: I'm honestly beside myself. I woke-- Gloria, would you mind?", "Gloria: Disappearing? No. Actually, I was thinking of taking a walk in the garden anyway.", "Jack: Hey, what is it? What's wrong?", "Phyllis: I'm about to relive my worst nightmare, that's what's wrong. I keep on telling myself, \"it's not gonna turn out the same way,\" but what if it does?", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Slow down, slow down. I don't even know what you're talking about.", "Phyllis: I didn't mention this last night because Daniel told me to stay out of it, but he's about to be sentenced for jumping bail.", "Jack: Oh, boy.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. After everything he's been through, the court finding him innocent... I mean, how long is the kid supposed to suffer for something he didn't do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for joining us this morning. This spokesmodel search is not about simply finding a photogenic woman. We are looking for a star, ladies and gentlemen. One who will be the very embodiment of Newman's revolutionary new cosmetics, fragrance and personal care line. She will be making public appearances, doing talk shows. She will literally go from being a total unknown to a celebrity overnight. Now having said all that, I'd like to open the floor to questions.", "Man: Is it true that Sharon Newman is one of the contenders?", "Victoria: Yes, we've just completed our auditions earlier today, and Sharon is in the running, along with several other candidates.", "Man: But is it a level playing field?", "Woman: Several unknowns versus a Newman?", "Victoria: Well, I can assure you that Sharon is not being given any preferential treatment.", "Ananda: Then why is she here with us, and her competitors are long gone?", "Brad: Sharon is a valued Newman employee.", "Woman: Level with me, Sharon. Is this a real competition or an elaborate publicity stunt?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I don't know what you're talking about. You did a great job at my trial.", "Chris: Daniel, I lost. You were found guilty of a crime you didn't commit. If Nicholas hadn't come forward when he did... all I'm saying is if had a chance to do it al over again, I would have been so much more aggressive from the start. And I would've found a way to get my hands on the boots Cassie was wearing.", "Daniel: Chris, it doesn't matter. Everything turned out okay.", "Chris: I just want to make sure things go smoothly this time.", "Daniel: Well, don't worry. I'm not gonna say anything stupid.", "Chris: It's just, until you're free and this is over, I'm not gonna relax and neither should you. The judge is gonna base his decision on everything you do. Not just what you say, but your body language, the expression on your face... one wrong move could turn him against you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Phyllis, listen to me. Everything is gonna be fine. The court is tying up some loose ends.", "Phyllis: No, you're wrong. What Daniel did was very serious.", "Jack: I agree--", "Phyllis: Oh, I just have to keep it under control. That's all I have to do. If I don't, it's gonna be worse for Daniel. I mean, but what if the judge throws the book at him and decides to use him as an example? I mean, I'm really gonna lose it, and I can't do that.", "Jack: Do you honestly think after he's been cleared of all the other charges, the judge is gonna do that?", "Phyllis: Well, who knows? Who knows? I mean, I-I... I was hoping--just... you're gonna think this is ridiculous.", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no. Try me.", "Phyllis: Okay, all right. Listen, can you just stand there? Just stand there and just pretend you're the judge. All right, I know it sounds crazy, but just pretend you're him, and I can scream and yell at you and get it out of my system. I can maybe kick you in the shins or something. I'm not gonna do that. But I could just tell you what a heartless person you are and how cruel you are, and I'll feel better, maybe. It's ridiculous, so ridiculous. I should buy a muzzle, like Christine has suggested a thousand times.", "Jack: Or we could maybe try something else. I could go to court with you.", "Phyllis: Are you serious?", "Jack: Sure. You can hold my hand. Anytime you feel like yelling, just squeeze it, hopefully not my tennis hand.", "Phyllis: Jack, that's lovely. I mean, the fact that you would even offer after I barred you from the courtroom before.", "Jack: What is it gonna take to get through to you that I am always going to be there? If you'll only let me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Folks, as much fun as it is to speculate about the competition, I think it's best if we shift the focus to our products.", "Ananda: Uh, I thought the whole point of this press conference was to talk about the spokesmodel search. Is this a legitimate competition or isn't it?", "Nick: Let me just say--", "Brad: First of all, Ananda.", "Woman: Yes, Mr. Carlton, you were about to say?", "Brad: Just that your questions are perfectly valid. And that's why we're here today, to be open and above board and to share with you our excitement about the new line and the way that we intend to promote it. As Victoria was about to explain, we've gone to great lengths to avoid even the possibility of inadvertent favoritism.", "Victoria: We're going to base our decision on objective fact.", "Brad: Mm-hmm. And to that end, we've hired a market research firm to do an independent evaluation of the test shoots. We've got a lot riding on this. And we have to make sure that there is no personal bias whatsoever. If that answers your question adequately, and I hope that it has, what I really want to talk about is the new line. It is truly unique and innovative, one that is going to revolutionize the way that consumers go about buying their cosmetics.", "Victoria: But talk is cheap. Sharon? Sharon is handing out gift bags full of samples from our '05 holiday collection launch. And feel free to take them back to your office, share them with your colleagues, and I'm sure you'll see firsthand just how special they are.", "Man: Thanks for the extras, Victoria, that's great. Mine seems to always get pilfered somehow.", "Ananda: Funny how that happens, huh?", "Man: Yes, it is.", "Brad: If any of you need press kits, Sharon will get those for you. Otherwise, we'll see you here in a few weeks, and you can meet our new spokesperson.", "Victoria: Thank you all for your time.", "Brad: Thank you for coming.", "Brad: I think that went very well.", "Victoria: I'd have to agree.", "Nick: Well, I don't. What the hell was that? Are you trying to set Sharon up?", "Brad: Set her up how?", "Nick: You heard those reporters. Just having Sharon in the room was suspect. Depending on what they write, you may have just sabotaged her chances.", "Victoria: Okay, wait a minute. Believe me, Nick, if I thought that anyone was gonna question her presence, she wouldn't be here. I feel very bad that she was put on the spot like that.", "Brad: Victoria's right. It was totally unintentional.", "Nick: Well, then it was just plain careless.", "Sharon: Look, you guys, I really appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. And it was really good training. You know, if I get the job, I'm gonna be asked a lot of difficult questions.", "Brad: Well, that's very true. (Knock on door)", "Ashley: Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting.", "Brad: Ash, what are you doing here?", "Ashley: You called me. You said you wanted to see me. We could make it another time.", "Brad: No, no, no, now's fine. I think we're done here. I have a few minutes.", "Ashley: Okay. Sharon, Abby was telling me how much fun she had with you the other day. She really enjoys your company so much.", "Sharon: Oh, well, she's such a special little girl.", "Ashley: Oh, thank you. We think so.", "Brad: Shall we?", "Ashley: Yeah. Bye.", "Nick: Babe, are you sure you're okay?", "Sharon: Yeah. I'm fine.", "Nick: Okay. I'm gonna go visit a few people I haven't seen in awhile, all right? Again, I think you did a really, really good job today.", "Sharon: Thanks.", "Sharon: Well, I have to admit that copy threw me for a loop. But you were right-- it was a lot better. And you know what? I've learned a lot just watching how you handle this whole promotion.", "Victoria: Why don't we just cut to the chase? You're wondering how I think you did. So why don't you just ask?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: What if I can't get Sheila out of my mind?", "Michael: You will. I know you will. Sheila can't hurt you anymore.", "Lauren: How do you know that?", "Michael: The same way you know it. We saw her in that hospital in California. She was locked up so tight she could barely breathe.", "Lauren: But she's still in my mind, poisoning me.", "Michael: You know, once upon a time, I read this article where it was postulated, contrary to conventional psychiatric wisdom, that dreams were not the manifestations of the subconscious. Just memory neurons firing randomly. And I would be willing to believe that the same goes for hallucinations. So you've been living all these years with this fear and insecurity-- this overwhelming fear and insecurity. And now that you know intellectually that you're safe, this is your brain's way of cleaning house-- taking out your emotional garbage, if you will. Now you believe that you're weak and vulnerable. But the truth is-- you're strong and brave and really, really pretty. So the doctors will figure out what's making you sick, and then we'll get married. And then we'll live happily ever after. Your neurons will have a field day. The end.", "Lauren: I can't wait to walk down the aisle with you, you know that? In front of all our friends and family.", "Michael: What? What's wrong?", "Lauren: Scott's not here. Where's my son, Michael? Where's Scott?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: You know, all I did was to ask a few questions, get some information. Clearly, next time I need information, I'll have to go to the library.", "Tom: No, you weren't just asking out of curiosity. You were hassling me to go out and get the stuff. To poison what? A mouse? Don't remember seeing any of them in the room. So you must've been after bigger prey. The only question is-- who?", "Sheila: If you don't shut your mouth, Tom, it might be you. Shouldn't you be thanking me for bailing you out instead of trying to put the screws to me?", "Tom: Hmm. You're right. Where are my manners? I'm real grateful to you... and Gloria. I mean, you two ladies really came through for me.", "Sheila: Well, clearly, you still have your ex-wife wrapped around your finger. But I hope you know better than to think you have anything over me.", "Tom: Even though you were shaking in your boots a minute ago about me knowing all your deep, dark secrets?", "Sheila: You haven't even scratched the surface. And you never will. So why don't you just quit focusing on me, and focus on what you're gonna do when you get out of this hole.", "Tom: I'm already planning that. The second I see daylight, I'm gonna start making Mike pay for getting me thrown in here.", "Sheila: Yeah, well, that sounds like a worthy plan.", "Tom: The little bastard's got the world by the tail right now-- money, a big- time job, a beautiful fiancée keeping him warm at night. How I'd love to take that away from him.", "Sheila: Yeah, well, you know what I say, tom? If you have a goal, you should pull out all the stops.", "Tom: Is that what you're doing?", "Sheila: Let's just say I think that you and I have some of the same life philosophies.", "Tom: It sure works for you. You seem to usually get what you want.", "Sheila: Correction-- I always get what I want. And I do whatever it takes to make it happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Hi, honey. Oh, the leaves in the garden-- they are every color of an autumn colored rainbow. I wonder if we can use some of them for the centerpieces.", "John: Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look when you get excited like this?", "Gloria: Well, planning this wedding has been such a joy to me.", "John: Which reminds me-- you, uh, you're pretty much done with it now, aren't you?", "Gloria: I don't think I will feel done until Michael and Lauren have gone on their honeymoon.", "John: Well, I mean, the logistics-- hiring people, buying supplies.", "Gloria: Oh, all that stuff. Well, it has been quite an undertaking. But I think it's fair to say that at this point, we're through the planning stage.", "John: Well, that's wonderful. Uh, but my accountant does have to see the receipts. Gloria? Is something wrong? (Sighs) now, honey, you did save the receipts, didn't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Victoria, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm really not worried about your opinion.", "Victoria: Oh?", "Sharon: No. I went into today with really one objective in mind and that was to do my best. And I feel like I accomplished that goal. You know, I really held my own in a room full of beautiful, talented women. I don't know what the focus groups are gonna think. But I can't spend time stressing out about something that I can't control.", "Victoria: That's a very good attitude, Sharon.", "Sharon: Well, of course, I wanna be spokesmodel. But... the success of the line is more important to me. And, you know, if the market research groups feel that another person is the way to go, then so be it. There will be other opportunities for me down the road.", "Victoria: Well, I'm glad you understand that.", "Sharon: I do have one question, though.", "Victoria: What's that?", "Sharon: Well, I know I'm no expert in this area, but... focus groups aren't exactly a scientific thing. I mean, the results can be interpreted a lot of different ways. So if it turns out that two candidates are equally viable, would you be able to be objective?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So why did you want to see me?", "Brad: I didn't mean for you to drop everything and come barreling over.", "Ashley: I'll remember that the next time you summon me.", "Brad: Summon you?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: Haven't heard from your lawyer.", "Ashley: Wow, you chomping at the bit?", "Brad: It's just that last time we spoke, I got the clear impression I should be expecting divorce papers.", "Ashley: Oh, well, I haven't called him yet.", "Brad: Really? You seemed pretty anxious to get it over with.", "Ashley: I've been busy. I haven't gotten around to it.", "Brad: Busy? Not even enough time to make a phone call?", "Ashley: Look, when I said that, I was upset, okay? I've had a chance to calm down.", "Brad: So what are you telling me, Ash? Have you changed your mind?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: It's very cool that you're here, Jack.", "Jack: Hey, where else would I be?", "Phyllis: So how are you holding up?", "Daniel: I'm fine.", "Phyllis: No, you're not.", "Daniel: Mom, I've been through worse.", "Glenn: Morning, counsel.", "Chris: Good morning, Glenn.", "Phyllis: Hey, Glenn. What did you do, get up this morning and while you were shaving think of new ways--", "Russell: Please be seated.", "Russell: The state vs. Daniel Romalotti. I believe this a status hearing to set a trial date.", "Chris: Uh, that won't be necessary, your honor. My client would like to change his plea to guilty.", "Russell: Do you understand what pleading guilty means?", "Daniel: Yes, sir.", "Russell: Very well. Is there anything you'd like to say before I pass sentence?", "Daniel: I know I was wrong to jump bail. But I was scared and I wasn't thinking straight. And it caused me to make a whole series of bad decisions. I guess what-- what I really want to say is that I'm sorry for all the pain and all the trouble that I've caused to my mom and to the Winters family. But most importantly, to Cassie's family.", "Russell: Statements? Ms. Blair? Mr. Richards?", "Chris: Your honor, my client acknowledges that he has made mistakes and is remorseful. But he's already suffered the consequences of his actions. He spent a number of weeks in juvenile detention prior to the trial. Given the circumstances, I believe that's sufficient punishment.", "Russell: Mr. Richards?", "Glenn: The state will accept whatever sentence your honor deems appropriate.", "Russell: I'm inclined to agree that our young defendant's actions were caused by immaturity and fear. He has clearly learned from his mistakes. However, fleeing from justice is a very serious offense. I feel compelled to impose a significant penalty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, Kevin, thanks. Yeah, I'll keep you posted. All right, bye.", "Lauren: Does he know where Scott is?", "Michael: No, and his cell phone's off.", "Lauren: Michael, if something's happened to my son--", "Michael: No, no, no. I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just writing. Doesn't want any distractions.", "Lauren: Yeah. You're probably right.", "Michael: Of course I am.", "Lauren: (Sighs) I'm really glad one of us can be logical and rational about this 'cause...", "Michael: I'll try not to hold it against you.", "Lauren: I'm not gonna feel good until I talk to him.", "Michael: There's nothing illogical about that. Besides, once he hears that you're in the hospital, wild horses couldn't keep him away. Now, look, if you can spare me for a moment, I'll see about tracking him down.", "Lauren: Would you?", "Michael: Of course I would.", "Lauren: Thanks. It would really ease my mind.", "Michael: You get some sleep. And when you wake up, Scott's gonna be sitting right here holding your hand just the way I've been doing.", "Lauren: Thank you so much for taking care of me.", "Michael: Don't you know by now that I would do whatever it takes to make you feel safe?", "Michael: Kiss me.", "Lauren: I wonder what time it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: You being in that hospital makes you a sitting duck, Lauren.", "Sheila: Now you've been so busy planning your wedding-- when you should've been preparing for your funeral.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: No, honey, of course I have all the receipts. But it just doesn't make any sense to hand them over right now.", "John: What do you mean?", "Gloria: Well, for starters, the major bills haven't even come in yet. I mean, you pay a deposit, but you don't pay the balance until much, much later. So the accountant really doesn't have anything to do right now.", "John: Gloria, that's how our accountant keeps track of the cash flow. If he knows in advance what everything costs, it's much easier for him to find errors when the final bills come in.", "Gloria: Oh, honey, I may not be the C.E.O. of Jabot, but I'm hardly a beginner at handling my finances. And you have my word, I won't mess up.", "John: Listen, I have no doubt in my mind you can handle this. But why would you want to put yourself through the hassle? Right now you should just be making sure everything goes smoothly-- not worrying about bookkeeping.", "Gloria: All right. All right. I will give the accountant everything he needs. But it may take me a little while. No, I have all the receipts. But they are all very neatly stored in lots of different purses.", "John: Lots of places, yeah. All right, listen, you just let me know when you get everything together. And we'll go from there. All right?", "Gloria: Okay.", "John: Which reminds me-- I have an appointment at the office. Bye.", "Gloria: Have a wonderful day, darling.", "John: Thank you.", "Gloria: Oh! What the hell are you doing here?", "Tom: Oh, just saying thank you for my sweet, sweet freedom.", "Gloria: Oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: No, Brad, I'm not asking you to give our marriage another try. I just think that divorce is so final. And I'm wondering how it's going to impact our daughter.", "Brad: Well, I agree. It's a serious consideration. But I don't want to give Abby any false hope that Mommy and Daddy are gonna get back together.", "Ashley: Oh, I haven't heard anything like that from her.", "Brad: It's kind of implied, wouldn't you say? Since we haven't made anything official? I don't want to confuse her, Ash.", "Ashley: You mean because you're dating again? And, look, don't you think that separation has worked well for us? I mean, we've remained civil for the most part. We've put Abby's needs first. Don't you think getting an attorney involved would just ruin all that? You know how attorneys are.", "Brad: I think we can agree in advance to keep it friendly. If we do that, we'll be fine.", "Ashley: Wow, this is so interesting. I mean, now you think divorce is such a grand idea. Are things getting serious with you and Victoria?", "Brad: Look, I'm not in a hurry. But I think at this point, it's pretty much a formality, don't you?", "Ashley: Yeah. Yep, you're right, it is. I'll call my attorney.", "Brad: Ash, I'm not suggesting you do that. I just want to know where things stand.", "Ashley: Well, now you do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: How can you even come here when you know we all despise you?", "Tom: Well, it wouldn't have been very nice of me to accept your 50 grand without a proper thank you.", "Gloria: Oh, that's right. And we all know how nice you are.", "Tom: It meant a lot to me, Glo. That's all I'm saying. I appreciated you sending Ashley over to see me, too.", "Gloria: Don't mention it. Anything else I can do for you?", "Tom: Well, by now I'd say I owe you one. So here's a little advice. Don't leave the kitchen door open. There's no telling who might sneak in.", "Gloria: Believe me, I'm gonna be a lot more careful from now on.", "Tom: Good. 'Cause you know... I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.", "Gloria: Is that another threat, Tom?", "Tom: It depends on how you answer my next question.", "Gloria: Which is?", "Tom: When Michael framed me, were you in on it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Russell: I've thought on this for many days now and have come to a conclusion. It would not be in the best interests of either Daniel or the community for him to serve time in a residential facility. Instead, I'm going to impose a sentence of one year's probation with 500 hours of community service. At least 50% of which is to spend time talking with local youth about the dangers of underage drinking. Now although the focus of this hearing was on bail jumping, it was Daniel's inappropriate use of alcohol which put into motion a tragic chain of events. I feel his story can have a positive impact on others.", "Chris: Thank you for your leniency, your honor.", "Daniel: Um, your honor, may I just say one more thing?", "Russell: Go ahead.", "Daniel: Now I know this may sound crazy, but I'm actually looking forward to doing my sentence. I mean, if I can prevent other kids from making the same stupid mistakes that I've made, that would feel pretty good. That's all.", "Russell: Well said, young man. Well said. We're adjourned.", "Phyllis: You okay?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: You did it. We did it!", "Daniel: No, no, no, Mom, Chris did it.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, Christine did it. She did. You did. Thank you very much. I don't know how to repay you.", "Chris: I'm just glad it worked out the way it did.", "Jack: Amen to that.", "Daniel: It's over.", "Phyllis: Yeah!", "Daniel: It's finally, finally over.", "Phyllis: Yes, it is. It is over for good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Of course I can be objective. It's true that market research doesn't always reliably predict the public's taste. However, a series of focus groups usually indicate a clear preference.", "Sharon: Well, say there's a tie between say, me, and one of the other candidates.", "Victoria: Well, you don't really think that I'd try to look for some underhanded way not to choose you, Sharon.", "Sharon: I don't wanna think that.", "Victoria: Yes, but you do. You do anyway.", "Sharon: Well, you haven't always been my biggest supporter.", "Victoria: I'm coming from where you are, Sharon. I want what's best for the line. And just for the record, I thought you did a very nice job today. In fact, I've never seen you like that before. You were--you were poised and you were articulate. And you definitely belong in the competition.", "Sharon: Well, thank you. Um, I appreciate that. You know, I felt very comfortable. I was kinda surprised. I guess it was because Nick was here. He boosts my confidence.", "Victoria: Hmm, yeah, I was wondering about that. Maybe you can tell me. What was my brother doing at the audition?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Nick.", "Nick: Hey, Brad, come on in.", "Brad: Can't stay, I just, uh, wanted to drop this off. I gotta run. Real swamped.", "Nick: Actually, close the door. There are some things I'd like to talk to you about. You can spare a minute for me, right?", "Brad: Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You really think Michael framed you?", "Tom: Oh, I know he did. Who else would want to plant drugs on me?", "Gloria: Well, I don't buy it for a second. Michael has far too much to lose.", "Tom: You wouldn't be saying that to throw me off the scent 'cause you helped him?", "Gloria: I didn't help anybody do anything.", "Tom: You better not be lying to me, Glo.", "Gloria: Why on earth would I bail you out if I was involved in setting you up?", "Tom: 'Cause you know I can destroy you.", "Gloria: Yeah. Well, that's why I don't go out of my way to antagonize you.", "Tom: I'm glad to hear it. 'Cause I'm sure that old man of yours wouldn't be too thrilled to find out he donated 50 grand to the \"free Tom Fisher\" fund.", "Gloria: You really are beyond despicable, you know that?", "Tom: Well, I would hate to have to do that to you. So if you want everything to stay, uh, well, you know, copacetic between us, there's a real easy way.", "Gloria: And what do you expect me to do now?", "Tom: You're gonna help me prove that jackass son of yours is trying to take me down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Rest in peace, Lauren.", "Sheila: Better yet-- burn in hell. [Sheila dressed as a nurse and her Jennifer wig takes out a syringe out of her pocket and gets ready to put it in Lauren's IV.]", "[NEXT_ON]", "J.T.: Before Bobby left, he asked me to take care of you.", "Brad: You're an amazing woman, Victoria Newman. And I have something I'd like to give you.", "Nick: You're home!", "Victor: Yeah. Nice to be home." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Devon worries that there isn't going to be much room at the shed for three people to be living there. Lily tells that they are going to look for a 3-bedroom place now. Daniel thanks Jack for letting he and Lily live at the shed. He tells that Devon has moved in now, and that they will be needing a bigger place. Jack tells of a property that his family owns by the university. Traci used to use it. It is empty and Jack will give the kids a good buddy discount if they want it. Daniel calls Lily and gives her the good news. The kids will check this lead out. Neil meets Carmen for a meeting. She asks about Devon but Neil refuses to discuss personal issues with her. Carmen will not be treated this way. She feels like he is harassing her. \"Oh poor Carmen. First Dru and now me. The whole world is out to get you aren't they?\" She stomps out of there. Daniel is heading to the elevator when Carmen comes around the corner and sees him. Daniel gets on the elevator. The door starts to close. \"Can you hold the door?\" Carmen shouts. \"I can't reach the button,\" Daniel says as he watches the door shut. People are watching and see how Carmen has been slighted. She is in the conference room when the phone rings. It is Dru looking for Neil. \"He isn't here.\" Dru doesn't believe that Neil isn't there. She was directed to that room in the building to find him. \"Don't play games. Just put him on.\" CLICK! Carmen has just hung up. \"I could just strangle her!\" Dru spits. Nick and Phyllis go to see Michael and Lauren before heading out of town to do a little business and get married. You know that you will not be legally married?\" Michael cautions. They know it but they just want to exchange vows before the baby arrives. Jack finds Carmen crying alone in the office. She tells how things have gotten out of control and how Dru is the cause of all that. Now people are looking at Carmen like she is crazy, \" AND I AM NOT GOING TO LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS!\" Jack just stares at her, surprised at the outburst. Neil and Drucilla end up at the kids new home. Dru tells that she called work to speak to Neil and Carmen was rude. Neil hopes things don't get worse because Carmen answered the call. Carmen sees a message for Jack and figures he has her phone. Paul tells Michael and Lauren that Sheila had some work done to herself. The doctor who performed the work has been killed, and his records have been destroyed or are missing. \"Trouble is that we don't know what Sheila looks like now. She could be anywhere in the world and we wouldn't know. She could even be here in Genoa City.\"" ]
[ "Phyllis: You should see these questionnaires. Wow!", "Nick: So the guests have to fill these out before they leave, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's amazing. We almost have zero negative response, which is unheard of for a retreat. Why are you laughing at me?", "Nick: 'Cause you're beautiful when you get excited.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Not that you're biased or anything.", "Nick: No, no, no, no. All right, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, all right?", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Nick: I kinda dig you.", "Phyllis: Oh, you dig me? Hmm...", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: That's not much of a secret.", "Nick: Yeah. So are you still going to Santa Fe to check out the new retreat?", "Phyllis: Yeah, mm-hmm. Um, I figure I should do this before Miss Newman wants to make her debut.", "Nick: Mm-hmm. How about today?", "Phyllis: Today? What, are you trying to get rid of me?", "Nick: No, I'm thinking about going with you.", "Phyllis: Really? Do you have business there?", "Nick: You could say that. I'm thinking that once, uh, once we get there, we should get married.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I missed you. How's the baby?", "Michael: Nothing's different.", "Lauren: No more apnea spells?", "Michael: I would've called if there had been.", "Lauren: I know. I know. But, so his color is good?", "Michael: Trust me. Everything's fine. Fenmore is looking good.", "Lauren: Fenmore... Finn... do you know I like that name more every time I hear it.", "Michael: Me, too.", "Lauren: You look tired, Baby.", "Michael: I'm good.", "Lauren: Don't you lie to me. You've been here all night.", "Michael: Oh, no, I took a very comfy nap on that couch right there.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, it looks really comfy, yeah.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. How about you?", "Lauren: Well, I went home. I took a shower. I had a bowl of soup and passed out.", "Michael: Look, I know you didn't want to leave our son, but I'm glad you took my advice.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, I don't remember you giving me a choice there.", "Michael: Mmm, you're still recovering. You need to take care of yourself.", "Lauren: I know, I know. Gloria said the same thing. She didn't let me lift a finger.", "Michael: Well, good for her.", "Lauren: It really... helped me, knowing that you were here watching over our son.", "Michael: He's a trooper.", "Lauren: Yeah. Gloria wanted to come back, but I told her she needed to rest.", "Michael: Now that you and Fenmore are doing fine, there's no need for everyone to camp out here.", "Lauren: That's right. So why don't you go home?", "Michael: Mnh-mnh. Not yet, no.", "Lauren: All right, soon? Promise me?", "Michael: We'll see. Look, do you wanna go, uh, see our son?", "Lauren: You bet I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Did you get my memo on Brash and Sassy? The department store promotions for the holidays?", "Neil: Yes, I did.", "Carmen: Okay. How's Devon?", "Neil: Why do you ask?", "Carmen: Because I'm worried about him. I know he's struggling with a lot.", "Neil: Am I supposed to believe that you care, Carmen?", "Carmen: Look, Neil, it wasn't my intention to upset him the other day. I just--", "Neil: Hey, you know something? This isn't the place to have personal conversations, is it?", "Carmen: Oh, well, excuse me.", "Neil: We got a lot to cover. Let's get to it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh, no, thank you. So, um, you working from home today?", "Sharon: Yeah, I am, yeah. What about you?", "Dru: Well, it's not like I have a job to go to, right? Yeah, so I think I'm gonna be at home all day, just hanging around, thanks to that maneater Carmen.", "Sharon: Gosh, I hate seeing you this way.", "Dru: I hate being this way. You know, my trial is in less than a month. Did you know that my son Devon moved in with Lily and Daniel? My life is a mess, Sharon.", "Sharon: No, Devon moving out-- that just has to do with him asserting his independence. I hope you're not taking that personally.", "Dru: I'm trying not to.", "Sharon: Well, it has nothing to do with his feelings for you or for Neil.", "Dru: Right, I'm just... I just wanna take care of him. And people are saying I can't even take care of myself. I don't understand how things got to be this way, Sharon. How did I get from asking Carmen to back up to being on trial? Tell me!", "Sharon: Okay, well, Dru... you don't know what's gonna happen.", "Dru: Right. But one thing's for sure, Sharon, I can't go to jail. I can't!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Lily, are you-- are you really okay with me living with you guys?", "Lily: Yes, it'll be fun.", "Devon: What about Daniel, though?", "Lily: \"Stop stressing. He's fine with it.\"", "Devon: Lily, I really want you to know this means a lot to me. You guys, you know, willing to give up your privacy.", "Lily: \"We're not. We're going to find a place to rent with at least two bedrooms.\"", "Devon: Well, I know it's a hassle, but I doubt that your husband will go for the three of us sleeping in that one bed.", "Lily: \"You're giving yourself too much credit. It will be fine.\"", "Devon: Well, I will promise not to be a slob either.", "Lily: \"Devon, it's cool. We'll get to hang out more and even study together.\" It'll be fun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Jack, you know, we are never gonna be able to thank you enough for letting Lily and me stay in the hideaway.", "Jack: Oh, it has been my pleasure.", "Daniel: Now that Devon's moved in, though, it's--", "Jack: Whoa, what? Devon's moved in? Getting a little crowded, isn't it?", "Daniel: Yeah, that's why we're gonna be looking for a bigger place.", "Jack: You know what? Before you do that, I have an idea.", "Daniel: What's that?", "Jack: My family owns a property over near the university. We've had it since Traci was in school there. And we keep renting it to students every year.", "Daniel: I didn't know that.", "Jack: Well, no reason you would. It's an investment property.", "Daniel: And there's no one living in it right now?", "Jack: No, not right now. Actually, we were expecting some German foreign exchange students, but they bailed out at the last minute. If you're interested, it's there.", "Daniel: Yeah. How much would rent be each month?", "Jack: Well, let's see, with the, uh, good buddy discount, I think it would be something you can afford. Here, I'll write down the address. There is a key under the flower pot next to the door. All the utilities are turned on. If you're interested...", "Daniel: Thank you, Jack.", "Mr. Kim: Oh, you're busy. I'm sorry.", "Daniel: Oh, no, I was, uh, just leaving. I'll let you guys get down to business. And, uh, Jack...", "Jack: Oh, get out of here. You're embarrassing me.", "Mr. Kim: I was wondering if I might have a few minutes of your time, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I'm glad you dropped by.", "Mr. Kim: I know we have some Jabot business to discuss.", "Jack: Before we talk about that, I wanna hear about your meeting with Victor Newman.", "Mr. Kim: You heard about that already?", "Jack: A meeting in this building? Yeah, words gets around pretty fast.", "Mr. Kim: Well, you're not upset, are you?", "Jack: I'm a little surprised I haven't heard from you first.", "Mr. Kim: I was gonna tell you.", "Jack: Well, I take it Victor had a great many questions.", "Mr. Kim: Well, you have nothing to be concerned about, Jack.", "Jack: With Victor Newman, you always have to be concerned.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I assure you, he has no idea you own Jabot. Our conversation was completely innocuous.", "Jack: Suppose I be the judge of that. Tell me what was said. And I want every word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: I think that's about it.", "Neil: Uh, not quite. Aren't you supposed to be giving me an update on Beauty of Nature? You were setting up some TV spots, right?", "Carmen: That was before...", "Neil: Before you pressured Victoria into removing Drucilla as Director of the Cosmetics Division.", "Carmen: I'm not doing this with you, Neil.", "Neil: Doing what, Carmen?", "Carmen: Having these contentious conversations. I know what you and your wife and your kids think of me, but it's not gonna change a thing.", "Neil: Of course not. That's because you got the knife out for Drucilla.", "Carmen: No, I'm afraid you have that backwards. She came after me and it wasn't a knife, it was a pair of scissors.", "Neil: Is that supposed to be funny?", "Carmen: Whether you wanna realize it or not, Neil, your wife can be a very scary person.", "Neil: Fine. Whatever you say.", "Carmen: Look, unfortunately, we still have to work together. But I'd appreciate it if we could get through our meetings without you harassing me about Dru.", "Neil: Oh, poor Carmen. First Drucilla, now me. The whole world's out to get you, aren't they?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Yeah, how sweet is that? And he said its right near the campus.", "Lily: It's unbelievable. What would we do without that guy? Let me tell Devon. \"Jack's got a house we can rent and its right by the university.\"", "Devon: Oh, that's great!", "Lily: He likes it.", "Daniel: So why don't you meet me over at the hideaway. Because Jack said since no one's living there, there's no reason why we can't move some of our junk in, okay? Okay. I'll talk to you later.", "Carmen: Hold the elevator, please!", "Daniel: Sorry, I can't reach the button.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: What is Carmen's problem? She acts like she's the victim in all of this.", "Dru: Yeah, well, she doesn't wanna take any responsibility for the situation. That's the problem.", "Sharon: Well, she's practically all over Jack from the minute she starts working with him. And then as soon as you go to Europe, she switches over to Neil, starts pursuing him. And then she wonders why nobody feels sympathetic.", "Dru: She's a slut, that's why. But not to change the subject, you know, her cutting Jack loose wasn't so bad for you, right?", "Sharon: Yeah, I suppose, you know...", "Dru: Look what happened.", "Sharon: We're both single at the same time. Well, I don't really know what happened. Um, maybe you can explain it to me. I'm unclear.", "Dru: Oh, please. Like I have to explain cross-pollination to you.", "Sharon: Oh, I mean, obviously, I understand the chemistry part. It's just sometimes I think...", "Dru: Think what?", "Sharon: I don't know. Maybe Jack and I would've been better off if we hadn't gotten into all of this so soon-- so suddenly.", "Dru: Well, I did tell you the boy was a dog, but he does have coins. If you didn't snap him up, somebody else would've.", "Sharon: Yeah, maybe. But, you know, he's still getting over his feelings for Phyllis and I'm not really divorced yet.", "Dru: So what are you saying? You're on the rebound?", "Sharon: I don't know. I mean, it doesn't feel like the rebound, but when you consider everything that has happened to us, how do you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I think Victor's having trouble believing the two of us can work together.", "Mr. Kim: I think that's been everyone's reaction.", "Jack: My real concern are all his questions about the changes at Jabot.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I think he was asking only because he and Nikki are still minority shareholders and because of Jabot's relationship with N.V.P.", "Jack: Or so he claims.", "Mr. Kim: Now you know every word he said.", "Jack: He's fishing. He's suspicious about something.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I don't know the man like you do, but if he was looking for information, he didn't get it and he won't. And just to be sure, I'll just avoid him completely.", "Jack: No. No, that is not what I want. I'd like you to establish a friendship with Victor Newman.", "Mr. Kim: Really?", "Jack: How better to know what's going on in that mind?", "Mr. Kim: Very well. If that's how you wanna play it.", "Jack: Look, there may be nothing to worry about here, Ji Min. But I have learned, from hard lessons, don't take anything Victor Newman does at face value.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know its last minute, but it can't be helped. Um, can you reschedule my 3:00 with, um, the Franco Brothers, please? Yeah. That's great. Uh, okay, if anything urgent comes up, uh, Nikki or Jack can take it. Thanks a lot, bye. All right! Okay! We're eloping. That's what we're doing. I can't believe we're eloping. Or whatever it is-- what are we doing? Eloping?", "Nick: We're eloping.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah. Did you think I was kidding the other day?", "Phyllis: No, but I didn't think that you would plan it so-- so quickly.", "Nick: I wanted it to be a surprise.", "Phyllis: Wow. Surprise is like our theme-- falling in love, having a baby.", "Nick: Yeah, it's...", "Phyllis: It's what we do.", "Nikki: Oh, our--our dueling surprise party night. That was cool.", "Phyllis: When do you wanna leave?", "Nick: Let's leave later today.", "Phyllis: Yeah? All right. I can pack quickly. And, uh, everything's taken care of. I have to see Lauren and Michael first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: He's gorgeous.", "Michael: Ha! Did you see that?", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: He smiled at me.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey, he didn't smile at you.", "Michael: He did smile.", "Lauren: Babies can't smile at this age. He will--a couple of weeks, I promise.", "Michael: Look, he smiled at me. I know what I saw. I'm sticking to it.", "Lauren: Okay. He's so tiny.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, Mighty Mouse was tiny, too, but that never held him back, did it?", "Lauren: No. I mean, Mighty Mouse might be a good-- that would just be a terrible nickname.", "Michael: It would be a horrible nickname. Don't do that.", "Lauren: I won't do that. I swear. I won't do that, I promise.", "Michael: But one thing's for sure-- Fenmore is getting stronger and stronger every day. It will be no time before he is taking on the world in true Baldwin-Fenmore style. Right?", "Lauren: Right. You know what I can't wait for?", "Michael: Hmm?", "Lauren: The day that we can just all go home together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Ooh! All right, check it out, guys, it's our new home!", "Lily: Oh, my gosh! This place makes the hideaway look like a closet.", "Daniel: Yeah. Hey, Devon, you like it?", "Devon: Yeah, what's not to like?", "Lily: Baby, we owe Jack big time.", "Neil: I appreciate what you're doing, Jack-- renting the kids that home so close to campus.", "Jack: Oh, I'm happy I can help.", "Neil: I'm sure it's a lot better than what they could've afforded without your help.", "Jack: You know what? I'm making more money with them in there than with it empty, so we all win.", "Neil: Yeah, honestly, I'd rather Devon had stayed with Dru and me, but I guess living with Lily and Daniel is the next best thing.", "Jack: It sounds to me like Devon needs to start this new chapter in his life with a little independence.", "Neil: Yeah. Listen, I'll tell you one thing. Thanks to your generosity, my wife and I can sleep well at night. It's nice to know that something in our lives is under control.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone ringing)", "Carmen: Conference room.", "Dru: Who's this?", "Carmen: Drucilla? What do you what?", "Dru: What do I want? I wanna talk to Neil. His assistant told me he'd be in the conference room.", "Carmen: I have no idea why they would say that. He's not here.", "Dru: Okay, you know what? Can you drop the attitude?", "Carmen: Is that a threat?", "Dru: Boy, you don't quit. I wanna talk to my husband. I could strangle that woman! I could strangle her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: William Bardwell, please. William, hi, this is Carmen Mesta. I'm glad I reached you. Listen, I'm very grateful for all that you've done, but, uh, my case against Drucilla Winters? I'm trying to be patient, but I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. Is there anything else you can do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Wow, you know, somebody needs a shave and change of clothes. Whew!", "Michael: Hey, it's not that bad!", "Lauren: I told you that! Oh, my God, don't do that!", "Nick: Well, I gotta say, you look a lot more upbeat than the last time we saw you.", "Michael: Well, that's because Lauren and my son Fenmore are doing a lot better. And all I have to focus on right now is my family.", "Phyllis: Good. What about work?", "Michael: Christine's taking over. She came last night. I showed her Fenmore.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's great!", "Michael: Yeah!", "Lauren: Yeah, she's gonna take over all of Michael's cases until, you know, he's ready to go.", "Nick: Good stuff.", "Lauren: Okay, all right, what's going on with the two of you? You've been grinning since you got here.", "Michael: Yeah, you know, I know you're happy for us, but that's a little creepy.", "Lauren: Yeah, but this is ridiculous, okay?", "Phyllis: Should we tell 'em?", "Nick: Yeah, let's tell 'em.", "Phyllis: Okay, uh...", "Michael: Whatever you say stays in the vault.", "Phyllis: Yeah, um... Nick and I are eloping.", "Lauren: You are? That's so romantic!", "Nick: Yeah, we're, uh, taking off for New Mexico later today.", "Phyllis: Yep.", "Michael: That's-- well, you do understand that your marriage won't be legal in Wisconsin, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, we understand that, gloom and doom, thank you.", "Nick: Yeah, the judge made it very clear, Baldwin.", "Michael: I'm just saying...", "Lauren: Okay, well, I think it's great.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's-- he's making an honest woman out of me.", "Lauren: I still think it's great.", "Nick: It's very important that we get our vows said before our baby gets here.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's very important.", "Lauren: Congratulations! That's so great!", "Phyllis: Thanks! Thank you.", "Michael: All right, now it's our turn.", "Michael: I want you to go to NICU I wanna show you the baby. .", "Phyllis: Oh, yes, for the 25th time, yeah, the most beautiful little boy.", "Michael: He looks just like me.", "Phyllis: He smiled at me.", "Michael: See, I told you so!", "Lauren: A cowboy bar in Los Alamos? I mean, when you guys pick a theme, you just stick to it, don't you?", "Nick: Yeah, that, uh, that bar means a lot to Phyllis and me.", "Michael: Listen to me.", "Phyllis: What?", "Michael: Well, I can always count on you to do the unconventional.", "Phyllis: Well, why get married in a stuffy old church? I would marry him in a dumpster.", "Michael: All right. Good luck on finding a minister to perform the ceremony. Ow. Huh?", "Phyllis: Come on... you know, your son inspired us.", "Michael: He is inspiring. How so?", "Phyllis: He did. He inspired us. We realized we couldn't put things off-- things that we really wanna do. And so we want our daughter to know that her parents were married when she was born.", "Michael: Mmm. She'll be here before you know it.", "Phyllis: Yeah. They're telling me Thanksgiving.", "Michael: Wow.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Let's just hope she arrives with a little less drama than Fenmore.", "Phyllis: Well, she's a girl, so I don't know.", "Michael: Who'd believe it?", "Phyllis: Believe what?", "Michael: The two of us-- a couple of years ago, would you ever have imagined that we would be happily married to them?", "Phyllis: To them!", "Michael: And ready to push strollers down the sidewalk at breakneck speed?", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh! What's happened to us?", "Michael: But... I gotta tell you, Phyllis... what I feel for my son... I can't put into words.", "Phyllis: I know. It is overwhelming love, isn't it?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Hoping that you can give them the best life that they've ever had.", "Michael: Exactly.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It starts before they're born and it never, ever ends.", "Michael: Come here. It never ends.", "Phyllis: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: There you go, Sweet.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Lily: Mom, I... just called to tell you what was up and what was going on with us. I didn't expect you to help us move.", "Dru: Well, well, since I decided I was gonna stop by and check out the place, no harm in bringing your brother some stuff.", "Devon: Hey, Dru, I'm sorry about the way I just took off and grabbed my things with you and Neil being gone and then calling you from Lily and Daniel's, telling you that I moved out.", "Dru: Mm-hmm. Well, I think I can handle it.", "Devon: Did you just say that you're okay with me living here?", "Lily: You're not mad?", "Dru: I can't lie, but... you could've handled it--", "Daniel: Here, use this.", "[Daniel hands Dru the computer so Dru can write and Devon can read it]", "Dru: Oh, thank you. Thank you, Daniel. [Dru motions for Lily to move over] Excuse me, Little Bits. Here we go. \"No matter what, I am going to worry about you. No two ways about it. That's just the way it is.\"", "Daniel: You know, if it makes you feel any better, we're gonna set this place up like you and Neil have the apartment with the, uh, signaling lights and the TTY machine.", "Dru: Wow!", "Devon: What?", "Daniel: I was telling her that we're getting a TTY.", "Dru: Hey, that's all right.", "Neil: Yeah, and, uh, I'm just the guy to pay for it, right?", "Lily: Daddy!", "Neil: I'll tell you what. Here's my credit card. Get whatever you need.", "Lily: Oh, oh, yes, I will, thank you.", "Neil: Yeah, you will.", "Devon: Hey, Neil.", "Dru: Um... so...", "Neil: Yeah?", "Dru: How'd you find out about this place?", "Neil: You know what? It's very nice actually. Jack told me about it right after I got out of a meeting with Carmen.", "Dru: How'd that go?", "Neil: Uh, let's just say I can't stand being around that woman.", "Dru: You know what? I called over there to tell you about Devon moving in here and guess who picked up.", "Neil: What happened?", "Dru: What happened? Carmen was her usual nasty self.", "Neil: Yeah? I hope you didn't lose your cool.", "Devon: Hey, what's going on? What are they talking about?", "Lily: Um, they're talking about Carmen.", "Neil: All right, you wanna tell me what was said?", "Dru: Neil, I called to talk to you. That's it.", "Devon: What did--- what did they say?", "Neil: Drucilla, you probably shouldn't have spoken to her at all.", "Dru: Neil, how was I supposed to know that woman was gonna pick up the phone? She had the audacity if accusing me of threatening her. She's crazy.", "Neil: Yeah. Well, I'm beginning to think you're right. Let's just hope you didn't make things worse, Dru.", "Dru: It can't get worse, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Run that by Nikki, that's really more her department. Hunter, can I get right back to you? Yeah. How's it going?", "Carmen: Something I can do for you, Jack?", "Jack: I'm a little more concerned about you right now.", "Carmen: I'm just a little emotional today.", "Jack: I can see that. Anything you care to talk about?", "Carmen: No, I'd rather not.", "Jack: Is this about Dru?", "Carmen: It's not your problem.", "Jack: Hey, you know what? It might help to talk. You can trust me, you know that. I would never betray your confidence.", "Carmen: I just... I feel like I'm being punished for protecting myself.", "Jack: From Dru? How did things get to this point?", "Carmen: Because of her... so I filed that complaint with human resources because I was scared.", "Jack: So that's why Victoria let Dru go.", "Carmen: She didn't wanna set herself up for a lawsuit.", "Jack: Okay, so Dru's out of the building now. Why are you still upset?", "Carmen: Well, now people avoid me and they look at me like I'm crazy and they act like I'm some vindictive home wrecker. But they've never seen the Drucilla that came after me. I swear, even the sound of her voice on the telephone gives me the chills.", "Jack: Wow. You really are afraid of her.", "Carmen: Yes! And every time I defend myself, Dru and Neil get more incensed. And Daniel and Lily and Devon can't even be civil. They keep pushing my buttons and taunting and tormenting me. You know, I just, I hate that it has come to this. But I'm not just gonna sit back and take it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Yeah, it does.", "Dru: Hey! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Hey, Son, you know, I took a tour around. It's not half bad.", "Lily: What do you mean, it's not half bad. After the hideaway, this place is a palace, a castle. It's fabulous.", "Dru: Baby? Baby? Honey, it's gonna look a lot better once I do a little decorating.", "Neil: Yeah, I'm sure.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah.", "Neil: Hey, Devon? I know that you want this, but if you need help, any of you, you come to us, okay?", "Lily: Sounds good.", "Devon: Hey, Guys, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm worried about you, Dru.", "Dru: Honey... look, I... don't worry about me.", "Devon: 'Cause when I tried to get through to Carmen, you know, about what she's doing to our family, she wouldn't even listen to me.", "Daniel: I don't even bother trying to talk to her, okay? She's not worth it.", "Devon: No, she's not worth anything.", "Lily: And... \"We can't believe Carmen got all defensive over a stupid call.\"", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Mmm.", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Yeah, that's right. Hey, \"Stay away from her. Let me handle things.\"", "Dru: Sweet, Sweet... I don't want you all having trouble because of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, look, if you ever just need a sympathetic ear...", "Carmen: I might take you up on that. Did you need to see me about business?", "[Jack sits down and put his cell phone on the desk next to Carmen's cell phone]", "Jack: Yeah, I'd like for you to meet with Mr. Kim to discuss the tie-ins and how we're gonna handle the press.", "Carmen: He mentioned he'd be calling me to set something up.", "Jack: The one thing I want people to know is that he and I are working together quite nicely.", "Carmen: I hope it's not all spin. I know how painful it must've been for you, seeing Jabot sold to an outsider.", "Jack: Yeah, it was hard. But I'm dealing with it. And Mr. Kim is valuing the opinions of both Ashley and myself in how the company is run. Ji Min actually really listens to me.", "Carmen: Sounds like you lucked out.", "Jack: Yeah, it looks like. [Jack picks up Carmen's cell phone by mistake] Take care, huh? If I can be of any help at all...", "Carmen: Thanks, Jack.", "Jack: Okay, take care.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey, Dad!", "Nick: Hey, Buddy. I thought you were working from home today.", "Sharon: Yeah, I was, but Jack wanted to see me. Something about the N.V.P. Retreats.", "Noah: Guess what we did at school today?", "Nick: What?", "Noah: We had an assembly. These firemen told us what to do if there was a fire at our house.", "Nick: Really?", "Sharon: So what do you do?", "Noah: Get out of the house and go to the neighbor's to call 9-1-1. Don't go back to the house to get toys or pets. 'Cause that's a fireman's job.", "Nick: That's good advice.", "Noah: And you have to crawl down on the floor to get out of the house 'cause there's more oxygen near the floor. They showed us how to do it. It was really cool. Can I get a snack out of the vending machine?", "Nick: Sure. Do you need some money?", "Noah: No, Mom gave me some.", "Nick: All right, see ya.", "Sharon: I'll meet you in the conference room.", "Noah: Okay.", "Nick: Hey, uh, Sharon, um, before you go... um... well, I'm--I'm gonna go on a, uh, quick overnight.", "Sharon: Oh, okay, well, I have Noah tonight anyway, so that's fine.", "Nick: Okay, good.", "Sharon: Is it an emergency? You usually give me a little more notice.", "Nick: No, no emergency. Just, uh, something I don't... I don't wanna put off.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. Well, have a safe trip.", "Nick: Um... well, nothing, just... thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Jack... you are truly the sweetest man on the planet.", "Jack: Oh, the kids needed a bigger pad. I had one to rent them. It was a no- brainer.", "Phyllis: Wow. Thank you. You're--you're like... you're like, uh, the good uncle, the godfather and, uh, Santa Claus all rolled into one.", "Jack: Okay, now something has happened to make you this sentimental.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? I'm always sentimental when it comes to you.", "Jack: Always?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, sometimes always.", "Jack: Uh, well, good, because I need to ask you a favor.", "Phyllis: Anything. Anything.", "Jack: I have a meeting tomorrow with our linen supplier and I'd like you to take that meeting for me.", "Phyllis: Anything but that.", "Jack: What, do you have other plans?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah. I was planning on going to Santa Fe to, um, check up on, um, the retreat that we have out there. Make sure everything's going...", "Jack: Are you up to flying this close to your due date?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I thought it would be great to take one last trip, you know, before the baby comes and my wings get clipped.", "Jack: Well, it might be your last chance to relax. Well, have a great time.", "Phyllis: Oh... uh... um... thank you.", "Jack: You take care.", "Phyllis: You, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Carmen. You just don't know when to stop, do you?", "Carmen: Unless this is about work, I have nothing to say to you.", "Neil: My wife accidentally gets on the phone with you and you take it as a personal threat?", "Carmen: I'm not listening to this.", "Neil: Hey, wait, wait, wait a minute. You're running around telling everyone that Dru has lost it. Truth is, you're out of control. You're already trying to get her thrown in jail and now you're accusing her of doing something that she hasn't even done? You better back off. And the next time you have a problem, you come to me, you understand?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I found the food box.", "Dru: Okay.", "Devon: Food!", "Lily: Mom?", "Dru: Huh?", "Lily: I wanted to talk to you. I wanted--I'm not trying to freak you out or anything, but I'm really worried about-- about the trial.", "Dru: Yeah...", "Lily: I'm--I'm talking about the trial.", "Devon: Oh, the trial. Dru, can we be, uh, character witnesses?", "Dru: Uh, I'll find out.", "Lily: Seriously, Mom, can you find out? Because we need to tell the judge, you know, what kind of person you are. We don't want you going to jail.", "Daniel: No, no way. Carmen Mesta's just a troublemaker.", "Devon: What did you say?", "Daniel: Carmen-- she's the devil.", "Devon: Yeah, Carmen's the devil who had the hots for Neil.", "Dru: Yeah, you know what? You kids-- you've grown up so fast. I'm so proud of you. Living in your own apartment.", "Lily: Don't go getting all mushy on us, Mom.", "Dru: Oh, it's not about that, Baby. Listen... \"If the worst happens...\" if I have to go to the big house, I have a lot-- no, Baby, I have a lot of comfort in knowing that-- \"that you all can lean on each other.\" Okay?", "Devon: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I know I've said this before, but as N.V.P. expands, I want you front and center. I want people to see you. I want them to know who you are and what you're representing.", "Sharon: I'm flattered.", "Jack: Well, now this isn't just flattery. You've done a hell of a job so far, but I'm talking about the next step. I wanna go full throttle on these retreat openings and the Jabot tie-in.", "Sharon: Well, count me in.", "Jack: That's my girl.", "Sharon: It's nice of you have so much confidence in me. Noah, how's the model coming?", "Noah: It's a lot harder than it looks from the box.", "Sharon: Noah's gotten really into model cars lately.", "Noah: Can you help me with it, Jack?", "Sharon: Oh, Sweetie, I don't know. Jack's a little busy.", "Jack: You know what? I have the time.", "Noah: Yes!", "Jack: You know what? I used to do these things with your father when he was your age.", "Noah: My dad was into model cars?", "Jack: That's right. I gave him his first kit when, well, I don't know how old he was. It was an orange corvette. He had glue all over his fingertips.", "Noah: It's funny, thinking of my dad when he was my age.", "Sharon: Well, we weren't born adults.", "Noah: Oh, I have some more models at home. Maybe you could help me with those, too?", "Jack: Uh, sure, I could do that.", "Sharon: Careful, Jack, this could become a full-time job.", "Jack: Hey, I've got all these amazing talents, what a waste it would be if I couldn't pass them on, right, Buddy?", "Noah: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Thanks, Kathy.", "Michael: What? What's wrong?", "Paul: Where's Lauren?", "Michael: In with the baby. What's going on?", "Paul: It's Sheila, Michael. I have some very disturbing news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: The limo's out front waiting for us.", "Phyllis: Okay. Here we go. Let's blow this joint.", "Nick: Oh, not so fast.", "Phyllis: Did you change your mind?", "Nick: No, no, no, no, no, I've just got a little something for ya. You know, it's, uh... it's tradition. Something old, something new.", "Phyllis: Oh, something borrowed, something blue.", "Nick: Well, I just got it yesterday so it's not that old.", "Phyllis: Well, it's old enough for me.", "Nick: Then it's also new, too.", "Phyllis: And is it borrowed?", "Nick: Two of out three's not bad, right?", "Phyllis: Okay, cool. Let's see... and it is... ah, something blue! This is great! A blue cowboy hat.", "Nick: I mean, with this and some jeans, who needs a wedding gown?", "Phyllis: I know! Well, you know, I need a wedding gown, of course. All right...", "Nick: So, uh... let's go get hitched. We'll hit the trail and do this.", "Phyllis: Do you really wanna do this?", "Nick: Yeah, I do.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Come on, Daniel, let's get started hanging some of the clothes up in the closet.", "Dru: I'll help. (Cell phone ringing)", "Dru: Hello.", "Neil: Hey, Dru, it's me. Uh, listen, I just checked our machine at home.", "Dru: Uh-huh.", "Neil: Christine called. She'd just come from a court hearing. Your trial date's been moved up a couple of weeks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone buzzing)", "Jack: Ji Min actually really listens to me. Take care, huh? If I can be of any help at all...", "Carmen: Thanks, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, we're gonna have to quit for now, Buddy.", "Noah: That's okay. We can finish later.", "Jack: It turned out pretty good, though, huh?", "Sharon: You two make quite a team.", "Noah: Victor was gonna help me, but I guess he had other stuff to do that was more important.", "Jack: Listen, you been spending much time with Victor lately?", "Noah: Not since school started. He's hardly ever home.", "Jack: Yeah, I've noticed he's back in the office a lot more than usual.", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm not surprised. I don't know if he'll ever wanna be CEO again, but I doubt he'll walk away from the business totally. It's in his blood.", "Jack: Yeah, I guess you're right. He's gone through an amazing transformation, but I guess some things don't change.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. Hello. Carmen Mesta? Now, Mr. Bardwell, you've got the wrong number. Oh, no...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: Have you guys been arguing?", "Michael: No. Listen to me, Paul has tracked down a lead on Sheila.", "Lauren: Tell me.", "Paul: She met with a plastic surgeon in Argentina.", "Michael: Apparently a nurse confirmed the meeting.", "Paul: Shortly after her extensive surgery, the physician was murdered all his records were destroyed.", "Michael: Sheila's the prime suspect.", "Lauren: What does she look like?", "Paul: We don't know. The nurse didn't witness the procedure.", "Michael: See, that's the problem. She could look like anyone. She could be anywhere. Even here in Genoa City.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: No, I was just thinking of Daniel. He wasn't the only one to elope.", "Victoria: If you don't embrace your past, it will always come back to haunt you.", "Lauren: No one gets in to see Finn. No one. Not even Gloria.", "Paul: I agree. We can't be too careful." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "When Phyllis goes to Jack's house and yells for him, he comes out of the kitchen. Phyllis immediately asks Jack about Diane and Kyle. Diane tells Kyle that Genoa City will be their home for a while. Nick calls Sharon and reprimands her for having Adam in the car with her. At Gloworm, Victor arrives to have a chat with Nick about Adam and Sharon. At the coffeehouse, Victoria questions Sharon about Faith. Victoria hurls some slanderous remarks toward Sharon concerning Adam. Deacon remembers giving Nikki a drink which she gulped down. Nikki lets Meggie know that she and Victor are eloping tomorrow. Victoria warns Sharon about Adam. Diane and Kyle visit Jack and Phyllis to ask Jack to go with them school shopping. Jack reluctantly agrees. Meggie calls Deacon to let him know that Victor and Nikki are eloping tomorrow. Victor and Skye meet on the elevator.", "Nick confronts Adam about being with Sharon, while she listens. Victor and Skye get trapped on the elevator where they have a heartfelt conversation about Adam. Skye shows Victor her rosary that she got in Mexico. Nikki visits Victoria to try to explain why she couldn't pick up Reed at Katherine's. Phyllis goes through some pics and finds the perfect one of Diane to use in her article about her for \"Restless Style.\" Sharon visits Adam to thank him for helping them during the tornado.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Jack? Jack? Hey. Oh.", "Jack: Hey, you used the new key I gave you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it worked. (Chuckles)", "Jack: Really?", "Phyllis: It's nice to have a key. Mm.", "Jack: Mm. So how is it out there?", "Phyllis: Uh, it's okay. It's okay. The, uh, workers are cleaning up the streets, and, uh, and working everything out from the storm, so the streets are open.", "Jack: So where's your little \"Mini-me\"?", "Phyllis: Summer? Well, when she knew that there wasn't any school, she wanted to stay with Becca.", "Jack: Becca? Oh, Becca's the one with the new puppy.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Their cocker spaniel's much cooler than her mom.", "Jack: Oh, not to me. (Laughs) No, I think you've kind of got that little \"Wet nose\" thing going yourself.", "Phyllis: So, uh, is Kyle still here?", "Jack: No, after you left last night, Diane dropped by to pick him up.", "Phyllis: Mm. So, um, we didn't discuss thoroughly Diane's shocking decision to stay in Genoa City.", "Jack: You think that was her plan all along?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, definitely. But the point is, how are we getting rid of her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: Now that we're staying in Genoa City, you're gonna be able to spend a lot more time with your dad.", "Kyle: He said he can watch my hockey games.", "Diane: (Gasps) Well, wait till he sees how good you are.", "Kyle: Mm, I'm okay.", "Diane: Excuse me. You are much better than okay. As I recall, you won that huge trophy last year.", "Kyle: (Chuckles) Mom, that's 'cause every kid on the team won a trophy.", "Diane: Well, that may be, but I think you're pretty spectacular, and I know your dad will, too.", "Kyle: That's 'cause Americans don't know good hockey from bad hockey.", "Diane: Sweetie, you-- you're an American.", "Kyle: I grew up in Canada.", "Diane: (Laughs) Yeah, well, I think you still have a little growin' up to do.", "Kyle: Andre's mom thinks I'm gonna be tall.", "Diane: Have you spoken to him lately?", "Kyle: Kind of. He's been busy now with, like, just school and homework and, you know, all the practices that he gets and stuff.", "Diane: Yeah. You miss your friends.", "Kyle: Sure you want to move?", "Diane: I know this isn't easy leaving your old life behind, starting over at a new school. But I promise you, it's gonna be wonderful for both of us.", "Kyle: You're really happy being back here.", "Diane: You have no idea. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: I'm home.", "Adam: I'll be out in a minute.", "Skye: (Scoffs) I was stuck at that investor's house all night. His street was flooded. He and his wife and their snotnosed kids insisted I stay. (Sighs) God, I hate the suburbs... not that you care where I was. When I finally got cell service back this morning, I noticed you hadn't even bothered to call to see if I'd survived.", "Adam: Well, I'm sorry I didn't check in with you, Honey. I spent the night at the E.R.", "Skye: What happened?", "Adam: Believe it or not, I changed my mind. I was gonna meet you last night, but I got stuck in a storm with Sharon.", "Skye: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I mean, tell me something, are you as tired as I am?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Dead on my feet.", "Nick: You must have checked on Faith 20 times throughout the night.", "Sharon: Um, I hope the couch wasn't too uncomfortable.", "Nick: It was fine.", "Sharon: Good.", "Nick: So how is our princess this morning?", "Sharon: Well, when I left her with the nanny, she was giggling and she was blowing kisses.", "Nick: (Chuckles) Good. And how about you? Have you called your insurance agent yet?", "Sharon: No, I'm gonna do that while I'm out today. Um, hopefully, the car won't need too much work.", "Nick: I'll never forget seeing your car flipped over like that for as long as I can live. I mean, it scared the hell outta me.", "Sharon: I'm sorry.", "Nick: When I think about what could have happened to you and Faith... I mean, it's just... Sharon, you never should have been in that situation in the first place.", "Sharon: It wasn't that far out of my way.", "Nick: If you had just gone straight home, though...", "Sharon: Well, the point is, everyone's okay.", "Nick: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Victor: Sorry I'm late.", "Sharon: Oh, okay, I hear your dad. I hear your dad. I'll--I'll just-- I'll talk to you later, okay?", "Nick: Okay. Give my daughter a kiss for me.", "Sharon: All right, bye. (Sighs)", "Victor: Talking about your daughter? How is my beautiful granddaughter?", "Nick: Oh, she's fine. There's nothing wrong with her.", "Victor: I'm glad to hear that.", "Nick: What makes me angry, Dad, is this never should have happened in the first place. If Sharon would have just told Adam to get lost...", "Victor: Son, I understand that. I really do. But I think Sharon has too big a heart to turn away someone in need.", "Nick: And Adam knew that.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nick: That's why he asked her to give him a ride, despite the fact that Sharon has told him over and over again...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nick: To stay away from her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, hey, Sharon.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Victoria: How's my niece doing?", "Sharon: You know what? Not a scratch on her.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Good.", "Sharon: How about poor J.T.? What's his status?", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, well, he's still in the I.C.U., and they're treating him for his burns, and they're running some tests to see what other damage the electrocution may have caused, but he's doing all right.", "Deacon: Good morning, Ladies. I see you both weathered the storm.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) Unfortunately, so did you.", "Deacon: Ouch. I don't know. I thought it was kind of fun.", "Sharon: Fun?", "Deacon: Well, I had someone special to ride the weather out with.", "[Deacon remembering]", "(Liquid pours)", "Deacon: Here you go.", "Deacon: Nikki...", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: Hey, Nikki, slow down.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: What kind of lunatic would want to spend any time with you, anyway?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: The window's being replaced today, this afternoon. Uh, but other than that, the ranch has faired pretty well. No major damage to speak of.", "Nikki: Well, except for your ankle. Does it still hurt?", "Meggie: Oh, not as bad as before. So what can I do to help you today?", "Nikki: Actually, quite a bit. Um, Victor and I have decided to elope tomorrow.", "Meggie: Is that wise?", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "Meggie: Oh, f-forget it. I'm sorry. It's--it's none of my business.", "Nikki: Well, no, it's not. But apparently, you have a problem with our plans, and I'd like to know what it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: You ladies have a nice day. I know I will.", "Victoria: After all the trouble that he's caused and all of the enemies that he's made, and he picks here to finish his parole-- very interesting.", "Sharon: Well, maybe the court insisted.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) My guess is, he gets off on irritating people... not unlike your infamous ex, by the way.", "Sharon: Okay, don't start with that. I heard it from Nick all night.", "Victoria: I'm sorry, Sharon, but I hate the way that he's manipulating you.", "Sharon: He needed a ride. I-I agreed to give him a ride. That's it. And--and he ended up saving my daughter's life from the roof that collapsed in that barn.", "Victoria: Why would you let that creep in your car in the first place?", "Sharon: Well, there was a tornado. He couldn't get a cab.", "Victoria: You could have told him to walk. Maybe the tornado would have swept him back to Kansas where a house would have landed on top of him.", "Sharon: Well, I have to go.", "Victoria: Hey, listen, wait. Okay, I'm sorry, okay? I'm glad that Faith is okay. I am. (Sighs) But now that Adam's played the hero, we both know that he's gonna try to use that. We both know that he would do anything to get you back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: (Sighs) I don't even have time to take a shower before my meeting.", "Adam: (Sighs) Man, it's so weird. It's--the minute I saw that roof start to cave in, all I could think about was protecting Faith. It was just wild. I just went, and I flung myself on her. (Groans) And the next thing I know, I wake up. My back is all cut up, and it's raining on me, 'cause the roof's not there, and as soon as I found out that Faith was all right, the pain didn't even matter.", "Skye: Wow, Adam, that is so beautiful. You are the bravest man in the whole universe.", "Adam: I don't appreciate you mocking me.", "Skye: I know what you're thinking.", "Adam: What am I thinking?", "Skye: That because you swooped in like Superman, Sharon's gonna suddenly forgive all the horrible things you've done, including kidnapping the child you saved. Fine. You stay here and be delusional while I go take care of business, as always.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: And now because that creep saved Faith from a dangerous situation, he is never going to let Sharon forget about that, even though he's the reason they were even in that situation.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, let me ask you something, you're not intending to do what I think you may be...", "Nick: Dad, I really want to go and kick this guy's ass.", "Victor: And I understand that completely, but please hold off on that. We're trying to reopen his case and send him back to prison.", "Nick: Well, who knows how long that's gonna take?", "Victor: Well, all's well that ends well, all right? Be patient. It'll pay off.", "Nick: Okay. (Sighs)", "Victor: Okay?", "Nick: Okay. So what's up? How come you wanted to meet for breakfast?", "Victor: I came here because I have some news. Your mother and I are going to elope. We're going to Las Vegas tomorrow.", "Nick: Vegas.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Yeah. Can you imagine?", "Nick: (Chuckles) Well, uh, congratulations.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Nick: I kind of thought Mom wanted a big wedding with all the trimmings.", "Victor: I know. She's afraid that if we wait too long, the perfect time will never come.", "Nick: Well, when you think about Murphy and J.T. ending up in the hospital, and what almost happened to Sharon and Faith...", "Victor: I know.", "Nick: I can kind of see her point.", "Victor: I know, and I want to do it with her, okay? Um, I gotta tell you that I'm very proud of the way you've handled yourself lately. I'm proud of you, Son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I asked you a question, Meggie. Why don't you want Victor and me to elope?", "Meggie: (Sighs) I was just thinking of Mrs. Chancellor. You two are the best of friends, and her husband is still critical.", "Nikki: Oh, well, we'll only be gone for one night, and I will tell Katherine before we leave. (Sighs) She will insist that we go. I guarantee it.", "Meggie: (Sighs) I don't mean to be... but I know you've been struggling lately.", "Nikki: I've got a handle on things.", "Meggie: Are you sure you don't need a little more time?", "Nikki: I'm positive. Being married to Victor will make all the difference in the world, and believe me, it can't happen soon enough for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: Since the schools are closed today, I can't enroll you this morning like I'd planned.", "Kyle: Bummer.", "Diane: (Chuckles) I knew you'd be crushed.", "Kyle: Can we go to the arcade?", "Diane: Not today.", "Kyle: A movie?", "Diane: Nope.", "Kyle: Come on. It doesn't have to be 3-d or anything. I mean, I'll sit through George Clooney if you want.", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Kyle: And--and I'll pay.", "Diane: Oh, you will, will you?", "Kyle: I've got some allowance saved up. So how about it? Let me treat my best girl.", "Diane: (Sighs) (Chuckles)", "Kyle: What?", "Diane: You. You sound exactly like your father. You're gonna be just as charming as he is, aren't you?", "Kyle: (Chuckles) Gonna be? I already am.", "Diane: (Laughs) Well, all the charm in the world won't work on me today. We already have plans.", "Kyle: Doing what?", "Diane: You'll see. Now come on. Put the game down. Get your butt in gear. Get your jacket. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So, um, this is what happened. Tucker knew that Diane and I had worked together for a very short period of time, and he asked what I thought of her.", "Jack: So you told him in gory detail.", "Phyllis: Well, I gave him my opinion. I told him the truth. And he hired her anyway. He just figured it was a grudge. (Sighs) Diane is back in our lives.", "Jack: Honey, there's not much we can do about that right now.", "Phyllis: Yes, there is. Yes, there is. You could talk to Tucker.", "Jack: Me?", "Phyllis: Yeah, you. You have a relationship with him. You two know each other pretty well.", "Jack: He's already hired her. Obviously, he's impressed with her work.", "Phyllis: You want Diane to stay around... because of Kyle.", "Jack: Unfortunately, Kyle and his mother are a package deal.", "Phyllis: I know, but you could talk to Tucker, and you could persuade him to assign her to long business trips overseas, so then you'll spend some time alone with your son, which is what you want, and she won't be in our lives 24/7.", "Jack: Kyle--Kyle has already given up an awful lot to move here.", "Phyllis: I know. I know. It's so difficult.", "Jack: I hate to say it, but Diane has raised that boy almost by herself. They are very close. She is the one constant in his life. I can't take away his only security.", "Phyllis: God, how do I, um... (Exhales) How do I discuss this? Do you know... do you know what I do when I can't sleep sometimes? I actually think about her. I do. I think about her, and how she single-handedly burned down your pole house and framed me for arson and attempted murder. Jack, I mean, how can she top that?", "Jack: Diane is not going to pull a stunt like that again.", "Phyllis: Yes, she is. Yes, she is. She is a snake. It's her nature. You never know when they're gonna strike.", "Jack: I don't want Diane in my day-to-day life any more than you do. Unfortunately, it's the price I have to pay to have my son in my life again.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Jack: I don't want you worrying about Diane. She won't be a problem. I promise.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jack: Oh, excuse me.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Jack: Hey, Guys. Come on in.", "Phyllis: Diane. What a surprise.", "Diane: I hope we're not intruding.", "Jack: No, not at all.", "Phyllis: Hey, little guy. How you doin'?", "Kyle: Hi, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hi. Listen, I really want to thank you for helping my daughter yesterday with the finger puppets. You--you are just the coolest guy to her.", "Kyle: I didn't want her to be scared that the power was out.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that's very, very sweet. Next time there's a storm, you're my go-to guy, okay?", "Kyle: (Giggles)", "Jack: So I didn't expect to see you two this morning. What's up?", "Diane: Kyle and I need to do some school shopping. Would you like to come with us?", "Jack: Well, I-I--", "Diane: You could tell Kyle more about Walnut Grove. He--he's still a little nervous.", "Jack: You know, I do know a lot about Walnut Grove. Billy went to school there.", "Kyle: Then you'll come?", "Jack: Sure, Buddy. You bet.", "Diane: Thank you, Jack. You just made Kyle's day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Okay. Oh, I'm gonna be going out for a while.", "Meggie: Where?", "Nikki: To see my daughter.", "Meggie: Oh.", "Nikki: Uh, while I'm gone, could you please call the dry cleaner's and have them make a delivery before tonight? I-I need some--some things for the trip.", "Meggie: Will do.", "Nikki: Thank you, Meggie, for your help and for your discretion.", "Meggie: Oh, no worries. Drive safe.", "Nikki: See you later.", "(Front door closes)", "Meggie: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Deacon: (Sighs) It's about time you called.", "Meggie: It's the first chance I've had.", "Deacon: Look, with Victor and Nikki eloping tomorrow, we gotta move fast.", "Meggie: Listen, I'll be at your motel in ten minutes. We have got to figure out something to stop this wedding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: (Sighs)", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Skye: Is that any way to greet your daughter-in-law?", "Victor: You going to the tenth floor?", "Skye: Did you think I was coming to see you?", "Victor: Hardly.", "Skye: I'm meeting a potential investor. It's a coincidence he has an office in your building.", "Victor: It's easy to separate a fool from his money.", "Skye: Our hedge fund happens to--", "(Elevator stops abruptly)", "Skye: Oh, no. No.", "Victor: Well, it appears that neither of us are going anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Nick: You got a minute?", "Adam: How's Faith?", "Nick: She's fine. Bet you were hoping it was Sharon at this door, huh?", "Adam: I haven't heard from her, and I doubt I will.", "Nick: How disappointing for you.", "Adam: Nicholas, if you think I saved Faith to score brownie points with Sharon, you're wrong.", "Nick: No, actually, Adam, I think for the first time in your life, you actually did something selfless. My concern is what your next move is going to be.", "Adam: My next move?", "Nick: Yeah, maybe you're gonna try and twist Sharon's gratitude into something that it isn't. You know, milk your injuries, try and get Sharon to nurse you back to health.", "Adam: You're an idiot. You know that, right?", "Nick: So that's it, isn't it? The next phase of your plan?", "Adam: My plan?", "Nick: Yeah. To win Sharon back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'll check in later. Okay. All set.", "Diane: Great.", "Jack: So are you okay with me bailing on you?", "Phyllis: Absolutely. No big deal.", "Jack: You're still gonna work here, though, right?", "Phyllis: Absolutely.", "Jack: Okay. So should we go, Buddy? You want to drive, or should I?", "Kyle: (Giggles)", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: That's sweet.", "Jack: Okay, I'll drive this time.", "Kyle: Good call.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) So... you decided to stay in Genoa City.", "Diane: Best decision I've made in ages.", "Phyllis: Yeah. We'll see about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Boy, that was a crazy storm we had the other night.", "Nikki: Oh, I'll say. How's J.T.?", "Victoria: Uh, there's really no change. I had a nice talk with him at the hospital, though.", "Nikki: Yeah? About what?", "Victoria: Well, I just told him that I'm sorry that things have been so hostile between us, and that we're gonna try to work on things now for Reed's sake.", "Nikki: Does Reed know about his dad?", "Victoria: Yeah, I told him last night. Of course, I made it sound better than it is. I'm gonna take him to visit J.T. as soon as he's up to it.", "Nikki: Where is Reed now?", "Victoria: Billy took him to a children's museum. Isn't that nice of him?", "Nikki: That is very sweet.", "Victoria: We're just trying to keep him busy.", "Nikki: I-I feel terrible that I wasn't able to be with him when you called yesterday.", "Victoria: Oh, no, Mom, that's okay. I mean, he was at Katherine's. Esther was watching him.", "Nikki: Yeah, but still, I should have been with him. That's what you wanted.", "Victoria: Mom, it really wasn't a problem. It's okay. I have to admit, though, I am a little curious about something.", "Nikki: About what?", "Victoria: Well, when you said that you couldn't pick up Reed, you said it was because you were nowhere near the ranch. But Katherine said that when you left the hospital, you were going straight home. So why would you lie?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: All right, thank you. (Sighs) Apparently tree damage from the storm fell on the power line that leads to Newman Towers.", "Skye: So--so the whole building's without electricity?", "Victor: Yeah, seems so, but the city crew is working on it as we speak.", "Skye: Still, it could take hours. (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Victor: I would think that a woman climbing the ladder wouldn't mind spending some time with a man she can't stand.", "Skye: (Exhales) It's not you. It's me. I hate elevators. I got stuck in one when I was a kid. It was--it was crowded and hot, and it took forever to get out.", "Victor: So you're claustrophobic?", "Skye: Mm-hmm, yeah. Some people have nightmares about showing up for an exam they forgot to study for or falling off a cliff. Th-this is mine right here-- being trapped, not being able to get out, having absolutely no control.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, Adam, are you gonna let me in, or what?", "Adam: No, Nicholas. And you can relax.", "Adam: (Sighs) I'm not gonna use what happened at the barn to ingratiate myself to Sharon.", "Nick: Well, you can see why it might cross my mind, right? I mean, your marriage to Skye is clearly a sham. You are only with her to help your hedge fund.", "Adam: My marriage to Skye is of no concern to you.", "Nick: Well, it is when you constantly bump into Sharon.", "Adam: At Crimson Lights? The club here where I live? The harvest festival? All public places, public property.", "Nick: Okay, well, then here's a thought-- next time you run into Sharon, you walk away.", "Adam: That's a thought. You think too hard, you might hurt yourself, Nicholas. I don't take orders from you.", "Nick: She can't stand being around you, yet you have the nerve to ask her for a ride to a meeting? Are you kidding?", "Adam: That's not against the law.", "Nick: Well, when you're concerned, it should be.", "Adam: All these ulterior motives, Nicholas, are in your head.", "Nick: You suck up to Sharon every chance you get, and I want it to stop.", "Adam: Is that a threat, Brother?", "Nick: Let's just say it's what needs to be done, especially now that Sharon and I are trying to build a family again.", "Adam: I only have Sharon's best interests at heart. I don't want to complicate her life any more than I already have.", "Nick: Okay, then. Prove it. Back off and stay away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: (Whispering) Dear God, I'm sorry for my sins. I will try to do better. Just please, please get me out of here.", "Victor: Are you praying?", "Skye: (Scoffs) (Normal voice) Yeah, right.", "Victor: You were praying, weren't you?", "Skye: Next best thing to a rosary. I got it down in Mexico. Saint Cayetano.", "Victor: Saint Cayetano. That's... the saint of the unemployed.", "Skye: You've heard of him.", "Victor: Yeah, I have. I wasn't always wealthy, you know.", "Skye: Bet you didn't also know he watches out for gamblers.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Then he is your saint, isn't he?", "Skye: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Skye: I bought it as a joke.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Skye: The thing is, every time I pull it out and send up a few prayers, they end up being answered. So maybe it isn't a joke after all.", "Victor: And here I thought you were the make-your-own-luck type.", "Skye: Oh, I am.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Skye: But everyone needs a little help now and then.", "Victor: Ahh. You're asking for help from the wrong people.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I understand your wanting to protect Sharon, but she's a strong woman. She doesn't need protecting.", "Nick: From you she does.", "Adam: No, you're wrong. She's been kinder to me than I deserve, but she's made it very clear she's not interested in my friendship or my apologies.", "Nick: Then why the hell can't you take a hint?", "Adam: Nicholas, I know what her priorities are. It is the baby and Noah and you. I screwed her life up once. I'm not gonna do it again.", "Nick: You see that you don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victoria, I wasn't lying. When I left the hospital, the storm had calmed down, but there were still a lot of streets that were closed, so my taxi driver had to make a lot of detours all over the place.", "Victoria: Okay. I'm fine with that. I'm not accusing you. I'm--I'm sorry. Um, it just seemed a little strange.", "Nikki: Listen, I will be happy to babysit for you any time you want after we get back.", "Victoria: Wait a minute. \"After we get back\"?", "Nikki: Well, that's the other thing that I have to tell you. Your father and I are eloping tomorrow.", "Victoria: Tomorrow?", "Nikki: Yeah, we decided against a big wedding. We'll only be gone for one night.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, you know, I think that that might be my fault.", "Nikki: Your fault? Why is it your fault?", "Victoria: Well, I think that Dad is rushing back for the mediation tomorrow morning.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Look, if you're worried that we're not gonna have a honeymoon, we can do that later.", "Victoria: All right, listen, Mom, I want you to tell me the truth. If Abby and I weren't suing Dad, would you be having a real wedding?", "Nikki: No, we would not. There are other reasons why we chose this route. And I have waited for this so long. I don't think I can wait another day.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: It's do or die time, Deacon.", "Deacon: And you think I don't know that?", "Meggie: If we don't get these lovebirds to call off their wedding, I'm gone.", "Deacon: (Chuckles) You know, it's funny. I didn't peg you for a quitter, \"Kitty cat.\"", "Meggie: Well, there's nothing I'd like more than to be the woman in Victor's life.", "Deacon: And there's nothing I want more than my cut once you get Newman under your spell.", "Meggie: Well, we can't do that with Nikki in the picture, can we?", "Deacon: Mnh. Well, I guess we better get started then.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So Billy's giving his closing argument, and a female student in the jury hands him her phone number.", "Kyle: (Giggles)", "Jack: The judge stopped everything.", "Diane: You see? Mock trials, class trips to Europe, and a hockey team. Walnut Grove seems pretty awesome, huh?", "Kyle: Only classes started two months ago, and now I'm gonna be the new kid.", "Jack: Well, yeah, I mean, that gang has been together since kindergarten, but remember this-- it's a small school, and at small schools, the new guy is treated like royalty.", "Diane: They're probably sick to death of each other.", "Jack: Yeah, once they find out you're good at sports, and you've got your dad's good looks, I'm tellin' you, Kid, you got it made.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) There has got to be one in here... somewhere. Shoot. Come on. Come on. (Gasps) That... (Chuckles) Is perfect.", "Skye: You don't need to warn me about Adam. I already know your opinion of him. (Sighs) God, could the power come on already?", "Victor: Let me ask you something, Skye. When you left Brazil, you had enough money to do anything you'd want to do.", "Skye: I wanted to come here.", "Victor: But why? To be with my son? He must have put you through so much pain.", "Skye: The Newman name opens a lot of doors.", "Victor: But there has to be more than that. He doesn't love you, you know. The man is incapable of loving anyone. He's a self-loathing bastard.", "Skye: (Sighs) Feels like we've been in here for hours.", "Victor: Whatever you hope will come from your arrangement with that man, think very carefully, all right? If I were you, I would think of my future without Adam in it. He does not give a damn about your future, I promise you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon.", "Sharon: Adam. How are you?", "Adam: Come in, please. I'm, uh, I'm pretty good, considering part of a barn fell on me. How's the little one?", "Sharon: Um, didn't even faze her.", "Adam: Ahh, the perks of being young, huh?", "Sharon: So I-I didn't get to talk to you after everything that happened. That's why I'm here.", "Adam: What'd you want to talk about?", "Sharon: How grateful I am to you. You've saved my daughter's life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So maybe I could just call Mr. Hauser, see if it isn't too late to try out for the hockey team. It may not be.", "Kyle: Guess it wouldn't hurt to ask. Can I get some more hot chocolate?", "Diane: Yeah, sure. Here you go.", "Kyle: Thanks, Mom.", "Diane: So could it be that we've made a dent in that armor of his?", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Diane: It's all about teamwork, right?", "Jack: Yeah, listen, I am thrilled that Kyle is here, but I want you to know where you're concerned, my eyes are wide-open.", "Diane: And what does that mean?", "Jack: That means you're gonna have to be on your best behavior. History is not going to repeat itself, Diane. If it does, you and I are gonna have a real problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: And this little piggy built her house of cards. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Nick would have a fit if he knew you were here.", "Sharon: Oh, Nick. He just--he wasn't there in the barn when the roof came flying off and you threw yourself on my daughter's body without any concern to your own safety.", "Adam: (Sighs) You know, you may not believe me, but I really care about you and that sweet little girl.", "Sharon: Adam, I--", "Adam: No, no, no, hear-- hear me out, Sharon. I don't want to complicate your life, especially when I know you're just startin' to put your family back together again.", "Sharon: Thank you. You mean it?", "Adam: Of course. Look, I'm gonna respect your wishes. I'm gonna keep my distance. I just want you to be happy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Maybe you'll remember what I said. (Click)", "(Elevator motor starts)", "Skye: (Gasps) Oh, thank you, God. Finally! (Sighs)", "Victor: Well, maybe...", "Skye: (Sighs)", "Victor: You can still make it to your meeting.", "Skye: Perhaps.", "(Elevator bell dings)", "Nick: Hey, Dad. I just got here.", "Victor: Hey, Son.", "Nick: I heard you were trapped in the elevator.", "Victor: You're not coming with us?", "Skye: I'd rather take the stairs.", "Victor: All right.", "Nick: Trapped in an elevator with Skye? Lucky you.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Yeah. Indeed.", "Nick: What'd you talk about?", "Victor: Hardly said a word to each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Can't you be happy for me?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Um, I want to.", "Nikki: But is it because we're eloping?", "Victoria: No, Mom. No, it's not that. It's just that... (Sighs) I know you're crazy about Dad. I know you always have been, but he tends to hurt the people that he is closest to, and he just can't seem to help himself.", "Nikki: He's trying very hard.", "Victoria: I haven't really seen that. But if you're sure that this is what you want, then--", "Nikki: I am. I'm very sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: This should be quick and easy. Nikki's more vulnerable than ever.", "Meggie: I'll get her alone away from Victor.", "Deacon: Good. Then you spike her drink, and you start early and be generous. Look, we play this thing right, Vic and his bride-to-be, they aren't gonna know what hit 'em.", "Meggie: And then we'll be celebrating tomorrow. (Clicks tongue)", "Deacon: Mm. (Chuckles)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kay: I just wish to God I knew what he's trying to tell me.", "Lily: I tried talking to him, but I can't even get him to open up.", "Neil: Why don't you let me try?", "Nikki: It must be very difficult to know that you will always be the outcast.", "Jill: Oh, shut up, Nikki." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Devon wonders why Harmony is staying with Katherine and harmony tells him that Katherine was kind enough to offer her a place to stay for a few days. Harmony tells Devon the only reason she came to town was to explain to him why she never told him about his father. Devon asks Harmony to leave town so she gives him her address and phone number in Milwaukee in case he ever wants to talk or needs her for anything. Devon later tells Neil that Harmony is respecting his wishes and leaving town and that it is the nicest thing she has ever done for him. Tucker isn't as happy to learn that Harmony is staying with Katherine because he thinks she is taking Katherine's side against him. Harmony tells Tucker that the only reason she is in town is for Devon's sake and what she does or doesn't do stopped being any of his business a long time ago. Katherine is impressed by how Harmony handled Tucker and asks her not to leave town but harmony tells her that the only way she can have a relationship with Devon later is to respect his wishes now and leave town. Kevin discovers that the Glowworm account is empty and since Gloria and Jeffrey are the only ones that had access to the account he tells Gloria Jeffrey must have taken the money. Gloria calls Jeffrey and leaves a message on his cell phone and after she hangs up the phone she gets flowers from Jeffrey along with a farewell note telling her that their relationship was wonderful and he will always have her in his heart but it is time for him to move on to parts unknown. Gloria calls Genevieve and leaves a message telling her that she can't meet with her about the sale of her house because she is having a personal crisis. Sofia and Moses are released from the hospital and they move in with Neil.", "Ronan learns that Colin ordered a hit on Gloria and Genevieve and he tells Cane and promises that he will protect Genevieve and Gloria but the hit must come close to happening so that he can charge Colin and put him in jail. Ronan promises Cane that after this he will finally have his family back, which is why he started working with him to protect Lily and the twins. Lily talks to Jill and tells her she suspects that Colin is up to something and Cane may know what it is but isn't telling her about it. Lily tells Jill she is worried Colin may try to take the twins again and Jill tells Lily about a conversation she had with Cane earlier today where he told her to stay away from Colin today. Lily has to get some answers about what is happening so she heads to Genevieve's house to talk to her. Jill sees Colin later at the Athletic club and tells her Lily is going to talk to Genevieve to get answers and then she asks Colin if he is hiding something from her. Colin lies and tells Jill he isn't keeping anything from her so Jill heads to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Jill turns on the water and stays by the bathroom door to listen to Colin make a call telling the hit man that the hit is still on although there has been a wrinkle in the plan the hit is still on.", "" ]
[ "Colin: Mm.", "Jill: Mm. You are insatiable.", "Colin: Mm.", "Jill: Wasn't last night enough for you?", "Colin: No. No, no, no, no. No, no. Mwah. No, no, no.", "Jill: No, no, no. I have to give Delia her gift before it gets too late.", "Colin: Okay, but then you come back and we practice some more.", "Jill: I will come back. I will. Okay. Bye.", "Colin: I'm yours, Kid.", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Colin: Right here. (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: \"Meet me.\" Can't stay away, can you? \"Where... and when?\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Yeah, Genevieve should be in touch... soon.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Colin: Hang on. It's her now.", "Colin: It's on. Yeah. I will be with... dear, sweet Genevieve, and you will call that idiot Gloria. Here's what you say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Mom, would you just lay off the hero crap?", "Gloria: No, because your bone marrow saved little Delia's life.", "Kevin: Well, you still had no trouble draggin' me down here.", "Gloria: That's right. Now I can pamper you while you work. The staff will fix you breakfast, get you a pillow, an ice pack, whatever you need, because my accounting won't wait. So would you please just get to it?", "Kevin: When is Jeffrey getting back from Vegas? It's been--", "Gloria: An eternity. (Sighs) I swear. \"Sin City\" is heaven on earth for that man. Forget about him. One of my employees is complaining--", "Kevin: Yeah, I know. You said somebody can't cash their check.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. So would you pretty please just check the books and see what the problem is?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Gloria: Oh, oh.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: I bet maybe that's the bank. Hello. Gloria Bardwell. Hello. Gloria Bardwell. (Gasps) Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I most certainly am at her disposal. Thank you very much.", "Gloria: That gentleman assists Genevieve Atkinson.", "Kevin: With her garbage disposal?", "Gloria: She's decided the mansion's too big and wants to sell it, and specifically requested that I handle the listing. How fabulous is that? (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So? Did you get anything from the wire tap?", "Ronan: Yes, I did. Colin just gave the order. Gloria and your mom are supposed to be eliminated at Genevieve's later today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So Malcolm just took off?", "Neil: Yeah. He sure did. He's angry. But the way he threw that quickie divorce in Sofia's face, my God.", "Lily: I mean, he--he didn't even call or--or say good-bye or anything. What-- what about Devon?", "Neil: Devon is surprised as we are. Looks like Malcolm turned his back on all of us, didn't he? I mean, he's my brother. What I did with Sofia, I... (Sighs)", "Lily: How's the baby?", "Neil: (Sighs) Incredible.", "Lily: Yeah?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Lily: So when can she bring him home from the hospital?", "Neil: Uh, today. I hired a baby nurse.", "Lily: You did?", "Neil: Yeah. They're coming home with me.", "Lily: Wow. Okay, what--what does that mean?", "Neil: It means, Sweetheart, that I'm gonna be taking care of my child and his mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: So your husband walked out on you, and you're fine with that?", "Sofia: I am all over the place-- exhausted but elated, joyous... guilty.", "Tucker: Unh-unh. You can't go there.", "Sofia: I was with Malcolm's brother. I had Neil's baby. I've hurt my husband so badly.", "Tucker: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's over and done with. All you can do right now is deal with what's right in front of you. Hmm?", "Sofia: Little baby Moses.", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Sofia: His happiness and his future. That is my top priority.", "Tucker: And Neil's steppin' up, is he?", "Sofia: Do you even have to ask? I mean, that man... he's gonna be a part of his child's life.", "Tucker: Well, you're a lucky boy, little Mo. You're gonna grow up knowin' from the very first moment you are wanted and loved by both your parents.", "Sofia: Tucker? Any developments about Devon?", "Tucker: Well, he still doesn't want anything to do with me. (Sighs) But there is another, um, big piece of related news you might not have heard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Harmony: It's meant a lot to me, you letting me stay here these past couple of days.", "Kay: Well, it was a blessing our paths crossed.", "Harmony: A blessing?", "Kay: Mm.", "Harmony: Where I came from and what I've been and what I've done-- calling me a \"Blessing\" is a stretch.", "Kay: Let's put past behavior where it belongs-- in the past. Because right now, I see a woman who has pulled herself together and she wants nothing more than the best for her son.", "Harmony: Let's just hope I know what that is.", "Kay: Have you reached out to Devon again?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kay: Uh, oh, pardon me. Just a moment. Uh, yes? What? Huh? Wha-- (Scoffs)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Kay: Oh, for God sake. Esther! Oh, pardon me, Darling. Esther! Oh.", "Harmony: You want me--", "Kay: Oh, would-- uh, would you, please, Darling?", "Harmony: Yeah, yeah, sure.", "Kay: I hate to ask it of you, but, uh, I don't know. She never answers the door, but I don't know where she...", "Harmony: Thanks for coming.", "Devon: Well, you caught my attention when you said you were staying here, so, uh, you want to tell me what's going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Sleepin' like a baby.", "Sofia: Devon's mother is back in town, and you didn't tell me?", "Tucker: Well, you were busy adjusting to the new man in your life.", "Sofia: Well, what happened? How did it go when you saw her again?", "Tucker: (Sighs) We argued. Blame got tossed around.", "Sofia: That woman had the nerve to get mad at you? To be angry at you when she didn't even tell you she was having your son?", "Tucker: She kind of did.", "Sofia: An anonymous note saying you'll never see your kid again?", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Sofia: Well, that's some birth announcement.", "Tucker: Yeah, still, I-I should have known who it was from. Don't you think?", "Sofia: Well...", "Tucker: I mean, if I hadn't had a different girl in my bed just about every night...", "Sofia: Tucker, you were young, adventurous, having the time of your life.", "Tucker: At everyone else's expense.", "Sofia: But you looked for your son.", "Tucker: Man, that sounds hollow. It's no wonder Devon can't stand me.", "Sofia: Hey, what was that you told me earlier? All of that is done and over with. What's important now is that his woman is trying to insert herself into Devon's life and your wallet.", "Tucker: No.", "Sofia: Is she still, you know...", "Tucker: On drugs? Drinking? No. Seems like she's cleaned up her act. (Sighs)", "Sofia: Then what does she want?", "Tucker: Nothin' from me.", "Sofia: Something from Devon?", "Tucker: She swears she has his best interests at heart.", "Sofia: And you believe that?", "Tucker: For now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: So how'd you just happen to end up living with Mrs. Chancellor? Did you look her up and play the \"Family\" card?", "Kay: I met your mother quite by chance, Devon. I invited her to stay.", "Devon: To accomplish what? So what's the story? Are you really living here even though I asked you to--?", "Harmony: Devon, listen. It's--it's like I've been telling you all along, I came to Genoa City to explain to you why I never told you about your father, not to try and force my way back into your life.", "Devon: Like you did before.", "Harmony: I'm clean, and I'm--and I'm-- and I'm sober. And I just wanted you to know, Son, that this time when you spoke, I heard you.", "Devon: Well, how about instead of telling me what you intend to do, you just...", "Harmony: I'm gonna give you my address...", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Harmony: And phone number in Milwaukee.", "Devon: You know, if you expect me to keep in touch with you, I really don't mean to sound rude, but it's--", "Harmony: Listen, Devon, I understand, Baby. Neil and Lily are your family now, and--and I ain't insulted by that, and I don't resent it. As a matter of fact, I am grateful that you have had such solid, loving people in your life. And I mean that.", "Devon: So by giving me that, you're not...", "Harmony: No expectations or demands attached.", "Devon: So you're really gonna leave?", "Harmony: If you ever want to talk, if I can ever help you in any way... please contact me.", "Devon: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Okay, so consider these toys and clothes a starter set until you and Sofia do some real shopping.", "Neil: Wow, you make it sound like we're a couple.", "Lily: (Scoffs) Well, you're more than that. You're parents.", "Neil: Right. So tell me-- tell me why you're suddenly focused on--on baby clothes. Feeling the need for a little distraction, or what?", "Lily: (Vibrates lips) (Sighs) I was really hoping you wouldn't ask me.", "Neil: Ahh, you've come to a decision about Cane?", "Neil: And... I'm not gonna like it, am I?", "Lily: Well, he's still keeping secrets. So I told him he can't see Matty and Charlie.", "Neil: Wow, that was tough. Because you still... think of him as your husband, right?", "Lily: Because they're his children, and they love him, and every time I let him in, he--", "Neil: He disappoints you. I understand.", "Lily: I-I can't keep doing this, you know? I can't keep letting Cane get away with telling me half the truth.", "Neil: Honey, you've seen how risky that can be.", "Lily: Yeah, that's why I have to look out for myself and for my kids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You tell me why he wants to kill Gloria when she has nothing to do with my parents' stupid war.", "Ronan: The books. The books that we found in your mother's wine cellar. I'm sure that Colin is worried that she got a look at those when they were stuck down there together.", "Cane: You tell me you have a cop watching my mother right now.", "Ronan: I do. Look at me, okay? I do, and I have one on Gloria, too. All right, now I've gotta get going right now.", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? Where are you going?", "Ronan: I'm going to lead the surveillance on the mansion. Now that we know that's the target--", "Cane: All right, I'm gonna go warn them then.", "Ronan: No, hey, come here. Listen to me. You do not warn them. Gloria and Genevieve have to walk into that mansion. This has to go that far. That is the only way that we have proof Colin was trying to kill them. Do you get that?", "Cane: All right, no one gets hurt--", "Ronan: If we do not do that, this will not end, okay?", "Cane: No one gets hurt. My father goes to jail, and I tell Lily the truth. You got that?", "Ronan: Yes, yes, I've got all that. Cane, you're going to get your family back.", "Cane: I'd better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Harmony: So I told him I'd go.", "Kay: Well, I am very surprised.", "Harmony: What, surprised that I would do what Devon asked?", "Kay: (Chuckles) That you even managed to do it. It was obviously causing you a great deal of pain.", "Harmony: Well, that ain't nothing compared to what I've put that boy through.", "Kay: Ms. Hamilton, I can understand trying to make up for one's past mistakes--", "Harmony: No, no, I-I love him, Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Then stay. Stay. Show him--", "Harmony: No, it won't-- it--it won't work. Listen, if I'm-- if I'm gonna have a-a relationship with Devon later, I have to respect his wishes now. And listen, as much as it hurts, I have... got to walk away.", "Harmony: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, Dad, where are you?", "Neil: Uh, pickin' up some things for Sofia and Moses.", "Devon: All right, I'm at, uh, Crimson Lights. (Sighs)", "Neil: You want me to swing by?", "Devon: Um...", "Neil: Devon?", "Devon: Yeah, I just-- I just came from seeing Harmony at, uh, Mrs. Chancellor's place. She's been staying there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Mom?", "Gloria: Do you know how often a real estate agent makes two commissions on one house in the same year? Never. (Chuckles)", "Kevin: I need to talk to you.", "Gloria: You know, when I found out Genevieve was the one who locked Colin in the wine cellar, and me along with him, I kind of wrote her off as a little cuckoo, but you know something?", "Kevin: You need to listen to me.", "Gloria: Her money still spends very nicely.", "Kevin: Good. You're gonna need it.", "Gloria: Oh, really? 'Cause you're gonna charge me so much for a little accounting? (Giggles)", "Kevin: The reason the payroll check didn't clear is because there is nothing to cover it.", "Gloria: Oh, please. That's wrong. (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Mom, the Gloworm account has been completely drained.", "Gloria: All the money gone? All?", "Kevin: All.", "Gloria: What happened to it?", "Kevin: (Scoffs) I don't know. There's only two people who could have wired money out of it. You and...", "Gloria: Jeffrey? Jeffrey worships me. Jeffrey loves me.", "Kevin: Maybe he forgot about that while he's been gambling through a hunka- hunka burning cash in Vegas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Okay, Colin, what's so important that I had to come all the way into town to have coffee with you?", "Colin: I was feeling sentimental.", "Genevieve: Really? And what brought this on? Because the last time we crossed paths, you did threaten to assault me with a cake.", "Colin: Well, our relationship is nothing if not mercurial.", "Genevieve: That's the hell of it.", "Colin: And the beauty.", "Genevieve: All right, then. Uh, what's got you so... mellow and tender?", "Colin: The espresso.", "Genevieve: The little café on the Amalfi coast.", "Colin: Sunburn.", "Genevieve: Yeah, because we kept sitting and talking and looking out at the water.", "Colin: I didn't want to leave you for a moment.", "Genevieve: No, you really didn't.", "Colin: It's a shame that we could never get back even a part of what we had then.", "Genevieve: Oh, Colin. Darling, you are so full of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So Delia's good. She was sleeping when I got there, but Chloe says she's doing much better.", "Cane: That's great.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Cane: So, um, what are you doing for the rest of the day?", "Jill: I'm spending it with your father.", "Cane: Do you, um, think that maybe you could find something else you might want to do instead?", "Jill: And here we were getting along so well.", "Cane: He hasn't changed, Jill.", "Jill: He has with me.", "Cane: (Sighs heavily) He's up to something.", "Jill: (Scoffs) \"Something.\"", "Cane: He is a dangerous man. I'm going to beg you to please stay away from him.", "Jill: You know what? You have committed your fair share of sins, and yet you expected me to forgive you.", "Cane: It's different.", "Jill: Why, Cane? What should I forgive you and not him?", "Cane: Everything I do has good intentions, and all he does is look out for himself.", "Jill: Maybe that was true in the past.", "Cane: No, today, he's--", "Jill: Today, he's what? What is he doing today?", "Cane: Today, something is going to happen to Genevieve, and that's all I can say.", "Jill: God, I hate it when you do this.", "Cane: I'm asking you-- stay away from him. Stay away from this man. Keep your distance from him.", "Jill: What is with all this secrecy with you?", "Cane: I'm trying to look out for you.", "Jill: Well, then give me facts, okay? Not these vague warnings.", "Cane: I can't. I can't! I'm asking you. I'm asking you, please, just trust me.", "Jill: And I'm asking you, please trust me. Tell me what he is doing today that I should run screaming from him.", "Cane: I can't.", "Jill: You should see the way he loves me. Please don't ask me to choose between the two of you.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: And why do you think I called you here?", "Genevieve: To sweet-talk me out of a certain notebook.", "Colin: Is that even anything within the realm of possibility?", "Genevieve: When I can hold it over your head until I decide to turn it into the police? Hmm, let me think about that. No.", "Colin: Oh. Can't blame a guy for trying.", "Genevieve: You never give up, do you?", "Colin: Have I ever?", "Genevieve: I really enjoy watching you realize that you're no longer in the power position.", "Colin: Is that what's happening?", "Genevieve: Now I take from you. You don't take from me. Those days are over.", "Colin: (Sighs) Well, we all do what we have to.", "Genevieve: That sounds a bit ominous.", "Colin: As intended.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) You're a very unpredictable man, and I have always enjoyed that about you.", "Colin: Dear, sweet Genevieve. You have been a formidable, worthy opponent. I doubt that I shall ever see your like... again.", "(Coffee mugs clink)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jeffrey, you get away from those tables and those showgirls, and you call me. Call me!", "Kevin: Mom, he probably ditched his phone.", "Man: Flowers for a Gloria Bardwell?", "Gloria: Thank you. They're beautiful. (Sniffles) Kevin.", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: Come on.", "Kevin: Why am I always bailing you out? Always? Thank you.", "Gloria: It's Jeffrey's handwriting.", "Kevin: He bought you flowers with your own money? Classy.", "Gloria: (Sighs) \"Farewell, my lovely. Our time together has been wonderful, but now I'm headed to lands unknown. Although I won't see you again, I will carry you with me in my heart. Forever yours, Jeff.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I just came from seeing Cane.", "Lily: Well, it looks like that didn't go well.", "Jill: Well... (Sighs) He's very, um... very hyped up. He's very intense.", "Lily: About what?", "Jill: About his father, and about some random happening at Genevieve's today.", "Lily: Random?", "Jill: Yeah, well, I don't know the details. He didn't get into specifics, of course. He usually doesn't. He just told me to trust him, and... how's he been with you lately?", "Lily: Well, you know, scattered and on edge and, as usual, secretive.", "Jill: Why does he do that? He knows we would never say anything he told us in confidence.", "Lily: I know. I know. I guess we're just back in the same old hell again. It's like Cane decides what I'm allowed to know.", "Jill: Yeah, and you're just supposed to accept it.", "Lily: Yeah, even though it affects my life and my--and my children's lives. It's, like, no more, you know?", "Jill: Hey, don't do anything rash.", "Lily: No, I-I have to do something. So I-I thank you for telling me about this.", "Jill: No, no, I probably shouldn't have even brought this to you. What are you gonna do, Lily?", "Lily: Wait, why would Cane tell you what Colin and Genevieve were up to?", "Jill: (Sighs) So I wouldn't see Colin.", "Lily: But you two broke up. Jill, don't tell me you went back to him.", "Jill: We have been spending some time together, yes.", "Lily: Do you know why I wouldn't let Cane see the kids? Because he was in contact with his father.", "Jill: Yeah, and knowing what Colin did to you personally, I think that's a very wise decision.", "Lily: Exactly. So why would you go back?", "Jill: I can't explain it, okay? And I can't defend it, and I certainly don't expect you to understand it. (Sighs)", "Lily: Okay, I'm... (Sighs) I get it. Trust me, I do. It's like, you love this person. You plan on spending your life with them, and I know it's hard to just walk away.", "Jill: So you don't think that I'm wrong for seeing him?", "Lily: I don't think... (Sighs) That you're wrong for feeling what you're feeling, but to get close to him again, you're just asking for trouble, Jill.", "Jill: Yeah, but he seems so different lately.", "Lily: Okay, do you remember? He tried to kidnap my children.", "Jill: Yeah, I know he regrets that.", "Lily: Really? If he did, he wouldn't keep coming around then.", "Jill: He's been bothering you?", "Lily: Yes, he keeps popping up and saying that he's running into me and the twins by chance.", "Jill: Well, maybe that's all it is.", "Lily: No, listen. I know in my gut that it is not innocent. If he had half a chance, he would take them back to Australia and never look back. I mean, I-I don't know-- I don't know what to do. It's like, I can't talk to Cane because he'll just dodge my questions. I'm not going anywhere near Colin. So that basically just leaves me Genevieve.", "Jill: Oh, please, that lunatic? If she's breathing, she's lying.", "Lily: (Sighs) I know, but I have no choice. You know? It's like, even if it's not an honest answer...", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Lily: I still have to try.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Who are you calling?", "Cane: My mother.", "Genevieve: I just had an espresso with your father.", "Cane: (Sighs) And how did that go for you?", "Genevieve: Amusing. (Chuckles) How is your investigation going?", "Cane: It's stalled.", "Genevieve: Don't give up, Ethan. Don't. You never know. You might get a break when you least expect it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Harmony: Mrs. Chancellor, you want me to get that?", "Tucker: You refuse to take my check, but you move in with my mother? It's pretty obvious which side of this fight you're on. So... what was all this crap about you being interested in nothing more than the love of your son, huh?", "Harmony: Who you think you talkin' to?", "Tucker: Now this alliance with Katherine, huh? Whose idea was that? Yours or hers?", "Harmony: Nobody's.", "Tucker: That woman tried to keep my son from me, and suddenly, you're her houseguest? I want an explanation.", "Harmony: You know, back when I was following you and the band, you didn't give a damn what I did. Now who I see, where I go, and what I do ain't none of your damn business.", "Kay: What is going on here?", "Harmony: Oh, your young'un up in here pitchin' a pig fit 'cause you offered me a place to sleep.", "Kay: I don't recall asking you here.", "Tucker: That's too bad. I want to know what's going on. What are you after?", "Kay: Now this attack is unwarranted. This young lady needed a place to stay, and now she's leaving town.", "Tucker: She's leaving, huh?", "Kay: Mm-hmm. So much for your big, fat conspiracy theory.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So, Devon, are you really okay with Harmony taking off?", "Devon: Yeah. It--it might sound weird, but it's really one of the nicer things my mom's ever done for me.", "Neil: Giving you some space?", "Devon: Now if only my brand-new grandmother and father would do the same thing.", "Neil: Whoa. Don't count on that.", "Devon: (Chuckles) Thank you, though, for making the detour.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. You call, I come. That'll never change.", "Devon: Now aren't, uh, Sofia and Moses waiting on you, though? You need to get goin'?", "Neil: Yeah, absolutely. How about you come with me and visit your little brother?", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Well, I have someplace I have to be.", "Genevieve: Yeah, me, too, actually. Well, I think I'll just go home and tend to my orchids. It sort of helps me to decompress after I've had to deal with your father.", "Cane: Mom? Take care of yourself.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Cane: Yeah?", "Ronan: The cop tailing Genevieve tells me you're chatting with your mother. What the hell are you doing?", "Cane: Calm down. She's gonna do exactly what you want. She's gonna go to the house and be a target, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Hey. I thought you said that Delia was all right.", "Jill: Yeah, Delia's fine.", "Colin: Why are we so distracted?", "Jill: I went to see Lily. She wasn't aware that you and I have reconnected.", "Colin: Naturally, she disapproves.", "Jill: Oh, yeah. Doesn't trust you. Doesn't trust Cane or Genevieve. In fact, she thinks that your whole family is up to something.", "Colin: And, um... (Clears throat) This got you to thinking about the conversation we've had about my taking you to Australia.", "Jill: Darling, I am not accusing you of trying to steal the twins again.", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Jill: But I have to tell you, I don't want any more surprises from you or your family.", "Colin: Ask me whatever, Jill.", "Jill: (Sighs) Is there anything you need to tell me, Colin?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You made it clear to me you weren't goin' anywhere.", "Harmony: So you're mad if I stay or if I go.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Why'd you change your mind?", "Harmony: You know what? Listen, I tell you that the only reason I showed up was to make things easier on our son.", "Tucker: And have you?", "Harmony: Devon said no, so I'm outta here.", "Tucker: Well, that's considerate.", "Harmony: You--you know what? It's--it's like I told you the other day, you need to let him be, too. We both showed up with too little, too late.", "Tucker: I deserve a chance to have a relationship with my so--", "Harmony: You deser-- you know what? You need to slow your roll. How selfish is that?", "Tucker: You don't know what finding Devon means to me. You don't know me at all.", "Harmony: Never will. Works for me.", "Tucker: Likewise. Enjoy your trip home.", "Harmony: Yeah, whatever. (Sighs)", "Kay: Well, I am so sorry that had to happen.", "Harmony: I can handle Mick.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, you certainly can. Yes, indeed. You certainly can. However, I really wish you were staying.", "Harmony: I don't fit in Devon's life. And he's got everything he needs without me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: (Chuckles)", "Devon: How do you like your new daddy there? Yeah? Speechless, see? I felt the same way. But trust you, it gets better as you get older.", "Sofia: I'm so happy that you came, Devon.", "Devon: Well, yeah. You ready to go?", "Neil: Dude, hi. Do you want to go to your mommy? Here, go to your mommy.", "Sofia: Ohh.", "Neil: Oh, yeah, that's--", "Sofia: Give me that little bundle. Hello.", "Neil: Beautiful boy. You ready to go home?", "Sofia: Yeah.", "Neil: Come on.", "Sofia: Say, \"Bye-bye.\"", "Neil: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jeffery takes off with all my money, twists the knife with these tacky flowers and sends this note?", "Kevin: Okay, look, we can go to the bank, and maybe they can track where the money's been deposited.", "Gloria: Thank you, Angel. A ray of hope.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: Uh... (Sighs)", "Gloria: Hi, it's Gloria. Genevieve, I'm--I'm sorry I didn't reach you. I'm having a little personal crisis here, and, uh, won't be able to make it over there after all, but we will talk later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: We can see Genevieve's house without being noticed.", "Cane: Are you sure?", "Ronan: We're in position to move as soon as we need to.", "Cane: Everything better go exactly as planned, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi, thank you for starting work early.", "Cindy: Yeah. Something came up unexpectedly?", "Lily: Yeah, uh, somebody I need to see.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: (Humming)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Darling, I promise you, there is nothing you need to know.", "Jill: Good, I believe you.", "Colin: I'm glad.", "Jill: But you know something? Lily is not gonna be so satisfied. She's on her way over to Genevieve's to talk to her.", "Colin: It's a nice day for a drive, but she's not gonna learn anything.", "Jill: Good, okay. Well, on that note, I'm gonna... I'm gonna have a hot bath, okay?", "Colin: As soon as you get out of the hot bath, we can make things hotter still.", "Jill: Yes, we can.", "(Water running)", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Colin: Heads up-- there's been a-a wrinkle in the plan, but it changes nothing.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: So you're not going to my mother's house then. Is that right?", "Lily: What I do is none of your concern, because I am done with you.", "Tucker: You really think Ashley's gonna take your side against me?", "Jack: You'd really ask her to choose?", "Lily: Hello? It's Lily." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam gets Sharon out of the main house and calls the fire department. Later Nikki and Nick are told that nobody was in the main house but they can't save it. The fireman says they were able to keep the fire from spreading to the rest of the ranch. Nikki decides not to tell Victor about the fire. Sharon tells Adam that she just wanted the voices to stop. Since she is drunk, he gives her some aspirin and leaves her a note telling her not to talk to anyone until he can do some major damage control for her. Adam continues to lie to Chelsea. When he arrives home, he tells her that his car engine caught on fire that is why he smells like smoke. Sharon dreams of the fire she started and then calls Adam and tells him she had an awful dream. Adam tells Sharon to read the note and that she shouldn't worry because he will fix everything for her.", "Victor shocks Victoria, Nick, and Abby by telling them that he won't fight for Newman Enterprises because he wants the three of them to fight for their legacy. Victoria tells Billy about what Victor said and he advises her to forget about the company. He thinks they should start their own company to leave as a legacy to their children. Victoria tells Billy that she thinks Victor is challenging his children to prove their love to him, and she has to fight for the company because it's a part of her. Victoria asks for Billy's help. Phyllis goes to Avery's place to tell her she has decided to fight to save her marriage because it is the only way she can get Summer back in her life. Avery heads to the Athletic Club where she bumps into Nick. As they play a game of chess, he tells her about his bad day and then he thanks Avery for taking his mind off things by beating him at chess.", "" ]
[ "Victor: I realized that things |t go on as they are now.", "Nikki: Well, we're all reassured to hear you say that.", "Victor: It's also occurred to me...", "Victor: (Breathes deeply) How very lucky I am to have all of you here now.", "Abby: We love you so much, Dad.", "Victor: Made a decision. I will not fight for Newman.", "Victoria: Dad, what are you saying?", "Victor: I'm leaving the fate of the company to the three of you.", "Abby: (Scoffs) But why?", "Victor: Because Newman Enterprises... is all of your legacy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You don't think I know that the show's in trouble? Yeah, I've been sweating the ratings numbers all month. (Stammers) Mm. (Chuckles) Nobody wants \"R.S. TV\" to succeed more than I do, but it's not gonna happen over this phone call, so if you--", "Johnny: (Crying)", "Billy: Look, I gotta go. My kid needs me, okay? (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Sighs) (Stereo turns on)", "Avery: (Sighs) Man.", "Avery: Ow.", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: Really? (Sighs)", "(Music stops)", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Avery: Hi. Wow, come on in.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Pee-wee's Playhouse.", "Avery: Uh, you say that every time you come here to visit, which totals three times, by the way, now.", "Phyllis: Okay, but you haven't been in town that long.", "Avery: Well, I've been here over a year.", "Phyllis: Over a year?", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Well, you should have invited me over more often.", "Avery: Uh, I have invited you over to dinner almost once a week since I moved in.", "Phyllis: Okay, this is why I don't come over, because of your crazy attention to details.", "Avery: Actually, it's facts.", "Phyllis: Facts, okay, facts, yeah, whatever you want to call it. Listen, did you, um, talk to my daughter?", "Avery: Yes, I did. You haven't heard from her?", "Phyllis: No. No, she's dodging me. I'm trying to give her her space.", "Avery: Even after the accident?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I-I don't want to get on her about the accident. Nobody was hurt, thank God. You know, I just--I... next crisis. Anyway, wh-what'd she say?", "Avery: Well, you know, Summer is a lot like I was as a kid.", "Phyllis: No, she's not.", "Avery: Well, I think, in a lot of ways, I was misunderstood, and I think Summer feels the same way.", "Phyllis: What did she say about me, Avery?", "Avery: (Sighs) Phyllis, she's confused, and she's angry that you cheated on Nick.", "Phyllis: Did she say anything good?", "Avery: No, not yet, but I did gain her trust, so at least I can keep an eye on her.", "Phyllis: So she can reconnect with me?", "Avery: Exactly.", "Phyllis: I feel like she's on the verge of taking off and leaving my life forever. I'm not gonna lose my daughter.", "Avery: Okay, we're not gonna let that happen.", "Phyllis: No, we're not gonna let it happen. I have a new plan. I have a new plan to get Summer back in my good graces.", "Avery: What's that?", "Phyllis: I am going to win Nick back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: (Sighs) Adam, it's me. Um, since you're not picking up, I guess you're still troubleshooting with that client. (Exhales sharply) Anyway, um, I'm just here missing you, wondering what time you'll be done, so... call me as soon as you can, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Coughing) (Thud)", "Adam: (Coughs) Sharon! (Coughing)", "Adam: Here, I got you. I got you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: You only want to be with Nick because of Summer, or you want to be with Nick because of him?", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, of course because of him-- I mean, well, both, both. I-I-I never stopped loving Nick.", "Avery: Even when you slept with Ronan?", "Phyllis: Listen, sleeping with Ronan was a mistake. It was a mistake. Everything was up in the air. I-I was so absolutely confused. I-I didn't even think I had a future with Nick.", "Avery: And now you do?", "Phyllis: He w--he would give me a second chance. I mean, I-I think he'd give me a second chance, after everything we've been through.", "Avery: I guess. I mean, I don't know. I can't speak for Nick, so...", "Phyllis: I don't expect you to speak for Nick. I just need to talk to Nick. He's not returning my phone calls.", "Avery: Well, with everything that's happening at Newman, I'm sure he's got a lot on his hands right now.", "Phyllis: Why? What's happening at Newman?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I'm sure you're all as shocked as I am, but I'm grateful that you didn't push him for more of an explanation.", "Abby: What if he really does want us to be the ones to save Newman?", "Nick: Or not save it.", "Victoria: We'll all get back together after we've thought about it, and I'll talk it over with Billy.", "Nick: I know he's your husband, but he also just became this family's enemy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: What's the matter? Couldn't sleep, huh? No?", "Johnny: (Fussing)", "Billy: Oh, come sit down with your dad. All the tension around here got you excited, yeah?", "Johnny: (Coughing)", "Billy: Keeping you up? Uncle Jack and Grandpa fighting, and you and me-- we're stuck in the middle.", "Johnny: (Crying)", "Billy: I know! Well, let me tell you something, Buddy. Let me tell you something.", "Johnny: (Fussing)", "Billy: No matter who's running that company, an Abbott, a Newman... it's your company, Son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mom, you should get something to eat.", "Nikki: Uh, I guess I could go to the cafeteria really quick.", "Abby: Don't worry. He's in good hands, okay?", "Nikki: I know.", "Nick: Come on. I can walk you down there.", "Nikki: So how do you feel about what your father said?", "Nick: I don't know.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Who is it?", "Nikki: I don't know. Hello.", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Nick: Mom, what's wrong?", "Nikki: The ranch is on fire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon. Sharon, can you hear me? Hey, do you know where you are?", "(Fire truck sirens wailing)", "Adam: Sharon, you gotta focus. Stay with me. What happened?", "Sharon: Sad... they were so mean to me.", "Adam: \"Th-they\"? There was--there was someone else in the house with you?", "Sharon: Nikki and Victor.", "Adam: Wait, wait, just--just now? Sharon, were you alone in the house just now? Sharon, were you alone just now in the house?", "Sharon: Mm, yes. Yes, and they wouldn't stop. I just wanted them to stop. I wanted them to stop!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: The Newman coup happened earlier today.", "Phyllis: A-and you know this because you're Victor's attorney, right?", "Avery: Actually, Nick told me. We ran into each other after I saw Summer.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, how much more can he take? I-I can't believe this is happening to him. I-I need to talk to him.", "Avery: Are you sure he would want that?", "Phyllis: When you're in a crisis, you turn to the people you care about the most. Thanks for letting me know, Sis. Talk to you later.", "Avery: Oh, come by the playhouse anytime.", "Phyllis: Um, listen, I-I really appreciate what you did for me today with Summer. I really think that I can turn things around with her... and with Nick.", "Avery: Phyllis, I really want you to be happy.", "Avery: Huh. (Sighs) The hell with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: How's your dad?", "Victoria: Well... physically, he is fine, but he told us something that was kind of out there.", "Billy: What'd he say?", "Victoria: My dad says he's not fighting for Newman.", "Billy: Is he on heavy medication?", "Victoria: No. He was totally rational.", "Billy: Well, this solves all our problems.", "Victoria: What are you talking about?", "Billy: I... (Clears throat) We can ditch the corporate intrigue. I don't have to play double agent with my brother anymore. Victor gave up, Jack won...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: And you and I, we are officially out of the cross fire.", "Victoria: My father might not want to fight back, but I still do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hi, my baby.", "Abby: Ohh, Nikki's gonna kill me. I wasn't supposed to wake you up.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Don't you worry, okay? I don't get to spend enough time with my beautiful girl.", "Abby: (Sighs) (Sobbing)", "Victor: Don't you cry, my baby. Don't you cry.", "Abby: (Sobbing)", "Victor: Everything will be all right, okay? Everything will be all right.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Victor, Nikki... they were calling me names. They said I was... a loser and stupid, like I attacked them. They attacked me!", "Adam: I know you blame them for everything that's come down on you.", "Sharon: But it's true. They did this to me.", "Adam: Just-- I don't want you upset. We won't have to talk about it, okay? We won't talk about it anymore.", "Sharon: Adam, they did this.", "Adam: I'm gonna get you some aspirin. I'll be right back.", "Adam: (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Chelsea: Adam! Are you on your way home?", "Adam: How you feeling?", "Chelsea: Lonely, and worried about you.", "Adam: Why?", "Chelsea: Because I'm not the only one who lost a baby. Adam?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Aren't you done with work yet?", "Adam: I'm--yeah, I-I am. Um, I-I got out of my meeting. I didn't--I didn't want to bother you about this, but I'm on the other side of town. My car broke down and, uh, I'm waiting for the tow truck driver to-- to come all the way out here.", "Chelsea: W-well, I'll-- I'll come get you. Just tell me where you are.", "Adam: I don't want to drag you out in the middle of the night. Don't worry about me, all right? I'll--I'll be home as soon as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I wish they would have let us get closer. I feel so helpless.", "Nick: We need to figure out if anyone was in there. Excuse me. What happened? Was anyone hurt?", "Man: The house was empty. None of the staff were here, and nobody was injured.", "Nikki: Oh, thank God for that.", "Man: Guard on the property saw the flames and called 9-1-1. That quick action helped us to keep the fire from spreading to other structures on the ranch.", "Nick: Do you know how it started?", "Man: It's too soon to know, but the house is clearly beyond saving.", "Nikki: What? No, no!", "Nick: Come on, Mom. Mom, Mom! There's nothing we can do.", "Nikki: Oh, my God, no!", "Nick: It's gone.", "Nikki: Nicholas! (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Sniffles) It's just awful seeing you like this. We were just getting used to having you alive again. (Laughs)", "Victor: Well, the doctors tell me that I'll be out of here pretty soon, you know?", "Abby: I know they think this is because of some medical thing, the bumps on your head, but whatever. (Scoffs)", "Victor: You-- what do you think?", "Abby: I don't think it's a coincidence that you passed out right after losing Newman Enterprises.", "Victor: I think it was just a coincidence, you know?", "Abby: Why can't my Uncle Jack just have his own family company and you have your family company and everybody just be happy?", "Victor: You're always caught between the Newmans and the Abbotts, aren't you?", "Abby: But you know what I never, ever understood?", "Victor: What's that?", "Abby: The hatred, the way you guys look at each other, like it would kill you to leave the other one standing.", "Victor: I just don't like the man, you know?", "Abby: What does it get you, Dad? When will it stop? When will enough be enough?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) This doesn't seem real.", "Nikki: I'm glad it's dark outside. We can't really see it. I don't think I could bear it.", "Nick: Mom, I can drive you back to the hospital.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. We have to keep this from your father.", "Nick: How are we gonna do that, Mom? Dad could pick up the remote in his room, see the--", "Nikki: I'll make-- I'll make sure that that doesn't happen. He shouldn't have to cope with something like this, at least until he's released from the hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Here, take these. Some aspirin will make you feel better.", "Sharon: I don't know if anything will make it better. Everything's fallen apart. Everyone's gone.", "Adam: Everyone? Not me.", "Sharon: Why are you... how...?", "Adam: Sharon, just-- just lay down. Just take the aspirin.", "Sharon: Ohh.", "Adam: Come on. You're gonna lay down, you're gonna get some rest, okay? You need to sleep.", "Sharon: Ohh. Adam--", "Adam: Sharon, just sleep, okay? (Sighs) Sharon... what have you done?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Victor wants you, Nick, and Abby to decide what happens to his company?", "Victoria: That's what he said.", "Billy: Well, Jack's not gonna buy it. He'll love hearing it, but he won't buy it. He will be delighted to think that he finally forced the old man into submission, though.", "Victoria: I'll bet. So how did Jack take your decision to work with him at Newman?", "Billy: He seemed pleased.", "Victoria: Suspicious?", "Billy: No, I told him that I was doing it for the sake of my children and their children and so forth and so on, and...", "Victoria: All right, good. Then I'm glad it went well. (Sighs)", "Billy: Do you really still want me to do this? I mean, Victor's taken himself out of the game. There's no real reason...", "Victoria: Listen to me. I am gonna need you more than I even anticipated. This thing with my father-- he's challenging his kids. I have to save my father's company.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Billy: (Sighs) Get it. It...", "Victoria: Hey, Nick. We were just, um, we were just talking-- what? There was a fire at my parents' house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: How has he been?", "Abby: Fine. He woke up for a little while.", "Nikki: Was he in pain?", "Abby: No. He was Dad, only lying down. (Chuckles)", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Abby: (Sighs) I'm so glad he's okay.", "Nikki: Yeah, me, too.", "Abby: Were you able to relax a little?", "Nikki: Um...", "Abby: What is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Nothing like a roaring fire on a chilly fall night.", "Nick: Yeah, unless it's your childhood home burning down.", "Avery: What?", "Nick: Nothing. I'm sorry, I got a lot on my mind.", "Avery: Oh. Then I'll leave you to it.", "Nick: Um... no, I think I'd prefer it if you stayed, if you want to.", "Avery: Are you sure? You look like you want to be left alone.", "Nick: I thought I did, but...", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Nick: So did something drive you to drink tonight?", "Avery: No, absolutely not.", "Nick: Then why are you here?", "Avery: Mm... I'm here for the same reason you are. I'm just looking for a hot, steamy... game of chess.", "Nick: (Laughs)", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: Me, too. Perfect. This is exactly what I need to take my mind off things. Let's do this.", "Avery: Yeah, like the takeover, right?", "Nick: Um, yeah, and my dad is in the hospital.", "Avery: What? When did that happen? Is he okay?", "Nick: He's gonna be fine, but he will be crushed when he hears there was a big fire at the main house.", "Avery: Oh, my God, you weren't kidding before.", "Nick: No, it's gone. I mean, completely gone.", "Avery: Oh, Nick, I'm so sorry. What an awful day.", "Nick: Yeah, I was thinking this qualifies as one of the worst days ever... but then, I don't know. Things turned around pretty quickly.", "Avery: Good. How did that happen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Thinking) Sharon, I had to head home. Until you talk to me, don't leave the house and don't speak to anyone. This is serious. I'm gonna have to do some major damage control for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Ah, the Sicilian defense. Clever. It's very clever, but it is no match for the Latvian gambit.", "Nick: The lat-- you made that up.", "Avery: Maybe.", "Nick: Okay, only girl... in the chess club in school.", "Avery: (Laughs) Maybe.", "Nick: So tell me what it was like for you growing up. I'm guessing you were super ambitious...", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Top of the class type stuff.", "Avery: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yes, yes, but I wasn't always the smooth operator you see before you.", "(Chess pieces clanging)", "Avery: Oh, oh, Dear.", "Nick: Jeez.", "Avery: Sorry.", "Nick: So at some point, you were saying, then, you must have been a real klutz.", "Avery: Yeah, like my whole life, actually. I have so many stories where I do something so embarrassing that most people would never leave their house, and for me, it's just another day. (Laughs)", "Nick: I think you should tell me one of those stories.", "Avery: Ah. Okay, well... there's a good one from law school. I had my first mock trial. Uh, I was lead counsel and totally prepared, of course, and I had the facts, I had the attitude, I had the best gray pinstripe suit.", "Nick: Ooh, very professional.", "Avery: Yes, I thought so, too, until I walked into the class and my fellow students were snickering and laughing.", "Nick: Toilet paper on the shoe?", "Avery: It was so much worse than that.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Avery: So much worse. I had put my skirt on inside out.", "Nick: (Laughs) Oh, that's--", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: Okay, so did you change?", "Avery: No, I couldn't! The--there was no time. The judges were ready to go. I had to present the entire case looking like a lunatic.", "Nick: And how'd you do?", "Avery: What do you think? I kicked butt.", "Nick: Of course you did.", "Avery: Of course I did, and to reward myself afterwards, I went and I got this huge slice of greasy pizza, which I promptly dropped on my lap.", "Nick: (Laughs) Okay.", "Avery: (Laughs) Yes--", "Nick: That is such a good story.", "Avery: How--however-- no, no, no, wait, wait. Since my skirt was still on inside out, I won the case and I saved my suit. Double victory.", "Nick: Look at you. All right.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)", "Nick: Ahh, okay. Double victory.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: You know, this is exactly what I needed to take my mind off things. It's perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I just-- I don't even understand how this is possible. Losing the company and the house all in the same day?", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: You know... maybe the house being destroyed is a warning. There's been all this destruction lately. You and I are preparing to head into battle. Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe something's trying to tell us that we should try things differently this time.", "Victoria: How?", "Billy: (Sighs) I don't know. We could give up on Newman. (Chuckles) We could stop getting involved in this silly never-ending feud. I could back out of my deal with Jack. Hell, I'll sell \"Restless Style.\" And then maybe you and I, we can start fresh. Maybe we can start our own company, make something of our own that we can pass down to our son.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hey, Chelse.", "Chelsea: Mm, hi. Uh, how's your car? (Sniffles)", "Adam: You should head on up to bed.", "Chelsea: No. No, I want to hear about your meeting and... (Inhales sharply) Is that smoke I smell on you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Has Abby left?", "Nikki: Yeah, all the kids went home. I'm gonna spend the night.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you don't have to do that. Why don't you go home and sleep in your comfortable bed?", "Nikki: There's no other place I'd rather be than right here by your side.", "Victor: Have you been crying?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Checkmate.", "Nick: Yeah. That's well-played.", "Avery: You thought you had me five moves ago, but I employed the Kasparov endgame.", "Nick: (Laughs)", "Avery: (Laughs) (Sighs) It's late. I should probably go.", "Nick: I'll walk you out.", "Avery: Okay.", "Nick: Thanks for the game... and the company.", "Avery: Well, I should be thanking you. It's been far too long since I thoroughly trounced someone at chess.", "Nick: Trash talk like that only is begging for a rematch.", "Avery: Anytime, anywhere, but you should brush up, or I will pummel you again.", "Nick: Mm. Hey, let me ask you something, did it ever occur to you that I might let you win?", "Avery: Not for a second, Newman.", "Nick: Good night, Avery.", "Avery: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I don't want to give up on Newman, okay? I-I don't. I mean, it means too much to me. But beyond that, I-I just feel like if--if I don't fight for this company, my father's gonna look at me like I'm a failure.", "Billy: Okay, that's not fair. You weren't running the company when it was taken over. That was all Sharon.", "Victoria: I feel like my father wants for his children to prove to him how much we love him, and to show him how grateful we are for everything that he built for us.", "Billy: If that's true, that's not love. That's just another one of his head games.", "Victoria: (Sighs) He's challenging us. I know it.", "Billy: He's challenging you. Look, your father either loves you and accepts you or he doesn't. (Scoffs) And if he doesn't realize how much you love him, then, Honey, I am truly sorry for that, but that is his problem.", "Victoria: This is important, Billy, not just to my dad, to me. I'm gonna get Newman Enterprises back, and I want you to fight with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I haven't been crying.", "Victor: I don't believe you. What is it?", "Nikki: It's just-- it's just been a hard day.", "Victor: I know you too well. There's more to it. What is it?", "Nikki: Why don't I read to you? You always like that, and it'll help you relax.", "Victor: Sweetheart, with everything you and I have been through... everything that has happened to both of us... (Breathes deeply) And the pain we have caused each other, and the love, I don't think there are any more secrets. Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Yeah. Engine on my car caught fire.", "Chelsea: While you were driving? Why didn't you tell me?", "Adam: Well, I-- I didn't want to worry you. Um, I-I'm fine. I don't want to worry you, and there's nothing to be worried about. I--see? I'm--I'm fine. The car isn't, but I took a cab home.", "Chelsea: Why don't we just go upstairs? And you can take a shower, and I'll bag your clothes to be cleaned, and then you can just crawl in bed with me.", "Adam: (Sighs) That sounds good. I'm just, uh... (Exhales sharply) I'm just pretty wired. So I'm gonna stay up. I think I might make myself some food.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, I'll--I'll sit with you.", "Adam: No, you don't have to. Um, I'll be up-- I'll be up later.", "Chelsea: You don't want me to keep you company?", "Adam: (Sighs) I just think that you should get as much sleep, as much rest as you can after... our accident.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: (Sighs heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Sharon: Adam?", "Adam: I thought I would get your voice mail. You should be resting.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, God. I-I had the worst dream. It was... (Sighs) Adam, I'm so scared. I... what happened tonight?", "Adam: You had too much to drink. Just stay put. I will be there in the morning.", "Sharon: Why can't you just tell me what happened?", "Adam: I left you a note. You see it?", "Sharon: Yes.", "Adam: Heed the note. Don't go anywhere. Do not talk to anyone. Don't even answer your door.", "Sharon: Why, Adam? What happened? What did I do?", "Adam: It doesn't matter. But I promise, everything's gonna be okay. I'll fix everything.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: Jack needs someone who can take the reins. Why not me?", "Genevieve: I need answers, and I'm willing to pay for them.", "Phyllis: I'm sure you feel a lot of guilt.", "Summer: You're the one that should be feeling guilty.", "Phyllis: And you are blaming the accident on me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy wants Ashley to find out what Phyllis is planning, because he thinks that she wants to hurt Jabot; but Ashley refuses to spy on Phyllis and tell him the information, because she loves him but she doesn't trust him anymore. Phyllis tells Jack that she will give the information to GC Buzz to protect him and Jabot in case Victor finds out and will think she is still seeking revenge on him and the company will not be hurt. Chloe worries that people will find out what she did to Adam so she seeks protection from Kevin by telling him she is ready to have a romantic relationship with him again. Chelsea takes Connor to the hospital because he has another ear infection. Nick stays overnight at the hospital, because Stitch wants to make sure he doesn't have a concussion from the hit on the head that Kevin gave him, because he thought he was Sharon's stalker. Paul wonders why Mariah went to visit Patty at the institution. Mariah tells him that she thought that Patty was making the hang-up calls to Sharon, because she was trying to reach Dylan like she did last year during the fire. Paul wants to know why Patty made a painting of a pregnant Sharon. Sharon tells him that she was probably excited about being a great aunt. Sharon and Mariah are nervous because Paul is going to spend the night guarding them since Nick is in the hospital. The guard that Adam attacked made a miraculous recovery and tells Chelsea that he wished that he would have recovered sooner, so he could have testified for Adam at his trial, because he knows Adam wasn't responsible for his actions.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Are you gonna make a scene? Is this about brash & sassy? 'Cause I told you in jack's office I would have handled it the same --", "Billy: I don't care what you did or didn't do to screw over my company.", "Ashley: Okay, then why are you here?", "Billy: I want to find out what Phyllis is up to.", "Jack: What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Call it an early trick-or-treat.", "Jack: I told you to destroy that thing. What are you still doing with it?", "Phyllis: Doing you a favor, whether you appreciate it or not.", "Mariah: Well, it could be worse. I mean, I know you're in excruciating pain, nick, but the lights are back on, so yay for illumination. Here.", "Kevin: I really am sorry.", "Nick: That's all right, man. It's just a knock on the head. All right, I'm gonna --", "Sharon: Whoa, no, no. No sudden moves.", "Mariah: Lie down and let me do that.", "Kevin: I didn't know it was you I was conking over the head.", "Mariah: Obviously.", "Kevin: I thought it was the stalker that Sharon saw. You know, if there were more lights outside --", "Nick: Kevin, stop, all right? Don't worry about it. With Dylan gone, I'm glad you're here and helping me watch Sharon, Mariah, and the kids.", "Sharon: Well, someone needs to watch over you. You could have a concussion.", "Nick: I do not have a concussion.", "Mariah: Why? Because you're a doctor now?", "Nick: Because I'm fine. That's why.", "Mariah: You're dizzy.", "Kevin: I did hit you really hard. I guess I don't know my own strength.", "Sharon: I really want to take you to the hospital. I'm going to. I just want to be safe.", "Nick: No way. I'm not --", "Mariah: Would you stop jumping up like that?", "Nick: Oh, man. Well, I'm just not leaving here, okay? There could be somebody outside watching the house.", "Kevin: We didn't see anyone.", "Sharon: Wait a minute. You said that patty wasn't here and security didn't see her.", "Nick: Yeah, well, she escaped, and you seem pretty convinced that she's gonna come here, so I'm not leaving until this gets sorted out.", "Chelsea: That must have been some nightmare.", "Chloe: Yeah, I guess -- I guess so. I just -- I don't... I don't remember what it was about. I said Adam's name?", "Chelsea: You said his name, and you seemed very upset.", "Chloe: That's really random. [Chuckles] I just said Adam's name?", "Chelsea: No, Chloe. That's not all.", "Chloe: Okay. Liquid fortification. All right, well, just lay it on me. What weird things was I mumbling in my sleep?", "Chelsea: Well, it wasn't so much what you said. It was the way you said it, when you said Adam's name. I mean, you must remember something from the dream -- where you were, what you were doing, something.", "Chloe: [Sighs] It's... no, it's gone. I don't... [Chuckles] I know what it is. It's -- it's the pumpkins. You know, us -- us carving them and the kids, their costumes.", "Chelsea: Well, yeah. I mean, I could see how that could create some scary dreams, but what does that have to do with Adam?", "Chloe: Delia. Delia in her witch costume that night of her play, that night...", "Chelsea: You're right. That's probably it. Halloween memories. I mean, I'm sure in a few years around this time of year, I won't be able to look at a pumpkin without thinking of Connor in his costume.", "Chloe: It's a mommy thing.", "Chelsea: Right. But I still don't understand what that would have to do with ad--", "[Connor cries]", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Chloe: Well, it looks like someone else is having a nightmare and needs his mommy.", "Chelsea: You know what? I think it might be worse. When I put him down, he was really fussy and he was pulling at his ear. Considering his history...", "Chloe: You think it's another ear infection?", "Chelsea: Oh, gosh. Why are doctors' offices always closed when these things happen?", "Chloe: You know what? You should, um, you should really go to the E.R. You know, their pharmacy is open all night. Better safe than sorry.", "Chelsea: That's a good call.", "Sharon: Whoa. What are you doing?", "Nick: [Sighs] I am walking. Thank you for this.", "Mariah: Nick, are you sure that you should be getting --", "Nick: I'm fine. I appreciate all the concern. Why don't you go upstairs and get some sleep and check on the kids and make sure they're okay?", "Sharon: And while all of us little women are tucked up there and safe, what are you gonna be doing?", "Nick: Kevin and I are gonna go outside and look around for patty or anyone else.", "Mariah: You can't. I mean, Kevin's been such a good friend, even though he's the world's worst night watchman, but it's late. He should go home.", "Sharon: Yeah, and you should stop being so stubborn and let me take you to the hospital.", "Nick: I'm not going anywhere. There could be a stalker outside.", "Sharon: Kevin can stay here. Right, Kevin?", "Kevin: Sure. Yeah. If you trust me to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys, I can stay with Mariah and the kids.", "Mariah: Inside.", "Kevin: What?", "Mariah: Well, if there's a bad guy out there, I don't want you wandering around, you know, sniffing them out, so you should be inside with me and the kids.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Sharon: Thanks, Kevin. Let's go, nick.", "Nick: I do not need to go to the hospital.", "Sharon: You won't be any use to us here if you have a concussion, so I am taking you to the hospital. And you can handle things here?", "Mariah: Uh, yeah. I got it covered.", "Sharon: Okay. Let's go.", "Nick: This is ridiculous.", "Sharon: You're coming with me, and I'm not taking no for an answer.", "[Door closes]", "Billy: Think of the flash drive as this breadstick, okay?", "Ashley: What? What? You need a prop to tell this story?", "Billy: Just listen to me, okay? This is chock full of information for your eyes only. Now, Phyllis has got her pretty, little hand clenched around it. When I walk in her office, she's trying to break it over the corner of the desk.", "Ashley: Okay, you're gonna sit here and talk to me about Phyllis?", "Billy: Okay, you're missing the point. The flash drive.", "Ashley: Wait, wait, wait. Are you getting involved again with her scheming and her plotting?", "Billy: I'm not getting involved. It has nothing to do with that.", "Ashley: Did you learn anything from your mutually destructive affair, Billy, that blew up your brother's marriage, ruined your reputation, almost annihilated our entire family?", "Billy: I know the pain that I caused, Ashley. And I know that I'm gonna pay for that probably for the rest of my days. But Phyllis is trying to hide something, whether it's about jack or jabot or both. And I can tell by the look in your eyes that you think she's trying to hide something, too.", "Jack: I gave you one simple task -- destroy this thing before it lands in the wrong hands. Why does it still exist? And why did you bring it to my house?", "Phyllis: That was harder to make disappear than you think.", "Jack: It's called a hammer, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Are you gonna offer me a drink?", "Jack: You're not my guest.", "Phyllis: Oh. Well, then I'll continue to be ill-mannered and help myself. Thank you for helping me with my coat. Well, Billy walked in on me while I was trying to destroy that flash drive. He even tried to get me to hand it over.", "Jack: I was told there had been a security breach at jabot. I didn't realize Billy was involved. So that's why you're here? To confess? You told Billy what's on the flash drive?", "Phyllis: You figured it out. That's exactly what happened. I swooned at the first sight of your brother and I gave you up in a heartbeat. I got real close to Billy, and I whispered in his ear, and I said, \"I've got digital proof that Victor's empire is really just a house of cards.\" When we reveal the facts to the media, Newman enterprises will be in a P.R. Nightmare from which Victor may never wake up. Is that what you expected to hear? That I was gonna betray you?", "Jack: Okay, maybe I overreacted a bit.", "Phyllis: Maybe just a little.", "Jack: You should have destroyed this thing!", "Phyllis: Really? With Billy on the hunt? I thought it was a little too conspicuous to destroy it at jabot, so I kept it, brought it here so I could update you on the Billy situation. What's his problem anyway? Why is he so determined to find out what's on there?", "Jack: Billy has it in his head that jabot's trying to sabotage brash & sassy's new sales push.", "Phyllis: We sorta did.", "Jack: I was doing business. Billy wouldn't hesitate to block our production if he'd thought of it first.", "Phyllis: Maybe you should reassure them that whatever is on that disk has nothing to do with brash & sassy.", "Jack: This may come as a surprise to you. I don't really want to talk to Billy. What did he see?", "Phyllis: Nothing.", "Jack: And what did you have to do to keep it away from him?", "Phyllis: I did nothing. Divine intervention did that. The power outage. My laptop was dead. I already, as instructed, printed out a hard copy of the damn data. I cleared the printer history. The documents were on my desk the whole time.", "Jack: Where are they now?", "Phyllis: I did as you told me to do, jack.", "Jack: Well, how about that? There's a first time for everything.", "Jack: You changed this. It's tighter, more provocative.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I punched up the facts, you know, just to serve as better bait for GC buzz.", "Jack: Not bad.", "Phyllis: Gee, thanks. There's enough there to prove that key sectors of Newman are bleeding red ink. Profits are being siphoned from other divisions to cover their losses. Now, that could launch an embarrassing investigation and squelch any sensitive negotiations Victor may have in the works. The tax evasion has potential, but some of the juicy tidbits I highlighted, that's what's gonna resonate with the public.", "Jack: As much as I look forward to watching Victor squirm, this kind of information has very short shelf life. Ashley's already suspicious. You've already had your run-in with Billy. We need to get this information to GC buzz as fast as possible.", "Phyllis: Yeah. No, that's great. You know, I was thinking that when we arrange the leak --", "Jack: No, no, no, no. I don't need you to do this. I'll handle it from here.", "Billy: You know you can trust me, right?", "Ashley: Look, Billy, even if I knew what Phyllis was up to, why would I share it with you?", "Billy: Because she said there was personal information on the flash drive. But that was before I grabbed it from her.", "Ashley: You what?", "Billy: Yes, okay? I grabbed it from her. And she did everything she could to try and get it back from me. She almost wrestled me for it.", "Ashley: Then what happened?", "Billy: Well, I tried to get the truth, same truth that you want, or do you enjoy being blindsided? So come on. Let's work together on this, okay? We can find out what she's up to.", "Ashley: Hold on a second, 'cause, you know, technically that flash drive is jabot property, right? I mean, and you do not work for the family company anymore.", "Billy: But I am still part of the family. And I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you.", "Ashley: I'm sure there's some kind of legal ramification, then, Billy.", "Billy: I still own part of the company, right? Come on, ash. What do you say?", "Ashley: I say, Billy, that I love you a lot, but I don't trust you. I'm sorry. You lost that. You were careless. You put yourself first. You hurt our family.", "Chloe: Okay, well, that little walk helped you get back to bed, sweetie, right? Well, you're just gonna sleep and then you're gonna wake up in the morning, and your little buddy Connor's gonna be back, and you are gonna play the day away. [Sighs] Okay. Oh, mommy -- mommy really, really messed up. I almost said something that I shouldn't have. You don't know what I'm talking about, thankfully. And I hope you never know. No one can ever find out what happened to Connor's daddy, what I did, I... [Sighing] All right, I just -- I need help. People. People who trust me and think the best of me, not the worst. [Sighs] I can start with one person. He can help us. I can't let anything take you away from me.", "Chelsea: I know I seem like one of those moms who panics over every sneeze and sniffle, but this little guy has a history of ear infections, so...", "Stitch: Chelsea, it's all right. If he were my kid, I...", "Chelsea: Stitch?", "Stitch: I was gonna say, uh, I would have brought my kid here, too. This way we caught the infection early. Fill the prescription. Connor will be better in no time.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Stitch: All right, champ. Right? Knuckles?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Stitch: Boom!", "Chelsea: Thank you. All right, come on. Let's go this way.", "Nick: I know my name. I know the date. I know your name. I know your birthday.", "Sharon: Proving?", "Nick: Proving this concussion has done no damage.", "Sharon: You know, you've always been that way. When it comes to your kids, you'll do anything, but if it's your own welfare...", "Nick: And you think you always know what's best for me.", "Sharon: Well, that's because I do. Now get under the covers.", "Nick: I don't want to.", "Sharon: Well, do it.", "[Door opens]", "Sharon: Come on.", "Nick: I'm not getting under these covers.", "Stitch: Okay, well, you might want to do something a little less active, give that possible concussion a chance to heal. So, blow to the head?", "Nick: It was just an accident. I'm fine. I want to go home.", "Stitch: Okay, that's my call, not yours.", "Sharon: Told you so.", "Stitch: And it's not your call, either, okay?", "Nick: Boom. Mrs. Newman?", "Chelsea: Yeah? Mrs. Adam Newman?", "Chelsea: Do I know you? I was your husband's guard at Walworth prison. I'll be fine, honey. I won't take one step without you. Promise. I don't blame you for being surprised to see me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I-I can't -- I can't believe it, Mr. Matthews. They said you were -- In a coma? On life support? That was all true, but it's also true that miracles happen, thanks to the love and support of my wife.", "Chelsea: Well, I'm -- I'm so glad you're doing better. I made fools of all my doctors, and I'm going to walk out of here under my own power.", "Chelsea: Well, I'm -- I'm sure you are. I'm only sorry I didn't recover more quickly so I could have testified for Adam.", "Chelsea: For Adam? But -- He wasn't responsible for his actions when he attacked me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well... it's too late for that now. It's too late for a lot of things. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I knew your dad. I liked him a lot. He loved you and your mommy. He used to say you were his whole world. Well, it was nice talking to you.", "Chelsea: You, too. Take care.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Sharon: So does he have a concussion?", "Nick: Can you just ignore my ex, please, and let me out of here?", "Stitch: Sharon is right to be concerned. I'm keeping you overnight for observation.", "Nick: Overnight? No way.", "Sharon: Just do what the doctor says.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you two were an old married couple. [Chuckles]", "[Door closes]", "Nick: Old habits, huh?", "Sharon: It's a good old habit, the way you look out for your family.", "Nick: I was glad I could be there for you and Mariah, faith, and sully.", "Kevin: And that's when I pulled out this kung fu move -- ugh!", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: Ow.", "Mariah: Oh, that's, uh, very energetic.", "Kevin: Yeah, I may have pulled out something else, too.", "Mariah: Do you need an ice pack, karate kid?", "Kevin: No, I'm fine.", "Mariah: You sure?", "Kevin: Yes, I may not be a ninja, but I do whatever it takes to protect my best friend. And if a stalker tries to come through this door, they're gonna get some of this! Oh. Hey, Paul.", "Mariah: Hey. How'd it go at Stonevale? Did they find your sister?", "Paul: Patty's back in confinement. Where is, uh, Sharon and nick?", "Mariah: They went to the hospital.", "Paul: The hospital? What happened?", "Mariah: Um, nick had an accident when the lights went out.", "Paul: Why do I think there's more to this story? Anyway, it doesn't matter. Kevin, you can go. I can handle this now. I'll make sure my son's family is safe.", "Kevin: Oh, well, I promised Mariah I'd stick around, so...", "Paul: I think I can handle it.", "Kevin: Yeah, whatever you say, chief. Oh, I need to call Chloe and Chelsea. I left their place without telling them I was taking off. I should see if their power's back on.", "Mariah: Can't find your phone?", "Kevin: Hmm. Maybe I left it at Chloe's?", "Mariah: Well, then, that's an excuse to go see her.", "Kevin: That's not --", "Mariah: No, no, it's fine. Thank you for being my ninja, Kevin.", "Kevin: Anytime.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] I'll see you.", "Kevin: Bye.", "[Door opens]", "Mariah: Do you want something to eat?", "Paul: No, I'm fine. But there is something you can do for me.", "Mariah: What's that?", "Paul: When I was searching for patty, I went through the visitor logs at Stonevale. Why didn't you tell me you paid my sister a visit?", "Billy: Ashley, listen. You don't have to try and feed me the Abbott family line, okay? I know you don't want Phyllis working for jack just as much as I don't.", "Ashley: I don't. But jack is a grown man. He's perfectly capable of making his own stupid choices.", "Billy: That's fine, but he's not thinking straight right now. And we both know that close proximity can lead to reconciliation, and you don't want that. So come on. Help me find out what's on that flash drive. That's your ticket to getting Phyllis out of jabot.", "Ashley: I'm not going to spy for you, Billy.", "Billy: I'm not asking you to spy for me. I'm asking you to help me get what we both want out of this.", "Ashley: You're right. I don't want jack working with Phyllis, but I don't want you to end up with her, either.", "Billy: That's not at all what I'm talking about here.", "Ashley: You hurt jack, you hurt yourself. I'm not gonna help you do it again.", "Jack: Thank you for dropping this off. I will handle Victor's demise from here on.", "Phyllis: Don't cut me out, jack. I think I have proven to you that you can --", "Jack: Don't make this more difficult than it has to be.", "Phyllis: Can it get any more difficult? You know, can it get any more difficult? Do you know how hard it is for me to be at this place right now? Knowing how things have changed?", "Jack: It's still the same old house.", "Phyllis: I'm not talking about the furniture. We used to share everything.", "Jack: You brought the hard copy! You brought the flash drive! That's all I need right now! Good night!", "Phyllis: Jack Abbott, you throw me out right now, you are not just being ungrateful. You are being a fool.", "Phyllis: It was my idea to leak the information to GC buzz. You called it genius.", "Jack: It was genius. Now your part is done. I don't need you anymore.", "Phyllis: You called me red.", "Jack: It was a slip of the tongue. It won't happen again.", "Phyllis: You need the skills I bring to the table.", "Jack: What? Lying and cheating?", "Phyllis: Well, it doesn't work for a marriage, but it does come in handy when you go up against Victor. He does not play fair, and neither do I. Don't risk losing to him because you are too hurt and you are too angry and stubborn to listen to me.", "Jack: Go ahead. I'm listening.", "Phyllis: Here's how it will go. You will maintain a respectable profile with Ashley, doing jabot business, while I make sure the information --", "Jack: No, no, I don't want that.", "Phyllis: That is why your hands will remain clean. If anything should ever go wrong, it'll rebound on me alone.", "Jack: As much as I don't like you right now, I am not about to offer you up as a sacrifice. If he can tie it back to you...", "Phyllis: He's gonna chalk it up to my ongoing vendetta against him. He is gonna assume I am still hell-bent on revenge. But you and jabot will be protected. It's a win/win for everybody.", "Chloe: You know, you really scared me taking off like that without saying goodbye.", "Kevin: I'm sorry about that. I called Mariah to check on her, and she was spooked. Apparently they thought the stalker was outside the house.", "Chloe: The same creep who was calling and then hanging up?", "Kevin: Maybe. Paul is there now, so... thank you for finding my phone.", "Chloe: It was kind of hard to miss.", "Kevin: I hope you don't think I left it here on purpose so I would have an excuse to come back.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] You don't need an excuse.", "Kevin: Okay. Um... I just -- I don't want you to feel pressured, so, uh... see you around?", "Chloe: Kevin, wait. I... I feel like I've been giving you mixed signals, and I just don't want to do that anymore.", "Kevin: Well, you need time to figure things out.", "Chloe: Yeah, but I've had time. We were finally getting back to being us, and then Delia's anniversary happened and I had these mixed feelings, and I just -- I didn't want to promise more than I could give.", "Kevin: Yeah, I get that.", "Chloe: Tonight I-I had this awful dream. It wasn't a dream, actually. It was -- it was a nightmare, and I woke up and I realized that... I need you in my life. More than ever.", "Mariah: Well, Dylan was the one patty was trying to reach last year, right? The big fire?", "Paul: Yeah, that's right.", "Mariah: So I thought maybe she was the one calling the house.", "Paul: I see. And that's when you went to see patty?", "Mariah: Yeah, to try to see if I was right, see if she was calling.", "Paul: Well, I'm impressed by your theory and your perseverance. There's only one problem. Patty doesn't have access to a phone.", "Mariah: Yeah, I know. That's what she said, so that's a big, fat no on that theory. Note to self -- don't apply for the police academy. I will leave the sleuthing up to the pros.", "Paul: Good idea. Now, maybe you can help me with another riddle. I got something to show you.", "Nick: What I say?", "Sharon: Nothing.", "Nick: I was talking about looking out for you and the kids, and then you get this look in your eye, and my clothes are where you put them 10 minutes ago, so...", "Sharon: I just feel guilty.", "Nick: Sharon, it's not your fault that Kevin cracked me over the head.", "Sharon: You were protecting my family.", "Nick: Well, not very well. [Chuckles] You know, someday we'll have a laugh, you, me, and sully, about how old uncle nick was mistaken for a stalker. Ahh, so that's what the look's about.", "Sharon: What? What do you mean?", "Nick: Sully.", "Sharon: Nick --", "Nick: You miss the kids. You want to be with them. You should go. I'm fine.", "Sharon: Do you promise to follow the doctor's orders?", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just get out of here.", "Sharon: Chelsea, hi. Um, what are you doing here?", "Chelsea: Connor has an ear infection, so a very nice nurse is watching him while we wait for his prescription to be filled. What about you?", "Sharon: Um, nick had an accident during the blackout.", "Chelsea: What? Is he okay?", "Sharon: Well, Dr. Rayburn's keeping him overnight just to play it safe. Um, I've got to get home to the kids, but, um, I'm sure nick is already planning his escape.", "Chelsea: Is this his room?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, I'll pop in.", "Sharon: See if you can get him to stay.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Ashley: I'll have what he's having, please.", "Billy: Great. You here to give me more grief about Phyllis?", "Ashley: No. I didn't like the way we left things.", "Billy: Did you just apologize?", "Ashley: Hey, don't push it. I just figure there was a long line of people -- thank you -- that's willing to tell you how you screwed things up, that's all.", "Billy: Ooh, yes. Compassion laced with disapproval. That's very novel.", "Ashley: Hmm. Sorry. That's all I got.", "Billy: I'll take it. Thank you. [Sighs] You know, I was sitting here going over everything you said, replaying everything in my mind, and there's one thing that I need to add. You're right.", "Phyllis: I know that it's difficult to trust me. I have earned that. But you cannot take Victor down alone.", "Jack: You did a great job tonight, okay?", "Phyllis: That's because you let me help you.", "Jack: It doesn't change the way I feel.", "Phyllis: Can you at least try?", "Jack: Billy's always gonna be there. Finding some excuse to run into you, to insert himself in your life, to remind me --", "Phyllis: I don't have feelings for Billy anymore. What do I have to do to prove that to you?", "Jack: You can't.", "Nick: So, usually when I'm walking around at night trying to find stalkers, I wear this really cool helmet, but I guess I forgot this time, and now it's just...", "Chelsea: Please try to sit still. Maybe next time you should remember your helmet. Maybe you should just wear a helmet every day just in case.", "[Both laugh]", "Nick: I'm gonna be fine. Let's talk about something more important. What's going on with Connor?", "Chelsea: Connor is with his new best friend, nurse Randolph, while we wait for his prescription for his ear infection.", "Nick: Oh, man. Another one?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: That came on suddenly?", "Chelsea: Yep.", "Nick: It's just like the night...", "Chelsea: The night Connor and I were supposed to fly away with Adam.", "Nick: I'm sorry. You came here to cheer me up, and I brought up the worst night of your life.", "Sharon: Why is there a police car outside? And where's Kevin?", "Mariah: [Sighs]", "Paul: Don't stop on my account.", "Mariah: I was just gonna tell her that Kevin left for Chloe's and Paul decided that he was gonna stay, and I have to say I feel much safer with him here. How's nick?", "Sharon: Um, they're keeping him overnight. Paul, that's really nice of you to offer to stay, but for all we know, this so-called stalker could just be a figment of my imagination.", "Paul: That is possible, but I think it's, uh, much more likely that you might be afraid of this.", "Sharon: A painting?", "Paul: It's a painting my sister did of you.", "Sharon: She painted me pregnant?", "Paul: At Fairview. My sister's work would be what the art critics call primitive, but what I find more fascinating is the subject matter. Why would my sister paint that?", "Mariah: I was telling Paul that we thought patty was the one who was making the calls. He knows that I went to Stonevale and visited her.", "Paul: I still have more questions than answers. But when I showed the picture to Mariah, she had no idea why patty would paint this particular subject matter of you pregnant. Maybe you can tell me why.", "Sharon: So patty's been found, thank God.", "Paul: Yeah, she's back in confinement for her safety and the safety of others.", "Mariah: We're so relieved to hear that.", "Sharon: Thank you. Um, yeah, I guess there was a point when I wondered if the calls were coming from patty.", "Paul: So that's why you wanted to talk to me in the park?", "Sharon: I'm sorry, Paul.", "Paul: Oh, you don't have to apologize. I enjoy spending time with you and my grandson. But as I told Mariah, that patty doesn't have access to a phone, so it's very unlikely that she was the caller. But about this picture. Take another look at it.", "Sharon: What am I supposed to be looking at?", "Paul: Patty usually paints cats. She loves cats. She can't get enough of them. So the fact that she chose to paint that particular image is very curious to me. Do you have any idea why?", "Sharon: Maybe she was just excited about becoming a great-aunt.", "Paul: Well, then why not paint a picture of the baby or you and the baby together? Why that image?", "Sharon: I -- you know, I wish I could help, Paul, but I've told you everything I know.", "Paul: Well, it's late, and we're all pretty tired. I'll just, uh, I'll just crash here on the couch.", "Mariah: Okay, um, yeah. Thank you for -- for staying. If the police chief can't protect you, then who can?", "Paul: No problem. My pleasure. Oh, Sharon. If anything happens to jar your memory, you'll be sure and let me know?", "Chloe: Since she was born, I wanted to share all the special moments and all the holidays with Bella. But what I realized tonight is that... I need someone beside me. I need someone who -- who understands me, who gets me, who wants to share not only the happy moments but the sad ones, too.", "Kevin: But if remembering that you were with me the night Delia died is gonna bring up --", "Chloe: Listen. The connection that you had with Delia, it doesn't upset me. It reassures me because I know that you love her, too. I mean, you cry when I cry. You laugh when I laugh. I trust myself when I'm with you, and I trust... I just trust that you're gonna take care of me and Bella.", "Kevin: You just said everything that I needed to hear.", "Chelsea: You don't have to apologize for reminding me of Adam. It was already there. I just saw the prison guard from Walworth.", "Nick: You went to his room?", "Chelsea: Oh, no, no. I-I saw him in the hallway. He told me he was sorry that he wasn't able to testify for Adam, that -- that he knew Adam didn't hurt him on purpose. I mean, my God, if he had just gotten well sooner, Adam might still be alive.", "Nick: Yeah, life is filled with \"if onlys.\"", "Chelsea: If only. Well, anyway, I better get my little boy home.", "Nick: Thanks for stopping by. Maybe give Connor a hug for me.", "Chelsea: I will. I'll do just that. And you stay here and get well. We need you around.", "Billy: You know, people who love you, they can forgive you for a bad wager, forgive you for drunk texting or not showing up for a birthday party -- all horrible, horrible behavior. But I'm never gonna be able to live down my affair with Phyllis.", "Ashley: Well, the tabloids will make sure of that.", "Billy: I don't care about the tabloids or what some stranger sees when they look at me. I care what my brother sees. When jack looks at me, it's like he -- he looks right through me, doesn't even know I'm there.", "Ashley: You slept with his wife.", "Billy: I know. If I had to do it all over again... [Sighs] Who are we kidding? I'd probably make the same mistake again. I'm just saying. Look, it doesn't change the fact that Phyllis is up to something, and jack deserves to know what that is.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, if you ever want the chance to make amends with jack, you got to stay away from Phyllis. I mean, far away.", "Jack: You work for me. Your choice. I will take your input when I need it. The memories of what you and Billy did to me are never going to fade.", "Phyllis: I have memories, too, of what you and I had. Something smells good. Is Mrs. Martinez cooking up something?", "Jack: It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. Good night.", "Phyllis: You know, you were wrong. This place has changed.", "Jack: Same rugs, same furniture.", "Phyllis: I'm not talking about that. Things don't make up a home. People do, jack.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Travis: Where's Connie?", "Natalie: She retired. I'm the new assistant. Natalie.", "Phyllis: Meet Dave. He's gonna make sure you stay on your own floor. So, no visits to jabot or you will be escorted out.", "Hilary: These documents are from Newman enterprises. Where did you get these?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'By e.']
[ "At the hospital Jack, Ashley and Traci look frantically for Dina but then finds out from her doctor that she had been checked out and had left. Jack, Ashley and Traci hurry to Dina' hotel room to see if she had left any trace of where she had gone. At Brash and Sassy, Phyllis tries to get inside Billy's head to get him to confess to her as to what he had done. Billy doesn't take her bait .Victoria and Nick meet at Newman Towers and they discuss how he had given away his millions and doesn't seem to regret it. Neil and Hlary meet at the Athletic Club bar and she asks him for his help in getting back on the right side of VIctoria but Neil refuses to help her. Victoria lets Nick know that she is glad that he and Victor had formed a truce. Billy and Phyllis discuss Jack and his sisters. Billy receives a call from VIctoria about a crisis at the warehouse and he tells her that he will handle it. He makes a quck call and then turns his attention back to Phyllis. Billy reveals to Phyllis as to what had happened at the celebration honoring Ashley.", "Victor and Neil meet at the Athletic Club bar and Neil joins VIctor for a talk. Hilary runs into Nick and tells him how his interview had gained applause. Hilary thanks him for the interview. Hilary then asks Victoria for an interview but she refuses stating that she doesn't trust her. Hilary asks for a word alone with Victoria. Once at Dina's hotel room, Jack finds a shining object on the floor while Ashley and Traci search for any clue as to where Graham had taken Dina. Not finding anything in Dina's room they decide to search Graham's room but Ashley gets sidetracked by receiving a phone call from Victor, who congratulates her on her award and wants to see her but Ashley declines the invitation. Phyllis and Billy discuss Victoria and how she treats Billy.Phyllis tells Billy as to how much that she loves him as they hug. Hilary tries to make amends with Victoria but Victoria doesn't believe Hilary. Nick is busy punching the bag in the gym when Phyllis comes in and joins him. They discuss Sharon and how she had reacted when she found out that he had given away all his millions. Phyllis lets Nick know that things are intense between her and Billy. Nick tells her that Billy is not good enough for her. Bily is on the phone when Victor joins him and asks him for his help in getting his daughter back. Neil calls someone for lunch. Phyllis and Nick discuss Victoria and Brash and Sassy.Victor tells Billy to stay out of Ashley's and Traci's business. Hilary tells Victoria that she wants her trust back but Victoria refuses.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Jack! Where is he?", "Jack: He's gone. He must have moved her before he came to talk to us.", "Ashley: He's still playing games with us.", "Jack: No, that's what he does. He plays games. That's what he's always done since he weaseled into our mother's life.", "Traci: Okay, let's not jump to worst-case scenario.", "Jack: No, I'm basing this on facts, on what I've seen him do, what I've heard him say. He's a time bomb. You saw him at ashley's party.", "Traci: I admit, he is unstable, but we're in a hospital! Maybe the nurse or the doctor has taken our mother off to get more tests done. Let me at least check it out, okay?", "Jack: I'm gonna see if graham is still in the hospital. Who are you calling?", "Ashley: I'm calling graham.", "Jack: You think he's gonna pick up?", "Ashley: I don't know, jack, but maybe he wants a chance to gloat. Call me if you find them, would you? Oh, my god.", "Phyllis: What haven't you been honest about with me?", "Billy: Work. Family. Us.", "Phyllis: I know. It's been tough on you, living with divided loyalties.", "Billy: I've had to, you know, compartmentalize things. Wall off certain emotions.", "Phyllis: It's taken a toll on you. I tried to help you.", "Billy: I know. And I don't share everything with you.", "Phyllis: And I don't understand why. We are a team. We support each other. We care about each other.", "Billy: Through anything?", "Phyllis: Nothing you say will change what you and I have.", "Billy: I'm glad to hear you say that because... none of this has anything to do with how I feel about you.", "Victoria: So, where's your halo?", "Nick: Ha, ha! So many jokes. So many wisecracks. Let's just get it out of the way.", "Victoria: I just automatically assumed that you got one after giving your trust fund to neil and jack's charity.", "Nick: You could call me saint nick.", "Victoria: How about I call you crazy nick?", "Nick: Vick, I couldn't keep the money.", "Victoria: Look, above and beyond the money, you went on \"the hilary hour\" and you told everyone what you thought of our father. And then you want to meet me in a restaurant that dad owns.", "Nick: Well, the chef here grills a mean trout.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Are you deliberately trying to keep this hostility alive?", "Nick: No. Not anymore. Dad and I declared a truce.", "Hilary: [ Scoffs ]", "Neil: Whoa! Giving up on me already?", "Hilary: Well, you weren't firm on whether or not you were gonna come, so... thank you. So, are we having coffee?", "Neil: Okay, look. Let's make something really clear here. That footage that you caught of me escorting graham out of the abbott dinner -- I do not give you permission to air it.", "Hilary: Don't sweat it, neil. I'm not airing any of it.", "Neil: Really?", "Hilary: Mm-hmm. Is that so hard to believe?", "Neil: Well, I don't know. You've aired a lot of the newmans' dirty laundry before, and what about ashley, revealing that john's not her bio dad? That's -- that's really huge.", "Hilary: It doesn't get much huger.", "Neil: So why are you giving the abbotts a free pass?", "Hilary: Because jack is my friend. Besides, victor gave me permission to air that argument with him and nick.", "Neil: That may be, but what about you broadcasting that confrontation between vicki and benjamin hochman? She didn't sign off on that.", "Hilary: Yes, and she made that abundantly clear. Funny that you should bring up victoria. Because she is the reason why i wanted to meet with you. I have a favor to ask you.", "Hilary: Neil. At least hear me out!", "Neil: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Uh, 60 seconds, and go.", "Hilary: Taping and airing that footage of victoria, it taught me a very valuable lesson. It brought me tons of glory and it generated all kinds of buzz, but then other more interesting events came along, and that moment, that story was forgotten.", "Neil: Not by victoria.", "Hilary: Yes. She hates me now.", "Neil: So what?", "Hilary: So if I want \"the hilary hour\" to continue to be successful, I need to align myself with the movers and shakers in this town. So that I can have direct access to newsworthy people and events.", "Neil: Right, and burying that footage from the abbott dinner was about more than just looking out for your pal, jack, right?", "Hilary: Well, jack will hire me again because I protected his family, but I allowed nick to come on the show and give away his trust fund. I gave him the opportunity to rebrand himself as a generous and noble guy.", "Neil: And helping victoria to rebrand herself as what...?", "Hilary: Whatever she wants her public face to be.", "Neil: So you can get more viewers.", "Hilary: That's a side benefit.", "Neil: We were married. I know you oh-so-well. And this right here, this is a ploy to help yourself and nobody else.", "Hilary: I'll admit it, I blew it with victoria. On a professional level, I could take the hit, I could move on. But on a personal level, i thought that we had some kind of mutual respect, that maybe we even liked each other.", "Neil: Yet, you publicly humiliated her.", "Hilary: That was stupid, short-sighted, and wrong. I don't regret a lot of things, but...I regret that.", "Neil: You really mean that.", "Hilary: Yes, I do. And you're friends with victoria, so maybe you could talk to her, put in a good word for me?", "Neil: Not a chance. If you really want to make amends with victoria, I suggest you do it all by yourself.", "Victoria: I am relieved that you and dad have made peace.", "Nick: Peace is probably too strong a word. I mean, we haven't forgiven each other, and we certainly don't like each other very much right now.", "Victoria: Well, how is that a truce, then?", "Nick: We have agreed to not push each other's buttons and go our separate ways.", "Victoria: Well, that's just sad. I guess I should take some comfort in knowing that you won't be at each other's throats non-stop with the rest of the family caught in the middle. Does mom know?", "Nick: Mnh-mnh. You're the first. You know, I'm just gonna focus on the things that matter most to me -- chelsea, my kids, the underground expansion...", "Victoria: You're happy?", "Nick: I am happier than I've been in a long time.", "Victoria: I miss how our family used to be. How tight we used to be before we found out what dad did and how he set up adam.", "Nick: He got him killed.", "Victoria: There are some days when I wish we'd never learned the truth.", "Nick: Yeah, well, we did. I just can't pretend that it never happened.", "Victoria: And it bothers you that I can and I'm managing to get along with dad?", "Nick: Look, you are doing what works for you. I just hope he doesn't hurt you again.", "Victoria: Well, I'll never fully trust him or forgive him, but he has been very helpful", "Nick: Doing everything he can to win you back.", "Victoria: Of course. [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, no.", "Phyllis: What is that you want to be honest with me about?", "Billy: We have been... we've been talking a lot about jack and the family and... you've been pushing me to try and fix things with them, and...", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. It's obviously been on your mind, and every time I bring it up --", "Billy: I shut down. Which in turn...", "Phyllis: Well, yeah.", "Billy: ...Puts more distance between us.", "Phyllis: Right. Right, right. You think I'm just -- I'm pushing too hard. You think I'm a nag.", "Billy: I don't think that. I don'T. I love you and I want to be with you, and sometimes I try and reassure you of that, and it just...", "Phyllis: It feels like a lie.", "Billy: Do you think that I'm lying to you? I mean, if you do, I mean, I can understand that. You know, I get quiet and I get preoccupied -- none of which is your fault.", "Phyllis: Right, and you're coming to me now, you're opening up, and that'S... that's good. That's gonna go a long way to making us strong again. So, what is it? What is it? What is bothering you? What is it that you think you've done?", "Billy: Phyllis, I've been... [ Cellphone rings ] Will you give me a second, please? I got to take this. Vick, what's up?", "Victoria: There's an emergency at the warehouse on gordon -- a flood that could affect our entire shipment. I'm headed back to the office now.", "Billy: No, you don't -- you don't have to sweat that.", "Victoria: No! Billy, this is a huge disaster! It could cost us everything.", "Billy: Victoria, I've got contingencies in place, okay? Look, nothing is gonna throw us off-schedule. All right? I promise you.", "Victoria: All right. Then you'll handle it?", "Billy: Yes.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thank you. I'm sorry if I sounded, um...", "Billy: Freaked out?", "Victoria: Well, can you blame me? I mean, we're moving so quickly and taking big risks to outsell jabot. All it's gonna take is one monumental glitch.", "Billy: Yeah, I understand that, but you can consider this a glitch-free zone, okay?", "Victoria: All right. Thank you. Keep me informed.", "Billy: I will. I'm sorry, I just -- I need a minute to figure something out here.", "Phyllis: Hope everything's okay.", "Jack: Graham is nowhere to be found.", "Ashley: And he's still not picking up his phone.", "Traci: The nurses don't know where dina is, and now I'm starting to panic. They've paged the doctor, and he's gonna come down and answer some of our questions.", "Jack: Doctor.", "Traci: Dr. Hummel. Dr. Hummel, we can't find our mother.", "Ashley: Our mother's not in her room.", "Jack: What is going on?", "Traci: Did you take her out for more tests?", "Dr. Hummel: Ms. Mergeron hasn't been scheduled for any further tests today.", "Jack: Then where is she?", "Dr. Hummel: While I would have preferred your mother spend another night here, she was medically cleared to leave.", "Ashley: Did she check herself out?", "Dr. Hummel: At mr. Bloodworth's request, i released her.", "Ashley: Okay, wait a second. Did she object to this?", "Dr. Hummel: Why would she?", "Ashley: Because she just had a stroke, and you said yourself...", "Dr. Hummel: Ms. Mergeron gave her consent. I escorted her downstairs myself.", "Traci: Was graham with her?", "Dr. Hummel: There was a town car waiting for them at the rear of the hospital. That's not unusual for patients who value their privacy.", "Ashley: Did you ever think that maybe graham was hiding something from us? And that maybe you should have notified us?", "Dr. Hummel: Again, I am forced to remind you that your family does not have power of attorney over ms. Mergeron's health. Legally, there was no reason --", "Jack: No reason? Bloodworth does not have her best interests at heart!", "Traci: Jack! Jack! Jack! It's done now. Thank you, doctor. [ Sighs ] Okay. What's important is that we figure out where the hell graham has taken our mother.", "Ashley: We have to go back to the club. Their things are there.", "Traci: Okay, good. Thank you. Oh, dishwasher,", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. Did I rush? Were you done?", "Billy: No, no. Yeah, no, it's all good. I'm sorry we got interrupted.", "Phyllis: Ah, I'm used to it. You know, I think victoria relies on you too much. That worries me sometimes.", "Billy: Worries you how?", "Phyllis: I don't know. Maybe she's pushing you, you know? Making you feel uncomfortable.", "Billy: Well, that's why this is work because it's not all fun and games every time, you know? I've put a lot into this company. I feel like I have a certain responsibility. I got to do what I got to do to make sure it's a success, like you have to do with fenmore'S.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and I -- we're loyal to our companies that employ us, I mean, but isn't it more important that we're loyal to each other?", "Billy: Yeah, but I don't know if they're mutually exclusive.", "Phyllis: Okay, you were just gonna tell me about what's distracting you.", "Billy: Right, um... it's ashley. It's, you know, ashley, when her secret came out, you know, what it all means for me and the family.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Billy: Well, I just feel like she was really embarrassed, now that everybody know that our father isn't her father -- her biological father. I think she might feel that... I don't know, people might think less of her.", "Phyllis: The only one who thinks that is ashley.", "Billy: Well, I've been alienated from the family for a long time, too, so... and, look, I tell myself that it's not a big deal and I don't necessarily need to have jack's acceptance, but... when ashley invited me to the celebration, you know, I thought maybe for a second it'd be nice. It felt good to be a part of it again.", "Phyllis: And you want to continue that trend? You want to make things right with jack?", "Billy: Yeah, but I don't see that happening. I think that's pretty much hopeless.", "Phyllis: You know, I don't -- I don'T... [ Chuckles ] I don't understand what's happening because, I mean, I -- you just said that you wanted to come clean with me, so...", "Billy: I am coming clean with you, right now, phyllis. Because all of this -- all of this affects us, right? I mean, jack comes down on me, i end up trying to get back at him, and that pulls me away from you, and it makes separation between us, and I don't want that to happen. So I feel like I got to be honest with you because I do love you, and I don't regret anything that's ever happened with us.", "Phyllis: That's it? That's what you want to be honest with me about?", "Billy: Well, I mean, I feel like it's important because if I'm not honest with you, then that starts to mess with us, and then I start getting too involved here, and I start pulling away from you, and i don't want that to happen. So... I mean, that's what you want, right? You want us to... you want me to be honest with you. You okay? I feel like you were expecting me to say something else.", "Victor: Hey!", "Neil: Hey!", "Victor: Neil, my man.", "Neil: Look who it is.", "Victor: How are you?", "Neil: [ Laughs ] I'm good, victor. How you doing? Come on. Take a chair.", "Victor: Do you mind?", "Neil: No, come on.", "Victor: All right. So...", "Neil: So, I, uh -- I would ask about nikki, but...", "Victor: I'd rather not talk about that, if you don't mind.", "Neil: No. Don't mind at all. So, why don't you pick a topic? What you got?", "Victor: I hear there was a dinner celebrating ashley.", "Neil: Yeah, there certainly was. Innovator of the year award.", "Victor: You were there?", "Neil: I was there.", "Victor: There was a family issue, I hear.", "Neil: Yeah, let's just say it was, uh, an eventful evening that ashley handled with a lot of poise and grace.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Neil: But if you want to know more about it, I would pick up the phone and talk to her.", "Victor: I will do that.", "Neil: So, I caught nick's interview with hilary.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Neil: How you feel about that? Making a substantial donation from his trust fund to my charity.", "Victor: Right. And the fact that jack abbott is your partner.", "Neil: That must bother you quite a bit. Knowing that he has equal say in where that money is donated.", "Victor: You bet. But you know, what my son does with his money is really his business. He and I are not getting along well together, let's put it that way.", "Hilary: Nick! I'm glad I ran into you. The viewer response to your segment was more than I could hope for. I'm getting tons of e-mails raving about how generous and inspiring you are. And it even led to an uptick in charitable donations.", "Nick: Well, it's nice to know that not everyone thinks my actions were crazy.", "Hilary: Well, I'm just really glad that I was able to help you get your message out there.", "Victoria: Well, it definitely made a big impact on the people that nick wanted to reach.", "Hilary: I would love to interview you, too, victoria. You could tell your side of the victor story just like nick did.", "Victoria: Thanks, but no thanks.", "Hilary: You have no reason to trust me.", "Victoria: You don't say?", "Hilary: But I can assure that this time, things will be different. Everything straightforward. We will agree on everything in advance. No tricks.", "Nick: Look, I will say, hilary was extremely fair with me, and if you feel like your reputation is still taking shots because of this footage with hochman that came out, then this could be a good opportunity for you to set the record straight.", "Hilary: Thank you, nick. That's really nice of you to say.", "Victoria: Yeah, it's very nice of you. But my brother will just have to forgive me if I don't take this particular piece of advice. I know your game, hilary, and i want nothing more to do with you or your show.", "Hilary: Can I speak with victoria alone?", "Victoria: I have no interest in talking to you.", "Nick: Look, learning from my own mistakes, I have learned that anger doesn't do anyone any good. So hear her out.", "Victoria: [ Scoffs ]", "[ Door opens ]", "Jack: Her things are gone.", "Traci: We better be sure. Let's go check.", "Ashley: No shoes, no clothes. Everything's gone.", "Traci: And all of her personal things are out of the bathroom, also. Graham must had the hotel pack her up. Otherwise, they wouldn't have time to --", "Jack: She was in an awfully big hurry.", "Traci: [ Gasps ]", "Ashley: There has to be some way to track them. Go to graham's room!", "Traci: Okay.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Jack: Wait, is that dina?", "Ashley: Uh, no. I'll be right with you. Just give me one minute. Victor. What do you need?", "Victor: I don't need anything. I just wanted to offer my congratulations.", "Ashley: I'm sorry?", "Victor: You won the innovator of the year award.", "Ashley: Oh, right. Thank you. I'm just a little distracted.", "Victor: Well, I figured it's long overdue and well-deserved. So I understand there was a dinner. How did that go?", "Ashley: Can I talk to you a little bit later about that?", "Victor: Sure. Is everything all right?", "Ashley: It's dina. She had a stroke.", "Victor: She did? Are you at the hospital? I can be right there in a few minutes.", "Ashley: No, it's -- it's not necessary, but thank you very much.", "Victor: Is there anything you need me to help you with?", "Ashley: There's really nothing. Tracy, jack, and I have it covered, but again --", "Traci: Graham's room is cleared out, too.", "Ashley: I've got to go.", "Jack: He's probably got her on her jet right now, headed to paris.", "Ashley: Where he's gonna have complete control over her.", "Neil: Hey. Sorry about that.", "Victor: Yeah, you know, ashley said that dina had a stroke.", "Neil: What? That's terrible.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Neil: Is she gonna be all right?", "Victor: Well, she didn't go into details.", "Neil: What about ashley?", "Victor: Sounded rather distracted.", "Neil: Dina's connection with her children's come a long way since she returned to genoa city. You know, jack actually told me that he enjoys working with her at jabot.", "Victor: Well, it's nice to have a member of your family work alongside you. I'm very happy that abby is with me at newman enterprises.", "Neil: Right? Like I am with devon.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Neil: I imagine nick feels the same way about working with noah.", "Victor: I guess so.", "Neil: Hey.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Neil: I know it's painful, not having a good relationship with your son.", "Victor: Yeah, well... seems that sometimes it's better to keep family apart, you know?", "Neil: I can't even imagine that, you know? Our kids grow up, and they still need us.", "Victor: Although they don't know it.", "Neil: Well, we need them.", "Victor: As if it's a chore to be saddled with all the opportunities and all the money. I just have a feeling this generation is just very ungrateful. Very entitled. I worked my behind off to create wealth and opportunity for my children and grandchildren, making sure that they didn't have to go through all the loneliness and hunger that i went through.", "Neil: I don't know what happened between you and nicholas, but I do know this -- I have had my fair share of problems with lily and devon, and I let them know, man, and that little boy of mine, moses...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: ...That they are loved forever and a day, you know? No matter what.", "Victor: But do I need to remind you that you didn't sound like that a few years ago?", "Neil: Well, yeah, I mean, come on, man. I made some bad choices. I, uh, was letting my personal demons get ahold of me. Being an alcoholic, you know, it goes with the territory.", "Victor: I never told you how much I respect the fact that you overcame those demons. I really respect you for that.", "Neil: Thank you. Thank you very much. Yeah. One day at a time.", "Victor: Yep. But I'll be damned if I have my son throw everything that I've created back in my face.", "Neil: You know what? I think you're gonna be there for him when he really needs you.", "Victor: I'm not so sure.", "Neil: You're his father. You know, if I ever let a business problem come between me and devon, as father and son, you know something? Hamilton-winters group, my company?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: History. I'm out.", "Victor: I'm gonna hold you to those words.", "Neil: You absolutely can. Because I will never let anger get in the way of having a relationship with my kids.", "Victor: I'm glad to hear that, neil. At the moment, I don't share those sentiments.", "Victoria: Okay. So... where are the hidden cameras? Or maybe you bribed the waiter to secretly record me with his phone.", "Hilary: I understand why you would think that, but... victoria, that's not what this is about.", "Victoria: You better be honest with me, or I'm gonna leave right now. You should try it. It might make you feel like a new person.", "Hilary: Full disclosure, I have a few of the wait staff on my payroll. They tip me off when anyone of interest comes in or if they overhear a juicy tidbit while they're refilling water glasses. Oh, and if you're gonna have a clandestine phone call, i wouldn't do it in the alcove outside of the ladies' room. The flowers have ears.", "Victoria: I don't know why i should be surprised that you're spying on me and my family.", "Hilary: You're naive if you think that I am the only one. The newman family has been in the spotlight long before I came to this town.", "Victoria: And that justifies your actions? We're well-known, so it's open season on us?", "Hilary: No, no, that's not --", "Victoria: Save it. I don't need to hear your pitch. How the dare body spray demo episode was such a big hit for brash & sassy and how it caused a ratings hike for \"the hilary hour\" and how we should work together again because it paid off so well the last time. Am I leaving anything out?", "Hilary: Yes. My apology.", "Phyllis: You know what, I'm gonna hit the gym before I get home. Are you gonna be working late?", "Billy: I don't know yet. Hold on a second. Are you okay?", "Phyllis: I'm disappointed that this is what you've been worried about and twisted about, you know? I mean, I... I know that you don't blame me for the rift between you and jack. He's the one that's made things difficult on you. If you want to reconnect with the family, then do it. I know that ashley and traci miss you as much as you miss them.", "Billy: Thank you for understanding that. I still feel like you're expecting me to say something else.", "Phyllis: I just -- I thought that there were issues here, you know? With victoria.", "Billy: What kind of issues? Like she's mistreating me and that I'm gonna quit?", "Phyllis: That would be very nice. I'd have you all to myself, you know? I know she can be pushy. Does that ever, like, just get to you?", "Billy: I'm good.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'll see you at home.", "Billy: Hey. I hope you realize that I'm here for you, okay? If there's something you feel that you need to me about, if you're going through something...", "Phyllis: I hope you realize how much I love you. I love you.", "Hilary: Victoria, when you went off on me at the club the other day, I realize that you were still angry about what i did, and it reinforced how much I hurt you by airing that footage.", "Victoria: Wait. What do you mean, I went off on you?", "Hilary: Well, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words, but you were obviously upset. And you had every right to be. I let my ambition get in the way of your feelings, and I -- I'm so sorry about that, okay?", "Victoria: And yet you're not quitting your show to run off and rescue puppies.", "Hilary: I want to start over. I want to stop putting the scoop ahead of people that I like and respect.", "Nick: You ignoring me?", "Phyllis: [ Laughing ] Okay.", "Nick: That's not the reaction I was looking for.", "Phyllis: Who needs cardio with you around?", "Nick: Well, yeah, I mean, i am the only sweaty person in the place. What's going on? What's wrong?", "Phyllis: You're the one with the big news. Tell me, does our daughter have any inheritance left?", "Nick: [ Laughs ] All right, you saw it.", "Phyllis: Yeah. You could have said something to your exes and your kids when you gave all your money away. I bet sharon didn't take to it too well.", "Nick: Eh. [ Laughs ] No. Wasn't a pleasant conversation. But I'm gonna tell you exactly what I told her. I don't want my kids relying on my money for the rest of their lives, you know? I'm trying to raise financially independent children. I don't want them thinking they can use me as a fallback when times get tough. Now, my dad, on the other hand...", "Phyllis: Okay. Say no more. You had me at victor. No further discussion necessary.", "Nick: I'm not sure I'm happy or annoyed that you and I still understand each other so well.", "Phyllis: Oh, I do understand you. You just think you understand me.", "Nick: Oh, really?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Then how come I can tell that there is something bothering you?", "Phyllis: Lucky guess.", "Nick: Oh. I'll do you one better then. What did billy do now?", "Phyllis: Why do you always have to blame him?", "Nick: Tell me I'm wrong.", "Phyllis: You're wrong.", "Nick: Oh. All right. Why don't you tell me the truth now?", "Phyllis: Things are just a little intense right now at brash & sassy.", "Nick: With victoria?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Billy just thinks he owes it to her to work as hard as she does.", "Nick: [ Scoffs ] I just don't get it. When are you two gonna get it? You are too good for this guy.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: So, the shipment's back on schedule. Good. Got to love when everything goes according to plan. Yes, I will tell victoria how you came through for us, and i appreciate it. Okay. Bye-bye.", "Victor: Where is my daughter?", "Billy: She's not here, victor, but I'll tell her you stopped by and that you couldn't stick around.", "Victor: Were you at ashley's dinner last night?", "Billy: Yes, I was, and i don't have time to discuss with you.", "Victor: Do you realize that dina had a mild stroke?", "Billy: What'd you say?", "Victor: What, does that concern you?", "Billy: Yeah, it does concern me because she's a nice woman. It's my sisters' mother, and I'm worried about my sisters.", "Victor: Well, I would suggest you not go there because ashley's rather upset.", "Billy: Well, you know what, even more reason to go to them right now.", "Victor: Well, that might make you feel good, but I assure you that ashley and traci will consider that an intrusion.", "Billy: They're my sisters, victor.", "Victor: That's right. And dina is their mother, not yours. So, if I were you, I'd lie low for a while, you know? Stay out of their business.", "Neil: My man! I'm glad I caught you. Um, listen, I'm downstairs. I'm hungry. Why don't you join me for a bite and a drink? No, no. Listen to me. You leave those files in the office. I don't want to catch up on any kind of business at all. I just want to spend some quality time with my son.", "Nick: I was just with victoria.", "Phyllis: Yeah? Did she mention billy?", "Nick: She called him. There was some crisis at work, so he calmed her down. I think he handled it.", "Phyllis: Of course he did. You wouldn't happen to know what that crisis was about, would you?", "Nick: Well, I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. [ Chuckles ] Look, she's my sister. I'm very loyal to her. So whatever's going on with brash & sassy, you can't expect me to spill anything to her competitor.", "Phyllis: Do you really think I'm gonna report back to jack?", "Nick: Well, I don't know, phyllis, would you?", "Phyllis: You know, everybody's bending over backwards to look out for victoria when we all know she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself.", "Nick: Yeah, I don't know about that.", "Hilary: I was never out to get you.", "Victoria: Well, it certainly felt that way.", "Hilary: We always had a great working relationship. I want to get back to that. I want to get your trust back.", "Victoria: How are we supposed to make that happen?", "Hilary: An interview.", "Victoria: [ Scoffs ]", "Hilary: Come on, brash & sassy is always coming up with new ideas.", "Victoria: So?", "Hilary: So, I'm sure that there's something new coming down the pipeline. Something that you want to get out there and promote.", "Victoria: Even if that were the case, how do I know you won't march that straight back to jack, and then come back and say that your schedule doesn't have time for a promotional show after all? Or better yet, maybe you're gonna blindside me on the air about my personal life.", "Hilary: That won't happen.", "Victoria: You say you want my trust, hilary, but I've seen you go back on your word too many times to believe you. Can I get the check?", "Billy: You know, victor, for once, I'm actually gonna agree with you, and it -- it comes to me with a certain amount of shock why you are looking out for me.", "Victor: I'm looking out for the abbotts I care about.", "Billy: Ah, there's the victor I've come to know and avoid.", "Billy: All right, well, for this fleeting moment of good will, I'll let victoria know that you stopped by. Thank you.", "Victor: Victoria has grown dependent upon you much more than she used to.", "Billy: I'm not gonna hurt her, if that's what you're worried about.", "Victor: And, uh, you've even turned against your own brother to help her.", "Billy: Well, I'm always gonna side with victoria over jack.", "Victor: I want my daughter back in my life.", "Billy: That's not surprising to me. What is surprising to me is why you're opening up to me about this. Why are you doing that?", "Victor: I want her to trust me again.", "Billy: Come on, victor, why would anybody do that? Especially victoria.", "Victor: But you're very close to her, and I think you can persuade her to do so.", "Nick: [ Breathing heavily ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Why do you think that victoria isn't any good at taking care of herself?", "Nick: Well, brash & sassy hasn't exactly been on stable ground lately. Vick likes to think she's in control of things, but despite all the constant reminders, life is controlling her -- it's not the other way around. Now, who do you think she turns to to help her through that?", "Phyllis: Billy. Believe me, I know, and don't you say a bad word about him.", "Nick: It's not just billy. I mean, you know, hilary stopped by while vick and I were having lunch, and she mentioned... you know what, it's not important.", "Phyllis: It's important for you to mention it. All right, what? What? What? What? What? What? What did hilary say?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Seriously? You're not gonna answer me?", "Nick: Hilary wants to interview victoria.", "Phyllis: Why? I doubt with brash & sassy's financial woes that victoria wants to give away her trust fund on tv, so...", "Nick: I think that hilary feels bad about the way she portrayed the newman family, and this is a chance for her to make things right.", "Phyllis: Do you think she should do the show?", "Nick: Look, when I went on there, it helped me come to terms with my dad. If vick does an interview, it could let her talk about brash & sassy's new products. She could insist that the interview be live so she could control the content. That way, hilary couldn't go back and edit it to make victoria look bad. It could be a valuable promotional tool to help brash & sassy get back on its feet.", "Phyllis: I'm guessing victoria's missing the benefits, and she just said no?", "Nick: Hilary can be persuasive, you know? Maybe vick changed her mind.", "Phyllis: Hilary and victoria together... that could be can't-miss tv.", "Hilary: I got this. I'll sign a contract! Stating everything that we'll discuss during the interview, and if I violate that contract, strict penalties will be enacted.", "Victoria: My attorney will draw up the contract.", "Hilary: Agreed.", "Victoria: And any penalties incurred will be more than just a slap on the wrist.", "Hilary: Otherwise, what would be the point?", "Victoria: There will be absolutely no talk of my personal life.", "Hilary: None.", "Victoria: All right, then. You have a deal. I'll appear on your show.", "Billy: Why don't you tell me, victor -- why would I ever help you win your daughter back?", "Victor: If you do, you'll be generously rewarded.", "Ashley: Look!", "Jack: Mother!", "Traci: Mother, we're here!", "Ashley: Mother!", "Traci: We're here!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nick is jealous about Sharon and Rey's friendship and persudes Abby to ask Arturo about Rey's wife Mia and why they aren't together right now. Sharon's bond with Rey continues to grow as she tells him Cassie and Mariah's story snf he confides to her that he wanted to be a father but his wife doesn't want to have kids. Ashley goes home to pack her things and she takes out all her anger and frustration on Dina who doesn't even remember Ashley and can't figure out why she is angry with her, Dina is determined to prove to Ashley she is a good mother and she tells Ashley that there are some important papers that she and John put in a safe to protect her. Dina is agitated later while she looks all over the house for the papers and Kyle arrives and he helps her remember tht the safe is in the Jabot office. Kyle takes Dina to Jabot and finds the safe hidden behind a painting inside a wall. Dina tells Kyle that the combination is her birthday so Kyle opens the safe to check if the paers are inside and Dina is happy that she remembered correctly. Victoria and Sharon get an e-mail from the blackmailer telling the ladies night group that if they don't send the rest of the money the police will find out where JT is buried.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nick: I get it, that you need space.", "Sharon: Good.", "Nick: Is this more important than us?", "Sharon: Was phyllis?", "Victoria: Did you commission this?", "Nikki: What, this thing?!", "Phyllis: I want to know how this got here. Who is behind this?", "Nikki: Well, don't look at me. I had nothing to do with it.", "Phyllis: So, the only way we're gonna prove that J.T. Is still down there is with a jackhammer and a stick of dynamite. Neither of the notes that we received mentioned J.T.'S death or our part in it. And our blackmailers have proven that there's zero evidence, let alone evidence that's gonna stand up in court.", "Sharon: The person who sent these letters demanded $250,000. You sent him $1?", "Nikki: I sent a clear message that we won't be messed with.", "Ashley: John abbott was an exceptional man, and I don't care if it's his dna that's running through your veins. You are nothing like him! And you never will be, jack!", "Traci: Ashley! Ashley! What are you doing? There's just too much tension in the house with all of us living here.", "Ashley: I think the best solution is for me just to move out.", "Dina: Mm. Ahh! Uh, what day is it, dear?", "Abby: It's thursday.", "Dina: Thursday? [ Gasps ] Oh, my god, it's bridge club today. You know, katherine and jennifer and, oh, that awful woman joanna will be here soon!", "Abby: You know what, I forgot to tell you, they can't make it today.", "Dina: Oh. Well, then what are we going to do, hmm?", "Abby: Well, I have to go out for a while, but, um... I'm gonna meet my boyfriend. He and I are having breakfast with his sister.", "Dina: Oh, you are? His sister. [ Laughs ] Oh, I remember when john introduced me to his family.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Dina: That's when I knew it was getting serious.", "Abby: Oh, well, I am not sure arturo and I are there yet, but I will keep you posted. In the meantime, mrs. Martinez and kelly will be here.", "Dina: Who?", "Abby: The housekeeper and your nurse?", "Dina: Oh. Oh, well, tell that housekeeper to be sure and clean the children's rooms.", "Abby: Okay. I will. I'm gonna tell them I'm leaving. I'll be right back.", "Dina: Goodie. Who's there? Who's there?", "Ashley: Hello, mother.", "Victoria: I got your message.", "Sharon: Uh, let's talk on the patio.", "Victoria: What's going on? Did you hear something?", "Sharon: No. I just wanted to talk to you in person without phyllis or nikki here and get your honest opinion about how we handled our situation.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, considering that we haven't heard anything, I'd say we made the right choice.", "Sharon: I wish that made me feel better.", "Victoria: Have you heard anything at the police station?", "Sharon: Rey's playing it really close to the vest.", "Victoria: Look, the whole point of you taking that job was so that you could get him to open up to you.", "Sharon: Well, I'm working on it, but I have to be careful. I can't be too obvious. Rey is smart. He'll see right through me. Sometimes it feels like he can anyway.", "Victoria: What does that mean?", "Sharon: Nothing.", "Victoria: Sharon, is there something going on with you and rey?", "Rey: Lola.", "Lola: Oh, I'm sorry. Why did you decide to meet here? You know I hate this fancy stuff.", "Arturo: Abby picked it.", "Lola: Ahh, so abby's the one who's calling the shots now, huh?", "Arturo: [ Chuckles ] I bet if your new boyfriend brought you here, you wouldn't be complaining.", "Lola: Arturo, kyle's not my boyfriend.", "Arturo: Oh, no? So, what is he?", "Lola: A dude I've gone out with a couple times.", "Arturo: Huh. How's that any different than a boyfriend?", "Lola: Look, I'm focusing on my business, okay? Making it a huge success. I don't have time for a serious relationship. With anyone.", "Arturo: All right, what did he do?", "Ashley: Has everybody gone out?", "Dina: Yes, but john's about to come down for breakfast.", "Ashley: Right. That was always his favorite time of the day.", "Dina: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Sitting around the dining room table with his family in the morning.", "Dina: Yeah. Well, I'm so glad to be a part of it again. To be here with john and the children.", "Ashley: It's a real shame you had to be gone for so long. Especially for your children. You have no idea how much they missed you.", "Dina: Well, I -- I just don't want to talk about that.", "Abby: Mom?", "Ashley: Hi!", "Abby: What are you doing? I was just letting dina's nurses know that I'm leaving.", "Ashley: You look tired. Are you okay?", "Abby: Yeah, well, I haven't been sleeping well.", "Ashley: I know. Neither have I. I'm sure your uncle jack has been, though.", "Abby: You know what, I'm late meeting arturo.", "Ashley: Okay, abby --", "Abby: I don't want to talk about it, I'm not ready. Dina.", "Dina: Hmm?", "Abby: I'm going now, okay?", "Dina: Oh. Oh, okay. But you'll be back soon?", "Abby: Of course.", "Dina: Thank you. Why did you upset that young girl?", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] I -- I didn't mean to upset anybody. I'm just gonna go upstairs and get my things.", "Dina: Oh, no, no, no, no. Only family's allowed up there. You don't belong here. You're not an abbott.", "Ashley: Yes, I am.", "Dina: No, you're not.", "Ashley: I'm ashley.", "Dina: Ashley's my little girl.", "Ashley: She's all grown up now.", "Dina: Oh, you're lying.", "Ashley: I'm not -- [ Sighs ] Look, I just want to get my things, okay?", "Dina: Oh, no! You're not an abbott. Don't you dare go up, or I'm gonna call the police!", "Ashley: Do whatever you have to do!", "Dina: [ Scoffs ] Where's my phone? Additional sponsorship", "Victoria: I have a meeting i have to get to, so we can talk about that project that we're working on later.", "Sharon: Sure.", "Victoria: Okay. Bye, nick.", "Nick: Bye.", "Sharon: So, how's christian? Is he getting used to the new house?", "Nick: There's been some rough moments, you know. He still wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes. He calls for you. I think he misses faith and mariah, also.", "Sharon: We miss him, too. You can bring him out to the ranch anytime.", "Nick: Well, you are more than welcome to come to my place, too. Maybe next time faith comes, you could bring her and check out the new place.", "Sharon: I don't think that's a good idea.", "Nick: Why not?", "Sharon: I still want to be a part of christian's life, but don't read anything more into that. Oh, I thought you'd already left for the station.", "Rey: I was waiting for a delivery.", "Sharon: Between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm?", "Rey: Yeah, I'm one of those suckers who thinks he's gonna be the first delivery of the day.", "Sharon: Well, I'm guessing that didn't work out since it's a little after 8:00.", "Rey: Eh, at least I wasn't last.", "Sharon: What were you waiting for?", "Rey: A bed. A new bed. It's, uh --", "Nick: You know, that is interesting, it is, but sharon and I were in the middle of something.", "Rey: Sorry.", "Sharon: No, don't be. I want to hear about your new bed.", "Rey: Really?", "Sharon: Yeah, I can't think of anything more interesting.", "Lola: Who said kyle did anything?", "Arturo: Those eyes. They do not lie, not to me. So tell me -- what'd the punk do?", "Lola: He's not a punk.", "Arturo: Lola, tell me what he did, or I'll go and find out from him. I don't care.", "Lola: It's no big deal. Kyle and I were on a date, and his annoying ex- girlfriend summer barged in, freaking over a broken nail, or something. You would have thought that her arm was cut off by the way kyle ran to her.", "Arturo: Summer newman?", "Lola: You know her?", "Arturo: Yeah. She's abby's niece.", "Lola: She's nothing like her aunt.", "Arturo: I actually met her before I knew who she was. Yeah, I ran into her upstairs when abby were on the outs, i guess you could say. We were dancing, abby saw us, and she poured a drink on my head.", "Lola: Good for her.", "Arturo: Summer seemed to enjoy the whole thing.", "Lola: Yeah, she definitely gets off on causing trouble. She loved it when kyle cut our date short to kiss away her fake tears.", "Arturo: Wait, he fell for it?", "Lola: Well, he claims that I'd respect him for him helping out a friend, you know?", "Arturo: And you believe him?", "Lola: Well, it's better than him being a jerk to her.", "Arturo: Maybe you have a good influence on the guy.", "Lola: Oh, okay, so now you're taking his side.", "Arturo: Well, I mean, yeah, between you and summer, somebody has to, right? Besides, if he's not your boyfriend, why do you even care?", "Lola: [ Scoffs ] I don'T. If he wants to hook up with summer, he can do whatever he wants. That's his business.", "Arturo: [ Chuckles ] There it is again. Your eyes are giving you away.", "Abby: Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry I'm late. More abbott family drama. We should have our own reality show -- not in a good way.", "Lola: It looks like you guys need to talk, so I'll do breakfast another time.", "Abby: No, no, you don't have to do that.", "Lola: No. No worries. It's no big deal. I have to start getting the truck ready anyway.", "Arturo: Thanks, sis.", "Abby: Bye. [ Sighs ] You have a really sweet sister.", "Arturo: Yeah, we all have our moments, don't we? All families.", "Abby: Not like mine.", "Arturo: Hey.", "Abby: I just -- I hate them. All they do is hurt each other. I can't stand it anymore.", "Arturo: Abby, look, I've wanted to disown my family so many times, but no matter what they do, at the end of the day, they're still family.", "Sharon: I've been thinking about getting a new bed. The old one just doesn't feel-right anymore. It's time for a change.", "Rey: I know what you mean.", "Sharon: So, what kind of mattress did you get?", "Rey: I went all-out. I got a smart one.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] The kind that cool down and heat up depending on your body temperature?", "Rey: Yeah. That's not all it does. It can adjust firmness when you roll over to one side. It tilts up and down. You can even set an alarm for it to wake you up during your deepest sleep.", "Sharon: Wow! You hit the mattress jackpot.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Oh, just don't cut the tag off. I might have to report you to the police.", "Rey: That's a good one.", "Nick: Okay. Riveting conversation. Call me later. We'll talk about our kids.", "Rey: I should let you and nick...", "Sharon: Uh, no, that's okay. We were just working out schedules with the kids. We can do that by text. So, tell me more about this mattress. Is it as good as they claim?", "Rey: It's pretty awesome. The only thing is is that I got to buy new sheets, and I can't think of anything I hate more than shopping, so...", "Sharon: Um, I can help with that.", "Rey: You don't have to do that.", "Sharon: No, you don't understand. See, I love shopping. What size mattress did you get?", "Rey: It's, uh... it's big.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Let's go and check it out, and while I'm there, I can see if this mattress is as good as you say.", "Rey: You'll see. It's like laying on a cloud.", "Sharon: I can't wait.", "Dina: Hello? Hello?! What do you mean, it's not a working number?", "Ashley: Dina.", "Dina: Oh, my god. [ Groans ]", "Ashley: Dina, what are you doing?", "Dina: I'm calling the police.", "Ashley: Okay, please put the phone down.", "Dina: Oh, don't tell me what to do. I won't put the phone down. And what are you doing with this box?", "Ashley: These are my things, and I'm taking them.", "Dina: These are family mementos.", "Ashley: Yes, which belong to me.", "Dina: Nothing in this house belongs to you. Nothing.", "Ashley: Okay, do you remember this?", "Dina: Oh! Yes, I do! [ Chuckles ] John gave this to ashley on her 7th birthday.", "Ashley: Yes. Exactly. Yes. And this -- this was the tennis trophy that I won, and this is my yearbook, and these are my photo albums, and these are gifts that daddy gave me.", "Dina: You are lying. These things belong to ashley.", "Ashley: Yes, they do. You're right.", "Dina: These are a reminder of the happy life she had in this house, and you are stealing them from her. Because you're jealous. Oh, yes, you're very, very jealous of the life I had in this house with john and our children. Now, I want you to leave this stuff and get out.", "Ashley: Just take it. You've taken everything else from me. Just keep it!", "Dina: Oh, stop it. [ Gasps ] Oh, there is jackie. Oh, he's so handsome, like his father. [ Laughing ] And, oh, traci -- always her head in a book. She just loved to read. Oh! And this is christmas -- christmas that we -- oh! Mwah! We had such a wonderful time at christmas in this house. All the love that we shared.", "Ashley: You know, all i remember are the raised voices and the doors slamming and the sound of your car when it pulled out of the garage.", "Dina: Family breakfasts when we all were sitting around the table making our plans for the day.", "Ashley: Daddy started that after you left us. He wanted us to feel love, and he wanted us to know that we were wanted. He did everything he could to make me feel like I was the most important person in the world, and you took that from me.", "Dina: No, no, no, no. No, I didn'T. I love ashley. And I --", "Ashley: I tried for so long to prove that I deserved to have a piece of the family legacy, but it's been shown to me so many times -- so many times that I'm not worthy of it. Ashley abbott's not worthy of it, and you took that from me, too!", "Dina: Oh! No, no. I love ashley! I adore her with all my heart.", "Ashley: You know what, you tell yourself that if it makes you feel better, okay?", "Dina: No, it's true! It's true!", "Ashley: It's not true.", "Dina: It is true!", "Ashley: It's not!", "Dina: It is true, and I can prove it.", "Ashley: You can't prove it.", "Dina: Yes, I can!", "Ashley: There's nothing around here that can prove it because it never, ever existed.", "Dina: Yes, it does exist! It does exist! [ Cries ] [ Sighs ] It does exist, it does exist. [ Door slams ] Oh, it -- it does exist. [ Sobbing ] It does exist.", "Arturo: [ Sighs ] You were not kidding when you said your family was falling apart. I should have figured when I saw the busted window at jabot.", "Abby: Yeah, my uncle jack was furious with my mom.", "Arturo: I can't say I blame him.", "Abby: I just -- I didn't think my mom was capable of being so cruel.", "Arturo: Your uncle using her paternity against her is pretty messed up. Not surprising it drove her --", "Abby: Crazy?", "Arturo: To do something she wouldn't normally do.", "Abby: This is the kind of thing that I would expect from the other side of my family, from the newmans, not the abbotts. The abbotts have always been loving and supportive. They had this special bond that started with john abbott, and it just grew stronger and stronger, and now everything has changed.", "Arturo: But it doesn't mean that it's broken. It just means you guys need to work a little harder to try and get it back to where it used to be.", "Abby: Well, it seems like everyone is doing the opposite, doing terrible things to each other. Terrible things to people they claim they love, and just when i think it's over, something worse happens.", "Arturo: What can I do?", "Abby: I don't think there's anything anyone can do.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: Thank you. Ashley! Hello.", "Ashley: Hello. Going out for a run?", "Victoria: Uh, well, it's a great stress reliever. You should try it.", "Ashley: Mm, I can see it's working wonders for you, victoria.", "Victoria: Well, clearly it is a work-in-progress.", "Ashley: Maybe I should try it. Either that, or inflict bodily harm.", "Victoria: I could give you the number of my karate instructor, if you'd prefer.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Ashley: Perfect!", "Victoria: I'm surprised that you're so tense. I think that you'd be riding high right now.", "Ashley: Why's that?", "Victoria: Well, I heard that you got jabot's board of directors to fire billy as C.E.O. And hire you.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, you haven't heard the latest, have you? I was voted out.", "Victoria: What? That's an --", "Ashley: Unexpected turn of events? I know.", "Victoria: I know how it felt when jack had you removed as C.E.O. Last year. I thought that once you got that title back, you'd do anything that you could to hold onto it.", "Ashley: Mm. I did. And my whole life got blown up in the process. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Rey: If you hadn't convinced mrs. Park to testify against those thugs, they would have walked.", "Sharon: Well, she was grateful to you guys for coming to her aid when her store was held up, and I told her it took a village, and she wanted to do her part to keep the community safe.", "Rey: Well, I hope the village realizes how lucky they are to have you.", "Sharon: I just hope to teach people to stand up and fight back against bullies.", "Rey: Well, congratulations. You're doing a good -- a good job. New sheets.", "Sharon: I stopped and picked those up on the way in today. I hope the color's okay.", "Rey: It's very manly. But, really, you shouldn't -- you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble.", "Sharon: No, no, no. I told you, I love shopping, and now you can use your super-smart bed.", "Rey: You think it could put on its own sheets?", "Sharon: I think not, no.", "Rey: It should. For the amount that I paid...", "Sharon: I wish they would make one that does the dishes. Or, no, one that would give me a manicure after I've done the dishes. Hey, maybe we should invent one.", "Rey: Yeah, I think I'll stick to what I know.", "Sharon: Well, sometimes change can be good.", "Rey: Like you and nick?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ]", "Rey: That couldn't have been easy, back at the coffee shop.", "Sharon: You know, he was just acting like such a -- just -- like nothing's changed between us.", "Rey: It can't be easy, after being connected to somebody that long.", "Sharon: No. It's not. But I feel like I've turned a corner.", "Rey: Well, I hope it leads to someplace good.", "Dina: ...Somewhere. I've got to find it. It's got to be here. It's -- where did I put it? Damn it! Yeah. Is it here? No, it's not there. [ Sighs ] Oh, damn it! [ Sighs ] Oh. Oh, my... I know. It's over here. Yeah, yeah. It's over here. Oh, no! It's not there. It's not here. Where did I put it?", "Kyle: Dina?", "Dina: Hmm? No, I -- I have to find it.", "Kyle: Hey. What's going on? You lose something?", "Dina: Lose?", "Kyle: Yeah, maybe I can help you find what you're looking for.", "Dina: No, you know what, I'm a good mother. I am a good mother.", "Kyle: Of course you are.", "Dina: And I have -- I have to find it. I have to find it. It was here. I'm sure it was. But now I don't know where -- where it was.", "Kyle: Okay, we'll look together. Tell me what we're searching for.", "Dina: [ Sighs ] I -- I am good mother, you know, a very good mother. And I have proof -- I do -- because I put it -- I told john to put it in his will. No, no. Not his will. The papers, into the safe, and -- and the papers... oh! With a signature for ashley!", "Kyle: So we're looking for a paper with a signature.", "Dina: It's in the safe.", "Kyle: Like a safe deposit box.", "Dina: That's it. It was right here, though, but now it's gone. And I told john to put the safe at -- and we took the papers and we put them in the safe together.", "Kyle: At jabot?", "Dina: Yes, of course at jabot!", "Kyle: Let's take a drive.", "Dina: What?! I have to find the safe.", "Kyle: I think I know where it is.", "Ashley: I guess I shouldn't be surprised how it all turned out. I saw what happened to you when you colluded with jack to get me thrown out of newman.", "Victoria: Dad thought that i was being disloyal.", "Ashley: Oh, you were just trying to get what was rightfully yours, just like me.", "Victoria: What did you do?", "Ashley: I tried to take my life back, and I guess i resorted to extreme measures, but I didn't do anything worse than what's been done to me. I have no idea why I'm talking to you right now.", "Victoria: Because i understand what it feels like to have to prove you're as smart and qualified and deserving as your brother.", "Ashley: Yeah, and no matter what you do, you just never seem to measure up in some people's eyes.", "Victoria: Word!", "Ashley: [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: So, when did your family decide to dress up as my family for halloween this year?", "Ashley: What?", "Victoria: I don't know, i just always think that the newmans are the dysfunctional royalty of the town and the abbotts are kind and loving and generous. They're the all american family.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, that's just how we were raised, you know, to project that image. Smile and be nice and don't let anybody know what's really going on, but there was a lot going on, and not all of it was good.", "Victoria: I never would have known.", "Ashley: Well, it turns out that the abbotts can be just as ruthless as the newmans.", "Victoria: Is that what brought you to this point?", "Ashley: Yeah. I guess I just had it. I was so tired of being bullied. You know, I came up with this battle plan, and I knew that once I went forward with it, there'd be no turning back, and the craziest thing is, I -- I don't really have any regrets.", "Victoria: It's taken its toll, in more ways than you can imagine.", "Ashley: Sounds like you've been through something similar. Well, was it worth it?", "Victoria: I hope so.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Arturo: You bought breakfast. Again.", "Abby: That's not what I mean. Thank you for the support.", "Arturo: You know I'm here for you, abby.", "Abby: I do. And to hear you say that is reassuring in its own right. It's easy for me to keep this inside bottled up, but to be able to talk about it, to just get it all out there, it's very, um...", "Arturo: Therapeutic?", "Abby: And then some.", "Arturo: Well, I have quite a bit of experience when it comes to family hurting each other. I know how deep the cuts can go.", "Abby: You and rey?", "Arturo: Yeah.", "Nick: Abby.", "Abby: Nick. Hi.", "Nick: I thought I heard you out here. Hey, arturo.", "Arturo: Nick.", "Abby: Do you need something?", "Nick: Yeah, can I talk to you for a second?", "Abby: Yeah. Sure. See you later?", "Arturo: All right.", "Abby: Is this about the distribution strategies for the upcoming pr campaign?", "Nick: It's not about work. Has arturo talked to you much about his brother?", "Abby: Uh, no, that's a topic he likes to avoid.", "Nick: There's got to be a reason for that.", "Abby: There's some bad blood between them.", "Nick: And he never mentioned why?", "Abby: Not really.", "Nick: I'm surprised you're not more curious about that.", "Abby: I'm surprised you are.", "Rey: Uh, do you think you --", "Sharon: No. No. I will not do your report for you.", "Rey: Oh, it's just the victim part.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Okay. Finish the rest and then send it to me.", "Rey: Thank you. Reports are just --", "Sharon: I know, they're your least favorite part of your job.", "[ Cellphone rings ] [ Gasps ] Hi! Oh, really? Everyone else must have been busy. [ Laughs ] I'm just kidding. No, I would love to have dinner with you. Well, faith's at a sleepover, so it'll just be the two of us. Oh, and a yummy bottle of wine. What are you in the mood for? Well, I love their pasta, but my thighs don'T. Would you want to try that new thai place? Okay, great. You get the food, and I'll get the wine. I'll see you at the house.", "Rey: That your daughter?", "Sharon: Mini girls' night.", "Rey: You two seem close.", "Sharon: Yeah, we are now. A few years ago, things weren't so good between us.", "Rey: Yeah. Teenagers can be tough.", "Sharon: No, this was different. I didn't raise mariah from birth, or his twin sister cassie. They were both taken from me as babies, adopted. I found cassie first, but by the time mariah came into my life, her sister had died in a car crash, so... it was a lot for mariah to deal with.", "Rey: And you. You lost your other daughter.", "Sharon: She was 14. It was... well, there are no words.", "Rey: I can't imagine losing a child.", "Sharon: I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy.", "Rey: My wife and I weren't lucky enough to have kids. That's not true. Mia didn't want them.", "Sharon: But you did.", "Rey: Yeah, I wanted to be the kind of dad I never had. You know, play soccer with them, take them fishing... be there when they needed me. I wanted a house full of laughter and noise and whipped cream fights. And love. Lots of love.", "Sharon: Sometimes people change their minds about wanting kids. [ Cellphone chimes ] Um, I -- I have to go.", "Rey: Are you okay?", "Sharon: Yeah, it's just an appointment I forgot about. Send me that report.", "Dina: Where's john?", "Kyle: He's not here, but I'm sure I can help you find the papers you're looking for.", "Dina: Papers?", "Kyle: The signed document. You said it was the office. That's why I brought you here.", "Dina: No, no, no. I was here to have lunch with my husband. We have a table at the country club.", "Kyle: Well, while we wait for him, why don't we look for the safe you were talking about?", "Dina: The safe? Well... the safe. It's over there. It's right there! I know. It's all changed.", "Kyle: Maybe you're confused.", "Dina: No, I'm not confused. It was right there. We put papers in the safe together. To protect ashley.", "Kyle: Okay.", "Dina: It was right there. On the wall. That's right.", "[ Knocking continues ]", "Dina: Yes! Yes!", "Kyle: I need something --", "Dina: There you go!", "Kyle: Let's put it here.", "Dina: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Kyle: [ Grunting ]", "Dina: [ Groaning ]", "Kyle: [ Grunts ]", "Dina: Oh! [ Laughs ] Okay. Okay. Yes. Aha!", "Kyle: Holy...", "Dina: Yes. There, see? I wasn't lying. It's right there on the wall.", "Kyle: We don't know the combination.", "Dina: Well, I do.", "Kyle: You know the combination?", "Dina: Well, of course. It's my birthday.", "Kyle: August 28th, right?", "Dina: Right.", "Kyle: So, that's 8...", "Dina: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: 28...", "Dina: Right.", "Kyle: And you just turned... so that would make it 19...", "Dina: 38.", "Kyle: 38.", "Dina: Well, open it! Open it! Oh!", "Abby: Are you kidding me? No, I'm not gonna do that.", "Nick: Ab, come on. I'm not asking you to force this out of him. Just kind of, I don't know, lean the conversation in that direction, and let's see what happens.", "Abby: Lean the conversation? Nick, are you even hearing yourself right now?", "Nick: It's not an unreasonable request. What?", "Abby: You want me to use arturo to get information on rey so you can spy on sharon?", "Nick: Yeah, I do.", "Abby: And you consider that a reasonable request?", "Nick: Look, you're making me sound like I'm some jealous ex.", "Abby: Good! Because that's how you're coming across right now.", "Nick: Well, she's the mother of my kids.", "Abby: Oh, please, do not play that card.", "Nick: And I need to know why rosales is so interested in sharon.", "Abby: Hmm, but you're not jealous?", "Nick: Look, sharon and I may not have gotten married, but i still care about her a lot, and this guy has been lying since \"hello.\" He acted like he was my friend. He think he's this good samaritan. He gave sharon a job. He's renting a place from her. He invites her over for dinner, and the dude has a wife.", "Abby: Mia, yeah, I know.", "Nick: Well, why isn't she in the picture? And why does arturo never want to talk about his brother? You have to be curious about that.", "Abby: Yeah, a little.", "Nick: Look --", "Abby: Okay, a lot. Yeah, it just doesn't feel right lying to arturo about this.", "Nick: Okay, okay. You want to get to the truth. All right? But if you want to get serious with this guy, you need to care about this as much as I do.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Okay, fine, I will see what i can do.", "Nick: Okay. Thank you. You won't regret this, abby.", "Abby: I hope not.", "Victoria: Yeah, you should have everything that you need by this time tomorrow. Mm-hmm. There's no rush getting back to me. Take the weekend, look it over, and then call me if there's anything that you want to discuss. Okay, yeah. We'll talk soon. Bye-bye. Sharon, you can't just barge in here like that. I was on a conference call. How would you like it if I --", "Sharon: Trust me, you'd be pissed if I hadn't shown up in person.", "Victoria: Okay. What's going on?", "Sharon: Have you checked your e-mail?", "Victoria: No, not recently. I was tied up on a conference call.", "Sharon: Well, you need to look at it. Now.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] All right. What exactly am I looking for?", "Sharon: Okay, stop scrolling. There. Look at the subject line. \"We're not through.\" I got the same one.", "Victoria: What about my mom? And phyllis.", "Sharon: It was delivered to them, too.", "Victoria: \"You now owe $249,999. If it's not wired into my bank account by midnight tonight, the police will know what's buried under here.\"", "[ Gasps ] Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Cane: I would like to see my wife right now. I'm afraid that's not possible.", "Sharon: My friendships aren't any of your business, so stay out of my life.", "Traci: I am a little sick about a lot of things, especially the direction this family is headed.", "Dina: What are you doing?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Tom opens Sheila's door just as she throws something against it in anger at not being able to kill Lauren that day. Tom sees that she is angry and smiles. \"Could this be about Lauren ending up in the hospital and you failing at your plan?\" Tom asks her. Sheila says nothing. Tom remembers her asking about poisons, researching them and now Lauren is hallucinating and laying in a hospital. Sheila sees that Tom has figured her out. Tom tells Sheila that this isn't so bad. They have similar interests and can work together on this. Sheila hates to admit it but Tom could be of further use to her for now anyway. Lauren is feeling like her old self again. she has to stay in the hospital one more day but at least she can look good. She reaches for her earrings and smiles at Michael as he watches her put her jewelry on. She then asks him to put her son's gift back around her neck where it belongs. Michael puts the necklace on his fiancee as he promises her that he will get to the bottom of what is wrong with her. Sheila has Scott over to work on the book. He tells her all about the incident with Lauren on the roof and Sheila makes the appropriate surprise noises. When Scott tells her that there will be testing done to see what it was that Lauren had come in contact with to get her ill, Sheila realizes that she has to make a trip back to the hospital to get that necklace before anyone gets a chance to test it for anything. Victoria panics when Brad comes to her with a little black velvet box. She holds her breath. She opens the box and finds expensive earrings inside. She refuses to take them seeing as she refuses to get involved with a married man. That is when Brad enlightens her that he has decided that it is time for him to get a divorce. Victoria is thrilled and immediately accepts the earrings. She thanks him properly with an open-mouthed passionate kiss. Nick has a chat with Brad. He tells the man that he feels that the auditions were handled wrong. The press shouldn't have been there and Victoria should have been the one answering questions as the head of the company, not Brad. Brad reminds Nick that he has a lot of office experience and knows what he is doing. Nick knows that may be so, but at Newman Brad is warned that he has a lot to learn." ]
[ "Sheila: (Thinking) this won't be nearly as much fun as watching you take a swan dive off a building, but it'll do.", "Sheila: Sweet dreams, Lauren. And don't worry. I'll take real good care of Scotty.", "Woman: I didn't know anyone else was in here.", "Sheila: (British accent) I was just about to take Ms. Fenmore's vitals.", "Woman: Well, Dr. Walker asked me to look after this patient personally.", "Sheila: My goodness, I'm so sorry. I'm new here. I only started last week.", "Woman: Hello, Ms. Fenmore. How are you feeling?", "Lauren: I'm okay. I thought I heard voices.", "Woman: Oh, well, I was just speaking to the other...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I was just as surprised to see Nicholas here as you were.", "Victoria: So you weren't expecting him?", "Sharon: No.", "Victoria: Hmm. Well, maybe he just came by to give you a little extra support.", "Sharon: Yeah, yeah, I mean, I feel like it really gave me a boost in my audition. That's why I felt so confident.", "Victoria: Well, good. I take it this means things are better between you two.", "Sharon: Well, yeah. Yeah, we have been doing better. Spending a lot of time together...", "Victoria: Well, I'm glad for you. But I still don't buy it.", "Sharon: Buy what?", "Victoria: That the only reason Nicholas showed up was to give you a little smile and a nod. My brother has not set foot in this building since I took over. So why would he stop by today of all days?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I wanted to congratulate you on the auditions today. Good job.", "Brad: Thanks, Nick.", "Nick: The candidates are all very strong. It's gonna be a tough choice.", "Brad: Well, it's up to the market research folks now. Though I don't think any of the others were quite as good as Sharon. She really knocked it out of the park today.", "Nick: Yeah, I knew she could do it.", "Brad: So did I. Still, it was impressive to see her in action.", "Nick: The whole thing was impressive, Brad. It's just too bad it all went downhill.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Brittany's been up in her room for quite awhile. Maybe one of us should go check on her.", "J.T.: She needs some time alone, Jill.", "Jill: She needs her friends.", "J.T.: Hey, Brittany. Can I get you something?", "Jill: Maybe some tea? Do you wanna sit down, honey?", "Brittany: It wasn't really a dream, was it? Some freakish nightmare. Tell me I'm gonna wake up...", "Brittany: Bobby's really dead. My husband is gone. My son doesn't have a father.", "Jill: Brittany...", "Brittany: What are we gonna do now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Do you honestly think I would work with you on anything, especially trying to prove this ridiculous idea that Michael set you up?", "Tom: You know he did.", "Gloria: I don't know any such thing! And I don't want any part of this.", "Tom: That's too bad, baby, 'cause you're in.", "Gloria: Oh, no, I'm not! I don't believe for one minute that Michael framed you. And if he did, he's too smart to leave a shred of evidence. Sorry, Tom. Lost cause.", "Tom: Well, if anybody can find a way, you can. Look, you pulled yourself out of that dump in Detroit, didn't you? And now look at you. Living high on the hog and married to John Abbott.", "Gloria: Yeah, that's right. And I don't have time for this now, this war between you and Michael. Not with his wedding right around the corner, and especially with Lauren in the hospital.", "Tom: What'd you say? Lauren... is in the hospital? What happened to her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Sweetie. Guess who I found out in the parking lot.", "Scott: Mom. Are you all right?", "Lauren: Oh, Scott. Oh, thank God, thank God. Yes, I'm fine.", "Scott: Mom, I was working at the library. I didn't get any of Michael's messages until a few minutes ago.", "Lauren: Its okay, sweetie. I'm just so grateful that you're here now.", "Scott: Michael didn't tell me much-- something about--about you on the roof of his building?", "Lauren: So I just got so dizzy and... the roof started spinning. I didn't know where I was or what was happening.", "Scott: You're lucky you weren't hurt.", "Lauren: It was really frightening. It's a good thing Michael got there when he did.", "Scott: I feel a little guilty.", "Lauren: For what?", "Scott: Throwing Michael the bachelor party. If he'd been home with you, you wouldn't have been alone.", "Lauren: Honey--", "Scott: This wouldn't have happened.", "Lauren: Honey, honey, don't even go there. I mean, no one could have predicted what would happen.", "Michael: Your mother's right. Let's just be grateful she's okay.", "Scott: I am. I love you, Mom.", "Lauren: I love you, too, sweetie. All right, please, can we talk about something far more pleasant, huh? How about the wedding that's coming up? We should all be looking forward to the big day.", "Scott: The big day? Mom, you're not still planning on going through with the wedding now?", "Lauren: Of course I am.", "Scott: No, you can't do that!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: What happened to her? Since when do you care about Lauren being sick?", "Tom: Why is she in the hospital? Is it serious?", "Gloria: The doctors are running tests. We don't really know what's wrong with her. We just know that she's seeing things, things that aren't there.", "Tom: Hallucinating, huh?", "Gloria: That's right. She's hallucinating. And she was so scared, she almost jumped off the roof.", "Tom: Oh, wouldn't that be a real shame?", "Gloria: You're getting some sick pleasure out of this. Out of Michael's fiancée's suffering, aren't you?", "Tom: Back off. I got my own problems. And number one on the hit parade is your son. Now you better help me nail him for setting me up, or that rich hubby of yours is gonna get a personal thank you for springing me from the can.", "Gloria: I do you a favor and you turn right around and use it to blackmail me again? Shame on you, Tom.", "Tom: Well, you know how it is, Glo. Leopard. Spots. Connect the dots. You'll be hearing from me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Bobby... Bobby, you can't leave me.", "Jill: Honey... is Joshua okay? Is he sleeping? Brittany, is the baby sleeping?", "Brittany: Huh? Oh, um... yes, he's... he's sleeping. He's so peaceful. He has no idea that everything's just been ripped out from underneath him.", "Brittany: J.T., what did the people from the F.B.I. tell you?", "J.T.: I didn't talk to them. Jill did.", "Jill: They said that Bobby was killed in a hit-and-run right outside the place where he was staying.", "Brittany: Are they calling it an accident?", "Jill: Well, they don't know. It happened so fast, they weren't able to get a license number.", "Brittany: Did he die right away? Was he in pain? Please, Jill, tell me. I need to know.", "Jill: Honey, they said he died immediately.", "Brittany: You'd think I would have been prepared.", "J.T.: Brittany, nobody can prepare for something like this.", "Brittany: But we never even discussed... you know, I never even considered what I would do if Bobby was killed.", "Jill: Well, of course you didn't. Because everything Bobby did, he did in the hope of building a better life for the three of you.", "Brittany: I-I never even imagined a future without him.", "Brittany: Why didn't he ever just say, \"Here's what you do if they manage to get me. Here's how you live without me\"?", "Brittany: Damn him! I'll never forgive him for leaving me like this! Damn Bobby for doing this to me and Joshua!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Why are you so determined to read something into Nicholas showing up here today? He was in the background the whole time.", "Victoria: Well, he may have been in the background, but believe me, his presence was felt. He was sending a clear message.", "Sharon: What message was that?", "Victoria: Oh, come on, Sharon. Don't take me for a fool. He was here to intimidate the other candidates and to make them feel that the whole process was just for show, and they might as well give up and go home because the job was already yours.", "Sharon: Nicholas would never do that.", "Victoria: He's wanted you to be spokesmodel from the very beginning, and if I know my brother--", "Sharon: Oh, you know what? You don't know him, Victoria. And you're wrong about this. If I thought that my husband were trying to give me some unfair advantage, I would have been the first person to be upset with him because that's not how I want to win this competition.", "Victoria: All right, well, for what it's worth, I believe you.", "Sharon: I'm glad.", "Sharon: I have some work to get done. Don't you?", "Victoria: What are you really up to, Nicholas?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about, Nick. I thought everything went fine today.", "Nick: Yeah, that's part of the problem.", "Brad: Please elaborate.", "Nick: The press conference today. At Newman Enterprises, we don't invite the media to an event like that. We're looking for a spokesmodel. It's a very important internal decision that hasn't been made yet. There was just no need for the media to be there.", "Brad: Look, Nick, with the short lead time before the rollout, we need all the press we can get. Now all the better if it's free. Your sister didn't have a problem with it.", "Nick: I wouldn't be so sure about that. I know my sister. She wouldn't say anything negative in a public forum like that, especially with reporters around. Look, a word of advice-- I don't know how they did things at Jabot, but at Newman Enterprises, when dealing with the press, and the C.E.O. is standing right next to you, the C.E.O. fields the questions, not the associate.", "Brad: And I can certainly appreciate that. And maybe that's how it was under your watch. But Victoria seems to have a little bit different leadership style. She tends to delegate authority, let others take the initiative.", "Nick: Well, that's fine. As long as those others realize who's boss.", "Brad: Nicholas, I know whose name is on the building. But when I was at Jabot, I made that company a lot of money by going with my instincts. And I'll do the same thing now that I'm here.", "Nick: Well, I hope so. 'Cause I know you think you have my sister snowed, but you still have an awful lot to learn about Newman Enterprises. As a matter of fact, you could think of yourself as a student. Because even with all your experience, Brad, that's what you are.", "Brad: Yeah, this is Brad Carlton. I need something, and I need it fast.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Not once, but twice you've managed to get away from me. If that nosy nurse hadn't come in when she did, you'd be dead by now! Yeah, well, you know what? You're not gonna be so lucky next time, Lauren, no. No, I lost Scotty once, and now that he is back in my life, I will never lose him again. Ever! Well, now you know what, Lauren? Third time is a charm. Do you hear me? (Grunts) (Glass shatters)", "Tom: Wow. That any way to welcome me home? (Closes door)", "Sheila: I am really in no mood for your so-called sense of humor. I bailed you out. Now why don't you do me a favor and get out?", "Tom: What, are you kicking me out of the old homestead?", "Sheila: I asked you to get your own room days ago!", "Tom: Oh, having a tough time, are we?", "Sheila: You have no idea.", "Tom: You think not? How about this? You're upset 'cause you weren't able to get rid of Lauren Fenmore the way you planned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Why can't I go through with the wedding?", "Scott: You're in the hospital. When you get out of here, you gotta take it easy. Does the doctor even know what's wrong with you?", "Lauren: Actually, he hasn't said, but that doesn't mean anything.", "Scott: Then I think you need to hold off until you know more.", "Lauren: Honey, I really appreciate your concern, but you're overreacting. Michael, please tell my son he's overreacting.", "Michael: Well, maybe Scott has a point. Maybe we should consider postponing.", "Lauren: Absolutely not. Guys, I feel great. I have waited long enough. Nothing is gonna stop me from walking down the aisle.", "Scott: Can't you at least wait until you hear what the doctor says?", "Reese: Sounds like I have good timing.", "Lauren: You do.", "Michael: Dr. Walker, you have news for us?", "Reese: I do. We got back the results from Lauren's tox screen.", "Lauren: Great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon?", "Nick: Hey, babe, it's me. I was wondering if you were ready to go home. Oh, yeah, that's cool. If you have work to do, I'll just catch up with you later. Okay. I love you, too. Hey, and I just want to tell you again how proud I am of you. I think you did a really good job today. Okay, see you.", "Victor: Well? Hello, my boy.", "Nick: You're home.", "Victor: Yeah. Nice to be home. Nice to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Our whole marriage was one lie after another. Bobby was going to get that cabaret for us, remember? And then, little by little, he just gave up on it. Bobby knew I never cared about the money.", "Jill: Brittany, honey, try to calm down.", "Brittany: No, don't tell me to calm down! Bobby promised. He said our lives would be peaceful and that those goons from his past would never bother us again. And I believed him because he was my husband and he was my life and I believed every word he said. But those goons... they hooked Bobby in and they wouldn't let him go. He lied. His promises meant nothing. He was never really free of his old life.", "J.T.: Brittany, he tried. He thought it was finally behind him.", "Brittany: Well, he was wrong. And where does that leave me and my son?! With nothing!", "Joshua: (Cries over monitor)", "Jill: I'll go check on him.", "J.T.: You done now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reese: We found a rare toxic agent in your blood.", "Michael: Toxic agent?", "Lauren: Are you talking about poison? How would that happen?", "Reese: Well, any number of ways--something you ate, something you breathed in perhaps from your ventilation system at home or work.", "Michael: No, it couldn't have happened at home. Lauren and I live together. I'd be affected, too. I feel fine.", "Reese: Well, unless you were exposed, but you just didn't have the same reaction.", "Lauren: So what are you saying, that I've had some sort of allergy?", "Reese: Well, perhaps. At this point, we just don't know. When you started experiencing symptoms, do you recall doing anything different around that time? Did you use a strong cleaning product, try a new food?", "Lauren: No, no.", "Reese: Well, now it's possible the chemical worked its way into your blood through your skin. Do you remember touching anything unusual?", "Lauren: Like what?", "Reese: A plant, some kind of an animal?", "Lauren: I-I honestly can't think of anything. I've been at home and work and the athletic club. I can't imagine where I would come in contact with something like that.", "Scott: What if we can't figure out what caused this?", "Reese: Well, there are some tests we can run. It would just be a lot easier if your mom could just point us in some direction.", "Lauren: Hmm. Well, I can't. I mean, if I think of anything, I'll contact you immediately, but at least we finally know what caused me to act like that on the roof. And I'm okay, right? At least that's something.", "Michael: That's what matters.", "Scott: So what's going to happen to my mom now?", "Lauren: My son is wondering if I'm going to be okay to get married later this week.", "Reese: Well, let's wait and see. For now, we'll continue the I.V. That'll help flush out any remaining toxins from your system. You should be back to your old self soon.", "Michael: When can she be released?", "Reese: Oh, ask me that tomorrow. Look, I know you're anxious to get out of here, but you've been through a severe trauma. Now you just have to give yourself a chance to recuperate. I have to say that I am delighted that you're doing as well as you are. You're lucky to be alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: I have no idea what you're talking about.", "Tom: Oh, so that's how we're playin' it, huh? Oh, come on, Brenda, it doesn't take a college graduate to add this up. You told me Lauren Fenmore was an enemy. You asked me about poison. Now Michael's little fiancée is lyin' in some hospital after one hell of a bad trip. Jeez, I wonder what could make her hallucinate like that. Don't you?", "Sheila: What do you expect me to say?", "Tom: Honey, I don't expect anything. All I know is I'm seein' my roommate here in a whole, new light.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Now you see? Dr. Walker said I'd be well enough to get married as planned.", "Scott: If everything goes the way it should.", "Lauren: I'm not worried.", "Michael: Neither are we, right, Scott?", "Scott: Is there anything I can do for you, Mom?", "Lauren: Yes. Put a smile on your face. Come on, and you can keep pluggin' away at your book.", "Scott: Oh, the book. I'm supposed to meet Brenda. I'll have to call her and tell her I can't make it.", "Lauren: No, no, no, you will not do such a thing.", "Scott: I want to be here with you.", "Lauren: I know you do, but I don't want to take you away from your work. Come on, you should go. Michael will keep an eye on me.", "Michael: I'm not going anywhere, buddy, go on.", "Lauren: Right, and, you know, your writing partner flew all the way from Toronto to work with you. Now you've seen me, you know I'm feeling great, so go be with Brenda, all right? Get a lot of writing done and don't forget to tell her I say hello.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: That's it? That's all you have to say?", "Tom: I like a woman who knows how to take charge.", "Sheila: I don't like it when people get between me and what I want.", "Tom: And in this case, that would be...", "Sheila: None of your business.", "Tom: Fine. I got all the answers I need. So here's my take-- you got a problem with Lauren, I got one with mike, so if we work together... well, I'm sure you catch my drift. So meanwhile, how about I take a shower and we talk a little more while we, uh... celebrate my homecomin'?", "Sheila: How about you take a shower in your own room and the celebration's going to have to wait.", "Tom: I just get out of jail and already you're shovin' me out the door?", "Sheila: I'm expecting company.", "Tom: Oh, honey...", "Sheila: But I thank you for being so understanding.", "Tom: Mm-mm-mmm! You're mean.", "Sheila: You know, fortunately for you, Tom, you may still be of use to me, but you're dangerous. Too dangerous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I tell you what, though, walking through those ancient ruins in Greece and realizing that was the birthplace of civilization, that almost gives you goose bumps, puts things in perspective.", "Nick: It sounds like you and Mom had an amazing time.", "Victor: Had a wonderful time.", "Nick: Where is she now?", "Victor: At home resting.", "Nick: And how is she doing? You know, really?", "Victor: Hmm... that's another story, son. I think Cassie's death and her kidnapping left far deeper wounds than either of us realized, but the trip did a lot of good. Ocean breeze, stars at night, away from everything. At times, it was actually quite romantic, to be honest with you.", "Nick: That was exactly what Mom needed.", "Victor: Yeah, it was what we both needed.", "Nick: I'm anxious to see her.", "Victor: She feels the same.", "Nick: And what about you? Don't tell me you came straight here from the airport. (Chuckles) old habits die hard, huh?", "Victor: They certainly do, son. So what happened? What is this all about? Something happened, some special event? What?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm sorry you missed it. Brad and Victoria put on quite a show.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Victoria: Come in.", "Brad: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi. I was wondering where you were.", "Brad: I had some loose ends to tie up before checking in with you.", "Victoria: Oh, well, I would say that today has been a smashing success, wouldn't you?", "Brad: Absolutely. We should celebrate.", "Victoria: Well, if we weren't so busy, I'd agree with you there, but...", "Brad: I knew you were going to say that, but this moment is too important to let it slip by without acknowledging it.", "Victoria: Well, by all means. Let's acknowledge it. We would never be where we are today without you, brad. I had no idea how much you would come to mean to this company.", "Brad: And I had no idea how much you'd come to mean to me. In the short time we've worked together, we've accomplished some incredible things, Victoria. I've never felt so passionate and so energized. It's not just the work. It's you. You're an amazing woman, Victoria Newman... and I have something I'd like to give you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I have a right to be angry.", "J.T.: Going off on Bobby isn't going to make you feel any better, Brittany.", "Brittany: Like you'd know anything about it, or did I miss the part where the love of your life was killed and you were left with a child to raise on your own? I hate Bobby for lying to me... for lying to himself.", "J.T.: Hey, Bobby did what he thought was best for his family.", "Brittany: He was so strong, he was so sure of himself. I counted on him, J.T. I counted on him to be here for me.", "J.T.: You got a lot more strength than you give yourself credit for.", "Brittany: Bobby always tried to do the right thing. Where did it get him? A car plowing into him, dying on some sidewalk with a bunch of strangers around. Nobody can even prove that it was the mob who killed him. He died for nothing.", "J.T.: The feds won't give up that easily.", "Brittany: Oh, you mean the people who are supposed to protect him? That's comforting. Joshua will never know his father because those people didn't do their jobs! What am I going to tell my son? (Sobs) oh, God. This can't be happening. This isn't happening. What am I going to do?", "J.T.: Brittany, before Bobby left, he asked me to take care of you.", "Brittany: Oh, we've asked so much of you, J.T.", "J.T.: He asked me... he asked me because he knew I wouldn't say no.", "Brittany: J.T., I don't expect you to take care of me.", "J.T.: No, look... it's you and me. Friends forever, right? I'll always be there for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Lauren remembering.]", "(Dog barks)", "Lauren: Aah! I've got to get help. I'll call somebody.", "Lauren: Aah!", "(Sobs)", "Sheila: You're all alone up here on the roof, Lauren... only now, I'm here, too. We're together. I'm in your mind. I'm a part of your soul.", "Lauren: No! I know who I am.", "Sheila: Do you? Come on, Lauren... why don't you look? Why don't you just see?", "Sheila: Look at the sweet, inviting nothingness below and imagine what a relief it would be. That's right, you can do it. Just do it, Lauren.", "Lauren: (Whispering) there's so much to live for.", "Sheila: (Whispering) you have nothing!", "Lauren: I have Michael. I have Scott.", "Sheila: Don't be stupid. Your son hates you. He hates you for abandoning him when he was a child.", "Lauren: (Normal voice) no! No, I didn't abandon him. You stole him from me.", "Sheila: (Normal voice) you shoved him aside. You stuck him into boarding school.", "Lauren: To protect him from you!", "Sheila: You will never be rid of me.", "Lauren: (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: It's frightening, isn't it? That something could get into my system and mess with my mind like that.", "Michael: I almost lost you.", "Michael: I-I don't know what I would have done.", "Lauren: Okay, let's talk about something else, okay?", "Michael: If that's what you want.", "Lauren: Yeah. This is, uh, it's a setback.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: You know, it's not a tragedy. I'm alive. I'm marrying the man of my dreams, and my son's in town. I have so much to be grateful for.", "Michael: What are you doing?", "Lauren: (Laughs) well, this hospital gown is so beautiful, I just want to set it off perfectly. I want to look decent.", "Michael: You are beautiful.", "Lauren: You're such a liar.", "Michael: I am?", "Lauren: You are, but I love you for that.", "Michael: Love you, too.", "Lauren: Put my necklace back on me.", "Michael: Sure.", "Lauren: Please.", "Michael: You know, I am going to, um... I'm going to find out what happened to you. I'm not going to give up till I figure it out and make sure it never happens again.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Oh, your poor mother. How horrible. I can't imagine what would have happened if her fiancé hadn't gotten there in time.", "Scott: I'm just glad I wasn't in Toronto at the time.", "Sheila: Was there any indication as to how something so toxic got into her system?", "Scott: No, not so far. Michael and I are going to do some investigating-- check out her apartment, her car, her clothes.", "Sheila: Her clothes?", "Scott: Yeah, everything she might have touched.", "Sheila: That's quite a job.", "Scott: We're not going to let this go until we figure it out. This can never happen again.", "Sheila: Yeah, well, it sounds like you're going to be pretty busy.", "Scott: I haven't forgotten my promise. I'm not going to waste your time with my family problems. I'm here to work.", "Sheila: Excellent. All right. Well, shall we?", "Scott: I'll just grab a soda from the machine down the hall, and we'll get started. You want one?", "Sheila: No. No. Thank you, though.", "Scott: Okay.", "Sheila: (Whispering) god, that necklace. The necklace can tie me to everything. That can't happen. (Normal voice) I'm just going to have to go get it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I'm sorry.", "J.T.: For what?", "Brittany: For losing it like that.", "J.T.: Don't worry. It's okay.", "Brittany: My head hurts every time I try to think about what happens next. My brain is foggy. How do I come up with a plan for me and Joshua?", "J.T.: Don't worry about that now. We'll figure something out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: (Chuckles) well? Are you just going to stare at it? Don't you want to know what's inside?", "Victoria: Oh, Brad...", "Brad: In honor of our first of many accomplishments together.", "Victoria: They're beautiful, but I can't accept them. I'm sorry. They're too much.", "Brad: Victoria...", "Victoria: I meant what I said, brad. I won't allow myself to get in deep with a married man.", "Brad: That's not going to be an issue anymore.", "Victoria: It's not?", "Brad: I've started divorce proceedings with Ashley. I've decided I have to start thinking about my future. Now will you accept them?", "Victoria: Well, how can I say no? Thank you. Thank you so much.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So it's too bad they had that press conference after the audition. Some of those reporters really went after Sharon.", "Victor: Oh, they did? How did she take it?", "Nick: She was caught a little off guard. Some of the questions they were asking were off base, but Brad and Victoria stepped in.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Have they found a spokesmodel for the new line yet?", "Nick: Not yet, but whoever they choose, is going to have their work cut out for them. The holidays are right around the corner.", "Victor: And you're hoping it'll be Sharon?", "Nick: It's what Sharon wants.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nick: And I have to admit, you know, it's, uh, it's an exciting time to be at Newman Enterprises.", "Victor: Yeah, you know something? I agree with you.", "Nick: You know, mom isn't the only one who benefited from some time off. I did a lot of soul-searching. And while my family will always come first, I realize that I need more in my life.", "Victor: Hmm. Like what?", "Nick: It's been long enough. It's time that I came back to Newman Enterprises.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sheila: Okay, the necklace... I know I have to get it back.", "Lauren: What's going on?", "Michael: I'm having everything you came in contact with tested.", "Nick: This company needs me back in charge.", "Victor: Your sister is C.E.O. of the company." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ashley takes on Victor and tells him Faith's christening is happening without him. Paul meets Patty's friend and doppelganger Dr. P. (her inspiration for the new face) and decides that he needs to share this discovery with Victor and Jack, who are stunned. Patty is totally out of her mind. Kay appoints Jill back to Jabot to share duties with Jack but they butt heads instantly. Ashley gives Billy the money for Restless Style after Traci declines but gives him her blessing.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Hey, no, I get it. I understand. I appreciate your time, though. (Sighs) Hey, can I get a big scotch?", "Jack: I told you we could do business. Great to see you. Give Larry my best. I see the, uh, banker just turned you down.", "Billy: What, did you come over here to gloat, Jack?", "Jack: Hey, I'm not surprised. Credit is still tight, especially for start-ups.", "Billy: Yeah, well, they're not the only game in town. I have plenty of options, even if my own trust isn't one of them.", "Jack: Well, in the absence of any details about what this new venture of yours--", "Billy: Oh, Jack, just-- don't act like you care.", "Jack: Humor me.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Jack: What do you need that kind of money for?", "Billy: Well... (Clears throat) Actually, I'm gonna buy \"Restless Style.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Look at you working out. Good for you.", "Victor: Anything to get out of here as soon as possible.", "Ashley: Yeah. (Sighs) Well, my lawyer got a call from Michael this morning about transferring the title to the ranch. I appreciate you not fighting me on this.", "Victor: I think the ranch is the best place for the two girls to grow up. Besides, Abby has been through enough upheaval.", "Ashley: Sooner or later, we're gonna have to tell her about the divorce.", "Victor: Well, why don't we do that together?", "Ashley: Well, we will. I was just hoping to do it before the christening.", "Victor: Well, that won't be for another week or two.", "Ashley: Actually, I had to move the ceremony up. It's tomorrow.", "Victor: What do you mean, \"You had to move it up\"? Why didn't I know about that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Paul: Almost didn't recognize you outside of the hospital.", "Nikki: Hey. Well, I do escape every now and then, sometimes even without your help.", "Paul: How is Victor coming along?", "Nikki: Well, I'm here, aren't I?", "Paul: (Sighs) I'll take that as a good sign.", "Nikki: So what are you up to today?", "Paul: Um, visiting Patty.", "Nikki: Oh, is she still at that facility by Green Bay?", "Paul: Uh, no. She's been transferred to a mental hospital right outside of town. I've been there a few times.", "Nikki: Any change?", "Paul: Uh... (Sighs) She is, um, completely cut off from reality. At this point, I'm not sure anyone can help her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: (Gasps) You're here. (Laughs) I-I have been asking for you. Oh, my gosh. I'm so glad you came.", "Woman: Oh, Patty. What have you done?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: \"Restless Style\" is Phyllis' baby. She's not about to walk away from it.", "Billy: Well, apparently, everybody has their price.", "Jack: So w-- what is this? You--you dancing on my grave? You know how much I didn't want to sell that magazine.", "Billy: Jack, me buying \"Restless Style\" has nothing to do with sticking it to you. But I-if it makes you feel better, just look at it this way-- I'm bringing it right back to the Abbott fold.", "Jack: If you get the loan.", "Billy: When I get the loan, Jack.", "Jack: You don't have the first clue what you are getting into. Keeping a niche publication afloat--", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Jack: If Nick didn't have \"Old moneybags'\" blank check--", "Billy: Try this, just once. Just once, try giving me an ounce of credit. This is my territory, Jack. I know what people my age want to read. I know what they want to buy. I know trends. I know what's hot.", "Jack: I know you've been around. I know you've been to a few good parties. It does not qualify you to head up a magazine. You need intensive hands-on experience, management experience.", "Billy: And where am I gonna get that management experience? Or did you come in here to offer me a chance at running Jabot again? Huh? Next month? Next year? No, no, no, wait. Ten years from now? Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm never gonna punch through the glass ceiling this way. Now if CeeCee's death has taught me anything, it's that I can't sit around-- around and wait for opportunities to come my way. I have to go make my own breaks. So when I get the capital that I need, mark my words, Jack-- I am gonna run this publication better, faster and more profitably than anybody else has.", "Jack: Believe me. I appreciate your determination. I just don't want you setting yourself up for a fall.", "Billy: Man, you are just full of support today. You have a pleasant afternoon, Jack.", "Kay: (Sighs) Jack?", "Jack: Hi. I-I'm sorry. I didn't see you come in.", "Jill: Yes, clearly, your mind was elsewhere.", "Kay: Um, are you finished, uh, with your conversation with Billy?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Kay: Well, we, uh... (Clears throat) We need to talk to you about Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: Oh, I'm sorry about the mess. If I knew you were coming, I would have everything cleaned.", "Woman: Patty, it's okay, really.", "Patty: (Sighs) Well, now it is. Sit. Sit. Make yourself comfy. I'm so happy to see you.", "Woman: Your doctors got in touch, said that you would only talk to me.", "(Stool scraping)", "Patty: Yeah. (Sighs) \"Call Dr. P.,\" That's what I told them, 'cause you're the only one I trust. (Chuckles)", "Dr. P.: I often wondered what happened to you, Patty. We were making such progress in our sessions.", "Patty: Well, and then I skipped out. I... (Sighs) That was really rude of me, wasn't it?", "Dr. P.: Yeah. Well, when you didn't make your last appointment, it was so unlike you, so I called your landlady to see if you were ill.", "Patty: You did?", "Dr. P.: She told me that you packed up everything and left. I didn't know what to think.", "Patty: Yeah, I should have called you. But I had to get back to Genoa City. Jack was waiting for me.", "Dr. P.: Jack Abbott, the man you were married to once?", "Patty: Mm-hmm. And never stopped loving for a single second.", "(Chuckles)", "Dr. P.: (Sighs) Patty, he hurt you terribly.", "Patty: O-oh, no. Jack has changed. He has. He's all grown up now... (Chuckles) No more affairs or anything. And when he asked me to marry him again, it was a dream come true. He treats me like a queen. I have my old life back... (Laughs) Only a million times better. I mean, look at this place. Isn't it fabulous? (Laughs) Oh, it's the kind of place that I always fantasized I'd live in. And now it's our home, Jack's and mine. I couldn't be more thrilled to be his wife again.", "Dr. P.: It was shocking for me walking in, seeing how much you've changed. (Sighs) You look exactly like me, Patty.", "Patty: I do? Thank you. That's really sweet of you to say. I-I-I always wanted to be more like you, look like you. You're so kind and wonderful and strong, not to mention beautiful.", "Dr. P.: Oh, but, Patty, you were beautiful just the way you were. How did this happen?", "Patty: How did what happen?", "Dr. P.: You couldn't have changed so drastically on your own. Someone had to help you. Who was it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: But you assured me that the christening wouldn't be for another week or two so that I could attend. Now you're rushing ahead with it while I'm still in here?", "Ashley: May I explain?", "Victor: Please do.", "Ashley: Okay, well, I thought I was gonna have more time to plan. And, of course, I would have talked to you about it, but Traci told me that she has to get back to New York, and she is Faith's godmother, which I'm sure you don't have a problem with, given everything she's done for you. So, uh, we had to move things up. The christening's tomorrow. I'm sorry you won't be there, but you will be in spirit. And Adam is Faith's godfather, so the Newmans will be represented, along with Nicholas and Victoria, should they choose to attend.", "Victor: This is our daughter's -- our daughter's christening we are talking about. You sound as if you're reciting some damned grocery list.", "Ashley: Would you prefer I be hysterical? Defensive?", "Victor: (Sighs heavily) Is this what it has come to between us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Thanks. So what can I say? It's really hard for me to see Patty this far gone. But, uh, I don't know that Mom could take it right now, so I'm all she has. If I don't visit her, who will?", "Nikki: You're a good brother.", "Paul: If I were a really good brother, I would have tracked her down years ago and done whatever I could to help her.", "Nikki: Paul...", "Nikki: I've told you this before. (Sighs) You can't blame yourself for any of this. It's not your fault. And I know that you and everybody in the world thinks that Victor is responsible for this. You probably wonder how I can even try to justify--", "Paul: You know what, Nikki? You don't have to say any more. I knew that the night you left town and Victor came looking for you that there-- I-it just wasn't gonna work for us. It's always been Victor for you, and it always will be. I think I knew that even after we were planning a future together.", "Nikki: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Back up. What do you mean, \"Victor came looking for me\"?", "Paul: I thought I told you. He stopped by the church after you had gone to see him that night, I'm sure just to tell you that he still loved you.", "Traci: Nikki.", "Nikki: Traci, how are you?", "Traci: I'm holding up okay, thank you. How's Victor?", "Nikki: Pretty good, actually. Um, we had a little scare with his medication, but that's been taken care of. Um, they're actually talking about releasing him fairly soon.", "Traci: Oh, I'm very glad to hear it. Uh, you take care, okay?", "Nikki: Traci?", "Traci: Hmm?", "Nikki: I never really got a chance to thank you. (Sighs) I know you're not a fan of Victor's. But the decision you made, besides being incredibly brave, meant so much to his children and his grandchildren.", "Traci: And to you?", "Nikki: Well, I'm just so grateful for the family's sake.", "Traci: Well, making the decision to give Colleen's heart to Victor was certainly the most difficult thing I've ever had to do, besides taking her off life support. But it means so much to me that some good has come of it.", "Nikki: That was a great comfort to Jack and me when we lost our baby years ago-- that a part of him would live on. It truly is a miracle.", "Traci: Nikki, I know that Ashley and Victor are getting a divorce, and really, what happens beyond that is just none of my business, but, oh, Nikki, I hope that you will think long and hard before you get involved with Victor again. He--he always says that he's gonna change, but he never does. I don't think that he ever will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I never imagined that-- I never imagined you and I would become so estranged.", "Ashley: (Drumming fingers) I'm not particularly happy about it, either. (Drumming fingers) But then I think back on all the things you've done to my family. Traci's going through hell right now, ultimately because of you, and she desperately needs to be part of something life-affirming. Rescheduling this christening isn't about you. You need to accept that and let it go.", "Victor: All right. Since I can't attend, I will ask you to kindly hire a videographer to record the ceremony. And, uh, I'll call them up and see if the private dining room is available, okay?", "Ashley: What--why?", "Victor: For the reception afterwards. Have some people over.", "Ashley: \"People\"?", "Victor: Yeah, some friends, business associates.", "Ashley: No, Victor. This isn't a lavish affair. It's just a small, private gathering.", "Victor: Faith is a Newman.", "Ashley: Yeah, she's a Newman.", "Victor: And I want the world to know about that.", "Ashley: She's a Newman. She's also an Abbott, and frankly, for you of all people to want to put your stamp on this is the last thing that any of us needs.", "Victor: \"Me of all people\"? I'm the child's father. Have you forgotten about that?", "Ashley: (Exhales)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: The whole time Jack was saying his vows, oh, I swear to God, Dr. P., I had tears streaming down my face. I was so overjoyed. I couldn't stop crying. And Jack was so sweet. He--he would ask me, \"Sugar, are you all right?\" And I'd be like, \"Of course I'm all right. Let's just get to the 'I do' part already!\" (Laughs)", "Dr. P.: That's lovely, Patty. Thank you for sharing. Now let's get back to my question. I really need to know who was behind you altering your face to look like mine. Y-you must have had surgery.", "Patty: Surgery?", "Dr. P.: Maybe more than one operation. Would you mind telling me how this happened? I need to understand so I can help you.", "Patty: Well, I-- I don't know how to answer that, uh, but I am so thrilled that you think I look like you. (Chuckles)", "Dr. P.: Patty, you do understand that aren't really married to Jack.", "Patty: What? No.", "Dr. P.: You were divorced 25 years ago.", "Patty: We most certainly aren't divorced. That's horrible!", "Dr. P.: (Sighs) Patty--", "Patty: How can you say such a thing? I mean, w-w-were you listening when I told you about the wedding? Jack loves me. I mean, why don't you believe me? Why?", "Paul: Hey, hey, hey. What's going on?", "Patty: Hmm?", "Patty: (Gasps) Hi! I was hoping you would come today.", "Paul: All right, Pattycake.", "Patty: (Giggles)", "Paul: So, w-w-what is this?", "Patty: Hmm?", "Paul: What's going on?", "Patty: Oh. Oh, Paul, this is Dr. P., um, the one I was telling you about. She came from Minnesota. Dr. P., this is my brother Paul.", "Emily: If it helps you any, I'm having trouble with this, too. I'm Dr. Emily Peterson.", "Paul: Oh, right. You were Patty's psychiatrist in Minneapolis.", "Emily: Yeah, she was my patient until last year, when she apparently went back to Genoa City. And I only found out recently why we lost touch when everything hit the press. The doctors called, brought me in to consult.", "Patty: Yeah. Um, Dr. P. and I were practically best friends.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Patty: She knows everything, all my secrets.", "Paul: Okay. Can I have a word with you, please?", "Emily: Of course.", "Paul: Uh, give us a minute, will you?", "Patty: (Gasps) Oh, okay. Take your time. I'm gonna put on some tea. Would you like a cup?", "Emily: That would be lovely, Patty. Okay.", "Patty: Okay.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Patty: (Sighs)", "Emily: (Sighs) Obviously, we both have questions.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "Paul: That is an understatement. Um, what is with the resemblance?", "Emily: Oh, Patty has no recollection of how or why this all came to be.", "Paul: Right. When I first came to see her here, she thought it was 1982.", "Emily: And now she's all over the map, although her timeline is-- has these enormous gaps.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. She remembers you treating her in, uh, '08, I think?", "Emily: And then nothing. At this point, she's in a fantasy world. Married to Jack. Living happily ever after.", "Paul: Would you mind telling me how you first met my sister?", "Emily: I teach at the University of Minnesota medical school. I've been on sabbatical for a while writing a book, and I usually work there late nights, when they're cleaning the offices, and that's how I got to know Patty.", "Paul: So she was a janitor?", "Emily: She would come in, empty the trash. We struck up a friendship, and as she began unburdening herself more and more, I suggested we have regular sessions.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Emily: Her life was sad. My heart went out to her, and I was very, very worried when she disappeared. Does that answer your question?", "Paul: Um, yeah.", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "Paul: I'm sorry. I don't mean to stare.", "Emily: Well, I mean, if it, um... (Sighs) (Chuckles) It's, um, it's b-been a shock to me. I mean, e-even knowing what to expect, and clearly, she used me as her model.", "Paul: (Sighs) It seems that way.", "Emily: Yeah. But what would possess her to-- to alter her--her appearance that drastically? Not to mention the cost. When I knew Patty, she--she was living in a shelter, working minimum wage, no health insurance. I mean, barely had, uh, bus fare to the campus. Someone had to have paid for all that surgery. The question is, why? I'm hoping you could shed some light on this.", "Paul: Yeah, well, I'm really not sure.", "Emily: You can trust me. I have grown fond of her. I-I-I-I really do want to help her.", "Paul: This is all so hard to believe.", "Emily: I understand, but believe me, Mr. Williams, the sooner you do, the sooner we can work together to help her. Hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Here you go.", "Traci: Okay, so, Billy, when you called me earlier, you said that you had a really important question to ask me.", "Billy: Yeah. But, uh, first, some news. I quit Jabot.", "Traci: I heard. Jack told me. But since I was never a part of the family business, I certainly can't condemn you for that.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, you know, I-- I do love that it was Dad's, but it just never was a good fit for me. It was just too confining, you know? But now, I mean, the most perfect opportunity of a lifetime just fell right into my lap.", "Traci: Oh?", "Billy: Yeah. Traci, uh, what if I told you that I'm gonna buy \"Restless Style\"?", "Traci: What?", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah.", "Traci: Wow, that's-- that's--", "Billy: Uh, no, you're right. That's exactly what I need. I mean, this sort of-- this challenge, you know? And this is what I know. I know trends. I know lifestyle. This is my thing. This is made for me.", "Traci: (Laughs) Okay. Okay, you don't have to sell me. I think you should go for it. I can see how excited you are. I mean, I'm really happy for you.", "Billy: Yeah? Are you happy enough to loan me the money to buy it?", "Traci: Me?", "Billy: Well, yeah. You know, listen. I went to Jack first to open up the trust. That didn't go so well. I-I've seen a few banks. And--and so far, it's a no-go, but if--if you-- if you invest with me, I will promise you, you're gonna get a nice return. The--the investment will come back quickly. I'm good for this.", "Traci: Billy... (Sighs) I-I'm--I'm really sorry to... (Sighs)", "Billy: Okay, you're passing.", "Traci: Yeah.", "Billy: You're passing.", "Traci: Yeah.", "Billy: (Sighs) Don't you trust me? I mean, I-I-I-I can do this. This will work.", "Traci: No, no, no. It doesn't have anything to do with whether I trust you.", "Billy: Then why the hesitation?", "Traci: Oh, Honey, I-I really understand your--your impulse to strike out on your own. That's great. But you shouldn't do something like this starting out in debt, especially with a year-old magazine. Oh, there are so many things left that could go wrong, and none of them are under your control.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Traci: Billy, I'm sorry. I truly am. But I wish you all the best.", "Billy: It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So you're answering to Neil now. How does that feel?", "Jill: I'm very happy being back on board at Chancellor.", "Kay: Thank you, Jack.", "Jill: What I'm not happy with, Jack, is Jabot. Now you're in your fourth quarter. Your sales are down, and you're staring Christmas right in the face.", "Kay: Um, your family has been through a terrible ordeal. I understand that, but, uh, the fact remains, um, the company was slipping through the cracks long before that.", "Jack: Katherine, I can assure you, those days are over. Jabot is restructuring, and I am firmly at the helm.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Jill: What sort of restructuring?", "Jack: Billy has resigned.", "Kay: Mm?", "Jill: Really? When did that happen?", "Jack: Shortly after Colleen's funeral. So I am redistributing his duties, and, of course, Ashley is away on maternity leave.", "Kay: For how long?", "Jack: We haven't really discussed the timeline for her return.", "Jill: But you do have a firm commitment that she's coming back?", "Jack: Not in so many words, which is why I'm interviewing some of the top R&D people in the business.", "Kay: Mm.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: Jack, uh, it's obvious that you-- you need some help. So I've decided to reinstate, uh, Jill at Jabot. Now I'll make the two of you partners to run everything -- equal partners-- and let there be no misunderstanding about that.", "Jack: Katherine, putting two people at the helm of a company that's already experiencing serious difficulties...", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Mm, \"Tanking,\" don't you mean?", "Jack: Is not an ideal situation.", "Kay: Well, then, I suggest you learn to coexist, because you're going to be working alongside each other...", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Kay: Starting now. Hmm? Let me know as soon as you decide how you're going to divide responsibilities. Uh, Jill?", "Jill: Mm.", "Kay: You be patient. Jack, same to you.", "Jill: Come on. Try to keep an open mind, huh? I love Jabot as much as you do. This could work.", "Jack: In a pig's eye.", "Jill: (Chuckles) Okay, so tell me what's been happening since your last status update.", "Jack: Okay, before I list any of these, these are decisions I've made, not anything that needs undoing.", "Jill: Let me repeat. What has been going on, Jack?", "Jack: For starters, I've decided to hire Skip Maxwell's P.R. firm until I can find the right person to bring in-house.", "Jill: Now I read a proposal of theirs for Chancellor's tech division-- outstanding work.", "Jack: Then you agree?", "Jill: Yes. Who says we can't get along?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, thank you, Roger. I owe you one.", "Emily: Here you go.", "Paul: All right.", "Emily: Here's my card, also.", "Paul: Thank you.", "Emily: So what did your contacts in the cities tell you?", "Paul: Well, apparently, you are who you say you are.", "Emily: Good. Then we can proceed from here, yes?", "Paul: Yeah, and I want to thank you for not being offended, Dr. Peterson.", "Emily: Mm.", "Paul: I just felt that, um--", "Emily: No, you had to check out my story. I'm okay with that.", "Paul: I'm also very grateful for your putting your book on hold and traveling here to help my sister.", "Emily: Well, when you open the newspaper and see your face staring back at you with a long list of crimes beneath it...", "Paul: So you had no idea what she was planning?", "Emily: (Scoffs) No. None.", "Paul: Well, Patty is obsessed with her ex-husband. I'm sure that was the catalyst.", "Emily: Jack Abbott-- I'm aware of him. When Patty came back to Genoa City transformed, did he ever give her the time of day?", "Paul: Well, according to Jack, she seduced him. They were together briefly.", "Emily: Hmm, I see.", "Paul: But Patty was, uh, manipulated to believe that he would fall for her again, and that she would have another shot at, um, \"Happily ever after.\"", "Emily: But wh-who-- (Stammers) Who's--who's manipulating her? I mean, and-- and for what reason?", "Paul: (Sighs) Ever heard the name \"Victor Newman\"?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Are we calmer now?", "Victor: What the hell do you think?", "Ashley: I think we should probably table this.", "Victor: What, until after the christening, when I don't have a chance to have a say in any of this?", "Ashley: (Sighs) You mean, control things like you always do, without any thought of anybody else's feelings.", "Victor: (Groans)", "Ashley: And for you to want to take this occasion to highlight the division between our two families is so highly inappropriate.", "Victor: What are you talking about? I find this utterly hypocritical on your part to insist on raising the daughters at--at--at my ranch with all the privileges that go along with that. At the same time, you don't want me to show how proud I am that they're Newmans?", "Ashley: Oh, my God. There you go again-- \"Newmans versus Abbotts.\" I mean, I'm not gonna stand for it!", "Victor: What are you talking about, \"Newmans versus Abbotts\"? I don't give a damn about the Abbotts. Do you understand that? You--you're reading things into it that I don't mean.", "Ashley: You have been given this incredible gift of life. Do you think it would kill you just this one time to be a little humble for Traci's sake? The woman who's daughter died so that you could live?!", "Billy: Hey, Ash.", "Ashley: (Sighs) Billy, I don't want you here.", "Billy: Well, it doesn't sound like you should be here, either.", "Victor: How dare you come in here and have a fight with me?", "Ashley: How dare you?", "Victor: I just went through enormously difficult surgery. Now, both of you, get out of here now, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Why would Victor's tracking you down just to tell you he loved you come to you as a shock?", "Nikki: Because the night I left town, he made it very clear that he was totally committed to his marriage. Now that he and Ashley are getting a divorce, I--", "Kay: Hmm?", "Nikki: Oh, you didn't know that?", "Kay: Well, I have to say, it's--it's no big surprise. But for Ashley's sake, given the-- well, she just had their child.", "Nikki: I know. I know. From that standpoint, I agree. It's a shame.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Somehow, I've always known you and Victor were destined to be together.", "Nikki: I think deep down, I've always known that, too. But... (Sighs) I don't know. Now for the first time in so long, I feel like we might actually have a future, and that scares me to death.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Okay, so Faith is sound asleep. She's down for her nap.", "Billy: Good. Have I told you...?", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Billy: Just how happy I am that you're getting this place from Victor? I mean, I think you should take that guy for everything he's worth.", "Ashley: Billy, I didn't ask for the ranch to be a mercenary, okay? I get no joy from this.", "Billy: I understand. I hope you don't mind that I do just a little bit.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Billy: I mean, come on. I mean, after all the bastard's done to our family and to you? Do you know how sickening it was watching your mind fall apart, and all this bastard did was just sat back and watch it happen? Look, now that you've escaped this, don't go soft on him. I love you too much to watch you just fall back into that trap again.", "Ashley: You're always looking out for me.", "Billy: Mm.", "Ashley: You're a good man.", "Billy: Not really.", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Ashley: I'm grateful you're my brother.", "Billy: Oh. See, now I feel guilty.", "Ashley: Why?", "Billy: I--well, I'm glad you feel that way, because actually, I came looking for you today to ask a favor.", "Ashley: Ouch. Ow. What kind of favor?", "Billy: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) Uh-oh.", "Billy: Um, ash, I have-- I have an opportunity here to change my life completely and for the better, and I'm really hoping that you can help make that happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: There is a reason that the men's line tanked.", "Jill: I'm not talking about reviving the whole men's line. I'm talking about the sunscreen. We now have a vanishing formula with zinc oxide.", "Jack: It won't work. It's too small. It isn't feasible, not at that price point.", "Jill: Really? Who says? Have you done the research?", "Jack: It's good money after bad.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Mm. Don't hold that thought. Hello? Yeah. Wait, why there? Okay, yeah. I'm on my way.", "Jill: You're leaving?", "Jack: Feel free to argue with yourself for as long as you like.", "Jill: Oh, we will continue this, Jack, tomorrow morning at the office.", "Jack: Oh, joy.", "Jill: (Scoffs) (Clears throat) Yes, Skip Maxwell, please. Jill Abbott calling. Hi. Hi, Skip. It's Jill. No, I'm fine. I'm excellent, thank you. Listen, I believe you've been talking to Jack about doing some P.R. work for Jabot. Super. Super, because I have your first press release. Are you ready? Okay, the headline should read, \"Jill Abbott is back in charge at Jabot, right where she belongs.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I'm not going to Katherine or my mom. And I have exhausted every bank in town, so... you're my last-- last hope. (Chuckles)", "Ashley: Well, it's definitely a loss for Jabot. I have faith in you. So, yes, I'm gonna loan you the money to buy \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: (Laughs) You are?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Billy: I--really?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Billy: You're-- (Grunts) Ash!", "Ashley: Uh-huh.", "Billy: This is perfect. I-I-I--look, I'm gonna get your money right back to you. I-I--", "Ashley: Now hold on. Hold on. Just take a little time to get your footing. I'm not in any great rush.", "Billy: Wow, I-- you have always believed in me.", "Ashley: It's been so lonely here, too. (Chuckles)", "Billy: Oh, well, come on, look, who-- I am the family pariah.", "Ashley: Not for long. I predict great things for you. I really do, Billy.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Sweetie.", "Billy: (Sighs) Thank you. I-- (sighs) I am gonna make you proud of me.", "Ashley: I'm already proud of you.", "Billy: And it is so damn good to have you back among the living. I mean, look at you.", "Ashley: Oh, shut up. I know, it's over. I mean, the nightmare is over. I can focus on my girls. That's all I really care about.", "Billy: Well, I guess we both have our heads screwed on straight for once.", "Ashley: It's kinda scary.", "Billy: Yeah. (Laughs)", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, it must have been wonderful hearing Victor say he wanted you... again.", "Nikki: Yes, it was wonderful, but frightening. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that he wished I was dead.", "Kay: Mm.", "Nikki: Even Traci warned me earlier that Victor will never change.", "Kay: Nikki, in your heart of hearts, would you really want him to change?", "Nikki: How many times have we reconciled in a hospital only to have everything fall apart again?", "Kay: Oh, well, history needn't repeat itself.", "Nikki: 50th time's a charm?", "Kay: Oh, Nikki. (Chuckles)", "Nikki: Katherine, let's face it. It's easy to say things when you think you're about to die. The question is, will Victor still mean it when he's well?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: (Sighs happily) I saw a ship go sailing a-sailing on the sea and it was deeply laden with pretty things for me.", "Woman: Time for your pills, Hon.", "Patty: Oh, thank you, Mamie. Uh, Jack is, uh, going to be late, so if you can please hold dinner for us?", "Woman: Sure. Sure. Drink all your water now.", "Patty: Mm.", "Woman: There's a good girl.", "Patty: (Sighs) (Humming \"I saw a ship a-sailing\")", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Jack: I was summoned.", "Victor: By whom?", "Paul: Me. How are you feeling?", "Victor: I'm fine. What are you doing here?", "Paul: I have someone with me that you need to meet. It could be upsetting. If your heart can't take it, then I don't want to risk it.", "Victor: I can take anything.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chloe: You are a little jealous.", "Chance: I'm not jealous, Chloe, I'm done.", "Billy: I have your check. Is there a problem?", "Jack: It's not easy taking on bullies like this. You may need a friend.", "Emily: If I needed a friend, you'd be the last one I would turn to." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At Fenmore's, Lauren comes in and, to Jill's surprise, gives her a hug. Meggie watches Nikki give Victor a kiss. Meggie calls Deacon to give him an update on Nikki and Victor. Cane remembers his talk with Blake in which he asked him for $5 million. Lily and her bodyguard visit Neil. Lily tells Neil about Cane and what he is involved in with the cattle rustlers. Neil promises to try to get Cane to open up to him about what is going on. Katherine offers Cane encouragement about his family. Meggie asks Nikki about her wedding plans, but voices some opposition to the wedding. Jill asks Lauren why she hugged her. Murphy remembers past times with Meggie. Nikki lets Lauren know that she and Victor are eloping. Lauren is thrilled. Cane searches the Internet on how to obtain a new identity.", "Neil insists to Lily that Cane is hiding something. Katherine lets Victor know that Mackenzie and J.T. are expecting. Victor tells Katherine that he and Nikki are eloping. Meggie spikes Nikki's tea. Nikki and Jill hurl insults at each other. Jill picks up the teacup and smells liquor and knows that Nikki is drinking again. Jill informs Victor. Cane receives a call from Blake about the $5 million. Victor confronts Nikki about her drinking.", "" ]
