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[ "At the office, Nick and Phyllis discuss having sex in the supply closet but decide it's too risky. She comes across the letter Jack wrote in case he did not make it. Phyllis is upset when she has to go back to prison. Jill is disgusted that Jack is being called a hero when she believes he is a murderer. Frustrated with the lack of progress on the case, she tips off the press that Jack is a suspect in Ji Min's death. Amber goes to see Katherine and brings her a scarf that she can use a sling, to be fashionable. Katherine gives Amber a gift too, a pin. Cane and Jill come home. Jill thanks Amber for being there for Katherine. Cane is blaming himself for what happened and Amber suggests starting a fund for the victims, which they all think is a good idea. Katherine tells Jill that the accident made her realize how important family is and wants Jill to forgive her for everything. Jill says she already has. Victoria still hasn't woken up. Brad (without any bandages on his eyes or apparently any damage at all) sees Logan, and complains that no one is telling him anything. She proceeds to tell him all about Victoria's condition and what could possibly happen with her and the baby. The Newmans learn that sabotage is suspected, as well as payoffs, with the guilty parties varying depending on who is talking. Later Victor confronts Cane and Katherine and blames them for the accident. He also thinks that David had a part in it somehow.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Nick: Yeah. Hey, can you check and see if there's an e-mail from emergency response?", "Phyllis: Not yet.", "Nick: Okay, I'll call you as soon as I know anything.", "Phyllis: You know the bloggers are saying that, um, it was sabotage. That somebody's out to destroy Victor Newman.", "Nick: They're always saying that about Dad.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but they're also saying that, um... they think the inspectors were paid off.", "Nick: That is just ridiculous!", "Phyllis: Not as ridiculous as me not being able to kiss you.", "Nick: What'd you have in mind?", "Phyllis: Supply closet. Ten minutes.", "Nick: Would that be considered unprofessional?", "Phyllis: Uh-huh.", "Nick: Not that I don't want to, because I sure as hell do...", "Phyllis: Me, too. Anyway... you look wiped out.", "Nick: I'm just having a hard time sleeping. I can't stop thinking about Victoria and the baby and Noah.", "Phyllis: It kills me that I can't be here for you.", "Nick: You are. You're right there.", "Phyllis: No, I'm not. I'm not here for you.", "Nick: Well, at least you're not wearing that ugly prison outfit anymore. I mean-- although, you were working it.", "Phyllis: (Giggles) I did work it. It's nice to wear my own clothes.", "Nick: And wearing them, you are. You look... damn.", "Phyllis: You look good, too.", "Nick: Oh, it kills me that I can't touch you.", "Phyllis: Just hearing you say that makes me feel like you are.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Phyllis: That's great. I need help with this press release right here.", "Nick: Yeah, let me, uh, get you that information.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, good. Thank you. This is torture. I don't think I can do this.", "Nick: Yes, you can. And you will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: My baby. You should see all the get well cards and all the flowers that people sent. They just love you. They all want you to get well.", "Nikki: Yes, they do. We're gonna donate the flowers. Gosh, I remember one spring, you were six or so, and the flowers were budding, but you didn't think that they were doing it fast enough. They weren't blooming fast enough for you, so you tried to do it yourself.", "Victor: You were always kind of impatient, you know?", "Nikki: Mm. Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: You never let anybody dominate the conversation like this. We should've never... we should've never looked at that baby name book.", "Victor: Oh, come on, I loved looking at that book.", "Nikki: And we're gonna do it again soon. (Door opens)", "Dr. Okamura: I have her test results.", "Victor: You may speak in front of the gentleman. He is my daughter's fiancé.", "Dr. Okamura: From the ultrasound and non-stress test, it appears that the baby's healthy and developing quite normally.", "Nikki: Oh, that is wonderful news.", "Dr. Okamura: As long as Ms. Newman remains in stable condition, the baby should continue to grow in utero.", "Victor: Now, Doctor, you know that I'm flying in someone who specializes in brain injuries and pregnancy.", "Dr. Okamura: Dr. Webb from Johns Hopkins, yes. We spoke and I sent him a copy of Ms. Newman's tests.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you.", "Dr. Okamura: Excuse me.", "Victor: Sure.", "Brad: Doctor? Any change with Victoria? Is the baby all right?", "Dr. Okamura: I'm sorry, Mr. Carlton, but you'll have to speak to the family. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Oh, Amber, hi. What are you doing here?", "Amber: Um, I wanted to see if Mrs. Chancellor was home.", "Esther: Oh, she is, but she's not up to having visitors right now.", "Amber: Oh, okay. Um, I just wanna see how she was doing.", "Esther: Well, I'll tell her that you stopped by, okay?", "Amber: Okay. Oh, hey, Esther, um, would you mind giving this to her for me? It's a little gift.", "Esther: Oh.", "Kay: Is that Amber?", "Amber: Yeah, hi, Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Come in! Come on, come in!", "Amber: Thanks. Hi!", "Kay: Hi. Oh, I'm so happy you stopped by. It's so good to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Can you make that to-go?", "Man: No problem.", "Cane: Thank you. Is that Jack Abbott?", "Jill: It's unbelievable. It's another article about how the man sacrificed himself.", "Cane: Mum, you have to give him some respect for what he did.", "Jill: For what? Taking advantage of the situation? He probably staged the whole thing just to turn his image around.", "Cane: I don't think he would've gone that far.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Man: Senator Abbott, you're a hero. The coffee's on the house.", "Jack: I did what anyone would've done.", "Man: No way. Most people are out for themselves.", "Jill: And you're one of them.", "Cane: People can change, Mum.", "Jill: Yeah, that's exactly my point. People do change. I've known Jack Abbott almost all my life. I mean, for all those years I was married to his father, we were family. Business partners, adversaries, friends. Sometimes more than friends. That's why... this is so hard for me. 'Cause I cared about him. And now I think... he is a cold-blooded killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I should be turning cartwheels again, I would say by the end of the week.", "Amber: (Laughs) hey, um, I have a little something for you.", "Kay: What?", "Amber: Here, I'll help you. I wrapped it too tight.", "Kay: It's pretty. It's pretty ribbon. I love the box.", "Amber: Look!", "Kay: Oh, how lovely!", "Amber: It's--it's to use as a sling.", "Kay: Well, I certainly... will be a trendsetter, won't I?", "Amber: Well, yeah, you know, next year on the runway you're gonna see scarves used as slings. You know, I just may create my own line.", "Kay: That's very thoughtful of you, thank you. Thank you.", "Esther: Okay, here we go.", "Kay: Very good.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Esther: Can I get you anything else, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: Um, oh, Amber, would you care for anything?", "Amber: Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you, though.", "Kay: Uh, nothing else, Esther. Well... enough about me. How are you feeling, young lady?", "Amber: Well, I-I only have some minor bruises and scratches.", "Kay: Do you know how lucky we are to be out of that parking garage? My God, I've never been so terrified in my life.", "Amber: Yeah, every time... I-I heard a noise, I thought for sure I was just gonna be a goner. I really feel like we have second chances, you know? And I-I really wanna take advantage of that in a good way.", "Kay: I bet you will. Would you hand me my purse, please? It's right there behind you.", "Amber: Yeah. Here you go.", "Kay: Okay... there it is. It's a little gift to take with you on your journey.", "Amber: You didn't have to do that.", "Kay: No, no, no, I know I didn't, but I did. So go on, open it.", "Amber: Okay. Oh, my gosh!", "Kay: That's... to replace, uh, the one that, uh, you gave me, which I lost while I was being rescued.", "Amber: It's--it's gorgeous. Thank you.", "Kay: You're most welcome.", "Amber: I'm gonna-- I'm gonna go put this on.", "Kay: Do it.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Kay: Yes, of course.", "(Door opens)", "Jill: Mother, have you heard from--", "Amber: Hey, guy hey, look what Mrs. Chancellor just gave me!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I need you to check and see if there's any negligence on the behalf of Chancellor construction, if we're liable in any way and get back to me A.S.A.P. okay.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Phyllis: Phyllis Newman. Yeah, yeah, I just-- I just got here. Right. Today's my first day. Thanks. No, he's not. I'll--I'll tell him-- I'll tell him when he gets in. A lull.", "Nick: What should we do with the time?", "Phyllis: I know what I wanna do.", "Nick: You know, that supply closet is sounding better and better.", "David: Have you seen Jack?", "Phyllis: No, I have not.", "David: When did you get out?", "Phyllis: I'm on work release, David.", "Nick: Can I help you with something?", "David: Yeah, will you ask Jack to call me the second he gets in, please?", "Phyllis: Sure, I will. Absolutely. Yes?", "Nick: You wanna know the worst part about being trapped in that garage?", "Phyllis: What was the worst part?", "Nick: I was worrying whether or not I'd ever see you or the kids again.", "Phyllis: Watching that on TV was torture. I wanted to bust out of prison.", "Nick: Well, I'm glad you didn't. 'Cause then I wouldn't be able to sit here and... stare at you and think about all the things I wanna do with you.", "Phyllis: That would get me in as much trouble, you know that?", "Phyllis: Oh. Look at this. Look what they're saying about Jack.", "Nick: No, it's true. I mean, he didn't... he didn't hesitate for a second. Even though he... might never see us again.", "Phyllis: I know, right? Good. This is good press. This will help him, finally.", "Nick: Only gonna last a day or two, then they'll go back to focusing on Jack as a suspect.", "Phyllis: What do you mean?", "Nick: Well, for Ji Min's death.", "Phyllis: Jack's not a killer.", "Nick: Yeah, but it could've been an accident that he covered up.", "Phyllis: I don't think so. Who told you this?", "Nick: Jack did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, Brad. How's Victoria?", "Brad: You know as much as I do. I haven't been able to see her. How's Sharon and Noah?", "Jack: He's a tough kid. He's gonna be okay.", "Brad: Sharon's leg?", "Jack: Sprained. They've got her in a walking cast. Not that that's slowing her down in the least.", "Brad: I'd like to drop by and say hello.", "Jack: I'd rather you didn't right now for Noah's sake. He's a little fragile.", "Brad: Well, please, uh, tell her I was asking about her?", "Jack: Sure. In fact, feel free to give her a call on her cell a little later.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Brad: What did the doctor say?", "Nikki: Uh, the baby is stable.", "Brad: And Victoria?", "Nikki: No change.", "Brad: What happens to the baby if Victoria's condition deteriorates?", "Nikki: I don't know, Brad. I don't even wanna think about that.", "Brad: Could I see her? Please?", "Nikki: Her father's with her right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You hire the best people available. Spare no expense. You fly them out here. Well, you get whatever equipment you need. I wanna get to the bottom of this today. When my daughter wakes up, I wanna be able to tell her who's responsible for this disaster, no one will get away with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So we have the heavy equipment waiting on standby. We're just waiting for the word to go ahead. We're also ready to contain any health hazard that might come up.", "Amber: Oh, like that, uh, poisonous dust from 9/11?", "Kay: You know, the press is comparing this to that New Jersey casino collapse. I mean, all those families got over $100 million.", "Cane: You know, the parking structure wouldn't have passed inspection if it wasn't for the payoffs. I should've-- I should've just closed it down.", "Jill: Darling, we didn't know this was gonna happen.", "Amber: Yeah, I-I don't mean to butt in, but, you know, maybe you guys should start some sort of, um, fund for the families.", "Kay: That's a wonderful idea. Jill?", "Jill: That's a great idea. I'll do that.", "Kay: All right.", "Amber: I should go.", "Jill: Amber? Thank you for being such a comfort to my mother.", "Amber: She did the same for me.", "Amber: Um... you wanna go a cup of coffee or a bite or something?", "Cane: I'd like that. Sure. Come on.", "Amber: Okay.", "Kay: Oh, Dear, this is such a tragedy. And... we're all so lucky, you know, to have one another. You know... Amber and I were... sitting there in that rubble and thinking... how something like this could change us-- change our lives. And I was sitting there thinking-- looking at all this dust and all the rubble, just that we may not get out alive, but I was having.... I was having terrible regrets. My biggest one was that I never made peace with my daughter.", "Jill: Katherine... no matter what our disagreements are, you know I love you.", "Kay: But that-- I mean, this shouldn't be. Because I've watched my dear, dear friend Victor for years. Now I watched him... shove his money and--and--and his--his power around, making all the family decisions, and saying, you know, it's for your own good. I've always thought he was pretty much a bully. And here I am, I know I'm acting... I'm acting the same way-- cutting you out of my will if you married Ji Min. And it's... wrong. It's wrong.", "Jill: Yes, Mother, it's very wrong.", "Kay: I'm trying to apologize here. Just be gracious.", "Jill: I'm just savoring the moment.", "Kay: Tell me something could you... could you really... really forgive me?", "Jill: I already have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, Jack, uh, listen, I need those insurance papers. Can you just tell me where they are? Also, there's something else I need to talk to you about, so give me a call back. Bye. Aye-yi-yi-yi. Okay, insurance papers. Where would you be? Insurance papers?", "Phyllis: Oh.", "[Phyllis finds Jack's letter to Sharon he wrote when he thought he was going to did]", "Phyllis: \"Sharon, at this moment my only strength comes from imagining you in my arms. My love for you is literally keeping me alive. In this last hour I've had so many thoughts about my life, the highs and the lows. I know I've disappointed many people, but I want you and Noah and Kyle and my sisters to always remember one thing-- I could not have loved you more. I'm so lucky and so proud to have been your husband. I love you, Jack.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know, the doctor said that your baby is healthy and strong. And you know that... your daddy is flying in a specialist from Johns Hopkins University. He's the best in the kind of injury that you have, you know? He will treat you, and he will get you well. Okay?", "Victor: You know what keeps on running through my mind... is the last conversation you and I had when you came to me about this Clear Springs project. And I must say now that I'm sorry for having been so harsh and stubborn, but you know when your father focuses on something, I just do it sometimes to the exclusion of everyone and everything else. That's just your dad. But you know that I always want what's best for you and for my children. You know that. I don't mean any harm with that. It's just when you're a dad or a mom, you just... always worry about your kids. And I didn't want you to... get involved in this Clear Springs project. And I didn't want your mother to get involved with it. But I didn't realize how much love and care you had devoted to cleaning up that place. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, didn't consult with you called in your mother's loan. I was wrong. But I know you will forgive me. Baby... my sweetheart... you're gonna get well real soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I didn't think anyone ever see this. I guess I kept it as a reminder.", "Phyllis: Why do people wait to say that stuff when it's too late?", "Jack: Well, I can't speak for everyone, but--", "Phyllis: You had an experience that'll change your life forever, right?", "Jack: Yeah, did everybody else. I mean, look at Noah--", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm-- I'm not talking about everybody else. I mean, you were there underneath all that rubble, thinking you wouldn't make it.", "Jack: Well, you know what they say. \"Nothing's certain in this life but death--\"", "Phyllis: Okay, Jack, I am not buying this \"I'm too tough to think about death\" act.", "Jack: The truth? The truth is, I was terrified. Terrified. Then the strangest thing happened. I... had this peaceful feeling just come over me. And I thought, if I don't make it, at least I'll be with my dad. And how bad can that be?", "Phyllis: Well, if that would've happened, your dad would've pushed you back to the other side where you belong. Everybody loves you so much. We're not gonna let you go.", "Jack: That's a lot of methane down there. Maybe I just ran out of oxygen.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Jack: Jack. I'll send her right now. Yeah. There's a fax down for me in the conference room. Would you mind getting that?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Sure.", "Jack: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Jack: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Oh, you got one! And your big brother is feeling so much better now. And I promised to bring him a milkshake from the coffeehouse. And your big, big brother is gonna pick you up from the day care and take you home. And we're all gonna come back in the morning.", "Logan: Hey. Sorry I'm late. One of our E.R. doctors is out with the flu. How are your eyes feeling?", "Brad: Um, my eyes are fine.", "Logan: And Victoria?", "Brad: Well, I was about to ask you the same thing. The doctors won't tell me anything because technically I'm not family. I was hoping you could tell me something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: I'll need you both to leave while I administer a pain test.", "Victor: I'm not leaving my daughter.", "Nikki: Well, I won't be able to bear that. Be right back, Baby.", "Victor: Right here, my sweetheart.", "Victor: She's not responding, is she?", "Woman: No, Sir.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: There is speculation of sabotage. First the corporate jet, now this. Some kind of vendetta against your family. There's also talk of a payoff to city inspectors. So the insurance company has sent an investigation team to Clear Springs. I should go meet with them.", "Nikki: I'm sorry, what?", "David: It's not important. It can wait. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Mr. Newman?", "Nick: Yes?", "Phyllis: This is all the, um, rescue and recovery information you wanted.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Phyllis: You're welcome. And definitely check the file. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me.", "Nick: I will check the file.", "Phyllis: Okay. Good-bye, work buddy.", "Nick: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: I-I still don't even feel like I'm in my own body. You know? My boss gave me a few days off work.", "Kay: Well, when I came out of all that debris, all I wanted was a vodka on the rocks. Double. Double.", "Maggie: Yeah. I feel like I should be doing something, you know? At least go down to Clear Springs, help with the rescue effort.", "Kay: Well, feel the same way, but it's ridiculous, you know?", "Jill: Detective Sullivan? I assume you're here about Ji Min?", "Maggie: No. I was actually checking to see how your mother was doing.", "Jill: Really? And what about the case? Have you arrested Jack yet?", "Maggie: I promise you, that if that happens, you'll be the second person that finds out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You'll have an inspection report tomorrow, and we'll see if the city inspections match. No, no, no, you can't release that kind of information now. You'll vilify Chancellor Industries. We gotta get all our facts straight before we open ourselves up to a bunch of lawsuits. Look... it could be an isolated case. You can't be certain that that batch of concrete had anything to do with the collapse. All right, yeah, sounds good. Talk to you soon.", "Victor: You knew there was a problem with the garage?", "J.T.: Victor, it's not that simple.", "Victor: You tell me everything now.", "J.T.: It may not have had anything to do with the collapse.", "Victor: Now you listen to me, my daughter's unconscious in there. You will not set foot in that room until you tell me everything. Why did you go to Clear Springs?", "J.T.: Cane hired me because he thought someone was stealing from the construction site. I uncovered a bigger kickback scheme. They were over watering the concrete. As soon as I realized that, I called--I called Cane and Mrs. Chancellor.", "Victor: Who was involved in the kickbacks? And I want names.", "J.T.: There had to be a city inspector involved. And Joe Boddington-- the construction foreman who was killed in the collapse.", "Victor: Who else?", "J.T.: Paul's looking into David Chow's finances, see if he was involved as a subcontractor.", "Victor: Why David Chow?", "J.T.: Because he met with Joe a couple of times. But it was difficult to connect.", "Nikki: Is everything all right?", "Victor: What you know about kickbacks at Clear Springs?", "David: Kickbacks? What kickbacks?", "Victor: Substandard materials, watered-down concrete.", "David: This is the first I'm hearing of it.", "Victor: What's your relationship with the foreman?", "David: Joe Boddington?", "Victor: Right.", "Nikki: Wait a minute, I sent David to Clear Springs to oversee the condos. What is this about?", "Victor: Your friend used substandard materials which may have led to the collapse of that garage.", "Nikki: What?", "David: And you think I had something to do with this? Oh, big surprise. Something bad happens, and to you, I'm automatically involved? Come on, Victor, we both know this has everything to do with my relationship with Nikki.", "Victor: This has nothing to do with your relationship with my ex-wife. This has everything to do with my daughter lying in that room.", "David: Whatever Joe was involved in, I had nothing to do with it.", "Victor: You better pray right now that I don't find out anything different.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You saved my life. Of course if you had known I was down there, you probably wouldn't have come back. So, you know...", "Cane: I like that.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Cane: I think it's pretty.", "Amber: So why'd you agree to have coffee with me?", "Cane: When we were breaking up, I did some things to you that I'm not really that proud of.", "Amber: Mm-hmm. Well, I don't blame you for being angry. I do blame you for pretending that you wanted me just so you could break up with me again.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, that's-- that's one of the things I'm not really that proud of.", "Amber: I gave it a lot of thought. I think that... I mean, well, you know, I-I must've-- I must've really hurt you for you to do something like that to me. Only someone that you lov-- care about... could hurt you that bad. I couldn't have screwed up any worse if I tried, huh?", "Cane: No arguments here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, Man, can I get a, uh, strawberry milkshake, extra thick, to-go?", "Man: No problem, Man.", "Nick: Thanks. Hey, any word on what caused that collapse yet?", "Cane: Hey. Uh, rescue and relief has accounted for everybody. We are... they're bringing in heavy machinery now, but it's gonna be slow.", "Nick: You mean, 'cause of the methane?", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, if there's a spark in a pocket of gas, it'll be done.", "Amber: How's your son?", "Nick: He's doing better. Thank you.", "Amber: What about Victoria?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Logan: When the brain swells it has no room to expand inside the skull. This causes a rise in pressure and can affect the blood flow. A C.T. scan was performed on Victoria and there was no significant swelling.", "Brad: But could it develop later?", "Logan: It can. Round the clock monitoring is essential. There's also the real possibility of a brain edema. Water collects inside the skull which creates excessive pressure, so they'll be monitoring her for I.C.P.-- Intracranial pressure. And how they'll treat it-- some drugs can cross through the placenta and affect the fetus.", "Brad: But right now the baby's okay?", "Logan: They haven't told you anything?", "Brad: Only that he's stable.", "Logan: Then he's all right.", "Brad: What happens if Victoria's condition deteriorates?", "Logan: Then the baby's health will deteriorate as well. One sign to look for is if Victoria's hand starts to claw. It's an indicator of fading sensory and motor skills. They'll also keep a close watch for preeclampsia. It sometimes occurs in the third trimester. It progresses rapidly and can be dangerous. Most women with preeclampsia deliver normal healthy babies. It's just that if it's left untreated, it can lead to placenta abruption, or seizures or H.E.L.L.P. syndrome, or elevated liver enzymes. I'm giving you too much information.", "Brad: No. No, I asked. I wanted to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I'm so sorry. We should' shut that building down the minute we thought there was a problem. Why'd I have to inspect it first? I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that.", "Brad: Mind if I come in?", "J.T.: Yeah, it's fine.", "Brad: Any change?", "J.T.: None. I'll be back in a minute.", "Brad: Hey, it's me. You know, you are tougher to get an audience with than the Dalai Lama. So I have some really good news. They ran all kinds of tests on the baby and he's doing just fine. So you need to hang in there, not just for yourself, but for your child.", "Nick: Hey. How's she doing?", "J.T.: According to the last C.T. scan, there's been no change. But, Man, when I talk to her, I swear she hears me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Yeah. It's officially no longer a search and rescue operation. The insurance investigators and the survey assessment teams are moving in.", "Nikki: Please... tell me that you're not involved in any kickback schemes.", "David: I swear to you, Nikki, any kickbacks. And whatever was going on, with Joe Boddington, or anyone else, I knew nothing about it. And I am just as angry as everyone else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Nice to see you out of a jumpsuit.", "Phyllis: Yeah, definitely a fashion don't, right? Well, I'll be here tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat station. That's a Halloween joke.", "Jack: Ah.", "Phyllis: Give Noah a kiss for me.", "Jack: I sure will. Oh, did you ever find those insurance papers?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I did.", "Jack: And there was something else?", "Phyllis: Yeah, you're a suspect in Ji Min's murder?", "Jack: Yeah, something about finding dog hair in his suite that has G.C.'s finest looking in my diction.", "Phyllis: That's ridiculous.", "Jack: Couldn't have put it better myself.", "Phyllis: Yeah, forget about it. They'll be onto the next suspect. Don't worry about it. You're on this hero thing. Remember, the public loves a redeemed sinner, Senator Abbott.", "Jack: Well, Senator Abbott would settle for a couple of Newmans getting out of the hospital and on the mend. And getting to build a model airplane with the 10-year-old version without getting glue all over the place.", "Phyllis: You're a softie.", "Jack: Don't tell anyone, okay?", "Phyllis: Definitely not.", "Jack: Hey? You okay?", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm great.", "Jack: Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I'm terrific. Bye. I'll see you tomorrow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Yes, Carter Campbell? This is Jill Abbott. We met when you were planning to interview my fiancé, Ji Min Kim. Yes, that's right. Listen, I have some information for you, but I wanna remain anonymous. Good. All right, here it is... the police have a major suspect in his homicide-- You're very welcome.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jill: Esther? Never mind, Esther, I'll get the door.", "Maggie: Well, Mrs. Chancellor, you have a beautiful home.", "Kay: Well, thank you very much.", "Maggie: You're welcome.", "Jill: Victor?", "Victor: Where's your mother?", "Jill: In the other room.", "Victor: Why did you not shut down that garage when you knew there was a problem?", "Cane: I was inspecting the site at the time of the collapse. If there was a problem, I would've dealt with it accordingly.", "Victor: You should've shut it down. The moment you knew. And, Katherine, I don't understand why you would put your grandson, who is obviously inexperienced, in charge of that position!", "Kay: I take full responsibility--", "Cane: Grandma. I take responsibility for this.", "Kay: No, I was the one who made the decision not to report it right away. We were all stretched thin over Clear Springs.", "Victor: The point is you have very legitimate reasons to shut down that garage! You didn't do that. That may have cost my daughter's life!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I am no killer. Resignation or not, the truth will prevail.", "Adrian: When we were down there she kept me calm. So I owe her big-time.", "Nikki: David had no part in it.", "Victor: Whoever is responsible is gonna pay." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Boo Proofread By Emma']
[ "It's Halloween in the city of Genoa, and Billy is hosting a festive shindig at a local dive bar that no one's heard of. The guests list consists of enemies, exes and maybe new loves he obviously has something up his sleeve but unfortunately big bro Cane spoils it. At the Tack house Victoria is being haunted by the ghost of Sabrina, possibly. Eden and Noah try to sneak into Billy's shindig but it's a no go and instead Eden kisses Noah and runs. Karen confesses the real reason why she can't have children and tells him he has a choice of staying or going." ]
[ "Amber: Do you love this place? Daniel and I are dive bar specialists, and we've never even been here.", "Daniel: I wanna rock! Yeah! That's right, baby! Yeah! Drink it in.", "Amber: Isn't he a fox? (Purrs)", "Devon: Right.", "Jana: Hi, lovers.", "Amber: Hi!", "Daniel: Hey.", "Amber: Who is it?", "Jana: My costume? I'm cupid. Eros? Love? Don't you know that?", "Daniel: Yeah, I think that she means who is throwing this thing? We still have no idea.", "Amber: Can we ask the tarot?", "Jana: Oh, I don't need it. Tonight, the spirits are reaching out to us instead of us reaching out to them. So expect anything.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jana: Oh! See what I mean? Hello?", "Kevin: Hey. Yeah. You're already there? Well, the only reason I came here from Jabot was to pick you up. All right. Lennox and Bullard? All right, I'm on my way.", "Noah: Hey.", "Eden: Do you have plans?", "Noah: Um...", "Eden: You do now. Come on.", "Noah: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, come on in.", "Victoria: Hi. Happy Halloween.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you.", "Nick: Happy Halloween.", "Phyllis: She's a ballerina clown.", "J.T.: Hello.", "Victoria: Have you heard anything from Mom?", "J.T.: Here's your cousin.", "Nick: No. Nothing.", "Phyllis: You wanna come here?", "Victoria: I really wish she would've told us what her plan was to help Dad. I can't stand all this waiting.", "Nick: Mom's going on instinct and prayer right now, Sis. And she's our best shot.", "Victoria: Well, I doubt that anyone can get through to Dad. (Shivers) Whoo. Did you feel that?", "J.T.: A ghost? Ooh.", "Victoria: Yeah, a ghost. Or maybe a draft from the door. That was a draft, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Thank you. Oh, there's always one that won't dress up, right?", "Cane: You talking to me?", "Chloe: Prom king would've been much cooler.", "Colleen: I guess I should mingle.", "Amber: Wow, slutty witch. Where'd you get your inspiration?", "Daniel: Play nice. This isn't your party, is it?", "Colleen: With this invite list? No. Not a chance. Have fun, though.", "Jana: Hi, lovers.", "Daniel: Hey.", "Amber: Hi.", "Jana: Hi.", "Daniel: Nice suit, Wall Street. What the hell are you supposed to be?", "Kevin: I, uh, just came from Jabot.", "Daniel: Ah.", "Jana: Well, at least loosen your tie.", "Amber: So Jana marries this fun, wild, bizarre, awesome guy in an ashram. Now you look like foreclosure man.", "Kevin: Well, I'm glad I came.", "Jana: Oh, that's all right.", "Kevin: Now you can come.", "Chloe: This host is so twisted.", "Cane: Yeah, but when's he gonna show his face?", "Billy: Welcome to the Halloween big top, the G.C. Circus. I am your host and ringmaster, Billy Abbott and you are the audience and the show. Trick or treat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: Oh, coffee?", "Neil: Yo.", "Karen: That means you're still working, right?", "Neil: Hey, you. Hey, hey, hey. You know what? Why don't we meet over at, uh, the coffeehouse? Ana's got the whole costume thing going on, and I'm sure she would love us to see it.", "Karen: Oh, that's so cute. I sort of figured kids her age would think that was silly by now.", "Neil: You're never too old for Halloween, are you? I-I remember, uh, one year Lily came home from Paris for Halloween, and she was at that in-between age. Well, she couldn't wait to get out of the house to go trick-or-treating. And what was she that year? She was a-- she was a ballerina like her mom.", "Karen: You miss that -stuff, don't you?", "Neil: Huh? Yeah. I do. Yeah, and about that, um... when I asked you about you and me and... kids again.", "Karen: No, Neil, come on, do we have to--", "Neil: No, no, wait, let me finish. Let me finish. I'm saying I'm sorry. Okay, that's it. Um, it's a closed issue. I should've left it closed, so... Karen, I have you in my life. All right? A guy would be absolutely crazy to want anything more. Well, I'm gonna get out of here. I'll see you over at the coffee shop, okay?", "Karen: All right.", "Neil: Bye, Baby.", "Karen: Bye.", "Karen: Hey, it's me. Um, I need to see you, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey. Did I ever tell you that Olivia Newton-John is the hottest woman, like ever?", "Daniel: Hey, um, did I ever tell you that maybe you should put those eyes of yours back in your head?", "Kevin: Or--or somebody-- anybody can put them back in your head for you.", "Billy: Okay, here's the deal. You won, man. You got the girl. I lost. It's okay. There's no hard feelings. Not on my part, anyway. So come on, tell him. Just go have fun. Enjoy it. And as for you, you know, I almost wore the exact same costume. That would've been really embarrassing, wouldn't it, Sweetheart?", "Kevin: (Laughs) Okay, here's the plan. We order lots and lots and lots of alcohol, as much as we can. We pour it down the toilet if we have to.", "Daniel: Because we hate booze?", "Kevin: No, because we want to spend as much of that jerk's money as possible.", "Daniel: Oh.", "Billy: Prom queen, Sweetie, you're supposed to go to the prom before you put out.", "Chloe: Mmm. I'm an overachiever.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Chloe: I should've known you were throwing this party. Way too cool for these kids to throw.", "Billy: Oh, come on, you can stop. You already had me and you left me. I have no bitter feelings.", "Chloe: I do toss men aside, don't I?", "Billy: Mm-hmm. But... you've got a keeper. If you can keep him.", "Chloe: Which is what you and I both want. So then you have a clear shot at Lily. You know, genius idea, inviting them both to this party. Putting them in the same room? What are you thinking?", "Billy: Oh, come on, trust me, you pretty little queen. I got this one covered.", "Colleen: Stop.", "Lily: What are you doing?", "Colleen: You have that dazed, \"I love Cane\" look. No. Are you gonna talk to him?", "Lily: No, I'm not. He and I agreed that talking makes everything worse.", "Colleen: Good.", "(Cell phone buzzing)", "Colleen: Oh! Is that a text from the guy from", "Lily: Yes. It says, \"Falloutgirl has a message from Sonny Crawford.\"", "Colleen: What does it say?", "Lily: Well, he wants to know what I'm doing All Hallow's Eve.", "Colleen: Invite him here. It's perfect. There's so many people here. And if he's a dork, then... I don't know, you can say you're the dork in legwarmers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Come see the candy. All right. Let's have the candy right here.", "Summer: I want this.", "J.T.: Well, my friend, you really know how to scare it up.", "Nick: You know, Phyllis went out and scoped the houses outside the ranch just to make sure that Summer wouldn't get gypped.", "Victoria: When did you decorate, 2:00 A.M.? Between the magazine and Newman and... everything that's going on with Dad.", "Phyllis: Um, it was 3:00 A.M., actually, and don't let him kid you. He did all of this on his own.", "J.T.: Well, maybe one day Summer will actually appreciate all this work you're doing for her.", "Nick: I just want her to know that work will never come before her.", "Victoria: Yeah, not like our father.", "Nick: Yeah, even when Dad was around, his head was never really on us.", "Victoria: No, but Mom-- there's a different story. No matter what was going on in her life, I always knew where we stood with her.", "Summer: There's a bug.", "Phyllis: Yes, the spiders and the eyeballs and the guts. It's so fun. Come on over.", "J.T.: Oh, sounds delicious. Come on, little pirate. Let's go get some eyeballs.", "Victoria: And guts and stuff. Sounds like fun.", "J.T.: Eyeballs and guts.", "Victoria: I just, I don't know, I can't stop... thinking about Mom. She's out there fighting for Dad. I should be helping.", "Nick: Vick, you are. You're making sure that Reed has a mother and father who will never let him down.", "Victoria: Are you still angry at Dad?", "Nick: I'm just frustrated, you know? I mean, he missed out on us, and now he's missing out on our kids.", "Victoria: They're beautiful, aren't they?", "Nick: Yeah, you know, Summer, when she put on her costume, she giggled so much that it made her hiccup.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Nick: It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I swear to you, I'll never forget that moment.", "Victoria: Thank God that they're too little to know how messed up things are right now.", "Nick: And they won't.", "Victoria: You know something? What Dad... what he wrote in that letter about you, you're an amazing father.", "Nick: Thanks, Vick. And we have amazing kids. And we are not gonna make Dad's mistakes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: Thanks... thanks so much for meeting me here today. I really appreciate it.", "Olivia: Look, I didn't tell anyone about this meeting. I didn't know if you wanted it to be confidential.", "Karen: Yeah, yeah. Thank you again.", "Olivia: How are you feeling?", "Karen: You know, I probably shouldn't ask this, because I know you never would, but did you mention anything about my condition to Neil, because he went from wanting to have babies to just completely backing off.", "Olivia: No. I mean, I'd never talk about a case. It's not ethical.", "Karen: I'm--I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have asked, but he just... he just backed off.", "Olivia: That's a good thing, right?", "Karen: Well... yeah, you would think so, but... you know, to be honest, I really--I like the idea of him wanting to start a family with me with kids and everything. I-I love that.", "Olivia: Does it make you feel more secure in the relationship?", "Karen: It shouldn't, but yeah, it does.", "Olivia: Look, I've known Neil a long time. And he is a warm, loving, classic family guy. I could see why he'd wanna have kids with you. But he's also sensitive, and he would back down on the baby thing if he thought it made you uncomfortable.", "Karen: Olivia, it makes me not just uncomfortable. I'm absolutely in knots over the whole thing.", "Olivia: Maybe it's because you know... how high on the list honesty is for Neil.", "Karen: Well, I haven't... lied. Well, not exactly.", "Olivia: Look, Neil loved you enough to talk to you about kids. How much do you love him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Who's that?", "Ana: Uh... hey!", "Neil: Hey, what's up? Look at you, my little cheerleader. I love it!", "Tyra: Hi.", "Neil: Good to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: You made the move. I'm so proud of you.", "Lily: I hope he shows and I hope he doesn't.", "Billy: Excuse me for a second.", "Devon: Sure thing.", "Billy: Thanks.", "Devon: We have a code blue over here.", "Roxanne: A code blue, huh?", "Devon: That's right. A code blue, that means a patient is in need of mouth-to- mouth resuscitation.", "Roxanne: Oh, well, Doctor, please, don't--don't let me get in your way.", "Devon: Oh, no?", "Billy: And...", "(Cell phone buzzes)", "Colleen: Oh! What did he say? What did he say? What did he say?", "Lily: Sonny is on his way.", "Colleen: Sonny's on his way.", "Jeff: Fang Comey, you're a Buckley's guy, right?", "Jana: The spirits-- they're so active today. It's almost like... yes, it's almost like a hum in my head. And if I'm careful, yes, I can almost make out what they're saying.", "Kevin: Okay, okay, okay, okay, ask mine how I can tap the power within. New job, stock market, anything.", "Jana: I can't ask that.", "Kevin: Why not? I just want a tip or two on how I can get ahead.", "Daniel: Oh, I bet--", "Kevin: Don't say it. I bet my guardian angel would be up for it.", "Jana: No, I can't ask that, because there seems to be nobody looking out for your soul.", "Kevin: Oh, come on.", "Billy: You hate this. The party? You're politely biding your time but when you've had long enough, you and your date-- your phone-- are going to bail outta here.", "Lily: Uh, I am not dating my phone.", "Billy: Well, you look pretty attached to me.", "Lily: Well, it's because I met a guy.", "Billy: Really? Off that dating site that was a joke that obviously isn't such a joke anymore?", "Lily: Yeah. And he's funny.", "Billy: Ah. I'm thinking he's compensating. I'm thinking probably a comb-over. Have you seen him?", "Lily: Well, actually, he's coming here.", "Billy: Really?", "Lily: Yeah. Colleen talked me into inviting him, and he's willing to show me his face, and I'm gonna show him mine.", "Billy: Huh. Well, we both know who's getting the better end of this deal, don't we? But no, that--that's-- that's cool. I mean, uh, there's a possible love connection at my first annual Halloween party. I am honored.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: This is a bad idea. I told my parents I was meeting from friends at the coffeehouse.", "Eden: Well, you met me, and I'm your friend. So technically, you told the truth. Come on.", "Man: Hey, whoa, whoa. Who are you kidding, kid?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Where's giggles?", "Phyllis: She is upstairs. She decided that she wants to keep all the chocolate and pass out socks instead. That's what she told me. And she's gonna start with your drawer.", "Nick: Okay.", "Victoria: Meanwhile, party animal Reed is down for the count.", "J.T.: Wow, wasn't this the best time of year when we were kids? I can't wait till Reed's old enough to understand it.", "Phyllis: Yeah, when I was younger, I used to hit up the other neighborhoods for the best candy.", "Nick: I bet you hip-checked all the boys and took all their candy.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I did. You mock me, but it worked.", "Victoria: Well, um... you know, when I was home for Halloween, my mom would always, um, put out the best candy and I'd always have the best costume.", "Nick: Same for me, when I was around. But remember, Dad never really quite seemed to make it home in time from the office.", "Victoria: But he'd be around now. I mean, I can imagine him pushing Reed in his stroller and hanging out with the kids. Instead, he's, uh...", "(Shivers)", "J.T.: Oh, yeah, well, that was definitely a ghost, right?", "Victoria: No, I think maybe I just need my sweater.", "Nick: You don't believe in that stuff?", "Victoria: You do?", "Nick: I've definitely, uh, felt Cassie's presence before.", "J.T.: Well, I'd like to extend an open invitation to Walter Palin.", "Victoria: My dad didn't kill him.", "J.T.: It would be nice to ear it from the man himself.", "Phyllis: You know who I would like to extend an open invitation to? John \"Junior\" Kennedy. You know.", "Nick: I'm right here. I'm sitting right here.", "Phyllis: Because-- well, we'd talk about publishing and you know, 'cause he was... not--not because he's good-looking.", "Nick: Wow.", "Phyllis: You don't want this?", "Nick: So, uh, no on for you?", "Victoria: Me? Well, I think you guys know who I might wanna see.", "J.T.: You and Sabrina made your peace.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know, but I miss her. For me and for my dad.", "Phyllis: (Gasps)", "Nick: Wow. You gotta admit that was kinda spooky.", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh.", "Victoria: What picture was that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Wallace: Hello there, Ana-the-singer's mom.", "Tyra: Hey. Yeah, Officer Wallace, right?", "Wallace: Yeah.", "Neil: Well, look who it is. My man, good to see you again. Um, there was some confusion one day with Ana.", "Tyra: Yep, but, um... it was a happy ending, thanks here to Officer Wallace.", "Wallace: Girl, please.", "Tyra: Okay.", "Wallace: Looks like you two stayed in Genoa City after all?", "Tyra: Yep, well, Indigo needed a manager.", "Wallace: And that young lady needed her family. Glad to see it worked out.", "Neil: So you on duty?", "Wallace: Halloween and Christmas-- two of the worst nights of the year. So did you and Ana come as twins?", "Tyra: (Laughs)", "Wallace: There is no way you could be that young lady's mom. I better go get my partner's coffee. He gets cranky without it. Excuse me.", "Neil: Yeah, you do that, man.", "Tyra: Okay, what did he mean by I couldn't be Ana's mom?", "Neil: Well, let's see, what did he say? He said, uh, you're beautiful, you have a pre-teen. Um... how does that happen? I--call me crazy, but I think that was a compliment.", "Tyra: Yeah, well, I didn't like it.", "Neil: But you are Ana's mother. Thing's gonna change that.", "Tyra: Oh, Jael's here. I gotta go.", "Karen: Have fun.", "Tyra: Okay. So you ladies ready to go rot your teeth?", "Girls: Yeah.", "Tyra: Okay, let's go.", "Ana: Bye!", "Neil: Bye, girls! Be safe.", "Karen: Have fun.", "Olivia: Well, I'm next. I have a research paper to finish.", "Neil: Oh, yeah, I'm glad you got to see Ana all dressed up.", "Olivia: Night.", "Karen: Night.", "Olivia: See you back at the apartment.", "Neil: Okay. Bye.", "Olivia: Bye.", "Neil: Okay... so... what do you say we go home, hand out some candy, or--or wait, or we could, uh, turn off the lights and ignore the doorbell and just... hang out.", "Karen: No, Honey, look, why don't we just, um... look, let's just stay here. Let's just do this here.", "Neil: Do--do what here?", "Karen: I need to talk to you about something. Something that you deserve to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Well, that went well.", "Eden: Grumpy bouncer guy needs some ashram time.", "Noah: I'm just happy he didn't call my parents. They'd flay me.", "Eden: My dad is cool. He understands developing independence and a sense of self.", "Noah: Hmm. So that's what we were doing with the masks? That's good to know. My dad, however...", "Eden: No, I've seen that up close.", "Noah: No, it's just... my sister died of a... booze/car combination.", "Eden: I'm so stupid.", "Noah: It's okay.", "Eden: You know, uh... at the ashram, we had these, uh, silent weeks. I'm thinking I should... probably try that again. Like, now.", "Noah: They just miss her. That's all.", "Eden: Uh, I got some new downloads in a buying frenzy. I'm not sure yet if they suck or not. I'm kind of afraid to find out.", "Noah: Be brave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Hey!", "Colleen: Excuse me.", "Amber: Excuse you.", "Colleen: You know, it must suck that Daniel might come to his senses and dump you at any second. I mean, he already knows you cheated on him, right? Does he know you're a-a psycho? No?", "Amber: If I were psycho, I would toss this drink right in your face.", "Colleen: You are a lunatic!", "Amber: At least it wasn't your face, right, baby?", "Colleen: Don't touch me.", "Billy: Whoa! What--what did I miss?", "Colleen: I don't even know how you can look at her, okay? And... never mind. Thank you for keeping her away from Daniel, by the way.", "Billy: Oh, come on, I had bigger fish to fry than Amber, and so do you.", "Kevin: All right, okay now, you're gonna go to system preferences. Right, right, right, that one. That one. All right, great, good. All right, you're welcome, Mrs. Chancellor. Okay. All right, you, too. Good night. Bye.", "Daniel: You are cheating on Jana with Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kevin: I cannot get away from her.", "Amber: You know what? Mrs. Chancellor is an amazing woman. You should be lucky she even likes you.", "Kevin: Oh, calm your woman.", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, you're messing with her home girl.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Kevin: Look, I like her just fine. I will just like her more when she's gone.", "Amber: What did you just say?", "Daniel: You--you really don't listen to anything I say to you, do you?", "Amber: You know what? Let me tell you something here. Mrs. Chancellor is an amazing woman. She has tons of life left in her.", "Kevin: No, no, no, no, no, no, I didn't mean dying gone.", "Amber: Okay, yeah, well, then what did you mean?", "Kevin: I meant... gone. Gone, like, out of my hair gone.", "Daniel: Out of my hair gone. Nice save. Yeah, right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you and old peg leg?", "Victoria: No, I'm fine. I want you to go and get pictures.", "J.T.: Okay.", "Victoria: Take a lot.", "Nick: He just wants to go so he can defraud my kid of all her chocolate bars. You should stay here, J.T.", "Phyllis: You know what my husband said about my hip-checking. I'm gonna protect my girl, okay?", "J.T.: All right. Make sure you tell your ghost about that.", "Victoria: The picture slipped.", "J.T.: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Yeah, it just slipped.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it slipped.", "Nick: Come on.", "Phyllis: Come on, Sweetie.", "Nick: Let's go get some candy.", "Phyllis: Let's go!", "Victoria: Bye.", "Victoria: Is anybody there?", "Victoria: You better not tell your dad you heard me say that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: You know my mother died when I was young.", "Neil: Right, right, you told me that. Is this, uh, about your mother?", "Karen: You know, she was gorgeous. I mean, I know... every child thinks their mother's beautiful, but... my mom was...", "Neil: Must've been absolutely stunning because... she made you.", "Karen: And then came the chemo and the radiation. I just had to watch her waste away, you know?", "Neil: Oh, God, cancer?", "Karen: No, it was-- it was ovarian cancer. I was-- I was in elementary school and... I thought my life was over. You know, that I would-- I would never be able to be whole and safe again without her.", "Neil: Karen, I am-- I am so sorry that you had to go through that.", "Karen: No, no, I... then when I was in my 20s, I, um... I heard that they had discovered an ovarian cancer gene.", "Neil: So if you're a carrier, you're more likely to get the disease?", "Karen: 15 times more likely.", "Neil: Oh, Karen...", "Karen: So I was tested.", "Neil: No.", "Karen: I, um... I just couldn't bear the thought of passing that sentence down to my little girl before dying and leaving her all alone.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Karen: To be broken up inside the way that I was, you know?", "Neil: Hey... you listen to me, all right? You listen, if you're scared, and I know you are, you--you need to do more research, I will help. I'll do anything you want me to do.", "Karen: No, no, no, Neil, no.", "Karen: I had a hysterectomy. So that I would never have cancer. And I will never have children. When you asked me if I ever thought about having a child with you... Honey, the answer is yes. A thousand times, yes. But I can't. And no matter how much I love you, I will never be able to give you a child.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I'll, uh, take another cranberry juice. Thank you.", "Chloe: I didn't know you were so clumsy. You come off like such a-- like such a tough guy.", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Chloe: Aw, I'll take care of you.", "Billy: You know, if we keep this up, we're gonna miss our reservation.", "Chloe: All right, well, if you wanna go eat...", "Billy: You know, I don't really wanna go eat. I just--I-I worry about you, Sweetheart. You fashion people-- you don't eat enough. And you look a little bored.", "Chloe: You're right, I am. I'm actually trying to fight a yawn.", "Billy: Well, all right. We can go.", "Chloe: Okay. Let's go.", "Billy: All right. All right.", "Chloe: (Giggles)", "Lily: Okay. He's here.", "Colleen: Okay, be cool. I'll look for him. What's he wearing?", "Lily: Uh, he told me I have to figure it out.", "Colleen: Okay, I'm gonna go so if he wants to come up, he won't be weirded out, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: Good luck.", "Lily: Thanks.", "[Lily imagining]", "Cane: So have you figured it out?", "Lily: You? You're Sonny?", "Cane: Yeah. It's killing me not to have you in my life-- be part of my days and part of my nights. And when you told me about you and that internet dating site...", "Lily: So you pretended to be a stranger?", "Cane: Yeah. That's because no matter what, there's only you and me, Sweetheart.", "Lily: It's you, Cane. It will always be you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hi.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I better head home. This can only get me busted again.", "Eden: Yeah. I should probably head home, too.", "Noah: Well, um... thanks for... getting carded with me.", "Eden: Yeah. Anytime.", "Noah: Okay, um, so I guess I'll see you at--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: That was some decision you had to make. I mean, Karen, I knew you were brave and strong, but, lady, you-- you blow me away.", "Karen: No, Neil, don't-- don't--don't do that. Don't be sweet. Don't wonderful.", "Neil: Because?", "Karen: Because this is about you. This is not about me. You have a decision to make.", "Neil: I've made my decision. I am with you.", "Karen: No, no, Honey, it's not that simple. And you know what? I'm not gonna let you get away with that. You love Devon and Lily, be damned any biological connection. Everyone can see that. But if you've ever wondered what it would be like to see yourself in your own child... I can't give that to you.", "Neil: Karen... you're not listening to me.", "Karen: No, you know what? I'm not listening to you. You need to listen to me. You are so busy being wonderful, you know what? No one would blame you for wanting something so primal and so basic. That--that-- that's not an instinct that you can just ignore. Do you understand me?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Karen: If you... if you commit to me, then I need to know that you understand what it is you're giving up. Honey, I grieved. I grieved and grieved over what it was I would never have. But I thought about it. I thought about long and hard, and then I made my decision. Now you have to make yours.", "Karen: No, no.", "Neil: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Well, you went all out. I'm impressed.", "Cane: Uh, if you want, I can get you a pair. You can have some new headshots taken with them.", "Lily: Well, those aren't very jacy.", "Cane: What--what's-- what's jacy?", "Lily: The--the girl that... Sonny Crawford.. never mind, I don't know. For a second, I-I thought you... read the book.", "Cane: Tell me what it is. I'll buy it. I'll read it.", "Lily: Um... you know, I have to, um... excuse me.", "Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don't have to go. I was just joking about the whole comb-over thing. I'm sure your man's presentable. Stick around.", "Lily: No, it-- it doesn't matter. Um, I just--I have to get out of here, but thank you so much for the party. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I cannot believe that Summer crashed with all that sugar in her system.", "Phyllis: My daughter parties hard, but she sleeps harder.", "J.T.: (Laughs)", "Nick: Vick, you okay? You seem a little off.", "Victoria: Yeah, I... I thought I saw someone.", "Phyllis: In our house?", "Victoria: No, um... no, it wasn't a person. It was like a shadow. It was like a shadow of a woman, just out of the corner of my eye.", "Phyllis: Hmm. You know what? This is your fault and your fault. All this ghost talk has freaked her out.", "Nick: (Humming)", "J.T.: All right, all right, I'll take you home. I'll make it up to you. You can have all the candy you want. Come on.", "Victoria: Okay.", "(Rattle jingles)", "Victoria: How... how did this...", "Nick: Is that the one Sabrina gave Reed?", "Phyllis: The--it--it-- it's probably just nothing. I , the nanny probably just had it in the diaper bag or something. It's probably nothing.", "J.T.: Yeah. Come on, let's, uh, let's get Blackbeard home.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah. Drive safe.", "J.T.: All right.", "Nick: Did you mean what you said? You didn't think that was anything or... were you just talking Vick down?", "Phyllis: Uh, I'm pragmatic. It's--it was just nothing.", "Nick: What about the picture? And Vick's chills? How about the shadow?", "Phyllis: Yeah. A whole lot of nothing.", "Nick: (Growls)", "Phyllis: Oh! Don't-- don't do that to me! I'm not sharing my treats with you.", "Nick: You gonna make me beg for your treats tonight?", "Phyllis: You beg every night.", "Nick: Good night, ghosts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: (Whispers) Victor.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: I can't count on you to give me the truth.", "Jack: I don't want things this way.", "Jill: You agreed to a thorough examination, so I will have to take this to our shareholders.", "Nikki: There's only one person who I think can reach him." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victoria and Billy argue when she finds out that he is quitting working at Newman. Victoria walks out on him. Nikki and Katherine discuss her upcoming marriage to Victor and how much discord is in their family because Nick won't help fight for Newman. Nikki is glad and this may be the best thing that ever happened. In the ruins of the ranch, Victor talks with Nick discuss about him not helping to win Newman back from Jack. Nick reminds Victor how much damage he did to this family due to Victor running Newman. Victor tells Nick that they have nothing more to discuss. Katherine gets up to leave when Victor walks in and gives Nikki a kiss on the head. Victor and Katherine exchange pleasantries then she leaves. Victor joins Nikki and lets her know how things are progressing on the ranch. Victoria tells them that Billy backed out of spying for them at Newman. Victor says he knew that Billy would begin having second thoughts. Genevieve gets a call from the mysterious woman who offers to give her the info that she needs. They plan to meet. Ronan interrupts Genevieve and asks what is the rush. Chelsea plans a romantic evening for herself and Adam but he doesn't show. Adam tells Sharon that he will not let her do this alone. Sharon asks Adam if Chelsea knows where he is right now. Sharon leaves the cottage in a huff. Phyllis questions Jack about this twinge that he feels in his back and wonders if his therapist knows. Jack refuses to discuss it. Jack tells Phyllis that she won't regret working for him. Genevieve returns to her hotel room and finds it ransacked. In looking around, she finds a bloody cloth on the floor. She rushes out. Despite the guards' attempts to hold her back, Genevieve bursts into Cane's office and asks for his help. She tells him what happened back at the hotel room. Adam tries to console Sharon by taking the blame for all of her problems. Sharon urges Adam to tell Chelsea that he is helping her. Nikki and Victoria have a meeting with Nick to try to change his mind but he refuses.", "Victor threatens to tell Victoria everything about knowing that he was in Los Angeles if Billy doesn't work with her to regain control of Newman. Billy and Victor's talk is interrupted by Victoria coming home. Victor leaves abruptly. Billy lets Victoria know that he changed his mind about walking away from all this and not helping her to regain control of Newman. Victoria know that this change of heart is due to Victor's visit. Victoria makes plans to go to Miami. Jack calls his informant in Miami to warn him of Victoria's visit. Adam comes home to Chelsea. They kiss and head upstairs. Sharon moves furniture in the cottage house. Ronan, Genevieve, and Cane visit the hotel room and finds a bloody handkerchief belonging to Genevieve. Jack has another severe pain in his spine which causes him to collapse to the floor. Phyllis quickly calls for an ambulance.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: I'm s-sorry.", "Adam: It's okay.", "Sharon: I-I mean, I-I-I didn't mean to...", "Adam: Sharon, we're good.", "Sharon: You know, it's like the part of my brain that controls things, it's-- it's--it isn't there. (Stammers) This--just these impulses-- it's not me.", "Adam: Like drinking too much?", "Sharon: Like putting my arms around you the way that I just did. Where'd that come from?", "Adam: You needed a hug.", "Sharon: You're married. What's right? What's--what's appropriate? I don't know. It--it--it's-- in my brain, it's mixed up. It's--I-I just don't understand where these impulses are coming from. I--", "Adam: Hey, maybe-- maybe we could get you some professional help.", "Sharon: Okay, I'm not crazy.", "Adam: No, I'm not saying you're crazy, Sharon.", "Sharon: Okay, I'm not going back to that place.", "Adam: I'm not suggesting you go back to any place.", "Sharon: I'm not. But you want to send me there.", "Adam: No, I want someone to talk to you.", "Sharon: No! No. No, no...", "Adam: I want someone professional to just talk to you--someone who's got experience with these things.", "Sharon: No, no, no, no, no. No, I won't. I won't.", "Adam: Sharon, you have to--", "Sharon: No, I won't!", "Adam: Hey, just listen to me. You need to talk to someone.", "Sharon: I'm--no. No. No. No!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Ethan, did you get my messages?", "Cane: Yeah, I got your messages.", "Genevieve: Well, I-- I'm sure you've been busy.", "Cane: Yeah, but not busy as the C.E.O. of Jabot, thanks to you, Mom.", "Tucker: Hey. How much rejection will it take before you finally give up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Oh, it's just gorgeous, Nikki.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Kay: It's beautiful.", "Nikki: Well, are you happy for me?", "Kay: (Sighs) Ye--well, and also relieved that you two have found your way back to each other.", "Nikki: But you know, it feels different this time.", "Kay: Mm.", "Nikki: Victor has reassessed where he's been and where he's going. He's making some smart choices about the kind of life he wants to have.", "Kay: Well, I certainly hope he's serious about that, because I was the one who dispensed that particular advice.", "Nikki: Ahh, well, then I am forever indebted to you.", "Kay: Nikki, because I love you so much, I just-- I hope you don't assume these changes are permanent. I-it's very difficult-- it's hard for a man to reinvent himself, and, uh, who knows, uh, how it's going with someone as successful and unwavering as one Victor Newman?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You gonna rebuild it?", "Victor: I'm not gonna just rebuild it. I'm gonna reenvision this whole thing.", "Nick: It's gonna take a long time.", "Victor: Well, I don't care how much it costs. I'm not gonna walk away from this because it ain't easy.", "Nick: Are you saying I took the easy route?", "Victor: I didn't say that, Son. You did... by refusing to fight for your family's company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Think of products and services you wish existed.", "Phyllis: Yes, and make the existing things better.", "Jack: Exactly, and you'll meet with the scientists, the engineers, the designers to make it happen. No boundaries--none.", "Phyllis: I haven't seen you revved up like this in a very, very long time.", "Jack: That's because you've decided to work for me. And here... is your contract.", "Phyllis: Oh. (Sighs) You must have been very confident that I would say yes.", "Jack: I like to use the word \"Hopeful.\"", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Jack: And, yes, I was a little bit confident. Billy was reluctant at first. I brought him on board. Red, the three of us are going to make the most amazing team. (Winces)", "Phyllis: What's that?", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: That. That's the same thing that happened at the club that almost took you out.", "Jack: Yeah, it's just-- it's a twinge.", "Phyllis: No, no, you get a twinge from carrying a heavy suitcase. You were shot, Jack.", "Jack: That was almost a year ago.", "Phyllis: No, and yet, right now, it looks like someone's putting a stake through your spine. Why are you not being straight with me?", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Honey, I'm going to need those papers I gave you back. Jack's asking for them.", "Victoria: Yeah, here you go. Okay, thanks. I got what I need. Hey, did you learn anything else today?", "Billy: No. Just about that Miami company.", "Victoria: Baker-Ryberg, yeah.", "Billy: Yep. It seems them and a few others might bail. Isn't that enough for you?", "Victoria: No. I'm gonna need as much ammo as I can to force Jack out. Billy, you know how much I appreciate you doing this, right?", "Billy: Yeah, I know. You're really counting on me.", "Victoria: Shouldn't I?", "Billy: (Sighs) It's just that Jack is really suspicious right now, and...", "Victoria: After one day? Why?", "Billy: I don't know. I just know that I'm not good at this, okay? And I don't like to spy on my brother. This is weird.", "Victoria: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. So you're not gonna help me anymore?", "Billy: No, I'd like to help you, but I wish you'd find a better way for me to do it.", "Victoria: Well, maybe I can, but until we come up with something that--", "Billy: No, just stop. I'm gonna resign from Newman.", "Victoria: So Jack practically steals my family's life work--", "Billy: Come off of it, okay? It was a corporate takeover. It wasn't an armed robbery.", "Victoria: He fires me and Nick, and you're okay with that.", "Billy: You know that I'm not okay with that.", "Victoria: Oh, really? Okay, so then why are we even having this argument?", "Billy: Because as your husband, I am with you on this, but as my brother--", "Victoria: Yeah, your loyalty to your brother trumps that.", "Billy: How about if I asked you to lie to Nick or your father for my benefit? Would you do it?", "Victoria: If they did what Jack did, in a heartbeat.", "Billy: I'm not saying that I'm on Jack's team completely, okay? And on top of everything else, he offered the C.E.O. job of Jabot to Neil Winters when it should have gone to me. It's a family position.", "Victoria: Oh, oh, okay. So is that what this is about?", "Billy: No, that's not what I meant, and you know it.", "Victoria: Ohh, I see. You didn't get the job role that you wanted, so-- so--so that's why-- that's why you're quitting on me, isn't it?", "Billy: No, there's much more to it. Actually, I don't want to have to squeal on my brother and come rat him out every time he has a plan.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, so you're uncomfortable.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm immensely uncomfortable. Wouldn't you be?", "Victoria: And your discomfort-- that's why you're breaking your promise to help me?", "Billy: Would you stop twisting my words?", "Victoria: Fine! Quit. I'll handle everything on my own.", "Billy: Fantastic.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, I know Victor better than anyone.", "Kay: Well, I hope so. You've married him more often than anyone. (Chuckles)", "Nikki: (Laughs) That is true. But I'm going into it with my eyes wide open.", "Kay: Allowing for what has happened recently? Um, losing his house on the heels of losing Newman Enterprises?", "Nikki: Well, we're rebuilding the house.", "Kay: Well, what about the company?", "Nikki: You know, Katherine, I wouldn't say this to anybody else. But in a way, I hope that the kids can't reclaim Newman.", "Kay: Well, that certainly surprises me.", "Nikki: (Sighs) For decades, our lives have revolved around that company, and it has caused so much discord in the family.", "Kay: Even now?", "Nikki: Nicholas has already told Victor that he won't participate in a fight.", "Kay: I see.", "Nikki: And maybe he's right. You know? I mean, maybe it is just time to let it go, and we can all come up with new interests.", "Kay: Are you telling me you're--you're glad that Jack has succeeded in his latest coup?", "Nikki: I think it could be the greatest thing ever to happen to us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I guess I'm just disappointed that you wouldn't fight for the company, you know?", "Nick: I guess when you said it was my decision, you should have said it was an ultimatum-- \"Either get the company back or get out of my life.\"", "Victor: I meant it as a kind of a test.", "Nick: One of loyalty? Love? And I'm guessing I failed both.", "Victor: I expected more of you.", "Nick: What about my expectations of you? You told me, \"Cherish your family. Find clarity.\"", "Victor: This was an opportunity, Son.", "Nick: An opportunity for what? For this company to ruin our health like it's done to you? To wreck Victoria's marriage like it's done to so many of yours, Dad?", "Victor: I built everything for my family. Everything I've done is for my family.", "Nick: I know that.", "Victor: Do you really know that? I came from nothing. Nothing. I had no family. I built all this stuff with my own hands for my children, Son, and for my grandchildren. All I wanted from you was a sign that you gave a damn.", "Nick: You really want that company back? Or is this just another challenge for your kids? Because if so, I'm done playing your games.", "Victor: It breaks my heart to say this, but you and I have nothing else to discuss.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Genevieve: Where is it? Where is it? Huh. Hello?", "Woman: Does your offer to pay for information still stand?", "Genevieve: That depends. Is what you have to say worth anything?", "Woman: I assure you, it is.", "Genevieve: All right, then. Let's meet now. Uh, you're at the club?", "Woman: Yes, room 437.", "Genevieve: I'll be right over.", "Woman: Stop at the bank first.", "Genevieve: Hmm.", "Ronan: What's the rush?", "Genevieve: Uh...", "Ronan: Everything all right?", "Genevieve: Yeah.", "Ronan: Yeah?", "Genevieve: (Sighs) I think it will be. Yes, it will be now, yeah.", "Ronan: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I don't need a shrink. I can get through this nightmare on my own. I just need to figure out how.", "Adam: No, you're not doing this alone. I won't let you do this alone.", "Sharon: I still can't figure out why you are helping me, why you are lying to your wife. I mean, does Chelsea even know where you are right now?", "Adam: It doesn't matter.", "Sharon: It matters to me!", "Adam: What, you think I have some kind of an agenda, Sharon?", "Sharon: You always do, Adam. What are you gonna want as payback? What, you think you can just seduce me into being your mistress? Some kept woman on the side?", "Adam: Sharon, stop! Stop, okay? Enough. I love Chelsea.", "Sharon: You know what? This is really inappropriate, especially considering what's happened between us in the past.", "Adam: I am not pressuring you. I am not forcing you. I am not manipulating you. You are here because it is peaceful. It is quiet. It is private. But you are not a prisoner, and you are not locked up. You want to go? You want to face the world? Have at it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, what does your physical therapist say about these little twinges?", "Jack: Sarge says it's perfectly normal to have occasional flare-ups of back pain. It's muscular, nothing more.", "Phyllis: Are--are you sure?", "Jack: I am through talking about my health. Now do you want a lawyer to look over this contract? I could have one sent over to Avery right now.", "Phyllis: No, don't send it to Avery, please. (Sighs) Can we do this?", "Jack: What? Work together?", "Phyllis: Yeah, work together. We haven't really excelled at teamwork in the past. I mean, can it really be different this time?", "Jack: Yes, this time, it will be different.", "Phyllis: My life right now is a mess. I don't want to walk into another tornado. So I kind of need... this job to save me, not make things worse.", "Jack: I promise you-- I promise you you will not regret this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Darling, I'd love to stay longer, but I've got a Chancellor V.P. dinner. First things first.", "Nikki: Ahh.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Victor: In that case, I'm glad I'm early.", "Nikki: Hello.", "Kay: How are you feeling?", "Victor: Very happily engaged.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Congratulations.", "Victor: Thank you, Sweetheart. So I hear rumors that you are gonna retake the reins of Chancellor.", "Kay: Well, I may have started the rumor, yes. (Chuckles)", "Victor: As I'm stepping back, you're moving forward. You sure you're up to it?", "Kay: We will soon see. (Chuckles)", "Victor: Boy, oh, boy. Okay.", "Kay: All right, Darling.", "Victor: You have a nice day.", "Kay: God bless.", "Victor: Okay.", "Kay: Love the ring.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Kay: (Chuckles) Take care.", "Victor: I knew you would.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Together: So--", "Nikki: How are things at the ranch?", "Victor: Well, various contractors have submitted their bids and I had the workers clean up the debris.", "Nikki: Well, you're moving fast.", "Victor: Yeah. And then I decided to continue paying our staff until they come back to work at either the penthouse or the rebuilt ranch house.", "Nikki: Well, that's very sweet of you. But you know, you've only been out of the hospital for a week. Don't do anything too taxing.", "Victor: Well, can we tax each other later?", "Nikki: Mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh.", "Victor: Uh-oh.", "Nikki: Oh, Darling, hi. What's wrong?", "Victoria: (Sighs) It's nothing.", "Nikki: Yes, something is wrong.", "Victor: What's bothering you, Sweetheart?", "Victoria: It's Billy. He's, uh, he's having second thoughts about being our inside man at Newman.", "Victor: (Sighs) I knew that. I knew that would happen. When it comes right down to it, he is an Abbott. He ain't a Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: This time will be different.", "Phyllis: Listen to you-- sitting here in Victor's chair all of five minutes. Already you can predict the future.", "Jack: No, it's more recalling history. Think of how many things you and I have been through since we last worked together.", "Phyllis: I have been through every circle of hell.", "Jack: So have I, twice over. And here we are-- survivors and winners.", "Phyllis: I'm not a winner. (Sighs) I lost Nick. I'm terrified I'm gonna lose my daughter. I can't trust my sister.", "Jack: I didn't realize--", "Phyllis: You know, I just don't... want to make another mistake.", "Jack: Neither do I. That is why, selfishly, I want you here.", "Phyllis: What's in it for me?", "Jack: A chance to get control of your life back. A chance to get back in touch with the self-reliant, determined, bright, talented woman I know. I am not saying we will agree on everything. I'm not saying there won't be occasional fireworks. You don't buy my bull, I won't buy yours. We challenge each other. We always have. That's what I need. That's what you need, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hello? Hello? It's Genevieve.", "Genevieve: Hello?", "Genevieve: (Exhales sharply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Voice breaking) I don't know where to go. (Sniffles) I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I got so screwed up. What's wrong with me?", "Adam: It's my fault. I did this to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Let go of me! Take your hands off of me!", "Man: Ma'am, Ma'am, you are not allowed in the building.", "Genevieve: No, I need to see my son! It's an emergency!", "Man: Ma'am!", "Genevieve: Let me go!", "Man: I'm sorry, Mr. Ashby. I'll call the cops.", "Cane: It's okay. It's all right. I'll take care of it. Thank you. I appreciate it. Th-thank you.", "Genevieve: (Sobs) Ethan.", "Cane: What are you doing? What are you doing here? This is a rep--", "Genevieve: You didn't answer the phone.", "Cane: I was in a meeting!", "Genevieve: Ethan, I need your help. That girl--the one--the one who lied and said that I was the one who hired her to impersonate Samantha--", "Cane: Stop it! Stop it!", "Genevieve: No, she called me. She called me! She said that she would finally tell me the truth about who put her up to all of this, but for a price.", "Cane: Well, you can't help her, because you don't have any money, do you?", "Genevieve: I went there, and she was gone. The door was open and the whole room had been tossed. There--there was blood on the floor.", "Cane: Oh, God. Why are you coming here and telling me this? Why aren't you-- why aren't you going to the police?", "Genevieve: Because, Ethan, if your father is behind all of this--", "Cane: Mom, if there was foul play involved, you have to go to the authorities.", "Genevieve: No, please. Just come with me, please. Just--", "Cane: Mom, Mom, Mom. If they find out that you knew something happened to this girl and you didn't tell them, they are going to think that you are involved.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Your fault?", "Adam: Come here. Have a seat. I am responsible... for messing you up.", "Sharon: Adam, I... we haven't been together in so long, you know? We haven't even really talked.", "Adam: I know. But when we were together, I did things, awful things, and it hurt you.", "Sharon: Well, we both made mistakes.", "Adam: No, a mistake is when you leave the refrigerator door open by accident. I did a little worse than that, Sharon. And then I had this makeover, and I figured that if I became a better person, that somehow I could make up for some of these things that I've done in the past.", "Sharon: Did that work?", "Adam: Not so much. And your solution was you let the Newman's walk all over you.", "Sharon: I took over Newman Enterprises.", "Adam: I know. You lashed out.", "Sharon: I was defending myself.", "Adam: You were greedy. You were deceitful, and you were wrong, Sharon. And when the past caught up with you, when everything caught up with you, that's when things fell apart.", "Sharon: And now I have no one.", "Adam: And that is why I am helping you-- because I owe you, Sharon, and I want nothing. You hear me? Nothing in return.", "Sharon: Well, if that's true, and that's what this is really about--", "Adam: It is. It's true.", "Sharon: Then tell your wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, you just missed your father-- a last-minute meeting at the house.", "Nick: It's probably for the best. Dad and I got into it earlier.", "Nikki: About your decision? He didn't mention that.", "Victoria: Well, you know, I am with Dad. Why are you turning your back on the family?", "Nick: I'm not turning my back on the family, just the family business.", "Victoria: But that's the same thing.", "Nick: No, they're not, Vick. They're not. For years, we've treated them like they're the same thing, and they're not. Family is holidays and dinners together and picking each other up through tough times. Business is business.", "Victoria: Fine. Then you're leaving it up to me.", "Nick: You don't have to fight, either.", "Victoria: (Clears throat) Well, I want to.", "Nick: Oh, yeah? How's that working out for your marriage?", "Victoria: Billy and I are just fine.", "Nick: Well, we'll see how long that lasts with Dad playing his latest mind game. Vick, the company's gone. Just let it go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Victoria's not here.", "Victor: I'm aware of that. I've come to see you, Billy boy.", "Billy: Oh, joy.", "Victor: Yes, \"Oh, joy,\" indeed. So I understand that you have decided to back away from helping Victoria from inside Newman?", "Billy: That would be between me and Victoria.", "Victor: You better rethink that, Billy. Victoria asks for your help-- you help her.", "Billy: Well, what if I don't help her?", "Victor: Then I will let her know that you knew of my whereabouts in Los Angeles, and that you were aware that I suffered memory loss and that you kept that news from her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Katherine... is it true that you're coming out of retirement to take over Chancellor again?", "Kay: And if it is?", "Tucker: I think it's a bad move. You won't be able to keep up at your age.", "Kay: Keep telling yourself that.", "Tucker: You've had health problems, Mother. Running that company could kill you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I feel too much allegiance to Newman Enterprises and too much fury towards Jack to just walk away. I'm sorry. I can't.", "Nick: Vick, I really respect your choice to stay and fight.", "Victoria: Then why can't you?", "Nick: I'm asking you to respect my choice not to.", "Victoria: Fine, if that's what you want. I better head out. Bye, Mom.", "Nikki: Bye, Sweetie.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Nick: I don't think Vick or Dad are ever going to forgive me for this.", "Nikki: They'll come around.", "Nick: Do you understand why I'm doing this?", "Nikki: You have to follow your heart and your instincts.", "Nick: I know this is the right thing to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know, I figured your goodwill to keep that little tidbit of information on the down-low was gonna have a very short shelf life.", "Victor: I kept your secret to protect my daughter, okay?", "Billy: Yeah? Now what are you doing? Sticking it to me?", "Victor: I'm still protecting my daughter. She's determined to reclaim my company.", "Billy: Fantastic. I'm not stoppin' her.", "Victor: She's asking for your assistance, and you will assist her.", "Billy: Or I risk losing her when she finds out about L.A., right?", "Victor: You're getting the drift, Boy.", "(Keys rattle in lock)", "Billy: I've got the drift.", "Victoria: Dad?", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hi. What's, uh, what's goin' on?", "Victor: I was in the neighborhood to say hello to my grandson.", "Billy: Yeah, and I told him that he missed Johnny by about an hour.", "Victor: I forgot how early the little ones go to bed.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Victor: Hope I didn't disturb you, Billy.", "Billy: Not at all.", "Victor: You have a nice evening.", "Billy: You, too.", "Victor: Bye-bye, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Bye, Daddy.", "Victoria: I'm going to bed.", "Billy: Just hold on. Wait a minute. Okay, you were right before. I was being selfish. I forgot why I agreed to do this in the first place.", "Victoria: Why did you?", "Billy: Because of you. You're what matters. You're all that-- you're all that matters.", "Victoria: Did my dad's visit have anything to do with this sudden insight?", "Billy: Well, I'd be lying if I said it didn't, but...", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. Did he threaten you?", "Billy: No. He just reminded me how much this means to you, how much you mean to him, how much you mean to me.", "Victoria: Billy... (Sighs heavily) If you can't do this, and you're ultimately gonna side with Jack--", "Billy: That's not gonna happen.", "Victoria: All right. Well, then if you're right and Jack's suspicious, then I don't have much time. I'm gonna have to get to Miami to convince Baker-Ryberg to persuade the board to get rid of Jack. I'm leaving tonight.", "Billy: I'm--I'm sorry. Did you just say you're leaving tonight? Like right now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Unfortunately, I won't be coming to Miami any time soon. You will be getting a call or maybe even a visit from Victoria Newman to discuss your ongoing relationship with Newman Enterprises. Yeah, I-I know that, Charlie. Just play along. Just don't believe anything she says, okay? Done. (Winces) (Exhales sharply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: What took you so long?", "Adam: Tears?", "Chelsea: Whose?", "Adam: Yours. The ones you would have shed if I hadn't gone to five restaurants to find us the perfect dinner.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) (Laughs)", "Adam: Come here.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: Mm.", "Chelsea: Mm. Dinner can wait.", "Chelsea: Come on. (Giggles) come on. (Squeals)", "Adam: Are you trying to take over here?", "Chelsea: (Laughing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I have to get this right. I have to make it all right. I have to get this right. I have to make it all right. I have to get this right. I have to make it all right. I have to get this right. I have to make it right. I have to get this right. I have to make it right. I have to get this right. Make it right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I want you guys to wait right here. Did you touch anything?", "Genevieve: I-I just touched the door.", "Cane: Mom, where is the blood you found?", "Ronan: I found it. (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Hold my hand. Please.", "Genevieve: That's mine.", "Cane: (Sighs) How did it get here, Mom?", "Genevieve: I have no idea. I... well, I usually carry one of those in my purse.", "Ronan: I'm gonna have to call this in. It's a crime scene.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Tucker, you will stop meddling in my business.", "Tucker: I'm just trying to help.", "Kay: What's your angle? Are you trying to maneuver a piece of Chancellor for yourself?", "Tucker: No. And you're my mother. And like it or not, you are my business.", "Kay: Not anymore. As of this very moment, you and I are out of business.", "Tucker: Katherine.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Stubborn woman. (Sighs)", "Tucker: Hey. You should get back to town. Katherine's about to make a big mistake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Nicholas, stay and have dinner with us.", "Nick: Uh, no, thanks, Mom. I've gotta get home and take care of my girls. Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad.", "Victor: Son.", "Nikki: Good night.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: You forgot to mention earlier that you and Nicholas had argued.", "Victor: Yeah. The fact that he decided not to help us get Newman Enterprises back weighs on me more heavily than I thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I got all weepy saying good-bye to Johnny while he was sleeping. Oh, I'm gonna miss him a lot. I wish I could take him with me.", "Billy: Yeah, he's gonna miss you, too, I'm sure, but I'll keep him preoccupied. And maybe I'll teach him how to play poker.", "Victoria: Billy.", "Billy: No? No poker? Fine. Blackjack it is. (Chuckles) I'm sorry. I feel like I really screwed you up here.", "Victoria: No, you didn't... yet. But Jack can't find out about this trip, okay?", "Billy: I told him that you were going to Italy.", "Victoria: Oh, you see? That was very smart of you.", "Billy: Hey, I try.", "Victoria: You promise that you'll keep me posted on any-- anything that Jack's doing?", "Billy: Yeah, sure.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Come here for a minute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Gasps) (Groans) (Breathing heavily)", "Phyllis: Jack?", "Jack: I-it's not as bad as it looks. (Breathing rapidly) Okay? See? (Groans)", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Jack. Come on. One second, okay?", "Jack: (Groans)", "Phyllis: Just hold on.", "Jack: (Groaning)", "Phyllis: No, don't move. Don't move. I need an ambulance-- Newman Tower, right away. It's Jack Abbott. I need it right away!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Genevieve: Thank God you're here. You've gotta help me.", "Sharon: I hate it here, Adam. I hate everything.", "Harmony: I have some news of my own.", "Neil: Yeah? You got some news? What you got? What you got for me? Go on.", "Harmony: I'm leaving Genoa City." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victoria and Reed prepare for Delia's funeral. Billy comes downstairs, completely out of sorts concerning the death of his daughter. Chloe looks at a picture of herself and Delia. Jill joins her and asks her how she is. Jack yells for everyone to get ready for the funeral. John appears to give Jack some encouragement. Ashley also joins Jack to let him know about her talk with Billy. Victor, Nikki, Nick, and Noah discuss Delia and that Victoria is blaming herself. Reed comforts Billy over Delia's death. Billy assures Victoria that he will be at the funeral then goes upstairs to get ready. Summer joins the Abbott family for the funeral as does Kyle. At the penthouse, Adam and Chelsea marvel over their son and the fact that he can see. Adam is still deeply grieved over Delia. Adam lets her know that he will take care of the flowers for Delia. Anita arrives to see Connor. Adam leaves very abruptly. Chloe, Kevin, Victoria, and Reed gather at the church for the funeral. Reed lets Chloe know how much he misses Delia. The Newmans also offer their condolences to Chloe and Kevin. Cane also offers his sympathy. Billy arrives and he and Chloe hug. Billy asks if she is ready to say good-bye to their daughter. Chloe begins to cry and Billy pulls her close. Adam arrives at the church just as the service begins. The service concludes and everyone leaves. Adam visits the cemetery to see Delia's grave.", "Billy and Victoria discuss Delia and the play and how funny Delia was. Back at the house, a tea party is held in Delia's honor. Billy arrives but isn't in a tea party mood Traci comforts him. Victor and Ashley talk and hug before she leaves. Victor aids comfort to Billy. Adam comes home to Chelsea. Chelsea wants to know where he has been. Adam refuses to give her any answers. Chelsea tells him that she hopes that the man who hit and killed Delia will pay everyday for his crime. Adam tells her that he thinks that he does. Chloe comes to visit Adam and Chelsea. Adam lets her hold Connor. Billy, Victoria, and Reed come home. While Victoria and Reed go up to check on Johnny, Billy starts to leave but sees Delia's dog at the door. Billy sits down and pulls the dog into his arms.", "" ]