[ "Jill: Yeah, well, some things fell off the shelves, and we had a leak in the storeroom. But the thing is, uh, I have not been able to locate the insurance policy, and I can't reach Lauren.", "Kay: Is she still in Toronto?", "Jill: Yeah, with Scotty. She left me with a mountain of work.", "Kay: Well, if you're swamped, don't worry about coming to the hospital, Jill.", "Jill: Oh, hush up. Of course I'm coming. Want me to bring you a croissant or something?", "Kay: Oh, thank you, but Nikki had a huge breakfast sent over.", "Jill: Of course, she did. All right, why don't I stop by the house and get you a change of clothes?", "(Call-waiting beeps)", "Kay: Uh, that's Nikki on the other line. Sorry, Darling. I'll--I'll call you back. Uh-huh.", "Jill: All right, just give Murphy my best and tell him I'll...", "(Phone hangs up)", "Jill: See him later. (Sighs)", "Lauren: Hello, Jill.", "Jill: (Scoffs) Back so soon?", "Lauren: When I heard about the storm, I wanted to cut my trip short and--and get back here. I-I actually thought this place would be torn apart.", "Jill: Well, we managed to survive without you. Shocking, isn't it? I was beginning to think you were never coming back... not that I'm complaining. Come on, Sis. Now's the time to get your claws out back at me. What, are you out of practice?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Katherine loved the breakfast.", "Victor: You didn't tell her we were eloping?", "Nikki: No. I didn't want her to think we were abandoning her, especially with Murphy still in I.C.U.", "Victor: Sweetheart, we're only gonna be gone for one night.", "Nikki: I know, but I'd rather tell her in person.", "Victor: I'll come with you. I'm sorry it's gonna be such a short trip.", "Nikki: Well, it can't be helped. Your mediation with Abby and Victoria is tomorrow, so we've gotta get back. I just cannot wait for us to be married.", "Victor: Neither can I.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: It's d-day, Kitty Cat. You start boozing up the bride-to-be yet?", "Meggie: As soon as I get Nikki alone.", "Deacon: What's the holdup?", "Meggie: Victor won't let her out of her sight. It's, uh, positively nauseating. They're acting all lovey-dovey.", "Deacon: Oh, that's sweet. It's the last tender moments before that relationship goes ka-boom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Billy sends love to Murphy and to you. You know, I'm sorry I wasn't here. You know, if I'd heard about the heart attack, I would have come.", "Kay: Darling, there's so many people fussing around. Besides, you and Lily-- the two of you needed that time alone together.", "Cane: (Sighs) Yeah, minus the tornado.", "Kay: Well, thank God we all survived.", "[Cane remembering]", "Cane: (Grunts) Now after this is over, I'm gonna haul your ass off to jail.", "Man: (Laughs) Actually, no, Mate. You'll untie me and let me go.", "Cane: Oh, really? Is that what I'm gonna do?", "Man: Yeah.", "Cane: No.", "Man: Yeah.", "Cane: I don't think so.", "Man: (Grunts, groans)", "Cane: 'Cause you stalked and you terrified my wife, okay?", "Man: (Laughs)", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Man: She'll find out about you, Ashby. You hand me in to the cops, it won't be long until she knows the truth about her husband, the hero.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, I'm grateful for every moment I have with my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, look who it is. What a nice surprise.", "Lily: Hey, I hope we're not disturbing you.", "Neil: No, come here. Mnh-mnh, not at all. Let me give you a hand. Uh, come-- excuse me. Um, can I--can I help you?", "Lily: No, uh, Dad, that's, um, that's Edward. (Chuckles) He's the private security guard that Cane hired to protect us. So do you remember those men who were after Cane in Australia?", "Neil: Yeah, of course I do, the cattle rustlers.", "Lily: Yeah, well, they, uh, they followed him here, and they've been sending not-so-subtle messages.", "Neil: Like what?", "Lily: Well, do you remember those steaks that we ate? They weren't from Cane.", "Neil: We barbecued them. We ate them.", "Lily: Yeah, well, luckily, they weren't tainted, so...", "Neil: (Sighs) Wow. When you think of what could have happened...", "Lily: Yeah, and there's more. They have been taking video footage of me and Cane and the babies at the house.", "Neil: What?", "Lily: Yeah, and they sent Cane a DVD from the surveillance camera.", "Neil: You must be kidding me. Honey, did-- did you call the police?", "Lily: Well, Cane talked to J.T. after he went to go work as a consultant on the force. And apparently-- nothing the cops can do unless something illegal has happened.", "Neil: We have to wait for them to commit a crime? (Stammers)", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Neil: Honey, you-- you've been threatened here.", "Lily: I know. It's ridiculous, but... (Scoffs) I guess we haven't been threatened directly, so we can't even prove who the steaks are from.", "Neil: You know what? This is ridiculous. One guard is not enough for you. I'm gonna call--", "Lily: Well, Dad-- actually, Dad, I... (Sighs) I came here alone because I need to ask you a favor.", "Neil: Yeah, sure. Anything. What?", "Lily: Is it okay if Mattie and Charlie and I stay here? Temporarily-- just until Cane gets this whole thing figured out.", "Neil: Oh, Honey, come here. Oh, Baby girl. Absolutely, all right?", "Lily: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, it's called locked-in syndrome. Every voluntary muscle in his body is paralyzed, except for his eyes.", "Cane: Does he, um, does he understand what we're saying?", "Kay: Every word.", "Cane: And how long is he gonna be like this?", "Kay: Well, the doctors said possibly for the rest of his life. But I don't believe it. I mean, the man has had two massive heart attacks. And--and he will get better. I know he will.", "Cane: (Sighs) Well, he better, 'cause someone's gotta keep you in check, huh? (Chuckles)", "Kay: (Chuckles) Do you know something, Cane? Not many women my age can find love. I thank God every day for sending Murphy down to that creek. You know... (Sighs) When I was Marge, he didn't-- he didn't love me one bit less. Or when I was waiting on tables at Joe's diner, he thought that was good enough. (Sighs) This man has, uh, has made me take a good, hard look at my misgivings. I'm such a better person for knowing him. (Chuckles) There--there are times that... I didn't really feel I was that worthy of him. But, uh, that's because I haven't exactly... always been an angel.", "[Cane remembering]", "Man: Oh, more secrets. (Chuckles) It's gonna catch up on you, isn't it? Yeah, someday very soon, sweet Lily's gonna know you're not the man you're pretending to be.", "Cane: I'm not pretending. I've changed.", "Man: Oh, still a liar? Well, that's a hell of a role model for those kids, isn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Sighs) Just the thought of losing him... I... (Sighs) No, I'm serious. I'd give anything to hear him tell one of his stupid, corny jokes.", "Cane: (Chuckles) We're all praying for him.", "Kay: Well... did you get those bruises in the tornado? Here, let me see.", "Cane: Yeah, it was, um, an ef-3. It was pretty scary. Um, we were gonna try and outrun it, but the policeman said we should, uh, you know, stay put. He said there had been some flash floods.", "Kay: Oh, here, too.", "Cane: Yeah, we're lucky the roof held.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Well, I, uh, I'm just so proud of you.", "Cane: What did I do?", "Kay: Well, when the truth came out about your identity, uh, we all sort of wrote you off. But you stuck in there, and you faced the consequences, and you made something of yourself. You have such a beautiful family. You're a trusted employee. I couldn't love you any more than if you were my grandson. You know how lucky we are to have you in this family.", "Cane: I'm the lucky one.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Cane: I'm the lucky one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Shall we go to the hospital now?", "Nikki: Well, we'd better hurry.", "Meggie: How are the wedding plans coming?", "Nikki: Hey, it's a breeze when all you have to do is show up and say, \"I do.\"", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Meggie: What are you wearing for the ceremony?", "Nikki: Oh, I haven't even thought about it. I'll find something in my closet.", "Meggie: You're not wearing something that you've worn before.", "Nikki: Eh, why not?", "Meggie: Oh, please tell me you're not using your old wedding rings.", "Victor: No, of course not.", "Meggie: Well, then why would you wear a dress that Victor's seen you in before?", "Nikki: Well, I guess you have a point.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you have time to go shopping.", "Nikki: What about Katherine?", "Victor: I'll talk to her.", "Nikki: Actually, it would be kind of special to wear something...", "Victor: Good.", "Nikki: All right.", "Meggie: Oh, you'll be glad you did this.", "Nikki: All right, I've gotta go upstairs and grab my purse.", "Victor: See you at the hospital, okay?", "Nikki: Okay.", "Victor: Yep.", "Meggie: Deacon, its Meggie. You're on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Why did you hug me? You've never done that before.", "Lauren: You know, being with Scotty these last few weeks... he and Chance were about the same age. It really, really hit home, um... I'm so sorry I wasn't here for Chance's funeral.", "Jill: Yeah. Losing my grandson, uh, was pretty devastating.", "Lauren: I-I know it doesn't make up for anything, but I made a donation in Chance's name to the fallen officers' fund.", "Jill: (Sighs) Thank you. (Sighs) Thank you, Lauren.", "Lauren: You know, I, uh, I got a lot of work to catch up on, so...", "Jill: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Sighs)", "[Murphy remembering]", "Meggie: I'm honored to become part of your family, Pops.", "Murphy: I'm gonna tell Victor and Nikki who their assistant really is.", "Meggie: Oh, no, you aren't.", "Murphy: Let go of me! Let-- where did you go?", "Meggie: I can't believe he's gone.", "Murphy: Help... me... (Breathing heavily) My... my pills.", "Meggie: These pills?", "Murphy: Help. (Breathing heavily) (Moans)", "Meggie: Oops.", "(Pill bottle hits floor)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Darling, I'm right here. Oh, that's good. That's good. You're awake. Yes. You're awake.", "Kay: (Stammers) I don't understand.", "Murphy: (Sighs)", "Kay: Uh... God, I... I wish I knew what was going on in that mind of yours, Murphy.", "Victor: And how's our patient?", "Kay: Just woke up.", "Victor: Hey, Murphy, you'll be happy to know that my assistant tells me that the bait and tackle shop survived the storm.", "Kay: Do you hear that, Murphy? Do you hear that, Darling? Your shop is still standing. (Chuckles)", "Victor: Did he tell you what happened at the festival? Was he mugged?", "Kay: (Sighs) He just...", "Victor: Huh?", "Kay: He just gets so agitated when I try and talk to him, or anybody'd talk to him. (Sighs)", "Victor: I thought he was blinking yes and no.", "Kay: Well, I don't know. The medication seems to have made him more groggy. He tries.", "Victor: He's getting more medication?", "Kay: I just wish to God I knew what was going on in that mind of his, what he's trying to tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Nikki, hi!", "Nikki: Lauren!", "Lauren: How are you? Hey, Meggie, nice to see you.", "Nikki: Oh, I didn't know you were back. How was the trip? How's Scotty?", "Lauren: Oh, trip was fabulous, and Scotty-- you know, he's so great.", "Nikki: Aw, yeah.", "Lauren: And he's working hard, and he's got the most adorable new girlfriend.", "Nikki: Oh, really?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. Yeah.", "Nikki: Is it serious?", "Lauren: I don't know, but I'm not ready to talk about weddings yet.", "Nikki: Oh, well, what about mine?", "Lauren: (Gasps) Did you and Victor set the date?", "Nikki: We're eloping today. (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs) Congratulations.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Lauren: That's so great.", "Meggie: That's why we're here. We're gonna pick out a dress.", "Lauren: (Gasps) Great.", "Nikki: Yes, well, Katherine wanted to do a garden wedding at her estate, 'cause she said it would be the closest thing to having a daughter marry.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Well, the Chancellor rose garden is very romantic.", "Nikki: It is. It is. But, um, I think an elopement is even more romantic.", "Jill: So what is this? Wedding number 75? How long before you're divorced again?", "Lauren: Jill.", "Jill: It's the truth, Lauren.", "Nikki: You'll have to forgive her. Uh, I-it's very difficult to be happy for others' good fortunes when you're bitter and single, you know?", "Jill: Well, actually, I consider myself very fortunate that I'm ob-- not obsessed with a man who is trying to control me.", "Lauren: (Scoffs) I am so sorry.", "Nikki: Please don't even worry about it. I've heard much worse.", "Meggie: You want a cup of tea, Nikki?", "Lauren: You know what? I'll get somebody to do that.", "Meggie: That's all right. I know how you like it.", "Nikki: No, that'd be great. Thank you.", "Meggie: Happy to do it.", "Lauren: Oh, that's so nice. So what kind of dress are you looking for?", "Nikki: Well, I'm kind of--", "Lauren: I mean, tea length or shorter?", "Nikki: Depending on you-- I don't know. I haven't really even thought about it.", "Lauren: All right, well, we can go through a bunch of stuff.", "Nikki: Well, I know you'll have it.", "Lauren: Definitely.", "(Voices overlapping)", "Lauren: That's so sweet of you.", "Nikki: But I'm open to anything, really.", "Lauren: All right, well, you know, I'm thinking there's about four different dresses I want you to see, and, uh...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Okay, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna call building security--make sure that no one gets up here without being cleared first.", "Lily: Dad, I'm really sorry to cause you all this trouble. (Sighs)", "Neil: As a matter of fact, I kind of like the fact that the house is gonna be full again. Are you sure that Cane's all right with this?", "Lily: Yeah, he's gonna stay at the house by himself.", "Neil: So did he-- did he tell you what he's planning?", "Lily: Yeah, he said that he wants to go back to Australia and face down the duffers or something stupid like that. But I'm pretty sure I talked him out of it. (Sighs)", "Neil: Well, if you didn't, I will.", "Lily: I mean, to be honest with you, I don't even think I know the whole story.", "Neil: So you're sure that he's told you everything?", "Lily: Well, when we were at the cabin, I saw someone looking at us through the window. And he went out there to go find him, and he was gone a really, really long time. And when he came back, he was all beat up, and he had this cut on his forehead, and I asked him what happened. He said that it was from the tornado and that he didn't see anyone out there. But I know I saw someone. I know somebody was there.", "Neil: Hey, now you know how protective Cane can be.", "Lily: Yeah, I know. I wouldn't even know about any of this unless I had found the DVD of the surveillance footage. (Sighs) I don't know, Dad. I just... I'm really worried that things are worse than he's letting on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cane remembering]", "Cane: How much is it gonna cost me to make you get out of my life for good?", "Man: $5 million.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs heavily)", "(Computer keys clicking)", "Cane: No matter how rough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yep.", "Lily: Look what we got.", "Neil: You know, I've been thinking about what you said, that Cane is hiding something from you. You know, on the one hand, he may have good reason. On the other, marriage is a partnership. See, you have the right to know how dangerous a situation is for you and the twins.", "Lily: I mean, I tried talking to him, but I just... I can't even get him to open up.", "Neil: Why don't you let me try?", "Lily: (Chuckles) Dad, I don't think he's gonna say anything to you.", "Neil: Well, he might. Simply put, Cane and I want the same thing-- for you and the twins to be safe, right? I bet you he's feeling pretty lonely right now. He might welcome the help.", "Lily: I just can't even imagine what he's going through right now. You know, trying to handle all of this on his own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Thinking) \"This site does not condone the creation of alternate identities. We merely offer a how-to guide for the purpose of informing the curious. The most common way to begin is to locate the name of a deceased person, someone of your same sex and approximate age. This can be accomplished with a walk through your local cemetery. Then once you have the name and birth date, you can contact your state hall of records.\" (Sighs) \"Identify yourself as the deceased person, and order a replacement birth certificate.\" (Sighs) (Sighs)", "(Computer keys clicking)", "Cane: \"Wisconsin cemeteries... registry...\" (Sighs) \"Of the deceased.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: You know, today he seems less alert to me.", "Woman: Doctor Ananda increased, uh, the dosage of one of his meds. Most likely, it's causing the drowsiness.", "Victor: Is that a permanent side effect, or...", "Woman: Let me talk to the doctor, and I'll get you an answer.", "Kay: Thank you. Thank you.", "Woman: Okay.", "Victor: How did you and Murphy do in the tornado?", "Kay: Oh, God, Victor.", "Victor: Huh?", "Kay: It was terrifying.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Kay: Well, uh, you-- you heard about, uh, J.T.?", "Victor: Oh, yeah. I was with Victoria when she got the news.", "Kay: Well, it--enough. Enough of this-- this doom and gloom.", "Victor: Yep.", "Kay: I've got some good news I'd like to share with you.", "Victor: Well, I got some good news, too.", "Kay: Yeah?", "Victor: You go first.", "Kay: All right. Um, J.T. and Mackenzie are expecting, and I am going to become a great--great-grandmother.", "Victor: You are?", "Kay: (Chuckles) Yes?", "Victor: Congratulations, my darling. Okay?", "Kay: Thank you.", "Victor: I am happy for you and your family.", "Kay: Um, all right, uh, now you tell me your good news.", "Victor: Well, Nikki and I are eloping.", "Kay: When?", "Victor: Well, tonight.", "Kay: Tonight?", "Victor: In and out of Las Vegas very quickly. We'll be back tomorrow.", "Kay: (Laughs) Well, listen, I mean, the two of you were always destined to be together.", "Victor: Took us a hell of a long time to realize that you were right.", "Kay: That's right. I'm always right.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Kay: (Laughs) Oh.", "Victor: And this time, I promise I will not let her get away.", "Kay: And by the way, you tell Nikki just how delighted I am for her.", "Victor: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Well, we have this, which is strapless, and then, ooh, sleeveless.", "Jill: If she were 16.", "Nikki: I think it's a little too bare in the back.", "Lauren: Okay. Okay. Well, um, ooh, look at this-- portrait and off-the- shoulder.", "Jill: Oh, for God sake, Lauren. This isn't a cotillion. The woman's not 16.", "Lauren: Jill, why the hell are you acting like this?", "Nikki: She's just jealous that I have a man who wants to marry me. Ignore her. I do.", "Lauren: Keep your opinions to yourself, please?", "Jill: Just show the woman something age-appropriate, would you?", "Lauren: (Scoffs)", "Nikki: Meggie, could you please get me some more tea?", "Meggie: Sure thing.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Lauren: Okay, well, this would look fantastic on you.", "Nikki: Hmm... (Sighs) I don't know. It's a little dowdy. More like Jill's taste.", "Jill: (Laughs) See, here's the thing. This is very typical of you-- running off, getting married, while Katherine's husband is fighting for his life. And yet, if I'm correct about this, you were the first call she made when Murphy had his heart attack. Yet are you with her now? No. You're here trying on wedding dress number 3,000. How long before he dumps you this time, Nikki?", "Lauren: All right, I am warning you for the last time.", "Jill: (Scoffs)", "Nikki: You know, I think it's very ironic, Jill. I mean, you have nowhere to jet off to. You have really no life at all. But you're not at the hospital with Katherine. Why is that? You can't be bothered? Or she doesn't want you there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: James Collier, August 17, 1973.", "[Cane remembering]", "Man: You keep our dealings confidential. You make your payments in a timely fashion, and we shouldn't have any other problems, should we? Otherwise, well, I'm sure you remember what happens to people who break their bargains with us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: \"Delete browser history.\" (Exhales) (Sighs) Yeah, hello, uh, is this Madison county hall of records? Yeah, my name is, uh, James Collier, and, uh, I need to order a, uh, replacement birth certificate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Now I hear that Elvis can marry you in a pink Cadillac.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Victor: A phony Elvis...", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Victor: In a pink Cadillac? That's hilarious.", "Kay: Oh.", "Victor: Nikki prefers Sinatra and skydiving.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Kay: Oh, dear God. Oh, she would, yeah. Uh, well, I really don't know why she didn't mention that she was going to elope.", "Victor: Because we hadn't set a date yet.", "Kay: Why not? Why now?", "Victor: She insisted, and I wanted to make her happy.", "Kay: Okay.", "Victor: But to be frank with you, I'm a little concerned. I, um... (Purses lips) A little concerned that she might be drinking again.", "Kay: Drinking?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Kay: What made you think that?", "Victor: A lot of alcohol missing from the liquor cabinet suddenly.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Victor: Yeah. But, you know, maybe I'm mistaken. I don't know.", "Kay: So, um, what changed your mind?", "Victor: Well, I asked her straight out. She denied it vehemently. Maybe it's just a lot of stress, you know? A lot of infighting in the family, so... (Sighs)", "Kay: Victor, are you sure?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, I love this one.", "Lauren: It's fabulous on you.", "Nikki: Isn't it great?", "Meggie: Oh, nice color.", "Lauren: Yeah, it's really...", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Lauren: It's really beautiful.", "Nikki: What? You want to say somethin'? Spit it out.", "Jill: I just think it looks matronly on you.", "Nikki: Oh, poor Jill-- all alone. Can't even conjure up a man to take her to the movies. And I really have to tell you, I think you're gettin' a little old to be pickin' up bartenders. Don't you? (Gasps) It's a small town. People talk. We all know. Look, you have leeched your way through the Chancellors, the Abbotts, and now the Fenmores. You're really to be pitied, Jill. It must be very difficult to know that you will always be the outcast.", "Jill: Oh, shut up, Nikki. You don't know what you're talking about. And P.S.-- that dress still looks hideous on you.", "Nikki: Lauren, I'll take it.", "Lauren: A lovely choice.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Lauren: I don't know why I even bothered to reach out to you. You have no class.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Do me a favor and, uh, have her call me if she wants to talk to someone.", "Victor: Yes, Ma'am.", "Kay: Better yet--better yet, I--let me call her.", "Victor: Okay, well, I hope that this getting married to her again will help her feel more secure.", "Kay: You stay close to her.", "Victor: Oh, yeah.", "Kay: That's the most important thing.", "Victor: Yep. You do the same with Murphy, okay?", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: We'll call you when we come back from Vegas.", "Kay: Oh, I wish you the very best, my friend.", "Victor: Thank you, Sweetheart. You do the same with Murphy, all right? You take care of yourself.", "Kay: I will. Mm-hmm.", "Victor: All right? We'll call when we come back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, how are you?", "Cane: Hey, Baby. Hey.", "Lily: So Dad said that it's fine for us to move in with him.", "Neil: Yeah, I think that's wise.", "Cane: Neil, uh, thank you for this. Um, I really appreciate it.", "Neil: All I care about is that everyone's safe.", "Lily: Hey, will you keep an eye on the twins?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: I just want to check my old bedroom to see what we'll need.", "Cane: Yeah, you go. Okay.", "Neil: Um, if my telescope is in the way, I'll move it. Don't worry about that, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: You know, it's, um, it's a huge relief knowing that Lily and the kids can stay here. Thank you.", "Neil: I realize that you're worried about Lily. But I need to know what you're up against. She thinks there's more to this story than you're telling.", "[Cane remembering]", "Cane: You know, you must be an idiot if you think I can go to these people...", "Man: (Scoffs)", "Cane: And ask for that sort of money without giving them--", "Man: Where you get the money is your problem, Mate, right? The thing is, if you don't get it, then it becomes Lily's problem and your kids' problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Um, no. No, the, uh, duffers want retribution, whatever that means. I-I don't know.", "Neil: So--so have they-- have they threatened to hurt you or-- or kidnap Lily and the kids?", "Cane: Um, no. No, they just sent the DVDs and the steaks. Um, I made some calls to some mates back home, and Phillip is trying to make some headway. (Sighs) Neil, I want you to know I'll do whatever it takes to make sure my family's safe, okay? Even if it means that I'll put myself in danger.", "Neil: There was a time that I swore that I'd never trust you again. Lily forgave all your lies, but me? No, I didn't. Not completely. But I respect the fact that you've worked hard to prove how much you've changed. Cane, you're a decent, honest man. I'm gonna help you any way I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Are you leaving so soon?", "Lauren: I have a meeting with a rep at Gloworm.", "Jill: Oh.", "Lauren: Oh, no. No, no. You are not included.", "Jill: Why do you treat me so disrespectfully?", "Lauren: I'm being disrespectful? I was not the one throwing barbs at Nikki.", "Jill: Did you hear what Nikki said to me?", "Lauren: Because you wouldn't keep your mouth shut.", "Jill: (Scoffs)", "Lauren: Look, regardless-- regardless of your history with her, she is one of Fenmore's best customers, and maybe you haven't been reading the reports, but the couture business is tanking. And that one dress that she just bought keeps this boutique in the black for the entire month. You want to work here? You gotta brush up on your customer service skills.", "Jill: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You cannot prevent me from working in my own store.", "Lauren: Then just stay as far away from me as possible!", "Jill: (Groans) (Scoffs) And does nobody in this place do their job? Why didn't somebody clean this up? (Sniffs) Whoa. Alcohol?", "Jill: Oh, Nikki. You naughty, naughty girl.", "Victor: Jill?", "Jill: Hello, Victor. Listen, I heard that you and Nikki are eloping.", "Victor: How the hell do you know that?", "Jill: Well, she stopped by the boutique to pick out a wedding dress. I hope you won't be disappointed in that. Anyway, I thought I should stop by and discuss your plans with you.", "Victor: Of what concerns are my plans to you?", "Jill: Well, I want to do both of you a favor, okay? Because, you see, your blushing bride had herself a little booze fest today.", "Victor: I beg your pardon?", "Jill: You know... (Glugs)", "Victor: No, I think you're the one who has been drinking, all right? Nikki has been sober.", "Jill: No, my dear. She has you fooled. I saw it for myself, Victor. She spiked her tea. I smelled it. Anyway, don't thank me. Just consider it a wedding gift.", "Lily: So we are gonna stay with Grandpa in Mommy's old room where she grew up.", "Neil: That's right. It's my house, my rules, and especially no texting at the dinner table.", "Lily: (Laughs) Okay. They'll think texting is old-fashioned when they're teenagers.", "Cane: Yeah, they'll be able to, like, send their thoughts directly, right? Hmm?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: Yeah, that wasn't even funny.", "Cane: (Laughs)", "Neil: I mean, why are you even joking about that? That's crazy.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Cane: Hang on a sec.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Um, uh, this is a business call. I have to take it. Excuse me.", "Neil: Sure.", "Lily: Okay. (Sighs)", "(Door closes)", "Lily: So, um...", "Neil: Hmm?", "Lily: How'd the talk go?", "Neil: Hmm, our talk? Well, he said exactly what you said. That's all he knows.", "Lily: And you believe him?", "Neil: I don't see any reason for him to lie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: What the hell do you want?", "Man: My people want to know they're getting their money soon, or, Mate, you can say good-bye to that sweet life you're living.", "Cane: You're gonna get your damn money. (Sighs) Katherine, please forgive me for what I have to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Six letters. Blank, \"E,\" \"G,\" blank-- I-is it \"Regale\"? Honey, just blink once for yes, two for no. \"E\"-- oh, I'm sorry. (Sighs) (Chuckles) This must be so frustrating for you. Do you know, all that talk about Victor and Nikki eloping reminded me of our wedding day? It was so beautiful. Brock's speech-- very touching, very touching, and also, the--the gown that Amber made for me-- exquisite. You got all dressed up in that monkey suit just for me. (Chuckles) You're a handsome devil. And all that commotion that--that Nina caused by locking Jill in the closet. God, I wish she'd have left her there. (Laughs) (Sighs) Sweetheart, my life is so much better with you being in it. Every day you're with me is special. And that hasn't changed, and it never will. Oh, my God. It's moving. Oh, that's-- well, that's wonderful. I mean, Darling, can-- can you--can you-- can you feel this? Oh, my God. That's wonderful. You are going to get better. You really are. I know you will. I know you will. Try. I know you will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Chuckles) I can't stop thinking about the look on Jill's face when I told her off.", "Meggie: Oh, she looked upset.", "Nikki: Eh, she deserves it, the old cow. (Sighs)", "Victor: Oh, you're home.", "Nikki: Hi, Darling, yes. I was just gonna drop off the dress and meet you at the hospital.", "Victor: Yeah. I've asked you this before, Sweetheart, and I want the truth. Have you been drinking?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: We have a new article online? Did you post something?", "Deacon: You're shaking. You're shaking.", "Nikki: I'm so upset.", "Deacon: I know. It's okay. It's okay.", "Meggie: I'm at the Silver Star motel.", "Victor: Is Nikki there?", "Meggie: She's in one of the rooms.", "Victor: I'll be right there." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack is worried that Tucker will back out of their deal and Ashley assure him that won't happen because Tucker is an honorable man. Tucker gets a call from an employee telling him about an anonymous offer to buy Jabot and he remarks that the offer is higher then what Jack promised to pay him. Jack and Ashley arrive at Tucker's office and Jack confronts Tucker with his fears that he will not go through with the deal. Tucker tells Jack and Ashley about the anonymous offer to buy Jabot which is higher then what Jack offered but after a few more minutes of making Jack squirm he hands him the signed sales contract. Jack and Ashley hug and remember their father and Ashley tells jack their dad would be very proud of him. Cane and Ronan wait in the surveillance van for the hit to happen and Cane calls Lily and she tells him that she wants to talk to Genevieve and get answers from her. Cane rushes to Lily's to talk to her and persuade her to stay away from Genevieve's house. Ronan calls someone on his phone to tell the person to hurry up because they don't want to miss the action after all the work they have done together. Cane returns and tells Ronan that he hopes he persuaded Lily to stay away from the house for her own good. Ronan notices his cell phone is missing and Tucker, and Ashley get a mysterious message which they think is from Ronan but is really from the person who stole Ronan's phone. The person tells Tucker and Ashley it is urgent they meet at a warehouse on main and Edwards. Jack heads to Genevieve's house to celebrate and Genevieve persuades him to go to Glowworm. At Glowworm Jack also gets a mysterious text message and tells Genevieve it is from someone he thought would never text him.", "Jill orders some kinky toys and has them delivered to the athletic club and then she tells Colin they are going to have a wild night together. Jill blindfolds Colin and handcuffs him to the bed then she takes his blindfold off and tells him that she knows he has been lying to her all this time. Jill tells Colin that she knows he is planning something though she doesn't know what but she intends to mess up his plan. Lily leaves a message for Jill telling her she is going to talk to Genevieve even though Cane told her to stay away from her today. Lily arrives at Genevieve's house and Cane rushes out of the surveillance van towards the house to save Lily. Ronan is glad when Chance arrives at the van to help him and they rush towards the house to help Cane. Cane has a hard time persuading Lily to leave with him but manages to pull Lily out of the back of the house just as Ronan and chance arrive at the front of the house and then the house blows up. Cane and Lily are okay but a hand is seen of someone lying on the floor.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: You want to tell me what the story is with Tucker? Why hasn't he finalized our deal putting Jabot back in my hands?", "Ashley: Jack, the man's been working 24/7. If I didn't bring him his food, he wouldn't even stop to eat.", "Jack: You asked me to give him space while he processed the news that Devon was his son. I have done that. Now it's time to put Jabot back in my hands.", "Ashley: Okay, okay. Take it easy, all right? He said he would, and he will.", "Jack: Then why is he still entertaining offers for Jabot? You heard what he said at the press conference the other day.", "Ashley: I did. I did, yeah. And Tucker is a man of his word.", "Jack: Good.", "Ashley: Okay?", "Jack: Now he has a chance to prove it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Yeah, Beth Greene has been working closely with Sofia on a Nagahata micro-electronics negotiation. Yeah, have her wrap that up. Send all Sofia's other pending business to me. Yesterday, that's when. Right.", "(Telephone rings)", "Tucker: Oh, I gotta go. Al? What'd you find out about the new offer for Jabot? What? (Scoffs) Is that for real? The funding's in place? Well, that's big money. That's a hell of a lot more than Jack agreed to pay me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Heads up-- there's been a-- a wrinkle in the plan, but it changes nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs) Somebody still plans on killing Gloria and my mother. (Sighs)", "Ronan: If anything goes down here at the estate, we've got it covered. Your mom is inside. The place is surrounded. We've got a man on Gloria.", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Ronan: Colin made that call from inside his room at the club, and his tail says that he's still there with Jill.", "Cane: Damn it! Why does she keep putting herself in danger like this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Mm.", "Colin: I thought you were taking a bath.", "Jill: You know, the tub is really, really big, and I'm very lonely.", "Colin: Aw.", "Jill: Aw.", "Colin: We can't have that.", "Jill: No, we can't.", "Colin: Ohh.", "Jill: Honey.", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Jill: You're very tense.", "Colin: Yeah, it's been a bad week in the bull ring.", "Jill: I had an idea in the bathroom.", "Colin: Yeah?", "Jill: It's one that might satisfy...", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Jill: Both of our problems.", "Colin: Both of our problems satisfied in the bathroom? Well, I'm likin' this.", "Jill: Yeah, see, a hot bath would relax you...", "Colin: Mm.", "Jill: And I wouldn't be lonely. Plus, it's very green. We'd be saving water.", "Colin: You're the only person I know that can make aches and pains and the environment sound sexy.", "Jill: (Laughs) Oh, you just wait.", "Colin: Mm. How long?", "Jill: Come join me in the bath.", "Colin: I'm halfway there.", "Jill: Okay.", "Colin: The clock is ticking.", "Jill: Okay, I'll join you soon. (Sighs) Yeah, do you still deliver? Okay, there's an extra $100 in it for you if you get here in 15 minutes. Yeah. I know exactly what I want to order.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Yeah, yeah, okay. So Gloria's at the bank, and it looks like she's gonna be there for a while.", "Cane: Well, maybe that's a good thing. 'Cause until we figure out what this \"Wrinkle\" is, who knows how long it's gonna take to play out?", "Ronan: And as long as Gloria's not here, she's not in the line of fire. But your mother is another story.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings)", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Hello?", "Lily: Genevieve, um, it's Lily.", "Genevieve: Well, what a surprise. What can I do for you?", "Lily: I need to talk to you, so would it be okay if I came by?", "Genevieve: I'll be here all day.", "Lily: Okay, I'll be there soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Gonna eat with us, Jack?", "Jack: This is not a social call. I'm here to get your signature on our contract to sell me Jabot.", "Ashley: Jack thinks that you're gonna back out of the agreement, and I told him that he was crazy.", "Tucker: Actually, I did have another offer.", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: What?", "Tucker: A good one. The buyer offered even more than you did.", "Ashley: Tucker, why didn't you tell me this?", "Jack: That's impossible. Who would offer you triple the value of Jabot?", "Tucker: Anonymous bid. It came through a third party.", "Jack: It could be Katherine, you know, trying to pull a fast one on you. Or you pullin' a fast one on me.", "Tucker: I'm just a businessman, Jack... (Sighs) Doin' business.", "Jack: We have a contract, Tucker, one you testified in arbitration you had every intention of executing. You made a promise to me, a legally binding promise, to follow through with this as soon as Jabot was yours again!", "Tucker: (Sighs) Well, you need proof that I made that promise, Jack.", "Jack: I have proof! Ashley. Are you really gonna put her in the middle of this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, you might want to think about getting a new phone.", "Ronan: Why? This one's fine.", "Cane: (Sighs) This is taking too long.", "Ronan: Mm-hmm. Welcome to police work.", "Cane: Something doesn't feel right.", "(Touch-tones beeping)", "Ronan: Who are you calling?", "Cane: I'm calling Lily.", "Ronan: And you're going to say what?", "Cane: I'm going to check on her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings) (Ring)", "Lily: Hello?", "Cane: Hey, it's me. Look, I kn-- (sighs) I know you are-- you're angry with me, but I just want to make sure you and the kids are okay.", "Lily: Cane, I am not changing my mind. I don't want you around, not unless you tell me what's going on between you and your father.", "Cane: I can't. I can't do it.", "Lily: Fine, then you know what? I'll go to somebody who can.", "Cane: All right, don't talk to my father.", "Lily: Are you kidding me? I wouldn't go anywhere near that scum.", "Cane: Good. (Sighs)", "Lily: But I'm going to somebody who can give me the answers that I want, and that's your mother, and I'm heading to her place right now.", "Cane: No! No, don't go to my mother's house.", "Lily: Oh, really? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't.", "Cane: All right, Lily, you stay there. I'm gonna come over and talk to you.", "Ronan: And what are you gonna tell her exactly?", "Cane: I'm gonna tell her whatever makes her stay in that house.", "Ronan: You can tell her anything you want, except the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Are you Jill?", "Jill: I am. Thank you.", "Man: Have fun.", "Jill: Thanks.", "Colin: Uh, what's going on? Uh... (Clears throat) Who was at the door?", "Jill: The door?", "Colin: Yeah, y-you know, that big slab of wood there with the handle on it and...", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: Okay, let's try something a little less complicated. Wh-what's in the bag?", "Jill: (Sighs) It's a surprise.", "Colin: For me?", "Jill: Yeah, it's definitely for you...", "Colin: Hmm. Uh, animal, vegetable, or mineral?", "Jill: (Laughs) Honey... it's very definitely... animal...", "Colin: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs) Lily? Lily? God, please still be here. Lily?!", "(Lock rattles)", "Lily: Jeez, what is your problem?", "Cane: (Sighs) Thank God you are here.", "Lily: Yeah, I was grabbing a Jacket.", "Cane: A-are the twins here? Tell me the twins are still here.", "Lily: No, they're not here. I told you, you're not coming anywhere near them until you tell me what's going on with you and your father.", "Cane: All right, listen, I told you, I'm going to tell you everything soon, okay?", "Lily: Great. Then say it. Please, for once in your life, be honest with me.", "Cane: Soon. I will tell you everything soon.", "Lily: Right, yes, of course you will. You have to go, 'cause I have things I have to do.", "Cane: Listen, I'm not going until you listen to me.", "Lily: Listen to what? More of your lies?", "Cane: I haven't lied to you.", "Lily: Yeah, you haven't told me the truth, either. Cane, I-I can't do this anymore. You know how it was for me when I had cancer. I--all the questioning and--and the wondering-- I won't live like that anymore. If you won't give me the answers I need, then I--", "Cane: Then--then what? You're gonna go and see my mother and my father? Don't do that. Stay away from them.", "Lily: So, what? Your mother is dangerous, too, now?", "Cane: Look, I don't know what you're trying to get from her, but whatever it is, she's not gonna give it to you. Okay? You have more chance that she's gonna open up to you than--", "Lily: Than what? Than you?", "Cane: (Sighs) I'm bound. I can't say anything.", "Lily: (Scoffs) You're bound. You're bound by what?", "Cane: I've heard things. I know things.", "Lily: What \"Things\" have you heard?", "Cane: Stay away from my mother's house. It is not safe.", "Lily: (Stammers) What does that even mean? What are you hearing and from who?", "Cane: (Sighs) Look, I've already said too much, okay? I just need you to trust me on this.", "Lily: Trust you? Trust you, really? Last time I trusted you, I almost lost my children.", "Cane: And this time, it's going to be different.", "Lily: Yeah, it will be different, 'cause you're not coming anywhere near us.", "Cane: I need you to leave this alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You really think Ashley's gonna take your side against me?", "Jack: You'd really ask her to choose?", "Ashley: I sure hope he doesn't. I mean, you did agree that if Jack helped you get Jabot away from Katherine that you would sell the company back to him. So what is there to talk about, Tucker?", "Tucker: Well, I'd be a lousy businessman and a damn fool if I didn't at least consider this--", "Jack: Forget it. Forget it. I'll just call my lawyer.", "Tucker: No, no, Jack. Save your thousand bucks. I gave you my word. Here it is. The Jabot sales contract signed and executed. Get it while it's hot.", "Tucker: You were next on my to-do list.", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Jack: It's all here in black-and-white. After all this time... (Sighs) Jabot is back in the Abbott family.", "Ashley: Daddy would be so proud. I'm so happy.", "Jack: (Sighs) I was the one that talked him into taking the company public in the first place. I can still see the look on his face when he realized Victor had taken everything from him. I told him I'd get it back one day. I did it.", "Ashley: You did it.", "Jack: We gotta call Traci and Billy and-- I can't believe we don't have a way to get a hold of Billy. (Sighs)", "Ashley: It's okay. When he gets back in town, we're all gonna go out and celebrate, right?", "Jack: The whole family. God, I wish Dad were here.", "Ashley: He is, you know.", "Jack: Jabot is ours again.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Ta-da", "Tucker: Big day. Big day for the Abbotts. Finally gettin' the family company back.", "Ashley: Yeah, and not just that. You did the right thing.", "(Glasses clink)", "Tucker: You were afraid I wouldn't?", "Ashley: Mm, well, I told Jack that you were an honorable man, that if you gave your word, it meant something.", "Tucker: Yeah, but you were worried that I would choose money over decency.", "Ashley: Maybe? (Laughs)", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Ashley: You had to be tempted by that other offer. Tell the truth.", "Tucker: Yeah, well, there was a time when I would have snatched it up. The hell with promises and commitments.", "Ashley: Yeah, so... so what changed?", "Tucker: Well... (Sighs) You know, I thought that Jabot was important to you and Jack because it was the last thing you had left of your dad. But today I saw... I saw what he really gave you. Now I don't know what you call it. I don't even know how to describe it. But I just know that I don't want McCall, Unlimited to be the only legacy I leave my son.", "Ashley: Here's to that...", "(Glasses clink)", "Ashley: And to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I am here to celebrate right now!", "Genevieve: (Laughs)", "Jack: Mm.", "Genevieve: Mm. What are we celebrating?", "Jack: The return of Jabot to its rightful owner-- me, John Abbott Jr.", "Genevieve: Oh, my God, Jack. That's---I-I-it's amazing. When did it happen?", "Jack: Just now. The ink is barely dry on the contract. I came straight here 'cause I wanted to share it with you.", "Genevieve: I-I'm very touched, a-and I'm also amazed that you were actually able to pull that one off. I mean, not too many people can outmaneuver Tucker McCall.", "Jack: I almost didn't. He had another offer, one he claimed was better than mine.", "Genevieve: Really? From whom?", "Jack: An anonymous bidder. I'm not sure I understand that, but it doesn't matter.", "Genevieve: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Jabot is back where it belongs.", "Genevieve: The best man won. (Laughs)", "Jack: Yay!", "Genevieve: Oh, gosh, I'm so proud of you. (Laughs)", "Jack: So you ready to help me celebrate?", "Genevieve: Absolutely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Yeah, I know. So Lily was about to head down here to talk to Genevieve about something. I know. I know. No good at all. Cane just split out to try to stop her. Yeah, yeah. I hope he can, too. Yeah. Yeah, Genevieve's still here. Jack Abbott just showed up. Where are you? Oof. You better hurry up, Man. You want to be here when all this goes down, right? After all the work you put into this. Northeast corner of the property. Beige unmarked van. Step on it. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know I love you, and you know how I feel about you, and you know it's real. And if you believe it, you have to believe when I say to you, stay away from my mother's house today for your own protection.", "Lily: Well, what about your protection?", "Cane: I don't need protection. I grew up with this. I grew up with the lies and the threats and the jeopardy.", "Lily: So it just makes you immune to it? Like your brother and your sister?", "Cane: You let me worry about that.", "Lily: (Scoffs) Fine. Go ahead and worry about it, because you have wasted enough of my time.", "Cane: I'm not going anywhere until you tell me you're not going to my mother's house today.", "Lily: Fine, I'm not going to your mother's house today.", "Cane: Lily.", "Lily: Oh, it doesn't feel good, does it, to be lied to?", "Cane: Don't screw with me. This will be over soon.", "Lily: You know what, Cane? Don't even bother, okay? I don't care anymore. I don't. I-I don't care about your secrets or your family secrets. I don't want anything to do with any of you.", "Cane: Good. So you're not going to my mother's house then. Is that right?", "Lily: What I do is none of your concern, because I am done with you.", "Cane: All I care about is you and the babies. All I want you to do is be happy and be safe.", "Lily: Great. Then stay away from us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: This brings to light an occasion in Vegas. There were these four hookers, an-- (Chuckles)", "Jill: Honey, I'm gonna make you forget every woman you've ever known.", "Colin: Okay.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: (Stammers) Oh. Yeah, we can forget the pharmaceuticals then, can't we?", "Jill: Yeah, we can, 'cause I got magic fingers...", "Colin: Okay.", "Jill: And a magic mouth.", "Colin: Mm.", "Jill: And... (Handcuffs rattle)", "Colin: What else?", "Jill: Don't forget I got these.", "Colin: Oh, yeah, the handcuffs.", "Jill: Oh, yeah.", "Colin: I-I didn't know you were so adventurous.", "Jill: Yeah, well, there's a lot you don't know about me. Anyway, I thought you Aussies were supposed to like adventure.", "Colin: Oh, yes, we do.", "Jill: (Giggles) Do you? Good. Because... I have got a wild and woolly one in store for you.", "Colin: Well, I guess I should brace myself.", "Jill: Yeah, you should. (Handcuffs lock)", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So what happened while I was gone? What'd I miss?", "Ronan: Oh, not much. A couple more deer. Jack Abbott showed up.", "Cane: What's he doin' here?", "Ronan: At the moment? He's showing Genevieve how passionate he is about her couch.", "Cane: (Sighs) Well, that's great, isn't it? There's wildlife out here, and the wild life's going on inside there. And we're not even close to catching my father. (Sighs)", "Ronan: You're not a very patient man, are you?", "Cane: Oh, I'm patient. I've waited years for this.", "Ronan: And? How'd it go with Lily?", "Cane: She's furious with me.", "Ronan: Funny, isn't it? Tragic, really, how it sucks to be noble.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, it kills me not to be able to just tell her the truth.", "Ronan: Well, I would take a figurative death over a real one any day.", "Cane: Yeah, me, too. I just hope I got through to Lily about staying away from mom.", "[Lily remembering]", "Cane: Look.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: Under the tree, there's, uh, there's a box. I wonder, uh, I wonder who this is for.", "Lily: I wonder how it got there.", "Cane: I don't know. Hmm.", "Lily: Who's it for? Is it for... me? Yep. Can I open it?", "Cane: Uh...", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: I don't know. Have you, um, have you been a good girl?", "Lily: Of course.", "Cane: Hmm?", "Lily: You sly devil. What did you do? Oh, my gosh. (Gasps) Cane, this is so beautiful. (Gasps) Thank you. I love it. (Laughs)", "Cane: I'm glad.", "Lily: You know that you got me another one last year for our first Christmas together. Remember?", "Cane: Mm-hmm. I remember.", "Lily: I have it somewhere. Where'd I put it? See? Remember that? (Laughs) Oh, my gosh, we have had the most incredible year. I feel so blessed.", "Cane: You just wait and see. It's gonna get better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Sighs) Jill, hi, um, it's Lily. Sorry I missed you. Um, so anyways, Cane was here, and I told him that I didn't care what he was up to with Colin, which is not true at all, and, I don't know, he seemed really adamant about me not seeing Genevieve, but, of course, he didn't tell me why, so I'm just gonna go over there like I planned, and I'll-- I'll let you know what I find out. (Sighs) Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Mm. (Sighs) Wait a minute. I want to make this really special.", "Jack: Oh, you are. You are.", "Genevieve: Mm, no, I've been saving something for a moment just like this.", "Jack: Well, this I want to see.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Okay.", "Jack: What? No, wait, wait, wait. Where--where are you going?", "Genevieve: I was gonna go get Myrna. I've been saving a bottle of Cristal from 1990. Oh, wait a minute. I gave Myrna a shopping list. She's out at the grocery store.", "Jack: Oh, fine. We don't need champagne.", "Genevieve: Jack, come on. We've got to celebrate this moment.", "Jack: (Laughs) We are!", "Genevieve: But don't you want everyone to know about it? Really.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Let's go to Gloworm, and we'll have dinner, and I will help you shout it from the rooftops.", "Jack: (Laughs) As long as we come back here for dessert, okay?", "Genevieve: Mm. Oh, wait a minute. Lily said that she might stop by. Actually, I thought she would have been here by now.", "Jack: Um, can you call her?", "Genevieve: I don't have her number. Um, oh, she was the last person to call. I can get it from the phone.", "Lily: Hi. This is Lily. You've reached my voice mail. Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you.", "Genevieve: Hi, Lily, this is Genevieve. Listen, I'm really sorry, but something's come up, and, uh, I'm going out of the house, so I'm not gonna be here after all. We're gonna have to make some other plans, so give me a call, and we'll set something up. Bye.", "Jack: All set?", "Genevieve: I just hope Lily isn't already on her way. I'd hate for her to drive all the way out here for nothing. (Chuckles)", "Jack: Shall we?", "Genevieve: Yes, we shall. From the rooftops.", "Jack: From the rooftops!", "Genevieve: Yes. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I am disappointed. No Gloria. I was looking forward to the conga line when she announced there's a new owner of Jabot eating in her establishment.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Don't worry. I'll get the party started. Would you bring us a bottle of my private reserve champagne, and put it on my tab.", "Jack: Uh, no, no, no. My celebration, my treat. Thanks.", "Genevieve: Don't listen to him. Come on now. It's just my way of showing you how proud I am of you. Well, part of my way.", "Jack: I'm lookin' forward to the other part.", "Genevieve: I promise you, what goes on at my house tonight you will not soon forget.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, if my father manages to elude us again, I just don't--", "(Walkie-talkie squawks)", "Ronan: Oh.", "Saunders: Malloy, its Saunders here. I followed Mrs. Atkinson and Abbott to Gloworm. I sent you a text, but I didn't hear from you. Over.", "Ronan: Yeah, Saunders, just stay with them. Let me know when you're on the move. Out. Where's my phone?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Mm.", "Ashley: What?", "Tucker: Listen, I, uh...", "Ashley: What?", "Tucker: Well, I have to get back to work.", "Ashley: I haven't finished thanking you.", "Tucker: Well...", "Ashley: Mm.", "Tucker: I guess I could take a few more... mm, yeah.", "Ashley: Oh, what?", "Tucker: (Laughs) What are you thanking me for again?", "Ashley: (Laughs) I'm thanking you for righting a wrong.", "Tucker: Oh.", "Ashley: You know, I have... I have given Jack so much grief over the years about fighting for Jabot.", "Tucker: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: And it turns out that he was right, 'cause my dad's company is back where it belongs. And, um, you made my brother happy, which makes me happy.", "Tucker: Mm.", "Ashley: And so now I really want to make you happy, you know?", "Tucker: (Laughs) Hey.", "Ashley: What?", "Tucker: Remind me to put a note in my calendar to do something nice for Jack every single day.", "Ashley: Okay.", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Tucker: Eh. Come here.", "Ashley: Yeah, who cares about that?", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Ashley: Well, that's weird.", "Tucker: (Scoffs) It's probably a coincidence. Come here.", "Ashley: You know what? I better check it.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Okay.", "Ashley: It's from Malloy.", "Tucker: So is mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs) Maybe you dropped it when you were outside earlier.", "Ronan: No, I don't remember taking it out.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Guys, its Malloy. Keep an eye out for my cell phone. I may have dropped it in the woods. There's a car pulling up to the house.", "Cane: Damn it! It's Lily.", "(Doorbell rings)", "(Ring)", "Lily: Hello? Genevieve?", "(Knock on door)", "Lily: Hello? It's Lily. Genevieve?", "Cane: I told her not to come. I'm gonna go and get her.", "Ronan: No, listen to me. If Colin's man sees you, it blows everything we've done here.", "Cane: I don't give a damn. She's not gettin' killed over this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: This can't be a coincidence.", "Tucker: No way.", "Ashley: Why? What does yours say?", "Tucker: \"Urgent! Meet me at the warehouse on the corner of Main and Edwards in two hours. I need to talk to you ASAP. There's a leak at the station.\"", "Ashley: Mine says the exact same thing.", "Tucker: A leak? What--what--why-- why would Malloy think we would know anything about that?", "Ashley: Why does he want to meet us at Main and Edwards?", "Tucker: I don't even know where that is.", "Ashley: Well, its way out of town, off the county highway. I don't know what this is all about. What could it be about?", "Tucker: I don't know, but I don't like the sound of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You know, it's not too late. You could still stand on the table and announce the good news.", "Genevieve: Hmm. Would you be terribly disappointed if I didn't?", "Jack: Nothing would disappoint me today.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) You're really on top of the world, aren't you?", "Jack: This could very well be the greatest day of my life.", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Genevieve: (Chuckles) Oh, more good news?", "Genevieve: Jack, what's wrong?", "Jack: Uh, nothing. Just... someone I didn't really want to hear from.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: So... how much longer you plan on keeping me in the dark?", "Jill: Mm... just until I'm sure you can't get away, my love.", "Colin: Why would I be stupid enough to do that?", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: I mean, come on. Dump the key. Have at it.", "Jill: Oh, I intend to have at it. I just don't think you're going to like it very much. That's all. (Sighs)", "Colin: Uh, what-- what's going on?", "Jill: Well... (Sighs) You probably think that-- that, uh, this is a kinky little sex game I'm playing with you, huh?", "Colin: You mean it isn't?", "Jill: No, it isn't, Colin. I've got you tied up because you lied to me. You lied to me from the very beginning. You lied to me about everything beautiful I thought you were.", "Colin: I don't know what's going on here, but let me go.", "Jill: No, no, no, no, no. 'Cause, see, you're planning something. I don't know what it is, but I am gonna screw it up for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Genevieve? Genevieve, are you here? Hello?", "Cane: Lily!", "Lily: Cane, what-- what are you doing here?", "Cane: There's no time to explain. We have to go.", "Lily: No, wait, are you following me?", "Cane: We have to go. We have to go now!", "Lily: Look, don't touch me. I'm not going anywhere with you.", "Ronan: Come on, Cane. Get out of there. Get out of there.", "(Van door opens)", "Ronan: It's about time you got here. This whole thing's going south. Come on. We gotta get up to the house.", "Chance: Let's go.", "Lily: I came here to see your mom, and you can't stop me.", "Cane: My mother is not here. And we need to leave.", "Lily: Yeah? You're lying.", "Cane: I'm not lying to you. We need to leave, okay?", "Lily: Why? What don't you want me to find out?", "Cane: I'll explain everything to you when we get outside.", "Lily: (Sniffs) Why does it smell like gas? Stop! What--", "(Loud explosion)", "Lily: (Coughs)", "Cane: (Coughs) (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: He has evidence on you, and he's trying to get me to rat you out.", "Ronan: We got you, Pal. We finally nailed you.", "Victoria: Do you think that he could have found out that I saw you with Diane the night she was killed?", "Victor: You and I better get our stories straight, all right?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Maureen pays Nikki a visit along with a bottle of vodka. Knowing that Paul is behind the door, Nikki puts her off by telling her that she cannot do this now. Dylan tries to get Mark to let him out of jail, so he can help Nikki before it's too late. After Maureen leaves, Paul tells Nikki that Dylan and Mark are in the building and so is Ian. There is a knock on the door and it is none other than Ian. Paul steps out from behind the door and holds the gun on Ian. Ian starts to run but Mark and Dylan stop him. Michael calls his doctor's office for an appointment. Summer gets a call from Jack that they have a situation there at the house. Victor and Phyllis talk about what happened at the clinic and that he showed her a picture of Sharon. Summer tells Austin that Victor is with Phyllis. Summer advises Austin as to what he can and cannot say to Phyllis. Ian is arrested but promises Nikki that he will be back for her. Once Summer and Austin get to Jack's, she is shown the papers that she signed. Summer claims she thought they had to do with her trust fund. Summer accuses Victor of manipulating her into signing the papers, so he could get the treatment for Phyllis. Avery and Joe have a run-in in her and Michael's law office.", "Avery asks Joe what kind of game he is playing. At the police station Nikki insists on speaking to Ian. Summer accuses Victor of conning her into signing these papers. Ashley blurts out that Summer and Austin are married. Phyllis wants them to get an annulment, but Summer refuses. Joe and Avery argue over why he's in town. Dylan starts to attack Ian, but Paul holds him back. Ian warns both Paul and Nikki about Dylan's temper. Avery asks Joe why he wanted to see her. She says she wants to stand by Dylan. Joe, sarcastically, asks her if she stands by Dylan like she stood by him. At the Athletic Club, Victor remembers a talk he had with Nikki. He tries to call her but gets no answer. Maureen interrupts and tells him that she can help him find Nikki. Austin asks to talk to Phyllis alone. He tells her how much he loves Summer. Phyllis asks him to prove it by telling her what has been going on while she was gone. Austin hesitates just as Summer comes in and tells Phyllis that she will not let Austin be hurt. Dylan visits Avery to let her know that things are all over. Dylan notices Joe and asks who he is. Michael visits his doctor and finds out that his PSA count is up. Michael asks the doctor if he has cancer. Paul confronts Nikki about her drinking again.", "" ]
[ "Victor: I did everything in my power to bring you back to life. And it worked. You're here because of me. Now I want you to do everything in your power to help me.", "Phyllis: Recently comatose little ol' me? Come to the aid of the great and powerful Victor Newman? How am I supposed to do that?", "Victor: You tell me.", "Phyllis: You know, I do remember more about your visit to the clinic now.", "Victor: Oh. It's all coming back?", "Phyllis: Dribs and drabs.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: I seem to recall you showed me a photo.", "Victor: Of...?", "Phyllis: Sharon, of all people.", "Victor: Oh. So your memory is coming back.", "Phyllis: She's what you need help with?", "Victor: You and Sharon share information that is of great importance to my son Nicholas.", "Phyllis: What makes you think I would know that?", "Victor: You do know. And now let's deal.", "Phyllis: What are you offering?", "Victor: What am I offering? I already helped bring you back to life.", "Phyllis: And you expect to be repaid.", "Victor: With information that you have about my son.", "Summer: You know, I thought that I was really gonna miss your lifeguard uniform since the pool closed for the season.", "Austin: But you don't?", "Summer: Not so much since I get to watch you lift weights for your new job at the gym. My husband is really, really hot.", "Austin: I don't mind watching you work out either.", "Summer: No? Oh.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Summer: No way. Oh, it's my dad. Hold on. Hi, uh, Jack. What's up?", "Jack: We have a situation.", "Dylan: Look, we could stand here arguing all day long.", "Harding: Or you can tell me where the trap door is so I can get it covered.", "Dylan: We don't have time for that -- just let me show you.", "Harding: You think I'm gonna release you?", "Dylan: Your boss and my mother could be in danger. Ian could be slipping into that place right now.", "Harding: I doubt that.", "Dylan: This is the guy who had you and the rest of the town convinced I murdered him.", "Harding: Look, just because ward is smart --", "Dylan: What happens if he gets the jump on Paul and Nikki because you kept me in here? Come on, man. Get me out of here. It could already be too late.", "[Knock on door]", "Maureen: No point in being alone. I got a vodka. We could both use a drink.", "Nikki: Oh. Maureen, uh, I'm sorry. Could we get together another time?", "Maureen: Are you okay?", "Nikki: No, I-I-I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just, um -- I'm surprised to see you.", "Maureen: Oh, well, that was the point. Let's get the party started.", "Nikki: I-I-I just can't. I am so exhausted.", "Maureen: What's going on?", "Nikki: Nothing is going on. I-I-I'm fine. I just -- we really could do this another time. It'd be better.", "Maureen: Oh. Do you have a man in there?", "Michael: Yes, this is Michael Baldwin again. Have you had a chance to check with Ed? I mean, Dr. Botnik. I'm sorry, Mr. Baldwin. Dr. B's still tied up.", "Michael: Well, is there any way you can make sure that I physically need to be in the office for dr. Botnik to discuss whatever it is he needs to discuss with me? The only information I have is... Dr. B definitely wants to see you in person. If you need to reschedule, we can --", "Michael: No. If that's the way it's got to be, might as well get it over with. I will be there today as scheduled. Thank you very much. [Sighs] Have you scheduled that deposition? Avery!", "Avery: Huh? Michael, I'm sorry. What?", "Michael: You're thinking about Dylan and the upcoming trial.", "Avery: [Sighs] I'm trying to research the Hawkins brief, but --", "Michael: It's understandable that you'd be focused on the man that you love, but we have a deposition to schedule, please.", "Ashley: Hey. Interesting reading?", "Jack: Where did you come from?", "Ashley: I parked in the back. What's going on? Isn't that Victor's car out front?", "Jack: It sure as hell is.", "Ashley: Well, why is he here?", "Jack: He didn't come here to see me. He came to talk to Phyllis.", "Ashley: Phyllis is here?", "Jack: Yeah, she got released from the hospital today.", "Ashley: Where's Kelly?", "Jack: I can't get into that right now. I have bigger issues to deal with. Like this.", "Phyllis: How will you use this information?", "Victor: I don't have enough details yet to answer that question.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, then I'm sorry. I can't help you, Victor. Thanks for stopping by, though.", "Victor: So, what will it take, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Full disclosure. Tell what you know so far and tell me what you're planning to do with what I know.", "Victor: You and I aren't close, are we?", "Phyllis: That much I remember.", "Victor: But neither you nor I want Sharon with Nicholas, do we?", "Phyllis: I am with Jack now, so what nick does --", "Victor: I know you still have feelings for my son.", "Phyllis: Do not use me to hurt him.", "Victor: I am using you to help my boy.", "Phyllis: How do you see this all playing out, Victor? You use my info to get nick to ditch Sharon and, bonus, he never speaks to me again?", "Victor: You tell me what I want to know. I take care of the rest. I'll blow Sharon out of the water. But your hands will remain clean.", "Austin: So what did Jack say about your grandfather?", "Summer: [Sighs] That he is the reason why my mom is okay.", "Austin: How is that possible?", "Summer: I don't know. I didn't get any details, but I have to go. Grandpa's at Jack's house, and that is never a good combination.", "Austin: I'll go with you.", "Summer: Okay. I was hoping you would say that, but I have to prep you. We are going to be walking in to the clash of the titans, okay -- my old family versus my new family.", "Austin: I get it. It's tense, like with nick and your dad.", "Summer: Uh, no. This is on a whole other level, okay? These two have been fighting since before I was born.", "Austin: Maybe we shouldn't go over there, then. I don't like the idea of you getting caught in the middle of their battle.", "Summer: Oh, and then leave my mom there by herself instead? I can't do that.", "Austin: Okay. I got your back, then.", "Summer: Okay. Thank you. And, Austin --", "Austin: I know. We can't tell Phyllis that we're married.", "Summer: Yeah. And also, my mom doesn't know about the whole Jack live-in thing with Kelly, so maybe keep that on the down-low, too. And also, if my mom corners you and asks you to use a laptop to get access to the internet, you can't help her.", "Austin: You want to just give me a cheat sheet of all the things I can't say?", "Summer: I'm really sorry. I know you hate all the secrets.", "Austin: Well, no. I get it. It's the way that Phyllis reacted to our engagement...", "Summer: I know. This -- the doctor said that we can't stress her out. Otherwise --", "Austin: It's all right. I know that you're glad we're married.", "Summer: I really am. I love you so much.", "Austin: Okay, so, we can't drop any major developments on your mom until after she's ready.", "Summer: Right.", "Austin: Right.", "Summer: Wow. Hot, smart, and totally there for me. How did I get so lucky?", "Austin: By being the best wife ever. All right. Come on.", "Victor: So, you'll give me the information? Ashley.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Victor: My goodness. I heard rumors that you're back for good.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, you heard right.", "Victor: Nice to see you.", "Ashley: You as well. I'm so happy you're well. And you look fantastic.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] How did those nice words feel crawling their way out of your throat?", "Ashley: I was just trying to be polite.", "Phyllis: And I'm trying to make a re-entry here, which is why when people who hate me start with the nice noises, it starts to make me feel like an invalid.", "Ashley: Okay, well, how insensitive of me -- trying to be pleasant to you.", "Phyllis: The last time we saw each other, weren't you making an all-out attempt to keep me from your brother?", "Ashley: I think a lot's happened since then, don't you?", "Phyllis: Tell me about it. Actually, Victor and I were in the middle of something, but I'm sure we can finish that some other time.", "Victor: You bet we can. Now, I just came back to town, so I'm looking forward to seeing my wife. I'll see you all soon.", "Jack: Not so fast. I think you need to stick around and face the music.", "Maureen: So, who's this guy you've hooked up with?", "Nikki: Maureen, there is no guy.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Nikki: Look, I-I really hate to be rude, but this just isn't a good time.", "Maureen: I hear you. Enjoy.", "Nikki: Oh, boy. That must have really given you the wrong impression with Maureen showing up with vodka.", "Paul: Nikki, there is no time. Dylan is in the building. He's already spotted Ian.", "[Knock on door]", "Nikki: What?! Who is it?", "Ian: Hello, Nicole.", "Nikki: Hello, Ian. You're early.", "Ian: I thought it best to surprise you before our planned rendezvous.", "Nikki: And why is that?", "Ian: [Chuckles] Did you think your ridiculous trap would stop me from taking what I want from you?", "Nikki: Oh, I don't know. I don't think that trap was so ridiculous.", "Paul: Freeze!", "Ian: [Gasps] [Sighs]", "Paul: Ian ward, you are under arrest.", "Avery: Why did you track me down here, Joe?", "Joe: Well, I didn't.", "Avery: You just happened to wander in?", "Joe: I guess I need to set some things straight.", "Avery: Yes, like why you're here and what you want.", "Joe: Well, I'm here for some legal advice.", "Avery: I advise you to hire a different attorney.", "Joe: Funny you say that. I'm looking for Michael Baldwin.", "Michael: That would be me.", "Avery: Get over here. You -- you -- you hired -- you're meeting with my law partner?", "Joe: Well, I'm just as surprised to see you as you are to see me. I didn't put the connection together until, uh, I saw my name on the door.", "Michael: Oh. Oh, you're Mr. Clark.", "Joe: Joe Clark. I see you didn't lose the last name.", "Avery: Right. Because after our divorce was final, I had already established myself professionally as Avery bailey Clark.", "Joe: Well, I didn't mean to surprise you. When cane recommended an attorney...", "Michael: Cane Ashby?", "Joe: ...He didn't say that you had a partner.", "Michael: Yeah, well, it's a brand-new partnership.", "Avery: How do you know cane?", "Joe: We used to work together. We're friends. I trust his business savvy. That's what led me here.", "Michael: Oh. You have legal questions.", "Joe: A commercial real-estate offering. I need you to review some documents.", "Michael: I would be glad to review these documents if my partner doesn't mind.", "Avery: Why would I mind?", "Paul: And if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.", "Ian: Come on. Get these cuffs off me. I haven't done anything wrong.", "Paul: Do you understand your rights? If you choose not to respond, we will bring in a professional who will determine your mental status.", "Ian: I'm more sane than anyone else in this room.", "Paul: And if the professional determines that your mental status is capable of understanding these rights, your rights will be read to you in the presence of a judge.", "Ian: And I'll be free faster than you can blink.", "Paul: You're not gonna beat these charges, not this time.", "Dylan: Are you all right?", "Nikki: I'm fine. How did you get here?", "Dylan: Harding let me out.", "Harding: Yeah, I got to -- I got to hand it to the guy. He found an entrance to the place that we had all missed.", "Dylan: They came across it when they were remodeling the place.", "Harding: Ward slipped through there, past our plainclothes guys that we had at all the other exits.", "Paul: Did you hear that, ward? The man you tried to frame for murder is the man responsible for bringing you down. Think about that path.", "Ian: I came back for you, Nicole. And I'll be back for you again.", "Dylan: No, you won't. It's over.", "Ian: For now.", "Paul: Until the rest of your sorry life. Get him out of here.", "Harding: Come on.", "Ian: All right. All right. Don't manhandle me. Excessive force, Paul!", "Harding: Oh, that's not excessive force. This is.", "Paul: Nikki, I promise you he is not gonna slither out of these charges. Not this time. We have him dead to rights for kidnapping and drugging Mariah.", "Dylan: He's out of your life, Nikki. Finally.", "Nikki: Not quite yet.", "Victor: \"Face the music,\" Jack? Instead of harassing me, you should be celebrating Phyllis' good health and your sister's return to Genoa City.", "Jack: This isn't about the two of them.", "Victor: It should be. Don't mar their homecoming by another baseless attack on me.", "Jack: This is not baseless. What you did to my family --", "Ashley: Okay, Jack, you know what? Before this gets any worse, just give him a chance to defend himself, okay?", "Jack: Summer, please come here.", "Summer: Wh-what's going on?", "Jack: Your grandfather was just about to explain himself.", "Summer: Wait, grandpa, you're the one responsible for my mom coming back?", "Victor: I am. Mm-hmm.", "Jack: So tell them the rest.", "Victor: You know it all, Jack. Why don't you tell them?", "Jack: Well, what your grandfather has conveniently omitted is that he arranged for a special experimental treatment at the clinic for your mother without the family's consent. To do that, he pulled a lot of strings and probably committed a few crimes.", "Victor: Sweetheart, helping your mother coming out of a coma is hardly a crime.", "Jack: Well, you see for yourself here. That's a consent form for the experimental-drug treatment. It's signed by you, apparently. But then Victor said you didn't know anything about it. So what does that mean? Did you maybe forge the name of the granddaughter you were so concerned about?", "Ashley: Tell me you didn't do that, please.", "Jack: I can only assume from the perfect timing you're also responsible for Daniel's art grant.", "Phyllis: Did you send my son out of the country?", "Jack: That's right. That way, he would be far away from the clinic when the treatment was administered, right?", "Phyllis: Is that true?", "Summer: Wait, wait. Gr-grandpa didn't forge my signature.", "Phyllis: He didn't? Then who?", "Summer: I signed it.", "Jack: Summer --", "Summer: Grandpa tricked me into signing it myself.", "Michael: It'll be nice working with you, Joe.", "Avery: Well, we won't be working with you for long.", "Joe: Why is that?", "Avery: I just assume this is a one-shot deal since you'll be in Genoa City briefly finalizing this one project, right?", "Joe: Well, that's true, but I may have other documents that need to be reviewed.", "Michael: We'll be happy to take your business, Joe. Just e-mail your papers to my paralegal.", "Joe: I'll do that. Appreciate you squeezing me in, Michael.", "Michael: Not at all. But I do have to go to an appointment now.", "Avery: Uh, wait. I -- are you due in court?", "Michael: No. Nothing that serious. Just meeting a friend. Take care.", "Joe: Nice to see you again, Avery. Always a pleasure.", "Avery: Wait a minute. Why did you pretend you had no idea that Michael was my partner? What kind of game are you playing here, Joe?", "Paul: Why do you feel the need to face Ian one more time?", "Dylan: I mean, the guy always upsets you. You shouldn't be stressing yourself out.", "Nikki: You're a wonderful son, Dylan. And, Paul, you've been such a good friend. But I need to look that guy in the eye one more time after everything he's done to me.", "Dylan: You -- you just did when he was hauled away in cuffs.", "Nikki: Well, I'm not quite finished.", "Ian: Nicole. I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from me.", "Nikki: The game is over, Ian. You have no power over me anymore.", "Ian: I don't? When the world hears --", "Nikki: Shut up! I'm not finished with you yet. You took advantage of me when I was a young, naive girl. You forced yourself upon me. I didn't know any better. And then you had the audacity to come to my home, years later, and dredge the whole thing up again. You're a sick man, always telling me that I needed you, that you were the path to overcome my weakness. Well, you were my weakness, and you're gone.", "Ian: Oh, you think you've won?", "Nikki: I know so. Paul, my son, and I will thrive while you are rotting away in some dark, dank cell.", "Ian: [Chuckles] Oh, yes. What a lovely family portrait the three of you make. But there's something missing from this lovely tableau. Yes. Your husband. [Chuckles] But then again, you always did love to play the field.", "Paul: Unh-unh.", "Ian: [Chuckles]", "Victor: You look at the bigger picture, okay? Your mother is here, and she's well.", "Summer: You must have slipped the consent form in with my trust-fund documents.", "Jack: Oh, is that how you did it?", "Summer: Grandpa, I trusted you. I blindly signed everything that you put in front of me, and you lied to me.", "Phyllis: Why was my daughter signing trust-fund documents?", "Summer: That's not the point, okay? The point is why did you do that? Why couldn't you just ask me to sign the documents?", "Ashley: That's a really good question.", "Victor: If I had asked, Jack Abbott here would have blocked any attempt at a cure because the suggestion came from me.", "Jack: I never would have stood in the way of Phyllis receiving any viable treatment.", "Victor: If I had done nothing, Phyllis would be lying in that hospital, comatose, because of the man she loves.", "Jack: That is absurd.", "Victor: Really? Instead of accusing me, why don't you all ask Jack why he didn't go to a greater extent to find a cure for the woman he loves?", "Joe: Well, I honestly didn't know Michael was your partner.", "Avery: How could you not know that? You called me to congratulate me about my new partnership when you saw the announcement.", "Joe: Well, I didn't register the name of the other partner. Look, this is no scheme to infiltrate your office, Avery. Why would I lie about that?", "Avery: [Sighs] I suppose there's no reason you would.", "Joe: Cane said he was the best, so I made the call.", "Avery: He's one of the best.", "Joe: Right. Avery, I assure you this is nothing more than a coincidence. But truth be told, I'm not sorry for the opportunity to see you.", "Ian: I do so enjoy your temper, Dylan. It made it so easy to convince people that you were a murderer.", "Paul: You know, what you didn't count on was me knowing my son wasn't a murderer.", "Ian: Oh, come on. You must have had some doubts, chief.", "Paul: In the end, I realized that he's too honest and too decent to commit a crime like that.", "Ian: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, look at those eyes. How close are you right now to strangling me, huh? [Chuckles] Yeah, there's evil inside there. When Avery finds out, she's gonna walk away from you.", "Dylan: You know, my mother was right.", "Ian: To choose me as her spiritual guide? I agree.", "Dylan: No, Nikki said you lost all power, and you have. All you can do is taunt us from behind bars. And Paul was also right about how to handle a piece of garbage like you. Violence isn't necessary to put you exactly where you belong.", "Ian: I belong with the women who love me.", "Nikki: The women you used. And we've won. Sharon and her daughter -- they're gonna have their happy ending while my son and his father and I -- we've never been closer. We took you down together. And we stand here before you as a family. You stand there with nothing.", "Harding: Come on, ward. I got a nice, cozy cell for you.", "Paul: You know what, Harding? I want the pleasure of escorting Mr. Ward to lockup. Let's go.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Paul: There you go.", "Ian: [Chuckles] Well, lovely accommodations, Paul.", "Paul: Don't get used to it. You're gonna be shipped out soon. You'll be tried, convicted, and put away for a very long time. After all these years, Ian, it's finally over.", "Ian: [Chuckles] Did you learn nothing from me at new world, huh? Your mode of thinking really disappoints me, Paul. I tried to teach you over and over -- we're all on a path that travels upon itself. Time, the universe moves in a circle that never ends. If you would only grasp that truth then you would know nothing is over.", "[Cell door slams]", "Jack: I moved heaven and earth trying to find a cure for Phyllis.", "Victor: And yet you failed, didn't you?", "Jack: I'd like to know what other crimes you committed trying to find this treatment.", "Victor: Phyllis, let me ask you -- are you or are you not grateful for my part in your cure?", "Phyllis: Yes, but that is before I knew you took advantage of my daughter. Did you steal her signature on anything else?", "Austin: Yeah, I'd like the answer to that, too. I don't like seeing Summer manipulated by someone she considers family.", "Victor: Excuse me. Did I ask you a question? All I did was help find a cure so that you would come out of your coma and could spend the rest of your life with your family, amongst people you love. That's all that matters.", "Ashley: He's got a point.", "Jack: I may approve of the outcome. I don't approve of the way you got there, and I am going to look into this experimental treatment, see what went into it. Did you check if there were any potential side effects?", "Summer: Wait, side effects?", "Phyllis: No, sweetie. Don't worry. I-I haven't experienced a single side effect. In fact, I am feeling stronger by the minute -- strong enough to want this argument over right now.", "Jack: I don't approve of the way you got there.", "Ashley: Jack...", "Jack: But I will overlook it for the moment.", "Victor: I don't give a damn.", "Jack: For you.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: You can leave now. And stay away from Phyllis from now on.", "Victor: I have your permission to leave now?", "Jack: Yes.", "Victor: Now that Phyllis is conscious again because of my efforts, I am sure she can choose who and when she wants to meet someone. And I'm sure she will not forget to thank me for what I've done. You had better keep that brother of yours in line.", "Ashley: And I'm gonna be keeping my eye on you, too.", "Victor: All right. I'm looking forward to it, okay?", "Ashley: Okay.", "Victor: Bye.", "Ashley: Bye. So, Phyllis. How do you like your handsome new son-in-law, huh?", "Austin: She meant fiancé.", "Summer: She didn't...", "Phyllis: You're already married?", "Avery: You wanted to see me again. Why, Joe? We've been divorced for years.", "Joe: Well, I'm concerned about you. Why wouldn't I be? With Dylan being locked up -- I mean, how are you handling this?", "Avery: I'm fine. Really. But I-I do need to get back to work, so...", "Joe: I can tell underneath that smile you're worried. I mean, who wouldn't be under these circumstances?", "Avery: Dylan is innocent. That will be proven.", "Joe: You're so sure about that?", "Avery: Yes, I am. And whether you agree with me or not on his innocence, I really don't care either way. What matters is that I'm standing by Dylan.", "Joe: Like you stood by me.", "Paul: Well, I can't tell you how glad I am that's over.", "Nikki: Oh, me, too.", "Paul: And you -- I'm proud of you for not beating ward to a pulp. I know how tempting it was.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, your way was the right way to go. He's locked up for good now, and none of us had to get any blood on our hands.", "Nikki: Well, you both came up with a very effective plan.", "Dylan: Well, I guess we're done. See you guys later. Uh, Nikki... we all made it work, especially you.", "Nikki: [Sighs] It's over.", "Nikki: You know, Victor, you haven't been here enough to even know what's going on with me.", "Victor: I am worried about your health.", "Nikki: Oh, please, please stop. I don't want to hear the letters \"M.S.\" Again. I will scream. There is nothing wrong with me. I've told you over and over there are no flare-ups.", "Victor: Will you come to your senses? You've been under a lot of stress lately, so you're weakened.", "Nikki: I am not weakened. You are overreacting.", "Victor: Well, whatever I'm doing, you and I will go to see the doctor tomorrow. Is that clear?", "Nikki: Dear God. Fine. Fine. We will go see the doctor.", "Victor: Let me help you.", "Nikki: Victor, I am okay! I don't need your help.", "Victor: What is the matter with you?", "Nikki: I am fine.", "Victor: Nikki, why don't you answer the phone? One of the staff told me that you were heading for the club. That's where I am now, looking for you. Call me back.", "Phyllis: You have lied to me twice now.", "Summer: Look, mom, please.", "Phyllis: First, you and Austin were friends, then you were engaged, now you're married. Are their grandchildren somewhere around here that I don't know about?", "Jack: No.", "Phyllis: Can I get that in writing?", "Summer: Definitely no grandkids.", "Austin: Definitely.", "Summer: And I wasn't lying when I said there wasn't one on the way, either.", "Austin: Look, Summer was just trying to protect you.", "Phyllis: Okay, I have had it with being protected from the truth. How long ago was this marriage?", "Summer: Um, it was in July.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Okay, okay. We have enough time to get an annulment.", "Summer: Mom, I am sorry that I didn't tell you before about my marriage, but I am not sorry that I'm married to Austin. I love him, and we are gonna be together.", "Phyllis: We'll see about that.", "Summer: Okay, do not even try. Other people have tried to break up my marriage. You cannot. It will not work.", "Jack: It's true. I even tried to bring in the police. Sweetheart, give it some time. Let it sink in.", "Phyllis: Time is not gonna make me any less upset. You are barely out of your teens.", "Summer: I am an adult, mom.", "Phyllis: Who was just tricked into signing legal forms, sweetie.", "Summer: Okay, yes, lesson learned. I will not let anyone treat me like a naive kid again, but you cannot wreck my marriage.", "Austin: Okay, I-I'll make sure that she's okay.", "Ashley: I'm really sorry about the slipup.", "Jack: No, no, no. It's all right, sis. It's all right. I realize the marriage is a shock. I felt the same way when I found out they eloped.", "Phyllis: Eloped?!", "Jack: First they eloped, and then there was a church service.", "Phyllis: And you didn't try to stop them? Either time?!", "Jack: Red, take your frustration out on me. You don't want to fight this fight with Summer. Don't. She's every bit as stubborn as her mother. Look, what's troubling me right now is Victor's accusation. I need you to believe this. I did everything in my power to wake you from that coma.", "Phyllis: I never doubted that.", "Jack: Good. I also know what his real motive is.", "Phyllis: Which is what?", "Jack: The moustache has been desperate for sometime now to uncover information that he could use to hurt nick.", "Phyllis: Yeah, so he said.", "Jack: Wait, he talked to you about it?", "Phyllis: Well, he's Victor Newman. He talked at me.", "Jack: You would not believe the lengths he has already gone to find out this information. According to Sharon, you're the one person that knows it. Even she says she forgets it.", "Phyllis: So she says.", "Jack: Wait, you don't believe her?", "Phyllis: It's just a convenient thing to forget, is all.", "Jack: Then you do know what this mysterious information is.", "Michael: We got to stop meeting like this, ed.", "Dr. Botnik: Thanks for coming in. Michael, please have a seat.", "Michael: You don't have to summon me back to your office for golf tips. But, per usual, you need to slow down on your back swing.", "Dr. Botnik: I'm afraid this isn't about golf, Michael.", "Michael: Then what is it about?", "Dr. Botnik: Well, there's no easy way to say this. The rest of your test results came back, and your P.S.A. Blood level was elevated.", "Michael: I have cancer?", "Phyllis: That's not what I meant. It's just suspicious that Sharon would forget some important piece of information.", "Jack: Did you say that to Victor?", "Phyllis: [Sighs] Honey, my head is spinning. There is so much coming at me. My daughter is married, and I-I don't want to focus on Sharon or Victor or your age-old battle with my ex-father-in-law.", "Jack: Okay, okay. That's a wise choice. We'll -- we'll set it aside for right now.", "Austin: Hey, can I -- Phyllis, can I talk to you for a second in private? Look, I just -- I want you to know how sorry I am for how this went down. And you need to know I love Summer, and I'd do anything for her.", "Phyllis: All right, Austin. I have a way you can prove you're worthy of her.", "Ashley: I'm really sorry I dropped that bomb. And I never would have if I'd only known.", "Jack: It's okay. It's all right. Forget about it. Turns out Phyllis is a lot stronger than we all gave her credit for.", "Ashley: Yeah, I agree with that. Do you think she's strong enough to learn that some other woman is sleeping in her bed?", "Phyllis: You can prove yourself by telling me what else everyone is keeping from me.", "Austin: Like, uh -- like what?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm sure there's more they're holding back -- something big, something you may already know or can help me figure out.", "Austin: Look, it's not like I can just --", "Phyllis: You know, why don't you just give me your cell phone, and I will look something up on the internet?", "Austin: I can't.", "Phyllis: Austin, if you love Summer and want her mother's support, you'll help me on this.", "Summer: Mom, if you're giving Austin a hard time, then you need to stop.", "Phyllis: Sweetie, nothing to worry about. I believe Austin and I have come to an understanding.", "Avery: Are you trying to pick a fight with me?", "Joe: I'm not blaming you, Avery. As I've already said, I wasn't the husband that you deserved. All right? I gave you ample reasons not to stand by me during our marriage.", "Avery: So now you're saying that I shouldn't stand by Dylan, that I've made another mistake in my judgment when it comes to love and men?", "Joe: Not at all.", "Avery: You know what? We don't have to have this conversation. Our marriage is over. You and I have moved on. Michael is a brilliant attorney. He will handle your affairs, and then you can be on your way. I wish you good luck. Good luck with your business.", "Joe: Avery, about my business...", "Avery: Dylan. Oh, my God. You're free! It worked! They found Ian?", "Dylan: We did. We did. It's over. It's over. I'm sorry for, uh, interrupting.", "Joe: You must be Dylan.", "Dylan: Who are you?", "Victor: Thank you. I appreciate it.", "Maureen: Uh, excuse me. Sorry, I-I couldn't help but notice you asking the waiter about Nikki. I could help.", "Victor: In what way can you help?", "Maureen: Well, I know where she is.", "Paul: All right. Ian is locked away. No chance of dodging these charges.", "Nikki: [Sighs] Then the worst truly is over.", "Paul: Yeah, Nikki --", "Nikki: I got to go.", "Paul: Listen. Is it really over?", "Nikki: I don't know what you mean.", "Paul: You know, I understand you've been under a lot of pressure lately, but that -- that friendly visitor you had back at the suite toting the bottle of vodka. Have you been drinking again?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: I'm actually glad your father's lost his eyesight so he didn't have to walk in that hotel room and see you in bed with his wife.", "Hilary: I can't do this.", "Neil: Why? What do you mean you can't do this?", "Dylan: When were you gonna tell me your ex was in town?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nikki and Victor go downstairs and see Billy and Victoria at the bar. Nikki asks Victor about him getting Adam out of jail on bail. At the police station, Lily gets Cane out on bail. Devon tells Neil about Cane possibly being behind the ransom note. Cane thanks Lily for getting him out but then feels that she is siding with the police and thinks he is guilty. At the Athletic Club bar, Billy and Victoria discuss Adam and Billy's hatred of him. Billy admits that he is angry over what's been happening. Victoria asks Billy to accept it and move on. Paul and Christine join them. At a table in the Athletic Club dining room, Victor and Nikki discuss how computer virus is affecting his business. Adam and Chelsea have just made love. He tries to urge her to leave town with him. Chelsea tells him that this is good-bye. Lily asks Cane who would have stolen his gym bag and planted the ransom money in it. Cane asks Lily if she thinks that he is guilty of doing this.", "Paul lets Devon know that Cane is still the prime suspect in having the ransom money. Paul urges Devon to stay away from Cane. Devon and Neil are having a talk when Cane enters the rooftop restaurant and just looks at them for a moment. Victor lets Victoria know that Adam is no murderer, but that circumstances caused him to hit Delia. Adam urges Chelsea not to say good-bye to him but let them have a chance at reconciliation. Billy visits Chelsea to find out what she is going to say on the stand but is upset when he finds Adam there. Billy and Adam begin to argue as usual over him hitting Delia. Chelsea has to put an end to the fighting. Devon asks Cane if he ever really knew where Hilary was. Chelsea urges Adam to stay in town to face the charges against him and she will tell them what a wonderful husband and father he is. Chelsea tells Adam that if he runs away, she will not defend him. In the courtroom, Chelsea asks Victor why he urged Adam to skip town.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Breaking news?", "Billy: No. Just...reading the public's reaction to Michael Baldwin's latest salvo that Adam Newman can't get a fair trial here in Genoa city.", "Victoria: Well, the trial starts today, so obviously that motion was denied. So, you can ease up on that obsession.", "Billy: Vick, this is our one shot at getting justice for Delia. I'm not gonna let anything jeopardize that.", "Victoria: Billy, it's not gonna change anything. All right? You know how trials can go. What?", "Billy: That. That. It sounds like you're prepping me for the worst, like maybe your dad's pulling some strings so that Adam doesn't do hard time.", "Victoria: I didn't say that. All I was saying --", "Billy: Oh, I heard what you said, so why don't you tell me what you know?", "Chelsea: I wonder what's gonna happen next.", "Adam: This could be the last time I hold you like this.", "Chelsea: You sound worried.", "Adam: Well, I'm about to go to trial for a horrible crime. Babe, I think I should be worried.", "Chelsea: No, that's not what I mean. You -- before this, you -- you seemed resigned, like you had accepted your fate.", "Adam: I'm gonna be found guilty. Chelsea, I'm gonna get a long sentence.", "Chelsea: You sound different. You sound worried, and -- and scared. Something's changed. Adam.", "Adam: There might be another option.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about?", "Adam: What if I run?", "Victoria: Do you really think that I have some private knowledge about my father keeping Adam out of jail?", "Billy: I-I don't know. Vick, I don't know. Maybe -- maybe he hinted at something.", "Victoria: First of all... I have every reason to believe that Adam will be convicted. And secondly, I would never keep something like that from you. Never.", "Billy: I know you wouldn't.", "Victoria: And the fact that you even said that to me makes me worried about you and what you might do if something goes wrong.", "Billy: Goes wro-- nothing's gonna go wrong. Nothing is going wrong, and I will see to that.", "Victoria: How can you, Billy? You can't stop things. Things happen. Things happen that you can't change, like what happened to Delia.", "Billy: Adam happened to Delia.", "Victoria: [Sighs] You have got to stop making everything you think, say, and do about getting back at Adam. Otherwise, I'm scared about what's gonna happen to you.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Seems that Adam's unexpected return from the grave has brought our beautiful daughter and that obnoxious Billy boy closer together.", "Nikki: Well, you can pat yourself on the back for that.", "Victor: What do you mean by that? You're blaming me for it?", "Nikki: I'm just reminding you you're the one who pulled strings to get that judge to set bail for Adam, and you're the one who spent millions getting him released.", "Victor: What does that have to do with anything?", "Nikki: Sometimes, actions have unexpected consequences. You can set things in motion that you never intended.", "Victor: Really?", "Devon: I want you to direct all resources to following this lead.", "Neil: Any word on Hilary yet?", "Devon: Yeah. We, uh -- we found out who's behind the ransom.", "Neil: You're kidding me. Wh-who?", "Devon: No. [Scoffs]", "Neil: Who, Devon?", "Devon: Cane.", "Neil: No, it's not.", "Devon: Yeah. The evidence is overwhelming. And I'm thinking that -- I'm hoping that it's only a matter of time before he gives up who kidnapped Hilary.", "Cane: So, who posted my bail? [Sighs] Thank you. Thank you for realizing this is insane. I'd never extort money from Devon, and anyone who thinks I had anything to do with Hilary's kidnapping is insane. Thank you for believing me, baby.", "Billy: You know what? I'm good. I'm good. I'm just gonna chill here and wait for due process to do its thing. You're the one who's acting like I'm packing heat, itching to take Adam out.", "Victoria: Because you are.", "Billy: [Sighs] Look, Victoria, I'm -- I'm not saying that --", "Victoria: I love you. I love you. And I want to grow together with you and our family.", "Billy: Then what is stopping us?", "Victoria: You are, Billy. You've got to let go of all of this hate and this need to see Adam suffer.", "Billy: What is so wrong with me wanting them to find this guy guilty?", "Victoria: Not one thing. But what happens after that?", "Billy: Adam goes to prison.", "Victoria: And that'll be enough for you?", "Billy: Well, I don't know. A life sentence would be nice.", "Victoria: Well, what if it's only 20 years? Or five years or one year? If a life sentence is the only thing that's gonna satisfy you --", "Billy: Look, I know that no verdict is going to bring back my little girl. But maybe it'll give me some closure.", "Victoria: Oh, my -- that is such bull. What if he gets off?", "Billy: Then he gets off. Okay?", "Victoria: Well, then you and me and the kids will have a life sentence of your bitterness. [Sighs] [Sighs]", "Billy: I'm angry. Okay, yeah, I'm angry. But I'm -- I'm dealing with it the best I know how.", "Victoria: Until you can't anymore and until you explode.", "Billy: If you start on me needing to forgive Adam again --", "Victoria: Look, Billy, I'm not asking you for anything. I'm not expecting you to be filled with light and love and warm feelings for Adam. He lied to all of us, and -- and he covered up his part in a hit-and-run, and it was disgusting and I'll never forgive him for that.", "Billy: Then what do you want from me?", "Victoria: I want you to accept it. Just accept that this...terrible thing happened and that Adam had a lot to do with it. And then I just want you to let go of all of the bitterness in your heart so that it doesn't consume you.", "Billy: Like it did before.", "Victoria: Like it did before.", "Christine: Hold up. From what I just heard, you could actually help Adam's case.", "Victor: I helped Adam to save my company from paragon.", "Nikki: So you keep saying.", "Victor: Well, I didn't want anyone else to suffer the collateral damage of his actions.", "Nikki: You have the world's most brilliant computer engineers working to stop that virus. Has Adam been able to come up with anything they haven't?", "Victor: Not really. Mnh-mnh.", "Nikki: There's another answer you were hoping he would provide.", "Victor: You mean an answer to the question as to why he hates me as much as he does? Why he would do this kind of thing to me, destroy my company?", "Chelsea: I know it must be terrifying facing this trial.", "Adam: No, I was ready, you know? I was ready -- ready and willing.", "Chelsea: Then why are you talking about jumping bail?", "Adam: I had a conversation with my father.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Victor suggested this.", "Adam: Chelsea, he knew that I couldn't help him with paragon.", "Chelsea: But he bailed you out anyway.", "Adam: He said he wanted answers.", "Chelsea: $10 million for a chat?", "Adam: I guess so.", "Chelsea: And how did that turn out for you?", "Adam: He offered to, uh, help get me out of the country, if I wanted.", "Chelsea: Wha-what about the money he posted?", "Adam: Just said he'd let it go.", "Chelsea: Just like that, and you bought this?!", "Adam: No, no. I know. I know, and -- and I'm not saying that I accepted his offer.", "Chelsea: Okay, so -- so now, we're -- we're about to leave for the courthouse, and you're changing your mind about sticking around?", "Adam: Chelsea, this could be our last chance to be a family. Look at me. Think about it, okay? I leave. We wait a little bit, all right? And when it's safe, I send for you and Connor. We could all be together, all right? The family that we deserve, that we always wanted. This could be perfect.", "Chelsea: Stop deluding yourself, Adam. This is a scam. Your father is never going to help you.", "Cane: Yeah, where's this guy with my stuff? I want my stuff so I can get out of here and start clearing this up.", "Lily: Yeah, that's what we all want.", "Cane: Have you spoken to Devon?", "Lily: No, mostly I've just been trying to figure out who would set you up like this.", "Cane: Yeah, that's what I want to know, too.", "Lily: Cane, I'm thinking that someone must have lifted your gym bag, you know, maybe at the club. Can you remember when it went missing?", "Cane: What? My gym bag? No, no, no, no. Where is this guy with my stuff? I want my stuff!", "Lily: Whoa. This is important. If we can figure out who took your bag, then we can answer other questions.", "Cane: Wh-what -- wait. What other questions?", "Lily: Well, the police theory is that you needed the ransom money for the deal that went south at Fenmore's.", "Cane: No, no, no. That makes no sense, 'cause I had nothing to do with that deal.", "Lily: Okay, well, whoever set you up, they knew about you taking time off. They knew about the Fenmore deal. They had your access codes.", "Cane: Right, so they had a lot of inside information. You know, this reminds me of the time that Hilary tried to screw with our lives. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that.", "Lily: Why did you say that?", "Cane: Because I am upset. That's why I said it. 'Cause I'm upset 'cause I didn't take money from Devon. I wouldn't do that. If I needed money, I would ask him for it. I would go to him and ask him for the money.", "Lily: Well, the police think that you were embarrassed by causing such a huge loss at Fenmore's, and --", "Cane: All right, just -- just stop for a second. That's the second time you've said, \"the police think.\" The police aren't the only people who thinks this. You think this, too, don't you? You actually think that I did this.", "Billy: Why would I do anything to help Adam?", "Christine: I know how hard it is to dredge up anything resembling forgiveness when...", "Paul: When you lose a child because of someone else's actions.", "Billy: No. It's impossible.", "Christine: Okay, but from my experience, Billy, that kind of anger -- it can be corrosive to your personal life.", "Billy: Thanks. I'll -- I'll keep that in mind.", "Christine: And it can distort things you say without you even being aware of it.", "Billy: You mean like on a witness stand. I got it. I won't...make Adam look any more sympathetic.", "Victoria: Or like he's the target of a vengeful father.", "Billy: But the guilty verdict is clinched, right? This guy admitted what he did on video tape and again in public at the anniversary of Delia's death. I mean, what -- what more does a jury need?", "Paul: Okay, admittedly, it's a strong case.", "Christine: It's a very strong case.", "Billy: And...?", "Christine: And I want you to be prepared. Michael is gonna paint Adam out to be a loving father and a good husband who acted out of fear of losing his family. And with Chelsea as a witness --", "Billy: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you suggesting that Chelsea's testimony could actually sway a jury that much that they would let him off?", "Christine: You let me worry about that. You tell the truth simply and clearly without any underlying bitterness.", "Billy: You bet. I'm ready.", "Christine: [Scoffs] Okay.", "Victoria: What is it?", "Billy: It's Chelsea. She could ruin everything.", "Victoria: We don't know that.", "Billy: [Sighs] I need to go talk to her.", "Victoria: Now?", "Billy: Yeah. I need to make sure that she knows defending Adam is a really bad idea.", "Victoria: Trying to influence the testimony of a witness is also a really bad idea, Billy.", "Billy: I've got to try.", "Victoria: Please, Billy. You could jeopardize everything. Besides that, you and I both know that Chelsea is a hostile witness. She's the one that exposed the whole Gabriel Bingham lie. She's done defending Adam.", "Billy: Well, then I will just go make sure of that.", "Chelsea: Can't you see that Victor is manipulating you? He's playing on your need for his approval.", "Adam: By offering to help me get out of this?", "Chelsea: That's not what he's doing.", "Adam: Why can't you understand, sweetheart?", "Chelsea: Because it hurts me. It hurts me to see you go through this again. You so want to believe that your father loves you that you're willing to put your life in Victor's hands? Why would you want to risk --", "Adam: Because this is our last chance. I'm trying to take it. Our -- our -- our chance to have a life together. This is it, babe.", "Chelsea: What kind of a life would we have? Living on the run under assumed names?", "Adam: Well, you know, I mean, this is what we agreed to before Billy found out the truth, remember? I'm not blaming you for telling him, okay?", "Chelsea: You said you were relieved that the truth was out.", "Adam: I am. But now that that's over, I've got a promise to keep to my family, to you and Connor. I told you I would -- I would move to Paris with you guys, right? We'd live under the assumed name of -- who really gives a damn what our last name is? 'Cause we would be together. This is what you wanted. And I'm telling you you can still have it. Last night -- last night was a new beginning for us, wasn't it?", "Chelsea: Last night wasn't a beginning, Adam. It was goodbye.", "Victor: Adam must have known that pursuing this course with paragon would cost him his wife and his son, the people that he loves the most.", "Nikki: Yeah, but he tried to destroy your company.", "Victor: I know. Well, his -- his hatred of me was more important, you know?", "Nikki: What reason did he give you?", "Victor: None, really. Nothing -- nothing cogent. Just hates my guts.", "Nikki: People fall into patterns, even when they're self-defeating.", "Victor: [Sighs] Yeah, they certainly do, don't they? But then, you know, his contentious relationship with me, I think, has made him stronger.", "Nikki: I doubt he'd see it that way.", "Victor: Probably not. Anyway, after all has been said and done, he is my son.", "Victoria: Mom. Dad.", "Victor: Sweetheart.", "Nikki: Hi, darling.", "Victoria: Hi. [Smooches]", "Nikki: So, you'll be at the trial today with Billy?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Definitely.", "Victor: Billy just left. Everything all right?", "Victoria: Well, understandably, today's a very...difficult day for him. I just wish that he wasn't so...", "Victor: Vindictive?", "Nikki: Look, he is being asked to relive the most difficult part of his life, the most painful. And I know that he's so happy that you are there for him. I'm sure the two of you will come out of this exactly the same way you always have -- together.", "Victoria: Thanks, mom.", "Nikki: Now, darling, do you mind handing me my purse?", "Victor: Sure.", "Nikki: I think that I left my dark glasses up on the roof deck, so I better go retrieve them.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Nikki: See you soon.", "Victor: [Smooches] Join me?", "Victoria: I'm really not in the mood for you to bash Billy. I already had to defend you to him.", "Victor: Oh?", "Victoria: He thinks that you're gonna try to find some way to help Adam beat these charges.", "Victor: Huh.", "Victoria: Dad?", "Victor: Let's talk, sweetheart.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: Cane, I wasn't accusing you of being behind the --", "Cane: You know what? I thought that you had time to reconsider this. I thought you would have realized who I am, that this is me, that I am the man that you married. But instead, you went and ran to Dylan straight away. You didn't even think of coming to me.", "Lily: No, Cane, I --", "Cane: Instead of saying, \"you know what? There could be some explanation for this,\" instead of trusting me like I have trusted you, like I trust you even though you went and slept with another man.", "Devon: So, lily found the ransom -- $1 million in sequential bills -- in Cane's gym bag.", "Neil: Doesn't make sense for Cane to do something like this. I mean, it's not like he needs the money, son.", "Devon: Well, we also found out that Cane is responsible for a disastrous business deal that happened at Fenmore's that cost the company a ton of money. And that pushed the police to make the arrest.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Devon: How is Cane out on bail? I'm gonna talk to Paul and Christine about this.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Does that have something to do with Hilary's disappearance? Are they any closer to finding out who's responsible?", "Christine: This is my clerk about Adam's case. Excuse me for a minute.", "Devon: Oh, sure. Paul, what's the explanation for Cane being out on bail? Did something come up to clear him or what?", "Paul: He's still our prime suspect.", "Devon: Then why aren't you questioning him, finding out what he knows?", "Paul: Devon, we did question him.", "Devon: But you didn't find anything out. What about the drugs that went missing at the hospital? Or Hilary being transported on a gurney from the islands here?", "Paul: There's nothing connecting Cane to the pilot or transferring Hilary here.", "Devon: But --", "Paul: The only possible conclusion we can draw from the evidence is that Cane might have been involved in a bad business deal and took advantage of your situation, but we -- we're gonna need a lot more proof. Okay?", "Devon: I feel like I'm letting her down, Paul. All right? Hilary is counting on me to keep her safe, but everything that I try, you guys -- you just --", "Paul: Okay, listen to me. I understand your frustration, and I'm going to warn you not to take matters into your own hands. You need to stay away from Cane.", "Nikki: Cane would never intentionally cause Devon pain like that. I can't fathom it.", "Neil: I totally understand, because, you know, I'm just as shocked. But you know something? Given the right circumstances, we can do things that we never imagined.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Victor: I don't know how this will turn out for your brother.", "Victoria: So, you're not gonna help Adam run off?", "Victor: Why should he run?", "Victoria: He killed Delia.", "Victor: Sweetheart, it was dark at night. He didn't see Delia. I mean, this is a driver's worst nightmare -- to hit someone that you didn't see at night. I mean... don't you understand? He's --", "Victoria: When he became aware of what he did, dad, he hid.", "Victor: That was bad, but he's not a murderer, for heaven's sake. I'm just worried now about Billy boy's trigger temper. What is he gonna do? Aren't you?", "Victoria: [Sighs] I don't want to talk about Billy.", "Victor: I'm just trying to protect you.", "Victoria: Dad, at a certain point as a parent, you have to accept that you've done your job and you have to let your children make their own choices, even their own mistakes.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Okay. When all of my children reach that point, then I'll inform them. How's that?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Adam: Last night was not goodbye.", "Chelsea: I-I don't regret last night. It -- it was an important step towards me...moving forward.", "Adam: Chelsea...", "Chelsea: Just like, you know, Billy and Chloe -- they deserve [Sighs] A step. They deserve to move forward. They deserve this trial, so you have to take responsibility.", "Adam: I have taken responsibility. Okay? I-I've taken responsibility. I-I-I will carry that guilt with me for the rest of my life, even though I didn't mean to hurt that little girl.", "Chelsea: But you're running.", "Adam: I'm holding on to what matters to me. Hear me out. My whole life, I didn't think I deserved to be happy, but then I met you. Right? You understand me, you get me, Chelsea, just like I understand you, just like I understand why you're saying the things that you're saying right now.", "Chelsea: Because I mean them.", "Adam: Because you're scared. You're scared how much you love me. You told me that you couldn't imagine your life without me. How are you gonna move on without me?", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Adam: Just don't get it.", "Billy: Hey, Chelsea. I just wanted --", "Chelsea: Uh, I --", "Billy: Well, I was going to ask what you were planning to say on the stand.", "Victoria: You know, being your child and coming into this world with the burden of all of those expectations --", "Victor: Oh, sweetheart, and all those advantages.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] I know.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: I'm grateful for them.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: But the battles, dad, especially for Nick and Adam, constantly being torn between wanting your respect and wanting to be their own men...", "Victor: Well, what's wrong with that?", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Victor: That's a natural course of events. I mean, sons battle their fathers to prove themselves. That's natural. What does that have to do with you?", "Victoria: Mostly, dad, I've just shown up to do the work. Because all I ever really wanted was your respect.", "Victor: And you have it, my sweet love. You have it.", "Victoria: But, dad, it's kind of become a joke.", "Victor: What do you mean a joke?", "Victoria: Everyone says I'm like you.", "Victor: Great.", "Victoria: More like you than any of your other children.", "Victor: I love that.", "Victoria: Sometimes, it's said tongue-in-cheek. But secretly, it means a lot to me because it's true, because I earned it.", "Victor: Yes.", "Victoria: So, imagine how I felt the other day when I overheard you talking to Nick.", "Victor: Oh.", "Victoria: Nick, who swore that he would never again have anything to do with the family business.", "Victor: So, what's -- I don't even know what I said to him.", "Victoria: You were talking to him about his future. You were praising his ability to run things.", "Victor: Okay. Probably did. I don't know.", "Victoria: Dad, I was at the hospital after sage collapsed. The implications were very clear, that one day, Nick would most likely be running everything.", "Victor: [Sighs]", "Victoria: My sweet girl, I have never, ever thought of you as less capable than any of your brothers, never. And the proof is in the pudding. I mean, look at all the positions you have held at my company and are holding now.", "Victoria: I know that intellectually. Dad...", "Victor: Yeah?", "Victoria: I know that.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: But when I thought about it and thought about how much you wanted Nick back in the fold and knowing how, as a parent, sometimes you can play favorites, even though you're not supposed to, I know it's not right and I know it's not rational, but for a moment, it gave me a taste, just for a moment, of what Adam has been feeling for a very long time.", "Victor: I don't quite follow any of this, but, you know, if that's how you feel, then -- then I'm sorry. I've always thought you were very capable. Okay? I love you. I adore you. If people call you... Victor Newman, I mean, so what? I love that. Okay?", "Victoria: Okay.", "Victor: Okay.", "Billy: I want you to think about all the times we talked about Adam, how you told me he would never change, that his love is corrosive.", "Adam: It's none of your business, Billy.", "Billy: Well, I think we both know that's not true. So, what did he tell you, hm? Did he tell you how much he loves you? He's gonna sweep you off your feet, take you and Connor to Paris, have this great life? Make all your dreams come true?", "Adam: You don't have to listen to this.", "Billy: He is just here to seal the deal, to make sure that when you get up on that stand, you paint this rosy picture of what a great guy he is, a great father. But the truth is this is the guy who ran down my little girl and did nothing, said nothing. Just thinking about himself. Just like right now. You can't go into court and defend this guy.", "Adam: Billy, why don't you leave her alone?", "Billy: You need to save yourself and save Connor. Don't fall for this again.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Paul: In the bigger picture, it just doesn't sit with me.", "Christine: Cane wouldn't extort that ransom money?", "Paul: Right. I mean, the -- the motive doesn't fit. I mean, it would be different if -- if lily and the kids were threatened. I could see Cane then taking advantage of Devon.", "Christine: Well, like you --", "Paul: But a business deal? It just doesn't make sense.", "Christine: You always say this, though.", "Paul: What? You mean money through the door, reason out the window? I'm not buying it.", "Christine: Okay, but all you can do is follow the evidence, even if it leads to someone you like.", "Paul: Yeah, well, this job's a lot easier when you're dealing with scum or career criminals. But, I mean, Cane is a decent family man.", "Christine: And then there are those people who think they're immune, who think they can get away with murder.", "Paul: But not today?", "Christine: [Scoffs] Not on my watch.", "Devon: Mostly, Paul talked about the evidence, which leads straight to Cane.", "Neil: Yeah. I wonder...", "Devon: What? What do you wonder? Does Paul think Cane just used the situation to maybe cover, you know, a bad business deal? Or that Cane actually knows where Hilary is and who's got her?", "Cane: All right. Listen.", "Devon: No. You listen to me. I just want to know one thing, all right? Do you or did you ever know where Hilary is?", "Cane: So, you want to know about Hilary? You want me to tell you who's been keeping her, is that it?", "Devon: Of course I do.", "Cane: Well, you see, I can't do that, because I'm an extortionist, remember? And I wouldn't tell you that without being paid.", "Devon: Cane, I don't care about any amount of money. I just want to know what you know. Please.", "Cane: Go to hell.", "Devon: Cane, listen to me. Hey. I will cover any losses, whatever you want.", "Cane: You know what I want? I want you to get out of my face. That's what I want.", "Neil: This is ridiculous. Hey, we are family! Stop!", "Cane: What is wrong with you?! I stood by you and Hilary. I kept your affair a secret from your father and my wife, and I nearly destroyed my marriage by doing it. And now the cops think everything I've done for you is part of some mercenary plot. I put my life on hold for you. I stopped my job, I walked away from my kids, my wife, and this is how you're gonna repay me.", "Devon: You had $1 million of my money in your house. That's how you repay me?", "Neil: Listen, this has got to stop. This -- it ain't worth it. Go. Take a walk. No. Take a walk. This isn't getting us anywhere.", "Cane: What? You want to ask me what I know about Hilary, too?", "Lily: Hey. What happened?", "Devon: I just saw Cane, and he's out on bail.", "Lily: Yeah. I'm the one who posted it.", "Devon: Why did you do that?", "Lily: Do you really have to ask that?", "Devon: Well, yeah. I just saw him. He's out of control.", "Lily: Because he's angry, like he was when I was asking him how all this happened.", "Devon: The police should be questioning him, finding out where Hilary is. Why didn't you leave him in jail?", "Lily: Because he's my husband.", "Victoria: Did you talk to Chelsea?", "Billy: Yeah. And I was right to worry. Adam was with her.", "Victoria: You're kidding me.", "Billy: No. And he spent the night filling her head with his lies.", "Victoria: Well, Chelsea loves Adam. That's not a lie.", "Billy: It's also no excuse to jump into bed with him, either.", "Victoria: Just because he's responsible for a terrible thing doesn't mean that those feelings aren't there, Billy. It's not that simple. None of this is.", "Christine: I know Michael, and normally, he would be here by now, getting ready with his client.", "Paul: Maybe something came up.", "Christine: Gosh, I've had such a bad feeling about this ever since he was sprung from lockup. I-I think Adam ran.", "Paul: Look, if Michael caught wind that his client was going to jump bail, he certainly would have called me. And he -- he certainly wouldn't help Adam get away.", "Billy: No, but Victor could have. So, where is he? Where's Adam?", "Adam: Got a \"good luck\" kiss in you?", "Chelsea: Don't joke. You have to stay here and face these charges. Promise me.", "Adam: And spend years in prison.", "Chelsea: It's the right thing to do. Adam, it is -- it's what you were going to do before Victor got all up in your head.", "Adam: Billy got all up in your head is what happened.", "Chelsea: No, no, he didn't.", "Adam: That guy's not gonna be happy with a suspended sentence or a few years in prison. That's not what's gonna happen. He wants me to spend the rest of my life there. You understand? He doesn't want me to ever see you again or Connor. He wants to watch me suffer. That's what he's interested in.", "Chelsea: Well, Billy is not on the jury. You have to trust --", "Adam: Look, let me ask you a question. Do you believe that I'm sorry about what happened that night?", "Chelsea: Of course you are.", "Adam: Yeah? Do you believe that I wish I would have come forward sooner than I did?", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Adam: Then what's the point of me spending years in prison just to satisfy Billy's need for revenge?", "Chelsea: This isn't about Billy. You have to go there today for the same reasons I had for protecting you from Chloe. It's for Delia. If you promise me -- if you just go, I will -- I will get on that stand, and I will tell them what an amazing man, what an amazing husband you are, how you are my best friend in the whole world, how -- how you mourned the baby we lost, what an incredible father you are to Connor. I will tell them all of this.", "Adam: It's so hard. See, this is what I'm talking about. This life -- I don't want to leave this, you know? This life with you -- I don't want to give that up.", "Chelsea: I know, but... if you run, I can't say a word to defend you. And you'll lose us anyway, because I'm not going with you.", "Devon: You can't imagine your husband doing something like this. I get that, sis, 'cause I'm having a difficult time believing it myself. But what other explanation is there?", "Lily: It had to be somebody else.", "Devon: Who? Who put the money in his bag in your house? And who framed him at work?", "Lily: I don't know, but in my heart, I just -- I can't believe that Cane did something like this.", "Devon: How can you not believe it? All the evidence points towards him.", "Lily: I don't believe it because I believe in Cane. I have faith that my husband wouldn't do something like this.", "Cane: All I want is for someone to believe me. I know that Devon's hope is slipping, and I don't blame him for feeling the way he does. But my wife? Lily thinks I'm guilty. She actually thinks I'm capable of doing this.", "Neil: You know, whoever set you up, they did a real number on you. This was elaborate with a lot of moving parts.", "Cane: Yeah. Wait, wait. Do you believe me?", "Neil: Cane, these people, whoever they were, they put $1 million in your hands, right? I think they were a little too smart to go after those sequential bills. Maybe they're going for something a little bigger.", "Cane: Yeah. But you know what the worst part is, Neil? Whoever's behind this, they might actually know the truth about Hilary.", "Victor: I have no knowledge of my son's whereabouts. I assume he's prepping with his lawyer.", "Victoria: Billy, let's sit down.", "Billy: And he said he was ready to accept his punishment, confessed in front of all of us, so there's no way out of this. Unless he runs.", "Victor: Why don't you sit down, Billy boy?", "Billy: Adam is your responsibility, and if he runs, this is on you.", "Victor: That's right. I stand to lose a lot of money if he runs. That's how bail works. Now, please sit down.", "Billy: Something feels off about this. You don't seem worried about your -- your $10 million. It's like you don't even care about the money.", "Chelsea: Or Adam. Which is why you played the concerned father and offered to help him run -- so you could screw him over in the end. Isn't that right, Victor?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: Who are you gonna be sitting beside, jack -- your brother or that scum that killed your niece?", "Dylan: Why, all of sudden, does she feel like her fiancé's a distraction? We're having a baby.", "Patty: You don't look like you're showing. You don't look pregnant at all." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley confronted Jack with her suspicion that he was secretly working on something with Phyllis. Jack vehemently denied it. Hilary was bothered by the poor feedback that her first interview for GC Buzz received. Devon was convinced that taking the high road would eventually lead to better ratings. Jack anonymously dropped off the stolen Newman financial report at GC Buzz. Cane and Lily decided to take a trip, without the kids, once Cane had more free time. Neil, Lily, Devon met for a family lunch. Devon left early because he was offended by Lily's unflattering comments about Hilary. Hilary filmed a story on the Newman document, but Devon told her they couldn't run it because the papers might be fake. Devon also wanted to get a comment from Victor. Natalie became Victor's executive assistant. Victor and Natalie suspected Travis of leaking confidential documents from Newman. Travis was angry about their accusation, and he maintained his innocence. Victor believed Travis.", "Victoria solved Brash and Sassy's manufacturing problem. Billy unsuccessfully tried to get Phyllis to tell him what was on the flash drive. Phyllis introduced Billy to a security guard who'd been assigned to follow him and make sure he didn't come onto Jabot's floor anymore. Jack told Phyllis that he dropped off the documents. She seemed troubled by how gleeful he was about getting revenge. Ashley threatened to run Phyllis out of town if she hurt her brothers. Phyllis swore she was through with Billy and that he was going to win Jack back. Travis told Victoria what happened with Victor. Victoria told him that Victor never put his complete trust in anyone. Victoria and Travis talked about trust, and he walked out after she admitted that she didn't fully trust him, due to his past lie. Victoria chased after him. Neil tried to convince Jack to come back to the Foundation, but Jack refused. Jack apologized to Victor for declaring war on him, but Victor didn't believe Jack was being sincere.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Phyllis was destroying the flash drive when Billy grabbed it from her, and then he barricaded himself in her office. So whatever was on that drive, Billy was frantic to see it.", "Jack: I heard the whole story last night. I have barred Billy from jabot again. Fortunately, the power went out before Billy could uncover any information.", "Ashley: But, see, that's my question. What information was on the drive that he could uncover --", "Jack: Who knows? By the way, Mrs. Martinez made cherry crepes this morning. They're amazing.", "Ashley: This doesn't make any sense, jack, okay? Because Phyllis called security to make sure Billy could not read what was on that drive. Now, what was so critical?", "Jack: I have no idea.", "Ashley: That's not what Phyllis said.", "Billy: Hold the elevator!", "Phyllis: You need to wait for the next one.", "Billy: Why would I do that? This one's perfectly fine. So, what were you and jack up to last night? Trying to destroy the flash drive together? I keep wondering, \"what could it be? What big, juicy project would you be working on with the man who's supposedly trying to make your life miserable?\"", "Phyllis: You know what? Stop. We're putting an end to this right now.", "Lily: Yes. New head count is 120, so we need three more tables in the ballroom. Yeah. Um, yes. Floral arrangements are the same. I have to go. I have another call. Okay. Bye. Hi, babe! I wasn't expecting to hear from you. Is everything okay?", "Cane: Yeah. I just wanted to call you and tell you how much I love you.", "Lily: Aww.", "Cane: I had so much fun with you this morning, getting the kids ready for school, although I wish it was a little longer.", "Lily: Yeah. Me, too.", "Cane: I was thinking, when work slows down, maybe I can take you away, just you and me, you know, and you could ask Neil if he can watch the kids.", "Lily: Yeah. I would love that.", "Cane: Okay. So it's a plan.", "Lily: Speaking of my dad, I'm having lunch with him and Devon if you want to join us.", "Cane: I'd love to. I just can't. I have too much work.", "Lily: Yeah, no. You have to work. Go be brilliant. I'll see you at home.", "Cane: Listen, I'm gonna be late again. Our new perfume is selling out everywhere, and I have this manufacturing problem.", "Lily: Well, that's too bad. I was hoping that you would be home, 'cause I was gonna wear something very, very special.", "Cane: Well, in that case, I'm gonna work faster. I love you.", "Evan: Here they are, folks. Read 'em and weep -- the latest ratings for \"GC buzz TV.\"", "Hilary: Wow. I heard that the numbers took a dive, but I didn't think they were this bad.", "Evan: Your interview with brash & sassy's! New management team -- it was the least-watched show we've ever aired.", "Hilary: Not the kind of record that I was hoping to set.", "Evan: The first two minutes were okay, but once people saw how tame this was going to be, they started changing the channels.", "Devon: We are in transition, so I think a few bumps in the road are...expected.", "Hilary: Devon, a few bumps? These numbers are in the Himalayas.", "Devon: Guys, our competition is just plain mean, okay? They kick people while they're down, they're full of negativity, and we're bringing a fresh approach, so I think it's just gonna take time for the audience to adjust to this new style.", "Evan: With all due respect, you're totally, totally wrong. You have no experience in TV. It's all about eyeballs on screens. Your \"new style\" isn't working.", "Devon: Isn't working yet.", "Evan: Not at all. You want proof? It's right here. No one's watching.", "Devon: Hilary has only done two interviews.", "Evan: Bombs, both of them.", "Devon: Evan, this is still the beginning, okay? We're not just gonna throw in the towel without giving this a real try.", "Natalie: Oh. Hello. Mr. Newman's expecting you.", "Travis: Where's Connie?", "Natalie: She retired. I'm the new assistant, Natalie.", "Travis: Travis Crawford. Nice to meet you.", "Natalie: Likewise. Mr. Crawford's here. He'll see you now.", "Travis: Morning, Victor.", "Victor: Morning, Travis. You know, we seem to have a problem. Someone is leaking rather sensitive information about Newman enterprises -- someone from inside the company.", "Hilary: Evan's right. The show is tanking.", "Devon: It's only temporary, hon.", "Hilary: We should have went with the first interview, where Billy lost it on camera. My instincts -- they were screaming at me to do it.", "Devon: But you know what? You didn't, and I'm very proud of you for that.", "Hilary: Well, that makes one of us.", "Devon: Honey, we decided we were not gonna get down in the gutter because we are better than that.", "Hilary: It's not like we're setting people up, Devon, or we're trying to make them look bad. We sat down for a very real interview with Billy and Victoria and cane, but they decided to have a free-for-all on camera, and then Billy stormed off and got into a bar fight, a video which we had first crack at, by the way, and we gave it all up. For what?", "Devon: For what? For our integrity, that's what.", "Hilary: Our what?! [Chuckles] You know what, Devon? Right now, that's not very inspiring, really.", "Devon: Hilary, Billy and Victoria are going at each other. That was about their personal lives, not the company. The company was the story.", "Hilary: It was the wrong story, not to mention a lie. It was a puff piece, and our audience saw right through it. [Sighs] There has to be a way -- okay? -- For us to tell the whole story.", "Devon: What, with all the dirty details?", "Hilary: With some uncomfortable truths, yes. Devon, we don't have to be scum, okay? We can leave that up to the national inquisitor. But we have to tell stories in a more compelling way so that people will watch. Otherwise, we will fail and this show is going to be off the air.", "Devon: That's not going to happen.", "Hilary: It's already happening. If people aren't gonna watch, I'm not gonna let you just pay for more air time just to stroke my ego, okay?", "Devon: Honey... listen to me. People will watch the show. I have faith in humanity.", "Hilary: [Chuckles]", "Devon: All right? More importantly, I have faith in you.", "Hilary: Thank you.", "Devon: I have to take off right now.", "Hilary: Okay. Have fun with Neil and lily.", "Devon: Thank you. I will. I'll see you later, okay?", "Phyllis: That flash drive had nothing on it that you'd be interested in -- just some notes on our classic line, which was a defunct project I was working on, and, yes, some personal files.", "Billy: You practically broke the door down trying to get it away from me.", "Phyllis: You were carrying company property -- a company you no longer work for.", "Billy: Nothing that interests me, huh?", "Phyllis: No. So you got yourself thrown out of a building for no good reason, and all you managed to do was get under jack's skin. He alerted security that you are never allowed in our offices again.", "Billy: I talked to Ashley about it. She's more than curious about what you were up to.", "Phyllis: Are you deliberately trying to make things harder for me -- just screw up any chance I've got to get back with jack?", "Billy: That's what you think I'm trying to do?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I kind of do.", "Billy: Ashley didn't know anything about this. And why is that? You'd think she should be aware of the work you're doing on the classic line. Or maybe you're working with jack or for jack and leaving Ashley out of it as a way to prove yourself.", "Phyllis: Ah. Meet Dave. He's your own personal security guard. He's gonna make sure you stay on your own floor, so no visits to jabot, or you will be escorted out. And if it's after hours, you will be arrested. That is all. Have a great day.", "Billy: Hey, Dave. How you doing? Okay. Look, I don't need an escort to my office. You're more than welcome to go back to your desk. All right.", "Ashley: Phyllis told Billy that she was destroying old personnel files at your request.", "Jack: Yes. That's correct.", "Ashley: Okay. See, that again does not make any sense, Jackie, because if that's all that was on that flash drive, then why was she so hell-bent on making sure Billy didn't see it?", "Jack: I have no idea.", "Ashley: I caught Phyllis hacking on to your computer a few days ago. Have you been concerned at all what she may have found --", "Jack: If it's all the same to you, the image of Billy and Phyllis wrestling over a flash drive is not one I want to dwell on.", "Ashley: Sorry, Jackie. I don't mean to bring up painful memories. I got a nagging feeling, though.", "Jack: About what?", "Ashley: You and Phyllis are working together on something. It just spells trouble to me.", "Jack: You honestly think, after everything that woman did, I would ever trust her again, that I would involve her in our family company in any meaningful way? She is here, she is working with us, because of a divorce settlement. She is doing more mindless busywork than I can possibly pile on her. Eventually, she will quit. She'll leave the business, she'll leave my life, and the sooner, the better.", "Victor: It's possible we have found a security breach in the company mainframe.", "Travis: Newman's been hacked? Why would you think that? No offense. Why aren't we having this conversation in private?", "Victor: Because she is my executive assistant. She's an expert in cybersecurity.", "Natalie: Expert? I'm a grand master. So, I did a full system sweep and confirmed what's been going on. Only certain key people have access to the company's most confidential information -- Mr. Newman, the board of directors, and you.", "Travis: Are you accusing me of doing something improper, Victor? Is that what you're doing?", "Victor: Have you?", "Travis: Natalie, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like a word with Victor -- alone.", "Victor: It's all right, Natalie. Thank you.", "Travis: For you to accuse me of something like this is completely out of line.", "Victor: I haven't accused you of a damn thing. All I'm wondering about is how it is possible that someone has access to what I thought was a secure system. And why do you feel accused?", "Cane: Hey. I have some ideas how we can handle this factory delay.", "Victoria: I've already handled it.", "Cane: Wait. Wait, wait. What do you mean, you handled it?", "Victoria: I found another manufacturer who's more than happy to produce all the product that we need to fill the order. They have their specs in hand, and as soon as the contract is finalized, they'll kick into high gear.", "Cane: So, retailers will meet our deadlines?", "Victoria: Yep. We'll have all the bottles of bare that brash & sassy! Needs on the shelves.", "Cane: Wow.", "Victoria: Wow? What do you mean, \"wow\"? I mean, I ran this company for years on my own. Didn't you know that?", "Cane: No, no. I'm just -- you know, I know you're competent. I just can't believe you got it done so quickly. I thought I'd be here all night trying to figure this out.", "Victoria: No. Crisis averted.", "Cane: Wow.", "Victoria: Oh, God. Here comes another one, though.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Billy: Sorry I'm late.", "Cane: Who's your mate?", "Billy: This is Dave.", "Cane: How you doing, Dave? What is Dave doing?", "Billy: Our landlords upstairs seem to think that I'm a security risk, so Dave will be escorting me to and from the office every single day, which is annoying, because I can't get a word in edgewise with this guy. Isn't that right, Dave? See?", "Victoria: Why would jabot think that you're a security risk?", "Billy: Well, it's a funny story.", "Victoria: I'll bet.", "Billy: Went to pay a little visit to Phyllis.", "Victoria: Oh, I should have known.", "Billy: I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.", "Victoria: I just don't understand why you can't learn to keep your business life and your personal life separate. How are we supposed to work with this watchdog -- no offense, Dave -- breathing over our necks the entire time?", "Billy: Well, it's quite easy. I'll come up with brilliant ideas, and you two will shut 'em down, so nothing will change. Let's get back to work. What do you say? Dave, can you just, uh -- just wait in the hallway or something?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Lily: How 'bout the calf liver?", "Neil: Do not eat that.", "Lily: Why? It's good for you.", "Devon: Hey, guys.", "Lily: Hey.", "Neil: Hey.", "Devon: How you doing? So, how come we decided to meet here?", "Lily: Uh, I'm just checking out the new competition.", "Neil: Don't listen to her. They actually hired a new hot chef. She's totally worried.", "Lily: No, I am not worried, but look at this menu. I got to step my game up.", "Devon: Well, hey, go for it. Is, uh -- is cane gonna be meeting us?", "Lily: No. He's, uh -- he's working.", "Neil: I'm sure he wishes he could. So, how are things going with the latest acquisition?", "Devon: GC buzz? It's going good. We're actually taking the website and the TV show in a completely new direction.", "Lily: Yeah. I saw the reaction online to Hilary's interview. People are pretty harsh about the changes you made, especially the new host. Didn't take them long to decide they don't like her.", "Devon: I think that was bound to happen because we're very determined to elevate the form. We're not going to be invading people's privacy anymore. We're not going to be insinuating things just to get ratings, 'cause we've all been on the receiving end of that, and I think it should stop.", "Neil: So, how is Hilary handling the public reaction?", "Devon: I mean, the negative comments hurt, I'm sure, but she's the one that pushed me to keep the whole place going. Originally, I bought GC buzz to shut it down, and then she convinced me that we could do things with some integrity.", "Lily: Well, it'll be interesting to see how long that lasts.", "Evan: Hilary. You're gonna want to see this.", "Hilary: What is it?", "Evan: Only the hottest story to cross my desk in at least a month.", "Victor: I have yet to hear a denial.", "Travis: I shouldn't have to deny anything. I've been nothing but loyal to you, Victor. In fact, I'm the one who identified the weaknesses that our enemies could exploit. Why would I do that if I was gonna come after you myself?", "Victor: Yeah, why, indeed?", "Travis: Have Natalie check my log-ins. I haven't accessed anything that's been leaked. And for you to suggest that I would do anything that would compromise this company is pure paranoia.", "Victor: You can leave now. Kindly get out! Strike that impertinent fellow off the list, okay? It's not him.", "Jack: It's done. I got the material to GC buzz. Victor's world is about to implode.", "Phyllis: Well, that is richly deserved.", "Jack: But?", "Phyllis: I ran in to Billy this morning. He was asking questions about what I'm really doing for you. He's curious because of the flash drive, and I think he's putting things together.", "Jack: So is Ashley. No turning back now.", "Phyllis: Jack... when this breaks, they're gonna be on to us. They're gonna know what we did to Victor.", "Jack: So what if they do?", "Victoria: Now that we've mad our initial push, I want to throttle back on our media buys.", "Cane: I like that. It sounds prudent.", "Billy: Yeah. That's a great idea. So, basically, what we're talking about is a tease? I mean, it's like taking a woman out for dinner on a first date. You're eating great food, you're drinking wine, you're laughing, you're talking. She basically thinks you're the man of her dreams. When she comes back from the ladies' room, the only thing that's left is the bill. And we're gonna do this all in the name of leaving her wanting more?", "Victoria: Oh, thank you, Billy. Thank you so much for the insight into your dating strategy, but cane and I are talking about the best way to market our new perfume.", "Cane: Yeah, 'cause now we have a hit, we're thinking of throttling back on the advertising till about a week before Christmas, then ramp it back up.", "Billy: Perfect. So, after ghosting her in the restaurant, I call her up and ask her for a booty call?", "Cane: You know, Billy, I'm starting to think that maybe it's a good idea we don't use your real-life dating strategies for business analogies.", "Billy: I'm just trying to look at our ad strategy from a female's point of view.", "Victoria: Well, let's look. Most of our customers in December are men, which means last-minute buyers, so sports, news.", "Cane: Not to forget our female demographics, 'cause, Billy, see, there's this thing called \"romance,\" and a real man kind of, believe it or not, knows that deep down inside, that's what women actually like.", "Billy: Speaking of. Exhibit \"A.\"", "Travis: Do you have a minute?", "Billy: I'm sorry, sport. We're in the middle of work. Victoria doesn't have time for a lunch date.", "Travis: I need to talk to you.", "Victoria: Uh...", "Travis: It's important.", "Victoria: ...Sure. Uh, let's go in the conference room.", "Billy: Wow. I wonder what's got cowboy all in a foul mood.", "Cane: I suppose working for Victor Newman does that to you, huh?", "Phyllis: If it takes two minutes for Billy and Ashley to figure out that you were behind the assault on Newman...", "Jack: How long is it gonna take for the great man to figure out? Well, that's the beauty of the whole thing. But I don't have to tell you about revenge. You live for it. You know. Payback is great. What's really fun is when people start suspecting who's really behind it, when the guy on the receiving end knows in his gut who came after him and he can't do a damn thing to stop it. What is that look? You look stunned. Did you really think I'd be the same blind idiot you lied to and cheated on all those months? Is that why you're hanging out here, hoping to recapture some idealized past? That's not gonna happen, Phyllis. The fact that you helped me pull this off doesn't change anything. Look, if you're sweating that Victor's gonna find out that you were somehow --", "Phyllis: That's not what I'm worried about.", "Jack: Be sure to watch \"GC buzz TV\" tonight. That's when it all hits the fan.", "Devon: Lily, Hilary is my wife, and it's like the third cheap shot you've made in the last five minutes.", "Neil: Nah. More like two minutes.", "Lily: I'm sorry. It's not my fault that she's an easy target. I'm not the only one that thinks that, either. The things that people are saying online about her hosting abilities --", "Neil: Yeah, it is demoralizing, but if she's smart, she's gonna stay away from the boards, she's gonna ignore the critics, and she's gonna focus on her job.", "Devon: Which is what I tell her.", "Neil: You know, when I was a young executive, one of my mentors gave me a very valuable piece of advice. He said, \"focus on what you're doing, and how you're doing will follow.\"", "Devon: Those are very wise words.", "Neil: Served me well throughout my career.", "Lily: Yes. Well, that bit of wisdom assumes the person has a smidgen of talent.", "Devon: There's the fourth cheap shot.", "Lily: All I'm saying is half of the comments are about her lack of ability, and the other half are about her checkered past.", "Neil: Okay. Why don't you ease up, lily?", "Lily: You can't tell me that she's not reacting to that.", "Devon: And, lily, tell me, how would you like it if the public was openly discussing your past mistakes and cheating on your husband?", "Neil: Hey. Dessert. I know we all love dessert. How 'bout a chocolate m-- you love chocolate mousse. I'm gonna have some ice cream.", "Lily: You know what? If you want to assume that the only reason why Hilary got in front of the camera is so she could crusade for journalistic integrity, then, please, Devon, be my guest.", "Devon: Okay. Well, this was a lot of fun, but, um, I need to get back to the studio, so I'll see you guys later.", "Neil: Later, man.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: Be safe. All right. Lily, you know --", "Lily: Dad, please. I don't -- please don't say it. Please.", "Neil: Okay. Um, I-I just think you could have been more judicious with your criticism.", "Lily: I know. Look, I'm being honest with him because I love him and I care about him and he has a blind spot when it comes to Hilary.", "Neil: I know that.", "Lily: But, yes, I'm sorry. I-I don't know what my problem is.", "Neil: No need to apologize. I know what's up. Hilary is very ambitious.", "Lily: Yeah. You think?", "Neil: And she loves the spotlight, and she is ruthless. That's a deadly combination. She doesn't like her dirty laundry being aired in public -- I mean, all those intimate details. I really don't think that she's gonna use her new position to gossip and be a hater for the ratings.", "Lily: She's not?", "Evan: Was I lying? Is that not the lead story every host dreams of?", "Hilary: These documents are from Newman enterprises. Where did you get these?", "Evan: A package appeared on my desk. Totally anonymous -- a gift from the gods. Who cares who left them, as long as they left them here?", "Hilary: They could be fake.", "Evan: What if they're not? You could break a huge story -- bring our ratings back up, get people to stop sniping at you online.", "Hilary: Okay. I need to talk to Devon. I have to -- I have to get his opinion on this.", "Evan: Hilary, you know what he's gonna say. He's gonna kill the story, just like he did the last one.", "Hilary: No. It was my choice not to run with the bar-fight video.", "Evan: You chose wrong. Don't make the same mistake twice.", "Hilary: Okay. Okay. This is what we're gonna do, all right?", "Evan: This copy you wrote is dynamite.", "Hilary: Yeah? Even if it's not too sensationalized?", "Evan: The story is powerful enough without it. I'm just so damn glad you're running with it.", "Hilary: Okay. We are just gonna present the facts, and we are gonna let them speak for itself, right? No trashing Victor, no cheap innuendoes, nothing that we can get sued for -- agreed?", "Evan: Let's do this.", "Hilary: Welcome to \"GC buzz TV.\" I am your host, Hilary Hamilton, and today an exclusive on Newman enterprises and its founder and chairman, Victor Newman. Now, we have received some information that the company's business practices as well as its financial picture have been woefully misrepresented. All of these -- these explosive revelations -- they are all outlined in -- wait for it, wait for it -- Newman internal memos, proving that Victor Newman not only deceived all of his employees but the entire business community. Now, I know what you're thinking, and you're right. Newman enterprises is privately held. But what Victor Newman did -- it's gonna affect the lives of thousands of employees, clients, and suppliers all around the world. And to top it all off, the Newman board had no idea...", "Devon: What piece is this?", "Evan: Only the biggest story of the year.", "Neil: Hey, hey. Sorry about that. Foundation business -- couldn't be helped.", "Lily: It's okay. Just thinking about what you said earlier, and... I'm sorry that I ruined the meal by ragging on Hilary the whole time.", "Neil: Don't worry about it. I know you have nothing but love and concern for your brother. He's a big boy. He may be annoyed, but he's gonna get over it. And you got to remember the stress that he's going through, the challenge of GC buzz.", "Lily: I know. That's an understatement.", "Neil: Yeah. And Devon is committed to changing things there, and Hilary is committed to Devon.", "Lily: [Scoffs] For now.", "Neil: Yeah. On that note, let's check in with my daughter. How are things going in your world?", "Lily: Uh, things are good. I mean, the kids are really excited about Halloween, and cane's basically been carrying this entire product launch on his shoulders, and it's been a raving success.", "Neil: That's good to hear. So, those long hours are paying off. I know how much those kids have missed their daddy. And even though I love them, I'm sure I can, uh, give him back that responsibility. [Chuckles]", "Lily: No, cane's making time for us. I mean, he's busy at work, but he knows how important it is to keep balance in your life.", "Cane: Yeah, but if we go with your plan to keep running ads till the end of the year, where do we get the money to pay for it, huh -- cosmetics or sunscreen?", "Billy: It's October. Nobody cares about sunscreen.", "Cane: What are you talking about? Everybody cares about sunscreen in October 'cause people go skiing, they go on cruises. They care about it.", "Billy: What do you think they're talking about in there behind closed doors?", "Cane: I don't care. It's none of my business.", "Billy: You say that, but you're dying to know.", "Cane: No, I'm not, 'cause all I know is that Victoria solved our manufacturing problem before I got here, which means I get to go home early tonight for a change.", "Billy: Good old Travis has been cocky. Came in to Newman enterprises as the star, thinking good old Victor is gonna treat him like family. Something tells me he got a rude awakening.", "Travis: And he all but accused me of stealing sensitive information and doing God knows what with it. I told him he was being paranoid.", "Victoria: Ooh. I bet that went over big.", "Travis: Then he says to me, \"get out.\" I'm just supposed to stand for that -- just let him talk to me like that?", "Victoria: Look, Travis, my father has a lot of enemies, you know? At one point, his own family was included in that group.", "Travis: I get that. I'm not naive, okay? I've worked for high-powered bosses before. I know -- a lot of these guys wouldn't trust their mother. I don't know. I thought I'd earned his trust, you know?", "Victoria: I'm sure that he respects you up to a certain point, but my father doesn't trust anyone when it comes right down to it.", "Travis: [Sighs] Well, he's a good actor, then, 'cause I really thought --", "Victoria: You thought you'd won him over?", "Travis: That's the vibe I got, yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah, because he saw that you believed that, and he wanted you to believe that because you're valuable and he has use for you. But letting you in all the way? No, never. It's a Newman trait.", "Travis: Meaning you do the same thing?", "Victoria: You know trust is a fragile thing. And you lied about why you left the business world and that you had an affair with your boss's wife.", "Travis: Whoa, whoa. Why does me falling in love years ago make me somebody you can't trust?", "Victoria: I'm talking about my father here.", "Travis: Sounds a hell of a lot like we're talking about you, too. You justify Victor's lack of trust as a Newman family trait? When I commit to somebody, there's not some internal monitor running in the background that keeps me at a distance while my mouth is moving. I mean what I say, Victoria. It's not the same for you?", "Jack: Neil, I am sorry I'm late.", "Neil: Hey, jack. That's okay, because it gave me some extra time with lily. That's the good news. The bad news is I got to head out to this foundation meeting. I'm late for it.", "Jack: Oh, damn it. I feel terrible.", "Neil: No, don't. We'll do it another time. Don't worry about it.", "Jack: I just got so busy with this project at the office, and I --", "Neil: Oh, no. I -- oh, my feelings are hurt. Did you stand me up for work?", "Jack: No, this endeavor would be called \"extracurricular.\"", "Neil: Yeah? Well, I hope it's nourishing the soul.", "Jack: Sure. You could say that.", "Neil: Yeah? All right. I guess we'll talk some other -- wait. Hold -- why don't you ride with me to my meeting and then you can tell me about your project and then we'll handle the foundation business? It's not gonna be that --", "Jack: I stepped away, Neil. The foundation is yours now.", "Neil: Jack, it is one meeting. We're trying to finalize --", "Jack: I will help you in any way that I can. It is the winters foundation. I'm out.", "Neil: You can't blame a brother for trying.", "[Both chuckle]", "Neil: Okay. Um, I'll catch up with you soon.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Neil: And, remember, jack, you got to have something outside of work to latch on to. All work and no play makes jack a dull you know what. You're gonna turn in to that guy over there.", "Victor: But the reward is not commensurate with the risk.", "Neil: All right. Jack, I got to go. Are you coming?", "Jack: No. I, uh, think I'll stick around.", "Neil: Cool. See you.", "Jack: Good to see you.", "Neil: Yeah. Good seeing you, too.", "Hilary: These shocking revelations about Newman enterprises have given us a window into the company and the man behind the curtain -- a C.E.O. That would hide the shaky state of his empire from the people who depend on him for their livelihood. Now, they are gonna have questions, and they deserve answers. So, I am Hilary Curtis, and I am promising you continued coverage on this story as it develops. Now, keep buzzing, G.C.", "Evan: And...cut! That was fantastic!", "Hilary: Yes! Thank you! Thank you! [Chuckles] Ooh!", "Devon: Hey.", "Hilary: Hey.", "Devon: Um, we can't air that.", "Hilary: What? What are you talking about?", "Devon: Since when did you start going by \"Hilary Curtis\"?", "Hilary: Okay. I thought that it would be better for the show if we played against any appearance of nepotism, and why can't we run this again? All I did was present the facts.", "Devon: It's not facts. It's just some information from some files that came across Evan's desk under mysterious circumstances.", "Hilary: Okay. Just because the source wants to remain anonymous, it doesn't mean that --", "Devon: We have no idea if that information is accurate. And we won't unless we run it by Victor.", "Hilary: Excuse me?", "Devon: We should interview him -- get his side. I mean, I know at least that much about the news and how it should be presented.", "Hilary: Yeah, and I know what Victor's gonna say. He's just gonna deny everything.", "Devon: Well, let's have him do it on camera.", "Hilary: Coming up tonight on today's show, shocking revelations about a --", "Ashley: Oh, what are you doing, Phyllis -- hacking in to jack's computer again?", "Phyllis: What the hell do you want, Ashley?", "Ashley: I know all about the flash drive that you and Billy were fighting over -- the one you were so desperate to hide from him.", "Phyllis: It's not my fault that he locked himself in here.", "Ashley: If you are doing anything to hurt jack or Billy again, I will make sure that you are driven out of their lives and out of this town -- forever this time.", "Hilary: This story is big, and it is juicy, and you can only see it here on \"GC buzz TV.\" Keep buzzing, G.C.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Jack: Well, if it isn't the great Victor Newman. Nice suit. New tailor?", "Victor: [Chuckling] First you declare war, and now you compliment me on my wardrobe.", "Jack: Oh, you know, the \"declaring war\" thing was in a moment of heat. You know the things we say that we later regret? Happens to the worst of us.", "Victor: So now you're declaring truce?", "Jack: Well, let's just say I'm, uh, sorry I spouted off. I really wanted to just congratulate you on how well you have built your business since you got out of prison -- record second-quarter earnings. Hats off to you.", "Victor: You think I believe a word of that? You have a nice day.", "Victoria: Travis, look -- I love you. And I know why you lied, and... I've forgiven you. And we're together.", "Travis: But?", "Victoria: But...I'm like my father. I like to keep my eyes open. I don't want to be blindsided.", "Travis: Well, this has been a real eye-opener for me.", "Victoria: Travis, wait.", "Billy: I know we're not supposed to mix business with pleasure, but are you all right?", "Victoria: Shut up, Billy.", "Cane: I don't know why, but I suddenly have this feeling that your time being a productive member of our team today is over.", "Billy: Yep. Probably better I cut my losses and mosey on home.", "Cane: I will go and get Dave for you.", "Billy: You know what? I can make it to the elevator on my own, thank you very much.", "Cane: Here he is. Dave, can you make sure our friend gets home and doesn't get into any trouble?", "Phyllis: I'm the last person you need to threaten. I am in love with jack, and I intend to win him back.", "Ashley: Wow. You really have a rich fantasy life, don't you?", "Phyllis: As for my feelings for Billy, I am over with him. I have no feelings.", "Ashley: Oh, really? Are you trying to convince me or yourself?", "Phyllis: We both know jack and I belong together, Ashley.", "Ashley: [Laughing] Oh, wow. You are a nut job.", "Phyllis: I am trying to save his life -- both of ours.", "Ashley: What the hell does that mean?", "Phyllis: Get out. If there was enough room in this closet office, I would show you out myself, but there's not, so do it yourself.", "Hilary: Welcome to \"GC buzz TV.\" I am your host, Hilary Hamilton, and today an exclusive on Newman enterprises and its founder and chairman, Victor Newman.", "[Telephone rings]", "Victor: Yes, Natalie? Oh. All right. Send them in. Well, well, well. Hilary and Devon. I'll be damned.", "Hilary: Hello, Victor.", "Devon: Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Nice to see both of you. What can I do for you?", "Devon: Well, sir, we were hoping to get a comment from you for \"GC buzz TV.\"", "Victor: \"GC buzz TV\"? I'll be damned. About what?", "Hilary: About these. They're internal memos -- e-mails and other confidential documents that show that you've been hiding losses, inflating performance, and basically cooking the books and making your company seem more sound than it really is. Was there anything that you'd like to say to our viewers?", "Victor: Where'd you get these?", "Hilary: An anonymous source. But more importantly, Victor, is there anything that you needed to say in your defense?", "Victor: Yeah. Get the hell out.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Devon: Did you think you could sneak this on air without me knowing, or did you just not care?", "Jack: I'm the one who gave it to Victor -- with both barrels.", "Mariah: I know I tried to be the voice of reason last night, but everything that you've been worried about is all coming true." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "An elated Tessa gave Noah a big hug and kiss when she heard her music playing on the gym's radio. Noah invited Devon and Mariah to dinner at his place to celebrate her life coming together. Devon noticed that Mariah didn't seem very excited about the dinner. Mariah looked uncomfortable when she saw Noah and Tessa kiss. Devon and Noah talked about their relationships. Devon didn't think he and Mariah would be ready to live together any time soon. Mariah wondered if Tessa was happy about living with Noah. Tessa said she was. Mariah was confused about what was going on between her and Tessa. Tessa felt bad about sending Mariah mixed signals. In a round about way, Tessa admitted she had feelings for Mariah, but the timing was off. Tessa and Mariah didn't want to hurt Noah. Tessa told Mariah to focus on Devon. Mariah and Devon left for their trip to Chicago. Phyllis and Hilary talked about Victoria's upcoming interview on the show. Hilary thought it was smart to smooth things over with Victoria. Phyllis surmised that Hilary was using Victoria to boost her ratings. Victoria let Billy know she'd be appearing on The Hilary Hour to promote their upcoming products. Lily warned Victoria not to let her guard down around Hilary. Victoria was confident that she could control the interview. She mentioned that she was using Hilary. Lily raised some concerns about how much it would cost to quickly produce Brash and Sassy's new product line. Billy had second thoughts and wondered if they should roll the product out more slowly. Victoria wanted to best Jabot, so she refused to play it safe. Cane reassured Juliet, because she was feeling uncomfortable with how emotional her pregnancy hormones made her. Juliet was happy to hear Cane was running Chancellor. Jack was prepared to take matters into his own hands if Michael couldn't find a legal way to separate Graham from Dina. Michael assured Jack that he'd get it sorted out and remove Graham as power of attorney. Phyllis told Jack about Victoria's interview about her new line. Jack was too preoccupied by his family's woes to think about business. Jack asked Phyllis to come up with a way to combat Brash and Sassy. He thought she'd enjoy it since Billy betrayed her. Phyllis and Billy had a good time on their date. Billy said he didn't want to lose what he and Phyllis had. Hilary and Lily traded insults. Lily hoped Hilary would conduct Victoria's interview in a professional manner. She warned Hilary that Victoria was not someone to cross. Hilary announced that she was seeing Jordan again. Hilary thought Lily had her eye on Jordan. Hilary was deflated when Lily revealed that she'd told Jordan she wasn't interested. Lily called Hilary a rebound. Victoria overheard Cane talking to Benjamin Hochman. She said she hoped Cane wasn't planning to go after Brash and Sassy. Cane insulted Victoria, and she threw a drink in his face. They argued, and Juliet defended Cane. Victoria told Juliet off and left. Juliet briefly had stomach cramps. Concerned, Cane insisted that she move in with him. Michael made up an excuse to go check on Jack. Jack's private investigator wasn't able to get a hold of the flight plan – they had no idea where Dina was. Victoria, who seemed frazzled from her argument, was in a car accident.", "" ]
[ "Michael: Yes, he may be slimy, but graham has your mother's power of attorney. And from what you told me, he hasn't broken a single law.", "Jack: My mother had a stroke. She's still drugged up from her stay in the hospital. I guarantee she had no clue that that parasite was gonna stick her on a plane. Graham can't get away with this.", "Michael: Listen, jack, I'm trying --", "Jack: I mean it. Come up with a solution or I will.", "Victoria: Hey. You okay?", "Billy: Yeah, I'm good.", "Victoria: You're a liar. I know you're worried about ashley.", "Billy: Right now, I just want to focus on work, okay? Make the most of the opportunity by expanding the men's line. I want to show you something. This is the new -- this is the new packaging for the, uh -- the dare face mask. What do you think?", "Victoria: I think that this is incredible. You've managed to incorporate everything that I had in mind.", "Billy: Well, I should know what you want by now, don't you think?", "Victoria: I had a very productive day myself.", "Billy: Oh, yeah?", "Victoria: Yeah. I decided I'm gonna appear on \"the hilary hour\" and push our new product line.", "Billy: Do you trust her? After everything she pulled on you?", "Phyllis: Howdy!", "Hilary: Howdy back at ya.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: I heard that you got yourself off the most-hated list.", "Hilary: Yes, yes.", "Phyllis: That is a smart move.", "Hilary: Victoria's coming on my show to promote some of brash & sassy's new products. But any and all personal newman drama is strictly off the table.", "Phyllis: Must have been a hell of a pitch to get her on at all.", "Hilary: She was not an easy sell.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. You've made your name by being fearless and unpredictable. I get it. I get that you're scared to push it.", "Hilary: Who said I'm scared?", "Noah: You might feel something if you actually added some weight to the machine.", "Tessa: Oh, yeah. No, I know. I was just practicing my form, so...", "Noah: Believe me, nothing wrong with your form.", "[ Tessa's song plays ]", "Noah: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: Oh, my... is -- is that...?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Tessa: Did you put them up to this?", "Noah: It wasn't me. I swear.", "Tessa: [ Exclaims ]", "Devon: As you can hear, the athletic club is now using our streaming service. And your ep just launched.", "Noah: It's all you, superstar.", "Tessa: Oh, my --", "[ Laughing ] When I'm at my worst, when right I know you're with me even when it hurts and I want to hide I know you're with me oh-oh, oh, oh-oh I know you're with me", "Cane: Hey, juliet.", "Juliet: Oh, hi.", "Cane: Hey, you know, we could've met up in your room, 'cause the doctor said you should stay off your feet and take it easy. Come here. Sit down.", "Juliet: No, I -- trust me, I have been following the doctor's orders.", "Cane: Oh, well, I've just been concerned about you since you had those complications.", "Juliet: Yeah, me too.", "Cane: So, tell me, how was the checkup? You doing okay? How's the baby?", "[ Tessa's song playing ]", "Tessa: Wow! [ Noah laughing ] Oh! Hey, you get in here, too!", "Devon: Yeah? Me too?", "[ Laughter ]", "Tessa: Oh! Thank you for...this.", "Devon: That song was because of you, nobody else.", "Noah: Exactly what I've been telling her.", "Tessa: Well, sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake.", "Noah: I have no problem repeating how much I believe in your talent, so...", "[ Devon laughs ]", "Tessa: And you did. Even when I didn't believe in myself. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've had, and that my sister's safe. And to have a guy like you in my life.", "Devon: I think this sounds like reason to celebrate.", "Noah: Yes! That's great. Dinner at our place. It'll be the first time we host anyone. And how perfect is that, with you and mariah?", "Devon: Awesome.", "Tessa: At your place? Are you sure?", "Noah: You know what, tessa just is settling in, the place is kind of a mess, so why don't we just change it to the underground tonight? Does that work?", "Tessa: Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah.", "Devon: That's fine. Count me in. And I know that mariah will be very excited to come and celebrate all these great things happening in your life.", "Hilary: The one thing that i have proven by taking over gc buzz is that I am not afraid of anyone in this town. And that includes victoria newman.", "Phyllis: When are you interviewing her?", "Hilary: Why do you even care? I thought you can't stand victoria.", "Phyllis: A girl needs to keep an eye on her business rivals.", "Hilary: And her romantic ones.", "Phyllis: So, you kissed up to victoria a little bit. You threw her a well- timed promotional bone, and you got your access back. That is nice work.", "Hilary: It was smart. Strategic.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And your fan base, which is incredible loyal, adores you, hangs on every word, I know that they will see past the little chitchat, and they will know that you're not caving in to the newman pressure or selling out.", "Hilary: Correct.", "Phyllis: Yes. Victoria will not even notice that you're using her. That's amazing. It's brilliant, actually. Okay. Have a good one.", "Victoria: I'm using hilary, okay? She knows there's certain people she can only push so far, and if she crosses a line, there will be dire consequences.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ]", "Victoria: She knows that I represent a huge portion of her audience that the show needs. I think that's why she practically begged me to do the show. On my terms. I'll be calling the shots.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: All of them. Hello, there.", "Lily: Hi. Uh, listen. I am all for exploiting hilary curtis, but I do want to warn you, as a friend and a colleague, to not let your guard down. Because she will do anything to get better ratings.", "Cane: What's the matter? Is your condition worse? Is there trouble with the baby? What's the matter?", "Juliet: No, we're fine. We're fine. I'm sorry to make you worry even more.", "Cane: Then why were you crying?", "Juliet: It just got to me. That you really care this much. And my hormones are all over the place, so...", "Cane: [ Sighs ] I care, okay? I've shown you I cared, haven't I?", "Juliet: You've been great. But instead of just saying \"thanks\" or having some other normal reaction, I just -- I just start blubbering like a total idiot.", "Cane: Well, maybe that's a little bit too harsh.", "Juliet: You know that cliché about pregnant women glowing? Yeah, it's a crock.", "Cane: You're glowing. Blubbering, but you're, uh -- you're glowing. I'm just glad you're okay.", "Juliet: So, what about you? Tell me about your trip.", "Cane: It was productive.", "Juliet: In a good way?", "Cane: Yeah. I, uh -- well, long story short, I went there with a proposition and came back the acting C.E.O. Of chancellor industries.", "Juliet: Oh, my god! That's fabulous! [ Laughs ] Oh. Um... and cue my wacked- out hormones. Again. I'm sorry.", "Mariah: See? I am all ready for our trip tonight.", "[ Giggles ]", "Devon: Nice, nice. Well, there's gonna be a slight change of plans, because tessa and noah have invited us to go to dinner at the underground tonight.", "Mariah: Tonight?", "Devon: Yes. 'Cause, uh, today was the launch of tessa's new ep.", "Mariah: I know. I heard it.", "Devon: Did you? Yeah, well, earlier I was in the gym with both of them, and tessa's song came on over the sound system, and they got really excited, and they just want to go out and celebrate. So...", "Mariah: So you would rather go eat with them than go to chicago with me?", "Devon: I didn't say that at all, no. We can do both.", "Mariah: Okay. All right.", "Devon: Yeah, I thought you'd be more excited about hanging out with tessa and celebrating. [ Mariah chuckles ] You've been on board with her from, like, day one. And I bet you're a big reason why most of her music's turned out so well.", "Mariah: No, that was her talent.", "Devon: Well, maybe it's a little bit of both. And besides, tonight's not just about the launch of her new ep. It's, you know, we're celebrating her whole life coming together -- her love life, her career, her squaring things away with her sister, you know? Plus, it's like you're number-one girlfriend and your brother. How's it get any better than that?", "Mariah: It doesn'T. [ Chuckles ] It doesn'T.", "Michael: Jack, I understand how anxious you are to know where graham has taken your mother. And as tempting as it may be to go full force and take matters into your own hands, please hold back, or you could make things worse.", "Jack: Worse than the nightmare I'm already living? For years, this man has been conning a bright, cynical woman into believing that he is the best ally she has. Now he's on the verge of inheriting the vast majority of her estate.", "Michael: I drew up a new power of attorney to prevent just that from happening.", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got that. It never got signed. He slipped her out of the hospital before we could even talk to her. Now our mother is alone with a sociopath whose value for her is a lot more dead than alive.", "Michael: Look, you said so yourself -- graham has spent years treating dina like a queen. He may be a fraud, but it is a substantial leap to call him a --", "Jack: A killer? Is it really? All he has to do is withhold treatment for a while.", "Michael: Except that he knows you and your family are on to him. Even if he was given to such extreme measures, the guy is shrewd enough to know he couldn't get away with it.", "Jack: I'm glad, michael, you're so positive, but it still begs the question, what can you do about this now?", "Michael: I am working on revoking graham's power of attorney.", "Jack: Good. Have at it.", "Michael: Look, jack, we'll know where they went soon. My guess, back to paris. To familiar surroundings, where he first earned dina's trust, so he can convince her to leave her will unchanged --", "Jack: She's already susceptible to him. Now she's drugged, she had a stroke...", "Michael: Jack, a minor stroke. With a prognosis of a full recovery, right? Right?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Michael: Look, we will sort this out. I promise you. Your mom will be back home pushing your buttons and meddling up a storm before you know it.", "Jack: Thank you. And thank you for coming by. I know I haven't exactly been easy to be with this evening.", "Michael: Look, it's -- it's not an easy situation. But we will find her.", "Phyllis: Hi, michael.", "Jack: [ Sighs ]", "Michael: Hi, yourself. Look, distract him with some semi-urgent fenmore's matters. He could use it. Bye, jack.", "Phyllis: How's your mother?", "Jack: Physically, my mother's very strong.", "Phyllis: How are you?", "Jack: Physically, I'm fine, too.", "Phyllis: Well, then, you might be interested in what i just learned. Something that could help us in our battle against brash & sassy.", "Victoria: I assure you, it may be hilary's show, but I will be in control of this interview.", "Lily: Okay. Um... I was speaking to one of our top manufacturers, and he gave me a quote about the rush job you asked about, and... it's not cheap. Look, I know that I'm new to this position, so tell me if i should butt out, but I don't think this expenditure is the best use of our current resources. Unless I'm missing something.", "Victoria: Well, we always want your input. But we have a strategy in place, and we have to keep up the momentum.", "Billy: Hold on a second. She might have a point here.", "Victoria: You remember the game plan, don't you, billy?", "Billy: Yeah, I do.", "Lily: Uh, I'm gonna finish up some work, so...", "Billy: Thank you.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Victoria: So, why are you re-thinking things? Is it because of phyllis? Are you feeling guilty because you went on her computer? Is that what it is, billy?", "Billy: I don't feel guilty, okay, because that has nothing to do with my relationship with phyllis, and it was strictly business.", "Victoria: Okay. Fine. What's changed, then?", "Billy: Look, maybe it's not a bad thing that we take our time with this, we find cheaper manufacturing. At least then we can re-assess everything. [ Victoria sighs ] Yes, I said it, okay? So you can huff and puff, but you can take it in and just absorb it and move on.", "Victoria: I plan to. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dominate our biggest competitor. So, no, this time, we are not playing it safe.", "[ Laughter ]", "Noah: All right, so, you know, I think devon's taste is a little more high- end. French champagne? What do you think?", "Tessa: Well, I kind of had my heart set on this one. And mariah likes it, too.", "Noah: It's your fiesta, senorita.", "Tessa: It's our fiesta.", "[ Dance music plays ]", "Noah: Oh.", "Tessa: Ohh. Okay. Yeah, show me what you got, hot stuff.", "Noah: Oh, you asking for it.", "Tessa: Yeah? Ohhh.", "[ Laughs ]", "Noah: Hey! The party has arrived.", "Devon: Hey.", "Mariah: Oh, hey.", "Devon: How you doing?", "Noah: Hey, we got a booth right over here, guys.", "Mariah: Oh, nice.", "Devon: Ooh.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Devon: Thanks, man.", "Tessa: I'm so glad you came.", "Mariah: Why? When you have a cold", "Tessa: You're asking me why i wanted you here?", "Mariah: No, I'm -- I'm wondering why you had the celebration here and not at, uh, your -- your new place. Yours and noah'S. That's what I meant.", "Noah: Ladies?", "Mariah: Yeah! Let's get this party started.", "Noah: Well, these two are on a bit of a tight schedule. Devon's got his private jet double parked.", "[ Laughter ]", "Tessa: What?", "Mariah: Oh, we're going to chicago later.", "Tessa: That's tonight? I-I hope we're not ruining your plans.", "Devon: Oh, not even close.", "Noah: This time, we won't be there to rain on your parade like we did in san francisco. Promise.", "Mariah: I don't remember any rain on that trip. Having you guys there was, uh -- was interesting.", "Devon: But you're not invited this time.", "[ Laughter ]", "Tessa: Well, fall's the perfect time to go. You'll have nothing but fun.", "Devon: Oh, yeah, that's right -- you're a chicago girl. Is there anywhere that you'd recommend us visiting while we're there?", "Tessa: Well, the parts of town that I grew up in aren't exactly vacation hot spots. So...", "Noah: Well, your dog days on the mean streets are long past you now. Got your new ep out, and your career is taking off.", "Tessa: Yeah. Everything is different now.", "Devon: Well, hey. Let's have a toast, huh?", "Noah: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: To living the dream. Cheers.", "Noah: Living the dream.", "Mariah: Cheers.", "Devon: Cheers, yes.", "Phyllis: Jack? Did you hear what I just said?", "Jack: I-I'm so-- I'm sorry. I sl-- slipped for a minute.", "Phyllis: Victoria has agreed to do an interview on \"the hilary hour\" to promote their company and new products.", "Jack: I'm sorry. Unless I missed something, I'm not sure how we can use that to our advantage.", "Phyllis: They are pouring all of the money that neil lent them into their expanded dare men's line because they believe that you are scaling back on your division, which I know is damn well not true, because you have an ultra- fortified jabot men's line ready to launch. Don't you?", "Jack: You know what, my sister just had her life ripped out from under her. My mother has been shanghaied to another country by her slimy companion. I'm not just sitting on jabot. I'm sitting on my own hands.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that -- I had no idea. This seems very insensitive of me.", "Jack: [ Stammering ] You know what, never mind that. I heard everything that you said. You obviously have an incisive handle on this.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Handle? I have an ironclad grip on the whole thing.", "Jack: Yes, I can see that. You also have more energy to deal with this than I do.", "Phyllis: I'm not sure what you're getting at.", "Jack: I'm suggesting you take that ironclad grip and run with it.", "Phyllis: One little problem. I don't work for you. I work for lauren.", "Jack: We are splitting hairs now, my dear.", "Phyllis: Well, it's not that simple.", "Jack: I can see to it you have access to all the resources you need.", "Phyllis: You actually trust me to go into battle for you?", "Jack: After billy took advantage of you that way, i trust that you want to hit back even harder. So cook up whatever you want in that creative cauldron of a brain...and go for it.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Phyllis: Billy wants to see me.", "Jack: I can see that you're going to enjoy this immensely. I'm sure you've thought of this, but let me remind you -- they cannot see this coming.", "Cane: You know, there aren't a lot of people who share your enthusiasm when it comes to my new job.", "Juliet: To hell with the haters, right? You should be running a major multinational.", "Cane: Well, it's only temporary while jill's off on her bucket-list world tour.", "Juliet: She entrusted you with her company because you are smart, talented, and obviously gave her some great ideas.", "Cane: Thank you for saying that.", "Juliet: And who knows? Maybe when she sees how well you're doing, she'll decide to keep traveling.", "Cane: [ Chuckles ] Well, I wouldn't go that far. But you know what? It's good to be working again.", "Juliet: This is way beyond brash & sassy.", "Cane: Yeah, but it's different since I last did the job. Now markets are shifting, communication's moving faster. But, god, I love being back in the thick of it.", "Juliet: And I love hearing you talk this way.", "Cane: Well, that's 'cause I'm enthusiastic. And I haven't been this optimistic in a long time.", "Juliet: I think victoria's going to regret firing you when she hears about this. Last I heard, she hadn't filled either of our positions.", "Cane: Okay. Um... about that. Your job actually has been filled. She gave it to lily.", "Juliet: [ Scoffs ] Perfect.", "Lily: Uh, careful. You could do some serious damage with those.", "Hilary: I was in the zone. You know what I'm like when I'm focused on something.", "Lily: Yep, all too well.", "Hilary: Did you see my commercial last night? It aired again.", "Lily: Uh, no. I must have missed it. Did you pay for the ad space yourself?", "Hilary: You know, props for realizing that you're no actress. But maybe you should take a stab at standup before settling for a job at brash & sassy.", "Lily: Yeah, you're right. Because your job takes a really special kind of talent. You know, hiding in parking garages and hotel hallways, spying on people with hidden cameras.", "Hilary: Bitter, party of one.", "Lily: Actually, no. I really like my job, and I'm proud of my work. And the fact that victoria wants me to be more involved in the company.", "Hilary: What a positive spin. Good for you.", "Lily: So, victoria told me that she, uh, agreed to be on your show.", "Hilary: It really is the best way for her to promote her company. Especially since my ratings are growing and growing.", "Lily: Yeah, I think that you should shock us all and stick to your word.", "Hilary: Word about what, sweetie?", "Lily: Agreeing to do the interview and making victoria look good.", "Hilary: Or else what?", "Tessa: Nachos!", "Mariah: All of the nachos. The most. [ Laughter ] Yeah, I can see why you wanted to, uh... to have the celebration here. You know, this is a little bit more your scene. You know, you're not the domesticated housewife type.", "[ Laughs ]", "Tessa: Well, it's not exactly like noah and I live in suburbia behind a white- picket fence.", "Mariah: No, I know. I know. I just... I guess the whole move kind of surprised me.", "Tessa: Really? 'Cause from the start, you were telling me what a great guy noah is, and that he's been burned, so he might be a little gun-shy. But to not give up on him, because he's worth it. And you were dead-on about that. Your brother's sweet and loving and kind, forgiving. And he deserves all the happiness in the world. I mean, don't you want the same thing for him?", "Mariah: Yeah. Of course. I guess I just... I don't know. I can't help wondering... can't help wondering why we're standing here wasting time when we just ordered nachos?", "[ Both laugh ]", "Devon: Hey, you and tessa look pretty solid, man. Seems like it was a good idea moving in together, yeah?", "Noah: Yeah. We both know what we want. The rest is just logistics, you know what I mean?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Noah: What about you and mariah?", "Devon: Oh... well, let me say this -- I, uh -- I think mariah's an exceptional woman, and it's not like I'm holding out or anything like that, but in all honesty, i think that cohabitation is probably a little ways down the line for us.", "Noah: I know what you mean. I've been there once or twice. And mariah sure does have one hell of an independent streak in her. She's probably not ready to move in yet, either.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Noah: For me, I just needed to take the plunge. Get past my doubts, you know? I'm glad I did. It feels right.", "Devon: That's good.", "Noah: Hey.", "Mariah: Hey, guys. Hey.", "Devon: Hey, guys.", "Noah: Get some nachos?", "Tessa: No, not yet.", "Mariah: What was that for?", "Devon: Just in case you forgot how crazy I am about you.", "Billy: Every man in here wants to be where I am right now. And that makes me wonder how i got so lucky. So, how did I?", "Phyllis: You've either been very, very good... or very, very bad.", "Hilary: You never answered me. If I don't play nice with your boss, victoria, who am I gonna answer to? You?", "Lily: Uh, as much as I would love to give you the beatdown that you've had coming for years, I'm an adult and a mother. And, frankly, I'm the least of your worries.", "Hilary: Ohh. So, who exactly am I quaking in my designer sneakers for?", "Lily: Think of all the different ways that you have stuck it to victoria. You've embarrassed her family. Used their private drama to boost your ratings. I haven't even mentioned how you persuaded juliet to sue brash & sassy.", "Hilary: I hope you have a point coming.", "Lily: My point is, unlike me, victoria is not someone you want to piss off. Just ask cane how she responds to that.", "Cane: I told you I would get back to you when we had something to work on. Yeah. This one has benjamin hochman written all over it. Okay. Well, send me the numbers. I'll look at them and, uh, we'll talk. Bye.", "Victoria: Wow, look at you. I have to say, I was stunned to hear that jill put you in charge of chancellor industries.", "Cane: What, basically i shouldn't wait for one of your over-the-top, trademark \"congratulations\"?", "Victoria: I hope you're not planning on coming after brash & sassy. You know, my company that you nearly destroyed.", "Cane: And why would i do that?", "Victoria: I overheard the tail end of your conversation with benjamin hochman. I'm sure it's not a coincidence that he's the first person that you called. He had his sights set on my company, and I shut him down.", "Cane: After you had sex with him, right? But it's obvious whatever you did wasn't good enough -- stress sweat. It can happen anytime, to anyone.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Victoria: You have some nerve, you know that? And absolutely no class.", "Cane: No, no. I'm just stating facts here. Because you fired me for having sex with a co-worker, and then you go and sleep with a prospective business partner.", "Victoria: I fired you because of all of the lies.", "Cane: Oh, really? And you've never lied to get what you wanted or to advance your career, have you?", "Cane: See? No, I didn't think so. So you can spare me of your righteous indignation.", "Victoria: You know what? I feel sorry for poor jill.", "Cane: Oh, please.", "Victoria: Swindled by your father, tricked into giving over control of chancellor industries to a petty, incompetent snake like you.", "Juliet: No, victoria. Petty is canning someone and then using your influence and your family name to blackball them out of future employment.", "Victoria: Funny, seems like you're living just fine off the money that you extorted from me.", "Juliet: Are you serious?", "Cane: No, no, guys. We're not doing this.", "Victoria: You bet I am.", "Cane: We're not doing this.", "Victoria: You know what? I feel sorry for this child, having the two of you as parents.", "Juliet: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Cane: Hey. Hey, you okay?", "Billy: Seeing you like this, I can't say my intentions are honorable.", "Phyllis: Being bad can be so much fun. Don't you think?", "Billy: Nothing hotter than danger, right?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Possibility of being caught red-handed... it's a real turn- on. It's part of who we are, who we've always been.", "Billy: I know what you're doing right now.", "Devon: Yes, thank you very much. We will definitely be in touch. All right. Take care. Bye.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Devon: Hey.", "Mariah: Is everything okay?", "Devon: Well, as if we needed another reason to celebrate, tessa has just been booked at some very fantastic venues in madison and milwaukee.", "Noah: That's amazing.", "Devon: It's all coming together.", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh!", "Tessa: Wait, is this for real?", "Devon: It's very real, yeah. I was just on the phone with irv west. You guys have a problem with irv? I just arranged for him to be lp streaming's official promoter and tour-booker.", "Noah: I mean, the guy has got a bit of a sleaze-factor thing going on...", "Tessa: But if irv hadn't shown up that night, I may not be here right now.", "Devon: I know the guy parties and dates like it's the '80s still, but, I mean, he knows his business. But I want you to be okay with it. Are you?", "Tessa: Yeah, I'm -- I'm fine.", "Devon: Are you sure? I want you to be 100% comfortable.", "Tessa: If you trust him, I'm okay with it.", "Devon: Yeah? You positive we're good?", "Tessa: We're fantastic.", "Devon: Okay.", "Noah: Nice. Devon, do you want to help me get another round of drinks?", "Devon: Sure.", "Noah: I think I should tell the manager that the service in this place is terrible.", "Devon: Yeah, seriously.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: So, your first ep and your first live tour.", "Tessa: I wouldn't call milwaukee and madison a tour.", "Mariah: Well, your first mini-tour.", "Tessa: Hey, earlier... uh, you were about to ask me if living with noah is what I wanted. It is. I didn't think it was possible for someone to treat me this well.", "Mariah: You know, noah's not the only person that would treat you well.", "Tessa: I mean, every guy I've been with has treated me like garbage, or has been trying to hustle me for something. I was just starting to think that men were like that.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: Is that sometimes why you acted... like you didn't want to... be with a man?", "Tessa: No, that -- that's not the reason.", "Mariah: Then I'm confused. What is going on with us, tessa?", "[ Indistinct conversation ]", "Tessa: Mariah. Please believe me. I didn't mean to send any mixed signals.", "Mariah: Then what kind of signal were you trying to send?", "Tessa: Sometimes you can have real feelings for someone, but the timing's just off.", "Mariah: Timing is everything. Or maybe that's just what you say instead of \"life's a bitch and then you die,\" because that's too mean and too true.", "Tessa: Look, I made a commitment to noah. I feel like everything I've ever wanted in life, everything that crystal and I talked about when we were kids, can actually happen. Noah makes me feel happy and loved. And that's something that I haven't felt very much.", "Mariah: He's not doing you any favors. You deserve to be loved.", "Tessa: I don't want to mess this up. And I really don't want to hurt him.", "Mariah: I don't want to hurt him, either. And sparing him the pain that i feel right now is the only thing keeping me from crawling in a hole and staying there.", "Tessa: You and devon are going to chicago. And he's so into you. Just focus on that.", "Mariah: I'll try.", "[ Noah sighs ]", "Mariah: [ Sniffles ]", "Noah: Hey.", "Mariah: Oh, pour me some of that.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Devon: Well, hey, would you mind if, uh, we held off until we're on the plane? 'Cause if we don't bounce now, we're going to lose our spot in the takeoff queue.", "Noah: See? Billionaires have problems, too.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: Yeah, I'm ready. I can -- I can leave.", "Devon: You sure? Okay.", "Mariah: Mm-hmm.", "Tessa: Well, you guys have a great time in chicago. Thank you for being here. Hey. Just be happy and forget everything else.", "Noah: Love you, man.", "Devon: Love you too, bro. Really do.", "Noah: Have a good trip.", "Devon: Thank you. And you guys, please stay and enjoy yourselves. Have a great time celebrating, 'cause this is gonna be the first of many. All right?", "Mariah: Yeah. Yes. Yeah.", "Devon: Got your jacket.", "Mariah: Yeah, thank you.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Tessa: Thanks. [ Chuckles ]", "Jack: You came all the way back out here for a pen?", "Michael: Not just any pen. My special fenmore's fountain pen. It was a gift from lauren from when we were dating.", "Jack: Yeah, I haven't seen it.", "Michael: Oh, here it is. Right where I left it. See?", "Jack: Michael, you set that pen down and pretended to find it.", "Michael: What? No. That would be the action of a crazy man. Why would I do that?", "Jack: Because it's an easy excuse to come back out here and check on me. Was our conversation earlier really that unsettling?", "Michael: [ Clears throat ] Fine. Yes, it was. You got me. I'm worried about you. This is a horrible experience, and you must be going through hell. I know I'd be.", "Jack: I'm fine. I need some sleep. It appears we're not going to find anything more tonight, and so I'm gonna turn in. [ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Jack abbott. That's it. Thank you very much. [ Slams phone ] That's my P.I., Who said he had no luck getting ahold of the flight plan, which means he has no idea where the flight landed. We don't have a clue where graham took my mother. Where in the world is she?", "Hilary: You know, yeah. Yeah, I will admit that victoria did make things tough for cane to find a job. But you don't seem very sympathetic where he's concerned.", "Lily: Not that it is any of your concern, but I want nothing but the best for cane. Our marriage is over, but we're still moving on.", "Hilary: Well, just so you know, I'm seeing jordan again. So if you were planning on making him your rebound, cancel that.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] Uh, I actually told jordan i don't want a relationship. So it looks like you're the rebound. I guess it really sucks being the backup plan, huh?", "Cane: I think we should take you to go and see a doctor.", "Juliet: No, no. There's no need. I'm fine. I just needed to get that horrible witch out of my sight. [ Sighs ] Ah! See? Fully recovered. Okay, you can help me up to my room, and then I promise I will go straight to bed.", "Cane: No.", "Juliet: Okay, I can make it up there on my own. It's not a big deal.", "Cane: All right, that's not what I meant. It is a big deal. I'm not gonna let you stay in a hotel in this condition you're in.", "Juliet: I don't understand.", "Cane: You're gonna come and live with me.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. What's happening here?", "Billy: The dinner we had for ashley... got me thinking about a lot of stuff. Stuff that's hard for me to talk about. About feeling like an outsider in my own family.", "Phyllis: I'm so glad that you opened up to me about all that. That's another part of who we are. A great part. Confiding things, you know, in each other that we can't tell everybody else.", "Billy: And I know you're doing your damndest to get me to forget about my family drama and my problems with jack and remind me what I have, and what we have. And I love you for that. And as much as I'm into the games that we play, I don't want them to go too far. I don't want to risk losing everything that we have." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Damon gets a first hand view of Ashley in her fantasy. Jill watches her mother move out of the house. Ashley reveals that she has been having nightmares. Victor reveals that he was the one that recommended Christine for the Assistant District Attorney job. Nick fakes the buyer into talking about his deal with Michael.", "Ashley admits that she has been having nightmares. While Katherine has a flashback; Jill comes to the gravesite to see her. Victor warns Michael that Victoria and Nick have been looking over sales reports. Nick learns that the buyer in question has been paid before and is willing to be paid again. Jill admits that she doesn't hate Katherine." ]
[ "Chris: That's one of the things I love about you-- the way you always know how to make me laugh.", "Paul: Well, lord knows I live to amuse your ladyship.", "Chris: Wait, did I read you right?", "Paul: Well, I don't know. You tell me. I asked you to marry me, and you cracked up laughing.", "Chris: You were serious? You weren't kidding around?", "Paul: Well, you know me. I've got a wild and crazy sense of humor, but, uh...", "Chris: Paul...", "Paul: There are some things in life that aren't funny. My proposal to you, well, that would be one of them.", "Chris: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.", "Paul: Oh, no sweat. I mean, you were accidentally insensitive.", "Chris: Can I make this up to you somehow?", "Paul: Well, yeah, I suppose. You know, I was thinking... everybody goes for Saturday. You know, there are horns honking all over town on Saturday. What about another day of the week like Tuesday? I like Tuesday. I really like Tuesday.", "Chris: Wait a minute. Wait.", "Paul: Now there's no backing out. Either you want to make it up to me or not.", "Chris: And that's the only way I can do it, by setting a date to get married?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Larry: Mmm, mmm, mmm. Lookin' good.", "Jill: Oh, Larry!", "Larry: I'm sorry, babe. I couldn't resist making a little comment.", "Jill: I don't mind the comments, but you don't have to sneak up on me.", "Larry: I'm not so sure about that. You know, you've been a hard woman to find a little private time alone with lately.", "Jill: I know. I know. There's been a lot going on.", "Larry: A lot of this, a lot of that, but, um, none of the good stuff.", "Jill: Yeah, I know. It has been awhile, hasn't it?", "Larry: And how did we let that happen, huh, a couple of healthy specimens like us?", "Jill: I have no idea.", "Larry: Well, you know what? I think we need to do something about that, don't you?", "Jill: Um, yeah, but not right now.", "Larry: Well, why not? What's the matter?", "Jill: Its bad timing.", "Larry: Baby, you know I don't care about--", "Jill: I'm talking about Katherine! I don't know where she is.", "Larry: Well, she's not here, and neither is Esther, so that's all that really matters.", "Jill: No, Larry, that's not all that really matters, unfortunately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Brad: Damon.", "Damon: Hey, Brad.", "Brad: Listen, I'm really not dealing with the office today.", "Damon: I'd be surprised if you were. May I?", "Brad: Sure.", "Damon: I don't suppose I need to ask you how you're holding up.", "Brad: Hasn't been the best night for me.", "Damon: I'm sure not. Get any sleep?", "Brad: No. I'm assuming you haven't heard that my daughter was trapped in a fire. Thankfully, she's okay.", "Damon: No. I had not heard.", "Brad: Yeah, well, this all happened after I got back here with Ash from... well, you were there. You saw the state she was in.", "Damon: Yeah. I'm here out of friendship, concern. I thought you could use a little support, but if this is not a good time, you just say the word.", "Brad: You know what, Damon? I'm dealing with a hell of a situation here, one I don't begin to know how to handle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Hello. How are you?", "Hostess: Good, and you?", "Dru: Fine.", "Hostess: There we go.", "Dru: Uh, actually, this tab would be perfect.", "Phyllis: Oh, perfect.", "Dru: I know you're not my waiter, but I will have water with gasses with a merlot chaser. She's buying. Thank you.", "Hostess: Okay. I'll be right back.", "Phyllis: Um, I don't recall inviting you to sit your booty down in that chair, and I don't recall offering to pay for your meal.", "Dru: Oh, well, it's the least you could do, Phyllis, after you showed up at the gala in that schmatta, my Forrester original.", "Phyllis: No, my Forrester original. Yours was a knockoff.", "Dru: I beg to differ.", "Phyllis: Well, you can beg all you want, but it's not going to change the fact that I got my dress straight off the runway--", "Dru: Rack. You got yours off the rack, but then again, those kind of faux pas are expected out of you, since your translation of haute couture would be \"knockoff.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Where is all this coming from?", "Paul: Well, I guess the usual places-- the glands, the heart, the brain and not wanting to spend the rest of my life without you.", "Chris: But right now?", "Paul: Oh, you know, you women are too much. You think you're the only ones with a biological clock ticking. That's not true. You see, I'm not getting any younger. I want to marry you when I'm still healthy and strong enough to make love to you every night, every morning.", "Chris: We don't have to be married to do that.", "Paul: Oh, no? You mean you're thinking about shacking up all the way? See, I didn't think so. And besides, I know what it's like to be married to you. I doubt I'd be satisfied with anything less.", "Chris: I am so enjoying the time that we are spending together.", "Paul: Exactly! So?", "Chris: Okay, right. So how do you get from there to a marriage proposal?", "Paul: Well, you know, it's really not that mysterious. I mean, you can train a rat to run a maze, right. You touch one button, and it feels good. You touch another button, you get this terrible shock. Chris, listen to me. Believe me when I tell you that the best years of my life were spent with you. It doesn't take a genius.", "Chris: I know, but there were other moments, too. Our marriage fell apart, and we can't entirely blame that on one certain person.", "Paul: I know. I never should have gotten involved with Isabella, but that is a chapter of my life I want to put behind me.", "Chris: You're not even divorced.", "Paul: That's a technicality.", "Chris: There's a legal waiting period.", "Paul: Not to get engaged. Not to tell the world what our intentions are.", "Chris: Paul, our relationship now to a marriage, it's like a huge step from one to the other.", "Paul: Huge? Huge, maybe. But bad, why bad? I don't get bad.", "Chris: We're not even sleeping in the same room.", "Paul: Well, I can fix that in one heck of a hurry.", "Chris: You haven't been pressuring me, okay? I love that about you. Don't start now.", "Paul: Well, there you go. This is interesting, because there's that \"l\" word again. I love the idea. I love that about you. When are you going to really hit the nail on the head?", "Chris: You want me to say it? I love you. You are the best friend I can ever imagine.", "Paul: Oh, friends, wow. You we, that's not my favorite word.", "Chris: You're blowing my mind with this. Do you want an answer? It's no. It has to be. The last thing we need is to complicate our lives with a marriage.", "Paul: Well, I can't call you ambivalent. You speak with great clarity.", "Chris: If that was harsh, I'm sorry, but to me it's the reality.", "Paul: You know how much I love you.", "Chris: Yes, I'd say you've made that quite clear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Larry: I mean, this is simple stuff, right, man-woman stuff? So why am I so confused?", "Jill: Well, let me explain it to you.", "Larry: I mean, you still think that I'm the biggest hunk of burning love around this place, don't you?", "Jill: Well, I wouldn't exactly put it that way, but, boy, you definitely are.", "Larry: Well, then I'm offering you a wild ride on the loop-the-loop, and you're turning me down. What's up with that?", "Jill: They might come home.", "Larry: Yeah, I suppose they might.", "Jill: And find us, Larry.", "Larry: You know what? I've got a perfect, simple little plan. Instead of us getting busy down here on this furniture, what do you say we go upstairs? I mean, it's called a bedroom for a reason.", "Jill: I am so sick and tired of just feeling like the walls have ears all the time.", "Larry: No one's listening to us, babe.", "Jill: Sweetheart, they can't help it when you're-- when we're-- there's no privacy here.", "Larry: Jill, read my lips. There's no one here but us.", "Jill: And if I knew where Katherine and her pet monkey had gone, I might have some idea of when they'd be back.", "Larry: Okay, now tell me, when did you start setting your watch by those two?", "Jill: I don't know. I just, I feel like everything's closing in on me. I mean, this feeling of not being able to do anything I want to do without somebody watching me or listening to me or commenting on it.", "Larry: You know what? If you want to be alone, then maybe I should just split.", "Jill: No! Come on, I like having you here.", "Larry: Did you hear what she said, Larry? You like having me here. Oh, baby, I'm getting all hot and bothered.", "Jill: Don't make this hard for me.", "Larry: Funny you should mention that.", "Jill: Stop it.", "Larry: Wait a second. You got a little thing on your lip there.", "Jill: What is it?", "Larry: Um, it's my lip.", "Jill: Gosh, you feel so good.", "Larry: I could feel a whole lot better, too.", "Jill: Oh, you.", "Larry: You know what?", "Jill: What?", "Larry: Whoever invented this clothes thing was probably some old guy who didn't like people having fun. He's just like, \"wrap 'em up, dress 'em up. They'll forget all about having fun and stick to business.\"", "Kay: Oh, Esther, it will all work out now. Now why don't you stop being so upset?", "Larry: Hello, ladies. Nice to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You know, you see there-- a perfect example. If we were married, we wouldn't have to do that. We could just, you know, go ahead and kiss. Then one thing would lead to another, and suddenly I'd find myself naked, and then you'd be naked. And we'd be doing all kinds of naked stuff together.", "Chris: Okay, just stop. Stop, I'm only human.", "Paul: Oh, yeah? Prove it.", "Chris: You're tricky.", "Paul: And horny, too, but that's not the reason I'm asking you to marry me.", "Chris: I would hope not.", "Paul: You see, I'm really after your money.", "Chris: Oh, you're going to marry me for my money? Well, you'll earn every nickel. If I don't get back to work soon, I'll be broke.", "Paul: You know, that's another great advantage of being married-- pooling your financial resources. You know, the truth is, I'm doing pretty well myself right now. In fact, I'm quite a catch.", "Chris: Oh, stop it!", "Paul: Oh, come on, Chris. Why not make a commitment? Why not just do it? Yes, we have skeletons in our closet, but we can work them out as a couple.", "Chris: I don't want to rehash this again. I gave you my answer.", "Paul: Well, you see, there's one of my many faults. I'm very persistent.", "Chris: It can get irritating.", "Paul: It's just; I have felt so close to you ever since this horrible thing with Isabella. I thought if we were together as a--", "Chris: (Whispering) couple.", "Paul: I should stop now, shouldn't I?", "Chris: Oh, just talk about anything else.", "Paul: All right, just so you know, I am not giving up.", "Chris: I don't deserve you.", "Paul: Maybe not, but you've got me anyway. Oh, gee, look at the time. I really must be running.", "Chris: You okay?", "Paul: Me, okay? Oh, never better. See you this evening, friend, buddy old pal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: We're interrupting something?", "Jill: Oh, don't let it worry you. It's just par for the course around here, isn't it?", "Esther: Well, heaven knows we wouldn't want to cramp anyone's style.", "Jill: Oh, like hell.", "Kay: Jill, I need to talk to you.", "Jill: Okay, fine.", "Larry: Don't anybody worry about me. I'll just go grab a cold shower. Come on, Esther, let's give these two some privacy.", "Esther: I need to ask Mrs. C. Something.", "Larry: Jill, you owe me.", "Kay: Can't it wait?", "Esther: No, I need to know if we should use the big trunk out of the attic, or can we make do with the regular one?", "Kay: We'll talk about it later, Esther. We will talk about it later.", "Esther: You know what? I need to plan.", "Kay: Then don't. Not yet.", "Jill: What is going on here? What luggage? Why?", "Kay: Esther and I are leaving. Actually, we're moving out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Where's Ashley now?", "Brad: Upstairs lying down in the nursery.", "Damon: Yeah, she said she went up to check on, uh...", "Brad: Our baby. Robert, our son who died. One second she seems perfectly rational, and the next she's running up the stairs telling me she hears our son crying.", "Damon: In and out of reality.", "Brad: Yeah, it's unnerving as hell.", "Damon: Jack knows, well, the full extent of what his sister's going through?", "Brad: You know what, Damon? I don't think any of us really knows how far gone she is. In any case, there needs to be some sort of professional assessment.", "Damon: A psychiatrist?", "Brad: Well, if Jack had his way, Ash would have gone straight from the gala to the hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Waiter: Are you ready to order?", "Dru: Yes, I am. I'm going to have the canard salade, avec chilien sauvignon blanc. Merci.", "Waiter: Very good.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) a boring drunk, no less. Phyllis, come, have some class. There's nothing wrong with having a glass of wine with your lunch.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's right, because I'm sure it's noon somewhere in the world. But I forgot. You don't have the kind of job where you have to really pop and snap like I do. So go ahead, knock yourself out.", "Dru: You know, I'm going forgive that jab, because you're still stuck on stupid. Look who you work for.", "Phyllis: If you're going to go off on the Newman's--", "Dru: Just one, just one-- the guy with the big mustache, only he's not big on character, is he? And the whole town knows it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lynne: Paul, didn't you hear me? Mr. Robbins is on line one.", "Paul: Take a message. I'll get back to him later.", "Lynne: It's the second time he's called today.", "Paul: I'm aware of that.", "Lynne: Don't you think you should talk to him?", "Paul: Oh, damn it, Lynne. What part of \"take a message\" don't you understand?", "Lynne: Mr. Robbins, I'm sorry. Paul's not able to speak with you right now. I don't know how long. He's having a busy day. I understand you're busy, too, and I really appreciate your patience. I'll give him the message. Thank you. You must have had a tough morning.", "Paul: Yep, and, no, I don't want to talk about it.", "Lynne: Are you sure? It might help.", "Paul: Lynne--", "Lynne: Right. You don't want to talk about it.", "Paul: And I don't want to be bothered, either.", "Lauren: Well, now I trust that doesn't go for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: Coming. Chris.", "Chris: Chantal said you left the office.", "Michael: And you figured I'd be here. Come in, come. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.", "Chris: I love your place.", "Michael: Yep, yep, pretty fancy, huh? It's a step up.", "Chris: Yeah, I would say so.", "Michael: So what can I do for you? Are you here to tell me you're sticking with our practice? You're going to double our caseload, because I'll break out the decaf.", "Chris: I'm in no mood for games.", "Michael: Okay, so what do you want?", "Chris: I would like to make one thing very clear. If I do get the offer from the district attorney's office, it's my decision, okay? It's not yours. It's not Paul's. It's mine.", "Michael: Point noted, but don't forget that I have a very large stake in that decision.", "Chris: I know that, I do, but I have to do what's best for me.", "Michael: Which, in my humble opinion, is staying right where you are. Look, you have a responsibility to the clients, to the practice. I need you.", "Chris: Thank you for your opinion. Thank you, but I have to make up my own mind.", "Michael: All right. All right, I'll back off, but just answer me one thing.", "Chris: What?", "Michael: Did you happen to give Paul this same speech?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Katherine, I can't have heard you right. You're what?", "Esther: You heard her just fine, Jill.", "Kay: Esther, please, I need to speak with my daughter in private.", "Esther: If you would just tell me which luggage that--", "Kay: Later, please.", "Esther: All right.", "Jill: You're moving out?", "Kay: Yes.", "Jill: Why?", "Kay: Why? Would you rather I stayed?", "Jill: No, I didn't say that. It's just... when was all this decided?", "Kay: Well, I've been thinking, you know, since we last talked.", "Jill: Oh, you mean when I said that I didn't know how I felt about us.", "Kay: Exactly.", "Jill: So just like that, you're giving up?", "Kay: No, not at all. Actually, Esther and I are going to take a brief trip, and after that Nikki has offered me the hospitality of her home temporarily.", "Jill: You're coming back?", "Kay: Well, presumably. And by that time, um, perhaps you will have gotten a better grasp of your emotions. I think it's a rather good plan. Don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Where do you get off?", "Dru: I'll tell you where I get off. Ashley--remember when she showed up at the gala, fell to pieces in front of all those people?", "Phyllis: Yeah, and somehow that's victor's fault?", "Dru: It's all his fault. Not somehow, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Okay, wait a second. Wait a second, you are off base. Would you knock this off? This is my family you're talking about. Ashley is my sister-in-law. And what happened, yes, it was tragic, but you have no right to go around slinging blame.", "Dru: It's a tragedy that didn't have to happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: I take it you find that somewhat extreme.", "Brad: Tossing my wife in a rubber room? No, that's not a thought I'm really relishing. I put a call in to Olivia Winters. That's Drucilla's sister. Also happens to be Ash's best friend. I'm just hoping she can give us a starting point, some idea what level of help we need. Because I am totally out of my depth here, Damon, and I'm in no position to be making any huge decisions right now.", "Damon: Fella, you and I ain't known each other very long, so very possibly I may be crossing the line here. If you tell me to butt out, I won't be offended.", "Brad: Damon, if you have some advice, feel free to give it, 'cause I'm way too frightened about what's going on here to start shutting people out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I don't know. I don't know how I feel about this.", "Kay: Well, this is what you've said you've wanted for a long, long time-- this house to yourself.", "Jill: But temporarily.", "Kay: Well, yeah, obviously time and nature will take care of the ultimate arrangements, but for now it's all that I can offer. I'm sorry.", "Jill: No, no, it's fine. Its fine, I just never dreamed--", "Kay: Of course, Esther will go with me for the duration, so you'll have to find someone else to pick up after you around here.", "Jill: Katherine, what do you want in return? Because I know there's got to be something.", "Kay: Well, I'm simply trying to give you a taste of what you've always wanted-- a whole world without me in it.", "Jill: Oh, no, no. No, you don't. Oh, my God. I knew I smelled a rat. You really had me going there for a little while, but now I get it. This is another one of your games, isn't it? You promised me no more tests, but you just couldn't resist one last one. When are you going to stop this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Well, I don't remember the last time I saw you this grumpy.", "Paul: You're in for a real treat then, aren't you?", "Lauren: Well, at least your ego's still intact.", "Paul: Ha!", "Lauren: Oh, maybe not.", "Paul: You know, Lauren, I'm not even sure why I let you come in here.", "Lauren: Aw, are you afraid that my sparkling personality is gonna get you out of this, and you'd rather wallow?", "Paul: You know, sometimes--", "Lauren: I know, I know. You detest how well I know you. Okay, Mr. Grumpy- pants, there's only two reasons that you could be in this kind funk, and seeing that I'm not smelling the aroma of sauerkraut and spareribs, I'm pretty sure it's the other important woman in your life. Am I right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: I didn't have to give this speech to Paul.", "Michael: Yeah. You don't expect me to believe that, do you? He was pushing for his point of view just as hard as I was pushing for mine.", "Chris: Well, at least his reasoning wasn't so self-interested.", "Michael: Uh-huh, yeah, I don't buy that either and neither should you. He would say anything to get you away from me and out of our practice. Now look, there are plenty of reasons to turn down the D.A.'S job. Paul--even Paul, could see them if he'd be honest.", "Chris: Michael, maybe they're not as convincing as you think.", "Michael: Or maybe his big agenda is to keep you away from me.", "Chris: Don't be silly. Everything doesn't revolve around you.", "Michael: Yes, it does.", "Michael: So what was going on between the two happy homemakers earlier this morning?", "Chris: Oh, before you so rudely interrupted us, you mean?", "Michael: Yeah, I definitely felt a little more unwelcome than usual. Did I detect a note of romance?", "Chris: Guess again.", "Michael: No, I'm right. Something's changed. Listen, Christine, there are more men out there. You should be looking into your other possibilities.", "Chris: Might I be looking at one of those other possibilities?", "Michael: You know that all I want is the very best for you.", "Chris: That doesn't answer my question.", "Michael: If there was a snowball's chance in hell that I had a chance at anything, you know, believe me, that I'd be all over it.", "Chris: All right, we can't go back. You know that.", "Michael: I'm not-- I have no fantasies about you and me riding off into the sunset. This isn't about me. It's about you, and it's about you and Paul. You don't see it, but I do. I'll tell you your life. You are not living the big love story that you think you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Jill, I swear to you this is not another test.", "Jill: Oh, test, game, trial by fire-- whatever you want to call it.", "Kay: No, no, it's none of those things. I have a lot to lose, you know.", "Jill: Oh? Oh, you mean what if I like living here by myself? What if I like the arrangement, and I don't want to live together with you?", "Kay: Exactly.", "Jill: And what happens then?", "Kay: I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead.", "Jill: Oh, this is crazy. This is crazy. This is just nuts.", "Kay: Well, if you don't want me to move out, I don't have to.", "Jill: Oh, Katherine, that is so loaded. That is a bear trap. You've put me in an impossible situation, and you knew exactly what you were doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So what's going on with you and Christine?", "Paul: Oh, you mean what's not going on?", "Lauren: I can't believe you're having problems. I thought you'd be halfway down the aisle by now.", "Paul: Yeah, well, I figured the same thing. I thought-- well, it doesn't really make any difference what I thought. I obviously read all the signals wrong.", "Lauren: Okay, you're going to need to back up, because I'm missing some major details here.", "Paul: So you're going to make me get into this whole thing, aren't you? You are going to get all cute and philosophical. You're going to give me a brand- new outlook, put a smile on my face, perhaps. You're going to walk out of here thinking, \"mission accomplished,\" and I'm going to try your new philosophy, whatever it is. But the truth of the matter is I will still be banging my head against a stone wall.", "Lauren: Am I that predictable? Because, damn, I need a new routine then.", "Paul: Yeah, well... the thing is, I asked Chris to marry me this morning, and... she laughed. Not a guffaw, mind you, but a definite chortle. She thought I was kidding. When she realized I wasn't, she still said no.", "Lauren: No wonder you're upset. Did she say it was forever?", "Paul: No, no, no, nothing like that.", "Lauren: Are you still roommates?", "Paul: Platonic roommates, but I don't know. I guess the whole thing blew up in my face. I took a chance, and...", "Lauren: You know what, honey? You have just come out of the marriage from hell. Why are you rushing into another commitment?", "Paul: So you think Chris is right? That I should be moving along more slowly?", "Lauren: Well, here's what I think, and I'm not being philosophical. You should enjoy life. You should relax. There is a big, beautiful world out there. There are places to go and people to see, old friends you've neglected.", "Paul: Oh, really? Is that right?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. So Christine needs to do some soul-searching. Let her. And in the meantime, why don't you do some exploring of your own?", "Paul: You mean with some of those old friends that you mentioned?", "Lauren: And let your conscience be your guide.", "Paul: Oh, you see there, that is really dangerous.", "Lauren: Exhilarating, yes. Dangerous--I don't know.", "Paul: Oh, if you're considering that safe territory, I think you know better.", "Lauren: Oh, I don't know what you're talking about.", "Paul: I think you do. I guess the question is what are we going to do about it?", "Lauren: I think I'm going to let you figure that out.", "Paul: (Chortles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: People who are truly in love do not do the things to each other that you and paul do.", "Chris: Oh, Michael, you have no right--", "Michael: No, no, Christine, you're going to hear me out. Think about it. Think about all you and Paul have been through. Was it love the night of his child's christening? Was it love when you disappeared for months, and when you came back here in disguise pretending to be someone else?", "Chris: I needed some answers, okay? I'm not defending what he did.", "Michael: Still, you have to admit that you and Paul have done a lot of strange and bizarre things. I mean, you've done things that are totally out of character for both of you, hurtful, tragic things.", "Michael: Christine, there is so much that is not healthy about this relationship, at least not anymore. I hope you take a good, long look at that before you make any decisions about your future. All right. That's my two cents. I hope you know that I really do only want what's best for you, and that's one thing that will never change.", "Chris: I'll see you around", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Victor did not take Ashley by the arm and force her to get into that car, Drucilla.", "Dru: Phyllis, you can do better than that.", "Phyllis: Ashley is resilient. She is not a helpless little waif. She is capable of making her own decisions, and to hold Victor Newman responsible for a decision that Ashley made of her own volition is insane. Yes, the consequences were tragic.", "Dru: He should have stayed away from her.", "Phyllis: He was being a friend. He was afraid that she was not going to stay detached during the rollout.", "Dru: Victor Newman knew that he was going to play dirty pool, and he knew that the scales were going to tip in his favor. He got a conscience. He ran to Ashley. He told her how he felt, and he totally ruined her peace of mind.", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me? That is the most twisted, insane piece of logic.", "Dru: It makes perfect sense to me.", "Phyllis: Well, yes, it would, wouldn't it?", "Dru: Maybe things are as simple as you're pretending they are, but I doubt that. I believe that you know that dirty tricks were played, and I think you're up to your eyeballs in guilt.", "Phyllis: What?", "Dru: Yeah, it would make perfect sense that you would defend Victor Newman. But how is it going to look when people find out that you were helping the man that destroyed your sister-in-law?", "Phyllis: I'm going to get up and leave this table before I do something that you will regret.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I really don't see what is so impossible about it.", "Jill: You say that you're going to move out so I can decide if I'll miss you or not. Okay, so now the balls in my court. If I don't say, \"oh, no, no, no, mommy dearest, don't leave me, not after we've found each other after all these years,\" that makes me the hard-hearted bitch.", "Kay: Well, Jill, I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to believe me. It was not my intention, nor is it my intention. I'm sorry you feel such mistrust.", "Jill: Well, can you blame me after our history?", "Kay: Well, there's been a great deal of distrust, dishonesty on both of our parts over the years, and I can't change that. You have a decision to make.", "Jill: Yes.", "Kay: Yes, what?", "Jill: If you're prepared to move out and let me have this house to myself for awhile, during which time I will do my very best to come to a decision as to our future as mother and daughter, I'm going to take you up on it.", "Kay: All right, so be it. I'll have Esther, um, pack us up for the trip. I'll call Nikki, accept the invitation. Well, now the decision has been made, so I really don't want to remain in this home any longer.", "Jill: Katherine. Thank you. You're really rather a brave woman. I will give you that.", "Kay: Brave or foolish. Time will tell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Now I haven't got a thing against psychiatrists. I know they help a lot of people, but whenever there's a crisis, all too often it seems to me the temptation is to lean on medical science, put people in hospitals, pump them full of drugs, isolate them from their families.", "Brad: So what's your approach?", "Damon: I'm nobody's doctor, all right? But, please, consider this. Not only has Ashley lost-- has Ashley lost her firstborn son, but she has lost the opportunity to have any more babies. We both know that has to be extremely devastating. Couldn't it be that she just hasn't been able to come to grips with it?", "Brad: So you think this fantasy that the baby lived--", "Damon: I think it's her mind's way of cushioning her from a reality she's not ready to accept.", "Brad: You sure you're not a psychiatrist now?", "Damon: Well, look, I consider myself a student of the human heart and maybe the mind, but from a much more spiritual perspective, I hope. Anyway, what I witnessed at the gala--it was a cry of pain a cry to be healed. And I think the only way that's going to happen is for her family to love her through this. Those are the keys, Brad. You start to treat that woman like she's mentally ill; the danger is she's going to conform to that expectation. Whereas with time, support, Ashley will see what she has to face.", "Ashley: What is he doing here? Why is this house always full of people? There are children sleeping. I've got a baby that I'm trying to take care of. Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. It's just that I'm feeling really stressed out here. There's something going on, and you won't even tell me what it is. Now how am I supposed to deal with that and a newborn at the same time? It's just not fair.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Are you saying Victor Newman is above the law?", "Victoria: Are you saying that whatever it is you find, if it doesn't smell right to you, you're going to the authorities with it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Miguel: You have a visitor.", "Victor: Visitor where?", "Miguel: He's waiting in the solarium.", "Victor: He who?", "Miguel: Your brother." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Brittany was devastated and broke down in tears when Frederick refused to support her decision to marry Bobby, said she could do better, that she wasn't ready for marriage, and that he couldn't attend her wedding. Bobby told Kay that he believes Nikki to be a one of a kind woman who would be much better off without Victor in her life. Mac told JT that she suspected Brittany wasn't thrilled about marrying Bobby because she was secretly in love with JT, and he felt the same. Daniel visited Damon - still looking at the Japanese sword - and begged him to tell him what was happening that had Phyllis so on edge. Damon refused to open up. Dru offered to let Daniel stay with her and Neil to give Phyllis so time alone with Damon. Phyllis thanked her, but declined. Dominic Hughes phoned Phyllis and revealed that he was in GC and ready to see Damon. Phyllis told him if he did that, his new life would be over. Gloria was stunned when Kevin crashed her breakfast with John and told her he'd been staying in the Abbott Pool House for days. Before he could leave, John entered and demanded to know what he was doing there. Michael and Lauren shared a romantic morning together. Victor and Nikki reconnected and declared their love strong enough to survive anything. Brad asked Ash to go out of town to work on their marriage. She denied the request and stunned him by tearfully admitting her feelings for him had changed.", "Brittany was devastated and broke down in tears when Frederick refused to support her decision to marry Bobby, said she could do better, that she wasn't ready for marriage, and that he couldn't attend her wedding. Bobby told Kay that he believes Nikki to be a one of a kind woman who would be much better off without Victor in her life. Mac told JT that she suspected Brittany wasn't thrilled about marrying Bobby because she was secretly in love with JT, and he felt the same. Daniel visited Damon - still looking at the Japanese sword - and begged him to tell him what was happening that had Phyllis so on edge. Damon refused to open up. Dru offered to let Daniel stay with her and Neil to give Phyllis so time alone with Damon. Phyllis thanked her, but declined. Dominic Hughes phoned Phyllis and revealed that he was in GC and ready to see Damon. Phyllis told him if he did that, his new life would be over. Gloria was stunned when Kevin crashed her breakfast with John and told her he'd been staying in the Abbott Pool House for days. Before he could leave, John entered and demanded to know what he was doing there. Michael and Lauren shared a romantic morning together." ]
[ "Nikki: Mmm. It's good waking up in your arms like this. Let's stay here all day.", "Victor: It was beautiful last night, wasn't it?", "Nikki: Mmm. Mm-hmm. The rec center's not so bad, you know?", "Victor: Although we slept on the floor?", "Nikki: Well, sleeping on the floor's not bad, but I like what we did better. I can't remember the last time we did something like this.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Try never.", "Nikki: Hmm, that's not true.", "Victor: Hmm?", "Nikki: Don't you remember? Years ago, we used to fall asleep on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace.", "Victor: And afterwards, I would feed you strawberries with whipped cream.", "Nikki: Yeah. Yeah, that was fun, too.", "Victor: I couldn't get enough of you then. I can't get enough of you now.", "Brad: Come on, honey. Careful there. Let's go. We gotta get you to school. Go say good-bye to mommy.", "Abby: Hi, mommy. Bye, mommy.", "Ashley: Oh, hold on a second, sweetie, come here. Daddy's not taking you to school today.", "Brad: I'm not?", "Ashley: Um, no. I called frances, and I asked her to do it.", "Brad: Okay. Then I guess we'll say good-bye right here.", "Abby: That's okay. I'll see you after school. Then I can tell you everything that happened today.", "Brad: Do you promise? Okay, I can't wait. (Doorbell rings)", "Brad: That must be frances.", "Ashley: I'll take the coat. Thanks. Here, babydoll, let's put this on. Here ya go.", "Brad: Hi, frances.", "Frances: Good morning, mr. Carlton. Is abby ready?", "Brad: Yes. Good morning. Come on in. She's all set.", "Frances: Hi.", "Ashley: Hi, frances. You have a great day. Okay, doll?", "Abby: Okay, mommy.", "Brad: Love you.", "Abby: I love you, too, daddy.", "Ashley: Bye, sweetie.", "Brad: Have a good day.", "Abby: I will.", "Frances: Bye.", "Abby: Bye, mommy.", "Ashley: Bye.", "Gloria: Mmm, these muffins are delicious, john.", "John: Mmm. Mrs. Martinez used one of mamie's old recipes.", "Gloria: She-- mamie's very special to you, isn't she?", "John: Well, I'd be lost without her. You know, years ago, I had a mild heart attack, and she treats me like a baby since then. If I just cheat a little bit on my diet, I get a 20-minute lecture.", "Gloria: Well, I hope you'll let me take care of you now. It's the least I can do to repay you for all your kindness.", "John: You know, since you came into my life, you have taken years off my age. Do you know that my health has actually improved?", "Gloria: Well, you sure don't act your age in bed, you tiger, you. (Chuckles)", "John: Well, you brought back feelings I thought I forgot.", "Gloria: I can't wait till we go on our trip.", "John: Now you're not in a rush, are you?", "Gloria: No, of course not. Half the fun is planning. Hawaii, tahiti, whatever.", "John: Whatever.", "Gloria: It's gonna be heavenly.", "John: Well, I will bring back some delightful brochures, and we will take our time planning. How's that?", "Gloria: Great.", "John: All right. You know what? I'm gonna get us some more coffee. I shall return.", "Gloria: I hope so.", "Mac: Morning, sleepyhead.", "J.T.: (Mumbles)", "Mac: Want some coffee?", "J.T.: Yeah, thanks.", "Mac: Here you go. Late night?", "J.T.: (Clears throat) I was up studying.", "Mac: Good for you. How'd it go?", "J.T.: Um, it went. No, I'm still trying to play catch-up, thanks to brittany.", "Mac: Why? 'Cause you been helping her out with the wedding stuff?", "J.T.: Mm-hmm, but no more. I'm all done.", "Mac: You know, I've been thinking about our conversation last night, about brittany, how she's been acting weird.", "J.T.: You still stuck on that?", "Mac: Yes. I don't get it. I mean, her wedding day is just right around the corner. It's the biggest day of her life. She's not even excited about it. Something's off, J.T. Something is really off.", "Brittany: How are your waffles, mr. Marsino?", "Bobby: Mmm, excellent. And now is your bagel, mrs. Marsino?", "Brittany: Not yet, bobby. That's bad luck.", "Bobby: Who says?", "Brittany: Me. We're not married yet.", "Bobby: Yeah, but we are gonna be soon, and I just want to get used to the way it sounds, mrs.--", "Brittany: Don't say it again.", "Bobby: You're funny.", "Brittany: That's right, and don't you forget it.", "Bobby: Well, what do you know? It's father of the year.", "Brittany: Excuse me, but that's my father.", "Bobby: Mm-hmm. Yeah, the one that's too good for everybody.", "Brittany: Not really.", "Bobby: Well, he's too good for the likes of me.", "Brittany: I'm going to go talk to him.", "Bobby: Look, you know what, don'T. I'm sorry I even said anything. It doesn't bother me.", "Brittany: Well, it bothers me.", "Brittany: Daddy?", "Frederick: Brittany.", "Brittany: Don't go. Sit down. I want to talk to you.", "Lauren: Maybe I should leave town more often.", "Michael: Bite your tongue. So how was L.A.?", "Lauren: I wasn't there long enough to tell.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Well, I missed you.", "Lauren: You okay?", "Michael: Hmm, there's probably nothin' wrong.", "Lauren: Tell me.", "Michael: Well, I have not seen or heard from kevin for awhile.", "Lauren: Really? Do you think it had anything to do with that conversation you had with him?", "Michael: I think it had to do with a lot of conversations, one of which I had with gloria, in which she told me that she spilled the beans about our relationship to him. So I'm sure that his pride is wounded, and I am sure that he's hurt we didn't tell him.", "Lauren: We didn't have a choice. We didn't know how he was going to react either way.", "Michael: It was hard for him, but he took it like a man.", "Lauren: Or so you assumed?", "Michael: Well, the fact that I haven't seen him for two nights tells me that he's probably having more trouble with this relationship than, uh, we previously thought.", "Gloria: All this talk of the tropics and swimming in clear, blue waters put me in the mood for a nice warm bath. Be a dear and run me one, will you? I'll rinse these cups and put the dishes away.", "John: Well, that would be my pleasure. And you know what?", "Gloria: What?", "John: Maybe I'll even scrub your back.", "Gloria: Ooh, what a naughty boy, but you know that, don't you?", "John: Mmm, it's all your fault, too.", "Gloria: Go on.", "John: All right.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) I'll be up in a minute.", "John: Okay.", "Gloria: Kevin, what in the hell are you doing here?", "Kevin: I have to talk to you, mom. It's important.", "Gloria: Shh, all right. Come in. Keep quiet. Make it quick.", "Kevin: Okay, I know. I sorta have a problem.", "Gloria: Well, you're gonna have an even bigger one if john catches you here.", "Kevin: Well, I had to come to you. There's nobody else.", "Gloria: What's wrong with your brother?", "Kevin: Michael and i aren't exactly getting along these days.", "Gloria: So what else is new?", "Kevin: Mom, he stole my girl.", "Gloria: I know, sweetie. Lauren.", "Kevin: Yes. Considering what's going on with those two, I couldn't stay in that apartment any longer.", "Gloria: Well, if you have some ridiculous idea about staying here, you are out of your mind.", "Kevin: Well, I already have.", "Gloria: Have? What? What are you saying?", "Kevin: Well, I thought-- I thought about you living in this big mansion, and, I, uh, I took a chance that nobody would find out.", "Gloria: Find out what? Look, kevin, what have you done?", "Kevin: I spent the last two nights in abbott's pool house.", "Gloria: What?!", "Dru: Oh, hey.", "Phyllis: Oh, god.", "Dru: Oh, god, what?", "Phyllis: Oh, god. I should have had decaf.", "Dru: Oh, are you preggers?", "Phyllis: What?!", "Dru: It's none of my business, but you should eat first.", "Phyllis: Excuse me. What makes you think I would be pregnant? I may have been eating more dairy, but... it's none of your business what I am.", "Dru: Hey, I'm sure it's about you and damon. I can smell it.", "Phyllis: Well, take your smells and go someplace else.", "Dru: You know, he was sitting here at this very bar, heavy on the whiskey, I might add, really twisted, because you were out of town.", "Phyllis: Let me tell you something. He's going through something very heavy right now.", "Dru: So he alluded to. So he alluded to.", "Phyllis: Has me really, really messed up. (Sighs) it's very upsetting, drucilla, and it--and it's really affected my kid.", "Dru: You know, phyllis, it's tough to tolerate you on a good day. Let's just call this a good day. Maybe I can help you out. May I have coffee, please? (Doorbell rings) (doorbell rings)", "Damon: Daniel.", "Daniel: Damon, uh, may I come in?", "Damon: No. No, not really. It's not a great time.", "Daniel: You know, I-I'm kinda worried about my mom. Thank you.", "Damon: You want somethin'? Somethin' to eat?", "Daniel: No. No, I'm okay.", "Damon: What's goin' on with your mother?", "Daniel: You tell me. Ever since this trip that she took, it's like she's been on another planet.", "Damon: How do you mean?", "Daniel: So she's freaked out half the time. The other half, she's barely even there. Yeah, I know this has something to do with you, and I can't help but wonder what it is.", "Damon: Daniel, it's complicated, and I know that if your mother wanted you to know more than you do, she'd have told you.", "Daniel: Yeah, I figured you'd say that.", "Daniel: This thing's cool. Is this real? Come on feel the noise", "Victor: You made me happy last night when you said you wanted to sleep here, although I know this place doesn't hold exactly good memories for you.", "Nikki: Well, no. In fact, when I first walked in here, I was overwhelmed with all these memories that I had repressed for so long. I didn't know how to process them.", "Victor: Hmm, isn't that ironic that this very place was the factory where your dad once worked?", "Nikki: Yeah, but it's changed.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: You changed it. You changed it from a place of tragedy to a place of hope. You should be very proud of yourself. I am.", "Victor: Nikki?", "Nikki: Hmm?", "Victor: There was something sad in your voice last night. Did something happen?", "Brad: (Sighs) ash? Baby? I've been doing a lot of thinking, soul searching. I've been real stressed out the last few days. You have, too. Well, it's time we did something about it. We can't go on this way.", "Ashley: Yeah, I--I agree. We can'T.", "Brad: Well, good. I'm glad. We need to get away.", "Ashley: That's not possible right now, honey.", "Brad: We just have to make it possible. We need to, baby, for our own good. We can't put this off.", "Ashley: Brad, there's a million other things that we can't possibly put off. It's just not-- it's just not realistic.", "Brad: Why, I think it's realistic. We have to do something to get back on some kind of positive footing. We both know things haven't been right.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Brad: It's not your fault. It's not my fault. We've both been contributing.", "Ashley: And what? You think that A... a getaway's gonna help all that?", "Brad: (Sighs) honey, it's obvious there's a gulf between us. Now we need to do something to bridge it. We got to put all this stuff behind us. I don't see that happening here.", "Frederick: So you wanna talk? Kitten, if this is about this thing you're doing...", "Brittany: Daddy, it's a wedding. I'm getting married. You can say it.", "Frederick: I don't want to.", "Brittany: Because I'm not marrying prince william?", "Frederick: No, you certainly are not.", "Brittany: Daddy, there's only one of him. Everybody else in the world is just one of the regular people. Bobby is a regular person.", "Frederick: You really believe that?", "Brittany: I believe that bobby truly loves me.", "Frederick: Well, of course he does. I mean, who wouldn't? Look at you. You're a prize, brittany. In his world, a girl like you-- unspoiled, classy-- you're the jackpot.", "Brittany: So then, he doesn't love me? People like him probably can't even feel love, right?", "Frederick: (Sighs) sure they do. Everybody's capable of love. I'm not saying bobby marsino's not human. I'm just saying, sweetheart, he's not the man I want you married to.", "Brittany: So when mom married you, what did her parents have to say?", "Frederick: I'll admit it. I had nothing, and your mother came from a very well-to-do family. But I had a job, and I was working hard, working my way up in a legitimate, respectable business. Her father slapped me on the back, and he told me to keep my shoulder to the wheel and my nose to the grindstone and to take care of his baby.", "Brittany: Which is something you could never say to bobby.", "Frederick: Not in this lifetime. I'm sorry.", "J.T.: Kinda stretchin' things, aren't ya?", "Mac: You can't deny that brittany's been acting a little bit bizarre.", "J.T.: Why? Because she's not behaving like a typical bride, bein' all giddy and bouncin' off the walls? That's not really brittany's style.", "Mac: Well, all I'm saying is that it just doesn't feel right to me.", "J.T.: Mac, look, just because she's handling it her own way doesn't mean she's not excited about this wedding. People are different, you know?", "Mac: Yeah, I know.", "J.T.: All right, so let it go. Tryin' to figure out brittany is a waste of time, trust me.", "Mac: That's just the thing, though. I already have her figured out.", "J.T.: What are you talkin' about?", "Mac: I know why she's been acting so weird.", "J.T.: You do?", "Mac: Yeah.", "J.T.: Well, enlighten me.", "Mac: Deep down, she really doesn't want to marry bobby.", "J.T.: What? How can you say that? All she does is talk about how crazy she is about that jerk.", "Mac: Exactly, it's all talk. But when I see her, when I see the two of them together...", "J.T.: Yeah?", "Mac: The connection is missing.", "J.T.: Well, then, why is she marrying the guy?", "Mac: Because she's too afraid to admit who she's really in love with.", "J.T.: Okay, who's that?", "Mac: You. She's in love with you, J.T.", "Kay: That's enough.", "Bobby: Hello, mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Oh, mr. Marsino, good morning.", "Bobby: Do you mind if I sit for a minute?", "Kay: No, no, please do. Please do.", "Bobby: So I spoke to my fiancée about your generous offer to use your home for a wedding. She's thrilled.", "Kay: It is my pleasure.", "Bobby: I hope this doesn't cause you any problems.", "Kay: What? A wedding ceremony? What could possibly go wrong?", "Bobby: I got pretty much everything covered. You shouldn't have to do anything. It's gonna be a slam dunk.", "Kay: Well, if there's anything I can do to help...", "Bobby: Well, I don't know. You've done enough just by letting us use your home. But I do have one suggestion.", "Kay: And what's that?", "Bobby: Well, if you've got any good stuff lying around, you know, valuables, antiques, you might wanna lock 'em up somewhere safe.", "Gloria: Kevin, are you insane? What were you thinking?", "Kevin: You're getting upset over nothing. Nobody found me.", "Gloria: But that's not the point.", "Kevin: Shh. Relax. Besides, one day soon, I'm gonna be welcome here.", "Gloria: Oh, kevin, wait. Not so fast. We don't know that yet.", "Kevin: Oh, come on, mom. I saw the way abbott looked at you. You got the guy wrapped around your finger.", "Gloria: Kevin, we are just beginning to get close. This could ruin everything.", "Kevin: Oh, please. Looks to me like it's a done deal, and you know what I think?", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: I think that, uh... I think that pretty soon I'm gonna be john abbott's stepson, free to come and go as I please, mom. You and me living the american dream. Bran muffins?", "Gloria: Kevin, I...", "Lauren: You wanted this place to yourself.", "Michael: Quite frankly, to be blunt, I'm a little thrilled.", "Lauren: Feeling a little guilty about that?", "Michael: What kind of brother does that make me?", "Lauren: Makes you human, michael. After everything kevin has put you through, it's natural you would just crave a little privacy for yourself.", "Michael: So... you don't think I'm some uncaring monster?", "Lauren: Because you don't want the guy underfoot for a few days? Quite frankly, if you didn't feel that way, I'd think you were a little scary.", "Michael: You know, it amazes me how I allowed them to worm their way back into my life-- kevin and gloria.", "Lauren: Which just proves under all of this, you're just a softie at heart.", "Michael: Well, don't tell anyone. You'll ruin my reputation.", "Lauren: Yeah? What reputation is that?", "Michael: Oh, you read my press release. I am a selfish... mercenary... reprobate without a shred of conscience.", "Lauren: Oh, but, baby, you're a lawyer. Aren't people supposed to think that of you?", "Michael: So funny.", "Damon: Don't touch that.", "Daniel: Why not?", "Damon: Why don't you come on back in here for a minute?", "Damon: Are you sure it's really your mother you're worried about?", "Daniel: Why else would i have come here to see you?", "Damon: I'm thinking maybe it's because you're not real comfortable not being the center of phyllis' universe.", "Daniel: You know, don't turn this around on me, 'cause you're way off base.", "Damon: Am I? You know, phyllis can be a mother to you and a friend to someone else. They ain't mutually exclusive, you know?", "Daniel: Yeah, that's fine, but that's not what's happening. It's all about you these days.", "Damon: How so?", "Daniel: You know, mom made all these big speeches about how getting to know her son was the most important thing. Well, instead, she's been completely and totally focused on you. She's a basket case. She's snapping at me all the time. It's like she can't even stand to have me around.", "Damon: Well, you gotta admit, you have given her more than her share of headaches, right?", "Daniel: Yeah, well, you know, if you're not going to tell me what's going on here, can you at least tell me how long I'm gonna have to deal with this? Is this just a little crisis situation, or is your life one big melodrama that's gonna suck my mom in for eternity?", "Phyllis: You want to help me? Wow, there's a first. Well, unless you have a personal connection with the dalai lama, I don't think you can.", "Dru: Phyllis, don't be ridiculous. I'm talking about a great tai chi class that the club offers--serenity.", "Phyllis: I'm not interested in serenity. This is for damon.", "Dru: Oh, mr. Mellow himself.", "Phyllis: I don't know. Damon porter could take a couple lessons in nonviolent behavior right now.", "Dru: Boy, your hormones are messed up. I mean, violent? Damon? Get outta here.", "Phyllis: You don't know the man as well as you think.", "Dru: I don't know him at all, phyllis. Why don't you fill me in?", "Phyllis: Okay, let me tell you something. There's somebody from damon's past who did him wrong that he's hell-bent on paying back.", "Dru: (Scoffs) that sounds like a woman from back in the day.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, that's kid's stuff. This is very, very serious. Let me just tell you, very serious, okay? Thanks for wanting to help me, but you can't, okay? I don't think anyone can.", "Dru: You are serious.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: Listen, no promises, but, um, maybe I could talk to neil and see if we could take daniel off your hands until this whole thing blows over.", "Phyllis: What? You would do that for me?", "Dru: No promises.", "Phyllis: Well, I mean, he's just gotten used to being with his mom. You know? I don't want to shuffle my kid around from house to house, so thanks but no, thanks. Thanks.", "Dru: What an ingrate. You know, here I am, offering my home. You said it was an emergency. It never would've worked anyway.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? I said thank you. Don't get all bent out of shape. (Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: This is phyllis.", "Dominic: Phyllis, it's dominic hughes.", "J.T.: Are you out of your mind?", "Mac: No, I'm sure of it. Brittany is in love with you.", "J.T.: Oh, okay. Where are you getting this?", "Mac: I see it.", "J.T.: Oh, you see it. Okay. Well, you need some glasses then.", "Mac: Listen to me. That thing that's missing between her and bobby...", "J.T.: Yeah?", "Mac: That chemistry? She has it with you. It's totally obvious.", "J.T.: No, it's not obvious. I don't see it.", "Mac: That's because you're too afraid to admit the reality.", "J.T.: The reality. Okay, which is, uh, what?", "Mac: That you are in love with her.", "J.T.: I'm in love with brittany? (Laughs) this just keeps getting better and better.", "Mac: I know you are, J.T.", "J.T.: Mac, stop. Okay? Stop. I don't wanna talk about this anymore.", "Mac: Admit it. When you're with brittany, something happens. There's a connection. Even when you're fighting, it's like you're testing each other, seeing how far you can go before one of you makes a move. It's like some weird courting ritual.", "J.T.: Where the hell do you get this stuff, mac?", "Mac: You love her. Why can't you just acknowledge that?", "J.T.: I don't know. Maybe because, uh, I don'T.", "Mac: Why are you so nervous?", "J.T.: I'm not nervous. I'm not nervous. What you're saying is absolutely ridiculous.", "Mac: Okay. Prove me wrong. Look me in the eye and tell me that you do not wanna be with brittany.", "Brittany: Dad, it would mean so much to me.", "Frederick: I could say the same thing.", "Brittany: What, if I would marry someone else?", "Frederick: Kitten, if you would just rethink this whole thing-- I don't care. Live with the guy if you must.", "Brittany: Daddy, I wanna marry him.", "Frederick: You have absolutely no business getting married at your age. Honey, it is a huge commitment. And don't go thinking that if things don't go well, that you can get a divorce. It's a horrible experience, and it's one you never fully recover from, especially if, god forbid, you end up having a child with this man. Just--just live with him, will you? I'll pay for a nice apartment for the two of you. Hell, I'll pay for anything.", "Brittany: Dad, this is getting pathetic.", "Frederick: I know. I know. I feel... I feel pathetic. Brittany, I raised you.", "Frederick: I changed your diapers, I bandaged your knees, and I put you through school.", "Frederick: And now i can't even talk to you. And what's worse is you look at me like a fool that doesn't know anything about you. But I do.", "Brittany: Why can't you come to my wedding and show your respect for my choice? My choice, daddy. Not yours. Mine.", "Frederick: I can'T. I love you too much, sweetheart. I'm sorry.", "Kay: Are you suggesting that one or-- or some of your wedding guests may steal something?", "Bobby: Oh, no, no, no. What I'm trying to say is that some of my friends are a little on the klutzy side.", "Kay: Uh-huh. You mean like bulls in a china shop?", "Bobby: Yeah, that's what I mean.", "Kay: (Chuckles) bobby marsino, you are very, very refreshing.", "Bobby: I don't know. A little different than your rich society friends?", "Kay: Oh, absolutely. There's not a pretentious bone in your body.", "Bobby: Well, thank you. I have to tell you, mrs. Chancellor, I think you're very cool, too, and you're letting me use your home, and we're practically strangers.", "Kay: No, no, no, not really. I mean, after all, you are a friend of jill's, and nikki has nothing but good things to say about you.", "Bobby: Really?", "Kay: Mm-hmm. In fact, I've noticed a certain spring in her step since she started helping you out with your club.", "Bobby: Yeah, nikki's a fantastic woman. She's one of a kind.", "Kay: Yes, she is. She's also my oldest and dearest friend, and she is like a daughter, and I want nothing but her happiness.", "Bobby: I think she'd be a little happier if she got rid of that guy she's married to.", "Kay: Victor?", "Bobby: Yeah, I don't see what she sees in him.", "Kay: Well, their... their relationship has a lot of drama to it, you know, the way they met and their breakups, but they always, always find their way back to each other.", "Bobby: Yeah. Nikki's just such a firecracker. She could have any guy that she wants-- guys who would give her what she needs-- but she stays with newman? (Chuckles) there's no accounting for taste, I guess.", "Nikki: It's more what didn't happen last night.", "Victor: Meaning what?", "Nikki: I can't talk about it right now. I don't wanna talk about it right now.", "Victor: You can tell me anything, you know.", "Nikki: I know.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: It's just that we haven't had a morning like this in so long.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: I don't want anything to intrude upon it.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. You know that I will always listen to you?", "Nikki: Yes, I do. It means so much to me that you would say that.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: And I can turn to you and that you wanted me to be with you last night...", "Victor: Well, sweetheart, I want you to be with me every night.", "Nikki: Hmm.", "Victor: Look at me. I often realize that my life wouldn't be complete without you.", "Nikki: Oh, victor. Hearing you say that... and enjoying this very moment, it just makes me forget about every else.", "Victor: No matter what we do or where we go... we're always together.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Damon: No. It is not always like this, nor will it always be like this. Yes, there is something going on. I just can't put a simple time frame on it.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Damon: You know, perhaps you're looking at this thing all wrong.", "Daniel: Yeah? What do you mean?", "Damon: You could be grateful you got the sort of mother who looks after her friends. Daniel, look, I am not at all pleased with some of the choices your mother has made lately with regard to my personal affairs, but I know she does whatever she does because she cares about me, in the same way that she cares deeply about you.", "Daniel: Yeah, you know, that all sounds good, but at the end of the day, I need a bed and some food in the fridge and a quiet place to do my homework where I'm not gonna get my head chewed off every five minutes.", "Damon: I know.", "Daniel: I mean, I even thought that maybe I oughta come and ask you if I could stay here. Does that give you a little bit of a clue as to how desperate I am?", "Damon: Good and desperate, ain't it?", "Daniel: You think-- think maybe I could crash here?", "Damon: You know that wouldn't work, slick, probably for the same reason phyllis' place isn't a good idea right now.", "Daniel: Fine. You know, I'll just-- I'll just go to school, and when I'm done with class, I'll go and camp out with my books. Hope someone comes and gets me out of my locker in the morning, though. Thanks. Thanks a lot.", "Damon: Daniel... (door closes)", "Phyllis: Just one sec, please. Um, you know what, drucilla? This is very important. I have to take this.", "Dru: Hmm? Hmm?", "Phyllis: I have to take this phone call. Could you excuse me, please? Please. Okay. Mr. Hughes, where are you?", "Dominic: I just checked into a motel.", "Phyllis: Where?", "Dominic: Genoa city.", "Phyllis: I can't believe that you did this. I can't believe this. Didn't I get through to you at all?", "Dominic: Looks like I'm the one who didn't get through to you, lady, because I meant it when I said I was coming to see your boyfriend. It is gonna happen. My life can't start again until it does.", "Phyllis: Let me tell you something. If you insist on pushing this, your life won't start again at all.", "Lauren: I'm just kidding. All lawyers aren't bad, regardless of your reputation, mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: You're something else, you know that?", "Lauren: Why? What did I do?", "Michael: It's been a long time since I've had a beautiful woman rush to my defense.", "Lauren: Well, believe it or not, you're one of the good guys.", "Michael: It's nice to have you in my corner.", "Lauren: I feel the same way. You know, I thought a lot about you on the plane ride home.", "Michael: Oh.", "Lauren: Yeah, and it's making me wonder, why are we standing around, wasting all this peace and quiet?", "Michael: Hmm. I was thinking the same thing.", "Gloria: Kevin, I want you to leave right now. You are making me nervous.", "Kevin: I can see what's happening, mom. Why fight it?", "Gloria: Kevin, I am a long way from being mrs. John abbott, if that's what you're saying.", "Kevin: Bet you it's gonna happen pretty soon, though.", "Gloria: Honey, I know you want that for me, and so do I, but right now I can't afford to take any chances. If john finds out you're my son, he'll know that I lied to him.", "Kevin: What? What do you mean?", "Gloria: Well, he's already met my other two sons.", "Kevin: Huh?", "Gloria: Well, now it's a long story. See, I hired these two guys-- these two gorgeous young guys to pretend that they were my boys.", "Kevin: Are you kidding me?", "Gloria: So now you understand why I have to be so careful.", "Kevin: Yeah, but abbott's gonna find out eventually.", "Gloria: I know, but I'll decide when the time is right, not you. Now right now I want you outta here. If you need money--", "Kevin: I still don't have any mo--", "Gloria: All right, I'll give you some. I'll lend you some money until you're back on your feet.", "John: Gloria, who are you talking to? You know, I found these brochures of... kevin, what on earth are you doing here?", "Ashley: I'd be lying if I told you I didn't feel this distance. I mean, it's obvious. But, um, for us to take a trip? It's just not in the cards, honey.", "Brad: It's not in the cards? Ash... baby, we need to make our marriage our priority. We need to nurture it.", "Ashley: Well, we're gonna have to do that from here.", "Brad: That's just not going to work. There are too many distractions in genoa city. We need to make this about just the two of us. Ash... you said you believe in this marriage. Now god knows I do, too. We have to do something drastic to get back on track.", "Ashley: Or else...", "Brad: Or else the gap is going to keep getting wider and wider. I don't want to see that happen. I don't want us to grow apart like that.", "Ashley: What if it's too late?", "Brad: It's not too late.", "Ashley: Honey, I'm so sorry. I'm just not sure I feel the same way anymore.", "[NEXT_ON]", "\"the young and the restless\"...", "Mac: If you and brittany are just friends, then what does that make you and me?", "Dominic: You haven't lived the hell that's been my life. I gotta set things right.", "Brad: You don't feel the same way about what, ash? Me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric']
[ "Michael takes a trip down memory lane with his parents as he tries to figure out what went down that day Lowell (River) was last seen. Glo does not succeed in getting 5% of Kay's shares thanks to Jill's timing, this raises the flag and Jill tells Kay they need to go to a specialists. Phyllis is not happy about Amber and Daniel's reconciliation but Nick persuades her to let it go. Jana is tired of Kevin's lies regarding Mrs. Chancellor, Kevin finally comes clean and vows that it won't happen again." ]
[ "Jana: So you can hot-wire a car without getting any grease on your hands or your clothes? Okay, I see. And, um... how long would something like this normally take? Would you say long enough for a lovely old woman to finish her coffee, walk outside and see that her car's gone?", "Kevin: Let it go, Jana.", "Jana: We're out of the Sumatra roast.", "Kevin: Mrs. Chancellor forgot where she parked her car, that's all.", "Jana: You're playing with fire. I told you.", "Kevin: Ask Mom. Apparently, Mrs. Chancellor's been having a lot of senior moments lately. Why would she make that up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You know, I know this is just a drop in the bucket for you, but all this stock means the world to me because it belonged to John. You're just so kind to do this. There's the signature line right there.", "Kay: Ah.", "Jill: Mother, stop. What the hell is going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'm sorry I'm so late. I had an emergency, then I had to stop by the office to find a cell phone that didn't have a stiletto heel sticking out of a S.I.M. card. Don't ask. But the good news was the mail had arrived. Have you been sitting here this whole time since I called?", "River: I'm good wherever I sit.", "Michael: Hopefully, you'll be sitting on the other side of those bars very soon. Okay. Your old collaborator, Howard Sullivan, he sent us a little present. Now I haven't had a good look at this, but he says that picture was taken the day the bank blew up. Now if I can get in touch with any of these people, maybe one of them can definitively say you were not the bomber, or at least sow a little reasonable doubt there.", "River: I haven't seen these faces in 40 years. They're ghosts.", "Michael: Well, hopefully, they're all living, breathing witnesses within subpoena reach. Now let's start with the names. Oh. Please tell me you've got some legal names?", "River: Don Imhoff. He was editor of the underground paper. Last I heard, he was a city councilman someplace out west, but that was years ago.", "Michael: That's fine. We'll get him.", "River: Marshall Tenney.", "Michael: Marshall Tenney.", "River: My best friend. We, uh, we formed the group, uh, together, junior year of college.", "Michael: You're doing great, Lowell. What about the woman next to him?", "River: Who?", "Michael: Her. It really helps if we have a woman. They make the group, you know, personal to the jury.", "River: I don't know.", "Michael: Well... I mean, it's a weird angle. I mean, the hair's around her face and... and she picked a hell of a time to look away...", "River: It's a blank.", "Michael: Look, please, it's important. Look again. Try.", "River: I don't remember.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: That's right. No, we'll get that to you right away. Yeah, thanks. Bye.", "Nick: Hello, gorgeous.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: How's it going?", "Phyllis: Good. I uploaded the latest, uh, version of our layout.", "Nick: Hmm.", "Phyllis: You wanna check it out?", "Nick: Yes, I do. It looks amazing.", "Phyllis: Are you looking at the layout or are you looking at something else?", "Nick: Mmm. Doesn't matter. It all looks good. Seriously, how are you handling things.", "Phyllis: Uh... no problem. I have it under control.", "Nick: Yeah? 'Cause, you know, I'm here today. The rest of the week is all Newman business, so take advantage of me.", "Phyllis: Okay. No, I'll manage. It's fine.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Okay. Well, hopefully, I'll be back here full time soon.", "Phyllis: Wow. Hopefully? You better watch out. Who knows what kind of nasty editor's letter I could write while you're gone.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: And there's a perfect target right there.", "Phyllis: What? What? What? On the defensive.", "Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.", "Phyllis: What?", "Nick: Leave them alone.", "Phyllis: I have to find out what Daniel's doing.", "Nick: It's pretty obvious what Daniel's doing right now.", "Phyllis: He cannot be back with Amber.", "Nick: He told her he loved her on national radio.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that was a mistake. He just blurted that out. And I-I-I pushed him into it.", "Nick: What is going on over there has nothing to do with you.", "Phyllis: That is a cry for help.", "Nick: No, I think he has all the help he needs.", "Phyllis: No, no, that's a cry for help, definitely. He blurted out that stupid thing on \"Loveline,\" and now Amber has her claws in him.", "Nick: He doesn't seem to mind.", "Phyllis: No, he does mind. What he's doing right now-- this is a public display right there. He wants me to peel Amber off of him. That's what he wants. He's trying to get my attention right now by doing that.", "Nick: If you wanna fight Amber, then we'll, uh, you know, we'll set up a mud wrestling ring, and then you could take her on. That actually sounds kinda hot. I will definitely be there for that. Now maybe Daniel will be there, too, but if he is, trust me when I say this, he will not be rooting for Mommy.", "Phyllis: You are such a man. I'm speechless.", "Nick: Well... go with that visual. Maybe it'll help.", "Phyllis: It'll help you. No, I--", "Nick: Or not.", "Phyllis: Oh, good job well done. You got me.", "Daniel: What'd we do?", "Phyllis: Well, you know, what you're doing here-- you know, on each other. Yeah. And--and, Amber, I just wanted to apologize for getting in the middle of your extremely-- extremely public confession the other day. I completely apologize.", "Amber: Don't. Don't. Really.", "Daniel: Actually, you kinda did us a little favor.", "Amber: Yeah. You know, we wouldn't even be together now if it wasn't for you.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Phyllis: You're not-- you're not together. No.", "Daniel: We are.", "Amber: Yeah. Yeah. And oh, guess what? We have another surprise for you, too.", "Phyllis: Oh, one is plenty.", "Amber: Wait until you get a load of this.", "Daniel: You're gonna love it.", "Phyllis: Oh, God, no.", "Amber: Come on. Open it.", "Phyllis: No, thank you.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Thank you anyway.", "Amber: Come on, come on.", "Daniel: (Imitating drum roll)", "[Phyllis opens up a ring case and it has a key in it]", "Amber: All my stuff is out. The cleaners are there right now. The penthouse is officially yours again. And I have moved in with Daniel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: I can't breathe in here.", "Michael: All right, well, then help me. I got shot down on the bail, but I was granted a short date. You know what that is? That means we get into court sooner. That means we have to build your defense now.", "River: Howie can testify I had nothing to do with that bomb.", "Michael: That's not good enough. I need to get in touch with as many of those people as possible, including that woman.", "River: I can't help you.", "Michael: All right, you see, you're not even trying. Look, there--there you are. Now... you and Marshall seem to have your arms around this woman. Were you perhaps having an affair with her? I mean, is that what you're worried about? That you cheated on Gloria?", "River: No.", "Michael: Well, then what is it? Oh! Now that's obviously you, this is your best friend. That's Gloria.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Do you know what this is?", "Gloria: Of course she does. It was her idea.", "Jill: You really wanna give away 5% of your Jabot stock to Gloria?", "Kay: I was just reading the contents when you came bursting in--", "Jill: Mother, Mother, you were signing it when I walked in. What were you thinking? Were you thinking at all?", "Kay: All right, stop it. Now stop it. I will not be treated like some funky little trainee in my own company!", "Gloria: Don't humiliate your mother, and give me the contract.", "[Jill grabs it and tears it up]", "Jill: You be gone by the time I get back, Gloria. And you stay away from Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: So we want you to be our first guests. Dinner tonight.", "Kevin: At the penthouse?", "Amber: Um, no, I actually moved in with Daniel in his studio.", "Jana: Oh, perfect. That's so romantic.", "Kevin: Sounds cozy.", "Daniel: Yeah, yeah, so you guys are welcome over anytime.", "Amber: Yeah, I have no idea what's in the fridge, but we'll figure it out.", "Jana: We'll be there. Well, this is as it should be. At least part of the world is right again.", "Kevin: Jana? It's all good.", "Jana: You know, we should get them a housewarming present. Something we buy. Legally.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, of course.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: It's not even 48 hours. She already moved in with my son. I gotta give her props for speed.", "Nick: What happened? You were doing so well. Why don't you chill and let it play out.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I was. What do you mean? You know what? I... I have an idea. I, uh, I would like them to be comfortable and close. I'm gonna figure something out here.", "Nick: And you're gonna do that how? Phyllis? Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Hey, you crazy kids.", "Daniel: Hey, uh, I'm probably gonna be taking off soon. I finished up the internet graphics, so...", "Phyllis: You now, Honey, I was thinking. I would hate for you two to cram yourself into that little studio.", "Daniel: No, we'll be okay.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, why don't you go to the penthouse? Live there, and keep the studio for some extra room.", "Daniel: Tempting, but we're fine.", "Phyllis: If it's a money thing, I'll lower the rent.", "Daniel: It's not a money thing. It's not a money thing. Look, Amber has moved in with me. It's done.", "Amber: You ready?", "Phyllis: You know what? I don't think Amber's gonna think it's done when she hears out your closets.", "Daniel: I don't really have any closets.", "Phyllis: No closets, Amber. No closets. Come on. Where are you gonna put all your stuff?", "Amber: It could be a crack house crawling with rats and I wouldn't care. As long as I get to be next to my Daniel every night.", "Daniel: Well, I think that is just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard, don't you?", "Nick: Yeah...", "Phyllis: I'm going to die a long and slow death.", "Nick: You're just gonna have to find a way to get used to them being together.", "Phyllis: That's like asking me to take a vow of celibacy or join a cloistered order. You know what? I have an idea. I have an idea how I can knock some sense into--", "Nick: No, no, that's it. We're outta here.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. This one is good.", "Nick: Now. No more ideas.", "Phyllis: It's really gonna work.", "Nick: No more plans.", "Phyllis: This is better for all of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: And that's.... Jeremy Prentiss.", "Michael: Tell me about Gloria. I know that's her, Lowell. Start talking. I mean, she's standing right in the middle of the picture. What's she doing in this group? I mean, she's even looking at the camera. Where is she looking? What's going on here?", "River: You got her attention.", "Michael: I was here? I was there?", "River: Just as they snapped the photo, you took off your pants and streaked through the room. You hated wearing clothes. At home we let you run free, but in public, we... we tried to keep you respectable.", "Michael: Bringing a child to a meeting like that is hardly respectable. I think that's a form of child abuse. Why didn't you just tell me that was Gloria? Don't you see what a benefit that is?", "River: Your mother left before the rally. She doesn't know anything that happened first hand.", "Michael: Look, she was there earlier in the day. Anything--anything she might remember might make a difference.", "Michael: Why isn't she in any of the police reports? Wasn't she interviewed at all?", "River: No. Like I said, she wasn't there. At all.", "Michael: Officially.", "River: That's how I wanted it then, and I don't want her involved now. You don't know what it was like, Michael. They were very dangerous times for dissent of any kind. Let alone when there had been violence and a death. Gloria couldn't have cleared me because nobody wanted to hear it. All she would've done was draw a big target on her back, too.", "Michael: I get it. But certainly, she can testify now.", "River: Not without risking her marriage.", "Michael: Oh, you're worried about Jeffrey Bardwell?", "River: He made it very clear when he came to see me, he won't tolerate her lifting a finger for me.", "Michael: Oh, trust me, if Bardwell takes a hike, it's no great loss.", "River: Well, it is to Gloria.", "Michael: I think she'd wanna help you.", "River: No. Look, 40 years ago, I left her alone and broke with a child to raise. There's enough bad karma for one lifetime. I can't ask her for anything more.", "Michael: Luckily, I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Jana and Kevin are outside Daniel's apartment] [Cell phone rings]", "Gloria: I can't believe it. I was so damn close. I mean, Katherine's pen was on the dotted line. I even have the first two letters of her signature--\"K-A.\" I've got it right here. And then Jill swoops in on her broom and ruins everything.", "Kevin: Well, that's a bummer.", "Gloria: Is that all you got to say? Jack has given me till the end of the day to come up with that stock.", "Kevin: Mom, this isn't a good time.", "Gloria: Honey, I have all the pieces of the contract. I have the first two letters of Katherine's name. Do you have some technology that will smooth the papers, fuse this mess together?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, in an airport spy novel maybe.", "Gloria: Angel? You're a magician at this stuff.", "Kevin: Look, Mom, I gotta go. Did you even knock? Let's go.", "(Knock on door)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Thanks so much for cleaning up.", "Gloria: You know, this was really none of your business.", "Jill: Tell me something, how'd you manage to con Katherine so completely?", "Gloria: I didn't. It was her idea. Unlike you, your mother has a very generous heart. She called me and begged me to come here.", "Jill: Oh, please.", "Gloria: You wanna hear the message, Jill?", "Jill: If you can't find your way out, I'll be happy to call security. And I meant it when I said stay away.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Gloria: Yeah, hello? Michael? What? What do you mean? Right this second? Okay, okay, Honey, I'm on my way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I, uh, left my correspondence file. Thank you.", "Jill: Katherine? Did you know what you were signing?", "Kay: I can still read a contract.", "Jill: So you meant to give away stock that gives our family controlling interest in Jabot?", "Kay: Jill, I would never do such a thing.", "Jill: No, Katherine, you wouldn't. It's time we found a doctor.", "Kay: I already saw one. I told you.", "Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and he said that it was normal, that you mix up times and places and everybody does it.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. That's right.", "Jill: You and I both know that isn't what just happened. We need to find you a specialist.", "Kay: In what? Old age?", "Jill: In dementia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Oh, thank you so much. That's so sweet.", "Jana: You're so welcome.", "Daniel: You guys just, uh, pull up a box or pull up a chair where there isn't a box. You know, whatever. Thank you for the greens, Jana.", "Jana: Yes, it's good feng shui. And you know, the bamboo stalks represent prosperity and creativity.", "Kevin: Yes, and if Jana had gotten so of the curly ones, those are supposed to bring in money.", "Daniel: Ah. All righty then.", "Kevin: Anyway, so bummer that Phyllis kicked you out of the, uh, penthouse, huh?", "Amber: She didn't.", "Daniel: Yeah, no, she practically begged us to come back.", "Jana: But you won't?", "Amber: No way. Unh-unh. I was sweeping that place every week for bugs as it was.", "Daniel: Amber was always keeping her eye out for the mommy-cam.", "Kevin: Well, it's a small price to pay for valet parking and a fitness center with a pool, huh?", "Daniel: Were you making a list of the amenities in our old building?", "Kevin: Well, it was nice and I noticed. Oh, come on, don't tell me that you don't like nice things.", "Amber: Since when were you all about the money?", "Kevin: I'm not. I'd just like to have some left over at the end of the month. Thank you.", "Daniel: What about all that cash from the lottery?", "Kevin: I put it into crimson lights. All right, all right, you know what? Forget I said a word. Your old place-- it was a dump and I hated it.", "Daniel: Yeah, he's right. It sucked, especially the maid service. I think we should move back there.", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Jana: Well, how about to freedom and true bliss. May you both find it here together.", "Daniel: Together under one of these boxes.", "Kevin: To Daniel and Amber, the best of everything.", "Amber: We already have that.", "Jana: Cheers.", "Daniel: Cheers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What do you think? What do you think? Should I make you some wiggly worm pie?", "Summer: No.", "Phyllis: No? Oh, my gosh, what about grasshopper pancakes?", "Summer: That's gross, Mom.", "Phyllis: Gross? Oh, yeah, I get that a lot.", "Nick: That's not gross, Mom. That's pretty mom. Great mom. Really.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know somebody who would beg to differ.", "Nick: You just need to let Daniel see more of this side.", "Phyllis: Yes. Do you think it's too late to make him grasshopper pancakes?", "Nick: Probably, but, uh... that doesn't mean he won't love you. You just need to let him live his life, you know?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Do you?", "Phyllis: I just, you know, I look at my life right now and...", "Nick: Yeah, beautiful healthy kids, successful business, super hot husband. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that picture.", "Phyllis: No. You know, unless I do something to make it fade, you know?", "Nick: That's not gonna happen, 'cause I know the secret for success.", "Phyllis: Yeah, what's that?", "Nick: Well, you just have cater to every single whim of your super hot husband for the rest of your natural life and you're golden.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Okay. Sounds easy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: All right, Michael, what's going on? What's so important?", "River: I told Michael you don't know anything.", "Michael: And yet somehow, I don't believe that's true. Have a seat, shall we?", "Gloria: Look at all those baby faces. My, weren't we young? This was that day, wasn't it? That last day. I'd forgotten.", "River: She doesn't remember.", "Michael: She just said it was the last day, so obviously she remembers something. So start talking.", "Gloria: It was the last day, Michael. Before the rally, before the meeting, before...", "Michael: I hear I was there.", "Gloria: That's right. Running around naked as a jaybird. Oh, get over it. After this picture was taken, I chased you down.", "Michael: Just one big, pre-bombing party, wasn't it? How is it this is the first time I'm hearing of it?", "Gloria: Should I have said something?", "Michael: Yeah, it might've been helpful.", "River: Don't take this out on your mother.", "Michael: No, you know what? I wanna know-- I need to know why, so you stop trying to block her. Gloria, you start from the beginning. You tell me everything you remember about that day, everything.", "River: You don't have to, Glo.", "Michael: What are you two trying to hide?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: They have to stop at the deli downstairs anyway to get some beer. I'll just have 'em get some salad, too. Uh, do you want anything else?", "Jana: No, I don't need anything.", "Amber: Are you okay?", "Jana: I just snapped, didn't I? I'm sorry. Um, double shifts all week. You know, Kev's taking extra hours at Jabot, so I've had to cover Crimson Lights.", "Amber: Hey, if you guys are having some money trouble, we can help.", "Jana: No. We don't. See, that's just the thing. I don't understand why Kevin suddenly feels like he needs to just shower me with all these presents. I mean it's all lovely in a way, but... God knows, I'm not into material things.", "Amber: Yeah, that's so not you.", "Jana: Some of the most miserable people we know are wildly rich.", "Amber: Mrs. C. says the same thing. Of course, I think it's a little bit easier, you know, saying that when you're a bazillionaire than when you're broke.", "Jana: How is Mrs. Chancellor?", "Amber: Fine, I guess. I haven't seen her in a couple days. Why?", "Jana: Well, I was just wondering... have you noticed any memory lapses?", "Amber: Jill asked me the same thing. Did something happen? What's going on?", "Jana: Well, the other day, Mrs. Chancellor came into the coffeehouse to see Kevin, have a cup of coffee and... well, somehow, she seemed to have... misplaced her car.", "Amber: No. She wouldn't do that. Hey, Kev, uh, what's going on? What's happening with Mrs. C.'s car?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Forgetting is normal. I'm old. It happens. It'll even happen to you one day, if you're lucky enough to live that long.", "Jill: Look... did you ever think that maybe age isn't the problem here? I mean, maybe you have an illness? What if there's a medication you could take, it would clear it up right away? Or maybe it's a vitamin deficiency.", "Kay: Do you believe that?", "Jill: The point is, I don't know. So I think we should get so doctor's names, and then we'll make you an appointment.", "Kay: You just want me out of the way.", "Jill: What?", "Kay: That's the reason you're pushing this. Any excuse to put me out to pasture, and then you're free to do anything you want with me.", "Jill: You are an ornery, stubborn old bat, and I cannot imagine a life where you're not right here with me, fighting me every single day. That's what I want.", "Kay: Well, all I want... all I want to know is why the hell did I come back here in this room?", "Jill: Um... your correspondence file.", "Kay: Fine. Maybe you better call the specialist.", "Jill: Good. I'll make the appointment.", "Kay: No, I can do it. I can do it on my own. I'm fine. Fine.", "Jill: Okay. Just let me finish up here, and then we'll go home together.", "Kay: I drove myself.", "Jill: You know what? I could really use your company. So I'll just call Robert and have him pick your car up. Why don't you give me your keys?", "Kay: I assume you, uh, trust me to keep my house key? Or are you afraid you'll come home one day and find I sold the thing on eBay?", "Jill: You could sell that butt-ugly sofa on eBay, I wouldn't care.", "Kay: No. No chance of that. I love that lumpy old thing. We're such a fit.", "Jill: I'll be ready soon. It's gonna be all right.", "Kay: Katherine Chancellor here. Would you please call me a cab? Right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Anyway, the cops ended up finding the car, like, two blocks away, and it was no big deal.", "Amber: It rained that day, right?", "Kin: Yeah? So?", "Amber: So... Mrs. C. rocks that hairdo every day. No way would she park two blocks away on purpose.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kevin: Hello? So there's nobody else you can call? All right, all right, I'm on my way. McKinley, our new part-time manager, has a flood in his basement and he has to leave the coffeehouse. I'm gonna go.", "Jana: We both will.", "Kevin: Sorry that we have to bolt, Guys.", "Daniel: No, hey, you know, do what you gotta do.", "Amber: We'll do it again soon.", "Jana: What?", "Kevin: What? There is no way Amber brought up Mrs. Chancellors car out of the blue, that's what.", "Jana: Everyone who cares about Mrs. Chancellor is upset when it comes up, and every time it's brought up again, you look more and more guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: All right, I've had it up to here with the two of you. So... either you come clean, or we can rehire Dick Dentner as your attorney, and you can spend the rest of your days on a chain gang cleaning up toxic waste for 21 cents an hour. And don't expect me to come visit you.", "Gloria: The day started like any other, Michael.", "River: Gloria...", "Gloria: No. Michael needs to hear our version of the story. It's time we tell him. We took you everyplace with us, Michael. I didn't have a babysitter to call, so I'd just pack you up and off we'd go.", "Michael: To your love in.", "Gloria: Well, it was hardly that.", "Michael: What happened?", "Gloria: We all went over to Danny Felton's house. He had a big place off campus. The organizers... wanted to make sure that everybody was clear with the plan before they got to the bank.", "River: Civil disobedience has to be a very disciplined action. You have to stand your ground, but not resist, no matter how you're provoked. So some of the guys were fed up with that, suddenly, this time, there was a bomb in the room.", "Gloria: They said a confetti bomb. They wanted to set it off after the speeches and shower the crowd with paper.", "Michael: Who was responsible for the bomb?", "Gloria: Marshall Tenney.", "Michael: Your best friend?", "River: We were both committed to ending the war, but as of that day, we took completely different paths.", "[River remembering]", "Marshall: At the end, we set off the bomb, the confetti flies, everybody's freaking out. Then we get inside the bank, head to the offices, start burning.", "Young River: Burning?", "Marshall: Yeah. Any paperwork you can find. Any of their records. If we disrupt the flow of money, the war machine cannot roll.", "Young River: No. This is wrong, Man. I won't let you do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Your father stood up in front of the whole room. And I'll never forget the look on your little face.", "Michael: And I was there the whole time?", "Gloria: Not only were you there, Michael, you were a huge part of what happened next.", "Michael: What did I have to do with anything, I was just a 4-year-old child.", "Gloria: Exactly.", "[Gloria remembering]", "Marshall: We need a change, Lowell.", "Young River: Do you know what happens if you set off a bomb? Even a confetti bomb? We'll get night sticks, tear gas.", "Marshall: We can take the heat. We'll make the news.", "Young River: Because we provoked bloodshed? No, that doesn't work. The means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.", "Marshall: Martin Luther King assassinated.", "Young River: Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind.", "Marshall: Ghandi-- assassinated. You got nothing but dead men, Man. Your way doesn't work.", "Young River: No. I have a son, which is the greatest trip there is. I have a son who is a bright, shining soul, who reaches out every day with both hands doing the gimme. Ready to take in whatever his mom and I feed him and call it love. What do you wanna feed him? We can't build my son a peaceful world by creating more violence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Your father took a stand for you, Michael. He wanted to build a world that you deserved.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Oh, look what happened.", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh.", "Nick: Oh, this is right where I want you.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Thank you for today. For talking me off the ledge.", "Nick: You're welcome.", "Phyllis: You were right.", "Nick: Oh, there it is! I was right. That would look great in a tattoo, just like... somewhere on your body, maybe like right here.", "Phyllis: That Nick was right?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: I'm gonna lay off of Amber and Daniel. She's gonna screw it up on her own anyway.", "Nick: Some girls never learn.", "Phyllis: And some girls do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: It's like our own little moveable maze in here.", "Amber: (Laughs) We could build forts.", "Daniel: Oh! Yeah, we could build forts, if we were 12.", "Amber: We are, in a good way.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Did you really mean all that stuff... you know, that you said about dealing with the rats, just as long as you were with me?", "Amber: Yep.", "Daniel: Good.", "Amber: Why?", "Daniel: Just making sure.", "Amber: Just making sure? Is this place infested?", "Daniel: No, this place is not infested. You just said that you were cool with rats. Oh, my God, what is that in the corner?!", "Amber: No! No!", "Daniel: Right there! Oh, my God!", "Amber: You are so mean.", "Daniel: Guilty. Guilty. But I think that I can probably figure out a way to make it up to you.", "Amber: Yeah?", "Daniel: Mm-hmm. Did you hear that?", "Amber: Daniel? Funny...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I tightened the fittings on the milk steamer. Jana, say something.", "Jana: We need more coffee stirrers. Non-plastic.", "Kevin: Yeah, I know non-plastic they're better for the environment.", "Kevin: Okay, okay, fine, I did it. I moved Katherine Chancellor's car.", "Jana: Why?", "Kevin: Why? Because-- because Mom asked me to. She wanted to come to her rescue, get in good with her. I don't know. I don't know. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but now I just feel really crappy.", "Jana: I can imagine.", "Kevin: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I upset Mrs. Chancellor, but more than that, I hate that I lied to you.", "Jana: I know that. It doesn't work for us, you know?", "Kevin: It's not gonna happen again.", "Jana: Welcome back, husband.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Have you seen Mrs. Chancellor?", "Woman: She left a while ago.", "Jill: Where did she go?", "Woman: She just asked me to call her a taxi. She didn't say where she was going.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Make the next one a double.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Young Gloria: Lowell, please come home with us.", "Young River: I have to try one more time to talk them out of it.", "Gloria: Why weren't we worthy of your every effort?", "Billy: You're gonna tell me all there is to know about Cane and Lily. That way, we both get what we want." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ashley prepares for Faith's christening and consoles Sharon who's still coping with her loss. Phyllis sells Restless Style to an eager Billy; but the moment is definitely bittersweet. Victor and Jack are introduced to Dr. Peterson (Patty's doppelganger), Victor tries to blow smoke but Dr. P is not backing down and neither is Paul. Adam is once again forced to proof his worth to Victor and Chance has enough and kicks Ms. Chloe to the curb.", "" ]
[ "Victor: What the hell are you doing letting her loose?", "Jack: I'm calling the police right now.", "Paul: Listen, just relax and listen to her.", "Emily: Okay, I'm not Pat-- okay, I'm--I'm not Patty. My name is Dr. Emily Peterson. Patty was my patient in Minneapolis back when she looked like herself.", "Paul: You can call the institution. They will tell you that Patty is still there.", "Jack: My God. You gave Patty her own doctor's face?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Excellent. Thank you so much. Okay. Well, my personal banker is cutting you a check, so you can pick it up on your way to \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: Wow, uh--", "Ashley: Uh-oh. You having second thoughts?", "Billy: Oh, no, no, no. It's just, it's been a long time since anyone in this family has had this type of faith in me, so I'm a little--", "Ashley: Oh, well, here's your chance to change all that, right? Especially with Jack. He ran the magazine. He knows how tough it can be. You're gonna be successful, and he's gonna be impressed.", "Billy: Is that your ulterior motive? So Jack and I will play nice?", "Ashley: Who, me? I'm in it for the shoes. You do get to keep the samples, right? Huh? Huh?", "Billy: (Laughs) I don't know. Sure, yeah, I guess.", "Ashley: Size 8.", "Billy: You got it.", "Ashley: Size 8.", "Billy: Oh, you got it. (Grunts) Thank you.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. All right. Don't forget the christening.", "Billy: I'm not. I'm off to buy a magazine. I will be there. I will be there.", "Ashley: Okay. Okay. Bye-bye.", "Billy: Thank you so much.", "Ashley: Uh-huh.", "Adam: Faith is still asleep. Do you believe that?", "Ashley: Oh, you know what? It's the CD that the nanny brought her. I just put it on auto replay. It goes over and over and over again.", "Adam: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. See, I don't need a CD. She's an angel with me. All I do, I tell her some stories about my mother, the farm, she nods right off.", "Ashley: Aw, she feels safe in your arms. I'm so happy that she's gonna grow up with this kind of bond with you.", "Adam: Yeah, it's kind of an unusual living arrangement, huh? Let's see-- her mother, her sister and her father's son from a previous marriage who's old enough to be her father.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, there's all kinds of families.", "Adam: Is that what we are?", "Ashley: That's what we are.", "Adam: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) Faith, it used to be that when I talked to you, it was about how I was excited to meet you. It's gonna be a little while longer than we thought. But we'll get there one day, baby. One day, I will hold you in my arms. Cassie, I know you're out there looking after your two baby sisters. You're probably worried about me, but... (Sighs) I'm fine. I miss you. I miss all my girls. But I'm taking care of myself, and, um, I'm even looking forward to a few things like, um, the new house, and maybe even get a new job. (Sniffles) I'm meeting with this bereavement group, and maybe they'll have some ideas, show me how to get through this. I will get through this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Here. Thank you so much. (Sighs)", "Chance: All right.", "Mac: Hey, Stranger.", "Chance: Hey, how are you?", "Mac: Good.", "Chance: I haven't seen much of you lately.", "Mac: Yeah, I'm probably off to the bar before you get home. What's this?", "Chance: Uh, this, um, it's cannoli. (Chuckles)", "Mac: (Chuckles) Either you did something wrong, or Chloe did something very right.", "Chance: No, no, I-- I didn't do anything wrong. I, uh, just like to make her smile. So how about you guys? Everything go okay after the whole, uh, cabin fiasco?", "Mac: What are you gonna do, you know?", "Chance: Yeah, well, Billy is always... (Sighs) Gonna be part of Chloe's life. He is, after all, the father of her child, so...", "Mac: Yeah, and now he's probably gonna be her boss.", "Chance: What?", "Mac: Chloe didn't tell you. Billy might be buying \"Restless Style.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: \"Celebrity pets we love.\"", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. It's fluff.", "Chloe: Literally.", "Phyllis: Yeah. What, you have a problem with it now? I like fluff.", "Chloe: I--", "Phyllis: Little fluffy Yorkie. It's very cute. Forget hard-hitting exposés. I've had a very tough year, you know? I want--I want brain candy, things like that. I can't be the only one in the world who feels like that.", "Chloe: No, no, I think plenty of people want to move on from 2009.", "Nick: Hell, yeah. Bring on a new year.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Nick: Hi. Mm. Any word from Billy?", "Phyllis: No. Maybe he changed his mind.", "Nick: Are you hoping that?", "Phyllis: I don't know. Kind of, maybe. I know. I talked you into selling. It's crazy. I'm crazy. But look at this. Look at this. This is amazing. I did this. (Sighs) I know I was complaining about it being insane, but it was fun. Insane, but fun.", "Nick: Yeah, that is your specialty.", "Phyllis: (Exhales) So maybe I did the wrong thing. I don't know. (Sighs) What do you think?", "Nick: Well, you know, I can't stop thinking about when we started this whole thing. You know, the four of us-- you, me, Jack and Sharon. We were so excited.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It didn't really turn out the way we hoped.", "Nick: Well, we've all kind of moved on, graduated.", "Phyllis: Except me. I didn't graduate.", "Nick: Billy Abbott is ready to hand you your diploma.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) We'll see.", "Nick: I think you should do it. I do. Then we can close this chapter of our lives and move on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Pastor: So the Godmother holds the baby here with the Godfather, and you and your husband next to them here.", "Ashley: I see. Well, actually, Mr. Newman won't be here. He's still in the hospital.", "Pastor: Oh, what a shame. It's such a joyous occasion.", "Ashley: Yeah. Sharon?", "Sharon: Ashley?", "Ashley: Hi, um, would you excuse us just for a second?", "Pastor: Of course.", "Ashley: Thank you so much. Hi. I didn't realize you were here.", "Sharon: Yeah, there's a bereavement group...", "Ashley: Oh.", "Sharon: That meets just down the hall. Are you planning the christening?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What the hell are you talking about? I have no idea who this woman is.", "Jack: Are you kidding me? You created \"Mary Jane Benson.\" You paid for Patty's plastic surgery. You really expect us to believe a control freak like you let someone else decide what she would look like?", "Victor: You believe whatever the hell you want. You will end up in a cell next to Patty's.", "Emily: I wasn't involved in what happened.", "Jack: Well, you are now, Sweetheart. Boy, your thinking was so twisted, you didn't care who went down, did you? Colleen, Patty, your own granddaughter, hell, your own wife. And now this poor woman who's never even met you before.", "Emily: This \"Poor woman\" can speak for herself, thank you.", "Victor: Why the hell did you come to see me?", "Emily: I owe it to Patty. (Scoffs) She was making such progress, and--and you want to dismiss that, tell yourself she was irretrievably damaged, a ticking time bomb. I'm here to disabuse you of that notion. Patty spent months in intensive therapy. She was highly motivated to get well, and then she disappeared, and I can only assume that was your doing.", "Victor: You'd better not assume anything where I'm concerned, all right?", "Jack: Don't let him intimidate you.", "Emily: (Sighs) I know who you are, Mr. Newman. You're a very wealthy and powerful man. But as I'm sure you've learned from recent experiences, there are some things even you can't control. And you can put me in that category.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Yeah, the sale might not even go through. Billy's having trouble finding investors. Chloe was probably waiting to tell you until there's something to tell.", "Chance: Yeah, that's probably it.", "Mac: Can you imagine them working together?", "Chance: Well, did you tell Billy you thought it was a bad idea?", "Mac: No.", "Chance: No? Why not?", "Mac: No, because I actually think it's a great idea, aside from the whole Chloe thing. Billy's found something he's really passionate about, and that hasn't been true at Jabot in so long.", "Chance: (Sighs) Well, I can understand why you would want that for him. I mean, after all, that's what you have for yourself right now, so...", "Mac: I do?", "Chance: Don't you?", "Mac: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: It was easy for you to leave \"Restless Style.\"", "Nick: No, it wasn't.", "Phyllis: Yes, it was.", "Nick: (Sighs) No, it wasn't.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Nick: But it was worth it.", "Phyllis: Well, you had something to go to.", "Nick: Look, Phyllis, you have a million other opportunities. You just have to ask yourself-- if this one right here, the one you have right now is one of those options, is it the one you would choose?", "Billy: Hey, guys. I have your check. Is there a problem?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I wanted to call. I wasn't sure if I should.", "Sharon: I got your note. Thank you.", "Ashley: I wish there was something I could do to help. I know after I lost Robert, there's not a lot that can ease the pain.", "Sharon: It's hard.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Sharon: Um, I'm getting through it, though.", "Ashley: Yeah?", "Sharon: Yeah. (Sighs) Congratulations on your baby.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: I thought you enjoyed volunteering down at the homeless shelter, though.", "Mac: Yeah, I do, when I can get there.", "Chance: Because of the bar?", "Mac: Right. The plan was that the bar would bring in money to pay the bills so I could be at the shelter.", "Chance: Right.", "Mac: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: It'll and we'll get you whatever you need to keep it going. But if you are not feeling this anymore, then it's time to pass the torch to someone who is.", "Phyllis: I know what I'm gonna do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Have you had this woman checked out?", "Paul: Dr. Peterson is a well-known, well-respected psychiatrist. She is on sabbatical from the teaching staff at the University of Minnesota Medical Center.", "Victor: Well, your sterling reputation will be gone after this, I assure you.", "Emily: Are you threatening me?", "Jack: Subtlety was never his strong suit.", "Paul: He doesn't want you telling anyone that Patty was doing well before he got to her.", "Victor: Paul, with all due respect, your sister wasn't doing well. Your sister was a psychopath, all right?", "Emily: Mr. Newman, you are not qualified to make those diagnoses.", "Victor: Who the hell are you to talk about qualifications? She was your patient? You were her shrink? And you didn't realize how dangerous she was? You're either utterly incompetent, or you're lying to save your own ass.", "Emily: I was aware of her violence. But at the time, there was no indication--", "Victor: Stop me. Her best friend was a stuffed cat. What does that tell you? I'll have your license revoked.", "Emily: Well, you are welcome to try, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: You bet I will.", "Jack: If he gets to be real trouble, you can come to me.", "Emily: To you?", "Jack: It's not easy taking on bullies like this. You may need a friend.", "Emily: Oh, well, if I needed a friend, Mr. Abbott, you would be the last one I would turn to. See, Mr. Newman here... (Chuckles) May have taken advantage of a damaged soul, but you are the one who inflicted the damage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: No, we just-- we bumped into each other.", "Ashley: Yeah. Um, I should get back to the minister, so...", "Sharon: Okay. Go ahead.", "Ashley: Okay. Good to see you.", "Sharon: See you, too. Good to see you.", "Adam: I'll be right there.", "Sharon: Oh, are you helping Ashley with the christening?", "Adam: Uh... (Sighs) No, actually. I'm just, uh, getting familiar with the chapel. Don't need the Godfather falling flat on his face during the service.", "Sharon: The Godfather?", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: Wow. That's exciting. That must mean a lot to you.", "Adam: Yeah, uh, you know, it-- I feel more and more like a part of the--the family, you know? Not just the wicked stepson.", "Sharon: Well, see? I told you things could change.", "Adam: Yes, you did.", "Sharon: And Victor? He must be pleased.", "Adam: Uh, that I don't know. I haven't talked to him in a few days.", "Sharon: Well, um, a little more advice, if you don't mind.", "Adam: No, please.", "Sharon: Why don't you just go and see him? I'm sure that this rift between you two has been hard on him, and it would be good for him to know that there's been some healing.", "Adam: Yeah, I might just do that.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, um, I gotta go.", "Adam: Sharon, um, thank you.", "Sharon: Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: Well, between the two of you, Patty never stood a chance.", "Jack: I haven't forgotten what I did to Patty.", "Emily: Really? It seemed to her you moved on with your life as if she never existed. She tried to do the same thing-- erase herself from existence, with a little help from him.", "Victor: (Scoffs)", "Emily: And now the woman that so many people loved may be lost to us forever.", "Victor: Will you be involved in her treatment?", "Emily: Yes. I'll be consulting with the doctors. (Sighs) I think I've taken up enough of your time, gentlemen. (Sighs) If you'll excuse me.", "Jack: You know, you could have given us a little warning.", "Paul: You're right. I could have.", "Victor: What do you think you accomplished with this?", "Paul: I'm gonna ask you a question, Victor, and I want you to give me a straight answer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: All right.", "Phyllis: Billy, I think you have something that belongs to me.", "Billy: So, uh, we're all good?", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Nick: Yeah, we'll have to get with the lawyers, hammer out the details.", "Billy: Okay, great. Well, I-I guess people need to be told.", "Phyllis: Yeah, um, uh, let me do that.", "Billy: Okay.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat) Okay, so, uh, guys, eyes on me. Come down here for a sec. Eyes on me. Eyes on me. Um, so I just want-- I want to thank you, uh, for everything that you've done. Uh, this--this issue is amazing, and, um... (Clears throat) And everything that you've done the last few months, uh, when I was spending all that time with Summer-- I really appreciate it. You're like a family, which makes it very... difficult to say good-bye. (Clears throat) Um, I just realized that I can't be the mother that I want to be and give all this time to \"Restless Style.\" So effective immediately, your boss is Billy Abbott. Yeah. Um, uh, a-and--and-- and your jobs are safe. I'm the only one who's leaving. Uh, but he knows he wouldn't last a minute without you, so help him out. Um, anyway, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much. Thank you for being my friends and coworkers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Detective work not what you thought it would be?", "Chance: When I'm out in the field making a difference, helping people, it's great. It's fantastic. I love it. When I'm stuck in the office filing stacks and stacks of paperwork, I don't get that same charge.", "Mac: Sounds like my life.", "Chance: Oh, come on. You can't tell me that those few hours that you do get to spend down at the homeless shelter-- I mean, that doesn't turn somebody's life around or give 'em an opportunity?", "Mac: I'll figure it out one way or another.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Mac: Billy.", "Chance: Go ahead.", "Mac: What's up?", "Billy: Hi. Get over to \"Restless Style.\"", "Mac: Are-- does that mean that--", "Billy: Just--just get here.", "Mac: (Chuckles) Okay, I'll be there.", "Chance: Good news?", "Mac: Sounds like it. He's at \"Restless Style.\"", "Chance: Great. That's great. Congratulations. Good luck to you.", "Mac: Thanks.", "Chance: You're welcome.", "Mac: I'll see you later.", "Chance: Yep. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Chloe: Mm. Hey, hot stuff.", "Chance: Hey, how's it going?", "Chloe: It's--its good. It's--it's--it's a-- it's a good day.", "Chance: Is work going well?", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Chance: That's great. Anything exciting happening?", "Chloe: Um, not much, you know. Same old, same old.", "Chance: Okay, well, tell you what, um, Chloe, I gotta go. Bye.", "Chloe: Hello?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Here. Why don't you guys try that? it's good to meet you. (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Oh, hey.", "Mac: Hi.", "Billy: Is that for me?", "Mac: I don't know. It's for the owner of \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Mac: Congratulations.", "Billy: Oh, thank you. Mm. Oh, I have to address my staff.", "Mac: Okay.", "Billy: My staff. I have a staff. How great is it to have a staff?", "Phyllis: Okay, so we're out of here.", "Billy: Well, no, no. Stay. We have some champagne.", "Phyllis: Uh, nope. It's okay. It's your baby now. You know that.", "Nick: Take good care of her, Billy.", "Billy: I will.", "Phyllis: Good luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Basically, you're just gonna be standing here next to Traci, and then you'll take your cues from the reverend.", "Adam: Simple enough. (Sighs)", "Ashley: Yeah. Can I give you a ride home?", "Adam: Uh, actually, Sharon suggested that I go visit Dad at the hospital. I think that's--that's probably a good idea.", "Ashley: I didn't realize that you and Sharon were friends.", "Adam: Yeah, you know what? I've, um, I've only met her a few times, but, um, she's easy to talk to, you know?", "Ashley: Yeah. My heart breaks for her right now.", "Adam: It's kind of crazy to think that she, uh, she's as sensitive and kind as she is and she was married to Nick, you know?", "Ashley: Things aren't any better with the two of you?", "Adam: (Chuckles) No.", "Ashley: Mm.", "Adam: I'm busting my tail at Newman, and it doesn't matter to him or--or Victoria at all.", "Ashley: I'm sure that your efforts are appreciated by Victor.", "Adam: Tomorrow's gonna be pretty tough for him, don't you think?", "Ashley: I wouldn't worry about Victor too much. You know, he always manages to come out on top.", "Adam: Mm. Yeah, but right now, he's flat on his back-- alone, probably miserable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: The face you gave my sister already belonged to someone else. Did you plan that?", "Victor: Of course I didn't. You saw how shocked I was when she walked in here.", "Paul: So you're saying that Patty was in complete control of her own actions? Which means that no one else could possibly be responsible, conveniently for you.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Paul, you're not done here yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So, guys, Phyllis tells me that we have a whole lot of work left to do on our next issue. So for my first executive order, I'm gonna say, uh, forget about that. We'll do it tomorrow. Tonight, we're gonna celebrate, all right?", "Man: All right!", "Chloe: Nice. Oh.", "Chance: Chloe.", "Chloe: Oh! Hi! Hi. What are you doing here? You surprised me.", "Chance: Yeah. I, um, I take it the sale went through.", "Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you heard.", "Chance: I did. But not from you.", "Chloe: Well, you know, I-I was--I was gonna tell you. I just... well, I knew that it might happen...", "Chance: Uh-huh.", "Chloe: And I, you know, I-- who actually thought that someone was gonna trust Billy with actual responsibility? Some sucker, huh?", "Chance: Yeah, some people are good at that--", "Chloe: (Sighs) I was gonna tell you.", "Chance: When?", "Chloe: (Stammers) I've been a little busy, and I--", "Chance: Stop. You know what? Just--I don't-- I don't want to hear it.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Ashley: Sharon.", "Sharon: Hi, um, I probably should have called.", "Ashley: Oh, that's--that's-- that's-- (Chuckles) That's okay. Come on in.", "Sharon: Oh, okay.", "Ashley: Oh, go ahead. Have a seat.", "Sharon: All right. Um, I had some things at home, and, um, you know, for--for the baby. And I thought that you might-- you know, maybe you might like to have them.", "Ashley: Are you sure?", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, I mean, they're just little things. You know, like, uh, bottles, and onesies and, oh, well, this from Noah. And, uh, but, I mean, you-- you don't have to have them. I-if you--if they're upsetting to you.", "Ashley: No. No, it's--it was very sweet. I always thought that maybe our girls might-- I'm sorry. They might grow up together, you know? Like sisters. I'm sorry. It's--thank you.", "Sharon: I-I would have liked that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I want you to get in touch with Dr. Peterson, all right?", "Paul: I'm not going to deliver your messages for you, Victor.", "Victor: Not to deliver any messages. I want you to hire her to treat your sister.", "Paul: Before or after you get her license revoked?", "Adam: I'm sorry. I can--I can come back.", "Victor: No, that's all right. You can stay. The fact that she changed her image to become Dr. Peterson, I think that's remarkable.", "Paul: That's not the word I'd use.", "Victor: Tell her that I want her to treat your sister. I'll pay her salary and living expenses, and she can stay at the Athletic Club, okay?", "Paul: Oh, the same room you gave Mary Jane Benson? I don't get this, Victor. What's in it for you?", "Victor: I want to help your sister.", "Paul: Why? You feel guilty? This is as close to a confession as I'm going to get, isn't it? Well, you can keep your money... and your guilt.", "Adam: Did I hear that right? There's some woman out there who looks just like Patty Williams?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Adam: Damn, I'd hate to be her right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hi, there.", "Emily: Hello. Did you follow me?", "Jack: I just didn't like the way we left things before.", "Emily: Okay.", "Jack: Look, the person that Patty described to you, that's the man I-- the boy I was a long time ago.", "Emily: And how would you describe him now?", "Jack: Incredibly arrogant, selfish, cruel. To this day, I can remember the way I talked to her, the utter contempt. Makes my stomach turn. I sent Patty flowers once. (Scoffs) Once. Truth is, my secretary sent them to her. Anyway, you'd think I'd sent Patty a-a new house. Any little morsel, any little tidbit of affection, she could feed on for months. It took so little to make her happy. I couldn't have cared less. And I see her now, and she has that same look in her eye. It is. It's the same look-- sweet, desperate.", "Emily: She told me you came to visit. I just thought it was another one of her delusions. If it, um, matters to you, I, uh, I do believe you're sorry.", "Jack: It does matter.", "Emily: Why?", "Jack: I don't know. I think I just want to explain myself.", "Emily: To me, or to this face? So, tell me how you met Mary Jane Benson.", "Jack: My brother Billy hired her. Jabot--family company. And I was separating from my wife, and we started dating. It was never supposed to be anything serious.", "Emily: I see. So instead of her being the wife, you cast her as the other woman. Different roles, same play.", "Jack: No, no. Not the same at all.", "Emily: Wasn't it?", "Phyllis: Oh. Jack is drinking alone. What's up with that?", "Nick: Mm, I don't know. Don't worry about it. We're celebrating.", "Phyllis: Well, d--", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Well, this morning, I owned a magazine, and now I own--", "Nick: A very large check.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) Sorry.", "Nick: You all right?", "Phyllis: I'm also very clumsy.", "Nick: Yes.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) This is so weird. I don't--I don't have to get up tomorrow morning really early to make a 9:00 A.M. layout meeting. I don't have to do that.", "Nick: I have the day off, too. You know, for Faith's christening.", "Phyllis: So we could stay up late and we could sleep in, and I think I'm liking my new life.", "Nick: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Nick told me you were gonna name your baby Faith. I think you should keep this.", "Sharon: Um, yeah. Um, maybe you're right.", "Ashley: It's not always gonna be this painful, Sharon.", "Sharon: No, I-I know. I've been through this before.", "Ashley: Oh, right. Well, if you ever need anybody to talk to...", "Sharon: Thank you. Thanks a lot. I-I should get going.", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Sharon: Sure.", "Faith: (Cries)", "Ashley: Um... I should go get her.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. Good night.", "Ashley: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You're not gonna make a big deal out of this, are you?", "Chance: Chloe, just listen to me, okay?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: I made it very clear from the beginning that nothing would happen with us while you were still hung up on Billy.", "Chloe: \"Hung up\"? Are you kidding me? I mean, the guy is insane.", "Chance: (Scoffs) I'm not gonna argue that.", "Chloe: You know what? I think it's a little cute. You are a little jealous. I think it's very, very cute.", "Chance: I just--would you--", "Chloe: It's actually turning me on.", "Chance: Stop. You know what? I'm not jealous, Chloe. I'm done. I'm done with all of this. I'm done with the games.", "Chloe: Are you serious?", "Chance: Yes.", "Chloe: Wow. All right. You're serious.", "Chance: Chloe, you haven't even signed your divorce papers yet. You and Billy, you guys flirt like it's an Olympic sport.", "Chloe: No, we do not flirt. We argue.", "Chance: To the two of you guys, that might as well be foreplay. Chloe, I'm not blind here, okay? Billy loves the fact that you chase after him. For some reason, that-- that turns him on. He gets off on that. But that's it. That's all he loves. Chloe, he doesn't brighten up when you walk into a room. He doesn't think your smile's the most beautiful thing. Chloe, he doesn't think you're the one. I-- (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: You know what? Enjoy, okay? Good-bye.", "Chloe: (Sighs heavily) (Groans) Chance, I-- (Sighs)", "Billy: Ooh!", "(Champagne cork pops)", "Billy: (Laughs) I own a magazine.", "Mac: You do, so now what?", "Billy: I don't have the foggiest idea what happens next. I have--I have one idea.", "Mac: That's a good start.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. (Growls)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: The dead stuffed cat thing was weird, but this--this stealing someone's face? I'll tell you what, man, this Patty Williams, she's a bona fide freak.", "Victor: Let's please change the subject.", "Adam: Sure. Listen, I just, um, I just dropped in to see how you're holding up. I know times have been tough, and there's not too many people happy with you right now. Listen, I just want you to know that your--your kids are gonna stick by you... (Sighs) Just like you stood by me when I did some things I wasn't very proud of. And, uh, you know, you're gonna get past this, just like I got past what I had to deal with and--", "Victor: As far as getting past what you have done, you haven't even begun to make amends, son. (Clears throat)", "Adam: What? After everything I've done to--to pay for my crime? You're--", "Victor: What do you mean \"After everything you've done\"? You served a partial sentence in the lap of luxury, for heaven's sake, and you've not paid me back a dime of the money you owe me.", "Adam: What are you talking about? You just said the other day that I-I was making progress.", "Victor: Never mind what I said. You've a long way to go before you have earned my trust, all right?", "Adam: Yes, Sir. I'll continue to prove myself to you. I won't let you down.", "Victor: Now leave me alone. I'm tired. I need the rest.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Pastor: The father was unable to make it today.", "Ashley: That's right.", "Victor: I am right here.", "Billy: A tell-all about a smug, old bastard who walked into a christening, battery-powered by Colleen's heart.", "Adam: You should know. You have to know now." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Diane commends Jack for his treatment of Kyle and how he was standing behind him. Jack leaves Diane sitting at the table when Phyllis comes up to join her. Phyllis asks Diane why she keeps up with this charade of trying to get Jack back. At the coffeehouse, Ashley and Abby meet up with Billy and Victoria. Ashley asks Victoria how Reed is coping with J.T.'s electrocution. Ashley lets Abby know that she owes Tucker an apology. Tucker gets the window fixed in his office. Tucker remembers making love to Diane. Nikki asks Victor if this is how it is going to be with him questioning her all the time about her drinking. Nikki tries to explain, but Victor defends Jill. Nikki tells Victor that she is going out and Meggie goes with her. Nikki and Meggie arrive at Gloworm. Nikki questions Gloria as to where Deacon is. Gloria lets her know that Deacon left for the day. Meggie once again spikes Nikki's drink. Meggie calls Victor to let him know where she and Nikki are.", "Abby arrives at Tucker's office and apologizes to him for her actions. Tucker offers to be there for Abby and they hug. Billy reads the article about Diane which Phyllis posted on the internet. Billy arrives at \"Restless Style\" and reprimands Phyllis for the article that she wrote about Diane. Diane warns Jack about Phyllis' attitude about her and Kyle. Kyle tells Jack and Diane about his new school. Victor questions Gloria about Nikki and finds out that Nikki has been asking about Deacon. Nikki tells Deacon about lying to Victor. Nikki passes out in Deacon's bed. Meggie undresses Nikki to make it look as though she slept with Deacon. Victor finds Nikki in bed with Deacon.", "" ]