[ "Chloe: You were always so strong. Today, I'm going to be strong.", "Jill: You okay?", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Jill: Everybody should be here soon. Then we'll head over to the church.", "Chloe: Pinky and I are ready.", "Jill: Pinkerton. You'll always remind us of Delia, every time we look at you.", "Chloe: No, we're not gonna look at him.", "Jill: Why?", "Chloe: Because I'm giving him to Delia today. She can't sleep without him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, if you guys want some breakfast before the service, you better get a move on!", "Ashley: Thanks, Dad.", "Jack: Hardly.", "John: [Chuckles] Done a good job, Jackie.", "Jack: I'll never be you, Dad.", "John: Oh, Jack, I'm gone! And you've all done a remarkable job of coping without me. Now you have to do the same with Delia.", "Jack: We barely survived losing Colleen. I don't know how we're gonna get through this, especially Billy.", "John: You are going to have to pull the family together.", "Jack: Dad, I don't have the answers they're looking for.", "John: Well, Son, sometimes, there aren't any answers, nor reasons. You just have to accept the facts. That's it.", "Jack: How do I help them accept the facts?", "John: Oh, Jackie, you'll figure that out. But you have to trust yourself and trust them. You're all a lot stronger than you think.", "Ashley: Morning.", "Jack: Hey, Sis! I take it you finally caught up with Billy last night.", "Ashley: Yeah, at the park.", "Jack: I don't even have to ask you how he was.", "Ashley: He's lost. And he made it very clear he doesn't want to be found.", "Jack: We've each been there ourselves.", "Ashley: And we wouldn't have made it back if we hadn't had each other.", "Jack: That's why we have to be there for Billy. No matter how long it takes, we have to be by his side to help bring him back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm sorry that you had to come here for such a sad reason. But I wanted you to be able to say goodbye to Delia. We're all gonna miss her, aren't we? Especially Billy.", "Reed: I could cheer him up with my new video game.", "Victoria: I just don't think he's really in the mood for games right now, you know? Billy.", "Reed: You're not dressed for the funeral.", "Billy: [Clears throat]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I hope he's okay with this light. I-I don't know if this is too bright for him.", "Chelsea: No, no. It doesn't seem to be bothering him, huh?", "Adam: Hey, you.", "Connor: [Grunts]", "Adam: Hey, I think he's looking at me.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Adam: I think he can see me.", "Chelsea: Oh, my gosh. This is happening so fast! [Sighs] I mean, just a few days ago, we thought our son was gonna go blind, and now --", "Adam: And now all's right with the world.", "Chelsea: With our world. It's so hard to feel that way on the day that Chloe's burying Delia.", "Adam: The funeral's today?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Lauren sends her love to everybody. She wishes she could be here, but...she's got her hands full dealing with Michael's arrest and what it's doing to Fen.", "Kevin: Michael sends his love, too.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Jill: Yeah. And, um, I guess everybody else is gonna meet us at the church.", "Esther: After the service, we'll all caravan together to the cemetery.", "Chloe: Uh, we're just gonna come back here after for our get-together. A-and the food and everything is ready?", "Esther: Everything's taken care of.", "Chloe: Okay. I guess it's time, then. No, I'm -- I'm fine. I'm fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Yeah, you're right. I was gonna be ready, but, um... my alarm didn't go off, and I overslept. And then your mother was in the shower. I never thought she was gonna get out, so...", "Reed: It's okay if you're afraid of the funeral, Billy.", "Billy: Okay. Yeah. You know, Buddy, you're right. I'm, uh... I'm a little nervous about today. But I feel a lot better now, so thank you.", "Victoria: Reed, why don't you run upstairs and say goodbye to Johnny, okay? Grab your jacket.", "Billy: [Clears throat] Smart kid.", "Victoria: He can tell you're hurting.", "Billy: Delia could always see right through me, too.", "Victoria: You know, it's okay to talk about her.", "Billy: That's the last thing I'm able to do right now, so...", "Victoria: You should probably shower, you know -- get dressed. You don't want to be late.", "Billy: Why don't you and Reed go on without me? I'll meet you there.", "Victoria: Are you sure? I mean, we can wait.", "Billy: I'm gonna be there. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I'd hoped we'd never have to go through a day like this again.", "Nikki: Another sweet, beautiful girl taken too soon.", "Noah: How's Aunt Vicki doing, Grandma?", "Nikki: Well, she's trying to put on a brave front for Billy and Reed, but I know she's devastated.", "Nick: I wish to God she wasn't going through this.", "Nikki: Well, the grieving will subside. It's the guilt I worry about.", "Noah: Abby said that, um, Aunt Vicki blames herself because she asked Billy to stop for ice cream.", "Nikki: Yeah. She feels if she hadn't have, Delia would still be here.", "Victor: What are you guys talking about? Victoria's not responsible for what happened to Delia.", "Nikki: No, of course she isn't.", "Nick: But it's hard to stop those thoughts. After Cassie died, I blamed myself. I-I mean, I couldn't stop. It takes a long time for those feelings to go away.", "Nikki: Oh, it gives me hope to hear you say that, Son.", "Nick: Well, having Summer helped. And now...", "Nikki: No, she's still a part of your life.", "Nick: I know.", "Victor: By the way, where is Summer? Why is she not here with you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Someone lost her voice.", "Ashley: Oh, no! Well, Honey, it's good to see you again.", "Summer: You, too. I'm just sorry about the reason we're all here together.", "Traci: All too often, it's situations like this that bring families together...and help them grow closer.", "Summer: Yeah. I'm sure the Newmans are thinking the exact same thing.", "Jack: I'm sure you're right. Our two families are bound by this tragedy.", "Ashley: Sad but true. And on a day like today, I'm sure Victor feels exactly the same way.", "Abby: I know he does. He just wants to help Victoria get through this and find the person responsible for doing this to Delia.", "Jack: I'm just glad he's not blaming Billy.", "Abby: No, he's focusing all of his time and energy on finding the hit-and-run driver.", "Ashley: Well, it doesn't bring back Billy's little girl, but that person has got to be found.", "Summer: They will. If I have learned anything in this past year, it's that the truth will always come out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You going to the funeral?", "Chelsea: I want to be there for Chloe so badly, but I'm scared to leave him right now. The first few hours are so critical.", "Adam: I'll...have some flowers sent over from all of us.", "Chelsea: I'm sure Chloe would appreciate that.", "Adam: Where is the, uh, funeral being held?", "Chelsea: Chapel of the Good Shepherd.", "Adam: Okay. I know where that is.", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: I'll get it.", "Adam: Okay.", "Chelsea: Mom.", "Anita: I called the hospital, and they said Connor had been released.", "Chelsea: We just brought him home.", "Anita: Perfect timing for a visit from Grandma! [Chuckles] Aww! Adam. Hi, Precious. Oh, it's your grandma. Hi, Sweetie.", "Adam: I'll leave the two of you alone.", "Chelsea: You don't have to leave.", "Adam: I have something to do.", "Chelsea: What?", "Adam: I have some business, and I'll take care of the flowers.", "Anita: Hi, Baby.", "Chelsea: [Scoffs]", "Anita: What's going on with him?", "Chelsea: I don't know. But he's been acting like that for a while.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Chloe.", "Kevin: Hi, Victoria.", "Chloe: Hey.", "Kevin: Hey, Reed. When did you get into town?", "Victoria: He flew in last night. Listen. If there's anything that you need, just let me know, okay?", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Chloe: Reed, look at you. You're so big!", "Reed: [Voice breaking] I'm really gonna miss Delia.", "Chloe: Me, too, Sweetie.", "Kevin: Where's Billy?", "Victoria: Um, well, you know, he...just needed some more time to get ready.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: When I think about what it took for Chloe to do this -- her little girl -- it just makes me want to cry and hug her all at the same time. I --", "Chelsea: I know. That's why Adam and I are refusing to believe that the operation won't be a success. We have to -- we have to let Chloe and Billy know that some good came from this huge, huge tragedy.", "Anita: Sounds like Connor's mommy and daddy are a-a team.", "Chelsea: Well, I wouldn't go that far. But sometimes when I see Adam looking at Connor, I'm -- I feel like I'm watching the old Adam.", "Anita: Whoa, \"The old Adam\"? What are you saying?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: Chloe, I'm so, so sorry.", "Chloe: I brought Pinkerton. He made her feel safe, and I just... I really want her to feel safe.", "Traci: Oh, of course you do.", "Chloe: Can I ask you something, Traci?", "Traci: Yes, of course.", "Chloe: I feel like I have this piece of me that's faded. You know what I mean?", "Traci: Yes, I do.", "Chloe: When does it stop?", "Traci: I really wish that I could answer that question. But what I can tell you is that all the love that you feel for little Delia -- that will never fade away. And we will never, ever forget her.", "Jack: We couldn't.", "Chloe: She was so lucky to have you as an uncle, Jack.", "Jack: I was the lucky one. Anything -- anything you need, you let me know.", "Traci: We'll see you inside.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Traci: Okay.", "Victor: Hello, Jack. Very sorry for your loss.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Nikki: Jack.", "Jack: I'll see you both after the service.", "Nikki: Yes.", "Victor: All right.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Victor: Come here.", "Chloe: You know that she loved you so much.", "Nikki: Look, I-if there's anything at all we can do, please let us know.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Kevin: See you inside.", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Cane: I am so sorry. I'm sorry. When that little girl was born, she brought so much light into the world.", "Chloe: And you were there to see it.", "Cane: And now she's up in heaven, and she's sharing her light there.", "Chloe: Yeah. Where's Lily?", "Cane: The twins are sick. They have a bug. You know how moms are -- I'm sorry.", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] Hey, you don't ever apologize for speaking about your children, okay? You are so lucky to have them.", "Cane: I'll see you inside.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Kevin: See you inside. Where do you think Billy is? The service is gonna be starting soon.", "Chloe: You know what? Why don't you go in and talk to the minister, all right? Just have him hold up for a couple minutes. I'll be right in.", "Kevin: I will.", "Chloe: [Sobs]", "Billy: [Sighs] Ready to say goodbye to our little girl? Yeah. Me, neither. But... [Sniffles] Let's go. Let's go do this together. Come on.", "Chloe: [Sniffles]", "Minister: We're here today to celebrate and honor the life of Delia Abbott, a life cut tragically and unexpectedly short. A lot of you have asked me, \"Why did this happen? Why was a sweet, innocent, little girl taken from the people who love her?\" I wonder if there's anyone here who can answer that question. Our faith tells us we have to trust in God's plan. That's not easy when you're faced with a tragedy like this. Losing anyone is difficult, but a child -- a young girl as vibrant and full of life as Delia? How could you let this happen, Lord?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: Well, it looks like Adam's treating you right in this high-class prison. [Chuckles] Mmm. But he'll never be able to offer you what Dylan could.", "Chelsea: Excuse me?", "Anita: Love, real family, home.", "Chelsea: All things that are way down on your priority list.", "Anita: Well, a girl could get used to this, but I know how much you loved Dylan and how much you were looking forward to raising Connor with him.", "Chelsea: I was.", "Anita: And I'm sorry that things didn't work out the way you wanted.", "Chelsea: Really? I thought you were Team Adam all the way.", "Anita: All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. Personally, this would do it for me, okay?", "[Both laugh]", "Anita: But I know your heart belongs to Dylan.", "Chelsea: It doesn't matter. [Sighs] His heart doesn't belong to me. Not anymore. I hurt him too bad.", "Anita: So, how's it going with Adam?", "Chelsea: [Sighs] You know, I mean, as long as I don't have to fight him for custody of Connor, this arrangement works out fine.", "Anita: And, so, is he all you share -- I mean your son?", "Chelsea: Yes, Mother. Actually...being a-a dad -- it's really brought out the best in Adam.", "Anita: Well, that's good. That's something.", "Chelsea: Yeah. It is. It's strange, though. Ever since I've known him, he's always been somebody that's kept everything inside, you know, and kept it to himself. But, lately, the past couple days, I've never seen him so emotional.", "Anita: And you think this being a daddy brought about this change in him?", "Chelsea: I can't imagine what else it could be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] Delia wrote a poem for Katherine's memorial. But I think it's appropriate for today. It's called \"Being Free.\" \"Being free means... I can try on all of your rings, and you won't get mad. Being free means... drawing with chalk all over the driveway together. Being free means we can have ice cream...even after I brush my teeth. Being free means... I love you... forever.\"", "Man: Rips you up, seeing things like this.", "Adam: Yes, it does. [Sighs]", "Man: Makes you want to go home and give your own kids a hug. You a father?", "Adam: [Voice breaking] Yes, I am.", "Man: Take care. Don't forget to hug your kid.", "Adam: Yeah. [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: There you go, Sweetie.", "Chelsea: Ohh. Hi.", "Connor: [Fussing]", "Anita: Maybe he's hungry.", "Chelsea: No, I just fed him!", "Anita: Ohh!", "Chelsea: He doesn't have a fever. The doctor said his eyes might bother him. You don't think he's in pain, do you?", "Anita: No, I-I -- you know, I think he's just colicky. You sure were when you were a baby, so I used to rock you for hours, and sometimes I'd sing to you all night long.", "Chelsea: You did?", "Anita: Oh, yes, I did.", "Chelsea: Oh, my gosh.", "Anita: It was our special time. [Laughs] Oh, the baby! Oh, Honey. What's wrong?", "Chelsea: Just -- somehow, it doesn't feel right, us here laughing with Connor... while my friends are burying their sweet, little girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Where's Reed?", "Victoria: My parents took him to Jill's.", "Billy: When we video-chatted last week, I told him that, uh... he, Delia, and I would do something really special. This is not the promise I had in mind.", "Victoria: He wanted to be here.", "Billy: Yeah. But he should have been carving pumpkins and putting decorations in the yard. Dee told me she had something planned for when he visited. She was gonna put on her little witch's outfit and hide in the closet so when he arrived, she was gonna jump out and scare him.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Billy: She didn't realize that she was the cutest witch ever and that she wasn't scary, but, hey. She was a funny kid.", "Victoria: She was definitely her father's daughter. [Sniffles]", "Billy: I was lucky to have her.", "Victoria: She was lucky to have you. You were a great father.", "Billy: She could talk me into anything. I would do things for her that I wouldn't do for anybody. You remember all those stupid, silly, little outfits that she would dress me up in?", "Victoria: [Chuckles] How many... cups of air did you sip at pretend tea parties?", "Billy: [Voice breaking] That's the point. All those tea parties -- they weren't just pretend to her. I mean, they were... they were important. She loved them. I'm gonna miss every... feather boa, every silly hat, every pair of earrings she put me in. I'm gonna miss everything that we can't ever do together again.", "Victoria: I know.", "Billy: I just hope, despite my many screw-ups, that she realized just how much I loved her. [Inhales deeply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: That was a beautiful ceremony -- the flowers and the music. And I love that you read Delia's poem.", "Chloe: I just wanted everything to be perfect for Delia.", "Kevin: I'm sure she loved it.", "Esther: Kevin's right. And I know she's gonna like what we have planned here, too.", "Chloe: What do you mean?", "Esther: Come on. I'll show you.", "Chloe: [Sighs] A tea party.", "Esther: These are for you.", "Chloe: Delia's favorite.", "[Door closes]", "Kevin: [Clears throat] Esther and Jill planned a tea party in Delia's honor.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Kevin: In case you want to dress for it.", "Traci: Not in the mood for a tea party?", "Billy: No, I'm not. And if you're gonna tell me that you know how I feel, then don't.", "Traci: No, I'm not, Billy. Nobody knows how you feel.", "Billy: [Voice breaking] I'm sorry.", "Traci: [Chuckles] For what, Sweetie?", "Billy: Thinking I understood your pain when Colleen died.", "Traci: [Scoffs]", "Billy: I had no clue until now. I'm sorry.", "Traci: It's a horrible club to be a member of.", "Billy: Yes, it is. [Clears throat] Yes, it is. And I would like to get out of it right now and just go back to the way things were.", "Traci: [Voice breaking] I know, Sweetie. I-I know. [Crying] I'm... so sorry.", "Nikki: Oh, do you know how much I've missed hugging you?", "Reed: I've missed you, too, Grandma.", "Nikki: Oh. You're gonna have to come back to Genoa City more often so I can do that some more...and spoil, spoil, spoil you. I'll be right back, Cutie.", "Jill: [Voice breaking] He reminds me of Chance. Chance grew up in California, so I never got a chance to... [Chuckles] ...Spoil him much. I was looking forward to a lifetime with -- with Delia. [Sobs]", "Nikki: I know. I know.", "Cane: It's moments like this that make you miss Katherine.", "Victor: Yeah. I miss Katherine a lot. At moments like these, she had a knack for saying the right thing, you know? I think she would have been a great comfort to Chloe.", "Cane: You know, hopefully, she's looking out for Delia.", "Victor: Yeah. Hopefully.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Ashley: Hi. Excuse me. Just wanted to say hi.", "Cane: I'll go. We'll talk later.", "Victor: My goodness.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Victor: Are you holding up?", "Ashley: You know, I'm okay.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Ashley: I'm worried about Billy. I didn't think he was gonna make it through that service.", "Victor: I think he seems to be holding up pretty well.", "Ashley: Yeah, he's trying very hard to hold it together. That's the whole thing. I wish he wouldn't. I kind of wish he'd let it all out, you know?", "Victor: Some people have difficulty showing their emotions.", "Ashley: Some people.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. So nice to see you.", "Ashley: You, too.", "Victor: Okay.", "Ashley: I'm gonna go see how Chloe's doing.", "Victor: Yeah. You know, Billy... [Sighs] You're facing something today... that no father should have to face. You did it with great dignity and courage. Your dad would have been proud of you.", "Billy: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam... are you all right? Where have you been?", "Adam: I told you before. I had something to take care of.", "Chelsea: Must have been important for you to leave just when we get Connor back from the hospital.", "Adam: You'd think you'd be happy to have him all to yourself for a little while.", "Chelsea: Don't let me keep you from your son. What is going on with you?! This mood you've been in -- I-is this about losing Newman?", "Adam: No.", "Chelsea: I know the company meant more to you than power and money. But compared to what Billy and Chloe have lost...", "Connor: [Murmurs] [Grunts]", "Adam: Jobs and businesses... can be replaced. Even relationships...", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Adam: [Grunts] ...Can be repaired. Losing a child... that lasts forever.", "Connor: [Murmurs]", "Chelsea: [Sighs] I know it's not right...", "Connor: [Grunts]", "Chelsea: ...But I hope one day, the person who ran down Delia suffers as much as Billy and Chloe.", "Adam: Maybe they already are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, I'm so happy that you decided to spend time with your family today.", "Nick: I'm sure the Abbotts were just as happy to have you with them earlier.", "Summer: Yeah, they were.", "Noah: Must be nice to be so popular.", "Summer: [Chuckles] Yes, it's...starting to feel that way.", "Nikki: Well, I'm so happy to hear you say that.", "Summer: You know, I hate that I didn't realize this until today, but... I have a place in both families. I mean, as long as you guys still want me.", "Nick: Well, you know how I feel.", "Noah: Oh, you're stuck with me.", "Nikki: [Chuckles]", "Victor: As far as your grandmother and I are concerned... you will always be a Newman, you know.", "Summer: And an Abbott, Grandpa. I'm a Newman...and an Abbott.", "Traci: Okay. I think we should probably go. You don't want to miss your plane.", "Abby: I wouldn't mind that.", "Ashley: I'll meet you outside, okay? Two seconds.", "Traci: Okay.", "Jack: I'll get your luggage.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Ashley: [Voice breaking] Now, this isn't right. I just said hello. Now I've got to say goodbye.", "Abby: I wish you didn't have to leave.", "Ashley: [Sighs] Abby, you know, the one thing that makes this a little easier?", "Abby: What -- knowing that, um, Uncle Jack and Aunt Traci are here to keep me in line?", "[Both laugh]", "Ashley: Yes. But also, it's seeing you happy. I mean, you're really happy... for the first time in a long time.", "Abby: Yeah! Yeah. I have, um, a great guy in my life and a fabulous job... and lots of family around me. But... the only thing missing is you.", "Ashley: Don't cry. I don't want to start crying again. There's been enough tears today.", "Abby: Okay. Fine. But only because I'm meeting Tyler after this.", "Ashley: Okay. That's good. Have fun. And I'm gonna see you soon. I promise. Okay?", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Ashley: Hi.", "Jack: I guess this is it.", "Ashley: You have to say it like that?", "Jack: Like what?", "Ashley: Like I'm never coming back?", "Jack: Are you?", "Ashley: Of course I am. I'm gonna be back in no time, bugging you and bossing you around, telling you what to do.", "Jack: [Voice breaking] You know, we keep saying we're gonna stay in closer touch. We're gonna see each other more often, and then... then we gather for funerals. That's not the way I want to live my life.", "Ashley: Neither do I, Jackie.", "Jack: You come home soon, or I'm gonna come up to New York and drag you up.", "Ashley: I love you, too, Jackie. Bye.", "Jack: [Exhales deeply]", "John: Well, Jackie... you did it.", "Jack: Did what?", "John: You've become the head of the family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: [Sighs] Look, Esther. Somebody never touched their tea.", "Esther: Oh. I-I know. I-I left that for Delia. Okay, okay. I know what you're gonna say. \"Esther, you're a scatterbrain! That is the dumbest thing I've ever seen!\"", "Jill: [Crying] No. I was gonna say it's the sweetest thing I've ever seen.", "Esther: [Crying] I miss her!", "Jill: I know. I do, too.", "Esther: I wanted it to be so perfect for Chloe. Do you think she liked it? I mean, it's -- it's so hard to tell. She kept everything so locked up.", "Jill: I think she was afraid to let her feelings out, you know? But I know from experience sometimes it's just as hard to keep them in.", "Esther: I'm glad she went to lie down. She really needs her rest.", "Jill: I know.", "Esther: [Sniffles]", "Kevin: Hi. Have you all seen Chloe?", "Esther: Uh, s-she's in her room.", "Kevin: No, I just looked. She's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I'm -- I'm sorry that I just stopped by.", "Chelsea: No. No. You don't have to explain.", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] Hang on. It's just so hard... [Sighs] ...To realize that I'll never hear Delia's sweet voice ever again. And I'll never feel her... little arms wrapped around me. But whenever I see you, Connor... I'll always see Delia. [Sobs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Are you hungry? Can I get you anything to eat? What can I do, Billy? Just...just tell me.", "Billy: Nothing. Nothing.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, Reed and I are gonna go upstairs and check on Johnny, so if you need anything, just call me.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: Come on.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[Scratching]", "[Scratching continues]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Fenmore: Did you get what I need?", "Raven: Have I ever let you down?", "Neil: How would feel about coming to work for me?", "Lauren: And if you're not gonna protect yourself, then I'm gonna have to do it for you.", "Michael: Please, just don't -- promise me. Lauren. Lauren!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki and Phyllis prepare the top of Newman tower for a benefit for children in Delia's name. They realize that when they get together, they get a lot done. The lights flicker at Newman tower when an unnamed person messes with the wires. Kevin and an electrician check it out but find nothing wrong. Later, the strange person watches Nikki and Phyllis. Victor gets a phone call telling him that Adam has woken up. At Adam's request, Chelsea climbs into bed with him. They discuss the future and Chelsea promises to stick by him no matter what. Jack and Victor arrive and Jack tells Adam that Victor has been fighting for Adam. Cane finds Hilary in the park, but when he turns his back to her, she runs away. Neil, Gwen, and the doctor look for Hilary. Paul tells Devon and Lily that Hilary has been found and they all go to the park. Cane explains what happened but Devon doesn't believe him. He thinks Cane made the whole thing up. Hilary goes to the hospital for help but runs into Dr. Neville who injects her with a sedative to make her sleep, so she won't make a scene and be recognized.", "" ]
[ "Neil: Hey. Hey, hey, hey.", "Gwen: Oh, I was hoping you were Dr. Neville.", "Neil: You still haven't heard from him?", "Gwen: Not since this afternoon.", "Neil: [Sighs]", "Gwen: Hilary's been gone, lost, for almost 24 hours now.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Gwen: What do we do?", "Neil: I don't know. Where the hell's he searching?", "Gwen: The woods and any roads within walking distance.", "Neil: Gwen, we should have heard something by now.", "Gwen: And how much luck could he have searching in the dark?", "Neil: I don't know, but I'm gonna try callin' him right now.", "Gwen: What about Hilary?", "Neil: Maybe he found Hilary, and he's giving her some medical attention. Or you know what? Maybe he's somewhere sleeping. How could he do this? Come on, answer the ph-- [Groans] Still no answer. Uh, Doc Ne-- you know who it is. It's me. It's Gwen. Just call right away, please. Right away! Unbelievable. He knows that she -- that she has the ability to wake up, and he's out there somewhere taking a nap!", "Gwen: You can't exactly blame him. I mean, Hilary's been lying in this bed for weeks, not responding to us at all.", "Neil: You saw -- you saw her fingers. I saw them, right? The doc - he acknowledged that.", "Gwen: None of us expected her to hop out of bed and walk out of her immediately.", "Neil: Okay. Calm me down for a second, all right? Doc did his job. He woke her up. We have to be thankful.", "Gwen: You should be thankful and relieved. But what if she goes straight to the police? We could all be in jail by the night's end.", "Neil: Don't say that.", "Dr. Neville: I am not going to jail.", "Neil: I don't see Hilary. You didn't find Hilary, did you?", "Dr. Neville: No, no. I-- I'm sorry, I didn't.", "Neil: I can't believe you. Why did you let us know? You--you dropped the ball.", "Dr. Neville: Because my phone died. I just came back here to charge it.", "Neil: Oh, wow.", "Gwen: Do you think she would have gone straight to the police?", "Dr. Neville: It's possible. Providing she's still alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: You know what? Maybe it's for the best.", "Lily: What, for the best that my husband packed up and left me?", "Devon: Well, if he can lie about Hilary, take my money, and then send us on a wild goose chase to find her, who knows what else Cane is capable of?", "Lily: Look, Devon, I know the evidence looks bad, but I--", "Devon: Lily, are you sure Cane doesn't know where Hilary is?", "Lily: What I know is that he's still my husband and he left me.", "Devon: Well, at least you know that he's safe, all right? 'Cause I'd give anything in the world just for a shred of proof that Hilary is okay.", "Hilary: [Panting] [Whimpers] Somebody... somebody h-help me. [Panting] Help me, please.", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Hey. Hey, you're okay. You're okay. It's okay. They took out your breathing tube. So you should be able to breathe on your own. Can you? Can you breathe? The doctor said your -- your throat might be a little sore, but you should be able to talk now, too. Can you? Can you say something to me?", "Adam: You're so beautiful.", "Chelsea: Words well worth waiting for.", "Adam: Chelsea, what the hell happened to me?", "Jack: If you had bothered to share the information that you had --", "Victor: The inner workings of my company are none of your business.", "Jack: Oh, it is my business when a virus that sicced on you winds up at jabot.", "Victor: Blame your own greed.", "Jack: My greed?", "Victor: You kept that virus alive when you allowed your siblings to take advantage of paragon and steal Newman entities.", "Jack: Jabot bought those companies.", "Victor: You knew it was wrong, jack! Yet you allowed Billy and Ashley to continue doing what they were doing!", "Kevin: Would you both like to put an end to this thing?", "Victor: Why the hell do you think you're here?", "Kevin: Then we're gonna have to kill the virus from both companies.", "Victor: Then do it!", "Kevin: I can't unless the two of you can manage to work together. You think you can do that?", "Phyllis: I certainly hope jack and Victor don't kill each other before the big event tonight.", "Nikki: Yeah. If they can hold their tempers for a few mores hours, we're good.", "Phyllis: What was that?", "Nikki: I don't know. I'm gonna find out. Uh, excuse me. You're an electrician, right? Yes, ma'am.", "Nikki: Could you find out why the lights were flickering? 'Cause we're gonna have half the town here tonight, and if there's a power failure, it's gonna be a disaster. Of course.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Well, I had no idea that Victor was reopening top of the tower.", "Nikki: Well, he hasn't made a big deal about it with everything that's been going on, but reopening the restaurant is something's that been in the back of his mind for a while.", "Phyllis: Well, I think it's a smart relaunch now. I think it's a real sign of power.", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "Phyllis: Well, the spin, you know? To combat the bad press from the paragon virus.", "Nikki: Uh, Phyllis, there is no spin.", "Phyllis: Nikki. There's always spin, you know? I can see how that headline would write itself -- \"Newman enterprises bankrolling charity gala despite the crisis.\" It's great P.R.", "Nikki: I am sorry to disappoint you, but as far as Victor is concerned, this night is for the children. It's for the Delia project and to honor the memory of that precious little girl.", "Adam: Chloe tried to kill me.", "Chelsea: She wanted to get back at you.", "Adam: Run me over, like what happened to Delia.", "Chelsea: No. No, Delia was an accident. Chloe staging her own hit-and-run -- that's completely different.", "Adam: So I take it that means she got caught, right?", "Chelsea: H-how's your throat? Can I get you something?", "Adam: Where'd they catch her?", "Chelsea: It's -- I mean, it really doesn't matter. I'm gonna get you some ice chips, and then --", "Adam: It matters to me. Where did they catch her? She come after you?", "Chelsea: No. No, Chloe wouldn't do that. I, um -- I was able to find her at the coffeehouse.", "Adam: She blame you?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, she's -- you know, she's angry at me for being with you, and I was furious at her for what she did, for hurting you.", "Adam: Come here. Let me hold you.", "Chelsea: I don't want to hurt you.", "Adam: No, you're -- [Sighs]", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Adam: You fought with her? You were defending me?", "Chelsea: Yeah, of course. It was really horrible. It was awful. By the end, she just started to really lose it and she started talking about her daughter like she was still alive. I know you must be angry with her.", "Adam: Angry with her? I caused this whole thing. It's my fault. Did you think I wouldn't empathize with her? Chelsea, we love our son, too. I don't blame her for wanting revenge.", "Chelsea: Things have to get better now, right?", "Adam: I don't know. The good news is I'm not dead. [Sighs] The bad news is I'm still going to prison.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Neil: There's no reason to assume that Hilary's dead.", "Dr. Neville: Nor is there any reason for us to delude ourselves, not to consider every possibility. I mean, she's certainly in no condition to go traipsing around unattended.", "Gwen: Well, there's no word that Hilary's been found, so that would be big news.", "Neil: Yeah, and no one's called me, right? Someone, my family -- my family would have called me.", "Dr. Neville: Good. It means she's still out there.", "Gwen: So, maybe we should split up, keep looking.", "Neil: Hey. You -- you -- you got to be exhausted here.", "Dr. Neville: We're all exhausted. Considering the nature of our problem, we can hardly call in reinforcements.", "Gwen: And where do we look? I mean, there's already an A.P.B. Out for her. If the police find her and then she says that she's been held here --", "Neil: It doesn't hurt any of us if she tells the truth, okay? I helped her. Wait a minute. We helped her. I had nothing to do with Hilary's fall on that island. Nothing.", "Dr. Neville: You're working under the assumption she'll remember what happened on the island or understand it.", "Neil: Really? So what do you mean by that?", "Dr. Neville: Mr. Winters, the woman has a severe brain injury. She's heavily medicated. She woke up next to a canoe. She could easily misinterpret why she's here or who we are.", "Gwen: Which is why we need to find her, you know, and make sure she's okay and that she fully understands that our intentions were all aboveboard.", "Dr. Neville: Agreed. Precise about where each of us has been and where we're going. We make sure that we're the ones who track her down because I, for one, will not do well in prison.", "Hilary: Excuse me. Can you help me? [Whimpers] [Panting]", "Cane: Oh, my god. Hilary?", "Cane: Oh, my god. It's really you. Are you all right? Are you okay? Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's -- it's me. It's Cane. You don't have to be afraid, all right? Just -- [Sighs] You're safe. We have a lot of people that are looking for you. Just -- just sit there. I'm gonna call for help.", "Dr. Neville: Let me just say again, I strongly suggest that we find Mrs. Hamilton before she has the chance to tell the police that she was kidnapped.", "Neil: You're forgetting one thing. This is important. You, my friend, you have succeeded here. She's recovered. Obviously she woke up.", "Gwen: You're the expert, dr. Neville. Where would she head to next?", "Dr. Neville: I -- I don't know. She's an intelligent woman. She'll -- she'll realize that she has no identification, she has no cash, and she won't be felling well. There's a chance that she could go to an emergency room.", "Gwen: I'll check in with my sister at the hospital.", "Dr. Neville: Now, just do it discreetly.", "Gwen: Of course.", "Neil: Whoa, wait. Wait a minute. Her first thoughts should be of Devon. She would seek out her husband. She'd go to the G.C.A.C., Which is exactly where I'm gonna go. You -- you should go back in the woods and really search, okay?", "Dr. Neville: No, Mr. Winters. You should be aware. Even though Hilary is awake, her heart, her mind has been severely taxed. She's in a fragile state. She's not out of danger yet. If we don't find her soon, there's a chance --", "Neil: Don't even say that. She's not gonna die, okay? We haven't come this far only to lose her. Come on.", "Lily: I have to believe in Cane's innocence.", "Devon: Even with all the evidence?", "Lily: Well, someone could be setting him up.", "Devon: Lily, with the way he's been acting, everything he's been doing, and having a $1 million of my money in his possession, it's very hard for me to believe that he is innocent.", "Colin: Well, you should believe he's innocent because he is.", "Devon: Well, sure, I should listen to you 'cause you're such an upstanding citizen. You wouldn't lie to cover up a crime.", "Colin: That's my point. I would. But Cane? Not a chance.", "Devon: Well, there's more than just a chance that Cane is involved in Hilary's disappearance. The evidence shows that there's a very, very good chance.", "Colin: Lily, tell him, will you? Tell your brother that -- that Cane couldn't have done this.", "Lily: Well, I-I don't think that Cane did this, but I do think his behavior has been strange lately.", "Colin: Well, maybe that's because there's a whole bunch of people accusing him of a heinous crime that he always thought loved and supported him.", "Lily: Okay, maybe we should wait until the facts are in because none of us know anything right now.", "Colin: Okay. He's on his way here. He can clear this mess up himself.", "Lily: Wait, Cane's coming here?", "Colin: Yeah, he's on his way. He should be --", "Paul: Hilary's been found.", "Devon: What?! Where?! Where is she?! Is she all right?!", "Paul: She's alive.", "Devon: Where is she?!", "Lily: Wait, are they sure it's Hilary this time?", "Paul: There's no mistake. Cane found her in the park.", "Victor: You think the flickering of lights had to do with paragon?", "Kevin: I'm not finding anything to indicate that.", "Jack: Sometimes a power surge is just a power surge.", "Kevin: I still would like to check the hardware that controls the power to the building, though.", "Victor: So you suspect something?", "Kevin: [Sighs] The virus seems to be biding its time, laying low. Or maybe it's finally run its course and this was simply just a hardware issue.", "Jack: Yeah, I know you're worried about Chloe, Kevin. If you need to be with her right now --", "Kevin: They won't let me see her, so I either focus on paragon or I go crazy.", "Victor: Why don't you go check the electrical system, okay?", "Kevin: I assume everything's locked up down there?", "Victor: Someone from my staff will meet you there. Let's just hope that paragon will give us reprieve for at least the duration of the night.", "Jack: Kevin. Nothing can go wrong with this benefit tonight.", "Kevin: I'm with you on that. I will do whatever I can to make sure this is a special night for Delia.", "Victor: No reason for you to be here.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: Excuse me. Yes. Oh, really? Well, that's excellent news. All right, thank you.", "Jack: Well, that seemed like some good information.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Jack: Is that about the paragon project?", "Victor: No, this was good news about my son.", "Chelsea: Your injury's only postponed your transfer.", "Adam: That what the guard's all about?", "Chelsea: He's -- he's ready to take you to the penitentiary as soon as you've fully recovered.", "Adam: [Sighs] Well, that's adorable. That's -- that's really sweet of them. I don't even get a little bit of time off after getting run over by a car, huh?", "Chelsea: Don't joke. Do you remember what I said to you last night? When you first woke up? Adam.", "Adam: Yeah. You said you'd stand by me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, and I will. I'm going to. And I'm gonna fight to get you out of there. I'm not talking about 10 years. I'm talking about way sooner than 10 years. We will get you out.", "Adam: I think we have bigger problems, sweetheart.", "Chelsea: Like what?", "Adam: Chelsea, I can't feel my legs.", "Colin: Uh, mm -- looking for someone?", "Neil: Yeah, I am. My son.", "Colin: Oh. Well, Devon and lily took off out of here with chief Williams.", "Neil: With Paul?", "Colin: Mm.", "Neil: What's going on?", "Colin: Well, it's good news. They found Hilary.", "Devon: Hey. Where is she? Where's Hilary? Did someone take her to the hospital? Is she all right?", "Lily: You must have been so relieved to see her finally.", "Cane: Devon, I'm sorry. Sh-she took off.", "Devon: What do you mean?", "Cane: She was sitting right there and I-I took out my phone to call 911. I just turned my back for one second. When I turned back around, she was gone.", "Devon: Why would she take off if she just got free?", "Cane: I don't know. I don't know.", "Lily: Well, was she okay? Was she hurt?", "Cane: No, no, it was like she was confused or she was drugged or something, I just --", "Lily: Then she couldn't have gotten that far.", "Paul: Okay. Did you report this to the first officer on the scene?", "Cane: Yeah, I-I told them. They're looking for her. I don't know what happened. I don't know where she's went.", "Paul: Okay, tell me what else you can about Hilary.", "Devon: Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time, Paul. She was never here. Cane is lying to get himself off the hook.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Dare I say this is actually all coming together?", "Nikki: Yeah. Aside from that electrical glitch, we're doing all right.", "Phyllis: And we have not heard one -- one battle cry from downstairs.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] Yeah, how about that? Took a lot for Victor to thank jack for helping Adam.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] Well, it took a lot for jack to join forces with Victor to fight that paragon assault.", "Nikki: Well, it's good to hear you talk like that. It's really kind of nice that, uh, we're getting along.", "Phyllis: Tell me about it.", "Nikki: And seeing as we have set aside our personal differences...", "Phyllis: For tonight.", "Nikki: Yes, for tonight. I was hoping that you could do me a favor.", "Phyllis: Really, what kind of favor?", "Nikki: I just would love if you could have a little talk with jack.", "Phyllis: About?", "Nikki: Maybe you could ask him to please not grandstand tonight.", "Phyllis: Grandstand?", "Nikki: Well, come on, you know -- you know how he gets. He puffs out his chest and juts out his jaw and he just -- he can't help it. He wants to steal Victor's thunder.", "Phyllis: Nikki, Nikki, the only person who needs to be reigned in tonight is Victor.", "Adam: So...what's, you know, the verdict?", "Chelsea: Doctor, is Adam paralyzed? He is for now.", "Adam: \"For now\" -- what the hell does that mean? We gave you intensive nerve blocks for the surgery to facilitate repairing internal bleeding around your spine, okay?", "Chelsea: Is that what's causing the paralysis? The feeling in your legs will probably return very soon.", "Chelsea: Probably?", "Adam: \"Probably.\" Probably, you know, is... better than never. We'll take it. Okay. Thanks. \"Probably.\"", "[Door closes]", "Adam: I mean, he said not to worry, so --", "Chelsea: Well, he was probably just saying that to shut us up.", "Adam: Babe.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, that couldn't give us any information. I'm gonna go find the chief of staff, okay, and make sure we have all the facts.", "Adam: Look at you, fighting for me already.", "Chelsea: Of course. Now and always. I'll be right back, okay?", "Adam: Okay.", "[Door opens]", "Jack: Hey.", "Adam: Hey.", "Jack: Good to see you awake.", "Adam: Yeah. I must have been pretty close to death to have you two roll in here together.", "Jack: I'm glad you made it.", "Adam: Thank you. Why are you two together?", "Victor: I just couldn't get rid of him.", "Adam: Couldn't get rid of him -- right. Plus, you know, if you rolled in here on your own, people might assume that you actually gave a damn about me. Wouldn't want that, right?", "Jack: I can give you two some time together, if you --", "Adam: No, no, no. No, it's okay. I'm just curious to know -- you still expect me to run? Dad, is that why you're here? You're gonna help break me out of here?", "Kevin: Victor sent you here? Mrs. Newman asked me to check out the electrical system.", "Kevin: Funny -- Mr. Newman asked me to do the same thing. Let's get to it. [Sighs] Unlocked. It shouldn't be.", "Kevin: Anything look out of place to you? I'll checking the wiring.", "Jack: We're -- we're not here to stage a jailbreak or anything like that. I -- I want you to know I'm sorry about your sentence.", "Adam: Thank you, jack. Well, why are you here? What is this -- an \"I told you so\"? You here to tell me I should have taken off when I had the chance? Is that what this is?", "Victor: Maybe you should have.", "Adam: Okay.", "Jack: Adam, I don't know if anyone has filled you in, but Victor has been here day and night moving mountains to see that you get the best medical care possible. He has gone up against Paul and the entire police department to see to it that Chelsea can sit vigil by your bedside. I know he hasn't been there in the past, but he has really come through this time.", "Victor: Jack, please, no backhanded compliments, okay?", "Adam: You did all that?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: May I ask why?", "Victor: I'll tell you why. I think a 10-year prison sentence is excessive. It will be appealed. This is not the end.", "Gwen: Hey.", "Emma: Hey! What are you doing here?", "Gwen: Just checking in. Busy?", "Emma: Um, I've got a couple more minutes. How's work?", "Gwen: Things at jabot have been a little tense.", "Emma: Yeah, it sounds scary, the way that virus just shut down the phones and the power grids.", "Gwen: Right?", "Emma: Yeah.", "Gwen: Well, not nearly as scary as what you deal with here.", "Emma: [Scoffs]", "Gwen: Slow night?", "Emma: It's actually been pretty crazy.", "Gwen: Really? Why?", "Emma: Okay, this patient came in a few minutes ago, and you'll never guess -- [Sighs] I shouldn't be telling you this.", "Cane: Hilary was here. I'm telling you the truth, and you have to believe me.", "Devon: Do you still believe that someone is really setting Cane up? By letting Hilary go free and then somehow making her run away from him?", "Cane: Lily, please tell me you believe me.", "Lily: Cane, I want to believe you.", "Cane: But you don't.", "Lily: Your story doesn't make any sense. Hilary was here and then she ran away? Why would she do that?", "Cane: I don't know why she would do that. I have no idea, but it happened. I am telling you the truth. We got word that your wife has been found, Mr. Hamilton.", "Devon: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Tell us about the happy reunion.", "Devon: It was a false alarm.", "Paul: That's enough. Give the family some privacy, please.", "Devon: Actually, can I make a statement? Please do.", "Devon: My wife, Hilary, is still out there and now more than ever I need the help of the public to bring her home, so just call with any leads 'cause the reward still stands. And what is the chief of the police doing here?", "Paul: I'm just following up on a case. And as you know, the department can make no comment on an open case.", "Cane: All right, I made the 911 call.", "Paul: Now is the not the time.", "Cane: All right, Hilary was there. I know what I saw. She was there.", "Gwen: Hilary. My god, are you okay? I'm so glad to see you.", "Hilary: Gwen?", "Gwen: Yeah.", "Hilary: Oh, my -- it's -- it's so good to see you, too, again. I need your help. Can -- I need to call my husband. Can -- can I use your phone?", "Gwen: Yeah, yeah. Why don't you come with me first and we'll talk and we'll get you cleaned up?", "Emma: Gwen!", "Gwen: Okay.", "Emma: There was something I forgot to tell you. So, you've actually seen the missing woman?", "Cane: Yes, yes, I did.", "Paul: You need to back down. Officer, escort this woman out of the premises.", "Devon: You have done absolutely nothing but sabotage every attempt to find Hilary. Now they're gonna be looking in this park instead of where she really is.", "Cane: That is not true. I'm telling you, she was sitting there, she was right there!", "Paul: Whatever happened, I need to interview you alone.", "Cane: She was right there.", "Paul: Fine. You can tell me up here, please.", "Neil: Hey, hey, I-I-I heard that Hilary was found, right? That's not the case?", "Devon: No, it's not the case. Cane's just playing more games to keep us from finding Hilary.", "Neil: How can you be so sure of that, Devon?", "Devon: Because it's damn obvious. He conveniently loses the guy that delivered the ransom note. Now he loses Hilary? I mean, come on. I need to get to the club before I lose it. Do you want to come with me?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Nikki: Phyllis, need I remind you that Victor is generously hosting this event.", "Phyllis: And he has generously arranged a nice tax write-off for himself.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. He is doing this out of the kindness of his heart.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nikki: And I don't think he should have to put up with jack trying to do outdo him with some grandiose gesture.", "Phyllis: Jack is on the board of the Delia project. If he wants to make a speech, if he wants to make a generous donation, he has every right to do that.", "Nikki: Fine.", "Phyllis: Tonight is about a little girl's memory. It is not about our husbands battling. It is not about our families battling. It's not even about us.", "Nikki: Okay. I shouldn't have said anything. Maybe we can learn something about forgiveness from Billy.", "Phyllis: We can certainly try, but the truth is, peace between our husbands never lasts very long.", "Nikki: Well, you are right about that. They always seem to go back to their comfort zone.", "Phyllis: Hating each other with a passion.", "Victor: We need to discuss paragon.", "Jack: It has now infiltrated jabot.", "Adam: How the hell did that happen?", "Victor: Because of Abbotts' corporate pillaging of Newman.", "Jack: That is one theory. Perhaps you could help us with this latest development.", "Adam: Which is what?", "Victor: Seems the virus has gone dormant. Do you think it can stop on its own?", "Jack: Could it have burned itself out or self-destructed?", "Adam: I don't know. I --", "Jack: You don't know.", "Adam: Well, I mean, there is one thing.", "Victor: Which is what?", "Adam: Well, allegedly, paragon has the ability to take on a life of its own. Now, whether that's true or Ian's normal pomposity talking, I have no idea.", "Victor: Oh, wait a minute. Does that mean that the virus could burrow itself more deeply into the system?", "Adam: If it can fix prices and it can sell off companies...", "Victor: It could do other thing, as well. Is that what you're saying?", "Jack: There must be some way to stop that. There's got to be something you can tell us that would help.", "Chelsea: He won't be telling you anything tonight.", "Jack: Look, we were just --", "Chelsea: I-I heard. Adam is trying to recover. I don't think he needs this added stress. Thank you.", "Jack: Okay, we'll, uh -- we'll get out of here.", "Victor: I'll be back.", "Adam: Well, I'll, you know, be here.", "Jack: Feel better.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Seriously? They come to talk to you and harass you about paragon when you're dealing with everything with your legs?", "Adam: Yeah. I don't know. Maybe I should run after them and thank them, you know?", "Chelsea: Wait, what -- the paralysis?", "Adam: Gone, like it never happened.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. Really? Just like that?", "Adam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I think that's what I needed, you know?", "Chelsea: Oh, thank god.", "Adam: Those two guys rolling in here, you know, getting me all riled up got the blood pumping. I feel like I could get up and run after them, you know? Go a few rounds with the old man. I feel great.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. I'm -- I'm so relieved.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Okay.", "Adam: So are you relieved enough to do something special for me?", "[Door opens]", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: This what you had in mind?", "Adam: [Laughs] All right, all right, yes. Absolutely. Now onto the second part of my request.", "Chelsea: Yes?", "Adam: I really want you to go to the benefit tonight with Connor.", "Chelsea: No -- no way. I'm not leaving you.", "Adam: Chelsea, the Delia project is something that I started. It's very important to me. I want to make sure it continues to thrive.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, even if it reminds people of --", "Adam: My crime? Thought about that. Yeah, you know? As long as it reminds them of Delia, too, and inspires them to give generous donations, make then aware of that.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, but I don't have to be there to make that happen.", "Adam: I want you and Connor to have a normal life, sweetheart.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean --", "Adam: Starting now. Starting tonight, all right? Connor -- he shouldn't be at home with the nanny missing his Halloween party. He should be in that parade, you know, with the rest of the kids. I want him to be part of the community, despite what his father did. You need to give him the life that I can't.", "Phyllis: When we are forced to work together, we get an awful lot done.", "Nikki: Yeah, I guess so. Let's not make a habit out of it.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Kevin: [Sighs]", "Nikki: Hey. It's gonna be a special event, huh?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Phyllis: You seem out of breath. Is everything okay?", "Kevin: The elevator's out. I had to take the stairs up.", "Nikki: What? The elevator's broken?", "Kevin: No, it's back on. I discovered it was back on as soon as I got up here, and there's no problem in the power room.", "Nikki: Yeah, the electrician that I sent down there called and told me that. You didn't have to come up here.", "Kevin: I wanted to. I wanted to see all this before all the movers and shakers from Genoa city descend.", "Phyllis: We're gonna raise a lot of money for the kids tonight.", "Kevin: She would have liked that. [Sighs] I'm gonna give Victor an update.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Phyllis: Ooh, I'm gettin' a vibe. I'm gettin' a vibe.", "Nikki: What? What do you mean?", "Phyllis: I just don't like the idea of taking stairs instead of the elevator. Last time I did that, it nearly cost me a year of my life.", "Nikki: [Sighing] Oh, yeah.", "Victor: All right, keep me posted.", "Jack: Yeah. Okay. No sign of paragon at jabot since it reared its ugly head last night.", "Victor: Apparently no news of another attack on Newman, either. And Kevin says there was nothing wrong with the electrical system of Newman towers.", "Jack: Well, then I guess there's nothing left to do but get into our costumes. Oh, by the way, don't be scared when you see me in mine tonight.", "Victor: Oh, really? Wow. I can hardly wait.", "Jack: Hey, it's the most terrifying night of the year. We might actually find out what does scare Victor Newman.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Shiver me timbers.", "[Computer beeps]", "Devon: I could tear Cane apart for getting my hopes up for nothing.", "Colin: So, what's the news on Hilary? Not good by the looks of it.", "Devon: Your son is just like you. He's a damn liar. He lied to me about Hilary.", "Colin: What? C-come on. He's the one that found her!", "Devon: Well, what if I told you he was in on the kidnapping from the beginning, that he probably had someone go to BVI. To grab my wife?", "Colin: I'd say that he couldn't have done that, and I would expect his wife to back me up on that. Unless, of course, lily, you're looking for excuses not to stand by your husband.", "Lily: What? Of course not.", "Colin: Are you in such a hurry to get out of this marriage just to be with that dirtbag Joe Clark?", "Lily: How dare you. I'm not defending Cane because I don't believe him anymore.", "Cane: I hadn't even hung up the phone and I turned back to her and she was gone. But you don't believe a word I'm saying to you, do you, Paul?", "Paul: Look, uh, I-I will follow up on this, Cane. Just don't leave town.", "Neil: Hey, uh, what exactly did Hilary say to you? How did she seem? What? What? What's going on?", "Cane: No one else believes a word I'm saying, but you do. Why?", "Neil: Why wouldn't I believe you? I mean, come on, Cane. What reason would you have to lie about Hilary's disappearance?", "Cane: Exactly, 'cause everyone else thinks I'm behind this whole thing, Neil.", "Neil: Yeah. But I got you, okay? No one should be blaming you for any of this.", "Hilary: [Panting] Excuse me. Excuse me. Ca-can you please help me?", "Dr. Neville: Of course, my dear. That's why I'm here.", "Hilary: [Screams]", "Dr. Neville: Shh. Shh. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: What if I told you I don't think you're lying about Hilary?", "Dr. Neville: I bid you adieu.", "Neil: Oh, no. I need to know why you're trying to get out of town so fast.", "Nikki: Tonight's gonna be a special night for the Newman family. and look it up, because it's for you. It's free for you.", "[Cheers and applause]", "Seth: Very exciting." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley announces she is leaving and starting a new company in Paris called My Beauty the name her father called her. She says she is not angry and it is about respect. The Abbotts one by one try to convince her of the negative impact of taking the patents and all products created by her. Jack reminds Ashly how many times she left while Jack stuck it out. A flashback to an argument between Jack and Ashley arguing over pool toys where Jack asserts his authority and Ashley balks. Tracy breaks down and assures Ashley her love is unconditional but she thinks Ashley is making a mistake that will hurt everyone. Ashley asks Abby to come with her to Paris and tells her she cannot leave Arturo or her father. Dina and Ashley share a goodbye and Ashley thanks Dina for giving her something years ago that has changed her life and is liberating. She says this is likely how Dina felt years ago when she left her family and that her family will likely look back on her the same as they looked back on Dina. They hug and Dina walks away indifferent. The goodbyes continue until Jack stands up and Ashley announces she has nothing to say to him. Tracy vents to Abby about trying to fix things and asks what was she thinking have so much hubris.", "Despite efforts by Michael Baldwin and Devon, who seeks out Sharon to ask her to speak with Lily's case worker, plans move forward to move Lily to prison hours away. Devon assures Cane whatever he needs to get through this he will help and he will not give up on an early release for Lily. Cane tries to remain strong for the kids and encourages them they should all write a letter to Lily about everyday events. Rey notes that Sharon has seemed anxious all day and writes it in his case journal. Ashley says goodbye to Neil in a phone call right before Jack finds her at the club. Jack offers a heartfelt apology and relays that the darker truth beyond not wanting Phyllis as CEO was that he did not want to compete against Ashley. He feared she would outshine him and the only way to secure this would never happen was to build in the clause. He sincerely tells Ashley he is deeply sorry and they hug. A flashback to when Ashley apologizes to Jack and says he was right and they agree they don't like to argue. Ashley is grateful for Jack's apology but she isn't changing her mind. She must put herself first and they share another hug as Ashley touches Jack's chin and leaves him standing in anguish and walks away making her final exit.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Charlie: Why would be upset if mom's getting moved for her own protection?", "Mattie: Because there's a good chance that the prison that they'll transfer her to won't be as close as walworth.", "Brent: I'm brent davis, and I am your father.", "Jack: Only a blood abbott can hold the title of C.E.O. Of jabot.", "Ashley: You can't do that.", "Ashley: When I found out that the man I loved more than anybody in the world wasn't my father, I almost lost my mind. I wanted you to know what it felt like to feel like you're not a part of your own family.", "Jack: Yesterday, dina was talking about needing to prove to ashley that she was a good mother by getting dad to create a legal document, signing over the patents for every product that you created at jabot to you.", "Jack: We have all decided to make this offer for complete rights to your patents.", "Sharon: You told rey to stay away from me?", "Nick: That's not exactly what I said.", "Sharon: My friendships are none of your business, so stay out of my life.", "Rey: You know, I have a whole new outlook on going to work.", "Sharon: Why? 'Cause you love what you do so much?", "Rey: No, because I know, when I come home from work, I get to come home to my amazing new bed.", "Sharon: Oh! Great. Now in your spare time you can become a mattress potato...", "Rey: Whoa, whoa --", "Sharon: ...Channel surfing and eating bonbons.", "Rey: Okay. Okay. Are you -- are you saying that i look soft?", "Sharon: I was just saying, uh, that I think we should get out of here, 'cause we're gonna be late.", "Rey: Well, since we're on the same shift, you want to drive together, save some gas?", "Sharon: No, I don't think that's a good idea. Because, um, we might take breaks at different times. Or something might come up and I would have to leave early, and I wouldn't want to burden anyone with having to chauffeur me back here.", "Billy: Leaving?", "Abby: Mom, no. This is your anger talking. You can't be serious.", "Ashley: No, it's not. Um, I'm -- I'm done.", "Jack: Ashley --", "Ashley: Listen, I -- I guess I have to say it again. This isn't because of anger or greed or being a powermonger. This is about getting respect. It's about being acknowledged for working my butt off for decades. As a leader. As an innovator. [ Voice catches ] And once again, you're all trying to manipulate me into taking second best. Well, I'm not going to do it. I'm taking the patents, and I'm leaving genoa city.", "Traci: We all need to just calm down --", "Ashley: I'm calm. I promise, traci. I'm calm. I have not made this decision impulsively, okay? Am I disillusioned? Yes. Am I disgusted? Absolutely. But I did not this decision out of spite. Far from it.", "Billy: Ash, if you accept our offer [Sighs] Well, you'll be set for life. You'll be in a position of power. You'll be the highest paid jabot employee in history. Your compensation with salary, bonuses, and royalties, will far exceed the C.E.O.'S.", "Jack: If that isn't the respect you've been looking for, I don't know what --", "Ashley: Please don't even try it with me right now.", "Kyle: All right, let's talk practicalities. You can punish us for not reinstating you to the top spot. But it'll hurt you even worse. You'll be leaving jabot and your family with noting.", "Ashley: You're very wrong, kyle. Because by rejecting your offer, I'm actually leaving with everything. I'm starting my own cosmetics company, featuring a full array of popular products created by me.", "Jack: Jabot products. The customers will know they are knock-offs, inherently inferior.", "Ashley: No, no. No, jack. That's where publicity and marketing comes in. See, I'm gonna be presenting them as a new take on products our customers know and love... that they can only get from me because jabot no longer has the rights to manufacture or sell them. I've been thinking of names, and I am strongly considering... \"my beauty.\"", "Traci: What daddy used to call you.", "Ashley: Exactly. In honor of the gift that daddy gave me, and mother gave me, leaving me the rights to all the patents of the products that i created.", "Kyle: Except the odds are you'd be throwing it all away.", "Billy: You know what a risk this is, starting a company from scratch.", "Ashley: That's funny coming from you, considering, when you were C.E.O. For that short amount of time, you just complained all the time how I never took any risks, and here I am doing it, so...", "Abby: Uh, the whole family wasn't opposed to naming you C.E.O. Again. I tried to convince them that it's the best solution.", "Traci: And I wasn't opposed to it, either. But we all needed a consensus, something we could agree on.", "Ashley: I know. Of course, traci. And you hate conflict, right? So of course you had to go along with it.", "Jack: It was a family decision, made unanimously.", "Ashley: Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay. And if you had just maybe swallowed your pride and reinstated me as C.E.O., We wouldn't even be having this conversation. But in the end, you all went along, right? Because when it comes to choosing between jack and me, you choose jack. Because what jack wants matters. Jack matters more.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] All right. Okay. What do you guys want to have for dinner?", "Charlie: Nothing. I'm not that hungry.", "Mattie: Me neither.", "Charlie: When are we gonna find out about mom? Is someone gonna notify you?", "Cane: Okay, listen --", "Mattie: Yeah, how will we know she got up there safely?", "Cane: Well, before I started home, I left michael baldwin a voicemail, and, uh, when I hear back, I'll let you guys know, okay? Come on. It's gonna be okay. All right? Additional sponsorship", "Jack: If this family has turned to me for leadership, it is because dad asked me to fulfill that role when I was 15 years old. And I have kept that promise to the best of my ability. Imperfectly, yes, but to the best of my ability.", "Ashley: Okay. And that's your story, and you're sticking to it, right?", "Jack: And what about you? How many times did you leave genoa city and jabot for forrester or house of kim or your own personal reasons? I was here! Doing what dad drummed into us -- you stick with it. You keep your obligations.", "Ashley: Yeah, dad made his wishes known in that document -- what he wanted for me -- and you shredded it!", "Jack: Oh, you're just reinforcing my instincts.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] Do you even hear yourself?", "Jack: You're gonna take your marbles and leave. Regardless of the fact that it could leave jabot in tatters. I think you've made it crystal clear just how much you care about john abbott's legacy.", "Ashley: Don't you dare pull the john abbott card on me.", "Billy: If it's not about dad's legacy, ash, then what is it about?", "Traci: Please, please don't make this turn ugly.", "Abby: If you really cared about john abbott's legacy the way that you claim, then you'd stop being so stubborn and give my mother what she wants.", "Jack: Hey, where are your friends?", "Ashley: Went home.", "Jack: You need to get the pool floats and bring them back into the pool house. And then you need to get the wet towels and bring them inside. Okay? Your friends should have helped you with that.", "Ashley: Well, they didn'T. What's your problem?", "Jack: I just told you.", "Ashley: You were out there this morning.", "Jack: To swim. You were the last one to use the pool floats, therefore it's your responsibility to put them away.", "Ashley: You're not the boss of me.", "Jack: Excuse me?", "Ashley: You can't order me around.", "Jack: [ Scoffs ] You know dad doesn't like coming home and seeing that there's a mess out there.", "Ashley: When our father tells me to put away the pool stuff, I will put away the pool stuff. Not before.", "Jack: You know, dad never asks you to do anything. You're his perfect, delicate flower. Now that mom's gone, it's all on me. I have to do everything.", "Abby: Why are you acting like it's out of your hands? You're willing t-to let my mom leave, let the company go to hell, let this family fall to pieces, and for what? We have all done things just as bad, if not worse. And you -- why do you even care? You don't even work at jabot anymore. Why are you fighting this so hard?", "Kyle: Because he knows what will happen if we're forced to reinstate her.", "Traci: What, the company will thrive?", "Kyle: Aunt traci, with all due respect, you have no --", "Abby: Oh, my gosh. Just weeks ago the board voted my mom in. They gave her that title. She's just as qualified as any one of us. And, P.S., She's created every product that's made our company so valuable.", "Ashley: Sweetie, I appreciate it, but I'm actually no longer interested. [ Sniffles ] If you all were to offer me that job, it would only be to appease me, so you could get your hands on the patents, and then you'd find some way to shove me out again.", "Traci: No, I don't see that happening.", "Billy: Not without cause.", "Ashley: It's okay. I'm done. Completely done. I've booked a flight to paris tonight, and I'm going to be on it.", "Jack: Paris?", "Ashley: Seems fitting, don't you think? I'm going to build my empire in the same city where mother built her cosmetics empire.", "Jack: Since you brought her up -- you're just gonna walk away from her? You can actually do that?", "Kyle: We don't know how much time dina has left.", "Traci: You're gonna risk never seeing mother again?", "Ashley: I made my peace with her when I found out about the patents. She doesn't know who I am. I'm sure she's not gonna miss me when I'm gone. But if she were lucid, I think that she would not only understand my decision, but she would probably wholeheartedly approve.", "Abby: I get wanting to strike out on your own, but why can't you do it here? Why do you have to go so far away?", "Billy: To prove a point.", "Ashley: I can see why you'd think that.", "Traci: Okay, what is your reason, then?", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] I just don't think it's good for me to be here. I'm just gonna get enmeshed in all this ugliness, and it kind of defeats the whole purpose of a fresh start. Honey, come with me. It can be a whole new beginning for both of us.", "Abby: I-I -- I can't just pull up stakes. I mean, I have a new man in my life. The rest of my family's here, including dad.", "Ashley: [ Tearfully ] Okay. I'm just a plane ride away. Try to be happy for me. Okay? Billy... [Sighs] I'm really sorry that the office politics got in the way of our relationship. I honestly hope that someday maybe we can repair it.", "Billy: What you're doing to jabot is gonna be damn near impossible to forgive.", "Kyle: Agreed. But I've got to hand it to you. It's the ultimate power move. Nicely done.", "Rey: Here, let me -- let me. Let me --", "Sharon: Oh, no, I got it.", "Rey: I didn't mean to imply that you couldn'T.", "Sharon: No, I know. We just, uh, need to establish better boundaries.", "Rey: Did you learn that in some class you took?", "Sharon: No. That's from my own hard-won life experience. I just want to make sure that we're on the same page when it comes to, um... you know, I don't want you to get any wrong ideas.", "Rey: About?", "Sharon: About me or the two of us.", "Devon: 'Scuse me, sharon? I'm sorry to interrupt. Um, do you have a second to speak with me in your professional capacity? It's important.", "Sharon: Uh, yes, of course. Let's, uh, go someplace a bit more private. Excuse us. What's going on?", "Devon: Um... I know that you advocate for crime victims, and as hilary's husband, I need you to do that for me.", "Sharon: Go on.", "Devon: Lily is being transferred to a prison four hours away by car.", "Sharon: Why? Did something happen?", "Devon: Yeah, she stood up for a fellow inmate who was accused of stealing something, and then ended up with a target on her back over a few dollars' worth of commissary items.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oh, no.", "Devon: And for her safety, the warden put her in solitary, but that's not a permanent solution.", "Sharon: Obviously.", "Devon: So instead of transferring the people who were threatening her, they're moving her hundreds of miles away.", "Sharon: I can't imagine that being easy on your family.", "Devon: It's not at all. And now lily is the one who's barely hanging on by a thread, feeling more isolated than ever. And if it wasn't for our visits, I really don't think that she'd make it. And now her punishment is gonna be that much worse, on top of the fact of the negative effect it's gonna have on her kids not being able to visit their mom as often. You know? In the time I spent in group homes, you learn quickly that, for your safety, you can't always stand up to bullies. And lily never learned that lesson, so now she's paying the price.", "Sharon: I'm sorry that this is happening.", "Devon: Well, I -- I appreciate you saying that, but I'm just trying to figure out what I can do, because everything I've tried so far has failed, and I-I have to believe that there's some compromise solution.", "Sharon: Unfortunately, this is standard procedure. It's easier to move lily than to transfer a whole clique of prisoners.", "Devon: No, I-i understand that. But there are very few correctional facilities for women in this state, and what I'm proposing, since this is lily's first offense, it was obviously an accident, and she's not a threat to anyone, can't they just transfer her to a less secure facility closer to home so that it's easier for her family to visit?", "Sharon: Look, I think what you're asking sounds reasonable, but decisions like this are rarely ever reversed.", "Devon: Well, you said rarely, so does that mean there's a chance?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Let me give lily's caseworker a call. I-I can't promise anything, but sometimes there's ways that people on the inside can work the system.", "Sharon: Okay. Thank you.", "Devon: What'd he say?", "Sharon: Well, lily arrived at the new prison, and she's doing as well as can be expected.", "Devon: Okay. Is there any chance of all of a transfer closer to home?", "Sharon: I was hoping that lily might qualify for an alternative program. Essentially, she would still be locked up, just not in a penitentiary.", "Devon: So, like, what, a halfway house, or what?", "Sharon: That's one option. Unfortunately there are not very many of those. And the special programs that are in place are for people with substance-abuse problems, and those are all full to capacity.", "Devon: Sure. Okay. Um... what about her being placed on house arrest?", "Sharon: Lily doesn't qualify for that. I'm afraid we've done everything we can. She's going to have to serve out her sentence at the facility upstate.", "Devon: Okay. I appreciate you helping.", "Sharon: I wish I could have done more for you. I'm sorry.", "Devon: It's not your fault. I just -- I feel helpless, 'cause if anybody in the family should be able to get an exception made, it should be me.", "Sharon: Well, focus on what you can do, devon. You know, even when the distances are not that great, most inmates' families can't afford to visit that often. They don't have reliable transportation. They can't afford gas. They're not able to get out of work. You know, you do have the resources to help your family survive this. How 'bout start there?", "Cane: There's not much on the prison website, here, other than the visiting hours.", "Mattie: The department of corrections says it's one of their more progressive facilities.", "Cane: Okay.", "Charlie: Yeah, well, all the slick copy in the world won't change the facts.", "Mattie: [ Sighs ] You're right. It's prison. And mom shouldn't be there. It'll take hours to drive up and back, which means that we can only see her on weekends because of school and work.", "Cane: We are gonna do something drastic. And for that, I need a pen and paper. Okay? So...", "Charlie: How drastic are you talking?", "Cane: We're gonna write your mom a letter, okay?", "Charlie: Like, using paper?", "Cane: Yeah, charlie. Using paper.", "Mattie: [ Scoffs ] That's quaint.", "Cane: Okay. Here we go. Dear lily... 'cause, you see, even if we can't visit her, we can send her letters, all right? And who doesn't like to get mail?", "Mattie: I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter, except for birthday cards and thank-you notes.", "Cane: There you go.", "Charlie: Yeah, but what do we even write about?", "Cane: Oh, you know, fun stuff. You know, what we're doing, what we ate, uh... I know! That prize you won at school. Stuff that's gonna make your mom smile. Oh! What are you gonna wear for halloween? What are your costumes gonna be? What's sam gonna go as? Okay? Let's do this.", "Charlie: [ Chuckles ] Like the time mattie tried to bake cookies, and we had to get the fire extinguisher.", "Cane: Ohhh!", "Mattie: Okay, or --", "Cane: Oh, oh!", "Mattie: Or when you thought that charlie backed up over your golf clubs.", "Cane: Oh, my golf clubs.", "Mattie: The look on your face.", "Charlie: \"No!\"", "Mattie: Oh, my god.", "Cane: Yeah, \"no! Charlie, no!\"", "Traci: [ Sobs ] I love you, ashley. And that is unconditional. [ Sniffles ] Oh! But I think you're making a mistake, and I think it's going to hurt all of us.", "[ Cries ]", "Ashley: I'm going to do everything in my power to prove you wrong, traci. And I meant that in the nicest possible way.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ]", "Ashley: Love you.", "Dina: Oh...", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] Mother. I'm so glad we have a chance to say goodbye.", "Dina: Well, I'm -- I'm not going anywhere. Am I?", "Abby: No, but ashley is.", "Dina: Oh! Oh. I have a daughter named ashley. Isn't it pretty?", "Ashley: [ Sniffles ] Come sit with me.", "Dina: Must I?", "Ashley: [ Chuckles ] It'll just take a minute. Please. It won't be long. Come on.", "Dina: Very well. Okay. Wh-what's this all about?", "Ashley: Well, you gave me something years ago, and, um, it's changed my life.", "Dina: I did?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: I've actually found it to be very liberating. Probably how you felt when you left us all those years ago.", "Dina: Well, I-I -- I --", "Ashley: I know. You don't want to think about it.", "Dina: No, I don'T.", "Ashley: I understand.", "Dina: No.", "Ashley: It doesn't matter. It's okay. It's okay. I have a feeling that my family's gonna look on me the same way we looked on you back then. I guess we have more in common than I thought.", "Dina: Oh! [ Sighs ] Oh.", "Ashley: [ Smooches ]", "Dina: Oh, thank you. Thank you.", "[ Sighs ]", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] I have nothing to say to you. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Oh, my god. What was I thinking? [ Scoffs ] Everybody's plotting and scheming and merrily stabbing each other in the back, and here I come, the eternal optimist, thinking that I can get the whole family back together by sheer force of will. Oh, my god. Talk about hubris.", "Abby: Well, I appreciate you trying to be the mediator.", "Traci: [ Scoffs ] Thank you, sweetie, but you're the only one.", "Abby: Look, you can't blame yourself that it didn't work. You're --", "Traci: Yeah, my heart was in the right place. Heh. I meant well. [ Scoffs ] Yeah. [ Sniffles ] Do you know what that is code for, abby? That is code for \"here comes poor, dumb traci again, in over her head. When will she ever learn?\"", "[ Laughs ]", "Abby: What I was gonna say is that you're at a disadvantage not living here all the time.", "Traci: Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry. [ Sniffles ] Abby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take all my frustrations out on you. You're -- [ Sighs ] You're hurting more than anybody. [ Exclaims ] She goes to live on another continent, and she leaves her daughter behind? [ Crying ] If colleen was still alive, oh, my god, I would never consider it.", "Abby: It's what dina did, too. To both of you. You and -- and my mom. And some wounds, they never heal.", "Traci: No. They sure don'T.", "[ Sniffles ] [ Sighs ] Abby... was I wrong to force kyle and jack to tell ashley about the patents?", "Abby: Honesty is something you should never second-guess yourself about. There are too many secrets, too many lies. That's why this family is so screwed up.", "Traci: I was also [Sniffles] Feeling a lot of obligation. I wanted to make sure and honor my parents' wishes. This was all dina's doing, and she can't speak for herself anymore.", "Abby: You know, the other night, I got home late. I -- I walked past her door. I saw that her light was on. So I, uh... I looked in, and she was wide awake. She just kept saying over and over again, \"I -- I am a good mother, I am a good mother. This -- this proves that I'm a good mother.\" And she was rocking back and forth the way that she does when she's anxious, and... well, I-I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was just something stuck in a loop in -- in her head, but... it had to have been about that contract, that agreement that she came up with -- with granddad.", "Traci: Yes. Yes, I'm sure you're right.", "Abby: I hate that my mom is leaving. I'm gonna miss her every day. But.. I admire dina for looking out for her. God only knows she was right about the obstacles her daughter was gonna face.", "Kyle: When new orders come in, once we're out of stock, what do we tell our buyers?", "Billy: Or the vendors for that matter? We have hundreds of contracts to buy a minimum amount of raw material each month, and we don't manufacture any of the products that use them.", "Kyle: So, do we claim there's a supply-chain issue to buy ourselves time or admit the truth?", "Billy: I doubt the truth would be your first option.", "Kyle: Oh. I keep forgetting how morally superior you are since you slept with phyllis' daughter.", "Billy: Two consenting adults doing what they wanted to do, kyle.", "Kyle: Yeah, she actually cared about you, billy, and you crushed her.", "Billy: Well, that was not my intent.", "Kyle: Never is.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] The only person I wanted to hurt was phyllis.", "Kyle: You knew it wouldn't be that simple, and you just didn't give a damn. And I'm the one who had to pick up the pieces.", "Billy: Sorry about that. Tough work.", "Kyle: [ Scoffs ] You don't get it. Summer showed up when I was on a date with someone new in my life, someone I like, who wasn't happy that I had to cut our evening short to comfort this other woman.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: But summer was a mess, and I couldn't turn her away, and now lola's freezing me out.", "Billy: To be honest, I hope she never talks to you again. I mean, it's the least you deserve for setting me up to gamble. All so you could get me out of that chair just that little bit sooner, right? But honestly, right now, we have work to do. My father would not want us to sit here wasting time arguing when our company is on the brink.", "Kyle: See, that's a big part of the problem right there.", "Billy: What is the problem, kyle?", "Kyle: \"John abbott this,\" and, \"john abbott that.\" I don't doubt that my grandfather was a good man. Even great in some respects. But he was human. He was from a generation and a time that believed it was preordained the oldest son would take over the business. It's not that he loved ashley or any of his other kids any less. It's just how it was. Which put my dad in a crappy position. He -- he spent his whole life not only doing what he felt was expected of him, but trying to live up to a myth. This abbott family deity. I-it -- it's insane, billy.", "Billy: You done? Good. What are we gonna do about these vendors?", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Ashley: Hey, neil. Where are you? Oh. So you're standing me up, huh? I don't know when that last happened to me. [ Chuckles ] I know you're busy. I just wanted to talk to you in person. Yeah, I made a decision. I'm not accepting the offer from my family to buy the patents. Well, because I own the products, and I've actually decided to start my own cosmetics company. paris. I know. Sometimes the best decisions aren't the easiest. I feel the same way. I would have loved to have seen where this could have gone, because we are very good together. I'm gonna miss you, too. Hey! You own a jet. So why don't you just, um, fly over and see me sometime? Okay. You too. Bye.", "[ Sighs ]", "Jack: Hey. I'm glad I found you before you took off.", "Ashley: Jack, honestly --", "Jack: I know you have nothing more to say to me. I have a hell of a lot to say to you.", "Cane: Well, I'm glad the, uh, transfer went okay and lily's settled, so...", "Devon: That's about the only good news I can come back with.", "Cane: Hey, I appreciate you giving that a shot. You know, it didn't even occur to me to talk to sharon.", "Devon: I just wish I could have done more. How are the kids doing?", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Oh, you know. Um... sam's napping. Um... the twins are in their room, trying to focus on schoolwork.", "Devon: That's a tall order.", "Cane: Yeah, I could tell, though, that they were just making lists in their heads about all the stuff they'd have to give up to go and see her. You know, because, before, we could see her every day. It was like we had a family and a marriage. But, uh, suddenly it's all gone. And no one's really had a chance to emotionally, you know, deal with it yet, so...", "Devon: Well, you know, cane, you -- you can use my jet any time you want. It's at your disposal.", "Cane: Yeah, I appreciate it. Um... but, you know, I was kind of thinking, by the time you fly to a regional airport, and then you got to get a car, and then you got to drive up to the prison...", "Devon: Yeah. The time commitment's probably the same.", "Cane: About the same, yeah.", "Devon: Well, we'll figure something out, though.", "Cane: We have to.", "Devon: And, listen, your marriage is solid enough to withstand this separation.", "Cane: I would like to think so.", "Devon: It's true. It is, man. And it's only temporary, too, because I'm not gonna stop trying to get lily an early release and put an end to this whole damn thing. And in the meantime, I want you to know that I'm gonna make it my priority to help you and the kids through this. Whatever you guys need.", "Cane: Thanks, man.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Cane: Thanks. Thanks, man.", "Devon: You got it.", "Jack: I started this war. I own that. And I hate that blood abbott clause so much. I will regret that for the rest of my life. I hate what it did to you. I hate what I said to you. I hate that our family got caught in the crossfire. But, ashley, if you take the patents you own and work to cripple jabot -- and you could do that -- you won't just be hurting me. You'll be hurting abby and traci and -- and billy's kids, as well as thousands of loyal jabot employees who have nothing to do with this. Many of whom could lose their jobs before the holidays. I know you don't want that.", "Ashley: Jack, obviously I don't want that.", "Jack: No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Please hear me out. You were right when you said this was my fault. When I said what you did to me was unforgivable, I should have been looking for forgiveness from you for the awful things that I did. And here's another truth. A truth that maybe I haven't looked at. Yes, that abbott clause was written to keep phyllis from making a claim on the company, but the darker truth is... I didn't want to have to compete against you. There was a part of me, a part of me I'm -- I'm not at all proud of, that couldn't accept the possibility that you would outshine me. Be a better chief executive than I was. So I secured my position by making sure you couldn't compete. That is the truth. And for that, I am deeply, genuinely sorry.", "Jack: Ash, hang on. I'm sorry I got on your case earlier. [ Sighs ] It's just that I promised dad I'd help out, and make sure things got taken care of, so...", "Ashley: It's okay. You were right. It's not fair that you have to do all the chores. Jack, I don't like to fight with you.", "Jack: Does this mean you'll pick up the pool stuff?", "Ashley: Already did.", "[ Ashley crying ]", "Jack: Ash, let -- let's -- let's go home. We can work through this. We --", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] I'm so grateful to you that you apologized to me. I am so grateful. [ Sniffles ] I haven't changed my mind, jack. I've spent so much of my life doing what's best for jabot and trying to meet the needs of the company. I just have to put myself first now. I'm sorry. [ Sniffles ] I have a plane to catch.", "Rey: Sharon, you got a sec?", "Sharon: Sure. What's up?", "Rey: Well, lately [Sighs] For whatever reason, I've been picking up the vibe that you feel...uncomfortable.", "Sharon: Uncomfortable?", "Rey: Around me? Like back at the coffeehouse, when I offered to give you a ride to work. And then earlier, with the box, when you were struggling with it.", "Sharon: Well, obviously you could see I was able to pick it up myself.", "Rey: That's just how my mother raised me. You know, open doors, offer help. Old school.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] You know, I'm -- I'm not one of those women who snarls at men when they have nice manners. You know what, I think I -- I overreacted. I'm sorry.", "Rey: [ Stammers ] You don't need to apologize.", "Sharon: Great. Then we're done?", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] There it is again, like, \"let me out of here.\"", "Sharon: No.", "Rey: Look, if I'm doing something to make you feel uneasy, I need to know about it.", "Sharon: No, not at all. It's just, um... you know, with us working together, and you are living upstairs at crimson lights, I just want to make sure that we're on the same page.", "Rey: About?", "Sharon: About how this looks to other people. And by \"other people,\" you mean nick? This is about what your ex said to me. Look, I know you're not thrilled that we talked, but can we just -- can we move past that?", "Sharon: I told nick that we were through, but I also told him to stay out of my personal life. Now, he and I do share children together, so I wouldn't want other people jumping to wrong conclusions to you and me. Especially not here at the station. You know, people do gossip, and, uh, you know, you are married.", "Rey: Sharon, who cares what other people think? We -- we both know nothing's going on.", "Sharon: Well, yeah. No. I mean -- yeah, of course not. I just...want to be careful. That's how rumors get started.", "Jack: Thanks for helping me out.", "Ashley: You're welcome.", "Jack: I hope this means when I ask you for something now, you won't give me so much grief?", "Ashley: I won'T. Unless it's something unfair.", "Jack: I'll always be fair to you, ash. You can count on that.", "Ashley: Good. Who knows? Maybe one day, when I grow up, I'll get to tell you what to do.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] Well, no matter how old you get, I'm always gonna be your big brother. And that means you can't ever boss me around.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Ashley: [ Sighs ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Mr. Kim comes to see Jack. \"Well our problem seems to have gone away.\" Jack finds that a little harsh to say. \"You might not be saying it Jack, but you are definitely thinking it.\" Michael comes to see the Winters who have already read the paper and know that the death is being called a homicide now. He tells Neil and Drucilla that they are at the top of the suspect list. Dru is warned again about talking to people. Will talks to Detective Sullivan who tells that Carmen seems to have died between 5 and 6pm the evening before. She wishes Will luck with his case. \"With Dru's big mouth, I won't need luck!\" Victor and Nikki are stunned when they talk to Sharon and realize that she had no idea that Carmen had died the night before. She immediately goes to her friend to be supportive. Neil and Drucilla talk with their lawyer for a while and then when the couple is alone, they get a visit from Detective Sullivan and Will Bardwell. \"Drucilla will not be prosecuted for violating the protective order against Carmen Mesta, but then again I am sure that is of no surprise to you \" JT sees the Winter clan and comes over to invite them to the loft for a Halloween celebration. \"Colleen is at a fundraiser with her professor and will join us later.\" Brad and Victoria are questioned by the police and Will. Brad neglects to tell the police that he was at Carmen's place the day she was killed. Victoria is stunned by that. Later he explains that if he had told the cops he was at Carmen's the night before, he would then have to explain why, and then he would have to lie anyway to cover his real identity. The cops and Will go to talk to Sharon but when they find her sympathetic, they bring up how Sharon had been recently scorned herself, and suggest that the reason she supports her friend is because of how they were similarly treated in their marriages. The cops go to Jack now. He admits that he used to date Carmen at the beginning but that was a long time ago, he insists. \"We picked up some voicemails from you something about wiring money to an account for her.\" Jack says that was just business. \"That may be true but you sounded so desperate.\" At the fundraiser, Colleen and Professor Korbel work. She talks to JT, but Professor Korbel is right there to hurry her back to work. She tells about the murder. \"I know. I was there,\" the Korbel says. Dru tells her husband that she would do anything for him. \"If you know more about this murder than you are letting on, I will do anything to help you with it Neil.\" He looks at her strangely. \"Well, well, well. I was just about to say the same thing to you.\"" ]
[ "Dru: It says here, \"Mesta's death was a homicide, but have yet to release details of the crime. The investigation into the woman's murder is ongoing.\"", "Devon: Then it was a murder?", "Daniel: Yep. Hey, look, we all know what kind of person Carmen was. She probably made a lot of enemies.", "Dru: It wouldn't surprise me one bit.", "Neil: Carmen didn't have many friends at Newman, I can tell you that.", "Lily: It was so scary-- seeing someone I know lying on the ground dead.", "Dru: Baby...", "Devon: Where I grew up, people got shot and stabbed all the time. But you don't expect that kinda stuff with folks around here.", "Dru: Oh, Honey... I-I wish that you kids hadn't seen her.", "Lily: Do you and Dad have to talk to the police again this morning?", "Neil: Excuse me. Hello? Yes, this is Neil Winters. No comment. Hey, listen, I don't want anyone answering the phone today. Unplug it if you have to. Otherwise it's gonna be ringing off the hook all day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Just got the coroner's report back on the Mesta homicide.", "Will: Any verdict on time of death?", "Sullivan: It was, uh, sometime between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M., day before yesterday.", "Will: Mmm. Have you talked to either of the Winters today?", "Sullivan: Not yet.", "Will: I was about to drop by their apartment.", "Sullivan: They're all lawyered up. Good luck.", "Will: Drucilla Winters has got a big mouth. That's all the luck I'm gonna need.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hard to concentrate on work today, isn't it?", "Brad: The whole building's in shock.", "Victoria: Yeah. A young woman like that-- murdered in the prime of her life. What are you thinking?", "Brad: Nothing I should say out loud.", "Victoria: Say it.", "Brad: This does solve our problems.", "Victoria: Because Carmen is dead. Well, that's a cheerful thought.", "Brad: I wouldn't say it to anyone else.", "Victoria: No, you're right, though. Whatever she might've overheard about past went with her.", "Brad: Along with any lawsuit Newman may have been facing.", "Victoria: Yeah. Just a big reminder of how unpredictable life is.", "Brad: Yep.", "Victoria: So have you heard any reports on how Carmen was killed?", "Brad: No. If the police know anything, they're not saying. At least not yet.", "Victoria: I suppose the bigger question is... who killed her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: A little something to get your heart going?", "Mr. Kim: Thank you, Jack. You must be feeling some relief this morning.", "Jack: Relief, how?", "Mr. Kim: Well, what happened to Ms. Mesta removed a major threat to our arrangement.", "Jack: You'll forgive my saying, that's a pretty cold statement.", "Mr. Kim: You're offended?", "Jack: Ji Min, the woman is dead. I hardly think that's reason for celebration.", "Mr. Kim: Well, neither do I. It's horrible. But the truth is, we can both breathe a bit easier now. Even more than if she had taken the job offer in Hong Kong. Even if you don't say it, you must be thinking it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: So, how do I look?", "Nikki: I think Johnny Depp better watch out.", "Noah: Do I look like a real pirate?", "Victor: You know something? I think you look even better than last year. If you pointed that sword at me, I'd give you all the gold and silver I own.", "Noah: Dressing up is fun.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Noah: I wish everyday were Halloween.", "Victor: Oh, you look like a fearless pirate that sails the seven seas looking for adventure and looking for treasure.", "Noah: Cool. You're still going trick-or-treating with me?", "Victor: I wouldn't miss it for a damn thing.", "Nikki: Are you kidding? I didn't know you had trick-or-treating plans.", "Victor: Oh, yes. Oh, yeah.", "Sharon: Yes, Victor promised to take him awhile ago.", "Victor: You bet.", "Nikki: That's fantastic. You've missed out on so many Halloweens.", "Victor: Well, I'm making up for it now.", "Nikki: That's great.", "Noah: I'm gonna go show Miguel my costume.", "Victor: You do that. Don't scare him. Don't you scare him? Have you talked to Drucilla?", "Sharon: No. Why?", "Nikki: Sharon, you haven't heard?", "Sharon: Well, I've been busy with Noah all morning. Why, what did I miss?", "Victor: Carmen Mesta was killed last night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey, Lily, it's Colleen again. Uh, call me back, please.", "JT: She's probably at her folks' place. You know, they got a lot to talk about.", "Colleen: How am I supposed to concentrate on this fundraiser? Two dark roasts, please.", "JT: Well, maybe you should bag it.", "Colleen: I can't. It's too late to find somebody else. Plus, it's for a good cause.", "JT: Raising money to put recycling bins in all the classrooms?", "Colleen: Yes.", "JT: Hey... are you okay? You look a little shaky.", "Colleen: I just keep thinking about Carmen. I mean, I heard a lot of bad things about her, but for somebody to actually kill her?", "JT: Yeah, I'll be glad when the cops figure out who did this.", "Colleen: This whole situation has gotten really ugly. I mean, ever since Carmen pressed charges on Lily's mom, the whole family's been panicked about the trial.", "JT: Yeah, well, I'd be surprised if they actually went through with that.", "Colleen: It's just so bizarre for things to end this way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hi, guys.", "Neil: Hey, Michael, can I get you some water?", "Michael: Uh, no, thank you. I'm just here to check in on you. I didn't leave you two with the best news last night.", "Dru: Hey, listen, bump all the B.S. and give it to me straight. Are they gonna arrest me and charge me with murder or what?", "Michael: Drucilla, I don't want you getting ahead of yourself. The investigation has barely started.", "Dru: Counselor, that does not reassure me.", "Michael: Well, I'm expecting a call from someone at the police station about the results of Carmen's autopsy.", "Neil: Really? When is that?", "Michael: Uh, today, hopefully. Then we will know something.", "Devon: Did he say \"autopsy?\"", "Lily: Yeah, no news yet.", "Michael: And until I tell you, there will be no speaking to the media or to the police about anything that happened--not a word.", "Neil: Everyone got that?", "Lily: Yeah, let me... \"Don't talk to anyone.\"", "Devon: Can we help?", "Michael: If by \"help,\" you mean running around playing amateur detectives, I would, uh, stay away from that.", "Devon: What? What did he say?", "Daniel: He said no.", "Michael: My advice is for you to continue with your normal activities.", "Lily: How you expect us to do that?", "Neil: You, uh, do what the man tells you-- mouth shut.", "Michael: That goes for you, too, Drucilla. You should never have spoken to that detective in the club last night.", "Dru: I know. I made a mistake and I said I was sorry, right?", "Michael: I'm sorry doesn't change anything. Let's--let's just make sure that mistake doesn't hap in the future.", "Dru: Okay, okay.", "Michael: Okay.", "Neil: Um, shouldn't you guys be leaving? Go on.", "Dru: Go on, your father said. Okay, just go to class. Today's Halloween.", "Michael: It's Halloween. It's Halloween. Go--go out and have fun. We don't want you worrying about this.", "Lily: Hey says that we should go and have fun, like nothing happened.", "Devon: Have fun like nothing happened? Yeah, yeah, that's what we're gonna do. It's Halloween. We'll go and get dressed up and get some candy. That'll take our minds off of everything. Are you serious?", "Daniel: Right.", "Sharon: Oh, excuse me.", "Michael: Sharon...", "Sharon: Dru, I just came by to see how you were doing.", "Dru: I'm okay. I'm okay.", "Sharon: Wow. And right outside the club, too. Well, I'm surprised you're holding it together this well.", "Dru: Well, looks are deceiving, believe me.", "Michael: Drucilla?", "Dru: Oh, it's--it's something I can't discuss. It's a legal matter.", "Michael: Sharon, I understand your desire to comfort Dru, but I really need to speak to them privately.", "Sharon: Oh, sure.", "Dru: But thank you. Thank you, Honey.", "Sharon: Okay, well... you call me if you need anything.", "Dru: All right. All right.", "Dru: Bye.", "Michael: Right, let's get to work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I wish there was something we could do to help Devon and Lily.", "JT: Well, I don't know if it'll help, but we could invite them to come hang out with us for Halloween.", "Colleen: It's worth a try.", "Colleen: I hope that's Lily. Hello?", "Professor Korbel: Colleen?", "Colleen: Hi, Professor, what's up?", "Professor Korbel: Colleen I need you now rather than later. People are already starting to show up.", "Colleen: Uh, yeah, I guess so. I'll leave right away. Bye.", "JT: I think I'm gonna get in the Halloween spirit and put a curse on that guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: And you're gonna send me the Jabot quarterly reports, right?", "Mr. Kim: Right away.", "Jack: Okay, that about covers it.", "Mr. Kim: Not quite.", "Jack: Oh?", "Mr. Kim: The job in Hong Kong-- Corporate Liaison for NVP...", "Jack: You're thinking we oughta create a real position?", "Mr. Kim: The need is there. You still wanna send someone?", "Jack: Someone like Gloria?", "Mr. Kim: You had your heart set on this position.", "Jack: As long as she's thousands of miles away, I won't be picky.", "Mr. Kim: And she'll never have to know that the position was originally created to get rid of Ms. Mesta.", "Jack: I wish that were never necessary.", "Mr. Kim: Well, it was unfortunate that someone learned about our arrangement, but now that we're being even more careful... our secret should be safe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So you're still driving in with me, right?", "Victor: Yes, Sweetheart, I am.", "Nikki: And accidentally on purpose running into Jack.", "Victor: Yes... with a big smile on my face.", "Nikki: I'd love to be a fly on that wall.", "Victor: I am going to get NVP back for you, my darling.", "Nikki: Well, my main concern is you-- that you are back in the state of mind to see what Jack is up to.", "Victor: I'm not totally sure what he's up to. And I'm gonna have to find out what he did with the $250 million I loaned him. He claims to have used it to buy real estate for the NVP retreats. But I haven't seen any proof of it yet.", "Nikki: Is that because he won't give you that information, or he can't?", "Victor: Then we'll find out with a smile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: All right, so neither of you saw Carmen yesterday?", "Dru: No.", "Neil: No.", "Michael: All right. Where were you last night before everyone saw you at Indigo?", "Dru: Right here. Right here, taking care of business before we went over to the club.", "Michael: Neil?", "Neil: Uh, I was either at the club or running last-minute errands to get the place ready to open.", "Dru: But forget where we were or we weren't. I mean, could it be a worse location that Carmen's body would be found right outside Indigo? And let's just talk about the timing for a hot second. My trial was coming up, due to me violating the stupid restraining order.", "Michael: You remember what you said last night about being at the top of the suspect list? I think you're both gonna be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Aha! Ahoy there, Matey!", "Victoria: Look at you!", "Noah: I'm not your Matey. I'm a pirate! I rob and pillage!", "Brad: Whoa!", "Victoria: Where did you learn a word like \"pillage?\"", "Noah: A movie. It means to steal someone's loot. Can I go show Jack my costume?", "Victor: You know something? He would love to see that.", "Nikki: Sure.", "Victor: 'Cause Jack is a pillager from way back.", "Victoria: He's in the conference room.", "Noah: Okay.", "Victoria: Just so you're all aware, I've issued a formal statement to the press about Carmen's death-- how shocked and saddened we all are at Newman.", "Victor: That's very kind of you, Sweetheart. Thank you. Did anyone ever say how she was killed?", "Brad: We really haven't heard anything yet. But I'm sure we'll get more information as the investigation progresses.", "Nikki: Oh, he's with Jack, showing off his costume.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Wow. And you wanted to be Spiderman?", "Noah: You were right, a pirate's way better.", "Jack: Oh, a pirate would kick Spiderman's butt.", "Noah: And the best part is the that you got me and the sword.", "Jack: Yeah? Can you use this thing? Here...", "Sharon: Oh, no! If I were you, I'd run, Jack!", "Noah: He's on a ship, Mom. He has to swim.", "Jack: Yeah, that's if you aren't the one walking the gangplank, Mister!", "Sharon: Okay, well, I hate to break this up, but you have got to get to school, Mister.", "Jack: You know what? Pirates are tough, Mom's are tougher.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Sharon: You don't wanna miss the Halloween parade.", "Noah: I left my backpack in the break room.", "Sharon: Okay, well, go get it. You better hurry.", "Noah: Okay.", "Jack: Oh, I can't stop thinking about it.", "Sharon: Carmen?", "Jack: I've been pretty upset with her for awhile.", "Sharon: Yeah, you'd said she's not the person you thought she was.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm afraid the last words we shared were not cordial.", "Sharon: Well, the last words I shared with her weren't cordial either. But... it's still hard to believe she's gone, huh?", "Jack: I know. I keep expecting her to round the corner there with a blackberry in one hand and a cell phone glued to her ear.", "Sharon: Well, I stopped by to see Neil and Dru.", "Jack: How are they?", "Sharon: I'm not sure. Michael wouldn't let Dru talk about what happened, but I'm sure they're not good.", "Jack: When you think how close they were to Dru's trial, and how much Carmen wanted her in jail, behind bars...", "Sharon: This has gotta be terrifying for that entire family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: This is crazy. How do they expect us to go on like it's no big deal?", "Devon: Yeah, right? Carmen is dead and they tell us, \"go on, have fun, kids. Get yourself some ice cream or something.\"", "Daniel: Devon, Devon, hey, your folks and Michael-- they just don't want you to worry about it.", "Devon: Yeah, I know.", "Lily: Yeah, like that'll happen.", "JT: Hey.", "Daniel: Hey.", "JT: Did Colleen get a hold of you?", "Lily: No, my phone was off.", "JT: Yeah, well, look, I don't really know what to say here. Um, how's your mom?", "Devon: Mom? Well, Dru is--", "Lily: Hey, shh. JT, I'm sorry, we really can't talk about it for legal reasons.", "JT: Yeah, that's all right. No worries.", "Lily: What are you and Colleen doing for Halloween?", "JT: Uh, Colleen is working a fundraiser at the college.", "Lily: He types so that...", "JT: Okay, yeah. But it won't be going on all night. So, um, she and I were thinking we could all hang out? I'll go by the store, pick up some Halloween stuff and then we could all meet up at the loft.", "Lily: I don't know.", "JT: Oh, come on. Colleen's really worried about you, Lily. You, too, Devon. I know she'd like to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: My, my... look who it is.", "Will: I have something important to tell you.", "Neil: We've been advised by our lawyer not to say anything.", "Will: You don't have to say anything. I'll do all the talking, all right? May we come in?", "Neil: Yeah, sure, come on in for a minute.", "Will: You remember Detective Sullivan?", "Dru: Oh, how could we forget?", "Neil: All right, Mr. Bardwell, you traveled an awfully long way to get here. What's up?", "Will: Well, I thought you'd like to know... your wife won't be prosecuted for violating the protective order against Ms. Mesta. But I'm sure that's no surprise to you.", "Neil: Well, Mr. Bardwell, you could've told us that information over the phone, don't you think?", "Will: Well, I wanted to deliver the news in person.", "Dru: Oh, I bet you did.", "Will: The eve of the trial, key witness is murdered-- that really burns me. Though I imagine you two must be relieved.", "Dru: Boy, you just don't know when to quit, do you?", "Neil: If you're trying to pressure us into saying something--anything-- um, you're wasting your time.", "Will: It doesn't matter. We have other places we can go for the truth.", "Sullivan: We've already talked to some of your employees down at the club, Mr. Winters.", "Dru: You can try to intimidate us all you want to, it won't work. We are innocent. We have nothing to do with Carmen Mesta's murder.", "Neil: That's right and we don't know who did. So I think you'll understand when I tell you now it's time for you to leave. Good-bye.", "Will: We'll be in touch.", "Neil: I bet you will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Too bad Lily had that project. She really could've used this distraction.", "JT: Yeah, well, I'm really glad you guys came through. Hey, uh, I'm not that good at signing yet. Will you translate for me?", "Daniel: Just use the computer.", "JT: All right. All right... \"Devon, what I was gonna say was Colleen and I know this has been really hard for you. So... just keep being the jerk you've always been.\"", "Daniel: Devon? Keep being the jerk you've always been.", "JT: \"Or we might-- we might just mistake you for a trick-or-treater.\"", "Daniel: Ah. Hey, Devon... \"Dressed in the costume of Devon, the unfeeling.\"", "JT: \"Or Devon, the always serious.\"", "Daniel: \"Or Devon, the unsmiling.\"", "JT: \"Devon, the stoic.\"", "Daniel: \"Devon--\"", "Devon: How about the Devon not laughing when his friends hammer a dumb joke into the ground?", "Daniel: Aw.", "Devon: When is, uh, when's Colleen gonna get here?", "JT: I don't know. Let's call her.", "Daniel: Let's call her.", "Colleen: JT?", "JT: Hey, how long you gonna be?", "Colleen: Oh, uh, not too long.", "JT: All right, well, get your sexy self home. We got pumpkins to carve and candy to hand out.", "Colleen: All right, bye.", "Professor Korbel: Uh, you're supposed to be collecting donations, unless that was Bill Gates on the phone.", "Colleen: Sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, Victor.", "Victor: Hello, Sharon. Did our little pirate get off to school all right?", "Sharon: Um, yeah, I just dropped him off.", "Victor: That's very nice of Jack to help him with his costume.", "Sharon: Sometimes I don't know which of them is the bigger kid.", "Victor: They seem to... become buddy/buddy.", "Sharon: Especially since, um, Jack's gotten involved in Noah's latest passion-- model cars.", "Victor: It seems Jack has gotten close to a lot of the Newmans lately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What else?", "Nikki: I will take over setting up Sharon's personal appearances.", "Jack: Well, I hate to see you get stuck with all of Carmen's work.", "Nikki: Oh, that. I already told Victor I'd be working more until we find somebody else.", "Jack: Hey, I heard he was back in the building again today.", "Nikki: Well, he was concerned that people might be a little upset about things.", "Jack: Well, that's very considerate. But, uh, I can't help wondering if the reason he's here so much more is he's bored at home.", "Nikki: Well, maybe so. The whole family does work here. Although, he has been talking to me about the two of us taking off on a trip.", "Jack: You should do it. Really. I'll cover for you. Oh, I almost forgot!", "Nikki: What?", "Jack: Documentation on the land sites I'm purchasing for NVP they're all still in escrow, but you have some idea of where they money's going to.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Jack: At least you'll know I'm not spending it all on loose women and liquor.", "Nikki: What, Jack Abbott carousing? Never. Thanks, I'll give it to Victor.", "Jack: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Baldwin.", "Neil: Yeah, hey, Michael, it's, uh, it's me, Neil. We just had a couple of visitors.", "Michael: Let me guess, the DA and Nancy Drew, girl detective?", "Neil: Bingo.", "Michael: Tell me you didn't--", "Neil: No, no, no, we kept our mouths shut this time.", "Michael: Good. Uh... can you meet me at the coffeehouse?", "Neil: Uh, yeah, when?", "Michael: Now. Without Dru. I wanna speak to you alone.", "Neil: Why?", "Michael: I need to know more about your relationship with Carmen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: That is one ugly pumpkin.", "JT: What? Hey, you just don't appreciate good art. Man, that--that right there-- that's beautiful. It's bold.", "Daniel: Devon, yours is not that much better. What's it supposed to be, hmm?", "Devon: What's my-- it's a pumpkin with a face.", "JT: Really? Really? I don't see it.", "Daniel: Hey, hey, all the faces that I've seen, they all have features.", "Devon: Oh, that's funny. That's funny. Yours looks like it was carved by a six-year-old, Daniel, all right? And yours looks like it was dumped off in the back alley the day after Halloween. I'm sorry. That was a bad metaphor, though.", "Daniel: Hey, hey, ease up. Okay? We didn't think anything of it until you apologized.", "Devon: Right, but the, uh, the image of something being thrown into an alley doesn't bring anything to mind.", "Daniel: Okay... we don't have to be that careful about everything we say, do we?", "Devon: All right, I guess if you mean... if we can't make tasteless jokes to each other, then what's the point of being friends?", "Daniel: Exactly. I will work on a better way of trying to phrase it.", "Devon: Okay.", "JT: \"Guys... I'm thinking I should get Paul to help me start an investigation into Carmen's murder.\" On the side. Pro bono.", "Devon: That's cool of you to offer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: How'd we do?", "Colleen: Good.", "Professor Korbel: We make our goal?", "Colleen: 16 bucks over.", "Professor Korbel: So what now? Use the money to buy new recycling bins or take it and split to South America?", "Colleen: Whatever.", "Professor Korbel: Okay, what's with you, Colleen? Usually you at least pretend my jokes are funny.", "Colleen: I just have a lot on my mind, okay?", "Professor Korbel: Problems?", "Colleen: I don't know if you've heard, but this woman named Carmen Mesta was killed.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, her body was found outside Indigo.", "Colleen: In the alley. You read about it?", "Professor Korbel: I was there the night of the opening. What's this got to do with you?", "Colleen: Well, my best friend's dad owns the club. And I'm just afraid because of a bunch of stuff that's been going on. Her mom might be in a lot of trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: How can we help you?", "Will: Tell me about Carmen Mesta.", "Victoria: She was a talented PR person. Very responsible and a real pleasure to work with.", "Will: Not everyone shared your opinion.", "Victoria: Well, if you're referring to her problems with Drucilla Winters, that was an uncomfortable situation that got out of hand.", "Brad: I can certainly understand why Carmen would've been upset with Drucilla's behavior.", "Will: Were you afraid that things would get out of hand?", "Victoria: If you mean, do we think that Dru would hurt Carmen, no. Never. But Carmen was adamant, and we were forced to let Drucilla go.", "Sullivan: Uh, Carmen lost Ms. Winters her job?", "Victoria: Technically, it was a leave of absence.", "Sullivan: I'm sure that took the sting out.", "Will: When was the last time you saw Ms. Mesta?", "Brad: Uh, day before yesterday.", "Victoria: Yeah, Same here. I had a brief meeting with her that day.", "[Victoria remembering]", "Victoria: Well, um... why don't you ask for half the company?", "Carmen: Good PR doesn't come cheap.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I saw her later that afternoon, but we didn't speak.", "[Brad remembering]", "Victoria: Let's hope that it was an ordinary robbery and we're just being paranoid.", "Brad: When you've lived under an assumed identity as long as I have, being paranoid is just realistic. The speakerphone's been on. Carmen's outside by the desk.", "Victoria: Do you think she heard us?", "Brad: She could have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: What time did you leave here?", "Victoria: I went home around 4:00 that day.", "Brad: I left, uh, about... I don't know, 5:00? I was told Carmen had already gone home for the evening.", "Sullivan: And neither of you saw her yesterday?", "Victoria: Well, she missed a meeting with me, which was unusual for her. But, um, I assumed that she got hung up prepping for her trial.", "Will: Well, you've been very helpful. Um, I understand there are cameras installed here? We'll wanna review the tapes from the last time Carmen was here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What are you trying to do, Victor, give me a heart attack?", "Victor: I didn't realize you were so easily spooked.", "Jack: I, you know, I looked up. I didn't expect to see you there.", "Victor: Well, next time just say \"friend, or foe?\" And I'll do the same.", "Jack: Good advice. Listen, if you ever get tired of playing with the dog, I'm sure we could find something for you to do at NVP.", "Victor: Oh, no, no, don't want that stress again.", "Jack: I thrive on it, or at least I used to.", "Victor: Well... you seem very stressed right now. Are you thinking about what happened to Carmen Mesta? I mean, you went out with her for awhile, didn't you?", "Jack: Yeah, I mean, we were never really that close. I guess I'm just in shock over what happened.", "Victor: It's a horrific story.", "Jack: You know, we all go through life dealing with our day-to-day problems. We all think we're invincible.", "Victor: Yeah, don't we?", "Jack: Poor Carmen. I wonder if she'd lived her life any differently if she'd known... she was near the end of it.", "Victor: Good question.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: When was the last time you saw her?", "Sharon: The day before yesterday.", "Sullivan: Do you recall where you were at the time?", "Sharon: I was here at Newman. We briefly discussed some appearances I'm gonna be making for NVP.", "Will: Did you talk about anything else?", "Sharon: I told her that Drucilla regretted her behavior and that she had suffered and I thought that... that was punishment enough-- something to that effect.", "Will: You and Drucilla are close, I take it?", "Sharon: Yes, I'd say so.", "Sullivan: You were protective of her?", "Sharon: Okay, what are you implying?", "Sullivan: Nothing. I just assumed that when it came to, uh, Ms. Winters and Ms. Mesta, you sided with Ms. Winters.", "Sharon: Well, yeah, that's fair to say.", "Will: Would it also be fair to say you believe Ms. Mesta was as much an agitator as victim?", "Sharon: I felt bad for Drucilla, for the damage that had been done to her marriage because of Carmen.", "Will: Your husband left you for another woman, didn't he?", "Sharon: Our divorce was mutual. What does that have to do with anything?", "Will: Just an observation. That your sympathy for Mrs. Winters may stem in part from your personal experience.", "Sharon: Well, I... I definitely felt her pain.", "Sullivan: Did you witness any, uh, confrontations between the two women?", "Will: The incident at the opening of NVP for instance.", "Sharon: Nope. I left early that night.", "Sullivan: Any other run-ins?", "Sharon: No. There was tension from the moment Dru found out that Carmen was after her husband. But I think that's a perfectly normal reaction, don't you? Now, if you will excuse me, I have some work that I have to get back to.", "Will: Of course. Though we may need to speak with you again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: If you can just leave it at the front desk, I'll pick it up when I leave tonight. Thank you.", "Brad: Who was that?", "Victoria: This, uh, white jacket that I lost, um, the maintenance crew found it on the floor of the parking garage.", "Brad: Oh, well, I'll bet it's not white anymore. What's wrong?", "Victoria: I really hope the DA doesn't find out that you didn't come straight home from work.", "Brad: Honey, nobody saw me when I went to see Carmen. I really don't think we have anything to worry about.", "Victoria: Well, let's hope not.", "Brad: Besides, I just went there to talk.", "Victoria: Well, you know what? You lied to the police. And if they find out, they're gonna ask more questions, which exactly what we wanted to avoid in the first place. So maybe you should've just told them the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You know, I cared deeply for Carmen, but like I told you, we never slept together.", "Michael: You're saying this was platonic?", "Neil: Yeah, it was platonic. Except... I kissed her.", "Michael: How many times?", "Neil: More than once. Devon heard us talking about the fact that we kissed. He confronted me. You know, that was my wake-up call.", "Michael: In what way?", "Neil: I realized I wasn't just hurting my wife. I was also hurting my children.", "Michael: What about Carmen? What were her intentions?", "Neil: I don't know.", "Michael: Well, she knew you were a married man.", "Neil: Of course she knew that.", "Michael: Did she ever ask you to leave Drucilla?", "Neil: No, of course she didn't.", "Michael: Do you think that's what she was hoping for? That you would divorce Drucilla and marry her?", "Neil: I don't know, Michael. I never--I never made her any promises. You understand?", "Michael: Still, she continued to pursue you. Why? Did she ever ask you for any money?", "Neil: No, man, it wasn't like that. We were friends.", "Michael: Did it ever occur to you that she might slap you with a sexual harassment suit?", "Neil: No.", "Michael: And she'd been involved with Jack earlier, before she hooked up with you. You're both top executives. That didn't bother you?", "Neil: I guess I never really thought of it that way.", "Michael: Maybe you should have. I bet you it raised quite a few eyebrows among your co-workers.", "Will: May we join you?", "Michael: Go home. We'll finish this later.", "Neil: Yeah. Hey, Michael? Thanks.", "Will: You sure got rid of him in a hurry.", "Michael: I told you earlier, all requests to speak to my clients must go through me.", "Sullivan: We heard you.", "Michael: Really? Is that why you dropped by their apartment earlier-- uninvited?", "Will: Well, I wanted to give them the good news-- that the charges against Mrs. Winters for violating the protection order have been dropped. What a piece of luck for certain people, isn't it?", "Michael: You're taking Ms. Mesta's death awfully personally, William.", "Will: Hell, yes, I take it personally. Carmen was afraid of Drucilla before the trial. It makes me ill to think her fears might've been justified.", "Michael: Do you have any proof that one of my clients committed this murder? Or that it even has any connection with Drucilla's trial? Do you?", "Will: I don't have proof yet. But you should let the Winters know, I'm spearheading this investigation. And I will not rest until Carmen Mesta receives the justice she deserves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Uh, this is great. Thanks, Randy.", "Brad: Sweetheart, let's not get all worked up over nothing.", "Victoria: Don't you see that by lying to the police we would've made more problems for ourselves?", "Brad: Nobody saw me at Carmen's. I'm telling you, there's nothing to worry about.", "Victoria: What about Devon? You said he was there. Did he see you? He might've seen you.", "Brad: I was out of his line of sight. He didn't notice me.", "Victoria: Maybe you should've just told the police that you went to see her, just to cover your bases.", "Brad: Do you realize the questions that would raise?", "Victoria: You know that I'm concerned about you? Don't you understand that?", "Brad: Trust me. I'd be in a lot more trouble if they found out I wasn't Brad Carlton-- Victoria, the authorities can't find out that I went to see Carmen the night she was killed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Devon remembering, he was knocking on Carmen's door]", "Devon: Carmen! Carmen!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: I thought Colleen would be here by now.", "Devon: What did you say?", "JT: Colleen--Colleen-- uh, why... not here.", "Devon: Uh, Colleen. Colleen said she'd be here soon, right? How soon is \"soon?\"", "JT: Maybe soon means whenever that professor says so, that SOB.", "Devon: You signed \"SOB\" pretty well there, JT you been practicing that?", "JT: Yeah.", "Devon: Yeah?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: You said before you were concerned about... your friend Lily and her mom maybe being in some trouble. What made you think that?", "Colleen: It's a long story, actually. Um, Carmen-- the woman that died-- was ---you know, legal stuff. It was a huge situation and it was really unfair. um... I don't even know why I'm telling you any of this.", "Professor Korbel: Well, no, no, no, I'm glad you're telling me. It explains your mood.", "Colleen: I should go.", "Professor Korbel: Well, Colleen, wait. The world can be a scary place. And Lily is just... lucky to have someone in her life who cares about her as much as you do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: It's an accounting of what Jack did with the money you loaned him.", "Victor: Where'd you get this?", "Nikki: From Jack himself. I didn't even have to ask. He gave it to me.", "Victor: Really? I'll be damned.", "Nikki: Is it possible he really did spend the money on NVP?", "Victor: Well, maybe we are wrong to doubt him... at least in regards to this issue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Sure, I'll cooperate in any way I can.", "Will: I know Carmen worked for you and you saw each other socially for awhile.", "Jack: Yes, that's right.", "Will: Was it serious?", "Jack: No, not really. And it ended some time ago.", "Will: Clear something up for me, will you?", "Will: After the police found Carmen's cell phone, they, um, discovered you left a voice mail message for her.", "Sullivan: Something about money?", "Will: A wire transfer to her bank account?", "Jack: Yeah, that was business.", "Sullivan: Right. Our records show that you called several times.", "Jack: I'm a businessman, Detective.", "Will: We take our work seriously, too, Mr. Abbott. That's all for now. Oh... you know what puzzles me, though?", "Jack: No, why don't you tell me?", "Will: Taking your work seriously is one thing, but, um... that cell phone message, um... you sounded... almost desperate to see her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Has the coroner determined the time of death? That means Carmen was dead a whole day before she was found. Which raises a whole new set of questions.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Man, man, we can't get away from that creep.", "Neil: Yeah, don't I know it? As soon as he approached us, Michael told me to leave.", "Dru: He's lucky I wasn't there, 'cause I would've kicked him you know where.", "Neil: Yeah, that would've really helped out a lot.", "Dru: You know, Neil, it has been one day--one day since the murder happened and he's all over us like white on rice.", "Neil: Mmm. You know, so much has been going on-- Devon losing his hearing, you facing a trial-- possibly prison time. Opening Indigo was supposed to be a fresh start. Now all of this has been happening.", "Dru: I know, I know, Baby. Neil?", "Neil: What?", "Dru: I want you to know, Honey, I will do whatever I need to do to protect you. I will lie for you. I will go the distance.", "Neil: Lie for me? What are you asking me?", "Dru: Well... I was wondering if, you know... you know more about the murder than you've been saying.", "Neil: Well, isn't that something? 'Cause I was just about to ask you the same thing.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: Is there anything I should know about?", "Nikki: No, um, just that sometimes things are not quite as they seem.", "JT: You don't seem like yourself.", "Colleen: I'm tired. That's it.", "Neil: The police are gonna wanna know where we were during the time Carmen was murdered." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis complains to the prison chaplain that she can't spend time with her family while on work release. He considers resigning as Senator and gets a visit from his father's spirit who tells him that he didn't raise a quitter. Victor is convinced the accident was sabotage. He hires private investigators to speed things along. The accusations fly when David shows up at the hospital to see Victoria. The Newmans and JT hold vigil over Victoria's bed, but she still doesn't wake up. Victor and Nikki pray in the chapel. Noah is upset about missing Halloween so they have a little party in his room to cheer him up. Jack is furious when he finds out that the press knows he is a suspect in Ji Min's death. He blames Maggie who swears it wasn't her but vows to find out who it was. later he finds out that the police can't prove the dog hair came from Fisher. There are a lot of yellow dogs in Genoa City, even Victor has one.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Jana: Oh, you're back! How was life on the outside?", "Phyllis: Oh, you know, nothing--nothing different. Same as in here, except for the bars and the morose guards.", "Jana: Hm.", "Chaplain: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Chaplain: I wanted to stop by and check on you. The first day back from work release can be a-- a tough adjustment.", "Phyllis: It's no big deal. Freedom isn't all it's cracked up to be. I-I-I, uh --I'm just gonna sit over here. I just wanna be alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: If you are working at the government's pace, then you obviously are not working. So you double the man power and find out what the hell went on.", "Nick: Let me guess, Clear Springs?", "Victor: I'm not waiting for some public servant to tell me what the hell happened. It takes too long. I hired some private investigators to do that.", "Nick: Did they come up with any preliminary ideas?", "Victor: There are some ideas, but I want hard facts. Let me tell you something, son, if this is sabotage, as it was when the jet that you were in crashed, then obviously someone upped the vendetta against our family. I want to find out who the hell it is. Now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: A deejay? You gotta be kidding me.", "J.T.: Hey, what's wrong with a deejay?", "Nikki: Well, if it were a high school homecoming dance, that's one thing. But my daughter's wedding?", "J.T.: And my wedding.", "Nikki: Okay, well, Victoria will set you straight.", "J.T.: You know, I'm pretty sure she's gonna tell you that there's not a-- not a wedding band on the planet that's not cheesy.", "Nikki: We shall see. Oh, okay...", "Paul: Is now a bad time?", "Nikki: I'm so glad you're here. Please, come in. Come in.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Nikki: Question-- your opinion--", "Maggie: Uh-huh.", "Nikki: What is better for a wedding-- deejay? Band?", "Paul: Band.", "Maggie: Oh, deejay.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Maggie: Bands are cheesy.", "J.T.: See, she's a police detective. She knows these things.", "Maggie: (Laughs)", "Nikki: You're exhausted. You don't know what you're talking about.", "Paul: Yeah, you do look pretty beat.", "J.T.: I'm fine. I just need a little caffeine boost.", "Maggie: You know what? I'll go get it. Nikki?", "Nikki: No, I'm fine, thanks.", "Paul: So how's she doing?", "Nikki: She's gonna wake up very soon and settle this band/deejay argument once and for all.", "Paul: Right. Yeah. So, um, have you been home at all?", "J.T.: What for?", "Paul: I don't know, rest up, grab a shower. Now's a good time. Maggie and I can keep everybody company.", "J.T.: I'm fine. Thanks.", "Nikki: You know, it's not a bad idea. Just, uh... get a little fresh air? Clear you head?", "J.T.: No, no, no, no, I'm not--I'm not leaving here till she comes with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Nice to see you happy for a change.", "Sharon: My son's gonna be okay. And my husband is a hero. What's not to be happy about?", "Jack: Oh, I think hero's taking it a bit too far.", "Sharon: No, you are my hero. You saved my life. (Cell phone buzzing)", "Jack: Sorry. Jack. What? Do you know who? Yeah, I suspect the same people. I'll talk to you later.", "Sharon: What's going on?", "Jack: Well, the press now knows that I am the prime suspect in Ji Min's homicide.", "Sharon: How?", "Jack: Somebody in the police department leaked it. Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: J.T., you look like... I can't even say what you look like.", "Paul: (Laughs) I'll say it. You look like hell. Really. Go home. Get some rest. Clean up.", "J.T.: I'll tell you what. Do me a favor? Bring me a change of clothes, will ya?", "Nikki: Well, since you are gonna be family, um, just gonna speak freely here. Change of clothes isn't gonna do it, unless you use a bar of soap.", "J.T.: What if she wakes up?", "Nikki: She will wake up.", "J.T.: No, I mean, what if she wakes up while I'm gone? I don't wanna miss that.", "Paul: Look, she's not gonna love you any less for taking a shower. Perhaps she might even love you more.", "J.T.: All right, one of you has to call me every 15 minutes.", "Nikki: I will call you. I promise.", "Victor: May I talk to you for a minute?", "Paul: Sure.", "J.T.: Why don't I stay until he gets back?", "Nikki: No, no, no, you go. We're just gonna have a little girl time. Go ahead.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Detective Sullivan?", "Maggie: Senator. How's Noah?", "Jack: Oh, please don't pretend to care about my stepson's welfare. The press now knows that I am a suspect in Ji Min's homicide? Did you ever think about how this would affect my family? How it might affect Noah's recovery?", "Maggie: You know what, Jack? I'd like you to remember that I was trapped down there with Noah. I wouldn't do anything to make his life more difficult.", "Jack: So if you're not responsible, who is?", "Maggie: I intend to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I-I don't need to talk. I'm fine--fine. I have a happy face. See? I'm doing good.", "Chaplain: Even I don't buy that.", "Phyllis: You don't? Oh, well...", "Chaplain: The transition between prison and the outside world can be jarring. You're--you're bound to have conflicting emotions... temptations.", "Phyllis: I was never a fan of the Temptations. I'm more of a Jackson Five gal. I can handle this.", "Chaplain: You don't have to go through it alone. On top of everything, I know members of your family were involved in the Clear Springs disaster.", "Phyllis: Jack was a hero.", "Chaplain: Yes, it's all over the news.", "Phyllis: Yeah. He sacrificed himself to save his wife and my husband.", "Chaplain: You must feel indebted to him.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm definitely grateful that my husband is alive. Other people were hurt in--in that.", "Chaplain: People you'd like to see?", "Phyllis: I don't understand this program. It's flawed. I mean, I go to work and I can spend, what, ten hours on a computer, but they won't let me spend ten minutes seeing my stepson in the hospital? What is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Mom, I feel fine. If we leave now, we can still go trick or treating.", "Sharon: You're not ready. Maybe tomorrow we can go home.", "Noah: But Halloween will be over!", "Sharon: Yeah. I'm sorry. Hey.", "Woman: How you feeling today, Noah?", "Noah: I really wanna go home.", "Woman: Well, you have to give your body time to heal.", "Noah: How long?", "Woman: Well, everything looks pretty good today. If it looks the same tomorrow morning, the doctor should let you out of here.", "Noah: Okay.", "Sharon: Thank you, Nurse. See?", "Nick: All for one... and one for all!", "Sharon: Hey! Trick or treat!", "Noah: Cool, Dad!", "Sharon: Whoo-hoo!", "Noah: Did you bring candy?", "Nick: Did I bring candy? Are you kidding me?! Lots of candy.", "Noah: Oh, nice!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I am in his bank accounts. I have his cell records. I even have someone going through his garbage. If anyone is connected to Boddington, they won't be able to hide.", "Victor: What about David Chow?", "Paul: I was looking into that before the collapse. I couldn't find a connection.", "Victor: That doesn't mean it isn't there.", "Paul: Look, Victor, I was trapped under that rubble with Noah and everyone else. If he's connected, I want him.", "Victor: I want you to find that out sooner rather than later.", "Paul: If I can find a connection with David or anyone else, you will be the first to know.", "J.T.: I'll be back in less than an hour, okay?", "Adrian: Hey.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey. How's Victoria?", "J.T.: The same.", "Adrian: We were just gonna go in.", "Colleen: Where are you headed?", "J.T.: I was actually gonna, uh, head home against my will and take a shower. So, uh, if I don't see you guys, thanks, all right?", "Adrian: Hey, uh, J.T.? I'm sorry that she's in there.", "J.T.: Yeah, I know, Man. I'd give anything to take her place.", "Adrian: I feel responsible. I got this rebar stuck in my stupid leg. I slowed her down. She--she should've gone ahead without me.", "J.T.: Then she'd be beating herself up. She's selfless, you know? She's got a heart like I've never seen before.", "Adrian: Well, when we were down there, she, uh... she kept me calm. So I owe her big-time.", "J.T.: Why don't you go tell her that? Talk to her.", "Adrian: I won't stay long.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Jack Abbott--a hero? No, I can't see it. The Jack I knew would save himself without looking back.", "Phyllis: Well, it sounds like you don't really know Jack.", "Jana: Well, Gloria was married to his father, so we were practically family.", "Phyllis: My goodness! I thought you were a big supporter of the \"People change\" theory.", "Jana: Well, that's true. I certainly did.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh.", "Man: Hearing reports that Senator Jack Abbott-- hero of late-- of the Clear Springs disaster--", "Jana: Wait, you, turn that up?", "Man: Has another scandal looming. \"The Chronicle\" is reporting that the Senator is a prime suspect in the death of cosmetics industry power player, Ji Min Kim.", "Jana: Ha! Now that sounds more like the Jack I remember.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What else is in here?", "Noah: Oh, Man, this is awesome!", "Nick: Oh, my favorite!", "Noah: Where?", "Nick: Right there.", "Noah: Oh.", "Jack: Hey, can I join in this party?", "Sharon: Yeah, come on in.", "Nick: Hey, Jack.", "Noah: Hey. Dad brought me a costume.", "Jack: Well, that is great. I brought you some Halloween cookies, but I think you've already exceeded your sugar quota here.", "Noah: No way. Give me one.", "Sharon: Please?", "Noah: Okay, give me one, please.", "Nick: Dude, you better slow down. You're gonna go into sugar shock.", "Sharon: So, um, the doctor stopped by and said the earliest he could be released is tomorrow.", "Jack: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how much you wanted to go trick or treating tonight.", "Noah: Hey, try this one!", "Jack: Here.", "Nick: You know, you've been in this room the whole time. Why don't you take a break? Go get something to eat with Jack. I can hang out with little man. Besides, guess what I brought? Your video game.", "Noah: Okay, Mom, you need to go. I need to show Dad that I'm number one!", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: We're gonna see about that.", "Sharon: Well, have a good time.", "Nick: I might have to take my sword off for this.", "Noah: Yeah? I'm still gonna win.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: How's your leg?", "Adrian: It only hurts, uh, when I laugh.", "Nikki: Oh, well, you know what a doctor would say?", "Adrian: Don't laugh.", "Nikki: Don't laugh.", "Adrian: Yeah, I set myself up for that one, didn't I?", "Nikki: Sure did.", "Adrian: Well, at least I'll have a good story for my kids.", "Nikki: Yeah. You both will. Uh... I'm gonna let you two have a minute, okay? Take care.", "Adrian: Thank you.", "Adrian: Together again. Minus the collapsed concrete... and dust. You have to wake up, Victoria. 'Cause I-I owe you a-a ridiculously big, gigantic thank you. You did everything for us down there. And I'm gonna call you supermom. 'Cause you pulled my sorry butt outta there and your beautiful baby. You know how... you said you wanted to paint a masterpiece? Well... you already have. 'Cause this child of yours is gonna be perfect. Just like his mom. And I know perfect is a lot to live up to, but I have faith. Just like I have faith that you are gonna walk out of here. So many people are-- are pushing for you. But we don't need to, 'cause, uh... nobody pushes you harder than you do. Your mom is strong, kiddo. One of the strongest people I've ever met. She's gonna show you. I promise. I just made him a promise. So, uh... don't make into a liar, okay? You're gonna keep me honest. I know you will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I expect an update first thing in the morning. Thank you.", "Nikki: Adrian's in there with her. Have you heard anything about Clear Springs?", "Victor: They found no other fatalities, so it's no longer a search and rescue operation.", "Nikki: Are they any closer to knowing what caused the collapse?", "Victor: Not officially, but I've hired some private people to find out. And they will find out.", "Nikki: Well, David had no part in it.", "Victor: Not that we know of.", "Nikki: Victor, I am as anxious as you are to know who is responsible. You know that.", "Victor: Unless of course David is involved, right?", "Nikki: Even if he's involved. That's our little girl in there.", "Victor: Whoever is responsible is gonna pay. They're gonna suffer, I assure you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So I-I talk to her. That's really all I can do right now.", "Colleen: Well, that'll probably make all the difference, you know? She's probably sick of you going on and on. And one of these times she's gonna wake up and tell you to be quiet.", "J.T.: Hey, tell me something. How long have you known Joe?", "David: Get out of my way.", "J.T.: No, you guys go way back? You pulled the scam before?", "David: The only relationship I had with Joe Boddington was in my capacity as an executive for N.V.P.", "J.T.: Oh, that's-- that's nice and vague. Doesn't mean your relationship wasn't lining your pocket. Did you know he was pouring substandard concrete?", "David: If I did, I would've stopped him. I'm not in the business of deliberately hurting people.", "J.T.: How about that? That's a great sound bite. You been rehearsing that all day?", "David: All right, you know something? We're done here.", "J.T.: Don't walk away from me!", "David: Get your hands off of me.", "Colleen: J.T., Lets go.", "J.T.: No, not until he admits he's part of the reason Victoria's lying in there.", "David: I had nothing to do with it. And I'm getting really tired of being everyone's scapegoat.", "J.T.: Yeah, I feel sorry for you.", "Colleen: J.T., walk away, okay? You need to cool down. Come on.", "David: All right, look, I feel terrible that Victoria's in there, and I know you wanna blame someone, but I had nothing to do with any kickbacks or anything else illegal. I was in that town to check on the progress of construction. That is all. And if I continue to be publicly accused, I will be forced to sue for slander.", "J.T.: What the hell am I doing? I gotta get outta here.", "Colleen: Yeah, we'll-- we'll go with you.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Oh, gosh!", "Nick: Ugh. All right, uh, two out of three?", "Noah: No way. Dad, I'm the destroyer. You're never gonna beat me.", "Nick: I think you may be right.", "Nikki: I come bearing treats for my favorite musketeer.", "Nick: Excellent!", "Nikki: Ah-ah. I said my favorite.", "Noah: Oh, sorry, Dad.", "Nick: I thought I was your favorite musketeer.", "Nikki: Au contraire. There you go.", "Noah: Thank you. Wow, this looks awesome! Ow.", "Nikki: What? What? What's the matter?", "Nick: Oh, hey, take it easy. Take it easy.", "Noah: It hurts to laugh.", "Nick: His ribs are still a little sore.", "Nikki: Well, it looks like you've got plenty of candy to take care of that.", "Noah: Yeah. I was bummed at first that I couldn't go trick or treating, but everybody's bringing me so much candy, I'm cool with it now.", "Nick: Oh, now you're cool with it?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nikki: And where is Summer?", "Nick: She's at home with the babysitter, asleep. I took her out trick or treating earlier. She's a lamb.", "Nikki: Oh, that's adorable.", "Nick: Yeah, the neighbors thought so, too. She got a lot of candy. She's got potential, like her old man.", "Nikki: When your father was young, he was the ringleader of a trick or treat scam one year. He and his buddies would change their costumes and their masks with every ring of the doorbell. Thank goodness I recognized his orange tennis shoes. He wiped me out of candy.", "Noah: Oh, go, Dad! Nice job.", "Nick: Yeah. Hey, well, you know, you don't have the whole story. Victoria was involved in that.", "Nikki: But wait a minute now, I will tell it the way I remember it. If you don't like it, go visit your sister.", "Nick: Maybe I will. Hey, don't believe a word she says.", "Noah: All right.", "Nikki: Oh, Brother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Jack's a friend of mine. I'm not gonna listen to you bash him.", "Jana: Oh, well, now don't get mad at me. I mean, I'm your friend, too.", "Phyllis: I'm not mad.", "Jana: It's not just my opinion. It's all over the bloody telly.", "Phyllis: That doesn't make it fact.", "Jana: Do you want to know facts, Phyllis? The way he treated Gloria was just atrocious. He locked her out when John died and put all of her belongings in rubbish bags. And if you think that's not enough for a grieving widow, he took it even further. He made sure to tell her the wrong time so that she'd miss his memorial service. Now if that's not pure evil, then what is?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You haven't touched your food. What are you thinking about, Jack?", "Jack: Being buried under the rubble.", "Sharon: Well, you're here now. I'm not going anywhere.", "Jack: I was certain I wouldn't make it. You know, the funny thing is, though... looking back, I didn't... judge things on whether or not I was a good senator. What mattered... was that I was a good father and a good husband, a good man.", "Sharon: Don't be ridiculous. You're all of those things. You're an amazing husband and father. And the people of Wisconsin should be proud to call you their senator.", "Jack: But at what cost to you and Noah? Think of what I've already put you two through. If I resigned my senate seat right now--", "Sharon: No, no, no, no, you fought hard to become senator. You survived a Jabot scandal. Why would you throw it all away now because of a press leak?", "Jack: Coming this close to losing my life and... having time to think about it, I've reassessed my priorities. There is nothing more important to me than giving you and Noah the life that you deserve. As long as I am senator, there's gonna be someone out there gunning for me. And you and Noah are gonna get dragged along and get shot in the crossfire.", "Sharon: Jack, you are the most selfless and wonderful man on the planet. And I can't think of anyone else I would rather have raise my son or grow old with. Now you are a senator and I support that 100%. I don't wanna hear any more talk about giving up, okay?", "John: I don't know what's gotten into you, but I know I did not raise a quitter.", "Jack: This--this isn't about quitting. This is about family. I wanna do everything in my power to shield you and Noah from all this bad press.", "Sharon: Well, I appreciate how you protect us, but you know, if you resign, that could easily be misinterpreted as an admission of guilt in Ji Min's death.", "John: Jack, you married a very smart woman.", "Jack: I am no killer. And I wanna believe, resignation or not, the truth will prevail.", "John: You're innocent. And you must fight to assert that.", "Sharon: This is your decision. I know you'll make the right choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: (Sighs) you're awfully quiet. Are you mad at me?", "Phyllis: No. I'm not mad. I just need to be alone.", "Jana: Look, I know it's hard to hear bad things about the people you care about. Trust me, Kevin has to go through that all the time with me.", "Phyllis: Jack is a very complicated man, that's all.", "Jana: I-I don't mean to focus on him, but I was seeing Kevin at the time and... I remember how upset Gloria was about the will being changed.", "Phyllis: There is no proof that Jack was behind that.", "Jana: Believe what you want, but he hated her and he had everything to gain.", "Phyllis: Like what? He doesn't need money.", "Jana: So he didn't want Gloria to have it either. That would mean she'd be a part of his life, a part of his family. That would've driven him crazy. He'd do anything to prevent that from happening.", "Phyllis: Um, you know what? I-I need to--to, um... use the ladies room. Excuse me.", "Phyllis: Hey, um... excuse me? Can I see the chaplain? Just for a second.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you know who I was thinking about? Elliot Robinson. I know, I know, if you were awake, you'd hit me and tell me how much you hated the guy, but you gotta admit, with the glasses and the lisp, dude was quite a catch. I heard he's in ladies' underwear now. Selling 'em, not--not wearing 'em. I think. Anyway, you know why I brought him up? Do you remember the time we rode our bikes up to Mason Lake? Yeah, we--we were riding up there and I was way ahead of you two, because... well, 'cause I was awesome. And you guys crashed your bikes. Yeah, Elliot busted his leg, and you sprained your ankle and fractured your wrist. And you walked up to me, it must've been like a mile, in pain. 'Cause you're tough. You never quit, Vick, not ever. That's why I know you're not gonna just keep lying there like this, 'cause it's not who you are. And if you do stay like this, I'm gonna invite Elliot to come see you. Which may not be a bad thing. He might hook you up with some free underwear or something. This isn't who you are. Show me how tough you are. Wake up. You can do it. I know you can. Just show me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Are you all right?", "David: Yeah, he just grabbed my shoulder. I'm fine.", "Nikki: No, no, no, I mean... are you okay?", "David: I think you have enough stress to deal with right now. You don't need me adding to it.", "Nikki: It's my stress. Let me decide.", "David: Until they figure out the reason for the collapse, I'm gonna be a suspect. I hate it, but... I'll live with it.", "Nikki: I hate that you have to.", "David: The investigators are gonna figure out what happened. I'll make sure of it. But until then, I think I should stay away from the hospital. I don't wanna put you in any more uncomfortable situations.", "Nikki: I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this and look out for me.", "David: No. I'm just looking out for us and N.V.P.", "Nikki: I can't focus on N.V.P. right now. My only concern is Victoria and that she recovers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I guess I've come here because I need help. I've made a lot of money in my life, but I do have my limitations. And now more than anything I'm trying to save my daughter's life. And I'm trying to find those who are responsible for the disaster that caused her to be unconscious. I wanna do anything possible to save her life. I guess I need some help. That's why I'm here. So... (exhales) I'm not the most humble of men.", "Victor: But when something like this happens to your own child... and you can't do anything about it... you appeal to a higher power.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chaplain: I'm glad you called.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Chaplain: A tragedy of this magnitude can be difficult to process alone.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's-- it's interesting. You really find out what someone's capable of in times of stress.", "Chaplain: Was your husband trapped for an extended period of time?", "Phyllis: Well, he felt like it was a long time, definitely. Jack was trapped for a very long time. He didn't think he was gonna make it.", "Chaplain: An experience like that can change a person, make them reevaluate their life, their relationships, their goals.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's ironic because John went through the same thing.", "Chaplain: How do you mean?", "Phyllis: Well, you know, he was here and he was reevaluating his life, obviously. I mean, he was married to Gloria, and everybody thought he was madly in love, but... you know, when the will came out, he cut her--he cut her out completely.", "Chaplain: I don't see how that's relevant to this situation.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm-- I'm just saying that, um, that John would be very, very proud of his son Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You have got to be kidding me! No. Look, I'll--I'll talk to you later, okay? That was my lawyer. Apparently, the tests they ran on Fisher's hair were not as specific as the detective wanted us to think. The only thing that's been proved conclusively is it came from a dog with yellow hair.", "Sharon: So it wasn't a DNA. test?", "Jack: No, they have no evidence at all that that hair came from my dog.", "Sharon: Wow. They have completely misrepresented the evidence.", "Jack: Yeah. Meantime, I have been outed publicly as a suspect in a homicide without any evidence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You guys been visiting the whole time?", "Maggie: Mmm.", "Paul: I could lie, but I won't. We were just waiting to make sure you're doing okay.", "J.T.: Oh.", "Maggie: At least on looks alone, I'm gonna give you a five.", "J.T.: Out of?", "Maggie: Oh, that's classified.", "Paul: (Laughs) feeling a little better?", "J.T.: I went online and I looked up all the possibilities that could happen to Victoria and the baby.", "Maggie: Oh, no.", "J.T.: The list kept getting worse and worse, and then I, uh... then I read that she could possibly never wake up, so I shut the computer off.", "Paul: That's not gonna happen.", "J.T.: No, I know. I know. I know. Victoria needs me. I get that. And so, uh... I just shut that computer down and I picked up the old trusty guitar here.", "Paul: What do they say, music is the--the best medicine?", "Maggie: No, no, no, that's laughter is the best medicine.", "Paul: You haven't heard him play.", "J.T.: Wow!", "Maggie: Are you gonna take that?", "J.T.: I guess I have to.", "Maggie: (Laughs)", "J.T.: See you guys later.", "Paul: All right.", "Maggie: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Miss innocent, my butt! I mean, I still... can't believe that you blew it up. I mean, there were pumpkin seeds everywhere. They were in Dad's hair. He had a couple in his moustache. He was so mad at you! (Laughs)", "J.T.: Is she awake?", "Nick: No, she's the same.", "J.T.: Well, I heard you laughing and talking.", "Nick: Yeah, I... at Halloween once she blew up a pumpkin with one of my firecrackers. It was hysterical. But we're gonna be laughing together real soon. I know it. I'm gonna let you tell him what you blew up at Thanksgiving, Sis.", "Nick: I'm gonna go see my son.", "J.T.: I'll be here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: Hey. How you doing?", "Phyllis: I'm great. How are Noah and Victoria?", "Nick: Well, there's no change with Victoria, but she's gonna pull through this. I know it. And, uh, Noah, or should I say Porthos, is trick or treating as we speak.", "Phyllis: What?", "Noah: Trick or treat.", "Nick: Yeah. (Laughs) you wanna say hi? Okay. Here, Dude, it's Phyllis.", "Noah: Hi, Phyllis!", "Phyllis: Hey, Honey! How are you?", "Noah: Um, I'm--well, I'm bringing in a major haul of candy. It's pretty sweet.", "Phyllis: Oh, wow, that is sweet. Oh, I'm glad to hear your voice. I'm glad to know that you're okay. I miss you.", "Noah: I miss you, too. Here's Dad.", "Nick: Yeah, little dude's putting on the old Newman charm. These poor nurses never stood a chance.", "Phyllis: Oh, definitely not. Definitely not. You're a great dad.", "Nick: Thanks. So I'll see you tomorrow at the office?", "Phyllis: I'll see you in my dreams tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, little guy... your mommy loves this one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, you're not the only one who prays, you know? You look so surprised.", "Nikki: I'm not surprised.", "Victor: I remember one summer when Victoria was eight, her favorite pony, Moon Shadow, had gotten very sick.", "Nikki: I remember that very well. The vet said the only humane option was to put her down.", "Victor: And she wouldn't hear of it. She would not give up hope that that pony would get better.", "Nikki: She's stayed with her day and night.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: I swear it was the sheer force of her will that brought that pony back from the brink.", "Victor: That's right. She's as strong and as stubborn as her father.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: Yeah. She is.", "Victor: She'll get through this.", "Nikki: Yeah, she will.", "Victor: Sometimes... one feels so damn helpless, doesn't one? Hm?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Maybe helpless, but there's always hope.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It's borderline defamation of character. I'm being tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. In the meantime, the actual judicial system doesn't have a shred of evidence against me.", "Sharon: All right, don't get yourself worked up. You're innocent. The truth will come out.", "Jack: I can't believe they'd even question me on flimsy evidence like that. I mean, there must be a thousand dogs in Genoa City alone that have yellow hair. Hell, Victor Newman has one.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lauren: Why is this happening? I know I'm safe here. I know that.", "Paul: I just kept thinking that's my daughter and she doesn't even know it.", "Maggie: And you're finally ready?", "Jill: Where were you?", "Cane: I was having drinks with Heather.", "Jill: You like her?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jill is not happy when Kay refuses to give up her power of Chancellor, Marge cries for Kay's help to get clean and Jill decides to take force. Sharon has given up on Jack, while at Heather's office discussing Adam and Jack newfound relationship she spies an envelope with Victor's name on it, acquiring copies she shares it with Nick. Nikki calls on Ashley who arrives in London to help her with Victor. Nick gets a call from the priest of the church Victor has taken refuge in. Jack tells Adam the eta of the publication of the diary. Heather gets wind of the diary's publication." ]
[ "Heather: Uh-huh. Yeah. Does this informant mention which magazine? Damn. Okay, I'll get right on it. Okay.", "Adam: What's this about an informant and a magazine?", "Heather: Word on the street is that excerpts from a diary, um, confessing to the murder of Walter Palin are going to be published, and the handwriting matches Victor's.", "Adam: What? Where did you hear this? I mean, why the hell would Victor...", "Heather: I don't know, it's, uh, the whole thing could be a hoax. I'm not sure. That's all I know right now.", "Adam: Well, this informant, uh, is it someone reliable?", "Heather: Well, obviously, reliable enough that my boss wants me to get on it right away.", "Adam: Oh, sure. I guess I'll see you later.", "Heather: Yeah. See you later, Sweetie. Bye.", "Adam: Come on, Jack, pick up, pick up, pick up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Why don't you take the call? You afraid I might overhear something?", "Jack: Wow, have we really come to that? I can't screen my calls so I can have a conversation with my wife without that looking suspect?", "Sharon: I hate being paranoid. But what choice to I have? I can't count on you to give me the truth.", "Jack: Look, I don't want things this way either.", "Sharon: I knew who you were when I married you, and you're not gonna change. I accepted that. I have just come to a point, though...", "Jack: Wait, go on.", "Sharon: It's getting harder and harder to stay married to someone who doesn't trust me.", "Jack: What? Don't be ridiculous. Of course, I trust you.", "Sharon: Not enough to tell me the truth, not enough to tell me what's really going on in your life. You know, you hand me these stories and these explanations, and then you hold your breath, hoping that I'm going to believe them and... it's demeaning.", "Jack: I am willing to do whatever it takes to set this right.", "Sharon: Yeah, I've heard that story a million times.", "Jack: Sharon, please, just give me a chance.", "Sharon: Okay. Why don't you explain to me again then what you and Adam were arguing about the other day?", "Jack: I told you, I was trying to help Adam get some material published. And he thought I screwed him over.", "Sharon: Did you?", "Jack: No.", "Sharon: Then, um, let's see, you were trying to help Victor's jerk of a son out of the goodness of your heart, and things just ended up going bad for him? I'll talk to you later.", "Jack: Sharon, wait. Sh--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Oh, and the meeting with Newburg Communications has been pushed back to 3:00.", "Jill: What meeting? They came knocking a month ago. I told them that Chancellor wasn't interested in acquiring a telecom company.", "Woman: Your mother set it up. You might wanna check with her.", "Jill: I'll do that. Thank you. (Sighs) Great, just great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, whatever happened to coffee-flavored coffee?", "Nick: Uh, two coffee-flavored coffees, please, on me.", "Kay: Oh, caffeine will get you everywhere. I'm so glad I ran in you. You know, I've been phoning your mother, and she has not responded to my messages.", "Nick: Yeah, Mom's, uh, kinda busy right now.", "Kay: Is she in trouble with the law?", "Nick: Why would you ask that?", "Kay: Well, she and Heather Stevens almost got into a catfight at the Athletic Club. I asked your mother what it was about, she changed the subject. So naturally, um... I'm a little worried.", "Nick: I'm sorry, Katherine, I just--I can't get into it.", "Kay: Was it about your father? Now I mean... is it that bad?", "Nick: Well, let's just say we don't know if he's ever gonna come home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: \"O, blessed Saint Raymond Nonnatus, so loving are your devotees, I am being last of them all, I'm happy to know that through the infinite goodness of God, you will help me.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I know I'm the last person you expected to hear from. Yes, it's very important. I wouldn't have flown all night across the Atlantic if it weren't crucial that I see you. You really need to help. Please say that you'll meet me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Fang come find out what kind of taser training police receive before they hit the streets with the device.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Pardon.", "(Speaking French)", "Victor: Yes, what is it?", "Man: I was about to have my midday meal. Would you care to join me?", "Victor: That's very nice of you to offer. No, thank you.", "Man: You have barely eaten or left this room. A walk in the fresh air or sunshine-- it might do you some good.", "Victor: Very nice of you, Father. Um, I want to stay here.", "Man: Mon fils, I know you are in terrible turmoil. But if you wish to talk more, as we did on the night that you arrived, or pray together...", "Victor: If you don't mind, Father, I'd prefer to be by myself right now. Thank you.", "Man: D'accord, d'accord.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Please don't let us down. You've gotta come. You've gotta come.", "[Nikki remembering]", "Victor: She loved me more than anyone has ever loved me. No sings attached, nothing. No restrictions. She just loved me. And now she's gone. They're taking her to the basement to a cold and sterile morgue. They'll put a tag on her toe and then stick her in a drawer.", "Nick: Dad. Please.", "Victor: I only wish they would stick you in that drawer. Whatever this was, this so-called love of ours, it ends, you got that? Now I wish one of us had the guts to kill the other. To put us out of our misery.", "Victor: What about \"Leave me alone\" don't you understand?", "Nikki: God, I have-- I want nothing to do with your miserable life.", "Victor: Then don't!", "Nikki: I used to feel sorry for you. Now I only feel sorry for the people who are unlucky enough to care about you.", "Victor: Listen to me, I have talked to you enough in Mexico. I have talked to you enough period, you got that? Now you got 30 seconds to get the hell out of here. Otherwise, the police will arrest you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: It didn't work, Victor. I'm still not giving up on you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: So your mother has flown off to reach out to your father.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Kay: And she has neglected to say what continent she's on or what her plan is?", "Nick: Yeah. Hey, if it's any consolation, uh, when she left, she seemed really together. And even if she wasn't, do you think anyone could've stopped her from leaving?", "Kay: Well, I suppose Nikki feels that until she's done everything she can to help your father, she won't give up. To me, it's sort of like an exercise in self-destruction.", "Nick: Isn't that what family's all about?", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kay: Excuse me. Yes, hello, Katherine here.", "Jill: Mother, I need to speak to you. It's urgent.", "Kay: Look, I have a meeting later. I'll be in the office.", "Jill: I need you here now.", "Kay: All right. I'll be there shortly.", "Jill: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Yes. This is Jill Abbott. I need one of our staff attorneys to draw up a petition immediately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: We're still trying to get confirmation, both that the diary exists and that certain excerpts are being published. (Knock on door) Um, I'll get back to you. Sharon. This is a surprise.", "Sharon: Yeah, sorry to just show up like this...", "Heather: It's okay. Come on in, please.", "Sharon: Well, I promise I won't take much of your time.", "Heather: Oh, well, generally, cursing me out doesn't take too long, though some of you Newmans have seemed to make it an art form.", "Sharon: Oh, but I'm not a Newman anymore. I, um... I just found out you're investigating Victor.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. Let me guess, I'm way off base, right?", "Sharon: Well, I don't know what evidence you have against him, but I do know Victor. And I know that... well, I can't imagine him murdering anyone.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. Not even the man responsible for Sabrina's death?", "Sharon: You know, actually, Heather, I-I didn't come to discuss any of that with you. What--what I'm here for, it's more personal.", "Heather: Uh... well, um... now I'm even more surprised.", "Sharon: My husband and your boyfriend have been spending a lot of time together lately and... I just wondered if you know what that was about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Listen, Jack, I heard some unsettling news, all right?", "Jack: What?", "Adam: Heather's boss got a tip that, uh, some magazine is gonna publish Victor's diary.", "Jack: You don't say?", "Adam: Yeah, her office is trying to run it down now. I bet they're all salivating.", "Jack: And that's unsettling, why?", "Adam: Jack, do I gotta paint a picture for you?", "Jack: Adam, if there are rumors out there, they may well be true. Which means, there is a publisher who has verified this thing's authenticity. Good for them. I hope their magazine jumps off the shelves. You know what? Makes me wish I was still in publishing myself. Who wouldn't wanna read about the downfall of a ruthless billionaire from his very own lips?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: \"I pray that you grant me this novena, most amiable father, as you are merciful to anyone imploring your help.\"", "Victor: \"O, blessed Saint Raymond Nonnatus, so loving are your devotees, I being last of them all, I am happy to know that through the infinite goodness of God, you will help me.\"", "Victor: \"I most humbly beg thee... to intercede for me...\"", "Victor: Are you helping me? Oh, God... are you gonna help me... to come out of this depression? I feel so alone. I feel so alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone ringing)", "Nick: Yeah, Connie? Where in France? Yes, put him through, please. This is Nicholas Newman.", "Man: Monsieur Newman, I am Dominique Girard, a catholic priest. A few days ago, a man arrived at my parish, deeply disturbed. He had no place to stay, so I offered him a room. I have reason to believe he may be your father.", "Nick: My father's Victor Newman. Did he--did he give you that name?", "Dominique: No, but, uh... he is quite famous, even in France.", "Nick: Is--is he all right?", "Dominique: I cannot betray his confidence, yet he is--he is tormented in his soul to such an extent that... after much reflection and prayer, I felt compelled to contact a member of his family.", "Nick: My dad's been missing for weeks. Last time we saw him, he was in terrible shape, mentally and physically. Since then, we've heard some disturbing things about him. My whole family's been worried sick.", "Dominique: I am gravely concerned about the man's welfare, his well-being.", "Nick: Okay, one of us is gonna come to you. Uh, where are you located in France?", "Dominique: Our Lady of Sorrows. It is a small parish in the countryside outside Chartres.", "Nick: Okay, thank you. Thank you so much, Father. It's such a relief to hear he's alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: All right, what is the big emergency?", "Jill: You set up a meeting with Newburg? You and I discussed this. We decided that we were not interested in a merger.", "Kay: Well, I see no harm in hearing them out.", "Jill: It's a waste of everybody's time, Mother.", "Kay: I disagree.", "Jill: I've canceled the meeting.", "Kay: Without consulting me?", "Jill: I have to watch over Chancellor Industries, Mother, and you. Because more and more, it's seeming to me you're not capable of doing it.", "Kay: The nerve of you making a-accusations like that!", "Jill: You're not yourself, Mother. You haven't been for some time.", "Kay: Oh, damn it, stop with this nonsense! I am just fine! Now what-- what do I have to do to prove it to you?", "Jill: Go see a neurologist as I asked you! They have made wonderful advancement in the treatment of dementia and early Alzheimer's.", "Kay: Oh, come on, you've already-- I should go and see a specialist? For heaven sakes, you've already had me diagnosed!", "Jill: No, I want you diagnosed! That's why I've set up another appointment for this afternoon with the chief of neurology at Memorial. And you're not skipping out of this one. I'm going with you.", "Kay: No, you'll go alone. You'll go alone.", "Jill: Either you agree to a thorough examination, Mother, or I will have no choice. I will have to take this to our shareholders.", "Kay: What is it?", "Jill: It's a petition mandating that you be removed from any kind of management position at Chancellor Industries.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Do you really not see why this is a problem, Jack?", "Jack: I can see where this might be a problem for Victor, I can see where this might be a problem for your girlfriend. I don't know why I would sweat this. Unless, of course, she told you something else that you're not sharing with me.", "Adam: No, there's nothing else.", "Jack: Then what are you worried about? You've wanted to stick it to your old man for a long time. You couldn't have planned this any better yourself.", "Adam: Knock it off, Jack.", "Jack: I am serious. This is what you've been dreaming of. The you-know-what's about to hit the fan, and for once it's gonna land where it belongs.", "Adam: Okay, look, no one wants to see Victor fry more than I do, but I didn't see the cops getting involved this soon. I mean, not--not at least until the damn thing got printed.", "Jack: A diary turns up in his handwriting. Eventually, it was going to have to be authenticated.", "Adam: Okay, so what if the feds find out it's a fake? Then what?", "Jack: Any publisher worth his salt is not going to print excerpts of thing without having it fully vetted. That means hiring a handwriting expert, putting it under a microscope, uh--uh, checking into the ink. I don't know, I'm not an expert in these things. But if the boys in the lab decide it's a forgery, who cares? Why are you worried about that?", "Adam: Oh, I don't know, just the little matter of no payday, and the small matter of culpability.", "Jack: Whoever sold that diary to the magazine bought it from someone else. Or had it sent to them anonymously. If they can just keep their cool, no one can prove they were involved.", "Adam: Okay, I guess that makes sense.", "Jack: Yes, it does make sense. Come on, Adam, you disappoint me. For a Harvard man, you don't have a speck of imagination.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Okay. I'm sorry, Sharon, it, uh, it's just a little crazy around here today.", "Sharon: Is that code for. \"Please get out of my office, I have nothing more to say to you\"?", "Heather: No, I have a few minutes. To be honest, I'm not too thrilled about Jack and Adam associating, either.", "Sharon: Well, I didn't say that I had a problem with it.", "Heather: What's bothering you, Sharon?", "Sharon: Well, it's only been in the last few days, I've come home to find Adam in my living room. Again. And prior to that, I wouldn't have thought that Jack would give him the time of day, so I just wondered how long have you known about it?", "Heather: Have you asked Jack?", "Sharon: I did. He said that he was just helping Adam.", "Heather: Right, well, that's what Adam told me, as well.", "Sharon: Don't you find it odd that those two would suddenly strike up a friendship?", "Heather: I told Adam from the start that I didn't like it. No offense to you, Sharon, but I don't see your husband as the most trustworthy person on the planet.", "Sharon: Oh, well, that's funny, because I actually said the same thing to Jack about Adam. But in any case, as long as it's just, um, you know, Jack's helping out a young executive while he's out of work--", "Heather: Then there's nothing to worry about, is there?", "Sharon: Right.", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Uh...", "Man: We got it.", "Heather: Okay. Um, excuse me for a moment, please.", "Sharon: Sure. Yes, you're a Buckley's guy, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: How dare you try and oust me from my own company?", "Jill: Because I'm concerned about you!", "Kay: Oh, yeah, sure you are. You're concerned about your own selfish motives.", "Jill: Oh, here we go again.", "Kay: Oh, no, for once in your life, Jill, why don't you try to be honest about what your real motives. If--if not with me, then for yourself.", "Jill: And what are my real motives, Mother?", "Kay: \"What are your real motives, Mother?\" You know, whenever you really want something, or you try to persuade me to go along with it, suddenly, it's \"Mother.\" And the most of the time, I'm lucky if I get a \"Katherine\" instead of a \"Miserable old bat.\"", "Jill: Right now? The way you're acting? What do you think you deserve to be called?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Sharon, I'm gonna need to cut this short. So if there's nothing else...", "Sharon: Uh...", "Man: Copy room just delivered this. Chief wants the feds to see the journal facsimile immediately.", "Heather: Okay, thank you. I'll deliver it personally. I'll be outside in a second.", "Man: Okay.", "Heather: Thanks. So we'll talk more about this later, okay?", "Sharon: Heather, could I use your phone before I leave?", "Heather: You don't have a cell phone?", "Sharon: I left mine at home and need to call my son. It's a local call. It'll just take a minute.", "Heather: Yeah, okay. Uh, no problem. It'll be quick, right?", "Sharon: Yep.", "Heather: Okay. Okay.", "Sharon: This is Heather Stevens, can you get me some extra copies of the journal facsimile? And just leave them on my... my filing cabinet. Thank you.", "Heather: I forgot my gloves. Are you done with your call?", "Sharon: Yes, all done.", "Heather: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: The priest was really struggling with whether to call, but I'm grateful he did. It sounds like Dad is a total wreck.", "Nikki: Well, at least we know he's someplace safe.", "Nick: Yeah, how long till you can get to France?", "Nikki: I'm not going to France.", "Nick: Mom, what are you talking about?", "Nikki: I have tried so many times to get through to your father. He does not wanna talk to me. He doesn't even wanna see me.", "Nick: Okay, then what's your plan? And where are you anyway, Mom?", "Nikki: If it works, and I pray that it will, I'll fill you in then.", "Nick: All right, then I'm going myself.", "Nikki: Nicholas, don't bother. It's a waste of breath.", "Nick: Well, I have to try, Mom.", "Nikki: I thought you said you trusted me.", "Nick: I do, but--", "Nikki: I know what I'm doing. There's only one person who I think can reach him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dominique: I brought you some food. Perhaps you will change your mind about eating.", "Victor: That's very kind of you. No, thank you.", "Dominique: You are suffering. Carrying a burden you believe is unbearable. I wish I could help.", "Victor: You know, Father... I still remember my wife's... dress. We were at a charity ball. She was so young and vibrant. So beautiful. She loved me unconditionally. I left the party early because someone had written a very mean-spirited article about her. And I wanted to find out who it was. I'm easily aroused to anger. I wish I hadn't been in that case. I wish I had stayed at the party, stayed at her side. She wouldn't have gotten into another car. And she wouldn't have been killed.", "Dominique: Some things are out of our control. You could not have known what would happen. The Lord had decided it was her time to come into his arms that night.", "Victor: I mean, what kind of God-- what kind of all-knowing, all-loving, omnipotent God would allow an innocent woman to be killed that way? With an unborn child, an innocent child. What kind of a God is that? I don't think there's any kind of preordained system to all this. It's chaos. That's all. What a sadistic thing to do. If there is indeed a God, if he is all-knowing, if he is omnipotent--", "Dominique: I can understand how it would seem that way after what you have lost, but I do not believe God is cruel. I believe he is merciful and loving. If, when our faith is tested, as yours has been, this is when we find out how strong we are. You have an open heart. You have made your confession. You are sorry for your sins and you have been forgiven. Redemption is not... well, it is not found in a few days, my son. Keep on a path toward God, and in time--in time... you will find the solace you seek.", "Victor: Father... I wish I could believe that.", "Victor: But I want to believe it. I want to believe it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: If you really think that I am some evil, selfish manipulator with an agenda of my own--", "Kay: See? Now that proves you have one!", "Jill: Yes, I have one! And it involves you and an excellent neurologist and a battery of tests to get to the bottom of why these memory episodes are happening with you!", "Kay: Your agenda has absolutely nothing to do with my health-- physically or mentally. No, you simply want to get control-- complete control of Chancellor Industries.", "Jill: You can deny this all you want. But deep down inside, you know that there is something seriously wrong with you, Katherine. We are not just talking about misplacing your keys. You actually thought that Phillip was still alive, for God sake, and he's been dead for over three decades! Listen, busy, distracted people forget things like sending birthday cards, but not what decade they're living in. Oh, God, Mother, I am pleading with you. See a doctor. Let him examine you. Let him do tests. Let him do a hundred tests. Anything to get some answers. So we can start dealing with whatever this is!", "Kay: Bravo. Oh, my goodness. What a brilliant performance. You really have your act down pat, you really do. And if I didn't know better, I would believe you were sincere. But you're not. Because I see right through you. Now... I will not be pushed aside or forgotten. Certainly not by you. Now... you can take these papers and shove them in my face, but it's not going to do you any good, because I'm going to fight you, Jill. I'm going to fight it. Do you hear me? I'm going to fight it!", "Jill: Yeah, I hear you. I hear how frightened you are. It breaks my heart. You... are the strongest, bravest, most determined woman I know. And you have one of the most brilliant business minds around. It must be devastating every time it happens... to realize, deep down, that you're losing your faculties bit by bit, and you don't know why. And you don't know where it's gonna end. And you don't know when it's gonna happen the next time. If you're gonna be embarrass or inconvenienced or something more horrible that you can't even anticipate. Okay, okay, Mother... (Sighs) You are famous, not just in this town or this country, but all over the world. What happens if the word leaks out that a woman of your means... is not all there, to put it very bluntly? Do you know how many unscrupulous people are gonna be working overtime to find a way to take advantage of that? I mean, I walked in that room and I saw you with Gloria, with your pen poised over a paper ready to give her all of that Jabot stock, so I have to wonder if it isn't already happening.", "Kay: Well, you know, when you get to be my age... you slow down a little. Maybe sometimes a lot. You just, you know, you're not as sharp as you once were. But that doesn't mean you're not still you.", "Jill: I understand that you're scared. Believe me, I am, too.", "Kay: Well, then you should be scared. I will not tolerate any more harassment from you. You go to your stockholders with this ludicrous petition, and I guarantee you, your days with this company... are over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dillon: Well, I'll make sure and get a copy of this to Agent Aguilar.", "Heather: Okay, thanks, that'd be great. Saves me a trip.", "Dillon: Good work.", "Heather: Of course.", "Heather: Hey, Adam.", "Adam: Hey. Uh, I didn't think I'd see you back here so soon. That was the F.B.I. guy, right? You guys meeting about the rumor that you mentioned earlier?", "Heather: Yes, but that's all I can tell you.", "Adam: Uh, let's not forget, Heather, we are talking about my father here.", "Heather: Hmm. That's interesting that you feel you're entitled to full disclosure when you've been so blithe about keeping things from me.", "Adam: Okay, what-- what things?", "Heather: Sharon Abbott paid me a visit this morning in my office. She wanted to know why you and her husband have been so chummy lately.", "Adam: Chummy? We're not chummy.", "Heather: I thought after Mexico that you were done with him.", "Adam: You--you didn't tell Sharon about that, did you?", "Heather: About the trip? No. But what bothers me is you failing to mention that you're even associating with the guy, still. Why is that, Adam? What? What are you up to?", "Adam: Okay, look, I've... I've been trying to keep it quiet because I wasn't sure if anything would come of it, okay? Now... I have a little project that I think could be really good for me, for us. Jack is trying to help me get it off the ground.", "Heather: Only nothing's come of it, right?", "Adam: These things take time.", "Heather: God, Adam, for such a smart guy, you can be awfully naive sometimes. You know, why you'd even think for a second that Jack would go out of his way to help you is beyond me. How many times have I warned you-- you know what? Never mind. I have to get back to work.", "Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on. Hold on. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was--was alienate you. Now I want something more for us, Heather. I'm trying to think about our future.", "Heather: Don't tell me. Show me, okay? If you wanna get a new job, just get one. If you wanna be in a serious relationship with me, you have to be up front with me. You know, just clean up your act and show me that you're serious about something, Adam. Okay, and then maybe we have something to talk about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Marge: You told me to call you when I want, uh, when I wanted to get sober.", "Kay: Marge?", "Marge: Yeah, yeah, it's me, Katherine, me. It's Marge. Well, I had my come to Jesus flash. So I'm calling you. And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to kick this thing, but I'm telling you right now, Hon, I'm gonna need your help.", "Kay: Then you shall have it, my friend. I promise. You shall have it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Katherine refuses to listen to reason. We're gonna have to force her to cooperate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thank you for letting me know. We're about to issue an international warrant for Victor Newman's arrest.", "Man: For murder?", "Heather: Yes. And with what we have on him, he won't get out of this one. Let's go. Here we go. Thank you. Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I just spoke to Robert.", "Adam: And?", "Jack: And his legal department has determined that the item in question is the real deal. Everything is moving forward.", "Adam: Oh, thank God!", "Jack: Yes, I guess the leak came from his office. In an effort to make sure it doesn't become old news, he has moved up the publication date to be in this issue-- this month's issue of \"The Sophisticate.\"", "Adam: You're kidding-- you're kidding me. That must've cost a mint.", "Jack: Trust me, he moved heaven and earth to make this happen. I know, I've been there. It's an expanded issue. It's at the printers right now and will be on the newsstands first thing tomorrow.", "Adam: Tomorrow? Tomorrow? Tomorrow?", "Jack: Congratulations, Mr. Wilson, there's a big fat check and a book deal winging its way to you right now.", "Adam: I can't wait! I can't wait!", "Jack: I'll bet you can't. You've been living like a pauper for much too long.", "Adam: You know, it's not about the money, Jack. I mean, don't get me wrong, it'll be nice to have some for a change, but... I want--I want people to read this, you know, lots of people. Millions of people. And when they get to that last entry... look out.", "[Jack remembering recording the diary]", "Jack: A giant swell crashed on the deck, and we were taking on water fast. Time was running out. Palin was screaming at me to help bail us out. This murderous thug, this animal was nothing but a frightened coward. As our situation grew worse, a sudden calm washed over me. I knew I might not make it through the storm, but I knew when the boat went under Walter Palin would be dead. I ran at him with every intention of wringing the la breath from his helpless neck when a wave hit, knocking me into him. With everything in me, I held his head underwater. He fought and scratched. I could feel him beneath my hands, and then finally, suddenly, he stopped. As soon as I let go, the boat flipped over and into the raging sea we went.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Oh, Ashley, I'm so glad you're here.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Marge: Some days I don't even recognize myself no more.", "Kay: Yes, I know all too well what you mean.", "Sharon: Spending time with Adam lately-- you were talking about Victor's diary, were you?", "Adam: Will you marry me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam and Chelsea enjoy a breakfast of fruit and small talk. Chelsea apologizes to Adam for the things that she said to him the day before. Sharon wanders around the cottage as if she doesn't know what to do. Walking toward Genevieve's hotel room, Ronan explains to her what Forensics found when they searched her room. Ronan questions her again about what she did when she opened the door. Cane and Lily discuss what he saw at Genevieve's hotel room. Neil joins them to discuss Jabot. At the hospital room in a doctor's office, Phyllis asks Jack how his tests went. The doctor tells Jack that the bullet shifted and he is in need of emergency surgery. Jack has his doubts about having surgery again. Adam once again lies to Chelsea and says that he has a meeting with Jack. Before Adam can leave, Chloe and Kevin visit to discuss \"TagNGrab\". Adam stuns Kevin by telling them all that he wants out of \"TagNGrab\" and for Kevin to find another investor. Neil asks Cane to be his right-hand man at Jabot. Cane readily accepts. Ronan shows Genevieve a paper weight which had been the murder weapon. Genevieve denies knowing where it had come from. At home, Phyllis encourages Jack to have the surgery and tells him to call the doctor. Neil pitches a marketing idea to Lily, but she is less than enthused. Adam comes to check on Sharon and finds her sitting motionless on the sofa. Sharon lets Adam know that she hates it here. Lily walks into Cane's office and lets him know about the meeting that she attended. Lily tells him that she doesn't know about working with him. Chelsea joins Kevin and Chloe at the coffeehouse and apologizes for Adam's actions. Adam encourages Sharon to get professional help, and she agrees. Genevieve bursts into Cane's office and asks for his help. Chloe and Kevin sit down at a table and discuss what they will do now.", "At the coffeehouse, Harmony tells Neil she is leaving town. They say good-bye as Harmony is catching a plane today. Jack tells Phyllis his plans to merge Jabot and Beauty of Nature. Jack sits at the bar at the Athletic Club when Adam walks in and joins him. Genevieve explains to Cane and Lily what is going on, but he refuses to help her. Neil walks in and overhears some of the conversation between Cane and Genevieve. Adam congratulates Jack for gaining control of Newman. Jack offers his condolences over the loss of Adam's baby. Adam tells Jack that he wants him to consider him for the CEO position of Newman. Phyllis sits at a nearby table and wonders what they are talking about. She moves a little closer so she can hear better. Sharon puts the furniture back the way she found it then looks at pics of Faith, Nick, and Noah. Sharon leaves the cottage. Kevin promises Chloe not to let Adam win, and he will find someone to be an investor for them. Sharon sneaks into Adam's house to call Noah. She is surprised when she overhears the front door open.", "" ]
[ "Chelsea: Mmm, wow. Strawberries are not supposed to taste this good in October.", "Adam: Let me see.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles)", "Adam: Mm, yeah, you're right. Wait, wait, wait.", "Chelsea: (Laughing)", "Adam: Mmm. You are definitely right.", "Chelsea: I think we were both starved from bailing on dinner last night.", "Adam: For good reason.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Mm. Adam...", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry.", "Adam: For what?", "Chelsea: For the things I said to you yesterday. (Laughs) Accusing you of having an affair, behaving like a... jealous wife.", "Adam: There's no need to apologize, Chelse.", "Chelsea: Everybody handles their grief in their own way. I shouldn't expect you to handle yours the way I do or the way I want you to. It's not fair.", "Adam: I understand you being insecure at a time like this. I haven't been what you humans call \"Emotionally available.\" Sincerely, though, I... I'm gonna work on being more open.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: This room's still not right. It's still not right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Forensics was here most of the night. Right now, we're just trying to piece together what happened.", "Genevieve: Well, I-- if--I'm happy to answer whatever questions you may have.", "Ronan: Thank you.", "Genevieve: You're welcome.", "Ronan: Come in. When you came to the suite to see Ms. Claude, tell me exactly what you saw and did.", "Genevieve: I told you that already--", "Ronan: I'd like to hear it again, please.", "Genevieve: Uh, yeah. I, um, I came to the door. I knocked, and then, uh, I-I realized it was ajar so I pushed it open. And then I saw the room here in this terrible disarray, and I-I went looking to try to find the woman, and... came back this way... and I saw the blood, and I got scared and I left. And I went straight to see Ethan, and then we both came to see you.", "Ronan: You didn't see your kerchief there on the floor?", "Genevieve: No, I-I was absolutely stunned when you found that here.", "Ronan: You didn't see it on the floor with blood on it? You didn't see that?", "Genevieve: No.", "Ronan: Okay, okay. So while you were looking for the victim, did you touch anything else?", "Genevieve: She's a victim now?", "Ronan: This is a crime scene, Genevieve.", "Genevieve: (Sighs) You asked me yesterday if I touched anything. I told you, I-I--the only thing I touched was the door.", "Ronan: The door. Did you happen to drop anything else, other than your kerchief?", "Genevieve: (Laughs) I didn't drop that! I told you, I'm not the one who did that.", "Ronan: Explain this for me.", "Genevieve: It's--it's-- I don't know. It's a paperweight.", "Ronan: It is, with your fingerprints all over it, and traces of blood. It's a convenient murder weapon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I can't stop thinking about my mom, the latest mess she's in.", "Lily: I know that Genevieve is not a saint, but a murderer?", "Cane: Look, all I know is my mom is a magnet for trouble, and now she's directly implicated in whatever happened to this woman she hired, so...", "Lily: Well, no, may have hired. \"May.\"", "Cane: Well, you might believe that she's innocent, but I think, considering her track record and the way she deceived Jack, that the police are gonna kind of see that differently.", "Lily: Cane, I know that you're still upset, you know, losing the job that you wanted because of all of that. I get it.", "Cane: I really don't want to talk about Jabot right now.", "Neil: Well, that's just too bad... hi.", "Lily: Hi.", "Neil: Because Jabot is exactly what I want to talk to you about.", "Cane: Oh. So when Jack said he had someone in mind for the C.E.O. job, he was, uh... he was talking about you.", "Neil: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: The nurses-- they said you were in here. Um, how'd--how'd the tests go?", "Jack: Well, they don't know anything yet. The doctor should be here any minute. You didn't have to come back, you know.", "Phyllis: I rode with you in the ambulance last night. Of course I'm gonna pick you up this morning.", "(Door opens)", "Jack: Hey, Doc. So what's the verdict?", "Doctor: The news isn't good. The bullet has shifted. It's gotten dangerously close to your spine. I don't understand why it wasn't removed at the time.", "Jack: They said it would be dangerous, that I could have permanent paralysis.", "Doctor: Whoever arrived at that prognosis shouldn't be allowed to practice medicine.", "Jack: Okay, so what about now? What needs to happen next?", "Doctor: The bullet has to come out. If it continues to move, you'll end up paralyzed. I also would not rule out this case becoming fatal.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "Jack: S-so how long can I hold this off?", "Doctor: Get the bullet out now. If it were up to me, we would start prepping you for surgery immediately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Going somewhere?", "Adam: Meeting with Jack.", "Chelsea: Again? I thought-- (Chuckles) What's going on with that, anyway? Are you really angling for a job at Newman?", "Adam: Well, without my, uh, father or the chosen ones holding me back, I think there's a lot I can offer that company.", "Chelsea: What about TagNGrab?", "Adam: I'm gonna meet with Jack, I'm gonna see what he wants, and then I'll go from there.", "Chelsea: What has Jack said about it so far?", "Adam: Come here. Will you trust me to make the right decision for both of us?", "(Doorbell rings)", "Chelsea: Oh, come on. Who's that?", "Adam: I don't know. Why don't you, uh, why don't you go upstairs, get some rest?", "Chelsea: I'm fine. (Chuckles) Who's at the door?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: It's been many years since I worked at Jabot. It's strange how life comes full circle. Cane, I'm well aware that you were gunning for the C.E.O. chair. I'm gonna ask you something. I'll understand if you say no. I am looking for a very strong right hand. I'm hoping you'll consider stepping in that role.", "Cane: I don't have to consider it. I would be happy to accept it. Thank you.", "Neil: Terrific. And as for you, my lovely young daughter, I have a position in mind for you, as well, starting immediately. Why don't you come by and, uh, we'll discuss it, all right?", "Lily: Okay. (Chuckles)", "Neil: Okay. So I'll see you both later, all right?", "Cane: Sure.", "Lily: Sure. Bye.", "Neil: Bye.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I realized why this thing looks familiar to me now. You know what it is? It--this thing is in every suite. There's one in my room, too.", "Ronan: I wish that were true.", "Genevieve: What do you mean?", "Ronan: I had my men do a sweep. There is no paperweight in your room. There's two in this one, the one on the desk there and the one you're holding, with your fingerprints on it and the blood.", "Genevieve: I-I-I... (Sighs) I-I-I just-- I don't understand this. I-it doesn't make any sense. I mean, I came here to meet that woman, and that's it. That's all it was. Oh, y--ohh. Y-you know what? I-it--she called me, in fact, and I can prove that because you can just check my cell phone.", "Ronan: We already are. So this woman, Shirl Claude-- she comes to town pretending to be your dead daughter...", "Genevieve: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Starts harassing your son. Is that correct?", "Genevieve: You know, I-I-I wish you would stop calling her that. That's a made-up name.", "Ronan: Yeah, well, that was the relationship that was being formed, right?", "Genevieve: It--there-- there was no relationship. I-I never even saw that woman until she showed up here in Genoa City.", "Ronan: But when you did see her, when she came to town, she started tormenting your family. Is that correct?", "Genevieve: For heaven's sake, stop it! You don't even know yet if a-a real crime happened here. You don't! It could be something else. It could be an accident or something minor. (Sighs) May I please go?", "Ronan: Yes, you may, but don't go far.", "Genevieve: Why?", "Ronan: Genevieve... if we had a body right now, you would be under arrest, and with the amount of blood we found on the floor over there, it won't be long before one turns up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Adam isn't taking our calls and we have some decisions to make now, not six months from now.", "Chelsea: It's been a very difficult time.", "Chloe: And we understand that things have been rough for you lately, but we have stood by for as long as we possibly could, okay? We need this company to continue to grow.", "Adam: I'm sorry, I have a meeting to rush off to.", "Kevin: What meeting? Why aren't we involved?", "Adam: It has nothing to do with TagNGrab, Kevin.", "Kevin: Look, Adam, we need to make some decisions, and we can't do that without your blessing, but you won't take our calls, you won't sit down and talk to us, even when we come to see you. What the hell? How are we supposed to run a business?", "Adam: Kevin, calm down.", "Kevin: Calm down?! Are you trying to pull something, squeeze Chloe and me out of this?", "Adam: Look, I don't have time for this. I don't have time for this, Kevin.", "Chloe: Well, why don't you make some time?", "Kevin: We are your partners, and we are sick of not being treated as such.", "Adam: I am sick, Kevin, of you, frankly, and I want out. Find someone to buy me out. I'm finished.", "Chelsea: Where did that come from?", "Adam: I want to put my energies into something I believe in. The more I deal with these two albatrosses, the more I realize TagNGrab ain't it.", "Chelsea: Kevin and Chloe aren't millionaires, Adam. How are they supposed to come up with the kind of money it'll take to dissolve the partnership?", "Adam: They have rich friends. They'll figure it out.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: This is for the best, Chelsea. This could be the beginning of something life-changing for us. It's time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Jack, I don't understand. How can you leave that hospital? You need to have that surgery.", "Jack: Would you give me a break? I just took over Newman Enterprises.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, you--", "Jack: I need to make sure my team can keep things running smoothly while I'm laid up.", "Phyllis: You are putting business ahead of your health, maybe your life!", "Jack: It isn't just business! It's Newman.", "Phyllis: Your old doctors could not remove the bullet. This new surgeon says he can. It is a medical miracle. You need to take advantage of it, please, Jack.", "Jack: Oh, Red, you never let me get away with anything. Okay. I promise I will call Dr. Carter this afternoon and schedule surgery. I will. I-- no fingers crossed behind my back.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Jack: (Groans)", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I don't want to be pushy. You're just giving me a new beginning. I don't want anything bad to happen.", "Jack: Nothing will. I promise. I got big plans for you and me in this adventure. Come on, I'll buy you breakfast, I can tell you all about my grand vision.", "Phyllis: Okay, great, um, after you call the doctor.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: A guerilla marketing team?", "Neil: With you in charge, engaging the public. Just a few staff, but something that will help us reach a whole new demographic.", "Cane: Yeah, the trendsetters beyond social media. I like that.", "Neil: Exactly. I've set up a meeting with your team.", "Lily: (Laughs) Wait, I haven't accepted the job.", "Neil: Do yourself a favor-- take the meeting, see what you think. Small conference room in about 20-- ooh, make that 15 minutes.", "Cane: (Clears throat)", "Lily: Okay, well... (Laughs) Aren't you sure of yourself?", "Neil: I know that I have an extremely intelligent daughter who won't pass up a killer opportunity when she sees one.", "Lily: (Sighs) You, boys. All righty.", "Neil: Break a leg.", "Lily: Here I go.", "Cane: I like that idea. It's good.", "Neil: Hope I didn't step on any toes at home.", "Cane: No, no, trust me, she's ready to come back to work.", "Neil: I also hope that there's no resentment about our new arrangement. It's probably gonna take a little bit of getting used to, you know, reporting to your father-in-law.", "Cane: (Exhales slowly) Okay, inside this room, it's business. Anything that's personal, family, it stays outside that door. That's the way it is.", "Neil: Wouldn't want it any other way.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: You know, Cane, we've had our differences, haven't we?", "Cane: Yes, we have.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. Your history isn't exactly ideal for my daughter and grandchildren.", "Cane: (Sighs) Justifiably so, yes.", "Neil: But you know something? At the end of the day, I know how much you love 'em. There's nothing you wouldn't do for your wife and kids.", "Cane: No. You never doubt that. Never. It's good to work with you, Neil, again. Welcome aboard, my friend.", "Neil: Thank you. Appreciate that.", "Cane: You got it.", "Neil: So here's to a very long working relationship together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon?", "Adam: Hey. You okay?", "Sharon: I... I'm sorry, Adam. I... I-I moved the furniture around. I-it didn't feel right to me. It's still not right. I hate it here, Adam. I hate everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Um, it was really good. I mean, there's a lot I don't know, but the ideas were flowing and everyone was very receptive to what I had to say.", "Cane: So, uh, does that mean you're gonna take the job?", "Lily: Um, I'm not sure. There is a lot I have to think about.", "Cane: Yeah? Like what? You know the twins are in good hands, right?", "Lily: No, I know, I know. And I am ready to get back to work.", "Cane: Okay, is it you're worried about working for your dad, or...", "Lily: No, it's that I'm worried about working with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: The company will focus on three key areas...", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: Manufacturing, tech, and real estate. Newman Cosmetics will be the only consumer division.", "Phyllis: Sounds like you've been planning this for a long time.", "Jack: Well, Jabot is a single company with a limited set of products targeting a very specific market.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: A multinational like Newman...", "Phyllis: Sets the imagination free. I got it.", "Jack: So you understand why I'm reluctant to step away from my desk, even for a couple of we--", "Phyllis: You're doing the surgery. You're doing it. Billy and I will take care of everything at Newman. Anybody who's a threat to Newman is gone. You gotta do what you gotta do. Everything will be fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know, Adam's money may have gotten us into the game, but if he yanks it now, what good does it do us?", "Chloe: I think we need to buy him out and just move on from here.", "Kevin: Buy him out? Are you kidding me? He's into the company for $15 million. Where are we gonna find that kind of cash?", "(Door opens)", "Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, God.", "Chelsea: Hi. If you want me to go, I will go, as long as you realize I had nothing to do with Adam's decision to walk away.", "Chloe: So you couldn't get through to him?", "Chelsea: I'm sorry.", "Kevin: I've seen this coming for awhile. He doesn't respect us, everything is a fight, and since he put up most of the money, guess who always wins? Now the whole thing could go down the toilet just because Adam doesn't feel like making an effort.", "Chloe: To Adam, TagNGrab is just another investment, but to us, it's everything.", "Chelsea: I understand. (Sighs) I think Adam is struggling a lot more with our loss than he'll admit. Maybe once he works through it, he'll have more faith... (Sighs) In a lot of things.", "Kevin: Great, great. So while he's dealing with his angst, we get screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I wish I could help you, but I am not equipped to handle this kind of... breakdown.", "Sharon: You think I'm having a-a full-blown breakdown?", "Adam: I don't... I'm not qualified to answer that question, but I-I think you should talk to a doctor. I know that you're against that.", "Sharon: I don't know how I feel. I... I just have no energy. It's like I'm too weak even to feel scared. I... Adam, I'm sorry I've dragged you into this.", "Adam: I'm here because I want to be here.", "Sharon: Have you told Chelsea?", "Adam: I'm waiting for the right moment.", "Sharon: You can't keep doing this. You have a life, you--you have a marriage. It--this isn't fair to Chelsea. It's--it's--it's not right. No more. I'm gonna do it. I-I'm gonna get professional help.", "Adam: You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I don't know. You just hear all these horror stories about couples who work for the same company or they start a business together, and then a month later, they're at each other's throats.", "Cane: Because they spend too much time together.", "Lily: Yes, and no job is worth that.", "Cane: Okay. After everything we've been through, okay, do you really think that spending time and working at Jabot is gonna do us in, hmm? I love you. Do you love me? Yeah, you love me? 'Cause I love you, all right? We are gonna be fine.", "Lily: I'm so glad that you feel that way.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah.", "(Door opens)", "Genevieve: Ethan, Ethan! Thank God you're here. You've gotta help me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I've never trusted that guy. I don't like him, and we don't share similar values. Those are three outstanding reasons not to go into business with someone, and yet, I let myself get talked into it anyway.", "Chloe: When we couldn't raise enough money from the other investors, I was the one who pushed too hard to make it happen.", "Kevin: I still should have refused. I had all these stars in my eyes about what TagNGrab could be, the kind of life that we could have. (Sighs) I just-- I wanted things to be so much better for our kids than they ever were for us growing up.", "Chloe: I want that, too.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, now we could end up with nothing, nothing, because once again, I let my ambition get in the way of my common sense. It is the story of my life, Chloe... (Exhales sharply) To just when I'm about to achieve something of--of merit, it gets ripped away from me. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Thanks so much. Appreciate that. Mm-hmm.", "Harmony: Hey.", "Neil: Mm, hey. What a nice surprise. Hi.", "Harmony: It is nice, but it's not a surprise, because I was looking for you. I-I stopped over at your office at Chancellor.", "Neil: Oh. Yeah, yeah, about that, um, I was gonna tell you that--", "Harmony: Yeah, they-- they told me, so I went to Jabot, and they said you were here.", "Neil: Look at you, chasing me all over town.", "Harmony: Yeah, all over town. I'm exhausted. You move quick.", "Neil: Yeah, I know I do. I'm sorry. Listen, I meant to tell you about Jabot, but everything has been happening so fast.", "Harmony: Neil, congratulations. You deserve it.", "Neil: Thank you. I'm gonna miss Katherine and everyone else at Chancellor, but this is an opportunity that I can't pass up. Hey, tell you what-- why don't you let me take you out to dinner sometime this week and, um, we'll catch up, all right?", "Harmony: Uh, I would love to, uh, but that's what I came to see you about. I have some news of my own.", "Neil: Oh, yeah? Yeah? You got some news? What you got? What you got for me? Go on.", "Harmony: (Sighs) I'm leaving Genoa City.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So I haven't told many people this. I am considering merging Jabot with Newman Cosmetics. Jabot, Beauty of Nature, and this new organic line all under the same umbrella.", "Phyllis: Hmm, you really do want to rule the world, don't you?", "Jack: Oh, yeah, and then some.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Oh, hang on, let's--oh, you know what? It's, uh, legal. They have some questions for me.", "Jack: You know what? Take that. I'm gonna have a little chat with Adam. (Groans)", "Phyllis: Uh... uh, this is Phyllis.", "Adam: You okay? You're walking like you're in pain.", "Jack: I'm fine. I got your text. What'd you want to see me about", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: What is going on?", "Genevieve: It's this horrible investigation.", "Cane: Mom, Ronan and the police are on this, okay? So if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about.", "Genevieve: Ronan's men have found more evidence.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: What kind of evidence?", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Colin-- or whoever is out to get me-- is trying to make it look like I had something to do with all of this. You know, l-like I m-may have done something to that woman. Like maybe even killed her. I-I'm scared. I can't do this alone.", "Cane: Mom, I am sorry. There's nothing more I can do to help you. You're on your own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You're leaving? I-I thought things were going very well for you here.", "Harmony: Oh, they are. They are. I-I love it here. I mean, I love my friends. I adore Katherine, and Devon and I, we--we're in a really good place right now. But...", "Neil: But--but--but what? I mean, what is it? Is it... wait a minute. Is--is it me? Are--are you leaving town because of me?", "Harmony: Because of you?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Harmony: Everything doesn't revolve around Neil Winters, C.E.O. of Jabot.", "Neil: (Chuckles)", "Harmony: (Laughs) I care an awful lot about you, Neil. I really do. It's Ana.", "Neil: What--what's wrong with Ana?", "Harmony: Well, she's having some trouble at school back east, and she needs her mother. And I told her all she ever had to do was call and I'd be there.", "Neil: Yeah. And she called.", "Harmony: She did.", "Neil: Right.", "Harmony: And I, um, I leave this afternoon.", "Neil: Wow. So you--you're--you're come-- coming back, right?", "Harmony: (Sighs)", "Neil: Oh. Harmony. So this is good-bye. Ohh.", "Harmony: You know, I could just... (sighs) Stand here all day lookin' at you. But I gotta go, 'cause I got a plane to catch. So long, Neil.", "Neil: Good-bye, Harmony.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I haven't had a chance to congratulate you. Not many people can say they took down the great Victor Newman.", "Jack: Well, it wasn't single-handed. Your shares helped put me over the top.", "Adam: Glad to be of service.", "Jack: Listen, I was sorry to hear about you and Chelsea losing the baby.", "Adam: Thanks.", "Jack: For what it's worth, I, uh, I've been there, more than once. I know about the heartache. How are the two of you doing?", "Adam: Hangin' in. Thanks for your concern.", "Jack: So tell me about the rest of your life. Is TagNGrab taking the world by storm yet?", "Adam: I am selling my stake in that company.", "Jack: I kind of wondered how long that would keep your interest. So talk to me. What's going on? What are you thinking?", "Adam: I want to come work with you, Jack.", "Jack: At Newman?", "Adam: You're building your team. I want back in at that company. The timing seems fortuitous.", "Jack: Adam, why on earth would I trust you with any position you're qualified for?", "Adam: Oh, Jack, I thought we were past all that.", "Jack: You sold me your shares in Newman, a simple transaction. This is doing business together. You understand why I'm wary.", "Adam: And that is precisely the reason why I should be by your side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: If you only knew how much I missed you... Oh, Adam, why is there no phone?! (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: You don't think that I am actually capable of... (Sighs) Th-that I would actually do anything to harm someone, do you?", "Cane: Frankly, Mom, I don't know what to think.", "Genevieve: Ethan!", "Neil: What's going on?", "Cane: You don't want to know, Neil, trust me.", "Genevieve: (Gasps)", "Lily: We'll fill you in later.", "Genevieve: Son, oh, please. (Sobbing) I'm begging you, please.", "Cane: That is my wife, and that is my father-in-law, and because of my ties to you and my father, I have caused them an incredible amount of pain. And it has taken me years to get their trust back. Every single time you have a catastrophe and I come and help you, I live to regret it, and I will not do that to them again. Now please just leave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You know, maybe we just should walk away ourselves. I mean, I'm not willing to approach anyone to get the money to buy out Adam. And what--what if he sells to someone that we hate?", "Kevin: You want to walk away from everything that we've worked for?", "Chloe: No, of course I don't want to just walk away, but I can't stand seeing you so angry.", "Kevin: Damned right I'm angry! You know what? To hell with Adam. I'm gonna fix this.", "Chloe: How?", "Kevin: I'm gonna find us the money, whatever it takes. That smug bastard is not gonna ruin this for us just because he got bored and moved on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: H-huh? Uh, y-yeah, I'll get that for you.", "Jack: Junior, come on. If you were in my position...", "Adam: You're a capable businessman. I'd hear you out.", "Jack: You'd hear me out, and then you'd throw me out.", "Adam: You want to hire your brother and Phyllis to do jobs they've never done before, that's your prerogative. You're comfortable with them. You assume that they will grow into their positions. But you cannot surround yourself entirely with trainees. You need... people who have experience and expertise in key positions. The nuances of Newman finance-- something I am all too familiar with. I know where the bodies are buried, Jack.", "Jack: So to speak.", "Adam: As a continuing board member, I would like to support your, uh, vision going forward.", "Jack: Adam, you are saying all of the right things. My instincts tell me, though, that this is not a good fit.", "Adam: Have your instincts considered just how much fun it would be hiring the black sheep of the Newman family? My father would blow yet another gasket. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.", "Jack: (Laughs) Okay, you got me there. All right, Adam. What is it you want?", "Adam: Make me C.F.O.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) Hi, Noah. It's me. (Sighs) It's been a long time. Um, I'm actually out of town right now. Um, I-I just needed to take a little trip and --and get away. I'm... I know I've been a mess lately, and I really, really want to straighten myself out, so the next time we see each other, I promise that I will be in a much better place. (Sighs) I'm really sorry I missed you, Honey. I... it seems like forever since I've heard your voice.", "(Key turns in lock)", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ronan: Why'd you take the job at Newman? Is it about Nick?", "Nick: You sold him your Newman shares in exchange for a top-level gig. Is that the way this went down?", "Kevin: I should have never gone into business with Adam Newman." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lauren visits Michael in jail and is surprised to see him with a black eye. Lauren wants him to tell the authorities, but Michael objects by telling her that the other inmates don't like a snitch. Cane, Lily, Charlie, and Maddie are at the coffeehouse getting ready to go to the Halloween carnival. Neil visits Hilary to have a talk. Paul, in the office, looks at a pic of Carmine. Christine comes in and interrupts him. Paul lets Christine know that Michael didn't killed Carmine. Neil asks Hilary what she wants. Sharon comes in and thanks Noah for watching Faith while she went to her therapy. She says she changed doctors and is doing better. Nick walks in and interrupts their talk. Christine asks Paul what the initial findings show concerning Carmine's death. Lauren worries over Michael's safety. Fen comes into the coffeehouse and watches Cane with Charlie. His drug dealer friend arrives with his \"stuff.\" Nick lets Noah know that he will always love Sharon as the mother of his children. Noah gives Nick his two weeks' notice that he will soon be going to work at Newman Enterprises. Hilary shows Neil the letter that Gus wrote to Rose years ago. Lily changes their plans from going to the carnival to going trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. Christine remembers how Michael and Fen lied when it came to whether or not Jamie was pushed off the roof. Christine also tells Paul that Fen had been \"high\" on drugs the night that Carmine was killed. Lauren vows to protect Michael whether he wants her to or not.", "Nick tries to persuade Sharon not to worry over Noah but just to let him live his own life. Noah and Courtney meet at the coffeehouse. Noah lets her know that he is going to work at Newman. They kiss. Cane, Lily, Charlie, and Maddie go trick-or-treating and they split up into groups. Neil asks Hilary how she came up with this plan to destroy his family. Hilary explains everything before she tells Neil that she forgives him, and he should forgive himself. The woman gives Fen more drugs. Fen coaxes her to be quiet, so Noah and Courtney will not hear, but the woman informs Fen that Courtney is also one of her clients. Courtney and Noah leave but not before Courtney gives the woman a sideways glance. Lauren goes to the police station and tells Paul and Christine about Michael being beat up. Neil sees Cane and Lily in the park and lets them know that he offered Hilary a job. Cane and Lily object. Sharon says good-bye to Cassie. Nick spends some quality time with Faith.", "" ]