[ "Diane: Well, thank you for lunch.", "Jack: Which you barely touched. What's wrong? You nervous?", "Diane: I'm just thinking about Kyle. I hope he's being himself, and I hope he's making a good impression on that dean.", "Jack: Well, the teachers certainly seem to like him.", "Diane: Do you think he liked them?", "Jack: Hard to tell.", "Diane: He's not giving much away, is he?", "Gloria: Oh, hello. And how is everything?", "Jack: Everything's fine. We'll take a check when you have a chance. We need to get out of here.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Diane: Yes, we need to pick up our son at his new school, Walnut Grove. He-- he's there now. He's taking a tour.", "Gloria: So you are Kyle's mother.", "Diane: I am.", "Gloria: Well, I'm Gloria Abbott...", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Bardwell. So you've decided to move back to Genoa City.", "Diane: Yeah, there-- there are just so many opportunities.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Oh, yes. Indeed, there are. (Clasps hands) Well, um, I hope you'll be coming around Gloworm a lot.", "Diane: Well, I think I probably will. I just took a job. It's--", "Jack: You know what? We better get going. Uh, Kyle needs to review his math skills before he takes that placement test this afternoon.", "Gloria: Well, if he takes after his grandfather, he's gonna do just fine. Good luck.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Diane: So, um, how would it be if Kyle went to your place to study?", "Jack: Well, that works for me.", "Diane: Yeah? 'Cause I have a lot of phone calls to make. And I don't think he'd be able to concentrate in that itty-bitty hotel room. I really do have to find someplace else to live.", "Jack: Well, I'll tell you what, I'll pick up Kyle, and we'll meet up with you later.", "Diane: Okay. All right, that's perfect. Oh, uh, Jack, thanks so much for giving him so much of your time. I know it really means a lot to him. You're a wonderful father.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Diane: (Sighs) (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Diane: Oh, hi, Phyllis. Did--you just missed Jack.", "Phyllis: I know. I saw him. (Purses lips) I actually wanted to talk to you.", "Diane: Were you watching us?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I was. (Chuckles) It seemed like a very touching moment. I didn't want to interrupt. I mean, \"Touching,\" literally.", "Diane: Well, Jack can be very sweet when there's something he wants.", "Phyllis: Kyle, right? He wants Kyle in his life, right?", "Diane: I suppose that must be it.", "Phyllis: Kyle's a really great kid. He's a really great kid. He was terrific with Summer during the storm. I hope to spend a lot of time with him.", "Diane: I'm glad you stopped by. I think it's so much better for everybody if we're getting along. You're the woman in Jack's life... for the moment. I'm the mother of his child, and you of all people, you--you know how important it is for Jack to have a child.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Why do you even bother? The sweetness and light routine? No one's buying it, Diane, least of all Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Sis.", "Ashley: Hi. Victoria, I've been wanting to ask you, how's J.T. doing?", "Victoria: Oh, he's as well as can be expected. He's grateful that he survived.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Abby: Can he have visitors yet?", "Victoria: Yes, but just know that he's pretty out of it because of the pain medication.", "Ashley: And what about Reed? How much does he understand?", "Victoria: I told him that his daddy was in an accident, but that the doctors were working very hard to make him feel better.", "Billy: Yeah, well, he's really more preoccupied with his Halloween costume, so...", "Victoria: It's true.", "Ashley: (Laughs) Thank God for the innocence of youth.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Abby: That was a crazy storm, huh?", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Victoria: Oh, you know what? Excuse me. I have to take care of this.", "Billy: I-I gotta go to work, so bye.", "Victoria: Bye.", "Ashley: Bye.", "Billy: Bye.", "Abby: See you guys.", "Ashley: (Clears throat) So speaking of the storm...", "Abby: Oh, were we? (Clears throat)", "Ashley: Yeah. You owe Tucker an apology.", "Abby: For what?", "Ashley: For accusing him of cheating on me.", "Abby: And...", "Ashley: You were wrong. Abby, the meeting he had with Diane was strictly business. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Okay, all set. Bet you're glad to have that view back.", "Tucker: Yeah, thanks. It was gettin' pretty gloomy in here with that window boarded up.", "Man: Were you in here when it shattered?", "Tucker: I was.", "Man: Lucky you didn't get hurt.", "[Tucker remembering]", "(Thunder crashes)", "(Glass shatters)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Yeah, I was real lucky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Where is this coming from?", "Victor: Sweetheart, please answer the question. Have you been drinking?", "Nikki: I answered that question the other day. Is this gonna be a daily ritual?", "Victor: You're being evasive right now.", "Nikki: Victor, I have not been drinking. Why would you even think that?", "Victor: Sweetheart, Jill was here.", "Nikki: Jill? Jill?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: Oh, that's beautiful. That is beautiful.", "Victor: She said she saw you drink spiked tea at Fenmore's.", "Nikki: Oh, my Go-- Meggie, do you-- do you believe the lengths that that woman will go to? I mean, the things that she would say--", "Meggie: I'm blown away.", "Nikki: We did see her at Fenmore's, and she was just as nasty as can be, and I dished it right back out to her. I guess this is her idea of payback.", "Meggie: No, it's-- it's a ridiculous accusation. Nik-Nikki was not drinking spiked tea.", "Nikki: You know, just ask Meggie. She was there. She brought me my tea.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I can't ignore what Jill said, okay? I know you have been struggling.", "Nikki: Oh, God. You didn't tell her that, did you?", "Victor: Of course not. (Sighs) If you need help, I'll get it for you, all right?", "Nikki: I am fine.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not condemning it. I'm--I'm not judging you.", "Nikki: Well, it kinda seems like you are.", "Victor: No.", "Nikki: I feel like I am on trial, and it doesn't matter what the verdict is because you've already made it very clear that you don't trust me.", "Meggie: I'll talk to her.", "Victor: No, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I need to talk to you, all right? Ask you some questions.", "Victor: You have been with her every day. You were with her at Fenmore's. Did you see her drinking?", "Meggie: Well, I'm in an awkward position, you know. I mean, Nikki's my friend.", "Victor: For your own sake, and for her sake, tell me what you saw.", "Meggie: Well, I don't really know anything for sure. But she has been different, and, uh... secretive. Uh, she's been under so much pressure, I just chalked it up to that?", "(Keys jingling)", "Victor: What do you mean, secretive? Where are you going?", "Nikki: I'm going out, unless I need your permission.", "Victor: What do you mean, you're going out? You're not leaving like this. We're supposed to fly to Vegas in a few hours, unless you've changed your plans about that.", "Nikki: No, I haven't changed my plans. I-I'm sorry for reacting so strongly. It just hurts me when you take Jill's word over mine. But--but you're right. It is our wedding day, and we should keep our focus on that, not on Jill, not on anything else, but I-I have a few more things I have to pick up before the trip so, um, I'll be back really soon.", "Meggie: Sh-should I go with her?", "(Front door closes)", "Victor: Yes. You call me, all right?", "Meggie: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You didn't see what I saw the night of the storm or before back at the club when I saw Tucker with Jill.", "Ashley: Oh, so now he's cheating on me with Jill, too? Is there anybody else he's cheating on me with, Abby?", "Abby: You know what? They were really touchy-feely, okay? A-and they did have a thing before.", "Ashley: You know, you-- you can't run around making all these wild accusations. Now I know you personally are flattered when people gossip about you, but other people have an issue with it.", "Abby: This is not fun for me.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Abby: I am really worried about you.", "Ashley: I appreciate that. I really do. But it's that concern that's making you jump to some conclusions.", "Abby: They had bed head, okay?", "Ashley: Shh! Do you mind?", "Abby: (Quietly) Tucker and Diane-- they were putting themselves back together, and they had that look.", "Ashley: Look, Abby, there was a tornado that went through hi--", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Ashley: It--it's true. A tornado went through his place, and maybe I would have messy hair, too.", "Abby: (Chuckles) No, no. You're not going to listen.", "Ashley: I will listen. That's actually the point I'm trying to make. If you have a concern, then talk to me about it, okay? Don't go to Tucker with it.", "Abby: Okay. Okay.", "Ashley: That's it? You mean it?", "Abby: Sure. (Sighs)", "Ashley: What, so are you gonna make things right? Abby, I care about him.", "Abby: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, all right. The next time I see Tucker, I will apologize.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Hey, how's your day going so far? Good. Well, I'd like to see you as soon as possible.", "Diane: I'd like to see you, too. I-I do have something I need to take care of first.", "Tucker: Well, get it done. Head on over here. I got your contract ready to sign.", "Diane: Looking forward to it.", "Kyle: There.", "Jack: Wait, that's your score on the practice test?", "Kyle: Yep.", "Jack: Very impressive.", "Kyle: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Wow.", "Diane: Hi.", "Jack: Hi.", "Diane: How's it going?", "Jack: W-well, I hate to jump the gun, but there is a distinct possibility our son is a genius.", "Diane: Oh, shh. Don't want him thinking he doesn't have to study.", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Kyle: I know.", "Jack: Hey, why don't you go get a couple pieces of fruit out of the kitchen? Uh, they said you could bring a snack to the test.", "Kyle: Oh, okay.", "Jack: Okay. So did you finish all your phone calls?", "Diane: Not quite. I was interrupted.", "Jack: By whom?", "Diane: Phyllis.", "Jack: (Groans) Okay, what happened.", "Diane: She still has so much resentment toward me for things that happened years ago.", "Jack: Gee, you sound surprised.", "Diane: Well, I am. I've changed since then. I've grown since then. Not that I haven't made mistakes, but I was hoping that we could move beyond those for Kyle's sake. If it were just me, I could handle Phyllis-- her toxic energy-- but that isn't what I want for my son. He shouldn't be exposed to it.", "Jack: Her toxic energy. And do you think Phyllis would describe your little altercation the same way?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Mm, it's good, but it's all old information.", "Phyllis: Yes, can you connect me with an architectural firm in Toronto called Klein and Edwin? Yeah, thank you. I'll hold. Hi, um, my name is Phyllis Newman. I am the editor in chief of \"Restless Style.\" (Chuckles) Thank you very much. Yeah, I agree. Um, listen, we're doing a profile on an architect that used to be at your firm. She was a partner, actually. Her name is Diane Jenkins. Really? Y-yes, I'd love to talk to Mr. Klein. I-I'll hold. This is worth waiting for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Uh, did Abby leave already?", "Ashley: She did. Why? Do you need to talk to her?", "Victoria: Oh, you know, Vance wants us to get together with him. We have that mediation with my dad tomorrow.", "Ashley: I know. Would you mind sitting down, please?", "Victoria: Uh-oh.", "Ashley: No. Come on.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Ashley: I mean, you're a grown woman. I'm not gonna give you a lecture. You're perfectly capable of making your own decisions. Abby, however, is young, and she's headstrong, and easily influenced, apparently by everybody else in the world but me. And I firmly believe that she's being pushed into this lawsuit by people that have their own agenda, okay? And that being said, I'm concerned that if this does go to court, and Vance and Victor go to it, it's gonna get ugly, and the scars might be permanent. So I just wanted to ask you if maybe you could go to your father and try to put a stop to this, please? Before it gets to that point.", "Victoria: It's too late. My father is leaving for Vegas tonight.", "Ashley: Vegas?", "Victoria: Yeah, he's eloping with my mom.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Victoria: Oh, I'm-- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just blurted that out. I'm sorry.", "Ashley: Why? (Stammers) Its okay. I don't--I'm fine with that. Are you kidding? I mean, I knew they were engaged. I'm happy for them. I've moved on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: If you're lookin' for your mom, she's not here. Uh, no one else is, either.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Uh, feel free to look around. Bedroom's right there. You can check under the bed.", "Abby: Yeah, I--okay. I deserve that. I-I do. That's actually why I'm here. Um, I'm here to apologize for accusing you of cheating on my mom. I'm very protective of her. And I have-- maybe you've noticed-- a, um, slight flair for drama.", "Tucker: (Chuckles) Well, I knew it was comin' from a good place. You love your mom. And that storm had everyone on edge. You know, extreme weather's like that. It, uh, gets you amped up doin' things you might not otherwise. Diane is just an employee.", "Abby: Ah. (Chuckles) Right.", "Tucker: Now I don't know how much you know about her professional life, but she's an architect, and a damn good one.", "Abby: Good. Then I-I guess it's--its good that you grabbed her up.", "Tucker: She'll be a great asset to our team.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I will not be forced to choose between Kyle and Phyllis.", "Diane: You misunderstand me.", "Jack: I don't think so.", "Diane: Look, I just worry about my s--our son. He is my top priority.", "Jack: And Phyllis is no threat to Kyle in any way, shape, or form. She's a wonderful mother.", "Diane: But she's not Kyle's mother, and she obviously still holds quite a grudge against me.", "Jack: Listen to me. Whatever problems the two of you had in the past will stay in the past. You have a chance for a fresh start. And for the kid's sake, I'm going to insist that you take it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: This guy is out of his mind. I mean, he's out of his-- you know what? Forget him. Withdraw the offer. No, I'm serious. I don't care. Hey, what's shakin'?", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Billy: Uh, oh. (Sighs) Yes, I am a friend of \"Restless Style.\" We have a new article online? Did you post something?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I'm sorry, Meggie. I never really intended for you to get mixed up in the middle of this.", "Meggie: I'm just worried about you.", "Nikki: Don't be. I'm going to get a handle on a situation. Not to worry.", "Meggie: You know, why don't I get a couple of club sodas, and we'll talk about it?", "Nikki: Okay.", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Hi, Gloria.", "Gloria: Ahh.", "Nikki: Um, is Deacon here? I-I need to talk to him.", "Gloria: Hello, Nikki.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: And I hate to tell you, but, uh, he's already left for the day.", "Nikki: Oh, Dear. Oh, it--it is kind of important.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You coming by. It shows character.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Yeah, not as much as if I kept my mouth shut in the first place.", "Tucker: Oh, I disagree. I like people who speak their mind.", "Abby: (Chuckles) That's my specialty. (Chuckles)", "Tucker: I noticed. Boy, I saw you light into your Uncle Jack and your dad at the hospital.", "Abby: Well, a lot of good that did.", "Tucker: You're smart, Abby, and you've got guts. You know, it's easy to find people who have one or the other, but the combination is rare. If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of or just to talk, I'd be happy to oblige.", "Abby: Thank you. I may just take you up on that, you know.", "Tucker: Any time.", "Abby: (Chuckles) Thanks for understanding about the other night. I totally overreacted. I... after everything that's happened to my mom--", "Tucker: I know. You don't want to see her get hurt again.", "Abby: I can't let that happen again.", "Tucker: Well, we're on the same page.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: We're both lookin' out for her.", "Abby: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: It's good, isn't it?", "Billy: I'm only halfway through.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Billy: So far, Diane has broken up Jack's marriage...", "Phyllis: Yeah, that's when Patty started to, uh, become a wack-job.", "Billy: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: \"She stole Victor's sperm, and half a dozen other criminal charges.\" Are you out of your mind? Why the hell would you post this now?", "Phyllis: Why? This is the kind of story you love. Scandalous, smutty.", "Billy: Yes, it's racy. It's vulgar. It's of questionable taste, and it deserves to be on our cover, not stuck in some mid-month online posting. I could have promoted the hell outta this thing. What's wrong with you?", "Phyllis: I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Boss. I'm so sorry, Boss, but you know what? I really needed to get this out there as a public service.", "Billy: Why?", "Phyllis: There's a piranha in the water, and people need to know the truth about Diane Jenkins.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: I hope I'm wrong about Phyllis. I'd love to believe there's a way we could all get along.", "Jack: There is, and we will find it. Hey, what's all that?", "Kyle: Uh, Ms. Martinez set me up.", "Diane: (Laughs) You ready for your test?", "Kyle: I guess.", "Diane: But still not thrilled about all the changes?", "Kyle: It'll be okay. I mean, the school seems pretty cool. And I like hanging out here.", "Jack: Well, I sure like having you here.", "Diane: You know what? I think moving to Genoa City might be the best decision we've ever made.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Victor, joining us for lunch?", "Victor: No, I, uh, I'm looking for Nikki.", "Gloria: You just missed her.", "Victor: Oh.", "Gloria: Is there a problem?", "Victor: Um... no. What did she have when she was here?", "Gloria: What did she have?", "Victor: What did she have to drink?", "Gloria: (Gasps) Drink. Um... club soda, I think.", "Victor: That's all?", "Gloria: That's all.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Did she say where she was going?", "Gloria: No. She did ask about Deacon. She seemed very anxious to find him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Nikki, listen to me. I really don't think we should be here.", "Nikki: You don't need to be here. Go wait in the car.", "Meggie: Listen, I don't feel right leaving you.", "Nikki: Will you just go? God! Go.", "Nikki: (Sighs) God. Hi.", "Deacon: Whoa. Wh-what are you doing here?", "Nikki: Victor knows that I'm drinking. I-I-I lied and said that I wasn't, but he knows that I'm lying. Why do I do this? I-I am sabotaging myself. I am sabotaging my life.", "Deacon: Shh. Okay. Okay. Breathe.", "Nikki: (Inhales shakily)", "Deacon: You're shaking. You're shaking. Nikki, hang on.", "Nikki: I am so upset.", "Deacon: I know. It's okay. It's okay.", "Nikki: (Whimpers)", "Deacon: All right, let's, uh, let's just get you a drink. We'll figure this out, all right?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, God.", "Deacon: Okay, hang on. All right, let's... okay, that's good.", "Nikki: (Groans)", "Deacon: Okay, here you go.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: It's okay.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: There you go. Better?", "Nikki: (Groans)", "Deacon: All righty. There you go.", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Deacon: Okay.", "Nikki: Oh, God.", "Deacon: Are you gettin' sleepy?", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Deacon: Yeah, lay down. Lay down. That's it.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm so dizzy.", "Deacon: That's it. That's it.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm really tired. (Sighs)", "Deacon: You're on.", "Meggie: Ahh, let's get you out of these clothes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know who you remind me of?", "Phyllis: Hmm?", "Billy: Wolverine.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Billy: You know, the guy who's got the claws that come out like, Ching! And they go back... (Makes suction sound) And no one every knows. Yeah, you sliced and diced this woman.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Um, I'm sorry, but I'm not fond of her.", "Billy: I got that impression.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, come on. You've never been above using the magazine to settle a personal score.", "Billy: Uh, excuse me. That is my very favorite part of owning a magazine. Would you like to know what my least favorite part is?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Billy: It's the blows that I take to the face the day after publication. I'm gonna need pins or something one day.", "Phyllis: Uh, I-I-- I've never hit you?", "Billy: No, no, you haven't, actually.", "Phyllis: Okay, good to know.", "Billy: Surprisingly, you haven't, and your restraint has been much appreciated by me.", "Phyllis: Sure, sure.", "Billy: But my point is, this is gonna have fallout, and I'm not gonna take it this time.", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't want you to. I'll take it.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. You say that right now.", "Phyllis: Listen, um, what is she gonna do? What is--Diane's gonna cry and stomp her feet? Go to Jack? I mean, what is she gonna do? It's all true. She can't sue me.", "Billy: (Clears throat) It's all true?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Even the words in the bold print?", "Phyllis: Especially the words in the bold print. You know they are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Thanks for helping me study.", "Jack: I had fun. Good luck.", "Kyle: (Chuckles) Excuse me, Mom.", "Diane: All right, well, I'm gonna drop him off, and then I'm gonna go to Tucker's to sign my contract. So we'll have to finish this discussion about Phyllis another time.", "Jack: We've already finished the discussion about Phyllis. You better go. You don't want to be late.", "(Computer alert chimes)", "Jack: Ooh, another update from \"Restless Style.\" Wonder who's on the chopping block this time. \"'R.S.' brings you the real story about a woman who gives new meaning to the term 'Dirty blonde.'\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "Deacon: Hey, get out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Meggie, where have you been?", "Meggie: I'm at the Silver Star motel.", "Victor: Is Nikki there?", "Meggie: She's in one of the rooms. She insisted that I wait, but it's been a while, and I'm really getting worried.", "Victor: I'll be right there.", "Gloria: And I have Deacon's address for you right here, Vic—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: No, I'm not arguing that. He showed foresight definitely, and we're reaping the rewards. Yeah, but the margins aren't gonna stay that high once his competitors catch on and catch up. You sell it now while we can still command a premium. That's right. Sorry for that interruption, Darlin'.", "Abby: Oh, no, no. I've taken up way too much of your time already. I know you have lots to deal with. You know, all the new projects with Diane. And I-I hope it works out for you.", "Tucker: Thanks.", "Abby: And I think it is super cool that you're not taking that article seriously.", "Tucker: What article?", "Abby: You haven't seen it? Uh, \"Restless Style.\" Uh, they posted something online. It's kind of like a bio of Diane, but you really should ignore it, 'cause it is crazy. (Sighs) I-I-I-I've-- I've heard some of the stuff from my mom before, but the rest of it for sure was made up, 'cause it is out there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Diane, you hear all those jaws dropping to the floor? (Sighs) Now everyone's gonna know exactly who you are.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Jack: How could you do that? What the hell were you thinking?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I wonder if my parents have left for Vegas yet.", "Billy: Your mother is a glutton for punishment. That's all I know.", "Victoria: Well, I hate to admit it, but I've had this low-level feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach ever since they got back together. It's not that I don't want them to be happy. I do. It's just that there's always a disaster that follows. (Sighs) oh, well, I guess... (Sighs) That's the way it goes. The heart wants what the heart wants. You know, there are actually people in this town that think that I am completely out of my mind for marrying you.", "Billy: They're probably right. However, you have far better taste in men than your mother, although that's not really saying much.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Billy: Even if they're gonna get married, why are they doing it today with this big mediation hanging over their head? Are they trying to make a point? I don't get it.", "Victoria: I don't get it, either. If there's a point, then it's lost on me. I wonder. I also wonder where our waiter is.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. I gotta get back to Delia. Tell you what, I'm gonna order at the bar. The special? Two specials? Is that gonna work for you?", "Victoria: Sounds good.", "Billy: The special.", "Victoria: The special.", "Billy: Excuse me. Hold on. I'm sorry. I almost forgot. Mwah. Hello?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Um, we're kind of in a hurry. Can we get two specials to go, please?", "Gloria: Absolutely. Two specials for the lovebirds.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) You know, it's a real shame about Nikki.", "Billy: What about Nikki?", "Gloria: (Whispers) Billy... come on.", "Billy: Are you cr... (Quietly) You saw Nikki drinking?", "Gloria: (Quietly) I didn't see it myself. But she was in here acting very strangely, and then Victor showed up demanding to know what she had been drinking. I don't know. (Sighs) Billy, she's gettin' awfully chummy with, uh, you know, Deacon-- fresh out of prison. Pretty fresh in general, if you know what I mean. You know something? That's quite a scoop for \"Restless Style.\" And you could pay me with a big, fat plug for Gloworm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Is this the room?", "Meggie: I didn't know what else to do.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Deacon: (Gasps) What the hell? What is this?", "Nikki: (Sighs) What's happening?", "Deacon: Oh, God. (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Yeah, well, I'm sure that the northwest region is gonna mirror whatever is happening in the Midwest, you know? Oh. Oh, my gosh. That's my daughter. I need to talk to her, okay? Excuse me. (Groans) Save me.", "Abby: Oh, uh, hey. What? (Clears throat)", "Ashley: A Jabot sales rep over there, okay? She's talking my ear off. Say something. Make it look like it's important that we see each other.", "Abby: Oh, uh, I-it is, actually, um, I went to see Tucker.", "Ashley: You're kidding me. Just now?", "Abby: Mm-hmm. And I apologized just like you wanted me to.", "Ashley: Thank you. I'm very proud of you. How'd it go?", "Abby: Um, better than I expected.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah?", "Abby: Yep. Everything is taken care of. (Clears throat)", "Ashley: Okay, good. Thank you.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: Okay. Where do I sign?", "Tucker: Sorry, change in plans. I'm gonna have to rescind my offer.", "Diane: You're kidding.", "Tucker: No.", "Diane: We had a deal. You just told me the contract was waiting.", "Tucker: Some information has surfaced that leads me to believe you're not a good fit for my company.", "Diane: What-- what information? Wh-whatever the problem is, I'll fix it.", "Tucker: I don't think that's gonna be possible.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You two have worked so hard. Thank you for everything, all right? Dinner and drinks on me. (Laughs) Okay, before you start defending Diane--", "Jack: No, this isn't about Diane. This is about Kyle.", "Phyllis: I never mentioned Kyle's name.", "Jack: No, you just eviscerated his mother.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? Everything she did was true. I just wrote it down and pressed \"Send.\"", "Jack: How would you feel if someone wrote down every rotten thing you ever did and posted it for all the world to see? For Summer to read? Seems to me, your track record isn't a whole lot better than Diane's, Sweetheart.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh. Yes, it is, and this is different.", "Jack: Oh?", "Phyllis: Yes. It's a lot different, Jack. She's up to something.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: I can see it. She's plotting something...", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: You can't see this, can you?", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: You can't see this because of your son. Well, I can. I can. And you better believe I'm gonna protect myself and my daughter.", "Jack: The problem is not Diane right now. The problem is you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Can you imagine what it would do to Victoria to hear a rumor so nasty about her mother? Now I'm gonna tell you something. If it gets out, and then it gets back to Victoria, I'm gonna write a story for you. I'm gonna write a story about the rat infestation that you have in your kitchen, and then you will go out of business. Do you understand? I thought you might. Thank you. (Clears throat) Hello.", "Victoria: Hello. (Sighs) That kind of took a long time.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I was just trying to make sure that Gloria understood my order.", "Victoria: Aw.", "Billy: Aw. Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I-I don't-- I don't know how I got here. I don't remember anything. I'm sorry.", "Deacon: I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I--", "Victor: You shut up.", "Deacon: Okay.", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Victor: You've been drinking. That's how this happened. So come with me now. Let's go.", "Nikki: (Sighs) (Moans)", "Meggie: It's all right. I'll get it. You go.", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Deacon: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Diane: How would Ashley feel if she found out you're not the person you claim to be?", "Tucker: Are you threatening me?", "Vance: What are you willing to settle for to get it?", "Abby: I want--", "Victoria: Beauty of Nature.", "Diane: You disgust me! Both of you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the penthouse, Adam sits alone, deep in thought and also grieving over the fact that he may have been responsible for Delia's death. Chelsea yells for Adam and finds him deep in thought. Chelsea begins to ask what is going on with him. At the coffeehouse, Dylan gets a registered letter from Social Services concerning Connor. Avery and Nick have an awkward meeting in the park. Avery asks him if they can be friends, but Nick finds that difficult after all that happened between them. Dylan walks up, which is awkward for all concerned. Adam gets a call that the man has found him some corneas for Connor from the black market. Chelsea has her doubts about how good they would be, which leads to an argument between her and Adam. Chloe visits Billy and Victoria and once again, lashes out at Billy for leaving Delia alone in the car outside of the grocery store. At the police department, Paul and Nikki discuss Delia's death. Billy asks Chloe where they go from here. Billy asks her if she can forgive him, but Chloe is nowhere near forgiving him. Alex and a police officer get a lead on the car that might have hit Delia.", "Nikki tells Paul that she came close to telling Dylan the truth, but she has started crying and then Victor interfered. Dylan and Avery talk and get reintroduced. Dylan shows Avery the letter that he received concerning Connor. Adam and Chelsea take Connor for the surgery but the doctor refuses to use the corneas they have. Victoria goes to see Nick to seek comfort from him concerning Delia's death. Chloe and Billy attempt to get Delia's body released, but Chloe refuses to let Billy have anything to do with this situation. Chloe and Billy run into Chelsea at the hospital and find out that Connor needs a cornea transplant. Paul finds out that the tags that were on the car that hit Delia was registered to Nikki.", "" ]
[ "Dylan: [Sighs] Okay.", "Man: I'm looking for Dylan McAvoy.", "Dylan: That'd be me.", "Man: I have a letter for you.", "Dylan: Oh. Okay.", "Man: Sign here, please.", "Dylan: Uh... there you go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Let me know what his clerk says, and we'll go from there. Thanks, Leslie.", "Nick: Avery?", "Avery: Hi.", "Nick: Hey.", "Avery: It's a good morning for a run.", "Nick: Yes, it is. You got to get out like this while you still can.", "Avery: Well, I-I shouldn't keep you.", "Nick: Yeah. I should go.", "Avery: Actually, um, hold on. You know, we're gonna run into each other like this all the time, and are we really gonna talk about the weather? Because that's just weird.", "Nick: Yeah, it is. I mean, I don't know how we should --", "Avery: I know. And m-maybe it's a lot to ask, you think we could be friends?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam! Adam?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Have you been awake all night?", "Adam: No. Is the baby up?", "Chelsea: Not yet. You look terrible.", "Adam: Thank you. Must be the lighting.", "Chelsea: Were you crying? Adam, I know you better than almost anyone, and this isn't like you. You're a wreck. What is going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: The driver who killed Delia Abbott -- where do things stand?", "Alex: Um, all right. We got surveillance footage from every security camera within a 30-minute window of the crime scene. I got a team working on it, looking for black SUVs. Now, if the witness who came in last night is right, then that's the vehicle we're looking for.", "Paul: Okay. What about garages, body shops?", "Alex: We sent out an alert to the city, suburbs. If someone comes in with any recent front-end damage, they're instructed to contact us.", "Paul: Okay.", "Nikki: Paul. When you have a second, I need to talk to you.", "Alex: I...have to make phone calls.", "Paul: Sure. I am so sorry about Delia.", "Nikki: Please tell me that you're close to finding her killer. Her parents are in hell. They need justice for their little girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I assume you're here to talk about Delia and how I left her alone in the car... let her run off when I wasn't looking. You want to let me have it? That's fine. I deserve it. But I promise you you can't say anything to me I haven't said about myself a thousand times already.", "Chloe: [Scoffs] I doubt that very much.", "Victoria: Chloe --", "Chloe: No. I am just still so angry that I don't even want to be here, okay? I don't even want to look at you!", "Billy: Then why did you come?", "Chloe: Because Kevin said that I should come here and that I should learn how to deal with you. He thinks it's the only way that I can move forward.", "Billy: So are you saying you want to forgive me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Friends. Wow. That's, uh -- that's some heavy stuff first thing in the morning.", "Avery: I know. And maybe it's too much to ask, but... you know, maybe you could just think about it.", "Nick: Well, you were right, you know. We were really good friends at one point.", "Avery: And it would be a shame to lose all that. You know, we've shared so much together.", "Nick: Which is why I don't know... how we could do that -- just go back to being friends.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: We are working on this case nonstop. Every cop on this force is trying to find the person who was driving that car and see him locked up for leaving the scene.", "Nikki: [Sighs] Oh, another tragic car accident. [Voice breaking] Another little girl lost.", "Paul: I'm sure this has to bring back a lot of painful memories for you.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Delia was such a delight. I loved that child. [Sighs] But that's nothing compared to what Billy and Chloe are going through, and Victoria. She loved that child as her own.", "Paul: No, I know. It's -- it's such a waste. I mean, even if we do find the driver, the fact is, Delia's gone.", "Nikki: Losing a child can haunt you forever... in ways that you never could predict.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Forgive you. I can't even look at you.", "Billy: Okay. Then how do we go from here, huh? Our lives have been so entwined for so long. What do we do, huh? See each other on the street, and we ignore each other? Should I stop getting my coffee at Crimson Lights? I imagine you'll stop coming to my restaurant. Who gets GCAC? How do you want to do this?", "Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. Is this a joke to you?!", "Billy: Yes. [Sighs]", "Victoria: Of course it's not a joke. Billy is devastated. We all are.", "Chloe: [Crying] Really? Do you know what it's like to lose a child? You still have your little boy, and I-I... just a few hours ago, I was watching a happy, little child onstage in front of an audience of people. And, suddenly, she is gone! And I have a person asking me what I'm supposed to do with my child! So don't you dare tell me how devastated you are!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I guess I'm just still not 100%.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I noticed. So...why? What's eating you alive like this?", "Adam: I don't know. I'm a father now. I guess everything's different.", "Chelsea: So this is all about Connor?", "Adam: What else?", "Chelsea: Adam, I know how worried you've been. But the last thing I knew of, you were rushing off to meet with the black-market donor about finding some corneas. So what happened? Did the meeting go badly? Did he say he couldn't help us?", "Adam: No, no. The meeting went fine. It's just something that happened afterwards. I ran into Billy. He was out at the park. He was all alone... just wandering around in the middle of the night.", "Chelsea: He was in really bad shape at the hospital. I-I hope you didn't start anything with him.", "Adam: He wanted to... rip off anyone's head that would come near him, understandably. I just told him... how sorry I was and that I felt awful, and then I left.", "Chelsea: Good.", "Adam: Yeah. Good. And not so good. Can't stop thinking about this guy. He's...he's a young dad. He's... got a little girl, and... then he loses her. I get to come home here, and... my baby is safe and warm. It's not fair.", "Chelsea: Delia's death, uh -- I guess it hit you harder than you expected.", "Adam: More than you know.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Adam: Hello. Yeah. What's his name? Right now? Okay. Okay. That was the guy.", "Chelsea: Who?", "Adam: The guy that I met with. He's got corneas lined up for a transplant.", "Chelsea: That fast?", "Adam: Uh, money talks. He's got a surgeon at Memorial, and we can go meet with him right now.", "Chelsea: N-now.", "Adam: Yeah. Let's get the baby, and let's --", "Chelsea: Wait, wait, wait. I'm not sure this is a good idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Okay. Enhance that one. See if you can get a license-plate number. [Sighs]", "[Keyboard clacking]", "Paul: All this stress isn't good for you, Nikki -- Delia's death, not to mention the other issue you're dealing with.", "Nikki: Thank you. You know, after you and I talked last night, I just couldn't stop thinking about Dylan, so... I went and saw him at Crimson Lights.", "Paul: You did? I mean to --", "Nikki: To tell him. Yeah.", "Paul: Well, what happened? How did it go?", "Nikki: Well... we were talking, and I started to open up to him. I was this close to telling him I was his mother.", "Paul: What stopped you?", "Nikki: Victor. I had gotten a little emotional, and Victor walked in and misunderstood the situation. He blamed Dylan for upsetting me, and then he tore into him about Avery and Nicholas.", "Paul: And I don't suppose you could get Victor to back off.", "Nikki: Oh, no. No. The moment was gone.", "Paul: I'm sorry about that. Talk about bad timing, huh?", "Nikki: Well, yes. Maybe. Or maybe it was the universe jumping in, just telling me to stop, because, obviously, I haven't thought this whole thing through properly. I-I could tell that by the way Victor reacted. I mean, what if I had told Dylan that I was his mother right before he got the news about Delia? That would have been too much for him.", "Paul: Well, I guess the good news is, if you do decide to tell Dylan at some point, you can choose your moment, whenever you're ready.", "Nikki: I don't know. The more I think about it... the more I'm not sure if I ever will be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Uh, sorry to interrupt. I was just taking a walk. Go ahead.", "Nick: No, it's -- it's cool. I got to get another mile in before I go home, anyway. Bye.", "Avery: So, are you upset with me about last night?", "Dylan: Uh, why would I be upset?", "Avery: Well, because I came by when you were closing, and then I made a dumb excuse, and I left right away.", "Dylan: Uh, you thought you were ready to talk, but you weren't. It's okay.", "Avery: Then why are you upset? Okay. You know what? It's none of my business.", "Dylan: No, it's totally your business. And there's no other lawyer I'd rather share this with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Why would you hesitate for even one second if this transplant can save our son's eyes?", "Chelsea: I just -- I -- I just wish we had a better option.", "Adam: And that's supposed to mean what?", "Chelsea: I told you. I want to do this the right way.", "Adam: Through proper channels?", "Chelsea: Yes!", "Adam: Well, we don't ha-- you want to -- you want to take a chance? You want to just wait and hope that maybe corneas come available at the right time? Our son is going blind, and I'm not taking that chance. I know about the pediatric ophthalmologists at this hospital, and I know about this guy. And I'm telling you, he's not some second-rate hatchet-job doctor that's gonna cut him up on a kitchen table.", "Chelsea: I'm not saying --", "Adam: Then what's the problem?", "Chelsea: The problem is this whole black-market organ thing! What kind of surgeon would agree to work with these people? [Sighs] I just -- I just think that Dr. Lintz should do the procedure. Don't you want that, too?", "Adam: He's probably not gonna want to deal with these corneas.", "Chelsea: Exactly! And why is that? Because it's illegal, Adam!", "Adam: But the guy that's doing it is not some hack! I've told you that! He's done dozens of procedures!", "Chelsea: Then why is he doing this kind of stuff?", "Adam: I assume it's for the money, but that doesn't change the point, okay? This guy is gonna be fine. I would not trust my son and his eyesight to some idiot doctor. Do you understand me? Look up his background. On the drive over to the hospital, to quell your fears, look that up. But I want you to ask yourself one question. In the end, our son can have a transplant to save his eyesight. Do you want that to happen or not?", "Chelsea: Of course I do.", "Adam: Then let's go get our son ready, and let's get the hell over to the hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You don't need to yell at her like that. Yell at me. I made the mistake.", "Victoria: Billy, its okay.", "Chloe: There's absolutely no way that we're gonna be able to have a relationship after what you did. [Crying] I want you out of my life. And you have no say in how I choose to bury my kid.", "Billy: She's my daughter.", "Chloe: Oh, well, you lost that right when you left her alone in the car.", "Victoria: Billy, she doesn't mean it, okay? She's just grieving. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. Where are you going?", "Billy: I'm gonna go take care of my little girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Okay. There may be a loophole we can exploit.", "Dylan: To do what?", "Avery: To allow you to be part of Connor's life, if that's what you want. Do you?", "Dylan: What's done is done. I could fight, but what good would that do anyone?", "Avery: Are you worried about Adam and his resources?", "Dylan: No. No, the only thing that matters is Connor. I mean, I don't want to bring more suffering into his life. It's bad enough he's losing his eyesight. He doesn't need two dads fighting over him.", "Avery: You're a good guy. You know that?", "Dylan: Yeah. Must be why...good things keep happening to me.", "Avery: [Sighing] Well... yeah, the last year has been a roller coaster for you, hasn't it?", "Dylan: It hasn't been much easier for you.", "Avery: Oh. Thanks for reminding me. You know, I wish I could turn the clock back. There's a lot I would do differently.", "Dylan: If -- if I recall, I was the one who suggested we push the reset button.", "Avery: You did.", "Dylan: Only now, I realize I wouldn't -- I wouldn't want to. I mean, if this year had never happened, I would have missed out on a lot of things. But mostly... I never would have known what it was like to be a dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I want to get to know Dylan a little bit better. The little I have spoken to him, I-I like him. I think he's a good person. But if I were to start insinuating myself and asking questions, I would know what's going through my mind, and I would shut that down pretty darn quick.", "Paul: You know, Nikki... if you really want to get to know your son, you'll figure out a way to make it happen.", "Nikki: Yeah, and then I'll blurt the whole thing out one day, and it'll all fall apart.", "Paul: Oh, you don't know that.", "Nikki: Well, based on our conversation last night, it's obvious he has no idea he's adopted. I would be the one telling him that the mother who raised him kept a lie her entire life. I would be the one telling him he has a whole other family he never knew existed!", "Paul: Okay, we have been all over this. You can paint any picture you want in your head.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Paul: But you'll never know the reality... until you decide to tell him the truth.", "Nikki: I just think it's too big of a risk. I think the best thing for everybody is to forget all about it and act like I never found out.", "Paul: Oh, and you think you can make that happen? I mean, Dylan lives right here in Genoa City. I don't think you're going to be able to avoid him. In fact, I think you're going to be drawn to him. You won't be able to help yourself.", "Nikki: [Sighing] Oh, God. I don't know what to do. Last night, I was so upset, especially with Victor's reaction, I-I-I-I couldn't even drive home. I-I just drove around, trying to clear my thoughts.", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Yeah, come in.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry. I should go.", "Paul: I will call you later, all right?", "Nikki: Yeah, all right. Uh, excuse me.", "Alex: Bye. Yeah.", "Paul: What do you got?", "Alex: We're running plates.", "Paul: Did you find the car?", "Alex: Maybe. A camera picked up an S.U.V. just a few miles from the crime scene. It was going in the right direction. The timeframe works, too.", "Paul: All right. Good work, Alex. So, before the morning's out, we could have our man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Have the corneas been delivered?", "Dr. March: I'm having them tested now. Be right back.", "Adam: So, you feel better now that you met the guy?", "Chelsea: Mm, you were right about Dr. March's credentials. I'm just kind of stunned that he can get away with using corneas from off the grid. [Sighs shakily]", "Adam: Well, I'm sure he doesn't make a habit of it. I wouldn't even think of doing this if I felt like it weren't safe for him.", "Chelsea: I know all that, Adam. I just --", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Chelsea: I think I was kind of thrown off guard before.", "Adam: My mom spent her entire life in darkness. I was blind for several months. I'm not gonna let that happen to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: I used your spare key. I hope you don't mind.", "Nick: Of course not. What's going on? Why are you here so early?", "Victoria: [Voice breaking] I have some news. And I just wanted to tell you in person. [Sobbing]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Did you not hear me earlier when I said that I didn't want you here?", "Billy: She's my kid, too. You do not get to dictate what I can and cannot do.", "Chloe: Hi. Um, you must be with the hospital. I think I spoke with you earlier. My name's Chloe Fisher.", "Mary: Mary Herndon. I am so very sorry for your loss.", "Chloe: Thank you. Um, uh, so, I-I understand that there are some forms that I need to sign.", "Mary: Yes. I know you decided against donation.", "Billy: I haven't decided against anything.", "Chloe: Well, you lost that right when you left your daughter in the car. Um... yeah, um... the corneas -- um... that's not gonna be happening. So, I-I just want to know when she's gonna be released.", "Mary: She'll be moved to the funeral home today.", "Billy: Don't do that. Don't you talk about my daughter like she's a piece of furniture. She's not a body to be moved or stored. She's our daughter. You hear that? She is our daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I know how much it meant to you to be a father. I'm sorry that was taken from you.", "Dylan: Well...what just happened to Billy Abbott kind of, you know, puts everything in perspective.", "Avery: Why? What happened to Billy?", "Dylan: His little girl with Chloe -- she was killed.", "Avery: Oh, my God. Delia? When?", "Dylan: Yeah. It was last night. It was a hit-and-run.", "Avery: I had no idea.", "Dylan: It's been all over the news. It's just crazy.", "Avery: I haven't -- I've been working, and with everything going on lately, I haven't -- oh, my God. That family, what they must be going through --", "Dylan: Exactly. Exactly. And as tough as it's been giving up Connor... uh, he's alive. He's giving joy to Chelsea, at least. Maybe we should change the subject.", "Avery: Oh, come on. Listen. Please, don't minimize what happened, okay? Yes, I had a miscarriage, and it was a devastating experience. But it does not compare to what Chloe and Billy are going through right now.", "Dylan: Yeah. Plenty of pain to go around, I guess. I just --", "Avery: I know. You're trying to protect me. I know.", "Dylan: It seems like so many people have lost so much. I just want to hold on tight to the people I care about.", "Avery: I know you do, but... it's like you said. We can't press a reset button. So much has happened. We're different people now.", "Dylan: Well, I'd like to get to know this woman better. Hi. I'm Dylan.", "Avery: [Chuckles] Hi. I'm Avery. [Laughs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: [Crying] And it just doesn't seem real.", "Nick: And it won't...", "Victoria: [Sniffles]", "Nick: ...For a long time.", "Victoria: [Breathing shakily] I'll never forget the last time I saw her. [Crying] It was right before she left for the play. [Sniffles] And she was so excited to wear her costume and to be the wicked witch. [Sobs] You should have heard her laugh. [Chuckles] She practiced the bath, at the breakfast table. She knew every line of her script... [Sniffles] ...Practically the day after she got it. [Chuckles] I was so disappointed that I missed the play. Billy and I decided that we were gonna throw a party for her. [Sniffles] I put up the balloons. I made her a poster. [Sighs] And then, like a stupid idiot, I asked Billy to stop for ice cream on the way home! If -- if -- if they hadn't have stopped on that road, if they would have just come straight home --", "Nick: Don't. Don't do that.", "Victoria: [Sighs, sniffles]", "Nick: Don't blame yourself. It's not gonna do anyone any good.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Tell that to Billy. He's -- [Sighs] He's beating himself up for leaving Dee Dee in the car. And I just ache for him. I'm just -- I'm searching... for what to say to him. [Sighs] And I want to fall apart, but I don't want to do that in front of Billy.", "Nick: That's understandable.", "Victoria: I'm supposed to be the strong one...and to comfort him. It's just that everything I say seems to make everything worse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mary: I'll expedite things so you can proceed with your plans.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Chloe: You know, you got a hell of a nerve, showing up here, trying to act like a dad. I hate that your signature is on anything having to do with my daughter.", "Billy: Chloe, you can hate me all you want. But I am done arguing with you. You're not shutting me out of this. So whatever arrangements need to be made, you and I -- we're gonna make them together.", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] Really? So, would you like to suggest... how I should plan to bury my beautiful little girl?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. March: [Sighs] The corneas aren't viable. I'm afraid we can't proceed with surgery.", "Chelsea: No.", "Adam: They're not viable?", "Dr. March: They were preserved too long. I wouldn't recommend using them. I'm sorry.", "Adam: No, no. Hey. I paid a lot of money for the promise that my son would get what he needs.", "Chelsea: Adam, it is not his fault. Dr. March is not to blame for this. [Crying]", "Adam: So if this guy's not to blame, then who is -- the dealer?", "Chelsea: Going after the dealer is not gonna help Connor, Adam.", "Adam: So tell me what will help him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: And here we are.", "Dylan: Thanks -- uh, thanks for the help.", "Avery: Oh, if there's anything else I can do --", "Dylan: You've already helped plenty.", "Avery: Well, Leslie is gonna be wondering where I am, so I will talk to you soon.", "Dylan: Take care.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Nikki: Morning.", "Dylan: Uh, good morning. What can I get you?", "Nikki: Um, hot tea, please.", "Dylan: Uh, you like the... herbal.", "Nikki: Good memory.", "Dylan: Right. Well, I'm just surprised to see you again so soon. The tea here can't be that good, can it?", "Nikki: No. I-I-I mean yes. I mean -- I mean, uh, th-that's not why I'm here. I need to talk to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Billy's so overwhelmed. He just keeps leaving.", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Victoria: He took off from the hospital after Dee Dee. Jack's the one who found him. Then he went for another long walk after that. And then this morning, after Chloe came by in a rage, he just took off again, and he's not responding to any of my phone calls or my texts or anything!", "Nick: I'm sorry this is so hard for you.", "Victoria: It's just that I-I'm scared for him, you know? I'm scared. He's isolating himself, and I can feel him pulling away. And last night, he just -- he couldn't even bear to be around his son. And Chloe was just so hostile and resentful towards both of us, because we have another child.", "Nick: Well, I mean, it's understandable that -- that she's not thinking clearly right now, but that's obviously not the right thing to do.", "Victoria: Yeah. [Sighs] It's understandable. But, in a way, she's right. Billy has Johnny... just like you had Noah after Cassie died.", "Nick: I never saw it that way. I mean, that didn't help at all... with the pain, when I lost Cassie.", "Victoria: I just wish that Billy would hold Johnny... and just see how much he needs him.", "Nick: I-it won't help. It won't.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Nick: Look, Delia has not been gone for 24 hours. Billy's in shock. And there's no magic cure-all for this. I promise you that. It's like -- do you remember when we thought Dad died... and that ache we felt? And it didn't go away until he came back to us. This is so much worse.", "Victoria: Yeah, because Dee Dee had her whole life in front of her... because she's not coming back. [Sniffles]", "Nick: Billy's child just passed away, and as a parent, there is nothing in the world worse... to go through. Uh, Billy's gonna have to find a way to deal with this... in his own time, in his own way. And as much as you love him and want to help him... Vick, the only thing that you can do for Billy is to just love him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Damn it. Would you just stop?", "Chloe: No, I'm not doing this, Billy!", "Billy: And I'm not yelling at you down the hall.", "Chloe: These are the rules. You don't call me. You don't text me. You don't interfere with the funeral arrangements, okay? I don't want to hear from you about anything.", "Billy: I'm not done talking about this. We're not done talking.", "Chelsea: [Sniffles]", "Chloe: Hi, Chelsea. What are you doing here?", "Chelsea: Um, uh, um, a-a doctor's appointment. You?", "Billy: Paperwork.", "Chelsea: Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I-I won't keep you guys.", "Chloe: No, we're done.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Chloe: You were crying. What's going on?", "Chelsea: No. Nothing. [Sniffles]", "Chloe: Chelsea.", "Chelsea: I-I don't want to burden you, Chloe.", "Chloe: Is it Connor?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you for listening.", "Nick: That's what I'm here for. Come here.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Do you have any advice to help Billy?", "Nick: His world has changed. People are gonna treat him differently. You don't do that, all right? You be yourself. You be this beautiful, amazing woman that he loves so much. And if you ever doubt what you're doing, then just trust your instincts. You and Billy are strong. Have faith in that. Hang on to what you have with everything you've got. You hang on to it for both of you. And if you do that... even in the darkest days... Billy will know that you're there for him. And he will be grateful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I just wanted to thank you for being so understanding last night. My husband was completely out of line. I apologize.", "Dylan: He's just, uh, protective of his family. I understand that. My own mom and dad would have done anything to protect me, even as an adult. [Laughs] I can actually imagine my father doing the same, exact thing victor did last night. Anyway, uh, I have to get an order ready for one of my vendors.", "Nikki: Sure. Uh, w-what do I owe you for the tea?", "Dylan: Oh, no, no. It's on the house. Excuse me, will you?", "Nikki: Sure. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Avery: [Sighs] Avery Bailey Clark.", "Nikki: Hi. It's Nikki Newman. I need to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Hey.", "Paul: Hey.", "Alex: We got it.", "Paul: [Sighs] You find a suspect? You get a hit on those plates?", "Alex: Yeah. You might want to sit down for this. The black S.U.V. from last night is registered to Nikki Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You know I don't do this. My mom went to church every Sunday... prayed every night before she went to sleep. But I never really saw the point in that. In the end, we're responsible for our own lives... what happens in our lives. And yet, here I am... talking to... thin air. I'm a terrible person. I've done terrible things. But what happened last night... so punish me. You hear that? Give me everything you got -- the worst possible... punishment, and do it 100 times over. But, please... please, do not punish my little boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Did something happen with the baby? Is something going on?", "Chelsea: We'll just talk another time.", "Chloe: Chelsea. You're my best friend. Just tell me what's going on.", "Billy: You know she's not gonna back off.", "Chelsea: It turns out...Connor's eye disorder -- it's different than we thought. If left untreated, he'll go blind.", "Billy: What's the treatment?", "Chelsea: He needs a cornea transplant.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: My sweet, little Delia. I can't bear this.", "Billy: Yeah, well, you won't be able to bear the fact that this is my fault.", "Sharon: If you're drawn to Avery, you cannot give up.", "Avery: Nick isn't already in your will?", "Nikki: Not Nicholas. Um, my other son, Dylan McAvoy." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "In the courtroom, everyone asks Victor why he wanted Adam to leave town before the trial. Adam walks into the courtroom. At the Coffeehouse, Lily and Dylan discuss the charges against Cane and whether or not he is guilty. Adam's trial begins with Christine making her opening remarks which implicate Adam in the hit and run death of Delia. Michael also makes his opening statement which defends Adam and his actions. Christine calls Chelsea to the stand. Cane, at first, thinks that Colin may have set him up for this, but then he insists he wasn't the one who set him up for having the ransom money in his duffel bag. Lily defends Cane to Dylan but then reconsiders and knows the evidence points to Cane. Dr. Anderson gives Sharon her meds. Patty manages to get away from the orderly and confronts Dr. Anderson about locking her up to keep her away from Sharon. Sharon looks at herself in the mirror and imagines being pregnant. Christine questions Chelsea about her connection to Adam and what happened the night that he hit Delia. Michael has his turn at questioning Chelsea and makes it look as though Adam was in turmoil after the events of the day which made him be preoccupied and caused him to hit Delia.", "Michael asks Chelsea if she still loves Adam. Chelsea looks at Adam but doesn't say anything. She testifies that Adam is a good person and father to Connor. She admits she still loves him. Colin cannot believe that Lily doubts Cane's innocence. Colin suggests that Cane talk to Lily. Dr. Anderson visits Dylan to let him know why Sharon will not see him. Patty sneaks in to see Sharon which results in her pushing Patty away and her hitting the wall and landing on the floor. Sharon puts her hands over her mouth. Colin sees Lily walk into the Athletic Club and tells Cane to talk to her. Lily and Cane talk. Cane apologizes for his earlier outburst. Lily announces she has something to say to him. Adam testifies in his own behalf despite Michael's warning. Adam admits to hitting Delia with his car then apologizes to Chelsea and Billy for what he did.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Thank you. It's time.", "Phyllis: Ashley.", "Ashley: Hey.", "Phyllis: Are you going where I think you're going?", "Ashley: Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I was just wondering, who are you gonna be sitting beside, jack -- your brother or that scum that killed your niece?", "Phyllis: I sense some hostility. Did you pick up on that?", "Jack: Subtle, isn't she? Listen, I am going to be there for Billy, but Adam deserves his day in court.", "Phyllis: Well, as long as he gets convicted and Billy finally gets some justice for Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I knew it. Adam's on the run.", "Victor: You don't know anything.", "Billy: I'm sure he's on one of your cushy private jets, getting the hell out of dodge.", "Chelsea: Well, that's what he wanted Adam to believe, but Victor had no intention of really helping him. This was just a trap to get Adam in deeper.", "Victor: Excuse me. Where do you get this from?", "Chelsea: From Adam. Victor offered to help him jump bail. He encouraged him.", "Christine: Victor, if this is true --", "Victor: Why would I post bail and have him run?", "Billy: I knew it. That bastard is going to get away yet again.", "Christine: No, not if I can help it. I'm gonna go take care of this.", "Paul: Me, too.", "Michael: Is the bailiff here yet? We've got to set some ropes up out there. The press are animals. What's going on?", "Paul: That's what we'd like to know.", "Billy: Where the hell is Adam?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Anderson: Well, I think we accomplished a lot today. Do you agree?", "Sharon: Mm, I guess. I'm just so tired.", "Dr. Anderson: Really? Well, you'd never know it to look at you. You're positively glowing.", "Sharon: Really?", "Dr. Anderson: And you're starting to show. It won't be long now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I just want the nursery furniture delivered before my fiancée gets home. I don't know when that date is. Can you just deliver it as soon as possible, please? Thank you.", "Lily: Damn it, Dylan. I trusted you, and you made Cane seem like a criminal.", "Dylan: Wait. Lily, it was the evidence. It wasn't -- wasn't me.", "Lily: You didn't have to turn in that bag of cash. I came to you, asking for help, and instead, you go straight to the police.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Well, you look like hell.", "Cane: [Chuckles] Well, a night in jail, dad, will do that. But, then again, you know all about that, don't you?", "Colin: I heard you got yourself into a spot of trouble -- something about taking ransom money from Devon?", "Cane: Well, I didn't do it. And unless I can find someone who actually believes me, I'm gonna spend a lot more nights in jail, so...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: To the best of my knowledge, Adam is on his way.", "Billy: Right -- on his way out of the country.", "Michael: What are you talking about?", "Nikki: Is Adam with you?", "Michael: No.", "Paul: All right. I'll issue an APB.", "Christine: Good idea.", "Michael: Why?", "Christine: So your client won't disappear.", "Michael: Disappear?! What's got you all in such an uproar? Look, the court doesn't convene for 12 minutes. Adam's not even late yet.", "Billy: Michael, he's the defendant. He should be here.", "Paul: According to Chelsea, he could be in another state right now. I'll make that call.", "Michael: Oh. Will someone please tell me what's going on?", "Chelsea: Victor tried to convince Adam to jump bail.", "Michael: What?", "Christine: Victor, if Adam skips out on this trial and there is a shred of evidence that you were behind it...", "Victor: For your information, I stand to lose $10 million if he doesn't show. In case you haven't heard, my empire's crumbling. I don't have that kind of money to throw around.", "Billy: Oh, please. You have that much cash shoved under the mattress in Segundo's dog house.", "Victor: You are ridiculous.", "Chelsea: Stop lying. You were on a mission to make things as bad as possible for Adam. Can't you must admit that?", "Victoria: I'm not surprised Adam ran.", "Billy: Neither am I. The man is a coward.", "Michael: Well, the man is here.", "Judge DeSantos: Has the state prepared opening remarks?", "Christine: I have, your honor. A little girl is dead. Yeah. Cordelia Abbott was a bright, funny, vivacious 7-year-old who had just starred in her school play the night she was struck by a vehicle driven by this man, Adam Newman, the defendant in the case -- the same man who left Delia to die by the side of the road. Now, the defense will try and convince you that he is a loving husband and father, that he is a good and decent human being. There are many people here that would argue that point. However, for you, the jury, it only matters that you're interested in the facts that are relevant to the charges in this case, and the one fact that I want you to bear in mind when you listen to the testimony -- the single most important fact that you must never forget -- is that a little girl is dead. And there is evidence to prove that this man was responsible, that he struck her with his car on that October night two years ago. Still, once he realized what he had done, he didn't come forward. Instead, he went to extraordinary lengths to cover up his crimes because he knew he had so much to gain by doing so and so much to lose by turning himself in to the authorities. However, as we will see... the truth always has a way of coming out.", "Judge DeSantos: Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: [Sighs softly] No one denies that a terrible tragedy occurred. No one denies that the family's heartbreak is profound. To be honest, the community's heartbreak is profound. But the defense will prove that the events on the night in question were in no way planned, were in no way malicious. Instead... they were the result of an accident -- one my client wasn't even aware of at the time it occurred. He didn't know. He did not know.", "Judge DeSantos: Ms. Williams, you may call your first witness.", "Christine: The state calls Chelsea Lawson Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: I know you're concerned about Hilary, but still... I don't think you'd soak your brother-in-law for ransom.", "Cane: Oh, because that's more your style, isn't it?", "Colin: I'm not into framing my own son!", "Cane: Yeah, because you want to save all your extortion plots and your blackmailing for people who aren't --", "Colin: Cane!", "Cane: I know you didn't set me up, Dad. But someone did. And the police don't know who it is, and, worse than that, Lily thinks I'm guilty 'cause she thinks that I'm just a chip off the old block.", "Colin: [Sighs softly]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: If Cane is innocent, it shouldn't be that hard for him to prove it.", "Lily: Are you kidding me? Innocent people go to prison all the time, and I know that my husband is innocent.", "Dylan: Okay. Then why'd you come to me?", "Lily: Because I was scared. But I was wrong. The man that I married would never do that to my brother, he wouldn't do it to me, and he certainly would not do it to our kids.", "Dylan: I understand that you're upset, but if you look at the evidence objectively, what does it tell you?", "Lily: I know. I get it. I get that it looks bad for Cane. Between the millions of dollars missing from Fenmore's and the ransom money I found --", "Dylan: There's a lot of evidence against him. Desperate people do desperate things -- even the people we love the most and feel we know the best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Anderson: Time for your medication. I'll see you later. You get some rest.", "Sharon: Okay. Thank you.", "Patty: Dr. Anderson?!", "Dr. Anderson: I-I got this.", "Patty: You have to help me. Please don't lock me in my room anymore. I can't stand being alone.", "Dr. Anderson: And what did you do with your freedom, Patty? Did you use it wisely, or did you interfere with another patient's treatment? You can't be running around here, dispensing medical advice and alarming patients' loved ones.", "Patty: Okay. Don't worry. I've learned my lesson. I-I'll focus on my own treatment, like you suggested, and I-I won't go near Sharon again. I promise. You're an excellent doctor, and as long as you're treating her, I know she's gonna be just fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Ms. Newman, what is your relationship with the defendant?", "Chelsea: Adam is my husband.", "Christine: The two of you were married and divorced prior to reconciling, correct?", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Christine: And was he your legal husband on October 11, 2013?", "Chelsea: No, but we were living together.", "Christine: On that particular night, do you recall seeing Adam after 8:00 P.M., Which was the approximate time that Delia was found by her father, William Abbott, struck fatally, by the side of the road?", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Christine: And what were the circumstances?", "Chelsea: Adam returned home from a doctor's appointment we had attended earlier that evening.", "Christine: Can you describe for the jury his demeanor that night?", "Michael: Objection. The DA is asking for an opinion.", "Christine: What did he say? How did he behave? Did you notice anything unusual?", "Chelsea: He was very upset about --", "Michael: All right, objection! The witness continues to offer her opinion as to the defendant's state of mind.", "Christine: I'll tell you what, judge -- I will withdraw it. In the months following Delia's death, did Adam ever come to you and say that he was the driver that struck Delia that night?", "Chelsea: Uh, no. He -- he never told me about the accident.", "Christine: And on what date did you and Adam get married for the second time?", "Chelsea: January 23, 2014.", "Christine: So, you weren't married when the crime occurred?", "Michael: Objection!", "Christine: The alleged crime.", "Chelsea: Um, no.", "Christine: Therefore, spousal privilege -- that is, the right of a wife not to feel compelled to testify against her husband -- doesn't apply in this case.", "Chelsea: Are you asking me or telling me?", "Judge DeSantos: You've made your point, Ms. Williams.", "Christine: After you and Adam were married for the second time, were you planning on living in Genoa city?", "Chelsea: Uh, no.", "Christine: Where were you planning on living?", "Chelsea: Paris, France.", "Christine: And when were you planning on moving there?", "Chelsea: Right away.", "Christine: Immediately after the wedding?", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Christine: And did Adam show you a video where he finally did discuss Delia's death?", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Christine: When did he give you that video?", "Chelsea: Uh, it was the same night Adam and Billy got in the car crash.", "Christine: After the two of you were remarried, after the ceremony, correct -- when any personal discussion between the two of you would be subject to spousal privilege, right?", "Chelsea: Adam left me the video after the wedding, yes, but I-I don't believe there's any way he felt --", "Christine: But did he confess on that video that he was responsible for killing Delia?", "Michael: Objection! Your honor, the DA has already stated that the video is privileged spousal communication. She can't have it both ways.", "Christine: Your honor, the witness turned over the video of her own free will, waiving her spousal privilege, which she is doing right now by testifying.", "Judge DeSantos: Objection overruled.", "Christine: Okay. At this time, we would like to offer state's exhibit \"A\" as evidence. The video is on a thumb drive. Are we ready to show it to the jury?", "Bailiff: Yes.", "Christine: Okay. However, first, I would like an answer to my question. Did Adam confess on that video that he was the one responsible for Delia's death?", "Chelsea: He planned to turn himself --", "Christine: It is a yes-or-no question.", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Christine: He confessed?", "Chelsea: Yes. He confessed.", "Michael: On the night of Delia's accident, you mentioned that you and Adam had a doctor's appointment.", "Chelsea: Correct, with a pediatric eye specialist for our son, Connor. He was just a baby then.", "Michael: Please tell the jury what was at stake for your family.", "Chelsea: The doctors told Adam and me that... that Connor was probably going to go blind.", "Michael: Permanently?", "Chelsea: Yes. Adam's mother was blind her whole life, and Adam himself had suffered severe eye problems. So...the thought of our sweet little boy living in darkness...", "Michael: How'd that make you feel?", "Chelsea: I was crushed. And Adam was very distraught. It broke my heart to see him like that. I-I could tell he wasn't thinking clearly.", "Christine: Your honor, the witness was warned.", "Michael: What made you believe... from what you saw and heard that Adam wasn't thinking clearly?", "Chelsea: When he came home, he was completely absorbed in our son. He didn't know what happened. He didn't even know Delia had been hit.", "Christine: Judge, please.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, your honor. It's just... despite what people think, Adam is a deeply sensitive man. He adores children, and he was so devastated by Connor's diagnosis, I just... I can't imagine -- there's no way he knew about Delia and was able to keep that inside. I just don't think he would be able to bear that.", "Judge DeSantos: Counsel?", "Michael: I only have one further question, your honor. Do you still love the defendant?", "Chelsea: Do I still love Adam?", "Christine: Objection. Irrelevant.", "Michael: Opposing counsel is trying to paint a very one-sided portrait of my client. I would like to create a more multidimensional picture. Ms. Newman can speak to Adam's character in ways few others can.", "Billy: His character, as if he had any.", "Judge DeSantos: Order! I'll allow Mr. Baldwin's question.", "Michael: What did you love about your husband?", "Chelsea: Adam is a very complicated man, but at his core, he's a really good person. A few years ago, I was pregnant with Billy's child, and I fell through some ice into a frozen lake, and Adam risked his life to save me. And then he -- he delivered my baby in a deserted cabin. He just did the same for his sister-in-law, sage Newman.", "Michael: Under very perilous circumstances.", "Chelsea: Yeah. The baby wasn't breathing, and Adam did CPR and saved his life. Adam values one thing above all else, and that is being an amazing father to our son. He didn't experience a lot of bonding growing up, so... but Adam's more than just a good father. He's strong and... vulnerable and... warm and tender, and he has an enormous capacity to love.", "Michael: So, if I were to ask you again....", "Chelsea: Yes. Yes, I still love him.", "Michael: No further questions, your honor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: I believe you're innocent. However, that and 5 bucks will get you a good cup of coffee. Still, I find it difficult to believe that Lily thinks that you're an extortionist.", "Cane: Yeah. Well, you should have seen the doubt in her eyes.", "Colin: You sure that's what it was? You sure you weren't looking at your own fear reflected in her face? I think you've got to sit down and start to talk to your wife, and let's get away from the mind-reading.", "Cane: I don't want to sit down and start talking to my wife, dad, about this.", "Colin: You know one of the big problems in modern-day marriages?", "Cane: What's that?", "Colin: Lack of communication. Now, I think it's time you sat down and talked to Lily.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Paul had no choice but to arrest Cane. They found the ransom money in Cane's gym bag, and he didn't want to talk about it. But there is hope, okay? It was just an arrest. It wasn't a conviction.", "Lily: What if Cane can't prove that he's innocent? And what if it's not as easy as you make it sound?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Dr. Anderson. I'm surprised to see you, especially since I've been barred from visiting Sharon.", "Dr. Anderson: I thought I owed you a personal explanation.", "Dylan: I'm listening.", "Dr. Anderson: Dylan, I'd like you to see this as a positive step. Sharon is making tremendous progress, and to avoid any setbacks, she wants to focus on her treatment and avoid any distractions. As you can see, she's signed the paperwork. It was strictly her decision.", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. Sharon said the same thing. But why, all of a sudden, does she feel like her fiancé is a distraction? We're having a baby. Why would she cut me out of an experience that we should be sharing together?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: \"'Little nightingale,' cried the girl, raising her voice, 'our most gracious emperor wishes you to sing before him.' 'With the greatest pleasure,' said the nightingale, and began to sing most delightfully.\"", "Patty: Hi. I just wanted to come by and see how you're doing.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, I'm -- I'm reading to my baby. You know, it's never too soon to start communicating with your baby.", "Patty: So, you're doing okay, then?", "Sharon: This new medication Dr. Anderson put me on is really helping me and the baby. Look. I'm starting to show!", "Patty: Uh, yeah. Sharon, um... you don't look like you're showing. And, in fact, you don't look pregnant at all.", "Dr. Anderson: Sharon is making wonderful progress.", "Dylan: Yeah, you keep saying that. But last time I saw her, she was exhausted and confused, and now she's isolating herself. How is this good?", "Dr. Anderson: I'm sure by now you've dealt with your fiancée's extreme mood swings. They're a hallmark of her condition. We are trying to restore the balance that Sharon upset when she went off her meds without supervision.", "Dylan: Yeah, I know. If would have only known --", "Dr. Anderson: Look, Dylan, Dylan, no one is blaming you, truly, and I know how rough the separation has been on you. But if you want to help Sharon, the thing you have to do is be patient. I'm confident that in time, things will work out exactly as they should.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, I carry well. But I'm definitely showing. I mean, look! I'm gonna have to get my maternity clothes out of storage soon.", "Patty: Well, maybe Dylan or Paulie could bring some outfits when they come to visit.", "Sharon: No, that won't work. I'll have to find another way. I signed a paper saying that I can have no visitors.", "Patty: Is it because you're uncomfortable?", "Sharon: What do you mean?", "Patty: You know, with the symptoms -- your back aching or, uh, your ankles swelling. Has the baby moved yet or kicking?", "Sharon: Well, you know, every pregnancy's different.", "Patty: Maybe there's another explanation. Maybe dr. Anderson misread the tests or mixed things up.", "Sharon: What are you implying -- that there's something wrong with my baby?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: I think you've got to sit down and convince your wife that you're the same man that she married -- a man who's nothing like me. Now...that can't be too difficult, can it? [Chuckles]", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi. Listen, about --", "Cane: Look --", "[Both chuckle]", "Cane: Got here first.", "Lily: Sure.", "Cane: I, um -- I'm an idiot. You came down and you bailed me out, and then I threw Joe in your face and then I stormed out like some child, and I'm sorry.", "Lily: I understand. You were upset.", "Cane: Look, being in jail was hard enough, but just having you think that I was guilty was just too much, and I --", "Lily: No, I didn't -- no. I didn't think that you were guilty. I just was trying to find an answer that made sense.", "Cane: Well, in that case, I owe you an apology. I jumped to a conclusion. What I should have done -- I should have sat down with you, and we should have just... talked.", "Lily: Thank you for saying that. And, yeah, I think we should talk, because there's something I want to say to you right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Are you doing okay?", "Billy: It was hard watching Chelsea sit there and sanctify Adam like that.", "Ashley: The jury's gonna see through it, Billy, especially after all the evidence is heard.", "Jack: Well, I'm sure that wasn't easy.", "Billy: Just like it's not going to be easy watching your good buddy Adam go to prison for a long, long time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So, Victor, is it true? Were you going to help Adam skip out on his trial?", "Victor: He is destroying what I spent a lifetime building. Why would I want to protect him?", "Nikki: Because he's your son. Despite everything else, that's important to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Hey, Esther. Do you know if Kevin's gonna make it?", "Esther: Uh, no. Kevin chose to stay away. He's gonna try to catch up with Chloe later because he knows what a difficult day this will be for her. But it would have been a thousand times worse if she'd been here to see you testify -- her best friend, singing the praises of that monster that took Delia from us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: No. Forget it. I won't allow it.", "Adam: It's not your choice, Michael.", "Michael: Oh, the hell it is. I'm your attorney.", "Adam: Listen, you either do this for me or you're fired, okay? I got to do what I got to do.", "Michael: You listen to me, Adam. You pull a stunt like this right now, it's suicide.", "Adam: Well, you're forgetting, I was ready to represent myself. So do this for me.", "Bailiff: All rise!", "Judge DeSantos: Be seated. Ms. Williams, call your next witness.", "Michael: May I approach, your honor?", "Judge DeSantos: Make it quick. What is it, Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: My client would like to waive his 5th amendment right against self- incrimination.", "Judge DeSantos: Fine. As soon as the state rests --", "Michael: He'd like to testify now, judge, so the jury can hear the truth as soon as possible.", "Christine: His version of the truth.", "Michael: He'll be under oath, Christine.", "Judge DeSantos: Are you angling for a mistrial?", "Michael: [Chuckles] No, not at all. I have advised my client in the strongest possible terms not to do this, but... his mind is made up.", "Judge DeSantos: Up to you, Ms. Williams.", "Christine: He wants to testify? Christmas in October? I have no objection.", "Judge DeSantos: This is highly irregular, but if your client is sure...", "Michael: He's sure.", "Christine: In that case, the state calls Adam Newman to the stand.", "Adam: My name is Victor Adam Newman, but I go by \"Adam.\"", "Christine: We'll get back to your identity in a moment. Where do you reside?", "Adam: I've been living with my wife, Chelsea Newman.", "Christine: Here in Genoa City?", "Adam: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Say, how's it going?", "Jill: Adam's about to put the last nail in his own coffin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Did you hit Delia with your car the night she died?", "Adam: Yes.", "Christine: Did you call the police after the incident?", "Adam: No.", "Christine: Did you call an ambulance? Did you summon any medical help for the child?", "Adam: No, I did not.", "Christine: Did you, in fact, destroy evidence that might link you to the incident?", "Adam: Yes, I did.", "Christine: And what evidence did you destroy?", "Adam: I had a... cracked turn signal that I had repaired, and I found a scarf in my wheel well.", "Christine: A scarf that you later found out was the one she wore in the school play, a scarf that her mother had given her, correct?", "Adam: That's correct, yes.", "Christine: And how did you dispose of it?", "Adam: How did I dispose -- I, uh -- I burned the scarf.", "Christine: Did you then return to Genoa City a year later, sporting a new face, going by the name of Gabriel Bingham, all in the attempt to fly under the radar of the authorities who were already presuming you were dead?", "Michael: Objection! Your honor, the DA is attempting to try my client for crimes he's not accused of.", "Christine: I'm establishing a pattern of evasion.", "Judge DeSantos: Sustained. Please stick to the details of this case.", "Christine: Yes, Judge. Were you solely responsible for the death of Delia Abbott?", "Adam: Yes. Ash.", "[Crowd murmuring]", "Judge DeSantos: Right. Order. Order!", "Christine: Your witness.", "Michael: How were you feeling... after returning from Connor's eye doctor?", "Adam: Um... everything my wife said is true. I was, um -- I was very upset.", "Michael: So, as you drove yourself home that night, were you distracted?", "Adam: I was preoccupied -- not so much that I didn't know what I was doing.", "Michael: Well, how would you describe that stretch of road where Delia was hit?", "Adam: I would say, uh, it was a curvy, windy road, wooded area, not a lot of traffic through there, not a lot of homes or businesses.", "Michael: Street lamps?", "Adam: No. No, it was pretty dark, actually.", "Michael: So, as you drove through this dark and secluded area... did anything happen out of the ordinary?", "Adam: Yeah. Uh, yeah. At one point, there was a-a shadow that darted across the front of my car. I-I assumed it was an animal.", "Michael: What did you do?", "Adam: I s-- uh, I swerved to avoid And I pulled over on the side of the road, and, um -- on the shoulder -- put the car in \"park,\" and I got out and I-I looked in back of my car. I could see the -- the dog that I -- that I mentioned to you.", "Michael: Oh. It wasn't a hit-and-run after all.", "Christine: Objection!", "Michael: He stopped the vehicle, he got out, he made sure he hadn't hit anything, and he did it all before he left the scene.", "Adam: Yeah, but I stood stationary there by the driver's-side door. I-I-I-I should have walked around the car, you know? I-I... it would have changed everything. I could have called for help. But I -- you know, I saw the dog was okay, and I just assumed -- I-I-I got in my car, and I-I left.", "Michael: So, as you drove off, you had no idea?", "Adam: No, I had no idea. I-I didn't know Delia had been struck until later that night, and then when I did find out that she had been hit, I couldn't believe that I was responsible.", "Michael: Well, why didn't you come forward right away, after you realized what had happened?", "Adam: Well, I should have... come forward right away. I should have, and I...tried to many, many times, but... you know, the truth is me coming forward wasn't gonna bring that little girl back, and the truth, as horrible as this sounds -- the truth... is I had too much to lose. I finally had the life that I had always dreamed of having. I had my wonderful wife. I had my -- I had my perfect son, who gave me everything... made me want to be a better man, and I just -- I felt like if I came forward and I told everyone my story, no one would believe that it was an accident, and then the longer I waited, the more impossible it became, the more sinister I knew I would look... and the more certain I was that I would lose my son.", "Billy: Connor would still be alive!", "Judge DeSantos: Order!", "Billy: I lost my little girl!", "Judge DeSantos: Order!", "Billy: How dare you sit there and talk about what you stood to lose?!", "Judge DeSantos: [Bangs gavel] Order! That's enough! Now, one more outburst from you, Mr. Abbott, and you'll be removed!", "Billy: [Sighs] [Crying]", "Michael: So... Adam... you didn't come forward out of fear of losing your son.", "Adam: I love him. And I would do anything for him. And I would do anything to keep him, and yet it appears... that I've lost him anyway.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I should have come straight to you instead of running to Dylan. But in my panic, I thought he was gonna help, and instead, the opposite happened. Now the police are looking at you like you're some sort of criminal.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Looks like all my good deeds to help Devon have backfired. And then you throw in my gym bag full of that cash, and I look guilty as hell. And the cops don't want to lift a finger to help prove I've been framed, so I just don't know --", "Lily: No, no, no, no. I will. We are gonna figure out together who's doing this to you.", "Cane: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Thank you for stopping by. I know you're doing what you can for Sharon. I know that you stopped by to see Nick's new baby to reassure Sharon that he's doing okay.", "Dr. Anderson: I just want to do all I can to get the right result for my patient.", "Dylan: Dr. Anderson... tell Sharon I love her, please.", "Dr. Anderson: I'll be sure to give her that message.", "Dr. Anderson: Hi. This is Dr. Anderson. I'd like to check on a patient -- Sage Newman. Oh, she's been released? Excellent. And the baby -- how's he doing?", "Sharon: You listen to me, Patty. There is nothing wrong with my baby.", "Patty: All I'm saying is you might want to question the drug regimen that Dr. Anderson put you on.", "Sharon: I trust her. She knows what she's doing.", "Patty: Sharon, I have been around a lot of psychiatrists, and there are good ones and bad ones, and, frankly, this one scares me. I've got a really, really bad feeling about her.", "Sharon: You don't even know what you're talking about.", "Patty: You don't think there's something a little off with her?", "Sharon: Shut up.", "Patty: No!", "Sharon: Yes. Shut up. In fact, I want you out of here.", "Patty: No. No. No! I want you to listen to me right now. Aaah!", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: One last question, Adam. Do you regret what happened?", "Adam: I regret every single thing I've ever done... since that car swerved. And if I could go back and redo the whole thing, I would. I would -- I would have come forward right away, and I would have confessed. I would do whatever I could do to spare Delia's family one more ounce of pain. And I-I realize that in my need to hold on to my son, I wasn't being a man that he could look up to. I am... I'm ashamed, and I am full of sorrow and remorse for all the pain that I caused everyone in this room. And I am sorry for the life that I took. It was my fault. I'm sorry, Chelsea. And, Billy... I am so sorry.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Noah: I need you to help me find Marisa's daughter.", "Adam: I killed that little girl, and now it's time for me to pay.", "Chelsea: Oh, my God. Connor? Connor!", "Billy: Connor?!", "Chelsea: Oh, my God." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victor is in his office at Newman Enterprises watching the news broadcast in which Hilary is telling the whole world about Newman Enterprises' unlawful business practices. Natalie walks in and tells him that this is not good. Jack is in his office at Jabot also watching the news broadcast about Victor. At GC Buzz, Devon confronts Hilary about her news broadcast about Victor and Newman Enterprises. At the Athletic Club dining room, Abby tells Ashley that her marriage to Ben is over. Mariah is with Nick at the hospital while Ben examines him and pronounces that he is able to go home. Dylan talks to Sharon by webcam and tells her that he knows all about what is going on about Patty possibly being outside her house. Mariah and Nick discuss the fact that Sully and Christian's birthdays are so close together. Ben interrupts them and tells Nick that he is able to go home. Abby and Ashley discuss Abby's problems with Ben. Abby doesn't really know what love is. Devon reprimands Hilary for her news segment about Victor. Phyllis feels that this is enough to bring Victor down, but Jack thinks it is only just beginning. Victor arrives at GC Buzz to tell his side of the story to Hilary and the rest of the crew.", "Ashley interrupts Jack and Phyllis. Jack tells Ashley that he is indeed the one who gave it to Victor with both barrels. Ashley warns Jack about what he is doing. Ashley also reminds him that Phyllis was trying to destroy the flash drive when Billy stopped her. Victor insists to Hilary that someone set him up. He takes off the microphone and leaves the set. Abby and Ben meet in the park where she tells him that their marriage is over. Nick arrives home to Sharon's but Mariah cannot get him out of the room fast enough so she can tell Sharon what Nick has been talking about. Sharon decides that Nick is getting too close to the children and he needs to leave. Phyllis watches from a safe distance when Victor arrives at Jabot to have it out with Jack. Jack invites Phyllis to join them in his office. Jack gives Victor an address of a very good PR firm who can help him in his problems. Victor accuses Jack of setting him up. As a result of talking to Sharon, Nick packs his things to leave. Summer texts Phyllis to talk to her in her office, but when Phyllis gets there, she finds out that it was Victor who had texted her.", "" ]
[ "Hilary: Welcome to \"GC Buzz TV.\" I'm your host, Hilary Curtis. And today, an exclusive on Newman Enterprises and its founder and chairman, Victor Newman.", "[Knock on door]", "Hilary: Now...", "Natalie: Sorry to --", "Hilary: ...Some information...", "Natalie: Oh. It's on.", "Hilary: ...As well as its overall financial picture have been willfully misrepresented. And these explosive details are outlined in none other than -- wait for it -- Newman internal memos, proving that Victor Newman not only deceived all of its...", "Jack: Grab a seat. Enjoy the show. After all, you did help get it on the air.", "Hilary: Okay, I want you to monitor all online outlets for reactions to the story. Every tweet, every comment -- I want to hear about it. Understood? Yes.", "Hilary: ...Affect the lives of thousands of employees, clients, and suppliers all around...", "Devon: Honey, did you think you could sneak this on air without me knowing, or did you just not care?", "Hilary: ...Had no idea what was going on behind the scenes.", "Natalie: Wow. So, this is not good. Is my first day going to involve fielding questions from the IRS and the FBI? Because that definitely wasn't in the job description. And you know how I feel about cops. And you are clearly in no mood for jokes. Noted. What do we do now?", "Victor: Hmm. I guess I'm in a -- in a pickle. I mean, how the hell would I get rid of any incriminating documents? Provided they exist. That would be illegal. Where would I find a tech-savvy employee to wipe the damn server and the entire system clean of any evidence? I guess I'm caught between a rock and a hard spot.", "Natalie: Well, I'm hugely relieved that if anyone asks, I can say no one gave me an order like that.", "Victor: You know, I've got to be somewhere. Um... do keep yourself busy, okay?", "Ashley: Honey, what's so important that I had to leave work? It's Ben.", "Abby: I think our marriage is over.", "Stitch: I see no lingering effects from last night's blow to the head.", "Nick: Of course, you don't.", "Mariah: So, is he free to go, or do you want to keep him? Please? Please.", "Stitch: I'll get those release papers started.", "Nick: Thanks, brother-in-law.", "[Door opens]", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Mariah: Admit it. You were hoping for another night or two in here. No screaming kids keeping you awake at all hours.", "Nick: Are you kidding me? I can't wait to get back to Sharon's place.", "Dylan: I wish I could say I knew when I'd be back, but they keep rescheduling my testimony.", "Sharon: That's so frustrating.", "Dylan: You have no idea, because all I want is to be home with you guys, especially with this stalker thing being unsettled.", "Sharon: Well, it's basically settled.", "Dylan: Sharon.", "Sharon: I haven't received a phone call in days.", "Dylan: And nick's been around to keep an eye on things?", "Sharon: How many ways can I tell you we're fine?", "Dylan: Except you aren't, are you?", "Sharon: What?", "Dylan: I talked to Paul this morning. My dad told me everything. Come on. Paul told me that Mariah came up with the idea that patty was behind the calls you were getting.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Dylan: \"Oh\"? I mean, why didn't you mention anything to me?", "Sharon: Because it -- it just seems so silly now. You know, patty doesn't even have access to a phone at Stonevale. Mariah and I, we were scared. We were obviously grasping at straws. I was hoping that Paul would show a little more discretion and not embarrass us like this.", "Dylan: There's nothing to be embarrassed about.", "Sharon: Well, that's nice of you to say so.", "Dylan: I mean it. Patty tried to get to me the last time she escaped, and it wouldn't be out of the question for her to try something like that again.", "Sharon: Well, thank goodness she didn't.", "Dylan: Yeah. So we can officially rule out my aunt as a suspect. Hey, look, I got to go. Court's gonna be starting again.", "Sharon: All right. Wrap that thing up, will you?", "Dylan: Trust me, I'm trying. I'm just glad nick's there to keep you all safe. Makes being away bearable.", "Sharon: I love you.", "Dylan: Love you, too. Call you later.", "Mariah: You know, if you wanted to ditch these clothes, I would support you because this -- yeah, it's working for you.", "Nick: Agreed.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Nick: I don't think faith would let me pick her up in school like this, though.", "Mariah: Oh, no, no, not a chance.", "Nick: And I'm sure sully would have a problem with me taking him to the park dressed like this.", "Mariah: You've really bonded with him, haven't you?", "Nick: Oh, there's more to it than that. Um, with sully and Christian being born so close together... yeah, I've bonded with him. It's kind of hard to explain.", "Mariah: No, I get it.", "Nick: It's also a timing thing.", "Mariah: What do you mean?", "Nick: Well, what would have been Christian's first birthday just passed, so...", "Mariah: I'm so sorry, nick.", "Nick: That's all right. Thanks. [Sighs] I'm thinking about him a lot lately. You know, wondering what he would look like, if he'd be walking. Being around your little brother has been very comforting, much more so than I ever imagined.", "[Door opens]", "Nick: That was fast.", "Stitch: Your pass to freedom. Couple signatures, you'll be right on your way.", "Mariah: Oh, great.", "Stitch: Back to Sharon's.", "Nick: I cannot wait to get back there.", "Abby: You should have seen his face, mom. When I told him I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment that I fell in love.", "Ashley: Oh, honey. I mean, honestly, who can?", "Abby: Ben can. He knows the exact moment that he realized I was it for him. And the worst part is, is that I lied. I pretended that I had the same \"aha\" moment.", "Ashley: Which made it only harder when you told him the truth.", "Abby: Yeah.", "Ashley: Okay, well, then the two of you spoke about it, right? You talked it out.", "Abby: Or not. I've barely seen him.", "Ashley: Honey, you both live in the same home.", "Abby: Ben's been working a lot of nights. He's been taking shifts he wouldn't normally take, and I think it's all so he can avoid having the conversation.", "Ashley: What conversation is that?", "Abby: The conversation that I really, really, really don't want to have.", "Ashley: Okay, hold on a second here. Not everybody experiences love exactly the same way. And just because you don't remember exactly when you fell in love doesn't mean you didn't. Or does it?", "Abby: I've said \"I love you\" a thousand times. When we get off the phone, before we fall asleep, and our wedding vows. I don't know. I've just realized I've been trying to figure out that maybe I don't know what those words mean, what they represent.", "Ashley: To you?", "Abby: I think every time I've said them, I've just been pretending.", "Ashley: Oh, Abby.", "Abby: I know. It's awful. I am awful.", "Ashley: No, honey. You're not awful. It's, um, I mean, the situation is -- it's awful.", "Abby: I felt sick hurting Ben's feelings. How can I handle breaking his heart?", "Devon: When we left Victor's office, I was under the impression that the story would be shelved. And the next thing I knew, I'm leaving my meeting, and surprise, it's all over the airwaves.", "Hilary: Okay, this was not some sort of sneak attack.", "Devon: So what was it?", "Hilary: Reporting. You insisted that we needed a response from Victor. That's exactly what we got.", "Devon: He kicked us out of his office!", "Hilary: And since when is that not a comment? Victor had every opportunity to deny the story. He got angry, right? Well, \"60 Minutes\" is built on that sort of thing. And you know what? Instead of accusing me of going behind your back, why don't you start congratulating me? Because I knocked this one out of the park, and you know it.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Phyllis: You did it. Whether or not that information is right or wrong, people are eating it up, and I'll tell you what. The federal agencies will be, too.", "Jack: If Victor was cooking the books, it's gonna be on page one for weeks on end.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and if he's cleared, it'll be buried on page 35 somewhere.", "Jack: Unfair but true. Keep in mind he's got a board, too. He's gonna have to answer their questions A.S.A.P.", "Phyllis: And so will the public. Did you see the expenditures I highlighted? The dinners, the business trips that the company paid for that were --", "Jack: I'm not sure that's gonna get much traction. It can be argued that any expenditure is a business expense.", "Phyllis: How about the $3,000 spent at a shoe store in Chicago? Obviously Nikki loves to shop.", "Jack: Phyllis, we're talking about millions upon millions of dollars. Do you really think anybody's gonna care about a couple pair of shoes?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I do. Trust me, you watch. Victor is gonna have his hands full.", "Jack: I hope you're right. I'm gonna relish every minute of it.", "Phyllis: So, are you ready to focus back on work, jabot, instead of focusing on this Newman distraction?", "Jack: What would make you think that?", "Phyllis: Well, I don't know. I mean, you got him where you wanted. I mean, he's in hot water. You're done. Yay.", "Jack: I hope you're not serious. I am just getting started with Victor. This is merely round one.", "Abby: [Sniffles]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Stitch: Hey, there.", "Abby: Hey, um, are you busy? I was hoping I could steal a few minutes and, uh, meet up, maybe in the park?", "Stitch: What's going on?", "Abby: I'd, uh, rather talk about it in person, if that's okay.", "Stitch: I was supposed to assist on a procedure in a little while.", "Abby: Is there any way you could get out of it? Um, have someone fill in?", "Stitch: Uh, not sure that's possible. I'll do my best, all right? That's all I can promise.", "Abby: Hopefully I'll see you soon.", "Stitch: [Sighs] Jones, hey. I was wondering when I should report to the OR. Oh. Really? No, that -- that's -- that's great. I'm glad the surgery's not as complicated as you originally thought. Um, but I said I'd help, and I'm a man of my word, so when do I scrub in?", "Devon: Hey. I'm sorry, okay? I just always want you to remember why we bought this place. To take something that's cheap and shallow and mean-spirited and turn it into something that we can be proud of.", "Hilary: I haven't forgotten, Devon.", "Devon: Even when our ratings dry up?", "Hilary: Even then. But we won't have to worry about that, because after today, our ratings are gonna skyrocket. We just have to figure out a way to keep the story going, okay? Just make sure that it's not like...", "Victor: You get a camera. I have something to say.", "Phyllis: Well, thanks. That was fun to watch. I appreciate it.", "Jack: The online comments are already exploding, and they are not exactly Victor-frien-- oh, look at this. \"Who wears $3,000 shoes? Does Nikki Newman think she's queen of England?\" You were right.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] I told you. I knew that was gonna resonate with the GC buzz audience.", "Jack: [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: Hey. Can I ask you a question? You mentioned before that this is only round one. What did you mean by that?", "Jack: I think you know what I meant. This wasn't meant to even the score with Victor. It was a stunt, a glancing blow, something to whet the appetite. That's all.", "Phyllis: Which implies there's a main course?", "Jack: And an appetizer and a dessert and maybe a nightcap.", "Phyllis: How far you gonna take this?", "Jack: As far as I have to.", "Phyllis: You gonna bring him back to prison? You gonna kill him? What's the endgame, jack?", "Ashley: I heard about the GC buzz broadcast. I knew the two of you were hiding something. I had no idea it would be this. So you're going to war with Victor. You leaked that information, which I can't even begin to wrap my brain around. And I know that you put him up to it.", "Phyllis: Ashley --", "Jack: Phyllis was just leaving, weren't you?", "Phyllis: Jack --", "Jack: I need the room alone with my sister. Close the door on your way out.", "Ashley: So what the hell happens now? You gonna spin it? You gonna deny that you're the one who was behind this attack?", "Jack: I'm not denying anything.", "Ashley: You're not?", "Jack: No, I will stand proudly and announce to the whole world I'm the one who gave it to Victor with both barrels.", "Ashley: You have to realize what you're starting, because if I figured out that you're behind this leak, then Victor probably has, too.", "Jack: Probably.", "Ashley: You don't care?", "Jack: Nope.", "Ashley: What the hell happened, jack?! Everything was just starting to settle down! I understand that you still hate Victor. I get that.", "Jack: Oh, it goes far beyond that.", "Ashley: But what are you doing? This could pull at our family, our company. Who am I trying to kid here? It always does! When has it not?!", "Jack: You have an overactive imagination, sis.", "Ashley: I have a vivid memory. And now you're in on this with Phyllis!", "Jack: No.", "Ashley: Come on, jack. I'm not stupid. Billy walked in on her. She had that flash drive with the \"personnel\" files. When I confronted both of you, you couldn't have been more shady.", "Jack: You're wrong about that. I will keep saying this until you believe me. Phyllis had nothing to do with this. I will take a lie-detector test if you want.", "Ashley: Don't be absurd. Please.", "Jack: No, you know what's absurd is you thinking I would ever trust that woman again after the way she betrayed me. It's not going to happen! This is a moot point anyway.", "Ashley: What does that mean?", "Jack: I've had my fun. I'm done with Victor.", "Ashley: Oh, come on. You're gonna lob a grenade and then just gonna walk away?", "Jack: I wanted to get in a good jab. That's all I wanted. You don't think I would instigate an all-out war, do you? That would be insane.", "Hilary: Hello, everyone. I'm Hilary Curtis, and I am here with the one and only Victor Newman.", "Victor: You gonna tell them some lies? Everyone associated with your show deals in slander and lies. Someone anonymous drops a box of documents on your doorstep, and you then peddle it on television as if it were the truth. You did not for one moment check whether there was any validity to the claims made in those documents. Had you done so, you would have found no shred of evidence. Now, I'll prove it to you. I'll prove it by allowing anyone in the public to look at my hard drives and my servers.", "Hilary: So are you telling me that you think that someone set you up? Well, who would do that to you?", "Victor: Someone who has a vendetta against me. And I will get them. When I find out who it is, I will sue them for slander. And for this execrable excuse of a show, I will soon own it. You know why? Because I'm gonna sue you. And once I've won that lawsuit, I will own this company, and I will drop this show into the garbage can. How's that? Hmm? You have a nice day.", "Hilary: Well, that went well.", "Stitch: Abby!", "Abby: Hey.", "Stitch: Hey.", "Abby: I was beginning to think you weren't coming.", "Stitch: Yeah, I almost didn't. Because I think I know what you're about to say, and I don't want to hear it.", "Sharon: How are you feeling?", "Nick: I'm all right. I've got a well-developed skull, as we all know.", "Mariah: I think they call that thick-headed.", "Sharon: Well, I'm just glad it wasn't a concussion.", "Nick: [Sighs] Yeah, I knew it wasn't a concussion. I'm fine.", "Sharon: Okay. Did you get any sleep last night?", "Nick: I slept pretty well. Not as well as I would have at home. I mean, not home, like here. Where I live. You know what I mean.", "Sharon: Yeah, I know what you mean. I, for one, am happy that they erred on the side of the caution. I mean, it's better safe than sorry, right? I mean, I'm sorry that any of it happened at all.", "Nick: It's no harm, no foul.", "Mariah: Hmm, there was a little bit of harm. [Chuckles]", "Sharon: Can I get you anything? Do you want a glass of water, something to eat?", "Mariah: You know, actually, all nick could talk about on the ride home was how he wanted to get upstairs, shower, change his clothes.", "Nick: I'd say that's all you could talk about, and frankly, I'm a little insulted.", "Mariah: Don't be, because your hospital stink is delightful.", "Nick: [Inhales deeply] Ah, see, I actually like it. Yeah, I'm gonna call Victoria, see if we can get a new perfume at brash & sassy.", "Sharon: Eau de linoleum.", "Mariah: That's gross. Please, upstairs. Go. Now.", "Nick: Whatever.", "Mariah: Oh, don't --", "Nick: Smell a little more. A little.", "Mariah: Please. Please no.", "Sharon: Wow. You were just dying to get him out of here. Why? What's going on?", "Mariah: We have a problem. I know I tried to be the voice of reason last night, but everything that you've been worried about is all coming true.", "Sharon: He actually said that?", "Mariah: He was talking about how Christian's birthday just passed, how he and sully were born so close together. Nick says that sully helps him get over his grief, that they have a bond that he can't explain.", "Sharon: Christian is front and center in nick's mind, and at that exact moment is when Dylan asks him to move in? Is this some kind of sick or cruel joke? I'm sorry. God, I sound like the most selfish person on the planet right now.", "Mariah: Yeah, I'm glad you said that so I didn't have to.", "Sharon: Nick is still dealing with his grief, as he should be. But here he is playing and connecting with sully.", "Mariah: He's so close to his son, and he doesn't even know it.", "Sharon: How did we get here?", "Mariah: Sharon, we both know the answer to that question. The new question is, why are we still here?", "Sharon: Because I want to protect Dylan. I need to protect my family. We stand to lose our son. Faith could lose her brother.", "Mariah: Well...", "Sharon: Well, okay. But you know what I'm saying.", "Mariah: I do.", "Sharon: Mariah, the stakes are huge.", "Mariah: I know, which is why I'm on your side, even though I hate what it's doing to nick, even though he doesn't know that anything is being done to him.", "Sharon: [Sighs] I have got to get him out of here. I need to get him out. He needs to leave. He needs to be away from sully before things get more complicated.", "Mariah: I agree.", "Sharon: And that has to happen today.", "Jack: Nobody is posting in defense of Victor. It's all about how he had it coming. Here. \"With any luck, he'll get the boot from his own board.\"", "Ashley: What's that about the $3,000 shoes?", "Jack: Oh, it's a little something I found. I thought it was gonna be the cherry on top of his fraudulent sundae. Turns out, it really upset people.", "Ashley: And you're not happy about that at all, are you, Jackie?", "Jack: It's all the revenge that I need. Look, Victor had to know there was going to be retaliation. After everything he put me through, well, now we can all move on.", "Ashley: That better be true.", "Jack: It is.", "Ashley: I hope so, jack, because I don't feel like being anybody's collateral damage. And I'm damn sure nobody in this company does.", "Jack: [Sighs] Victor! What brings you by?", "Abby: I don't know how to do this.", "Stitch: Break up? [Chuckles] That's what's happening, right? You asked me here because you want a divorce?", "Abby: I don't know.", "Stitch: I think you do.", "Abby: I have been all over the place, trying to figure out what to do now. And I can't find any answers. All I know is that not talking isn't working.", "Stitch: And here we are, still not talking.", "Abby: I'm scared.", "Stitch: You think I'm not?", "Abby: We need to do something. We need to do better. We need to do more.", "Stitch: We keep saying the exact same thing, and we keep ending up in the exact same place.", "Abby: And it's all my fault. I'm the one who keeps pushing. I keep saying that we need to work harder, and then every chance I get, I just... I run away.", "Stitch: Why?", "Abby: I don't want to hurt you.", "Stitch: You already did.", "Abby: I know.", "Stitch: You know, when you said you never had that falling-in-love moment, you said maybe it's because you don't know what love is supposed to feel like. But if I'm being real, it sounds like a hedge. Same way it seems like you're hedging now.", "Abby: Two years ago, you told me that I didn't know what love was. You were so angry with me. Do you remember that?", "Stitch: I do. But that was before we were together, before I thought you were in love with me.", "Abby: Ben.", "Stitch: Okay, you know... you asked me here to talk. Meanwhile, the first thing out of your mouth is that you don't know what to say.", "Abby: Because it's hard.", "Stitch: What is? What is hard, Abby? Okay, maybe it's my training, but I'm a \"pull the band-aid off\" kind of guy. I love you, Abby. I do. And I mean that with everything in me. But if you're here to end this, you need to end it. Now.", "Abby: [Sniffles] Last night, while you were at work, I stayed up. I kept trying to figure out why is telling the truth so hard, why is being honest so difficult. And then I realized... I haven't just been lying to you. I've been lying to me, too. [Sniffles] I thought that if... I kept telling you I love you, if I kept saying it out loud, that it would somehow just magically become true.", "Stitch: But it never did.", "Abby: [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] What a terrible thing to put you through.", "Stitch: Hey, to put yourself through, too.", "Abby: No. [Sniffles] Don't do that. Don't be nice to me. I don't deserve it.", "Stitch: What? Are we supposed to be enemies now? Should I throw a fit, call you names, and never talk to you again? Would that make you feel better?", "Abby: It might.", "Stitch: I'm sorry. I can't do that for you.", "Abby: I'm sorry. On so many levels, I'm so sorry.", "Stitch: I-I knew this was coming, but still... so that's it, huh? You're not gonna say we should give this another chance.", "Abby: [Sniffles] No. [Sniffles] I'm not.", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Abby: [Sighs tearfully]", "Nick: [Sighs] All right, come on. Take a whiff.", "Mariah: You want me to smell you?", "Nick: Yeah, yeah. You were the one complaining. Come on. Come on. Enjoy it.", "Mariah: Okay, yeah, fine. It's fine. Fantastic.", "Nick: You're welcome.", "Mariah: It's great.", "Nick: You're welcome.", "Mariah: Okay. Um, on that note, I am gonna go to crimson lights for a caffeine fix. Does anybody want anything?", "Sharon: Um, nope. I'm good.", "Nick: I'm good, too. Thanks.", "Mariah: Okay, cool.", "Nick: [Clears throat] I had the greatest idea while I was in the shower.", "Sharon: Oh? What?", "Nick: Get some steaks, grill them up real nice.", "Sharon: In October?", "Nick: Why does everyone think you can only grill in the summer? It's gonna be awesome. Family dinner. I'll go down to the butcher. I'll see what looks good. You relax. I'll do everything. What's wrong? Wait. Did you get another phone call?", "Sharon: No. And I'm convinced that those phone calls are over. Which is partly what I want to talk to you about.", "Nick: All right. What's up?", "Sharon: You know, I just think that it would be better all the way around if you went back to your place.", "Nick: Why? Did I do something to upset you?", "Sharon: No, not at all. In fact, it's just the opposite.", "Nick: I'm confused.", "Sharon: I know that Dylan asked you to help out. But since you've been here, I just feel like we're sliding back into old patterns.", "Nick: Whoa! Uh, no. Mnh-mnh.", "Sharon: You know, like talking about grilling. You know, grilling and cooking dinner for the whole family. I mean, that's a perfect example.", "Nick: It's just a piece of meat. That's it.", "Sharon: We're not together anymore.", "Nick: What? No! Sharon, no, no. I'm just doing -- I think you're really overreacting here.", "Sharon: Am I?", "Nick: Yes, I'm simply doing your family a favor.", "Sharon: Okay, well, what about the other favors you owe, like the promise that you made to Adam?", "Hilary: Word for word, evan. I don't want anything that Victor said cut out, not even the part about him threatening to sue the show. You think you can handle that? Great. Thanks.", "Devon: Well, I guess I should be careful what I wish for, 'cause now I'm gonna be tied up in conference calls with our attorneys.", "Hilary: Well, look on the bright side. At least that will give us one more day in the news cycle, easy. As requested.", "Hilary: Thank you. Enjoy.", "Devon: What is that?", "Hilary: Oh, my. These comments are amazing. The viewers, they are thrilled to have the old GC buzz back. And they love watching Victor get his.", "Devon: And apparently they love you, too. Look what they're saying about you.", "Hilary: Hmm. Well, unfortunately for them, I am taken.", "Devon: Damn right you are.", "Hilary: Come on. We are in celebration mode. Devon, this is a good thing.", "Devon: I'm aware. I just, uh, I hope we're not getting played, 'cause if the documents turn out to be fake the way Victor swears they are, you and the show will be humiliated.", "Hilary: No, let's not get ahead of ourselves.", "Devon: You have any idea on where the leak came from? 'Cause I know Victor has no shortage of enemies.", "Hilary: No. But there's only one person that has the resources to pull this off.", "Jack: Please, make yourself at home. Phyllis, why don't you join us?", "Victor: I came here to talk to you alone, jack.", "Jack: Oh, nonsense. The more, the merrier. Maybe Phyllis can help you with whatever's troubling you. My offer expires in three... two... one. Well, there we are. It's a regular party.", "Victor: This how you want to play it? This a frivolous game for your amusement, or what?", "Jack: Is this about that GC buzz thing? Aww, I'm sorry. God, that must be a nightmare. You know what? I have just what you need.", "Victor: You do?", "Jack: Yeah. Hold on.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Jack: Here it is. Best P.R. firm in the Midwest. Crisis management is their specialty.", "Victor: Why don't you be a man for once and own up to what you have done?", "Stitch: I should be the one to leave. I'll pack up my stuff while you're at work, and it'll be like I was never even there.", "Abby: No, that's -- that's not what I meant. I -- [Sniffles] I can help you. I...", "Stitch: You can help me move out of our home? It's been hard enough. Let's -- let's just pick the easy way for once, okay?", "Abby: [Voice breaking] Where you gonna go? [Sniffles]", "Stitch: I don't know. Closer to Max probably.", "Abby: I wanted us to be forever. You have to believe me. In those wedding vows, I meant them.", "Stitch: Not really.", "Abby: I did.", "Stitch: You never loved me, Abby.", "Abby: Do you think I would have said those words if I didn't mean them, if I thought this is where I was gonna end up? I don't know why I feel this way.", "Stitch: But you do. That's all that matters. In the end, after all we went through... we just weren't meant to be.", "Sharon: Oh, you know, I didn't mean that you had to leave this instant.", "Nick: Oh, you -- you know, you made a good point. I was so quick to get settled in here, I completely forgot about my commitment to Connor.", "Sharon: You can't be everywhere, nick. But now that we know there's really nothing to worry about here...", "Nick: We don't know that for sure. You're gonna call Paul, right?", "Sharon: I'm gonna up the patrols. But, you know, come on. Not like you live that far away or across the country. I know where to find you.", "Nick: Right over there. It's, uh, it's a plus.", "Sharon: Yeah, it's a huge plus, so... thank you for everything. You really went above and beyond.", "Nick: I guess that's it. I, uh, I already said goodbye to sully and faith upstairs.", "Sharon: They're gonna miss you.", "Nick: This was fun. Sounds of a busy house, kids running around. It's what I was really looking forward to with sage and Christian. [Sighs] You think it would have made me sad, but it actually had the opposite effect. I wouldn't have given this up for anything. You deserve all this, Sharon. I'm happy that you have all these great things in your life.", "Hilary: Hello, Ashley. How are you?", "Ashley: Busy. I'm about to make a call, so excuse me, please.", "Hilary: Well, I was just wondering if you got a chance to see the show.", "Ashley: Uh, not with my own eyes, but I certainly did hear about it.", "Hilary: It is crazy what's happening to Victor, huh?", "Ashley: That's one word for it.", "Hilary: Well, now's your chance to go on record. That is, if you have anything to say.", "Jack: No? Well, I'll hold onto it in case you change your mind.", "Victor: Jack, for once in your life, take responsibility.", "Jack: You think I leaked those sensitive Newman documents?", "Victor: Of course, you did.", "Jack: How would I get my hands on those? To be fair, corporate espionage is more your thing. You know what? Thanks for stopping by. I'm sure you got a lot of work to do back at the office -- files to delete, memos to shred, that sort of thing. Though it's not gonna make much of a difference. I mean, the damage is already done. You know why that is? Because people are always willing to think the worst of other people. It's human nature.", "Victor: If anyone knows the worst about human nature, jack, it would be you. You have a nice day.", "Phyllis: I thought you were gonna spill the whole thing just now.", "Jack: Oh, boy, I was tempted. But no, I got to keep my eye on the prize.", "Phyllis: Which is?", "Jack: I have much bigger misery in store for Victor. Much bigger.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Phyllis: It's summer. She said she needs to talk.", "Jack: Everything all right?", "Phyllis: I don't know, but I need to call her from my office. Excuse me.", "[Door closes]", "Phyllis: You texted me while I was in jack's office?", "Victor: It's a hell of a setup you have here.", "Phyllis: Why, thank you.", "Victor: I would have asked your secretary to buzz me in, but I guess you haven't got one, have you?", "Phyllis: What do you want?", "Victor: Same as you. Imagine that.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: Wouldn't it be a nice bandage for jack to watch Phyllis and Victor go down together?", "Michael: Who are we suing?", "Victor: Mr. and Mrs. Devon Hamilton.", "Jack: Everything I've done thus far is an appetizer. I think Victor's ready for his entree." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "The story of Lowell's last day of freedom unfolds as Michael learns just what happened that day. Lauren along with Noah try to convince Eden to join her classmates on a trip to France. Lily has returned from New York and Colleen and Billy decide to meet her over at Indigo. Unbeknown to anyone Aunt Olivia has followed Lily back for a visit. Cane and the Mrs. show up at Indigo after she begs him for their food for the baby but, the real reason becomes apparent, Billy's there. He's trying to get the goods on Cane and Lily so he can move in on big bro's one true love and enlists Chloe to help. Cane warns Lily that Billy is not to be trusted and Lily lets him know that he need not be concerned. Noah has a thing for Eden and wonders why she is giving him the cold shoulder. Michael has to go out of town on a lead for Lowell's case. Glo seeks closure from Lowell. Karen has a secret she wants Olivia to keep." ]
[ "Michael: I still can't believe I was there.", "Gloria: Well, I'm glad. Because it was a night that changed all of our lives forever.", "Michael: Tell me more.", "Gloria: Please, Michael, it was a long time ago.", "Michael: Doesn't matter. I need to hear all of it. Don't leave anything out. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison, you need to help me connect the dots.", "River: Okay.", "Michael: All right. Now you say you argued against setting off the confetti bomb.", "Gloria: Yes. He did.", "River: And I was outvoted I never knew a real bomb was even a possibility.", "[River remembering]", "Young River: We can't campaign for peace using anything that smacks of violence.", "Marshall: Did you hear a single word I said, Man? We have to go for it, it'll bring attention to our cause.", "Young River: Forget it. We're not using the confetti bomb.", "Marshall: Why don't we vote? See what everyone thinks?", "Young River: Wait a minute. I'm all for letting everyone have a say, but I want to talk about this more before we vote.", "Marshall: We've been talking about this since we started this movement. It's gotten us nowhere. It's time for action.", "Young River: Marshall? I'm gonna finish having my say, and you can listen or walk out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Marshall and Lowell were the best friends ever. This was the first time they ever disagreed on anything. I had a bad feeling about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Colleen: Hello? Lily! You're back! Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, my shift's over in, like, five minutes, and I will meet you there. Okay, cool. Okay, bye. Lily just got back from New York, so I'm gonna meet her at Indigo.", "Billy: Oh, well, then maybe I'll, uh, tag along?", "Colleen: You wanna hang out with me?", "Billy: Sure, why not? You're good company. I mean, you're annoying and everything--", "Colleen: Oh, shut up.", "Billy: Why'd you ask me that?", "Colleen: I just think it's a little weird that you wanna hang out with your niece. Don't you have some hot babe in your sights this evening, Mr. Player?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Oh, Kate, Honey, over here.", "Chloe: Mother, it is Chloe.", "Esther: I'm sorry, I just can't get used to calling you that.", "Chloe: Well, you know, you should try.", "Esther: Oh! Look at you! Yore even bigger than the last time when I saw you.", "Chloe: Hands off. This is not community property.", "Esther: Well, I was just--", "Chloe: You know, I don't understand why complete strangers think that it's just okay to put their hands on a pregnant woman's belly.", "Esther: I am not a stranger, Honey. I am that baby's grandma.", "Chloe: Still, it's creepy. And you make me feel like I'm a Buddha statue or something.", "Esther: Well, look what I got for the baby. Wait till you see this. This is just the cutest thing.", "Chloe: Mom, I-I don't do cute. You know that. I do designer labels.", "Esther: Oh, come on. It's precious.", "Chloe: I think I need a drink.", "Billy: I've got a Jones for Indigo gumbo.", "Chloe: Oh, I love gumbo. Um, hello, can I please have an herbal Chai tea with a little bit of honey and a dash of lemon, please?", "Colleen: I'm off duty. You drive.", "Billy: Uh, bye, big mama.", "Cane: Hey, Coll. Hey, Billy.", "Colleen: Hi.", "Billy: Hey. Shouldn't you be up in your office making the big bucks so us little people can pay our bills?", "Cane: Uh, actually, believe it or not, even your boss gets the night off every now and then.", "Billy: What is this world coming to?", "Colleen: Can we go? I'm starving. Please.", "Billy: Okay.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Cane: Bye.", "Chloe: Cane, you're just in time.", "Cane: What for?", "Chloe: We're going to Indigo. Little one is hungry. He wants to eat, and he wants to eat now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyra: Today we had a customer who asked to pay for his dinner by washing our dishes.", "Neil: Really?", "Tyra: Really.", "Neil: Okay, that took some guts.", "Tyra: Particularly since he made sure he ate everything on that plate before he gave me the proposition.", "Neil: So what'd you do?", "Tyra: Well, you know, I realized he really didn't have any money to pay for his dinner, so I just--I comped him.", "Neil: You comped-- you know, Tyra, unfortunately, that's gonna have to come out of your paycheck.", "Tyra: Are you serious?", "Neil: I'm kidding. Uh, obviously, the guy needed, you know, the money more than we did, so I'm glad that you did that. That was a nice gesture on your part.", "Tyra: Thank you. That's the way I look at it. That was not a funny joke.", "Neil: Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.", "Lily: Hey, Guys!", "Neil: Whoa! Look who-- welcome back, baby girl.", "Lily: Hi, Dad.", "Neil: Hi, Baby.", "Tyra: Hey, pretty.", "Lily: Hi, Tyra.", "Neil: Uh, guess what? Tyra has decided that she and Ana-- they're gonna stay right here in Genoa City.", "Lily: Really?", "Tyra: Yeah.", "Lily: That is great! Yes!", "Tyra: Well, your dad offered me my old job back. So I'm good.", "Lily: Oh, thank God, because between Indigo and Newman Enterprises, he was running himself ragged.", "Neil: Yeah, I sure was. Hey, Baby, how was your trip?", "Lily: Oh, amazing. I loved spending time with Aunt Liv.", "Tyra: Oh, please, please, please, tell me what you guys did.", "Lily: Um, let's see. We went shopping.", "Tyra: Oh.", "Lily: And, uh, went to the theater.", "Tyra: Oh.", "Lily: And then shopped some more.", "Neil: And then we shopped some more. That's why they call it retail therapy.", "Lily: Yes, yes. Well, time flew by, but I really missed you guys.", "Neil: Oh, we missed you, too.", "Tyra: Yes.", "Neil: But we're glad you're back. And, um, I'm glad you got a chance to get out of town for a few days. Hopefully, it took your mind off of, you know--", "Lily: No, no. Don't say it. That is one 4-letter word that I do not want to think about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Please, please, please, please, please. We're dying for Indigo.", "Cane: I've had a long day at work. I'm tired. I just wanna go home and relax.", "Chloe: But pregnant women need coddling.", "Cane: Why do you wanna go to Indigo? Isn't there somewhere close to home that you can go to?", "Esther: Oh, there's-- there's a great little Chinese place about a block from where you two live.", "Chloe: No, no, no, I want Indigo. Besides, the atmosphere is way better than that other dump.", "Cane: Really? And we all know how, uh, pregnant women need atmosphere, Esther.", "Chloe: Yes, pregnant women crave lots of things.", "Cane: You buying that, Esther?", "Esther: Afraid so. I remember when I was pregnant with Kate-- I mean, Chloe-- I used to crave the weirdest things at weirdest times. I mean, certain foods and books and music.", "Cane: But atmosphere?", "Esther: I think you better just suck it up and do what the girl says.", "Chloe: Thank you, Mother.", "Cane: All right. We'll go to Indigo. But after we have dinner, we're going home.", "Chloe: Yes, Master.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: And Aunt Liv scored us tickets to \"Billy Elliot\" on Broadway.", "Tyra: Oh, I love Elton John.", "Lily: I know. Our seats were amazing. It was so much fun.", "Neil: Well, Baby, sounds like going to see your Aunt Liv was a great idea.", "Lily: Yes, it was.", "Karen: Hey! Look who's back!", "Lily: Hi, Guys! Ana! Hi!", "Ana: I missed you, Lily.", "Lily: Oh, I missed you, too.", "Karen: You know what? Ana was just telling me that she absolutely loves living with Devon, except that sometimes she misses her room at our place.", "Neil: Really?", "Karen: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I-I didn't know that.", "Karen: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: You should've said something, Babe.", "Karen: And I think we need to remedy that. Can we ask her to spend the night with us, Baby?", "Ana: Can I, Mom?", "Tyra: Um, yes, yes, sometimes, but... not tonight, Baby. Look, um, the chef in the back has some special sweet potato fries he made just for you, so if you're hungry, you should go get 'em.", "Ana: Okay.", "Tyra: Okay.", "Karen: She is such a character.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Karen: Hey, listen, tell me about your trip.", "Lily: Oh, yeah.", "Tyra: You know, Karen really is great with Ana.", "Neil: Yeah, it's really something. It's so nice to see, huh?", "Tyra: So, you guys gonna start a little family of your own?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, what's that?", "Noah: It's the receipt for the check you gave me.", "Sharon: The check?", "Noah: The deposit for the class trip to France? And, uh, the permission forms and medical releases and some other junk you need to sign.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Noah: Actually, you and Dad both need to sign.", "Sharon: Oh. When does this have to be in?", "Noah: Day after tomorrow.", "Sharon: The day after tomorrow?", "Noah: I'm sorry. It got lost in the bottom of my book bag. Don't you want me to be exposed to all the culture, see all the museums?", "Sharon: See all the pretty French girls and run around town without any parental supervision.", "Noah: There will be plenty of chaperones. Bummer.", "Sharon: I'm just joking. You know, I'm really glad that you wanna go on this trip. But next time, just give me a little more notice with the paperwork, okay?", "Noah: Sure. Did you take a trip like that when you were in school?", "Sharon: Nope. Couldn't afford it. Come on, we better go. You have homework, and I have a bunch of paperwork I have to do for Beauty of Nature. Oh, no.", "Noah: What's wrong?", "Sharon: There was some paperwork that I needed and I left it at Newman. Darn. I'm gonna have to go back and get it.", "Noah: Uh, well, can I-- can I stay here? I'll start on my homework, and you can pick me up on the way home.", "Sharon: Okay, okay, look, um, I'll be back in an hour. Just wait for me out front.", "Noah: Okay.", "Sharon: All right.", "Noah: I promise. Bye.", "Sharon: Bye!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Hey, um, I'm gonna head over to the coffeehouse.", "Lauren: Well, before you go, let's--let's deal with this Paris trip, okay?", "Eden: Why do we have to hassle with it right now?", "Lauren: Because the deposit is due today, and luckily, we can still sign you up online.", "Eden: So--so you talked it over with Michael? And he said I could go?", "Lauren: Yeah. He actually thinks it's a really good idea that you go.", "Eden: He probably can't wait for me to get out of here.", "Lauren: That's not what he said and you know that. What do you say? You up for it?", "Eden: I'm-- I'm still not sure.", "Lauren: Listen, Sweetie, I know--I know you're still worried about your dad.", "Eden: I've never been away from him before. You know? I mean, it--it might be hard for him.", "Lauren: Well, you can always call him. I'll give him your e-mails. You know what I think would be a great idea? I think you should do a picture diary. I think it would be amazing for him to see you in front of the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.", "Eden: Maybe.", "Lauren: Ooh, \"Maybe.\" Isn't that one up from \"No\"? Here, come on, just-- just look at the itinerary, which, by the way, is fabulous. I mean, if I could pass for 15, I would be packed and ready to go so fast your head would spin. All right, so just look at it, see what you think.", "Eden: Okay, okay.", "Lauren: Okay, okay. Uh, be back in an hour.", "Eden: Or what? The earth will spin off its axis and crash and burn?", "Lauren: Yeah, that. No. Remember what Michael said-- that you gotta keep your nose clean to help your dad.", "Eden: Yes. Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So you're positive that's how it happened? You stood up in front of the whole group and told them that you did not want to explode the confetti bomb?", "Gloria: Yes. I've never seen your father so worked up.", "[Gloria remembering]", "Young River: We came together because we were committed to stopping an unjust war.", "Marshall: Only we haven't stopped it. It's still raging.", "Young River: We've made progress. We've exposed the war for the lie it is. Americans of all political faiths have grown tired of the body count. It's only a matter of time--", "Marshall: The war has moved to Cambodia and Laos. Our message isn't getting out to anyone. It's time to explode the truth.", "Young River: Any incendiary device, even a harmless confetti bomb, will only bring the wrath of the cops down on us. Hard!", "Marshall: Then that's the price that we pay.", "Young River: It makes no sense, Marshall! To protest violence by being violent ourselves? Please. For the safety of everyone in this group... for my son. He deserves more from us. We are only as true as our word. And only as righteous as our actions.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So... that's how you remember it, too? You made that speech?", "River: Yep. I can't believe Gloria remembers it almost word for word.", "Gloria: It was beautiful. It was so idealistic and so passionate. And that's the reason... well, I could never forget it.", "Michael: Now obviously, you lost the vote.", "Gloria: And it was partly my fault.", "River: No, it wasn't.", "Gloria: Yes, it was. Lowell was spending less and less time with the group in the months before the rally.", "Michael: Why?", "Gloria: Because he wanted to spend time with you, Michael, and with me.", "River: We were trying to work it out, the whole-- the whole family thing.", "[River remembering]", "Young River: Please, don't do this. No you can't stop one war when you're waging another!", "Marshall: That's a cop-out, Lowell. Your voice isn't our voice anymore. Go home. Take care of your kid.", "Young Gloria: I'm sorry. You did your best. Let's go home now.", "Young River: I can't.", "Young Gloria: Lowell, please.", "Young River: I have to stop them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So you attended the rally?", "River: There was too much at stake. I had no choice.", "Gloria: No. It's not true.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyra: I just wanted to tell you, that was so sweet of you, taking Ana to get a pedicure.", "Karen: Well, I hope you don't mind, but your daughter's toenails are not completely hot pink.", "Neil: (Laughs)", "Tyra: No, it's good. As long as you guys had a good time, you know?", "Karen: Are you kidding me? She kept me in stitches. That girl knows how to tell a story.", "Neil: Excuse me one second. Uh, a delivery of beer just showed up.", "Karen: Yeah.", "Tyra: Well, Ms. Karen, my daughter has definitely taken a liking to you.", "Karen: You know, she's pretty special.", "Tyra: Yeah.", "Karen: Yeah.", "Tyra: So you and Neil thinking about starting a little rug rat family of your own?", "Karen: Well, you know, the, uh, the best part about borrowing people's kids is that you can spoil 'em rotten, and then give 'em right back.", "Tyra: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So I wanna hear about New York.", "Lily: Oh, it was amazing.", "Colleen: Did you check out the new shoe store I told you about? The one on Fifth Avenue?", "Lily: Yes, I did. And thanks to you, I now have a pair of boots and heels that go with absolutely nothing.", "Colleen: Oh, you can never have too many shoes.", "Lily: Yes, that's true.", "Colleen: Oh, what about that night club I told you about? You know, the one where the Yankee players party?", "Lily: Uh, yeah, that's not really Olivia's scene. So I figured I'd wait and go with you.", "Colleen: Perfect. We should really plan a girls' weekend away now that we're both manless.", "Lily: By the way, I know you said that you're okay about Daniel and Amber, but are you really?", "Colleen: Yeah. It's not like I haven't been dumped before.", "Lily: I know, but that doesn't make it fun.", "Colleen: Look, thank you for not saying \"I told you so.\" Even though you did.", "Lily: Eh. Who needs men anyways?", "Colleen: Yes. From now on, I'm gonna love 'em and leave 'em.", "Lily: Yes, me, too.", "Colleen: And if they try to get serious, I'm just gonna kick 'em to the curb.", "Lily: You know what? This town better watch out, because we are two wild women on the loose!", "Colleen: Oh, totally. We're single and proud of it.", "Billy: What a coincidence. I'm single, too.", "Lily: Oh.", "Ana: Mr. Cane?", "Colleen: Of all the places in town, he had to come here?", "Lily: I'm fine.", "Neil: Lily, let me tell you something. That guy, if he had any class at all, he would steer clear of this place.", "Lily: Dad, would you relax? Okay, I'm not gonna fall apart every time I see him.", "Billy: You sure? 'Cause all you have to do is say the word and I'll bounce big brother outta here like a kangaroo.", "Ana: How come you didn't come to see us?", "Cane: I'm sorry, Sweetheart, but I didn't know you were back in town.", "Ana: We moved back. Didn't Lily tell you?", "Cane: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: And every time I see you, you have your nose buried in some boring textbook.", "Noah: It's not by choice, believe me.", "Eden: Mmm. You gotta get out there in the world, you know? Mingle with the people. Experience life.", "Noah: Like Hemingway?", "Eden: Yeah. He had the right idea when it came to all that.", "Noah: (Sighs) Yeah. Well, if I don't bring the grades home, I'll never see the outside of my room. Good-bye, life experience.", "Eden: Man, I'd go nuts if I had parents as strict as yours.", "Noah: I paid my deposit today.", "Eden: For what?", "Noah: The class trip to France. How about you?", "Eden: Oh. Oh. Oh, um... well, uh, Michael and Lauren gave it the green light.", "Noah: So you're going?", "Eden: I have--I have stuff to deal with here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You okay?", "Gloria: You think I'd be over this by now. You know, you should've come home with Michael and me. You should've walked away from them, because it's what they wanted you to do.", "River: I was the one who brought those people together. I couldn't desert them without making every effort.", "Gloria: You didn't have a problem deserting us! Your son and the woman who loved you, who believed in you when everybody else turned their back on you. Now what about Michael? What about me? Why weren't were worthy of your every effort? Why weren't we?", "River: I deserved that. She needed to say it. She needed to say it 40 years ago, but she never did. Bottom line is, if I'd put my family first back then, our lives wouldn't have gotten so screwed up. I am... so truly sorry. If I could do it all over again, you were right... Glo.", "River: Your mother begged me not to go, but I was so full of... my own self- importance, I didn't listen.", "[River remembering]", "Young Gloria: Lowell, please. Come home with us.", "Young River: I promise I won't be long.", "Young Gloria: You said yourself, the cops would go crazy if that confetti bomb is exploded.", "Young River: That's why I have to go. I have to try one more time to talk them out of it.", "Young Gloria: You've already tried, and they wouldn't listen.", "Young River: At least I'll know I made every effort. Don't be angry, Gloworm.", "Young Gloria: Don't you try charming me. You made me a promise.", "Young River: I'm gonna keep that promise. This'll be the last time-- my last rally, I swear. I want to make a go of this-- us being a real family.", "Young Gloria: If you meant that, you'd stay.", "Young River: Darlin', I love you. I love our little boy. I'm gonna make a beautiful life for the three of us. After today. Okay?", "Young River: Hey, Mikey? Who's your favorite daddy?", "Young Michael: You are.", "Young River: How about I read you some Superman tonight?", "Young Michael: Okay.", "Young River: Okay. One more time.", "Young Gloria: One more time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: I got to the bank building just as the bomb went off, only it wasn't a confetti bomb, it was the real thing.", "Michael: What did you do then?", "River: Total chaos. Everyone ran. People were hurt. Bleeding. I couldn't just leave. I had to try and help.", "Michael: Which is why the witnesses saw you there.", "River: Yeah.", "Michael: What I don't understand is that in all of the reports, in all of the statements made to the police after the bombing, there's no mention of Gloria.", "River: I already told you. She wasn't there. She couldn't have vouched for me.", "Michael: She could've told them that you had argued the violence.", "River: She was my lady. They probably figured she'd cover for me. I guess that's why-- that's why they didn't bother to talk to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I oughta go over there and give him a piece of my mind.", "Billy: Oh, Honey, that wouldn't leave you much left to work with.", "Colleen: (Laughs)", "Lily: Okay, can we talk about something else, please?", "Colleen: Pick a topic.", "Lily: Um, how about that online dating site that you forced me to sign up for?", "Colleen: Oh.", "Billy: Ah. Is your computer crashing with all the guys vying for your attention?", "Lily: Oh, yes. I mean, I've had a few hits. Hey, Colleen, now that you're single, maybe you should join, too.", "Colleen: Why don't you join, Billy?", "Lily: Now there's an idea.", "Billy: Well, you know, maybe. You know, those places are sometimes great for meeting exceptional people.", "Cane: So do you want me to sit here all night while you text, or are you gonna decide what you wanna eat?", "Chloe: Huh?", "Cane: What do you want to eat?", "Chloe: Oh, I'm not really hungry.", "Cane: The reason we came here is because you wanted their food.", "Chloe: Okay. I'll have a soup.", "Cane: You'll have the soup? Excuse me? I'm sorry.", "Tyra: Look, you hold him, I'll hit him.", "Neil: I wish.", "Karen: No, Honey, look, you know what? Lily's an adult. I think she's really appreciate you letting her handle this, right?", "Neil: Right, right, right.", "Tyra: Yeah, but, Karen, you don't understand a parent's instinct to protect their child at all costs.", "Olivia: Guess who?", "Neil: Oh, my goodness. Wait, if this is who I--it is! Olivia! Oh, my goodness! Good to see you again.", "Lily: Surprise!", "Neil: Yes, it sure is a surprise. So you came back with Lily?", "Olivia: Uh-huh.", "Lily: Well, like she had a choice.", "Karen: Olivia?", "Olivia: Karen?", "Karen: Yes.", "Lily: Wait, you two know each other?", "Karen: Yes! Olivia was my doctor in New York years ago, right?", "Neil: This is unbelievable. You know, Olivia is Dru's sister.", "Karen: You-- I had no idea. Really?", "Olivia: So you're... Neil's Karen?", "Karen: Yes, I'm Neil's Karen.", "Tyra: It's a small world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Score! Whoo! Damn, I'm good.", "Eden: You solved 17?", "Noah: I, uh, I do have occasional flashes of brilliance.", "Eden: Oh. Okay.", "Noah: So... what kind of \"Stuff\" would stop somebody from going to Paris?", "Eden: Um, this and that.", "Noah: Oh. Well, thanks for clearing that up.", "Eden: It'd just bore you.", "Noah: You're looking at a guy who can't get enough of the periodic table.", "Eden: Yeah, right.", "Noah: You know, the last time we spoke, I kinda got the feeling you were thinking about going. That's why I...", "Eden: That's why you what?", "Noah: In all that talk about \"A moveable feast,\" I thought it inspired you.", "Eden: Doesn't mean I'm just gonna drop everything and get on a plane.", "Noah: Oh.", "Eden: You seem disappointed.", "Noah: Now why would I be disappointed when you're just bagging on the trip?", "Eden: I didn't say I was bagging on it.", "Noah: So you're not bagging?", "Eden: I didn't say that either.", "Noah: I think my brain just exploded.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Eden: What, is that your mommy again? Out past your curfew?", "Noah: Uh-huh. Curfews are for kids. I gotta bounce.", "Eden: Oh, yeah. Me, too. Actually, I gotta meet up with some friends.", "Sharon: Hey, what's going on? You're supposed to be waiting out front for me. Why didn't you answer your cell phone when I called you?", "Noah: Just chill, Mom. Okay, watch your blood pressure.", "Sharon: Watch your mouth. Don't give me attitude. It's late. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: You know what? Lily has talked about the two of you so much, I feel like I know you both already.", "Tyra: Well, likewise. I mean, Lily absolutely idolizes you, Dr. Winters.", "Olivia: No, no, please call me Olivia.", "Colleen: The way she talks about you, you're her role model.", "Billy: Well, incredible women must run in the family.", "Olivia: I'd forgotten what a smooth talker you are, Billy.", "Karen: Yeah.", "Tyra: Well, Sweetheart, what do you say we go home and let Olivia and Neil catch up?", "Karen: Oh, you know what? I've got her backpack in my car, so why don't I walk you out?", "Tyra: Oh, great. Okay, come on, Baby.", "Neil: Bye, Girls.", "Tyra: It was great to meet you.", "Olivia: You, too.", "Lily: Bye.", "Billy: Wanna get some air?", "Colleen: Yeah.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Olivia: So...", "Neil: So...", "Olivia: You and Karen.", "Neil: Yeah, me and Karen. Yeah. She's something else. She's really great.", "Olivia: I know.", "Neil: Well, tell me about you. Um, Olivia, it is so good to see you again. It's been a long time. Are you staying long or what?", "Olivia: Yeah, well, you know, I have some time till my fall lecture.", "Neil: That's right, you're part of that-- what is it? That program called, uh... doctors without borders.", "Olivia: Without borders. Yes. And Lily insisted that I come for a while.", "Neil: Yeah, well, I am certainly glad that she did.", "Olivia: Yeah, well, the truth be known, I got the impression that she needed me.", "Neil: As you know, she's going through a very rough time right now.", "Olivia: She's heartbroken, Neil. She's heartbroken over that Aussie guy.", "Neil: Yeah, um... don't look now, but that Aussie guy? He's sitting right over there.", "Olivia: (Scoffs) Is that the wife?", "Neil: Yeah, that's the wife. Don't stare. Don't stare. Bad manners.", "Olivia: I can't believe that he'd have the nerve to come in here with her.", "Neil: I was actually hoping that Lily's time with you would help her forget him, but she gets back into town and he shows his face here at Indigo. I can't believe this guy.", "Olivia: Well, maybe he wasn't seeing her, but trust me, she was thinking about him all the time.", "Colleen: Are you sure you don't wanna come with me?", "Lily: Yes, I am sure. I'm gonna hang out with my dad and my Aunt Liv.", "Colleen: Okay, like you can concentrate with Mr. You-know-who and Mrs. You- know-who sitting there. Why torture yourself?", "Lily: Colleen, I will be okay.", "Colleen: Okay. Well, if you suddenly feel like you're gonna start screaming, call me.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: Good, you promise?", "Lily: I promise.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Lily: Bye.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey. Hey yourself. I'm sorry about coming in like this. Uh, I wouldn't have done it if I thought you were in town.", "Lily: It's not a problem.", "Cane: Uh, we're gonna get the food to go, so I'll be gone in a flash.", "Lily: I mean, don't bother. It's, you know, ridiculous to think that we're not gonna run into each other.", "Cane: I just don't wanna hurt you any more than I have.", "Lily: Well, we're just gonna have to live with it.", "Cane: Yeah, we're just gonna have to live with it. It'll be hard.", "Billy: Hey. Are you still stalking me?", "Chloe: (Laughs) Please. I think it's a little obvious that I am over you.", "Billy: Then why are you following me?", "Chloe: I'm not following you. I'm not! I overheard you talking about gumbo, and I just happened to have a complete craving for it. And you know, it's not really surprising since I am eating for two.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Right. Well, not tonight, not right now, but very soon, you're gonna tell me all there is to know about Cane and Lily.", "Chloe: And why would I wanna do that?", "Billy: Because that way we both get what we want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It never even occurred to me that I might've been there at that meeting. Right before the rally.", "Lauren: Sweetie, you were so little.", "Michael: Well, obviously, I don't remember anything. Listening to Lowell and Gloria talk... it was a bit disorienting. I mean, you get a glimpse of who they might've been back then-- this young, idealistic couple with dreams of a better world. It's hard to... fit Gloria into that scenario.", "Lauren: Yeah. I mean, it's too bad that she can't testify.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, she was in love with him, she had a child. She'd hardly make a credible witness.", "Lauren: All right, so you have to find that Marshall guy, right?", "Michael: Yes, and that will be one hell of a challenge.", "Lauren: Do you think he's in hiding?", "Michael: I wouldn't be surprised. From everything I've learned today, it is very likely that he is the one who planted the bomb.", "Lauren: And what's worse is he got away with it.", "Michael: Even if I did track him down, I don't think he would willingly implicate himself in order to save Lowell.", "Lauren: Now what about the others, you know? At the meeting, there have to be people who can verify what River said that night.", "Michael: Yeah. We might have to find them, too.", "Lauren: You okay?", "Michael: Hmm?", "Lauren: You know, finally finding out what happened that night? It can be emotional.", "Michael: I don't have time to think about that, Lauren. I can be a son later. Right now, I have to be a-- a brilliant attorney.", "Lauren: And that you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I'm sorry for the way I talked to you earlier. It's just embarrassing-- you charging in, yelling at me.", "Sharon: Okay, well, I'm sorry for the way I talked to you, too. You know, I have to realized that you're growing up now and you deserve to be talked to like an adult.", "Noah: Can I ask you a question?", "Sharon: About what?", "Noah: Uh... it's about girls.", "Sharon: Oh. Big subject.", "Noah: How come they like guys one minute, and then the next, they treat you like your dog meat or something?", "Sharon: Are you talking about one girl in particular?", "Noah: No.", "Sharon: Okay. Well... sometimes when they, um... they play hard to get and pretend like they don't like you, sort of mess with your head, it's--it's a way of saying that they do like you.", "Noah: You think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I don't need all of this.", "Lauren: Oh, right on time. Good girl.", "Eden: I've been checking out the itinerary for this trip to France.", "Michael: Sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it?", "Eden: Yeah, um... if you guys really want me to go, you know, I guess I could give it a shot. It's gotta be better than sitting in a classroom, right?", "Lauren: Well, I would say so. All right, after Michael leaves, I'll help you sign up.", "Eden: Leaves? Where are you going, Michael?", "Michael: I've got a new lead. I'm gonna find more evidence to clear our father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: Glo? I thought you'd left.", "Gloria: I got all the way to the gate. And I realized I needed to come back... and thank you, Lowell.", "River: For what?", "Gloria: Getting me off the hook with Michael.", "River: What do you mean?", "Gloria: I guess I could've talked to the authorities. Then maybe I might've been able to help you. But I didn't.", "River: Forget it. You paid my bail, and, uh... I skipped town. Left you broke and with a kid. Whatever happened back then, whatever you had to do to get by, I understand. I'm cool with it. Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You are Super Fenmore! Super Fenmore! You are! You are!", "Fen: (Giggles)", "Michael: I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you.", "Fen: (Laughs)", "Michael: I'm gonna miss you, too.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Oh, I wish I didn't have to leave you guys or you.", "Lauren: I wish you didn't, either. But you know what? You get your father out of jail, I'm all for it.", "Fen: Daddy.", "Lauren: I'll miss you madly, though. Say \"I'll miss you.\" I'll miss you, Daddy. I'll miss you. I'll miss you.", "Michael: Here's Mommy. Mommy's gonna play.", "Lauren: All right, wave bye-bye to Daddy.", "Fen: Bye-bye, Daddy.", "Lauren: Bye-bye, Daddy. Right there. Wave bye-bye.", "Michael: Bye, Sweetpea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: So doctor-patient confidentiality still applies, right?", "Olivia: Absolutely.", "Karen: Because Neil doesn't know, and I don't-- I don't want him to.", "Neil: Hey, hey, so there is absolutely no way that I'm going to allow you to stay in a hotel. You're gonna stay with me and this pretty lady right here.", "Olivia: That's very generous of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So you, uh, have a thing for Lily, huh?", "Billy: Yeah, why not? She's beautiful. She's available. And besides, I'm sure you'd like your husband to stop lusting after her before the baby comes out.", "Chloe: Oh, yes.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Chloe: Thank you for reminding me.", "Billy: Not a problem. Under the circumstances, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to help me with Lily.", "Chloe: Thrilled.", "Billy: Okay. You know, if I'm gonna cooperate with you, then you should really cooperate with me.", "Chloe: I'd be more than happy to oblige.", "Cane: So I saw you talking to Billy.", "Lily: Yeah, well, Billy's a lot of fun.", "Cane: Yeah, Billy's a lot of fun. Um, it's none of my business, but, I don't know, just... I don't trust the guy.", "Lily: Uh, yeah, you're right. It is none of your business.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Whether he never shows his ugly face here again or shows up tomorrow, we have Victor Newman where we want him.", "Nick: I'm a pretty good listener.", "Sharon: I remember.", "Nick: So tell me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At home, Nick lets Phyllis know that Chelsea lost the baby. Phyllis immediately wants to talk to Summer, but Nick forbids her to go near her. Cane and Lily discuss Genevieve and all the things that she's been doing to complicate their lives. At the Athletic Club, Genevieve catches up to the mysterious woman and begins to question who hired her to harass them. Genevieve begins to drop some names, but the woman doesn't respond until she mentions Colin's name. Then the woman lets her know it was Colin who hired her. Jack tells Katherine that he always valued her opinion. Katherine tries to talk some sense into Jack concerning Victor and his family and Newman Enterprises. In his hospital room, Victor asks Nikki what is making her cry, but she refuses to tell him anything. Genevieve questions the woman about Colin, but she denies knowing him. Katherine warns Jack about what he is doing to Nick and Victoria. Nick refuses to let Phyllis see Summer, but Phyllis hurries out to find her. Victor finds out with the help of Nikki's phone that the Newman ranch house burned down. Cane tells Lily he is considering the position of CEO of Jabot. Lily encourages him to go ask Jack for the job. Jack refuses to listen to Katherine's advice. Phyllis comes to see Summer but an argument erupts when she blames Phyllis for the accident which caused the death of Chelsea's baby. Victor visits the ranch and finds it in ruins.", "Lily tells Katherine that Cane is going to ask for the position of CEO of Jabot. When Cane asks Jack for the position, he is turned down because Jack had someone else in mind. Phyllis cannot believe that Summer is blaming her for the accident. Nick walks in on them arguing. As Victor walks through the ruins of the house, Nikki joins him. They reminisce together about the things that happened in the house in previous years. Jack refuses to tell Cane who he is considering for the CEO position. Genevieve tells Lily that she knows who has been harassing them. Phyllis tells Nick that she never meant to hurt Summer. Nick asks Phyllis for a divorce. Jack approaches Phyllis and tells her about all the things that the Newmans have done to her in the past before he offers her the CEO position of Jabot. Cane informs Lily that he was turned down for the CEO position. Genevieve approaches Cane with good news about the mysterious woman, but he turns on her and tells her that she has ruined his life for the last time and he doesn't want anymore to do with her. Victor asks Nikki to marry him for the last time.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Hello.", "Nick: Hey.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Buy you a drink? And we could talk.", "Nick: I don't think so.", "Phyllis: You don't even want to talk to me anymore? Not even about Summer?", "Nick: I didn't say that.", "Phyllis: Because I would hate for that to be the case.", "Nick: We're her parents, Phyllis. That's never gonna change.", "Phyllis: Before she wrecked the car, I was giving her her space.", "Nick: Good. That's what you need to do.", "Phyllis: No, that's not what I need to do. I'm her mother. She's not returning my phone calls.", "Nick: Well, that's not surprising, given everything that's going on.", "Phyllis: Why? What's going on now? What is going on now?", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Tell me. I deserve to know. She is my daughter, too.", "Nick: Okay. O-okay.", "Phyllis: What is going on?", "Nick: Chelsea lost the baby after the car accident.", "Phyllis: Does Summer know?", "Nick: I tried to keep it from her. I guess she went to see Adam and Chelsea, and they told her.", "Phyllis: Oh, why did you not tell me?", "Nick: Well, I'm telling you right now.", "Phyllis: No, but you didn't tell me then. See, this is the point. This is-- this is what I'm talking about. Summer needs both of her parents. This is really the wrong time to be separating.", "Nick: Don't turn this into a conversation about us.", "Phyllis: I'm--okay, I need to go see her.", "Nick: No, you're not gonna do that. Don't do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So what was your favorite part?", "Cane: Of what?", "Lily: The movie.", "Cane: Hmm, I don't really remember.", "Lily: Well, we just left the theater.", "Cane: I know. Maybe the movie wasn't that memorable.", "Lily: I see that our plan of getting your mind off of things didn't work.", "Cane: I just want to believe that Genevieve's telling the truth, that she didn't hire this woman to taunt us with memories of Samantha.", "Lily: But why would she do that?", "Cane: Because she's my mother and that's what she does.", "Lily: But Genevieve has no one. We're her only family, and I know how much she misses the twins. She doesn't have a job, so if she's not broke by now, she's definitely getting close. So why wouldn't she be trying to bond with you instead of pushing you away?", "Cane: Well, what's so disturbing is that none of this makes any sense.", "Lily: What if somebody really is setting her up? It's possible, right?", "Cane: Y-yeah, it's possible, but I would need some proof to believe it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: (Clears throat)", "Genevieve: Please... don't go away.", "Woman: Why, so you can attack me again?", "Genevieve: I need answers, and I'm willing to pay for them.", "Woman: Answers about what?", "Genevieve: About who really hired you to stalk Ethan and to torment him about his dead sister. We both know that that wasn't me.", "Woman: Of course it was you.", "Genevieve: Look, if you'll work with me, I'll make it worth your while.", "Woman: How much?", "Genevieve: $100,000, cash.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Uh, you are so foolish to think any good can come of all of this.", "Jack: Katherine, I always value your opinion.", "Kay: (Sighs) Well, then, you know, forget this rubbish, will you please, and think about Jabot? I mean, running a company as big as Newman, for God sake, Jack, Jabot is gonna get lost in the shuffle.", "Jack: I will never let that happen, I assure you. In fact, I may even fold it into Newman Cosmetics.", "Kay: Oh, Jack, Jack, Jack-- Darling, do you really want to own the world?", "Jack: You did, at one time.", "Kay: Well, that was a lifetime ago.", "Jack: Chancellor Industries was barely a speck on the map, and you made it a powerhouse.", "Kay: Okay, since, uh, when did this become a history lesson?", "Jack: My guess is you miss it. Admit it. Retirement is a bore, especially for someone with your smarts and your vitality. Try to convince me that society luncheons are giving you anywhere near the thrill that running an empire did.", "Kay: (Chuckles) My God. Is that what you really think that I do with my time-- eating watercress sandwiches and--and playing bridge? No, I am plenty fulfilled, thank you very much. Oh, by the way... Neil is doing a superb job running everything.", "Jack: I have no doubt about that...", "Kay: Uh-huh.", "Jack: But no one-- no one, Katherine, has your flair when it comes to running Chancellor. Look me in the eye and tell me you haven't found yourself looking over Neil's shoulder.", "Kay: You are fishing for something, aren't you? Well, tough. You just leave me out of it. You focus on the legacy you have from John and return to Victor's family everything, or... you will not receive one ounce of support... from your dear Auntie Katherine. Hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What has you so upset? Why are you crying?", "Nikki: I had just gotten you back, and the prospect of losing you again so soon, it just... I-it just all caught up with me at once.", "Victor: I'm sorry, okay?", "Nikki: I am very relieved that you've decided not to fight for Newman. I--oh, all that fighting and stress with Jack. I'd worry about what it would do to you.", "Victor: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Is that why you decided to hand the battle over to the kids?", "Victor: I'm giving Nicholas and Victoria and Abby a choice. Everything I have ever worked for, I've done for my family, and I want to see how much they've learned from me.", "Nikki: Well, that doesn't sound like a choice, Victor. It sounds like a test.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm handing them over Newman enterprises, one of the largest companies in the world. I want to know that they are capable of doing that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: All you have to say is two words. Tucker McCall? Jack Abbott? Victor Newman?", "Woman: You have got this innocent routine down pat.", "Genevieve: I am innocent. Someone put you up to this. Colin Atkinson? Colin.", "Woman: I didn't say that.", "Genevieve: Where is he, and why is he doing this to me?", "Woman: Atkinson... Atkinson. Mnh-mnh, sorry, I don't know any man by that name.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Harshness does not become you.", "Jack: I'd tell you what I really think of the man, but you're too much of a lady.", "Kay: My God, Honey, I-it's not as many times as you can say \"Got you\" that makes you happy. It's all the people you've loved", "Jack: Well, that list, for me, does not include \"The Mustache.\"", "Kay: But think of Nicholas. How about Victoria and Nikki?", "Jack: Oh, Katherine.", "Kay: No, come on. Jack, Jack, I-I know-- I know she wounded you, but deep down, you know and I know you will... always care about her.", "Jack: Nikki has chosen her own path, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, then what about the children? You helped to raise them. (Chuckles) I mean, uh, Vic-Victoria, how about--", "Jack: Victoria is a grown businesswoman who knows better than to take this personally.", "Kay: Well, then Nicholas. You were more of a father to that boy than Victor ever was.", "Jack: The way I see it, I am doing Nicholas a favor, getting him out from under his father's shadow.", "Kay: Father's shadow!", "Jack: If he's half as smart as I think he is, he will use this opportunity to become the man he was always meant to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What you said about giving Summer space-- you need to go back to that.", "Phyllis: No, I don't! I need to see her. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she needs her mother right now.", "Nick: Well, that's not gonna be tonight. Summer's exhausted, and she's already in bed. Leave her alone.", "Man: Excuse me, Mr. Newman?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Man: Will there be anything else?", "Nick: No, thanks. Just need my autograph here?", "Man: If you please.", "Nick: Thanks, Eddie.", "Eddie: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: How are you feeling?", "Victor: Fine, thank you. Better all the time.", "Woman: I'm glad to see Mrs. Newman is getting some rest. She seemed so agitated after that phone call.", "Victor: I guess it's been a very rough day. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So that was the sitter, and Matty and Charlie went down a couple hours ago.", "Lily: Guess what's trending?", "Cane: Halloween costumes.", "Lily: Newman takeover.", "Cane: That was my next guess.", "Lily: (Laughs) I know that you've been distracted.", "Cane: Yeah, I have, haven't I? I'm just kind of done with whoever's, uh, jerking us around with all these, uh, games they're playing, you know? But I'm done. No more. I am now focused, all right? On our family and our future.", "Lily: Are you thinking about Jabot again?", "Cane: Yes, I am. I'm thinking Jack needs someone who can take the reins. Why not me?", "Lily: Well, I think that you would be great. I mean, you were before. He would be crazy not to promote you.", "Cane: I will call him first thing in the morning.", "Lily: Why wait? I'm sure he would see you.", "Cane: You mean, call him now?", "Lily: Yes! Go and make your pitch to Jack. Let him know that you want to be considered.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It was good seeing you, Katherine.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Even though, uh, you didn't listen to a word I had to say?", "Jack: It's always worth hearing what you have to say, even when you're absolutely wrong.", "Kay: (Laughs) Do you know something? You're not half as charming as you used to be, and I think I know what you're up to.", "Jack: I guess we'll see, won't we?", "Kay: Well, Icarus flew too close to the sun and fell. I'd hate to see that happen to you, Jack.", "Jack: Thank you for your concern. I'll pack a parachute, just in case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What happened?", "Summer: Grandpa's house caught fire. I wasn't around when it started.", "Phyllis: Where were you?", "Summer: Faith's nanny and I took her out to see a movie and we just got home and found out.", "Phyllis: Was anyone hurt?", "Summer: How would I know?", "Phyllis: There's nothing left. How did it happen?", "Summer: Dad probably knows.", "Phyllis: I just saw him. He didn't say anything.", "Summer: Yeah, well, I guess he didn't feel like telling you.", "Phyllis: Listen, I'm--I'm glad that you-- that you and Faith-- you weren't here when it happened. You--you were safe. I know about what happened, about the accident, Chelsea losing the baby.", "Summer: (Sighs) Okay, do we have to do this right now?", "Phyllis: Listen, I just-- I want you to know, I-I'm... I'm sure you feel a lot of guilt.", "Summer: You're the one that should be feeling guilty. You're the reason why I even had the accident.", "Phyllis: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait one second. I'm here to comfort you, and you are blaming the accident on me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor?", "(Call button beeps)", "Nikki: Um, did Mr. Newman go for some tests or something?", "Woman: Not at this hour. Maybe he took a walk around the floor.", "Nikki: Could you look for him, please?", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Ah, thank you. So, my dear, how are the twins?", "Lily: Oh, they are rambunctious as ever. (Chuckles)", "Kay: (Laughs) And that handsome husband of yours, hmm?", "Lily: Um, he's hopeful. You know, since he got promoted, he's been doing an amazing job...", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: And Jack has a lot of confidence in him. And now that Jack will be busy with Newman, he's hoping that he can maybe start running Jabot again.", "Kay: Mm.", "Lily: So he actually went to go talk with Jack about it just now.", "Kay: But, uh, just remember, so much of success relies on timing.", "Lily: What, you don't think that Jack will give him the job?", "Kay: Well, I believe he's qualified and I think he's an excellent choice, but who knows what's running around in Jack's head these days?", "Lily: Oh.", "Kay: Well, if I were you, I would be glad of that. Animosity is what's fueling this whole mess. It's a war that no one ever wins. People get hurt. I'm just hopeful that Cane won't be caught in the cross fire. Mark my words, there will be cross fire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: This day has been more than 20 years in the making, Cane.", "Cane: Congratulations, Mate. Well done.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Cane: So I, uh, presume you're gonna have your hands full now.", "Jack: Oh, am I.", "Cane: You know, with your focus being over at Newman, I, you know, imagine you'd probably want someone at Jabot who has experience, so, um, I was wondering, uh... Jack, I'd like the opportunity to show you what I can do, step up.", "Jack: You want the job of C.E.O.?", "Cane: I have previous job experience, I'm motivated, I'm totally loyal to you and the company, and while you're over at Newman taking it to greater heights, I would like to do the same thing here.", "Jack: Uh, you know, I'm sorry, you caught me a little off guard here. Um, it's not that I don't value your hard work, your loyalty, and your talent. I have someone else in mind for that job.", "Cane: Would you mind if I ask who it is?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: How do you twist that around, that Chelsea's miscarriage is my fault? You can't possibly believe that.", "Summer: Everything bad that's happening in my life right now is your fault, so is this.", "Phyllis: Okay, all right, okay, okay, one second. I love you. That will never change, okay? But you cannot keep shoving the blame of your actions on me. You can't keep doing that. I made some stupid mistakes--", "Summer: Super stupid.", "Phyllis: Yes, super stupid. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. But what you're doing here, this--this is out of control.", "Summer: Okay, well, I was so mad at you that that is the reason why I was driving like that.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Just because you're upset at someone, that does not give you license to be violent and reckless and do whatever you want, Summer. Do you understand me? I took responsibility for what I did. I owned up to my mistakes. And now it's time you own up to yours.", "Summer: Are you saying that it's my fault that the baby died?", "Phyllis: No. No. No, I'm not saying that. Accidents happen. Miscarriages happen for many, many different reasons. It probably--maybe it had nothing to do with the accident, I don't know, but that's not how Chelsea and Adam see it, I'm sure.", "Summer: No, I-I don't-- I don't even want to hear any more of what you have to say. You think that I killed the baby, and I will never forgive you for that.", "Phyllis: Summer, I am not saying that!", "Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Faith's asleep upstairs. Calm down.", "Summer: Dad, no, you should have heard what she said to me!", "Nick: Okay, Honey, I'm sure she didn't mean it.", "Summer: You weren't even here and you're still defending her!", "Nick: Summer...", "Summer: (Sighs) Okay, no, I've--I've seriously had it with--with both of you. I cannot wait until I'm out of here and I never have to deal with either of you again. No.", "Phyllis: Okay, come on, Summer. Summer!", "Nick: I thought I told you to stay away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, my God. (Sniffles) I thought I would find you here. You--you should not have snuck out of the hospital, Victor. You--you really shouldn't be out of bed.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Ohh. (Sobbing)", "Victor: This is our house. (Sighs)", "Nikki: It's devastating. (Sobs)", "Victor: Why didn't you tell me about this?", "Nikki: (Sniffles) Oh, I-I couldn't. I-I just couldn't do that to you when you were sick. And you can't do anything. There's nothing you can do about it.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I would rather not say who I hope to hire until I've spoken to them and gotten a response to my offer.", "Cane: Fair enough.", "Jack: As far as your place at Jabot goes, you have nothing to worry about. You've done terrific work, Cane. I just didn't think you were ready for this move.", "Cane: You know, Jack, I did have the position before, and I did excel at it.", "Jack: A lot's happened since then, cane.", "Cane: So... you mean, uh, my mother and the way she deceived you during your engagement?", "Jack: No way. That's not the way I operate. I would never punish you for Genevieve's bad behavior.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hi, Lily.", "Lily: Hi.", "Genevieve: Listen, I know that you two are upset with me, and if what that woman said was true, you would have every right to be. But it's not, and I know who's responsible for all this now.", "Lily: Who?", "Genevieve: Yeah, I ran into that woman again. I offered her $100,000 for a name.", "Lily: Do you even have a hundred--", "Genevieve: It doesn't matter. I got the information for free.", "Lily: How?", "Genevieve: I saw how she reacted when I mentioned Colin's name.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, Nick, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. We can't let Summer do this. (Sighs)", "Nick: Once she calms down, I'll talk to her.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. You know, we were having a civil conversation, and she said something to me, and it pushed buttons and I lost it, and I'm an idiot. I could kick myself. I could kick myself. I didn't mean to upset her. I really didn't. You--you believe me, don't you?", "Nick: Just go home, okay? It's not good for Summer for you to be here.", "Phyllis: All right, but for--for you? I saw the house. I'm--I'm--I'm sorry.", "Nick: It's all gone... but it can't be undone. We'll get past it.", "Phyllis: Houses can be rebuilt. So can relationships.", "Nick: This is over. I want a divorce.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I just can't believe it's gone. So much of our lives were spent right here.", "Victor: It's a building. And the memories we have are in our hearts, always will be.", "Nikki: Ohh. (Sniffling) (Breathes deeply) (Sighs) I remember the first time I came here... and I remember when you asked me to live with you. You were gonna make a lady out of me.", "Victor: This is where we belong, you and I, together. I remember.", "Nikki: (Sobbing) You were right, what you said before. The memories will live in our hearts forever.", "Victor: You know... the love you and I share will survive anything.", "Nikki: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Is that wine? We should be drinking champagne.", "Phyllis: We have nothing to celebrate. If you want some applause for stealing Newman, you picked the wrong bar.", "Jack: Since when were you part of Victor's fan club...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Jack: Or he part of yours? You've just been through the worst crisis of your life. How many of that gang stood by you? Not even Nick. Look, I realize the two of you are on the outs now.", "Phyllis: No, no, that's-- that's temporary.", "Jack: Oh. So then offering you a job would just be a waste of time?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: I heard a car driving away.", "Nick: Yeah, she's gone. Want to sit down?", "Nick: Look, Sweetheart, I know you're going through a real difficult time right now. You're very upset with your mother and me, you feel responsible for what happened to Adam and Chelsea's baby, and you want to pin that on your mom. It's gotta be tearing you up inside. I'm just asking you to, please, think long and hard before you do anything rash. Give things a chance to settle down. Give me a chance. Can you do that?", "Summer: I'm not making any promises.", "Nick: Okay, I'll take that. Just think about what I said, okay? Now I hate to pile on, but some things happened today that you should know about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Can this be rebuilt?", "Victor: (Exhales slowly) Yeah. It'll take time, but everything that has been damaged can be repaired.", "Nikki: Well, we are proof of that.", "Victor: Yeah... aren't we? (Exhales slowly) Let's move forward together, okay? I don't want to dwell on the past.", "Nikki: We can make new memories.", "Victor: I'm looking forward to that. (Exhales slowly) As Katherine said... I lost a hell of a lot in the blink of an eye, didn't I? First my company, and then this house. (Exhales slowly) Both tragic and liberating, because now... we'll have a fresh start, won't we?", "Nikki: Well, then we'd better make sure that you're 100%. Let's get you back to the hospital.", "Victor: No, Baby, not yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Uh-oh. Did it not go well?", "Cane: Jack has other plans for the C.E.O. spot. At least I'm still the, uh, head of marketing, right?", "Lily: Baby, I'm so sorry. Did he say why, or anything?", "Cane: No, but I think it has something to do with the way my mother tried to snake Beauty of Nature from underneath him. She's just the gift that keeps on giving.", "Genevieve: Ethan, Darling, I have some incredible news! I know who put that awful woman up to impersonating Samantha. It was your father!", "Cane: I don't care! This is the last time you ruin my life.", "Genevieve: I've messed up your life? Wh-what are you talking about?", "Cane: You willfully and you purposely deceived him when he trusted you and was about to make you his wife, and it has now cost me a very, very big promotion.", "Genevieve: Did Jack say that?", "Cane: No, Mom. He didn't have to. And now I'm done with you.", "Cane: Come on, Baby.", "Lily: Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Are you serious?", "Jack: Totally.", "Phyllis: A job?", "Jack: Why not?", "Phyllis: What kind of job?", "Jack: Working with me at Newman, you and me, side by side. Stop by the office tomorrow. I'll give you details.", "Phyllis: No, I can't do that. Nick would never forgive me.", "Jack: What makes you so sure Nick will ever forgive you anyway? Come be part of my team at Newman. We'd be great together. You know that, and I know that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Here you go.", "Summer: Are you sure Grandpa's gonna be all right?", "Nick: That's what the doctor said. And you know what? As for the fire... no one was hurt, and that's really all that matters. Everything else can be replaced.", "Summer: Except people.", "Nick: Come here.", "Summer: What are you gonna do now? How are you gonna get the company back?", "Nick: (Sighs) I don't know if we can. You know that old saying, \"Sometimes, when a door closes, another one opens\"?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Exhales sharply) You know, maybe I had to lose everything to realize what's very important to me, really important to me. It's you.", "Nikki: Oh, Victor.", "Victor: You and I have been through so much together, so many ups and downs, so many obstacles in our way. Lost each other over and over again. We always found our way back to each other.", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victor: Maybe that means something very profound.", "Victor: I love you.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Victor: Marry me, and don't say no. Don't--don't say no. Just marry me. Marry me for the last time, forever.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: I just filed for divorce.", "Summer: Good.", "Neil: Not about to leave Chancellor Industries.", "Jack: My friend, I'm about to change your mind.", "Summer: And does my mom even know that you have a kid?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Avery comes to see Nikki at the Newman ranch. Avery thinks that this is all about Nick, but Nikki wants to hire her. At the police department, Alex and Paul discuss the possibility that Nikki could have been the one who hit Delia. Paul wants it kept quiet until he finds out the truth. In the squad room, Kevin goes over the list of suspects, but Alex doesn't want to hear it. At the hospital, Chelsea tells Billy and Chloe that Connor needs a cornea transplant. Billy and Chloe both agree to let Connor have Delia's corneas. Chelsea cannot believe her ears. In the chapel, Adam prays for punishment from God, because he deserves it for hitting Delia and killing her but that his son will not have to pay the price. Nikki lets Avery know that she wants to put her son in her will. Avery thinks that she is talking about Nick, but Nikki says she is talking about Dylan. At the coffeehouse, Dylan and Sharon talk about different things in their lives and how it relates to different people that they are interested in. Adam comes rushing in to tell Chelsea and Chloe some news, but Billy also comes in and lets them know that the doctor is ready to do the surgery now that Delia's corneas are a perfect match. Chelsea lets Adam in on the news. Adam is speechless but when he does regain his voice, he tells them that he doesn't deserve this. Chelsea is more than a little surprised.", "Avery disputes Nikki's news that Dylan is her son, but Nikki divulges that Dylan was adopted and she hadn't told him the truth. Paul comes in and interrupts their conversation. Sharon encourages Dylan to go after Avery if he still wants her. Paul cannot believe his ears when he finds out that she told Avery that Dylan was her son and she was putting him in her will. Chelsea visits the chapel to pray. Adam, with Connor in his arms, stands behind her. Jill visits Billy and is stunned to hear what happened to Delia. Alex and another police officer go over the list of names of people who have black SUVs and are surprised that Adam's name is on the list. Paul clears Nikki as a suspect of hitting Delia. Dylan asks Avery to have lunch with him, but she rushes out without so much as a reason why. Kevin and Chloe share Delia's favorite dessert, a brownie with extra whipped cream.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: Well, thank you for squeezing me in this morning.", "Avery: Oh, it wasn't a problem.", "Avery: You know, I couldn't eat a thing. Thank you.", "Nikki: Well, let me know if you change your mind. Please. Sit. Sit. How have you been?", "Avery: At this moment, I'm -- I'm actually a little nervous.", "Nikki: Why?", "Avery: Well, the only reason I can imagine you'd want to see me is to talk about Nick and our aborted wedding.", "Nikki: Oh, no, no. That's not why I asked you here.", "Avery: Then why did you?", "Nikki: I want to hire you.", "Avery: Nikki, are you in some kind of trouble?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So, you're telling me the best lead we have in the Abbott girl's hit- and-run is Nikki Newman?", "Alex: At least her car.", "Paul: Did you double-check?", "Alex: Well, yeah, I figured she's a friend of yours, I'd better, right?", "Paul: Alex.", "Alex: Double- and triple-checked, Chief. The black S.U.V. registered to Nikki Newman was caught on camera a few miles from the crime scene.", "Paul: When?", "Alex: Just before 8:00, the time of the hit-and-run. We need to follow up.", "Paul: I agree.", "Alex: Okay. I'll get right on it.", "Paul: I will handle this myself.", "Alex: That's all right. Yes, Sir.", "Paul: And, look, since I am certain this is a non-starter, I want you to keep this latest development under wraps.", "Alex: Will do, Chief.", "Paul: And don't ease up on this investigation. I want you to actively pursue every single lead you can find.", "[Door opens]", "Kevin: Hey, Chavez! I built a list of suspects in Delia's case.", "Alex: Why are you still pursuing this?", "Kevin: Because the driver is in here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: It turns out Connor's eye disorder, it's different than we thought. If left untreated, he'll go blind.", "Billy: What's the treatment?", "Chelsea: He needs a cornea transplant.", "Chloe: Um... the surgery -- when is it supposed to happen?", "Chelsea: It might not happen. Donors are really hard to find. So many things need to line up correctly. It's -- it's a real long shot.", "Billy: I'll take care of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: [Sniffles] So, do we have a deal? You punish me and not my little boy? I'm not sure how this goes. I'm supposed to wait for a sign from you? Make sure that you're even listening? 'Cause I'm not like these do-gooders who come in here and drop to their knees every day, twice on Sundays. She was just a little girl, an innocent, little kid. She didn't deserve this. She didn't do anything wrong. [Sighs] I will rot in hell for this. And I deserve it. I'll do anything. Just don't make my son pay the price for my crime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Hey. Give me a straight answer. Where is Billy going?", "Chloe: He's going to talk to the hospital administrator.", "Chelsea: Why? What did he mean when he said he'd take care of it?", "Chloe: He's gonna make sure that Delia can donate...her corneas to Connor.", "Chelsea: What?", "Chloe: So he'll be able to see.", "Chelsea: No. No, no, no. I have to stop Billy. That can't be happening.", "Chloe: No, no, no, no. You have to let us help you.", "Chelsea: How can I let you help me? How can I let you do that? No. No, this isn't some stranger, Chloe. This is Delia. I couldn't take a-a transplant from her. That wouldn't be right.", "Chloe: Chelsea, what happened to Delia was very, very wrong. But this is very, very right.", "Chelsea: [Voice breaking] No, Chloe, I couldn't --", "Chloe: It's the only good thing that can come out of a bad situation.", "Chelsea: I don't understand. She's your baby. How can you be okay with this?", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] Because Connor is your baby. And you're my friend, and I want to help you. I want to help your son. [Sniffles] Delia would want to help your son.", "Chelsea: [Exhales deeply] [Sniffles]", "Chloe: [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: No, I'm not in any kind of trouble.", "Avery: But you want to hire me as an attorney.", "Nikki: Yes. Um...I want to change my will. I-I realize that's not your specific area of law.", "Avery: Why me? I'm no longer at Newman.", "Nikki: What does that have to do with it?", "Avery: Well, I'm sure your estate has company shares, in which case the new corporate council would be more helpful in this.", "Nikki: Avery, I know exactly what I need, and it has nothing to do with Newman Enterprises.", "Avery: There are a lot of other attorneys.", "Nikki: I'm afraid they won't do.", "Avery: Well, if you're determined to use my firm, uh, perhaps my partner, Leslie Michaelson, can handle this for you.", "Nikki: She could, I'm sure. But you are the person to help me with what I need.", "Avery: Which is?", "Nikki: I want to add a beneficiary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Divorce papers from Chelsea?", "Dylan: [Sighs] No. No. Chelsea and I are still married. For now, anyway.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. You just seemed... I don't want to butt in. I just came here to get coffee.", "Dylan: Uh, then let me get you a-a coffee.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Dylan: How you doing?", "Sharon: Better than I have been.", "Dylan: Uh, were you sick?", "Sharon: Um, let's just say I-I kind of went off the rails, but I am determined to get back on track.", "Dylan: Then I'm sure you will.", "Sharon: And what about you?", "Dylan: Is this you not butting in?", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Butting in would be me taking that paper and reading it. I'm just politely asking.", "Dylan: I see.", "Sharon: But we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I can just, you know, sit here and drink my coffee and chat with you about weather or football.", "Dylan: Uh, those are my only choices?", "Sharon: [Chuckles] It's up to you. You just look like you needed a friend.", "Dylan: Uh, these papers are from Adam's lawyer. My parental rights to my son... uh, to Connor have been terminated.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. But I can't say I'm surprised. Knowing Adam firsthand, I know how he can be, how ruthless he can be when it comes to getting what he wants.", "Dylan: Yeah, I'm sure you do.", "Sharon: So, how can I help?", "Dylan: Uh, wish you could.", "Sharon: Well, I know this won't make you feel better about your loss, but, um, I do know a little girl who adores you, and she has a lot of hugs to give away.", "Dylan: How's my little buddy Faith doing?", "Sharon: She's good. You know, our door's always open to you.", "Dylan: That's nice. Thank you.", "Sharon: But not helpful?", "Dylan: [Sighs] I'm sorry, Sharon. You know, I just... I just feel...", "Sharon: Angry toward Chelsea.", "Dylan: Some. You know, when I let myself go there. But it's more than that. I... I just -- I miss that life. You know, my -- my greatest joy was -- was holding Connor in my arms, feeling like I was part of a family. And then I get this document with those -- those words.", "Sharon: I understand. That must feel like a divorce. With that piece of paper, your family's been taken away from you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So, what are we negotiating here, huh? I tell everyone the truth and... and then maybe you will save my son's eyesight. Hmm? [Breathing heavily]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: What you're doing for us, Chloe... it's everything. I-I don't know how I will even begin to thank you.", "Chloe: You can just thank me by being a good mother and loving him and protecting him and never letting him ever out of your sight.", "Chelsea: I'll -- I'll do that. I'll do all of that.", "Chloe: [Exhales deeply]", "Adam: Chloe. I am very sorry. I-I need to tell the both of you something.", "Chelsea: Adam, I have news.", "Adam: There's something that I need to say. I need to get it out.", "Chelsea: Stop it. Listen to me. Everything's changed.", "Billy: I just talked with the administrator. She said they can perform the transplant now.", "Adam: What are you talking about?", "Chelsea: Connor. He's getting the surgery.", "Adam: How?", "Chelsea: Billy and Chloe are donating Delia's corneas to our baby. Isn't that amazing?", "Adam: Is this true? But why?", "Chloe: We're not doing this for you. We're doing it for Connor.", "Chelsea: We found our miracle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: It's not the end of the world, Sharon.", "Sharon: Hmm. That's what it looked like when I walked in.", "Dylan: Well, I thought Connor was my son. Turns out he's not. That's that.", "Sharon: So, you're saying it doesn't hurt and that you don't miss him?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Of course it hurts. Of course.", "Sharon: Who are you talking to about this?", "Dylan: Who's left? I mean, you were around when my -- my dad died. And my mom's been gone since...", "Sharon: Since you were in Afghanistan.", "Dylan: How do you remember that?", "Sharon: Well, let me ask you something.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Sharon: When's my daughter's birthday?", "Dylan: September 30th?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. See? Friends don't forget important stuff.", "Dylan: My mom was -- my mom was like that. Always more concerned with people than with stuff. Both my parents were very caring, and I wanted to raise Connor like they raised me with that kind of love.", "Sharon: And discipline.", "Dylan: Oh, yeah. Yeah, my dad wasn't afraid to reel me in when I got out of control. But what I remember is just laughing and fishing and, you know, building stuff together.", "Sharon: Did your mom ever get in on that?", "Dylan: When forced. Yeah.", "Sharon: Were you lonely because you didn't have any siblings?", "Dylan: What only child wouldn't want brothers and sisters? But both my parents were -- they were great. Absolutely great. I'm sorry. It still gets to me a little bit.", "Sharon: No, of course it does.", "Dylan: You know, when my mom... when she passed away, it was -- it was tough. It was tough, but my dad, I... I just kind of lost my bearings when -- when he died.", "Sharon: Why is that?", "Dylan: Why -- why you asking me that?", "Sharon: Because a few times in my life I've lost my bearings, and I thought... I don't know. Forget I asked.", "Dylan: When -- when dad died, I... I became an orphan. And I just -- it just really messed -- it just really messed with my head, you know, and I tried to reconnect with -- with Avery.", "Sharon: Avery.", "Dylan: Right. And, uh, it didn't -- it didn't work out. And then Connor came along, and I didn't have to be a son anymore, and I was getting to be a dad, and that was just...", "Sharon: It's magical watching your child being born.", "Dylan: Magic. That's the right word. I mean, the timing was perfect. It was like -- it was like fate stepped in, and God and my mom and dad just sent Connor to complete the life circle for me. And we even named him after my dad. And now that's it. They're gone.", "Sharon: No extended family?", "Dylan: No, just, you know, an uncle and aunt I never spoke to.", "Sharon: Hmm. Army buddies?", "Dylan: Most of my unit's gone.", "Sharon: What about that friend who moved to town?", "Dylan: Stitch. Yeah. No. He's -- he's great. He's great. But he's got his own family to take care of.", "Sharon: You know, you keep not bringing up Avery. Why can't you talk to her?", "Dylan: Uh...", "Sharon: What's that about?", "Dylan: There's just a part of me...", "Sharon: That wants to get back together with her. So why don't you?", "Dylan: I-I don't really -- I want to move forward.", "Sharon: And being with her would be taking a step back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I guess if you don't have a problem with me, given what went down with Nick, then I don't have a problem taking on -- thank you -- your legal business.", "Nikki: Good. So, I'm officially your client?", "Avery: Yes. Now, I assume this will modification pertains to your grandchildren? You know, just because Summer is not longer --", "Nikki: Actually, no, that's all up to date. Um, I want to add my son.", "Avery: Nick isn't already in your will?", "Nikki: Not Nicholas. Um, my other son. Dylan McAvoy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Okay. I'm done spilling my guts.", "Sharon: Aww. And we were just getting to all the good parts.", "Dylan: Yeah, I feel like I'm in high school worrying about whether a girl likes me or not.", "Sharon: You know, sometimes we never get over our high-school sweethearts. Maybe it's because they were the person who was there and watched and helped and plagued us as we grew up. But maybe it's just because that's the person we belong with. And Avery is that person for you.", "Dylan: I don't think she really sees it that way.", "Sharon: I think you're making excuses. And if you're drawn to Avery, you cannot give up on her.", "Dylan: We would just take one step forward then two steps back.", "Sharon: Well, then you know what? Then take three steps forward. Take four. Take as many steps as needed until she realizes that you two belong together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Nikki, that's not possible.", "Nikki: I assure you it is.", "Avery: But I knew Dylan's parents. I practically grew up with them.", "Nikki: The thing is, his mother adopted him and never told him the truth that she and his dad were not his biological parents.", "Paul: Oh, Nikki, hi. Your housekeeper let me in.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Paul: Avery, hello.", "Avery: Hi, Paul.", "Paul: Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I am here to discuss some official business with you, Nikki, regarding the hit-and-run.", "Nikki: Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry, Avery. Can you wait?", "Avery: Don't apologize. Catching the person who killed that innocent, little girl takes precedence. Uh, I have to get to the office.", "Nikki: Uh, we will talk later.", "Avery: Yes, this is a conversation we will definitely finish.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Paul: Take care.", "Nikki: So? What did you find out about Delia's accident?", "Paul: A car was spotted on a surveillance camera couple of miles up the road from the site of the accident about the same time.", "Nikki: Great. So you found the driver?", "Paul: The car fits the incomplete description we have of the vehicle -- a dark S.U.V. -- and we even have a witness that saw it swerve.", "Nikki: Oh, thank God. I hope this pans out.", "Paul: I don't.", "Nikki: What do you mean? Why would you say that?", "Paul: Because it's your car caught on tape, Nikki. I'm here to look at the vehicle.", "Nikki: Wh--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I've been working on this thing nonstop.", "Alex: Even after I told you not to.", "Kevin: What you have here is a list of every black S.U.V. registered in the greater Genoa City area. Take it.", "Alex: We've been checking every surveillance footage.", "Kevin: Yeah, and what if the driver wasn't caught on any video nearby? Then that becomes the only other source of suspects.", "Alex: What's it gonna take to get this through your head? Your investigation could send it straight into the weeds.", "Kevin: How can you say that this list isn't gonna help?", "Alex: It does help -- for now. But what happens after when it goes to court and all the evidence gets tossed because of your vested interest in this case?", "Kevin: Delia may not have been my kid by birth, but she was about as close to it as you can get. I owe this to her.", "Alex: And you owe it to Chloe. I get it, okay? I get it, and I respect you for it. This is not the way to do it.", "Kevin: So you keep saying.", "Alex: Then will you finally listen to me? You want to help Chloe? You know where you should be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So, after we sign these, then what?", "Billy: They go ahead with the procedure.", "Chloe: Right away?", "Chelsea: I've alerted Connor's eye doctor. I thought that you'd be more comfortable if it was someone we knew doing the procedure. And he's -- he's been really great, and he's always very gentle with Connor.", "Chloe: That's good. That's good.", "Billy: How soon?", "Chelsea: He's on his way. I-I don't know how we will ever be able to thank you two. What you're -- what you're doing for our son is...", "Chloe: We can't go back in time and stop that car from hitting her. And I will never get my little girl back. [Voice breaking] At least her life will mean more now. Even though it meant less than nothing to that bastard who left her on the side of the road.", "Billy: He's gonna rot in hell for what he did.", "Chelsea: I'm -- I'm so sorry. I hate how awful this is for you guys. We're -- we're so grateful, right, Adam? Say something.", "Adam: I really don't deserve this. You can't possibly think that I deserve this.", "Billy: No, you don't. But your son deserves to have a chance.", "Adam: Every chance.", "Chloe: I guess I-I've signed everything.", "Billy: So have I.", "Chloe: I think you understand that I should probably leave.", "Chelsea: I'll call you after.", "Adam: What I owe you... what I owe the both of you, can never be measured or counted. Thank you. [Sniffles]", "Billy: Let's be clear. We didn't do this for you. We did it for him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Checking your S.U.V. was simply routine.", "Nikki: Well, it certainly didn't feel like it. That anybody could think I had something to do with hurting that little girl...", "Paul: I had to officially eliminate you as a suspect. That's all.", "Nikki: All right. Well, now you have my unblemished vehicle to prove it.", "Paul: And we can zero in on the real killer.", "Nikki: Do you really think you're gonna find them?", "Paul: Oh, we will. And you understand the reason for the visit?", "Nikki: Yeah, you couldn't eliminate me as a suspect when there's evidence pointing right at me. I-I understand.", "Paul: Well, my timing could have been better. I didn't mean to interrupt your chat with Avery.", "Nikki: Yeah. It wasn't just a casual visit. I asked her to put Dylan in my will.", "Paul: Why in the world would you ask Avery of all people to do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Kevin: Hey. You haven't been returning my messages. I was looking all over for you.", "Chloe: What made you look here?", "Kevin: Well, it was one of Delia's favorite places.", "Chloe: I just wanted to be reminded of her, so I came here, and I got her favorite. I got a chocolate-chip cookie and hot chocolate.", "Kevin: Well, maybe that was her favorite when she was with you, but she and I had a different favorite. [Chuckles] Nonetheless, I think it's a great way to honor her. I'm gonna grab a hot chocolate.", "Chloe: Hey, Kevin.", "Kevin: Yeah?", "Chloe: I decided to honor her in another way today.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Chloe: I decided to donate Delia's corneas to Connor.", "Kevin: Oh.", "Chloe: I took your advice.", "Kevin: I bet that was a really hard decision.", "Chloe: Actually, it was really easy. The second I heard that Connor needed a transplant, everything changed. I needed to do it. I needed to do it for Connor and for my best friend.", "Kevin: You did a good thing. You did. You did the right thing. [Exhales sharply] I'm proud of you. [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] And I know that up in heaven, so does Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: It's perfectly reasonable to include Dylan in my will. I haven't been there for him his entire life. It's the least I can do -- provide for him after I'm gone.", "Paul: Well, of course you'd want to include Dylan.", "Nikki: Well, then why are you questioning me?", "Paul: Working with Avery? I mean, the woman your other son was going to marry? And didn't Dylan and Avery have a relationship?", "Nikki: That's exactly why I hired her, Paul.", "Paul: What? You want to push them back together?", "Nikki: No, I want access to Dylan. I want to get to know my son. And who better to do that through than somebody who's known him the longest and the best?", "Paul: Oh, Nikki. You're playing with fire here.", "Nikki: Maybe. But Avery obviously cares about him very much, and she can help give me the answers that I need.", "Paul: What answers?", "Nikki: I need to know if Dylan even wants to know the truth about me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Hey, I thought you left.", "Sharon: Oh, I just wanted to make sure you're okay.", "Dylan: I am. Thanks for listening and the advice.", "Sharon: You know, that was good advice. Maybe I should take it myself.", "Dylan: You think your life is empty? I mean, Sharon, you have -- you have great kids.", "Sharon: Yeah. And I love them so much. But...", "Dylan: I hope you find someone, too. You deserve someone special.", "Sharon: I agree.", "Dylan: Avery. You all right?", "Sharon: Um, I'm gonna let you two talk. Thanks for the coffee.", "Dylan: Why are you staring at me like that?", "Avery: I'm not. I'm -- I'm just thinking. Uh, it's been a crazy day.", "Dylan: Yeah. I've had a pretty enlightening morning myself.", "Avery: Oh? How so?", "Dylan: Uh, Sharon and I got to talking, you know, just about family and my parents and how much they meant to me. What's going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I kept telling Adam to have faith. I probably kept getting on him about it because of my own faith. As you've probably noticed, it was almost gone. And now at a time where I'm supposed to be hopeful, I just... [Voice breaking] I feel this huge emptiness inside where I have absolutely no faith. [Sniffles] And I have to stop that. I have to stop all that fast because my sweet, little boy deserves only positive people around him right now before he goes into that operating room. [Sniffles] Yet here I am. Maybe it's because I don't feel worthy. Who would? My son's sight could be saved, but at the expense of my best friend's daughter. And the pain that Chloe's had to go through, and she's been nothing but good to me. And who am I? I'm a criminal. I'm...a con. After all the terrible things I've done in my life...", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: ...How could I possibly deserve this miracle?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: One moment, uh, she's smiling, taking her bows after her play, looking forward to ice cream. Then she's gone. She's just... she's just gone. How's that happen?", "Jill: What's wrong with this world where this could happen to a child? [Voice breaking] An innocent, little girl who never did anything but give love and make the world a better place by being in it. Oh, my little granddaughter. My sweet, little Delia. I can't bear this. [Sobs]", "Billy: Yeah, well, you won't be able to bear the fact that this is my fault.", "Jill: [Exhales shakily]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: That is a huge burden to put on Avery's shoulders. To predict Dylan's reaction to finding out that you are his mother?", "Nikki: Well, I need help with this, Paul. And she knows him so well. She cares about him. I mean, she could help us both get through this if the truth comes out.", "Paul: Well [Scoffs] If you're gonna put Dylan's name on a will, the truth is going to come out eventually. Is that how you want it revealed? I mean, really, after you're dead and gone?", "Nikki: Why not? He's lived this long without me.", "Paul: That really doesn't sound like that's fair to anyone involved.", "Nikki: So then you think I should tell him?", "Paul: I hope that you will eventually have the strength to be honest with Dylan, mother to son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: It's actually this, uh, case that I took on today.", "Dylan: Why has it got you so distracted?", "Avery: Well, it's a new client, and it's a very strange situation.", "Dylan: Strange? That's all I get? Strange?", "Avery: You know, client-lawyer privilege.", "Dylan: Privilege. Yeah. You know what we both need? We need a break from our routine.", "Avery: Break? What kind of break?", "Dylan: Yeah. Um, I'm kind of hungry. How would you feel about having lunch with me?", "Avery: Oh. Is it lunchtime already? Um, okay, I-I didn't realize. I-I have to go, so, um, I'll -- I'll see you, Dylan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So, this -- this is Delia's first favorite dessert. Brownie with extra whipped cream and quadruple cherries.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] I would never have let her eat that.", "Kevin: That's why she needed me. [Chuckles]", "Chloe: Kevin.", "Kevin: What? She loved it. Here. Join me. It's okay.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Don't you dare say that. Delia's death wasn't your fault, okay? It was a terrible, terrible accident.", "Billy: I know that, Mom.", "Jill: Then why are you blaming yourself?", "Billy: Because I'm her dad. And I was with her. And I'm supposed to take care of her.", "Jill: That doesn't make you all-powerful. That doesn't mean mistakes can't happen. It wasn't your fault.", "Billy: Why don't you do me a favor and stop trying to make me feel better, please? Will you all just stop?", "Jill: No. No, I won't. It's a lot easier taking on this blame than feeling the guilt, isn't it?", "Billy: There's nothing easy about this.", "Jill: I know. I know there isn't. Promise me -- no. Remember one thing. You have a family, and we love you, and we need you, and we want to help you.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. You know, I just need a little time to eventually get through this. I know. I-I realize that.", "Jill: Right, Billy. Right.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jill: You know what? I'm gonna hang out here for a while. Why don't you go make me some coffee?", "Billy: How about we take a rain check on that? Victoria's on her way home. I need a-a little time alone.", "Jill: Alone?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jill: Are you sure that's a good idea?", "Billy: I have no idea. I don't know what's going on. I'm going day by day, moment to moment. In this moment, Mom, I just need to be alone. So if you don't mind, please...", "Jill: I do mind, Baby. I mind. But if that's what you need, okay. [Smooches] I love you. I love you. Billy, I believe in you. Son, please don't let this break you.", "Billy: Yeah. Thanks, Mom.", "[Clatter]", "Billy: [Sobbing] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Hey, Marsh, come here. Listen, we're gonna go over this list. I need you to coordinate extra manpower to go over every vehicle, determine where they were when the accident occurred. Man, does everyone in this town own a black S.U.V.? Here. Take the top half. I'll take the bottom. Come on. Get on it. [Sighs] Lana Miller.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I saw the ophthalmologist.", "Chelsea: Dr. Lintz? What did he say about Delia's corneas?", "Adam: They're perfect. He's prepping his surgical team right now.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] It'll go well.", "Adam: If it doesn't?", "Chelsea: We just got handed a miracle, Adam. We have to have faith.", "Adam: Let's get back.", "Chelsea: We owe Billy and Chloe so much. [Sniffles] For the rest of our lives, we will be indebted for this gift. And Connor will be connected to that sweet, little girl who lost her life way too young. [Sighs] God willing... our son will see the world through Delia's eyes.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: Ah. We're closed.", "Jack: Not for me, you're not.", "Jill: I just came from seeing Billy.", "Chloe: Ah! Get away from me.", "Chelsea: How could you?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick visits Victor in his office to find out what he knows about Sharon in order to break them up. At Sharon's home, she has a meeting with Madame Isadora. At the Coffeehouse, Summer picks at her food. Noah joins her and notices that she isn't eating. Noah asks if she is pregnant, which Summer denies. Noah and Summer talk about Ashley letting it slip to Phyllis that she and Austin are married instead of just engaged. Jack brings Phyllis to the hospital for her checkup and insists on staying with her, but she wants him to go back to Jabot. Phyllis asks Jack what he is protecting her from. Nick and Victor discuss Nikki setting herself up to be a target for Ian Ward. Ben and Kelly meet in the dining room of the Athletic Club and discuss what is going on between her and Jack since Phyllis came home. Ashley interrupts them to discuss some Jabot business with Ben. Ashley tells Kelly that Jack is working on this puzzle too, explicitly meaning hers and Jack's relationship. Phyllis urges Jack to go back to Jabot while she waits to do her tests. Within minutes of Jack leaving, a nurse tells Phyllis that her tests have to be rescheduled. Phyllis tells the nurse she has something to do anyway. Summer tells Noah that she feels guilty about not telling Phyllis the truth from the beginning. At the Underground, Kevin takes Mariah to work. Austin comes out of the back just as they enter the bar. Kevin and Mariah discuss the fact that Ian is behind bars. Mariah asks Austin about Phyllis. Madam Isadora asks Sharon what she expects to gain from this. Sharon says she wants to keep the man she loves.", "Phyllis interrupts Nick and Victor in his office. After Nick leaves, Victor tells Phyllis that he expects her to help him get the goods on Sharon. Kevin interrupts Noah and Summer to ask how Phyllis is doing. When Summer finds out that Mariah is at the Underground with Austin, she leaves abruptly. Austin tells Mariah that Phyllis wants him to help her to find out what she missed while she was in a coma. Austin doesn't want her to find out, but Summer walks in and asks what they are talking about. As Ben and Ashley walk in the park, he suddenly grabs her and kisses her. Ashley reveals that it happened because of the new scent she created for Jabot. Kelly is at Jack's when he comes home. They are having a heart to heart when Phyllis arrives and asks who Kelly is.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Dad. You got a minute?", "Victor: Oh, son. For you, always.", "Nick: How come every time I call you, your phone goes straight to voicemail?", "Victor: I was out of town on business.", "Nick: Yeah, I heard. Was your trip a success?", "Victor: Kind of.", "Nick: Did you find what you were looking for?", "Victor: What do you think I was looking for?", "Nick: A way to get Sharon out of my life for good.", "Sharon: Thank you so much for fitting me in, Madame Isadora.", "Madame Isadora: I got the feeling it was urgent.", "Sharon: Really? You could pick up on that?", "Madame Isadora: I did. Also, I believe you said, \"It's a matter of some urgency.\"", "Sharon: Oh. Yeah. Of course.", "Madame Isadora: Where should I set up?", "Sharon: Uh, does this work?", "Madame Isadora: Oh, certainly.", "Sharon: You know, I have to tell you I'm a bit of a skeptic.", "Madame Isadora: I knew that. More psychic humor. I've got hundreds of 'em.", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Madame Isadora: You've asked me here, despite your skepticism. That's interesting.", "Sharon: Yes. Several people I know have used psychics in the past with great results. And besides that, at this point, I-I would be willing to do anything to keep from losing the man I love.", "Noah: Do you want me to get you something else with -- I don't know -- taste or any nutritional value at all?", "Summer: No. I don't think I can stomach much of anything right now.", "Noah: Summer, are you pregnant?", "Summer: Really, Noah?", "Noah: Are you?", "Summer: No, I'm not pregnant. Why does everybody keep asking me that?", "Noah: Because you're eating plain toast and tea and you barely touched that.", "Summer: I'm just not hungry right now. I'm worried about my mom.", "Noah: Good. No, not that you're worried -- just I don't think that anybody's ready for you and Austin to have kids yet, especially... you and Austin.", "Summer: Yeah. Not my mom, for sure. She freaked when she found out that Austin and I were engaged, and it only got worse when I actually let it drop that we're actually married.", "Noah: It is a little shocking.", "Summer: Why -- because I'm 19? I'm not 12. My mom acts like I'm still a kid completely incapable of making adult decisions on my own.", "Noah: Dad and Jack -- they freaked out, too, remember?", "Summer: Do I remember? Yes. They completely lost it. Jack called the cops.", "Noah: As soon as your mom has had some time to get used to it, she'll come around.", "Summer: My mother? Phyllis \"my way and only my way, so help me, God\" Newman? Really? You think so?", "Noah: Uh...look, a lot has changed since she's been gone, okay? Things will smooth over as soon as she's had time to process everything.", "Phyllis: Okay. You don't have to stay, Jack.", "Jack: I don't mind.", "Phyllis: The doctors warned me these follow-up visits could take hours.", "Jack: It's why I cleared my schedule to be with you.", "Phyllis: You didn't have to do that. You have a business to run.", "Jack: Nothing is more important than your health right now.", "Phyllis: You know I love you, don't you?", "Jack: I hear a \"but\" coming here.", "Phyllis: But if you don't stop treating me like I am made out of glass -- think about the worst fight we ever had.", "Jack: Ooh. That bad?", "Phyllis: Yeah, that bad. So, please stop tiptoeing around me.", "Jack: Okay.", "Phyllis: You know you can be honest with me?", "Jack: Does that require an honest answer?", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Jack: I'll try.", "Phyllis: I don't understand you. What are you trying to protect me from?", "Stitch: What did you lose?", "Kelly: Ohh. Besides my mind, the guest list for a Halloween event.", "Stitch: So print up another one.", "Kelly: I can't. This was the client's copy. It was handwritten with little yellow sticky notes on it. It was in a folder, and I must have put it down somewhere. I just don't know where.", "Stitch: Kelly, Kelly... try to slow down.", "Kelly: I can't. If I slow down, I will start to think about other things, and you know where that leads.", "Stitch: All too well.", "Kelly: On top of that, mom is lurking.", "Stitch: And that can't be helping with your stress level.", "Kelly: No! The woman -- she just knows how to push my buttons. Does she ever stop asking questions?", "Stitch: Nope.", "Kelly: How am I supposed to tell her where things stand with Jack when I don't even know myself? All I'm getting are mixed signals.", "Stitch: Hey, join the club.", "Kelly: I'm so sorry. Here I am complaining, and you're going through exactly the same thing with Victoria.", "Stitch: As your brother, you have full permission to vent.", "Kelly: Thank you. God, it's really hell, isn't it -- loving somebody so much and not knowing whether to stick it out or move on?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: Hi, there. Hi, Kelly.", "Kelly: Hi.", "Ashley: So sorry to keep you waiting.", "Victor: I'm glad you're finally interested in finding out what Sharon may be hiding.", "Nick: The only thing I'm interested in is giving the woman I love some peace.", "Victor: Son, that's what I've been trying to do for you -- to make sure that you have some peace. But as long as you're involved with that woman, you won't have any.", "Nick: So, more dire warnings.", "Victor: What does it take? I mean, Sharon herself has admitted that she has done something that would hurt you. She's confessed to it.", "Nick: Yeah, to Mariah, a woman you hired to pretend to be her dead daughter.", "Victor: I hired her to protect you!", "Nick: I don't need you to protect me. You should have been home, looking after mom.", "Victor: She had plenty of protection.", "Nick: Well, where were you when she was using herself as bait to trap a psycho?", "Victor: Well, that's a different story. You heard about that?", "Nick: Yeah, after the fact. Meanwhile, you were out meddling in other people's lives. It could have cost mom hers.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. You're overstating the danger your mother was in and you're understating my efforts in trying to help you. Haven't I taught you since your early adulthood that when you speak with me, you have to know your facts?", "Nick: There's a difference between teaching and dictating.", "Victor: And neither method seems to have worked for you.", "Nick: That's because I can think and act for myself.", "Victor: No, son. You're allowing Sharon to make a fool out of you.", "Mariah: So, did you get the memo? Ian, the guy I'm hiding from, is behind bars.", "Kevin: I know. So?", "Mariah: So, you can stop shadowing my every move.", "Kevin: Oh, Mariah, dropping you off at work is the least I can do after kidnapping you from the coffeehouse yesterday.", "Mariah: Oh, no, no, no, no. The least you could have done is get separate rooms so I didn't have to hear your snoring all night.", "Kevin: Why do you think I took you to a motel outside of town?", "Mariah: Sightseeing?", "Kevin: No. To keep you safe. How was I supposed to do that from a room down the hall?", "Mariah: If I had my choice, I would have taken my chances with my crazy cult- leader husband.", "Kevin: You know, I must be crazy, because I was actually expecting a little gratitude. But I guess a \"thank you\" is too much to ask for saving you from getting back into a dangerous situation.", "Austin: You're in danger?", "Mariah: No. [Scoffs] Long story, and I really don't want to get into it.", "Austin: Okay.", "Mariah: What I want is to forget that last night ever happened.", "Ashley: Am I interrupting something?", "Stitch: No. Uh, ready for our meeting?", "Ashley: I am. Do the two of you need to continue your discussion?", "Kelly: No, no, no. It's totally fine. My brother and I were just discussing this puzzle that I can't figure out. But looks like Ben jumped right in and found the key.", "Ashley: Wow. Well, it's good to know you're very good at problem-solving. It's gonna come in handy with our new venture, right?", "Stitch: Ashley and I are here to go over specifics about my job before we get in the lab.", "Ashley: Yeah. I thought it was safer to meet here at the club instead of the last place we had a meeting. We ended up in jail with our photos being splashed all over GC buzz, thank you very much.", "Kelly: Yeah. That was quite a night.", "Ashley: Thankfully, I think the press has lost interest in our arrests. That's good, because there's nothing worse than trying to launch a new product line and the only thing the press wants to talk about is your criminal record.", "Kelly: You know what? I-I'm gonna let you guys talk, okay?", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Kelly: Okay.", "Ashley: Hey, Kelly... that puzzle -- just so you know, my brother is working to figure it out, as well.", "Jack: The doctors gave us very firm orders.", "Phyllis: Yes, that any undue stress might send me back to coma land.", "Jack: Exactly.", "Phyllis: Then stop stressing me out by being so careful with what you're saying around me, like Summer being afraid of telling me about Austin.", "Jack: It turns out that was a valid concern.", "Phyllis: I had a perfectly normal reaction.", "Jack: You went off on the guy like he was taking advantage of your little girl.", "Phyllis: And you didn't when you first found out about that?", "Jack: I'm pleading the fifth.", "Phyllis: Anyway... Austin and I have come to a mutual understanding.", "Jack: Really? What does that mean?", "Phyllis: Well, we were honest with one another. You could take an example from him.", "Jack: I will do anything for you except knowingly endanger your health.", "Phyllis: Then do this. Believe me. Believe me when I tell you I am strong and ready to face things. Tell me everything that I have missed and do not leave any details out, please.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Jack: Hello?", "Kelly: Jack, I need your help.", "Jack: Hold on just a second, okay? I got to take this. This is business.", "Phyllis: Don't think I will forget where we left off.", "Jack: Wouldn't even consider it.", "Jack: Hey. Everything all right?", "Kelly: I misplaced a file for an event. I think it might be at, uh... the house. Could you take a look?", "Jack: I'm at the hospital with Phyllis.", "Kelly: Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you.", "Jack: No, it's not a bother. I-I just wanted you to know we're gonna be here for a while if you want to go by the house to look for the file.", "Kelly: Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks.", "Jack: Kelly?", "Kelly: Yes?", "Jack: I meant what I said in my message. Nothing can erase our time together.", "Kelly: I miss you.", "Jack: I miss you, too.", "Ashley: So, you're more reserved than you usually are during our meetings.", "Stitch: I am?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. Usually by now you've told me at least two horrible jokes.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] All right. Um, sure. Knock, knock.", "Ashley: Who's there?", "Stitch: A guy trying to keep his head down doing his job so he doesn't draw attention to himself or do anything to garner any negative publicity prior to the launch of his boss's new perfume.", "Ashley: [Laughing] Okay, stop. That's by far the worst joke you've ever told me.", "Stitch: Definitely.", "Ashley: This is really about your police record, isn't it?", "Stitch: Ashley, you, uh -- [Sighs] You went out on a limb, hiring me after finding out about my past.", "Ashley: Can I tell you something?", "Stitch: What?", "Ashley: I'm gonna share just a few details about my own experiences with law enforcement.", "Stitch: Okay.", "Ashley: I've been arrested for murder. And I actually... went to prison for attempted murder.", "Stitch: No way.", "Ashley: Yeah. I mean, I was innocent on both counts, just so you know.", "Stitch: Then why...?", "Ashley: Because I was trying to protect the people I love. I was trying to spare them from having to go to prison.", "Stitch: I see.", "Ashley: Is there something else you want to know?", "Stitch: Y--", "Ashley: What? Spit it out.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] If the people you took the rap for hadn't come forward, would you have kept the truth to yourself?", "Ashley: Absolutely. There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my family.", "Phyllis: I'm taking pity on you by not pestering you with questions.", "Jack: I appreciate that.", "Phyllis: Ever since that phone call, you've been very preoccupied. You know, if there's something you have to handle at the office, please --", "Jack: No, no, no. I want to be here with you.", "Phyllis: And I need to be in control of something in my life, so please go. Do business.", "Jack: Will that make you happy?", "Phyllis: More than you could possibly imagine.", "Jack: You're that anxious to get rid of me, huh?", "Phyllis: That anxious to do something on my own.", "Jack: Okay, with one strict proviso -- the moment the tests are over, you call me. I come and get you.", "Phyllis: Sir, yes, sir.", "Jack: Okay. Phyllis Newman?", "Phyllis: Yes, right here. Hi. I'm so sorry, ms. Newman. We're gonna have to reschedule your appointment. The neurologist just got pulled into an emergency with another patient.", "Phyllis: Oh. I'm -- I'm sorry to inconvenience you.", "Phyllis: No, you didn't. There's something I need to handle. Now's a perfect time.", "Summer: I just feel really guilty for not telling my mom the truth about being married to Austin.", "Noah: I'm sure you're not the only one withholding information. Has Jack told Phyllis about Kelly?", "Summer: No, but he's just following doctors' orders.", "Noah: I'm not judging. I'd be nervous, too. I mean, how do you tell the woman that you're supposed to love that you moved another woman into her bed while she was away? No matter how he tells Phyllis... she's gonna go ballistic.", "Summer: Yeah. I just wish Jack would have actually listened to me instead of giving up hope on my mom.", "Noah: It had been a year -- no change since the accident. I can't blame him.", "Summer: I can. If Jack would have just held off on dating Kelly and moving in with her, then my mom and dad would be as happy as Austin and I are.", "Austin: Look, I'm not asking about the sordid details.", "Mariah: Good, 'cause I'm not talking about them.", "Austin: Just making sure you're okay.", "Mariah: I'm great. Drop it.", "Austin: Okay. Well, then, you can sweep the floors. I was gonna do it, but since you're great...", "Mariah: Gee. Thank you, Austin.", "Austin: That's gratitude. I didn't know you were capable of expressing it. Kevin's gonna be sorry he missed that. What's the deal with him being your bodyguard, by the way?", "Mariah: Uh, what's the deal with your new mother-in-law?", "Austin: She's, uh... great.", "Mariah: Wow. It's that bad? So, how did the infamous Phyllis react to the news that you abducted her sister at gunpoint?", "Austin: We haven't told her yet.", "Mariah: Austin! She's going to find out. From what I know about this woman, she finds out everything.", "Austin: That's what I keep hearing. I'm dreading the moment that she finds out. I don't want her to hate me -- well, more than she already does.", "Mariah: She hates you already?", "Austin: Our first family meet-and-greet didn't go so well.", "Mariah: You have got to stop caring about what people think about you. Life is so much easier when you don't give a crap.", "Austin: Yeah, 'cause you don't care what other people think about you.", "Mariah: No, I don't.", "Austin: If that's true, you wouldn't have been in nick and Sharon's wedding.", "Mariah: And look how well that turned out. It was a real happy family memory.", "Madame Isadora: What is it you're hoping to get out of this, Sharon?", "Sharon: Well, psychics can help find lost items, right?", "Madame Isadora: Sometimes.", "Sharon: Okay. I need to regain a memory. I had electroconvulsive therapy, and the treatment erased a lot of my memories.", "Madame Isadora: For real?", "Sharon: Yeah. It was definitely very real. And I've tried hypnosis, but I didn't end up finding out what I need to know.", "Madame Isadora: And that is...?", "Sharon: Whether or not I'll have a future with nick.", "Madame Isadora: I'm a psychic, not a fortune-teller. I can't foresee details of how things will play out.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, then --", "Madame Isadora: I gain insight from a person's energy. May I show you? Oh.", "Sharon: What? What is it?", "Madame Isadora: Guilt.", "Sharon: Guilt? Guilt about what -- about something that I did, about something to do with nick?", "Madame Isadora: I tap in to what is radiating from your emotions, Sharon, and right now I'm picking up on an overwhelming feeling of anxiety.", "Sharon: Well, of course I'm feeling anxious. I mean, a psychic just told me that I have something to feel guilty about.", "Madame Isadora: I never said you had cause to feel guilty, simply that I sense guilt around you -- or, to be more exact, pushing against you.", "Sharon: Okay. I don't understand.", "Madame Isadora: It's as if you're a wall, or, more precisely, a dam that is straining to hold something back, and over time, cracks have begun to form. Those cracks will eventually give way, and everything will come tumbling down.", "Victor: Are you sure you don't want to know what Sharon may be hiding?", "Nick: No, I don't.", "Victor: Really?", "Phyllis: I'm interrupting.", "Victor: Phyllis! Come in!", "Nick: Hey. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: I came to thank Victor for getting me into the drug trial. If not for him, I'd still be in a deep sleep.", "Nick: I'm so glad you're doing well and that you're back home.", "Phyllis: Me, too.", "Nick: But I don't think my father's breach of ethics should be applauded. Summer told me how you tricked her into giving you power of attorney. It's just another example of you meddling in other people's lives.", "Victor: If I hadn't been meddling, for your information, Summer would still be talking to her comatose mother's right hand. Is that what you want?", "Nick: If you had just asked...", "Victor: If I had just asked, all kinds of people would have objected, most of all Jack Abbott, and Phyllis would still have been in a coma. So, she has every reason to thank me. In fact, you should all thank me.", "Nick: Well, I'm sure as hell not thanking you for trying to break up Sharon and me.", "Phyllis: Some things never change.", "Victor: [Sighs heavily] You mean my son's temper?", "Phyllis: Well, that... and you trying to run his life.", "Victor: He'll continue to make his own decisions... bad ones, at that. But I think in this case, he'll decide to throw Sharon to the curb... once he gets wind of... what I need to know from you.", "Kevin: Hey, guys.", "Summer: Hey.", "Kevin: Summer, how's your mom doing?", "Summer: She's really good. She just got back from the hospital yesterday.", "Noah: Yeah. It's amazing how fast she's recovering.", "Summer: Yeah. I mean, aside from a few follow-up appointments, the doctors think she's gonna be fine.", "Kevin: I'm happy to hear that. I'm sure Daniel is, too. When is he coming home?", "Summer: I don't know. We've all left him messages, but he's still unreachable, thanks to my grandfather's scheming.", "Noah: Oh, did you hear about grandma?", "Summer: What?", "Noah: Apparently, she helped the police bust Ian ward in some kind of undercover sting.", "Summer: Really? Wow. Go, grandma. Were you in on that?", "Kevin: Well, not directly. I, um -- I did spend the night keeping Mariah safe.", "Summer: Why?", "Kevin: Well, you know, in case the bust went bad, I wanted to make sure she was out of harm's way.", "Noah: How is Mariah?", "Kevin: She's fine. She's fine. She even went to work today.", "Summer: Wait. Mariah's at work right now?", "Kevin: She's at work right now. I just dropped her off.", "Summer: Uh, you know, I have something I have to go do, so I'm gonna talk to you later.", "Noah: Bye, Summer.", "Kevin: Hey, give me a cup of coffee.", "Noah: Hey, Kevin.", "Kevin: Yo.", "Noah: So, uh, what's up with you and my sister?", "Kevin: Dude, I don't know why she bolted out of here any more than you do.", "Noah: No, not that sister. Is, uh, there anything going on with you and Mariah?", "Austin: Look, maybe you don't have experience with family stuff, but Summer's family's tight, and it's important that I get along with her folks.", "Mariah: Good luck with that.", "Austin: Well, I'm gonna need it after how I blew things with Phyllis.", "Mariah: So, unblow it.", "Austin: Phyllis did give me a way to do that.", "Mariah: So, do it.", "Austin: I don't think my wife will approve.", "Mariah: Why not? If the whole family-unity thing is such a big deal --", "Austin: It is. It is, okay? But so is Summer being with her mom, and I don't want to do something that could make her sick again.", "Mariah: Are you looking for advice or something?", "Austin: Maybe.", "Mariah: Okay. Well, would you speed it up? I don't have all day to decipher your code. Customers are gonna be here soon. So, what's the dilemma?", "Austin: Okay. Phyllis wants me to fill her in on everything she missed during her coma, but if I do that, then I'd sell out Summer's dad, but if I don't, then Phyllis will hold it against me, so, either way, I make an enemy. It's a no-win.", "Mariah: I've been there plenty.", "Austin: Advice?", "Mariah: Give up.", "Austin: That's it?", "Mariah: I didn't say it was good advice. You've got no choice, because no matter what you say or what you do, you're gonna mess up with your wife or her dad or her mom, so you might as well give up.", "Kelly: Jack, I... I thought you said that you and Phyllis weren't gonna be here.", "Jack: Phyllis is still at the hospital. They're running some tests. I-I thought maybe we could talk.", "Kelly: You know what? I, um -- I have to get back to work. We can talk another time, okay?", "Jack: Kelly, I never meant to hurt you.", "Kelly: But you are hurting me. Every message, every apology -- it's like a knife to my heart. Sometimes I wish you would just tell me that nothing that we had was real so I could move on with my life -- put me out of my misery.", "Jack: And the other times?", "Kelly: I never want you to let me go.", "Jack: Just days ago, I was spending the rest of my life with you. One minute, we're planning a future together. The next...", "Kelly: Phyllis walks in to that church.", "Jack: What we had was real. It is real. My feelings haven't changed. I still love you.", "Kelly: Jack, you have to stop saying things like that.", "Jack: It is true.", "Kelly: Please stop. Every time you say something like that, it gives me hope -- hope that this will work out, hope that we will have a future together. And I cling to that hope with everything that's in me because I am not ready for this to be over between us.", "Jack: Neither am I.", "Kelly: Jack, a miracle happened. Phyllis woke up. She walked in to that church. She's the woman that you fell in love with first.", "Jack: That doesn't mean --", "Kelly: Jack, how am I supposed to compete with that, with her?", "Phyllis: You were always unwaveringly certain, supremely confident, you will control the outcome of any situation, business or personal.", "Victor: And how is that a problem?", "Phyllis: Well, human beings are the problem. They're very unpredictable. How are you so certain that you will be able to change nick's mind about Sharon?", "Victor: It's rather simple, to be honest with you. I'm right about Sharon -- have been all along. And you're gonna help me prove it. You owe me that much.", "Phyllis: So you keep saying.", "Victor: I think a little information is a small price to pay for me helping you come back to life.", "Phyllis: Even if I did know what Sharon was talking about, why would nick believe me?", "Victor: You and I know that there's still a strong connection between you and Nicholas. You raised a child together, so that creates a bond.", "Sharon: I think you should go.", "Madame Isadora: [Blows] People often only want to hear the good things. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't tell you everything that came across during the reading. [Blows] Beautiful girl. She's no longer with you, is she?", "Sharon: No. She died years ago.", "Madame Isadora: But you still feel her energy.", "Sharon: Yes, of course -- all around me all the time.", "Madame Isadora: I'm sensing something blue -- a piece of jewelry she gave you?", "Sharon: Yes! Her twin sister -- she gave me an anklet, and it was blue.", "Madame Isadora: You should give it back. You won't be needing it anymore.", "Sharon: Why? What does that mean? I'm not gonna marry nick?", "Nick: Of course we're getting married. Why would you think that?", "Ashley: See, this is exactly what I was hoping for -- a nice walk in the park in the crisp fall air, getting our creative juices flowing. What do you think?", "Stitch: Yeah, I guess. Sure.", "Ashley: You guess?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: How can you not be inspired by this beautiful day -- the sun and the breeze?", "Stitch: Yeah, and the smell. What is that? Oh, what is that -- rotting garbage?", "Ashley: That's the new product I'm working on for Jabot.", "Stitch: Okay. Please tell me you're kidding me, right?", "Ashley: No. Sniff for yourself.", "Stitch: [Sniffs] Oh, my...God! Ashley, that's awful! How can you wear that?!", "Ashley: What are you saying?", "Stitch: It's --", "Ashley: I really believe in this product.", "Stitch: I hate to break it to you, but I think you're gonna have a tough time selling that to anybody.", "Ashley: Well, I guess we'll see.", "Stitch: [Chuckling] Yeah. Guess so.", "Ashley: It's a little chillier than I thought.", "Stitch: Here. Don't get that on my scarf, all right?", "Ashley: Oh, thank you. That's nice of you.", "Ashley: Mm. Mm. Whoa.", "Stitch: Okay. Uh, I am... [Chuckles] I am so sorry. I-I don't -- I don't know why I just did that.", "Ashley: I do. I'm not just working on a fragrance. I've actually -- I discovered a love potion.", "Stitch: And that's why I kissed you?", "Ashley: Yeah. This is gonna revolutionize the industry. Do you realize that?", "Stitch: A love potion?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Stitch: That is impossible.", "Ashley: Really?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: Why did you just kiss me? Okay. See? Okay. Go over there.", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: The fragrance has pheromones in it that actually make the wearer irresistible. The bad part is that the natural fragrance is, um, kind of pungent.", "Stitch: Okay. All right. So -- so, our job is to refine the aroma without affecting its natural properties?", "Ashley: Yes. I'm so happy you get this! Yes, because we have to make my fragrance smell as hypnotic as we both know it is.", "Kevin: Mariah and I are just friends, and that might even be an overstatement after last night.", "Noah: Oh, you mean after spending the night in a motel room together?", "Kevin: She definitely didn't appreciate my efforts to try and keep her safe.", "Noah: Who -- Mariah? Oh, she loves being told what to do. And you add in that little prickly attitude of hers -- it just makes for a real pleasant evening.", "Kevin: Well, it wasn't that bad. But, yeah, yeah, she can be a little antagonistic.", "Noah: A little?", "Kevin: That's just because people don't understand her. And I know what that's like. People don't get me, either. Everybody in this town thinks I'm just a screw-up.", "Noah: Oh, Kevin. I mean, you were for a little while -- a long while.", "Kevin: Right, but that doesn't mean I'm still that guy.", "Noah: No. I think that you've proven that. You're cleaning up your act, working for the GCPD.", "Kevin: It's like I want people to know there's more to me than my mistakes, and I think the same is true for Mariah.", "Noah: Mariah is lucky to have a friend like you.", "Kevin: Yeah. Well, try telling her that. I don't think she'd agree with you.", "Mariah: That is always my first instinct in these situations -- run. When things start to tank in epic proportions, which they always seem to, I just pick up and go somewhere else.", "Austin: That's not an option. Look, Summer's already missed out on a year with her mom. I'm not gonna be the reason that she misses out on more time with her.", "Mariah: Well, that's nice that you're sticking with it. It's a waste of time, but it's nice.", "Austin: I love Summer, okay? And I'd do anything to make her happy... which is why I'd kind of appreciate it if we just kept this between us. I still need to think about everything.", "Mariah: Maybe if you tell Summer, she might have --", "Austin: It's just better if my wife doesn't know about this.", "Summer: If I don't know about what?", "Victor: You know, Summer was very troubled after your accident.", "Phyllis: In what way?", "Victor: Well, when you went into a coma, she had to deal with another rather shocking fact, namely that Jack Abbott was her father. We were all very concerned about her. She kept on spiraling downward.", "Phyllis: She got married.", "Victor: Yeah. It was the last in the line of bad choices.", "Phyllis: Tell me more.", "Victor: I'll tell you more... if you share with me what I want to know.", "Phyllis: But when I share, it may not have a lot of basis in fact, Victor. Things are still garbled up in my mind. I don't know what's true and what's coma vision.", "Victor: Well, I can help you along with that, but I think you know far more than you're letting on.", "Phyllis: You know, I, um, may have been out of it for a while, but I do remember that Victor Newman is only out for himself, and I have no doubt that you will use whatever I tell you at the expense of someone I care about, and I will not let that happen.", "Victor: You're right about one thing -- I never do anything without getting something in return... and your resurrection is no exception. You have a nice day.", "[Door slams]", "Stitch: When you said this was revolutionary, I thought you were exaggerating, but this -- this is amazing stuff. I want to get to work right away, you know, on a formula so that the fragrance is less, uh...", "Ashley: Stinky?", "Stitch: ...Pungent.", "Ashley: Great! I'm glad. You seem excited, and I can't wait to test whatever it is you come up with in the lab.", "Stitch: We should, uh, probably leave the testing to the r&d; team. I wouldn't want the lines to get blurred between us.", "Ashley: Yeah. Um, I'M...pretty sure I can remain professional... if you can.", "Mariah: Oh, we were just talking about your grandmother getting all caught up in that police sting. Austin didn't want you to know that she'd put herself in any danger.", "Summer: No, I already know. Noah told me.", "Mariah: Well, I guess it's hard to keep any secrets in this family.", "Nick: Sharon, psychics are quacks. Think about how easy it must be for them to read someone in their own home. There's cues all over the place. Madame Isadora probably made some guesses based on pictures she saw or things she read and then fed it back to you like it was somehow divined.", "Sharon: Maybe.", "Nick: Do not -- do not -- believe that reading. It's a scam.", "Sharon: Yeah, well, Madame Isadora knew things that she couldn't have possibly figured out by looking around here.", "Nick: Well, I know some things, too. I know that I love you, and I'm gonna prove it to you and to my father and to Madame Isadora by marrying you next week.", "Sharon: Next week?", "Nick: Yes, next week. And then nothing and no one will stop us from being happy.", "Sharon: Oh, nick.", "Victor: I have a new job for you. I want you to tail Phyllis.", "Kelly: Look, I was holding on to the fact that you were committed to me, and I was going to take the high road and be mature about the situation and give you time to explain things to Phyllis. But then I saw that ring --", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. That's not what you think it is.", "Kelly: Really? So, you're not gonna propose to Phyllis?", "Jack: I already did, more than a year ago, right after the accident. It's the last thing Phyllis remembered. When she woke up, she accepted my proposal.", "Kelly: I see. So, what does that mean? Does that mean... are you gonna break things off with Phyllis, or are you gonna stay engaged to her and possibly marry somebody who might not be the same person that you fell in love with?", "Jack: I don't know. Right now I'm walking on eggshells per the doctors' advice.", "Kelly: Is that really what it is, Jack? Or are you still in love with her? I mean, is she the same person, or has she changed?", "Jack: I've changed... because you loved me.", "[Door opens]", "Phyllis: Hi. Who is this, Jack?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: It all makes sense now.", "Devon: What does?", "Lily: Hilary's pregnant.", "Billy: And I love you.", "Stitch: That kiss that I laid on you happened for a reason.", "Victoria: Is there anyone that I know that you're not kissing?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "In the conference room at the police station, Michael counsels Adam to take a plea deal. In the park. Chelsea tells Connor about Adam. Billy joins Chelsea and asks her how she could defend Adam after what he did to Delia. At the Coffeehouse, Noah asks Kevin for help in finding Marisa's daughter. Marisa wakes up and finds Luca in the bed beside her. He has a red rose in his hand and gives her of a diamond necklace which at first she refuses to accept but then changes her mind. In the Athletic Club dining room, Victor sits alone at a table when Ashley joins him to discuss what happened in court and to ask him what he's doing to stop the Paragon virus. Victor warns her that it will affect many before it is finally stopped. Jack walks into the police station and asks to visit Adam. Michael comes out from talking to Adam and asks Christine if he can talk to her for a few minutes. Adam tells Jack that once Billy testifies, it will be all over for him. Chelsea offers her sympathy to Billy for what he is going through, but she still defends Adam. Billy starts to argue with her about defending Adam after all he has done. Chelsea turns around to leave and finds Connor gone. Billy and Chelsea look for him. Noah lets Mariah and Kevin know that Marisa went back to her husband in order to find her daughter. Luca invites Marisa to breakfast in the dining room. Noah asks him for help again, and Kevin agrees, but he has something to do first. Billy finds Connor by the duck pond and gives him back to Chelsea. Chelsea accepts all the blame since she is totally responsible for Connor.", "Jack tells Adam that he is glad that he came clean about all this. Jack urges Adam to fight and not give up. Luca joins Victor in the dining room and they discuss finding Marisa's daughter. Victor sees Marisa standing in the foyer watching them. Victor warns Luca to be careful of Noah. Michael tries to get Christine to see reason in accepting a plea deal for Adam, but she refuses. Michael joins Jack and Adam to tell them the bad news. At the Athletic Club bar, Luca and Marisa reminisce about the past. Noah watches them. Everyone gathers in the courtroom for Billy's testimony. Billy testifies about the night that Delia was killed but he surprises everyone by telling them that they need to forgive Adam. Michael makes his closing remarks as does Christine. Noah and Marisa talk then make love. The verdict is reached in Adam's trial.", "" ]
[ "Adam: I was sort of hoping to spend my last few hours of freedom with my wife and son.", "Michael: We have something to discuss.", "Adam: Michael, you're a brilliant attorney. We both know that, but even you can't stop the damage that Billy's gonna cause my case today.", "Michael: You're right. All those wonderful things Chelsea said about you being a good husband and father are going to go right out of the jury's head once they hear what Billy will testify to.", "Adam: Yeah, well, if I was on the jury, I'd probably feel the same way.", "Michael: That's why we can't let them hear what Billy has to say.", "Adam: What? You-- you know a guy who knows a guy...", "Michael: I know the legal system and how it works.", "Adam: What are you proposing?", "Michael: [Clears throat] A deal. I tell Christine that you will plead to a lesser charge. The jury doesn't get to hear Billy. You avoid a maximum sentence. Billy avoids a great deal of pain.", "Adam: No.", "Michael: Look, if you don't want to spend 25 years of your life behind bars, you'll do this. All right, you know what, Adam? You don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your wife and your kid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Your daddy really wanted to come to the park with us this morning. He did. He just, uh-- he had some important things to take care of. He is... doing everything he can to [Sighs] take responsibility for a bad mistake he made. Hey. Your daddy is a good man. You know that? And he-- he loves you. And he's fighting. He's fighting so he can stay with us and not be taken away from us. Your daddy deserves a second chance, and I really hope he gets one.", "Billy: I don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: So, I need someone with your computer background who can operate while avoiding detection.", "Kevin: Well, that is in my wheelhouse, but why not ask Victor? He's got at least a dozen cloak-and-dagger guys on his payroll.", "Noah: Yeah, my grandfather's more interested in running Marisa out of my life right now than helping her.", "Kevin: Marisa? What does this have to do with her?", "Noah: I need you to help me find Marisa's daughter.", "Mariah: Marisa has a kid?", "Luca: Good morning.", "Marisa: What are you, uh -- what are you doing here?", "Luca: I heard you through the door. You cried out for someone.", "Marisa: [Sighs] I must have been dreaming.", "Luca: Sweet dreams, I hope.", "Marisa: Now that you know I'm okay, you can go now.", "Luca: Is that any way to talk to your husband?", "Marisa: [Chuckles] I'm...grumpy. I haven't had my coffee. [Gasps]", "Luca: Maybe this will cheer you up. I thought you'd like it.", "Ashley: You reading what the experts are saying about Newman? I hope you don't take it personally.", "Victor: Hello, Ashley. Business is the last thing on my mind today.", "Ashley: Of course it is.", "Victor: Yep.", "Ashley: The trial. I'm heading to court myself, actually. But I'm curious. If you're not worried about business, have you found a way to stop the paragon virus?", "Victor: The day will come when you will regret feeding on the misfortunes of my company. I suggest you better stop while you're ahead.", "Ashley: What would you have done? Uh, don't answer that, because I already know. You would have kept feeding off of jabot until there was absolutely nothing left. So, maybe, just maybe, I'm gonna do the same to you.", "Ashley: What are you smiling about?", "Victor: All those companies you've acquired because of the paragon virus may be infected by the virus themselves. You've heard of the Trojan horse, haven't you?", "Ashley: Of course. And our IT. Team is in full defense mode. So far, no deadly viruses have penetrated jabot's walls. In fact, our revenues are skyrocketing.", "Victor: Yeah. Chelsea 2.0 and brash & sassy! My god, the sales figures were enormous. Except they were an illusion created by paragon. Now, that fate might befall all the companies that you have pillaged from Newman.", "Ashley: I haven't pillaged anything and you know it. Everything was purchased legally and aboveboard.", "Victor: Now, you know if I can't stop the damn virus, it'll soon be on your doorstep.", "Ashley: I don't know. When that virus was unleashed, Newman was the only target.", "Victor: You know what happens with some arrows? They miss their target. But on the way to the target, they destroy everything in its path. Hopefully, that doesn't happen with jabot.", "Ashley: I think you need to stop worrying about us so much. I'll see you at court.", "Victor: Ashley. It's nice to see you.", "Ashley: You too.", "Michael: Jack.", "Jack: Hey. I thought Adam could use a friend about now.", "Michael: He'll be glad you came to see him.", "Christine: I doubt your brother would feel the same way.", "Jack: I'll be with Adam.", "Michael: Can we talk?", "Christine: If this is to propose a deal for your client, you'll be wasting your time and mine.", "Michael: My job is to give my client the best representation possible, and your job is to let me do it.", "Adam: How am I doing? Fantastic. Fantastic. Other than, you know, the fact that I'm gonna be spending the next many, many years of my life in prison. That sucks.", "Jack: We don't know that you're gonna be found guilty.", "Adam: [Sighs] Jack, I appreciate your optimism, really, I do, but I think it's time to get a little more realistic about things. You know, once Billy testifies, there's -- there's nothing you or Michael or anyone can say or do to stop the legal system from having its way with me.", "Billy: Hey, buddy. How you doing? I miss you. Yeah.", "Connor: Doggy.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] I didn't hear you come over.", "Billy: I heard you.", "Chelsea: Stay here. Play with your doggy.", "Connor: Bark.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Bark. Stay here one second.", "Connor: Bark.", "Chelsea: I know today must be...a really terrible day for you. I'm sorry. I-I can't imagine how painful it will be having to recall the day Delia died.", "Billy: It'll be worth it.", "Chelsea: Look, Billy, I know that you just want to see Adam pay.", "Billy: He deserves to pay. I don't know how you could get on that stand and defend him the way that you did.", "Chelsea: I was just telling the truth.", "Billy: The truth is he killed my daughter. But then you -- you get up on the stand and make him look like some misunderstood saint. How could you do that knowing what he did to Delia, knowing what kind of person he is?", "Chelsea: He's flawed, like the rest of us. But there is a lot of good to Adam. I have seen it when he is with Connor. Connor -- that is who I was thinking of when I was on that stand. And if it were up to you, you would have Connor grow up without ever knowing his father.", "Billy: He'd be better off.", "Chelsea: How dare you? I feel for you Billy. I always have. You know that. But for you to just intentionally want to hurt a little boy, one that you used to say that you loved? You can spend the rest of your life filled with hate, but I don't want any part of it, certainly not regarding Connor. Come on, baby. Let's go. Oh, my god. Connor? Connor!", "Billy: Connor! that she's getting back together with her husband. Doesn't make sense because she hates this guy. I finally get her to admit that Luca is blackmailing her.", "Mariah: With this baby she put up for adoption.", "Noah: So, he says that if Marisa stays with him for a month, he'll bring the girl to her.", "Kevin: And she believes that?", "Noah: She's afraid that if she doesn't go along with it, Luca's gonna run off with her daughter.", "Kevin: And Victor refused to help you find the girl?", "Noah: He tried to convince me that she's trying to use me, and, uh, unfortunately, I let him get to me.", "Kevin: Okay. You may not hear these words come out of my mouth again, so listen closely. I agree with Victor. Marisa is trouble. Stay away from her.", "Noah: She's made mistakes. Who hasn't?", "Kevin: Mistakes?! She lied about being married and about having a kid and, oh, yeah, about the drug-dealer boyfriend putting the kid up for adoption.", "Noah: Look, you don't know the kind of life that she's had to lead. Okay? She has literally had to fight, claw, and scrape to get by. And now she's just trying to break free from her past.", "Kevin: By sleeping with the guy she claims she wants nothing to do with.", "Marisa: You can't keep giving me gifts.", "Luca: I'm trying to make you happy. That's all I want.", "Marisa: If that were true, you would tell me where my daughter is instead of showering me with gifts, expecting I'll sleep with you.", "Luca: Let me put them on you. See how they feel against your skin, how they compliment your beauty.", "Marisa: [Sighs] This isn't gonna work, Luca.", "Luca: If you don't want them, you can take them off.", "Marisa: Okay. Okay. Um, I'll try them on.", "Luca: I've missed spoiling you.", "Marisa: [Clears throat] One month. And then you tell me where my daughter is.", "Luca: I'm going down to breakfast. Get dressed and join me.", "[Door closes]", "Kevin: Look, Noah. I get it. Beautiful woman like Marisa -- she's got that wild side that guys love. She's hot, sexy. My point is you're not the first guy to be sucked in by her charm. She used it on Marco and Luca.", "Marisa: Would you stop giving Noah bad advice? You're not exactly an expert on women.", "Kevin: Excuse me. I'm just trying to help.", "Mariah: Then stick to something you know -- tracking people on your fancy computer machine.", "Noah: What do you say, Kevin? Help me find Marisa's daughter?", "Kevin: Okay.", "Noah: Thank you. Thank you. I'll let -- I'll let Marisa know.", "Mariah: He'll get on it right away. I promise.", "Kevin: Actually, first, I'm going to do something very important for my well- being and for the future, as well.", "Noah: What's that?", "Kevin: I'm gonna see Adam convicted for killing Delia.", "Chelsea: Connor! Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Excuse me. Have you seen this little boy? He's -- he's about, um, this tall, and he was wearing a navy-blue puffy jacket. No. I-I haven't.", "Chelsea: Are you sure? I'm sorry. I haven't seen him.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god.", "Billy: Chelsea. Chelsea, I got him.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god.", "Billy: I got him.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. [Crying] Where was he? What were you doing?", "Billy: At the duck pond.", "Chelsea: By the duck pond? He could have -- oh, my god. We -- we talked about feeding the ducks before. He could have -- oh, my god, Connor. Don't you ever scare mommy like that again. Do you understand?", "[Connor babbles]", "Billy: It was my fault. It was all my fault.", "Chelsea: What? No, it's not your fault.", "Billy: Yes, it is. I started in on Adam. I distracted you. God, if anything had happened to that boy --", "Chelsea: No. I'm his mother. [Sighs] Billy, it's my responsibility. I should have never taken my eyes off him. [Sighs] Oh, god. It's a parent's job to look out for their child. It was my responsibility. You let your guard down for one second, and it's your fault, no one else's. Oh, my god. Billy, I'm so sorry. That's not what I meant to --", "Billy: You're right. [Sighs]", "Adam: I carried this guilt for two years. Telling everyone the truth at Delia's memorial was -- was a relief, actually.", "Jack: I'm glad you came clean.", "Adam: Me, too. Me, too. It doesn't mean I'll be free of what I did. Because I won't.", "Jack: For what it's worth, I don't think you should have to pay for the rest of your life.", "Adam: I think Billy would disagree with you.", "Jack: Billy is blinded by grief.", "Adam: A funny expression, isn't it -- blinded by grief? I'm sure Billy wishes it were true. He'd never have to lay eyes on me again.", "Jack: I wish things were different.", "Adam: Well, they're not different. I killed Delia, jack. I killed that little girl. And now it's time for me to pay.", "Jack: I thought you were gonna fight this thing.", "Adam: I did fight this thing. I fought with everything I had. I got what I wanted. I got one more night with my family.", "Jack: And that's enough for you?", "Adam: It has to be.", "Victor: Well... Luca. ¿Como estas? Bien?", "Luca: Bien.", "Victor: Good.", "Luca: [Chuckles]", "Victor: You and your wife were supposed to be gone by now.", "Luca: I'm playing her just right. She's already crushed your grandson's heart.", "Victor: My grandson came to me, asking if I could have my investigators find Marisa's daughter.", "Luca: Better make sure he doesn't go off on his own.", "Victor: You'd better make sure to look after your wife, okay? I'll take care of Noah. All right?", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Victor: My driver's waiting for me. Excuse me. Oh. Um... [Chuckles] Be careful with my grandson, okay? He's a Newman. Just remember that.", "Michael: Negligence, Christine, at best.", "Christine: [Sighs] Dead at worst.", "Michael: A point you keep making, loudly and repeatedly. But an accident isn't the same as murder, and that's what you keep making this into.", "Christine: Because it is.", "Michael: A confluence of tragic events led to Delia's death, not all of them my client's fault.", "Christine: Are you seriously trying to absolve Adam from his responsibility?", "Michael: No. I'm trying to be reasonable, and I was hoping you would be, too.", "Christine: What do you propose?", "Michael: Homicide by negligent operation. Five year mandatory sentence.", "Christine: You call that reasonable?", "Michael: And fair.", "Christine: To who? Delia? Her parents? Billy and Chloe lost a child. Do you have any idea what that does to a person?", "Michael: No, I don't. But Adam is a father, and he didn't come forward because of Connor.", "Christine: No. Adam didn't come forward because he is Adam Newman.", "Adam: Can't hide from my mistakes anymore. Speaking of which, you know, I really wish I wasn't so hell-bent on getting revenge against my father.", "Jack: Some part of you wish you'd stayed in Paris with Chelsea and Connor?", "Adam: I had it. I was this close to having everything I ever wanted, and then I... I had to unleash paragon. Sort of ruined my -- my chances at a happy ending, didn't I?", "Michael: [Sighs]", "Adam: Christine rejected your offer.", "Michael: I'm sorry.", "Adam: Thank you for trying.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Michael: We should head over to court.", "Jack: Hey. Good luck.", "Adam: Thank you. I feel like I'm probably gonna need it today.", "Luca: Do you remember the first necklace I gave you?", "Marisa: Uh, I-I don't.", "Luca: Sure you do. It was pearls, like this one, but with a diamond pendant attached. It was stunning, like you.", "Marisa: I have a vague memory of it.", "Luca: I bought it for you to wear at a lavish party my father was throwing for some important business associates and dignitaries. He didn't like the dress you planned to wear.", "Marisa: Mm. He bought me a gown that was appropriate for the occasion. [Chuckles] Appropriate for a nun, maybe.", "Luca: He ordered you to wear it.", "Marisa: Yeah. \"You'll wear what I chose for you or nothing at all.\"", "Luca: [Chuckles] I'll never forget the moment you appeared in the ballroom wearing nothing but the necklace I gave you.", "Marisa: I thought your father was gonna have a stroke. I swear he turned three shades of purple. By the end, he looked like a giant eggplant.", "[Both laughing]", "Paul: 'Scuse us. Let us through please. Thank you.", "Ashley: Where's jack?", "Phyllis: He's on his way.", "Ashley: He went to go see Adam, didn't he?", "Phyllis: Ashley, this is not easy for him.", "Ashley: It's a hell of a lot harder on Billy.", "Victoria: Billy. Hi. It's me. Um, look, I know you said you needed some time before court but, uh, I haven't heard from you. Anyway, I'm here at the courthouse. Just call me or I'll see you when you get here.", "Victor: You know... a crisis like this can define a person for years to come. Unfortunately, Billy boy will be defined solely by his rage.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Jack: Hi.", "Ashley: How's Adam? Bet he was happy to see you.", "Jack: He was. He doesn't have many people in his corner.", "Kevin: Huh. Imagine that. A cowardly child killer unable to recruit supporters. With the exception of you and my brother, of course.", "Jack: Adam is not quite the villain you make him out to be.", "Kevin: Just a misunderstood soul who leaves little girls on the side of the road to die? I can see why you protected someone like that for months.", "Jack: He deserves a fair --", "Kevin: He deserves to rot in hell, but I'll settle for him spending the next 20 years in prison.", "Jack: Why don't we sit down?", "Victoria: Hey. You okay?", "Billy: Yeah, I'm fine.", "Christine: You ready to do this?", "Billy: I'm ready.", "[Clatters]", "Mariah: Whoa. Easy on the glassware.", "Noah: I'll pay for what I break.", "[Cell phone ringing]", "Mariah: Who are you ignoring?", "Noah: None of your business.", "Mariah: Marisa? I thought you were excited to tell her that Kevin could help her find her kid.", "Noah: Yeah, well, Kevin was right. I'm just another guy that she's using to service her needs.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] You're not actually gonna listen to what he says, right?", "Noah: No, I'm gonna go off what I know.", "Mariah: Which is?", "Noah: Which is Marisa and Luca are at the club right now, laughing it up, while I'm out here busting my ass trying to track down her daughter.", "Mariah: Okay, I-I see what happened. You went to tell her you could help her, and you saw her there with her hubby.", "Noah: Wearing expensive jewelry, sipping champagne like they hadn't skipped a beat.", "Mariah: You are so dumb. It was an act.", "Noah: How do you know?", "Mariah: You just told Kevin and I that he slime bag husband threatened to run off with her kid if she didn't stay with him.", "Noah: She was supposed to pretend to be his wife. Didn't look like pretend to me, okay?", "Mariah: You and Marisa have something good. Don't throw it away over a stupid misunderstanding. I guarantee you she is just as miserable as you are right now.", "Noah: I doubt it.", "Mariah: Talk to her.", "[Cell phone ringing]", "Noah: [Sighs]", "Mariah: Answer it.", "Noah: I have work to do.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Christine: I'd like to go back to the night your daughter was killed.", "Billy: October 11th, 2013.", "Christine: Can you take us through the events that led up to her death?", "Billy: Delia was in a play that night -- \"the wizard of oz.\" She was playing the wicked witch. She, um -- she loved to perform. She was -- [Chuckles] She was having a lot of fun that night. In fact, she was, uh, the star of the show. She was really happy and -- and very alive. Uh...afterwards, my wife, Victoria, asked me to pick up some ice cream for a party that she was throwing for Delia. There's this little market that's on the way home, so we stopped off there, and, um... Delia didn't want to get out of the car because she had her new dog, dash, with her. [Voice breaking] And I told her that it would be okay if she locked the doors and she didn't move and that I would be right back. [Sighs] So, I went inside and I got the ice cream. And I came back -- a couple minutes, maybe. It couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes. [Crying] But they were both gone when I got back. I thought maybe the dog had gotten out or...maybe she was playing a game or something, but... she didn't -- she didn't answer me when I called for her. [Crying]", "Christine: Whenever you're ready to continue, if you could tell us what happened next.", "Billy: I saw her lying on the side of the road and so I raced over to her and I checked her pulse. And I called 911, and later on, they told me that it only took the ambulance, like, five minutes to get there, felt like forever. 'Cause I kept pleading with her. \"Hold on, baby. You got so much left to do. Just hold on.\" But it didn't -- it didn't sound like my voice coming out of me, you know? How -- how could I be telling my little girl not to die? How could that be happening? It's my fault.", "Christine: Wh-what was that?", "Billy: [Crying] If I had just...made sure she'd stay in that car --", "Christine: W-we request a recess, your honor.", "Michael: Objection, your honor. The witness is in the middle of testifying.", "Christine: Mr. Abbott is obviously overwrought. He doesn't know what he's saying.", "Billy: Yes, I do. My little girl is dead because of me. This is my fault.", "Adam: No. No, no, no, no. No, Billy. It was an accident. You can't blame yourself for this.", "Judge DeSantos: Order! Sit down, Mr. Newman.", "Michael: Sit.", "Christine: A recess, please, so the witness can compose himself.", "Michael: My objection still stands, your honor.", "Judge DeSantos: Mr. Abbott, are you able to continue?", "Billy: Yes, your honor.", "Judge DeSantos: Then we will. Proceed, counsel.", "Christine: When you were waiting with your daughter for the ambulance to arrive, did the person that hit Delia offer you any assistance?", "Billy: No.", "Christine: Did you talk to him? Did you see who it was? This person who was responsible for your daughter lying dead --", "Billy: You're not listening to me. This is my fault.", "Christine: Billy, did you love your daughter?", "Billy: What kind of question is that? Yes, of course I loved my daughter.", "Christine: Would you do anything to harm your daughter?", "Billy: No. Not intentionally.", "Christine: Okay, so on that note --", "Billy: Look, I have heard all of this before -- from my support groups, my friends, and my family. \"Billy, it's not your fault.\" \"You can't blame yourself.\" Well, I got to blame somebody, don't I? 'Cause my little girl had her whole life in front of her. And I wanted the person who stole that from me to tell me why. I just want to know why, okay? 'Cause if it wasn't my fault, it had to be Adam's, right? That's what I kept telling myself. Been telling myself that for two years. I've been wrong. And I can't keep blaming Adam. It doesn't make me feel any better. It's not gonna give me the answers that I need. It's just -- I'm so angry and full of rage. I feel numb. And the only way that I'm gonna have any peace or that Delia is gonna have any peace is if I forgive him. We all need to for-- we all need to forgive him. [Sighs] [Crying]", "Noah: Mariah... [Sighs]", "Mariah: You know, I have to go meet Kevin at the trial, so... I better get going. Don't be dumb.", "Noah: She shouldn't have called you.", "Marisa: Why weren't you answering my calls?", "Noah: I'm busy. Busy guy.", "Marisa: Why are you acting like this? Why won't you look at me?", "Noah: Because the thought of you sleeping with Luca makes me sick.", "Marisa: I'm not sleeping with Luca.", "Noah: Marisa, don't lie to me, okay? Look, we know you're supposed to pretend, but we both know that doesn't matter.", "Marisa: You're right. It doesn't. Which is why I couldn't go through with it. I've been staying in a separate room. Luca and I -- we're not lovers.", "Noah: When I saw you two earlier today --", "Marisa: What you saw was an act.", "Noah: It looked real to me. The way that you were laughing like you're in on some joke or -- or memory.", "Marisa: What we were remembering was real. But it happened a long time ago.", "Noah: So, your marriage wasn't all that terrible, then.", "Marisa: [Sighs] In the beginning, it was like a dream. Luca bought me expensive gifts, took me to the finest restaurants, on extravagant vacations, but... [Sighs] Then he changed. Maybe it was his parents' influence, maybe it's who he always was, but the man you see now, the man who's using my child to blackmail me -- that's the real Luca, and I want him out of my life. Victor won't help us.", "Noah: I found somebody.", "Marisa: You did?", "Noah: Kevin. He's -- he's really good with computers. He's gonna help.", "Marisa: Thank you. Thank you. I knew you'd come through for me. I'm sorry. No, I'm not sorry. I love you. You're the only man I want to be with.", "Noah: Marisa, let's not get --", "Marisa: Make love to me.", "Michael: October 11th, 2013. Delia Abbott woke up in her bed. Adam Newman woke up in his. And I am sure that neither of them expected to cross paths that day. But, in a series of events the two of them had no control over -- this series of events resulted in an unfortunate and deadly encounter. In an unimaginable stroke of bad luck, Adam Newman, filled with despair from the news he'd learned about his son's eyesight, was at the exact spot at the exact moment that Delia ran into that road. It was an accident. It was a terrible tragedy, but an accident. You heard Delia's father say as much. You also heard Billy Abbott say that he was responsible for what happened to his daughter -- a man who you would arguably think would want to assign blame to someone else, anyone else. He said it was his fault. Both men are suffering tremendous guilt. Neither of them are guilty. Adam Newman has suffered every single day since Delia's death. What good would it do to punish him further, to destroy a family? Is that what Delia would want? The only people I can think of who could speak on Delia's behalf are her parents, and you heard William Abbott, Delia's father. You heard Delia's father ask you to forgive Adam Newman.", "Christine: A little girl is dead. That's where this started and that's where this ends. The defendant's excuses, a father's grief, defense counsel's attempt to try and say that this was nothing more than just a tragic accident -- it doesn't change the fact that a child is dead. And the man that killed her, the man that struck her with his car and left her -- left her to lay by the side of the road to die then tried to cover up his actions has to pay.", "Christine: Billy was supposed to be my star witness.", "Paul: No, I know. Nobody could have predicted that he was gonna turn the tables on you like that. But trust me -- you handled it well and your closing was perfect.", "Christine: Thanks.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Paul: Oh. I, uh --", "Christine: News on Hilary?", "Paul: It's another case. But let me know when the verdict comes in, will you?", "Christine: I will. Yeah.", "Victoria: Oh, hey. Have you seen Billy?", "Paul: Uh, no. I haven't. Sorry.", "Victoria: Have any of you seen Billy?", "Ashley: No. I thought he needed some time alone after having to relive that horrible night.", "Jack: I am so proud of him. He could so easily have laid all the blame for what happened to Delia on Adam.", "Kevin: Where it belongs. Billy doesn't know what he was saying. He was out of his mind with grief. Fortunately, the jury wasn't buying any of that crap about forgiving Adam.", "Victoria: Right now, I-I just need to find Billy.", "Chelsea: Hey, um, have you seen Billy?", "Victoria: No.", "Chelsea: I'm -- I'm worried about him. Earlier in the park --", "Victoria: What happened in the park?", "Chelsea: Billy wouldn't let up about Adam, and I started arguing with him and I got distracted. And Connor slipped away from me.", "Victoria: Oh, no.", "Chelsea: He's perfectly fine. We found him. It was no problem. But Billy felt really guilty. I tried to tell him it was okay, that people make mistakes.", "Victoria: That's why he said all that up on the stand. [Sighs] I asked him to forgive Adam.", "Chelsea: But not like this. Are you sorry he said what he said?", "Victoria: I just hope Billy's not sorry.", "Bailiff: The jury has reached a verdict.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: Lily's standing by her husband. Do them a favor. Stay out of it.", "Cane: What's that?", "Paul: Search warrant for the premises.", "Billy: We just heard that the jury's headed back in.", "Jack: Already?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nick makes it clear to Rey that he needs to stay away from Sharon because he intends to get back together with her and that he should concentrate on fixing his own marriage. The ladies night group doesn't want to semd the blackmailer the money but when Sharon tells the ladies that Mariah has been getting stange calls and thinks she is being followed Nikki decides to pay the rest of the money. The papers that Kyle finds in the safe give Ashley the patents and the rights to all the products she created and will create in the future. Kyle knows that this could mean the end of Jabotso he tries to shred the papers but Dina walks intio the office and struggles with Kyle to take the papers out of the shredder.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Phyllis: Have you seen sharon?", "Nick: Just saw her, actually. At her co-worker's apartment having dinner.", "Sharon: Nikki did pay, sort of. She sent that foreign account $1, to push back a little.", "Victoria: \"You now owe $249,999. If it's not wired into my bank account by midnight tonight, the police will know what's buried under here.\"", "Sharon: [ Gasps ]", "Dina: We took the papers, and we put them in the safe together.", "Kyle: At jabot?", "[ Grunts ]", "Dina: I wasn't lying. It's right there on the wall. Well, open it!", "Kyle: [ Grunts ]", "Dina: Oh! There!", "Dina: Mm! [ Giggling ] Bingo!", "Kyle: Are you sure this is what you're looking for?", "Dina: Absolutely. [ Laughs ]", "[ Scatting ]", "Kyle: Hey, hey, slow down. Those papers could be anything. I mean, who seals up a safe behind a wall without checking to make sure it's empty first?", "Dina: This is proof! Proof that -- to that girl, you know --", "Kyle: Ashley.", "Dina: Yes! Yes! Yes! That I am a good mother, a very good mother, and she will see it! Yes! [ Sighs ] Mr. Abbott. I didn't expect to see you here at this hour.", "Billy: Getting a jump-start on tomorrow. What's keeping you here? Trying to reorganize this so-called filing system my predecessor created.", "Billy: Well, good luck with that. Gloria was one-of-a-kind. She had a brain to match. I've got big shoes to fill.", "Billy: I think you'll be just fine. Listen, can I get my hands on the latest press release for the jaboutique launch? Oh, you didn't have to come in for that. I would have had it delivered to you at home.", "Billy: To be honest, it's an excuse to get out of there. I can't shake a dead rat without hitting an abbott. Family drama -- I won't bore you with the details. Although, I know how this place works. I'm sure you heard a snippet or two around the water cooler. Being the new guy, folks are a little tight-lipped around me. I mean, I've heard snippets here and there, but not much.", "Billy: About me and phyllis? That is the topic of choice. So, I heard about the breakup, and I'm sorry. I imagine it can't be easy.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] No, it's cause for celebration. In almost no time at all, I was able to kick two bad habits -- gambling and phyllis.", "Dina: Why are you avoiding this?", "Kyle: I'm not.", "Dina: What do you mean, you're not?", "Kyle: I just had to think for a moment. And, on second thought, what if we go through the papers right here? The sooner, the better.", "Dina: At john's desk?", "Kyle: He won't mind.", "Dina: All right. Why not? Oh, di-dee, di-dee oh, boy. [ Chuckles ] I'm excited.", "Kyle: Here we go. Just like the big boss.", "Dina: [ Giggles ] Oh, yes, indeed. Yes, indeedy, deedy-do!", "[ Laughs ] [ Sighs ] Okay. Let's see.", "Sharon: They know. They know that J.T.'S dead. They know that he is buried in chancellor park.", "Victoria: And whoever's doing this knows we did it.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] We've got to do something. Fast. Or by tomorrow, everyone in town is gonna know.", "Jack: I'll talk to the city inspectors. We'll get that finished.", "Phyllis: Am I interrupting?", "Jack: Uh, no, we were just finishing.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Good. Glad to hear it. Because I have had an epiphany this morning.", "Nick: An epiphany?", "Phyllis: Yes. I know what I need to do now. This breakup with billy has given me an opportunity to make better choices, smarter choices. You know, we are through. It's gonna remain that way because I am better off without him. So, I'm gonna grab a coffee, okay? Then we're gonna toast to new beginnings.", "Dina: I know it's here! I mean, it just has to be!", "Kyle: Just take your time, dina.", "Dina: Please... please. I can't find it! Did you check the safe?", "Kyle: We cleaned it out.", "Dina: We did?", "Kyle: Here, let me help.", "Dina: No! Don't you touch these things. Don't you dare. I know what I'm doing, and I did the very best for my daughter.", "Kyle: Of course you did. Do you know what we're searching for? Do you know what the paper says?", "Dina: I still can't find it, damn it.", "Kyle: Hey. Hey. We'll take our time, dina.", "Dina: Yeah.", "Kyle: No rush. Did it, uh, maybe have ashley's name on it?", "Dina: I don't know. I can't find it!", "Kyle: Hey. Hey, hey. We can do this. Here, I can help.", "Dina: Then help me!", "Kyle: We'll do this together, okay? Just try to stay calm. I'll read. You can tell me if I'm on the right track.", "Dina: [ Gasps ] Here!", "Kyle: All right. Here. \"The above-named parties hereby agree to assign ashley suzanne abbott all patents, inventions, discoveries, developments, and ideas made of or conceived by her... ...excluding all others in perpetuity.\"", "Dina: [ Giggles ] Eureka!", "Billy: What was that? Who's in there? I thought it was empty. It should be empty.", "Dina: We've found it! Oh, thank you, god. We found it! There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Additional sponsorship", "Billy: Whoever's in this office, you've got five seconds to open the door, or I'm gonna open it for you. Yeah, hi, it's ted. Ted, ms. Abbott's executive assistant. She's not in her office right now, but someone is, and the door's locked. Yes, I would indeed like security up here. [ Sighs ] Disregard. Stand down. Yeah, false alarm. Thank you.", "Billy: Didn't expect you to walk out of there.", "Kyle: Bit of a day full of surprises.", "Billy: You want to tell me why you're in that office with the door locked?", "Kyle: It's dina. She got it in her head that she needed to talk to john. You know how she gets. Wouldn't believe he wasn't here, so I thought if I let her see for herself, she might calm down.", "Billy: That sound calm to you, ted?", "Kyle: Sorry about the noise. I was trying to get her home, but she wants to stay, wait for john. You don't mind if we hang out a little longer? I mean, nobody's using the office. I don't have a problem with it.", "Billy: Maybe I'll talk to her. Maybe she'll listen to me.", "Kyle: Not a good idea. She gets like this, she needs stability and consistency.", "Billy: Right, and you're the poster boy for that.", "Kyle: I can handle this.", "Billy: Thanks for this, ted. I'll catch up with you later. Can I assist in some way?", "Kyle: I got this, ted.", "Jack: Then we're looking at the new, improved phyllis.", "Phyllis: Now and forever. Billy-free.", "Nick: All right, who are you, and what have you done with the real phyllis? [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Very funny.", "Jack: Well, this was more than a beautiful sunset that brought this on. What happened? I mean, what made you see the light?", "Phyllis: Well, I think the details are unimportant. I would say that, uh, I don't know, I think I came to a fork in the road, you know? I could have chosen to take the path that I always have, which is the dark, dangerous one filled with quicksand and poisoned mushrooms, like a video gaming adventure...", "Nick: And that is the billy path.", "Phyllis: Or I could take the one that is bathed with blue skies and sunshine and the one that leads to happiness, maybe even some enlightenment.", "Jack: Namaste.", "Nick: They spiked her coffee, or maybe it's lack of sleep that's turning her crazy. I mean, that does happen.", "Phyllis: I've come to my senses, thank you, and I've never been happier.", "Jack: Maybe she realized billy is deeper in debt than he admitted.", "Nick: Eh, something big must have happened. I mean, people don't just change their minds about someone this fast.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you see, I do. I saw a side of billy that was very ugly, that I never want to see again, so that's all you need to know.", "Nick: Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy for you. I got to go. Jack, I'll call you later.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Nick: Phyllis, good luck with this new outlook and the, uh, you know, sunsets and stuff.", "Phyllis: Okay. I should go.", "Jack: Uh, could you give me a minute first?", "Phyllis: Okay, if this is where I get to hear a big, fat \"I told you so\"...", "Jack: No, it's nothing like that. Come on, humor me.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] All right. All right, give me your best. I can take it.", "Jack: Okay, I just wanted to tell you I don't remember when I've ever been any prouder of you.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Jack: You've taken back control of your life, and I know that wasn't an easy thing. Here, nick and I were ready to do battle with whatever dragons billy sent your way or dragged in his wake... and I learned all over again you don't need protecting. You don't need rescuing. You're a bright, powerful, independent woman with so much good in you. I'm just glad you can see it again. I'm glad you can stand up for yourself. I'm glad summer gets to see just how brave her mother is.", "Phyllis: Okay, okay. I knew I wouldn't like it.", "Jack: Wait, what did I say?", "Phyllis: I don't know how you...", "Jack: Really. Really. Talk to me.", "Phyllis: Just stop being so nice to me. I don't deserve it.", "Sharon: If we had just paid them the money the first time they asked instead of sending a dollar...", "Victoria: They didn't go to the police.", "Sharon: Not yet, but they will eventually if we keep playing games!", "Victoria: Okay, well, we just have to stay positive!", "Sharon: How?", "Victoria: Well, they've given us until midnight, so that means that we have to come up with...", "Sharon: What, another dollar?", "Victoria: Maybe phyllis was right. Maybe they're bluffing about exposing us.", "Sharon: Victoria. How long are you willing to drag this out? Every time we get another text or an e-mail, we are one step closer to somebody else find out the truth! Somebody sees a text over your shoulder, an e-mail gets opened accidentally, you leave a photo open on your computer screen...", "Victoria: All right. We'll just -- we'll be more careful.", "Sharon: We need to be done! Pay the money, victoria!", "Victoria: Then what? Then what? They increase their demands? Today, it's $250,000. Tomorrow, it's twice as much. They're never gonna stop threatening to expose us.", "Sharon: Then what are we gonna do?", "Jack: I swear I get no pleasure out of seeing you like this.", "Phyllis: You and your brother, like night and day.", "Jack: I was so hoping he'd come from rehab a new man. It seems he's as angry and vindictive as he was during the wedding that wasn'T.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, I think all of this public flogging is a sneak preview of darker things to come.", "Jack: I'm sorry to hear that, though I'm not terribly surprised.", "Phyllis: My heart was breaking for him, you know? I saw it in his eyes, that he was so hurt because of me. I know that I did that to him, but all I wanted to do was make everything okay for him, you know? To help him pull the pieces together, you know, to get him back on track. And all he wanted to do was hurt me. He did that. Like a champ. By inflicting the maximum amount of indelible pain, you know, and that's the thing when you open up your heart to someone. They... they know just how to break it.", "Jack: Not everyone.", "Phyllis: How do you do it?", "Jack: What do you mean? How do I do what?", "Phyllis: You forgive the unforgivable. You just -- you're kind when you should be cruel. I just -- you are such a good man, jack abbott. You really are more than I ever deserved. And what billy and I did to you...", "Jack: No, we don't have to rehash all of that.", "Phyllis: It was selfish. It was heartless. I thought I was living some epic love story with that guy. You know, the two of us against the world, but I don't know how I could be so blind.", "Jack: Beating yourself up doesn't solve anything.", "Phyllis: I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes. And I know words cannot take away hurt or turn back time, but they're all I've got right now. And I want to tell you how sorry I am. I am so, so sorry. For what I did to us. And what I did to you. And I hope you can find some way to forgive me. I really do.", "Jack: I forgave you a long time ago.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Dina: I knew it was here.", "Kyle: That's great, dina. Really, great.", "Dina: Oh, I can't wait to show this to ashley.", "Kyle: Before we do that, do you mind if I take another gander at it?", "Dina: No. No. I know what I'm doing. Take me home.", "Kyle: In a minute.", "Dina: No, no, right this minute, or you're gonna be looking for another job.", "Kyle: We'll all be looking for other jobs if that contract goes public.", "Dina: What do you mean? John and I agreed. We signed it together. Just the other day.", "Kyle: But these papers, they change everything. The total and complete annihilation of jabot. Was this your idea, to give ownership to ashley of all the products she created for jabot to her, forever?", "Dina: This is a present for ashley. I -- I had to do it. Because I need to make amends.", "Kyle: Proof that you loved her as much as you love jack.", "Dina: Yes. And I was a bad mother, but not anymore.", "Kyle: A present for ashley.", "Dina: Yes, a present for her.", "Kyle: To apologize for running off without her, for breaking her heart.", "Dina: I don't want to hear anymore of this. Take me home.", "Kyle: So, you talked to john. You two had these contracts drawn up.", "Dina: Yes. Yes. We did this together. We signed it, and no interference whatsoever. We saw to that. Not even jackie. No one.", "Kyle: But john didn't see things your way. He wouldn'T. How could he? It would be crazy for him to give over the keys to the kingdom like that. He was a brilliant businessman, but no way he would sign that.", "Dina: Yes, but...", "Kyle: It's okay, dina. He meant well, but the contract is null and void without his signature.", "Dina: [ Laughs ] \"John abbott.\" See? He signed it. Oh, and he had such beautiful handwriting. Oh! Now, take me home.", "Nikki: \"And they lived happily ever after.\" The end! That was a good one. But I know what you really want to be doing. Just a minute! I have something very special oh! A coloring book! And new crayons -- look at that! This is filled with cars and trucks and trains --", "Rey: Hey, nikki. It's good to see you.", "Nikki: Oh, um, hello.", "Rey: Who's this little guy?", "Nikki: Well, this is my genius grandson christian.", "Rey: Oh! Hey, christian. I'm rey. Oh, let me see that coloring technique, buddy. What you got there?", "Nick: Sorry I'm late, mom.", "Nikki: Oh! Don't worry. Like I would complain about spending extra time with favorite little guy?", "Rey: Hey, nick. How's it going?", "Nick: Never better. Did you have fun with grandma?", "Nikki: You got held up at work?", "Nick: Did you not get my text?", "Nikki: Oh! I'm sorry. I turned my ringer off during nap time. There's probably a million messages on here from your father.", "Nick: Good job, man. Everything okay?", "Nikki: Yeah. Yeah. Just something I have to do at work.", "Phyllis: Uh, jack, I actually need to go.", "Jack: Wait, what could be so important?", "Phyllis: I just have some time-sensitive material that i need to get in tomorrow. You know how it is.", "Jack: Okay, well, I'll walk you to the door.", "Phyllis: No, thank you so much for everything, really.", "Nick: But you don't have --", "Nikki: Honey, I have to. I'm sorry, it's a last-minute charity meeting. I'll call you later.", "Nick: What the heck was that?", "Rey: Crazy. Same thing happened with sharon at work today.", "Sharon: You really think you can pull this off?", "Nikki: Now, what exactly are you doing?", "Phyllis: With any luck, I am going to trace the digital fingerprints from this e-mail and track down our blackmailer.", "Sharon: Before midnight, right?", "Phyllis: Way before midnight.", "Sharon: And then what?", "Victoria: We find out who they are. And we turn the tables on them.", "Sharon: As soon as you can give me a name, I can run it in the database at the station.", "Phyllis: All right, it's not gonna be that much longer.", "Nikki: Well, at least then we can rule out that the e-mails were coming from the police just trying to scare the life out of us.", "Victoria: How could anyone know what we did?", "Nikki: They couldn't have seen us! Could they? I mean, you didn't have anybody lurking in your house, did you?", "Victoria: No!", "Phyllis: We didn't see any random people hanging out in the park, right? There weren't any security cameras in the park.", "Nikki: No. None.", "Sharon: Then how?", "Nikki: I don't know, I mean, could we have been seen by somebody who was just passing by?", "Victoria: Why would they wait all of this time to start threatening us?", "Sharon: Maybe it's their first foray into the whole \"blackmail\" thing.", "Nikki: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. Ours, too.", "Phyllis: Well, first we find out who, they we find out how, then why.", "Sharon: And if they won't tell us?", "Phyllis: One step at a time, but in the next few seconds, we're gonna find out exactly who we're dealing with.", "Nick: Look at that.", "[ Christian babbling ]", "Rey: So, since you're so good at coloring cars, I thought you might want one of your own, hmm?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Look at that. Squad car of your own. What do you say, dude?", "Christian: Mm...", "Rey: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: That was \"thank you.\"", "Rey: Yeah, we got a whole slew of them at work in case we get a kid who's stuck there until someone can take them home or into care.", "Nick: Must be rough.", "Rey: It can be. Being taken to a police station is probably the worst night of a kid's life. So the car, it's just a reminder that we're still the good guys.", "Nick: Hmm. So no kids of your own?", "Rey: Haven't been that lucky.", "Nick: Yeah, but there's a wife out there, right? I mean, you don't talk about her much, but she's out there.", "Rey: I'm kind of private like that.", "Nick: Eh, private with some, not-so-private with others. I mean, I bet sharon knows about her, right? I mean, she does know about your new mattress.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Listen, nick, about that, she was only saying that --", "Nick: What, how long have you known her, a couple months? I've known sharon practically my whole life. There isn't anything that we don't know about each other. But, please, go ahead and tell me about her.", "Rey: It's not like that.", "Nick: Yeah? I see you. I know your type. You've buddied up next to sharon, you've made her think you're kind of like the last of the good guys. Well, you have not fooled me. No way. I'm onto you.", "Kyle: Do you have any idea what this means?", "Dina: It's a present for ashley's future.", "Kyle: It's air-tight. No loopholes, no exclusions, or exemptions.", "Dina: I know. John's attorneys saw to all that. Now, you've looked at it enough. Give it back.", "Kyle: Whose idea was it to give ashley ownership of all of her patents?", "Dina: Mine, and john agreed.", "Kyle: What were you thinking?", "Dina: I'm a good mother, and she needed to know.", "Kyle: You want to prove you're mother of the year? You buy her a car. You put her in the will. You leave her a house, maybe the family jewels. What you don't do is sign over the lifeblood of the company.", "Dina: Lifeblood? What are you talking about?", "Kyle: Sole ownership of all of the patents for all of the products ashley created for jabot.", "Dina: Is that a lot?", "Kyle: It's practically everything.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] Good for her.", "Kyle: John signed away all the rights to her patents. Years ago, when you had this drawn up, it was, what, a handful of products, maybe? But now, it -- ashley owns pretty much all of jabot's major product lines. He may -- he may well have signed over the entire company to her.", "Dina: Watch yourself. I don't like your tone, mister.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry, dina. I made a mistake.", "Dina: You sure did.", "Kyle: I shouldn't have talked to you like that.", "Dina: No, you shouldn't have.", "Kyle: We all make mistakes, and this was a serious error in judgment. No one needs to know about this. I'll take care of it. I promise. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Billy: Jack?", "Jack: Hey, it's me. I know you're with dina. I'm not sure when you're coming home. Give me a call, let me know. Sorry.", "Billy: They're at jabot.", "Jack: They're at jabot? Why would he take her to jabot?", "Billy: I have no idea, but it sounds like she might be in one of those time- warp things. Maybe she wanted to get away.", "Jack: From what?", "Billy: From the present tense and all that crap that's going on here.", "Jack: How'd she look?", "Billy: Don't know. Kyle had her locked in the office. Said he was trying to keep her calm, but between you and me, he wasn't doing a very good job. She kind of freaked out.", "Dina: I want to see john. Do you know where he is? Tell me where you're keeping him.", "Kyle: Don't you trust me?", "Dina: Absolutely not.", "Kyle: I'm sorry things got out of hand.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Everything's better now, right?", "Dina: I want you gone.", "Kyle: Well, who will take you home?", "Dina: John will. And if he can't do it, he'll arrange for someone else. John! John, it's me! It's dina!", "Kyle: Hey, he had to go away. Remember?", "Dina: [ Gasps ]", "Kyle: He's probably at home.", "Dina: Oh, yes, of course he is.", "Kyle: I'm sure the cook is just making him dinner.", "Dina: Oh, john always loves a good steak. Especially with a side of haricot vert.", "Kyle: Mm, sounds delicious.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: What should we have for dessert?", "Dina: I want you gone. And this stays with me. For ashley.", "Sharon: What happened? Why'd you stop?", "Phyllis: The e-mailer is using a vpn.", "Nikki: Could we have that in english, please?", "Phyllis: It's a virtual private network. It's like using a digital mask to hide behind. The data's been encrypted, so we can't find out who sent it or where it's being sent from. It's like wiping off the fingerprints from a murder weapon.", "Sharon: A ghost.", "Phyllis: The metadata's been stripped from the picture when it was uploaded, so whoever this is, they know what they're doing.", "Nikki: So that means they could be sending these e-mails from anywhere in the world or around the corner.", "Phyllis: Looks that way. Now, their only good card is that they know where the body is buried.", "Sharon: Literally.", "Nikki: It's a pretty powerful card.", "Phyllis: It is. Unless we move the body.", "Nikki: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.", "Victoria: We can't do that.", "Sharon: After all this time? Do you know what happens to a body that has not been embalmed? And it's been buried for several months. I mean, the smell alone...", "Phyllis: Okay, well, I hate to disturb your delicate sensibilities, ladies, but these are desperate times, desperate measures.", "Sharon: We have got to drawn the line somewhere.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, sharon do you have a better idea? Because I'd really like to hear it.", "Sharon: Yes! An idea I've shared about 250,000 times. Just pay the money and be done with it! But you don't want to hear that. And since I can't convince any of you it's the right thing to do, if you'll excuse me...", "Phyllis: Where are you going?", "Sharon: Home, to my daughters, since it might be the last night we spend together before the four of us are arrested for murder. It's where I belong.", "Rey: Look, nick, before you go... I know what it looks like, but you got it all wrong about me and sharon.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Rey: Yeah. We work together, I live upstairs, but nothing is going on.", "Nick: Is that what you tell yourself to make this all seem okay? Let me ask you something -- what would you do every time you turn around, your wife was hugging up on some other guy?", "Rey: Now, wait a minute, that's not --", "Nick: I know you want to believe you're just providing this warm shoulder for this lonely woman, and technically, nothing is going on because you have remained faithful to this invisible wife.", "Rey: So now you're the authority on faithfulness?", "Nick: You think I don't know that I screwed up? I'm reminded of it every day, every night, every hour because sharon isn't with me, because that's where she belongs -- with me and my kids under the same roof at the same dinner table laughing at the same stupid jokes we've been laughing at our whole lives. Because trust me when I say this -- that's how this is gonna end. So you can provide every roadblock that you want, keep pretending like you're this knight in shining armor, rescuing this damsel in distress, but know this -- you keep playing these games, whatever they are, but while that's happening, it just means it's one more night that christian isn't in sharon's arms. Or one more night that I don't get to tuck in my little girl before she goes to bed at night. You want to be the hero, rey? See, I can see it in your eyes you do. It's real simple. Just do the right thing and stay out of this. Let's go, bro. Come on. [ Groans ] Here we go.", "Jack: Having a cocktail, huh?", "Billy: Join me.", "Jack: They didn't say anything in rehab about substituting an addiction with another addiction?", "Billy: I kicked two bad habits at once. It's time to celebrate.", "Jack: I saw phyllis earlier.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? How long did it take before she gave you a sob story and threw herself at you?", "Jack: Don't do that.", "Billy: Don't do what?", "Jack: Say things you'll regret later.", "Billy: That's what I do, jack, it's who I am. I say the unspeakable.", "Jack: Do the unspeakable?", "Billy: Whatever phyllis told you...", "Jack: She wouldn't say anything negative about you. But from her reaction and tone, I gathered you hit a new low, even for you.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Bound to happen sooner or later, right?", "Jack: I don't know what the hell happened to you.", "Billy: I'm a riddle wrapped in a mystery at the bottom of an empty scotch glass.", "Jack: With a gargantuan gift for shooting yourself in the foot.", "Billy: I had a problem. Problem solved. Was it an elegant solution? No. Was it effective? Most definitely.", "Jack: How so?", "Billy: Well, phyllis isn't blowing up my phone with empty apologies anymore.", "Jack: Funny you should say that, she apologized to me today.", "Billy: Yeah. That is funny.", "Jack: I appreciated it. It meant a lot to me.", "Billy: Well, good for you, jack. I'm gonna go finish this in peace. If you need somebody to save tonight, jack, you might want to save your mother from kyle. I'm not a betting man anymore, but if I was, I'd say she needs it.", "Dina: Now, I can't wait to see john's face when I show him what I've found.", "Kyle: Why don't we leave the papers here, head home, sort this out tomorrow?", "Dina: Absolutely not.", "Kyle: It's proof that you're a good mother, I know. But what happens if you lose those? Is that your only copy?", "Dina: I, uh...I don't know.", "Kyle: If we keep them in the safe right here, they'll stay secure.", "Dina: But ashley needs to see that I gave her her future.", "Kyle: She will. She will, and to ensure that, let's keep those locked up.", "Dina: In there?", "Kyle: Exactly. Where they'll be safe. And secure. Forever.", "Mariah: Hey! Dinner is served.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Fantastic. Here.", "Mariah: Oh. Hi. What was that about?", "Sharon: I just missed you.", "Mariah: Are you all right?", "Sharon: Yeah. I'm fine. Why?", "Mariah: I don't know, it kind of looks like you've been crying. Nick?", "Sharon: No, no. This is just what I look like when I'm famished. Looks like you got enough to feed an army!", "Mariah: Well, yeah, I figured since faith is at her sleepover and we have the house to ourselves, we could get our grub on and stay up late, maybe watch a movie.", "Sharon: Perfect. Oh, but no romances.", "Mariah: 86 the rom-coms.", "Sharon: And, you know, nothing too scary.", "Mariah: Ix-nay the zombies.", "Sharon: Also, you think --", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Mariah: Wait, hold on. Hello? Hello?", "Sharon: Who was that?", "Mariah: No clue. Unknown number. That's weird. It's like the 10th time that's happened today. I say \"hello?\" And the line goes dead.", "Sharon: Ugh, I hate those robo-calls.", "Mariah: Yeah, but the thing is, I can hear someone breathing on the other end. It's very creepy.", "Sharon: Do you think it's a prank? Maybe a fan? Is it gc buzz?", "Mariah: Well, I wasn't gonna tell you this...", "Sharon: Tell me what?", "Mariah: Promise me you won't freak out.", "Sharon: No! Why? What happened?", "Mariah: I -- okay, I got the feeling a couple times today, like... like I was being followed.", "Sharon: Mariah, talk to me.", "Mariah: See, I told you you would freak out.", "Sharon: Well, of course I'm gonna freak out. I'm your mother! What happened?", "Mariah: Well, it sounds ridiculous now that I'm saying it out loud, but... [ Sighs ] Okay, I was driving home from work, and I was listening to this podcast -- true crime. Very scary stuff, and I looked in my rearview mirror, and there was this car that was following behind me, and I would turn left, they would turn left, i would turn right, they'd turn right. And it wasn't the first time.", "Sharon: What did you do?", "Mariah: Well, I thought about driving to the police station.", "Mariah: Why didn't you?", "Mariah: Because by the time i looked up again, they were gone.", "Sharon: Are you sure? Did you get a look at the license plate, or maybe the make of the car? The driver?", "Mariah: No, it was too dark, and they weren't following close enough. Look, mom, this is ridiculous. It's close to halloween. No more creepy podcasts for me. I promise. Let's just have some food, relax because I am starving. So I'm gonna get the wine and some glasses, okay?", "Nick: Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! [ Crash! ] Whoa! Man, that dude's a bad driver! He needs some lessons, huh? You know what, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. But the most important thing -- you're doing whatever you can to make it right. For everybody that matters. Right? Give me some knucks. Ahh! That's right.", "Victoria: Was mariah absolutely sure that she was being followed?", "Sharon: No, but --", "Phyllis: Could it have been a gc buzz fan or a coincidence?", "Victoria: Unless we're absolutely certain that these things are related...", "Sharon: It was a warning that they can get to us and everyone we love anytime they want.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. Do you really think they will do that?", "Sharon: They come for us, that's one thing. They come for my kids, it's game over.", "Phyllis: None of the e-mails mentioned anyone's kids.", "Sharon: They are willing to send us to prison. You think they would stop there?", "Victoria: Look, sharon, i know that you're scared, but...", "Sharon: What will these people have to do to prove to you that this not a game we can win?", "Nikki: Okay, I've made a decision. I'll pay the money tonight.", "Victoria: Mom....", "Nikki: Listen, I made a promise to myself the day you were born, the same promise i made the night J.T. Died. There is nothing I won't do to keep you and all of us safe. That's a promise I intend to keep.", "Kyle: What do you want to do after dinner? How about a marlon brando movie?", "Dina: Oh, I think I'd like that very much.", "Kyle: Consider it done.", "Dina: Okay.", "Kyle: Just leave everything to me. Would you believe it? I must have left my keys on the desk.", "Dina: Oh, my lord. You call yourself a chauffeur. [ Sighs ] What are you doing?!", "Kyle: It's for the best, dina, I'm sorry.", "Dina: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it right now! Stop it, I said!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Dina goes to the Abbott house for a visit and Jack and Traci question her gently about Stuart Brooks and read her the letter she wrote to him. Dina tells them that was a terrible night and asks to go home right now. Jack arrives back at the Abbott house after driving his mother to the memory care facility and Traci shows him an invitation to a prom after party she found the party is at the Abbott house. Jack reads the note on the back of the invitation it is a note from Stuart to Dina asking her to come to the party tonight and he promises he will change her mind. Cane, Jill, and Esther talk to a will authenticator Jill hired who tells them that the portion of the will that names Devon as the air is printed on a different type of bond paper than the rest of the will and she assures them the rest of the will is authentic. Cane , Jill, and Esther worry about how Devon will handle the news and if he will honor Katherine's wishes despite the fact that the statute of limitations has expired. Chelsea takes Connor to see Victor hoping that it will help with his behavior while Nick is in Las Vegas talking to Adam. Nick tells Adam everything that has happened to Connor and that he has been acting out but Adam still thinks its best that he not return to Genoa City. Nick gets a call from Chelsea saying that Connor broke his arm when he jumped off the jungle gym claiming he was invincible and Nick wonders if Adam still thinks he shouldn't come home.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Jack: Look, she kept a picture from the country club in her safe-deposit box by itself for how many years? He kept this letter for even longer.", "Traci: Maybe they dated?", "Jack: Wouldn't she have mentioned that.", "Cane: Here they are. The original pages from katherine's will. This confirms what you've been saying is true. Just have to get them authenticated, right?", "Connor: I heard mom and nick talking about grandpa. Is he going to be okay?", "Adam: He's gonna be just fine. Your grandpa's invincible.", "Chelsea: We need to get adam back. I thought we agreed. I thought you understood how important this is to me.", "Nick: I do. That's why I'm gonna go to vegas. I'll bring adam back.", "Chelsea: Connor, honey? Can you come out here, please? Connor!", "Connor: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Hey. So, we're gonna go visit your grandpa victor today. I know he wants to spend some time with you, and I think it will be good for you to see that he's doing all right, to see for yourself. How's that sound? Okay, well, why don't you go grab your jacket, and then we'll head out.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Let me guess -- phyllis told you where to find me.", "Nick: Does it matter?", "Adam: She shouldn't have done that. And you shouldn't have come here. Because I don't want to talk to you.", "Nick: Well, that's too bad. 'Cause I got a lot to say tyou.", "Jack: I picked up mother's favorite hibiscus tea, and some of those french macarons she likes so much from the french bakery on chestnut.", "Traci: Oh, that was so thoughtful, jack. She'll love it.", "Jack: Can you think of anything else she might want?", "Traci: Uh, well, no. Let's start with tea, and then, if she wants something more substantial, the kitchen is stocked.", "Jack: Yeah, that sounds like a plan.", "Traci: Jack, you seem rather anxious about the visit today.", "Jack: No, it's -- it's not anxious.", "Traci: No?", "Jack: I'm just eager to know more about that letter that she wrote to stuart brooks. What it means, if anything.", "Traci: It certainly would add an interesting chapter to the abbott family memoirs.", "Jack: I realize she may not remember anything, and she may not be able to articulate an answer.", "Traci: All right. Why don't we just focus on spending time with mother today? We'll see what kind of day she's having. And if it's a good one, and she seems comfortable, then we'll broach the subject.", "Jack: Perfect. We got a plan.", "Traci: And the minute she gets upset --", "Jack: No, I -- we stop everything. I want this to be a lovely visit for her. That is the most important thing.", "Traci: Agreed.", "Jack: But wouldn't it be wonderful if we could open another window into her past?", "Jill: Am I gonna have to give you the lecture that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?", "Cane: Okay, well, I can't stop you from doing that, can I? All right?", "Jill: Well, you can if you help me eat this scone. It's, uh, as big as my head.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Hey, esther.", "Esther: Uh, sorry to interrupt.", "Jill: What are you doing here?", "Esther: Well, I'm very upset about the situation with mrs. C's will, so when i overheard you planning to meet cane, I decided to come.", "Jill: Oh, my god. You are so ridiculous. If you'd wanted to come, you should have just asked, for heaven's sakes. I'm not heartless.", "Cane: It's okay. Hey, esther...", "Jill: I know that we're all distressed about this situation with katherine.", "Cane: Go on and sit down.", "Esther: Thank you, cane.", "Jill: What? Aren't you gonna go order that hideous stuff that you love so much?", "Esther: It's called chai, and it's very, very popular. But at this moment, I am more interested in an update. What is the situation?", "Jill: Okay. So, as it turns out, no one can legally contest the will.", "Esther: Oh, 'cause it's been too long.", "Cane: Exactly.", "Jill: Yeah, so, when devon heard that, he just washed his hands of the whole thing. And the lawyer refuses to take another step forward until she consults with her client.", "Esther: Chance, you mean?", "Jill: Yes, and he's a very hard man to get ahold of these days, so we're at a stalemate.", "Cane: Yeah. So, uh, jill and I decided to take things into our own hands and, uh, move forward and find out the truth.", "Esther: How?", "Cane: I went to vegas to, uh, try and find chance, and I came back with some papers that were supposed to be the original pages from katherine's will.", "Jill: And, meanwhile, I hired a certified forensic document examiner, who will be joining us shortly. Her name is amy nelson. And she will compare the pages that cane brought back with the original pages that were read six years ago and tell us which ones are authentic.", "Esther: Oh, then my timing is perfect.", "Cane: Well, that's if things go as planned and there's no more curve balls. And then we'll find out whether or not devon was meant to inherit the bulk of katherine's estate... or whether it was me. Additional sponsorship", "Esther: I just don't understand how you got those pages from chance.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Cane: All right...", "Jill: No, you were really vague about that. You said he sent the pages, but you never saw him?", "Cane: Yeah, well, you see the thing is, I didn't really want to worry you.", "Jill: Well, I was already worried 'cause I couldn't get in touch with you. Okay? And saying you're sorry doesn't fill in the gaps here.", "Cane: Yeah, I suppose it doesn't, does it?", "Jill: Well? We have time on our hands right now. Out with it.", "Cane: All right. I got this text from chance, and he said to meet him in this particular place. I get there, and someone came up behind me and knocked me out.", "Esther: What?!", "Jill: You're kidding!", "Cane: And then I woke up in this random room, and on the table was this envelope, and in it were the pages from katherine's will and a note from chance.", "Jill: And what did it say?", "Cane: It said that he was sorry. Um, he was deep undercover and had to stay off the radar.", "Jill: [ Exclaims ] That explains why he's been out of contact lately. But being sorry doesn't fill in any of the gaps here.", "Esther: Well, it just seems odd when he could have just mailed the pages to you.", "Cane: Exactly.", "Jill: Something is very, very fishy.", "Cane: I don't disagree with you on that one.", "Esther: I'm just glad you weren't seriously hurt.", "Cane: I am just excited to meet this expert you've hired and get some answers, and finally move on.", "Jill: Well, if the pages you were given turn out to be a hoax, then, yes, it is indeed over. But if they're real, then we have a whole other set of problems on our hands.", "Victor: Connor, my boy, I am so glad to see you. I've missed you.", "Connor: I missed you, too, grandpa.", "Victor: I missed you. Yes.", "Chelsea: See, honey? Just like I told you. Victor's doing really well. Nothing to worry about.", "Victor: Okay you and I sit down, and let's talk about it, all right? So... [ Sighs ] When you heard that your grandpa had died, that must have been very scary, right? And very confusing. And I'm sorry about that. But as you can see, you know, I'm all right. I was sick, but I'm okay now. All right?", "Connor: I was sad you were gone. My dad was, too.", "Victor: I know. And I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry about the pain we have caused you. I'll make it up to you somehow, okay?", "Connor: First my dad was supposed to be dead, then you.", "Victor: I know.", "Connor: But it wasn't true.", "Victor: I know.", "Connor: You're both alive.", "Victor: I know. I understand that, and I'm very, very sorry. And your dad and I, you know, we went through quite an ordeal. And -- and as I said, I-I was sick. But now we're both all right. Okay? So, you come here. I'm very happy that we are now with the family that we love. All right? I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: [ Exhales heavily ]", "Adam: Why can't you people just leave me alone? I am so done with genoa city. Okay? I'm not looking to cause trouble for anybody. I'm just trying to live my life.", "Nick: Nobody says you can'T.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] That life doesn't include you, brother. Okay? Nobody else named newman. So if you came here warning me not to show my face again, don't worry about it, 'cause it ain't gonna happen. Not in this lifetime.", "Nick: I didn't come here to threaten you or put you on notice.", "Adam: Yeah, right.", "Nick: Just shut up and listen to me. Please. Look, I didn't come all this way to fight with you. I came here because of connor. He is in trouble, and he needs you to come home. Limu emu & doug", "Dina: Oh, this room is so -- so lovely and tasteful. Although I-I -- I do feel as if I've been in this house before?", "Traci: Many times.", "Dina: Have I?", "Traci: You have.", "Jack: Yes, yes. Have a seat. Have a seat. Here we go.", "Dina: Thank you.", "Jack: Can I maybe pour you some hibiscus tea with a splash of milk?", "Dina: Hibiscus? Oh, you devil. You've poured me tea before, haven't you?", "Jack: Indeed, I have. Yes.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] On this very same china.", "Traci: You have a good eye.", "Jack: So, why don't you just relax and let us take care of you. And, if you're feeling up to it, we have some things we'd like to show you.", "Victor: Let's see what we've got here. Oh, look at this. A soccer ball that hovers in the air. Have you ever seen anything like that?", "Connor: One of my friends back home in baton rouge got one last year for christmas.", "Victor: Really? And it lights up at night so you can play in the dark. I wish I had that as a kid.", "Chelsea: Connor, what do you say?", "Connor: Thank you, grandpa.", "Victor: Come here. You're very welcome. Okay?", "Chelsea: Sweetheart, why don't you go grab yourself a snack in the kitchen?", "Victor: Yeah, the chef will make you anything you want.", "Connor: I guess I could eat something.", "Victor: Okay. Take it along, all right?", "Chelsea: Oh, and, hey, we'll stop at the park on the way home. It'll be fun. Before it gets too cold?", "Connor: Okay. Whatever.", "Victor: I know he has been through a lot. But he doesn't seem like himself, does he?", "Chelsea: How could he be? After everything you and adam have put him through?", "Victor: [ Sighs ]", "Adam: What's wrong with connor?", "Nick: What do you think's wrong with him? His father walked out on him.", "Adam: Because I couldn't be the father that he needs.", "Nick: Well, maybe you were just too busy trying to murder his grandfather.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] That is what you and everybody wanted. I mean, for me to fail miserably and fall apart and banish myself from the garden.", "Nick: For once, can you not make something about yourself?", "Adam: The last time I saw you, you invited me to dad's funeral. Really twisted the knife. So don't sit there and act like you're on some moral high ground here, especially when you let connor, a sweet, innocent kid, believe that victor was dead.", "Nick: What do you expect? You set this whole thing in motion. If dad hadn't caught you, he could very well be dead right now.", "Adam: No, I swear that --", "Nick: What?", "Adam: You know what? It doesn't matter. Because what's done is done. I am sorry that connor is hurting. But if I stayed, I just would have disappointed him more, and that kid deserves so much better than that.", "Adam: And that is how you see it, too.", "Nick: Your words.", "Adam: Come on, nick. Just admit it. I'm sure that you were thrilled when I took off, leaving my sons in your capable hands.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. With you gone, I don't have to worry about you hurting this family anymore. But, see, connor's the one who's in real pain, and chelsea thinks you are the only one who can help him.", "Adam: Mm. Well, that must have come as a blow to your ego.", "Nick: This isn't about me. It's about connor. He is the only thing that matters.", "Adam: What about chelsea? You sold her on this white-picket-fence lifestyle, that you're the perfect family man, so if you're not living up as connor's father figure, that doesn't bode well for your relationship.&", "Nick: You don't got to worry about me and chelsea. We're rock-solid.", "Adam: Mm. You obviously are. Obviously. I mean, since you are the one that volunteered to come talk to me. You figured you'd score some points by being the magnanimous guy who tried to persuade me to come back to genoa city for my son's sake. But you are not-so-secretly hoping that I'll turn you down. How am I doing so far?", "Jill: Where the hell is this woman? She should have been here by now.", "Cane: What time was the appointment?", "Jill: 15 minutes ago. I don't know where she could be.", "Esther: Well, where did you say she's coming from?", "Jill: Well, I didn'T. But it's -- it's madison.", "Cane: Oh, well, there's the problem. I-90's a mess.", "Jill: I'm gonna call her and see where she is.", "Cane: Okay.", "Esther: Oh, boy.", "Cane: Mm! Jill! Jill, jill.", "Jill: Hmm?", "Cane: That could be her.", "Jill: Oh!", "Amy: Sorry I'm late. Traffic. I'm amy nelson.", "Jill: I'm jill abbott. It's a pleasure to meet you. And this is esther valentine.", "Esther: How do you do?", "Jill: And cane ashby.", "Cane: Hey. Nice to meet you. Pleasure.", "Jill: Thank you so much for making our case a priority. And for your discretion, too. We are determined to straighten out all this confusion about katherine's will.", "Cane: Yeah, I'm just, uh, hoping you're confident in your findings.", "Amy: I'm prepared to answer any questions you have definitively.", "Chelsea: Connor's suffered so much loss for a child his age. Too much.", "Victor: I know he has.", "Chelsea: When he thought you died, it broke my heart trying to console him. I mean, I-I let adam tell him you were gone because you and nick didn't trust me enough to just -- to just tell me the truth. And now adam's gone again, and connor's left to suffer.", "Victor: Let me ask you something. Do you condone what adam has done to me?", "Chelsea: Not at all. It's unconscionable. But what I hate is, my son is left to pay the price for the ongoing insanity between the two of you. I mean, this compulsion you both have to just push each other to the edge.", "Victor: I understand, chelsea. I understand. But you have to understand that I couldn't watch my son go down the same dark path. I just -- [ Sighs ] You know, I attempted to save him.", "Chelsea: Yeah. [ Sniffles ] And in the end, adam saw the error of his ways. But he bolted town, and now we're all left hanging.", "Victor: Yeah, well, but now I-I can see that there's hope. And that is very gratifying to know.", "Chelsea: But at what cost, victor? I mean, the cost... to so many people.", "Victor: I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am about the pain that I've caused you and connor. I wish it had been otherwise. I just wish he had stayed here. You know, then he and I could have started over. And all the family's wounds could have healed. But I'm certain about the fact that he won't come back now.", "Chelsea: Well, a-as you can see, connor is not accepting that. And I fear he never will.", "Victor: Oh, boy. [ Sighs ] [ Sucks teeth ] Tell you what. I'll do whatever I can to help him get over this, all right? And if that means that I have to admit that I was wrong, and I could have done things differently, then you just say it.", "Chelsea: I appreciate that offer. But actually I've decided to take a more proactive approach. My goal is to get adam to come back as soon as possible.", "Nick: You're wrong. This is not a game. We have a serious issue here.", "Adam: Why should i believe you?", "Nick: Just -- let me say this, all right -- I don't trust you. Couldn't have been happier if i never saw your face again. But connor loves you. And he misses you every single minute of every day. And I wish like hell I could have been the man to fill the void that you left in his life. But I haven't been able to do that. Do you know how hard it is for me to stand in front of you and tell you there's something you can do that I can't? That I have to beg you to come back to genoa city when it is the last thing that I want personally?", "Adam: I'm beginning to get an idea.", "Nick: This isn't about me. It's not about you. It's about connor. And hopefully, when you hear what he's been doing, you will understand why I don't have a choice here.", "Jill: So, if I'm following you correctly, the portion of the will regarding devon's large inheritance, that was printed on different bond paper than the rest of the version of the original will? Are you certain?", "Amy: It's the same color, but a slightly different weight.", "Jill: And the type of paper saying that katherine bequeathed cane her entire estate?", "Amy: Perfectly matched the rest of the will.", "Cane: Listen, just -- just to be clear, here, okay... so, you analyzed the handwriting, and you have determined that they are katherine's initials on the pages?", "Amy: Yes, those initials are authentic.", "Jill: And the initials on the pages that didn't match are forged?", "Esther: Oh, my god. Then it's true!", "Jill: Katherine left all that money to you. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Dina: Uh, do -- do I know these people?", "Jack: These are old family friends who you haven't seen for a long time.", "Dina: Oh.", "Jack: Here. How about this one?", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] That's me in high school.", "Jack: Yep.", "Traci: Dina, I would like to read something for you, um, if it's okay, from about that same time. This is a letter that you wrote, uh, just after graduation.", "Dina: Oh, very well.", "Jack: Uh, this is a letter that you wrote to stuart brooks.", "Traci: \"Dear stuart, summer vacation at the lake is precisely what I needed after graduation. Senior year was, at turns, exhausting, gratifying, and thoroughly exciting. I miss the old gang. I wonder if you've run into anyone? I hope they're all well. Profuse apologies for not being in touch sooner since graduation. I'm not much of a letter writer, so if you don't hear much from me in the months ahead while i settle into college, well, I hope you'll forgive, that, too.\" And then the letter ends with, \"just a reminder for you of what we learned reading shakespeare in mr. Landis' class -- 'I must be cruel only to be kind. Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind.'\"", "Dina: [ Whimpering ] Oh, that was a -- a wonderful and terrible night. Just terrible.", "Victor: Everyone wanted to see adam gone. And I honestly felt that you thought the same.", "Chelsea: Well, I-I mean, early on, I was concerned that his presence would make life a lot harder for me.", "Victor: Right.", "Chelsea: I was worried that he'd try to sue for full custody of connor, or turn connor against me.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: But he didn't do that.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: He tried to convince me that he just wanted to gain my trust and focus on being a good parent. And, victor, he kept his word. He was a really good dad to connor.", "Victor: Well, you know, I'm -- I'm very glad to hear that. And he showed the boy a side of himself that he never allowed anyone else to see.", "Chelsea: Yeah. But then he was so broken when he left, he was convinced that connor would be better off without him.", "Victor: Well. Connor wouldn't understand any of that. He was a child.", "Chelsea: No, he doesn't understand any of this. He's confused as to why his father would abandon him after being separated from him for so long. Oh, and now the new thing is, connor says that adam doesn't even love him anymore.", "Victor: Mm. Do me a favor. Repeat to the boy over and over again that his father does love him, all right?", "Chelsea: I'm trying, victor. I'm trying. Believe me. My son is in agony. He won't listen to me.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] It makes me feel very mad.", "Chelsea: He's so full of rage. So the only thing that's going to heal his wounds is if his father comes back into his life.", "Victor: I understand.", "Chelsea: Do you?", "Victor: There you are! Did you enjoy the snack?", "Connor: Yes, grandpa.", "Victor: You did?", "Chelsea: What do you say?", "Connor: Thank you.", "Victor: You're very welcome, my boy.", "Connor: Can we go to the park now?", "Chelsea: We sure can.", "Victor: Okay. Connor, come here. Now, I enjoyed you coming over. And when you have that unwrapped, I want you and I to go in the park, and we'll play with it one day, okay? Should we do that?", "Connor: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Okay. You hang in there, all right?", "Connor: Yeah.", "Victor: And you, too.", "[ Sighs heavily ]", "Nick: The broken lamp, it could have been an accident. Connor was upset. He stormed out of the room. He could have hit the table, and the lamp fell. But he also could have broke it on purpose, since nobody caught him in the act.", "Adam: It's a lamp. Big deal. Little kids, they break things sometimes.", "Nick: He's also having trouble at school. On the mornings that chelsea can actually get him there, it is a real battle to even get him started for the day. And when he's there, he's talking back to the teachers, he's misbehaving. He actually hit a kid the other day, completely unprovoked.", "Adam: Wait a minute. Are you saying connor was the aggressor?", "Nick: The other night, you know, we're at home. We're, uh -- we're having dinner. It was fun. We were playing games. We thought we had a real breakthrough with him. Then he locked christian in the dark garage.", "Adam: What?", "Nick: Little guy was in there for over an hour, scared out of his mind, crying. Chelsea and I couldn't find him. Connor saw how upset we were about it, and he still lied straight to our faces, and said he didn't know where he was.", "Adam: That doesn't sound like connor.", "Nick: It's not him. It's you. Chelsea said the thing she is most afraid of is her little boy turning into his father.", "Adam: Well, that is the last thing that I want. That is why I walked away from connor, because he deserves a much better role model.", "Nick: You can't expect a little kid to understand that. All he knows is, he opened his heart to his father, who he thought he lost. And then he left again. And now he's hurt, and he's angry and confused, and it is your fault.", "Adam: It's all the more reason that I should stay away from him. My mistake is, I came back into his life in the first place. He would have been better off if he never found out I was alive.", "Nick: Well, you're not gonna get any argument from me. But the damage is done. And as his father, it's your responsibility to fix it.", "Adam: What makes you sure that he would even want to see me, nick, after what I did?", "Nick: Because you are all he talks about. All those texts and messages from chelsea's phone, they're from him. And every time you ignored them and didn't reply, he felt even more rejected.&", "Adam: I didn't realize that.", "Nick: Yeah, of course you didn'T. Chelsea is beside herself. She's just waiting for the next crisis to fall. Am I getting through to you yet?", "Adam: Look, I'm upset to hear about this. Obviously. But I'm not going back to genoa city with you, nick. In the storied tradition of his great-great- grandmother,", "Cane: Look, even though we discussed this as a possibility --", "Jill: It's a reality.", "Cane: ...I don't understand. Why would katherine give me billions of dollars? I mean, I'm not even family.", "Esther: Because she loved you.", "Cane: I know, esther. Thank you. But she loved a lot of people,& all right? She loved you. She loved jill. She loved nikki and chance and phillip, all right? Look, I'm not family. I'm not blood.", "Jill: Well, I can't speak for katherine, but I'll tell you she considered you family.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Jill: No. She saw something so special in you. She believed in you.", "Cane: I just can't fathom it.", "Esther: Devon's still named in the will.", "Cane: I know that, esther, but 1/6 of 25% is a far cry from half, okay? And I just don't mean financially. I mean emotionally.", "Jill: Even that fraction is worth tens of millions of dollars apiece.", "Jill: God! If tucker was gonna forge the will, he could at least have given you devon's share.", "Cane: Jill, don'T. It's not worth it.", "Esther: I know it's a lot to process.", "Cane: I'm just -- I'm just worried about devon. You know, because -- and I don't mean the money. I mean, the inheritance was really personal to him.", "Jill: I know. It was his grandmother's gift to him.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Jill: It was a sign that she believed he would do good things with it, that he would do right by her legacy. Now to have that belief shaken... and, oh, my god. If tucker really is the perpetrator of this fraud, imagine how that must feel to him.", "Esther: A double whammy.", "Jill: Wow. To learn that his father took what was rightfully yours and gave it to his own son? Can you imagine what that's gonna do to him?", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Jill: What a betrayal. Honestly, I could punch him right in the jaw.", "Esther: Yeah. Need some help?", "Cane: Yeah, I know how you feel.", "Jill: If anyone has reason to be furious with tucker mccall, it's you.", "Cane: Well, I mean, it's not gonna change anything, is it? I mean, we don't know where tucker is. He's gone into hiding, and we don't know when he's gonna resurface.", "Esther: You know, cane's right. [ Sighs ] I mean, we -- we could send somebody after him. We could hire a private investigator.", "Cane: It's not gonna change anything.", "Jill: Honey, what he's done has hurt you worst of all.", "Cane: [ Laughs ] That is debatable. I mean, as much as I can't help think how much different my life would be if I had $2.5 billion in my bank account for the last six years, we can't go back. All we can do is move forward.", "Esther: You are right. I think you both know what you need to do next.", "Traci: The letter doesn't say anything about a night. What night was that? Do you remember?", "Dina: I don't know.", "Jack: Mother, were -- were you and stuart very close?", "Traci: You know what, it doesn't matter.&", "Jack: She's right. We don't need to talk about this anymore.", "Traci: Would you like some more tea? I can make a fresh pot.", "Dina: I want to go home.", "Jack: Are you sure --", "Dina: Now.", "Jack: Okay. Okay. I'll get your coat, and I'll take you home.", "Traci: He'll be right back with your coat, okay? Okay. It's all right. It's all right.", "Nick: Connor is a mess. He needs you.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] He is going through a rough time. But he'll survive. Kids are resilient, and I'm sure chelsea will get him whatever help he needs.", "Nick: So that's it? \"He's gonna be fine\"? Like magic? You think that's how this works?", "Adam: Look, you assume that I'm being callous, but it is actually just the opposite. I failed connor as a father. And if I was to do that again, he would be in worse shape than he is now.", "Nick: I'm not gonna lie to you -- I'm worried about that, too. But chelsea is convinced that, if you stay away, his anger and resentment is just gonna continue to grow, and then history will repeat itself.", "Adam: And what does that mean, exactly?", "Nick: Look at you, adam. Look at how scarred you were when hope died, and you found out that your dad bowed out of raising you. He stayed away because your mother asked him to. And then she replaced him with another man. But then, when that other man died, dad didn't do anything. He had no involvement in your upbringing, and that scarred you for life. It had a profound effect --", "Adam: Okay, okay. That is enough! I heard you out. And I am doing what I think is best for connor. And now it is time for you to get the hell out of here. Right now.", "Esther: Okay, so, the statute of limitations have expired. So there's no legal way to make sure that the terms of mrs. C's authentic will are honored. But -- but that doesn't mean that this has to end. I don't want to see devon hurt, but this is bigger than him.", "Cane: All right, listen. I feel for devon. I do. But the problem is, is that katherine was a force of nature, okay, and to brush aside her final wishes because of some arbitrary deadline... it's not what she would have wanted. She would want her voice to be heard.", "Jill: Yes. Katherine deserves at least that much.", "Cane: Right.", "Jill: And devon deserves to know the truth.", "Cane: Right.", "Jill: And once his initial shock has passed, we're gonna find out how he feels about respecting his grandmother's wishes.", "Jack: Mother was still very quiet when the nurse got her settled into bed.", "Traci: Was she agitated?", "Jack: To tell you the truth, by the time I left, I wasn't sure she remembered our visit at all.", "Traci: And now you're kicking yourself because you brought up stuart brooks. Jack, I really wish you wouldn't do that.", "Jack: It was all going so well. I had to push it too far.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Come on. Listen to me. Nobody can predict how mother's gonna react, even when she's having a good day. We don't know how long she'll stay with us or how soon she'll shut down. [ Huffs ] At least she didn't get upset, right? We need to be grateful for the lovely time we spent with mother today.", "Jack: There you go again.", "Traci: What?", "Jack: Saying all the right things to make me feel better. It's your superpower.", "Traci: [ Scoffs, chuckles ] I don't know about that.", "Jack: I do. And thank you.", "Traci: Any time.", "Jack: I see you opened up the boxes again. The abbott family memorabilia.", "Traci: [ Laughs ] Right. While you were taking mother back to the facility, I decided to take another look. And I found something that I think you're going to find interesting.", "Jack: Oh? \"An invitation to the senior-prom after party... at the abbott house.\" In dad's home. Th-- june 3rd. This would have been the year of mother's senior year in high school.", "Traci: Exactly. Turn it over. There's a handwritten note. \"D, come tonight. Please. I promise I'll change your mind. S.\" \"D\" is dina. \"S\" is stuart. Could this be the wonderful, terrible night mother was referring to?", "Traci: Well, if it is, whatever went on between mother and stuart brooks happened right here, at a party in this house.", "Nick: Adam, you are gonna regret this, guaranteed, if you forsake connor.", "Adam: Go home, nick. Just go home. Tell chelsea you did what she asked. You're off the hook. Go back to your cozy little existence, raising my sons with the love of my life.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Nick: Hey. What's up?", "Chelsea: Oh, thank god you answered. We're at memorial.", "Nick: What are you doing at the hospital?", "Chelsea: It's connor. We were at the park, and he climbed to the top of the jungle gym, announced he was invincible, and then he jumped.", "Nick: Oh, my god. Wh--", "Chelsea: It all happened so fast, nick, and he -- he hit the ground so hard. [ Sobs ] And it was horrible. It was terrifying. He was just screaming in pain.", "Nick: How bad is it?", "Chelsea: He broke his arm.", "Nick: Okay. Broken arm. That's, uh -- that's rough, but we should be thankful it's not anything more serious.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Yeah. The doctor is putting his arm in a cast right now. He said that connor said he was thirsty, so I snuck out, but I have to get back in there.", "Nick: You have any idea why he did that?", "Chelsea: I don't know. Maybe... [ Sighs ] I mean, we had just come from seeing victor. Maybe he thinks his father and his grandfather are invincible, so he is, too. They can survive anything, so he can, too. Maybe that's what he thinks. Whatever's going through his mind, he is still lashing out. First christian, what happened, and -- and now this. I mean, I'm terrified to think i don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.", "Nick: Yeah. Uh... okay. Uh... I'll be home fast as I can.", "Chelsea: Okay. Thank you. Um, what about adam?", "Nick: Well, I'm with him right now. I'll call you soon and let you know what happens. Bye.", "Adam: What happened? What happened? What's going on with my son? How did he break his arm?", "Nick: Well, he was at the park, and he threw himself off the jungle gym, claiming he was invincible. You still think you don't need to come home?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Devon gets on the Newman elevator. A man comes running up behind him, shouting to hold the elevator. Devon seems to be ignoring him and he lets the door start to close. \"What is the matter with you? Are you deaf?\" the man says after stopping the doors closing. A worker on the floor tells the man that Devon is in fact deaf. The man is quick to apologize. Devon heads to the coffeehouse where he finds Lily with earplugs in her ear, trying to see what it feels like to be Devon right now. \"Take that out! That is stupid!\" Devon tells that there is a special speaker coming to the school and even though he has someone to sign for him, it just isn't the same. He announces that he is thinking about quitting school. Michael meets with Will and tries to come up with other solutions for Dru to pay for her behavior but Will is firm. He wants at least years imprisonment. Michael heads to the Winters' place to give them the news. They are devastated. Michael has the kids removed before telling the parents that there is more they have to deal with. Will could force Neil to testify against his wife. Neil says that he will not say anything against his wife, but he may have no choice in the matter. When Dru hears that the best that Will will take is 2 years imprisonment, and that she should consider it, Dru is incensed with anger and vows to stand and fight. \"You should think about it as losing at a trial could open you up to 8 years imprisonment.\" Neil and Drucilla decide to fight! Lily is angry that her mother is looking at jail time. Daniel finds her waiting to talk to Carmen. She is sure that she can get the woman to drop the charges. Daniel tells her to forget that idea and he drags her out of there. Later though, he loses track of her and knows instinctively where she is. Lily finds Carmen in the boardroom and Carmen jumps when she see the girl. \"Oh you scared me.\" Lily says that seems to be something she and her mother have in common. \"What is wrong with you people?\" Carmen asks when Lily starts shouting at her about going after a married man and then being surprised when people don't like it. People are peeking in from the hall at the fiasco. Daniel comes rushing in. He pulls his teenage wife to the wall and holds her. Carmen Mesta walks out. \"Lily! You have just made things twice as bad for your mother by doing that to Carmen!\" Nick and Phyllis make it to Pepe's Tavern and the citizens of the town surprise them with a great wedding. Nick had to help with a fire in town so that the JP who is also the Fire Chief could do the wedding. They get hitched and honeymoon on the jet" ]