[ "Christine: You about ready? Date night, remember?", "Paul: I'm sorry.", "Christine: Oh, come on. Halloween theme, snuggling on the couch, takeout...", "Paul: I know.", "Christine: ...Spooky DVDs.", "Paul: I just started going through this evidence from the Basco murder, and, uh...", "Christine: And you lost track of time. Happens to the best of us.", "Paul: One more thing you and I have in common.", "Christine: Does, uh, anything in that file suggest that Fen might have done it?", "Paul: Well, one thing I am sure of. Michael didn't. He pled guilty to keep his family out of prison.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Lauren: Oh, Michael.", "[Door closes]", "Lauren: Michael. Oh, my God!", "Michael: It's all right, Lauren.", "Prison Guard: 15 minutes. Keep your hands where I can see them.", "Lauren: What happened?", "Michael: It will be all right. We should --", "Lauren: No, tell me what happened.", "Michael: You should probably...", "Lauren: Tell me what happened.", "Michael: [Scoffs] Well, the welcome wagon paid me a visit, and instead of fresh-baked cookies, they left me a couple of cracked ribs.", "Lauren: I can't believe you're joking about this. Have you -- have you told the warden?", "Michael: No. And I don't plan to.", "Lauren: Michael, you have to.", "Michael: Our goal was for me to serve my sentence and come back home, remember?", "Lauren: Yes, exactly. Which is why you have to tell somebody who did this to you. What if it happens again?", "Michael: I'm sure it will. And when it does, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. Because if there's one thing that convicts hate more than a former district attorney, it's a snitch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Thanks for coming.", "Neil: Yeah. Sure.", "[Door closes]", "Hilary: Don't worry. This isn't a setup, okay? No hidden cameras or spiked drinks.", "Neil: You expect me to take your word on that?", "Hilary: You probably shouldn't, but it's the truth.", "Neil: Okay. I'm here. What is it that you want?", "Hilary: When I first came to Genoa City, I was expecting to meet a selfish, egotistical jerk who didn't care about anybody but himself. Certainly didn't seem to care about my mother when he left her to die in that motel room. But instead, I found a man with a lot of people who meant the world to him.", "Neil: Which you exploited.", "Hilary: I made it my life's mission. I tried to tear your family apart the same way I thought you tore apart mine. But I was wrong. About a lot of things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Charlie: Hurry up, Daddy! All the good candy's gonna be gone!", "Cane: You got to sit down. You have to eat, okay?", "Mattie: Do we have to?", "Cane: Yes, Baby Girl, you have to, because you have to have some food in your stomach. You have to sit down and have your dinner.", "Lily: Go on. Sit down. Thank you, Guys.", "Cane: All right. Eat.", "Lily: Okay, slow down. Slow down.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Lily: Really?", "Cane: What?", "Lily: [Scoffs]", "Cane: At least now they're gonna have some food in their stomach and not just sugar.", "Lily: I know, but we're going to the park for the Halloween carnival. If they wolf everything down then go on the rides...", "Cane: All right, change of plan. Don't listen to Daddy. Listen to the boss. 'Cause you know what happens if you guys get sick. You know who gets to eat all the candy? Huh? Super Daddy!", "[Laughter]", "Cane: That's me.", "Lily: Honey. [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Thanks for watching your sister while I go to therapy. I should have known it would be difficult to find a sitter on Halloween.", "Noah: It's no problem. I love hanging with Faith. I'm just glad that you're taking care of yourself again.", "Sharon: Trying, anyway.", "Noah: You look good. I mean it. This -- this new doctor seems like, uh, making a difference already.", "Sharon: We have a good rapport.", "Noah: Excellent.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Noah: Bye, Mama.", "Sharon: Um, Noah, before you go, I want to explain something to you. I-I just -- I want you to know why I went off my pills.", "Noah: Sure.", "Sharon: The medication I was taking, it -- it just wasn't right for me. My head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, like I had no emotions, no highs, no lows.", "Noah: Did you tell that to Dr. Watkins, see if there was something else you could try?", "Sharon: I didn't really feel that comfortable talking to her. She was highly qualified, of course. But when you're doing something like this, you're seeing a psychiatrist, you're... [Sighs] You're opening up all of your innermost thoughts and feelings, and it's really important that you trust that person and you feel you can easily talk to them.", "Noah: Yeah, I can see that.", "Sharon: So this new doctor I found, um, I found her on my own, and I-I feel hopeful for the first time in awhile. She has me on a new class of medications, and it's gonna be a few weeks before I know if they're right for me or not. But I do feel like I'm on the right track. I've made a lot of mistakes, but I am trying very hard to change.", "Noah: You think it's because you want to get better or because you think it's the best way to get Dad back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: All right, take this down to forensics for testing.", "Officer: You got it.", "Paul: All right. Thanks.", "Christine: What were the initial findings?", "Paul: Originally, there were none because the initial investigation was cut short because Michael confessed.", "Christine: Okay, so there was no need to build a case, which means there could be evidence that implicates someone else, someone that Michael's protecting.", "Paul: Well, at this point, I'm almost certain there is.", "Christine: So, who do you think pulled the trigger? Lauren or Fen?", "Paul: Well, Lauren was terrorized by Carmine for months. So, in my opinion, if she shot him, it was justified.", "Christine: And if the evidence points to Fen?", "Paul: [Sighs] I'd have to arrest him. But the last thing I want to do is put that kid in prison.", "Christine: It beats leaving an innocent man behind bars.", "Paul: Well, I'm not sure Michael would agree with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You've only been here a couple of days, and you're already being attacked.", "Michael: Well, nobody has a longer memory than a guy serving time.", "Lauren: It's like you have a target on your back because you put him here. Is that it? You said it's just a matter of time before this happens again. But what if next time it's not just a black eye and some cracked ribs? What if you don't walk away at all?", "Michael: Don't do that. It's gonna be okay.", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] It's not okay! No part of this is okay! Michael, I'm afraid for you. You could get killed here.", "Michael: Imagine Fenmore in here.", "Lauren: No. I know you're trying to protect our son. But you have to protect yourself, too.", "Michael: I survived prison. Fenmore wouldn't. We can't let him go down for Carmine's murder.", "Lauren: [Sighs] I know, but, Michael, Michael --", "Michael: It's our job. We have to protect him, no matter what.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey, come on. You got to eat your sandwich, all right, 'cause it's gonna make you grow up big and strong.", "Charlie: I'm already strong.", "Cane: Come here. Let me see. What is this bicep? Whoa! That's a big bicep. You know what? I have a feeling if you keep eating all your food, one day you could beat daddy in an arm wrestle. All right, I want to see this. Come here. You ready? We're gonna go on \"Three,\" all right? One... two... three!", "[Both laugh]", "Cane: I tricked you. I tricked you. I tricked you. [Grunts] All right, go. Go. Finish your food. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fenmore: It's me. I need a favor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Noah, don't bother your mother with stuff like that.", "Noah: I think it's a fair question, Dad.", "Sharon: Considering my behavior lately, I don't blame Noah for asking that.", "Nick: I will always love Sharon as the mother of my children. She knows we're not getting back together. And now she's getting healthy, not just for herself, but for her kids.", "Sharon: The anniversary of Cassie's death, for whatever reason, just hit me really hard this year. It just made me think of how close we all were, and I missed us being together. I-I convinced myself the only way that I would ever be happy again is if I was with your father. Now, if I had been taking my medication, I would have known that that was wrong thinking.", "Nick: You got nothing to be embarrassed about, Sharon.", "Noah: Dad's right. Mom, you have an illness. That's why it's so important for you to talk to your doctor.", "Sharon: Well, I'm really sorry I lied to both of you. I-I feel really ashamed. I just... I couldn't stand the thought of either of you being disappointed in me.", "Noah: Well, I know the feeling. I mean, I am constantly worried that you guys are gonna be disappointed in me, which is why I've been avoiding having a conversation with you.", "Nick: Dude, come on. You know you can talk to me about anything. What's up?", "Noah: Um... [Clears throat] All right, well, here it goes. Um, Dad, I'm gonna give you my two weeks' notice at the Underground.", "Nick: Ouch. That is disappointing, to say the least. You took that job at Newman, didn't you?", "Noah: Newman-Chancellor. Dad, it's a great opportunity to learn the business from Grandpa.", "Nick: So, this is 100% certain?", "Noah: It's 100%.", "Nick: All right. Well, I can see that your mind is clearly made up. And I'm not gonna argue about it with you. You know how I feel. But one piece of advice, Son -- do not let this consume you, okay? There is much more to life.", "Noah: I'm going in to this with my eyes wide open. You and Mom just have to trust my judgment.", "Sharon: We do, Sweetheart.", "Nick: We want what is best for you. That's it.", "Noah: I know. Thanks, Dad.", "Nick: Of course.", "Noah: Bye, Mom.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Sharon: You know what I think about him working with Victor.", "Nick: Yeah. I feel the same. But our son is a grown man now. And he needs to carve out his own path, make his own mistakes.", "Sharon: Well, that's what this is, Nick.", "Nick: Time will tell.", "Sharon: All I know is, I'm just trying to get my own life in order right now. I'm afraid that I'm not gonna be strong enough to pick up the pieces if Noah's life falls apart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Sounds like you've gained some insight. If it's true.", "Hilary: No tricks, okay? Leslie -- she gave me the letters that my mother wrote to her father.", "Neil: Gus' death was a real blow for Leslie. These letters right here -- they were a lifeline. It gave her a purpose to find your mother and learn as much as possible as she could about her own father.", "Hilary: I guess she thought that they would speak to me, too. Give me some answers that you couldn't.", "Neil: Did they?", "Hilary: The letters cleared up a few things about the night my mom died. All this time, I've been blaming you for getting her drunk. But the truth is, she had a problem. And she started drinking again when I went away to college, which I knew but I didn't want to acknowledge. You were probably just some guy that she sat down with at the bar, looking for comfort. And she was there because she was upset and made a choice to drown out her pain. And it was a bad choice.", "Neil: Yes. It was a bad choice.", "Hilary: I can relate. I know all about bad choices. It's why I asked you to meet me here, Neil. I owe you an apology.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Yummy. Um, so, I've been thinking.", "Cane: I've been thinking, too. I'm thinking about getting you out of this pirate outfit.", "Lily: [Chuckles] Um, seriously, though. I've been thinking that maybe we should go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.", "Cane: I don't understand. Why don't you want to go to the carnival?", "Lily: Well, there won't be a crowd to deal with, so it'll be a lot easier to keep an eye on the kids. Then that way if they get tired, their beds are right down the street.", "Cane: But we told Neil we're gonna meet him there.", "Lily: I know, but I can just send him a text. It's fine.", "Cane: Sweetheart. Don't do this.", "Lily: Don't do what?", "Cane: I know after what happened to Delia, you don't want to let the kids out of your sight.", "Lily: I'm just saying that it's opened my eyes that we have to be more careful with them.", "Cane: Okay. I was there when Delia was born. And I'm devastated by what happened to her.", "Lily: Yeah, Cane, me, too. So why can't you be more concerned about our own kids?", "Cane: I am concerned about our own kids, but we can't let them grow up living in a bubble, and we can't project our fears on them. They have to have a life like normal kids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fenmore: Did you get what I need?", "Raven: Have I ever let you down?", "Fenmore: No. You're actually the only person I can really count on these days.", "Raven: What happened to cleaning up your act? Working on the steps?", "Fenmore: Rehab was my parents' thing. They have a lot of these ideas they're just expecting me to go along with. Now, this looked a little different than the last batch.", "Raven: I'm using a new supplier.", "Fenmore: Do you think you could get any more of those?", "Raven: For the right price, I can get anything. Things must be really crappy at home.", "Fenmore: I'm just sick of being treated like a little kid. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And if I make a bad one along the way, I'll just take full responsibility.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: It's such a 180.", "Paul: What do you mean?", "Christine: Michael had Fen arrested for pushing Jamie off the roof, remember? He insisted that his son be held accountable.", "Paul: Well, Michael had no choice. He was the D.A. and when Jamie admitted that he'd lied, Michael felt terrible about not giving Fen the benefit of the doubt. I mean, essentially, Michael was going through what I'm going through now.", "Christine: And this is his way to make up for it?", "Paul: No. Michael is Fen's father. And now he has no public responsibility. He can do whatever he feels is necessary to protect his son. And you know as well as I do that Fen will be swallowed up by the system and he will not survive in prison.", "Christine: Michael did. Turned his whole life around.", "Paul: That was different. Michael was much older. He was well-educated. He was a professional. You know, and underneath that polished veneer, Michael is tough as nails. Fen's not gonna do well behind bars. Trust me.", "Christine: Well, you know what? Maybe this is the ultimate wake-up call. I mean, clearly rehab didn't help. And according to Lauren, Fen was high the night of the murder.", "Paul: Did he say that or just her?", "Christine: Fen admitted that that's why it took him so long to come forward. He didn't even remember shooting Carmine.", "Paul: [Sighs] Maybe he didn't remember because he didn't shoot Carmine. You know, Michael has just as many reasons to lie for Lauren.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Guard: Time's up.", "Lauren: My husband has been injured. Why was he not taken to the infirmary?", "Guard: The prisoner hasn't requested medical attention.", "Lauren: That is outrageous! He has clearly been beaten! I am not leaving here until he is being seen by a doctor!", "Michael: Lauren, it's gonna be all right.", "Lauren: No, it's not gonna be all right. None of this is all right! And if you're not gonna protect yourself, then I'm gonna have to do it for you.", "Michael: Please, just don't. Promise me. Lauren! Promise me you're not gonna do anything! Lauren! Promise!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I'm not worried about it, Sharon. You'd have to be pretty far gone not to be there for our kids. I know if Noah ever got into trouble, you would be there with some good advice.", "Sharon: Thanks. But when I think about all the things he's done for me, advice doesn't even begin to pay him back.", "Nick: No doubt about it. Our son is a great kid.", "Sharon: You know, he even offered to watch Faith for me today when I couldn't find a sitter. I didn't have to reschedule my therapy appointment. I mean, he's just been so supportive.", "Nick: That's 'cause he loves you, no matter what happens. It's not gonna change.", "Sharon: Well, given how many mistakes I've made, it's nice for me. It's a relief to look at Noah and know that there's one thing I really did right.", "Nick: Well, he's got a great head on his shoulders, largely because of you. So don't worry about him.", "Sharon: Well, I can't help it when Victor's involved.", "Nick: Yeah, I hear you. But, Sharon, it's his life, and we have to stand back and let our son have room to live it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: Hey.", "Noah: Got my text?", "Courtney: Yeah, you said you had big news?", "Noah: Hmm.", "Courtney: Hold on. Let me guess. For Halloween, you're going as a guy who's in desperate need of a kiss?", "Noah: [Chuckles]", "Courtney: Good costume.", "Noah: Well, my news does have to do with dressing up. I, uh -- I gave my dad my two weeks' notice. I'm officially trading in my T-shirts for a suit and a tie.", "Courtney: Really? Well, I happen to think that you look incredibly hot in one certain dark gray suit.", "Noah: [Chuckles]", "Courtney: Not just saying that 'cause I gave it to you.", "Noah: Uh-huh.", "Courtney: Noah, really, you were born to be a business mogul.", "Noah: Well, I'm glad you think so, because my folks are not too wild about the idea.", "Courtney: Your dad wasn't too happy when Summer decided to put college on hold, either, but, I mean, she did anyway, and now she's having a blast being a model.", "Noah: True.", "Courtney: You want to know what I think?", "Noah: Hmm?", "Courtney: I think that you should stop being worried about what everyone else wants and do what makes you happy.", "Noah: That makes me happy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I don't see Neil anywhere. You see him?", "Lily: No. He must have hit traffic.", "Cane: Do you want to wait for him, or do you want to start?", "Lily: I'm sure he'll call when he gets here.", "Cane: Okay. All right. Now, what do you guys want to do first?", "Mattie: I want to go to jump!", "Charlie: I want to go to bumper cars!", "Cane: This is not like going to the amusement park with Uncle Devon, okay? See, the line's gonna get long. If we don't figure out what we want to do now, we won't have a chance to do anything.", "Lily: Okay, how about this? How about we split up, and that way the kids can do everything they want before it gets too late. Yeah?", "Cane: Yeah? You sure?", "Lily: Yeah, I'll take Mattie to the bouncing house, and Charlie can go to bumper cars.", "Mattie: I want to do both.", "Lily: Oh, of course you do. Well, we're gonna try, okay? So, you ready?", "Cane: You ready?", "Lily: On your mark, get set, go!", "Cane: [Exhales sharply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: I've been abusive, to put it mildly. Violating your privacy, tormenting you online, trying to turn the people that you care about against you. I realize how vicious I've been. And your family, they -- they didn't deserve that.", "Neil: Um, Hilary, let me -- let me ask you something. When -- when you came up with this plan, what were you hoping it would accomplish?", "Hilary: Honestly? All I cared about for years, all I could think about, was how to inflict maximum pain. I was...I was so caught up in my grief, I just wanted you to hurt the way that I did. But it didn't work. Didn't bring you down. It only brought me down. And it didn't bring my mom back or make this -- this ache in my heart go away.", "Neil: Yeah. Hilary. Nothing will. That ache that you're talking about, it's always gonna be there. You know, I think it's nature's way of making sure that we never forget about the people that we've lost. I might have told you this. A few days before I met your mother, my -- my wife had died. I'm still not fully healed. But after awhile, I-I guess I learned to live with it.", "Hilary: How?", "Neil: By making peace -- making peace with what happened. Maybe it's why I was so affected when I found out about what happened to your mother. You know, I thought I had put my wife's death behind me and moved on. But hearing about Rose's death, it -- it brought me back to that place. Hilary. I'll always regret leaving your mother... alone... passed out in that motel room. I'm sorry.", "Hilary: Neil. I forgive you. Okay? Maybe it's time you forgive yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: No, I understand, but the sooner, the better. All right. Thanks. Forensics will have a report on my desk sometime tomorrow.", "Christine: Tomorrow?", "Paul: Yeah.", "Christine: Aha. That is the universe telling you to take the rest of the night off, that there is nothing more you can do here this evening.", "Paul: Oh, I like the way you think, Mrs. Williams.", "Christine: Let's go.", "Paul: Wait. I got to drop this off.", "Christine: Okay.", "Lauren: Oh, thank God you guys are here. I need your help.", "Paul: Why? What's wrong?", "Lauren: I just came from seeing Michael. And it seems that some of the inmates recognized him and decided to welcome him with their fists.", "Christine: Oh, how bad was it?", "Lauren: It's bad. I mean, he's got cuts and bruises, and he has broken ribs. He refuses to report it.", "Paul: Right. Well, talking will only make matters worse for him.", "Lauren: He's stuck on a cell block with people at he helped put there. I mean, is there anything that you can do to help?", "Christine: I was worried that something like this might happen, so I made a few calls around the time of the sentencing, and I've tried to move him to a more secure cell block.", "Lauren: Okay, good, good. When is that gonna happen?", "Christine: I haven't had an answer yet. Look, sometimes they're helpful. Sometimes they aren't. The best we can do is try.", "Lauren: We've got to do something. I mean, we've got to help Michael.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Raven: Good news. I can get you that other stuff tonight. In the meantime, I was holding out on you. This should tide you over.", "Fenmore: Watch it! Courtney and Noah are right over there. You trying to get me busted?", "Raven: [Chuckles] Don't worry about Courtney. She's one of my biggest customers.", "Noah: What's wrong?", "Courtney: Nothing. Um, I was just thinking I'm being such a horrible friend. I mean, we're here celebrating after you take this big step in life, at a coffee shop?", "Noah: No, it's cool.", "Courtney: I have something better in mind. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Faith! Daddy's down here waiting to go trick-or-treating! Here she is.", "Nick: Wow! Look at you! You are the prettiest princess I've ever seen in my life. And what's wrong?", "Faith: I can't find my wand.", "Sharon: Oh, well, that's around here somewhere.", "Nick: She's gonna find it. All right. Let's go over the ground rules for tonight. Once we drive into town, when the car stops, we're not just gonna jet out of the car. All right? Daddy will walk around the vehicle and escort you out, okay? When we cross the street, we're gonna hold hands the whole time and look both ways, like, twice. Okay? And if you ever get separated from me for any reason, you go to the nearest phone, and you call...", "Faith: 911. I know, Dad. I'm not a baby.", "Nick: I know you're not. But it helps to have a reminder.", "Sharon: Okay! Here it is. You left it in the den.", "Nick: All right.", "Sharon: Have fun tonight.", "Faith: You're not coming with us?", "Sharon: Well, I thought you were overdue for some daddy/daughter time. So I'll see you in the morning, okay? Give me a kiss. [Smooches] Have fun.", "Nick: All right, Princess. Let's go conjure up some candy.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Nick: The wings!", "Sharon: Have fun! Get a lot of candy! And be safe.", "Nick: Good night.", "Sharon: Good night.", "Cassie: Seriously, Mom?", "Sharon: What?", "Cassie: You are so close to having everything you want. You can't give up now. Faith gave you the perfect opening, a reason to spend time with the family. Why didn't you take it?", "Sharon: I want Nick in my life. But if I come on too strong or I try to manipulate him, Nick will see right through it. And then he'll resent me and then I'll lose him as a friend, and I don't want that.", "Cassie: Dad said that he will always love you.", "Sharon: As the mother of his children. He also said that we would never be together again.", "Cassie: He has said that before! It never lasts. If it did, Faith wouldn't be here.", "Sharon: No, Cassie, it was wrong to try to live in the past.", "Cassie: Why? You and Dad were so happy back then. You know that you could be again. Don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: [Laughs] I cannot believe that you just shrieked that loud.", "Noah: Uh, what? No. Hey, that wasn't me. Guys don't shriek.", "Courtney: Oh, yeah, you're right. Because little girls do, and that's exactly what you sounded like when that zombie jumped out at you.", "Noah: Okay, I may have yelled...", "Courtney: Oh. Mm-hmm.", "Noah: ...A little bit to, you know, warn you of impending danger.", "Courtney: Mm-hmm.", "Noah: But no, there was no shrieking of any kind.", "Courtney: Please, Noah. You were terrified. It was a haunted maze for little kids, and you freaked out, Dude.", "Noah: The guy had a chainsaw! Who wouldn't be scared?", "Courtney: I don't know, but you probably should have just let me go in first.", "Noah: Well, that wouldn't have been very chivalrous of me.", "Courtney: I could have protected you from all the fake ghouls and goblins.", "Noah: I didn't shriek.", "Courtney: Oh, but you did. And it was adorable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: It takes a big person to admit when they're wrong. To ask for forgiveness on top of that, it says a lot about your character.", "Hilary: I doubt my mother would be too proud of the way that I've handled things.", "Neil: But you know what? I mean, this -- this right here, right now, you're making amends now. You know, you're trying to change your life for the better. That's, uh, step nine.", "Hilary: My mom used to have the 12 steps posted on our fridge.", "Neil: Yeah. Did she? You remember the last one?", "Hilary: \"Practice the steps by helping others.\"", "Neil: I'd like to help you. How would you feel about coming to work for me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Seeing my kids happy is more than enough for me.", "Cassie: No. I don't believe that any more than you do.", "Sharon: Cassie, Sweetheart, listen to me. These past few months have been wrong. I've done some bad things to try to recapture something that I could probably never have back.", "Cassie: How do you know?!", "Sharon: Because you're not really here. All of those happy moments I've been remembering, they all include you. I miss the four of us together as a family, and I've clung to your memory when I probably should have let you go a long time ago.", "Cassie: You need me.", "Sharon: I need to get better. And now that I'm on my medication, I've been seeing less and less of you. After awhile, I probably won't see you anymore.", "Cassie: Aren't you gonna miss me?", "Sharon: More than words can say.", "Cassie: I'll always be here when you need me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Is there anything better than hot chocolate on a chilly night? You know what? After this, we're gonna go over to Grandma and Grandpa's for a sleepover. How's that sound? Hey. You still thinking about those kids with the gruesome masks?", "Faith: One of them had an axe in his head, Daddy.", "Nick: I know. But it was pretend, right? It's all pretend. But I thought those guys were jerks running around frightening the little kids. You know, it's okay to be scared. Doesn't mean you're a baby. I'm scared of a few things. I'm scared of clowns. They freak me out. And flying monkeys. Tornados. Pretty scary, right? And those spiders with the longlegs that can crawl up and get you right -- ow! But you know what I'm most afraid of? Is that you're gonna grow up too fast and then you're not gonna need daddy anymore.", "Faith: I'm only four feet tall.", "Nick: Well, yeah, but you're like -- you're like this now, all right? I mean, last summer, you were like this. You're that much bigger now. And I know you can't wait to get, you know, really big. But if you want to stay daddy's little girl forever, I'm cool with that. Come here. Mwah. Oh, thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You guys have the greatest costumes I've ever seen in my whole life! I'm serious! Your mama did such an amazing job.", "Lily: Oh, thank you.", "Mattie: I want to get taffy apples.", "Neil: You do, huh?", "Cane: Hmm...okay.", "Neil: Go on.", "Cane: All right. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. Wait, wait. That's for you. And that's for you. Hey! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Give it to the lady over there, and don't forget to get your change!", "Lily: Stay where we can see you.", "Neil: Yeah, be careful!", "Lily: Thank you. So, we thought that you'd be here awhile ago. Is everything okay?", "Neil: Hilary actually asked to see me.", "Cane: Please don't tell me you went.", "Lily: Yeah, what did she threaten to blackmail you with this time?", "Neil: Nothing. She wanted to apologize.", "Cane: Why? She didn't try that angle before?", "Lily: Yeah, then she turned around and fed everything you said to a reporter.", "Neil: You know what? I-I truly believe that she regrets everything she put our family through.", "Cane: All right, let me tell you, that woman regrets nothing.", "Neil: I understand why you're so skeptical about it. I do. But I believe truly in my heart that she's sincere. And I hope that you'll give her a chance to make amends. 'Cause I don't want any tension at the workplace.", "Lily: Why would there be?", "Neil: I offered Hilary a job at Jabot.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Lily: What?! Okay, well, you can accept my resignation, because there is no way I am working anywhere near that witch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: [Sobs] [Sighs] [Sobbing]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Michael: What are you doing here? What's going on? Is Lauren -- is Fenmore --", "Christine: They're both fine. And I think they'll rest easier knowing that you're gonna be safe.", "Michael: What are you talking about?", "Christine: I've arranged to have you moved to a safer part of the prison. With the informants.", "Michael: Oh. [Sighs] What? Do you expect me to thank you for painting an even bigger target on my back?", "Christine: No one violent can get to you there. There's tighter security. Very few inmates have access.", "Michael: I have a bad feeling about this, Christine. A bad feeling.", "Christine: Well, it's better than sleeping with one eye open, right? Under the circumstances, I'd say this is a good thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Thank God Chris was able to get Michael's transfer approved for tonight.", "Paul: Well, you know, she's been working on it for some time.", "Lauren: I know. I know. I'm just very grateful -- what's going on here? I was told that Fen's confession was not grounds for arrest!", "Paul: It's not.", "Lauren: Well, then why is he here?!", "Paul: Kelly arrested him near GCU. Possession with intent to sell.", "Fenmore: It looks like I'm going to prison after all.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: I want you to find the person responsible for Delia Abbott's death.", "Avery: You used me, Nikki. In fact, you're still doing it right now.", "Nick: What's going on here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Genoa City celebrates Halloween at a benefit for the Delia Project at the top of Newman Tower. Cane struggles to prove to his family that he didn't kidnap Hilary. Dr. Neville tells Neil and Gwen that he left a sedated Hilary in a private room at the hospital, and he must leave town before things get worse. Dr. Neville tells Neil and Gwen that he doesn't know how the medicine he gave Hilary will affect her when she awakens. He hopes the medicine doesn't cause permanent damage to Hilary. Neil tells Gwen they have to find a way to clear Cane's name, because he doesn't want to ruin Lily's marriage. Gwen's sister finds Hilary at the hospital and gets Stitch to treat her. They also call the police to report Hilary has been found. Devon still thinks Cane kidnapped Hilary and paid someone to bring her to the hospital. Hilary awakens and doesn't remember what happened to her, but she thinks that Neil is her husband. The Paragon computer virus causes a short circuit in the basement of Newman Tower which causes a fire.", "" ]
[ "Lily: Let's fix these wings, 'cause the candy fairy can't fly if they're crooked, right?", "Mattie: [Giggles]", "Lily: And you are the scariest werewolf ever! Rowr!", "Charlie: [Growls]", "Cane: All I did was tell the reporter the truth -- that I saw Hilary, and then she was gone. [Sighs] Listen, I know how it sounds. Oh, this is great. So my own attorney thinks I'm lying. You know, the only person who believes me is my father-in-law, and I don't know if I can trust him. I'm gonna call you tomorrow. I have to go. [Sighs] Wow! And wow!", "Both: Daddy!", "Cane: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!", "Mattie: Can I sign your cast?", "Cane: Aw, sweetheart, it's not that sort of cast. Look at you, huh? You guys look great. Are you ready for some mad trick-or-treating?", "Both: Yeah!", "Lily: Oh, uh, we're -- we're going to the Delia project Halloween party.", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, I know. It's in the top of the tower. Thanks, little buddy.", "Lily: Yeah, there's a kids parade, so they're really excited about it.", "Cane: Can you guys go and practice your mad trick-or-treating skills with the front desk for me for a second while I talk to mom?", "Both: Yeah.", "Cane: Thank you. You know, I would like to spend some of Halloween with them, if that's okay.", "Lily: Well, we have plans.", "Cane: I can come along.", "Lily: It's a costume party.", "Cane: I can go as an extortionist with a broken elbow.", "Lily: Cane, don't.", "Cane: Are you trying to keep my kids away from me? Is that what you're trying to do?", "Lily: Because you're out of control.", "Cane: So you think that they have to be protected from me? Really?", "Devon: It's a lie after lie after lie. This two-faced son of a bitch has been doing nothing but lying to me for months! We find the ransom in his gym bag in his house, but he claims he's being set up. Then we find the hoodie in his locker. He doesn't remember putting it there. And now he's claiming that he saw Hilary in the park, and then she just up and disappeared. He's playing with us all, all right? He's wasting our time. You guys don't --", "Dylan: Or... Cane could be telling the truth.", "Gwen: Hilary was right in front of me, and I lost her.", "Neil: Well, at -- at least she was at the hospital, right? So, how was she? Did -- did you talk to her?", "Gwen: She was disoriented, upset. But she recognized me, said she wanted to call her husband.", "Neil: Okay, that's good. That's good. Let's hope that she stays at that hospital. She's getting the care that she needs, right? Maybe somebody recognized her.", "Dr. Neville: Someone did. Me.", "Neil: Well, thank god, man. Where is she?", "Dr. Neville: Sadly, Mrs. Hamilton is still at that village idiots convention some ironically call a hospital. But not to worry. I took care of our problem. She's not about to wander off or go anywhere.", "Neil: What have you done?", "Jack: Very impressive.", "Victor: Well, now. What appropriate attire. Considering you've been trying to suck the lifeblood out of Newman enterprises.", "Jack: Ashley has ordered that all of those buys be undone. She's the C.E.O.", "Ashley: That's right. I have to admit, it was slightly entertaining, making all those purchases.", "Victor: Yes, well, it all went all right for your company until the virus started attacking you, as well.", "Ashley: Yes, well, hopefully, that's under control now.", "Victor: Yeah, well, I certainly hope so. I don't want anything to interfere with tonight's festivities in memory of Delia. And, of course, this is also for Newman enterprises.", "Jack: Well, good of you to give Delia top billing.", "Victor: Well, I think we were all terribly affected by her tragic death. Now, this is also an opportunity, though, to show the business community that Newman enterprises is as strong as ever, if not stronger.", "Jack: Until paragon strikes again.", "Victor: Well, that won't happen, because Kevin just arrived, and he's gonna see to it that that won't happen.", "Ashley: Are there any updates, Kevin?", "Kevin: Uh, the power outage -- the elevator twigged me, but that was not paragon-related. I'm gonna monitor the Newman and the Jabot system from Victor's office. I'm also gonna introduce an advanced ASLR to attack the worm.", "Ashley: What's an ASLR?", "Kevin: Address space layout randomization.", "Victor: Mm.", "Ashley: I'm so happy I asked.", "Kevin: All right. I'm gonna get on that.", "Jack: Hang on, Kevin.", "Kevin: Yep.", "Jack: Tonight is about Delia. If you want to be more a part of things, you can.", "Kevin: I think the best way I can honor my stepdaughter is to make sure that nothing spoils tonight.", "Phyllis: No more business. No more paragon virus. Tonight is about a celebration.", "Victor: That's right.", "Nikki: Well, aren't you the prettiest pirate I have ever seen.", "Faith: Grandma, you're pretty, too. What are you?", "Nikki: I am Mae west. Little ahead of your time, kid. Listen. How would you like to lead the children's parade and show these little ones how it's done?", "Faith: Okay! Can we take a picture to show Christian?", "Nick: [Scoffs] Yeah, we're doing that.", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Looks like you're gonna have your hands full.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, the drakes offered to manage the parade and get the kids upstairs, but they just canceled.", "Nick: Mom, you're a genius at this stuff. You'll figure something out.", "Nikki: I was hoping you would bring sage with you.", "Nick: You know, I asked. Uh, she didn't want to leave Christian at the hospital, so I'm gonna meet up with her there later.", "Nikki: Could you talk to her again? I mean, I understand that she doesn't want to let Christian out of her sight, but it'd be good for her to get out of the hospital, clear her head, get a glimpse of what she has to come with your son.", "Nick: [Chuckles] You are a wise woman, miss west.", "Nikki: Well, as Mae said, \"too much of a good thing can be wonderful.\"", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Nikki: And that's what I want for you and sage and the baby -- wonderful. Mwah. See you later.", "Nick: Thanks, Mom. [Sighs] [Grunts]", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Nick: Hey! Best costume ever. Bat boy!", "[Both chuckle]", "Nick: I'm glad to see you. I didn't think you'd come.", "Chelsea: It was Adam's idea. He wants me to honor Delia. Plus, he wants Connor to be able to enjoy Halloween.", "Nick: That's good thinking on his part.", "Faith: Look, it's the devil.", "Nick: Devil? Who is that masked man?", "Nick: Trick or treat.", "Sage: Hey.", "Nick: How's our boy?", "Sage: He's hanging in there. I should be happy, right?", "Nick: Hey, no news is definitely a good thing.", "Sage: [Sighs] I just hate seeing him like this.", "Nick: Well, you know what I hate? Seeing his mother unhappy. So Christian and I both think that you should join faith and me here -- a little laughter, some sugar rush. What do you think?", "Sage: [Chuckles] That's what Christian would want?", "Nick: Uh, it's -- it's more me, probably. Definitely more me.", "Sage: I don't think I can get a costume together in time.", "Nick: Is that a yes?", "Sage: I don't know.", "Nick: Well, think about it. I love you.", "Sage: I love you, too.", "Chelsea: She, uh -- she didn't want to leave Christian?", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Yeah, I get it. Adam had to practically throw me out of his hospital room. I'm just greedy for every second I can spend with him before he, you know, goes away.", "Nick: His medical condition doesn't change anything?", "Chelsea: He goes to jail the second he's well enough. Christine would've practically scooped him up off the operating table if she could've. [Sighs] How am I gonna do this, nick? Adam keeps telling me he wants me to give Connor a normal life. 10 years. That's 10 birthdays, 10 Christmases, a million soccer games... [Voice breaking] I mean, I know Adam needs to be punished for what he did, but now Connor's gonna be punished, as well. I mean, it's not right.", "Nick: It'll be all right.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Look, it doesn't make sense that Cane would lie about seeing Hilary. Why would he set himself up for more scrutiny?", "Devon: To cover his tracks? To make himself look like the hero? To confuse us? I mean, pick one. He's guilty as hell. He's doing everything he can to distract us from finding Hilary. If you don't see this, get off the case.", "Paul: O-okay. Devon, hold on a second here. I mean, I-I completely understand your frustration. I'm with you there. But there is a definite advantage to staying at the top of the funnel here and looking at this with fresh, clean eyes. Dylan is only throwing out some options.", "Devon: You want an option? Cane is guilty. Lily, his own wife, has stopped defending him. Is there just too much evidence for you guys to see, or what?", "Dylan: Devon, we -- we all want the same thing.", "Devon: Then why are we standing here making up excuses for Cane? No more \"what if's. No more theories. No more defending the guy who's obviously guilty! No more wasting time! I mean, what is it gonna take for you guys to do your damn job -- Hilary turning up dead?!", "Dylan: [Exhales sharply] I'd like to speak to Cane. With your permission.", "Paul: So you really think he's innocent?", "Dylan: I'm just going with my gut. And if it turns out that -- that Cane is telling the truth, I mean, we owe it to Devon, we owe it to everybody, to find out.", "Neil: What did you do to Hilary?", "Dr. Neville: What any rational person would do.", "Neil: What did you do?", "Dr. Neville: She was upset. She was starting to make a scene, so I gave her a small injection.", "Neil: You -- you sedated her?", "Dr. Neville: For her own good. Well, I could hardly afford to carry her out of memorial draped over my shoulder, could I? Mr. Winters, please. I'm telling you, she's fine. She's resting comfortably in a private room. Someone will find her.", "Gwen: But when? That could be hours.", "Dr. Neville: Exactly, therein lying the beauty of the situation. I, for one, intend to use that time to make a head start out of town.", "Neil: A head start? What are you doing? What -- what -- what? What are you doing? You're running away?", "Dr. Neville: No, absolutely not. I'm relocating. And I strongly suggest that we all take full advantage of this very serendipitous opportunity.", "Gwen: I don't understand. I mean, you've done nothing wrong. Your methods might be unconventional, but you brought a woman back to life. You brought her out of a coma.", "Dr. Neville: If that's a thank-you, then you're welcome. I bid you adieu,", "Neil: No, no, no, no. No, no. You stay right there. I-I need to know why you're trying to get out of town so fast.", "Dr. Neville: Because it happened too quickly. I wasn't in control. The patient was supposed to be restored to a fully cognitive state gradually over time. She wasn't supposed to stampede for the exit. [Sighs] I'm amazed she was able to stand, much less go AWOL.", "Neil: Maybe she woke up, and she saw this strange man -- that would be you -- asleep in the chair. And she got scared.", "Dr. Neville: I don't know. But because of her actions, I wasn't able to do my job. I wasn't able to analyze systemic responses. I wasn't able to diagnose theta patterns. I wasn't able to run endocrine or gastrointestinal panels. This is the lifeblood of my work. It's what I'm here for. I can't publish without that data. I haven't got the data because she made a mess of everything.", "Gwen: You're blaming Hilary?", "Dr. Neville: No. No. No, it wasn't supposed to happen like this. There was a protocol in place. None of this was supposed to happen.", "Neil: But it did. You see, and now you're flying out of here like a bat out of hell, aren't you? Why?", "Dr. Neville: [Sighs] It was always a long shot. The fact is, I was willing to do things that others wouldn't do. I saturated the woman's body with medications, drugs, and combinations those chimps over at memorial would never dream of -- of trying. My protocol is years ahead of the curve. I even warned you there was no guarantee.", "Neil: You call yourself a creative genius, right? But you may have created some permanent fatal damage in this woman. Let me ask you something. Did you revive her just so we could lose her all over again?", "Emma: Oh, my god. The whole world's looking for you.", "Lily: I don't think the kids need protecting from you.", "Cane: Okay, great. Then let me spend time with them and come to the benefit with you.", "Lily: And what are you gonna do -- bring the circus with you? You're all over the news. You're getting in fights at the drop of a hat.", "Cane: I was provoked.", "Lily: Just let Mattie and Charlie have fun and forget about the drama surrounding their dad. If you come, you're gonna bring the drama with you. The best thing you can do for them is just stay away.", "Cane: So you're trying to keep me away from my kids? Is that what you're doing?", "Lily: Don't make this worse. Let them have this night.", "Cane: It can't get any worse. You've already turned your back on me.", "Lily: Oh, I'm sorry. You're the one who moved out.", "Cane: But you're the one who doesn't believe me.", "Lily: I want to believe in you, but you're making it impossible.", "Cane: So you don't believe me when I tell you I saw Hilary in the park? You don't believe me?", "Lily: Cane, what I know is that you seem desperate. You will do or say anything right now, and I don't think that man should be around our children.", "Cane: I am their father. And what you're doing is not right. You can't do this.", "Lily: I'm sorry. We're -- we're gonna be late. We have to go.", "Cane: Lily, lily, lily.", "Lily: Guys, come on. Let's go.", "Both: Bye, daddy!", "Cane: Bye. I love you. Have fun.", "Charlie: We will.", "Cane: Okay. [Sighs] [Chuckles] This is great. So, what did I do now? Oh, I know. I stole candy from a baby, didn't I?", "Dylan: What if I told you I don't think you're lying about Hilary?", "Emma: I'm sure it's her -- Hilary Hamilton. Her picture's been everywhere for months. She's got I.V. Marks. Seems like she's been drugged.", "Stitch: Yeah, it's her. Call the police.", "Emma: Okay.", "Stitch: Hilary? Hilary. Hey. You're in the hospital. I'm dr. Rayburn, okay? I'm gonna take care of you. Everything's gonna be okay. Hey.", "Mariah: Hey! You obviously did not get the memo.", "Kevin: Did you? Sorry, I've got work to do.", "Mariah: Hey. Paragon?", "Kevin: Yeah, another gift from Adam Newman. [Sighs]", "Nikki: Well, I need someone to organize the children and lead the parade.", "Phyllis: Well, I can't help you. I have to wrangle my very handsome vampire husband.", "Nikki: Well -- [Sighs]", "Mariah: I'll do it. We'll do it.", "Nikki: Really?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Nikki: Oh, Mariah, thank you so much. And you, too, Kevin.", "Kevin: But --", "Nikki: It really does take a village. Well, have fun.", "Mariah: Thanks.", "Kevin: You, me, and a room full of children? What were you thinking?", "Mariah: It'll be fun?", "Kevin: I have to babysit paragon. You're on your own.", "Mariah: You're the only one with actual kid experience. None of these people are gonna turn their little monsters loose into my care.", "Kevin: So then why would you volunteer to do this?", "Mariah: What's the alternative? Hanging out with the masters of the universe, making small talk about bags of money and portfolios? No, uh, I would rather take a room full of kids any day. So are you in?", "Kevin: No. Have fun.", "Mariah: Hey, please. You c-- you can work. Bring your laptop. Just give me some guidance.", "Kevin: Because you're known for listening to advice?", "Mariah: Tonight is for a good cause, Delia's project. You have to make an appearance. Why not be at the head of the parade?", "Kevin: Is -- is tonight about Delia, or is it about Victor making Newman enterprises look good? Because his son killed Delia and broke Chloe and still hasn't seen the inside of a prison cell.", "Mariah: I'm so sorry, Kevin.", "Kevin: [Sighs] She would've loved this party. The parade, all this candy. [Sighs]", "Mariah: Does that mean you'll help me out?", "Abby: Hey, guys.", "Victor: Well, my goodness.", "Jack: Hey! Look at you.", "Abby: Hi! Mwah.", "Victor: Don't you look pretty?", "Abby: Thank you.", "Victor: My goodness.", "Ashley: Abby. Where's your fiancé?", "Victor: What do you mean, \"where's your fiancé?\"", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Victor: What's she talking about? Whoa! Stitch should've asked me for permission, don't you think?", "Ashley: Well, actually, he asked me.", "Mariah: You are not gonna regret this.", "Kevin: I already do.", "Mariah: All right. We have got this covered. You're free to go.", "Nick: You're in charge? This should be good.", "Chelsea: I can stay and help you guys if you want.", "Mariah: It's just a few kids. How hard could it be? Go! Go! Hang with the grownups! It's fine!", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Nick: Let's go.", "Chelsea: Have fun!", "Mariah: Oh. Oh, hi.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Okay. Here. Say hi.", "Mariah: Okay. Hi, there.", "Kevin: Hey, guys.", "Mariah: Oh, my. Hi. Um... uh, you're on bat patrol.", "Kevin: Oh, okay. Hey, bud. Listen, we're gonna do a little, uh, Halloween 101, okay? I'm gonna teach you all about trick-or-treating, 'cause I learned from the best. Her name was Delia.", "Dr. Neville: Be happy with the medical miracle I've handed you. What I was able to accomplish -- what we were able to accomplish, it's revolutionary. Unfortunately, it will most probably be misinterpreted, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna get out of Genoa city ahead of the tar and feathers. [Sighs] If I was a-a superstitious man, I would bid you both good luck. But I'm not, so...", "Gwen: Just a few hours ago, we were so hopeful.", "Neil: Hilary's gonna get the help that she needs now, and, you know, that's what counts.", "Gwen: What about you? Us? I mean, if Hilary can't explain what happened and she can't back you up -- I hear there's no extradition in the Maldives.", "Neil: Oh, no. No, Gwen. I'm not gonna run. I knew this day was coming. I'm gonna stand right here, right here, and I'm gonna be a man.", "Gwen: What if she can't explain what happened? What if nobody believes you?", "Neil: That's a risk that I'm gonna have to take. 'Cause I'm gonna do the right thing. Do you realize what I've done to Cane's life, to the family? His life has been destroyed. It's in rubble. I-I have to clear his name. I have to.", "Gwen: You're a good man.", "Neil: I have made a mess out of so many lives here. I have. And it ends right now. Okay, here's what I want you to do, all right, pretty girl? I want you to pack a bag, and I want you to get out of town until all this blows over. Can you do that for me?", "Gwen: I'm already in deep. And the only place I'm going is to the hospital, with you. We're gonna find Hilary before the police do and make sure that she can tell them the truth.", "Devon: I just have to be honest with myself. All the empty searches and the false leads... you know? She died. Maybe here or maybe in virgin Gorda...on the beach... on those rocks. I was kidding myself to think that she could've survived that.", "Paul: You know, I-I-I wish you would listen to me. There is absolutely no reason to talk like this. If Cane is telling the truth, Hilary is alive.", "Devon: She's not alive, though, Paul. She's not alive. Just to even say that is... Cane has no idea what I've been through. And what I've done. And that I'd give anything to take it back and do things over again.", "Cane: If you want to know what happened, it is all in the police report. You can just go and read it.", "Dylan: Cane, I'm -- I'm on your side.", "Cane: Until you don't believe me.", "Dylan: Well, if you're telling the truth, which I think you are, then I'm on your side. I just need some details.", "Cane: All right. Okay. Um... I was cutting through the park, and I saw her. She was sitting on the bench. Uh, she had, like, a-a sweatshirt on. It was torn. It was -- it was dirty. I said, \"you're okay? You're safe? Just don't be afraid. I'm gonna call 911.\" I turned my back for one second. And when I looked back, she was gone.", "Dylan: Well, if she escaped, she'd be desperate for help. I mean, why would she run away from you?", "Cane: And there you go. Don't believe me again.", "Dylan: What? No, no. A question doesn't mean I-I doubt you. I'm just trying to figure this thing out.", "Cane: You want answers? Go and talk to Devon and Paul.", "Dylan: You need to tell me, because I may be the only hope that you have at this point. Please, Cane. Anything. It doesn't matter how insignificant.", "Cane: Her sweatshirt was rolled up. You know what? There was blood on her arm. It's strange. It was like -- maybe it was caused from a needle or...", "Dylan: It was the I.V. She was getting medical attention.", "Cane: That makes sense, because we know when she was taken out of virgin Gorda, whoever put her on the plane took her off a gurney. And we know the same person was stealing medical supplies from the hospital.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: Hello? Yeah, we'll be right there. It looks like you get to put your story to the test. They found Hilary.", "Devon: Hey.", "Emma: Oh. I'm sorry, Devon. You can't go inside.", "Devon: Emma, that's my wife. I have to see her.", "Emma: I know. Dr. Rayburn's with her.", "Devon: I don't care about that.", "Paul: W-we'll figure it out. We'll -- we'll take care of it.", "Devon: Hey. Listen. Talk to me. Tell me something. Is she okay? Is she awake? Can I please actually see her?", "Stitch: Hilary is asleep, okay? She's been receiving some sort of I.V. Treatment, so we're running a tox screen.", "Devon: And that's it?", "Stitch: We don't know what drugs are in her system. We can't proceed with treatment until we do.", "Devon: [Sighs] Has she said anything? Did she say what happened or who did this to her?", "Stitch: She's pretty out of it. She hasn't been able to communicate.", "Devon: And when will that happen?", "Stitch: I couldn't tell you, okay? Look, we'll -- we'll wait for the tox results and keep her under observation. The safest way to deal with this is to bring her back slowly and carefully, okay?", "Paul: All right. It's all right. Let them do their job. Come on.", "Abby: I am an adult. I do not need your permission to marry stitch. Did Billy ask you for Victoria's hand?", "Victor: Well, you know, Billy-boy Abbott knew better.", "Abby: You are so cute when you're old-fashioned and stuffy. [Chuckles] But I'm not property. You don't have to give up a dowry. You don't have to say, \"thank you, stitch, for marrying my daughter. Here are two chickens and a cow.\"", "Victor: [Laughs] \"Two chickens and --\" I love that.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Victor: But, anyway, I think there's a proper way to have asked me for permission.", "Abby: Uh, maybe, but you didn't care about that when you kept me as COO. But it was a good decision, 'cause I'm good at my job, and I make good decisions. Marrying stitch is a good decision.", "Victor: Okay.", "Abby: I'm very happy, and that's all you should care about.", "Victor: Are you really happy?", "Abby: Very happy. Ecstatic, mad, crazy happy. And not in an impulsive, \"swept up in the moment,\" \"oh, so Abby\" kind of way. This is real. It's solid. And we promise to never let things go unsaid. Complete honesty. I love him.", "Victor: As long as you're happy, my darling. Congratulations.", "Abby: Thank you. Thank you very much.", "Nick: Congratulations for what?", "Jack: Abby and stitch are engaged.", "Chelsea: Oh, my gosh.", "Abby: Yeah!", "Chelsea: Congratulations.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Nick: Oh, he is such a lucky guy.", "Phyllis: And in way over his head.", "Sage: Oh!", "Nikki: Oh, sage!", "Sage: Look at you! Oh, my gosh.", "Nikki: I'm so glad you came. Everybody's gonna be so happy to see you.", "Sage: Oh, you look amazing.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Sage: This is pretty much the best I could do on such short notice.", "Nikki: Oh, you look great.", "Chelsea: Um, excuse me.", "Sage: Uh -- [Laughter] What?", "Chelsea: Unbelievable.", "Sage: Well, you look lovely.", "Chelsea: So do you.", "[Kids shrieking]", "Kevin: Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, remember what I said? We're -- we're lining up, and we're marching! Faith? Faith? Where's faith? Come here. Come here. Come here. You're gonna take Connor and hang out on the couch, okay?", "Mariah: All right.", "Kevin: Hey, thank you. Ah, that actually worked.", "Mariah: All right. One for you and two for me.", "Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing? What are you doing?", "Mariah: It's Halloween.", "Kevin: I know, but they're bouncing off the walls.", "Mariah: They're happy!", "Kevin: All right, kids, no more candy until after the parade, okay?", "All: Boo!", "[Laughter]", "Kevin: How old are you? Ah! Lily, I'm so glad you're here. Will you say something maternal where you tell them not to eat any more candy?", "Lily: Oh, yeah. Um, okay. Guys, gather 'round. All right. No more candy. Understand?", "All: Aw.", "Kevin: That goes for you, too.", "Mariah: Buzz kill.", "Lily: But you know what? Your parents are gonna be so excited to see you in the parade!", "[Laughter]", "Faith: Aah!", "[Kids screaming]", "Joe: Oh, it's just me. It's just me.", "Faith: You're not the real devil. Y", "Jack: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Jack: You look like you could use one of these.", "Chelsea: Oh. Thank you.", "Jack: To the people we're missing tonight, and to the future. I'm real glad you're here.", "Chelsea: Adam insisted. He practically kicked me out of his hospital room. He said he wants Connor to be able to enjoy Halloween even though he can't be here.", "Jack: I think you and Connor are gonna have to get used to doing quite a few things alone.", "Chelsea: I know. I just -- I don't even want to think about it.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what? Adam is going to prison.", "Jack: Phyllis...", "Phyllis: What? We can't sugar-coat this.", "Jack: Y-you know what we can do? We can do what you originally suggested and treat this evening for what it is -- a celebration.", "Phyllis: Chelsea, you have to face this head-on. And we both know you have the strength to do it, because Connor's gonna need you more than he's ever needed you before.", "[Both laugh]", "Nick: There we go.", "Sage: That looks good. I like it.", "Nick: I know. Look at that, the swashbuckler and the sassy girl in scrubs. Someday, we're gonna be with Christian, and we're gonna look back on this and laugh.", "Sage: We will, won't we?", "Nick: Count on it.", "Sage: Thanks for understanding I can't stay here long. I don't want to be away from Christian for a second.", "Nick: Hey, I feel the same way. But I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm really glad you're here.", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Faith will be, too.", "Sage: Because we're a family. Do you know how much I love saying that -- \"my family,\" \"my husband,\" \"my son\"? Um, I feel bad for faith that her mom can't be here. And since Sharon can't be, I'm gonna cheer and clap extra loud when our little pink pirate walks through that door, okay?", "Nick: Best stepmom ever.", "Sage: I know.", "[Both chuckle]", "Nick: And I promise you, we're not gonna stay here long, okay? As soon as the parade's over, we'll get back to our son.", "Victor: Well, I cannot let this evening go by without a dance, pretty lady.", "Kevin: [Sighs] This is how it's done.", "Mariah: \"This\" is boring. But I will give you a little credit. Your superpowers are being used for good.", "Joe: So, uh, where's Cane?", "Lily: I asked him not to come.", "Joe: Yeah, he must not be too excited about that.", "Lily: Well, it's his own fault. I-I want to believe that he's innocent, but then the lies just keep piling up. And now he's saying that he saw Hilary in the park, and she wandered off? Uh, it's just -- it's ridiculous.", "Joe: Yeah, I-I saw the news. I mean, why -- why would he make something like that up?", "Mattie: Hey, give me that back!", "Mariah: Whoa.", "Lily: Hey, Mattie, Charlie, stop.", "Joe: You guys want to have some fun?", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Dylan: Hey, thanks for the call.", "Paul: Yeah, you bet.", "Cane: How is she?", "Paul: She's out of it but, uh, apparently not in any danger.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Devon: You did see her in the park.", "Cane: Listen, that doesn't matter. All I care about is she's safe. It's okay.", "Devon: Somebody drugged my wife, held her hostage. She mysteriously appeared, and the only one to see her was you. So who was it? Who did you hire to babysit my wife while you told the world you're being framed?", "Cane: H-hang on. Are you kidding me here?", "Devon: I'm not kidding you, no. And you might as well just admit it, because when Hilary wakes up, she's gonna tell everybody the truth.", "Dylan: Okay. All right. Not here. Not here. Not here. Not here.", "Cane: This is crap, all right? This is crap. I'm not gonna stand here and deal with this. You guys can go to hell.", "Neil: Okay, um, I guess we're too late. I'm gonna see what's going on. I'm gonna find you later, and we'll figure out what's next.", "Gwen: All right. I believe everything's gonna work out, and we're gonna be okay. We're gonna be together. I love you.", "Neil: Go.", "Devon: Neil. Hilary's alive. She's back.", "Neil: I knew that she'd come back, son. I knew it. I knew it. Come here.", "Stitch: Hey. Hey, I need to check those tox screen results. Hilary's still not quite with us, but you can see her.", "Paul: Okay. All right.", "Stitch: One at a time. I'll be back in five.", "Paul: Devon.", "Devon: I'm her husband, Paul.", "Paul: I know. But this is still a major police matter. Give me five minutes. Hi, Hilary.", "Hilary: Mm.", "Paul: I-it's me, Paul Williams. You're safe. W-we're here. We're here to help you, okay?", "Hilary: Is my husband here yet?", "Paul: Uh, yeah. He's right outside. But I need to ask you a few questions first. Okay?", "Hilary: Mm.", "Paul: We're glad you're home. Now, can you tell me what happened on the cliff? Do you remember what happened on the cliff?", "Hilary: The cliff?", "Paul: Right. You were all on the cliff in virgin Gorda. Can you --", "Hilary: I want my husband.", "Paul: You --", "Hilary: I need my husband.", "Paul: Okay.", "Devon: Hilary, I'm here. I'm right here, baby. Hey.", "Hilary: Don't touch me. Get away from me.", "[Slow jazz music playing]", "Phyllis: [Chuckling]", "Jack: You are the most beautiful woman in this room tonight. I am absolutely bewitched.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry I got my broom in a twist over Adam. I didn't need to -- to slam the reality over Chelsea's head. She's gonna experience it soon enough.", "Jack: Don't worry about that. Right now, I want to focus on you. I want to think about nothing outside of this room and dance with my favorite witch in the world.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles]", "Sage: I had no idea you were such an amazing dancer, Victor.", "Victor: A lot of things we don't know about each other. I'm looking forward to it.", "Nick: Dad's pulling out the Fred Astaire routine tonight.", "Nikki: Mm. Sage looks so happy, very relaxed. I'm glad you talked her into coming. I feel like tonight is gonna be a special night for the Newman family.", "Mariah: So, I think I was sort of in over my head.", "Kevin: Sort of?", "Mariah: Thank you for helping me out.", "Kevin: \"Thank you\"? That isn't you. It's the sugar talking.", "Mariah: Ah, you're right. [Chuckles]", "Joe: Come on, devil busters. Do you want to be in the parade?", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Joe: All right. Then get in there. [Chuckles]", "Mariah: Okay, everybody. Eyes on the pink pirate. Get over here.", "Kevin: All right. My little mummy, my witch, the princess, gypsy -- everybody.", "Mariah: All right.", "Kevin: This is our final run-through, okay? Be bold. Be you. Be scary.", "All: Scary!", "Mariah: Aah!", "[Laughter]", "Hilary: Get away from me. Get him out of here now.", "Paul: You need to go.", "Devon: She's my wife.", "Paul: I know. You need to go. You're upsetting her.", "Dylan: Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.", "Paul: It's okay. You're safe.", "Hilary: I need to see Neil, okay? I want to see Neil now!", "Neil: I'm right here.", "Hilary: [Sighs] Thank god, Neil. Thank god you're here. I was so scared. I was asking for you. I was asking for my husband, and nobody was listening to me. [Crying] Now you're here. [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Christine: I just spoke with the warden at Walworth, and I told him to expect you tonight.", "Cane: Is Joe with you?", "Lily: It's not what you think. I mean, he's just here.", "Cane: Okay, well, then, I'm gonna be there soon. where we don't belong because there's never gonna be enough space so eat the meek savor the taste because there's gonna be a delicacy lick your chops", "Paul: Unfortunately, the fire is burning hotter and faster than we anticipated. So you know what we're up against. We've got to get everybody out as quickly and efficiently as possible. I don't want any heroes here. I want efficient workforce. Don't get hurt. Let's get on it.", "[Static crackles]", "Paul: Yeah, Dylan. What? Is that you? Go ahead.", "Dylan: Yeah. Nikki and Victoria were evacuated to memorial. The chopper's on its way back to the tower to pick up some more people." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Faith is sad they can't go to the pumpkin patch as a family so Nick takes Faith to the police station and Faith persudes Sharon to go to the pumpkin patch as a family. Sharon also invites Mariah and Tessa and everyone picks pumpkins and takes family pictures. Rey arrives with Lola and Faith is happy to meet them since Sharon can't stop talking about them. Nick is jealous because after the pumpkin patch Faith can't stop talking about Rey. Kyle tells Lola he misses her and wants to have another date but Lola is hurt that he left their first official date to go comfort Summer. Lola tells Kyle to enmd his friendship with Summer and she will consider dating him again. The Abbotts struggle to present a united front and move Jabot forward into a new era. Phyllis who has changed her hair color to red again is ready to take on a new challenge and asks to be considered forthe position of CEO of Jabot but everyone in the Abbott family is unsure because she doesn't have experience running the company. The ladies night group worries that when the city fixes a leaky pipe under the sculpture in the park they will discover JT's body.Phyllis tells the ladies they have no choice they have to move the body before the city fixes the pipe.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nikki: I know where we could buy J.T. The garden at Chancellor Park.", "Kyle: Summer's going through something. She needs to talk.", "Lola: You should do what you feel is right for your friend.", "Sharon: I just want to make sure that we're on the same page.", "Rey: About?", "Sharon: About how this looks to other people.", "Rey: And by \"other people,\" you mean nick?", "Ashley: I'm so grateful to you that you apologized to me. I haven't changed my mind, jack. I'm walking away from jabot, I'm taking those patents, and I'm leaving genoa city.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Okay. Now that we all have our phones out, it'll be easy to turn them off. I'll start with mine. Here.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Come on, jack.", "Jack: No, I'm serious. This is a family breakfast. Seems to me the only people we need to be conversing with at the moment are across the table from us.", "Traci: I couldn't agree more.", "Jack: Thank you, traci.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Thank you all. So, kyle, fill us in. Tell us about your day.", "Kyle: Uh... work. Lots and lots of work. I have to revamp the jabot-fenmore's synergy project now that more than half the products we were planning on promoting took off to france.", "Abby: Okay. Can I please be excused?", "Traci: Oh, sweetie. Sweetie.", "Jack: So, I-I turned in early. Uh, ah -- what time did dina get to bed? Boy, she had some choice words for me this morning when I tried to wake her up.", "Traci: I'm sure she's just worn out -- you know, because of recent events.", "Jack: Yeah. Okay. Okay. We're obviously not talking about the elephant in the room. It's on everyone's mind. So let's get it out on the table.", "Abby: If this is gonna be a gripe session about my mother, I'm -- I'm gonna leave. Yeah.", "Jack: That's not what I had in mind.", "Abby: She's my mother. And regardless of what she's done, I miss her.", "Jack: I do, too. Very much.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Traci: We all do, sweetheart.", "Jack: This family has faced challenges before and gotten through them. This setback is no different. I've been saying for a long time, we can do anything as a family. Together. It's been a long time since we were all on the same team. I say it's high time we change that. What do you say?", "Summer: Wow! [ Scoffs ]", "Phyllis: \"Wow\" what?", "Summer: Uh, \"wow, what?\" You're back to red. You own this look, and you know it.", "Summer: Ashley's not the only one who can stir things up around here.", "Summer: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, and, by the way, I still cannot believe that ashley owns the patents to, like, everything, and instead of giving back the C.E.O. Spot, they just -- let her walk?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Gone. Just like that.", "Summer: Man, to be a fly on the wall for that meeting.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, ashley, with sole ownership of her patents, that would give her an insane amount of leverage working here. I mean, if she didn't like the way the wind blew, she could go home, take her toys, at any time for any reason.", "Summer: Okay, so, what happens now? Just time to start sending out résumés?", "Phyllis: Fenmore's will [Sighs] Definitely take a hit, but we are in a better position than jabot.", "Summer: Okay, well, that means you're safe.", "Phyllis: Well, playing it safe has never really been very good for me. You know, they see crisis and I see opportunity.", "Summer: Meaning?", "Phyllis: Stay tuned.", "Abby: Look, I realize what my mother did was unprecedented and unexpected.", "Billy: That's an understatement.", "Abby: But we've all done things to cause this rift that I'm sure we wish we could take back. Like I, for one, wish that I had supported my mother more. Maybe she wouldn't have felt so alone.", "Traci: And w-with so many of us, no one should ever feel alone.", "Abby: They say that hurt people hurt people. Well, maybe if my mother had realized how much we loved and needed her, she wouldn't have felt pushed to the extreme.", "Jack: I'm sorry to say I may have been the one that set that in motion. Using the blood abbott clause as a weapon against my own sister. I think ashley's war with all of us started there. She wasn't herself, and I'm largely to blame for that.", "Traci: All right, none of this was any one person's fault. This was a group effort. And that's the kind of behavior that drives families apart, and it should stop.", "Jack: You know what? Traci is right. These are the days that will define us. The rumors are already out there. People are expecting us to fold. To not be prepared. To falter. We have to tell them who we are. We are a family. We are a team that always looks out for each other. That always protects each other. That cherishes each other. No matter what.", "Traci: I couldn't have said it better.", "Abby: Agreed.", "Jack: Kyle? You think you can put your differences aside with billy?", "Kyle: I don't have any beef with billy.", "Billy: Well, I didn't try to sabotage your job for months.", "Jack: Billy, could we get a commitment from you to at least try to set things right?", "Billy: Fine.", "Jack: Then -- to the first day of a new era. To team abbott.", "Traci: Team abbott.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Abby: [Skeptically] Team abbott.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: Ta-da!", "Mariah: Uh, what am i looking at?", "Tessa: Well, it's the first masterpiece of a barista artist. Voilà. What do you think?", "Mariah: It's, uh... it's really something.", "Tessa: Well, can't you tell what it is?", "Mariah: Yeah. Yes, of course. It's a -- it's A...ghost.", "Tessa: It's a heart.", "Mariah: What I meant to say is that it's clearly -- it's a ghost heart, and I -- you know what? Nope. I-I was wrong. 'Cause I'm looking at it upside down, and now I can clearly see it is a heart.", "Tessa: You know what? You think making the perfect latte is easy? No. It takes timing and chemistry.", "Mariah: Ohh.", "Tessa: And...", "Mariah: I can teach you everything you need to know about timing and chemistry.", "Tessa: Yeah?", "Mariah: Yeah. Timing. Any time.", "Tessa: And you know what? I'll forgive you for... mistaking what was clearly a heart as a ghost.", "Mariah: Mm.", "Tessa: Because you have halloween on the brain.", "Mariah: Yes, I do. It's the best time of year. There's crazy costumes, and there's candy everywhere, and it's the one time of year you can dress up as -- as weird and as kooky as you want, and people just look at you, and they go, \"oh, nice costume.\"", "Tessa: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: It's the best. I love it.", "Nick: Hey, look at that. I told you mariah would be here.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Nick: How's it going, tessa?", "Tessa: Hi. Can I get you guys anything?", "Nick: Faith, you want anything?", "Mariah: Hot cocoa? Apple cider?", "Faith: No, thanks. I'm good.", "Mariah: [ Gasps ]", "Nick: Well, I will take a coffee to go.", "Mariah: Wait! He's wearing the shirt [Laughs] That I got him! Does it work?", "Nick: Yeah, we spent about a half an hour last night turning the lights on and off and just watching him glow in the dark, didn't we?", "Mariah: Oh. That must have been fun, right, faith?", "Faith: Yeah. It was cool, I guess.", "Mariah: So, do you have any big plans for the fall break?", "Faith: No, nothing, really.", "Nick: You mean going to the pumpkin patch isn't a big deal?", "Faith: [ Snorts ]", "Mariah: You know what, I-I think I know what it is. She's too old for halloween now. It's not cool anymore. The costumes aren't cool. The candy, the candy apples.", "Faith: No. [ Sighs ] That's not it.", "Mariah: All right. Then what is it?", "Faith: I love halloween. It's like our thing. Heh.", "Mariah: Yeah. Halloween is the best.", "Faith: I was looking forward to it. [ Sighs ] Decorating with mom. Pumpkins with dad. The parties. All of us stuffing ourselves with candy before bed. [ Scoffs ] Except that stuff was so much fun because we all did it together. And when I think about all the things we won't be doing, it just makes me feel miserable. So I thought maybe I wouldn't be so sad if we just didn't do them at all.", "Mariah: Come here.", "Sharon: Filing for victim compensation can be complicated. And time-consuming. But it can also be the first step on the road to healing. I'm here to help you in any way I can. We will get through this together. And I mean it. Okay. We'll talk soon.", "Rey: I knew you'd be good at this.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Then why couldn't I help devon? His sister is being transferred to a prison that's hours away, and nothing I say or do can change that.", "Rey: Well, listen, all you can do is -- is try your best. Have faith that you're making a difference, and celebrate the victories, all right? No matter how small. You want coffee?", "Sharon: Sure. [ Gasps ] Rey, would you like to... go to a halloween party? There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Additional sponsorship", "Nick: You know, just because things are gonna be different doesn't mean it's not gonna be fun.", "Faith: I liked things the way they were.", "Nick: We're still gonna spend time with your mom.", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: Just okay?", "Faith: It's not like it actually matters what I think. Kids are -- what's the word?", "Nick: Resilient?", "Faith: Collateral damage.", "Nick: Whoa. Who said that to you?", "Faith: Just friends at school.", "Nick: Well, that is not our situation at all, faith.", "Faith: What is our situation?", "Nick: Well, you have two parents who love each other, and who love you very much. And you have a dad who will move mountains to make things right.", "Faith: I think it's too late for that.", "Nick: You got to give me some credit, here. I mean, your old man's got some skills, tricks up my sleeve.", "Faith: You'll need a lot more than that to convince mom to try again.", "Nick: Did your mom say that?", "Christian: Do you know that this is the roof?", "Nick: Yeah, I know. Did she make it sound like things were hopeless?", "[ Christian growling]", "Faith: [ Sighs ] She mostly talks about her new job, and this one detective at the station.", "Christian: [ Babbling ]", "Nick: Rey.", "Faith: Yeah. That's his name. She just says that he's nice, and he helps her out. Just stuff like that.", "Nick: [ Inhales ] Huh. All right.", "Christian: Three, three, three, three, three.", "Nick: Three, three, three, three. Well, we better get out of here, right -- get to that pumpkin patch before all the good ones are gone. Let's go. Hey, uh, we'll see you guys later?", "Mariah: Yeah, definitely. Uh, faith, if you ever want to talk, you know where to find me, okay?", "Faith: Thanks.", "Christian: Three, three, three, three.", "[ Laughter ]", "Nick: He wants three pumpkins. Let's go.", "Mariah: Three! Oh, my gosh!", "[ Laughs ]", "Tessa: Aw.", "Nick: Yeah!", "Mariah: I guess he just couldn't wait to get his halloween on.", "Tessa: Oh, no! He forgot his coffee.", "Mariah: Oh, that's okay. I'll take it to him.", "Tessa: Oh, thanks.", "Mariah: Hey, lola. Got to run.", "Lola: Did I just see sharon's ex walk out of here?", "Tessa: Yeah, with their kids, faith and christian. Oh, well, look who's here.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] I was two unanswered texts away from sending out a search party.", "Lola: How have you been?", "[ Sighs ]", "Kyle: I'd be better if you answered my messages. Crushing blow to my ego.", "Lola: Look, you seem like a nice enough guy.", "Kyle: Thanks?", "Lola: And it was almost fun, hanging out the other night. But there are two qualities I need in a man. He's got to be honest and available.", "Kyle: Two of my most admirable qualities.", "Lola: You can't even be honest with yourself. You've got strings all over you, and every one leads back to your ex. Summer.", "Kyle: She's a friend. Not even a good one.", "Lola: Yeah, but she comes knocking, and you drop everything to let her cry on your shoulder.", "Kyle: I told you. I've moved on.", "Lola: Let me show you what moving on actually looks like.", "Sharon: I know it's last-minute, and you're probably busy --", "Rey: No, no. I'm -- I'm free.", "Sharon: Oh. Then...?", "Rey: Didn't you say you didn't want people to get the wrong idea? No more hanging out?", "Sharon: Oh, you thought I -- no, no, no. See, crimson lights is having our annual halloween party, and it's crazy, and it's all kinds of loud, and --", "Rey: Oh, and you didn't want your grumpy upstairs neighbor calling in a noise complaint, so you invited him instead.", "Sharon: Exactly. Ingenious, huh?", "Rey: For the record, it's the worst invitation ever. You've got to work on that. Really.", "Sharon: So you'll be there? [ Chuckles ] It's a great way to meet people, and you're new in town.", "Rey: Well, in that case, sure. Why not? Count me in.", "Sharon: Okay. I'll see you there.", "Rey: What time should -- lola. I'm late. I'll -- I'll catch you later.", "Faith: Mom?", "Sharon: Oh! [ Gasps ] Hi, you guys! What are you guys doing here?", "Nick: Well, we were talking about your job, and, uh, I just thought maybe I'll just bring them by. I hope we're not interrupting.", "Sharon: Uh, well, no. I mean, it's the best surprise of the day. But maybe next time call first.", "Nick: Yeah. Sorry. They were just, you know, excited to surprise you.", "Faith: Where's rey?", "Sharon: You just missed him. He went to see his sister.", "Faith: Oh, lola, right?", "Sharon: You don't forget anything.", "Faith: [ Giggles ]", "Nick: We had an idea.", "Faith: Come with us to the pumpkin patch. Mariah said they sell caramel apples, and you love caramel apples.", "Sharon: Is mariah coming, too?", "Faith: I bet she will if you ask her.", "Sharon: You don't mind, do you, nick?", "Nick: Nah. The more, the merrier.", "Mariah: Honeybee and a beekeeper, sonny and cher... thelma and louise.", "Tessa: Are you sure that this is for the halloween segment on \"gc buzz\"?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Tessa: Hmm. Well, it just, you know, kind of sounds like you're looking at costumes for us.", "Mariah: Well, I'm just saying being part of a couple opens up a world of possibilities in the costume department, and I like it.", "Tessa: Well, me, too. So, if you decide to go with bonnie and clyde or one of the other thousand ideas you've seen, I'm in.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Well, how 'bout, uh, this one?", "Tessa: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich?", "Mariah: Yeah, because people are gonna ask what we are all night, and then we get to hug.", "Tessa: Well, I was planning on that anyway.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Mariah: Oh.", "Tessa: Is everything okay?", "Mariah: Yeah. It's just a text from sharon. She is inviting me to join the family at the pumpkin patch.", "Tessa: Oooh! Well, should I whip you up some hot chocolate?", "Mariah: No need because you're coming with me.", "Tessa: I couldn'T. I'm --", "Mariah: Yeah. You have to. See? \"You and tessa.\"", "Tessa: Uh, okay. Well, I'll tell lizzy.", "Mariah: Perfect. Oh, wait. [ Cellphone chimes ] No. Sharon already texted lizzy.", "Tessa: Okay. Well, uh, pumpkin patch it is!", "Mariah: Ditch the apron, girl. Let's go!", "Tessa: All right. Whose car?", "Mariah: Um... you know, I'm thinking that we should take mine because I want to get there in the next millennium.", "Tessa: You know what? I am not slow. I am just cautious.", "Mariah: Yeah, that's one way to put it.", "Tessa: Um, is there any more information about the guy who was following you the other night?", "Mariah: No. Nothing happened. But I still check my rearview mirrors, and I take a different route home.", "Tessa: Okay. I would...never forgive myself if that had anything to do with the guy who attacked me here.", "Mariah: Tessa, it was just my imagination.", "Nikki: Did you ever get those signed leases back?", "Victoria: No, not yet. Checked your e-mail?", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] I have a mini panic attack every time I do.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know what you mean.", "Nikki: It's been over a week since we sent the money to the blackmailer, and we haven't heard a thing. That's a good sign, right?", "Victoria: They're not making any more demands, so --", "Nikki: I just hope that they took that money and moved to a small island without any wi-fi or cell service.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] That would be nice.", "Nikki: Still, someone knows what we did. All it would take is one anonymous tip.", "Victoria: We've done everything that we can do. Mom, you need to start taking better care of yourself.", "Nikki: You're right. We're fine. We're perfectly fine.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Victoria: Who is it?", "Nikki: I don't know. I don't recognize this number. Yes? Yes, this is she. Uh, n-no, I hadn't -- well, I-I'M...gonna need some time to make arrangements for that. Yes. Thank you for letting me know.", "Victoria: What was that about?", "Jack: Thank you. Well, that's a welcome change. I must say, it always suited you.", "Phyllis: Some things never go out of style.", "Jack: Indeed, they don'T. Well, uh, kyle will not be here. He is revamping the synergy project. I wanted to let you know we have not overlooked the impact this is having on fenmore'S.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Phyllis: And billy will be absent, as well?", "Billy: And miss out on your new 'do? Not a chance in the world.", "Jack: Well, why don't we all take a seat and get started? Phyllis, why don't you sit right there? So, as I was saying to my family, this is a time for us all to pull together to become a united front.", "Lauren: I'd be excited to see that.", "Jack: The rumor mill is already abuzz with news of ashley's departure.", "Traci: So we should counterattack with the truth -- transparency. We should be up front with our retailers, and that will build confidence.", "Jack: Yes, as long as we put our best face forward.", "Billy: And jaboutique gives us that opportunity. We can shift the spotlight from what we've lost to what we have to offer.", "Lauren: Right, but ashley made a lot of changes to the boutiques after you, uh, left.", "Billy: I understand that, and I've done some research, and there is room and time for a full recovery.", "Jack: Look, with so few products to sell right now --", "Billy: Jaboutique is an experience, jack -- a personalized service that is unimaginable, unattainable, in traditional retail venues. Our customers will open a door to a new way of life. She touches. She tastes. She inhales an aroma that is transformative and... unforgettable.", "Summer: Sorry for interrupting.", "Phyllis: Thank you for the report.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Have a seat.", "Billy: This is an executive meeting.", "Phyllis: And we all need to pull together... right?", "Sharon: All right, smile! Say, \"candy corn!\"", "Faith: Candy corn!", "Sharon: Cute!", "Nick: There we go. Nice!", "Sharon: Aw, I like that one.", "Nick: [ Laughs ]", "Faith: Okay. I've decided. This one's coming home with me.", "Sharon: Oh, along with the other half-dozen pumpkins you fell in love with?", "Faith: They're so, so cute.", "Nick: All right. Well, let's take another picture with your brother there. Come on -- your grandparents are gonna love this. Here we go.", "Sharon: Aww.", "Nick: Smile! Say, \"cheese!\" Perfect!", "Sharon: Good one!", "Mariah: All right! Photo bomb! Candy corn!", "Nick: Even better! Yeah!", "Sharon: You made it!", "Tessa: Well, thank you for inviting me.", "Sharon: Oh, it's our pleasure!", "Mariah: Oh, have you guys been to the petting zoo yet?", "Faith: We were waiting for you.", "Mariah: Yes. Thank you. Let's go. Let's go.", "Nick: You're gonna come back covered in fur and hay. Let's just take a few more here.", "Sharon: Where do you want them?", "Nick: Uh, they're perfect. Actually, sharon, you're part of this. Just hop in there...right there. There we go.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: And... bang! Nice! You know what? [ Clicks tongue ] It's missing something.", "Faith: What?", "Nick: Me. Mariah, can you, uh, uh --", "Mariah: Oh. Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Mariah: Of course.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Mariah: Oh, sorry. Um...all right.", "Nick: There you go. PMariah: Okay. Say, \"candy corn.\"", "Faith: Candy corn!", "Mariah: There you go.", "Sharon: Okay. Are we set?", "Mariah: Yeah. Yeah. It's great.", "Tessa: Okay. Well, uh, why don't we go to the petting zoo? Yeah?", "Sharon: Hey! You guys, what are you -- I -- nick and the kids dropped by right after you left.", "Rey: Yeah, well, can't keep this one away from the farmers' market.", "Lola: Fresh is best.", "Rey: Hey, christian! What's up, buddy? Remember me? Yeah?", "Sharon: He loves the little toy car you gave him. He plays with it all the time.", "Lola: Hey. I'm lola.", "Faith: Hi. I'm faith. And you must be rey.", "Rey: Yes, faith. It's nice to finally meet you.", "Faith: It feels like i already know you, my mom talks about you so much.", "[ Both chuckle nervously ]", "Traci: So, the most important question of the day has not yet been answered. O will be our next C.E.O.?", "Jack: Well, given my experience at jabot and elsewhere --", "Billy: Which is similar to my experience, except mine is more recent. The employees and the vendors are used to working with me. They know what I would like to do with the company.", "Lauren: You mean after you were ousted for embezzling? I mean, billy...", "Traci: Uh, um, uh, what we mean is that we wouldn't want to overburden you so quickly after rehab.", "Lauren: Yes. Perhaps you should focus on making amends and taking some time for yourself.", "Jack: I concur.", "Billy: Says the man who had a brush with relapse not too long ago.", "Jack: Do we really want to go there now?", "Billy: Why not? You did.", "Traci: Okay. Maybe it would serve you both well to remember we're all on the same team -- team abbott, remember?", "Phyllis: There's a third candidate -- someone I think we can all get behind.", "Billy: And who would that be?", "Phyllis: Me.", "Victoria: Why are you getting so upset about a broken water pipe?", "Nikki: Because... this particular pipe... is in chancellor park... directly underneath the sculpture.", "Victoria: And J.T.", "Nikki: The parks department said the sculpture has to be removed in order for their crew to gain access to some water line beneath it.", "Victoria: No, but they can'T.", "Nikki: But they will.", "Victoria: We need more time.", "Nikki: I tried to get more time.", "Victoria: Try again! Try anything!", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Even if we do put them off a little while longer, they are going to find the body, and then they're gonna remember me trying to stall all that --", "Victoria: But they won't find him. They can'T. I'm not gonna let that happen. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Billy: You really expect me to believe that you're not throwing your hat in the ring just to get back at me?", "Phyllis: This isn't personal. This is business.", "Billy: Right.", "Phyllis: I think jabot needs a vast array of new products, primarily products for women. I have done the research --", "Billy: This company was started by a man, but he also became a giant in the industry.", "Phyllis: Standing on the shoulders of a woman who created your most successful lines.", "Summer: Preach.", "Billy: You can stay out of this.", "Phyllis: Is this the level-headed leader that we need at jabot during a financial upheaval? See, because he is reckless and he's destructive and he's like a spoiled child, for when he doesn't get what he wants... he acts up and this is what we get, and I think jabot deserves more.", "Jack: Phyllis, forgive me. You have no experience running a company this size.", "Phyllis: And the supposed expertise of the abbott brothers brought this company to the brink of the precipice. Now, I would look to put aside our past, and I would like to think about the future... and what I can bring to this company. With me as C.E.O., I think it would send out a clear signal to our board, to our hundreds of employees, to our millions of customers that this is not the same old jabot, that this is new, that it can be magical if we do things differently, if we do things better and smarter. It is time to put aside your fears and your doubts and stop settling for the status quo. We have suffered through enough consequences of bad behavior and poor decisions. It is time to get our customers and our retailers and our employers reinvigorated, and it's time to let me do that.", "Billy: You have no idea what this job entails. Being a C.E.O. Requires a level of commitment that you've never shown.", "Lauren: Now who's making it personal?", "Traci: You are fairly new to jabot, in comparison.", "Phyllis: The same could be said for anyone who hasn't grown up an abbott. Fenmore's has suffered in the crossfire. And so has your family. Take the backstabbing out of the equation and let's run this business the right way.", "Billy: Come on. You're not honestly buying this sanctimonious garbage, are you? Honestly.", "Traci: Okay. Um... I think we should table this discussion for now.", "Billy: [ Mutters ]", "Traci: We have a lot of things to think about.", "Jack: You said some... smart things in there. Good luck.", "Phyllis: Thanks, jack.", "Summer: Mom... that was incredible. How do you feel?", "Phyllis: Well, I feel like I'm on top of the world, and I'm real happy you're in my corner.", "Summer: Well, yeah. We should celebrate.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Phyllis: Yes, I would love to do that. I wish I could do that, but I, um, have to take of something. All right. I will see you later. I love you.", "Summer: Okay. Love you.", "Mariah: There is a caramel apple for you and you.", "Faith: Yes! Caramel apples.", "Rey: Hey, faith, which one do you think we should get?", "Faith: Both -- one for decorating, one for pie.", "Rey: Two it is! I will go pay for these.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Faith: Cheers.", "Tessa: So, I'm assuming, from what I've witnessed at crimson lights, we aren't going to be double-dating anymore?", "Lola: Walking out like that on kyle -- not my proudest moment, but... it's like my nana used to say. Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are. It says a lot about him, letting a brat like summer push his buttons.", "Tessa: Yeah, but... he would rather spend time with you. So what does that say?", "Nick: You remember that time we got stuck in that corn maze?", "Sharon: I thought we would never find our way out.", "Nick: I've never laughed that hard in my life. Want to try it again -- you know, for old times' sake? I think the kids would like it. Maybe a hayride?", "Mariah: Hey, guys.", "Sharon: Hey, sticky face. Have you decided which pumpkins you're bringing home?", "Mariah: Well, I got him down to the 5 over there. That was from 10. I don't know what to say. He just loves pumpkins.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Well, I'll go pay for 'em. Here. Come on, dude. You can help me put 'em in the car. Think about it. It could be fun.", "Mariah: Wow. Full-court press -- in the family outing, family photos, walk down memory lane. You're not letting nick pressure you into getting back together, right?", "Abby: Well, I had my fingers crossed that team abbott would last longer than 24 hours.", "Traci: [ Laughing ] And it didn't even make it till lunch. Oh, abby. [ Sighs ] The sooner, the better that we find a C.E.O., But to pick between my two brothers again...", "Abby: Oh. Then I can assume you crossed phyllis off your list.", "Traci: Phyllis running my father's company -- it's just difficult to imagine.", "Abby: Well, is that because she's not an abbott?", "Traci: No. It's because she's phyllis. How would you vote?", "Abby: I don't know. From what you told me, she made a good case for herself, and... maybe it would be better for the family if we stop grappling with each other over control of the throne.", "Traci: You make a good point. As far as jabot is concerned, the abbott family has a tendency to lose perspective.", "Billy: Did you put phyllis up to this?", "Jack: What, get her to run for C.E.O.? Why would I do something like that?", "Billy: To split the \"anyone but billy\" vote. You went easy on her in there.", "Jack: There was no way not to. She's a board member. She has a right to run. She has no chance of winning.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ]", "Summer: Don't you think it's a little premature to be patting each other on the back?", "Billy: This is a private conversation.", "Summer: Oh, which makes it okay?", "Jack: Summer, we both have enormous respect for your mother. You know that.", "Billy: Speak for yourself, jack.", "Jack: But jabot is in crisis mode. This is no time to try an untested, unproven C.E.O.", "Summer: Well, it'll be really great to watch you eat your words.", "Jack: Well, it won't be up to us. The board will decide, and i trust their decision.", "Summer: So do I, and I think that you both will be very surprised.", "Billy: Tough talk.", "Summer: You know, the daughters of lions are lions, too, billy. It's always a mistake to underestimate my mother... and me.", "Kyle: You're back. Yeah, yeah, please. Please.", "Lola: When you're the little sister of older brothers, you learn to speak up and fight real fast. And that life isn't easy, and it's rarely fair, but I'm cool with it because it's made me the woman that I am today. I came here to talk so there are no misunderstandings.", "Kyle: And I cannot apologize enough for what happened that night.", "Lola: I had this friend once who had a dog -- mean, mean thing. Wouldn't let anybody get close or he would growl and bark like crazy.", "Kyle: Like summer.", "Lola: She's mad jealous, and you have no boundaries with her. I mean, runs to your house in the middle of the night, and there you are, ready to make it all better. And you love it -- every minute of it. So, you can go ahead and enjoy your ego trip. I'm out.", "Kyle: Hold on. Please. Don't go.", "Lola: Give me one good reason to stay.", "Kyle: Because I've been coming here every day, hoping I'd bump in to you. Because you make me laugh. Because I can't get you out of my mind. Because...I miss you.", "Rey: Don't tell anybody, but that was my first time.", "Sharon: Pumpkin-picking?", "Rey: [ Chuckles softly ] I'm usually tucked away in the office.", "Sharon: Well, you need to get out more. Why don't you go for a long drive and see the leaves changing, pick some apples?", "Rey: I-I hope to do that someday.", "Sharon: Promise me you'll... take someone along. A trip like that's no fun alone.", "Rey: You have my word. So, you look like you had fun... with your kids.", "Sharon: Yeah. Any chance i get to let go, I just jump at the opportunity.", "Rey: Must be hard to come by these days.", "Sharon: Well, it was nice seeing you there. You deserve to get out.", "Rey: Have to do that more often. We both do -- not together or anything.", "Sharon: No, never.", "Nikki: There you are. Oh, uh, hello, detective rosales.", "Rey: Oh. Call me \"rey,\" please. I'll leave you two to it.", "Sharon: Nikki, what -- what brings you by?", "Nikki: I have been trying to get in touch with you all day.", "Sharon: What? I must have let the ringer off on my cellphone.", "Nikki: [ Chuckling ] Oh, oh. Well, sharon, you really shouldn't do that anymore.", "Sharon: Is something up?", "Nikki: The charity meeting. Don't tell me you forgot.", "Sharon: That's today?", "Nikki: As we speak.", "Sharon: Um, rey... would you mind -- I'm sorry to ask this of you. Would you cover for me?", "Rey: Yeah. Sure. Take, uh, all the time you need.", "Sharon: Oh, great. You are the best. Thanks.", "Kyle: Your friend -- did they get rid of the dog?", "Lola: I got rid of the friend.", "Kyle: Like I said... I'll set the record straight.", "Lola: Do that, and when you're done, give me a call. Maybe...I'll be available. Maybe I won'T.", "Faith: Okay. I think it's done.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Faith: Ta-da! You like?", "Nick: Whoa! Those are fantastic!", "Faith: Well, that one's for aunt abby because it's sparkly and shiny and amazing.", "Nick: She is gonna love 'em. Where are we gonna put 'em?", "Faith: Well, they deserve to be more than a desktop decoration. They should be a part of dark horse's first annual haunted house.", "Nick: What?", "Faith: Yeah. We'll have guts over there... zombie rising from his grave over here... smoke machine.", "Nick: I like it. Cool. I mean, you have two halloween parties. Can you handle that much awesome?", "Faith: You're right. I have been waiting for mama's party all year. Do you think she'll invite rey? I mean, he lives upstairs. I wonder what he'll dress up as.", "Nick: Rey is the kind of guy who would come as himself... whoever that is.", "Victoria: Did you tell her?", "Nikki: Yes.", "Sharon: I cannot believe this is happening.", "Phyllis: This is a never-ending nightmare.", "Sharon: What are we going to do?", "Victoria: I'm open to suggestions.", "Phyllis: Ladies, you know what? I think we have got only two options. If we do nothing, the workers fix the pipe, find the body, and we go to prison.", "Sharon: Option 2?", "Phyllis: You're not gonna like it.", "Nikki: Oh, but you're not talking about...", "Phyllis: You know, the situation has changed. We're in a very dire --", "Victoria: Seriously, phyllis?", "Sharon: Don't even say it.", "Phyllis: We have to dig up J.T. -- Move him before it's too late." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nate persuades Amanda to take his case and defend him against the state licensing board who wants to take his license to practice medicine in Wisconsin away because he took part in Victor's plan to fake his own death. Kyle warns Jack that he should be on guard with Theo because he is a parasite who will latch on to the Abbott family. Jack is determined to do the right thing with Theo if indeed he is Dina's grandson. Jack tells Theo the whole story despite Kyle's warning not to do this and Theo agrees to take a DNA test. Kyle later tells Theo that their relationship hasn't changed even if it turns out to be true that Dina is their grandmother. Connor doesn't want to go to a Halloween party with the rest of his cousins because he tells Chelsea he is too old for Halloween. Connor persuades Chelsea to stay with him and Adam and watch a scary movie. Nick calls Chelsea because she isn't home when he arrives from the Halloween party and she doesn't answer her phone because she has fallen asleep on Adam's couch after watching the movie.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nate: Faking a family member's death may seem normal to the newmans, but for the rest of us...", "Abby: Wait, I -- no, you -- you were a part of this.", "Amanda: I've never given up on a client, and... I've never lost a case.", "Kyle: Dina had another baby?", "Traci: Adopted by the vanderways, and they named him eric.", "Kyle: Huh. \"E.V.\"", "Theo: That's my dad. Eric vanderway.", "Nick: Connor's home is with you, it always has been, and he knows that. And now, out of nowhere, he's begging to stay with adam?", "Chelsea: What am I supposed to do without my little boy?", "Nick: It's okay.", "Nick: Okay, sheriff, you've got this.", "Chelsea: Oh! There's our little deputy!", "Nick: There you go, take that. You ready for some trick-or-treating?", "Chelsea: Oh, he looks ready to me, huh?", "Victoria: Is this trick-or-treat central?", "Nick: It sure is!", "Victoria: Hi!", "Chelsea: Hi!", "Nick: Whoa! There's a zombie!", "Billy: Where? Where?", "Nick: Right in front of you, billy!", "Billy: [ Growls ]", "Chelsea: Wait, is that johnny?", "Nick: Dude, you scared the heck out of me.", "[ Laughter ]", "Johnny: Christian's a sheriff!", "Billy: We better stay in line. Sheriff's gonna get us.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Nick: You guys look amazing. Those are some serious costumes.", "Chelsea: I love that dress.", "Victoria: Thank you, ever so.", "Billy: It's so in to play undead this year, right? I mean, all the cool kids are doing it.", "Chelsea: Okay, that might have gone over the kids' heads, but let's get the jokes out of our system now because adam's on his way over with connor.", "Victoria: Is he dropping off? He's not staying?", "Chelsea: Correct.", "Billy: Do you know what my favorite fruit is? \"Neck\"-tarines.", "[ Laughter]", "Billy: [ Growling ]", "Nick: Aren't you guys missing one zombie?", "Victoria: Oh, yeah.Pkatie went trick-or-treating with some of her classmates, but I have lots of pictures, I'll show you.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Chelsea: Excuse me. It's adam. Hey! Are you on your way over with connor? Adam, I'm sorry. I can't hear you clearly. What's that? Uh, hold on one second. Uh, sorry, it's really loud in there. Um, can you repeat that?", "Adam: I said -- we have a problem.", "Lola: Look what I made! Eyeball cake pops for mariah and tessa's party, and I did red velvet for the color of blood. What do you think?", "Kyle: They're cute.", "Lola: Okay, I was going for macabre or spooky, at the very least, but I guess \"cute\" works, too.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Lola: Look, I know that you're still freaked out about the possibility that you and theo could be related. You hardly slept last night, and you've been stewing about this all day. And, hey, I get it. Honest, I do. This is bizarre.", "Kyle: How about terrible? Or nightmare-inducing.", "Lola: Still? Maybe you could put it aside for a few hours. Theo wasn't invited to the party, and mariah and tessa have no clue what's going on. So maybe this is a chance to just have a little fun.", "Kyle: You say you get it, but you really don'T. We were almost rid of that jerk. Devon had fired him, summer's getting bored with him. There is nothing left for theo in this town. I figured any day he'd be on a plane back to new york and leave us all the hell alone. But if he finds about this, he will latch on to my family like the parasite he is. We'll be chained to that bastard for the rest of our lives.", "Amanda: Wait, are you sure it was him? How long ago was this? I'm gonna have to call you back.", "Nate: You're checking out.", "Amanda: I am belatedly taking your advice and heading home.", "Nate: Before you do that, I could use some legal advice.", "Amanda: Um... I'll be right with you.", "Nick: Why do you have to go pick up connor? Why can't adam bring him here?", "Chelsea: He said there was a problem with connor's costume.", "Billy: Wardrobe malfunction?", "Chelsea: Well, I mean connor's a cowboy. His costume is basically a hat and boots, so there must be more to it.", "Nick: Doesn't pass the smell test. I'll go with you.", "Victoria: You can leave christian with us.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, I don't want you to miss out on the fun with it. It's fine, I can handle it.", "Victoria: Those are famous last words.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I understand why you're skeptical, but adam's actually been on his best behavior lately.", "Nick: Well, that's when you should worry the most.", "Chelsea: Why don't you start making the rounds with christian, and I'll be back with connor as soon as possible?", "Nick: Okay. We'll hang out here. We'll, uh -- we'll meet up later.", "Chelsea: Okay. Thanks. Have fun.", "Billy: Okay! Who's ready to go score some candy?", "Johnny: Me!", "Christian: Me!", "Billy: Yeah? All right! You two with me. Let's go! Additional sponsorship", "Lola: You've done all that you can. You already warned traci and jack about theo.", "Kyle: I'm not sure they actually listened.", "Lola: They wouldn't ignore your feelings, kyle.", "Kyle: Yeah. At least traci agrees we should consider this carefully. But she's a writer, wants to believe every villain has a redemption arc.", "Lola: A villain? Come on, now, that's a little over-the-top, don't you think? I mean, yeah, theo's a little immature and petty sometimes --", "Kyle: He has a mean streak a mile wide. I'm trying to protect my family.", "Lola: Baby. You need to take a deep breath.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Theo's been trying to miss with me, with us, for months. I mean, have you forgotten how he tried to turn celeste against me, picking a fight at the bachelor party, crashing the wedding?", "Lola: He was afraid he was gonna lose his old drinking buddy to married life.", "Kyle: [ Groans ]", "Lola: He seems to have gotten over that.", "Kyle: That's what he wants you to think! His resentment goes way deeper, I can feel it whenever I'm around him.", "Lola: Seriously?", "Kyle: Yes! I -- I always have to have my guard up because I'm worried about what he's gonna pull next! And if my dad welcomes him into this family, that's the way i will live from now on.", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be venting to you. You're not the one I need to convince.", "Lola: Where are you going?", "Kyle: To talk to my dad before it's too late.", "Lola: What about the party?", "Kyle: I'll be back.", "Lola: [ Scoffs ]", "[ Exhales sharply]", "Nate: The state medical licensing board has opened in inquiry into my role into helping falsify victor's death. If they rule against me, they could revoke my license from practicing medicine here in wisconsin.", "Amanda: Well, are you licensed in any other states?", "Nate: Several, but this is where I chose to make my home. I have friends here, family. It'd kill me to have to leave.", "Amanda: I followed the story when it was in the press, so i know the basics, but... tell me about your relationship with victor newman. He was your employer?", "Nate: [ Sighs ] I was victor's private physician for a time, as well as his wife's, shortly after I arrived here in genoa city.", "Amanda: Full-time?", "Nate: Yes. Then I accepted a position at memorial hospital and no longer worked for them exclusively.", "Amanda: But you were the doctor who diagnosed victor's blood disorder.", "Nate: I did.", "Amanda: And you were treating him for that.", "Nate: We tried several different medications. When they were no longer effective, I recommended an experimental protocol. It was aggressive, but it worked. Victor was improving. There were side effects, but he felt they were manageable.", "Amanda: Then those side effects worsened.", "Nate: It happened very suddenly. When I saw victor's labs, I knew right away victor's medicine had been tampered with. The levels in his bloodstream doubled virtually overnight. That's when victor suspected his son adam was behind it.", "Amanda: In effect, poisoning him?", "Nate: That's one way to put it.", "Amanda: So the reason for faking victor's death...", "Nate: Was to flush out adam as the culprit. I agreed to take part in the ruse because I felt victor was still in danger. I was afraid if his son adam would try again, he would succeed in killing him.", "Amanda: You wanted to confirm and remove the threat. Is that how the newmans presented it to you?", "Nate: I made the decision to lie, compromised my ethics in order to save my patient's life. Simple as that.", "Amanda: Yes, but did the newmans threaten or coerce you?", "Nate: No.", "Amanda: Did they offer you money?", "Nate: No. I wasn't given any financial incentive whatsoever.", "Amanda: News reports stated that the authorities were involved. They considered this a sting operation.", "Nate: If you're asking whether they recruited me for this, the answer's no. I can't blame the police. The newmans didn't reach out to them until after their plan was set.", "Amanda: Is there anything else I should know, especially as it pertains to your motives?", "Nate: At the time, I was dating victor's daughter, abby newman. It's possible my decision to participate may have been influenced by our personal relationship.", "Amanda: If you could do it all over again, would you make the same choice?", "Nate: No, I would not. So, what do you think? Will you represent me before the licensing board?", "Amanda: Nate... I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you.", "Victoria: Here you go.", "Nick: Thank you. Pretty cool of billy to take the first shift trick-or- treating. Once connor gets here, I'll take over.", "Victoria: So, how is chelsea handling his move to adam's place?", "Nick: She misses him like crazy.", "Victoria: Well, I know what that's like.", "Nick: She never would have agreed to this if connor hadn't be acting out. When adam left town, it really messed up his kid's head.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Poor chelsea. I still can't get over what you told me about him jumping off of that jungle gym. That's an image she's probably never gonna be able to get out of her mind.", "Nick: You just have to do everything you can to keep your kid safe, you know, reassure them that they are loved by both parents.", "Victoria: Still, you can't be that comfortable with adam having such an influence over connor, especially after he told christian that you're not his father.", "Nick: It's like this constant undercurrent at home, this low-level dread that adam's gonna revert back to type. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a temporary arrangement.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, let's hope so.", "Adam: Oh. Well, you always did enjoy bartending.", "Chelsea: Where's connor?", "Adam: He's upstairs. He didn't want to put on his costume.", "Chelsea: Even the hat? He told me he loved his costume.", "Adam: No, I told him he could wear something else, and he just made a bunch of excuses. He just flat-out didn't want to go.", "Chelsea: Did you say anything to discourage him?", "Adam: No, I tried very hard to talk him into it. I told him he'd have a blast.", "Chelsea: And what did he say to that?", "Adam: He thought I was trying to get rid of him.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] So I just backed off and i called you.", "Chelsea: Connor? Can you come down here, please? Connor!", "Connor: What?", "Chelsea: Hey. What's wrong, buddy? Why don't you want to go trick-or-treating with us?", "Nick: Chelsea has full legal custody of connor, and that's not gonna change. Adam's unfit to raise a child, and he has proven that over and over again.", "Victoria: He probably couldn't win a custody case -- not that he'd even bother to try again after the way things turned out with christian. But that doesn't mean that he's gonna give up connor without a fight.", "Nick: It just means he'll fight dirty.", "Victoria: He will try to manipulate chelsea or connor, or both of them.", "Nick: Well, chelsea's not sharon. She sees right through adam's games.", "Victoria: Regardless, chelsea has an achilles' heel, just like any other mother does. The love for her child, and adam is not above using that against her.", "Chelsea: You've always loved halloween. And johnny and christian, they are so excited to see you. Oh! And the police. They closed off hyde park so the front of the coffee house is just a bunch of kids in costumes trick-or-treating and having so much fun.", "Adam: That sounds pretty sweet.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: I mean, think about all the candy you're missing out on, connor.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ]", "Connor: Who cares about that stuff? I'm not a little kid anymore. I just want to hang out here with you.", "Adam: Well, that is up to your mom. This is her night with you. Now you are changing your mind at the last minute...", "Connor: It's not fair. You made the plan. Nobody asked what I want to do.", "Chelsea: Okay. Okay, if you don't want to come with us, we'll be disappointed, but nobody's gonna force you.", "Connor: Can we watch a scary movie?", "Adam: Well, not too scary.", "Chelsea: Not too scary.", "[ Both chuckles ]", "Connor: Okay, fine. Medium scary.", "Adam: I'd be up for that. Should we make some popcorn?", "Adam: Do you have parmesan and spices?", "Adam: Oh, that's right. You have a special recipe for popcorn seasoning. What else was in that besides parmesan? It was, uh... it was onion, powder, dill? Was that it?", "Chelsea: Ugh!", "Connor: You better make it.", "Adam: Connor. Everybody's waiting for your mother at the block party. So I can -- I can do it. I can figure it out. Or I can invent something even better. Do you like cayenne pepper?", "Chelsea: [ Laughing ] Okay. Fine, I can throw a batch together. It shouldn't take too long.", "Adam: Cayenne pepper.", "Connor: Gross.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ]", "Nate: You're turning me down.", "Amanda: I consider it a compliment that you asked me to represent you, but... if I stuck around, your cousin devon would not be happy.", "Nate: I disagree. He understands how important my career is to me.", "Amanda: Maybe he can help you find another lawyer. Perhaps ms. Hodges. You know, someone whose face is not a painful reminder of his late wife.", "Nate: I don't want another lawyer.", "Amanda: Why are you so insistent about this? Why does it have to be me?", "Nate: For one thing, you told me you never lost a case.", "Amanda: True, but that does not make me an expert in professional licensing defenses.", "Nate: What matters to me is your persistence. I watched the way you handled this situation with katherine's will. You were rock-solid in representing your client, despite the personal attacks that came your way. You ignored all the noise and kept right on going. You faced off against a billionaire and weren't daunted in the least. That's the kind of legal ally i want.", "Amanda: Do you anticipate that I will have to face off against a billionaire again?", "Nate: I can't be sure where the newmans will come down on this, particularly victor. I was doing what they wanted, but that does not make me one of them. They stick together.", "Amanda: My services don't come cheap.", "Nate: That is not a concern. I cannot lose my license to practice medicine in this state. Starting over someplace else? No. That is not an option.", "Amanda: Can you please take my things back up to my room? Looks like I won't be leaving town, after all. Nat [ Sighs", "Johnny: Mommy!", "Victoria: Baby!", "Billy: We're not done trick-or-treating, but little zombie boy here needs to make a pit stop, if you know what i mean.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Victoria: Well, you have a lot of layers on that costume. I'm gonna help you out.", "Billy: All right.", "Nick: Man, let's see your haul here, cowboy. Man, you are crushing halloween!", "Christian: Where's connor?", "Nick: You know, that's a good question. Let's check in with chelsea and see what the hold-up is.", "Adam: All right, so the werewolf movie's out since we've seen it. Ooh! What about \"the blob\"? That's always a hit!", "Connor: Looks boring.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Chelsea: Oh, is that me?", "Connor: Yeah, it's nick.", "Chelsea: Oh, um... uh, I have butter all over my hands. I'll call him back in a minute.", "Connor: Whoa, look! They have \"curse of the demon!\"", "Adam: I don't know. That sounds pretty cheesy.", "Chelsea: Mm, it might be too intense for you, adam. It says right there it's \"the most terrifying story the screen has ever told!\"", "Adam: Oh! I've been warned!", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Remember, we saw it once, connor. It's from the '50s. Remember, we were laughing at the special effects.", "Connor: It's perfect, dad. Can we watch it, please?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Connor: Mom, stay. Watch it with us!", "Adam: You're more than welcome to stay.", "Kyle: We don't even know if this story about my grandmother is true. Like traci said, we need to take the time to consider all the repercussions.", "Jack: There is no proof that eric vanderway is dina's son. Yet. But the fastest way to get that proof is to share what we've discovered with theo and ask for a dna test. As far as traci goes, she's in new york now. She's left this decision to me.", "Kyle: Well, what about ashley? Shouldn't she weigh in?", "Jack: I spoke to her earlier.", "Kyle: And?", "Jack: She agrees we need to reach out to this young man, if he just happens to be our nephew.", "Kyle: Please. Don't call him that. God, every time I think about it, my stomach does flips.", "Jack: Look, I know you two have had your issues in the past, but I thought things were getting between you two.", "Kyle: Only because I've learned to keep my distance, not give him anything that he could use as ammunition, because he will.", "Jack: Okay, kyle --", "Kyle: Dad. Trust me when I say that theo is not someone you want as a member of this family.", "Jack: He may in fact already be, regardless of how any of us feels. Look, you know my history with this family. I would not feel right depriving another person of their family history.", "Kyle: Yeah, don't compare yourself to theo. He won't appreciate this family like you do. He'll just try to use us.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Jack: Well, that might be him right now.", "Kyle: Wait, what? You're -- you're telling him tonight?", "Nick: All right! Who is ready for round 2? We can hit the trail, go get some more candy. Unless you two are so tired you need to go home and go to bed.", "Johnny: Daddy!", "Billy: No! Heck, no! That's crazy talk.", "Christian: More candy!", "Johnny: More candy!", "Victoria: I guess it's unanimous.", "Nick: All right, well, then let's go. Wait. I'm getting a text.", "Victoria: Oh, is it chelsea? Is she on her way?", "Nick: She's decided to stay there with connor. And adam. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Lola: And here he is in his halloween costume.", "Victoria: Oh, how adorable. A little red chili pepper. Billy, look! Look at that.", "Billy: Oh, my gosh, what a cutie pie.", "Victoria: Look at that little green stem. I just want to eat him up.", "Billy: [ Laughs ]", "Lola: I know. He's such a sweetheart. He never cries. I slept in the nursery with him while in miami, and he didn't wake me up once.", "Victoria: Wow, that's really amazing for a newborn, isn't it?", "Lola: I know, right? Arturo and mia lucked out.", "[ Laughs ]", "Victoria: Yeah. Uh, well, not that you're biased, or anything.", "Lola: [ Laughs ] Okay. You know, arturo had just sent me these, and I'm so glad that you guys are here because I was dying to show someone.", "Billy: Where's kyle? You're not spending your first halloween together as a married couple?", "Lola: Oh, no, we're going out later. He just had to take care of something first.", "Victoria: Oh!", "Billy: At where, jabot?", "Lola: He needed to speak to jack, but it was something about dina?", "Victoria: Speaking of cute kids, look at our little creepers -- so cute!", "Lola: Oh, my god, I love it! Is that a --", "Victoria: Yeah, it's a tiara. She got to be a zombie and a princess, so... it's perfect for her.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: [ Laughs ]", "Kyle: I've never been so glad to see a trick-or-treater.", "Jack: Kyle, theo is coming by any moment now.", "Kyle: Dad, you know... dina kept this a secret all her life. She could have reached out to eric vanderway at any time and chose not to. She didn't want this coming out. We should respect her --", "Jack: I have considered all of this. All of it. Here's what I've concluded. Dina kept quiet because she didn't want to cause anyone any pain.", "Kyle: Yeah. Exactly.", "Jack: Think about who she was protecting -- john, stuart, maybe eric vanderway. They're all gone, and dina is well past caring about what anyone thinks. Listen, we have no reason to feel ashamed of this family connection.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Give it time. I guarantee you, theo will give us plenty of reason to be ashamed. That's his specialty.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Kyle: Dad. Don't do this. I'm begging you, just -- please, for everyone's sake.", "Jack: This is happening, kyle. Do you want to stay and help me explain?", "Kyle: I want no part in this.", "Jack: Wait, wait. Trust me, this is going to wk out okay. Theo! Hi, thanks for coming out. Come on in.", "Theo: Not a problem at all. Oh, hey, kyle. I didn't know you'd be here.", "Jack: My son and I are having a difference of opinion.", "Theo: I've been there.", "Jack: Come on in. Have a seat. So, uh... I will get right to the point of your visit. Um, all of these things that you see belong to my mother. Dina abbott mergeron. She is in the later stages of alzheimer's, and my sister traci and I are trying to, uh, get a clearer picture of her early years, trying to put the puzzle pieces where they fit. In that process, we found a letter that she wrote to a friend of hers, stuart brooks, right after they graduated. Does the name stuart brooks mean anything to you?", "Theo: No. Should it?", "Billy: Did I tell you how delicious you look tonight?", "Victoria: Tell me again.", "Billy: Mm, I'd rather show you.", "Victoria: Well, you'll get your chance. Your costume is pretty amazing, too.", "Billy: Oh, this old thing?", "Victoria: I don't think you look a day over, mm, 400.", "Billy: Oh, don't say \"day.\" What are you talking about? I'm a vampire. That kills the mood.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, what was i thinking?", "Billy: Is it the glasses? Is it the hair?", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Billy: Is it the jacket?", "Victoria: I don't know if it's the jacket, per se. But I think it's the way that you are with the kids. And how much they adore.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: Nothing is sexier than that to me.", "Billy: What about when I'm peeling johnny off the ceiling from all the candy that nick's feeding him right now? You're still gonna think I'm sexy then?", "Victoria: I think I will.", "Billy: Mm. You know, hannah said she's available tonight.", "Victoria: Oh, did she now?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Hmm.", "Billy: What if I go talk to her, ask her to take johnny to go pick up katie at her party? She can deal with the sugar high, and then we can have a little adult celebration?", "Victoria: [ Giggles ] I think that sounds like a genius plan.", "Billy: Okay, then.", "Victoria: Okay, then.", "Billy: Let me go get that done.", "Victoria: You do that.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: [ Giggles ] Nate! Hi.", "Nate: Hey, there.", "Victoria: Happy halloween.", "Nate: I'll take your word for it.", "Victoria: Oh. Tough night. Um, I'm sorry. I heard that you and my sister broke up.", "Nate: Ah, that's life, i guess.", "Victoria: I don't really know the details, but obviously, uh, it happened after we asked you to be a part of my father's plan. I'm sorry if it caused any trouble between you and my sister.", "Nate: My relationship was abby was the tip of the iceberg.", "Victoria: What does that mean?", "Nate: Thanks to the fallout, I may be about to lose something I worked extremely hard for, all because of the newmans.", "Victoria: Professional misconduct?", "Nate: Yeah, you weren't there when victor pitched his scheme to the rest of us. I voiced my concern about what it could do to my good standing in the medical community, but... the consensus was that faking victor's death would be the best way to stop adam. So I agreed to go along. Now it's backfiring, big time.", "Victoria: Well, when is your hearing with the state licensing board?", "Nate: Soon. [ Sighs ] The good news is, I have a very tenacious lawyer.", "Victoria: I would really want to help however I can, so give me his or her name, and I would be happy to pay for your legal bills.", "Nate: Thank you for your offer, but I cannot accept.", "Victoria: Why not?", "Nate: I have to convince the board that I wasn't bribed or coerced. Accepting newman funds to pay for my defense...", "Victoria: Oh, right. It wouldn't fly. Yeah, I got it. Listen, I'm sorry, very sorry that this is happening to you, and I would be happy to help in any way that I can. If you need a witness, i would -- I would be willing to testify. I'm sure my parents would be, too.", "Nate: Thank you. My, uh, lawyer may be in touch.", "Victoria: Nate, uh... good luck.", "Billy: Was that nate?", "Victoria: Yeah. Um, it was.", "Billy: What's wrong?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] My brother adam. He's the gift that just keeps on giving.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ]", "[ Wind howling ]", "Adam: Aah!", "Connor: [ Giggles ]", "Adam: Why didn't you tell me that there was an evil clown in this? I'm not gonna get any sleep now! I'm deathly afraid of evil clowns!", "Connor: You are not.", "Adam: Mm. You want to bet?", "Connor: Dad, it's hilarious.", "Adam: I'm pretty sure your dad actually had a nightmare the first time he saw this movie, didn't you?", "Adam: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Because of the evil clown!", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ]", "Connor: No way! It was about the monster. I'm not afraid of clowns.", "Adam: Well, you are a braver man than I am.", "Connor: [ Giggles ]", "Chelsea: You're very brave.", "Adam: [ Chuckles ]", "[ Growling, wind howling ]", "Theo: [ Stammers ] My dad and you may have been... half-brothers? That's --", "Jack: Pretty mind-blowing, isn't it?", "Theo: If this is true, you -- you'd be my uncle, and... and kyle... wow, I --", "Jack: Kyle would be your first cousin. Pretty astounding coincidence, given how long you two have been friends.", "Theo: Yeah, I'll say.", "Jack: Listen, I'm gonna ask that you take a dna test. So that we can compare your dna with dina's, make sure she's your grandmother. Should get our results in just a few days.", "Theo: Yeah, I -- absolutely. You know, the sooner, the better.", "Jack: Good. Thanks. And for what it's worth, I -- I wish I'd found out this information a long time ago. I, uh -- I would have liked to have known your dad.", "Theo: I think you would have liked him. Dad was, uh, rough around the edges, but a good guy. Principled, you know?", "Jack: I look forward to learning more about him. I can't help wonder if eric vanderway knew about any of this.", "Theo: He never mentioned adoption. Even if he did know, I doubt he had any idea who his birth parents were.", "Jack: Yeah, adoption's in that era weren't quite as open as they are today. Look, I'm also sorry you won't get to know dina as she was, or get to ask her what was going through her mind when she gave up her infant son.", "Theo: It's not so hard to imagine. Like you said, things were different then. She didn't want to be shamed, excluded.", "Jack: I'd like to think that young woman would feel some measure of peace in knowing that one day, the two branches of her family would reunite.", "Theo: Kyle's not too happy about this, though, is he? He didn't even want you to tell me. That was the \"difference of opinion,\" right? The reason he walked out when i showed up?", "Jack: Tell you what, let's try to be patient with each other. This is a lot to digest.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Johnny's out in the parking lot with hannah. She's gonna let him run some laps before she goes and picks up katie.", "Victoria: Okay, well, I'm gonna go help her corral him so that she can be on her way. And then we can be on our way.", "Billy: Yes.", "Nick: I think I'm gonna grabs some coffee and then head on home with christian. Hey, why don't you go count your candy at the bar there?", "Billy: Maybe chelsea's already there?", "Nick: Yeah. Maybe.", "Billy: Don't let adam get inside your head, nick. And I know that sounds ironic coming from me, but I'm kind of expert on it at this point. It's one thing to keep your eye on him, it's another one to let your issues with him mess with your life.", "Nick: Noted.", "Billy: I did hear about your news. Running for city council? I think that's a good idea. With chelsea's job at the grand phoenix, you two have something to focus on besides adam. Don't let him knock you off your path you're supposed to be on.", "Nick: It's easier said than done.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: What do you got here? I like this one. You know, the devil has something here. Ready and present. He's most dangerous when he's being present.", "Adam: Hey.", "Adam: He's sleeping. [ Mouthing ] I'll take him upstairs.", "[ Tv turns off ]", "Chelsea: All right.", "Connor: Dad?", "Adam: Yeah, bud?", "Connor: I like it like this. The three of us.", "Adam: I'm gonna take him upstairs, and then we'll talk.", "Theo: Hello, cuz. Pretty wild news, huh? But, I mean, in a weird way, it kind makes sense. You know, I mean, this is why you and hit it off on the first time we met. In some deep, subconscious level, we recognized each other. I mean, we have the same grandma, some of the same genes. Well, I mean, if the dna test i just agreed to take comes back the way I assume it will.", "Kyle: Even if it is true, it doesn't change a thing.", "Theo: What, you don't think so?", "Kyle: I'm done putting up with your crap. No matter who your grandmother was.", "Theo: So that friendly dinner we had the other night, that was, what, just an act? You were pumping me for information about my dad.", "Kyle: Yeah. I was hoping I'd find out there's no way he could have been dina's child. No such luck.", "Theo: You know, I think uncle jack would be very disappointed with your attitude. We had a phenomenal talk. He's quite a guy. You know, I can already tell, we're gonna get along great.", "Victoria: Oh, my god. Are those --", "Billy: Zombies.", "Victoria: Wow.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: You thought of everything, didn't you?", "Billy: Yeah. They're good, right?", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Billy: And I just talked to the front desk, and, because of the holiday, they renamed all their rooms. I just booked us one night in the, wait for it --", "Victoria: [ Gasps ]", "Billy: Transylvania room.", "Victoria: You did not.", "Billy: Yes. Cheers.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: Ooh, that's good.", "Victoria: By the way, this was a genius idea, carving out a little adult time for you and me.", "Billy: Well, we deserve it.", "Victoria: I feel bad for nick. Adam really screwed up his night, keeping chelsea and connor to himself. Oh, gosh, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.", "Billy: Look, nick went into this with his eyes wide open. He knows what adam is capable of. But he still brought him back into town because it was the right thing to do for connor. And I think that he believes his relationship with chelsea is strong enough to withstand whatever adam throws at him.-Victoria: Well, I guess we'll see." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Gloria is in a pickle. She comes to the coffeehouse and talks to Kevin explaining her situation. \"I need you to show that the money was spent somehow.\" Kevin will not do that. \"That is fraud mom. I can't do that. I will lose everything that I have earned.\" He flatly refuses to falsify documents for the purposes of getting his mother out of trouble. She says that this isn't fraud. \"It is money that was put into my account and I was expected to use it. What I need from you is something on a ledger that makes me look like I spent more than I actually did to make up for the missing money. You used to do bookkeeping for Marcino's so I know that you can do this for me. The money is coming right back to me, and when it does I will put it back.\" Kevin reluctantly agrees to help against his better judgment. Daniel stands in the line of fire again. Phyllis caught him on the internet looking at Lily's school and complaining that it is more like a prison cell. When Drucilla shows up with Devon for coffee, Daniel offers to let Drucilla read every word that he writes if only she will take his letters to Lily. Drucilla says ‘no'. Later, Sierra who has overheard the conversation with Mrs. Winters tells Daniel that she might be able to help him out with his problem. She slips him a piece of paper with a web site address on it. She leaves smiling coyly at him. Brittany and JT are alone in the house. They have just kissed and now she makes her move. JT pushes her off him. She tells him that he should just leave Mackenzie. \"Bobby and I didn't work out, so that could happen to your too.\" JT will not do this \"I love Mackenzie.\" Brittany tells him that he only went with Mackenzie because Bobby had her and she wasn't available to him. He assures her that she is wrong. \"NO Brittany! I need my life back,\" he tells her. \"I said that I would take care of you but what you are talking about is a fantasy.\" Scott starts sniffing around. He still has the picture of Sheila and the doctor in his hand and he learns that the man was the founder of the hospital. Scott starts sniffing around and asks Sheila questions that get her a little suspicious. He sees her reaction when he suggests that they base the location of events in the book in Genoa City. Sheila says that she prefers to make Toronto the place. He learn that Sheila hasn't been out that much at all. He is surprised to find that she just stays locked up in her room all day and never goes out. Not even for a walk. She quietly asks her why she should go out when she knows no one in town. \"What is with all these question anyway?\" Right before leaving, Scott asks Sheila if she really was a nurse and where the events in the book really happened. She admits that she was a nurse, but doesn't answer as to where she lived when all these terrible things happened to her Tom isn't convinced that Ash is after him. Sheila can see right through this. Tom storms off angry after Sheila laughs at him when he gets the brush off after asking Ashley out for dinner that night. Later, Tom enters the Athletic Club and finds Ashley at a dinner table with Michael. He isn't seen by the duo. \"You betrayed me Ashley,\" Tom says walking out of the Athletic Club quickly." ]
[ "Tom: No, Brenda, you're wrong.", "Sheila: Look, I know it's what you want, Tom.", "Tom: Look, it's not Ashley. She's not out to get me.", "Sheila: Would you please open your eyes. You're letting infatuation cloud your judgment.", "Tom: It doesn't make any sense. She is the classiest woman I've ever known.", "Sheila: You know what? Rich people can be just as manipulative and twisted as anybody else. They just know how to hide it better, Tom. Which is why a woman like Ashley is so dangerous.", "Tom: You've never even met her. Where do you get off?", "Sheila: You know, sometimes when you care about someone, you only see what you want to see. You want to see a woman who is as smitten with you as you are with her. But I'm telling you, if you don't snap out of it, you're gonna wind up behind bars for years. Take it from me. You're not gonna like it one bit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: Excuse me. Hi. I have kind of an unusual question for you. Can you tell me anything about that portrait?", "Woman: That's Gary Reynolds, sr. He founded the hospital.", "Scott: Do you know if this is the only hospital he was involved with?", "Woman: I don't. Sorry.", "Scott: Do you know if that picture's always been hanging on that wall?", "Woman: No, actually, it was moved last year when we remodeled.", "Scott: Did it used to be over there?", "Woman: I think so. Do you mind if I ask why you're so interested?", "Scott: Just curious. Thanks.", "Woman: Okay.", "Michael: There you are. I checked on your mom. They're running a few more tests. What? What's wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: No, no, Brittany, we can't do this.", "Brittany: Yes, we can.", "J.T.: This isn't the answer. Trust me.", "Brittany: Admit it, J.T., you've always had feelings for me.", "J.T.: No, we're best friends. That's all.", "Brittany: We're more than friends.", "J.T.: Brittany, I'm in love with Mackenzie.", "Brittany: And I loved Bobby with all my heart, but... deep down, we've always shared something very special. Maybe that's why everyone believed that you were Joshua's father, because they could see how connected we are.", "J.T.: No, Brittany, look, I don't want to hurt you, but--", "Brittany: J.T., please don't fight it. I honestly believe it's true. The three of us were meant to be a family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: So what do you mean, \"We can't keep going on this way\"?", "Victoria: We can't keep doing this, Brad. It's just not working for me.", "Brad: Okay, so... you want a strictly professional relationship. Is that what you're trying to tell me, Vic—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Come on, what is wrong with you?", "Dru: Are you mumbling to yourself, here less than 24 hours?", "Nick: Maybe you can help. The web site keeps crashing.", "Dru: Did you call I.T.?", "Nick: That's the problem. Head of the department's out sick, and nobody else down there has a clue what's going on.", "Dru: Uh-huh.", "Nick: The launch is in a couple of weeks, Dru. This site needs to be perfect.", "Dru: I know it needs to be perfect. Couldn't agree with you more, Nick.", "Nick: Who's in charge of this nowadays?", "Dru: Good question. I mean, we were left flapping in the wind here. I think, uh, Tiffany, not that it matters.", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Dru: Nick, this is sabotage, and there's only one person who can serve it up like this-- Phyllis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: No. No, I'm not going there.", "Phyllis: Hey, look at you. I haven't seen you all day.", "Jack: I'll get a couple cups of coffee, you two talk.", "Phyllis: All right. Whatcha looking at?", "Daniel: The web site for Lily's boarding school. Seems like jail. Look at this. I mean, there's early curfews, you can't leave the campus without a chaperone. She's gotta hate it there.", "Phyllis: Well, it's not jail. You went to boarding school.", "Daniel: Mom, the place I went to in Switzerland was nothing like this.", "Phyllis: All right. Daniel. Daniel? You have to let this go.", "Daniel: Mom...", "Phyllis: No, I'm serious. This isn't healthy. You're pining away for this girl, and... listen, it's not right. You have to make new friends, maybe meet someone new.", "Daniel: You know what? No. Mom, I love her. And I don't care what you or her parents do. Nothing's gonna change that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You have a cash flow problem? If you're asking for my help, Mom, I'm sorry, but all my money is tied up here in the coffeehouse.", "Gloria: Honey, I don't need money. I need it to look like I have money.", "Kevin: What? I don't get it.", "Gloria: John wants his accountant to go over all the bills for Michael and Lauren's wedding.", "Kevin: Okay. What's wrong with that?", "Gloria: I don't exactly have receipts for all the money I spent.", "Kevin: Oh, well, maybe you can have Tom write up some receipts for all the blackmail you've paid.", "Gloria: Stop it. Where the money went isn't the point. If John finds out the money's missing--", "Kevin: You're in trouble.", "Gloria: Big-time. And I thought with your excellent bookkeeping skills, you could make everything look like it's on the up-and-up.", "Kevin: You want me to forge documents for you?", "Gloria: I just want the receipts to match the amount of money I spent. Now you're very clever, Kevin. There must be some way to do that.", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. It's called \"fraud.\" And I am not putting everything I worked so hard for on the line to help you out of this stupid little jam you're in.", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Look, Ashley Abbott was not involved in framing me, and I'm gonna prove it to you right now. (Cell phone rings)", "Ashley: Hello?", "Tom: Hey.", "Ashley: Hi, Tom.", "Tom: Hope you don't mind me pestering you.", "Ashley: No, I'm just-- I'm just kind of surprised to hear from you so soon.", "Tom: Well, I just wanted to thank you.", "Ashley: For what?", "Tom: Well, believing in me, even though I haven't been able to come up with any evidence yet that I was set up. It means a lot to me, you're giving me the benefit of the doubt.", "Ashley: Well, innocent until proven guilty, right?", "Tom: Yeah, wish more people thought that way. Listen, have you eaten yet?", "Ashley: No.", "Tom: Have dinner with me.", "Ashley: Tom...", "Tom: No, no, no. No pressure. I'm just--you know, it's my way of showing you how much I appreciate your support.", "Ashley: You know, I'm really not comfortable with that right now.", "Tom: Why not? I mean, if you really believe that I'm innocent, like you say...", "Ashley: Well, I come from a very prominent family, Tom, and people talk.", "Tom: Is that a problem for you?", "Ashley: Well, yeah. I mean, if there had been reporters at the police station the night that we were brought in, my face would be plastered over every tabloid in town. And that would not be good for me, my family or business. Look, I hope you understand my decision, but I truly believe that things are gonna work out for you, and when they do, we can talk about going out then. Fair enough?", "Tom: Yeah, that's fair enough.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, you take care.", "Tom: You, too, Ashley. Good night.", "Sheila: (Clears throat) just got the royal brush-off, did we?", "Tom: She's up for going out again, just not right now with these charges over my head. Just wouldn't look right.", "Sheila: Oh, God. You fell for that? Have you not listened to anything I just told you about rich people?", "Tom: Look, I'm gonna say this one more time-- Ashley didn't help set me up. She wouldn't dirty her hands like that. She's got too much class and too much integrity.", "Sheila: Okay. All right. You know what? I think you're deluding yourself. But it's no skin off my nose. Besides, you can always send me a postcard from prison-- \"having a wonderful time, think I might even hang myself with the bed sheets.\"", "Tom: Shut up. I'm sick of listening to your bull. Give me that! I need a drink.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, how can Phyllis be to blame? She hasn't worked here in months.", "Dru: Exactly. You see, this was Phyllis' creation, her design. And she never puts stuff down on paper. No, she prided herself on keeping it all in her head.", "Nick: How do we fix this?", "Dru: Well, talk to Victoria. You're working with her now, right?", "Nick: Yeah, but I mean, if I.T. can't figure this out, what's my sister gonna be able to do?", "Dru: She's got a creative mind, Nick. She'll think of something.", "Nick: Maybe you're right. Thank you, Drucilla.", "Dru: You're welcome. (Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Excuse me. Hey, it's Phyllis.", "Nick: Phyllis, its Nick. I need to see you.", "Phyllis: What's up?", "Nick: It's Newman's web site. The damn thing keeps crashing left and right.", "Phyllis: Uh... okay. Well, Nicholas, forgive me for saying this, but who cares? I work for Jabot. Remember? You fired me.", "Nick: Well, so that's it? You're just gonna let your creation fall apart?", "Phyllis: Nicholas, for me to advise you, even on the phone, is a huge conflict of interest.", "Nick: Mmm. When the hell do you care about stuff like that?", "Phyllis: I'll give it some thought, okay? No promises.", "Jack: What was that?", "Phyllis: That was Nicholas Newman. He wanted me to come over and fix their web site. Apparently they're having problems with it.", "Jack: Are you kidding me? Call him back. Tell him you'd love to help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: No, nothing's wrong. I was just talking to that nurse.", "Michael: Oh! I can see why. Did you get her number?", "Scott: I had a medical question for the book.", "Michael: (Laughs) oh, right. The book. How's it coming?", "Scott: Ah, okay. It's the first time I've ever worked with a partner. So it gets a little complicated, but it's worth it.", "Michael: Well, I know your mother really wants to meet this writing partner.", "Scott: I'm hoping we can have dinner when she gets out of here.", "Michael: Mmm. Look, Scott, there's something I should tell you. I don't want to alarm you, but it's probably better that you know what's going on.", "Scott: Sounds serious.", "Michael: You know who Tom Fisher is?", "Scott: Kevin's dad.", "Michael: Right. I think he may have sneaked into your mother's room the other night.", "Scott: Why? What would he want with her?", "Michael: I don't know. I'm not even sure it happened. But I am sure I don't want tom anywhere near your mother. So I've talked to the staff, and I've asked them to keep an eye on whoever comes and goes from your mother's room.", "Scott: Tell you one thing, Michael, Tom Fisher better not do anything to hurt my mother. Otherwise, he'll answer to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: So not that I'm complaining... but what's changed?", "Victoria: Can't you just accept the fact that you're irresistible?", "Brad: Well, generally, yeah, I can. But you did make a pretty good case for taking things slowly.", "Victoria: Done in by my own success, huh?", "Brad: Abby's still my daughter. And I'm still not divorced. It's not like our problems just disappeared, Victoria.", "Victoria: No. No, but after listening to Nicholas tell me how wonderful it was that we had slowed things down, I realized that I was being ridiculous.", "Brad: So you want to be with me to tick your brother off. Is that it?", "Victoria: Yes, and my mother.", "Brad: Oh, of course.", "Victoria: Look, all kidding aside, when it comes to business, I stand my ground. No one in my family was happy when I hired you or that I fast-tracked beauty of nature. But I... I didn't second-guess myself.", "Brad: Well, that's what makes you a good C.E.O. You make a decision, and you stand by it.", "Victoria: Yes. But when it comes to my personal life... Brad, being with you makes me happy. So who cares what anyone else thinks, right?", "Brad: Victoria, you talk to your mother, and you decide we shouldn't be together. You talk to your brother and decide we should. So tell me, how many people are you going to talk to? And how many times are you going to change your mind?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Jack, you can't seriously want me to help Nick Newman.", "Jack: I don't. I want you to help Jabot. Don't you see what an opportunity this is? If you're able to get into their system, you can do anything that you want to it, anytime you want. And Nicholas will be none the wiser.", "Phyllis: Listen, this is highly unethical, not to mention illegal.", "Jack: Do you really think Victor was worried about ethics when he broke the law to bury Jabot? We were hanging on by the skin of our teeth for months.", "Phyllis: That was Victor. It wasn't Nick.", "Jack: What, he's not gonna play hardball now that he's back?", "Phyllis: Well, he shouldn't have to suffer because of what his dad did.", "Jack: Why are you suddenly worried about Nicholas' feelings? He certainly hasn't been worried about yours lately.", "Phyllis: There were extenuating circumstances.", "Jack: I would think you would be mad as hell.", "Phyllis: I was.", "Jack: And now what? Sweetheart, listen to me. If their launch is as successful as they want it to be and it ends up being at Jabot's expense, aren't you gonna feel a little bit guilty you didn't do everything you could to protect Jabot's market share?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: I don't want to talk about it any more, sweetheart.", "Devon: Do I really have to do this now?", "Dru: Yes, you do.", "Daniel: Mrs. Winters?", "Dru: What are you doing?", "Daniel: Listen, I really need to talk to you about Lily.", "Dru: You have some nerve rolling up on me like this--", "Daniel: Just please hear me out, okay? I'm begging you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Brittany, I will always be a part of your and Joshua's lives. But we'll never be a family.", "Brittany: You promised Bobby that you would take care of me.", "J.T.: I know, and I will. But I never said I'd step in and take his place. Brittany, I have my own life. What you're talking about, it's... its fantasy.", "Brittany: No, the only reason that you're with Mac is because I was with Bobby.", "J.T.: No. No, the reason I'm with Mac is because I care about her.", "Brittany: And you don't care about me?", "J.T.: No, of course I care about you. But not in the way you mean.", "Brittany: Look, I know that you don't want to break Mac's heart again. I understand that. But you're in denial, J.T.", "J.T.: Brittany, what can I say to get through to you?", "J.T.: No. No, stop. Don't. Don't do this.", "Brittany: J.T...", "J.T.: No. If you cared about me, you would respect what I have with Mac.", "Brittany: Please don't turn your back on me.", "J.T.: I'm sorry, Brittany. You're forcing me to do this. I can't let you mess up my life anymore.", "Mac: Oh, my gosh. I have been on my feet all day. What's going on?", "J.T.: I'm glad you're here.", "Mac: It's good to be home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mom!", "Gloria: I'm not asking you to commit fraud. John gave me a bank account for my personal use. How can I be breaking the law? And besides, the missing money will be returned very soon. So no one would even know that you're involved.", "Kevin: I'll know, Mom. And Mr. Abbott is no dummy. If anything seems off, he's gonna figure it out.", "Gloria: Hey... not if you make it right. Now it would be a shame for my marriage to suffer on account of something that's not even my fault? You can protect me and John from something that could cause a lot of pain.", "Kevin: No! Mom, I can't create bills for companies that don't exist. What if he tries to call one of them?", "Gloria: Now this is where you're going to be very proud of me. I have kept track of all the wedding money. I just need you to adjust the amounts. And I will tell John that I have my own accountant.", "Kevin: Well, you know, I mean, it wouldn't be that hard to create a ledger, I guess. And I have this really great scanner. It might be fun to see what it can do.", "Gloria: Here are the receipts. Thank you. Thank you. And I'll have the rest of them tomorrow.", "Kevin: Mmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: I really am glad that you came over again. I owe you an apology.", "Scott: For what?", "Sheila: Oh, the way I snapped at you earlier. It's just when I saw my purse on the floor like that, I overreacted.", "Scott: That's no big deal. I wouldn't want anyone rooting around in my stuff, either.", "Sheila: No, but, Scott, the thing is that I know that you wouldn't do that. I guess just living here in this motel room makes you a little edgy sometimes.", "Scott: I understand, Brenda. Genoa City's a lot different from Toronto. It's been a big change for me, too. But I have family in town. You don't know anyone else here, right?", "Sheila: No. Just you.", "Scott: Must get lonely.", "Sheila: Oh, it's okay. Well? What, you want to get to work?", "Scott: Yeah. Yeah, I had a brainstorm about the book, wanted to get your opinion.", "Sheila: Well, fire away.", "Scott: Okay. Actually, it had to do with what we were just discussing-- this town. And I know it might sound a little strange, but it's really growing on me-- maybe 'cause I was born here. I don't know. Anyway, what do you think about setting the novel here, having most of the action take place in Genoa City?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Why are you here, Mackenzie? Come to rub salt in the wound?", "Mac: What are you talking about? I live here. Were the two of you fighting?", "J.T.: No, there was just a misunderstanding.", "Brittany: Oh, is that what you call it? Believe me, J.T. I got your message loud and clear.", "J.T.: She's not in a good place.", "Mac: Well, you can't expect her to be.", "J.T.: No, it's a lot worse than you think. She's, uh... she was making some crazy assumptions, you know?", "Mac: About the two of you?", "J.T.: She was wrong.", "Mac: I'm glad you told me.", "J.T.: You know, I would have told you even if you hadn't have walked in right right now. I want you to know you come first with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: 30 seconds. That's all you got.", "Daniel: I want to write to Lily.", "Dru: Absolutely not. Forget it. Scram.", "Daniel: Listen, you can read every letter that I'm gonna to send her before I send it. And I'm not gonna write anything that's gonna get her in any trouble. I just want to let her know that I'm still thinking about her.", "Dru: Do you realize that I sent Lily halfway across this country to stay away from you?!", "Phyllis: Hey, what's going on here?", "Dru: And why can't you get it through your son's thick skull that my daughter's off-limits to him?", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. You listen to me right now. Maybe if you weren't such a control freak, your daughter would make her own decisions.", "Dru: Look at the two of you. Look at the example of your mother. She leaves mess everywhere for people to clean up.", "Phyllis: That's a lie.", "Dru: It's the truth.", "Phyllis: It's a lie. You know my work.", "Dru: Oh, it's shoddy, baby, at best. But you know what? Scratch in the groove. We're getting a new web site. Yours was getting kind of old.", "Phyllis: Great. Good luck to that.", "Dru: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: Case in point-- the nut, all right? I want you to stay away from that family, all right? You're gonna get yourself deeper than you already are.", "Daniel: Look, all I wanted to do was write Lily a letter.", "Phyllis: No. Stay away.", "Phyllis: Ahem. I'm going to Newman Enterprises. I'm going to be talking to a man about a web site.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I-I realize-- I might seem a bit flighty, but I'm not. I swear I'm not. I just, uh, I had a bout of dutiful daughter syndrome.", "Brad: What about Ashley, my marriage?", "Victoria: Well, you're getting a divorce. She won't be an issue forever.", "Brad: Okay. There's still Abby. I'm not going to divorce her.", "Victoria: Of course not. And she's always gonna be my half-sister. Not typical sisters to be sure, but I think maybe we could be friends.", "Brad: You do?", "Victoria: Bradley, I really am going to make an effort with Abby.", "Brad: That would mean a lot to me, Victoria.", "Victoria: Can we please pick up where we left off?", "Brad: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Michael: So Tom asked you out on another date?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm, twice in one day. It must be a record.", "Michael: I hope you let him down easy.", "Ashley: I told him that, while I do believe in his innocence, I think we should keep our distance because I don't want the press to put the two of us together.", "Michael: That's smart. That's smart. With luck, that'll get him to back off.", "Ashley: If it doesn't, I'll just have to keep doing what I'm doing.", "Michael: I'm not so sure that's a good idea.", "Ashley: Why not?", "Michael: He's desperate. There's a chance that he may have harassed Lauren in the hospital.", "Ashley: Is she all right?", "Michael: Oh, she's okay. But I'm willing to bet he caused her to hallucinate again. Look, uh... not to mention...", "Ashley: Hmm?", "Michael: The cake.", "Ashley: You think he trashed it?", "Michael: Mm. Look, it's just a matter of time before he snaps. I don't want you to be the next victim.", "Ashley: Well, Michael, he has a massive crush on me. I don't think he'd hurt me.", "Michael: Are you sure about that? I mean, perhaps his determination to go out with you is really something else.", "Ashley: Like what?", "Michael: Is there a chance he's on to you? Could he suspect that you had a hand in setting him up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: All right, Nicholas.", "Nick: Phyllis, am I glad to see you.", "Phyllis: Isn't that funny? A few months ago, you were glad to see the last of me. Now you're desperate for my help.", "Nick: Well, we've come a long way since then.", "Phyllis: Yes, we have. You know I'm the best at what I do, don't you? I created an innovative, state-of-the-art web site, regardless of what Drucilla says.", "Nick: The web site's awesome. At least it was.", "Phyllis: Is anyone maintaining it?", "Nick: Well, that's the problem. Nobody in I.T. can figure out what you did. And it would be an awful shame if your baby disappeared because we had to scrap it and start over.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's good. You're using the pride angle. It usually works.", "Nick: Is it workin' now?", "Phyllis: Uh, not really.", "Nick: Can you help me out?", "Phyllis: I'd love to, but I can't.", "Nick: I hope you're not saying this because Jack put his foot down.", "Phyllis: No, trust me, it has nothing to do with Jack. I'm just not in the practice of aiding and abetting the competition.", "Nick: Look, I know this is strange. But maybe it would help if you stopped looking at this as Jabot vs. Newman. Start looking at it as doing a favor... for a friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Why would you want the story to take place here?", "Scott: Well, why not?", "Sheila: Well, I didn't think the setting was all that important. I mean, we've never even discussed it.", "Scott: The setting of a novel is always important, Brenda. It defines the characters, the atmosphere.", "Sheila: Okay. Well, then I'd like it to take place in Toronto.", "Scott: Why?", "Sheila: Well, because T.O. is far more cosmopolitan.", "Scott: Genoa City has its good points.", "Sheila: Yeah, if you like bratwurst and beer.", "Scott: Oh, come on. It's not that bad. I mean, besides, you haven't even been out that much, right? I hope you haven't stayed holed up in this little motel room all this time.", "Sheila: No, no, I've gotten out. I-I just don't know where to go. I mean, it's difficult to find your way around a new town when you don't know anybody in it.", "Scott: So Genoa City is foreign to you? You've never so much as set foot here before, even for a day?", "Sheila: Why would you ask me that? I already told you I've never been here before, so why all the questions?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Kevin. Uh, my son Devon has something to say to you.", "Kevin: Is something wrong?", "Devon: No. I, uh, I want to apologize to you for saying that I can work full- time when it wasn't true. I-I put you in a bad position, and I'm sorry for that.", "Kevin: Well, it wasn't all your fault. I should've checked with your foster parents before I hired you.", "Devon: So you and I are cool?", "Kevin: Yeah, no sweat. We're cool.", "Devon: Okay.", "Dru: Um... I never thought I'd be saying this, but, uh, I think your humanity is improving, Kevin. Yeah, I'm quite impressed by the way you've handled the situation.", "Kevin: Well, thank you. Thank you, Mrs. Winters. I appreciate that.", "Dru: Yeah, listen, let's not get carried away. Let's not get carried away. All right? I think you're turning over a new leaf. Good, good. Bye.", "Kevin: Whoa. Did that just happen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey.", "Sierra: Hey.", "Daniel: Did you see that?", "Sierra: Yeah, I saw it. Taking on Mrs. Winters-- Daniel, what, are you out of your mind?", "Daniel: I just want to write Lily a letter, you know? I'm going nuts not being able to talk to her.", "Sierra: Well, maybe there's a way you can.", "Sierra: Here.", "Daniel: \"Studypals.Net\"?", "Sierra: You've read \"Romeo and Juliet,\" right?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Sierra: Well, just think of me as the 21st Century Friar Lawrence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Since when have we been friends?", "Nick: All right, maybe that's not the right word. But we're certainly not enemies anymore.", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, but that's a long way from \"friends.\"", "Nick: All right, look, we went through pretty much the worst time in my life together. That's got to make us something.", "Phyllis: Comrades?", "Nick: Works for me. And comrades have been known to help each other out from time to time, right? And if you do this for me, I swear to you, I will return the favor someday.", "Phyllis: Hmm. Being owed a favor from Nicholas Newman... that might come in handy.", "Nick: You're damn right it will. So what do you say, give it a shot?", "Phyllis: I'll give it a shot.", "Nick: Excellent.", "Phyllis: Okay. Let me see. Oh, wow. This is worse than I thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: These last couple of days have been kind of rough. Do you realize we haven't spent any time together since you got back from your seminar?", "Mac: We will.", "J.T.: Yeah. What do you say you and I do something fun?", "Mac: Spend some quality time together?", "J.T.: Yeah. Or are you too tired?", "Mac: No. Sounds good. What about Brittany?", "J.T.: Yeah, she's, um... she's got some stuff to deal with, you know, on her own. I never realized how much... how much I needed you until you were gone.", "Mac: Well, I'm here now. And I'm not going anywhere.", "J.T.: Good. Because I love you, Mac. And if I ever questioned that before... I don't now.", "Mac: I love you, too, J.T... so much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Bradley, what is this? Don't tell me that you're having second thoughts about--", "Brad: I don't think we can go back to the way things were.", "Victoria: You don't?", "Brad: No.", "Brad: This is beginning to feel like more than just a flirtation. This may be the real thing.", "Victoria: Oh, believe me, Mr. Carlton, this is real. This is very real.", "Victoria: Maybe we ought to save something for later.", "Brad: Hmm. Always leave 'em wanting more, huh?", "Victoria: Yeah. Enjoy the anticipation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So what's the problem?", "Phyllis: Well, whoever put this patch here screwed up big-time.", "Nick: Can you fix it?", "Phyllis: (Laughs) please. Who are you talkin' to? Of course I can fix it. It's just gonna take me the rest of the night, so I'm gonna call Daniel and tell him I'm not gonna be home till late.", "Nick: You sure?", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's no big deal. I don't mind. By the time you get here in the morning, it'll be done. I promise.", "Nick: I'm not gonna leave you alone here. Besides, I don't think that's fair.", "Phyllis: Oh, it's no big deal. Don't worry about it.", "Nick: Yeah, the least I could do is order you some food. And who knows? Maybe I'll learn something about computers.", "Phyllis: Well, you definitely will do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: I'm sorry, Brenda. I know it must be difficult, being in a new town, not knowing anyone. You sacrificed a lot.", "Sheila: Yeah, well, the book is worth it. You're worth it.", "Scott: Well, I sure appreciate it. And we'll set the novel in Toronto.", "Sheila: Really?", "Scott: It's your story, it's your call.", "Sheila: Awesome. Thank you. Thanks.", "Scott: So, uh, where did it actually take place?", "Sheila: Does it really matter?", "Scott: Well, you know writers, can't help being curious.", "Sheila: Well, I really don't think that we need to go into it quite that deep. After all, we're writing a novel here, not a memoir. There's a reason for that.", "Scott: A lot easier to deal with what happened under the guise of fiction.", "Sheila: I knew you'd understand.", "Scott: But you really were a nurse, right? Because otherwise, it might be good to talk to one, make sure we're getting all the medical stuff right.", "Sheila: Yeah, I was a nurse. There's really no reason to bring anyone else in on this.", "Scott: Okay. Well, it's getting late. I'll give you a call in the morning.", "Sheila: Okay.", "Scott: Thanks.", "Sheila: Don't forget your coat.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Sheila: Sweet dreams.", "Scott: You, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hello. Tom has done nothing to make me feel he's the least bit suspicious. In fact, on the phone right now, he was painfully sincere.", "Michael: Oh... Ashley, the man is a master manipulator.", "Ashley: He's not playing games with me, Michael. He wants a relationship. Besides, how could he possibly think that we were in this together? As far as he knows, I can't stand you. So really, I don't see how the thought could have crossed his mind.", "Tom: Give me a scotch. Make it a double. [Tom sees Ashley and Michael at the table talking together.]", "Tom: Well, Ms. Abbott... so much for trusting you. Forget about it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Were you able to do what I suggested and mess with the Newman web site?", "Ashley: Why do you guys look so gloomy?", "Michael: It turns out Tom may be a bigger danger than we thought.", "J.T.: What, you're really leaving town?", "Brittany: Yeah." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Neil is relieved when Dru tells that she didn't kill Carmen. He was having a moment of doubt for a minute. Nick and Phyllis arrive at the hospital to see Lauren, but are not allowed to go and see the baby when they ask. \"He is having tests,\" Lauren says. Phyllis knows that is only an excuse. She knows that Lauren is still freaked out as Phyllis's face was the last one that Sheila had when she supposedly died. Phyllis takes her friend's hand and puts it to her stomach. \"You feel that Lauren? You feel my baby kicking? Sheila can't fake that!\" Paul has some concerns. The report that he dug up for Michael hasn't been brought up or discovered yet. Michael hasn't been questioned about it either. It is a sure thing that this is going to come up as the security cameras have Michael on film talking with Carmen and waving an envelope. Michael gets a call that the crime scene is clear. He arranged for Neil and Drucilla to meet he and Paul there to go over the scene and events that led up to the finding. He tells that he has had word that Carmen was dead two days ago and not just the day before. Paul goes over the building to see if he can drum up some clues. Michael takes this chance to ask Neil where he was two days before when the death occurred. \"I was with Dru all night.\" Nick and especially Lauren make a strange face when Phyllis says that Dru wouldn't be in the trouble she is in if it weren't for her big mouth. \"What? Why are you looking at me like that?\" Phyllis says that it is true, and that Dru was bound to get in trouble with that big mouth. Lauren turns from her. Phyllis sees what is going on. She shouts at Lauren to look at her. \"Sheila is dead! I am not her and you don't have to worry.\" She hugs the woman now. Devon wants to give the envelope about Carmen to the police. Daniel can understand how the details of the envelope could help Drucilla Lily feels that they should give it to her parents if anyone. Devon throws the envelope on the table and forgets about it. In the middle of the night, cops wake Neil and Drucilla to execute a search warrant. \"We need the clothes you were wearing two days ago.\" At the kids place, Detective Sullivan arrives to execute a search warrant on the place. \"What are you looking for?\" Detective Sullivan says that she needs to find an envelope with Carmen Mesta's name and address on it. \"Here it is.\" She finds the envelope under a book that lays on a coffee table right before them. At home, Neil and Drucilla realize that they lied to their lawyer and now they have to stick to the lie. If they are caught lying, they are both going down." ]
[ "Colleen: Uh... I'm... I'm sorry.", "Professor Korbel: Uh, don't-- don't apologize.", "Colleen: No, I shouldn't have done that. I really shouldn't have.", "Professor Korbel: You were upset. It's--its okay.", "Colleen: No, you are my boyfriend. I have a boyfriend.", "Colleen: Great. It's JT.", "Professor Korbel: You should, uh, probably take that.", "Colleen: Hey.", "JT: Hey. Where are you?", "Colleen: Still at school. I'm leaving now.", "JT: Professor Korbel keep you late?", "Colleen: Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't call. I'll be home as soon I can, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Yeah, all right, Colleen's on her way.", "Devon: What did you say?", "JT: Colleen is on her way here.", "Devon: Is everything okay?", "JT: Yea she's fine. It's just that professor-- that guy is ridiculous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: You gonna be all right?", "Colleen: Yeah, I just, um... I should go.", "Professor Korbel: And we'll talk tomorrow.", "Colleen: Okay. Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Neil...", "Neil: Mmm", "Dru: Baby, do you know any more about the murder than what you're saying?", "Neil: That's funny. I was about to ask you the exact same thing.", "Dru: I asked you first.", "Neil: No.", "Dru: No, what?", "Neil: No, I didn't kill Carmen. That is what you're wondering?", "Dru: I wasn't accusing you, Honey.", "Neil: It's okay, Dru. You needed to hear me say those words and I said 'em. Now I wanna hear you say them. Tell me you didn't kill Carmen.", "Dru: She made me mad, you know? And--and--and she made my life miserable. And maybe I actually did want her dead, but I did not kill that bitch.", "Neil: Okay, okay, good, that's--that's all I needed to hear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey!", "Lauren: Hey, you guys.", "Nick: The nurse said we might find you in here.", "Lauren: Yeah, I just needed a break from the NCI.", "Phyllis: Yeah. How's--how's your son?", "Lauren: Good. Good. Um, I'm still not sure when we can bring him home yet though.", "Phyllis: Wow, that must be driving you crazy. I'm so sorry, Lauren. Listen, um, this is for Fen.", "Lauren: Oh, thanks! That's very nice.", "Nick: He might need some help putting it on, unless he's really advanced.", "Phyllis: Um... so he must be getting cuter by the second. Does he looks like Michael?", "Lauren: I think so.", "Nick: It's still visiting hours. Could we go see him?", "Lauren: You know, he was having some tests taken when I left, so maybe we should wait.", "Phyllis: Um, uh, don't worry. I'll stay here.", "Lauren: No, it's not that, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: No, it's okay. I've already seen Fen. Um, Nick can go.", "Lauren: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot.", "Phyllis: Don't worry about it. I understand. You're worried about Sheila. I would feel the same way.", "Nick: Yeah, Phyllis told me about the surgery to look like her.", "Phyllis: Yeah, exactly. And that's insane and twisted and .", "Lauren: I know that Sheila's dead and I know you're not her. But every time I see you, it just--it freaks me out. I can't help it.", "Phyllis: I-I understand. Listen... here, give me your hand. Feel this. Do you feel my baby kicking in there? Do you feel that? There's no way I can fake that, Lauren.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So Carmen died two nights ago between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M.?", "Michael: Give or take.", "Paul: That's what the police told you?", "Michael: They haven't made it public yet. I have a contact down at the police station who saw the coroner's report.", "Paul: Did this contact say anything else?", "Michael: He didn't mention anything about the report we dug up on Carmen.", "Paul: So nothing about her having an affair with a married co-worker from her former job?", "Michael: Maybe they haven't found it.", "Paul: So when they do...", "Michael: If they do.", "Paul: Okay, if they do...", "Michael: It won't be hard to trace it back to us. I'm sure the security cameras at Newman caught me giving Carmen the envelope.", "Paul: Right, only hours before she was murdered.", "Michael: It is not as if we did anything wrong.", "Paul: Okay. Well, I run background checks on people all the time.", "Michael: So do I. This is just the first time one of my subjects turned up dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, the kids aren't here yet?", "Victor: No, they called. They're running a little late.", "Nikki: Well, that's okay. Miguel says dinner's not gonna be ready for awhile anyway. What's that?", "Victor: It's a little letter of condolence to Carmen Mesta's family, telling them that we are thinking about them.", "Nikki: That's very sweet. God, I just can't believe that somebody would kill her and leave her in that alley.", "Victor: It's absolutely to horrendous to think about.", "Nikki: It's also unfortunate that Newman Enterprises is caught in the middle.", "Victor: Yeah, well, she did work for the company and so did Drucilla Winters.", "Nikki: Do you think that Drucilla did it?", "Victor: Do you?", "Nikki: Well, I admit... she is a logical suspect. She had a motive. She's always been a little unbalanced, shall we say? But I just can't see her beg capable of killing someone. I don't think so. What do you think?", "Victor: Well, I like to believe that people are inherently good, but given certain circumstances, they can snap. That includes Drucilla Winters.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, this is so cute!", "Phyllis: Yeah, I thought so, too. Do you like it?", "Lauren: Oh, I love it. Where'd you get it?", "Phyllis: A little baby store there. Nick practically had to drag me out of it.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Lauren: Oh, so tell me about the wedding! Did everything go smoothly?", "Nick: Real smooth.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: You wanna take this one?", "Lauren: Oh, sure, I'll take it.", "Phyllis: We did get married. Um, in spite of-- of things going wrong one after the other.", "Lauren: Like?", "Phyllis: Like, uh...our plane got diverted on account of weather.", "Nick: There was a, uh, giant barn fire.", "Phyllis: Yeah, a water pipe broke in our hotel room. You know, but, uh... I'm sure we're leaving things out, aren't we?", "Nick: Yeah, but it all worked out.", "Phyllis: Yeah, right?", "Nick: We got the rings to prove it.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we got rings. We--we--yeah.", "Nick: Lauren?", "Phyllis: I don't know how exciting that was.", "Lauren: Huh?", "Nick: Where'd you go just now?", "Lauren: It's just those people. Every time I see people in masks, I think its Sheila. And I know it's not her, but it just gives me a chill up my spine.", "Phyllis: Um...", "Nick: It's probably gonna be awhile until you can relax.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, that day can't come soon enough for me. Because I just hate feeling like this.", "Phyllis: Hey, why isn't your big, strong husband here, holding your hand?", "Lauren: Well, he would be, but I told him I was fine.", "Phyllis: Well, you're obviously not fine.", "Lauren: No, I know. But I mean, what can I do? He's worried about the baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, speaking of the dirt we dug up on Carmen...", "Michael: Where is the report now?", "Paul: That-- and do you think that it could be related to Carmen's murder?", "Michael: As in, your snooping into Carmen's past re-ignited some old grudge?", "Paul: Come on, Michael, it's a possibility.", "Michael: Hold on. Yes. Mm-hmm. Okay, thank you. My contact-- apparently, they've released the crime scene. You wanna take a drive over to Indigo?", "Paul: Yeah, I wouldn't mind taking a look around.", "Michael: Oh, wait. I better call Drucilla and Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hello?", "Michael: Yes, it's Michael. I just got word the CSI folks are finished at Indigo. I would like you and Drucilla to meet me down there.", "Neil: Is there a problem?", "Michael: No, no problem. I just wanna ask you some questions and I think it would be better if we do it there.", "Neil: All right, listen, we're on our way. Thanks.", "Dru: What'd he say?", "Neil: Um, he wants to ask us some questions. He wants us down at Indigo now.", "Dru: Why can't he come here?", "Neil: Let's just do what he says, all right?", "Dru: I can't. I cannot see where that body was.", "Neil: What are you telling me? You're never gonna set foot in my club ever again?", "Dru: Neil, it's too soon!", "Neil: All right, listen, it's up to you. Michael's on our side, okay, your side. He's trying to help you. Please don't make things worse than they already are. I'm going to the car and in two minutes I'm leaving, you hear me?", "Dru: Neil, wait! Wait!", "Neil: No, you should come.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: So did Professor Korbel give you a hard time when you told him you wanted to leave?", "Colleen: No. Hey, can you help me talk to Devon? I have a lot of questions.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, nobody's supposed to talk about the murder.", "Devon: What did you say?", "Colleen: How can I help your family?", "Daniel: She wants to know how she can help.", "Devon: Oh, you don't have to help. We're fine, really. Thank you, though, thank you. How was that fundraiser?", "Colleen: Great. We, uh, we went over our goal.", "Daniel: Great--", "Devon: Oh, no, I got it. I got it. Thank you, though. Um, I'm glad you had a good night.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "JT: Hey, was Professor Korbel happy with your work? Or did he find something else to complain about?", "Colleen: Um, I don't know. I guess he was happy. I didn't really talk to him very much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, something smells good.", "Victor: Doesn't it?", "Nikki: That would be dinner.", "Victoria: What are we having?", "Nikki: I don't know. I told Miguel to surprise us.", "Victor: Whatever it is, it'll be very good, I promise you.", "Victoria: It always good.", "Victor: Please, have a seat.", "Nikki: Yeah, sit down.", "Victoria: Sitting is good.", "Nikki: How are you, Sweetheart?", "Victoria: I'm okay. I'm okay.", "Nikki: Isn't that just terrible about Carmen.", "Victoria: I know. It's unbelievable.", "Nikki: I hope they solve it soon. It's just terrifying to think that there's a killer on the loose.", "Victoria: Do they know when she died?", "Nikki: I guess last night.", "Victor: Well, that's when she was found. The question is when she was killed and who saw her last.", "Victoria: I saw her at the office.", "Victor: What?", "Victoria: Two days ago.", "Victor: Oh. Brad?", "Brad: Hmm? Oh, yeah, same with me.", "Victor: But when did Neil and Drucilla see her last?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I just can't believe it. Look at this place.", "Dru: I'd rather not.", "Dru: Neil?", "Neil: Dru, what are we gonna do?", "Dru: What do you mean, what are we gonna do?", "Neil: The police are gonna wanna know where we were during the time Carmen was murdered. Where were you? You were alone for part of the day yesterday, so was I. Neither of us has a verifiable alibi.", "Dru: Yes, we do. We have each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Refill?", "Professor Korbel: Yes, thank you.", "Jana: You teach at the university.", "Professor Korbel: Were you in one of my classes?", "Jana: No, we met the other day. I'm Jana.", "Korbel: Yes, right. Sorry, long day.", "Jana: So Colleen tells me you've got a very heavy teaching load this semester.", "Professor Korbel: Oh, she told you that, did she?", "Jana: She really enjoys being your research assistant. I can't blame her. I've always found art history to be so fascinating.", "Professor Korbel: So you know Colleen well?", "Jana: No, not really. Not like Kevin here.", "Kevin: What? What about me?", "Jana: You remember Colleen's art history professor, Dr. Professor Korbel, right?", "Professor Korbel: Yes, good memory.", "Kevin: Yeah, nice to see you again.", "Professor Korbel: Good to see you.", "Jana: We were just talking about Colleen.", "Professor Korbel: Jana tells me you're the expert when it comes to my assistant.", "Kevin: Well, I don't know about that. But, uh, yeah, we do have a history. No, I mean, not-- nothing like that. We weren't an item or anything. But, um, I could tell you some stuff.", "Professor Korbel: If you could sum her up in one word?", "Kevin: Oh, that's easy-- stubborn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Listen, you really shouldn't be asking Devon or Lily about the investigation. You know, it's not only their mom who's a suspect, their dad is, too.", "Colleen: Holy... oh, my gosh! Well, at least they have a good attorney. This really needs to go away. I mean, who could've done it? Really? A total stranger? Somebody that we never thought of?", "Daniel: I keep thinking an ex-boyfriend.", "JT: Why do you think that?", "Daniel: Well... if it's someone that nobody of us know, but it's somebody that Carmen knew, then I think that an ex-lover makes total sense.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Well, I agree with Victor. Under the right circumstances, people are capable of anything-- including murder.", "Nikki: I don't know about that. Maybe in the case of self-defense. But... I don't know, for Drucilla to track down Carmen and kill her intentionally? I just don't see that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I just got that phone call from my contact down at the police station. It appears that Carmen, uh, wasn't murdered last night.", "Neil: What? When was she murdered?", "Michael: Two nights ago. And given the foot traffic through that alley yesterday, someone would've noticed, don't you think?", "Neil: Which means Carmen must've been killed somewhere else.", "Michael: And brought here and dumped out back. Look, the reason I asked the both of you to meet me here is that I want you to retrace the moment you discovered Carmen's body, step by step. You need to tell me every detail you remember.", "Neil: Okay, um... where do you wanna start?", "Michael: I'd like to talk to each of you separately. You wanna go first?", "Paul: Neil?", "Neil: Yeah?", "Paul: Is it okay? I'd like to take a look around, see if I can find anything that might be helpful.", "Neil: Yeah, sure. Dru why don't you give him the tour yourself? Come on, Honey.", "Neil: Okay, so... last night, um... after everyone left, I went out back and, um... should we just go and--", "Michael: No, no, Neil, in a minute. First, I need you to tell me something.", "Neil: Yeah, tell you what?", "Michael: Two nights ago-- the night Carmen was apparent killed-- tell me where you were.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: All right, let's check out, see what the next word is. All right, the next word is \"spelter.\" Devon, spelter-- \"s-p-e-l-t-e-r\"-- spelter.", "Devon: You know what, guys? This isn't my game anymore. You gotta have ears to work.", "Daniel: Hey, Devon! Hey! Hey!", "Colleen: You know what? I don't really feel like playing anymore either. But was sweet of you to try and distract everyone from the elephant in the room.", "Daniel: Yeah. I did a great job at failing at that, didn't I?", "Colleen: It's not big deal. I have to go to sleep soon anyway. I have to wake up really early tomorrow, so...", "JT: I thought you didn't have to be at class till the afternoon?", "Colleen: I don't, but I have things to do.", "JT: Don't tell me. Professor Korbel again?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Taking off?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, I need to get home.", "Jana: Maybe next time you'll stay a little bit longer. We could talk about art.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, we could do that or you could enroll in one of my classes.", "Jana: Who knows? I just might.", "Kevin: Ahem. Were you flirting with that guy?", "Jana: No.", "Kevin: Are you sure? Because I know flirting when I see it.", "Jana: Why would I flirt with him when I've got the world's greatest guy right here in front of me?", "Kevin: That's a good answer.", "Jana: Wait.", "[Jana goes to the front door of the coffeehouse and locks the door and puts the closed sign on it and than they make love at the counter]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I have no doubt that I could kill someone if the circumstances were right. No doubt.", "Victor: And what would you consider the right circumstances?", "Victoria: Like if I were defending myself or my child. I wouldn't hesitate. I would do it in a heartbeat. No regrets.", "Nikki: Well, Honey, that's easy to say, but I think you might feel differently when it comes right down to that statement.", "Victoria: No, I wouldn't. No, I would do whatever it took to protect myself or my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So, um... has Michael said anything about the case?", "Lauren: Just that he's definitely gonna have his hands full defending Drucilla.", "Phyllis: Right.", "Nick: Does he really think that she killed Carmen?", "Lauren: Well, it seems like she's their number one suspect right now.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, she couldn't keep her mouth shut.", "Lauren: Well...", "Phyllis: Why are you guys looking at me like that? I'm not saying she's guilty. I'm not saying that. All I'm sayings by the way she acts, she had to make an enemy out of someone sooner or later and that someone was Carmen. Hey?", "Lauren: No, I'm okay. I'm okay. I just, you know, I keep thinking its Sheila and I just-- I gotta get her out of my head.", "Phyllis: Okay, Lauren...", "Lauren: I just need a second.", "Phyllis: No, no, you don't need a second. Turn around, look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Sheila Carter is gone, all right?", "Lauren: I know.", "Phyllis: I know that she was the psychopath of all time, but she was still flesh and blood and she is dead. You have to let yourself believe that. I mean, for you, your husband and your baby. You have to let Sheila go.", "Lauren: I know. I know.", "Phyllis: Here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: All right, so two nights ago... I was at home.", "Michael: Alone?", "Neil: No, with Drucilla.", "Michael: All night?", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, the whole night.", "Michael: Do you have anyone who can verify that if we need them to?", "Neil: Um... not that I can think of, no.", "Dru: What's up?", "Paul: No, not yet. But I wanna keep looking if you don't mind.", "Michael: Uh... Neil, why don't you go with Paul? Drucilla, I'd like to steal you for a moment.", "Neil: Okay.", "Dru: Neil?", "Michael: I'm gonna ask you the same question I asked Neil. Where were you--", "Dru: Last night? I already told you.", "Michael: No, no, Honey, not last night. Two nights ago-- the night Carmen was murdered.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: How much trouble is Lily's mom in?", "JT: I can't say.", "Daniel: Come on, Dude.", "JT: I can't say 'cause I don't know.", "Devon: What are you guys talking about? Are you gonna tell me?", "Daniel: I asked him how bad it looks for Dru.", "Devon: How bad does it look?", "JT: Well, from what I've heard, the cops didn't find much evidence in the alley.", "Daniel: He said the police didn't find anything.", "JT: Which means Carmen's body was probably dumped there.", "Daniel: Carmen was probably moved there.", "Devon: So that's a good thing for Dru right?", "JT: It's not good or bad. It's just a fact.", "Daniel: He said it's not good or bad.", "JT: Hey... you've been pretty quiet tonight.", "Colleen: Just tired.", "JT: You sure?", "Colleen: Sure.", "JT: That was convincing. What, did something happen tonight with the professor?", "Colleen: Happen? What do you mean?", "JT: I don't know, I'm just asking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You think anybody saw us?", "Jana: Nah. It's quiet out there.", "Kevin: I can't believe we just did that.", "Jana: Well, don't tell me that's the first time you had a romp in the coffeehouse.", "Kevin: Uh, yeah.", "Jana: Ha.", "Kevin: Oh, I take it it wasn't your first time.", "Jana: Well, there was this place in Amsterdam. You know what? Never mind.", "Kevin: Thank you. That was fun.", "Jana: It was. Let's do it again.", "Kevin: Now?", "Jana: No, next week. Yes, now.", "Kevin: All right. Don't get fresh.", "Jana: Uh-oh.", "Kevin: What?", "Jana: Uh, I forgot about that.", "Kevin: The security camera.