[ "Daniel: Hey, Baby, how was class this morning? Did I do something wrong? Lily, are you mad at me? Come on, hey, why aren't you talking to me?", "Lily: Oh, gosh, sorry, I couldn't hear you.", "Daniel: Why do you have these things in your ears? What, are you planning on taking up construction as a hobby?", "Lily: No. I wanted to see what it would feel like to be deaf.", "Daniel: Well, you can take them off now.", "Lily: No, I can't. I really wanna know how Devon feels. I wanna feel what he feels for a whole day.", "Daniel: How's it been?", "Lily: Awful. Awful. I don't know how he does it, Honey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Hey, Man, can you hold the elevator? There you go. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I asked you to hold the elevator. What's your problem?", "Devon: Did I do something wrong?", "Man: What are you, deaf?", "Woman: He--he didn't do it on purpose. He is deaf.", "Man: Oh, I'm sorry, Man. I didn't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Uh, could I get a house blend with lots of sugar, lots of cream to- go?", "Michael: Thanks.", "Phyllis's voice: Hey, you've reached Phyllis. Sorry I can't get to the phone right now. I'm either working, sleeping, or working on sleep. Leave me a message.", "Michael: Oh, hey, it's me. Uh, you still haven't called me back, so I'm checking in again. Uh, Fenmore is great. He's getting stronger and stronger every day. Uh, hope you had a great southwest-style wedding. Wish I could've been there. Oh, bring me back some of that hot sauce like you did last time. um... when you get a couple of minutes give me a call. Uh, something weird happened, and, uh... I just need to hear your voice. All right? Okay, bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Look.", "Nick: All right, kiss and tell. What's going on in that pretty head of yours?", "Phyllis: I don't wanna talk about it, because then I'm gonna be the sappy, emotional girl. I don't wanna be that girl.", "Nick: You can be that girl. You know, you're pregnant. It's all right.", "Phyllis: What does that mean?", "Nick: Whoa. It just means that, you know, emotions and hormones-- it's part of the gig, right?", "Phyllis: You have 'em, too.", "Nick: Yeah. Emotions, yeah. Hormones, hell yeah.", "Phyllis: Are we like one of those couples in, um... one of those romance novels?", "Nick: I am so much hotter than those guys with the muscles and the long hair.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you are. But you don't know what those guys look like.", "Nick: I'm guessing. I mean, I've never read one. Are you looking at my scorpion?", "Phyllis: Yes. What about me?", "Nick: Yeah, I wouldn't let 'em write about you. They'd make too much money.", "Phyllis: Well, you could be my agent-- take 10%.", "Nick: Let's just stick to cosmetics and retreats for now, okay?", "Phyllis: Oh, okay, let's stick to that. Okay, so, uh... what are we doing? What's on the itinerary?", "Nick: I was thinking, uh, some of this... and some of this... and definitely some of this.", "Phyllis: Don't you think we should slow down? We have, uh... we have to go.", "Nick: We could write our own novel in here. You know, the kind they send out in a plain brown wrapper?", "Phyllis: No, come on! It's time to go. It's time, um... to get hitched, cowboy. Are you ready?", "Nick: Let's do it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, hey, good morning.", "Dru: Good morning.", "Neil: Well, well, look at you. Been at it a long time, haven't you?", "Dru: Since 5:00 A.M., yep.", "Neil: Oh.", "Dru: Yeah, I made some coffee if you want some.", "Neil: I appreciate that. You can't, uh, keep doing this to yourself.", "Dru: Doing what? I'm not doing anything to myself. It's all Carmen's fault. You know, I used to have a job to distract me, but now I have all this extra time. I'll just, uh, straighten up before they carry me away to jail.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stop. You can't think like that. I mean it. What do you have if you don't believe in yourself and your innocence?", "Dru: I'm not completely innocent, Neil.", "Neil: But you're a good person. You deserve a second chance, Dru. Um, by the way, Michael is meeting with Bardwell this morning to discuss the plea bargain which I'm sure you're already aware of. I'm sure he's gonna work something out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Michael, come in.", "Michael: Ah.", "Will: Good to see you.", "Michael: Counselor.", "Will: How's your son?", "Michael: Oh, he's doing a lot better. Thanks for asking.", "Will: Well, shall we get down to business?", "Michael: Of course. And in light of the taxpayer's best interests, I hope you'll find my plea bargain interesting.", "Will: Ah. Actually, I had one in mind myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, just a few more minutes and we're gonna be married.", "Phyllis: Are you getting cold feet?", "Nick: No.", "Phyllis: Hey, wow... it's, uh... deserted. Where is everyone?", "Nick: That's a good question.", "Nick: Hello? Anybody here?", "Phyllis: I thought you called?", "Nick: I did call. I talked to the bartender a few hours ago.", "Phyllis: Oh. Okay. Strike one, you know, our plane diverts and we end up in Utah. Hey, are you... are you playing a joke on me?", "Nick: No! I swear it!", "Phyllis: Are you sure? You know, it's not nice to kid a pregnant woman. You know that, right?", "Nick: It's no joke. I promise. I promise.", "Phyllis: All right, so what's going on?", "Nick: I...", "Phyllis: Where are the people?", "Woman: Hi, folks!", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Woman: So good to see you again.", "Nick: Hi.", "Woman: Hi.", "Nick: We, uh, we're here today for the service that's supposed to be here.", "Woman: Oh, yeah, you're the happy couple lookin' to get hitched.", "Phyllis: That's us.", "Nick: Yep.", "Woman: So sorry. Rancher Whitfield's barn caught on fire this morning and everybody's down there puttin' that darn thing out. I'm makin' sandwiches for 'em for when they get back.", "Nick: Do you know if the justice of the peace came by?", "Woman: He's actually the head of the volunteer fire department, so I doubt you'll be seeing him anytime soon.", "Phyllis: Oh, hey, you know, there you go--strike two.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey. Can you take them out for a while? I wanna talk to you.", "Lily: I can't. I can't.", "Daniel: Please...", "Lily: Only you. Uh... happy now?", "Daniel: Yes. Very.", "Lily: You're ruining my experiment, okay? I just-- Devon can't turn his hearing on and off.", "Devon: What's with those, Lily?", "Lily: Um... \"I'm wearing earplugs to see what it's like to be deaf.\"", "Devon: Well, leave 'em out. That's stupid.", "Lily: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Devon: I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me, okay? I, uh... some guy flipped out at work-- some messenger-- 'cause I didn't, uh, hear him when he asked me to hold the elevator door open for him.", "Daniel: Hey, no, no, don't worry about that. That's no big deal.", "Devon: Well, it gets-- my day gets better, okay? I just found out that in my first class everybody's all excited about some cool guest speaker coming in.", "Daniel: Won't there be someone there to sign?", "Devon: Yeah, but it's not the same. It's not the same. I'm starting to think that it's just stupid of me to think I could keep my job and go to school at the same time. I'm thinking of quitting.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, listen, do you think you can do a couple more things for me?", "Dru: Yeah, like what?", "Neil: Cool, cool, cool, cool. Um, all right, I want you to call and confirm accommodations for Aaron Neville and his piano accompanist, right?", "Dru: Oh, yeah!", "Neil: And do you think you could call the athletic club and have gift baskets waiting in their rooms?", "Dru: You know I can. Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa... are you just trying to keep my mind off of things?", "Neil: No, I'm abusing my power as your husband. Taking advantage of free labor.", "Dru: I wish you would.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's misdemeanor battery. The maximum for that is one year in the county lock-up and no judge is gonna give my client the maximum.", "Will: I disagree. Mrs. Winters willfully and repeatedly violated her restraining order. That carries 2 to 8 years in the state penitentiary.", "Michael: Provoked by Ms. Mesta.", "Will: Which will be determined by the video evidence.", "Michael: All right, my client admits to physical contact, but, William, there was no harm done.", "Will: Oh, well, Ms. Mesta doesn't see it that way.", "Michael: All right, how about a year's probation and anger management counseling with... 100 hours of community service.", "Will: No.", "Michael: I thought we were here to discuss options.", "Will: Best offer is two years in the state pen. That's the minimum either way.", "Michael: Two years? Two years for this? You're joking.", "Will: Take it or leave it. The only deal we're gonna make here today includes time in prison. She needs to pay for the emotional distress she's inflicted on the plaintiff.", "Michael: I guess we'll see each other in court.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Y'all be safe out there, ya hear? Bye, now. They're still out puttin' that darn thing out. They're short on volunteers. Everybody's in Dallas for a rodeo.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: Where is the fire?", "Woman: It's, um, outta here, take a left, two miles past the water tower. Here, take my truck.", "Nick: All right, I'll be back.", "Phyllis: Wait, wait... you're--do you want my help?", "Nick: I'm gonna go help. No, you stay here. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go put out a fire.", "Phyllis: My man puts out fires.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Where do we stand?", "Will: I filed a petition to advance the trial date, which the judge agreed to. It'll be later this month.", "Carmen: Good, I don't know how much more of Dru's harassment I can take.", "Will: I also met with Michael Baldwin this morning to discuss a possible plea bargain. He turned down my offer. We're going to trial. Now, I don't wanna predict how any 12 people are gonna react in this situation, but based on the evidence, I'd say we have a very strong case.", "Carmen: How strong?", "Will: Strong enough for a short trial and a very guilty verdict.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Hey, Kids!", "Lily: Hi, Mom and Dad.", "Neil: Hey.", "Lily: Oh, Devon's having a bad day. Don't tell him I told you.", "Neil: What happened?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Daniel: Some guy at Newman gave him a hard time-- a messenger.", "Neil: Really?", "Devon: Hey, any news on the trial?", "Dru: Um, not yet. Uh, we're waiting for Michael to call.", "Neil: You know something? It's crazy for me to be doing all this right now in light of everything that's going on at home. I think what I'm gonna do is postpone the opening until things--", "Dru: No!", "Neil: Yes, until things settle down here.", "Dru: No, Honey, you can't.", "Lily: Dad, don't do that. We can all help you.", "Devon: Yeah, I wanna help.", "Dru: Of course, of course.", "Dru: Who's that?", "Neil: Hey, can you grab that?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Michael: Hi.", "Dru: Michael!", "Neil: Hey, Michael, there you are. So tell us something good.", "Michael: Um...", "Dru: What happened?", "Lily: Hi.", "Michael: May I speak to you alone?", "Dru: Uh, whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of my entire family.", "Michael: Bardwell will not agree to any plea bargain that does not include prison time.", "Dru: Oh, Lord.", "Neil: Damn it.", "Lily: So--so, prison? That means Mom's going to jail for sure?", "Michael: No, not if we go to trial. Nothing's definite.", "Lily: \"Yes, Mom, trial.\" You have to fight this.", "Michael: I would very much like to speak to Drucilla in private, if that's at all possible.", "Neil: Um, Lily, Daniel, can you please give us a minute?", "Lily: Come on, Dad!", "Neil: I mean it. Get outta here. I'll fill you in later.", "Lily: All right, well, we've got class anyway, so... I love you, guys.", "Daniel: See you guys later.", "Lily: Mom, call me.", "Neil: See you later.", "Devon: Bye, guys.", "Neil: All right, you wanna tell us what happened?", "Michael: It's really not a good idea to tell you both.", "Dru: Whatever you have to say, you can say to my husband.", "Michael: It's a lot more complicated than you think.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: So... what brought you two back here?", "Phyllis: Um... well, we were--we were, um... here on a business trip a few months ago, right?", "Woman: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: When we saw you. And, uh, we just decided to make this our official spot to get married.", "Woman: Mmm. Well, it looks like you've been makin' it pretty official already.", "Phyllis: Oh...", "Woman: Not that I blame you. I mean, he is a handsome fella.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, yeah, he is. Uh, this was not planned.", "Woman: Oh, I ain't judging ya. I think its real sweet that you guys came back.", "Phyllis: Aw, thanks. Thank you. Yeah. It brings back a lot of feelings--being here.", "Woman: I'm driving my ex's truck. That brings back a lot of feelings, too. Most ain't so good, though.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, okay. I'm sure it's complicated, right?", "Woman: Sort of. I got the truck. He got the trailer.", "Phyllis: Divorce?", "Woman: Poker match.", "Phyllis: Right.", "Woman: So how'd you know he was the one?", "Phyllis: Um... I don't know. I mean, every time... Every time I see him, I just... I get this feeling in my stomach. Do you know what I mean?", "Woman: That's sweet.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it is. It's very sweet. I mean, he... he understands me. He really gets me. And, you know, we're all looking for that. It's really important. We understand each other's fears and desires and dreams. And, um, that's why-- that's why we came back.", "Woman: I'm gonna cry.", "Nick: I'm gonna buy all you beers--all of you.", "Man: I'd say you need several beers.", "Nick: All right, let's do it.", "Phyllis: You put out a fire?", "Nick: I sure did. Look at me, I'm filthy.", "Man: Come on, get a beer. This guy here is a genuine hero, let me tell you,", "Phyllis: Wow, what did you do?", "Rocky: Howdy there, lady. How you doing?", "Phyllis: Hi, Rocky.", "Rocky: You got yourself a keeper. I want you to know that.", "Phyllis: Wow.", "Nick: I'm a keeper.", "Rocky: It's too bad about that goat.", "Phyllis: Wow! Well, I knew that.", "Man: I'd like to propose a toast.", "Rocky: Hear, hear.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Man: Everybody got some? To Mr. Newman-- our newest honorary firefighter.", "Phyllis: All right!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Drucilla cannot be forced to testify, but everybody else is fair game.", "Neil: Hold on a second. Let me understand this. Why would you wanna exclude me from talking about my wife's defense strategy?", "Michael: It's best you know as little as possible. Look... if the DA finds out that you said anything to anyone about this case or repeated something Drucilla has said to you, they can use that person to testify against your wife.", "Neil: Well, wouldn't he ask me, since I'm fair game?", "Michael: The DA cannot ask you about any past statements that Drucilla has made. That would be spousal privilege in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, any questions pertaining to witnessing the physical violence between the two women-- that is legally allowable, which is why you'll probably be called as a witness.", "Dru: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you telling me that my husband's testimony could land me in jail?", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no, no. There's no way that I'm gonna be responsible for that, Michael.", "Michael: Well, then both of you need to remember that anything you say to anyone can be used against Drucilla in a court of law. I cannot stress that enough.", "Dru: This is a nightmare.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: What a dream come true-- a restraining order, a trial, losing one of my best friends...", "Will: Look, uh, I know this has been hard. But I need you to focus and tell me every detail you can remember leading up to this point.", "Carmen: Do you have a few days?", "Will: I need you to tell me everything, even if you think it's the most insignificant detail. But more importantly, we need to go over our list of witnesses.", "Carmen: There have been plenty of people who have seen Dru's repeated attacks against me.", "Will: Well, that's a start. But we'll also need a star witness-- someone who's seen almost all of the physical and emotional abuse. This person will play a key role in winning our case. Anyone you can think of?", "Carmen: Most definitely. Neil Winters.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I can't believe this is happening. What if I lose my mom?", "Daniel: It's not gonna happen. So don't even say that.", "Lily: Why? Why not? Michael doesn't seem to have any good news for us. What am I supposed to think?", "Daniel: He's a good lawyer. He's probably the best. And if anyone can help your mom, it's gonna be him. Listen to me, okay? I gotta go get my paycheck. Just wait right here. When I get back, we'll go to the coffeehouse. We'll meet Devon and we'll get some lunch, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Daniel: Okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Lily: Hurry up.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Woman: Morning. Can I help you?", "Lily: Uh, yes. Is, um, Carmen Mesta here? I really need to talk to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Rocky, if I knew I was gonna see you again, I would've taken dancin' lessons.", "Rocky: Oh, no. That'd be a breach of contract. Let me tell ya, I'm the only dance instructor you're allowed to have, little lady.", "Phyllis: Okay, cool!", "Rocky: I'll tell you that.", "Phyllis: You have a little something... right here.", "Nick: Well, did you get it all?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Oh, no, no, no, actually, I didn't. I'll get the rest later... in the shower.", "Nick: Oh. That's the best idea you've had all day.", "Phyllis: You must be exhausted.", "Woman: Here you go.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Thanks.", "Woman: That's hers. That's yours.", "Nick: Oh, thank you. I gotta be honest, I am beat. Fighting fires is tiring.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, hey, if you wanna postpone the wedding, that's fine. I'm totally fine with that.", "Nick: Wait, are you kidding? Are you kidding?", "Phyllis: I have no problem with it.", "Nick: It was some small barn fire. I'm stopping a train collision later today at 6:00. Let's get this show on the road.", "Phyllis: Of course, you are.", "Man: Okay, everybody, uh, it was great celebrating with you, but I gotta get back to the firehouse-- clean up the truck, roll up the hoses.", "Nick: Wait, wait, wait, what about the wedding?", "Man: What--what wedding?", "Phyllis: Uh, our wedding. That's why we're here.", "Nick: Yeah, I talked to the bartender. He said he, uh, set it all up with you.", "Man: Hmm.", "Woman: Surprise!", "Man: There we go!", "Rocky: Surprise!", "Man: I would be honored to marry the man who saved my life. I could've been squashed by that big tree. All I need now in the license.", "Phyllis: The license?", "Woman: I got it!", "Nick: Oh...", "Man: All right!", "Phyllis: Yay, a license!", "Nick: Who's that?", "Rocky: Oh, hey, the bartender sent the county clerk down to the courthouse this morning. She's got your license. Normally, you gotta apply for it in person a day ahead.", "Man: I'll make sure the J.P. don't find out. Let's have us a weddin', shall we?", "Man: Hats, boys. We are gathered here today to, uh... well, to join, uh... Phyllis Summers Abbott and Nicholas Christian Newman in holy matrimony. Is it your intention to take each other as husband and wife?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Nick: It is.", "Man: All right. Great, now just... please take each other's hands and just keep looking into each other's eyes. Okay... now the vows...", "Nick: Uh, we, um... we wanna say our own vows.", "Man: By all means. By all means.", "Phyllis: You first?", "Nick: I'll go first.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: Okay. Um... Phyllis, from the first moment that I fell in love with you, my whole life changed. Every moment spent together has been a blessing-- from our motel room picnic, to our video game rivalry-- which I won.", "Phyllis: Sometimes.", "Nick: Okay. To, uh... falling madly in love with you all over again right here in this very bar. I will trust you. I will respect you. I'll laugh with you. I'll cry with you. And I will love you faithfully through good times and bad. There is no one I would rather spend my life with. And I'm honored to take you as my wife. We made it. And I cannot wait to share my life with you, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.", "Phyllis: My turn?", "Man: Yeah.", "Phyllis: All right. Okay, um... Nicholas, um... you're my best friend. And you're, um, my confidante and the love of my life. Um... you've given me so much-- starting with our daughter. And, um... for that, I'm eternally grateful. I promise to share everything with you. And I knew when, um... when I first fell for you, it would be... true love-- ridiculous, all-consuming, unconventional, inconvenient... love. The kind of love I've never had. And the kind of love that people wish for... their entire life. I-I promise to always love you. I-I promise to-- to cherish you and honor you... all the days of my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I love getting paid. Hey, you ready to roll?", "Lily: Um, actually, you go ahead. Um, I'm gonna wait around here for awhile.", "Daniel: Don't you wanna go and meet Devon and get some lunch?", "Lily: No, what I wanna do is talk to Carmen, but she's in a meeting right now. So I'm gonna wait.", "Daniel: Okay, and why would you wanna do that?", "Lily: I'm gonna convince her to drop the charges against my mom.", "Daniel: No, no, what are you gonna say to her that's gonna make her change her mind, baby? Nothing. Trust me, look, I know you wanna help, but the best thing to do is just stay out of this. You're just gonna make it harder for your mom.", "Lily: I just thought it was worth a shot, Daniel.", "Daniel: Well, it's not worth a shot. Let's go. Come on. Get your stuff. Leave the tea. We're outta here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Michael, is there any way that-- that we can keep Neil off the stand?", "Michael: It's not our call.", "Neil: So then I'll be-- I'll be forced to portray Dru in a bad light?", "Michael: Yes and no. Uh, of course, there is the privilege I referred to earlier. On the other hand, I would have to claim that privilege in open court in front of a jury. And I'm afraid that if Bardwell calls Neil to the stand and I call spousal privilege... it'll appear as though Drucilla has something to hide.", "Dru: I don't have anything to hide.", "Neil: Carmen has got to be insane if she thinks I'm gonna testify against my wife.", "Dru: Got that right.", "Michael: It's not as crazy as it sounds. You were with Carmen on several occasions when Dru confronted her.", "Neil: Yeah, I don't care about any of that. She's gotta know that I am not gonna say anything--anything at all-- to hurt my wife.", "Michael: Look, we have to be prepared for you to go on the witness stand. I faced William in court before. Trust me, he will do anything he can to win this case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Brad, Victoria, Nick, Phyllis and of course, Neil.", "Carmen: You were there the night Dru verbally attacked me at the NVP opening. The whole town could testify against her after that night.", "Will: Yeah, well, all the better for our case.", "Carmen: Later, Neil and I caught her in my suite cutting up all my clothes.", "Will: Well, with Neil as your witness, there's no way a jury won't be able to see the repeated pattern of abuse.", "Carmen: If Neil hadn't been there with me, who knows what she would've done. I think she would've come after me with those scissors. She's out of control.", "Will: It certainly seems that way.", "Carmen: And then there's the videotape evidence of her physically attacking me and the list goes on and on.", "Will: Well... this sounds like it's gonna be a lot easier than I thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: These rings are endless circles. They represent your love and the covenant you're making here today. Now, Nicholas, as you place this ring on Phyllis' finger, repeat after me. As I place this ring on your finger...", "Nick: As I place this ring on your finger...", "Man: I pledge myself to you.", "Nick: I pledge myself to you.", "Man: Good. No Phyllis... as I place this ring on your finger...", "Phyllis: As I place this ring on your finger...", "Man: I pledge myself to you.", "Phyllis: I pledge myself to you.", "Man: Now that you've both-- Phyllis Summers Abbott and Nicholas Christian Newman-- have agreed to enter into the state of marriage before all these witnesses, I therefore, by virtue of authority vested in me by the state of New Mexico, pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.", "All: Hooray! All right, yeah!", "Nick: Hey, look at that!", "Phyllis: Oh! Hey!", "Nick: Are we supposed to eat all that?", "Phyllis: Oh, I can! I'm eating for two.", "Woman: Come on now, y'all! Let's cut this cake.", "Phyllis: All right. You have to help me.", "Nick: Right. No, I know. Okay, ready?", "Phyllis: Ooh. What kind is it?", "Nick: It's the edible kind.", "Phyllis: Nice.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: All right, listen, don't even think about it.", "Nick: What?", "Phyllis: You know what I'm saying.", "Nick: Drop that. All right...", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Nick: Sure. Whoa! No! Come on! I got--I know I got a big mouth, but that's ridiculous.", "Nick: Mmm. Mmm.", "Phyllis: It's good.", "Woman: So the single girls are wondering when you're gonna throw your bouquet. They want a weddin' like yours.", "Phyllis: Well, let's do it now.", "Woman: Okay! Come on!", "Men: Throw it! Throw it!", "Phyllis: All right, single girls...", "Men: Throw! Throw! Throw! (Cheers)", "Nick: So, uh... what do you say you, me and the scorpion... get outta here-- go start our honeymoon early.", "Phyllis: All right. And where are you, me and the scorpion gonna go? The Mediterranean? Tahiti? Europe?", "Nick: Close. Close.", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Nick: Yeah, the honeymoon suite, uh, next door, but they do have cable.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, cable? Good! Oh, I can't wait. That sounds great. Hey!", "Rocky: How y'all doing? You lovebirds headin' out of here?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Not without a hug from you. How am I gonna...", "Rocky: I don't wanna get you dirty.", "Phyllis: Thanks, Rocky.", "Rocky: Great seeing you. Congratulations.", "Phyllis: Good to see you, too.", "Nick: Thanks, Bud.", "Rocky: You're a good man, Brother. Y'all take care.", "Nick: Thank you. Sir, I just wanted to thank you again for everything.", "Man: I wanna thank you for saving my life. Anything you ever need, anytime, you call me. And, uh, congratulations, Mrs. Newman.", "Phyllis: Thank you. \"Mrs. Newman.\" Okay, um, listen, everybody... I-I really wanna--everyone? Um, I wanna thank you for being a part of this. It really means a lot to us and you made everything worthwhile. Look at your faces. It was really fun. And, uh, if you need us, um, for anything, like, um, well, a fire or a car chase... we're gonna be just over yonder in our honeymoon suite.", "Rocky: Oh, hey... there's been a flood.", "Nick: I can handle a flood.", "Phyllis: I was kidding.", "Rocky: No, no, no, it's in y'all's honeymoon suite. Yeah, the manager just called from across the way. He said, uh, a water pipe burst and just completely flooded the honeymoon suite. You guys, I hate to tell ya, it's gonna take a couple of days to get it all patched up.", "Phyllis: Hey... it is what it is, right? Thanks, Rocky.", "Rocky: Yeah. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and all, you know, but...", "Nick: It's okay.", "Phyllis: It's okay. Don't worry about it. Um, wow.", "Nick: It's all right. Thanks, Rocky. What's next? I mean, really?", "Phyllis: Um, wow, okay... so our plane was diverted.", "Nick: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: There was a fire.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: And, uh, now there's a flood.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: What is next?", "Nick: The plague?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Look, isn't there an old saying about, uh, the more bad luck you have on your wedding day, the happier you'll be together?", "Phyllis: Is there a saying like that? Okay, well, good. Then this is really great. We'll be married forever, right?", "Nick: We should be good to go.", "Phyllis: Okay, so why don't we-- why don't we go and break some mirrors and hang out with some black cats and, um... we're good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, man. Can I take this?", "Devon: What?", "Daniel: \"Where's Lily?\"", "Devon: I haven't seen her. I thought she was with you.", "Daniel: \"She told me she was gonna be with you. When we left Newman, I had to run an errand.\"", "Daniel: Carmen...", "Devon: Did you just say Carmen?", "Daniel: No. No. \"Nothing. I... have to take care of something.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Oh, hey, excuse me! Um, have you seen Carmen Mesta yet?", "Woman: She's in the conference room.", "Lily: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Uh... you can always take the plea bargain.", "Dru: No. No, I'm not gonna rot away in jail for two years away from my family. It's not an option.", "Neil: Don't worry. We're gonna figure this out together.", "Michael: All right, it's my job to tell you the truth. And to be quite honest, if you go to trial, the odds are not in your favor.", "Neil: I can't believe I let things get this far.", "Michael: All right, you know what? We're way beyond assigning fault here. I will defend you to the best of my ability. But I can make no guarantees. Worst case scenario-- you can get up to eight years in prison.", "Dru: Eight years?! No!", "Neil: Hey... hey, come on...", "Dru: No.", "Neil: No, no, no, we're not gonna let that happen. We won't.", "Michael: There are a great many risks if you decide to go to trial. But in the end, it's up to you. Okay, know what? I'm gonna give you a little time to think about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh!", "Man: Welcome back, Mr. And Mrs. Newman.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Nick: Thank you. Did you do all this?", "Man: Yeah.", "Nick: Dude, I owe you one.", "Man: My pleasure. I'll leave you two alone.", "Phyllis: Did you plan this?", "Nick: Well, what can I say? I am the man.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you are the man. You're my man.", "Nick: Yours.", "Phyllis: I wanna take a picture of this before we take off and we have to blow out the candles.", "Nick: Uh, okay, you got a camera?", "Phyllis: Um, no. I have one on my phone actually!", "Nick: Oh, well, there you go.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I have three missed calls from Michael.", "Nick: Call him.", "Phyllis: I hope nothing's wrong with the baby.", "Michael: Hello?", "Phyllis: Hey, Michael, I saw that you called me three times. Is everything okay with the baby?", "Michael: Oh, yeah, Fenmore's great.", "Phyllis: I was worried. I saw all your missed calls... is everything okay at home?", "Michael: Oh, yeah, everything's good. Same old stuff.", "Phyllis: Okay, listen, you wouldn't call me three times just to say hi. What's going on?", "Michael: I just wanted to make sure that everything went off without a hitch on your wedding day. That's all. I swear. Fenmore must be making me more paternal. I've been checking up on everybody lately.", "Phyllis: All right, well, you have my number if you'd like to call me back and tell me the real reason you called.", "Michael: All right, we'll talk when you get home. My best to Nick. Congratulations.", "[Michael takes out a copy of the picture Paul gave him of a dead Phyllis in the morgue]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Lily! You scared me.", "Lily: I guess I have more in common with my mother than I thought.", "Carmen: You shouldn't be here.", "Lily: If you're gonna break up my family, the least you could do is tell me why--to my face.", "Carmen: Let the grown-ups handle this, okay?", "Lily: I'm not a child. And I deserve to know why you insist on going after my mother!", "Carmen: You know why. Everyone knows why! She is physically and verbally abusive and it has to stop!", "Lily: Oh, come on! Maybe if you had stayed away from my father, none of this would've happened! You started this, Carmen! Are you desperate? So desperate to go after a man who doesn't even want you, that now you're gonna go after my mother and father because you got rejected?!", "Carmen: What is with you people? Like mother, like daughter.", "Lily: You people?! Excuse me?!", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Lily, this was a bad idea.", "Lily: You're not gonna win this.", "Daniel: Just stop it. Stop it.", "Lily: My mother has people who will defend her! Who's gonna defend you, Carmen?!", "Daniel: Hey, hey, listen to me. What do you think you're doing? Because of this little stunt here, you just caused your mom a whole world of problems in court.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: All right, so what are we gonna do? I mean, you know?", "Neil: I don't know. I wish I had the answers, babe.", "Dru: All right, there's no way that I'm gonna accept that plea bargain. You know, I will have no wiggle room to escape jail.", "Neil: Yeah, or you could end up with more jail time.", "Dru: Well, at least I'd have an opportunity for an acquittal.", "Neil: Is it worth the risk?", "Dru: Yes, it's worth the risk, honey! I am not gonna rot away in jail for two years! Are you crazy?", "Neil: I know, I know, I know you're absolutely right.", "Dru: And there's bound to be mothers on the jury.", "Neil: Most likely.", "Dru: You know, and they will have compassion for me, due to the extenuating circumstances with Devon's illness.", "Neil: As long as you're truly remorseful for your actions, yes.", "Dru: Right, right, yeah. So let's just go to trial and let's win. We gotta win.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Now that's what I'm talkin' about. That's a wedding present.", "Phyllis: And, uh... you get more than one use out of it.", "Nick: You look beautiful, Mrs. Newman.", "Phyllis: Say it again.", "Nick: You look beautiful.", "Phyllis: The other part.", "Nick: Mrs. Newman.", "Phyllis: To us.", "Nick: To us.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Carmen: If you're worried I'm gonna blow your cover as the man behind the scenes at Jabot, you can relax.", "Michael: You have to resist the temptation to say anything to anyone that could be used against you in a court of law.", "Nick: While we were in New Mexico, Phyllis and I were married." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack continues to make his way through the rubble. He seems to be losing hope and when he finds a flyer for the casino, he takes a pen out of his pocket and writes Sharon a letter, telling her how much he loves her and how much she means to him. Victor, Nikki, Paul and Neil wait for word on more survivors. Amber makes her way out of her car, screaming and talking to herself the whole time. Meanwhile Cane, JT and Katherine are trapped together. Katherine has injured her arm and Cane makes a sling for her out of his jacket. Cane and JT climb up an elevator shaft to try and get out and get help for Katherine. After they leave Amber comes across Katherine and stays with her, distracting her from the pain she is in. They share a nice moment as Katherine tells Amber that she reminds her of herself. Jill has arrived at the site looking for Cane and Katherine. JT and Cane get out. Cane lies to the rescue workers and tells them he has more experience at this sort of thing and they need to let him help go get Katherine. They get Katherine and Amber out and Jill and Katherine exchange I love you's. There is still no sign of Victoria.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Victor: No, there's no word on Jack either. No. Right.", "Paul: Michael says Detective Sullivan and--and Lauren are both fine.", "Neil: And you know, also, we've been in touch with a husband of a supervisor, who was at the site on the phone with them when the building collapsed. He hasn't heard from her since.", "Nikki: Do they have children?", "Neil: Yes, they do, they have two.", "Nikki: Oh, that's terrible.", "Paul: Well, at least so far there are no fatalities.", "Victor: So far.", "Man: Thought you'd like to know. We've reached the location where Senator Abbott was last seen and he's not there. Best guess-- he tried to find another way out and lost his bearings, which is extremely easy to do in the dark.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Uh, two more names off the missing and unaccounted for list.", "Daniel: But not Amber's?", "Kevin: Not Amber's", "Daniel: Hey, Pop Star, uh, this is message numero tres. That's three. Um, we really need you to call me and let me know that you got out of Clear Springs all right before anything happened, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: And David checked the Martin house, so we're running out of places to look for Victoria.", "Nikki: I have a really bad feeling about this. It's been too long since I've heard from her.", "Brad: Keep me updated.", "Nikki: I will.", "Jill: Nikki! Nikki! Where are they?", "Nikki: Who?", "Jill: My mother and Cane?", "Nikki: Well, they left before--", "Jill: No! Cane called me and told me J.T. wanted to meet with him.", "Nikki: Oh, no!", "Paul: He's not answering his phone either.", "Jill: Oh, my God. Cane told me that J.T. had something he wanted to show them in the parking garage.", "Nikki: Oh, dear God!", "Jill: I was in Minneapolis. I've been calling them, and none of them are answering their phone and the office doesn't know where they are.", "Paul: Okay, I'm gonna tell the incident commander.", "Nikki: Jill. It'll be all right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Ow! I-I-I'm fine. I'm fine.", "J.T.: You're just saying ow for the fun of it?", "Kay: I'm fine. Okay. Aah!", "Cane: You all right? Grandma, you need to rest.", "J.T.: Seriously, take it easy.", "Kay: Boys, Gentlemen, lads of Genoa City, all right, time out. Time out. We need to be realistic. I'm holding you back.", "Cane: No, you're not.", "J.T.: No.", "Kay: Don't be silly! Of course, I am! I'm holding you back.", "J.T.: We can't get through any faster than we're going right now.", "Cane: He's right.", "Kay: You're a couple of lousy liars! Don't you understand? This is no time to be heroic! This is a time to be realistic. So just go and find somebody and bring them back.", "Cane: Grandmother...", "Kay: I--now, listen, I don't want an argument about this. No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: (Coughs)", "Amber: (Whimpering)", "Amber: (Sobbing)", "Amber: Come on! (Coughs)", "Amber: Come on! (Sobbing) come on!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Ah, there you are, Mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: This is one of my daughter's shirts.", "Man: Thank you. Thank you. Look, we're gonna have the dogs smell this when they're ready to go down. Now do you have anything from the man you think she's with?", "Victor: We sent a driver to Professor Korbel's apartment. If his girlfriend is there, I'm sure she'll find something that we can use.", "Nikki: Or we could go to one of his colleagues at the college. Uh, this will take several hours.", "Man: No, no, no, it's all right. I understand.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Man: We're fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Coughing)", "Jill: Paul? You okay?", "Paul: Yeah, actually, I'm fine. I'm pretty good, considering, uh, I evaded tons of falling concrete. Look, I'm sorry.", "Jill: No, it's okay. I'm glad you're safe.", "Paul: Jill, your son knows the structure. You know, and the fact that he studied the blueprints-- it really gives him an edge.", "Jill: What's it like down there?", "Paul: You don't wanna know about that.", "Jill: I do, Paul. I wanna know.", "Paul: It's dark and, uh... it's--it's dusty. You know, uh... there are tons of safe areas. The areas they--they call voids, where--where things can't fall.", "Jill: I know what voids are.", "Paul: Most of the injuries-- all of the injuries, in fact, are relatively minor. And these are top, top professionals working this. And you should presume that Cane and J.T. are with your mom, okay? And, uh... to be politically incorrect, your mother-- she's one tough old broad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Jeffrey Todd, my... now will the two of you get going, please?", "J.T.: No. We can take as many breaks as you want. We're not leaving you behind.", "Kay: I-I'm telling you, I am not arguing about this.", "Cane: Hey, you might be a big shot up there, but down here you're just one of three votes.", "J.T.: Ugh! And you're outvoted.", "Kay: I'm not going to be responsible for something bad happening to you, Jeffrey, 'cause I'm holding you back.", "J.T.: You're not slowing us down, all right? We can't get out of here any quicker.", "Kay: I told you, I'm not going to argue about it!", "Cane: What are you gonna do? Throw concrete at us?", "J.T.: All right, all right, we're gonna have to find another way out of here.", "Kay: You see? I told you not to wait for me. You have to get this illusive bounce action going. And, of course, you have to show the fun of it. Oh, look! Look, you guys! Over there--is that a light? It is a light.", "J.T.: Looks like something.", "Kay: Careful.", "J.T.: Good eye, Mrs. Chancellor. You found the elevator.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Help! (Sobbing) no! Do not freak out. Do not freak out. Do not freak out. Do not freak out. We can do this. Okay, we'll be fine. We're gonna get out of here. Uh... I can. Gingerbread. Okay. Oh, okay... get my stuff. (Gasps) okay. Okay. We can do this. This...", "Amber: Okay, okay. I think--just think... just think... ow! One... it could be worse. It could be worse. It could be worse. It's the stupidest thing I've ever said! It's not worse-- can it be worse? I'm trapped in a parking garage. I'm gonna be buried. I'm gonna be buried. No, no, no! I will not let you win! You hear me?! I will not--I will not-- I will not... I'm--I'm... I am never, never parking underground again. That'll show them. That'll show them. I will show them. Oh, wait, wait... I remember a time it was worse. Remember-- remember that time-- remember that time I was a little kid and--and the sixth graders-- they--they put me in the janitor's closet. I got out of there. I got out of there. I'm gonna get out of here. Yes! Oh, my sketches! The sketches! I gotta get those. Because Lauren-- Lauren loved them. And--and that's my ticket to the big time. Okay, I got it. Oh! Oh! What I really wanna say is, it doesn't matter because... drawing is stupid. I can draw any day. It's just-- that's a really, really dumb idea. Ow! Ow! Okay, we're going. We're going. Oh, this is easy! I'm getting out of here. I'm getting out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Nikki? Paul told me a little bit about what it was like being trapped down there. I'm not sure that Katherine can survive that.", "Nikki: She's tougher than you and me put together.", "Jill: You're right. She's been driving me crazy for years. She'll probably dig herself out of there so she can go on making me miserable for a couple more decades. Come on, Katherine. Come on up and give me a hard time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Got it?", "Kay: Good.", "J.T.: Ah! Hold on. Let's get some light here.", "Kay: Careful--careful, J.T.", "J.T.: No, no, I think it-- I think its stable enough. Yeah.", "Cane: You sure?", "J.T.: It's pretty stable.", "Cane: Are you coming up?", "Kay: Oh, yes, indeed. Ground floor, please.", "J.T.: Let me guess, the, uh, emergency button's not working, right?", "Cane: Nope.", "J.T.: Hey! Give me a hand to this access panel, all right? I wanna see what's up above us.", "Kay: Well... J.T., I-I-I could never get up through that shaft with this shoulder.", "Cane: I'm sure you could do anything you want, Grandmother. Except walk over water.", "J.T.: All right.", "Kay: Careful.", "J.T.: Now... looks like there's a way up, but I don't think I can do it alone.", "Kay: That's the decision then. Made the decision-- you go with him, and I will wait here.", "Cane: I'm not leaving you alone.", "Kay: Come on, please, what are we going to do? Wait until something hits us over the head, kills us, or die of thirst? Go and find someone and come back. I'll be waiting. That's just one more thing that your mother will be mad enough about, and--and I tell you, I can't handle that right now. I can't.", "J.T.: Listen, Mrs. Chancellor, I'm not saying good-bye right now, but I want you to know something. That I-I appreciate you. I appreciate everything you've done for me.", "Kay: Jeffrey Todd, don't you dare close that casket lid on me yet.", "J.T.: All right, all right, but... don't get too comfortable, okay? We're coming back for you.", "Kay: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.", "J.T.: We're coming back for you.", "Kay: Be careful. Be careful. My grandson will be coming in just a moment. Before you go... just, uh, a little advice. Always write the names and-- and the dates on the back of photos, because, I mean, the day you take them, you think that you're gonna remember what it was, but you won't. I mean, ten years from then, you'll--you'll look at the back and you'll--you'll say, \"Who in the hell was that?\" And--and then you'll have no way of finding out, and, Cane? Tell Jill that I love her. I really do. I mean, I think she knows how much I do, but I...", "Cane: Listen, listen--", "Kay: I don't-- I don't say it that often.", "Cane: You are gonna tell her yourself. Because we are coming back for you.", "Kay: Yes.", "Cane: You stay warm. You all right?", "Kay: Care--careful.", "J.T.: Watch that wire.", "Cane: Watch your foot. Watch your foot.", "J.T.: I guess I'll go first.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "J.T.: My spelunking days are paying off.", "Cane: You're a spelunker, huh?", "J.T.: No. Just trying to make you feel better.", "Cane: (Laughs)", "J.T.: I wasn't lying back there. I really think we're gonna get help to your grandmother.", "Cane: You know, I'd really rather not talk about that.", "Cane: All right, all right, all right, all right.", "J.T.: All right, football?", "Cane: What about rugby?", "J.T.: Baseball?", "Cane: How about cricket?", "J.T.: I see we've got a lot in common. All right... how about ladies? That's a good conversation.", "Cane: Said the happily-engaged man.", "J.T.: I am happily engaged. I am very happily engaged. Oh!", "Cane: I'll hold the door. You go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Coughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You know what? Waiting around sucks.", "Kevin: You have to be patient.", "Daniel: Well, aren't you Zen?", "Kevin: I'm saying be patient, because there's nothing else we can do. You want the advice \"Be impatient?\"", "Daniel: Hey, it's Daniel. Um, have you heard anything else on Jack? No, okay, well, can you just give me a call when-- when you do hear something? Yeah, okay, thanks. No word on Jack. No word on Amber. You know, I don't know why she had to come up here in the first place.", "Kevin: Because she's the master of getting herself into bad situations.", "Daniel: You know what? She's not that bad.", "Kevin: She's gonna be fine. That's my point. She always figures out a way somehow. She will again. She will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Oh!", "Amber: Aah!", "Kay: You scared the hell out of me.", "Amber: Oh, Mrs. Chancellor!", "Kay: Oh, Amber! Amber!", "Amber: I am so happy to see you.", "Kay: Ow! Ow! Ow!", "Amber: Sorry.", "Kay: It's okay. Ow! Ow!", "Amber: Here. Oh.", "Kay: Oh.", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Amber: So now what?", "Kay: Ground floor, please?", "Amber: (Giggles)", "Kay: Aah! Aah! Ow! Ow!", "(Laughs)", "Amber: Um...", "Kay: Ow.", "Amber: No, seriously, um... now what?", "Kay: Now what? Well, Cane and J.T. went... that away. And I want you to do the same thing, Amber.", "Amber: I'm not leaving you.", "Kay: Oh, God, Katherine, here we go again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: No messages.", "Kevin: Maybe she lost her phone.", "Daniel: The girl can't go five minutes without calling or texting someone. Come on!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: And please make sure that the family members get free lodging till this is over, all right? And then kindly order another trailer for the volunteers. Thank you.", "Paul: One of the cranes has stalled. A repair crew's on it.", "Jill: What else could go wrong?", "Neil: Hey, everybody! The rescue team has reached someone.", "Victor: Oh.", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Paul: I'll call you back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: How you doing, huh?", "Kay: Ow. What is it you kids say? Chillin' with a villain?", "Amber: That's--that's-- that would be chillin' like a villain.", "Kay: Well, whatever.", "Amber: Let me, uh, let me see if I have some, uh, some--something for you.", "Kay: Hm?", "Amber: I wanna see if I have something for you. Something that'll make you feel better. Oh, look! A candy bar, huh? That'll help speed up your recovery.", "Kay: No. You go ahead. You take it, Sweetheart.", "Amber: Oh, but I'm not-- I'm not hungry.", "Kay: Really?", "Amber: Yeah.", "Kay: Well, then, I, uh... why don't we just split it?", "Amber: No, I already ate one.", "Kay: You did?", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, actually, I had two. Yeah, I got a little hungry on my way over here, so, um, so I just had one, and then I had another one, and then, you know, you probably can't tell the difference between the dirt and chocolate on my face.", "Kay: You're a sweet little liar. Oh, God. Ow!", "Amber: God, maybe if, uh...", "Kay: No, actually--", "Amber: I wish I had some pain reliever or some, you know, a miner's helmet or...", "Kay: No, no, no, listen, it feels much better, actually, since, uh, Cane made this sling for me. You know, as long as I don't move or breathe, I'm fine.", "Amber: I thought I recognized this jacket.", "Kay: Hm?", "Amber: I thought I recognized the jacket. You know, when Cane got the job at Chancellor, I made him buy a whole new wardrobe. And, uh, that was the one thing I didn't want him to buy. And he fought me on it, and, you know, he didn't stay mad for long. Of course, that was... that was before... everything had, uh, you know... oh, look at this!", "Kay: What?", "Amber: Look at this!", "Kay: What?", "Amber: Aha! Much... much... better! Don't you think?", "Kay: Oh, my, yes, yes, of course. Here we are, trapped underground in the dark, and no excuse for bad fashion.", "Amber: Amen, Sister. Let's see...", "Kay: Oh, uh...", "Amber: Um, we should, uh...", "Kay: I think the other side of the door?", "Amber: Yeah. Uh-huh.", "Kay: Okay, follow me.", "Amber: Okay. Hold on, let me-- let me help you here.", "Kay: Here, take the candy bar.", "Amber: Okay, candy bar. Okay.", "Kay: Oh, God. Oh, God.", "Amber: Can you get up?", "Kay: Yeah, yeah, got it. Got it.", "Amber: We gotta move slow.", "Kay: Amber! Amber! Amber! The light, get the light.", "Amber: I am.", "Kay: Please.", "Amber: I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: How many?", "J.T.: Two here, one behind us.", "Jill: I don't recognize that voice.", "Paul: It's J.T.", "J.T.: There's an injured woman.", "Jill: J.T.!", "J.T.: She needs to be carried out.", "Jill: Is Cane with you? Is Cane with you?", "J.T.: Yes. Yeah.", "Paul: Are you okay?", "Jill: Oh, Cane! Oh! Katherine?", "Cane: Katherine's still down there. Katherine Chancellor's still down there. She's hurt. There's no broken bones. There's no blood.", "Man: Just tell me how bad.", "J.T.: She's gonna have to be carried out.", "Cane: I didn't wanna leave her, Mum. I didn't.", "Man: Look, we're gonna need a sled! Get it moving!", "Jill: It's all right.", "J.T.: Where's Victoria?", "Nikki: We don't know where she is.", "Cane: This is all right.", "Jill: She's okay? Oh, Sweetheart.", "Daniel: Glad to see you made it out okay.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Daniel: Yeah, you should know we still can't find Amber.", "Cane: Oh, God.", "Man: Hey, look, Guy? We're gonna need some information to find that woman you were with.", "J.T.: We'll take you there.", "Cane: We know exactly where she is.", "Man: Oh, no, no, no, that's not gonna happen.", "J.T.: It's a fast way.", "Cane: It makes no sense for us not to show you.", "Man: Look, I'm not sending both of you back in there.", "J.T.: It doesn't make any sense.", "Man: You're not hearing me. I will have you both arrested if you don't cooperate.", "Jill: He's right. You need to be a professional to do this kind of thing.", "Cane: With all due respect, sir, I was a member of the A.E.R.", "Man: The A.E.--what?", "Cane: The A.E.R. It's the Australian emergency response group. It's a first response national organization, trained in CPR, first aid, desert survival and mountain rescue. I guarantee you I am more trained than any of the men you have here. Ma'am, I'm sorry, or women.", "Woman: No offense.", "Cane: I can take care of this. Please, we are wasting time.", "Man: Suit him up.", "Cane: All right.", "Jill: No!", "Cane: Mum.", "Jill: No, I don't want you going back in there!", "Cane: Mum, I love you. I have to go.", "Jill: I love you, too.", "Cane: I love you.", "Jill: I love you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Are you all right?", "Amber: Look what I found!", "Kay: What are they?", "Amber: Floor mats. Yeah, I figured, uh, the ground is so cold that we could just, uh, sit on these instead, huh?", "Kay: Oh, actually, mine's been frozen so long, it doesn't make any difference.", "Amber: There you go.", "Kay: Oh, yeah, it does. Very clever.", "Amber: Look what else I found, huh?", "Kay: Oh. Ow! Ow! Yes. Yes. Yes.", "Amber: I'm just warning, I'm pretty good at dice games.", "(Metal crunches)", "Amber: I hope the guys got out.", "Kay: Still have a soft spot in your heart for my grandson, don't you?", "Amber: Yeah. He may believe that I never loved him, but... I did. I still do. I'm just so insecure. I just thought he could never possibly love me, so I just... made all kinds of stupid mistakes out of desperation.", "Kay: Do you know about every dumb mistake I have ever made in my dumb life has involved a dumb man.", "Amber: Really?", "Kay: True. Yeah. In one way or another. Chancellor Estates-- we used to breed thoroughbreds. And oh, I had a barn full of stable boys. (Laughs) there was this one... this one that was...", "Amber: (Giggles)", "Kay: I'm shocking you?", "Amber: No. No. I mean, hearing you makes me feel like I'm not so crazy.", "Kay: (Laughs) yes.", "Amber: You know, a few years ago in Vegas, there was this blackjack dealer, and oh, my God...", "Kay: What was his name?", "Amber: Um... his first name was... blackjack?", "Kay: And his last name was dealer? I've had one or two of those myself. Oh, Katherine, you should write a book.", "Amber: I would buy it.", "Kay: Yeah, but what would I title it? \"What makes you do things that make no sense to...?\"", "Amber: People who aren't in love.", "Kay: We're gonna write that book together.", "Amber: Yeah. You know, um... I regret a lot of things that I did when I was married to your grandson. But I was never unfaithful to him. And all I have to say is that I have to learn from my mistakes. And I'm really trying. And I'm not expecting forgiveness, I just... I just want you to know I never meant to hurt anyone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Let's do it.", "J.T.: Good luck.", "Cane: Thanks, Man.", "J.T.: Good luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Nikki?", "Nikki: Hi. J.T. made it out with Cane.", "Brad: Did he know where Victoria might be?", "Nikki: He thought that she was scouting locations. Ask him. He's right up there.", "Nikki: Hi. Victoria's still missing.", "Jill: Of all the things we could have in common, children in jeopardy would not be my first choice.", "Nikki: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Oh, thank you.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Kay: Now, listen. You've got to stop wandering off.", "Amber: Oh, I won't leave you.", "Kay: I'm not afraid of being alone, for heaven's sakes. I'm just concerned about your safety. Let me see that. Oh, you're a mess.", "Amber: I'm actually feeling quite fine.", "Kay: These structures have held up pretty good so far, and I'm sure we're the safest we can be down here.", "Amber: Okay. No more foraging expeditions.", "Kay: Good. All right, now... you were talking about forgiveness.", "Amber: Oh, just about not expecting it from you or Cane.", "Kay: Oh, come on, you don't need our forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself. And you've gotta stop being down on yourself. And--and messing up. I guarantee you, you're gonna keep messing up again and again, if you're like me. And I suspect you are a great deal like me, considering your... past with men.", "Amber: (Laughs) I can't believe I told you those things.", "Kay: I'm serious now. Listen to me. You're gonna make so many mistakes, you're gonna stop counting.", "Amber: Yeah, but... I mean, you're so confident. You're successful.", "Kay: Oh, Sweetheart, you can act confident until you feel confident. The secret to success is... being willing to make... mistakes.", "Amber: Wow. Thank you.", "(Rumbling)", "Kay: Wait, do I hear help? I think help's coming. I think it's coming on its way.", "Cane: I'm back with reinforcements!", "Amber: No, I really mean it.", "Kay: Oh, yes!", "Amber: Thank you.", "Kay: Sweetheart, you're most welcome. Now come on, Sweetheart. Let's--let's get the hell out of here.", "Amber: One, two, three!", "Kay: Oh, my God!", "Amber: I know. I know. One more time?", "Kay: Yeah, easy, easy with the one arm.", "Amber: I know.", "Kay: There we go. Oh, my God!", "Amber: Okay.", "Cane: Holy hell.", "Amber: I know. It's good to see you.", "Kay: I'm just fine. I mean, Amber is good company, and she took very good care of me.", "Cane: Come here. Come here. Here, put this--breathe this. Thank you.", "Amber: No problem.", "Kay: Listen to me now. Listen to me. I don't think I can-- I can, uh, go anywhere with this arm. You know what I mean?", "Woman: Let's have the harness.", "Man: Harness coming in. Watch your head.", "Woman: You won't have to, Ma'am. All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.", "Kay: Oh, this is gonna be interesting.", "Amber: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I accept this award on behalf of my family.", "Kay: What a wonderful ride.", "Amber: You're welcome Mrs. Chancellor.", "Jill: Mother! Oh, Mother! Are you all right?", "Kay: I'm fine. I love you.", "Jill: What, did you just say that to make me cry?", "Kay: I never... I just don't think I say it often enough. I love you. I love you. I love you.", "Nikki: Is she all right?", "Kay: Oh.", "Nikki: Katherine!", "Victor: Thank you.", "Nikki: Oh, is it good to see you.", "Kay: Not half as good as it is to see you.", "Nikki: After this, you're gonna complain your life is boring.", "Kay: Give me boring for awhile.", "Jill: I'm so proud of you and so angry at you for playing the hero. I'm proud and angry and don't you ever volunteer for anything again, you got it?", "Cane: I got it. I'm sorry.", "Jill: Oh, my God!", "J.T.: Cane? Hey, Man. Good job.", "Cane: Thank you.", "J.T.: What was with all that A.E.R stuff? You were just talking about that?", "Cane: No, there's nothing much to tell.", "Jill: Oh, don't be so modest. He was in this Australian-- he was a captain he did all this training.", "Cane: There's nothing much to tell, 'cause there's no such thing as the A.E.R. I just kinda made it up.", "Jill: You lied to me?!", "Cane: I had to get back down there, Mum!", "Jill: That is not funny! That is not funny!", "Cane: Ow!", "Jill: Oh!", "Cane: I'm sorry.", "Amber: Thank you. Hmm.", "Kevin: Well, it's nice to see you don't waste any time.", "Amber: When opportunity knocks, I'm home.", "Daniel: Do not do that again.", "Amber: Getting trapped in a collapsed parking garage? Yeah, I'm--I'm pretty sure I can make good on that promise.", "Kevin: Hey, look, even though you, uh, constantly put the toilet seat down, and you walk in on me when I'm naked, I'm glad you're okay.", "Amber: The warmth of your welcome is just overwhelming. Remember that next time I leave dirty dishes in the sink, okay?", "Daniel: You know, you should maybe get that checked out.", "Amber: Think I just did.", "Daniel: Girl's incorrigible.", "Amber: Thank you. (Sobbing) is it okay if I cry now? Because...", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Amber: Because I'm really sick of being brave.", "Daniel: Come here.", "Kay: How did this happen?", "Victor: We don't know yet, Katherine.", "Kay: Who else is missing?", "Nikki: Katherine, Victoria's missing.", "Kay: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Coughs)", "Jack: (Coughing)", "Jack: \"Dear Sharon... right now my only strength comes from imagining you in my arms. My love for you is literally keeping me alive.\" (Clears throat) \"in this last hour, I've had so many thoughts about my life. The good and the bad.\"", "Jack: \"I know I've disappointed many people, but I want you to know... you and Noah... and Kyle... and my sisters... you must always remember... one thing. I could not have loved you more. I am so very proud... so lucky... to have been your husband. I love you.\"" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "The doctor examines Victor during his brief visit to the ranch. At home, Billy tries to console Victoria over the fact that the ranch house burned down. At Newman Enterprises, Neil pays Jack a visit. Jack lets Neil know that he will make it well worth his while to listen to what he has to say. At Nick's home, Noah and Summer discuss his going back to New York just as Nick comes in to join them. Nick lets them know that he has filed for divorce from Phyllis. Summer remarks, \"good.\" Phyllis finds out that Nick filed for divorce. Neil lets Jack know that he is happy working at Chancellor. Jack offers Neil the CEO position at Jabot. Though hesitant, Billy decides to help Victoria by spying on things at Newman. Nick encourages Noah to ask Devon about a job. Nick questions Noah about things in New York. Noah tells Nick about a woman who had ripped his heart out. Nick receives as a present a chess set with a card from Avery. Phyllis lets Ronan know that she cannot have him and Summer both in her life. Ronan assures her that if she ever needs him he will right there. Summer watches Phyllis and Ronan together. Summer watches Ronan as he goes inside and sits down with a teenage boy. Ronan spies Summer watching him. Ronan confronts Summer about her watching him. Summer asks him if Phyllis knows that he had a kid. Ronan denies having a child. Billy joins Jack in his office at Newman. Jack sees through Billy and asks him if his heart really is in this or is he just spying for Victoria. Jack asks Billy what side he is on. Summer goes inside and introduces herself to Jamie. Summer, on purpose, knocks Jamie's books out of his hand so that she can steal his wallet. Victor and Nikki meet with Victoria and Noah at the Athletic Club and say they have an announcement. Nick comes to visit Avery and finds her locked out of her apartment. Nick helps her to get back in. Avery asks him why he is here. Nick challenges her to a rematch of chess.", "Victor and Nikki tell the children that they are getting remarried. Billy insists to Jack that he is here for the business only. Abby barges into the office and offers Jack all the money she has to get Newman Enterprises back into Newman hands. Jack refuses her offer. Neil tells Katherine that he has been offered the CEO position at Jabot. Phyllis lets Jack know that Nick wants a divorce from her. Phyllis refuses to work with Jack. Avery tells Nick that she has always done what other people want her to do, but it's time she start doing what she wants to do. Phyllis comes to visit Avery and overhears her and Nick talking. Abby tells Carmine that Jack turned her down flat on her offer. Victoria lets Victor and Nikki know that Billy started working at Newman. Victor gives Victoria a stern warning about Billy. Neil calls Jack to let him know that he accepts his offer. Phyllis accuses Avery of lying to her and to herself when it comes to her relationship with Nick.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: So go ahead, Doctor, tell him what a terrible idea it was to get up and leave last night.", "Doctor: You need to rest.", "Victor: Oh, I'll be fine, Doc.", "Nikki: Hope so.", "Victor: You'll arrange for my release today?", "Doctor: Oh, I don't think so.", "Victor: You run whatever tests you want. I'll pass. You'll sign my release today, all right?", "Nikki: You might as well just sigh and nod like the rest of us.", "Doctor: Well, only if the tests say you're ready.", "Victor: Trust me, they will. All right, Doc? I gotta get out of here. We have things to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mom texted that he's getting out of the hospital today. (Sighs) Where's he gonna go?", "Billy: Not for long. (Clears throat) Not if Victor has his way.", "Victoria: Well, maybe... but he says he's not fighting for it. He's leaving it up to me and Nick and Abby.", "Billy: Yeah, I still don't buy that. A Victor Newman who doesn't bang heads to save his empire? Unh-unh.", "Victoria: I believe him. He wants us to regain the company, and I can do it if I have somebody on the inside. When it rains, it pours. Well, I guess not soon enough to douse the flames.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: What?", "Jack: Don't look at me that way. With--without Newman to focus on, Victor can concentrate on his ill health.", "Neil: Nice. You're doing him a favor.", "Jack: Well, that's the kind of thoughtful guy I am, Neil. I'm glad you dropped by. I'm gonna make it worth your while.", "Neil: Uh, yeah. Listen, Jack, if this is about me coming back to Newman, I'm sorry. Uh, not about to leave Chancellor Industries.", "Jack: My friend, I'm about to change your mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey, it's me. Just talking to a voice mail again. Um, look, I know that you told me not to call, it's just--just some crazy family stuff, and... I know, what else is new? Um, I was thinking about you. I-- uh, yeah, okay, bye.", "Summer: Hey. Told you we should have gone to New York.", "Noah: Yeah, well, we didn't. You can still smell the smoke from the main house.", "Summer: You know, you're doing that Dad thing-- not answering the questions.", "Noah: You didn't ask me one.", "Summer: Why did you leave New York, and why don't you want to go back? You can tell me, you know? I don't have a big mouth.", "Nick: Good, you're both here. I've got some tough news, and I want you to hear it from me. I just filed for divorce from your mother.", "Summer: Good.", "Nick: Summer.", "Summer: What? Oh, seriously, you have my respect and gratitude for ditching her.", "Nick: She's your mother, and she loves you very much. You need to ease up on her.", "Summer: What, are you gonna give Noah the same speech about Sharon, or--or is he allowed to have his own thoughts and feelings?", "Nick: Summer, come on.", "Noah: Dad, don't. Just let her go.", "Nick: I'm not gonna let her disrespect her mother like that.", "Noah: I know, but I-- just give her some time. I think the best thing for Summer right now is this divorce.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nick already filed the divorce papers. This is a surprise. Um, anyway, th-thank you, thanks for everything, Leslie.", "Ronan: Hi. So your phone does work. It's just not taking my calls, I guess.", "Phyllis: I-it's just-- it's been crazy, with Summer and everything.", "Ronan: I understand. So I, um... what I'm gathering from this right now is I should stop making those calls...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: And everything else.", "Phyllis: My--my daughter hates me... and when I'm with you, that hate turns into white-hot rage that could melt steel.", "Ronan: I get it. (Chuckles) I really do. I get it. I do. Your daughter is the center of your universe, and she should be. I know that, but you and me-- that's a really good thing. Do you want to let go of that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I'm very happy at Chancellor.", "Jack: Yes, I know you are.", "Neil: Katherine and I have a very good relationship.", "Jack: You're damn right you do, but you still came here to see me.", "Neil: I'd be a fool not to hear what you have to offer.", "Jack: Yes, you would, because we're gonna show you the money.", "Neil: Well, see, Jack, here's the thing, and you know this-- I've been a right-hand man before. Not my thing anymore.", "Jack: Right hand, my eye. I want you as C.E.O... of Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I want Newman back, for my dad and for Johnny.", "Billy: Johnny makes out either way.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Are you my superspy secret weapon?", "Billy: Against my own brother?", "Victoria: Come on. How can you bail on me?", "Billy: Don't--don't-- sit down.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: I'm not bailing on you. I'm your superspy double agent man.", "Victoria: Oh, good. Thank you. Thank you, 'cause you're gonna look so good in those suits, and it'll be so fun watching you play dress-up and go off to work every morning. Mm. Mm!", "Billy: Yeah? Maybe I'm starting to like this superspy agent stuff.", "Victoria: Mm.", "Billy: So what do you have for me, Boss?", "Victoria: I need you to find out everything that you can about Baker-Ryberg in Miami. They're big enough to influence the board, and I am sure they are not happy about Jack's takeover.", "Billy: Okay, but, uh, this is gonna take some time. The last thing I need is Jack busting me on this, and believe me, if he does, we are all gonna be in trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Job listings. Anyone in Genoa City would love to have you work for 'em.", "Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah, a desk job. The idea gives me hives.", "Nick: (Laughing)", "Noah: Think I'm allergic to desks.", "Nick: Well, did you talk to Devon? He's got a lot of hookups in the music business.", "Noah: Uh, no. You know, I'm--I'm just looking for something a little-- a little mellow, low-key, you know?", "Nick: Yeah, I feel you. Something that won't suck the life out of you.", "Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah.", "Nick: Well, take your time, find something that works for you. There's no rush. Did I tell you yet how... good it feels to have you back?", "Noah: (Chuckles) As crazy as this place is, it's definitely good to be back.", "Nick: So are you gonna tell me what happened in New York yet?", "Noah: Really? That's how you're gonna broach the subject? Nice, nice, blah, blah, \"Welcome home,\" bam!", "Nick: I thought I was being smooth and subtle.", "Noah: (Laughs) Ohh. Not even close. Look... (Sighs) Here's the thing-- New York was just not for me, you know? It's--it's a tough place, and if you're not paying attention, it'll just rip out your internal organs.", "Nick: You're talking about your heart?", "Noah: That was more subtle.", "Nick: Yeah, you like what I did there?", "Noah: (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah, you guessed it. She... ripped my heart out.", "Nick: Well, Son, I've been there-- recently, in fact, so, you know, if you want to talk about it...", "Noah: Yeah, another time. I gotta roll. It's a job interview.", "Nick: Sure. Good luck.", "Noah: Thank you.", "Noah: You got a package here.", "Nick: Hmm. Cool, thanks.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nick: (Laughing)", "Nick: \"Nick, one hint--practice! Avery.\" (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Clears throat) Um...", "Ronan: You don't agree? You don't--you don't think that we're good together?", "Phyllis: I-it--it's not that. Just... (Sighs) I miss my daughter.", "Ronan: I know you do.", "Phyllis: I can't have you and her in my life at the same time. You get that, right? Please, d-don't make this hard on me, please.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Please don't make this hard on me.", "Ronan: Listen to me. Just listen to me.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Just listen, please. If you need me for anything, anytime, anywhere, you call me, and I'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Jabot C.E.O.", "Jack: Yep.", "Neil: Not Newman.", "Jack: Nope.", "Neil: Jabot has always been, uh, an Abbott entity, all about Abbott leadership.", "Jack: I want you, Neil. There's no one else in your league.", "Neil: Victor have anything to do with this urge of yours to hire me? One more chance to stick it to \"The 'stache\"?", "Jack: Right now, you're running a behemoth. Chancellor Industries is all ledger sheets and bottom lines that you manipulate from on high. Jabot is less cumbersome. Jabot, you get to create, implement new ideas, hire who you want, make more money than you're making right now, and best of all, you get to generate product, actual product you hold in your hand, not moving dollars from one column to the other. I know you're interested.", "Neil: You're omniscient now, Jack. This office has that effect on people.", "Jack: Just think about it. That's all I'm asking.", "Neil: I'm thinking, and I'll be in touch.", "Billy: Hey, Neil. How you doin'?", "Neil: Hey, Billy, good.", "Billy: Good to see you.", "Neil: Good to see you, too, Buddy.", "Billy: So... the Abbott brothers, back again. What would you like to talk about-- restructuring, organization?", "Jack: No, I'd like to talk about why you took this job.", "Billy: Because you're so cute when you beg.", "Jack: Your wife can be very persuasive, Billy. What are chances she talked you into coming to Newman so that you could report back to her?", "Billy: (Laughs) Oh, wow. Are we paranoid today, huh?", "Jack: I want you here. I do... but I need to know whose side you're on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Summer. Got a second? You were right-- I'm the jerk here. You said it, and you were right.", "Summer: Yeah, great job stating the obvious. Do you want me to yell \"Police harassment\"?", "Ronan: I just want you to listen. None of this is your mom's fault. I pursued her. It's all on me. What you just saw down there was your mother telling me to back off. She just stood down there and told me that you're the most important thing in the world to her.", "Summer: Yeah, I'm not so sure that I should believe such a stand-up guy. Does my mom even know that you have a kid?", "Ronan: What are you-- what are you talking about? That--ohh. That's not my son. I'm part of a mentor program for first-time juvenile offenders. They do community service, outreach programs, that kind of thing.", "Summer: Yeah, \"Captain Do-good.\" No, now my whole image of you has changed.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Just listen to me, okay? It's not your mom's fault. It's me. Just... just try to remember that.", "Summer: Hey, Taylor. Since when do you hang out here?", "Boy: W-what? No, my name's not Taylor.", "Summer: Oh... (laughs) Sorry, my mistake. I'm Summer, and who are you?", "Jamie: Uh, Jamie.", "Summer: Jamie. So what are you reading?", "Jamie: It's just a-a book. A friend gave it to me.", "Summer: Yeah, Ronan, I know. Great guy. Um, can I see?", "Jamie: Sure.", "Summer: Okay, thanks. Oh, I'm so-- I'm such a spaz. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Here.", "Jamie: I can do it. Look, I'm fine.", "Summer: No, no, no, it's--it's my fault. I do stuff like this all the time. It's nothing. Are--are you leaving?", "Jamie: Look, I-I gotta go, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Noah, hi.", "Noah: Hey.", "Victoria: Did Mom text you, too?", "Noah: No, I'm just here filling out some paperwork.", "Victoria: Oh.", "Noah: What's up? Is Grandpa okay?", "Victoria: Well, Mom told me he's getting out of the hospital today.", "Abby: Where's Nikki?", "Victoria: Oh, you got the text, too?", "Victor: Hey.", "Noah: Grandpa.", "Victor: Hello, my boy. How are you? Nice to see you. Huh? So...", "Victoria: Dad, you're out. Look at you.", "Abby: Are you okay, Nikki? Is--is he okay?", "Victor: We're fine, but we have an announcement to make... but not until Nicholas is here. Does anyone know where he is?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Grunts) Oh, my God. Not one word, no--", "Nick: Okay. I really like your hair.", "Avery: Thank you. Ha. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. I have no hot water in my apartment, and I went and showered at a neighbor's.", "Nick: I bet he liked that.", "Avery: Um, \"He\" is a she, for your information, and I left my keys and my phone in my apartment, so I had to go to my female neighbor's house and call the super, who's on his way over here, so that's why I'm waiting-- what are you doing? Oh, that's good. That's good, the knife-in-the-lock trick. That'll work, just like it does in the movies.", "Nick: (Exhales slowly) You saying something?", "Avery: I was saying, I'm glad my super's coming over, because I think you broke my lock. Thank you. What are you doing here?", "Nick: Well, somebody sent me a chess set, so I wanted to see if maybe you wanted a rematch.", "Avery: Ha! (Laughs) But what are you really doing here?", "Nick: And Dad says it's up to us to fight for Newman. It feels like a test, with a million ways to fail, to see if we've learned enough and to see if we love Dad enough.", "Avery: I'm still counsel for Newman, so, you know, you might not want to share this information with me.", "Nick: (Chuckles) I think I'll take my chances.", "Avery: Okay.", "Nick: Every time Dad's gotten sick or taken off over the years, it's always been up to me and Vick to protect Newman Enterprises. Now Dad's in for the fight of his life, and it's all on us. I've got my own problems to deal with right now. I'm not in the mood to take on any more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: We're not waiting for Nick, are we? I have below-average patience levels.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Now this has been a very difficult week for all of us, okay? But Nikki and I want you to know that we fully intend to rebuild the ranch.", "Nikki: Yes, so holidays, special events-- you'll all have a place to come home to.", "Victor: So during construction, we will stay in one of our buildings downtown, all right?", "Noah: Penthouse, of course.", "Abby: Oh, of course.", "Nikki: And the first event we have at the penthouse is...", "Victoria: Thanksgiving.", "Nikki: No.", "Victor: Mnh-mnh.", "Nikki: Our wedding reception.", "Abby: (Gasps)", "Noah: Nice.", "Abby: Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!", "Victoria: (Laughs) Well, here's to Mom and Dad, rebuilding the house and our family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yeah.", "Kay: You called me about what, uh, the Meyer-Hoffman contract?", "Neil: Um, Katherine, there--there's something that I-I need to discuss with you...", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Neil: And, um, as my friend and as my boss.", "Kay: Jack Abbott came to you, offered you your old job back at Newman.", "Neil: Huh. Uh, C.E.O. of Jabot.", "Kay: And you want to-- you want to see me to see if I would, uh... match his offer.", "Neil: Katherine, um, it's just business, you know?", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: I absolutely love and respect you, but it is an enticing offer.", "Kay: And, uh, the next move is up to me, right? Match his price or, um... say good-bye?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Seriously? I mean, seriously?", "Jack: I know how much Newman means to Victoria. I also know how much Victoria means to you.", "Billy: And I'm just gonna roll over for Victor's sake, right? No. Look, Jack, I'm here for one reason-- to help build a legacy for my kid, so are you gonna help me with that, or what?", "Jack: Let's get to work.", "Billy: Let's get to work. All right.", "Jack: Okay.", "Abby: Hey.", "Billy: Hey. You got this one on the payroll, too?", "Abby: Uncle Jack, you've always been happy to borrow my money before, so now you can have all of it-- $500 million. All you have to do is give control of Newman Enterprises back to the Newman family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, Jack must want you very badly to trust you with his father's company, no less. (Chuckles) Hmm. I-I can't match his offer. Now I-I don't know-- I don't know how I will survive without you, but, uh... I don't really have a choice, do I?", "Neil: Katherine Chancellor. You know something? Your eyes just gave off a wicked spark.", "Kay: Oh, come on, come on. Don't--don't blow smoke. I'm not going to add a zero to your paycheck.", "Neil: You like the idea of the C.E.O. position being open at Chancellor. You're bored. Too much gin rummy and not enough running the world. You want back in the action, don't you?", "Kay: Chancellor is not your problem anymore. We'll manage somehow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Are you sure? Because $500 million is $500 million.", "Abby: You'll never have to hit up \"Bank of Abby\" again.", "Jack: Abby, they have increased Newman's market share. Can you make up the difference? I am sorry. Uncle Billy and I have some work to do.", "Abby: You know exactly how it felt when the court said you had to stay away from Jabot. You're happy to pass that misery on to Victor, sure, but what about me and Nick and Victoria? Mom was right-- it's never enough for you. And you-- how can Victoria stand you right now?", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Abby: Hi.", "Phyllis: Is this a bad time?", "Jack: Billy, can you give us a moment?", "Billy: Okay. Welcome back to the free world. (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Picture's gone. You didn't want the eyes of doom drilling holes in the back of your head?", "Jack: Well, it was either tear it down or make a dartboard out of it.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Jack: So... no more court appearances, no more \"Restless Style.\" Given any thought to coming back to work, say, as V.P. of Research and Development for Newman?", "Phyllis: What?", "Jack: We've worked together before. That went pretty well.", "Phyllis: Except for all the times we wanted to kill each other.", "Jack: But we didn't, did we? What do you say?", "Phyllis: Uh... Nick wants a divorce.", "Jack: Perfect. You can get under his skin working for me.", "Phyllis: I don't want a divorce. I want him back.", "Jack: Wanting and attaining are not always the same thing.", "Phyllis: Thanks for your support.", "Jack: I'm just saying, from personal experience, sometimes, you can try only so hard. Then you have to walk away.", "Phyllis: No, Nick--Nick and I are not you and Nikki.", "Jack: Think about it, Phyllis. I want you here at Newman. Don't miss out on a sure thing holding out for a long shot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Be honest, is there anything hotter than a grown man whining?", "Avery: (Laughs) Ah, you're just letting off steam. What are you gonna do?", "Nick: Well, I don't know, Avery. That's why I'm here. I need some advice.", "Avery: Oh, wow. Well, I'm not great at family advice. My father was a liar, my mother is an enabler, my sister-- well, you know her. Is there anything hotter than a grown woman obsessing about her childhood? (Laughs)", "Nick: I think you turned out okay.", "Avery: Oh, well, I don't know about that. (Sighs) You know, I-I went to law school because of my father, and I came to Genoa City because of my sister. So much of what I do is because of other people, and that's crazy, right? That's crazy. I should be making decisions for myself, and it's taken me my whole life to figure this out, to see the light, but that's what I need to do. I need to start... (Sighs) Doing what I want to do. You know what I'm saying?", "Nick: I know exactly what you're saying.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I offered my uncle half a billion dollars to get control of Newman. He basically patted me on the head and kicked me out the door.", "Carmine: You should thank him. That's nuts, blowing everything on your old man like that. I mean, do you have any idea the percentage of people who would kill for your bankroll? You should be a job creator. I mean, you got money, I got ideas. We could team up.", "Abby: What kind of ideas?", "Carmine: Like... a soap that gets rid of the smell of garlic off your hands, or inline skates that go on railroad tracks. Oh, okay, um... a-an airplane that has a cabin in it, and--and the cabin has springs, so when turbulence hits, it doesn't get affected, you know? It goes like, boing, boing, boing. Smooth ride.", "Abby: These are the things you spend your time thinking about?", "Carmine: No, not really. I was just trying to cheer you up.", "Abby: Oh, okay. (Laughs)", "Carmine: But the garlic thing, that was pretty good.", "Abby: That's actually a good idea.", "Carmine: I know.", "Abby: I hate garlic hands. These are the kind of things I would present to my dad, and he would laugh me out of the room. Do you know how many times my dad told me he was disappointed in me?", "Carmine: Uh, Victor's... you know, he's tough, but he definitely loves you.", "Abby: Yes, he loves me, but I will get his company back, and I will give him a reason to respect me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So Billy started at Newman today. Can't tell you how bizarre it was waving good-bye. He's going to my old office, but he's in and he's on our side, and we'll get all the information that we need.", "Victor: Victoria, Billy is an Abbott, and in the end, his allegiance will be with his family.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Dad, Billy and I have been through a lot, just like you and Mom, so you need to stop with Billy and me, all right? Just concentrate on Mom instead.", "Nikki: Oh, I like that idea very much. By all means, take her advice.", "Victor: So you're very sure of yourself and Billy?", "Victoria: He's on my side, and he will do whatever it takes to help me get Newman back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Billy: Hey. So is Phyllis checking out her new office?", "Jack: She hasn't said yes yet. I'm hopeful she will.", "Billy: And Neil's slipping back into his old chair.", "Jack: At Newman? No. I offered him the job of C.E.O. at Jabot.", "Billy: (Exhales sharply) Well, passing on Chancellor to go to Jabot is not exactly a lateral move.", "Jack: Well, I'll definitely make it worth his while if he agrees. Meantime, you and I need to focus on smoothing things over with some of the companies we do a lot of business with.", "Billy: Okay, who's unhappy?", "Jack: Some of the bigger department store chains are making a lot of noise-- Hoffman's in California, Baker-Ryberg in Miami.", "Billy: Want me to handle it?", "(Telephone rings)", "Jack: Oh, hold on. Jack Abbott.", "Neil: Yeah, it's Neil.", "Jack: Are you in?", "Neil: I am.", "Jack: That is great-- great for you, great for Jabot. I'll be in touch. Neil's in.", "Billy: That's fantastic. You just gave Neil Winters my job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Mm.", "Nick: I know. It burns.", "Avery: You are in the zone.", "Nick: I was inspired by your speech.", "Avery: Oh, well, I'm sorry it didn't have much actual advice for you.", "Nick: No, on the contrary, it's exactly what I needed to hear, and that is checkmate.", "Avery: Impressive, most impressive. Nicely done, Nick. (Clears throat)", "Nick: You let me win.", "Avery: What? No. You won fair and square.", "Nick: No, six moves ago, you gave up your queen too easily. You wouldn't do that.", "Avery: Why would I let you win?", "Nick: That's what I want to know.", "Phyllis: Uh, your door was open... out there. I didn't know Nick was here. Hi, Nick. Yeah. Uh, your office... said you took the morning off and, uh, I called your cell and you weren't picking up so I was worried, but you are doing fine, so, uh, I don't mean to interrupt. Bye, see you.", "Avery: Okay, Phyllis, wait, wait. (Sighs) I got locked out of my apartment, me out here, my cell in here, and my hair is wet because I had to shower at a neighbor's house, and there is nothing going on here.", "Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey, remember that time, um, you called me over to your hotel suite so I could walk into your room and find you having sex with Nick? Remember that?", "Avery: Okay, okay...", "Phyllis: It was so funny. Such good times.", "Avery: We were just playing chess, and I didn't ask you to come over here.", "Phyllis: Chess, hmm? Mm-hmm, but you did ask Nick to come over here, didn't you? With your wet, tousled hair...", "Avery: (Sighs) Okay, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: And \"Oh, I forgot my key, I locked myself out and my cell phone's in there.\"", "Avery: Phyllis, there's nothing going on.", "Phyllis: You're a liar. You lie to yourself. You're a liar to me.", "Avery: (Sighs) Well, you just got to see firsthand how well I deal with my family.", "Nick: Well, to be fair, there's not a lot of options with Phyllis.", "Avery: Okay, but she's not completely wrong. There was a time that I invited her to walk in on us, but that--that is not what this is.", "Nick: What is this? Okay. I'm gonna get out of your wet, tousled hair.", "Avery: Okay, well, good, you have your chess set.", "Nick: Thanks for letting me win and the talk. I really needed that.", "Avery: I'll see you around, Newman.", "Avery: Oh! Oh, no. No, oh, come on! (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Uh, Neil, I know I'm a pain in the... I'm a pain. Uh, let's--listen, it's not gonna be easy to find a C.E.O. That I can work with. I'm not about to install Tucker. A desk job is the last thing that Devon would want, even if I thought he were ready.", "Neil: Any thoughts about asking Jill to come home?", "Kay: (Laughing) Jill.", "Neil: Mm.", "Kay: Uh, right now, Jill is, uh, C.E.O. of, uh, Phillip's life. Oh, my God, does he have my sympathies. Whoo!", "Neil: Katherine, listen to me. I-I-if you're asking me to say no to Jack, right? I will. You just say the word.", "Kay: As your friend, you would only do that over my dead body. If your gut tells you to take it, then by God, you take it! Besides, I, uh... I'm afraid I have no choice whatsoever regarding your replacement. I guess I... have to come out of retirement.", "Neil: What a surprise. Long live the queen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Neil's good. He's great, but C.E.O. of Jabot? That's a family position.", "Jack: Take it as a compliment, Billy. I need you here at Newman. If you have problems with the way I've chosen to run things, that's a conversation you and I need to have.", "Billy: No, you're right. Newman is the issue at the moment, so what do we do?", "Jack: We are building a new, bigger Abbott legacy. Newman is our new frontier.", "Billy: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Thought you were taking off.", "Summer: Yeah, looking for your buddy?", "Ronan: I am. Had to let him know about a schedule change.", "Summer: Yeah, well, he took off. I think that he dropped this.", "Ronan: (Scoffs)", "Summer: Oops.", "Ronan: Thanks.", "Summer: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victor: Son, I thought we'd see you here earlier.", "Nick: Yeah, sorry, I got held up. What's going on?", "Victor: Well...", "Victoria: (Clears throat) Mom and Dad are getting married.", "Nick: (Laughs) Wow.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Nick: That's so cool.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nikki: And before you say anything, yes, it is the last time.", "Victor: Your mother's right, you know.", "Nick: Okay.", "Victor: Yes.", "Nick: Well, I figured this was about you, uh, telling me you were gonna head up the fight to win Newman Enterprises back.", "Victor: Uh-huh, well...", "Victoria: No, uh, that's-- that's up to us.", "Nick: Well, then I have an announcement. This mission to get Newman Enterprises back-- I'm out.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: We're not gonna talk about what you did to my family.", "Chris: What I did to your family? What I did to your family? Are you kidding me?", "Phyllis: Yes, every single-- every single thing! Every single thing!", "Paul: Okay, that's enough!", "Chelsea: He's not going to leave me just because I lost the baby.", "Adam: Sharon." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy continues to blame himself for Delia's death and refuses to hold Johnny in his arms. Instead, he seeks comfort inside a bottle. Jill tries to persuade Chloe that she and Billy need to help each other through their grief, but Chloe will never be able to forgive Billy for leaving Delia alone in the car. Chloe does agree to put her anger toward Billy aside for Delia's funeral, but then she doesn't want to see Billy or talk to him again. Jack tries to persuade Billy to let his family help him, but he wants to be left alone and continues to slip farther away from his family. Jack calls Jill and tells her they need to find a way to remind Billy that, although he has lost something precious, his family still needs him.", "Adam struggles to deal with the guilt of Delia's death while he waits for Connor to get out of surgery. The doctor finally tells Adam and Chelsea that the surgery went well and the bandages will be taken off of Connor's eyes in a few days. Chelsea is grateful God watched over her son and prays that Billy and Chloe will find the answers they need to have peace. Chloe is given Delia's personal effects by the police. She goes through the box with tears streaming down her face as she remembers the night of Delia's play. Chloe tells Kevin that Delia was wearing a black scarf with sparkles that isn't in the box. She and Kevin wonder what happened to Delia's scarf. Adam returns home and cries a little as he holds Delia's scarf in his hand, then he takes a lighter and burns the scarf and throws it in the fireplace.", "" ]
[ "Connor: [Cooing]", "Chelsea: What time is it? Adam?", "Adam: Hmm?", "Chelsea: The doctor. He -- he should be here by now.", "Adam: We just called him. Let's -- let's give him some time.", "Chelsea: The surgery is in less than an hour. He said that he would go over the procedure with us beforehand.", "Adam: Relax. Everything's gonna be fine.", "Chelsea: For us.", "Adam: We need to focus on him right now.", "Chelsea: How can I not think about Delia? I've prayed so hard for a miracle, but I never thought that Connor's eyesight would be saved at -- at the expense of my best friend's little girl.", "Adam: Neither of us wanted things to turn out this way.", "Chelsea: I don't know how we'll ever be able to thank or repay Chloe and Billy for giving Connor this gift.", "Adam: I'm sure they know how grateful we are.", "Chelsea: The thought of them leaving the hospital without their child... I can't imagine how hard that must be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door closes]", "Victoria: Billy?", "Billy: I told Delia she was gonna be okay. I told her that the doctors were gonna make her all better. The last thing I said to my daughter was a lie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheryl: Hey.", "Alex: Hey. You just got done with your stakeout?", "Sheryl: Yeah. I was heading home to catch some Z's when I heard about Delia Abbott.", "Alex: Looking over a list of possible suspects -- owners of black SUVs.", "Sheryl: Hit-and-run on a 7-year-old? That's rough.", "Alex: Yeah.", "Sheryl: How's Kevin?", "Alex: Bad. Really bad.", "Sheryl: You the one who broke it to him?", "Alex: Yeah. Brought him to the hospital. By the time we got there... it was brutal. Can't remember a worse day on the job.", "Sheryl: I remember talking to Fisher about his family on the Fourth of July, how much he missed being in Delia's life since him and his ex broke up.", "Alex: Yeah, he couldn't be separated from that kid, or Chloe.", "Sheryl: I remember seeing Chloe hanging around that night that Kevin's brother was arrested. I got the feeling that she and Fisher were getting close again.", "Alex: Yeah, they have been, which is good, 'cause they're gonna need each other now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know what? If you don't want to be here, we can go to...", "Chloe: I don't want to be anywhere.", "Kevin: I know.", "Chloe: You think they started the surgery yet?", "Kevin: Um... I think they're probably getting pretty close.", "Chloe: You know, I think you're right. I think I would have regretted it if I hadn't honored her memory in this way. And the fact that she's helping Connor... it makes me really happy for him and for Chelsea.", "Kevin: But it's hard to imagine what's happening over at Memorial right now.", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] I feel like they cut a piece out of me.", "Kevin: I have an idea.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Kevin: What if we honor Delia right now and we remember some happy times with her, okay?", "Chloe: Okay.", "Kevin: Yeah? I'm gonna go first. Okay. Couple months ago [Chuckles] You left us at the club to have a tea party. Do you remember?", "Chloe: Yeah, she put a hat on you.", "Kevin: No, no, it was you who put the hat on me.", "Chloe: No, I don't think so.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty certain it was you. It was very sparkly, that hat.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] I'm sure she approved.", "Kevin: Oh, she approved. I was fully accessorized by your little fashionista in training.", "Chloe: Oh, no.", "Kevin: Yeah. [Chuckles] Earrings, necklace, feather boa.", "Chloe: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: She even had me wearing lipstick. I was hoping for something subtle, but it was cherry-bomb red.", "Chloe: And you sat like that?", "Kevin: Oh, it gets better. After that, I had to go to work.", "Chloe: Oh, don't tell me.", "Kevin: Yeah, I left one of the earrings in.", "Chloe: Did somebody see you?", "Kevin: Just the chief of police. [Chuckles]", "Chloe: Paul? Oh, my God.", "Kevin: I told him I was doing some undercover work. I don't think he bought it. [Chuckles]", "Chloe: [Chuckles] [Sniffles]", "[Footsteps approach]", "Chloe: Hi, Jill. Hi. When did you get back?", "Jill: Just this morning. I came as soon as Jack called.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Jill: Oh, Chloe. Honey, I'm so sorry. I just came from seeing Billy.", "Chloe: Ah! Get away from me. Don't talk to me about how devastated Billy is.", "Jill: He is, Chloe. He's inconsolable.", "Chloe: Good! Good! I hope that he suffers for the rest of his life for what he's done!", "Jill: You don't mean that!", "Chloe: [Crying] The hell I don't! He left her in that car!", "Kevin: Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. You're upset. You have every right to be, okay? But so is Jill. She lost her granddaughter.", "Chloe: Just don't talk to me about Billy.", "Jill: Honey, I know you're looking for somebody to blame for what happened. But making Billy feel even worse than he already feels isn't gonna bring her back.", "Chloe: Nothing will, Jill.", "Jill: My God, I can't believe she's gone. I mean, just a few weeks ago, we were standing right here, and she said to me, \"Grandma, bring me back something from your trip, something pink.\"", "Kevin: She loved pink. [Sniffles] Come here. Come here.", "Chloe: [Sighs] You know, she asked Chelsea to design her a pink space suit for when she became an astronaut.", "Jill: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: I could have seen her as an astronaut.", "Jill: She could have been anything she wanted to be.", "Chloe: I thought she would have been a great actress. [Sniffles] She never got nervous, and she memorized her lines, and she was natural. It was like she was a born performer.", "Jill: I'm so sorry I didn't get to see her as the wicked witch. Stupid trip. [Sniffles] It cheated me out of so many things with her, you know -- our end- of-summer outing that we always used to take, and then her first day of second grade and the big performance and... I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her.", "Chloe: Neither did I. Thanks to Billy. [Sighs]", "Kevin: Um, Jill, have you seen Esther?", "Jill: Um, I tried, but she won't come out of her room.", "Chloe: Yeah, I just think it's too much for her. When she found out that we donated Delia's corneas to Connor, I think that it just -- I think it just made everything really real.", "Jill: Yeah, Billy told me about that. That must have been so difficult for you.", "Chloe: I mean, Chelsea told me that her son needed the transplant and that if he didn't have it, that he would suffer. And what kind of person would I be if I let that happen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Thank you for getting here so quickly, Doctor.", "Dr. Lintz: I was surprised to get your call. I should have taken you at your word when you said you'd find corneas for your son.", "Chelsea: Adam didn't find the corneas that you're transplanting into Connor. It was arranged through the hospital. My friend suffered a terrible, terrible tragedy last night. Her daughter was in an accident. And when she found out about Connor, she wanted to help.", "Dr. Lintz: Well, you're very fortunate she could see past her grief. Not many parents can.", "Adam: Can you, uh, tell us what we can expect from the operation?", "Dr. Lintz: They've got the I.V. attached, and once they get him in the O.R., they'll use that to administer the anesthesia. As soon as he's under, we'll remove the damaged corneas and replace them with the ones from the donor.", "Adam: You said it should be about 30 minutes per eye?", "Dr. Lintz: That's right. We don't want to keep him under anesthesia any longer than necessary.", "Chelsea: Will you be taking him in soon?", "Dr. Lintz: As soon as I get changed and scrubbed. Any more questions?", "Adam: No.", "Dr. Lintz: I'll see you at the operation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: She wasn't.", "Victoria: But when you said that, you believed it.", "Billy: But she wasn't okay. And I should have known because she was so cold. She was so still. I put my jacket over her. I tried to make her warm. I told her, \"Hey, we got a party to go to,\" that we had Christmas and Halloween to look forward to. I tried to tell her anything to get her to open her eyes, those big, gorgeous eyes of hers. \"Please open your eyes, Baby. Open your eyes for your dad.\" [Sniffles]", "Victoria: She had the most beautiful eyes.", "Billy: Yeah, she did. [Inhales deeply] Well, now some other kid's gonna see the world through them, too.", "Victoria: So you and Chloe agreed to donate Delia's corneas?", "Billy: We ran into Chelsea at the hospital.", "Victoria: Oh, my God. Connor.", "Billy: Couldn't save Delia, but, uh... we could help save Connor's sight.", "Victoria: But that's perfect. Delia was always doing sweet things for other people. She was drawing pictures, always leaving little notes. So, its right that she should still do that, you know? And part of her is gonna live on in Connor.", "Billy: Who are we kidding? My daughter's not gonna live on, not -- not in anybody, not here. She's dead. My daughter's dead. Nothing is gonna change that. [Exhales deeply] You can't fix it.", "Victoria: It just needs some glue. I think there's some around here somewhere.", "Billy: Just leave it alone. It's broken. It's not gonna be the same.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Well, nothing's ever the same. For better or for worse, things are always changing.", "Billy: Everything's always changing. That used to never bother me -- change -- because there was so much to look forward to.", "Victoria: There still can be.", "Billy: What? What am I gonna look forward to? Birthdays we're not gonna celebrate? Graduations we're not going to attend? That pink bike she's never gonna ride? It's hard to look forward to the future when your heart's just been ripped out of your chest.", "Victoria: Billy... I know your whole world has been shattered right now, and it probably feels like it's in a million pieces. But I want to help you put it back together. I'm just not sure how. But I have to try.", "Billy: And that's just gonna make all this pain go away, huh?", "Victoria: No. Only time will do that.", "Billy: The great cure-all. Yeah. Time.", "Victoria: Hey, listen, I'm not gonna lie to you, okay? I know there are some wounds that just never heal. But you have to move forward, okay, for yourself, but mostly for that little boy upstairs who needs -- he needs every ounce of your love right now.", "Billy: Johnny's here?", "Victoria: Yes, Hannah's with him. But I know he'd really love to see his daddy.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Honey, tell me about the police. What's happening with the investigation?", "Chloe: I-I don't know what's taking them so long to find this jerk.", "Kevin: Nobody saw the accident, so they're trying to piece together the evidence that they have. I should be helping, but Chavez says my involvement can compromise the investigation, so I have to let the police just do their thing.", "Jill: Oh, that reminds me. An officer came by earlier. He left something for you.", "Kevin: [Sniffles]", "Chloe: But why would the police give me evidence?", "Kevin: Because after it's been processed, it's no longer evidence. So they return it to the family.", "Jill: [Sobs]", "Chloe: So, these are... these are Delia's things?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Why don't you go home, get some shuteye?", "Sheryl: Sleep's overrated. Besides, a fresh pair of eyes might help you catch our perp sooner. I'd like to do that for Fisher if I can.", "Alex: Yeah. Me, too.", "Sheryl: [Sighs] So, what have you got?", "Alex: Guys down at the lab analyzed Delia's clothes hoping to get some paint chips or something that might lead us to the car.", "Sheryl: They find anything?", "Alex: Nothing. But they were analyzing the tire impressions and skid marks on the crime scene. A little bit more luck there. Based on the tread design, they came up with a manufacturer.", "Sheryl: How many S.U.V. models use this brand?", "Alex: 10.", "Sheryl: You checking to see how many of the makes are registered in G.C.?", "Alex: There's too many to narrow down a suspect.", "Sheryl: You got anything else?", "Alex: Yeah. I found a piece of broken plastic in the accident site, and I'm hoping it's from the car that hit Delia.", "Sheryl: Or it could have been there for a long time.", "Alex: Let's hope that's not the case, right, and it leads us to our guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Orderly: We're ready for Connor.", "Adam: Okay, Peanut. You got this. You're gonna be fine.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Mommy loves you so much. Mommy loves you, and I'm gonna be right here when you get back, okay?", "Orderly: We'll take good care of him.", "Connor: [Coos] [Cooing]", "Chelsea: [Sobs] [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Kevin: There's no rush. You take all the time you need.", "Chloe: We think that, don't we? [Sniffles] That we just have all the time in the world and... the clock, it just stops. And then suddenly, your world is divided between before [Sniffles] And after. [Exhales deeply] And how we have to think about all the things that we never really want to think about. [Sniffles] Like where we were when we heard the news. [Sighs]", "Kevin: I'll never forget.", "Jill: I was at JFK catching my connecting flight.", "Kevin: Connecting from where?", "Jill: Uh, Geneva.", "Chloe: Oh, Switzerland. [Sniffles] I would love to be in Switzerland right now. [Sighs] Just be far, far away. Up in the Alps. [Sniffles] Are they covered in snow yet?", "Jill: I don't know. I wasn't doing much sightseeing.", "Chloe: Well, why else would you be in Switzerland?", "Jill: I was there on business.", "Chloe: Chancellor business?", "Jill: Yeah, I was checking out a few things regarding Katherine's will.", "Chloe: So, while Delia was fighting for her life, you were off fighting for a bigger piece of Katherine's estate.", "Jill: [Inhales shakily]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay, bye, Hannah! That was Hannah. Look who's here. Ta-da! It's da- da.", "Billy: Hey, Buddy.", "Victoria: He hasn't seen you in awhile. He misses you. He needs you, Billy. Just like you need him. Here. I want you to hold him.", "Billy: Um... I-I can't right now. I'm sorry.", "Victoria: Come on. He's not gonna break.", "Billy: I might.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Billy, he can help you.", "Billy: It's not his job. I'm his parent. Parents are supposed to take care of their kids.", "Victoria: [Voice breaking] Okay. Then be a parent.", "Billy: Back off right now, please. I can't do this.", "Victoria: You're still his dad, too, all right?", "Billy: Okay, I can't be here. I need to go.", "Victoria: Where?", "Billy: I've got to take a shower and go to Boulevard. I have things to check on.", "Victoria: Well, when will you be back?", "Billy: I don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Adam dreaming]", "Chelsea: [Sobs] How could you?", "Adam: What?", "Chelsea: Do not, Adam! Do not play innocent with me!", "Adam: What are you talking about?", "Chelsea: [Crying] She was a sweet, innocent, little girl! She had her whole life ahead of her!", "Adam: I don't know what you're saying.", "Chelsea: You killed her!", "Adam: I didn't kill anyone.", "Chelsea: Stop it. Stop with your lying. You hit Delia with your car, and then you left her in the middle of the road to die. What kind of a monster are you?", "Adam: I'm not a monster.", "Chelsea: Yes, you are. You are a cruel, heartless monster, and god will punish you, Adam.", "[Back to present]", "Chelsea: Adam?", "Adam: No.", "Chelsea: Adam? I know you need sleep. You just don't look very comfortable. You were mumbling. What were you dreaming about?", "Adam: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Chloe, I was in Switzerland on some very important business concerning Katherine. Only it isn't important anymore. What matters to me now is that my son survive this ordeal.", "Chloe: Well, I hope you just don't expect me to be worried about him.", "Jill: No. But I expect you to understand that I am.", "Kevin: She does.", "Jill: Chloe, when I saw him earlier, I have never seen him so distraught.", "Chloe: Guilt will do that to you, Jill.", "Kevin: She's -- she's just --", "Jill: I know. I know. I understand. I understand that she's upset.", "Chloe: Upset? You think that I'm upset?", "Jill: All right, Honey. You're devastated.", "Chloe: [Crying] Jill, I don't want to be here right now! Do you understand that? I don't want to live in a world without my little girl! I am not upset! I am not devastated! I am nothing! God.", "Jill: Chloe, don't you think Billy feels that same way?", "Chloe: No, I really -- I really don't give a damn how he feels! I don't, because if it weren't for him, we would not be grieving like this right now! And I don't understand how no one else can admit that!", "Jill: Because they're afraid they're gonna push him over the edge! I don't want to lose him, too!", "Kevin: Nobody wants that.", "Chloe: I just don't understand how you're defending him right now.", "Jill: I'm not. I'm not defending him. I just don't see what good blaming him will do. Look, Honey, what you and Billy are going through, it's just incomprehensible. But I have seen how Billy copes when he's facing something he can't deal with. And I'm afraid if he goes down the road he's gone down in the past, he won't come back this time!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: [Sniffles]", "[Billy remembering]", "Delia: Ice-cream place?", "Billy: Yes, we are. And I will be back in a moment.", "Delia: You're leaving me here all alone?", "Billy: No, you're not alone. You've got Dash. And I'm gonna be in and out so fast, you won't even miss me.", "Delia: I'll lock the doors.", "Billy: Good girl. I'll be right back.", "[Back to present]", "[Footsteps approach]", "Billy: Ah. We're closed.", "Jack: Not for me, you're not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I know. Your daddy didn't mean what he said. He loves you so much. He's just in a lot of pain right now. Right? Mmm. We just have to give him time. We have to be patient, and we just got to show him a lot of love. We can do that. We can do that. We can help your daddy get through this. He needs us. [Sighs] He needs us to help him put the pieces back together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Adam: Is the surgery over?", "Nurse: They're finishing up now.", "Chelsea: So, everything's okay? My son's all right?", "Nurse: Dr. Lintz will be out soon to talk to you.", "Adam: Is there anything that you can tell us about the surgery, how it went?", "Nurse: The doctor will be out soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I can't do it, Jill. Okay, I know that you want me to feel bad for Billy, but I can't. I can't do it.", "Jill: Chloe, Chloe, you know in your heart, you know deep down that Billy loved Delia. He never would have hurt that little girl.", "Chloe: Then why would he leave her alone in the car, Jill?", "Jill: I don't know that.", "Chloe: And why did he buy her that damn dog? You know that I said it was a bad idea. Why did he buy it?", "Kevin: Chloe, Chloe, Jill is right. Blaming Billy isn't gonna change anything. And the two of you have to bury your child. You have to come together for that. If only for Delia's sake.", "Chloe: Fine. I will put aside my anger until we bury our little girl. But I am not forgiving Billy for what he's done, and I will not put his conscience at ease.", "Jill: Look, all of this rage you're feeling, it's directed at the wrong person. The person who struck her, who struck her and left her and didn't help her, that's who you should be angry at. Billy loved his little girl.", "Chloe: So did I.", "Jill: I know you did, Sweetheart. I know you did. But it's not right for you to keep blaming Billy.", "Chloe: It's not right?", "Jill: It's not fair!", "Chloe: Don't you dare tell me what is not fair! He got to say goodbye! [Crying] I never got a chance to say goodbye to my little girl, and he did! He got to hold her, and he got to tell her that he loved her, and I had my last moment with her in the morgue... when she was already gone. So you tell me -- how fair is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Go away, Jack.", "Jack: Can't do that.", "Billy: Sure you can. It's simple. You just turn around, walk right out the door.", "Jack: Not gonna happen, Billy.", "Billy: I'm telling you, Jack. It's easy. Even a kid can do it. Though I've been known to overestimate what a kid is capable of, like sitting alone in a car, for example. You'd think a 7-year-old could handle that, but, man, was I ever wrong.", "Jack: Billy.", "Billy: I'm telling you. You will not believe just how bad the damage is from one miscalculation.", "Jack: Don't do this.", "Billy: Why not?", "Jack: Beating yourself up is not going to help your situation.", "Billy: You know what? I love you. I really do. But I am in no mood for a lecture today, so please leave me alone.", "Jack: I thought you knew me better than that.", "Billy: I know you're not here for the booze, and the kitchen's closed.", "Jack: I'm here because I'm worried about you.", "Billy: You're worried about me. Everybody's worried about me. Mom's worried. Victoria's worried. Traci, Ashley, Abby. Let's not forget about Kyle.", "Jack: That's right. We're all here because we want to help you.", "Billy: That's what all the phone calls say and the texts and the e-mails. That's what they want to do. They want to help. You want to help me, Jack? I'll tell you how you can help me. And right now, just leave me alone. Okay? I love you. [Sighs]", "[Bottle thuds]", "[Keys jingle]", "[Door opens]", "Jack: Hey, it's Jack. Can you meet me at On the Boulevard right away?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Yeah, mommy's right here.", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: Dr. Lintz. How did it go?", "Chelsea: Is Connor okay?", "Dr. Lintz: Everything went smoothly. We were able to remove the damaged corneas and replace them with the healthy ones from the donor.", "Chelsea: Thank God.", "Adam: So, how soon till we know the surgery was a success?", "Dr. Lintz: We'll take the bandages off in a few days. But there's no reason to suspect rejection at this point.", "Adam: That's good. That's -- that's so very good. Thank you.", "Dr. Lintz: Connor is very fortunate that a donor turned up right when he needed one. I guess some things were meant to be.", "Chelsea: A little girl died, Doctor. Nothing like that is ever meant to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Ah. [Sighs] Well, what's going on? Where's Billy? I thought that's why you wanted to see me.", "Jack: It is.", "Jill: Have you talked to him?", "Jack: I tried. He shut me out.", "Jill: He can't do that. We can't let him do that. He needs us.", "Jack: Well, right now, he thinks all he needs is in that bottle over there.", "Jill: Oh, my God. [Sighs] What are we gonna do?", "Jack: We have to prove him wrong.", "Jill: How?", "Jack: We have to show him that though he lost something very precious and irreplaceable, if he doesn't let us help him out, he could lose a lot more.", "Jill: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay. You're making a big mess for mommy. We're all set. Why don't I call daddy one more time and see if I can get him to join us, huh? Billy. Hi. It's me. Um, Johnny and I are headed out to the park, and we're gonna go feed the ducks. And I know you said you didn't feel like going, but if you change your mind, that's where we'll be. But listen, if you're not gonna make it, would you just give me a call so I know you're okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey. Why haven't you found the bastard that ran down my daughter yet?", "Alex: We're doing everything we can, Billy. These things take time. We need to analyze every lead, go through every piece of evidence.", "Billy: Why is it taking so long?", "Alex: Because we don't want to do anything to compromise the investigation. We're gonna nail this guy. But we got to do things by the book.", "Billy: You better find him soon, or I'm gonna start looking, and I promise you if I get my hands on that son of a bitch, I'm not gonna do anything by the book.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Chelsea: Thank you for watching over my baby. [Sniffling] Please watch over Chloe and Billy. Help them find the answers they need to heal.", "Connor: [Fussing]", "Chelsea: [Sniffles]", "Connor: [Cries]", "Chelsea: It's okay. It's okay. [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You don't have to do this now.", "Chloe: Yeah, I do.", "[Watching video]", "Chloe: Look at you! Look at you! You look so cute!", "Delia: I'm not cute! I'm terrifying.", "Kevin: The cute ones always are! Hey. And I rest my case. Are you ready for your big debut?", "Delia: I'm off book. That means I know my lines.", "Kevin: Oh!", "Delia: Dash, here -- not so good.", "Kevin: What do you say we take him backstage, huh?", "Chloe: Yeah, yeah! Okay. You guys go do that. Um, go for it. Hey, hey, hey!", "Kevin: You take Dash.", "Chloe: I got -- okay. All right. Um, good luck!", "Delia: Mom.", "Chloe: Sorry. Break a leg. Break a leg, my little diva! I love you! Break a leg! I love you!", "Kevin: You okay?", "Chloe: Yeah. [Sighs] [Sobs] [Sighs]", "Kevin: [Sniffles] [Sniffles]", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] There's something missing. [Sighs]", "Kevin: It looks like it's all here.", "Chloe: No, she had a -- she had a black scarf on. [Sniffles] And it had, um -- it had sparkles on it.", "Kevin: Oh, yeah. [Sniffles] Um...", "Chloe: [Sniffles]", "Kevin: There's no scarf.", "Chloe: [Sighs] That's so weird. I wonder where it went. [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: [Sighs] [Breathing heavily] [Clicks on lighter and burns Delia's scarf]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Maybe we could put our heads together and find some way to help Billy.", "Alex: Billy, we're trying our hardest, okay?", "Billy: Don't try! You do your job, or I'm gonna get out there and I'm gonna do it for you!", "Judge: Do you feel any remorse for killing Carmine Basco?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis asks Jack who Kelly is. Jack lies and tells her that Kelly is a party planner and is there to see Billy. At the hospital, Abby and Victoria have just come out of her birthing class. Victoria feels guilty that Billy or Ben isn't there. In the park, Ashley explains to Ben that her new fragrance is a love potion and that is why he kissed her. Chelsea works on a new dress design when Billy comes in and interrupts her. Billy tells Chelsea that he loves her, but she cannot return the sentiment. At the Athletic Club dining room, Lily and Devon have a business meeting. When Lily tells Devon that Hilary and Neil are coming home, he makes up an excuse not to be there when they return. Neil and Hilary walk in to the dining room. Lily welcomes them home. Devon and Hilary exchange looks. Neil asks Hilary to let him talk to Lily alone. Hilary joins Devon and gives him back his cell phone. Neil lets Lily know how much he loves Hilary, which she understands completely. Ashley and Ben are discussing the kiss when Victoria and Abby interrupt them. Victoria asks him who he isn't kissing. Jack tells Kelly that he told Phyllis about Billy and Victoria's divorce. Jack starts to show Kelly out but Phyllis stops them and wants to know who Kelly really is. Anita walks in on Chelsea dancing with the mannequin. Anita urges Chelsea to get Billy back there but she hesitates.", "At the Coffeehouse, Ashley tells Abby that the new fragrance is really a love potion. Abby wants to use the potion to get Billy and Victoria back together, but Ashley hesitates. Phyllis figures out that Kelly really is the woman who broke up Billy and Victoria. Kelly tries to explain then leaves. Phyllis is upset that she cannot get any answers. Billy comes in and is glad to see Phyllis. They hug. Phyllis questions Billy as to what happened between him and Victoria. In the park, Ben and Victoria have a heart to heart talk about her feelings toward this baby. Ben asks her to let them start all over. Billy rejoins Chelsea and Anita. Anita soon makes her exit leaving Chelsea and Billy alone. Billy tells Chelsea what went down at Jack's between him, Jack, and Phyllis. Chelsea asks Billy to move in with her.", "" ]
[ "Abby: Okay, champ. Good job. Good workout.", "Victoria: Or birthing class.", "Abby: Birthing class, workout -- what's the difference? You are in training and I am your coach and we are gonna bring this baby into the world like a boss.", "Victoria: Like a what?", "Abby: Oh, I've been getting my motivational speeches ready. You know, and the ice chips and the soothing music. Honestly, I am just so glad we have more time. If the baby had come during nick and Sharon's non-wedding -- yikes.", "Victoria: Oh, I am so glad that worked out for you.", "Abby: What's wrong? Was it my speech? I can do better.", "Victoria: The baby's coming.", "Abby: Now?", "Victoria: No, but soon. Very soon, and you and me are gonna be in that room and there's gonna be no father and maybe I should have found out for the sake of the baby.", "Abby: Maybe for your sake. Maybe you're starting to hope it's someone particular after all.", "Stitch: So, that kiss was just a lab experiment. I'm a human guinea pig. Great.", "Ashley: Yeah. But I also wanted you to understand just how huge this project actually is.", "Stitch: You could have sent a memo. You know, \"Ben, you won't believe how hot this is gonna be.\"", "Ashley: No, because then the experiment would have been compromised. That kiss proves that the compound has the exact desired effect.", "Stitch: Or it could just mean we're human. Could be as simple as that.", "Billy: Hey. I'm back. And you need to eat something.", "Chelsea: No. What I need is a new brain -- one that can come up with a single new creative idea.", "Billy: No. Not accepting any self-doubt or insecurity today.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Well, then, you came to the wrong place.", "Billy: The new line is going to be amazing.", "Chelsea: Does she look amazing to you?", "Billy: Not yet, but, um... you sure do.", "Chelsea: Oh. [Chuckles]", "Billy: God, I love you.", "Lily: And it'll take more capital.", "Devon: Why don't you just say it'll take more money?", "Lily: Uh, I don't know. 'Cause \"capital\" sounds less depressing? Well, dad and Hilary should be here any minute. She told me they were gonna come here straight from the airport.", "Devon: [Sighs] Well, I should go check the books and make sure that we have the capital for all your ideas.", "Lily: Wait. Don't you want to see dad? I mean, you were gone at that car show, and he's been gone. It's been days.", "Devon: Yeah, I can catch up with him later.", "Lily: Is it Hilary? I mean, do you not want to see her or something?", "Devon: No, I didn't say that. Why do you always read into everything?", "Lily: I'm not. I'm just wondering why you don't want to be here when dad and Hilary come home.", "Devon: I ju--", "Phyllis: Am I interrupting?", "Jack: This is Kelly. She works at the athletic club. She's an event planner.", "Phyllis: That's nice. I'm Phyllis.", "Kelly: Oh. Yes, I know. Hi. Um...I-I, uh -- I was so -- it's wonderful that -- that you're back and that you're well.", "Phyllis: An event planner? Are we having a party no one told me about?", "Jack: Kelly's here for another reason. To see Billy.", "Phyllis: Is Billy having a party? Please, tell me more.", "Lily: Too late to leave now. You better be nice.", "Devon: I'm always nice.", "Lily: Hi, dad.", "Neil: Hey.", "Lily: Welcome back. [Smooches] You look happy. I'm guessing New York was amazing.", "Neil: Oh, yeah. It was. It was, wasn't it?", "Lily: Yeah? Were you surprised when dad showed up?", "Hilary: Yeah. Huge surprise.", "Neil: You know, your husband came, played an excellent wingman. He knows how to keep a secret when it's for a worthy cause, let me tell you.", "Lily: I know. My husband's amazing.", "Neil: Excuse me. There's something that I really want to talk to you about, lily, if -- if you got a second.", "Lily: Yeah, sure. We'll be right back.", "Neil: Bye, honey.", "Hilary: Bye.", "Devon: I was worried about you.", "Hilary: I'm fine.", "Devon: Yeah, well, you and I didn't get to talk after Neil showed up.", "Hilary: Here. Your phone almost gave us away. No.", "Devon: I know we made a promise to each other, but let me tell you -- I wouldn't trade those days in New York with you for anything in the world. They're probably gonna be the best days of my life.", "Lily: Well, it sounds like you guys had a good time. But what did you want to talk to me about? Is something wrong?", "Neil: No, no. Nothing's wrong. Just the opposite, as a matter of fact. know, I got the chance to tell her some things that she needed to hear. Um, and I-I actually have something to tell you, too.", "Lily: Okay.", "Neil: I love her.", "Lily: I know.", "Neil: No. No, you don't know how much I love her. This is for real. I'm not gonna back down. I'm not gonna give up. I'm not gonna push her away anymore. I am done doing that.", "Lily: I wouldn't want you to. She did it. You know, she convinced me that...she's good for you and that's -- that's all that matters.", "Neil: Can I tell you how glad I am to have you back in my life 100%, supporting me and supporting my wife? Thank you, baby.", "Lily: You're welcome. I already told Devon, so...maybe I should tell Hilary, too. Hilary. Hi. Uh, I was gonna have lunch. Will you join me?", "Stitch: What are you doing? What -- what is that?", "Ashley: I'm getting rid of the scent. I don't exactly want to be tackled by strangers.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] You think the compound is that powerful, huh?", "Ashley: Well, you're laughing, but did you plan on kissing me today? Hmm?", "Stitch: Humans can be unpredictable creatures.", "Ashley: I agree. I agree with that, but not in this case. I mean, this product works because of pheromones, because of a predictable chemical reaction that's triggered in the brain.", "Stitch: So you're saying I acted according to plan, even though the perfume smells like rotting meat.", "Ashley: Exactly. And we really have to do something about that, because no matter how amazing the product is, if nobody wants to put it on them, we've got a big problem.", "Stitch: You know, I got -- I got to say, if you -- if you're right, then that's pretty incredible.", "Ashley: I know.", "Stitch: And that kiss that I laid on you happened for a reason, and... oh.", "Victoria: Is there, um, anyone that I know that you're not kissing?", "Chelsea: No more of that. No kissing. No distracting. I can't submit a sketch of a kiss to Jabot.", "Billy: Well, you could. I mean... I could try again if you --", "Chelsea: No! You are messing with my work flow.", "Billy: I thought you had, like, designer's block. I was just trying to help you shake it off.", "Chelsea: Look at her. She is so appalled by us -- by our behavior. Well, not by my behavior -- mostly by yours.", "Billy: Oh. Is -- is that it?", "Chelsea: Okay, maybe a little bit by mine.", "Billy: Okay, look, lady without a head, not that I'm judging. I mean, I have a head and it doesn't do me a lot of good most of the time, but we both know that Chelsea is this big, fancy designer of frocks and things...", "Chelsea: Frocks?", "Billy: ...That keep you from being a naked, headless, non-person thing. But the deal is I've been helping out, you know, by bringing food and hanging with Connor, shaking my pom-poms for the team.", "Chelsea: Pom-poms?", "Billy: I even tangoed her into inspiration.", "Chelsea: Mm, I think you tangoed me upstairs into bed.", "Billy: All right. Fine. If that's what you want...", "Chelsea: No. I don't think so. You are not helping. You're not helping, either.", "Billy: All right. Okay. Fine. I'll make myself scarce. But you -- you -- don't you go changing.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Stop manhandling her.", "Billy: My apologies. Eat something.", "Chelsea: So bossy.", "Billy: Yeah, I really am, huh?", "Chelsea: I know. I didn't say it. Again.", "Phyllis: So, you're not here about a party?", "Kelly: No.", "Phyllis: But you're a friend of Billy's?", "Kelly: [Sighs] Yes.", "Phyllis: He could use one. I assume you know.", "Jack: I've been Phyllis in on events in Genoa City. That would include, uh, Billy and Victoria's divorce.", "Kelly: Of course.", "Phyllis: Billy has his charms, which is what, coincidentally, bites him the butt. Have you known him long?", "Jack: Kelly's relatively new in town, but she's fit right in, made herself indispensable in many ways.", "Kelly: You know, I wasn't really sure how long I would be in Genoa City, but it's... it's become my home now.", "Phyllis: That's great. So, where do you live?", "Neil: You're watching them, aren't you?", "Devon: Yeah. I'm just making sure that lily's behaving herself. That's all.", "Neil: Give lily some credit, man. She knows that Hilary deserves respect. So, now that we got the ladies taken care of, how about I take you out for some lunch?", "Devon: Yeah, I'd like to, but I got a lot of work that I need to get done.", "Neil: Really? I thought a mogul could make his own hours. Oh, wait. No. That's right. You were -- you were busy out of town. Did you bring back any -- any souvenirs?", "Devon: [Chuckles] Not this time. No.", "Neil: Check you out, showing some self-restraint. Must have been hard -- walking away from all that beauty, huh?", "Devon: Just about killed me. But, uh, I'm back now and here in the real world.", "Neil: Well, I'm glad you're here. We can put this family back together where it belongs.", "Lily: How's your lunch? Maybe you've eaten here too much or something and the food's boring now or...", "Hilary: No. Uh, the flight was a little bumpy. I think I'm -- my stomach's still settling.", "Lily: Look, I know this is weird -- you and I, you know? And when I think about the things that I've done, like the pool incident -- all I know is that my dad loves you. And it's obvious that you love him, too. And clearly New York affected you both, and I think that's wonderful.", "Devon: If this is the last time that we get to be together, then I'd like to make it count.", "Lily: It's obvious you were -- it was special for you guys, and --", "[Clatters]", "Lily: Are -- are you okay, or...?", "Hilary: Yeah. Would -- would you just excuse me for a second?", "Lily: Yeah, I -- what...", "Ashley: Victoria, I don't know what you think you heard, but we were just talking business.", "Victoria: So the job you hired Ben for was to kiss you.", "Ashley: I don't know where you heard \"kiss\" out of that conversation. Oh. Is this some scheme of yours to get some trade secrets?", "Abby: Okay, well, all of this is supposed to be very hush-hush, so maybe we shouldn't be discussing it in public.", "Ashley: You know what? You're absolutely right. I'm gonna head back to the lab. And, um, I know I've told you this a million times, but, please, no shop talk with the competition.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Thanks, but I think maybe we have, you know, a few other topics to discuss.", "Abby: And I have to get to work, too, but are you okay?", "Victoria: Yeah. Thank you for today.", "Abby: I know it wasn't what you wanted, but I was honored to be there.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Thanks.", "Ashley: Take care of yourself, okay?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Stitch: Wasn't what you wanted?", "Victoria: My last birthing class. Abby was great. She really was. It's just that there were... you know, couples there. People doing it together -- bringing their baby into the world with love and togetherness, and...", "Stitch: Hey. This baby has love.", "Victoria: But it's from a distance. You know? Is that enough?", "Stitch: For the baby? Or for you?", "Kelly: I, uh... I live at the club.", "Jack: I guess we've all done a stint there at one time or another. You wouldn't recognize the place.", "Phyllis: Well, it must be convenient to live there, but it's like you never leave work. Not much of a social life, though, right?", "Kelly: No. No, it's not. Anyway, I have to get back to work. Uh, it was very nice to meet you. Um, I've heard so many things about you.", "Phyllis: Well, don't believe all the scary stuff. Maybe some of it.", "Kelly: They all missed you so much.", "Phyllis: They don't have to miss me anymore.", "Jack: I'll let Billy know that you stopped by.", "Kelly: Thank you.", "Jack: Let me show you out.", "Phyllis: Okay, okay. Hold it. Why won't you just admit who this really is?", "Abby: So, we totally misunderstood your conversation? There was no kiss?", "Ashley: Of course not. We were discussing our research, stitch and I.", "Abby: Oh. Maybe stitch was researching your tonsils.", "Abby: It wasn't anything like that.", "Abby: But you were talking about the new perfume?", "Ashley: Of course.", "Abby: You know, I got to say, I'm a little worried. I mean, how do you know stitch isn't gonna spill details to Victoria?", "Ashley: He's not gonna say anything. Besides, she has other things on her mind, like her due date.", "Abby: And even if you guys were kissing...", "Ashley: Even if we were, then I guess it would be, um...just some kind of evidence that the compound works as intended.", "Abby: Yes. I get it. Jabot's new fragrance will drive men wild, just like every perfume out there.", "Ashley: It's not like anything out there. It's very special. Which I was trying to prove to stitch.", "Abby: Okay, if you want to talk about the fragrance, let's talk about it. Tell me about this concoction.", "Ashley: No.", "Abby: I am part of this team. If I'm gonna market this product to the public, I need to know what we're dealing with.", "Ashley: Come here. Okay. It's pheromones that trigger endorphins that are transmitted via the olfactory system in males.", "Abby: That's hot. [Chuckles] The word \"olfactory\" is sexy.", "Ashley: Shh. It's a love potion.", "Abby: Of course it is.", "Ashley: I'm talking seriously here. This is a love potion. It generates very real, very undeniable attraction. In fact, that's why stitch did indeed kiss me in the park.", "Abby: He what?! Wait, you said --", "Ashley: I-I was lying.", "Abby: He kissed you.", "Ashley: Because of the fragrance.", "Abby: The love potion?", "Ashley: Yes. I mean, that's a very simplistic term, but that's exactly what it is.", "Abby: And it works?", "Ashley: Definitely.", "Abby: Wait, that means you could get any man that you want. That -- that is magic.", "Ashley: Actually, it's science, and it's gonna require a lot more testing.", "Abby: But, wait. How do you know if a guy really wants you for your or if he just wants you for your fragrance?", "Ashley: Oh, I mean, it lights the fire, but you've got to keep it burning.", "Stitch: So, if you wanted me there with you today in class --", "Victoria: Hormones. Hormones, because I can't control things and I just feel frustrated and I feel overwhelmed.", "Stitch: Things like...", "Victoria: Like...that I knew that everything was gonna be okay with the baby. I wish you were still practicing medicine. I wish you would have been honest with me, like, months ago.", "Stitch: Okay, would that have changed things? Or would we have been apart that much sooner?", "Victoria: I don't know, I just know that this is where we are right now. [Sighs]", "Stitch: I-I... I was selfish, Victoria. Look, I fell in love. You -- you deserved honesty. You deserved trust. But I can't -- I can't regret those months that we had together. When I'm feeling like things are bleak and I need something to hold on to, that's what I grab -- memories of us.", "Victoria: And those were some good memories.", "Stitch: Hearing you say that gives me hope, like when you said you wanted to forgive me.", "Victoria: I do. But I -- [Sniffles]", "Stitch: I know. It's still there -- the good and the bad. Being apart hasn't made it go away. You kissed me. I kissed you. I don't know how you were feeling, but I know how I was. It can be like that again all the time. Imagine that.", "Victoria: I can't.", "Stitch: Okay. Okay, so -- so don't imagine it. Let's just -- let's -- let's make it real. Okay, maybe today isn't about hormones. Maybe today, you know, it's -- it's time to give it another chance. Let's put the past in the past and just start over. Come on, Victoria. You and me. Right now.", "[Tango music plays]", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] [Sighs] Put your hand on his lower back. Look into his eyes, even if it's a \"she\" with no head, and tell him how you really feel. [Vocalizing]", "Anita: Oh, my goodness.", "Chelsea: Oh, my God! Mom!", "Anita: Look at you.", "Chelsea: Do you know how to use a doorbell?!", "Anita: Yes, but I didn't want to interrupt this glorious moment. Oh, my goodness. I haven't seen you smile like that since the day you married Adam.", "Chelsea: Okay. I haven't had time to go to the gym, and it is actually a great form of exercise.", "Anita: Oh, the tango is a dance of love, and you need to get that Billy Abbott in here and do some dancing. [Laughs]", "Jack: Phyllis, the way this happened --", "Phyllis: Oh, I can imagine. Was it at a bar? Jack says Billy's not gambling, so I know you didn't meet at the track.", "Kelly: Um, excuse me?", "Phyllis: I admit it -- I can't start throwing stones, but if you are the woman who came in between Billy and Victoria... really? Friends? You two are friends now?", "Jack: We don't need to get into this right now. In fact, this is none of our business.", "Kelly: Billy and I made a terrible mistake. And we both have a lot of regrets. But I believe we have both paid for them. Now I'm going to excuse myself. Goodbye.", "Jack: Kelly...", "Phyllis: Wow. She's pretty... if you like that wide-eyed, blonde look and a voice like honey. Billy never had a chance.", "Jack: Phyllis, I know you want to get all the answers to everything that happened to you in the last year. This is not the way to do it. Cornering somebody and interrogating them -- it's not fair to them. It's not good for you.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what? If the people in my inner circle would help me out with some information, that would be helpful.", "Jack: Look --", "Billy: -- oh, my God. Wow. Phyllis, look at you. I-I'm so sorry that I wasn't there last night, but it is great to see you. Did you ever think you'd hear me say that? [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: Did you ever think I'd be happy to hear you say that?", "Billy: Can -- can I -- can I do this? Might I break you?", "Phyllis: Come here. Absolutely.", "Billy: Well, you're real, and you're all fire in the eyes. I guess you're still you.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And I hear you're still you.", "Billy: And that sounded like an insult. She really is back.", "Jack: Oh, boy, is she.", "Phyllis: Your friend Kelly came by... and Summer's friend Austin, who's actually her husband. So if you have any friends that I need to know about, just let me know.", "Billy: Kelly was here, huh?", "Jack: Yeah. She came by to see you. I told her I'd let you know.", "Billy: And now you have. Not an issue. So, uh, how -- how are you feeling?", "Phyllis: Billy, really? A divorce because of that woman?", "Billy: Jack told you that, did he? Is that all?", "Phyllis: Is that all? Meaning there's more? Can someone please tell me what happened while I was gone?", "Lily: Hey. Is Hilary okay?", "Neil: What do you mean? What's wrong?", "Lily: Well, I was talking to her about New York, and I didn't say anything bad, and she just ran off to the bathroom. I think maybe it was the flight.", "Neil: No, no, no. It was an easy flight -- smooth landing.", "Lily: She said it was bumpy.", "Devon: Maybe I should go check on her.", "Lily: Well, I know you own the place, but you can't just run into the ladies room. I'll go.", "Neil: Will you? Yeah, please.", "Lily: Yeah. Oh.", "Hilary: Oh, that was embarrassing. [Chuckles]", "Neil: Honey, you okay?", "Hilary: Yeah, I'm fine now.", "Neil: Yeah? I can -- I can call the doctor if you need a doctor.", "Hilary: No, no, no, no. It's all good. I just -- I needed some fresh air. Sorry about the drama. It's all over now.", "Victoria: I don't think that's how it works -- saying that the past is the past and it cannot touch us. It can always touch us.", "Stitch: Here. You're cold.", "Victoria: And Ashley borrowed that.", "Stitch: Yes, my boss borrowed it, but it still serves its method of keeping you warm.", "Victoria: Oh, how scientific of you.", "Stitch: The past doesn't seem all that important right now, does it?", "Victoria: No, it doesn't.", "Stitch: I'm sorry you felt alone in class.", "Victoria: You know, Abby's been wonderful. But this birth -- you know, [Sighs] I lost eve right after she was born. And reed, I wasn't aware, and this birth... I just feel like a bundle of hopes and fears. And, um... you know, just being in that class, I just -- I feel lonely.", "Stitch: You wanted someone with you -- me, maybe Billy.", "Victoria: And Billy -- I was thinking about Billy, too. But, um, you know, I'm the one that asked him for a divorce. That was my decision, and look at us. We're surviving. We're doing just fine. [Sniffles] Anyway, the truth is Billy's already moved on.", "Chelsea: Please. I don't need some --", "Anita: Hot sex with a hot man?", "Chelsea: I'm working. Plus, I told you -- Billy -- he -- he was here and then he left. What more do you want?", "Anita: He brings you food. He looks after your boy. I mean, Billy is really doing right by you.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. And then he left because I needed to work. No, that was -- that was supposed to be a hint. [Clicks tongue] Got to go, Mom.", "Anita: You could work with him here.", "Chelsea: No, I-I can't. Not when... not when he's saying things and I'm not saying them back.", "Anita: What kind of things?", "Chelsea: He said he loves me.", "Anita: Hallelujah. Where is the champagne? You did it, girl. You got your man. You got your rich, handsome Abbott man.", "Chelsea: Okay. Mom, stop.", "Anita: Wait a second. Go back for a minute. He said he loves you, but you didn't say it back?", "Chelsea: I choked.", "Anita: No! No, no, no, no, no. You pick up the phone right now, Chelsea, and you call him and you just un-choke. I mean, you are a single mother, for goodness' sake. You're Adam Newman's widow. How does this look on your dating profile? And besides, don't you like him?", "Chelsea: Yeah, of course I do. I mean, I-I might even feel the same way that he feels about me, but I-I can't make that kind of a declaration here.", "Anita: Just because you lived here with Adam? That's not way to think. Just burn some sage, wave it around, and make the place like new, like Adam never existed.", "Chelsea: He did exist, mom. We have a son to prove it.", "Anita: If Adam didn't die, he would be in prison right now, and you would need to move on to love and to be loved, and you can do that with Billy. You just have to let him know how you feel. You can't let him keep suffering loss and rejection. And besides, if Billy doesn't think that you care, he might just walk away.", "Billy: Yeah, I don't think I'm all fired up to talk about the last year.", "Jack: Well, she's all fired up for some answers, so you see what I'm up against.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: Don't play on his sympathies. That's my move.", "Billy: Honestly, Phyllis, I don't think that anybody is up to hear about the whole last year all at once. If you think that you're gonna get it from me... no. That's -- that's not gonna happen.", "Phyllis: Traitor. You're on Jack's side. Or maybe you're experiencing a deep well of shame about blowing your marriage.", "Billy: Actually, both of those things are true.", "Jack: Didn't I just talk to you about goading people? You're awake now. I assume you can hear me.", "Phyllis: This is my chance. I'm gonna take it. Billy, come on. Give me something. I am the gossip queen who suddenly knows nothing.", "Billy: I screwed up, Phyllis. Okay? I-I don't know what it is that you want from me, but it was a rough time. It was one night, but Victoria and I couldn't make it through to the other side.", "Phyllis: Billy, you were insane about Victoria. She was insane about you. You know, if Victor couldn't break you up, no one could. I-I'm just trying to understand it.", "Billy: Knowing the details doesn't make it any easier to understand, so, look, guys, I pulled an all-nighter last night. You'll have to excuse me. I'm gonna go get my face on before I go to the office.", "Phyllis: You get that it's annoying, right? -- That I'm she-who-must-be- coddled? That's not me. That's not who I am. And there is more, clearly, to that Billy/Blondie story.", "Jack: Her name is Kelly.", "Phyllis: She tanked his marriage and she came over to visit? She said it was just once.", "Jack: It was. She's part of the community now. They're friends.", "Phyllis: That low point he went through -- that rough time -- was that it?", "Jack: I know you're trying to force me to blurt it all out. It's not gonna happen, Phyllis. It's not fair to the people we're talking about. It's not fair to you to dump all of this in one sitting.", "Phyllis: How about I decide what's fair for me?", "Jack: How about you stop fighting me and trust me to know what you need right now? Come on. Come on.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Billy: Hello.", "Anita: Who ordered the delivery of handsome?", "Chelsea: Mom, really? I thought you were going to the office.", "Billy: I was. I will. I just, uh -- I wandered into some serious weirdness at the family home.", "Anita: Uh, serious and weird. Sounds important, so I think I'm gonna let you guys talk.", "Chelsea: Thanks for stopping by, mom.", "Anita: Anything for you, baby. And you, too, handsome.", "Chelsea: [Clears throat] So, what happened at home?", "Billy: Jack was with Phyllis.", "Chelsea: She's home. That's -- that's great...and crazy.", "Billy: Yeah. And Kelly had been there.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Billy: Yeah, and Phyllis doesn't know anything about Kelly. Phyllis doesn't know anything about anything, really.", "Chelsea: I mean, it's only a matter of time until this blows up. Jack can't keep the truth from Phyllis forever.", "Billy: I don't know what Jack's doing, but if it was tense today, it's only gonna get worse. So I had to get out of there, and this place popped into my head as a safe haven.", "Chelsea: Well, it is. I want you to always feel like you can come here.", "Hilary: Neil, I think I'm ready to go home.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Are you okay?", "Hilary: Yeah. You know, just after the hotel and the flight, it's time to get back to the real world. Thank you for lunch.", "Lily: I feel bad. You didn't even eat anything.", "Hilary: You know, I guess I should have said thank you for the invitation. It was a nice surprise. I appreciate it.", "Lily: Hilary, look, what I wanted to say was, you know, I'm late to the party. You know, cane and my dad and Devon -- they all said that I was fixated on who you were. And I'm sorry. That's not you anymore. You know, that's changing, and...I'm glad.", "Hilary: Me, too. You ready?", "Neil: Mm? Yeah. Yeah. We're out of here. Bye, son.", "Devon: See you.", "Lily: Bye, dad. Love you.", "Neil: Bye, baby. I love you, too.", "Hilary: Bye.", "Lily: Bye.", "Devon: Well, that was surprisingly nice of you.", "Lily: Oh, stop it. It's not like I imagined the horrible things that she did. They did happen, you know? But I know that that's not who she is now.", "Devon: No, it's not.", "Lily: Especially not today. She was kind of a mess. Got all emotional and ran off to the bath-- oh, my God. It all makes sense now.", "Devon: What does?", "Lily: Hilary's pregnant.", "Phyllis: The bed. Okay. This is a great idea, Jack. I haven't had enough rest in the last year.", "Jack: Smart aleck, the doctor cancelled your appointment. You're doing to reschedule. You're going to go. Right now, you need rest.", "Phyllis: Honey, look at me. I'm alive. I'm walking. I'm talking. Boom -- ready to go.", "Jack: You're more than that. You're a medical miracle. Don't you want the doctors to tell you more?", "Phyllis: I want everybody to tell me more...about Genoa City. This is stressing me out. I shouldn't be stressed out, right?", "Jack: Phyllis...", "Phyllis: What was the deal with Billy? Why was he out all night if he wasn't seeing this Kelly? Is he seeing anyone at all? No one's talking to me about Victoria. I mean, is she having the guy knee-capped?", "Jack: Whoa, whoa. Listen to me. If you have all the answers that you're asking for, does it change anything? It doesn't fix anything. It's Billy's problem, not yours.", "Phyllis: I like to know things. I need to know things. This is feeling like I've been in a coma for a year.", "Jack: Do me a favor. Take on the whole world later, after you rest.", "Phyllis: You're not gonna let me get away with this.", "Jack: No. I'm not going to let you.", "Phyllis: That's one of the things I've always loved about you. I have missed you. Part of me knew that it had been a whole year. And another part of me just knew I had to get back to you as quickly as possible -- to you, to this house, to this bed, to the talking and to the fighting and making love. I missed it all.", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: Sorry.", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: I can't -- I can't do this. Oh, I've never been a tease.", "Jack: [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: I'm so ashamed.", "Jack: Listen to me. Time has kind of stood still in a number of ways. I brought you up here to get some rest. Nothing more.", "Phyllis: Someday soon, we'll come up here and do a whole bunch more. It'll be worth the wait.", "Jack: Right now, you rest.", "Abby: I can't believe how huge this product could be.", "Ashley: I know.", "Abby: I mean, sales could be crazy.", "Ashley: I know.", "Abby: But, yes, it does still need some more testing, but maybe you could put it on again for stitch.", "Ashley: It's called research, not romance.", "Abby: He fondled your ankle last thanksgiving.", "Ashley: Be--", "Abby: He did. And it only took you two a year to finally kiss. You sure know how to make a guy wait.", "Ashley: He wasn't waiting to kiss me. He was under the influence.", "Abby: Of your beauty and charm.", "Ashley: What is going on with you, anyway? All you have done is spend months warning me about stitch.", "Abby: You're exaggerating.", "Ashley: No, I'm not. When he came in for the interview, you almost called 9-1-1.", "Abby: Stitch does have some baggage, but it's manageable baggage. It's carry- on size.", "Ashley: You've done a complete 180. Do you realize that?", "Abby: Look, I've been thinking about it, and I've realized that Victoria has forgiven him, and he deceived her, and if she can do that, then maybe he's not so bad after all. I've been trying to hate him. I have. But...okay, I kind of like him. But don't tell him I said that.", "Ashley: Okay, well, your secret is safe with me.", "Abby: [Chuckles] I've seen the way that you are around him. And you are very happy, and if you're happy, that's all that should matter to me.", "Ashley: What are you talking about? Stitch and I only have a professional relationship now, okay? Please just stop.", "Abby: If you say so.", "Ashley: I do say so. Besides, he has feelings for Victoria. Right? Which are only gonna grow if that baby turns out to be his.", "Abby: Maybe, but the baby might not even be his, okay? And Victoria belongs with Billy. Wait. This is perfect. Yeah, yeah. We can use the fragrance to get Billy and Victoria back together.", "Ashley: Wait a second. Wait a second. Wait a second. I actually thought of that the last time I was in town, okay? But then I decided it was wrong. And besides, after spending time with each of them, it's gonna take a lot more to help those two than just my love potion.", "Billy: Nice. So, you like having me here even I put a cramp in your work schedule?", "Chelsea: I do.", "Billy: And clearly I like it here, because I keep coming back.", "Chelsea: You do. A lot. A lot a lot, actually.", "Billy: Too much?", "Chelsea: No. That's not what I meant.", "Billy: So...all the time is a good thing?", "Chelsea: Yeah, it's a great thing. Just do it already, Billy. Just... move in with me.", "Victoria: It shouldn't feel so right with you.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] Why not?", "Victoria: You know what I mean.", "Stitch: No, I don't.", "Victoria: I mean I don't want to feel this way, so why does it keep happening? What are you doing to me?", "Stitch: I'm just sitting here. Glad you haven't walked away.", "Officer: Ben Russell, A.K.A. Ben Rayburn.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Officer: You're under arrest.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Isadora: Refusing to see deception will only end badly for everyone.", "Austin: I've been working hard and turning things around ever since, and that's thanks to Summer.", "Phyllis: How do you expect me to believe that when you've done nothing but lie to me ever since I met you?", "Billy: I'm moving in with Chelsea." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "The police search Cane's locker at the Athletic Club and find a hoodie that looks like the one the kidnapper used to pick up the ransom money. Cane decides to move out of the house since he thinks Lily doesn't believe he is innocent. Adam is found guilty of felony hit and run. Victor, Jack, and Chelsea testify asking the judge for a lighter sentence. Kevin and Esther ask the judge to give Adam the maximum sentence for taking Delia away from them. Billy leaves before the penalty phase of the trial, because he just can't stand to be in court anymore. Billy and Victoria head to the park where she helps him finally forgive himself for Delia's death. The judge sentences Adam to ten years in the state penitentiary. Adam is run over by a car as he is walking out of the courthouse to be taken to jail.", "" ]
[ "Bailiff: The jury's reached a verdict.", "Adam: How long?", "Bailiff: About five minutes.", "Billy: So, I guess this is it.", "Adam: There's something I got to say to you.", "Billy: I don't want to hear it.", "Adam: Just... just give me a moment of your time, please.", "Billy: I need to go let Victoria know.", "Adam: I'm not gonna get another chance to say this to you. When you were on the stand, testifying... [Sighs] When you said you forgave me, I didn't expect --", "Billy: I did what I needed to do. It wasn't for you and it wasn't a favor, and I don't want your gratitude. It was for me and my daughter.", "Victoria: There you are. I've been looking everywhere.", "Chelsea: Billy, I-I wanted to thank you.", "Billy: Look, we just heard that the jury's headed back in.", "Jack: Already?", "Ashley: Maybe we should head back in to the courtroom.", "Phyllis: Do you think Billy might be in there?", "Ashley: I don't know, but if he is, I don't want him and jack to get into it yet again.", "Phyllis: That is not gonna happen. Jack has made his mistakes, but he's gonna stand by his brother.", "Ashley: I hope so. You know, I couldn't wait for this trial to be over, but now, even if the jury comes back with a guilty plea...", "Phyllis: I know. There are still a lot of wounds to be healed.", "Michael: How did you know?", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Uh... I was wishing you were here.", "Lauren: I'm glad. But you also know I'm not a fan of Adam, and I believe he deserves the most severe punishment for what he did.", "Michael: Duly noted.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. But I happen to be a huge fan of yours, and that's why I'm here.", "Jack: The verdict is in.", "Esther: Oh, wow.", "Nikki: Hi. I'm sorry. I got hung up at my charity meeting. What's going on?", "Victor: The jury has come back in.", "Nikki: You're kidding. So soon? Doesn't that mean --", "Victor: That usually is not a very good sign for the defendant. If Adam has a fighting chance, he owes it to Billy. Let's go.", "Nikki: Ohh.", "Christine: Paul, the jury's back. I'll see you soon.", "Chelsea: Whatever happens, just don't forget I love you.", "Bailiff: All rise!", "Cane: Thank you for sticking through this with me, guys -- both of you. I mean it. Thank you.", "Lily: Yeah. Where else would I be?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Neil: I'm glad to help.", "Cane: Well, that makes us a party of three, doesn't it? 'Cause everybody else in the city seems to think I took advantage of Hilary's situation so I could get a bag of cash.", "Neil: What are you gonna do about that?", "Cane: I'm gonna prove the cops wrong. I'm gonna clear my name. That is what I'm going to do.", "[Knock on door]", "Neil: Want me to get that?", "Cane: No. I'll get it. Were we expecting somebody?", "Lily: No. Cindy's not bringing the kids back until after dinner.", "Paul: Cane.", "Cane: Well, you've already arrested me, Paul. What do you want now? What's that?", "Paul: A search warrant for the premises.", "Devon: This is a search warrant for Cane's gym locker. Did you know anything about this?", "Dylan: No. I'm not surprised. Paul's been all over this.", "Devon: Well, good for him. I'm more than willing to cooperate. Just follow me.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Joe: Hey. That about Cane?", "Dylan: Why would you think that, Joe?", "Joe: Well, I heard on the news he was arrested for extortion. Figured it had something to do with Hilary's disappearance. So, did he do it?", "Dylan: I'm not gonna discuss it with you.", "Joe: [Chuckles softly] Wow. You're taking this a little too seriously, don't you think, Dylan? It's not like you're a cop on official business.", "Dylan: I don't think you're directly involved in any of this.", "Joe: But Cane's a friend of mine, or at least he was. And lily -- well, they're good people, and I just want to make sure they're okay.", "Dylan: They're having a tough time, but lily's standing by her husband. Do them a favor -- stay out of it.", "Joe: Let's get something clear, Dylan -- you don't get to tell me what to do.", "Judge DeSantos: Will the defendant please stand? Mr. Newman, you have been found guilty of felony hit-and-run resulting in the death of a child -- Cordelia Abbott.", "Cane: This search is bull.", "Neil: Cane, the police are just doing their job.", "Cane: Yeah. If they're doing their job, they'd find out why I was framed. They wouldn't be harassing me. Hey. Hey! Hey!", "Lily: Hey! You cannot interfere with the search!", "Cane: Yeah? Watch me.", "Neil: Hey! Stop it! Cane! Stay here. You go in that room, what's gonna happen? They can accuse you of tampering with or concealing the evidence.", "Cane: This is humiliating! Could you imagine if our children were here now to see this?", "Neil: But they're not here.", "Lily: Cindy can keep them overnight if we need her to.", "Cane: She's going through our stuff, through our kids' toys, our drawers in our bedroom -- our personal things!", "Lily: We cannot do anything about it! What's the point in getting angry?", "Cane: I am angry 'cause they're trying to build a case to stick me behind bars! That's why I'm angry!", "Neil: Cane, I know exactly how you feel. You need to calm down right now. Take a breath. Relax, all right? You -- you look very agitated and defensive. You know what that's gonna look like to them? You're guilty.", "Cane: I don't care how it looks. The police have got it wrong! I didn't do this!", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Dylan: They found a hoodie, just like the one the guy was wearing who took the ransom?", "Joe: So what? I know a lot of people with hoodies.", "Devon: I've never seen him wear one in my life. There's a whole lot of evidence against Cane, and it just keeps piling up.", "Dylan: Okay. All right. That doesn't necessarily mean --", "Devon: Necessarily mean what? He had $1 million of my money in his house, and now this. And, you know, the worst thing is what he's putting my sister through. Lily and Cane just got their marriage back together after this guy, and now Cane's risking everything for a bag of cash.", "Judge DeSantos: I see no reason to delay the penalty phase. Mr. Baldwin, district attorney Williams, you'll probably need a few minutes to make sure that those intending to make impact statements are present and ready.", "Michael: We appreciate that, your honor.", "Christine: Thank you, your honor.", "Judge DeSantos: The jury is released with our thanks for your service. We'll proceed after a brief recess.", "Adam: I'm going to prison. That's it. I'll get 10 years, 15 years.", "Michael: No, not necessarily. The judge has a great deal of discretion when it comes to sentencing.", "Chelsea: The -- the, uh, im-impact statements?", "Michael: They make a big difference. The fight is far from over. Excuse me.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Billy: I want to get out of here.", "Ashley: Give me a hug.", "Billy: Okay. Thanks.", "Ashley: We'll talk later.", "Billy: Yeah, we will.", "Kevin: Billy! You cannot walk out now!", "Billy: There is no reason for me to stick around for the penalty phase, Kevin. I said everything that I had to say.", "Kevin: You forgave him! How could you do that?!", "Victoria: Kevin...", "Kevin: I'm gonna assume that you were overrun with grief and that you didn't mean what you said, because I cannot believe for one second you'd be all right with Adam getting off with a slap on the wrist!", "Billy: Whatever happens happens.", "Kevin: You cannot say that -- not after what he did! Chloe's not here. You have to be the parent that speaks up.", "Billy: It's out of my control, Kevin.", "Kevin: What is wrong with you, Billy?! Can you talk to him?", "Victoria: He's made his decision. We're leaving.", "Kevin: Fine. Go. But someone needs to make sure that Adam gets what's coming to him. If you won't speak to the judge and tell him that he needs to suffer, then I will. that you said they wouldn't find[", "Cane: The whole thing keeps snowballing. First they come and arrest me. Now they search my house.", "Neil: Yeah. I know, man. Pretty disturbing.", "Lily: Well, the good news is that you said they wouldn't find anything, and they didn't.", "Devon: No, they did find something.", "Cane: What did they find?", "Devon: In your locker in the gym here, they found a hoodie.", "Lily: A hoodie? Like --", "Devon: Yeah, like the one the guy wore who picked up the ransom.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Devon: So, would you like to explain yourself, Cane?", "Cane: I don't know how to explain myself. I haven't even been to the gym because all I do is spend my time helping you find Hilary.", "Neil: Okay. I don't really think any of that matters, because everyone that I know owns a hoodie, don't they?", "Cane: You really think I did this? And if you did, do you think I'm stupid enough to take incriminating evidence and leave it in my house and then go and put it in the locker in the gym? You really think I'm that stupid?", "Devon: So, what -- you're claiming that you were set up?", "Cane: I've already told you I was set up and I didn't do it!", "Neil: You know, whoever's doing this is doing a damn good job of throwing suspicion on this man. The last time I checked, you're family. Family doesn't do this kind of stuff. He wouldn't be that two-faced, would you?", "Lily: Wait. Had the locker been tampered with?", "Devon: The cops had to break it open, so my guess is no. Does someone have your combination, Cane, or what?", "Cane: It's a 3-digit combination lock. I mean, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to open it. It's not like it's fort Knox, for god's sake.", "Dylan: Just, uh, finished watching the security video.", "Devon: Of the gym?", "Dylan: Yeah. It shows you, Cane, heading in to the locker room the day after the ransom drop, carrying something under your arm. You went in. A short time later, you came out empty-handed. You care to explain?", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Billy: This is where I wanted to be, not in that courtroom. I just wanted to talk to my daughter.", "Kevin: She was still alive when we got to the hospital. Things were looking bad, but they kept her on life support in case her parents wanted to donate her organs. I was Delia's parent, too. I was her stepdad. And since Chloe was so distraught by the trial that she left town and since Billy has left the building, that leaves me to say... she was my daughter. And you killed her. I've committed crimes, so I understand telling yourself it's over, it's done. What could a confession change? How could that possibly make things any better? I'll tell you. [Voice breaking] We all wouldn't have spent the last year thinking... asking... crying... and bleeding... the same two words over and over again... \"why?\" And \"how?\" That is your crime, Adam, and that is what I cannot forgive. And you had the answers to those questions, and you hid them. Now you're asking for compassion from us when you showed none. [Sighs] So, your honor, that's why I am asking that you punish Adam Newman to the fullest extent of the law. [Sighs]", "Jack: My wife, my sister, my brother, my friends do not understand how I could defend a man responsible for my niece's death. Maybe they never made a mistake so monumental, so unforgivable, that it haunts their every waking moment. I have. My brother, Delia's father, asked for forgiveness for Adam. I'm doing the same thing. I honestly believe this tragedy has made him a better person. And, your honor, I don't think that leniency besmirches my niece's memory. Rather, I think it memorializes her kindness.", "Victor: My son Adam has shown... grief and remorse for his actions. He has taken full responsibility for what he has done. Delia's death was due to an accident -- a terribly tragic accident. Adam's actions subsequent to that tragedy... were the result of fear and grief. Under no circumstances were they the result of malicious intent. And they should not and must not be construed as such.", "Esther: [Sniffles] [Crying] Oh, I'm sorry. I can't seem to talk about Delia without crying today, so [Sighs] I'll just talk about her scarf -- the one she was wearing that night. She was all dressed up in her witch's costume. [Chuckles] After that night, when that scarf wasn't with her, I went back to that place where Adam -- where our little Delia died, and I looked everywhere for that scarf, because finding it, holding it -- it would have been like holding her again. But you burned it... to cover up what you did. You burned my baby's scarf, like it was nothing... like she was nothing. How could you do that? How?", "Chelsea: I can't sit here and defend Adam's actions. I can't [Sighs] Justify his hiding what happened to Delia. I can't. But I can tell you that at his core, my husband is a good person who loves and is loved, which is why, in the end, he confessed... despite the cost. [Sighs] Your honor, what you decide -- it doesn't just affect Adam. It affects all of us who are left living without him. So, I'm -- I'm begging you for mercy, for Adam and for our family.", "Judge DeSantos: You may step down, Mrs. Newman. Mr. Newman, would you care to say anything at this phase of the trial?", "Adam: Uh... yes, your honor, I would.", "Billy: You finally got your day in court, Dee Dee. It took over two years for it to happen, but... it did happen. And Adam Newman is on trial. When I found out that they arrested him, I couldn't wait for that pompous jerk to face a judge and a jury and finally tell the world what he did to you. But, like so many things in life, it didn't turn out like I thought it would... except for the part that was about you. 'Cause they found Adam guilty, so, uh... [Sighs] It's over now. And you can rest now. I love you, sweetheart. [Sighs]", "Adam: Your honor, I won't dispute the guilty verdict. I can't. I'm ready to take on the weight of the world. It's something that I will... carry for the rest of my life. Along with the... the profound regret for all the pain that I've caused everyone. And, truth is, I deserve to be punished. But I got a little boy... who doesn't. Unlike me, he's innocent in all of this, you know? He's just a little kid. He -- he loves cars and robots and hugs -- big hugs. He's funny and he's smart and he's kind, and he deserves to have a real family... with a mom and a dad front and center that just love him unconditionally, no matter what. I... I never had that. And I want to give that to him. I guess what I'm asking you, your honor, is to just, um... please let me be a father to my son.", "Judge DeSantos: Thank you, Mr. Newman.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Judge DeSantos: We'll take a brief recess while I deliberate.", "Bailiff: All rise!", "Devon: Cane, can you just admit that you did it?!", "Cane: Oh, I see how this works, okay? 'Cause you have me on videotape going to my locker, all of a sudden, I'm an extortionist. You know what? I don't know when the last time I went to my locker was. I don't know. I like to go there and put extra gym clothes in there. Can you please tell him that?", "Lily: Yeah, I mean, he does. Do you remember what you dropped off that day?", "Cane: You know, you say that to me like you're doubting me.", "Lily: No. I'm asking you a question.", "Cane: You don't believe me, do you? You believe him and you believe him and you believe the cops.", "Lily: No.", "Cane: Wow. All right.", "Lily: Cane, listen, I'm sorry, okay? I know it sounded --", "Cane: No, it sounds like you think I took money from your brother. That is how it sounds.", "Lily: Okay. You know what? I haven't had a chance to breathe, let alone think. Right when I think I have this figured out, something else happens, like you getting arrested or cops showing up at our door or...", "Cane: Or what? Say it to me. Say it. You want to say, \"or they find incriminating evidence in your locker.\" Is that what you want to say to me?", "Lily: You have to understand, this would seem suspicious to anybody, and the way that you're handling these questions --", "Cane: Just aren't living up to your level of satisfaction. That is the problem here, isn't it?", "Lily: You are twisting my words.", "Cane: And you are letting me down. For someone who claims they love me so much...", "Lily: I do love you!", "Cane: ...Your faith is so easily rattled, isn't it?", "Lily: What, because I'm asking you to explain?", "Cane: I've already ex-- I've already explained it to you.", "Lily: No. All you have done is say that it's not you. Look, I want to be behind you 100%, but I need you to help me understand.", "Cane: I've already explained myself to you, okay? And I'm done.", "Lily: Hey, stop. Why can't you just talk to me?", "Cane: 'Cause I'm being questioned by the one person on this planet I shouldn't have to prove myself to. I took you back after you slept with Joe.", "Lily: How many times am I gonna have to apologize for that?", "Cane: Zero. You don't have to apologize anymore, 'cause I forgave you. I gave you back my trust. I sucked it up and gave you my trust, but to ask you for some trust -- that's just too difficult, isn't it?", "Devon: All right. All right. Stop it. Knock it off.", "Cane: No. You need to stay out of it!", "Devon: Hey! Stop doing this to her! Because of the crap that you've pulled, Cane, the cops have been wasting their time on this ransom case instead of focusing their attention and their energy into finding Hilary!", "Joe: Hey, hey, hey! Back it up!", "Dylan: Come on. Come on.", "Cane: You stay out of it, too! You stay out of it!", "Dylan: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Go take a walk.", "Cane: You giving me orders?", "Dylan: Okay.", "Cane: Are you giving me orders?", "Dylan: Just -- just -- just go clear your head before you do something you're gonna regret.", "Lily: Cane, please.", "Dylan: Listen to your wife. Just go take a walk.", "Cane: Oh, you can all go to hell.", "Lily: [Sighs]", "Mariah: I didn't know Delia, but from the way that you guys talk about her... I wanted to know that kid. Made me think of faith. I couldn't imagine if anything happened to her. Anyway, I'm just kind of here, not helping, but I'm trying.", "Esther: Just being here really helps, sweetie.", "Mariah: I hope.", "Lauren: After everything you two have been through, I cannot believe you had to go through it again on the stand.", "Michael: You okay?", "Kevin: I don't want any sympathy from you.", "Esther: Kevin, your brother is just --", "Kevin: He's on the wrong side, and I couldn't be happier that your child- killing client was found guilty, and I hope that he never sees the light of day again.", "Michael: That's not gonna erase the pain you still feel -- not for Chloe, not for Delia.", "Kevin: Maybe not. But a harsh sentence will certainly help.", "Adam: You made me sound like sort of A... good guy up there.", "Chelsea: You are, Adam. You're -- you're a for-real good guy.", "Adam: Yeah. I feel like you're just saying that 'cause you think they're gonna send me up the river. You know, if I came home with you tonight, you'd be back to listing all my flaws.", "Chelsea: [Voice breaking] I want you home.", "Adam: I want to be home, too.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Nikki: It'll all be over soon.", "Victor: [Sighs] But then what? Where do we go from here?", "Jack: Well, have it at, sis. I presume you're here to give me an earful about my support of Adam.", "Ashley: I think what you said was heartfelt...and sincere. What do you think, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I think maybe for the first time, I agree with Christine. Adam should pay.", "Jack: It was an accident.", "Phyllis: I don't doubt that. And if you and Billy think that Adam deserves forgiveness, I think that is very kind. But if this happened to my daughter, I wouldn't forgive, and I certainly wouldn't forget.", "Billy: When your parents die, they call you an orphan. When your spouse dies, they call you a widower or a widow. But when your child dies, they don't have anything to call you because... there aren't any words to describe that kind of pain. Just...there aren't. Let's go home.", "Victoria: You're right. There are no words. But you did seem to find all the right words in court today.", "Billy: What does that mean?", "Victoria: Well... you just made it seem like you were at peace and that all the problems had been solved since the jury found Adam guilty.", "Billy: What else is there to worry about?", "Victoria: Us. I'm worried about us and you lying.", "Billy: Vicki, everything I said today in court -- it was the truth.", "Victoria: You stood right there... and you lied to Delia. You said that all of the scores have been settled and she can finally rest in peace.", "Billy: And she can.", "Victoria: Billy, how is that possible when her father can't?", "Billy: Don't do this again.", "Victoria: [Sighs] That's just it, Billy. I realize that it hasn't stopped and this is just how it's been. It's not finished. You haven't let go of any of the anger from what's happened.", "Billy: What anger?! D-did you somehow miss it? Because I think everybody else in that room managed to notice that I -- in open court, no less -- forgave Adam.", "Victoria: Oh, no, no, no. I was there. I-I heard you. I-I was there.", "Billy: Good, because I announced to the entire room that everyone needs to forgive him.", "Victoria: It's not enough.", "Billy: Well, then what would be enough, huh? You tell me. What the hell else do I have to do?", "Victoria: You need to forgive yourself. I'm lf.", "Lily: Cane, I know you're angry, but I'm just -- I'm worried about you, so please call me back.", "Devon: He's still not picking up?", "Neil: He's not responding to my texts, either.", "Lily: I'm just worried about what he might do. I mean, he's still out on bail.", "Neil: Well, I can go look for him.", "Lily: Would you?", "Neil: Sure. I'd be glad to.", "Lily: And if you find him...?", "Neil: If I find him, I'll let you know.", "Lily: I'm sorry.", "Devon: What are you sorry for?", "Lily: [Voice breaking] I'm just sorry that... Hilary's still missing. I'm sorry if I had anything to do with it.", "Devon: Hey, hey. Stop it. None of this is your fault.", "Billy: You want me to forgive myself?", "Victoria: Yes, I do.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: You can't just say it. You have to mean it.", "Billy: I do mean it, okay? I mean, how am I supposed to convince you?", "Victoria: You said in court that you wanted to stop blaming yourself... for leaving Delia alone in the car.", "Billy: And I do.", "Victoria: You're such a liar.", "Billy: I'm not lying to you, okay?", "Victoria: Then say it.", "Billy: Say what?", "Victoria: Say that it's not your fault that Delia died. Okay. That's too much? Then just say that it's not your fault that you -- you bought her that dog.", "Billy: Vicki, stop it.", "Victoria: Say it.", "Billy: Don't!", "Victoria: Telling your little girl to stay in the car, knowing that she was little and she might not listen to you, knowing there was a chance, however small, that she might get out, she might run into the street --", "Billy: It's my fault! Okay?! It's my fault! I'm her dad, and I was supposed to protect her. How am I supposed to just forget about that? How do I forgive myself for that? I ca-- I can't.", "Victoria: Can't? Do you think that's a word that you ever said to Delia, ever? I don't think you said that to her once. If she was here right now... she would be rolling her eyes and laughing at you.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Victoria: You know, you've already done the impossible. You somehow found the strength -- I don't know how you did it... to bury your child. So now you just need to bury that ball of guilt. Just bury it, for her and for her brother and sister, because they need you. They need you to be there for them.", "Billy: Vicki, I'm trying. I'm trying.", "Victoria: You stood right there, and you told Delia... that your anger was gone, so don't let this be the first time that you've lied to her. Enough is enough. You've got to forgive yourself. Now is the time to do that -- now.", "Billy: [Crying] Oh, my god. Oh, my god.", "Judge DeSantos: Mr. Newman, we are in this courtroom for the gravest of reasons -- the death of a child. A little girl was struck by a car and killed. Now, I took your candor into careful consideration, as well as the pleas for leniency and for punishment. I also gave a great deal of weight to the feelings expressed by the father of the victim. Therefore, I'm not imposing the maximum penalty. However, a crime has been committed, and justice must be served. Therefore, Adam Newman, I hereby sentence you to 10 years in the state penitentiary. You are immediately remanded into the custody of the department of corrections. This court is adjourned. [Bangs gavel]", "Bailiff: All rise!", "Michael: Okay? Wait a minute.", "Ashley: Jack, I got to find Abby -- let her know what happened.", "Kevin: I'm gonna be physically sick. 10 years? That's nothing for what he did!", "Esther: He didn't just kill Delia. He took away our Chloe, too.", "Mariah: Okay. Let's get you guys out of here. Come on.", "Chelsea: Just wait one s-- just wait one second.", "Adam: Tell Connor that I love him, okay? I want you to tell him that every single day, please.", "Chelsea: What do I tell myself?", "Adam: We'll always have Kansas.", "Michael: Hey, wait. Let's make sure we're all good.", "Chelsea: [Crying]", "Devon: Can I get you anything -- some tea or coffee or something to eat?", "Lily: No. I know your phone was ringing and you have a bunch of e-mails and messages to get to, and it's more important than sitting with me, so...", "Devon: No, they're not.", "Lily: Just -- it's fine. Go take care of it. I'll be fine.", "Devon: You sure?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: Okay. I'll come back in a little bit to check on you.", "Lily: Okay.", "Lily: Hey. I just -- just wanted to thank you.", "Joe: Thank me for...?", "Lily: Just for stepping in earlier when things got crazy.", "Joe: Yeah. I wish there wasn't a fight to break up. I wish you and Cane were pulling through this. Listen, I-I don't mean to overstep my boundaries, but if you need a friend, just...", "Lily: Yeah. I think I need all the friends I can get. I just don't know what I'm gonna do now.", "Joe: Yeah.", "Dylan: Cane's still denying any involvement in the ransom.", "Paul: Okay. I don't know, Dylan. Despite the video you just showed me and what we found in his locker...", "Dylan: He could be telling the truth?", "Paul: [Sighs] All right. I will have the lab analyze this hoodie. And if there's anything that ties this sweatshirt to Hilary, like hair samples, DNA...", "Dylan: That's not gonna be good for Cane, no matter how much he swears he's innocent.", "Neil: Cane, what are you doing?", "Cane: The police are over me, Neil! They've searched my house. They've searched my locker at the club. You know, if they don't believe me, that is fine.", "Neil: The police are just doing their job.", "Cane: I said it's fine. They can do their job. But what I can't deal with is my wife not believing me. If that's the case, I'm not gonna stay here anymore.", "[Leaves rustling]", "Billy: That's Delia sending us a message.", "Victoria: That she's finally at peace.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Delia: I love you, daddy.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Michael: Okay. All right. All right. No statements now, please. Open up! We're ready to go!", "Jack: Michael...", "[Engine revs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: There was no screech of brakes or attempt to stop. Whoever hit Adam -- they meant to kill him.", "Victor: Your brother Billy boy left the courtroom just before the sentencing, didn't he?!", "Nikki: No, please.", "Victor: I want answers!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Cane agrees to stay with the kids while Lily goes on a business trip and Lily is hurt to find out Juliet is living with Cane although it is just for the sake of the baby. Lily asks Cane to sign the divorce papers so that they can move on with their lives. Jack asks Paul to help find Dina and he says he will do everything he can to help find Dina. Zack sees Natalia with a date at the club and makes it clear to Leon that Natalia can't work in Genoa City because people are investigating the sex ring. Paul tells Scott and Sharon that camera's caught Alice leaving the hospital and taking a cab but they have no idea where she went from there. Abby gets in an argument with Zack because he left her while she was talking to him to go take a business call. Victoria gets in a fender bender and Chelsea is there to help and Victoria asks Chelsea not to tell anyone about the minor accident. Victoria asks Billy to help her get ready for a last minute interview with Hilary and he agrees to help although he thinks that she should reschedule the interview. Billy sees a message on Phyllis's phone that angers him because Jabot is planning to roll out a men's line and he is upset Phyllis didn't tell him about it. Phyllis tells him that she knows he has been using her computer to get Jabot information and they begin a heated argument about the situation.", "" ]
[ "[ Slow music playing ]", "Billy: Perfect moment. Perfect evening. I don't want it to end.", "Phyllis: Then let's hang on to it as long as we can.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "[ Knocking ]", "Chelsea: Victoria! Are you all right?!", "Abby: I hope it's not too late.", "Jack: No, no, no. It's not too late. Come on in.", "Abby: As soon as my tech conference ended, I drove straight here. So, please, tell me what's going on. How is everyone?", "Jack: Uh, maybe you should sit down for this.", "Abby: Oh, my god. Is it that bad?", "Jack: Graham bloodworth kidnapped your grandmother. We have no idea where she is.", "[ Keys jingle, lock clicks ]", "Scott: Whoever you are, I'll have you know, I'm taken.", "Sharon: Very taken.", "Cane: Hey, this is cane. Wait for the beep and leave me a message. Thank you.", "[ Voicemail beeps ]", "Lily: Hey, it's me. Uh, I know that you wanted more time with the kids, so I thought we could set up a schedule. So... call me when you get a chance.", "Juliet: Wow. Actually staying here. Are you sure about this?", "Cane: Yeah. Well, you're dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, so you shouldn't be alone.", "Juliet: I appreciate this. More than you know.", "Cane: Well, I want to keep you and my son close so I can keep an eye on you.", "Chelsea: What happened?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] It's fine. I just -- I was so stupid. I took my eyes off the road for one second, and... just -- I don't remember anything after that.", "Chelsea: Okay, okay. You know what, you stay right here. I'm gonna go call an ambulance.", "Victoria: No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about, you're fine? You could have internal injuries.", "Victoria: No, trust me, the only thing hurt right now is my pride.", "Chelsea: Victoria, I really think that you need to see a doctor.", "Victoria: It's not necessary, okay? The last thing I need is to be sitting in an emergency room all night for them to tell me that I'm perfectly fine.", "Chelsea: Well, I-I -- I really wish that you wouldn't argue with me about this.", "Victoria: Okay, look. Do me a favor, okay? Please don't tell anybody. Not even nick. Nobody. Just [Sighs] I don't need anybody making a fuss over me.", "Chelsea: There could be complications later. I really think that you should tell your family.", "Victoria: No, no, no.", "Chelsea: At least let me tell nick.", "Victoria: No. I don't -- where's your -- where were you headed?", "Chelsea: I was -- I was headed to my studio.", "Victoria: The jabot office is on your way, uh... so after the roadside service comes, would you mind giving me a ride?", "Chelsea: Uh, n-no, of course I don't mind, but, I-I mean, are you sure? It's getting late, and I really think it's best you go home and get some rest.", "Victoria: No, I got to get to work. It's just a really critical time for brash & sassy, so resting isn't really an option right now.", "Chelsea: Wait, hold on.", "Victoria: I'm fine.", "Chelsea: Let me help you.", "Scott: If that was your idea of a welcome home, I'm gonna have to go out of town more often.", "Sharon: \"Stay away\" is not the message I was trying to send.", "Scott: Duly noted. Mmph. I miss this.", "Sharon: Mm, me too. We haven't had a lot of time together lately alone. I mean, like that. Thing have just been so crazy.", "Scott: Well, no matter how busy our lives get, I will always make time for you.", "Sharon: And I make that same promise to you.", "Scott: You hungry at all? What would you say to a late-night supper?", "Sharon: Um...", "[ Knock on door ]", "Scott: Oh...", "Sharon: I think food is gonna have to wait.", "Paul: Thanks, scott. Hey, how's it going?", "Scott: Good.", "Paul: All right. I'm glad you're both here. I have an update on alice.", "Abby: What a loathsome, despicable piece of -- how could he do that to dina? She just had a stroke. Not that that matters to this graham jerk. All he cares about is controlling her and getting his hands on her money.", "Jack: Okay. We are going to find her. You have my word. We're doing everything we can to find out where that plane landed.", "Abby: How would you even go about doing that?", "Jack: I have hired someone to look for a flight plan. You mother and aunt traci have hired a P.I. In paris in case they return to their respective homes.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Well, is there anything I can do?", "Jack: I appreciate you offering. We got it covered, honey.", "Abby: How's my mom holding up?", "Jack: She's strong for the time being. She's still angry as hell at what dina did, but she's set that aside, is channeling all that energy into finding our mother.", "Abby: Sounds like my mom.", "Jack: How you holding up?", "Abby: Honestly, I don't even know. [ Sighs ] I was so happy to get to know dina. And I still want her to be a part of my life, but... after dinner the other night, the way she just blurted out that painful information about my mom... [ Sighs ] You know, my whole life, my mom took such pride in telling me that I was john abbott's granddaughter.", "Jack: Because that's who you are, abby, through and through. You are an abbott. Just like ashley. Blood is only part of the equation.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Jack: You know what, I-I'll let you get that in privacy. Um, I'll be up in my office, all right?", "Abby: Okay. Hi.", "Zack: Hey. I'm so glad you finally picked up. I -- [Chuckles] I missed hearing your voice.", "Abby: Um... sorry, I-I've been tied up all day. Um, are you calling about designdate?", "Zack: I'm calling about our date. The one I hope you'll go on with me tonight?", "Abby: Um...zack, you know what, that is very sweet, but, um... I don't know if I'd be the best company. I just got some bad news.", "Zack: Then my timing's perfect. You can talk to me about it.", "Abby: I doubt that you'd find it very enjoyable listening to me vent about all my personal problems.", "Zack: Don't you know by now? Anything you need, I'm there for you. Look, I know things haven't been all that stellar between us lately, but I care so much about you, abby. Give me a chance to prove it. Hot pockets satisfies hunger...", "Cane: I, uh, hope you're gonna be comfortable here.", "Juliet: Oh, let me think. Will I somehow manage to feel at home in this gorgeous mansion on this huge estate? I can't make you any promises, but I will give it my best shot.", "Cane: In all seriousness, all right, I want you to rest. You gave me a scare earlier.", "Juliet: It was nothing. Just a passing moment. But, yes, I promise I will be more careful. Nothing means more to me than this baby. I can't tell you how touched i am that you asked me to move in with you.", "Esther: He did what?", "Cane: All righty. Um... esther valentine, this is juliet helton. Esther lives here, and she manages the place.", "Juliet: It's a pleasure to meet you.", "Esther: Uh, you, too. So...this is juliet, and she' here now?", "Cane: Yes, and I would like to think that you'll make her feel at home.", "Juliet: No, don't worry. I will stay out of your way. I won't be any trouble.", "Esther: There's plenty of space here for everyone.", "Cane: Okay, thank you.", "Juliet: Think I'll head to my room, lie down for a bit, maybe take a bath. Uh, the rose guest room is made up.", "Cane: Okay. It's, uh, upstairs, second floor, third door on the right, okay?", "Juliet: Okay, got it.", "Cane: Here, let me help you.", "Juliet: No, I think I can manage the steps.", "Cane: Are you sure? You sure? All right. Well, uh, I'll bring them up in a minute.", "Juliet: Thank you.", "Cane: Okay. I know it's a surprise. I know.", "Esther: Why on earth would you do this, cane?!", "Cane: Because she needs our support, that's why.", "Esther: Well, how do you think jill's gonna feel when she hears this?", "Cane: I don't think jill's gonna mind.", "Esther: [ Scoffs ] Oh, yeah. Have you met the woman?", "Cane: Yes, I have. And if she can make me the acting C.E.O. Of chancellor, she wouldn't mind if I have a houseguest.", "Esther: You're living here and running chancellor?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Esther: Wow. Okay. Uh, so... what does your wife think about this arrangement?", "Cane: Lily and I are over. And as much as I don't want to admit it, my marriage has ended. And so now I need to take care of this baby, and lily's just -- she's gonna have to accept it.", "Lily: Hi. You wanted to see me?", "Victoria: Hi. Oh, yeah. Come on in.", "Lily: Oh. Uh, what happened to your face?", "Victoria: Oh. [ Sighs ] I was just a complete and total klutz. [ Chuckles ] It's a long and boring story. I-I -- not worth repeating at all.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lily: Okay. Uh... I-I can -- I'm good with concealer. I can help you.", "Victoria: Oh, really? Okay. Uh, thank you.", "Lily: Yeah, sure.", "Victoria: That's great. Have at it. Um... so, um... thank you for coming in. I want you to represent our company at the cosmetics convention in dallas. You'd be leaving tomorrow night.", "Lily: Oh. Um... that -- that sounds incredible.", "Victoria: Oh, good. So, I'll book your flights, then?", "Lily: Um... would you be disappointed if i say I don't feel ready? I just -- I feel like I'm still easing into this job.", "Victoria: Oh, come on. I mean, you'll do beautifully. I have every confidence in you. Between working for dare and all of your personal appearances and your marketing experience with jabot, you should be just fine.", "Lily: Yeah, it just -- it kind of feels like short notice.", "Victoria: I know. I'm sorry about that. Juliet was supposed to go, but after she left, after all the chaos, everything just sort of fell through the cracks. But we have you on board now.", "Lily: Uh...okay. I see.", "Victoria: Look, it's imperative that we have an executive presence there for the sake of our reputation in the industry.", "Lily: Uh [Sighs] Yeah. Um... right, because you and billy are working on expanding the men's line, so...", "Victoria: Yes, exactly. Would you please do this for us? You won't have to give any presentations or sit on any panels. I have two people from P.R. Already down there. They're gonna set up the booth in the convention center, so you won't have to deal with that. You'll just have to network and schmooze and talk up the company. Easy peasy.", "Lily: Okay. Um... yeah. I mean, in that case, I'll do it.", "Victoria: Oh, great. Great. Thank you so much.", "Lily: Sure.", "Victoria: I'll have your travel arrangements ready by tomorrow morning, then.", "Lily: Okay.", "Victoria: All right. Great. [ Cellphone rings ] Oh, excuse me for one minute.", "Lily: Yeah, sure.", "Victoria: Hello? Hello, hilary. Oh, really? That sounds great. Let's make it happen.", "Billy: Hit me up one more time, mama.", "Phyllis: No. There's no more left.", "Billy: What do you mean, there's no more left?", "Phyllis: Who needs chocolate when you have something far more delicious to look forward to?", "Billy: Oooh. When you say it like that...", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Billy: You're all fired up tonight, huh?", "Phyllis: I am.", "Billy: Running a little hotter than usual.", "Phyllis: I am. That's 'cause you always get my temperature a-risin', always.", "Billy: Right back at you. But there is something else going on.", "Phyllis: Yeah. There is.", "Paul: And it took us a while to go through the security footage, but we picked alice up right outside the icu, headed to the elevator. And then on a second camera downstairs, exiting a side door near the lobby.", "Scott: Where the cabs line up?", "Paul: That's the one, yes.", "Sharon: Well, she must have woken up and remembered the accident.", "Scott: And realized that the people in charge of the sex ring weren't gonna let her off with a warning.", "Paul: Not after helping crystal escape. I mean, she was a valuable asset. They would consider that tantamount to theft.", "Scott: Yeah, and scum like that always wants payback.", "Paul: Alice seemed terrified on the footage I saw.", "Sharon: How did she seem physically? She had been unconscious since the accident.", "Paul: Right. You know I'm not a doctor, but she seemed to be in pretty rough shape. I mean, you could see how painful it was for her to move. And you could also see how determined she was to get out of there.", "Sharon: Well, better off alone and injured than dead. I just wonder where she could be. How far could she have gotten?", "Scott: When you guys questioned the hospital staff, had anyone seen or heard anything useful?", "Paul: No, nothing at all.", "Scott: So, the one person who could identify the traffickers or give us an idea of how they operate is lost to us. So we're back to square one.", "Paul: Well, that's not necessarily true, because i didn't come here just to give you an update on alice. We have a new lead.", "Zack: I'm glad you decided to come out.", "Abby: Yeah. It beats stewing alone at home. I'm sorry. That didn't come out right. Um... I was very happy to hear from you.", "Zack: Some wine? Ordered your favorite.", "Abby: Yeah, sounds great. I could use a break.", "Zack: So, what's going on? You sounded upset on the phone.", "Abby: Hasn't been my best day.", "Zack: You're always so upbeat. It really threw me to hear you so down.", "Abby: Yeah, if I start crying on your shoulder, I might never stop.", "Zack: Tell you what. Five minutes, right here. Get it all out of your system. It helps to have somebody listen, am I right? And then we'll relax, and you can forget all your worries.", "Abby: Okay. It all started at dinner the other night.", "Zack: The one I wasn't invited to? Which was fine. [ Laughs ] I know it was an intimate family thing. I wasn't expecting an invite.", "Abby: It's just as well that you weren't there. It was supposed to be this lovely occasion to celebrate this award that my mom received, innovator of the year. And, well, out of nowhere, it turned ugly. It turned into this massive showdown.", "Zack: Sounds rough.", "Abby: It was awful. You know, all this ancient family history put out on display in front of everyone. Things that I didn't even know. By the time I left, I was just... I was so confused.", "Zack: I'm sorry you had to go through that.", "Abby: And as bad as it was for me, it was even worse for my mom. This jerk completely attacked her, and someone that she really trusted betrayed her, even though they didn't mean to. But... the damage was already done. And my mom was heartbroken, and so was I. I just felt so helpless, you know? I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. [ Chuckles ] I shouldn't have even gotten into this. I get so wound up.", "Zack: You need to give yourself a break.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Zack: I mean, it just happened. When stuff in your life blows up, it takes time to sort through. Especially given it's about your mom. First time I met ashley, I could tell just how close the two of you were.", "Abby: We really are, yeah.", "Zack: And I know how tight you are with her side of the family. That hasn't changed because of what's happened, has it?", "Abby: No. No, no. They are amazing. I mean, we're all in this together.", "Zack: In that case -- and not to sound glib. I honestly believe this -- you and your mom are gonna be fine.", "Abby: Do you really think so?", "Zack: I know so. You're both strong women with all these incredible people around you who love and support you. I can't imagine anything -- anything -- getting either one of you down for very long.", "Abby: Thank you. Those were the exact words i needed to hear.", "Lily: Sorry to just stop by like this.", "Esther: Uh... oh, it's fine.", "Cane: Hey. Hey, I wasn't expecting you.", "Esther: Uh, I'll be in the kitchen if anyone needs me.", "Lily: Uh, I tried calling. This won't take long.", "Cane: Okay.", "Lily: Yeah. Uh, I guess you didn't get my message?", "Cane: Uh, no. Uh, my battery died, and, uh, I'm charging it. So, um, what's up?", "Lily: Um, I had an emergency that I needed your help with.", "Cane: Sure. What's the emergency?", "Lily: I'm going out of town to dallas on a business trip tomorrow night, and I thought maybe you could stay at the house with the twins while I'm gone.", "Cane: You want me to move back in, huh? Um... yeah. I mean, I would love to spend more time with the kids, but, um...", "Lily: But what? I thought you would jump at the chance. What's stopping you?", "Billy: Tell me again why we're leaving without just a little sip of brandy?", "Phyllis: Because I want you to myself.", "Billy: Well, that's a damn fine reason.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You know, we've been living together for the last few months, and I feel like we are not on the same page. Like our minds are just a million miles apart. And I think in some ways we have failed to appreciate what we have right in front of us.", "Billy: I couldn't agree more.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Victoria: Hi. Um, listen.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: I'm sorry to interrupt your evening, but something's come up.", "Phyllis: Always. It always does.", "Billy: What is it?", "Victoria: I just heard from hilary. She had a guest cancel on her, and she wants me on her show tomorrow.", "Billy: And you said yes with -- with no prep time?", "Victoria: I mean, of course I did. In a heartbeat.", "Phyllis: Why don't you two talk, and I'll be in the ladies room.", "Jack: What is it?", "Phyllis: Plans have changed. Victoria's going on \"the hilary hour\" tomorrow.", "Jack: To promote the new men's line?", "Phyllis: Yes. We don't need to just move fast. We need to move now. We need to get the new men's products out of the warehouse and delivered to fenmore's immediately.", "Jack: Then take care of it.", "Phyllis: Are you sure about this?", "Jack: Yes, I'm sure. I told you, you're in charge of this. Take care of it.", "Phyllis: Consider it done.", "Billy: Look, I know you want to move on this soon, but we got to put the brakes on, okay? Hilary will understand. We're just not ready to launch.", "Victoria: We're ready enough.", "Billy: Vick, you're gonna go on there, and you're gonna talk about the extended line, which includes this new face mask. People are gonna get excited about it, and we're not gonna have enough product for them to buy.", "Victoria: Listen, I just want to keep up the momentum. I want to stay ahead of the pack. And what better way than to surprise our competitors? Especially jabot?", "Billy: Okay, but we got a schedule for this --", "Victoria: I know it's gonna make things crazier than they already are. But we can handle this, billy.", "Billy: Okay, fine. We'll figure it out.", "Victoria: Okay. Thank you.", "Billy: What is that?", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: What's on your face right here?", "Victoria: Oh, you can see it? Oh, damn it. I put on a ton of concealer.", "Billy: Victoria, what happened?", "Victoria: Uh, nothing. It's not a big deal. It was a fender bender.", "Billy: What?", "Victoria: Yes, earlier tonight. It's not a big deal.", "Billy: Are you okay?", "Victoria: It was a minor thing. I'm okay. The only thing I'm concerned about is that it's gone before i appear on hilary's show.", "Billy: It's not that bad, but...", "Victoria: Yeah, but the camera sees every flaw, so... oh, well. It's fine. Really.", "Phyllis: You all finished here? Ready to take this guy home.", "Victoria: Yep. All done. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. We have a big day.", "Billy: Okay.", "Scott: \"County connect\"?", "Paul: Right. That is the name of the llc they used to rent the house the prostitutes were living in. That is, until the boss decided to suddenly move them to wherever they are now.", "Sharon: Well, you always said these people would be hiding behind a dummy business. Now we have a name to go on.", "Paul: [ Groans, exhales ] When you say \"we,\" sharon, i certainly hope you mean the police department? And it is just a name. I wouldn't get too excited. I would expect to see a string of shell companies behind this one. And remember, it would be for the express purpose to bury the names of the people running it.", "Sharon: How long will it take to cut through all of that and get to the real owner?", "Paul: It's probably gonna take a while. But I have the forensic accountant team working on it now.", "Scott: Well, thanks for sharing that. But if it's all the same, I'm gonna pursue it myself for my article.", "Paul: Yeah, I figured you might. I just want to ask one thing.", "Scott: That I keep it as discreet as possible, and I let you know if I hear of anything. I know how this works.", "Paul: And that you don't take any unnecessary risks and do anything dangerous. Because I would have to answer to lauren.", "Sharon: I'll keep him in line, too.", "Scott: She always does.", "Sharon: Well, thanks for coming by, paul. And thanks for delivering this information personally.", "Paul: Okay. I'm serious, though. Please.", "Sharon: Well, it's a start.", "Scott: Now for the fun part. Unraveling miles and miles of muddle paperwork to get to the source.", "Sharon: You know, you're a great journalist.", "Scott: And researcher.", "Sharon: And researcher. But do you really think that you can do this faster and more thoroughly than the police can?", "Scott: The cops have plenty of resources at their disposal. But, uh...I have something they don't have.", "Zack: Feels so good seeing you smile again.", "Abby: Well, it's all on account of you being a phenomenal listener and an all- around sweetheart.", "Zack: Tell you what. I'm starved. I bet you are, too. Let me get something to go with the wine.", "Abby: Yeah, now that you mention it, I could use something to eat.", "Zack: I'll be right back.", "Abby: Okay.", "Zack: What are you doing here, natalia? You're not supposed to be working in genoa city. I specifically told you that when we moved you to the new house.", "Natalia: I know, but leon is boss now.", "Zack: Excuse me?", "Natalia: He tells me -- he tells me who to see and wh-where to work. I tell him that you will be very angry, but he --", "Zack: I can't believe this.", "Natalia: My arm, please. Let go.", "Zack: Convince your date that you can't wait to get him back to his room. Then get the hell out of here. Move! [ Sighs ] Leon, I need to talk to you. Give me a call, asap.", "[ Exhales deeply ]", "Cane: Come here. Have a seat.", "Lily: I don't want to have a seat. I want to know why you're hesitating. Since you moved out, you've wanted to spend more time with the kids.", "Cane: Yeah, that's true. I do.", "Lily: Okay, well, here's your opportunity. You get to spend several days with them. You can wake up and have breakfast, and dinner, and shoot hoops, have a normal routine --", "Cane: Sounds fantastic. It really does. It's just the timing. It's just not good right now. You're kind of just dropping this on me, and I --", "Lily: Well, if it has to do with your job at chancellor, the commute's the same.", "Cane: It's not that.", "Juliet: Oh, hands down, that is the most comfortable bed I have ever been in. And that rain head in the shower? Oh, my god! It was pure heaven. It will not take me long to get used to living here.", "Lily: You're living together?", "Cane: I hope now you understand why I asked juliet to stay here. Because I can't have her stay at the club on her own while she's having problems with the pregnancy. And at least here, I can take care of her, and esther can help.", "Lily: You don't have to explain anything to me. I get why you made your choice, and I really hope that -- that everything is okay. And, plus, we're getting divorced, so you can live your life how you want.", "Cane: All right, just --", "Juliet: Just so you know, this is all about the baby. There is nothing going on between cane and me.", "Lily: So, you don't want to stay at the house with the twins because you would rather be here instead?", "Cane: Well, hang on a second. No, I didn't say that. I didn't say that to you. And I didn't get a chance to answer earlier because I was trying to tell you about juliet. Look, I don't have a problem staying at the house with the kids while you go to dallas. 'Cause I already said to you that esther can take care of her while I'm gone. She'll be fine.", "Juliet: Yeah, of course I will. And you should be with charlie and mattie.", "Cane: And if she needs me, she can call me. Right?", "Juliet: Yeah, I won't forget.", "Cane: Okay.", "Juliet: Well, excuse me. I'm gonna go finish unpacking.", "Cane: I know that this is a shock for you.", "Lily: Cane, just...stop.", "Abby: Oh, no! You got to be quick.", "Zack: [ Laughs ] I could watch you do that all day.", "Abby: What, chew? [ Laughs ]", "Zack: It's pretty adorable. Just like everything else you do.", "Abby: He finally notices.", "Zack: Oh, please. I noticed a long time ago. So, how about it? How you feeling now that you got this food in you?", "Abby: I definitely feel much better than when I first walked in.", "Zack: I'm glad.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Zack: What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?", "Abby: I was just thinking, um... you're full of surprises.", "Zack: Uh-oh. What'd I do this time?", "Abby: How you insisted on seeing me tonight, even though i told you I was in a lousy mood. And how attentive you are, and such a good listener. I feel like I really saw a different side to you. One that I really liked. And I've just -- I've never felt closer to you before.", "Zack: I feel the same.", "Abby: You know, I've been wondering where things stood between us. I mean, where you stood. If this relationship was important to you. And, well, I was hoping -- I need to know -- [ Cellphone rings ] What, you're --", "Zack: Abby, I'm sorry...", "Abby: You're not actually gonna take that now?", "Zack: I know. Again, I'm sorry.", "Abby: I was about to tell --", "Zack: I'll be right back.", "Jack: I highly doubt they have a doctor with them. What would be graham's incentive for keeping my mother alive? All he cares about is the millions he's going to inherit from her. He's not going to let anything or anyone come between him and that money.", "Paul: Jack, I'm truly sorry that you and your family have to go through this.", "Jack: Paul, we have to find her.", "Paul: And I sincerely hope you do. And soon. Graham has dina's power of attorney. He was well within his rights to have her released from memorial. And it was not illegal for them to leave town together.", "Jack: I know all that. But there is something you can do for me -- if you're willing. [ Cellphone chimes ] Sorry. Just take a moment. Just a work thing.", "Billy: This late?", "Phyllis: Well, let's not worry about that. Let's focus on the things that need to get done. Okay? You know what we need?", "Billy: I don't need anything but you.", "Phyllis: We need champagne. I'm gonna get the glasses.", "Billy: I'll get the music.", "Phyllis: Awesome.", "[ Celllphone chimes ]", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Where's that music you said you'd put on? What are you doing with my phone? Hot pockets satisfies hunger...", "Sharon: So, you working for newman might be what finally brings down these vicious criminals.", "Scott: All I need is victor's approval, and his resources.", "Sharon: You think you'll get it?", "Scott: I have to. \"No\" isn't an option. I need to reach out to his backroom legal team -- his sharks who can put their legally- and ethically-gray methods to good use for once. Maybe with their help, I can uncover the real mastermind behind the fake corporation.", "Zack: I don't care if it was a platinum-level request specifically for natalia. And I don't care how much money was in it. There are people in this town who are looking for any connection to alice and crystal. They cannot -- I repeat, cannot -- see natalia. Understood? Yeah, you're damn right it won't happen again. Abby! Hey, I'm so sorry. I should never had put you on hold like that.", "Abby: Then why did you?", "Zack: Because I can't help myself. There are times where I know i should stop working, but I can'T. I need to stop that.", "Abby: [ Scoffs ] It's always the same excuse with you.", "Zack: Abby --", "Abby: Look, I take work just as seriously as you do, but that doesn't mean I-I peel off in the middle of a personal conversation to take a business call. It's rude. I was embarrassed, zack. You left me sitting there. I wouldn't treat you that way. I wouldn't treat anyone that way. I-it was like I was so unimportant, like I would be happy to just sit there and wait for you. Well, I'm not, okay? You can't do that to people.", "Zack: Everything you just said -- you're absolutely right. There's a reason for it. Just let me explain. You've been an executive for a long time. This is my first big break. I've been struggling for so many years. Now that I've had a little bit of success, I don't want to risk it.", "Abby: Look, I get that. But that doesn't excuse what you just did. You need to figure out what your priorities are.", "Zack: I don't want to lose you, abby. I know that you've been burned in the past, and that you need someone you can rely on. I swear, you can count on me.", "Abby: I really want to believe you.", "Zack: You can. I need you to. Because you are, by far, the most incredible woman I've ever met. Come back to the table. Please? So I can keep telling you how much you mean to me.", "Cane: Hey, hey, don't go. All right? Stay here so we can talk this out. Come on.", "Lily: Talk about what? Juliet? No, thank you. I will pass.", "Cane: All right, listen, I-I -- [ Sighs ]", "Lily: Cane, listen. You can do whatever you want, okay? You can. But at some point, you have to tell the kids, 'cause I'm not gonna do it for you.", "Cane: I don't expect you to do it for me, okay?", "Lily: Good.", "Cane: When the time is right, I'll tell them. And I think it's great. I will be able to spend more time and reconnect, okay?", "Lily: I hope so.", "Cane: All right.", "Lily: For their sake. Because they need their father.", "Cane: I know they need their father. And I'll always be their father, irrespective of the fact that you're the one who asked me for the divorce.", "Lily: [ Scoffs ] Speaking of divorce, michael hasn't received your copy of the signed papers.", "Cane: Yeah, no, I, um... I've been too busy with my new job to -- to sign them.", "Lily: Well, you seem to be moving on in other ways, so I don't know what's holding you back.", "Jack: And after all that, we still don't have a flight plan. Without it, the trail goes cold.", "Paul: Well, a private jet does complicate things, jack.", "Jack: Well, I am asking you to un-complicate things. You're the chief of police. Your wife is the D.A. You have connections at the highest level. Surely you can get this information.", "Paul: Jack --", "Jack: Paul, I saw how devoted you were to mary, god rest her soul. You would have done anything for your mother.", "Paul: You're right. I would've.", "Jack: So?", "Paul: All right. I will do whatever I can to find your mother. But there are no guarantees.", "Jack: Thank you. I will not be able to rest until I know she is away from that guy and back home where she belongs.", "Billy: Jabot's launching a new men's line?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: I thought they weren't doing much with this line anymore.", "Phyllis: Well, they are.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ] You knew about this, and you didn't tell me? You're handling this for jack, and you didn't -- you didn't tell me about this?!", "Phyllis: I'm sorry, are you offended that I have not told you absolutely everything?", "Billy: Well --", "Phyllis: Okay? Because we both know that you're not telling me everything.", "Billy: What are you talking about?", "Phyllis: Oh, it's amazing. You're even lying right now. Let me ask you something. Why should I tell you anything when you are more than willing to help yourself to my phone and my computer?! I know. I know. I know you've been using me.", "Billy: Okay --", "Phyllis: I know that you have been using me and then lying to my face, and I want to know why! Why did you do this to me?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Sharon and Rey made a date. Sharon told Mariah she and Rey could have a chance now that Adam was gone. Elena told Nate she wasn't sure how to help Devon. Jill and Cane met with Devon. Devon and Amanda saw the proof that Cane was the true heir to Katherine's fortune. Devon grappled with the news and wondered what to do. Elena and Nate provided moral support. Nate suggested Devon think of how Neil would handle this. Adam and Connor reunited, and Adam vowed to make amends for leaving. Connor had his broken arm in a cast. When Connor asked to move in with Adam, Chelsea said yes. Nick disapproved. Chelsea didn't want to say yes, was afraid of what would happen to Connor if she didn't allow it. Phyllis gave Adam a pep talk about parenting. Connor moved into the penthouse. Phyllis moved into the hotel, and she overheard Amanda having an argument with someone. Sharon tells Mariah that with Adam gone she feels like she and Rey have a chance to rebuild their relationship and later she and Rey plan a second date for tonight. Cane and Jill tell Devon that the person they hired to authenticate the will says that the portion of the will that says Devon is the heir to Katherine's fortune was written on a different type of bond paper than the rest of the will. The handwriting expert they hired also says that Katherine's initials were forged and Devon is heartbroken. Devon wonders why Katherine would leave the money to Cane instead of Mac or another of her relatives. Devon tells Elena and Nate the news and he wonders what he should do and Nate advises him to think about what Neil would do in this situation. Adam returns home and Connor is thrilled to see him and Adam promises Connor that he will become the father he deserves to have and he tells him he made a mistake leaving town. Connor asks Chelsea if he can live with Adam and she makes the heartbreaking decision to let him move in with Adam hoping that Connor will become the sweet little boy he used to be.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Sharon: Is this a date?", "Rey: That's for you to judge.", "Cane: So you analyzed the handwriting, and you have determined that... they are katherine's initials on the pages. Yes, those initials are authentic.", "Esther: Then it's true!", "Jill: Katherine left... all that money... to you.", "Adam: Knock yourself out. Try not to wreck the place. What's going on with my son? How did he break his arm?", "Nick: Well, he was at the park, and he threw himself off the jungle gym, claiming he was invincible. You still think you don't need come home?", "Phyllis: Let's see what my partners at the grand phoenix are up to today. Hmm. Privacy -- it just ain't what it used to be.", "Chelsea: Oh, thank god you're here.", "Nick: We had some trouble getting out of vegas.", "Adam: How is connor?", "Chelsea: Exhausted. He fell asleep on the couch last night. I let him stay there.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] God, that poor kid must have been freaking out.", "Chelsea: Not half as much as I was. The doctor just kept reassuring me that -- that he's gonna be okay, you know, but... I just --", "Nick: Hey. It's gonna be okay.", "Chelsea: [ Voice breaking ] I know. I know, it could have been a lot worse, but I just --", "Nick: But it wasn'T.", "Chelsea: I know, I know, but I was here by myself, and it just --", "Nick: We're here now. We're here.", "Chelsea: [ Sniffles ] [ Sighs ] Thank you for coming.", "Adam: I want to see my son.", "Chelsea: Whoa. We need to get a few things straight first.", "Mariah: Hey. You are looking at the power broker who just signed becca C.", "Sharon: Who?", "Mariah: The second runner-up on \"singles mingle,\" the hot, new reality show.", "Sharon: Oh...", "Mariah: You know what, it's fine because by the time I'm done with her, everyone is gonna know her. She's gonna be just as big as the kardashians. And guess what the best part is?", "Sharon: I give up.", "Mariah: She came to me. Yeah, I mean, how amazing is that? I have clients knocking on my door.", "Sharon: Wow! You're gonna be turning people away soon.", "Mariah: Just the thought of that is insane.", "[ Laughs ]", "Sharon: By this time next year, you're gonna be as famous as the people you represent.", "Mariah: Yeah, I guess I'm doing something right, despite what theo vanderwhoozit thinks.", "Sharon: Well, you're always gonna have haters.", "Mariah: I'm not gonna let him get to me.", "Sharon: It's so good seeing you this happy.", "Mariah: Yeah, if only it was contagious.", "Sharon: Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if everybody felt as good as you do?", "Mariah: I'd settle for just you.", "Cane: There's no esther today?", "Jill: No, she claims that she has to watch bella.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Jill: When the going gets tough, esther turns chicken.", "Cane: Yeah, well, she probably doesn't want to hurt devon.", "Jill: You think I'm looking forward to it, to telling him that his grandmother did not leave him her fortune?", "Cane: Listen, uh, I've been thinking about this, okay?", "Jill: [ Chuckling ] Oh...", "Cane: Maybe we should, uh, fill her in what we've learned.", "Jill: What? Absolutely not.", "Cane: She's going to find out eventually, you know?", "Jill: Well, it's not gonna be from us. This is a family matter. I do not trust her. She dragged my grandson into this and smeared his good name.", "Cane: Yeah, and it's up to us to tell devon the news.", "Jill: [ Sighs ] Oh, god. That is the way it should be.", "Cane: Okay. Well, let's do it. Call him.", "Jill: Okay.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Devon: Hello, jill.", "Jill: Hi, devon. So, I'm sitting here with cane. He's back from vegas. We're in the grand phoenix.", "Devon: Mm, I'm happy to hear that he got home safely.", "Jill: Yeah. Yeah, um... and there is something that we need to talk to you about.", "Devon: Jill, if this is about the will...", "Jill: Well, as a matter of fact, yeah, it is.", "Devon: Okay, I don't want to talk about it.", "Jill: Yeah, I know, but --", "Devon: Jill, I've already told you, I've made up my mind, okay?", "Jill: Devon, listen to me. We have proof that katherine's will was falsified. Devon, are you there? He hung up on me.", "Cane: Do you think he heard what you said?", "Adam: Why did you insist i come back here if you're not going to let me see connor?", "Chelsea: I am gonna let you see him, but you can't just go charging in there. He's hurt and angry and sad.", "Adam: All right. I know that. Thanks to me.", "Chelsea: I truly believe that you're the only person who can help right now. That's why I asked nick to bring you back.", "Adam: Okay, then... let me see him. Additional sponsorship", "Mariah: Spill the tea. How's life?", "Sharon: Good. I just had a nice visit with faith.", "Mariah: Yeah? How is she handling the \"victor's dead -- just kidding!\" Situation?", "Sharon: Like a trooper. She actually said it's not the craziest thing grandpa's ever done.", "Mariah: Oh, wow. Wow, I wish I was half as mature as her when I was her age. Actually, I wish I was half as mature as her now. [ Both laugh ] But, you know, nobody else is coming back from the dead, so... she has nothing else to worry about.", "Sharon: Yeah. With victor retiring and adam leaving town... that's enough newman family drama for one week.", "[ Laughs ]", "Mariah: So, how are you online psych classes that you've been taking going?", "Sharon: Challenging, but good.", "Mariah: Well, I'm sure you're gonna ace them, and you are gonna breeze the rest of your master's degree program.", "Sharon: Hope you're right.", "Mariah: So, we covered victor, adam, faith, grad school. Is there anything else you want to mention, or should we just... get real?", "Sharon: Define \"real.\"", "Mariah: Where things stand with a certain detective.", "Sharon: Oh! Oh, honestly, I -- I don't know.", "Mariah: But you want them to stand somewhere.", "Sharon: Um... you know what, I don't think that he does.", "Mariah: Did he say that?", "Sharon: No, that's just it. I mean, I haven't talked to him. I haven't heard from him since our last date.", "Mariah: So call him.", "Sharon: I don't think so. You know, it just feels kind of weird.", "Mariah: Mom, you have to take risks, and you have to put yourself out there.", "Sharon: Well, thank you for that advice, but, you know, sometimes life just takes you in another direction, and you just have to go with it.", "Mariah: Yes. I agree. You definitely need to take what life hands you.", "Rey: Coffee to go, please.", "Jill: Well, the nerve... he hung up on me. His grandmother would be appalled. Well, maybe she wouldn't be appalled, but she'd want this thing settled.", "Cane: Well, that's gonna be tough if we can't get him to meet with us.", "Jill: He needs to see the report the forensics expert gave us.", "Cane: All right, listen, even if he does, he's under no legal obligation to abide by the authentic pages of the will.", "Jill: What about his moral obligation?", "Cane: Would that be enough to make you give up billions?", "Jill: We're not talking about me, we're talking about devon, okay? And I'm sure that right now his conscience is telling him to do the right thing.", "Cane: And what do you think that is?", "[ Cellphones chime ]", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Well... I guess we're about to find out.", "Connor: Dad. You came back.", "Adam: Hiya, peanut. I heard you were asking for me.", "Connor: Do you hate me?", "Adam: No, connor. No. No, no, I could never hate you. I love you.", "Connor: Then why'd you leave?", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Well... because I thought that you were better off without me in your life.", "Connor: I wasn'T.", "Adam: Yeah. Yes, I can -- I can see that now. And I can see how much you really need me.", "Connor: Lucky I broke my arm.", "Adam: That's not the only reason that I came back, okay?", "Connor: [ Sighs ] You swore you were gonna stay. Then you took off. Why should I believe anything you say?", "Adam: I know. I know, connor, and... you know, I don't blame you for not trusting me, but I promise you that, this time, I'm staying.", "Connor: That's just another lie.", "Adam: No, look, I'm gonna prove to you that I'm telling the truth. But, you know what, in the meantime, you can't go throwing yourself off a jungle gym thinking that you're invincible, connor.", "Connor: Why not?", "Adam: Because you're not. No one is invincible.", "Connor: You said --", "Adam: You're right, I did say that grandpa was, and, you know what, I was wrong. He can be hurt. He can be hurt just like the rest of us. And the last thing that I want is for you to be hurt.", "Connor: Too late.", "Adam: Listen, I'm gonna make it up to you.", "Connor: How?", "Adam: By being there for everything. Everything -- soccer games, baseball practice, bike rides, homework... you give me a chance, and I will be the dad that you deserve. Hmm?", "Connor: You mean it? You really want to be a part of my life?", "Adam: More than anything.", "Connor: Then let me live with you.", "Adam: I would love for you to live with me, but it's your mom's call.", "Connor: Why?", "Adam: Because I trust her to do what's best for you.", "Connor: Please, mom.", "Chelsea: Okay. You can stay with your dad.", "Nick: Chelsea.", "Connor: Yes! I'm gonna pack!", "Nick: Look, I think we should talk about this.", "Adam: Well, uh, you heard her, nick.", "Nick: I know how worried you are.", "Chelsea: I know, but you don't know. You weren't there. You didn't see him jump off that jungle gym. You didn't see him lying there in excruciating pain. I -- I can't get the image out of my mind.", "Nick: Yeah, I know he's going through a very rough time.", "Chelsea: If this is what it takes to help him, then I have to do it. I can't -- I can't let anything else happen to him.", "Nick: What happened at that park is not your fault.", "Adam: Listen, I'm not the one who let him think his grandpa was dead...", "Chelsea: Stop it, please. Stop, both of you.", "Adam: Listen, you're right. We need to focus on what's best for our son, and I think that him staying with me will show him that I'm gonna stick around. And that I'm committed to being his father.", "Chelsea: This is temporary, adam. I'm not giving you custody.", "Adam: I totally understand that. Okay, well, um... I'm gonna go get stuff ready at my place, and I'll, uh, give you some time to say goodbye. Do you want to bring him by, or should I come back and pick him up?", "Nick: We will bring him.", "Adam: I'll see you later.", "Chelsea: I can't believe that just happened.", "Nick: Neither can I.", "Elena: Hey.", "Nate: Hey! This is a nice surprise.", "Elena: Yeah. Mind if I join you?", "Nate: Not at all.", "Elena: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: Must have a big night planned, hitting the caffeine this late in the day.", "Elena: I'm actually heading back to the hospital later.", "Nate: Oh, rosie got you pulling another double?", "Elena: I volunteered.", "Nate: Hmm.", "Elena: \"Hmm,\" that was nice of me?", "Nate: I'm sure whoever you're filling in for thinks so.", "Elena: And you don't?", "Nate: I can't help but wonder if you're avoiding going home.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] Devon keeps telling me that he's done with this whole will situation, but he can't let it go. And I've tried to help him, but I think because I never knew katherine or hilary, he thinks i just don't understand.", "Nate: I'm sure he doesn't mean to shut you out.", "Elena: I know, but I still feel helpless. So I feel like I need to do something useful.", "Nate: That's why you're working so much?", "Elena: I think I can do more for my patients than I can for devon right now.", "Jill: Thank you for seeing us, devon.", "Devon: Yep. Let's make it quick.", "Cane: Okay. We know this isn't easy for you. Okay.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Devon: Come in.", "Amanda: I assume that this about --", "Jill: What is she doing here?", "Devon: I asked her to come here.", "Jill: She has nothing to do with this.", "Devon: Well, she represents chance, and you guys are claiming that you have proof to what chance is saying is true.", "Jill: Well, we do. We do, but I'm not saying another word in front of her.", "Devon: I assumed that the three of you were all working together now.", "Jill: Not in any way, devon. [ Scoffs ] We only want to speak with people who care deeply about your grandmother.", "Devon: She's gonna stay because I want her to bring my message back to whoever it is she's representing.", "Amanda: I told you, I work for chance.", "Jill: I still find that so hard to believe.", "Cane: Okay, listen. What is the message?", "Devon: The message is, I want to see irrefutable proof that the will pages were forged, and if you guys can't provide that for me, then I'm gonna be done with this.", "Cane: Agreed. All right. These are the original pages from, uh, katherine's will. I got them in vegas. Uh, they're the same as the photocopies that ms. Sinclair showed us.", "Devon: Okay. So how am I supposed to know that these are real?", "Cane: Because of this.", "Devon: And what is this?", "Jill: That is a report from a forensics expert.", "Cane: Chemical testing was done on the pages from katherine's will that were read that stipulate you get half of her estate. Uh, it seems they were on a different bond from the rest of the document, while the others are a perfect match. We also had a handwriting analysis done on the will that was read, and it turns out that the, uh -- her initials were forged, and... those ones aren'T.", "Jill: What it comes down to, devon... the pages that cane found, they represent katherine's wishes.", "Rey: Hello.", "Sharon: Hi!", "Rey: Mariah.", "Mariah: Hi, rey.", "Rey: Am I interrupting?", "Mariah: Nope. No. I was, uh, just leaving, actually.", "Rey: Oh, am I chasing you off again?", "Mariah: No, I, um... I have, um...", "Rey: Yeah, another meeting.", "Mariah: No. I have, um... I got to go to... cardio boxing.", "Rey: Ooh!", "Sharon: Cardio boxing.", "Mariah: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's, uh -- it's great. Awesome workout. Really leans you out, eventually, and, uh, I, uh -- I got to go to it now. Okay, bye.", "Rey: Bye. Yeah. Part of me thinks she wants us back together again.", "Sharon: Well, she means well.", "Rey: Does that mean you don't like her playing matchmaker?", "Sharon: No, no, I just -- you know, we're both adults. We can decide whether we want to see each other.", "Rey: That's a good point.", "Sharon: So, you know, if you've changed your mind about us going on a second, second date, then...", "Rey: Changed my mind?", "Sharon: Yeah, I mean, because I didn't hear from you, so i just assumed...", "Rey: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Work has been insane, and my dad got back into town, bringing on a whole set of problems.", "Sharon: I understand.", "Rey: Good, because i definitely haven't changed my mind. Unless you have.", "Sharon: No. No, I think, actually, we should probably both put something in our calendar...", "Rey: Yes.", "Sharon: ...Before mariah comes up with some crazy plan.", "Rey: Yeah, like locking us in a restaurant after hours or sending us on a hot- air balloon ride?", "Sharon: Or locking us into a dark basement.", "Rey: That's her idea of romance?", "Sharon: Well, it's mariah.", "Rey: Well, if that's the case, what are you doing tonight?", "Sharon: I'm going out on a date with you?", "Nick: I never though in a million years you'd go along with it.", "Chelsea: I have to do what's best for connor.", "Nick: By handing him over to that manipulative bastard?", "Chelsea: I know how hard it was for you... to get adam to come back here, after what he did to your dad.", "Nick: You know, he claims he wasn't trying to kill my dad, he was just trying to scare him, but that doesn't change the fact that my dad almost died. And now connor's gonna go live with him.", "Chelsea: Adam would never hurt connor.", "Nick: Everyone he touches gets hurt.", "Chelsea: My son is in pain, nick. And I need it to stop.", "Nick: Yeah, of course. I don't want to make this harder for you. If this is what you feel like you have to do, then you know I'll support you.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Nick: I'll, uh... I'll go get him, then we'll drive him over to adam'S.", "Chelsea: No, I -- I think I need to do this alone.", "[ Door unlocking ]", "Phyllis: Adam!", "Adam: I'm home!", "Phyllis: What -- you -- wait a second, even the newman jet couldn't get you here this quick.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Phyllis, I don't have time to figure out what you're talking about.", "Phyllis: No, I texted you. Obviously chelsea got to you first.", "Adam: I wonder where she figured out how to find me.", "Phyllis: Well, I figured you'd want to know that your son needed you.", "Adam: Wow. That's really sweet. Thank you. But now you've got to leave. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. The home depot has on-trend styles,", "Phyllis: Where am I supposed to go?", "Adam: You co-own a hotel, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Yeah. The grand phoenix, would you believe, is booked up?", "Adam: Uh, no.", "Phyllis: Come on, there's a spare room upstairs.", "Adam: Phyllis, you can't stay here. I've got someone else moving in.", "Phyllis: Oh! What's her name?", "Adam: Ha, ha. It's connor, so... if you don't mind...", "Phyllis: Oh, no, adam. You kidnapped connor? Oh, no, I just -- I... I mean, that's obviously what happened because chelsea and nick would never go along with this.", "Adam: Actually, they are packing his things as we speak.", "Phyllis: Wait a second. Wait a second. Chelsea is allowing you to raise her son?", "Adam: Connor is also my son, which is why chelsea agreed to let him live with me.", "Phyllis: What did nick say?", "Adam: Uh, my brother didn't get a vote.", "Phyllis: I can't believe that chelsea's going along with this.", "Adam: Well, she knows how much I love my son and how much he needs me.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm really happy for you. I hope everything works out.", "Adam: [ Groans ] It will.", "Phyllis: I don't think you realize that I'm the only real friend you have in this town.", "Nick: All right. Car's all packed up.", "Connor: Great. Let's go.", "Chelsea: Are you gonna say goodbye to nick?", "Connor: Bye, nick.", "Chelsea: Connor.", "Connor: Sorry.", "Nick: That's all right. Man, going to live with your dad, it's pretty cool. I can tell you're super pumped.", "Connor: I can't wait to get there.", "Nick: I know. You're gonna have the best time. But just know, we're still planning on seeing you a lot, okay? And we still got ice cream every wednesday night. And you know I'm not gonna miss any of your games, right? And if you need anything, i don't care what it is or what time of day it is, you call, all right?", "Connor: Sure.", "Nick: Come here. You be a good boy.", "Connor: Can we go now?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Thank you.", "Amanda: Why didn't chance send these to me in the first place instead of the copies?", "Cane: I don't know, but only he can tell you that.", "Jill: You'd think he would have, if he's your client.", "Amanda: I am not the only one he is dodging, jill. He's a real man of mystery, your grandson.", "Jill: Mm. Well, we, um... we have the pages, and they've been authenticated, so that's all that matters.", "Amanda: Maybe to you, but i think I'm owed an apology.", "Jill: [ Scoffs ] For what?", "Amanda: For all the times that I was called a liar since i stepped foot in this town. I mean, these prove that I was telling the truth. Perhaps I should thank you for that much.", "Jill: I didn't do it for you. And if you think I'm gonna apologize --", "Cane: Let's just stick to the information here in the report. Listen... everyone wanted to know katherine's true intentions, and now we do.", "Jill: Devon, this doesn't mean that she loved you any less.", "Cane: Meeting you and having you in her life, it just -- it was the world to her.", "Devon: And yet...", "Cane: This is the last thing I expected, okay? I mean, I was more than happy with katherine putting me in charge of chancellor industries.", "Jill: I know, and we all came to appreciate what she left us. That's why these pages were such a shock.", "Cane: Devon, I can't believe that this is real.", "Jill: But it is real, and now we've got to figure out where to go from here.", "Cane: There's nothing legally that we can do.", "Jill: This is a moral and an ethical decision. So... what happens next --", "Devon: What happens next, jill, is up to me.", "Elena: [ Groans ] I'm so sorry, nate.", "Nate: Abby and I see life differently.", "Elena: I feel horrible for trying to force you to fix things with her. I really thought you guys would work it out.", "Nate: Well, now I know for sure we can't, and I can move on.", "Elena: You know, if you want, there is this cute resident i can hook you up with.", "Nate: Don't you have to get back to work?", "Elena: Not for a while, and i have her number.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Nate: The hospital?", "Elena: No, devon.' \"New developments with the will. I could really use you here.\"", "Nate: That doesn't sound good.", "Elena: No, it doesn'T. Um, I got to go.", "Nate: I'll come with you, just in case you need backup.", "Elena: Let's go.", "Rey: I should probably go home and change. What do you wear on a second, second date?", "Sharon: You know, what you're wearing's fine. Casual, sexy...", "Rey: Ah! Well, if that's what we're going for, you... nailed it.", "Sharon: Wardrobe settled. Where do we go? [ Cellphone chimes ] Uh, maybe mariah can suggest someplace.", "Sharon: What?", "Rey: I got to take this. You and mariah figure out where we're going tonight.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Sharon: How was, uh, cardio boxing?", "Mariah: What? Oh! Yes. It was, uh -- it was awesome. Yeah. I just think I pulled something. How did things go with rey?", "Sharon: Really well. We're actually planning, uh, where we're gonna go our date, tonight.", "Mariah: You're going on a date tonight?", "Sharon: Wasn't that the idea behind you pretending to leave?", "Mariah: Yes! Yes! Absolutely. Well, I -- I'm so happy. Are you happy? Please tell me you're happy.", "Sharon: I'm very happy.", "Mariah: Oh, good. I knew things would work between the two of you. I did.", "Sharon: Yeah, I wasn't so sure. But, you know, now with adam out of the picture... I, um -- I think that rey and i could have a real shot at something.", "Phyllis: Nice touch.", "Adam: I'm not staging the place, phyllis. This is actually for real.", "Phyllis: The way you feel about your son, that maybe the only real thing about you.", "Adam: Hm. I think there's a compliment in there somewhere.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Phyllis: Connor's a lucky kid.", "Adam: Well, I just hope i haven't screwed him up too much.", "Phyllis: Nah, kids bounce back. As long as they know that have someone who cares about them in their corner, they're okay.", "Adam: Yeah, I guess summer didn't turn out that bad.", "Phyllis: I think there's a compliment in there somewhere.", "Adam: Ha, ha.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Phyllis: Connor will, too.", "Adam: It is nice to know there's one person who doesn't think I suck as a dad.", "Phyllis: Well, the most important person, your son, thinks you're aces.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Adam: Hey! Come on in.", "Connor: Hi, dad!", "Adam: Hey. Here, let me help you with that.", "Chelsea: What are you doing here?", "Adam: Uh... she was just leaving.", "Phyllis: Yeah. So, hey, connor. I'm gonna tell you something. Listen to him, all right? Because he knows what he's doing.", "Adam: Hey. I got your room all ready for you.", "Connor: Can I check it out?", "Adam: Yes! Sure. Right up there.", "Connor: Bye, mom.", "Chelsea: Bye, baby. Make sure you brush your teeth, okay? And -- and, uh, no video games, connor, till after your homework!", "[ Sighs ]", "Adam: I will make sure he follows the rules, I promise.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I can't help worrying.", "Adam: Yeah. Listen. I know that I have him let him down, but I promise you, this time is gonna be different. Okay? I'm gonna be the father that -- that our son deserves. Be a man that he can look up to and -- and respect.", "Chelsea: I feel like I should help him get settled in.", "Connor: Dad, come play video games with me!", "Adam: I'll be right there, bud! Listen. I got this.", "Chelsea: Adam... our son cannot take any more trauma.", "Adam: I know, and there won't be any. I promise. Okay? You have my word.", "Chelsea: If you break it...", "Adam: I won'T. Listen, thank you for doing this. I promise you that it is gonna be a good thing for connor.", "Chelsea: It better.", "Adam: It will. All right, buddy, what games did you bring, huh?", "Devon: My grandma didn't leave me the money.", "Elena: Oh, honey.", "Nate: Are you sure?", "Devon: Pretty sure, nate. Cane and jill had proof, and it's a report right there.", "Elena: I'm sorry, honey.", "Devon: It's -- [ Sighs ] You know, if she would have left it to someone she was related to, like tucker or mackenzie, i could totally understand that, I really could, but she didn't even pick somebody decent. She picked damn cane. It's a guy that's broken my sister's heart over and over again. That's who she picked.", "Nate: This has got to be killing you, man.", "Elena: What can we do?", "Devon: There's nothing anybody can do.", "Elena: Okay, well, how did you leave things with jill and cane?", "Devon: I didn't give them any answers.", "Elena: It's a huge decision. I think you should take all the time you need.", "Devon: I mean, inheriting that money changed my whole life, so now if I have to give it all back...", "Jill: That was difficult.", "Cane: I hated hurting devon like that.", "Jill: What do you think he's gonna do?", "Cane: I don't have any idea. So we'll just have to wait to see what his heart tells him to do.", "Jill: If he doesn't do anything, are you gonna let it go?", "Devon: When katherine left me this inheritance, I didn't know why. I had no idea. And then I finally allowed myself to believe that it was a sign in her faith in me, and i wanted to honor that, so i started donating it and started giving it to charity, and... all of that now just feels like one big lie.", "Elena: No, every dollar you gave to charity was done with pure and honest intentions.", "Nate: She's right, man. You didn't know somebody messed with the will.", "Devon: Well, I sure do now, and I don't know what to do about it.", "Nate: I can only think of one person who would.", "Devon: Neil?", "Nate: If he were here, what would he say?", "Amanda: That was not the agreement. I said no. No! [ Scoffs ] I'm gonna have to call you back.", "Phyllis: You didn't have to hang up so quickly on my account.", "Amanda: It was a private conversation.", "Phyllis: Huh. Okay. Well, if you're gonna stay here, you better get used to my being around.", "Amanda: You're part owner, yes. I know.", "Phyllis: That. And, as of today, I'm moving in. Say hello to your new neighbor.", "Nick: This is temporary.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I want my sweet boy back.", "Nick: I know.", "Chelsea: If I didn't do this, I would have lost connor forever. I can't let that happen.", "Nick: It won'T. I promise.", "Connor: Even with a broken arm, I beat you!", "Adam: [ Laughs ] Well, we're gonna have a lot of rematches, now that you're staying with me.", "Connor: Dad....", "Adam: Mm-hmm?", "Connor: When you left, I was afraid you were never coming back.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Listen. I screwed up, big time. But not for one second did I ever stop loving you.", "Connor: [ Sighs ] I know.", "Adam: Yeah? Because I don't ever want you to think that your dad doesn't want you.", "Connor: As long as I'm living here, I never will.", "Adam: So, what do you want to do next? Hmm? Anything you want.", "Connor: Hmm. How about you sign my cast?", "Adam: What? The first? I'm honored, connor. Of course. All right. This is gonna be so great, with us living here together again. After all these years...", "Connor: I've missed you, dad.", "Adam: I missed you, too, son. But, from now on, we're gonna be inseparable." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lauren wakes to find Tom over her and that freaks her out. She fights and struggles but the man holds her down and covers her mouth as he tries to get her necklace off her neck. Michael comes in and a fight starts with he and Tom as Lauren watches screaming and sobbing. Michael tosses Tom to the floor, and then Tom hits Michael and sends him to the ground. When Michael tries to get up, Tom is waiting for him and bashes him over the head with a metal tray doing terrible damage. Tom then boldly walks over to Lauren on the bed and snatches the necklace roughly off her neck. He struts out with one last look at Michael who is left covered in blood from his head wound, and unconscious with his eyes open but staring at nothing. Lauren looks down over the side of the bed crying. Nick brings Neil to the office to talk about his news. He tells his friend that he will be returning to the company and running it with his sister. Neil is pleased to hear that. Nick needs Neil to do something though. He wants a report that tells of the way that the company has been run since Victoria has taken over and Brad has been hired. Neil is not comfortable with the position that Nick wants to put him in. Neil is not one to back stab, but will do as he is asked. Nick assures him that he is a valued employee who has credibility with the company and can be trusted to be fair, objective and most importantly honest in his report. Victor playfully tells her mother about her new romance and is disappointed when her mother's smile turns to a frown. Nikki tells Victoria that she is not thinking here. \"People are watching. You were just appointed CEO to a very prominent company, you hire some guy who is wining and dining you all around town, he is the father to your half-sister, Ashley can be damned nasty to deal with, and I used to be engaged to Brad. You can't be happy about this Victoria. People are watching you and probably wondering just who it is that is running the company. Aren't you worried about your reputation?\" Nikki asks. Tom plays nasty with Sheila. He tells her that he got the necklace from around Lauren's neck, but when Sheila asks for it, Tom refuses to give it to her. He tells her that he needs a little leverage to make sure that Sheila will help him get back at Michael for what he has done in framing him. Tom offers to put the necklace around Sheila's neck when this is all over, but Sheila shivers. Tom notices and says that is probably because the necklace has poison on it. Sheila tries to laugh it off but Tom knows that he has got her right where he wants her now. Lauren's nurse watches in surprise as Lauren points to the floor asking her to save her fiance who she says has been hurt. She says that he has been beaten and is covered in blood. The nurse sees nothing on the floor, and talks Lauren back under the covers to rest. When Lauren looks at the floor again moments later, Michael has disappeared. Lauren cries out demanding to know where Michael is. She doesn't believe the nurse when she is told that Michael has gone home to rest for the night." ]
[ "Lauren: (Gasps) aah!", "Gloria: You wanna come to my son's wedding?", "Sheila, (British accent): Well, yes, you can make that happen, Gloria, can't you?", "Gloria: Well, I suppose I could talk to Gina and see if she needs another waitress.", "Sheila: Oh, no, no, you misunderstand. I don't want to be there as a server at the reception. I'd like to attend as a guest.", "Gloria: But you don't even know Michael and Lauren.", "Sheila: Yes, I--I know that's true, but I was there the evening they announced their--their wedding date, and they seem so much in love, and I don't know, with saving your own life and everything that night, it just-- I'd love to be a part of their special day.", "Gloria: But I don't really think that's a good idea.", "Sheila: Oh, really, Gloria, come on, it's not that difficult, is it? I mean, the entire family's been wanting to thank me ever since that evening. I think this would be a fabulous way.", "Gloria: I'm sorry... but I'm just not comfortable with it.", "Sheila: Why not?", "Gloria: Look, Jennifer, I know you're a friend of Tom's.", "Sheila: Tom's got nothing to do with this... although I did do you a huge favor when I bailed him out, didn't I? Hmm. You wouldn't want anyone to find out where that money came from, now, would you?", "Gloria: Are you threatening me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Music playing)", "Victoria: I think we should end every workday like this.", "Brad: Mm-hmm. I'm sold. (Knock on door)", "Ashley: Excuse me.", "Victoria: Ashley. What the hell are you doing here?", "Ashley: Well, I'm here to see Brad. I thought you'd wanna know that your attorney sent over the divorce papers. You must be so delighted.", "Brad: I don't understand your attitude, Ashley. We discussed this.", "Ashley: No, we never discussed what's in these papers, Brad.", "Brad: You'll have to excuse me. I obviously need to deal with this--right now.", "Ashley: Someplace neutral.", "Brad: The coffeehouse.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, whatever. Oh, Victoria, I'm so sorry for interrupting your evening. I didn't expect to find you... here together. Um, it sure explains a lot, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: What are you doing here?", "Devon: I'm workin', guys.", "Dru: Working?", "Neil: You took a job without asking permission?", "Devon: Yeah, we talked about it, and you all told me that I can get a part- time job after school, right?", "Dru: Okay, but we would have thought that you would have come to us first.", "Devon: Well, what's the big deal? I just wanna earn a little extra cash and give it to my mother. Listen, I know you guys don't think that it's a good idea, okay, but you also told me that it's my choice.", "Neil: Um, young man, we need to discuss this.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Devon: I'm in the middle of my shift right now.", "Dru: Well, we're gonna wait until you get a break from your shift. Okay? We'll wait.", "Devon: Okay, all right. I think I'm due one in a few minutes, okay?", "Dru: Good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I feel like I'm all cried out.", "J.T.: And Bobby would be proud of you... the way you're handling this.", "Brittany: It's so hard.", "J.T.: I know.", "Jill: How are you doin', little one? You know what? I would like to take you out for a bite to eat. I asked Esther, and she said she'd watch Joshua.", "Brittany: Oh, no thanks, Jill. I'm not really hungry.", "Jill: Oh, come on. It'll do you good. Just a change of scenery. We won't be long. I have a lot of work to finish up.", "J.T.: You know, I could use some food, too. What do you say, princess? The three of us go out for a bite.", "Brittany: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Celebrating something?", "Victoria: Mom.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victoria: Oh, you're back. It's so good to see you.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victoria: Oh.", "Neil: You know, sweetheart, maybe we shouldn't make such a big issue about this job.", "Dru: Not make a big issue out of this? Neil, he should be focusing on his studies, enjoying his senior year. Not worrying about his mother, and God bless her, but she is a recovering addict.", "Neil: I know.", "Dru: That's too much for a young man his age to have to handle.", "Neil: I know.", "Nick: Hey, guys, sorry.", "Neil and Dru: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: It was good seeing you at the audition today.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: Great seeing you, too, man.", "Nick: So I'm headin' back to Newman Enterprises. You want a ride? There's something I'd like to talk to you about.", "Neil: Well, I would but I'm kind of in the middle of a family thing here.", "Dru: I can handle that.", "Neil: You sure?", "Dru: Yeah, positive.", "Nick: Okay.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Nick: Bye, Dru.", "Dru: Bye.", "Neil: So what's up?", "Nick: You know, news. I hope you like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, Mom, you look great.", "Nikki: Ah, I feel great... better than I have in a long time. Just to get away with your father and spend time... just what I needed.", "Victoria: Well, I'm really glad to hear that. You know, I was a little worried about you before you left.", "Nikki: I know. I was in a really bad place, but I'm 100% better now. It's so good to see you. You look beautiful. So what are you celebrating?", "Victoria: Oh, well, I'm not exactly celebrating. I really am glad you're back. I need some good old-fashioned motherly advice.", "Nikki: Oh, my goodness. My independent daughter needs advice about what?", "Victoria: Well, you know, it's been a while since I've... seriously dated someone.", "Nikki: So you have a new man in your life.", "Victoria: And it's so wonderful, Mom.", "Nikki: Well, I'm thrilled for you. Um, you seem worried, though. Well, you know, I'm not very good at relationships. Ever since, uh, Ryan died, I've had trouble getting close to anyone.", "Nikki: I know, sweetheart. A heartbreak like that, it just never really leaves you.", "Victoria: No, it doesn't.", "Nikki: But you feel ready to move on now?", "Victoria: Yes, I really do. Only it's a little complicated.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, please tell me you're not talking about Brad Carlton.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: So I don't get it. I'm not asking for anything unusual.", "Ashley: Well, you are demanding that we share custody of Abby, 50-50.", "Brad: And? We've had joint custody since the separation.", "Ashley: Eh, that's not exactly true. In the beginning, she lived primarily with you, and now she lives primarily with me.", "Brad: So what's the issue?", "Ashley: Well, Brad, given what I saw in Victor's office, your lifestyle is changing rapidly, and if Abby's spending 50% of her time with you, actually means spending 50% of her time with Victoria, then I've got a problem with that.", "Brad: She hasn't even seen Victoria since the three of us had dinner, but you know what? I'm sure once they know each other better, they'll bond.", "Ashley: And if they don't?", "Brad: On the off chance that happened, I'm not going to force my daughter to spend time with someone who she doesn't feel comfortable with.", "Ashley: Really? Would you be willing to put that in writing?", "Brad: What?", "Ashley: Look, I don't know what's going on with you and Victoria. I don't know where it's leading. If the two of you keep getting more and more involved, I do not want my daughter to be a part of that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Mm!", "Tom: Shut up. This won't take long. Don't fight me.", "Michael: Get the hell away from her!", "Lauren: Help! Help!", "Michael: Are you okay?", "Lauren: Michael, get him out of of here!", "Michael: You son of a bitch. Oh! Oh! (Grunting)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Thanks for convincing Brittany to go out.", "J.T.: I didn't do anything. (Cell phone rings) excuse me a second. Hello?", "Mac: I'm back.", "J.T.: Hi. Welcome home.", "Mac: Don't sound so excited.", "J.T.: Where are you right now?", "Mac: At the coffeehouse.", "J.T.: Okay, stay there. I'll be right there.", "Brittany: Hi. I'm ready whenever you are.", "J.T.: Listen, Brittany, uh, I can't go. Mac just got home, and I need to go see her. So, uh, Jill will take you, though, right?", "Jill: Absolutely.", "J.T.: Okay? I'll see you later.", "Jill: Well, I guess it's just the two of us.", "Brittany: Oh, Jill, look, I--I hope you understand, but I really think I should stay. I don't wanna leave Joshua.", "Jill: Honey, you really need to get out.", "Brittany: I'm not hungry. Maybe I'll take a walk with J.T. when he comes home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, Devon.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Kevin: Um, look, I, uh, I overheard you telling your parents that you're only working here part-time.", "Devon: Yeah, so?", "Kevin: So I can't let you work full-time if that's not what the Winters want, dude. You're still a minor.", "Devon: You know what, Kevin? I'm old enough to work legally, man. That's my decision.", "Kevin: No, it's my decision. I'm your boss, and if that's not what they want...", "Dru: Excuse me, is there a problem?", "Devon: No. No, there's no problem at all.", "Kevin: Actually, no. You know what, Mrs. Winters? There is a problem. I think you have a right to know. When Devon applied for a job here, he asked me to hire him full time.", "Dru: Who can believe you? Is he telling the truth?", "Devon: Yes, ma'am.", "Dru: Okay, we're takin' a break effective immediately. Excuse us. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Yes, I'll make sure he gets the message. Mm-hmm, thank you for calling. So...where were we?", "Sheila: You asked if I was threatening you, and the answer is... no.", "Gloria: Then what, exactly, are you doing?", "Sheila: I'm hoping to make a dream come true, actually. Um, oh, gosh, okay. For years, I've been looking in the fashion magazines and on the society pages where they've got the-- the beautiful weddings with the--the beautiful girl and the designer gown, and-- and all the food being prepared by three-star chefs, and-- and the rich and the famous flying in from all over the world. I was just... oh, gosh, it's like a fairy tale, isn't it? I... I'm being childish, aren't I?", "Gloria: No, no, no, no. Actually, I've had the same fantasies. I used to read about how the other half lived, and I always wanted to be a part of that... and it's true. None of this would be happening if you hadn't saved my life.", "Sheila: I--I do swear that I won't interfere with your special family time. You won't even know I'm there. Nobody will, I promise.", "Gloria: All right. All right. I'll put you on my guest list.", "Sheila: Oh. Thank you, friend. Thank you so much. Oh, you've no idea of what this means to me. You don't. Oh, I know how busy you are arranging and everything. So I'll let myself out. Thank you, thank you. Good night.", "Gloria: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Unh!", "Lauren: Mm! Oh, oh, oh!", "Tom: And if you put up a fight, you're gonna get the same.", "Lauren: (Crying)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, Mac.", "Mac: Hey, J.T.", "J.T.: Hey, is there someplace we can go and talk privately?", "Mac: Uh, yeah. Kevin's in the office. Um, patio?", "J.T.: Yeah, sure.", "Mac: There are some things I want to say to you.", "Mac: I was only gone a couple of days. So much has changed.", "J.T.: You know? How? Did somebody call you?", "Mac: I saw it with my own eyes. I came home. You were so caught up, you didn't even notice I was there.", "J.T.: What are you talking about?", "Mac: You and Brittany. You had your arms wrapped around her so tight, I was surprised she could breathe.", "J.T.: Mac, you're way off base here.", "Mac: Am I? You're telling me I didn't see what I saw? My eyes are deceiving me?", "J.T.: No, you saw what you saw, but it's not what you think. I was trying to comfort Brittany.", "Mac: Oh, what, did she break a nail?", "J.T.: Mac, Bobby's dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Brittany, I know that there is nothing I can say right now that's gonna comfort you, but for what it's worth, I know what it feels like to lose the love of your life, and to be connected to him forever by your child. I mean, it feels like Joshua is the only link you have left to Bobby right now, yes?", "Brittany: Yes, and I feel like if I don't stay with him, something terrible might happen.", "Jill: But the guards are here, honey. He is perfectly safe.", "Brittany: I just keep wondering if I had done something differently, if I had made Bobby stay with us, he wouldn't be dead now.", "Jill: Brittany, that kind of thinking is not gonna help, okay? All the what- ifs and the recriminations is only gonna make you feel worse. Don't you do that to yourself, you hear me? Now, as tragic as it is, what happened, happened. You cannot go back and change it.", "Jill: But Bobby was my whole world. I can't even imagine life without him.", "Jill: Well, of course you can't. It's way too soon, but you are young and you're beautiful and you're vibrant and I would hate to see you giving up on life.", "Brittany: That's really nice, Jill, but I've never felt so lost and so alone.", "Jill: (Whispering) I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You know, Nick, as much as I've enjoyed talking college football on the way over here... obviously, you have a lot more on your mind. Come on, man, what's going on?", "Nick: All right, Neil, I've made a decision. I'm coming back to Newman.", "Neil: Well, well, welcome back. You and I obviously haven't seen eye to eye on everything, but I'm excited to have you back in the fray.", "Nick: I appreciate that, buddy. There's been a lot of changes around here, huh?", "Neil: Your sister has a different style.", "Nick: Nah, something tells me it's more than that. Look, I'm going to be running this company with my sister. I need to know everything that's been going on around here, from your perspective.", "Neil: I'm not too sure what you want me to tell you.", "Nick: Just some of your observations. Anything you care to share.", "Neil: So you want to know about Brad Carlton.", "Nick: You drove all the way out to my house to warn me about him. There must be a reason for that.", "Neil: Well, you saw him at the spokesmodel auditions. He's a real take-charge kind of guy.", "Neil: That was nothing. You should have seen him at the press conference afterwards.", "Neil: Sounds like you already know what's going on. Why are you asking me?", "Nick: Because, Neil, you are one of the most savvy, hardest working guys I know, and from where I stand, it looks to me like you're being pushed to the sidelines, so Carlton can shine. Now, I've been away from the company for awhile, so you can tell me if I'm wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Ash, I'm not about to bar Victoria from Abby's life... anymore than you intend to keep Victor away, regardless of how I feel about it.", "Ashley: Victor is Abby's biological father, not to mention, we're not romantically involved.", "Brad: Not for lack of trying.", "Ashley: Oh, that was low, low, Brad.", "Brad: Then stop trying to sell me on how you're supposedly doing what's best for our daughter.", "Ashley: You know, you told me before that you wanted to take things slowly with Victoria. Well, given what I saw, you and I must have very different definitions of the word. She's obviously the reason why you're pushing for a divorce, right?", "Brad: I want to move on with my life. I happen to be seeing Victoria. I'd say it's time we put this marriage to an end, ash.", "Ashley: I say it's time, too, Brad, but still, I find it so interesting that you're downplaying your involvement with her. It just kind of makes me wonder if this sudden romance isn't a means to an end, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know, I'm disappointed, Mom. I thought you'd be happy for me.", "Nikki: Honey, don't get me wrong. I am delighted at the prospect of you having a man in your life.", "Victoria: Just not this man.", "Nikki: That's right. Not this man.", "Victoria: Why? Because you were involved with him years ago? Got all the way to the altar.", "Nikki: That's one of the reasons.", "Victoria: Oh, Mother. That's so ancient history.", "Nikki: Look, if you could get beyond that, I suppose I could, too, but that's not the only problem.", "Victoria: Oh. Well, lay it on me.", "Nikki: Where do I begin?", "Victoria: Sounds like your list is endless.", "Nikki: Pretty much. Look, I saw the sparks of chemistry between you and Brad before your father and I left.", "Victoria: Well, why didn't you say something then? How did you restrain yourself?", "Nikki: Because I just was not emotionally able to think about anybody else and frankly, I was hoping it would die a natural death.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but as you can see, it's alive and well.", "Nikki: Is it possible that you just don't see how problematic this is?", "Victoria: Yes, Mother, it's entirely possible, but I'm sure you're going to enlighten me.", "Nikki: Well, for one thing, he was married to Ashley Abbott.", "Victoria: He's getting a divorce.", "Nikki: Getting a divorce? Just now? I would think that would have happened months ago.", "Victoria: Well, it's only become important now.", "Nikki: I see... because of his relationship with you, is that what he's saying?", "Victoria: You know, for someone you were about to marry, you don't trust him very much, do you?", "Nikki: No, I don't. This is a guy who left Jabot, talked you into hiring him at Newman, he's been given stock, he's courting you, what else has he been up to?", "Victoria: Oh, Mother, it gets worse and worse. He's also given me these earrings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sheila: Who is it?", "Tom: Just let me in, Brenda!", "Sheila: What the hell happened to you?", "Tom: I went to the hospital to get that necklace from Lauren's room. Now, you made it sound like it was gonna be real easy. Just go in, grab the piece, and get out.", "Sheila: Did you mess it up?", "Tom: You lied to me. It was not on the table where you said it would be. Lauren was wearing it.", "Sheila: Yeah, yeah, th-that would make things more complicated, wouldn't it?", "Tom: Yeah, tell me about it. I had to get it off her while she was sleeping.", "Sheila: Did you?", "Tom: I started to, just about had it, and she wakes up. Things got a little messy.", "Sheila: You know what, I really don't give a damn about what happened. Did you get the necklace?", "Tom: Oh, I got it, all right.", "Sheila: Well, that's great. That is great. Why don't you give it to me?", "Tom: Well, I don't have it on me.", "Sheila: What do you mean?", "Tom: I mean, I put it somewhere safe where nobody will find it.", "Sheila: What do you want, Tom?", "Tom: Only what I'm entitled to. We had a deal-- I get you the necklace, you help me take care of Michael. I just thought I might need a little leverage, make sure you hold up your end of the deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Screams) help! Help! (Sobs)", "Nurse: What is it?! What's wrong?!", "Lauren: Is Michael on the floor?!", "Nurse: What? Where is he?", "Lauren: He's on the floor! He's bleeding! Why are you just standing there? Do something!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Dylan, buddy, the patio's a mess.", "Michael: Hey, little brother. You busy?", "Kevin: Uh, no, Mikey. Just doing some paperwork. What's up?", "Michael: I need your help.", "Kevin: Uh, is it about wedding stuff? 'Cause if it is, don't worry. I got everything under control.", "Michael: No, no, no, no, no.", "Kevin: The ring, the toast...", "Michael: Actually, it's about Lauren.", "Kevin: Did something else happen? Did her condition get worse?", "Michael: No, no. Lauren's doing great, but the toxicology report came back and, uh, apparently, she has poison in her system.", "Kevin: What? Poison?", "Michael: I--I want to know where it came from. I've got people going over every square inch of the condo, but they haven't come up with anything suspicious yet, and I--you know, I... I was just wondering if you had any thoughts.", "Kevin: No. No, I have no idea where she'd come into contact with something like that. Ever see that movie, though? The one where, uh, people got poisoned by that book?", "Michael: Book?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, a book. They're reading this book, the poison was on the book, got on their fingertips, seeped right into their bloodstream.", "Michael: That's a little farfetched, don't you think? There has to be some sort of explanation. What could have caused this? That's...", "Kevin: Maybe it's not a \"what.\" Maybe it's a \"who.\"", "Michael: What are you saying?", "Kevin: Maybe somebody did this to Lauren. On purpose.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: I don't... I don't believe it. Bobby can't be dead.", "J.T.: It's true. The F.B.I. called. It was an accident. Hit-and-run. Bobby was killed instantly.", "Mac: Oh, my God. Brittany must be out of her mind. Is she home now?", "J.T.: Jill took her to dinner, but I'd really like to be there when she gets home.", "Mac: I'll go with you. Hey, by the way, I really missed you.", "J.T.: Yeah, I really missed you, too, Mac. Let's go home, all right?", "Mac: Yeah, I'll go tell Kevin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I know you feel that way, honey. I felt that way when Phillip died. Brittany, I've known you a long time, okay, and we haven't seen eye-to-eye on very much, but I will tell you what I have always respected most about you, and that is your spirit. No, you are a fighter, you are a survivor.", "Brittany: (Sighs) after Phillip died, how long did it take you to feel normal again?", "Jill: I'm gonna be honest with you. Losing Phillip changed my life forever, okay? And yes, it did take awhile before I came to realize that although I would always love him, I had to stop mourning for him because my son needed his mother, and besides which, Phillip would have wanted me to have a fulfilling life, and I have, Brittany.", "Brittany: So you're saying you never really got over it? Things never really went back to normal.", "Jill: Honey, what's normal? No, things will not be the same, but, Brittany, you're gonna survive this, I promise you. I promise you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Okay, we have gone around and around in a circle on this one. Do you have anything to say for yourself?", "Devon: I didn't want to lie to you 'cause I knew you would say no if I told you I wanted to work full-time.", "Dru: Well, you got that right.", "Devon: Yeah, and you know what, it's the only way I'm gonna be able to help my mom find a place to live.", "Dru: There are other ways to help your mother such as graduating from high school, focusing on your future.", "Devon: Did you not always tell me that family comes first?", "Dru: (Whispering) yes. (Normal voice) but your mother does not expect you to sacrifice your life for hers.", "Devon: It's not a sacrifice.", "Dru: It is a sacrifice.", "Devon: No, it's not. It's what I want to do, okay? And I'm sorry that you and Neil don't think I should, but you guys can't stop me from doing this.", "Dru: Oh, yes we-- and don't you walk away from me. You better think about it, Devon. Don't you walk—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Give me the necklace.", "Tom: Oh, you'll get it, don't worry, but first, you're gonna help me, and then, I will be most happy to place that lovely piece of jewelry around your lovely neck. Oh. What's the matter?", "Sheila: Nothing.", "Tom: Oh, is there some reason you don't want to wear that necklace? Wouldn't be 'cause it's poisoned, would it?", "Sheila: (Laughs) poisoned.", "Tom: Oh, come on, Brenda. I just saw Lauren. She was high as a kite and wearin' the necklace. Now it doesn't take a chemist to figure things out.", "Sheila: Oh, you know what, you are crazy. You tell anybody about this ridiculous theory, you're gonna be sorry you ever met me.", "Tom: Calm down. I'm not gonna cause you any trouble as long as you help me get the goods on Michael.", "Sheila: And if I don't?", "Tom: Well, then I'm afraid I'm gonna have to send that necklace back to Ms. Fenmore, along with a note instructing her to have it checked out by a lab.", "Sheila: (Laughs) you wouldn't.", "Tom: I would.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door shuts)", "Neil: Uh, you know, nicholas, you're--you're puttin' me in one hell of a tight spot here, man. Obviously, your sister enjoys working with Brad. I doubt she'd ever intentionally marginalize me.", "Nick: And what about Carlton?", "Neil: What about Carlton? I'll speak for me. I'm a team player. I like to make as much of a contribution to the company as possible. I hope I'll have that opportunity to do that again someday soon.", "Nick: How would you like that opportunity right now?", "Neil: What do you have in mind?", "Nick: Look, Neil, I've always respected and admired the way you make your opinion known without being angry or accusatory, so I would like you to prepare a comprehensive report on the launch of the new line. I think the facts will speak for themselves.", "Neil: When do you need this?", "Nick: Yesterday.", "Neil: I'm already on it. (Nick snaps fingers)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I really resent your implication that I am using Victoria. Why is it so hard for you to believe that we genuinely enjoy each other's company?", "Ashley: Because why do you have to get yourself involved in a potentially serious relationship with Abby's half-sister, Brad? There are lots of women in Genoa City, lots of them.", "Brad: But none of them are Victoria. Look, I will try and make this divorce as painless as possible, but it is going to happen... and I will try and respect your wishes where Abby's concerned, but I am not going to stop seeing Victoria, nor am I going to put any restrictions on my social life in writing... and one more thing. The next time you want to see me, please call first. I'd really like to avoid any awkward situations like the one we had today.", "Ashley: Sure, Brad, I'll call.", "Brad: I'd appreciate it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Do go away mad.", "Nikki: What did you expect, Victoria, for me to say, \"oh, goodie, goodie. My daughter has a new boyfriend\"? This relationship is going much too fast. There are so many ways that you can be hurt, and if he's already buying you diamond earrings...", "Victoria: Oh, what, I suppose you, too, think he has an agenda.", "Nikki: Wait a minute, \"too\"?", "Victoria: Forget I said that.", "Nikki: That would be your brother. Does your father know about this?", "Victoria: Would it matter to you if I told you he was all in favor?", "Nikki: I would find that very hard to believe.", "Victoria: Well, he's not fighting it, Mother.", "Nick: Does he know how serious this is? What does he think about the earrings?", "Victoria: Maybe that brad has excellent taste.", "Nikki: All right, I will give you that. He does have good taste.", "Victoria: I care about him, Mother. Why does that have to be so wrong?", "Nikki: Baby, if I thought that Brad Carlton was the right man for you--", "Victoria: I really think he could be.", "Nikki: Okay, you asked for my advice. Here it is-- put the brakes on it. End it... or at least slow it down.", "Victoria: I'm sorry I asked.", "Nikki: I realize you don't want to hear this, but we are talking about a man who is just now divorcing a very powerful woman and let me tell you something, Ashley Abbott can play dirty. You're stepping into a very bizarre family situation involving your father, Brad's little girl, who happens to be your half-sister. Now, I can't believe that you're comfortable with that.", "Victoria: I can be, with time.", "Nikki: All right, then let's talk about business for a minute. You were recently appointed C.E.O. of a very powerful, international conglomerate. That, in itself, puts you in the public eye, and now this guy who you just hired is buying you diamond earrings and pouring you expensive champagne? You really expect other people to think you're the one running this company? You have to know how damaging this would be to your professional reputation.", "Victoria: That's the only thing you've said that's made any sense.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: I never should have trusted Tom. How could I make such a stupid mistake? Now he's holding all the cards. He could just ruin everything for me. I can't let that happen. I've worked so hard. Just stop this, Sheila. Just don't lose control, okay? You'll work things out. You'll find a way.", "Sheila: Of course I will. After all... I am going to Michael and Lauren's wedding and what a wedding it's gonna be. I'll see to that. Oh, I most certainly will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Where is he?", "Nurse: Who?", "Lauren: My fiancé Michael! He was on the floor! (Gasps) what's going on? What's happening?", "Nurse: Ms. Fenmore... you have to calm down.", "Lauren: Where's Michael?", "Nurse: He went home. Said he'd be back first thing in the morning.", "Lauren: I need to see him right now!", "Nurse: First, let's get you back in bed and then, if you like, I'll call him for you.", "Lauren: But he was right there! It was right there on the floor! He was unconscious and he was bleeding! It happened!", "Nurse: Yes.", "Lauren: It happened. I'm not imagining it. Is he dead?", "Nurse: Oh, no. Mr. Baldwin is fine. I saw him a little while ago.", "Lauren: (Sobs) then why can't I see him? Where's Michael? Where's Michael? Where's Michael? Where is he? Where's Michael? Where's Michael?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Who would want to poison Lauren? I don't even think she has an enemy.", "Kevin: I do. One.", "Michael: Oh. Sheila, who's thousands of miles away. Locked up, drugged into oblivion Sheila? Yeah, Lauren and I both saw her with our own eyes.", "Kevin: I don't know, talk to Paul. He's a detective. Maybe he has your answer.", "Michael: That's an excellent idea, I just...", "Tom: Evenin', boys. How are my two fine sons doin' tonight?", "Michael: What the hell are you doing here?", "Kevin: How can you be walking around free?", "Michael: How'd you get out of jail? Who paid your bail?", "Tom: Well, it certainly wasn't one of you two.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Tom: I'm gonna prove you set me up.", "Michael: Give it your best shot.", "Nikki: I just think this whole relationship with Brad is moving too fast.", "Victoria: What do you want to talk to me about?", "Nick: I'm coming back to work here." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack is surprised when Carmen interrupts his conversation with Sharon to talk about upcoming dates for Sharon to do appearances. Sharon glares at her and walks out of the room. Jack turns to Carmen asking if she has thought more about Mr. Kim's offer to her to take the job in Asia. \"I have thought about that and the answer is 'no'!\" She promises that she will not tell anyone about his involvement in Jabot, and she asks if this means that she can't ask him questions about Jabot anymore. \"Why would you be asking Jack about Jabot?\" Victor and Nikki have entered the room and wait for an answer to their question. Carmen connects her question with work and that seems to satisfy the curiosity of the Newmans. Jack makes a hasty retreat leaving Carmen with the Newmans. Victor and Nikki tell Carmen that they have heard the disturbing things that have been going on with she and Dru and they hope that things lighten up. They have known the Winters for many years and wouldn't want to see anything more happen to them. \"With all due respect, I don't have to discuss my case with you.\" She walks out. Victor can see now that a lot of people are going to get hurt Carmen finds Neil in the hall and asks to talk to him. He reluctantly listens as she asks him if he really thinks his wife is innocent. He says that doesn't matter. What matters is that this could have been handled at home and outside of the court system. He finds no point in talking to her and walks out. Sharon comes in next to give Carmen the schedule of dates she asked for. When she doesn't immediately leave, Carmen asks if there is more that she wants to say. Sharon tells her that she is torturing Dru. \"She has lost her job and gotten arrested twice now. You went after her husband and you can't understand why this happened? If you asked me, you crossed the line first!\" Carmen gets on the elevator. Jack stops the doors closing and jumps on the car with her. He hands her a piece of paper. It is the amount of her signing bonus if she decides to take that job in Asia. \"Why are you so afraid of me? Or are you afraid that Sharon will find out that you hopped out of my bed directly into hers?\" Jack says that he isn't afraid of her. He suggests to her that after what happened with Dru she should want to get out of Dodge. \"You don't really know what Dru is capable of in fact you have no idea what I am capable of \" Michael gets the call that he has been waiting for. Paul calls to tell him that he has dirt on Carmen. When Michael hears what it is, he grins from ear to ear. \"This is really going to help my case Paul! Thanks a lot!" ]