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: One thing's for sure-- I wouldn't wanna be in Drucilla's shoes right now.", "Victor: On the other hand, it's possible there are suspects the police have under surveillance right now that we don't even know about.", "Brad: I doubt there's one quite like Drucilla. I mean, everyone at Newman knew how much she hated Carmen... remember, at the NVP pay-- how she humiliated Carmen in front of everyone?", "Nikki: Humiliated herself, I'd say.", "Brad: Well, be that as it may, my point is that Dru was looking at jail time. Now if that's not motivation to kill someone, I don't know what is. Then there's the fact that they found, uh, Carmen's body at Neil's club. It doesn't look good.", "Victor: Well, I think one has to be careful jumping to conclusions. You're innocent until proven guilty.", "Brad: True enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Congratulations. Your stories about the night Carmen was killed match.", "Dru: . So there won't be any more questions about our alibis?", "Michael: Well, clearly, if you didn't have an alibi, you would be in serious trouble. But still, I am a little concerned that this is just a wife and husband covering up for each other.", "Dru: All right, so no one's been charged with a crime.", "Michael: I'm just saying, it gets to that point...", "Dru: Can we go?", "Michael: Yeah, we're done.", "Dru: Let's go.", "Paul: I have a question for you.", "Michael: Shoot.", "Paul: Where were you two nights ago?", "Michael: Seriously?", "Paul: Sure why not?", "Michael: Two nights ago? Two nights ago? After I finished work, I went straight to the hospital and spent the night with Lauren and my son. Any other questions?", "Paul: What time did you leave your office?", "Michael: Good night, Paul.", "Paul: Hold on a second. This could be the news we've been waiting for. Willams here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey. Actually, we're about to take off.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: You have to go right now? I brought dinner.", "Nick: I'm not hungry, but I love to eat. So let's go.", "Michael: There you go. How's my boy, hmm?", "Lauren: He's good. He's good.", "Michael: Well, I have some news that should make you happy. Paul and I convinced the Argentinean authorities to run another DNA test on Sheila's remains.", "Lauren: And was it?", "Michael: It's Sheila. There's no doubt. Oh, ho, ho, ho.", "Lauren: Happy Halloween.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Uh don't worry about it. I'll clean everything in the morning.", "JT: No, I got it. I got it. It's cool. You sure you're all right?", "Colleen: Okay, listen, I won't be and neither will you if you keep asking me that.", "JT: I'm just saying you don't seem like yourself.", "Colleen: I'm tired. That's it. I promise.", "JT: All right.", "Colleen: JT?", "JT: Yeah?", "Colleen: I love you.", "JT: I love you, too.", "Colleen: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I keep reading the same pages over and over again.", "Daniel: You giving up?", "Lily: Yeah. Good night.", "Daniel: Maybe it will be easier in the morning. I'll be up there in a minute, okay?", "Lily: All right.", "Devon: Hey, guys?", "Lily: Hey, Devon.", "Devon: Before you go upstairs, hang on, I got something to tell you, um, both of you. I'm gonna give the letter to the police.", "Lily: What?", "Devon: I've just-- I've been thinking about what JT said.", "Lily: What did he say?", "Devon: He said that the case can turn on the smallest piece of evidence. This report right here proves that Carmen has enemies. And it could take the focus off of Dru, you know? I really think that we should give it to the police. I do. What do you think, Daniel?", "Daniel: I think you're right, man. \"That's something that the authorities should have.\"", "Devon: Yes, I agree. What about you, Lily?", "Lily: I'd rather wait.", "Devon: Why?", "Lily: I don't know. I just have a feeling. Okay, how about this? We give mom and dad the report in the morning and then we see what they think.", "Devon: Yeah, um, I guess I'd be all right with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oo ... I'm glad that's over.", "Neil: Yeah, I hear you.", "Dru: Yeah Neil?", "Neil: What?", "Dru: We did it.", "Neil: I wish I could say I'm proud of us.", "Dru: Well, what other alternative did we have?", "Neil: I know. But still, you know-- you know what we did? We lied to our own attorney, Dru. Who's next?", "Dru: Neil, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. The main thing is that you thought of an alibi for us for two nights ago.", "Neil: I figured we might be asked where we were. My guess was right.", "Dru: Um... you know what this means, right?", "Neil: There's no turning back.", "Dru: There's no turning back. And if I go down...", "Neil: I'm going down with you.", "Dru: You ready for that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Wow!", "Jana: Mm-hmm. Wow.", "Kevin: That camera really picks--okay!", "Jana: Ooh, my!", "Kevin: That's enough.", "Jana: Can't say I've ever seen myself do that before.", "Kevin: No, me either. It sure was kinda hot, though.", "Jana: Yeah, you would say that.", "Kevin: What, you didn't think so? Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you gonna do?", "Jana: Delete it, of course.", "Kevin: You can't delete it from here.", "Jana: Well, then how do you do it?", "Kevin: I have to go in the back and put my password in the system.", "Jana: Why can't you just destroy the tape?", "Kevin: Because it's not a tape. It's digital. You know, like DVR. It's always recording.", "Jana: Hang on. You better make sure to get rid of that. I don't want my own Paris Hilton moment on the internet.", "Kevin: Are you sure? Because I was gonna upload it onto my web site.", "Jana: Sure you were.", "Kevin: What? I'm not talking like you tube or anything.", "Jana: What, like our own little cyberspace corner then, eh?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. You got it. So what do you say? I was thinking I could go Hi-Res, you know? Maybe put in some special effects. Make it grainy and like, really cheesy.", "Jana: Why not both?", "Kevin: Both what?", "Jana: Both versions. Or you know what? Better yet, a whole series of ten second clips-- \"the best of Kevin and Jana-- going at it like rabbits,\" eh?", "Kevin: What?", "Jana: Yeah!", "Kevin: Are you serious?", "Jana: Come on. Of course, I'm serious. Aren't you?", "Kevin: I, um...", "Jana: Come on, upload it. I dare you. In fact, I double dare you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dad seems to be doing really well.", "Nikki: Yeah, he's doing very well.", "Victoria: Why are you smiling?", "Nikki: I'm just happy.", "Victoria: Good. Is there, , anything I should know about?", "Nikki: Oh, no, no. Um, just that sometimes things are not quite as they seem.", "Victoria: Whatever that means.", "Nikki: Well, that means that there are things about your father that I've Missed. And I don't think I'll be missing them forever.", "Victoria: Mom, what are you talking about?", "Victor: I think your mother is referring to my visit to Dr. Wilcox earlier.", "Nikki: Right.", "Victor: I'm doing much better than expected. I've been without seizures for two months now.", "Victoria: Dad, that's great. That's great!", "Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Aw, are you sad?", "Jana: What, that our steamy, countertop session will make it to cyber space.", "Kevin: It might have been a kick. Of course, now we'll never know, 'cause I erased it.", "Jana: You do realize that once something's on the internet, it's never private.", "Kevin: Well... I guess we'll just have to settle for the live version.", "Jana: That'll do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, there's plenty left. Are you sure nobody wants any more?", "Phyllis: No, not for me.", "Nick: Send it over.", "Lauren: Not me.", "Michael: That's it. Feed that tapeworm, end. Feed it. That was good.", "Phyllis: Great. Um, so, uh... are you staying all night? I'm going to go home and sleep in my own bed because I am sure tomorrow will be just as insane as today.", "Phyllis: Well, I would ask you... what's going on regarding the trial.", "Michael: But you can't. Because I can't talk about it, can I?", "Phyllis: I know, I know that. See, I wouldn't ask. I figured. All right...", "Michael: So...", "Lauren: Mmm, yeah?", "Michael: I assume you're staying here?", "Phyllis: Are we taking this?", "Lauren: Of course.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, you could come home for a few hours.", "Lauren: I know.", "Lauren: But I don't wanna leave the baby.", "Michael: The nurses will take great care of him.", "Lauren: No, Michael, no.", "Michael: All right, I understand.", "Lauren: I can't wait-- I can't wait till we can take the baby home and getting up every few hours to feed him in our bed is gonna feel like a vacation compared to that chair I've been sleeping in.", "Michael: I know. I know.", "Lauren: You know,", "Dr. Okamura: Then I am just...the man you wanna see.", "Lauren: Hmm?", "Michael: Dr. Okamura.", "Dr. Okamura: I just checked your son. Everything looks great. He's ready to go home.", "Michael: Come here! Oh, Mommy!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Wow. Wow.", "Colleen: I agree.", "JT: You know... you seemed a little different this time.", "JT: You're always better than perfect. I don't know. It was just, uh... there was something different, but I liked it.", "Colleen: Well, whatever \"it\" is, you bring it out in me.", "JT: I'm gonna go take a shower.", "Colleen: Hey, you want company?", "JT: Enter at your own risk.", "Colleen: Be there in a minute.", "JT: All right.", "Colleen: Hey, Professor Korbel, it's, uh, Colleen. I am just calling to say sorry about earlier tonight. Uh, I don't know why that happened, but, um... I never do things like t at and it will never happen again. So I hope that things aren't awkward between us. Okay, bye.", "JT: You coming?", "Colleen: Uh... yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: You okay?", "Victoria: I hate keeping secrets from my parents.", "Brad: I know. I don't like it either. But if I tell 'em--", "Victoria: I know. We can't tell them that you went to see Carmen at her hotel.", "Brad: No, they'll have all sorts of questions. I don't wanna put them in the middle of this. Not yet.", "Victoria: I understand.", "Brad: Do you?", "Victoria: Yeah, I do. You can trust me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I know what you're gonna say. I almost slipped up with Victoria.", "Victor: Sweetheart, that wasn't almost a slip-up, you were close to telling her everything.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry. I just can't help it. She would be so thrilled!", "Victor: I don't want anyone to know about this. No one knows about this, okay? Not Victoria, not Brad Carlton, not Phyllis, not our son--no one.", "Nikki: Okay, this is just between us.", "Victor: It is just between us. Remember that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yeah?", "Dru: Who in the...", "Neil: I don't know.", "Dru: Who in the devil is that?", "Neil: It's the police. Yeah, what?", "Man: I'm looking for Neil and Drucilla Winters.", "Dru: Yeah, that's us.", "Neil: Yeah, that's us.", "Man: I have a search warrant.", "Dru: A search warrant?", "Neil: For what?", "Man: We need all the clothes you wore last night and the night before.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Okay, this is everything you were wearing?", "Daniel: Yeah, I think so.", "Sullivan: You think so?", "Daniel: Yeah, it is.", "Sullivan: Okay. You couldn't find that other item?", "Lily: What other item?", "Sullivan: Uh, well, it's listed in the warrant. It's an envelope, um... kinda looks just like this.", "Devon: Hey, that's-- that's nothing right there.", "Sullivan: With Carmen Mesta's name on it. Okay, we're gonna be taking this, too, all right? Okay, why don't you gather all this up. Thank you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I was with Billy when you called.", "Jill: He asked you for money, didn't he?", "Kay: How long have you been gambling online?", "Dru: I'm so glad that we told Michael that we were together. No cop can disprove that.", "Neil: We hope." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Paul contemplates telling Heather that he is her father. Lauren, having a difficult time dealing with the aftermath of being trapped at Clear Springs, has a nightmare that Paul is dead. Michael calls him so she can hear his voice and she asks him to come over. He tells her about wanting to tell Heather he is her dad. Maggie accuses Cane of leaking the story of Jack being a suspect in Ji Min's death. After she leaves, Jill admits to Cane it was her. Later he goes out on a date with Heather. Jeffrey comes by and invites Gloria to dinner. Kevin invites himself along. They talk about Clear Springs and accidents. He tells a story of how he once accidentally hurt a bully, and asks Gloria if that's ever happened to her. After dinner, Kevin warns Gloria that Jeffrey is up to something. Back in his room, Jeffrey pulls out a tape recorder that he used to tape their conversation and presses listens to it.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Michael: Hey.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: You look cold.", "Lauren: No, I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Michael: Well, here, look, why don't we, uh, put this throw on you, just in case.", "Lauren: Okay. Thank you. All right. All right. Thank you.", "Gloria: And why don't I make you something to eat?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: I'm not hungry. Thanks, though.", "Kevin: Uh, translation-- the surgeon general has determined that your cooking is hazardous to a person's health.", "Gloria: Ha ha ha ha ha.", "Michael: What do you want, Sweetie?", "Lauren: You know what, you two? Uh, you three, do whatever you want. I'm really not hungry.", "Kevin: I'm fine. I have to go to the coffeehouse, work on the books.", "Gloria: Honey, Honey, can't that wait until tomorrow?", "Kevin: No, not really. I'm pretty far behind.", "Gloria: Sweetie, I just thought we'd all spend the evening together. After all, we came so close--", "Michael: All righty.", "Lauren: She doesn't have to watch what she's saying. I'm not gonna fall apart.", "Gloria: I know that. I just meant that wouldn't it be nice if we all sat down and had a--", "Michael: Gloria, just--just stop while you're ahead.", "Gloria: Yes, Michael.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Gloria: Excuse me. Hello?", "Jeff: Hi, it's Jeff.", "Gloria: Hello, Jeff.", "Jeff: I heard about the collapse. How's your daughter-in-law?", "Gloria: Um, she's hanging in.", "Jeff: That must've been a nightmare for all of you.", "Gloria: Yeah, it was. But, um, we're all fine now.", "Jeff: Well, glad to hear that. Then I won't feel bad about asking you. Um, you busy?", "Gloria: What did you have in mind?", "Jeff: Well, how would you feel if I came by with something for Lauren and then took you out to dinner?", "Gloria: That sounds nice.", "Jeff: Great. Then I'll swing by in, um... half an hour?", "Gloria: Perfect. My brother-in-law, Jeffrey, is taking me to dinner.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Oh!", "Kevin: Are you kidding?!", "Michael: You call him up right now and you tell him you changed your mind.", "Gloria: Why should I?", "Lauren: Because the last I heard, he suspected you of contaminating the cream.", "Gloria: Well, even if he does, he's got no proof.", "Michael: All right, you listen to me. If you like playing with fire so much, you join the girl scouts.", "Gloria: Oh, stop it! Stop it! Everybody, I'm not gonna marry him! And besides, I could use a night out. And, Michael, wouldn't you like a little time alone with Lauren?", "Michael: Not if it means spending it worrying about whether you'll incriminate yourself accidentally or not.", "Gloria: You have that little faith in me?", "Michael: In him.", "Gloria: If Jeffrey Bardwell wants to waste his time telling me how fabulous I am, I'm not gonna spoil his fun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Okay. All right, thanks for calling.", "Jill: Good news, I hope.", "Cane: Yes and no. The cleanup's moving slowly, but at least they haven't found any more victims.", "Jill: Well, that is great news.", "Cane: Yep. But I can't rest until I find out how it happened, Mum.", "Jill: Didn't you say you suspected that--", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please hold that thought. Ugh!", "Jill: Who is it?", "Cane: It's this reporter from \"The Chronicle.\" He keeps calling. I tell him to buzz off, but he won't take no for an answer.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jill: I'll get it.", "Cane: You know, the thing I don't like is that I understand the freedom of speech thing, but they throw accusations without a shred of evidence.", "Jill: Detective Sullivan.", "Maggie: Can I come in?", "Jill: Of course.", "Maggie: I'd like to, um, ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.", "Jill: Not at all.", "Maggie: About, um... about the leak to the press. You know?", "Jill: What leak to the press?", "Maggie: About Senator Abbott? How he's a person of interest in Ji Min's homicide? You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?", "Cane: Are you... accusing my mom of something, Detective?", "Maggie: I just asked a question.", "Jill: You know, it seems that you would welcome that story being in the paper.", "Cane: Yeah, I agree. I would've thought that having more light shed on Jack Abbott would actually help your case.", "Maggie: Maybe you leaked that item to the press, Mr. Ashby.", "Cane: And why would I do that?", "Jill: My son had nothing to do with it.", "Maggie: Mm. He might have reason to nudge it along.", "Cane: Oh, and now you're accusing me of something? Okay.", "Maggie: No, no. So neither one of you had anything to do with the leak to the press?", "Cane: You see, we understand that this is very important, but we were hoping you would understand that right now we're trying to solve or figure out what happened in a disaster.", "Maggie: Of course.", "Cane: And I would've thought that you being there of all people, might understand that.", "Maggie: If you think of anything... that might be, um, useful, you know where to find me.", "Jill: Good night, Detective.", "Cane: I'll get the door for you.", "Maggie: Thank you.", "(Door closes)", "Jill: What?", "Cane: I can't believe you leaked the story, Mum.", "Jill: Every single morning I wake up, praying for a resolution to this, and all I keep getting is the same old garbage, while the authorities have the truth staring them in the face. Cane... I lost the man I was gonna marry, and nobody seemed like they cared about justice. I got real tired of waiting. So I just gave 'em a little push in the right direction.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Maggie was telling me what it was like being trapped and... it sounds terrifying.", "Paul: It's not really a great place if you're suffering from claustrophobia, I'll tell you that.", "Heather: I would've panicked.", "Paul: Worst thing you can do.", "Heather: I just-- I can't imagine. How is it possible to stay calm? When you don't know if you're gonna get out or not get out?", "Paul: It's instinct. It's self-preservation. The desire to stay alive. But if you do survive something like that, it gives you a-a new perspective on life. And it makes you really appreciate... you know, the little things that you always take for granted. Like having coffee with a beautiful, brilliant prosecutor.", "Heather: Well, I can't believe you would've taken that for granted. Jeez!", "Paul: But if you do survive, it makes you realize what matters the most.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Well, little Fen is fast asleep.", "Lauren: Oh, the advantages of being a toddler.", "Gloria: Which earrings do we like better? Diamonds or pearls?", "Kevin: Mm. I'd go with the costume ones. If your date is desperate enough for cash, he might try and rip 'em out of your ears.", "Gloria: Honey, not everybody's after money.", "(Knock on door)", "Gloria: I'll get it. And everybody be nice.", "Gloria: Well, hello again!", "Jeff: Well, you look ravishing as always.", "Gloria: Well, thank you, Jeffrey. Come in.", "Jeff: Thank you. Lauren... these are for you.", "Lauren: Oh! That's very thoughtful.", "Jeff: I was so happy to hear that you made it out okay.", "Lauren: Thank you. You know what? I'm gonna put these in water and turn in.", "Michael: No, no, I got it. Here, I'll do it. I'll join you in a minute.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Gloria: Good night, Sweetie.", "Jeff: Well, I don't wanna intrude. We should go. Um, but one of these days, I'd like to treat everybody to dinner, get to know your family.", "Gloria: That would be nice, wouldn't it, Kevin?", "Kevin: Yeah, sure, it would be great.", "Jeff: Just let me know.", "Kevin: I'm free now.", "Gloria: Honey, weren't you saying you had to work on the books at the coffeehouse?", "Kevin: Yeah, but they'll be there tomorrow.", "Gloria: Yeah, but you don't wanna fall behind.", "Kevin: I'm already behind. What's one more day, right?", "Michael: It's not like the boss is gonna fire him.", "Gloria: You'll have to excuse Kevin. Sometimes he takes things too literally.", "Kevin: Uh, Mom, he said he wanted to get to know us better.", "Gloria: Yeah, but maybe not tonight.", "Jeff: Tonight's fine. I'd be delighted to have you join us.", "Kevin: See?", "Michael: I'd go, but I don't wanna leave Lauren.", "Jeff: Next time.", "Gloria: Hmm.", "Michael: Absolutely.", "Jeff: Shall we?", "Kevin: We shall.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: There is something about that woman that I just don't like.", "Cane: Really? Maybe it's her backhanded way of handing out accusations.", "Jill: She was accusing you, too.", "Cane: Mum, I really think she already knew that you leaked the story.", "Jill: She was just here to gauge our reactions.", "Cane: I think she had an agenda for turning up unannounced like that, don't you?", "Jill: I still don't like her accusing you.", "Cane: I suspect she thinks I had something to do with the garage collapse.", "Jill: That is ridiculous!", "Cane: Really? If I had pulled the plug on that sooner--", "Jill: Cane, stop with the blame until we figure out what really happened.", "Cane: You know, when I was underground with J.T. and Grandma, I learned a lot about life.", "Jill: Any conclusions?", "Cane: Live in the moment. And let go of negative thoughts.", "Jill: I am so glad-- I am so glad you made it out of there alive. Just having you here, having you to talk to--", "Cane: Yeah? Even when I give you unwanted advice?", "Jill: Baby, I came so close to losing you, I'll take whatever I can get.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: You know, I... I don't think I could've been as brave as you guys.", "Paul: You know, you would be surprised what you can do when your life depends on it. And from what I've seen, you look like a pretty fearless lady.", "Heather: Well, in a courtroom, maybe, but...", "Maggie: Hey. I'm sorry I'm late. I had to take care of that press leak situation.", "Paul: Oh. Well, Heather has been keeping me company.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. But now that you're here, I will let you guys be.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Heather: Have a great night.", "Maggie: Okay. Don't work too hard.", "Heather: I'll try not to.", "Maggie: (Laughs) that's the first time you've seen her since, um...", "Paul: Clear Springs.", "Paul: You know, the whole time we were talking, I just kept thinking, \"That's my daughter and she doesn't even know it.\" I could've died down there and never told her.", "Maggie: Yeah. And you're finally ready?", "Paul: I always thought it was best that she didn't know the truth. But now I'm not so sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You're awake?", "Lauren: You would be pretty freaked out if I wasn't.", "Michael: But you'd be one hot sleepwalker.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah. That's me.", "(Sighs)", "Michael: You know, I could, uh... I could put on some quiet music. Or... or you know what? I know what I'll do. I'm gonna give you a backrub. That'll do the trick.", "Lauren: You know what? That's not gonna work. I just took some anti-anxiety medication I had left over.", "Michael: I'm surprised you're not knocked out.", "Lauren: Soon.", "Michael: Mm. Well, I could sing you a lullaby, but, uh, that would probably scare you even more.", "Lauren: Well... it's our room. You know, it just, uh, it feels so small and the covers were smothering me.", "Michael: Hey, hey, hey, hey, you're safe now.", "Lauren: What if I'm not? I mean, what if... bad things are just meant to happen to me?", "Michael: Me included?", "Lauren: No.", "Michael: Oh.", "Lauren: Of course not. But every time I close my eyes, I am... trapped under the concrete in the dark. It's a nightmare only I'm still awake. Why is this happening? I mean, I know I'm safe here. I know that. But I'm frightened.", "Michael: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Okay, so, wise one, what do you think I should do?", "Maggie: You know where I stand.", "Paul: When I was trapped I regretted not telling her.", "Maggie: There's your answer. Having you as a father? She'd only have something to gain.", "Paul: Maybe. Maybe she'd be better not knowing.", "Maggie: Because?", "Paul: She had a bad childhood. And somehow, despite all of that, she became this... incredible person. She was able to come to terms with her past. You know, maybe I have no right to mess with that.", "Maggie: I know if it were me, I'd wanna know.", "Paul: It'll dredge up some bad memories.", "Maggie: Are you afraid she'll reject you?", "Paul: No, no, it's not about me. I'm thrilled she lives in the same town. She considers me a friend.", "Maggie: Yeah, but... you want the chance to be a dad to her.", "Paul: I want that more than anything. I just don't know if I can drop that bomb on her. Not now. When she's finally found some happiness.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey, you.", "Heather: Hey, yourself. Um, did you get that message?", "Cane: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't call you back.", "Heather: Oh.", "Cane: I've just got so much going on at the moment.", "Heather: Oh, that's okay. Don't worry about it. I just, um, just wanted to call and let you know I was thinking about you. How's your grandmother doing?", "Cane: She's good. She's good. You can't slow that lady down.", "Heather: Good.", "Cane: So what are you doing now? Why don't you join me for a drink?", "Heather: Work out? Drink with you? Work out? Drink with you? No contest.", "Cane: Oh, well, enjoy your workout then.", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Cane: So, uh, do you always work out this late?", "Heather: Um... yeah. I mean, usually. I think it helps relieve stress from the day.", "Cane: Mm.", "Heather: And I'm definitely not sleeping tonight. I've got way too much on my mind.", "Cane: Join the club.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I hate that you have to baby-sit me.", "Michael: Hey... the babysitter-- that means I get to make the rules. That means you have to kiss me hard.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: Where does it say that?", "Michael: Oh, read your book.", "Michael: Mmm.", "Lauren: So you're not upset you have a head case for a wife?", "Michael: Look... after going through what you did, if you didn't have problems, you would be crazy.", "Lauren: I'm just so frustrated that I can't control these emotions, that's all.", "Michael: Lauren, no one expects you to just shake off what you've been through and go on with your life as if it never happened.", "Lauren: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Michael: It's just not the way.", "Lauren: I'm just-- I'm so tired. I'm tired. I just--I thought I was gonna fall asleep standing up. I really did. That I was gonna drift off just like that.", "Michael: Ah, you know what I'm gonna do?", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: I'm gonna get microwave popcorn and then I'm gonna fish out \"The African Queen.\"", "Lauren: \"The African Queen\"?", "Michael: \"The African Queen\" Bogart and Hepburn. It's kinda like how I picture us.", "Lauren: Oh, really? And so, uh... who's who? As if I don't know.", "Michael: Well, of course, I'm the manly, brave stalwart one--Hepburn.", "Lauren: (Laughs) I knew it!", "Michael: Exactly. Exactly. Now... popcorn! Popcorn! Yes! (Chuckles)", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Michael's an attorney?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. The best defense lawyer in Genoa City, probably the state. Not that I'm prejudiced or anything.", "Kevin: And his wife, Lauren, owns, uh, Fenmore's department stores.", "Jeff: Ah. And you?", "Kevin: I'm an entrepreneur. So that's enough about us. Mom here says that you decided to stay in town longer because of her?", "Jeff: Yeah, that's true.", "Kevin: Uh, well, something else you'll learn about us, Mr. Bardwell. We're blunt. So what are your intentions towards my mother?", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "Gloria: Kevin, please don't be rude. Jeffrey was kind enough to invite you along. Don't give him the third degree.", "Kevin: Well, I wasn't trying to offend you.", "Jeff: You didn't. And to answer your question, my intentions are to spend as much time with your mother as possible.", "Kevin: Why?", "Gloria: Kevin!", "Jeff: Your mother is different from most women.", "Kevin: Mm. Yes, this I know.", "Jeff: Besides being sexy and gorgeous--", "Kevin: Okay, thank you, that's--that's--that'll do it.", "Jeff: She has a wonderful spirit. And she's a great listener.", "Kevin: Who, her?", "Gloria: (Scoffs)", "Jeff: And Gloria cares about other people before herself.", "Gloria: Why, thank you.", "Jeff: So... I can't leave town. Your mother's cast her spell on me. The more I learn about her, the more I wanna know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Cane?", "Jill: Cane?", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Cane: Hang on a second. This is my mum. This is gonna be funny. Hang on. Hang on. Hey, Baby.", "Jill: No, it's not baby. It's your mother.", "Cane: Are you okay?", "Jill: Well, this is gonna sound really silly, but, um... I just wanted to talk to you to make sure that you were safe.", "Cane: You can't sleep, huh?", "Jill: I don't think that sleep is gonna come real easy tonight.", "Cane: Listen, um... I'm okay. Don't wait up. I'll, um... see you in the morning.", "Jill: Okay.", "Cane: That was my mum, checking up on me.", "Heather: Well, I can't say I blame her for being a little vigilant.", "Cane: Yeah. It feels good. You know, actually, it feels great. If feels great to have a parent out there. You know, I never really had a mom when I grew up.", "Heather: I had a little bit of a hunch you didn't grow up here with Jill Abbott.", "Cane: Oh, really?", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Were there, like, subtle clues or something?", "Heather: Yeah, subtle ones, kinda like the accent.", "Cane: I have an accent?", "Heather: (Giggles)", "Cane: Yeah, um... I was separated from my mum when I was a baby.", "Heather: Who raised you?", "Cane: My uncle in the outback. I didn't know Jill till I moved here to Genoa City, looking for my mum.", "Heather: Wow, I'm kinda... I'm kinda like the mirror image.", "Cane: Really? How so?", "Heather: I grew up with my mom and didn't know my real dad.", "Cane: See my uncle-- he was a decent bloke. But I always wondered what my mom would be like. You know? Were you like that with your dad?", "Heather: Um, yeah, but... I-I didn't actually know that my stepfather wasn't my real father until I was... 13.", "Cane: Really?", "Heather: Yeah. My mother told me after he died. But it's--it's not like Robert was much of a father anyway, so... but, yeah, sure, after I found out, I definitely had this whole big fantasy worked out about him. You know, that he would come home one day and just show up at the door. And I'd open the door and he'd be tall and handsome. And he'd pick me up, and he'd say he was sorry for leaving me. And he'd twirl me around and hug me tight and promise that he'd never, ever leave me again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Once I tell her, it's over. There's no turning back.", "Maggie: And--and what's the worst that could happen?", "Paul: I ruin her life again and she hates me?", "Maggie: Yeah. She might thank you. You know, you might fill a void in her life.", "Paul: You know, April and I were-- were just kids when Heather was born. I was in way over my head.", "Maggie: Yeah, it doesn't make you a bad person.", "Paul: We both decided that it would be better if April raised her alone.", "Maggie: You should tell her that. You know, she seems like a pretty understanding woman.", "Paul: Her whole life she thought her father rejected her. When she was a little girl, she dreamed that one day her father would come back and pick her up in his arms. And you know what I did? I didn't.", "Maggie: Come here. I don't think you're giving her enough credit.", "Paul: You know, if I thought for one minute that she'd understand or forgive--", "Maggie: Honey, you're never gonna know unless you tell her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Whimpering)", "Michael: I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? Look, I can turn the volume down, Sweetie. I'm so sorry.", "Lauren: It's Paul. Where--", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: We were in the rubble...", "Michael: Okay, okay, hold on.", "Lauren: He's dead.", "Michael: Easy, easy, here, look, Sweetie? You're having a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Hm?", "Lauren: It felt so real. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe--maybe something's happened to him.", "Michael: All right, look at me, look at me, look at me. You're here. Look-- home. And you're safe. And Paul's safe, too. All right?", "Lauren: But how do you know? How do you know?", "Michael: I shall prove it. Here.", "Michael: Hey, it's Michael. You busy?", "Paul: Um, I'm just having coffee, uh, with-- how's Lauren?", "Michael: Uh, this hasn't been easy for her.", "Paul: Is there anything I can do?", "Michael: You can talk to her. I think it would help to hear your voice. Hold on. Here.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Paul: What's up?", "Lauren: I was having a nightmare and, um... we were back in the rubble and I was pretty sure you were dead.", "Paul: Oh, no, I'm alive. I'm way too stubborn to die.", "Lauren: It just... it felt so real. I...", "Paul: You want me to come over and see you?", "Lauren: Would you?", "Paul: Hold on a second. Do you mind?", "Maggie: Sounds like she needs you more than I do.", "Paul: I'll be right there.", "Lauren: Okay. Thanks.", "Michael: All better?", "Lauren: He's on his way. I... I've gotta pull myself together.", "Michael: Come here. Let me help. Come on. Come here. Oh! I love you. I love you.", "Lauren: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You see, I'd search the faces of all the women in the crowd-- thank you-- to see if any of the women had, like, my nose, my mouth, my smile. And I realized I had this picture of what my mum looked like. And then I realized later that I'd seen her and she's hanging inside the church where I-- where I'd go and she's on the wall in this painting.", "Heather: One of the saints?", "Cane: Uh-huh. Mary Mackillop--Mother Mary-- Mary of the Cross, Australia's first native-born saint.", "Heather: Oh, wow, yeah. You know, I'd say that's fairly normal, though. To idealize the parent that's missing.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Heather: I definitely did when I found out about my real dad. Then again, any guy would be, uh, ideal compared to my stepfather.", "Cane: Why is that?", "Heather: He was abusive.", "Cane: I'm sorry.", "Heather: No, no, it's okay. You know, we survived. No thanks to my real father, though. When I had found out about my biological father, I'd always hoped he would come back. You know, but he never did. And I realized it was because he didn't want us. You know, he didn't care that my stepdad had happened to us. And that's about when I started getting bitter and angry and resentful, so...", "Cane: Well, I don't blame you for it.", "Heather: Yeah, but I would sort of envision him as this bum on the side of the street, you know, having lost everything. Or this guy that was cold and hungry. Because that's what he deserved.", "Cane: Did your mum ever talk to you about your dad, or...", "Heather: Not really. She never mentioned one bad thing about him. But you know, in all those years, he didn't send one Christmas card. I mean, what-- what sort of heartless person can do that? Well, I'm really glad we kept things light. I'm sorry.", "Cane: That's okay. Yeah, but that was then. But, uh... what about now? Do you have-- have any desire to meet your dad, tell him how you feel?", "Heather: No. None.", "Cane: You know, for years, I convinced myself I didn't want to meet my mum. And then one morning, I woke up and I realized I needed to have an answer for that one all-consuming question.", "Heather: Like, why Jill gave you up?", "Cane: Yeah. Why my mum gave me up. And... the long story, short-- is that she was tricked. But I'm glad that I found my mum. Because now I know she's really a good person.", "Heather: Well, I already know that my father is not a good person. So I couldn't care less who he is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Here we go.", "Paul: Ah, nothing like a cold brew to revive a dead man. Ha ha ha.", "Lauren: All right. You being dead was not exactly funny to me.", "Paul: Hey, look, I'm alive and kicking.", "Lauren: Yes. I see that. I'm kind of embarrassed, you know, that I caused this.", "Paul: Nonsense. You can call me any time. As you can see, I make house calls.", "Michael: Tada!", "Lauren: Very nice.", "Fen: (Cries)", "Michael: Oh!", "Lauren: Oh!", "Michael: Okay.", "Lauren: Honey, do you-- can you...", "Michael: Yes, I will go check up on Fenmore.", "Lauren: Thank you. Um, I-I... I'm sorry I bothered you so late. Were you in the middle of something?", "Paul: No, no, Maggie and I were just hanging out.", "Lauren: Ah. So I ruined a date?", "Paul: You know what? Don't be so hard on yourself. She's having, um, nightmares, too, about being trapped.", "Lauren: Oh. So I guess I owe you a romantic dinner? I mean, for you and Maggie.", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Paul: Who said it was romantic?", "Lauren: Really? Something going on with you two?", "Paul: No, no, no, nothing like that.", "Lauren: You don't seem yourself tonight.", "Paul: Well, um... I had kind of an epiphany myself.", "Lauren: How so?", "Paul: The disaster made me think a lot about my life. You know, the... mistakes I've made, the regrets I have. The things that, uh... I haven't said.", "Lauren: We've all made mistakes and have regrets.", "Paul: True. But not everyone has a second chance to make things right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: I hope, uh, Lauren can join us soon. She seems to be doing okay?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Some good moments, some bad.", "Jeff: Do they know what caused the collapse?", "Kevin: Not yet. Could've been anything from an accident to sabotage.", "Jeff: I can't imagine the kind of mind it would take to hurt innocent people that way.", "Gloria: I agree. It's incomprehensible.", "Jeff: Still, accidents do happen. I remember once when I was in school, there was this-- never mind.", "Gloria: No, please, tell me.", "Jeff: Well, there was this, uh, bully, Jackson Warner. He was always picking on my best friend, Zack. One day, um... I think we were in middle school, he went too far. Zack was, um, walking home on the railroad tracks and this jerk blocked his way, threatened to beat him up. Did everything he could to intimidate him.", "Gloria: I hate people like that.", "Jeff: I used to go home that way, so I ran across the two of them. Zack was almost in tears. I tried to put a stop to it, but he wouldn't back down. I warned him, but he wouldn't listen.", "Kevin: So what happened?", "Jeff: He came after me. I stepped aside. He, uh, fell off the embankment, broke both his arms, and was in casts for two months.", "Gloria: That's awful.", "Kevin: Yeah. You really gave it to that guy.", "Jeff: Well, he deserved it. Actually, he mostly gave it to himself. Afterwards, though, I was kind of, you know, I felt kinda guilty. I mean, I wanted the guy to stop, I didn't want to hurt him.", "Gloria: Of course you didn't.", "Jeff: Plenty of people blamed me, though.", "Gloria: You were just trying to protect your friend. I understand that.", "Jeff: Really?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jeff: Have you gone through something similar?", "Gloria: No. But I bet I'd do the exact same thing you did.", "Gloria: Well, thank you for a lovely evening and a beautiful dinner.", "Kevin: Yes, thank you.", "Jeff: My pleasure. I'll call you soon.", "Gloria: Mmm.", "Kevin: Mom, are you kidding me?", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: You're so getting sucked in.", "Gloria: (Laughs) no, I'm not.", "Kevin: Then what was all the flirting about?", "Gloria: Oh, he's a man. It helps him open up.", "Kevin: All that praise he was lavishing on you? You don't think he was laying it on a little thick?", "Gloria: I can't help it if Jeffrey Bardwell's taken with me.", "Kevin: And your reaction to that ridiculous story he told?", "Gloria: If you're gonna tell a lie, rehearse it.", "Kevin: Oh. You thought he was lying, did ya?", "Gloria: He couldn't look me straight in the eye. Dead giveaway.", "Kevin: Really?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Well, you're a good actress then. I thought you were eating up every last word.", "Gloria: Yeah, but I'll give him credit. He's smooth.", "Kevin: So you're not falling for this guy, right?", "Gloria: And if Jeffrey Bardwell thinks he's good at playing people, he's got a big surprise coming. I'm better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Cane: So you waited up for me, huh?", "Jill: The book didn't fool ya?", "Cane: Uh, no. Oh, Mum!", "Jill: Where were you?", "Cane: I was, um... I was having drinks with Heather.", "Jill: Heather?", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: You like her?", "Cane: As a friend. All right, I like her. Yeah, I like her.", "Jill: Okay, Darling, maybe I'll be able to get some sleep now that I know you're safe.", "Cane: Good night.", "Jill: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Conflicted, torn, confused, ambivalent-- I think about it all the time now.", "Lauren: I guess there's only really, um... one question you can ask yourself.", "Paul: What's that?", "Lauren: If--God forbid-- Clear Springs was tomorrow and it was your last day on earth, would you tell her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Everything's great, Mom. Yeah, no, I love my work. And, um... I'm making friends. I even met a great guy. I know. I know. You said it. I'm happier than I've ever been. Moving was definitely worth it. Law school was definitely worth it. No, no, take your call. It's okay. I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey, April, it's, uh, it's Paul. I hope I'm not calling too late. Yeah, I know. Too long. So, um, you heard about what happened in Clear Springs? No, I'm okay. Uh, I was lucky. Um... listen, the reason I'm calling is, uh, it's about Heather. No, no, no, no, she's fine. She's fine. But, um... I've been thinking a lot about this, and I-I think it's time for me to tell her the truth.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Neil: Why was J.T. Hellstrom working at that site?", "Cane: Man needed a job.", "Nick: If I find out that her company put Victoria in that bed, I am going to sue until there isn't any Chancellor Industries left.", "Jack: I'm very grateful for your saving my life." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victoria hosts Billy's annual Halloween party at Jimmy's and gets very drunk because she misses Billy. Everyone has a good time at the party and Phyllis continues to get jealous over Avery's friendship with Nick. Phyllis offers Ricky a job at Restless Style complete with a bonus if he gives her the pictures of Heather and Adam. Ricky tells Phyllis he needs time to think because this could ruin his relationship with Paul. Ricky tells Avery he has a tip that Adam and Heather are sleeping together. She is surprised that Ricky is willing to betray his sister to help Sharon. Ricky tells Avery that it doesn't matter what he has to do to make sure that an innocent woman gets out of jail. Adam informs Sharon that he has helped her in ways that she doesn't even know yet. Sharon later tells Avery about her strange conversation with Adam. Avery suspects that Adam is the source that Ricky mentioned when they talked earlier.", "Billy arrives at the hospital dressed as Santa and surprises Kevin who is very nervous that Victor will find out Billy didn't get on the plane. Billy spends some time with Delia and is seen in his Santa costume by a nurse. Then Billy heads to Jimmy's and sneaks inside the party in time to see Victoria talking about how she misses him. When Nick takes Victoria home, Billy follows them. Abby taunts Eden that Noah has gotten over her and she will never be with him. Abby is the one shocked later when Eden and Daniel kiss in front of her. Angelo's daughter, Angelina, arrives in town and sings a very off-key version of \"You Made Me Love You\" at the Halloween party. Billy waits until Nick leaves then helps a drunken Victoria open the door to the house and get her to the couch. Billy can't help himself and gives Victoria a kiss that makes her ask, \"Billy, is that you?\" Billy is sad when he notices that Victoria signed the divorce papers. Victoria once again asks, \"Billy, is that you?\"", "" ]
[ "Kevin: All right, can I open my eyes yet?", "Chloe: I don't know. Should we let him open his eyes? Yeah? Okay. Open your eyes.", "Kevin: You are...", "Chloe: Isn't she?", "Kevin: Amazing. So are you ready to go trick-or-treating?", "Delia: (Giggles)", "Chloe: (Gasps)", "Kevin: Yeah? Okay.", "Chloe: Here, hold your bag. Hold your bag. Okay. Ding-dong. Trick or treat!", "Kevin: (Gasps) (Silly voice) Wow, look at you! Cute as a bug in a rug.", "Chloe: Whoa, two? That's--okay, ready? Second one. And we're walkin'.", "Delia: (Giggles)", "Chloe: We're walkin' down the street. Go to the next house. Okay, ready? Knock, knock, knock.", "Kevin: Oh, look at you! You need some candy, of course. There you go. Boom, boom.", "Chloe: More candy. Oh, my goodness. You're so lucky! (Giggles) What did we get? Ooh. (Gasps)", "Delia: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm. (Mouthing words)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you guys so much for coming.", "Devon: Mm. Mm.", "Victoria: You look so scary-- hot and scary.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Rafe: Sweet. The Halloween party tradition lives on, even without its legendary emcee.", "Victoria: (Sighs) No, no. No Billy. But we have zombie juice and \"Harvey Wallfangers\" and, uh, burgers that are shaped like little brains.", "Rafe: Oh, my favorite.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Eden: (Laughs) What?", "Devon: Nice.", "Rafe: Let's go get a drink, yeah?", "Eden: Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah, go get a drink.", "Michael: Happy Halloween!", "Lauren: Hey! Oh, the boy of summer.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. What on earth happened to you?", "Lauren: Oh, you know.", "Michael: (New York accent) I had to rough her up a bit.", "Lauren: I, well, I was stocking Jabot products and fell off a little stepladder, but I'm good.", "Victoria: Good.", "Nick: Boy, I'd kiss you on the cheek...", "Lauren: Yeah?", "Nick: But I don't want to get pistol-whipped 'cause, uh, Fenmore was a very convincing robot.", "Michael: You can tell. He has the candy to show for it. How did Summer do?", "Victoria: (Laughs) Okay.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Nick: (Laughs) I love it. I love it. We only went a few rounds, you know, but that kid smiles, and candy just flies into the bag. She's talented.", "Michael: Uh-huh, uh-huh.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Well, she's, you know...", "Victoria: Well, you know, Reed is an hour ahead in Washington, so he's probably just coming off his sugar high by now. (Laughs)", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Nick: Well, everything looks great.", "Lauren: It's very impressive.", "Victoria: You guys, its okay, all right? I-I know that this is Billy's thing, but, I mean, it's my thing now. Division of property. Um, I signed the divorce papers. But, hey, you know what? It's Halloween. And I've got no Billy. I've got no kids. So I figure you might as well have a big bash...", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: And not sit around and mope, right?", "Lauren: Hey, that's right.", "Michael: (Normal voice) Ooh, yeah. Thank you.", "Lauren: Perfect. Yeah.", "Nick: Absolutely. Well, Billy is missing out.", "Lauren: Thank you. That's right.", "Victoria: Thank you. Well, I'm sure that he is partying in Transylvania with Vlad or whoever, but we're here. We are here, so we might as well enjoy.", "Lauren: Exactly. To being here. (Glasses clink)", "Victoria: To being here.", "Nick: To being here.", "Lauren: Honey. (Glasses clink)", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: All right, Kern, calm down. It's not that big a deal. Just--yes, now turn it to the left. Hard. Like, really hard to the left. Okay, did that solve it? Okay, thank you. Anything else? All right, bye-bye.", "Kevin: What--what-- (Grunts)", "Billy: Ho ho ho. Hee hee hee.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Adam, no. Whatever it is, no.", "Adam: We didn't get to finish our conversation the other day.", "Sharon: That's because I had to go to court to fight for my life.", "Adam: It's Halloween.", "Sharon: Yeah, and I'm not wearing a costume.", "Adam: There wasn't some little part of you that knew I would show up? That I would come here tonight of all nights?", "Sharon: Honestly, I try not to think about you at all. Obsessing about the anger and the hate and the resentment between the two--", "Adam: I don't hate you. I've proven that. As a matter of fact, I've even helped you in ways you don't even know about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Wow. Oh, wow. This is pretty phenomenal.", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: The prosecutor and her key witness goin' at it? This is amazing. Wait. Wait. Hey, those are mine. What are you doing?", "Ricky: Nope, not yet. Not until I know what you're gonna give me for them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, Adam, you have proven your warm feelings for me in so many ways. Let's see. You have hidden or destroyed evidence that could clear me. You've--you've testified against me. And let's not forget that you--you swore to me that you would stand by me till death do us part, until the final moment when you laughed in my face about how much you actually hate me.", "Adam: It feels like a lifetime ago. It was only a few years ago-- Halloween. We were at the house that you rented. We were handing out candy to kids and drinking wine. You were asking me questions-- questions about my mother, the farm, what it was like slowly going blind. And I had hurt you then. You just didn't know it. And I've hurt you since. It's like you said-- anger, resentment, but still, there's a piece of you that has to know that you can still trust me.", "Sharon: What do you want?", "Adam: Halloween with you has given me some of the best memories I'll ever have. And what I want to know... put all the other crap aside and tell me the truth. Am I alone feeling this way?", "Sharon: No. You're not alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Abby, look at you! Aren't you the cutest little squash ever?", "Abby: Thank you.", "Devon: (Chuckles) She is the cutest squash ever.", "Abby: Thanks. Oh.", "Devon: Huh?", "All: (Laughing)", "Devon: Oh, my gosh.", "Victoria: Oh, how cute are you?", "Daniel: What?", "Devon: That looks awesome. (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Abby: (Giggles)", "Eden: Um, you are the master. This is awesome.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Abby: (Laughs)", "Victoria: Excuse me. I'll be right back.", "Abby: You're supposed to be the brainiac, and the only word you can come up with is \"Awesome\"?", "Eden: Uh, when something is awesome, I use the word accordingly. And when something is rancid or bitter or obnoxious, or pathetic...", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Eden: I also use those accordingly.", "Noah: Dudes and dudettes. Woot! Love your costume.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Hunter: Peace. Peace.", "Abby: I've got some words for you. How about \"Pushed aside,\" \"Obsolete,\" \"Forgotten\"?", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Angelo: Walkin' the room, my eyes went right to you, the most beautiful woman in Genoa City.", "Avery: Oh, no. No, no, no, no.", "Nick: Oh, hey. What, are you leaving?", "Avery: Uh, it's a private party.", "Nick: Well, now you're invited.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: That job at \"Restless Style\" you wanted? Done. Your name on the byline of the article for the pictures--done. An advance on your salary-- done.", "Ricky: Bonus, not advance.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: It's my nanny. Okay. Listen, I-I have to take this. Please guard those with your life, please.", "Heather: Hi.", "Ricky: Hey.", "Heather: What, you don't have any plans tonight?", "Ricky: I am playing it by ear.", "Heather: Mm.", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Heather: Which, uh, could mean that you're free, which could be very good.", "Ricky: Because?", "Heather: Because we're family who didn't know each other for years, and who got off to... a rocky start, and who are on opposite sides of a huge criminal trial.", "Ricky: (Chuckles) Not a whole lot in the \"Plus\" column.", "Heather: There's this big party tonight. Come with me. We can start off as, uh, friends and work our way towards sibs. What do you say? Want to give it a try?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Ow!", "Kevin: You are not here. Victor exiled you across the planet.", "Billy: This is rented! Victor's not God. He just thinks he is. So I'll go when I'm ready.", "Kevin: Being seen by your ex-wife or your kid, that's not a big deal.", "Billy: I thought you wanted me to stick around.", "Kevin: I wanted you to come clean and stop playing this stupid game, Billy.", "Billy: Game? Man, what game? I'm Santa, Baby, and you could be my elf. Now let's go see my baby. Come on.", "Kevin: I am not your elf. I am not your buddy. I am not your sidekick, okay? Now I am taking Chloe to a party at Jimmy's, and you and your elves can stay here and run amok.", "Billy: Whoa, somebody snaked my party at Jimmy's? Who? Why? Huh?", "Kevin: Yeah, Victoria, because, well, because you're not here.", "Billy: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I-it wasn't because she wanted to remember me? Was it to flip me off?", "Kevin: I don't know. Get your beard outta my face.", "Billy: (Grunts) Ow!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: All right. All right, hop on up here. Whoa.", "Kevin: Hey, \"Princess Hedgehog.\"", "Chloe: (Giggles)", "Kevin: (Sighs) What do you say? Can I take your mom out to a party?", "Chloe: Listen, we're gonna go out for just a little bit, but I think we should give her some good news first.", "Kevin: You think we should give her the good news right now?", "Chloe: Yeah, why not? And you love good news, right? So... (Sighs) In the really cool fairy tales, the princess actually asks the prince to marry her. And you know what? He says yes. And you know what? Mommy and Kevin are getting married. (Laughs) Well, are you excited? Do you like that idea? Yeah? (Chuckles) Good.", "Delia: Are you my daddy now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: Yeah, I don't think so.", "Heather: Oh, come on. If Sharon Newman's trial did not exist, we could go to a party together.", "Ricky: (Sighs) I'm sure you have plenty of other guys you could call.", "Heather: Every guy I know comes with about 6 tons of... drama. (Chuckles) Come on. I really want to have fun, and you look like you could use a break from work, quite frankly.", "Ricky: All right, compromise. I'll meet you there.", "Heather: I will take it. You have some serious negotiation skills, young man. (Chuckles)", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Did she see the pictures?", "Ricky: And walk away smiling? No.", "Phyllis: Listen, um, of course it's not an advance that I'd give you. It's a bonus, of course. Of course. Um, may I have the pictures now?", "Ricky: I don't think so.", "Phyllis: We actually had an agreement.", "Ricky: We actually had tentative negotiations. But the woman in these pictures is my sister.", "Phyllis: Oh, listen to you. \"It's my sister.\" With a conscience-- interesting. It didn't stop you from bringing me the pictures in the first place.", "Ricky: I just need some time to weigh out my options. But don't worry, Phyllis. I'll get back to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Angelo: Allow me to introduce my princess, Angelina.", "Gloria: Oh, how lovely to meet you.", "Angelo: (Clears throat) Some knucklehead just broke her heart. I told Angie to come here and mingle.", "Gloria: Oh, your father is a very wise man. He's a kind and thoughtful gentleman who understands that sometimes we need support and friendship to get over a broken heart.", "Angelo: What's wrong?", "Gloria: Jeffrey-- away on an extended trip.", "Angelo: Leaving you here to look like this. Moron.", "Gloria: Exactly what I think.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: And then to find out about your dad when you're older, it's so sad. You know, I was always planning on telling Lucy that she was adopted. I was just gonna tell her that she grew in my heart and not in my tummy.", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Mm, but Daisy-- that--that was a little trickier.", "Daniel: (Clears throat)", "Victoria: Daniel, though, best guy ever.", "Devon: Yeah. (Laughs)", "Victoria: You are the best guy ever.", "Daniel: It's true. I am. What are we talking about?", "Victoria: Mm, you didn't even know Lucy back then, you know? And Daisy, she just showed up as a pregnant nun and was--it wasn't like I was like, \"Wow, she's gonna have that baby and I'm gonna raise it.\" But, you know, those were definitely the-- the best moments of my life. I wouldn't trade 'em for anything. I wouldn't trade the ones with Billy, either. They were the happiest.", "Noah: But I wasn't born before half of these songs.", "Abby: Ooh, I've got an idea. You two should do an oldies. Oh, what, oh... \"I got you, Babe.\"", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Eden: Oh, that's so cute.", "Abby: Yeah.", "Eden: Yeah, and you can do that one--what is it? Um, \"Loser\" by Beck. Or-- wait. Isn't there a really catchy tune about materialistic fame whores whose 15 minutes are up?", "Abby: You know, I saw you stuffing back all those pretzels earlier. You might want to chill-- salt, water retention, bloating. I mean, I don't want you to have a setback.", "Noah: Hmm, well, this is fun. We should totally do it more often.", "Hunter: They're kidding, right?", "Nick: Thanks.", "Avery: Oh, that's festive.", "Nick: What? Not that into Halloween?", "Avery: I--no, I am. I-I forgot about it. Um, when I'm in a case...", "Nick: No, no, no, no. You're not gonna talk about court tonight. I'm not gonna talk about the magazine. Um, all right, real fast. What was the best Halloween costume you ever put on?", "Avery: Uh, uh, I taped socks and underwear to my body, and I went as static cling.", "Nick: Cool. Love it. It's good.", "Avery: Favorite candy.", "Nick: Uh, the chewier the better. Best Halloween haul of candy you've ever had?", "Avery: Ooh, that would have to be the last year Phyllis and her friends took me out. They told all the adults I was going to a school where sugar was forbidden.", "Nick: (Chuckles) I took Summer and Faith out earlier. I mean, it was fun, but it's not like when we were kids.", "Avery: Well, not much is.", "Ricky: Hey. Can I talk to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Listen, you know, your--your dad-- your dad is so lucky that you're his little girl. And, I mean, he's crazy lucky. And I would never, ever, ever try and take that spot. And I promise you that I'm always gonna be a really big part of your life, okay?", "Chloe: Oh, mom's got something in her eye. (Chuckles)", "Delia: I love you, Kevin.", "Chloe: (Whimpers)", "Kevin: I love you, too.", "Chloe: Great. Got something in my other eye. (Chuckles)", "Woman: Time for all ballerinas to take a little rest.", "Kevin: Oh, ballerina-- that was my next guess.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Oh, all right. Come on. Get back there. Get in. All right. I'll see you in a little bit, okay?", "Kevin: Here's Pinkerton.", "Chloe: I love you. Sleep well, okay?", "Kevin: Night, Angel.", "Chloe: You are so gonna love our costumes.", "Kevin: Oh, I get nervous when you say things like that.", "Chloe: Oh, you're gonna love it!", "Delia: Santa?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: People, people, people.", "Noah: Whoo!", "Nick: Ow!", "All: (Cheering)", "Abby: (Giggles)", "Victoria: There may zombie juice and spooky lights, but let me tell you something-- a party is not a party until you crack out the karaoke machine...", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: And you trigger your inner rock star just like the full moon does for the vampires.", "Nick: Uh...", "Noah: Yeah, I-I think you mean werewolves.", "Victoria: Oh, forget it. Noah, get up here and put your family to shame with your talents.", "Noah: No, a little later. I promise. I promise.", "Victoria: Mnh-mnh. Come on.", "Michael: (New York accent) Then I will do the dazzling. This way, please, Lady.", "Lauren: Oh, really?", "Victoria: Oh, yes.", "Michael: Thank you. Thank you.", "Lauren: (New York accent) So what are you thinkin', Lover? A little Frankie? A little Dino?", "Michael: Thank you. I don't know, but they better have the songs I like in this contraption, or somebody's gonna end up in the wood chipper.", "Lauren: That's right.", "Michael: Capisce?", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: And now--", "Angelo: Certain people amuse you, Mikey? Like they're clowns for your amusement?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: It doesn't look like you're doing much celebrating here.", "Avery: Well, Sharon's trial is kicking my butt, and I don't like getting kicked.", "Ricky: (Sighs) I got a tip, a reliable source. The prosecuting attorney might be fraternizing with the star witness.", "Avery: Heather and Adam?", "Phyllis: Keep your hands off my story, Sis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I remember that Halloween fondly, too. (Sighs) But when I think back, I really have to wonder if any of it was real. I mean, there you were making me laugh and taking my mind off of things, my daughter, when you were the one who took her from me and made me think she was dead.", "Adam: And you forgave me.", "Sharon: But you've broken my heart in so many ways since then, Adam.", "Adam: We've both hurt each other.", "Sharon: Yeah, I used to think that that wasn't possible, you know, back in New Orleans. I thought that you were the one person I could count on.", "Adam: Maybe I still can be.", "Sharon: No. Because I've finally grown strong enough to put the past behind me, and the only thing that matters to me now is my future, my future with Noah and Faith.", "Adam: And you need me to do that.", "Sharon: Okay, well, if you're talking about the evidence that you're suppressing, I do not expect that memory card to resurface any time soon. Or am I wrong?", "Adam: You're not wrong-- not about that.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, then... there's really nothing left for us to say, and I think it's time for you to go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Silly voice) It's McRuff and Pony! I will take you over the doggy rainbow to the land of bacon and biscuits.", "Woman: Oh, hello.", "Billy: (Normal voice) Hi, um... (Chuckles) just doin' the rounds... (Clears throat) (Deep voice) Just doin' a round with me and, you know, the kids and...", "Woman: Of course, Santa, but this sugarplum fairy needs some rest.", "Billy: Yeah, I just-- just a few more minutes, then McRuff and I will go on to our next destination. (Clears throat)", "Woman: Thank you.", "Billy: (Normal voice) Well... (Clears throat) (Deep voice) Well, we, uh, we don't have to tell her about being naughty or nice, and, uh, let's just forget about naughty and nice. You're your own special kind of wonderful. I'll see you around.", "Delia: Bye, Santa!", "Billy: Oh, I forgot. Bye-bye. You be good, all right?", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: You heard Heather and Adam are back together?", "Ricky: Well, they're not shopping for rings, but something's up.", "Avery: According to whom? Was this some sisterly confession?", "Ricky: It's just a reliable source.", "Heather: Hey, you made it. (Laughs) I'm assuming that we're all off the clock tonight, right?", "Ricky: Well, we will be. Just, uh, could you give us a second?", "Heather: Sure. Yeah. What are you drinking?", "Ricky: Uh, beer, tap.", "Heather: Okay.", "Ricky: Thank you.", "Avery: And not a flicker of guilt from you when she walked up. I don't know whether to be appalled or impressed.", "Ricky: Do you think that any of this is fun for me? Like it's gonna help my relationship with my father or my sister? But there's an innocent woman who is serving time, and if Heather and Adam crossing a line could help our case in any way...", "Avery: When do you think you'll have proof of this line crossing?", "Ricky: I'll keep you posted.", "Phyllis: It's a Halloween party. Where's your costume?", "Avery: Oh, can't you tell? I came as all the years you're trying to forget.", "Phyllis: Remember that time you were a pipe cleaner?", "Avery: I do, yes. We weren't all so lucky to fill out early.", "Nick: Ladies, everything cool?", "Avery: I was just leaving. Thanks for the drink, Nick. Have a horrifying night.", "Phyllis: (Sarcastically) \"Thanks for the drink, Nick.\" (Normal voice) You bought her a drink?", "Nick: It was some Halloween drink. I think it had, like, eyeballs in it.", "Phyllis: Why are you so defensive?", "Victoria: Oh, look at you! You guys, you're here. You're here, and you're so cute and wedding-Y.", "Chloe: (Grunts) Yeah.", "Victoria: Oh, you look so cute.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Okay. Hold on one second.", "Chloe: She's lit?", "Kevin: Only a lot.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay. Attention, boys and ghouls. (Laughter)", "Victoria: I have a big honking announcement to make right now. Okay, you see the-- the groom and the bride over there? Do you see-- do you see Kevin and Chloe?", "Michael: Yeah!", "Victoria: Yeah? Yeah, they're cute. They just got engaged.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "(Cheers and applause)", "Victoria: Yeah. And I have to say I feel like their fairy godmother, and I am so, so proud. And did you know that Kevin saved Delia's life?", "(Cheers and applause)", "Victoria: He did. He did. And he brought so much joy into Chloe's world. He really did, and we all know that she can be a little bitter sometimes, but he is like the sugar in her coffee. And she is like the hot in his tamale. Yeah, you know, you can tell that a year from now, they'll--they'll still be happy. And she won't have a picture of herself in her closet of herself in a bunny costume. (Laughs) Well, zombie juice for everybody! All right. Whoo!", "(Applause)", "Victoria: All right.", "Angelo: Mazel tov. Best news ever, huh? Huh?", "Chloe: Oh! Oh, God. Oh, God. Yeah.", "Angelina: I'm dying. I'm on the dance floor, dead. I am so bored.", "Angelo: You want to have fun? Make daddy proud. Go sing the lovebirds a song. Hmm?", "Angelina: Fine. Whatever.", "Angelo: (Chuckles) You are gonna love this. Like a choir from heaven.", "Chloe: Hmm.", "(\"You made me love you (I didn't want to do it)\" playing)", "Angelina: (Singing off-key) You made me love you I didn't want to do it I didn't want to do it you made me want you and all the time you knew it I guess you always knew it you made me happy sometimes you made me glad but there were times you made me feel so bad you made me cry for I didn't want to tell ya I didn't wanna tell ya. I want a beau that's true yes, I do indeed, I do you know I do gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme what I cry for you know you got the brand of kisses that I'd die for you know you made me love you", "Angelo: (Laughs) Terrific! Terrific, huh?", "Angelina: Mwah!", "Michael: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Hey, what happened?", "Sharon: Oh, so Adam was here again, and this time, his attitude was...", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Sharon: \"I've shown you how much I care. I've helped you, even if you have no idea.\" And he expects me to be grateful. Meanwhile, I sit here and rot in prison.", "Avery: Wait, what does he mean, he's helping you? Wait a minute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Slurring and singing off-key) Me and my man live all alone in a little log hut we call our own he loves gin and I love rum don't we have a lot of fun? Ha ha ha hee hee hee little brown jug how I love thee ha ha (Giggles) (Laughs)", "(Cheers and applause)", "Nick: Good job. That was so good.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Nick: That was so good.", "Victoria: That was-- thank you.", "Nick: There we go. Watch your step.", "Victoria: Oh, wow.", "Nick: Okay. Okay. That was so good.", "Victoria: Oh, wow, that was worth it though, wasn't it?", "Nick: Y-yes.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victoria: And, hey, gosh, everybody, thank you so much for coming. It was really a fun party, wasn't it?", "Crowd: Yeah. Yep.", "Victoria: I mean, it wasn't really the same without Billy, but, I mean, really, if you think about it, nothing's really the same without Billy. It was fun, wasn't it?", "Man: Yeah.", "Victoria: (Laughs) Okay. All right, well, bye. Have fun. Thanks. And you guys-- you guys are gonna have the best marriage ever, and I bet you will not get arrested on your wedding day, I bet.", "Kevin: One can hope.", "Chloe: (Laughs)", "Nick: Come on.", "Victoria: Okay. Oh, we're going home?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Lauren: Yeah, I think that's a good idea.", "Victoria: Okay, good night.", "Nick: Good night, everyone. Nighty-night.", "Lauren: Nighty-night.", "Victoria: Nighty-night. Oh.", "Nick: I'll have this, and this. Leave that there.", "Chloe: I think she's nice when she's drunk. Are you okay?", "Kevin: Me? I'm fine. I'm great. Good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Excuse me.", "Phyllis: What are you doing here?", "Adam: Excuse me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You want him. You want him so bad. You should try that rehab thing where you wear a rubber band on your wrist, and you snap it every time you have those longings that are never gonna happen. (Tsks)", "Eden: You know, actually, my romantic life is pretty fulfilling right now.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Whatever. With who?", "Daniel: Drinks?", "Abby: Oh, thank you.", "Eden: Thank you.", "Daniel: Hey. Ooh.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I'm just making conversation, Adam. How's work? How are things? How are the kids? Since you betrayed Sharon, who's your latest victim?", "Adam: You hoping I'll say I have my eye on a saucy redhead?", "Phyllis: What?", "Adam: Nice chatting with you.", "Heather: Ladies' room. Excuse me.", "Adam: Having a nice chat with your sister?", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Adam: How'd those pictures of Heather and me turn out?", "Ricky: You should have told me that she was the star of your little production.", "Adam: Would that have changed your mind if I had? No, of course it wouldn't have. It's too good a scoop. Those pictures get to Avery yet?", "Ricky: You've done your part. I'll handle the rest in my own time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ahh, the voice of an angel.", "Angelo: Taste and class, and a heck of a package.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Devon, come here. I want you to meet my friends. This is Angelo...", "Devon: Hi.", "Gloria: And Angelina. This is Devon.", "Devon: Pleasure. Nice to meet you. Hi.", "Gloria: He is a music producer.", "Devon: I heard you.", "Angelo: That's great. I mean, she sings, you produce. We should talk.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Devon: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Michael: The man is a great big teddy bear.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: One who enjoys his red meat. And one shouldn't offend the angry teddies.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Yes, that's for sure. And Michael was his normal charming self.", "Michael: Terror brings out my charm.", "Lauren: (Laughs) And I feel newly invigorated, like a, um, a lust for life.", "Michael: Oh, that's good.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. You catch my drift?", "Michael: I like that, yeah. Okay, \"Lusty.\"", "Chloe: Are you sure you're okay?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It's just the last couple months catching up with me I guess. I'll be fine once this is all over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Slurring) And you love me.", "Nick: You did so well tonight. Here. Here's your keys.", "Victoria: Oh, thank you.", "Nick: Go to bed, okay? I love you.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, I'm not drunk, okay? You know what? You're a good brother.", "Nick: I know.", "Victoria: As good a brother as there ever was.", "Nick: Go in the house. I love you. Good night.", "Victoria: I love you. I love you. Oh. (Chuckles) Oh. Oh, God. Mm. (Whines) This is interesting.", "Billy: (Clears throat) You know, that's why I take chimneys myself.", "Victoria: Santa?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Oh, wow.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: Oh, Santa. Wow, uh, I'm so sorry. I'm not usually this drunk. I mean, really, I'm not ever this drunk.", "Billy: No.", "Victoria: Except in Jamaica once.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, were you ever drunk.", "Victoria: (Sighs) You were there?", "Billy: Yeah, well, you know, I see you when you're sleeping, awake, doing the limbo.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: And, um, stairs are a bad idea.", "Victoria: Huh?", "Billy: What do you think about the couch? Let's do the couch.", "Victoria: Oh, you are so smart.", "Billy: All right. Sometimes I'm a genius.", "Victoria: I love you, Santa.", "Billy: Oh. (Laughs) I love you, too.", "Victoria: Thank you for taking care of me. (Sighs)", "Victoria: Billy?", "Billy: (Sighs) Huh?", "Victoria: Billy, oh, is that you?", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Avery: You got something for me?", "Ricky: Yeah, I do.", "Victor: I'm asking you not to take out whatever anger you have toward me on Sharon.", "Nick: Why do you care so much about Sharon?", "Heather: Oh, my God. What have you done?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Athletic Club, Phyllis moves in a little closer in order to listen to Jack and Adam as they talk. Ronan comes up and asks her what she is doing. He asks if she is working for Newman now. Sharon is in the Newman living room when she hears someone coming to the door. She fears that it may be Chelsea coming home. Phyllis lets Ronan know that she doesn't want Jack to hire Adam. Nick walks in just as Adam and Jack are talking. At Crimson Lights, Kevin calls Michael for them to have a chat when Chloe comes in. Chloe insists to Kevin that they are not giving up on \"TagNGrab\" and suggests that they talk to Chelsea. Chelsea comes home and calls out to Adam, but she gets no answer. Ronan confronts Phyllis about working at Newman. Jack hires Adam as his new CEO which unnerves Nick to no end. An argument erupts between Nick and Adam. Sharon sneaks out of Adam's without Chelsea seeing her. Chloe visits Chelsea. They share small talk and a cup of coffee before Chloe pitches her idea about joining her and Kevin at \"TagNGrab\". Sharon makes it back to the cottage without being seen but she soon receives a visit from some trick-or-treaters. Eden comes to the coffeehouse with some Halloween candy. Kevin blasts her for being late. Kevin tells Eden about \"TagNGrab\" and Adam backing out of the deal. Chelsea tells Chloe that she felt like someone was in the house. Jack and Adam leave to get to work at Newman. Nick and Phyllis' eyes meet across the room and he sees her with Ronan. Ronan offers Phyllis his help just as they meet up with Summer. Summer and Phyllis are cordial with each other and even hug. Kevin on the computer tells Eden that he just broke even and how he wished he had never gone into business with Adam. Michael calls Kevin to meet for a talk, but Kevin makes up an excuse not to meet him today. Nick comes home and sees Faith in her Halloween costume. Faith asks about Sharon but as usual Nick makes up an excuse as to where she is. Nick takes a pic of Faith to show to Sharon. Sharon lying on the sofa starts to become paranoid at things going on around her.", "Chloe asks Chelsea to join her and Kevin at \"TagNGrab.\" Kevin considers asking Gloria for help. Chloe calls Kevin to come to Adam and Chelsea's for some news. Noah blames himself for Sharon's troubles. Summer and Fen watch Ronan as he gives Jamie his wallet back and tells him who returned it. Summer vows to make friends with Jamie. Summer and Fen approach Jamie and talk. Adam comes home to find Chelsea with Chloe and Kevin. They let Adam know that Chelsea is going to be working with them at \"TagNGrab\". Adam becomes upset that Chelsea hadn't discussed it with him first. Chelsea and Adam argue. Adam finds a pic of Noah on the floor and knows Sharon was in the house. Phyllis comes to see Jack and asks him if he hired Adam. Jack tells her that he has. Adam visits Sharon and gives her back the picture of Noah. Adam tells her about a doctor that he wants her to see but it is her decision. Sharon agrees to see the doctor. Adam and Chelsea make up. Nick and Noah find a clue that leads to Sharon as the one who may have started the fire at the main house.", "" ]
[ "(Key turns in lock)", "Jack: Uh, scotch, neat.", "Phyllis: Oh, Lord, please. Please, Jack, don't do it. Please don't do it.", "Ronan: Don't do what?", "Phyllis: Huh? Oh, hey, hey.", "Ronan: Hi. What don't you want Jack to do?", "Phyllis: Um, I don't want him to hire Adam at Newman.", "Ronan: Why would you care about that, un-- unless that's where you're going to be working?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I didn't want to tell anybody until it was for sure.", "Ronan: Obviously.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Ronan: Of all the places in the world that you could have picked to get a--", "Phyllis: Do you--do you-- do you want to get a table?", "Adam: You won't find a better man for the job. Thank you. With me by your side, Nicholas does not stand a chance of regaining control of Newman.", "Jack: Oh, I guess you're out of the loop. Your brother apparently has no interest in helping the old man get the company back.", "Adam: That makes sense. Never thought he had a head for the business. Certainly didn't have his heart into it. He's nothing like--", "Jack: Victor?", "Adam: I was going to say you and me, Jack.", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Adam: So what do you say? Do you have yourself a new C.F.O.?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Michael, hey. Uh, look, I know things were a little tense between us last time we spoke, but I was hoping that we could get together and, uh, catch up. Call me.", "Chloe: A little tense? (Chuckles) Last time, you told him to go to hell.", "Kevin: I was hoping he forgot that.", "Chloe: Yes, because Michael is notorious for memory loss. I mean, it doesn't really matter, because he and Lauren do not have the kind of cash that we need to buy Adam out.", "Kevin: Well, maybe they know somebody who does.", "Chloe: Someone with $15 million laying around?", "Kevin: So what do you want to do, Chloe? Just forget about TagNGrab, walk away?", "Chloe: No, absolutely not. I know how important this is to you, and it's important to me, too. We are not giving up. This is gonna be huge, and Adam is gonna be kicking himself for bailing on us.", "Kevin: I think Chelsea is gonna be kicking him, too.", "Chloe: Yeah. She knows that TagNGrab is a winner.", "Kevin: It's too bad she's not our partner.", "Chloe: Maybe that's our next move.", "Kevin: Chelsea?", "Chloe: Yeah. Look, she came here to see us, play nice. You know what? I'm gonna go and talk to her, but first, I need to stop by lost-and-found.", "Kevin: Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam? Adam?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Why'd you take the job at Newman? Is it about Nick?", "Phyllis: You lost your touch, Detective. Nick has no interest in anything to do with Newman.", "Ronan: Really? Hadn't heard that.", "Phyllis: He's moving on with his life in--in every way, and I am really glad for him. Good for Nick.", "Ronan: So your interest in Jack and Adam--that's just purely professional, then?", "Phyllis: Mostly. I loathe Adam, mostly because, um, well, he's Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Welcome aboard, Adam.", "Adam: Thank you, Captain. Incoming.", "Nick: Should have known you two were gonna hook up before the ink was dry on the contract.", "Jack: Nicholas. Can I buy you a drink?", "Nick: So let me see if I'm getting this straight-- you sold him your Newman shares in exchange for a top-level gig. Is that the way this went down?", "Adam: Nice to know you're still interested in the family business, especially when you refused to fight for it.", "Nick: You're the one who sold out Dad.", "Adam: Shocking, considering how he treated me.", "Nick: You deserved everything you got.", "Adam: That's right, Nicholas. You deserve the benefits and advantages of being Victor Newman's son, while I deserve nothing but scorn heaped upon me by your entire family, ever since the day I came to town. I deserve to have your daughter run us off the road.", "Nick: So you think every member of this family is out to get you?", "Adam: I think... (Clicks lips) That every time something terrible happens to me, I look up... (Sets glass down) And there is a Newman standing above me, laughing. I'm fairly certain Jack has had similar experiences.", "Jack: It is strange how often that happens.", "Nick: You spend a lot more time thinking about us than we do you.", "Adam: It is precisely that entitled, untouchable attitude that has you all on the outside while Jack and I run your family's company, and at the end of the day, Nicholas, it's what we all deserve.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Chelsea: Chloe.", "Chloe: Hi. Do you mind if I come in?", "Chelsea: Sure.", "Chloe: Sorry to just, uh, drop by, but... I think you left this at Crimson Lights, and I just wanted to bring it back.", "Chelsea: Oh, that's not mine.", "Chloe: Oh. It's not? Oh, uh, well, my mistake. Here I thought I was doing you a huge favor.", "Chelsea: Well, thanks anyway, I guess. (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Are you okay? You seem distracted.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just--I just have a lot going on, Adam pulling out of TagNGrab and losing the baby, and...", "Chloe: Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?", "Chelsea: Have you ever felt like you're losing your mind?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Trick or treat.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, I guess the trick was you not showing up to work on time. Where the hell have you been?", "Eden: I had a dentist appointment. I told you I was gonna be late.", "Kevin: You shouldn't have stopped to get candy, then.", "Eden: Dude, ease up. It's Halloween. Okay, what's your problem?", "Kevin: Nothing. The internet project that Chloe and I have poured everything into is going down the toilet. No big deal, just another major failure by Kevin Fisher. (Sighs)", "Eden: (Sighs) Kevin, I'm sorry. Anything I can do to help?", "Kevin: Yeah. Get me $15 million by Monday.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Thanks.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: So what's making you crazy?", "Chelsea: I think I'm making myself nuts. I came home earlier and I could have sworn someone was in here. (Laughs)", "Chloe: Are you sure it wasn't Adam, or someone who works for you?", "Chelsea: No, I-I checked the whole house. It was empty.", "Chloe: Well, maybe, when they heard you come in, they took off. Did you make sure that they didn't take anything?", "Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. Jewelry, cash, computers-- it's all here. I just think I'm supersensitive since--", "Chloe: Losing the baby?", "Chelsea: I feel so stupid. Lots of women have miscarriages. I... I don't know why I'm making such a big deal out of it.", "Chloe: Because it is a big deal.", "Chelsea: I need to get over it. Adam has.", "Chloe: I'm sure he's hurting just as much as you are.", "Chelsea: Well, he doesn't show it. (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Well, I think that guys have a harder time showing their feelings, and they show it in idiotic ways.", "Chelsea: Hmm. I have no problems showing my feelings. I went off on Adam the other day. I even accused him of having an affair.", "Chloe: Really? Do you think that's true?", "Chelsea: No! (Laughs) Oh, God, no. No, Adam would never do that to me.", "Chloe: Okay, because, you know, you-- you can always find out. I mean, you could tap his phone, you could hire a P.I.--", "Chelsea: No! (Laughs) Oh, my God. N--I trust Adam... completely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Exhaling deeply)", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Adam?", "Sharon: Is that you?", "Kids: Trick or treat!", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: So I thought that we could dress up as Bonnie and Clyde and go on a bank-robbing spree, and we could take the money and go down to South America.", "Phyllis: Sounds good.", "Ronan: Or maybe you could join the Three Stooges, and I'll go down to Jimmy's and talk to that hot girl that hangs on my every word.", "Phyllis: Wait, what-- what hot girl?", "Ronan: You heard that, didn't you? I thought Nick had your undivided attention. Or was it something that Jack was doing?", "Phyllis: Nick and Jack can take care of themselves.", "Ronan: What about you?", "Phyllis: I've been taking care of myself my entire life.", "Ronan: For somebody that's so independent, you seem awfully hung up on your exes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, you and Jack are gonna have no one to blame but yourselves when your lives implode.", "Adam: Because nothing you've ever done could possibly have contributed to the person that I've become today. It is amazing how you can absolve yourself of any and all responsibility. Seems as though your daughter's inherited that quality.", "Nick: Summer feels terrible about what happened to your baby.", "Adam: She's spoiled, and she's a narcissist. She couldn't give a damn about my family. She's only concerned about herself.", "Nick: You shut up--", "Jack: Don't, Nick. Nick, don't.", "Nick: You know, I'm not surprised by anything this punk does, but you...", "Jack: I never meant for any of this to hurt you.", "Nick: Yet it won't stop you.", "Jack: Nothing will stop my plans for Newman, no. Let's get to work, Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You're very, very sweet to be worried about me. Thank you... but I'm not needy.", "Ronan: I never thought you were needy. You can do this alone... or you can let somebody help you.", "Phyllis: Uh, the only thing I want to do now is talk to Jack and ask him if he hired Adam.", "Ronan: Okay. Yeah, let's do it. I'll walk you out.", "Phyllis: Hey, um... Ronan and I, we were-- we just met each other. We just saw each other.", "Summer: Oh, no, Mom, it's--", "Phyllis: It wasn't planned.", "Summer: That's not necessary.", "Ronan: She's telling the truth. She's telling the truth.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Summer: Yeah, most people do that a lot, but its okay.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Summer: Did you expect me to flip out, just seeing you two together?", "Phyllis: Well, it's been known to happen.", "Summer: Yeah, well, not anymore, okay? I'm done being mad at you. It's just-- it's getting old.", "Phyllis: It's great to hear that.", "Summer: It's just taking too much energy.", "Phyllis: I agree. Um, call a truce? (Chuckles)", "Summer: I guess, so just, you know, do what you guys do. Go out on dates, move in together, whatever it is you do. Get married. It doesn't matter to me, for real, so... later.", "Ronan: You buying that?", "Phyllis: I'd like to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: This is nice. I don't have a lot of friends.", "Chloe: Oh, well, you know, I've had mostly guy friends. Girls were always really threatened by me. They always thought I was trying to steal their boyfriends.", "Chelsea: Did you?", "Chloe: Yep.", "Chelsea: (Laughing)", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Chelsea: That's funny. Thanks, thanks. I needed that, actually.", "Chloe: I'm glad I could help.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) Honestly, I've just been sitting here feeling sorry for myself. It's no wonder I feel like I'm losing my mind.", "Chloe: Well, maybe you need to get out of the house. You know, do something other than just wait for Adam to get home.", "Chelsea: Like what?", "Chloe: Like get a job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Sighs) Damn it. You know, between repairs to the espresso machine and rent going up, I barely broke even this month.", "Eden: Guess I better hold off on asking for that raise.", "Kevin: I was gonna funnel profits from Crimson Lights into TagNGrab. So much for that brilliant idea. I should have never gone into business with Adam Newman.", "Eden: Okay, you needed his money, and the guy does know about start-ups.", "Kevin: Chloe and I should have stuck to our original plan-- get a group of investors, a group. Giving that guy 50% stake was one of the dumbest decisions I've ever made, and that's saying something.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kevin: (Sighs) Hey, Mike. Yeah, I know, I-I-I figured it was time we talked. Well, I'm free right now. Okay, how about tomorrow then? Great, great, I'll see you then.", "Eden: Well, that sounded promising.", "Kevin: Unless it was the universe just getting my hopes up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Oh, my gosh! Hey, brace yourself. Don't--don't get dizzy, Faith. (Laughs) You're so cute.", "Nick: That son of a--", "Noah: Hey, look, its Daddy! Daddy's here.", "Faith: Daddy, look! I'm a buttercup fairy!", "Nick: Oh, my goodness, look at you. I-I mean, you are the prettiest buttercup fairy I've ever seen. Let me just take a look at you. Unbelievable. Wow. What time is Ms. McKinsey coming to pick you up for trick-or-treating?", "Noah: Uh, any minute now.", "Faith: I wish Mommy could go with us.", "Nick: Oh, you know what, Sweetheart? I wish that, too. I'm sorry she's not gonna be here tonight.", "Faith: Where is she?", "Noah: Look, I-I told you, Faith, hey, Mommy had to go out of town for a little bit.", "Nick: Yeah, but I'm gonna take a picture of you, okay? And then I'm gonna send it to her right now, okay? Ready... cheese! Nice.", "Noah: So cute.", "Faith: Can we call her?", "Nick: Oh, you know what? I'm sorry, we can't. She's--she's really busy right now, but I'm gonna send her this picture, and she's gonna see how beautiful you look, and that'll make your mommy feel really good. She needs that right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Gasping) (Wind howling)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: So, um, Mom left a message on my cell saying she needed to get out of town, clear her head for awhile, but something was off.", "Nick: Off how?", "Noah: She had that thing in her voice when she's hiding something. Know what I mean?", "Nick: Yeah, I know that too well. Did she say where she was?", "Noah: Mm. No, the number was blocked.", "Nick: It's weird that she didn't call you from her phone.", "Noah: Yeah, yeah. Um, something else. I-I went over to her house to check on her the other day. She wasn't there, but, um... Adam was.", "Nick: What the hell was he doing there?", "Noah: Gave me some line about thanking her for condolence flowers.", "Nick: So this ingrate drove all the way out to the ranch to do that?", "Noah: This whole thing's messed up. Why--why wouldn't she just tell somebody before she left?", "Nick: Not a lot your mom has done lately is easy to explain, but for her to do this to Faith?", "Noah: What if something happened to her, Dad?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: A job? Um, yeah, I'm not really sure I'm qualified to do anything.", "Chloe: (Laughs) That can't be true.", "Chelsea: I mix a mean drink, but I don't think Adam would be crazy about me bartending.", "Chloe: You know what? You don't seem like the type who lets their husband tell them what they can or can't do.", "Chelsea: Well, I'm not, but why would I argue with him about something I don't really want to do, you know? I got--I gotta pick my battles.", "Chloe: Well, yeah, that's smart, but you know, I-I think you'd be a really good mediator. TagNGrab could be your first case.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) No, thanks. I know my husband. Once his mind is made up, it is impossible to change it, and quite honestly, I think you and Kevin are probably better off not doing business with him right now anyway.", "Chloe: Yeah, I know. Believe me, if I could let it go, I would, but Kevin has just had it so hard all of his life, and if TagNGrab is a bust, I just don't know what he's gonna do.", "Chelsea: I wish there was something I could do to help.", "Chloe: Maybe there is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: You know, you actually have to dial if you want the call to go through.", "Kevin: (Sighs) I'm not sure I do.", "Eden: And who is it that you maybe want to call?", "Kevin: My mom.", "Eden: Is Gloria still bugging you and Chloe about giving her a grandchild?", "Kevin: (Sighs) No, that's not the problem. I was thinking about asking her for help so that I don't lose my business.", "Eden: Are you sure you want to do that?", "Kevin: Definitely not, but I'm running out of options.", "Eden: Um... you could always wish on a piece of Halloween candy.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Eden, that is not a real thing. You spent way too many years in an ashram.", "Eden: Oh, yeah? Try it. You can thank me later-- maybe that raise.", "Kevin: Please help me find a way to not lose TagNGrab.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kevin: Yeah?", "Chloe: Kevin, get over to Adam and Chelsea's right away. I have great news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, maybe your mom just wanted to get away.", "Noah: I--you didn't hear her on the phone.", "Nick: I really wish she wouldn't lay her problems on you.", "Noah: She's always been there for me. When Cassie died and y--", "Nick: Yeah, I walked away.", "Noah: I'm just worried that maybe, when she needed me the most, I bailed on her.", "Nick: You're here.", "Noah: Well, it's not good enough. I just gotta make sure she's okay. I gotta find her.", "Nick: Let's start looking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: So I ran into my mom and that slimy cop that she's doing it with.", "Fen: Let me guess... you let 'em have it.", "Summer: No, I was totally cool about it. I told 'em that they could do whatever they wanted, no matter how sick it might be.", "Fen: What are you up to?", "Summer: Nothing. I'm just being a good daughter.", "Fen: Yeah, right. (Laughs)", "Summer: Okay, I swear he's following me.", "Fen: Who-- no, it looks like he's meeting somebody.", "Summer: I-I have to get a better look at this. No, stop! We can't let him see us.", "Jamie: Where'd you find it?", "Ronan: Somebody gave it to me, said she found it here.", "Jamie: Guess I dropped it. Who found it?", "Ronan: Her name's Summer.", "Jamie: Summer?", "Ronan: Mm-hmm.", "Jamie: Interesting.", "Ronan: Why? Do you know her?", "Jamie: Uh, not really. She came up to me, here.", "Ronan: She came up to you here? Why?", "Jamie: Oh, she thought I was some guy named Taylor, uh, asked me about a book I was reading, uh, the one you gave me, and, uh, you know, she said she knew you.", "Ronan: When was that?", "Jamie: Last time I was in here. Must have been when I lost this.", "Ronan: Is that all you guys talked about, was that book?", "Jamie: Pretty much. Why? Is she in your program, too?", "Ronan: No, I'm just curious.", "Jamie: Well, she didn't steal anything, so it can't be that bad.", "Fen: Summer, let's go.", "Summer: Shh, shh, shh. No, no, no, I want to hear what they're saying.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Chelsea, I've got great... news.", "Adam: What's going on?", "Kevin: That's what I'm waiting to find out.", "Chelsea: Chloe and I have come up with a solution to our TagNGrab problems.", "Adam: I already solved that problem.", "Chelsea: I know you don't want to be involved with the project anymore.", "Adam: That's right.", "Chelsea: Fine. Let me work with Chloe and Kevin.", "Adam: What?", "Chloe: I think she's the perfect person to fill in for you. She understands how the site works. She learned how to monetize it from you. I mean, she even came up with the name.", "Adam: Kevin, did you, uh, did you do this?", "Kevin: I just got here. It's news to me.", "Chelsea: Adam... I need this.", "Adam: It would have been nice if you would have talked this over with me before discussing it with two people that you're not married to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I need you to send me the Asian numbers A.S.A.P. (Groans) No, just e-mail 'em to me. I'm not coming back to the office, all right?", "(Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: Please tell me you did not just hire Adam to work at Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You don't think I'm smart enough to take your place at TagNGrab?", "Adam: You don't know what you'd be getting into, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Right, 'cause I-I'm just-- I'm too dumb to understand?", "Adam: No, that is not it at all.", "Chelsea: If you believed in me, you would back me on this.", "Adam: Chelsea... I believe in you.", "Chelsea: If that was true, you'd make my need to do something a priority for you. (Sniffles) You don't seem to be able to do that at all anymore.", "Adam: Chelsea. Chelsea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: There you go. There's a little extra in case Jamie wants something to eat.", "Eden: Cool.", "Ronan: Why don't you try to stay out of trouble tonight, huh?", "Eden: Does he always give you such a hard time?", "Jamie: He thinks he's my mom.", "Eden: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: (Laughs)", "Eden: I'd listen to him. Stick to trick-or-treating.", "Jamie: (Chuckles) Nah, that's stupid kid stuff.", "Eden: Never too old for candy. Hey, let me know if I can you anything, okay?", "Ronan: Hey. She's got a point. Why don't you keep an eye on your wallet tonight, huh?", "Jamie: Thanks for the tip.", "Summer: Okay, let's go.", "Fen: No, no, not till you tell me what's going on.", "Summer: I just want to talk to Jamie.", "Fen: You know that kid?", "Summer: Yeah, I ran into him last week, and Ronan's trying to help him, like his mentor or something.", "Fen: And suddenly, you want to get to know him? Uh...", "Summer: Uh, this is the first thing decent that that cop has done, so I don't know, maybe Jamie can help me see that side of him. Okay, so come on, let's go before he leaves.", "Fen: All right.", "Summer: Hey. Summer. Uh, this is my friend Fen.", "Fen: Hi.", "Jamie: Uh, Ronan said you found my wallet?", "Summer: Oh, yeah, uh, he gave it back to you. Good.", "Jamie: Yeah.", "Summer: Uh, so, um, Fen and I were wondering if, uh, you wanted to hang out sometime?", "Jamie: Why? Y-you must have a ton of friends.", "Summer: I have a few, but hey, I found your wallet. (Chuckles)", "Jamie: So?", "Summer: So that's kind of like saving your life. You know, I read if you save someone's life, they have to be your friend forever. Even Taylor Swift wrote a song about it.", "Jamie: Never heard it.", "Summer: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh. I could teach you so much! I mean, if you'd just give me a chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I want the best people working for me. It's why I hired you. I won't find a better C.F.O. than Adam.", "Phyllis: And you won't find a worse human being.", "Jack: He's not that bad.", "Phyllis: He'll stab you in the back and smile while he's doing it.", "Jack: I can handle Adam. I appreciate your concern.", "Phyllis: I can't work with him, Jack.", "Jack: Uh, you won't have to deal with him at all. As a matter of fact, I found an office for him far away from yours.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, you're really doing this, aren't you?", "Jack: Yes.", "(Sets pitcher down)", "Phyllis: For a smart and savvy... you know, I think the pain from that bullet has clouded your judgment.", "Jack: Well, you won't have to worry about that after tomorrow.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, good, good. Then make a decision-- just make a decision on Adam after your surgery.", "Jack: I won't change my mind.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. (Scoffs)", "Jack: I know what I'm doing. It's the right move. You'll see.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Key turns in lock)", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Adam: What are you doing sitting here in the dark?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Some trick-or-treaters came by. You said no one knew about this place.", "Adam: I didn't think they did. Perhaps they live on the other side of the lake. They're just kids. There's nothing to be scared of.", "Sharon: Well, everything scares me-- the--the kids dressed in costumes, wind, the trees on the windows.", "Adam: Is that why you went up to my main house? I found this up there, Sharon. You can't keep going up there.", "Sharon: I just needed to... call him.", "Adam: (Sighs) Did you?", "Sharon: I left a message. I just wanted to tell him that I'm-- that I needed to go out of town for a little while so that he and Faith wouldn't worry.", "Adam: Well, hopefully, he buys that. Then you can use this time to get yourself well.", "Sharon: I'm not getting better locked in this place, Adam. I... I may be getting worse.", "Adam: I found a doctor who might be able to help you. I can call her tomorrow. It's up to you, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Well, what do you say?", "Jamie: Um, yeah, I-I guess we can hang out sometime.", "Summer: Great! (Chuckles)", "Jamie: I-I-I gotta go.", "Summer: Okay.", "Jamie: Thanks for finding my wallet.", "Summer: You're welcome.", "Summer: (Chuckles) Yes! (Chuckles)", "Fen: Why do you want Jamie to be your friend?", "Summer: I don't want him to just be my friend. I want him to be my best friend, and yours, too.", "Fen: Then what?", "Summer: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Go home. Forget about Adam. (Groans)", "Phyllis: Are you okay?", "Jack: Nothing a major operation tomorrow won't cure.", "Phyllis: You sound scared.", "Jack: I'm not. I got you on my side.", "Phyllis: All right, see you tomorrow.", "Jack: Yeah. Red? Thanks.", "Phyllis: You're welcome. I know how much taking over Newman means to you. Someone has to make sure you're alive to enjoy it.", "Jack: That mean you're not mad at me?", "Phyllis: I'm furious with you.", "(Door opens)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Adam? (Sighs) I'll see her, your doctor. I'll see her.", "Adam: Good. I think you'll start to feel better soon, Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Car approaches)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Adam: (Exhales slowly)", "(Door closes)", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: Where were you?", "Adam: I went for a walk around the property, around the lake. Chelsea, I'm sorry--", "Chelsea: I'm sorry-- (Chuckles) I hate fighting with you. (Sighs)", "Adam: (Sighs heavily) These last few weeks, they've been a rough few weeks. But I've got some-- some news-- good news. Could make things a little bit better.", "Chelsea: What?", "Adam: Jack Abbott hired me on at Newman enterprises. I'm the chief financial officer.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Adam: I needed this, Chelse. I needed it. I need to get back out into that corporate world, where I do what I do best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I found your mom's phone.", "Noah: Explains why she didn't call from it.", "Nick: (Sighs) Did you find anything?", "Noah: I found this in the back of her closet. Take a whiff.", "Nick: (Sniffs) Smells like a bonfire.", "Noah: I mean, you don't think--", "Nick: She was at the main house the night of the fire?", "Noah: Yeah, probably not. I mean, she would have-- she would have said something.", "Nick: Noah, neither one of us have talked to her since that night. As far as we know, no one has talked to her.", "Noah: That's what I'm saying. Something's off. I-I mean, a big event like this, she would call, make sure everybody was okay... unless she was there and saw. Then she-- she definitely would have-- would have called, right?", "Nick: Unless she had something to do with it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Avery: There's nothing in there that prevents him from taking out his money.", "Chloe: We're at the mercy of Adam Newman.", "Nikki: Has anybody spoken to Sharon about her whereabouts that night?", "Victor: That's a long list of enemies.", "Nikki: This was personal." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy continues to grieve for Delia and is reminded of her when a little girl comes to trick or treat dressed in a witch costume. Billy tells Victoria that he can't look at Dash because the dog was the last one to see Delia alive. Billy and Victoria wish that the dog could talk, because he is the only one that knows who killed Delia. Victoria tells Billy that she will find a good home for Dash so he won't be such a painful reminder of Delia for him. Billy begins his own search for clues about who killed Delia. Devon worries that his offer of such a huge reward is slowing down the police investigation. Devon asks Victor to advise him about how to spend his money. Victor agrees to help as a way to honor Katherine's memory. Victor asks his private investigator to look for the person who killed Delia.", "Victor sends a silver spoon with his initials to Connor as a baby gift, but Adam tells Chelsea that he refused the stock options that Victor offered him for Connor, so she decides to return the baby gift to Victor. Adam and Chelsea take Connor to the doctor and wait anxiously as the doctor performs tests to see if the operation was a success. Avery tells Nikki about what happened to Dylan in the war. Nikki struggles to decide if she should tell Dylan she is his biological mother. Nikki is concerned because Nick blames Dylan for destroying his relationship with Avery. Dylan asks Leslie to handle his divorce from Chelsea and worries because Chelsea doesn't want to divorce him.", "" ]