[ "Phyllis: Wow! You did that all from the front gate.", "Nick: I think that I may... yes, I broke my back.", "Phyllis: You did not break your back! I wasn't that heavy. You're lifting two of us now.", "Nick: How could I forget our little stowaway? That was really fun, wasn't it?", "Phyllis: Yeah, it was. We should do that more often.", "Nick: Yeah, we should.", "Phyllis: Uh, we almost didn't make it to Los Alamos, right?", "Nick: What are you talking about? Because of that puny little storm?", "Phyllis: It wasn't puny. Got diverted! What are you talking about? And the fire?", "Nick: Yeah, well... I guess the, uh, pipes bursting in the honeymoon suite-- flooding-- that was a little overkill, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, it was.", "Nick: Just think... we're gonna have a hell of a story to tell our daughter when she grows up.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we will. And we get to do it all over again for our friends and family.", "Nick: I'd marry you 100 times.", "Phyllis: I'd marry you 101 times. Well... uh... now--now we have to tell everybody, right?", "Nick: Yeah, this is gonna be the tricky part.", "Phyllis: Yeah. We get to tell all our family the big news.", "Noah: Dad, you're back!", "Nick: Hey, Dude. Yep, safe and sound.", "Noah: What did you mean, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: What? About what?", "Noah: I heard you say something about big news. Tell me what it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Then it's a date?", "Sharon: Yeah, Neil's new club? I, um... I'm really looking forward to going.", "Jack: Did you hear he's calling it ‘Indigo?\" I think that's a great name. Uh, by the way, Aaron Neville is opening the place.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, you know, I'm... I am a little surprised that Neil didn't postpone everything, considering what Dru's going through.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Carmen: Sorry to interrupt. Sharon?", "Sharon: Yeah, what is it, Carmen?", "Carmen: Those personal appearances for NVP, we really need to lock in some dates.", "Sharon: Okay. Yeah, that's on my desk. I'll have to go get it.", "Carmen: Now I know how lepers feel.", "Jack: Have you given any more thought to Mr. Kim's offer?", "Carmen: To be the corporate liaison for Jabot/NVP in Asia?", "Jack: I think he needs your answer soon.", "Carmen: I've already made my decision.", "Jack: And?", "Carmen: The answer's \"no.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I can't stand that woman. She's horrible. I mean, she's ruining our lives and acting like she's--", "Devon: You're not signing to me.", "Lily: I know, I know, I'm sorry. Basically, \"I hate Carmen.\"", "Devon: Yeah, I hate Carmen, too, okay? But losing your cool isn't gonna do anything, all right?", "Lily: So far, nothing will. I feel so helpless. You know, there must be something we can do to keep mom from going to jail.", "Daniel: Here, Babe. Drink this.", "Lily: Oh, what is it?", "Daniel: Something to help you relax.", "Lily: Thanks. I was--I was telling Devon about what happened at Newman. You know, how Carmen blew me off.", "Devon: Blew you off? Yeah, well, Carmen did the same thing to me when I tried to talk to her.", "Daniel: Devon, hey... you two need to say away from her, all right? You're just gonna make things worse.", "Lily: Yeah, but, Honey, I can't just go on with my life like none of this is happening.", "Daniel: Well, I think the best thing that you can do right now is just go be with your mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey...", "Dru: You leaving already?", "Neil: Yeah, I wish I didn't have to. I have a meeting over at Newman.", "Dru: Oh.", "Neil: You all right?", "Dru: Yeah. Yeah, but can you hurry back, please?", "Neil: Yeah. Stop stressing over that calendar.", "Dru: Neil, Neil, how am I not supposed to stress over this calendar? Do you realize my trial date's coming up real soon?", "Neil: I do realize that. I know. And don't worry about it, okay?", "Dru: How am I not supposed to worry about it?", "Neil: It's gonna be all right.", "Dru: Okay, but hurry back.", "Neil: Okay, I'll see you later.", "Dru: All right, Baby.", "Neil: Michael.", "Michael: Are you headed out?", "Neil: Yeah, I sure am. Um, go easy on her. She's very fragile right now.", "Michael: Yeah, fragile.", "Michael: Well... hello, Drucilla.", "Dru: Hey, Michael.", "Michael: Okay... what is the final decision? Do we go to trial or take a plea?", "Dru: You know, my husband and I discussed it. I'm not changing my mind. You see, I'm not accepting a plea bargain if that means I get to go to prison. How about that?", "Michael: That's what I thought you'd say, which is why I hired Paul Williams to do a complete background check on Carmen.", "Dru: Well, that's a waste of time.", "Michael: Everybody's got skeletons, my friend.", "Dru: Yeah, but, uh, Carmen is very clever. I doubt very much that she's leaving the skeletons lying around.", "Michael: Oh, who knows? We might get lucky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Look, Jack, I admit your offer is tempting, but I have nothing to gain by leaving town.", "Jack: Oh, I don't know about that. New surroundings. New faces. I always pegged you for a gal who liked a challenge.", "Carmen: If you're worried I'm gonna blow your cover as the man behind the scenes at Jabot, you can relax.", "Jack: I never admitted that that was true.", "Carmen: Even if it is, what do you care what I think? Besides, what's the big deal? It's your family's company.", "Jack: Even if your suspicions are correct, and I'm not saying they are... I would have to keep that a secret, wouldn't I? Or face some pretty ugly consequences.", "Carmen: Well, does that mean if I have a PR question about Jabot, I can't ask you?", "Nikki: Why would you ask Jack about anything about Jabot? He's involved with NVP now.", "Carmen: I meant if I needed advice. I realize Mr. Kim owns the company, but Jack has tons more experience.", "Victor: I don't disagree. But going behind the back of people that you work for is gonna backfire.", "Jack: Yes, Victor is absolutely right. If you have any questions, you're gonna have to go to Mr. Kim.", "Victor: Jack, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with Ms. Mesta alone for awhile.", "Jack: Uh, yeah, absolutely. I'll talk to you later.", "Victor: I would like to offer you some advice.", "Carmen: Concerning my work, Mr. Newman?", "Victor: Concerning Drucilla Winters.", "Carmen: I assume you're referring to my court case against her.", "Victor: I'm very disturbed by your legal action against her.", "Nikki: We have been very good friends with the Winters family for many years.", "Victor: And we really do not want this legal action to be blown out of proportion.", "Carmen: I don't mean to be disrespectful, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, but I have no obligation to discuss my case with either of you.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Okay. I guess she's made up her mind.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Which means a lot of people are gonna get hurt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: A cowboy belt!", "Phyllis: Yep. To go with the cowboy hat I gave you.", "Noah: Thanks.", "Phyllis: You're welcome.", "Nick: So listen, Bud, uh... while we were in New Mexico, we did something.", "Noah: What?", "Nick: We got married.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, sort of.", "Noah: What does \"sort of\" mean?", "Nick: Well, it's only legal in New Mexico, not Wisconsin.", "Phyllis: Right. But, um, when it becomes legal here in Wisconsin, uh, we're going to do it all over again. We're gonna have a big wedding.", "Noah: Why do it twice?", "Phyllis: Well... when, um, people love each other as much as your dad and I do, you--you wanna do a bunch of romantic things like that.", "Noah: You guys do really love each other, huh?", "Nick: Yes, we do.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: You're still okay with that, right?", "Noah: It's cool. Does Mom know?", "Nick: We haven't had a chance to tell her yet.", "Noah: I'm worried it's gonna make her sad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, Friend.", "Neil: Hey, yourself.", "Sharon: Working late?", "Neil: Uh, yeah, I'm just wrapping up a few last minute things, that's all.", "Sharon: So, how's Dru?", "Neil: Um... well, she's trying to tough it out for the kids' sake, but it's not easy.", "Sharon: From what I hear, Carmen's out for blood.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Sharon: You know, I'm having a really hard time even being civil to this Carmen woman, given the way that she is ruthlessly going after Dru.", "Neil: Don't be surprised if Michael Baldwin asks you to be a character witness.", "Sharon: That's fine with me. I'd be glad to testify. I'll be first in line.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I know, I'm just saying.", "Will: Oh, hey, guys, glad I ran into you. Daniel, I've been trying to contact your mother.", "Daniel: Oh, she's out of town.", "Will: Do you know when she'll be back?", "Daniel: No, sorry.", "Will: You wouldn't be holding out on me, would you?", "Devon: Lily, what's he saying?", "Lily: He's, um, he's looking for Phyllis.", "Daniel: Listen, I know you're just trying to do your job, but I still can't believe that this whole thing with Lily's mom is even going to trial. I mean, can't you see that Carmen's just being vindictive?", "Will: I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that. Mrs. Winters violated a court order and physically attacked Ms. Mesta.", "Lily: Oh, come on. That's--that's BS Okay, the woman's a liar and you know it. Michael Baldwin is gonna prove that. This is one case that you're gonna lose.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: There is an alternative to a full jury trial.", "Dru: What? Me becoming a fugitive?", "Michael: I am referring to a bench trial, where we only have to deal with a judge. However, I--", "Dru: But you don't think that that's the ticket?", "Michael: I think a full jury trial is our best hope. If I can get the right 12 people in those seats...", "Dru: Yeah.", "Michael: Present our whole story. Convince them that you're genuinely sorry, I can guarantee you will have their sympathy on our side.", "Dru: You keep saying that, Counselor. But what if you're wrong?", "Michael: If I'm wrong... if I'm wrong, as I said, a conviction will get you up to eight years. At best, two.", "Dru: Eight years? I ain't doing no eight years. I'm not even gonna do two. Do you have any idea how much time will be lost with my family?", "Michael: All right, Drucilla, you need to stay positive, all right? And most importantly, you have to resist the temptation to say anything to anyone that can be used against you in a court of law. That means, including Carmen, your children, not even Neil.", "Dru: Wait a minute. Are you telling me I can't talk to my family about this? My husband?", "Michael: Not those two topics-- the case and the trial. They're off limits. Do you understand?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Neil, wait. We need to talk.", "Neil: No, thanks.", "Carmen: Please? If you were ever really my friend, you'll give me one minute.", "Neil: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What about Brad and Victoria?", "Dru: Well, surely they saw Carmen carrying on, throwing herself at my husband while I was in Europe working.", "Michael: Then Nicholas and Phyllis must've seen it, too.", "Dru: Wait, did you say Phyllis? Unh-unh. If Phyllis goes on the stand, she will make sure that the court reinstates the death penalty.", "Michael: You let me handle Phyllis.", "Dru: Yeah, well... where have you all been?", "Lily: We were at the coffeehouse.", "Dru: I have been worried. Do you have any idea what time it is?", "Daniel: Yeah, well, Dru, you know, there's something that you should know.", "Dru: What? What?", "Daniel: We ran into the DA.", "Dru: Bardwell?", "Daniel: Yeah, he was looking for my mom.", "Dru: Oh, well, then he just wants her to testify against me on the stand.", "Devon: Did you say testify?", "Dru: Yes. Yes.", "Lily: And I may have messed things up a little, Mom.", "Dru: What? Huh?", "Michael: All right, what did you do?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Lily: I... I tried to talk to Carmen to get her to back down.", "Dru: Oh, Lord, tell me you did not do that, Girl.", "Lily: Mom, I thought if she knew how much we loved you, how much your family needed you, that she would maybe give you a break. But she was really, really stubborn.", "Michael: All right, gang--", "Dru: No, all right, put it on the computer so my son can read this.", "Daniel: I'll do it.", "Dru: Thank you.", "Michael: All right, kids, here is the deal. I know you want to help Drucilla. But the best thing you can do now is to stay away from Carmen. The DA is gonna twist whatever you say to her into some grotesque parody. He will call it coercion. And that will make Drucilla seem afraid. If she seems afraid, she seems guilty.", "Lily: Yeah, but--", "Michael: Please!", "Lily: I was just trying--", "Michael: I know you wanna help. I know. But the best thing you can do now is stay outta my way and let me do my job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Okay... what do you want? Make it fast.", "Carmen: I want you to be honest.", "Neil: Honest? About what?", "Carmen: Can you really tell me you believe Dru's done nothing wrong?", "Neil: This whole thing could've been resolved outside a courtroom. It wasn't necessary to involve the police.", "Carmen: She got into my room, chopped up my clothes. You don't think she should be held accountable?", "Neil: Carmen, our son almost died. Now you're trying to send his mother away when we need her the most. Over what? Some stupid clothes? Clothes that I told you that I'd reimburse you for? That's not justice. That's revenge.", "Carmen: This isn't about revenge. This is about me feeling safe.", "Neil: So you keep saying. But I'm looking around here. I don't see Dru here anymore. She's been fired.", "Carmen: How do I know, Neil, she's not gonna come after me on some dark night on some street somewhere?", "Neil: Because she'll be with me. I'm her husband. She's not gonna come after you. That's all in your mind.", "Carmen: Oh, so I've imagined all this now?", "Neil: That's not what I meant. You know, forget about it. It's pointless talking to you. This conversation's over.", "Sharon: Is this a bad time?", "Carmen: No, it's fine.", "Sharon: Okay. I've indicated what dates don't work for me.", "Carmen: All right, I'll make some adjustments and get back to you. Was there something else, Sharon?", "Sharon: Well, Carmen, you know, um... at some point in everyone's life, they do something they regret.", "Carmen: If this is about Drucilla--", "Sharon: Don't you think that she's been punished enough? You know, she lost her job. She's been arrested--twice. Maybe you can, um... just cut her a break.", "Carmen: I am so sick of everyone defending her!", "Sharon: Well, she's a good person, Carmen. And she loves her family. So, I don't know if you can blame her for going a little nuts when you went after her husband. If you ask me, you crossed the line well before Dru did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Phyllis, this is William Bardwell. I'm representing Carmen Mesta in the case against Drucilla Winters. I'd appreciate if you'd give me a call once you get back into town. Thanks.", "Michael: That's good. If you think Phyllis' testimony is gonna help your client, you're so sadly mistaken.", "Will: Why is that?", "Michael: Phyllis' son is married to my client's daughter. Now do you want us to believe Phyllis is going to bash her son's mother-in-law?", "Will: Well, Phyllis is just part of a much bigger game plan. Unless, of course, Mrs. Winters has come to her senses.", "Michael: I take it you're referring to that pathetic plea deal you offered?", "Will: It was more than fair.", "Michael: Oh, fair? You're insisting she do time.", "Will: A lot less than she'll do when she's found guilty.", "Michael: Oh, so now you have her convicted and sentenced? Oh, that's nice to know.", "Will: Did you talk to your client? Given her the option of a bench trial?", "Michael: Yes, I did. The answer's no.", "Will: Jury it is. Excuse me.", "Michael: Yeah--oh. Yes, hi, this is Michael. Um... just checking in on you. If you have a couple of moments, give me a buzz. There is something I need to discuss with you ASAP thank you, Phyllis, bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, later, wife.", "Phyllis: Bye, husband. Parting is such sweet sorrow.", "Nick: Damn straight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: I-I appreciate you, sugar, okay? Trying to fight this fight for me. But now is not the time to confront Carmen.", "Lily: I can't stand her, Mom. She wouldn't even hear me out.", "Devon: Are you guys talking about Carmen again?", "Dru: Yes.", "Devon: The lady is impossible to reason with. She just ends up making you mad. She did it to me. She did it to Lily.", "Dru: Okay, listen, listen--", "Devon: And I bet she did it to you.", "Dru: I can't talk about the case!", "Lily: Mom...", "Devon: Is it because I'm here? You promised not to shut me out.", "Dru: Baby, I'm not trying to shut you out. It's a legal matter, Baby.", "Lily: What do you mean?", "Dru: Okay, Michael warned me that I cannot talk about the case--no.", "Lily: What? Not--not even to your kids?", "Dru: Not even to your father, Honey. It's for your own protection.", "Devon: How does that protect us?", "Dru: Okay... this way you--you can't be forced to repeat what you hear me say on the stand.", "Devon: Hear you? Well, that leaves me out, 'cause I haven't heard anything.", "Dru: Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Baby, okay... let's just enjoy our meal, okay? Because this could be one of the last meals I have with my children. Come here.", "Lily: What?", "Devon: Don't say that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: A cowboy bar, huh?", "Phyllis: Um, don't ask.", "Jack: Sounds pretty spur of the moment.", "Phyllis: Uh, spur of the moment. Yes, very.", "Jack: Well, I hope you're very happy.", "Phyllis: Thank you. That's it?", "Jack: What did you expect? Tears?", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, of course not.", "Jack: My days of mourning are over. I've moved on. I wish you luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You're not really surprised, are you?", "Sharon: Well, I knew that you would be getting married at some point. I just kind of thought that you would wait the six-month period.", "Nick: We wanted to make it official before the baby's born.", "Sharon: I wish you could've told me or something.", "Nick: We didn't want a lot of people to know.", "Sharon: What, did you think I would freak out?", "Nick: No. I mean, you're not, right?", "Sharon: Hardly.", "Nick: Besides, after you let it slip to Phyllis that I was, uh, throwing her a surprise engagement party...", "Sharon: Oh. I see. So, um, you didn't think that I would be able to be discreet?", "Nick: Not really.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm happy for you.", "Phyllis: Great. You're not just saying that?", "Jack: Don't flatter yourself. Whatever emotional hold you may have had on me once is long gone.", "Phyllis: Good. Good. I'm glad you feel that way.", "Jack: Why wouldn't I? Things at NVP are great. Sharon and I are connecting in a very neat way. And I guess everybody got what they wanted.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I guess we all did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm glad that things are coming together for you.", "Nick: Thanks. I hope you mean that.", "Sharon: Yeah, I do, Nick. Hey... congratulations.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Nice job, old boy.", "Neil: I beg your pardon?", "Victor: I admire the way you handled yourself during this meeting just now. I know the personal pressure you're under.", "Neil: Well, I try to keep my personal and business life separate, Victor.", "Victor: And I know how difficult that is. I certainly do.", "Neil: Yeah. I appreciate your support.", "Victor: I want you to know that I... think the legal action that Carmen Mesta brought against Drucilla is an outrage.", "Neil: Yeah, I think so, too.", "Victor: Anything I can do to help?", "Neil: No, I'll let you know if there is. Uh, meanwhile, I'll pass along the kind words to Dru.", "Victor: All right, you do that.", "Neil: Um, Victor?", "Victor: Yep?", "Neil: It's good to see you. It's always nice having you at the office.", "Victor: Well, you know... I keep an eye on things.", "Neil: Yeah. Oh, by the way, um, are you and Nikki planning on attending the opening of my club?", "Victor: Listen, I wouldn't miss it for anything. We'll try to be there, all right?", "Neil: All right, my man. Thanks. I'll talk to you later.", "Victor: What's upsetting you, Jack?", "Jack: I think you'd better have a talk with your son and be prepared to be shocked.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: How's your chicken? Good?", "Lily: It's really good.", "Dru: So, um, any-- anything interesting happen at school today?", "Lily: No.", "Dru: Devon?", "Devon: What?", "Dru: Anything interesting at school today?", "Devon: No.", "Dru: No? Wow. That's fascinating. I wish I were there.", "Devon: That's funny.", "Dru: So, um... you know, your father is--is so excited. I don't know how he got Aaron Neville-- okay, Aaron Neville-- to perform! It's gonna be an amazing evening.", "Devon: Yeah, it's gonna be great to, uh, to see him sing. Even if I can't hear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: I spoke with Michael Baldwin. They still won't accept a plea.", "Carmen: Well, if Dru wants a fight, she's going to get one.", "Will: She had the option of choosing a bench trial, but she's decided she wants to face a jury of her peers.", "Carmen: That's crazy. They're gonna see the video of her grabbing me, wrenching my arm behind my back and choking me. What more proof could they possibly need of how dangerous and out of control she is?", "Will: As strong as the tape is, there's no witness to authenticate it.", "Carmen: We need that?", "Will: We might. Baldwin's a very good lawyer.", "Carmen: Earlier you said we had a really good shot at winning.", "Will: We do. But there are no guarantees.", "Carmen: What are you telling me? Dru could actually beat this charge? No, William, we can't let that happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: How's the baby? Really? That's great. Wonderful. Uh, is JT still there? Well, listen, I think it's safe to send him home, don't you? But... listen, listen, listen, listen, Sweetheart... you heard Paul. Sheila Carter is dead. There was a DNA match. It's confirmed, right? Listen, she's not gonna be able to hurt Fenmore or anyone else ever again, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, Michael, it's Phyllis. I'm back. I got your message. I'm guessing you wanna talk to me about Dru's trial or that cryptic conversation we had while I was in Los Alamos. Either way, give me a call back. Bye.", "Daniel: Hey, Mom!", "Phyllis: Hey!", "Daniel: Welcome back.", "Phyllis: Hey, Sweetie.", "Daniel: Welcome back to the both of you.", "Phyllis: Thanks. It's nice to be missed.", "Daniel: Well, you were. Yeah, there's something that we gotta get straight, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, I'm off.", "Jack: Take care.", "Victor: Oh, Jack, before I forget.", "Jack: What's that?", "Victor: Uh, Nikki could not find any documentation in regard to the land sites.", "Jack: Which land sites?", "Victor: The ones you bought with the money that I loaned you.", "Jack: Oh, right.", "Victor: Well, she can't find any records of the transactions.", "Jack: Well, that's because those transactions haven't gone through yet.", "Victor: Oh. Now I'm aware of the place in Savannah, and then you talked about that place in India. But I wasn't aware of any other land sites.", "Jack: You need this right now?", "Victor: No, no, no, no, no. Don't worry about a thing. I mean, just-- just letting you know that she eventually would like to see that. You know she's a stickler for detail, you know?", "Jack: Of course.", "Victor: But I know that you know what you're doing. Have a nice day.", "Jack: You, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I was really hoping I could talk to you and Dad at the same time.", "Nikki: What are you gonna do, leave me hanging?", "Nick: Speak of the devil.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Nick: There he is.", "Nikki: Come in here. Nicholas apparently has some news.", "Victor: That's the impression I get from Jack. What is it?", "Nick: While we were New Mexico, Phyllis and I were married.", "Nikki: You were married?", "Victor: You mean, just like that?", "Nick: Just like that.", "Nick: Look, Mom, I promise you. You can have the big wedding for us with all the bells and whistles. But Phyllis and I needed to make this official before our little girl is born.", "Nick: Mom, don't worry, all right? We are going to do this all over again anyway.", "Nikki: Oh, great! That just makes me feel so much better!", "Nick: We weren't trying to exclude you, I promise. This is a symbolic thing and a way for us to thumb our nose at the Wisconsin state marriage laws.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. I was gonna give you and Phyllis something the day of the wedding, but this is as good a time as any.", "Nick: What is it?", "Victor: It is a deed to a large piece of land in Sedona, Arizona.", "Nick: Sedona? Wow, that place is beautiful.", "Victor: It's a gorgeous place. It's a mystic place. It makes you feel tranquil and peaceful.", "Nick: This is a great gift.", "Victor: You build a vacation home there whenever you feel like going. Go and relax.", "Nick: Thanks, Dad.", "Victor: I want you to know that I wish you and Phyllis all the happiness in the world, all right?", "Nick: All right.", "Victor: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Well, I'm glad you're happy. Really.", "Phyllis: I am very happy. My feet haven't touched the ground since we got back.", "Daniel: We should go out and get dinner soon and celebrate.", "Phyllis: Let's do that, all right?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: What's-- what's this about these things you wanna get straight with me?", "Daniel: Listen, I know that you hate Dru, but if this DA guy wants to talk to you, for Lily's sake, can you just not trash her, please?", "Carmen: Hey, Phyllis, welcome back.", "Phyllis: Hey, Carmen. Thank you. You remember my son, Daniel, right?", "Daniel: Mom, I gotta go. Um, just remember what I said, please?", "Phyllis: He probably has work to do.", "Carmen: Sure.", "Phyllis: So, I'm hearing some buzz about the trial.", "Carmen: Yeah, it's unbelievable. Dru attacks me and I'm the one being made to feel like a criminal-- at least here at Newman.", "Phyllis: You know, Carmen, I'm not surprised. The Winters have been with Newman Enterprises for a very long time.", "Carmen: And I'm the new kid on the block.", "Phyllis: I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Listen, I can't believe that people don't see Dru for the wacko she is. I really can't believe it. I know what she's capable of more than anyone. You have my sympathies.", "Carmen: I hope you mean that. Since you found the video of Dru assaulting me, my lawyer may need you to testify. I realize that puts you in an awkward position.", "Phyllis: No, I-I... that's fine. I mean, I'll help you as best I can. I mean, she definitely attacked you. I saw that video. She screwed up. I'm tired of her getting away with stuff.", "Carmen: Thank you. You're just about the only friend I have left.", "Phyllis: I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: Phyllis.", "Carmen: We'll talk later.", "Phyllis: Okay, great.", "Nikki: How you doing?", "Phyllis: Oh, good, good. I'm, you know...", "Nikki: I just need to talk to you for a moment. Nicholas told me your news.", "Phyllis: Yeah... what do you think?", "Nikki: I think the next time \"Mrs. Newman\" is paged on the intercom in this building, there's gonna be a stampede.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I think so, too. That's for sure.", "Nikki: Well, this is long overdue. But it's time for me to officially welcome you to the family.", "Phyllis: Thank you, Nikki.", "Nikki: And after this waiting period is over... I expect some semblance of a wedding.", "Phyllis: Absolutely. Uh, you accepting me as Nick's wife... it really means a lot to me.", "Nikki: Well... family is very important to me.", "Phyllis: Yes, it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: So! Anyone want dessert?", "Lily: Oh, no, none for me.", "Devon: No.", "Dru: You sure?", "Devon: Guys, why are we acting like everything is normal when we know it's not?", "Dru: Baby...", "Devon: No, we need to decide what Lily and I are gonna say if they call us to the stand.", "Dru: I'm not gonna have either one of you lying for me. Neither one of you were even there.", "Devon: I'm gonna tell you what. They can't force me to say anything bad about you, Dru. Okay, there is no way.", "Lily: Me either.", "Dru: Listen, listen, I love your loyalty. But I am not gonna have either one of you lying. You have to tell the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Ms. Abbott?", "Phyllis: Hey, uh, yes, Mr. Bardwell.", "Will: Did you get my message?", "Phyllis: I did. I did. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to get back to you.", "Will: Oh, that's all right. You got a few minutes?", "Phyllis: Sure. Sure.", "Will: Actually, um, is Nicholas in the building?", "Phyllis: Yes, he is. He's in, um, he's in Victor's office, I believe.", "Will: Well, maybe we could all have a conversation to save time?", "Phyllis: I'd love-- listen, I know this is about Drucilla Winters' trial. And I'm prepared to help you as much as I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: For you.", "Carmen: Aren't you a little old for love notes?", "Jack: Read it.", "Carmen: Am I supposed to know what this means?", "Jack: That's the amount of your signing bonus.", "Carmen: Signing bonus?", "Jack: If you agree to this assignment in Hong Kong.", "Carmen: I could've sworn I just told you my answer was no.", "Jack: No, I remember you telling me no. But I don't remember you saying, \"No way in hell.\"", "Carmen: Are you really that scared of me, Jack?", "Jack: This has nothing to do with being scared of you.", "Carmen: What else could it be about? Unless you're feeling guilty for hopping from my bed to Sharon's bed, because there truly are no hard feelings.", "Jack: The thought never crossed my mind. Besides, as I recall, you're the one that lost interest in me.", "Carmen: Then why so generous?", "Jack: I hate to see anyone pass up a good opportunity. Besides, I think this would be a good time for you to consider getting out of dodge.", "Carmen: Why?", "Jack: Well, you have no idea what Dru is capable of-- how dangerous she's going to be.", "Carmen: Would you testify to that in court?", "Jack: Not a chance. You'd be smart to take the money and run before things really get ugly.", "Carmen: That almost sounds like a bribe. Or maybe even a threat.", "Jack: It's a once in a lifetime offer. You'd be a fool to turn it down.", "Carmen: Well, then I guess I'm a fool. Because I'm staying right here in Genoa City. I'm going through with my court case and Drucilla Winters is going down.", "Jack: Remind me never to get on your bad side. But then again, you don't wanna be on my bad side either.", "Carmen: In that case, I guess it would be better if we just avoided each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: I need to ask you about the night of the party for NVP.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, when Dru lost her mind.", "Nick: That's not exactly the way I remember it.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? She went off on Carmen, saying that she was a husband stealing--", "Nick: Look, you weren't even in the room when she gave her little spiel.", "Phyllis: I know. You told me the gory details.", "Nick: All right, let's... you know what? Let's do this some other time. We just got back from a trip and we're exhausted.", "Will: I understand this is difficult. I realize you're a close friend of the Winters family, but I still need your statement. If you prefer, you can give it under oath.", "Nick: Whatever. But we're not gonna do this today.", "Will: I'll be in touch then.", "Nick: I'm sure you will.", "Phyllis: What?", "Nick: What?", "Phyllis: What--back to you. What a day.", "Nick: Yeah, what a day. Did you tell Jack?", "Phyllis: Yeah, did you tell Sharon?", "Nick: Yep.", "Phyllis: I'm not gonna ask how it went.", "Nick: I'm alive, aren't I?", "Phyllis: Yeah. So we did it! We--we--we told people. People know we're married.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Do you wanna go home and take the phone off the hook and crawl into bed?", "Nick: Yes. That's the best idea I've heard all day. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: How you doing?", "Jack: I'm doing just fine. Why wouldn't I be?", "Sharon: Well, I just-- wasn't sure how you would take the news about Nick and Phyllis.", "Jack: To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less.", "Sharon: Great. Ditto. Because I have a lot of other things on my mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I have never seen Dru so crazed.", "Devon: Dru-- that's 'cause she's terrified, man.", "Lily: Yeah. If she loses this case, she may go to prison. I don't think I could handle that.", "Devon: Come on, now. Come on, let's not give up on it, all right?", "Lily: All right. All right, so maybe we could all try talking some sense into Carmen.", "Devon: Lily? You and I already tried doing that. Look how much good it did for us.", "Daniel: And you heard what Michael Baldwin said. We promised Dru that we would stay away.", "Lily: I know. I know. But someone has gotta make her see that what she's doing is wrong and unfair.", "Dru: You know, um... how's does-- how does Michael Baldwin expect me to keep my mouth shut, not talk about the case? Put a sock in it?", "Neil: I know it's hard. Um, Carmen waylaid me at work earlier. She tried to get me on her side. I couldn't keep my mouth shut either.", "Dru: She has some nerve.", "Neil: She was also very paranoid. You know what she told me? She's afraid of you, Dru. She's afraid you're gonna come after her.", "Dru: You know, I probably shouldn't say this out loud, but she's lucky I only slashed those clothes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Yes! Yes! I just got the report you messengered over. Yeah, I'm looking at it right now. Oh, man, I can't believe you were able to dig up so much dirt on Carmen. Yeah. Well, Paul, you're amazing, and I don't know how to thank you. This is going to help the case enormously--enormously.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Carmen: Drucilla Winters is crazy and dangerous.", "Michael: I may call you to testify about Carmen's and your attraction to each other.", "Lauren: Before she died, she had plastic surgery to look like you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick and Sharon are at the hospital with Noah, who will be okay, but has to have his spleen removed. Colleen arrives at the accident site. Victoria's purse is found in the rubble. Meanwhile, Victoria and Adrian are trapped together. Victoria tells him she can feel the baby moving around. The rescue workers now have cameras and microphones to drop into the rubble to see if they can spot anyone. A body is found, it's Joe, the crooked supervisor. The cameras are dropped in and Victoria and Adrian are spotted! They say they are fine. The workers say they have to get them out as the methane gas is starting to build up to a dangerous level. Just then, there is an explosion. Workers go flying everywhere and rescue operations are ordered to be stopped. That doesn't stop Victor who runs into the hole with an oxygen tank. He manages to find Jack and gets him out. Victoria and Adrian are okay except that Adrian has a piece of metal stuck in his leg. When JT sees Victor come out, he rushes in to find Victoria. He pulls them out. Just when Victoria emerges and it looks like she is finally safe, a piece of rock comes falling down and hits her in the face, knocking her over. She goes tumbling down a pile of rubble and lies unconscious.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Nick: How's the leg?", "Sharon: I don't care about my leg. Why aren't they telling us anything about Noah?", "Nick: Look, I'm sure as soon as they know something--", "Sharon: Yeah, we'll know. He was down there all alone, Nick, without us.", "Nick: Sharon, he's alive. You gotta be grateful for that.", "Sharon: I am. I am grateful. Jack is still down there. He's all alone. He must be terrified. You know, I keep thinking... maybe there was some way all three of us could've gotten out of there.", "Nick: There wasn't. There wasn't, Sharon. You need to stop worrying about it. Otherwise, you're just gonna make yourself sick.", "Sharon: Well, too late.", "Nick: Okay. Hey, you know, you could... pretend to be calm, and then that would make me calm, and then maybe you'd be calm then. Wanna try that?", "Sharon: Have you talked to Phyllis?", "Nick: I was hoping to have some good news about Noah.", "Sharon: So she knows about Jack?", "Nick: I was hoping to have some good news about him, too. But I did tell her that... you know, Jack helped us out.", "Sharon: I can't believe he's still down there, trapped.", "Doctor: Mr. and Mrs. Newman?", "Nick: Yeah?", "Sharon: Yeah?", "Nick: How's our son?", "Doctor: A few cracked ribs, which we expected, and a ruptured spleen.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh.", "Nick: Uh, so what do you do now?", "Doctor: If the spleen can be repaired, we'll go that route, but, frankly, it's not likely. In which case we need to remove it. I need to get permission to go either way depending on what I find when we get in the O.R.", "Nick: You'll keep us posted on, you know, what happens?", "Doctor: Of course. I need one of you to sign the necessary paperwork.", "Sharon: Can we see him?", "Doctor: We need to get him to surgery right away.", "Nick: Yeah, okay. Then let's do it. You--you go see Noah, I'll fill out the paperwork.", "Sharon: Okay. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Kevin? I would've come sooner. I was in class.", "Kevin: Hey. I got my dad's message and I came right over. Um, who do we give this to?", "Kevin: What is it?", "Colleen: It's Adrian's shirt. My dad and Victor told me to bring something--", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come with me.", "Colleen: It's for the rescue dogs.", "Kevin: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Hi, we have this and we know the dog isn't supposed to smell it until right before he starts searching--", "Woman: Oh, I'll take that for you. Whose is it?", "Colleen: It's, uh, Adrian Korbel's.", "Woman: Who?", "Kevin: Uh, white male, thought to be accompanying white female Victoria Newman, both missing.", "Woman: Thank you.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Colleen: White male missing. I hate the sound of that.", "Kevin: I know.", "Colleen: You know, just the thought of him, like, trapped down there, it's, uh...", "Kevin: Listen, the rescue workers are on top of their game, okay?", "Colleen: Have they-- have they found my uncle?", "Kevin: Your Uncle Jack is too toxic to die. But I'm gonna put my personal feelings aside for the moment, okay?", "Colleen: I mean, Kevin, can't we do something? I mean, like--like help or something?", "Kevin: No, no, no. They're trained professionals, we're not. We could make the situation worse. And the reason that they're moving so slowly is because they have to make sure they don't cause any further structural damage, okay?", "Colleen: If we go slowly, Kevin, someone could die down there.", "Kevin: Yeah, I know.", "Colleen: This is crazy. I mean, this isn't real. I don't... I don't understand--", "Kevin: Well, look, look, look, we don't know for sure that--that Adrian and Victoria are down there, true?", "Colleen: I mean, they were supposed to be at the local museum, touring the development, right?", "Kevin: See? Hey, so--so, there's lot of places they could be. They--they could've lost cell service. They could've lost track of time.", "Colleen: No, Kevin, I wish I could believe you. It's--I mean, has anyone checked, like, above ground or anything?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, your dad and David Chow have been looking nonstop.", "Colleen: You really think that they're down there, don't you?", "Kevin: No. What I really hope is that they're not, okay?", "Colleen: See, Adrian's cell is going straight to voice mail and it's full. He would've checked in by now, okay? And the only reason he wouldn't is if he was down there.", "Kevin: No, no, in the words of my brother, objection! Because that calls for a conclusion, okay?", "Colleen: If he could've called me, he would've.", "Kevin: May I remind you that you and I were trapped in a burning freezer and we lived to tell the tale. But if Adrian is down there, he's gonna gonna live to tell the tale, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Mr. Winters, can you tell us how this happened?", "Neil: There's no definitive answer to what caused the collapse.", "Woman: Could it have been some sort of seismic activity?", "Neil: That would only be speculation at this point.", "Woman: What about survivors?", "Neil: Yes, ten people were rescued, two of them remain in the hospital, one with a fractured leg, one in surgery. The other eight sustained minor or no injuries.", "Man: Are there more people trapped inside?", "Neil: Yes, there are. That's been confirmed by search and rescue dogs. We don't have all the names yet, but we're trying to find out who was in the building at the time of the collapse. Now luckily, there have been no fatalities.", "Man: How many neighboring counties have sent rescue units and equipment?", "J.T.: All right, let me know if you hear anything. Thanks. No one's seen Victoria's car.", "Daniel: There's a million places she could still be. She could be in one of the condominiums, the restaurants.", "Victor: They still haven't found Jack Abbott.", "Man: Mr. Newman? We found some personal items in the rubble.", "Victor: Can we see them?", "Nikki: Oh, my God! Wait!", "Victor: What? What?", "Nikki: Oh!", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: Oh, my God! This is her purse! This is Victoria's purse! This is her purse! Oh, God! Oh, Victor, it's her purse.", "(Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Hello?", "Woman: This should help with the pain.", "Sharon: Thank you. How long do operations like this one my son's having take?", "Woman: It varies. I can tell you Noah has a great surgeon. He's in good hands.", "Sharon: What is it? Is it Jack? What happened?", "Nick: The rescue teams found... Victoria's purse. Vick's down there.", "Sharon: Okay, well, that doesn't mean that she's injured and Adrian's with her, right? So--so she's not alone.", "Nick: Yeah, but the whole pregnancy...", "Sharon: Adrian will help her.", "Nick: But what if Adrian is--is trapped someplace else? What if he's injured? What if he's dead?", "Sharon: Okay, listen, don't think like that, all right? We got out of there alive, and so will she. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Can I get you anything?", "Nikki: No. Just find Victoria, please.", "Man: Mr. Newman?", "Victor: So, Robert, when is the rest of the equipment coming that I ordered?", "Robert: We've got several trucks that just came in.", "Victor: Oh, thank God.", "Daniel: Is there anything I can do to help?", "Robert: Yeah, yeah, sure, we got a bunch of supplies coming in from other towns.", "Daniel: Anything's better than standing around doing nothing, right?", "Robert: Good. Follow me.", "Victor: Thank you for everything you're doing.", "J.T.: What sort of equipment did you bring in?", "Victor: The latest kind of video equipment and microphones, made especially for very narrow spaces, so if someone is alive, they'll detect that.", "David: I'm sorry. I don't have any more news. What's going on? Did they find your daughter?", "Nikki: No. She's in there. They just don't know where.", "David: How do they know that?", "Nikki: The rescue team found her purse.", "David: Oh, Nikki, I'm sorry.", "Nikki: She's in such a fragile state right now with this pregnancy. I don't know how much stress she can take.", "David: If she's anything like you, she's not giving up until she's out of there.", "Nikki: I can't lose her. I-I can't. I mean, after almost losing Nicholas... I can't go through this. We've gotta find her. We've gotta find her.", "J.T.: I can't stand this anymore. I'm going to look for her.", "Victor: J.T., whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't you go anywhere. I do not want you to endanger my daughter with heroics. These people know what they're doing, all right? Please don't do it. I understand what you wanna do. Don't think I'm not impatient.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Adrian?! Adrian, can you hear me?! Adrian? (Coughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: What's going on? Excuse me! Excuse me! What's going on?", "Daniel: The rescue workers found someone.", "Kevin: What?", "Nikki: Is it a woman?", "Robert: Male, Caucasian. Pronounced dead on the scene.", "Colleen: Dead?! Do you know who it is?", "Robert: No, Ma'am.", "Colleen: Oh, my God! Don't be Adrian or Uncle Jack. Please! Oh, God! Please! Please!", "Woman: Has the body been identified?", "Woman: Can you confirm it was a male?", "Woman: Did he have any identification?", "Neil: Okay, listen to me, one question at a time. The body has not been identified, and the victim is a male.", "Man: Does anyone recognize him?", "Neil: I really don't have the information to that right now.", "Woman: There must be something you can tell us.", "Neil: Okay, I can tell you that even if we did have a name, we couldn't release it until the next of kin has been notified.", "Man: Can we speak with the incident commander?", "Neil: The incident commander is very busy conducting the rescue mission.", "Woman: What about one of the rescue personnel?", "Neil: Their priority is getting to those people who are still trapped. I'm asking--I'm begging you to please respect that, okay? The same thing goes for those who are waiting for word on friends and family. Now please, no more interviews until after this crisis is over.", "Woman: Mr. Winters, has the specialized equipment Victor Newman ordered arrived yet?", "Neil: Yes, I believe that equipment has arrived and more is on its way.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey. Um... they found a man's body, but they haven't identified him. I doubt its Adrian, because he's supposed to be touring the development with Victoria, right?", "J.T.: That's what we thought, but, um... they found her purse in the rubble.", "Colleen: Oh, God, no! Oh, my God! Oh, no! Oh, God!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Nick, what is it? Just say it. It's better if you just say it.", "Nick: They're bringing up the first casualty now.", "Sharon: Who?", "Nick: They don't know, but... it's a male, Caucasian.", "Sharon: Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, I feel sick. I-I have to find out.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nikki: Hello?", "Sharon: It's Sharon. I heard they have a casualty.", "Nikki: They're bringing him up right now.", "Sharon: Is it my husband?", "Nikki: I don't know.", "Sharon: Nikki, find out for me, please?", "Nikki: I will.", "Nick: What did she say?", "Sharon: She's trying to get the information.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, who is it?", "Victor: Never seen him before.", "J.T.: It's Joe Boddington.", "Nikki: Who?", "J.T.: The construction supervisor I worked for.", "Nikki: Sharon, you don't know him.", "Sharon: Thank you. Thank you, Nikki.", "Sharon: It wasn't Jack.", "Nick: (Exhales)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh! Oh, was that a protest? Or are you just letting me know that you're in there? Its okay, Baby, I'm gonna-- I'm gonna get us out of here. (Digging noises) (Grunting)", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh! Who's there? Adrian, is that you? Adrian, you're okay!", "Adrian: Oh, thank God, Victoria.", "Victoria: Let me help you. Thank God you're all right.", "Adrian: Are you okay?", "Victoria: Yes. Oh, come on. Oh, my gosh! Thank God you're okay. Oh, my God!", "Adrian: Hi.", "Victoria: Okay. Do you feel as bad as you look?", "Adrian: I couldn't possibly feel any worse, so... let's just say I'm happy there's not a mirror around. How's--how's the baby?", "Victoria: He's kicking. A lot.", "Adrian: That's a good thing, I hope.", "Victoria: Well, let's just say, uh, it's his reminder of our priorities, which is to get him out of here.", "Adrian: Okay. How's the baby's mom?", "Victoria: I'm having a hard time breathing is all. I'm fine, though. I've made a little progress over here.", "Adrian: Okay, you relax. I'll take over.", "Victoria: What do you think happened?", "Adrian: I can't be sure. The last thing I remember was I heard a loud cracking noise. I think that minivan probably saved my ass-- my--my life.", "Victoria: I don't think that watching your language is a priority right now. It's okay.", "Adrian: I was doing it for the baby's sake.", "Victoria: Well, the baby kindly thanks you, and requests that you help me save his ass, please.", "Adrian: You're in good spirits for somebody in our... predicament here.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, it's one of the priorities of parenting. You gotta practice being calm, because when they're teenagers, you have to look like you know what you're doing even if you don't know what you're doing.", "Adrian: Hey, do you have a cell phone?", "Victoria: No. You?", "Adrian: Same.", "Victoria: Okay, so... so we're cut off from the outside world. All right. Well, I bet all of those years of you being a scout are kicking in right now, huh?", "Adrian: So I guess now is not the best time to tell you that I was... never a scout?", "Victoria: (Laughs) it's all right. It's never too late to start, anyway.", "Adrian: Hey, Vicki? If something happens to me, I just want you to know--", "Victoria: No, I don't wanna hear that kinda talk right now. Okay, I don't. I don't wanna hear it.", "Adrian: I want you to know that I really-- I really admire you.", "Victoria: Okay. That kinda talk I can-- I can handle that kinda talk.", "Adrian: All right.", "Victoria: Thank you. Hey, Adrian?", "Adrian: Yeah?", "Victoria: Um... I'm glad as hell you're here. It was kinda creepy being alone, you know?", "Adrian: Happy to oblige.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Colleen: Kevin said you were down there.", "J.T.: Yeah, I was, uh, I was down there with Cane and Mrs. Chancellor.", "Colleen: Yeah, I heard. Did you get hurt?", "J.T.: No, I... I got lucky.", "Colleen: Well, I'm glad you're okay.", "J.T.: Thanks. I hope Adrian's all right.", "Colleen: I hope Victoria is, too. You know, um... I just keep thinking that... I can't remember what he was wearing the last time I saw him, you know? I, uh, had no idea it might be the last time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: Ugh!", "Victoria: Maybe I should help you.", "Adrian: You shouldn't be helping at all. Just... okay?", "Victoria: You don't have to worry about me, you know? I'm--I'm pregnant, I'm not sick or anything.", "Adrian: Yeah, not worrying? Okay, this is me, not worrying.", "Victoria: You know...", "Adrian: It's a dead end.", "Victoria: What do you think about our air supply?", "Adrian: We should be all right for a little while.", "Victoria: You're just saying that to make me feel better, aren't you?", "Adrian: If I said no, would you believe me?", "Victoria: I'll be skeptical.", "Adrian: All right, how about this? I'm a professor. This head is filled with knowledge.", "Victoria: Oh. About getting out of a pile of concrete and rebar?", "Adrian: Well, there's not a serious book about the aftermath of 9/11 that I haven't read. That, and the isolation after the levees broke in New Orleans and lots of other disasters where people were trapped in small places. It's kind of an obsession.", "Victoria: That's kinda weird.", "Adrian: Yeah.", "Victoria: So, uh... how did they get out?", "Adrian: Any way they could. One thing they had in common was a good attitude.", "Victoria: I need-- you know, I need to rest.", "Adrian: Okay, here. Here. Take this.", "Victoria: Thanks.", "Adrian: Here. Here you go. All right?", "Victoria: Good attitude, huh?", "Adrian: Yep.", "Victoria: Well, that's nice and vague. So there's no other secret to survival? Just a good attitude?", "Adrian: One other component-- pure dumb luck.", "Victoria: There's that.", "Adrian: Yeah.", "Victoria: And you and me-- we have one other thing at play, though. My dad.", "Adrian: The infamous Victor Newman?", "Victoria: Yeah. You know, even if we can't dig ourselves out of here, my family will make sure that the rescuers find us. In fact, my dad might be leading them here right now.", "Adrian: I will be the first person to shake his hand and buy him a drink.", "Victoria: You think I'm exaggerating, don't you? One time I left the house after I got into an argument with my parents. Nobody knew where I was. My dad was frantic, so he sent out a plane to sky write messages in the sky ordering me home.", "Adrian: He still orders you around?", "Victoria: Yeah, sometimes. But my dad is famous for doing the impossible. Trust me, the cavalry is on its way right now. I'm just tired, I just need to close my eyes for a minute.", "Adrian: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey. Is the system operational?", "Victor: They're lowering the camera right now. Isn't that something?", "Victor: Let me have that. Excuse me for a moment. Would you turn the camera a little bit to the left? And now turn on the lights?", "Nikki: I don't know, that just looks like a piece of metal, doesn't it?", "Victor: What's that?", "Man: All right, we need to drop this in the next location.", "Robert: I don't know how much longer I can safely keep people out here. The methane levels are rising.", "Nikki: Well, I can't leave. My daughter's in there. She's pregnant.", "Robert: I-I realize that, Ma'am, but the more the gas accumulates, the more combustible it becomes. And the likelihood of an explosion increases, above ground and below.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Your mom's not answering?", "Nick: Neither is my dad, or anyone else I call.", "Sharon: Well, that could be a good sign.", "Nick: Or a bad one.", "Sharon: There's nothing else we can do.", "Woman: Excuse me. We have to replace two units of blood and we're proceeding with a full splenectomy.", "Sharon: Is he gonna be okay?", "Woman: The doctor will give you the update as soon as possible. Is there anything I can get for you?", "Sharon: I feel sick.", "Nick: How about some water for her? Thank you.", "Woman: Of course. Excuse me.", "Sharon: Why couldn't he have just gone fishing like he was supposed to?", "Nick: There's no answer for that.", "Sharon: You know, every time I think our son just cannot go through one more bad thing-- not one more-- then something else happens.", "Nick: Sharon, if I could undo it, I-I would.", "Sharon: I know. I know, but we're supposed to be his parents looking after him.", "Nick: We can't control the world. Okay? Thank you.", "Woman: Can I get you anything else?", "Nick: Just tell the doctor we'd like to speak with her as soon as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Robert: Thank you. May I have your attention? Levels of methane gas in this area have reached a level that requires all persons who are not rescue personnel to leave the area immediately. All civilians must leave the premises. Your cooperation will affect the safety of those still underground. Thank you. Officers, let's move 'em out, please.", "Robert: No need to panic, folks, just take your time.", "J.T.: Hey. Colleen, you need to get out of here.", "Colleen: No, I'm waiting until they find Adrian.", "J.T.: I'm not letting you risk your life here.", "Colleen: If you're staying, I'm staying, okay?", "J.T.: Adrian wouldn't want you to stay, and you know that. Just come to the cafe with me, all right?", "Colleen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: All right, Nikki, they want us to leave, so we should go.", "Nikki: I'm not leaving.", "Victor: Do yourself a favor and go with him. All you can do around here is wait, okay?", "Nikki: Victor, I'm not going anywhere until Victoria comes out.", "Victor: You'll just endanger other people around here. You heard what he said!", "Nikki: You're wasting your breath. Both of you, stop.", "Victor: It's very dangerous here now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you. Oh, that's much better.", "Adrian: Okay.", "Victoria: Oh, Boy, I tell you, my manicurist is gonna have her work cut out.", "Adrian: Yeah, mine, too.", "Victoria: So... what's the first thing you're gonna do when you get outta here?", "Adrian: I'm gonna tell Colleen I love her. Maybe get the name of that skywriter your dad used.", "Victoria: Things are pretty serious between you two? I mean, moving in together is a huge step.", "Adrian: Well, it's easy with her. At first I was, you know, afraid she'd be worried what other people thought, but there comes a point where you can't be scared of that.", "Victoria: We're gonna make it out of here.", "Adrian: You're damn straight, all right? I got a lot to do left in this life.", "Victoria: Yeah? Like what?", "Adrian: Oh, you know, get married, have kids, um, write the great American novel, climb Mt. Everest. And I am gonna learn to play the flute.", "Victoria: The flute? How very random of you.", "Adrian: I was a big fan of the pied piper story when I was a kid.", "Victoria: Oh. I see. I see.", "Adrian: What about you? What are you gonna do?", "Victoria: I don't know, maybe I'll go back to Italy. Maybe I'll paint a masterpiece. But mostly, I just wanna be a mom. I've wanted that for a long time. I've just had such rotten luck with it.", "Adrian: Well, just think how much more you're gonna appreciate this kid when he comes.", "Victoria: Yeah. You know, it's funny, I've been so superstitious about everything. I didn't wanna decorate the nursery, or I didn't wanna pick out any clothes or come up with a name or anything, because I was afraid I was gonna-- I was gonna jinx the pregnancy. Look at me. Don't get more jinxed than this.", "Adrian: You know, yeah, it is--it is your fault that the parking structure collapsed.", "Victoria: Well, you know, the world does revolve around me.", "Adrian: Hey, you're gonna be a terrific mother.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Adrian: So what's the first thing you're gonna do when we get outta here?", "Victoria: Oh, you mean, after I take a bath? I'm gonna marry the man I love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Can you round up some more rescue workers? This is taking too long.", "Robert: Look, as I told Mr. Newman, if the methane levels increase just a few more parts per million, I'm gonna cancel this operation altogether.", "J.T.: The hell with the methane levels, you're not leaving my fiancée down there!", "Man: We've got two. We've got two!", "Nikki: Look? Where? There! There! There she is!", "Victor: Oh, my God, my sweetheart!", "Robert: Monitor the air as you go.", "J.T.: Give me a harness. I don't care what the methane levels are.", "Robert: Look, I'll have you arrested.", "Victoria: They found us!", "Man: Ms. Newman, Mr. Korbel, rescue workers are on the way.", "Adrian: Hallelujah!", "Victoria: (Laughs) it J.T. okay? Um, what about everybody else? Um, my mom and my dad and Nick? Are they okay?", "Victor: My sweetheart, we are all here. We are all here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Where's Victoria?", "Man: Are you okay?", "Brad: My eyes!", "Robert: Complete evacuation. Terminate rescue effort. Complete evacuation. Terminate rescue effort.", "Victor: Take her out of here.", "Robert: Emergency traffic, I got firefighters down. I got firefighters down. Emergency traffic. How you doing, man? You all right?", "Man: It's cold down there.", "Robert: Come on. Here, here, help.", "Victor: Let me ask you something, this--this would be an opportunity, right?", "Robert: What are you talking about?", "Victor: In other words, the explosion got rid of a lot of the methane?", "Robert: Yes.", "Victor: Okay, in other words, it will take awhile for it to build up again?", "Robert: Yes, Sir.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Robert: Yes. Where are you going? Mr. Newman!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yes? What? Yeah.", "Neil: Ladies and gentlemen, uh, may I please have your attention? I've just been informed that there's been an explosion likely due to the high levels of methane gas.", "Woman: Injuries?", "Neil: I'm very sorry, I-I have no further information at this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Adrian? Adrian, wake up! Wake up, Adrian! Wake up!", "Adrian: Ow! Ow!", "Victoria: Oh, my God!", "Adrian: Aah!", "Victoria: (Coughing) your leg--oh, my God!", "Adrian: Ow!", "Victoria: Okay, there's, um... there's a piece of rebar stuck in your thigh.", "Adrian: Ow!", "Victoria: Okay, don't pull it out. We can't pull it out. If we do that, you might bleed to death.", "Adrian: Ow!", "Victoria: Oh, God! Help! Help! I think they cut the line. Okay, okay, come on, let's go.", "Adrian: Go?", "Victoria: Let's go! The explosion made an opening. We can get out. We can walk that way. Come on. Let's go! Let's go! Can you stand?", "Adrian: I don't know.", "Victoria: Well, you can stand, because you have to. You have to get up.", "Adrian: Ow! Ow! Ow!", "Victoria: I'm sorry, but if we don't go, there might be another explosion. We have to get out. Go!", "Adrian: Ow! Ow!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: Good news. The operation went just fine. Your son is in recovery and his vitals are stable.", "Sharon: So he's gonna be okay?", "Doctor: All signs look good.", "Nick: The nurse said you had to do a full splenectomy?", "Sharon: And--and that he lost a lot of blood?", "Doctor: We removed the spleen to prevent further blood loss. Bleeding and infection are rare following this surgery, so we're looking good.", "Nick: You said the-- the spleen fights infection?", "Doctor: It removes waste and bacteria from the blood. It makes antibodies and red blood cells.", "Sharon: So without one, what?", "Doctor: He'll need to be closely monitored by your family physician, particularly during the first two years. Not having a spleen makes him very susceptible to infection.", "Sharon: So--so we have to monitor this for how long?", "Doctor: For the rest of his life.", "Nick: When can we see him?", "Doctor: As soon as the anesthesia wears off. Excuse me.", "Nick: Okay, thank you, Doctor, thank you very much.", "Sharon: The rest of his life?", "Nick: Sharon... our son is alive, okay? He's gonna be fine. Just keep concentrating on that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Somebody help!", "Man: All right, we got a pulse here! Come on! Come on, move it! Move it! There we go.", "Victor: His name is Jack Abbott.", "Man: All right, here we go. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!", "Woman: We have a survivor. Male Caucasian, Jack Abbott.", "J.T.: Victor? You did that by yourself?", "Victor: I got lucky, because the explosion threw him close to the entrance. Get--get Victoria? The oxygen tank is right-- right down there! Right down there!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Jack's alive. The paramedics have him now.", "Sharon: The paramedics are with him? What does that mean?", "Daniel: He's unconscious. I-I-I don't know. I don't know anything right now. I'll call you as soon as we find out more.", "Sharon: Jack's alive.", "Nick: Good. Good. Did they say anything about Vick?", "Sharon: No. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I can't leave you.", "Adrian: Go ahead. Go ahead.", "Victoria: We gotta hurry.", "Adrian: Yeah, okay.", "Victoria: All right, you can do it.", "Adrian: Watch out.", "Victoria: You can do it.", "Adrian: Ow!", "J.T.: Victoria?!", "Victoria: J.T.! Hi! Oh, my God!", "J.T.: You okay?", "Victoria: I'm fine. I'm fine. The baby's fine. Adrian--", "J.T.: Okay, okay, get out of here. It's unstable. The rescue workers are right around the corner. All right? Go! Come on.", "Adrian: Oh! Ow!", "J.T.: I know. I know it hurts, but we gotta get out of here.", "Adrian: Okay.", "Victor: I don't need this. Please take it.", "[Rocks start to fly off the roof of the building. One hits Victoria in the head and she falls down]", "Nikki: Victoria!!", "Victor: Watch out!", "[NEXT_ON]", "J.T.: When will she come to?", "Dr. Ryan: I have no way of knowing that.", "Sharon: Jack told me your eyes were damaged in the explosion.", "Brad: I'd give both eyes if it meant the baby would be okay.", "Nick: What about the baby?", "Nikki: Please take care of her. Make sure that our daughter comes back to us, please." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "All the murder suspects at the warehouse continue to watch the film, which shows each of their separate meetings with Diane the night she was killed. Everyone tells each other they are innocent in case Ronan is listening or watching their conversation. All the suspects start to think that Adam was responsible for this since he is the only one not with them in the warehouse. Adam meanwhile is at a pumpkin patch because he got a text message from someone asking for a meeting there. Adam sees a scarecrow dressed like a woman and tells himself he knew that Patty was back in town then he heads back to his hotel room and leaves a message for Patty saying that they need to talk. Adam later gets and envelope dropped off at his door with Ronan's stolen cell phone in it and he begins trying to figure out the owner of the phone.", "Genevieve feels guilty about Myrna being caught in the explosion and apologizes to her the doctor tells Genevieve Myrna will take along time to recover but in time she could look like she did before the explosion. Ronan stops by the hospital to check on Myrna and Genevieve tells her about the text message Jack got from him telling him to meet him at the warehouse. Ronan heads to the warehouse and Genevieve calls Jack telling him that Ronan stopped by and told her that his cell phone was stolen so he couldn't have sent him the test message. Genevieve also tells Jack that Ronan is on his way to the warehouse to find out what is going on and why some is sending test messages with his phone. Once Jack tells everyone Ronan is on his way they all decide they should dispose of the film before Ronan has a chance to see it. Ronan arrives and everyone tells him that Adam must have called the meeting because he is the only murder suspect missing and besides he loves to lead everyone on a wild goose chase because when they all arrived nothing happened. Jack arrives at the hospital to offer moral support to Genevieve and Myrna has a strange reaction when Genevieve introduces her to Jack and she sees jack and Genevieve kissing. Myrna grips the hospital remote call button hard like she is upset and is trying to control her anger. Phyllis tells Nick that Adam wasn't the one who called the meeting tonight and whoever the person is that called the meeting is either Diane's killer or knows the killer's identity. Ronan goose to Adam's room and is puzzled when he sees his cell phone on Adam's coffee table. Adam tells him the phone was dropped off at his door but Ronan doesn't believe him and once again asks Adam to go down to the police station with him to be questioned.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Diane.", "Abby: Whoa. This is creepy.", "Tucker: What the hell is this?", "Jack: Head games from someone who enjoys their work.", "Phyllis: Why would Malloy send us all the way out here just to show us this?", "Nick: What makes you think it was him?", "Victoria: The text came from his phone.", "Victor: Suppose it was Malloy. Who else would have done this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Ms. Murdock? Press this if you need pain medication.", "Myrna: (Groans)", "Woman: I know your burns are painful, but at least you're still with us.", "Myrna: (Groans)", "Woman: Clearly, you have more to do in this world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I want everything in this room boxed up, Guys-- any document that he read, printed, looked at, touched. I don't care if it's on a cocktail napkin. It goes in the box, okay? I'm s-- sorry, but I'm gonna... I'm gonna have to ask you to leave now.", "Genevieve: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I guess I'm kind of the last holdout, aren't I? Uh, I don't know. When you find out that the man you lived with all your life put out a hit on you, I-I-I...", "Ronan: I can have one of the guys run you anywhere that you need to go.", "Genevieve: Oh, no, no, thank you. I have my car, and I should get over to the hospital and check on my housekeeper.", "Ronan: So how bad are the burns?", "Genevieve: I don't know. I haven't talked to the doctor yet, but I'm--I'm sure she's in agony. And to think that it all happened because... (Sighs) Because she went out to buy my groceries, and she was standing right there in the kitchen where the explosion took place. How am I gonna make that one up to her, Detective? The fact that I am responsible for that woman's suffering?", "Ronan: No, none of this is on you. Everything that happened here today was Colin Atkinson's fault.", "Genevieve: I'd like to believe that. But it's a lie. And Myrna is a really wonderful person. She's clever, and she's kind. She wouldn't hurt a fly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hello? Hello? I'm here. I got your text. So what do you want from me?", "(Film projector whirring)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: So is she stable?", "Doctor: Well, uh, Ms. Murdock's vitals are improving, but she needs help breathing after the damage to her lungs. Uh, we haven't been able to locate any family.", "Genevieve: Yeah, I-I don't know if she has any. I--but if she needs anything, I'm here.", "Doctor: Good. Good. You can be the point person. You know, the burns to her face are the most severe at this point. We'll have to change those bandages regularly.", "Genevieve: But will she heal?", "Doctor: Well, in time, she could look like she did before the explosion.", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Um, can I, um, can I see her? Myrna? Myrna, can you hear me? Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. (Voice breaking) I'm so sorry. (Quietly) Oh, God, how am I gonna ever make this up to you? You've never done anything to hurt anyone. You just don't deserve this kind of pain.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Film projector stops)", "Tucker: You know, whoever pulled this thing could still be here.", "Nick: Uh, this thing's on a timer.", "Phyllis: They didn't even stick around to enjoy the show.", "Abby: It's disgusting. I-it's an invasion. It's like when Adam put all those cameras at the ranch.", "Victor: It's certainly illuminating, isn't it?", "Tucker: Yes, it is.", "Phyllis: But you know, uh, that piece of film could get any one of us locked up.", "Jack: Yeah, maybe one of us should be locked up.", "Nick: Okay, everyone just calm down, all right? This is probably what Malloy wants-- everyone to get nervous and start runnin' off your mouths.", "Ashley: He wants a confession.", "Phyllis: Or for one of us to say something we shouldn't.", "Victoria: Just because I was the last one up there on the-- on the screen, that doesn't mean that I killed her, okay?", "Victor: Sweetheart, no one suspects you.", "Abby: Well, I didn't kill her, either.", "Ashley: So is this what we're supposed to do is assert our innocence?", "Phyllis: Yeah, okay, uh, if that's what we're supposed to do, that's what I'll do. Uh, Detective Malloy, I'm innocent. There.", "Tucker: So am I. I didn't kill her.", "Jack: Okay, w-we can all say ditto and be done with this. No one's gonna confess regardless of what Malloy does. But what we just saw there-- all of us --damned all of us. There's a lot of motive, a lot of rage.", "Nick: Speak for yourself, Jack. Rage is one thing. Murder is a whole other thing.", "Phyllis: Well, clearly, Diane was alive enough to deal with all of us, wasn't she?", "Abby: Well, yeah, duh. I mean, she was alive until she was dead from a rock to the head, kind of like the one you were holding.", "Phyllis: Yeah, kind of like the one your father was holding.", "Victor: You saw Diane lunge at me. I didn't lunge at her, all right?", "Tucker: Claiming self-defense-- that's one way to go.", "Jack: Okay, here we-- here we go again doing exactly what Ronan wants us to do-- going after each other, doing his job for him. I suggest we all shut up.", "Victor: Or are you afraid that he will hear us say that you did it? Killing Diane because she's keeping your son from you.", "Jack: If that's motive enough for me to murder someone, why are you still breathing?", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Ashley: Jack, you can't make threats. Not here.", "Phyllis: Yeah, let's just stay icy cold until we go in for the kill, right?", "Tucker: Who the hell do you think you're talking to?", "Ashley: What are you talking about?", "Victor: You will never get me, Jack. Not ever, especially not from inside a damn prison cell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Quietly) Bad time?", "Genevieve: (Quietly) She's resting. It's okay.", "Ronan: Uh, I hear the pain can just be...", "Genevieve: Yeah.", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Genevieve: The doctor, um... (Sniffles) Was pretty optimistic, and they're doing what they can to control her pain. And if you need to get going--", "Ronan: No, no, that's okay. No, I have a couple minutes.", "Genevieve: (Chuckles) No, you don't. You're already late for your meeting.", "Ronan: I'm late for what meeting?", "Genevieve: County highway-- the warehouse. The text that you sent Jack.", "(Heart monitor beeping rapidly)", "Myrna: (Distressed breathing)", "Genevieve: (Normal voice) What--what's happening?", "Ronan: (Normal voice) Can we get a doctor in here? We need a doctor!", "Genevieve: (Quietly) Oh, God, no. No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hello? You wanted me, so you got me. Why am I here? I was right, Patty. You're back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You arrogant S.O.B. There could be cops and surveillance all over this place, but you can't keep your mouth shut.", "Ashley: You're still talking, too, Jack.", "Tucker: Yeah, you know what? You need to stop runnin' your mouth, too.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Do I?", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Listen to you. Recovering from an accident, a horrible accident-- not a lot of energy. But you certainly must have been pissed off to go after Diane like you did.", "Tucker: You want to throw accusations around? Why don't you start with yourself? Or how about your partner there?", "Victor: My son had nothing to do with this, all right? Nor did anyone else in my family. You, on the other hand, Jack Abbott, with your temper and your pretension to protect Kyle--", "Jack: Don't you even say my son's name.", "Victor: Your son, my ward. I gave him time to recover from losing his mother. But now he needs guidance, and I will provide it from him.", "Jack: You try it. You just try it.", "Nick: Hey, whoa. If there are cops and cameras around, we need to watch what we say.", "Abby: So Ronan has all this footage, and what? He's just waiting for one of us to crack?", "Ashley: Abby, stop, okay? Just be quiet.", "Victoria: No, it's fine. He can knock himself out trying to bully us, but he will lose.", "Nick: What if it's not Malloy? Has anyone thought of that?", "Victor: If not Malloy, then who?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: The, uh, accelerated heart rate is probably a reaction to the stress and the trauma and the pain from the burns.", "Genevieve: Is there anything you can do for her?", "Doctor: Well, we can make her as comfortable as we can with pain management. But her heart rate, it's, uh, it's back in the normal range. She just needs time.", "Ronan: I, uh, I know this isn't the right time, but I need to talk to you more about that text that I supposedly sent Jack.", "Genevieve: He said that you wanted him to meet you at the warehouse, but we all knew that you were busy with Colin, so he figured that you probably wouldn't show up.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Oh, God.", "Genevieve: Are you-- are you saying you really didn't send that text?", "Ronan: No, I didn't send it. I, uh, I misplaced my phone earlier.", "Genevieve: Someone is making mischief with your phone.", "Ronan: Yes, someone is making mischief with my phone. And I'm about to find out who, so if you'll excuse me...", "Genevieve: My God. Oh, God. (Sighs) I feel like this night is never gonna end. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You want to know who's doing this? Look around. Who's not here?", "Victoria: Adam.", "Abby: So, what? You're--you're saying that-- that Adam taped everything? Adam is the one that brought us here?", "Phyllis: This is completely his style. He's crazy.", "Jack: The question is, why? I mean, what does he get out of this?", "Victor: Where the hell is he?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs) Oh, Patty. (Groans) I gotta find you, Patty. I gotta find you before you start ruining things for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: This is what Adam would want, you know. He would want us all in one room...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Spinning out.", "Ashley: Because this is what he does. He loves to play games with people.", "Jack: I-I don't know. I'm not convinced this is Adam's doing.", "Tucker: I tend to agree. For him to draw this much attention to himself...", "Victoria: It makes him look like the guilty one.", "Tucker: Exactly.", "Nick: Like Adam cares about that. He knows he can make any one of us look like the killer with that movie.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) We gotta keep this together. We really do. We have to keep it together. Every single one of us has something to hide.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Abby: It's never going to be over, is it?", "Jack: Hey. Everything okay?", "Genevieve: I'm kind of numb. Colin's been locked up. Myrna is really suffering. Did Ronan ever get in touch with you?", "Jack: Have you talked to him?", "Genevieve: Yeah, he, uh, he claims that he never sent you that text, and-- but he is on his way out there now.", "Jack: To the warehouse?", "Genevieve: Yep, I believe so.", "Jack: Well, which means I can't be there looking after you.", "Genevieve: It's okay. I know you're thinking of me.", "Jack: I am.", "Genevieve: Bye, Jack.", "Jack: Ronan Malloy is on his way here as we speak. According to Genevieve, this party wasn't his idea.", "Victoria: If he sees that film...", "Abby: Oh, God.", "Tucker: He won't. We'll make sure of that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hey, Patty. What was that all about, huh? Callin' me out to the, uh, pumpkin patch, showin' me \"Sister Scarecrow\"? We need to talk. You gotta call me. We have to have a little chat.", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: (Sighs heavily)", "Adam: What?", "Victor: What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Well, well, well. (Chuckles) All right. Hello, party people. What's the reason for the little get-together?", "Tucker: You told us to come, we're here.", "Phyllis: No disrespect, but you're late, and we're bored.", "Victoria: Let's get on with this already.", "Ashley: What do want with us? Why did you call us?", "Ronan: As much as I hate to admit it, my phone is missing. I didn't throw this little shindig here. Yet... well, here you all are, which makes a detective wonder what you all have in common.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: (Whispering) Myrna? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. And I'm really... (Quietly) Ashamed that it's you here, that it happened to you and--and I'm safe. (Sighs) Oh, my God. We live in the same house, and I don't even know you. (Sighs) We talk about grocery lists and cleaning schedules, but I don't even know if you have a family. Or if there was someone that you loved. Was there, Myrna? (Sniffles) Was there somebody that you loved? (Sniffles) I wonder if you ever loved anyone the way I loved Colin. Oh, my God. So passionate... and so brutal. Just takes the breath right out of your chest. But it wasn't enough... because he never loved me the same way that I loved him. I was a fool. It wasn't love at all, was it? It was war. And you got caught in the middle of it. Oh, God. Why do they tell little girls fairy tales about falling in love? Why do they make us believe that it's all gonna be hearts and flowers? It's not. Sometimes its fire and it's... ashes.", "Myrna: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: This won't take long.", "Victor: Just simply tell me where you were tonight.", "Adam: (Scoffs) Okay, yeah. Great.", "Victor: Well, that won't do, Son.", "Adam: (Scoffs)", "Victor: There are others who are very interested in your whereabouts. They won't take \"No comment\" as an answer, you know. So have your alibi ready when they arrive.", "Adam: My alibi?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: For what?", "Victor: Detective Malloy called all those people together who are implicated in Diane Jenkins' murder. One person was missing.", "Adam: Of course--me.", "Victor: Rather suspicious, don't you think?", "Adam: Yeah. Well, those morons would attach me to this, wouldn't they? What's my alleged motive?", "Victor: Oh, there were various suggestions, Adam. They can discuss that with you. But if I find out you were behind this, we'll talk some more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Um, okay, so the dog ate your phone?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) When I want to chat, I'll call you all to the station. You know that firsthand.", "Jack: The message said there was a leak at the station.", "Ronan: Okay, someone show me this text.", "Ronan: Same text to everybody?", "Ashley: Yep.", "Tucker: Yep.", "Phyllis: And we all respect your authority so much, we rushed right over.", "Ronan: So the good people of Genoa City all convene, and then what?", "Tucker: What do you mean?", "Ronan: I mean, what happened then? Am I supposed to believe that you all got together and just stood here silently?", "Abby: We talked about how you always try to order us around.", "Ronan: So somebody sends this text out to get you all together, and then nothing?", "Nick: Nothing at all.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Come on, Patty. I ain't playin' around here.", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: What the hell is this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey.", "Genevieve: (Sighs)", "Jack: I'm sorry it took so long. (Sighs) It's okay. It's okay. How was it with Colin?", "Genevieve: (Sniffles) He--he lied to me right up until the end. (Scoffs) You know, I lived with him my whole life.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: I thought I knew him better than myself. I mean, sure, power plays and petty revenge. But to think that... (Sighs) He--he wanted to murder me. I'm the mother of his children. And I-I-I just-- I just can't. I can't.", "Jack: No, no, no. You don't have to. Wait. Listen. You talk about this when you are ready to talk about it.", "Genevieve: Did-- what happened with that guy Ronan?", "Jack: Oh, uh, kind of a misunderstanding. Uh, let's not talk about him. I want to focus on you.", "Genevieve: You seem... (Sighs) I don't know. Are you okay, Jack?", "Jack: (Sighs) It's been a long day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: So a text from Ronan, but probably from Adam. God, that film. Man. Then Ronan shows up.", "Ashley: It was horrible being exposed like that. Abby, you're so quiet.", "Tucker: If you have something you need to ask me, Abby, go ahead.", "Abby: I just need to go home.", "Ashley: I really wish you'd stay.", "Abby: I... (Sighs) I just need to go.", "Tucker: Yeah, let her go.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Ashley: That was just mortifying having her see me acting that way with... Diane.", "Tucker: She's gonna be fine.", "Tucker: Everything's gonna be fine.", "Phyllis: We should have gone to Gloworm. There's alcohol there.", "Nick: A clear head is better right now.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) That was some movie, wasn't it?", "Nick: But I spoiled the plot. I told you all my parts. But you didn't tell me everything. You never mentioned a rock.", "Phyllis: Okay, I never mentioned a rock. But you know I didn't kill Diane.", "Nick: Yeah, well, you were fine with me spilling my guts.", "Phyllis: Well, it's not like you rushed to me with every detail. (Scoffs) I mean, we all have secrets, obviously. It was pretty obvious tonight, right? You know, that movie is incriminating, but at least we know that half a dozen other people are in the same boat. People had problems with Diane. But the bigger problem is, who made that movie?", "Nick: I still think it was Adam. I think he killed Diane, and he set us up tonight.", "Phyllis: It could be somebody else. I mean, the murderer could have been in that room, and somebody else made the movie to torture us. Or... they were part of it, and they included themselves in the movie to throw all of us off the track.", "Nick: So you don't think it was Adam?", "Phyllis: I don't know. It could be, but I don't know. It's not a lock.", "Nick: That still doesn't explain why it feels like you're holding something back. What are you hiding?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What is this?", "Victoria: Hey. (Sighs) How are you, Dad?", "Ronan: Victor, you left the little get-together early tonight. Why is that?", "Victor: I was at a business meeting.", "Ronan: I'm just curious, because everyone else here thought it was important enough to stay.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Ronan: Guess you had a bigger fish to fry.", "Victor: Was it your idea to call everyone together?", "Ronan: It was not.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Do you know who was missing?", "Ronan: I don't.", "Victor: My son Adam.", "Ronan: So what do you think that means exactly? That Adam was smart enough to smell a rat and stayed away?", "Victor: I don't think that's the case.", "Victoria: Come on. It's so obvious that he sent the texts.", "Ronan: Is it? See, you were never officially declared a suspect, so why were you here tonight? I mean, maybe Adam or someone else knows something that I don't know. Maybe you should save them the trouble and just tell me now.", "Victor: If you want to talk to my daughter, you do it down at the station. My lawyer will be present. Is that clear? Let's go.", "Ronan: What exactly happened here tonight?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: A shower felt good. (Sighs)", "Ashley: I could probably use one.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Ashley: It was just so disgusting being videoed that way and corralled together like a bunch of animals.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Well, it wasn't just us.", "Ashley: I know. Victor and Phyllis... they had rocks. I mean, all the secrets and lies in that room, and all the anger.", "Tucker: I should have told you about my part... (Sighs) A long time ago. Every time I tried, I just-- I-I couldn't. I... I mean, how do you tell your wife you had your hands around someone's throat the same night she died?", "Ashley: The same night she told me about what had happened between the two of you.", "Tucker: But she was makin' noise about Abby's confession. You'd already been through hell. (Sighs) I, uh, I told her to back off. She wouldn't. She pushed my buttons. I grabbed her. I wanted to shake some sense into her. And I, uh, I got lightheaded. (Sighs) She pushed me off. I fell. I guess that's when I fell into all that poison sumac. I ran after her, but then I stopped. I got control of myself. I came back here. Now that... (Sighs) Carpal tunnel, it was just a lie to cover up the rash I got from the sumac. Uh... now you know the truth. You know I didn't kill her.", "Ashley: I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Is this about my flaws?", "Nick: You chased after Diane with a rock, and she was killed by blunt force trauma with a rock.", "Phyllis: I dropped it. I dropped the rock. And then she promptly argued with somebody else. That's it. She was still walking and talking when I left the park. Listen, you don't... (Sighs) You don't think I killed Diane.", "Nick: No, I don't. But you're holding something back from me, and I want to know what it is and why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Sighs) How can I not remember what happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Diane was an awful woman. I know that. But to see that movie and the way that everyone took the bait-- and someone recorded all of it. (Sighs) Oh, God. (Sighs)", "Victor: I hope the footage was dealt with appropriately while I was away. In other words, disposed of permanently.", "Victoria: Yes, but Dad, there could be a copy. There could be raw footage. Who knows? And you know what this means, don't you? I'm not the only one anymore that knows what you did out there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I am telling you, anyone else would be holed up in the club nursing their wounds. And here you are. How's Myrna?", "Genevieve: The doctor was... cautious but hopeful. Why don't you come on in? I-I don't think you've even met her.", "Jack: Uh, I'm not sure this would be the right time.", "Genevieve: Jack, I don't think she has any family. And no one should be alone at a time like this.", "Jack: Well, look at you-- tough businesswoman on the outside, an endearing marshmallow on the inside.", "Genevieve: Come on.", "Genevieve: Myrna, are you awake? Uh, there's, uh, someone here to meet you. This is my very dear friend Jack Abbott.", "Jack: Hi, Myrna. I'm so sorry we're meeting under these circumstances. I want you to know, though, you have a real champion here, your own angel, someone to look out for you and make sure you heal as quickly as possible.", "Jack: Oh.", "Genevieve: Thank you.", "Jack: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Come on now. Let's find out who owns this little phone here. I know you want to come out and play.", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: (Sighs heavily) Ahh, look who it is. My B.F.F. Have you come to talk fantasy football scores with me?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) May I come in?", "Adam: Sure. Why not? You're here so often, it's like we're roomies.", "Ronan: Where were you last night?", "Adam: Where was I? I don't know. Driving in my car, planet earth. What?", "Ronan: Where'd you get my phone?", "Adam: Where'd I get your phone?", "Ronan: My phone.", "Adam: This was at my door. That was dropped off at my door.", "Ronan: Come on. That's the best you can do? You're getting soft. Let's talk about it down at the station, Roomie.", "Adam: And away we go again.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Colin: I might need a few million of those items you took from me back. I'd like 'em back now.", "Adam: Well, my money's on my pops. That man would love to see me behind bars.", "Victor: You're under no obligation to either me or my son Adam." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam calls Sharon but she doesn't answer, so he leaves a message. Chelsea walks in and wants to know who he is talking to. Nick tells Avery that he feels as though he has let his family down. Avery tries to offer him encouragement concerning his family. At Crimson Lights, Heather and Christine sit at a table talking when Paul comes in with some information that Christine can use against Phyllis. Phyllis walks in and confronts Christine about the lawsuit. Phyllis proceeds to tear up the summons. Adam lies to Chelsea that he was talking to Jack. Chelsea tells Adam about a dream that she has been having about the baby. Avery has doubts about her relationship with Nick and insists that they are just friends. Phyllis asks Christine what she hopes to accomplish by suing her. Adam tells Chelsea he has a meeting with Jack, but he can meet her for lunch later. Nick walks into the Athletic Club and sees Noah behind the bar.", "Jeffrey and Anita visit Chelsea, complete with gifts for the baby. Chelsea informs them that she had a miscarriage. Adam finds Sharon's door open and her gone. He dials her cell phone number and then finds her phone on the sofa. Sharon walks through the ashes of Victor's house and wonders who would do such a thing. Avery daydreams that Nick visits and they make love on the living room floor, but their happiness is short lived when Phyllis walks in. Anita assures Chelsea that Adam will not leave her. Adam finds Sharon in the burned- out house and realizes that she doesn't remember what happened. Adam tells Sharon that they have to figure out an alibi for her. Sharon asks him why is he doing this for her. Adam tells her that she doesn't have anyone else. Phyllis asks Nick for another chance, but he tells her that this time it is really over. Adam comes home and finds Jeffrey and Anita there. Adam breaks his lunch plans with Chelsea. Noah visits Sharon, but she is afraid to open the door.", "" ]
[ "(Cell phone ringing)", "Adam: I hope you took my advice, didn't leave the house. Just wanted to make sure you were there. I'll be headed over there soon.", "Chelsea: Who was that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: Hi. You're back.", "Nick: Yep. You headed in to work?", "Avery: Uh, no, not yet. Come on in.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Avery: Actually, I've been thinking about our conversation. You're--you know, it's such a crossroads.", "Nick: Well, not anymore.", "Avery: No?", "Nick: I just came from telling my dad I wasn't gonna be a part of the fight to get the company back.", "Avery: Wow.", "Nick: Yeah. Feels like a big deal.", "Avery: It is a big deal. Does it feel good?", "Nick: It did. Now I don't know. I'm... (Sighs) Really starting to second-guess myself. My dad spent his entire life building up that company for this family.", "Avery: Nick, there's no need to feel guilty.", "Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I mean, in my head, I know.", "Avery: But in your heart...", "Nick: In my heart, I feel like I let my family down.", "Avery: Oh, Nick.", "Avery: What was your dad's reaction when you told him?", "Nick: In front of my mother, he was very accepting, but I'm sure I will hear more about the subject later.", "Avery: (Chuckles) Yes, well, he is very persuasive.", "Nick: That's a nice way to put it...", "Avery: (Chuckles)", "Nick: But it doesn't matter. I know all the cards he could play.", "Avery: (Sighs) Will he try to make you feel like a bad son?", "Nick: Oh, he'll absolutely do that, but I don't care. I'm just gonna be a good father right now.", "Avery: Well, you are a good father, and you're not letting your family down. You're doing this for your family, for Summer.", "Nick: Yeah, Summer. She really needs me right now, so I'm just gonna be a dad.", "Avery: You know, I think-- I think you're confusing the company for your family, you know? In the last year, how much time did you spend on mergers and acquisitions and lawsuits and takeovers? That company is not your family.", "Nick: It's all so clear when you explain it. Like when we were playing chess the other day, I learned something.", "Avery: That you're not very good at it?", "Nick: (Laughs) Right. Right.", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: I don't even like it. I mean, the planning, the strategy, the maneuvering... there was a time when I liked it. Heck, I was even good at it, but not now. Same with the business. It's not who I am anymore.", "Avery: Well, then you are doing absolutely the right thing.", "Nick: Are you just saying that because you're in-house counsel for Newman Enterprises?", "Avery: No, I'm saying that because I'm your...", "Avery: (Sighs) Nick, what are we doing?", "Nick: You tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Ah.", "Paul: Hi. Okay.", "Chris: Hey.", "Paul: Here are the addresses I think you'll need.", "Chris: All right, thanks.", "Heather: It's probably the first time in your career you're following up on leads that came to you in a dream, huh?", "Chris: Not even yours. Eden's.", "Paul: Okay, so I'm sure you both think that I'm grasping at straws...", "Heather: No.", "Paul: But I really think there is something behind Eden's dream. She wants so desperately to--to prove that I was protecting her when I shot Ricky, but she can't remember that night because it was so traumatic-- but her subconscious, I believe, is doing the next best thing.", "Heather: Mm.", "Paul: It's delivering every scrap of information that it has on Ricky in her sleep.", "Chris: Okay, well, not all these hints are gonna end up being relevant. We just need one to pan out, to lead us to evidence that Ricky was homicidal.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat)", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: You're suing me?", "Chris: Ohh. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Seriously? You got smacked down by Judge Daley in court. It was embarrassing. Was that not enough for you to get a grip?", "Chris: Oh, yeah. Speaking of getting a grip...", "Phyllis: You know what? Um, this is what I think of your lawsuit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I was leaving a message for Jack. He's been after me to come in and meet with him.", "Chelsea: What does he want?", "Adam: Don't know. Something to do with the takeover, I'm sure. How are you feeling? Did you get some sleep?", "Chelsea: A little.", "Adam: Not much?", "Chelsea: I keep having-- not exactly nightmares. Um... I keep hearing in my sleep a baby crying. (Sighs)", "Adam: What's gonna make you feel better today? Getting out of the house, going for a long walk, getting a massage?", "Chelsea: I'd like to just stay here in your arms for the rest of the day. Can we do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I know we're friends, and I don't want to mess that up.", "Avery: I don't, either.", "Nick: You're becoming important to me.", "Avery: Right, as a sounding board.", "Nick: Yeah, a trusted confidante, and if that's all you would like this to be...", "Avery: You know, I just, uh... anything more-- I-I-I-I don't know.", "Nick: Yeah. Then we'll take it slow, one step at a time.", "Avery: Small steps. Baby steps.", "Nick: Super microscopically small steps.", "Avery: Invisible-to- the-naked-eye steps. I did not mean to say \"Naked.\" (Laughs)", "Nick: Slow. We can do that, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Phyllis--", "Chris: No, Paul! You realize, what you just did, it accomplished nothing, right?", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, oh! What are you doing? What are you trying to accomplish, Christine, by suing me? It's pointless.", "Chris: Well, you're right, I can't put you behind bars, so if I have to settle for taking all your money, I guess I'll have to live with that.", "Phyllis: Oh, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. This isn't about money, is it? This is not about money. This isn't even about payback. I understand what this is about. I get it. I saw you in that courtroom, basking in the glow. You loved the attention, didn't you?", "Chris: (Scoffs)", "Phyllis: You had Danny on one side, Paul on the other. (Laughs) Wow, just like old times...", "Paul: Oh, for God sake, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Isn't it? Isn't it? But it got cut short, so you gotta--dragging us all back into court. Here we go, back into the court, just so you can get noticed, because I bet it's hard with Danny just, you know, flying in for a couple days for a quickie. (Clicking tongue) Right? And then Paul here-- all he... (Laughs) All he ever wants out of you is, you know, supporting him when he's up on murder charges. Oh, but actually, actually, he fired you, didn't he?", "Heather: Phyllis. Phyllis--", "Phyllis: Wow, so I'm-- I'm wrong there. Hmm.", "Heather: Phyllis, legally speaking, you're only hurting yourself right now, just to put it out there.", "Chris: Oh, my God. Well, that's progress for her. Usually she's hurting other people.", "Phyllis: You know what? Don't talk to me like you know me. You have no idea who I am anymore. Zero. Got it? You want my life, don't you?", "Chris: (Scoffs) Oh, God.", "Phyllis: You want to claw yourself into my life, 'cause you got nothing. You got nothing. You got nothing to move on to. You're all alone. What do you do? You go home, and you-- and you eat your little frozen dinners for one.", "Chris: Oh, right, and your life is so full and bountiful these days.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you know-- no, no, no, no, no, we're not gonna talk about my family. You want to go there? Be prepared. We're not gonna talk about what you did to my family.", "Chris: What I did to your family?", "Phyllis: Yes, every single--", "Chris: What I did to your family? Are you kidding me?", "Phyllis: Every single thing!", "Paul: That's enough! That's enough! That's enough.", "Phyllis: Every single thing that happened with my family is--let go of me!", "Paul: That's enough.", "Phyllis: Is because of you! Do you understand that? Because of her, her, her!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Couldn't you postpone the meeting with Jack?", "Adam: I gotta get this over with.", "Chelsea: Okay, then why don't I drive you and wait till you're done, and then we can go pick up the car at the shop if it's ready?", "Adam: I have a whole lineup of meetings this morning, but, uh, we can meet for lunch.", "Chelsea: Mm, I'll just make you something here.", "Adam: Not ready to see and be seen?", "Chelsea: People are gonna feel like they need to say something, or they won't know what to say, or maybe they won't have heard what happened. If somebody asked me right now how the baby's doing, I don't think I could--", "Adam: No, it's-- people will understand. They get it. It's hard. We're in this together, Chelse.", "Chelsea: Okay. We can meet for lunch. Just not the Gloworm, okay? Seeing Jeffrey right now, I think, would be too much.", "Adam: How about the club?", "Chelsea: It's a date.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Please, Phyllis--", "Phyllis: Y-you know what? I withdraw my objection. I withdraw my objection, all! I withdraw. I withdraw. You know what? If this is what you need to get a thrill out of your sad, pathetic little life, you go for it. Knock yourself out.", "Chris: It's shocking that you have such confidence.", "Phyllis: You were laughed out of court, Christine. I'm sorry. This case--it won't even make a courtroom.", "Chris: And why is that? Oh, are you gonna run me over in a car again? No!", "Paul: Chris!", "Phyllis: The case will be dismissed again.", "Chris: I wouldn't stop rattling the cage anytime soon?", "Phyllis: No, she's not. She's--she's--she's actually not gonna stop doing that, because she just wants to relive her glory days when she had an entourage and everyone loved her.", "Paul: Okay, look, do I have to personally escort you out of here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: That's fine. It's actually better for me if we reschedule, but don't let him know that. Okay, have you talked to Carter? Good, have him send over that file, and we still haven't heard from opposing counsel. He needs to know that, so make sure he gets that kiss, please. What? I said-- oh, um, I meant \"Message.\" Make sure he gets that message. (Laughs) Yeah, I don't know. Um, okay, well, that's all. Bye-bye. (Sighs) (Mouthing words)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Dad.", "Nick: Is this the new job?", "Noah: Yes, it is. What can I get you?", "Nick: Well, I don't know. Let me see if I can come up with something to test your skills. You weren't kidding when you said you wanted to take a break from music.", "Noah: Yeah, at least for a little while.", "Nick: Then your relationship fell apart at the same time?", "Noah: Mm.", "Nick: Two things are connected.", "Noah: Hey, Buddy, you gonna order a drink? I'm gonna have to run you out of here.", "Nick: Okay, all right, let's see. Let's make it a, uh, Chicago fizz, slick.", "Noah: All right, but you're gonna have to wait while I round up an egg.", "Nick: (Laughs) Okay, you know your stuff. Attaboy.", "Noah: Are you surprised?", "Nick: I'm impressed, but make it a beer. I can't stand Chicago fizz.", "Noah: So what's going on with you? Seem like you're in a better mood.", "Nick: Yeah, I guess I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: Hi, Honey.", "Jeff: Sorry to intrude. (Chuckles)", "Anita: I was out shopping this morning, and I saw some things for the baby, and I just could not resist.", "Jeff: (Laughs) Yeah, believe it or not, there's more out in the car.", "Anita: I got a little carried away. (Chuckles)", "Jeff: Honey, you okay? You don't look so hot.", "Anita: Uh-oh. Morning sickness.", "Chelsea: No.", "Anita: Do you have a cold? You know, you really have to be careful about what you take when you're pregnant, Sweetie.", "Chelsea: I'm not... pregnant.", "Anita: Oh.", "Chelsea: I had a miscarriage.", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Anita: Poor Sweetheart. Ohh. When did this happen? Why--why didn't you call me?", "Chelsea: I-I didn't want to talk about it.", "Jeff: I am so sorry.", "Anita: Yeah. How--how's Adam? He was so excited to be a father.", "Chelsea: He's just-- he's keeping really busy and working and stuff.", "Anita: Doesn't sound really healthy.", "Jeff: Um, you should get him to open up to you. You know, draw him out.", "Chelsea: Everyone has their own ways of coping, okay? So...", "Anita: But, Honey, this is something that can create distance between a husband and wife.", "Chelsea: He's not going to leave me just because I lost the baby, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon?", "Adam: Sharon? Sharon!", "Adam: (Sighs)", "(Muffled cell phone ringing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Sighs) Ahh.", "[Avery daydreaming]", "Nick: You really want to take this slow, seriously?", "Avery: (Moans) (Breathing heavily)", "Avery: Mm. (Breathing heavily)", "Nick: (Breathing heavily)", "Avery: (Grunting) Oh, my God. (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Have you talked to Mom lately?", "Nick: No. Why, is there something going on I should know about?", "Noah: Um, I don't know. She hasn't been returning my phone calls.", "Nick: That's weird.", "Noah: Yeah. I don't know, she might be a little ticked off. Last couple times I saw her, I was pretty blunt.", "Nick: Well, it's not like her to give you the silent treatment, or anyone, for that matter.", "Noah: That's what's got me thinking that maybe something's not right.", "Nick: Yeah, don't worry about it, Son. It's not your responsibility.", "Noah: I don't know. I came down on her pretty hard. You know, maybe-- maybe what she needed was just some help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: Of course Adam's not going to leave you. He adores you.", "Jeff: You guys haven't had an argument, have you?", "Chelsea: No. No. I... (Sighs) I just know how excited you both were about being related to the littlest Newman heir. That's my value to you.", "Anita: That is not true.", "Jeff: (Sighs) Look, um, we didn't mean to upset you. I'm gonna get all this stuff out of here. This has gotta be a tough time for you.", "Anita: Where is Adam? He should be here with you.", "Chelsea: He, um... (Sniffles) He had some meetings.", "Anita: Meetings? What could possibly be more important than taking care of you right now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon.", "Sharon: Adam. What happened?", "Adam: You don't remember?", "Sharon: Did you tell me about this last night?", "Adam: So you remember being with me?", "Sharon: I remember you came to the house. Uh, y-you left me a note and you called me. I had too much to drink last night.", "Adam: Yeah, yeah, you did. Come on, we gotta get out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: She's an expert at pushing your buttons. I understand that.", "Chris: No, I-I know what you're gonna say, and you're right. I-I can't engage with her like I just did. It's a losing game.", "Heather: Okay, I talked to everyone, and they all noticed the argument, obviously, but nobody seems to have recorded it for posterity.", "Chris: That's good. Thank you.", "Heather: You're welcome.", "Chris: And I promise you both, from this moment forward, I will maintain my professional demeanor with Phyllis.", "Heather: You can't give her attorney any opening to question your motives or your character.", "Chris: No, no, trust me, this case isn't gonna get thrown away for any reason.", "Heather: Okay.", "Chris: It's a fight to the finish.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Avery, where is your head? Ooh! Oh, oh, oh, oh. Are you kidding me? (Sighs)", "Avery: (Sighs) (Sighs) Ohh. (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: So are you gonna get Newman back in time to give it to Grandpa for a wedding present?", "Nick: Dad's retiring, remember?", "Noah: (Laughs) Yeah, uh-huh. You gotta know, the first time he sees you and Aunt Vicki doing something that he would have done differently, he's gonna be right there looking over your shoulder.", "Nick: Not my shoulder. I told Dad, I am not getting involved in trying to win Newman back.", "Noah: Really? You're retiring, too?", "Nick: I'm looking for a new challenge, something that does not require a suit and tie.", "Noah: Have you ever thought about bartending? We could use a man like you.", "Nick: I'm not gonna rule that out. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just know I'm ready to move on.", "Noah: That's great. It's kind of funny, three generations of Newman men making a break with their pasts at the same time, starting fresh.", "Nick: Look out, world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: What's going on? Why are you being so mysterious about what happened at the ranch?", "Adam: I told you last night not to go anywhere.", "Sharon: I just went for a little walk this morning.", "Adam: To my father's, of all places. Why?", "Sharon: Um, I don't know. Was it an accident?", "Adam: No.", "Sharon: It was arson? My gosh, who would do that? How would they get on the property?", "Adam: We can't be bothered with that right now. What we need to figure out is a story for you, where you were last night, and what you were doing.", "Sharon: You think they're gonna blame me for this?", "Adam: I'm not certain if they have anyone to blame yet, but if you tell them that you were here all night passed out, drunk, unaware of anything going on... well, you're in trouble.", "Sharon: But that's the truth.", "Adam: You're gonna need something better than the truth.", "Sharon: Like what?", "(Car pulls up)", "Sharon: Adam.", "(Knock on door)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: All right, there's a flight in a couple of hours and I think I can make it.", "Paul: Chris, I-I was just thinking, um, you know, I have colleagues in California that I can have do the research for me. Wh-why don't I talk to them?", "Chris: No one's more motivated than I am.", "Paul: That's true.", "Chris: I-is there a reason that you would want someone else to do it?", "Paul: Um, I think the timing's a consideration. You've got this whole case to deal with and, uh, I think it's pretty obvious that Phyllis is gonna fight you hard on it.", "Chris: I was sucked into an ill-advised argument. Don't think for a minute that I would drop the ball--", "Paul: Chris, Chris, it's more than just an argument between you and Phyllis. I mean, there is a reason that you've been battling for decades, and I think it taps into your core convictions and your values. That's what you feel is under attack, and that's why I think you just can't let it go.", "Chris: I can do both... because my belief in you is another one of my core convictions. Paul, I plan to be by your side every step of this fight, just like I know you would do for me.", "Paul: Uh...", "Chris: Right?", "Paul: I can't support you in this lawsuit, Chris. I told you that already.", "Chris: I was trying to, um, explain to you the values I'm defending, like fairness and justice. Are you gonna tell me that those aren't your values?", "Paul: No, I understand where you're coming from. I do. And I understand why it's so important to you.", "Chris: (Sighs)", "Paul: But from someone who loves you... I think you've lost perspective. What good do you think will come out of this? I mean, really? Some sort of vindication? Do you really think it's worth all the pain it's gonna cause... all the pain it's already caused?", "Chris: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Sighs)", "[Avery daydreaming]", "Nick: Why don't you take the rest of the day off?", "Avery: Ohh, you again. You know, some of us still have jobs to do.", "Nick: Well, you don't have to do that at your office, do you? We could have a picnic. We could go to an orchard, pick actual fruit off the trees.", "Avery: Where they have caramel apples?", "Nick: Oh, yeah, and hot cider. I'll lay a blanket in the grass. You can bring your briefcase, review your briefs.", "Avery: I think I might be too distracted.", "(Door opens)", "Avery: Mm.", "Phyllis: Nick.", "Avery: (Gasps)", "Avery: Phyllis, I'm so sorry.", "Avery: (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Noah: Hey.", "Phyllis: How long have you been working here?", "Noah: I don't know. What time is it?", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) It's your first day. Wow.", "Noah: Yeah. What do you want?", "Phyllis: Uh, nothing now. Um, I want to talk to your dad.", "Noah: Okay.", "Nick: All right, what's up?", "Phyllis: Um...", "Nick: Did you follow me here?", "Phyllis: Uh, no. Uh, I came here to talk to Leslie.", "Nick: About the divorce?", "Phyllis: No. The divorce is not my top priority right now. Christine is suing me. This is, like, the zombie case, you know? It never dies, it just comes back in more disgusting forms.", "Nick: Then what did you want to talk about?", "Phyllis: Um... um, are you--are you-- this--are you-- are you gonna do this thing with my sister?", "Nick: (Sighs) I don't want to have this conversation.", "Phyllis: No, I just... are you trying to punish me? Is that what it is? Are you angry about the thing that happened with Ronan? Because all that says is that you still care. We're tied to each other. We'll always be tied to each other, and filing for divorce isn't gonna change that, and sleeping with my sister isn't gonna change that.", "Nick: Phyllis--", "Phyllis: We should be working on ways to heal, not hurt each other.", "Nick: Noah. Keep the change.", "Noah: (Chuckles) Thanks, Dad.", "Phyllis: We can get past this. We--we always do.", "Nick: Not this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "(Knock on door)", "(Footsteps walking away)", "Sharon: (Exhales slowly) Who was it?", "Adam: Guy in a suit, probably an investigator. Yep, fire department.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Um... okay, wh-what can I tell them? D-did anyone else see me last night?", "Adam: Not that I know of.", "Sharon: (Exhales slowly) Nick's gonna use this. He's gonna use this to try to take Faith away from me or stick me back in Fairview.", "Adam: That wouldn't surprise me.", "Sharon: I don't have any way of defending myself. After the way I lied about Victor's death and the prenup, no one is gonna believe I didn't do this, not even Noah.", "Adam: Look, we just take this one thing at a time, all right? What we need to do is we need to get you out of here until you are prepared to start answering people's questions.", "Sharon: Where am I gonna go?", "Adam: Well, I have an idea. I need to go check on it, but in the meantime, you're gonna stay here. You are not gonna answer the phone. You will not answer the door. Don't go for any more walks.", "Sharon: Adam. You told me before that when everything went to hell, I shouldn't come to you... so why are you doing this?", "Adam: You don't have anyone else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Hi. Look who decided to stop by after you left.", "Jeff: Um, we just heard the terrible news. We're so sorry for your loss.", "Adam: Thanks.", "Anita: Anytime you're busy with work, Adam, you just call us and we will drop everything to come and keep Chelsea company.", "Adam: I'll keep that in mind.", "Chelsea: Well, we were just on our way out. Lunch? (Chuckles)", "Adam: Oh. I'm not gonna be able to make lunch today after all.", "Chelsea: What?", "Adam: Yeah, I had an obligation, and it just-- I didn't think you were that enthusiastic about lunch anyway.", "Chelsea: Well, I-I changed my mind, and I was really looking forward to it.", "Anita: Oh, we'll take you to lunch.", "Jeff: Sure.", "Adam: Um, I can hurry things along and try and join you at lunch.", "Jeff: Okay. Where are we headed?", "Chelsea: The club?", "Anita: Wonderful.", "Adam: I will hurry.", "Chelsea: You better.", "Anita: Come on, Sweetie. I feel sorry for you.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Jeff: They've got our table ready.", "Chelsea: And they know that we're expecting Adam to join us?", "Jeff: They'll bring him right to us.", "Chelsea: You know what? I might just call him and see if he wants us to order him something.", "Anita: Oh, Honey, don't interrupt him in the middle of his meeting. Come on.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Noah: Mom? You home? Mom?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: You're asking your husband to betray his brother.", "Victoria: Billy knows how important this is to me.", "Eden: I think I'm remembering more about the night Ricky died.", "Adam: Sharon?", "Noah: What are you doing here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy goes to the police station and tells Alex that if they won't work to find the person who killed Delia, he will do it. Chloe apologizes to Billy for blaming him for Delia's death instead of the person who hit Delia with their car and left her on the side of the road to die. Billy continues to drink to try and drown his grief and face life without Delia. Jack and Jill hold a press conference an offer a reward for anyone who has any information about the hit and run accident. Devon is at the Chancellor Mansion offering his condolences to Jill and decides to offer one million dollars to anyone with information leading to the arrest of the hit and run driver.", "Lily worries about the twins and hugs them a little tighter and tells them how much she loves them, because Delia's accident made her realize that something could happen to the twins at any moment. Adam refuses the gift of Chancellor Industries' stock that Victor gives him for Connor. Adam also tells Victor that he doesn't want him to ever see Connor and assures Victor that Connor will be taken care of and loved, because he will be a good father to him. The judge gives Michael a sentence of ten years in prison for killing Carmine. Fen bursts into the hearing after the sentencing and tells the judge that he killed Carmine, and Michael is lying to protect him.", "" ]
[ "Cane: [Groans]", "Charlie: We want to feed the ducks!", "Mattie: Can we, Daddy, please?", "Cane: Aren't you guys tired from being at the amusement park all day?", "Lily: Yes, and going on every ride twice.", "Devon: Yeah, you guys had the whole place to yourselves. You didn't have to wait in any lines. That's the way to do it, right?", "Lily: [Chuckles] Okay, here. Here's some bread to feed the ducks, but do not wander off. Please stay where I can see you, okay? Thank you.", "Devon: Gosh, those kids have so much energy.", "Cane: Yeah, 'cause you fed them cotton candy all day.", "Lily: Yeah, Devon, you did not have to rent out the entire amusement park just for us.", "Devon: It's my pleasure. It's my pleasure. Besides, what's the point of being a billionaire if you can't spend it on taking some people you love on roller coasters?", "Lily: Hey, Charlie, do not get close to the lake! Charlie!", "Cane: They're fine. They're fine. They're fine.", "Lily: I know, but he could fall in or something.", "Cane: He's not gonna fall in. He's okay.", "Lily: He's just so curious and adventurous. Remember how we were chasing after him at the park all day?", "Cane: That's 'cause he's a little boy, and that's what little boys do. He's okay. Relax.", "Devon: You've kind of been freaking out about the kids all day. What's wrong with you?", "Cane: I think I know what's wrong.", "Lily: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Oh, geez. Oh!", "Paul: Oh! Hi.", "Christine: Hi.", "Paul: Sorry.", "Christine: No, I'm -- I'm the klutz here.", "Paul: Here you go. No, I'm the klutz. You okay?", "Christine: Yeah.", "Paul: All right. I know you got a lot on your mind.", "Christine: Yeah, I'm not looking forward to Michael's sentencing hearing. I can't believe in less than an hour I have to be in front of Judge Wayne, requesting some kind of punishment.", "Paul: Yeah. Not feeling it, huh?", "Christine: No. That's why I didn't come to bed till after 3:00. I kept looking through this file, trying to find some way to get him out of it.", "Paul: And I take it you didn't find one?", "Christine: No. And you know what? If you ask me, Michael deserves a medal for killing Carmine Basco, not a prison sentence.", "Paul: [Chuckles] That's a hell of a thing for the D.A. to say to the chief of police.", "Christine: I know it is, but I mean every word of it.", "Paul: I know you do, Babe, but [Sighs] You know, the irony is that Basco is guilty of the same crimes that Michael committed against you and Nina.", "Christine: Oh, come -- that was so long ago, and Michael changed. I don't believe for a second that Carmine would have.", "Paul: Agreed.", "Christine: At this point, all I can try and do is get Michael the lightest sentence possible. Talk about a lose-lose proposition.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: [Sighs, sniffles] I've been so worried about you and what comes next.", "Michael: Well, what comes next is...I go to prison... to save our son from a murder conviction.", "Lauren: I'm just glad he's still in rehab. [Sniffles] I wouldn't want him to see you being sentenced.", "Michael: We're doing the right thing...for his future.", "Lauren: And what about yours?", "Michael: I will get the minimum sentence, and with time off for good behavior, it shouldn't be too long before I'm paroled.", "Lauren: But what if that doesn't happen? What if you don't get out of jail?", "Michael: Come here. [Chuckling] Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: The last thing your brother needs is to crawl inside a liquor bottle right now.", "Jack: Billy's trying to make himself numb. More than that, he's -- he's trying to find oblivion. He's not gonna find it in that bottle. I know. I tried.", "Jill: How can we help him, Jack?", "Jack: I thought that maybe you, more than anyone else, would have some idea of what he's feeling right now.", "Jill: Ah. You're talking about when we thought Phillip had driven drunk and killed himself in that horrendous accident. You know, there were moments the day of the funeral -- people were talking to me. They were saying stuff, and it -- it just sounded like gibberish. Didn't even sound like the English language to me. I could see their mouths moving. I could hear their voices, but I literally could not comprehend what was being said.", "Jack: I think Billy is going through something like that right now. When I spoke with him earlier, it was as if -- I don't know -- he couldn't even take it in.", "Jill: So, what are you saying -- that we can't help him? I will not accept that. You know the kind of self --", "Jack: I'm not saying we can't help him. I'm saying talking to him right now isn't the right approach.", "Jill: Then what is?", "Jack: I don't know. That's why I called you. I thought maybe we could put our heads together and find some way to help Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Chair clatters]", "Alex: You're suffering. I understand.", "Billy: You don't understand.", "Alex: Okay? But if we're -- it's possible that we find the driver, we will.", "Billy: \"If it's possible\"? Really, that's what you're gonna tell me? You told me you're gonna find this guy.", "Alex: We will, Billy. We're trying our hardest, okay?", "Billy: Don't try! Stop trying! Do. You do your job, or I'm gonna get out there, and I'm gonna do it for you.", "Alex: No, no, no, no, no. Listen to me, okay? It's not just about finding the guy, all right? When we make the arrest, it has to stick. Otherwise, he'll walk. Is that what you want? No, right? Good. Then l the police do their jobs. Do not butt in.", "Billy: If you were doing your job, I wouldn't be here!", "Alex: Listen, we're being thorough.", "Billy: You're being thorough.", "Alex: We're doing -- doing -- we're doing good, solid investigative work that'll stand up in court, Billy. I know it doesn't look like it, but we've accomplished a lot.", "Billy: You've accomplished a lot? Okay, do you have somebody in custody?", "Alex: The second we do, I promise --", "Billy: That means you don't have anything! You're not even close! And while you're sitting here, making excuses, the man who killed my daughter is out there, and the longer you wait to find him, the longer he has to cover his tracks. Is that what you want?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I just -- I just don't understand. These are supposed to be all of Delia's things -- everything that she was wearing when -- when they brought her to the hospital after the accident. I just -- I just don't understand why the scarf isn't here.", "Kevin: Could be any number of reasons.", "Chloe: Well, I don't really care about that. I just want to know where the scarf is. I mean, that was her favorite part of her costume. I mean, we went ape when we found it at Fenmore's, and I just -- I just want to find the scarf. Why isn't it here?", "Kevin: Listen, it could have been -- it could have been misplaced at the station. I know for a fact that happens sometimes.", "Chloe: No, but --", "Kevin: Or maybe -- maybe, um, it could be at the hospital. It could be in Billy's car.", "Chloe: You don't understand. It was attached to her hat. She loves that scarf. She wouldn't have been so careless with it.", "Kevin: I'm not saying that she was being careless, okay? Listen, wherever it is, I promise you, we will find it together.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Kevin: Okay?", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Doorbell ringing]", "Adam: [Exhales deeply]", "Victor: Hello, Son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: If I was in Billy's shoes, I'd be doing the same thing -- blaming myself for everything that happened.", "Jill: It's good to know that the Abbott men excel at self-flagellation, but what we need here is a plan. Because if Billy goes down that same dark road that he's gone down so many times...", "Jack: I agree.", "Jill: There is some good news, though. In spite of his grief, he managed to put it aside and perform an act of incredible selflessness.", "Jack: Do you mean donating Delia's corneas so that Chelsea and Adam's son wouldn't go blind? Yeah, Traci told me about that.", "Jill: That must have meant a lot to you, personally, since you and Nikki donated your baby's heart that time.", "Jack: Yeah, it did. I'm very proud of both of them.", "Jill: It doesn't seem to have made him feel any better, though.", "Jack: I don't think anything is gonna make him feel better until they find the person responsible for all this.", "Jill: Have they made any progress on that?", "Jack: No, the police are keeping a real lid on this one. Once they do find the driver, though, maybe Billy can stop hating himself and start hating somebody else.", "Jill: Well, since they're not giving the family any hope at all, I doubt they have any viable leads. They certainly haven't arrested anybody.", "Jack: Wait -- wait a minute. Maybe there's something we can do to help Billy and help the police at the same time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I'm wasting my time.", "Alex: Billy.", "Billy: What? What if you can't find them?", "Alex: We can.", "Billy: Oh, yeah?", "Alex: If anyone can, it's us, but it takes time. We have to go through evidence. We have to be meticulous.", "Billy: You mean be glacial, don't you?", "Alex: I don't have any kids, okay? So I'm not gonna stand here and pretend like I know what you're going through.", "Billy: Yeah, please, don't.", "Alex: But believe me when I tell you this entire force is dedicated to finding the killer.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Alex: This is personal, okay? This is our number-one priority.", "Billy: Then why haven't you found the person that did this to her? Why don't you have any leads?", "Alex: We do.", "Billy: You do? Good. Please tell me, what are your leads?", "Alex: You know I can't share that with you.", "Billy: Don't -- don't do that. Don't play me. You know you don't have anything.", "Alex: Listen to me. A lead is something followed by a trained investigator to its logical conclusion, okay? Sometimes you get a dead end. Sometimes you get other clues. Sometimes -- not always -- it leads you to your suspect.", "Billy: You listen to me. I don't need a course in criminal justice. I need you to do your job. If you can't do your job, if it's too tough for you, then trust me, I'm gonna find someone who can! I'm gonna do it myself!", "Alex: All right, let me explain to you why it's a bad idea for a civilian, especially a family member, to try to help with the investigation. Let me break it down for you like I did with Kevin.", "Billy: Kevin?! Kevin's not her father! I'm her father!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So, what do you want now?", "Victor: I thought we should celebrate your little boy's successful surgery.", "Adam: Well, we don't know yet if it was successful.", "Victor: I heard it went well.", "Adam: It'll be some time until we find out if the baby will be able to see.", "Victor: Oh, he'll be able to see.", "Adam: Well, you're such a beacon of optimism. Where's the cake and balloons?", "Victor: That comes later. Right now, I want you to take a look at this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge: Given the media attention, I thought it best to keep this hearing low- profile.", "Christine: Good call, your honor.", "Judge: I understand Mr. Baldwin has pled guilty.", "Michael: That is correct, your honor. Uh, second-degree intentional homicide. Uh, by law, I'm allowed to make a statement. Carmine Basco, uh, terrorized my family for months. He kidnapped my wife. He threatened her with rape. Ultimately, he tried to murder us in our own home. And driven by his pathological obsession with my wife, he... reached out to my son, Fenmore, who was a minor at the time. He would find ways to manipulate Fen into giving him information about Lauren, to the point where he even texted Lauren using our son's cell phone in order to trick her into meeting with him. Well, eventually, he was arrested for his actions, and sadly, he eluded police custody and succeeded in publicly humiliating my wife. Then it was soon after that... I managed to confront him in an alley. He had cornered my wife. She was obviously terrified. And I grabbed the gun that Carmine took from a police officer that he had knocked out, and, uh, I shot him.", "Judge: Ms. Williams?", "Christine: The state mandates a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 60 for this type of crime.", "Judge: That is correct. What sentence would you like me to impose on Mr. Baldwin?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey. You're thinking about Delia, aren't you?", "Devon: It's kind of hard not to. You know, when a child is killed like that, it's -- talk about something you never see coming.", "Lily: Yeah, unless you're a parent.", "Devon: Is that why you've been hovering all day?", "Lily: I can't help it. It's, like, when you have kids, you just -- you can't ever relax, especially when they're young, and they're just so small and -- and fragile.", "Cane: Yeah, and Billy and Chloe know that better than anybody else.", "Lily: I mean, look at what they went through when Delia had leukemia. You know, she was so fragile, but then she got through it, and they thought that it was all behind them, and then, out of nowhere -- it's, like, you can't look away, because even if you do -- Mattie, please, do not get close to the water. Please.", "Cane: She's okay. She's okay. She's all right.", "Lily: I -- [Sighs]", "Devon: Lil, I'm sorry. I can obviously see why this would be on your mind. What happened to Delia is a parent's worst nightmare. I just -- you know, you never think that --", "Lily: That it can happen to Cane and me?", "Cane: It is not gonna happen to you and I, all right? I will not look away. We will not look away. I will keep my kids safe. I promise you, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Kevin was more of a father than you ever were. He never would have left her alone in the car.", "Kevin: Chloe, don't. It's all right.", "Chloe: No, it's not all right, and where the hell do you get off saying something like that?", "Kevin: Listen to me. He's grieving, all right? He's blaming himself as much as you're blaming him.", "Billy: I don't need you to defend me or explain how I'm feeling, thank you very much.", "Kevin: Hey, we're all feeling the same thing. Don't you get it? It's not a contest over who loves Delia the most. We all love her. We've all lost her. [Sighs] Now we got to stop blaming each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What's this?", "Victor: Open it, Son.", "Adam: Stock options in Newman-Chancellor.", "Victor: For my grandson.", "Adam: Oh. You steal Newman Enterprises, and now you want to give my son a gift?", "Victor: I did no such thing, Adam. I bought the company back from you and jackass Abbott for a reasonable price.", "Adam: Yeah, that's exactly what happened. So, what, are you gonna buy my son's love now?", "Victor: That is not my intention. [Sniffs] By the way, I smell smoke in here. What's this?", "Adam: I don't know -- fireplace over there.", "Victor: Well, you'd better take care of that. I bought this place, if you remember, because my house burned down to the ground.", "Adam: It's already taken care of. It's gonna be fixed before my son is back.", "Victor: And when is that? I'd like to see him.", "Adam: You'd like to see him, would you? Well, you're not gonna see him, and I don't want you going over to the hospital to give him a visit. The staff has already been alerted not to let you see him if you do.", "Victor: Uh-huh. You mean the staff in the same hospital that has a wing named after me? Do you think they're gonna listen to your instructions?", "Adam: A wing named after you. Is that -- is that gonna be your angle? You gonna try and buy my son's love? Is that it? \"Grandpa bought you some stock. Grandpa bought you a pony. Grandpa bought you a hospital.\" You open your wallet, and you buy love.", "Victor: No, Son, that is not my intention -- to buy love. My intention is to make sure that my grandson is taken care of.", "Adam: Well, don't worry. He's taken care of.", "Victor: [Chuckles] You just tore up a piece of paper, Son. You didn't tear up Connor's right to a piece of my company. Newman-Chancellor is part of your son's legacy.", "Adam: I guess you need a little reminding. You're not a part of my life. By extension, you're not a part of my son's life.", "Victor: I would think about that long and hard if I were you. You know what I can do for your son. Don't jeopardize his future because of your hurt feelings.", "Adam: Who's talking about hurt feelings? You betrayed me one too many times. You forfeited the right to care about me or my son.", "Victor: Well, that's where you're wrong, Adam. I didn't betray you. You betrayed me when you made a deal behind my back with jackass Abbott.", "Adam: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Okay? But having said that, once you're through this topsy-turvy period in your life, I think you will come out the stronger man.", "Adam: That what this is supposed to be about? It's a lesson? The only thing I need to learn is how to keep you out of my life.", "Victor: I didn't come here to spend time with you. I came here to ensure the future of your son. That's what family does.", "Adam: We're both men who would sell our souls for our families. Something we should really be proud of, right?", "Victor: You bet, Son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: I have reviewed the file and listened to what Mr. Baldwin had to say in his defense. Given Carmine Basco's record, along with the severity and prolonged duration of the alleged crimes against the defendant, his wife, and his son...I believe that Mr. Baldwin acted appropriately. And while I wish I could ask that he walk out of here a free man today, I know that's impossible under the statute. Therefore, I ask your honor to give him the lightest sentence the law allows.", "Judge: Thank you, Ms. Williams. You shot a man in cold blood, Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: Yes, I did.", "Judge: Took a man's life. Do you feel any remorse for killing Carmine Basco?", "Michael: I regret...that my actions are taking me away from my family...but I will never regret trying to protect them.", "Judge: I see. I'll take a brief recess to decide the matter.", "[Door closes]", "Michael: That wasn't easy. I'm sorry I had to put you through that.", "Lauren: Thank you, Christine.", "Paul: We both feel that your family has been punished enough.", "Lauren: Do you think the judge will take your recommendation?", "Christine: I don't know. Judges tend to hold current and former officials to a higher standard than the rest of the public.", "Paul: Michael does have a criminal record, and his previous conviction will be taken into account.", "Christine: I just hope your statement and my recommendation is enough.", "Michael: But you can't be sure. None of us can be sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So, did the duckies eat all the bread?", "Both: Yeah!", "Cane: Yeah? Yeah? Well, you know what time it is?", "Lily: Uh-oh. I think its naptime, Guys.", "Charlie: No!", "Cane: Naptime. Naptime.", "Lily: Yes.", "Cane: [Deep voice] Naptime!", "Mattie: Mommy, come and push me on the swings.", "Charlie: Me too!", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: All right, listen. I have to go see Jill, offer my condolences, okay?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: Hey, Cane, if you don't mind, I'd actually like to go with you. I'm sure this has to be real hard on Jill. First Katherine and now Delia.", "Cane: It's hard on everyone involved.", "Lily: Yeah, I would go with you two, but I'm sure two rambunctious kids aren't gonna help, at all.", "Cane: All right, listen. Do you want to stay, or do you want to, uh -- do you want to go? If you want to go, I can get a lift with Devon.", "Lily: Uh, I'll hang here, and I'll take you guys on the swings, but first, something that you want to say to Uncle Devon?", "Cane: Yes. Go.", "Devon: What? What? What? Ohh! Ooh! [Chuckles] Ah! Mwah! [Chuckles]", "Lily: Bye.", "Cane: Bye. I love you.", "Lily: All right, come on, you guys.", "Cane: Bye.", "Devon: See you.", "Mattie: Bye!", "Devon: Bye.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Devon: They're cute, man.", "Cane: They are. I really appreciate the amusement-park thing. I do...", "Devon: Yeah.", "Cane: ...But if it could be a one-time deal.", "Devon: I'll stick to being extravagant on their birthdays and Christmas. How about that?", "Cane: That will work.", "Devon: Okay. But, hey, I do know that you left Chancellor when Victor took over, so does that maybe give me more license...", "Cane: Nice try. Nice try, but this isn't because I'm unemployed or you have money to burn. It's just I don't want to spoil the kids.", "Devon: Okay.", "Cane: Okay?", "Devon: You got it.", "Cane: Thanks for understanding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You're right." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Chelsea finds Billy holding Connor. He says that he and Connor had a talk. Chelsea wonders what he has decided about moving in. Jack finds Phyllis sitting on the sofa. She says she was up all night finding out what he is keeping from her. She hands him a notebook. Sharon sits on the sofa twirling the bracelet in her fingers that Mariah gave her for her wedding. Nick comes in and tells her not to give it back to Mariah because they are getting married. Dylan and Victoria go to the police department where Ben is under arrest. Austin assures Summer that he will work it out with Phyllis. Mariah makes a joke about it which unnerves Austin, and he calls Mariah on her remark toward Summer. Phyllis and Jack argue about his secret. Austin tells Mariah that Phyllis wants him to come over. Summer tells Austin that she has thought of a way to get through. Nick tells Sharon that they will get married on Halloween, but she has her reservations about it, but finally gives in and agrees. Avery goes to help get Ben out of this trouble. Jeffrey pays Chelsea a visit for more money, which she gives him. Victoria finds Billy at the Coffeehouse and argues with him over what he did to Ben. Billy denies having Ben arrested and tells her that he is moving on with his life and in with Chelsea.", "Summer and Austin arrive at Jack's. Phyllis pulls Austin aside to ask him what he knows. When he refuses to tell her anything important, she tells them that Summer's marriage is over. Mariah tries to talk to Sharon about her talking in her sleep and what she was saying. Sharon pressures Mariah into telling her what she said about a daughter not being really Nick's. Nick corners Madam Isadora at the Athletic Club and orders her to stay away from Sharon. Madam Isadora warns Nick not to be deceived. Summer states matter of factly to Phyllis that she is not ending her marriage. Billy comes home and tells Chelsea that he is moving in with her thanks to something that Victoria said about blaming him for Ben being arrested. Phyllis visits Sharon.", "" ]
[ "Dylan: Hey. Avery's tracking down Christine, but Paul's not here.", "Stitch: That's okay, man.", "Dylan: You know what? I'm gonna give him a call.", "Stitch: Look, don't waste your time, Dylan. What's your dad gonna do?", "Dylan: He's the chief of police.", "Stitch: Which means he probably gave the order to have me hauled in here.", "Dylan: No, I'm just saying that if I call him --", "Stitch: This isn't just gonna go away. The charges aren't bogus. I did commit fraud when I falsified my identity, so... what -- what are you doing here?", "Victoria: I'm -- I'm just checking on you.", "Dylan: Well, that's nice of you. Stitch, isn't it nice?", "Stitch: Yeah. Yeah, um...I appreciate it. How you feeling?", "Victoria: Fine. The baby and I are -- we're fine. I just -- I just want to get this cleared up, and I want to get you released.", "Dylan: [Sighs] So do I.", "Victoria: How did this happen? I mean, why did the police suddenly decide to arrest you? I don't understand.", "Avery: I have half an answer to that question. It wasn't the police. [Sighs] Someone deliberately pursued this case, someone with an ax to grind against stitch.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Oh, you fed him?", "Billy: Yeah, I was hungry for breakfast. I figured Connor would be, too.", "Chelsea: Thanks. That's so sweet. I'll take it from here.", "Billy: No, that's okay. I know how this goes. You dive into the morning routine with the boy, and then we never end up talking about it.", "Chelsea: \"It?\"", "Billy: Yeah. Your proposal.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, no, no. That wasn't a proposal.", "Billy: You asked me to move in with you. What do you call it?", "Chelsea: A passing thought. Here.", "Billy: Now, you think I'm just gonna let you blow this off?", "Chelsea: Yeah. [Chuckles]", "Billy: [Chuckles] No way. You see, Connor and I -- we had a deep, long, intense conversation about this over a couple of bowls of oatmeal.", "Chelsea: Oh. And what did you two decide?", "[Door opens]", "Nick: I have big news.", "Sharon: Good news?", "Nick: You better not give that back.", "Sharon: But it's Mariah's.", "Nick: Didn't Mariah loan it to you for the wedding?", "Sharon: Yes, but...", "Nick: You're gonna need something blue when we get married.", "Sharon: Then we're still on for next week?", "Nick: [Sighs] That's what the big news is all about.", "Sharon: Well, I'm sure Mariah won't mind me borrowing this for a little while longer. What is it? What's the news?", "Nick: Well...", "Sharon: Oh, no. It's not awful, is it?", "Nick: Why would you think that?", "Sharon: Just the way things have been going lately.", "Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no. This is just gonna make things more interesting.", "Sharon: Interesting how? Like interesting venue, music, flowers?", "Nick: Date.", "Sharon: Date. Let's see. Next week is... [Gasps] No. No, no, no.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. It's Halloween. [Laughs spookily]", "Summer: Ooh, I'm so excited. We actually get to spend our first big holiday together.", "Austin: I know.", "Summer: Oh!", "Austin: Whoa!", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Austin: Didn't think we'd be able to do that this year. Or next. Or the five to ten after that.", "Summer: Yes. We need to be thankful for the little things in life, like you not being in prison.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Summer: You know, I had an idea. Why don't you be the handsome prince for Halloween?", "Austin: Yeah?", "Summer: Yeah. That way you don't even need a costume.", "Austin: Ah.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: [Screams]", "[Both gasp]", "Mariah: [Laughs]", "Summer: Mariah, seriously, what are you doing?", "Mariah: Working. Didn't Austin tell you? That's why nick wanted us here early -- so we could decorate for Halloween.", "Austin: Yeah. We didn't think the decorations would be living, breathing, and booing.", "Mariah: Oh, well, it's way more fun that way. What are you doing here, Summer, since nobody's paying you, obviously?", "Summer: No, no one's paying me, but I decided to stick around and help.", "Mariah: Oh, bliss.", "Summer: Austin... can't you go decorate somewhere else?", "Mariah: Not a chance.", "Summer: I never got to talk to you about my mom.", "Austin: What about her?", "Summer: Well, the other day, when you guys were talking, she said that you guys had reached some sort of understanding, and it kind of sounded like a threat.", "Austin: I think Halloween's getting to you. You know, she seemed cool to me.", "Summer: Yeah, well, you don't know my mom like I do.", "Austin: Well, I'll make sure everything's okay with her.", "Summer: Yes, you will. You will somehow win my mom over like you do with everybody else.", "Austin: Mm.", "Mariah: Oh, yes, Austin. Because you're just so dreamy. [Chuckles]", "[Both sigh]", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Jack: Hey. How did you sleep?", "Phyllis: Oh, fine. You were the one in the guest room. How did that work out for you?", "Jack: Well, that depends. Did you get some much needed rest?", "Phyllis: I can't say, uh, last night was exactly restful. No.", "Jack: Why? How long have you been up?", "Phyllis: All night. Finding out what everyone's been keeping from me.", "Jack: I put this tablet in my briefcase.", "Phyllis: Which you left in your bedroom while you took your laptop, your phone, and everything in this house that has internet access.", "Jack: You noticed.", "Phyllis: Yeah. That you were trying to hide all the electronics from me, Jack? Really? Yes, I am not stupid.", "Jack: Of course you're not.", "Phyllis: Did you think changing all your passwords would stop me?", "Jack: I thought it might slow you down. Did it?", "Phyllis: Please. A couple of seconds.", "Jack: Okay. What did you find out?", "Phyllis: That the writing style on GC buzz isn't as good as what I did on restless style.", "Jack: That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. What did you find out?", "Phyllis: A new video game console came out while I was out of it. That sounds exciting.", "Jack: What else?", "Phyllis: Oh, \"how I met your mother\" ended, and people really are sad about that.", "Jack: You are impossible.", "Phyllis: You love it.", "Jack: I want to know what you found out about events in Genoa City.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Jack: So that I can help you come to terms with whatever horrible thing you read.", "Phyllis: Oh. And you want to talk about it now? You weren't ready to talk about it earlier when I had so many questions.", "Jack: Because the doctors told me --", "Phyllis: The doctors don't live with you. [Voice breaking] And you didn't ask some doctor to marry you. You asked me. And you did not believe me when I told you I needed to know about every single thing that happened while I was gone, no matter how trivial or shocking.", "Jack: If you read something that upset you --", "Phyllis: You know what upsets me? Not knowing about my life.", "Jack: Okay, then let's talk about it.", "Phyllis: No. Not now. I will decide when I want to hash that out with you.", "Summer: I'm gonna go get the last pumpkin.", "Mariah: Oh, Summer, do you need some help? Oh, no. [Chuckling] I wasn't -- I wasn't actually offering.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Austin: Why are you constantly on her?", "Mariah: Because getting your wife all fired up makes me smile and so few things do.", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Mariah: What is it?", "Austin: [Sighs] Phyllis wants me to come over.", "Mariah: After work?", "Austin: Now.", "Mariah: She probably wants you to pay up on your half of the deal and tell her everything that her loved ones have been keeping from her.", "Austin: Okay, what do I do?", "Mariah: I already gave you my advice.", "Austin: I can't just take off or ignore this, all right? I have to get my mother-in-law to accept our marriage.", "Mariah: Impossible. You can't win.", "Austin: Okay, instead of talking about things that don't work, let's discuss some things that do.", "Mariah: It doesn't matter what you do. Phyllis is never going to approve of your marriage to her daughter.", "Austin: Maybe I can feed her, like, some information.", "Mariah: Like what?", "Austin: I don't know. Nothing about my crime or -- or Jack's new relationship. Just minor things. Where's Summer?", "Mariah: Where did you park the car?", "Austin: Right outside. I was just coming to look for you. What took you so long?", "Summer: Um, I was just thinking about my mom.", "Austin: What about her?", "Summer: Well, I had an idea on how to get her on our side, and I kind of want to try it out right now. Come on. Let's go.", "Victoria: Maybe it's the hospital.", "Dylan: You think they got stitch arrested?", "Stitch: No, they care too much about their reputation to make this a big public, legal issue.", "Dylan: How bad could this get?", "Avery: There could be prison time.", "Victoria: What?! Prison? Wait. For how long? Look, if this child is Ben's --", "Stitch: Victoria, I appreciate you coming down here and trying to help out, but maybe you should go.", "Victoria: Well, there's got to be something that I can do.", "Stitch: And if there is, I'll let you know.", "Victoria: Ben, please --", "Stitch: Look, this isn't a good place for you and the baby. Please don't argue with me.", "Victoria: Okay. You're right.", "Stitch: That was easy.", "Victoria: I'm going, okay? But I'm not abandoning you. You're gonna -- you're gonna beat this, and then...we'll finish the conversation that we started yesterday. Okay.", "Avery: Uh, I'm gonna go see if Chris is out of her meeting.", "Dylan: Conversation? That sounded important.", "Stitch: Yeah. You know, Victoria and I were, um, you know -- we were on a path to make things right between us, you know?", "Dylan: That's great.", "Stitch: Yeah, it was until the cops showed up.", "Dylan: You have any idea who set this in motion?", "Stitch: I have a few people in mind... one of them being in this room right now.", "Billy: Well, the toddler and I didn't reach a firm decision yet.", "Chelsea: And why is that?", "Billy: Well, we had to factor his mom into the equation since it seemed like she sort of blurted out the invitation without thinking about it.", "Chelsea: Well, no matter how the words came out of my mouth, I still stand by them. There are certain positive aspects to you potentially moving in.", "Billy: As noted, I do already spend a lot of time here.", "Chelsea: We could carpool to Jabot when I have meetings there.", "Billy: And I would really like to get out of the Abbott mansion since Phyllis is starting to settle in there. Okay, I guess there are a lot of checks in the \"plus\" column.", "Chelsea: Well, convenience is not the best reason to make a big decision like this, even if it is temporary.", "Billy: That's true. A decision like this should mean something.", "Chelsea: It would mean something if -- if we do it.", "Billy: Right. Right. \"If.\" I guess we should -- we should think about it.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Billy: Um... I should get going.", "Chelsea: Oh, and -- and my tendency to sort of always blurt things out -- don't hold it against me.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Well, I-I have a similar issue. I tend to speak from my heart instead of my head.", "Chelsea: What is your heart telling you now?", "Billy: That I'll have my answer when I get back.", "Sharon: Who gets married on Halloween?", "Nick: No one! We'll be trailblazers.", "Sharon: Is that really a trail we want to go down?", "Nick: Look, it could be exciting. Now, I know it's just the family down at city hall, but we could keep the holiday theme.", "Sharon: Hmm. My hair in a full bride-of-Frankenstein blowout? Mm, no.", "Nick: Okay, okay, okay, okay. I know it's not ideal, but I told you we're getting married next week, and I'm gonna stick to that.", "Sharon: But Halloween?", "Nick: Yeah. It's also the only day they had available, so...", "Sharon: Oh. Well, maybe we should take that as a sign.", "Nick: No, no. No more talk about Madame Isadora and all her nonsense. Her psychic babble is no reason for us to put off saying our vows.", "Sharon: Even for a week?", "Nick: Even for an hour.", "Sharon: Mm. Halloween it is.", "Nick: Yeah. [Sighs] I got to find Madame Isadora.", "Jeff: How's my beautiful, charming, lovely daughter?", "Chelsea: What do you want, Jeff?", "Jeff: Oh, Chelsea, you wound me.", "Chelsea: Okay. Waste my time laying on the guilt and I swear I will be less inclined to buy whatever it is you're selling.", "Jeff: I'll get right to it, then. Yes, I do need something, but it's only a loan.", "Chelsea: Shocking. I'm shocked.", "Jeff: [Sighs] I had some heavy losses at the track lately, and I didn't want Gloria to know, and since my daughter has inherited a nice pile of money on top of running a very successful fashion business, not to mention I hear that you and big-bucks Billy Abbott seem to be getting close. [Chuckles] Is that true?", "Chelsea: Okay, okay. You know what? All right, Jeff. You know what? Here you go. Take this. If you need more, I'll give you a check later, but for now, you got to go.", "Jeff: Oh, wow, Chelsea. I swear I'll pay it back. I'm honestly coming into quite a windfall soon.", "Chelsea: From where? Actually, don't tell me. I don't want to know.", "Victoria: You've gone too far this time.", "Billy: With what?", "Victoria: You couldn't stop after having Ben fired? Now you have to go to the police and have him arrested?! Is this how you think you're gonna get me back -- by throwing everyone in jail that gets in your way?", "Billy: I didn't have anything to do with stitch being arrested.", "Victoria: You started this! You.", "Billy: The guy committed crimes. They have a tendency to arrest people like that, even without my help.", "Victoria: You didn't have anything to do with this?", "Billy: No. And look, when I -- when I think about how I'm responsible for the fact that the guy got fired from the hospital, I get...a pit in my stomach, okay? So calling the police? No.", "Victoria: I'm sorry I accused you. It's just, you know, it's very upsetting, and the timing is just really...", "Billy: What? What -- what do you mean?", "Victoria: Never mind. Goodbye.", "Billy: Vick, Vick... look at me. I want you to know that I'm really not out to get stitch anymore. I've moved on, and I'm... [Sighs] I'm moving in with Chelsea.", "Phyllis: Thought you left for work.", "Jack: I'm not going anywhere until we talk about this.", "Phyllis: There are things that you kept from me that you should have told me.", "Jack: Because the doctors asked me not to. If our situations were reversed --", "Phyllis: Well, they aren't. And I'm not so sure those doctors are the only excuse why you've been keeping secrets from me.", "[Knock on door]", "Phyllis: Honey, hi.", "Summer: Hi, mom.", "Phyllis: Hey. Austin, hi.", "Austin: Hi.", "Phyllis: Come on in. Would you guys like a drink?", "Austin: Uh, no. I think we're good.", "Summer: I'm okay. Thank you.", "Phyllis: Austin, come. Chat with me.", "Summer: What -- what's going on?", "Jack: Your mother has been catching up online.", "Summer: Well, you -- you let her on the internet?", "Jack: No. But I'd forgotten how resourceful she can be.", "Summer: What did she say about Kelly?", "Jack: She hasn't let on whether or not she found out about Kelly yet.", "Phyllis: Did you decide that you wanted to share something important with me that no one else is telling me?", "Austin: They, uh -- they probably didn't want you to know.", "Phyllis: What? What is it?", "Austin: Well, you don't have a job to go back to. Billy took your place at Jabot.", "Phyllis: Already knew that. That's not a problem. I'll get it back. Anything else?", "Austin: That's it.", "Phyllis: Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected anything more from a criminal. As of right now, my daughter's marriage is officially over.", "Dylan: Kevin? Nah, I don't think so.", "Stitch: There's one way to find out. Hey, let me ask you something. Did poking around in my past -- did that inspire you to take things a step further?", "Kevin: What? You think I ratted you out to the cops? I ain't no snitch, stitch.", "Stitch: Really? You did it before.", "Kevin: What? Digging in to the crimes that you pulled off? I was doing a favor for a friend. Mercy, not revenge, is the sign of a true knight.", "Stitch: Say what?", "Kevin: Oh, read a book.", "Stitch: Hey, shut up, man.", "Avery: Okay. I finally got to talk to Christine and get some details on how this arrest came about.", "Stitch: Who did this to me, Avery?", "Avery: A former patient of yours is suing the hospital.", "Stitch: For malpractice?", "Avery: Because he was treated by a doctor who technically should not have been practicing.", "Dylan: And to strengthen the case, the patient reported the fraud to the police.", "Avery: Right. Getting criminal charges on record will make his civil case that much more persuasive.", "Stitch: So you're saying an ex-patient of mine turned on me for a payoff?", "Jeff: Hey, kid. How's it going?", "Kevin: Why do you seem so happy?", "Jeff: What? I can't be glad to see my stepson?", "Kevin: Normally you aren't. And you showing up at a cop shop -- not exactly your thing.", "Jeff: I decided I needed to bond more closely with Gloria's sons, and I thought what better way than to see how you and Michael work.", "Kevin: You want to watch me work?", "Jeff: Yeah, so, what's going on in the Genoa City crime blotter? Like...over there?", "Kevin: Just somebody in trouble for breaking the law.", "Phyllis: I am having this married annulled immediately.", "Summer: Mom, stop.", "Austin: Okay. I committed a crime. And people were hurt because of it. And I'll own up to that, but I've been working hard and turning things around ever since, and that's thanks to Summer.", "Phyllis: You're claiming to be a better man now?", "Austin: I am.", "Phyllis: How do you expect me to believe that when you've done nothing but lie to me ever since I met you? How do I know you're not armed and dangerous right now?", "Summer: Mom, please stop. You know that that's not true.", "Jack: Everybody, please calm down.", "Summer: No, I'm not going to calm down when my mom's insulting my husband.", "Phyllis: Why didn't you tell me my daughter married a criminal?", "Jack: Because our daughter and I were concerned about your health.", "Phyllis: [Scoffs] I am getting so sick of hearing that same old excuse. But somehow I am managing to talk and breathe and walk even after reading my felon son-in-law pulled a gun on my sister and kidnapped her.", "Summer: Mom, aunt Avery forgave Austin. Okay, look, look, look. I have pictures to show you. Look, okay? Look how happy we are at the wedding.", "Phyllis: Okay, okay. Is there a picture -- is there a picture of Paul Williams in there throwing rice on the happy couple? Probably not, because the groom shot the chief of police in cold blood. Summer, how could you marry someone like this?", "Summer: You know, Austin's not the only one here who was charged with almost killing Paul Williams.", "Nick: Okay. I got to run out.", "Sharon: All right.", "Nick: [Smooches] Hi, Mariah.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Nick: Bye, Mariah.", "Mariah: Okay. What's my anklet doing there?", "Sharon: I spoke to a psychic earlier.", "Mariah: That is not the response I was expecting. Wait, did you talk to a psychic about me?", "Sharon: No, about the thing I can't remember -- the thing that could hurt nick.", "Mariah: What did she say?", "Sharon: She said that I wouldn't need to be borrowing my daughter's jewelry anymore.", "Mariah: Maybe it's best if you don't go through with this wedding.", "Sharon: Because of what Madame Isadora said?", "Mariah: No, no. God, no. Because you don't really seem 100% on board.", "Sharon: No, I am. I love nick. That's not even the question. But if I can't remember --", "Mariah: Maybe you should just relax, and eventually it'll come to you...I don't know in -- in a dream, perhaps? Have you ever dreamed about it?", "Sharon: Why are you asking me that?", "Mariah: No reason.", "Sharon: Tell me.", "Mariah: I heard you talking in your sleep once about it.", "Sharon: What did I say?", "Mariah: It sounded like a confession.", "Sharon: Okay, what were my exact words?", "Mariah: Does it actually matter?", "Sharon: Yes, it does. Maybe hearing them will help me remember what it is.", "Chelsea: You're holding out on me, little man. I thought we told each other everything, huh? So why don't you tell me what Billy was saying to you over breakfast? Huh? I know what you're thinking. I kind of rushed this whole moving-in thing, but... it wouldn't be so bad having Billy around all the time. Would it?", "Billy: I didn't think that you would care so much.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] I mean, wouldn't it affect you if I was moving in with someone?", "Billy: You mean like what it would be if possibly you were carrying somebody else's child? Yeah, I could imagine that. I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.", "Victoria: No. It's good. I mean, I'm glad that you to me.", "Billy: No matter what, I will always be in Johnny's life.", "Victoria: Yeah. Absolutely. Damn straight. [Chuckles]", "Billy: [Chuckles] And, of course, if this baby turns out to be mine, I will be in his or her life as well.", "Victoria: Absolutely.", "Billy: You know, I remembered something a couple weeks ago. I was thinking about Delia, and...I have been a lousy husband and a disappointing brother and a so-so friend. But I'm a damn good dad.", "Victoria: You are all of those things, for sure. [Chuckles] Especial a good dad. [Sniffles] I'm glad you realized all that. That's good.", "Billy: It took some doing. I think -- I think spending some time with Connor helped.", "Victoria: All right. Well, good. Um, I have things, so... good luck with the move and everything.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Stitch: Is -- is it possible that an ex-patient of mine is suing the hospital because of a medical setback?", "Avery: Maybe.", "Stitch: Well, I -- look, I'd hate that. Can -- can you find out?", "Avery: You're the one facing prison yet you're more worried about your patient than yourself.", "Stitch: Well, you know, it's... oh, wait a second. It was you, wasn't it?", "Jeff: I had nothing to do with it.", "Stitch: Yeah, you're the patient who brought charges against me.", "Jeff: Well, as a matter of fact, yes, I am suing the hospital, but with a very legitimate claim.", "Stitch: Legitimate?!", "Jeff: I could have died under your treatment with your illegally gained medical license.", "Stitch: I treated you for hemorrhoids.", "Jeff: And you're gonna announce it to the whole world? Can I sue him for that?", "Avery: You're the one making this a matter of public record.", "Stitch: Your life w never at risk.", "Kevin: You would do anything for money, wouldn't you? I cannot believe my mother remarried you.", "Jeff: Gloria finds me irresistible.", "Avery: You know, I would be happy to file a lawsuit against him on your behalf.", "Jeff: Sue me? What about my mental anguish?", "Stitch: Oh, I'll show you anguish.", "Nick: You need to stay away from my fiancée.", "Madame Isadora: I didn't approach Sharon. She contacted me and insisted on meeting. For good reason.", "Nick: You got her convinced something's wrong when it isn't.", "Madame Isadora: Why are you so adamant nothing's wrong?", "Nick: I'm not gonna argue with a con woman. You stay away from Sharon. If you go near her again, I will press charges.", "Madame Isadora: All I did was tell the truth. That's not a crime.", "Sharon: Why won't you tell me what I said in the dream?", "Mariah: Because you're already freaked out enough about it.", "Sharon: Wait. I need to know, Mariah. I need to figure this out so that nick and I can be happy together without some mysterious secret hanging over us.", "Mariah: [Sighs] All right. You said, \"nick, don't hate me. I'm sorry I lied to you. I should have told you the truth. I should have told you who her father really is.\" Do you remember? Do you finally know what the secret is?", "Phyllis: You're throwing those hit-and-run charges in my face? My own daughter.", "Summer: I'm saying that we've all made mistakes, including you. So have I in this last year without you around.", "Phyllis: Don't I know it.", "Summer: Marrying Austin was not a mistake.", "Phyllis: Summer, he's a felon.", "Jack: Avery doesn't think so. She's the one who helped defend Austin on those charges.", "Phyllis: She couldn't have.", "Jack: Ask Avery. She'll tell you what turned her around. She'll tell you what turned all of us around.", "Phyllis: Fine. I'll take it up with nick.", "Jack: Take it up with nick. It's not his call. He's not Summer's father. Kids, why don't we give your mom a chance to let this sink in, okay?", "Austin: Okay. Summer, let's go.", "Summer: We are not ending our marriage.", "Jack: Will you please calm down?", "Phyllis: [Sighs] How? All these lies. Summer's marriage wasn't the end of it.", "Jack: Summer's marriage is not all that you're worried about right now. Tell me. What else did you read online?", "Phyllis: Let's talk about how I landed at the bottom of that stairwell.", "Chelsea: You're...carrying a suitcase.", "Billy: Yeah, because maybe, um, honey, I'm home?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Uh, are you sure about this?", "Billy: Have you changed your mind?", "Chelsea: No. But I-I just didn't expect you to make your decision so soon.", "Billy: Yeah, it surprised me, too, but I was -- I was talking to Victoria, and it hit me that this is where I want to be, so why spend another day deliberating?", "Chelsea: Back up. You decided to move in with me by talking to your ex-wife?", "Billy: No, uh... [Chuckles] [Sighs]", "Dylan: Come on, man. Just let him go. Stand back. Would you restrain your client?", "Stitch: I'm okay. I'm okay.", "Jeff: Well, I'm not. That vicious attack probably gave me whiplash and more grounds in my lawsuit against fake dr. Rayburn.", "Kevin: Get out of here, Jeffrey, and while you're on a roll, go pickpocket some orphans. [Sighs]", "Dylan: Come on. This is crazy. Stitch didn't hurt that guy. When can we bail him out?", "Avery: Soon.", "Stitch: Look, I'll pay you back, Dylan, I promise.", "Dylan: No, it's --", "Stitch: I appreciate it. Russell? Your bail just came through.", "Avery: Who posted it? It doesn't say. It was paid anonymously.", "Stitch: Probably Victoria. Man...", "Dylan: Why don't you sound happy about that?", "Stitch: Look, I'm grateful, but I hate having her get mixed up in all this. I'm gonna sign you out. This way.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Avery: Yeah.", "Dylan: Well, uh, thank you for dropping everything to rush over here.", "Avery: Well, this is just a typical lawyer day for me. And how could I not help out your best friend? You want to help him despite what he's done.", "Dylan: It took a little time for me to see, but stitch is the same guy that's always had my back. And I'm always gonna have his.", "Sharon: I don't remember that dream at all.", "Mariah: And the words that you said?", "Sharon: They're troubling.", "Mariah: I thought it meant that faith wasn't nick's daughter.", "Sharon: No, that can't be.", "Mariah: Why not?", "Sharon: Because the paternity test I had done on faith is one thing that's still very crystal clear in my mind. Faith is Nick's. There's no question.", "Mariah: What?", "Sharon: You suspected that faith might not be nick's daughter and you didn't -- you didn't ask me about it? You didn't go to him?", "Mariah: Why make everybody nuts if there's nothing to it?", "Sharon: You can ask me anything.", "Mariah: Right.", "Sharon: I'm very protective of my children, Mariah. I hope one day you'll see what kind of mother I am, in time, and you'll be able to trust me.", "Mariah: That's not easy for me. So, what does the dream mean?", "Sharon: You know, I did briefly lie about faith's paternity. It was before she was born. Maybe that's it.", "Mariah: Could be.", "Sharon: Yeah, or --", "Mariah: Or it's just a dream. Nothing real about it. Well, I've, uh -- I've got stuff to do.", "Sharon: Okay. Oh, don't forget your jacket.", "Mariah: Thanks.", "Phyllis: The press said that I fell down the stairs at the M.S. Event. Just tell me what's not in print.", "Jack: You and I were on the phone. You told me you were in the building but the elevator was slow in coming.", "Phyllis: I must have been running late.", "Jack: Yeah. We had a lousy connection. I -- you said something to me I didn't understand, and then the phone went dead.", "Phyllis: Did anybody see my fall?", "Jack: No. No, you must have tripped on your dress or slipped on a stair.", "Phyllis: The article said that nick and Avery found me.", "Jack: Yeah. They called 9-1-1, and...that was it.", "Phyllis: You're worried.", "Jack: I am. I'm worried this is too much for you.", "Phyllis: You know what I really need right now?", "Jack: You tell me. We will make it happen.", "Phyllis: A massage -- just some silent time for it to sink in. I hope my old masseuse hasn't changed her number.", "Jack: We will track her down, and I will get you there.", "Phyllis: No, you don't need to do that.", "Jack: No, I want to help you. Tell me how to help.", "Phyllis: You can let me do this on my own. That's what I need.", "Jack: You sure?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Go to work as planned. I just need some time alone.", "Jack: Okay. I'll get suited up.", "Billy: Look, me deciding to move in is because of you, Chelsea, not Victoria.", "Chelsea: Well, she must have said something.", "Billy: Yeah. She accused me of hurting stitch, of having him arrested.", "Chelsea: But you didn't.", "Billy: Not this time. Look, I realized in that moment that I don't care about stitch anymore. All I could think about was how great things are here with you and with Connor. I don't give a damn about that guy. I want to make you believe me. I need you to believe how I feel about you. I love you, Chelsea, and I'm absolutely ready to take that next step.", "Chelsea: I do believe you. And that makes me really happy, Billy. Welcome home. [Giggles]", "Stitch: Thanks, Dylan.", "Dylan: Uh, you know that's like the third time you've said that.", "Stitch: Is it?", "Dylan: It's okay. I know you're thinking about Victoria.", "Stitch: Yeah, this, uh -- this whole situation is such a mess, you know? The past just keeps rearing its ugly head, wrecking everything.", "Dylan: You know, the more I get to know her, the more I think Victoria is, uh, pretty fair about things.", "Stitch: She is. And there's one way to get past all this.", "Dylan: There's more to your story, isn't there?", "Stitch: Yeah, there's -- there's enough to make Victoria understand and maybe even win her back.", "Nick: So, are you gonna stay away from Sharon?", "Madame Isadora: Your protectiveness comes from a good place.", "Nick: Don't pretend to read me.", "Madame Isadora: But it's right there for me to see. You turn to the daughter you lost in times of trouble.", "Nick: Sharon must have told you that.", "Madame Isadora: You had a conversation with your daughter last year, one that changed everything.", "Nick: I talk to faith all the time.", "Madame Isadora: Not faith. You were talking to your daughter's spirit. It led you to uncover the truth.", "Nick: I could have got another test. But what if it was...a result I didn't want? But now I have to.", "Nick: Okay, how could you possibly know that? That that's when I decided to go through with Summer's paternity test?", "Madame Isadora: Don't give up on the truth. Refusing to see deception will only end badly for everyone.", "Austin: Hey, try not to feel bad. There is nothing your mom can do to break us up. Eventually, she's just gonna have to accept it.", "Summer: You don't know my mom. She can do really crazy things.", "Jack: Phyllis? Red? [Sighs]", "[Knock on door]", "Phyllis: You and I need to have a little talk.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: You put your life at risk! It's unacceptable to me.", "Nikki: Because you weren't in on the planning of it or because Paul was?", "Victoria: There's something you've been wanting to tell me for a few weeks.", "Stitch: Would it change anything?", "Phyllis: I remember, Sharon. I remember everything." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Kevin and Chloe have their second official date and it goes so well they later make love. Nick says goodbye to Sully and has a memory of Christian. Nick goes to Chelsea's and tells her it was hard saying goodbye to Sully because being with him gave him comfort and made him think of Christian. Victor is going to sue Devon and Hilary because they won't reveal their source for the leaked Newman Enterprises information. Jack meets with his source again and gets more information about the company. Phyllis agrees to continue to help Jack with his plan of revenge against Victor, and Jack admits to Phyllis he needs her help for his plan to work. Dylan wonders why Patty was painting pictures of a pregnant Sharon, but Sharon tells him that Patty was obsessed with her when they were together at Fairview and that Mariah proved that Patty wasn't the stalker. Sharon tells Dylan the calls have stopped but then Sharon's phone rings again.", "" ]
[ "Hilary: Hello, Ashley. How are you?", "Ashley: Busy. I'm about to make a call, so --", "Hilary: Well, I was just wondering if you had a chance to catch the show tonight.", "Ashley: Not with my own eyes, but I heard all about it.", "Hilary: It's crazy what's happening with Victor, huh?", "Ashley: That's one word for it.", "Hilary: Well, now's your chance to go on the record. That is, if you have anything to say.", "Ashley: I have so much to say. I'll try to keep it short and sweet. No comment.", "Hilary: Huh. I'm intrigued. \"No comment\" -- that's not a denial. Off the record, someone went to great lengths to make sure that GC buzz had all of Newman's financial information. I was just wondering -- is this jack's idea of payback?", "Jack: Did you see the breaking news on GC buzz? Yes. I saw it.", "Jack: We may have a problem. I need another meeting. Tonight.", "Phyllis: I know if I showed up at your office like this, you would do everything you could to shove me out your window.", "Victor: [Chuckles] Lucky for me, you don't have any windows.", "Phyllis: I don't know what you want, but I am damn sure I don't have any time for it.", "Victor: I want to help you save jack from himself. He stole private Newman enterprise financial information, which is not only against the law, but it's a bad mistake. May very well be the last mistake he'll ever make.", "Chelsea: And this is a riff on one of my designs from the very first season. Do you remember? It's crazy. It was just you, me, and a sketchpad. And you're not listening because you're thinking about your date with Kevin.", "Chloe: What? No. No, no, no. And it's not a date.", "Chelsea: Two people going out at night for dinner. No, you're right. There's nothing date-ish about that. No, it's just a couple of friends who have seen each other naked, who, in fact, were also previously married. It's -- it's not a date at all.", "Chloe: If you don't stop, I'm going to hit you soon. [Sighs]", "Kevin: Hello, party people!", "Chelsea: Well, hello there, handsome.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Chloe: You look...", "Kevin: What? Is it too much?", "Chloe: No, no. I...", "Chelsea: I think what Chloe's trying to say is... it's just enough.", "Dylan: Hey, what's going on here?", "Sharon: Oh, you're home!", "Nick: Hey. Excellent timing. Here are the keys back to your house, and I'm out of here.", "Dylan: What are you talking about? You're leaving?", "Nick: Yeah, you're home. You don't need me here anymore.", "Dylan: Well, you didn't even know I was coming back. I thought you were here to keep -- keep your eye on some things.", "Nick: Ah, Mariah and Sharon, they got this. I don't want to wear out my welcome. But I'm glad you're back. Let's grab a beer and catch up, all right?", "Dylan: Yeah. Hang on a second. I want to hear about everything I missed while I was gone.", "Sharon: You know, we should probably tell Dylan everything. We owe him that much.", "Nick: He deserves to know the truth.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Dylan: Okay. What's going on?", "Nick: Something happened while you were gone.", "Sharon: And that something is... pumpkin patch. We took the kids to the pumpkin patch.", "Nick: It was so awesome. Sorry you missed it.", "Sharon: [Laughs] We got you. You thought that we were gonna confess to something outrageous.", "Dylan: [Mocking laugh] No. I wasn't buying anything that you were selling.", "Sharon: Not even for a second?", "Dylan: No, not even for a second.", "Nick: Well, maybe a second.", "Dylan: No.", "Nick: Okay.", "Dylan: I see you got into the season while I was away.", "Sharon: Yeah. We cut out some cookies and cider.", "Mariah: Somebody heard cookies!", "Dylan: Oh, there he is! Come here! That's my big buddy!", "Mariah: He just woke up, so he's a little bit grumpy.", "Sharon: He knows his daddy's voice.", "Dylan: Buddy, did I miss you. Did you, uh, thank your uncle nick for staying with you, hanging out? I think he wants you to stay for that one last hit of cider.", "Nick: Maybe one for the road. I mean, who could resist that face?", "Sharon: Okay, great. Sully and Mariah and I are going to go and get the treats, and we'll be back.", "Mariah: We're gonna get them!", "Dylan: All right. How's, uh, how's the head?", "Nick: Ah, intact. Just remind me never to run into Kevin in a dark alley at night.", "Dylan: I owe you. I mean, it happened. You were looking out for my family.", "Nick: Listen, it's no big deal. No worries.", "Dylan: So, uh, did Sharon and Mariah mention that they thought patty was -- was the stalker?", "Nick: Yeah. Why?", "Dylan: Because Sharon never mentioned it to me. I had to hear it from my father.", "Chelsea: I added this.", "Chloe: Okay, but I'm feeling a little underdressed.", "Chelsea: What? You look perfect.", "Chloe: Yep. Mr. Suit and tie here is really putting me to shame.", "Kevin: I had to somehow make up for how gorgeous you are. You could be wearing a paper bag and it still wouldn't be even.", "Chloe: Okay, okay. You know, you are kind of ridiculous.", "Chelsea: In an adorable sort of way.", "Chloe: I feel bad leaving you here to work alone.", "Chelsea: Stop! Go! Go! I'm gonna actually make you go, because I myself also have an adorable date tonight, so...", "Kevin: All right, we know how to take a hint. Come on.", "Chelsea: Go. Have fun, kiddos. Don't stay out too late. Isn't it nice, Connor?", "Connor: Fire truck.", "Chelsea: I see that! That's what happens when two people go on a date that really like each other.", "Connor: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Aren't we happy for Chloe? She was so sad for so long and so lonely, and now she has somebody to talk to and somebody to...hold hands with at dinner. Yeah, isn't that nice?", "Ashley: It's fascinating that you chose to drop this bombshell about Newman enterprises when you have no idea who the source is or how the records were obtained. Wow. You've really got this journalism thing down, don't you?", "Hilary: That's why I'm asking for your help. Everyone knows that jack has motive. He would love to see Victor and his company go down in flames.", "Ashley: I thought you were my brother's biggest fan. Is this some kind of payback for you, some personal issue that the two of you had?", "Hilary: I respect jack. And corporate espionage is not really his thing. But Phyllis? I wouldn't put it past her. My money's on her. I just need some confirmation. Come on, Ashley. Wouldn't it be a nice bandage for jack to watch Phyllis and Victor go down together? You could give that to your brother all wrapped up in a pretty, little bow.", "[Footsteps approach, stop]", "Devon: Hi.", "Ashley: Hi. So, Devon, is this really the direction you want to take GC buzz? Letting your wife slash and burn no matter who the hell gets hurt?", "Phyllis: You know, your threats didn't work on jack. I don't know why you think they'd work on me.", "Victor: Well, I once told jack before that you...", "[Drawer opens]", "Victor: ...Are the more practical of the two. In fact, you're more intelligent.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "[Drawer bangs]", "Victor: I think you are the mastermind behind the attack.", "Phyllis: I don't know anything about the leak, Victor.", "Victor: Yet here you are in this sorry excuse for an office. You so desperately want to get back into his good graces. You're willing to do his dirty work. Isn't that right?", "Phyllis: No. Revenge is your thing, as he mentioned.", "Victor: My suggestion is that you come to me before jack entertains another attack on my company. That way I can nip it in the bud, and I won't have to do damage to him.", "Phyllis: You're incredible. Are you suggesting we go into business together?", "Victor: And you will, because you will help me save jack from himself.", "Phyllis: The ego on you. NASA must see it from outer space. Why in the world would I ever want to team up with you?", "Victor: Because you were happy enough to have my help when we wanted Luca Santori out of summer's life.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that was to save my daughter.", "Victor: And this is to save your husband.", "Phyllis: The only reason I agreed to work with you was because I knew that you wouldn't hurt my daughter, but you don't give a damn about jack.", "Victor: You're absolutely right about that. I have nothing but disdain for your hubby. Be that as it may, I have no time to deal with this nuisance. I need to focus on business, focus on family. I need to mourn the loss of my son.", "Phyllis: Okay, so this is just all a nuisance. That's why you decided to come into enemy territory, plant yourself at my desk, ask me, of all people, to team up with you? I mean, that's a lot of effort for just a little nuisance.", "Victor: You come to me whenever you realize that jack is about to embark upon a dangerous road, make another egregious mistake. Consider yourself his guardian angel. How's that?", "Phyllis: I'm gonna report to you?", "Victor: That's right. You're welcome.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm not thanking you for anything, Victor.", "Victor: Oh, Phyllis, you will once this is all over, you know, once we have saved your hubby from himself. You want him back, don't you? Righteous Jackie boy who you love oh so much. Warms the cockles of my heart how much you love him.", "Phyllis: Jack?", "Jack: [Sighs] Sneaking up on me? What are you trying to do? I can't be too careful.", "Jack: Okay, that makes two of us. I need to know that the information you gave me is true. More than that, I need to know Victor can't squirm out of this one. It's from the Newman system, everything watermarked.", "Jack: And if Victor has wiped the hard drive and the server? All those e-mails and data going missing? That will leave some big gaps and look suspicious.", "Jack: That would be proof that he is scrambling and he's nervous, even afraid. And the last thing Victor ever wants to show is fear. You know what? We're gonna move this up. Everything I've done thus far is an appetizer. I think Victor's ready for his entree.", "Nick: Look, the reason Sharon didn't tell you about patty was because, you know, she didn't want you to worry. And don't argue with me. We both know you would have worried a lot.", "Dylan: Of course I would worry. Who wouldn't? We're talking about patty.", "Nick: You were 200 miles away. There wasn't anything you could do. It's over. And now Sharon wants you and her and your kid to go back to a nice, normal life.", "Sharon: Well, look at you two, looking so brotherly.", "Dylan: Hi, guy.", "Sharon: Seems serious.", "Nick: It was definitely serious. I was, uh, talking to Dylan about the pumpkin patch and the corn-maze incident, how the odds were stacked against me, but I persevered. I triumphed.", "Mariah: That's because faith led you out.", "Nick: Yes, she may have led me out, but it just proves that I make intelligent children. So, with that, I'm gonna take one ghost cookie for the road and make like a banana and split.", "Mariah: Oh, the dad jokes! There were a million of them. Really, no, I had to listen to a million of them.", "Nick: You know, people love my humor. And when I say people, I mean toddlers, like...sully and Connor. Connor loves me.", "[Sully whines]", "Nick: I know! So I'm gonna go check on Connor and Chelsea right now.", "Sharon: Oh, that's a good idea.", "Nick: [Sighs] All right. Little man, hey. Thanks for letting me hang out with you, okay? It was fun. It was the best.", "Nick: [Voice breaking] Welcome to the world, son. Didn't expect to see you this soon. But you keep fighting, okay? That's what Newmans do. We fight. And you're gonna pull through this.", "Dylan: Nick?", "Nick: [Sighs] All right, I really am gone now.", "Dylan: You sure you okay?", "Nick: Yeah, I'm good. Uh... thanks for letting me borrow your son these past couple days. Very lucky to have him.", "Dylan: Thanks.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dylan: All right.", "Sharon: Night-night for this guy. And then we can talk about the trial. You can tell me how it went.", "Dylan: Okay, you go up. I'm gonna clear some dishes for you.", "Sharon: Okay, say, \"bye-bye, daddy.\" We're glad you're home.", "Dylan: All right, I'll see you soon, buddy.", "Mariah: Is it wrong to deal with all the leftover cookies by eating them? It's okay. Nobody will know.", "Dylan: It's okay.", "Mariah: To eat the cookies?", "Dylan: No, I know everything that happened while I was gone. And I know Sharon didn't want to tell me because I'd get worked up and I'd rush home, but you know what? You should have said -- you should have said something.", "Mariah: She didn't. Yeah, I mean, we all got spooked when the lights went out, but look. Lights. We're good.", "Dylan: Yeah, must have been pretty scary since you and Sharon thought patty was the one calling, especially when Paul found out she was missing.", "Mariah: That -- that's all over.", "Dylan: Yeah, now it is. But you thought patty was the stalker even after you saw her at Stonevale. That's right. Paul told me about that, too. I want to hear all about it from you.", "Chloe: Ah, well, this is nice.", "Kevin: Nice? Nice is the worst. Nice is the word that all men dread.", "Chloe: This is beautiful.", "Kevin: [Sighs]", "Chloe: [Chuckles] It's sweet. Last time we were at the athletic club having burgers and fries, so what is it this time? Chicken fingers? Grilled cheese?", "Kevin: Actually, I thought we graduated to using some silverware. Unless you're talking about finger foods because you miss Bella, which is totally cool.", "Chloe: You know, we used to do that. Have a nice grown-up dinner and end up spending the entire night talking about Delia.", "Kevin: Ah, back when we were an old married couple.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] Yeah. I don't know. I feel...I feel younger these days somehow. I don't know. Maybe it's just less pressure.", "Kevin: You don't look any older. You look exactly the same. Well, even more stunning.", "Chloe: Well, now -- [Chuckles] Now I'm blushing.", "Kevin: [Chuckles]", "Chloe: Not you. You look older.", "Kevin: I do.", "Chloe: Here. Let me fix it. Here.", "Kevin: Uh-oh.", "Chloe: Wait. Well... you got too much product in there. There we go. There.", "Kevin: Okay. Is that better?", "Chloe: Now you look like him.", "Kevin: \"Him\" who?", "Chloe: The guy who rolls around the floor with Bella, the guy who sings really awful, truly awful karaoke.", "Kevin: Oh, that guy. He's nice.", "Chloe: Don't call him nice. He's a lot more than that.", "Hilary: I have a job to do, and I'm doing it.", "Ashley: You're using GC buzz as a hammer to bash people with. It's cheap, it's disgusting, and I won't have any part of it. Excuse me.", "Devon: Sure. Hey. Enough. That's enough.", "Ashley: Hello.", "Victor: So what do you have to say for your brother, stuffing false information down the public's throat?", "Ashley: Oh, don't. I mean, honestly, after everything you've put him through? You accusing my brother of anything is laughable, so maybe you should concentrate on Newman's meltdown and not worry about my --", "Victor: Ashley, listen to me carefully. He's no match for me, and you know it. So stop him before I retaliate.", "Ashley: Right. Have a nice evening.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Michael: Hmm. Ashley looked like she couldn't get away from you --", "Victor: Why are you late?", "Michael: You know, my wife's waiting for me at home. Why don't you tell me why you wanted to meet.", "Victor: Why the hell would I want to meet you? I want to file a lawsuit.", "Michael: And what? You want me to represent you? That didn't work out well for either of us last time.", "Victor: And you know damn well why that was the case, okay? Because you egregiously threw this in the direction of Phyllis.", "Michael: Yeah, I seem to recall something like that.", "Victor: I bet you do.", "Michael: Look, I'm just trying to figure out why, after our recent history, you'd want me to represent you at all.", "Victor: Because you owe me, and you know it.", "Michael: Oh.", "Victor: This case could get dirty. And who better than you to get into the muck?", "Michael: I'm flattered. [Clears throat] Really.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Michael: But you're right. Nobody knows better than I what it means to owe you. So then... boss... who are we suing?", "Victor: Mr. And Mrs. Devon Hamilton.", "Dylan: So why'd you go to Stonevale to see patty?", "Mariah: Oh, last Halloween, patty broke out of Fairview to, uh, talk to you. And as you know, that was the night that the world basically exploded. So, uh, Halloween's coming up again.", "Dylan: So you thought patty was making the calls.", "Mariah: Yeah. I thought there might be a connection.", "Dylan: So you went to ask her yourself.", "Mariah: I did. And you know what? I learned my lesson. It didn't do any good. Moving on.", "Dylan: So what'd she have to say?", "Mariah: [Sighs] A lot of \"I don't belong here. Get me out of here.\" She actually can't really hold a conversation. I don't think she's getting any better. Maybe she should be transferred to another facility, one that can actually keep track of her?", "Sharon: Hey. Everything okay? I thought you were right behind me.", "Mariah: Yeah, Dylan knows that I went to see patty, so he was just asking what went down.", "Sharon: Paul told you?", "Dylan: Yeah, Paul told me. About patty, about the stalker outside, about Kevin cracking nick over the head.", "Sharon: Well, the reason we didn't tell you --", "Dylan: Yeah, because you didn't want me to worry, and I got that message loud and clear. But the one thing no one can answer is why did patty paint a picture of you pregnant? I mean, Dr. Anderson delivers our son. Months later, patty kills her. Doesn't it feel like there's some kind of connection here? Why is patty so obsessed with you and sully?", "Chloe: We got to get back to new York, you know? It's been way too long.", "Kevin: Yeah, you've got a lot of living to catch up on.", "Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I've been doing it.", "Kevin: Wait. What? You just got serious. Don't get serious.", "Chloe: No, I'm not. Yes. Yes, I am. [Chuckles] I just -- I've got my life back. You know, it's -- it's great. I'm -- I'm sane. Relatively.", "[Both chuckle]", "Chloe: I'm free. Hey, I can pick out my own shoes now. I don't have to wear those ugly shoes they used to make me wear in California. I get to play with Bella. I get to go out on a hot date with a great guy in a very sexy suit. But...I don't know. Sometimes I just -- I feel guilty.", "Kevin: What? Why?", "Chloe: [Sighs] Chelsea. You know, no matter what's going on, she always has sad eyes. Just a tinge, but it's always there.", "Kevin: Adam's gone, but she has Connor, she has her friends, she has you.", "Chloe: Well, I'm not enough. She thinks that Adam was the only one, but, I mean, she needs to find someone, someone who can help her move on.", "Kevin: You can't fix this for her. And wanting and wishing for that to be the case doesn't make it happen. It's fate, it's time, whatever. And when it does, there you are, right where you're supposed to be.", "Chloe: I think we should skip dessert.", "Kevin: Then we skip dessert. Check, please.", "Chelsea: You should not be here.", "Nick: Well, when I called, you said you and Connor were accepting visitors.", "Chelsea: Only so I could tell you in person that you should be taking it easy and not gallivanting after hours. What's wrong? Are you feeling woozy?", "Nick: No. No, I just, uh... you know, I don't need to go back to Sharon's. Dylan's home.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Nick: And I got to admit, it was harder than I thought to say goodbye to sully. When I saw him tonight, I couldn't help but think about Christian. Hit me kind of hard. You know, I was always afraid that I would forget about his little face or his tiny, little hands and... when I'm around sully, it just kind of makes it seem as real or as vivid as when Christian was still here.", "Chelsea: I know what it's like. I'll be dreaming, or even when I'm awake, actually, and I feel like Adam's right there, just out of sight. Like if I went into the kitchen or if I turn a corner, I'm gonna see him and... [Sighs] I think it's normal.", "Nick: I mean, it's crazy. It kind of came out of nowhere. It hit me right in the face. It's almost as if Christian was trying to hang on to me.", "Michael: GC buzz is a gossip site. To sue them for slander just calls attention to the news. It validates them, Victor.", "Victor: Listen to me. They drug my reputation and my company's reputation through the mud. They're not gonna get away with it, all right? Well, now.", "Michael: Victor.", "Victor: Hello, hello.", "Devon: Hey, we're not gonna do this here, okay?", "Hilary: No, no, I'm not gonna run and hide.", "Victor: I want you to record every word I have to say. Might come in handy when I slap you with a lawsuit.", "Michael: It doesn't have to come to that, Victor. We're calm, rational adults. I'm sure we can resolve this without involving the courts.", "Devon: That's right. I sure hope we can.", "Victor: You should have thought about that before you bought this tawdry production company as if it were a purse for your wife.", "Devon: Mr. Newman, you and I have respectable history.", "Victor: That's why I've not filed a lawsuit yet. I'll give you a chance to set this right.", "Hilary: I'm pursuing a legitimate news story. And in other news, it's 2016. So if you have an issue, you can speak to me directly. Don't tell my husband to curb me, because that's not the way that this marriage works.", "Michael: An excellent idea. A one-on-one conversation in a more appropriate setting, say my office early in the week.", "Victor: Cut the nonsense, okay? Give me the name of the source.", "Devon: Well, the journalists' sources are confidential.", "Victor: Your wife ain't a journalist. She's a pretty face slinging mud. You were given fabricated documents. They conned you. You want to pay for their fraud?", "Hilary: [Scoffs] So you're still claiming that none of the financial documents are true or accurate? So your wife, she didn't buy $3,000 shoes with company funds, right?", "Victor: You're not taking this seriously, are you? Give me the name of the source, I will forget about pursuing this with a lawsuit. You keep the name of the source to yourself, I will see to it that all of you go down together.", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Jack: You're still here.", "Phyllis: Where have you been? You have nothing on your schedule.", "Jack: And you know that how? By snooping around my desk? So much for trusting you.", "Phyllis: Hey, I am the one you can trust. Anyone else would have caved.", "Jack: Caved on what?", "Phyllis: Victor.", "Jack: Oh, he's already offered you a chance to turn on me? That didn't take long. Can I presume you turned him down on his proposal?", "Phyllis: My loyalty is not for sale.", "Jack: Your loyalty to me might be a subject we should avoid.", "Phyllis: Fair enough. You cannot take Victor down on your own. You cannot. You need me. Whether you want to admit it or not.", "Jack: Wait. You want to know what my plan is?", "Phyllis: If you want my help, I need the details.", "Jack: On one condition, and this is not up for debate. You will not try to talk me out of it. Any of it.", "Michael: You've made your point. All you needed was me standing to the side looking appropriately intimidating. Look, let's give them 24 hours to consider your offer. Why don't we do that?", "Victor: They either prove that they regret what they have done or they will face the consequences. No. Have you made a decision?", "Hilary: We can't name our source even if we wanted to. The package was delivered to GC buzz anonymously.", "Victor: Or is it that perhaps you know who the source really is? Jack Abbott.", "Devon: We didn't know that, and we still don't.", "Victor: I'm sad to see you dishonor your grandmother's name. She and I were good friends, you know. You're now allowing your wife to cast aspersions on my name and on my company's name. I think Katherine would be appalled.", "Devon: Well, with all due respect, sir, do you think she'd be pleased with some of the things you've pulled this last year?", "Victor: Give me the name of the source, and I will forgo pursuing this legally.", "Michael: If he hasn't made it quite clear, he's very adamant on this point.", "Devon: No, I know. He has. And, uh, I believe my wife has given you her answer. And I want to make it very clear to you, too, that Hilary has my full support as my wife and as the decision-maker for GC buzz. So if you do want to come at us, then you can come at us.", "Victor: All right. Do what you have to do, Michael.", "Chloe: [Laughs] Chelsea!", "Kevin: Uh, maybe she and Connor are still at the studio.", "Chloe: Which means that we're alone.", "Kevin: Very alone. Together at the same time. Wow. That sounded so stupid. In my mind, it sounded cool.", "Chloe: I'll take your word for that. So, um, can I offer you a nightcap since I didn't let you have any dessert?", "Kevin: I would love one.", "Chloe: Then why does it sound like you're saying no?", "Kevin: Because as terrific as a nightcap would be... I think it's best I just say good night.", "Chloe: Are you afraid of a drink?", "Kevin: I'm cautious of it going to my head.", "Chloe: Okay. Understandable. If -- if you'd rather not.", "Kevin: Rain check, please? Can I have a rain check?", "Chloe: Totally. Okay, well... good night, friend.", "Kevin: Good night, pal.", "Chloe: Good night.", "Kevin: Yeah. 'Night.", "Chloe: I mean, you're not seriously going, are you?", "Kevin: Seriously not going anywhere.", "Chloe: That sounded cool. [Laughs] [Laughs]", "Nick: You know, the months -- oh, thank you -- before sage died, I just kept telling her over and over again how... how unhealthy it was for her to always be around sully. And it's like I'm the biggest hypocrite ever, because I absolutely love being around that little boy. When I'm around him, it -- it helps me to imagine my son, and so when I had to say goodbye to him tonight...", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. That must have been brutal. Oh, thanks. Bringing back all the pain.", "Nick: You know, it's not pain, Chelsea. It's, uh... holding sully, I-I find it very comforting. It's almost as if the ache isn't as awful. I kind of feel whole again.", "Mariah: If the doctors can't decipher what's in patty's head, how can Sharon? So her weirdo paintings will just have to remain a weirdo mystery.", "Dylan: Well, I mean, you can't just dismiss it. She's obviously trying to communicate. She just might not have the ability.", "Mariah: But if patty's trying to communicate something, how could we possibly decipher it? There's no way.", "Dylan: There's got to be a way. Why Sharon? Why pregnant? There's got to be a reason for this whole thing.", "Sharon: Okay, it's because she's mentally ill, Dylan! Because we were at Fairview together! Because I was pregnant and she was obsessed with me! You know, jack told me that she miscarried years ago. Maybe that was it! You know, Dr. Anderson tried to shield me from patty, and -- and that made patty resentful. Maybe that was it. Like Mariah said, we're not gonna be able to figure out patty! For you to go on and on as if I have any answers, you know, it's not enough that Dr. Anderson lied about who she was, and it's not enough that patty then killed her. But, you know, it's like that time of my life will never be over! I just want it to be over!", "Mariah: Look, you just got home, and everybody really missed you. Is this how you want to celebrate coming back? Talking about patty?", "Dylan: Sharon. I'm sorry. I just feel like things are being kept from me. I had to find out about patty through Paul. I mean, if there was a reason that you suspected her...", "Sharon: We suspected everyone!", "Dylan: Yeah, but you didn't tell me you were worried it was patty. I assumed it was some guy, and both of you backed me up on that, by the way. Meanwhile, you're off in another direction, and obviously you had a reason, so I want to know why!", "Hilary: I am a strong, independent woman.", "Devon: You sure are.", "Hilary: And I am your partner. I'm not someone who can be controlled.", "Devon: [Chuckles] You've made that abundantly clear, honey.", "Hilary: But the way that you defended me back there with Victor, that... that was sexy as hell.", "Devon: So what are you doing? You just going back to work now?", "Hilary: Yeah, Victor's footage is incredible, but I'm gonna be editing all night if I want to get this on tomorrow's show.", "Devon: No, you're not running that.", "Hilary: What are you talking about? I'm not afraid of Victor, and apparently neither are you.", "Devon: This isn't about fear. It's about sense. You made unsubstantiated claims about Newman enterprises. You can't cite the source, and you didn't get the information verified. You didn't even speak to a lawyer to analyze the risks. So what I need you to do right now is to find out exactly where in the hell that information came from and if it's legit, 'cause if it's not, Victor will make sure that you and I pay for this.", "[Glasses clink]", "Michael: Libel -- listen to me -- is notoriously difficult to prove in a court of law.", "Victor: Well, that's your problem.", "Michael: I imagine it's our problem.", "Victor: Michael, they can bring in the FBI, the IRS, whoever the hell they want. Check my hard drives, my servers, look at all the documents. They will find out that they are fabricated.", "Michael: There is always something lurking deep in the dark recesses of a computer system, Victor. Always. That's why my brother has a job.", "Victor: Not if there's nothing to find.", "Michael: I think we know each other far too well for secrets at this point. I can't help you if I don't know the truth. If those documents are from your company, if they're legitimate...", "Victor: They are not. And I will say the same thing in court.", "Jack: So, that's the whole plan. Needless to say, nothing I just said can leave this room.", "Phyllis: Of course.", "Jack: So now you know everything. Here's the question. Are you still in or are you out? Either way, it's going to happen.", "Phyllis: What you're proposing is insane.", "Jack: This from the woman who brought paragon back for round two.", "Phyllis: If I knew then what I know now --", "Jack: All you have to focus on right now is one question. Are you in or are you out? I'm putting a final nail in Victor's coffin. You can swing the hammer with me or not.", "Chloe: Okay, you can't break me.", "Kevin: I never want to hurt you.", "Chloe: You never could.", "Kevin: I've missed you. I missed you so much.", "Chelsea: So I have to ask. Was it strange, living with your ex? I mean, it's got to be a little awkward, right?", "Nick: You know, I don't know if Sharon felt like it was an intrusion or not, but I have seen this look in her eyes before.", "Chelsea: What look?", "Nick: There's something going on that she doesn't want to tell me. When we first met, it was about a guy. And then it was about Cassie. Then it was some other stuff between us. And, uh, summer's paternity. And whether Sharon wants to admit it or not, that look is back. There is something going on that she doesn't want me to know.", "Sharon: Mariah had an idea about patty. She went to Stonevale. Nothing came of it. Now, the phone calls have stopped and there's no one peering in the window. You know, after I haven't seen you in how long, this is what you want to talk about?", "Dylan: You're right. I'm sorry. Just got home. I'm here. I just hate there's anything that you can't tell me.", "Sharon: There's nothing to tell, Dylan. I swear.", "[Cell phone rings]", "[NEXT_ON]", "[Glass clatters]", "Kevin: You're home. Cool.", "Lily: Honey, he had to work.", "Mattie: Why is he here?", "Dylan: Let me answer the phone.", "Sharon: No, I got it, I got it. Hello?", "Patty: Hey, kitten. You miss me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Phyllis confronts Billy about using her computer to gain excess files from Jabot so that Brash and Sassy could have a heads up about things at Jabot. Phyllis slaps Billy's face and tells him not to ever lie to her again. Maddie and Reed sit on the sofa, watching a movie, when Charlie walks in and sees them kissing. Charlie confronts them about kissing. There is a knock on the door and it is Cane, who is more than a little surprised to see Maddie with Reed. Cane reminds her that she was not to see Reed but Maddie lets him know that Lily had given him permission. Lily visits Victoria in her office and finds out from Victoria that she wants her to join her on the Hilary Hour to promote their new line of cosmetics. Lily gets a text from Cane concerning Maddie and Reed. Chelsea and Nick have drinks at the Underground. Cane apologizes to Lily for the outburst. Lily tells Cane that she had given Maddie and Reed permission to see each other. Charlie and Maddie leave the room. Cane accuses Lily of still being angry at him over Juliet moving in with him and that she is trying to undermine his relationship with his children. lily cannot believe that Cane would accuse her of this. Sharon plays solitaire on the counter at Crimson Lights while Scott awaits information on a lead that he is working on. Scott gets the email that he is looking for and he and Sharon both look at the facts that had been uncovered about the sex trafficking ring. Victoria gets a visit from Reed, who lets her know what had gone on at Lily's. Victoria tells Reed that if anything else happens, she will handle Cane. Lily asks Cane as to how he can accuse her of undermining his relationship with his children. Nikki tries to comfort Jack over Dina being gone and him not knowing where she had been taken. Jack blames himself for Dina being in this predicament. Nikki tells Jack to stop trying to find Dina.", "Nick and Cheslea are kissing in a booth when Lily walks in. Nick asks if she would like a drink and he offers to get her one. Scott and Sharon continue to read the details of the investigation into the sex trafficking ring. . Nikki tells Jack that Dina must have forgiven Graham if she could leave with him without a thought of her children and how it would affect them. Phyllis and Billy continue to argue over how he had used her to gain information on Jabot. phyllis gets an email about a shipment of Jabot cosmetics going to Fenmore's and Phyllis tells them to go ahead with the shipment. Lily tells Nick and Chelsea what had gone on between her and Cane which concerned Maddie and Reed. Chelsea leaves to make a phone call when Lily starts to \"come on\" to Nick. Nick asks her if she is meaning him but about this time, Chelsea rejoins them. Cane tries to make amends with Charlie and Maddie by areeing to have a dinner with Reed.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: This look familiar? It should. It's the computer you used to steal confidential files from jabot.", "Billy: Okay, let's just take a step back here for a second.", "Phyllis: Let's not. You used me. You were supposed to put me first. But this proves without a doubt I am the last thing on your mind.", "Billy: That is not true.", "Phyllis: You know, you have made your priorities crystal clear! It's victoria, brash & sassy, more victoria, then me.", "Billy: Okay, that is wrong. That is not at all --", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait. How could I forget? It's victoria, brash & sassy, get revenge on jack, then me.", "Billy: Just let me explain here for a second, okay, phyllis?", "Phyllis: It's amazing that you used dina's password to log on to jabot's server with my computer. I mean, there is some sort of perverse brilliance. You actually took advantage of jack's mother and his ex-wife just to screw him over. I mean, that is fantastic work!", "Billy: You got this all wrong.", "Phyllis: Oh, do I? You know what I think the truth is? Your undying devotion for victoria and this desire to stick it to your brother overruled your love for me!", "Billy: Phyllis, that is not true.", "Phyllis: Don't you lie to me again.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Oh, jack, what is it? Tell me what I can do to help.", "Reed: [ Chuckles ]", "Mattie: Isn't this so nice?", "Reed: Couldn't beat it.", "Mattie: It's just such a relief not having to pull a romeo and juliet and sneak around behind our parents' backs. Balcony scene, though, that i wouldn't mind too much. But in the meantime, I'm perfectly happy sitting here holding hands and watching a movie.", "Reed: Oh, there's a movie on? I hadn't noticed.", "Mattie: Very smooth. And right answer.", "Charlie: Oh, come on. Seriously?", "Reed: Sorry.", "Mattie: You don't have to apologize to him.", "Reed: I'm sorry.", "Mattie: You don't have to apologize to me, either.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Reed: So-- sorry, I'm just kind of uncomfortable here, you know.", "Charlie: I mean, do you guys, like, wait before I'm about to walk in before you start to kiss or...", "Mattie: That's exactly what we do. We were sitting here waiting for you to come out so that we could engage in a liplock.", "Charlie: I do not need to hear my sister say the word \"liplock.\"", "Mattie: It's a noun, charlie.", "Charlie: It's an eyesore is what it is, and I shouldn't have to see it. No one should.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Reed: I can get that.", "Charlie: No, no, it's fine, man. Dad.", "Cane: Hey, mate. I came over to -- what are you doing here? You're not supposed to see my daughter.", "Mattie: No, dad, it's okay.", "Cane: No, it's not okay.", "Reed: We're not doing anything wrong, mr. Ashby.", "Cane: Well, not from where I'm standing.", "Reed: We have permission to see each other.", "Cane: No, reed, you don't have permission to see each other.", "Mattie: Actually, we do, dad.", "Cane: I beg your pardon?", "Mattie: We're allowed to see each other.", "Cane: And on whose authority?", "Mattie: Mom'S.", "Lily: The perks of working at a cosmetics company. You can test the product out.", "Victoria: Yeah, I just thought maybe it would help with some of the bruising and swelling. Did it work?", "Lily: Uh, yeah. It looks a lot lighter.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah?", "Lily: Mm-hmm. I think just a little dab of concealer and you should be good for \"the hilary hour\" tomorrow.", "Victoria: Great. Listen, I'm gonna need you to be camera ready, too.", "Lily: I'm sorry, what?", "Victoria: Well, I want you to come on with me to promote the products.", "Lily: On air with hilary?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Do you think that's a good idea given our dynamic?", "Victoria: Oh, absolutely. I'm sure you can manage some semblance of professionalism. You've done it before.", "Lily: Barely. And plus I have to go to dallas for that convention.", "Victoria: You can just go after the show. [ Cellphones chime ] It's mattie.", "Victoria: Mine's from reed.", "Both: Oh, no. The opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain", "Scott: Who should I contact? Fantastic. I will call him right now. Thank you, victor. If all goes well, a lot of women's lives could be saved.", "Sharon: Well, that sounded promising.", "Scott: Yeah, he didn't even hesitate. Gave me carte blanche to use his team to help with the investigation.", "Sharon: Well, the man does have his moments. So, we know the name of the llc that rented the house where the girls were kept.", "Scott: County connect. And if victor's people can find the person behind it, we'll know who's running the sex trafficking ring. This could be the break we've been looking for.", "Nick: So, I have news.", "Chelsea: Oh. About victoria.", "Nick: Uh, no.", "Chelsea: Uh, have you spoken to her?", "Nick: Well, not tonight.", "Chelsea: So you don't know.", "Nick: Know what?", "Chelsea: Your sister was in a car accident.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Victoria: Hi, nick.", "Nick: Hey, what's this about a car accident?", "Victoria: You spoke with chelsea.", "Nick: Yeah, she told me the basics. Why don't you fill in the rest?", "Victoria: There's nothing to fill in. I'm fine. That's why I told her to keep it to herself.", "Nick: I'm glad she told me. Look, I know you're in crazy work mode right now, but your health is key. You have to stay on top of that.", "Victoria: And I am.", "Nick: Okay, well, I would feel a lot better if you went in and saw a doctor. I'll call dr. Carlisle. He'll see you tonight.", "Victoria: For him to tell me what I already know? That no matter how stressed i am, I can't let it distract me, particularly when I'm driving? Lesson learned. Hey, listen, I'm gonna call you back later, okay? Thanks for checking in, though.", "Nick: Yeah, take care of yourself.", "Victoria: Okay, I will. Bye. Hi.", "Reed: Hi.", "Victoria: How badly did it go with cane? Please tell me that he didn't lay a finger on you or yell at you or anything like that.", "Reed: He didn'T. It was intense, but nothing i couldn't handle. I just left because mattie thought it would be best if i took off.", "Victoria: Yeah, that's a good idea. Less of a chance for someone to do or say something that they'd regret later, right?", "Reed: You've been so cool with all this. I just wish he could be the same.", "Victoria: Well, after today, cane won't be an issue. Lily went home to talk to him and try to get things under control.", "Reed: Good luck with that. He's gonna put up a huge fight. I just hope he doesn't wear her down, make her change her mind about me seeing mattie.", "Mattie: Mom, since he won't listen to me, will you please tell him how totally unreasonable he's being?", "Cane: Hang on a second. I'm being unreasonable? No, I don't think so. I think I'm the only reasonable person here, 'cause it's not the first time I've walked in on you and reed, but it's going to be the last.", "Mattie: What part of us having permission to hang out is so hard for you to understand?", "Cane: The part where I said you couldn'T. And don't speak to me like that.", "Mattie: Mom, can you please help me out here? You gave us the go-ahead to start dating.", "Cane: Without consulting me.", "Lily: You were away visiting jill.", "Cane: Right.", "Lily: And when you got back, we were both so preoccupied with our new jobs that it slipped my mind. So I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. And I'm sorry that your dad walked in and on you and reed without knowing that the rules had changed.", "Cane: And you made this decision all by yourself.", "Lily: No, victoria and i discussed it, and we decided that they should be able to see each other.", "Cane: You don't think that maybe you could have sent me a text or an e-mail? I mean, is that how little my opinion matters now?", "Lily: Well, we all know how you feel about reed.", "Cane: If you know that that's how I feel, why wouldn't you include me in the decision?", "Mattie: Reed is not a bad influence on me, dad.", "Cane: He made you cut class from school!", "Lily: Okay, it was one mistake, and they've been on their best behavior ever since.", "Charlie: Dad, the guy's a complete tool, but he's all right sometimes.", "Lily: You can't have them not see each other because you don't like victoria. That's unfair. So why don't we all just take a step back and try and move forward? Can you at least be reasonable about that?", "Billy: Look, I understand why you hauled off and smacked me, okay? I get it. And this is gonna sound a little bit lame, but I didn't mean to hurt you, okay? I didn't want to make you feel second-best.", "Phyllis: You put my career at risk. Did you even think about that when you used my computer to download jabot files?", "Billy: Phyllis, I thought i was in the clear, okay? I didn't think anybody was gonna catch me. I mean, it was a jabot-issued password went on a jabot-issued laptop.", "Phyllis: The files you copied had restricted access, genius!", "Billy: Yeah, I realize that now.", "Phyllis: Oh, good, good, because you almost tanked my reputation. But that doesn't matter to you because you got what you needed to help your precious company.", "Billy: Hold on a second. In my mind, okay, what we had, this, this was all right here. And what I was doing for brash & sassy was, like, over there.", "Phyllis: Are you seriously telling me you compartmentalized this so you could justify it?!", "Billy: Hold on a second here. In my mind, this was not black and white, okay? I needed that information, but i felt very guilty about it! I mean, I tried to tell you a couple times!", "Phyllis: You did?", "Billy: Yes. You trusted me. And I betrayed you. And I am so, so sorry about that.", "Phyllis: I see how much you mean it, your apology. Maybe I just needed to hear it to realize, you know, it makes all the difference.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] It does?", "Phyllis: Of course not! You're insane! No apology you give me is ever gonna work! And do not give me those puppy eyes, okay, and all the \"I feel guilty\" noise, because if you felt guilty, you would have stopped! [ Voice breaking ] Why? Why would you betray me like this?!", "Billy: You know what? I could ask you the same question, okay? I'm not the only liar standing in this room!", "Billy: Look, I admitted what I did was wrong, okay? I came clean with my big secret. But what about you?", "Phyllis: What about me?", "Billy: Well, I mean, if you were so mad at me, why didn't you come clean the moment you found out?", "Phyllis: Because I wanted you to man up, take responsibility for what you did! Why should I have to browbeat you to be honest with me?! I also knew if I confronted you, I knew exactly what you would do.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? And what is that?", "Phyllis: Yeah, you'd be defensive.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ]", "Phyllis: Yeah. And you'd run right into victoria's arms, which is exactly what she wants!", "Billy: Bingo. Okay, there it is. That's exactly it. You know, I can start to see the green coming out of your eyes. My god, phyllis, how can somebody that is so outwardly strong, so brazenly confident be so damn insecure?!", "Phyllis: Insecure? Oh, you think I'm insecure. No, here's the thing! I just know the competition, and she plays dirty!", "Billy: [ Scoffs ]", "Phyllis: Yeah, she plays by every trick she knows in every single rule book just to prove that I am just some little shrew who cannot understand why you did what you did!", "Billy: You want to talk about playing dirty?", "Phyllis: Yeah!", "Billy: What did you do? You knew this, and you sat on it! You let it fester, and then you used all that negative energy to attack victoria, to attack brash & sassy, which means you were attacking me! Everything that I worked for for that company obviously doesn't mean anything to you!", "Phyllis: Oh, please. Come on. You could be successful anywhere on your own away from victoria!", "Billy: Oh! Is that what this is?! Are you saving me? Are you setting me free? Look, I don't need your salvation, okay? This is all starting to look a lot more clear to me.", "Phyllis: Oh, is it? How so?", "Billy: Benjamin hochman.", "Phyllis: What about him?", "Billy: I understand why you put him and victoria on that collision course. It's the same reason why you got all friendly with jack.", "Phyllis: Oh, please, that's because victoria was manipulating this entire situation!", "Billy: Stop blaming victoria! This is about you and how you ripped everything that i accomplished out from underneath me!", "Jack: So, there you have it. My family's dirty laundry in a nutshell.", "Nikki: Oh, god. No wonder you look like hell.", "Jack: Gee, thanks. I trust you can be discreet?", "Nikki: Yes, of course. This is just between us. Poor ashley.", "Jack: Ooh, two words I never thought would pass your lips.", "Nikki: Well, this is an extraordinary situation.", "Jack: I keep telling her, \"in every way that's important, john abbott is your father.\"", "Nikki: Yeah, but to have this blurted out in public and it's so private -- by her mother, no less -- that's devastating.", "Jack: Definitely thrown ashley for a loop. She's handling it, though.", "Nikki: Any word on dina's whereabouts?", "Jack: No, nothing yet. We're doing everything we can. Ashley and traci have hired a private investigator in paris in case they show up there. I'm trying to scare up a flight plan. No luck yet.", "Nikki: It must be so stressful for the whole family.", "Jack: Yeah, we're handling it as best we can.", "Nikki: Well, if I had known about this, I would have shown up sooner.", "Jack: No, no, no, no. You're here now. That's what counts. Thanks. [ Cellphone rings ] Hold on. Oh, it's traci. Hey, sis. W-- slow down, slow down. What's going o-- does that mean mother's been found?", "[ Ice shaking ]", "Nick: So, vick seemed okay when you left her?", "Chelsea: Well, at first i wasn't so sure. I tried to talk her into going to the E.R., But on our drive to brash & sassy, she convinced me that all was well.", "Nick: Still wish she'd go see a doctor.", "Chelsea: Me, too. But victoria's a grown woman. You did your brotherly duty, and you called her.", "Nick: Hmm.", "Chelsea: What?", "Nick: I don't know. I just wonder if she's downplaying this whole thing.", "Chelsea: Why would she do that?", "Nick: Well, she's going on \"the hilary hour\" tomorrow.", "Chelsea: Yeah, but given her history with the show, I don't think she'd go on there if she wasn't feeling at her best. She's not gonna just give hilary something to exploit if she's not feeling well.", "Nick: Yeah. I guess you're right.", "Chelsea: Just relax, newman. Sit back and enjoy this cocktail you're making. What is this, anyway?", "Nick: This is my new drink special.", "Chelsea: Okay. Am I the first one to try it?", "Nick: You are. And if it passes the chelsea test, it's going on the menu.", "Chelsea: Well, I do have ridiculously high standards when it comes to adult beverages. What's it called?", "Nick: The armistice, in honor of the truce my dad and I agreed to.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. The what with the who?", "Nick: Yeah, I went and signed some papers at the bank and then, uh, saw my dad.", "Chelsea: So you could rub it in his face that you gave away all the money in your trust fund?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] No. I wanted to tell him that a portion of my donation was being earmarked for orphanages around the country.", "Chelsea: Wow. Okay. Well, no wonder for the cease fire.", "Nick: Yeah, it didn't make us resolve any of our issues, but it did force us to retreat to our separate corners.", "Chelsea: I'm sure victor would appreciate the boxing reference.", "Nick: So, toast?", "Chelsea: No. No, not so fast.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Why not?", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, I'm all for this \"live and let live\" attitude, but is it for real? I mean, for you I'm sure it is, but for victor, I'm not really so sure.", "Nick: You know, normally i would agree with you, but he sounded sincere, you know? Yeah, he did. He even offered up a modicum of respect for my desire to be my own man.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, I'm impressed. Go, victor.", "Nick: I'd hold off on the praise just yet. I'm pretty sure he has an ulterior motive.", "Chelsea: See? I knew it. That's what I'm saying. So what is it? Why was he sucking up to you?", "Nick: I think he wants a shot at making peace with mom and vick. If he lets me live my own life and do my thing, it will show them that he's cooperative and forgiving. You know, it's win/win for him and a huge win for me.", "Chelsea: Okay. Okay, I can already see that it's having a very positive effect on you. You have a very breezy vibe, like nothing's weighing you down. I like it.", "Nick: Yep. The next chapter of my life is officially starting. So, can we please toast now?", "Chelsea: Absolutely.", "Nick: To new beginnings.", "Chelsea: Hmm.", "Nick: Hmm?", "Cane: I'm sorry I lost my temper. I was just -- I was excited to come over and plan with you guys things we could do while your mom is out of town. I'm sorry.", "Charlie: You're leaving?", "Lily: Yeah, I wanted to tell you both, but I haven't had a chance to.", "Mattie: Where are you going?", "Lily: To dallas for work. So your dad will be here with you both while I'm gone.", "Mattie: But we don't need a babysitter.", "Charlie: Yeah, we're old enough to watch ourselves.", "Lily: Well, when you're 18, you can stay here alone. But until then, an adult will be here.", "Mattie: You guys just don't trust us.", "Cane: This isn't about trust, all right? It's about what's gonna happen if there's an emergency here.", "Charlie: If there's an emergency, I'll dial 911.", "Lily: Okay, we're not debating this.", "Cane: Guys, can I talk to your mom for a sec, please?", "Mattie: Fine.", "Charlie: Yeah, whatever.", "Cane: I know you're angry at me, but please don't undermine me in front of the kids.", "Lily: I'm not doing that.", "Cane: Yeah, you are doing it. And just please -- just don't do it.", "Scott: Nothing.", "Sharon: Do you want some coffee or something more to eat?", "Scott: No, I'm good. But, uh, if you're hungry, help yourself.", "Sharon: No, my stomach's in knots. I think I'll just wait until after we hear from victor's guys.", "[ Laptop chimes ]", "Scott: Oh, hey, got a new message. It's an electronic coupon for a free cup of coffee at crimson lights.", "Sharon: Fyi, those are nontransferable. You know... when I thought that the sex trafficking ring was getting busted, I imagined the vice squad busting down doors and making arrests, not us sitting here with a computer waiting for an e-mail.", "Scott: The dramatic bust can't happen until we find out who's behind county connect.", "Sharon: And even though I saw it with my own eyes, I just can't fathom how callous these people are. And I will never forget how terrified crystal was of them and now far they were willing to go to keep her under their control.", "[ Laptop chimes ]", "Scott: Oh, hey. We got something.", "Victoria: Here you go.", "Reed: Mattie texted.", "Victoria: And?", "Reed: Her parents are arguing about us. Big surprise. Her dad's still not cool with us seeing each other. She says it doesn't look like he's gonna change his mind.", "Victoria: I wouldn't underestimate lily. My bet is she digs her heels in and gets him to change his mind.", "Reed: I hope so.", "Victoria: And if he causes any more trouble for you, he's gonna have to answer to me.", "Reed: Mom, this is my problem. You really don't have to take care of this for me.", "Victoria: I know that, but I'm your mother, and it's what we do.", "Reed: Yeah, but mattie's dad is a real jerk with serious anger management problems. If you push him, who knows how hard he's gonna push back.", "Lily: How can you accuse me of trying to undermine your relationship with the kids?", "Cane: Because that's what you were doing.", "Lily: I forgot to tell you. It was not that big of a deal.", "Cane: So you forgot to tell me. So, what if you were out of town and I came over and saw that and things were worse? I mean, unless that's what you wanted to happen.", "Lily: Can we stop with the conspiracy theories?", "Cane: There's no conspiracy here, okay? You heard the way she spoke to me. It's like you're trying to, like, drive a wedge between me and my daughter.", "Lily: I would never do that.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Lily: I was gonna tell you when I came to jill's house, but then your little friend juliet made this grand entrance down the staircase, and I got distracted. So I guess we both had unpleasant surprises tonight.", "Cane: I understand you're angry about juliet, okay, but this is not about juliet. This is about our children.", "Lily: No, you don't get to question my motives when it comes to the kids. I have done nothing but work hard day and night to maintain the status quo. And I said that mattie could see reed 'cause it's the right thing to do, so if you're trying to change my mind, it's not gonna happen.", "Cane: I'm not trying to change your mind, okay? What I'm trying to do here is have an open dialogue as parents.", "Lily: No, you're not. No, you're not. You don't like reed because he's victoria's son, and you can't see beyond that. They deserve a second chance. And if mattie cuts class again or gets in trouble, then reed is off-limits.", "Cane: So you have all this worked out without me?", "Lily: Yeah, I do. And if you want to repair your relationship with mattie, then try showing her that you can be an understanding father. And the same for charlie, too. I'm sure that he would love to have some quality father/son time with you.", "Cane: I would love to have quality father/son time with charlie. I would, but he's too mad at me to do that.", "Lily: Okay, let's call them back in here. We can talk to them together and try to figure this out before you move back here temporarily.", "Cane: Don't worry about it. I don't need your help. I can do this on my own.", "Lily: You know what? I'm gonna go so that you can handle it, 'cause you can do it on your own.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Lily: And don't ever say this is not because of juliet. We are here right now because you slept with her, and nothing but lies came out of your mouth after.", "[ Door closes ]", "Nikki: I'm sorry traci didn't have better news.", "Jack: Yeah, there was no guarantee he was gonna whisk her off to paris, but a part of me keeps thinking I'm to blame for all this.", "Nikki: What? How can you even think that?", "Jack: If I'd have handled things differently, we wouldn't be in this mess.", "Nikki: From what you have told me, this guy has dina wrapped around his finger.", "Jack: Yeah, so we should have gotten him out of her life sooner. Been more accepting of her flaws, if I'd been less judgmental, maybe she wouldn't have needed his companionship. Hell, she would have kicked him to the curb herself.", "Nikki: Jack, you went above and beyond for that woman.", "Jack: I'm her son. I'm her oldest child. I am responsible for taking care of this family, taking care of her. Right now, legally, graham has more rights in her life than i do! He's taken her off to god knows where! I keep trying to find her! I run into dead ends! I don't know what else I can do!", "Nikki: You could stop trying to find her.", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ]", "Lily: Oh, hi.", "Chelsea: Oh, hi.", "Lily: I could use a laugh. What's so funny?", "Nick: Oh, this one, she's just so clever.", "Chelsea: Oh, don't listen to him. He's just sore because I was critiquing his talents with drinks.", "Nick: What can I get you? You want a wine?", "Lily: Um, actually, I could use something different. What are you guys having?", "Nick: This here is the armistice.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Did I mispronounce that?", "Lily: No, no, it's just -- it's ironic. I feel like I left a battlefield. Is it strong?", "Chelsea: It's strong enough.", "Lily: Okay, well, I'll take it.", "Nick: I'll get you one.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Scott: So county connect was founded in wisconsin.", "Sharon: But they still haven't tracked down the owner.", "Scott: Wait, look at this. The company also owns a pizza place, a car service, and a beauty salon.", "Sharon: Is that significant?", "Scott: It's huge.", "Jack: You're really suggesting I should stop looking for my mother?", "Nikki: I'm just saying perhaps she left with this graham of her own free will and doesn't want to be found.", "Jack: No, no. You didn't see him blow up at ashley's dinner. Mother finally saw him for what he is. He's been using her, manipulating her since the day she met him. He knew she was gonna cut him out of her life, out of her will. That's why he took off with her -- to stop her, to control her.", "Nikki: Well, I know you're not gonna like this, but is it possible that dina forgave him?", "Jack: I saw them at the airfield before they boarded the jet. She was so confused, so fragile.", "Nikki: All right, well, think about it, jack. Her stroke was minor, and she was well enough to be released from the hospital. So maybe she was just reacting to seeing her children at the airport. Maybe it upset her that you kind of chased her down, and maybe she was feeling guilty because she was about to leave again.", "Jack: No, no, no, why would she choose to leave?", "Nikki: Because that's what she does, jack. Dina hurts her family and then she runs. Don't forget. She's the one that sent the photos of you and me from the cabin to victor. She humiliated ashley in public. You see why she would want to leave and not look back?", "Billy: Ah, yeah. You know, victoria warned me, said, \"phyllis is colluding with jack,\" but I didn't believe her. I mean, phyllis would never do that to me. Thank you very much.", "Phyllis: For what?", "Billy: For making me look like a complete idiot!", "Phyllis: I was returning the favor.", "Billy: I apologized, okay? I owned up to my mistake, and you... look at you, just...not an ounce a remorse on you. No, not a little bit. Nothing. Not even for teaming up with my brother, not for hitting me where it hurts the most, working with him on the jabot men's line in direct competition with my pet project!", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry. And I know that this is no consolation to you, but, you see, I had nothing to do with helping jack with that plan. You see, I figured it out after you revealed yourself. Jack laid the bait in the trap. You took it.", "Billy: Hold on a second here. Jack had no intention of pulling back on the men's line? He knew that we would put all of our resources into it? [ Sighs ] How big is it? How big is the launch?", "Phyllis: It's big.", "Billy: When is it happening?", "Phyllis: Fenmore's are getting deliveries as we speak. The opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain", "Lily: How is it that cane can always twist everything around and make me seem like the bad guy?", "Nick: Well, without knowing all the details of what went down, I can declare with 100% certainty that you are not the bad guy. After what cane did to you and to my sister, he is the one wearing the black hat.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. I've been where you are, and it totally sucks. I'm so sorry.", "Nick: You have held your head very high, lily.", "Lily: [ Scoffs ] Yep, that's me. Strong, suffering woman.", "Chelsea: You know, I'm so sorry. I just have to go check with the sitter. I'll be right back.", "Nick: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Divorce -- it's rough. And it gets even harder when there's kids involved. But I know you're doing everything you can to help charlie and mattie through it.", "Lily: I keep telling them to not shut their father out and to be understanding. I have just taken the high road at every single turn, and it's exhausting, 'cause I just -- I'm really furious, and I want to just scream and yell.", "Nick: If you want to vent...", "Lily: I stood by cane when he was accused of sexual harassment, and I stood by him when it turned out that he did sleep with juliet, and then i find out that she's pregnant, and I'm just humiliated over and over again. I should have just kicked him out when I saw that footage of juliet going into his room. But no, I...I swallowed my pride and I buried my feelings, and i worked hard to keep my family together.", "Nick: Because you had to.", "Lily: Because I had to. For my children.", "Cane: I want to apologize to you about the way I behaved earlier, okay? We're a family. We should be coming together, not apart. I was just excited about coming over here and spending time with you, all right, 'cause I want to close that gap, and I just want to go back to the way we were, just talk like we used to.", "Mattie: Before you wrecked our family?", "Charlie: Chill.", "Cane: No, no, no, she's okay.", "Charlie: Come on, mattie.", "Cane: No, it's okay. Let her say what she wants. You can say what you want, too. This is a safe space, all right? I'm not gonna get mad. I promise you that.", "Mattie: Tell that to reed.", "Cane: Okay. I love you both. And I want to do whatever it takes to make you proud of me, all right? And I'm starting to make the steps that it's gonna make sure that happens.", "Charlie: Like what?", "Cane: Well, I'm running chancellor for grandma jill, huh?", "Charlie: That's awesome. Added bonus -- mom won't have to pay for everything now.", "Cane: Exactly, 'cause that's what I want to do. I want to take the burden off your mom and be able to provide for the family again. I know that when parents split, okay, the kids are worried about having to choose sides. But your mom and I, we don't want you to have to worry about that. All we care about is that you guys are happy, and we will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens, okay? Mattie, I promise you that.", "Mattie: If you meant that, then you would change your mind about reed.", "Victoria: Try not to worry about cane lashing out at me or trying to interfere in your life. I'm just -- I'm not gonna tolerate it.", "Reed: I know, but what if --", "Victoria: No, just please -- just focus on what you and mattie are gonna do on your next date.", "Reed: Thank you, mom, for really having my back throughout all this and really stepping up. It's been cool of you.", "Victoria: It's fine. I love you. I'll see you at home, okay? [ Cellphone rings ] Billy, I was just, uh --", "Billy: Victoria, we've been set up, okay? Jack knows. Hold on --", "Phyllis: Give me, give me, give me, give me!", "Victoria: Billy?", "Phyllis: You're calling victoria?!", "Billy: What do you expect me to do? Not tell her what's going on? Vick, you there? What are you --", "Phyllis: Since she's your priority, then go live with her!", "Victoria: Billy!", "Billy: Phyllis -- vick, you there?", "Scott: Small, under-the-radar businesses.", "Sharon: Let's see. Beauty salon, pizza place, or car service?", "Scott: Tend to do a lot of cash transactions, which makes it perfect for money laundering so they can hide the proceeds they make from the prostitution ring.", "Sharon: If you can learn more about these smaller businesses, you can find out more about the umbrella company.", "Scott: I follow the money to the guy that at the top, and gotcha. [ Laughs ] Let's get this.", "Cane: Okay, I admit it. I have been a little overprotective and maybe just a little bit irrational when it comes to reed.", "Mattie: \"Maybe\"? \"A little\"?", "Charlie: Hey, let him finish.", "Cane: Hey, just, you see, there's other factors.", "Mattie: Factors other than his mom?", "Cane: Yeah, other than his mom, like his family. The newmans are a little, uh... what's the word? They're kind of like self-entitled.", "Charlie: Nick newman gave away millions of dollars to grandpa neil's foundation. So, I mean, he seems pretty cool.", "Mattie: Yeah. See? They're not all the same. If you just sat down with reed... while you're staying here, just let me invite him over for dinner, and you can get to know him. Please?", "Cane: [ Sighs ] All right, we'll have dinner. Come on.", "Mattie: Thank you!", "Cane: Come here.", "Mattie: Thank you, thank you, thank you.", "Nick: There is another one.", "Lily: Thank you. You know, I just wish I could take a break from being the one who always plays it safe. You know what would be great is if for just one night I could just forget about all my responsibilities.", "Nick: Yeah, I get it. You want a hall pass. Just, uh, a night to cut loose without any consequences.", "Lily: Yes, that. That is what I want. I just want to go out and just have fun, you know? I just want to have revenge sex with some hot, uncomplicated guy like you.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] What?", "Lily: What?", "Nick: Did you -- did you say with me?", "Lily: No. I mean -- [ Chuckles ] I meant like you. Like, I just -- I meant the idea of it, you know, like just the general idea.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Chelsea: What idea?", "Lily: Oh, just, uh, throwing caution to the wind, being reckless.", "Chelsea: Ah. As someone who lived recklessly for a very long time, it is not a way of life. But I can still remember the appeal. Every once in a while, it can be just what the doctor ordered.", "Nikki: So are you angry with me for speaking my mind about dina?", "Jack: I never want you to censor yourself with me. No. I'm not angry with you. I know why you would think that of my mother, but you're wrong.", "Nikki: Is that so?", "Jack: No, despite everything that happened, she wanted to be in our lives. That's why she came back to town in the first place. She didn't leave voluntarily. She was kidnapped. And right now, she's worth a lot more to graham dead than alive. No, I got to find her before it's too late. And when I do, I am gonna make that man pay for what he's done.", "[ Sighs deeply ]", "Victoria: Why aren't you answering, billy? How have we been set up? Call me back.", "[ Pounding on door ]", "Billy: Phyllis. Would you just let me in, please? I love you. And we're both upset. We just -- we need to talk about this, please. Will you just let me in? Phyllis. Thank you. I --", "[ Door slams ]", "[ Sighs ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Scott: I got to run to the restroom." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Cane isn't allowed to see Lily for visiting day because she is in isolation since she got into a fight to defend another inmate. Traci tries to bring her family together and through various flashbacks of the 1970's and their time as children she reminds Jack and Ashley that their times with their parants weren't as happy as they always tell everyone. Traci reminds Jack and Ashley that since they were children they always competed for the love and approval of their father. Traci tells them that their father would be disgusted by ther reccent actions to get control of Jabot. Traci pleads with everyone to tell the truth forgive each other and come together for Dina's sake since her illness is progressing rapidly. Traci also thinks that everyone should honor their father's legacy and in that spirit she asks Jack to tell Ashley abvout the contract. Jack tells everyone about the contract John and Dina signed giving Ashley the patents to all the products she created or will create in the future for Jabot", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lily: So she was convicted of check fraud because she was just trying to feed her kids.", "Cane: I know that you care.", "Lily: It's not enough. I can do more.", "Dina: But if I had never been involved with brent, you wouldn't exist. Ashley abbott would never have been conceived, and I will never, ever apologize to you or anyone for your existence. I realize my actions have left scars.", "Jack: And then some.", "Dina: I'd like at least to get to a place where you and your sisters don't hate me.", "Jack: I barely know you.", "Dina: I've been away a very long time, but I know you and ashley always had sibling rivalry. I mean, that's something a mother just doesn't forget.", "Jack: This gives ashley ownership of all the patents for every product she developed at jabot.", "[ Dina crying, gasping ]", "John: Anybody home?", "Traci: Daddy!", "John: Oh, come here, you.", "[ Laughs ]", "Jack: Hey, pop. You're home early.", "Ashley: I didn't expect to see you until after dinner.", "John: Well, I like to keep you on your toes. What you reading there?", "Traci: \"Black beauty.\" The horse tells the in his own words. It's a real chapter book, not just pictures.", "Jack: She was reading aloud to us while we were having our snack, and she got every word right.", "John: My goodness, you're getting to be so grown up. I'm proud of you, sweetheart.", "Traci: Thanks, daddy.", "Dina: My. Still light out, and here you are. What's the occasion?", "John: I have a surprise for you, dina.", "Dina: For me?", "John: So, what do you think?", "Traci: Wowee!", "Ashley: Dad, it's incredible.", "Jack: This is some car, all right!", "John: Not just any car. A convertible.", "Dina: It's beautiful, john.", "John: You like it?", "Dina: What's not to like? It's a spectacular gift, but completely unnecessary.", "John: I wanted to show you how important you are to me.", "Ashley: Can we take it for a ride?", "Traci: Please, daddy?", "John: Well, I was thinking we could all take it for a spin later. Go to a drive-in movie and out for ice cream afterward? What do you say?", "Ashley: Can we eat in the car? If we promise not to spill... oops. I mean, \"may we...\"", "John: Yes, you may.", "Jack: I want a hamburger, and I want my own fries.", "Traci: Ashley and I can share!", "Dina: I'm sure mamie's prepared dinner.", "John: I called from the dealership and gave her the night off.", "Dina: Oh. You thought of everything.", "John: So I'll go up and change while the rest of you decide which movie you want to see.", "Dina: You know, it sounds awfully fun, but I'm afraid that I can't join you.", "John: What do you mean?", "Dina: Well, I assumed you'd be working late again, so I made my own plans for the evening.", "Ashley: Well, then you should cancel those plans and spend time with us!", "Dina: Excuse me, young lady?", "Jack: Mom shouldn't have to do that. I mean, she didn't know what dad had in mind.", "Dina: Thank you for understanding, jackie.", "Traci: Daddy can still take us.", "John: Sure I can. We'll have a wonderful time.", "Ashley: This is your new car. Please join us. It's supposed to be a family night.", "Dina: I'll make it up to you sometime, dear.", "Ashley: When?", "Dina: Sometime.", "Kyle: Morning, aunt traci. You okay?", "Traci: Oh. [ Sniffles ] Kyle. I'm sorry. I did not sleep very well last night.", "Kyle: Are you ill?", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Well, now that you mention it, I'm -- I am a little sick. About a lot of things. Especially the direction this family is headed.", "Nate: Hey, there's still construction on route 43, so i suggest we take 67. It'll be an extra 10 minutes or so to the prison, but...", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: What are you looking for?", "Cane: I'm trying to find my wallet, man.", "Nate: Your wallet is over there on the table, and --", "Cane: Oh, cool. No, I got my keys. I got my keys.", "Nate: All right.", "Cane: Listen, I'm sorry, man. I'm scrambled today, okay?", "Nate: Well, you're dealing with a lot, I get it. I get it, and I'm here to help however I can, just like devon and neil.", "Cane: Oh, okay. Okay. So, what, they told you about yesterday?", "Nate: Yeah, they said the visit with lily went well, but how you felt afterwards, different story.", "Cane: All right, listen, just -- every time I see her in that place, I just --", "Nate: I understand.", "Cane: No, no, you can't understand that. You don't understand.", "Nate: It's a figure of speech, okay? Although you did express how you were feeling, that it's killing you. Still, I mean, you pulled it together and you showed up and gave your wife the comfort she deserves, which I respect tremendously.", "Cane: Okay. Okay. Okay. You know, I owe you. I do.", "Nate: You don't owe me a thing.", "Cane: Let me thank you, then, okay, for helping me to get my head straight. I appreciate it.", "Nate: You did the hard part, man.", "Cane: No, you and devon and neil, man, you guys are taking so much time out of your day when you go up there and visit her. You know, I mean, it means everything to lily, those visits.", "Nate: Yeah, but especially yours. Look, I promise you this, cane. No matter how difficult it gets, we will all be there for each other. And together, we will get lily through this, till she's back home.", "Cane: Where she belongs.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Ashley: Hey. How have you been? I've been thinking about you.", "Billy: You enjoying your new accommodations?", "Ashley: No, but I had to move. I didn't have much of a choice.", "Billy: Well, that's on you. If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my sports section.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, um, we haven't really had a chance to speak privately, and I saw you sitting here and figured \"no time like the present,\" so...", "Billy: And I'm assuming you're gonna keep hounding me until I agree.", "Ashley: So I take that as a yes? Additional sponsorship", "Traci: [ Clears throat ] We just can't go on -- we can't continue the way we have been.", "Kyle: I know what you mean.", "Traci: Do you?", "Kyle: A lot of tension for dina, which isn't good.", "Traci: Right. She gets really easily upset these days, and we have to find a way to make her feel safe.", "Kyle: I'm with you.", "Traci: Dina doesn't know we are anymore, but somehow she understands that we're the people she lives with and the people who are taking care of her. So when we argue and fight, it's very disturbing for her. She just doesn't know who to trust. But somehow, she always trusts you.", "Kyle: That's important to me.", "Traci: I know that, kyle.", "Kyle: I'm grateful for this time I have with my grandmother, even if things are not ideal.", "Traci: You're so good with dina. You're so patient. And, you know, you walk into a room, and she just lights up. You bring her so much joy during a time in her life when so much else is frightening and confusing. Kyle, I can't tell you how much that means to me. Especially when I know that it's a little bit of a sacrifice for you.", "Kyle: What do you mean?", "Traci: Well, I'm sure you'd rather be out with your friends than sitting around here watching old movies for hours on end.", "[ Laughs ]", "Kyle: On the plus side, I can now recite the entire screenplay of \"on the waterfront\" from memory.", "Traci: [ Laughs ]", "Kyle: Next time I'm at a bar playing trivia and a marlon brando question comes up...", "Traci: Yes, you are gonna kill it. [ Laughs ] Hey, I understand you took her out yesterday. That was so nice of you. Where'd you guys go?", "Kyle: Um... dina was caught up in the past, wanted to go to jabot. We swung by, but it only agitated her, so I got her out of there. Why are you so interested?", "Traci: Well, because she mentioned it, and, I mean, frankly, her version of reality isn't all that reliable right now. So I thought I would turn to you and have you fill me in.", "Kyle: Still fascinates me how this disease affects memory. The way you perceive the world. The way it affects your entire personality.", "Traci: Yes. Dina can't remember what she had for lunch, she doesn't know her family, but somehow she can recall certain details from the past with perfect clarity. It's just astonishing.", "Kyle: What'd she tell you about our excursion?", "Traci: That you went to daddy's old office at jabot.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Traci: But, you know, when she told me, I wasn't quite sure if she really went or if she just believed she had.", "Kyle: Oh, we went. How'd she seem when you talked to her?", "Traci: Fretful. She had been having a conversation with john, you see, and somehow it hadn't gone the way it should have. Did she mention any of that when she was getting agitated at jabot?", "Kyle: Uh... dina did talk about john in the present tense. I went along with it, didn't correct her. It only gets her more frustrated. Not much more to say than that.", "Traci: Oh. I think there's a lot -- a great deal more to say.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Billy: You wanted to talk. Go ahead.", "Ashley: Okay. I know that you're furious with me, and I just want a chance to make things right between us.", "Billy: Ambitious, as always.", "Ashley: Well, I've already spoken to jack and abby, and things are starting to move in the right direction.", "Billy: Oh, so I'm the next stop on the \"ashley makes amends\" tour.", "Ashley: Call it whatever you like. I just thought maybe you deserved a better apology than just a quick \"I'm sorry\" from earlier.", "Billy: I'm listening.", "Ashley: Okay. When kyle first came to me and said he wanted to tempt you back into gambling again, I said no. Absolutely not, under no circumstances are we stooping that low. But given his history, I should have been more on top of it, and I blame myself for not knowing what he was up to. If I had known, I would have absolutely stopped it because i could never forget how close we came to losing you, billy. I'm so happy that you're finally getting the help you need. And you look really good. Are you -- are you good?", "Billy: Getting stronger every day. Really.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, I'm sure this doesn't make everything absolutely fantastic between the two of us, but it's a start, I think. Don't you think it's a start?", "Billy: Look, ash, I can see that you're sorry and that you never would have crossed the line.", "Ashley: So you accept my apology.", "Billy: Absolutely not.", "Cane: [ Exhales sharply ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Nate: You okay?", "Cane: No, I'm not okay. This place is assault on the senses. The halls smell like mildew, the lights never turn off, there's always yelling... I mean, the food has no flavor, and lily gets no privacy. She gets one hour -- one hour every day to see the sky, get the sun on her face. I mean, the woman I love -- that's what she has to suffer with every single day, and there's nothing I can do to stop it, I hate it.", "Nate: You're both in hell. My heart, it goes out to you, you know? I'm just glad you're able to open up and share your feelings with me, and I can be a safety valve, you know?", "Cane: Okay.", "Nate: But I'm just a little worried that when she walks --", "Cane: When she walks in this room, all right, I won't say any of this. All right? She relies on us for strength. I'll be nothing but positive.", "Nate: Good.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] I mean, that's if she ever gets here.", "Nate: Well, it should be any time now.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Why is it taking the guard so long to bring her down? [ Sighs ] I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this, nate.", "Kyle: I get that you want to protect your mom, but by the time I brought her home, she was fine.", "Traci: You have an answer for everything. But these are seeming a little vague to me.", "Kyle: No, I --", "Traci: I have a feeling that you are holding something back, and I would love it if you would just tell me what really happened.", "Kyle: You've heard everything you need to. So now, if you'll excuse me, i want to get a run in before i go to work.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Kyle. There's no need to text your dad to warn him.", "Kyle: Why would you think that I would do that?", "Traci: Well, I gather that you were both there with mother at jabot yesterday.", "Jack: Hey. I didn't get your message till i arrived at dark horse. I came straight home. What's up?", "Traci: That's what I was hoping you and kyle would tell me.", "Billy: That was a half-apology, at best. Now, just because you feel bad about what kyle did to me doesn't excuse you for everything that you did to me.", "Ashley: I wasn't --", "Billy: You had two priorities -- to get your revenge on jack and to claim the top spot for yourself. I was an obstacle standing in the way of what you wanted, and, ashley, I've never done anything to you, and I didn't come up with the stupid clause that shut you out.", "Ashley: Hey, hey, hey. Time out. You know, you knew that clause was wrong and you didn't do anything to get rid of it.", "Billy: Well, maybe if you hadn't set out to undermine me from the first second I took over as C.E.O., I would have been more open to discussing it.", "Ashley: Maybe you need to be more honest with yourself because you got pretty damn comfortable very quickly in that C.E.O. Chair.", "Billy: I guess we'll never know, right? Because you fought me at every turn.-You didn't give any of my ideas even the time of day because you wanted me to fail. When I did have any success, you pushed back even harder. You criticized me, you patronized me, you did everything you could behind the scenes to... sabotage my efforts.", "Ashley: You know why?", "Billy: I don't see you denying any of that.", "Ashley: Okay, you know what, the reason why is because i believed then as I believe now that I'm the most qualified person to be leading jabot. Still, I should have treated you better.", "Billy: Finally.", "Ashley: And I never meant for things to turn out the way they did.", "Billy: I'm sure you didn't, ashley. I'm sure you didn't expect your plot to be exposed and be pushed out as C.E.O. So how does it feel to be the black sheep? Usually, that's my gig, but I'm willing to share with you. Tell me something --", "Ashley: If I can.", "Billy: If none of this had happened and your secret was still safe and you weren't on the outside looking in, would you have tracked me down and had this little heart-to-heart? Okay. I got my answer. [ Cellphones chime ] What's this about?", "Ashley: I have no idea. But I guess we better go.", "Jack: I wished you hadn't dragged me all the way back from work for this.", "Traci: And I wish that you and kyle would stop stonewalling, stop pretending like nothing happened with you and mother at the office yesterday. But I was expecting this.", "Kyle: Sounds like you're accusing us of something. Why don't you say what's on your mind?", "Abby: Aunt traci. I got your text. Sorry, I had to finish up a conference call. What's going on?", "Ashley: Hey.", "Abby: Mom? Billy? Wait, were you two together? Are you on speaking terms again?", "Billy: We spoke. I wouldn't read too much into it.", "Ashley: I'd lie to know what this is about.", "Abby: Yeah, we all would.", "Traci: Well, why doesn't everyone take a seat and we'll begin?", "Nate: Hey, what other sports beside cross country is charlie thinking about going out for this year?", "Cane: Uh, well, ever since he quit football, he's had more fun with basketball and squash, so...", "Nate: What about wrestling?", "Cane: Please. Charlie can't wrestle. He likes to eat too much to maintain a certain weight. But athletics is starting up in the spring, so, you know. He's a good hurdler.", "Nate: Think he'd be interested in swimming?", "Cane: Maybe. I know he went out for a swim meet last week, so...", "Nate: Yeah, yeah. He was cheering on shauna. [ Chuckles ] She won her event. Tell me more about mattie. What's she into this year?", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Um, you know, mattie, the usual things -- ap classes, debate club, math club, and she has started doing all this research to look into her mother's legal situation.", "Nate: Oh, that is good, she is channeling her frustration.", "Cane: Yeah, I'm just sorry they're forced to deal with this. No child their age should have to go through this, you know, but I'm proud of them. They're struggling, but they're pouring themselves into their school and their social lives.", "Nate: They're discovering how incredibly resilient they are. It will serve them well in life.", "Cane: Yeah, well, I just wish they didn't have to learn it like this. Where is my wife? Where is she? I don't understand why it's taking so long. She should be here by now. Excuse me! Excuse me!", "Nate: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "Cane: I want to see my wife! Where's my wife?", "Nate: Be cool. Be cool.", "Cane: I don't want to be cool, I want to see my wife. I don't know where she is. She could be sick, she could be hurt -- I want to see my wife. Excuse me!", "Nate: I got it. Hey, listen, come on. Listen, be cool. If you cause a scene, they're gonna ask us to leave, and if something really is wrong -- come on. Come on.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: Come on, have a seat. Look, stay put, okay? Stay calm. I'll go find out what's going on, all right?", "Cane: All right. I'm cool. I'm cool, I'm cool.", "Nate: All right, all right. [ Knocking on door ] Guard, let me out, please.", "Abby: What's so important that you called all of us together?", "Billy: This better not be another intervention. Technically, I'm still in rehab. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing.", "Ashley: I have the feeling it's about me, and I'm really not in the mood for another lecture, please.", "Traci: This is not about you two. At least, not the way you think. It is about all of us. The other morning at breakfast, jack tried to bring us all together. Now, that didn't go exactly as he hoped. So I have come to realize that maybe I should take the lead on this. I know that all of us are very emotional. Usually, it's just me. [ Laughs ] We feel disillusioned and betrayed, and I know that i personally am still in shock that the family I love so much has been ripped apart. So... I believe that we should put aside our wounded egos and our personal agendas and remember who we are. What it means to be an abbott. Because if we don't, I'm very worried about what's going to happen to jabot and to every single person in this room. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Billy: Traci, I appreciate the effort, but --", "Traci: Billy, no buts.", "Ashley: Listen, we all feel how we feel. I'm hoping that eventually we'll be able to get past this, but what's the point of forcing yet another conversation?", "Abby: Aunt traci obviously has a plan. Let her explain.", "Traci: Thank you, abby. [ Clears throat ] I believe that we should all look at the situation from a different perspective. We can't understand what jack and ashley have done to each other or to this family until we understand where it all started, how it all began, back when we were children. In even the most loving family, kids are jealous. They're jealous of each other, they're jealous of their siblings' relationships with their parents, and sometimes, those things form who they become. And I believe that sometimes you have to look back before you can figure out how to move forward.", "Jack: I can't believe mom wasn't more excited. This car is so cool.", "John: Climb on in. Try it on for size. Here. Why don't you sit up front? See how that driver seat feels.", "Ashley: Wow. Thanks!", "Jack: But I have the permit. I can actually drive it.", "John: Not to worry, son. You'll get plenty of time behind the wheel.", "Jack: But, dad, can I, like, at least --", "John: When you get your license, I'm gonna expect you to drive these girls around and help out with errands when you're not running around with your friends. So, for now, let ashley have her fun.", "Ashley: Thank you, daddy. Wow. Look at all those radio buttons. Oh, my gosh, there's am and fm!", "John: That's real stereo sound. Do you need to move your seat forward a little?", "Ashley: Not to pretend to drive.", "John: When you get a little older, I'll take you out to practice the way I did with jackie.", "Ashley: Oh, wow! I can't wait! That'll be so neat.", "Traci: And so ashley was the apple of daddy's eye. Well, jack felt second- best.", "Jack: You do know what day that was.", "Traci: Of course I do. It was the day that everything started falling apart. But right now, we're just talking about the two of you.", "Ashley: Do we have to?", "Traci: Yes. You and jack were extremely close.", "Jack: At times.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] But there was a not-so-subtle competition between the two of you for daddy's love and his approval. And I was the baby. I was the fifth wheel, always tagging along, more observer than participant. And because of that, I was able to...", "Billy: Start to see things very clearly.", "Traci: Yes. And you shared that vantage point years later.", "Kyle: Still not sure what it is you're trying to get at.", "Abby: Then close your mouth and listen.", "Traci: The two of you have carried the past into the present. Even after all these years, you did not let this go. If you had, none of this would have happened.", "Cane: [ Exhales sharply ] Mr. Ashby.", "Cane: Yes. I'm ms. Rogers, the warden. Please, have a seat.-Cane: So, where's my wife, and why have I been left in here waiting, with no information?", "Nate: Cane, let the warden speak.", "Cane: It's okay, it's okay. There's been an incident.", "Cane: What do you mean, there's been an incident? Is she all right? She's fine physically, just shaken up.", "Cane: Okay, so what happened? There was a situation involving another inmate lily had befriended.", "Cane: Okay, it's the lady who wrote the bad check to get money and food for her kids. I know, she told me about this. Has this women turned on her, or...? No, no, no, some other women were threatening her, believing she'd stolen some of their food. Lily defended her, she got caught up in the argument, and now those other inmates are targeting her, as well.", "Cane: Okay, when lily sees an injustice, she tries to fix, all right? Because that's who she is, and she's determined to do something positive while she's in this place, all right? And doing this, all it's done is now put a bullseye on her back. She's not a violent person. She's not a violent criminal. She's a model prisoner, okay? And there must be something you can do to get her released. There has to be something. You know it doesn't work that way.", "Cane: To be honest with you, I don't know how things work anymore. I understand this has been difficult.", "Cane: No, you don't understand. This is not a unique episode. We are very well-equipped to handle matters like this.", "Cane: You might be well-equipped to handle this, all right, but she is not. And what you said terrifies me, and I appreciate you coming down here to see me, but I would like to see my wife right now, thank you very much. I'm afraid that's not possible.", "Traci: I know you've heard the stories, but as you can imagine, it's very different than living it.", "Abby: Would you say you had a happy childhood overall, at least up until dina left?", "Kyle: Whenever there are problems with your folks, sooner or later, they can't hide it. It doesn't exactly make for a happy home life.", "Traci: No, honey, it doesn'T.", "Billy: Kids are sensitive. They pick up on things. One second you're playing with your truck on the carpet, the next moment, your mom and dad are yelling and you're being shipped off to boarding school.", "Ashley: Well, I mean, I'm sure that we picked up on the tension between daddy and dina, but... we were kids. It's not like we could anything about it.", "Jack: In the year before mother left, we probably walked on eggshells a good deal of the time, but before that...", "Ashley: Happy, right? For the most part.", "Traci: Wow. I remember a very different dynamic. Mother always had an extra smile for jack, and she and ashley were always going head to head. Ashley was always daddy's favorite, and jack was always working overtime just to feel worthy of the name john abbott jr.", "Billy: The more things change...", "Dina: Honey. Something the matter? You look a bit blue.", "Jack: It's so obvious that ashley is dad's favorite. He lets her do whatever she wants, and I'm stuck with more responsibilities.", "Dina: You're the firstborn son. That comes with the territory. But that doesn't mean you aren't loved. You're very special to john and me.", "Jack: Thank you for saying that.", "Dina: Those aren't just words. I have the utmost faith in you. Which is why I feel you're the only one that I can say this to. I may need to go away for a little while.", "Jack: Go away?", "Dina: But I know that you'll take good care of everyone while I'm gone. You are such a fine young man.", "Jack: Wait. Where are you going?", "Dina: Everything will work out, you'll see.", "Jack: Wait, mom, what's -- wait, what's this all about?", "Dina: I'm counting on you to be the strong one, jack! You are, you know. You're much tougher than you realize. And not a word of this to anyone, you hear me? It's our little secret.", "Traci: So, when dina finally left, the rest of us just... clung to each other. Daddy needed us in a way he never had before. And jack stepped up. He tried to help any way he could.", "Jack: I did the best I could.", "Ashley: We all depended on you so much, jack.", "Traci: The only thing daddy ever asked us... was that we take care of each other, that we stand up for each other. And with the exception of abby, what you all have done to grab dad's legacy for yourselves i think would break his heart. I think he would find it disgusting to no end! Daddy would demand that we heal this rift! He would make us promise each other -- no more conflict, no more dirty tricks! And he would remind us that dina, who came home after all these years to atone for her actions and seek forgiveness is slipping away! [ Sighs ] He would want us to make this right and help her see her family at peace!", "Abby: How do we do that?", "Billy: That's a hell of a good question.", "Traci: By opening our hearts, billy! By trusting each other like we're supposed to! By being honest and fair! And in that spirit, jack... I would like you to tell everyone what you learned yesterday.", "Cane: Why isn't this possible, why are you telling me I can't see my wife?", "Nate: You're the warden, okay? You run the place, you make the calls, so what's the issue?", "Cane: It's just a brief visit -- why can't I see her? Until the situation is reviewed and fully assessed, i cannot allow her to have any visitors.", "Cane: Listen, I am her husband, and I want to know she's safe while she's in your custody!", "Nate: Hey, hey. Look at me!", "Cane: I want to see my wife!", "Nate: Look at me.", "Cane: I want to see my wife.", "Nate: Look at me! You have to keep it together, okay? Don't make things any worse. The decision's been made, mr. Ashby, and I'm not changing my mind. Lily's in isolation for her own protection, and that's where she's gonna stay until we've fully reviewed the situation.", "Dina: I didn't expect you to wait up for me.", "John: How was your evening?", "Dina: Quite enjoyable. And yours?", "John: The kids and I had a great time.", "Dina: Well, did you see a movie?", "John: We did. \"Bedknobs and broomsticks.\"", "Dina: Oh, how lovely.", "John: It was, actually. Although, I know they wished their mother had joined us.", "Dina: Some other time.", "Ashley: What are you doing?", "Jack: Don't sneak up on me like that.", "Ashley: Sorry. I'm gonna go down to say goodnight.", "Jack: No, no, no. Mom and dad are talking. They'll be up later, okay? Let's not bother them. Come on.", "Dina: I'm having a nightcap. Do you want one?", "John: What's going on with you, dina?", "Dina: Do we really need to discuss it?", "John: It's the elephant in every room we're in lately. This strain between us. Each day, you pull away a little bit more, and it's agonizing. I ask you what's wrong, and you say nothing, that I'm imagining things. But I know that I'm not. Tonight was a perfect example. You barely acknowledged the car that I bought you, one I happen to know that you've had your eye on. And then you couldn't even deign to cancel your plans to come out with the family. Why?", "Dina: Because I don't want this life anymore! John, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be cruel. You've done nothing to deserve that, but this hasn't been a real marriage for a very long time.", "John: It has for me.", "Dina: All you do is work. We're practically strangers. I don't see that changing, do you? You're building a business, and I realize what that takes.", "John: Dina, I love you. I don't want to lose what we have together.", "Dina: Which is what, exactly? Besides all of this. These material things. If I left, you'd hardly even know I was gone.", "John: That's not true. And what about the kids? They need you. How could you even think about walking out on them?", "Dina: I love them to pieces and you know that. But living with two parents who are in a broken relationship isn't good for them. Or us. We deserve better.", "John: Meaning I'm not enough. We're not enough for you.", "Dina: I need some ice.", "Jack: Yesterday, dina was talking like she was living in the 1990s, that time she came back home to try to reconcile with dad. She spoke about needing to prove to ashley that she was a good mother. By protecting her in the future.", "Ashley: What are you talking about? How could she do that?", "Jack: By getting dad to create a legal document, signing over the patents for every product that you created at jabot. To you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "There was a possibility that Jett had cancer, so Devon arranged for Elena to fly out to be with him. Devon wasn't sure what to do about the inheritance. He questioned whether Cane would use the money in a way that would make Katherine proud, or if she'd still want Cane to have the money after the things he'd done since her death. Devon took Elena's advice to seek guidance from Lily. Lily agreed to return to Genoa City to visit. Billy returned from L.A. Victoria let him know Adam was back. Billy didn't think that would have an effect on his mental health. Billy hoped Victor and Adam could bond. Victoria felt ready for any threats that happened to her family or company. Lola went to Miami to meet Arturo's baby. After Kyle couldn't predict what house Lola would like, Summer suggested that Lola and Kyle weren't on the same wavelength anymore. Summer would be going to Atlanta on business. Kyle was confused when Billy wasn't more pleased about Jabot's success. Billy and Kyle had a disagreement about whether Kyle was ready to be co-CEO. Theo hoped to see Lola at Society, but he ended up chatting with Abby instead, and he admitted he thought Lola was a sweetheart. Abby warned Theo not to cause problems for Lola and Kyle. Victoria was supportive when she learned Abby and Nate broke up. Abby was pleased that Victor made Victoria the permanent CEO. Theo met Victoria, who'd heard good things about him from Billy. Theo told Summer he wanted to work at Newman. Summer wasn't interested in working at Newman because the family lied to her about Victor's death. Theo bristled when Summer brought up Kyle. While Summer vented about Abby, Theo texted Lola to say hello.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Jack: This is just the spirit of cooperation I was hoping for because I want you both to run jabot. Together.", "Kyle: No worries there.", "Billy: Yeah. Rest easy.", "Theo: I don't know many genuinely nice people, but talking with you made me feel good when there wasn't much for me to feel good about.", "Devon: When katherine left me this inheritance, I didn't know why.", "Nate: You didn't know somebody messed with the will.", "Devon: Well, I sure do now, and I don't know what to do about it.", "Nate: I can only think of one person who would.", "Devon: Neil?", "Nate: If he were here, what would he say?", "Neil: Katherine trusted you, my friend, to do the right thing. Your sister and I trust you, as well. You know that. And, whatever happens, we are on your side.", "Elena: Hey, you. I made you lunch. It's in the kitchen.", "Devon: Uh, I appreciate that, honey. I'll be there in just a minute.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] You know, you haven't had one bite since jill confirmed that katherine's will was altered.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Yeah. That does sound about right.", "Elena: Look, I know you're reeling. How could you not be?", "Devon: Uh, yeah, it's hard to think about anything else. It's, uh -- things were a lot more simple when I thought the will pages were fake. There was no moral ambiguity, and no doubts about what i should do or who I am.", "Elena: The inheritance doesn't make you who you are.", "Devon: We're standing in a penthouse that I paid for with the inheritance, and I funded my company with the inheritance, so I know it's not all of who I am, but it's a big part of me.", "Elena: It's not the part that I love.", "Devon: Oh. That's one of the reasons I love you so much, but if I hadn't gotten billions and billions of dollars, the last 6 years of my life would be very, very different. Which means that I'd be really different, you know?", "Elena: Okay, well, ruminating on \"what ifs\" is pointless.", "Devon: I hear you, but i just -- I keep trying to think of an angle that will help me make the right decision.", "Elena: Yeah, is that why you're rereading the forged copy of the will?", "Devon: No, that's actually not what I'm looking at.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Elena: It's jett. I can call him back.", "Devon: No, don't do that. Take it. Tell him I said hello.", "Elena: Okay. Hey, you! How's missouri?", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Devon: Hey, nate.", "Nate: Hey. Thought I'd stop by, see how you were doing.", "Devon: Oh, well, you're looking at it.", "Nate: I'm guessing you didn't get much sleep last night.", "Devon: I did not. I, uh -- I've just been thinking about what you said.", "Nate: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: That I should -- i should do what neil would want me to do.", "Nate: Did it help you decide?", "Devon: [ Sighs ]", "[ Knocking on door ]", "Billy: I'm ba-ack!", "Victoria: Oh!", "Billy: Hi!", "Victoria: I missed you!", "Billy: I missed you. Mm!", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] I thought you weren't getting back until this evening.", "Billy: I wasn't supposed to, but I didn't want to be away from you any longer, so I got out of there early.", "Victoria: Aww, that's so sweet.", "Billy: Yeah, I know.", "Victoria: Mm.", "Billy: How about we get out of here and continue this celebration at home?", "Victoria: Um, I'd love to, but, uh...", "Billy: But you can'T.", "Victoria: Well, I have a business meeting with one of my division presidents. He's dealing with a possible strike in portugal.", "Billy: Bummer.", "Victoria: Yeah, sorry.", "Billy: It's all right.", "Victoria: So, what do I, uh, spy with my little eye here in this green bag?", "Billy: This would be a shopping bag.", "Victoria: Is this a souvenir for me?", "Billy: No, but -- it's not for you, actually. I came across a fantastic little halloween store while I was in santa monica...", "Victoria: Oh, right, and you just couldn't resist.", "Billy: Honey, it's halloween.", "Victoria: Okay, great. So what are we going as this year?", "Billy: Check this out. I don't know what we're gonna go as, but our kids are gonna be the most badass zombies on the planet.", "Victoria: Well, johnny will think it's awesome, but I don't know about katie. I mean, our little princess might have another idea.", "Billy: She can put a tiara on, she'll be a princess zombie. It'll be perfect.", "Victoria: That's a little gruesome, don't you think?", "Billy: Oh, come on, mom. It's halloween. Our kids will be the coolest little brain-eaters on the planet.", "Victoria: Okay, fine.", "Billy: Shh...", "Victoria: We'll see how it goes over with them tonight.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Good. What'd I miss while I was gone?", "Victoria: Well, katie wiggled her little tooth till it finally fell out.", "Billy: Score 1 for the tooth fairy.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. And johnny got an a on his spelling test.", "Billy: That's my boy. How are you?", "Victoria: I'm good, actually, um, there is something that i need to tell you that you're not gonna love.", "Billy: Okay. This is me bracing for the news.", "Victoria: Um... adam's back.", "Summer: You know, being able to say that your manufacturing process is low- carbon is like gold these days.", "Kyle: Depends on the demographic.", "Summer: Actually, you would be surprised. It's become a key selling point amongst all of our customer groups.", "Kyle: Is there any certification we can pursue that we can use in our marketing?", "Summer: I will look into that.", "Kyle: Great. Let me know if you need help. I can put in more hours the next few days since lola's visiting arturo in miami.", "Summer: Oh! So is house-hunting on hold, then?", "Kyle: Temporarily.", "Summer: Did you show her the house that we talked about?", "Kyle: Yeah. She wasn't that into it.", "Summer: Really? Why, what was wrong with that house? It seemed like it was perfect for you guys, and you loved it.", "Kyle: She wants something different. Warmer, cozier...", "Summer: Oh. So like a starter home.", "Kyle: No. Well, maybe.", "Summer: What happened to your total mind-meld. Aren't you the guy that planned her the perfect wedding without ever having to ask what she wanted?", "Kyle: Buying a house is different.", "Summer: Maybe. Or maybe you just lost your touch.", "Abby: Well... you're becoming quite the regular.", "Theo: It's the food. I'm addicted. I swear, I could eat these fritters three times a day.", "Abby: They are good.", "Theo: They're incredible! My compliments to the chef. She around today?", "Abby: Sorry, she's not. So if that's why you came in, there's no reason for you to hang around. With advil liqui-gels, Additional sponsorship", "Theo: So, what's the deal? You still blame me for what happened at the grand phoenix opening?", "Abby: No, I was over that ages ago. Although, I probably won't hire you to promote any of my future events.", "Theo: Hey! I learned from that experience. From now on, I'm gonna keep a much closer eye on everyone i work with, make sure nothing like that ever happens again.", "Abby: Good.", "Theo: Wait, does that mean you'll give me another chance? I'll cut you a discount.", "Abby: Uh, doubtful. I don't need to take any unnecessary risks with any of my businesses.", "Theo: Okay. I get it. Just work, right? Nothing personal? Unless you just don't like me.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] You're... tolerable.", "Theo: But...?", "Abby: You have a reputation for stirring up trouble.", "Theo: Oh! I get it. You've been listening to kyle.", "Abby: No. I've been listening to my staff. They say you've been hanging around here all hours of the day trying to get lola's attention while she's trying to work.", "Theo: Lola's a sweetheart. Who wouldn't want to be nice to her?", "Abby: Like when you crashed her wedding?", "Theo: Okay. Not my finest moment, but lola doesn't hold it against me.", "Abby: Unlike lola, I'm not a sweetheart. And if I get any inkling that you're causing problems between kyle and lola, I will make your life very difficult. Understood?", "Theo: Definitely.", "Summer: You know, if you and lola don't get back in sync soon, you might wind up stuck in that tiny apartment forever. I'm sorry. I meant \"cozy,\" in the extreme.", "Kyle: Mm, that wouldn't be so bad. We've had a lot of good times. Better to be in the wrong place with the right person than your dream house with... sorry, that didn't come out right. I wasn't talking about you or the house your dad was gonna give us.", "Summer: Oh, my god, no, my mind didn't even go there. You don't think that the past is still an issue for me, do you?", "Kyle: Of course not. I just didn't want to insensitive.", "Summer: Well, I'm not gonna let one stupid comment send me over the edge.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Summer: And, plus, I'm really happy with how things are between us these days.", "Kyle: Me, too. I'm glad we can work so well together. Should we get back to it?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Devon: I mean, what neil would do should be obvious.", "Nate: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: I mean, cane is somebody who's let him down over and over again.", "Nate: Sure.", "Devon: But then neil also had a lot of respect for katherine, so I could argue that he'd want to see her wishes carried out.", "Elena: [ Sniffles ] Hey, nate.", "Nate: Hey, uh, everything okay?", "Devon: Is jett okay?", "Elena: Jett has a lesion on his vocal cord.", "Devon: Is that what he was dealing with before?", "Elena: No. Before it was an nodule from overuse, but this -- this could be cancer. He needs to get a biopsy.", "Devon: Cancer?", "Nate: Let's not panic. It could be a lot of other things.", "Elena: Jett gave me the number to his doctor. I'm gonna call her and get some more information about his case.", "Devon: Do you think maybe instead of calling, you should go and be there in person to help through this?", "Elena: I mean, yeah, of course, that was my first thought, but I'm right in the middle of this residency, and ana's already there...", "Nate: Don't worry about the residency. The hospital will grant you an emergency leave.", "Devon: Yeah, and even though ana's there doing everything she can, you're his family. You know? You should be there. I'll take care of your travel arrangements.", "Elena: You don't need to do that.", "Devon: No, honey, he needs to have the best care possible, and I know you're gonna make sure he gets it.", "Elena: Thanks.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Victoria: Right after adam declared he was never coming back, nick's phone rang. It was chelsea, calling to tell him about connor's accident.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] How's that for timing?", "Victoria: Well, sad to say, that's what it took for adam to do the right thing for his son.", "Billy: Yeah, uh, that must have been hard on nick. I know he despises adam, but if connor's acting out, what's he supposed to do?", "Victoria: I don't blame nick. I'm just worried about the possible repercussions.", "Billy: You talking about me? Are you wondering if adam being back in town is gonna push me over the edge again? Ever since we moved here, I've been noticing it.", "Devon: I'm gonna call ana, and I'm gonna get everything set up for this trip, okay?", "Elena: Okay.", "Nate: Did, uh, jett give you any more details about his condition?", "Elena: You know, it's not even about what he said. It's how he said it. He's terrified, I can tell, and it's not just his health. He just started singing again, and now he's so worried about what's gonna happen with his career.", "Nate: Even if the biopsy comes back positive, the cancer has to be in early stages. I assume he had a clean bill of health before he went on tour.", "Elena: Yeah, but that was months ago. You know, who knows if someone could have missed something, or maybe I missed something.", "Nate: I'd say that's highly unlikely.", "Elena: But possible.", "Nate: When you and jett moved in here, I saw how attentive you were. Now you'll be by his side, advocating for him with his doctors. Between you and ana, he couldn't be better taken care of.", "Elena: You know, I know you're right, but I'm worried about devon, too. I hate the idea of leaving him when he just got this horrible news, and both of his sisters are out of town.", "Nate: I'll be here for him. I promise.", "Elena: That makes me feel better. But it's not gonna be easy. He hates the idea of knowing someone's checking in on him.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ] However things turn out, he's gonna be just fine.", "Elena: Thanks. [ Sniffles ]", "Nate: All right, I'll get out of your way so you can pack.", "Elena: Okay.", "Nate: Keep in touch.", "Elena: I will.", "Theo: Total honesty here. You ready?", "Abby: As I'll ever be.", "Theo: I like lola's cooking, and I like lola. That's it. No hidden agenda. She's good people.", "Abby: Well, if that's how you feel, why'd you give kyle such a hard time about marrying her?", "Theo: I wish I hadn'T.", "Abby: Whoa. Wait a second. You have regrets?", "Theo: Shh -- psht, don't tell anyone! It'll ruin my image.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Theo: It's just -- he got so boring, and I blamed her for it, which was unfair.", "Abby: Boring, as in mature?", "Theo: I was feeling nostalgic for a misspent youth. But I'm over it. No more trying to go back when i have a bright future ahead of me.", "Abby: Hmm. Does that mean you got a new consulting gig? I heard that devon let you go.", "Theo: Well, I have some very good prospects.", "Abby: Is that a yes or a no?", "Theo: Well, I don't want to jinx anything. You'll just have to wait and see.", "Abby: Okay, so that's a no. No wonder you've been trying to get me to hire you to promote my events.", "Theo: All right, don't kick a guy while he's down.", "Abby: You're right. I'm sorry. I've had some professional setbacks, and they suck.", "Theo: I'll bounce back. I always do. So, how come lola's not here?", "Abby: Well, she's in miami. She went to go meet her brother's new baby, mateo.", "Theo: How many rosales brothers are there? I mean, there's the cop, the one that dated you, and the new dad... and... oh! Oh, the last two are the same guy.", "Abby: Yep.", "Theo: Wait, was it -- armando, right?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Arturo.", "Theo: Oh, that's it. So, not only did he cheat on you, he knocked her up.", "Abby: And, for bonus points, we weren't just dating. We were engaged. And the woman that he cheated on me with was his brother's -- the cop -- wife at the time.", "Theo: Forget I mentioned it. Although, it's impressive you and lola have managed to stay close when her brother brought a wrecking ball to your life.", "Abby: Why? She's not the one to blame.", "Theo: Well, I mean, of course not, but still. It must have been awkward for both of you.", "Abby: True friends always manage to work things out.", "Theo: So... you're saying there's hope for kyle and me.", "Abby: I don't know. Based on the way you acted, I'm not sure how true your friendship was. Enjoy your fritters.", "Victoria: I hope you're not upset with me.", "Billy: No. Look, I appreciate you wondering pif my psyche is gonna be okay with adam coming back into town, but what I went through is not so much about adam, if that makes any sense, if you can understand that.", "Victoria: I do.", "Billy: I had a lot of unresolved issues when it came to delia's death that I had to face.", "Victoria: And your therapy is -- it's helping with that.", "Billy: It is, and I'm keeping up on it. I had a video session with dr. Clay while I was in L.A.", "Victoria: Oh, good for you!", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I'm glad you're taking it seriously.", "Billy: Thank you. And I've learned to check in with myself a few times a day to see the warning signs when i start to visualize an angry mob pushing adam out of town.", "Victoria: Billy...", "Billy: I'm kidding. But that is the real threat to my sanity, giving into this idea of vengeance. It's irrational.", "Victoria: Well, I'm grateful that your therapist has helped you to figure that out.", "Billy: I'm on the right track, baby.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: I've got a lot to do, but there's no need to worry about me, okay?", "Victoria: Oh, you know what, you don't know how badly i needed to hear you say that.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: So... what'd your father say about adam coming back into town?", "Victoria: I don't know, we haven't discussed it yet. Partly because... [ Sighs ] I'm sure he's just gonna get that look in his eye, that glimmer of hope that really breaks my heart when I see it.", "Billy: This may sound weird coming from me, but I hope they actually have a father-son relationship at some point, even though son tried to murder father.", "Victoria: And frame it on me? Not that I'm looking for vengeance, either.", "Billy: Well, if you were, no one would blame you.", "Victoria: I just want to make sure that my family and newman enterprises is safe, that's all.", "Billy: There's nobody better to keep adam's hands off this company than you.", "Victoria: I suppose my father could be right in that adam learned his lesson after this last go-around and he won't come after us again. Although, I can't count on that, can I?", "Billy: No, you cannot count on adam changing his ways.", "Victoria: No, I have to be prepared to fend off an attack at any moment from any direction. And, fortunately, I am ready. I'm jimmy dean and uh,", "Summer: Oh, my gosh, how much longer is billy gonna be? I really wanted to update him on our progress, but I'm already late for an appointment. I thought you said his flight landed a couple hours ago...", "Kyle: That's what his assistant told me.", "Summer: Is he coming straight into the office?", "Billy: Sorry, I wanted to stop by and say hi to victoria, but it's nice to know how much you missed me.", "Summer: Oh, well, welcome back.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Summer: We, uh, actually have some good news to share with you.", "Billy: Okay, lay it on me.", "Kyle: Well, you'll recall that we sent two of our influencers to fashion week.", "Billy: Yes. How'd that go?", "Kyle: Huge success. Big bump in sales over last year.", "Summer: Mm-hmm, and I placed some of our accessories in a magazine feature, and then i also made a deal to provide wardrobe and accessories to a tv show.", "Billy: What show?", "Summer: It's a new show. It's produced in atlanta.", "Kyle: Summer's been building connections all over the entertainment industry, and they're starting to really pay off.", "Summer: Yeah, production's starting soon, and the female cast will be wearing jabot collective fashions.", "Kyle: And they asked summer to assist on set.", "Summer: Yeah, I'm gonna be working with the wardrobe designer, and then I'll vlog it all, which is great publicity on both sides.", "Kyle: Oh, uh, on the production end, I've been negotiating with a factory that just lost another contract.", "Summer: Kyle said that they've been bending over backwards to strike a deal with us to produce all of our sunscreen products.", "Billy: Can we go back to the, uh, sales bumps you mentioned after the fashion show? Do you have any hard numbers that I can see?", "Kyle: Mm. Uh... [ Clicking tongue ] Right here.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Kyle: So? What do you think?", "Billy: They're better than i expected, to be honest, but we're gonna have to keep working if we want to keep the momentum. No let-up.", "Kyle: Did you get the impression from everything summer and I just said that we're letting up?", "Summer: Um, you know, I have to go to an appointment, so i will see you tomorrow.", "Billy: Thank you, summer.", "Kyle: Yeah.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Sorry if my enthusiasm over the numbers wasn't quite like jack's would be, but let's just say that we have a different management style, and I hope that's not gonna be an issue.", "Kyle: Mm, not at all, given that you're not my manager. We're equals now, partners, running this company. Hopefully that won't be an issue for you.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] I am almost packed up.", "Devon: Yeah? I just e-mailed you confirmation for your car and your hotel. And the jet's all gassed up and ready to go, too.", "Elena: You know, you are so good to me.", "Devon: Oh, well, I know i can't take away your fear about your uncle, but at least I can do this.", "Elena: Well, I will keep you updated with everything that's going on with jett, and you do the same for me. And don't ever feel like you can't call me and let me know what's going on here.", "Devon: I would never shut you out, honey. I need you too much.", "Elena: That's sweet of you to say.", "Devon: Well, I mean it. You know, the other day, when you caught me on the phone going off on my manager, and you called me out for it? You knew that's not the kind of guy I am, and you wanted me to remember that, too. And I know it was a real small moment, but it -- it meant a lot to me, and I appreciate it.", "Elena: I'm glad.", "Devon: You came into my life at the perfect time. And now I have to make a decision that's gonna affect a lot of people's live, including my own.", "Elena: Well, I trust your heart and your judgment. So whatever you decide, I know it's gonna be something that you're gonna feel good about and that you can live with.", "Devon: I'm glad you have that kind of faith in me, honey, because I don't -- I don't know if a solution like that exists.", "Elena: Well, if I didn't have to leave, I would sit down with you and go over your options.", "Devon: You never opened your mouth one time about what i should do.", "Elena: Nope. That's because it's your decision. I think it's better if I stay neutral.", "Devon: I mean, I know that the final decision is my call, but... I respect your opinion, so... I'd like to know where you stand. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Coughing \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Elena: I really want to help you with this decision, but I don't think it's right for me to weigh in.", "Devon: Yeah, but the decision affects you, too, because if i give away all my money, then our life's gonna change a little bit.", "Elena: Yeah, but it doesn't have to. You have all the control. You decide what, if anything, you give him.", "Devon: Right. But, morally, it should be all or nothing. So if I decide to give cane the money, do I give him everything that I spent it on? Do I give him hamilton-winters?", "Elena: No. The inheritance is just seed money. All the work that you and neil did is what made your business a success. Do not give away your company.", "Devon: I don't want to. I really don't, but it's complicated. You know? And, yeah, money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure solves a lot of problems, like being able to send you to another state to take care of jett on short notice.&", "Elena: Honey, I have a job. I could have gotten my own plane ticket.", "Devon: Sure. I like knowing, though, that no matter what happens, I can take care of things financially. Because, growing up without anything, I don't take that for granted.", "Elena: Okay, no matter what decision you make, you're still gonna be able to pay your bills.", "Devon: I -- I know, but... I also wonder -- is cane gonna view having the money the same that I do? And is katherine gonna be proud of the decisions that he makes with it?", "Elena: I mean, I don't know cane, so I can't answer that. But it did surprise me when you said he wasn't an honorable person.", "Devon: I know he doesn't come off as dishonorable, but he has a long history of getting himself in trouble and then lying to get himself out of it. And he'll just screw up, apologize, repeat it all over again.", "Elena: I see why you're so torn about this decision.", "Devon: And then I think, if katherine were alive today, would she feel the same way about the will? Because I think she'd be disappointed in a guy like cane.", "Elena: You know what I think? I think you need to talk to someone who's a little closer to the issues, someone who knows katherine and cane better than anyone else.", "Devon: You're talking about lily.", "Summer: Hey. I'm sorry I'm late. My salon appointment ran long. Thank you for waiting for me.", "Theo: Oh, no problem. I might want to give abby a wave, though, show her I have a good reason for being here so she doesn't have me arrested for loitering.", "Victoria: Are they still together?", "Abby: I don't know, but he definitely gives off player vibes. But summer is a big girl now, so...", "Victoria: What is it about us newman women, always going for the bad boys? Uh, present company excepted. I know that nate's a keeper.", "Abby: I thought so. We broke up.", "Victoria: Oh, no, I'm so sorry. What happened?", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Well... he had regrets about going along with dad's plan to convince the world that he was dead, and he was upset that I thought dad did the right thing.", "Victoria: Well, nate is one of the few guys that you've dated that dad's approved of. And yet, he still managed to find a way to come between the two of you.", "Abby: Well, our father always interferes in my relationships, even when he's not trying. But, honestly, it was more than that. Nate disapproves of the newman way, which means he disapproves of me.", "Victoria: He actually said that to you?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Pretty much.", "Victoria: Well, to hell with him, then. You deserve to have someone in your life that's not so judgmental.", "Abby: It's hard to find someone who doesn't have a strong opinion about our family.", "Victoria: Oh, god knows that billy has plenty, but he knows that I love being a newman, and he respects that.", "Abby: So... how does he feel about your permanent C.E.O. Position at the family business?", "Victoria: He's thrilled for me.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: What about you? This is the first time that we've really talked about it since dad made the announcement.", "Abby: I got to say, I was surprised that dad was retiring. I mean, I thought he was gonna work forever.", "Victoria: Well, it's time, for him and for me.", "Abby: I agree.", "Victoria: Really? I mean, I know that you always felt that dad has favored me and that he didn't really give you a fair shot at work.", "Abby: Well, because dad always knew years before that my heart wasn't in corporate life. I like being an entrepreneur in a business that I love. And, well, honestly, you are the perfect person to take over for dad. I'm just sorry we didn't realize it sooner.", "Victoria: Thank you for saying that.", "Abby: I'm proud of you. I know you're gonna take the company to even greater heights, but I do have one favor to ask.", "Victoria: Well, name it.", "Abby: Help a sister out! [ Laughs ] Book all of your newman dinners and events at one of my venues.", "Victoria: Well, of course! And not just because you're my sister, but because you are the very best in the hospitality business.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Hey, hey. Good meeting with r&D. Ashley told them to run with my idea to formulate --", "Billy: Create a memo and leave it on the desk, please.", "Kyle: What's with your mood?", "Billy: Excuse me?", "Kyle: Was there a problem with your L.A. Trip?", "Billy: No, L.A. Was fine. The new opening for the jaboutique went pretty well.", "Kyle: Pretty well? From what I hear, it was a big success. There were lines out the doors, and first-day sales beat projections.", "Billy: Well, then why are you wasting time asking a question that you already know the answer for?", "Kyle: I'm trying to figure out what's bugging you. Our efforts are paying off, we're hitting all our targets. I expected you to be thrilled.", "Billy: And I hope you don't mind if we, uh, hold off on the party because we have a lot of work to do. Maybe if you had a little bit more experience, you would realize that if you take your eye off the ball for one second, you lose your momentum.", "Kyle: Wait, wait. I don't get where this is coming from. No one's taking their eye off the ball, least of all me.", "Billy: Oh, so what are you saying, kyle? Are you saying that I'm not holding up my end of the deal?", "Kyle: Look, jack made it clear he wants us to get along. So if you're just having a bad day or something --", "Billy: I was having a fine day until you came in here with all the attitude.", "Kyle: Wait, what are you --", "Billy: So if you want this arrangement to work, you better fix that, pronto.", "Summer: Hey, aunt vicki. Hi. Um, I hope we're not interrupting.", "Victoria: No, not at all.", "Summer: Uh, well, you remember my friend, theo vanderway.", "Victoria: Uh, yes. Yes. Nice to see you. Oh!", "Theo: Same here. Um, I hope you don't mind. I told summer I wanted to congratulate you on being appointed permanent C.E.O. Of newman enterprises.", "Victoria: Oh, that's very gracious. Thank you. Your reputation precedes you.", "Theo: Oh, yeah? Uh, oh, wait, whatever abby told you, what happened at& the grand phoenix opening, it wasn't my fault.", "Victoria: No, billy said some very good things about your influencer clients, that they gave the jabot collective launch a real boost.", "Theo: Oh, well, I would love to explore ways to become an asset for newman, too. I mean, just the other day, i was reading over the new branding initiatives, and I --", "Victoria: Oh, um... the person that I'm meeting for lunch has just arrived, so you'll have to excuse me.", "Summer: Oh, yeah, no, that's fine. No problem. Um, have a good one.", "Victoria: Okay. You, too. See you later.", "Theo: See ya. Likewise.", "Victoria: Okay. Hi. Good to see you.", "Theo: Whoa. Did you hear that? The C.E.O. Of newman enterprises praised my work.", "Summer: Well, I'm not surprised. Victoria likes to keep an eye out for fresh talent.", "Theo: [ Sighs ] I would kill to work for newman.", "Summer: Really? I don't know, it just seems a little...stuffy for you.", "Theo: No, I -- I can find a way to fit in anywhere. It'd be worth adhering to a dress code to work for such a huge company.", "Summer: Yeah. Not so sure about that. Speaking as a former employee...", "Theo: [ Scoffs ] Wait. You ever thought about going back? I mean, since you're family, I'm sure you could race up the corporate ladder.", "Summer: After the way that they lied to me about my grandfather dying, mm, no, thank you.", "Theo: Okay, but that was victor's idea. And he doesn't even work there anymore.", "Summer: Yeah, but victoria's just a younger wannabe version of him. I'm sure that she's gonna be even more ruthless and cutthroat than grandpa just to prove herself.", "Theo: I get that you're mad at them, but you're being pretty tough on your family.", "Summer: They deserve it.", "Theo: Even so, you hold the keys to the kingdom. By not using them, aren't you hurting yourself more than the newmans?", "Summer: Look, that company is gonna be there, okay? It's not going anywhere. And if I decide to go back, I'm sure that there's gonna be a place for me, but, right now, the job that I have is a really good fit. You know, kyle and I were brainstorming earlier, and i just feel so... energized, you know? I mean, you put the two of us in a room together, and we're like a walking idea factory.", "Billy: You know what I was doing at your age, kyle?", "Kyle: Working for jabot in hong kong.", "Billy: That's right. Jack sent me to hong kong for a fresh start, which was a polite way of saying that I was in exile. I wasn't a crowned prince, I was the black sheep of the family, and everybody in hong kong knew that. So I had to work my way up the ranks, learning the global side of the business from the ground up, and when I did come back to genoa city, they still didn't trust me. So what'd I do? I started my own business, learning the ins and outs.", "Kyle: Nothing was handed to you. I get it, you earned your success.", "Billy: You're damn straight, I did.", "Kyle: But it's not like I've been coasting on the abbott name. I've worked my tail off for years. Do I have to keep reminding you?", "Billy: And look where it got you! Jack gave you a nice, cozy position, didn't he?", "Kyle: So why do I have to keep proving myself to you? That's the vibe I'm getting from you, billy, that you're just waiting for me to fall on my face.", "Billy: Yeah. Maybe I am.", "Elena: Hey, I can't find my charger. Have you seen it?", "Devon: No, I haven't seen it, but I have one right here for you.", "Elena: Thank you. Did you get ahold of lily?", "Devon: Um, I left her a message. I'm just waiting for her to call back.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] I hate to leave you.", "Devon: Oh, baby. You would feel worse if you weren't there for jett when he needs you. Hmm?", "Elena: Yeah. Can you do a favor for me?", "Devon: Of course I can.", "Elena: I need you to check on nate. He just went through this breakup with abby, and he's not doing well, and he's gonna need someone to talk to.", "Devon: Okay. I, uh -- I probably won't have to go too far out of my way because I assume you told him to check up on me. Right? And, uh -- I don't mind because it just means you care about me.", "Elena: I'm glad you think so.", "Devon: It would be great, though, if you could direct some of that nurturing energy towards ana because she's the only one who's been holding it down for jett, and I'm sure she's freaking out about the whole thing because she hasn't had her dad in her life for very long.", "Elena: Got it. And I will let you know if there's anything that you can do for ana.", "Devon: Okay. And don't worry about me. Really. It was a great idea for me to call lily because I think that she's the perfect person to talk to about this whole mess, and... it just shows that, once again, you know exactly what I need.", "Elena: I just can't wait for all of this weight to get off of your shoulders. I just want to see you happy again.", "Devon: Oh, baby, I will be happy when you come back home. Man: Sneezes", "Billy: And one more thing -- anyone in a high-pressure job like this is bound to stumble at a certain point, especially someone as green as you.", "Kyle: You just don't quit.", "Billy: It has happened to everyone. You need to understand that. Jack, ashley, phyllis, me. You are not a golden child. You are not immune to it.", "Kyle: Well, that's not true! I've made mistakes in my life, personally and professionally. I've owned them, billy, worked hard to put them behind me. So if I do something wrong, call me out. I can take it. But there's a difference between someone holding you accountable and a partner who's rooting for you to fail.", "Billy: I'm not rooting for you to fail.", "Kyle: Really? Because you just called me a rookie and told me I was pretty much guaranteed to mess up, and, when I do, you'll be there to sweep me out the door.", "Billy: I think you need to step back from your defensiveness and your paranoia. Look, I think jack gave you too much power too soon, and it's my responsibility to keep an eye on the situation.", "Kyle: Oh, there's no situation. And there's not going to be. I'm more than ready to take on this role.", "Billy: We'll see about that.", "Kyle: [ Scoffs ]", "Summer: Yeah, no, atlanta should be really fun, but... I don't think I'm gonna get to see much of the city since I'm expecting 12-hour days on set.", "Theo: Tv production's intense. The days will fly by. Pretty sure you'll love it, though.", "Summer: Well, let's hope.", "Theo: Smart move, on your part, making those connections. Could lead to a lot of opportunities for you.", "Summer: Yeah, no, it was, um, originally kyle's idea.", "Theo: Of course it was.", "Summer: I'm sorry, excuse me?", "Theo: Nothing, skip it.", "Summer: Uh, no. You told me that it was okay if I mentioned kyle.", "Theo: [ Sighs ] I live for news about kyle. Tell me more. I'm hanging on your every word.", "Summer: Okay, fine. We will change the subject.", "Theo: Mm.", "Summer: So what's the story with you and abby, huh? Why was she giving you a hard time?", "Theo: Eh, she's just overly protective of her niece.", "Summer: Uh, pfft! Okay. Yeah, yeah, that must be why she, uh -- she let me believe that my grandfather keeled over and died, and then scolded me when I was upset that I found out it was all a hoax. And let's not forget the way that she treated me at ky-- I'm sorry, at a certain someone's bachelor party.", "Theo: Oh, yeah. I know.", "Summer: I mean, abby is the biggest hypocrite. She goes around criticizing everybody else's choices, when her life is just one disaster after another. And then she was so thirsty for attention that she sleeps with my husband, austin. That was a really classy move. I don't think that that woman has ever had one relationship that anyone in this world would call successful.", "Devon: Hey, lily. Thank you for getting back to me so quick. Um... some crazy stuff's been going on, and now I have to make a pretty big decision, and I would love to get your input about it. No, not over the phone. I would like to do it in person. I can come to you. Yeah, no, I -- I appreciate that. The sooner you can get to genoa city, the better. All right. I'll see you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ... hear a pin drop']
[ "The process server goes to the Winters' home first where he serves Devon and Lily. While Lily is on the phone talking to Daniel about being served subpoenas, he too is given papers at work. Sharon reads her papers, not quite understanding why she is being called in, as she didn't see anything go on between the two women. Brad and Victoria are in the office and not pleased that Carmen has dragged them into her private hell. Brad knows that the publicity from this is going to be hard to deal with. He also hates the fact that the second that he hits the stand as 'Brad Carleton', he will be lying and perjuring himself. Brad ad Victoria also find it interesting that the person they hired to take care of the company's appearance to the public is causing a public affairs issue all on her own. Jack and Sharon are talking about the case when the process server serves Jack next. \"You know Sharon, I really think that it would be best for all of us if Miss Carmen Mesta were to just disappear!\" Michael and Dru get into it. He wants her to start acting calmer and not have her emotional outbursts where the children or anyone else in the public can see or hear her. \"How many times you gotta tell me that?\" He feels that he has to keep repeating himself with her as she never listened to this advice before. He and Neil go into the hall and Michael tells Neil that he may have to get the man on the stand and dig around about Neil's relationship with Carmen. He will not do it. The more that he makes a connection with Carmen, the more it will hurt his family. Michael sees that this could generate sympathy for Dru and get her off. Carmen tells Will that she has been thinking of suing Newman Michael goes to Carmen at work and delivers the dirt. He knows what happened at her last job. She seems to have a habit of getting involved with married men, the executive type. She says that she never had an affair with Neil but Michael doesn't care what she says. \"It seems that you left that job with a tidy little award before you hit Genoa City Carmen goes to Victoria. She tells the woman that she can make all this bad press go away. \"I can't testify if I'm out of the country.\" She names her price and Victoria agrees to it. Jack is thrilled that Carmen is on her to Hong Kong. He has wired her money to her. In Carmen's haste to get away from Devon, she knocks over his cart and drops her things. She leaves behind the envelope with the damning evidence that Michael gave her. Devon inspects it. He to her suite, shouting for her. BRAD is inside. He hears Devon but doesn't move from his spot behind Carmen's door." ]
[ "Devon: Hey, guys, this is real cool.", "Dru: Hmm?", "Devon: It says that some cochlear implant users can even use a telephone.", "Dru: Uh-oh.", "Devon: Forget you.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Dru: Made an appointment, okay, for you and me to talk to your, uh, Doctor. Is that Doctor, Honey?", "Devon: The doctor?", "Dru: The doctor about your implant.", "Devon: What time?", "Dru: Um... \"Come to the apartment around 5:30,\" okay? \"Important.\"", "Devon: Wait...", "Dru: Okay? And that there, that's your reminder.", "Devon: Okay, I got it.", "Dru: What else?", "Devon: Let's see... \"Not every implant is so successful.\"", "Devon: \"But even C.I. users who don't achieve that level of hearing can still hear sounds in a general environment, like doorbells, dogs barking, birds chirping.\"", "Neil: Hello, may I help you?", "Man: Are you Devon Hamilton?", "Neil: No, I'm not, Neil Winters. Who are you?", "Man: This subpoena is for Devon Hamilton.", "Dru: That's okay.", "Neil: Drucilla?", "Dru: Yeah?", "Neil: Uh, it's for Devon. Uh, come in, I guess.", "Dru: Huh? Hi. Can we--hello--", "Man: Devon Hamilton? This subpoena's for you.", "Dru: Huh? Subpoena?", "Devon: What?", "Man: Lily Winters?", "Lily: Yeah?", "Man: This is for you.", "Lily: What?", "Devon: What is this we have?", "Lily: Thank you.", "Devon: \"'The people of the state of Wisconsin versus Drucilla Winters.'\"", "Lily: \"You are hereby commanded--\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: \"To give testimony before the Honorable Hannang in room--\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: \"516 in the Walworth county courthouse.\"", "Victoria: \"Your failure to appear in response to this subpoena will subject you to punishment for contempt of this court.\"", "Brad: Just what we need, huh? More negative media attention.", "Victoria: Public relations can handle this.", "Brad: You appreciate the irony? Carmen was in charge of PR and she is the one named in the original case.", "Victoria: Yes, irony noted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Wait a minute. The prosecutor subpoenaed you?", "Lily: Not just me, Devon and me. I guess they want me to say negative things about my mom.", "Daniel: Oh, they can't force you to say negative things that aren't true.", "Lily: Yeah, well, you know how this works, Daniel. They'll turn anything I say into something negative.", "Daniel: Listen, your mom's got a good lawyer and you're gonna be his witness, too, okay?", "Man: Daniel Romalotti?", "Daniel: Hang on a second. Yeah, that's me.", "Man: This is for you.", "Lily: Daniel? Daniel?", "Daniel: Guess who just got invited to the party?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Carmen Mesta brings too much heat to the workplace.", "Victoria: I should ask legal to issue guidelines that convey our corporate policy of full cooperation with law enforcement while at the same time advise employees--", "Brad: Advise employees to keep their mouths shut.", "Victoria: Avoid gossip and speculation.", "Brad: Do you realize the position this puts me in? The minute I swear to tell the truth under oath and identify myself as Brad Carlton, I'm committing perjury.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, I'm not gonna say anything that would hurt Dru. And besides, I never witnessed anything physical that happened between her and Carmen.", "Man: Jack Abbott?", "Jack: Guilty. You know, the bad press is going to affect Newman because Dru worked there. Carmen consults for my company, so we're gonna get our share of the negative fallout. Particularly with the tabloid nature of this story-- \"Spurned wife goes after husband-stealer.\"", "Sharon: Yeah, which is exactly how I see Carmen.", "Jack: Things would be a whole lot easier if Carmen Mesta would just disappear into thin air.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: When you're on the witness stand, keep your answers brief. Don't volunteer anything. Follow my lead in regard to the subject at hand. Don't take off on a tangent.", "Carmen: I only plan to tell the truth. Drucilla Winters is crazy and dangerous.", "Will: \"Crazy\" is the kind of word to avoid.", "Carmen: Crazy is the truth.", "Will: It's a subjective assessment, a loaded word and out of favor in terms of political correctness.", "Carmen: I want this woman locked up. She is a menace and a danger and probably a lousy wife and mother in the bargain.", "Will: It won't help our case if you talk like that. Look, the calmer, more rational you appear, the more dangerous Dru will seem by comparison. And you have to prepare yourself for hostile questions from Dru's attorney, like, \"did you do anything to provoke or threaten Mrs. Winters?\"", "Carmen: What provocation does a paranoid schizophrenic need?", "Will: It's better to simply deny provocation if denial is warranted.", "Carmen: Oh, of course it's warranted. I never did anything to provoke her madness.", "Will: Uh, you know what? It might be better if I went over some of the questions you should be prepared to answer.", "Carmen: Why do you even need my testimony? You have a tape of her attacking me.", "Will: In legal terms, the recording isn't self-authenticating.", "Carmen: Which means what?", "Will: Uh, it's not by itself sufficient to convict her without establishing a chain of evidence. And because nobody witnessed the recording being made before it reached the police, its history might be impossible to establish. Technically, yes, I could prosecute her without your testimony. But practical no, it won't happen without you testifying in person.", "Carmen: Damn it! This whole--whole procedure is just victimizing the victim.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: That woman is so lucky with a capital \"l\" that I restrained myself! Because let me tell you something, she's been nothing but trouble ever since she came to Genoa City.", "Michael: All right, all right, so much for my earlier warnings about your language and topics you may discuss openly.", "Dru: What?", "Michael: Look, Drucilla, do you want to go to prison?", "Dru: Of course not! Don't ridiculous!", "Michael: All right, you let a jury hear you let loose like that, you might as well save what you're spending on me, 'cause I will not be able to help you stay out of jail!", "Neil: Okay, okay, all right, wait a minute. I think this shouting is kind of counterproductive here. She understands that the more reasonable and calm she appears to the jury--", "Dru: I understand that.", "Neil: The better off she'll be.", "Dru: That's right, Neil. Tell him I understand.", "Michael: Good!", "Dru: Good.", "Michael: Look, Drucilla, I think it's fine, even healthy, for you to--to vent, to tell it like it is, to dump all over Carmen in the privacy of your own home, but do not do this in front of your children or anywhere in public.", "Dru: All right. How many times you gonna tell me? Okay, I understand what you're--", "Michael: Well, telling you the first time apparently didn't leave much of an impression!", "Neil: Michael...", "Michael: Drucilla, please... I would warn anyone facing similar charges. You have got to quit... speaking in such a manner, even in front of Neil.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey, I am not-- I'm not gonna testify against my wife.", "Michael: That is your privilege, but it's not automatic. It has to be claimed on the stand, and that doesn't look good to a jury.", "Dru: Let me tell you something, Counselor. I get what you're saying. But you best believe I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep my butt out of prison.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hi, Jana.", "Jana: Oh, hey, Billy, what can I get you?", "Billy: Nothing. I'm good. You hear, uh, Aaron Neville's opening Indigo tomorrow night?", "Jana: Yes, I heard it was sold out.", "Billy: I got a couple tickets. Do you wanna go?", "Jana: I would actually--", "Kevin: Uh, let's see, um... I think, Billy, that Jana's on the schedule tomorrow night. Yeah, nobody else is available and the coffeehouse has to stay open, so I'm very sorry, but Jana cannot go with you.", "Billy: Wow. That's just about as subtle as Kevin Federline lyrics.", "Kevin: Oh, thank you! Subtlety is my middle name.", "Jana: Let me think about it, Billy. I'll give you a call.", "Billy: It'll be fun.", "Jana: You're mean.", "Kevin: What? That man is after my woman. It was a choice between driving him off verbally or smashing his face in. I took the high road.", "Jana: Kevin Subtlety Fisher.", "Kevin: At your service.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Lauren dreaming]", "Lauren: What are you doing? What are you doing?!", "Phyllis: I'm taking the baby outside.", "Lauren: No, put the baby down! Put the baby down! You leave him alone! Give me the baby!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Lauren? Lauren? Hey... you're--you're-- you're having a bad dream.", "Lauren: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's me, Phyllis.", "Lauren: Oh, is the baby okay?!", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, he looks beautiful to me.", "Lauren: I dreamed you were someone else. I... oh, boy...", "Phyllis: Just me.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, wait a minute. Um...let me tell you something. I-I, you know, I have total faith in your legal skills, but doesn't that videotape make for an open-and-shut case?", "Michael: Well, I wish it didn't exist, but it's open to interpretation. Carmen's testimony will be essential. But, um... I'll do my best to discredit her.", "Neil: Sure you will. And the prosecutor will do anything he can to discredit Dru if you get her on the stand.", "Michael: That is a dicey proposition, considering--", "Neil: Dru can be very...", "Michael: Expressive.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Neil: So you've seen it yourself.", "Michael: I'm not gonna call her to the stand unless I think that her... strong feelings would be to our advantage. Neil, this is a woman who sincerely felt her marriage was threatened.", "Neil: Yeah, I know.", "Michael: I suppose since we're dealing with worst-case scenarios, I should warn you that I may call you to testify about Carmen's and your attraction to each other.", "Neil: Wait, oh, wait, hold on now. You told me it was my privilege not to testify against my wife.", "Michael: Neil... we may have to do this.", "Neil: No. No, absolutely not.", "Michael: Don't you wanna help Drucilla stay out of jail?", "Neil: Yeah, but it's-- I never slept with Carmen.", "Michael: You'll be able to say exactly that on the stand.", "Neil: There's gotta be another way.", "Michael: I'll play it by ear. But if I think it would be helpful for the jury to understand that Drucilla had reasons to feel threatened because you and Carmen had... if such indeed was the case, a thing, then I'll do it. It would be at least a mitigating factor, if not in the trial itself, during the sentencing phase.", "Neil: Wait, hold on. You're preparing for sentencing already?", "Michael: I'm preparing for a contingency.", "Neil: Michael, the harder I sell a romance between Carmen and me, the worse--", "Michael: The more sympathy Drucilla will get from the jury.", "Neil: The worse it's gonna be for my family and my marriage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Yeah, I, uh... dreamed you were Sheila.", "Phyllis: Oh. All right. Well, next time I see you, I'll be wearing a big sign that says \"I'm not Sheila.\"", "Lauren: Yeah, that would be great. Actually, I haven't shared this with anybody but... I've been having nightmares about her.", "Phyllis: Right. Well, um... in truth...", "Lauren: Yeah, I know. I know. She's dead.", "Phyllis: Right.", "Lauren: Did Michael tell you about the plastic surgery?", "Phyllis: No.", "Lauren: Okay, well... before she died... she had plastic surgery to look like you.", "Phyllis: Excuse me?", "Lauren: She had her face surgically altered to look like you.", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me? She... she wanted to look like me so she could get to you?", "Lauren: It's the only thing we can think of, you know? I mean, why else? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had that reaction towards you, but...", "Phyllis: No, no, don't--don't worry about it.", "Lauren: Rationally, I know she's not a threat. But, Phyllis, emotionally... you know, she was always able to get to my son and me, no matter what. So... it seems I'm feeling threatened by a ghost.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Oh, look, I got someone to cover your shift tomorrow night.", "Jana: Oh, yeah? So I can go with Billy to see Aaron Neville?", "Kevin: Oh! The volunteer just canceled.", "Jana: So I can go with you?", "Kevin: Oh, look! I got someone else to cover your shift tomorrow night. You can go with me.", "Jana: What, you've got tickets, do you?", "Kevin: I didn't mention that?", "Jana: And I have to work unless I go with you?", "Kevin: Come on, do you know how hard it is to find someone to cover your shift?", "Jana: No, how hard?", "Kevin: Well, it's nearly impossible.", "Jana: Unless I agree to go with you?", "Kevin: Well, when you say it like that, it sounds like a bribe.", "Jana: Well, what is it then, if it's not a bribe, eh?", "Kevin: Coercion--a violation of many, many labor laws.", "Jana: Okay, this is not mature.", "Kevin: You look really beautiful. Did you do something special today?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: It won't be easy to find a witness sympathetic to my position. Most people at Newman think of me as the predator. I'm the outsider. Dru's had years to develop friendships and loyalties in that company. And of course, her children see me the wicked witch of the west.", "Will: Well, even hostile witnesses are obligated to tell the truth. Have her children spoken to you about their mother?", "Carmen: Yes. Devon tried to convince me she was a good person who'd never hurt me. Things got heated and then Neil walked in on the conversation. And then a few days later, Lily confronted me. She kept throwing out threats, just like her mother.", "Will: Well, we may be able to use that to establish by implication they believe their mother's guilty.", "Carmen: Well, I'm glad we can use the run-ins to our advantage.", "Will: Okay, what about Sharon Newman?", "Carmen: No, Sharon let Dru stay with her when Dru's marriage was on the rocks.", "Will: Brad Carlton and Victoria Newman?", "Carmen: They put the interest of Newman Enterprises above everything else. They would never admit that Dru's an abusive employee. And they're afraid of a civil lawsuit, which in fact I am considering.", "Will: Jack Abbott?", "Carmen: Jack! Yes! He could be a friendly witness. He owes me a favor.", "Will: Don't ask him for any favors. In fact, don't even talk to him about the trial. And let me ask this because the other side will. Is your relationship with Jack anything other than that of professional colleagues?", "Carmen: Mr. Abbott and I have a strictly professional relationship.", "Will: Has it always been strictly professional? Carmen, if you and Jack were intimate, he won't be seen as an objective witness.", "Carmen: Maybe you shouldn't ask Jack to testify.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: \"Deaf persons who choose to have coch--\" is it coch-lear or coh-clear?", "Neil: It's cochlear.", "Dru: \"Cochlear implants must be aware that the surgical procedure is irreversible. Should they later wanna use an external hearing aid, such an option will not be possible.\"", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, Devon knows that.", "Dru: Mmm. Okay, okay, it also says that the sooner he has the implant, the greater chance of success. How am I supposed to help my son sitting in jail?", "Neil: Come on, Dru...", "Dru: Why... why can't I just convey to Carmen, right, that what she's doing by putting me in jail-- what that's gonna do to my family! Baby, why can't she understand I'm just trying to help my son?! What's wrong with that woman?", "Neil: Drucilla, don't even consider talking to her anymore, all right? Just get the idea out of your mind now, once and for all.", "Dru: What am I supposed to do?", "Neil: I know. I know. (Telephone rings) (ring)", "Neil: Yeah, Winters residence.", "Will: Uh, Neil, this is William Bardwell. I wonder if you and I could have a conversation.", "Neil: Go to hell!", "Dru: Who was that?", "Neil: Wrong number.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: That's great. Thank you.", "Jack: Double shot, `no foam, skim milk latte. Did I remember that right?", "Carmen: Thank you.", "Jack: I just spoke to the folks in Hong Kong and they are very excited about the prospect of you joining them. Think about it, easy access to the mainland. I've never been to Shanghai.", "Carmen: I take my coffee without speeches, thanks.", "Jack: This is a great career move for you, Carmen.", "Carmen: I haven't seen sufficient incentive to make that kind of career move.", "Jack: I am wiring the signing bonus we discussed to your account.", "Carmen: As I said, so far, I haven't seen sufficient incentive.", "Jack: Maybe you oughta contact the folks at Newman Enterprises. I'll bet they'd be willing to kick into the Carmen Mesta relief fund. Probably be worth a pretty penny to them to keep you from bringing them bad publicity.", "Carmen: Don't insult me. Drucilla Winters has brought on all the bad publicity they are going to get.", "Jack: Hold on, hold on, my bad, I misspoke. It's all her fault, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The truth is, if you go away, the case against Drucilla will go away. The bad publicity for the Newmans will go away. I don't know this for sure, but it makes sense to me that they'd wanna pay for your being overseas. It would serve them. It would serve you. A win-win, as they say.", "Carmen: And here I thought all this time you were terrified I was gonna tell everyone you own Jabot, when in fact you were just looking out for Newman interests and mine.", "Jack: What can I say? That's the kind of guy I am. Besides, I would hate to see anyone fall on their own sword for free.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Carmen... I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Listen, do you have a second?", "Carmen: Is this business related?", "Neil: No, no, it's not. Um... listen, I-I beg you not to testify against my wife.", "Carmen: Your attorney must have told you not to talk to me about the trial.", "Neil: Carmen, I'm begging you.", "Carmen: Shut up! You know, up until now, I've had respect for you, Neil. But I swear I will report anything you say about Dru to the prosecutor. And he can accuse you of trying to influence my testimony.", "Neil: Do you understand that if Dru isn't with us at Devon's implant surgery, it's going to be very difficult for him. Now maybe Dru deserves to be punished for what she did, but my son is innocent. My daughter is innocent. What do you hope to accomplish by punishing them? Please...", "Carmen: I'm reporting this conversation to the prosecutor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: He is so beautiful. You done good.", "Lauren: Well... I believe it was a team effort.", "Kevin: Seriously, though, is there anything you wanna do? Take a walk around the block, shower, whatever it is new moms are desperate to do. I can watch him.", "Lauren: Really?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Lauren: Well, maybe I could rest a little.", "Kevin: Yeah, do it.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Kevin: I'll stay as long as you need.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ah, Ms. Mesta? Michael Baldwin. I'm representing Drucilla Winters.", "Carmen: I know. It must be like working for animal control. Hope you have a pretty strong leash in that courtroom.", "Michael: I don't know about a leash, but I will have this in the courtroom.", "Carmen: Give it to the prosecutor.", "Michael: I wanted you to see it first.", "Carmen: Okay, excuse me.", "Michael: I was hoping we could keep the contents to ourselves. I would hate to have to tell the jury that this isn't the first affair you've had with a married man.", "Carmen: I didn't have an affair with Neil Winters.", "Michael: Oh, yes, just as you never had an affair with a married executive at your previous place of employment, which resulted in your speedy exit from that company. See, I'm thinking that this kind of stuff might undermine your facade as the, um, innocent victim. It might even make you look like a what--a what... a predator.", "[Phyllis passes by the room where Michael and Carmen are]", "Phyllis: It's really not a lot, but I do need you to go to the printers.", "Carmen: This is coercion and it's illegal.", "Michael: Shh, shh, shh. This information does not have to be made public. In fact, you are totally in control of how widely it's may surface, like that, uh, big award you squeezed out of your last employer.", "Carmen: You're scum.", "Michael: Do not confuse me with the people who oppose me in court, where my job sometimes requires rubber gloves and disinfectant for when I bury them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: I never talked about our affair but they're using it in a criminal case I'm involved with. Some nut job attacked me because she thought I was trying to steal her husband. No, I'm fine. But just... are you sure you didn't-- what? Some guy in a bar? Well, can you at least describe him? Paul Williams. Yeah, I know him. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, I'm sorry, too. Thanks, take care.", "Phyllis: Hey... is there room for two?", "Carmen: Yeah, if you're looking for lousy company.", "Phyllis: Oh, sure! Absolutely! Bad day?", "Carmen: Bad few months. Can--can you explain to me how I became the villain in this melodrama with Drucilla Winters? I mean, the woman cut up my wardrobe and suddenly people are digging into my past.", "Phyllis: I don't know, Carmen, I don't know. It's insane.", "Carmen: No, she's insane. I swear that woman is capable of murder!", "Phyllis: I saw the videotape. She's not gonna get away with it.", "Carmen: I just wish I never spoke a word to Neil.", "Phyllis: Listen, Neil... Neil's okay. He's an okay guy.", "Carmen: Well, how does an okay guy stay with a woman like Dru?", "Phyllis: I can't explain that.", "Carmen: Listen, I'm sorry. I gotta go. I can't handle seeing her attorney. I'll see you later.", "Phyllis: Okay. Hang in there!", "Carmen: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, Daddy.", "Michael: That is a title I never thought I'd own. I'm headed over to the hospital now.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I just got back from there. I talked to Lauren. She told me about Sheila's plastic surgery.", "Michael: Oh. Look... I would've told you about it before but I was waiting till after you had your baby. What brought that up?", "Phyllis: My appearance. I reminded Lauren of myself.", "Michael: Of Sheila after plastic surgery.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I'm not upset that Sheila isn't gracing the rest of the planet with my face.", "Michael: That makes two of us.", "Phyllis: I'm sure it does. It's very odd. Men are usually the violent ones.", "Michael: Huh.", "Phyllis: Not in the case of Sheila and Drucilla.", "Michael: I would--", "Jana: Here you go.", "Michael: Oh, thank you, Jana. Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on. Here, keep the change.", "Jana: Thank you.", "Michael: Thank you. All right, I gotta get these to the hospital before they get cold.", "Phyllis: Hey, Buddy, hold on there.", "Michael: Oh, what?", "Phyllis: I know you're Drucilla's defense attorney. I want you to know I'm a friendly witness for the prosecution.", "Michael: Oh.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. She's going down.", "Michael: Well, thanks for the heads-up.", "Phyllis: Sure. She's dangerous I saw the videotape.", "Michael: Buddy...", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm?", "Michael: A little heads-up for you? I've gotta do the right thing by my client, even if it's putting you on the witness stand and, uh... letting everybody know that you are not qualified as a judge of character.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Here's a copy of what questions that features writer wants to ask.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Carmen: And I've got a favor to offer.", "Victoria: Oh, again thank you, whatever it is.", "Carmen: Every fiber of my public relations being is telling me that prosecuting Drucilla Winters will keep her in the news for months.", "Victoria: And you.", "Carmen: But every time my name is mentioned, it will be qualified with something like \"PR Consultant.\" And every time Dru's name is used words like \"violent\" and \"guilty,\" it will be followed by a variation of Newman Enterprises. And the corporation doesn't deserve that.", "Victoria: So... what can we do about it?", "Carmen: I can make all that bad publicity go away.", "Victoria: Are you willing to drop the charges?", "Carmen: Dru faces felony charges violating her probation. It's the state's charge, not mine. I can be compelled to testify, but I won't perjure myself.", "Victoria: Then how do you intend to make the bad publicity go away?", "Carmen: I can't testify if I'm not in the country. The prosecutor has made it very clear if I go away, his case goes away.", "Victoria: Are you offering to go away?", "Carmen: Yes.", "Victoria: Again, I thank you.", "Carmen: But as much as I respect you and your family, I don't believe a person in my position should fall on her sword for free.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sure that the company will be willing to buy out your contract.", "Carmen: Good.", "[Carmen writes how much she writes on a paper and hands it to Victoria]", "Victoria: Well, um.. why don't you just ask for half the company?", "Carmen: Good PR doesn't come cheap.", "[Carmen leaves]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: About the possibility that whoever broke into my car wasn't your every day vandal.", "Brad: There wasn't anything of obvious value visible through the window.", "Paul: So you think that somebody knew what was in your portfolio?", "Victoria: We are afraid that they knew.", "Paul: Pretty esoteric subject matter, but easy to research. What percentage of the car vandalizing population would have any interest in medieval art?", "Brad: We're only saying what if?", "Victoria: What if-- what if they knew that I was researching the Grugeon collection?", "Paul: And let them to you?", "Brad: Led them to suspect my fake identity. Information I'm sure the police would love to have.", "Paul: I'm on it.", "Brad: Thanks, Paul.", "[Paul leaves and Carmen is outside the office sees Paul and follows him to the elevator]", "Carmen: Excuse me...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay, well, let's just hope-- let's hope that it was an ordinary robbery and we're just being paranoid.", "Brad: When you've lived under an assumed identity as long as I have, you're never paranoid, just realistic.", "Brad: The speakerphone's been on. Carmen's outside by the desk.", "Victoria: Do you think she heard us?", "Brad: She could have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: I'm the victim and you're trying to paint me as the villain. My background is irrelevant, but you don't care and you'll do anything for a buck. Let me just say the obvious-- what you do for a living is slimy. Can't you find a job you can be proud of?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Yeah, the nightmares started during the second trimester. And they've just gotten worse since Fen was born. I can't bear the thought of that kind of evil next to my baby.", "Michael: What's with all this \"my?\" My this, my that, my baby? It happens to be our baby. I did have something to do with it. His middle name is Michael-- Fenmore Michael Baldwin.", "Lauren: Okay, you're just trying to distract me. I get it. I get it.", "Michael: Yeah, am I doing it?", "Lauren: Okay, okay, yeah, that was actually pretty good. It was six seconds.", "Michael: Look, don't make Sheila into something she's not.", "Lauren: You mean more of a monster?", "Michael: Well, if she were an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient monster, that would be something to worry about, but she's not.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: She's just a bad dream.", "Lauren: You think kids bring it out in us?", "Michael: Bad dreams?", "Lauren: No, worry.", "Michael: Oh...", "Lauren: You know, before I had Scott, I don't know what I worried about. But, boy, he was born and... its my middle name.", "Michael: I never much worry about something happening to me. That's--that's just not how I think about myself.", "Lauren: I know, right?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. I do manage to worry about you. And this baby... it's a whole new level of worry.", "Lauren: Yeah. It doesn't go away either.", "Michael: I wouldn't have it any other way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Lily? Hey, what are you doing here?", "Lily: What do you think I'm doing here, Daniel?", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, come here, come here. You are not talking to Carmen again, okay? Hey! What happened the first time didn't work, right? Are you out of your mind right now? Did you forget that whole Miranda thing? Anything you say can and will be used against you?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Daniel: It's not a joke. Okay? And they're not gonna use it against you, they're gonna use it against your mother.", "Lily: I don't care. I don't like what she's doing to my family.", "Daniel: Talking to her is not gonna help. I promise you, okay? Look, I gotta get back to work. You need to go home. And besides, Carmen's not here anyway.", "Lily: Yeah, you're just saying that. Where is she?", "Daniel: I'm not. I saw her leave. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Darned if I could get the schedule to work...", "Jana: Okay, okay, I'll go with you.", "Kevin: Darned if that doesn't fix everything. I just got someone to cover your shift. You wanna get dinner first?", "Jana: Extortionist. Maybe I'm having dinner with Billy.", "Kevin: Oh, maybe I'm having trouble with the schedule again. I think your sub just canceled.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, Neil!", "Neil: Hey.", "Devon: I got two rolls of duct tape, masking tape and staples, just like you asked.", "Neil: Thank you.", "Devon: No problem. No problem. You nervous about opening up the club?", "Neil: A little bit.", "Devon: A little bit? You got Aaron Neville to perform. What do you have to be worried about? What's wrong, Neil? You don't look so good.", "Neil: Here.", "Devon: \"I'm sorry I have to write this, but I'm not yet good enough at signing to convey everything I want to say to you.\" You know you're just afraid of making a mistake. You always told me practice makes perfect, right?", "Neil: I am practicing, wise guy.", "Devon: Okay, I hope you just meant to say \"wise guy,\" 'cause you just said \"white guy.\" That's \"white.\" This is \"wise.\"", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, funny. Shut up and read.", "Devon: \"I have never been unfaithful to your mother.\" Neil, come on now, I don't-- I don't wanna read anything serious today. All right, I'm already depressed about Dru. \"But her defense attorney might decide to make my relationship with Carmen seem like something more intimate.\" What do you mean, \"more intimate?\" That's stupid! We should fire him and get a new attorney if he's gonna do that.", "Neil: Hey, hey, you're talking too loud.", "Devon: I don't care!", "Neil: Read.", "Devon: \"It could create sympathy for Mom. He's still only considering it, but I wanted you to know ahead of time, just in case.\" You know what? To hell with Carmen Mesta!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Devon gets on the elevator with Carmen]", "Devon: Ms. Mesta? Ms. Mesta? Look... Dru is not an evil person, all right? She made some mistakes. Please give her a second chance.", "Carmen: I'm not gonna talk to you.", "Devon: Please. What?", "Carmen: I'm not going to--", "Devon: Here, just write it down, all right? Whatever you're saying.", "Devon: \"No way in hell.\" Carmen... come on now. Just talk to me for a minute, all right? Just a little bit, please?", "Carmen: No.", "Devon: I just wanna talk.", "Carmen: No, forget it!", "Devon: What? Five minutes of your time. That's all I want. All right, I wanna explain Dru's point of view and how sorry she is. Five minutes! Really? Carmen! [Carmen bumps the mail cart in the elevator and she drops the envelop that Michael gave her of the her background check. Carmen gets off the elevator and Devon picks up the envelope that says Carmen Mesta]", "Devon: Gosh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I'm gonna run this stuff over to the dry cleaners.", "Dru: Baby, I haven't seen the kids all day. Have you seen Devon or Lily?", "Neil: Yeah, actually, I ran into Devon at the coffeehouse. Um, he was upset.", "Dru: Because?", "Neil: We were talking about your trial.", "Dru: Oh, right.", "Neil: Michael explained that in order to evoke sympathy from a jury, he might bring up my relationship with Carmen.", "Dru: Emphasize?", "Neil: Try to make more of it than it actually was.", "Dru: Oh, wait a minute. Like you all had some romantic tryst?", "Neil: He might imply that, yeah.", "Dru: What, like you all were actually lovers?", "Neil: Now hold on. He can't go that far because it isn't true.", "Dru: Okay. Can you imagine the impact that's gonna have on our kids?", "Neil: As your attorney, Michael can advise you of his strategy, but you can veto it.", "Dru: Not if it means me staying out of jail.", "Neil: Dru, I am so sorry.", "Dru: That woman deserves to die.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I've wired the money to Carmen's account so she should be reporting for duty in Hong Kong pretty soon. No, I don't trust her either. But you know what? If this money does not keep her mouth shut about my secretly owning Jabot, we'll find another way to keep her mouth shut.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Oh, what's the matter Carmen? You're afraid to answer your phone? Well, you should be, you—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Brad is at by Carmen's apartment door and sees Devon coming and goes hide in the corner, Devon knocks on her door]", "Devon: Carmen? Carmen! Carmen!", "Devon: Carmen!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: I may have trusted Jack Abbott a little bit too much. Ain't gonna happen twice.", "Jack: I'm trying to be diplomatic here, Carmen, but my patience is wearing thin.", "Neil: Yesterday, this place was a dump and today, we got Aaron Neville coming!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Mostly everyone is back in Genoa City. Colleen is with Adrian, who tells her to take a picture of his injured leg for his book. Jack is glad to see Sharon and thanks Victor for saving his life. They seem to call a truce. He tells Noah that he is a hero for making Lauren feel better. Neil and Karen are still in Clear Springs dealing with the aftermath of the accident. Lauren tells Michael that she couldn't have gotten through this without Paul. Meanwhile Paul tells Maggie that Lauren helped him too. Brad has damage to his eyes. He tells Sharon he'd give up his sight if it meant that Victoria's baby will be okay. Victoria's baby is okay, but isn't out of the woods yet. JT blames himself for Victoria being hurt and is upset when he isn't allowed to see her, because he isn't family." ]
[ "Michael: Hey. They found Victoria. Fell and hit her in the head, knocked her out.", "Lauren: Oh, my God! Is the baby okay?", "Nick: He didn't say.", "Man: Caucasian female, early 30s, unconscious, no response to pain. BP 100/90, pulse, 82. She's pregnant.", "Woman: Let's go.", "Nick: Mom. Dad.", "Nikki: Nicholas! She hasn't woken up yet. She hasn't woken up yet.", "Victor: Now that she's here, she's in good hands.", "J.T.: I'm gonna go see her.", "Nick: Okay.", "Michael: Is there anything we can do?", "Victor: No.", "Nikki: No. No. Nothing.", "Nick: All right, what-- what about the baby?", "Nikki: I'm just worried about Victoria right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Jack? Oh, my gosh, Jack, it's you!", "Jack: Hey, there's the voice I've been longing to hear.", "Sharon: Where are you?", "Jack: I'm down at the E.R.", "Sharon: Are you okay?", "Jack: Oh, a few bumps and bruises. I-I'm just so happy to be breathing clean air, without the methane. They're checking me out in case I have a concussion, but I don't even have a headache right now. How's Noah?", "Sharon: Um, he's, uh, he's coming out of the anesthesia.", "Jack: I cannot believe he was trapped down there. That poor kid had to be so scared.", "Sharon: Is there anyone else that's hurt?", "Jack: Yeah, a couple of the construction workers were hurt pretty badly. Adrian Korbel had something nasty embedded in his leg. Victoria--I mean, they were both on the chopper with me--she got here. When she arrived, she was unconscious.", "Sharon: What about the baby?", "Jack: Honey, I just don't know.", "Woman: All right, I'll need for you to get off the phone now so the doctor can examine you, Senator.", "Jack: Sharon, listen to me. Stay right where you are. Being with Noah is where you need to be, okay? I'll be up there as soon as I can.", "Sharon: Hey. Hey, Baby. It's okay.", "Noah: I'm in the hospital? But... I was hurt in the parking garage.", "Sharon: Yeah. And you had an operation, but all you need to do right now is rest, okay?", "Noah: Who else got hurt? You said Victoria?", "Sharon: Well... just a little bit. She'll be fine. Everyone's gonna be fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: I need mag sulfate. We need to get her to a fetal monitor, stat. Prepare for an ultrasound in exam room four.", "Adrian: Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh! Do you know anything about Victoria Newman? She was on the same MedEvac as me.", "Woman: I'm sure they're taking good care of her. That's a nasty piece of metal you've acquired.", "Adrian: Yeah.", "Woman: Schedule the O.R.", "Adrian: Oh, let my girlfriend know. She was on the next MedEvac with her father, Brad Carlton.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: And Brad Carlton, that's \"C-a-r-l-t-o-n.\" Um, Senator Abbott, Mr. Korbel, and Ms. Newman have all be MedEvaced to Genoa City Hospital.", "Woman: Uh, can you give us any information on their condition?", "Neil: No, I can't do that. Not at this time. I'm sorry.", "Woman: Mr. Winters?", "Neil: Yeah, uh-- you know, I'll update you if I have anything else. Um, that's all for now. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.", "Karen: Excuse me. Do you need a hand?", "Neil: I would love a hand.", "Karen: Okay, well, just tell me what you need. 'Cause I'm--I'm here to help.", "Neil: I could use it. A lot of people could right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Are you taking my daughter for a C.A.T. scan?", "Doctor: We're making sure she's stable, Mr. Newman.", "J.T.: When will she come to?", "Doctor: I have no way of knowing that.", "Nikki: What about the baby?", "Doctor: We have a fetal monitor in place, and we're getting ready to do an ultrasound.", "J.T.: Yeah, but the baby's all right?", "Doctor: Uh, we're doing tests to ascertain that right now. We, uh, have heard the fetal heart beat.", "Victor: I'm very happy to hear the news about the baby. What can you tell us about our daughter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: All right, listen, I need to know about a woman who came in on the first MedEvac. She was unconscious. Her name is Victoria Newman. She's pregnant. I need to know how she and the baby are doing.", "Man: Your eyes are very irritated, Mr. Carlton. There might still be debris in there, toxins--", "Brad: Yeah, I know my eyes are irritated. Nurse, can you can you just find out, please?", "Colleen: Dad--Dad, please, I'll go find out, okay? Please, can you just cooperate with them, please?", "Brad: You'll get back to me right away?", "Colleen: Yeah, I will.", "Brad: All right. I have my cell phone.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Brad: Check on Adrian. I know you want to. Go ahead.", "Colleen: Hey, Nurse? Can you take care of him, please? Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: And Noah just woke up from surgery. And, uh, we were with Nicholas when they brought Victoria in.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah? How's she doing?", "Michael: Well, she was unconscious then. Now, I don't know. How's Fenmore?", "Gloria: Oh, he woke up, he gurgled, I gave him a bottle. He went right back to sleep.", "Michael: I'll tell Lauren. Uh, we should be home... fairly soon.", "Gloria: Fen and I are fine. Don't you worry.", "Michael: All right.", "Michael: Gloria and Fenmore are fine.", "Lauren: Oh, good. I was just telling Noah here how brave he was down there.", "Noah: I was?", "Lauren: Yeah, you were. I was scared and you held my hand.", "Sharon: Wow.", "Noah: I don't remember. My head feels funny.", "Sharon: Well, that's because of the anesthesia they gave you during the surgery. But that'll wear off. Does anything hurt?", "Noah: When I take a deep breath.", "Sharon: That's because you broke a couple of ribs or you cracked 'em.", "Michael: Try and take little breaths. That should help.", "Noah: Why did I have surgery?", "Sharon: Well, the doctor had to remove your spleen.", "Lauren: Do you know what that is? It's a little organ that's right here.", "Noah: What does the spleen do?", "Sharon: Um, well, it helps fight infection, but, you know, you're gonna be okay without one.", "Noah: I'm kinda tired.", "Sharon: All right. Okay. You just rest for awhile. All right? Um... you know, they brought Jack in, and I'd really like to go down and visit him.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: We'll stay with Noah.", "Sharon: Okay. Will you--will you tell him that I'll be right back if he wakes up?", "Michael: Sure.", "Lauren: Sure.", "Sharon: Thank you. Thank you.", "Michael: Sure.", "Lauren: What if it were Fen lying in there?", "Michael: Oh, well, that would be impossible. I plan on keeping Fenmore locked in his room with no sharp objects until he's around, what, 30 or so? We'll have a full surgical team outside the door around the clock, just in case. Hm?", "Lauren: I can't even imagine what Victor and Nikki are going through. I'll tell you one thing. That is one amazing kid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Leaving you there was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.", "Jack: I knew I would find my way back to you. I knew it.", "Sharon: You almost didn't, you know? And Victor--", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah, who'd have figured he'd find me under all that rubble? Oh, how's Victoria? What's the news?", "Sharon: I-I haven't heard any news.", "Jack: We'll go find out together. Nurse, uh, I'm gonna get the C.A.T. scan later, all right?", "Sharon: Wait, Jack, they need to check you out.", "Jack: No, I'll check me out. They can x-ray my brain later.", "Sharon: I'm worried about you.", "Jack: I need to do this. I need to know how everyone else is doing. I need to see Noah. I'll get my C.A.T. scan later, I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: Mmm. They just gave me a second shot for the pain, so now it only hurts when I laugh.", "Colleen: Well, I promise not to say any funny stories. How... long is that gonna be in your leg?", "Adrian: Evidently there's surgery in my near future.", "Colleen: Well, I always knew you were a man of steel.", "Adrian: (Laughs) I said don't make me laugh. How's your dad?", "Colleen: Um, he's worried about Victoria. Did you hear anything?", "Adrian: No.", "Colleen: Well, I promised I'd go find out. Um, did they say when you're gonna go into surgery?", "Adrian: I don't know. Hey, do you have your, uh, cell phone?", "Colleen: Yeah. Yeah.", "Adrian: Good. Take a--take a picture. And make sure you get my leg in it.", "Colleen: Baby, what, you wanna save this for posterity?", "Adrian: Yeah, it's gonna make an awesome jacket photo for my book. \"Written by Professor Adrian \"Rebar Man\" Korbel.\" Come on.", "Colleen: There is something wrong with you.", "Adrian: Just take it.", "Colleen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: There were some irregularities with the baby's heartbeat.", "Nikki: Oh, my God!", "Doctor: But we hope that will resolve itself. Ms. Newman's blood pressure does seem to be coming down.", "Victor: Would there be a good time for a C.A.T. scan?", "Doctor: Well, it's still too high for us to move her safely. High blood pressure in these situations could be quite dangerous.", "J.T.: Because?", "Doctor: There's a risk of seizures.", "J.T.: Seizures? What do you--?", "Doctor: Bringing down her blood pressure should alleviate that concern.", "Victor: So in other words, the situation is improving?", "Doctor: I would call it stabilizing.", "Victor: In other words, we do not know why she's unconscious. Do you have any idea when she'll become conscious again?", "Sharon: Nick?", "Jack: Hey, Nick.", "Sharon: How's Victoria?", "Nick: Oh, she's unconscious. Her blood pressure's pretty high. The baby's heartbeat is irregular.", "Sharon: Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry.", "Nick: She went in for a C.A.T. scan. They'll know a lot more then. Mom and Dad are here. They went to get some coffee. They just couldn't wait around.", "Jack: Yeah, that must be excruciating.", "Nick: I'm really glad you're okay.", "Jack: Well, thanks. You can't keep a semi-good-depending-on- the- circumstances-but-trying- trying-to-be-better-guy down.", "Nick: I still think it should've been me that stayed.", "Jack: Remember, I forced you to go. And all's well that ends well.", "Nick: Well, if... Victoria and Noah and the baby-- if that ends well, then yes.", "Sharon: Then you'll be able to breathe again.", "Nick: And so will he. I'm gonna go see my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Where's my mom?", "Michael: She went downstairs to see Jack.", "Noah: Is he okay? Did he get hurt?", "Lauren: Well, she said he's okay.", "Noah: Can I have some water?", "Lauren: Honey, can you-- I think its right there.", "Michael: Oh, okay. Here you go.", "Lauren: There you go, Sweetie.", "Noah: Thanks.", "Michael: Be careful. You got it?", "Noah: Where's my dad?", "Lauren: Well--", "Michael: Hey!", "Lauren: Hey!", "Nick: I must've read your mind. My man! Man, I heard you were fierce down there. You took care of Paul and Maggie.", "Lauren: And me.", "Nick: And Lauren.", "Lauren: He was telling bad jokes, but...", "Michael: Yeah, I heard there was one about ordering pizza.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Noah: You're okay, Dad?", "Nick: I'm great, now that I'm with you. And your mom told me to tell you she's gonna be up here in, like, five minutes.", "Noah: Okay.", "Nick: How you feeling? You still in some pain?", "Noah: Kinda.", "Lauren: You know, the nurse said that, uh, if he woke up in pain that she would give him something. So why don't I go find her?", "Nick: Okay. Thank you.", "Lauren: Sure.", "Noah: Do you have a spleen?", "Nick: Do I have a spleen? Yeah, but it's not impressive.", "Noah: I don't.", "Michael: Oh, well, what good has it done him, right? I don't have a kidney. It's all hollow back there. I'm doing great, right?", "Nick: Well...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Oh, Man.", "Karen: Neil, can I get you anything?", "Neil: No, no, no, no, thanks.", "Karen: Come on. Coffee? Tea? A hot meal? Something?", "Neil: No, Karen. Thank you. Appreciate it. It's just hard.", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: Not knowing how anyone is. I mean, Victoria.", "Karen: Well, look, why don't we just call Victor?", "Neil: Oh, Karen, I know the man. If he had anything to tell me, he would've called me.", "Karen: Okay, why don't you go upstairs and get some rest then?", "Neil: I can't. I can't.", "Karen: Why, Neil?", "Neil: I can't, Karen.", "Karen: Why?", "Neil: Look around you. I can't.", "Karen: I can't handle this? Come on, the press is my forte. Don't forget.", "Neil: I don't question your abilities for a second.", "Karen: Well, then go. Take me up on my offer. Because this is why I drove out here. You're not gonna go, are you?", "Neil: I wanna wait until I hear how Victoria's doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Doctor?", "Doctor: The baby's heartbeat has stabilized.", "Nikki: Oh, thank God.", "Victor: What about my daughter's blood pressure?", "Doctor: Heading back to the normal zone. Mag sulfate tends to work very quickly. And it looks like it's doing the trick.", "J.T.: But she's still unconscious?", "Doctor: Yes. I will need permission to take her for a C.A.T. scan.", "Victor: You have it.", "Nikki: Anything. Any--anything that she needs, just please-- please take care of her. Make sure that our daughter comes back to us, please.", "Doctor: Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: All right, the, uh, decaf is for you.", "Neil: Decaf, huh? Thanks. But I'm not gonna be able to sleep.", "Karen: Neil, you could try.", "Neil: Yeah, I could, couldn't I? But you know what would happen? I'd just lie awake, staring at the ceiling, worrying. Ever since this damn building collapsed, I... all I've been thinking about is bad things that could've happened to people that I love. I mean, for instance, Devon--he--he would've been up here, but instead he has class. Lauren wanted Lily's input on some displays at Fenmore's. It's highly likely they could've been up here.", "Karen: I know. But they weren't.", "Neil: Why is it when-- when there's a tragedy or a disaster, we tend to personalize and think, \"What if that happened to my family?\"", "Karen: Well, everyone does that.", "Neil: You know, Karen, ever since my wife's accident, if my kids are running behind, ten minutes late, what do I do? I'm ready to start phoning the local police, all the hospitals.", "Karen: Yeah, I-I had some... dark memories of my own on the way up here.", "Neil: What do you mean?", "Karen: Some other time.", "Neil: You know you can talk to me, right?", "Karen: I know. I know. I'm--I'm learning that.", "Neil: I'm glad you're here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Well... back from our trip to the scene-- not to mention serene-- Clear Springs.", "Paul: Yeah. I hate those boring vacations.", "Maggie: Well, Paul, I don't know about you, but I think this was enough to turn me into a homebody.", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Maggie: At least for tonight.", "Paul: Oh... I couldn't have said it better myself.", "Maggie: Hey, how about that kid Noah? He rocked, didn't he?", "Maggie: What?", "Paul: I wanna ask you a question.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Paul: Have you ever thought about it?", "Maggie: What?", "Paul: You know... having kids?", "Maggie: Right at this particular moment?", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "Maggie: (Laughs)", "Paul: Or in general.", "Maggie: I think... right at this particular moment, I could be talked into practice.", "Paul: Boo-boo.", "Maggie: Is it gonna be okay?", "Paul: I think so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey. It's Sharon.", "Brad: Hey.", "Sharon: Jack told me your eyes were damaged in the explosion.", "Brad: Uh, not permanently.", "Sharon: So you're okay?", "Brad: Yeah, I'm okay.", "Sharon: I'll let you rest then.", "Brad: Wait, Sharon? Have you heard anything about Victoria and the baby?", "Sharon: The minute I get any news, I'll let you know.", "Brad: Thanks.", "Sharon: You're sure you're okay? No--no permanent damage or anything?", "Brad: No. But I'd give both eyes if it meant the baby would be okay.", "Sharon: I know you would.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I love you, Baby.", "Nikki: Sweet pea.", "Nikki: I love you. We'll see you very soon, okay?", "J.T.: Hey, hold on a second. Hey... Victoria, I know you can hear me. I love you. And I'm gonna be right here by your side waiting for you, okay? I'm going with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey! Guess who's here?", "Jack: Hey, Buddy.", "Noah: Jack. Hey. Are you okay?", "Sharon: He, uh, he--he hurt his ribs.", "Noah: I cracked them, and they took out my spleen.", "Jack: Well, it sounds like you had too much adventure.", "Noah: I was afraid you were...", "Jack: What, do you really think some cement and dirt was gonna stop me?", "Noah: Nah.", "Jack: Didn't stop you either, did it?", "Noah: I can't even remember when it happened. It was so dark. And the air was filled with stuff. I had a hard time breathing.", "Sharon: Well, I don't want you to tire yourself out, okay, Sweetie?", "Noah: Were you scared?", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I was scared big-time. But you know what? When you're in a scary situation, it's a pretty normal reaction.", "Noah: I was scared, too.", "Jack: You know what, though? And here's the heroic part, I have it on very good authority that when you were scared, and when you couldn't breathe, you were busy helping other people get through it.", "Sharon: Lauren told him.", "Noah: She said I held her hand. And she was scared, too.", "Jack: Hey, don't underestimate what you did. It's the little things, like telling a funny story, or holding a hand that really makes a difference. And I'm very, very proud of you.", "Noah: You were scared, too, Mom?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. But Jack and your dad distracted me. And you know what your dad said? He told me that in ancient times the doctors used to punch their patients so they would forget about the pain.", "Noah: Like hit-therapy?", "Sharon: (Laughs)", "Jack: You like that, huh?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Jack: Your tooth hurt? Wham!", "Noah: Oh! Ow!", "Jack: How's the tooth feel now?", "Noah: Oh, no more joking.", "Jack: I promise I will never tell a joke again the rest of my life.", "Sharon: Oh, that's the biggest whopper of a lie I ever heard. Hey, you know what? Jack, um... Jack really helped out your dad and me. He saved our lives.", "Jack: Oh, I don't know if I'd go that far.", "Sharon: Oh, come on. You saved our lives. Jack held the beam so your dad and I could get out. And he stayed behind.", "Noah: You did that?", "Jack: I drew the short straw. Someone wasn't gonna make it through that opening. It just happened to be me.", "Noah: That's when you got scared?", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah, when I was alone, it got pretty tough. Time just stood still. Every minute that I was waiting for someone to come help me seemed like an hour. And all I could think about... was getting back to you and your mom and everybody I love. In fact, it was... thinking about seeing you again that really got me through everything. I'm not sure I would've made it otherwise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: It was horrible down there. I was absolutely paralyzed. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was gonna burst out of my chest. I knew I was having a panic attack.", "Michael: It's so upsetting I wasn't there with you.", "Gloria: Honey, it's true. You weren't with her. But, Lauren, at least you weren't alone.", "Lauren: No, I wasn't alone, but the silence was... it was deafening. I mean, the only sound I could hear was my own heart beating and that horrible noise of the building shifting.", "Michael: It's over now. It's over now.", "Lauren: No. There were no sirens. I mean, there were no cranes. I... I didn't know if they were gonna be able to rescue us. I didn't even know if they were gonna be able to find us. I just... I thought I was gonna die. And I thank God for Paul. Honestly. Because if it weren't for him calming me down, I-I think I would've lost it. And I would've started screaming. And--and... I don't think I would've be able to stop.", "Michael: It's okay. It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Talking to Lauren, uh, you know, it really helped me as much... as much as it helped her.", "Maggie: Well... I don't see why. She was having a panic attack. You weren't.", "Paul: No, but she's had problems with that before. Panic attacks, you know? I recognized the signs.", "Maggie: Yeah, you two seem very close.", "Paul: Well, I care about her. I guess I always will.", "Maggie: Most divorces aren't that amicable.", "Paul: (Laughs) you know, in emergency situations, your training kicks in. When I was a kid, my dad used to have disaster drills at home.", "Maggie: Oh, yeah?", "Paul: Once a cop, you know?", "Maggie: Mr. Prepared?", "Paul: Well... it's different, though, when you're with people you care about. The personal part-- colors everything, you begin to second-guess yourself.", "Maggie: Yeah. I know that feeling. You can't keep emotion out of it, even though you've been trained to. It's just that voice inside your head... second-guessing every decision you make. It keeps whispering, can you handle it? Can you get them all through this?", "Paul: And you think I wonder if they're gonna die down there. And if they do... if it's because of... the decision you made.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: When the structure first collapsed, I was knocked out, and I came to in total darkness. I knew my eyes were open, but I couldn't see anything. It was just pitch black. I started calling for Victoria and then, you know, when she didn't answer, I just started digging. I didn't know where I was digging to, or what I was digging for-- light, air, something.", "Colleen: I can't even imagine.", "Adrian: And then, uh, somehow she managed to get a light on, and I caught just a sliver of it and started digging towards her. You can't understand the power of simple human contact until you don't have it. And before we found each other, there was... nothing but... just inky, infinite silence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I was practically jumping out of my skin, from the adrenaline. Because Jack and I knew that we both couldn't leave. One of us had to stay back and hold up the debris so... so the other two could get out. I wanted to stay. Jack wanted to stay. So we drew straws and his came up short. I hated leaving him there, but... I had to. And you know, the whole time, I wasn't even worried about Victoria. I just assumed she was in the museum.", "J.T.: Yeah. I thought I was doing the right thing by helping Adrian and... sending Victoria ahead. If I just would've... had her stay with me, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Why did I do that? How the hell did I do that?", "Victor: I mean, all I was concerned with was getting to Victoria. So I thought I was heading in the right direction. I turned a corner, looked down, and I see a body in the rubble. And I thought for a moment it might be Professor Korbel's body, and that Victoria might be nearby. So I went down there to check it out, turn over the body, it turns out to be Jack Abbott.", "Nikki: When you saw that it was Jack, why didn't you alert someone else to rescue him? I mean, those few seconds could've made all the difference for Victoria.", "Victor: I considered that. But I cannot possibly leave Jack Abbott to his own devices. I mean, I may not be fond of that man, but I can't let him just die. I couldn't live with myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Here's the handsome Fen who got so big. He loves his little starts.", "Michael: There he is. He missed his mommy.", "Gloria: And watch how he can feed himself. There you go. There you go, Honey.", "Michael: Look at our brilliant son.", "Gloria: Look, look, look.", "Fen: (Babbles)", "Gloria: Up the nose!", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Lauren: I would've missed this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Do you ever just get, um... overwhelmed by it all?", "Paul: What, life?", "Maggie: Yeah. But... this life. Sometimes, um... it's hard for me to leave it at the door. We see more bad stuff in a week than most people see in their whole lives.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. You just can't dwell on it.", "Maggie: I'm really grateful for you. I'm really grateful that you get me. I'm really grateful not to be breathing in dust and smoke.", "Paul: (Laughs) so let me get this straight, you're really grateful?", "Maggie: You know, you may never get such a heartfelt confession from me ever, ever again. I'd soak it in.", "Paul: I am.", "Paul: I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I haven't had a chance yet to thank you for saving my life.", "Victor: I acted on instinct.", "Sharon: I'm grateful, too, Victor. Thank you.", "Victor: I understand that you did everything to save my son, so I guess we call it even.", "Doctor: Excuse me, Mr. Newman?", "Victor: Yes, Doctor?", "Doctor: The CT scan shows no sign of brain damage or bleeding.", "Nikki: Well, then why is she still in a coma?", "Doctor: One possibility is D.A.I.-- Diffuse axonal injury. There might be damage to the microscopic fibers in the brain.", "Victor: That would show up on a test?", "Doctor: If they exist, it's possible that they're so small they can't be detected by a C.T. or an MRI.", "Nikki: So what--what now? What do we do now?", "Doctor: We keep a close watch for any brain swelling or cranial pressure.", "J.T.: So that's it?", "Doctor: We have every reason to be hopeful. Her vitals are fine, her blood pressure is holding, and the baby is fine, too. Excuse me.", "Victor: Thank you, Doctor. (Sighs) I guess we wait.", "Nikki: And pray.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: We pray.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: So then the canoe tips over...", "Neil: Right.", "Karen: And we're scrambling like hell, trying to get to the shoreline. We don't know whether to lay down and just swim or stand up and beat a track there, and the moose is flailing all over the place, splashing water everywhere, stomping his feet--", "Neil: That's great. That's a great story. I'll bet you weren't laughing then, though.", "Karen: No. No. I was not laughing then.", "Neil: So any more wilderness trips??", "Karen: Yeah. I love it. I absolutely love it.", "Neil: Karen, you know what I think? I think you just told me that--that whole moose story just to get my mind off things.", "Karen: You think so?", "Neil: Thanks. I appreciate it. (Cell phone ringing)", "Karen: Is that your cell?", "Neil: Yeah. It sure is. Excuse me. It's Victor. Yes, Victor, how's it going? How's your daughter doing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hi. Um, can I sit with her?", "Woman: Are you family?", "J.T.: Yeah, I'm her fiancé.", "Woman: I'm sorry, only family.", "J.T.: I-I realize that, but we're-- we're getting married.", "Woman: No exceptions. I'm sorry.", "J.T.: All right, well... can you play this for her, please? It's a song she loves.", "Woman: You'll have to speak to the doctor first. And to her family.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: I know what you did. And I will damn well never let people forget it.", "Cane: Was that the moment that I sealed Victoria's fate?", "Victor: What kind of a hero am I if I can't save my own daughter?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki is in rehab when Nick comes to visit her. Noah plays Faith a tune on his guitar. Victor promises to tell Victoria about her mother being in rehab. Meggie promises Victor to be there for him. Deacon checks into Solidarity. Victoria and Abby's hearing begins. Jack confronts Tucker about not hiring Diane for his company. Victor tells Victoria that Nikki is in rehab for drinking again. Jack finds out about Nikki being in rehab. Abby and Victoria refuse Victor's offer. Victoria and Abby ask for Beauty of Nature.", "" ]
[ "(Music continues)", "Sharon: Hi. (Chuckles) Oh, no, don't stop. Don't stop. It was good.", "Noah: (Sighs) No. (Chuckles)", "Sharon: Come on. I can tell Faith likes it. And I hear such good things about your performance at Daniel's.", "Noah: Yeah, it's no big deal. Hey, um, uh, Devon's coming by. Is it--is it cool if we hang for a bit?", "Sharon: Yeah. Devon's terrific. And maybe some of his drive will wear off on you.", "Noah: Oh. (Chuckles)", "Sharon: (Laughs)", "Noah: Real subtle, Mom. I know I gotta--I gotta figure out a game plan soon.", "Sharon: No, I mean, you will. I'm--I'm--I just-- I don't mean to nag.", "Noah: No worries. I'm not Abby. I'm not gonna be suing you or anything... again. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.", "Sharon: You better be.", "Noah: Okay, I just hope Abby knows what she's doin' goin' up against Grandpa.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, have you seen your mother this morning?", "Nick: Uh, I'm actually outside her room now. I just haven't gone in yet. It's not real easy seeing my mom in a place like this.", "Victor: (Sighs) You haven't told anyone, have you?", "Nick: No, you asked me not to, so I haven't told Victoria, Dad, but I'm not comfortable with it.", "Victor: No, but wait a minute. I want to talk to her myself, all right? I want to break this to her in my own way.", "Nick: How soon?", "Victor: Today. I promise you, okay? Now you stick to your promise. Tell your mother I'll be by later, all right?", "Meggie: Coffee for the road. What's your schedule look like?", "Victor: (Sighs) I'm on the way to mediation.", "Meggie: Oh, well, I'll look after everything around here, and I'll make sure there's a hot meal waiting for you when you get back. With so much going on, I-I don't want you to worry about anything around here.", "Victor: Yeah, I appreciate that, Meggie.", "Meggie: Well, how are you, Victor, really? Did you get any sleep last night?", "Victor: No, not much.", "Meggie: Me, either. I feel just sick about what's happened.", "Victor: Nikki's been down this road before. She'll be all right. She'll be stronger than ever. And she's not alone.", "Meggie: No, she isn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I woke up this morning, and for a split second, I forgot where I was. And then it all came crashing down on me.", "Nick: Mom, you just gotta hang in there, okay?", "Nikki: Today is such an important day for our family. It's a chance for Victor and his two daughters to start to heal finally. At least, that's what I'm praying will happen, but... I won't be there. (Sighs) I am in a hell of my own making.", "Nick: Oh, Mom, nobody blames you for anything. We just want you to get better.", "Nikki: I can only imagine what Victoria must think of me right now.", "Nick: Well, I'm sure she's gonna come by and see you as soon as the mediation is over. In the meantime, just know that we're all behind you, all right? Let us be the strong ones for a change.", "Nikki: I just don't know why this is happening again. Why do I have to go through this again?", "Nick: Look, you're in the perfect place to figure that out. I love you. We all love you, and we are here for you no matter what. Don't forget that, okay?", "Nikki: I love you, too, so much. (Sighs)", "Nick: You call me if you need anything?", "Nikki: Oh, yeah, I-it's five till. I-I have to go to group therapy.", "Nick: Okay, I'll walk you there.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Nick: Love you.", "Woman: Your room will be right down the hall.", "Nick: What the hell are you doing here? Haven't you caused enough trouble already?", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: Baldwin.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Vance: I'm surprised you'd show.", "Michael: Why, because your winning is such a foregone conclusion?", "Vance: (Chuckles) Your words, Counselor.", "Michael: As a father, I understand the pain this family's going through, something I know you don't care about. The only thing that concerns you is how big your cut will be.", "Vance: I'm not the one who set this in motion. Victor's made a lot of enemies. It was only a matter of time before his own kids saw what everyone else in this town sees.", "Michael: Excuse me.", "Vance: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Compromise does not mean that you've lost, Abby. So don't let your ego get in the way of resolving this, okay?", "Jack: Abby will do the right thing. She has the courage of her convictions, right, Kiddo?", "Victoria: (Quietly) So, uh, are we on the same page?", "Tucker: (Quietly) Beauty of Nature?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Tucker: What'd I tell you? You deliver it, and we'll talk.", "Victoria: Okay, sounds good.", "Abby: Hey, we should head over to the mediator's office, right?", "Victoria: (Normal voice) You know what? You're absolutely right. Mm.", "Abby: Come on.", "Victoria: Let's go.", "Jack: Hey, do we need to go over anything before you leave?", "Abby: No, Vicki and I can handle this on our own. Thanks, though.", "Tucker: (Normal voice) Good luck, Ladies.", "Victoria: Yeah, thanks. We're gonna need it.", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: You know what-- offering to help my daughter outfox her father.", "Jack: That is going to happen whether you and I like it or not. Might as well help our side with every advantage.", "Ashley: The whole point of mediation is to move beyond that kind of thinking, Jack.", "Jack: You know what I'm curious about? What's with you and Victoria? Every time I see you two in the same room, you have your heads together. What's going on there?", "Tucker: I was askin' the lady if she wanted cream in her coffee. Something else you want to say to me, Jack?", "Jack: Yeah, actually, there is. You didn't hire Diane. What's--what's the problem there?", "Tucker: I don't have to explain my staffing decisions to you.", "Jack: Well, your decisions are now affecting my son.", "Ashley: Oh, you are such a hypocrite. There you are accusing Tucker of trying to interfere with you and Kyle, and you're doing the same exact thing to Victor and his children. You're unbelievable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: What's goin' on, Man? How you doin'?", "Noah: Not much, Man. How you doin'?", "Devon: I'm doin' good. Doin' good. I can't complain.", "Noah: That's good.", "Devon: You know? Hey, Sharon.", "Sharon: Hey, Devon. How are you?", "Devon: Doin' good.", "Sharon: How's it going working with Malcolm?", "Devon: Oh, it's goin', uh, it's goin' really well. I'm learning a ton about the photography business.", "Noah: Yeah, it's not music.", "Devon: No, no, it's definitely not music, but, uh, a man's gotta eat, right?", "Noah: True.", "Sharon: Yeah, he does.", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "Noah: All right, well, we'll be on the porch.", "Devon: All right, it's good to see you.", "Sharon: You, too.", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Who's that? That's your brother. Yeah. That's your brother Noah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Okay, before you go calling me a hypocrite...", "Tucker: Hey, uh, this is between the two of you. I'm gonna go make a call.", "Ashley: Okay. (Sighs) I know better than anybody how pigheaded Victor is. But it is not your right to try to turn my daughter against her father.", "Jack: But she didn't need my help at all. She got there by herself a long time ago.", "Ashley: You're gonna stand there with a straight face and try to tell me that you did not fan the flames?", "Jack: Ashley, listen. All I--", "Ashley: What you're doing is destructive. You are hurting the very people that you claim to love. You don't see that? That family is already so divided that Victor and Nikki-- they had to elope. They couldn't even have a family wedding.", "Jack: (Stammers) Victor and Nikki eloped?", "Ashley: Yeah, last night. They went to Vegas, and they had to come right back for this mediation.", "Jack: Wow, that had to kill Nikki. Getting married without her kids there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You do not need to repeat yourself 300 times. I know that I can't just freak out in there, but how about no surprises, okay?", "Victoria: Abby, I am not trying to railroad you. We both want the same thing. We want to be free of Dad.", "Abby: Okay, well, that might be true, but that doesn't mean that we're not using each other.", "Victoria: All right, well, this may be one of those times when that's not such a bad thing. Let's go.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Hello.", "Vance: Judge Phelps, this is one of my clients Victoria Newman.", "Victoria: Good to meet you.", "Judge Phelps: Thank you. Likewise.", "Victoria: Uh, this is my sister Abby Newman. Abby, this is Judge Phelps. He'll be our mediator.", "Judge Phelps: Miss Newman.", "Abby: Hello.", "Vance: Ladies, if you'd like to sit on either side of me.", "Victoria: Okay, great.", "Vance: (Quietly) Victoria, same strategy we discussed?", "Victoria: (Quietly) Yeah, Abby's not thrilled, but she's on board.", "Judge Phelps: Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Judge Phelps. How do you do?", "Judge Phelps: I do very well, thank you.", "Victor: That's nice. Before we get started, would you mind if I talked to my daughter Victoria alone?", "Vance: That's not acceptable.", "Judge Phelps: It--", "Victor: It's a very important matter. It's personal.", "Judge Phelps: It's all right. Please.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Victoria: (Normal voice) All right, then. I will be back in a few minutes. Excuse me.", "Victoria: What?", "Victor: I hate to tell you this. Your mother has been drinking. She's in rehab.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: So, uh, is that all the paperwork?", "Woman: Uh, yes. One of our intake counselors will be here shortly to get you acclimated.", "Deacon: Okay, uh, I just-- I want--want to thank you for all your help.", "Woman: No problem.", "Deacon: All right. Now, Nick, I'm sure a busy guy like you has got better things to do than hang around waitin' to pick a fight.", "Nick: I don't know what your game is, Dude, but you better stay the hell away from my family.", "Deacon: (Sighs) Nick, I'm a guy with a disease. I'm just here to get better.", "Nick: If I find out that you go anywhere near my mother, trust me--", "Nikki: Nicholas, why are you still-- Deacon?", "Nick: I thought you had group.", "Nikki: I forgot something in my room. What the hell are you doing here? I'm not allowed visitors other than family.", "Deacon: I'm not-- I'm not here as a visitor.", "Nikki: What does that mean?", "Nick: Apparently, he checked himself in. I'm just trying to figure out what his angle is.", "Deacon: I was trying to explain--", "Nick: Are you telling me I'm supposed to believe it's just a coincidence that you're in the exact same treatment center as my mother?", "Nikki: Nicholas, come on. Come on. Come over here. Come over here. You don't have to interrogate him, all right? It's okay. I'll deal with him. I can handle it.", "Nick: Mother, I'm not leaving you anywhere near this loser.", "Nikki: I am safe here. You let me deal with him. And please keep it to yourself that he's here.", "Nick: Why would I do that?", "Nikki: Because it will just make things easier for me, all right? Please, Son. Promise me.", "Nick: All right, but you tell me if he does anything to you, and I mean, anything.", "Nikki: I will.", "Nikki: Please tell me you didn't say anything about last night.", "Deacon: Nikki, I would never say anything about that. No matter what Nick thinks, I-I swear to you, it's just a fluke that we both wound up here.", "Nikki: Right.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Deacon: Nikki, if you'd just let me explain, please?", "Nikki: No! No. No. We are not doing this now. I have to get back to group.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: A basement party?", "Devon: It was the safest place to be during a tornado, right?", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Devon: Where were you?", "Noah: I was in Chicago at the soft pack concert.", "Devon: Oh, that's a good band.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Devon: Were you there by yourself?", "Noah: No, I took this girl I met at Daniel's exhibit.", "Devon: Okay. Yeah?", "Noah: Dude, she... (Laughs) She went on all night about her ex. All night, yeah.", "Devon: Oh, really? Sheesh. Talk about a waste of an extra ticket.", "Noah: Hey, look, hey, uh, check this out.", "(Playing \"Fell for your Smile\")", "Singer: Fell for your smile fell for your touch don't like you talkin' about him all that much wanted a girl who saw only me but you're hung up on him my heart ain't free.", "Devon: That's good. I like that.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Devon: Hey, if you don't mind me sayin' this, try it-- try it one more time, but, like, a little bit more edge. Feel it.", "Noah: Fell for your smile.", "Singer: Fell for your touch.", "Devon: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that. I like that.", "Noah: Yeah? Yeah?", "Devon: Yeah, that's good.", "Noah: All right, what if-- I could put, like, a, uh, like a little riff at the end.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Any word?", "Ashley: No.", "Tucker: Well, you look worried.", "Ashley: I just hope that Abby doesn't let anybody influence her into doing something she doesn't really want to do. I mean, she's so unpredictable these days. Like the way she accused you of messing around with Diane. I mean, that came out of nowhere.", "Tucker: Let's forget about that. Abby already apologized. No harm, no foul. So how'd you leave things with Jack?", "Ashley: Well, he can deny it all he wants. I know that he had a hand in this. Do you know anything about that? I mean, has he said anything to you?", "Tucker: Now Jack may work for me, but he doesn't trust me. If he's involved, I'm the last person he'd tell.", "Ashley: Okay, well, thanks. I appreciate your honesty. (Sighs) Oh, I'm sorry. And your company.", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "Ashley: Oh, this waiting is making me crazy. Thanks for being here for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Rehab?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: When did this happen? While you two were on your trip?", "Victor: No, we never made it to the airport.", "Victoria: Wait a minute. When did all of this start?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Did she start drinking... she lied about where she was the other night, and I don't unders--", "Victor: I'll explain-- I'll explain--no, let me explain the whole thing later on, all right?", "Victoria: I need to know where she is. I want to see her.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you can't see her now. The rehab center has very strict visiting hours. But I want you to come to your senses. Let us drop all this nonsense now...", "Victoria: Hold on a second.", "Victor: For the sake of the family, okay?", "Victoria: Okay, wait a minute.", "Victor: We need to stick together.", "Victoria: If you never made it to Vegas, then when did she go into rehab, Dad?", "Victor: Last night.", "Victoria: Last night?", "Victor: Yes.", "Victoria: And you're telling me this now?", "Victor: So?", "Victoria: Minutes before we go into this mediation, you're telling me this. Do you think I'm stupid?", "Victor: What are you saying?", "Victoria: How could you use my mother's pain to try to gain some sort of strategic advantage over me? This is reprehensible!", "Victor: How dare you suggest that? Do you not suggest that?", "Victoria: I'm ashamed to be your daughter right now. (Clears throat)", "Vance: (Quietly) What did he say to you?", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Quietly) I don't want to discuss it. You stay strong, and don't cave. Do you hear me?", "Victor: Thank you for your indulgence, your honor.", "Judge Phelps: Not at all. Well, if everyone's ready, why don't we begin?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Oh, Jack. What can I do for you?", "Jack: I'm here to see Nikki. I understand she became \"Mrs. Mumbles\" again last night.", "Meggie: You don't know?", "Jack: Know what?", "Meggie: Well, she's not here. She checked into rehab last night.", "Jack: Rehab?", "Meggie: Yeah, at Solidarity House. Turns out she was drinking. None of us knew.", "(Timer dings)", "Meggie: Uh, that's my timer. Excuse me just a second. I have something in the oven.", "Jack: (Sighs) Oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: That was good. I've always wanted to learn.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nick: Hey, Guys.", "Devon: Hey. How you doin'?", "Noah: Hey.", "Devon: Play that one thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Hey, yourself. How's your mom?", "Nick: She has a long road back.", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure.", "Nick: Where's Faith?", "Sharon: Well, I finally got her down for a nap, so she's upstairs.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Can you hand me those spiders over there on the arm of the chair near the cobwebs?", "Nick: Spiders.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Nick: It's a heck of a request.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) There we go.", "Nick: What's with all the, uh, Halloween stuff?", "Sharon: Well, you know what? I've just--I've never had both my kids under the same roof, so I'm just feeling kind of festive this year.", "Nick: (Chuckles) Hey, how about Noah with all that guitar and stuff?", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh, Nick, I'm so proud of him. I mean, I know our son is an adult now, and it's just... seeing him come into his own and experiencing new things, I... its powerful stuff. Everything's falling into place.", "Nick: What, the, uh, decorations, or Noah?", "Sharon: Everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: Victor Newman violated his duty as trustee helping himself to his daughters' funds, at one point, paying his fine to the D.O.J. for questionable business practices.", "Judge Phelps: But according to your brief, your clients are asking that they be given control over their own trusts.", "Vance: We want the principal in full, interest on monies withdrawn by Mr. Newman, as well as punitive damages commensurate with the psychological toll this case has taken on my clients.", "Judge Phelps: The sum total in your estimate being in the neighborhood of $3 billion.", "Michael: (Sighs) That's some neighborhood.", "Judge Phelps: Would either of your clients like to make a statement?", "Victoria: I am comfortable with what my attorney just said.", "Judge Phelps: Miss Newman?", "Abby: Uh, me, too.", "Judge Phelps: Very well. Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: (Sighs) I'll dispense with the verbiage. You have our brief. What's in these envelopes will speak for itself. It's Mr. Newman's final offer.", "Victor: It's a far better offer than the last one I made. Time for you to come to your senses, okay?", "Abby: (Clears throat) (Gasps) Whoa. Uh, I'm gonna need, um, I'm gonna need, uh, to take a break.", "Vance: I think a moment to go over this offer with my clients might be beneficial.", "Abby: Actually, I meant by myself.", "Judge Phelps: All right. All right. We can take five minutes.", "Abby: Okay, thank you.", "Meggie: Well, I see you're making yourself right at home.", "Jack: Yeah, I noticed you've done the same thing. So where is Victor's chef?", "Meggie: Oh, family emergency. I told her she could take the day off.", "Jack: You told her?", "Meggie: Yeah. Part of my responsibilities as Nikki's assistant is to make sure the house runs smoothly. And Victor's got his hands full with all--all his children, so I-I just don't think he should be bothered with the staff.", "Jack: So why not just call the service, have them send someone else? Or is making soufflés part of your job description?", "Meggie: Me making a soufflé? (Chuckles) That would be something. No, I just made myself some stew. I'm assuming Victor will eat in town or maybe at the rehab center. He hasn't filled me in on his plans.", "Jack: Well, you appear to be very busy. I'll be on my way.", "Meggie: Nice seeing you, Jack. You take care.", "Meggie: Mm, mm, mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: Well, let's keep talking while Abby composes herself.", "Michael: She might prefer to be here.", "Vance: I know what my client wants.", "Victor: I wouldn't be so sure, Mr. Abrams.", "Judge Phelps: We are here to come to an agreement that will keep this dispute out of court. Miss Newman is well within her rights to take a few minutes to consider the acceptability of the offer.", "Victor: You gonna open the envelope?", "Victoria: (Sighs) You really don't get it, do you? When I said this wasn't about money, that wasn't your cue to double the offer. It just confirms that I was right in joining Abby in this lawsuit.", "Victor: You're taking it for granted that she'll continue. You might be surprised. You might find yourself all on your own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ashley: Oh. Abby, is it over?", "Abby: Dad raised the offer, and you are not going to believe this number.", "Ashley: What are you going to do?", "Abby: I don't know. That's why I'm calling you.", "Ashley: Well, I've known your father a very long time, and despite what people say, he never throws that kind of money around, Honey, ever.", "Abby: Okay, you know, all I wanted was enough to start a career. This would be, like, ten times what I would need.", "Ashley: Kind of sounds like you've made up your mind.", "Abby: No, if I go against Victoria--", "Ashley: Abby, this is your fight. It's not Victoria's. It's not Vance's. It's yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Abby: I gotta go. I'll call you back.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Okay, listen. I need to know. Are you gonna accept Dad's offer?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Dude, come on. (Chuckles) We have definitely gotta lay down some tracks, Man. What do you say to that?", "Noah: No, Man, that's-- that's your studio time. Neil gave it to you for graduation.", "Devon: You're exactly right, which means I can do with it whatever I want, okay? We have to do this. Come on.", "Noah: I mean... (Sighs) Don't you think we're going a little overboard?", "Devon: Not at all. Noah, listen to me. You could really do something with your music, okay? You're more talented than you realize, and I've been dying to produce something that's for real, you know? Besides, what do you have to lose? You know?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Devon: Um, well, look, I gotta meet Roxanne in town, but just, um, think about it. Think about what I said and get back to me.", "Noah: All right, I will.", "Devon: Okay?", "Noah: All right, man.", "Devon: Take it easy.", "Noah: You, too. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Put it right here on the side.", "Nick: Do you have any more cats?", "Sharon: Yeah, I have some more.", "Nick: Just make, like, a whole group of 'em?", "Noah: Ooh, the place looks haunted.", "Sharon: Yeah, that's the idea.", "Nick: Hey, you and Devon were having a pretty intense discussion.", "Noah: Yeah, he likes my music. He thinks I should play around with it some more. But I really--I can't do that on account of Faith.", "Nick: Hmm, yeah. Well, why don't you just move into the tack house?", "Noah: Sure. Yeah. And you-- and you want me hangin' around with a bunch of musicians, noisy, jammin' at night?", "Nick: Yeah, you're right. I don't want that. So why don't you move in there by yourself? Then you can keep your own hours, come and go as you please. Do whatever you want.", "Noah: You're offering me your place? What would you do? Move out? Where--where would you go?", "Nick: I could, uh--", "Sharon: Well, Nick could move into the guestroom here. I mean, just so that he could-- he could visit Faith full-time.", "Nick: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nikki remembering]", "Nikki: I-I don't-- I don't know how I got here. I don't remember anything. I'm sorry.", "Deacon: I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I--", "Victor: You shut up.", "Deacon: Okay.", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Victor: You've been drinking. That's how this happened. So come with me now. Let's go.", "Nikki: (Sighs) (Moans)", "Meggie: It's all right. I'll get it. You go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Excuse me, um, I-I need to speak to Mr. Sharpe privately, if you don't mind. Thank you.", "Nikki: Why are you really here? The truth this time.", "Deacon: (Sighs) The same reason you are. I mean, I saw myself goin' down a path I swore I would never go down again. And when Victor busted in on the two of us, I was as freaked out as you were.", "Nikki: I seriously doubt that. What are you doing? No, you can't be in here.", "Deacon: No, Nikki, listen to me. I know. I know.", "Nikki: Get out.", "Deacon: I know. Shh. I know. Listen, I just-- I just want you to know that I know how you feel.", "Nikki: No, you don't. You couldn't possibly.", "Deacon: Nikki, I hate myself. I have pushed away everyone who has ever given a damn about me. I feel people's eyes on me, judging me, pitying me.", "Nikki: Enough. Enough!", "Deacon: Okay. All right. Look, maybe it's-- it's not a bad thing that we're both in here, right? I mean, you know, maybe-- maybe it's good, you know? You'll have a friend to lean on.", "Nikki: You're not my friend. You never were.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Have you seen how much money Dad is offering? I mean, aren't you sick of all this fighting?", "Victoria: Okay. Let me just tell you about the trip that Dad just laid on me. Turns out that my mom's been drinking again, and she's in rehab.", "Abby: What?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Abby: Oh, my God, I'm sorry. Are--are you--is Nikki okay?", "Victoria: No, actually. No. No, she's not okay. But she has some people helping her right now.", "Abby: I'm sorry. When did this all happen?", "Victoria: It happened last night. But Dad deliberately didn't tell me so he could use it as a bombshell to drop right before I went into that meeting. He knew how much it would upset me, Abby, so he used it as a weapon to get his way.", "Abby: That is terrible.", "Victoria: Yeah, it's terrible. So just imagine how my mom must feel if she knew. (Sighs) Our dad can be such an ass sometimes. (Sighs) So no, I'm not gonna be seduced by a bunch of zeros. His strategy is so obvious. He wants to divide and conquer.", "Abby: Wait, so you think...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Abby: He's trying to manipulate me, too?", "Victoria: All right, listen, Abby. If money is all that you want out of this, that's fine. You were the one with the guts to get the ball rolling in the first place, and I gotta give you a lot of credit for that. No matter what you decide, I'm gonna support you. But listen to me. We're finally united. We're finally sisters. Don't let Dad split us up now, okay?", "Victor: I am confident that Abby will take the settlement that I'm offering.", "Vance: If it's $3 billion. Anything less is unacceptable.", "Michael: Oh, come on. This is outrageous. The--the trust was structured to give my client access to capital when he saw fit. Now Mr. Abrams keeps speaking of flagrant misuse of funds. Where is your proof?", "Vance: Hmm, I agree with you, Counselor. We need more evidence. I ask that you compel Mr. Newman to turn over his books to me...", "Michael: (Scoffs)", "Vance: So--so they can be analyzed by a forensic accountant.", "Victor: Hell will freeze over before that happens.", "Judge Phelps: Gentlemen, until Mr. Newman's daughters respond to his offer--", "Victoria: We've made our decision.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: What did I tell you? Just a matter of time before you two are back together.", "Sharon: No, no. I didn't mean that I--", "Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah, sure.", "Nick: You know, there would be some things we would need to work out, but it would be really great if I could see Faith all the time.", "Noah: All right. Well, you guys can figure that out yourselves, but, I mean, the tack house, it--it really doesn't work for me. Thank you for the offer, but if I'm gonna move, it's gonna be somewhere in town.", "Nick: I get it, Dude. That's where your friends are. That's where you should be.", "Faith: (Cries)", "Sharon: Oh.", "Noah: I'll get her.", "Sharon: Oh, thank you.", "Nick: Good boy.", "Nick: It's, uh, it's definitely a little soon for us to be talking about moving in together.", "Sharon: Yeah, right. (Chuckles)", "Nick: You know, when I walked in today, I was kind of bummed about all the stuff going on with Mom and Dad. But seeing you-- it reminded me what family really means.", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad you stopped by. You know, if you're hungry--", "Nick: I should go.", "Sharon: Oh, well, I mean in that case--", "Nick: Well, I-I am-- I am hungry. I co--", "Sharon: Okay, well, I-- we'll have lunch. (Chuckles)", "Nick: Lunch. Yeah, lunch. Lunch sounds good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: I don't know how you can say that, Nikki.", "Nikki: We were never friends. We were drinking buddies. We gave each other a reason to be selfish.", "Deacon: So what are you saying? You don't want me to stay here?", "Nikki: I'm saying I don't want your distraction. I need to be left alone.", "Deacon: Okay. If you, um, if you change your mind, if you... I'll be around the corner.", "Nikki: I won't change my mind. But... it's nice to know that you'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Meggie: Go get 'em, Tiger.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: What did Nikki have to say?", "Jack: I didn't see Nikki. She's in rehab.", "Ashley: What? Is she drinking again?", "Jack: Needless to say, she and Victor never made it to Vegas. I guess that's the only part of this that isn't tragic.", "Ashley: Oh, my God.", "Tucker: Oh. I'm sorry to hear she and her family are going through that.", "Ashley: On top of everything else. You know, why is it that every woman Victor loves, they--they always end up in some kind of horrible tragedy?", "Jack: You actually want an answer to that question?", "Ashley: No, I actually don't. (Sighs) Sorry. I think I just need to be alone for a minute. And I hope Abby just accepts the settlement, and this whole thing will be behind us. Excuse me.", "Jack: (Quietly) What settlement?", "Tucker: (Quietly) Well, Abby called her mother all upset. (Sighs) Victor made the girls some huge offer, and she was worried about what to do. I guess I don't have to tell you what advice Ashley gave her.", "Jack: So the whole thing is unraveling.", "Tucker: If Abby goes the peace-and-harmony route, there's no need for Daddy to start splittin' off divisions to shore up his finances.", "Jack: And there goes our bid for Beauty of Nature.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I can't accept this.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Victor: What about you? Are you gonna let this shark you hired continue to brainwash you?", "Abby: No deal. I'm so sorry, Dad.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Vance: We do, however, have a counterproposal.", "Michael: We're listening.", "Vance: Victoria and Abby will drop their suit, ask for nothing more from either of their trust funds, in return for one thing-- Beauty of Nature.", "Victor: How dare you?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: Beauty of Nature is my company, and no one will get their hands on it!", "Hogan: That last drop you made was 10 g's short.", "Kevin: Ow! (Inhales sharply)", "Adam: You don't know me anymore. There's nothing for me here." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nina is thrilled when she sees Chance and he tells her the details of how he, Cane and Ronan worked together to put Colin behind bars. Chance also tells Nina that Ronan still hasn't told him why he left town so suddenly after his liver transplant. Genevieve gives a small notebook to Chance that contains the information to break the code of Colin's bank accounts. Nina, Katherine and Jill are present at Colin's deportation hearing to support Chance and watch Colin get sent to an Australian jail. Ronan has questioned Adam all night and most of the day and gets nothing from him. Adam calls Avery to be his lawyer. Avery turns him down at first until Victor makes her see that if she helps Adam, he could give her information on Sharon's case or maybe tell her what he knows about Diane's murder. Adam tells Avery that he didn't send the text message to the rest of the murder suspects. He doesn't want to go to jail for eight years for impersonating an officer. Avery manages to persuade Ronan that he has nothing to hold Adam on, so he lets Adam go. Adam promises to tell Avery what he did with the memory card that holds the information that could set Sharon free.", "Nick visits Ronan at the police station to try and figure out what Adam has told him. He also gives Ronan the DNA test results on the envelope that someone sent Ashley with the picture of her and Diane arguing the night Diane died. Nick tries to cast more suspicion on Adam, but Ronan figures out what Nick is trying to do. Nick tells Phyllis that his talk with Ronan was a bust so she decides to go talk to Ronan because she has ways to get information out of a man that Nick doesn't have. Nick smiles and admits that Phyllis is right and wishes her good luck with Ronan. Victor gets a call from Nikki saying that she is getting out of rehab but she is going on a trip before she goes home. Ronan continues to look at his suspects board for Diane's murder and wonders who the pillow with the words \"no place like home\" could refer to. Someone is packing a suitcase and one of the tags on the luggage says \"There's no place like home.\"", "" ]
[ "Nick: There we go.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Hey.", "Nick: You didn't have to do that.", "Victor: You're welcome. I want to know more about how that film footage was disposed of.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Well, first we all held up scorecards as to who had the best attack on Diane.", "Victor: Well, it seems that as of yet, Malloy is not aware of that footage, but somebody obviously is. We've got to find out who and what they're after.", "Nick: I still say it's Adam.", "Phyllis: Yeah, listen. He was the only one who wasn't there.", "Victor: Mm.", "Phyllis: He always wants the upper hand. Always. Always. I guess because he wasn't you.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Avery: Morning. (Sighs)", "Nick: Morning.", "Avery: Victor, whenever you're ready.", "Victor: Thank you, Avery. Uh, Avery is filling me in on Sharon's defense, okay?", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Avery: Excuse me. Avery Clark.", "Adam: Adam Newman calling from the G.C.P.D. station, where I'm having a lovely conversation with Detective Malloy, and I might be in need of some representation.", "Avery: Then you just wasted a call. Was your other son always delusional? Adam's being questioned by Malloy and he just called me for legal assistance. Unbelievable.", "Nick: (Scoffs)", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Victor: Avery, kindly take a seat. I'll be with your shortly, okay?", "Avery: Nice to see you all.", "Phyllis: So Adam is being questioned by Malloy. Wow, what's he gonna say to deflect the attention off of himself this time?", "Nick: That film could be changing hands as we speak.", "Victor: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: It's kind of a wuss move, isn't it? Calling a lawyer when we're just having a chat here?", "Adam: Look, Ronan, you've kept me on ice all night. No charges. So either pull something out of your hat, or you gotta let me go.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Trust me. I'm weighing my options. But I'm pulling for door number one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: I'm glad you could make it.", "Genevieve: Last hurrah before they send you back to Oz. My, my. All of those charges that you are facing now. Go ahead, Honey, let it out. Tell me how frightened you are about being locked away in your cell, powerless, knowing full well that no one will ever give a damn about you again.", "Colin: Well... (Clears throat) I'm not drawn and quartered just yet. But in order to mount a credible defense, I might need a few million of those items you took from me back. I'd like 'em back now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Jill: (Sighs) Go on. Give it your best shot.", "Kay: I beg your pardon?", "Jill: Colin is a piece of scum, and you called it the first day he got into town. And you want to throw an I-told-you-so celebration. Well, here's the guest of honor. Party on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So you ready? I consider it my duty to Hollywood to get you fed. Otherwise, you forget to eat.", "Nina: (Laughs)", "Paul: You got a lot goin' on up there.", "Nina: Well, every writer needs a little bit of drama in her life to keep things sharp, but this is ridiculous.", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Nina: Really.", "Paul: It is, too, isn't it?", "Nina: (Laughs)", "(Footsteps approach)", "Nina: What? (Gasps) (Laughs) Oh, my God! You're back! Oh! My baby's back! (Gasps) (Laughs)", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Jill: Go ahead. Say it.", "Kay: Nope.", "Jill: Oh, you know you want to.", "Kay: Not this time.", "Jill: All right, Colin's no good.", "Kay: Well, you, uh, you cared for him, and he betrayed you. There's nothing there to celebrate, is there?", "Jill: I was a sucker, okay? You all told me exactly what he was, and did I believe it? No. So a good friend would not sit there and simper at me.", "Kay: I, um, I don't simper.", "Jill: Well, evidently, you're not a good friend either.", "Kay: Well, friends, uh, show, you know, um, sympathy, understanding.", "Jill: You better lighten up or I will not tell you how I handcuffed the son of a bitch to the bed and bagged an international crime boss for the police.", "Kay: Handcuffed?", "Jill: Handcuffed.", "Kay: Mm. (Chuckles) Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Several million items of yours? Where would I put them all? You must be mistaken.", "Colin: (Laughs) I got to admit it. You're more of a pistol than I ever gave you credit for. Touché. I bow to your superior ability. But... well, now I think it's time that you cut the old man a-a bit of a break.", "Genevieve: Why would I do that?", "Colin: Oh, Auld Lang Syne. Time goes by. Champagne and opera on the Sydney Harbour. All those cruddy clubs you dragged me in and out of, bookkeeping in bed. You made accounting much sexier than it had a right to be.", "Genevieve: When it was good, it was very, very good. And when it was bad, you tried to kill me. Kinda hard to bounce back from that one, Colin.", "Colin: Oh, what do we got here? A selection of your latest limericks?", "Genevieve: Oh, no, no. Something so much more special than that.", "Colin: You know, there's some people might say that... that that's the key to the world.", "Genevieve: Or some people might say that it is the key to your codes and your accounts. And with it, I will put you behind bars for the rest of your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: (Gasps)", "Chance: Mm, okay, okay.", "Nina: (Laughs)", "Chance: Wow, that's a tight grip for a little person.", "Nina: Yeah, well, if I could reach, I'd smack you upside the head. Months without a word from you, months.", "Chance: Mom, it goes with the job, okay?", "Nina: Well, I know that, but I don't have to like it.", "Chance: The state department had reassigned me to a highly classified international case. The kingpin of the case was here in G.C., and since I'm a native son...", "Paul: The Colin Atkinson arrest.", "Chance: Yeah. The guy had some reach. He had a drug business from Afghanistan all the way to Australia. I got in last night for the arrest.", "Nina: Last night? You were in last night?", "Chance: Yeah, Mom, y-yes. I had debriefing, and then I had to do a follow-up at the police station. It's a nice, tight case, so now I am here.", "Nina: So wait a minute. The G.C.P.D. made the arrest? Are you working with Ronan?", "Chance: Yeah. Yeah, I am.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: This drive that you took last night-- where and why?", "Adam: (Sighs) Second verse, same as the first. Look, are there any charges in there somewhere? Some accusations? Or is this just a case of a lonely, friendless man who just needs someone to talk to?", "Ronan: So the desk clerk tells me that you were agitated when you came back to the club last night.", "Adam: That's right, Ronan. I had a lot on my mind.", "Ronan: And my phone in your possession. A boatload of murder suspects got a text from this phone last night. Everybody made the hoedown but you.", "Adam: Yeah, obviously, it was a setup, because that phone showed up at my place late last night.", "Ronan: Is that what it was? A setup?", "Adam: You know, my father came a-callin', and he, uh, he told me about this hoedown, as you put it, and I had no knowledge of these texts or a meeting until he told me about it. And then later, that's when the phone showed up. For all I know, my father set it there. Perhaps anyone did. But my money is on my Pops, because that man would love to see me behind bars.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Quietly) There's no way that Adam doesn't have a copy of that footage. There's no way.", "Victor: Mm.", "Phyllis: And he can hand it to Malloy at any time.", "Nick: I'm gonna talk to Malloy, see if I can find out what Adam's told him so far.", "Victor: Son, I'm not so sure you should do that. You'll just arouse his suspicion, that's all.", "Nick: I can play this so Ronan keeps his eyes on Adam, not on the rest of us.", "Victor: Well, if you'll excuse me.", "Phyllis: Yeah, your talk with Avery. Better you than me.", "Victor: I'm sorry to make you wait.", "Avery: Oh. (Sighs) Well, regarding Sharon's defense, I thought you would want to know... (Sighs)", "Victor: There's something more pressing I think you and I should discuss. I want you to reconsider representing Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Pointing the finger at your father again? (Chuckles) It's a little late for that, isn't it? I mean, especially since we've confirmed it was Diane's handwriting in that journal. You know, the one that predicted you would do her harm. So we add in motive, a weak alibi, the Harvard ring imprint on her arm-- and, well, yeah, your general lack of cooperation.", "Adam: And yet you still don't have enough to arrest me.", "Ronan: That was before I found my phone in your room.", "Adam: A petty theft that I didn't commit. You must be so very proud of yourself.", "Ronan: Hey, Adam, it's called impersonating an officer. Eight counts of it, actually. I'd say years in jail.", "Adam: Because I'm a moron, and I would leave a phone that I stole out in plain sight in front of the man who I stole it from? Perhaps you did all this. Maybe you orchestrated this-- whip up your suspects into a frenzy, get the killer to out himself?", "Ronan: Too bad your call for legal help was a bust, huh? It's just not your day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Let's say I represent Adam, which I'm not agreeing to. What's the endgame?", "Victor: You try to find out what his attitude is towards Sharon, and try to find out what he knows about Diane's murder investigation.", "Avery: It would be an ethical sinkhole for me to take on Adam while defending Sharon, and my focus per your mandate is Sharon's defense.", "Victor: You are under no obligation to either me or my son Adam.", "Avery: But it doesn't hurt to talk to potential clients, as long as my focus stays on my current case.", "Victor: It never hurts to talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: So that's the secret mission that you were on? Well, at least now I understand why you all had to keep it-- wait a minute. You all had to keep it quiet, including Ronan... which explains why he was so completely unwilling to tell me, you know, why he left the way he did, where he's been. So he's told you everything by now, right?", "Chance: No. No, he hasn't, Mom.", "Nina: (Scoffs)", "Paul: You know, this is the part that I find really hard to understand. Here you are-- two people working on the same case, and you don't even talk about the transplant? How he mysteriously disappeared from the hospital after you gave him half your liver without so much as a thank you?", "Chance: No, we've-- we've talked, but only about the case. Nothing else.", "Paul: Hmm. Well, given what he owes you, that shows amazing willpower on your part.", "Nina: I don't know how you do it. It makes me crazy every time I see him.", "Chance: Ronan... doesn't let personal issues get in the way of him doing his job. I'll give him that. He wanted to score the arrest, and he did.", "Nina: Come to lunch with us.", "Chance: (Sighs) I wish I could, all right? But, uh, Mom, I can't. I have to, uh, I have to get down there and--and be there for Colin's deportation case, so...", "Nina: Is that now? I-I would like to sit in on that.", "Paul: What, for Jill?", "Chance: Uh, Ronan will be there.", "Nina: No, good. I-I want to see what you and Ronan have accomplished together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You should have seen the delivery boy's face. Mm, but the handcuffs worked. There he was, lying there practically spread-eagle waiting for the police to come get him.", "Kay: He, uh, ever play his \"Have mercy on me\" card?", "Jill: Oh, yeah. He begged, and he pleaded, and he tried to play me again and again. Anyway, he's making his grand exit from Genoa City and, uh, I want to go watch that.", "Kay: Hmm.", "Jill: You comin' with me?", "Kay: I wouldn't miss it. In fact, I have a few words I'd like to say to Mr. Atkinson myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Some things need to stay private. Why don't you burn that?", "Genevieve: Burn it? More ashes? After what you've done to my home, to an innocent woman? Oh, no, no. Thank you, uh, I have learned my lesson. I'm not gonna play with fire anymore.", "Colin: No one needs to see that, Love.", "Genevieve: Oh, but they do, Love. They do. The authorities need it so that they learn how you made, laundered, and spent all your ill-gotten gains. Your goose is cooked, right over that open flame you were in such a hurry to create.", "Colin: But you see, they're items that you took from me. Now once I tell them that, you become the goose.", "Genevieve: What a cruel lie, from the same man who tried to kill me.", "Colin: Where is it? Caymans? Swiss bank account?", "Genevieve: I have no idea what you're talking about. Uh, some of us have to work for a living. My money comes from Jabot. You know, I'm not that same working-class girl that you took advantage of all those years ago.", "Colin: (Sighs) Genevieve, no one's gonna buy that \"Poor me\" act once I give them the lowdown on you.", "Genevieve: How sweet, Honey. You're gonna have a hobby while you're locked away in your hot, cement, little Aussie jail cell. Mm-hmm, you're gonna be a busy bee.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Yeah?", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Victor: What?", "Phyllis: If only you had chased Adam out of town.", "Victor: Yeah. (Sighs) Hmm. If only... I'd done a number of things. You know, last night, I went to see him after I left the warehouse. And, you know, he's a damn good liar. He's a pathological liar. But when I told him about the text that all of us had received to meet at the warehouse, he seemed genuinely surprised. Maybe we are focusing on the wrong person.", "Phyllis: I don't know if I agree with that. I mean, I don't want to agree with it.", "Victor: Well, maybe Malloy gathered us all together there, and now Nicholas is playing into his hands.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: You can take this one to his cell.", "Adam: \"This one,\" huh?", "Ronan: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Nick: You were arrested?", "Adam: Would you bail me out if I were, Brother?", "Ronan: Can I help you?", "Nick: We were right. Adam was behind last night.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) I'm not about to discuss my case with you.", "Nick: Do whatever you want. You can just listen. Then you can thank me. But I have D.N.A. proof that Adam is deep in this.", "Ronan: What do you have?", "Nick: Those pictures that you have of Ashley and Diane in the park-- one of them was mailed to Ashley in this envelope. I had it tested, and here are the results.", "Ronan: You ran it for prints and D.N.A.?", "Nick: Yeah. There's enough D.N.A. marker to prove there's a match. Look, Adam has been messing with Ashley this whole time, and last night, he moved on to everyone else.", "Ronan: Okay. Why? Entertainment purposes?", "Nick: I'm guessing to set someone else up to take the fall for a murder he committed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You came. I'm touched.", "Avery: I didn't hear you out on the phone. I'd like to rectify that now.", "Adam: I remember once upon a time... (Sighs) Back at the Athletic Club, I told you that I often need representation, and your response was basically, \"Go to hell.\" And here you are. I guess it's my lucky day.", "Avery: In yet another holding room? If that's luck for you...", "Adam: So you're gonna take me on as a client?", "Avery: Convince me.", "Adam: I've done things. I know that. You know that. Hell, the free world knows that. But what Ronan is charging me for, what he's inquiring about, I didn't do. He's railroading me. I'm being set up, and he's talking serious time, and I'm innocent. That's your specialty.", "Avery: Mm. That must be terrifying for you to know you're innocent and it doesn't matter, to feel so out of control. Cops, lawyers, judges, guards-- they have all the power. You have none. Sitting in a cell alone thinking about your old life, your son, your daughter...", "Adam: Are we talking about me? Or are we talking about Sharon?", "Avery: I'm talking about the innocent woman that you could save.", "Adam: What does that have to do with the here and now? Okay. So you came here about Sharon. And if you had to deal with slimy old me, well, them's the breaks, huh? Didn't think you had it in you. I think I'm in love.", "Avery: I'm flattered, really. But I was simply saying that I know what it's like to watch the innocent languish.", "Adam: Let's get to the horse trading, shall we? What you bring to the table, what I bring to the table.", "Avery: Okay, you need support, someone who has your back, and of course, there's something reassuring about the trust between client and attorney. Confidentiality is key.", "Adam: As I recall, once I pay my lawyer, everything I say is privileged information.", "Avery: I'll get Ronan off your back, and then we can talk about other issues.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Adam has already tortured Ashley before, and he tried to frame my father for murder. He knows how to make other people take the fall.", "Ronan: Why am I just getting this now and not when it was delivered?", "Nick: For the obvious reason of self-protection. And now you know everything.", "Ronan: This is useless, and you know it. No chain of evidence, no proof that you're not trying to deflect suspicion from yourself. And after last night's warehouse tea party...", "Nick: Adam was behind that. Why else would you have him here?", "Ronan: You're just gonna keep on fishing, aren't you? Good luck with that.", "Nick: Adam gathered us all last night in your name. I mean, you said it wasn't you, so who is it then?", "Ronan: And all you guys did was waste some time and some gas. It was a phone prank. But it was enough to get you running here, wasn't it? But this...", "Nick: That proves that you're on the right track with Adam.", "Ronan: You keep saying that-- Adam, Adam, Adam. Adam's not the only person I'm looking at. Thanks for stopping by.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Oh, how wonderful. One of you to hold Colin down, and the other one to kick him?", "Kay: Oh, my God, you're back?", "Nina: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Oh, oh. Well, it's clear that I was the last one to know.", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "Nina: I only just found out myself.", "Kay: Oh.", "Jill: He's been working on a very important case.", "Kay: Colin's?", "Paul: Chance has been working for months to bring him down.", "Jill: And I'm very grateful.", "Nina: Are you here to see Colin?", "Genevieve: I think they had sort of a tag team planned.", "Nina: Oh.", "Jill: Actually, I want to see him alone. You can catch up with Chance.", "Nina: Are you sure?", "Jill: Yeah, I got this.", "Nina: Okay.", "Kay: Don't you ever get tired of being a hero?", "Chance: This was not all me, not by a long shot. Ronan was a big part of it... and Cane.", "Kay: Cane was involved also?", "Chance: Yeah, well, and--and Grandma.", "Kay: Well, I heard what she did...", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "Kay: In vivid detail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: You look great.", "Jill: (Chuckles) And you look like a crime lord about to be booted across the world.", "Colin: You know, I liked the handcuffs. It's too bad we, uh, couldn't have made better use of them.", "Jill: Are you flirting with me?", "Colin: You came here to see me.", "Jill: I came here to see you in chains. I like you in chains.", "Colin: That's it? One last look? Come on. What do you think's gonna keep us apart? This piddling cell? Bars? A puddle of an ocean? No. No, our love-- it burns bright. And I can't wait for the inevitable, uh, let's-get-back-together party.", "Jill: You're gonna have a really, really long wait.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I have something that might help with your case. You know, Colin rented the mansion before I did, and he left something behind-- a notebook, and I recognized it from when we lived together before. And although I admit it makes absolutely no sense to me, I do know that it's very important to him, because if I ever went near it, he would yell at me.", "Chance: Well, that might be very important to the team then.", "Colin: Hey, slow down. It's murder tryin' to... run in these things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Come on, Malloy. How long are you gonna hold Adam, and for what? This is ridiculous.", "Ronan: Nick Newman delivered proof that Adam had a crime scene photo and was using it to harass a citizen.", "Avery: From the civilian brother who hates him. Yeah, that evidence isn't compromised.", "Ronan: Are we gonna have the \"Siblings with a grudge\" conversation, huh? Yeah, you representing Sharon. Now Adam. I'm sure Phyllis loves that.", "Avery: Interesting how you can get information on me, and come up empty on the Jenkins case. Perhaps you should stop dividing your energies. Look, you can't hold Adam on a phone that showed up at his door.", "Ronan: And the fact that I had a warehouse full of suspects, and your new client was the only one missing.", "Avery: If you had a party, would you invite Adam Newman? You can't make an arrest. Let him go.", "Ronan: A phone, the warehouse... it's all tied to the murder. All I keep gettin' is one lie after another. No one wants this crime solved.", "Avery: Okay, I get it. Trust me. I've seen it. They double-cross. They two- face. They--they attack each other. And then they're right there reaching out with a helping hand.", "Ronan: Yes, I know. Its one twisted family, isn't it? They can attack each other, but if you attack one of them...", "Avery: An outsider? No, no. That's not allowed. But you're not an outsider, technically.", "Ronan: And technically, neither are you. What, do you feel like you're part of the gang here, huh? The town's filled with entitled liars.", "Avery: Ahh, you're getting jaded, Detective. You need to see things like I do. Everybody lies sometimes. It doesn't make 'em guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Quietly) Okay, if Adam wasn't behind the screening... let's say he didn't kill Diane, all right? Who did?", "Victor: I don't know. There were a hell of a lot of people who loathed her, resented her. You even picked up a rock against her.", "Phyllis: Yeah. You had a rock in your hand, too.", "Victor: But you must know that a man in my position doesn't have to resort to such primitive tactics to remove an obstacle.", "Phyllis: But this obstacle tried to take down your company and said horrible things about Nikki in the press.", "Victor: Must have really irked you when you found out that Diane Jenkins was back in town and that she had slept with Nicholas. Hmm?", "Phyllis: I dropped my rock.", "Victor: Did you? I'll be damned. Hmm.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Sorry. I need to take this, okay? 0(Ring)", "Phyllis: Excuse me. (Ring)", "Victor: Nikki? Hi, Sweetheart. Where are you now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: I'll take it from here.", "Genevieve: Wait. You'll need this. Whatever it is, I certainly hope it helps.", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Kay: I told you so.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Ronan can't hold you. You're free to go.", "Adam: This temp thing is workin' out great.", "Avery: Well, we still have a few minutes of confidentiality, if you'd like to say anything with impunity, no legal consequences whatsoever.", "Adam: This is still about Sharon, isn't it? You can't let it go.", "Avery: Can you?", "Adam: You know that... you know that thing you said that time about revenge and jealousy and me finding out about Sharon and Sam?", "Avery: Those are powerful emotions. They've led more than one person to murder.", "Adam: It wasn't murder, but it was just as bad. I'll tell you about the memory card.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, that was a bust.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Nick: Ronan gave me nothing about Adam or if he knew anything about the film.", "Phyllis: Your father doesn't think Adam's behind it. I don't know. Maybe we were right the first time. Maybe it's just Ronan trying to stir things up, flush out the killer.", "Nick: Mm.", "Phyllis: Did he bait you?", "Nick: Yeah, a little. I mean, the guy's kinda hard to read.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I like a challenge. Excuse me.", "Nick: You like a challenge? Wait. Hold on. What is it you think you're gonna get out of Ronan that I didn't?", "Phyllis: Really? Um, I'll just tell you. I have skills that you do not possess with a man.", "Nick: That's true.", "Victor: Well, Son, I've got some good news. I just talked to your mother. She's leaving rehab.", "Nick: Great. When's her flight?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nick: I'll go pick her up.", "Victor: No, you can't, because she is gonna take a trip before she comes home.", "Nick: That doesn't make any sense.", "Victor: It doesn't make any sense, but, um, whatever your mother wants to do, we accept.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: My nine little liars.", "Ronan: The missing piece.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) Someone other than Adam is yanking my chain.", "Ronan: \"There's no place like home.\" \"There's no place like home.\"", "[NEXT_ON]", "Tucker: I need to know if that film changed things for us, the way I went after Diane.", "Cane: I should go.", "Lily: Why?", "Phyllis: We shouldn't be enemies when we could be so much more." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victoria calls Billy at work to check up on him which unnerves him. Victoria asks Billy to join her lunch later. Nikki walks up behind Victoria and warns her not to do this since she could be endangering her family. Jack is on the phone to get some statistics about Newman Enterprises when Victor walks into the office and gives him exactly what he needs. At the coffeehouse, Paul, Christine, and Heather sit at a table talking when Eden joins them and lets them know that she is remembering more about the night that Ricky was killed. Jack gloats to Victor that he has lost everything and now has nothing. Sharon is at home alone when she gets a visit from Noah and refuses to open the door. Sharon quickly hides to keep from having a confrontation with Noah. Noah lets himself into the house and yells for Sharon, but she doesn't answer. Adam walks in and yells for Sharon but encounters Noah. An argument erupts between the two. Adam asks Noah why he came back to Genoa City. Victoria cannot understand why Nick is not helping to fight for Newman. Eden tells Paul, Christine, and Heather about the dream that she had about Ricky and a knife. Michal calls Heather away from Paul and Christine to let her know that she mustn't be conversing with them since she is the A.D.A. At the Athletic Club, Chelsea waits for Adam, but he is a no-show. Victor warns Jack that if he persists in this, his whole family will turn against him. Michael and Heather tell Paul that there was a continuance in his case. Danny calls Christine.", "After Adam and Noah both leave the cottage, Sharon comes out of hiding. Adam returns to the cottage to check on Sharon and tells her that he found her a place to hide. Sharon lashes out at him for saying the things that he did against Noah. Billy joins Victoria for lunch but finds her talking with Nikki and Victor. Billy tells Victoria about some of the companies being unstable because Jack is at the helm at Newman. Victoria conspires to go out of town to talk to the owners of the companies. Billy lets Victoria know that Chelsea lost the baby because of Summer. Victoria worries that Chelsea will want Johnny back. Billy tries to assure her otherwise. Michael lets Paul know that he likes the D.A. job less and less every day. Nikki goes on and on about decorating ideas for the house, but all Victor can think about is Billy and Victoria. Victor presents Nikki with an engagement ring. Nikki lets Victor know that she knows that he wants Nick to help fight for Newman. Victoria visits Chelsea to offer her condolences about losing the baby. Chelsea sees through Victoria's visit and assures her that she will not take Johnny back. Adam takes Sharon to a hideout on his property. Sharon begins to demand answers about the fire. Adam offers her some sketchy details that she was drunk and didn't know what she was doing. When Chelsea calls Adam, he once again he lies to her about what he is doing and where he is. Victor is ecstatic when he finds out that Victoria is fighting for Newman Enterprises. Billy lies to Jack and tells him that Victoria is going out of town to Italy. Jack has an attack with his back.", "" ]
[ "Billy: How you doin'?", "Man: Hey.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Billy: What took you so long?", "Victoria: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Billy: Calling to check up on me.", "Victoria: I wasn't!", "Billy: People could get suspicious.", "Victoria: Of a wife calling her husband at work? How normal is that?", "Billy: It gets a little abnormal when the wife is specifically calling for information to bring down the husband's boss.", "Victoria: Well, the boss stole the company from the poor wife's family.", "Billy: O-okay, Vick, I can't do this right now.", "Victoria: Fine. (Sighs) Would you meet me for lunch at the club, if that's allowed?", "Billy: I will see you later.", "Victoria: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mom... (Sighs) Please don't try to talk me out of this.", "Nikki: You're asking your husband to betray his brother.", "Victoria: Billy knows how important this is to me.", "Nikki: I just worry about the damage it could cause to your marriage.", "Victoria: Well, you should worry about the damage that it will cause to Jack.", "Nikki: Jack? He deserves everything he's got coming to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: If those are the Swanson contracts, leave them there. I-I-I want the latest figures on Mitsukoshi sales, too-- exact numbers, not estimates.", "Victor: First quarter, we did $1.3 million in sales, an 8% increase over the previous year. Second quarter, $1.55 million in sales. That's a 4% increase. Those are exact figures, not estimates, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hey.", "Paul: Hi.", "Heather: Any idea why Eden wanted to meet us here?", "Chris: No, my message just said it was important.", "Heather: Yeah, mine, too.", "Paul: You know, maybe this is all getting too much for her.", "Heather: Mnh-mnh. Doesn't sound like Eden. She's tougher than that.", "Paul: I don't know.", "Chris: Oh, here she is. Here she is. Hi.", "Paul: Hi.", "Eden: Oh, good, good. You're all here.", "Heather: Uh, what did you want to talk to us about?", "Eden: Well, I think I'm remembering more about the night Ricky died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, you'd make a great assistant. Too bad I already have one.", "Victor: This will never be your office, Jack.", "Jack: Oh, this is my office. Certainly feels like my office, looks like my office. Maybe this'll help you. This is my new business card. Jack Abbott, C.E.O., Newman Enterprises. I've asked Connie to deliver your portrait and the rest of your bric-a-brac to your house. Oh, that's right, you don't have a house. Get the feeling lately somebody doesn't like you?", "Victor: I'm so glad that my misfortune makes you happy. But I'm even more glad to know that your happiness will be short-lived.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Noah: Mom? You home? Mom?", "(Keys jingling)", "Noah: Mom? Mom, you home?", "Adam: Sharon? Shar--", "Noah: What are you doing here?", "Adam: I'm looking for your mother.", "Noah: Yeah, the way you called out her name kind of tipped me off. Why are you looking for her? I thought she cut you out of her life.", "Adam: I came here to thank her. She sent flowers to Chelsea and me, offering condolences for the loss of our baby.", "Noah: Yeah, I-I-I heard about that. I'm sorry.", "Adam: Did you also hear that your sister caused it?", "Noah: It was an accident.", "Adam: And accidents happen, right?", "Noah: Look, we--we all feel bad about what happened, but you can't--", "Adam: Is your mother here?", "Noah: (Sighs) No, but I'll be glad to leave her a message.", "Adam: I'm sure you would. Kid, you should have never come back to Genoa City. Why did you come back?", "Noah: Let me ask you a question-- why do you hate your own family so much?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I thought that you seemed awfully quiet when I told you and Dad how I planned to get Newman Enterprises back.", "Nikki: Honey, have you thought about what this could do to your marriage?", "Victoria: Mostly, I thought about what Nick said last night. I still can't believe he's just gonna walk away.", "Nikki: Well, his priorities have shifted, and for good reason. I mean, Sharon has never really been a very reliable parent, but lately--", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. I understand he wants to focus on his family, which leaves getting Dad's company back to me.", "Nikki: Just make sure you don't sacrifice your family in the process.", "Victoria: Billy and I are in a good place.", "Nikki: Honey, happiness is so fragile, it can slip through your fingers very easily.", "Victoria: I'm not gonna let that happen.", "Nikki: I know what Newman Enterprises means to you, to all of us, but I also know what it's cost us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You think my happiness won't last long. Does that mean you're coming after me? By all means, knock yourself out. I enjoy the challenge.", "Victor: You misunderstand me, Jack. I don't intend to come after you, nor after the business. You can have the whole damn thing. I just came to tell you that it won't make you happy.", "Jack: (Laughs) Are you all right? This may be one of the aftereffects of your nasty head injuries?", "Victor: After the setbacks I've suffered recently, I've come to realize that none of us control a damn thing.", "Jack: Well, I understand how you'd feel that way. You just lost everything.", "Victor: I have far more than you will ever have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Uh, I was chasing Ricky down an alley, uh, and then he stopped and turned back. He had a knife in his hand, and it--it seemed so familiar. It was...", "Paul: Well, I know. Maybe that's because, um... (Sighs) I told you that Ricky was threatening you with a knife the night he died.", "Eden: Or because I'm actually remembering it. I mean, it sure felt real.", "Chris: But you said it was a dream, not an actual memory.", "Eden: Well, I mean, everything's all messed up in my head, so...", "Heather: Look, we understand.", "Eden: It's just--I feel like what happened in Ricky's suite is finally starting to come back to me.", "Heather: Look, unfortunately, even if it does, it probably won't help at this point.", "Chris: Yeah, it wouldn't take much for the prosecution to convince the jury that it could be the hypnotherapist or one of us who planted those memories in your mind.", "Heather: Yeah. I'm sorry.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Eden: (Chuckles) (Sighs) I want to help you so badly, Paul. I mean, you saved my life. I-I can't let you go to prison.", "Heather: Eden, you've already given us information that is going to help.", "(Door opens)", "Eden: And what if it's not enough?", "Paul: You know what? I got three of the best attorneys in the country that are on my side, and, uh, I'm not a half-bad P.I., either.", "Heather: Excuse me for a second.", "Heather: I'm sorry, there a problem?", "Michael: You're an assistant district attorney.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Paul's about to go on trial for attempted murder.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: That is a bad idea.", "Heather: You can't stop me from talking to my father.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Excuse me, um, my parents and I are waiting for my husband, Adam Newman. We're supposed to meet him for lunch, so can you just send him our way when he gets here?", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What makes you think I hate my family?", "Noah: Are you denying it?", "Adam: I have no quarrel with you, Noah.", "Noah: No, but you sure do with my dad, Aunt Vicki, Abby, Summer...", "Adam: Don't forget your grandfather.", "Noah: You know, you act like you're so proud about joining up with Jack against Grandpa. You know, my dad is right-- the only person that you give a damn about is you.", "Adam: Yeah, your father isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, and he's resented the fact that I came to town. He didn't want me in his life, sure as hell didn't want me in your grandfather's life, so, yeah, I wouldn't take everything that your father says about me as gospel.", "Noah: Right, so he has no reason to hate you at all.", "Adam: No, he has a perfectly justifiable reason-- jealousy.", "Noah: Why would he ever be jealous of you?", "Adam: Because I am more like your grandfather than he ever will be. Same goes for you, and I actually mean that as a very sincere compliment to the both of you.", "Noah: You're a little twisted. Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Yeah, see, you and your father could spend the entire rest of your natural lives trying to be like your great big hero Victor Newman, to no avail, but then being an arrogant, self-centered jerk like him just comes naturally to me.", "Noah: Do not say that about my grandfather.", "Adam: Ohh. You are your father's son, aren't you? Don't let 'em suck the life out of you, Kid. You're too smart and too talented to get pulled into this Newman family vortex. Get out while you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So you think you have more than I do.", "Victor: You bet I do.", "Jack: Well, let's take inventory, shall we? I have Jabot, I have Beauty of Nature, I have Newman, and I have a house. You--what do you have? You have-- you have nothing. Oh, well, not nothing. You have a new-and-improved outlook on life.", "Victor: You don't get it, do you, Jack?", "Jack: Oh, I get it just fine. I am in your office, sitting at your desk.", "Victor: Your ambition will destroy you.", "Jack: Is that why you're here? You're concerned about me?", "Victor: All the people you ever cared about have turned their back on you, haven't they?", "Jack: If you're talking about Nikki...", "Victor: Your sister Ashley, you drove her out of town. Abby... doesn't want a damn thing to do with you. It's your sweet sister Traci. She hasn't abandoned you yet, but she isn't making a beeline to Genoa City to celebrate your triumph now, is she? Then there's your son Kyle.", "Jack: My son Kyle is living with me now.", "Victor: It'll be a matter of time before he realizes who you really are, and then he will make a beeline to my house, knock at my door, looking for a role model to emulate. So what do you have, Jack? This desk? Got news for you-- too big for you.", "Jack: This desk fits me just fine... just fine. If you're through with your little show, you can leave now.", "Victor: You spent a lifetime trying to beat me, Jack Abbott. Look where it's got you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: An A.D.A. meeting with a defendant and one of his attorneys and a lead witness doesn't look good.", "Heather: I haven't compromised your case.", "Michael: You know I hate this.", "Heather: Yeah, not half as much as I do.", "Michael: I have some good news for your father. Let's go give it to him.", "Eden: Oh, hey, Michael.", "Michael: Hey, you.", "Paul: Hey there. What can we do for you?", "Michael: The judge finished reviewing Avery's petition for a continuance.", "Chris: And?", "Michael: She granted the request.", "Paul: Wow.", "Heather: That's great news.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Chris: Okay, does Avery know? I want to call her.", "Paul: Maybe that's her.", "Chris: No, it's not. It's... Danny.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I just saw \"Captain Smiley\" getting into the elevator. It's gotta be killing him that you're sitting behind this desk.", "Jack: Do you have the data I asked for on our retail relationships?", "Billy: Yes, I do, right here. Everything you ever wanted to know about Newman business with major department stores, sorted by region.", "Jack: We'll get right to it.", "Billy: You're welcome.", "Jack: These are solid. These are shaky.", "Billy: (Clears throat) Yeah? I take it that you're worried they're not gonna want to do business with Newman now that you're in charge. Am I right?", "Jack: We simply have to convince them that it's in their best interests to maintain the status quo.", "Billy: How you plannin' on doing that, Jack?", "Jack: You're going to do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon, it's me.", "Sharon: Adam, come in. You should have never come back.", "Adam: No, I made sure that Noah had left.", "Sharon: I wish he hadn't seen you in the first place.", "Adam: He bought my story about the flowers. Don't worry.", "Sharon: Yeah, you covered really well, and then you filled his head with lies about his dad and his grandfather.", "Adam: I kept talking because I wanted to make certain that you were here. Once I did, Sharon, let's be very clear about something-- what I said about my brother and my father-- everything that I said-- it's true.", "Sharon: Noah loves them. Why would you turn him against his own family?", "Adam: They'll destroy him, Sharon.", "Sharon: No, they would never--", "Adam: Never, as in not ever? Look what they've done to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Oh, wow, look at this. Honey, you didn't tell me that we were going to be joining your parents for lunch.", "Victoria: Oh, well, actually, I was just waiting with them.", "Billy: Okay. Victor, hello.", "Victor: Hello, Billy.", "Billy: How you doin'?", "Nikki: Oh, he's much better, thank you, but the doctor says he should avoid stress.", "Billy: Oh. Well, I could imagine it is a rough week. It surprises me that you were at Newman, though.", "Victoria: (Gasps)", "Billy: I-I saw you leaving. I didn't say anything because it's a little awkward that I'm working there and you're--you're not, so...", "Victoria: Oh, you know, I was just telling my mom and dad how you accepted Jack's job offer...", "Victor: I...", "Victoria: So that you can help me get the company back.", "Victor: Warned her not to trust you.", "Billy: Color me shocked. I'm sure you did.", "Victoria: Oh, look at, over there. Our table's ready. (Chuckles) See you.", "Billy: Enjoy your lunch.", "Victoria: (Exhales slowly) You just couldn't resist, could you? (Sighs)", "Billy: What are you talking about? He started it. Thank you very much.", "Victoria: First of all, are you 6 years old? And secondly, he didn't start it. You did.", "Billy: Okay, fine. Maybe this time, it was me, but normally, he starts it.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Never mind. Just--did you find anything out? I mean, did Jack say anything about any trouble with any of the department store chains?", "Billy: Yeah, he, uh, designated a few stores that aren't exactly happy with the takeover.", "Victoria: Which ones? Was Baker-Ryberg out of Miami one of 'em? Ohh, I knew it. I knew it, and Jack knows if a couple of those companies bail on him, then others will follow, and then his entire house of cards will fall.", "Billy: Yes. He's hoping that I can persuade them with my charm.", "Victoria: Yes, I'm sure you could do that, but not if I get there first.", "Billy: I'm sorry?", "Victoria: I have to-- I have to have a meeting in Miami with Baker-Ryberg.", "Billy: Oh, come on.", "Victoria: Listen, I'm sorry. I know you feel like you're betraying your brother.", "Billy: Because I am betr-- 'cause I am.", "Victoria: But you're securing your son's future.", "Billy: You need to realize that Johnny is a Newman and an Abbott.", "Victoria: I love when you say that, I really do.", "Billy: Uh, d-don't do that. Don't change the subject. Don't be cute.", "Victoria: No, I mean it. I mean it. Listen, that you consider him just as much my son as yours, that means a lot to me.", "Billy: It is a shame that Chelsea and Adam lost their baby.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: Yeah, a-after the accident they were in with Summer.", "Victoria: Oh, no. She must be going crazy.", "Billy: I don't know.", "Victoria: Was there a more serious problem with the pregnancy? I mean, a lot of women can't carry a baby to full term, even if they've already had one. I mean, look at me.", "Billy: Okay, Vick, just don't--don't... (sighs)", "Victoria: No, what if she can't have any more babies and she wants Johnny back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey.", "Michael: Hey.", "Paul: Heather, uh, took off awfully fast. Did you have something to do with that?", "Michael: Well, neither of us should be seen talking to you in public.", "Paul: Oh. Then why did you come and tell me about the continuance in person?", "Michael: I'm liking my job less and less these days.", "Paul: You're thinking about quitting. Michael... you're one of the good guys. It's a tough job. I'm glad you're doing it.", "Chris: And yet, you're still moving forward with Paul's trial.", "Michael: Maybe if you spent more time looking for that new evidence that would clear Paul and less pursuing a civil suit against Phyllis, Paul's case would be dismissed, too.", "Chris: Don't say it. I know you agree with him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So Pietro has a million ideas, but he wants to make sure that it's something that we want.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nikki: He says... (Italian accent) \"Decorating a home is like making love-- beautiful, but intensely personal.\" (Normal voice) So he is suggesting Tuscan, like this, but I don't know, I'm kind of thinking about contemporary. Nothing sterile, just maybe light and airy, you know?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: And then I also told him that we'd have to have separate quarters for Segundo and the horses because, you know, Blue Smoke is gonna want his own room.", "Victor: Oh, yeah, Blue Smoke for sure needs his own room.", "Nikki: Uh-huh.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Nikki: You're not listening to a word I'm saying.", "Victor: Um, I'm sorry, Sweetheart, I was just--", "Nikki: I know what you're doing. You're looking at Billy and Victoria.", "Victor: I can't help it. I mean, when I think that the fate of Newman Enterprises is put in the hands of that... fool...", "Nikki: You're upset that Nicholas doesn't want to fight Jack.", "Victor: A little disappointed, yeah. I told him, though, he can do as he chooses.", "Nikki: I know, and you're saying the right things, you're doing the right things...", "Victor: But you question my sincerity?", "Nikki: I hope this new you is for real, because you need a much more relaxed life right now, but I know you, Victor. You want your son to fight for Newman.", "Victoria: It could happen. It could. Even if Chelsea doesn't come up with the idea on her own, Adam could. He hates me. It would be a win-win for him. He can give his wife the baby she can't have and--and take mine.", "Billy: Okay, stop. Just stop. All the T's are crossed, all the I's are dotted on Johnny's adoption papers. He's ours. Nobody's taking him away from us.", "Victoria: You're right. Okay, you're probably right. I'm overreacting. I'm sorry.", "Billy: It's okay. Look, I better get back to work. I don't want to get Jack suspicious.", "Victoria: All right, yeah. Go. I'm fine.", "Billy: Everything is gonna be okay, mm-hmm?", "Victoria: I love you.", "Billy: Okay, good-bye.", "Victoria: Good-bye.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Noah's better off without Nicholas and my father in his life. You won't admit it, but you know it's true.", "Sharon: Um, I'm not gonna argue with you about this. I can't.", "Adam: I didn't come here to upset you.", "Sharon: Why did you come?", "Adam: I found someplace for you to go, a place where no one will bother you.", "Sharon: Where?", "Adam: It's on my property. It's a cottage. It's quiet, it's private, secluded. It's pretty much cut off from the rest of the world.", "Sharon: (Shudders) That's-- it sounds like a prison!", "Adam: No, it's to keep you safe, it's not to lock you up. This is ultimately your call, Sharon.", "Sharon: I'm not sure. I don't-- I don't know what to do.", "Adam: Do you trust me, Sharon?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam? Babe, you home? Adam.", "(Knock on door)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Chelsea: Victoria.", "Victoria: May I come in? Billy told me about the accident, and I just really wanted to tell you how sorry I-- how sorry I am.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Victoria: I understand what you're going through, losing a baby. I-I know how that feels.", "Chelsea: I feel like my hormones are going crazy. One second, I'm fine, and then the next, I'm in tears.", "Victoria: Yeah, I remember.", "Chelsea: My first pregnancy was so easy. I had no scares, no complications. I just assumed it would be the same this time.", "Victoria: Do they know what caused it? The miscarriage?", "Chelsea: No, the doctor said there's no way to-- there's no way to know for sure.", "Victoria: Yeah, that's what they told me. They told me that, and I thought that everything was gonna be okay, and then I would get pregnant again and have another baby, but... (Clicks lips) Well, that didn't happen. It's different for every woman, of course, you know. So did the doctors say anything about that?", "Chelsea: About what?", "Victoria: Well, will you be able to have another baby?", "Chelsea: The doctor actually said that when I'm ready, we can try again.", "Victoria: That's great. Wow, that's--that's good news. Um, I mean, because I know how much you and Adam want to have a child together.", "Chelsea: You think I'm gonna try to get John back.", "Victoria: No!", "Chelsea: Victoria... you don't have to worry. You're not gonna lose your son. I know... (Sniffles) What that loss feels like, and I wouldn't put you through it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: There's a... fridge, I stocked it, and a nice view of the lake. Uh-huh, and there's, uh, there's a bunch of books there, plenty of 'em. I'm not sure what they are, but I'm sure you could find something interesting.", "Sharon: (Sighs) I just want to curl up on this and shut the world out.", "Adam: Do it. Rest. Don't think about anything for a little while, at least. You're safe here.", "Sharon: Does anyone else know I'm here?", "Adam: Just me. I have to go. I, uh, I'll check in on you later. I--", "Sharon: Okay, Adam?", "Adam: (Exhales slowly)", "Sharon: I set the fire, didn't I? At the ranch?", "Adam: It doesn't matter.", "Sharon: (Voice breaking) Yes, it does! Please. I have to know.", "Adam: Sharon, you were drinking. You were drunk. You didn't know what you were doing.", "Sharon: Oh, my God. I could have killed someone!", "Adam: You didn't.", "Sharon: What if they find out that it's me?", "Adam: They won't.", "Sharon: (Exhales sharply) Oh, my God.", "Adam: Don't worry, okay?", "Sharon: I'm scared.", "Adam: Hey, don't be. I'm gonna make sure that nobody suspects you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Billy. There you are. How was lunch?", "Billy: It was good, yeah. The shrimp was good. Pasta was a little overdone. There was-- that's not what you're asking me, is it?", "Jack: What are you talking about?", "Billy: (Chuckles) I'm-- I--nothing. Never mind. I-I don't know.", "Jack: You have those documents I gave you earlier, about maintaining ties with our retail chains?", "Billy: Yeah, I've got 'em. They're on my desk. Did you want 'em right now, or--", "Jack: Well, not right now. I'd probably want to go over 'em later.", "Billy: Okay, yeah, sure.", "Jack: Okay. Let's get back to work.", "Billy: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: These are my final choices. This one, and--unless there's something else that you prefer. Now, Victor, you're still distracted. Victoria and Billy are gone, so what is it?", "Victor: Well... there's just a deal that I have to close, you know?", "Nikki: Oh, my God. I knew it. I knew it. You still have one foot in the corporate world. You want everybody to think that you've walked away. Here you are, trying to plan your next move.", "Victor: Oh, no, no, this is more important than business.", "Nikki: Victor, please. After all these years, you cannot fool me.", "Victor: Oh, Sweetheart, this is really an important deal that has nothing to do with business.", "Nikki: Is that so?", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nikki: What could possibly be more important to you than business?", "Victor: You.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: So I told Danny that I was going to California to find that video of Ricky killing Rachel.", "Paul: Well, I'm sure he'd rather you meet him somewhere.", "Chris: He told me I should do whatever I have to do to clear your name.", "Paul: That's really nice. (Groans) You know, if I could leave the state, I'd go to California myself.", "Chris: And deprive me of coming to your rescue?", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "Chris: It's my turn. After all the times you've saved me, I... I might not be here if it weren't for you.", "Paul: I'm glad you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Adam: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Adam, finally. I've been trying to reach you. Did you get my messages?", "Adam: I haven't checked my phone yet.", "Chelsea: I waited for you forever at the club.", "Adam: I am so sorry. How was lunch with Jeffrey and Anita?", "Chelsea: I survived... (Chuckles) But I was worried about you. When you didn't show up, I--", "Adam: Yeah, I know, I should have called you. I-- look, another crisis came up. It's been pretty crazy. I had to reschedule with Jack, but I'm headed over to Newman right now.", "Chelsea: Is there anything I can do?", "Adam: (Sighs) No, everything's under control. I will, um, I'll be home as soon as I can.", "Chelsea: You won't be too late, will you?", "Adam: I don't know... but I will make this up to you.", "Chelsea: Nothing to make up. I love you.", "Adam: And I love you, too.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: Hurry home. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Ohh, isn't it beautiful?", "Victoria: What? Yes! Oh, my--it's gorgeous.", "Nikki: (Laughs)", "Victoria: Oh, Mom...", "Nikki: (Sniffles) Ohh.", "Victoria: But you-- you can't have the wedding yet.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, Honey, I thought you would be anxious for us to get married.", "Victoria: No, I am. I am, but, um, I'm going out of town for a little while.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Victor: You didn't say anything about going anywhere.", "Victoria: Well, it-- it just sort of came up, and I'm gonna need to leave right away.", "Victor: But why are you in such a rush?", "Victoria: Dad, I think I might have come up with a way to force Jack out of Newman, but time is critical.", "Victor: I knew I could count on you.", "Victoria: We have to give Billy a little credit, too, okay? He's the one that made this possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Don't forget to set up that meeting with Phil Anderson at Largent, okay?", "Billy: You know what, Jack? I heard you the first two times today.", "Jack: There a problem?", "Billy: No, there's not. I'm sorry, I'm just a little on edge at the moment.", "Jack: About anything in particular?", "Billy: Yeah, Victoria's taking a trip. I always get a little freaked out when she's in the air, you know?", "Jack: Where's Victoria going?", "Billy: She's going to Italy. Some art exhibit, neoclassical... I don't know what. I couldn't tell you.", "Jack: Well, she's gonna have a lot more time on her hands these days. I hope she has a good trip.", "Billy: I'm sure she will. Um, I'll see if I can't get a hold of Anderson for you.", "Jack: Let me know when you've got something set up.", "Billy: You got it. (Clears throat)", "Jack: (Exhales slowly)", "(Glass shatters)", "Jack: Ohh! (Breathing heavily)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: Jack offered me a job. I could work on the inside so you can get Newman back.", "John: It's payback time, Jack. You've crossed the line, and your body knows it.", "Avery: I understand not wanting to be around your family.", "Summer: I want to sue them." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon gets another phone call from Patty, who wants her to help her escape, but Sharon acts as though she is a roofer and she blows her off. Dylan tries to take the phone, but Sharon has already hung up. At the Athletic Club, Lily, Neil, Maddie, and Charlie have just come from a Halloween show when Charlie sees Cane with another woman. Paul visits Patty in the psych hospital but she pretends she doesn't know what Paul is saying to her. Kevin and Chloe have made love and are just talking lying in bed. Kevin goes downstairs for a bottle of wine when he is caught in a compromising situation by Chelsea, who has just come home. Both Chelsea and Kevin feel awkward. Dylan begins to question Mariah about what she knows about this Patty situation, but Mariah acts as though she doesn't really know anything else than what she has told him. Cane introduces Renee to Lily, who is angry with him that he hadn't attended the Halloween party with them.", "Paul questions Patty about her paintings, but she doesn't want to discuss them. Paul and the doctor discuss moving Patty to a new facility. Patty is thrilled. Sharon worries that Sully will be taken away from her. Chloe and Chelsea discuss Kevin and her feelings for him. Chloe tries to get Chelsea to find someone new which irritates her. Chloe apologizes to her for her harsh remarks. Kevin tells Mariah that he and Chloe have made love. Paul comes to see Sharon and Dylan to let them know that Patty is being moved.", "" ]
[ "Neil: Well, well. Hey, man. Hey, was that not the best Halloween play of all time? Wasn't it?", "Lily: [Laughs] I know. Why don't we celebrate with a round of brownie sundaes?", "Charlie: Okay.", "Lily: What? That's it? \"Okay?\"", "Neil: Hey, what's going on?", "Charlie: Why didn't daddy come to the play?", "Lily: Because, honey, he had to work.", "Mattie: Then why is he here?", "Lily: What?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: I'll take it.", "Sharon: No, the calls have stopped. I'm sure it's nothing.", "Dylan: Sharon, let me answer the phone.", "Sharon: No, I got it, I got it. Hello?", "Patty: Hey, kitten. You miss me?", "Sharon: Um, we don't want a free estimate on any roof work.", "Patty: Ohh, you're not alone.", "Sharon: That's right.", "Patty: But we have so much to talk about, Sharon.", "Sharon: We just did it last year, so we won't be needing your services.", "Patty: Oh, you're good. I almost believe I'm calling you about the roof on your house.", "Dylan: Come on, Sharon. Give me the phone.", "Sharon: I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call this number again.", "Patty: But I have to. You have a promise to keep. I have a secret to keep. No promise, no secret. So what's the plan, Sharon? When am I getting out of here?", "Dylan: Sharon, just give me the phone.", "Sharon: Just please take me off the call list.", "Patty: Ohh. Is that my nephew policeman? Pass him the phone. I can give him an earful.", "Sharon: I have to go.", "Patty: No, don't you dare hang up.", "Dylan: That's it. Let me talk to this jerk right now.", "Sharon: Um, look, they -- they hung up. [Chuckles]", "Dylan: Sharon, you need to let me handle this.", "Mariah: You sounded pretty strong with them. Do you think they'll call back?", "Sharon: I hope not.", "[Keys jingle] Thank you for waiting, patty. I know it's after hours, but someone wanted to see you.", "Paul: Hey, Pattycake. I bet you're surprised to see me.", "Patty: Paulie?", "Paul: Yeah. You know, the last time I was here, we didn't get to finish our conversation. And we have so much to talk about.", "Patty: So very, very, very much to talk about.", "Kevin: This is so not how I thought this night was gonna go.", "Chloe: Yeah, you thought we were gonna get dessert.", "Kevin: That lavender crème brûlée did sound pretty good.", "Chloe: You know, I really would have been fine with pasta palace.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, it's too bad that nobody got what they wanted, huh?", "Chloe: Hmm. Like this. And this.", "Kevin: I was so scared of scaring you away. I was willing to wait and go slow. Glacier slow.", "Chloe: I think that glaciers move at a much faster pace these days, so I don't even think that glacier slow is a thing.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Chloe: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: So long as this pace is okay for you. As long as that works. Because if it doesn't, I will -- I will give you space, all right?", "Chloe: I think this is a great option. And maybe... we should start by finishing off that bottle of wine that you left on the piano.", "Kevin: All right. I'm on it. [Sighs]", "[Door opens]", "[Bottle clunks]", "[Glass clatters] Hey. You're home. Cool. We skipped dessert.", "Kevin: I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I did not know how soon you'd be home or -- or how late it was or --", "Chelsea: Or how naked you'd be. Funny. To think Connor recently said nothing fun happens around here.", "Chloe: Ohhh, my.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Chloe: Kevin. Well, not a lot of men can pull that look off.", "Chelsea: Right?", "Kevin: Excuse me.", "Chloe: [Laughs]", "Chelsea: So... date night.", "Chloe: It went really well.", "Chelsea: I can tell. I heard you skipped dessert.", "Chloe: [Squeals]", "Cane: See, last-minute tables, that's my specialty.", "Lily: Hi, honey.", "Cane: Hey! Hey, what are you doing here?", "Lily: I was gonna ask you the same thing.", "Cane: Hey, this is my wife, lily. Uh, this is Renee. She's the brilliant buyer that's looking at doing a deal for a chain of department stores.", "Renee: Your husband is very charming.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: See?", "Lily: Yes, he is.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Lily: Would you mind horribly if I borrow prince charming for a second?", "Renee: Of course not. I have calls to return.", "Lily: Cane?", "Cane: One sec.", "Lily: I thought you were working tonight.", "Cane: I am working. The deal was Fenmore's is about to expire. I'm trying to set this deal up.", "Lily: Honey, that's great, but you couldn't have scheduled it when it wasn't the twins' play? You promised them that you would be there.", "Neil: Okay, and then we're gonna go bowling. How about that?", "Both: Yeah!", "Neil: You like that, don't you?", "Cane: [Sighs] That was tonight?", "Lily: I texted you four times.", "Cane: Oh, my phone's on \"do not disturb\" during this meeting. Baby, I'm so sorry about this.", "Paul: I was surprised to see that Mariah Copeland came to visit you. Do you remember that?", "Patty: Do we have any chocolate pudding? If I ask nicely, I can have some, right?", "Paul: You remember Sharon, don't you? She's married to Dylan. Dylan's my son. You know that. Anyway, Sharon's been getting these, uh, prank phone calls, a lot of hang-ups. And Mariah thought maybe you were the person making them. Were you?", "Patty: Hello? Hello? Hellooooo? [Laughs] Nobody's there! [Laughing] Get it?", "Paul: You want to talk about your paintings? They're very beautiful.", "Patty: No. I don't paint anymore. No more painting.", "Paul: You know, when I look at them, a lot of them remind me of your time at Fairview. Like, there was one where you painted Dr. Anderson. And, uh, I remember another one where you painted a pregnant lady. I thought it was Sharon, because she was at Fairview the same time you were. And you knew each other. I thought maybe you became friends.", "Patty: Secret.", "Paul: You have a secret? You want to tell me about it?", "Patty: Soooo many secrets. I paint them. I paint my secrets.", "Paul: What kind of secrets, patty?", "Patty: The best kind.", "Dylan: Just give me the phone. We'll block the number.", "Sharon: That won't work. You know, those phone calls never come from the same number twice.", "Dylan: Sharon, it can't hurt, right? Just give me the phone. Come on.", "Sharon: Oh, look at that. No, my battery's dying. I have to charge it.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Mariah: You know, we never heard about your trip to eau Claire. How'd the trial go? Did the good guys win?", "Dylan: Uh, I'm a little concerned about what's going on here right now, Mariah.", "Sharon: We're fine, Dylan.", "Dylan: I saw your face, Sharon. You freaked out. That phone call freaked you out.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Who likes getting those garbage calls anyway?", "Dylan: Well, uh, the phone rang and you froze.", "Sharon: [Sighs] Just for a teeny second. And then it was over. I mean, I know there's nothing to worry about, Dylan, especially because you're here now. You know, it's gonna be a chilly night. I was thinking about getting an extra blanket for sully. Maybe you would like to do that.", "Dylan: Yeah, I'll do that. This conversation's far from over.", "Mariah: Patty? How did she get ahold of another phone?", "Sharon: I wasn't able to ask her that.", "Mariah: Well, what does she want? What'd she say?", "Sharon: She wanted to know what the plan is. She threatened to tell Dylan. What am I gonna do? The plan isn't even a real plan!", "Mariah: We just have to manage patty.", "Sharon: What if she gets ahold of another phone? What if she calls on Dylan's line or she calls him at the station?", "Mariah: Sharon, don't do this.", "Sharon: Paul knows that you went to Stonevale to see patty. He saw the painting that she did of me. He has so many questions.", "Mariah: And we have answered them.", "Sharon: Okay, but then you heard Dylan. More questions.", "Mariah: [Sighs] There are a lot of pieces to this and --", "Sharon: Yes, they're pieces that Paul and Dylan are going to put together. And when they do... oh, my God, Mariah. Oh, my God. I'm gonna lose sully! I'm gonna lose my son! I'm --", "Mariah: Sharon, Sharon, stop. Please keep your voice down. If Dylan hears you freaking out over a telemarketer call, he's gonna get even more suspicious.", "Sharon: She's gonna call again.", "Mariah: And we will deal with patty. But for right now, you need to pull yourself together. Can you do that?", "Lily: So, who's ready for sundaes?", "Neil: Yes!", "Lily: Huh?", "Mattie: Isn't daddy coming over?", "Lily: Honey, daddy is in the middle of a very important meeting, okay? He'll come when he can. But we have to respect his work time right now.", "Neil: Yeah, that's right. If he doesn't work, he's not gonna be able to buy you toys.", "Charlie: I guess so.", "Lily: How about this? Why don't you guys go wash up? And by the time you get back, your sundaes will be here, okay?", "Neil: Go on, guys.", "Lily: And make sure you wait for each other.", "Neil: You handled that beautifully.", "Lily: What's to handle? Cane has to work. It is what it is.", "Neil: I understand. You're obviously very frustrated. This was an important night for the kids. Cane missed it.", "Lily: Well, it's the new normal. He rarely gets home before the twins are in bed. I even took them and their pumpkins to his office just so they could have some quality time. And then look at tonight. He promised that he would see their performance, but he missed it because he's having another business meeting.", "Neil: Cane has you and the kids always, all right? You got to trust that he's gonna find his way. Maybe with a little assist from you.", "Lily: I know he's working hard for us. But this play is all the twins have talked about for weeks. And he missed it. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this. I mean, how do I fix this?", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Chloe: Hi. Well, at least Connor didn't wake up to witness that.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, that is one sleepy kid. Usually bedtime is a struggle, but he went down without a fight. You know what? Let me finish cleaning up so you can get back to your date night.", "Kevin: [Sighs] Found this in one of your drawers. Hope it's all right.", "Chloe: Well, fits better than the pink blanket look.", "Kevin: [Sighs] I think I should get going.", "Chelsea: Whoa, whoa. Listen, do not leave on my account. Just, you know, try to keep your clothes on when we're in the same room. That's -- that's all.", "Kevin: I am running out of ways to apologize.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] It's fine. Next time just, you know, put a tie on the door.", "Kevin: Well, that was fun.", "Chloe: So...stay.", "Kevin: Very tempting, but I don't want to screw this up.", "Chloe: It's not possible.", "Kevin: You are amazing and gorgeous. And it's time for me to say good night.", "Chloe: What about your shirt?", "Kevin: Well, now I have an excuse to come back. I'll call you tomorrow.", "Chloe: You better. We got a bottle of wine to finish.", "Kevin: Oh, yeah.", "Chloe: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: Do you really think that's gonna help?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. It's helping already.", "Mariah: Sharon, listen, we --", "Dylan: [Sighs] Kid can't sleep without this.", "[Toy winds up]", "Mariah: Patty is not going to call and spill the secret. Because if she does, the deal's off. Goodbye, freedom. And that's all that she wants.", "Sharon: So all I have to do is dangle freedom in front of her.", "Mariah: And your secret will be safe.", "Sharon: Maybe you're right. Patty's not stupid. Thanks for talking me down. You know, we just have to hope that patty gets sent far, far away. Maybe everything really will be all right.", "Dylan: That did the trick. Sully's sleeping like Guess he's almost too old to call him that, huh? I mean, it's hard to believe that it's almost been a whole year.", "Mariah: Well, there's a glass of wine waiting for you. I'm gonna go meet a friend because I'm sure you two want to catch up on some alone time.", "Dylan: Yeah, uh, Mariah, hold on. I was hoping that we could finish our discussion about patty.", "Mariah: I thought we had.", "Dylan: No, we didn't. You see, I'm still a little hazy on how you made the leap from an anonymous caller to a woman who's locked in a psychiatric hospital. What secrets, patty? Can you clarify for your brother?", "Paul: You know what? It's all right, patty. You don't have to tell me what they are. But can we talk about Sharon and the time you spent with her? We don't have to talk about secrets. Just tell me what you remember. We start there? That's right. She was pregnant.", "Patty: Sitting on a nest.", "Paul: Mm-hmm. Do you remember anything else about her? Patty?", "Patty: She helped me. I helped her. So very, very much.", "Paul: How? Patty?", "Patty: Dr. Anderson was very, very bad.", "[Humming \"Hush Little Baby\"] Patty, can you answer your brother? Can -- can you be more specific?", "Patty: [Humming continues] She was very, very, very bad! She was very bad! Aah! Aah!", "Paul: Okay, did Dr. Anderson do something that upset you? Tell me about it.", "Patty: [Humming]", "Paul: Is that why you killed her, Patty? Because you found out that she did something very, very bad? Patty.", "Patty: [Screams] Don't touch me. Don't touch me. No more touching. No. Just get me out of here! Get me out of here! Get me out of here!", "Paul: Orderly! Get the hell in here!", "Sharon: You just got home. Enough with the questions. Let Mariah go and see her friend. We can talk about this some other time.", "Mariah: Really, I've told you everything I can.", "Dylan: Are you sure? Because it just feels like that something is missing. And if we go over it again, maybe I can figure it out.", "Sharon: Or maybe you can just relax here with your wife and have some wine, and I can tell you all about the pumpkin patch and the jack o'lantern carving.", "Dylan: Yeah, I-I would love to hear about all that. But, Mariah --", "Sharon: Wait. \"But\" what? Okay, you know, having an anonymous caller harassing me, that was scary. And patty was a theory. Mariah went and checked it out because she was concerned. Why did patty paint me? I don't know. Who knows what's in that woman's head? She had a dead cat named Mr. Kitty she kept as a pet.", "Dylan: Okay. The interrogation portion of this evening is now over.", "Mariah: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Good. 'Cause we have a lot of other important things we can discuss.", "Dylan: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: All right. That is my cue to leave. I will see you guys later.", "Dylan: I hope I didn't make you late.", "Mariah: No, it's all good.", "Dylan: Mariah. Uh, thank you for everything you did. You know, Stonevale was a wild goose chase. At least you tried.", "Mariah: I'd do anything for my mom.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Do you hear that?", "Dylan: What?", "Sharon: Silence. Two sweet, little cuties upstairs dreaming sweet dreams. You, me, and wine. Welcome home, detective McAvoy.", "Dylan: This detective is officially off duty.", "Patty: You can't do this. You can't do this. I need to be free! No!", "Dr. Powell: You're all right.", "Paul: Dr. Powell, we were making progress.", "Dr. Powell: Unfortunately, patty's mood swings have gotten more unpredictable.", "Paul: Well, Fairview is definitely a trigger for her, Dr. Anderson. And Sharon, for some reason.", "Dr. Powell: As difficult as the paintings are to decipher, they do indicate serious psychological trauma.", "Paul: How do we get to the trauma? We need to find out what happened.", "Dr. Powell: I'm not sure we ever will. But I have outlined a new plan of treatment, and I hope you can look at it with an open mind.", "Paul: Are you serious?", "Chelsea: Oh. You couldn't convince Kevin to stay?", "Chloe: Well, I tried, but apparently I'm amazing and he still needed to go.", "Chelsea: Ah. I hope Connor and I didn't crash your party.", "Chloe: No, of course not. This is your house. Come on. And it's probably for the best.", "Chelsea: For the best. Right. 'Cause he wants to go slow? What I saw tonight was not slow.", "Chloe: Well, that was my idea. The naked part, of course.", "Chelsea: So, am I allowed to use the \"d\" word? You guys are officially dating?", "Chloe: Ooh.", "Chelsea: I'm happy for you. And if I can just say it...", "Chloe: Like I can stop you.", "Chelsea: It is about time. Kevin adores you. He always has. You know that.", "Chloe: I just want to make sure I knew how I felt. You know, there is being with someone because you have feelings for them, real feelings, and then there's being with someone because it's just familiar, it's comfortable.", "Chelsea: So, do you think it can become something serious?", "Chloe: Well, he wants to take one step at a time, and I'm good with that.", "Chelsea: Because you don't want to mess it up or because you're still not sure?", "Chloe: We're keeping it fresh, you know? Easy.", "Chelsea: Okay. Which just seems -- it seems like it's very casual to you, and you know Kevin doesn't think of it that way. The way that he looks at you, the way that he talks about you, you're the love of his life, Chloe. So if you're not in this for the same reasons as him, I... I would just hate to see him get hurt.", "Kevin: Mariah!", "Mariah: Hey.", "Kevin: Hey. How's nick doing?", "Mariah: He's fine, except for the very large lump you left on his head.", "Kevin: Yeah, I really am sorry about that. Good news, though. There's no stalker, right?", "Mariah: Yay for that.", "Kevin: What's wrong?", "Mariah: Nothing.", "Kevin: Except?", "Mariah: I'm just here to get out of the house.", "Kevin: Why?", "Mariah: Dylan came home.", "Kevin: That's good, isn't it?", "Mariah: Totally. It's just, um, Sharon got a telemarketer call. Kind of freaked her out and reminded everybody of the stalker drama. I just wasn't in the mood for that.", "Kevin: Can I help?", "Mariah: What the hell are you doing? [Chuckles] You're asking me questions, trying to be all helpful? Stop it.", "Kevin: You could use help. I'm happy to do it.", "Mariah: Now you're just starting to creep me out.", "Kevin: The call -- let me look into it.", "Mariah: No, absolutely not.", "Kevin: Maybe it wasn't a telemarketer.", "Mariah: Forget it, Kevin, please.", "Kevin: Let me check it out just in case. It'll be fun.", "Mariah: I know you're into that sort of weird thing, but really, it's -- it's fine.", "Kevin: It'll take two seconds. Dylan got a warrant to track Sharon's phone records before he left town. I log in, I hit a few keys, we will know exactly who called Sharon and from where.", "Cane: Bare by brash & sassy, it is hot, it is fresh, it is buzz-worthy, and the perfect way for your company to establish its online presence.", "Renee: You have done your homework.", "Cane: Yes, I have. Tell me we have a deal.", "[Footsteps stomping]", "[Mattie laughs]", "Renee: I can't believe a place as exclusive as this allows that sort of behavior.", "Cane: [Sighs] Um, hopefully their mom will take them home soon and put them to bed.", "Renee: It's just rude. Where are the parents? I hope they know what kind of children they're raising.", "Cane: You know what? Um... I know exactly what sort of kids I'm raising, because I'm their father.", "Renee: They're yours?", "Cane: Yeah. They're mine.", "Lily: What are you doing?!", "Cane: And I'm really happy to hear them laughing, because tonight I was meant to be at a play that I missed because I'm here trying to close this deal with you. So I'm sorry if you think they're rude. But those kids, they are my heart and they are my soul.", "Mariah: Kevin, you really don't have to do that. There's no point.", "Kevin: You're worried about Sharon.", "Mariah: The threat is gone!", "Kevin: I'm just gonna check it out to make sure. Can't hurt, right? If it's a legit contractor, which it probably is, great. But if it's someone else, we nail them. Okay, one more window.", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Kevin: Here we go. We're in. Damn.", "Mariah: What?", "Kevin: The warrant to the phone log expired. I just hit a legal brick wall.", "Mariah: Darn. And you were so close.", "Paul: Patty? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. But I have some news that, uh, hopefully you'll like. The doctor has suggested a new course of treatment.", "Patty: No art. No more art.", "Paul: No, it's okay. No more paintings. We're gonna move you to a new facility, one closer to home.", "Patty: Move?", "Paul: Yeah. See, the doctor thinks that they'll be able to serve your needs better at this new facility. And I'll be able to visit more often. You like that, right?", "Patty: How -- how will I get there? I-I came here on a bus with bars, and I didn't like it.", "Paul: That's okay. I will arrange for transport, okay? It's one of the benefits when you have your brother as chief of police. I'll have a deputy pick you up, and he will drop you off at your new home.", "Patty: I don't know.", "Paul: It's okay, Patty. I know you don't like your routine disturbed, but... it's the doctor's recommendation that this is going to help you get better. And I want that more than anything. It's a good thing.", "Patty: If -- if you think it's okay, I'll -- I'll do it, Paulie. I'll do it.", "Paul: I do.", "Chloe: Of course, I would never hurt the feelings of a man who immortalized his feelings into a pumpkin.", "Chelsea: I know. I'm sorry. It's just that Kevin is so... hopeful.", "Chloe: I know. But it's a good thing, right? To hope that things will get better?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I guess you have a point.", "Chloe: You know, maybe you could find your hope soon, too?", "Chelsea: Um, only if Adam walked through that door and I wake up from this nightmare to find him sleeping next to me.", "Chloe: I was thinking more like the hope that your future, yours and Connor's, is still ahead of you and not stuck in some, you know, picture frames that are lying around the condo.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. Are you accusing me of wallowing?", "Chloe: No, of course not. I know what you and Adam shared was -- was incredibly special.", "Chelsea: So is there some kind of clock on it, like time's up? I'm supposed to get rid of all the photos and jump on some dating website and pretend the life we had never existed?", "Chloe: Chelsea, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, okay? I just don't want to see you alone forever.", "Chelsea: Okay, Chloe, it's way too soon to be having this conversation.", "Chloe: Look, maybe -- maybe it is. All right, you need to take the time that you need, but, you know, some day soon, you are going to have to think about starting a new future for you and for Connor. It's very important --", "Chelsea: Okay, and this new future for me and Connor, why is it so damn important that we forget about Adam?", "Chloe: I am so sorry.", "Chelsea: You know, I'm just gonna check on Connor.", "Chloe: No, no, no. Please -- please don't. Okay, I just said a bunch of stupid stuff, and I just let it fall out of my mouth. And listen, I know that you might not be ready, okay? And that is totally fine. I am not saying that you need to erase everything that you shared with Adam. It's not what I'm saying. And what's happening with Kevin right now --", "Chelsea: Is great for you. And, Chloe, I am happy for you. But don't presume to tell me what's right for me.", "Chloe: I get it. I crossed the line. All I'm trying to say is that me and Bella, it was like us against the world, and I was okay with that for a while. You know, but now that I'm ready to let Kevin in... I have someone to share our world with, share her with. You know, we laugh when she says \"I wub you\" and when she giggles. I mean, she giggles when he just gives her a pony ride and... I have realized that being with Kevin, my world is bigger and better and happier. But it's better for Bella, too. And I just want that for you. I want that for you and for Connor. You need to find someone who wants to share how amazing you both are. I love you, and I'm -- I'm so sorry if I pushed too hard and if I said too much.", "Chelsea: I know you just want us to be happy.", "Chloe: So you forgive me?", "Chelsea: For saying whatever the hell pops into your head and spending way too much time worrying about me? Yes, I forgive you.", "Chloe: Good, 'cause I was kind of getting worried there for a minute.", "Chelsea: You need to understand, Adam was everything to me. So just because my husband isn't here anymore, it's never gonna change.", "Kevin: You want some cider or a cookie?", "Mariah: Oh, no. I am all cidered and cookie'd out.", "Kevin: What if we split a piece of apple pie? My treat.", "Mariah: Did you not eat your dinner?", "Kevin: No, I ate dinner.", "Mariah: Okay, did you skip dessert?", "Kevin: What? No, I mean, no. I-I -- no, I did not have dessert. I just, uh, just feeling good. Fall is in the air. I love this time of year.", "Mariah: And there's your new fashion sense.", "Kevin: Ha. This old thing?", "Mariah: Did you get dressed in the dark? I mean, sorry, it's kind of girly.", "Kevin: Well, that's because it's, uh, it's not mine. It's Chloe's. I sort of borrowed it.", "Mariah: And you borrowed a shirt because you spilled wine on yours?", "Kevin: Nope.", "Mariah: Oh. Yes. Of course. Chloe and you. And you're here in her shirt in a good mood.", "Lily: Since when do I have to tell you the rules? Running around disturbing other guests is not okay! And on top of that, your dad is trying to work.", "Mattie: That's all he ever does.", "Lily: Okay, you know what? This attitude has to stop right now. Your daddy works really hard so we can have a great life. He's a superhero just like in your comic books.", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey, hey. There's only one superhero in this family. You know what? It's also the glue that holds us together, and that's your mommy. And now I want to hear all about the Halloween play that I missed. But first, I want a big hug from my superstars. Come here.", "Lily: I thought you had a deal to close.", "Cane: I'm closing it right now. I love you guys.", "Paul: Sorry to interrupt the homecoming.", "Sharon: We were just catching up.", "Dylan: Have a seat.", "Paul: Oh, thanks. I won't stay long. I just stopped by to tell you that patty is being moved from Stonevale.", "Sharon: Really?", "Dylan: Where to?", "Paul: Rivercrest.", "Sharon: But that's so close.", "Paul: Yeah, it's gonna be a lot easier to see her.", "Sharon: But why are they moving her?", "Paul: Well, uh, I guess the short answer is her behavior has become more erratic and the doctor feels that at Rivercrest they'll be able to help her more.", "Sharon: What about security? She's been known to be an escape artist.", "Paul: You don't have to worry about that. Rivercrest is a state-of-the-art facility. She won't be a problem.", "Dylan: Did you, uh, get a chance to talk to Patty?", "Paul: I did, and, uh... she said something that surprised me. Fairview came up. And she said that she helped you there. You helped each other. Does that mean anything to you?", "Sharon: I have no idea. You know, she -- she was a little obsessed with me. But helped me? Um, no. Doesn't make any sense.", "Paul: She did paint a picture of you pregnant.", "Sharon: Well, maybe she just got tired of painting cats. You know, I-I hate to say this, Paul, but, um, Patty doesn't have a great grip on reality. Isn't there a strong possibility that this is all part of some fantasy?", "Paul: Of course, it's possible. It's just that she said there were...bad people at Fairview. I'm assuming she meant Dr. Anderson. And maybe at least in her own mind, she believed that somehow she was helping you, maybe protecting you from Dr. Anderson.", "Kevin: I wasn't even expecting that it was gonna happen. It just...did. And it's not just the -- you know, Chloe and I are really starting to connect the way we used to, but in a different way. It's so great. You know, enough about that. Let me at least get you a coffee.", "Mariah: No, I should get going back to the house.", "Kevin: And interrupt the whole Sharon/Dylan reunion?", "Mariah: Make it a hot chocolate and you're on.", "Kevin: You got it.", "Mariah: Kevin.", "Kevin: Yeah?", "Mariah: I'm really happy for you. And Chloe. I know what this means to you.", "Kevin: Thanks. Hey, can I have two hot chocolates and a s'mores cookie, please?", "Chloe: Hey.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Chloe: What's going on?", "Kevin: I just thought I would give you a call, say good night.", "Chloe: Aww, that's sweet. You know, I was just talking about you.", "Kevin: How funny. I was just talking about you.", "Cane: Oh, Mattie, you are the cutest witch I've ever seen, baby!", "Mattie: I'm supposed to be scary.", "Cane: Ooh!", "[Laughter]", "Cane: And, Charlie, look at you. You are the mummy, man! The mummy!", "[Laughter]", "Renee: I hate to interrupt.", "Cane: I thought you were going back to the hotel.", "Renee: I am. But I wanted you to know I'm putting through my company's order first thing in the morning.", "Cane: I thought I blew the deal.", "Renee: Brash & Sassy doesn't just have an amazing product. You are the kind of people I want to be in business with, Cane. Your dad is quite a guy.", "Lily: Congratulations!", "Cane: Go figure, huh?", "Lily: Yeah, I guess whatever you said sealed the deal. [Chuckles]", "Dylan: And we know that patty had complicated feelings about Dr. Anderson.", "Paul: Complicated enough for her to kill her.", "Dylan: How could she even, in her delusional state, think that Sharon needed protection from her own doctor?", "Sharon: Yeah, Dylan's right. Dr. Anderson helped me so much. I never felt afraid of her. I never felt like I was in any danger.", "Dylan: Yeah, and Sharon was out of Fairview way before Dr. Anderson was killed, so it doesn't make any sense that protecting Sharon was the motive.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Dylan: I don't know, Paul. Maybe patty's trying to create some sort of logic to make sense of her own world and just deal with that guilt. I'm sorry.", "Paul: What are you gonna do? Doesn't get any easier. Anyway, I've said what I came to say, so, uh, I'll get out of your hair and let you get back to your homecoming.", "Dylan: All right. Well, thank you for the update.", "Paul: Yeah. Give sully and faith a kiss for me, will you?", "Dylan: You can count on that.", "Paul: All right.", "Dylan: See ya. Hey, you okay?", "Sharon: Yeah. This just wasn't the homecoming I had in mind.", "Dylan: Lucky for you, I remember exactly where we left off.", "Dr. Anderson: You know how far someone will go for love, don't you?", "Patty: Shoot them once or twice, maybe? Pretend to be someone else, but -- no. Wait. No. No, no, no. You took a baby. An innocent little sweet pea. I have to tell them the truth. I do, Doc.", "Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry, Patty, but you won't be telling anyone. [Gasps] No! Don't! Stop! Stop! [Grunts]", "Patty: [Breathing heavily]", "[Dr. Anderson screams]", "Patty: And if that horse and cart fall down you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: What the hell is going on?!", "Jack: Remove this man from the premises.", "Billy: I'm here to stop you, Jack, from going down the same path I did.", "Jill: I didn't authorize any new deals!", "Cane: I did.", "Curtis: The FBI may be getting involved. We have a right to know the truth, Victor." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack and Ashley comfort each other and regret that they didn't spend more time with their mother and they are worried that they may never see Dina again. Phyllis is still angry with Billy because he used her computer to access Jabot files. Phyllis is also upset that Billy always puts Victoria and Brash and Sassy ahead of their relationship but Billy tells Phyllis he will never give up on their relationship because he loves her and she loves him although she is upset with him right now. Billy gets to Victoria in time to tell her about Jack setting them up and she tells him that she took out short term loans with stiff penalties and she is really afraid she will lose the company. The Hilary hour interview is going well with Lily picking up the slack for Victoria who freezes on camera during the second interview segment. Everyone watching in studio and on television is shocked when Victoria faints on live television. Zack gets nervous when he has a talk with Scott and fears he is getting to close to the truth about the sex ring so he slips a pill in his beer and later when Scott gets dizzy he takes him out of Crimson Lights. Scott wakes up some time later in bed with Natalia's dead body laying next to him.", "" ]
[ "[ Elevator dings ]", "[ Cellphone chimes repeatedly ]", "Phyllis: You know what, billy abbott? You can kiss my...!", "[ Slams phone ]", "Victoria: Yes, 500,000 units on rush. And I need them in transit by the end of the day. Oh, and, uh, also a dozen hero boxes for \"the hilary hour.\" Yeah. No -- no scratches or dings, or any of that plastic that glares under the lights. Today's a very big day for us. Okay. Thanks.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Paul: So, at this point, there's really nothing more I can in an official capacity as far as dina leaving town. But as a former P.I., I can ask you some questions. If you were to think back to the conversations you had with graham or dina, was there ever a mention of a special vacation spot or a-a second home? Somewhere he might have taken her other than paris?", "Ashley: Jack and I have been through this, paul. There is no other location we can think of.", "Jack: Paul, I hate to say this, but maybe we should be approaching this from a different direction -- not where has graham taken our mother to recuperate from a stroke, but what lengths would he go to to cover up her death?", "Zack: Hey, scott. How's it going, man? Oh, sorry. Did I catch you in the middle of your workflow? I can come back later. I don't want to throw you off.", "Scott: You know, when I have a story like this, I'm always working.", "Zack: I admire that attitude. That's some solid dedication. Though it's got to be rough, such a dark subject hammering away at you 24/7. Not to mention the, uh, dead ends adding insult to injury.", "Scott: Yeah, actually, I've made some headway. It's all coming together. People, places, evidence.", "Zack: That's good for you, man. That's great. I-I'll let you get back to it. Uh, but when you're ready for a real break, let's you and me grab a drink. I could use the downtime, and I'd like to hear more about it.", "Scott: Yeah, sounds good. You know, once I wrap up here, maybe we can meet at the underground. That cool?", "Zack: Works for me.", "Scott: All right. See ya.", "Zack: We have another problem that needs taken care of.", "Victoria: Oh, for god's sake, billy, you can't leave me a message saying that jack set us up and then not return my calls. I'm getting ready to go on live tv with hilary. Do I have to remind you how much we have riding on this? Maybe I do, because you don't even know. I need you. Now.", "[ Sighs ]", "Billy: You know, you could just let me in. You know how much it cost me to bribe the sweet young lady upstairs?", "Phyllis: I'm sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone who gives a damn!", "Billy: Okay.", "Phyllis: Get the hell off my balcony!", "Billy: You know, I literally risked life and limb. Do you think I'm gonna give up now?", "Phyllis: Okay. All right. Okay. Okay. Yeah, go on...", "Billy: Phyllis --", "Phyllis: ...Put something else through! Do it! All right. All right. You're trespassing. I could call the cops, or I could take your head off right now!", "Billy: With what, a plastic utensil?", "Phyllis: Yeah!", "Billy: Go ahead.", "Phyllis: You don't think I'll do it? After everything you've put me through?!", "Billy: We, phyllis. What we put each other through. We practically made lying an olympic sport!", "Phyllis: Know what the difference is? I was fighting for us!", "Billy: You know what the difference is? I'm not giving up.", "Chelsea: You didn't go to the doctor, did you?", "Victoria: Because there was no reason to.", "Chelsea: Pretty sure when you get in a car accident, that's a reason to go to the doctor.", "Victoria: I wasn't injured, was I?", "Chelsea: Then why are you putting brash & sassy concealer all over your bruises?", "Victoria: You know what I wish? I wish you wouldn't have told my brother.", "Chelsea: What? Well, I'm glad that I told your brother. You took an airbag to the face, victoria. I saw how banged up you were. And I saw you just now.", "Victoria: What you're seeing right now is me trying to be on live tv soon, okay? And I want to look good.", "Chelsea: Just postpone the show. Who cares?", "Victoria: I can'T.", "Chelsea: Of course you can.", "Victoria: It has to be today. We're in the middle of prepping for a huge product launch.", "Chelsea: Right. All the more reason, I would think, that you'd want to be 100%.", "Victoria: I'm committed, okay? Believe me, it has to be now.", "Chelsea: Okay, you are the C.E.O. Of a massive player in the beauty market, which means you don't owe anything to anybody. Just tell hilary something came up. She'll figure it out.", "Victoria: It's not about hilary. I don't owe her anything. This is about my company.", "Chelsea: Would a few days really make a difference?", "Victoria: Actually, yes. It really will. Time is of the essence if brash & sassy wants to stay competitive. I have put so much into this, and I cannot afford for anything to happen.", "Chelsea: Okay. Okay! Fine. I get it. I guess what you're saying is you're gonna need, like, a personal assistant for the day so you can focus on all the business. You need me. I'll do it. I'll ride shotgun. I'll be your right hand. And I actually even have a really nice necklace that will go with that dress.", "Paul: Now is not the time to assume anything drastic, jack.", "Jack: I'm just being realistic, paul. Mother is worth more dead than alive to graham right now. That's a fact. That's not an assumption. She's had a stroke. She needs medical care. I seriously doubt he intends to provide that for her.", "Paul: I understand you are scared, and things are happening beyond your control. But think about what you're saying, and how it might affect other people.", "Ashley: Thank you. I'd love to believe that graham is capable of having compassion and an ounce of decency.", "Paul: Then there's a chance.", "Ashley: But I have to agree with jack. I don't think there is much hope. Graham bloodworth is a vindictive, angry, bitter man who planned this full- scale attack on our mother for years, and then our family. He's not the kind of person that's gonna give up on the fight.", "Paul: Okay. I hear you. But it is my job to consider all the possibilities and deal with the worst-case scenarios. So, please, let me carry that burden. And until we find out something definitive, jack, please don't give up hope. I'll be in touch.", "Jack: Thanks, paul. Thank you.", "Ashley: Jack, I keep trying to visualize that mother is someplace safe, and she's okay, but it's a scenario that doesn't make any sense, because that's not what graham wanted. That's not what he was after. And then you realize that I... I felt a certain way after mother said that brent davis was my father. I wanted her gone. I was hoping and praying I would never have to see her again.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] [ Telephone rings ] Oh. Let me get that. Hello? Um... have somebody bring it right up.", "Ashley: What...?", "Jack: That was the mail room. They just received a package. Addressed to dina mergeron.", "Ashley: Here, let me help.", "Jack: No, I -- I got it. I got it, thanks.", "Ashley: Well, you know, it could be a note from graham or something. What is it? I don't understand. What...?", "Jack: It's something i ordered for mother.", "Ashley: \"Moon and back\"?", "Jack: Yeah, it's that song she used to sing to me.", "Ashley: Yeah? I have a friend who's a collector. I asked him to keep an eye out for it.", "Ashley: Why was it addressed to dina mergeron?", "Jack: I was gonna surprise her with it. Forgot all about it. God, the wasted time! The anger and resentment and... childhood memories dredged up...", "Ashley: Jack, she hurt you. She hurt all of us.", "Jack: She needed me. She needed me to protect her from graham, to get him away from her. I was so busy holding a grudge, I -- I should've done more. I should've been a better son.", "Ashley: Okay, I'm gonna give you a reality check. 'Cause a lot of people spend their entire lives leaving things unsaid, right? They convince themselves that they're content with leaving the past buried. It's a very tidy way to live. It's also very limited. You were very brave, jackie. I mean, you put it out there. You cared enough about mother that you wanted to work on your relationship with her. Because of that, your relationship changed, right? Became deeper and more meaningful? Mine did, too. I have you to thank for that.", "Zack: Man. You weren't kidding. You really do toil away 24/7.", "Scott: Ah, I'm sure you know how it goes. You've pulled some late-nighters yourself, huh?", "Zack: Mm. Chasing the brass ring is a full-time job these days.", "Scott: Something I'd think your business partner might understand.", "Zack: [ Chuckles ] Abby?", "Scott: Yeah. I heard she gave you a hard time when you stood her up. But, uh... [ Sucks teeth ] No offense, man -- I don't envy you.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Zack: Ah. Now, you only see work abby, whereas I see --", "Scott: Please don't say \"play abby.\" I thought she retired that side when she gave up being the naked heiress.", "Zack: I know you two kind of rub each other the wrong way, but there's a lot more to her.", "Scott: Spoken like a true masochist.", "Zack: Hey, it's the only reason designdate's on the market.", "Scott: Because people are basically masochists?", "Zack: No, to keep people like you and abby from wasting each other's time. I want to make it as easy as possible for the right folks to connect.", "Scott: So you're a public servant.", "Zack: It's not as cool as busting up sex rings, but, hey, it's a living. Does it ever make you nervous, the stuff you're dealing with? I mean, the criminal element, as they say?", "Scott: You know, I used to report from a war zone, so...", "Zack: Yeah, but, I mean, all the more reason to kick back and write about puppies being saved from drainpipes. It's got to freak sharon out, the sharks you're swimming with.", "Scott: Sharon knows what I do. And I am protective of sharon. I wouldn't want my work to come down on her. But she's not as risk-averse as you might think.", "Zack: That's another category for the algorithm. Risk aversion.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Zack: To risk aversion.", "Scott: I'm with you, buddy.", "Zack: What's wrong?", "Scott: The, uh -- the woman who just came in, she works for them. The -- the sex ring. Wait! I'll be right back.", "Billy: You're giving up on us, and I'm not gonna let you do that.", "Phyllis: Because you think you control me, or you think get a vote in what I say, what I do, what I think, what I feel? Because, billy, you really don't, not anymore.", "Billy: I'm not saying that I'm trying to control you. What I'm saying is, is that i care about you. About how you think and how you feel.", "Phyllis: You don't get to care. You gave that up when you traded it in for my computer. And now you are on your own. And I can tell you, that is not gonna be fun.", "Billy: Oh, you want to talk about fun? Okay, let's do that. We had a lot of fun with johnny and katie that afternoon.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and oddly enough, they're not adults who exploited me to get access to my computer.", "Billy: Wasn't that long ago we were in the gym. Remember, we had that little competition? We ended up naked in the sauna. Pretty sure, the sounds you were making, you were having a lot of fun.", "Phyllis: I was faking it.", "Billy: That's just mean. What about the late-night burger runs, because you needed a fix? Or laying in bed binge-watching with pizza and beer and some damn fine tv?", "Phyllis: You hoot during fight scenes.", "Billy: And you yell, \"burn!\" Every time someone delivers a smart-ass line. And I love it. Every time. And what about right here? [ Smacks counter ] Wasn't that long ago, you had that apron on and not much else.", "Phyllis: Okay. Yes, billy. Endless, multiple bouts of fun. Okay? But that's not really the issue here. The issue is truth and honesty. And all of those episodes that you're bringing up, oh, they all happened before I knew what you're capable of.", "Billy: And?", "Phyllis: \"And\"?! Like it's an afterthought? What's wrong with you?", "Billy: Same thing that's wrong with you. You showed up at the top of the tower last night in that dress. You put your foot where you... put your foot. You knew who I was. You knew what I'd done. You were turning the tables. You wanted me to make sure that I knew what was at stake.", "Phyllis: Your point?", "Billy: My point is, we didn't choose each other because we're saints. We don't have time for that self-righteousness. We make rules and we break them. We make new rules, and we break those. Which makes every day, every minute dangerous and risky and a hell of a lot of sexy, messy, full-on fun. And you wouldn't want it any other way.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Phyllis: It's victoria, isn't it?", "Billy: Phyllis...", "[ Ringing continues ]", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's always victoria.", "Billy: Okay, hold on a second. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing? Just stop, okay? [ Ringing continues ] Come on, let's just talk about this.", "Phyllis: Let's not.", "Zack: Did you get all that? Because if you forget a single detail of what I just told you... good. Hey, man. What's going on? I take it, uh, you didn't get to her in time?", "Scott: She was too fast. Like she was scared to death.", "Zack: What's so important about this particular girl? Who is she?", "Scott: She's one of the prostitutes -- natalia. A girl I actually met up with to try and dig for some information. But I guess the guys who are running this sex ring, they just obviously thought I was getting too close and uprooted the whole operation and cleared out. You know, I never thought I'd see any of those girls again. But then natalia came walking right back in here, and...", "Zack: Natalia. Wow. You two are on a first-name basis?", "Scott: [ Scoffs ]", "Zack: Congrats, pal. Hey, two more beers, please.", "Scott: It's not a joke, man. I mean, these girls are virtual prisoners -- practically slaves. I mean, they're told where to live, what to wear, who to have sex with. I mean, that's not a life. It's just... they're trapped with no way out.", "Zack: So, why not take a step back and hand this over to the police, let them do their thing?", "Scott: 'Cause they have red tape and regulations. I'm just a writer with a laptop. I don't have to file reports or ask for permission when I want to track down some innocuous-sounding llc.", "Zack: Is that what you're doing?", "Scott: Follow the money and it will take you right to whoever's in charge.", "Zack: But an llc? You're telling me that a sex ring abusing women is incorporated?", "Scott: They need a cover for all the income they're channeling. It protects them when they are making purchases like houses or businesses. But there's always a paper trail that leads you right to the source. I follow that, and I got 'em. It's just a matter of time. I'm so close! Once I get a few more details together, I can link it all up and pass what I have off to the feds and publish.", "Zack: You're really that close?", "Scott: Thanks, man. Better believe it.", "Zack: You sound pretty sure of that.", "Scott: People like this, these lowlifes, trafficking girls, enslaving them, they get cocky. But in the end, greed takes over, and they always make mistakes. [ Zack chuckles ] 'Scuse me. I got to run to the restroom.", "Ashley: I could barely get myself to call her \"mother\" when she came back to town. I didn't feel that connection. You know that. I didn't even want to feel it. And then I started to get to know her for the person she is now, and... it was really interesting, because I started to see her as a real human being. Like when she told me she felt rudderless after she sold mergeron. I saw some vulnerability there, you know? She was a real person. Not just this symbol of abandonment. And then she just threw it all out the window with a few words, just like that.", "Jack: Wait a minute. Now, you saw her face. She didn't know what she was saying.", "Ashley: She said it, jack.", "Jack: It was painful. It was thoughtful. It wasn't malicious. And, listen, I mean, how much does this really change your life? Yes, abby and traci know now. But, I mean, they'll get through that. It doesn't change the way you all see each other, not for a second.", "Ashley: And what about billy?", "Jack: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: I just can't talk about this.", "Jack: Wait. No, no, no, no. We need to talk about this, because people will talk. Hilary said she wouldn't use that footage, but there were a lot of people there that night, and someone's maybe going to say something, intentionally or not, and then everyone is gonna want to comment online until their thumbs are bloody. But... then they'll get past it. It'll be yesterday's news. And the people you care about, your family, nothing changes. It's exactly as it always was. Dad loved you. Dad was so proud of you. I know you felt the same way about him. Ash, that is permanent. That is eternal. That doesn't change. Your family still loves you, and we'll always see you the same way. Um...", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?", "Ashley: Uh, yeah.", "Jack: This isn't a good time, okay?", "Ashley: It's okay, actually. I, uh... I got work to do.", "Jack: Don't be too hard on her. Remember, our mother is missing right now, and she's -- she's dealing with that. We all are.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm very sorry for that, I am. You both have every right to be upset.", "Jack: You want to tell me why you're really here?", "Victoria: Billy [Sighs] Answer your phone. Or at least call me back. I'm at gc buzz. I'm almost ready to go on the air with hilary. Time's not on our side right now, so don't leave me hanging like this, okay? [ Sighs ] Oh, god. I swear to god, sometimes i think he's gonna make my head explode.", "Chelsea: Okay, there's gonna be no head exploding, not today. Just take a deep breath. Don't argue with me! Take a deep breath!", "Victoria: I can't right now. I'm too worked up.", "Billy: Vicki.", "Chelsea: Oh! See? Look who it is.", "Victoria: Seriously?! Where have you been?", "Billy: It's a really long story. I'm sorry, chels, could you excuse us for a second?", "Chelsea: By all means.", "Victoria: Oh, my god. You drop the bomb on me that jack set us up, and then you just leave me hanging like that?", "Billy: Jack knows. Jack knows that I hacked into the jabot main server.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: He planted phony information that he knew that i would find. They have not and have no plans on pulling back on the men's line.", "Victoria: Oh, my god. We're dead.", "Billy: No. No, we're not. We're gonna be okay, all right?", "Victoria: Oh, my god.", "Billy: We're here to talk about masks, and that's what we're gonna do. Nothing's changed, okay?", "Victoria: Oh, nothing has changed? Everything has changed. We -- we went headlong into this thing thinking that we were gonna -- oh, my god.", "Hilary: Victoria and billy, welcome!", "Billy: Hey. Hey.", "Hilary: We are so thrilled to have you here. Look at you. You look divine. It's such a treat having you on the show and in the studio. And you know how much we love brash & sassy's products. We appreciate you so much. And your products.", "Billy: That's good, because we have one product that I know you're gonna be excited, and your audience, so, uh, we're really excited about that.", "Hilary: Amazing. I can't wait.", "Billy: Awesome.", "Hilary: Um, can you give me one second?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Hilary: Um, this won't take very long.", "Billy: Take as much time as you need.", "Hilary: Um, you must be lost. I'm gonna show you to the exit.", "Lily: Oh, no. I know exactly where I'm going, thank you.", "Hilary: Uh-huh. And where is that?", "Lily: Over there. In front of the camera. I'm doing the interview with victoria.", "Hilary: Oh, no, no, no, no. That is not happening.", "Lily: Okay. Then, please, feel free to tell victoria newman that you don't care what she wants. I'm sure that'll go over really well.", "Hilary: The show has been planned and blocked, okay? For us to change it now --", "Lily: Aww, are you mad, hilary? Is it 'cause I friend-zoned jordan, and now you're the consolation prize? Or are you just scared to share some screen time with me? Come on dad!", "Phyllis: Things are gonna happen fast now. If victoria doesn't already know we are not going to pull back on the men's line, she's also going to know that she can't stop it. Or us. Victoria is going to go ballistic, and I don't want to be here for the fallout. So, why not send me to dallas? To the cosmetics convention? I am practically an expert on jabot's expanded men's line, even though I technically do not work for you.", "Jack: Actually, jabot has an official jabot employee scheduled to go to dallas -- gloria.", "Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Are you serious? \"A,\" that's ridiculous. \"B,\" don't fight me on this. \"C,\" not after everything I have done for you and this company. You owe me. And besides, I could do with putting some distance between me and genoa city right now.", "Jack: Gee, and I thought you were doing all this to save billy from victoria's destructive clutches. That seemed like such a noble effort.", "Phyllis: Then how about you show me a little bit of respect?", "Jack: Fine. You go to dallas. Have a good time. You earned it.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: You're gonna have to break the news to gloria.", "Phyllis: I will consider that a perk.", "Jack: Phyllis, make sure you watch victoria on \"the hilary hour.\" It might actually lighten your spirits.", "Hilary: I just feel like lily is so firmly associated with your men's line that it could be confusing for my audience.", "Victoria: Okay, listen, we're marketing our masks to men as well as women, hilary. Give your audience a little credit. They're smart. They'll figure it out. And besides that, lily happens to be our new marketing executive, so she's across all of our products. So she is coming on the show with me today.", "Hilary: You don't want anyone stealing the focus --", "Victoria: Hilary, you asked me here. We're about to go on the air in a few minutes. Lily is coming on the show with me because you agreed to do things my way. How could jack outmaneuver us like this?", "Billy: He planted a fake memo in the r&d file, knowing that i would find it, stating that they were gonna pull back on the men's, knowing that we would then go full-force with ours.", "Victoria: So he figured out that you accessed jabot's server using phyllis' computer, which means that phyllis knows about it, and she didn't say anything to you, she didn't say anything to anyone. That means she's in on it, billy.", "Billy: Right now, can we just focus on what we're doing here? We are here, and we're about to get a free national commercial to advertise our mask, okay?", "Victoria: Billy, we're not gonna be cornering the men's market. We're not even gonna make a fraction of the sales we thought we would.", "Billy: The mask will do fine, okay? We're gonna be okay.", "Victoria: And if it doesn't we're gonna default on some huge loans.", "Billy: No, that's not gonna happen, all right? Even if it does, neil, he'll be fine. He'll give us a break.", "Victoria: It's not just neil, billy. I-I got other financing.", "Billy: What?", "Victoria: Shorter terms with steeper penalties. I put some of my own money into it because I-I just wanted a safety net.", "Billy: Vicki --", "Victoria: Because I was so sure about this! But I-I'll admit, I think we overstretched a little bit. And if this product is not a hit, we're gonna be forced to -- to shut down.", "Billy: Okay. All right. Listen. This right here has to be marketing gold, okay? Five minutes, everyone!", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: Huh?", "Billy: Listen to me. You got this. You're gonna be fine.", "Scott: [ Sighs ] Uh, I think I should go.", "Zack: Mm. And what, drive yourself home? I don't think so, buddy. You're past the point.", "Scott: No, I just -- I just had a beer or two. I'm fine, man.", "[ Bottle clatters ]", "Zack: [ Laughs ] Okay, it's cool. It's cool.", "Scott: I guess I'm not so fine, huh?", "Zack: Here, come on. Come here. You've earned the right to blow off some steam. All work and no play. I know how it goes.", "Scott: Great. Thanks, man.", "Zack: Come on, let's call you a cab.", "Scott: [ Giggles ] You're such a nice person.", "Zack: Not a problem.", "Scott: Ahhh. [ Chuckles ] Have a good night.", "Billy: You are the heart and soul of brash & sassy. We will always be strong because that is how you roll, do you hear me?", "Chelsea: Knock 'em dead.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Hilary: And that dress... trying a little too hard?", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] You're just worried that jordan's gonna see us together and realize what he's settling for. But don't worry. He'll get over it someday. Going live on my count. In 5, 4, 3...", "Hilary: The only thing you arouse in jordan is pity. Welcome to \"the hilary hour,\" my lovelies! Today we are live, and you know what that means -- anything can, and probably will, happen.", "Phyllis: Little advice -- I wouldn't accept food or beverages from gloria. She was ticked off you yanked her from the conference.", "Jack: She'll get over it. It's a shame we don't have any popcorn. You don't have your flight for a while. Pull up a chair.", "Hilary: Pearls are classic. Diamonds are forever. But we all know your most fabulous accessory is your skin. Especially when it is so smooth [Inhales, sighs] And so soft that your loved one just can't keep their hands off of you. My guest today has the next big thing in glowing skin. Victoria newman, owner and C.E.O. Of brash & sassy cosmetics, is here with her brand- new breakthrough product. And you, my lovelies, get to see it first. Victoria, welcome. So, please, tell us, what is going on at brash & sassy?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] There's just so much. Where to start?", "Jack: Start with the failed corporate espionage by my backstabbing brother. Go from there.", "Victoria: Um...", "Lily: Uh, what's happening with the men's line right now is very exciting. Men are working to get our attention, and that includes looking their best.", "Hilary: Do tell. Victoria, what's new in boy-land?", "Victoria: We've just been so focused on that line with time, attention, and money, and...", "Billy: [ Snaps ]", "Victoria: The thing about our men's line is that men just love our products.", "Lily: Yes, and women love that men love them. It's just a never-ending cycle of attraction. You just can't get enough.", "Victoria: Of the man or the products?", "Lily: Do I have to choose?", "[ Laughs ]", "Victoria: But our big news is this -- it's our new facial mask.", "Hilary: Oh, so brash & sassy is getting into the face-mask game? All right. I've used these.", "Victoria: Well, not like this you haven'T. It's the cutting edge of restoration research. It's not a short-term cleanser. It's a long-term regenerator with a proprietary blend of ingredients.", "Hilary: Ohh, okay. Let's take a look at this label.", "Victoria: Yes.", "Hilary: All right. So, I'm seeing organic, I'm seeing herbal.", "Victoria: But what you're not seeing is the science behind it, which blows everything else out of the water. Take jabot, for example. They don't even come close.", "Hilary: Okay! Well, I love getting the inside scoop. My lovelies, this is why you come to me. We will be back with much, much more. Can you try not to block my light?", "Lily: I think it's gonna take a lot more than light to make you look good. By the way, victoria and I, we have this from here. You could probably go get a latte and no one will notice that you're gone.", "Hilary: Know what? I think you made the right choice choosing a desk job. The camera? Not your friend.", "Billy: Just keep doing what you're doing, okay? Everything is going really great.", "Victoria: It is.", "Chelsea: Right. He's right. You're really hitting your stride.", "Victoria: Oh, good. That's good to hear. I think it's going well. I feel better.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Hilary: Okay, guys, we're back in 10. Don't be nervous.", "Lily: No nerves. Only excitement.", "Hilary: Mm. Well, your excitement is making you sweat like a pig. Not a good look. And we are back with makeup maven victoria newman and her mascot, lily. Now, victoria, you were about to give us the skinny on the next big thing.", "Victoria: Yes. I mean, there's so much to share -- the science, the research, the results. I could tell you all about it, but it's really something that you have to experience for yourself.", "Hilary: Well, I think I see a party in my future. Hmm? A little bit of red wine, some face masks, and a couple girlfriends.", "Lily: Aw, you have friends?", "Hilary: Well, victoria, i heard that you don't just create these products, but you also use them as well. Please, tell us how this mask feels. Uh, victoria? The mask, is it soothing, is it tingly? Just give us all of the details.", "Victoria: [ Slurred, speaking nonsense ]", "Hilary: Um... victoria?", "Victoria: Um... honestly, it's -- it's hard to describe.", "[ Hilary and lily chuckle ]", "Phyllis: Well, this has been a barrel of laughs. Did I mention I wanted to get out of town so I don't have to look at her company -- or her face?", "Jack: Victoria's handling her imminent failure quite well right now, I'll give her that. But sooner or later, it's gonna hit her hard.", "Ashley: Phyllis, would you excuse us, please?", "Phyllis: Happily. I have to go pack. I will see you after dallas.", "Jack: Hey. What's up?", "Ashley: I have something for you.", "Jack: What is it?", "Ashley: Hope. The opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain", "[ \"Moon and back\" plays ] I love you", "Jack: Mother loved this song. When she would sing it to me, it was like we were the only two people in the world.", "Ashley: And that night at dinner, the two of you sang it together.", "Jack: Like no time had passed at all. I love you just the way you are", "Jack: No drama. No wounds. My little shooting star", "Ashley: You know what, jackie? The look on your face said it all. I love you", "Ashley: You finally had her back. Till the sky falls down, till the sun burns out till the air runs out", "Hilary: Well, this mask sounds unlike anything we've ever seen before. Till the sky falls down, my little shooting star I want to give you a pocket full of wishes a heart full of hope", "Hilary: Victoria? Is something wrong? And all of my love", "Billy: Vick? Talk to me. Follow your dreams to the end of the stars I'll be where you are wherever you are I love you to the moon and back all around the sun, through the chimney stacks I love you just the way you are my little shooting star turn rain to shine for you", "[ Knock on door ]", "Paul: It's dina. We found her. I'd paint those gray skies blue for my little shooting star my sweet little shooting star I want to give you a pocket full of wishes a heart full of hope, and all of my love follow your dreams to the end of the stars my little shooting star" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Cane and Neil finally get to see Lily Aand she tells them the warden is moving her to another priison which is the best option because she won't be safe there anymore. Cane and Neil worry that she will have to go to a prison father away and Lily says she has to be close to her family. Cane tells her he will talk to Michael to see what he can do but Lily says its to late because they are moving her tomorrow. Nick questions Arturo about Rey so he can know a little about his competition for Sharon. Rey tells Sharon Nick told her to stay out of her life so later Sharon confronts Nick and tells him that they are over and he is the one that should stay out of her life. Billy goes to Victoria to talk about his troubles and he tells her he had revenge sex and she wonders why he didn't ask her for revenge sex. Billy explains that the sex had to be meaningless and with her it would be meaningful. Traci shows Ashley the contract she taped together and Ashley is touched by her parants gift to her and for once she feels like Dina loved her. Ashley is once again hurt by the fact that Jack tried to shred the papers and feels he once again excluded her from the family. Traci always the peacemaker tries to come up with a fair comprimise so that Jabot doesn't lose most of its products and the family doesn't fall apart because family is what is most important but Jack and Ashley are only thinking about the company. Jack offers Ashley a generous buy out to buy her product patents but she doesn't want money she wants to be CEO again.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Abby: You want me to use arturo to get information on rey so you can spy on sharon?", "Nick: Yeah, I do. You want to be the hero, rey? Just do the right thing and stay out of this. There was a situation involving another inmate lily had befriended. Lily defended her, she got caught up in the argument, and now those other inmates are targeting her, as well.", "Dina: Oh!", "Jack: Yesterday, dina was talking like she was living in the 1990s. She spoke about needing to prove to ashley that she was a good mother by getting dad to create a legal document, signing over the patents for every product that you created at jabot to you.", "Abby: This means it's true, mom. Dina always loved you.", "Kyle: Dina came back in the '90s. She made a play for grandpa. This is all we know for sure, which means we have no idea how she got him to sign the document. Dina's recollections are too cloudy to trust, and john can't tell us what he thinking, so...", "Traci: Kyle, I don't want to hear one more of your arguments until you're willing to admit one key point.", "Kyle: Which is what, exactly?", "Billy: Did you put this in dina's head? Are you planting false memories again?", "Ashley: No, I didn't have anything to do with this document! Frankly, traci, I think you're rewriting history. I mean, you're trying to paint a rosier picture of dina that never existed.", "Traci: No, you've got my word!", "Ashley: I love you so much. We see this family differently. Mother was always who she was. When she looks at me now, she looks right through me. Frankly, that's how she's always looked at me. She wasn't there to rescue me when I was a child, and she's not here to rescue me now.", "Traci: Ashley, you're wrong. There's proof. Look. It's all right here.", "Jack: She did love you, ashley.", "Ashley: I hate her. I hate her!", "Jack: Stop it. Traci could hear you.", "Ashley: Mom left, jack. It's not like traci hasn't noticed.", "Jack: You know, there's no point in pretending that you hate mom.", "Ashley: I'm not pretending. We don't need mom. I told dad I'll look out for him.", "Jack: Of course we need mom. Okay? And maybe if you didn't yell about hating her, she would come back.", "Ashley: Mother actually had daddy do this for me?", "Traci: Yes. And you were already an adult. It was after she had been gone for all those years, and she realized the remarkable woman you had grown into. Mother needed to make amends the only way she could. She just didn't let anyone know it at the time.", "Ashley: But she just let me go on resenting her?", "Traci: I think she wanted to look after you but not have you think that it was about pity or that she was doing something so that you would forgive her.", "Ashley: We don't know that.", "Traci: No, you can't, but, ashley, this document tells its own story.", "Ashley: Oh, my god. The last time I saw her, I said such horrible things to her. I just didn't think she loved me.", "Traci: She did.", "Ashley: I -- this is a gift. I never would have asked for this, I never, ever expected this. From the one person that I gave up on so long ago.", "[ Sighs ]", "Cane: The warden said lily's fine, okay? But, michael, I don't understand why I can't see her, why she's being punished for something she didn't do. Thanks. All right, michael, listen. I want to see my wife. Please, will you do something? Okay. Okay. All right, thanks. Hey, um, listen, something's happened at the prison.", "Neil: I already know. Nate told me. They can't do this to lily. So whatever's going on there, we're gonna fix it. We're gonna fix it today.", "Cane: Okay.", "Sharon: Has nikki heard anything from the contact about the payment?", "Victoria: Blackmailers don't send receipts.", "Sharon: Okay, but the money was sent, and since no one's heard anything, maybe that means this is all over now.", "Victoria: This is never gonna be over, sharon. Somebody knows, and they're always gonna know. So whoever it is, wherever they are, they can expose us whenever they want. This is our life now, waiting for the worst to happen.", "Billy: Where did you get this?", "Abby: And why was it shredded?", "Traci: I think that jack and kyle ought to answer those questions.", "Abby: Kyle?", "Kyle: Um... dina and I were home. She was all worked up over the conversation with ashley. Dina was spinning, saying she had proof that she was a good mother and loved ashley.", "Billy: And where did dina say this was?", "Kyle: Locked away in john's office. I was humoring her so she'd calm down, but she knew there was a wall safe. It had been paneled over, but it's there.", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so you found the safe and you opened it, but can we get back to the part where you shredded the document and tried to pretend that it didn't exist?", "Kyle: Uh...", "Jack: It wasn't just kyle. I shredded the document with him. Additional sponsorship", "Arturo: On that scale?", "Nick: Can you get the crew you need?", "Arturo: I have some out-of-state contacts that I can call, but for a project this big, they'd have to relocate.", "Nick: Well, that's why i brought you on, arturo.", "Arturo: I got to say, man, doing business like this has its upside.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Well, I want dark horse to be the kind of place where you don't feel like you're chained to a desk, you know? I want everyone to be on the same page. We all have to know and trust each other to get the real work done.", "Arturo: Absolutely, man. Yeah, it's hard to focus on a task at hand if you feel like the person you're working with doesn't have your back, so...", "Nick: Oh, I know I can trust you. I mean, you show up, you do your job, you do a great job. You have a connection to your family.", "Arturo: Yeah, my sister can be a pain, but she's smart. She dreams big and works hard. And, um, you remember my brother rey?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. My show-stopping arrest. A night to remember. Is he always that extreme?", "Arturo: He's an acquired taste.", "Nick: Well, I'd like to know what I'm dealing with, you know, in case I want to have any more business parties. I want to know what I'm up against.", "Arturo: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Is he a take-charge kind of guy?", "Arturo: Uh, he did the whole \"man of the house\" thing when my dad left the picture, so...", "Nick: So he called the shots.", "Arturo: Thought he did, at least.", "Nick: He got some pushback?", "Arturo: Rey means well. Really. I mean, he always has, but, yeah, extreme is not an understatement.", "Rey: Hey there.", "Sharon: Hey, um, you know, your kitchen does come with a coffee maker.", "Rey: I -- I like this one better.", "Sharon: Hey, um, are you busy later, or are you available to hang out?", "Rey: You know, there's always a bunch of paperwork to catch up on.", "Sharon: Well, you've got to have a social life, even if it's just a movie. You know, I've read the statistics on cop burnout. What reason would you have for not taking a break?", "Rey: Nick.", "Sharon: I don't get it.", "Rey: We talked. I don't want to get between you two.", "Sharon: Nick said something, and you listened? Wonderful. Well, there's nothing to get in between because nick and I are over, and this wasn't a date. I was just asking as a friend.", "Rey: I didn't think it was a date, I just think we should --", "Abby: So you find this -- this life-changing document, giving my mom all her jabot patents, and, what, you try to destroy it?", "Jack: Yes, for the good of the company.", "Kyle: And the family.", "Abby: Because you know best, both of you. No one else gets a vote. You make a decision for everyone else, that affects everyone's lives, my mom's most of all.", "Jack: It was a precautionary measure, abby. Taken under intense pressure.", "Ashley: God, you're so full of it. Your first impulse, your very first instinct is to always take something from me, isn't it? I mean, this is like the \"blood abbott\" clause all over again.", "Jack: I didn't do this to you. Look, you didn't even know this thing existed. No one did.", "Ashley: Mother knew! Daddy knew, jack! They knew!", "Jack: I did what I did to keep the company from more upheaval and more trauma.", "Abby: You said you wanted to make things right with my mother, and then this is how you treat her? This is horrible! You know that, right? Both of you!", "Kyle: Let's not overlook what ashley did to my dad. And to me. That was calculated torture. This was shredding a piece of paper no one knew about.", "Ashley: You know what, you are not different than your father. I'm not important to either one of you.", "Traci: He didn't mean that.", "Ashley: They both mean it! This was created because i mattered. To my mother and to daddy. And it was an insurance policy because I'm sure they knew that the golden boy was gonna try to get his grubby hands on everything he could. But this for me. And you treat it like garbage, jack, because that's how you feel about me.", "Jack: That is not true.", "Abby: That was a promise from john and dina, and you tried to erase it.", "Kyle: How much did either of them care about a few sheets of paper if it never came up? John ran the business for years without taking it out of the safe. If that way was fine with him...", "Billy: Just stop talking, honestly, kyle, because you're not making anything better. Look, what you two did is stupid, okay? That was stupid. And stupid about covers it, but what this document does is it sets a precedent, okay? And it opens up potential floodgates to employee claims.", "Ashley: That's ridiculous. Nobody's gonna try to make a grab for anything, billy. This specifically names me. It was to protect me.", "Abby: Which clearly my mom needs.", "Traci: And why should a family need protection from its own? Was is it gonna take for you all to see that we have gone too far? This is shameful!", "Ashley: You swore to me that you weren't trying to take my father away from me with the \"blood abbott\" clause. And yet, you -- you shredded his last promise to me. But I have it now. It's mine, and I know what daddy wanted, and you don't have any choice, jack. You're gonna have to suck it up and accept it.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Neil: So lily was protecting this -- this woman from a gang of inmates? Is that right?", "Cane: I knew this was going to happen. I mean, she went on and on and on how this woman needed support, how lily just had to help her.", "Neil: Against the other inmates?", "Cane: No, no, against the system. You know what lily's like -- once she gets invested she doesn't back down, and now she's got a target on her back.", "Neil: She's always been that way. She won't back down from a fight, even though she should. You know something, she's just like her mother, and now she's got a prison gang after her.", "Cane: All she had to do was lay low. This wasn't supposed to happen, neil.", "Nate: Well, michael's dealing with the prison. What's his plan, go to the warden?", "Cane: I don't know what his plan is. I don't know. I don't even know if he's gonna even make any headway.", "Neil: We should head over there and go up the food chain and get to see lily. Yeah?", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go, neil. Come on. Let's go.", "Nate: Keep me posted. Call me when you know lily's all right.", "Kyle: So, here we are. Dina had a heart after all, which everyone but ashley already knew. Great. Right now, we need to think about jabot. We can vote to ignore the agreement.", "Ashley: Except the document was signed by the founder of the company, kyle, so I don't think you can just wish it away with a vote.", "Billy: We don't know the legality, okay? I think we can all agree, we're gonna need lawyers to look it over.", "Abby: To try to undo it?", "Ashley: Yeah, good luck with that. The press gets a whiff of this, and you'll both be ruined.", "Kyle: Go for it. Take it to the press. I'm sure they'd love to hear that you conned your own mother into calling her son illegitimate.", "Jack: Kyle, that's enough.", "Traci: Enough with the threats. Look, we're all adults here. Can we just act like it?", "Jack: We need to protect dad's legacy!", "Ashley: This is dad's legacy.", "Traci: Dad wanted what was best for all of us. Can we now focus on being the family he wanted us to be?", "Ashley: You know, I was just persona non grata in this very room not that long ago, and now we're supposed to join together in love and faith. Well, I think I'm gonna put my faith in this, uh, document.", "Kyle: Which means what, exactly?", "Ashley: You know, you thinking that I owe you an explanation now or ever again is funny. I am going to address my siblings, however. I'm gonna speak with my attorney, and I'm gonna find out my options -- all of them. Thank you, traci. You have no idea how much this means to me.", "Traci: Ashley just needs a little time to process this. She's been hurt too deeply too many times. I know she loves this family, and I know --", "Jack: It's too late for your cheery optimism, okay? It's not going to fix what is broken! Why would you give her that document? You think it was gonna bring peace to this family?", "Ashley: Why do you do that? Why do you pretend mom would have stayed if I would have been nicer? She wanted to go.", "Traci: I made this.", "Jack: That's pretty, trace. You did a good job.", "Traci: Send it to mommy. I'm sure she'll come back, and no one will fight anymore. What you've done is disgusting, jack! Both of you! You had no right to destroy that document. This is an insult to dad! So don't you blame me for trying to force this family to see the truth here today! It has been nothing but lies and secrets and tricks and schemes! No more!", "Kyle: Somehow, I don't think ashley got the message. She didn't give one word about what she plans to do.", "Abby: You heard her, kyle. She owes you nothing at all.", "Kyle: Then what about the rest of the family?", "Billy: Well, I think it proves we're an exceptionally devious group. Surprisingly, even I'm over it. I'm not picking sides, I'm just worried about jabot and the people that work there.", "Kyle: So am I, and if ashley yanks those products, we need to know if that contract is legally binding.", "Jack: I will talk to legal about it.", "Abby: Just to be clear, our family is falling apart, as in wounds that will never heal, and all you care about is screwing my mom out of what her parents wanted her to have. No, no, no, I cannot be here for this.", "Traci: Abby, please. Please. Don't leave. We need your voice in this.", "Abby: She is my mother! And what you said about what my mom did, how it affected you what she did to uncle jack, well, what you did to her, i feel it, too. I feel it right here in my heart! She felt awful, she felt lonely, she felt like she didn't belong, like she wasn't a real abbott. And, yes, she did something -- she did something very horrible, and she has to live with that, along with everything else that she's lost, and you want her to lose even more? No, I cannot be here for this.", "[ Door slams ]", "Kyle: So, ashley took that copy. You have any others?", "Traci: Would it kill either one of you think about human feelings before business?", "Billy: This is getting out of hand. Trust me, I know what it looks like.", "Jack: If ashley truly owns those patents, we're in danger. Without a C.E.O. In place, it gets even worse. I am not exaggerating when i tell you we are looking at jabot's death spiral, and we're watching it in real time.", "Kyle: Guess we had the same idea -- check the jabot archive for anything that might involve this surprise document.", "Billy: Just so you know, the shredder's unplugged, so if you have any brilliant ideas, you can turn around and walk away.", "Kyle: Yeah, don't act like some neutral arbiter of justice. Ashley booted you out of that chair.", "Billy: Yeah, ashley was pretty hard on you at the house. You doing okay? How's your ego?", "Kyle: You definitely were the noble soldier for the jabot cause when you were stealing funds.", "Billy: You can't win with me, kid. If I'm a cynic, it's because i earned it the hard way. You, you're just a punk trying to find an easy way to the top, and trust me -- nobody's impressed. And nobody's gonna step aside so you can climb the ladder. As far as these files, I'll make sure I hold onto them so you can keep your grimy mitts off of them.", "Arturo: What's wrong?", "Abby: My family is imploding. I know that I've been saying it for weeks, but this -- this is shocking and shameful and, quite honestly, I thought we were better than this. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I did, I thought we had more decency, but we don'T. My family is selfish and vindictive, and the worst part is that one person's act of kindness years ago makes everyone more vicious in the here and now.", "Jack: This document is obviously highly confid-- yeah, I would appreciate that. I'm gonna send you a pdf file right now. Thank you. Traci, look...", "Traci: Oh, I don't want to hear another word from you about something I did.", "Jack: I'm sorry. I apologize, I shouldn't have said what I said.", "Traci: No. You shouldn't have. Ashley is our sister. That contract was written by our parents. This is not about jabot. And if we take this past the point of no return, none of this is going to matter. And I refuse to believe that it's too late, I won't accept that.", "Jack: You always had so much faith in us. All of us. The strength of our love. I wish I had half your faith.", "Traci: It's not a wish. It's a choice, jack. Why can't you choose to believe that daddy wanted what was best for all of us? And he knew what he was doing! Why can't you just let ashley have this and accept that it's a reality?", "Jack: Did mother actually see this coming? She actually assumed that the two of us would have this eternal fight, that one day we'd be at war?", "Traci: Oh, my god, it's not that hard to predict. You were the only son. You were groomed to lead. Ashley was smart and clever and well-educated, but she wasn't john abbott jr., Was she? I don't know, maybe mother was trying to level the playing field. Maybe she wanted to give ashley something just as valuable as the big office. Or maybe this was to force the two of you to always have to work together! Whatever. If the paper had come out years ago, we would not be having this fight right now.", "[ Sniffles ]", "Jack: Traci, you were so young when mother left us. You ever think about that time?", "Traci: [ Chuckles ] Sometimes. But, slowly, there were more days in my life without mother than there were days with her. And, besides, nobody ever talks about a mother who leaves. I mean, this was this unspoken, horrible thing that we pretended never happened. And, jack, it was a different time then. It was a time when nobody thought it was even a little bit off that a father call one of his daughters \"my beauty.\"", "Jack: I never knew you felt that way.", "Traci: Oh, my god. Jack!", "Jack: You know that dad loved you every bit as much as he loved ashley.", "Traci: Mm, yes, yes. Of course. [ Sighs ] I know. It's just one of those things that you carry with you.", "Ashley: Traci. It's a great picture, but mom isn't coming back. Even if you send it.", "Jack: I think mom would think it's really neat. We'll find a stamp, okay? It's okay.", "Ashley: If mom wanted to see drawings, then she should have stayed.", "Jack: Since when are you in charge?", "Ashley: You think you know stuff. You're just as bad as her. You don't know anything.", "Jack: Hey!", "[ Glass shatters ]", "John: What was that? What's going on? Who did this? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Victoria: Hi!", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: I would ask you if you cleared out your office at jabot, but I guess it's a little late for that.", "Billy: Just some research.", "Victoria: Mm. That tone says you're in a mood. Is it about the company, or is it about phyllis?", "Billy: Well, it's not about phyllis because she and I are done. And, yes, I paid her back.", "Victoria: You had revenge sex?", "Billy: Things happen, vick.", "Victoria: Okay. I'm not judging, I'm just a little surprised that you didn't hit me up for the job.", "Billy: Oh, that would never happen because the whole point was to make it meaningless, and with you...", "Cane: Michael has to make this visit happen, neil. He's got to do it.", "Neil: I'm sure he's made all the calls he can.", "Cane: So what am I gonna do, just sit here and wait, huh? I don't know how much longer i can just sit here before I break the door down trying to get to her.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. I know it's hard, damn-near impossible, but you got to take it down, okay? We need to play this carefully, not make anything harder on lily than it already is, right?", "Cane: Right. I'm sitting here, and I know she's alone and she's scared and she's in danger.", "Neil: I know, cane.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey, baby. [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: I'm not gonna badmouth phyllis...", "Billy: Don't hold back on my behalf.", "Victoria: But I will say that I'm glad you guys are done because you had a very combustible relationship.", "Billy: You think?", "Victoria: Yeah. I do.", "Billy: Mm.", "Victoria: And I get it. I get it, it's easy to see excitement as some heightened life experience. But you don't need excitement. You need a stable, normal life, and you need time to focus on recovery.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] But the whole stable, normal life thing, it's the distance. Way far, far in the distance.", "Victoria: I take it i shouldn't ask.", "Billy: You know how you like to set expectations for the kids? Well, I think we should have some, also, like set some ground rules.", "Victoria: Regarding?", "Billy: Halloween. I am going to outclass you on the costume front when we go trick-or-treating for the kids. It's about 100% guaranteed, and I don't want you to be upset. I don't want you to feel bad, okay? Because it's not a competition, except it is.", "Victoria: Bring it.", "Arturo: We can just, uh, head down to the lake, lay in the back of my truck, and I'm sure we can figure out a way to make everything else go away.", "Abby: Well, you do have a way of making me forget the not-so-good thing in my life. I really hope I didn't interrupt any important dark horse business.", "Arturo: No. Nick and I were just hanging out, mainly. He's pretty curious about my brother.", "Abby: Well, you know, that's not surprising. Even though there were no charges filed, I don't think nick will forget about rey arresting him anytime soon. Especially since he accused him of aiding and abetting victoria's ex. Arturo, you know, it's really hard for me to get a handle on your brother, especially since you won't talk to me about him. Are you ever gonna tell me what happened between the two of you?", "Rey: Hey.", "Abby: Wow. Perfect timing. We were just talking about you.", "Rey: Oh, is that right?", "Arturo: Yeah, uh, we -- we really don't have to do this here.", "Rey: If you have questions you want to ask me...", "Abby: Yeah, yeah, I do, actually. I heard you're renting sharon's apartment and, I don't know, i was just curious about your wife, whether or not she was moving into town.", "Rey: You know, I think arturo had the right idea. My marriage isn't really up for discussion.", "Nick: Hey. It's good to see you.", "Sharon: You told rey to stay away from me?", "Nick: It's not exactly what i said.", "Sharon: My friendships aren't any of your business, so stay out of my life.", "Nick: You know, you refuse to talk to me about anything other than the kids, and then you come storming in here over this guy? That should set off some serious alarms for you, sharon. He lives above your coffeehouse, you're hanging out together at work. He is causing problems for us.", "Sharon: There is no \"us.\"", "Nick: Well, I'm not just gonna stop worrying about you.", "Sharon: You're not invited to worry, and you're definitely not invited to interfere.", "Nick: You can tell me to butt out, but my feelings aren't just gonna switch off. I love you. That's not gonna change.", "Neil: Hey. Let me look at you.", "Lily: Dad, I'm fine.", "Cane: You okay, baby? You look shaky.", "Lily: No, I'm fine. I'm fine. Physically, I'm okay.", "Neil: Did they identify the women who went after you?", "Lily: No, they didn't come after me, they went after mikayla. And I couldn't just let them. You know? I mean, she's that single mom i told you about. Her poor kids.", "Cane: Yeah. I know. I know.", "Lily: It's like, if anything happened to her...", "Neil: Oh, stop. I'm worried about my kid right now.", "Lily: No, you don't know how it works. We have to look out for each other here.", "Cane: You need to look out for yourself, okay? You're not meant to get stuck in the middle of a prison fight. We talked about this.", "Lily: No, you don't understand. This is my life now, okay? Yes, you see me in this room alone, but I have to live out there with the rest of the inmates.", "Cane: Okay, but what is the warden doing about it, okay? Look, I mean, you didn't do anything wrong. Why would they take away your visitation rights?", "Neil: Baby, why are you being punished?", "Lily: No, it's just -- it's the way things work, okay? I'm safe in solitary.", "Cane: But how long are you gonna stay in there for?", "Neil: It's not healthy. Too much time in there --", "Cane: No, it's not not.", "Lily: No, it'll be better soon, okay? The warden is on it.", "Sharon: This was a mistake.", "Nick: Come on. We have to find a way to do this. Please.", "Sharon: You can't just dump all of your regrets on me. They're your problem. You deal with it.", "Nick: Yes, I overstepped with rey, I admit it. I just worry about you and the kids. I'm very protective.", "Sharon: The kids are --", "Nick: Yeah, I know the kids are fine, and, sharon, you can do whatever you want. [ Sighs ] I'm sorry, okay? All I can do is say that I will do better.", "Sharon: Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear.", "Nick: Okay. And you're right, when we talk, it should be about important things like halloween. I mean, christian is very excited to show you his halloween costume. I had to talk him out of wearing it to school the other day. You think there's any chance we could go trick-or-treating as a family?", "Sharon: Well, you know, i want to see christian as much as possible. But when we go, it's not as a family.", "Nick: I get it. I do. But I'm sure it'll be a great time, no matter what.", "John: It's okay. I'm not angry. You didn't cut yourself, did you?", "Jack: Like I said, it was just an accident.", "John: [ Sighs ] Tell you what, I'm having dinner out tonight, but why don't we all have breakfast together tomorrow? Everybody's favorites. All of us around the table.", "Traci: Silver-dollar pancakes!", "John: Traci, can you be a big girl and go ask mamie?", "Traci: You come too!", "John: I'll come, too.", "Ashley: Why'd you tell dad the vase was my fault when it was all you?", "Jack: You didn't get in trouble, did you? What do you think dad would say if he knew it was me?", "Ashley: You can't do this every time you mess up, though. But I guess we do have to look out for each other.", "Jack: You know, you don't have to worry about it. Dad wants me to help out, grow up. He made me promise to take care of you guys, so that's what I'm gonna do.", "Jack: Per our legal team, the contract is binding. There are no loopholes and, yes, it was filed with the patent office.", "Traci: So that means anyone who would like to go against our mother and father's wishes will lose.", "Billy: I went through the archives. There's no document contradicting what we found.", "Abby: How many patents is my mom responsible for?", "Kyle: Most of our best-sellers. We take ashley abbott products off the shelves, we don't have much left.", "Jack: Which means we have to sit with ashley as a family and somehow come to terms.", "Traci: Okay, we can do this. We can -- we can work this out. We'll make some kind of an agreement where our bonds come first, some kind of a compromise.", "Kyle: Oh, make nice? No. Not a chance.", "Billy: What kind of compromise are you thinking, traci, and would ashley go for it?", "Jack: I would say it looks like us making a very generous offer for her patents. Jabot has to be the sole owner. It is the only way we can keep the company protected and profitable.", "Ashley: I take it you spoke with your attorneys. Wow. I wish I could patent the looks There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.", "Cane: Well, I'm glad the warden's looking out for you, but she can't be here 24 hours a day, and when I asked you about your plan, you kind of were, like, holding back.", "Lily: She wants to move me to a new prison.", "Cane: What? What?", "Neil: Whoa, wait.", "Lily: Trust me, this is for the best, you know?", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Lily: Because things will be different this time. I'll know the ropes, I won't make the same mistakes.", "Cane: No, no, no. There's no guarantee where they're gonna transfer you to is gonna be any safer than this place, no!", "Lily: It'll be safer for me. You don't understand. The inmates here, once you get on their bad side... trust me, this is better than solitary.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Well, okay. All right. Okay, okay. All right. This is -- you're right. This is probably the best solution. At least everyone will sleep better this way, okay? So...", "Nei: Lily, what prison are we talking about here? Because there aren't many options. Remember mattie's research? These prisons, a lot of them are hundreds of miles away.", "Lily: No, no. They wouldn't do that. I have to be close. I mean, you and the kids are what's keeping me sane. It's keeping me alive in here. That's it. Visit's done.", "Lily: No, please, let me just talk to my family a little bit longer, please.", "Cane: All right, just -- listen, we'll be back tomorrow, okay? All right? Michael baldwin is making calls, and we're gonna find some options for you, okay?", "Lily: No, it's too late for that. They're moving me tomorrow.", "Jack: I'm glad you came back. Traci said it, and she's right. Whatever we do next, we have to do as a family.", "Kyle: Can I get you a drink?", "Ashley: [ Chuckles ] Wow, how quickly things change. Now you want to fetch me a drink. You must have found out that the contract's air-tight.", "Jack: It is. So now we have to live up to the spirit of what our parents wanted. For everything to be fair and equitable for everyone, we need to come up with some kind of agreement.", "Ashley: Mm, what kind of an agreement?", "Jack: I thought we could sit and make you a generous and appropriate offer for your patents.", "Traci: Some kind of a compromise. Where you're given the love and the loyalty that you deserve.", "Ashley: Well, um, I don't think that document is just about love, I think it's really about respect. Respect for everything I've given to jabot and for everything I've done for this family through my hard work and my expertise. But to save you the trouble of coming up with a number and then sliding it across the table, um, I don't want your money.", "Jack: Then what is it you want?", "Ashley: I want to be reinstated, jack. I want to be reinstated as C.E.O." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Chelsea is hurt that when she and Adam talk to Connor he asks her not to take him back to live with her and since she is so worried about him she tells him that he doesn't have to live with her . Nick comforts her when she cries and tells him that she doesn't know how she will live without Connor. Adam asks Sharon to continue counseling Connor. At first she tells him no but Rey changes her mind saying that now she knows who Adam really is and he is confident that she can handle Adam. Devon tells Amanda, Cane Lily, and Jill that he is keeping Hamilton Winters and the charities to which he has donated will keep their donations but the bulk of Katherine's estate will go to Cane because he wants to honor Katherine's wishes. Devon later apologizes to Amanda for all the things he said to her and she tells him that he is an honorable man who is making his father proud. Cane tells Devon and Lily that he will be a good steward of the money Katherine gave to him. Cane also asks Lily to stay in town a little while but she tells him no because she has to return to work. Jill later calls Cane and tells him that the envelope that contained the will pages was in an envelope from a place that she and Collin had planned to go to on their trip before they broke up. Jill tells Cane that she thinks Collin is behind the will challenge and he is running a con. Jill tells Cane she is going to track down Collin and find out the truth about the will.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Cane: You have determined that they are katherine's initials on the pages? Those initials are authentic.", "Devon: If katherine were alive today, would she feel the same way about the will?", "Elena: I think you need to talk to someone who knows katherine and cane better than anyone else.", "Devon: You're talking about lily.", "Chelsea: We all just want to help.", "Connor: No, you don'T. You're a liar, too!", "Chelsea: At least you got him to open up a bit. Maybe his outburst helped to relieve some of the pressure building up inside.", "Connor: You really want to be a part of my life? Then let me live with you.", "Adam: We need to focus on what's best for our son, and i think that him staying with me will show him that I'm gonna stick around, and that I'm committed to being his father.", "Chelsea: This is temporary, adam. I am not giving you custody.", "Sharon: You're back. I -- I didn't know.", "Adam: Yeah, nick -- nick tracked me down. He said connor was struggling and getting in trouble.", "Sharon: That's incredible.", "Adam: I have let go of all my grievances with the newmans.", "Sharon: That's good to hear.", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, connor's been through enough upheaval, so... his family is what he needs now.", "Sharon: Well, you leaving had a profound effect on him.", "Adam: Well, I thought he was better off without me. But now I know that I was wrong.", "Sharon: I don't know if you heard, but chelsea asked me to talk to connor while you were away.", "Adam: That is actually why I came to see you. Connor has moved in with me. And it's been the best thing that's happened to us in a long time. And I'm determined to do right by my son, so I was hoping that you would continue to work with him. Because I need you to help me help my son.", "Cane: Hey.", "Jill: Oh!", "Cane: [ Chuckles ]", "Jill: Oh, ho!", "Cane: Sorry.", "Jill: Mm.", "Cane: Are you okay?", "Jill: Yeah, I just think I've had too much coffee.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Jill: I mean, I-I am just sitting here on pins and needles waiting to hear from devon. Have you been in touch with him?", "Cane: I have not heard a word.", "Jill: Okay, here's the way i see it -- we have irrefutable proof that you were the intended beneficiary of katherine's estate, and we know that tucker defrauded you out of your inheritance. So handing the money over to you is the only possible way to make it right.", "Cane: So, basically you're expecting him to give me $2.5 billion when there is no law compelling him to do so. Is that what you're saying?", "Jill: Yes, cane. Yes, I do.", "Cane: All right. Mmkay.", "Jill: Out of his love for katherine.", "Cane: Well, forgive me for saying this, all right, but I'm having a hard time buying into this fairy tale. Sorry.", "Devon: Hey!", "Lily: [ Giggles ]", "Devon: Come here.", "Lily: Hi!", "Devon: Ohh!", "Lily: Oh, my gosh.", "Devon: Get in here. Get in here.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh. Look at you!", "Devon: Yeah. Not bad, right?", "Lily: No. You're -- you're a mess. You really are.", "Devon: Thank you so much.", "Lily: I cannot believe how much I've missed you. It's so good to see your face.", "Devon: It's good to see you, too. Thank you for getting here so quick.", "Lily: Yeah, of course. Anytime. You know that.", "Devon: Yeah. There's just a whole lot that's been going on with katherine's will and cane being named the main beneficiary.", "Lily: Wait, I thought that was a done deal? Even cane thought it was some sort of con. And the statute of limitations ran out years ago.", "Devon: That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's more to the story than you know.", "Amanda: Yes, well, one way or another, this all ends today.", "Lily: I mean, why would katherine leave money for cane?", "Devon: That's a really great question. But that's not the strangest part of this whole thing. You now the attorney that chance hired?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: She looks exactly like hilary. Like, exactly like her.", "Lily: Really?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: God, that must be weird, seeing someone who looks like her.", "Devon: She could literally be her twin. Someone has found hilary's look-alike and sent her here to throw me off my game.", "Lily: Okay, so, what does -- what does cane say? I mean, what does -- what does he want?", "Devon: [ Stammers ] I mean, you know him. You were married to him for a while. What do you think he wants?", "Lily: So, wait, are you... are you saying that you don't believe katherine left him the bulk of her money, that you do, but you don't think he deserves it?", "Chelsea: Okay. I'll be in shortly.", "Nick: Hey. Everything okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Just work. Was christian excited for the field trip today?", "Nick: You know nothing in this world makes that kid happier than seeing dinosaur bones.", "Chelsea: Yeah. He wouldn't stop talking about it this morning. Made me wonder if he was just trying to get my mind off of connor.", "Nick: Yeah, maybe.", "Chelsea: Poor little guy must be so confused. His best bud not living here anymore.", "Nick: Well, it's not forever. We're still gonna see each other a lot. There's gonna be play dates and sleepovers. We're still gonna have dinner together.", "Chelsea: Yeah. That's the plan. [ Sighs ] So, um, what's on your agenda for today?", "Nick: Uh, well, I'm gonna check out a potential site for new hope. Sounds like, uh, the grand phoenix is keeping you busy.", "Chelsea: Yeah, really busy. I'm actually headed in there short-- [ Sighs ] Whew... this hurts. This hurts so much. And I'm used to connor, you know, being away at camp, or -- [ Sighs ] Or at a sleepover or a weekend away with friends. But this just feels different. This feels so wrong. I mean, I only agreed to let him live with adam because I'm scared for him. I'm scared of the way he's starting fights and acting out. I mean, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that he's okay. I just need to give it time. But right [Sighs] It just feels like everything is out of control.", "Nick: [ Sighs, murmurs ]", "Sharon: He's such a great kid.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] But he needs help. From you.", "Sharon: Adam --", "Adam: Look -- look. I know that things got rocky between us. But I am really hoping that you can rise above that, and you can think about that little boy, who needs all the help he can get right now. We are weakening our enamel more often than we even realize. Additional sponsorship", "Nick: You know, I'm no expert, but, uh, I'm sure the reason connor was acting out was a cry for help. And I'm partly to blame for that.", "Chelsea: Absolutely not. Why would you even say that?", "Nick: Because I just -- I want this blended-family thing to work so badly. I love being with you. Our kids together. And it's just... maybe it was too much, too soon. I just -- I pushed connor too hard.", "Chelsea: Nick, you are not to blame for this. Losing adam is what broke him. Not you.", "Nick: Well, that's why I bit the bullet and went to vegas. There was no way I was coming back home without adam.", "Chelsea: It just shows how great you are with kids. You were willing to do something you didn't want to do, but you did it because it's what's good for connor.", "Nick: I hope you're right.", "Chelsea: I just need to trust my instincts. [ Sighs ] I did what I thought was best for my son. Let's just hope adam's doing the same.", "Adam: Connor really likes you. He respects you. I don't want to lose the connection with someone that is helping him make sense of -- of all the confusion.", "Sharon: Well, there are a lot of good therapists I can refer you to --", "Adam: I want you, sharon.", "Sharon: I can'T.", "Adam: Because you don't trust me.", "Sharon: Because working with connor, I would be too close to you. And even though you say you've changed your ways, you know, what if you tried to manipulate me again? I just can't risk that.", "Adam: Sharon, all that I want is, I want connor to be happy again. I want him to feel safe and stable. I know that I cannot solve all of his problems, but I know that you can help. I don't want to waste time jumping from shrink to shrink, trying to find the right fit for my boy when there is a perfectly good counselor sitting right across from me. Okay, look, if you want to hate me, hate me. But, please, do not take it out on my kid. He's got enough to deal with having a guy like me as his father. Look, I think that you can make all the difference in connor's life. I just really hope that you have a change of heart.", "Devon: I mean, I don't give a damn about cane. He's been scamming people since he came to town. He got here pretending to be somebody he's not.", "Lily: Okay, I get that you don't like cane. But I feel like there's something else bothering you. What is it? Just tell me.", "Devon: When katherine gave me the money, I always thought it was because she saw something special in me. I wanted to be worthy of that kind of money, and the responsibility that came with it. And I'm the guy, now, that people come to when they need help, and I like that. I like being able to do that for others. It's a part of my identity. And to have to give it away now, to somebody with no morals, for that matter... what do you think I should do?", "Lily: [ Sighs ] I mean... [ Stomps foot ] I think you should follow your heart.", "Devon: Nate told me I should ask myself what neil would do.", "Lily: I mean, yeah, that's -- that's good advice, but at the end of the day, it's your decision. And I will support you no matter what you choose.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Jill: Ah. Are we late?", "Devon: No. Come in.", "Jill: Hi.", "Lily: Hello. Hello, cane.", "Cane: Uh, I didn't know you'd be here. You, uh -- you look fantastic.", "Jill: As usual. What a lovely surprise.", "Lily: Yeah, I mean, it was a last-minute thi-- [ Glass clatters ] Oh, my god.", "Devon: Hey. Do you need some water or something else to drink?", "Lily: No, no, no, no, no. I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Devon: You don't seem like you're fine.", "Lily: No, I mean, you -- you -- you told me that, you know, she looked like her, but I-I thought it was like a-a -- a resemblance.", "Devon: Uh-huh.", "Lily: But, I mean, she looks just like her! That's crazy!", "Devon: I know. I know.", "Lily: I cannot that you've dealt with the will with someone who looks like hilary. This is insane!", "Cane: Maybe you should have taken the time to warn her.", "Devon: You don't think I tried to do that?", "Lily: No, he did. But nothing can prepare me for that. I mean, look at her face!", "Cane: I know. I know, I know.", "Devon: Do you want to take a break and go for a walk or something?", "Lily: No. No, no, no. I'm -- I'm -- I'm fine.", "Amanda: Lily, I just wanted to say --", "Lily: No, listen, I, um -- [ Sighs ] I'm really sorry that I reacted the way that I did. I-I'm sure it's not the first time that someone's had a minor freak out when they saw you.", "Amanda: It's been difficult being in a place where my face is such a painful reminder to so many people. But I believe that my work here is almost done.", "Devon: It is, yeah. It is, because I've gotten some clarity, and I know what I need to do.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] How do I look?", "Nick: You look amazing. Is there some reason you got to look this good to go and deal with a broken elevator at the grand phoenix?", "Chelsea: I'm actually stopping by adam's first. I feel like I'll be more settled once we figure out the visitation schedule.", "Nick: So you're doing all this for connor?", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. I'm actually nervous to see my own son.", "Nick: It's okay. You just want to make sure you get it right.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I will pull it together. I will be fine.", "Nick: Chelsea, you just have to relax. It's not an interview. You already got the job, right? You're the best mom I know. Connor knows that, too.", "Chelsea: I don't know what he knows anymore.", "Nick: He knows that you've been the one constant in his life forever. And that you two are a team. That you're willing to make the tough choices, even if it means breaking your heart. So just go there and remind him how much love there is between you two, and you'll both be better off. Okay?", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Rey: If I'm interrupting, just say the word.", "Adam: I was actually just on my way out. Sharon, I really hope to hear from you soon.", "Rey: [ Inhales deeply ] Everything all right?", "Sharon: Yeah. He was just asking me to do a favor for someone he cares about.", "Rey: Who's that?", "Sharon: It's not important.", "Rey: Well, it looked important. But if I'm prying, you know, it's, uh --", "Sharon: No, no. Not at all. Um... do you remember when I told you I was lending a hand to nick and chelsea?", "Rey: Yeah.", "Sharon: It was for connor.", "Rey: The little boy.", "Sharon: Yeah. He's struggling. And, you know, he's just been through so much already in his short life. He was told his grandfather was dead, and then, surprise, he's alive, and then adam walked out on him --", "Rey: Yeah, that's -- that's a lot for a kid to handle.", "Sharon: Yeah, it's too much. So when he started acting out at home, and then at school...", "Rey: They wanted you to talk to him.", "Sharon: Yeah. They wanted me to see if I could get him to open up, get to the bottom of why he's so angry.", "Rey: How'd that work out?", "Sharon: Well, we've only talked a few times, but, um, you know, it went pretty well. He started to trust me.", "Rey: That's huge, though, right?", "Sharon: Yeah. I mean, it's nothing earth-shattering. You know, it's a process.", "Rey: Well, yeah. But he responded to you. You got through to him.", "Sharon: Adam found out about it when he got back home.", "Rey: And he wants you to continue helping him. What did you say?", "Sharon: I told him no.", "Rey: Why?", "Sharon: You know why. There's a million reasons why I would never do anything that would put me in regular contact with adam.", "Rey: Well, is there anything I can say that would change your mind?", "Devon: This is neil's will. And I'm gonna read a little bit of it so you guys can understand how I came to make my decision. \"One of life's greatest gifts is having the power to give people opportunities. Your grandmother, katherine, changed your world forever with the money she left you. And I've certainly had my share of benefactors. It's my sincerest wish that you'll pay this generosity forward. Give young people starting out and those without the same advantages as you a leg up. Commit random acts of kindness, and bestow golden opportunities upon others. Make me proud, son. I know you will. So this is the kind of life I've been trying to live. And the way I see it, I have two options here. I can give cane the money and enrich your life, or I can give the money to charity and enrich the lives thousands of people.", "Jill: No! Wait just one minute. Katherine never stipulated the money should go to charity.", "Amanda: Legally, this is devon's money. He can do with it whatever he pleases.", "Jill: How about doing what's right? Devon, you of all people!", "Lily: Jill, I think my brother made his decision, so maybe you should just sit down and -- and relax.", "Cane: Let him -- just let him -- let him finish, okay?", "Devon: Listen. When katherine left me all that money, I quickly realized how much of a burden it was gonna be, all right. And I struggled a lot at the beginning with what I was gonna do with it. So I decided to start donating it. I started giving it to charity. And that felt great. It really did. Then I wanted it to have more of a purpose, so I started hamilton-winters with neil, 'cause I wanted to fund a business that was about equality, about diversity, and i wanted to give artists a voice. And it made me feel like a million bucks every time I gave someone the support they needed to thrive. So, hamilton- winters can stand on its own. But when it comes to the bulk of what katherine left me, -I'm gonna give it to cane. 'Cause that was katherine's wish, and I want to honor it.", "Sharon: I think we have a failure to communicate.", "Rey: No, I heard you loud and clear. I-I -- I think you should reconsider adam's request.", "Sharon: How can you even consider the possibility of that after all the trouble adam caused us?", "Rey: Because this isn't about helping adam. This is about connor.", "Sharon: Well, there are a lot of other people out there.", "Rey: Yeah, but none of them are you. You made progress with him. That kid who's been abandoned by so many people is letting you into his life. You.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] I don't know.", "Rey: I do. Sharon, you talk about wanting to help people. Well, you could make a huge difference in his life.", "Sharon: I know. But someone else could, too.", "Rey: Okay, listen. [ Clears throat ] Cards on the table. I am not worried one bit that you will get drawn back into adam's orbit. Are you?", "Adam: Can I get you something?", "Chelsea: Water's fine. So [Sighs] Connor's home from school?", "Adam: Yeah. I told him to chill up in his room because I was having a meeting.", "Chelsea: He doesn't know I'm here?", "Adam: Uh, not yet.", "Chelsea: Oh. Well, how is he?", "Adam: Uh, he's great.", "Chelsea: Yeah? He's adjusting all right?", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, he loves it here. We had a burping contest this morning.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Who won?", "Adam: Uh, connor.", "Chelsea: Ah.", "Adam: Said he learned it from you.", "Chelsea: Well, that's good. Sounds like he's having the time of his life.", "Adam: Well, he could be. You know, if he knew for sure that this wasn't gonna get ripped away from him at any minute.", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Adam: He just -- he has this look in his eyes that this isn't gonna last, and it's -- it's not real.", "Chelsea: Well, he's been through a lot. Losing you three times in a lifetime is three times too many. So, yeah, trusting that you're actually gonna stick around forever is gonna take a little time.", "Adam: Well, I am back. For good. Thanks to you. And, who'd have thunk it, nick. I just -- I never realized how much connor needs me.", "Chelsea: He needs both of us. Hy-a-luronic acid. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] You can see him any time you want. I will work with you. I'll adjust my schedule if that's what it takes.", "Chelsea: Thank you. All right. I'm gonna go see him.", "Adam: There's just one thing that I need to ask of you.", "Chelsea: Sure.", "Adam: Just... just don't mention anything to him about going back to your place?", "Chelsea: Why not?", "Adam: 'Cause it's a sensitive issue. I just -- I don't want him to think he's gonna get yanked around again.", "Chelsea: Sure. Okay. Whatever's best.", "Adam: Good. I knew that you would understand.", "Chelsea: As long as you understand that nothing and no one is gonna get between me and my son.", "Devon: I've looked over the forensic expert's report on the newly discovered will pages, and I believe that they are legitimate. So, you can go ahead and draw up whatever I need to sign to make this official.", "Amanda: Uh, of course. Unless there are further questions... I think we can consider this matter closed. Good day.", "Lily: Hey. You okay?", "Devon: Yeah. I will be.", "Jill: Katherine and neil would be so proud of you.", "Neil: Oh, thank you, jill. You got what you wanted, so I hope you're happy.", "Lily: Okay --", "Cane: Can I, uh, have a moment, please, alone with devon?", "Jill: Yeah, of course.", "Lily: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll -- we'll be outside.", "Devon: Okay.", "Cane: I wanted to thank you.", "Devon: Don't thank me. Thank katherine. 'Cause I have no idea why she'd want you to have the money.", "Cane: [ Exhales sharply ] Yeah, I, um -- I'll do everything I can to honor her decision and, uh, be a good steward for her legacy.", "Devon: I think that's it. I think we're done. Unless you're expecting a hug or something.", "Cane: [ Scoffs ] Heh. No, I don't want a hug. Thank you.", "Devon: Mm-hmm. I've always been excited for what's next.", "Sharon: I thought you'd be trying to convince me to avoid adam like the plague.", "Rey: Yeah, a few months ago, definitely. But you see adam for who he is. You're able to separate yourself from his issues. And that's not because i lectured you or gave you an ultimatum. You made that decision on your own. The big question is, do you want to help connor?", "Sharon: Of course I do. I'm so worried about him. But I told adam no because I would have to work with both parents.", "Rey: And what did he say?", "Sharon: He said that he wasn't going to risk his son's health by being a jerk, and that he only wants what's best for connor.", "Rey: And you believe him?", "Sharon: I do. Today.", "Rey: Mm.", "Sharon: But what about tomorrow or the next day? What if the real adam comes back again?", "Rey: Look, if it's important for you to help connor, help him.", "Sharon: What about adam?", "Rey: I am confident that you will be able to handle anything he throws at you.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Amanda: Yes. I look forward to it. No, thank you.,", "Devon: Hi.", "Amanda: Mr. Hamilton.", "Devon: Hi. I, uh -- you left before I had a chance to say thank you.", "Amanda: Yes, well, I didn't want to inflict mself on you any longer than was absolutely necessary.", "Devon: So, how does it feel closing the book on this whole thing?", "Amanda: Uh, like any other legal matter. I settle disputes. So when it's all said and done, I get another case, and I start all over again.", "Devon: Wow. That sounds pretty clinical.", "Amanda: Well, it doesn't pay to get emotionally involved. But, um, how about you? You know, any regrets?", "Devon: Just about two billion of them. So, do you mind?", "Amanda: Of course.", "Devon: I, uh -- I know -- I know that things got a bit contentious.", "Amanda: Yes, well, it's part of the job, so i try not to take it personally.", "Devon: Still, I'd like to take back all the unkind things that I said about you.", "Amanda: Like calling me a con artist, accusing me of playing games with your head, abusing your wife's memory -- those things?", "Devon: Those things, yeah. Those things, and all the rest.", "Amanda: [ Chuckles ] You have a sense of humor.", "Devon: Well, I-I didn't mean to be so rude. 'Cause that's really not the kind of guy that I am.", "Amanda: I know. You're the kind of man who gives away his fortune because it's the right thing to do. You are definitely one in a couple billion, mr. Hamilton.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: I'm glad, uh -- I'm glad you had the time to see me.", "Lily: Yeah. I have a minute.", "Cane: Uh, well, in that case, I'll skip right to the point. I know how devon feels about me.", "Lily: Well, I mean, it's no secret.", "Cane: Right. And he has every reason to distrust me. Because I didn't do right by you.", "Lily: Okay, let's just stay in the present.", "Cane: Uh -- [ Sighs ] Of course. Listen, what I want to try and say to you is, I know everyone is expecting me to screw this up. But I'm a different man now. And I want to promise you, sweetheart, that our kids -- they will be left wanting nothing.", "Lily: Well, they wouldn't have needed anything, even before this strange turn of events.", "Cane: Yeah, it's, uh -- it's kind of hard to believe that it's real. Or that you're sitting here.", "Lily: Well, I would do anything for devon.", "Cane: Listen, um... this might be a little too much to ask. What do you think of sticking around, maybe, for a little bit, and helping me navigate my way through all this?", "Amanda: You grow up thinking that you're one of a kind, and then you realize that there is someone out there who looks exactly like you. It'S...", "Devon: Yeah, yeah. It, um... it was really impressive, the way you stayed focused on the job in spite of everything, and didn't get caught up in all the drama.", "Amanda: Oh, that is not my style. I avoid that at all costs.", "Devon: Well, that's refreshing to hear.", "Amanda: I told a little white lie earlier. When I said that this was like any other job. It wasn'T.", "Devon: Really?", "Amanda: Mm.", "Devon: What was so different about it?", "Amanda: Well, you. I have never met anyone who behaved with such decorum. You will go down in my books as the \"man who gave away his fortune...\"", "Devon: And, hopefully, \"gained the world in the process.\"", "Amanda: Yes.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Amanda: Well, I'm sure that your next chapter will be just as amazing as the last.", "Devon: You taking off?", "Amanda: Duty calls. But I did want to apologize for any trouble or heartache that I caused you.", "Devon: Oh.", "Amanda: Goodbye. Devon.", "Devon: Yeah. I will -- I'll see you later.", "Amanda: Those words that your father wrote... you're giving him a lot to be proud of.", "Cane: Everyone misses you. And I know devon would love to have you here.", "Lily: [ Snorts softly ] Devon is doing just fine. He has an amazing woman by his side. And I have a job that I have to get back to.", "Cane: Yeah. Well, you could always find a job here, right?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lily: And people that I would miss if I stayed.", "Cane: People, huh? So...there's no one that you miss here?", "Lily: [ Sighs ] I didn't say that.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Well, um... good luck with everything.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Cane: Sure.", "Lily: Take care of yourself, okay?", "Cane: Yeah. You, too.", "[ Cellphone rings ] [ Sighs ] Hey. Uh... you know what, I don't really feel like popping a bottle of champagne right now, if that's okay.", "Jill: No, I'm not, either. Cane, listen to me. Something's not right. I took a look at that letter again, the one that chance wrote and put in with the will.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Jill: Well, there was this emblem on the flap of the envelope. It's from a hotel in the maldives.", "Cane: Okay. Well, maybe it's someplace chance stayed.", "Jill: No, the maldives was on my bucket list with colin. We were supposed to spend time there last year before I decided I didn't want any of this endless globetrotting.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Okay. All right. Listen, maybe -- maybe it's just a coincidence.", "Jill: Really? Is that what you think? I mean, chance said that he'd been out of touch because he was working undercover. But listen, cane, what if it was because chance has never been involved with this at all?", "Cane: So basically you are saying that you think it's my dad.", "Jill: I'm not saying anything, not yet. But oh, my god. This is exactly the kind of con that colin would try to run.", "Cane: All right. So... what do we do now?", "Jill: I'm gonna find colin. We need some answers.", "Nick: Hey, what happened? [ Sighs ] Are you okay?", "Chelsea: I talked to adam. I figured out the visitation schedule. And then we went to go speak to connor. I told connor how much we love him, and all he could say was, \"don't make me go back there. I don't want to go back there.\"", "Nick: Adam brainwashed him.", "Chelsea: No. No, don't say that.", "Nick: It's true. Connor's home is with you. It always has been. And he knows that. And now, out of nowhere, he's begging to stay with adam?", "Chelsea: I don't know. It killed me, nick. I wanted to say to him, \"kiddo, you know I'm not the bad guy here, right? You know I'm not the enemy? I'm not the one who -- who just walked off and left you brokenhearted. I'm your mom. I'm the one that [Sniffles] Helped you get through all of that. And yet you don't want to live with me?\" [ Sighs ] But I couldn't say any of that. [ Sighs ] I couldn't say any of that, because right now, connor needs to know -- phew -- that no one is taking adam away from him.", "Nick: So what did you do?", "Chelsea: I promised him he doesn't need to come back here. And I know I'm gonna talk to him. I know I'm gonna see him. And I -- and I know he still loves me and everything, but what -- it's my kid, nick. What -- what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do without my little boy?", "[ Sobs ]", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Adam: Hello?", "Sharon: Hi. I've given the issue a lot of consideration --", "Adam: And I'm sure rey had a lot of strong opinions.", "Sharon: Well, I make my own decisions, and rey is okay with whatever I choose. But if you would like to know, he encouraged me to continue to work with connor. But if you're going to talk to me like this, with disdain and anger --", "Adam: I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Sorry. It's a defense mechanism. Go on.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, I can tell you the same thing that I told chelsea. Um... you know, I'm still working on my master's degree. I'm not a licensed therapist yet. And if I feel like connor needs more help than I can provide him, then I've given chelsea a list of names she can call, someone who can step in.", "Adam: Understood. Thank you so much. I-I know how complicated things have gotten.", "Sharon: Well, don't misunderstand. You know, I'm -- I'm just doing this for connor.", "Adam: Of course. Of course. Anything for connor.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Jack: A decree of adoption.", "Traci: With dina listed as mother. And over here, it's blank for father.", "Jack: Which means we have a half-brother out there somewhere.", "Adam: No go away and do not come back.", "Phyllis: $10 million?", "Amanda: I am belatedly taking your advice and heading home.", "Nate: Before you do that, I could use some legal advice.", "Nick: All right! Who is ready for round two? We can hit the trail, go get some more candy. More candy!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Victor is leaving Genoa City for Cardiac Rehab; Victoria is feeling the heat so Deacon comes to the rescue, but only makes it worse when he steps up to JT. Jana and Amber try to get to know Ryder the Ouja way. Adam frames some unsuspecting victim for ratting out to the SEC. Victoria scrambles as she tries to figure out what to do with the SEC scandal and her marriage.", "" ]
[ "Michael: Oh, fine. It's okay. Lauren had to speak with Amber, anyway. What's up?", "Phyllis: Oh, okay, um, I'm about to sign a contract with Newman Enterprises.", "Michael: All right, you know, uh, since I do work for the man, for me to go over it, that would be a conflict of--what?", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. It's not that. Its not-- it's not about the contract.", "Michael: What?", "Phyllis: The contract's fine. The contract's fine. It's just, do I want to do this? Do I really want to do this? I-it's so crazy. I'm having second thoughts, and I'm the one who thought of it in the first place.", "Michael: You're thinking about what happened to Summer because of Victor.", "Phyllis: Yeah, of course, because of Victor. It's gonna take her months, if not years, to recover from this, and I'm about to work for the man who did this to my daughter?", "Michael: What did Nick say?", "Phyllis: Oh, Nick understands, but I can't really talk freely with him, you know?", "Michael: Why not? He's your husband. Why?", "Phyllis: He and his father have this weird father/son love/hate thing. You know this. It's a minefield. I have to watch my step all the time. And if Victor wasn't at death's door in the last--", "Michael: I got it.", "Phyllis: I-I mean...", "Michael: Got it.", "Phyllis: When I look at the man, he makes my blood boil. I just can't get past this. I can't. I wanted to move out of the ranch. But then I heard that Victor was moving, so I'm staying, and I-I don't know. I--you work for him. Please help me. Please. How can I--how can I do this? How do you compartmentalize?", "Michael: No, well, it's different. I'm not family.", "Phyllis: Well, I don't want to start a feud. I don't want to do that, but I-I-I just can't get past this. How do I get past this?", "Michael: Well, you know that Victor regrets what happened to Summer. You know that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know he does, but he would never divulge that to me. He would never open up his heart to me.", "Michael: Well, it's much more Victor to make amends in his own way.", "Phyllis: All right. All right. I-I-- this is not helping me. A-am I supposed to just accept that? Is that what you're telling me?", "Michael: All right, listen to me. Only you can answer that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You know what I think would go great with the jackets? A line of boyfriend jeans. I mean, a-and I was thinking all about the ad campaign. We could have the girlfriend in the jeans and the boyfriend standing in the boxers.", "Lauren: Yeah, but--", "Amber: Remember how good Daniel looked on the cover of \"Restless Style\" when he was in the boxers?", "Lauren: We could do that--", "Amber: Oh, no, we don't have to stop there.", "Lauren: That's why I wanted to talk to you.", "Amber: No, that's the thing. We could do a boot line--", "Lauren: Amber. Amber. Amber! You know how I love your stuff.", "Amber: Yes. Yes. Uh-huh.", "Lauren: Okay, but there is a problem, and I need to talk to you about it, okay?", "Michael: Sorry, I have got to go back to the courthouse.", "Lauren: No!", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, there's some screw-up with the paperwork for Ryder's bond.", "Amber: Oh, let him go back to jail.", "Lauren: (Groans) Well, Kevin's trying to be a positive influence on him, and Michael's trying to support it.", "Michael: Well, that'll allow us to keep an eye on Ryder, just in case your instincts are correct.", "Lauren: Oh, I'm positive they are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Oh, um, I'm sorry.", "Ryder: I'm sorry. The bathroom was occupied. I-I-I didn't want to be late for work.", "Kevin: Hey, you ready?", "Ryder: Yeah.", "Kevin: Cool. Let's roll.", "Jana: Um, uh, Kevin?", "Kevin: Uh, yeah? Uh, I'll be right there. What's up, Babe?", "Jana: Okay, I'm sorry. I've tried, but this arrangement is just not gonna work for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I have every right to be angry. Someone is trying to trash my reputation, my career-- telling the S.E.C. that I lied to Savaneur stockholders, after everything that I have done to establish myself there.", "Nick: I understand your frustration, but if you...", "Victoria: (Sighs heavily)", "Nick: Go in there with your guns blazing, Sis--", "Victoria: No, I am not gonna do that. I am going to be very calm.", "Nick: You didn't intentionally mislead anyone. You love your father very much. You wanted to believe that he was gonna pull through.", "Victoria: I did believe that he was gonna pull through, and that's exactly what happened.", "Nick: Okay, well, your attitude in there could make all the difference.", "Victoria: Oh, forget my attitude, all right? I want to find this bastard who-- who sabotaged me in the first place.", "Adam: I'll have a name for you soon. I'm waiting for a call back from my buddy at the S.E.C.", "Nick: You know, whoever did tip them off could have a grudge against the family.", "Victoria: Or they're shorting Savaneur stock.", "Nick: Either way, we can easily discredit them.", "Victoria: Well, you discredit them. I'm gonna flay them alive. Let me know when you hear from your friend, will you?", "Adam: You got it.", "Nick: Is the investigator here?", "Adam: Uh, yeah, he's here uh, with the stockholders in the conference room.", "[Adam remembering]", "Adam: Is this the enforcement division of the Securities and Exchange Commission? I'd like to report an infraction. The name of the company is Savaneur. The chief executives, they lied to their shareholders today regarding the exact nature of their C.E.O.'s health.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: (Gasps) Victor.", "Victor: Hi.", "Ashley: What are you doing here?", "Victor: I just came to visit you and the baby.", "Ashley: Okay, well, Faith is sleeping.", "Victor: I'll just wait, and, uh, pick--pick up some of my things.", "Ashley: Okay, um, I know you--you lived here a long time, but we did both agree that this is my home now, right?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Ashley: Okay, I think maybe we should set some ground rules.", "Victor: Some \"Ground rules\"?", "Ashley: Well, I think so. Yeah. If you're gonna come to my home, then you should probably call first. And when you get here, knock on the door. I mean, honestly, you can't just be wandering in and out anymore, right? It's common courtesy.", "Victor: Last time I was here, you and I were married to each other. We were a family.", "Ashley: Uh-huh.", "Victor: You mean I've suddenly been transformed into an intruder?", "Ashley: No. You're the father of my children.", "Victor: And I own this damn place. I come and go as I please.", "Ashley: Well, that's just not acceptable.", "Victor: Really?", "Ashley: Yeah, really.", "Victor: Then why don't you up and leave? How's that?", "Ashley: So is that how it's gonna be? Every time I do something you don't like, you're gonna throw me out, and your children? The baby, too?", "Victor: I will not be barred from my own place.", "Ashley: You know, you--", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Wow. Um, I want you to see the girls, and I really want you to be a part of our lives, but when you are a part of our lives, you need to treat us with respect. Now is that too much to ask of you? After everything that's happened, you're really gonna tell me that's too much?", "Victor: (Sighs) (Sighs) All right. Um, I didn't mean to upset you, all right?", "Ashley: (Scoffs)", "Victor: I know you've been through a lot.", "Ashley: Oh, boy. Please don't. Don't do that.", "Victor: Don't do what?", "Ashley: Don't make this out to be my problem, as if I'm being irrational, because I have been just fine ever since I had the baby.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Okay.", "Amber: Okay. I know you said that there was a problem with expanding my line, but, you know, I really think that we should capitalize on the momentum we have with the jackets, because they're so great and--", "Lauren: Okay, well, that's the problem. That's where the problem lies. The jackets aren't selling.", "Amber: Since when?", "Lauren: Last few weeks.", "Amber: I-I don't get it. You couldn't even keep 'em in the store. I mean, like, peop--", "Lauren: I know. I know. I know. It's probably the economy. You know how much I love your designs. I-I'm sure things will pick up. In the meantime...", "Amber: Yeah. Um, okay. I still have to find a way to pay my rent. You wouldn't have any openings in sales, would you?", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, Lauren, you don' t want too that. Trust me.", "Lauren: Well, you-- you know how much I'd love you back at the Genoa City store, but I am fully staffed.", "Phyllis: Fully staffed-- smart move.", "Lauren: I really am.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs)", "Amber: You know, you would think that you would want to keep a roof over your son's head. He does not have a job right now, either.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, he doesn't have a job right now because, um, hmm, hmm-- oh, he was trying to keep himself out of jail because of your boyfriend Deacon.", "Amber: Okay, Deacon is not my boyfriend or my friend.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. He's your fiancé.", "Amber: You know what? I did that to keep your son out of jail. It was your son. To protect him.", "Phyllis: Oh. Oh, wait a second--", "Lauren: Wait, wait, wait. Oh, Phyllis, come on! Phyllis?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I'm fine.", "Lauren: Take a breath.", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Okay. Okay. Actually, you know what? I do want to ask you a question. You know, when you were with Deacon, did you, uh, did you find anything out on Ryder?", "Amber: I mean, not really. I know Deacon said that Ryder would do whatever he wanted him to.", "Lauren: Do you think they're still working together?", "Amber: (Sighs) Look, I know Kevin wants to think he's all reformed, but I'm never gonna trust him, so...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Look, even if I do put my doubts about Ryder aside, it is getting crowded in here.", "Kevin: It's just for a little bit longer.", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Kevin: He needs to save up some money so he can get his own place.", "Jana: (Scoffs)", "Kevin: You dropped something.", "Jana: Where?", "Kevin: There.", "Jana: (Sighs) Oh. Well, look at that. He looks a bit like you at that age. \"Ryder with... fall of '93.\"", "Ryder: I just forgot my jacket. What are you doing with my stuff?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Michael, is that you?", "Michael: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Adam: I got the number of that person who ratted out Victoria to the S.E.C.", "Michael: And?", "Adam: And I need you to help me find out who it was.", "Michael: Did you try calling the number?", "Adam: (Chuckles) Yes, and there's an automated message. I've tried the reverse lookup thing, and, uh, the number's unlisted, so you still have some friends on the force, right? Someone who could help us out?", "Michael: I'm not going to help you get access to anybody's private anything.", "Adam: Really? That's too bad. My dad is gonna be very disappointed to hear how uncooperative you were.", "Michael: (Chuckles) Well, you're just gonna have to find other ways to score points with him. That's what all this is about, isn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: This was a bald-faced attempt to manipulate the Savaneur stock price by circulating unfounded rumors.", "Arnold: Just how unfounded those rumors are has yet to be determined. I have a report that says Victor Newman suffered a serious life-threatening setback the morning of the stockholders' meeting. At the same time, Ms. Newman was reassuring you all that it was merely a minor setback, and that he remained C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises and Savaneur.", "Victoria: At the time I made that statement, I had every confidence in my father's improvement and recovery. And it turned out that I was right. So, uh, my father's out of the hospital, and we expect him back to work any day.", "Nick: I'm going to stipulate that I'm not going to discuss my father's personal medical history. Now that being said, does anyone at this stockholders' meeting or on this conference call have any questions? Very well. Then I believe we are finished here.", "Deacon: I have something I'd like to say.", "Arnold: And you are?", "Deacon: I'm Deacon Sharpe. I'm a Savaneur stockholder. I've had some personal dealings with Ms. Newman, and I'd like to make a statement for the record.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: And I get you doesn't give you the right to go through my stuff.", "Jana: Look, I didn't mean to.", "Kevin: It just fell out.", "Jana: It's a cute photograph. Who is that standing next to you?", "Ryder: I don't know.", "Jana: You don't know?", "Ryder: The picture was torn when I got it. Look, why do you care so much, anyway?", "Kevin: Easy. Easy. We're just curious, getting to know one another.", "Ryder: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm just-- I'm not used to living with people, especially not people who don't have a hidden agenda. I'll adjust.", "Kevin: We gotta go anyway.", "Jana: Okay.", "Ryder: I'm sorry again.", "Jana: It's all right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mr. Sharpe, I hope you're prepared to show some evidence of your holdings in Savaneur.", "Deacon: Well, as a matter of fact, I brought the certificates in case there's any question.", "Victoria: Uh, Mr. Sharpe is an art dealer. I've purchased some pieces from him for the Newman foundation. That has nothing to do with Savaneur, and we've certainly never discussed my father's health.", "Deacon: That's true. I have no inside knowledge of these accusations.", "Arnold: Then I'm not sure what your purpose is in coming forward.", "Deacon: I guess I'm what you'd call a character witness. Victoria Newman is a straight shooter. Let me tell you something-- every deal that we've done, she's been the soul of integrity, beyond reproach. And any of my clients who worked with her would say the exact same thing. So if she says that her father was getting better, then that's exactly what happened. And I, for one, feel very confident that my investment is in such capable, incredible hands.", "Victoria: Thank you, Mr. Sharpe. Um, I appreciate your confidence.", "Deacon: Well, you've earned it.", "Deacon: Hi. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You know, it is very strange to me that you would want to protect whoever made that call to the S.E.C.", "Michael: I guess you could go with that approach when you talk to Victor. (Sighs) The only problem is, Victor trusts me implicitly and you not at all.", "Adam: I am working to regain his trust.", "Michael: I know, and that concerns me.", "Nick: Adam, any word from your friend at the S.E.C.?", "Adam: Uh, yeah, I was able to find the number that, uh, that made the call, but, uh, to link it to a name, there's been no luck so far.", "Nick: It could only have been a few people. Hardly anyone knew of Dad's condition. What's the number?", "Adam: Right here.", "Nick: See, that's the same company prefix that most of the phones around here use. Go get the records from Connie.", "Adam: You got it.", "(Door closes)", "Michael: You know, whoever made that phone call could easily have borrowed someone else's phone.", "Nick: And then just happened to volunteer to lead the search for the caller?", "Michael: Then it's occurred to you that it might be Adam?", "Nick: Well, of course it has, but I can't jump to that conclusion in front of Dad, and who knows? Maybe we're wrong. He does have his hands full right now.", "Victor: I do see the difference. You seem more confident. But, Ashley, for you to claim that all the anxieties have left now after a few sessions with a therapist--", "Ashley: It's not about the sessions, Victor. It's because I had the baby. I mean, everything that was going on, it was very stressful. I was constantly worried that it would hurt her, or that it would even kill her. I was just always feeling so guilty, constantly filled with guilt.", "Victor: It must have been excruciating.", "Ashley: It was actually unbearable. And then I would have those dreams. (Sighs) Sabrina was telling me that the baby was dead, and I would wake up in such a panic. But, okay, she's fine. She's here. (Laughs) (Claps hands) And she's fine. And so I can relax.", "Victor: But, Sweetheart, you--you don't seem relaxed.", "Ashley: Because you're here. You're in my face. You're confronting me.", "Victor: I just came here to see you and the baby. I thought you'd be happy.", "Ashley: I'm happy you gave me my girls. You gave me my Abby, and you gave me my Faith. Thank you. But the best way you can make me happy now is to just leave me alone.", "Victor: Okay. I will do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Arnold: So this is not a formal investigation, and it may never get to that point.", "Victoria: Since when are you a Savaneur stockholder?", "Deacon: Since I found out that you were in trouble.", "Victoria: Why would you want to help me?", "Deacon: Well, why wouldn't I? Oh, oh, you mean because you blew that deal for me that would have netted me a fortune? Nah, come on. Vicki, I'm not the kind of guy that holds a grudge, especially not against a woman that I, um, respect. I was just kind of hoping that this little act of kindness might get me back in your good graces and that, um, you and I could be friends.", "Victoria: We were never friends.", "Deacon: No, I guess that wasn't really the right choice of words now, was it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry. I told them to leave it at the tack house.", "Ashley: Oh, that's okay. No worries. Shh, shh, shh.", "Phyllis: Mm. They forget. She's so sweet.", "Ashley: (Whispering) She's sleeping.", "Phyllis: I know. (Whispering) So adorable. She really looks like a Newman. How is it that our daughters look like our strong, strapping, masculine husbands? But still come out looking feminine and beautiful?", "Ashley: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: How is that-- (Chuckles)", "Ashley: Thank gosh.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Ashley: Can you stay?", "Phyllis: Are--are you sure? Because I know this time is sort of, mm...", "Ashley: Oh, you know, sleep's overrated.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, you make it look easy.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: That was kind of stupid of me. It's not very easy for you, is it? You're going through a divorce.", "Ashley: That's okay. I mean, Victor was just here.", "Phyllis: Was it awful?", "Ashley: Oh, was it awful? Yeah. You know, it's just like our relationship isn't how I thought it would be. The cost of being a Newman is just too--too high. I mean, I want the girls to be proud of their father. And obviously, I want them to have all the advantages that come with being a Newman, but I just don't want them anywhere near that dark side, not at all.", "Phyllis: Oh. I don't think that's possible. I mean, take it from me. After watching what Nick has gone through and seeing what happened to Summer, if you want the good, the bad comes with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I told you I was thinking of making some drastic changes. I'm not taking this decision lightly. I'm very carefully weighing the concerns of the company and my family and my health.", "Michael: Well, not necessarily in that order.", "Victor: No. I'm mostly concerned with Ashley's well-being.", "Michael: (Sighs) Ashley.", "Victor: I just came from seeing her-- very difficult for her, very difficult for her to her recover, considering all the breakdowns and nightmares and anxieties and pregnancies.", "Michael: Victor, you're not holding yourself responsible, are you?", "Victor: (Sighs) It's not a question of affixing blame. I just want to make sure that she's all right, because if she's all right, then the children will be, and I'll do whatever is necessary to make that happen.", "Michael: When you say \"Whatever's necessary\"--", "Victor: (Sighs) I'm gonna leave Genoa City for a while.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Oh, but you went shopping without me there, I see.", "Amber: Well, this is for you... well, for you to help me.", "Jana: Oh, now I'm even more curious. (Gasps)", "Amber: I don't want anything else to catch me by surprise.", "Jana: Me, either. Oh, God, I don't know why I torched the old one. Hand it over. Oh, my God. Do I have some questions for you, my old friend. (Chuckles)", "Amber: I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Good, okay. How about a, um, a flat white?", "Ryder: Um, espresso, steamed milk.", "Kevin: See? It's not so hard. Let's mix it up. Um, uh... hey, Lauren, what is your favorite coffee drink?", "Lauren: Tea.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Yeah, go for it. You're ready.", "Ryder: Hi.", "Kevin: He is really throwing himself into this.", "Lauren: Yeah, seems to be.", "Kevin: Well, it's important to him. He wants to feel like he belongs, like he's part of the family.", "Lauren: Well, it's gonna take a little bit more than pouring a couple of drinks.", "Kevin: What will it take for you to give the guy a chance?", "Ryder: Hey, Kev? It's for you.", "Ryder: Look, it's cool. I, um, I don't expect you to be all warm and fuzzy to me. But I just can't believe keg's willing to give me a second chance.", "Lauren: I hope he doesn't regret it.", "Ryder: Don't worry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: How long is the program at this cardiac rehab center?", "Victor: Well-- thank you. (Groans) Oh, I tell you. (Exhales) Sometimes there's just pain from the surgery, you know? But to answer your question, my return will depend as much on Ashley's recovery as on mine. Um... I trust that you will keep an eye on her and the children?", "Michael: Of course. Of course I will. What, um, what about Newman Enterprises?", "Victor: Oh, Newman enterprises will be in very good hands with both Victoria and Nicholas. I just would like you to give a little greater role to Adam, all right?", "Michael: Uh, Victor, the last time you were away--", "Victor: It's a very different story now. I know what you're alluding to. But they can always reach me, and, um, they know what to expect, all right? I think my kids will handle the whole thing beautifully.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Get away from my wife.", "Victoria: J.T., don't do this. Don't.", "Deacon: J.T., I did your wife a big favor, so what do you say we--", "[J.T. hits Deacon]", "Victoria: Hey! Oh!", "Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.", "J.T.: Don't let me ever catch you near her again, all right?!", "Nick: Okay, that's enough.", "Deacon: (Groans)", "Victoria: Give him some air.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Keep an eye on everything. We have to do this quickly, because if Ryder comes home, I don't want him thinking I'm trying to hex him or something.", "Amber: Oh, he wouldn't think you would take it that seriously, would he?", "Jana: He knows next to nothing about me, but I know even less about him.", "Amber: Okay, well, let's change that. Let's--let's ask the board.", "Jana: All right.", "Amber: Okay.", "Jana: You go first. It's your board.", "Amber: Oh, okay. Okay.", "Jana: All right.", "Amber: Um... how long will it take before my career takes off?", "Jana: Oh.", "Amber: Hmm.", "Jana: (Gasps) here we go. \"D\"... \"E\"...", "Amber: Oh, December. That would be awesome.", "Jana: No.", "Amber: It would be really, really, really cool.", "Jana: Look. \"A\"... \"D.\" \"Dead\"?", "Amber: \"Dead\"? My career is not dead.", "Jana: No!", "Amber: No!", "Jana: No, no, no, that, uh, that doesn't count.", "Amber: No.", "Jana: No. Ask it something else.", "Amber: Okay. Okay.", "Jana: All right.", "Amber: Um, will Daniel love me forever?", "Jana: Aw.", "Amber: Mm.", "Jana: \"D\"...", "Amber: It's a yes-or-no question.", "Jana: \"E\"... \"A\"... \"D.\"", "Amber: It's a faulty board. It's another faulty board. That's it.", "Jana: (Gasps) No, I know. It's Ryder's photo.", "Amber: Oh, what?", "Jana: It's--it's throwing the answers off.", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, there--there you go. That's it. That's it. Yeah.", "Jana: Okay, all right.", "Amber: Okay.", "Jana: All right. (Sighs) Who is the missing person in the photograph?", "Amber: Hmm.", "Jana: \"D\"... \"E\"...", "Amber: (Gasps)", "Jana: \"A\"...", "Amber: Oh, it could be \"Deacon.\"", "Jana: \"D.\" \"Dead.\"", "Amber: (Shudders)", "Jana: God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Victoria and Nicholas work well together. There's a lot of trust there.", "Victor: But there's not so with Adam, is that your point?", "Michael: You're already well aware of the resentments on both sides.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Michael: Look, if I may, I would suggest that you reinstate Adam at a time when he can answer directly to you. That would avoid the opportunity for conflict.", "Victor: I understand what you're saying, but you must remember that I promised that boy that I would give him a chance to redeem himself, and I keep my word.", "Michael: Understood.", "Victor: But you don't trust him, do you?", "Michael: I have concerns that he may have already—", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Would you mind answering that?", "Michael: Yes. (Sighs)", "Adam: Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, I know who made the call to the S.E.C. (Sighs) It was from a company phone. These are the phone records.", "Victor: Will you hold this glass for me?", "Victor: What? That's very disappointing. It was one of my assistants. I would never have suspected that.", "Michael: Uh, oh. Oh, would you please excuse me? I'll be back. Uh, yes, hello, Phyllis. Uh, regarding your dilemma about whether to work for Victor or not, apparently, he's leaving town for an extended period of time. Um, it's probably better if you let Nicholas be the one to tell you. Uh, call me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone buttons clicking)", "Nick: Hey, Michael.", "Michael: Yes, uh, Nicholas, I just left your father and Adam. He claims to have found the traitor among us.", "Nick: Who was it?", "Michael: I didn't catch a name, but apparently, it's someone your father would never have suspected until Adam accused him.", "Nick: All right, I'm on my way.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I will talk to Deacon, okay? I will make sure that he stays away from the press.", "Nick: And the S.E.C.", "Victoria: Yes. (Sighs)", "Nick: Do I even want to know why J.T. socked that dude?", "Victoria: No, because it's not relevant to the investigation at all.", "Nick: You know how this looks, right? Like maybe you had Deacon come in and testify for you because you might have something to hide.", "Victoria: I had no idea he was gonna do that.", "Nick: Okay, look, I've been working on this deal in South America. I think you should go down there, handle it for a couple of weeks, until the heat on this thing goes away.", "Victoria: What? Absolutely not.", "Nick: Vick, this looks real bad for you, real bad.", "Victoria: Well, it's gonna look worse if I run away.", "Nick: No, you are not running away. You are laying low.", "Victoria: And what will you be doing in the meantime? Are you gonna be taking charge?", "Nick: Okay, whoa. Don't eve-- I'm trying to help you.", "Victoria: Oh, sure. Yeah. Okay.", "Nick: Vick, come on.", "Victoria: Nick, I will not be marginalized.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: All right, so whoever was in this picture has died.", "Amber: Yeah. It's probably \"Terrible Tom.\"", "Jana: Yeah. Yeah, that makes perfect sense, because that's why Ryder was so touchy earlier.", "Amber: Yeah, of course. Of course.", "Jana: All right, so-- so mystery solved then, right?", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we're--that's fine.", "Jana: What?", "Amber: Did you move that there?", "Jana: (Gasps) No. No.", "Amber: Neither did I.", "Jana: (Gasps)", "Amber: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Can I get a, uh, espresso macchiato. So when'd you get out?", "Ryder: My brother bailed me out.", "Deacon: Your brother b-- (Laughs) That--sorry. That's--that's hysterical.", "Ryder: Yeah, he used the reward money from the painting you tried to steal. Get your coffee someplace else, man.", "Deacon: Hey, my money's as good as anyone else's.", "Ryder: Not as far as I'm concerned.", "Kevin: Yeah, I think actually we're all out of, uh...", "Ryder: Espresso.", "Kevin: Espresso. Yep, all out of it. Sorry.", "Deacon: You-- you know what? To hell with both of you.", "Kevin: (Gasps)", "Ryder: I probably shouldn't have caused a scene.", "Kevin: Well, that guy's scum. Good for you.", "Ryder: Thanks for backing me up.", "Kevin: That's what brothers are for.", "Ryder: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: Okay. So maybe I've been a little hard on him. I'm willing to go forward with an open mind.", "Kevin: That's all I'm asking.", "Lauren: So why don't you and Jana and your brother come over for dinner tonight?", "Kevin: Well, you know, you're always hosting. Uh, let's do it at our place.", "Lauren: You can't spring this on Jana last-minute.", "Kevin: You were just gonna spring it on Michael.", "Lauren: Okay. All right, your place, I'm hosting.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay, that's a deal.", "Lauren: Deal?", "Kevin: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: (Sighs) Look, I didn't--I didn't know the press was here, all right?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Our private issue just became incredibly public.", "J.T.: Well, look, I wasn't trying to embarrass you. But that guy had it coming.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I didn't know that Deacon was gonna be here, okay? I really didn't. It wasn't personal. He was just trying to help with the S.E.C. investigation.", "J.T.: You don't think that his motivation was personal?", "Victoria: Well, the S.E.C. certainly thinks so now, thanks to you. I am in so much hot water here. I-- Nick just asked me to-- to step aside from Newman. I just need your support right now, but instead, I'm-- I don't know what I'm getting.", "J.T.: The company in New York offered me the job. I'd make a lot of money. I can support all of us on my own.", "Victoria: You want me to give up my job?", "J.T.: I'm giving you the option. Look, I know how much you like working for your father, but we-- (Sighs) Hell, I don't know what we need right now, but this isn't working.", "Victoria: I don't like the idea of running away when things get rough. I don't like it.", "J.T.: Well, then don't run away from me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, shoot. You know, Ashley, do you mind? I want to check to make sure that this isn't about Summer.", "Ashley: Sure.", "Phyllis: Thanks.", "Ashley: Maybe it was a mistake staying here at the ranch.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's tough trying to break free from Victor's influence when he could be walking around the corner at any time.", "Ashley: And he does.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Ashley: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "Ashley: Is something wrong?", "Phyllis: Uh, Victor's leaving Genoa City.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So what do you know about this man Sharpe?", "Nick: He is nothing but trouble. You can ask Michael. He was part of the ring that framed Daniel for murder.", "Adam: How'd Victoria get mixed up with a character like this?", "Nick: She bought some art from him for the foundation.", "Victor: Hmm. So if J.T. hadn't interfered...", "Nick: The S.E.C. may have backed away, but that is not gonna happen now. I told Victoria she needs to take a break. She should go down to South America and handle those negotiations, but...", "Victor: She doesn't want to do that?", "Nick: She wants to stay and fight.", "Victor: I'll talk to her about it. Meanwhile, I want Adam to have more responsibility.", "Nick: (Sighs) It's not a good idea, Dad. We're in crisis mode. And honestly, I can't help but wonder--", "Victor: Son, I'm not asking you. I'm telling you, all right?", "Nick: I need people I can rely on.", "Adam: Everything you've asked me to do, I have done and done well.", "Victor: Nicholas, I understand your concerns. I promised Adam that I'd give him a chance to redeem himself.", "Nick: And if he uses that to stab us in the back again?", "Victor: That would not be a good idea.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Mac: You think I should end things?", "Kevin: He's gonna keep hurting you if you let him.", "Abby: She's the reason you and Mom are getting a divorce?", "Ashley: This is how you spent my money? By attacking the father of my children?", "Billy: (Grunts) All right." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon and Nick tell Noah about Nikki being in rehab. Victor refuses to give \"Beauty of Nature\" to Victoria and Abby. Kevin and Chloe watch Delia and Reed holding hands. Adam lets Skye know that he is leaving town. Noah vents his anger against Adam. Kevin refuses to let Chloe know where he is going. Kevin meets with Hogan, who demands his money. Kevin and Jana meet. Chloe sees Kevin with Hogan, and thinks that Kevin is gay. Skye asks Sharon to talk to Adam. Victoria comes to visit Nikki but is denied visitation with her mother. Sharon catches up to Adam.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Um, there's something your mother and I need to talk to you about.", "Noah: Uh-oh. I had a feeling this wasn't just... lunch. (Sighs)", "Nick: My mom had a relapse, so she checked herself into an addiction treatment center.", "Noah: (Stammers) What happened?", "Sharon: She started drinking again.", "Noah: Wow. Uh, Grandpa must have freaked.", "Nick: The good news is she's dealing with it, okay? We're all gonna get through this.", "Noah: You know, it seems like we're always just \"Getting through\" something.", "Skye: Oh, your lucky day.", "Adam: Let's grab a seat.", "Skye: What's the point? We won't stay. You'll pick a fight with Nick, and Sharon will ask you to leave. Maybe you could provoke him into punching you so she'll feel sympathy.", "Adam: No, I made Sharon a promise that I'd stay away from her.", "Skye: (Sighs) You've promised me a lot of things. We know how well you keep your word.", "Noah: (Sighs) Every time I see that guy, I want to-- I want to pound his face in. He shouldn't even be here. He should be in jail. If he comes over here, I'm--", "Nick: I talked to him. I told him to stay away from your mother.", "Noah: Yeah, that's working well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So the kids are parading around in their costumes. They look so cute, and Delia, she's holding Reed's hand. Might be the cutest thing, but... (Sighs) She's gonna have her heart broken when she realizes that he's got his eye on Hannah.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Well, she may as well learn now. Can't avoid heartache.", "Chloe: Look.", "Kevin: Oh, pictures.", "Chloe: Ah, look. (Giggles)", "Kevin: That's cute.", "Chloe: Uh, well, not as cute as the divine manifestation I have planned for us tonight.", "Kevin: For Billy's party?", "Chloe: Uh, yeah. Our costumes, they're gonna kill it.", "Kevin: Mnh-mnh, I, uh, I don't do costumes.", "Chloe: Why are you being such a poop? Come on. Okay, oh, invite Alison.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: You guys can dress up like oompa-loompas.", "Kevin: That's funny. Um, no, I just, uh, you know, I'm not that into Alison.", "Chloe: Why?", "Kevin: Just, uh, because.", "Chloe: Because she is nice? She's pretty? She's obviously a good kisser.", "Kevin: She plays the tuba.", "Chloe: So? Why do you-- why do you have a prejudice with tubas all of a sudden?", "Kevin: Look, she's just not my type, okay?", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Kevin: I have to go.", "Chloe: What? No. Where are you going?", "Kevin: Uh, none of your business.", "Chloe: Uh, wait.", "Kevin: Hey, g--", "Chloe: No, you are being fishy, so you better tell me what's going on, because you're being very mysterious lately.", "Kevin: Okay. Okay. Okay. I've been working for a secret international conglomerate that has genetically mutated coffee beans in a plot to take over the world. If you tell anyone, I will have to kill you. See you later.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) (Sighs) I don't believe you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Your proposal is outrageous.", "Vance: Not if you consider losing $3 billion if you don't settle. So what'll it be? Sign over Beauty of Nature, and Victoria and Abby will cease litigation.", "Michael: My client and I need a moment.", "Judge Phelps: We'll take a short break.", "Victor: So this is what it was from the beginning, wasn't it? This is what you wanted.", "Victoria: It wasn't, Dad. You pushed us into a corner.", "Victor: Who talked you into this? Jack Abbott or Tucker McCall?", "Victoria: Oh, I see. So I'm not your pawn anymore, so I must be theirs. I see. This is what I want.", "Victor: I don't believe you.", "Victoria: Of course you don't, because you've always underestimated me.", "Victor: Is this what you want, too?", "Vance: I would never have put this proposal on the table without my clients' prior approval.", "Victor: You're both being used. (Sighs) I'm disappointed that my daughters don't see that they're being had.", "Judge Phelps: Mr. Newman.", "Victor: I was willing to go halfway, to meet you halfway. But no more. I built Beauty of Nature from the ground up, as I built everything I own.", "Victoria: That is so true, and you're just-- you're gonna take credit for everything, just like you always do. I just love that so much, because you've conveniently forgotten how much I had to do with the success of that company, Dad. You may have founded Beauty of Nature. But you completely ignored it, and I am the one who turned it into a multibillion-dollar corporation.", "Victor: You're deluding yourself. That happened under my guidance. Beauty of Nature is my company. It belongs to Newman Enterprises, and no one will get their hands on it!", "Judge Phelps: Can we proceed? Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: (Sighs) Your honor, my client in good conscience cannot consider this offer. The company in question, Beauty of Nature, is worth far more than the already-inflated price the plaintiffs are seeking.", "Vance: Are we supposed to take Mr. Newman's word for this? The only way to confirm the true value of Beauty of Nature and the two trust funds is to have access to the parent company's books.", "Michael: Your honor--", "Vance: I'm implore you, Your honor...", "Michael: Your honor, this is ridiculous.", "Vance: To compel Mr. Newman to turn over his financials...", "Michael: This is ridiculous!", "Vance: So we can see exactly what this man's been spending my clients' money on.", "Michael: If this were a publically traded company, that would be a valid request. But Newman Enterprises is run and operated solely by Mr. Newman. His business practices are his providence and his providence alone.", "Vance: Counselor, that doesn't exempt him from the rules and regulations regarding his daughters' trust funds.", "Judge Phelps: Mr. Newman, are you making a counterproposal?", "Victor: No, Sir. I'm not.", "Michael: Not at this time.", "Judge Phelps: Ladies and gentlemen, I am gonna take another look at your written statements, and I am going to consider Mr. Abram's request. We will reconvene shortly.", "Michael: You can stop this.", "Victor: What, by giving them Beauty of Nature? Under no circumstances.", "Michael: I am advising you to make a counteroffer. Otherwise, you will end up in court, and the only people who will win are Vance and me with all the billable hours you and your daughters will be racking up.", "Victor: Under no circumstances will I give them Beauty of Nature, okay?", "Michael: Think about what this is doing to your family, to Nikki.", "Victor: Her relapse has nothing to do with it whatsoever.", "Michael: This is tearing everyone apart. Trust me. It's as hard on Abby and Victoria as it is on you.", "Victor: (Sighs) It's very hard on Abby. I can see that. But Victoria-- I gotta be honest with you, I've never seen so much spitefulness in my daughter. And never have I been as angry as I am now.", "Abby: He's giving us the death stare.", "Victoria: Yes, that's because he's not getting his way.", "Abby: What if we lose?", "Vance: Well, you may not get everything you want, but you will get a nice chunk of change out of this.", "Abby: Oh, you mean like the nice chunk of change that we've already turned down?", "Victoria: Abby.", "Vance: Potentially much, much more.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone buzzes)", "Vance: Excuse me. I have to check my messages.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Abby, you knew that Dad was gonna go ballistic when you didn't accept his offer.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Right? He thought that you were weak, and he thought that he could divide us, but now he's realizing that he can't manipulate us, and it's killing him. Now... (Sighs) You want him to treat you like a person. You don't want him to treat you like a little child that he can shove around and push in a corner. You want him to respect you, don't you?", "Abby: Y-yes, yes, I do. Of course I do.", "Victoria: Well, Dad will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He will keep rolling over us unless we stop him. I am completely convinced that we're doing the right thing here. I told you what he tried to do to me before I went into this mediation. I told you that.", "Abby: Yes, I know. I know, okay? I know that he completely clobbered you with that info about Nikki.", "Victoria: Yes, he should have called me. He should have called me the second that Mom went into rehab. But instead, he tried to use it to gain the upper hand, and let me tell you something, that is completely loathsome. Do you understand that?", "Abby: Yes.", "Victoria: Okay. (Sighs)", "Vance: Talking about your father?", "Abby: What happens if we do get access to my dad's books?", "Vance: A forensic accountant will have to go over everything. No telling what secrets Victor's been keeping.", "Victoria: Our trusts could be extremely, extremely undervalued.", "Vance: Mm-hmm. And with that knowledge, I have a hunch you could win big. Big.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thank you very much.", "Sharon: Mmm, that was really good.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: So...", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Thinking) \"I think you have a gift for me. Let's get together.\" (Sighs) (Whispers) Who are you buying presents for?", "Sharon: Hey, did you see those new lofts on the way over here?", "Noah: Uh, yeah, I looked at them. They're--they're cool, but the--the rent is, uh, kind of steep.", "Nick: We'd be more than happy to help.", "Noah: I want to do this solo.", "Nick: Okay, so you don't want to work at Newman Enterprises, which I get. But you gotta tell me what you're interested in so I can make some phone calls for you.", "Noah: Um, music, playing guitar, uh...", "Sharon: Oh. Well, I mean, I-I thought that-- I mean, I didn't know you were interested in that as a career.", "Noah: Well, we talked about this earlier.", "Sharon: No, I just thought that you looked at it as more of a hobby, not-- not a way to make a living.", "Noah: I mean, Devon says he could hook me up with some places that hire musicians. You know, we might even cut a demo.", "Nick: So then you're talking about a recording contract, not just playing some local clubs.", "Noah: Yeah, I figure I'd, I don't know, put it out there, see what happens.", "Sharon: Well, I'm all for you going after what you want. I-I'm just thinking, you know, you should be realistic about it. And, you know, from what I know, musicians don't really make a lot of money.", "Noah: (Chuckles) Mom, do you know how much ramen you can buy with $10? Look, I-I'll cook at home.", "Sharon: Where did you learn how to cook?", "Noah: I learned in Paris.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Sharon: (French accent) Paris.", "Nick: Wow, okay, well, uh, just know that, uh, you got a safety net here if you need it, okay?", "Noah: Thanks. (Sighs)", "Skye: Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm off to meet an investor. Don't worry. I won't ask you to come. You might have to save Sharon from a speeding bus or something.", "Adam: You finally get it. I'm not interested in you or the fund.", "Skye: Just the money you make from it.", "Adam: Not anymore, Skye.", "Skye: Like you'd ever walk away from millions.", "Adam: It's not what I want.", "Skye: What you want has a big sign that says, \"Unavailable. Property of Nick Newman.\" She'll never be yours.", "Noah: Can't Grandpa get Adam kicked out of town or something?", "Nick: Just ignore him.", "Noah: You know, he should be in jail. It's so wrong that he's walkin' around free. How can you even sit in the same room as him?", "Nick: Noah, sit--hey. Hey. Calm down, all right?", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Nick: Listen to me. I want you to stay away from him.", "Sharon: There's something you should know about Adam. That night of the storm, he saved Faith's life.", "Noah: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Whispers) Think you can keep a secret from me, huh? Do you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: If Adam hadn't shielded Faith with his body, then that roof would have crushed her when the tornado hit. Adam's lucky he didn't break his back. And he had to go to the hospital, but Faith didn't have a scratch on her, and she wouldn't have even survived if Adam hadn't done that.", "Noah: Look, I'm glad Faith is okay, but it does not undo everything Adam did.", "Sharon: Adam saved your life once, too. He pulled you out of a burning house.", "Noah: Yeah, to impress you. Look, the guy's always got an ulterior motive and it's never good. Am I right? Dad, tell her.", "Nick: Your mother knows how I feel.", "Sharon: Okay, can we just change the subject, please?", "Noah: You know, did you forget what you were like when you thought Faith was dead? I mean, I was so worried about you. Dad and I used to talk about it every night. Adam stole her. He knew you were suffering. Did he care? No. He used it to worm his way into your life. How can you even stand to be anywhere near that bastard?", "[Adam remembering]", "Adam: No, hear-- hear me out, Sharon. I don't want to complicate your life, especially when I know you're just startin' to put your family back together again.", "Sharon: Thank you. You mean it?", "Adam: Of course. Look, I'm gonna respect your wishes. I'm gonna keep my distance. I just want you to be happy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Sharon: You see? He said he would stay away.", "Nick: Well, how long do you think that's gonna last? If Noah and I weren't here, do you really think he would have left?", "Sharon: I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Oh, thanks.", "Victoria: Is Dad in there?", "Abby: Yeah. Yeah, I-I didn't want to go in. He's really scary right now.", "Victoria: Yeah... (Sighs) I know. Angry glares are his specialty.", "Abby: Well, you grew up in the house with him, so you're used to it. I'm not.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Abby, I know this is very difficult. But it's gonna be for the best, okay? I promise you.", "Abby: See, you're the oldest, okay? You've had to stand up to Dad. You had to blaze a trail for me and Nick. I'm the baby. Dad has pretty much given me whatever I've wanted up until now.", "Victoria: Yes, I know. That's because you haven't gone up against him before.", "Abby: What if he never forgives us?", "Victoria: You see that right there? That's how he wants you to think. That's exactly the problem. It's his ultimate weapon. \"Do whatever I say, or else I'm gonna withhold my love.\" It's ridiculous.", "Abby: Look, I'm just afraid that we're gonna push him too far.", "Victoria: (Sighs) We have each other, right?", "Vance: Judge Phelps is on his way, Ladies.", "Victoria: Let's go.", "Victor: Kindly send my regrets, and tell them this took longer than expected. Re-reschedule next week, all right? Okay, uh, we're back in session, so I'll call you when I'm finished.", "Judge Phelps: Well, I reread the briefs. I heard statements from both parties. I wish we had made more progress here today. However, neither side seemed willing to compromise. I agree with Mr. Abrams. Without a complete accounting, it's impossible to establish the full merits of this dispute. Therefore, I am issuing a court order compelling Mr. Newman to turn over the financials of Newman Enterprises forthwith.", "Michael: Victor.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Quietly) Oh, two of them. Pretty adventurous.", "Chloe: Or not.", "Chloe: Oh. She's kinda pretty.", "Chloe: So who is \"Miss Right\"? I'm so confused.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Hogan: Is that mine?", "Chloe: No way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: You stayed solid. You didn't give in. Nice work, Ladies. (Clears throat)", "Abby: God, you know what? It was not supposed to go down this way. The whole point of my suit was to get my trust so that I could do whatever. Now I-it's turned into some battle over Beauty of Nature, a stupid company I don't even care about.", "Victoria: No, no, no. Stop it. If we get it, we win.", "Abby: You win.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Abby: You turned this into your own personal battle with Dad. I started this lawsuit on my own, and I should have finished it that way. God. Oh. I wish I would have taken him up on his offer. Excuse me.", "Victoria: Oh, Abby. (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I can't believe you gave Adam a ride the night of the storm.", "Sharon: He was stranded.", "Noah: So what? Why would you even talk to him, much less let him in the car with Faith? What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?", "Nick: Okay, that's enough.", "Noah: What, so you're cool with this, too? I thought--I thought you hated him just as much as I do.", "Nick: I do. But you're not gonna talk to your mother that way.", "Noah: Look, I swear if Adam comes near you again--", "Nick: It is not your place to deal with him.", "Noah: (Sighs) I'm outta here.", "Nick: Wait, Noah, come on.", "Sharon: Oh, great. Nice. (Sighs) Well, so much for a happy family lunch.", "Nick: Well, I won't have him being disrespectful to you. But I agree with everything he's saying. You are not Adam's caretaker. If you hadn't given him a ride that night, I'm sure he would have been able to get wherever he needed to be by himself.", "Sharon: Nick, how? The cabs were not taking any--", "Nick: I don't want to hear another word about the cabs. It's always something with him. Don't you see it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: This is Adam Newman from the Newman fund. Yes. Uh, I'm gonna be making a cash withdrawal. Yes, $100,000. Yeah, I'll be picking it up personally within about an hour. Okay, I will send you an authorization form by fax. Perfect. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Victoria?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Michael: I assume Victor told you your mother's in treatment?", "Victoria: Yes. Yes, he did, although he failed to mention where she is. I had to call Meggie at the ranch and find out that she's at the Solidarity House.", "Michael: I'm sorry this is happening, especially now.", "Victoria: My mother or the lawsuit, Michael?", "Michael: All of it. I mean...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Michael: Nikki's health should be the most important thing right now. She needs your support, but this dispute between you, Abby, Victor-- it's a lot of pressure on the family. It's a shame.", "Victoria: Michael, are you blaming me for this?", "Michael: You know your father's pride. You confront him in public, he's not gonna back down. There are other ways of dealing with this.", "Victoria: Oh, right. Right. So I should just surrender? Is that what I should do?", "Michael: I was hoping that I would not have to see you destroy each other.", "Victoria: Michael, how many times have you seen my dad take down the opposition? And here you are representing my father against me in this lawsuit. And you're trying to use my mother's relapse to manipulate me just like he is. You're better than that, Michael.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, I know you're sick of hearing it, but our son feels the same way about Adam as I do.", "Sharon: You're right. I am sick of hearing it. Drop it.", "Nick: I should go. I want to swing by and see my mom at the treatment center.", "Sharon: Okay. Give her my regards.", "Nick: I will.", "Sharon: So are you still coming over later for Halloween, or are we...", "Nick: (Sighs) Uh, of course I am. Um, Summer's really looking forward to it. She really wants you to see her in her costume. I'll see you.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Duffel bag zipper sliding)", "Skye: Going somewhere?", "Adam: Looks that way, doesn't it?", "Skye: Vacation?", "Adam: A permanent one from you.", "Skye: You're gonna walk away from all this success? Millions of dollars? The man who spent his life chasing the cheese? (Laughs) Please. I know you too well.", "Adam: People change, Skye.", "Skye: Oh, right. Yeah, you've seen the light? Money doesn't buy happiness, blah, blah, blah.", "Adam: You don't know me anymore, Skye. We're not even friends. There's nothing for me here.", "Skye: Whatever. (Sighs) You'll be back.", "Skye: (Sighs) (Scoffs) Very convincing-- like you'd ever take the bus.", "Skye: You son of a...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey.", "Jana: Hi. Um, when you got your coffee, did you see Kevin here? Is he here?", "Noah: Uh, no. I don't think so. Why?", "Jana: (Sighs) Uh, why? Um, I just needed a jolt of caffeine. See, I'm taking a posse of, uh, preschoolers out trick-or-treating later, and tiny tots on sugar high... aah. (Laughs)", "Noah: (Chuckles) Sounds hectic.", "Jana: (Sighs) Yeah. I don't usually like to come in when Kevin's here. He's always really... polite, but his body language... well, you know, actually, I'd rather not talk about it. Anyway, I'm glad to see a friendly face.", "Noah: Yeah, me, too. It's been a... a day. (Sighs)", "Jana: Yeah. Well, that is because the moon is in Gemini. And it's going to be moving into cancer later tonight. (Purses lips) (Sighs) So, have you, um, played any new gigs lately? Or...", "Noah: No, uh, not since the art walk. No one's dared me.", "Jana: (Laughs)", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Jana: Well, you're lucky that you don't have your guitar with you now.", "Noah: Yeah, it's, uh, a shame.", "Jana: Are you going to Victoria and Billy's Halloween party?", "Noah: At Jimmy's? I was thinking about it. You?", "Jana: Yeah, Victoria's invited me. But it's just that I-I'm not really sure that I want to go by myself.", "Noah: I mean, we could meet there if you're up for it.", "Jana: Okay.", "Noah: Okay.", "Jana: Yeah. It's a plan.", "Noah: Okay.", "Jana: (Chuckles)", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Jana: And who knows what I'll dare you to do tonight?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Dude, that hurts.", "Hogan: It's gonna hurt a lot more if you don't cough up 10 G's.", "Kevin: Why would I give you $10,000? For what? I'm just the delivery guy.", "Hogan: That last drop you made was 10 g's short.", "Kevin: Don't look at me. I don't know anything about it. Ow. (Inhales sharply)", "Chloe: Wow, really? That guy? Oh, that's weird.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Sharon. We need to talk.", "Sharon: No, we don't. Would you--let go of me!", "Skye: You better listen up if you want to keep your boyfriend out of prison.", "Sharon: Whatever sick games you have going on with Adam, leave me out of it.", "Skye: When I leave here, I'm going straight to the cops. \"Lover boy\" stole money from our hedge fund. That's a big no-no. I have a responsibility to our investors to report him.", "Sharon: And you're telling me this, why?", "Skye: He's about to get on a bus and leave town. Once he does, there is no turning back. Adam will go directly to jail, do not pass go.", "Sharon: And what do you want me to do about it?", "Skye: As much as I hate you, you're the only one he'll listen to. I need him to stay in town. Convince him. Otherwise, Adam will be doing 10 to 20. You remember what happened last time he was in prison. He saved your baby. Not that I expect you to return the favor, but you owe him that much. Your call.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm worried sick about Nikki. I should be focusing on her instead of the attack by my daughters.", "Michael: Well, I spoke to Victoria afterwards. Suffice it to say, she's her father's daughter.", "Victor: (Chuckles) I observed Abby during the mediation. I don't think she's too concerned about the future of Beauty of Nature.", "Michael: (Scoffs) So let her stew a few days.", "Victor: I haven't got a few days. Except when I've been required by the I.R.S. to divulge, I've never allowed an outsider to take a look at the Newman ledgers-- never. And I'll be damned if that weasel Vance Abrams is gonna be the first one to force me.", "Michael: All right, listen to me, Victor. I'm going to find a judge willing to overturn the court order. My office is checking on who's available.", "Victor: I appreciate that. Uh, just let me know, okay? Because I have some friends on the bench.", "Michael: I'll have them e-mail you the list.", "(Intercom buzzes)", "Victor: Yes, Connie? All right, send them in. Well, too late. The forensic accountants.", "Michael: That was fast.", "Man: Mr. Newman, the court has ordered an examination of all financial records pertaining to Beauty of Nature as well as Victoria and Abby Newman's trusts.", "Michael: Vance doesn't waste any time, does he?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Gasps) You can let go now. My fingers are starting to fuse together. Please. (Sighs) Look, whatever you have goin' on with Bardwell, it's none of my business.", "Hogan: Ladies, excuse us. We're trying to have a private conversation.", "Chloe: Oh, my God.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Look, I'm just the messenger. I don't know what's in those bags. I don't want to know.", "Hogan: That better be true.", "Kevin: Look, you have a problem with Bardwell? Just talk to him.", "Hogan: Tell Bardwell I want my 10 g's, or else.", "Hogan: (Makes kissing sound)", "Chloe: Oh, my God. Kevin's gay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Hey. Can you meet me at Crimson Lights? I really need to talk to you.", "Noah: Turn around.", "Abby: Hey.", "Noah: What's up?", "Abby: I just made a huge mistake.", "Noah: (Sighs) What happened?", "Abby: Okay, so we met with Dad...", "Noah: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: And he--", "Noah: The mediation?", "Abby: He offered us a pile of cash.", "Noah: Isn't that what you wanted?", "Abby: Yeah. Yeah, but I turned it down to--to hold out for some stupid company I don't even care about. This has gotten so out of control. What do I do?", "Noah: Uh... (Sighs) Be true to yourself.", "Abby: Uh, wow. Thank you. I-if I wanted that kind of advice, I would have read Shakespeare.", "Noah: All right, look at me, all right? I'm serious. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted till I left the family. Going to Europe was the best thing I ever did. Look, people didn't hang around me because I was Victor Newman's grandson. They liked me for me. And I got to figure out who that is and what's really important.", "Abby: So who are you?", "Noah: Someone that doesn't care about money or fancy cars. You don't need stuff to be happy.", "Abby: (Scoffs) That is really easy to say when you have always had money.", "Noah: Name one person in our family who's really happy. Yeah, it seems...", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Noah: Like the more people have, it's just the more messed up they are.", "Abby: So, what? You just want to be poor?", "Noah: I don't want it to control me.", "Abby: Neither do I. I just want my own life without Dad or anyone bossing me around.", "Noah: Look, I'm gonna make it on my own, without the Newman name and without the Newman money. You could, too.", "Abby: You are so naive. This trust fund would give me my freedom.", "Noah: Are you sure?", "Abby: (Scoffs) You don't get it. (Chuckles)", "Noah: Maybe you don't get it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Hi.", "Woman: Hi.", "Victoria: Uh, my name is Victoria Newman. I was told to wait here to speak with you. Is everything okay? I'd like to see my mother now.", "Woman: I'm afraid that's not possible.", "Victoria: Well, if she's in a therapy session, then I'll just wait until she's done. It's not a big deal.", "Woman: You're not permitted to visit.", "Victoria: What? What are you talking about? That's ridiculous. What--what do you mean I'm--", "Nick: What's going on?", "Victoria: She says that we're not allowed to see Mom. I don't--", "Woman: Just--just you. You're listed as unauthorized to visit Mrs. Newman.", "Nick: No, no, no. That's gotta be a mistake. This is her daughter.", "Victoria: Oh, you know what?", "Woman: The call came in a short while ago barring Victoria.", "Victoria: Okay, I get it. Yeah. This is Dad. This is his doing. He's trying to punish me because I wouldn't knuckle under. That's--that's just great.", "Nick: Okay, that should be up to our mother, and she will definitely want to see Victoria.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Woman: I'm very sorry.", "Victoria: Yeah, I'll bet you are.", "Woman: (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs) I cannot believe that Dad would let Mom stay in here all night without word from either one of us. She must think that we're angry with her. You have to go in there and tell her that Dad didn't tell us about this until today.", "Nick: (Sighs) Well, actually, I, uh, I talked to Dad yesterday when he checked Mom in.", "Victoria: He called you?", "Nick: Yeah, I called him on his cell. I thought they would be on their way to Vegas. Then he told me what happened. So I came in to check on Mom.", "Victoria: Wait a second. Was this before or after we ran into each other at Crimson Lights?", "Nick: It was before.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) Why didn't you say anything, Nick?", "Nick: Dad asked me not to. He told me he wanted to be the one to tell you. And I just assumed that he would tell you right away.", "Victoria: Oh, God. We were talking about their elopement. You let me go on thinking that they were married and that everything was okay. What is wrong with you? (Sighs) You and Dad can both go to hell for all I care.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Everything looks to be in order.", "Man: If Mr. Newman will escort us to the accounting department, we can get under way.", "Victor: Not a chance in hell. How's that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Adam.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: You just want to have fun, just like me.", "Michael: They could put you in prison.", "Victor: Some people owe me favors. Time to collect.", "Jana: And I would really, really appreciate a second chance.", "Lauren: I don't think I can give it to you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sofia gets final divorce papers from Malcolm. She still blames herself for the breakup of her marriage and Malcolm leaving town. Neil tells Sofia that they all made mistakes, but Malcolm always leaves when life gets too complicated. Sofia tells Neil the story of her third date with Malcolm which was when she knew she wanted to marry him. Abby realizes that she feels more than friendship for Devon when she is telling Tucker a little bit about him. Abby meets Devon later at Crimson Lights and starts to tell him about her revelation until Devon's girlfriend arrives from Europe to see him. Ricky shows an interest in Abby and starts to flirt with her, but she thinks that he is full of himself. Heather makes an effort to get to know Ricky by inviting him to have coffee and cake with her, but as they talk, it is clear that Ricky resents Heather. He thinks that she has had everything handed to her on a silver platter while he has had to fight for every opportunity. Heather is about to set Ricky straight when Paul arrives and is so happy to see his children getting to know each other. Heather and Ricky put on fake smiles and tell Paul that things are going well between them. They both agree to spend the holidays with Paul.", "Phyllis flirts with Ronan to try and find out what he knows but he is on to her game so he begins to flirt with her to see what she knows and they don't tell each other anything. Cane and Lily go to the police station to say goodbye to Colin and when Cane takes Lily home they make love. Genevieve arrives to tell Colin that his friend Marty from back home will be paying Colin a visit when he arrives at the Australian jail. The news brightens Colin's mood but he wonders why Genevieve contacted Marty and she tells him she doesn't know why she did it maybe its because he (Colin) drivers her crazy. Colin leaves the police station with a smile on his face.", "" ]