[ "Victor: Who is this? I don't recognize her. This is a fairy princess. My goodness!", "Faith: It's me, Grandpa!", "Victor: No! It is you? My sweet Faith? Why, come on in. Come on in, my sweetheart. So, I'm sure we'll find a treat somewhere around here. I tell you what. Why don't you go in the kitchen? Talk to Bonnie. And she probably has a big surprise for you. Okay? You're adorable!", "Nick: Let's hope it's not a surprise that we have to feed, you know, like a pony.", "Victor: As if I had ever done that. By the way, why are you here so early? I thought you were trick-or-treating.", "Nick: You know, there are a bunch of kids out there with some pretty gruesome masks. I think Faith got a little spooked.", "Victor: I bet. Yeah.", "Nick: She's been on edge, like, all week. It's been -- it's been tough for her.", "Victor: Oh, you mean because of what happened to Delia?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Doorbell ringing]", "Victoria: Hey! All right! Here you go.", "[Candy rustling]", "Victoria: Take some more. Okay. Sorry about that. Can't believe we have so many trick-or-treaters. And we're almost out of candy. Maybe...I should just turn off the lights so we can pretend like we're not home.", "Billy: No, no, no. Let's not do that. I don't want to be that family. Delia would have hated that. She loved Halloween.", "Victoria: Do you want to help me hand out the rest of the candy?", "Billy: You know, we were still trying to decide what costume she was gonna wear. Chloe [Chuckles] Wanted her to dress up as Lady Gaga.", "Victoria: [Laughs] That would have been cute.", "Billy: No, not cute. I was thinking more like a gangster, you know? Al Capone. Give her a fedora, pinstripe suit, put on a moustache.", "Victoria: I could see that.", "Billy: Yeah. But I think after she played the wicked witch of the west, she didn't want to dress up as a bad guy anymore.", "Victoria: Oh, no? What did she want to be?", "Billy: [Chuckles] She wanted to be an angel. [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, um...gosh. I-I'm glad I ran into you. Do you have a minute?", "Avery: Actually, I'm off the clock, Nikki, and I already told you that I won't be your go-between with Dylan.", "Nikki: I understand.", "Avery: That makes one of us, 'cause I'm still in shock that you told me that you're his biological mother. And I resent the fact that you unloaded this secret under the guise of needing a lawyer, because now I am caught between a client and someone I care very deeply about. How is that fair?", "Nikki: It isn't.", "Avery: [Sighs] At least you can admit that. I hope you're not gonna ask me to share personal habits or information about Dylan, because I think that's for him to decide.", "Nikki: You've made your position very clear. But there is something I'd like to say to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: You really don't think the reward you posted will help the police catch Delia's killer?", "Devon: I mean, the phones are still ringing off the hook, so anything's possible, but most of the calls they've gotten have been phony. People calling in, making up stories, trying to cash in.", "Leslie: What kind of sick individual would use a child's death for personal gain?", "Devon: I think you just answered your own question. They're sick. And here I am, thinking that I finally found something meaningful to do with some of the money that Katherine left me, and from what I've read, all its done has bogged down the investigation.", "Leslie: Don't give up hope, Devon. All it takes is one solid lead.", "Devon: That's true.", "Dylan: Hey. You -- you actually saved me a phone call.", "Leslie: I did?", "Dylan: I want to hire you. As a lawyer, not a barista.", "Leslie: Well, great. I mean, most of the corporate work I've done involves multinationals, but I'd be happy to discuss your legal needs as a small- business owner.", "Dylan: Oh, it's not business. I need to get a divorce.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Vanessa is giving Connor a bath before our appointment with Dr. Lintz.", "Adam: I don't appreciate that he pushed us back.", "Chelsea: I know, but his nurse said that he had --", "Adam: He's going into emergency surgery? Yeah, it's like an assistant saying that their boss was going to a meeting when what they're really doing is taking an extra-long lunch.", "Chelsea: I mean, I don't really see Dr. Lintz as the kind of person that's trying to play games with us, Adam, do you?", "Adam: Why push this back?", "Chelsea: Connor had emergency surgery, too, remember? I think you're just anxious because this is such important news.", "Adam: News that we had to wait several more hours for?", "Chelsea: It's several more hours. That's all. Just a few more hours and then we'll know, okay? You have to calm down.", "Adam: Before the night is over, we're gonna learn whether or not our son can see or if he's gonna be living in darkness the rest of his life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Mason: Hey. Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot and all, but --", "Devon: Mason, you set out to hurt everyone I care about, okay? I would definitely say that's the wrong foot. What do --?", "Mason: I got caught up in Hilary's mess. I'm not a bad person, Devon. Just let me make it up to you.", "Devon: And how you think you're gonna do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Well, the only grounds for divorce in this state are simple. You need to demonstrate the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage.", "Dylan: That's no problem there.", "Leslie: Okay, then there are the standard issues to discuss before signing the petition to terminate the marriage. There's division of property and assets.", "Dylan: Chelsea and I haven't been married...three months. You know, we never got the chance to build anything together, so, uh, there's nothing to take apart.", "Leslie: Okay, well, in that case, it should be a fairly straightforward process. You and Chelsea sign the petition together, she -- uh, do you think that'll be an issue? Doesn't Chelsea want the divorce?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: We're not the only ones who are dying to know if the transplant worked. Chloe has been praying right along with us. She has to know that a part of her little girl will live on.", "Adam: Look, let's just -- let's not, okay? They're not Delia's eyes, okay? They're Connor's eyes. We wouldn't be having this conversation if the corneas came from an anonymous donor.", "Chelsea: But the corneas didn't come from an anonymous donor. They came from my best friend's daughter, who died tragically and who has given Connor a chance to see. That has to mean something, Adam. Or else this sweet little girl lost her life for absolutely nothing.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Chelsea: Must be trick-or-treaters.", "[Adam remembering]", "[Tires squealing]", "[Squealing stops]", "[Back to present]", "Chelsea: Well, it wasn't trick-or-treaters. It was a delivery guy with a package.", "Adam: From who?", "Chelsea: It doesn't say, but it's not ticking. That's a good sign. Oh, my gosh. It's a silver spoon... with Connor's initials. T.C.N. -- wow! My gosh! This is great! Who would have sent this to us? There isn't even a note.", "Adam: Don't bother looking for a note. It's from my father. Silver spoon. Baby Newman. Like our son doesn't have enough problems already.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Noah tells me its official. He's gonna work for you at Newman- Chancellor.", "Victor: Well, you know, he's a natural at business.", "Nick: Is he?", "Victor: Oh, yeah. Very creative. Very hardworking. Great ideas. You have reason to be proud of him. He'll be very successful.", "Nick: I am proud of him.", "Victor: Good.", "Nick: My son has excellent judgment.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nick: He told me he is going into this job with his eyes wide open, which makes me very happy.", "Victor: You mean you had some experience along those lines?", "Faith: Look what I got!", "Victor: Look at that!", "Nick: Wow! That looks delicious. And it looks very sweet. What do you tell your grandpa?", "Faith: Thank you.", "Victor: You're welcome, my sweet love. You know something? There's some toys upstairs, okay? Why don't you take a look? She's adorable.", "Nick: Yeah, she is. Are you sure you and Mom are cool with having a sleepover with a child on sugar overload?", "Victor: Oh, yeah. In fact, your mother has complained about the fact that she doesn't see enough of her grandchildren.", "Nick: Yeah, I wanted to say hello to her before I took off.", "Victor: Well, she didn't expect both of you to be here so soon. She's at a charity meeting.", "Nick: How has she been doing?", "Victor: To be honest, I'm a little concerned.", "Nick: Why? Is her MS flaring up?", "Victor: No. She says that's all right. She's been acting kind of odd lately.", "Nick: In what way?", "Victor: Well, you know, she keeps on looking at pictures of you and Victoria when you were children.", "Nick: Are they pictures of us when we were, like, Delia's age? Is that maybe --", "Victor: Well... she looks at them as if, you know, she lost something that she's trying to get back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Please say what you have to say so I can get on with my evening.", "Nikki: I'm afraid I owe you an apology.", "Avery: [Sighs] You think?", "Nikki: I used attorney/client privilege to share a secret with you because I didn't know if it was safe to share it with Dylan.", "Avery: You used me, Nikki. In fact, you're still doing it right now.", "Nikki: I think on some level, I was hoping that you would urge me to go to him and tell him everything, and that he would welcome the idea and want to start a relationship with me. I know how naive this sounds.", "Avery: You thought after you blew his world apart that he would immediately want to bond as mother and son? Nikki!", "Nikki: I know. I-I-I know.", "Avery: This is the last thing Dylan needs right now. He's had enough shocks in his life to deal with recently.", "Nikki: I realize that. It's just that from the moment I heard we were connected, I don't know. Something -- something kicked in, something maternal. I know about Connor. I know about Chelsea's lies. But now whenever I see Dylan, I-I just want to go to him. I-I want to comfort him, and I know that I can't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: It's getting late. I'm starving. Why don't I make us some dinner, huh? I wonder if that was the last of the trick-or-treaters. I put Dash in the backyard. I was afraid he was gonna be barking at the doorbell all night. It's amazing that he found his way back here, isn't it?", "Billy: When I, uh, first saw him sitting outside the door, wagging his tail like nothing ever happened, I was so mad at that dog. But then I let myself think, if that silly dog could find his way home, maybe Delia could, too. That damn dog... [Sighs] ...He was the last person to see Delia before the accident. That and the person who killed her. [Chuckles] If only he could tell the cops who that is, huh?", "Victoria: So, what we need is a magical talking dog.", "Billy: That's exactly what we need. We need a magical talking dog if we're ever gonna find out who killed my kid. That's where we are now.", "[Paper rustling]", "Victoria: I'm gonna let the dog in.", "Billy: Don't do that, please. I really can't take another night of him scratching at Delia's door, begging to get in her room. Every time I look at that dog, I see her face. I think about how happy she was when I gave him to her. I...hear her laughing, and then I think about that night, and I just -- I don't want to look at him right now. [Sighs]", "Victoria: Honey. Don't do that.", "Billy: I don't know if she let the dog out of the car 'cause he had to go out or if she was chasing him. I don't know. I don't know why she got out of that car, but I know it had something to do with that damn dog, so he can stay outside for right now.", "Victoria: First thing tomorrow morning, I'm gonna make some phone calls and I'm gonna find him a really good home, okay?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: I can't make some big, grand gesture like your generous reward offer. But maybe I can help you.", "Devon: Help me to do what?", "Mason: You're probably overwhelmed since you got your inheritance.", "Devon: [Scoffs] So, what does that mean? You want to help me, uh, manage my assets?", "Mason: Of course not. You might need an assistant, someone to take care of things that you can't take care of yourself.", "Devon: Okay. And I don't know why you would think I'd trust you with a damn thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs] Chelsea and I, we really haven't talked. You know, she didn't want to split up then, but I made sure she knew that it was over between us. I mean, how could she hold out any hope after lying to me about Connor?", "Leslie: That's another way to go. If Chelsea knowingly and willingly deceived you about being the father of her child, she entered into the marriage fraudulently. That's grounds for annulment.", "Dylan: So, it'd be like the marriage never happened.", "Leslie: Exactly.", "Dylan: [Sighs] And if I say it never happened, I'd have to erase Chelsea from my past. And I'd have to erase Connor, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Silver spoon -- representing all the wealth and success and opportunity that comes with being a Newman.", "[Spoon clatters]", "Adam: That guy's practically set up a portfolio for our child.", "Chelsea: What? Victor did that?", "Adam: Yeah, he came by the other day with some Newman-Chancellor stock options. He's trying to stake a claim on our son.", "Chelsea: And what did you tell him?", "Adam: I tore up the stock options, right in his face.", "Chelsea: Well, then. I'll return the gift.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Adam: [Sighs] Adam Newman. Yes? Okay. Thank you. That was Dr. Lintz. He's ready for us. This is it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Trick or treat.", "Victor: Devon!", "Devon: How are you?", "Victor: Nice to see you. Come in.", "Devon: Nice to see you, too. Thank you.", "Victor: My goodness. So... I was about to make myself a drink. Do you care to join me?", "Devon: Sure. I'll have whatever you're having.", "Victor: All righty. How about a little tequila?", "Devon: Sounds good.", "Victor: Okay. So, what brings you by?", "Devon: Well, Mr. Newman, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what you said to me the other day.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Devon: About Katherine sending us a message -- leaving you the company and me all this money.", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Devon: And she might have been thinking that you ought to mentor me while I figure out what to do with it all.", "Victor: That's nice of you to bring that up. You know...Katherine had a hell of a sense of humor. She and I laughed a lot. And she often would send people in different directions. But she always knew where she wanted them to end up. Cheers.", "[Glasses clink]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, sometimes I wish I hadn't gone out looking for answers and I just left things alone. But you can't un-ring a bell. I can't pretend that I don't know Dylan is my son.", "Avery: [Sighs] Well, neither can I now, thanks to you.", "Nikki: I won't ask you to intercede anymore.", "Avery: Does that mean that you're gonna tell him yourself? You're gonna tell him the truth?", "Nikki: I honestly don't know.", "Avery: Nikki, are -- are you all right?", "Nikki: Mm. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Not for me, anyway.", "Avery: [Sighs] His friends mattered to him.", "Nikki: Back when you knew him?", "Avery: Yes, but still today. There are just fewer of them now, I think. And war mattered. His experience in Afghanistan had a profound effect on him, and he's still suffering from what he saw and what he did over there.", "Nikki: Was he injured?", "Avery: Not in the way that we think of soldiers being injured. If you look into his eyes... you see -- you see that he's still hurting. And I really thought that his marriage to Chelsea and this baby -- I thought this was gonna be a whole new life and a way for him to start healing, and I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, but if you're curious about knowing Dylan more, um, this is a good place to start.", "Nikki: I appreciate that so much. I-I can't tell you. Thank you.", "Nick: What's going on here?", "Avery: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Adam: Are you warm enough, Peanut?", "Chelsea: He seems to be.", "Adam: It's chilly outside.", "Chelsea: It's that time of year. I read somewhere that this winter is supposed to be especially cold. [Sighs]", "Adam: We're making idle chitchat about the weather. We both must be pretty damn nervous.", "Chelsea: It would be strange if we weren't nervous. But, no, we have to be hopeful. Don't we? Yes, we have to be hopeful... for Connor's sake. Oh, I just pray that the doctor gives us good news. That the surgery worked and -- and Connor's whole world will open up for him again, right? Yeah.", "Adam: His vision's been impaired since he was born. Certainly since -- since I've been in his life.", "Chelsea: And I realize I'm responsible for that. But I really hope from now on Connor can look you in your eyes and recognize you for who you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dinner should be ready pretty soon. [Sighs] Okay, well, I-I'm just gonna go get Johnny ready for bed.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[Doorbell ringing]", "Child: Trick or treat! [Growls]", "Billy: Dee-Dee.", "Child: Trick or treat!", "Billy: Yeah, hold on, Honey. Um...", "Child: Wow! Thanks!", "[Bowl clatters]", "[Light switch clicks]", "Billy: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: No. I-I'm -- I can't. I'm not gonna say that I was never a part of Connor's life or that Connor wasn't a part of my life. I know that I have no legal rights, and I don't need Adam and his team of attorneys to keep reminding me that.", "Leslie: I was one of those attorneys.", "Dylan: Oh. Well, is that a conflict of interest?", "Leslie: Well, not in this case. Connor's paternity and your petition for divorce, they're separate issues.", "Dylan: Good. That's good, because no matter how I feel about Chelsea... I am never gonna forget... that I was the first person who held that child. It's just a connection that can't be broken.", "Leslie: Yeah, I understand. Which means we are definitely talking about divorce.", "Dylan: How soon can you make it happen?", "Leslie: Well, as I was saying earlier, if both parties state by petition or sworn affirmation that the marriage is irretrievably broken, then they file the paperwork and that's that. Now, if only one party files, then it's up to the judge to determine whether or not the parties have grounds for divorce, and it could slow down the process considerably.", "Dylan: By how much?", "Leslie: You'd need to demonstrate that you've been living apart for 12 months or more.", "Dylan: What? Wait almost a year?", "Leslie: I know. That's how it works in Wisconsin.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Leslie: Why don't you talk to Chelsea? See if she'll agree to file together. I mean, I realize that may not be as easy as it sounds, but a lot of emotions get churned up between two people who once planned to spend their lives together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Avery did some legal work for me. We're finished now.", "Avery: Yes, unless there's something relevant that I need to bring to your attention.", "Nikki: Thank you again.", "Avery: Yes. Good night.", "Nikki: Good night. Come on, Son. Have a drink with me.", "Nick: Okay. [Sighs] Dad said, uh, you were meeting with a charity? What kind of charity meets on Halloween night?", "Nikki: Oh, Avery and I ran into each other.", "Nick: And you just started talking business?", "Nikki: Yep.", "Nick: Mm. Dad has a whole fleet of lawyers. You know that. Why would you pick her?", "Nikki: Well, I'm just updating my will. I don't want to bother your father's lawyers for something so mundane.", "Nick: Dad's worried about you.", "Nikki: Oh, well, what else is new?", "Nick: He told me that you've been spending, like, hours looking at old photographs of me and Vick when we were kids.", "Nikki: Yeah, I-I-I kind of have been thinking a lot about the past and all the memories that we made and some memories we didn't have a chance to make.", "Nick: Is that really about us? Or about another kid altogether?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Ever since this fortune was dumped into my lap, I have been confused, I guess.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Devon: And, honestly, I just -- I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Devon: I mean, I went out and bought a car.", "Victor: I bet you did.", "Devon: I'm looking at real estate. I'm trying to do things for my sister's kids. None of that's making a dent in my inheritance. And, frankly, I-I don't feel right just having it sit there.", "Victor: Well, let me put it this way. Devon, great wealth can be a burden, but it doesn't have to be a curse, you know.", "Devon: I mentioned to my dad, too, that you wanted to advise me, and he wasn't exactly thrilled.", "Victor: Well, I don't blame him one bit. If I were in his shoes, I'd feel the same way. And, to be honest with you, your father's a very smart man and knows a lot about business, so he can advise you, if that's what you want.", "Devon: I hear a \"But.\"", "Victor: Let me put it this way. I've built Newman Enterprises from the ground up. Become a huge company, almost an empire, you know?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Victor: And meaning...I've accumulated a great amount of wealth.", "Devon: Basically, more money you have, the more problems, right?", "Victor: [Chuckling] Yes. Something like that.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Victor: Exactly. I just want you to know that I have nothing to gain from any of this. I'm simply interpreting what Katherine wrote in her will. I think she wanted me to give you some advice, if that's what you needed.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Victor: All right? Tell you what. Why don't you come to my office next week and we'll discuss it further, all right?", "Devon: That sounds good. And I really appreciate you speaking frank with me. I do.", "Victor: Well, I can tell you one thing. That'll happen less and less. The more wealth you have, the less honest people are with you.", "Devon: I'm actually already starting to find that to be the case.", "Victor: [Laughing] Yeah? By the way, what happened to the offer you made for further information about Delia's case?", "Devon: Um...well, that's -- that's actually causing nothing but trouble because the cops are now drowning in phony leads.", "Victor: Really?", "Devon: And they have to follow up on all of them, so it's doing nothing but wasting manpower.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Devon: I'm almost starting to wish I just left well enough alone.", "Victor: Yeah. Well, that is too -- that's too damn bad.", "Devon: It's just -- it's frustrating, you know? Because what's the use of all this money if you can't make this happen?", "Victor: You bet. Well, we'll figure it out, Devon. Thanks for coming by, okay?", "Devon: Thank you again. Thank you for the drinks.", "Victor: Yep. You bet. Any time.", "Devon: Have a good night.", "Victor: Bye-bye. [Sighs] [Sighs] I need to see you immediately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Another child?", "Nick: Delia. I mean, her death has made every parent in Genoa City want to hang on to their own child just a little bit tighter.", "Nikki: Yes, you are right about that.", "Nick: So, honestly, Mom, of all the attorneys you could have hired, why'd you hire the one that left me at the altar?", "Nikki: Oh, we're back to that again?", "Nick: Humor me.", "Nikki: I know her. She's an excellent attorney. She's familiar with my affairs. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.", "Nick: Well, it's hard not to see her without bringing up a bunch of stuff I don't want to think about.", "Nikki: You're still angry with her.", "Nick: Not half as mad as I am at Dylan.", "Nikki: Honey, what happened between you and Avery wasn't his fault.", "Nick: How can you say that?", "Nikki: She made her own choices.", "Nick: After everything he did to influence her, he put himself in her path every chance he got. Then when Avery asked him to back off, he did for a little while. He made it seem like he was cool with it. I even bought his nice-guy act. But after awhile, he started pushing Avery's buttons again, reminding her of everything they had together. And then what a coincidence? On our wedding day, who shows up on her doorstep looking for a shoulder? I just got no use for the guy.", "Nikki: Don't say that, Nicholas.", "Nick: Why not?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I called you here because I want you to find the person responsible for Delia Abbott's death.", "PI: It's a high-profile case, especially with that award that's out there. A million bucks for information.", "Victor: I'll pay you more for results, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Billy.", "Billy: Don't do that. Leave it alone. Turn it off, please.", "Victoria: You know, I understand why you'd rather sit here in the dark. Because with the lights on, you can just see everything that reminds you of Dee-Dee. And I can sit here in the dark with you. And tell you how much I love you and how I'm here for you. But I also know that's not gonna help, you know? But there are people that can help. People we can call.", "Billy: Yeah, you're right. This isn't the way. [Sighs] Leave it. Please leave it.", "Victoria: Sure. Okay.", "Billy: Look, Honey, I'm gonna be fine. I promise. I just -- I just need to sit here for a little longer and think. That's all. I'm fine. I promise.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, dinner should be ready soon. I'm gonna go check on it. I know you're hungry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Lintz: I apologize for the delay.", "Chelsea: No, we understand. It couldn't be helped.", "Dr. Lintz: Well, still, I'm glad you could make it at this hour.", "Adam: We wouldn't want to put this off one more day.", "Chelsea: So? What's the verdict?", "Dr. Lintz: I'm encouraged by your observations, but I'll need to conduct a few simple tests before we know whether the operation was successful.", "Chelsea: Okay. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: Looking for this?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mason: I found it on the floor as soon as you walked out. I was just calling you. You think I stole your money?", "Devon: No. No, I was, uh... just gonna give you a reward.", "Mason: That's not necessary, man. You'd do the same thing for me, right? Take it easy, man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: What are you two up to?", "Dylan: I just hired your partner to handle my divorce.", "Avery: Divorce?", "Leslie: Yeah, that's right. Dylan will soon be a free man. How do you feel about that?", "Avery: You know, he and I had a good conversation the other day, and that's as far as it's gonna get.", "Leslie: A good conversation? About what?", "Avery: About us and getting back together. I tried to make him understand that it's not gonna happen, and I think, you know, even if he's not aware of it right now, I think deep down he knows the same thing. You know, he just got out of a relationship with someone who kept a huge secret from him. He can't go through that again.", "Leslie: I agree. Except what do you mean by a huge secret? That was Chelsea's thing. It's not like you have one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I hate to see you upset like this. It's not healthy for you to hold a grudge this way.", "Nick: Mom, it's not something I think about all the time, but I can't just forgive and forget.", "Nikki: Why not?", "Nick: Because Dylan McAvoy came between me and the woman that I love. He is responsible for our breakup.", "Nikki: Well, the wounds are fresh. Things will change in time.", "Nick: Don't count on it. I still hate Adam after all these years. And he's my brother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "PI: The cops have been thorough in their investigation. There's just not much to go on.", "Victor: Well, the cops haven't found a damn thing yet. I guess run into one dead end after the other. I want you to find the bastard who ran over a little girl on the street and left her there dying, all right? Find that bastard.", "PI: Yes, Sir.", "Victor: We may not bring back the little girl, but we may bring peace to her family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Keyboard clacking]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Did it work? Can my son see?", "Connor: [Fussing]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chloe: I'm afraid of the night, Kevin.", "Kevin: What if I'm there next to you? Just to make sure you're okay.", "Jack: That help you offered? I need it, Neil.", "Lauren: Can't you do something to help my son?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Michael comes home to Lauren wearing a very provocative outfit, but he is less than turned on by it. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Kevin accuses Michael of invading his privacy by looking at his computer, and he knows what's going on. Michael denies having an affair. Lauren overhears their conversation and calls Michael on it. While Nick is ready for the wedding, Sharon comes downstairs wearing her nightgown. Mariah and Faith, dressed in their Halloween costumes, visit Victor. Mariah lets Victor know that Nick and Sharon are getting married but he not happy about it. Summer joins Jack at the Athletic Club and wonders where Phyllis is. Phyllis calls Nick to talk before the wedding. Mariah tries to make Victor believe that Sharon has no secret. Victor warns her not to take Sharon's side. Phyllis tells Nick that they need to talk before he ruins his life. Jack catches up to her and wonders what is going on, but she refuses to tell him. They instead join Summer. Victor looks at the hairbrush and the wine glass then leaves the house. Noah and Nick take pictures of the bridal party. Victor pays Sharon a visit to talk her out of getting married, but Nick interrupts and insists that this wedding is going off as planned. Jack, Phyllis, and Summer discuss Austin amongst other things that are going on in Genoa City. Phyllis lets Jack and Summer know that Nick and Sharon are getting married today. Abby interrupts them and introduces herself but Jack says that Phyllis knows who she is.", "Lauren won't take Michael's denial for an answer and wants to know what is going on. Michael refuses to tell her. Kevin catches up to Mariah at the Coffeehouse and offers to be her date for the wedding but she refuses. They are interrupted by Lauren, who wants to know what is going on with Michael. Michael talks to his doctor and puts a rush on the test results. Phyllis visits Sharon to talk. Summer visits Victor to tell him about Phyllis' actions and notices her hairbrush on the desk. Summer asks Victor what her hairbrush is doing there.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Okay, so, I know the wedding is informal, but, uh... I don't know. The robe might be pushing it a little bit.", "Sharon: I know that we're ignoring all the wedding superstitions, but I want the dress to be a surprise.", "Nick: Because surprises turned out so well at our last attempt.", "Sharon: [Sighs] That was a matter of unforeseen complications.", "Nick: Named Phyllis.", "Sharon: But my dress for this wedding is gonna be a nice surprise, and it's the only one allowed for the day, period.", "Faith: Trick or treat, grandpa!", "Victor: Look at that! Come here, my sweetheart. Don't you look beautiful!", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Victor: You look so beautiful. My goodness. My goodness. You know what? Bonnie has made some special homemade candy for you. Why don't you go get some, okay?", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh.", "Victor: That's sweet.", "Mariah: Big, bad wolf giving little red riding hood homemade candy. This can't end well.", "Victor: You amusing yourself or what?", "Mariah: And you're not even cracking a smile. What, are you grumpy that Sharon and nick are finally making it official today?", "Victor: I didn't know that was happening.", "Mariah: I think it's gonna be pretty hard to find somebody else to wake up from a coma, so you probably should just send them another bottle of champagne and say congratulations.", "Victor: Well, that ain't gonna happen.", "Mariah: The champagne or the wedding?", "Michael: [Sighs]", "Lauren: I've been waiting.", "Michael: Lauren, you're home?", "Lauren: Halloween isn't just for kids.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Lauren: Now tell me where it hurts.", "Summer: Hi. You're alone?", "Jack: Yeah, is that a bad thing?", "Summer: Well, I don't know. I thought mom was supposed to be with you.", "Jack: Well, she stepped away. What are you so nervous about?", "Summer: Well, if mom's not with you, then who is she with? She might be with someone who's about to spill some big, huge secret that she's not ready to hear about.", "Jack: She's in the restroom. I'm pretty sure no one's gonna tell her anything there.", "Summer: I'm sorry. It's -- it's just every time I see you sitting alone, and my mind instantly flashes to, \"what does mom know, and how bad is the fallout gonna be?\"", "Phyllis: Come on. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: Hello?", "Phyllis: Finally. Please tell me I've caught you in time before you've ruined your life.", "Lauren: So, should I test your reflexes or go straight to the sponge bath?", "Michael: Oh, God.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] Looks like you need both.", "Michael: I do, but I can't.", "Lauren: Oh, nurse begs to differ.", "[Both chuckle]", "[Knock on door]", "Michael: Oh, I hope that's not a toddler dressed as tinker bell.", "Kevin: Hey! I brought my own treats.", "Lauren: It's Kevin, not a toddler.", "Michael: Debatable. Still...", "Lauren: True.", "Michael: ...I don't think he should see you like this.", "Lauren: Okay. I'll go change my clothes, then. [Chuckles]", "Michael: [Sighs] What?", "Kevin: Seriously? I said I brought treats.", "Michael: Are they frosted with accusations that I'm having an affair?", "Kevin: I went by your office. They said you were home, and I came here to confess.", "Michael: That you're an idiot.", "Kevin: No. That when I was alone in your office with your laptop, I might have peeked.", "Michael: You did what?", "Kevin: Yes, Michael, I looked at your computer, and you won't believe what I have figured out.", "Mariah: Nick and Sharon want to get married, and it's gonna happen. There's nothing you can do about it, so you might as well just roll with it.", "Victor: So, you think it's gonna happen?", "Mariah: Obviously, because it is. And you know what? Maybe -- just maybe -- there is no secret, and nick and Sharon are gonna ride off into the sunset on one of your fancy horses.", "Victor: Ain't gonna happen.", "Mariah: You don't know when to let it go, do you?", "Victor: You sent me on a wild-goose chase to have the DNA tested in Sweden.", "Mariah: Who told you to go to Sweden? You know, there are labs in the U.S.", "Victor: Shh! Shh! Point is, I don't like to be lied to, okay?", "Mariah: Sharon was talking in her sleep. I told you what I heard. I figured that faith wasn't nick's kid. Whoops.", "Victor: \"Whoops\"? It made me go to Sweden to have the DNA tested -- the hair from faith's hairbrush and then DNA from nick's wineglass. And the result is not what you indicated -- what you hypothesized. Nick is indeed faith's father. That's what the DNA showed.", "Mariah: And that's -- that's a bad thing in your world?", "Victor: That's not a bad thing. What it proves to me is that Sharon is hiding something else.", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Did you get all the candy?", "Faith: Yep.", "Victor: Wow! You know, grandma would love to see you -- would love to see the costume. So why don't you come back afterwards?", "Faith: I can't.", "Victor: What?", "Faith: I'll be at mommy and daddy's wedding.", "Victor: I see. Okay, well...", "Faith: Come on.", "Mariah: Well, wait, wait. Don't you want to say thank you to your grandpa for the homemade candy?", "Faith: Thanks, grandpa. Love you.", "Victor: Come here. I love you so much. Okay? So, you go.", "Mariah: All right. On we go.", "Victor: Um... you're making a mistake, taking Sharon's side, okay?", "Sharon: Who is it?", "Nick: Uh, it's, uh, delivery's late at the underground. It's nothing.", "Phyllis: It's not nothing.", "Sharon: Just so you know, we are not having our wedding reception at your club.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, I'll just send back all the floral centerpieces. I'm not doing this, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Marrying the disaster area? Good choice.", "Nick: You blew up one wedding already. It is not happening again.", "Phyllis: Forget the wedding. We have to talk. This is important. Look, I have been going back and forth trying to figure out how to do this. And I've told you my brain has been really messed up, and nothing's making sense. Just meet me before the ceremony. Hear me out.", "Nick: Well, it's good to know you haven't changed, Phyllis. I'm getting married. Later.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] I am trying to save you, you stubborn jerk.", "Jack: Hey. Everything all right?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Everything's fine.", "Jack: Well, come on. Let's go back to the table.", "Phyllis: Uh, Jack, um, I'm not hungry, honey.", "Jack: It's okay. We'll probably do as much chatting as eating. I have a special guest for you.", "Phyllis: Hi, sweetie.", "Summer: Hey, mom.", "Phyllis: It's good to see you.", "Summer: Hi. Look at us -- breaking bread with the parents. We're finally a normal family.", "Nick: Nice. Not too dressy. Classic.", "Noah: Yeah, if this wedding gets postponed again, I'm showing up in sweats and a t-shirt.", "Nick: Oh, no, no, no. It's happening. No more delays.", "Noah: Well, faith and Mariah are upstairs. Faith says it's a super-duper big secret surprise. But, you know, the biggest surprise is if this wedding actually happens today.", "Nick: Oh, it's gonna happen. Your mom and I are gonna sprint right to the part where he says, \"I now pronounce you man and wife.\" Get this thing done and official.", "Noah: Good. You know, when I think about how much time I was spending worrying about mom...", "Nick: That shouldn't have been on your shoulders, bud.", "Noah: Oh, yeah, well, I am your son, and, evidently, I inherited your hero gene.", "Nick: My bad. [Chuckles] But I hear you.", "Noah: You know, I don't think I'll be worrying about mom that much anymore. You two I'm happy for you, dad.", "Nick: Thanks, bud. I'm happy, too.", "Faith: Are you ready?", "Nick: Oh! Are we ready? Let's go! Let's see it. Bridal party.", "Noah: Ohh. [Chuckles]", "Nick: Look at you.", "Mariah: Ta-da!", "Faith: Ta-da!", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Nick: You two look so beautiful. She --", "Mariah: Oh.", "Sharon: No superstitions here.", "Nick: Wow. And that is my bride.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Nick: I'm the luckiest man on earth.", "Noah: Why don't I get some pictures, hmm?", "Mariah: Uh, I'll go get your purse.", "Sharon: No, I don't need it yet. Stay.", "Nick: No sneaking off.", "Noah: Yeah, it is a family photo, so...tough luck. That means you.", "Faith: It means all of us.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Noah: Okay. Everybody smile. Okay, faith. Serious. Serious face. Now everyone else smile. Let's not make it more complicated than it has to be I like you, you like me that's a beautiful recipe two hearts dancing in a cloudless sky wishing and a-kissing our past goodbye why don't we finally try living like we both feel inside? Oh, let's just say what's on our minds we both know the truth we're only wasting precious time if you'll have me, I-I-I'll have you whoa-oh-oh whoa-oh-oh if you'll have me, I-I-I'll have you I-I-I'll have you oh-whoa-oh- oh", "Noah: All right. Let me see if I got it. Let's see.", "Sharon: Did you get my good side?", "Nick: Oh, come on. You don't even have a bad side.", "Sharon: I do.", "Noah: Perfect. All right. What do you guys say we go outside, get some autumn wedding photos?", "Sharon: Yeah!", "Mariah: Seriously?", "Nick: Yeah, seriously.", "Mariah: Oh, gosh. Okay.", "Sharon: My hair -- my hair. You guys go. I'm just gonna check my hair. [Chuckles]", "Mariah: I am. I am. I have to grab a jacket. It's cold.", "Noah: Come on, mom.", "[Door closes]", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "[Knock on door]", "Phyllis: I'm just wondering why no one told me it would be the three of us -- as if I couldn't be trusted to know. I'm sensing a bit of a pattern here.", "Jack: We thought it would be a pleasant distraction and a chance to have a meeting of the minds about Summer's marriage.", "Phyllis: Speaking of which, where is the kidnapper? Or are we just calling him a felon these days?", "Summer: Mm, uh, no, I just thought it'd be better if just the three of us talk.", "Phyllis: Oh. So you're saying he's a chicken? You're fighting his battles for him now?", "Summer: Mom.", "Jack: Let's back away from the name-calling, okay? That is counterproductive.", "Summer: So, I know that you talked to dad about my marriage. Nick-dad I mean. Did it help at all?", "Jack: You arranged that?", "Summer: Yeah, I mean, I'll do anything to smooth it over at this point. Did it help?", "Phyllis: You could talk to nick. Oh, that's right. He's making an honest woman out of Sharon in a few hours. Ha.", "Summer: Okay, I don't know whether I should be worried or relieved. You're not all crazed about Austin like you were before. I mean, you're mean and snarky, but you're definitely not crazed.", "Jack: Yeah, I definitely feel the same way, so that begs the question, have you made progress, or is your mind on something else entirely? Something else is definitely going on. What is it?", "Michael: It was not your place to go into my laptop.", "Kevin: I got to say, Michael. It killed me.", "Michael: You have no right to do this.", "Kevin: That screen saver -- you, Lauren on vacation, looking very happy. Every time you boot up, that's what you see. You, my brother, are clearly a fool in love, so I don't understand why you'd be willing to do anything to screw that up.", "Michael: I'm not doing anything.", "Kevin: Don't. At least respect me enough not to lie to my face. [Sighs] I shut your computer down. I probably won't snoop again.", "Michael: \"Probably\"? Oh, no. Excellent. I get it. I'm supposed to thank you for not invading my privacy.", "Kevin: Just tell me, if it is an affair, that it's over, and it's not gonna happen again.", "Michael: You have --", "Kevin: Oh.", "Lauren: An affair?", "Michael: [Scoffs] No, Lauren. No.", "Kevin: Uh, it was a case of Michael's -- cases. That's all.", "Lauren: [Sighs] Funny. I thought I heard you accusing Michael of something.", "Michael: Kevin knows better. In fact, just two seconds ago, he was calling me a fool for love. I should be offended, but how could I be, because he's absolutely right?", "Kevin: That's true. I did say that.", "Lauren: You didn't come here just to say that.", "Michael: No. No, he brought us treats.", "Kevin: I did, and, uh, now that I've brought them, I'm leaving.", "Michael: Good idea.", "Kevin: I'll call you later.", "Michael: Can't wait. I really am, you know -- a fool for you.", "Lauren: So maybe I should just slip that nurse's uniform back on and see if I could elevate your heart rate.", "Michael: As much as I love the sound of that... I don't think so, sweetheart.", "Lauren: And why not? You say there's no affair. So what's going on with you, Michael?", "Michael: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Now really isn't a good time. Our family has plans.", "Victor: Sharon, I'm aware of your plans, okay? Another attempt at a wedding?", "Sharon: You sound disgusted, which is an honest response. It's more honest than showing up here with a bottle of champagne and pretending --", "Victor: Do you mind if you and I are honest with each other?", "Sharon: If you think you're up for the task.", "Victor: This is a mistake.", "Sharon: Victor, this is ridiculous.", "Victor: Sharon, you came to me months ago. You asked me to help you find whatever secret you were harboring in your unconscious because you were afraid it might hurt Nicholas. That's a good sentiment. You should follow that sentiment. You should call off this wedding.", "Sharon: I have tried everything to remember, and I can't. And maybe that's the way it should be. Nicholas and I can get married. We can move on from all of this together.", "Victor: What are you not seeing? I come to you as a father who loves his son. You cannot tell me, with good conscience, that you're entering upon this marriage without some concern that you might hurt Nicholas all over again. You've got to call off this wedding.", "Nick: Damn it, dad. This wedding is happening -- no matter what.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm off my game. The world just kept spinning, and I've been playing catch-up. I-I've been out of the loop so long, it started to really -- to mess with my head. Honestly, it's a little scary. You get that, right?", "Jack: Of course we get that.", "Phyllis: Because if you two can't understand how hard this is for me, I don't know where I'd turn.", "Jack: Oh.", "Summer: Should we call the doctors?", "Phyllis: No, baby. I just have to sort out a few things. I was in this shadow for a year. You go back into the light, and it kind of hurts your eyes, that's all.", "Abby: Phyllis! Hi! I'm Abby -- Abby Newman.", "Jack: Abby, Phyllis knows who you are.", "Abby: Oh. Sorry. Of course you do. I was just trying to be polite, not knowing what sort of state she'd be in. [Chuckles nervously]", "Phyllis: Maybe you should spell it out for me, just to be sure.", "Abby: Oh, still snarky. I love that. And talk about beauty rest. You look amazing. People are gonna want to go into a yearlong coma just so they can look like you.", "Jack: I don't even know what to say about that.", "Abby: Oh, come on, uncle Jack. I heard from people at the wedding that she looked good, but seeing it in person -- geez.", "Phyllis: Why weren't you at nick's wedding?", "Abby: No, I was, but Victoria went into false labor, and so we had to leave the wedding early.", "Phyllis: Victoria's pregnant?", "Jack: I told you that Billy and Victoria had a complicated relationship.", "Phyllis: Your brother divorced his pregnant wife? That's a complicated jackass.", "Jack: It's not that simple.", "Phyllis: What else am I missing, Abby?", "Abby: Oh, it all goes back to --", "Jack: Abby. Phyllis' doctors recommended that she not get too much information all at once.", "Summer: Yeah, so we have to limit how much she learns at one time.", "Abby: Oh. Uh, okay.", "Summer: So, we could go back to talking about Austin. You know --", "Phyllis: What about today's wedding? Are you going, since you missed the first one?", "Abby: No, no, today's just a tiny, little wedding with the justice of the peace.", "Summer: Yeah, no, I'm not even going. I've had enough of Mariah.", "Abby: Oh, I've had more than enough of Mariah.", "Phyllis: Mariah is...?", "Summer: Mariah's just a girl. And, really, it's not about her. This is about nick and Sharon. You know, it's about them -- their family.", "Phyllis: Their family? Is no one taking this wedding seriously?", "Jack: Yes, everyone is. We're just trying to get a little perspective on the whole thing. These are two adults making an informed, adult decision.", "Summer: You know, I forgot I have to check on something.", "Jack: Summer. Summer.", "Summer: No, it's fine. Call me when you're ready to talk, okay?", "Phyllis: Yes, I will. Of course. Sweetie. I want you to listen to me, okay?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I love you.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: You hear me? I love you more than the moon, and no matter what, everything will be okay, all right?", "Summer: Okay. Yeah, no, I-I love you, too.", "Jack: I'll walk you to your car. Come on.", "Summer: Okay. Bye.", "Abby: Bye.", "Lauren: I could sit on this and ignore it, but I think we should be mature, and we should talk about it. I-I know what I heard Kevin say, and my sister also has accused you of seeing someone.", "Michael: Jill is married to Colin, for god's sake. Obviously, her judgment is suspect, and Kevin was not talking about you and me.", "Lauren: Something's off, Michael.", "Michael: 'Cause I can't take you to bed?", "Lauren: \"Can't\"? That's the second time you've said that.", "Michael: We've had some pretty spectacular nights and days lately.", "Lauren: And then comes the distance and the disconnection. Now, I am not accusing you of anything. I'm asking you. Is there something you're keeping from me?", "Michael: Lauren, sweetheart. [Chuckles] Trust me on this. I love you so much, and what we have and this marriage we fought so hard for -- if you could see inside my head, inside my heart... [Sighs] If you had any idea how much I love you...", "Lauren: I think I do.", "Michael: Don't think it. Know it. Please.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Michael: And know that everything's gonna be all right.", "Victor: Go ahead. Tell him. Tell him about your concerns regarding this wedding. Tell him the nagging feeling you have that it is a mistake.", "Sharon: The only mistake was opening the door, Victor. Nicholas loves me. We're going to be happy. Maybe one day, you can accept that, and I hope so for nick's sake. Otherwise, I don't give a damn.", "Nick: You heard her, dad. It's done.", "Victor: You've always accused me of not wanting you to be happy. You are so damn wrong. You get married, you will not get what you want -- I promise you.", "[Door opens]", "Noah: Wasn't so bad, was it?", "Mariah: It's cold.", "Noah: Aw, grandpa. Look, we're just trying to celebrate today. Let's not ruin that.", "Victor: Noah, if this wedding takes place, you will all be in far more trouble than you bargained for.", "Faith: What'd grandpa say?", "Mariah: Uh, you know what I was thinking? I was looking at your mom and dad. Look at how in love they are. It's just -- it's like the movies, you know? And you just can't beat love like that.", "Phyllis: What else do you have for me, Abby? What other things have I missed?", "Abby: Ooh, I would love to, because you know information dissemination is a specialty of mine, but --", "Jack: Nice try, Phyllis. She is an information addict. We have to cut her off.", "Phyllis: You see, my doctor doesn't know awake Phyllis. He knows the woman who was in a coma, and I'm not exactly a damsel in distress.", "Abby: No. No, you are not.", "Phyllis: Okay, so help me out. I went online, but I only saw articles. I need the real dirt. It's hard to set the parameters on a search engine for that kind of thing.", "Abby: Yeah, and given this past year, I think the server would crash.", "Jack: That is not the way to dissuade her.", "Phyllis: I just need a little taste. Okay, you're a grown-up. Do not look at uncle Jack. Hey. You and I have never pulled punches with one another. We're not gonna start now. So I need to know everything -- the more explosive, the better, okay, miss heiress? See if you can blow me away.", "Sharon: Faith, um, I was wrong before. I do need my purse. Could you run up and get it for me?", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: You okay?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. I am...because of you. And you. And you. I think you like us.", "Mariah: Oh, no. See, why do you have to do that? 'Cause I don't like that. Ohh.", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: Mariah, you've never had a real family before, and it breaks my heart. But now you have us, and we have you. And I'm so happy for all of us.", "Mariah: Okay. So, this is happening? We're doing this -- the cards-on-the- table thing?", "Nick: You can handle it.", "Sharon: You've opened up and let us in, and that was very brave. I'm proud of you.", "Mariah: Somebody asked why I was hanging around, and I didn't want to admit it, but the truth is -- is that you took a chance on me, and that was even when I wasn't your kid. I was no one.", "Sharon: You were never no one -- never.", "Mariah: You look after your kids. I've seen it. It's the first time I've seen mother love that wasn't twisted. So here I am. I'm on your side, whether you like it or not. Okay. [Chuckles] I'm gonna go to the justice of the peace now.", "Sharon: No, no, no. You're not going anywhere.", "Mariah: Yes. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna get everything ready.", "Sharon: First, you're gonna give me a hug.", "Mariah: Ohh.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: Oh, it's happening. Okay. Okay, mascara, please.", "Sharon: I don't care.", "Noah: You can't stop her.", "Nick: Nope.", "Sharon: We're on your side, too.", "Nick: We all are.", "Sharon: This is your family, Mariah, and that means so much to me. Thank you.", "Mariah: Thank you.", "[Glasses clatter]", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Summer: Grandpa?", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Come here.", "Summer: Hi.", "Victor: How are you?", "Summer: Good. Um, is now a good time?", "Victor: Of course now is a good time.", "Summer: Well, you know how thankful I am that you helped my mom to wake up, right?", "Victor: I'm very glad to hear you say that, you know? I found the best doctor to treat Phyllis.", "Summer: Well, um, she just doesn't seem herself lately. She's my mom of course, but something seems different. Do you think it could be a side effect of the treatment?", "Victor: Well, the doctors assured me that there'd be no side effects.", "Summer: Okay, then maybe it's a side effect of the coma itself or the trauma from when she fell? I don't know. Just something...", "Victor: Whoa.", "Summer: Something is driving her to distraction.", "Victor: Wonder what that could be.", "Abby: Okay, so, the cop I dated -- history. And then I fell in love with this gorgeous guy who was still fixated on his ex -- the one who pretended to be Cassie.", "Jack: Okay, we're done here.", "Phyllis: Wait. Pretended to be little Cassie?", "Abby: No, grown-up Cassie.", "Phyllis: Grown-up Cassie?", "Abby: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Oh, you got to tell me more.", "Jack: I told you this is a situation -- another one -- that's gonna take some time to sink in.", "Abby: Come on, uncle Jack. It's not like she's crumbling. And, hey, this might help build up her tolerance.", "Phyllis: Exactly.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Cassie had a twin that Sharon didn't know about. Her name is Mariah, and she lives in town.", "Phyllis: A twin? [Sighs] Only Sharon wouldn't realize something like that. So now, years later, this person impersonates a dead girl.", "Jack: In fairness to her, she did not know that she was Cassie's sister at the time.", "Phyllis: So, Sharon and nick have another child again? Well, no wonder they're getting remarried. That's always how Sharon reels nick in. And Summer gets benched.", "Jack: Summer doesn't get benched. She has two fathers who adore her, and she knows that.", "Phyllis: Jack, Mariah is at that wedding, and Summer is not. That's not being pushed aside?", "Jack: It's a wedding you don't care about.", "Phyllis: I care about my kid, Jack.", "Abby: I-I don't think the wedding has happened yet, if that makes a difference.", "Phyllis: Sharon is playing this Cassie card again in living color.", "Jack: Okay, we have reached our absolute limit in looking back on last year. I know it when I see it. I see it in your eyes. Let's stop now. Don't fight me on this.", "Phyllis: You know what? Maybe you're right. I'm totally spent.", "Jack: Okay, let me take you home.", "Phyllis: You know what, Jack? I would like a minute alone, all right? I will take a cab.", "Jack: Red --", "Phyllis: I can take care of myself. Will you please let me have some control over something? Okay?", "Jack: Okay. If you need anything at all...", "Phyllis: Will do.", "Abby: She hates being the last to know.", "Jack: Thank you. I am well aware of my situation. I also know that when Phyllis feels she's at a disadvantage, she does not give up until she has the upper hand.", "Sharon: Thank you, baby. You're such a good helper.", "Faith: Now I need mommy's bouquet.", "Sharon: Oh, no flowers -- not this time.", "Noah: Oh, no flowers? Aw, that can't be right. Why don't you and I go get something special for mom? But you got to pick it out, okay? 'Cause you're the one with the taste.", "Sharon: Aww. Thanks, you guys.", "Noah: We'll be right back.", "Nick: Hi.", "Sharon: Hi. Is it just me, or do we have amazing kids?", "Nick: They are the best, and they love you. Even Mariah's stepping up.", "Sharon: They really want this for us, don't they?", "Nick: They want it for them, too. Being an official family -- it's not just for us. It's for the whole family.", "Sharon: And I don't care what anyone else thinks. This -- this really feels right, doesn't it?", "Nick: It feels more than right. It feels perfect.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Nick: Sorry.", "Sharon: One of the kids?", "Nick: Uh, it's Summer at the underground. She has a gift she wants me to carry at the wedding.", "Sharon: Oh, how nice. You have to go. There's time.", "Nick: You sure?", "Sharon: Yes. That way, we'll have all of the kids with us at the wedding -- at least in spirit. It's the way it should be.", "Nick: Okay.", "Mariah: Ease up, tiger. You're gonna break the keyboard.", "Kevin: I'm passionate about typing. It's my thing. Shouldn't you be at a wedding?", "Mariah: I just came from the justice of the peace. We are good to go, and things were getting a little warm and fuzzy for me at the house.", "Kevin: Ah. Well, I am off duty if you need a buffer between yourself and actual human emotion.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: I could be your date again.", "Mariah: Oh, it's kind of a wham-bam wedding, so no date needed, but I sincerely appreciate the offer.", "Kevin: Sure.", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Kevin: You're not gonna hug me or anything, are you?", "Mariah: No, I don't think so.", "Lauren: There you are.", "Kevin: Hey. You okay?", "Lauren: Oh, I need to talk to you. I'm sorry.", "Mariah: Uh, no. I'll just stir my coffee over here.", "Kevin: What's up?", "Lauren: You said \"affair.\" I heard you, and I know you weren't talking about some case.", "Kevin: Lauren, seriously, five seconds before you walked in, I was going on and on about how much Michael loves you. Anybody could see that.", "Lauren: I loved Michael, too, while I made that horrible mistake with carmine. I almost lost him. And now I just have this terrible feeling...that it still might happen.", "Michael: There is some discomfort from the biopsy. Um, listen... is there any way that we can speed up the test results? I need to know.", "Abby: You know you're flirting with disaster, right -- bringing Phyllis to the place where Kelly lives and works?", "Jack: Believe me, I confirmed that Kelly wouldn't be here.", "Abby: Oh, how does that work? Sneaking around with your fiancée so she and your girlfriend don't run into each other? That's complicated.", "Jack: We're well past complicated right now. It's awful -- knowing how Kelly feels right now, knowing how Phyllis would feel if she found out the truth.", "Abby: Well, I feel bad for Kelly, since Phyllis is -- well, Phyllis. And I know that Phyllis would freak out if anyone pitied her, but I feel bad knowing that she has no idea about Kelly.", "Jack: I do, too, but I also get the distinct impression Phyllis is keeping something from me.", "Victor: So, you said your mother didn't act like herself.", "Summer: No, she's just all wrapped up in her own head. It's -- first, it's like she doesn't hear anything that I say, and next, she's hugging me and telling me that she loves me. I don't know.", "Victor: Oh. Did she say anything about anyone or...?", "Summer: No. Grandpa, what is my hairbrush doing here?", "Victor: That's your hairbrush?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Nick: Hey, do you want to come with me to the underground, and we can see Summer together?", "Sharon: She wants you. And you two deserve this moment. You've worked so hard to get back into a good place again, so go. Hurry. I can meet you at the justice's office.", "Nick: No. No, no, no. No way. I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna come back. I'll grab you and the kids, and we'll go together -- family-style.", "Sharon: And then after the ceremony...?", "Nick: Then it's just gonna be me and my bride.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "[Knock on door]", "Phyllis: Trick or treat.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I am going to tell Phyllis that Kelly and I are involved.", "Summer: What is going on? Is there something wrong?", "Victor: There's something I have to tell you.", "Phyllis: You sure you don't have a problem with this stairwell?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "The children of Genoa City go out trick or treating while Nick is at the Underground smashing everything in sight to help him deal with the anniversary of Christian's death. Chelsea is there to offer support and Nick admits to her that he has been putting on a brave face but the truth is he really misses Sage and Christian. Dylan visits Patty who tells him that she and Sharon were talking about secrets and lies the last time Sharon visited, and she would tell him the truth but she doesn't want to hurt him. Phyllis admits to Summer that she is making Jack think she is helping him with his plan against Victor, but what she is really doing is protecting Jack from what Victor may do to him. Victor tells Abby that he has known that Curtis Fielding, his head of security, is responsible for the information leak so he has been planning information for Curtis to give to Jack. Victor also tells Abby that she asked Travis to look for the mole in the company to test her and Travis, and she passed the test because she discovered Curtis and Travis failed, because he didn't find the mole and suspected the Newman family. Victor tells Travis he failed the test, and he will have to work much harder to prove himself trustworthy. Dylan tells Patty that she will never get out of the institution, because she killed Dr. Anderson, so Patty calls Nick to tell him Christian is alive and Sharon has him.", "" ]
[ "Travis: Hi.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Travis: Hey.", "Johnny: Daddy!", "Billy: Hey! Ah!", "Katie: Daddy!", "Billy: Hi, sweetheart!", "Jack: I was right about Victor having me followed.", "Phyllis: You spotted someone? Did they confront you?", "Jack: I confronted him. It's Victoria's new boyfriend. What does that look mean?", "Phyllis: It's just that's not Victor's usual M.O. Travis is a recent Newman hire. He is not family. It just surprises me that Victor would trust him enough to send him after you.", "Jack: Maybe he's just showing initiative, trying to impress the boss. Anyway, you should have seen the look on his face when he opened an envelope full of blank pages. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. So, how'd the exchange go with, uh...", "Phyllis: Fielding? It went as planned. Though he's not so hot at this clandestine stuff.", "Jack: Nerves starting to get to him?", "Phyllis: Yeah, clearly. I mean, after that leak of the first batch of documents, Victor must have turned up the heat.", "Jack: Obviously.", "Phyllis: I just hope we got everything we needed, 'cause I think this will be the last time that fielding will pass along sensitive information to us.", "Jack: This is exactly what we need to start digging Victor's grave.", "Summer: Okay, we have to get in touch with grandpa, let him know.", "Abby: Not yet.", "Summer: Abby, this guy fielding is leaking company secrets.", "Abby: Just let me think.", "Summer: Abby, we cannot wait.", "Abby: Summer, are you really that eager to sell out your own mother?", "Summer: I don't know how she could do something this stupid. [Sighs] How do you think grandpa's gonna react?", "Abby: I don't know, but we have to be careful. I don't want him to do something that will land him back in prison.", "Summer: Okay, but if he finds out on his own --", "Abby: I will tell him, summer. I promise. I will tell him everything. I just -- I need to figure out how to handle this before he gets back from his business trip.", "[Door opens]", "Victor: Well, well, well.", "Summer: Grandpa.", "Abby: Hi. I-I didn't think you'd be back from your trip so soon.", "Victor: Actually, I never left town. Where you going, patty?", "Patty: [Gasps] Oh! Hi! [Chuckles] I-I was just looking for Dr. Hadley. Oh, he's expecting you?", "Patty: No, but we need to have a little chat since I'm not gonna be here much longer.", "Sharon: Look at you, sully! You look so cute! You're growing up so fast. And I love you so much. And your daddy loves you, too.", "[Door opens]", "Dylan: Hey. I personally drove by sage's accident site and then, uh, went to Christian's grave.", "Sharon: Didn't you get my text? We found where nick was.", "Dylan: Where?", "Sharon: Chelsea figured it out.", "[Clattering]", "Sage: Ever since he was a heartbeat inside me, there was so much joy, love. But I was...scared, superstitious, nick. And the nightmares... the one where he was taken from me.", "[Glass shatters]", "Nick: Not now. Go!", "Chelsea: I know what an impossibly difficult day this is, the anniversary of losing your son.", "Nick: I didn't lose my son! I mean, you say it like -- like I misplaced him, like the only thing I need to do is retrace my steps or think a little bit harder so I can figure out where the hell I left him!", "Chelsea: Nick.", "Nick: Say it right, Chelsea. Christian is dead!", "Chelsea: Would that help you if I -- if I say it right?", "Nick: Nothing helps. How am I supposed to feel better? All these people that I was supposed to protect until I die are gone. Cassie, Christian, sage. They're all gone! So how am I supposed to get better?", "Chelsea: I don't know, but maybe if you talk about it --", "Nick: Didn't you hear me? I don't want to talk to you.", "Chelsea: Okay. [Sets mug down] Okay. Here. You don't want to talk, fine. Don't talk. But I am going to continue to hand you things that you can break until everything in this room is broken. And then you can go out there, you can break all the glasses, you can break all the bottles, and then the mirrors. Don't forget about the mirrors. And the tables and the chairs.", "Nick: So you're not leaving?", "Chelsea: No, I'm not leaving. Because after you're done screaming and breaking everything, the pain will still be there. Plus you're gonna have a big, old mess to clean up here, and I have a toddler, and I'm really good at cleaning up messes.", "Nick: You shouldn't even be here. Go home. Help your little boy into his Halloween costume so he can go and have fun with all his friends tonight. What are you even doing here?", "Chelsea: People were worried about you.", "Nick: People?", "Chelsea: I was worried about you.", "Sharon: Wow!", "Dylan: That is the best costume ever.", "Sharon: So fabulous.", "Faith: Thanks. We have to hurry so we can get there at the same time as Kayla and the rest of my friends. I can't wait to show them my costume.", "Sharon: Well, we're ready to go. Grab your coat. Dylan.", "Faith: Where's daddy?", "Dylan: I got sully.", "Sharon: You know, we're -- we're gonna get started without him.", "Faith: He's supposed to be here.", "Sharon: Faith...", "Faith: Daddy's sad about Christian, isn't he?", "Sharon: He would want to be with you on Halloween like always, but this day ended up being harder for him than he thought.", "Faith: Is he at his house? We could go over there first. I bet when he sees me in my costume, it'll make him smile.", "Sharon: I know it would, but you know how sometimes when you're sad you feel like being by yourself? Let's just let your dad have this time.", "Faith: And he'll be happy again tomorrow?", "Sharon: Soon. He'll get better as time goes on. He will get past this.", "Billy: It's our little tradition, isn't it? Trick-or-treating on Halloween.", "Travis: As it should be.", "Billy: Wait. Where's the most important thing? Where's your candy bags? What? Come on, I think they're in the kitchen, mom?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: Okay, come on. Let's go.", "Katie: Kitchen, kitchen!", "Billy: In the kitchen. Come on, come on, come on. I'll race you. Go, go, go, go. Come on, Johnny.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Travis: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey. I thought you'd be home earlier.", "Travis: I got held up with work.", "Victoria: Oh, yes. Abby told me that you invited her to lunch.", "Travis: Yeah. I thought it was time we got to know each other better. So, how does this tradition work? Just you and Billy with the kids or are boyfriends welcome?", "Victoria: Oh, you know you're always welcome. You know that. You know you can always be honest with me, too, right?", "Travis: I have been.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Getting to know Abby better? Is that the version that you're gonna try to sell my father?", "Travis: Look, can we not do this right now?", "Victoria: No, just that I'm wondering if you're following through with your theory that someone in my family is behind the Newman leak. And you're trying to get my sister to incriminate herself.", "Summer: So you've been in town spending quality time with grandma?", "Victor: Among other things, my sweetheart. Darling, would you give Abby and me some time alone? I need to discuss something with her.", "Summer: Yeah, sure. Call me later? Okay. Bye, grandpa.", "Victor: Bye, sweetheart.", "[Door closes]", "Victor: You seem very concerned about something.", "Abby: I am.", "Victor: Does it have to do with stitch?", "Abby: That's a whole 'nother catastrophe. Um... dad, I have something to tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't implode. I don't want you to do something that'll land you back in jail.", "Victor: It's that bad? Tell me.", "Abby: [Sighs] Curtis fielding -- he's the one that's been leaking the corporate secrets.", "Victor: And how do you know?", "Abby: I saw him. I witnessed a briefcase exchange between fielding and... and Phyllis.", "Victor: Where?", "Abby: At the club. They were sitting next to each other at the bar.", "Victor: Out in the open. That's pretty brazen.", "Abby: Yeah. I mean, I saw them, so it's possible that other people saw them, too. But, dad, I was super sneaky. There's no way that they saw me.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Abby: And that's what's important. Look, they don't know that we know, so we can manage this. We don't have to do anything lethal.", "Victor: Well, since you asked me so kindly...", "Abby: Wait, you're not angry?", "Victor: Let's say I'm not surprised. I've known for a while that Curtis fielding is leaking information to jack Abbott.", "Jack: Victor is using company funds to invest huge amounts in gold.", "Phyllis: And to make personal real estate investments.", "Jack: The IRS is gonna eat this up. There are probably 20 instances of tax evasion in there.", "Phyllis: That's how they got al Capone.", "Jack: Well, let's hope Victor suffers the same fate. Turns out it was a good thing I listened to you and let you handle the exchange.", "Phyllis: I was glad to do it.", "Jack: We need to get this information to GC buzz right away.", "Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "Jack: No, we have --", "Phyllis: So quickly?", "Jack: ...To hit Victor while he's still reeling from the first punch. He'll never see this coming.", "Victoria: I've already explained the complexities of my family to you, okay? We're way past selling each other out.", "Travis: How can you possibly know that everyone else in your family feels the same way?", "Victoria: Because I know.", "Travis: Abby -- Abby is jack's niece. Maybe she felt Victor hadn't paid enough.", "Victoria: You obviously don't know Abby, do you?", "Travis: Okay. Was it really that outrageous of me to try to figure it out?", "Victoria: Yes, it was, all right? My father explicitly asked you not to go there.", "Travis: Well, maybe Victor's too close to the situation. Did you think about that?", "Victoria: So you ignore your boss? And you -- you ply his daughter with champagne to try to get her to admit that she was responsible for the sabotage? Do you know how ridiculous that is?", "Travis: I'm tired of --", "Billy: Whoa. Arguing in the living room. Makes me feel at home.", "Victoria: Billy, please. Come on. Not in front of the kids.", "Billy: The kids are fine. No worries. Travis, you're looking a little pale. Maybe candy for the blood sugar?", "Victoria: Billy.", "Billy: I'm just kidding. He knows I'm kidding. What's that, bud?", "Johnny: Make him come with us.", "Billy: Is that right, huh?", "Katie: Make him come with us.", "Billy: Oh, you want Travis to come with us, too, huh?", "Travis: I'd like that, guys. But I don't have a costume.", "Billy: Well, you look like a ghost. That'll work.", "Travis: [Sighs]", "Jack: I got to figure out some way to leak this information to \"GC buzz TV.\" If Devon and Hilary are exposed to any more litigation, they could kill the whole story.", "Phyllis: You know, there is a lot of complicated material here. I don't want us to make any mistakes.", "Jack: You really think we have to go over every single detail?", "Phyllis: Just organize and focus the material, that way GC buzz will be prepared to handle all the allegations or whatever Victor may throw their way.", "Jack: We're settling in for a long night.", "Phyllis: I don't mind.", "Jack: Look, I'm gonna go to crimson lights, get some food and coffee.", "Phyllis: Have someone else do it. You're the boss.", "Jack: I need the break. Turkey and cheddar okay?", "Phyllis: That's fine. I'll also take a double --", "Jack: Double latte with skim.", "Phyllis: That's right. Thank you. I'll start organizing.", "Faith: Yeah, we're leaving right now! Let's go!", "Sharon: Well, we better get going before she drives off without us.", "Dylan: Yeah, uh, why don't you go ahead and I'll catch up?", "Sharon: What? Why? What do you --", "Dylan: It won't take long.", "Faith: We're late!", "Dylan: I-I -- it won't take long. I'll --", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dylan: Just got something to take care of.", "Sharon: Okay. Come on, buddy. Here we go.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Faith: Come on.", "Patty: And dr. Anderson taking such sweet, good care of us. Oh, and that healthy, strapping baby boy of yours. Oh, a gift from the stork.", "Sharon: Sully was a gift, a gift that his father and I cherish very much.", "Patty: What parent wouldn't cherish their little flesh and blood, hmm?", "Chelsea: Don't throw this one. It's hot.", "Nick: Chelsea, I know what you're trying to do. I just... I need to do this on my own.", "Chelsea: Says who?", "Nick: I don't want you to see me like this.", "Chelsea: Okay, you know how people say -- they tell you that they've been where you are?", "Nick: Yeah, and I hate it.", "Chelsea: I know. Well, I am where you are. You don't have to be ashamed with me.", "Nick: I am ashamed, you know. I don't feel like I have any reason to be like this. I have -- I got a lot of friends, I've got an amazing family, I've got my children.", "Chelsea: Yeah, most days that helps, but today's different.", "Nick: Mourning Christian is different. [Voice breaking] It's lonelier, you know? Sage was the only other person who -- who knew Christian the way I did. And she's gone. I just miss him, you know? I miss my son, and I miss my wife so much.", "Victor: First I allowed Curtis fielding to think that he was getting away with this betrayal.", "Abby: So this was a long-term plan?", "Victor: And it was a test for Travis, a test he failed.", "Abby: You expected him to come after me.", "Victor: And I specifically told him not to come after you, summer, or Noah.", "Abby: You know, when Travis was trying to get me to give myself up as the leak, I laughed. It was exactly what you warned me might happen.", "Victor: While he was blundering around trying to find some dirt on our family, you found out who leaked what to whom. That shows you have the Newman instinct, you know.", "Abby: Thank you, daddy. That means a lot coming from you.", "Victor: You know, those instincts have served us well in business.", "Abby: [Chuckles] And when it comes to our personal lives, sometimes they've failed us spectacularly.", "Victor: As they say in French, cette une histoire. \"That's another story.\"", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Esther: Okay, there you go.", "Travis: So we do a loop around the neighborhood then come here for the party.", "Billy: We come here to get more candy.", "Victoria: And then more running around to burn off the candy.", "Travis: Come on, bud.", "Victoria: Let's go see what goodies Esther has out here.", "Jack: Esther! I didn't expect to see that look on you again.", "Esther: Hi, jack. Well, it's Halloween, and my old uniform wanted to come out of mothballs for the occasion.", "Jack: Kind of like an old friend.", "Esther: Yeah, like one you don't want to visit too often.", "[Both laugh]", "Esther: Your order will be up soon, jack.", "Billy: Come on, it's Halloween. They can have a couple more pieces of candy.", "Victoria: Okay, one more piece for you and for you. Then I'm cutting you off. Especially you.", "Jack: Who are these cuties? Look at you!", "Victoria: It's uncle jack!", "Jack: Hello!", "Victoria: Watch out for sticky fingers, though.", "Jack: Oh, no, that's all right. I got to see these outfits. Hey, you know what? I happen to know that Esther has a secret stash of candy behind the counter.", "Esther: Don't tell. Come on, you guys. You want candy? Yes.", "Billy: Working late at the office tonight, big brother? What are you cooking up over there?", "Jack: What I do at work is none of your business.", "Billy: Kind of depends on who you do business with.", "Jack: Travis, little surprised to run into you again so soon. Did you find whatever it was you were looking for in the trash?", "Victoria: Oh, you really had a busy day, haven't you?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Travis: Hello? Yeah, I'm, uh, in the middle of -- I'll be right there.", "Billy: Duty calls, huh?", "Travis: I got to go. I'll be home as soon as I can.", "Victoria: Okay. I'm just gonna go make sure that Johnny hasn't emptied out the candy jar.", "Esther: Here we go. It's all ready. Two sandwiches, two coffees -- one regular and one double latte with skim.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Billy: Hmm. That's what Phyllis orders.", "[Door opens]", "Summer: You know, you don't have to hide that stuff from me. I know what it is.", "Phyllis: Hello, sweetheart. It's just work.", "Summer: Don't play me, mom, okay? I heard all about how you're working against grandpa leaking damaging information to the press.", "Phyllis: Heard from whom?", "Summer: From someone who knows. What are you thinking? All this is gonna get you is the full wrath of Victor Newman coming down on your head.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Summer: Is that what you want?", "Phyllis: You have misunderstood.", "Summer: Really? Newman enterprises confidential memo --", "Phyllis: Summer. It is not what you think. Believe it or not, I am not trying to take Victor down or his company.", "Summer: I came here hoping for a reasonable explanation from you. I thought that my own mom was gonna be honest with me.", "Phyllis: Summer, please. Close the door. Please. Jack is the one who's after Victor. I am only helping, or at least that's what I want jack to believe.", "Summer: That makes no sense.", "Phyllis: Jack wants Victor to suffer the same kind of pain that he suffered. He wants him to feel like he thinks it's gonna make it right and bring him some closure and satisfaction.", "Summer: Well, it won't.", "Phyllis: I know that better than anyone. And ultimately it will bring jack more pain, but he can't hear that right now.", "Summer: So you're placating jack! You're just going along with this until grandpa drives jabot out of business or has both of you arrested!", "Phyllis: I'm not gonna let any of that happen.", "Summer: That is already happening, mom.", "Phyllis: What else have you heard? You know what? Forget it. I need to find a way to show jack this isn't what he wants, that this isn't who he is.", "Summer: You mean by lying to him. Again.", "Dylan: You know, Sharon was really upset after our visit with you. And I asked her why and what you two were really talking about when I left the room.", "Patty: Sharon told me to be good so that good things would happen.", "Dylan: Well, I think there's more to it. What'd you tell Paul you wanted to talk to Sharon?", "Patty: Fairview wasn't fair. Not much of a view, either. I miss her.", "Dylan: Who? Sharon?", "Patty: My cat.", "Dylan: I talked to your doctor. I talked to Paul. And you said things to them that imply that... you think you're getting out of here, don't you? Patty, you're here for a reason. I know that you understand that, but what I don't know is how you came up with this idea about leaving and how, in your mind, that's somehow tied up with my wife. You're gonna get all the help that you need here, patty. And we're all happy about that, including Sharon. So just -- just concentrate on your treatment, okay? Forget about Fairview. Forget about whatever happened there. You leave Sharon alone. Don't try and contact her again.", "Patty: [Voice breaking] Secrets and lies. That's... what your wifey and I really were talking about.", "Dylan: What are these secrets you keep talking about? Come on, patty. Don't get quiet on me now. Please. Obviously it's something you're thinking about. You keep bringing up Fairview, you keep bringing up dr. Anderson. If there's something you want to tell me, just tell me! I don't know what it's like for you here, okay? But I just -- I just want my wife to be at peace. And I get a sense that you understand her lingering memories of Fairview better than anybody, so if something happened there, if you can just help me understand what's upsetting Sharon...", "Patty: I'm -- I'm sorry. I-I just don't want to hurt you.", "[Door opens]", "Patty: But -- my meds now? Can't it wait? No, these are administered on a very strict schedule, patty.", "Patty: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Thank you for your time, patty.", "Patty: [Sighs] [Sniffles]", "[Door opens]", "Patty: [Sighs]", "[Door closes]", "Nick: You know, it's Halloween. I should be at home taking pictures with faith in her costume. I just couldn't shake the sadness, you know? And I didn't want to bring this, like, dark cloud over everyone's happiness. I thought I could suck it up and just smile and pretend like everything was okay, but I just couldn't do it.", "Chelsea: What amazes me is that you actually thought that you could. I mean, you don't expect me to suddenly just stop being sad about Adam.", "Nick: That's different.", "Chelsea: No, it's not. It's not different at all. Nick Newman is allowed to have a bad day. And all the people that care about you aren't putting some arbitrary time limit on your grief. They understand.", "Nick: But I don't understand. I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to find peace again.", "Summer: Mom, look at what all of your lying has done, how many people you've hurt, including yourself.", "Phyllis: Which is why I have to stop jack from going down this destructive path that he is on.", "Summer: Were you not just paying attention to what you just went through with jack? Keep lying to him and you will destroy any chance of the two of you having any kind of relationship. When he finds out about this --", "Phyllis: He's not going to find out.", "Summer: Mom, he found out about Billy. He's gonna find out about this.", "Phyllis: You're the only one who knows what I'm trying to do, and you are not going to tell him. I am trying to protect the man that I love.", "Summer: With more lies, mom. That worked out really well the last time.", "Phyllis: I am aware of the mistakes I've made, and I do not need my daughter to remind me, and I certainly do not need a lecture.", "Summer: You know what? Fine. It's your life. Just forget I said anything.", "Phyllis: Summer, I know that I hurt jack. I helped drive him to this, which is why I have to save him now. So if you're not gonna be in this to support me, then tell me you are at least trying to understand.", "Summer: Mom, this is going to blow up in your face. I know that. So no, I cannot just stand here and let you believe that.", "Phyllis: If you're not gonna be here for me on this, then at least promise me your silence.", "Summer: You are hurting yourself, and you are hurting jack.", "Phyllis: I need your promise.", "Summer: I won't say a word. But I pray that you know what you're doing.", "Abby: Dad, I mean, it's -- it's great that you saw this coming, that you realized Curtis fielding was the bad guy on the board, but no offense -- why didn't you just cut him off? I mean, even if we had gotten rid of him this afternoon, Phyllis wouldn't have gotten her hands on those Newman documents. And then she wouldn't be able to release them to the tabloid press. You set it all up. You leaked them phony information. You're setting up Phyllis and jack.", "Victor: And?", "Abby: And GC buzz.", "Victor: Yes, my darling. It's called running the table.", "Abby: And when they broadcast the story...", "Victor: Without vetting the source...", "Abby: They'll be wiped out. Credibility undermined. And that first release about Newman will be completely negated. At the very least, everything they've ever published will be in question.", "Victor: You have the Newman instinct. I told you.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "[Door opens]", "Travis: Victor. When'd you get back?", "Abby: I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about. I'll see you later, daddy. Bye, Travis.", "Travis: This is a nice surprise. I thought you were out of town.", "Victor: Yes, well, I was out of the office for a while. Kindly close the door, Travis.", "Nick: You know, when Dylan asked me to stay at his house and watch out for Sharon and the kids while he was gone, I didn't hesitate.", "Chelsea: Why would you?", "Nick: Yeah, I mean, Sharon and I, we've got a great relationship. I knew I'd get to spend a lot more time with faith and, you know, joke around with Mariah. Of course, there's sully.", "Chelsea: What about him?", "Nick: [Sighs] You know, I just didn't think I'd enjoy spending as much time with him as I have. I mean, he's just such a great kid. He's got such an amazing little personality. And when I'm with him, when I'm holding him and taking care of him, it just feels natural, feels easy.", "Chelsea: So then why did you leave?", "Nick: You know, the longer I stayed, the vibe got a little weird. You know, I kind of felt like -- like Sharon was getting uncomfortable.", "Chelsea: She told you that?", "Nick: Well, she asked me to leave. And this stays in this room, please.", "Chelsea: Of course.", "Nick: But that really hurt me, you know. With everything I've been feeling today, I think Sharon realized before I did the effect spending time with sully had on me. It's kind of like the more time I spent with him, it kind of turned on itself, you know?", "Chelsea: I know you said it brought up painful memories.", "Nick: [Sighs] It blindsided me. You know, I'd been so successful at selling my own hype. Even before sage died, you know, I... I just kept playing, you know, the grieving father and soldiering on and dealing with his kid's death. And I thought if I said the right things enough, if -- if I smiled enough, if I acted normal enough that it would get easier. It just hasn't. [Voice breaking] It hurts. You know, it much. It hurts just as much as the day I lost him.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Dylan: Wow. That's quite a haul. Look at that!", "Sharon: Well, what can I say? Our kids are a magnet for candy. How was work? Everything okay?", "Dylan: Uh, that? Yeah, yeah, everything's good.", "Billy: Okay, here's the deal. How many pieces of candy here? You guys get one each. I get all the rest, okay? Oooh!", "Katie: [Laughs]", "Billy: What? What is this? What's that? Where'd that come from? It come from your ear? Ohh! Look at that. What you gonna do with all that?", "Victoria: I think it's time for me to get our little goblins home.", "Billy: Going home, huh? Can I help you to the car?", "Victoria: No, no, no. I got it. Let's go. Say goodbye to your daddy.", "Billy: Bye, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Okay! Let's get you to the car and everything that we have. Okay. Bye.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "Jack: Well, everything appears to be legitimate. Time to take the next step. Let's print copies and send them out.", "Phyllis: Wait.", "Victor: Here you go.", "Travis: Thanks. I assume Abby told you about the lunch we had.", "Victor: Oh, yeah. The luncheon where you ignored my specific instructions.", "Travis: I was being proactive, Victor. I don't believe jack Abbott's the one receiving internal documents.", "Victor: Phyllis is.", "Travis: Phyllis?", "Victor: Someone has been passing documents to her directly.", "Travis: A board member?", "Victor: Curtis fielding. I've suspected that SOB. For over a week.", "Travis: So you were just testing me.", "Victor: That's right, Travis. Ever since Natalie told me that you were digging for dirt on our family.", "Travis: The situation required me to be objective and thorough. I was investigating everyone who had access to secure documents, Victor.", "Victor: Calm down, Travis. You made a mistake, okay? While you were blundering around trying to find dirt on our family, my daughter Abby found out exactly who was leaking what to whom. She and I will now take this on ourselves.", "Travis: So where does that leave me?", "Victor: It leaves you crunching numbers.", "Travis: Victor.", "Victor: Listen. I gave you a chance. You blew it. You probably will not get another one again. I will take this over, which I should have done from the beginning. One does these things best oneself. Unless I deal with someone I can fully trust.", "Phyllis: I want to delay releasing this information.", "Jack: What? Victor is reeling right now.", "Phyllis: I don't want to underestimate Victor. You know he's got to be ready for the next hit.", "Jack: We have the documents in hand.", "Phyllis: We're gonna put them in the safe. We're gonna use them when it's optimal. We are in a chess match with Victor Newman, and I don't want to put our queen into play too soon.", "Jack: I made that mistake more than once playing with you. I won't make that mistake again.", "Esther: Billy, want something?", "Billy: How about a double latte, skim?", "Esther: Oh, that's Phyllis' usual. Jack ordered one of those earlier.", "[Keys jingle]", "Victoria: So what was the crisis?", "Travis: Victor had me summoned. He's known the identity of the mole for a week. It was just a test, and I failed. Guilty of being too thorough.", "Victoria: Of investigating my family.", "Travis: You should have seen the way he dismissed me. He's a son of a --", "Victoria: That son of a bitch is my father. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm gonna go up.", "Sharon: Well, faith, your costume was a huge hit.", "Faith: Thanks. I thought Kayla was gonna die. Everybody loved it.", "Dylan: Yeah, so did your baby brother.", "Faith: Sully wasn't scared at all.", "Dylan: I know, right? I mean, this guy loved the Halloween costumes, all the decorations. Not bad for a first Halloween. There's gonna be a lot of firsts for him this year.", "Faith: His birthday's coming up.", "Dylan: I know. I got huge plans.", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Chelsea, thanks a lot for talking. Uh, it helped. You were right.", "Chelsea: Better than smashing things?", "Nick: A lot less clean-up. I can tell you that.", "Chelsea: Well, I'll help you.", "Nick: No, don't worry about it. Let's just leave it. It's still Halloween. If we leave now, I can still spend part of the day with my daughter.", "Chelsea: Oh, I think that's an excellent idea. Let's do it.", "Nick: All right.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: Oh. Don't recognize this number. Should I risk it?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Nick: All right.", "Chelsea: Go for it.", "Nick: Hello? Patty?", "Patty: Nick, there's something you need to know.", "Nick: What is it? What do I need to know?", "Patty: Christian is alive. Sharon has him.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Apparently there is a chance that Christian is alive. So what brought about this change in attitude?", "Patty: It's because there are no more secrets.", "Nick: I got a weird call tonight from Patty Williams." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victor and Victoria had a heart to heart. He convinced her to take the night off and spend Halloween with her kids. Victor offered to buy Brash and Sassy and let Victoria run it, but she politely declined. Sharon told Tessa about Zack's connection to the sex ring. Tessa revealed that revealed that Zack used to own an intimate massage parlor. She'd briefly worked there and quit when he tried to force her to have sex with the clients. Zack tried to convince Scott that he wasn't involved in the sex ring. Abby taunted Scott and spent time with Zack. Abby told Dina how much she liked Zack. Dina insulted Ashley for no reason, and Jack and Ashley decided to take her to the doctor. Billy confronted Jack about the toxic face mask, and the argued about the past. Jack continued to deny involvement, but Billy didn't believe him. Ashley accused Gloria of poisoning the face mask. Gloria admitted that Jack asked her to get a sample of the mask, but he'd left town before she could deliver it. Ashley took the mask to run tests on it.", "Victor revealed that he knew Zack had been spending the night with Abby, and he threatened to make Zack pay if he hurt her. Zack noticed that Sharon and Tessa were uneasy around him. He confronted Scott and warned him to stop spreading rumors. Dina insisted on going home to the Club and Graham. Jack told her that Graham wasn't in Genoa City and that he didn't want to see her anymore. To Neil's dismay, Devon turned down Victoria's request for a second loan. Devon revealed that if Victoria defaulted on her first loan, he'd sell his stake in Brash and Sassy to the highest bidder. Billy offered to buy into Brash and Sassy so that this didn't happen. Victoria was devastated when Brash and Sassy's distributors and suppliers pulled out of their agreements. She felt that her company was finished.