[ "Tucker: Abby?", "Abby: Hey. (Sighs)", "Tucker: What's up?", "Abby: Is--hey, Mom.", "Ashley: Where have you been? I haven't heard from you all day long.", "Abby: (Sighs) I know. I'm sorry I didn't call, okay? Just the whole warehouse thing, it just had me weirded out.", "Ashley: Are you okay? Do you want to talk about what happened that night in the park?", "Abby: No. I mean... I mean, do you? Do you want to do a play-by-play of how you knocked Diane to the ground?", "Ashley: Hey, come on.", "Abby: I mean, or, Tucker, you could--you could give us a, you know, a-a-a nice description of what it was like to have your hands around her neck. Uh, we--we don't need the recap, you guys. We all saw that movie, right?", "Ashley: We did, and it was very disturbing finding out that she argued with at least eight people before she was murdered.", "Tucker: And that someone actually managed to film the whole thing.", "Abby: The police don't know, though, right?", "Ashley: You know, it's been 24 hours, and I was thinking the same thing. We haven't heard from Malloy. No more questions, so I don't--I don't think so.", "Abby: What if there is a copy out there somewhere? I mean, maybe Ronan has no clue about the screening of murder suspect one through eight last night, but, I mean, what if he does?", "Tucker: Abby, listen--", "Abby: I just--you know what? I just would give anything to know what Ronan knows.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: If it isn't Genoa City's finest.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) What brings you here, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Fate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hey, Ricky.", "Ricky: Hey. (Sighs) How you doin'?", "Heather: Oh, you know. Typical A.D.A.-- overworked, barely paid. (Chuckles) what about you?", "Ricky: Typical intern-- overworked, never paid, need caffeine.", "Heather: Well, my treat then.", "Ricky: Why not?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So how long were you at your sister's?", "Devon: I got there a little after you left, and then spent most of the day with her.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Did Cane come over?", "Devon: No, he did not, but, uh, if he had, I probably would have hugged the guy.", "Neil: That's a change.", "Devon: Tell me about it. But after Lily explained to me the whole explosion and how he saved their life...", "Neil: Right. Mm.", "Devon: So, Dad, how is, uh, how is everything going with the baby?", "Neil: No sleep. Constant feedings, diaper changes, walking the floor, and loving that baby boy.", "Devon: What about you and Sofia?", "Neil: Finding our way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I'm sorry I, uh, I couldn't come by.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I thought you'd be locked up in your office, being a devoted servant of the people.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) I show my devotion in a variety of ways.", "Phyllis: And this way is called...", "Ronan: A night off.", "Phyllis: I needed to decompress, too.", "Ronan: From reporting?", "Phyllis: From that craziness at the warehouse. Maybe we can decompress... together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: If Ronan gets his hands on that film...", "Ashley: Honey, look, all we have to do is stay united as a family, right?", "Abby: Yeah.", "Ashley: And we're not gonna let the police or anybody else intimidate us, and I think everything's gonna work out.", "Abby: Yeah, we're united. We're totally, totally united.", "Tucker: Wow.", "Abby: What? Why are you smiling like that?", "Tucker: Well, it wasn't too long ago you would have... you would have run right out of here at the very suggestion...", "Ashley: That's true.", "Tucker: That the three of us were family.", "Abby: It's time to move forward. God knows, I don't want to repeat what's behind us.", "Ashley: Yippee.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Well, that gives me hope. If we've made this much progress, maybe I have a chance with Devon.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Abby: Oh, I, um, I-I don't want to hate on this whole \"We are family\" vibe thing we got goin' on, but... I don't think that's gonna happen. I mean, Devon has got this incredible family. I mean, why should he be looking for love from you or Katherine? I mean, he's already got it from his father, his sister, his niece--", "Ashley: We--we get it.", "Tucker: I-I understand that. I know, and I understand that's he's angry.", "Abby: He's not that angry. He's not trying to punish you. He just wants to live his life.", "Ashley: Sounds like you've had some pretty frank conversations with him.", "Abby: Yeah, I mean-- (Sighs) He's the kind of guy who gives his honest opinion, whether you want it or not. He's got integrity, which, like, nobody around here has. (Laughs) He's just-- he's a good guy, okay? He's... he's a really good guy. I, um, I gotta go. I gotta--see you guys later.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Abby: Okay.", "Ashley: Take care.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, what's up?", "Abby: Hey, um, would you meet me at Crimson Lights? (Chuckles)", "Devon: All right. I'll, uh, I'll see you in a while. That was Abby.", "Neil: Abby? Interesting. I didn't see that friendship coming. The two of you couldn't be more different.", "Devon: Yeah, on the surface maybe, but she's been really, uh, really great through this whole \"Tucker's my birth dad\" thing. You know, she really just gets what's going on with me.", "Neil: I'm proud of you. You handled this one really well.", "Devon: Well, I'm glad you think so.", "Neil: Yeah, I know it's not easy keeping a level head while being courted by Tucker and Katherine. Moses sure lucked out.", "Devon: How so?", "Neil: You have definitely been a better brother than I've been.", "Devon: Yeah. Have you heard from Malcolm?", "Neil: No, not a word.", "Devon: Hey, Sofia.", "Sofia: Hey, Devon.", "Devon: Hey, how you doin'?", "Sofia: Oh, I am so tired, but I don't even care. (Chuckles) I've only had my son a few days, but I already know I would do anything in the world for him.", "Devon: Well, that's how it should be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, uh, we made some beautiful babies.", "Lily: I thought that you might come over last night.", "Cane: Yeah, I wanted to, but I was working with the Aussie and American authorities building a case against my dad.", "Lily: Oh.", "Cane: And I, uh, I wanted to give you some time with your dad and Devon.", "Lily: Well, you're here now, and I've been dying to see you.", "Cane: Really?", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: So, um, what happens next with Colin?", "Cane: He's, uh, going back to Australia tonight, so, uh, I have to go in.", "Lily: Oh, you have to go.", "Cane: There are some things I want to say to him before he leaves.", "Lily: You know what? I want to come with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: So...", "Neil: Mm.", "Sofia: Did you have a nice visit with Devon?", "Neil: Oh, yeah, it was real nice. Wait a minute. Was that Moses?", "Sofia: Um, no. He should still be sleeping.", "Neil: Oh.", "Sofia: You've been juggling so hard, trying to keep up with all three of your kids.", "Neil: Oh, Sofia, I am so tired.", "Sofia: Yeah.", "Neil: And for that matter, you look kind of tired, too.", "Sofia: Well, thank you.", "Neil: (Laughs)", "Sofia: Thank you very much, Neil.", "Neil: No, no, no. Hold on. I'm just saying you should have taken a longer nap.", "Sofia: I tried. I couldn't.", "Neil: Well, you gotta try harder. You do understand that you gotta sleep when the baby sleeps, right?", "Sofia: Oh, well, you do understand that when the baby is asleep, it's my only chance to shower, to eat, fix my hair--", "Neil: Yeah, and to read these trashy mag--what? Two of them? Oh, my goodness.", "Sofia: Oh, give those back. (Laughs)", "Neil: Oh, my goodness. Oh, look it. (Laughs)", "Sofia: (Laughs) I have to know what's hot and what's not.", "Neil: Oh, its just junk-- all that stuff.", "Sofia: (Scoffs)", "Neil: Ow.", "Sofia: You need help with dinner?", "Neil: No, no, uh, as a matter of fact, since you're feeding our child, I'm more than happy to feed you. That's the deal.", "(Knock on door)", "Sofia: Okay.", "Neil: Yeah? I wonder who that is.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Neil: Yeah? Thanks. Hey, Sofia?", "Sofia: Yeah?", "Neil: This letter came for you. Uh, looks like it's from an attorney.", "Sofia: Oh, it must be work related. Let's see.", "Sofia: (Sighs) My, uh, divorce from Malcolm is official.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: So has, uh, working with Avery been everything you wanted?", "Ricky: Yeah.", "Heather: Well, it must be long hours and emotionally taxing as well.", "Ricky: Emotionally taxing?", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Ricky: (Chuckles)", "Heather: I mean, if your client is found guilty, she could spend the rest of her life in prison.", "Ricky: Well, you have a more personal connection to Sharon Newman than I do.", "Heather: (Sighs) I guess, but... you've researched her life and her family. You've met her kids.", "Ricky: It all boils down to experience and, uh, hoping that this case opens more doors for me.", "Heather: Okay.", "Ricky: Hey. I've had to learn how to be practical. I'm on my own. I've had to fight for every opportunity I've gotten.", "Heather: It's not like I had a picture-perfect childhood, you know.", "Ricky: What, are we gonna compare sob stories now, Sis?", "(Footsteps approach)", "Heather: Paul, hi.", "Paul: Hey, there. Your office said I might find you here.", "Heather: Hey. (Chuckles)", "Paul: How are you? Hey, Ricky, how are you doin'?", "Ricky: Hey, Dad.", "Paul: Well, this is nice-- the two of you having coffee and chocolate cake together.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Paul: How are you both?", "Together: Great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey. Hey. (Chuckles)", "Abby: Hey. Look at you. You're here. (Chuckles) Yeah.", "Devon: Here I am. How are you?", "Abby: Oh, good.", "Devon: What's goin' on?", "Abby: Oh, uh, uh, so much.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Abby: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Devon: You gonna tell me about it? Or did you just invite me here to stare at each other? (Chuckles)", "Abby: I had this revelation. I-I probably should have seen it before, but I can be so, so dense sometimes.", "Devon: You're not dense, Abby.", "Abby: You are such a nice guy. (Giggles)", "Devon: (Chuckles) I'm just tellin' you the truth. You're really smart.", "Abby: Uh, thank you. (Giggles) Uh, anyway, I, um... I wanted to talk with you, um, about this...", "Devon: This revelation, right?", "Abby: Right. (Giggles) I-it's a good thing. I-I mean, I think it-- I think it is. And I'm just... I'm hoping that you think so, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Sweetheart? (Clears throat) Is what happened at the warehouse, um, is that bothering you?", "Ashley: What do you mean?", "Tucker: Well, you know, um, when I told you I had confronted Diane in the park, you said you believed that I didn't kill her.", "Ashley: Well, of course that's what I believe.", "Tucker: Yeah, I-I know that. But I-I need to know if that film changed things for us, if actually seeing the way I went after Diane...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Lily. I didn't expect to see you here. But I was wondering when you'd show up.", "Cane: Yeah, well, I couldn't let you go without one last word, could I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: All right, fair enough. It was a good one.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: I'm gonna have to concede on that. You are a, uh, you really are a baseball expert.", "Phyllis: Well, is there something in your detective manual that says you can judge a sports fan by their gender?", "Ronan: I'm gonna have to review that and reread that chapter.", "Phyllis: I'm full of surprises.", "Ronan: Oh, I'm sure of it.", "Phyllis: You surprised me.", "Ronan: How?", "Phyllis: I actually saw you laugh.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) You have to admit, usually when we're talking... it's under less-than-humorous circumstances.", "Phyllis: You must be under a lot of pressure with this murder investigation.", "Ronan: It comes with the job.", "Phyllis: It must be hard when you're in your office alone looking at your evidence board, drinking stale coffee, wondering whether or not to...", "Ronan: To... arrest someone?", "Phyllis: I'm trying to be your friend, Detective. It must get lonely.", "Ronan: And if I do?", "Phyllis: I'm willing to talk to you.", "Ronan: I don't know.", "Phyllis: Honestly, it would just be-- it'd be between you and me. I'm discreet.", "Ronan: I really feel that I can open up to you... if I didn't know what you were really after? We didn't happen to bump into each other. You tracked me down.", "Phyllis: To pump you about baseball?", "Ronan: For information about Adam and why I locked him up, then turned around and released him.", "Phyllis: I don't really care about Adam, Detective.", "Ronan: But Nick does. Yeah. Yeah, Nick does, doesn't he? And he didn't get the answers to his questions that he wanted from me today, and now you're all over me--", "Phyllis: If I were all over you, you'd notice.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) You are all over me trying to see if Adam did or did not spill any information while he was in custody.", "Phyllis: Again, I don't care about Adam. I think we should be friends. We shouldn't be enemies when we could be... so much more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: It is absolutely superior that we have gotten to know each other so well. (Laughs nervously)", "Devon: I think so, too. I was actually just tellin' my dad that.", "Abby: You were?", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: Uh, that's, uh, that's fantastic, because I was wondering if--", "Roxanne: Surprise!", "Devon: Roxy!", "Roxanne: (Laughs)", "Devon: Roxy, what are you doin' here?", "Roxanne: Oh, phone calls and video chats just weren't enough. I just had to leave Europe early to be here for you during all this insanity.", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "Roxanne: Oh, um, hey, Abby.", "Abby: Hey. (Laughs)", "Roxanne: Devon has told me what a good friend you've been to him.", "Abby: Yeah, y-you know, yeah. (Laughs)", "Devon: Actually, I'm sorry, Abby. She was just in the middle of telling me something.", "Abby: Oh, no, forget it. (Stammers) I was looking for friendly advice on this thing, but it's just-- I-I'll work it out on my own.", "Devon: Are you sure?", "Abby: (Sighs) Yeah, mundo positive. Uh, you know what? Right now, this friend is gonna give you two lovebirds some privacy.", "Roxanne: Oh.", "Abby: Excuse me.", "Devon: (Chuckles) Hey. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I'm just bummed that the three of us haven't been able to spend more time together.", "Heather: Well, we--we've all been working.", "Paul: That doesn't mean we can't make more of an effort. I really want the two of you to get to know each other as... brother and sister.", "Ricky: It'll happen, Dad... (Sighs) Eventually.", "Paul: It would happen sooner if we spent the holidays together. It'd be a first. It could be fun.", "Ricky: Absolutely. I'm in.", "Heather: You know, I-I, um, I was actually seriously considering spending the holidays in New York with Mom, but, uh...", "Paul: Oh.", "Heather: But if I'm here, then sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Diane pushed us both to the brink that night. I mean, losing it that way is not who I am, and I know it's not who you are.", "Tucker: Man, it's good to hear you say that.", "Ashley: You have proven your love for me in more ways than I could possibly count. Do you know that? 'Cause I do.", "Tucker: I do now.", "Ashley: Would you do something for me special tonight?", "Tucker: Absolutely.", "Ashley: Would you... set a wedding date with me? And let's make it soon.", "Tucker: Before the holidays?", "Ashley: Yes, before the holidays, and before Abby changes her mind about standing up for us. (Laughs)", "Tucker: Oh, Man, I never thought that day would come.", "Ashley: I know. And you see? Miracles do happen. So... maybe Devon will come to our wedding.", "Tucker: God, I love you.", "Ashley: I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I'm glad that you're finally locked up like the vicious animal you are.", "Colin: Well, enjoy the moment, 'cause it's not gonna last. I've never lost yet.", "Cane: No, you lost. You had a beautiful wife who loved you, and you lost her. And you had a son and a daughter who thought you hung the moon, and they're dead.", "Colin: And I was betrayed by my surviving son yet again.", "Cane: No, no, no. You betrayed me for money and power, and you could have had--", "Colin: Love.", "Cane: Is this better? Is this what you wanted?", "Colin: Have you finished?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I would love to work with you.", "Phyllis: In what position? I mean, what context?", "Ronan: Well, the first position... would be for you to give me something else other than a claim that we're gonna be good friends.", "Phyllis: Well, what do you have in mind, Detective?", "Ronan: The warehouse.", "Phyllis: What about it?", "Ronan: A big prank just to get everyone together and then nothing happens? There's more to it than that.", "Phyllis: That's a supposition on your part.", "Ronan: Want to know a fact I know? A lot of people in this town, including you, are keeping a lot of secrets. That is such a burden.", "Phyllis: Are you willing to lighten my load?", "Ronan: I'm just the man to help you with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: I knew Malcolm was going to divorce me, but not--", "Neil: Not this quickly.", "Sofia: (Sighs) Falling in love with him was that-- fast.", "Neil: Is there anything I can do for you? Or...", "Sofia: You know, he knew he was gonna marry me, he said, the moment he saw me. (Sighs) I didn't know until around our third date when he showed up at my place with his arms loaded down with wine and cheese and flowers and candy. And--and then he tripped.", "Neil: (Laughs)", "Sofia: (Laughs)", "Neil: He tripped? Really?", "Sofia: Yes, he face-planted. Just bit it, bam, right there in the hallway. (Laughs) And we laughed so loud. I didn't realize until after I said, \"I love you,\" that I really meant it. I hurt him so badly, and I loved him so much. How could I do this to him? I mean, he left his job, his friends, you, Lily.", "Neil: I know, Sofia. That's what Malcolm is good at, you know? When things get tough, he always runs.", "Sofia: This is all my fault.", "Neil: No, no it's not. Not entirely. Think about it. What happened? Malcolm broke up with you, right? And then I slept-- we slept with each other.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Neil: I don't think--", "Sofia: Instead of starting a family with him and being in a marriage with him... here I am, you know? (Sighs) A single mother.", "Neil: Your son has a father that's very ready, willing, and present. I'm right here, right now. All right? And I'm not gonna be running anywhere.", "Sofia: You promise?", "Neil: I promise.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: What's this? Nobody else to tell me what a lowlife I am?", "Genevieve: Just me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You didn't say much in the car on the way home.", "Lily: (Sighs) I've just been... afraid of Colin for so long. You know? All that time, I was just looking over my shoulder and holding my breath. And you were fighting for us.", "Cane: I wish I could have stopped him sooner for you.", "Lily: You promised me that you would make things right. And you have.", "Cane: I should go.", "Lily: Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So what? Are you heading home?", "Heather: Oh, no, back to work.", "Paul: Hmm.", "Ricky: Me, too. It never ends. Would you guys excuse me for a minute?", "Paul: Sure. Um... (Sighs) There's something I need to tell you.", "Heather: Well, that doesn't sound good.", "Paul: Um... Chance is back in town.", "Heather: Here, in--in Genoa City?", "Paul: Yeah, he's with Nina now.", "Heather: I-is he hurt?", "Paul: No.", "Heather: I-is he on leave?", "Paul: No, neither. He is, uh, he was actually, uh, secretly working on the Colin Atkinson case... with Ronan.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Baby. What is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: Haven't I seen you naked?", "Abby: Excuse me?", "Ricky: You're the Naked Heiress.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Uh, yeah, not tonight.", "Ricky: No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just thought that that was your thing-- getting noticed.", "Abby: (Sighs) It used to be.", "Ricky: Well, it should be. It's hard not to notice someone as beautiful as you.", "Abby: I'm sorry. Does that line work for you?", "Ricky: More often than not.", "Abby: That's pathetic.", "Ricky: What, you don't like compliments?", "Abby: I prefer, uh... to not waste my breath.", "Ricky: Okay. Well, how about I try something a little less obvious, like honesty?", "Abby: So what, I reject you, and now you're going to slam me?", "Ricky: You're exquisite.", "Abby: That's it? (Laughs)", "Ricky: (Chuckles) Well, I was, uh, I guess I was going for something truthful yet all-encompassing.", "Abby: Wow. You are so full of yourself. You just think you're so smart and good-looking, don't you?", "Ricky: Oh, you think I'm smart and good-looking?", "Abby: No, I didn't say that.", "Ricky: Yeah, yeah, you kind of did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Wow.", "Roxanne: It's for your lyrics. Now I know that you're the techno king...", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "Roxanne: But sometimes, the best way to soothe your soul is with a pen in your hand.", "Devon: Wow. Well, it seems only right that I get a couple hit songs out of my newfound daddy drama, right? (Chuckles)", "Roxanne: That's what I'm saying.", "Devon: \"D.W.\"", "Roxanne: I hope that's okay. \"Devon Hamilton\" didn't seem right anymore.", "Devon: Well, I guess you could have put, uh, \"Devon McCall.\"", "Roxanne: You're Devon Winters, no matter who your birth parents are.", "Devon: (Sighs) Thank you.", "Roxanne: So your mom left?", "Devon: Uh, yeah, just like she promised.", "Roxanne: And you haven't heard from her?", "Devon: She said I could get a hold of her if I needed to, but I don't. You, though, I need.", "Roxanne: I missed you so much.", "Devon: I missed you, too, Honey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: You have nothing to tell me? Phyllis? Nothing to tell me at all? Are you sure about that?", "Phyllis: I wish I could help you, but I can't.", "Ronan: Well, that's a shame. Because I, uh, I would have liked for our evening to continue.", "Phyllis: Then don't end it yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Hey, don't go too far. I don't think she's gonna be here very long.", "Genevieve: Sorry. So I guess you're not up for a conjugal visit, huh?", "Colin: Oh, one last one for the road, so to speak?", "Genevieve: (Chuckles)", "Genevieve: Do you remember our old friend Marty from back home?", "Colin: (Sighs) Why'd you bring him up?", "Genevieve: Well, I had a lovely chat with him just yesterday, reminiscing about old times, and, uh, your name came up.", "Colin: Did it?", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm. He said he's looking forward to seeing you after your extradition. He said he might pay you a visit in prison.", "Colin: (Exhales slowly) Well, then... that brightens my spirits considerably. Thank you for the information. Now... tell me why you did it.", "Genevieve: I don't know exactly. Pity. Um, I don't know. Maybe just old time's sake. Maybe just a moment of insanity. (Chuckles) Oh, my God, Colin, you've always made me so crazy.", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: I'm done. Lock him up for good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Are you seducing me, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Do you really have to ask me that?", "(Cell phone rings)", "(Ring)", "Ronan: It's Malloy.", "Ronan: Yes. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I gotta go.", "Phyllis: Where are we going?", "Ronan: (Sighs) Well, I'm... going back to the station now.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Ronan: We should talk again soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(\"Our Time Will Come\" playing) Runnin' out the damned door slammed it once or twice before noise still bangin' in my head promises made in nights gone by buried deep in alibi but you're the only light I see our train is rollin' down that track there's not much there for lookin' back I'd wait a million years to get it right we know our time will come when will we learn what prophets always taught? The end is just a new beginning seeds are planted spring turns into fall heaven's wall is not that hard to climb our train is rollin' down that track there's not much there for lookin' back I'd wait a million years we'll get it so right we know our time will come ah, ah mm our time will come", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: I have tried to be supportive for Noah and Faith's sake.", "Sharon: You think I deserve to be here, don't you?", "Chloe: You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Will you marry me, Kevin?", "Avery: I would feel sorry for you if you weren't so willing to take this out on my client." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack suffers with a sharp pain is his spine and gets a visit from his father, who shows him no sympathy at all. John reminds him what wrong he is doing by taking over Victor's company. Chelsea confronts Adam about why he is lying to her and not including her in what is troubling him. At the Athletic Club, Avery and Ronan bump into each other. Avery insists that she and Nick are only friends. Nick and Phyllis discuss if she should take the job at Newman. Nick lets her know that it really doesn't matter to him. Phyllis asks him is it really over between them. Phyllis accuses Nick of already moving on without her and agrees that she will let go. Summer comes downstairs as Phyllis leaves. John asks what he is really afraid of, but Jack refuses to give him a straight answer. Chelsea asks Adam why he is shutting her out of his life and not wanting to talk about them losing their baby. Sharon rushes in from the back and tells Adam that he needs to tell Chelsea the truth. Sharon offers to tell Victor everything about the fire, but Adam forbids her to do so.", "Nick catches Summer just before she goes out the door and asks what is going on in her life, about school and the accident. Summer asks Nick how he can expect her to forgive Phyllis when he cannot forgive her himself. At the Athletic Club, Phyllis runs into Ronan. Ronan asks her out, but she refuses. Summer pays Avery a visit to discuss being an emancipated minor. Avery suggests that they make some cupcakes as they talk. John reminds Jack of all the things that he managed to accomplish despite the fact that he has a bullet in his spine. Chelsea comes home and through tears apologizes to Adam for rushing out. Adam kisses her and they plan a romantic dinner for later. Nick and Phyllis both call Summer but get no answer. Sharon visits Victor and sees Jack in his office. Jack lets Sharon know that thanks to her he has taken over Newman Enterprises. Adam catches up to Sharon and gets her out of the building before anyone else can see her. Phyllis texts Jack and tells him that he has won. Jack joins Phyllis at the Athletic Club and hears her decision about his job offer. Nick visits Avery and finds out about her and Summer's visit. Avery offers Nick a cupcake, but he is hesitant to eat it until she persuades him to. Sharon takes the blame for everything that is going on now. Adam holds Sharon in his arms and she begs him not to leave her. Meanwhile, Chelsea sets the scene for a romantic evening with Adam. Jack has another sharp pain in his back.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Ooh. (Inhales sharply)", "(Knock on door)", "Jack: Come in. Ms. Research and Development. You're here to talk about contract and compensation package.", "Phyllis: I am not accepting your job offer yet, Jack.", "Jack: Honey, you are drowning in your personal life. This job is a life vest. Take it. Strap it on. It will give you something to focus on. I'm doing you a favor here, Sw-- (Inhales sharply)", "Phyllis: What's that?", "Jack: It's nothing. It's--its annoyance. Obsessing about the past has not served either one of us. This is about the future. Please, take the job. You need this job every bit as much as I need you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: No, no. No, that's not right. No, no, it's not right. It doesn't work. I--just figure it out. Just think, think, think. (Groans) Ugh! Adam, where's the phone?! (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You do remember where you live.", "Adam: (Throws keys down)", "Chelsea: I was beginning to wonder.", "Adam: Of course I do. This is where my heart is. Chelsea, I know I'm on the crappy husband list. I get it. I'm gonna make it up to you... (Sighs) Even if it means you have to punish me and lock me in a room with no windows or doors with Jeff and Anita for hours on end, with no alcohol to ease the pain. What?", "Chelsea: Con to con, liar to liar, you really think that you can lie to me and I won't figure it out?", "Adam: What are you talking about?", "Chelsea: You weren't with Jack! I called Newman. You never even went there, Adam, so why don't you tell me where you really were?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Whoa. Texting and walking-- you can hurt someone that way.", "Avery: Yeah, I'll take that under advisement.", "Ronan: Avery, you can stop hating on me now, okay? Phyllis broke things off with me.", "Avery: Okay, that's really none of my business.", "Ronan: You know, as I recall, you and Nick had a thing awhile back, right? And I have excellent powers of observation, and what I've been seeing between you and him-- it seems like you guys are revisiting those old feelings, or maybe you never let them go.", "Avery: Ronan, I'm late.", "Ronan: You can't go yet. See, you're gonna miss the best part-- the part where I take the heat for breaking up Nick and Phyllis and Avery reaps all the rewards.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: It was chess. I was simply playing ch--", "Phyllis: I don't care about chess. It was nothing.", "Nick: Okay, then is it the separation papers? That's part of the divorce process. We've been through this.", "Phyllis: You just, um... can we talk, please? Uh, Jack offered me a job at Newman.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: I thought you should know.", "Nick: Now I know. Thanks.", "Phyllis: I haven't accepted... but I can. I can accept the job for you. I could work on the inside so you can get Newman back.", "Nick: I don't want Newman back, so don't do me any favors. Don't try and play me or Jack or anyone else. I think you need to move on with your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Breathes deeply) (Groans) Ohh. Not now, Dad.", "John: That's not gonna fix you, Jack.", "Jack: I have pain in my lower spine. These get rid of pain. Leave it alone, please.", "John: No, it's payback time, Jack. You've crossed the line and your body knows it, even if you don't want to admit it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I told you, I was with Jack.", "Chelsea: Adam, I just said I called the office.", "Adam: I wasn't at the Newman offices. I went with Jack to Gloworm. I wanted to be seen there. I wanted the word to trickle down to my father that I was with Jack, and I figured, no better place than Gloworm when my in-laws won't be there, so they can't hover around me.", "Chelsea: What was the meeting about?", "Adam: Jack needs some allies, and... (Sighs) Even if that means some people that despise him. I actually think he's considering asking me back to Newman.", "Chelsea: Would you say yes? Would you go work for him?", "Adam: Trying to get rid of me?", "Chelsea: How can I, when you're not even here?", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: I always come back, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: The whole reason we fell in love was there was nothing we could do to shock the other-- no shame, no fear, no secrets. You're leaving me out, Adam. You're hiding something.", "Adam: (Sighs) Chelsea, it just-- it's just boring, banal stuff that, trust me, has nothing to do with us.", "Chelsea: Of course it has to do with us! When you're not telling me what's going on, when you're shutting me out, when you're not looking at me the way that you used to, of course that's about us.", "Adam: That's not true, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Things have not been the same, Adam, since the accident! Do you blame me-- do you blame me for losing our son?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Nick and I are friends. That happened when I first got to town. We barely knew each other. Now--", "Ronan: You're friends. Yeah, heard that. You know, Phyllis and I didn't know each other when we first hooked up, but things have a way of changing, don't they?", "Avery: Yes, but then you hooked up again and now she's on her way to divorce court, so don't act like you and I have loads in common.", "Ronan: Nick and Phyllis were having problems long before me, and I never, never meant to cause her any trouble.", "Avery: Oh, wow, listen to you-- almost as if you actually are in love with Phyllis.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Avery: Are you?", "Ronan: (Sniffs) Phyllis' priority right now is her family.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Ronan: She's gonna hope that Nick forgives her so he'll take her back and she can continue having her little family unit.", "Avery: Well, that could happen.", "Ronan: But it won't, and you don't want it to any more than I. I can admit that I want to be with Phyllis. I don't want to be something on the side. I don't want to be an affair. What do you want from Nick?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: How can you say that? Of course you want Newman.", "Nick: No, I don't. Take the job, don't take the job, I don't care. Just leave me out of the equation.", "Phyllis: Okay, stop, stop, stop it. (Laughs) You act like this is no big deal, like all of this is no big deal, like this is a really easy decision. Newman is your life.", "Nick: No, it's not. I had \"Restless Style.\" I had the coffeehouse. Newman Enterprises defines my dad, not me. Fighting for it and not fighting for it-- I'm over that. I'm not doing that anymore.", "Phyllis: So if I go and work at Newman, if I go and work for the enemy--", "Nick: You don't need my permission to do anything. It's never stopped you before.", "Phyllis: You're right. You're right. I've been very... selfish and stubborn in my decisions with you and our family. I just thought you'd always stand beside me. I just--I just thought you'd always give me a second chance. But I guess I... was wrong. It's over, isn't it?", "Nick: We had so many chances to make this right. We used 'em all up... so we move on.", "Phyllis: You've already moved on, haven't you? I'm not talking about Avery and... you just... (Exhales sharply) Let go. Well, I'm not gonna force you to be married to me, so... I'll let go, too.", "Nick: Maybe you should take that job at Newman. It'd be good for you. Nobody wants to see Newman fail, not even with Jack at the helm, and you'd be great at it. It'd give you something to focus on.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, that's what Jack said.", "Nick: He's right. Get in there and get some confidence, and then when that happens, maybe things will turn around for you and Summer. Deep down, I know she knows you love her. You two can find your way back.", "Phyllis: Yeah... I hope so. (Voice breaking) Uh, I just always... I just always thought we would find our way back as a family, but... I guess not. (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm really sorry... for everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: So you think you can just turn away and, uh, pretend that I'm not here?", "Jack: Well, considering you're not here--", "John: Well, now look at you, Jackie. Ambition, greed, hubris-- it's eating you away from the inside out.", "Jack: Or maybe it's just the bullet lodged in my lower spine. Sarge said this might happen.", "John: No, Son, it's more than that.", "Jack: Oh, so maybe it's my psyche beating me up. How about I tell my psyche to go to hell?", "John: And how about seeing a doctor?", "Jack: What, to cure my hubris? That's what you said this is.", "John: Jack, what are you afraid of-- now that you've got the world in your pocket, that you'll lose it all?", "Jack: Yes. Damn it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: The accident, the miscarriage-- it's not your fault, Chelsea. That's about Summer being reckless. That's about Nicholas and Phyllis and their parenting. That's about so many other things, but none of it is on you.", "Chelsea: Is there someone else?", "Adam: No, Chelsea. This is just me dealing. I don't like to talk about my feelings. When I talk about my feelings, I would have to tell you how much I hurt, how much this pains me, how it's tearing me up, and here you are in this house, all alone with your thoughts and your grief and your hormones and you're torn about all of it, and I would understand that you're seeing things that are not here.", "Chelsea: I'm not paranoid, Adam. I'm not just making this up. You're not here! Even if you're in the same room, you're still not with me!", "Adam: I'm with you. Chelsea, I am right here. Baby, I'm with you.", "Chelsea: (Sniffles) Ohh, maybe it's just-- maybe it's just this place. Maybe I just need to get out of here and just clear my head, but when I do, you can't just stand there and shrug your shoulders and say you're not into talking! (Exhales sharply) I love you, Adam, for exactly who you are, and you should know that and you should trust me enough to tell me what is going on. (Sighs)", "Sharon: That was a cruel thing to say to her, Adam, to tell her that she's wrong and that it's all in her head, because she's right!", "Adam: Sharon...", "Sharon: You are! You are lying to her!", "Adam: What are you doing here?", "Sharon: Adam, she's gonna find out on her own. I'm your ex. You're hiding me out on your property, on her property!", "Adam: I will explain that to her when and if necessary.", "Sharon: No, tell her now! I'm sorry, it's just all the lying a-and this hiding is driving me crazy. (Exhales sharply) I am gonna tell him.", "Adam: You're gonna tell who, what?", "Sharon: Victor, about the fire. I have to confess.", "Adam: No, no, no, no, you are--you are not going to tell my father about this.", "Sharon: Adam, I'm sinking. I can feel it. You're trying to pull me out, but now I'm just taking you down with me.", "Adam: I'm not gonna let my father and his stormtroopers just tear into you. You are safe here with me, and you're gonna let this whole thing just blow over.", "Sharon: I'm not gonna tell them that it was you who found me at the ranch.", "Adam: You are cooped up and you are freaked out, and you need to just trust me.", "Sharon: I know how Chelsea feels. You try reaching out to someone, connecting, and then there's this wall there, and it wasn't there before. And now I'm the wall. (Sniffles) You and Chelsea-- you need each other, and I'm not gonna make this worse for you.", "Adam: (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, where you headed?", "Summer: Um, t-t-to a friend's to study.", "Nick: You got a second?", "Summer: Not really.", "Nick: It wasn't really a request, so sit down.", "Summer: Why?", "Nick: Because this is gonna be one of those father/daughter moments where you tell me about your life and school...", "Summer: (Sighs)", "Nick: Your friends, the car accident.", "Summer: I thought that you said that what happened to Chelsea's baby wasn't my fault. Were you lying?", "Nick: Well, obviously not, Summer, but it's a big burden to carry around. I want to see if you're okay or if you want to talk about it.", "Summer: No, I'm fine.", "Nick: Okay, so this tough kid thing you got going on now-- it's pretty easy to see through. I don't want you to forget something. I'm the guy who used to bring you your big fluffy bunny, Mr. Ears, every night so you wouldn't get lonely.", "Summer: Look, I feel bad that Adam and Chelsea lost their baby, but I-- there's nothing that I can do to fix it.", "Nick: Well, I know, Sweetheart, but you know that your mother didn't have anything to do with it, either, right?", "Summer: (Sighs) Yeah, and all the roads lead back to Mom, so can I go now, please?", "Nick: I got news for you, Kid-- you're stuck with us as parents.", "Summer: Yeah, well, not together. I just heard all of that. Marriage is over, family's split. Just move on.", "Nick: Our family's rearranging, but it's still a family.", "Summer: Yeah, that worked when I was a kid, but now I know how lucky you are to not be with Mom.", "Nick: I know you love her, and its okay to admit that.", "Summer: I love her? Okay, Mom didn't just cheat on you. She said, \"Hey, wow, why don't I just blow up this whole family so I can get a chance to get with that cop?\" You know, don't tell me to forgive her when you can't forgive her, either.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Exhales slowly) Oh, hey, I just--", "Ronan: Hey, you--", "Phyllis: I was, um, yeah.", "Ronan: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Ronan: How you doin'?", "Phyllis: Good. Yeah, um, I got an impressive job offer.", "Ronan: Congrats.", "Phyllis: Thank you. I-I came to terms with the death of my marriage, and there's a shoe sale at Fenmore's, yay. (Chuckles)", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Oh. Just girls' shoes over there, or anything for a guy?", "Phyllis: Um...", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Anyway, what's--what's going on with this job offer?", "Phyllis: Uh, I should be discreet, keep it to myself.", "Ronan: That tells me that you haven't decided on it yet. I mean, if you-- I don't know, if you need anyone to talk to about it, I could-- code of silence, you know?", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: I'm--I'm your guy. Maybe over dinner? Right.", "Phyllis: I--", "Ronan: Me asking you to dinner is me not staying away from you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: I-I-I didn't-- I didn't say that.", "Ronan: Is that a yes?", "Phyllis: Uh, no, it's not...", "Ronan: Okay.", "Phyllis: But I may change my mind. Keep trying.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: Coming. Oh. Summer, hi. Oh, what's wrong?", "Summer: I just had to get out of there. I just--I just told my dad that I was going to a friend's house.", "Avery: Okay, okay, well, you're not wrong. I'm a friend.", "Summer: (Sniffling)", "Avery: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Yeah, I got the world in my pocket. You bet I do, and so what? I've got a little back pain. They said I would never be out of a chair for the rest of my life. I'm walking. They said I'd never get Newman. I've got it.", "John: Right, Jack. You're walking and you've got Newman, and you've got a bullet in your back.", "Jack: Okay, fine, so maybe I won't clear the metal detector.", "John: Jack, that bullet has got to come out. Now you know that. You've known that for months and you did not trust your instincts, and now you're paying for it. Pain is a sign.", "Jack: Yeah, it's a sign. That's right. It's a sign that I'm alive, and I'm just fine with that.", "John: What are you afraid of?", "Jack: Is that what you want? You want me to cower in the corner, terrified of my pain, terrified of this job, of the fact that people don't like me? I'm not afraid of anything! We're done here. You're wasting my time. (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: Chelsea.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: What happened? Are you okay?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) I got halfway down the road, and then I realized that all I wanted... all I wanted was to be here with you. (Sniffles) Maybe you're right. Maybe its hormones and--and grief. I never cared about anything before you, so nothing ever really hurt...", "Adam: Hey...", "Chelsea: But now, with the baby and you--", "Adam: There's no wall between us. I'm right here. I'm here. It's you and me, okay? We're in this thing together. Will you do me a favor?", "Chelsea: (Sniffles)", "Adam: Just--just go upstairs, draw a bath, soak. I will go get you some dinner. We can eat together. It'll be just-- just the two of us.", "Chelsea: I love you.", "Adam: (Sniffles)", "Chelsea: (Sighs) You know, that tub is big enough for two.", "Adam: First dinner, and then...", "Chelsea: (Sniffles) (Sniffles)", "Adam: I love you.", "Chelsea: I know. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, Summer, it's Dad. Will you call me, let me know you're okay? You don't want to talk about the divorce, I get it, but I'm here when you're ready, okay? I'm always here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Hey, um, Summer, it's your mom. Maybe you will delete this before listening to it, but I just... (Voice breaking) Want you to know how much I miss you. I wish I could fix this. I love you very much, as big as the world.", "Phyllis: (Normal voice) \"I give up. You win.\" (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: And Mom just lies and cheats and acts like it doesn't matter. So what am I supposed to do, just forget what she did? Okay, it wrecked our family and it's disgusting. I mean, Aunt Avery, I just-- I-I can't take it.", "Avery: Okay, listen. I get it. I do. I understand not wanting to be around your family.", "Summer: Yeah, well, I don't want to just not be around them, I want to make it legal. I want to sue them for emancipation.", "Avery: Wow, that's a big decision. What do you know about it?", "Summer: Just what I've read on the internet. So can you help me?", "Avery: Well, I can't represent you, if that's what you're asking, but I do know a few things about family law. Would you help me with this? Just put one in every slot.", "Summer: Wait, seriously? We're baking?", "Avery: Mm-hmm, yes, we are baking, and I need some flour.", "Summer: I'm asking you to help me get away from my family.", "Avery: Yes, I know, and I will help you, but right now, I need 2 cups of flour. See, baking is all about precision. Cooking, you add a little of this, you add a little of that, you make mistakes, you add some more spice, but baking-- baking, all you have to do is follow the rules. You do exactly as you're told...", "Summer: (Sighs)", "Avery: And what do you get? Cupcakes.", "Summer: You know, there's places to buy cupcakes on every corner.", "Avery: I do know that, but these are gonna be better. I'll go get the sugar.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Sharon: Jack.", "Jack: Well, now this is a surprise.", "Sharon: I need to see Victor.", "Jack: Well, you're a couple million shares too late. (Chuckles)", "Sharon: I don't understand.", "Jack: What, have you been out of the country, living in a cave with no Wi-Fi?", "Sharon: Just tell me what's going on!", "Jack: Well, take a gander. There's no mustache glaring down at the lesser mortals. This is my office now, my desk, my chair. Newman Enterprises is mine to run, and no small thanks to you. Really, thank you. You drove Newman into the ground, I got to pick up the pieces. One little hostile takeover, and it's all mine.", "Sharon: No one told me about this.", "Jack: Well, I guess Nicholas and Victoria are a little too busy plotting my overthrow. They have time for that kind of thing now. They've been relieved of their duties here at Newman.", "Sharon: You fired Nicholas?", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Jack: Ooh, I'm gonna have to deal with this. My receptionist will validate your parking.", "Adam: Hey.", "Sharon: Oh, God, Adam. I came to see Victor.", "Adam: Yeah, I figured as much.", "Sharon: Jack's in charge. No one told me that.", "Adam: It must have slipped my mind. Come on, we gotta get out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Never forget the salt, just a pinch. It brings out the flavor, a little kick to the sweet, kind of like chocolate-covered pretzels.", "Summer: Oh, I love those.", "Avery: I do, too. So, um, about this emancipation idea-- I get it, I totally do, but I think that you have to think the whole thing through in your head, right? I mean, if it were to work, and that is a big \"If,\" you would legally be an adult, so no more support from your family, your parents. Your bills, your rent, your medical decisions, your legal decisions-- it's all on you.", "Summer: Yeah, but I'd be free.", "Avery: You'd be free to be homeless. Look, I know that emancipation seems like the answer right now, but are you really ready for all of that?", "Summer: Definitely not.", "Avery: Definitely not, so take some more time at home. It'll fly by, I guarantee it. And you don't want to come out of the oven too soon, because nobody likes soggy cake.", "Summer: (Laughs)", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Summer: Are you telling me I'm a cupcake?", "Avery: I'm telling you you're a good girl who's hurting, and I don't want to see you make a decision that makes you hurt even more.", "Summer: You know, I wish my mom was just like you. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You alone?", "Phyllis: So, so alone.", "Jack: Got your text.", "Phyllis: Didn't take you long to get here.", "Jack: I win. Says so right here. So what exactly is my prize? You coming aboard at Newman?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: That was fast.", "Nick: You told me Summer was here.", "Avery: She was. Everything's fine. We talked, we baked.", "Nick: You talked and baked?", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I'm surprised she was willing to do either.", "Avery: Well, she wants help in becoming an emancipated minor.", "Nick: What'd you tell her?", "Avery: I taught her how to measure flour and I told her I hoped she'd reconsider.", "Nick: Do you think it worked?", "Avery: I don't know.", "Nick: (Sighs) Well, thanks for trying.", "Avery: I'll tell you what I told her. She's a good kid, and I remember what it's like to just want everybody to leave you alone.", "Nick: Is that a hint for me to take off?", "(Timer goes off)", "Avery: No, I'd say your timing is just right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Newman is gone, and it's all my fault. Nick and Noah must hate me more than ever now. (Sniffles) (Exhales slowly)", "Adam: No one hates you, Sharon.", "Sharon: Yes, of course they hate me! I wore a white dress to Victor's funeral. I said vows to Tucker. I knew that Victor was alive, and I let them grieve. Newman was their life. It was their legacy, and now it's gone, and--and it's my fault.", "Adam: Hey, hey.", "Sharon: And you know, I was sure. I was so sure that I could make Newman better, stronger-- that I could prove that I was strong and prove all of them wrong for doubting me. God, Noah! I've really let him down. I'm--I'm not a mother, I'm not a wife, I'm not a leader. I'm none of those things, and they don't want me anymore. Why would they? I'm nothing. I have nothing!", "Adam: Hey, hey, hey, shh. You have me, okay? Do you hear me? You have me.", "Sharon: Adam, don't let go. Don't leave me alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Perfect. We'll talk. Yeah. Sorry about that.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, when you're the master of the universe, people get used to waiting for you to finish a call.", "Jack: You said I win. Say you're in already.", "Phyllis: I'm in already.", "Jack: Fantastic.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Jack: We should toast. (Groans)", "Phyllis: What's wrong? What's wrong?", "Jack: (Inhales sharply) I'm fine, I'm fine. Just hope they have the good stuff.", "Phyllis: No, you are not fine. You are not fine. What's wrong with you? Jack, what's wrong with you? And don't even think of lying to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Oh, girls like Summer break my heart. They're right on the edge, you know, wanting so badly to be an adult, but still needing their parents. Now if we could just channel her energy into pastry, she and I could open a bakery. What?", "Nick: You bake?", "Avery: Uh-huh.", "Nick: This is news to me.", "Avery: Well, I am multifaceted. I have many facets.", "Nick: You trip over yourself going up and down stairs. I've seen it.", "Avery: That is true, but you do not see any stairs in my kitchen.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Avery: Here.", "Nick: (Inhales slowly)", "Avery: Oh, what, is a cupcake too froufrou for you?", "Nick: Hey, I am very confident in my masculinity.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: If I want a cupcake, I'll have one. I'm just a little nervous you might have mixed up salt with sugar or, uh, I don't know, toothpaste with frosting.", "Avery: Wow, you're hilarious. Bite it.", "Nick: That is amazing.", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: It's brilliant.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I mean, in the history of baked goods, this is the best cupcake I've ever had. This has officially changed my life.", "Avery: It is delicious, and you know you like it.", "Nick: Yeah, I really do. Mmm.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: It looks like someone's putting a stake through your spine. Why are you not being straight with me?", "Nick: Are you saying I took the easy route?", "Victor: You did, by refusing to fight for your family's company.", "Billy: I'm gonna resign from Newman." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lauren is upset because Brash and Sassy broke the exclusive deal with Fenmore, but Jill and Victoria smooth things over and avoid a lawsuit. Jill tells Cane he can't make anymore decisions without consulting the other company leaders. Jill also advises Cane to balance work with family life. Travis suspects the Newman board members of leaking information to GC Buzz, so he tells Natalie to investigate them without telling Victor, but she tells Victor everything Travis told her to do. Jack tells his informant that he will get more money when he gets him information that will make Victor suffer. Phyllis and Jack sign divorce papers, but she is determined to get back together with Jack, so she asks Billy to leave her alone.", "" ]
[ "[Door opens]", "Phyllis: So what's the plan?", "Jack: I got the cash from the bank. We're ready for the next step in our plan.", "Security Guard: You can't go in there! Hey!", "Phyllis: What the Hell is going on?!", "Jack: Remove this man from the premises.", "Billy: \"This man,\" Jack? I'm your brother.", "Jack: Thanks for the reminder. Get him out of here.", "Billy: I'm here to stop you, jack.", "Jack: Stop me from what?", "Billy: From going down the same path I did and ruining yourself in the process.", "Lauren: I had an exclusive right to carry bare by brash & sassy in my stores, and now you guys are reneging! You were consulting other buyers, going behind my back?!", "Jill: No, Lauren, calm down!", "Lauren: I'm not gonna calm down! You are my sister, and you are screwing me over! How can you do that?!", "Jill: No!", "Victoria: No one is doing that, Lauren. I promise you. We are honoring the deal that we made with Fenmore's.", "Jill: Yeah!", "Lauren: Really? Then why are new deals being signed without consulting me?", "Jill: I didn't authorize any new deals!", "Lauren: Oh, seriously?", "Cane: I did.", "Linda: The negative coverage isn't confined to the tabloids anymore. We're getting pulverized in the business press.", "Curtis: And there are rumors the FBI may be getting involved. We have a right to know the truth, Victor.", "Victor: And you're wondering if I've been misrepresenting the state of my company, diverting funds or covering up losses or lying to the members of the board of directors. Isn't that the kind of truth you're after?", "Lauren: You better start explaining, and fast.", "Cane: Our exclusive deal with Fenmore's is only good after the first few weeks of the rollout. After that, we can contract with anybody we want, and I'm merely setting up new deals. That's all.", "Lauren: I assumed I would be given the opportunity to extend the exclusivity given my chain's long history with the brand, the fact that my sister is part owner of Fenmore's, and the fact that you left me completely in the lurch.", "Victoria: Yes, because of our out-of-stocks, you mean.", "Lauren: Yes. I purchased 300,000 units. My shelves are bare, and you have yet to send any product.", "Jill: Yeah, but that was because of a problem with our manufacturer. That's beyond our control.", "Lauren: Regardless, that puts you in breach.", "Jill: [Sighs]", "Victoria: Okay, well, it's being handled, Lauren.", "Lauren: Really? How?", "Victoria: Yeah, I have found a new manufacturer. They're running a triple shift to make up the backorder, and you'll have your delivery by the end of the week.", "Jill: Yes, and as a show of good faith, we will extend your exclusivity for two weeks to cover the time that your shelves...", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Jill: ...Were empty and you had to give rain checks to your customers. Would you please see that that's handled?", "Victoria: Of course. Will that make things work for you, Lauren?", "Lauren: I guess it will have to do.", "Jill: Oh, my God. You're still not happy. I'm gonna take you to lunch.", "Lauren: You better.", "Jill: Okay.", "Lauren: Better be expensive, too.", "Jill: Honey, look, we were all caught off guard by the overwhelming response. Bare by brash & sassy is a huge hit, and that's not a bad problem to have, if you think about it. Plus we will put the language in the next contract that you can have the exclusive after the initial rollout as long as you want, unless you waive it in writing.", "Lauren: I at least deserve that.", "Jill: You absolutely deserve that!", "Lauren: Yeah, well, thank you.", "Jill: [Chuckles] Lauren, you have to excuse the way this was handled. You know cane. Sometimes he gets just a little overzealous.", "Lauren: Oh, I'm well aware of his organizational skills and the fact that his enthusiasm can get the better of him.", "Jill: Well, I'm pretty sure that's 'cause he's a guy.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Yeah, so, Lauren, we're sorry for any friction that was created between our two companies.", "Lauren: Apology accepted. And now I have to get going because I'm meeting Michael and I'm already late. Now, you...", "Jill: Mm-hmm?", "Lauren: Lunch this week. I'm holding you to it.", "Jill: Absolutely, yep.", "Lauren: Love you, sis.", "Jill: Yep. Love you. Okay. If you will excuse me...", "Victoria: Uh, Jill, go easy on him. I mean, cane was just trying to be proactive. That's a good thing.", "Jill: Yeah. Unless it creates ill will with one of our most important customers.", "Cane: [Sighs] So I signed a deal with Renee Crofton from Kessler department stores U.S.A. And Canada with very specific start and end dates. So what would you like me to do now?", "Jill: I don't know. But I'm sure you'll come up with something. You seem to have all sorts of ideas about how to run the business. The trouble is, you keep forgetting that I am the one in charge.", "Victor: The rumors you are hearing are fabrications, you know, obviously put out by our competitors.", "Curtis: If that's true, then what's the point of leaking them?", "Linda: Once they're proven false, whoever did it just looks foolish.", "Victor: The person disseminating these lies obviously hopes that the lies will take on a life of their own, thereby creating some distrust about our company. People will have a lack of confidence, thereby bringing down Newman enterprises and me along with it.", "Linda: Then you believe this is a personal attack?", "Victor: You bet it's personal. But I'm on to their tactics. You tell the rest of the board of directors not to worry about a damn thing. I have everything under control.", "Curtis: Glad to see you're on top of it, Victor.", "Victor: I hope I have assuaged your fears.", "Linda: For now.", "Victor: Okay.", "Curtis: Thank you for your time, Victor.", "Victor: Thank you. Thank you for coming by.", "Travis: What do you think? Either of them behind it?", "Victor: Unh-unh. They've been around a long time.", "Travis: That precludes them from consideration?", "Victor: No, no, no, no, no. Not at all.", "Travis: Well, they're on my list.", "Victor: Travis, I have a feeling that half the people of this damn building are on your list.", "Travis: I'm starting to narrow it down.", "Victor: You got members of my family on that list?", "Travis: I do.", "Victor: Well, cross them off. No one in my family would do this. They would not intentionally sabotage my company, our company.", "Travis: You can play the victim in this. You can make a show out of suing GC buzz. But you and I both know the truth.", "Victor: Which is?", "Travis: Those documents weren't fake. And everything you're being accused of is accurate. Those divisions were in real trouble, and you moved money around to cover it up.", "Victor: You know why I'm launching this lawsuit against Devon Hamilton and his wife? I'm going to find out who is sending all this information to jack Abbott.", "Jack: You got two minutes to state your case, then get the hell out of here.", "Billy: What I have to say is not for Dave's ears.", "Jack: Dave, please wait right outside. Two minutes. Talk.", "Billy: Well, I hear that, uh, Victor is suing Devon and Hilary for the leaked financial information.", "Jack: So? What of that?", "Billy: 'Cause I know you're behind it. You outed Victor. You exposed his slimy ways. You hit him hard. Now he's gonna come back hitting harder.", "Jack: Victor has no proof that was me.", "Billy: You didn't fool me. You think you're gonna fool him?", "Jack: There is no evidence to be found.", "Billy: Not exactly a denial.", "Phyllis: He doesn't owe you one, Billy.", "Billy: What are you gonna do? You gonna just whistle past a graveyard pretending you're innocent in all this? He is going to retaliate. Worse, he's gonna escalate.", "Jack: So what are you telling me? He doesn't deserve this?", "Billy: No, of course, he deserves this. You know that, and he knows that, which is why, in his mind, you are gonna be suspect number one.", "Jack: Then what the hell do you care? He got hit. Things are starting to unravel.", "Billy: And you're enjoying every second of it, right?", "Jack: You bet I am.", "Billy: Like I said, going down the wrong path, jack. And trust me, you're not gonna like where this ends.", "Jack: Where is this coming from? Why are you here? You're concerned about Victor? You're certainly not concerned about me. Why are you here?!", "Billy: All right, you want the truth? I don't care if you and Victor slug each other until you're bleeding and breathless. I don't want to see you drag Phyllis down with you.", "Phyllis: Nothing like that is happening. Jack isn't dragging me into anything.", "Billy: I know you blame Phyllis and me for the affair that wrecked your marriage. But you blame Victor more, right, because it's easier. There's no temptation to forgive a man who's never apologized for anything in his life.", "Jack: Wow. You really have this figured out, don't you?", "Billy: It's an easy target, jack. Just unleash it all on Victor, all the hate, all the anger.", "Jack: You're making a mistake here.", "Billy: It's not just you. Do you understand that? This vendetta is going to hurt Phyllis. Unless that's what you want.", "Phyllis: Just stop it right now.", "Jack: You are no longer an employee here. You are no longer an Abbott. You are no longer my brother. Your opinion doesn't matter. You don't matter. You came here to save Phyllis? I suggest you go back to doing that work behind my back! Now get out of my office, or I will throw you out! Oh, please. Open your mouth. Give me good reason.", "Phyllis: Go. Billy, please.", "Michael: Uh, dare I ask how things went with Jill? Still planning to sue?", "Lauren: She didn't even know that they were in breach. And the contract that I've been hearing through the grapevine? It was cane.", "Michael: Cane?", "Lauren: Yeah, yeah. He's just been negotiating all over town without consulting anybody. He was willing to ditch Fenmore's and not even deal with the out-of-stock issue. I-I am -- I am beyond furious. Thank God that Jill and Victoria made good on it.", "Michael: Need something stronger?", "Lauren: Hmm. I'm okay, I'm okay. Probably shouldn't even be this upset. I'm just -- I-I cannot believe the way cane handled this and the way he treated me.", "Michael: How did he -- this doesn't have anything to do with last year and my, um, misguided attempt to push you two together?", "Lauren: Hadn't really even thought about that. But now that you bring it up...", "Michael: No. You and I are way past that. Too late.", "Lauren: Yes, we are. But it stings. Cane was a close friend of mine, but I guess that goes out the window when there's a buck to be made.", "Michael: Well, cane's being an idiot, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry that he's an idiot.", "Lauren: I'm disappointed. You know, he came to me. He wanted to be part of Fenmore's because he was tired of being second fiddle to Jill. And what does he do? He goes right back. And here I am, I'm watching them together, working, watching that dynamic. She's calling him out in front of Victoria and me.", "Michael: I guess he's just walked into the same situation.", "Lauren: Yes, he did. Only worse. So to answer your question, no, I am not suing my sister. And you, my darling, are free to pursue Victor's lawsuit.", "Travis: Hey, Natalie. You got a sec?", "Natalie: Sure. What's up?", "Travis: I need some research.", "Natalie: Pretty sure there's a whole department for that.", "Travis: I want you to investigate the Newman board of directors, everyone on it. I need to see everyone's financial picture -- bank accounts, stocks, bonds, as well as their phone records. You're gonna be looking for anything out of the ordinary -- unusual patterns, large purchases, that kind of thing.", "Natalie: I get it, I get it. I know how to find and analyze the personal data of anyone foolish enough to go online without taking the necessary precautions, which is pretty much anyone online. It's simple. I can do it in my sleep.", "Travis: Then why aren't you saying, \"sure, Travis. I can do that for you\"?", "Natalie: Because most of the board members are Newmans. Does Victor know what you're doing?", "Travis: I'd be grateful for the information.", "Natalie: Do you really think that someone from Victor's inner circle is responsible for leaking that data to GC buzz?", "Travis: This early in the game, it's a mistake to rule out anybody.", "Billy: Well, thank you very much, Dave. Couldn't have done it without you. You are one heck of a hall monitor, so appreciate it, but you can mosey on now. Don't test me, Abbott.", "Victoria: What was that about?", "Billy: Paid a little visit to jack and Phyllis.", "Victoria: Ah. Well, how long did it take for them to throw you out?", "Billy: I got an actual audience. Two minutes. I pushed it to two and a half.", "Victoria: Well, you must have had something really interesting to say.", "Billy: Well, most of the time I do, but not this time. Jack basically said that I'm dead to him.", "Victoria: [Winces] Ouch.", "Billy: Is that a smile? Are you having a little, uh, self-satisfying smirk there? Do you enjoy seeing me crash and burn, Victoria?", "Victoria: I can't believe that's even a question. Although I do have to ask myself why you even went up there when your brother has so much contempt for you.", "Billy: Glutton for punishment. Let's just say I have my reasons.", "Victoria: Anyway, you missed a really exciting morning this morning.", "Billy: Why do you say that?", "Victoria: Lauren's on the warpath.", "Billy: Why? She loves our product.", "Victoria: Well, evidently cane has been making deals behind everyone's back.", "Billy: What kind of deals?", "Victoria: With other retailers. And Lauren --", "Billy: She has an exclusive with us. What is he thinking?", "Victoria: That the rollout period is ending soon and Lauren is under the impression --", "Billy: She has the right of first refusal to extend her contract.", "Victoria: She has every right to assume that.", "Billy: It should be in her contract, but still, the option is implied. What did my mother say?", "Victoria: Let me just put it this way. It would have put you in a much more cheerful mood watching her put cane in his place.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Here's the other Abbott, the one who was tossed in the clink for brawling.", "Victoria: Hey, dad, you're here for lunch.", "Billy: So, I heard you got nailed in the press for cooking the books at Newman.", "Victor: When you see your brother jack, kindly tell him that I'm doing some sleuthing, okay? I'll soon find out who's responsible.", "Billy: I'm sure my brother can take care of himself.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Victor: At least one of the Abbott brothers can.", "Victoria: So, um, are you ready to go? I'm really hungry for that, you know, that mandarin salad that they have with the little orange slices. Bye, Billy.", "Billy: Enjoy your lunch.", "Victor: Oh, this is very nice today. Good menu.", "Victoria: Well, I already know what I'm having. So, I saw Hilary's piece on \"GC buzz television.\"", "Victor: Oh, yeah? Well, that was nothing but tabloid journalism. And I'm gonna sue the hell out of Devon for that.", "Victoria: You think the documents were fake?", "Victor: Of course they were fake. It has jack Abbott written all over it. He is spinning out of control ever since he found out about his brother Billy boy having an affair with his wife.", "Victoria: It takes two.", "Victor: Sweetheart, this latest attack on our company is a desperate act by jack Abbott. That's all.", "Victoria: So you think he manufactured the evidence.", "Victor: Of course, he did. Put our company and me in a bad light.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Meaning you think there's gonna be an investigation.", "Victor: Let there be an investigation. They can bring on the FBI, IRS. I don't care what agency they bring. Our books are clean.", "Victoria: Dad, if you remember correctly, Luca did a real number on the oil division, and I know that because I was C.E.O. at the time. There's no way that you can turn things around that quickly.", "Victor: Watch me.", "Travis: This should be everyone who had direct access to the area protected by the firewall.", "Natalie: When do you need this?", "Travis: 10 minutes ago.", "Natalie: Don't get pushy.", "Travis: I also want to look at something else.", "Natalie: Don't make me regret helping you.", "Travis: I also want to look at the satellite players. Anyone close to the people on this list who could have used them to somehow gain access. People who owed money, had expensive problems, people who might be holding a grudge against Victor.", "Natalie: That'll be a long list. And it'll include people who are close to you, too.", "Travis: I realize that. But we need to be thinking creatively on this, okay?", "Natalie: All right. I'll compile everything I can find. I'll have it for you and Victor after I'm done. I'll print it out --", "Travis: Actually, right now, let's just keep this between us.", "[Pen clicking]", "Jill: Oh! Good, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk about the timing of our next product rollout.", "Billy: Why don't you ask him?", "Jill: 'Cause I'm asking you.", "Billy: Well, cane's the one with the ideas. I'm just a glorified foot soldier taking orders.", "Jill: Oh, Lord. I saw Victor leaving with Victoria. Is this why you're in such a lousy mood?", "Billy: No, because Victoria and I are through, all right? She's serious with Newman's new golden boy. I'm just the town pariah.", "Cane: You know what? As much as I would love to sit here and listen to you discuss the finer points of your fall from grace, I have a distribution deal I need to go and salvage. Excuse me.", "Jill: Honey, what is really gnawing at you? Please tell me you're not thinking of going up against Victor again.", "Billy: No, actually. I was the voice of reason on that very subject earlier. [Clears throat]", "Jill: Really? With whom?", "Billy: Well, I told jack not to go poke the bear, to learn from my mistakes with Victor, that there's nothing to ever gain, that you only lose. So, go ahead. Tell me that that was a waste of time because there's no way that jack's ever gonna listen to me.", "Jill: No. I'm gonna tell you how proud I am of you. Honey, you knew he'd be hostile, but you tried to help anyway. It was the right thing to do. No, it proves that you're willing to change.", "Billy: Yeah, well, for the record, I didn't do it for jack. I did it for Phyllis. If he's gonna be that reckless, I don't want him taking her down with him.", "Jill: For god's sake!", "Billy: What do you mean? I thought you just said you were proud of me.", "Jill: Ohhh! Phyllis again! She is so bad for you! I thought you closed the door on that!", "Billy: Okay. I know that you have a feeling about this, but you're not gonna like this part. I'm always gonna care about Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Billy is very sure that you and I are working together.", "Jack: It doesn't make any difference.", "Phyllis: Well, it might if he decides to make trouble for us.", "Jack: What? If he tries to stop us from going after Victor to protect you?", "Phyllis: I don't need protection. And quite frankly, Billy should mind his own business. What are you looking for?", "Jack: The Ryerson contract. Legal redlined a copy for me, and I don't know where I put it.", "Phyllis: The Ryerson file. Right here.", "Jack: Thank you. I don't give a damn about what Billy says or does! I meant what I said! He is out of my life! Hell, he's done more to mess up my life than Victor has.", "Phyllis: I can understand why you would believe that.", "Jack: What? You think I'm being too harsh on him?", "Phyllis: I'm not gonna tell you how to act. I'm not gonna tell you how to feel.", "Jack: I'm not gonna try to punish him. I'm not gonna waste my energy. Hell, he's perfectly capable of self-destructing all on his own.", "[Knock on door]", "Jack: Come in. Thank you, Pamela. \"Enclosed: Legal documents.\"", "Phyllis: Three guesses who they're from.", "Jack: Oh, this is Victor's counterattack. First he sues GC buzz. Then he sues me.", "Phyllis: Well, he moved fast.", "Jack: Yeah, they move fast. This is not from Victor. This is from my lawyers. Our divorce papers.", "Jill: Here are the spreadsheets I wanted you to look over.", "Cane: You could have e-mailed them to me.", "Jill: No, cane. I wanted to bring them to you in person so I could discuss my instructions. Also so you wouldn't go off half-cocked and make decisions on your own.", "Cane: You know what? I don't know why you're so bent out of shape. We had an exclusive deal with Fenmore's. It was coming to an end. I was setting up a new buyer. You know why? Because that is my job.", "Jill: It is also your job to keep me informed. You are part of a team, cane. That means you don't make decisions unilaterally! That is why I made you and Victoria and Billy equal! So you could all bring your own particular talents to the table!", "Cane: This conversation's getting old, okay? I'm sick of this. This is a matchmaking exercise, and I'm the third wheel here to make sure if it goes south, everything's gonna be okay.", "Jill: That wasn't the only reason, cane!", "Cane: And I was okay with it in the beginning! Didn't care what my job title was 'cause all I wanted to do was prove to you I'm the right person to run this division. Case in point -- new fragrance. I did the consumer research, the development, the marketing, the rollout. I even did the advertising on the release of it. I even miss everything with my family. I didn't see the kids' Halloween play last night. Do you know why? Because I'm sitting down with Renee Crofton trying to close the deal that you now want me to go and renegotiate!", "Jill: I'm so sorry you missed the kids' play! I never meant for that to happen!", "Cane: You have been testing me since day one, and I have delivered, and I will continue to deliver! And that, my friend, is the bottom line.", "Jill: No, cane. No, that is not the bottom line.", "Victor: You know, sweetheart... I built Newman enterprises from the ground up. You don't think I could do it again?", "Victoria: In a matter of hours? I know you can get the company back on its feet, but I'm suspicious of how quickly you're doing it. Look, I ran the company for months. I know every division inside and out.", "Victor: Jack Abbott set out to ruin me, and he's using someone from the inside of the company to get to very sensitive information, okay, very sensitive documents.", "Victoria: Someone like Travis? I know you suspected him, dad.", "Victor: If he told you that, then he must have also told you that I don't suspect him. However, since we are talking about your boyfriend, he's keeping something to himself.", "Lauren: For the life of me, I cannot understand why Victor has come to you for legal help and why you have decided to take the case.", "Michael: Uh, well, Victor feels I owe him for trying to throw his defense. This is my penance.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] Really? Because I believe the bar's disciplinary committee that suspended you, that was your penance.", "Michael: He's the type of guy who likes to dole out his own kind of punishment.", "Lauren: But you don't need to take it.", "Michael: No. I let my friendship with Phyllis, my outrage at how Victor treated her and jack, I let that affect my professional judgment. It led me to cross lines that I shouldn't have crossed. It was a valuable lesson. It's one I hope Phyllis learns, too.", "Jack: I guess they were able to expedite things. Good. Let's sign, get this over with. That was our deal. You give me the divorce if you keep your job.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Jack: I got work to do. Could you give that to my assistant?", "Jill: Look, a little friendly competition between peers is a healthy thing. And to be honest, I was wondering how sharp you were gonna be coming out of a much smaller operation.", "Cane: So what is your verdict?", "Jill: There's no verdict. Look, when I took you away from Fenmore's, I knew you were hard-working. I knew how talented you were. But you can't be running things on your own, all right? Just stop trying that. You have two very capable partners. No, listen to me. Two very capable partners with special skill sets. You divvy up the work according to all of you. And here's the really important thing. Every night you go home to your family. You do not stay here working till midnight.", "Cane: But if I don't do that, who's going to do the work? 'Cause these two, all they have in their life is personal problems. I'm the one here who's driving this company in the right direction. It's going in that direction because of me, not because of them. They're not 100% committed to the company like I am. Do you understand this?", "Jill: I do understand that. I do. I understand that you're passionate and you're committed, and it's what makes you so damn good. What I don't want is for you to burn out! That's why I had you carve the pumpkins with the kids here. And I'm so, so sorry you missed the play. I'm so sorry. You've got to learn to strike balance.", "Cane: I'm trying to strike a balance.", "Jill: Good.", "Cane: You know, yesterday Neil and lily and -- and the kids, they come in the club.", "Jill: Right.", "Cane: And the kids were acting all rambunctious, and I'm trying to close this deal with Renee. And she looks up and she's like, \"who are these kids misbehaving in this fine establishment?\"", "Jill: She didn't know they were your kids.", "Cane: No, she didn't know. So I tell her, \"that's my kids and I'm proud of them and the way lily and I raised them.\" Then I get up and I walk away from the meeting, and I go and I sit down with my family.", "Jill: Gutsy move!", "Cane: It had to be done. So you know what happens?", "Jill: What?", "Cane: She watches me for a little while, then she comes over, apologizes, and awards me the deal.", "Jill: What a great story! [Laughs] I love it. I love the way you handled her, and you closed the deal.", "Cane: So you don't have to worry. I am keeping things balanced, okay? I'm doing it.", "Lauren: Thank you. Honey? There a problem with Victor's case?", "Michael: Uh, no, no. This is from Phyllis. Uh... she and jack signed the papers. Their divorce is final.", "Lauren: Wow. That was soon, right?", "Michael: Yeah. I'm sure jack used his connections to speed things along.", "Lauren: I just wish they had taken more time and worked through their pain and anger and come out the other side.", "Michael: Hmm. We're living proof that that's possible.", "Lauren: Yes, we are. You know, after everything that they've been through and the love that's still there, it's just -- it's sad that they couldn't work it out.", "Michael: Yeah. But knowing Phyllis, I don't think a decree will faze her. I don't think it will matter to her that, uh, the divorce is done or how impossible the odds may seem. She's never gonna give up on jack.", "Billy: Phyllis. Wait. Stop. Phyllis, please. Just wait a second. Hey, I'm sorry, all right? Stop. Please. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have barged into the office like that. I obviously upset you, and that's not what I intended.", "Phyllis: Not now.", "Billy: Please stop, okay? I get it, all right? This is your life. You get to make whatever choices you get to make. I know my part in this, all right? I blew up your life. But Victor was a big part of that. Our hate for that man is what brought us together in the first place, wanting to make him pay. And that's exactly what I see happening with jack.", "Phyllis: It's over. My divorce is final.", "Jack: Love is a funny thing. You can't see it, you can't touch it, you can't lock it up so you can't steal it. But when two people share it, it is strong, it is powerful. And if one of them doesn't screw it up, it's forever. Please don't screw this up. Did you sleep with Billy?", "Phyllis: Yes. We know how to roll with the bad times, and we especially know how to claw our way back to the good ones. We have proven that we can face anything, and this is part of anything.", "Jack: [Voice breaking] All those incredible memories -- I want to scrub them off me with bleach!", "Phyllis: Don't say that!", "Jack: They were all lies!", "Phyllis: No! I have missed you. I had to get back to you as quickly as possible... to you, to this house, to this bed, the talking and to the fighting, making love. Yes, I loved you both. But I chose you. In the end, I chose us.", "Jack: In the end?! This is the end. Anything we ever were, anything we ever had, anything we ever could have been you just destroyed.", "Phyllis: Because I do stupid and crazy things! And you of all people should know that! And if you don't, well, then you tell me who the hell you fell in love with!", "Jack: I fell in love with you.", "Phyllis: [Sobs]", "Jack: I fell in love with you and all your stubbornness and your tense, headstrong, misguided passion.", "Victoria: Oh, hey, there.", "Travis: Hey.", "Victoria: Natalie. Hey. What are you doing here?", "Natalie: I work here. For your dad.", "Victoria: Oh, I see. Um, so you're his new assistant.", "Natalie: What? You don't think I can handle it?", "Victoria: No, it's not that. It's just that a person with your expertise in computers is --", "Natalie: What am I doing wasting my life playing secretary?", "Victoria: Frankly, yeah.", "Natalie: Yeah, it's not my dream job, but I was burning through my pass key royalty money and I needed a new gig. So here I am.", "Travis: I think we're all set here, right?", "Natalie: Yep.", "Travis: Okay. I'm going back to my office.", "Victoria: I'll come with you.", "Travis: Okay.", "Victoria: Okay, so let's be real. What is Natalie really doing here? I know that my father wouldn't hire some world-class coder and hacker to cover the phones.", "Travis: It's like she said. She needed a gig.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sorry. I'm not buying it. I know my father. So what is Natalie's first assignment? To figure out who's behind the leak? Who's on the top of the list?", "Travis: We're looking at all the associates at Newman right now -- employees, board members.", "Victoria: So what you're saying is that I'm a suspect, too.", "Natalie: You buzzed?", "Victor: Yeah. Kindly close the door. So, how is it going with your current assignment?", "Natalie: Well, I strengthened the firewall and encrypted all the sensitive financial files. But it may not matter.", "Victor: What do you mean?", "Natalie: Travis thinks the leak may be coming from inside your family.", "Travis: I don't know how else I can say it.", "Victoria: Well, it doesn't matter if you come up with 50 more ways of saying it. I'm not buying what you're selling. If you think that my family is behind this leak, then I'm definitely at the top of the list. But it's a stupid list.", "Travis: Okay, you're entitled to your opinion, okay?", "Victoria: Look, my entire family made amends with my father when he got out of prison. We're the ones that helped him to get out of prison. I kept Newman enterprises afloat the entire time knowing when he got back here, he was gonna toss me out. There's no way that my family would turn their backs on him now. Is this what my dad thinks? Is he really that paranoid? I'm gonna talk to him.", "Travis: Don't, don't.", "Victoria: He doesn't know that you're doing this, does he? He doesn't know that you're looking into the family.", "Travis: I'm just doing my due diligence.", "Victoria: You're not gonna find anything. There's nothing to find. My family doesn't need any money. There's no way we would give this damning evidence to the press.", "Travis: Maybe this is about more than just money. Did you think about that?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Jack: Yeah, I have the money. You'll get it when you deliver me a sledgehammer big enough to shatter Victor's world.", "Phyllis: We signed the papers in the office.", "Billy: After I came in and made everything more tense.", "Phyllis: He said some horrible things about you, no longer being his brother or even an Abbott.", "Billy: [Scoffs] I wasn't surprised by any of that.", "Phyllis: He didn't mean it. That was his anger talking. And don't pretend that doesn't bother you. I know it does.", "Billy: Then don't kid yourself, okay? He meant every word. Jack's disowned me. But I wouldn't take any of it back because of what I had with you, because I still care about you.", "Phyllis: What? What are you -- are -- are you thinking because I'm free you still have a chance?", "Billy: Phyllis, that's not what I'm saying.", "Phyllis: I love jack. I love jack, and I knew this was gonna happen. I knew the divorce was gonna happen. But it is a stupid signature on a stack of papers, and it's -- it's not the end. Jack and I belong together, and nothing is gonna stop that. You are not gonna stop that. So if you want me to be happy and if you say that you care, you have to leave me the hell alone.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Natalie: No more leaks for Newman enterprises, not on my watch.", "Victor: I have a better idea.", "Hilary: How do you feel about your husband's unethical business practices?", "Nikki: Are you recording this?", "Dylan: What's going on here? It seems like you're dancing around something.", "Patty: There's no more dancing!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Devon tries his best to call in favors to stop Lily's transfer to a prison four hours away but he is unable to stop the transfer so Lily says a tearful and emotional goodbye to her family. Jack, Traci , Billy , Abby, and Kyle come up with a very generous offer for Ashley's patents including a raise , bigger R&D budget and royalties on the sale of all the products she developed but Ashley doesn't want that and decides to take some time to decide what to do. Traci and Abby make Ashley see that their father wouldn't want their family fighting over the company. Ashley takes some time to think and announces to the family that she is taking her patents and moving to Paris.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Cane: You know what lily's like -- once she gets invested, she doesn't back down.", "Neil: Now she's got a prison gang after her!", "Cane: All she had to do was lay low.", "Lily: She wants to move me to a new prison.", "Jack: I thought we could sit and make you a generous and appropriate offer for your patents.", "Ashley: I don't want your money.", "Jack: Then what is it you want?", "Ashley: I want to reinstated as C.E.O.", "Traci: Ashley was always daddy's favorite, and jack was always working overtime just to feel worthy of the name john abbott jr.", "Billy: The more things change...", "Ashley: I've decided on a project for the science fair.", "John: Are you going with how music affects plants?", "Ashley: No.", "John: I got it. How to make the best chocolate chip cookie ever.", "Ashley: No, dad. My experiment's chemistry-based.", "John: Chemistry-based? Maybe you could ask jack for help.", "Ashley: I do not need jack's help. I'm gonna show how to make soap from natural ingredients.", "John: That's pretty ambitious for a sixth grader.", "Ashley: I can do it.", "John: I'm sure you can, my beauty.", "Ashley: A boy will probably win first prize, anyway. They do every year.", "John: It's time to change that.", "Ashley: You really think i can?", "John: I know you can. You are a smart young lady. All right? When you win that blue ribbon, they'll see how smart.", "Ashley: Everyone except mom.", "John: I'm sorry she won't be there.", "Ashley: I thought if I worked really hard and did the best i could, mom would love me just as much as she loves jack. But now she's not even here.", "Dina: Thank you.", "Ashley: Could I have a moment alone with her?", "Abby: Of course. I'll be right back.", "Dina: Uh, do I know you?", "Ashley: Yes. I'm ashley.", "Dina: Oh! I have beautiful daughter named ashley.", "Ashley: Oh. I know you do.", "Dina: Would you like some tea? I'll get mamie t o get you some.", "Ashley: No, I just -- I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. Actually, I wanted to thank you.", "Dina: Thank me? For what?", "Ashley: Well, sometimes relationships with mothers and daughters can be so tricky.", "Dina: Well, I tried to be a good mom.", "Ashley: I know. I just always thought that you loved jackie more than me.", "Dina: Oh, well, jackie is special.", "Ashley: That's what you said all the time.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ]", "Ashley: In my mind, that just meant that somehow I didn't measure up. And then, when I found out that brent davis was my father, it made perfect sense. Of course you would love jack and traci more, because they were john's children.", "Dina: Oh. They are all my children.", "Ashley: I know that now. You were looking out for me back then when you had daddy draw up those documents that leave me the rights to the patents of all the formulas that I created.", "Dina: I just don't -- don't remember, dear.", "Ashley: I know. It doesn't matter because you did it. You made sure that my paternity couldn't be used against me to cut me out of my share of daddy's legacy. I mean, you -- you put that in writing for me.", "Dina: Oh, sweetheart, you're crying.", "Ashley: They're happy tears.", "Dina: Oh, I'm glad.", "Ashley: You know, for so long, I doubted that you loved me, and I see that I was wrong. You did love me.", "Billy: C.E.O. Like we can just snap our fingers and make that happen?", "Jack: Ashley knows we have enough votes in this family to put her back in charge.", "Billy: Are you thinking about doing that, jack?", "Jack: I am not going to let her use a document that was written decades ago to force her back into this office.", "Billy: Why didn't dad just tell you about the document, or ashley?", "Jack: There is no point in trying to figure that out. We have to find some way to get ashley to back down, to accept something other than the position as C.E.O. In compensation for her patents.", "Billy: And you think that's possible?", "Jack: Everyone has a price. We just have to figure out what ashley's is.", "Cane: Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. How are you? Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Um, well, I got a call saying you needed to see me right away. Are you okay?", "Lily: I'm fine, yeah.", "Cane: Okay, so what is it about? Is this about th e transfer?", "Lily: It officially went through.", "Cane: Where are they moving you to?", "Lily: Lakewood correctional center.", "Cane: I don't understand. What's the difference between that and this place? I mean, the criminals there are just as hard as they are here.", "Lily: And it's four hours away.", "Cane: You know, they're doing this to move you to the farthest prison they can.", "Lily: I mean, seeing my family is what's helped me survive this, and if I'm hundreds of miles from you --", "Cane: It's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen, okay? I'm gonna do everything I can to stop this. Okay? All right.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey. All right, um, so devon is calling in a favor to try and get the transfer stopped, okay?", "Lily: Do you think he can?", "Cane: I don't know, but, you know, he's trying every resource he has, so we just have to hope for the best.", "Lily: And prepare for the worst.", "Cane: This is so unfair, i know. I mean, there's -- there's got to be another way that they can protect you.", "Lily: You know what's ironic is that this is all happening because I befriended someone. And if I had just done that with hilary instead of always attacking her...", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey. Don't do that. Don't do it. Don't do it.", "Lily: No, it's true. My animosity is what killed hilary and her baby. And now I'm paying the price for it. I'm just sorry tht m y family has to pay for my mistakes.", "Cane: Don't worry about us. Okay? Don't do that.", "Lily: Yeah, well, you might as well tell me not to breathe.", "Cane: Hey. This is not over.", "Lily: I think you should tell mattie and charlie's what's going on.", "Cane: Okay. You hang in there, okay? I love you.", "Lily: I love you.", "Cane: Okay.", "Devon: Hi, could you tell senator palmer that devon hamilton is calling? Thank you, I'll hold.", "Nate: You think he'll be able to help lily?", "Devon: I've been a staunch supporter of his for years.", "Neil: Well, politicians -- they like to make their donors happy.", "Nate: Well, i think it's crazy that you have to pull strings like this. Why don't they just move the inmates who are threatening lily?", "Neil: Michael said he's looking into it. I'm gonna give him a call and see if he found anything out.", "Devon: Senator! I'm well, thank you. Did you happen to get my e-mail? And did you have a chance to look over my sister's case? That's correct. There was no drugs or alcohol involved, she wasn't using her cellphone. She has no priors whatsoever. And it's a bit ridiculous that they even put her in such a dangerous population, and now she's being threatened. Well, senator, I've been supporting you for a while now because I believe that you fight for what is right. And that's really all I'm asking you to do here. Well, I don't think that an early release is unreasonable. Well, sir, if I may, my wife and unborn child were killed in that accident, so if anyone would want to see lily punished, it'd be me. But this is not the way to do it. It's just wrong. She's a good person who made a mistake, and I don't believe that she should be punished in this way. No, I'm not -- I don't think that she should just walk. I think that she could be confined to her home, she could be monitored by having to wear an ankle bracelet, or, at the very least, transferred to a less secure facility. Oh, no, no, no. Senator -- not at all. I would never ask you to do anything that even hints of impropriety. Yeah, that's right. I'm simply asking if you can just see what you can do, if anything at all. I appreciate that. I really do. And I'll be looking forward to your call.", "Nate: Any luck?", "Neil: Michael talked to the warden. She insists there's no thing she can do about moving the other inmates. How about you?", "Devon: Senator palmer said he's going to do his best.", "Neil: I hope that's enough.", "Traci: You guys look terrible.", "Billy: Yeah, we didn't exactly get our beauty sleep last night.", "Jack: We were here all night trying to come up with a solution we can all live with.", "Kyle: You really think that's a thing?", "Abby: I just saw my mom. I don't think she's in the mood to compromise.", "Jack: Okay. My dad drew up this contract for one reason.", "Traci: Uh, mother was just as big a part of those documents as daddy was.", "Jack: Okay, dina obviously saw that ashley's paternity would eventually come out. So she went to dad and asked him to draw up a contract to protect her.", "Abby: Mm, from something like your \"blood abbott\" clause.,", "Traci: Okay, the point is, both of our parents wanted ashley to share in dad's legacy.", "Jack: Which is why billy and I want to offer her a very generous sum for the right to her patents.", "Kyle: How generous?", "Abby: It doesn't matter. My mom doesn't want money. She just wants to be C.E.O. Again.", "Kyle: Well, she's not getting it, not after what she did to my dad.", "Abby: O h, really, well, what about what your dad did to my mom?", "Kyle: No freakin' way you can compare the two!", "Abby: Your dad tried to push my mom out of her own family.", "Kyle: That justifies her sick lie? My dad almost lost it when he thought he wasn't an abbott.", "Abby: My mom did lose it when he told her she wasn't \"abbott\" enough to be C.E.O.!", "Traci: No, no, no, no! Stop it! Both of you! This is not helping.", "Jack: We have to stick together if we're gonna get through this. For whatever reason, ashley doesn't feel that her contributions to jabot have been recognized.", "Abby: \"Whatever reason?\" Really?", "Traci: If dad had just told us about those documents years ago, we could have avoided all of this pain and heartache.", "Jack: I'm sure he would have. He had a stroke! He didn't have a chance!", "Abby: All my mom ever wanted was to be seen as uncle jack's equal.", "Kyle: She just wanted to be john abbott's daughter.", "Abby: She is his daughter!", "Jack: She was his favorite daughter.", "Abby: Really? Is that what this is about? You're jealous, so you use her paternity against her to try to take away the one parent she felt ever cared for her?", "Traci: Mother loved ashley, too.", "Abby: Aunt traci, you didn't hear her back at the house talking to dina. She said that she grew up feeling like her own mom didn't love her. She was convinced it's because she's ruined dina and john's picture-perfect family. And you know what, your \"blood abbott\" clause, it confirmed her worst fear -- that she would never measure up because she wasn't a real abbott. What you did to my mom is just as bad as what she did to you. But we all forgave you! So why can't we just forgive my mother and give her the title of C.E.O.?", "Kyle: Oh, I don't know, maybe because she's using extortion to force our hands?", "Abby: Look, grandpa gave her those patents because he knew uncle jack would try to grab all the power.", "Kyle: Instead, ashley 's doing it.", "Traci: All right, none of us are living up to daddy's expectations. An, in my opinion, no member of this family should run jabot right now. I mean, look at us! We're fighting, we're name-calling, we're vying for control of daddy's company. This is note exactly the legacy he left us.", "Jack: No, dad would have been very disappointed.", "Traci: We are abbotts, and the only way we're going to survive this is start acting like it. I only hope it isn't too late.", "John: She loves you.", "Ashley: All we did was fight. Maybe I'm the reason she left.", "John: Your mother leaving had nothing to do with you.", "Ashley: Maybe not. But I bet she doesn't miss me.", "John: I guarantee you she does.", "Ashley: Not as much as she misses jack. He's her favorite.", "John: You're hurt and angry. That's why you're saying these things.", "Ashley: As mad as I am at her, I still want her to be at the science fair.", "John: I know you do.", "Ashley: But now she's gone, and it's not just this one thing she's gonna miss. She won't be here for my birthday, my sixth grade graduation, the mother- daughter tea... she's gonna miss everything. [ Sobbing ] Shes' gonna miss everything, daddy. She's gonna miss everything.", "John: Oh, my beauty. Oh, my beauty, my beauty. It's going to be okay. I'll always be here for you. I promise.", "Ashley: [ Cries ]", "Jack: Come on in. Have a seat.", "Ashley: Hi. Can't start the party without the guest of honor. So, I take it this is about reinstating me as C.E.O.", "Jack: Well, we have all been discussing that on both a professional and personal perspective.", "Ashley: Okay, sounds very civil.", "Jack: Every person in this room wants to honor dad's wishes where you're concerned.", "Ashley: Okay, well, you are legally bound to, jack.", "Jack: Dad obviously valued your considerable contributions to this company and wanted you to be compensated fairly. So we have all decided to make this offer for complete rights to your patents.", "Billy: In additional, you'll get royalties on every future sale on any product that you developed.", "Ashley: Yeah, that's also what the contract says.", "Jack: It goes without saying, we would also love for you to continue to run r&d with an increased salary and budget, of course.", "Kyle: You'd also get royalties on any new products you create.", "Jack: Which would make you the most highly compensated person in this company. By a considerable margin.", "Ashley: But this isn't about money, jack, and you know that. But in true jack abbott fashion, you're trying to buy me off.", "Abby: We all agreed to this.", "Ashley: You all agreed that i don't deserve to be C.E.O.?", "Abby: That's not what I was gonna say.", "Ashley: It's okay, honey. This has -- it's got you written all over it, jack, when you are willing to cripple jabot financially just to keep me from being C.E.O. And the rest of you thoroughbred abbotts went along for the ride, as usual. You, billy, the embezzler, you, kyle, who used your own uncle's gambling addiction to bring him down, and you, jack, are single-handedly responsible for putting jabot in the hands of victor newman for how many years? But what I did is so bad that it precludes me from being C.E.O. Okay. That just tells me how much you respect me, jackie. Or should I say how little.", "Charlie: If mom hasn't done anything wrong, then why are they moving her?", "Cane: Because standing up to those bullies has put your mom in danger.", "Mattie: Then transfer the prisoners that are threatening her.", "Cane: B aby, it's not that easy, all right? We're working on other things.", "Mattie: Did you think of any other solutions?", "Cane: We're hopeful, okay?", "Mattie: Dad, you said you'd be honest with us.", "Cane: Baby, I'm trying to be honest with you. I don't know what's gonna happen, okay, and I didn't want to say anything until we knew because I didn't want to upset you, but your mum insisted.", "Charlie: Why would we be upset if mom's getting moved for her own protection?", "Cane: Okay.", "Mattie: Because there's a good chance that the prison that they'll transfer her to won't be as close as walworth.", "Charlie: Is that true, dad?", "Cane: All right, look, your uncle devon and michael baldwin are trying to make sure that doesn't happen, okay? But what is the most important thing right now is that your mum is safe. So I say we'll wai t for all that to play out, we just go and visit her as much as we can, all right?", "Mattie: Okay, great. Can we go now, then?", "Cane: Yeah. That's a great idea. Come on, let's go.", "Nate: Okay, thank you. Just spoke to the prison doctor. He assured that lily's in good physical condition, and, under the circumstances, that her mental state is solid, too.", "Devon: Well, she's strong, but, honestly, I don't know how much more she can take than this. I really don'T.", "Nate: I mean, I could speak to victor. I mean, he's grateful for all I've done for him and nikki.", "Devon: I've already talked to him, and I've already reached out to anybody that he would contact, so senator palmer's our last hope.", "Nate: Well, hopefully he'll come through.", "Devon: I told neil I'd give him a call as soon as I heard anything. [ Cellphone rings ] There he is. Senator palmer, do you have any good news for me?", "John: You finish your homework?", "Jack: Yeah.", "John: Want to go hit the court, work on your backhand?", "Jack: I was wondering if maybe we could talk. About mom leaving. I -- I can tell you're taking it pretty hard, so --", "John: Your mother made her choice.", "Jack: Yeah, w ell, I can see that you're hurt, you know, and so am I, and... just as much as ashley.", "John: Ashley is a young girl. We're men.", "Jack: But can't we still feel sad and hurt?", "John: Do you remember the night your mother left?", "Jack: When we made root beer floats?", "John: We talked, ma n to man, and you made a promise to be strong for your sisters.", "Jack: I remember.", "John: Time to live up to that promise. Ashley's having a hard time dealing with the absence of your mother. And traci -- even though she's young, it's affecting her, too.", "Jack: It's affecting all of us, dad.", "John: But you and I have to take charge. I have my company to run, and, soon, you'll understand how much time and effort that takes.", "Jack: I know how hard you work, dad, and someday I just want to be like you.", "John: Well, you can start now. Since I'll be spen ding so much time at the office, I'll need you to take the lead here at home.-Look after your sisters. Not feel sorry for yourself. Understand?", "Jack: I understand.", "Jack: Ashley, I made a promise to dad to always protect you. I failed him. I know I hurt you, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.", "Ashley: But not enough to make me C.E.O.", "Billy: You really want to force your way to the top spot of jabot, don't you?", "Ashley: As opposed to the noble way that you got in the top position, billy? Last blood abbott standing? You know what, just for the record, embezzlement beats out lying to your brother any day of the week.", "Billy: Yeah, th ey both suck, and I'm paying for it.", "Traci: It doesn't mean you can never been C.E.O. Like I told the family, none of us should be running the company right now.", "Kyle: I think john abbott would agree.", "Ashley: God, you didn't even know him!", "Traci: Ashley.", "Kyle: It's okay. She's right. But I don't think he intended for the documents he drew up to be used as a power grab.", "Ashley: I don't care what you think! Those document s are legal and binding. Please stop.", "Abby: Mom, please. Please. Grandpa would hate what is going on here. Ever since I was a little girl, you always taught me the values that he instilled in you -- honor, decency, love of family -- and you are going against everything he stood for.", "Ashley: Jack started it with that \"blood abbott\" clause.", "Abby: No. It started way before then. It started when you were a little girl. Mom, I heard you. I heard you talking to dina. You said that you grew up feeling like she never loved you as much as her other children. And when you found out that john wasn't your biological father, it sent you into a tailspin that you never recovered from. Mom, even if uncle jack hadn't changed those bylaws, I don't think it would have mattered. You never felt loved, you never felt respected, not until you found out what dina did for you. I know how much it matters to you. I saw the look on yo ur face. You finally felt like she loved you as much as her other children, that she loved you as much as she loved uncle jack and aunt traci.", "Traci: Whatever else you're feeling right now, please know all of us love you and respect you.", "Jack: It's true, ashley.", "Billy: I hope you know how i feel, ash.", "Abby: Mom, please. Don't make a decision out of anger that's gonna hurt all of us, including you.", "Traci: Think of what daddy would want -- for this family to heal.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] Well, you've definitely given me a lot to think about. I need a little time.", "Abby: Maybe I should go after her.", "Traci: No. She said she needed time. Let's give it to her.", "Jack: Traci's right. You both said everything that needed to be said. I don't know, I felt like maybe I should have said more, should have told her I still loved her, but she didn't see open to -- god, how did we get here?! Ashley and I have had our ups and downs for years. Never like this.", "Billy: Jack. [ Sighs ] I bet she would love to go back to the way things were just as bad as you.", "Jack: Oh, I'm not so sure, buddy.", "Billy: Come on. She is going to real ize that her relationship with you is more important than any C.E.O. Chair.", "Jack: Starting to sound like traci, the unfailing optimist.", "Billy: Well, I will take that as a compliment.", "Abby: I'm glad someone else is being optimistic besides aunt traci. She always is.", "Billy: There's a reason for it. Come on, eve ry time we've been through a rough moment, whether it was losing dad or colleen or delia, we've always worked it out. And we'll do the same this time. We'll work through this tough moment.", "Kyle: Wish I shared your confidence.", "Billy: It's jack and ashley we're talking about, okay? They've held this family together since they were young. They've had to.", "Jack: You mean because dina left.", "Billy: That, an d traci was young, but jack and ashley had to fill the void.", "Traci: No, actually, it was always just jack. You're right, honey, I was a little girl, and I didn't understand everything, but i understood that. Ashley was devastated when mother left, and I remember a certain science fair. Ashley won first prize. Mother wasn't there, but jack was. And even when daddy had to go back to work, jack is the one who stayed and helped her celebrate. He got her a little cake with a blue ribbon on it. He sang... \"for she's a jolly good sister.\"", "Abby: That is so sweet.", "Traci: It's so sweet. And jack was always there for us.", "Billy: Who was there for you?", "Jack: It was a different time. Boys weren't suppo sed to show their emotions.", "Traci: But you never complained.", "Jack: Dad needed me to be a man.", "Abby: But you were just a kid, forced to be a grown-up.", "Jack: What you working on?", "Ashley: Science fair project.", "Jack: If you need any help, i could definitely --", "Ashley: I don'T.", "Jack: I'm talking, like, if you need any help with anything at all.", "Ashley: Like what?", "Jack: Well, I saw you crying earlier, and I just thought if you needed somebody to talk to, then...", "Ashley: Dad made me feel better.", "Jack: Yeah, he spends a lot of time doing that.", "Ashley: That's not true.", "Jack: Oh, come on, ash. You know you're his favorite. He doesn't go around calling me \"my beauty.\"", "Ashley: Very funny. Besides... you're mom's favorite.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] It's too bad she didn't care about any of us enough to stick around.", "Ashley: At least we still have dad.", "Jack: I think things are gonna be different now.", "Ashley: What are you talking about?", "Jack: I just think things are gonna change now that mom is gone. Dad's gonna be busy work ing and trying to be both parents, and he might not always be here to make you feel better.", "Ashley: Dad will always make time for me.", "Jack: Well, if he doesn't, then I want to be there for you.", "Ashley: You?", "Jack: Yes. Me. Okay? If you need anybody. It's gonna get hard. I want you to be able to talk to me.", "Ashley: You m ean it?", "Jack: Yes. Okay? I'm your big brother. I'm gonna protect you. That's my job. Okay?", "Cane: Michael's appealing to the prison board to get you moved to a facility that is closer to home.", "Mattie: Yeah, and uncle devon is waiting to hear from his friend who's a senator. Dad said he might be able to get you released with an ankle monitor.", "Lily: I wouldn't get your hopes up.", "Mattie: Why, has something happened?", "Lily: They told me to pack my personal belongings because they're moving me after our visit.", "Mattie: What?!", "Cane: You know where you're going?", "Lily: Wait, i thought you told them.", "Cane: I didn't want to say anything until we knew the transfer was happening.", "Mattie: Where are they sending you?", "Lily: Lakewood correctional center.", "Mattie: That's hours away.", "Lily: Hey. This is for my safety.", "Mattie: But we still haven't heard from uncle devon.", "Lily: Look, you know, I don't want to waste time with that, okay? Let's just tal k about how we're gonna keep in touch, okay? I know that I'll be farther away, so we won't see each other as often, but we can write, you know? We can talk on the phone.", "Charlie: This sucks!", "Lily: Hey. It's not that bad. And I heard that there's better food there. Look, what matters is I will be safe.", "Cane: Right, guys? That's what matters the most, right?", "Mattie: I'm gonna go to the media, get your story out there.", "Lily: No, mattie, I know that you're trying to help, but i need to stay under the radar at this new prison.", "Neil: Hey.", "Lily: Hey. No luck?", "Neil: Devon did his best.", "Devon: I'm sorry.", "Lily: You tried.", "Devon: If it wasn't for me, none of this would even be happening.", "Lily: No, it's not your fault. I'm the one who let you down.", "Neil: Lily, nobody let anybody down, okay? It was a difficult situation. In the end, we pull together.", "Devon: And you've always been right. It was an accident, and if i could go back and change things, I would.", "Lily: It's okay. We can'T.", "Cane: I would do anything i can to fix this.", "Lily: I know.", "Cane: I love you.", "Lily: And that's what gotten me through every obstacle we've ever faced. And it'll get us through this, too.", "Traci: Jack was our hero when we were kids, ashley's and mine.", "Jack: I didn't do that much.", "Traci: Oh, come on. Don't let him fool you. After mother left, he was like a second parent to us. Helped us with our homework, he listened to our problems, and then when daddy was away on business, he was a mother and a father to us.", "Jack: Mamie was there, too.", "Traci: Yes, cooking and cleaning and caring, but you're the one that made us feel safe.", "Abby: You were only 15.", "Kyle: All I cared about at that age were girls and sports.", "Billy: Not much has changed.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ] Your dad wasn't too different than you. He would spend a lot of his spare time at the club playing tennis and flirting with pretty girls. But then all that changed. You were no longer than carefree boy. I always wondered if it was something daddy said to you.", "Billy: I can hear him now. \"Suck it up, jackie boy. Be a man.\"", "Jack: Nah, it wasn't like that.", "Kyle: What was it like? For you. You've never told me abo ut that time in your life.", "Jack: Not much to tell. I did what I had to do. It wasn't like I was deprived or anything. I lived in the abbott mansion, i had a nice car, I had money in my pocket.", "Traci: But no one to talk to about what had just happened in your life. See, when you're the youngest, the quiet one, you spend a lot of time observing the rest of the family. And I saw things -- things that you maybe don't understand at the time, but I saw them. I watched daddy dote on ashley, give her all kinds of lavish attention. I don't know, maybe she needed it at the time. I was off in my 8-year-old fantasy world believing our mother would come back. But you saw it, didn't you? You must have been hurting so much. And I don't remember one time when daddy comforted you. In fact, he acted like you didn't need him at all. But you did.", "Jack: I was so jealous of you and ashley. You could be hurt and angry and sad about mother leaving us, dad never said it in so many words, but it was clear showing emotion was weakness, and men were never weak. Hell, he didn't mean any harm. He actually did need my help. But he did that because I was the oldest. He needed me to be strong, so that's what I decided to be. Strong. And it was engrained in me. If I was the strong one, then I guess that made ashley the weak one.", "[ Door opens ]", "[ Door closes ]", "Ashley: I've made a decision.", "Devon: I couldn't get them to delay your departure. I'm sorry.", "Lily: It's time.", "Mattie: No!", "Neil: Hey, baby girl.", "Lily: Dad.", "Neil: Mm.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Please take care of them, okay?", "Neil: You know I will. Take care of yourself.", "Lily: I promise. I love you.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] I remember. \"No words necessary.\" I love you, too. [ Chuckles, sniffles ] Hey, come here. Listen, please -- please take care of each other, okay?", "Mattie: Yeah, I'll make sure charlie fills out his college applications.", "Charlie: And I won't let mattie become a total bookworm.", "Lily: I love you both so much. And I'll be thinking of you every single day.", "Mattie: Mom...", "Lily: No, listen. Remember the morning always comes after the night, okay? Come here.", "Charlie: We love you.", "Lily: I love you.", "Lily: I'm sorry.", "Cane: No regrets. I'm the luckiest man in the whole world to have you. And we're gonna put our love or pause for a little while, but it's never gonna stop. Will you hold onto that?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: You hold onto this too, baby. I'll always be close. I'll never be far.", "Lily: I love you.", "Cane: I love you. I love you.", "Lily: Please tell sam that i love him, okay? And I'll be home soon.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: I love you all, okay?", "Devon: I love you.", "Charlie: I love you, too.", "Ashley: It's funny. I walk into the room, and suddenly I have all the power. But I spoke to a friend of mine earlier who I admire and respect, and he suggested that maybe I wouldn't find it that satisfying, you know? Maybe I could find the respect and the validation that I crave some other way other than being C.E.O.", "Jack: I knew you would see reason.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, i considered what he said, and a lot of other factors, and, um... I realized that I just can't take a back seat, and i certainly can't answer to whoever might be C.E.O.", "Jack: No, no, no, you would have a vital role here.", "Ashley: And there was a time that I might believe those words coming out of your mouth, but not anymore, jack.", "Jack: Ashley. Ashley.", "Ashley: You're not walk over me ever again. I don't entirely blame you, though, you know. I know that our father raised you to the heir apparent, and even though I was smart and driven and, frankly, more talented than you, I wasn't john abbott jr. [ Laughs ] I wasn't even an abbott.", "Traci: Yes, you are.", "Ashley: Saying it doesn't make it so.", "Jack: I'm not gonna change my mind about you becoming C.E.O.", "Ashley: I didn't think you would, not for one single second. That's why I'm officially turning down your offer.", "Billy: And what?", "Traci: Yes. What does that mean? What does that mean, jackie?", "Jack: It means mom's walking away from us.", "Ashley: From the family she pretended to love.", "Traci: I don't get it.", "Ashley: What's to get? She's leaving us and genoa city.", "Ashley: I'm walking away from jabot. And this family that's pretending to forgive me just because they want something from me. You're not g onna get it. I'm taking those patents, and I'm leaving genoa city. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Ashley: I've booked a f light to paris tonight, and I'm going to be on it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Bobby phoned Brittany to say hi on the morning of their wedding. Lauren dropped off the dress and wondered if JT had ever thought how different life would be if he and Brittany had been together. Brittany headed to the Chancellor Mansion and JT agreed to bring her dress by later. Mac arrived and told JT to stop the wedding and admit his feelings for Brittany, or regret it for the rest of his life. A lonely Victor missed Abby, told Noah he loved him, then met with Neil, who admitted NE was running fine without him. Victor admitted to having many regrets in his personal life, then congratulated Neil on running the company well, and supported his decision not to hire Sharon. Nick comforted a depressed Sharon with a morning of lovemaking, then told her he had faith that she could accomplish anything she put her mind to. Jill and Kay discussed Harrison's accusations and - once Jill read the report from Paul", "teary Ashley saw Abby off to school, then met with Jack, who revealed that John and Gloria had gone on a cruise. Ash stunned Jack by admitting she and Brad were over, and that she was still in love with Victor and always would be. Brad devastated Nikki by revealing that he and Ash had broken up and that Ash had admitted her true feelings for Victor. Nikki wondered what would happen to them all now that the truth was finally out." ]
[ "(Telephone rings) (Ring) (Ring)", "Brittany: Hello?", "Bobby: Good morning.", "Brittany: Hi, Bobby.", "Bobby: Did I wake you up?", "Brittany: No, I was just lying here in bed, thinking about you.", "Bobby: Oh, really? You know, I could be over there in about 15 minutes.", "Brittany: Bobby.", "Bobby: (Chuckles) I'm just kidding. Have you looked outside today?", "Brittany: No. Why?", "Bobby: It's gotta be the most beautiful day I've ever seen. And I was thinkin', why don't we get married?", "Brittany: Hmm. I'd say there's nothing I'd rather do.", "Bobby: Oh, can you believe that it's finally here? Our big day.", "Brittany: I can't wait. I feel like I'm dreaming.", "Bobby: Mmm, it's no dream. This is it--the first day of the rest of our lives. Doesn't even sound corny today, huh? Hello? You still there?", "Brittany: Yeah, I'm here.", "Bobby: All right, look, I know you have a lot to do today, so I am gonna let you go. I love you.", "Brittany: I love you, too.", "Bobby: Talk to you later. Bye-bye.", "Brittany: Bye.", "Brittany: My wedding day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Stop it, Katherine, just stop it.", "Jill: There you are. Were you ever gonna tell me?", "Kay: Well, good morning to you, too, Jill.", "Jill: How could you keep something like this from me?", "Kay: Well, if you are speaking about Arthur, I was sound asleep when you came home last evening.", "Jill: Are the accusations true?", "Kay: You must have talked to, uh, Harrison Bartlett.", "Jill: Yes, I talked to him. He walked into the boardroom last night like he owned the place. Katherine, couldn't you have warned me that there was some nutcase wandering around town? Because I don't, for one moment, believe any of the terrible things he was saying about my father.", "Kay: Well, neither do I. I also know the Arthur that Harrison was describing is certainly not the Arthur that I love.", "Jill: Katherine, apparently you have known about this for some time. Why haven't you told me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: There you are. I have been looking all over for you. I've got those revised figures that you wanted, and you're not going to like them. These suppliers are not budging, but we're just gonna have to deal with it. Are you listening to me? Brad, I can see that you're upset, and I think I know why. That's actually the real reason why I was looking for you. I owe you an apology.", "Brad: An apology?", "Nikki: Yes, for pressuring you to talk about your past. I had no right to make you dredge up those horrible memories. I'm sorry. What's wrong? What is it? Is it the conversation that we had?", "Brad: No. My whole world's falling apart, Nikki.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Ashley remembering]", "Ashley: What are you doing?", "Brad: I'm going away from here, away from you, away from your lies and deceptions.", "Ashley: Don't do it like this, Brad. Please, not like this. Please.", "Brad: Hear this. Hear it! I look at you right now, and I feel nothing but disgust. I'm not gonna stand here another second...", "Ashley: Brad, please--", "Brad: And listen to more of your lies and your excuses. I will call about Abby. Beyond that, it's over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Mommy?", "Abby: Where's Daddy?", "Ashley: Honey, he's not here.", "Abby: Did he go to work?", "Ashley: Um, I think so.", "Abby: You're not sure?", "Ashley: Not 100% sure, but I am sure that you're gonna see him a little later.", "Abby: What's wrong, Mommy?", "Ashley: Mommy's just a little sad today, but I'm okay. Come here. Okay. You have to get some breakfast in your tummy, 'cause Frances is gonna pick you up really soon, and you can't go to school on an empty tummy, right? So you go to the kitchen, and I'll be right there. Bye, sweetie. (Telephone rings) (Ring)", "Ashley: Hello?", "Victor: How you doing this morning?", "Ashley: Hi. I'm okay.", "Victor: How's Abby?", "Ashley: We're both okay.", "Victor: Well, I miss her a lot.", "Ashley: I know you do.", "Victor: You don't think there will be a chance of her coming out to the Rec Center again? I just remember that she enjoyed the art classes a lot.", "Ashley: I just don't want to push her. Do you understand?", "Victor: Sure, I understand.", "Ashley: I'll be in touch real soon, though.", "Victor: I'm looking forward to that.", "Ashley: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Victor? Have you seen my spelling book?", "Victor: Hey, Noah. Uh, what does it look like?", "Noah: It's about this big and has a horse on it.", "Victor: Hmm. You like horses?", "Noah: Yeah, I like to ride 'em with my dad.", "Victor: Hmm, look here. Is that it?", "Noah: Thanks.", "Victor: Yeah. And, Noah?", "Noah: Am I in trouble?", "Victor: No. Why would you be in trouble? I just want to tell you something. I'm very proud of you. I'm very proud to be your grandpa, okay?", "Noah: Okay. Thanks, Victor. Thanks for finding my spelling book.", "Victor: Any time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I would just like to spare you some worry.", "Jill: I am not a child, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, you have certainly had your problems to deal with lately.", "Jill: Oh, please, forget about Elliot.", "Kay: Listen, nursing a broken heart can be difficult at best, and I'm not about to compound that by spreading poison about your father.", "Jill: Katherine, it was not fair of you to keep something from me that is this important.", "Kay: I am sorry. I am sorry. But I was not about to let the ravings of some lunatic spoil the relationship between you and your father.", "Jill: So that's what these are? They're the ravings of-- they're--these accusations are not true, then, you're saying?", "Kay: Can you even ask?", "Jill: God, he had his facts down so pat. He was so sincere.", "Kay: And he is so disturbed. And in his mind, I am sure that he believes what he is saying is the truth.", "Jill: Good. Okay. So you're just saying he's delusional, then? Well, how can we find out for sure?", "Kay: Oh, Jill, do you really believe your father is a murderer?", "Jill: You know what? Harrison told me something else. He said that you were checking out his claims. Is that true? Are you having Arthur investigated?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock at door)", "J.T.: No, that-- that's not acceptable. Why? Why is that not acceptable? 'Cause we can't have people standing around at the reception with nothing to eat.", "Lauren: Hi.", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah, listen. Listen, just-- okay, here's the deal. I'm gonna call you back in a half-hour. I want you to have good news for me, all right? Say it with me, good news. Good, thank you.", "Lauren: What was all that about?", "J.T.: Ah, stupid caterers. Tryin' to change the plans, the schedule, last minute. As if Brittany doesn't have enough to deal with right now.", "Lauren: Is she here? I have her dress.", "J.T.: No, she's still sleeping.", "Lauren: All right, well, then I'm gonna leave this with you, okay? All the alterations were done. Everything's fine. If she has any questions, tell her to call me at the boutique.", "J.T.: All right.", "Lauren: You do remember the number there, don't you?", "J.T.: Yeah, I remember the number. I'll tell her for ya. Man, am I gonna be glad when this day's over. Planning a wedding is so lame. I finally had to tell Brittany I didn't want anything else to do with it.", "Lauren: Huh, and yet here you are rescuing her again.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, you know, it's her wedding day. I'm supposed to be her, like, her best man of honor or whatever the hell I am. And besides, you know, she doesn't have anybody else. I made her a deal.", "Lauren: Really? So I'm just curious about something. What do you get out of the deal?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: What do I get out of this? That's a good question.", "Lauren: You know what I think?", "J.T.: What?", "Lauren: I don't think you need to get anything out of this. I think you're doing it because you have a good heart, and I'm sure Brittany really appreciates it.", "Brittany: J.T., Did I hear the-- oh, hi, Lauren.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Brittany: I didn't know you were here.", "Lauren: Yeah, I came to drop off your dress.", "Brittany: Oh, excellent. One less thing for me to worry about. Were there any problems with the alterations?", "Lauren: No, I had one of my best seamstresses on it.", "Brittany: Excellent. Who was on the phone?", "J.T.: Uh, it was the caterer.", "Brittany: Oh, no. What happened now?", "J.T.: No, its fine, it's fine. They just called to say everything was right on schedule.", "Brittany: Oh, thank goodness. I don't want anything going wrong today. I don't think I could handle it.", "J.T.: Brittany, everything's under control. Just relax.", "Brittany: Yeah, right, like that'll happen. Do you want some coffee, Lauren?", "Lauren: Oh, no, thanks. I'm good. I have to get going anyway.", "Brittany: Did you show J.T. my dress?", "Lauren: Actually, I thought you could do the honors.", "Brittany: Oh, wait till you see what Lauren picked out for me. It is gorgeous. It's like something out of a movie.", "J.T.: Yeah, I'm sure you'll look amazing.", "Brittany: Not if I don't get moving. I'm gonna jump in the shower. Thank you, Lauren, for everything.", "Lauren: Oh, honey, it's my pleasure. And you have the most fabulous day.", "Brittany: Thank you.", "Lauren: She seems happy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I hope so. It's only the biggest day of her life.", "Lauren: It's a big day for you, too. It's not every day you see your best friend get married. How you holding up?", "J.T.: Me? I'm fine.", "Lauren: She's really a striking girl, don't you think?", "J.T.: Brittany? Yeah, she's a knockout.", "Lauren: Do you ever wonder about the two of you? You know, what might have been?", "Lauren: That's what I thought. All right, I'll see you later.", "J.T.: See ya.", "Lauren: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Horn honks)", "Cassie: Oh, that's the bus. Bye.", "Sharon: What? You barely ate anything.", "Cassie: Sorry, Mom, we have to go.", "Sharon: Bye, sweetie. Have a good day. Bye.", "Nick: See you, little man.", "Noah: Bye, Dad.", "Cassie: Jacket. Okay, bye, you guys.", "Sharon: You know, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.", "Nick: Babe, they just had to take off.", "Sharon: Yeah, but... why do I go to the trouble of making all this food when no one's even gonna eat it? You know, last night they did the same thing. They didn't have any dinner. They were too busy, they had to rush off, and they didn't even tell me they weren't gonna be here.", "Nick: That's just the way kids are these days. Try not to let it bother you.", "Sharon: Well, it does bother me.", "Nick: Well, I understand why. Okay? But, you know, I'm here. I'll eat all this food. I will. I'll even eat yours.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) here. Nice try, silly. It's not just that the kids can't be here to eat with us. You know, it's me. I just can't help feeling like my life is passing me by.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Brad, I'm not sure I follow you.", "Brad: Everything I thought I had is gone.", "Nikki: Why? Because of what I told you? Because of what I asked you about your past?", "Brad: No.", "Nikki: Well, then, what are you talking about?", "Brad: Something I had seen coming for a long time, but... I didn't really want to see it or believe it.", "Brad: Ashley and I... it's over, Nikki. We're done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Okay, let me look at you, make sure you got everything. Yeah, you look good. Come here. I want you to have a good day, all right?", "Abby: I love you, Mommy.", "Ashley: Baby, I love you, too. Bye, sweet pea. Frances is waiting, so you better get goin', okay?", "Abby: Bye, Mommy.", "Ashley: Bye, honey.", "Jack: You have a good day, too, kiddo. Love you.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jack: Ash?", "Jack: Ash?", "Ashley: What are you doing here so bright and early? Thought you were sleeping in these days.", "Jack: Curiosity. Did you know anything about Dad going out of town?", "Ashley: No, I did not.", "Jack: Neither did I.", "Ashley: Why, is he planning a trip with you-know-who?", "Jack: Well, not exactly. I think we're beyond the planning stages.", "Ashley: Oh, no, he's taking a cruise.", "Jack: He left, first thing this morning.", "Ashley: This day just keeps getting better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Neil, I hope you haven't been waiting too long.", "Neil: No, not at all. Actually, Miguel fixed me a nice cup of coffee, thanks.", "Victor: What have you got for me?", "Neil: Uh, updates on the Bennington acquisition, detailed analysis of our European contracts--", "Victor: Before we get to that, there's something I want to ask you. I understand that my son came to you telling you that my daughter-in-law was interested in a job at Newman Enterprises, and you turned her down.", "Neil: I just didn't see her as a good fit for the company at this time. I'm sorry, Victor.", "Victor: I just want you to know there's no reason for you to feel sorry, because I happen to agree with you.", "Neil: You do?", "Victor: And I told her so myself.", "Neil: Well, I do appreciate your support on this one. I can imagine how disappointed Sharon was.", "Victor: Oh, it was very upsetting to her, I'm sure, but I want you to know that as far as I'm concerned, you made the right decision.", "Neil: Thank you.", "Victor: Now having said that, how are things going at the office?", "Neil: Victor, you'll be pleased to learn that Newman Enterprises is running quite well without you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm not saying that my life isn't rewarding, but, you know, take yesterday, for example. I went shopping for something the children needed, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking for absolutely no one.", "Nick: Because the kids had other activities.", "Sharon: Yes, but activities that they failed to mention to me in advance. And then to top that off, Drucilla stopped by.", "Nick: She came out here? Why?", "Sharon: To gloat, of course, because Neil and Victor wouldn't hire me.", "Nick: She drove all the way out here to do that?", "Sharon: Well, not exactly. She was a little more deft than that.", "Nick: Meaning what?", "Sharon: Well, she wanted me to think that she hadn't done anything to sabotage my chances with Neil and Victor.", "Nick: Babe, no one's trying to sabotage you. The timing's just not right.", "Sharon: Oh, I don't know if I believe that, Nick. I mean, I'm not stupid.", "Nick: Nobody thinks you are. Besides, if you ask me, this is Newman's loss anyway.", "Sharon: Yeah. Some loss, huh?", "Nick: Look, I wasn't gonna bring this up until I could run it by a few more people, but there's reason to keep your hopes up. I talked to Jack Abbott. He seems to think there might be a position for you at Jabot.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Nick: Oh? Isn't that at least a little exciting?", "Sharon: I don't know, Nick. I appreciate everything that you're trying to do for me. I really do, but it's just, maybe this whole thing is just doomed. You know, maybe I'm over the hill. Youth is what sells these days. Maybe I'm too old. Maybe I'm not pretty enough. I don't know.", "Nick: Sharon, that is crazy.", "Sharon: Well, you have to say that. You're my husband.", "Nick: That doesn't mean it's not true.", "Nick: Being with you makes me feel like I'm the luckiest man on earth. You are everything that a woman should be-- your hair, your skin, the way your body fits perfectly next to mine when I hold you.", "Nick: I love everything about you. I love your hands.", "Nick: I love your arms.", "Nick: The way your neck curves into your shoulders. I love your cute little ears.", "Nick: But most of all, I love your face.", "Nick: I love your eyes.", "Nick: And these lips.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Jill, this is just all so ridiculous.", "Jill: You're avoiding my question.", "Kay: All right, if you want to know the truth, I did ask Paul Williams to investigate Harrison's allegations. Now don't you think for one second that I do believe Arthur killed his wife?", "Jill: And when is Paul supposed to report back to you?", "Kay: It doesn't matter. After I talked to Paul, I just decided it was a waste of money.", "Jill: Waste of money? You have all the money in the world! If it'll put your suspicions to rest--", "Kay: It will open up more, more, more questions.", "Jill: You've already heard back from him, haven't you? Haven't you?", "Kay: Yes! Now stop pestering me!", "Jill: I want to see the report.", "Kay: No.", "Jill: Why not?", "Kay: Because it would simply upset you, Jill.", "Jill: It'll only upset me if there's something bad in it.", "Kay: It's not so much bad as it is disturbing. My God, it doesn't prove a thing.", "Jill: Where is the report? I want to see it.", "Kay: No.", "Jill: It's right--", "Kay: Oh, my God. Jill, no!", "Jill: How can you say that Harrison is a lunatic? Have you read this? This is exactly as he says it was. , Mom?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: How did this happen?", "Brad: How did it happen? Too much stress, constant tension.", "Nikki: Yeah, but it's a huge step from that to ending a marriage.", "Brad: Not when it's been going on for so long. The closeness that Ash and I shared hasn't been there in months.", "Nikki: So it's really over, forever?", "Brad: I should have seen it coming. Who am I kidding? I did see it coming. I was in denial.", "Nikki: I can't believe she did this to you.", "Brad: It's not all Ashley's fault, Nikki.", "Nikki: Well, then why aren't you at home trying to work it out? This is your marriage. I think it's worth a conversation or two.", "Brad: We had a conversation. There's nothing left to say.", "Nikki: My God, Brad. Have you been here all night?", "Brad: Yeah, thought I'd get some work done. I knew I wouldn't get any sleep.", "Nikki: I am so sorry.", "Brad: God, how I loved that woman, Nikki. I still do.", "Nikki: Brad, are you sure that there isn't a chance that you can fix this?", "Brad: That's not going to happen.", "Nikki: Well, you still haven't told me why. What happened to make you end it?", "Brad: Ash told me that I was right, and I had been all along.", "Nikki: Right about what?", "Brad: That we'd been living a lie. That was it. I wasn't gonna let it go on a moment longer.", "Nikki: Living a lie? What does that mean?", "Brad: My wife is in love with your husband. I'm sorry, Nikki. There's no doubt. Ash admitted it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Amazing, huh? Dad takes off on a cruise, doesn't tell either one of us.", "Ashley: It's not that amazing, Jack. He doesn't see that she's digging her nails into him.", "Jack: Hey, he's happy right now. We haven't seen him that way in a long time.", "Ashley: Well, I wonder how happy he's going to be when he finally realizes that she's taking him to the cleaners.", "Jack: Wow, you can't see the good in any of this, can you?", "Ashley: Nope. Nothing we can do, though. They're gone. So any more joy you want to spread this morning?", "Jack: Actually, yes, there is something else I wanted to talk with you about.", "Ashley: Oh, good. More happy news?", "Jack: Boy, you are in a foul mood, aren't you?", "Ashley: Yeah, I am.", "Jack: Care to talk about it?", "Ashley: Not particularly, no.", "Jack: Maybe it'll help.", "Ashley: Maybe you should mind your own business, Jackie.", "Jack: Jeez, is that any way to talk to your favorite brother?", "Ashley: It is when he's being just a little bit too nosy.", "Jack: Ash, I talked to Brad the other night.", "Ashley: Really?", "Jack: Yeah, really. Given that conversation, I somehow imagined you'd be in better spirits this morning.", "Ashley: What did you talk to him about?", "Jack: Your marriage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You heading over to Ms. Chancellor's?", "Brittany: Uh, yeah. Are you coming?", "J.T.: Yeah, soon. I gotta make a phone call first.", "Brittany: Okay, um, I feel like I'm forgetting something.", "J.T.: Like your wedding dress, maybe?", "Brittany: Oh, right. How could I forget that? Uh, okay, let's see. How am I gonna do this?", "J.T.: You know what? You got enough to carry. I'll just... I'll bring it with me.", "Brittany: Okay. You sure you don't mind?", "J.T.: No, no, not at all. I've got big shoulders.", "Brittany: Great. Just don't take too long. I can't go walking down the aisle looking like this.", "J.T.: Well, actually, you probably could, but it's probably not what you're going for.", "Brittany: Definitely not. Well, I guess this is it.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Brittany: Wish me luck.", "J.T.: You really think you'll need luck?", "Brittany: No, not really.", "J.T.: Well, you know, you'd better go.", "Brittany: See you there.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and I'm convinced you can do whatever you want if you set your mind to it. I have total faith in you.", "Sharon: To hear you say that, sweetheart, it means the world to me. Thank you.", "Nick: I love you.", "Sharon: I love you.", "Neil: I certainly didn't mean that the way it sounded, Victor. Naturally, you're missed.", "Victor: There's no need to apologize, all right?", "Neil: Still, the company doesn't feel the same without you at the helm. I mean, maybe you don't realize just how important your guidance is.", "Victor: Neil, stop blowing smoke. You and I know that I scare people around there. They're probably much happier with you around. You're a much mellower person than I am, and I'm sure you enjoy your life as C.E.O.", "Neil: Well, I gotta admit, I won't deny I'm loving every minute of it.", "Victor: I imagine you are, just as long as you remember it's temporary.", "Neil: Now come on, I couldn't forget that. It's your company, and I'll welcome you back with my eternal gratitude for the opportunity you gave me.", "Victor: That's all right. What have you got there?", "Neil: Okay, um, on the top-- that's the Bennington report. There you go.", "Victor: Hmm, it looks like a done deal.", "Neil: We're damn close.", "Victor: And this started as a hostile takeover, right?", "Neil: Victor, once they realized exactly what we can do, they changed their tune. They welcomed us with open arms.", "Victor: Well, look at this here. Our new offices in Beijing seemed to do very well.", "Neil: Would you believe it? We're getting great cooperation from the Chinese government.", "Victor: If you had asked me that a few years ago, I would have thought you were nuts to suggest that. I would never have imagined that the Chinese government would welcome capitalism with such open arms. And you know who's responsible for that more than anyone? Richard Nixon.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, I studied that. Uh, listen, Victor, those documents, that material-- you're more than welcome to keep them and look 'em over at your leisure.", "Victor: All right. Thank you.", "Neil: So on another note, how are things going at the recreation center?", "Victor: How are things going in the Rec center? Well, other than that unfortunate incident with your daughter, quite well. I hired some extra security, made sure the drug pushers don't hang around, even started a chess club.", "Neil: Wow, that's great. I'm sure you're very proud of yourself.", "Victor: Yeah, not as proud as I am of the many accomplishments at Newman enterprises.", "Neil: Regrets?", "Victor: Neil, we've known each other long enough so that I can tell you, yeah, I have regrets-- too many to count, too many to count. I just often wonder how the hell I ended up in this position.", "Neil: Well, if I may offer some advice, have faith. 'Cause knowing you, you'll come back stronger and more powerful than ever.", "Victor: Yep.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Why would you be discussing my marriage with Brad?", "Jack: Well, for starters, because I'm your brother, and I care about you. And you couldn't keep going on the way you were. You were both miserable.", "Ashley: You probably shared that with him, right?", "Jack: I don't think you're being fair to Brad.", "Ashley: You probably drove that point home, too.", "Jack: All I said was it was time for him to step up and take a strong stand if he wanted to save his marriage.", "Ashley: All you said, huh? That's all you said?", "Jack: Where's Brad right now?", "Ashley: Why don't you call his secretary and ask her?", "Jack: I'm asking you. Where is Bradley?", "Ashley: I don't know where he is, Jack. I don't know where he spent the night. I just know that he's gone from here, and I really wish you hadn't spoken to him.", "Jack: Why? What happened?", "Ashley: It's over. I told him.", "Jack: You told him what, exactly?", "Ashley: I told him that I didn't feel the same way about our marriage anymore.", "Ashley: God! I still love Victor, Jack, and I guess I always will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Hey.", "J.T.: Thought you were working at the Rec center.", "Mac: I was. It was so slow, Jamal sent me home.", "J.T.: Well, you got the place to yourself. I'm outta here.", "Mac: Hey, wait. J.T., can we talk for a second?", "J.T.: No, I gotta get this dress over to your grandma's place. Brittany's waiting on it.", "Mac: Uh, yeah, I don't think you should do this.", "J.T.: Do what? What are you talking about?", "Mac: Be in Brittany's wedding.", "J.T.: It's a little late to back out now, isn't it?", "Mac: Listen to me. If you stand up for her, it's like saying you're all for this marriage.", "J.T.: I don't have time to talk about this, okay? I gotta go. Brittany's waiting on this dress. She's getting married in a couple hours.", "Mac: Exactly, which is why you need to tell her how you feel before it's too late.", "J.T.: If I don't, then what? What happens?", "Mac: Then you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Can you handle that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I can't believe that Ashley finally admitted her feelings for Victor. She has tried to keep those hidden for years.", "Brad: Those days are over, Nikki. Ashley's changed.", "Nikki: What does this mean? She's gonna go after my husband?", "Brad: I don't know what she's planning, but I promise you one thing-- it does involve Victor.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. I wonder where he stands in all of this.", "Brad: I don't know what they've planned. I don't know what they've talked about. For what it's worth, Ash did say she doesn't have Victor waiting in the wings.", "Nikki: Well, no, of course not. He's my husband. I still have a marriage, at least I think I do. So what about Victor? Do you think he's that vulnerable to her?", "Brad: Oh, I don't know, Nikki. I don't know what to think. I just wanted to love her. I just wanted to build a life together with that little girl.", "Brad: What the hell am I gonna do about Abby? How do I protect her from that son of a bitch now? Everything's up for grabs-- my future, Abby's future...", "Brad: And your future, Nikki.", "Nikki: What does this mean? What's gonna happen now?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: I have loved you for so long.", "Bobby: I won't tell if you don't.", "Anita: Is Bobby Marsino really the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Gloria rushes to the hospital to try and get Michael and Lauren to have the wedding that day. Lauren is in bed when she arrives and Michael is firm when his mother tries pushing them into having the wedding that day. Finally, Gloria admits that she can't have the wedding another time. \"I am all tapped out,\" she tells the kids. Michael thinks that she must be joking. \"What are you talking about Gloria? John gave you access to $50,000. What happened to all that money?\" Before she can answer, Michael knows that answer. \"You bailed him out didn't you? There was no reason why he couldn't stay where he was and you went and bailed him out with John's money.\" Gloria has no idea what she can do about this now. John's accountant is already breathing down her neck for receipts. Drucilla is so pleased with what she has just seen. Yolanda was at the park and the dealer offered her free drugs and she didn't take it. Drucilla knows that this is just a test and that there will be others, so she gets it into her head to bring Yolanda home to live for just a while in her house with Devon and Neil. Neil isn't so sure that this is going to work, but Devon is thrilled. Scott overturns Sheila's purse while she is in the shower and as he picks up her things to return them to her purse, he finds a driver's license and a picture of Brenda with some other people as they pose around a couch for a picture. The items hold his interest. Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opens and Sheila comes out. She freezes when she sees Scott on the floor with her things in his hand. \"What are you doing with my things?\" she asks him." ]
[ "Scott: What the hell?", "Scott: Look. Look. See? It's ruined! It's ruined! You have any idea who could have done this?", "Woman: No. I was here a minute ago, and everything looked fine.", "Scott: Is Gina around?", "Woman: No, she had to run out. She said she'd be back.", "Scott: Okay. Thanks. (Cell phone ringing)", "Scott: Hello?", "Michael: Scott, its Michael. Are you all right?", "Scott: Not really. What's up?", "Michael: Um, just calling to make sure you know that Lauren and I have decided to postpone the wedding.", "Scott: What? Why? Has mom gotten worse?", "Michael: No, no. She's just not strong enough for a ceremony today. So we thought we'd wait awhile.", "Scott: How long?", "Michael: We're not sure. She needs to stay in the hospital at least another day or two.", "Scott: (Sighs) all right. Well, just tell her I'll stop by later. Tell her I love her.", "Tom: Hey, what's up, crazy lady? Where you off to? Wait. Come back. Is it something I said? (Laughs)", "Tom: Hmm. Hello.", "Scott: Hey, Ashley.", "Ashley: Hi, Scott. Everything okay?", "Scott: No, uh, not really. The wedding's been postponed.", "Ashley: You're kidding me. Why?", "Scott: I don't really know. Michael just called and said my mom's not up to it today.", "Ashley: Oh, no.", "Scott: Hey, uh, excuse me. We need to get somebody up front. The guests are gonna be arriving soon, okay? Excuse me a minute.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah, of course.", "Tom: Well, hello, beautiful. What's the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost.", "Ashley: I'm just surprised. What are you doing?", "Tom: What, you mean outta jail?", "Ashley: Yeah. I...", "Tom: Oh. You seem a little disappointed about that. Me, man, I couldn't be happier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Don't look so sad. We're still getting married. It's just gonna be a little later than we planned, right?", "Lauren: You know what drives me crazy? Is that this is all about Sheila.", "Michael: No, no.", "Lauren: Yes, it is. After all these years... she still had a hold on me.", "Michael: You were hallucinating, your mind was playing tricks on you.", "Lauren: But it was so real, Michael. I could have sworn that she was on that roof with me.", "Michael: But she wasn't, and deep down, you know that. Look, you had poison in your system. You were messed up.", "Lauren: Has Dr. Walker told you anything yet?", "Michael: Well, he still doesn't know what the substance was. (Door opens)", "Michael: But don't worry. We'll figure it out.", "Gloria: Well, couldn't you figure it out after the wedding?", "Michael: That didn't take long.", "Lauren: No.", "Gloria: Michael, Lauren, please, tell me that I did not hear right, tell me that you are not canceling this wedding.", "Michael: We are not canceling this wedding.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "Michael: We're postponing this wedding. It's very different.", "Gloria: But it's just as bad. Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Nikki: Miguel, I'll get it! (Sighs)", "Nikki: Yes? Victor's not here.", "J.T.: I'm not here to see him. I'm here to see you, Mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: Well, I'm getting ready for a wedding. I don't have time.", "J.T.: I'm sorry, but this is really important.", "Nikki: Really? Well, I came to you not too long ago with something that I thought was very important, but apparently, you thought it over and decided to hell with that, so I don't know why I even have to invite you in here. What could we possibly have to discuss?", "J.T.: A lot. You haven't heard.", "Nikki: Heard what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Yes, I signed them, and they are on their way to distribution as we speak. (Telephone rings)", "Victoria: Yes? Well, tell them I can't. I'm swamped. Move the conference call up a half an hour. All right. (Knock on door)", "Victoria: Whoever you are, state your business or go away.", "Victor: Is that any way to talk to your old man?", "Victoria: Oh, Dad. I should have realized.", "Victor: I'm here because you called, but I've got to warn you, your mother and I are in a hurry, and we have to go to Michael Baldwin's wedding.", "Victoria: All right, well, then we'll get right down to business. I've asked you here in my capacity as C.E.O., so my personal life is not on the table.", "Victor: Aha. Well, I'm all ears.", "Victoria: First of all, I'd like to report that Sharon has been officially given the position as spokesmodel for the cosmetics division.", "Victor: Given?", "Victoria: Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry--earned the position through very tough competition.", "Victor: And you had the final say on that?", "Victoria: Well, of course I did, dad. Who else would?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You seemed pretty grateful to Brad.", "Sharon: Well, he just gave me the best news of my life.", "Nick: Yeah, when I called the office, my contacts told me that it was too close for the focus groups to call, so Victoria did make the final decision.", "Sharon: Well, still, I'm sure Brad lobbied pretty hard for me. Come on, Nick, he wouldn't have done that if he didn't think that I was the best candidate.", "Nick: I thought you were the best candidate, too.", "Sharon: Yeah, only you didn't want to get involved.", "Nick: Well, that's because pressure from me would have been inappropriate, just like it's inappropriate from Brad.", "Sharon: So what are you saying? That without Brad, Victoria would have made a different decision?", "Nick: You have to admit, he has an awful lot of influence on her.", "Sharon: Nick, come on, are you even listening to yourself? Do you know your sister? When has she ever let anyone make a decision for her? I mean, yeah, she listens to Brad because she values his opinion and that's why they work so closely together, but this was Victoria's decision all the way.", "Nick: Of course.", "Sharon: Why are you acting like this? I mean, it's almost as if now that I've gotten the job, you half expect me to turn it down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Yolanda? I just saw what went down. That took a lot of courage.", "Yolanda: What are you doing here? Are you followin' me?", "Dru: No.", "Yolanda: Checkin' to see that I behave myself? Well, you know what? I'm heading over to my rehab counselor next. You want to follow me there, too?", "Dru: I'm sure that dealer did his level best to get you back on that pipe, but you just said no.", "Yolanda: Yeah, well, I finally got my head screwed on straight.", "Dru: You should be proud of yourself.", "Yolanda: I am kinda proud of myself, you know? I mean, I proved to myself I could walk away. I'm done with it. You know, man, the last time I was in rehab, all I could think about was gettin' out and gettin high, but this time, it's different, you know? I'm gonna be clean and sober for good. You watch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Where's Mrs. Winters?", "Neil: She needed some air.", "Devon: She's pretty disappointed in me, isn't she?", "Neil: Well, Devon, Dru's worried that you're gonna throw away your future. So am I, for that matter.", "Devon: My mom--", "Neil: Your mother needs to learn how to take care of herself. If you try to support her, constantly run interference, she'll never be able to cope with life on life's terms.", "Devon: Listen, that's all gonna happen, it's just not gonna happen right away, okay? I don't want her to get overwhelmed.", "Neil: And, uh, and you think you're qualified to make this decision for her?", "Devon: Neil, I just want to help my mom ease into things and stay clean. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hiring Sharon was a good move on your part. Very smart.", "Victoria: Uh-huh, well, she gave an incredible audition and she was one of the two finalists chosen by the market research people... but I think I know what you're saying. So choosing Sharon was the easy part, but in regards to Nicholas, he's a bit more complicated, Dad.", "Victor: Mm-hmm, in what way?", "Victoria: Well, for one thing, it would have been nice to have a little warning. I mean, he just waltzed in here and laid it on me. Caught me a little off guard, to say the least.", "Victor: Mmm. Other than that, how did it go?", "Victoria: Fine.", "Victor: Really?", "Victoria: (Sighs) you do realize, Dad, that as far as Nicholas is concerned, I was only brought in here on a temporary basis.", "Victor: Sweetheart, that is no longer the case. You, meanwhile, have earned an equal place at the head of this company.", "Victoria: I was hoping you would say that. Of course, I know that there are going to be some issues as Nicholas and I sort out how to share the position, but just so that you know, if there are any problems, dad, they won't be coming from me.", "Victor: I'm very happy to hear that you're willing to work with your brother.", "Victoria: I know how much this means to you, Dad, and I promise you that I am going to do my very best to carry your legacy forward.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Of course I don't want you to turn the job down.", "Sharon: Well, you don't seem excited for me, or genuinely proud for that matter.", "Nick: I am proud of you.", "Sharon: Well, then, Nick, what is bothering you? Because it's obvious something is.", "Nick: Okay, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I'm concerned that certain people are using you.", "Sharon: \"Certain people\" meaning Brad? Nick, that is ridiculous. How is he using me?", "Nick: You know what? Let's just, um... let's just go get ready for Lauren and Michael's wedding, okay?", "Sharon: No, no. You just come back to the company and already, you think you know enough to say that Brad is using me and I'm dumb enough to let him.", "Nick: Let's drop this, please.", "Sharon: No. No. I want to know what it is you think about me, Nick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: I am gonna get rid of you, I don't care if it's today, tomorrow, the next day. Oh, no. You mark my words... I am going to get you. (Knock on door)", "Scott: Brenda. You in there?", "Scott: You're probably wondering what I'm doing here. (Sighs) this is so bizarre. You're not gonna believe what happened.", "Sheila: Try me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You're having more hallucinations?", "Lauren: I thought Tom had killed Michael. It was pretty horrible.", "Gloria: But I don't understand. You seem fine. You said you were fine. You seem as beautiful and wonderful as ever.", "Michael: Gloria, stop.", "Gloria: She does, Michael.", "Michael: You're wasting your breath. The wedding is not gonna happen, not today.", "Gloria: It has to. I have spent so much money. And the bills are coming in, and John now has an accountant hanging over my shoulder. And I'm tapped out.", "Michael: Tapped out? I thought John gave you almost unlimited funds. Where'd all your money go?", "Gloria: I...", "Michael: Son of a gun.", "Michael: You tell me you didn't.", "Gloria: Didn't what?", "Michael: You did. You paid Tom's bail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So who bailed you out?", "Tom: Well, let's see. It sure wasn't you.", "Ashley: That's not fair.", "Tom: I'm kidding you. I didn't expect you to pay my way outta jail. But I was really touched when you came by to see me. And now I figure I'm just lucky you're even talkin' to me.", "Ashley: Oh, come on.", "Tom: I mean--no, really. It couldn't have been much of a pleasure for you to be, you know, hauled down to the police station on account of what happened.", "Ashley: Well, yeah, it wasn't the best date I've ever had.", "Tom: Well, you can thank my stepson for that 'cause he's the one who arranged to have those chemicals planted in my saddlebags.", "Ashley: Really? Do you have proof?", "Tom: Not yet, but I will. But I'll tell you, I'll bet my life he's the one who's behind this. And I know he was not working alone.", "Ashley: Yeah, he had help?", "Tom: Oh, you're damn right he did. You think he would get his hands dirty with something like that?", "Ashley: I don't know.", "Tom: No way. Let me tell you, when I find the person that helped him, mm, I'm gonna make them pay. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Listen, before I say anything, um... are you doing okay?", "Nikki: Look, if you're talking about the kidnapping, I am fine. I don't want to talk about it, so just say what you have to say and leave.", "J.T.: All right. You know Bobby was in protective custody, right?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "J.T.: It turns out it wasn't all that protective.", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "J.T.: There's no easy way to say this. Bobby's been killed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Victor, I didn't expect to find you here.", "Victor: Hello, Bradley. I'd like to have a word with you if you have a moment.", "Brad: Sure.", "Victor: I'm sure you're aware that my son has re-involved himself in the day- to-day operations of this company.", "Brad: Yes, I've heard.", "Victor: And I've also seen that you and Victoria work very well together. And I would have to be blind not to see that you're developing a personal relationship with her.", "Brad: Well, that's not something you have to be concerned about, Victor.", "Victor: Let me just say this--from now on, the most important relationship in this company is between my son and my daughter. So whatever personal relationship you're developing with Victoria, it best be put on the back burner. From now on, it's strictly business.", "Brad: Have you had this discussion with Victoria?", "Victor: Nikki has, and she and I see it the same way.", "Brad: So it's a family thing.", "Victor: You got that right.", "Brad: Well, not to worry, Victor. I'm a professional. I'll act accordingly.", "Victor: Anything else you want to discuss, my darling?", "Victoria: No, father, that's it.", "Victor: All right. In that case, I'm off to the wedding.", "Victoria: Okay. Bye, Daddy.", "Victor: Have a nice day. Thank you.", "Victoria: Enjoy the wedding.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Victoria: So... did you give Sharon the good news?", "Brad: I did.", "Victoria: And how did she take it?", "Brad: She was ecstatic.", "Victoria: Well, you certainly don't seem to be.", "Brad: That's because I'm not. Now I know why you gave me back the diamond earrings when just a few hours earlier, we were kissing. It's because of your parents. They're still controlling your life, and quite frankly, that's not the Victoria Newman I thought I knew.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: It was just so weird. I mean, the whole cake-- it was trashed like somebody attacked it with a sledgehammer or something.", "Sheila: Why would somebody do that, Scott? Who would be so vicious?", "Scott: That's exactly what I'm wondering.", "Sheila: I'm-- I'm really sorry about your mother's wedding being canceled.", "Scott: No, not canceled. Postponed. They're still getting married, just later.", "Sheila: You came all the way over here to tell me that?", "Scott: Are you okay, Brenda? You seem a little uptight?", "Sheila: Yeah, I'm sorry. Don't take it personally, all right?", "Scott: Do you want me to go? I mean, I thought, given the circumstances, I could come over and show you some notes.", "Sheila: No, I've got notes for you to see, too. It's just that-- I was just getting ready to take a shower when you knocked. Do you--do you mind?", "Scott: No. No, it's cool. Go ahead. I'll take a look at the notes, then we can dive right in. But after that, I gotta go visit my mom at the hospital.", "Sheila: Yeah, yeah. Uh, they're on the desk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You know, Yolanda, they say that when you first get clean, you're on a pink cloud. It's easier for you to say no to the drugs.", "Yolanda: What, are you saying I can't do this?", "Dru: No, no. I'm just saying your demons can come back to haunt you, that's all. You know, you can't have any. Not a little bit, none.", "Yolanda: Yeah, and I won't. What, you don't believe me?", "Dru: It's just that you have to want your sobriety badly. You know, um, Devon ran out on us.", "Yolanda: What?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Yolanda: Why?", "Dru: You. He wants to take care of you, Yolanda.", "Yolanda: God, I told him to stop doing that.", "Dru: Well, unfortunately, he's not listening to us. One of the things that I love about him-- he's so daggone stubborn.", "Yolanda: Ugh. Always has been, ever since he was a baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Devon, Yolanda needs to learn how to stand on her own two feet. You do agree with that, don't you?", "Devon: Yes, I do, but I also know that she's never been good at that kind of thing. That's why she started taking drugs in the first place.", "Neil: Right. Which is exactly why she has to learn now. Your helping your mother won't help her. It might even get in the way off her recovery. Devon, the doctor's at rehab, they know exactly what they're doing. It takes a lot more than love and concern.", "Devon: That center is nice for people whose families have abandoned them. I haven't abandoned my mom.", "Neil: Boy... you could help your mother into an early grave. Hey... son... look, I dig the fact that you have such a big heart that you want to help your mother, that you're concerned about your mother. But if I told you once, I told you a thousand times, it's not your job to be her parent. What's your job? Your job is to take care of yourself, right? Go to school, get yourself an education so that one day, you'll be a father and you will have your act together.", "Devon: You know what? I-I don't see why I can't do both? Help my mom and take care of business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: That's not possible.", "J.T.: I'm sorry, Mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: He's not dead.", "J.T.: It was a hit-and-run.", "Nikki: You don't know this for a fact. How do you know that this isn't just another ruse? He's probably pretending so that he can go further underground.", "J.T.: The government needed him to stick around until the appeals ran out. Besides, he wouldn't bail on Brittany and the baby like that.", "Nikki: This is not true.", "J.T.: No, there are hundreds of people in the witness protection program. It works. They don't need to pull a trick like this. Besides, you could tell that these federal agents were mortified that something like this happened on their watch.", "Nikki: I don't accept this. He is not dead. Who--who are you to come in here and say this? Do you have any proof? Do you have a phone number or somebody that I can talk to with the F.B.I., Anything?", "J.T.: This is the agent's number.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, I'm sorry that I'm not conforming to your idea of me, Bradley, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm still very much myself.", "Brad: Yes, you're smart, you're beautiful. That's why I can't understand you letting someone else tell you how to live your life. But I guess that's just the almighty Newman parents exerting their influence.", "Victoria: You're out of line.", "Brad: Am I? Come on, Victoria. We were headed in a good direction, there was something that felt right about us. And it wasn't interfering with work. In fact, the opposite. We were clicking really well together, and we both felt that.", "Victoria: Well, it was still inappropriate.", "Brad: In your mother's eyes.", "Victoria: You know, Bradley, whether you like it or not, my mother had a point.", "Brad: And so do I. And you know that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Babe, I swear to you that I'm glad you got this job.", "Sharon: Then what is it, Nick? Why don't you seem happy for me?", "Nick: I'm about to share the top position at Newman Enterprises with my sister. I just want to keep things as simple as possible.", "Sharon: And my working there makes things more complicated? Where is this coming from?", "Nick: I don't want you getting drawn into anything. My sister and I have never worked together as equals before. And I don't know if we're gonna be able to do it.", "Sharon: Okay. Well... that's a valid concern, but I still-- I think you're being really paranoid. I'm not gonna get involved when it comes to things that are between you and your sister. I have a job to do at Newman Enterprises, a job that I'm really thrilled about. I want to make everyone there proud. That's it. End of story.", "Nick: You do make me proud. And I only want good things for you. I mean that.", "Sharon: I love you, Nick. No matter what, I love you.", "Sharon: I'm gonna go and get ready for the wedding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You're taking this more personally than you should.", "Brad: Am I? And how personally should I take it?", "Victoria: All my mother was saying is that we both have complicated lives, and we were going awfully fast.", "Brad: That's funny. Sounds like advice I've given colleen.", "Victoria: Oh. Well, then you realize its good advice.", "Brad: Sometimes. But we're not teenagers.", "Victoria: No, you're right. We have a lot more at stake. You're still a married man, raising a child who happens to be my half-sister-- a child I barely know.", "Brad: And I'm working on those things. I'm getting a divorce. We can spend more time with Abby.", "Victoria: Bradley, there's more to it than that. I have a professional reputation to consider. Not to mention I'm gonna be sharing power with my brother, with whom I don't always see eye to eye. I have enough compromising to do. I have enough challenges in my life.", "Brad: Wait, wait a minute now. I'm not trying to be another challenge. In fact, the opposite. I'm trying to make your life easier, more fun, more enjoyable.", "Victoria: And you have. And thank you. But now is not the time for a romantic relationship. I'm not saying never, and I'm not planning on dating anyone else. I'm just saying that we should slow it down. Is that okay? I mean, can we please be civil about it?", "Brad: I'm sure gonna miss kissing you.", "Victoria: Me, too. So you still feel good about Sharon as spokesmodel?", "Brad: Yeah. I know she's gonna give us 110%. Victoria, listen, um... I have to wrap some things up before I go to the wedding. But before I do that, I'd like to try something out on you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: That's ridiculous. Do you have any idea how hard I have worked planning your wedding and how generous John has been? But he's not just gonna keep throwing money at me.", "Michael: Especially after you spent 50 grand bailing Tom out of jail.", "Gloria: I would never... pay that monster's bail. And I certainly wouldn't use my husband's money to do it.", "Michael: I'm on to you. I know you. I know Tom. He's still got you wrapped around his finger, just like he always did.", "Gloria: That is a terrible thing to say, Michael.", "Michael: Oh... but true! Oh, well, I suggest you leave. Lauren needs her rest.", "Gloria: Fine. Because I really don't want to listen to this anymore.", "Michael: You're not fooling me. And you better believe angry is the very least of the things I'm feeling. There was no reason for Tom not to stay exactly where he was. You're just lucky that I have more important things to think about right now.", "Michael: Now... you just have to learn to accept the fact that there will be no wedding today. And I suggest you get back to the club and let the guests know.", "Gloria: I hope you're feeling much better, Lauren.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: When I saw you in jail, you were talking about a security camera outside the motel where you're staying. Did it reveal anything at all?", "Tom: Who knows, man? I can't get anybody to show me the damn tapes.", "Ashley: What about your attorney? I mean, isn't it evidence or something?", "Tom: Actually, I haven't found anybody to represent me yet. I'm working on that, too.", "Ashley: Mm. So I guess you haven't really made much progress, huh?", "Tom: Well, don't sound so glad about it.", "Ashley: I don't sound glad. I mean, if you were set up, and I believe you were, then, I mean, I hope you find out who did it.", "Tom: Thanks. Listen, um... since this is kind of a fiasco, uh, any chance you'd like to go out and catch a movie with me tonight and get something to eat? 'Cause I sure would like to make up for last time we went out, you know? The thing kinda ended in a disaster.", "Ashley: Yeah, it did, didn't it? Um, well, not tonight. I'm dressed for a wedding.", "Tom: So go home and change. Come on. Come out with me.", "Ashley: Aww... it's such a nice offer, but I'm gonna have to pass.", "Tom: You seem a little nervous. Is everything okay?", "Ashley: Yeah, everything's fine. It's just a little unsettling.", "Tom: What--", "Ashley: You know, the wedding being postponed at the last minute, right?", "Tom: Yeah, yeah.", "Ashley: And Gloria's gonna be devastated.", "Tom: Yeah, yeah. Boy, it's gonna be real hard for her to take.", "Ashley: Yeah, it is.", "Tom: Yeah.", "Ashley: Anyway, I've gotta get going. It was great seeing you. I'm glad your outta jail and good luck getting to the truth, okay?", "Tom: Well, thanks, Ashley.", "Ashley: Yeah. Take care.", "Tom: That's what I need, all right.", "Ashley: Bye.", "Tom: Bye-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: Brenda, this is good stuff.", "Sheila: I'm glad you like it. I'll be out in a minute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Hi, honey.", "Neil: Hey, baby.", "Dru: Uh, where's Devon?", "Neil: Devon is in his bedroom. Honey, we just had a futile conversation. How do you convince a kid that thinks he knows everything that he doesn't?", "Dru: Yeah, well, good luck on that.", "Neil: Man, he's just running on pure emotion. Doesn't have a clue how complicated the real world can be.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: You know, in fact, he's so convinced that he can help Yolanda, he's almost got me believing it.", "Dru: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that.", "Neil: Because?", "Dru: Devon, can you come out here, please?", "Neil: Drucilla, what's going on?", "Dru: I'm gonna explain in just a second.", "Devon: What?", "Neil: You better start explaining.", "Dru: Baby... okay, I made a decision, and, um, I think it's the right one. And I know that I'm acting on pure emotion, too, Neil. And I know that this could get very complicated, but just hang on, all right?", "Neil: Honey, what's going on?", "Dru: Hang on.", "Devon: Mom. Wh-- what's going on? What is she doing here?", "Dru: Well, I thought it would be a good idea for your mother to stay with us for awhile.", "Yolanda: If it's okay with everyone?", "Devon: It's better than okay, Mom. This is--this is unbelievable.", "Dru: It's just for awhile, you know, Neil.", "Neil: Hmm?", "Dru: It's for awhile.", "Devon: This is perfect. This is perfect. You can live here while you look for a job and a place to live. And you can still meet with your rehab counselors every day.", "Yolanda: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: All right. So given our new agreement, tell me if this is overreaching. We've always done everything together, right? Gone to dinner, worked out at the gym.", "Victoria: Yes, we have. And I've liked it a lot.", "Brad: Okay, so what if we continue to do that, but as colleagues, as friends? We could even include Abby sometimes. You could get to know her better.", "Victoria: Um... as long as it's understood that--", "Brad: That we end every night with a handshake. What do you say, colleague?", "Victoria: I think I could live with that.", "Brad: It feels good, doesn't it?", "Victoria: Yes, it does. Now get out of here. You got a wedding to go to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, thank you. I appreciate it. Yes. Thank you.", "Nikki: (Crying) I guess it's true.", "Nikki: It's true. Oh, my God. Is Brittany all right?", "J.T.: Nah, she's pretty much a mess.", "Nikki: This is so wrong! And all those damn thugs and monsters... Bobby wanted to be a decent man. He wanted to leave that life behind, and now he's dead. How--how is that justice?", "J.T.: It's unfair.", "Nikki: I mean, I knew that I was never gonna see him again. But in my mind, I thought that he'd be happy somewhere. I could envision him raising a family. (Door opens and closes)", "Nikki: But... this is not happening.", "Victor: Sweetheart... I heard from Connie what happened. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Is she okay?", "Michael: Yeah, she's okay.", "Ashley: I heard you postponed your wedding. I'm sorry.", "Michael: Thank you. Are you all right?", "Ashley: Why didn't you tell me that Tom was out of jail?", "Michael: Why, did something happen? In a country like ours, the future is full of possibilities.", "Michael: What did Tom say?", "Ashley: He's determined to prove that you set him up.", "Michael: Well, I don't blame him. He's looking at some serious prison time.", "Ashley: Michael, you're not the only one he wants to nail, okay? He's convinced you had help.", "Michael: What, did you say something to make him suspicious?", "Ashley: Don't be ridiculous. Of course not. He doesn't think that I'm involved.", "Michael: But you're still worried, why?", "Ashley: Why do you think? He's a very dangerous person. There's something very scary about him. Now I know we wanted to get him out of our lives, but I just keep wondering if maybe we made a huge mistake, one that's gonna come back to haunt us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: I'm gonna figure it out, Michael-- who helped you set me up. And then you're gonna pay, the both of you. You're gonna pay big time for what you're doing to me. (Door opens)", "Sheila: What are you doing in my things?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: The guy's an opportunist. He's taking advantage of you, inside the office and out.", "Victoria: Oh, come on.", "Sharon: Isn't it great that they've become such good friends?", "Brad: Gives us another reason to spend time together.", "Sheila: You trust no one, including Ashley Abbott." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam is not happy when he realizes the tape has been erased, he confronts Jack and lets him know he's not going to be a pawn in his game. Sharon walks in on this exchange and lets Jack have it, stating her refusal to listen to his lies any longer. Heather tries to get information on Nick's whereabouts by telling her about his visit with Sharon. Jeffrey tells Glo their marriage is strictly business and Glo still tries to once again use Kay's senior moment against her. Nick tricks the authorities on a plane to Argentina." ]
[ "[Adam remembering Jack recording on a tape recorder]", "Jack: A giant swell crashed on the deck, and we were taking on water fast. Time was running out. Palin was screaming at me to help bail us out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: All right, Jack Abbott, let's hear that voice.", "(Static)", "Adam: (Whispers) All right.", "(Static)", "Adam: (Normal voice) What the hell? Come on!", "(Static)", "Adam: Damn it!", "Heather: Adam--", "Adam: Hi. I can't talk. Sorry.", "Heather: What's wrong?", "Adam: I'll tell you later. Excuse me.", "Dillon: There goes a man on a mission. Where were we?", "Heather: Um, same question I've been asking myself all day-- is Victor Newman really in South America, or is his family covering for him?", "Dillon: I think you're giving them more credit than they deserve.", "Heather: Don't underestimate the Newmans. What if they found the bugs that we planted?", "Dillon: Well, then we're being played. But you'll never get anyone in that family to admit it.", "Heather: Nick's on a plane. His wife is the weak link. Wives know everything.", "(Tapping fingers)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Hello?", "Nick: Is your husband home?", "Phyllis: Uh, well, no. He's out of town. (Clears throat) Want to come over?", "Nick: I wish I could.", "Phyllis: So how'd it go?", "Nick: Oh, exactly like I thought. I'm sure I was followed to the airport. Now I just gotta hang out in Buenos Aires and make 'em think I'm hooking up with Dad. At least it'll get them off Dad's trail for a while.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm glad to hear it.", "Nick: Yeah, actually, that's a good idea. Let me do all the talking since I'm sure they're listening in on your end. At least we know the phones are safe. I'm glad I bought disposable phones.", "Phyllis: You're a very, very smart man. Very smart. So, uh, what are your plans now?", "Nick: Well, hopefully, I can lose my tail as soon as I land, just so they can't figure out that there is no meeting with Dad. How about you? You got big plans?", "Phyllis: Oh, I have a really exciting night of cleaning up, washing dishes and, um, let me see, paying bills. Not really how I planned to spend my anniversary.", "Nick: (Sighs) Well, at least you got \"Supergirl\" to spend it with.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, fat chance. She fell asleep, right in the middle of \"One Fish Two Fish\".", "Nick: That book puts me to sleep, too. Hopefully I'll, uh, be home tomorrow.", "Phyllis: I miss you, Baby.", "Nick: I miss you, too. I love you. Bye.", "(Sighs)", "Nick: Agent Aguilar, right?", "Aguilar: Mr. Newman.", "Nick: Now see, I thought you were Mexican law enforcement. This plane's going to Argentina.", "Aguilar: I'll see you when we land.", "Nick: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Gloria talking on the phone]", "Kevin: Mom, M-mom, slow down. I can't understand you.", "Gloria: Jeffrey's still mad at me. He's probably turning me into the cops right now.", "Kevin: For what?", "Gloria: He still has the face cream.", "Kevin: I knew it. I knew it! I told you, he cannot be trusted.", "Gloria: I know, I know. I-- I gotta go.", "Jeff: Who was that?", "Gloria: Do you think we can talk about this?", "Jeff: Yeah. I talk, you listen. I've got some important news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hello? Sharon? Sharon?", "Sharon: Hey, I was just on my way out.", "Jack: Oh? Where are you off to?", "Sharon: To Nick's. Uh, we missed one of the forms that Noah needs signed for his trip.", "Jack: Well, come on. I'll drive you.", "Sharon: Um, shoot. Oh. Um, well, you know what? Why don't you stay here? You've been out all day. Relax. I'm not gonna be gone that long. Maybe when I get back, we can spend some time together.", "Jack: I've been so busy. I've neglected you, haven't I?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Jack, ever since you sold the magazine, you have been unavailable. I-I-I don't even know what you do anymore.", "Jack: Well, I-I'm between jobs, Honey. You know how that is.", "Sharon: Do I?", "Jack: I have feelers out everywhere. I'm trying--", "Sharon: Okay, wait. Not--not now. Not now. Wait till I get home. And promise me you're not gonna go running off to deal with some mysterious irons in the fire.", "Jack: There's nothing mysterious about what I've been doing. I don't have anything solid to tell you about, so I don't want to--", "Sharon: Jack, stop it. (Sighs) I'm up to my limit here in excuses. All that I asking is that you be here when I get home.", "Jack: Okay. I'm not going anywhere.", "Sharon: I just want to spend some time with the man I fell in love with.", "Jack: I want that, too. I've been an inconsiderate oaf.", "Jack: This is when you protest, say I'm wrong.", "Sharon: Not when my husband speaks the truth, I don't.", "Jack: Ouch. (Sighs) Come here.", "Sharon: No more secrets.", "Jack: Cross my heart.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What did you do with the tape, Frank?", "Frank: What are you talking about?", "Adam: The tape.", "Frank: I gave it to you.", "Adam: The real tape! Where is it?", "Frank: I-- that's the only tape.", "Adam: It's blank.", "Frank: That's it. That's the only tape.", "Adam: Did you erase it?", "Frank: Why would I do that?", "Adam: Uh, I don't know. Maybe--maybe Jack paid you to.", "Frank: Okay, 'cause I've met him before.", "Adam: Okay, look. Someone wiped it.", "Frank: How? I mean, it--it--it's been here the whole-- the whole t-- hang on.", "Adam: What?", "Frank: You know, when I-- when I got here, there--there-- there were some things that were disheveled.", "Adam: (Sighs) Oh, my God. Do--do you, uh, have your key? Did you ever find it?", "Frank: No, no. But this morning I had it, and then-- and then I didn't realize it was gone until we got back here. (Chuckles) Crystal.", "Adam: Who's that?", "Frank: This girl I met in the bar who had her hands all over me, and, uh--", "Adam: Oh, come on, man! She played you to get the key!", "Frank: I thought it was my animal magnetism. My gosh.", "Adam: That's why Jack wanted us to stay at the coffeehouse.", "Frank: Yeah. I got played.", "Adam: L-listen, do you know anything about surveillance equipment?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I just don't know how you can be so heartless and downright mean after everything we've meant to each other.", "Jeff: What happened to \"I talk, you listen\"?", "Gloria: You swore to me that you didn't have that cream, and now you're hangin' it over my head. I was a damn fool to trust you, Jeffrey Bardwell.", "Jeff: Well, that makes us even.", "Gloria: Don't you dare turn this around on me. You are a lyin', cheatin', backstabbin' traitor.", "Jeff: So I guess you're not interested in my news?", "Gloria: What news?", "Jeff: I was just in a bar, and our friend Katherine Chancellor, she was three sheets to the wind.", "Gloria: Ha! Katherine doesn't drink.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, she was so hammered, she almost fell off her stool. That woman's not senile. She's hitting the bottle.", "Gloria: So that's what you wanted to talk to me about? Not about me or the cream? Something about Katherine? Does that mean that maybe you still want to take over Jabot with me?", "Jeff: Well, why would I quit now when we're almost at the finish line?", "Gloria: I knew it. I knew it.", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: I knew it. (Laugh) You love me. You really love me. So what's our next move, big boy?", "Jeff: Not that one.", "Gloria: Come on, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: No. You are obviously still attached in some spectacularly screwed-up way to your screwed-up ex.", "Gloria: Now you listen to me. I love you, and only you.", "Jeff: Yeah, that must be why you're still carrying around your picture of your happy little family.", "Gloria: (Whispers) Oh. (Normal voice) That's the only picture I have of Michael with his father. I was gonna give it to him.", "Jeff: Why don't I believe that? From now on, this marriage is a business arrangement. We'll take over Jabot, but that's all there is between us.", "Gloria: You don't mean that.", "Jeff: I've never been more serious.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Gloria: Not now.", "Kevin: What happened with Jeff?", "Gloria: Well, he didn't turn me in to the police.", "Kevin: Yet. (Sighs) Mrs. Chancellor just walked in.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah? Does she look drunk to you?", "Kevin: No. Why?", "Gloria: Never mind. I gotta go.", "Gloria: I'm going out.", "Jeff: I couldn't care less where you go.", "Gloria: Uh-huh. Mm. And I say you change your mind when I get Katherine's stock.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. Nick isn't here.", "Heather: That's okay. Uh, I'd like to ask you a few questions.", "Phyllis: It's a little late to be doing house calls, isn't it?", "Heather: Where's your husband?", "Phyllis: Listen, if you want to talk to Nick, leave him a message. It's really late, and I'm tired, okay?", "Heather: Mm-hmm. I consider obstruction of justice a very serious matter.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Heather: So thank you.", "Phyllis: Nick is on a business trip. Um, I didn't pay attention to the details.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. So is he going to visit his father?", "Phyllis: I don't know. Why would you ask that?", "Heather: I don't know. Just a little hunch.", "Phyllis: Well, your woman's intuition is off.", "Heather: I'm not convinced that Victor is in South America.", "Phyllis: I-I didn't know that's where he was. Really?", "Heather: I think you, your husband and the rest of the Newman clan are trying to lead us in the wrong direction.", "Phyllis: Well, your theory is off. Listen, I'm trying to run a magazine, and my husband has two jobs. Uh, we don't really have time for these games, so if you would please. Please.", "Heather: Nick was tailed when he left the house. Do you know where he went?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) My guess is the airport.", "Heather: He went to see Sharon Abbott for a very long good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Whispers) Hey. Is Katherine still here?", "Kevin: Yep. (Sighs)", "Gloria: Good. (Normal voice) Did you make another copy of that, uh, stock transfer contract?", "Kevin: Taking advantage of a drunk, if she is drinking, is no better than taking advantage of senility.", "Gloria: Aah! Oh, Katherine! Katherine!", "Kay: Ow!", "Gloria: Katherine!", "Kay: Oh.", "Gloria: Let me help you. Katherine.", "Kay: Oh. I don't need any help. I just--I tripped. I simply tripped.", "Kevin: Are you okay, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: Yes, I'm fine, Kevin. Thank you.", "Kevin: Okay. You know, I wouldn't want my insurance rates going up.", "Kay: Oh, no. Well, your-- your--your concern about my general health is very touching.", "Kevin: No, no. All I mean is that-- I mean, I'm just saying--", "Kay: I-I know exactly what you meant, Kevin.", "Gloria: Here you go.", "Kay: Thank you. Well, now I can--ow. Ow. Ow. My ankle. My--my ankle.", "Kevin: Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Here, here, here.", "Kay: Ow, I'm--", "Kevin: Sit, sit, sit. Sit for a minute.", "Kay: Ow. Ow.", "Gloria: Katherine, how badly are you hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital?", "Kay: What I really want is to be left alone for a few minutes. Would you please?", "Kevin: Okay. I'm gonna go get you some ice.", "Kay: Thank you, Kevin.", "(Sighs)", "Gloria: You know, I know exactly what you're going through. I've had friends who had to deal with the same things.", "Kay: A twisted ankle?", "Gloria: Oh, come on, Katherine. It's very sad when people fall into their, you know, old habits.", "Kay: I haven't the foggiest idea what you mean.", "Gloria: Drinking, Katherine.", "Kay: (Clears throat) How did you hear about my friend's slip?", "Gloria: Friend, huh?", "Kay: (Sighs) Oh, Lord, I, uh, I mean, I-I-I-I don't know how I can help her. I-I'm--I'm hopeless. I--and it's terrible.", "Gloria: I've got just the remedy, hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Wow, Heather, you must be really desperate, because you're trying to make a big deal out of nothing.", "Heather: Your husband spending time with his ex is nothing? Wow, that's evolved of you.", "Phyllis: I am evolved. But do you want to talk about relationships, really? I mean, 'cause we can. How's Adam? No trust fund, no job. Are you supporting him? That's evolved.", "Heather: (Chuckles) You think I'm making up a story about your husband and Sharon, don't you? I can have the surveillance photos here in, I don't know, ten minutes?", "Phyllis: It's not a big deal. Listen, Nick's son lives at the Abbott house.", "Heather: Hmm. Noah wasn't home. Neither was Jack, meaning it was just the two of them, and they were there for an awfully long time.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "(Knock on door)", "Phyllis: Oh, wow, it's so busy here.", "Sharon: Hey, uh, is Nick here? I-I really need to see him.", "Phyllis: Um, Nick is on a plane.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, I thought I would catch him before he left.", "Phyllis: Yeah, so he told you he was leaving town?", "Sharon: When he stopped by, yeah. We had to sign some forms for Noah's trip to Paris, and, uh, we missed one. So when will he be back?", "Phyllis: Um, probably tomorrow.", "Sharon: Oh. Um, is everything okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah, Heather was just leaving.", "Heather: I was filling Ms. Newman in about her husband's whereabouts this afternoon.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: Why? Uh, never mind. Don't answer that. I don't want to know.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Sharon: Have Nick sign this.", "Phyllis: I will. Thanks.", "Sharon: Great.", "Phyllis: Excuse me. Thanks.", "Heather: It must make you nervous when your husband spends so much time alone with his ex.", "Phyllis: I completely trust my husband.", "Heather: Really? Well, he cheated on his wife with you, and they say, \"Once a cheater, always a--\"", "Phyllis: Oh, Heather, please. Well, you think you're some super sleuth, and you're an amateur, really. You--you're wrong a-as I recall, last time you tried to pin something on Victor, you lost your job. You're as wrong about Walter Palin's death as you were about Ji Min, so just give up before you lose this job.", "Heather: I just have a few more questions.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) How's it going? You know, I hear in Argentina, the steaks are the best in the world. If you want, you know, we could go grab dinner or something.", "Woman: Make sure your seats are in the upright position. We'll be landing shortly.", "Nick: So answer me this question-- how is it that the FBI and the district attorney's office and the Mexican authorities-- they always seem to know when and where the Newmans are traveling? I mean, it is uncanny. So you can tell me. What's your secret?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: There you go, Mrs. C.", "Kay: Oh, thank you, Kevin.", "Kevin: Mom's cure-all.", "Gloria: And excuse us, Kevin, but some girl talk.", "Kay: Mm.", "Gloria: Bye.", "Kevin: Mm.", "Kay: Oh, well, it's not as bad as that swill Esther tries to make me drink.", "Gloria: Well, Esther and I both want you to take care of yourself, because, Katherine Chancellor, you are a treasure to us all.", "Kay: Better than a monument.", "Gloria: Oh, pooh. You know something? If you ever need anything-- I mean, not that you need anything. You got so much money-- but if you ever need anybody to talk to or just a friend... you know, I really think I understand why John considered you his dearest friend. Speaking of John, you know, we never finished what we started the other day.", "Kay: Remind me.", "Gloria: Jill interrupting us...", "Kay: Mm.", "Gloria: When you were signing the papers turning the Jabot stock over to me. Aw, Katherine, please don't tell me you've forgotten that already. I mean, these memory lapses are getting pretty serious, aren't they?", "Kay: And you're trying to use them to your advantage.", "Gloria: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Now that just hurts my feelings. How dare you accuse me of such a thing? That is your illness talking.", "Kay: Illness my ass!", "Kay: I am sick and tired of everybody telling me I'm losing it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Jack: Adam, kind of late for you to be dropping by, isn't it?", "Adam: (Clears throat) Yeah, Jack, I'm, uh, I'm sorry for the intrusion.", "Jack: Well, Sharon's not here. She should be back any minute.", "Adam: That's all right. This-- this will only take a second. I just want you to listen to something.", "Jack: Oh? What's that?", "Adam: This.", "(Static plays)", "Jack: Adam, I don't hear anything.", "Adam: Yeah, Jack, that's my point. The tape is blank.", "Jack: Okay, I'll bite. What was I supposed to hear?", "Adam: You recording Victor's diary.", "Jack: (Laughs) I have always done a bang-up impression of Victor Newman, but I'm not sure it's worth recording.", "Adam: All right, Jack, come on. Don't play innocent with me. You erased it.", "Jack: Me?", "Adam: Yeah, you. That's why you wanted me and Frank to wait at the coffeehouse for the money.", "Jack: Okay, okay. What money?", "Adam: You think you're clever, don't you? Getting me to do all your dirty work.", "Jack: Okay, I don't know where all these accusations are coming from. I merely made a few introductions to you. That's all.", "Adam: Are you gonna pretend that our partnership never existed?", "Jack: Partnership? I hate to break it to you, you and I have never worked together. I helped you out when you were down on your luck.", "Adam: (Chuckles) You're--you're good. You're good. You know, you almost had me convinced.", "Jack: Okay, obviously you're under a great deal of stress. Not surprising, given that your father threw you out of the company.", "Adam: (Clears throat)", "Jack: I don't want to be a buttinsky here, but if you're looking for counseling, I do know an excellent family therapist that I can recommend.", "Adam: This whole Victor's diary hoax was narrated by you, Jack. Don't deny it.", "Jack: Diary hoax? I--you have completely lost me. Are you in some kind of trouble?", "Adam: You son of a bitch.", "Adam: Do you really think I'm gonna let you double-cross me like this, you piece of scum? Do you think you can get away with it, huh? Think again, Buddy.", "Jack: Sharon, you're home. I'm sorry you heard that little tirade.", "Adam: Your husband is a snake. I'm sure that's no news to you.", "Jack: Adam, could we maybe do this another time?", "Adam: No, Jack, there is no \"Other time.\" That was a low-down move-- erasing the tape? You proved that you can't be trusted. Let me tell you something, Buddy. If this deal goes south, I'm not going down alone. I'm taking you with me.", "(Door slams)", "Jack: Okay, you know, that-- that sounded a whole lot worse than it is. Honey, he's angry at Victor. He's taking it out on everyone. Let's just forget about that. We'll light some candles. We'll have a little bubbly, okay?", "Sharon: No. Don't treat me like I'm stupid, Jack. What the hell's going on here?", "Jack: I just told you-- nothing.", "Sharon: Really? Nothing? I walk into a shouting match with you and Adam, and you want to tell me that, you know...", "Jack: Okay--", "Sharon: It's time for champagne and candles? I thought we had an agreement, Jack.", "Jack: Yeah, I-I--", "Sharon: You know, I would-- I believe Adam. You can't be trusted.", "Jack: I can explain if you will give me a chance.", "Sharon: Really?", "Jeff: Oh, Jack, there you are.", "Sharon: Oh, look who's here. I thought you moved to Bora-Bora or something.", "Jeff: Well, a little getaway. Jack, we need to talk business.", "Jack: This is not a good time, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: Listen, I think you ought to know that we are well on our way to getting you-know-what from you-know-who. We found out she's got a drinking problem, so Gloria's got an ace to play. We're in business, Pal.", "Sharon: Excuse me. Will someone tell me what's going on?", "Jack: Jeffrey, we are in the middle of something right now.", "Jeff: Ah, right. Well, you get back to whatever it is you were doing. I'm sorry, Sharon. Jack.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Sharon: There's nothing going on. I must be imagining things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Alright, so you're still here? All right, listen, you know, I've told you all I know, Heather. If you want to talk to Nick, you're just gonna have to wait until tomorrow when he gets back.", "Heather: I should have questioned Sharon when she was here. Maybe she'd know more about Nick's trip than you do.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) You have to go, okay?", "Summer: Mommy.", "Phyllis: (Gasps) What are you doing there?", "Summer: A bug scared me.", "Phyllis: Um, there-- there aren't any bugs that-- you must have been dreaming.", "Heather: The bugs. I see.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Welcome to Buenos Aires. Please stay in your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop at the terminal.", "Nick: So you got any big plans, you know, in Argentina? You know, you should check out that balcony, where Eva Perón spoke to all the people? I'll bet that's pretty cool. (Drumming fingers) Or hit a couple tango bars? Hmm. You know, Agent Aguilar, I bet you are good at your job-- tailing people. You must have tailed thousands of criminals in your career. Hey, tell me something. Have you ever lost a man?", "Aguilar: Never.", "Nick: Never? Wow. That's impressive. Never. (Inhales deeply) You know, I think that if I wanted to, I think I could lose you.", "Aguilar: Mm.", "Nick: You don't think so? (Drumming fingers) I'll tell you what, I'll bet you a hundred bucks that the minute I get off this plane, I can lose you.", "Aguilar: Oh, is that a bribe?", "Nick: A bribe? Come on. Its a hundred bucks. It's not a bribe. It's like a-- it's like a friendly wager. I mean, you're not chicken, are you?", "Aguilar: No. Then make it $200.", "Nick: Now you're talking. $200 it is.", "[Nick jams Agent Aguilar seatbelt]", "Nick: Enjoy Argentina.", "[Nick gets up and Agent Aguilar struggles to open up his seat belt]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mrs. C., would you like some more tea or more ice for your foot?", "Kay: No, Kevin, thank you.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Gloria: Are you feeling any better?", "Kay: Do you know your concern for my health is almost laughable? All you want is to get your hands on my Jabot stock, Gloria.", "Gloria: That's not true.", "Kay: Well, why did you shove that--that, uh, that--that-- that transfer authorization in my face the other day? And you try and bring it up again today? Come on, Gloria. Get off it. (Sighs)", "Gloria: Katherine, look at me. And I want you to try and remember, signing over that Jabot stock to me was your idea.", "Kay: Oh--", "Gloria: It was your way to honor John. And as generous as that offer was, I could never take it, not now, not when you are so unclear on things. I'd hate myself for it, and John wouldn't like it, either. And that is what I've been trying to tell you. The only way I would even think about taking that stock from you is if you are 100% clear and 100% certain that you want me to have it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Jack: Who was that?", "Sharon: Noah. He needs to be picked up from the library in a little while.", "Jack: Oh, I'll go get him.", "Sharon: You know, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but tonight, that just confirmed my suspicions.", "Jack: Okay, let me explain to you something--", "Sharon: No, why don't you let me finish a sentence for a change before you go tap-dancing around it?", "Jack: Okay.", "Sharon: Do you think I don't know how you operate, Jack? You've underestimated me from the start. I made a choice to keep my mouth shut when you gave me all of your vague excuses and your impossible explanations. I let you run off on your own, do your thing with--with very few demands, and I tried to be patient. You know, I even-- I trained myself not to ask you questions, even when my instincts told me that you were up to something. Do you know how difficult that was? And with every unanswered question, it just put more distance between us. But then, if I asked, you'd lie to me.", "Jack: Do you have any idea how important you are to me? I was trying to protect you.", "Sharon: Protect me from what? All you did was put more distance between us.", "Jack: So where do we go from here?", "Sharon: It really shocks me that you need to ask me that. The truth, Jack. I need the truth, all of it. What have you been up to? And trust me, I will know if you are lying.", "Jack: I know you will. That sensitivity is one of the things I love most about you. (Sighs) Okay, the truth-- the unvarnished truth, no sugarcoating. I-- I was mentoring Adam. He had some material he wanted to get published. I told him I would introduce him to a publisher that might be interested.", "Sharon: Okay. What about the tape he was talking about?", "Jack: Well, it was dictated material. I guess he accidentally erased it and now he's blaming me.", "Sharon: And that's everything?", "Jack: Adam asked for my help, and yes, I felt sorry for him. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have helped him at all. I mean, the guy is a loose cannon. You saw what he did when he took over Newman.", "Sharon: Jack, that story doesn't even begin to tell the truth. What, no explanation as to why you kept any of this a secret? No regrets? No--", "Jack: You want more details, I can give you more details.", "Sharon: You know, it just-- you don't--you don't get it. You really don't, and it's sad. Do you think that you-- you've opened up to me just now, you--you've really let me in? Because I feel the exact same way that I always have. And I want you to know something. I trust my own instincts, not your lies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: So how's it going?", "Kevin: If I were you, I would be afraid to show my face here, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: Ah, Gloria told you about my little insurance policy.", "Kevin: I thought your blackmailing days were over.", "Jeff: Well, you know, it never hurts to have a backup plan. So, uh, did she get Katherine to sign over her stock yet?", "Kevin: She hasn't signed anything. They're just talking.", "Kay: Johnny was such a decent and honorable person. I could always depend on him to be straight with me.", "Gloria: Katherine, your health is more important to me than a few measly shares of Jabot stock. I'm not a doctor and I don't know what it is you need, but would you please find out what it is, take care of yourself?", "Kay: Thank you, Gloria.", "Gloria: It must be awful to forget things.", "Kay: Forget what?", "Gloria: Oh, gee. (Laughing) That wasn't funny.", "Kay: Well, I have to make light, for heaven sakes. Ahh, you have no idea how frightening it is to forget a word or, uh, not remember a-a name or... where you parked your car.", "(Laughs)", "Gloria: Yeah. That'd be pretty awful, huh?", "Kay: Mm. And the most terrifying thing is that I'm always-- always afraid my freedom will be taken away from me.", "Gloria: Now that's never gonna happen. I guess they'll have to go through me first.", "Kay: You know, maybe John was right about you after all. (Chuckles)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kay: Mm.", "Gloria: What? (Clears throat)", "Kay: Oh, could you excuse me, please?", "Gloria: Sure. Sure, sure, sure, sure.", "Kevin: Looks like you and Katherine are getting pretty chummy over there.", "Jeff: Did you get her to sign over her stock yet?", "Gloria: Not yet.", "Jeff: Don't tell me you're starting to feel sorry for the old rummy.", "Gloria: Don't you talk about her like that. I can't be too aggressive. Katherine's no fool.", "Jeff: Let the mouse come to the cheese. Good thinking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Clears throat)", "[Adam takes off his recorder he had hidden under his shirt and presses play]", "Adam: (Sighs) Are you gonna pretend that our partnership never existed?", "Jack: Partnership? I hate to break it to you, you and I have never worked together. I helped you out when you were down on your luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Phyllis remembering]", "Heather: Well, he cheated on his wife with you, and they say, \"Once a cheater, always a--\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, Heather.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Hey, Baby.", "Nick: Hey, the plane landed. I'm here safe and sound.", "Phyllis: Great. Great. Um, listen, the assistant D.A. was here asking questions.", "Nick: Ah, she should give it a rest.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know, but, uh, we have a problem. They know that we know about the bugs.", "Nick: How?", "Phyllis: When she was here, Summer woke up, and she said, I quote, \"The bug scared me.\"", "Nick: No worries. The authorities don't know where Dad is, and that's all that matters.", "Phyllis: All right. What a big waste of time. You could have stayed home.", "Nick: Yeah. I'll be home tomorrow.", "Phyllis: Okay. Is there anything else you want to tell me?", "Nick: Yeah. Happy anniversary, Babe. I love you.", "Phyllis: I love you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You have this idea that I'm keeping secrets from you. I--", "Sharon: (Scoffs) Jack, can you blame me?", "Jack: No. No. Given my track record, no. But I promise you, everything I've just told you is true. Well, here I go making promises again. You have stood by me through everything-- supported me through a failed political career, through the disastrous partnership with Nick and Phyllis. Your love for me has never wavered one bit, even when you thought I was making bad choices. How many men in the world can claim they have that kind of love in their life? And I took it for granted. I let you down. I-- I neglected you, and I'm sorry. You do know you are the most important thing in my life?", "Sharon: No matter how pretty the words are that come out of your mouth, Jack, they don't match your actions.", "Sharon: I'm going to pick up Noah.", "Jack: W-well, uh, we talked about spending the evening together. We could still do that after you get back. I mean, let's not spoil the whole evening.", "Sharon: Oh, I'm concerned about more than just spoiling one evening. I'm concerned about the future of our marriage, Jack.", "Sharon: It doesn't work when only one person does all the work. It's like you're in a boat and you've got one oar. And you know, the more I keep paddling, the more circles we just go spinning around in, and I'm so tired of spinning around with you. To be frank with you, I'm not even sure I want to be in the boat anymore.", "(Door closes)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Heather: Victor was never in South America. We know all about your little scheme to throw us off his trail.", "Man: Margie, what you need is to stop drinking.", "Marge: I know." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy's first issue at Restless sparks controversy and enables him to make some new enemies in Genoa City. Abby world crumbles as she is told by Ashley that Victor and her are splitting up. Victor proposes to Nikki. Ryder is interrogated by Lauren and Jana. Michael is coerced to help Glo and Jeffrey with their new get rich scheme.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Hi, Victor. It's Ashley. Would you call me as soon as you get this? Thanks. Noah. You're really leaving?", "Noah: Finally, right?", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Ashley: No. We loved having you here.", "Abby: Tell me about it.", "Noah: Hey, I'll visit. I promise.", "Abby: Yeah, Dad'll make sure of that. You know how he likes to have the entire family at the ranch. (Chuckles)", "Nick: (Chuckles) Well, we better get going before your mom thinks you changed your mind about moving in with her.", "Noah: (Sighs) All right.", "Ashley: Uh, Abby, um, hey, guys, can you spare her for a little bit? I need to talk to her.", "Noah: You can help me unpack.", "Abby: Okay.", "Ashley: See you later.", "Abby: Don't worry. I already asked the staff to start prepping for Dad's homecoming party.", "Ashley: Baby, maybe you shouldn't have done that.", "Abby: Why not?", "Ashley: 'Cause your dad's not coming home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I stopped by the pharmacy and got your prescriptions refilled, and I didn't know what you'd had sent over from the ranch, so I got you some of those cashmere socks that you like and some candles. You know, just to try to make this room smell at least like home...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: You know.", "Victor: That's very sweet of you.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: But I doubt seriously that I'm going to need any of that where I'm going.", "Nikki: What do you mean? Where are you going?", "Victor: I'm going to go to a rehab clinic in Belgium, a rehab clinic for transplant patients. Dr. Swift thought it would speed up the healing process.", "Nikki: Oh, I see. Well, I've chased you away, have I?", "Victor: (Sighs) I want you to come with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You did not need to do this. You know, Lauren and I had a deal-- she would host the party, but we would have it here.", "Jana: I said that I would share the job.", "Kevin: Hmm. Thank you.", "Jana: Mm-hmm. I just want you to be happy.", "Kevin: Well, if my brother's happy, then I'm happy.", "Jana: Hmm.", "Michael: Hey, hey. Bottle of red, bottle of white.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Lauren: And assorted cheeses, of course.", "Michael: Yummy.", "Jana: Ooh.", "Kevin: You guys, I so appreciate you hosting this \"Welcome to the family\" thing for Ryder. You won't be sorry.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Do you need some help?", "Jana: Absolutely.", "Lauren: Excellent.", "Jana: Okay.", "Kevin: Come see our new stereo.", "Michael: Really?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Oh.", "Lauren: (Whispering) All right, so what was with that message you left me about seeing Ryder with a dead person?", "Jana: (Whispering) Okay. It's in a photograph. It's a picture of Ryder when he was a really young kid, and there's a small glimpse of somebody standing next to him, but I can't see who it is, because the picture's been torn in half.", "Lauren: So how do you know the person's dead?", "Jana: The Ouija board told me.", "Lauren: The Ouija-- Jana?", "Jana: Hmm?", "Lauren: I thought you told me you threw it away.", "Jana: Amber got me a new one.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Lucky us. Okay. All right. Then tell me, what did the Ouija board say?", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Lauren: What is this man or woman's name?", "Jana: Okay, well, I don't know, but when I asked Ryder about it, he got extremely defensive.", "Lauren: Which of course means he's hiding something.", "Jana: Yes. So here's what I'm thinking.", "Lauren: Hmm?", "Jana: I'm just gonna casually bring up the subject of dead people at dinner, and see if he says anything.", "Lauren: How do you \"Casually\" bring up the subject of dead people?", "Jana: Ahh.", "Lauren: You can't do that.", "Jana: Well, see, that's where you come in.", "Lauren: Where I come in?", "Jana: Uh-huh.", "Lauren: Oh, I don't think I can do that.", "Jana: Oh, yes, you can.", "Michael: (Clears throat) Whatever you two are planning...", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: For the sake of your husbands, don't do it.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Why are we going to this dinner again?", "Gloria: Because Kevin wants Ryder to feel like he belongs to a real family.", "Jeff: And he thought of us?", "Gloria: It's a free meal, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: Uh-huh. Well, if it's free, why do we have to bring dessert?", "Gloria: Hey, we're not buying it. I can't believe we're so broke we can't even afford a bag of brownies.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, you know what? You can thank your pal Victor Newman for that.", "Gloria: I'd like to thank Victor Newman by shoving that whole bag up his--", "Jeff: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Looks like somebody already did the shoving for us. \"He takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin', but who knew Victor Newman even had a heart?\"", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: My, my, my.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Oh, so you pulled the dog.", "Billy: I told you, I want to make a splash.", "Chloe: Well, mission accomplished.", "Billy: Well, I guarantee, they'll be flying off the shelves because as you know, tabloid sells.", "Mac: What were you thinking?", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know I have no patience for doctors and nurses. And if I have to spend all that time looking at four walls of the hospital without being distracted by your beautiful face, I'll go nuts.", "Nikki: Well, I'd have to speak to the kids first.", "Victor: They're grown up. You don't need their approval.", "Nikki: Well, I just hate that I was gone when they needed me last time. I want to know that I'm leaving them in good shape.", "Victor: And if they agree, you'll come?", "Nikki: Just to see you through your recovery.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. That the only reason?", "Nikki: Victor, I think it's best that we don't think beyond that right now.", "Victor: You're doing it again.", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: You're avoiding the subject of \"Us.\" Why are you doing that? Are you afraid?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: But if he's not coming home, then where's he gonna go?", "Ashley: He's gonna be staying at the Athletic Club for a while.", "Abby: Why?", "Ashley: Abby...", "Abby: Oh, my God. You guys are splitting up, aren't you?", "Ashley: I know how upsetting this is. Let me--", "Abby: You kept saying at the hospital that you were just staying away from him for the baby, but I knew it was something else. What happened?", "Ashley: I guess you could say that we grew apart.", "Abby: But you just had a baby together, and Dad just finished fighting for his life. No way would you guys just suddenly decide to break up if it weren't something big.", "Ashley: My reasons are personal, Honey.", "Abby: This was your idea? But you're the one that kept on saying that we moved back to Genoa City to be a family.", "Ashley: I know. I'm sorry.", "Abby: No, if it-- if you knew, then you wouldn't be doing this. Victor's been totally awesome to me and to you. And he's done everything for us. He got me a horse and riding lessons, anything I wanted, because he loves us.", "Ashley: He still loves you. Nothing's ever gonna change that.", "Abby: Isn't there something you can do? Some way you that you guys can work this out?", "Ashley: I don't think so, Honey.", "Abby: Can't you try?", "Ashley: (Sighs) Abby, where are you going?", "Abby: To see Dad.", "Ashley: Well, let me take you.", "Abby: I'll ask Chuck. I just--I don't even want to be around you right now.", "Ashley: Abby, wait for me. Abby! Honey, please.", "(Front door closes)", "Ashley: Abby!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay, I'm here. I'm here. Just put 'em over there, like, by the other chair.", "Nick: Oh.", "Sharon: On the chair. Hey, you missing someone?", "Nick: Yeah, he, uh, Noah had to get some gas.", "Sharon: Oh, okay, well, as long as he's still coming.", "Nick: Is that Noah's favorite chocolate chips I smell?", "Sharon: Yes. I couldn't help it. I'm just so excited that I can give him a real home now, not Jack's house or the club.", "Nick: You look happy.", "Sharon: I still have my moments, you know, when I-I think about Faith.", "Nick: I know.", "Sharon: And sometimes, um, sometimes when I wake up, it--it feels like I didn't really lose her, and she's still alive. But, um, you know, I-I move on from that. And moving, um, here has helped.", "Nick: Yeah, a change of scenery's always good.", "Sharon: Yeah. Um, you know, I rearranged a few things. I made it seem more like home. I even planted some spring bulbs.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Nick: It seems like you're really settling in.", "Sharon: Yeah, and it's not just the house, you know. Um, job-wise, I have a few exciting prospects.", "Nick: Look at you. I guess you were right when you told me to stop worrying about you. You seem great, and I'm proud of you.", "Jeff: \"Newman, better known as 'the Grinch' before his heart grew, is a man of few words...\" (Chuckles) \"Most of which the masses can't understand, because of his incessant mumbling.\"", "Gloria: Aw. (Imitating Victor) I always thought the mumbling was rather sexy. (Snickers) Come on. Come on.", "Jeff: Mm... okay, all right. Oh, what's this? \"Newman's nothing if not savvy, knowing enough to pull his millions from banks in the Caymans just days before those same institutions went belly-up.\" Did you leak that?", "Gloria: Yeah, I wish. I might have been compensated.", "Jeff: Might still be able to be. Newman Enterprises is already in hot water with the S.E.C. if it can be proven that Victor had insider information, poor manipulated souls like ourselves might actually be compensated by suing the Grinch himself. (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'm having as much trouble embracing Ryder as you, but Kevin has just lit up that he was able to get this guy out of jail. So maybe just for tonight, for his sake, we can put our suspicion on hold and try to prevent another Fisher/Baldwin get-together from degenerating into a chaotic free-for- all.", "Lauren: We just want to make sure that Kevin's not being played.", "Jana: Yeah, or isn't in any danger.", "Lauren: Right.", "Michael: Things will be tense enough tonight when Gloria and her partner in crime get here without adding to the tension by putting my little brother on the defensive.", "Ryder: This dinner really means a lot to me. I know I've still got a lot to prove to you all, but--but I'm hoping that in time, you'll realize I-I'm not such a bad guy.", "Kevin: Everybody here wants to believe that.", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "Jana: (Clears throat)", "Kevin: Right, guys?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: So, do you think he'll like it?", "Nick: Are you kidding me? When I was a teenager, if I had a setup like that, I never would have left home.", "Sharon: Um, I found that at the bottom of a box of my stuff.", "Nick: (Sighs) Do you remember the Halloween where she was too sick to go trick-or-treating?", "Sharon: Yeah, and Victor, um, he turned the company jet into a Halloween haunted house. I thought her eyes were gonna pop out of her head when he-- when she saw what he did. (Laughs)", "Nick: (Chuckles) I remember Noah being pretty impressed with his handiwork, too.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Nick: You know, for all of Dad's faults, he's done some really amazing things for his family over the years.", "Sharon: He certainly does know how to put on a show.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: So, um, what's Summer gonna be for Halloween?", "Nick: Oh, she is all about princesses.", "Sharon: Oh, gosh, I remember that age. I think I was, um, I was Rapunzel then. It's a rite of passage or something. I--", "Nick: Yeah, I think I saw a picture of you in that costume. I think you were crying.", "Sharon: Oh, well, you know what? Uh, yeah, I had just broken my magic wand.", "Nick: Yeah, I think you hit another kid with it, right?", "Sharon: Well, he was stealing my candy.", "Noah: Sorry I'm late.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Noah: When I saw the latest issue of \"Restless Style\" at the gas station, I had to stop and read it.", "Nick: Didn't know you had a thing for Yorkies, son.", "Noah: This is definitely not about Yorkies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: I thought you wanted to use this magazine to make a positive difference, not give every other tabloid rag a run for its money.", "Billy: Look, I don't know why you're so upset. You know how I feel about Victor.", "Mac: What about his family? They just got over the fear that he might not make it another day, and now they're gonna be hit with this.", "Billy: Every word written's true, so if they have a problem, they can take it up with \"The mustache.\" Look, I-I know that you wanted me to use this magazine as a vehicle for change and enlightenment.", "Mac: I thought you wanted that, too.", "Billy: I do. I do. It's just right now, if I want to prove to my family that this is not just another \"Billy bumble,\" well, then I gotta show a profit.", "Mac: Traci made a wonderful gesture giving Victor Colleen's heart. That one act could've ended the feud between your families forever, and with this, you've started it all over again.", "Billy: (Clears throat) Hmm.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, if you're leaving, we've gotta get you packed up. Oh, that reminds me, some of your medications are in liquid form. Let me see.", "Victor: Sweetheart... (Sighs) You didn't answer my question.", "Nikki: (Sighs) All right, I am afraid. When I left for Colorado, I had convinced myself that what you and I had was over. I loved you, yes-- always would-- but I was prepared to go on without you. And now if I were to open my heart to you again, after knowing what happened... I mean, let's face it, Victor. A year ago, you couldn't stand the sight of me.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I was angry with you, but the night you left me, you looked me in the eye, and you told me that I'll never love another woman the way I've loved you, and you are right. That's why we keep on coming back to each other. It's not a coincidence that now, during the worst time in my life, you're at my side.", "Abby: She's the reason you and Mom are getting a divorce?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Chuckles) I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to seeing my mother. (Chuckles)", "Lauren: I know, right? What is keeping her and Jeff?", "Michael: Mm.", "Jana: Oh, probably stealing desserts from the coffeehouse.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Ryder: Hey, I didn't know you were such an amazing cook. These-- these little hot dog things, they're really great.", "Jana: Oh, they're premade from a box.", "Ryder: Well, they're a lot better than most of the nasty grub I've been eating.", "Lauren: Mm, I'm sure you were subjected to a lot of nasty things behind bars. How did you protect yourself?", "Ryder: Well, you know, I just--I tried to steer clear of pretty much everybody. It kind of reminded me of when I was a kid and-- and Tom would get in one of his moods.", "Kevin: I can relate.", "Michael: Why don't we play a game?", "Lauren: Oh, that is a great idea.", "Michael: Yeah?", "Lauren: What about, um, \"Twenty questions,\" yes? And, oh, Ryder, seeing that you're the guest of honor, you should go first.", "Ryder: Uh, I am... I'm thinking of something. (Chuckles)", "Michael: Yeah. (Laughter)", "Lauren: That's good.", "Michael: Is it, uh, bigger than a laptop?", "Ryder: Yeah.", "Michael: Uh, is it smaller than this apartment?", "Jana: Is it dead?", "Ryder: What?", "Jana: Oh... (Chuckles) Silly question. (Chuckles)", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: (Chuckles) No, no, no, no, no. Not necessarily. I mean, he could be thinking of someone dead. Just please, God, not your demonic father.", "Kevin: What are you getting at?", "Lauren: Jana and I were talking earlier, and just--we just don't seem to know enough about Ryder. You know, we know that you're from Green Bay. But we don't know how long you were there, whether you liked it, what you did for fun.", "Ryder: I played ball. Uh, you know, anything to get out of the house, stay out of trouble.", "Lauren: You know, there's that, um, that park there. The kids love it. What is it called? What--", "Michael: I-I thought you weren't gonna do this.", "Ryder: Ashwaubomay.", "Lauren: (Clicks tongue) On the beach.", "Ryder: You must mean on the lake.", "Lauren: There are some great places there. There are. There's that, uh, oh, and they have that art and music festival. They call it, um... Artigas.", "Ryder: Artstreet. Artigras is different.", "Lauren: Right.", "Kevin: Well, don't stop now. You're on a roll.", "Lauren: What do you mean?", "Kevin: I mean, we were playing a game, and now it's an interrogation.", "Michael: Oh, come on, come on. We're still playing a game. And if my counting is correct, we have only asked Ryder two legitimate questions, which leaves 18 for us to figure out what he is thinking.", "(Front door opens)", "(Knock on door)", "Gloria: Hello. Knock, knock. I'm so sorry we're late.", "Michael: There you are.", "Gloria: Ryder, a little something for the sweet tooth. (Chuckles) (Whispering) Come here.", "Michael: Huh?", "Gloria: Come here.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Jana: Oh, yeah, told you.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: What? What's wrong?", "Gloria: You are going to make us very wealthy once again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, let's talk about this.", "Abby: No.", "Nikki: I'm gonna go see if I can find Nicholas and Victoria.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Abby: W-why did you let me think that you were the one who wanted to break up? And why are you with her? Did you just stop loving Mom?", "Victor: Of course not, Sweetheart.", "Abby: Then I don't get it. I thought that you were happy that we came to stay with you, that you wanted us to be together.", "Victor: And I did.", "Ashley: We both did, Honey.", "Abby: This doesn't make any sense.", "Victor: No, it doesn't, but I've caused your mother a lot of pain.", "Abby: This is about Colleen, isn't it? I get it, okay? I can't walk 2 feet down the school hallway without hearing whispers about how my dad stole a heart from someone he killed. But what happened to Colleen was Patty Williams' fault, and I don't think Dad had anything to do with it.", "Ashley: Honey, you're gonna have to accept what I told you. The reasons for the divorce are between your father and me, and honestly, we both wanted it so badly. We wanted it to work out. And we both decided that for your sake and for Faith's sake, it was better if we ended things before any more pain was caused.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Uh, look, I-I knew there'd be some backlash, but I didn't expect the woman that I love to dog me. Now I know you're upset, but wait till you see the numbers. Okay, you don't care about numbers, do you?", "Mac: No. What I care about is that you don't see anything wrong with this. What you did wasn't cutting-edge and controversial, it was cruel.", "Billy: Y-you know that's not true.", "Chloe: You know, I think that it was a great idea, and I think it's gonna break records, and I am personally psyched to be part of it.", "Mac: Good. Once the Newmans see this, he'll need all the support he can get.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: If Billy thinks he can buy this magazine and use it to attack my father, he's got another thing coming.", "Sharon: Where are you going?", "Nick: To let Dad know. You good?", "Noah: Yeah, totally. Thanks for the hand.", "Nick: No problem. Bye.", "Noah: (Sighs) Ma, you okay?", "Sharon: I just took a job with Billy at \"Restless Style.\"", "Noah: No way.", "Sharon: Yeah. Um, I had no idea that he was gonna do this to your grandfather.", "Noah: Well, what are you gonna do?", "Sharon: The only thing I can do-- quit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, I really am sorry about all the pain this is causing you.", "Abby: But I-I just don't get it. How is our family breaking up a good thing? Faith is too young to know better, but it's not fair that she's only gonna have one parent to raise her.", "Ashley: Abby, Faith has two parents. So do you.", "Victor: Your mother's right.", "Abby: Oh, now you agree.", "Ashley: Honey, I know how difficult this is. Believe me, but please just try and understand.", "Abby: No, I'm done trying to understand, because I don't. First, my other dad dies, and then Colleen, and now the one thing that I could always count on-- my family--is falling apart.", "Ashley: Abby? Abby? Please.", "Abby: Please, just leave me alone.", "Ashley: So I take it you didn't get my message. I heard a rumor that you were leaving town, and I wanted to find out if it was true before I told her.", "Victor: I'm going to go to a rehab clinic in Belgium, a rehab clinic for transplant patients. But now after what happened, I--", "Ashley: No, Victor, you definitely should go. It'll give Abby a chance to, I don't know, get used to the changes, and you need to gain your strength back.", "Victor: I'll think about it.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, I should go.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Ashley: I have a question-- does your leaving have anything to do with me?", "Victor: (Sighs) I've caused you so much pain, I just can't stand it anymore. But one thing I want to make clear to you-- when I come back, I want to take an active role in the lives of my children, all right? Because you told me that I was given an incredible gift, and I will not take that for granted again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: The man gets a new lease on life for this?", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Jeff: I don't give a damn about his \"New lease on life.\" I just want the money we were cheated out of in the Caymans.", "Michael: And you think he should be held liable.", "Gloria: Yes, and as our lawyer, you need to prove that.", "Michael: This article is pure specu--hold on. Wait a minute. What the--I'm your what?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jeff: Don't look so dumbfounded. People sue on these grounds all the time.", "Michael: I work for Victor.", "Gloria: And I'm sure you'll find a loophole around it.", "Michael: The man has me on retainer. Taking your case would be a total... (Clicks tongue) Conflict of interest.", "Gloria: You choose Victor Newman over the woman who gave you life?", "Jeff: Yeah.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: Should we go out and save Michael?", "Kevin: Why? We haven't guessed what Ryder is thinking yet.", "Ryder: I'm thinking that I'm breaking up a family when all I wanted to do was be part of one.", "Kevin: You're not breaking us up.", "Ryder: Look, if you have something to ask me, you don't have to hide it behind some stupid game.", "Lauren: Tell me about your mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: How about you just write a letter to the editor if you don't like it, okay? Thank you.", "Chloe: Good for you for not apologizing.", "Billy: No, oh, wait. Wait. Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac. Look, you know how much I hate it when you're mad at me.", "Mac: I'm not mad. I'm disappointed.", "Billy: Okay, that's worse. Look, why don't you meet me at the trailer, and I'll hear you out? I promise.", "Mac: But will you do anything about it?", "Billy: Well, I'll do something, but--", "Mac: Yeah, I didn't think so.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Chloe: You can't expect everyone to get it.", "(Door slams)", "Chloe: You know?", "Billy: Whew. Well, she'll come around.", "(Telephone rings)", "Chloe: Yeah, we'll see. Here, I'll get it.", "Billy: No, no, no. I-I got it.", "Chloe: Well--", "Billy: I actually like to hear from the masses. Hello? Yeah, well, I'll tell you what, you can--hey! If it's not my first official hire.", "Chloe: You hired her?", "Ashley: This is how you spent my money? By attacking the father of my children?", "Billy: (Grunts) All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs) Boy, sometimes I still feel this. But I'm glad you're here. There's some things we need to discuss.", "Nick: Well, before that, you need to take a look at this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: I didn't know my mother. She kinda nixed that when she walked out the door, left me with Tom.", "Lauren: And you never heard from her after that?", "Ryder: Nope.", "Jana: Is it possible she's dead?", "Ryder: (Scoffs) Could be.", "Lauren: Well, tell us her name, and we'll try and find her for you.", "Ryder: (Chuckles) Why?", "Lauren: Don't you want to know what happened to her?", "Ryder: Not especially.", "Kevin: He does not want to see her, okay?", "Lauren: (Sighs) Well, what about brothers and sisters?", "Ryder: Until I found Kevin, I-I thought I was an only child.", "(Telephone rings)", "Jana: I'll get it. (Clears throat)", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Jana: Hello? Oh, no! You sure there's no one else? (Sighs) Right. Okay. I'll see what I can do. (Clicks tongue) Sarah phoned in sick, and that blasted espresso machine's on the fritz again.", "Ryder: Hey, I-I can cover for her, and then I'll fix the espresso machine.", "Lauren: Oh, well, you can't leave. This whole night is about you.", "Kevin: Clearly.", "Ryder: Yeah.", "Kevin: If you wouldn't mind, that would be great.", "Ryder: No, no. That's fine.", "Gloria: I'm your mother. Doesn't that mean anything--?", "Michael: Mother, you don't even know the meaning of the word! You'd have to look it up in the dictionary.", "Gloria: Oh, that's--", "Lauren: You know, it does seem like Michael needs saving.", "Kevin: Not so fast. Earlier, when I was thanking you both for making an effort, I was thinking how lucky I was to have such a great family, and how much I wanted Ryder to be a part of that. But now, after your behavior tonight, he's feeling more alienated than before.", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: I told you, it's impossible.", "Gloria: Crackerjack lawyer like you, nothing is impossible.", "Kevin: You need some help, Mike?", "All: No.", "Mac: Bad time?", "Kevin: No, no. What's up?", "Mac: It's Billy.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Look, Mac, I love you, but unless you want to talk about what a screw-up \"Willy\" is, then, um, maybe you should find another friend to talk to.", "Mac: The weird thing is, that's exactly why I'm here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I just spent a half an hour trying to assure Abby that I wasn't leaving her father because of anything he did to have her read that.", "Billy: (Sighs) Could you just come over here? Please? Look, I know it's harsh, okay? But CeeCee's dead, and he is the reason why, and I'm not gonna let him get away with it, okay?", "Ashley: Look, I understand that you're upset about Colleen. We all are. But for you to lash out through a tabloid exposé, Billy, come on. It's beneath you.", "Billy: It was business.", "Ashley: Oh, God.", "Billy: Come on. You know about business. Yeah, I wanted to stick it to Victor, but more importantly, I have to make a big splash here. I have to make an impression.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: And this was, by far, the easiest, and I predict, most profitable way to do that.", "Ashley: Well, your money-driven decision is gonna hurt a lot of people, Billy Abbott. I just hope that your profit is worth what you lose, little brother.", "Billy: Sis--", "Ashley: No.", "Billy: (Groans) \"Little brother.\"", "Ashley: Uh-huh.", "Billy: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: If I'd known he was gonna run this smear campaign against you, Dad, I never would have convinced Phyllis to sell.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Billy didn't act alone.", "Nick: Jack.", "Nikki: Have you seen this?", "Victor: Yes, I have.", "Nikki: (Sighs) After everything that you've been through, for Billy to launch an attack like this-- I can't believe it.", "Victor: Well, I've been attacked far worse than that, haven't I?", "Nick: Dad, you should know the money Billy used to buy \"Restless Style\" came from an account of Ashley's.", "Victor: To be honest with you, I don't think she-- she would have known that he would do that.", "Nikki: I would hope not.", "Victor: Besides that, being attacked by the Abbotts certainly is nothing new to the Newmans, is it?", "Nick: So what do we want to do about it?", "Victor: Nothing, son.", "Nick: You don't want to do anything?", "Victor: No. Certainly not now, and I'll tell you why. I just had to tell Abby that I'm divorcing her mother, and I don't want Abby to be dragged into a family feud.", "Nick: Well, you may not want to retaliate, but there is no way in hell I am letting this go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: What can I get for you?", "Abby: What's good?", "Ryder: Uh, that's up to you. Let me know when you decide.", "Abby: Double-shot latté, extra foam, but make sure you use low-fat milk. I have to watch my sugar intake. I'm a model. Maybe you saw me on the cover of \"Restless Style.\"", "Ryder: Mm. I think I missed that. Sorry. Nice.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Ryder: That'll be $3.50.", "Abby: (Sighs) I could send it to you, and that way, you'll have my number on your phone.", "Ryder: How old are you?", "Abby: (Scoffs) 18.", "Noah: Funny. Two weeks ago, you were 14.", "Ryder: (Chuckles)", "Abby: Thanks a lot. (Scoffs)", "Noah: That guy is in his 20s.", "Abby: So what? If everyone else can do whatever they want without worrying about the consequences, so can I.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: My God, did you see how fast he jumped to cover that shift?", "Lauren: I know. I know. I mean, either he's shy, or I was getting way too close for comfort, which means you and I have to do some digging on our own to make sure he's not hiding something.", "Jeff: Okay, where's the eats?", "Jana: I just put them away.", "Lauren: I can't believe you're still hungry.", "Gloria: Don't you know that growing boys always need seconds and thirds?", "Jeff: And hopefully, thirds and fourths, if you can fit them into your purse.", "Gloria: Mm, yeah. Mm.", "Lauren: In there. Uh, what was all the yelling?", "Michael: Uh, I was battling the devil for my soul, and I lost. Don't ask me how, but, uh, I just let my mother talk me into trying to help her sue my boss.", "Lauren: What? Can you even do that?", "Michael: Not legally, not ethically, but I told her I'd try.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: And for the life of me, I don't know why.", "Mac: I came to you because I knew you'd give it to me straight.", "Kevin: You want me to give it to you straight?", "Mac: Yeah.", "Kevin: I think that what Billy did is nothing. Uh, nothing for Billy. It's just one in a long line of things that he's going to do to disappoint you. So maybe the question you need to ask yourself is, do you want to keep making excuses for him? Because he is who he is, and there's nothing that you can do to change that.", "Mac: So you're saying you think I should end things.", "Kevin: (Sighs) I'm just saying that he's gonna keep hurting you if you let him. I'm sorry, Mac, but you know how I feel about Billy. You knew what I'd say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: Yeah, it's me. It's all going as planned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I still can't believe Billy would stoop so low.", "Victor: Enough about Billy, all right? (Sighs) I want to get back to where we were before we were interrupted.", "Nikki: Victor... (Sighs) I really need to think about this.", "Victor: Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Clears throat) So you just can't get enough, can you? (Chuckles) Not with Nick or Jack or Billy or--am I forgetting someone?", "Sharon: For your information, Chloe, I'm here to give my notice.", "Chloe: Oh, good.", "Nick: I should have known you'd come. I wish Dad could see how willing people are to come to his defense.", "Billy: Actually, she's not here to protect the mustache, she's here to work for me.", "Nick: So this is one of those \"Exciting job prospects.\"", "Sharon: Nick, I knew nothing about this.", "Nick: Uh, you know what, Sharon? It's--its okay. Phyllis and I trusted you with this magazine.", "Billy: Well, I'm sorry if you don't like the direction it's going in, but, uh, it's a done deal. Too late to take it back.", "Nick: No, you get to keep the magazine. But this building is mine, and you've got 15 minutes to vacate it.", "Billy: (Laughs) Oh, man, you can't be serious.", "Nick: You mess with my father, and you mess with me. Now get your stuff and get the hell out.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: I understand why Billy lashed out.", "Nick: Oh, I'll bet you do.", "Deacon: Yeah, I got nothing to say.", "Billy: That's okay, because I'm pretty sure these pictures say it all.", "Victor: And I've done things I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Avery is disappointed when her motion to suppress the audiotape of Sharon and Skye's conversation from evidence is denied. Nick tells Sharon that she should probably be prepared to spend thirty years in jail and makes it clear that he can't be her savior anymore. Avery begs Adam to do the right thing and wave his right to client confidentiality, so that she can get a court order to drag the stream for the memory card, but he refuses to help Sharon.", "Chance tells Ronan to stop being such a jerk to Nina and come to dinner with him at her house. Ronan accuses Chance of being a jerk, and he doesn't want Nina to get her hopes up about having a relationship with him because she will never replace his mom who raised him. Chance and Nina are both surprised and happy when Ronan shows up at the house for dinner. Heather tells Chance she is in love with him and apologizes to him for letting him go. Chance breaks her heart when he tells her that they had a good relationship, but it is over now because he has a very dangerous job, and he can't risk having a romantic relationship with anyone.", "When Heather gets drunk, Adam sees her at the bar at Gloworm and starts to buy her more drinks. Chloe asks Kevin to marry her complete with a personal serenade. He says yes but a few minutes later starts to wonder if Chloe is just grateful to him because she thinks he gave Delia his bone marrow. Kevin talks Billy into not letting Victor chase him out of town. When Billy tries to stand up to Victor, it backfires because Victor shows him more information about Billy's time in Asia that would break Victoria's heart if she saw it. Victoria signs the divorce papers then Billy and Victor leave the trailer and go to the airport.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Hey, Sam. I know Sharon's not in court today. You gonna go by and see her?", "Sam: Actually, Avery called and said she needed to see Sharon right away, and alone, so not today.", "Nick: I wonder if that's good news or bad news.", "Adam: I see the, uh, \"I'm so worried about Sharon\" club is in session today. What a waste of time and barstools.", "Sam: (Sighs)", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Avery: There was a hearing this morning.", "Sharon: You didn't say anything about that.", "Avery: Well, I filed a motion. I wasn't sure if the judge would hear it or not, and I wanted to see how it turned out before I said anything.", "Sharon: Okay. How did it go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: It went really well, actually.", "Paul: Well, hey, there's one for our side.", "Heather: Yeah, that's not an easy task when you're up against Avery Clark.", "Paul: Oh, come on. I have a lot of faith in you.", "Heather: Mm. How's your work going? Have you guys made any progress in the Diane Jenkins murder?", "Paul: (Chuckles) I wish I could say yes.", "Heather: I'm sure Ronan's too distracted by the Colin Atkinson case. Wow, that was some operation.", "Paul: Yeah, no kidding.", "Heather: FBI, Interpol, military. Have you seen Chance?", "Paul: Uh, I-I saw him when he stopped by to see Nina.", "Heather: Mm.", "Paul: What about you?", "Heather: Mm, no. No, he hasn't even called. I mean, not that I would really expect him to. I was the one who broke things off. (Sighs)", "Paul: So why do you seem upset?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: I.N.S. docs done?", "Ronan: All 20 pages of it.", "Chance: Good. Don't want Atkinson's deportation getting revoked on a technicality now.", "Ronan: Mm. Did you do the military paperwork?", "Chance: T's crossed and I's dotted.", "Ronan: Okay. Well, I guess that's everything.", "Chance: Yeah, with the case.", "Ronan: Yeah, speaking of case, um, I need a--have another one here that I need to be working on, so if you don't mind--", "Chance: Not--not until we talk, okay?", "Ronan: Look, Chance, if you're looking for a thank-you from me--", "Chance: Ronan, you don't owe me squat, okay?", "Ronan: Good. Then we're done with everything.", "Chance: You know, if you want to be an ungrateful ass to me, that's fine. I can take it. But don't be that way to our mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: Delia's blood count is where it should be.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Doctor: Vitals are good. Everything's right on schedule.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Thank you.", "Doctor: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Thank you so much. Will--will you please thank Dr. Larson and--and all of your orderlies and your nur-- your entire staff, please?", "Doctor: I'll tell them.", "Chloe: Thanks. (Sighs) Oh, my baby. Baby, it worked. Oh, it worked. Kevin's bone marrow's gonna make you all better. (Sighs) And I love him for that. I love him. I love him. I love him more than Duckie loves Andy. There's only one way I can actually show him how much.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hello?", "Chloe: Hi, Victoria, it's Chloe.", "Victoria: Oh, hi, Chloe. What's up?", "Chloe: Hey, um, I have a favor to ask you. Do you think I could come over for a minute?", "Victoria: Uh... yeah, sure.", "Chloe: Okay, um, Delia's sleeping. I'll be over in just a minute.", "Victoria: Yeah, bye. Hey.", "Victor: Is Cordelia all right?", "Victoria: Yeah, uh, Chloe wants to talk, but she sounded happy.", "Victor: Well, that's good.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: That's very good. Everything seems in order here. Thank you for taking care of it so promptly.", "Victoria: Oh, sure, yeah. It's not like I have much else going on.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I appreciate your dedication to your job, but, you know, life is about more than just work.", "Victoria: Whoa. (Laughs) Hold on a second. I think I should mark this down in my calendar.", "Victor: You should. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Victor Newman thinks I'm working too hard. That is funny.", "Victor: I'm serious.", "Victoria: Uh-huh.", "Victor: By the way, what is this?", "Victoria: No, Dad, don't. That's personal. That's personal.", "Victor: Oh, sorry.", "Victoria: No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. (Sighs) They're my divorce papers. I haven't signed them yet.", "Victor: (Sighs) Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Well, you look like you're movin' around okay.", "Billy: What, are you disappointed you don't get to see me suffer anymore?", "Kevin: Uh, yeah, Billy. It was the highlight of my day.", "Billy: Let's talk about Delia. How's she doing? Is the transplant still holding? Everything's good?", "Kevin: Yeah, all signs are pointing to a full recovery. And, uh, she'll be home before we know it.", "Billy: That is amazing.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's great news... about Delia.", "Billy: About Delia? What, Dude? (Sighs) Why are you acting so weird, you weird little man? You're acting weirder than usual.", "Kevin: Because, smart guy, now there's no reason for Victor to let you stay here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: It's bad news, isn't it?", "Avery: I filed a motion to exclude the audiotape between you and Skye on the volcano.", "Sharon: Okay, but you purposely didn't do that during the pretrial hearing.", "Avery: Right. That's when I thought I would get my hands on the rest of it, and it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.", "Sharon: (Sighs) They're going to let them play that audiotape, aren't they?", "Avery: All right, I knew that was a possibility when I went with this strategy.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. This is so bad. This is so bad.", "Avery: Look, the evidence is circumstantial. I feel confident I can refute it, and we still have Victor's testimony.", "Sharon: That's not gonna be enough.", "Avery: All right, on its own, it won't. You're right.", "Sharon: There's something else. You have something else, don't you?", "Avery: Look, I came to tell you about the hearing.", "Sharon: Okay, but you're keeping something from me. What is it?", "Avery: You have to trust me.", "Sharon: No, you told me that this is over with the minute I give up hope. Give me some hope!", "Avery: You have to trust me. This isn't over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: You know, Sharon actually thought you were a decent guy. Why don't you at least try to prove her right?", "Adam: You mean ride her to rescue? No, I'll leave that to you and my brother here.", "Sam: Yeah, that's what I figured. I'll catch you later.", "Nick: See you.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Nick: Adam, you never gave up on Sharon. Even after the first trial when she was convicted, you helped her escape. Right or wrong, you refused to let her go to prison for a crime she didn't commit. Then when they were trying to say that she killed herself, it was your idea to go to New Mexico to get that reversed. You were the only one who kept trying to prove she was innocent. You did everything you could for her.", "Adam: I was a fool in love, Nicholas.", "Nick: You were the man that, frankly, none of us ever thought you could be, but Sharon did.", "Adam: It was a mirage, smoke and mirrors.", "Nick: I hope not... for Sharon's sake, because she needs you to be that man again to step up and clear her name, like you could have done this whole time.", "Adam: And what then? Everyone lives happily ever after? Except for the... black sheep half brother?", "Nick: You're always gonna be that.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Adam: Yeah?", "Avery: It's Avery. I need to see you right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Groans) (Sighs)", "Victor: Well, what's stopping you?", "Victoria: Well, okay, listen. I know this is gonna sound silly, but I feel like the universe is telling me not to sign them, like somebody wants me to not get this divorce. I mean, the first set, I lost. The second set, I spilled coffee on. (Sighs)", "Victor: What do you want?", "Victoria: I don't know. I mean, I-I just want to move on, but I'm not-- I'm not sure I'm ready yet.", "Victor: I can tell you from experience, ending a marriage is not easy, even though... it was a mistake from the beginning.", "Victoria: Oh, okay, well, don't be shy, Dad. I mean, come on. Tell me how you really feel.", "Victor: You don't want to hear that.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Victor: You'll do the right thing... when the time comes, okay? I gotta go.", "Victoria: Okay, yeah, okay. Well, thanks for stopping by to look over those contracts.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: I promise I'll be back in the office on a regular basis as soon as I possibly can.", "Victor: I know you will.", "Victoria: (Gasps) Oh, hey, Chloe.", "Chloe: Hi. I hope I'm not intruding.", "Victoria: No, actually, Dad was just leaving.", "Victor: How is Cordelia?", "Chloe: Super awesome.", "Victor: Super awesome. I'll be damned. Well, I'm super-duper glad. You have a nice day.", "Chloe: You, too.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: Bye, Dad.", "Victor: Bye, Sweetheart.", "Victor: We have got to deal with the Billy Abbott issue, all right? Yes, now. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Look, I made a deal with Victor. I know what it is.", "Kevin: Ahh, so Billy is going to bail again. There's a surprise. You know, I thought almost losing your kid would have been enough to knock some sense into you.", "Billy: Stop. Do you think I like this?", "Kevin: Uh, dumping your responsibilities, drinking, gambling? Yeah, I think you do.", "Billy: Leaving Victoria and DeeDee isn't my first choice, but it's the only choice I have, thanks to Victor.", "Kevin: You're letting him make it that that's your only choice. Here's a crazy idea-- come clean with your wife.", "Billy: (Chuckles) You mean my ex-wife. I'm sure she signed those papers by now.", "Kevin: Well, then get her to unsign 'em.", "Billy: Look, Man, it's done, okay? Besides, everybody else is better off without me. If I just leave, it's better.", "Kevin: Oh, right, yeah, sure, and it's easier than, you know, coming clean with Victoria, telling her what actually went down in Asia, and telling Victor to take a hike.", "Billy: I'm not afraid of him.", "Kevin: (Laughs) Then why are you running?", "Billy: Because if I don't run, he's gonna make Vicki's life a living hell.", "Kevin: And it's not gonna be a living hell if you actually do leave? You really, really are stupid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Don't you have a general or somebody like that that you need to be checking in with?", "Chance: Look, I'm going over to Mom's for dinner. Come with me.", "Ronan: No.", "Chance: Why?", "Ronan: Because she'll think it means something.", "Chance: And that would be just so terrible, wouldn't it?", "Ronan: Chance, I already had a mom, okay? I've told you this before. I had a really good mom, and Nina can't just step in and take her place.", "Chance: Why did you even come here?", "Ronan: I said no, okay?", "Chance: You think you can just roll into town here? You think you can just check us out, take half my liver, and then just dump us as freely as you want?", "Ronan: Yeah, pretty much.", "Chance: What the hell is your problem? Ronan, why are you such an ass? Huh? I don't know, maybe you're not. Maybe you are. Maybe you're not. I don't know. You know why I don't know? It's because you won't let anyone get close enough to find out!", "Ronan: Okay, I'm gonna clear things up for you right now, all right? It's the first one. I'm an ass! So stop wastin' those brain cells of yours trying to figure me out, okay?", "Chance: Fine. You know what? Don't worry about it. I won't. Not again.", "Ronan: And give \"Mom\" the message, too!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: When I found out that Chance was on that classified operation, nobody knew where he was or what he was doing, I was worried about him-- more worried than I expected to be. And then I started to think about... what life would be like without him.", "Paul: And you didn't like what you saw.", "Heather: I want to be with him.", "Paul: (Sighs) I wish I had some sage advice to give you. But your old man is, like, zero for... I lost count on relationships.", "Heather: That's okay. I need to figure this one out by myself.", "Paul: I think it's safer. (Laughs)", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Paul: Um, I hate to leave you right now, but I'm supposed to meet Nina for dinner.", "Heather: Oh, no, no. Please go.", "Paul: You okay?", "Heather: Yes, absolutely. I-I should, um, prepare for Avery to launch her defense of Sharon anyway.", "Paul: Okay. Call me later. And good luck with everything, okay?", "Heather: Thank you.", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Heather: Hello?", "Chance: Heather, its Chance.", "Heather: Hi. (Sighs) Um, I-I heard you were back in town.", "Chance: I've been working on a case. It's finished now. I was wondering I-if we could meet.", "Heather: Y-yes. Um, sure.", "Chance: Great. There's something I want to talk to you about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Oh, hi.", "Victor: Hello, Billy. You seem to have recovered well.", "Billy: Thank you for your concern.", "Victor: Here is your passport.", "Victor: The car's waiting outside. It'll take you to the airport. My private jet will then fly you to--", "Billy: Nowhere.", "Victor: I beg your pardon?", "Billy: I'm not going anywhere, and believe me, Sir, there's nothing you can do about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Nick, I was expecting Avery.", "Nick: Wasn't she here earlier?", "Sharon: Yeah, but I was hoping she'd come back with good news.", "Nick: What's going on? Sam told me that you and Avery had an unscheduled meeting this morning.", "Sharon: (Sighs) She filed a motion to suppress the audiotape of me and Skye, and the judge denied her request.", "Nick: Well, I'm sure she's used to that kind of thing.", "Sharon: Well, she did say there was something else she was working on.", "Nick: And you don't know what it is?", "Sharon: She wouldn't tell me anything more, but if it doesn't work, Nick, I don't know what I'm gonna do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: The judge is allowing the prosecution to play the audiotape of Sharon and Skye arguing on the volcano, which would not be such a bad thing if the jury could hear the rest of it.", "Adam: A really clever attorney could find a way to make that happen.", "Avery: A really decent human being would come forward if he knew he could help.", "Adam: I told you where the memory card is.", "Avery: I can't get a court order to drag the creek unless I tell the D.A. that you threw it there.", "Adam: You'd be breaking the attorney-client privilege, wouldn't you?", "Avery: Not if you waive your right to confidentiality.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hey.", "Chance: Hey. Hi, uh, come in, please.", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Chance: How are you?", "Heather: I'm good. Uh, how are you?", "Chance: Good, um, you-- you look great.", "Heather: Thank you. So do you.", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Chance: I appreciate that. Thanks for taking my call and-- and--and comin' by.", "Heather: Thank you for calling.", "Chance: Yeah.", "Heather: I, um, I really wanted to talk to you.", "Chance: Yeah, yeah, we, um, we left things kind of unsaid and a bit rushed, didn't we?", "Heather: Yeah, that was probably my fault.", "Chance: No. No, it wasn't, um, you were right. It never would have worked between us. Heather, this is-- this is my life-- chasing bad guys, dangerous missions. It wouldn't be fair for me to get involved with anyone, even someone as great as you, and I am just so thankful that you saw that. I mean, if we had really gotten together, it would have been the biggest mistake of our lives.", "Heather: No. No, it wouldn't have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay, are you sure about this?", "Chloe: Look, I know that most people do the whole champagne and roses and all of that, but, you know, Kevin and I have this whole joke about \"Pretty in Pink.\"", "Victoria: No, actually, what I mean is, are you sure about this whole thing?", "Chloe: Definitely. For sure. Why would you even ask?", "Victoria: Um, well, you broke up with Kevin, and then Delia got sick, and--", "Chloe: Yeah, and he saved her life.", "Victoria: Yes, he did, and I know you're grateful to him. But sometimes it's easy to confuse gratitude with, um... other feelings.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Okay, it's Chloe here that you're talking to, champion of confused feelings when it comes to men.", "Victoria: Okay. Right, but not this time.", "Chloe: Sometimes... when you're in a relationship, you just know what the next step is. You know what I mean?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You should take a trip. Running the universe-- it must be tiresome, and you should-- probably could use a vacation.", "Victor: Mm. You don't intend to stick to our agreement, do you?", "Billy: Agreement. (Sighs)", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: See, usually, that's, uh, mutually beneficial to both parties.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Billy: And when I examined ours, I noticed that the scales were strongly tipped in your favor, and that usually happens when one person has leverage over the other.", "Victor: And you don't think I have the leverage anymore, do you?", "Billy: Well... my daughter's fine.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Billy: You can't hold that over my head. And as far as the thing in Asia goes, well, I'm prepared to come clean to Victoria.", "Victor: And the fact that she is divorcing you?", "Billy: Gives me pause, but I'm back in town. And I can explain things to her, so...", "Victor: And she'll forgive you. Is that it?", "Billy: Well, Vic, I do have a certain charm.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Yes, you do, Billy. You do, indeed. Charm. And you like the bottle, don't you? Huh? Whilst in Asia, you just had that little incident. Now you might worm yourself back into her life.", "Victor: But, unfortunately, there was a little bit more going on, right?", "Billy: What are you talking about?", "Victor: (Touches iPad screen) Right here. How's that? Does that jog your memory? Does it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: All I am asking is for you to do what you know is right. Is that really so hard for you?", "Adam: Maybe \"Sam the goat whisperer\" could ride to her rescue or my brother Nicholas. He could resurrect that... \"Knight in shining armor/ damsel in distress\" routine he plays so well.", "Avery: God, you are damaged. And I would feel sorry for you. I would, if you weren't so willing to take this out on my client.", "Adam: Is that all you care about? Your client?", "Avery: Professionally, yes, I do. But on a personal level, Adam, you will never be healed if you don't do this. I know you want to.", "Adam: Are you finished?", "Avery: Yeah. Yeah, I'm finished.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I really wish I could tell you everything's gonna be okay. But, Sharon, you're gonna have to accept the fact that this could be your home for the next 30 years.", "Sharon: Accept the fact that I'm gonna be cut off from the rest of my family, from everyone I love? Accept that I'll be living in a 10x10 cell, and that you'll be controlling if and--if and when I ever see my daughter?", "Nick: What choice do you have? I mean, unless you're thinking of running again.", "Sharon: Oh, I can't believe you just said that.", "Nick: Sharon, you did it once before.", "Sharon: Okay, but I thought that we had talked about it, we were past it, and you understood the reasons why I ran.", "Nick: Look, I have tried to be supportive for Noah and Faith's sake. But the way you took off like that and let us all think you were dead, I don't think I'll ever be able to get past that.", "Sharon: You think I deserve to be here, don't you?", "Nick: Sharon, of course I don't think that. But I can't be your savior anymore.", "Sam: Sorry, I didn't-- I didn't mean to interrupt.", "Nick: No, that's all right. We're done here. Good luck today in court.", "Sam: Is something wrong?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Oh, it's so nice not to be eating alone in a restaurant.", "Paul: (Chuckles) Yeah, I know what you mean. Is Chance gonna bring anybody, or...", "Nina: I don't know. Why?", "Paul: Well, I was just wondering if he, uh, you know, mentioned anything about Heather.", "Nina: No, he didn't. You know, I was totally wrong to blame Heather for Chance's reenlisting, but I gotta tell you, I'm kinda glad he's keeping his distance from her. I mean, it's probably what she wants. I mean, she broke up with him, so...", "Paul: Yeah, well, I kind of think she might have changed her mind about that.", "Nina: She wants to get back together with him?", "Paul: That's the impression I got.", "Nina: (Sighs) Yeah, I know she's your daughter and everything. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but... I really hope that doesn't happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I'm--I'm sorry. (Sighs) I-I-I didn't mean to just blurt that out.", "Chance: No, I-I... (Sighs) (Chuckles) Things just never quite seem to go as I expect them to when it comes to the two of us is all.", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Heather: It keeps it interesting.", "Chance: Interesting's good. But interesting's not enough.", "Heather: You know, there are a lot of jerks out there. I think I've-- I've met most of them since we broke up. (Chuckles)", "Chance: Heather, you are a terrific lady-- woman.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Chance: You're gonna find \"Mr. Right.\"", "Heather: I think I already did... and I really regret letting him get away. And... (Sighs) I was kind of hoping that, um, that he would give me another chance... because... I love him.", "Chance: Heather--", "Heather: I have just completely humiliated myself, haven't I?", "Chance: No. No, no, look. What we had was-- was great. But it's over.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Chance: I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hey. How's the back feeling?", "Kevin: The back?", "Victoria: Yeah. Is it still sore after the bone marrow transplant?", "Kevin: Oh, right, uh, uh, no, it's fine. It's like you wouldn't even know I donated.", "Victoria: Well, Chloe does. And you have no idea how grateful she is to you, and what an amazing person she thinks you are.", "Kevin: Uh, I do. I think I do.", "Victoria: No, you don't. You really don't. But you are about to find out.", "Kevin: Huh? Whoa, whoa, what are you-- what is--", "(\"Wedding Bell Blues\" playing)", "Chloe: Bill, I love you so. I always will. I look at you and see the passion in your eyes. Oh, but am I ever gonna see my wedding day? Wedding day. I've been on your side, Bill, when you were losing. I'd never scheme or lie, Bill. There's been no foolin'. The kisses I love won't carry me till ya marry me, Bill. I got the wedding bell blues. Oh, please marry me, Bill. I got the wedding bell blues. Marry me, Bill. Oh, won't you marry me? Oh, please marry me, Bill? (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) Vodka, straight up, please. (Sighs) Another.", "Adam: Counselor. You mind if I join you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Chloe, I don't-- I mean, what are--what is-- what are you-- what are you saying?", "Chloe: Because I love you, Kevin Fisher, and I don't care who knows it. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I should have told you that before, but I wasn't ready. And now I'm ready. I'm ready for us to be together.", "Kevin: Together like...", "Chloe: Were you listening to the damn song? Will you marry me, Kevin?", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Yes. Yes, I will marry you.", "Victoria: Oh, yay! (Applause)", "Victoria: (Laughs) That is great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Interesting, isn't it? Maybe \"Disturbing\" would be more aptly descriptive.", "Billy: You know what? You're a bastard. If your daughter saw that, she'd...", "Victor: So what's it gonna be? Are you gonna stay here and ruin my daughter's life? Or get the hell out of Genoa City for good?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Scoffs) Oh! God. Oh, no. (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Nick: Avery?", "Avery: (Gasps) I didn't--I didn't hear you come in.", "Nick: You okay?", "Avery: Yes. (Sighs) No, no, I'm terrible. I'm terrible. I'm more than terrible. (Sighs)", "Nick: Hey, it's okay. It's all right.", "Avery: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: Well, it doesn't seem like Avery's giving up.", "Sharon: No, she'll definitely fight to the end. That's a given. It's Adam who's the wild card.", "Sam: You know, I try to see the good in all people-- all people. But for the life of me, I can't understand what you ever saw in that man besides pure evil.", "Sharon: Well, he is a mixture of \"Wounded little boy\" and \"Vindictive man,\" and I think right now the wounded little boy is scared and hiding, and he wants to come out and do the right thing.", "Sam: You think he's capable of that?", "Sharon: (Sighs) I did... once. But right now, I think he's alone and he's desperate, and he feels like the entire world is against him.", "Sam: Well, when someone's back is against the wall like that...", "Sharon: That's when they're most dangerous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs) No, no, stay, stay. Have a--have another one... on me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Ohh.", "Chance: Mm.", "Nina: (Chuckles) Mm. Let me look at you.", "Chance: Okay, okay, look. Ten fingers, ten toes, just like the day I was born, and the way you saw me yesterday.", "Nina: Oh, so I'm a little overprotective. Arrest me.", "Chance: (Laughs) Where's, uh, where's Paul?", "Nina: Oh, he got a phone call.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Chance: Uh, did he step outside?", "Nina: No, he didn't. I don't know who that could be. I'm not expecting anybody.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Chuckles) I guess I'm just having gender confusion? No, character confusion. I get it--\"Pretty in Pink.\" It is our weirdly romantic thing, but I thought I was Duckie.", "Chloe: Well, you know me. I like to mix it up.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Well, somewhere, I bet John Hughes is smiling and laughing, or he's thinking, wow, these two are nut jobs.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Listen, I'm crazy, but I own it. And I just really needed to show you how right this is.", "Kevin: Mission accomplished.", "Chloe: Look, when you gave Delia your bone marrow, you bonded the three of us together. You made us a family. My proposal only makes this official.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Let me have that. So what is it going to be?", "Billy: Let's go.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: Don't do it. I don't want you to testify.", "Adam: Why don't you just go up to my room and sleep it off?", "Ronan: And you don't want me to talk.", "Phyllis: No.", "Ronan: So what else is there?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Coffeehouse, Dylan informs Victoria that he just got out of jail while Ben listens. Ben confronts Victoria about posting his bail. Victoria changes the subject and asks Ben about his father's death. At the Athletic Club, Joe and Cane discuss business and Victor Newman. Victor and Maureen discuss where Nikki was when Maureen covered for her. Maureen admits she covered for Nikki because of her ex-husband, Richard. At the ranch, Faith tells Nikki about her costume for Halloween. When Faith goes to get her things to go home, Nick asks Nikki if her MS meds are working. At Sharon's home, Phyllis questions her about her fall down the stairs which wasn't Jack's fault. Phyllis goes on to ask Sharon if she saw her the night that she fell. Sharon confesses that she did see her. Phyllis wants to know where she saw her. Nick lets Nikki know that he and Sharon are getting married on Halloween. After Nick and Faith leave, Nikki eyes the liquor on the bar. She unfolds a pamphlet and looks at it. Victoria wants Ben to confide in her about his past. Ben begs her to let him make this right between them, then leaves her.", "Joe and Cane discuss Victor and his involvement in Genoa City. Dylan interrupts Cane and Joe and thanks Cane for not listening to him when he told him to board up the tunnels because that was the way they were able to catch Ian Ward. Nikki quickly hides the brochure when Victor comes home. As usual, Victor and Nikki argue over the fact that he helped get Ian Ward arrested. Nikki leaves to go to a meeting. Nikki visits Maureen to have a chat and agrees to have a drink. Ben interrupts them but Nikki quickly hides. Ben tells Maureen that he is going to tell Victoria the truth about his father's death. Maureen is against it. Victor throws his phone onto the desk and the papers falls off. The brochure that Nikki was looking at falls into the chair. Victor picks it up and looks at it. Cane finds out that Joe's business in town will be at Dylan's expense. Phyllis tells Nick that she should right some wrongs when it comes to Sharon.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: You shouldn't be here, Phyllis. You just got out of the hospital. You should be resting.", "Phyllis: Thank you so much for your concern, Sharon.", "Sharon: I just wonder if it's safe for you to be up and around like this.", "Phyllis: \"Safe\"? We're never as safe as we think we are. We...go along with our lives and make plans, and then bam. Things change. Like what happened to me the night of my accident. I remember, Sharon. I remember everything.", "Maureen: Victor. [Clears throat] What a pleasant surprise.", "Victor: You don't mind, do you?", "Maureen: No, not at all. I assume you found Nikki the other day.", "Victor: There was no charity meeting. So, you lied for my wife. Why would you do that?", "Faith: Grandma, look.", "Nikki: [Gasps] Oh, my goodness, that's my old tiara. I forgot that I had it.", "[Both chuckle]", "Faith: Is it real diamonds?", "Nikki: No, it's just rhinestones. I think I wore it to a charity gala.", "Faith: Can I borrow it? Please?", "Nikki: For Halloween?", "Faith: Maybe. I just like it.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] Of course you can borrow it any time you want, sweetheart.", "Faith: Why have you been eating so much candy lately?", "Nikki: Oh. Um, well, I am on this new medication, and it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know it's not a good habit. [Sighs] I'm trying really hard to stop.", "Faith: I'm sorry you're sick, grandma.", "Nikki: Thank you, my princess.", "Cane: Joe. Hey.", "Joe: Hey, buddy. Have a seat.", "Cane: Sure.", "Joe: Unless, of course, you're worried the boss might see you.", "Cane: [Chuckles] Actually, she's upstairs in the office.", "Joe: Oh, that's a shame. Beautiful woman like that should be circulating.", "Cane: Okay, so, uh, how's that business deal you're working on? Is that going okay? I mean, you seem to be in town longer than you expected.", "Joe: I thought you lost interest in the big business.", "Cane: Or maybe it's not the deal that brought you to Genoa City, and it's the fact that your ex is here making a life with the guy that she left you for.", "Dylan: There's more to your story, isn't there?", "Stitch: Enough to make Victoria understand -- maybe even win her back.", "Victoria: I didn't mean to interrupt. Obviously, this is a private conversation.", "Dylan: No. No, Victoria, wait.", "Dylan: I just got out of jail. Okay? I wasn't in there long, but it was long enough, and I could have spent the rest of my life behind bars because of the way things looked to the rest of the world. Even Paul thought I was guilty at first. But, you know, things worked out for me. I got lucky. I had people who believed in me. I had people who were in my corner. Not everybody's so lucky.", "Stitch: Hey, um, look I-I know what you did, and I appreciate it.", "Victoria: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Stitch: You posting my bail. I get why you didn't mention it this morning at the police station. You knew I'd probably stop you, but...I wanted you to know how grateful I am.", "Victoria: That wasn't me, Ben.", "Stitch: Uh, I was...", "Victoria: Are you sure that it wasn't Dylan?", "Stitch: No. It wasn't him. I'm not sure what to think now.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. I-I kind of feel the same way. I heard what you said just now to Dylan about there being more to your father's death. I know that there's something you've been wanting to tell me for a few weeks about your past, but we just kind of -- I don't know -- we seemed to keep getting interrupted. The last time, it was your mom, and -- and then I just thought that maybe it was talk, and maybe you were just trying to figure out a way to get back together with me. But you didn't know I was just listening right now to Dylan and what you were saying to him, and you have no reason to want to try to win him over, so I was just thinking maybe there is something.", "Stitch: If there were, would it change anything?", "Joe: How well do you know McAvoy?", "Cane: Gave us some advice when we were renovating this place.", "Joe: So, potentially an acquaintance. That's it, huh?", "Cane: So you're not gonna answer my question, are you?", "Joe: Look, like I told Avery, it's pure coincidence the deal I'm working on brought me here. Yeah, I didn't come to Genoa City for her. Nothing personal. Just strictly business -- potentially very lucrative business. There was a time that I wouldn't tell you another word, but now here you are, out of the game completely, running a hotel.", "Cane: And couldn't be happier.", "Joe: Yeah, lily told me the other day what transpired between you and Victor. It takes guts to put down an offer from him.", "Maureen: It was a misunderstanding, Victor.", "Victor: Really? Was it?", "Maureen: The building was full of cops working undercover, and it turns out your wife was part of that. Well, I didn't want to put my feet in anything.", "Victor: And that is why you lied about Nikki's whereabouts?", "Maureen: I could tell that something was out of the ordinary.", "Victor: And then you decided to tell me an outright lie.", "Maureen: Well, that's what I would have done with my late husband. After he lost his job, Richard got mean and would question everything I said or did, whether or not there was reason to do so, and it was a full-time job just trying to placate him.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Maureen: The truth is, Victor, I-I didn't know what Nikki was up to, but there was some little leftover part of me from that abusive marriage that made me want to cover for her, to protect her.", "Victor: Protect her from what?", "Maureen: Well, when I left Nikki, she was in a suite upstairs...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Maureen: ...And I thought just for a second that maybe there was a man in her room.", "Nick: The Halloween costume's coming together, huh?", "Faith: Yep. How's this for a zombie princess?", "Nick: [Chuckling] Ooh. Awesome...I think. Why don't you go upstairs and get your stuff? We got to go home.", "Faith: Okay.", "Nikki: I didn't hear you come in.", "Nick: Well, I overheard you tell faith you're on some new meds.", "Nikki: Oh, I should never have told her that. I don't want her to worry about me.", "Nick: Well, she loves you, mom. Of course she's worried. And all the stress you've been under -- it's not good, and it's been going on for months. And now I hear you're on some new medication, and I'm guessing it's stronger.", "Nikki: Honey, I'm going to be fine.", "Nick: Well, you say that now, but it must have been hell having that kind of pain stirred up again, and I know it's the kind of pain you'd do anything to stop.", "Phyllis: I now know my accident happened the night of Nikki's charity event. I fell down a flight of stairs and suffered a traumatic brain injury.", "Sharon: Then since I spoke to you in the hospital, more of your memory has come back?", "Phyllis: I had to help it along.", "Sharon: Oh, I-I'd really like to know how.", "Phyllis: I went online, read what I could about everything that happened on that night, and I went to Jack with what I read, and he confirmed what he could. Up until now, I couldn't be certain what was real.", "Sharon: But now you are?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I feel more confident about various events and details the press had no way of knowing.", "Sharon: Okay, what -- what events? What -- what are you talking about?", "Phyllis: I was on the phone with Jack when I fell. I think a part of him blames himself for what happened, but he wasn't the one responsible.", "Sharon: Whose fault was it that you fell?", "Phyllis: Mine. I was racing up the stairs in my heels while I was talking on the phone, not watching where I was going, focusing...", "Sharon: What was it?", "Phyllis: Did we see each other that night? Because I keep thinking I saw you.", "Sharon: I spend a lot of time here talking to Cassie.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And I heard what you were saying.", "Sharon: No. I-I wasn't at the event that night. That isn't where we saw each other.", "Phyllis: What do you mean, Sharon? We did see each other? Where?", "Nick: Mom, the kind of stress you're under -- it doesn't just go away when the danger's passed. It accumulates. I've seen it with Sharon when -- when Phyllis came back. Look, it's the initial shock and all the worrying about what she's gonna pull next. It's really set her back.", "Nikki: Well, knowing that a wedding is coming up, that could be reassuring. Have you set a new date?", "Nick: [Sighs] Yeah, we're getting married on Friday.", "Nikki: What? On Halloween?", "Nick: [Chuckling] Yeah, I know. Well, it's really the only day they had, and, honestly, I'm just tired of waiting. I want to do it right now.", "Nikki: What is the rush? Are you having second thoughts?", "Nick: How'd you do it, mom? How'd you stay with dad after all these years, knowing everything he's done? You know, knowing he was off trying to derail my wedding when he should have been here, home with you, because you needed him.", "Nikki: Your father is a very complicated man, but he's a good man. In spite of some of the things he's done, I do love him. I can't see myself with anyone else.", "Nick: That's the same way I feel about Sharon. I want to focus on the good and the family that Sharon and I have made together and everything we have to be thankful for. And now back to you.", "Nikki: All right, look. I don't want you worrying about me. Now that Ian ward is behind bars, I'm not in danger anymore. Now that he's locked up, my stress level is better already.", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Faith: Ready!", "Nikki: Hey.", "Nick: All right.", "Nikki: Uh, don't forget you got that tiara on your head.", "Faith: Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. And thanks for letting me borrow it.", "Nikki: Well, of course, and you are going to be the best...", "Faith: Zombie princess.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah. ...Zombie princess there ever was.", "Nick: We'll take lots of pictures.", "Nikki: Yes, you better.", "Faith: Bye, grandma.", "Nikki: Bye, baby. Have fun.", "Victor: I appreciate your candor, but for the record, I have no concerns about Nikki's fidelity, okay?", "Maureen: Understood.", "Victor: Good.", "Maureen: I didn't want you to have the wrong impression about me.", "Victor: You must really consider her a close friend for you to go out on a limb for her.", "Maureen: Yeah. It kind of surprises me how fast that happened.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Maureen: You know, then finding out we're possibly grandmothers-in-law is just... [Chuckles]", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Maureen: You know, on paper, Nikki and I may not have much in common. You Newmans travel in very different circles.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. She's a very compassionate woman, you know. If you told her about your marriage problems, I'm sure that she'd try to comfort you.", "Maureen: She did.", "Victor: Mm.", "Maureen: And I did the same with her. I-I have no agenda here, Victor, if that's what you're thinking. It's just very nice to be able to talk to someone after I've kept things bottled up for so long.", "Victor: Nikki has a very big heart. A lot of people have taken advantage of that and hurt her. That's why I'm so protective of her.", "Maureen: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: The fastest way to make an enemy of me... is to hurt someone in my family. You have a nice day.", "Stitch: There are things that I've never told anyone... and if confiding in you could change things... [Sighs]", "Victoria: You know, I was in a really, really dark place, and I opened up my heart to you, Ben. That didn't come very easily. You know, I trusted you.", "Stitch: I know you did.", "Victoria: After I found out what you -- what you were keeping from me and that I didn't even know your real name... you know, it's not really easy for me to trust people, myself included, and I just kept wondering how I could have gotten it so wrong. How could I be so stupid... so blind and so gullible?", "Stitch: No, no, no, no. I didn't fool you. I didn't trick you.", "Victoria: You don't know how badly I want to believe that. Honestly, I don't know what it's gonna mean for us if you choose to open up to me. I can't tell you that. But it does matter because I just can't see myself raising this child with a man that I know has lied to me...with a violent history...that doesn't trust me enough to tell me the truth.", "Stitch: Give me a chance to make things right.", "Cane: So, do you know Victor?", "Joe: Well, not personally. Coming into his town, working on a deal like this, knowing that he could be a potential obstacle, which, apparently, he was for you.", "Cane: Actually, he made me an offer to come back and run the chancellor side of the business, but there were some, um... complications.", "Joe: Couldn't agree to terms?", "Cane: No, they were more like personal complications.", "Joe: That's probably best, huh? Out of the shark tank. You got a good thing, working here with lily.", "Dylan: Cane.", "Cane: Hey.", "Dylan: Hey, am I interrupting?", "Joe: Dylan, good to see you again.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Joe.", "Joe: Hey, listen, about running into you at Avery's office...I had a moment, huh? Water under the bridge? We're all adults. We see each other around town, I don't want it to be awkward.", "Dylan: Yeah, I understand, uh, your business won't be keeping you here much longer.", "Joe: Yeah, you know. Things happen.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Joe: Excuse me for a minute, please. Joe Clark.", "Cane: So, what's up?", "Dylan: Uh, I wanted to thank you.", "Cane: Uh, what for?", "Dylan: [Sighs] For not sealing off that trapdoor in the basement like I recommended you should.", "Cane: Oh, the old bootlegging tunnel. Yeah, you know, I kind of thought it might come in handy.", "Dylan: Well, it came in handy. It gave Ian ward a way in, and we captured him, so, thanks for not listening to me.", "Cane: I'm glad it worked out. And if you ever need someone not to listen to you...", "Dylan: [Chuckles] You?", "Cane: ...I'm the guy.", "Dylan: Yeah. So, uh, you seem pretty familiar with, uh, Joe Clark.", "Cane: Yeah, we worked on a deal a couple years ago. You know, I just saw him when he came back into town.", "Dylan: Oh, yeah?", "Cane: Yeah. Listen, I want to talk to you about this lawyer thing. Um, I'm sorry about that. You know, he was looking for an attorney, so I gave him Michael's number, but I didn't know that he and...", "Dylan: No worries. You don't have to apologize for that.", "Cane: For what it's worth, he's a decent kind of guy. You know, and I really think that, you know, he's put his marriage behind him, and he's moved on.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Victor: Sweetheart?", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victor: There you are. What is it?", "Nikki: What? You have to ask?", "Victor: You still resent the fact that I was upset about how Paul Williams and Dylan used you?", "Nikki: Well, that's your interpretation.", "Victor: My interpretation? You were part of some clandestine operation, and I didn't know about it.", "Nikki: Now you know how I feel. You've done this to me countless times. Tell me secrets, but -- but you're afraid that I might not agree with it, so you don't want to get into that.", "Victor: How the hell can you compare that with being used as bait to catch that sociopath Ian ward?", "Nikki: You know what? You're absolutely right.", "Victor: Right.", "Nikki: There is no comparison.", "Victor: No, there isn't.", "Nikki: But you don't see me running around trying to ruin my son's relationship.", "Victor: Do I have to go through the whole litany of what Sharon has done to this family? I'm trying to protect our son from her.", "Nikki: I don't want to argue about Sharon. Let me just tell you that you aren't the only one that has a monopoly on trying to protect the people in this family.", "Victor: No, except that you go out and do it, and you put your life at risk. It's unacceptable to me.", "Nikki: Why is that, Victor? Because you weren't in on the planning of it, or because Paul was?", "Victor: If you want to preserve this marriage, you will no longer engage in operations like that without me knowing. No more secrets.", "Sharon: I remember seeing you at Cassie's grave. You told me, \"I heard everything you said.\"", "Phyllis: Really? I said that?", "Sharon: I know it doesn't make any sense, but it has to mean something.", "Phyllis: I wonder what it meant.", "Sharon: Well, like I said, Phyllis, I want to know the truth. I want to know what this damaging secret is. I can't stand the thought of it hurting nick. I would do anything to stop that. So if you think I'm hiding something, I'm not. I want to know the truth. If you know what it is, you tell me.", "Phyllis: I wouldn't be here if it were that simple. I still have gaps in my recollections -- confusing things. Holy cow. Faith has gotten so big. I can't decide who she looks more like -- you or nick. But then again, we only see what we want to see.", "[Door opens]", "Faith: Mommy, look what daddy got me!", "Sharon: Oh, uh... \"101 ghostly Halloween tales.\" Wow. That sounds fun.", "Nick: Yeah, you know, daddy's a sucker for scary stories.", "Faith: I can't wait to read it.", "Sharon: Sweetheart, did you see we have a guest?", "Faith: You're Summer's mom. You fell down at the wedding.", "Phyllis: That's right. But I got up, and I'm all better now. My name's Phyllis.", "Faith: I know. Hi.", "Nick: So, what's going on?", "Sharon: That's what I'd like to know. You still haven't told me why you're here.", "Nikki: This thing about no more secrets -- does that apply to both of us or just me?", "Victor: Why are you so hostile? What's going on?", "Nikki: Victor, I wanted to include you in my decision. I was trying to reach you. When I couldn't get ahold of you, I just thought, whatever you're doing's more important than me.", "Victor: That is simply not true.", "Nikki: Yeah, it is true.", "Victor: No! After you called me, I called you back. You deliberately didn't pick up.", "Nikki: Likewise, I'm sure.", "Victor: Not likewise. I returned your calls. You shut me out.", "Nikki: Do you honestly think that I wanted to face what I was gonna have to face alone?", "Victor: You weren't alone, were you? Were you?! How the hell do you think I felt when Paul Williams tells me that something is wrong with you, I need to pay more attention to you, and when some strange woman comes to me and lies to me because she thinks you have another man in your room?!", "Nikki: What?!", "Victor: Yes!", "Nikki: She is full of it! That is not true!", "Victor: I don't give a damn!", "Nikki: I can't believe you were talking to that woman --", "Victor: You bet I was! She came to me! Look, it's very simple. I used to trust you implicitly. If you keep up this behavior, I won't. I can't.", "Nikki: Well, let me tell you this. This thing about openness and honesty -- that's got to go both ways. If you'll excuse me, I am late for an appointment.", "[Keys jingle]", "Victor: You go to your appointment. Have a great time.", "Nikki: I will!", "[Door opens]", "[Door slams]", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: I came here to talk about my daughter and the role you're playing in her life.", "Sharon: Uh, well, Phyllis, I-I never tried to replace you.", "Nick: Yeah, Summer was really struggling, especially since I couldn't be the same person to her that I was while she was growing up. Summer needed a strong, supportive adult woman in her life, and Sharon stepped up. It was great for Summer.", "Phyllis: Thank you for helping while I was gone. That -- that means a lot. I sincerely appreciate it, but now I'm back.", "Sharon: Of course. She's your daughter. She needs you.", "Phyllis: A child needs both her parents. I knew you'd understand. [Gasps] \"Shadow in the clearing.\" That's my absolute favorite. That's the one where the wicked witch steals the little girl and gives her to the woodsman in the enchanted forest.", "Sharon: Well, that sounds scary.", "Faith: Not that scary, mommy.", "Phyllis: Well, it all works out in the end. The witch gets what's coming to her.", "Dylan: Everything's always better after some chocolate-chip cookies.", "Victoria: Yeah, unless you're a blimp already.", "Dylan: Hey. You look...", "Victoria: Oh, like I'm glowing?", "Dylan: No, you look great... with a touch of confusion.", "Victoria: I shouldn't be confused. I'm the one who postponed the paternity test. You know, I didn't want to know who the father was. I didn't want Billy or Ben in my life during the pregnancy because of the stress and given my history and...", "Dylan: You just wanted to focus on your health. I get it. That's why I brought you cookies.", "Victoria: Ha-ha.", "Dylan: Yeah, seriously, you need to think about the baby. You don't need to be anxious all the time. It makes perfect sense.", "Victoria: Yes, thank you. And then I see Billy with Johnny, and I'm reminded of what an amazing father he is. And then I get all riled up and freaked out, and I go running back to Ben, and I'm reminded of what a decent man he seems to be.", "Dylan: And then you get freaked out, and you go running back to Billy.", "Victoria: And all of this bouncing back and forth -- it's just -- it's not good for anybody. I just don't want to be that person, and I know that Billy and Ben don't need it, either.", "Dylan: Okay, what about you? What do you want?", "Nikki: Oh, Maureen, I-I'm so sorry to barge in on you like this, but it -- it's just been a terrible day, and I-I could really use...", "Maureen: A shoulder?", "Nikki: Exactly.", "Maureen: Oh. Did -- I ran into Victor earlier. Is that part of the difficulty?", "Nikki: He did tell me that the two of you had spoken.", "Maureen: Well, you know, don't worry. I-I explained to him why I covered for you the other day. Once he realized I was coming from a good place, I think he was just glad that you had a friend.", "Nikki: Well, my dearest friend died last year. Since I lost Katherine, I-I don't really have a lot of girlfriends -- not anybody I can be myself with, you know?", "Maureen: Then you're in the right place. You want some ice with this?", "Nikki: Oh, no. Maureen, no.", "Maureen: Oh, come on. A little drink to relax -- no harm done. Salud. Okay, now, talk to me. What's causing the difficulty? Or should I just say who?", "Nikki: Victor. Today, he actually accused me of shutting him out when, in reality, I --", "[Knock on door]", "Maureen: Hello? Who is it?", "Stitch: Ma, it's me. I really need to talk to you.", "Nikki: Shh! I-I'd rather him not know that I'm here. I'll explain later. Please?", "Maureen: Hi.", "Stitch: Hey. Hey. Did -- did, uh -- did you post my bail?", "Maureen: Did -- what bail? What did you do?", "Stitch: I was arrested for fraud, and I'm sure you can understand why I thought you would have bailed me out, so...", "Maureen: Well, if I'd known, I would have. You know I'd do anything for you.", "Stitch: Okay, if that's true, then hear me out, because I don't need money right now, mom. What I need is --", "Maureen: We are not having this conversation.", "Stitch: Yes, we are.", "Maureen: Mnh-mnh.", "Stitch: I want this over with.", "Victoria: [Sighs] What do I want right now? I'd settle for somebody telling me the truth.", "Dylan: About what?", "Victoria: I'd really like to know what's going on between Billy and Chelsea. And I'd really like it if Ben would just come clean with me.", "Dylan: About his dad?", "Victoria: Yeah. I feel like he's got something to tell me, you know?", "Dylan: Yeah, I've had the same thoughts. Yeah, I know he's holding something back, but he's not a murderer -- not the man I fought with overseas who I trusted with my life.", "Victoria: I know. Not the man that I've come to care so much about.", "Dylan: [Sighs] You know, it's in a situation like that where you see a man for who he really is. You know, it's not about the fancy suit or the expensive watch or the big business deal.", "Victoria: Um, that doesn't really sound like Ben. Who are you talking about?", "Cane: All right, look. I know you've been scouting around town for some prime real estate, which makes me think that you have some guys with some deep pockets behind you. Am I right? Oh, come on. I'm not the competition. You can tell me this. Look, it's good for the city. It's good if business wants to come here from other places and do business -- good for everybody.", "Joe: Look, if this deal pans out the way I've penciled it, there's gonna be a lot of winners.", "Cane: Hang on a second. Am I about to see a-a Joe Clark business plan here?", "Joe: Broad strokes.", "Cane: Hang on a second. This is something you failed to mention.", "Nick: All right, Phyllis, what's going on? Are you, uh -- you here to play games?", "Phyllis: Not at all. It's just still so odd for me to see the two of you together. Before my accident, you were with my sister.", "Nick: Yeah, I don't know how much Avery told you about our breakup, but it was -- it was a pretty rough time.", "Phyllis: And I assume Sharon helped you pick up the pieces?", "Nick: Yeah, she did. And I'm glad.", "Phyllis: From what I understand, she also helped hurry things along in the breakup department.", "Nick: Okay. Look, I know this has been hard for you. You came back to town, and there's been so many changes while you were gone, but that doesn't give you the right to come into our home and disrespect my fiancée.", "Phyllis: Was I doing that?", "Sharon: Oh, please.", "Nick: Sharon has worked extremely hard to become the person she is today. I mean, she's been a godsend to me, Phyllis. When the truth came out about Summer, and things were totally strained between us, Sharon's the one who bridged the gap. She is the reason that I was able to stay an important part of Summer's life.", "Phyllis: It's so surprising and so touching to hear nick talk this way about you -- how you helped him get over the shock of learning Summer isn't his daughter.", "Faith: Mommy, will you come here, please?", "Sharon: I'll be right there.", "Nick: All right, enough. What are you up to? What is this really about?", "Victor: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply]", "[Cell phone clatters]", "Maureen: I can see what kind of mood you're in. You are in no frame of mind to talk.", "Stitch: Mom.", "Maureen: Look, I-I think you should go. I think you should go work out or get something to eat or anything that's gonna calm you down. Then -- then we can talk.", "Stitch: No, mom. It's time. I have to tell the truth about dad's death.", "Maureen: Don't.", "Victoria: I don't think Ben even owns a suit.", "Dylan: Uh, you're right. I wasn't referring to stitch.", "Victoria: Hmm. Sounds like somebody's really gotten under your skin.", "Dylan: I was with Avery when her ex showed up -- Joe Clark. It's the first time I'd ever met the guy.", "Victoria: Well, that sounds pleasant.", "Dylan: Yeah, the guy is like a walking Rolex ad -- picture of success. And here I am wiping down tables.", "Victoria: It's a coffeehouse, you know? You happen to own it, by the way.", "Dylan: I haven't even gotten to the punch line yet. When Joe said how long he'd been in town, he could see right away that Avery hadn't told me yet.", "Victoria: Well, I mean, hey. Hello. You've been busy. You just, uh -- you just got out of jail.", "Dylan: No, I know.", "Victoria: Ooh. You don't think it's because she still has feelings for him, do you?", "Dylan: There's just something about the guy.", "Victoria: Something that you don't trust?", "Dylan: Joe told Avery that he'd be in town for a few days to lock up some business deal. But from the looks of things, it doesn't seem like he's gonna be leaving town anytime soon.", "Cane: You know, you talked about the wins in this deal, but you failed to mention that Dylan McAvoy and his business were gonna be one of the losers.", "Joe: That's all a matter of perspective.", "Cane: Unless you're one of the ones getting steamrolled.", "Joe: It's nothing personal. It's just business.", "Phyllis: I already told you why I'm here -- because of Summer. And as you said, a lot has changed, but that hasn't. Summer is still my daughter.", "Nick: No one's questioning that, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: She went through hell this past year, and not just with my accident. It started before that. When she learned that that DNA test proved you weren't really her dad -- Jack was -- the rug got pulled right out from under her world. Nothing made sense to her anymore. Is it any wonder she ran off and married some guy she barely knew -- a felon?", "Nick: Okay, if you're implying that Jack and I weren't paying attention...", "Phyllis: No, I'm sure you were...and so was Sharon. Of all the things I've learned since I woke up, that, by far, has been the most breathtaking.", "Nick: I assume you mean that in a negative way.", "Phyllis: Actually, I don't... because my love for Summer far outweighs my antipathy towards Sharon. And if the woman really did go out of her way to be a positive influence...", "Nick: It is the truth. For Summer to know she had someone like Sharon in her life to lean on, it was huge.", "Phyllis: Well, then all I can say is maybe I misjudged her. Maybe it's time to right some wrongs.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lauren: If what Madame Isadora said is true, we're in trouble.", "Michael: I'm glad you didn't call my house. I don't want my wife knowing about this.", "Stitch: I've already lost Jenna and max. I will not lose Victoria and this baby, too. [Clattering] What was that?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "While Adam is in surgery, Abby takes Chelsea to the hospital chapel. Ashley gives the ring back to Ben and asks him if he's sure about marrying Abby. Victor and Jack argue about Adam until Nikki asks Victor to take a walk with her. Kevin helps Paul find out who was driving the car that hit Adam. Kevin finds a surveillance video that showed Chloe driving the car. Kevin tells Paul that he doesn't know where Chloe is. Mariah goes to The Underground and hears a noise. Chloe asks Mariah to call Kevin because he is the only one who can help her. Mariah calls Kevin, but Chloe says she tipped her off and hits her over the head with a bottle and leaves. Kevin and Paul show up to find Mariah on the floor. When she comes to, she tells them that Chloe is not ok. Chloe goes to Esther for help, but Esther refuses. Chelsea walks in and accuses Chloe of trying to kill Adam. Chloe says she should have tried harder. Adam makes it out of surgery. At his bedside, Victor urges Adam to fight. Christian stops breathing and the doctor tells Nick and Sage that it doesn't look good for Christian. In the hospital chapel, Ben proposes to Abby.", "" ]
[ "Abby: Chelsea. Hey. Sit down.", "Chelsea: Uh, no. I-I can't. If I sit still, I'll think, and if I think, I'll -- I'll -- [Sighs] But, you know, it's like when you were a kid, you know? You didn't go to sleep because you were afraid the nightmares would -- I'm sorry. I'm not making any sense.", "Abby: No. You are. You're fine. Um...well, if you're not gonna sit down, will you at least let me get you something to drink?", "Chelsea: How long is the surgery gonna take? I need Adam to get through this, stitch. He can't die on me again.", "Abby: Come here.", "Jack: Here. A little of this might help.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: Any news?", "Nikki: Adam's in surgery. There's no update yet.", "Phyllis: Victor... now is not the time.", "Victor: You have no clue what I'm about to say to your husband.", "Jack: Meaning what, exactly?", "Victor: Your brother Billy boy was not behind the wheel of the car that mowed down my son. That was a wrong assumption on my part.", "Phyllis: Good. I'm glad we're past that.", "Victor: One more thing.", "Jack: Go ahead. Get it out.", "Victor: I want to thank you.", "Sage: Why isn't he breathing?! What's wrong with my baby?!", "Nick: Tell us he's gonna make it, please.", "Sage: Tell me he's breathing again!", "Paul: I want you to get on that lead right now. Thanks.", "Kevin: Chief! We just heard -- Adam was hit by a car?", "Mariah: How bad was it?", "Paul: It's bad enough. He's in surgery. They're not sure if he's gonna make it, which means we may be dealing with a potential homicide. We need to find the driver. I want you to pull all the surveillance footage around the courthouse and see what kind of footage you can find around the south lake motel.", "Kevin: South lake motel?", "Paul: Right. We got a tip.", "Mariah: Look, we bolted from the underground so fast, I-I didn't lock up, or maybe I did. I-I'm not sure. I got to go check.", "Kevin: Go, go, go. I got this.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Kevin: Uh, chief, do you want to tell me what it is exactly I'm looking for?", "Paul: White sedan, out-of-state plates.", "Kevin: That's it? Any particular state?", "Paul: The witness caught a glimpse of the plate and said it wasn't from Wisconsin, so you got 49 other possibilities. Find it.", "Kevin: Someone drove a long way to run over Adam. Understandable.", "Paul: Or it's a rental. Additional sponsorship", "Jack: This I got to hear. What is it you're thanking me for?", "Victor: You supported Adam on the stand today. I want to thank you on his behalf. I'm sure it meant a lot to him.", "Jack: Adam can thank me himself when he recovers.", "Victor: When he recovers, we'll let you know. When he's ready for visitors, we will tell you.", "Jack: Oh. So, you want to thank me and invite me to leave?", "Phyllis: There's nothing we can do for Adam.", "Jack: We can be here for Adam here. That's all Adam ever wanted -- was someone to be there for him.", "Victor: Is this a competition for you -- a contest or what?", "Nikki: Victor, darling, do me a favor. Take a walk with me. It's very important.", "Phyllis: How 'bout we don't fight with anyone tonight?", "Jack: That man has been a worthless excuse for a father Adam's entire life. He doesn't get to start marking his territory -- not with me.", "Nick: What -- what are all those alarms for? Apnea is common in preemies. It can lead to what we call a Brady episode, where the infant's heart slows down. It's fairly common, and we're dealing with it. Now if you could just step back --", "Sage: I'm not stepping back. I'm staying right here. My baby needs me.", "Nick: Sage --", "Sage: Nick, stop it!", "Nick: Hey.", "Sage: Baby Christian, Mommy's here, okay? Mommy loves you! Nick, let me go! What are you doing?! Nick, stop it! I'm not going! Nick!", "Nick: Sage.", "Sage: Stop it!", "Nick: Stop. Stop. Stop. Please stop. You have to let him do his job.", "Sage: That is my job! I'm his mother! That is my job, Nick -- my job! [Crying] What if something happens and I'm not there?", "Nikki: Okay. Okay. I know. I know. I know. I know.", "Sage: [Crying] No.", "Nikki: I do, baby. Come on. It's okay. Come on. It's gonna be okay. That's a girl. Okay.", "Chelsea: Adam's been through so much physically. I mean [Sighs] Who knows how bad the damage is this time? How much more can his body take?", "Abby: Adam is strong.", "Chelsea: Is he?", "Abby: He's pulled through before.", "Chelsea: Yeah, but what if -- you know, what if he's out of chances? How long will the surgery take? I mean, how hard will they -- will they try to save him? Maybe they won't try to save him because he's, you know, Adam Newman.", "Ashley: Chelsea, I'm sure the surgeons will do everything they can.", "Stitch: Yeah. I give you my word on that, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: [Sighs heavily]", "Stitch: Hey, uh... you know, you have some time if you want to go for a walk, maybe get some air.", "Chelsea: No. No. No. Go where? Do what? This is where I need to be. No.", "Abby: I have an idea. Why don't you come with me?", "Chelsea: What -- what if there's news?", "Stitch: Hey, I will call you. I promise. Go -- go with Abby. She'll look after you.", "Abby: Come on.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Ashley: That was really sweet, what you said to Chelsea. That sort of kindness is... very special.", "Stitch: Ah, it's just -- just me doing my job.", "Ashley: Well, I think you went above and beyond. If you had known that you were gonna have to rush into the E.R., I doubt you would have made such elaborate plans for Abby.", "Stitch: Well, what do you mean by \"elaborate\"?", "Ashley: I found this in the bottom of her champagne glass.", "Kevin: Come on. Give me something. Chief, I got a hit!", "Paul: Hold on a second. What do you got?", "Kevin: Uh, I got a car. I got a plate.", "Paul: I need the driver. Okay. Go ahead.", "Kevin: Okay. Zooming in. It's a little --", "Paul: All right. Really? That's excellent. Okay. Looks like we have narrowed it down to less than 10 white sedans that were rented in the area in the past week, and, uh...I can get a list of the renters within the hour.", "Kevin: We don't need 'em. We know the driver.", "Paul: What? Is that...? That's Chloe.", "Mariah: Hello?! Anybody here? Hello! Please be there. Please be there. Please be there.", "[Cash register beeping, whirring]", "[Thump]", "Mariah: Who's there?! Hello?!", "Chloe: Please, I... I just need your help.", "Stitch: Oh, my God! The ring! I forgot the ring! What an idiot! [Sighs] Okay. I was planning on going back to the club and picking up dinner where I left off, but that was before the patient turned out to be Abby's brother.", "Ashley: Right. That makes total sense.", "Stitch: Ohh.", "Ashley: Unless maybe it was something a little more Freudian?", "Stitch: It seems a little quick to you, huh?", "Ashley: Didn't you guys just get back together?", "Stitch: Yeah, we did, because the breakup was painful. It was rash, it was stupid, and being apart was never gonna last.", "Ashley: Well, I know Abby can be very...impulsive.", "Stitch: Yeah. She gets amped up and flies off the handle sometimes, and I don't always think things through, either, but together, we make it work. We're good together, Ashley.", "Ashley: You know what? I'm sorry. It wasn't that long ago you told me you couldn't get me off your mind. That's a little disturbing.", "Stitch: Look, it seems like a long time ago, and, you know, so much has happened between Abby and I since then.", "Ashley: [Chuckles] Have you spoken with Abby's father?", "Stitch: Victor isn't the parent I'm worried about.", "Abby: Just trust me on this. It helps if you let it -- just being in here, away from the noise of the rest of the hospital -- no machines beeping, no orderlies rushing in. It's peaceful.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I spent a lot of time in here when I was worried about Connor's eyes.", "Abby: Then you know that it helps. And if you want to take it one step further and actually pray, that helps, too, but that's your call. Whatever works.", "Chelsea: Since Connor was born, I feel like some days have been just one long prayer, you know, thanking God for this sweet little boy in my life, asking God to protect my son and look after him, but [Sighs] I don't know. Asking God to look out for Adam --", "Abby: If lightning bolts haven't struck this place yet, they're not gonna start now.", "Chelsea: Even for Adam?", "Abby: Yes, he's a screw-up. No one would argue that. And he's done a lot of awful things. And just because Billy got up on the stand and offered forgiveness, it doesn't change that. But if you think about it, we don't forgive innocent saints. We forgive people that screw up, huge screw-ups, like Adam.", "Chelsea: Do you forgive him?", "Abby: If Billy can forgive him, then who am I to stir up hate and angst? Um...but regardless about how I-I feel about the guy, you love him, you need him, and you need a place of peace to gather your strength to get ready for whatever comes next, and this is the place to find that peace and strength.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Jack: Adam is on that operating table, fighting for his life, and Victor's pacing around here like the dutiful patriarch. Where's he been the rest of Adam's life? I'll tell you where he's been. He's been goading him, pushing him, testing him, expecting the very worst from his own son, always.", "Phyllis: I know. I get it. But Victor is his father, and they have their own dysfunctional family. It is what it is.", "Jack: It is an insult to parenthood. I know I have my own shortcomings in that area, but right here, right now, I am concerned about Adam, and he is only gonna cause him more pain.", "Phyllis: Why don't we stop focusing in Victor and why don't we focus on Adam? I know you care for him, despite his flaws.", "Jack: I do care for him. In fact, I owe him. Hell, I'd be on pills right this moment if it weren't for Adam. Truth is I owe him my life.", "Nikki: I know how scary this is, and I know how much that baby means to you. Okay? Are you listening? I understand. You're a mother. And I know that baby is your heart. And when he's hurting, you just feel like you're gonna break into a million pieces and never be put together again. But this will pass. That beautiful baby will give you joy and occasional heartbreak for many years to come, sweetheart. This is only the beginning, and you're gonna get through it. So you hang on to those thoughts of the life that you have for your son and let those doctors do their job, okay? Good girl.", "Sage: Christian needs me.", "Nikki: Yes, he does. He needs you to trust the doctors to get him through this. He needs your strength. He needs your courage. That...and your love -- that's what mothers have to give.", "Nick: As soon as sage found out she was pregnant, she was afraid of something exactly like this. She had all these nightmares.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Then Christian came early. Those alarms are going off. I can see it in her eyes. She's afraid those nightmares are gonna come true, and I don't know what to do for her, dad.", "Victor: Well, my boy... I have often worried about my children and grandchildren. I am worried about your brother. But, you know... what you all have in common... is Newman blood. You're all fighters. And your little boy, Christian, will survive this. I love the name you gave him. We'll all survive this. That little boy is a fighter. You count on him to come through.", "Kevin: Chloe, it's me. Will you please give me a call or let me know where I can find you? I just want to let you know that I -- I just want to make sure that you're okay.", "Paul: You know, Kevin, uh, that little phone call right there wasn't a decoy, was it?", "Kevin: A decoy how?", "Paul: As in you haven't seen Chloe and you aren't trying to cover for her?", "Kevin: Paul, hand to God, I have not seen her since Delia's ceremony. Billy said she wasn't gonna stick around for the trial, and when she checked out of the athletic club, I assumed that meant she was going back to California.", "Paul: Right, except for the video that places her here in town and showing her running down Adam. This is bad, I'm telling you, and it's only gonna get worse if Adam doesn't pull through.", "Kevin: I'm aware of that. If I knew where Chloe was, you would, too.", "Paul: Well, then you need to help me find out where she is, and we need to do this before someone else gets hurt.", "Kevin: [Sighs] Okay.", "Mariah: You're Chloe. I recognize you from the photos at Kevin's place.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] Kevin's place. Yeah. I know. I know that you live there. Look, I'm happy. Everyone is moving on. Great.", "Mariah: We're just roommates.", "Chloe: I really don't care. Like I said, whatever. I just really need to find him.", "Mariah: Well, he's at work, if you want to visit him there.", "Chloe: Right. Um... I'm kind of allergic to police stations. Look, I really need his help. He's the only one who can help me. Am I making myself clear, or do you just want to stand here and talk about your living arrangements?", "Mariah: What's going on?", "Chloe: You know, I don't really think that's any of your business.", "Mariah: [Chuckling] Well, you just asked for my help. I think I have a right to know what I'm getting myself into.", "Chloe: You don't need to get yourself into anything, okay? I just need you to call Kevin.", "Mariah: This is about what happened to Adam Newman in front of the courthouse.", "Chloe: Mariah, are you gonna call Kevin or what?!", "Ashley: That's just silly, because Abby does not need my approval. She's a grown woman.", "Stitch: True. But, uh, she loves you and respects your opinion, and what you think matters to her. And it matters to me.", "Ashley: Are you actually asking me... to give you my blessing?", "Stitch: Not exactly. I mean, look... [Sighs] I don't know. Maybe I am. I don't think I need your stamp of approval, but I'd like to know that if this does happen, you're not gonna hate me and, more importantly, you're not gonna hate Abby.", "Ashley: Don't be so ridiculous! I love Abby more than anything in this world. I love my daughter.", "Stitch: And me?", "Ashley: Look, I give you -- I give you my blessing, okay? You've got it.", "Stitch: Good. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you.", "Ashley: So, aren't you gonna go ask her to marry you?", "Stitch: I kind of need that.", "Ashley: Oh. Here. There you go. Good luck.", "Phyllis: What is all this talk about pills?", "Jack: It's all right.", "Phyllis: You didn't, did you?", "Jack: No. Doesn't mean I didn't want to.", "Phyllis: You never said a word to me about this.", "Jack: Oh, honey, after everything you went through with Marco, I wasn't gonna dump that on you, too.", "Phyllis: How? When?", "Jack: It started with Kelly.", "Phyllis: Kelly?", "Jack: The only way she could keep me on that island was to pump me with drugs. I come back here, and there's the shooting, and they give me more painkillers, and, suddenly, everything's supposed to be back to normal. Yet every day, I-I ask myself, \"who would know? Who would blame you if you took a little something for the pain?\"", "Phyllis: But you didn't.", "Jack: No.", "Phyllis: You didn't.", "Jack: Because of you. [Voice breaking] And because of Adam. I have been so furious at him lately, but... I keep thinking back on how hard the two of you worked to get me to detox in the first place, and I couldn't put you through that again.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Nikki: Hey, we just heard -- Adam's out of surgery.", "Victor: They're bringing him up now.", "Jack: We got to find Chelsea.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Why are you doing this? You might not hate Adam, but that doesn't mean you like him.", "Abby: I like you. And your husband is injured.", "Chelsea: If he recovers...", "Abby: When he recovers.", "Chelsea: ...He's going to prison.", "Abby: Yes, but Adam will recover, and he may be locked up, but maybe, just maybe, he will become a better person in the process.", "Chelsea: You think there's hope?", "Abby: There's always hope. You just have to find it and hold on to it.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Stitch: Sorry.", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Stitch: Adam's out of surgery. I just got word. He made it.", "Chelsea: Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.", "Abby: [Sighs] Some prayers are answered faster than others.", "Nikki: He looked so pale.", "Chelsea: How -- how is he? I, uh -- I want to be with him when he wakes up. No visitors for the prisoner.", "Chelsea: Oh, come on. He's my husband.", "Nikki: Officer, chief Williams allowed the patient's wife to go in earlier. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if Mrs. Newman went in again.", "Victor: Officer, if I need to resolve this myself, I will.", "Jack: So will I.", "Phyllis: Okay. So, here's the thing -- if you give up on this one, no one's gonna blame you. That's Victor Newman and jack Abbott. It's in your best interest to move, like, now. [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Excellent choice.", "Chelsea: Adam. Adam? Can you hear me? [Chuckles softly] [Laughs] Oh, thank God.", "Kevin: I'm not covering for Chloe. I wouldn't make that mistake again.", "Paul: Again? Wh-wh-what does this mean, again?", "Kevin: Uh, I guess you never heard. She -- she pulled a gun on Adam in the park.", "Paul: Oh, I see. So, why am I hearing about this for the first time right now? She -- she threatened to kill Adam?", "Kevin: Well, she's not the only one who wants Adam dead, and I should point out that she didn't shoot him. Think about the stones on that guy, showing up at the memorial of the girl that he killed.", "Paul: Right. So, you're excusing the fact she pulled a gun?", "Kevin: I'm explaining. I'm not excusing.", "[Cell phone buzzes]", "Paul: You know, Kevin... forget it. Chloe's not at the motel. That means she could be anywhere.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Kevin: Hey, Mariah. Unless you have news, this is not a good time.", "Mariah: Kevin, Chloe came by the bar looking for you. She would like to talk to you about... recent events, so if you could come by in person, that would be great for her and for you and for the entire universe.", "Kevin: Tell her not to leave. I'm on my way. Come on.", "Paul: What is it?", "Mariah: All right. He's on his way.", "Chloe: You tipped him off, you bitch! The baby is stabilized.", "Sage: So, he'll be okay?", "Nick: How could this happen? Can it happen again? Is there any lasting effect? The patient suffered a marked bradycardia, most likely caused by the apnea. [Sighs] His heart slowed down because he forgot to breathe.", "Sage: He forgot to breathe? How does a baby forget to breathe? He has to breathe. The hypothesis is the nervous system is underdeveloped at this point. We see it frequently in premature infants.", "Sage: Oh, you see it, but I don't. It's...unfortunate but not unusual in cases like this.", "Sage: Unfortunate?! This is not a case. This is my son, and his name is Christian. He's not a case. He's not a patient. He's not an infant. He's Christian.", "Chelsea: No, no. No, no, no. Don't move. Don't move. No talking. No talking. You -- you just got out of surgery, and -- and you're doing so well. Can -- can you squeeze my hand? [Chuckles] See? You're so strong. You can do this. I was talking to you earlier. Do you remember what I said? I promised you... that I will never -- I will never leave you again. I will never give up on you again. That is my vow. But I need you to make the same vow to me. Never scare me like that again, okay? Never come close to leaving me again. Can you make me that promise? [Chuckles] Good. [Smooches] Good. [Sniffles] So, you just have to -- you have to get better... and get strong, and then it's -- it's -- it's you and me against the world. [Chuckles] I'm gonna fight to get you out of this prison sentence. Together -- together we're pretty tough. [Chuckles] Together, who can beat us? So, I'm gonna need you to get out of this bed, and I need you to come home to me. Mrs. Newman, the goal is to avoid putting Christian back on the respirator.", "Sage: But he'll be okay? Christian still has a fight ahead of him, sage.", "Nick: So, we could still lose him? We'll do everything we can.", "Nick: Please just tell us the truth. We deserve that. We can't make any predictions, but at this moment, the odds aren't in your son's favor.", "Chelsea: Adam's awake. He -- he can hear me, and he promised he will fight to stay with us.", "Victor: Of course, he will.", "Nikki: That's great. All right. Now, Chelsea, Adam needs to rest, and so do you.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Let's -- let's get you home.", "Chelsea: No. I-I don't want to leave. But I could use some fresh air. You'll call me if anything changes?", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We will. Go. Go.", "Nikki: Go on. What's wrong?", "Chelsea: I just want to remember who was here for Adam today. It matters to me.", "Nikki: Um, Victor, we probably ought to go check on Christian again.", "Victor: You bet.", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victor: Let's do it.", "Nikki: We won't be long.", "Jack: How 'bout you? I'm sure you could use some rest.", "Phyllis: Without you?", "Jack: You don't mind, do you?", "Phyllis: No. You go do what you need to do. He made it.", "Jack: He made it. He made it.", "Abby: It was instinct, bringing Chelsea here. You have to remind yourself that you're not alone, you know -- that someone has your back and that prayers do get answered. And sometimes praying is its own answer. It helps get you through the dark times so you're ready for whatever comes next.", "Stitch: You are... kind and smarter and smarter and more caring than you give yourself credit for. You know that?", "Abby: Please. I always give myself credit.", "Stitch: Maybe -- maybe you don't want people to know how much you care. Maybe that makes you too vulnerable. But...I know what a good person you are. Now Chelsea knows. It's special. And that... is what I love about you.", "Abby: You are very sweet, and maybe you're right. Maybe I am a terrific person. But I am gonna go check on Chelsea and Adam.", "Stitch: Not yet. Don't go.", "Kevin: Mariah?! [Sighs] This is a great night. Chloe?! I'm here! You wanted to talk?!", "Paul: Ohh. Damn it.", "Kevin: [Gasps] Mariah! Oh, my God. Can you hear me? Can you -- call the paramedics.", "Paul: She's got a pulse. Mariah.", "Kevin: Oh, thank God.", "Mariah: I'm up. I'm up. I'm up.", "Kevin: What happened? What happened? Did Chloe do this to you?", "Mariah: Do what? Oh, my God.", "Paul: Yeah, this is the chief.", "Mariah: She's not okay, Kevin. Chloe's not okay at all.", "Esther: Sorry! We're closed!", "Chloe: Mom. Mom, it's me.", "Esther: [Gasps] Honey! I thought you went back to California.", "Chloe: Mom, listen to me. I'm in trouble, okay? I'm in trouble and it's really bad and I need your help. I-I need you more than I've ever needed you before.", "Esther: W-wait. Oh, my God. Were you in town when Adam was hurt?", "Chloe: He's not supposed to be hurt, mom. He's supposed to be dead.", "Esther: Katie, no!", "Chloe: Why \"no\"? Why not \"yes, Chloe, yes, Chloe, thank you for what you did\"? Why not \"yes, Chloe, what you did was right\"? Because 10 years in a cell is a ridiculous sentence for that slime that took my daughter's life!", "Esther: Sweetheart, you cannot --", "Chloe: No, listen -- you stop looking at me like that. What I need from you is I need money. I need you to go into the cash register, and I need everything that you have -- whatever is in your purse. I need your car keys, okay? I just need to get out of here while I still have the chance, okay? I have a place that I need to be.", "Esther: Listen, my sweet, sweet, sweet baby. No, I cannot do this. I cannot help you run from this.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Jack: Abby and stitch are getting engaged?", "Ashley: Yeah, maybe even as we speak.", "Jack: Ash...", "Ashley: \"Ash\" what? Don't look at me that way. I'm totally fine with it.", "Jack: Well, good. Your daughter is marrying a doctor. That's got to count for something.", "Ashley: Absolutely, yeah. Abby deserves to be with a wonderful man like Ben, and I'm gonna throw them both the most amazing wedding ever. I mean, it's gonna be a complete showstopper. I'm so happy about it.", "Jack: Great. Great.", "Stitch: Here's the thing -- every single day, I get an in-your-face reminder of how fragile life is... how miraculous it is that we even make it in this world, never mind living long enough to really enjoy it.", "Abby: Oh, my God. I was right. I-I thought I was, and then I wasn't, but...I was right.", "Stitch: You surprise me, Abby Carlton Newman. You amaze me. You make me laugh. You make me look at the world from a different view. I want to make you all the promises in the world -- love, honor, cherish... takeout Chinese, hot chocolate in the park. I'm asking you to let me love you. Let me be there for you. Let me be the -- the one person you can count on the rest of your life. Abby... will you marry me?", "Sage: Fight, little boy. Fight hard.", "Victor: I want you to fight. I want you to fight, my boy.", "Mariah: Chloe didn't say anything about where she was going or what she was doing. I'm sorry.", "Paul: Okay. It's all right. You just take care of yourself. Listen, I have to call in an APB. You got her?", "Kevin: I got her.", "Paul: All right. Hang in there.", "Kevin: [Sighs] I'm sorry.", "Mariah: Kevin, she may be your ex, but you can't control her. It's not your fault.", "Kevin: Chloe needed help. I should have seen that. If I had, you wouldn't have that giant goose egg on your head.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: And Adam wouldn't have whatever he's gonna have, if he survives. If he doesn't...", "Mariah: I think Chloe knows that. When she came in, all she said is that she needed help, that you were the only person she could turn to.", "Chloe: What do you mean that you can't help me? You mean that you won't. You know, I come to you when I need you -- I really, really need you -- and you won't even lift a finger? You just say, \"Oh, poor Katie. Oh, poor setie.\" You know, when did you ever really give a damn about me, mom?", "Esther: I love you so much. I know that you're hurting --", "Chloe: No. No. You don't know, okay? You don't know anything, okay? You shipped me off to boarding school. You never even cared that I existed.", "Esther: That's not fair. You didn't want anyone to know about me. You even changed your name.", "Chloe: Mom, you sent me away. You didn't even miss me. You don't even know what it's like to be a mother. You don't know what it feels like to ache for your child every second of your life.", "Esther: I do know. I ache for you, and I ache for Delia.", "Chloe: What would you have done if it was me? What would you do if someone killed me? What? Would you say, \"oh, oops! Oh, that must have been a mistake. That was an accident. I think I'll go polish the silver\"? No! Adam is a killer. He's a monster, and he has hurt every single person that has ever crossed his path, and no one has ever tried to stop him. No one has ever made him pay for what he did. At least I tried. At least I tried for my daughter.", "Esther: Chloe, you can't bring Delia back by hurting someone else.", "Chloe: You know what? If you're not gonna help me, then go to hell. Go! Get out of my face! Go to hell!", "Chelsea: It was you. You tried to kill my husband.", "Chloe: I should have tried harder.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Gwen: Oh, my God. Did you see that?! Did I just imagine?", "Lily: You're moving out?", "Cane: I can't stay in the house with you if you don't believe a word that's coming out of my mouth.", "Chloe: I need to be with my daughter, okay?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nikki helped Neil plan a charity luncheon for the Winters Foundation. Hilary tried to get Nikki to give an on the record comment about the story on Victor. Nikki said that Victor had been accused of many things because he was successful. Hilary kept pressing, and Neil shooed her. Devon asked Leslie for legal advice about Victor's lawsuit. Leslie said that Victor was suing for everything, and Devon was in danger of losing his inheritance. She advised him to make a deal with Victor. Devon and Leslie found out about Hilary's run in with Nikki. They told Hilary it was a bad idea to harass the plaintiff's wife. Hilary insisted that her actions didn't cross the line. Patty was extremely agitated after being moved to the new facility. She told Paul that she was thinking of exposing the secret, then she insisted that she had to see Sharon. Dylan told Sharon and Mariah that Patty's transfer didn't go well. Sharon wanted to come up with a new plan to keep Patty from telling the truth. Mariah was guilt-ridden and overwhelmed by the lies, so she refused to help Sharon scheme anymore. Dylan discussed plans for Sully's birthday party and he told Sharon how happy he (Dylan) was, thanks to her. Paul told Sharon and Dylan about Patty's request. Dylan decided to go see Patty and settle everything. Sharon went with him. Patty called Sharon a liar and she told Dylan that Sharon had done something to him. Patty talked in riddles. Dylan left to get her doctor. Sharon promised to get Patty her freedom. Dylan secretly watched them talking. Patty calmed down and Dylan and Sharon left. Patty told the doctor that Sharon was her ticket out of the facility. Dylan wondered why Sharon was so tense after the visit. She went on a tirade about the visit dredging up memories from her time at Fairview. Dylan comforted her. Victor told Natalie to leave some vulnerable files on the Newman server in order to set a trap for the mole. Natalie assumed they'd turn the culprit over to the police, but Victor said he planned to deal with him or her personally.", "Mariah ran into Natalie and learned that Natalie was Victor's assistant. Natalie admitted she made a bad investment and lost her Pass Key fortune. Mariah told Hilary that she had dirt on Newman, which she'd tell Hilary, in exchange for a job at GC Buzz. Hilary hired Mariah as a gofer. Mariah told her that Victor hired a hacker as a personal assistant. Hilary realized that Victor was having Natalie get rid of incriminating files. Neil was concerned about Victor's latest scandal's affect on Nikki. Neil told Nikki about reuniting with his mother and how it spurred him to think about his legacy. Neil asked Nikki if she wanted her legacy to the world to be that she was always defending Victor. Paul joined them and took Neil's side. Nikki assured them that she was happy and in no danger of losing her sobriety. After Nikki left, Neil and Paul noted that she never said Victor was innocent. Devon met with Victor and revealed that he'd hired team to investigate Victor, in hopes of either validating or invalidating the information in the leaked documents. Devon noted that the investigator might turn up things that Victor wanted to keep private, and he promised to call them off if Victor dropped the lawsuit. Victor said that threatening him was a bad idea. Victor implored Devon to think about what Katherine would say. Devon wanted GC Buzz to be something she'd be proud of. Devon swore he wasn't making a threat, and he promised that GC Buzz would print a full retraction if Victor dropped the suit. Devon got a phone alert. He apologized profusely about something, then he rushed out. Devon had learned that Hilary posted a blind item about Victor hiring a hacker to cover up his criminal activities. Devon confronted her about crushing his chances of settling with Victor. Hilary wasn't worried because she was sure they could get Natalie to admit that Victor was guilty. Natalie was alarmed by the blind item and frantically told Victor that the two of them were about to be arrested. Victor assured her that everything would be fine. Nikki privately met with Victor. She asked if Natalie was helping him with the documents. Victor tensed, thinking she was about to make an accusation. Nikki smiled and assured him that she'd never tell anyone. They hugged.", "" ]
[ "Dylan: I'm sorry you have to go through this, Paul.", "Paul: Yeah, thanks. I mean, I don't even know really why I'm here. I just think that, uh, maybe her seeing me will help somehow.", "Dylan: Yeah, you're doing everything you can for your sister. And she knows that even if she can't express it.", "Paul: Okay, I, uh, I'll give you a call on my way home.", "Dylan: Okay. Sounds good.", "Sharon: Is everything okay?", "Dylan: Uh, no. There was a problem with patty's transfer.", "Mariah: What was the trouble?", "Dylan: Well, apparently, you know, everything was fine. She was acting fine both before she got picked up and on her way to Rivercrest. She was calm, she was cooperative. But when she got through the doors at the new facility, she completely lost it. Nobody has any idea why.", "Paul: Hey, Pattycake.", "Patty: [Gasps] Paulie! Something went very, very wrong.", "Paul: What's the matter?", "Patty: It went very wrong. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.", "Paul: I don't understand. How was it supposed to happen?", "Neil: Hey, you know, Nikki, I can't thank you enough for helping us out.", "Nikki: Oh, planning charity luncheons is right up my alley. And it's for such a good cause. I'm really proud of you with your foundation.", "Neil: I am, too. It's been rough, you know, keeping the ball rolling without my partner.", "Nikki: Jack will be back.", "Neil: You think so?", "Nikki: Yeah. In the meantime, I can pitch in. Whatever you need.", "Neil: Has anyone ever told you how wonderful you are?", "Nikki: Oh, my. Well, one can never hear that enough, can one? [Laughs]", "Neil: You're wonderful. [Laughs]", "Hilary: Nikki. Neil.", "Nikki: Oh. Hello, Hilary.", "Hilary: I just wanted to make sure there was no hard feelings about the story that we just aired.", "Nikki: Um, about my husband?", "Hilary: That's the one.", "Nikki: Well, to be honest, I -- are you recording this?", "Hilary: Yes, I am.", "Neil: What are you doing, Hilary? You don't need to do this.", "Hilary: Well, I didn't think that there would be a problem. I mean, come on. Nikki Newman afraid of the spotlight?", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Hilary: I figured that you'd want your opinion on camera. So, how do you feel about your husband's unethical -- I'm sorry. I mean, alleged unethical business practices?", "Devon: How bad is it?", "Leslie: I mean, I'd like to sugarcoat, but it's not really possible. So... you broadcast a disparaging story without checking the source first. It's like journalism 101. They probably teach you that the first day of class.", "Devon: Okay. Um, just tell me what this means for -- for everything that I have, from my inheritance from Katherine.", "Leslie: It's all vulnerable, Devon. Victor is suing you for every penny he can get.", "Victor: The source of the leak is not my family.", "Natalie: But Travis said we need to think --", "Victor: I don't care what Travis said. He is looking in the wrong places.", "Natalie: I'm just wondering if maybe you're a little too close. Sometimes it's hard to be objective when it comes to the people we care about.", "Victor: My dear girl, the leak does not come from a member of my family. They tried some rather destructive tactics against me before, and it ended disastrously for them. So no one in my family would do this.", "Natalie: So you trust them completely?", "Victor: As I do you.", "Natalie: Really?", "Victor: Yeah. You brought this information to me. That means you're loyal. And I reward loyalty.", "Natalie: I feel like I just entered the inner sanctum.", "Victor: [Laughs]", "Natalie: I'll get back to work, then. No more leaks for Newman enterprises, not on my watch.", "Victor: Okay. Natalie? I have a better idea. Additional sponsorship", "Nikki: My husband has been accused of many things through the years. That's what happens when you're successful.", "Hilary: True, but not all those accusations were unfounded. I mean, the man did spend the last few months in prison, right?", "Nikki: Oh, is that -- I did not know that.", "Hilary: It would be such a shame if he had to go back again and so soon.", "Neil: Okay, hey, hey, that's enough. There's no way that Devon signed off on this, accosting guests at his own club. Last time I checked, the press has been banned from here. I think that means you, too. Now go on. Get out of here.", "Hilary: Okay, relax, Neil. I'm just trying to get to the truth.", "Neil: I am relaxed. She gave you her statement. Now beat it.", "Hilary: In case you want a real sitdown. Have a nice day.", "Neil: You, too.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Neil: Wow. Are you all right? Huh?", "Nikki: Listen, if I let it get to me every time I was in GC buzz, or any member of my family, for that matter, I just wouldn't even be standing anymore. I'm afraid it's just one of those unfortunate facts of life.", "Neil: Not if I have anything to say about it.", "Leslie: The easiest way to make this disappear would be to track down the source to verify the authenticity of the documents, negating victor's entire suit.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I'd love to, uh, to do that, but we have no idea where they came from. It just ended up on a desk here with no name, address, or stamp.", "Leslie: You're gonna have to somehow make peace with victor.", "Devon: Yeah, have you met victor Newman?", "Leslie: Go to him, Devon, okay, hat in hand, offer him up some kind of deal.", "Devon: What kind of deal?", "Leslie: I don't know. But I'm sure there's something victor wants. There must be. Find it. Figure out a way to use it.", "Victor: See what I'm getting at?", "Natalie: Not really. Now you want there to be a leak? I thought my whole purpose was to seal this place shut.", "Victor: I want you to continue sealing this place shut, okay? I want you to protect our servers. But... I want you to leave some sensitive files vulnerable. Just not obviously vulnerable. But vulnerable enough for someone to download them or perhaps transfer them or print them out.", "Natalie: So they're traceable.", "Victor: You got it.", "Natalie: That way we snag enough evidence to find this traitor and deliver him to the police.", "Victor: No, no, no, no, no. We won't deliver them to the police. Whoever the mole is will be delivered to me. I'll deal with him.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Are you thinking about going to see Paul and patty?", "Dylan: I mean, yeah. I'm thinking about it. I just don't know if there's anything I can do.", "Mariah: What did Paul say about her? Was she saying anything outrageous?", "Dylan: I don't think he actually saw her yet. He was right about to go in. You know, I'm just hoping that he can get through to her, give her some peace of mind.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: That's the station. I got to take this. McAvoy. Yeah.", "Sharon: This cannot be happening.", "Mariah: Patty was already a loose cannon. Now that she thinks that we're playing her?", "Sharon: What's to stop her from telling Paul everything now?", "Mariah: If she hasn't already, Sharon.", "Sharon: God, what do we do? What do we do?", "Mariah: We can't go there and stop her.", "Sharon: I know. But maybe we can get Paul to come home, some kind of an emergency, a reason why he has to leave patty right away.", "Mariah: And when he gets here and sees that everything is fine?", "Sharon: Just fake something. We'll take sully to the E.R.", "Mariah: You can't use sully.", "Sharon: No, you're right. Dylan knows that sully's fine. We'll just come up with something.", "Mariah: We have already got caught in so many lies, Sharon. Inventing one this huge, it's gonna be the last straw. I know it.", "Sharon: If we would just get on the same page, I know --", "Mariah: No, no more pages. No more. I'm out. I can't. I can't do it anymore. I-I can't keep coming up with cover stories and spin stories. My god, I can't even keep track of the ones that I've already told. And Dylan? Looking at him in the eyes is excruciating. He's gonna know. He's gonna see. He's gonna figure out that something is very, very wrong.", "Sharon: This is not easy. Believe me. I know. But what is the alternative?", "Mariah: I don't know. I don't know. I just can't be here.", "Sharon: Wait. Mariah.", "Mariah: I'm sorry, Sharon. I'm sorry. I really am.", "[Door closes]", "Patty: But why can't I go back to Fairview?", "Paul: Patty, I think you know the answer to that. You need a more secure facility after what happened to Dr. Anderson.", "Patty: She is a very bad person, Paulie. She should be locked up, not me!", "Paul: Calm down. It's not about Dr. Anderson anymore. When I first explained this to you, you were excited. You were looking forward to something new. Is that not right?", "Patty: Right, right! No! But that was before!", "Paul: Before what?", "Patty: No! Before I knew that this was gonna be for good! I'm never gonna get out of here, Paulie! Never!", "Paul: You don't know that it's for good. The transfer was not about getting out. It was about getting better. I don't -- I don't... wait a minute.", "Patty: What?", "Paul: Were you planning on escaping? Is that what was going through your head? Talk to me.", "Patty: You want to know what's going through my head? You wonder what I'm thinking about, Paulie?!", "Paul: I just asked what's going through your head.", "Patty: I'm thinking about exposing the dirty secrets once and for all.", "Paul: Okay, patty, uh... let's talk about the paintings. That's where your secrets are, right?", "Patty: I told you, they're in my head.", "Paul: I know they're in your head, but you expressed yourself through... okay, you don't want to talk about the paintings? Let's not talk about the paintings. Just tell me what the secrets are. If you tell me the truth, it'll help me help you. That's all I want.", "Patty: Why am I here?", "Paul: You're here to get better.", "Patty: You're lying, Paulie.", "Paul: I am not lying.", "Patty: Places like this, they don't make me better. They dim me. I'm never going to get help. I'm never going to be free. They -- they want me never to exist!", "Paul: Patty, do you trust me?", "Patty: [Breathing heavily]", "Paul: Do you? There is no ulterior motive here. I love you.", "Patty: I know, Paulie, but I'm not talking about you, Paul! I'm talking about them! They want me to rot away in here! I just need you to protect me!", "Paul: Patty, patty.", "Patty: No, Paulie. Please let me go!", "Paul: Come on, sweetheart.", "Patty: I just need help.", "Paul: Just stay with me.", "Patty: [Gasping]", "Paul: There you go. You make it harder on yourself, sweetheart. Attagirl. You okay?", "Patty: Sharon.", "Paul: Shar--", "Patty: Bring her here. I have to talk to her. Please, Paulie.", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Natalie: If you don't say hello to me, I might have to hack your e-mail.", "Mariah: Hey, swizzlestick.", "Natalie: Hi.", "Mariah: When did you get back?", "Natalie: Who says I ever left?", "Mariah: Okay, then.", "Natalie: If you're dying to tell me \"I told you so\" about Kevin, then this is your chance.", "Mariah: No, I'm good.", "Natalie: Really?", "Mariah: My intentions were legit. Okay, they were legit-ish. I was honestly trying to warn you that there's no competing with the Kevin and Chloe show.", "Natalie: I've given up on competing. He's a non-entity, and I'm too busy moving on with my life.", "Mariah: In Genoa city?", "Natalie: Why not?", "Mariah: I just thought you'd be jetting off to Europe, taking in another safari, hoverboarding across the country.", "Natalie: Actually, there is something keeping me here. A new job.", "Mariah: Cool office.", "Natalie: Coffee break.", "Mariah: So what's your new gig?", "Natalie: I'm working for Newman enterprises.", "Devon: Hi.", "Hilary: Hey.", "Devon: So you ambushed Nikki Newman at the club?", "Hilary: Wow. Neil moves fast.", "Devon: So you did do that?", "Hilary: It was hardly an ambush, Devon. It was an opportunity for Nikki to defend her husband, which she technically didn't do, by the way.", "Leslie: Okay, I'm going to have to suggest that you avoid any more future opportunities, at least until the lawsuit is over.", "Devon: Or forever.", "Leslie: Yeah, harassing the plaintiff's wife like that could very well destroy our defense.", "Dylan: So you know detective Ratchford?", "Sharon: Uh, Shelly. Yeah.", "Dylan: Right. Yeah. Well, her husband is a baker, and he is gonna pull out all the stops for sully's birthday cake. He's gonna make it in the shape of a race car kind of like the one he plays with here. And, oh, he's adding a smash cake.", "Sharon: Smash cake?", "Dylan: Yeah, you know, apparently 1-year-olds now get their own mini cake to destroy for, uh, a photo op.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. Smash cake. Good.", "Dylan: I can't believe he's gonna be 1, Sharon. A whole year. I mean, where -- where does the time go?", "Sharon: Yeah, it just flew by.", "Dylan: Flew by. Our boy's walking. I mean, really, it seems like yesterday I held him for the first time. My life changed forever in that moment. Everything I've ever wanted is under this roof, and that's because of you.", "[Knock on door]", "Dylan: [Sighs] Hey.", "Paul: Hey. Sorry I didn't call.", "Dylan: Is everything okay with patty?", "Paul: No. She's not all right. And she's insisting on seeing you.", "Hilary: My interview with Nikki was good journalism.", "Devon: I know you don't believe that, hon.", "Hilary: Yes, I do, Devon! She could have let something slip, something that could have thrown out this whole lawsuit.", "Devon: And did she?", "Hilary: No.", "Devon: No. No, she didn't, because Nikki Newman is a smart woman who wouldn't say anything to incriminate her husband.", "Hilary: You don't know that.", "Devon: I do know that, okay? And please, you need to stop making these big decisions behind my back, because now this is about more than just protecting this business. It's about protecting everything we have, all of our money, my inheritance, Katherine's legacy.", "Hilary: Where are you going?", "Devon: I'm gonna end this.", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Sharon: No way am I going to Rivercrest. I can't.", "Dylan: Did patty say why she wanted to see Sharon?", "Paul: No. No, she didn't. But she was adamant. At first there was the usual delusion. I mean, she went on about the transfer, her lack of freedom, and this whole conspiracy against her. But when she asked to see you, it was the first time she actually seemed coherent.", "Sharon: Well, that's great, Paul, but that's not enough to convince me to go. I just don't see what good it would do anyone, especially patty.", "Dylan: Look, I'm not gonna push you to do something that you're uncomfortable with. But we really need to put this behind us. Paul, I'll go see patty, settle this myself.", "Mariah: So, you're working for victor?", "Natalie: Yep.", "Mariah: Newman?", "Natalie: Yep.", "Mariah: The same guy who almost had you strangled for selling out to the competition.", "Natalie: That's the one. And it's all water under the bridge.", "Mariah: [Chuckling] Right. If that bridge was on fire and endangering the lives of everybody around it. So, what exactly does victor have you working on? Some cutting-edge, new security program that lasers any non-Newmans on sight?", "Natalie: I'm victor's new assistant.", "Mariah: As in getting coffee, sorting mail, answering phones type of assistant? I don't mean to be rude, but isn't --", "Natalie: Do you have another setting?", "Mariah: Isn't that sort of a downgrade?", "Natalie: I have bills to pay.", "Mariah: So pay them with the pass key fortune. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget the financial landslide that you cut me out of it?", "Natalie: It's gone.", "Mariah: How is that even remotely possible?", "Natalie: I put all the money in a silicon valley startup. Needless to say, it crashed and burned. It was a stupid app.", "Mariah: So now it's back to the working world.", "Natalie: More specifically back to the office. See you around.", "Mariah: See you.", "Nikki: Well, we could always do one of those walkathons to raise awareness for addiction. Those are always very successful.", "Neil: Yeah. How do you do that?", "Nikki: Um, do what?", "Neil: You know, just black out everything that happened with Hilary.", "Nikki: [Scoffs] That was nothing.", "Neil: Was it?", "Nikki: Are you insinuating that I can't take a little muck-raking?", "Neil: Well, you see here, I'm just more concerned about the actual muck.", "Nikki: Ah, ah. Don't do that.", "Neil: What?", "Nikki: Don't lecture me on victor.", "Neil: No, no, no, no. No lecture. I'm just, uh, I want you to be careful, you know? His actions and subsequent fallout has always been a trigger for you.", "Nikki: I know that you're saying that out of love for me, but believe me, I am in no danger of falling off the wagon.", "Neil: [Laughs] Yeah. You don't believe that any more than I do.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Victor: Hello, Devon.", "Devon: Hello, Mr. Newman. I, uh, I was just wondering if you had time to get lunch.", "Victor: Wow. Just the two of us?", "Devon: Just the two of us. I thought that you and I can discuss our disagreement civilly.", "Victor: Yeah. Does that mean you're willing to give up the source of this slanderous information?", "Devon: I literally can't do that because we don't know who dropped those documents off.", "Victor: Oh, I'll be damned. Then why did you come to see me?", "Devon: Well, I came to see you because even though I don't have the name of the source, I do have a proposition for you.", "Victor: Ah.", "Nikki: Thank you. You're very sweet, but you didn't have to buy me tea.", "Neil: Oh, yes, I did. It's penance for trying to give you a lecture after I said I wouldn't.", "Nikki: I know it's coming from a good place.", "Neil: It's coming from a personal place. More personal than you know.", "Nikki: What do you mean? What's going on?", "Neil: I saw my mother.", "Nikki: My god. When?", "Neil: A couple of months ago. She was barely hanging on, Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh. I am so sorry.", "Neil: I got there in time, you know. I made peace with her before she died.", "Nikki: Well, that's good. That's very important. I just had no idea. Again, I'm so sorry.", "Neil: I'm not. And I didn't tell you this to get your sympathy. This experience has totally changed me, Nikki. It steered me in a different direction. I want to make the most out of my time while I'm here, spend it with family and friends. I want to leave my imprint before I go.", "Nikki: As we all do.", "Neil: Let me ask you something. Is this what you want your imprint to be? The woman who defended victor Newman at all costs?", "Nikki: Neil, that is not fair.", "Neil: Oh, really? Why not?", "Nikki: Because it's just not that cut and dried.", "Neil: Well, see, it is, and that's what I'm saying. If you look at it, life has a way of --", "Paul: Hey, you two.", "Nikki: Hi, Paul.", "Neil: Hey, Paul.", "Paul: Am I interrupting or can I join you?", "Neil: Pull up a chair. Go ahead.", "Paul: All right. So, how are you guys? What are we talking about?", "Neil: Well, we're talking about victor. Care to weigh in?", "Victor: Well, I'm intrigued, Devon. I mean, what could you possibly have that would make up for the damage done by that preposterous GC buzz show of yours that has done so much damage to me and my company?", "Devon: Well, it would only be damaging if the information is not true.", "Victor: Now you're pointing more fingers. You're making my case much easier now.", "Devon: I want you to know that I'm very aware of all the legal ramifications, and I have discussed this with my attorney thoroughly, and her advice to me was that I need to uncover who the source is.", "Victor: Well, you keep that attorney. That's good advice.", "Devon: It really is. It's obvious, you know? So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take it a step further. I've hired of team of private investigators to probe into every facet of your life, personal and professional, so that we can find anything, anyone, something to validate our story, or debunk it.", "Victor: Ah. So you hired a group of snoops to investigate me.", "Devon: Because I figure what better way to get to the truth. Now, with all of that digging, who's to say what they might unearth? Accidentally, of course. That is, unless you drop the lawsuit.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Because then I would have no need to investigate you.", "Victor: Devon, you're threatening me. That's never a good idea.", "Nikki: My husband has been accused of many things through the years. That's what happens when you're successful.", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Mariah: I have a tip.", "Hilary: Good for you.", "Mariah: It's about Newman.", "Hilary: I'm listening.", "Mariah: It's big, but it's gonna come at a price.", "Hilary: Okay, how much?", "Mariah: I would like a job here.", "Hilary: Okay, I was thinking more along the lines of a couple hundred bucks.", "Mariah: Not that I couldn't use it, but I'm more interested in the long run.", "Hilary: Do you even have any experience in television?", "Mariah: About as much as you did when you took over as host.", "Hilary: I had some professional experience.", "Mariah: And all that experience landed you in the middle of a lawsuit, by the way.", "Hilary: We're handling that.", "Mariah: I know, and I can help. I have dirt on the guy who's suing you for everything you're worth. Call me crazy, but I think a job is a small price to pay.", "Dylan: Hey. I can do this alone. You don't have to go in.", "Sharon: If you can handle doing this, um, so can I.", "Dylan: Okay. Ready?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Patty: You. [Breathing heavily] You stabbed me in the back, you liar!", "Dylan: Hey, hey, hey. Just take it easy. Take it easy.", "Patty: I got new accessories. [Laughs] What do you think? Very fashionable, huh?", "Dylan: We just came to talk to you.", "Patty: Talk away.", "Dylan: Uh, I don't know what you were saying. Sharon didn't stab you in the back. She didn't really do anything to you.", "Patty: Well, maybe not to me. But she's done something to you.", "Sharon: We're on the same side. When we were at Fairview, remember? Why invent reasons for us to be enemies now?", "Patty: Inventing? Ohh! Like I'm a magician or a scientist. Now you see something. [Laughs] You can even hold it. And then poof! It's gone. But you are right about those days at Fairview. They were very special. And Dr. Anderson taking such sweet, good care of us. Oh, and that healthy, strapping baby boy of yours. Oh, a gift from the stork.", "Sharon: That's right. Sully -- sully was a gift. A gift that his father and I cherish very much.", "Patty: Of course. What parent wouldn't cherish their little flesh and blood, hmm?", "Dylan: Okay, what's going on here? It seems like you're dancing around something.", "Patty: [Laughs] I love to dance, but I can't with these! There's no more dancing! Yeah, I just sit here and I think about my life. I think about your life. All our lives. I'm just mulling around, mulling around the choices that led us to this place.", "Dylan: I'm gonna check in with your doctor. You gonna be okay?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Dylan: Okay. Be right back.", "Sharon: Patty. I am so sorry. This was not part of the plan at all. The -- the transfer, it happened. It came out of nowhere. There wasn't enough time to plan an escape. [Sighs] Just please be patient. I promise you I will find a way to get you your freedom.", "Sharon: Patty, please. Please don't crush Dylan's soul. Sully is our child in every way that matters. We would be devastated. Time for a vitals check. It's good to see you so calm.", "Dylan: Was it something Sharon said?", "Patty: Yeah. She reminded me how much more I would gain by following the rules instead of fighting them. Right, Sharon?", "Sharon: That's right.", "Dylan: So was this all you needed from Sharon?", "Patty: Yep. Thank you for bringing her to visit me.", "Sharon: We should go.", "Dylan: All right. Take care, patty.", "Patty: Oh, I will. Perfectly steady and even. Very good.", "Patty: You should check the pulse of the woman that left here. I bet it's racing.", "Mariah: You won't regret it.", "Hilary: Fine. You're hired. But only in a gofer position.", "Mariah: I will take it.", "Hilary: Okay, so, what's this life-changing scoop that you have?", "Mariah: Natalie Soderberg is victor Newman's new assistant.", "Hilary: Who?", "Mariah: Natalie. From the whole pass key debacle. You had to have read about her.", "Hilary: Okay, she's -- the computer whiz?", "Mariah: Yes, exactly. Now, why would victor Newman need to hire a world- renowned hacker to answer his phone?", "Hilary: [Sighs] It's a front. And it explains why victor was so willing to open up his servers for inspection.", "Mariah: I mean, when you have Natalie on the case, why not? She could probably wipe those clean before breakfast.", "Hilary: God, this is so juicy.", "Mariah: I told you.", "Hilary: But we can't use it. We can't use any of it.", "Mariah: Why not?", "Hilary: Because our lawyers won't let us air anything unflattering about Newman unless we have solid proof.", "Mariah: Okay. I get it. But there's got to be a way around it.", "Paul: You know, Nik, it's just that we don't want to see you dragged into yet another one of victor's messes.", "Nikki: Have I told you two lately how much I love you?", "Paul: [Chuckles]", "Neil: Well, you can tell us again and again if you want. [Chuckles]", "Nikki: You don't need to worry. My eyes are wide open. I see my husband for who he is, flaws and all.", "Neil: Well, that's an awful lot of flaws.", "Nikki: My marriage is solid. My sobriety is solid. And I'm happy, truly happy.", "Paul: That's all that matters, right?", "Neil: Mm-hmm. You're, uh, you're leaving us now?", "Nikki: Yeah, I got to go, so you can direct all of those good intentions towards somebody who actually needs them, huh?", "Neil: Okay.", "Nikki: I'll see you. Mwah, mwah. See you later.", "Paul: Good to see you. Okay. She didn't once mention that victor was innocent, did she?", "Neil: You noticed that, too?", "Victor: Let me ask you something, Devon. How do you think Katherine would feel that her grandson, who she loved a great deal, now was turning against her old friend, victor Newman, was going after his company, after his name, after his family?", "Devon: It's not that I'm going after you, you know. I-I-I know that about Katherine. I know that she never loved anything that had to do with the tabloids, you know, which is why I'm trying to do something different and take the TV show and the website and turn it into something that even she would be proud of.", "Victor: All right.", "Devon: Okay? And look, you don't have to guilt-trip me, either, because there's literally not a day that goes by that I don't stress about living up to Katherine Chancellor's expectations, okay? Trust me. What I'm doing here is I'm -- I'm appealing to you as her friend and as my former mentor to find it within yourself to let this lawsuit go.", "[Cell phone chimes] GC buzz will make a full retraction, and your reputation will remain intact.", "[Cell phone chimes] Mr. Newman, I am -- I'm very sorry. I have to go.", "Victor: There is an emergency?", "Devon: Very sorry. Yes.", "Victor: All right. Oh, well.", "Natalie: They're on to us! We're all going to jail!", "Hilary: That's good. Really.", "Devon: What the hell do you think you're doing?!", "Hilary: Well, I guess that you saw our latest and hottest blind item of the week. \"Which top C.E.O. is hiring hackers in entry-level jobs to cover his crooked books?\"", "Devon: Here's a blind item. How about the TV host that keeps digging her own grave. I was seconds away from coming to terms with victor, and then this pops up on my phone. Victor is not gonna drop the lawsuit while we're still attacking him!", "Mariah: It was my idea, by the way.", "Devon: You don't work here!", "Hilary: Yeah, actually, she does. I just hired her in a low-level gofer position.", "Mariah: I-I don't know if \"low-level\" was necessary.", "Hilary: And even though it was Mariah's idea, it was my decision to run with it.", "Devon: Right. Without consulting me again.", "Hilary: God, why are you freaking out, okay? Nowhere in there does it say anything about victor or Newman. That's the beauty of a blind item!", "Devon: I know it's too much to hope that you ran this by Leslie or the guy in the mailroom or anyone, for that matter. Did you?", "Hilary: Okay, just take a deep breath and look at the facts. Victor hired a hacker, and now he's trying to pass her off as his assistant. We are two steps away from proving that this man is guilty as sin.", "Devon: You are never gonna get victor to crack.", "Hilary: Yeah, you know what? You're right. He's as tough as they come. But Natalie? That's a whole other story.", "Natalie: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that they're talking about me. We're going down for wiping those servers clean.", "Victor: As far as I remember, I never ordered you to wipe any servers clean, did I? Hence no crime was committed.", "Natalie: Maybe not by you. My digital fingerprint is all over this.", "Victor: I will not let you take the fall. I told you that loyalty will be rewarded, all right?", "Nikki: Oh, I'm so sorry. Am I interrupting?", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Natalie: Yes, but thank God you did. See ya.", "Victor: Don't you worry about a thing, Natalie. Hello, sweetheart.", "Nikki: Such an odd girl. Well, I assume you're having her help you with this scandal?", "Victor: Are you insinuating --", "Nikki: No, I'm not insinuating anything. Your secret's safe with me. I won't say a word.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned.", "Nikki: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Come here. I'm happy to see you, my baby.", "Nikki: Me, too.", "Victor: Okay.", "Patty: So, am I in tip-top shape, doc? Well, your health seems fine. Why would you want to see Sharon McAvoy if you so clearly don't like her?", "Patty: Ohh. You think I don't like Sharon? You're silly, Doctor. [Chuckles] She's my golden ticket out of here. And I am getting out. How else do you think I'll get my cat back?", "Dylan: You and Patty. Must have been a very intense conversation after I left the room.", "Sharon: Everything's intense with patty.", "Dylan: What were you talking about?", "Sharon: Just exactly what she said. She needs to be careful how she conducts herself when she's there.", "Dylan: And that's all?", "Sharon: Well, I mean, I might have gotten a little bit heated with her when I warned her to stop creating trouble, you know, all these paintings and these pictures and requesting to see me. It's too much. It's got to stop.", "Dylan: Well, you know, Sharon, when I came back, she was really calm.", "Sharon: Are you accusing me of something?", "Dylan: You just seem a little on edge.", "Sharon: Well, yeah, of course, I'm on edge, Dylan. Do you know what it's like being in a place like that? I'm gonna have nightmares now tonight about feeling trapped and being around people who are out of their mind, drugs running through my body, constantly aware of the fact that if you don't follow the rules exactly, you're gonna be back at square one! It's terrifying!", "Dylan: Okay, all right. Everything's okay.", "Sharon: No, it's not okay! I don't want to think about things like this anymore. I've done my time! Now I'm falling apart at the seams! I'm not gonna lose everything, Dylan! I won't!", "Dylan: Okay. Sharon.", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Dylan: It's all right. I got you. I got you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: What? Tell me you don't recognize Og the powerful.", "Sharon: I need you now more than ever.", "Mariah: You mean now that Patty expects us to help her escape.", "Jack: I can't risk having victor see me with the mole.", "Phyllis: I'll make the drop." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Ashley and Jack were reunited with Dina and Graham. To their shock, Dina was at ease with Graham and hostile toward Jack. Jack vowed to stay in Florida until he figured out what was going on. The public found out about Brash and Sassy's toxic mask, and Billy tried to minimize the fallout. Billy asked Lauren about Phyllis. Lauren told him that he'd have to work hard to win Phyllis back. Lauren suggested that a competitor tampered with the Sassy mask formula. Gloria slapped Billy after he accused her and Jack of sabotaging Sassy Mask. Gloria called Jack, and he denied tampering with the mask. Gloria denied it as well. Victor and Billy were convinced Jack was to blame for Victoria's illness, and they decided to get revenge on Jack and Jabot. Sharon worried because she'd seen Scott at the police station covered in blood. Mariah thought Scott had been in a fight. When Sharon disagreed, Mariah suggested that Sharon didn't know Scott as well as she thought she did. Michael met with Scott in jail, as his lawyer. Michael unsuccessfully attempted to get Paul to release Scott. Paul revealed that Natalia had roofies in her system, but no drugs were found in Scott's system. Victor met with Scott, who was angry that Victor turned him in. Victor thought Scott was innocent, and he was sure Paul would see that too. Victor told to be careful, because the people who framed him wouldn't give up. Scott was determined to finish the expose, even if he had to do it from prison. Scott was charged with solicitation.", "Lauren was outraged when she learned that Scott met Natalia because of Sharon. Sharon and Lauren almost came to blows after Lauren blamed Sharon for Scott getting framed and insulted her skills as a mother. Scott was arraigned and let out on bail. Lauren was dismayed when Scott left with Sharon. Scott and Sharon discovered that Natalia was associated with DesignDate, Zack and Abby's app. Abby was furious when Zack showed up at her house after breaking up with her over voicemail. Zack convinced Abby that he wanted to be with her and that he pulled away because he didn't want her to know who he really was. Zack and Abby shared a deep kiss and seemed to be on the way to more.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Billy abbott. Yes, yes, about the launch... yes. No, everything should be... can you hold on one second, please? This is old data. I want every face mask rechecked for toxins, and I want it done now. Please. Can somebody else answer the damn phone? As I was saying, everything is fine with the face masks. No, you can reassure your readers that brash & sassy's committed to every product that we put out in the marketplace. No, those are just rumors. No, your viewers should know that we are committed to our customers at brash & sassy and stand by every single product we put out in the marketplace. There is no problem at all with our products. Everything is fine. No, no, no! There is no concern whatsoever about this or any other brash & sassy product. No, thank you for calling.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ] Have you seen this?", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: I'm getting more and more worried. Please call me.", "Mariah: Who are you worried about?", "Sharon: Scott. When I saw him yesterday, he was in paul's office.", "Mariah: Wait, as in police chief paul?", "Sharon: Scott was -- and there was blood.", "Mariah: Blood? What?", "Sharon: On his shirt. And before I could ask scott what it was about, paul told me I had to leave. Now scott's not returning my calls. I'm going back to the station.", "Mariah: Wait, you don't even know that he's still there.", "Sharon: Well, he would have returned my calls.", "Mariah: Maybe he's embarrassed because he got in some fight and he got hauled in by the cops.", "Sharon: I think you're jumping to conclusions.", "Mariah: What do you really know about him? Maybe you got too serious too fast with a guy that you know very little about.", "Scott: [ Gasping ]", "[ Garbage lid slams ]", "[ Spoon clatters ]", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "[ Knocking on door, doorbell rings ]", "[ Graham and dina speak indistinctly ]", "Dina: [ Laughs ] He's so funny.", "Graham: Thank you very much.", "Jack: She looks happy. I know.", "Ashley: She looks really happy, but could she be faking it?", "Jack: She doesn't seem to be.", "Dina: [ Laughs ]", "Ashley: Okay, I don't know about you, but I thought she would be depressed and lethargic and... I thought she'd be all drugged up.", "Jack: How can she be so comfortable and at ease with that money-grubbing manipulator?", "Dina: Just big lumps of crab.", "Ashley: There could be a simple explanation. We came a long way to save somebody that's not looking to be saved.", "Dina: [ Laughs ]", "[ Dina speaks indistinctly ]", "Jack: It doesn't make any sense. Last we saw her in genoa city, she was in a wheelchair.", "Ashley: Exactly. She was in a wheelchair.", "Jack: Frightened and frail and...", "Ashley: Acting like somebody who was being forced to leave against her will. How could somebody have changed so much in such a short amount of time?", "Jack: Maybe she's just putting on a show for him, not letting him know how frightened she really is.", "Ashley: Really? That's acting?", "Jack: He lied to her. She knows it.", "Ashley: Apparently she's forgiven him, jack. And as much as I hate that graham's responsible for it, it is good to see mother acting like her old self.", "Jack: No, not really. Something is off.", "Ashley: So when are you gonna make your move?", "Jack: The instant she's alone. Once she's away from graham, we can find out how she's really feeling.", "Lauren: I find out on social media that the facial masks are toxic? When on earth were you gonna tell me this?!", "Billy: We have prepared a statement for your P.R. Department simply saying that the masks are not for sale yet, so fenmore's customers have nothing to be concerned about.", "Lauren: And what about all the rest of the brash & sassy products?", "Billy: Everything else is fine.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: And, of course, we will reimburse you for any sort of costs that are gonna affect your bottom line because we are postponing the launch.", "Lauren: This is a disaster.", "Billy: Yeah, tell me about it.", "Lauren: You know, here I am complaining about business, and I-I -- is this true? Did victoria's exposure to these masks, did they cause her collapse on \"the hilary hour\"?", "Billy: It's pointing that way, yeah.", "Lauren: How is she?", "Billy: She's stabilized. But she's still under observation.", "Lauren: I'm so sorry.", "Michael: So you woke up next to a murdered hooker.", "Scott: Yeah. Yeah, what are the odds?", "Michael: How did you get to the motel?", "Scott: Not a clue.", "Michael: Did she bring you there or did you meet her there? Look, if I'm gonna help you, you're gonna have to start talking.", "Scott: You think I'm withholding information, but I'm not! When I try to remember how I got in that room, I... there's nothing.", "Michael: But you do recall seeing natalia earlier.", "Scott: At the underground. She walked in, then turned around and walked out, and I ran after her, but...she was gone. After that, I just came back inside.", "Michael: Okay. Next memory?", "Scott: Waking up. Last I knew, I never even went to sleep, and I'M... I'm in bed. It's not my bed. In a hotel room with a woman who... who looked familiar, but i couldn't place it. So I turned her over. God, what they... what they did to her, michael, it... [ Voice breaking ] Natalia'S... she's dead because of me. She'S...", "Michael: Explain that.", "Scott: You think I -- no, I -- no! I-I couldn't have.", "Michael: Look, I'm not making any judgments or assumptions.", "Scott: You certainly sound like you are.", "Michael: What it sounds like is that you're being stingy with the facts.", "Scott: I didn't kill her. That is a fact! I've told you everything I know.", "Michael: Really? Okay. Well, you've neglected to mention that natalia was part of a sex ring.", "Scott: What? You think I was paying her for her services?", "Michael: Were you?", "Scott: I was doing an exposé on the traffickers who were exploiting her. So, yeah, I know her. I knew her. I-I spoke with her.", "Michael: About? How am I supposed to get you out of here?", "Scott: How much of this are you gonna tell my mother? How much?!", "Michael: I haven't even told lauren that you're in police custody. I'm hoping that you'll be able to explain all of this to her yourself once you're out of here. Tell me the rest.", "Scott: Someone involved in the sex ring must have known i was on to them and that I could blow up their operation. That's why they killed an innocent, young woman. Frame me, shut me up. It's my fault. [ Voice breaking ] It's my fault. It's my fault.", "Michael: Okay. Listen to me. Listen. You can say that to me. You can feel what you need to feel to me. But don't ever say that to anyone else while this is hanging over your head. You understand that?", "Scott: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Now, I am sorry about natalia. But I have one job and one job only -- to defend you. Help me do that.", "Scott: [ Sighs ]", "Michael: Is there anything else you haven't told me?", "Scott: Can you get me out of here?", "Michael: [ Chuckles ] Well, you haven't been charged. That's good. I can talk to paul, work on getting you released.", "Scott: Paul knows me. I mean, he knows I was working with the cops to -- to bring down these traffickers. How could he suspect me of murder?", "Michael: Paul has to abide by the rule of law. Don't expect to be handed any \"get out of jail free\" cards because we're all friends. If the evidence points to you, it points to you.", "Scott: It's a setup. But they miscalculated. I'm going after them.", "Michael: That's not the best idea for a suspect.", "Scott: Nothing and no one is gonna stop me from writing that exposé. Even if I have to do it from behind bars.", "Sharon: Scott is a brave and honest man.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Listen, one of the things that i love about you is how ride-or-die you are with people that you care about, even strangers. But...", "Sharon: What? You think I'm being naive?", "Mariah: I think that love can make people blind, and it happens to the best of us.", "Sharon: I know scott.", "Mariah: Okay, so let's go with that. You know him. You know that he's covered not just the news but wars. He's seen people dying all around him. He's even been kidnapped and held hostage himself.", "Sharon: Exactly. And that man, a man who has put his life at risk over and over again for good --", "Mariah: Could be messed up. Could be walking around with a whole heap of an emotional baggage that he's very good at concealing.", "Sharon: You're wrong.", "Mariah: Look, you're studying psychology. Follow the bouncing neuroses. I mean, what happens to a person when all of the awful things that they've seen or experienced pile up on them?", "Sharon: They hit a wall.", "Mariah: Maybe that's what happened to scott. Maybe he slammed up against his own personal wall and just... lost it.", "Michael: Okay, so you're keeping my client locked up while you go off on a scavenger hunt for evidence linking him to the murder?", "Paul: Legally, I have a right to hold a suspect 72 hours.", "Michael: But it's scott. It's scott we're talking about.", "Paul: Scott was found at the scene of the crime, covered in the victim's blood, and he didn't even bother to call 911.", "Michael: He was in shock.", "Paul: That's what they all say. I'm keeping him in custody. And I'm telling you, we are very close to charging him.", "Michael: With what? Murder?", "Paul: Possibly.", "Michael: There is no motive. And what about the corroborating witness?", "Paul: Zack stinnett?", "Michael: Yeah, have you even talked to him?", "Paul: I interviewed him myself.", "Michael: Oh.", "Paul: And he confirmed that he had drinks with scott at the underground.", "Michael: Then you know.", "Paul: I know that scott claims he had a few beers. Zack's take on it, he was pretty plastered. And when he poured scott into a cab, scott said that he was headed to another club.", "Michael: No, that's can't be right.", "Paul: Michael, he knew this woman natalia. And after he ran into her in the underground, he went looking for her.", "Michael: You're putting your spin on it now, paul.", "Paul: Show me any proof that would negate what we've got, and I would be more than happy to release him. [ Telephone rings ] Williams. Okay, thank you.", "Michael: What? Was that about scott?", "Paul: It's not good. The opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain", "Michael: Are you positive it was roofies?", "Paul: There are traces of the drug that were found in natalia's system.", "Michael: Scott recalls running after her.", "Paul: You're proving my case, counselor.", "Michael: No, no, but he has no memory of reconnecting with this woman or getting to that motel. So if she was drugged, so was he.", "Paul: There's no indication of that.", "Michael: Then a person or persons unknown delivered scott and natalia to that motel while they were both under the influence.", "Paul: You know, there's one hitch in that theory. Scott tested negative for drugs.", "Michael: Because it was already out of his system.", "Paul: Oh, come on now. Who's reaching?", "Michael: You know as well as I do that there are drugs that can leave a person's system before she or he is even aware that they've even been drugged. And that is consistent with what happened with scott.", "Paul: What he claims happened. He also claims that he was not drunk. But after questioning zack, that was not the case.", "Michael: You really think that he killed natalia in some drunken blackout?!", "Paul: I don't think anything. I'm just going where the case takes me. I'm just doing my duty as a sworn officer of the law.", "Michael: Do you really think that he killed this young woman?", "Paul: [ Sighs ] If there's nothing more, I have calls to make.", "[ Sighs ]", "Abby: Leave.", "Zack: Just hear me out.", "Abby: No, I-I got your voicemail. I heard it all. Get out. [ Sighs ] If you don't leave right now, then I'm gonna call ranch security!", "Zack: You won't listen to me, so I'll listen to you. Come on, abby. Have at it.", "Abby: [ Scoffs ] How dare you break up with me on a voicemail?! Do you know what you are? You are a coward. Do you have any idea what it was like to get that message when my sister's in the hospital, when i am worried about victoria, when I needed you?", "Zack: I --", "Abby: No, do not open your mouth. Do not talk, 'cause every time you do, it is a lie. Some romantic speech about how you will never let me down? [ Scoffs ] Were you laughing at me when i fell for that?", "Zack: Of course not. Abby, I'm sorry --", "Abby: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's that word again. The \"s\" word -- \"sorry.\" Like balloons and \"I'm sorry\" is gonna make this better. Well, guess again.", "Zack: I wish that I never left that voicemail. I wish you never heard it.", "Abby: Well, I wish I had never met you! Now get out! Fine. I'm calling ranch security.", "Zack: Abby. I love you.", "Scott: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: Thank you.", "Scott: Thanks for throwing me under the bus.", "Victor: You called demanding that I help you cover up a murder.", "Scott: A murder I didn't commit. Now I'm stuck in here while the person who killed natalia is... [ Chair clatters ] I got to get out of here. What did you think was gonna happen when you called the cops on me?", "Victor: Calm down, son. What I thought would happen is exactly what did happen. Paul williams sees what I see. You're not capable of murder.", "Scott: Glad somebody knows that.", "Victor: You know what I know? You better be careful. Look over your shoulder. Because the person that framed you is not gonna rest until you spend your life behind bars.", "Scott: That'll never happen.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? It'll happen if you continue to be as arrogant as you are right now. You better think, son. Think very hard about who might be your enemy.", "Billy: Have you talked to phyllis at all?", "Lauren: Yeah. She just called from the cosmetic convention, said everything was going well. I'm sure that's not why you asked.", "Billy: No, we're just, uh... we're just on a little bit of a break right now. It's nothing serious.", "Lauren: It's very serious, according to phyllis. So you're gonna have to bring out the big guns and work very hard if you want to get her back.", "Billy: Little swamped right now.", "Lauren: So, do you have any idea what made these masks toxic?", "Billy: No. Trying to figure that out.", "Lauren: I have to go. You know, is it possible that one of your competitors accessed your formulas and then sabotaged the masks? I mean, it does happen.", "Billy: I would say that our security is tight, but then everybody thinks that right before they're hacked.", "Lauren: But who would hate brash & sassy so much to do something so low, so des...picable? [ Chair scrapes floor ] Not many people would test 100 pans to find the right one", "Billy: Jack!", "Gloria: He's not here.", "Billy: Where is he?", "Gloria: He's out of town.", "Billy: Then I'll talk to ashley.", "Gloria: Ashley is out of town, too. She's with jack.", "Billy: Then I'll call them.", "Gloria: Oh, really? And you think he's gonna pick up your calls? He really has more important things to do.", "Billy: Yeah, like avoiding my calls.", "Gloria: And I wonder why he would do that.", "Billy: Maybe because he tampered with brash & sassy's face masks and put victoria in the hospital.", "Gloria: Why do you think jack would be involved in that?", "Billy: Why do you think? Because he's wanted to destroy the competition for a very long time, and he does have an employee that has experience with poisoning face creams.", "Michael: Lauren, just -- just try to stay calm, all right?", "Lauren: Paul, what are you doing?", "Scott: Mom, come on.", "Lauren: He's innocent.", "Paul: He's only being charged with solicitation for now.", "Lauren: He didn't kill that woman. Am I the only person who sees how wrong this is?", "Michael: No, you're not. But scott met with the victim while he and sharon were searching for a missing girl, a girl who called sharon on the crisis hotline.", "Lauren: Sharon. Sharon. It's always sharon.", "Scott: What happened last night had nothing to do with sharon.", "Lauren: Of course it did! If she wasn't in your life, this wouldn't be happening. Michael has your suit for the arraignment. I'll see you at the courthouse.", "Scott: Mom, no, please. I'll call you after, but just please leave this alone!", "[ Sharon and mariah speak indistinctly ]", "Lauren: This is your fault. You are the reason that scott has been arrested.", "Sharon: Arrested? What?", "Lauren: You dragged him into this. You have been using him and involving him in your own issues!", "Sharon: Okay, my relationship with scott --", "Lauren: Is very self-serving and one-sided.", "Sharon: Now, that's not true.", "Lauren: Why on earth are you here? Why are you safe and comfortable and completely oblivious to the fact that my son is being framed for murder?", "Mariah: Murder? What?", "Sharon: No. Scott would never --", "Lauren: Yes, you're right. Scott would never. This is because of you. You have screwed up my son's life like you have screwed up the lives of every other man you have ever been with! Nick, jack, adam, dylan. Oh, let's throw in victor newman, okay? You got the whole set there! Proud of yourself?", "Sharon: I understand that as scott's mother --", "Lauren: Oh, what do you know about being a mother? When you aren't walking away from your own children, you're trying to steal someone else's!", "Mariah: Whoa, whoa, hey! Guys, cut it out! Cut it out! Hey! You guys need to dial it back, like, a bunch!", "Sharon: Don't you talk about my children! I love them more than my own life!", "Lauren: Oh, until a good-looking, vulnerable guy shows up, like my son, and then you just pounce!", "Sharon: You know what? You are an overprotective, interfering mother who won't let her son make his own choices. And when scott gets in trouble, who do you blame? The people who framed him? No. You blame me because you're jealous of our relationship.", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Well, you move on, lady. It's time for you to get your own life and...", "Mariah: Hey. Excuse me.", "Sharon: ...Let me and scott live ours without you in it!", "Lauren: You're the one who deserves to be in jail for stealing nick's baby!", "Sharon: You controlling and entitled bitch. You really think I'm just gonna fall in line?", "Lauren: Oh, you back the hell away from my son!", "Mariah: [ Whistles loudly ] Hi! Hey, guys! Smile for the camera, because you're about to be on \"the hilary hour\" tonight!", "Sharon: You wouldn'T.", "Lauren: Don't you dare.", "Mariah: Oh, oh, but I would. I would. 'Cause if you keep going at each other, you guys are gonna be viral before nightfall! Okay?!", "Gloria: I resent your insinuations.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? You gonna pretend to be outraged right now, gloria? We all know that you're jack's friend with benefits.", "Gloria: That is beyond the pale. Jack and I are business associates.", "Billy: Oh, really? Well, when you're \"associating\" with each other, did you whisper in his ear or did he whisper in yours? When exactly did you come up with this big master plan to poison brash & sassy's masks and come after victoria?", "Gloria: Ahh! Go.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Jack: Make it quick.", "Gloria: Fine. Brash & sassy's facial mask is toxic. And billy thinks you're responsible for it and I helped you. Did you do it?", "Jack: No. Did you?", "Gloria: No. And if it wasn't either of us, then who?", "Jack: I don't have time to decide this right now. Deflect anything from the press. Don't say anything to anyone. Just sit tight till I get back.", "Gloria: When will that be?", "Jack: You'll know as soon as I do.", "Ashley: What was that about?", "Jack: No graham.", "Graham: I knew it wouldn't take you long to track dina down. But it's a wasted journey.", "Jack: Don't be too confident, graham.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Hey, hey.", "Lauren: Hey. I'm sorry I missed the arraignment.", "Scott: It was over faster than it took me to change into this suit.", "Michael: Just long enough for the judge to set bail. Mwah.", "Lauren: I'm so glad that you're free. At least for now.", "Scott: Hey, you got to stop worrying about me, mom.", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Never, baby boy. Not even when you're old and gray. See, I'm gonna be driving my little, red sports car to the senior living facility every day to make sure they're treating you right.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Michael: I call shotgun.", "Lauren: Forever and ever.", "Scott: You know the whole thing was, uh, was bogus, right?", "Lauren: Of course I do.", "Sharon: Hey. Thanks for the text.", "Scott: Oh. Hmm. I knew you'd be worried.", "Sharon: So, okay, where to now?", "Scott: Well, I'm with you.", "Lauren: Maybe you shouldn'T. I just, um, I mean, you know, you're probably hungry and exhausted after your horrible night in jail.", "Scott: Hmm. Yeah to both. But, in fact, if you don't mind, I was thinking of ducking out of here with sharon.", "Lauren: But --", "Scott: Mom, it's been a bad couple of days. The last thing I want to do is argue with you. Hey. And thank you. Thank you. Thank you for everything.", "Michael: Of course.", "Scott: Yeah. Come on.", "Abby: No, if I need mr. Stinnett removed, I will give you a call back. Thank you.", "Zack: You're not siccing ranch security on me?", "Abby: Then they will inform my father, who will want you out of designdate, and that will reflect badly on me, so do us both a favor and skulk off like the snake that you are.", "Zack: Did you hear what i said before?", "Abby: No, you don't get to dump me on a voicemail and then tell me you love me!", "Zack: You're the last thing i wanted.", "Abby: Oh! Thanks for the insult.", "Zack: I fought it, failed, tried to avoid you. That didn't work. I needed so badly to escape that I packed all of my bags and tried to leave town. I really tried.", "Abby: Then why didn't you?", "Zack: Because I realized that I can't live without seeing you again.", "Abby: That is the sweetest, most romantic... load of bull I have ever heard!", "Zack: You think I'm making this up?", "Abby: Did you forget how many times we've done this? I get angry at you, you give me some heartfelt speech, I melt, i forgive you like an idiot, and then I get hurt? No, no, no. It's not happening again.", "Zack: I know that I've been sending you mixed messages.", "Abby: Mixed messages? I-I got the message. You don't want to love me, so stop trying. I get that you are ambitious and you probably think that I'm gonna go all \"woman scorned\" on you, but don't worry. I can accept it. I...I can accept if I am not the woman that you need or you want.", "Zack: Abby, you are who i want, who I need...and love.", "Abby: Then why the back and forth?", "Zack: 'Cause I'm scared.", "Abby: Of what?", "Zack: That you'll find out who the real me is.", "Abby: And who's the real you?", "Zack: Someone that doesn't deserve you.", "Abby: Why not?", "Zack: That's what I'm afraid you'll find out.", "Abby: Look... I didn't want to fall for you. I didn't want to get hurt after my marriage, but you got through my defenses.", "Zack: And you got through mine.", "Abby: If that's true --", "Zack: I'm good at keeping my distance. When this started, I wanted to keep it light and fun.", "Abby: All business.", "Zack: That's why I kept shutting you down and why i tried to run away.", "Abby: What's changed, zack? Hmm? What's gonna keep you from breaking up with me an hour from now, a week from now, or --", "Zack: Never. Or never.", "Abby: If you don't mean this...", "Zack: I mean it. Abby newman, I would rather risk everything and be with you than not be with you and have nothing.", "Scott: You have your laptop here?", "Sharon: Sure. So, how do you want to handle this? You want to escape it for a while or...", "Scott: When I was in that cell, that's all I wanted to do -- to stop seeing natalia and what they did to her.", "Sharon: And now?", "Scott: I owe her, sharon.", "Sharon: So then let's start paying up, and we'll start with what you remember about last night.", "Scott: [ Sighs ] God. Not much. Zack was with me.", "Sharon: Well, he can fill in some of the blanks. Get him on the phone.", "Scott: [ Scoffs ] I've tried. He's not returning my calls.", "Sharon: Okay, then we'll just keep going with what you know for sure, and we'll verify it with zack later.", "Scott: It's useless. I can't remember how I got in bed with her body. No matter how hard I push, it just...I just can'T.", "Sharon: Sometimes when I'm trying to remember something, it helps if I just clear my mind, make it a point to not focus on it. So for now, we're going to have to figure out another way to find out what happened last night.", "Scott: Which is why we need to find out everything we can about natalia.", "Billy: Just left a meeting with the lawyers. They want to work up a statement with the P.R. Department about the face masks, so expect a call from them. I got to go. Confidential files.", "Victor: Let me ask you, why the hell, then, did you leave it on this table here for everyone to see? I mean, the social media are gonna have a field day with this. Why didn't you put a block on this immediately?", "Billy: I've been doing damage control all day, victor.", "Victor: Really?", "Billy: Yes.", "Victor: Who the hell poisoned those face masks?", "Ashley: You really expect us to believe that our mother left genoa city and came here with you of her own free will?", "Graham: As a matter of fact, that's exactly what she did.", "Ashley: Right.", "Graham: But since I can tell you don't believe me, why don't you two come see for yourself?", "Dina: Hello, dear.", "Graham: Dina.", "Dina: Why did you bring him here? You know how much I despise him!", "Jack: Mother, you don't mean --", "Dina: Don't you dare touch me! I never, ever want to see you again!", "Graham: I tried to protect you from her true feelings. But as you can see... I'm sorry about this. The opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain", "Victor: I'm inclined to agree with you. I think your brother jack may have had a hand in poisoning the face masks. And that is why victoria's in the hospital right now.", "Billy: She could have died. I could strangle him with my bare hands.", "Victor: I'm gonna do worse to him than that.", "Billy: You saying you're gonna go after my brother, victor?", "Victor: And jabot. You gonna stop me?", "Billy: No. I'm gonna help you.", "Jack: I don't know what he's done. His influence over her has always been hard to understand, but this is like he's brainwashed her.", "Ashley: Do you think there's a possibility that that's how she really feels?", "Jack: Ash, we have had our differences. You saw the way she looked at me. It's like she despised me.", "Ashley: So what do you want to do now? Should we just go home?", "Jack: No. I'm not leaving now, not till i figure this out.", "Michael: Been one of those days.", "Lauren: Oh, it feels like about 10 of them. Dealing with the face-mask crisis on top of it.", "Michael: Scott's arrest. Toss in your fight with sharon.", "Lauren: I do not see what he likes about her.", "Michael: In your eyes, would any woman be good enough for him?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lauren: Maybe I am that mother. You know, everybody told me, \"don't get involved.\" But maybe if I had, this wouldn't have happened. I want my son to be happy. I want him to have a fulfilling life filled with wonderful things. But what if he's charged with murder? And what if he's found guilty?", "Sharon: So, how many of these online escort and massage sites did natalia post on?", "Scott: More than 30. And we're just getting started. Oh, here's another one.", "Sharon: Yeah, but these are all outdated, and they're full of broken links.", "Scott: Yeah, but if I could just find the name of this so-called dating service that natalia was most recently using, then I can...", "Sharon: What? What are you thinking?", "Scott: [ Sighs ] I got to dig deeper. I got to go to the places on the web that aren't so easy to access.", "Sharon: Poor natalia. How did she get involved in this sad and dangerous life? Maybe that was the only choice she had. Maybe her choice was taken away from her. I'm gonna get us some coffee.", "Scott: Sharon.", "Sharon: Did you find more posts?", "Scott: Uh...", "Sharon: Oh, yeah. That's natalia's photo. What site is it?", "Scott: It's new. It's, uh, connected to an app you can use on your phone.", "Sharon: Okay, what's it called? Designdate?", "Scott: Yeah.", "Sharon: Isn't that...", "Scott: Funded by newman enterprises, created by zack stinnett.", "Sharon: Whose partner is...", "Scott: Abby newman. Y would I squeal over <" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ash told Olivia about hers and Brad's separation, and her feelings for Victor. Olivia warned her to be careful what she wished for. Phyllis and Damon agreed to a new beginning, together, then she agreed to take $500.00 to Dominic to get out of town and back to Georgia. Jill and Kay saw a frightening side of Arthur's explosive temper when they confronted him about Harrison Bartlett's accusations. He stormed out on them, leaving them to wonder who he really was. Out of obligation, not support, Anita showed up at Brittany's wedding and urged her to reconsider the event, promising her it wasn't too late to change her mind. Nikki offered to watch the club while Bobby went on his honeymoon, promised to be at the wedding, and told him to be happy, before giving him a send-off kiss. The florist - having previously met JT - assumed he was Brittany's fiancee, and told Brittany how much JT obviously loved her. Though Brittany corrected the woman, she later imagined herself marrying JT instead of Bobby. Mac's lectures finally broke through and JT rushed to tell Brittany he was in love with her before the wedding began. Ash visited Victor, told him about her separation, then imagined herself admitting her love and kissing him. In actuality, she thanked him for his support of her and Abby, said they were kindred spirits, then told him to call her. Phyllis realized Dominic had played her and Damon, when she overheard him plan a crime with another thug. She placed a mysterious call, then confronted Dominic who grabbed hold of her and dragged her into his motel room." ]
[ "Phyllis: You still have the sword out.", "Phyllis: You're not gonna kill anybody with it, are you? Tell me you're not gonna use it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Jill, if you will just remain calm, there is something I would like to point out.", "Jill: What?", "Kay: All right, now according to that report, neither the police nor the district attorney could find evidence to charge Arthur.", "Jill: And that comforts you?", "Kay: Not as much as I would like, frankly.", "Jill: I just don't get this. This is Arthur Hendricks we're talking about--my father. This is the most gentle, kind, loving man I've ever known in my life.", "Arthur: Why, thank you, Jill. What a lovely thing to say.", "Jill: Dad.", "Arthur: What have you got there, darling? What are you hiding behind your back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Oh, hi.", "Olivia: Hi.", "Ashley: I wasn't expecting to see you.", "Olivia: Well, I hope you don't mind. I wanted to come and check on Abby. You know, you and I haven't spoken since her accident.", "Ashley: Um, come on in. I was gonna run some errands, but come on in.", "Olivia: Okay. I'll just be a minute.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Olivia: So how has she been doing? How's her shoulder?", "Ashley: Um, she's not wearing the sling anymore. But she is in a pain once in awhile, but it's nothing serious.", "Olivia: She still doing the exercises?", "Ashley: Oh, yeah, yeah. I make sure she does them every night.", "Olivia: Good.", "Ashley: Unfortunately, just because she's recovering physically doesn't mean she's changed her attitude towards horses or Victor, actually.", "Olivia: Oh, no. She has emotional scars from the accident?", "Ashley: Uh-huh. But I'm hoping she's gonna overcome them. I plan on working with Victor to make sure that happens.", "Olivia: Well, do you think that's a good idea? I mean, how does Brad feel about that? Why the look?", "Ashley: Brad and I had a really serious conversation last night, Liv.", "Olivia: And?", "Ashley: He left me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: What are you still doin' here? You have a wedding to go to.", "Nikki: Uh, I could say the same thing to you. You're the groom. What are you doing here?", "Bobby: Making sure you don't skip out on me.", "Nikki: Uh-oh. What do you need, a little moral support?", "Bobby: Yeah. All of Brittany's friends are gonna be there, and some of 'em, they don't like me too much, so I'm tryin' to stack the deck.", "Nikki: Aww. Well, it's sweet that you came personally. Hey, while you're here, can I get your opinion on something?", "Bobby: What do you got?", "Nikki: These are proposed ideas for new packaging for our perfumes. Which one do you like the best?", "Bobby: Is this a trick question?", "Nikki: Nope.", "Bobby: This one right here.", "Nikki: (Sighs) you are such a man.", "Bobby: What'd you expect? You know, I like this side of you, the whole high- powered businesswoman. It's very intriguing.", "Nikki: Really? Are you impressed?", "Bobby: I'm very impressed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Look, there's a time and a place to tell a girl you're in love with her, but unless you're the groom, her wedding day isn't one of 'em.", "Mac: I don't agree.", "J.T.: I kinda got that.", "Mac: Look, J.T., Yes, Brittany is about to get married, but if you do not tell her how you feel, it'll be too late and you're gonna lose her forever.", "J.T.: So what? I-I tell Brittany how I feel, she ditches Bobby to be with me, is that what you're sayin'?", "Mac: Yes! You owe it to Brittany to be honest with her. You owe it to both of you. How many chances do you get at true love?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Brittany: Oh, it's about time, J.T. I was beginning to think you had forgot--", "Anita: Brittany.", "Brittany: Mom.", "Anita: My goodness. Everything looks so beautiful.", "Brittany: Why are you here?", "Anita: You're my daughter. This is your wedding day. I wanted to be part of it.", "Brittany: What about Dad?", "Anita: I'm sorry. I tried to get him to come, but...", "Brittany: I understand. But at least you came. It means so much to me. I knew you'd change your mind.", "Anita: Brittany--", "Brittany: I can't wait to show you my dress. J.T. should be here with it any minute. Mom, it is so pretty. I know you're gonna love it.", "Anita: Brittany, wait. I don't want you getting the wrong idea.", "Brittany: What do you mean?", "Anita: I am still very opposed to this wedding.", "Brittany: What? But you just said that you--", "Anita: I'm here because I feel that I need to be, but... I feel like you're making a big mistake. Honey, I know you think you love this man.", "Brittany: Its Bobby, Mother. Your new son-in-law's name is Bobby.", "Anita: My point is... if you're convinced to go through with this wedding, there's nothing I can do to stop that. But as your mother I have to ask you if you are absolutely sure about this. Is Bobby Marsino really the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: How did this happen? How did you two split up?", "Ashley: I told him the truth... something I've owed him for a long time.", "Olivia: The truth? And what is that, Ashley?", "Ashley: That I just don't feel the same way about our marriage. And I can't keep trying to live things that I just don't feel. Brad is such a good man, and he was a wonderful husband and a wonderful father. But there's a part of me-- and it's a big part of me-- that still loves Victor. I said it. It's out in the open.", "Olivia: And you said all this to Brad?", "Ashley: Just do me a favor, okay, Liv? Don't--please, don't lecture me. I, uh... I feel like this weight's been lifted from me. For the first time in months, I feel like I can finally breathe.", "Olivia: Are you listening to yourself?", "Ashley: I wanted our marriage to work. I wanted to love him like nothing else mattered.", "Olivia: But?", "Ashley: That's not the way it was. I don't feel that way.", "Olivia: So why now?", "Ashley: Once I stopped hiding from my feelings, I-I just couldn't deny them anymore. I had to be straight with him. I mean, I just couldn't keep prolonging the inevitable when I felt like our marriage was doomed.", "Olivia: And why is that, Ashley? Because Victor's so committed to Abby, you think you have a chance with him now? This isn't about Brad. What is it, some --some fantasy going on in your head that you and Victor are gonna ride off into the sunset with Abby sitting on Victor's lap?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: This isn't the way this was supposed to turn out.", "Phyllis: Has a much happier ending.", "Damon: Does it?", "Phyllis: You know, Damon, what you didn't include in your fantasy... was the police picking you up and hauling you off to jail for a very long time.", "Damon: All this time, trying to control my hatred, keep it from eating me alive... I'm wondering if the effort ended up eating me alive instead.", "Phyllis: No, it didn't. It didn't. Damon, it's over. It's time to move on.", "Damon: Move on.", "Phyllis: Yes. Move on.", "Phyllis: And, um, speaking of that, um...", "Damon: Yeah.", "Phyllis: As long as we're contemplating your future... I wanna know if I have a place in it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Arthur: Come on, Jill. What is that?", "Jill: What's what?", "Arthur: Behind your back. You look like you've been caught with your hand in the cookie jar.", "Jill: Oh, it's just work.", "Kay: Uh, darling, uh, where have you been? You left so early this morning.", "Arthur: I went into town to the concert hall.", "Kay: What on earth for?", "Arthur: I wanted to wait in line and get good tickets. The Chicago symphony is performing there next month, and I thought the three of us could go together.", "Jill: That's a sweet idea.", "Kay: Yes, that's lovely.", "Arthur: What's going on here? Has something happened since I've been gone, something I should know about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You know, you're acting like I manipulated this situation. This isn't what I wanted.", "Olivia: Ashley... you're my dearest friend, and I love you like a sister, but--", "Ashley: But what?", "Olivia: You know, whatever my feelings are, I'm not gonna argue with you. That's not what you need right now.", "Ashley: You're right. That's the last thing I need is another fight.", "Olivia: But there's one thing I do want to say. Ashley:(Sighs) go ahead.", "Olivia: Honey, be careful. Be careful what you wish for.", "Ashley: No, I can't do it this way. Not on the phone. (Slams phone down)", "Ashley: I gotta do it in person.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Mom, why don't you want me to be happy?", "Anita: I do, honey. That is all I have ever wanted. I love you so much.", "Brittany: So let me live my own life. When are you gonna realize I'm not a little girl anymore?", "Anita: What if you postpone the ceremony?", "Brittany: What?", "Anita: Just for a little while, just to make sure it's what you really want.", "Brittany: Look around you. Do you have any idea how much work I put into this wedding? Why would I do all this if it's not what I want?", "Anita: Because... you're afraid.", "Brittany: Afraid of what?", "Anita: To admit that part of you is starting to have second thoughts.", "Brittany: That's ridiculous.", "Anita: Honey, it happens. You wouldn't be the first young woman to get caught up in all the excitement and preparation of a wedding. It's hard to step back and ask yourself if your heart's really in it.", "Brittany: It is. I'm more confident about marrying Bobby than I ever was.", "Anita: You don't have to do this. People would understand.", "Brittany: I'm not talking about this anymore.", "Anita: Brittany, would you wake up? There are plenty of wonderful men out there, men who would give you the life you deserve. Do you really think Bobby's the only man you could ever love? I am begging you, sweetheart... if you have even the tiniest bit of doubt, do not go through with this wedding. You listen to that little voice. Don't ignore it, please. This is too important.", "Brittany: Thank you for coming.", "Anita: Sweetheart--", "Brittany: I need to finish getting ready. It's a beautiful day outside. Why don't you walk the grounds?", "Brittany: Mom. I don't suppose there'd be any point in calling Dad, seeing if he changed his mind?", "Anita: I don't think so.", "Brittany: That's what I thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I hate to break it to you, Mac, but I've already had my chance at love.", "Mac: You mean Colleen?", "J.T.: Yeah, I'm not goin' through that again.", "Mac: Look, I know you cared about her but, deep down, you knew it wasn't gonna work out. You two were in different places.", "J.T.: Why, because I was older?", "Mac: Exactly, but that's not an issue with you and Brittany. You two have known each other forever. You practically grew up together.", "J.T.: Yeah, and we couldn't be more different.", "Mac: Well, you know what they say about opposites attracting.", "J.T.: You're overlookin' something, all right? Even if I do tell Brittany how I feel, that doesn't mean she's gonna feel the same way. I could make a fool of myself.", "Mac: So what?", "J.T.: So what? Oh, that-- that's easy for you to say. You're not the one whose pride is on the line here.", "Mac: Oh, what's the worst that could happen?", "J.T.: What's the worst that could happen? She could laugh in my face. Then she could tell all her friends. I'd be the butt of every joke, and I'll never be able to look her in the eye again. That's what could happen.", "Mac: Now you're really overreacting.", "J.T.: Mac, if you're so sure that Brittany's in love with me, then why is she marrying Bobby Marsino?", "Mac: 'Cause she thinks there's no way she could be with you. And why does she think that? Because you've never told her that you're interested.", "J.T.: I don't know, Mac. I don't know.", "Mac: Put yourself in her shoes. Now I know Brittany tries to act all sophisticated and intelligent but, deep down, she's an old-fashioned girl. She just wants to be chased. So go chase her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I suppose there's no reason not to tell you.", "Arthur: Tell me what?", "Kay: Jill and i were just wondering something, and, uh, it concerns you.", "Arthur: Well, good lord, if there's anything you want to know, you only have to ask.", "Kay: Well, you've been so reluctant to talk about your past, though, Arthur.", "Jill: In particular, your late wife.", "Kay: And her death.", "Arthur: Well, why on earth are you bringing this up? You know that part of my life was very difficult. I see no reason to discuss it.", "Kay: We're just interested, that's all.", "Arthur: You, too, Jill? Or did your mother put you up to this?", "Jill: No. No. No. I'm curious, too.", "Arthur: About what?", "Jill: About how she died. What were the circumstances, Dad?", "Arthur: Would one of you please tell me what's going on here? And why now?", "Kay: Darling... does the name Harrison Bartlett mean anything to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: How could you ask me if you have a place in my future?", "Phyllis: Um, that's a normal thing to be curious about, isn't it? I mean, lately, it's been all about your son and wanting revenge on his killer. It seems that you need something, I don't know, new to focus on.", "Damon: You'll do, for starters.", "Phyllis: I'll do. Oh, I'm so glad you said that. You know, I have options. I want you to know that. I don't mind, you know, going out on the dating scene again. People callin' me.", "Damon: Aren't you listenin' to me? I was so mad at you for involving yourself in this. But I brought it. I brought this whole thing and I left it on your doorstep. You took it all in and then you acted, not in your best interest, but purely outta love for me. Without your intervention, I'd probably be behind bars right now.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I was just trying to buy time so that you'd see that the man who killed your son wasn't that same man.", "Damon: Phyllis, you think it's real? Can a person change as much as he has?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah, maybe. With all his experience and paying for the crime and then--and then doing time-- maybe he can help kids who haven't crossed the line yet.", "Damon: Looks good on paper, don't it?", "Phyllis: We're never gonna know because we're never gonna see Dominic Hughes again. We're never gonna see him, Damon, right?", "Damon: He has a tattoo.", "Phyllis: What?", "Damon: Yeah, on his arm. It's a broken heart with a drop of blood and my son's name.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Damon: Whose heart you suppose that is, his or mine?", "Phyllis: It doesn't matter anymore.", "Damon: I was thinking, he just got outta jail, right? And he came all this way to try to make things right.", "Phyllis: He wasn't sure if you were gonna kill him or not.", "Damon: I could pay his travel expenses.", "Phyllis: That's a lovely thought.", "Damon: I've got about $500 cash. If you'll give me the address, the place where he's staying, I'll take it.", "Phyllis: No. No. You're not goin' over there. We just got through this mess. You're not goin' there.", "Damon: What are you worried about?", "Phyllis: It doesn't matter what I'm worried about. I'll take it to him.", "Damon: You'll take it to him?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'll take it to him.", "Damon: He'll probably be leaving soon to head back to Georgia.", "Phyllis: Then I'll go now.", "Phyllis: You know, um, I'm glad that... you know--", "Damon: That I adore you? Wherever my life is goin'... I hope you'll be there, too.", "Phyllis: Sure. Why not?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Ashley: I'm really glad you're here.", "Victor: Well, this is a surprise.", "Ashley: May I come in?", "Victor: Well, of course.", "Victor: Anything I can do for you? What's the matter? What happened?", "Ashley: So much has changed in my life, and I just wanted you to know about it.", "Victor: And what's that?", "Ashley: Brad and I have separated. Our marriage is over. You could do all sorts of things.", "Victor: You and brad are separated. When did this happen?", "Ashley: Yesterday.", "Victor: Are you all right?", "Ashley: I think so. At least now I can be honest about my feelings.", "Victor: Well, I guess that is for the best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Yeah. I mean, I just didn't feel the same way about our marriage, and I couldn't go on that way. You know, I was lying to him, I was lying to myself.", "Victor: Yeah. How's Abby reacting to all this?", "Ashley: She doesn't know yet. I don't know how and when I'm gonna tell her. She's so close to Brad. It's not gonna be easy for her.", "Victor: I'm sure it won't be.", "Ashley: I want them to maintain the relationship they have, you know.", "Victor: I've got to tell you, I'm shocked by this. And I'm sorry to hear about it. I thought you and brad always had a very solid marriage.", "Ashley: Yeah, we did.", "Victor: So what finally happened to break it up?", "Ashley: Well, he just... he wouldn't compromise. I mean, everything became a battle, all the time.", "Victor: Now I feel badly because I think that I'm partly responsible because I wanted to get to know Abby.", "Ashley: Victor, she's your daughter.", "Victor: Yeah, but that--", "Ashley: You deserve to be in her life.", "Victor: But that issue caused a lot of tension between the two of you. And I don't want any unhappiness to come to you because of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: How's everything going?", "Woman: We're bringing in the flowers.", "Brittany: They look beautiful.", "Woman: I need you to sign here.", "Brittany: Mm-hmm.", "Woman: How you holding up? Any butterflies?", "Brittany: Yeah, maybe a few.", "Woman: I sure wouldn't mind being in your shoes, marrying a terrific guy like that. Handsome, funny. He's what I'd call the whole package.", "Brittany: Oh, when did you meet Bobby?", "Woman: He came into the shop one day to check up on your order. We chatted awhile. I could tell right away that boy is sure sweet on you.", "Brittany: Oh, no, no, that wasn't my fiancé. That was J.T. he's just a friend.", "Woman: Oh. Just a friend, huh?", "Brittany: What?", "Woman: Well, none of my business, but maybe someone oughta tell him that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I can't chase after Brittany.", "Mac: Give me one reason why not.", "J.T.: Because it would be wrong, that's why. You know, she's getting married in, like, two hours. Did you remember that?", "Mac: To a guy we both know isn't right for her. You say you don't want her to marry Bobby, you say that she's making a mistake.", "J.T.: She is! She is making a mistake. You know that, Mac.", "Mac: So do something about it. Tell her how you feel. Maybe it won't make a difference, but at least you'll know that you tried. You have to do this, J.T. if you don't, you're gonna think \"what if\" the rest of your life.", "J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I have to tell her. I have to do this. I have to tell her right-- who cares if I make a fool out of myself, right?", "Mac: Exactly.", "J.T.: I can live with that. I gotta do this.", "Mac: Okay.", "J.T.: All right.", "Mac: So why are you standing here?", "J.T.: I gotta go to your grandma's place, yeah.", "Mac: Yeah, so go.", "J.T.: All right, all right.", "Mac: Get out of here.", "J.T.: I may not need these, but just in case.", "Mac: All right. Good luck.", "J.T.: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, I'm glad you came by. I wanted to ask you something.", "Bobby: Yeah, what's that?", "Nikki: Who's gonna be watching the club while you're away?", "Bobby: What do you mean?", "Nikki: You know how you go away for a few days after a wedding?", "Bobby: Oh, you mean a honeymoon.", "Nikki: Yeah. It's tradition.", "Bobby: Yeah, well, with the whole rigmarole of the where and the when, I really didn't think about the afterwards.", "Nikki: Are you kidding?", "Bobby: Oh. You know, the funny thing is, Brittany didn't bring it up either. But then again, she was real busy putting the whole wedding together.", "Nikki: Well, you're certainly not planning on coming to work tomorrow.", "Bobby: What are you suggesting? You gonna run the place for a few days?", "Nikki: Sure. Somebody has to.", "Bobby: Well, thanks. That'd be great. (Sighs) I gotta tell you, I still can't believe that I'm actually getting married. (Chuckles) all right, this is my last day of being free.", "Nikki: Oh, brother. It's not a prison sentence.", "Bobby: Yeah, but it's gonna be different. You know that.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. Listen, when you look back on your last few days of freedom, I just hope that there's nothing you wanted to do that you didn't.", "Bobby: Oh, really?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Bobby: What did you have in mind?", "Nikki: Not what you're thinking.", "Bobby: Hey, I'm not thinking anything. I'm gettin' married today.", "Nikki: I know.", "Bobby: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Actually, I think that you're allowed one last kiss, though. I will donate that. One last kiss before you're off-limits.", "Bobby: All right. I won't tell if you don't.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Nikki: Be happy, Bobby.", "Bobby: Yeah, I'm gonna be.", "Nikki: Good.", "Bobby: I will see you there.", "Nikki: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So I'll be able to make my own decisions, run my life the way I see fit.", "Victor: Well, I suppose that's a good thing.", "Ashley: Yeah. It's kind of scary. It's like jumping off a cliff without a safety net.", "Victor: But I don't want you to be scared. You know that I will always take care of you and Abby, always.", "Ashley: You don't even have to say that. You've always been there for us. We could always count on you.", "Victor: But especially now.", "Ashley: I have such deep feelings for you. I have loved you for so long, I don't even remember what it was like not to feel this way.", "Victor: And I have loved you.", "Victor: Ashley? Ashley, are you all right?", "Ashley: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm--I should go.", "Victor: I guess you have a lot on your mind right now.", "Ashley: Yeah, I-I do.", "Ashley: You know, I've always felt that things kind of, um... work out the way they-- they're meant to. Do you feel that way?", "Victor: Yes, that's my belief, too.", "Ashley: See? That's 'cause we're kindred spirits. I'll see myself out.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Um, call me.", "Victor: I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Arthur: Harrison Bartlett! God! How I hoped I would never have to hear that sick bastard's name again!", "Jill: He's, um, spoken to both of us.", "Arthur: Spreading his lies I suppose.", "Kay: He said some very terrifying things about you, Arthur.", "Arthur: Every word-- totally bogus.", "Arthur: Harrison gave you this?", "Kay: No.", "Arthur: Well, where did you get this garbage?", "Jill: Mother hired a detective to check out Harrison's claims.", "Kay: And that is his report.", "Arthur: You did this instead of coming to me?", "Kay: Darling, I thought it was necessary to find out for myself if the man's charges were true.", "Arthur: Katherine. Oh, Katherine, how could you?", "Kay: Because I had to know.", "Arthur: Well, I would've told you.", "Jill: What would you have told us?", "Arthur: That Harrison Bartlett, who was and is, as far as I know, a drug- addicted parasite who broke his poor mother's heart with his irresponsible behavior-- and when she died, he accused me of killing her! Which is totally ridiculous.", "Jill: What about the incriminating evidence in the report there?", "Arthur: Not enough to charge me with anything.", "Jill: But it was enough to merit an investigation, Dad. Come on. Surely you can understand why, on the eve of her marriage to you, Katherine would just be a little bit frightened about all this. I mean why wouldn't they?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Where are you, J.T.? You promised you'd bring my dress.", "Bobby: I, Bobby, take thee, Brittany, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part.", "Brittany: I, Brittany, take thee, Bobby, as my wedded husband. To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health...", "Brittany: Till death do us...", "[Brittany imagining she's marrying J.T.]", "Brittany: Stop it, Brittany. What's wrong with you? (Knock on door)", "Brittany: Finally. It's about time you got here.", "J.T.: Hey, sorry I'm late.", "Brittany: That's okay. Thank you for bringing my dress.", "J.T.: Yeah, but...", "Brittany: What are you doing?", "J.T.: I'm comin' in.", "Brittany: You can't. I have to get ready.", "J.T.: No, no, not yet, Brittany.", "Brittany: What?", "J.T.: You can't put on that wedding dress, not until we talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Arthur: What I do understand is that obviously, neither one of you trusts me.", "Kay: Arthur, we're not accusing you of anything.", "Jill: We're just hoping you can explain all this.", "Arthur: Oh, no, no, no, Jill, I've been down this road before, and I'll be damned if I do it again.", "Jill: But, Dad, we need to--", "Arthur: What you don't seem to comprehend is that when someone makes some terrible allegation against you, and it's printed on the front page of the paper because it's a slow news day, it takes on a life of its own. You can't undo it. It's repeated and repeated and exaggerated until everyone thinks it to be true!", "Kay: Calm down, darling.", "Arthur: No, no, no, damn it, I won't calm down. Why do you think that I had to retire from the bench and leave Seattle? Because I could no longer function as an officer of the court. I saw the constant questions and doubts in the eyes of people I worked with. Even those friends who knew me best couldn't get past it. Well, I won't go through that again. It almost destroyed me once, and I'll be damned if it'll happen to me a second time. No!", "Jill: I had no idea he had such a temper.", "Kay: Neither-- neither did I.", "Jill: Tell me the truth, Katherine. Did the man who just left here scare you just a little bit?", "Jill: Who is Arthur Hendricks? Is he the man that we both know and love? Or is he some stranger who's been hiding his true self from us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: So tonight, the convenience store.", "Dominic: We hit it then we blow outta town.", "Man: You're a real piece of work, brother Dominic.", "Dominic: Brother Dominic. I like that.", "Man: That's what they called you on the inside, right?", "Dominic: Yeah. Eight long years of that stupid game.", "Man: You fooled them all, dawg.", "Dominic: Especially that patsy Damon Porter. All right, get outta here. I'll see you at the job.", "Dominic: Hello, my friend. (Knock on door)", "Dominic: Hey there. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Hey, Brother Dominic, you lying bastard. Let go of--let go of me!", "[NEXT_ON]", "J.T.: The thing is, Brittany...", "Nikki: So you actually think you can abandon your husband and slide right into the arms of mine?", "Phyllis: Now you're gonna pay.", "Dominic: No, baby, you're gonna pay with your life." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Kay's memoirs are on the verge of being published and Jill is all up in arms, worried about the way she will be portrayed. Nick is back and tries to spend some quality time with Phyllis; unfortunately they are interrupted by Sharon and Summer. Nikki is on another cryptic mission to save Victor, this after Heather pleads with the Newman's to tell her Victor's prime location. Phyllis spies Brad and Sharon having coffee and hugging and clasping hands. The charges on Brad and Jill are dropped." ]
[ "Nikki: Oh! Victoria! He's the most adorable thing I've ever seen.", "Victoria: Mmm.", "Nikki: Hi, Angel.", "Victoria: They're having a Halloween party downstairs in the child care center.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, that'll be fun for him.", "Victoria: Yeah. Hey, you know, you oughta go down and, uh, hang out with your grandson. I'm sure they could use an extra adult.", "Nikki: Uh, I'm not really in the party mood.", "Victoria: Mom, I know you're worried about Dad. So am I, but... we need to keep it together for the kids, right?", "Nikki: I just thank God that Reed isn't old enough to understand what's going on.", "J.T.: Well, you can add exterminator to my job description. All the houses at the ranch were bugged.", "Nikki: Unbelievable!", "Victoria: What about our offices?", "J.T.: Well, we already got all those. And we installed counter surveillance devices to make sure it doesn't happen again.", "Nikki: You know, the frustrating part of this is our plan was working.", "Victoria: Now we're back to square one.", "Nikki: I'll tell you one thing, I'm not gonna give up. There has got to be another way to help Victor, and I'm gonna find it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hello?", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Oh, hey.", "Phyllis: Welcome back.", "Nick: Hey.", "Phyllis: I missed you.", "Nick: Me, too. Where's Supergirl?", "Phyllis: She's taking a morning nap.", "Nick: Oh, I guess blabbing about our big secret was exhausting.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I guess so. That was quite a moment, by the way, hearing her go on and on about, uh, the bugs that Mommy and Daddy found in the house right in front of the assistant D.A. By the way, J.T. came and removed all the devices.", "Nick: It'll be nice to be able to speak freely again.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Exactly. So, um... so much for your attempt to throw Heather d the F.B.I. agents off the trail and make them think that your dad went to South America.", "Nick: Hey, the reason I went was to keep everybody busy. Distract 'em from Dad's real location.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Wherever that may be.", "Nick: Yeah. Hey, what's this?", "Phyllis: Oh, um... Sharon dropped that off. I guess she forgot to give it to you before, uh, you caught your flight when you went to go visit her. I guess you forgot to tell me that, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Thank you.", "Amber: Mrs. C., are you okay?", "Kay: Yes, I'm fine. Calm down.", "Amber: Well, when you called me and you said you needed to see me right away, I was picturing some kind of emergency, and so I raced over here.", "Kay: Amber, emergency-- an emergency, I would've called 9-1-1. Now sit down.", "Amber: Um, what did you want?", "Kay: All right, remember I told you I sent a few sample chapters of my memoirs to a friend I had in the publishing business?", "Amber: Mm-hmm. You heard back?", "Kay: He wants to option it.", "Amber: Oh, my God! That is so fantastic!", "Kay: Well, now, we've got a lot of work to do.", "Amber: Well, at least we finished a first draft.", "Kay: Yeah, well, I know. But we have to polish it and we add a few finishing touches.", "Amber: So this friend of yours, he really liked it, huh?", "Kay: Oh, loved the chapter where Jill is teasing my husband.", "Amber: (Laughs) Yeah, wow. I mean, talk about low, right?", "Kay: (Laughs) Oh, and I said, when it comes to Jill, you ain't read nothing yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no, what are you doing here?", "Brad: Always good to see you, too, Jill. I was asked to be here.", "Jill: By whom?", "Heather: By me. Because I need to speak to both of you.", "Jill: About what?", "Heather: About the Jabot stock manipulation case.", "Brad: There was no stock manipulation.", "Heather: And your involvement with David Chow before he was killed.", "Jill: Well, why are you dragging me into this? I have immunity.", "Brad: Because you sold me out to save your own ass.", "Heather: If the two of you could please fight later? I have an update on the case, and you both need to hear it.", "Brad: I think I should call my attorney.", "Jill: I'm sure you have him on speed dial.", "Heather: That won't be necessary. I'm here on behalf of the federal prosecutor.", "Brad: Then I should definitely call my attorney.", "Heather: Let me finish. In light of the fact that both Walter Palin and David Chow are dead, the prosecutors have decided to close the case, meaning all charges against you have been dropped.", "Brad: Well, I'm glad you people finally came to your senses.", "Heather: I suppose you'll be wanting this.", "Brad: My passport. Yes. Although, why I had to surrender it to the court in the first place, I don't know. It's not like I was a flight risk.", "Heather: That's what they all say, Mr. Carlton.", "Jill: Well, on behalf of Jabot, I am very happy this is behind us and that the company is now in good hands.", "Heather: Just because the two of you avoided criminal charges, I still think what you did was a crime.", "Jill: Wait just one minute.", "Heather: You encouraged David's addiction, and then you hid it. And before you get self-righteous, Jill, I'm still not convinced that you didn't help him.", "Jill: What are you looking at?", "Brad: Dirt.", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Brad: And don't think because of the latest turn of events, I've forgotten that you threw me under the bus.", "Jill: Oh, I did no such thing, Bradley.", "Brad: You promised me the C.E.O. position, and instead you gave it to your wet behind the ears son.", "Jill: I explained to you why I was forced to do that.", "Brad: You also ratted me out to the feds.", "Jill: You know what? Believe what you want to.", "Brad: You may think you've come out of this whole thing without scratch, Jill. But what goes around, comes around.", "Jill: Meaning what?", "Brad: Meaning... you will get yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I think the public is gonna freak when they read about Jill gas lighting you.", "Kay: Mmm. Uh, trying to make me believe that Phillip was still alive.", "Amber: Yeah, and there wasn't any baby and that you were still an alcoholic.", "Kay: Oh, those were very difficult days.", "Amber: Well, you know, it's hard to believe that she actually had cases of vodka delivered to your house.", "Kay: I know. She was hoping to make me fall off the wagon. And it almost worked.", "Amber: Yeah, I doubt Jill's gonna be too happy when the story's in print for the whole world to see.", "Kay: Well, that's not a secret. Everybody knows what she did, and I'm certainly not sugarcoating my faults.", "Amber: Oh, that's for sure.", "Kay: You know, I put myself out there, warts and all. I don't know, um... a great deal of my life is intertwined with Jill's.", "Amber: I think it's really brave of you, Mrs. C.", "Kay: This is not about bravery, Amber. I want something in that book that everybody wants to read.", "Amber: They're gonna wanna read it, all right. It's gonna be the page turner of the year.", "Kay: But you know, here's the biggest hook-- after everything Jill and I went through, my arch-nemesis turns out to be my long-lost daughter? I mean, we managed to work our way through it.", "Amber: It is such a tear-jerker. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood comes knocking on your door.", "Kay: Oh, come on now, one step at a time.", "Amber: I am so excited to finish this polish with you. And you know what? Maybe we could even find a few more juicy stories to add in, huh?", "[Kay remembering]", "Kay: You're a decent soul, Marge.", "Marge: (Laughs) Oh, come on, Katherine, I'm just what's left of a decent soul.", "Kay: Oh, come on now, that's just the booze that's pulling you down. Stop it.", "Marge: I can't blame everything I did on booze.", "Kay: Well, you can't use it to hide behind now either. Trust me on that one. Now come on, you studied me. And you know the damage that booze can do to you. You also know it can be beaten. That is why you called me tonight, isn't it?", "Marge: Nah, nah, there's... no, no, Hon, there's no helping me.", "Kay: Oh, no, there may be a few people I choose to protect.", "Amber: Hmm.", "Kay: But I haven't decided yet. You know what? Why don't you, uh, get yourself a drink. Put it on the bill.", "Amber: Oh, sure. Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Summer is still sound asleep in her little clown costume.", "Phyllis: So cute. She loved that costume so much. She refused to take it off.", "Nick: Mmm. Like her mother.", "Phyllis: We have to, um, carve the pumpkins, and then we have to take the candy to the civic center, you know, for the kids.", "Nick: Mmm. Why are you so bothered by the fact that I had to swing by Sharon's house on the way to the airport?", "Phyllis: I'm not. I'm not. I'm absolutely not bothered by that.", "Nick: Yes, you are. Look at you. You've probably been up all night thinking about this.", "Phyllis: I have not. I have not. It just was weird that... the assistant D.A. told me that you stopped by her house, and you know, you didn't even mention it to me. It's just weird.", "Nick: I didn't mention it because it wasn't a big deal. I just had to sign some papers.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: For Noah's school trip.", "Phyllis: Okay. Okay.", "Nick: That's it.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Good.", "Nick: You're jealous.", "Phyllis: I am not jealous.", "Nick: Yes, you are. Look at you. It's all over your face.", "Phyllis: I am not. No, I'm not. It's just, you know, Heather told me and she was trying to get me worked up, and I know you love me. I know that. It just-- she made it sound like you were sneaking around.", "(Knock on door)", "Phyllis: Hi, Sharon.", "Sharon: Hey, is Nick back?", "Nick: Hey, Sharon. Come on in.", "Sharon: How was your trip?", "Nick: It was terrible.", "Phyllis: Uh, it was fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Marge, it's me again. Katherine. Would you please call me back? I'm... I'm worried if you're all right.", "Amber: What is it, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: What's what?", "Amber: You look so worried about something. You know... if something's bothering you, you can talk to me about it.", "Kay: Why, what have you heard lately?", "Amber: I heard that you misplaced your car.", "Kay: I've been a little more forgetful than usual lately.", "Amber: Is that what upset you just now?", "Kay: I'm very concerned about a friend of mine. And I'm... it worries me.", "Amber: Is she sick or something?", "Kay: She has a drinking problem. She's having a hard time.", "Amber: You see a lot of yourself in her, don't you?", "Kay: Much, much more than you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Marge: Trick or treat.", "Marge: Come on, come on. Come on, come on. Ah, yeah.", "Man: Is this seat taken?", "Marge: Murphy, what the hell are you doing down here?", "Murphy: I've been looking for you, Marge. I've had to check out all the watering holes because you don't answer your phone.", "Marge: Oh, I turned that dang thing off. I mean, it was driving me nuts.", "Murphy: Yeah, well, you're a long ways from home.", "Marge: So?", "Murphy: So... you're in hot water with Joe, Jr. because you didn't show up for your shift again.", "Kay: Well, little Joe, Jr. will survive.", "Murphy: Yeah, or he'll replace you.", "Marge: What do you mean? He's gonna replace me?", "Murphy: Yeah, well, he put a help wanted sign up in his window.", "Marge: He can't do that. No, come on, my job is all I got. I mean, all--all the people I work with, customers come down to the diner. Come on, I mean, that's-- that's all the family I got.", "Murphy: Well, then... we are going to get you out of here and sober you up. Come on. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Are you serious?", "Nick: Afraid so.", "Sharon: The authorities think that your father may have killed a man in Mexico?", "Nick: Yeah, that's why we had to make them think that Dad was in South America.", "Sharon: Wow. Phyllis, did you know anything about this?", "Phyllis: Yes, I did. I'm family.", "Sharon: So... you don't believe it, though, do you, Nick? That your father could do anything like this?", "Nick: It doesn't matter what I believe. The important thing to do is to keep Heather Stevens away from Dad.", "Sharon: Is there anything I can do?", "Nick: Well, with any luck, none of this will ever break in the news, but if it does...", "Sharon: Are you worried about Noah?", "Nick: Yeah, that's why I want you in the loop. Just in case he hears anything.", "Sharon: Well, it's probably good that he's going on this trip right now. Which reminds me, the reason why I came over here. Did you sign that form I dropped off yesterday?", "Nick: Oh, yeah, just about to.", "Sharon: Darn thing, it just sort of stuck to one of the other pages, I guess. And I didn't even notice it until you were gone.", "Nick: It's no problem. Here you go.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Nick: Thank you for stopping by.", "Sharon: Oh, sure. You know, um, keep me informed about your dad.", "Nick: Will.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Phyllis: Wow. Why did you tell Sharon about your dad?", "Nick: I want Sharon to know--", "Phyllis: In case Noah hears anything, right?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: And besides, I trust Sharon.", "Phyllis: Oh. Well, that makes one of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Did you see how Reed tore into that cupcake?", "J.T.: Those kids are gonna be bouncing off the wall with all that sugar.", "Nikki: Well, Halloween only comes once a year, so...", "Victoria: You know... Nick oughta be back from his trip by now.", "Nikki: We oughta get him over here, figure out our next move.", "Victoria: Good. I'm glad that you agree we can't abandon Dad.", "Nikki: Honey, you know me better than that.", "Victoria: Do you think he's still in France, Mom?", "Nikki: I hope so. At least it's a place to start.", "J.T.: Well, even though we've cleared the houses and the office for bugs, the family's probably gonna be followed.", "Victoria: Damn that Heather Stevens. She's like a pit bull.", "(Telephone buzzes)", "Victoria: Yeah? Right. Thanks. Speaking of pit bulls, you'll never guess who's here to see me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Boy, am I glad to see you.", "Sharon: Hey, what are you all smiles about?", "Brad: I just got some amazing news.", "Sharon: Well, lay it me. 'Cause I could use some.", "Brad: The charges against me have been dropped.", "Sharon: That's fantastic! Oh, my gosh! Wait, let me buy you a coffee. We'll celebrate.", "Brad: Make it a double espresso and you've got yourself a deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mmm. This is way better than airplane food.", "Phyllis: That's sweet.", "Nick: Well, I didn't marry you for your cooking, you know?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: See, that's where I was joking, and you should be laughing.", "Phyllis: Yeah, whatever.", "Nick: Okay, hold on a second. Hold on.", "Phyllis: I have things to do. I have some letters to write-- correspondence.", "Nick: Okay, well, you can do those things. Listen, I want you to sit down.", "Phyllis: What?", "Nick: If you ever have any concerns about where I am or who I'm with... all you have to do is ask me.", "Phyllis: I'm not gonna do something like that.", "Nick: Why? Instead of worrying about this, you should've just talked to me.", "Phyllis: I couldn't do that.", "Nick: Why not?", "Phyllis: Because. I felt stupid. I felt stupid that I let Heather, of all people, get to me. And it would've sounded like I didn't trust you.", "Nick: Look, its okay, you know? Every married person has vulnerable moments.", "Phyllis: Do you have vulnerable moments about me?", "Nick: Well, yeah. I mean... I'm amazed that you will even look at me, let alone love me.", "Phyllis: You're a liar.", "Nick: Look, I broke my wedding vows to be with you. And as crazy as I am about you, and I can't even imagine my life without you in it, I still regret all the pain I've caused.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Nick: Look... I don't ever wanna do that again to anyone, and least of all you.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: I love you. And I'm gonna be honest to you and faithful to you, I promise you that.", "Phyllis: You flew all night?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Do you wanna go to bed?", "Nick: Yes. I don't have to go alone, do I?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh.", "Nick: Wanna race?", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: Oh!", "Nick: Oh, so close!", "Phyllis: All right, well, it was a good idea.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, let me-- let me check on Summer, and then, uh, I really should, you know, talk to Vick and Mom. See what's going on with them.", "Phyllis: Okay. All right. So I'll take her to preschool, and I'll see you later.", "Nick: Yes, and then we're gonna... pick up where we left off?", "Phyllis: Yes, we'll pick up where we left off. Definitely. Um... I'll see you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Nikki, you're here, too? Great. Saves me a trip. Which you owe me after wasting so much of my time.", "Nikki: Really? When did I do that?", "Heather: Victor was never in South America.", "Nikki: He wasn't?", "Heather: No, he wasn't. We know all about your little scheme to throw us off his trail. It was a nice try, though.", "Nikki: Same to you.", "Heather: If you know where he is, you need to tell us.", "Victoria: Why would we do that?", "Heather: Because you'd be helping him.", "J.T.: Right. Of course.", "Nikki: You're not on his side. You wanna prosecute him for murdering Walter Palin.", "Heather: All we want is the truth.", "Nikki: Really? In your mind, you already have him convicted and sent to prison.", "Heather: We're gonna bring him in with or without you. We're already getting closer.", "Nikki: If that were true, you wouldn't be here harassing us right now, would you?", "Heather: We know about the chateau. So, now it's not only the Mexican authorities who wanna talk to Victor about a death, but the French about a suspicious fire. And just so you know, we're concentrating our search in Europe, specifically in France. So you see, we're not as clueless as you may think.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Where did you get all this stuff?", "Kay: Archives, Chancellor Industries.", "Amber: You must've been in every newspaper every week for the past 50 years.", "Kay: Well, I've been very active, uh, for the past 50 years in charities, social events.", "Amber: (Giggles)", "Kay: Not to mention, been married a time or two.", "Amber: \"Katherine Chancellor weds Derek Thurston.\"", "Kay: That was a mistake.", "Amber: Ooh. \"Katherine Chancellor weds Rex Sterling.\"", "Kay: Which time?", "Amber: Oh, my gosh! Look at how gorgeous you were, like a movie star. I mean, not that you're not gorgeous now. But... no wonder you had guys falling all over you.", "Amber: Wow! This is so cool!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: All right, Marge, let's go. In you go. Easy now.", "Marge: Phew.", "Murphy: Now you make yourself at home.", "Marge: It's a real nice trailer you got here, Murphy.", "Murphy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's okay. I'm gonna get you some coffee.", "Marge: I'd rather have some whiskey.", "Murphy: No, no, no, no, no, you've had enough. And besides, it is still morning. Now come on. Come on.", "Marge: Well, you know what they say, its 5:00 somewhere.", "Murphy: Well, you need coffee. You're not too steady on your feet.", "Marge: Hey, you know what? I just realized something, Murphy.", "Murphy: What's that?", "Marge: Well... you've been coming to the diner and sitting in my station for years and years and years, and you wanna know something? It's the first time I ever seen where you lived.", "Murphy: Well, I guess it must seem strange. Eating at the same joint every night.", "Marge: Well... I'm not one to judge.", "Murphy: Well, I guess I've been lonely since my wife died.", "Marge: Well... the truth is... I don't know what I'd do if you stopped coming. You're the only friend I got.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Let's get something straight. We don't know where Victor is. So you can listen in on us and follow us to your heart's content. It's wasted energy.", "J.T.: What amazes me is how much trouble you're going through. Victor hasn't even been charged with anything. You have no more proof that he set that fire as you do that he killed Walter Palin.", "Victoria: He's right. It's pure speculation. And if this didn't concern Victor Newman, you wouldn't be wasting the taxpayers' money.", "Heather: But this does concern Victor Newman. And that's like Donald Trump robbing a bank and running off to Europe. You guys are kidding yourselves if you think this story is going to go away. The gang's all here.", "Nick: What do you want?", "Heather: How was your trip, Nicholas?", "Nick: It wasn't bad.", "Heather: I was just telling your family that your father is too well known to stay hidden forever, especially now with French authorities and Interpol involved. Someone, somewhere is going to recognize him. And I should warn you, those European police agencies are not as interested in the accused's rights as we are here in this country.", "Victoria: Lovely speech, Heather. Now why don't you kindly show yourself out?", "Heather: I am giving you an opportunity to save Mr. Newman from himself. Please cooperate with us. We will insure that he's brought in safely.", "Nick: You don't give a damn about my father.", "Heather: Okay, fine. You can fight me as much as you want, but sooner or later, Victor Newman will be taken into custody.", "Nikki: We've got to reach him before the authorities find him.", "Victoria: How?", "Nikki: I don't know. If only there was someone he would open up to. Wait a minute.", "Nick: What?", "Nikki: I have to make some phone calls.", "Nick: Mom, just wait a second.", "Nikki: I'll see you later.", "Victoria: Wait, hold on, at least tell us what you're plan--", "Nick: What the hell?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Oh, Mother, good for you. Looking through all these pictures and these photographs, all those news clippings, this is a great way to refresh your memory.", "Kay: I'm not refreshing my memory. I am fact-checking my memoirs. And just looking through material that I may include.", "Jill: I thought you had given up on that stupid book.", "Kay: Well, whatever gave you that idea?", "Jill: Because you haven't mentioned it in a while.", "Kay: Well, I thought it would put you in a tizzy. Well, tizzy be damned. It's been written. This will go in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: This okay?", "Sharon: Yeah, this is nice and quiet. I like it.", "Brad: Good. And there is, uh, no one around to criticize you for the company you keep.", "Sharon: What do you mean?", "Brad: Well, you're one of the few people that would even risk being seen with me, Sharon.", "Sharon: Oh, go on.", "Brad: It's true.", "Sharon: Look, I know it's been rough for you...", "Brad: If I'm to be, uh... totally honest, I have been fearful.", "Sharon: Of what?", "Brad: If the F.B.I. had continued their investigation, they could've stumbled onto the truth about George Kaplan.", "Sharon: Well, just be grateful that they didn't.", "Brad: I am. I'm very lucky. And I appreciate you sticking by me.", "Sharon: I'd never abandon you.", "Brad: Well, most of my fair weather friends did.", "Sharon: You're one of the few people I feel close to.", "Brad: I've missed you.", "Phyllis: Wow. It's freezing out there, but it's pretty steamy here.", "Brad: There's nothing wrong with friends sharing a cup of coffee, Phyllis.", "Sharon: Yeah, grow up, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: I'm glad that Jack isn't the jealous type.", "Sharon: What is that supposed to mean?", "Phyllis: Well, first you're spending so much time with Nick, and now Brad. I can't remember the last time I saw you with your husband. Anyway, it's none of my business. See ya.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Uh, let me call you back.", "Victoria: Where did you rush off to in such a hurry?", "Nikki: Honey, I don't have time to explain. I have a flight to catch.", "Victoria: Oh, no, no, no, Mom, you cannot go rushing off again. Look at all the trouble you got into last time.", "Nick: Yeah, getting drunk in Mexico, almost getting arrested in Rio.", "Nikki: All right, all right, son, I promise you, I'm not gonna do anything stupid or dangerous.", "Nick: That's supposed to reassure us?", "Nikki: Look, you're gonna have to trust me on this. I have an idea how to reach out to your father.", "J.T.: Well, that's great. Share it with us. Let us help you.", "Nikki: No, I have to do it alone. I won't be going along.", "J.T.: Nikki, you're gonna be followed.", "Nikki: It doesn't matter. I'm not gonna be anywhere near Victor.", "Victoria: At least give us an idea of what you're up to.", "Nikki: I'll tell you when I get back. Here, take this.", "Nick: What is this?", "Nikki: I need you to set up a meeting for me and that person for tomorrow. And it needs to look like a legitimate \"Restless Style\" meeting.", "Victoria: That's it?", "Nikki: Don't worry about me. I know exactly what I'm doing.", "Nick: Mom, come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: You're wasting your time. I don't have any booze.", "Marge: All I want is a just a little nip to go with my coffee.", "Murphy: Yeah, but, Margie, what you need is to stop drinking.", "Marge: I know. And I want to... but I can't.", "Murphy: I wish I could help. Maybe you need one of those places.", "Marge: What are you talking about, one of them places?", "Murphy: You know, you know, where the movie stars go to dry out.", "Marge: A rehab? Oh, hell! Murphy, those cost a fortune!", "Murphy: Well, isn't there anybody you can call?", "Marge: Well, maybe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Mother, what good can possibly come from this book?", "Kay: Well, so I can add author to my long list of accomplishments.", "Jill: Listen to me, Katherine Chancellor is a name that--it stands for class. Why would you possibly want to spoil it with... airing your dirty laundry like this?", "Kay: Oh, you are worried about my reputation? Now that's so sweet.", "Jill: Oh, my God, you're serious about publishing this, aren't you?", "Amber: Of course she is.", "Jill: You, zip it.", "Kay: Don't talk to my friend like that.", "Jill: What kind of a friend would encourage you to write some tacky tell-all?", "Kay: For your information, I have found a publisher who is interested in my memos.", "Jill: No, you're just saying that to mess with my head.", "Kay: Mnh-mnh. No, no, I've been told there just may be a, uh, a bidding war over my book.", "Jill: You're serious? Is she serious? No! No! There is no way that I am letting this get into print.", "Kay: And there's no way you're going to stop me.", "Jill: Katherine! Here's what I'm worried about. I know what a selective memory you have. You are gonna paint me in the worst possible light. You're gonna blame me for every bad thing that's ever happened in your whole miserable life!", "Kay: In other words, tell the truth?", "Jill: See? That's exactly what I'm talking about! Katherine... you cannot do this to me. You saw how humiliated I was when \"Restless Style\" went after me. You can't go after me, too. Aw, please, Mother.", "Kay: Hmm. No, I'm sorry. The book is being published. Now I suggest you deal with it. Here. That one?", "Amber: That's good.", "Jill: Yes, hello. This is Jill Abbott, Katherine Chancellor's daughter. I need to make another appointment for my mother right away. Yes, it is very urgent. I'm afraid she's losing it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: So what do you like best about your new home? Uh, Big Ben? The London eye? Or... Prince William? (Laughs) Well, you are really growing up, aren't you? Aw, I miss you, too, Baby. All right. I love you. Okay, bye-bye.", "Sharon: So Abby and Ashley moved to London?", "Brad: Yeah, about a month ago. Ash is doing some consulting for Forrester. I'm surprised Jack didn't tell you about that.", "Sharon: I'm not.", "Brad: So... listen, what Phyllis said before. I don't wanna pry if it's too personal, but... are you and Jack?", "Sharon: Brad? Don't.", "Brad: Sharon, you can confide in me. I mean, God knows I've leaned on your shoulder enough times.", "Sharon: It wouldn't be right.", "Brad: So you are having problems?", "Sharon: We're just in a little bit of a rough patch. That's all.", "Brad: Go on.", "Sharon: No.", "Brad: You don't trust me?", "Sharon: That's not it. It's just that I know how you feel about Jack, and it wouldn't be right for me to unburden myself to you.", "Brad: You know I'd put it in the vault.", "Sharon: Yeah, but... you know, I want some part of my life to be just about me, not my marriage, and that's really what our friendship is. I don't wanna muck it up.", "Brad: Okay. But if you change your mind...", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Brad: You call me anytime, day or night, and I'll come running.", "Sharon: Wow. Service. Hey, I have to go.", "Brad: So soon?", "Sharon: No, it's not soon. We've been here for a long time.", "Brad: A long time? Wow. Well, you're right, it has been a long time.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Brad: I guess, uh, whenever I'm with you, the time flies by.", "Sharon: You sweet talker.", "Brad: Hey, hey, not so fast.", "Sharon: Ah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I just wish we had some idea of what Mom's plan is.", "Nick: Did she give any clue before I got here as what she might be up to?", "Victoria: Just that we had to come up with another way to help Dad now that our original plan is blown.", "J.T.: Well, if you want, I can follow her.", "Nick: That's tempting, but, uh...", "Victoria: She asked us to trust her.", "Nick: Well, it may not be easy, so we may have to.", "Victoria: I hope to God she knows what she's doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Here you go.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Woman: Are you traveling on business or pleasure?", "Nikki: Um, neither. Just, uh, one of those things I have to do. Thank you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: Welcome to the Halloween big top-- the G.C. circus. I am your host.", "Karen: I need to talk to you about something. Something that you deserve to know.", "Colleen: You are a lunatic!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "The history of \"The Great Victor Newman\" is told via video to Faith. Billy's quest to sabotage the Newmans continues as he digs up dirt on Victoria. He's happy to hear Deacon's housekeeper say that Victoria comes and goes from his room. Victoria tells her mom that the S.E.C. will drop the case. Ashley announces to Jack that she won't be returning to Jabot, because she's devoting herself to Abby and Faith. Nikki and Victor have important news to share with the children. Adam, Victoria, Nick and Kay gather to hear Victor announce that he's leaving town.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs) Good morning.", "Nikki: Mm. Good morning. Oh, am I hurting you?", "Victor: No. No, no. Not at all. Mnh-mnh.", "Nikki: Mm. (Sighs) I can feel your heart beating.", "Victor: Can you?", "Nikki: The rhythm of life. And I think yours is doing the samba.", "Victor: (Laughs) Mm. Every morning, I wake up... so grateful for this gift of life.", "Nikki: (Sighs) I was so worried we were gonna lose you.", "Victor: I'm not gonna go anywhere, not for a long time, and not without you. I'm so happy that you're coming to Europe with me.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Well, somebody has to make sure you check in to that cardiac rehab center.", "Victor: I know you don't want to make any plans now, but, you know, this beautiful ring is a promise that we will take things one step at a time, but together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Tell them I have no comment on the S.E.C. investigation. (Sighs) All right, well, in that case, transfer my calls to Jennifer. Let her handle it. It's what we pay her for, right? Okay. (Closes cell phone, slams it down on table) (Sighs)", "Adam: Anything I can do?", "Victoria: Did you analyze the sales figures for Indiana?", "Adam: I have, but it's not like it's something that, uh, your assistant couldn't have done. I was thinking more along the lines of lightening your load while you, uh, deal with the S.E.C. I don't know if you've heard, but, uh, Dad told Nick that I should, uh, take on more responsibility.", "Victoria: Oh, well, in that case, you can analyze the breakout sales figures for all 50 states. Some of our smaller markets could benefit from a personal visit.", "Adam: Glad to help any way I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Call me--now! Billy isn't even picking up.", "Ashley: Jack, you helped write the article that trashed Victor, and now you're upset. I mean, really?", "Jack: I specifically told him to stay away from Patty, and what does he do?", "Ashley: I \"Specifically\" told you for 20 years to stop warring with Victor. Did you ever listen to me once? Welcome to the \"My brother ignores me\" club.", "Kay: What in the hell was Billy thinking? I thought striking out on his own with that magazine was quite remarkable... until I read this. And I-I-I-I-I'm so disappointed.", "Ashley: I know. We all are.", "Kay: (Sighs) All right. I'm--I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.", "Jack: Get in line.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Um, five hairy spiders, five skeleton spiders, a couple of hanging skulls... oh, the sign? I don't know. Um... \"Billy's second annual Halloween extravaganza.\" Hey, Mac, I-I really appreciate you doing this for me. No, I know. I-I know. I know. Can we--can--can we at least talk about it?", "(Elevator door opens)", "Billy: Okay. Fine. Later. I got--I--oh, I got to go. (Clears throat)", "Nick: You're supposed to be gone.", "Billy: Well, I'm not Houdini. I can't make a business disappear overnight.", "Nick: Now, Billy, you pulled off that hatchet job on my dad in just a couple of hours. This should be easy for you.", "Billy: Well, Nick, my lawyers don't think that you have the right to kick me out.", "Nick: So sue me.", "Billy: I'm not gonna stop publishing \"Restless Style.\" I'll do it out of my damn car if I have to. Oh, man. I thought you were above this sort of thing.", "Nick: You're a crazy man if you thought I was gonna let this go. You got till the end of the day to get out of here.", "Billy: (Laughs) (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Katherine, we are all upset with what Billy has done, but what can be done about it? I mean, the magazine is on the stands.", "Kay: Well, I thought Colleen's death would have taught him something. Uh, Victor's not going to brush this off.", "Jack: Don't I know. Listen, maybe its better that Billy isn't coming back to Jabot now. I mean, Ashley and I have worked together very effectively for years. We're a strong leadership team. We work in shorthand.", "Kay: Um, isn't it just a little early for you to come back to work?", "Ashley: I haven't really thought about it.", "Kay: Well, now listen, you, um, take your time. Your job will always be there for you when you decide to come back.", "Ashley: Thank you. You know, I'd better get Faith home. It was wonderful seeing you.", "Kay: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, please don't move. Don't. Stop.", "Victor: I have to take these pills, baby.", "Nikki: Just wait, wait, wait. Just--just for one second.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Wait a minute.", "Nikki: Victor. (Sighs)", "Victor: (Growls)", "Nikki: All right.", "Victor: (Inhales sharply) (Growls)", "Nikki: Okay, it's done. And we have plenty of time to talk to the kids before our flight.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. (Sighs) Are you worried about their reaction, or what?", "Nikki: I just want to make sure that they don't need me here. I mean, they're both going through a lot.", "Victor: I know, especially Victoria with this S.E.C. mess.", "Nikki: Yeah. Do you think she can handle it on her own?", "Victor: Well, otherwise, I wouldn't go to Belgium if I didn't think she could. I'm just concerned about how the business community will react. I don't want them to misunderstand why I'm leaving.", "Nikki: You're going to a cardiac clinic to regain your strength.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: And it's not like you're at death's door, thank God.", "Victor: (Sighs) The doctor said that the time after the transplant is very crucial, so... (Inhales sharply) And I intend to live for a long time.", "Nikki: So shall we go to Newman and tell the kids?", "Victor: Come here. It feels so good...", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victor: And so right. Hmm? Why don't you go ahead? There's some things I have to do. I'll join you there.", "Nikki: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood, isn't it?", "Victoria: What's got you going?", "Nick: Well, for starters, Billy Abbott. It's yet another punk attacking Dad in print.", "Adam: I understand why Billy lashed out.", "Nick: I'll bet you do.", "Adam: Listen, he thinks he's getting justice. He'll find out, it always comes back to bite you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sucks in air through teeth) Oh, man. (Clears throat) Hey, can I help you, buddy? Well... (Clears throat) That's interesting. What's the story?", "Man: Savaneur stockholders' meeting.", "Billy: Oh, the one where Victoria Newman was trying to dodge the S.E.C. bullet?", "Man: This dude Deacon Sharpe busts in singing her praises.", "Billy: Doesn't look like hubby approves.", "Man: (Chuckles) Hellstrom clocked the guy good-- said to stay away from his wife.", "Billy: Hmm. All right. Does anybody else have these?", "Man: I'm offering you an exclusive.", "Billy: Well, I'll take it. (Clears throat) (Humming) And, uh, if you get anything else on the Newmans, you come to me first? Thank you. All right. Mr. Deacon Sharpe... who are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Ah, here we go.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Kay: My, that's a beautiful ring.", "Nikki: Oh. Thank you.", "Kay: I don't think I've ever seen it before.", "Nikki: It was a gift from Victor.", "Kay: Well, does that mean that, uh...", "Nikki: Oh, it's not an engagement ring. Don't get carried away.", "Kay: Huh. Do you know, that--let me see that. That looks... almost like the ring that I gave you.", "Nikki: I know. That was Victor's idea.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Nikki: You've been such a dear friend, he wanted to honor you. And, really, in a way, you've been the linchpin in our relationship this whole last year. I mean, you're the one we go to to talk about the other.", "Kay: You see, for all of Victor's blustering and yours, I knew it wasn't over. There's far too much life and love between the two of you.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you, Simon. (Sighs) Yes, it is. All right, I'll speak to you later. (Sighs)", "Nick: Good news?", "Victoria: (Sighs) the S.E.C. thinks that their case is weak. They think it's all hearsay, no corroboration. (Sniffles) And now with Dad out of the hospital, the legal department is confident that it's a nonissue. So I was right to stay here and face this head-on instead of leaving the country.", "Nick: I was just trying to protect you, Sis.", "Victoria: Me or the company?", "Nick: Both.", "Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just worried after that fiasco yesterday in front of the S.E.C. investigator.", "Nick: (Sighs) Yeah. So you ready to talk about why J.T. went after Deacon yet?", "Victoria: Well, it was just a misunderstanding. I told you. It's really not worth getting into.", "Nick: All right. Well, in case it ever is...", "Victoria: (Clears throat) I'll know who to call. (Laughs) Luckily, the worst is over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Mr. Sharpe.", "Deacon: Mr. Abbott.", "Billy: Wow, you know how I am?", "Deacon: Mm-hmm. Well, I make it my, uh, business to know who all the players in town are, Billy. What can I do for you?", "Billy: Um, do you mind if I, uh...", "Deacon: No, please, sit down.", "Billy: Great.", "Deacon: Potato chip?", "Billy: Please. I was hoping, uh, you could help me out with this.", "Deacon: Huh.", "Billy: Care to explain this?", "Deacon: (Sighs) Well, looks to me like, uh, he was a little confused.", "Billy: He was confused?", "Deacon: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: The guy popped you one, he tells you to stay away from his wife. What's he confused about?", "Deacon: I got nothing to say.", "Billy: Well, set me straight. Come on.", "Deacon: Like I said, I can't help you. I got nothing to say.", "Billy: Oh. Well, I understand. And that's okay, because I'm pretty sure these pictures say it all.", "Deacon: Hmm.", "Billy: Thanks.", "Deacon: Enjoy. (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door closes)", "Ashley: Why did you follow me, Jack?", "Jack: Why did you take off like that? Katherine has to see the Abbotts as a united front. We have to regain her confidence in us.", "Ashley: All right, time-out. You--you might as well hear it. I've changed my mind. I'm not coming back to Jabot.", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: Yeah. I'm devoting myself to Abby and Faith. They need me, especially now that Victor's leaving Genoa City.", "Jack: Victor's leaving Genoa City?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: My darling Faith, you came into the world when I and a lot of people around me needed to be reminded how joyous life can be. Your birth has given many of us such joy. I'm leaving Genoa City for a while to focus on my health. I don't know when I'll be back. But I promise you, I'll be back stronger than ever. Now you have not had a chance to get to know me the way your brothers and sisters have. And you will hear stories about me. But before you do, I want to make sure that you hear them from me in my own words. There's some people who will say that I was not a good man. And there's some things I've done that you may question, may not understand. So let me tell you my version of things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I like to think of myself as an astute judge of character. Now what in the hell is really going on between you and Victor?", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "Kay: \"What do I mean\"? You--I-I mean, I've never seen you look as loose and happy in years.", "Nikki: (Laughs) \"Loose and happy\"? Well... I don't mean to be evasive, but Victor and I are going to be making an announcement to the family in a little while.", "Kay: Oh, I understand. You, um, want to tell the children first.", "Nikki: Oh, well, we consider you family. Come with me. Then you can be with us when we talk to the kids.", "Kay: Wouldn't miss it. I can't wait to hear what you and Victor have to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I was born into a very poor family. And my father left when I was very young, and my mother put me in an orphanage when I was 7 years old. I hated that place, to be honest with you. But she had no choice. She was that poor. So when I was a teenager, I just-- one day, I up and left, never to come back to that orphanage. And I started a new life... and I gave myself a new name-- \"Victor\" because I promised myself I'd be victorious in anything I ever did, and \"Newman\" because, well, I had become a new man now. When I came to Genoa City, I already had become a success, and that's when I was asked to run someone else's company.", "[Victor remembering]", "Kay: Now if anyone should question you, uh, you have my agreement right here in writing.", "Victor: Mrs. Thurston, you really didn't need to do this. Besides, that is not legally binding without a witness.", "Kay: Maybe so, but, uh, it makes me feel better about it. Lately, I seem to, uh, forget what I promise people. And, uh, this time, I want to back up my word.", "Victor: And you do believe that the company needs protection?", "Kay: If you say so. You're a clever man, and, uh, and there's no reason not to trust you.", "Victor: From there, I built my own empire. I did what I had to do, and my heart led me many places.", "Nikki: (Screaming)", "Rick: Newman, you're finished!", "Nikki: Victor! Victor! No! No! No, Victor. Victor. Victor. Are you...", "Victor: And some people called me ruthless, a monster. There are no women around to seduce, are there? No Julia to take advantage of. Her needs, you see, are taken care of by me now. (Laughs) I'm sure that you're especially glad to hear about that.", "Michael: (Growling) I'll kill you, Newman! I'll kill you!", "Victor: And I've done things I'm not proud of.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, I've been thinking.", "Ashley: Hmm?", "Jack: How about we compromise? How about you work part-time?", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Jack: We can arrange for you to work out of the house.", "Ashley: Maybe some time in the future, but not now. I have a lot to make up for with Abby. I haven't been such a great mom to her, Jack.", "Jack: Wait, that's not true.", "Ashley: Yes, it is true. I mean, I was practically out of my mind during the pregnancy, and she had just lost Brad. I really wasn't there for her-- now Colleen. I mean, the divorce. That's a lot for a girl her age to handle. And she knows that Victor's not coming back to the ranch, but once she learns that he's actually gonna leave the country...", "Jack: W-well, look, you do know that no matter what happens, Billy and I will be there for her.", "Ashley: Right. Like you were when you attacked her father in \"Restless Style\"?", "Jack: Maybe we went too far. But, you know, that door swings both ways. I can't count the number of times Victor's come after me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: And you may hear all kinds of rumors regarding my feud with the Abbott family. Let me set the record straight. I have nothing but respect for your grandfather John Abbott. He was a good man. And I will always love your mother. But as far as your Uncle Jack is concerned, that's a different story. Will you finally get it through your head, Jack, that I was asked by your sister, a high officer of this company to help her save this company from going bankrupt? I'm here to do that job, whether you like it or not. And I'm gonna sit in the chair that you're sitting in right now. I like it. I want you out of it, and I want me in it.", "Jack: You like this chair? You want this chair? Have a seat on me.", "Victor: The business world is wising up as to who you are-- deceptive, contemptible and untrustworthy. Doors already are beginning to close for you. Oh, you think you have won. You think you have won? You don't begin to understand the power of Victor Newman. I will crush you!", "Jack: God, what you have done to my life... what you have done to my life. I'm not just talking about a baby now. I'm talking about my wife. I'm talking about my family, my sister, my father. I'm talking Jabot. I'm talking everything you've done to me and my family.", "Victor: Jack, I'm telling you, it was an accident! How often do I have to tell you that I'm sorry? I am deeply sorry about what happened. The last thing I wanted to happen is for me to be responsible for the loss of your child, you understand that?", "Jack: All I know if my son is dead. He's dead! Because of you.", "(Metal clanging)", "Victor: Listen, don't you do anything you don't re--don't do that!", "Jack: (Grunts)", "Victor: (Breathing heavily) Help... help... (Breathing heavily) Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. As misguided as your uncle may be, he and I are similar in our desire to protect our family and those we love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Oh, hi. Excuse me. Um, do you normally work this floor?", "Woman: Oh, yes, Sir. It's my section.", "Billy: Great. Do you also clean Deacon Sharpe's room?", "Woman: I'm not supposed to talk about the guests.", "Billy: Oh. Yeah, I-I see. I understand. It's just, you know, I'm supposed to find the lady that cleans his room, and--and I was supposed to give her a tip, but if I can't find her, I-I don't know what I'm gonna do, you know?", "Woman: I clean Mr. Sharpe's room.", "Billy: Um, well, have you ever seen her?", "Woman: I really shouldn't say.", "Billy: Oh, really? Well, maybe if you look close and, um, thought about it really hard, does she look familiar to you?", "Woman: I've seen her come and go from Mr. Sharpe's rom.", "Billy: Well, I'll tell you what-- you have a nice day, because you certainly made mine. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: And legal assured me that the S.E.C. will drop the case.", "Nikki: Oh, that's wonderful, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: I know, Mom. (Sighs) Trust me, it is such a load off my mind.", "Nikki: And mine.", "Nick: Hey, Mom. What are you doing here?", "Nikki: Hey. I'm meeting your father.", "Nick: Uh-huh. Come on. Pay up.", "Victoria: I'll write you a check.", "Nick: No, you said that last time and you never paid me.", "Victoria: That's not true.", "Nick: We had a bet. I knew Dad couldn't stay away from work. Vick thought he wouldn't be back until next week.", "Nikki: It's not what you think.", "Victoria: Then what is it?", "Nikki: Your father and I want to talk to you together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: People will sidle up to you and tell you what you want to hear because you're a Newman. Now real friends are very hard to come by, but they're the only ones who will tell you the truth.", "Neil: You want the truth? Nicholas is totally out of control. He's not listening to or taking advice from the many people that helped make your company what it is today.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Neil: There's a lot of talent in that building.", "Victor: Yeah. I recruited most of them.", "Neil: You see, Nick is too busy exercising his authority over everyone. He's carrying on the tradition of toughness at the top. The trouble is, he thinks he's you, and he's not. He doesn't have your experience or your savvy. (Sighs) Hey, Victor, I strongly suggest that you--you rein him in.", "Victor: Are you telling me that you're planning a duel right here in Genoa City?", "Douglas: An affair of honor involving the woman I love.", "Victor: And who is the man?", "Douglas: Brock Reynolds' stepfather, Derek Thurston.", "Victor: The new executive of the Chancellor company?", "Douglas: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: And the lady?", "Douglas: His wife, Katherine Chancellor Thurston. Would you consider acting as my second, Newman?", "Victor: You know, I'm sort of intrigued by the idea. I mean, a man willing to face death for a woman he cares about-- it sort of appeals to me.", "Douglas: Of course, he may refuse to fight me.", "Victor: Well, then, you'll have won by default, won't you?", "Douglas: And Katherine will see Derek for what he really is.", "Kay: You of all people should know who I am. What proof do you need?", "Victor: Where did you last see me?", "Kay: Right here, right in this very room. It was after Sabrina died. Nikki asked me to stop by, and I did. You hardly said a word, so I left, and I was worried sick. But now that I see you're back to your ornery self...", "Victor: Enough.", "Kay: I couldn't be happier.", "Victor: No one ever had the guts to talk to me the way you do.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Victor: I'm so happy you're back. Hold your friends close and your family closer. There's no greater treasure in my life than you and your brothers and sisters.", "Nikki: Would you like to hold her? Here, Sweetheart. (Sniffles) (Sniffles) (Whispers) Yes.", "Victor: What a beautiful boy. Absolutely amazing how fragile, how tiny. And to think that that's part of me.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Adam: (Coos) (Coos)", "Victor: It's been so long since I've... (Sniffles) Held a newborn in my arms, huh? It's a long time. Yeah. (Sniffles) you're my little boy. You're my little boy.", "Hope: (Cries)", "Victor: It's hard to imagine that I'm a father again, isn't it, hmm? Sweetheart, I don't know what you're talking about.", "Abby: It's what Mommy said.", "Victor: Oh. What exactly did you hear her say?", "Abby: She said you're my daddy.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Abby: Colleen said that you hated my dad. Is that true?", "Victor: Sweetheart, I didn't hate Bradley, all right?", "Abby: I'll be in my room. (Sighs)", "Victor: Look, for your information, this is not just a fling, all right?", "Victoria: Uh, it's been three weeks. How can you possibly know what it is?", "Victor: Sweetheart, don't you think you're using a double standard? You're allowing your mother to flaunt her relationship with this character that she's with. Why don't you allow me to do the same thing?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Why don't you just do what you want, Dad? You always do.", "Adam: You know, this is just like you to jerk me around and push me away. Hey, I'm your black sheep son.", "Victor: What do you think I'm gonna do? Hand over this company that I've built from the ground up to a sniveling, snot-nosed, ungrateful son? Is that what you think I'm gonna do?", "Nick: Well, I guess that tells me how you really feel about me.", "Victor: You betrayed me. You betrayed your own father. And while it is true that no one can hurt you more deeply than family, no one can bring you greater happiness.", "Victoria: It fits. (Laughs)", "Victor: It look wonderful, my sweetheart. It's beautiful. (Laughs)", "Victoria: You know, Dad, when I was little, I always dreamed of getting married in a dress just like this.", "Victor: You did?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Well, now your dream is coming true, okay?", "Ashley: Well, hi.", "Abby: Hi. It's a horsey.", "Victor: Whoa. What a beautiful horsey. You made that?", "Abby: I made it for you, Victor.", "Victor: You did? Wow.", "Abby: Uh-huh.", "Victor: That's nice. Look at that. You have talent.", "Abby: (Giggles)", "Victor: You know where I'm gonna put it?", "Abby: Where?", "Victor: Right here on my desk. Right here.", "Victor: My boy.", "Nick: Hey, Dad.", "Victor: Great to see you.", "Nick: You know we had imagined the worst.", "Victor: I love you, my boy.", "Nick: I love you, too, Dad.", "Adam: Yeah, but I'm not ready to let you go.", "(Heart monitor beeping)", "Adam: And I want to be a good son.", "Victor: You already are. And always remember, my sweet Faith, family above all. And I've been very fortunate to have loved some incredible women, including your mother.", "Ashley: Do you know how much I cherish these times that we have together, Victor?", "Victor: No more than I do.", "Ashley: I don't know. Do you think that there's ever been two people in this whole wide world that have ever been as happy as we are together?", "Victor: I doubt it.", "Ashley: I love you so much.", "Victor: This is so beautiful. It's overwhelmingly beautiful. I'm so happy right now. My darling, I'm so happy right now.", "Hope: I'm glad.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Hello?", "Nikki: Hi. Nicholas and Victoria are here, and Adam just arrived. You on your way?", "Victor: I'll be there shortly.", "Nikki: Looking forward to it.", "Victor: Me, too.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victor: Oh, how lovely you are.", "Nikki: I--d-don't. Don't stop, please. Please, don't stop kissing me.", "Victor: You know, this has all been a lie. I've been wanting you ever since I first saw you.", "Nikki: Yes, I know. I know.", "Victor: And if I kiss you again, it can't stop there. It can't. I've known great happiness. I've known great pain.", "Victor: (Sighs) But all those experiences have helped me become the man that I am today.", "Victor: And I want you to learn from your experiences, and you will. Now just a word of advice-- don't ever quit because you failed, and don't ever close your heart because you're hurt. Pursue your dreams. Stand your ground. But let me explain something to you, and listen very carefully. Anyone who crosses me-- I don't give a damn if it's my children or you-- will have a heavy price to pay. You remember that. Whether I live another three months or 30 years, the world will know that Victor Newman was here. Keep me in your heart... and know that no matter what, I love you. I will always love you, my beautiful Faith.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Thinking) Perhaps daddy's little girl, the squeaky-clean Victoria Newman, is not as \"Snow white\" as we think. A source at the Genoa City Athletic Club confirmed the married Mrs. Hellstrom was seen frequenting the room of a west-coast playboy Deacon Sharpe, which may explain the \"Hell storm\" her husband unleashed on Mr. Sharpe. The S.E.C. may be interested to know the white knight shareholder who delivered such a glowing endorsement of the Newman heiress may have been holding a lot more than her company's stock.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I wish there was something I could do to change your mind.", "Ashley: Well, you can't, so you'd better accept it. I'm not coming back.", "Jack: As much as I hate to hear those words, it's good to see you this confident again.", "Ashley: Yeah, I know what you mean. And you know what else? Victor and I have two beautiful children together, and there's a part of me that will always care for him. But I will never, ever lose myself to someone again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Victor should be here any minute.", "Adam: Is Dad retiring?", "Kay: (Laughs) Victor? (Laughs) Not a chance.", "Victoria: Well, he may want to restructure until he's fully recovered.", "Nikki: You'll all know soon enough.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Nick: There's not a problem with the transplant, right?", "Nikki: It's not bad news.", "Victoria: Thank God. (Sighs) I don't think I can take any more bad news.", "Victor: Well, thank you all for coming.", "Kay: Mm.", "Victor: You, too, Katherine.", "Nick: Well, we're all here, Dad. What's going on?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Adam: Trick-or-treat.", "Jack: Setting you up was one of the greatest joys of my life.", "Victor: So you're fearless now that I'm leaving town?", "Billy: (Humming) Hey--oh!", "Woman: Whoa!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sam's replacement for his veterinary practice in New Mexico has a family emergency and can't cover for him anymore. Sam is determined not to leave Sharon. Victoria tells Sharon about Sam's problem and that he won't leave her because he is in love with her. Sharon persuades Sam to leave but he assures her he will return as soon as he finds another replacement for his practice. Victoria worries that the police might have her bracelet since she returned to the park to look for it and couldn't find it. Victoria is playing fetch with her dog and is thrilled when she finds the bracelet under the couch. Adam continues to get Heather drunk and tells her that she can't drive home so she should sleep it off in his room. Heather goes to the restroom before going upstairs to Adam's room. He calls Ricky and tells him to get to the Athletic Club right away. Adam and Heather kiss a few times outside the door to his room as Ricky takes several pictures. Then Adam and Heather go inside his room where she says that she can't be with him. Adam tells her to sleep in his bed and he will get another room for the night.", "Ronan, Nina, Paul, and Chance have a rather tense conversation before they have dinner. Ronan leaves when he gets a call from Phyllis and meets her at the Restless Style office where they make love. Once they are finished, they agree that what happened can never happen again, because Phyllis is a person of interest in Diane's murder. When Ricky asks Phyllis for a job at Restless Style, she asks him to bring her a good story and she will consider it. Sharon is adamant that Victor not testify at her trial but he is just as determined to do it.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Oh, Keely, you always know when I need company, huh? You're so good in that way. If men are gonna be dogs, why can't they be dogs in that way, huh? You're a good boy. (Sighs) (Sighs) I think it's time. (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Victoria: (Sighs) Come here. Hi. (Chuckles) Oh, Dad. Mwah. (Sighs) Come in.", "Victor: I saw these by the side of the road, and I thought of my baby. You called them \"Happy flowers\" when you were a child, remember?", "Victoria: I'm surprised you remember that.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: Thank you. They're--they're beautiful.", "Victor: You're welcome. Come here. Come here. Come here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. You've gotta come out to the ranch and play with Segundo. Okay?", "Victoria: Oh, hey, hey, hey, no luring my dog off to the ranch, okay?", "Victor: Yes. He belongs to Sam, doesn't he?", "Victoria: Well, technically, yeah. Maybe.", "Victor: Well... by the way, how is that going with him staying here?", "Victoria: Great. Yeah, great.", "Victor: There you go. There we go. There we go. Yeah.", "Victoria: He's a good friend.", "Victor: You're looking for your bracelet?", "Victoria: Y-yeah. Uh, I even went by the park this morning and... there was a homeless woman there who had a cart full of stuff.", "Victor: (Sighs) Oh, God, I always feel very bad when I see homeless people.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, she had bracelets all over her arm, and I was hoping that maybe she found mine, but no luck.", "Victor: Well, if it was gold, she probably sold it.", "Victoria: Unless the police found it because somehow I lost it near where Diane was murdered.", "Victor: I think you should forget about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you.", "Ricky: You're Phyllis Newman, right?", "Phyllis: Uh... mm... who wants to know?", "Ricky: Oh, sorry. I'm--I'm Paul Williams' son Ricky.", "Phyllis: Oh, hi. Ni--nice to meet you. I-I heard that you were working on the Sharon Newman case. Yeah. Are you going to law school?", "Ricky: No, no. I'm--I'm getting my grad degree in journalism. And so I was hoping that once this case is over, I could give you my résumé--", "Phyllis: Um, you know what? Stop right there. I-I actually-- I don't believe in résumés in this business, you know? Um, but I'll tell you what, you get me a really good story, I mean, a good one, and I'll consider you.", "Ricky: Okay.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Ricky: Thanks.", "Avery: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: Well, Avery's not giving up, and I don't think you should, either.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Sam, I've been through this already. And the last time, I couldn't believe that a jury would convict somebody who's innocent, but... they did.", "Sam: Okay, this is not at all the same scenario. You've got Avery now. You have Victor, who's behind you 100%.", "Sharon: Yeah, and if he testifies for me, he risks his own freedom.", "Sam: Look, even if it doesn't go your way, it's not over, okay? We'll appeal it. We'll get the conviction overturned. We'll do whatever we have to do. But I'll tell you something, I'm not gonna quit fightin' until you walk out of here a free woman. I mean that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So what are we drinking to? Are we celebrating? Are we drowning our sorrows?", "Heather: I should be celebrating. I got my job back. I love my job, and I'm good at it.", "Adam: Yes, you are.", "Heather: But it's not enough.", "Adam: Okay. So we're miserable then?", "Heather: I'm miserable, which probably makes you very happy.", "Adam: What gives you that idea, Heather?", "Heather: Asked and answered, Counselor. You're celebrating. I'm drowning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Paul: Hey.", "Chance: How are you?", "Paul: Fine. How are you doing?", "Chance: Good.", "Paul: Good, good. Oh.", "Nina: Look who's come to dinner.", "Paul: What a surprise.", "Chance: Yeah, well, everybody does have to eat. After all, it is just dinner.", "Nina: Yes, absolutely. Have a seat. We have a few minutes before dinner, so...", "Ronan: Great.", "Paul: So, um, what can I get you?", "Chance: A beer, thanks.", "Ronan: Uh, yes, please.", "Paul: Be right back.", "Nina: Okay. (Whispering) I think I'm gonna need something a little stronger.", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Thanks a lot. You could have at least warned her that I was gonna come over here tonight.", "Chance: I honestly didn't think you were gonna show.", "Ronan: Yeah, that's right. It was probably-- I probably shouldn't have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You seriously think that I enjoy seeing you unhappy?", "Heather: I wouldn't put it past you.", "Adam: Well... I wish things would start going your way for a change, honestly. You, uh, you certainly deserve a lot better than what you had got from me.", "Heather: I did, didn't I?", "Adam: Are things really that bad, Heather? Okay, they're really that bad. Well, let's have another drink. Maybe we'll do something about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Sorry. (Clears throat)", "Nick: Don't be.", "Avery: Uh, that's not how I typically deal with stress.", "Nick: Well, maybe you should. Everybody could use a hug once in a while.", "Avery: Thank you. I do feel better.", "Nick: Good.", "Ricky: Hey. How's it going?", "Avery: Don't ask. (Sighs)", "Ricky: Has anything happened?", "Avery: No, no, actually, the things that I really needed to have happen today didn't. (Sighs) Okay, we need to kick this into high gear.", "Ricky: Good thing I got a double shot of espresso. Are we doing some late- night digging?", "Avery: Anything you can find to buy us time or sway that jury in Sharon's favor-- any little thing, you call me, okay? I will be up, I guarantee it.", "Ricky: All right. All right. Keep your phone on you.", "Nick: Thanks, Ricky.", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Nick: You really do hate to lose, don't--", "Avery: Oh, I hate it. I hate it. I mean, so much is riding on this-- not just Sharon's future, but her kids', yours. (Sighs)", "Nick: Well, I know I wouldn't bet against you, that's for sure.", "Avery: Well, the people who have have lived to regret it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: I saw Delia today.", "Ronan: How is she?", "Chance: Good. She's really good.", "Nina: Thank God.", "Paul: How long before they know whether or not the, uh, transplant is gonna take?", "Nina: Oh, I don't know. Chloe didn't say. How long was it for you?", "Ronan: Uh...", "Nina: I'm sorry. Am I not supposed to bring that up?", "Ronan: No, it's fine, um, I just don't see how one procedure has anything to do with the other is all.", "Nina: Right.", "Chance: So what's for dinner?", "Nina: Pot roast.", "Chance: Mmm, it's my fav.", "Ronan: Mine, too.", "Nina: Really? I love that. I love when you guys have something in common. It makes you seem more like brothers. So what else?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) What do you mean, what else? I mean, like, what's my favorite beer? What's my favorite color?", "Nina: Yeah, yeah, everything. I just--I just want to know more about you. You know, like what you like and what you've done and where you've been.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ronan: (Sighs) Excuse me. (Ring)", "Ronan: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hi, this is Phyllis. Did you mean what you said that we should talk some more?", "Ronan: Where are you?", "Phyllis: The magazine office.", "Ronan: I'm on my way. I've gotta go. That was work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: Well, those are pretty.", "Victoria: Oh, hey, thanks. Yeah, my dad brought them by. So are you gonna take Keely out?", "Sam: Yeah, yeah, if he's up for it.", "Victoria: Yeah, he's always up for it. He's in the backyard on squirrel patrol.", "Sam: Yeah. You want to come along? I mean, it's a little chilly, but it's a nice night.", "Victoria: Uh, thank you, but I have a few things I need to take care of around here.", "Sam: I'll get out of your hair then.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Oh.", "Sam: Hey, what's up? You're kidding. I am so sorry. Oh, no, no, no, no. I'll tell--I'll take care of it. You do what you gotta do. Tell your folks I'll be prayin' for 'em. All right, take care.", "Victoria: Hey, uh, what's wrong?", "Sam: Uh, the friend of mine that took over my practice-- his father just suffered an aneurysm.", "Victoria: Oh. Well, he survived.", "Sam: Yeah. Yeah, he did, but now he's gotta go spend time with his parents, obviously. I gotta find somebody to cover for him on short notice.", "Victoria: Well, I mean, you could go home for a few days, right? Until you get somebody else lined up.", "Sam: I can't just walk out on Sharon right in the middle of her trial. I can't do that.", "Victoria: I'm sure that Sharon will be okay for a few days, really.", "Sam: No. No, I'm not leaving Sharon. That's all there is to it. I can't do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: And how soon do you intend to call me to the stand?", "Avery: You'll be one of my first witnesses, provided Michael hasn't talked you out of testifying.", "Victor: Of course not.", "Nick: What are the chances my dad will go to jail if he tells the whole truth about how Skye got to Hawaii?", "Avery: If he admits to helping Skye fake her death, the D.A. could press charges against him-- uh, obstruction of justice, malicious prosecution...", "Nick: (Sighs) Dad, this is an enormous risk, not just personally. If you do this, Newman stock is gonna take a hit.", "Victor: Son, I don't care what consequence befall me or my company, okay? I'm determined to set things right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: This is interesting.", "Phyllis: That was fast.", "Ronan: You made it sound urgent.", "Phyllis: Did I? Well, it is.", "Ronan: Are we alone?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Is that a problem?", "Ronan: No, it's no problem at all. It's preferable, actually. So, uh, what'd you want to tell me?", "Phyllis: Nothing.", "Ronan: Nothing? You said you wanted to talk.", "Phyllis: I don't want to talk. I guess I lured you here on false pretenses.", "Ronan: Well, that's disappointing.", "Phyllis: Are you disappointed? Really?", "Ronan: Well, I rushed all the way over here thinking you wanted to... unburden yourself.", "Phyllis: I don't need to unburden myself, but if you need to do that, feel free.", "Ronan: I told you, I'm not gonna tell you about my case.", "Phyllis: I don't want to hear about the investigation or suspects or lawyers or anything.", "Ronan: Then what exactly can I do for you?", "Phyllis: Use your powers of deduction, Detective.", "Ronan: You don't want to talk.", "Phyllis: No.", "Ronan: And you don't want me to talk.", "Phyllis: No.", "Ronan: No. Then what else is there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So anyway, he needs to go home to take care of his practice.", "Sharon: And so he sent you?", "Victoria: Uh, Sam doesn't know that I'm here.", "Sharon: Okay, I don't understand.", "Victoria: He says he's not going.", "Sharon: Because of me?", "Victoria: He's in love with you.", "Sharon: Um, you--we-- we're just friends, you know? We're really just friends.", "Victoria: Sharon, the man has upended his entire life to be available to you for when you need him. I think its gone way beyond friendship.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Even as the words are coming out of my mouth, there's a little voice in my head that says, \"Stop it! You're pushing him away.\" I just can't help it.", "Chance: Mom...", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Chance: You're fine. All right, even an international man of mystery like Ronan has to expect that people are gonna ask him questions.", "Paul: It is possible that the call was about work.", "Nina: Oh, please. That call was prearranged to give him an out.", "Paul: You know, he didn't have to come here if he didn't want to. Nobody forced him.", "Nina: (Sighs) Are you hungry?", "Chance: I'm starved.", "Nina: Good. The pot roast should be done by now.", "Paul: I'll check on it. You want another beer?", "Nina: Oh, thanks.", "Chance: I'd love one. Thank you.", "Nina: Thank you for inviting Ronan to dinner. I know he's not your favorite person.", "Chance: (Chuckles) I can deal with Ronan... in small bits.", "Nina: You know, it's too bad you couldn't invite someone who would stick around. I understand Heather is back in town, a-and Paul said that she would really like to see you. I don't know how you'd feel about that, but....", "Chance: (Sighs) I'm gonna give Paul a hand, okay?", "Nina: Chance? (Scoffs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Giggling)", "Adam: All right, young lady, I think, uh, you should hand over your car keys.", "Heather: (Sighs) Oh. Uh-oh. Can you just picture the headline? \"A.D.A. D.U.I.\"", "Adam: \"S-u-x.\"", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Adam: It was--it was--", "Heather: That's funny. That's funny. (Laughs)", "Adam: No, no, it was funny. It wasn't that funny. It was--it was funny. It was like this funny.", "Heather: I forgot you were funny.", "Adam: I'm sure there's a few good things about me that you chose to forget.", "Heather: Mm. Okay. What shall I have next?", "Adam: No, no, no, no. I--no, that's not a good idea. Let's--let's not and say we did.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Adam: And why don't you just go up to my room and sleep it off?", "Heather: Your room?", "Adam: I'm just trying to keep you off the road.", "Heather: I will call a cab.", "Adam: Nah, what if a cabbie recognizes you? You know, you don't want to ruin your professional reputation.", "Heather: They're not-- they're not gonna recognize me.", "Adam: You have been in the media lately, in the papers. You're handling a high-profile case. We don't want to ruin that public persona. Come on.", "Heather: Okay.", "Adam: Okay.", "Heather: But first, I have to... go to the ladies' room.", "Adam: Okay.", "Heather: Sorry.", "Adam: You got it?", "Heather: Yep, I got it.", "Adam: That way. (Chuckles)", "Adam: Hey, it's Adam Newman. How soon can you get to the Athletic Club?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Want anything?", "Victor: No, thank you.", "Nick: No--no, thanks. How much does Mom know about what you're planning to do?", "Victor: Not much. I've tried to keep the conversation focused on her progress and her situation.", "Nick: So you don't think she could handle the stress of everything that's going on back here?", "Victor: I don't think she should, you know? As you damn well know, she had one big setback. If your mother needs more time to recover, I'll give it to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, I'm a cop.", "Phyllis: I know you are.", "Ronan: That makes you... that makes you a person of interest.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I know I am.", "Ronan: Yeah, you are. Which makes this... which makes all of this...", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm, very wrong.", "Ronan: Very wrong.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: This is a bad idea.", "Phyllis: Those are always the best ideas, aren't they? The bad ones.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: Hey. I got here as quick as I could.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Sam: Talk to me. What's up?", "Sharon: Um, I just wanted to tell you that it's okay if you need to take care of things at home. I think you should.", "Sam: How'd you find out?", "Sharon: They need you in San Pueblo. And if you don't go, then I'm gonna feel responsible and guilty, and that's a lot for me to take on right now. As much as I appreciate your support, I-I think it would be best for everyone if you go.", "Sam: Okay, um, I'm not just gonna walk out on you, Sharon, right in the middle of your trial. I'm not gonna do that.", "Sharon: You wouldn't be walking out on me. I know you're on my side. I know that I can count on you. But you wouldn't be the man who I... the man that I know you are if your friends and neighbors couldn't count on you, too. And, you know, it's not like you don't know where to find me when you come back.", "Sam: Yeah.", "Sharon: I mean, if-- if you come back. You know, you shouldn't feel obligated.", "Sam: You keep saying that this is about an obligation. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm exactly where I want to be.", "Sharon: What do you think would happen to me if you left? Do you think that I would fall apart?", "Sam: No. No, I don't.", "Sharon: Okay. 'Cause give me a little credit here, all right? I'm a lot tougher than I look.", "Sam: I-I know you are.", "Sharon: So you'll go?", "Sam: Yeah, for a short while. Just until I get somebody set up there. I will.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Sam: Okay, don't, you know, just try not to look so happy that I'm leaving.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) You know, I'm gonna miss you when you're gone. Do you know that we have not spent one day apart since the day I fell asleep in your barn?", "Sam: Well, next time I leave, I'm taking you with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Any messages for Sharon?", "Avery: You're going to see her now?", "Victor: You made it sound as if she needed some encouragement.", "Avery: Well, I'll come with you. She may have some questions about how we're going to handle your testimony.", "Victor: All right. You headed back to the ranch?", "Nick: Uh, not yet. I gotta swing by the office. I forgot something there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: So you want to grab a coffee? Or...", "Phyllis: I can't. I have work to do. I have deadlines.", "Ronan: Right.", "Phyllis: Listen, I want you to know that I got what you said before about you being an officer of the law. I know that. And I respect that. This was... wildly inappropriate.", "Ronan: Emphasis on the \"Wild\" part.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Um... I got a little carried away. Um, anyway...", "Ronan: A little bit.", "Phyllis: Yeah, uh, I-- I won't, um, I'll--I'll stay within the boundaries. I understand.", "Ronan: Okay, yeah. That'd be good. I mean, this right now, that was good.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but it would just--", "Ronan: It would be--", "Phyllis: It would be smart to do that.", "Ronan: It would. It would. It would be smart after something like this got out of our system.", "Phyllis: Right.", "Ronan: Right. Well, I'm gonna get going, and let you get back to...", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Ronan: Work.", "Phyllis: My work.", "Ronan: Your work, deadlines, yeah... as soon as I find my shoes.", "Phyllis: Oh. Here's one. Um, here's a shoe.", "Ronan: Thank you. It's a shoe.", "Phyllis: And--oh. Here's another one.", "Ronan: Thanks.", "Phyllis: I am going to... I-I have to do some things over... I need to check out some proofs. Have a good day.", "Ronan: You, too.", "Ronan: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Ronan: Victoria Newman. Park and a bracelet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Mm.", "Heather: (Giggles)", "(Electronic lock beeps)", "Heather: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: I wish I had known your son was back in town.", "Paul: Uh--", "Chance: We could have invited him over.", "Paul: Well, you know what? He probably wouldn't have been able to come anyway. He's up to his eyeballs in work, and...", "Chance: Oh, that's right. He's working the Sharon Newman trial, isn't he?", "Paul: Yes. Mm.", "Chance: Opposite Heather? (Chuckles) That must be a little awkward.", "Paul: Well, actually, you know what? They're--they're-- they're--they're doing okay. They are, uh, both very professional.", "Chance: Oh.", "Paul: Heather was, um, really happy to hear that you were okay.", "Chance: I know. I talked to her.", "Nina: You did?", "Chance: All right, you know what? (Sighs) I'm just gonna come right out and say this so I don't have to expect you guys to go running back and talk to her about it, okay?", "Nina: We wouldn't do that.", "Chance: (Scoffs) She wanted to give us another shot, the two of us. But... I have committed myself to work, and right now, that job takes me all over the place, and you know what? That wouldn't be fair to her.", "Paul: You know what, Chance? Really, you--you don't have to explain. It's-- it's none of our business.", "Nina: Was she very disappointed?", "Chance: (Sighs) She's gonna see that it was for the best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) (Sighs) Mm. Oh, no, no, no. I can't do-- I can't do this. (Sighs)", "Adam: You sure?", "Heather: Oh. (Sighs) Yeah.", "Adam: Okay, I understand.", "Heather: You do? (Sighs)", "Adam: Yeah. Of course I understand, yeah.", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Adam: I-I don't like it, but that's--that's fine. Whoa, whoa.", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Adam: Whoa, hold on a second. You need to lay down, okay?", "Heather: No, no, Adam, I just said I--", "Adam: No, no, I know. I know what you just said, okay? And you take this bed. You take the room. I'm gonna go get myself another room. But you need to lay down.", "Heather: No, no, no, no. I am gonna get myself a room. I'm gonna get myself a room that isn't... spinning. (Laughs)", "Adam: (Chuckles) I think they're all spinning for you. What--just lay on this bed.", "Heather: No.", "Adam: I'll get you some water. You just need a little rest, okay?", "Heather: Okay. Okay.", "Adam: You had a lot to drink.", "Heather: That's... that's nice of you. (Sighs)", "Adam: Yeah, that's me...", "Adam: \"Mr. Nice guy.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: More bad news?", "Victor: No. The opposite. I just came to tell you that I have every intention of testifying when your trial resumes, okay? I'll testify for you, and this time, the outcome will be better, I promise you.", "Sharon: Better for me, but, Victor, you could be sacrificing yourself.", "Victor: Sharon, I don't want you to worry about me.", "Avery: It's crucial that the jury hear from someone who was on the scene and actually saw you trying to save Skye.", "Sharon: The jury might not even believe Victor.", "Victor: They will believe me.", "Avery: Last time, taking the fifth damaged his credibility. It made him look like he was trying to hide something. He's not gonna make that mistake again.", "Sharon: He would have to admit to helping Skye fake her death, and won't Heather use that to wreck his credibility?", "Avery: Well, she'll try, yes.", "Sharon: Okay, so then it really might not help me to have Victor testify, and it could get him in very serious trouble. Victor, don't do it. I don't want you to testify.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Yo.", "Phyllis: I didn't expect to see you here so late.", "Nick: Yeah, I had some work, uh, here on my desk that I wanted to get into tonight.", "Phyllis: I could have faxed it to you.", "Nick: That's all right. I was just at the coffeehouse doing a little strategizing with Dad and Avery.", "Phyllis: Is that what you call it? \"Strategizing\"? (Sighs) Uh, I'm... I gotta get home. (Sighs)", "Nick: What were you doing here so late?", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) I was strategizing, too.", "Nick: Okay, what's the deal?", "Phyllis: You tell me. You tell me what the deal is.", "Phyllis: I'm out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Come in. Hey, hey, hey. So what'd you get on that e-mail address?", "Man: Untraceable. They used an anonymous remailer.", "Ronan: Okay. (Sighs) I want everything that we dredged out of that creek processed by Monday, and I want the inventory list of it cross-referenced with the crime--", "Man: But it's Halloween weekend. All the parties?", "Ronan: (Sighs) I forgot. I've got a good idea. How about you dress as a lab tech, and you come into work?", "Man: Right. What are we looking for?", "Ronan: A bracelet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, it's great that you could get a flight.", "Sam: You and Keely-- y'all take care of each other, all right?", "Victoria: Oh, right. I'm gonna have to do all the dog-walking in the cold and in the rain.", "Sam: Well, I'll be back before long.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Sam: Don't give my room away, all right?", "Victoria: No, it'll be there.", "Sam: Good. Well, you got my number, you know, if you ever want to talk.", "Victoria: Yeah, I think you've probably heard enough of my whining.", "Sam: Your whining? You never whine. Come on.", "Victoria: Well, you know, kind of.", "Sam: Except about the ankle. You did whine about the ankle.", "Victoria: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Sam: But keeping in mind that one exception, I would seriously have to say, you're probably one of the strongest women I've ever met.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Sam: You're welcome.", "Victoria: Well, uh...", "Sam: Yeah.", "Victoria: Don't forget about us.", "Sam: No, no, no, not a chance.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Sam: All right.", "Victoria: Yeah, so have a safe flight. Okay.", "Sam: Take care.", "Victoria: Take care.", "Victoria: Oh, hey! Yeah, let's play catch. That's a really good idea. It's a good idea. Go! Oh, shoot, that was a really bad throw. I'm so sorry. What did I do with the ball? I know. I'm sorry. Oh. Oh.", "Victoria: Oh. (Sighs heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: It's too great of a risk. I want you to cross Victor off the witness list.", "Victor: I have made up my mind. She will do no such thing.", "Sharon: You've already done enough. You brought me Avery. I am so grateful for that. But that is enough. How much help do you think you can be to me from a prison cell?", "Victor: Sharon, I will not go to prison.", "Sharon: Really?", "Victor: No.", "Sharon: Can you guarantee that? Can you, Avery?", "Victor: Please listen to me.", "Sharon: No. You will not testify for my defense! I will not have you sacrificing yourself for me, especially since it might not do any good. Victor, at this point, I don't know that anything will.", "Victor: I will testify for your defense, all right?", "Sharon: Guard? Please take me back.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: It doesn't matter if they say it's going over $25. I'm telling you it's going down. Okay, I'll talk to you about it later then. All right, then. Bye. Oh, I'm sorry.", "Avery: I don't know how lawyers who defend the guilty can stand it. I've only got one client like that, and it makes me sick.", "Adam: Uh, shh, shh, shh. Attorney-client privilege. You can't say I'm guilty of anything, even if you just think it. But you know that, don't you? Relax, Counselor. Cheer up. Things might go your way.", "Avery: Yeah, well, if they do, it's no thanks to you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Delia: Are you my daddy now?", "Victoria: I know that this is Billy's thing, but, I mean, it's my thing now-- division of property.", "Phyllis: When you said you had something good..." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Avery is upset that Nikki told her that she is Dylan's biological mother and accuses Nikki of wanting her to be the one to tell Dylan the truth so that she doesn't have to do it. Nikki tells Avery that isn't true but she does admit she wants her to tell her about Dylan's life and give her advice about when would be the best time to tell Dylan the truth. Avery tells Nikki she can't give her back the years she lost with her son. Mason breaks up with Hilary when he realizes that all she cares about is getting revenge on Neil and his family, and she doesn't have any plans for the rest of her life. Victor tells Devon that he thinks Katherine left him in charge of Chancellor Industries. She left most of her money to him because she wanted him (Victor) to be a mentor to him. Neil tells Devon that now that he is a billionaire he needs to be very careful about the people he trusts.", "Leslie gives Hilary the letters Rose wrote to Gus hoping that once Hilary reads the letters, she will give up trying to hurt Neil and his family and move on with her life. Ashley arrives and the Abbott family decide to have a traditional Abbott breakfast for dinner to let Billy know that they love him and are grieving Delia's death with him. Billy is having a hard time pretending that everything is okay, and later he tells Ashley that he feels like he let Delia down, because he was never there for her when she needed him. Billy also tells Ashley that he can't go to the funeral tomorrow. Ashley tells Billy that maybe if he goes to the funeral, he can let Delia comfort him this time. Paul tells Christine that they found a piece of plastic with a partial serial number on it from the car that hit Delia, so maybe soon they will find it. Victoria asks Dylan to be there to listen to Billy when he needs him, because he can understand loss, and he might be able to get through to Billy. Dylan promises to be there to listen to Billy when he is ready to talk. Dylan promises to be there to listen to both Billy and Victoria when they need to talk, because they are both grieving Delia. The Abbott family says a private goodbye to Delia and promise her she will always be in their hearts.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: Avery, I wasn't expecting to see you quite so soon.", "Avery: Well, I didn't want this on my desk a second longer. Here is your new will... with the addition of Dylan listed as a beneficiary, a man who has no idea you're related, a man who has no idea you're leaving him a fortune, a man who trusts me deeply, and now I have this life-changing secret that you essentially tricked me into keeping for you -- your lie, Nikki. And I resent you making it mine.", "Nikki: Look, if you could just let me explain to you, I can --", "Victor: Is this a business meeting? What do you have there?", "Nikki: U-um.", "Victor: Your will? Well, I'll be damned. What's that about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Our techs discovered some solid physical evidence from the site of Delia's hit and run. The lab's on it now.", "Christine: Great. What is it -- tissue samples, paint chips?", "Paul: It's a shard of plastic from a light.", "Christine: Oh, well, that's not much to go on.", "Paul: Well, admittedly, it's not, but, uh, Chavez's gut tells him that it is from the S.U.V. that hit Delia.", "Christine: Okay, well, let's hope it pans out fast. You know how I feel about hit-and-run cases. Let's just try and nail this guy and give the family a sliver of peace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: Oh, Ashley.", "Abby: Mom, you came.", "Traci: [Chuckles]", "Ashley: Of course I came. I heard I was needed.", "Jack: What do you say, Bill? You think you can stick around a little bit longer?", "Billy: Let's not do this. Don't do this right now, please.", "Ashley: Billy, we had to. We need you. And you need us. Are you really gonna walk out on us right now?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: Losing mom was terrible. Losing Gus -- that was, geez, beyond messed up in its own way. But losing a kid? You know, watching your family go through that...", "Leslie: Wow. How's Abby doing?", "Tyler: Ah, I hate seeing her torn up like this.", "Leslie: You're torn up. Seems like it's getting pretty serious.", "Tyler: Yeah. Well, I didn't plan on it that way, neither one of us did. I don't know. It's the stuff that you and I, we spent years trying to hide -- that doesn't change the way she looks at me. I mean, her family has history. Our family has history. But when she and I get together, you know, it's just us.", "Leslie: Oh, well, it must be nice not having anyone else... butting in to your relationship.", "Neil: Hey.", "Tyler: Hey, Neil. Good to see you.", "Neil: Good to see you, too.", "Tyler: I got to go, though. I'll see you later.", "Leslie: Okay. Bye.", "Neil: Take care. Wow. Hello, there, beautiful girl.", "Leslie: Oh, hey. Hi.", "Neil: Got that look, you know? You're, uh, thinking.", "Leslie: Yeah, I am... about Gus and the nasty little gift that keeps on giving -- Hilary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: [Chuckles] Now, that was worth you coming back for.", "Mason: [Chuckles]", "Hilary: [Chuckles] And me letting you in.", "Mason: Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. You act like I had to twist your arm. I think all I did was knock.", "Hilary: It was the way you knocked that I found irresistible. [Chuckles] It reminded me of when we met in London. Remember those days?", "Mason: We tore that city up. God, those were some good times. It's different now, though.", "Hilary: Of course it is.", "Mason: Let's go back to London, Amsterdam -- look, anywhere but here.", "Hilary: What? No, I --", "Mason: We had fun. You had passion, fire.", "Hilary: Hey, I still have passion.", "Mason: Yes. But you have a different kind of fire, like it's gonna burn you and everyone else up.", "Hilary: When someone in your family is killed, you fight hard. And if you don't, you might as well be dead, too.", "Mason: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I'm so sorry, Billy.", "Billy: Yeah, so... [Clears throat] Anybody want some of this right here? I think so.", "Abby: Yes.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Abby: Oh, Mom. I missed you.", "Ashley: Hi. I know. I missed you, too, Honey.", "Traci: I missed you, Sis. [Sniffles] [Chuckles] Glad you're here.", "Ashley: I guess you kind of missed this house, too, huh? [Chuckling]", "Abby: Oh, we kind of stayed after the whole pest-control issue was resolved at my place.", "Traci: [Chuckles] It felt right to be here before. But it feels even more right to be here now. This family always stands stronger together.", "Jack: And we always will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You can't let Hilary get inside of that pretty little head of yours.", "Leslie: Well, I mean, it's not like I opened the door and said, \"Hey, come on in.\" She stormed in with a battering ram -- that damn blog.", "Neil: Mm. Well, maybe she's had enough.", "Leslie: She's just taking time to regroup, figure out her next move. Hilary wants everybody to feel her pain, and the thing is I lost my mother to murder. I lost my father to a lie and then to prison and then to a bad heart. I know pain as well as anyone else, and for her to think she can just teach us all some sort of lesson, I --", "Neil: No, no. Wait, wait. Hold on. No. Me -- she's trying to teach me a lesson.", "Leslie: You lost your wife! Okay, Hilary needs to sit her behind down and stop thinking we need to learn something from her.", "Neil: Honey, I am so sorry that I dragged you into this. I have tried my best to make her understand.", "Leslie: Right. You did. And it didn't work. So, you know, maybe someone else can get through to her.", "Neil: I appreciate you trying, but I don't think Hilary's gonna listen to you.", "Leslie: To me, no. But maybe someone else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: You know, you can laugh. I've seen it. Matter of fact, when's the last time you did anything close to laughing?", "Hilary: Some people just take life seriously.", "Mason: You had a big life when I met you. Now your life is this big. It's all about Neil Winters and nothing else. And going after a pay day. You know, that I get, but get the bankroll to go places, do things. Living well is the best revenge, right? Look, this here -- this suite and going after Winters and his family -- is that really all you want to do with your life?", "Hilary: You miss my spark, huh? My fire? Because I don't go pub crawling with you anymore? My spark is where it belongs. It has purpose -- avenging my mother's death. When that is over, I will feel it in my heart. Then we can talk about moving on.", "Mason: Because you're in charge?", "Hilary: You didn't think that...this was gonna change my mind? Oh, no. You couldn't have.", "Mason: Not this. Me. But you know, you're so good and happy on your own. You got it. Look, I'm gone.", "Hilary: Yeah. I've heard that before.", "Mason: Just look after you. I'll look after me.", "Hilary: What am I gonna do without you?", "Mason: Everyone needs someone. By the time you figure that out, I'll be long gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, please.", "Victor: Why are you looking into your will? Are you consulting with Avery?", "Nikki: Yes. I was.", "Victor: About what, though? I there something I should know about your health?", "Nikki: Oh, no. Darling, no. I'm fine.", "Victor: You sure?", "Nikki: I'm positive.", "Victor: Well, Sweetheart, why are you looking at your will?", "Nikki: It's just basic details regarding my estate. It hasn't been updated in years. I've been meaning to do it since the wedding.", "Victor: And if there's something I should know...?", "Nikki: Then I would tell you.", "Victor: You better, okay? We'll talk about this later.", "Nikki: That's fine. Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Promise?", "Nikki: Yes.", "Victor: Okay. Nice to see you, Avery.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. You, too.", "[Door closes]", "Nikki: I'm sorry about that.", "Avery: Really? For what? Having me stand here while you keep information from your husband -- information that Nick and Victoria have a brother and that brother is Dylan? Nikki, how is this even possible?", "Nikki: I know. I'm sorry. Paul arrived, and I didn't even have a chance to explain it to you.", "Avery: No. You explained precious little, but not before I was obligated under attorney/client privilege before you dropped this on me.", "Nikki: Avery, my intention was not to trick you. It -- it was to get your help.", "Avery: Okay, whatever your intention was, you just assumed that I would keep this plan of yours to deceive Dylan and everyone else. I dropped off your document, and I came here to tell you I would rather be disbarred than lie about something like this to Dylan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dylan. Hi.", "Dylan: Victoria, I'm -- I'm sorry. I heard about Delia. I mean, if there's anything that I can do...", "Victoria: Actually, there is. There is something you could do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Come in.", "Victor: Hi.", "Christine: Hey, Victor.", "Victor: Hello, Christine. Nice to see you.", "Christine: You, too.", "Victor: Paul.", "Paul: Victor.", "Victor: Listen, would you mind giving me an update on Delia Abbott's death, and are you any closer to arresting whoever caused it?", "Paul: We are sifting through the evidence, but my team and I don't have time to stop the investigation to give updates. When we have something, you'll hear about it.", "Victor: Well, I hope you don't mind keeping me updated, you know? Because Delia is part of my extended family. And, uh, while you're at it, perhaps you can explain to me why so much time was wasted inspecting Nikki's car.", "Christine: I...think the chief will have to speak for himself.", "Paul: [Sighs] Nikki's car was caught on a surveillance cam near the same time and place as the incident. The department has since eliminated her car as the vehicle involved in the crime, so, uh, it's -- it's that simple. We have to dot our I's, cross our T's. Nikki understood.", "Christine: And that's how investigations take place, how cases are built. Now, every second we spend discussing it is a second we're not devoting to finding Delia's killer.", "Victor: But, listen. Both of you know Nikki. I mean, you know her well enough to know that she would stop for a squirrel if she thought she had hit it. You know her conscience wouldn't allow her to rest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: But you said you've been keeping this secret. Have you or does Dylan already know about our connection?", "Avery: Nikki, he just found out his wife lied about their child, Adam's child. His entire vision of his future has been ripped away from him, and now I have information that could rip away his entire past.", "Nikki: Well, maybe it would be a comfort to him knowing that he's not all alone in the world.", "Avery: His parents were good people. They were kind and loving and honest, or at least he thought so. To find out now that they lied to him, that they didn't tell him he was adopted...", "Nikki: Just so you know, it was his mother's lie. From what I understand, she never told his father.", "Avery: What?! Okay, so -- so Dylan's mother kept this from both of them? Okay, wow. You know, the irony in this is that if Chelsea hadn't confessed, then...Connor would be growing up with the same lie that Dylan did.", "Nikki: Open adoptions are very common these days. There was a time when they weren't.", "Avery: Dylan's mom lied to her husband and her child. The era in which it happened, Nikki, doesn't matter to me.", "Nikki: All right, well, if the lie is the worst part, maybe it's best that Dylan knows.", "Avery: Knowing -- has that helped Summer -- the pain, the trauma?", "Nikki: Well, that's been very difficult.", "Avery: Yes. It turned her entire life upside down and everyone around her. Do you want to inflict that kind of pain on Dylan now?", "Jack: There is one irresistible force, one undeniable entity.", "Abby: Oh, you're not talking about my dad, are you?", "Ashley: That's funny, Abby. He wishes.", "Jack: I was talking about family -- this family, in particular. Wow. This many Abbotts in one room.", "Ashley: With a new addition. We're so happy that you're here, especially now.", "Summer: Look, I know when things are hard, as much as you don't want people around, it helps. It was like that when my mom was in the hospital.", "Ashley: Summer, I'm so sorry about what happened to your mom. The last time I saw her, she was so completely committed to helping Jack when he needed her.", "Summer: Yes. And he's been there for her ever since.", "Ashley: Did you know that he's always loved you, ever since you were a baby?", "Summer: Yes.", "Ashley: And clearly, Phyllis and Nick did a beautiful job of raising you.", "Jack: Okay, Billy. You got her here, and now she's saying nice things about the woman I love.", "[Laughter]", "Billy: She is.", "Abby: Mmm. Have you smelled these muffins? They smell so fresh. What, did you bake these on the plane?", "Ashley: I brought muffins!", "[Laughter]", "Ashley: They're for tomorrow morning -- the traditional Abbott breakfast, of course.", "Traci: Good. I hope everybody can make it back, please. Please say yes.", "Abby: Life always interferes, so why let it, huh? Why don't we do breakfast right now? I'm starving.", "Kyle: You just ate.", "Abby: That was several minutes ago. I'm hungry again.", "Ashley: Well, I certainly never ate on the plane.", "Jack: You know, I am the wizard of omelets. A word of warning -- the youngest always gets orange juice.", "Kyle: You want bacon or sausage?", "Jack: How about both? We got a small army to feed here now.", "Traci: That sounds like a great plan.", "[Indistinct conversations]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: [Chuckles] Well, if it isn't the Winters' legal lapdog. If you have a restraining order or some nonsense libel suit, you can leave it in the trash on the way out.", "Leslie: This is not legal business. This is personal, very personal.", "Hilary: You are out of your league if you think you can intimidate me.", "Leslie: That's right where your mind goes, isn't it? Everyone out to tear someone else down. Well, no. Okay, I am here on a peaceful mission.", "Hilary: Oh. Even better. You are out of your league.", "Leslie: Okay. You don't want to hear from me. That's obvious. But I bet you'd give anything to hear from your mother just one more time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: If you think I can help, name it, please.", "Victoria: [Sighs] It's just that Billy's heart -- it's -- it's in a million pieces right now, you know? And nothing I say or do, nothing anyone says seems to help.", "Dylan: I'm sure whatever you're doing is helping, even if you can't see it.", "Victoria: I know Billy, and I would know if I was getting through to him. I mean, Delia was his life. She was just this beautiful bubble of giggles and joy, and she was that way to everyone. Everyone felt that way about her. I mean, even my father adored her. [Chuckles] So, everybody's in a lot of pain right now, and instead of Billy being able to reach out to anyone, he's just -- he's shutting down, you know?", "Dylan: I -- I'm not sure how I can help that.", "Victoria: Because I know you know loss. You know, I'm sorry to bring that up, but I think that Billy could really use a friend right now -- you know, somebody that's not drowning in all this with him. I think that would really help him. I think that...sometimes, family just -- just -- there's nothing they can do, as much as they want to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, when Dylan s born, I was so young. And the father? Believe me, he's the kind of human being that should never be around children. It would be years before I'd meet Victor.", "Avery: Okay, why delve into this now?", "Nikki: Actually, Katherine set me on this path.", "Avery: And if she hadn't, would you have gone looking for the child?", "Nikki: Well, she did, and I know -- I know that he's here in town, and I know that his parents are gone.", "Avery: You know, Dylan had a wonderful childhood with parents he worshipped. What more could a biological parent ask for?", "Nikki: So, you think it's wrong for me to want more?", "Avery: I think you're being selfish. I think you're thinking about what you want and your feelings, and for you to drag me into this -- it's like -- it's like you want me to -- to tell him this. You want me to tell him the news.", "Nikki: That is absolutely not true! That's not why I told you.", "Avery: Okay, well, then why, when I came in here, the first thing you asked me is \"Did you tell him?\" See, I think you want me to tell him. I think you want to hang back and wait and watch and see if he goes to you, and how could I make a decision like that?", "Nikki: You just told me that you would be willing to be disbarred over this. So, that makes me think that you believe he should know the truth.", "Avery: Yes. There are reasons he...maybe, should know the truth, Nikki. Because he's all alone in the world, and he's lost everything. He's lost his parents, he's lost his wife, his son, not to mention everything that he lost in the war. He's in this world thinking he's all alone, without family, but he has a family. He has you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: How are you going to go about finding this killer?", "Paul: Well, what I can tell you is that we will keep Delia's parents posted, and they, in turn, will inform you.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Now, you were recently appointed as D.A., Christine. Does that mean that you would like a conviction to your credit?", "Christine: I want justice for this and every victim. I want to build a good, strong case that proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we have the right man or woman. Until that happens, we're not backing down.", "Victor: Well, let me ask you. How do we get some movement into this? I mean, do I need to throw money around like Jack Abbott?", "Paul: I understand his impulse and Devon's, as well. But the fact that we have a $1 million reward has done nothing but bring all the wackos out of the woodwork. I mean, maybe we will get a tip we can use, but mostly, it's just a lot of busy work for my guys that lead to nothing. So, please, keep your checkbook closed and let us do our jobs.", "Victor: All right. You do what you have to, and so will I.", "Paul: Okay. Um, do you mind me asking -- what does that mean?", "Victor: [Chuckles] That means my movement is not going to be constricted by issues of reasonable doubt or burden of proof. You two have a nice day.", "Paul: Yeah. Victor, please, do not take matters into your own hands. I ask...", "Victor: Good to see you both.", "Christine: [Chuckles]", "[Door closes]", "Paul: ...You...not...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: And your grandfather was the king of the table.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Ashley: He was the most wonderful father in the world, an incredible patriarch.", "Summer: Yeah. I've -- I've heard a lot about John Abbott.", "Jack: Oh, he would have gotten such a kick out of you. I'm so sorry you didn't get to meet each other.", "Summer: Yeah. It's probably best he didn't know about some of the stupid stuff I've done.", "Traci: [Chuckling] Oh, Summer, you have no idea what Dad's children put him through.", "Jack: She means me.", "Ashley: No, I think she means all of us.", "Traci: No.", "[Laughter]", "Ashley: He would have treated you just the way he treated all of us, right? Unconditional love.", "Jack: More than anybody else, he had a way of knowing what was in our hearts and our minds.", "Ashley: That's true.", "Jack: Always find the right words to say to get us through, to make our day a little bit better. Billy, if he was here right now, he'd have the right words for you. I'm sorry I don't.", "Ashley: He is here, Jack. And he's going to be with us tomorrow at the cemetery.", "Billy: [Sighs] I better get home.", "Ashley: Billy, please.", "Traci: Billy, we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. But tomorrow's going to happen. We all just want to help you be prepared for it as best as anyone can be.", "Billy: Right. Yeah. I appreciate that. I love you. I'll see you there tomorrow.", "Jack: Billy, I'll go with you.", "Ashley: No, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: Yo. Tell me that's your Ferrari outside. Huh? What's up? Man, you take my advice and get a little something to enjoy?", "Devon: Your advice? 'Cause I would listen to you? You want some advice from me? Go to hell and take your partner, Hilary, with you.", "Mason: Look, man. It was a big mistake getting caught up in Hilary's mess. I'll be regretting that woman for a very long time.", "Devon: Yeah. You're damn right.", "Mason: You never picked the wrong woman, do all kind of stuff to make her happy, and then wish you hadn't?", "Devon: If you're asking if I've ever been a big enough chump to deliberately try and ruin a family because some woman smiled at me, no. I can't say I've done that.", "Victor: Is there a problem here?", "Devon: Not at all. In fact, Mason was just about to walk away.", "Victor: You be careful with that fellow, okay? I've been meaning to talk to you. Do you mind if I sit down?", "Devon: Not at all. Please.", "Victor: You know, Devon, what you did in offering that generous reward for information regarding Delia's death -- that's very nice. That's what great wealth is for -- to lead and to take charge.", "Devon: Well, thank you. I think so, too.", "Victor: You have good instincts, but let me warn you, with great wealth comes enormous responsibility.", "Devon: Well, I know that Katherine trusted me with it, and I trust her, too.", "Victor: As do I. Now, Katherine was very deliberate in her will. If you read between the lines, you surmise her message.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: My mother? You have the nerve to talk about my mother when you go to bed with the man who left her to die? Wow.", "Leslie: Okay, you know what? I should have thought of this sooner. You loved her. She was a part of you, and these belong to you.", "Hilary: What are these?", "Leslie: They're letters from your mother to my father, probably his most precious belongings -- Rose's words, her handwriting. Listen, Neil has tried so many times to make me understand your pain, and frankly, I just -- I couldn't because I have too much of my own. But here are your mother's words. Okay, maybe they'll help, and maybe you will see that the way she died is not what you think. I truly am sorry for your loss.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: I just wanted to check on you. But, you know, if your mom's visiting, I can --", "Abby: No, no. Um...well, things are pretty miserable around here. You probably don't want to deal with this.", "Tyler: No. If you want me to stay, I'm here. You know that I am wherever you need me to be.", "Abby: Stay. Please. Here.", "Tyler: Hello. Or, uh, should I say, \"Good morning\"? [Chuckling]", "Jack: Nicely done.", "Traci: Hi, there. We're just, um, having a little family tradition, you know? Um, we're trying to make sure that Billy knows he's got a whole family of people who want to help him get through this.", "Jack: Right now, it's on Abby's mom, Ashley. We're all praying that she can get through to Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: How long are you gonna sit there?", "Ashley: For as long as you need me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: If you could just -- just work with me on this, because you know him so well.", "Avery: What do you want me to do, Nikki? You want me to suss him out and report back to you his thoughts and his feelings and expose him and betray him so he makes the decision here?!", "Nikki: No. I don't want him to feel betrayed, certainly not for my sake, but -- but you know him so well. You know his past, you know his present, and if I could just know a little of what you know -- what kind of friends does he have? What are his dreams? What kind of books does he read? I mean, anything. If --", "Avery: Nikki, I fixed your will. The lifetime you lost with your son -- I can't get that back for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Of course I will be here for Billy. The second he's ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen. And you're right. I can relate. But you're coming to me about Billy. Who's looking out for you?", "Victoria: I was really lucky to have Dee Dee in my life. But right now, my job is just to be there for Billy and Johnny. Dee Dee had this wand. It was this light-up wand, and Johnny would go crazy laughing anytime she'd wave it around. He's not gonna remember that. He's not gonna remember her, and that kills me. [Sighs] You know what? I came here to get an oatmeal cookie for Johnny, 'cause he loves them. They're his favorite. They're -- it's no magic light-up wand, but --", "Dylan: Cookies can be magic, I think.", "Victoria: You think so?", "Dylan: Yeah, yeah. But for me, it's always been, you know, chocolate.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah? Me, too. I love chocolate.", "Dylan: How about this -- a couple oatmeal for Johnny and a couple of chocolate for you? And I'm glad you came for Billy's sake and for Johnny's, but this is your grief, too. And it's okay to need someone to lean on yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know, Devon, your grandmother Katherine Chancellor was a remarkable woman. And she handled her estate with great care. Now, she wanted you to inherit the bulk of her wealth and give me the company. I think there was a reason.", "Devon: You believe it's a reason deeper than just me being her grandson and you a close friend?", "Victor: Yeah. I think she wanted you to have the wealth and power and someone to guide you.", "Devon: Well, with all due respect, Sir, I honestly don't know what Katherine was thinking.", "Victor: I understand that. Now, you re-read her will, and if you begin to surmise what she had hoped for you, if you have any questions, you contact me, okay?", "Devon: I will do that. Thank you.", "Victor: All right. You're quite welcome. Thank you. Neil, how are you?", "Neil: Fancy seeing you here, Victor.", "Victor: Nice to see you.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Victor: All right. You know how to get a hold of me.", "Devon: I do.", "Victor: Nice to see you. Everything okay?", "Neil: Yeah. Things are good.", "Victor: Great. Uh-huh.", "Devon: Hey, Dad.", "Neil: Hey, Son. What was that? Victor working you?", "Devon: No. I-I think he just wanted to give me some advice. He said that he thinks it's what Katherine wanted.", "Neil: Ah. What Katherine wanted. Did he now?", "Devon: Yeah. What's the matter? You don't trust him?", "Neil: You know, I've kind of told you this before. Um, Victor is an excellent businessman, but don't get it twisted. He always, always has an agenda. You, me, anyone else not in his family will always be lowest on the priority list. Now, your grandmother, she left you a fortune. She trusted me, intimately, to run her business. Now, if you're gonna be a player in this game, you've got to keep a sharp eye out for people you can trust and people you can't. Hey. You know I love you, Kid.", "Devon: I love you, too.", "Neil: It's gonna be fine. [Chuckles] Hey. Hey, you.", "Leslie: Hey.", "Neil: How did it go?", "Leslie: Hilary or Ann or whatever her name is, she is one ball of hate and misery. Yeah, but she has Rose's letters now, so if we can't get through to her, maybe her mother can.", "Neil: Oh, boy.", "Leslie: Yeah.", "Neil: There are some difficult truths in those pages. A hard thing to learn that your parents weren't exactly saints, right?", "Leslie: Rose made her own choices. She made her own mistakes. All right? It's not your fault she drank, and it is not your fault she died.", "Neil: Okay, Leslie. I really appreciate you trying. Honestly, though, I think Hilary is too far gone to let it go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Go home, Ash. Tell them I'm fine. Tell them they don't have to worry about me.", "Ashley: You want me to lie to the people that love you most, Billy?", "Billy: How is that any more of a lie than what's going on in that house? We're all just pretending that it's okay.", "Ashley: What happened to Delia's not okay. Nobody thinks that it's okay.", "Billy: But we're all pretending that we're gonna get through it. I'm pretending that we're gonna get through it, and I just don't want to pretend right now.", "Ashley: You don't have to pretend. Look at me. Just look at me. Nobody knows better than me what this kind of grief can do to a person, how it squeezes every tear out of your eyes. It squeezes every breath out of you, and it squeezes every thought out of your head. More than once, that was my only reality. [Voice breaking] Billy, you know that I lived in that place of fear and pain and excruciating loss. You and Jack brought me back from that place, Bill. [Sniffles] And I'm -- I'm scared. I don't want you to slip away. Okay?", "Billy: I can't do it, Ash. I can't go back to the house and talk about a cemetery or talk about the service. Bury your daughter -- it's not right, and I can't do it, and I -- I can't go tomorrow.", "Ashley: I hate this so much. I'm sorry, but I think you have to go, Billy. For yourself and for Chloe and, most of all, you have to go for Delia, you know? You do. You do, Billy. You got to say goodbye to your little girl.", "Billy: I failed her, Ashley. I failed my little girl. I wasn't there when she needed me, but, hey, I'm gonna go tomorrow, and I'm gonna listen to the minister. And I'm gonna look at that hole in the ground. I'm gonna put dirt on her casket. My kid's gonna be in a casket, and I'm gonna put dirt on it. [Sniffles] But I failed her. [Voice breaking] And I wasn't there when she needed me. Her entire life, whenever she was afraid... [Crying] She would hold my hand. She was scared, and I wasn't there to hold her hand.", "Ashley: I'm so sorry. You know what? She's not scared now. And maybe for now or...tomorrow and God knows for how long, Billy, in a way, you can just let Delia hold your hand so you won't be scared.", "Billy: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm not sure Billy was ready for tonight.", "Traci: Jack, I don't think anyone could ever be ready for the first days after you lose a child. But it doesn't mean that we should ever stop trying.", "Jack: Well, omelets and muffins didn't work. I'm not sure what's next.", "Summer: Um, maybe this is dumb, but --", "Jack: There are no dumb ideas at this point.", "Kyle: Yeah. Go on. Just say it.", "Abby: You can't be an Abbott and not speak your mind. It's physically impossible. [Chuckles]", "Summer: Well, it's not gonna change anything. I mean, it's not gonna make Billy stop hurting, but it's something for us all to do together, a way for all of us Abbotts to honor Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Wow. That was quick.", "Victor: Well...come here, Honey. [Smooches] Now... I've been thinking about you revisiting your will. Is there something you're not telling me?", "Nikki: Darling, I feel fine. I am absolutely fine, I promise you. Really, this -- this all goes back to losing Katherine. I mean, one can't simply wait for their affairs to be in order, and I've also been reminded that...we have to cherish and protect the ones that we love while we can, like sweet little Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I just got the lab report back on the piece of plastic. No weather erosion, so it hadn't been there long, so it definitely could have broken off at the time of impact.", "Christine: It's Cinderella's slipper. So, we have to find the head lamp that plastic fits into.", "Paul: Well, the good news is there is a partial serial number etched into the plastic. That should narrow down the search, so we are that much closer to finding justice for Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: When Billy's ready to talk, I'm here. You let him know, and I'll let him know, too.", "Victoria: Thanks. Billy's really lucky to have a friend like you, Dylan. I'm glad you're here.", "Dylan: Same goes for you about talking, you know, if you need an ear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You should go home, be with the family.", "Ashley: I'm fine here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Delia Abbott, this family will hold you in our hearts forever. [Smooches]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: Ready to say goodbye to our little girl?", "Minister: We're here today to celebrate and honor the life of Delia Abbott, a life cut tragically and unexpectedly short." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Chelsea is working on a new dress design when Billy comes downstairs and lets her know that he wants to make some changes in the bedroom. Victoria walks into the lab and is impressed with the setup. As Victoria picks up a file, Ashley comes in and catches her. At the Athletic Club dining room, Lauren and Jill discuss business and Madam Isadora boosting their sales with the séance readings. In his office, Michael is looking up information about prostate cancer when Kevin walks in and interrupts him. Kevin asks him what he is doing, but Michael refuses to tell him anything. Chelsea lets Billy know that there will be no changes in the bedroom. Billy goes upstairs to finish packing when Chelsea goes over to the cabinet and takes out the handkerchief that Adam gave her on their wedding day. Maureen is against Ben telling Victoria the truth about his father's death when they hear a noise coming from the bathroom. Ashley wants to know what Victoria is doing there. Victoria lies and tells her that she is there to see Abby but then tells Ashley that she wants to discuss Ben. Kevin asks Michael what he doesn't want him to see on the computer but Michael refuses to tell him. Billy notices the costume on the sofa and is against Connor going as a sheep. Ben asks Maureen about the noise in the bathroom, but she refuses to tell him that Nikki is there. When Ben leaves, Nikki confronts Maureen about the fact that Ben didn't kill his father at all.", "Lauren comes to visit Michael to take him to lunch. He lies that he has to go to a deposition but forgets his briefcase. Lauren gets a call and cannot take him his briefcase, so she sends Kevin instead. When Kevin finds him, Michael is on the phone and tells the person that he is glad that he didn't call the house. Kevin confronts him if he is having an affair which Michael denies. Jill comes to visit Billy at the condo and is against him moving in with Chelsea, but Billy tells her that he is in love with Chelsea. Chelsea visits the chapel to say good-bye to Adam. Chelsea comes home and tells Billy she loves him. A mystery woman steals the handkerchief that Chelsea left at the chapel.", "" ]
[ "Maureen: Ben, you're upset. You don't know what you're saying.", "Stitch: Oh, the hell I don't.", "Maureen: Let's go downstairs and we'll get something to eat, and then we will talk.", "Stitch: We've talked about it, mom, ad nauseam. The outcome is always the same. You want me to keep living a lie.", "Maureen: I want what's best for the family.", "Stitch: So do I, and that's why it's time. People need to know I didn't kill my old man.", "Ashley: Yes, finally. The remodel is finished on the lab. Security system's gonna be installed by the end of the week, and then my chemist can finally get to work. Yeah. That's why I'm calling. I need that paperwork A.S.A.P. I'm meeting with the patent attorney. N-no. Next week is definitely too late. I'm -- I'm meeting them in Madison tomorrow. I'm bringing somebody with me, yeah, but not from legal. Hold on a second. Oh, you know what? Can you make sure I get that paperwork A.S.A.P.? I have another call. Okay. Thanks so much. Pete, how are you? Yes, I just have to get it from accounting. Why don't you come along with me? So... [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Abby? Wow. Nice.", "Billy: Hey. How's my favorite fashion dummy?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] You better be talking about her. How's the unpacking coming along?", "Billy: Actually, I had to stop. Um...moving in here was harder than I thought it was gonna be.", "Chelsea: Are you having second thoughts?", "Billy: You know, I thought this -- I was certain that this was the right thing to do. You know, I was looking forward to my life with you. And then -- and then I got a good look at your closet.", "Chelsea: You don't touch my closet.", "Billy: Had to make some changes.", "Chelsea: What kinds of changes?", "Billy: Called a charity. They're coming by to pick up two walls of clothes you never wear.", "Chelsea: That's not funny. Don't joke about that.", "Billy: Come on, Chels. Your closet looks like Fenmore's department store. I had to make an executive decision.", "Chelsea: Didn't your mother ever tell you not to mess with the contents of a woman's closet?!", "Billy: I'm just kidding. I'm not gonna mess with your closet. I'll just take, you know, everything I own and put it in a half a drawer in the corner.", "Chelsea: No, no, no. No, it's okay. I mean, if you want to make a few changes, I'm okay with that.", "Billy: Good, 'cause there's one change I definitely want to make.", "Lauren: Did you get the latest financial reports from accounting?", "Jill: Yes. Roger sent them to me earlier.", "Lauren: Pretty amazing, all the sale spikes from that in-store promotion.", "Jill: Better than I expected.", "Lauren: You just will not admit that Madame Isadora is the reason, will you?", "Jill: We got a nice bump, okay? I don't really think that's because some stupid psychic gave our customers free readings.", "Lauren: Oh, really? Have you seen all the comments on the internet? Have you even been on it this morning?", "Jill: Yes, I have. Watched a couple of cat videos, took a quiz to see if I would have survived the titanic.", "Lauren: So then you know.", "Jill: Listen, I would have thought that our customers would have more refined tastes.", "Lauren: Oh. Are you saying that you didn't have a reading?", "Jill: I don't believe in all that hooey.", "Lauren: Well, I do. And if what Madame Isadora said is true... we're in trouble.", "Michael: \"A prostate biopsy, also called a core needle biopsy, is performed by a urologist, a doctor who specializes in the urinary system and men's sex organs. Your urologist may recommend a prostate biopsy if results from initial tests, such as prostate-specific antigen, PSA, suggest you may have prostate cancer.", "Kevin: Hey! What are you up to, mike?", "Chelsea: So, what's this change you want to make, hmm? You want to put a giant slide instead of the stairwell? Put a frozen yogurt machine in the kitchen?", "Billy: Hmm. Both good ideas, but, no -- it's about the bed.", "Chelsea: Oh, you are not getting my side.", "Billy: Actually --", "Chelsea: Nope. No. Non-negotiable.", "Billy: Just hear me out.", "Chelsea: Look, I'm okay with football all day Sunday, crumbs on the countertops. I'll even put up with dirty socks on the floor. No changes in the bedroom. Excuse me.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Chelsea: Hello? Hey. Yes. I'm actually working on it right now. I'll have the sketches to you by the end of the day. Does that sound good? Okay. Talk to you soon. Bye.", "Billy: Uh, Chels... what is this?", "Chelsea: Connor's Halloween costume. I made it, and I made mine. I'm going as Mary, and he's gonna be my little lamb. Look. Look! I even have a shepherd's crook.", "Billy: No. No. You cannot subject your son to future years of humiliation. That's just --", "Chelsea: Billy, he's just a baby. Nobody's gonna make fun of him for wearing that.", "Billy: Maybe not now, but the internet is forever, Chels. Throwback Thursday, all that?", "Chelsea: Well, if Connor's not my little lamb, who will be?", "Billy: Well, I've always been something of a black sheep.", "Chelsea: Ooh!", "Billy: That and I've got a thing for bonnets and bloomers.", "Chelsea: Hmm. Since when?", "Billy: Ever since I found out that you're gonna be wearing them.", "Maureen: You're talking crazy, Ben.", "Stitch: Victoria needs to know what happened the night dad died.", "Maureen: That won't change anything!", "Stitch: If Victoria knows the truth --", "Maureen: The truth is that you lied about being in jail and then you covered it up by taking someone else's identity. There's no way you're gonna square that with Victoria.", "Stitch: You were the one who told me I should fight for what I want, that I shouldn't let love slip away.", "Maureen: Yeah. You show her what you want. You focus on the future, on this job, and on this baby that could be yours. Forget about the past, Ben.", "Stitch: How on earth can I do that when it keeps coming back to ruin my life? I've already lost Jenna and max. I will not lose Victoria and this baby, too.", "[Clattering]", "Stitch: What was that?", "Ashley: What are you doing?!", "Victoria: Oh. Hi. Uh, well, I just came by to see Abby, and the door to the lab was open. I know you're working on this top-secret project, so I just thought I might find her in here.", "Ashley: Yeah, but instead, you found this.", "Victoria: I wasn't looking in your file, Ashley, okay? I did, however, notice the work that you've done on the lab.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, it was overdue for an update.", "Victoria: Yeah. There's updating, and then there's this. Very impressive. I hear you're sparing no expense when it comes to security, either.", "Ashley: [Sighs] Is that what you hear?", "Victoria: You guys must be investing a fortune into this fragrance. I guess you and Jack are expecting a big payoff.", "Ashley: Victoria, Abby's in a marketing meeting. You can wait for her in the lobby upstairs.", "Victoria: Right. I didn't come by just to see Abby.", "Ashley: Okay. Then why are you here?", "Victoria: I want to talk to you about Ben.", "Lauren: Aren't you gonna ask? I know you are dying to.", "Jill: I am not the least bit interested in what some psychic who gets paid by the hour has to say.", "Lauren: So, you don't want to know anything about the man who's putting us in jeopardy?", "Jill: There's a man? That's what she said?", "Lauren: She said to beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. \"He has an Australian accent and just happens to be married to your sister.\"", "Jill: She did not say that.", "Lauren: All right. So, maybe she didn't. But I still think you should be keeping an eye on your husband.", "Jill: I don't have to. Colin has been on his very best behavior lately. And you cannot deny that taking him in as partner on this new boutique has been anything but a bonus.", "Lauren: He can be smart.", "Jill: Smart? He is brilliant, okay? You know, I talked to him about the problems that Newman-chancellor has been having in their construction division -- you know, that Pelton thing. He knew immediately how to fix it.", "Lauren: I didn't realize you were paying such close attention to chancellor.", "Jill: Hmph. If Katherine had left chancellor to me instead of trusting it to Victor, the profits would be soaring right now.", "Lauren: Well, then you can make Fenmore's profits soar, and you have an added bonus -- you get to work with your husband.", "Jill: That is one of the perks of this job, I must say.", "Lauren: You know, I don't remember the last time that we both were just so personally and professionally content.", "Jill: Oh, my lord. Does this mean that you and Michael have been spending some quality time together?", "Lauren: Yes, we have.", "Jill: Oh, I'm so happy for you!", "Lauren: And I'm happy for you, too.", "Jill: Oh, yeah, right.", "Lauren: After everything that Michael and I went through last year, we're in such a good place. I just want everyone to be as happy as we are. [Chuckles]", "Kevin: What is it you don't want me to see -- dirty website?", "Michael: I'm doing research on a case.", "Kevin: So, why are you being so weird and secretive about it?", "Michael: It's called \"being professional\" -- not revealing the confidential information of a client. Now, did you come here for a reason, other than to harass me?", "Kevin: I came by to thank you, but now I'm having second thoughts.", "Michael: Thank me for what?", "Kevin: For putting a rush on Mariah's annulment.", "Michael: I'm glad I could help. Now, if that --", "Kevin: Yeah. It meant a lot to her. She really appreciated it. She wanted me to tell you thank you.", "Michael: Well, tell her she's welcome.", "Kevin: I just wish that gratitude was extended toward me. I mean, I basically whisked her off to a hotel, kept her safe while that whack-job cult-leader husband of hers was put into police custody, but I guess that didn't even warrant a \"thank you.\"", "Michael: I guess not.", "Kevin: Anytime she needs a date to a wedding or a ride out of town on a Harley, she calls me, but it's -- are you even listening to me?", "Michael: I'm thinking about this case.", "Kevin: Oh. I guess it's a lot more interesting than what I'm saying.", "Michael: There's a lot at stake.", "Kevin: Is it anything you want to talk about?", "Michael: It's just... I like to be in control. I like to be prepared. But this one's unpredictable, and I'm not sure I'm ready for the outcome.", "Kevin: Sounds like a tough one.", "Michael: Yeah, could be the toughest of my life.", "Ashley: So, you want to talk to me about Ben?", "Victoria: Seeing you in the park with him the other day made me realize something.", "Ashley: Okay. Please tell me this isn't about the conversation you thought you heard about him kissing me.", "Victoria: It's not.", "Ashley: Just so you know, my relationship with him is strictly professional.", "Victoria: That's what I'd like to talk to you about.", "Ashley: Really -- Ben working for me?", "Victoria: It just seems strange to me that you would hire somebody like him. I mean, he has no professional experience as a chemist, and this is a very sensitive project, and --", "Ashley: Well, he was a chemistry major in college.", "Victoria: You see? That's what I mean. You seem to know more about him than I do, and you're working closely together. You're getting to know him better.", "Ashley: I suppose.", "Victoria: In spite of everything you know about him, you trust him.", "Ashley: Okay. What's your point?", "Victoria: Somehow, you were able to look past all of the things that he's done and you see a good man.", "Ashley: I'm really not sure what you want me to say.", "Victoria: Neither am I.", "Ashley: Because I am Billy's sister, you know, Victoria, and it's very strange for me. It's awkward if you're trying to get me say something that makes you turn to Ben.", "Victoria: Not choosing Ben doesn't mean I'm gonna choose Billy.", "Ashley: I know that you and Billy have been through a lot. I still believe the two of you belong together.", "Victoria: Well, maybe somebody should have told him that before he decided to move in with Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Unh-unh-unh. I am not going to change my mind about Connor's costume.", "Billy: There are so many other cool costumes out there.", "Chelsea: Well, I like this one.", "Billy: You dress him up like lambchop, you're gonna scar him for life.", "Chelsea: Okay. What other cool costume would you suggest that's not gonna cause him irreparable emotional damage?", "Billy: You could make him a baseball player -- give him a tiny ball and a bat and maybe he could actually give you a few pointers.", "Chelsea: Or I could dress him as a surfer dude. Then I could give him the pointers.", "Billy: See? That's a great idea!", "Chelsea: I was joking.", "Billy: Why? I'm sure they have those tiny surfboards. He'd be, like, the hippest trick-or-treater out there.", "Chelsea: And the coldest. It's supposed to be in the 40s on Halloween. I think I'll stick to the lamb costume.", "Billy: Okay, but I'm telling you, that is a ba-a-a-a-d idea.", "Chelsea: [Laughing] Oh, no. That is terrible.", "Billy: My lame jokes are just one of the many reasons that you love me. [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Uh, I should get back to work. Excuse me.", "Billy: Yeah. And I should, uh... finish unpacking, so...", "Stitch: That noise came from the bathroom.", "Maureen: It did. It's the pipes. They're always making noise.", "Stitch: Want me to check 'em out?", "Maureen: No. No. Honey, now, I know that this has been very hard for you, but, you know, there is nothing that you can say that can wipe the slate clean with Victoria. And things could get worse, you know, and not just for me, but think of your sister.", "Stitch: I have... every single day since dad died.", "Maureen: Look, but please don't -- don't do anything rash, okay?", "Stitch: [Sighs] I got to get to work.", "Maureen: Benji...", "Stitch: Look, I'll take some time before I make a decision.", "Maureen: Thank you. Go on to work, then. Don't want to make a bad impression.", "Stitch: [Scoffs] It's a little too late for that.", "Nikki: So, stitch didn't kill his father?", "Michael: I told you I'd get that brief to you. When I do -- that's when!", "Kevin: Hey, when did my cool, calm, collected brother start behaving like a crazy person?", "Michael: I told you I --", "Kevin: Yeah, I know -- it's a tough case, the toughest of your career. You know, it might help to talk about it.", "Lauren: Hey. You can talk to me. Hi.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Michael: What are you doing here?", "Lauren: I came to take my husband to lunch, but I can always lend an ear.", "Michael: Honey, I'm so sorry. I have got to get to a deposition.", "Lauren: Oh. All right. Well, then, what about a late lunch?", "Michael: I'll be tied up all afternoon. But I will see you at home.", "Lauren: Yes.", "Michael: [Smooches] I love you tons.", "Lauren: you tons. What was that about?", "Kevin: Well, he says some case he's been working on has him tied up in knots.", "Lauren: Yeah. Oh, dear. It must be really getting to him. He forgot his briefcase.", "Kevin: Oh. Well, that is not going to pick up his mood.", "Lauren: No, not exactly. All right. Let me see if I can catch him. I don't want him to be unprepared for -- shoot.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Lauren: Ugh. This is that buyer I've been wanting to talk to.", "Kevin: Here. You know what? You take that. I'm gonna run this out to him.", "Lauren: Are you sure?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Lauren: Okay. Kate.", "Michael: Look, I'm sorry. I'm running late. No. I'm glad you didn't call my house. I don't want my wife knowing about this.", "Billy: Chels?", "[Doorbell rings]", "Billy: I'll get it.", "Jill: What the hell is the matter with you, honey?", "Billy: Mom. Come on in.", "Jill: Do you know where I just was?", "Billy: Ooh, 20 questions. Bigger than a bread box?", "Jill: At the Abbott house, and do you know who is not there any longer?", "Billy: Wait. Wait. I know this one.", "Jill: This is not funny!", "Billy: Which part?", "Jill: Couldn't you at least have told me that you moved out of Jack's house?", "Billy: You know what? You're right, mom. I should have put you first, especially when Phyllis is just moving back in from being in a coma for a year. The upheaval that's caused Jack and his life, as well as my own screwed- up life -- what was I thinking?", "Jill: You gave up the best thing that ever happened to you, Billy, to move in here with a woman -- she was married to Adam, to Adam Newman, the monster who drove the car that k-- why have you done this?", "Billy: [Sighs] Honestly, mom... I'm not exactly sure.", "Ashley: You're serious? Billy and Chelsea are living together?", "Victoria: Yeah. He's moving in to her penthouse.", "Ashley: Well, I mean, I knew that they were seeing each other, but I had no idea it was serious -- at least not on Billy's part.", "Victoria: Who knows what Billy's thinking these days?", "Ashley: I think he's still lost. He's still grieving over Delia. You know that, right? I think this whole thing with Chelsea is just his way of trying to find his way back. And eventually, he will. I think he's gonna find his way back to you.", "Victoria: It's too late, Ashley.", "Ashley: What are you doing here? Do you want me to tell you that Ben's the guy you should be with?", "Victoria: No. I'm just looking for some answers, and Ben keeps telling me to give him a chance to make things right.", "Ashley: But you don't think you should?", "Victoria: I just get the feeling that he's holding something back. And I can't be with somebody that I don't trust. That's what destroyed my marriage to Billy.", "Ashley: Ben's not Billy.", "Victoria: Do you know something about Ben that I don't?", "Nikki: If Ben didn't kill your husband, who did?", "Maureen: You misunderstood, Nikki. Want another drink?", "Nikki: No, I don't want a drink. I want to know what Ben was referring to when he said that the truth should come out about his father's murder.", "Maureen: This is nothing that you have to worry about.", "Nikki: Maureen, my daughter may be having your son's child. Now, he's already lied to her once about his past. If there's something else that she needs to know about, I'd really like you to tell me.", "Maureen: Ben has had... a hard time coming to terms with what happened the night his father died. You know, he -- he'd like to think it's an accident.", "Nikki: Do you think that?", "Maureen: Well, my husband, Richard, was an abusive son of a bitch, and Ben was just a kid, so, no, I don't think he was entirely responsible for what happened.", "Nikki: But the police discovered evidence that pointed to murder?", "Maureen: That's why Ben confessed. He thought it was the right thing to do. But it's been hard for him dealing with the consequences.", "Nikki: Maureen, you have to have the police reopen this case! I mean, all these years have gone by. There have been a lot of changes in the forensics field.", "Maureen: No, that's not gonna happen.", "Nikki: Why wouldn't you want to clear your son?", "Jill: So, you admit you're making a mistake, moving in here with Chelsea?", "Billy: I didn't say that.", "Jill: Well, what are you saying?", "Billy: About this topic? Nothing.", "Jill: See? That speaks volumes.", "Billy: Oh, could we not just have one conversation where you don't put your own personal spin on everything that I say?", "Jill: Yes, we could, if you would be honest with me.", "Billy: You want honesty? I don't regret moving in here with Chelsea -- okay? -- Because... I've fallen in love with her.", "Jill: Meaning?", "Billy: Exactly what I said, mom! I love Chelsea.", "Jill: Oh, you think you love her.", "Billy: Oh, for god's sake.", "Jill: No, no, no. You've just had your heart broken, honey. You don't know what you're feeling right now.", "Billy: Mom... the only heart that I have questions about is Chelsea's, because she's holding back or [Sighs] Or holding on.", "Jill: To what?", "Billy: Adam.", "Chelsea: I'm back. [Sighs] I know this is a really strange place for me to be having one of our conversations. I wish I could be in one of our special places, like the front porch of your farmhouse. [Sighs] But I can't get to Kansas right now, and I can't put this off any longer. I need you to do something for me. It's really important.", "Michael: I'll see you then. Bye.", "Kevin: Well, it doesn't sound like you're headed to a deposition.", "Michael: Were you eavesdropping?", "Kevin: Yes. You forgot your briefcase. Lucky Lauren didn't bring it out to you.", "Michael: It's not what you think, Kevin.", "Kevin: Oh. So, you're not planning on doing something that's gonna take all afternoon, something you don't want your wife to know about?", "Michael: Don't be ridiculous, Kevin. I'm not having an affair. I wish people would stop accusing me of that. Have you seen my wife? I would have to be an absolute idiot to walk out on her.", "Kevin: I didn't say anything about an affair. What was that phone call about?", "Michael: None of your business.", "Kevin: Here. Here's your briefcase. Lauren didn't want you to be unprepared for your meeting. Guess there's no worry in that happening, right?", "Michael: Let it go.", "Lauren: [Sighs] Did you catch him?", "Kevin: Uh, yeah. I caught him.", "Victoria: Well? Is there something that you know about Ben that I don't?", "Ashley: I know he's a great chemist and seems to be very loyal. He loves his son. He's somebody that I trust.", "Victoria: Is that all?", "Ashley: That's enough for me. Do you need something more? Is that what you're doing here? Now that you know that Chelsea and Billy are gonna be living together, are you looking for somebody to give you a reason to love Ben?", "Victoria: No. No. One thing has nothing to do with the other.", "Ashley: Did you ever have to look for a reason to love Billy?", "Victoria: No.", "Ashley: That should tell you something.", "Stitch: Sorry I'm late, Ashley.", "Ashley: That's okay.", "Stitch: Victoria. [Chuckles] Am I interrupting something?", "Ashley: No.", "Victoria: No. I --", "Ashley: She was looking for Abby.", "Victoria: Yeah. I'm gonna actually head up and see if I can catch her. It was nice talking to you, Ashley.", "Ashley: You, too. Hello.", "Stitch: Hi.", "Ashley: So, you finally decided to make your way in to work, huh?", "Stitch: Yeah. Had kind of a crazy night last night. As a matter of fact, I should probably tell you something.", "Ashley: That the beds in lockup are super lumpy?", "Stitch: You know.", "Ashley: I do know that you spent the night in jail. Now we have to talk about your future with Jabot.", "Nikki: Maureen, if there's something Victoria should know --", "Maureen: Oh, there isn't.", "Nikki: Well, then, why on earth wouldn't you do anything possible to help your son?", "Maureen: Clinging to the past isn't gonna help Ben any, and it's certainly not gonna be any good for Kelly. She's got so much going on now.", "Nikki: Look, I'm not trying to start trouble with your family. I'm just trying to protect my own. And I just have this feeling that you're holding something back -- something that Victoria should know about.", "Maureen: You know, this is a private matter. And I'd like it to stay that way. I think you understand that, don't you? I mean, after all, you've relied on my discretion.", "Nikki: Yes, I suppose.", "Maureen: Then I can count on you to not reveal my conversation with Ben.", "Lauren: What did Michael say?", "Kevin: Um, just that, uh, he didn't want to be late for his meeting.", "Lauren: Oh. All right. Well, seeing that he couldn't make lunch, I think I'm going to put together a very special romantic surprise for him when he gets home.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, I don't know if he deserves that.", "Lauren: Why not?", "Kevin: Uh, you know, just because he blew you off for lunch.", "Lauren: He had a prior commitment. You can't blame him for that. I just hope what I am planning will take his mind off his case.", "Kevin: Me, too.", "Lauren: I'd better get going. So nice to see you.", "Kevin: You, too. Bye.", "Dr. Botnik: Do you have any questions?", "Michael: Well, it's clear what's going to happen during the procedure. What about after? What should I expect?", "Dr. Botnik: You'll be sore for a few days, and then I expect to see you back on the golf course.", "Michael: [Chuckles] You said I'll need to take an antibiotic.", "Dr. Botnik: To reduce the risk of infection, yes. I'll write you a prescription.", "Michael: When should I expect the results of the biopsy?", "Dr. Botnik: A few days.", "Michael: Then we'll know what we're dealing with.", "Dr. Botnik: Try to keep the worrying to a minimum in the meantime.", "Michael: Do I look worried?", "Dr. Botnik: I'm gonna go get prepped for the test.", "Michael: Okay.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Chelsea: This is what I brought you. I remember the day you gave it to me. [Sighs] It was mine -- something old at our first wedding. [Sniffles, sighs] That was the beginning of our life together. [Sighs] It's funny. It somehow showed up in Connor's nursery. It reminded me of... the life we almost had. I never thought that I could find that kind of happiness with anybody else. I never thought that... anybody else would ever put up with me like you did... [Crying] Or see the best in me or... demand the best in me. But I have. And you're not gonna like it, but... it's with Billy. [Chuckles] What, no thunder? No lightning? [Crying] I have to let go, Adam. I have to be free to live my life, and I can't do that if you're haunting my dreams or if you're making me believe that you're sending me gifts so I don't forget our past. I'm ready to move on, but I can't do that if you're still in my head. You will always be in my heart, but I-I-I can't deny the feelings I have for Billy. [Sniffles] I love you, Adam. It's time for me to say goodbye.", "Billy: All right, guys. It's the last bedroom at the end of the hall. Thanks.", "Jill: How much furniture are you -- never mind. I don't want to know. I don't want to know anything 'cause I disagree with all of this.", "Billy: Gee, I never would have guessed.", "Jill: Well, can you blame me, Billy? You just finished admitting to me that Chelsea is still carrying a torch for that piece of human garbage that killed your daughter.", "Billy: I just need to convince her that her heart is in the wrong place.", "Jill: Baby, I'm not worried about her heart. I'm worried about yours, 'cause I know it's still with Victoria.", "Billy: Mom, it is over with me and Vicki, and I wish everyone would get that through their thick skulls.", "Jill: Okay. Say that this child that Victoria is carrying turns out to be yours, Billy. How over is it then, huh?", "Ashley: So, those are your choices. What's it gonna be?", "Stitch: I think I'll take option number 2.", "Ashley: You sure?", "Stitch: I am. I mean, it looks nice. Good gym. We can get rooms right next to each other. Are you sure you want me to go to Madison with you?", "Ashley: Yes. I need a chemist, not somebody from legal. Seriously, I need your expertise to help me with the patent attorney. She's flying in from D.C. To handle the application.", "Stitch: There are a ton of lawyers here at Jabot -- the whole fifth floor.", "Ashley: I know, and they're fantastic, but too many prying eyes in the department, believe me.", "Stitch: That's why we're going to meet the lawyer in Madison and not here.", "Ashley: Exactly.", "Stitch: Got it. Duh!", "Ashley: [Laughs]", "Stitch: Sorry. Well, you know, I'm gonna have to check with Avery before I leave town.", "Ashley: I already did that, and it's okay, just so you don't go out of state.", "Stitch: When did you find the time... it was you.", "Ashley: Yes, it was me who got you out of jail. Well, I couldn't have my lead chemist, you know, stuck behind bars at such a crucial point of our project.", "Stitch: Thanks. You know, hey, uh, I should go back, right?", "Ashley: Okay.", "Stitch: Yeah. All right.", "Ashley: Hey.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Ashley: Um... are you sure you're okay with this -- I mean, this last-minute trip?", "Stitch: You know what? This is perfect timing. I need to put some distance between Victoria and myself.", "Ashley: I am kind of surprised to hear you say that.", "Stitch: There's A... family matter I'm trying to sort out. Being around Victoria makes it harder, so going to Madison will give me the time I need to, uh... figure out what I'm gonna do.", "Victoria: Hey, mom. What's up?", "Nikki: Hi, sweetheart. I have something... to tell you about Ben.", "Victoria: Yeah. I-I already know.", "Nikki: You do?", "Victoria: Yeah. He was arrested yesterday.", "Nikki: Oh, God. So you've heard.", "Victoria: Mom, are you okay? You sound kind of funny. Are you sure everything's all right?", "Nikki: Oh, no, sweetheart. I'm fine. I'm just worried about you.", "Victoria: Okay. Are you sure?", "Nikki: Of course I'm sure. I'll talk to you later, baby.", "Jill: You can deny it all you want, but you know in your heart that the only woman you've ever truly loved is Victoria. You knew it when she picked you up out of that gutter. You know it now. And if a child has been created out of that love, there is no way on god's green earth that you aren't gonna want to raise him or her with Victoria. No, no, no, no. Please don't tell me about coparenting from afar. You're gonna want to be there for every moment of that child's life. [Sighs] Trust me -- if that baby turns out to be yours, none of this will mean anything.", "Billy: Mom. Mom. Mom, mom, come on. Oh, great. Thanks, guys. Um, you can burn that one. [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Um... is... is that the change you were talking about?", "Billy: I know that you said that the bedroom was off-limits, but...", "Chelsea: No, it's okay.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah, 'cause I didn't want you to think that I wasn't considering your feelings.", "Chelsea: Shut up, Billy.", "Billy: No. I just want you to know that I --", "Chelsea: No. Stop talking. There's something I want you to know. I love you.", "Billy: [Chuckles] What?", "Chelsea: I love you, Billy Abbott.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: You can't have a baby with Hilary.", "Phyllis: I will never accept that nick belongs to Sharon.", "Avery: You don't have a choice.", "Phyllis: You want to bet?", "Kelly: I can't do it for one more minute. Do you want to be with Phyllis, or do you want to be with me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Abby accepts Ben's proposal. Ashley congratulates them but wonders if Abby really thought it through. Later, she tells Billy and Victoria. Victoria comments on Ashley's lack of excitement and accuses her of being jealous because she has feelings for Ben. Ashley denies it and doesn't want to talk about it because it makes her uncomfortable. Billy and Ashley decide to give Newman back all that they acquired due to the Paragon Project. Billy finds that Jabot is now being targeted and their divisions are being bought out from under them. Neil and Gwen witness Hilary moving her fingers so they call the doctor, who tells them that Hilary is responding to his treatment better than he'd hoped and she will be waking up soon. Neil gets anxious and Gwen urges him to take a walk with her. While they are gone, the doctor falls asleep and Hilary wakes up. Cane informs Lily that he is moving out and they argue. Joe steps in and defends Cane, who says he doesn't need Joe's help. They throw punches and Cane ends up on the floor. Neil takes him to the hospital and gives him a lecture. Neil promises that Lily will forgive Cane soon but Cane says he may not be able to forgive Lily. At GCAC, Joe tells Lily that he doesn't regret the night they shared. All the trouble it caused, it was worth it. Kevin asks Paul to go easy on Chloe, she's a grieving mother. Esther sends Kevin a text that Chloe is at Crimson Lights. Chloe and Chelsea continue to argue. Chloe seems lucid until Kevin arrives then she starts talking about needing to get home to Delia. Paul takes her away. The doctor wakes up to find that Hilary is gone.", "" ]
[ "Stitch: Abby Carlton Newman, I am asking you to let me love you, let me look out for you, let me be the one you can count on for the rest of your life. Abby, will you marry me?", "Abby: [Sighs] [Laughs]", "Stitch: Okay, just to be clear, that's -- that's yes, right?", "Abby: Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you! [Laughs]", "Stitch: Oh, my god.", "Abby: [Laughs] [Sighs]", "[Both laugh]", "Abby: Oh, my god! [Laughs] Oh, my god. [Laughs] [Sighs]", "Ashley: Let me be the first to congratulate you.", "Abby: [Sighs]", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Billy: Look, either way, he's wrong, ash. You have been waiting for years for the chance to take this company to another level. Victor's empire crumbling into bits is kind of like a -- it's like an early Christmas present, isn't it?", "Ashley: Yeah. I mean, it is for us. We have to keep acquiring as much as we can as long as we can, even if it means going up against jack.", "Victoria: Well, I guess it's back to business as usual. Scooping up all the bargains that paragon's spinning off from Newman, feeding off the demise of our company.", "Billy: Just the opposite.", "Paul: Set up a perimeter. Get patrolmen knocking on doors, talking to people in the area. I am sure someone has seen Chloe Mitchell.", "Kevin: Paul, can you please make sure that the guys don't overreact? I don't want Chloe getting hurt trying to get away from them.", "Mariah: Kevin, we all know you care about her, but she mowed down Adam and then she came over here and clocked me in the head.", "Kevin: She's scared.", "Mariah: No, scared is a frightened, little bunny hiding in a bush, not some chick grabbing a bottle off a countertop and cracking me over the head.", "Kevin: She's just acting from a place of fear.", "Paul: Kevin, Mariah's right. Chloe is more than scared. She's dangerous.", "Chelsea: Adam is in the hospital. He almost died because of you.", "Chloe: Then I should have driven faster.", "Chelsea: Chloe...", "Chloe: Adam almost died. My daughter did die. He ran her down and he left her on the side of the road.", "Chelsea: So you just go and do the same thing to him? That's...", "Chloe: That's justice.", "Chelsea: No. That's insane.", "Lily: Hey. What are you doing? Why do you have a bag?", "Cane: Oh, you don't have to worry. There's no ransom money in it. If you want, I can give it to you and you can have a look. Or better yet, you can just take it straight to Dylan if that's what you want to do.", "Lily: Cane, I already apologized for that. When I found the money, I didn't know what to think.", "Cane: So instead you thought the worst possible thing, which is I'm some lowlife that wants to take money from my family, right?", "Lily: Cane, come on, that's not --", "Cane: Listen, this isn't gonna get us anywhere. I have clothes in the bag 'cause I'm moving out.", "Neil: Gwen. Hi.", "Gwen: Hilary's the same.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Gwen: No change. I keep hoping I had better news to report.", "Neil: Yeah. Are you holding up?", "Gwen: [Sighs] This will all be worth it once Hilary, once she wakes -- oh, my god. Did you see that? Did I just imagine?", "Neil: Hey. No, no, you're not imagining it. I really think her fingers moved. I think so. Whatever that doctor's giving her, I-I think it's working.", "Gwen: I'm gonna get him on the phone.", "Neil: Good. Do that. Hey. Hilary. You can do this. Come back to me. Come back to us.", "Chloe: You want to know what's insane? You having any sympathy for Adam. I mean, how many more lives does he need to destroy for you to realize that he's not worth your time?", "Chelsea: I cannot believe that you are actually trying to justify what you did.", "Chloe: The way that I've been acting? What about you? You are not rational. You are delusional. And what happened to my best friend? You used to be smart and strong and independent. You never needed a man to make you feel complete. I mean, what happened to your -- to your self-respect? You actually stood on the stand and you pleaded for leniency after you swore that you had washed your hands of that monster. You told Michael. You told him that you would never say anything good about him.", "Chelsea: Adam is being punished, Chloe. You didn't need to do this!", "Chloe: 10 years, Chelsea. 10 years. How is that fair? With good behavior, he's gonna be out in five. That's a blink of an eye.", "Chelsea: It was an accident, Chloe. Adam did not mean to hit Delia with that car, and you know that. Tell me you know that!", "Chloe: Okay, I know it! I know that he didn't mean it! I know that he didn't intentionally try to run down a 7-year-old. So what? So, good for him. Model citizen. He's just gonna pay for it for a few years. But what about me? Come on. What about me? [Voice breaking] I'm the one who lost my child. I'm the one who's paying the life sentence.", "Billy: I'm not going after Newman anymore.", "Victoria: Wait a second. What?", "Billy: I'm canceling the orders in the pipeline and selling off all the assets at zero profit. I'm undoing the damage that paragon has done to your family's business as -- as much as I can.", "Victoria: Billy, I... I honestly have no idea what to say. What made you come to this decision?", "Billy: I guess it's all part of finding forgiveness, isn't it? When we were standing there at Delia's tree, I felt so much like she was there with us, and it felt so good just to let go. And this trying to put one over on Victor, it feels like so much more of the same. I hated living like that. I hated the guy that I was becoming, and I-I don't want to go back to that.", "Victoria: Well, then I guess something good came out of this disaster if it got you to this place.", "Billy: Yeah. That was you. I have you to thank for that.", "Lily: You're moving out?", "Cane: I can't stay in the house with you if you don't believe a word that's coming out of my mouth.", "Lily: I have said I'm sorry over and over. I know what I did was wrong. I'll say it as many times as I need to.", "Cane: It's too late, 'cause what is done is done.", "Lily: [Sighs] Okay. So, instead of working on our marriage like a committed couple -- with children, by the way -- you're gonna sneak off to a hotel room.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Lily: You are only hurting the kids. It was bad enough explaining to them why their dad spent a night in jail.", "Cane: We would not be in this situation if you came to me instead of going straight to Dylan.", "Lily: Oh, so it's my fault, even though every day the police are finding more evidence?", "Cane: I don't care about the evidence. What I care about is the fact that at the first sign of trouble, you went to another man. You didn't come to me with it. This does not concern you! It doesn't concern you!", "Joe: This isn't the time or the place, all right? And fighting about this isn't gonna solve the problem at all.", "Cane: Of course that's directed to me, because all you want to do is suck up to her.", "Joe: No, actually, it was directed towards lily. Cut the guy a break.", "Abby: Isn't it beautiful?", "Ashley: It's breathtaking.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Stitch: I did my best.", "Abby: You did great. This is the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen in my whole life, and that means something coming from me.", "Stitch: I guess it does.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Ashley: I'm gonna throw you guys the most amazing wedding ever. So happy for the both of you.", "Abby: Thank you. I'm kind of happy for us, too.", "Stitch: Hey, uh, now that my tour duty here is done for the night, I want to take my brand-new fiancée out for a romantic celebration, so let me wrap some things up and then we can scram, all right?", "Abby: All right. Mwah. Sounds like a plan.", "Stitch: All right.", "Ashley: Congratulations.", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Abby: Are you really happy for me? I need to know.", "Ashley: Are you happy for you? Are you positive Ben's the one? I'm only saying that because, I mean, in all the excitement and everything, you know, maybe you're not giving yourself a chance to weigh everything properly. Have you thought this through?", "Abby: [Chuckles] I mean, this isn't sudden. It wasn't love at first anything. Ben and I have been through a lot. We even walked away from each other, but we couldn't stay apart. I have had my doubts. I'm sure he's had his. But Ben has seen me at my worst. I know about his past. I know everything I need to know, and I don't need to think about this anymore. I love him, he loves me. We want to be together forever. And we will be. [Chuckles]", "Ashley: Of course, I'm happy for you. I take that back. I'm thrilled for you.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Neil: Well?", "Gwen: Her hand moving -- it wasn't some involuntary spasm, was it? I mean, she's getting better, right?", "Dr. Neville: The patient is responding to my custom course of treatment very nicely. Better than expected, actually.", "Gwen: That's fantastic.", "Dr. Neville: No, miss Randall. No, it's science. Neurochemistry, more precise. It's fascinating, actually. The receptors in the brain are like --", "Neil: Hey, come on. When's she gonna wake up?", "Dr. Neville: Soon. When exactly, I can't say. Could be a few hours or a few days. The good news is that the patient is on her way back to you.", "Joe: I know what it's like to be in your situation, Cane, all right? To have your reputation thrown in the gutter, especially when there's no proof.", "Lily: Oh, actually, in this case, there's a lot of proof. And I was still willing to stand by my husband.", "Cane: You were willing to stand by me? Do you realize how different that is to actually believing in me?", "Lily: Well, you know what? You're making it really hard for me to believe in you.", "Cane: What? You expect me to say thank you?", "Kevin: Chloe is not a danger to anyone. She's not some violent criminal.", "Mariah: Tell that to Adam.", "Kevin: Well, after she heard about the way he was practically canonized in that courtroom, people pleading for him to go free, as if he was the victim, it got to her! How could it not?! She's a grieving mother!", "Paul: Right, and now she's a would-be executioner.", "Kevin: [Sighs] That's not fair. She was in a panic.", "Paul: Exactly. So listen, Kevin, we don't know how she's gonna react. We don't know what she's gonna do when she's cornered. Trust me.", "Kevin: Paul, please --", "Paul: It would be a mistake to protect her. I'm telling you. Odds are, she's gonna reach out to you, and I want you to help me put an end to this now, before someone else gets hurt, okay?", "Kevin: Yes.", "Paul: Okay?", "Kevin: Okay.", "Paul: Okay. [Cell phone vibrates] Yeah.", "Mariah: Hey. I hope I didn't upset you with what I said to Paul.", "Kevin: No. Um... Chloe's not herself. I realize that. She's crossed a bunch of lines. And I'm sorry that she hurt you.", "Mariah: No, it's not your fault she's a quick, little minx, but thank you.", "Kevin: How's your head?", "Mariah: Starting to throb, actually. I'm gonna go get more ice.", "Chelsea: Chloe, you've come so far. You have worked so hard to put your life back together --", "Chloe: Don't! Don't -- don't act like you know anything about me or what my life is like now, okay? You are not my friend. Friends don't treat each other like this.", "Chelsea: You kidnapped my son! I had every reason to hate you, to turn my back on you, but I didn't. I couldn't, because we don't have that kind of relationship. [Sighs] Do you remember the day you were leaving town? Remember, I brought Connor by to see you, but not to say goodbye, because I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't say goodbye to you. You were the best friend I've ever had. I told you that day, I told you that we would always stay connected, we would have more time, we would have more dreams because that's who we are with each other. We're not enemies! We're not strangers! I care about you too much to let that happen, Chloe!", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] The only person you care about is Adam. The only person that you're dreaming dreams with is Adam, protecting him.", "Chelsea: I am so sorry you're in so much pain. I really am. But pulling a gun on my husband, running him over with your car, it's not gonna make things better, and it's not bringing Delia back.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: No, you're not leaving, Chloe! No! Not like this.", "Chloe: Let -- let go! I need to get out of here!", "Chelsea: There's no point in running. The police are already looking for the driver. They will figure out it was you if they haven't already, Chloe. You're not gonna get away with trying to kill Adam. Stop it! Stop! Calm down and think! This is gonna end! Don't you want it to be on your terms?", "Chloe: Will you just get out of my way? I need to go.", "Chelsea: Go where?", "Chloe: I need to be with my daughter, okay?", "Billy: You've been there the whole time, patiently nudging me in the right direction, putting up with my toxic attitude.", "Victoria: I knew that you'd be ready when you were ready. And not one minute sooner. It's how it is with someone that's unhappy. They think that they want revenge, but what they really want is peace. Nobody wants to feel something that's fundamentally wrong.", "Ashley: That sounds like me right about now.", "Abby: I love champagne.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Abby: I love the suite.", "Stitch: [Chuckles]", "Abby: And I love you.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Stitch: I thought you'd want some bubbly.", "Abby: Hmm. What I want right now, it doesn't come in a bottle. Mnh-mnh.", "Stitch: It'll keep.", "Abby: [Chuckles] I won't. [Chuckles]", "Neil: So, when can you give us a realistic estimate when Hilary will regain consciousness?", "Dr. Neville: Mr. Winters, I can't. You're asking the impossible. We're talking about systematically stimulating and then stabilizing the very fabric of the human anatomy, the seat of consciousness. This isn't a tune-up in some auto- body shop.", "Neil: Right, right, right. But you're sure? You're sure that she's gonna wake up?", "Dr. Neville: You're either calling me a liar or you doubt my abilities.", "Neil: Absolutely not.", "Gwen: We just want to make sure that she's getting the best care possible.", "Neil: That's right.", "Gwen: That's all.", "Neil: And as much as I want Hilary to wake up and exonerate me, I need to know that she's gonna be okay. So come on. Give me something.", "Dr. Neville: We had an agreement, didn't we? You said that you would not question my methods, no matter how unorthodox. Now, apparently you would like to revisit the terms of that agreement.", "Neil: No! I need some answers. Please.", "Gwen: This whole process has been very difficult for us. We've both been under a lot of stress.", "Neil: Now this nightmare is almost over, man. I-I guess -- I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm anxious.", "Dr. Neville: Oh. Of course.", "Gwen: Why don't we, um...", "Neil: What?", "Gwen: Take a walk and get some fresh air? Maybe get something to eat and leave the doctor to his work?", "Dr. Neville: Well, that would be appreciated.", "Neil: Okay. You're gonna call us, right? You're gonna call us the minute there's a change?", "Dr. Neville: Of course.", "Neil: Come on.", "Joe: I don't need your gratitude, Cane.", "Cane: Good, 'cause you won't get any from me.", "Cane: You know, a little bit of free advice? Why don't you give lily some space? She'll come around, realize she made a mistake for doubting you.", "Cane: You finished? 'Cause I don't need you sticking up for my marriage, and I don't need you giving me any advice about lily.", "Joe: I was just trying to help.", "Cane: Okay. Well, you know where you can stick your help, right?", "Joe: Yeah, that's fine. I don't even know why I bothered.", "Cane: Oh, you know why you bothered? 'Cause you can't get your nose out of my marriage. That's why.", "Joe: You know, I admire lily for the tolerance that she's displayed here, the love and the devotion she's given you, because god knows you sure as hell don't deserve it, and that's for damn su--", "Kevin: Chloe?", "Chloe: Oh, Kevin. Kevin. Thank god you're here.", "Kevin: I heard you were looking for me.", "Chloe: Yeah, Chelsea won't let me leave. I just need to get home to my daughter.", "Kevin: Your daughter?", "Chloe: Ours. [Chuckles] Delia. Delia needs me. Will you take me to her?", "Kevin: Um, Delia's not home right now.", "Chloe: What do you -- what do you mean? Where -- where is she?", "Billy: I didn't go to Delia's tree expecting to have some life-changing experience.", "Ashley: But obviously you did.", "Billy: I want to undo the damage.", "Ashley: What are you saying? You want to reverse the acquisitions we made?", "Billy: Look, you can yell at me all you want, but I just need to do this for my own peace of mind.", "Ashley: Believe it or not, that's exactly why I'm here. I want to unwind the deals we made. I want to return everything to Newman. All the companies.", "Billy: You're kidding me.", "Victoria: She doesn't seem like she's kidding.", "Ashley: I'm not kidding. This ordeal that we've all been through got me thinking about right and wrong and where a person draws the line, even when something is just business. And clearly I was very excited about jabot becoming a multi-national especially for just pennies on the dollar. And if it was legal, then why not run with it, right?", "Billy: Because it was wrong.", "Victoria: I'm really surprised right now. But I'm extremely grateful, and I know my father will be, too. Oh, you know, I ordered a pizza. I was starving on my way over here, so I'm gonna go check on the eta for that. And there's plenty if you want to join us.", "Ashley: No, I'm good. Thank you, though.", "Victoria: All right, I'll be back in a second.", "Billy: So, what else is on your mind?", "Ashley: Oh, Ben just proposed to Abby.", "Billy: Whoa. Well, good for them, right? Except you don't look too tickled about it.", "Ashley: Well, could you blame me? I mean, what Abbott that you know of has ever had a successful relationship? I mean, think about that one for a second.", "Billy: Oh, come on, ash. It's not like there's some family curse or something.", "Ashley: Well, honestly, I think Ben can be a little fickle.", "Billy: Are you questioning his loyalty for some reason?", "Ashley: No.", "Billy: And Abby does love the guy, right?", "Ashley: She claims he's the one.", "Billy: I think I understand your hesitation.", "Ashley: You do?", "Billy: Yeah, I mean, let's face it. Abby's pretty flighty. But you got to give her credit. I mean, this whole last year, she's grown up. She's got a career. She's making good decisions. You ought to be happy for her.", "Ashley: I know.", "Victoria: Are we talking about Abby?", "Billy: Yeah. Stitch popped the question.", "Victoria: Seriously?", "Billy: My nephew, the doctor. Gonna have to practice that one.", "Victoria: You know, I think they're really good for each other. I mean, it's obvious that Ben cares very much about Abby, and she's crazy about him.", "Billy: Uh, something is really weird with the connection here. I'm gonna run down to the server room, check this out.", "Victoria: Oh, um, the pizza guy is gonna be in the lobby in five minutes. I don't have any cash on me. Would you pay him, please?", "Billy: Sure. Love to be your errand boy.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Okay. This is really big news about Abby.", "Ashley: Yeah, it is.", "Victoria: You don't seem very thrilled.", "Ashley: No, I just -- you know, I'm her mother. I don't want to see her make a mistake.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know you -- I know you had a thing for Ben.", "Ashley: I don't want to talk about this.", "Victoria: Why not? Does it make you uncomfortable?", "Ashley: Yeah. Frankly, it does. I mean, I don't want you to think there was anything more between Ben and me, because there wasn't.", "Victoria: I promise that I won't say anything about what I saw happening between the two of you if you're honest with me.", "Ashley: About what?", "Victoria: I don't know. I'm just curious about your lack of enthusiasm over this engagement. Is it because you're jealous?", "Gwen: Whoa. What happened?", "Lily: You know what? I feel like we should just put swinging doors on this place, because it just turned to the wild, wild rest. You know what? Make it a gladiator pit. They could just bash each others' heads in. [Sighs]", "Gwen: What are you talking about?", "Lily: Cane and Joe were just in here fighting.", "Gwen: Oh, no. Is anyone hurt?", "Lily: Honestly, I don't care. I really don't. I want this entire thing to end.", "Gwen: What thing? The Hilary thing?", "Lily: Yes. It has ruined our lives. I don't know what to do anymore. My marriage is in shambles, and Cane moved out.", "Gwen: What? Why?", "Lily: Because I'm not being a good wife by going along and ignoring all the evidence piling up against him.", "Gwen: I'm so sorry, lily.", "Lily: I am, too. Because if Cane did this... there's only so much I can do in the name of love.", "Gwen: I understand. Where's Neil? Uh, I was supposed to meet him here for dinner.", "Lily: He left with Cane.", "Gwen: Left? Where'd they go?", "Neil: What is wrong with you?", "Cane: I am fed up. The whole town has me tried and convicted, including my wife, and I'm just done with it.", "Neil: Really? So you risk everything by fighting with Joe Clark? Your freedom, your family? All because you want to take a swing at that idiot? So I'm gonna ask you one more time -- what is wrong with you?", "Cane: He had it coming. He had it coming.", "Neil: Oh, he did?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Neil: Right, so all Joe Clark has to do is go to the police and they're gonna come and arrest you, and they're gonna revoke your bail.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Neil: And look at you -- you got a broken elbow. That's the least of your problems now. So when that doctor comes in and he says you're free to go, I'm gonna put you in my car, I'm gonna take you home, and you're gonna put your kids to bed.", "Cane: I can't do that, can I, 'cause I don't live at home anymore. I'm staying at the club.", "Neil: Why? You left lily?", "Cane: How can I stay with her? I mean, she actually thinks that I'm capable of some plot to hurt Hilary. She thinks that I have her stashed away somewhere. I mean, who would do that? What sort of monster would do that to another human being, Neil?", "Lily: Where does it hurt? Does it hurt really bad?", "Joe: Well, it's certainly felt better. [Groans]", "Lily: Good. I'm glad it hurts, because what were you doing fighting in my hotel?", "Joe: Your husband threw the first punch.", "Lily: I really don't get you.", "Joe: Yeah, well, join the club.", "Lily: Whose side are you on, anyway?", "Joe: I'm not trying to take sides! I was trying to be a friend to both of you!", "Lily: Cane is not your friend.", "Joe: Yeah, well, he was, until I decided to sleep with his very attractive wife.", "Lily: Thank you for the painful reminder.", "Joe: Yeah, I-I can't help it. None of this would have happened if it weren't for my horrible impulse control. I ripped your marriage apart, and I feel terrible about it.", "Lily: Look, I wanted to blame you because it made me feel less responsible, but it takes two. And if there is infidelity, then it's a sign that something is seriously wrong in a marriage.", "Neil: You know that this is just a bump in the road for you and lily, right?", "Cane: Yeah, right. You know what? Over the last 12 months, there's been so many bumps, I don't even think I'm on the road anymore.", "Neil: Of course, you are. You and lily are gonna sort things out.", "Cane: No. Not until Hilary is found and then she can come back and tell everybody the truth, that I had nothing to do with her disappearance.", "Neil: Yeah, that's -- that's gonna solve a lot of things.", "Cane: You know what, Neil? And then she can explain to everybody where she's been and who has had her, and then finally lily and I can sit down and talk, but until then, I'm just gonna stay at the club. That's all I can do.", "Neil: That's where I'm going right now. I'm gonna have dinner with Gwen. Come on. I'll give you a ride.", "Cane: You go. I got to see the doctor. He's gonna tell me if I got to stay in this thing for two months or three months.", "Neil: Okay. Not gonna say you deserve this. I'm on your team. I am. But I'm not gonna say you didn't deserve this, okay? Hey, just be cool.", "Cane: Okay. All right, listen, I'm gonna go walk through the park, all right, and see if I can clear my head.", "Neil: Yeah, I'm gonna go see Gwen and have some dinner. I'll check you out later, all right? Yeah.", "Cane: Hey. Thanks for bringing me, man. I appreciate it.", "Neil: Don't worry about it. Lily's gonna forgive you. Guaranteed.", "Cane: I just don't know if I can forgive her.", "Stitch: [Sighs] After missing dinner and spending the whole shift in the ER with Adam, I could eat a horse. How about you? I can call room service, unless you'd rather get dressed, go downstairs, and show off your new bling. [Chuckles] Abby?", "Abby: Hmm?", "Stitch: Hey. What's wrong?", "Abby: Sorry. I was -- I was just, um, I was thinking about something my mom said earlier about our engagement. I didn't want to bring it up.", "Stitch: What'd she say?", "Abby: She just asked if I had thought it through for real. I guess she's worried I got caught up in the ring, the excitement, the idea of getting married.", "Stitch: Is that what happened?", "Ashley: I am not jealous of my daughter and what she has with Ben, okay?", "Victoria: Okay. My mistake.", "Ashley: Yes, your mistake.", "Victoria: Or maybe I'm right and you just don't want to admit it.", "Ashley: Okay. That's enough. I don't have to stay and listen to this.", "Victoria: Ashley, how long have we known each other? You're really not that good at hiding your feelings. But I could understand why you'd want to. It's not like we're best friends. We don't have to be enemies, though. I've seen it with my own eyes, the way that you look at Ben and the way that he looks at you.", "Ashley: What does that mean? I mean, okay, we have a connection. This is so utterly ridiculous. I can't tell you.", "Victoria: Why? Why is it ridiculous?", "Ashley: Because my daughter loves him, Victoria, and I'm happy for her, okay? I'm not gonna talk about this anymore with you.", "Victoria: All right. Well, maybe if you had somebody else to focus on.", "Ashley: I don't need anybody to focus on, thank you. That's just another complication. I'm okay.", "Victoria: Totally fine, then. If you say so.", "Ashley: Yeah, I say so.", "Victoria: Good.", "Billy: Uh, we got a problem.", "Chloe: Kevin, why won't you answer me? W-what do you mean that Delia's not at home? Why would you say that? Where is she?", "Kevin: Sweetheart, it's okay. Everything's gonna be just fine. I'm gonna help you.", "Chloe: Okay, well, if you want to help me, you just -- you just need to take me to Delia. I-I promised that I was gonna tuck her in and we were gonna read her a book. I-I promised that I was going to be there. I mean, I can't break my promise.", "Kevin: Um... Paul is gonna make sure that you get home to Delia in plenty of time to tuck her in. Isn't that right, Paul?", "Paul: Absolutely. I can take you right now.", "Chelsea: That's -- that's very -- it's so nice of you to offer.", "Chloe: Okay, aren't you coming?", "Esther: Oh, honey, uh, Kevin has some work to do, but we'll make sure that he gets there as quick as he can, okay, honey?", "Kevin: Can you do me a favor? Uh, when you see Delia, will you give her a big kiss for me?", "Chloe: Yeah, of course.", "Paul: Okay, shall we?", "Chelsea: Let's go. Let's go to the car.", "Esther: Let's go.", "Paul: It's fine. We'll go downtown.", "Kevin: This is all my fault.", "Mariah: How? Chloe is a mess. How is that your fault?", "Kevin: In the park, she pulled a gun on Adam. I never should have let her walk away.", "Esther: Kevin, you were just trying to help.", "Kevin: Yeah, and I made things worse.", "Esther: Look, I-I thought she was getting better. We all thought she was getting better. Okay, I'm going down to the police station.", "Chelsea: Do you need a lift?", "Esther: Um, no, thank you, Chelsea, but I have my own car. Kevin, don't worry. I'll be fine. Chloe's the one I'm worried about.", "Mariah: You did help Chloe, just now by -- by letting her go with Paul.", "Chelsea: She'll go back into treatment and she'll get the help she needs.", "Kevin: She's so broken. She's never gonna get over this loss.", "Victoria: Yeah, we have a problem. Where's the pizza?", "Billy: I never made it down there. I went to the server room, and our system is going crazy.", "Ashley: What do you mean, it's going crazy?", "Billy: I was able to stop some of the Newman transactions we had in process, even reverse some of the earlier ones, but now look at this. Jabot's assets are being sold at way below market value just like Newman's were.", "Ashley: Wait a second. Which assets?", "Billy: Jabot Classic went to Staunton Cosmetics out of New Jersey. The kids line was snapped up by some argentine outfit.", "Ashley: Oh, my god, no.", "Billy: Yeah. And more of them are hitting the block.", "Victoria: It's paragon. Now it's attacking jabot, too.", "Ashley: Oh, my god. This cannot be happening.", "Billy: It is.", "Abby: I know this for sure. Nothing has ever felt more right. I think my mom's just being protective since she knows my track record isn't that great.", "Stitch: [Chuckles]", "Abby: She doesn't want me to get hurt again or to screw things up. My history with guys...", "Stitch: Okay, look, hold on. You're not the only one with a past, Abby. Everyone makes mistakes.", "Abby: And my mom -- she wants me to be happy. She means well.", "Stitch: Ashley's had a lot of heartbreak in her own life. She just doesn't want that for you.", "Abby: This is for life, right? This isn't like some starter marriage.", "Stitch: I wouldn't have proposed to you if I had any doubts. This is the real thing, Abby. You're the woman I've been waiting for, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So don't you listen to your mom or anyone else. Just listen to what your heart is telling you, okay?", "Joe: Yeah, you're right. When someone cheats, it's never one person's fault.", "Lily: I was as much to blame as you were. Sleeping with you was a huge mistake.", "Joe: Yeah. Huge mistake. But I'll let you in on a little secret.", "Lily: What's that?", "Joe: Well, as much as I should regret our night together... I don't. All the trouble it caused, people despising me, the, uh, bruised rib... it was worth it.", "Cane: [Sighs] [Sniffs]", "Neil: How beautiful is the snow, huh?", "Gwen: I love it.", "Neil: Yeah, me too. It's gorgeous.", "Gwen: Are you feeling better?", "Neil: Am I feeling...? Yeah, much.", "Gwen: Good. You just needed some food in your belly.", "Neil: Yeah. That and I'm really starting to believe that this will all be over soon. You know what I mean?", "Dr. Neville: Ah! [Groaning] Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, no. Oh, no. [High- pitched voice] Missus -- [Clears throat] [Normal voice] Mrs. Hamilton?! Mrs. Hamilton! Where are you? Oh.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: We're gonna have to kill the virus from both companies.", "Victor: Then do it.", "Kevin: I can't, unless the two of you can manage to work together. You think you can do that?", "Nikki: Could you find out why the lights were flickering? Of course.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Adam: Chelsea, I can't feel my legs." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "In his office at Jabot, Jack tells Phyllis his plans for Victor as long as she doesn't try to talk him out of it. Ashley interrupts them and tells Jack that was a poor performance on his part. Travis wants to see Victor but Natalie refuses to let him see. Abby comes out of Victor's office with two board members. Abby says she is in control of damage control. Chloe and Chelsea are at work and Chelsea is preoccupied. Chloe asks her what's wrong. Chelsea tells her that Connor asked her about Adam. Ashley finds Stitch at the Coffeehouse and they discuss his marriage to Abby which he thinks is over. Mariah tells Sharon that she has taken a job at GC Buzz but Sharon is against the idea. Mariah texts Kevin to meet her. After Ashley leaves, Phyllis assures Jack that she is not being followed.", "Mariah tells Kevin that Natalie is working for Victor. Chloe overhears them. Chelsea visits Sharon to find out where Nick is. Chelsea reminds Sharon that this is the anniversary of Christian's death. Ashley confronts Jack over him and Phyllis and if it is really over. Jack shows her the signed divorce papers. Abby and Travis what Victor has in store for whomever is trying to sabotage Newman. Abby assures him she is not the mole. Stitch interferes and accuses Abby of finding another man and their marriage is not really over. Abby and Stitch have a heart to heart talk. Abby assures Travis she is not the mole. Kevin pays Natalie a visit at Newman, but she blows him off. Sharon and Chelsea start calling around to check on Nick. They finally find him at the Underground where he is busting up the place. Abby catches Phyllis giving a man a briefcase at the Athletic Club. Travis blasts Natalie for exposing his secret after he is caught red-handed by Jack at the park.", "" ]
[ "Travis: For the 17th time, Natalie --", "Natalie: You need to see Victor. I got it the first 16. The answer's still no. You can't see him today.", "Travis: The whole day? Victor's busy the next 24 hours?", "Natalie: Yeah. I'll let him know you called. Thank you. Come again.", "Travis: Oh. I see. Covering your back. That blind item on GC buzz.", "Natalie: I don't even know what that means.", "Travis: \"Newman hires notorious computer hacker to delete data.\" That's you, right?", "Natalie: I can't comment on that at the moment.", "Travis: So you're being extra cautious. But it doesn't make any sense to screen me out. I'm on your side, remember? Same team.", "Abby: Bottom line -- there's no proof. There's nothing for the board to worry about.", "Curtis: Just because it's gossip doesn't mean it's wrong.", "Linda: GC buzz implied the hacker was a low-level assistant.", "Natalie: Low-level?", "Travis: Her? A hacker? [Laughs] She can't figure out the coffee machine.", "Natalie: I'm calling HR.", "Curtis: You better be right about this.", "Abby: My door's always open. Stop by any time.", "Travis: Nice work.", "Abby: Nice assist.", "Travis: So where's Victor? I need to talk to him.", "Abby: He had a sudden business trip. He left me in charge of damage control.", "Travis: Okay. Well, hey, if you need anything...", "Abby: Thanks, but I'll take it from here.", "Travis: Why didn't you tell me Victor's out of town?", "Natalie: I can't even work the coffee machine, remember?", "Travis: Natalie. Did you tell Victor I'm investigating his family?", "Natalie: Of course not.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "[Knock on door]", "Phyllis: You wanted to see me?", "Jack: Yeah, close the door. We got a problem.", "Phyllis: Don't tell me Victor has proof you're behind this thing.", "Jack: No, it's the whole plan. I'm starting to have real doubts.", "Phyllis: Jack, it was a brilliant plan. I can't think of a more elegant way to bring that bastard to his knees.", "Jack: How many times have I tried over the years and failed? No matter what I do, Victor always comes out on top. Why is this gonna be any different?", "Chloe: You need more pins?", "Chelsea: Uh, nope. I'm almost finished.", "Chloe: I can't wait to get Bella ready for tonight. And I love Connor's costume. I wonder what Kevin is going as. I mean, he's just been so tight- lipped about it. Maybe that's a clue. Maybe he's going as something that's tight-lipped, like a -- like a turtle. Do turtles even have lips? Are you okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Why do you ask? 'Cause I don't have an opinion on the very important turtle-lip conversation?", "Chloe: I don't know. You just seem a little down. You were so happy before. What's changed?", "Chelsea: That was before Connor asked if his daddy would be home to take him trick-or-treating tonight. [Sighs] No matter how many times I've told him daddy's in heaven, Connor keeps asking about him. Not that I can blame him. How can I expect my son to accept that Adam's gone when... I keep hoping he'll walk through the door?", "Ashley: Hey. Taking a break?", "Stitch: Yeah, well, I'm not due at the hospital for a while. Sit down. Unless you need to get coffee first.", "Ashley: Um, no. It can wait.", "Stitch: How you been?", "Ashley: I was gonna ask you the same thing.", "Stitch: Abby told you.", "Ashley: Yeah, a few days ago.", "Stitch: [Sighs] What do you think?", "Ashley: What do you think? You're the doctor. Is your marriage worth saving?", "Mariah: Yeah, I'm looking at the comments now. They're great. [Chuckles] \"This guy should go to jail. Again.\" I love it, Hilary. Well, knowing how neurotic Natalie is, if we keep the pressure on, she'll crack and we'll get all sorts of juicy stuff then. Right. I promise you won't regret hiring me. All right, got to go.", "Sharon: What's this about hiring?", "Mariah: I got a new job.", "Sharon: You did? Doing what?", "Mariah: I'm gonna be working for Hilary at GC buzz, which means I'm gonna be around a lot less. But I'm really throwing myself into this.", "Sharon: My God, I know how rough it's been having to keep my secret. But now is not the time for you to pull away. Faith and sully, they love having you around. They need you. All faith can talk about is how excited she is you're going trick-or-treating with us.", "Mariah: I'm sorry. I'm not gonna have time for that this year.", "Sharon: Well, you're gonna owe that apology to the little girl upstairs who's working so hard on her costume. She needs her big sister.", "Mariah: Her costume? Let me guess. Is she going as a big, huge guilt trip?", "Sharon: I just want you to understand what the stakes are.", "Mariah: Something tells me you're not upset on account of the kids.", "Sharon: Okay, fine. Yes, I freely admit it. I need you now more than ever.", "Mariah: You mean now that patty expects us to help her escape?", "Mariah: I still cannot believe that you went to Rivercrest to visit her. What were you thinking?", "Sharon: That I had no choice. Patty was adamant about seeing me. I couldn't risk letting Dylan go there without me, could I?", "Mariah: And the nightmare goes on and on and on.", "Sharon: You should have seen her. She loved it. She kept me twisting in the wind, these veiled threats. She kept hinting that she was gonna blurt the truth out about sully. Do you have any idea how stressful this has been?", "Mariah: I don't have to. The cold sweats, the blind fear. I have felt it. When Paul asked me why I went to Stonevale to visit patty, I could feel the walls closing in, which is why I have to distance myself before I say or do anything that makes things worse for you.", "Sharon: I'm sorry that I dragged you into this mess, but now I don't know how I can go through it without you.", "Mariah: I don't know what to tell you, Sharon. You're gonna have to. I'm busy.", "Sharon: Mariah, you know, you're still a part of this family. You don't have to invent excuses to avoid us.", "Mariah: I didn't invent anything. I have a new job.", "Sharon: GC buzz. So you said.", "Mariah: I'm starting from the bottom, but I think that this could be a real opportunity for me. In fact, I need to start proving myself to my new boss.", "[Door closes]", "Chloe: Look, I'm not gonna pretend to know what it's like to lose a husband.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Chloe: But, you know, I've been there before.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Chloe: And the holidays, they're -- they're the worst. They are. I remember after I lost Delia, I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry my eyes out. But then I got Bella, and she changed everything, and you are so lucky. You're so lucky that you have Connor.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Chloe: And Adam -- he would not want you to be miserable.", "Chelsea: I know. I know that. I know that. And I want to make sure I make this Halloween special for my son, you know? It's just --", "Chloe: It's hard.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Chloe: I know. It's really, really hard. But you have to remember that there is life after Adam. And although it won't be the same, it can still be everything that my best friend deserves.", "Chelsea: Thanks.", "Chloe: You know, if you think that later's gonna be just too hard with all the families, you know, why don't Kevin and I take Connor trick-or-treating?", "Chelsea: I appreciate that. I appreciate that offer, but I actually made plans with nick. And I don't want to cancel because tonight's the one-year anniversary of Christian's death. So tonight of all nights, nick shouldn't be alone.", "Stitch: Hey, um, sorry to cut this short, but I have a patient I need to check on.", "Ashley: Hey, you know, I'm not here to point fingers. In fact, I just want to tell you how sorry I am.", "Stitch: Sorry? But not surprised?", "Ashley: I didn't say that. Abby told me that the two of you still love each other.", "Stitch: Yeah, well, sometimes love isn't enough.", "Ashley: I heard that you moved out.", "Stitch: No reason living like strangers under the same roof.", "Ashley: Oh, Ben.", "Stitch: Look, if you're gonna tell me to keep trying, keep fighting --", "Ashley: No, but I would say maybe...try not to give up hope.", "Stitch: Sometimes you got to be ready to give up. You and I learned something about that last year, remember? Trapped in that fire?", "Ashley: Of course I remember. But some things are not meant to be. And I'm not sure that that's true about you and Abby.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] You are much more of an optimist than I am.", "Ashley: Well, look at it. You and Abby had a whirlwind romance, planned a wedding in no time flat, come home from your honeymoon and max moves in right after his mom died. Your worlds were turned inside out. Nobody could have anticipated that.", "Stitch: True.", "Ashley: If there's still love, then there's always a chance.", "Abby: I don't appreciate being summoned. My father expects me to find the mole that's been leaking corporate secrets. I'm sorry if you're upset that he didn't ask you.", "Travis: I am sure you're doing a bang-up job. I admire how you earned Victor's trust.", "Abby: It hasn't always been easy. When my family thought my father should be taught a lesson, they forced him out of the company and made us testify against him whether we wanted to or not.", "Travis: That must have been rough on you, being so loyal.", "Abby: It was, but that's all in the past now. My family's united, and I'm sure Victoria's told you.", "Travis: Well, she's carving out her own path at brash & sassy, trying to keep her distance from Newman. I haven't been here that long, but I've noticed Victor selectively shares information. So nobody, not even his family, knows everything he's thinking.", "Abby: That's my father. So if that's all...", "Travis: What are you doing for lunch today?", "Abby: Why?", "Travis: Join me upstairs? It's my treat. Unless you have plans.", "Abby: I did, but I'll cancel them.", "Travis: It'd be nice to get to know you better. Shall we?", "Jack: Shady dealings at Newman exposed on GC buzz. You'd think Victor would be in a world of hurt. And what's happened? Have the feds come calling?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm sure they're still investigating.", "Jack: What if they aren't? Victor does have a lot of connections. If he slides out of this one, after all the money I spent bribing his board member to give me dirt...", "Phyllis: It is too soon to be talking like this. We fired our first round. There is more to come, a lot more. Why don't you tell me why you're doubting yourself so much right now.", "Jack: Because he came to you, tried to enlist you.", "Phyllis: That's because he's desperate. You scared him badly. Score one for our side.", "Jack: He could be having us followed, our computers hacked.", "Phyllis: Stop. Your plan is working beautifully. Focus on that.", "Jack: You're right. I don't know what got into me.", "Phyllis: Don't you have a drop to make?", "Jack: In one hour.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Jack: One small problem. If I'm right, if Victor is having me tailed, I can't risk having him see me with the mole.", "Phyllis: Well, you can't cancel. That's not an option.", "Jack: I got to think of something. [Sighs]", "Phyllis: I'll go. I'll make the drop.", "Stitch: You're right. It could be a clot. Let's add some heparin to the drip and continue to keep an eye on her. I'll be there soon.", "Ashley: Hey, I don't want to keep you, but can we just finish our conversation, even though I know it's not easy for either one of us?", "Stitch: [Sighs] Look, I do love Abby. That never was any question. It's just everything you mentioned, this unrelenting trauma that got in the way of us having any kind of normal relationship.", "Ashley: I know. I can't imagine. You guys get back from your honeymoon, and suddenly you're raising a child together, a boy that Abby never met, whose mother just passed away.", "Stitch: And who resented me for divorcing his mother and resented Abby for taking her place to the point where he caused her to fall down the stairs and have a miscarriage.", "Ashley: It wasn't his fault, though.", "Stitch: True. The tumor altered his behavior. But none of that makes up for Abby's pain. Losing our baby, that... that's something Abby may never get over.", "Ashley: That's true, but, you know, your heart was broken. And your wife needed you, and your son needed you, and you're just one man.", "Stitch: Too bad I wasn't the one man for Abby.", "Ashley: Now, wait a second. Don't you think maybe in the future sometime, the timing is right, maybe you can walk back into her life again?", "Stitch: What if the timing's never right?", "Ashley: Can you just stay open to the possibility that the timing will be right maybe? Think you can do that? Because the two of you need each other. Whether Abby knows it or not.", "Abby: None for me. Thank you.", "Travis: Oh, you don't like champagne?", "Abby: Are you kidding me? I-I love the stuff. I could bathe in it. I think I actually have. But I've made it a rule not to drink at lunch. But please go ahead.", "Travis: Just a splash. Enough for a toast.", "Abby: Fine.", "Travis: All right.", "Abby: Just one sip won't hurt anyone.", "Travis: To friends and colleagues. Hopefully one and the same.", "Abby: To friends and colleagues.", "[Glasses clink]", "Travis: So, where were we?", "Abby: Um, you were just telling me that you and Victoria have one rule -- not to discuss business.", "Travis: Yeah. The office stays at the office. Helps us keep our priorities straight.", "Abby: Relationships -- they're very fragile.", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: And once they crack...", "Travis: Just like families.", "Abby: Very true.", "Travis: In times like these, Newman under attack, it's only natural for Victor to wonder who's loyal to him and who isn't.", "Abby: Well, strictly speaking for myself, my father trusts me.", "Travis: Well, obviously. I mean, he left you in charge when he went out of town.", "Abby: He left me in charge of damage control.", "Travis: That's a critical task. That speaks volumes about his regard for you. Unless...", "Abby: What?", "Travis: Well, Victor's always thinking two moves ahead. Could be he's looking for a scapegoat.", "Abby: Me. Yeah, I get it. Because the Abbotts are my family, too.", "Travis: I know your father loves you. But haven't there been times you've walked into his office and he clams up or some important memo's going around and for some reason your name gets left off the list? I understand, believe me. I've done more than enough to prove myself to Victor, and I'm still on probation. I doubt that'll ever change.", "Abby: And how does that make you feel?", "Travis: I'm sure you can guess.", "Abby: Angry. Resentful. Unappreciated.", "Chloe: Nick still hasn't answered?", "Chelsea: It's so strange. He told me to call him when I was ready to get Connor from the nanny, and then we were gonna head over to Sharon's together to grab faith.", "Chloe: Hmm. Maybe he's having second thoughts about being around all the happy kids today.", "Chelsea: [Gasps]", "Kevin: What? Tell me you don't recognize Og the powerful.", "Chloe: Og the who?", "Kevin: The hero from the kingdom beyond series. Tell me you've read it.", "Chloe: Wait, this was the big surprise, what you were being so secretive about?", "Kevin: I didn't want the whole world to know! In some circles, news of a costume this authentic would cause mass hysteria.", "Chloe: [Laughing] It's making me hysterical.", "Kevin: That's not funny! I'm not kidding! If fans knew about this, there would be copycats everywhere! Here an Og, there an Og.", "Chloe: Everywhere an Og, Og sorry, it's just, you know, like, a mom reflex.", "Chelsea: Totally.", "Chloe: [Laughs]", "Chelsea: Well, I like it, Kevin.", "Kevin: Thank you, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, at least, I like it more than what you were wearing at my house the other day.", "Kevin: I promise you're not gonna have to see that again. What about you? Where's your costume?", "Chloe: It's in the dressing room. We just have a few final touches.", "Kevin: Okay, and what about Bella?", "Chloe: Oh, she's gonna be a little butterfly. Mom's getting her ready. We're gonna meet up at crimson lights.", "Kevin: Oh. All right, well, I guess I'll see you there.", "Chloe: All right, I'll see you later.", "Kevin: Bye.", "Chloe: Bye, Og.", "Chelsea: Hey, nick, it's Chelsea again. Sorry, I'm -- I'm not trying to bug you. I just want to make sure you're okay. Uh, give me a call back.", "Chloe: I'm sure he'll turn up soon.", "Chelsea: I hope so.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Phyllis: Read my lips. I'm not being followed.", "Jack: How can you be so sure?", "Phyllis: Because I'm a pro at this kind of stuff, trust me. I would have noticed. Concerned about my safety? Broad daylight?", "Jack: Am I worried you won't look out for yourself? Not even slightly.", "[Knock on door]", "Ashley: Hi. Am I interrupting? Again?", "Jack: You're gonna need to rework this proposal right now. It's sloppy work. Do it. I hope you're not here to pitch something to me. I've just about had it with Phyllis' bad ideas.", "Ashley: [Laughs] Between you and me, you're a little off your game. That was the worst performance I've ever seen.", "Esther: Isn't Bella's costume adorable?", "Kevin: Oh, God. She's gonna be the cutest butterfly ever.", "Esther: Yeah. But I am going as a housekeeper. Don't you dare tell Jill, because I'll never hear the end of it. You know what? I've kind of missed wearing this.", "Kevin: Aww. Well, Esther, you can dust my feathers anytime.", "Esther: [Laughs]", "Kevin: Where is Bella?", "Esther: Well, when you came in, she freaked out a little and she ran into the kitchen. But don't worry, because the cook is making her a PB&j because they always calm her down.", "Kevin: Well, you can tell her that Og the powerful only uses his powers for good.", "Esther: [Chuckling] Yeah.", "Kevin: What? No! Zoe of the aurora?!", "Chloe: By the lightning bolts of dordal, I greet my lord Og.", "Kevin: What?! You were only pretending you'd never heard of the kingdom beyond?", "Chloe: I was trying to surprise you.", "Kevin: [Laughing] Oh, my God.", "Chloe: It's so good, right?", "Kevin: So good.", "Mariah: Oh, my God. Zoe and Og.", "Chloe: Let me guess. Grulinda the troll girl.", "Mariah: All right, I guess it's not a good time.", "Kevin: Wait, wait, Mariah, come on. What did you want to talk to me about?", "Mariah: It's about Natalie. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'm worried about her.", "Sharon: You know, I wasn't expecting you so soon. Dylan is still at the station, and faith is upstairs getting ready.", "Chelsea: Oh, what is she going as?", "Sharon: I have no idea. She wants her costume to be a surprise.", "Chelsea: I see.", "Sharon: So, we're just waiting for her dad, and then we're gonna go trick-or- treating.", "Chelsea: What do you mean? Nick's not here?", "Sharon: You know, I haven't talked to him since the day that we made plans to spend this holiday together.", "Chelsea: Huh. That's weird. I, um, I rang his doorbell but he wasn't home, and he's not answering his cell phone.", "Sharon: That's odd.", "Chelsea: It's not like nick to be so out of touch. I'm actually starting to get really worried. I mean, nick knew this day was coming, but now that it's actually here, it's kind of hard to think about anything except what happened to Christian. Sharon? Are you okay? What is it?", "Jack: Look, I've got work to do. Could you take your conspiracy theories elsewhere?", "Ashley: Do you really think I'm that stupid?", "Jack: No, I don't.", "Ashley: Jack.", "Jack: I don't have time for this.", "Ashley: It's obvious that you and Phyllis are up to something!", "Jack: See this? This is my divorce decree. It's signed. It's finalized. It is over.", "Ashley: All right, well, maybe it's over for you. Maybe. But it's definitely not over for her. Do you honestly think that you can fool me with this? I can tell the two of you are working on something together. What could it be? Maybe a fresh declaration of war against Victor?", "Jack: Okay, you think what you like. There is nothing going on. There is no plan of any kind afoot. And my marriage is legally, officially over. It's dead! So you can stop obsessing about Phyllis anytime now.", "Ashley: You forgot your coat.", "Jack: What makes you think I'm leaving the building?", "Ashley: Since when do you take your briefcase with you when you have a meeting here?", "Travis: You ever think about revenge?", "Abby: Against my own father?", "Travis: Well, jack's your family, too. From what Victoria's told me, your dad's made his life a living hell. Not once, but dozens of times. I mean, a little payback would just balance the scales, wouldn't it?", "Abby: Are you suggesting that I'd do that? Betray my own dad?", "Travis: Am I suggesting? No. But is it something to think about? You tell me.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Travis: I'm serious. Are those bubbles getting to you?", "Abby: No. It's not the bubbles. It's you.", "Travis: What about me?", "Abby: My father warned me that you'd pull something like this. And you did. Just like daddy said. [Chuckles]", "[Glasses clink]", "Abby: You're right, Travis. My dad always does think two moves ahead. And before he left town, he told me that you thought one of us Newmans might be the mole and that you would try to pin it on me since jack's my uncle. Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not the mole.", "Travis: Who told Victor?", "Abby: Please. You know better than that.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] Well, you told me you were having lunch. You didn't mention champagne.", "Abby: It's not what you think.", "Stitch: Lady has a ring on her finger. In my world, that still means something even if it doesn't in yours.", "Travis: What the hell is that supposed to mean?", "Stitch: It means stay the hell away from my wife. That's what it means.", "Abby: Please. Stop. Okay, Travis, just go. Let me handle this.", "Travis: Not gonna keep her long with this caveman attitude.", "Stitch: Oh, you haven't seen nothing yet.", "Abby: Ben. Travis, go. Please. [Sighs]", "Stitch: Wow. Didn't take you long, did it?", "Sharon: I have no right to cry today, not after everything nick's been through.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about? Of course you're allowed to cry. How can we not feel for nick today? I mean, knowing him, you know, he'll put some positive spin on Halloween and try to see it through faith's eyes, but of course he's gonna be thinking about Christian.", "Sharon: We have to make sure that he's not alone today.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Sharon: And he's not thinking about bailing on our plan.", "Chelsea: Okay, so if he's not here and he's not at his house, where else could he be?", "Sharon: Did you try Newman?", "Chelsea: Yeah. They haven't seen him. And -- oh, do you think maybe he went to the cemetery to put flowers on Christian's grave or maybe he -- he went to the spot where sage had her accident?", "Sharon: He can be anywhere. You know, I know someone who can help. Hi, Dylan. I'm sorry to bother you when you're at work, but I'm calling about nick. We haven't seen or heard from him all day. We have plans for Halloween, and he should have been here by now. Chelsea's been calling his phone. He's not answering. And I don't want to alarm everyone in the family. I just want to let you know that we're starting to worry.", "Mariah: I'm sorry for bringing up your ex around Chloe, although Chloe was your ex before Natalie, so I don't know why I'm apologizing.", "Kevin: Okay, never mind my love life. What about Natalie?", "Mariah: That's what I want to know. Because I ran into her yesterday.", "Kevin: Here in town?", "Mariah: Mm-hmm. I mean, I figured she would have been living on a space station by now. I had no idea she was still around.", "Kevin: Neither did I. I thought she'd have taken her big pile of cash back to Geneva by now.", "Mariah: Well, according to Natalie, it's all gone. That's why she took a job with Victor.", "Kevin: Even Natalie couldn't blow through that much.", "Mariah: Right? I mean, how many pedicures can a woman get? I think Victor convinced her to come back and work for him as his secret pet cyber genius. And we all know how that's gonna end.", "Kevin: Badly.", "Mariah: I know that you've moved on. I just thought that --", "Kevin: No, I'm glad you told me. Victor's hurt enough people. I don't want Natalie to be next.", "Chloe: What?", "Esther: Nothing.", "Chloe: Mom, you're staring.", "Esther: I can't help it.", "Chloe: Why? What's wrong?", "Esther: For once, absolutely nothing. I've always believed that you and Kevin would be perfect together, and now finally Bella has a chance at a real family.", "Chloe: Okay, might be getting a wee bit ahead of yourself.", "Kevin: Ladies, I apologize, but Og the powerful has to rescue an alien life force. I promise I'll be back in time for trick-or-treating.", "Natalie: Got your message. What's up?", "Travis: You told Victor, didn't you? After I asked you to keep my investigation of the Newman board members between us.", "Natalie: I work for Victor. You didn't know that?", "Travis: That's cute. I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever in danger of trusting you again.", "Natalie: [Chuckles] You can trust me to know whose name's on the building and who signs the paychecks. You want to keep your job? I suggest you can the arrogance and figure out who the mole is before Victor gets back.", "[Door closes]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Travis: Yeah. You sure it's him? No, no, I'll take care of it. His timing couldn't be better.", "Mariah: So... how's your little girl?", "Chloe: Oh, she's great. Mom is turning her into a butterfly.", "Mariah: Glad to see some things haven't changed. Kids and Halloween, I mean.", "Chloe: Kevin hasn't changed, either. He can't resist a damsel in distress.", "Mariah: There's no reason for you to be jealous, Chloe. He's just helping a friend.", "Chloe: Yeah, I overheard you talking. That friend is Natalie? Last he told me, things ended kind of abruptly.", "Mariah: They ended.", "Chloe: He also told me that you couldn't trust her. So why would you send him over there to help her out? Unless you're just trying to stir up trouble between Kevin and me.", "Mariah: The difference between you and I -- I don't do things for people based on what they can do for me. If Kevin wants to get back together with you, that's his choice, and I support him. I have my own life with some new prospects. And unlike Zoë and Og, they're in the real world.", "[Door opens]", "Natalie: [Chuckles] Yo, Og. I think you finally found your look.", "Kevin: It's nice to see you, too. Here, of all places?", "Natalie: It's a living. Did you come by just to give me grief, or what?", "Kevin: What sort of hold does Victor have over you, anyway?", "Natalie: Who says that -- wait a minute. How did you know I worked here? [Sighs] Of course. Mariah.", "Kevin: She's concerned about you.", "Mariah: [Scoffs] That'll be the day.", "Kevin: She's sincere. She's worked for Victor before. She knows how this usually ends.", "Natalie: Yeah, Mariah's not worried. She's fishing.", "Kevin: For what?", "Natalie: What else? A story she can parlay into a steady gig at GC buzz.", "Kevin: That sounds farfetched. And that's coming from a guy dressed as a troll.", "Natalie: You don't believe me? Okay, who do you think came up with that blind item about the hacker Victor hired, hmm? There's only one source that could have come from. Mariah. Well, you can tell her that she's got it wrong, as usual. I may have started as an executive assistant, but I am working my way up the Newman ladder, okay? I'm a total career woman now.", "Stitch: So what do we drink to? Old loves and new beginnings.", "Abby: I was having lunch with a work colleague who happens to be living with Victoria.", "Stitch: I heard people talk about that guy. He wrecked his career back east over his boss's wife.", "Abby: So, what? You think I'm next on his list? Is that really what you think of me? That I would move on to someone new when things between us are so...unresolved?", "Stitch: I thought after our last conversation, things were totally resolved. Was I wrong? I ran into your mom earlier.", "Abby: You did?", "Stitch: Yeah, she said we should take a deep breath and not overreact. And as you can see, I wasn't able to do that. I -- [Sighs] I made a fool out of myself and pissed you off.", "Abby: Pretty much.", "Stitch: Look, I still don't like that guy. But I'm sorry for embarrassing you, ruining your lunch, and acting like a jerk.", "Abby: You're not a jerk. You're the best.", "Stitch: I guess my best wasn't good enough. I need to get to the hospital.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Phyllis: Hey, Marty. My usual, please.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Sharon: Dylan, hi. Were you able to find out anything? Okay. Thanks for trying.", "Chelsea: No luck, I take it?", "Sharon: Dylan had a squad car go by the cemetery and the accident site, and there's no sign of nick.", "Chelsea: What about the underground? Maybe he went to work to try to distract himself.", "Sharon: That's worth a try.", "Chelsea: Okay. I'll try, then.", "Rudy: Underground. Rudy speaking.", "Chelsea: Hey, is nick there? It's Chelsea.", "[Glass shatters]", "Rudy: Yeah, he's here, and I've never seen him like this.", "Chelsea: Like what?", "Sharon: What's -- what's wrong?", "Chelsea: Well, that's what I'm trying to find out.", "[Glass shatters]", "Chelsea: Um, can you please tell me what's going on?", "Rudy: Listen, if you're a friend of nick's, you better get down here. Fast.", "Mariah: Hey. So? Did Natalie stick to her bogus story or did she admit that she's doing specialized work for Victor? Why are you looking at me that way?", "Kevin: Why do you think?", "Mariah: I don't know. You're getting into character?", "Kevin: You set me up. You used me to dig up more dirt on Natalie's role at Newman so you can score points for your sleazy, new job.", "Mariah: I -- [Sighs] Are you serious? That -- that's insulting.", "Kevin: You're damn right it was.", "Chloe: That is your new prospect? I mean, you're gonna be a wannabe gofer at a gossip site?", "Mariah: News magazine.", "Kevin: Whatever. Do not use our friendship as a way to curry favor for a job, especially that job, or there's not gonna be a friendship. Got it?", "Chloe: Well, that was lousy. Do you want me to slay her?", "Kevin: [Sighs] Thanks, Zoë.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] [Gasps] There she is! It's my little butterfly!", "Kevin: That is an outstanding costume.", "Esther: Isn't she precious?", "Chloe: She is perfect! Look at you! Mwah! Thanks, mom. Yeah.", "Esther: Oh, it's my pleasure. Yeah, so you can have fun trick-or-treating!", "Kevin: Trick-or-treating!", "Esther: Bye! Have fun! Bye! Bring me some candy.", "Jack: Looking for something?", "Travis: Just thought someone left this by mistake. See you around.", "Curtis: Is this seat taken?", "Phyllis: As a matter of fact, it is.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: This is exactly what we need to start digging Victor's grave.", "Abby: I didn't think you'd be back from your trip so soon.", "Victor: Actually, I never left town.", "Nick: Not now. Go!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "With the help of Dina's old classmate, Jack and Traci discovered that Dina gave birth to Stuart Brooks' son and gave him up for adoption. The boy's adoptive parents named him Eric Vanderway. Jack wanted to find their half brother. Vanderway was also Theo's last name. Chelsea wondered why Adam didn't restrict her access to Connor to get back at her for making it difficult for him to see Connor at first. He didn't think keeping score would benefit their son. Adam confronted Billy about trying to kill him. Billy didn't deny it. Adam suspected someone pulled him out of the path of Billy's car, but Billy refused to say who it was. Adam and Billy decided to go their own separate ways and not seek revenge anymore. Mariah encouraged Nick to run for city council. Summer tried to cheer Theo up because he was depressed over losing a client. Kyle told Mariah that when you were married, you had to work things out after a fight instead of just walking away. Summer and Theo chatted with Kyle and Mariah. Theo was pleased when Kyle said that Lola would be back at Society soon. Chelsea found out people wanted Nick to run for city council, and she sensed that he wanted the job. He admitted he did, but he'd been concerned she wouldn't be on board. She assured him he had her full support, but she got worried when he said his opponents would dig up dirt on him. He decided honesty was the best policy. She was concerned that his opponents would use her sketchy past against him, but he didn't think that would happen, since all of her misdeeds happened a long time ago. He called the councilwoman and said he wanted to run for office, and Chelsea looked nervous.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Adam: I would love for you to live with me, but it's your mom's call.", "Connor: Please, mom.", "Chelsea: You can stay with your dad.", "Jack: An invitation to the senior prom after party at the abbott house! Could this be the wonderful, terrible night mother was referring to?", "Traci: If it is, whatever went on between mother and stuart brooks happened right here, at a party in this house.", "Theo: I attempted an end run around mariah and devon, and, well, let's just say he didn't appreciate it very much. Said something about how my talent wasn't worth putting up with my ego.", "Theo: Yeah, I heard you. Thanks. For nothing.", "Summer: Ooh. Mm, you seem cheerful.", "Theo: Well, I just lost another influencer to a rival agent.", "Summer: I'm sorry.", "Theo: I do all the work, i discover these people, go out of my way to make them interesting, and then they dump me, one by one.", "Summer: Well, you could look at the bright side. With fewer clients, you now have more time to devote to the ones that you do have.", "Theo: Like who?", "Summer: Uh, like me, jerk.", "Jack: Here, let me take your coat. I am jack abbott. Oh! Doris tillington.", "Jack: And this is my sister traci abbott. Hi!", "Traci: Thank you so much for coming. Oh, you're quite welcome. But, I must say, I'm not quite sure why you wanted to see me.", "Traci: Well, um, jack and i have been pouring over dina's high school yearbook, and from what we can tell, you were the girl who knew everything about everyone. [ Laughs ] You mean I was a gossip. Well, guilty as charged, but, you know, it's been so many years since I -- since I've been in touch with dina. I'm not quite sure what help i would be.", "Jack: We have very little to go on, doris, so anything you can think of, anything you can remember, could be invaluable to us.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Nick: Hey. Hey back!", "Mariah: I heard that you took a little trip.", "Nick: Yeah. I'm sure sharon told you, yes, adam is back in town. Connor's been having a rough time, so I went and convinced adam to come back home.", "Mariah: That's very civilized of you, considering. Are you okay with that?", "Nick: Well, like I said, I did it for connor.", "Mariah: That wasn't my question.", "Nick: Doesn't matter. That's my answer.", "Adam: Connor seemed good today, didn't he?", "Chelsea: He did.", "Adam: Yeah. You know, we have this rule. There's no video games before breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Did you see how fast that kid cleaned his plate? Is everything all right?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Sure doesn't seem like it.", "Chelsea: No, I -- I guess i was just a little surprised that you invited me to breakfast.", "Adam: Why wouldn't I?", "Chelsea: Adam, we haven't been particularly close lately. Far from it.", "Adam: Well, that was then. This is now. I know connor is still getting settled at my place, and you're still adjusting to him being gone, so it just makes sense.", "Chelsea: It make absolute sense, but...", "Adam: But what?", "Chelsea: I'm not gonna apologize for the way things were. I mean, you were pushing to see connor, and that made things difficult for you, but I was trying to do right by my son.", "Adam: Fair enough.", "Chelsea: Right, see, that's what I mean. You're being very fair. You could have used this situation as payback to try to, you know, punish me for what i did, but you haven'T. So I guess I just can't help but wonder -- why? Additional sponsorship", "Theo: Would you please give me a break? I'm not taking you for granted, I've just hit a rough patch. Between my clients bailing and getting fired from lp...", "Summer: What? Oh, does theo need a pep talk?", "Theo: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Summer: What, do you want me to roll out one of those \"you can do it! Hang in there, pal!\" Motivational speeches? Would that turn that little frown upside down?", "Theo: Actually, I think it would.", "Summer: Oh, seriously?", "Theo: It's not like I've never stepped up when you had a bad day.", "Summer: [ Sighs ] Well, yeah, that's a good point.", "Theo: So let me hear it! Motivate me.", "Summer: Okay. [ Clears throat ] All right. So you may be down, theo, right? But you are never out because you are the man. The man who never gives up, right? He never surrenders, and that is why your life is gonna change for the better any day now. And, who knows? Maybe even today.", "Jack: We want this family history to be complete and realize that some of what we learned could be uncomfortable. Oh.", "Traci: Yes, the whole truth, and nothing but. I understand.", "Jack: So, we know that our parents were involved all through high school. Yes.", "Jack: But, recently, we found a letter that dina wrote to another classmate. Hmm.", "Traci: Stuart brooks. Does that name sound familiar at all? [ Sighs ] I don't know, I -- you know, it's been so long ago.", "Jack: We also ran across a note that stuart wrote to dina. About an after-prom party that was held in this house. Oh.", "Traci: Yes, and the tone of this note was rather curious, even a little mysterious.", "Jack: Our sense was that this was a significant evening. Our mother referred to it as a \"wonderful and terrible night.\" Oh.", "Jack: Please, if -- if you could just try to remember -- [ Laughs ] I am trying, I -- I'm sorry, I --", "Jack: No, no, no. Please. I'm -- I -- please, don't apologize. If you don't recall anything... it's just these last couple of years, we've watched our mother slip further and further away from us... Oh.", "Jack: And it's been heartbreaking. We were hoping that this project would be one last attempt to get to know, to get to understand our mother a little better while she's still in our lives.", "Traci: Yes, it's why it's so important to us. We realize that dina could leave us at any moment without telling her whole story. Oh. My husband faded from my life in much the same way, and there's no describing the pain and the sadness that you feel when you reach out to someone that you love, and... and they stare at you like a you're complete stranger.", "Traci: Yes.", "Jack: Yeah. I haven't been completely honest with you. I thought I owed it to dina to keep quiet, but now I see that I can't do that anymore. My memory of that time is quite vivid, and, yes, I knew stuart brooks. And I know what happened on prom night. I don't imagine I'll ever forget it. You know, but I have to warn you. You might not like what you're going to hear.", "Jack: We meant it when we said we wanted to know everything. No matter what. Please. We're ready to listen.", "Mariah: So you volunteered to bring adam home. Must have been hard.", "Nick: Well, I need to swallow my own feelings about adam to make things right for connor.", "Mariah: But now that he's reunited with his son, I mean, wouldn't it feel great to just scream \"I hate you, adam!\"", "Nick: It's not gonna prove anything.", "Mariah: No, it's not gonna prove anything, but it might release some of this bile that must be rolling around inside of you.", "Nick: Adam's not gonna care, okay? And I'm not gonna go on some rant. What I can do is protect the people I care about from that son of a bitch, and that goes double for chelsea.", "Mariah: And you will. Because you always show up for the people that you care about. [ Claps hands ] Amen to that.", "Nick: Well, hello, councilwoman diamond. I couldn't help overhearing your very intelligent friend extolling your virtues about you being one who stands up for others. I agree. If it includes the citizens of genoa city.", "Nick: Really? We're back to that?", "Mariah: Back to what?", "Nick: Tammy seems to think she's got my future mapped out for me. Not just your future. The city's future. I remember putting on a brave face", "Mariah: Okay. You have to tell me what that was about. So that lady wants you to run for office?", "Nick: City council.", "Mariah: When did this all happen?", "Nick: My name's been in the news recently. We opened up the new hope building. I made a speech that some people liked, and, for some reason, they think that qualifies me for public office.", "Mariah: Maybe it does.", "Nick: Well, look, I'm flattered that people think i can make a difference, but i have a job, and I like it, and I'm pretty good at it. Why would I want to give that up for something I don't think I'm qualified for?", "Mariah: Because you'll never know unless you try. So you're gonna do it?", "Nick: No.", "Mariah: What -- I'm gonna keep trying to convince you.", "Nick: I expect nothing less.", "Adam: Well, connor needs both of his parents now. You know, his well-being is the only thing that matters, so... it really doesn't serve anyone's purposes by us keeping score on who's the better person.", "Chelsea: Wow. [ Chuckles ] I'm really glad you're stepping up to be the father connor deserves, but...", "Adam: But what?", "Chelsea: But you get to go home with him, and I'm left just being the other parent.", "Adam: Well, chelsea, I was the other parent for a long time.", "Chelsea: I know. But we've been together his entire life, and now -- [ Sighs ] I walk into his bedroom, and he's not there, and...", "[ Sighs ]", "Adam: Look, I know this isn't easy, and I am sorry, but this is just what is going on right now.", "Chelsea: I know. I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to --", "Adam: No, I know. I know.", "Chelsea: [ Exhales sharply ] And I want you to know that i really appreciate today.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Chelsea: And I promise i won't mention anything to connor about moving back in with me.", "Adam: I think that that is for the best.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, I need to go home, so... let's go into the game room so i can say my goodbyes.", "Adam: No. You go ahead. I'll give two a little alone time, okay? We're gonna get through this. I promise. (Dad) aaaah! When you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. That's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. It's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. 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So how do ya find the plan that's right for you? One that fits your needs and your budget? Call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. It's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! And see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer.", "Theo: \"Rah, rah, rah!\" Is that what you think I need right now?", "Summer: Mm, you should see me with a set of pom-poms.", "Theo: I'd buy a ticket to that.", "Summer: I bet you would.", "Theo: [ Chuckles ] You know, you could do a video with professional cheerleaders. It could be a good way to get you into the fitness space.", "Summer: Mm, changing subjects, huh?", "Theo: Nope, just keeping it light.", "Summer: Oh, light, yeah. That's what we are. I tease you, you tease me back.", "Theo: Nothing serious, right?", "Summer: No, if we were any more serious, I think the world would tilt on its axis, spin out of orbit, and plunge into the sun.", "Theo: Sounds pretty dire.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Theo: Better we keep it shallow then, huh?", "Summer: But if I were to be slightly, remotely sincere, I would tell you that you always will find a way to turn any situation to benefit you. And this situation is no different.", "Theo: I appreciate your confidence in me. Were you expecting kyle?", "Summer: Uh, no. Of course not.", "Theo: Me, either. I only come here because I dig his wife's cooking.", "Kyle: Thanks for suggesting we hang out. It's been a while.", "Mariah: Yeah, I figured with lola out of town visiting the new baby that you could use the company.", "Kyle: Oh, I can always use your company.", "Mariah: Aww. No, I just pictured you, you know, wasting away on the couch eating pizza out of the box. It was really scary.", "Kyle: Wait a minute. I can do that?", "Mariah: Hey! No, no, no! Sit! Sit. So, do you miss your beautiful wife?", "Kyle: Like crazy. Lola will get back tonight, and I can't wait.", "Mariah: So you're still in the honeymoon phase, I take it.", "Kyle: Does it ever have to end?", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Well, has anything changed since the big day?", "Kyle: Mm, nothing's really changed. But, you know...", "Mariah: No, I don'T. What?", "Kyle: Well, when you're just dating someone and things get too hard, you know you can always just...break up, right? Well, that was me for a long time.", "Mariah: Mm. When the going got tough, you got going.", "Kyle: But that's over now. Commitment actually requires commitment.", "Mariah: [ Gasps ]", "Kyle: So lola and I might have our little fights ever now and then, but leaving's off the table. We have to make up. There's no alternative. And, besides, making up is always awesome.", "Mariah: Okay. That was -- that was tmi, my friend. But, no, I know what you mean. Living in a studio apartment with a person you love is a lesson in forgiveness, giving and getting. Can I ask you question?", "Kyle: Mm, sure.", "Mariah: Is there a reason that you're telling me this?", "Theo: Looks like we found a party to crash. So, prom night, dina was dating john, your father, but stuart brooks developed a crush on her, a major crush, in an english class that they had together.", "Traci: Oh, that would be mr. Landis' class. They were studying \"hamlet.\" [ Laughs ] Well, they weren't just studying it. No, no, no. Students had to get up in front of the class and do a scene. And stuart was dina's scene partner. Hamlet and ophelia. Oh... and the chemistry between them& was... [ Sighs ] Well, everyone could see it. But dina -- dina is the one who felt it. Well, she was only human, after all. [ Laughs ] Stuart was handsome and charming and... now, john was, too, and dina was devoted to him. But she admitted to me, and a few friends, that... there was just something about stuart that... she couldn't let go.", "Jack: Can you tell us about what happened at that party? [ Chuckles ] Well, I was in this very room. Watching dina and stuart steal looks at one another. It was like watching two people who were so absolutely connected that you couldn't believe that they couldn't be together.", "Jack: And then...? And then... they snuck off.", "Jack: \"Snuck off.\" Yeah.", "Jack: Where? Well, we didn't follow them. [ Laughing ] No! But I think it was pretty obvious, they wanted to be alone. They wanted to be together. Well, she didn't have to spell that one out.", "Jack: So...? So... the next day at school, dina -- well, dina seemed different. Very different. And when I ask her about it, at first, she wouldn't say anything. But then she admitted to me that... she and stuart had made love that night. Oh, and then she felt terribly, terribly guilty about it. And she swore to me that it was a one-time thing and it would never happen again. And, as far as I know, it never did. And dina and your father were back together again, and... I -- life went on.", "Jack: And that's it. That's it? That's the wonderful and terrible night that mother referred to so emotionally?", "Traci: Jack. I don't think doris is finished with the story. I'm assuming there's more to it? After graduation, dina decided not to go to college. She opted to take a year abroad. Now, all of her friends were surprised, but... no, she was determined to go. [ Sighs ] After that, she just sort of dropped off the map. Oh, she promised to keep in touch, but nothing. Not even a postcard.", "Traci: So total silence. Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Uh, forgive me. Why is that important?", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Jack. I think what doris is trying to tell us is that this was no ordinary year abroad. This was a cover story because our mother was pregnant.", "Billy: I heard you were back in town.", "Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, what can I say? I'm like a boomerang. Toss me away, but I always return.", "Billy: I'm glad you find it funny. Unfortunately, no one els around here is laughing.", "Adam: I came back for my son. He was hurt, in case you hadn't heard. Poor guy was acting out because he was worried about losing his father.", "Billy: Oh, so you returned to be the father to connor that you always wanted to be? Is that what your story is, adam?", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Sounds like you have your doubts, billy.", "Billy: About you suddenly being a family man? I mean, we are talking about the guy that tried to kill connor's grandfather and then frame his aunt victoria for murder.", "Adam: Look, I don't have to defend myself to you. I have made mistakes with connor, and I'm working on making that up to him. What's your excuse?", "Billy: Excuse for what?", "Adam: Well, didn't you go to rehab to straighten yourself out? I mean, I guess that's one way of making it up to your family. But I never did hear the whole story. What did you go for? Was it gambling? Did you develop a drinking problem, or something? Or was it something else? Let's call it... murderous tendencies. Do they even have a rehab for that? I sure hope so. No matter what I wore, I worried someone might see \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: I suppose it's possible. In dina's day, young women of certain means would travel abroad, or pretend to travel abroad, to go off the grid to cover their condition, but... you know, some women traveled just to travel. I don't believe that's why dina did.", "Jack: Do you have proof that she was pregnant? No. Absolutely not. She never said anything. She just returned from her trip, picked things up with your father, and that was it.", "Jack: Then how can you be so certain of this? Because she changed her plans for college instantly. And this letter to stuart, there's a lot between the lines. No, there's no way of knowing for sure, but... but dina's friends and myself, I believe that that's -- that's the only explanation that makes sense.", "Jack: There is another possible explanation. That child could have been john'S. No. It's not possible.", "Jack: How is that not possible? They were together all through high school. Yes, but dina was adamant that she and john were saving themselves, and that's something they used to say back then. No. No, if there was a child, it wasn't john'S.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] I don't understand why there was no mention of it. You know, we have been through mountains of dina's papers. Mountains. And there was not one word about a baby. Why? I can't answer that. Well... perhaps dina felt so ashamed that she couldn't write anything down.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry --", "Traci: No. No, no, no. You've told us everything you remember, and we're so grateful. [ Chuckles ] I wish I could have remembered more.", "Jack: No, you -- you've been a great help, and we won't take up any more of your time.", "Traci: [ Clears throat ] I hope dina has made peace with what happened, and... I hope you can, too.", "Jack: Thank you. I'll show you out. Thank you.", "Traci: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Wait, what are you doing?", "Traci: Oh, uh, I can't believe I didn't remember this before! We have all these boxes, these boxes from mergeron that dina brought back from france.", "Jack: Yeah, and we went through them, very carefully, trying to find something to use against graham.", "Traci: Yes.", "Jack: Nothing in there mentioned a pregnancy.", "Traci: No, but we do have this. This -- here it is! This is the inventory from mergeron, and this includes a whole bunch of books. Books, and, at the time, I found it so peculiar that she would have this on the list, but now it all makes sense.", "Jack: What book?", "Traci: Right here.", "Jack: A copy of \"hamlet?\"", "Traci: And not just any copy of \"hamlet.\" The kind a student would have.", "Kyle: Hey, a little early for a party, theo. Mariah and I were having a conversation.", "Theo: Well, that's cool. I just wanted you to pass along a message to your wife.", "Kyle: What's that?", "Theo: Tell lola that the quality of the finger food at happy hour has been slipping since she left town. So her loyal customers want to know when she'll be back to perform her culinary miracles.", "Kyle: She gets home tonight. She'll be back in the kitchen tomorrow.", "Theo: Outstanding. And she's feeling better, right? I saw her a couple times after she got light-headed. She seemed okay to me.", "Kyle: Yeah, why don't you guys have a seat?", "Theo: Are -- are you sure it's okay? We don't want to interrupt if it's important.", "Mariah: No, we were just catching up.", "Summer: Okay.", "Kyle: Lola's fine.", "Theo: Good to hear.", "Kyle: I'll tell her you asked about her.", "Theo: Oh, no need. I'm just happy she's feeling better.", "Mariah: I'm sorry, but -- this seems almost...nice. You two aren't actually friends again, are you? Are they?", "Summer: Don't ask me.", "Kyle: I wouldn't say friends, exactly.", "Theo: On the other hand, a fight isn't likely to break out, either. So I guess you'd call that progress, hmm?", "Kyle: Some would say.", "Theo: Well, here's to progress.", "Summer: Oh!", "Chelsea: God, nick, this is so hard. And it's just gonna stay that way.", "Nick: Look, chelsea, this is brand new, all right? And, right now, it feels like connor's never gonna want to come home to you. But I promise you, eventually, his attitude will change.", "Chelsea: Well, I appreciate you saying that, but we both know there are no guarantees. I mean, this is my life now, connor with adam, and I just have to accept it.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Is there anything I can do?", "Chelsea: No, unfortunately. Oh! Sorry. I meant to tell you, before you came home, um, councilwoman diamond's office called, said they have materials for you, in case you've made your decision? What decision? Is this about new hope?", "Nick: Not exactly.", "Chelsea: What does \"not exactly\" mean?", "Nick: It's nothing.", "Chelsea: Nick... don't do this to me again. Don't shut me out.", "Nick: No, no, no. I'm not shutting you out. It's just -- tammy and a few others think i should run for city council because a seat opened up.", "Chelsea: Wow. And you're considering it?", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: Well, are you?", "Nick: I'll tell you what I've been telling everybody else. I got a lot on my plate right now with new hope, and I'm very happy with the work I'm doing there.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. You want to do it.", "Nick: Did you hear what i just said?", "Chelsea: I -- I did hear you. But I've become a really good listener lately, and... you want this, newman. You want this bad.", "Billy: All right, adam. What are we doing here?", "Adam: Look, I think we could save each other a lot of time and a lot of energy if we just laid everything out on the table. I mean, that's how they do it in poker, right?", "Billy: Yeah, they do. Although I haven't played in a while, but you know that.", "Adam: Are you really gonna have me spell it out for you, billy? Okay. Here goes. I might have once thought that it was victor behind the wheel that night, at the curve where delia died. I am responsible for that, and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life.", "Billy: Assuming you have a conscience.", "Adam: Well, you can believe it, you can not believe it. But if you want to stop playing games, I suggest you stop playing this one, and you admit what we both know -- that it was you hat was behind the wheel that night. That it was you that tried to kill me. (Man) I'm craving...", "Traci: Oh! Here it is! Here it is! Here it is! I was right! Kind of old and battered, just like a student would use for class.", "Jack: Is something written in it?", "Traci: Let's see. Nothing in front. Nothing in the back.", "[ Gasps ]", "Nick: Chelsea, all the city council talk is extremely premature.", "Chelsea: Stop it. When you're with other people, you can play mr. Humble, okay, and pretend that this isn't for you, but it's just us here, now, and I think we've earned a little bit of honesty.", "Nick: Okay. Uh, I'm ambivalent, you know? On one hand, it's very flattering to be considered, but I just don't know if it's for me.", "Chelsea: I think it might be. I mean, fighting the fight and talking the talk, and then taking action once the talk doesn't work anymore -- I mean, that's kind of who you are. Maybe this is meant for you. You want this, nick. I could tell in your eyes when you told me about it. So I want it for you, too.", "Nick: Okay, I think I do want it. It sounds cool to me. But, honestly, I was concerned that maybe you wouldn't be okay with it, but.. but if you support me on it, I guess that means a lot.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'd always be in your corner, no matter what you decide.", "Nick: I mean, when people first started talking about this to me, I thought they were crazy. But then I had this woman, uh, one of my new tenants at new hope. She came up to me, she had tears in her eyes, and she just said how grateful she was that she finally had a home she could share with her mother and her children. And it felt amazing to be able to help people in that way. And that you are behind me on this? That means everything to me, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Well... I think tammy's waiting for you to call her back.", "Billy: That's a pretty good guess.", "Adam: That's all you're gonna say? I mean, I accuse you of trying to run me down, and you're gonna give me nothing?", "Billy: What do you say we just leave it at that?", "Adam: No, I don't think so, billy.", "Billy: What do you want?", "Adam: I want the truth.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Adam: Because I saw the lights. I saw the car coming at me. And I'm thinking, that's it. That's the end. Next thing I know, I'm waking up with the monster of all headaches, but I'm still breathing, so how do you... miss me?", "Billy: Well, I did need to get my eyes checked, so thanks for the reminder.", "Adam: That's hilarious. You know what I think? There was someone else out there with us that night.", "Billy: Well, who could that be?", "Adam: Maybe it was someone who was out there to protect me.", "Billy: Well...", "Adam: But since I'm not genoa city's most popular citizen, I'm thinking it was someone who was out to protect you... from yourself.", "Billy: And you want me to tell you who that is?", "Adam: That's right.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] The easter bunny.", "Adam: You continue to not make me laugh, billy.", "Billy: Well, then take this seriously. This is between the two of us. You want to try and drag someone into this, you're not gonna get any help from me.", "Adam: Okay. Then just the two of us, then.", "Billy: Okay. So you want to sit here and compare battle scars, we can do that. But I think that's a waste of time. Especially when there's more important things on the table.", "Adam: Such as?", "Billy: Where do we go from here?", "Jack: Exactly what we've been looking for -- a decree of adoption. It was a boy.", "Traci: With dina listed as mother... and over here it's blank for father.", "Jack: Which means we have a half-brother out there somewhere.", "Traci: What's his name? Who are his parents?", "Jack: Here. See for yourself.", "Summer: Oh, whoops, I got to go.", "Theo: Mm, where to?", "Summer: Um, atlanta.", "Mariah: Okay, I'll bite. Who or what is in atlanta?", "Summer: Uh, it's a tv shoot because jabot has wardrobe and accessories placed on a show, which will be great publicity for the good guys. And I'll just be observing on set.", "Mariah: Well, I would like to be my normal, cynical self, but that's actually very, very cool.", "Summer: Oh!", "Mariah: Look at us with our big, impressive grown-up jobs.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Mariah: Except for you, of course.", "Summer: Oh, come on. That's not nice.", "Theo: It's okay. I can take it. I might be down, but I am never out. And I am definitely not broke. Check, please! Last round's on me.", "Kyle: What's the occasion?", "Theo: I'm just trying to buy back our friendship.", "Traci: The baby's name was... eric. Eric vanderway. Hmm.", "Jack: Adoptive parents raised him in chicago.", "Traci: Oh! And canceled checks -- \"for the care of eric...\" oh, my god. Jack, it's true.", "Jack: Eric vanderway, born to dina and stuart, raised by ralph and margaret. We have to find him.", "Theo: Thank you.", "Nick: Yes, she call me back. Thank you. This is crazy. And when I tell tammy I'm in, it's gonna get a whole lot crazier.", "Chelsea: Yeah. You're gonna have to put together your campaign staff, start meeting with voters.", "Nick: And prepare to live under a microscope.", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Nick: Everything I've ever said, everything I've ever done is gonna become public knowledge.", "Chelsea: Well, come on, i mean, you're running for city council, not congress.", "Nick: Chelsea, local politics can be a blood sport, and whoever is running against me will look under every rock to find dirt. And it won't take much effort with all the media coverage against me and the rest of my family. There's gonna be a lot of explaining to do.", "Chelsea: I didn't think of that.", "Nick: The only thing I can do is, uh, you know, be honest, tell the truth. Sometimes, it's funny how that works because that's the last thing you want to do.", "Chelsea: Well, what about my truth? My past. I mean, I haven't exactly led a perfect life.", "Nick: Don't worry about it.", "Chelsea: I suddenly am starting to worry about it. I mean, I would hate to be the cause of you losing the race.", "Nick: You won't, chelsea. Everything you've done is way in the past. The only thing that's gonna matter to them is that I put on that J.T. Mask and threatened my father. That's the only thing they're gonna talk about. But what I got to do is admit to my mistakes and try get out in front of any bad news they can dig up. What's gonna matter is what we do from here on out. Do you believe me?", "Chelsea: I believe you.", "Nick: Good. [ Cellphone rings ] It's tammy. Tammy, I'm in.", "Adam: Where do we go from here? I was just about to ask that myself.", "Billy: And?", "Adam: No, please. You first, since I'm the one that almost died.", "Billy: But you're free. I mean, you dodged a bullet.", "Adam: Well, I dodged a car, too, if you're keeping score.", "Billy: The point is, you're with your son. I mean, you get to build a new life together. Likewise. I want to build a new life with two of my three children, raise them with your sister. That's all I want to do.", "Adam: Okay, so... what do you suggest we do, billy?", "Billy: Go on with our lives, adam. No revenge. No payback. We just move forward.", "Adam: But moving forward would mean that we would have to trust each other.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] No argument here.", "Adam: Which means we stay out of each other's business. You go your way, and I'll go mine. Agreed?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']