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Victor: Well. You want to go for a walk now?", "Victoria: I can'T.", "Victor: You busy?", "Victoria: I let things get piled up while I was in the hospital, and I have a meeting later this afternoon, dad.", "Victor: Well, then I think it is time to go for a walk.", "Gloria: Ugh! Jack is out, and you are not allowed in his office, but I'm happy to tell him that you stopped by.", "Billy: I know that he's back from florida.", "Gloria: Yeah, do you really want me to call security?", "Billy: Is my big brother really that worried me he's got security on speed dial? He's got his masked assassin here guarding the door while he quivers under his desk?", "Gloria: Jack isn't a coward.", "Billy: Then he won't mind.", "Gloria: Hey! I told you, he's out.", "Billy: You call your boss right now. You tell him he's got two options. He can either come here right now, or I go to the family home, and we have this out in front of everybody.", "Gloria: [ Giggles ] You think that's gonna scare jack?", "Billy: I don't think dina wants to know that her saint of a son is the one that poisoned the mask and put victoria in the hospital. Call him.", "Ashley: Well, how did you sleep?", "Jack: Mrs. Martinez whipped up some breakfast for you.", "Dina: Oh, no, thank you, darling. Thank you. I was hoping one of you could take me over to the club.", "Ashley: The club?", "Dina: Yes. I'm sure graham's waiting for me right now, and I'll have breakfast with him. Unless you two would like graham and me to...come over for dinner tonight.", "Jack: You know what, mother, instead of going back and forth, maybe you'd consider moving in here. Permanently.", "Dina: Oh.", "Tessa: Oh, the place looks great! Happy halloween.", "Sharon: To you, too, tessa! Um, I...", "Tessa: Look, I know. And I totally get it. You're worried about noah, i mean, now that he and I are living together.", "Sharon: No, actually --", "Tessa: I mean, maybe it's too fast, but it's all good. I mean, noah is the -- what am I saying? Of course you know what a good guy he is. You raised him. And you've been so nice to me. But if you're concerned about me doing anything to hurt him, there's no reason to.", "Sharon: Tessa, I need to talk to you about zack and how long you knew him back in chicago.", "Zack: Oh, hey, scott! You want to see what I'm working on?", "Scott: Why would I?", "Zack: Well, you think I'm the evil mastermind behind some sex ring. Check it out. Nothing. Unless, of course, you think that the photo I posted of my holiday-themed latte violates some obscure law that I don't know about.", "Scott: I'm just here for the coffee. I'm not looking to get into it with you.", "Zack: You sure about that? 'Cause I got the time. If you've got any other ludicrous theories about me, like maybe I'm the dark force behind traffic jams and overabundance of irrelevant hashtags... let's clear it up right here. Right now.", "Scott: No need. Like you said, there's, uh... nothing to see there.", "Zack: Look, scott, I'm sorry. I had nothing to do with you getting arrested, and if you don't believe me, maybe it's just the mature thing to do if we just try to avoid each other.", "Abby: I think that's an excellent idea. Look at this...", "Abby: Scott doesn't think that you're good enough for me.", "Zack: Why's that?", "Abby: I don't know. I didn't stick around to hear his idiotic reason why. But, see, I know what motivates scott. It's blindingly obvious. Jealousy. Designdate's success has hugely overshadowed his at hashtag. And, by the way, whatever happened to that exposé that you were doing about the genoa city sex ring?", "Scott: Still working on it.", "Zack: Hey, scott, be careful not to jump to any erroneous conclusions in your research.", "Scott: Thanks for the advice. I got to get back to work.", "Abby: Come here.", "Zack: Hey, would you like a goblin cookie with a side of pumpkin mocha latte? My treat.", "Abby: Mm, that sounds delicious, and you are an excellent boyfriend, but since my grandma's back in town, i need to go see her.", "Zack: I could tag along if you'd like.", "Abby: You know what, dina loves you, and that would be really nice, but since the stroke, we're only limiting her visitors to family.", "Zack: And that doesn't include me...yet.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: I thought you had accepted me.", "Sharon: I have.", "Tessa: Then why are you back to questioning me about my past? I mean, now that noah and I are living together...", "Sharon: You -- you misunderstood. I do accept you. You're important to noah and mariah, and me.", "Tessa: So why ask me about zack?", "Sharon: Mm, just curious. You know, he comes in here a lot, and I figured since you've known him for a while, you could fill me in a little about the guy, you know? 'Cause I don't really know anything, if at all, about him.", "Tessa: You mean you don't know much about me.", "Sharon: Tessa.", "Tessa: Look, thanks for the coffee, but I pay my own way.", "Sharon: Tessa, wait. It's not about you.", "Tessa: So you keep saying.", "Sharon: You have to keep this between us. Scott -- he asked me not to say anything, but...", "Tessa: What is it?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] We found out the app that zack is running, designdate -- that's a front for the sex ring that was controlling your sister. We have to find everything about zack that we can before we go to the police.", "Ashley: Okay, I understand why you would want mother to come live with us -- she needs her family right now -- but do you think maybe you could talk to me about it first?", "Jack: You want her to live at the club?", "Ashley: I'm not saying that, jack. I would like to be kept in the loop before you make these kind of decisions. Can you understand why?", "Dina: Well, thank you for your kind offer, but I'm fully recovered from my brief illness.", "Jack: Mother, you had a stroke. That's more than a brief illness. Recovery takes some time.", "Dina: Jack, I'm perfectly capable of living on my own, dear.", "Jack: I just don't want you getting lonely.", "Dina: Oh, don't worry about that. That's why I have graham around.", "Devon: Hell no!", "Neil: What do you mean, hell no? You gonna kick a lady when she's down like that?", "Devon: No, I'm gonna hold her to the terms of the contract that she signed.", "Neil: Okay, what about giving her a grace period?", "Devon: Well, what's in it for us? Their face mask just turned out to be toxic, which means brash & sassy has to be bleeding money right now. How's victoria gonna recover that?", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Neil: I don't know.", "Devon: Yeah, I don't think she's gonna be able to, which means she won't be able to pay us back. Who's that?", "Neil: It's victoria. She wants to postpone our meeting.", "Devon: Oh, well, why am I not surprised?", "Neil: It's only for an hour, and knowing her, she's devising a brilliant plan to make her payment.", "Devon: I feel bad for her, i really do, and I know you guys have been tight for a long time.", "Neil: Yes, we have. We're good friends.", "Devon: Well, that's a whole 'nother reason why you shouldn't have gone into business with her.", "Neil: You know, as I recall, there were people along the way that gave you a break when you were struggling to find your place in the world.", "Devon: Sure. More than once.", "Neil: Okay. So why is this any different? Little piece of advice, my man. Why don't you listen to what the lady has to say before you make a decision? Give her a chance. She deserves our trust.", "Devon: Okay.", "Victoria: I don't mean to rush you, but I have an important meeting that I need to prep for, so what is this about?", "Victor: What do you mean, what is this about? Have you seen the decoration around here?", "Victoria: What? That's what you dragged me out of the office for?", "Victor: That's the only time I can see you. I'm hoping tonight you bring by johnny and katie. They're wearing costumes, right?", "Victoria: Yes, of course they're wearing costumes. I always make a big deal out of this holiday.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: I've just been a little sick lately, that's all.", "Victor: Well, do you need help?", "Victoria: No, I -- everything is under control, dad. Hannah is on costume duty. It's fine.", "Victor: Who's doing the trick-or-treating?", "Victoria: Well, she'll handle that, too.", "Victor: Oh, sweetheart...", "Victoria: Dad, please. This face mask situation is snowballing at work.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I have lived a little longer than you have, okay? What I mean to say is that the time with your children is not gonna last forever!", "Victoria: What do you expect me to do?", "Victor: I expect you to take time off and spend it with your children.", "Victoria: Don't you think that I would if I could?", "Victor: Just ignore business for a while.", "Victoria: No! This can't wait, dad!", "Victor: Why?", "Victoria: The fda is expanding their inquiry. Now they're not only looking into my face masks, they're looking into all of my products, and on top of that, I put my own money into this thinking it was gonna be a huge success. I've ignored everything that you taught me about business, thinking that I was good enough and smart enough to beat my competitors, and now I'm facing the reality that I could lose... I could lose everything.", "Victor: Comhere.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: You're making this sound as if you're alone in this. You're not.", "Dina: Oh!", "Abby: I am so happy that you're back. You look fabulous, and you're feeling...?", "Dina: Spectacular now that you're here.", "Abby: Oh, well, I was so worried about you and mom after everything that happened.", "Dina: Oh, stop, stop, stop about that. I'm fine and your mother's just fine.", "Abby: Okay, so, tell me about florida.", "Dina: Oh, well... warm and sunny. Graham and I had a wonderful vacation. But I'm sure the poor boy is worried sick right now because I'm not at the club.", "Abby: Wait, you're not still angry with him?", "Dina: Well, no. Why should I be, darling?", "Ashley: Um, you know, a lot has happened since that night, and you know, the details probably are a little fuzzy.", "Dina: Nonsense. Don't talk to me like I'm not here. You know, you always think that you know more about me than i know about myself.", "Abby: You know, I think it's one of those things where two people see the same thing and have 12 different opinions. Can we just let this go?", "Dina: Ashley's incapable of that. She's always been so jealous of my relationship with graham.", "Victor: Why wouldn't you reach out to me?", "Victoria: Over the course of your career...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: ...How many people have you asked for help?", "Victor: [ Laughing ] Oh! I don't know. No one. There was no one to ask.", "Victoria: Because you're too proud to ask.", "Victor: Sweetheart, this is a different story. You're my daughter. I love you. I adore you.", "Victoria: I conceived and built brash & sassy into one of this country's fastest-growing cosmetics companies. The last thing that I'm gonna do is run to daddy and ask him for help.", "Victor: Sometimes I think -- you have raised a beautiful, independent, strong girl, and all I'm concerned about is to make sure that you're safe.", "Victoria: Well, that ship has sailed.", "Victor: [ Laughing ] That boat never sails. When you suffer, I suffer right along with you.", "Victoria: You're my hero. The great and powerful victor newman.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] I don't feel so powerful in moments when my children go through disappointments and heartaches and tragedies. Nothing I can do about it. So let me ask you -- are you afraid that I would take over?", "Victoria: Don't you always, dad? That's not what bothers me.", "Victor: Then what does?", "Victoria: What scares me the most is...disappointing you. I'm afraid, dad, that you'll stop loving me because I've let you down.", "Victor: My sweetheart, you can never disappoint me. I'll never stop loving you, okay?", "Victoria: Have you stopped loving nick?", "Victor: Sweetheart, that's a different situation. You know damn well that nick has loathed me.", "Victoria: You and I have had our moments, too, dad.", "Victor: But you've always been sweet, you've always been acknowledging whenever I've helped you...", "Victoria: Given me enough in my life to do what I need to do.", "Victor: I could have lost you, you know.", "Victoria: No, dad, I'm fine. I'm totally fine.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Don't you say that isn't true. I could have lost you.", "Abby: Dina's resting.", "Jack: I cannot believe you would upset her like that. She's recovering from a stroke.", "Ashley: I didn't mean to -- I know that, jack, and I didn't say anything. I merely suggested that maybe she didn't remember all the details.", "Jack: It's enough I've got gloria bugging me about billy. Now I got you losing control --", "Ashley: I didn't lose control, okay?", "Abby: Is there anything we can do to help?", "Jack: We have to get her to a doctor -- a new doctor. Someone who can determine whether this is a result of something physical or psychological. Then we can put together a plan.", "Ashley: I agree, jack. Mother's our responsibility, and have to do what's right for her.", "Victor: Now, you remember what I said about the children.", "Victoria: Yes, of course. Kids are a priority, and that's a promise.", "Victor: Sweetheart, listen to me.", "Victoria: Yes.", "Victor: You haven't failed in business, okay? If brash & sassy had been part of a bigger company, you would have managed all this much more easily.", "Victoria: That's true.", "Victor: And I'll rectify it by buying brash & sassy back. You'll become part of newman enterprises again. And you'll run the division as you always have.", "Victoria: Dad, do you think jack sabotaged the face masks?", "Victor: Well, my people are finding out.", "Victoria: Your people. I guess you don't remember what I said about being an independent woman...", "Victor: Oh, sweetheart. I know you're independent. You're very strong, okay? I never claimed otherwise. So, what, you're turning down my offer?", "Victoria: Dad, I appreciate it, I really do. It means so much to me. But I think I have a few ideas that might get brash & sassy back on its feet.", "Victor: Well, if you need anything...", "Victoria: What could I need? I mean, you basically reminded me of what's important. [ Sighs ] Tonight is gonna be all about the kids, I promise.", "Victor: Love you and adore you, okay?", "Victoria: I love you, too.", "Victor: And bring the kids by, will you?", "Victoria: Oh, I will. Powerful clean! Powerful clean!", "Victor: If memory serves me correctly, I thought my daughter had offered you some rent-free space in an empty warehouse so you could work on your app. What happened?", "Zack: Sometimes I need a change of scenery. I hope that's okay, sir.", "Victor: Sure.", "Zack: Say, have you seen scott lately?", "Victor: Why do you ask?", "Zack: I'm just wondering how his exposé is coming along.", "Victor: I'm amazed that he talked to you about that.", "Zack: Oh, he didn'T. Abby did. Sounds like an interesting read. I'm glad to hear you're supporting him in such a worthwhile endeavor.", "Victor: Yeah. I can hardly wait for it to come out.", "Zack: Mr. Newman... I can't help but feeling -- did I do something wrong?", "Victor: Why would you ask that?", "Tessa: How did you and scott find this out?", "Sharon: I can't tell you that. You're just gonna have to trust me.", "Tessa: Look, if zack is the one who forced my sister to... I'll ask him myself.", "Sharon: No, you can't!", "Tessa: Then tell me what's going on. Please, sharon.", "Sharon: Okay. [ Sighs ] Do you remember natalia? She was one of the other girls?", "Tessa: Yeah. Yeah. She was in the house with my sister.", "Sharon: She was murdered.", "Tessa: What? And you think that zack...?", "Sharon: Well, scott was drugged and he woke up next to natalia's body in a seedy hotel room, and now he's being framed for murder.", "Tessa: Why?", "Sharon: Because to try to stop him from writing that exposé on the sex ring.", "Tessa: Zack told me he changed his life, and I believed him. I even asked him to help me find crystal.", "Sharon: What did he say?", "Tessa: He claimed he didn't know anything.", "Sharon: You said that zack was going to change his life, but from what?", "Tessa: The part of town that zack and I grew up in was pretty sketchy. He owned a couple of intimate massage parlors there.", "Sharon: And you knew this from seeing him around?", "Tessa: He was...always trying to get me to work for him.", "Sharon: I see.", "Tessa: I did. I was so desperate for cash, and I was just trying to protect my sister...", "Sharon: I understand.", "Tessa: It was horrible. Wearing these skimpy outfits and massaging these... but I never had sex with any of those men.", "Sharon: Did zack pressure you?", "Tessa: No, he threatened me. So I quit after a couple weeks. I was never a prostitute. I swear.", "Sharon: I believe you. But somehow zack managed to lure crystal into his business.", "Tessa: He did that to my sister. And then he lied to me. I want to hurt him, sharon. The way he hurt crystal and all those other girls.", "Sharon: You can'T. I know how awful this must be for you.", "Tessa: He used my sister.", "Sharon: Scott is working with the police, and they're going to take zack's operation down, but you and I, we can't do anything to get in the way of that. So zack -- he can't find out about this conversation. You've got to keep this secret.", "Tessa: I don't know if I can do that.", "Neil: Look who it is.", "Victoria: Hi. Thank you so much for rescheduling. I'm glad it worked out.", "Neil: Of course. Victoria, it's a relief to see you looking so well.", "Devon: Yeah, we were worried about you.", "Victoria: Oh, no, no. I'm -- I'm completely recovered, aside from my ego that keeps taking a hit from the funny videos that i inspired passing out on the hilary hour. It was pretty mortifying. [ Sighs ] So... onto brash & sassy. As we all know, the bridge loan is due to be paid back in full very soon.", "Devon: That's correct.", "Victoria: I'm not gonna pretend that my company didn't take a hit from the toxic face mask incident. I even personally invested in it, breaking the first rule of money.", "Neil: Never reach into your own pocket.", "Victoria: But I believe in brash & sassy.", "Devon: And you're looking for more time to repay us?", "Victoria: No. No. No, I'm not. What I'm asking for is an additional loan. Allow me to show you how this will be a profitable strategy for hamilton- winters. So, we'll continue to push our own products, our top sellers, while your company will maintain its goal of supporting businesses run by minorities and women. And this way, brash & sassy will be turned around by increased sales, and there will be increased investments for hamilton-winters.", "Neil: Wow. That's very well-thought-out.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Neil: You make some excellent points.", "Gloria: [ Sighs ] What took you so long?", "Jack: I don't jump when billy threatens. Oh, my! Maybe I should have worn armor.", "Billy: This is funny to you, jack? Poisoning brash & sassy's mask? Putting victoria in the hospital?", "Jack: I don't find any of it amusing. In fact, I was appalled by what had happened to her.", "Ashley: So was I, and we're both happy she's all right.", "Billy: That go for you, too?", "Ashley: Okay, look, just calm down, let's talk about this in private.", "Billy: That's right. Jack, me and you. Come on.", "Ashley: Wait a second.", "Billy: Ashley, I know you had nothing to do with this.", "Ashley: I don't want the two of you fighting over this. Come on!", "Jack: He's right.", "Gloria: I can't believe you left those two alone. If you had heard billy before you got here -- outrageous accusations about those masks, as if jack could ever --", "Ashley: Did you do this?", "Gloria: Me? Of course I didn'T. And I resent you and billy always bringing up my past. Maybe I might have learned something and become a better person.", "Ashley: Okay, please. I find it very difficult to believe that you're innocent in all of this. Although I know it would not have been your idea to begin with. Were you working on orders from jack?", "Devon: You make a very compelling pitch, victoria. Um...but I can argue that if anything, the buyers are gonna be scared off by your toxic face masks and probably have some doubts about the rest of your products.", "Victoria: There's nothing wrong with the rest of my products, and the fda is gonna confirm that. In fact, I'm working on a nationwide campaign to restore customer confidence.", "Devon: That sounds great, and I wish you luck with it, but i just don't see the benefit in hamilton-winters giving you guys more money.", "Neil: Hey, devon, perhaps we should talk about this a little further.", "Devon: I actually do expect the full amount of the bridge loan to be paid by the due date, still.", "Victoria: Well, I appreciate your time. And I am fully aware that if the loan is not paid back in a timely manner, that hamilton-winters will have a stake in brash & sassy.", "Neil: That's true.", "Victoria: I can think of worse things. I mean, if I'm gonna be forced into a partnership, I can't imagine two people that I would rather be partners with.", "Devon: Well, victoria, I have no interest in acquiring a cosmetics company. I would much rather spend the time establishing our own brand.", "Victoria: Which means...", "Devon: I'd find a buyer to help recoup the investment.", "Victoria: Like benjamin hochman or jack abbott.", "Neil: No, no, no. Absolutely not.", "Devon: Well, let's not say that, neil, because I would accept the best offer presented no matter who it came from.", "Jack: I had nothing to do with poisoning your face masks. If you're done, shut the door on your way out.", "Billy: If you didn't do it, then who did?", "Jack: You have a talent for ticking people off. Maybe we could make a list.", "Billy: Jack, no, stop. Do not make this about me, okay? You infiltrated the factory that we were working with and you, what, you paid somebody to do it?", "Jack: When? On my spare time? When I wasn't looking after my ailing mother? Dina's doing much better, thank you for asking.", "Billy: Oh, god, that's so weak of you. You're gonna use your mother as an alibi?", "Jack: I didn't tamper with your product!", "Billy: Then who? Did you have gloria do it? Your lover out there that'll do anything for you? Is that what happened?", "Jack: Excuse me?", "Billy: I mean, come on. She poisons cosmetics, right? That's her M.O. That's what she does.", "Jack: Okay, let's face the facts here, billy! Brash & sassy screwed up! Instead of admitting that like a man, little brother comes here looking for a scapegoat, and who better than me?", "Billy: Who other than you, jack? Who other than you?", "Jack: I guess it's easier to accuse me of corporate espionage than to admit that you're the spy -- the spy who sunk so low as to use my mother and the woman he claims to love to screw with me and jabot!", "Gloria: I was not involved with the face mask debacle, and neither was jack.", "Ashley: You've got guilt written all over your face, gloria. I know the two of you had something to do with this.", "Gloria: Stop it! You act like we were planning some diabolical scheme.", "Ashley: I apologize. I'm just upset about the whole thing.", "Gloria: Yeah, we all are.", "Ashley: It's obvious that you've changed, gloria.", "Gloria: Thank you for noticing.", "Ashley: In fact, I've seen you interact with your kids, and you would never intentionally hurt someone.", "Gloria: Never.", "Ashley: So if jack asked you for a simple favor...", "Gloria: How could I refuse?", "Ashley: What the hell did you do?", "Gloria: Leave me alone.", "Ashley: It's a felony. Did you know that? It's a felony to tamper with a product.", "Gloria: I did not tamper with anything!", "Ashley: Then who did? Was it jack?", "Gloria: Your brother would never --", "Ashley: Okay, well, that leaves you. I'm calling the police.", "Gloria: No, please! Please! Please, ashley! Please!", "Ashley: I'm calling them right now.", "Gloria: If they come here, they --", "Ashley: What? What are they gonna discover? You tell me.", "Gloria: Ashley, don'T.", "Ashley: Tell me the truth now.", "Gloria: Okay. Jack wanted to see the mask.", "Ashley: Why? He wanted to poison it?", "Gloria: No! It was already manufactured, ready to hit the shelves. And I sweet-talked a brash & sassy lab assistant into giving me a sample because we like wine together, food together, and tantric sex together.", "Ashley: Okay, really? No, thank you. What did my brother do with the mask?", "Gloria: He never saw it. Left town before I could give it to him. And you know something? I was really tempted to try it out myself because it's really a good product.", "Ashley: Come on!", "Gloria: So what are you gonna do with it?", "Ashley: I'm gonna run some tests and hopefully get us all out of trouble.", "Dina: I'm really sorry that you witnessed my disagreement with your mother.", "Abby: She's just worried about you. We all are.", "Dina: Oh, stop. Stop. I'd rather talk about something far more interesting, like you.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Work is going well.", "Dina: Oh, work... how's your love life, honey? Leave nothing out.", "Abby: [ Laughing ] Aren't you being the nosy one?", "Dina: [ Giggles ] Well, isn't that one of the perks of being a grandmother? Poking her nose into her granddaughter's love life?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Zack and I are...progressing.", "Dina: Mm. I can tell. You're just glowing, my darling.", "Abby: Mm.", "Dina: Tell me, what's so special about that young man? Is he good between the sheets?", "Abby: Dina! [ Laughs ]", "Dina: [ Giggles ]", "Abby: Zack is romantic and he's smart, and I never thought that I could feel this happy with someone again.", "Dina: Oh!", "Zack: I can't imagine what i might have done to upset you.", "Victor: Mm. Well, to be honest with you, I, um...was driving home, and i saw your car parked outside of abby's home overnight. A few times.", "Zack: Abby and I have grown closer, and the more I get to know her, the more I admire her.", "Victor: Really?", "Zack: Like how respectful she is of her grandmother.", "Victor: Yes.", "Zack: She's visiting with dina right now.", "Victor: Yeah. You know, abby's very close to her family. Family means a lot to her.", "Zack: Well, that's plain to see. It's obvious how close she is to you. I want you to know, I would never do anything to get in the way of that.", "Victor: So, your feelings for my daughter are genuine?", "Zack: I'll be honest with you, I wasn't expecting to fall for her, but... I don't have to tell you that abby is a pretty special girl.", "Victor: I know that. And as long as you treat her well, you and I won't have an issue. But should you hurt her...", "Zack: You'll make me regret it.", "Victor: Oh, she'll do that. And when she is done with you, then you have to deal with me. You have a nice evening.", "Jack: Admit it. You used my mother's password and phyllis' computer to access jabot's server and download proprietary information.", "Billy: Because you kept coming at us, jack, with rent hikes, with siccing ben hochman on victoria --", "Jack: That's called competition, billy. I wasn't gonna roll over and let you steal jabot's market share.", "Billy: Oh, we earned every single sale that we got, jack.", "Jack: Except for the ones you bought, right?", "Billy: Do you treat other competitors like this?", "Jack: No! It's not personal with them!", "Billy: You understand that we got other people that work at brash & sassy, right? That rely on this job. You're destroying their lives!", "Jack: Well, here's your chance to be a hero. You can step up and quit!", "Billy: Ah, there it is. How much longer are you gonna punish me because phyllis chose me?", "Jack: She settled on you.", "Billy: She needed me, jack.", "Jack: My marriage was ravaged by what victor had done to us. We were working to put things back together.", "Billy: You weren't listening to her.", "Jack: Did you honor the vows that we shared? Did you show me the slightest respect in keeping your hands off her?", "Billy: I apologized for the way that it started...", "Jack: And it didn't change a damn thing, did it?", "Billy: What did you want me to do? Do you even know yourself? Well, let me introduce you, jack. You are the man that slept with diane on the day that you were supposed to be married to patty. You got our father to change the will, to cut gloria out. You want to talk about how betrayed dear old dad with my mother?", "Jack: Your mother. Yes. Your mother. I slept with your mother before you were even born, billy. Why do you keep bringing that up?", "Billy: For the same reason you keep slamming me because I'll never be the man that our father was.", "Jack: Not the best day of your life.", "Billy: Well, jack, why don't you stop comparing me to him? And why don't you hold me up to you? Mr. Firstborn son, your sanctimonious ass is blaming his little brother for destroying his life? You want to talk about what you did to my life?", "Jack: What I did to you? What, paid off your bookies? I bailed you out of jail, gave you a job, a home --", "Billy: You betrayed me, jack!", "Jack: I didn't touch your product!", "Billy: You messed with the masks, you put victoria in the hospital because you wanted to get back at me. That's who you are, jack! That's how you roll!", "Jack: Someone poisoned those masks. It wasn't me. I didn't do it. As for what I did do, I think we'll agree you've done far worse. We're done here.", "Billy: You don't want to admit how much we are alike. You lie. You cheat. You steal. We have more in common than we ever have with our father. Because we're brothers, jack.", "Jack: Not anymore.", "Billy: What are you gonna do? I mean, you kicked me out of jabot, you banished me from the family home. What else you got left?", "Jack: My life, billy. I don't want you in it anymore. Get out.", "Billy: With pleasure.", "Sharon: You cannot go to zack and tip him off. He will run. He will take these poor young women and move his business somewhere where we might not be able to find them, and these girls -- they're girls like your sister. They need for us to get this right.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Zack: How's it going?", "Sharon: Uh, what can I get you?", "Zack: I will take a turnover. Warm, please. They're my favorite. Oh, and I could use a refill.", "Sharon: Coming right up.", "Zack: Thank you. Something wrong?", "Tessa: I got to go.", "Sharon: Uh, girl talk. A little involved. Oh, wait! You know, that's decaf. I'm sorry, I'll just, um... I'll get you a fresh cup. Okay. Oh! Whoops. Sorry! Oh, my gosh. You think I'd have this whole coffee-pouring thing down. Here. There you go. Oh, your turnover! Forgot! I'll just --", "Zack: It's okay. I'm actually late for a meeting. I'll have to get my goodies next time.", "Billy: I just confronted jack about poisoning the masks. He denied it, of course, but he's lying, vick. We'll prove it. It's gonna take a little bit of detective work on our part, though.", "Victoria: Yeah. My father's looking into it, too.", "Billy: Good.", "Victoria: But, you know, getting proof might not be enough to help us.", "Billy: Are you considered about the bridge loan coming due?", "Victoria: Billy, I'm out of solutions. I'm gonna pay it off with my own personal funds. That's what I'm gonna do.", "Billy: Whoa, hey, you're not gonna do that.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Look, if I don't, devon is gonna sell off hamilton- winters' share to the highest bidder. That's what's gonna happen.", "Billy: Look, if somebody's gonna buy into this company, it should be me, right? I'll purchase 33% with the money that I had put aside when my mother first decided to sell the company. What do you say? At petsmart, we're so close to donating", "Neil: You know, you could have been more diplomatic with vicki just now.", "Devon: Why? We're not always gonna agree on everything. Ultimately, I do make the final decisions, and I need to know that you're okay with that.", "Neil: One of my greatest joys is working with you, man. The last thing I want for us is to be at odds.", "Devon: I feel the exact same way.", "Zack: You turning into a journalistic cliché? Spending more time drinking than writing? Did you tell sharon and tessa about your unfounded and frankly ridiculous suspicions about me and designdate?", "Scott: Why would you even ask me that?", "Zack: At crimson lights just now, tessa wouldn't even say hello to me, and sharon -- she was real nervous. Shaking like a leaf.", "Scott: Halloween. It spooks people.", "Zack: You know, you need to stop spreading malicious rumors about me.", "Scott: You see me talking to anybody?", "Zack: Yeah, let's keep it that way. And pass the word on to your girlfriend because if I see any of your little lies in print, it'll be the last thing you ever write.", "Billy: Did not expect all the suppliers and distributors to pull out of their deals.", "Victoria: The customers are returning everything. All of the products that they've used for years. [ Sighs ] I think your offer's too late, billy. Brash & sassy has become more toxic than whatever's in that face mask. Everything that I have fought so hard to achieve, and all of my dreams for this company are just... [ Sighs ] They're just gone.", "Jack: Billy -- always thinks he's right.", "Ashley: Reminds me of somebody else I know. Oh, yeah, he's standing right in front of me.", "Jack: Not funny.", "Ashley: I'm not trying to be funny.", "Jack: Uh, mother, where are you off to?", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] You're taking me back to the club. I've been worried about graham, and I can't keep him waiting any longer.", "Ashley: Mother, jack and i know how important graham is to you, but you know what, we both think that you should stay here so we can take care of you.", "Dina: I don't need taken care of, dearie. I want graham!", "Jack: Mother, graham is not at the club.", "Dina: Well, what do you mean?", "Jack: He's not coming back to genoa city.", "Dina: He's been detained?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Kyle tells Summer that because he cut his date with Lola short to comfort her Lola eneded their relationshipvand since he likes Lola he has decided that he will still be her friend but he won't be there to solve her personal crisis anymore. Summer is hurt telling Kyle that he has never been so mean to her before and she doesn't like it. Lola is listening to the entire conversation and is happy so she decides to give Kyle a second chance and sealing it with a kiss. The ladies night group decide to move JT's body to a more private place but their plans are halted when Jill arrives to stop Arturo from moving the statue carefully peice by peice because she is upset that she wasn't informed of the burst pipe underneath that needed fixing. Nikki and Jill argue and Arturo finally tels Jill that he intends to be very careful with the statue and it will be placed back in its place once the pipe is fixed. Jill and Nikki decide to stay and wach Arturo move the statue. Billy, Jack, and Phyllis all try to hire the same top cosmetics chemist to create new products for the company a woman named Kerry Jonson. Billy , Jack and Phyllis both make a pitch to the board about why they should be CEO all saying they have the best plan to move Jabot into the future Phyllis ends her pitchby saying that Kerry Johnson has agreed to come work for Jabot but only if she (Phyllis) is made CEO.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nikki: \"Donated by jill abbott atkinson in loving memory of katherine chancellor.\"", "Victoria: Why are you getting so upset about a broken water pipe?", "Nikki: This particular pipe is in chancellor park directly underneath the sculpture.", "Victoria: And J.T.", "Phyllis: We have to dig up J.T. And move him before it's too late.", "Traci: The sooner, the better that we find a new C.E.O., But to pick between my two brothers again...", "Abby: Then I can assume you crossed phyllis off your list?", "Traci: Phyllis running my father's company, it's just difficult to imagine.", "Abby: You snuck in, with a present, even.", "Arturo: But I'm obviously late. Who beat me to it?", "Abby: Oh, well, he's dreamy. And when he runs around with underwear on his head, the cutest.", "Arturo: Hmm. Well, he's not the only one that knows that trick.", "Abby: Ooh! [ Laughs ] Well, I will tell christian that he has competition. I thought you were visiting a job site.", "Arturo: I wanted to check on you first and see how you were since your mom left.", "Abby: You keep checking in on me.", "Arturo: It's gonna take a while for it to sink in.", "Abby: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm sad and I miss her, but she had to do the right thing for her.", "Arturo: Yeah, well, that doesn't make it easy.", "Abby: That's why it helps that I have someone looking out for me.", "Arturo: Underwear head again, huh?", "Abby: Mm, that's exactly who I was talking about.", "Tessa: Okay. One more.", "Mariah: You got it.", "Tessa: Okay. I'm okay.", "Mariah: Yes, you are okay.", "Tessa: I see you, detective, and I already have your regular on the way.", "Rey: Oh, how do you know i don't want to change up my order?", "Tessa: You don'T.", "Rey: You're right. Oh! Tip jar.", "Mariah: Tips are always welcome.", "Tessa: Stop. These are donations to hand out candy in areas where kids need a little help.", "Rey: Oh. That's cute. That one of sharon's ideas? One of her of charities?", "Mariah: You know how she is.", "Rey: I do. I do. You know, she left work for one of her charity meetings. It makes me wonder -- what exactly is her cause?", "Sharon: Sorry I'm late. It's just hard for me to take time away from the station with barely any notice.", "Victoria: Would you please shut the door?", "Sharon: Yeah. Where's phyllis?", "Nikki: She's not gonna make it. She's \"tied up\" at jabot.", "Sharon: Digging under the sculpture was her idea, and she can't even be bothered to come here and talk about it?", "Victoria: Phyllis doesn't think there's anything to discuss. In her mind, there's only one choice. So we can talk around in circles about this, but there's only one way we can go.", "Nikki: She's incapable of nuanced thought. Phyllis fixates on one thing and just goes full throttle, complications be damned.", "Victoria: Well, is she wrong? Is there any other way of dealing with J.T.'S dead body that the four of us buried under a sculpture in a park?", "Nikki: There are realities to consider. Physical and emotional. But the real question is -- how do you feel about this, sweetheart? Can you do this?", "Billy: Going up?", "Phyllis: Clearly I am, by evidence of the illuminated button. When, really, what I should have done was hit the \"close doors\" button repeatedly.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm not thrilled about this ride-share, either, but here we are.", "Phyllis: Here we are. Kyle. Would you mind confirming my list of attendees for the board meeting?", "Kyle: You got all the players. Bet you're eager to see who you'll be answering to. No blood, no bruises. Looks like two of our candidates are gonna keep it a clean fight.", "Jack: Make it three.", "Lauren: Aw! I'm feeling left out. Ted, let's throw our haTessa: In the ring. Maybe next year.", "Lauren: Oh!", "Kyle: We ready to do this, or what?", "Jack: Absolutely.", "Billy: Hell yes.", "Phyllis: Bring it. Additional sponsorship", "Victoria: When I think about what we might have to do... it's not about digging up my abuser or covering up his death again. I think this is the man that i loved. He's never gonna have a chance to make amends or to heal. I don't know, maybe he was never capable of that, maybe all of this happened because... because he was so broken. But does any deserve to be dumped into an unmarked grave? Or to be treated like some horrible secret? He's always gonna be reed's father to me. He's always going to be the man who gave me my son.", "Nikki: Honey, if there had been any other way to keep him from hurting you...", "Victoria: I know, mom. I know, in the moment, there wasn'T. I know that. And I need to be here, alive, for johnny and katherine. But is there any other way? I mean, do we have to dig down all of the dirt and metal and just keep digging until we... and all of this because of plumbing? A few bad pipes? That's what's gonna ruin us?", "Sharon: I spent all of last night trying to think of another way.", "Nikki: They're going to dig up the sculpture. I can't stop that. Our options are limited. As I said, it's your choice whether or not we go through with it.", "Victoria: I guess we have to do this, then.", "Lauren: Hi!", "Phyllis: Hey. Did anyone see you leave?", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] Does it matter? I'm sure they all assume you're my pick for C.E.O.", "Phyllis: Not everybody.", "Lauren: Are you doubting me?", "Phyllis: I didn't want to presume.", "Lauren: Honey. You're one of us. You're hungry and driven and competent and confident.", "Phyllis: Is that a club? Because it sounds pretty fabulous.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] Well, have you seen us? I trust you to keep fenmore's needs front and center, if and when you take over the big chair.", "Phyllis: Absolutely.", "Lauren: Well, there's this tiny voice in my head.", "Phyllis: Tiny voices? I don't like tiny voices. They usually think pretty small.", "Lauren: I will be very disappointed if you're just blowing smoke and then you let me down.", "Phyllis: Not a chance. I'm emotionally invested in fenmore'S. I've been a part of it too long not to be. You back me today, and I will back you always.", "Lauren: I do believe you mean it. Okay. I have a meeting. I'm gonna go back to the office. Are you headed back?", "Phyllis: No, I need to make a few phone calls away from the office and eavesdroppers.", "Lauren: Do you think you can beat jack and billy?", "Phyllis: I don't think. I know.", "Lauren: How are you gonna do it?", "Phyllis: Well, that's easy. With my new hair and my winning personality.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] I didn't mean to walk in on anything personal. I'm not a mole. I wouldn't know who to report to and who to report on.", "Billy: Just working on something for the meeting. Mm. You know, there's a pool, right? On who gets the C.E.O. Gig.", "Billy: I didn't know that. I'd ask my odds, but I'm not a betting man anymore. I only go with a sure thing.", "Kyle: You have the name, you have the experience. No one is going to trust billy at this point, and no one will take phyllis seriously -- ever.", "Jack: And, what, you think I'm in the clear? Not the man who created the \"blood abbott\" clause. No, I have to convey to my family and the rest of the board. All I want is to heal old wounds and keep jabot on top.", "Kyle: Stay on message, and you're golden.", "Jack: I need more than that. I'm working on a secret weapon.", "Kyle: I thought I was your secret weapon.", "Jack: There's nothing secret about you. And I happen to know full-well you're still gunning for the C.O.O. Position.", "Kyle: Only because I'm the logical choice. In the mailroom, people think I'd be a natural, but I wouldn't dream of taking anything for granted.", "Jack: False modesty doesn't work for you.", "Kyle: Okay, do I want to be your right hand? Of course. But forget me. Just for the moment. You're the best person to lead jabot. You instill confidence, you make everyone feel safe. Like, yes, we're backed up against the wall, but that guy, that one right there, he's the man that will take us over the top. We need you right now. More than you'll ever need any of us.", "Jack: Thank you. Thank you for saying that. But the truth is, billy brings a lot to the table. He's got energy, he's got vision, he's got naked ambition, and phyllis... she's the wild card. I have always said never underestimate phyllis. But I guess I'm going to have to, uh, tilt the scales in my own favor.", "Kyle: And if I ask how you planned to do that?", "Jack: Let me go work my magic first.", "Abby: We still need to watch the end of that movie.", "Arturo: Oh, I saw the whole movie.", "Abby: You fell asleep on the sofa.", "Arturo: No, I was listening to get the deeper meaning. Okay. I fell asleep. Maybe tonight?", "Abby: Ugh, I wish we could just go home right now, leave work, but no, I have that board meeting at jabot.", "Arturo: [ Sighs ] You should have put yourself up for that job. You know, you are just as smart and tough as any of them.", "Abby: Okay, but am I as conniving and destructive?", "Arturo: They are your family.", "Abby: Victoria is also my family. I left newman for a reason.", "Arturo: Hmm, well, they'll all be calling you \"boss\" someday.", "Abby: Ooh, I should have you do my pr. [ Chuckles ] No, I -- I like working here. I like working with you and nick, and being away from newman and jabot is just such a huge relief. But I do like the way that you see me.", "Arturo: Mm, well, I see you just the way you are, and you are...", "Abby: Ah, that good, huh?", "[ Giggles ]", "Summer: Did I ask you to sit?", "Kyle: I thought you'd be pleased to get some attention, since that's your drug of choice. It doesn't matter if it's fawning adoration or pure loathing. Got to get that fix.", "Summer: Are you being a tool for a reason?", "Kyle: Yeah, thanks to you, lola looks at me as the guy who has too much baggage. \"Baggage,\" meaning you.", "Summer: Oh, my god, if she's jealous, that's on her.", "Kyle: Oh, lola has too much confidence to be quaking over your games. But your self-esteem couldn't be any lower.", "Summer: Yeah. You're right. I hate myself.", "Kyle: Mm. Here's the thing -- you want to tank me with lola because I don't care about you anymore. The way I felt about you before only fed your sad, deflated ego, and you love knowing I would put up with you no matter what. But that ended. It's over. And that leaves you where, the lonely girl who plays head games to make herself feel better? To be honest, it's really sad.", "Rey: Nice work.", "Mariah: Thank you. Halloween is the best. Let your freak flag fly. So, I was trying to think of what charity sharon could be a part of, and I got nothing. I mean, she didn't exactly get the new hope housing project in her breakup with nick.", "Rey: Mm. I just thought it might be dinner table conversation at the house, you know?", "Mariah: Oh, no, faith dominates that conversation. You want to know about tween books or movies, hairstyles, yeah, I can tell you everything about that. You should ask sharon.", "Rey: About tween hair?", "Mariah: [ Laughs ] No, about the charity.", "Rey: You know, to be honest, I'm just kind of embarrassed. I think it's probably one of those things that she mentioned and I just nodded my head, and i don't want to look like a jerk for asking again.", "Mariah: No, no. You can ask her. I mean, sharon's an open book, and she does not easily offend, so...", "Rey: Good to know.", "Tessa: Rey was chatty today.", "Mariah: Uh, yeah, he was trying to find out what charity sharon is doing.", "Tessa: He asked you specifically about her charity?", "Mariah: Yeah, why is that weird?", "Tessa: You know, not too long ago, he asked me the same thing. Why is this such a thing for him? Why does he need to know?", "Victoria: We have to tell phyllis.", "Nikki: I've been texting her. Obviously she can't be bothered to respond.", "Sharon: Since she's the one who insisted on burying the body and covering it all up, you'd think that she'd have some opinion about what comes next. And we have to make plans for tonight.", "Victoria: It's halloween night. The kids are gonna be trick-or-treating. The park is not gonna be empty. Not on a night like tonight. [ Sighs ] I don't even know where to start.", "Nikki: Well, on the chance that you would be open to making this change, I did make some calls.", "Victoria: What? You already started?", "Nikki: Just in case. I mean, nothing we couldn't have cancelled. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take your choices away.", "Victoria: No, no, it's okay.", "Sharon: Who'd you call?", "Nikki: Well, I spoke to the city, and I told them that this is private property. Yes, the whole park is open to anyone who wants to enjoy it, but when it comes down to decisions, those are mine and mine alone. And then I explained that i would be assuming complete control over the repairs. I talked to arturo, and he is going to the remove the statue tonight, in pieces if he has to, and then his crew will handle the plumbing repairs tomorrow.", "Sharon: That gives us a window of time to do what needs to be done.", "Victoria: What if he mentions something to rey about evidence? If there is any.", "Nikki: Well, that sculpture can't be anchored too deeply. I mean, tonight, we're going to take care of the evidence, so tomorrow they can fix the plumbing, and there won't be anything for them to find.", "Sharon: Oh, god.", "Nikki: Sharon.", "Sharon: I'm sorry, but we can't just pretend like this is going to be easy. We have no idea what we'll be dealing with.", "Victoria: Oh, I think we do. At least a little.", "Sharon: Phyllis better take some time out of her busy schedule and show up and help. Okay, so after we're done digging, then what? We need a new location. We need supplies. We need transportation. We can't just dig another random hole someplace and hope that disaster doesn't strike again. We had a lot of anxiety and fear about the park in the first place, so tonight, at least this part of the plan needs to be put to rest.", "Nikki: Sharon's right. But we need a solution tonight. Because tomorrow is gonna be too late.", "Victoria: There's always the lake. Or somewhere else quiet and removed. Someplace that's gonna allow us all to sleep at night.", "Summer: Hey! What the hell was that? Okay, we are friends. Yes, we used to be more, but we're friends, kyle.", "Kyle: You really think that? It's not a rhetorical question, by the way. Do you really think this is how friends act? Bets with sex and cars. Me humoring your attempt to nail your mother's boyfriend. You messing with my date's head.", "Summer: \"Hero\" is not your brand, kyle, so stop pretending that you are lola's noble protector.", "Kyle: She can take care of herself. I'm talking about you right now. Look, summer, I don't hate you, but I don't like you, either. You've had a rough time lately that sent you in a legit tailspin. But now what? What's the plan? Run away to ibiza, date another married man, and steal another expensive car? Or just stay in town, play head games? It's your call, but leave me out of it. And lola, too. Don't think you can stir up trouble for me and it'll be okay, and if we are friends, I'm the only one you've got, and i want to be with lola.", "Summer: You don't even know her.", "Kyle: But I want to. More than I've wanted anything in a long time.", "Summer: Do you have any idea how pitiful you sound right now?", "Kyle: It's nothing new for me. I was pitiful when you blew me off. Yeah, the solution was new york, dating apps, and a bunch of names I don't remember if i never knew them at all, but they didn't matter because they weren't you. Then this girl schooled me on grilled peppers, and I realized I only thought I wanted you. It sucks. To want someone so much, to put so much time and energy into it, and then realize you were wrong all along. Then after this thing wears off, there's relief. Then this kind of excitement, like now, something real can finally happen. That's lola to me. She's a good person, and she makes me feel like I could be one, too. Let's face it. You were never gonna be that for me.", "Summer: That is the meanest thing you've ever said to me, kyle.", "Kyle: Lola. How long have you been here?", "Lola: Long enough.", "Jack: Kerry johnson? Jack abbott.", "Jack: Hope I haven't kept you waiting. Not at all. I was intrigued when I got your call. It's not often a legend pops up on my caller id.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] Well, i have been reading a lot about you and your creations with some degree of jealousy. Jealousy is one of my favorite compliments.", "Jack: One of the foremost cosmetic chemists in this country and in europe, lots of experience in product development, more degrees than i can count. I guess you've heard my sister ashley has left for paris with some of jabot's patents. So we need to get r&d up and running at warp-speed. That means new product lines, reformulating old ones. Everything on your résumé tells me you are perfect for the job. I have to admit, this is a lovely surprise.", "Jack: Jabot could use someone with your energy and expertise, and I could use someone like you on my side. To that end, I have put together some terms that I think will show you just how much we would value your expertise. Hmm. Well, then.", "Jack: I was hoping that would be your reaction. One question.", "Jack: Shoot. You aren't currently C.E.O., As far as I've heard. So how you can make this offer?", "Jack: Well, I am the de facto leader of jabot as we speak. By tonight, it will be official. With you on my roster, I can't lose. As I said, you're a legend. But I can't accept.", "Jack: Wait, no, this is just a jumping-off point. This is not a final offer. If I made you think that -- Oh, no, I'm not playing hard to get. I'm flattered. Truly. When I say no, that is exactly what I mean. It was so nice meeting you. I do hope we get to chat again soon.", "Phyllis: Are you leaving?", "Billy: Keen observation.", "Phyllis: The board meeting starts in just a few moments. Oh, I see. This is your way of withdrawing your name to avoid humiliation. That's good. That's good. Carry on.", "Billy: You have a little snark right... all over your face. Funny how some people used to find that attractive.", "Phyllis: Where you going?", "Billy: I believe the answer to that question is \"none of your business.\"", "Sharon: I'll talk to you both later.", "Nikki: Yeah, let's hope phyllis deigns to make an appearance. [ Cellphone chimes ] Ah! Speak of the devil. I'll let her know about our plan.", "Sharon: Victoria, I'm -- I'm really sorry about all of this.", "Victoria: Me, too.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, um... I didn't want to say this in front of sharon, but... you don't need to go with us tonight. We can get it all done without you.", "Victoria: No, mom. We struggled when it was just the four of us. And we were running on adrenaline. Tonight, it's just gonna be dread. [ Sighs ] Besides, this is my fault. I have to be there.", "Nikki: Don't do this to yourself. You've worked so hard to get past it. [ Cellphone rings ] Oh, I have to take this. Hello, arturo.", "Arturo: Hey, nikki. I'm at the park, ready to take apart the sculpture, but I have a problem, and it's one I can't solve on my own.", "Nikki: Oh?", "Victoria: What's wrong?", "Nikki: I'll be right there. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Billy: There's no secret. I hit a bit of a snag. That sucker jumped up and caught me square in the chin. But I can take a punch, and i have my votes lined up for today. And when I become C.E.O. Again, it's time go big. That's where you come in. We're in a rebuilding season right now. But that's where the real stars get to shine, and I'm thinking that is you. You do talk a good game. You would make an excellent basketball coach.", "Billy: Except I like to be in the game instead of on the sidelines. If I have to throw a few elbows here and there, well, things happen, but I'll do whatever i can to support my team. I'm sure you've heard about my sister, and, like I said, we are rebuilding, but I say we build around you. Whatever you need to create new products and, you know, tweak the existing ones. And you need a strong player to convince the board to elect you.", "Billy: You're the best of the best. That's what jabot deserves. And when I become official, we make you official. I don't think it's the right fit for me.", "Billy: Then rip it up. Tell me what you want. I appreciate the offer, but, I, uh, have other options to pursue right now.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I probably should have mentioned -- I hate basketball.", "Kyle: I had no idea you were there. None of what I said to summer was about scoring points with you.", "Lola: You know, the first time I met you, you bragged about your family, your family's name, your family's business...", "Kyle: Oh, man, I sound like a jerk.", "Lola: The kind of guy who might pretend not to see me and then put on a show to impress me.", "Kyle: Yeah. Sounds like me. But --", "Lola: But even you're not slick enough to pull off what just happened.", "Kyle: What just happened?", "Lola: You actually sounded sincere.", "Kyle: I was. I am. Everything I said was --", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Lola: Summer?", "Kyle: My dad. There's a board meeting.", "Lola: Go. I get it.", "Kyle: When you're willing to finally talk to me again?", "Lola: I might talk to you again sometime.", "Kyle: When? Uh, does that mean summer's not an issue? No pressure, but pick any one of those to answer.", "Lola: You have a shot, but I'm still gonna make you work for it.", "Nikki: Arturo, what's wrong? You haven't done anything yet! Is it a problem with your crew?", "Arturo: The problem isn't on my end.", "Jill: That sculpture is staying exactly where it is. The meeting's already started.", "Kyle: Damn it. Sorry.", "Billy: As I was saying... if this was any other time in jabot history, then I would be fine with sitting back and letting someone else take charge, but this is not any other time. Yes, I had some personal issues, but those issues have been resolved, and they will not get in the way. So I look forward to continuing the work that I started at jabot. More innovation. More momentum.", "Phyllis: And...?", "Billy: And what?", "Phyllis: And unless I missed it, uh, you did not mention how you want to deal with the patent debacle.", "Billy: I think that goes without saying. Hire a world-class chemist and an r&d expert to lead the department. Create new products. And I've already been vetting a few candidates.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay.", "Traci: Okay, so jack will speak next, and then phyllis, and then we will have a vote.", "Jack: Well, I could speak about the many mistakes jabot made under billy's leadership. I could just as easily talk about how phyllis is ill-suited for this job, but I'm not going there. I'm not gonna be negative. What I want to talk about is a great company. And it is a great company with or without the patents, despite any of our past mistakes. A great company created by a great man. This is john abbott's legacy. What I want to talk about is how I'm going to protect that legacy and move jabot forward.", "Mariah: No way! You got me a tattoo!", "Tessa: Yeah, so you could stop talking about it and just get one already.", "Mariah: This is amazing, but... tessa, you're on financial lockdown until you pay the --", "Tessa: No, no. It didn't cost me a thing. The owner of the tattoo parlor is a friend of mine, and I did a favor for her, so, in exchange, she gave me this. And I thought of you. I mean, unless you want me to --", "Mariah: No! No. No, I'm just considering what to get. Should I get a bat or a skull or a vampire demon goth party girl?", "[ Both laugh ]", "Mariah: Thank you. I love it.", "Sharon: Wow!", "Tessa: Hi.", "Sharon: The place looks great.", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Tessa: Well, I'm gonna go practice my latte cobwebs. Okay.", "Sharon: Perfect. [ Laughs ]", "Mariah: Sharon, could we...?", "Sharon: Yeah. What is it?", "Mariah: I don't know that it's anything. It could be nothing, and, i don't know, maybe I shouldn't be thinking about it or worried about it.", "Sharon: What is it, mariah?", "Mariah: It's about our favorite detective. Rey.", "Jill: I heard from the city, some nameless, faceless bureaucrat who informed me that my lovely tribute to katherine was being torn down and tossed aside. Did you call me? Did you show any respect at all for me or my bond with katherine? No, you did not. So here I am to make it very clear that this piece of art is going no place without my say-so.", "Nikki: And the city told me that the plumbing on my property needed to be fixed. So, you see, this has nothing to do with you, jill, or your questionable taste in art. I am doing my civic duty for katherine's park, which, again, I own.", "Jill: Oh, please. Your money doesn't impress me -- or should I say victor's money, which you get for putting up with him. Which, by the way, is a job description that nobody wants on their résumé.", "Nikki: You have no say in what happens here.", "Jill: I sure as hell do! You told this man to tear that down and haul it away.", "Nikki: I did not.", "Jill: You wanted it gone the moment it went up because you were threatened that katherine gave a damn about me.", "Nikki: Oh, jill, will you calm down? I happily forgot you existed until just a few moments ago.", "Jill: I am having my lawyers draw up the paperwork for an injunction as we speak. I will have my own crew come in, carefully dig it up, find the issue, and deal with it.", "Nikki: Oh, no, you won'T. You can't do that!", "Jill: You watch me.", "Jack: I am well-aware of mistakes I have made in the past. Some of which have led us to where we are today. But I can tell you, that was hubris. That was ego. And that is gone. Now, I want to do everything possible to help jabot. That is my vow to you, and i will keep it.", "Phyllis: Once again, no mention of how you're gonna dig us out of this hole we're in.", "Jack: That's about product. That's about energy. That's about hiring the right people, and I am ideally suited for that job. You see, I grew up in this business. I spent my life in this business. I know it inside and out, and i will lead jabot where it needs to go next. Thank you.", "Traci: [ Clears throat ] Phyllis, would you like to say a few words?", "Phyllis: Yeah. So, uh, we're screwed. We all know that, right? I mean, the legacies and the history and the egos, I mean, that's all great, but, I mean, we are -- we are screwed. And I think part of that is because I think some people have forgotten what jabot is about. It is not about history and redemption stories. We are a cosmetics company, and we make products for women. Do they want a guy telling them what they need? No. No, I think that's because they're aware that for the most part, men don't really know what women want. But a woman on top, reaching out, connecting -- that's the key. And I am here today, I am ready to make that happen. I think jabot needs more women. I think we need more instinct. I think we need more leadership, and I think we should change the culture here.", "Billy: Funny, not one word about the patent debacle.", "Phyllis: I was waiting for you to jump in. God forbid a woman speaks without interrupting her. My answer to that is that I have landed my first potential hire, and she is a great one. In fact, let me introduce to you ms. Kerry johnson. Yes, she deserves every bit of respect. Kerry has decided to join jabot as our lead chemist, but only if I am elected C.E.O. So there you have it -- two women who can give jabot a fighting chance.", "Rey: I'm starving.", "Lola: That's because you forget to eat. Who does that? It's bizarre.", "Rey: No. I don't forget to eat. I just want you to feel sorry for me so that you bring home the quality stuff.", "Lola: Suck-up.", "Rey: You're in a good mood.", "Lola: Maybe because things are getting back on track with kyle abbott.", "Rey: They were off-track? What'd he do?", "Lola: You know I'm a grown woman, right?", "Rey: I know. What'd he do?", "Lola: It wasn't him. His ex messed with my head. I knew better, but still...", "Rey: She sounds like a piece of work.", "Lola: You have no idea. But if kyle abbott was into her, he isn't now, and he made that very clear.", "Rey: To you or t her?", "Lola: Both of us.", "Rey: I'll take your word for it, but sometimes what a guy says and what he feels can be... two completely different things. I'm just saying, always watch your back, hmm?", "Mariah: It just seemed weird that rey would be so interested in your charity work. Enough to bring it up to both tessa and me. I mean, does he have some other agenda? Is this still about J.T.? And why is he so fixated on you? You had nothing to do with J.T. Does he think that you and the others are holding out about what happened that night?", "Sharon: I don't know what he thinks, but he can't learn something that doesn't exist. I've told rey everything I know about J.T.", "Jill: That piece of art is mine.", "Nikki: That you snuck onto my land without permission.", "Arturo: Ladies, ladies, I spoke to my guys, and they think we can move the sculpture without causing any damage to it.", "Jill: They think? They think! How reassuring. That's exactly what I wanted to hear.", "Arturo: My guys are good.", "Jill: She hired you.", "Arturo: Look, if you want me to sign something assuming all responsibility, I can do that.", "Jill: Wow, somebody who takes ownership for their actions. How novel.", "Arturo: Once the busted pipe is repaired, the artwork goes back where it was.", "Nikki: Mind you, he uses the word \"art\" very loosely.", "Arturo: I can do this.", "Jill: All right, but I stay and supervise, and one bobble, one jostle, one scratch, nikki --", "Nikki: This is my land, and i don't want you here.", "Jill: Well, then get ready for that injunction, sister, because that piece of art doesn't go anywhere unless i stay.", "Nikki: Well, I suppose you'll have both of us as your audience.", "Jill: This better go off without a hitch.", "Nikki: Amen to that." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "It is a sleepless Halloween for some Genoa City residents as they all have nightmares that reveal their biggest fears. Phyllis dreams that she is CEO of Newman Enterprises and she has everything she has ever wanted but then suddenly she is in a room with the Newman family where nobody is paying intention to her because she is invisible . The entire family is happy because she is destitute and begging for money on the street. Nick dreams that he is at Adam's funeral and his entire family is upset with him because he killed Adam because Adam was a good person. Nick loses Chelsea because she can't for give him for killing Adam. Kyle dreams that Theo has turned the Abbott family Thanksgiving into an endless party and he has had Jack committed to Dina's memory care home. Kyle also dreams that he had a fight with Lola because he and Theo can't get along. Rey dreams that he and Sharon are burglars but later he discovers that Sharon is working for Adam and she and Adam set him up for all the burglaries. Abby dreams that she is in a sit-com where everyone is making jokes at her expense since they treat her like a dumb blonde.", "" ]
[ "Abby: [ Sighs ] So, tonight was a nightmare. Is it just me, or were people extra crazy? I know it's halloween, but the costumes and the cocktails, it loosens people's inhibitions too much for my taste. [ Sighs ] I am exhausted. I think I am just gonna crash in an empty room. Do we have any available.", "Rey: You look stunning tonight.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Rey: There's just -- [ Sighs ] There's just something missing.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] What is that? I didn't know that third post-reconciliation dates usually involved jewelry.", "Rey: Yeah, I know. But I saw it, and I just... I knew you had to have it.", "Sharon: I don't know what to say.", "Rey: Say that the night doesn't have to end yet.", "Phyllis: I don't need adam's $10 million. [ Sighs ] Oh, it's not gonna be long until my name is plastered across every single building in this town. Phyllis summers. Phyllis summers. Phyllis summers. And all those losers... will look up and see your name. And it will cast a shadow over all of their small, puny lives.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] I'm so happy. I thought I lost the chance to be with you like this.", "Rey: Ah. You underestimate your allure.", "Sharon: Well, you were pretty immune to me for a while.", "Rey: Yeah. But I never stopped wanting you.", "Sharon: I'm so glad that you trust me again.", "Rey: I would do anything for you, sharon. And risk anything.", "Lola: Thank you for being such a good sport about mariah and tessa's party tonight. I know that this is really not what you had in mind.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] If I had to talk to that guy dressed as spicoli for another second, I --", "Lola: I might have really had to \"save ferris.\"", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Lola: I know that this thing with theo was on your mind.", "Kyle: Well, I'm pretty sure mariah knew something was wrong.", "Lola: Yeah. She asked me what was up, but i didn't say anything, because we don't even know if it's really true yet.", "Kyle: Well, if it turns out we are cousins, there will be no separating myself from him, ever.", "Lola: I don't know. It's not that hard to be estranged from your relatives. Look at me and my dad.", "Kyle: But my dad is pretty passionate when it comes to keeping family together.", "Lola: How about some brain candy to take your mind off of it? And we can watch an '80s movie to go with our costumes.", "Kyle: Hmm. Sure.", "[ Grunts ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: [ Yawns ]", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Indistinct talking on television ]", "Sharon: Phyllis summers' office. You're here? Now? Y-yes, ma'am. Sparkling water is waiting, and the flowers are fresh and -- okay, bubbles. Do your thing. You need to tickle her tonsils. Oh, no! Oh! Perk up! Please! Oh! Oh, gosh. I hate to do this, but...", "Phyllis: My schedule. Mm. Too bubbly. Please take out half the bubbles, and without making it stale.", "Sharon: Um... how do I remove half the bubbles?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Do I look like a scientist?", "Sharon: In an action movie, maybe.", "Phyllis: Book me a wax.", "Sharon: Eyebrow or...lip?", "Phyllis: There is only one mustache in this town, and it ain't me.", "Sharon: Brow. Of course.", "Phyllis: Tomorrow is summer's birthday. I'd like you to make a reservation at l'arpege.", "Sharon: In paris?", "Phyllis: No, on old town road.", "Sharon: But they're booked for months.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Make it happen, or make yourself available for job interviews.", "Sharon: Yes, ma'am.", "Phyllis: Thank you, everybody, for joining me for this clearly momentous occasion, my first day as C.E.O. Of newman enterprises. It just shows, if you work hard enough and don't take no for an answer, flip on your friends in court, commit felonies, and adopt a revenge-at-all-costs attitude, dreams do come true.", "[ Camera shutters clicking ] Additional sponsorship", "Phyllis: Show the abbotts in, please.", "Jack: Thank you. Uh, thank you for letting us see you.", "Phyllis: Not everyone gets the privilege. You have five minutes. Don't bore me.", "Jack: We want to create a line of designer accessories named after you.", "Phyllis: I like it. So far.", "Kyle: We have some talented artisans who would be honored to be a --", "Phyllis: What are you doing here?", "Kyle: Uh... e-excuse me?", "Phyllis: I cannot work with a boy who broke my daughter's heart.", "Kyle: Uh, but I just --", "Jack: We understand.", "Kyle: We do?", "Jack: Yes. You're fired.", "Kyle: What?", "Phyllis: Your services are no longer required. Bye, kyle.", "[ Snaps ]", "Jack: He'S...", "Phyllis: Gone. Disappeared. Kaput.", "Jack: Oh. Uh... all right, then. Anyway, the tag line for the phyllis summers accessory line would be your initials -- \"ps, I love you.\"", "Phyllis: I wish i felt the same way. This isn't working for me, jack. Goodbye.", "[ Snaps ] [ Sighs ] Sharon, show the newmans in for the staff meeting.", "Sharon: Ma'am, they're already here.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm sure it's very difficult having a non-newman run newman enterprises. Or I should say a former newman. Everybody makes mistakes. But I believe this is the dawn of a new era for newman enterprises, one that no other C.E.O. Could achieve. And, yes, I am talking about you, victoria, to be clear. As we move into the future, I expect the newmans to give 100%. You can give 50%, abby. And everyone who doesn't do this can disappear. You know what I'm talking about, nikki. Adam! I want to make you my second. You're not like the rest. It's you and me against the world. Look at me, please. Adam. Why is nobody looking at me?", "Victor: All right. Shall we get started, then?", "Phyllis: I'm invisible.", "Victor: First order of business --", "Nick: Before we do get started, there's something i would like to bring to everyone's attention. As you know, I have devoted my life to public service and charity. And an extremely sad case has been brought to my attention.", "Victor: My son, this is not the time to talk about charity, okay?", "Nick: It's about phyllis.", "Phyllis: Phyllis?", "Nikki: Her fall from grace was so tragic.", "Abby: Was it, though?", "Victor: Well, it couldn't have happened to a nicer gal, right?", "Nikki: All right, now, you two.", "Adam: It is odd. Just a couple months ago, she was running dark horse.", "Abby: And she was a part of the grand phoenix.", "Victoria: And now she's destitute, and she's living on the streets.", "Phyllis: Why are you smiling?", "Adam: Yeah, I'm not really sure what I ever saw in her. She was so hell-bent on revenge, she ended up destroying herself.", "Victor: Mm.", "Adam: So glad I could pull myself out of that spiral.", "Nick: I heard she was panhandling out of a hat.", "Victoria: An obnoxiously large hat.", "Phyllis: The hat is from the runway in milan.", "Nick: Well, I was wondering if we might, uh, possibly get some money from the newman foundation and... help her out.", "[ Laughter ]", "Nikki: Oh, my god! We're newmans. We don't help anybody.", "[ All chuckling ]", "Victor: Now, let this be a lesson to all of us. Any of us, like phyllis, can be on top one moment, and then disappear the next.", "[ Snaps ]", "Phyllis: [ Gasps ]", "[ Slaps arms ]", "[ Television playing ]", "Victoria: He was such a good man. I'm gonna miss him so much. [ Nikki crying ] Shh. It's all right. [ Crying continues ] Don't cry. I really -- I know it's hard. We'll be able to get through somehow. It's okay. I know. I know. [ Nikki sobs ] Mom, please.", "Nikki: What are you doing here?", "Nick: What happened?", "Nikki: It's victor. He's dead.", "Nick: How'd he die?", "Nikki: You already know.", "Nick: I didn't kill him. [ Knife clatters ] Mom? Vick? What are you doing here? Grieving my father? You hated him. You said you'd be happy when this day came.", "Phyllis: He did horrible things to me. But I forgave him. The question is, have you?", "Nick: What are you talking about? I loved him.", "Phyllis: You can't even face him. Not even now.", "Abby: Don't do this.", "Nick: I have to.", "Abby: Just go.", "Nick: I can'T.", "Abby: I tried to warn you.", "Nick: [ Huffs ] Adam. You said it was dad.", "Nikki: I said it was victor.", "Nick: But it's not.", "Victor: Victor jr. The only son worthy of my name.", "Nick: You don't mean that. Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Victor, connor has decided to start using the name victor. To honor his father's legacy.", "Victor: Oh, that's a wonderful tribute. You tell him that I'll be his father from now on.", "Nick: I'll be there for connor, too. I'll raise him as if he was my own son.", "Chelsea: Have you lost your mind? I just lost the only man I've ever loved.", "Nick: You don't love adam.", "Victoria: We all loved adam.", "Abby: He was so kind to my mother after her miscarriage.", "Nick: He caused it!", "Victor: He cleared me of all charges.", "Nick: He tried to frame you!", "Victoria: I will never be able to thank him enough for saving delia's life.", "Nick: He ran her over!", "Victoria: You've always been jealous of adam.", "Nick: I'm not jealous of adam!", "Abby: Even now, you can't find one nice thing to say about him.", "Nikki: Even after you killed him.", "Nick: But I didn't!", "Rey: I'm gonna need you to come down to the station with me.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. I have to be honest about what I saw. He did it. [ Crying ] He killed his own brother!", "[ Handcuffs rattle ]", "Nick: No! No. Look, he's not even in it. Adam faked his own death again. And somebody had to help him! Chelsea? Chelsea? Chelsea! Chelsea!", "Chelsea: Nick? Hey. Hey. Are you okay?", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: It sounds like you were having a nightmare.", "[ '80s music playing ]", "Lola: My first thanksgiving with your family.", "Kyle: It's gonna be great.", "Lola: Do I look okay? Traditional enough?", "Kyle: You look beautiful.", "Theo: Wassup, nerds? A little square for the occasion.", "Kyle: Well, you've never been to an abbot family thanksgiving, so...", "Theo: Uh, it's not gonna be quite what you're expecting this year.", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: What do you mean?", "Theo: Oh, think less turkey, more tequila. Come on. Get in here, pilgrims. Time to party!", "[ All exclaiming ]", "Kyle: Where's my dad?!", "Theo: Uncle jack had to go out of town on business. Couldn't let the place go to waste.", "Kyle: This isn't your place!", "Theo: You're right. It's ours, cuz.", "Kyle: How -- how can you just trash the house without a second thought?", "Theo: Well, things can be replaced, and money means nothing to me.", "Kyle: Yeah. Right.", "Theo: What? Could I wreck the house if it did? Come on. Think about it.", "Kyle: You don't have any respect. For anyone. Or -- or anything!", "Theo: My man needs a drink. We're on day three of this shindig, so you've got some catching up to do. Here. Uh, nah. Lo? Come with me. We'll put that pie in the kitchen. Comfort food will definitely come in handy later.", "Kyle: I -- [ Sighs ]", "Abby: Kyle, darling!", "Kyle: Abby! Abby --", "Abby: Hi! Mwah! Mwah! Fab party, isn't it?", "Kyle: Wha-- not -- not really. Dad -- dad would be furious.", "Abby: Ah. It's a good thing he isn't here.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: How -- how long have you been here?", "Abby: Um... I don't know.", "Kyle: [ Stammering ] What about society? Or the grand phoenix?", "Abby: What about them? You know, I was talking to theo earlier, and it dawned on me -- I am working day and night, and for what? You and me and theo, we're gonna inherit all of this, so why am I busting my butt?", "Kyle: Uh, because you're smart and am-ambitious, and -- and you work hard at what you do.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] No, I -- I am just gonna marry some rich putz. And you need to find your trophy wife. I don't know what you're doing with that food-truck girl.", "Kyle: You love lola.", "Abby: Doubtful.", "Kyle: But are -- are you wearing dina's coat?", "Abby: Oh! [ Chuckles ] I dipped into the goodies a little bit early. It's all a part of the inevitable windfall.", "Kyle: Wait, abby. Abby!", "[ Huffs ]", "Lola: Hey, is smashing a beer can on your forehead considered fun?", "Theo: Dumb jocks love it. They can do it for hours.", "Lola: Okay, yeah. I-I -- I think I've had enough for one night.", "Kyle: Yeah, me too. Yeah, you -- you ready to go?", "Lola: Mm-hmm.", "Theo: Wait, you're not even gonna wait for the queen bee? Summer likes to show up fashionably late 'cause she thinks we care.", "Kyle: You do care.", "Theo: When it works to my advantage.", "Kyle: Hey, she -- you --", "Theo: What? Still not over summer?", "Kyle: No, I ju-- I just -- I just don't want to see her get hurt.", "Theo: Uh, you're the one who hurts her. I'm the one who makes it all better.", "Kyle: Well... I'm about to make things unpleasant for you.", "Lola: Stop it! Can't you just get over her? Why can't you just get over it?!", "[ Crying ]", "Mariah: Ooh! Volcanic blunder, my dear.", "Kyle: Yeah, stay out of this, mariah.", "Mariah: You know, I wish I could. But when one of my friends is sad, so am I. You know what, if he doesn't see how special you are, then he doesn't deserve you.", "Kyle: I-I-I love lola. I -- [ Sighs ] We're happy together.", "Mariah: Oh, really? 'Cause she doesn't look very happy to me. Hey, guys! Does this chick look happy to you?", "All: No!", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Lola: I can't do this right now!", "Kyle: No, lola! Lola!", "Mariah: Hey, hey, hey! Dude, just let her go. You're just gonna mess it up with your man brain.", "Theo: Hey, don't knock a man brain till you've tried it.", "Mariah: Wrong tree, stud.", "[ Crashing ]", "Jack: What is going on?! [ Cups clatter ] Kyle!", "Kyle: Don't look at me! Look at your nephew.", "Theo: Can we just chill?", "Jack: No, we cannot chill.", "Theo: I've, uh -- I've got this under control.", "Jack: No, no. I am in control. You may be related to me. You are no longer welcome in this house.", "Theo: I hate to break it to you, uncle jack, but it hasn't been all play since you've been gone. I fit in a little work.", "Jack: What? What is this?", "Theo: I had you legally declared incompetent, and myself appointed your guardian.", "Jack: What -- you're insane!", "Theo: I've decided you should go live with dina.", "Jack: I'm not going anywhere.", "Theo: Doesn't feel good to be forced out of your own home, does it? I think this could be good for you. You and grandma can work on your issues. Maybe solve that existential crisis that's been bringing you the blues. Gentlemen?", "Jack: \"Gentlemen\"? Do something about this!", "Kyle: [ Stammers ] How do I stop it?", "Jack: I should never have left you in charge at jabot.", "Kyle: Dad!", "Jack: You should have warned me about him!", "Kyle: I tried! You wouldn't listen!", "Theo: Hey, don't worry about it, man. Family takes care of family. You can move back in here.", "Kyle: [ Scoffs ] That's never gonna happen.", "Theo: Oh, it'd be like old times. Except this party goes on for eternity! Yeah! [ Laughing ]", "Kyle: Stop! Get off me! Get off! Get off! Get off!", "[ Breathing heavily ]", "[ Sighs ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Sharon: It's gorgeous, rey.", "Rey: I've never seen something so beautiful. And I'm not talking about the necklace.", "Sharon: I love it. But can you afford it on your salary?", "Rey: Ahh. Not exactly. That's why I stole it. I told you I'd risk anything for you. Here's the proof.", "Rey: Did you get it?", "Sharon: I got it, baby. I got all of it.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Now, how about a little something for you this time?", "Rey: Ah. You know I can't say no to you. But pack it up. We need to get out of here.", "Sharon: Um, what's the rush? Victor and nikki just left for the gala.", "Rey: What are you doing?", "Sharon: What does it look like?", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] We shouldn'T.", "Sharon: Aww, what are you doing, playing hard to get? Come on. They'll be gone for hours. And you look so sexy right now. I just knew, somewhere deep down, you had a dark side. I just had to keep searching until I found it. Tell me I'm the only one who's seen it.", "Rey: You're the only one.", "[ Both moaning ]", "Sharon: Think about how exciting it will be to make love in victor's house.", "Rey: Ooh.", "Sharon: And we're stealing from right under his nose.", "Rey: Ooh. That's too risky, baby. Come on.", "Sharon: You said you would risk anything for me.", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "[ Loud noise ]", "Rey: What was that?", "Sharon: It can't be them.", "[ Loud noise ]", "Rey: Someone's here.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Rey: Go. We'll meet at the place we talked about.", "Sharon: This is going to be a night we'll never forget the rest of our lives.", "Lola: Rey?! Rey!", "Rey: Hey. You meet with sharon?", "Lola: She wasn't there.", "Rey: Well, that's impossible. She knew when and where to meet.", "Lola: I'm sorry, rey. Something seems off, and I am worried that someone followed me home.", "[ Buzzer rings ]", "Lola: Who is it?", "Adam: I have a message for rey from sharon.", "Lola: I don't have a good feeling about this.", "Adam: Well, I never put too much stock in intuition.", "Lola: You hurt my brother, I hurt you.", "Adam: Wow, big threats. From a little lady.", "Lola: Big enough to give you the what-for.", "Adam: Ohh.", "Rey: It's okay.", "Lola: I'll be in the other room if you need me.", "Adam: Sharon wanted me to let you know she's all right.", "Rey: Where is she?", "Adam: Oh, it doesn't matter, rey.", "Rey: It does to me.", "Adam: She appreciates your work tonight. We both do.", "Rey: The two of you?", "Adam: We're always gonna end up together, rey.", "Rey: She used me.", "Adam: Well, she loved you. In her own way. Just not the same way she loves me.", "[ Sirens wailing ]", "Rey: You tipped off the cops.", "Adam: Well, someone had to take the fall. [ Whistles ] That's a tough break.", "Rey: [ Breathing heavily ]", "Sharon: Are you okay? What's the matter?", "Rey: Yeah, no. I'm -- I'm -- I'm good. Go back to sleep.", "Abby: Ohh!", "[ Laughter ]", "[ Breathing heavily ]", "Kyle: Aww. Smooth move, abs.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: The twirl wasn't the best idea. Halfway through, I got dizzy.", "Theo: You mean ditzy.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: That was a good one.", "Lola: Aw, that's our abs, and we wouldn't want to change her for the world.", "Mariah: She is the cutest thing this side of lake michigan.", "Kyle: Where have you been? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.", "Mariah: Yeah, we were gonna send a search party.", "Abby: Well, let me know if you find it.", "Mariah: Find what?", "Abby: The party!", "[ Laughter ]", "Lola: Abby, we sent you a text. Did you get it?", "Abby: Yeah, but I don't know what \"idk\" means.", "Lola: \"I don't know.\"", "Abby: Me either.", "[ Laughter ]", "Kyle: Wait, wait, wait. Remember that one time abby called 911?", "Mariah: Ah, she couldn't find the \"11.\"", "Theo: She called me once to ask for my phone number.", "[ Laughter and applause ]", "Abby: Do you guys hear that?", "Kyle: Hear what?", "Abby: Never mind. I am just a little fed up with all the laughter. It's not nice to make jokes at your boss' expense.", "Theo: Boss?", "[ Laughing ]", "Abby: Yeah. Uh, chef, waiters, bartender, owner.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Oooh. Our family owns this place.", "Theo: Yeah, jack put it in your name 'cause he knew it'd make you so happy.", "Mariah: Because you are just so darn cute when you're happy.", "Abby: No, no. I -- I built this place.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: Sure you did, honey. Sure.", "Lola: You know, and the food is delicious.", "Abby: I'm a successful restaurateur!", "[ Laughter and applause ]", "Mariah: Okay. Yeah. Sure.", "[ Kyle and theo jeering ]", "Lola: Abby, your -- your post is at the hostess stand.", "Abby: I'm the hostess?", "Theo: We can't all get beauty and brains like me. [ Laughter ] Hey, why did abby bring a ladder to the bar? 'Cause drinks were on the house.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: That's sexist.", "Kyle: Wait, wait, wait. Why did abby tiptoe near the medicine cabinet? So she wouldn't wake the sleeping pills.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: That's not funny! That's not funny!", "[ Laughter and applause ]", "Lola: Wait, I've got one. Okay. How do you confuse abby? You can't, 'cause she was born that way!", "[ Laughter intensifies ]", "Mariah: You guys, look, look, look! She's trying to hold a thought.", "[ Raucous laughter ]", "Abby: Make it stop!", "Abby: [ Gasps ]", "[ Breathing heavily ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Oh! I've never been so happy to see anyone. And you are somebody. And I see you. Do you see me? Of course you see me. Okay. I'm phyllis summers. Of course you do. Uh, it must have been too many bad oysters. Tmi. 'Kay. [ Exhales deeply ] It's all good.", "[ Exhaling ]", "Chelsea: Late-night horror movies. Never a good idea.", "Nick: Heh... noted. Phew...", "Chelsea: Are you all right?", "Nick: I'm fine now. I'm glad you're home.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. I fell asleep at adam'S.", "Nick: You're here now.", "Chelsea: No place I'd rather be.", "Kyle: Theo had my dad committed, and I was powerless, and he was wearing loafers with no socks.", "Lola: Ew.", "Kyle: And you and i were fighting. I...", "Lola: About what?", "Kyle: I...can't remember.", "Lola: Well, it's over now, and it was obviously a bad dream. That movie was a terrible idea. But how about you come to bed, and I will make it up to you?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] I'm in the hotel. My hotel. And it's quiet. It's quiet! [ Laughs ] Ohh. Oh! Thank god. Thank god. Ah! I'm me! [ Laughs ] It was all a dream. Ohh. Happy halloween.", "[ Chuckles ]", "[ Inhales, exhales deeply ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Sheila has things all figured out. Slowly Tom starts coming around to her way of thinking. He has seen Ashley with Michael and that worries him. He is very angry. He has no idea how he is to handle this. Sheila can tell that Tom is the kind of guy that knows how to slap a woman around when she needs it. \"Am I right Tom? You've knocked a few around in your time right?\" Sheila asks. Tom says that he used to be that way, but not anymore. Sheila suggests to him that he might want to start doing that again. \"If Ashley is innocent and not trying to frame you, then she will just have an interesting story to tell her grandchildren. However, if she is guilty of helping to frame you then you might want to rough her up a little bit to get her to tell you everything.\" Ashley is at the hospital with Paul and Michael and she learns that Tom was in the hospital the night that Lauren had a second episode. The hospital has tapes with Tom on them and it confirms at the very least that he was somewhere that he shouldn't have been. Ashley wants to get back with Tom and find out what he is up to. Paul and Michael tell her ‘no', as Tom is clearly more dangerous than they thought. Ashley is sure that she is safe with Tom. She is sure that he isn't on to her. Jack waits patiently for Phyllis to arrive and see him. He is pleased as punch when he realizes that although Phyllis didn't do any immediate damage to the Newman computers, she does allude to the fact that something could very well go wrong with the computers in the future. The lines have been drawn. Brad and Victoria arrive for work and find Phyllis sitting in the CEO chair on the computer. Nick is there and has been with Phyllis all night trying to repair the web site codes that were not working. Brad and Victoria are not happy finding Phyllis there. Especially Brad who feels that Phyllis rigged the site to crash before she left Newman. Phyllis sarcastically looks at Victoria saying that she was fired on the spot and not given a chance to do anything to the computers before being tossed out. Nick tells Brad and Victoria that he trusts Phyllis and knows that she wouldn't do something that would hurt Newman. Brad doesn't buy it. He says that what they need to do now is just wait for the bomb to go off as a result of whatever it was that Phyllis did to them. Brittany is lost and alone, and has been rejected by JT. Jill assures her that she will always have a place to live at the mansion, but that still means that she will have to get on with her life and get on with it. When Jill asks how Brittany ever survived before Bobby, she suddenly smiles and remembers that she was Brittany Hodges Queen Bee of the high school. She had hopes and dreams. Later Katherine convinces Brittany to call her parents to see if they would be interested in making amends. Katherine knows that Josh needs as big a circle around him in his life as possible especially now. Brittany makes the call and gets off the phone ready to leave for New York that very day!" ]
[ "Nick: More coffee?", "Phyllis: Um, no, thanks. That's the fourth time you asked.", "Nick: Just trying to help.", "Phyllis: Um, I'm almost done here.", "Nick: You know, I appreciate this.", "Phyllis: Really? Hmm. You're learning, huh? Well, I think, um, I figured this out. The problem was-- well, it doesn't really matter. The way that it was worked out before, it's... it'll work better for you guys now.", "Victoria: Please tell me she's only checking her e-mail.", "Phyllis: No, Victoria. I'm, uh... on the Newman web site. I'm fixing it.", "Brad: What's going on?", "Victoria: Apparently, my brother has lost his mind.", "Nick: Just relax. Let her finish.", "Victoria: Let her finish what? Sabotaging our web site?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Paul?", "Paul: Hey.", "Michael: How's Lauren?", "Paul: Well, she's still pretty upset about the wedding being postponed.", "Michael: Look, before I go in, any news?", "Paul: About Tom Fisher? You're right. The guy does get around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: I can't believe Ashley would hook up with my worst enemy.", "Sheila: I've known women like Ashley Abbott-- spoiled, pampered women who never had to learn to survive on their own. They like to play little games to amuse themselves, Tom. Yeah, you know what? They seem real classy on the surface. But underneath, they're insecure. They're all messed up. Now, a down- to-earth guy like you is just a toy. And you know what? They play with toys. They play with toys until they're broken. And then they go looking for someone else.", "Tom: All right, let's just give her the benefit of the doubt for a minute. Maybe they were just talking about some family business or something.", "Sheila: And you're willing to risk everything on that? That maybe it was just a couple siblings hanging out with one another? 20 years in prison is a long, long time.", "Tom: And if I was wrong about her...", "Sheila: You are wrong. You just don't wanna believe it. You know, denial can be very dangerous. Remember that.", "Tom: If Ashley was part of what Michael's doing to me, I'm gonna have to show that bitch what happens to people that play Tom Fisher for a fool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Brittany remembering.]", "J.T.: I will always be a part of your and Joshua's lives. But we'll never be a family.", "Brittany: You promised Bobby that you would take care of me.", "J.T.: I know. And I will. But I never said I'd step in and take his place. Brittany, I have my own life. What you're talking about, it's... it's a fantasy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door closes)", "Brittany: Hey, Jill.", "Jill: Ah, good morning. Where's that little baby?", "Brittany: Sleeping. Hey, do you know if Mac and J.T. are around?", "Jill: Uh, no, they left.", "Brittany: Together?", "Jill: Yes. Well, I mean--", "Brittany: No, no, it's okay, Jill. Naturally, they left together. They have each other.", "J.T.: No. Brittany, it's all been said. This is how it has to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Hey, babe.", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: Hey, young man, isn't setting the table your job?", "Devon: I'm sorry about that.", "Dru: Did your mom sleep okay?", "Devon: I haven't seen her yet. I'm sure she did, though. This is a way nicer place than anywhere she's spent the night before.", "Neil: Don't worry. We'll make her feel at home.", "Devon: Well, thank you, guys. I just want everybody to act normal.", "Neil: What do you think, Dru? Can we act normal?", "Dru: Honey, don't torment the boy, please.", "Neil: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Why don't you both just be quiet and let the lady finish? We've been up all night working on this.", "Brad: Gee, Nick, sorry to hear that, but it seems to me that--", "Phyllis: One slip of the scalpel and the patient dies. Okay. You guys are up and running. The system should be able to handle all the increased traffic without crashing.", "Brad: It wasn't crashing.", "Nick: Like hell it wasn't.", "Brad: It was being taken care of by the experts hired to replace her, Nick.", "Nick: They were doing a lousy job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Tom gets around?", "Paul: Well, there aren't a lot of security cameras inside the hospital. But there are plenty in the parking structures. And they're time and date stamped.", "Michael: And?", "Paul: Tom arrived on his motorcycle and left again just about the same period that Lauren thought he was here fighting with you.", "Michael: That bastard. He said he would get back at me. He's after Lauren.", "Paul: Well, we can't take that to the bank yet. But he was here.", "Ashley: Well, hey, Michael. Hey, Paul.", "Paul: Hi.", "Ashley: Why do you guys look so gloomy?", "Michael: It turns out Tom may be a bigger danger than we thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: If Ashley was involved, it's Michael's fault. He didn't just plant those drugs to get me thrown in jail. He wanted to turn her against me.", "Sheila: So you think he was out to destroy your budding romance.", "Tom: Damn straight. He couldn't stand to see me find just even a little bit of happiness.", "Sheila: Okay, so Michael-- he's terrible. And he corrupted your precious Ashley, your angel sent from heaven. But, look, Michael is too experienced an attorney. You're not gonna get anything out of him. But Ashley, she's... she's from softer stuff. I say you get as close to her as you possibly can. And then you pry open that pretty little mind of hers. You find out exactly what she knows.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Honey, there are a lot of people around here who care about you.", "Brittany: I know. And you all have been extremely generous opening up your home to Joshua and me. But... it can't go on forever. I wouldn't want it to.", "Jill: Brittany, you and the baby are welcome to stay here for as long as you like.", "Brittany: But eventually, I have to have my own life.", "Jill: That scares you, doesn't it?", "Brittany: Well, yeah. My life just... took a 180-degree turn. I mean, now I'm a... I'm a young widow. I'm a single mother of an infant.", "Jill: That's exactly why you have to change your attitude, little girl.", "Brittany: Well, excuse me, Jill, but my husband just died.", "Jill: I know that, Brittany. And no amount of crying is gonna bring him back, is it?", "Brittany: You think I don't know that?", "Jill: Here's my point. It is time for you to start picking up the pieces of your life again.", "Kay: And that is a rare, but good piece of advice coming from Jill.", "Jill: Mother, what are you doing here?", "Kay: I suggest you-- darling, I was so concerned about everything being so unsettled around here, I was anxious to get back. So a friend flew me home in his private jet last evening. Now you listen to me, young lady. Jill is right. You have got to take charge of your life again.", "Brittany: I wouldn't even know where to begin.", "Jill: Oh, please. I would really hate to see you falling into that \"poor me\" trap. Brittany, it's gonna drive people away from you. And it's gonna make you miserable. And it's only putting off the day when you have to roll up your sleeves and get on with things. And please trust me, 'cause I know. I've been there several times.", "Brittany: I don't even know who I am anymore.", "Kay: Well, then you're going to have to do something about it. I mean, no matter how hard it is or what it takes. I mean, how do you propose to guide that tiny innocent new life up there if you're lost yourself?", "Jill: Brittany, why don't you try thinking back to when you did know who you were?", "Brittany: Well, when I was with Bobby--", "Jill: No, no, no, no. I mean, before you were Brittany Marsino.", "Brittany: Yeah. Yeah. I was... I was Brittany Hodges. How could I... how could I let that happen? Feeling so lost and alone. That's not the Brittany that I used to be.", "Jill: No.", "Brittany: I-I was, like, queen bee in high school. I ran Walnut Grove. I was like a star.", "Kay: Ah.", "Brittany: Oh, I had so many hopes and dreams.", "Kay: Don't you dare ever lose those. And if the old ones don't work, you create new ones. Life without dreams and hopes is not a life fully lived. Now you listen to me, you listen to me well. There's always something out there worth reaching for.", "Brittany: I'm not the same person I used to be.", "Jill: Yes, you are. All of that strength, all of that zest for living, that fire--it's still in there. Now for your own sake and for your baby's sake, you better start tapping into it.", "Joshua: (Cries)", "Jill: Speaking of his lordship.", "Brittany: I'll get him.", "Jill: No, no, no, it's okay. I'll get him. You just stay here and talk to Katherine. And please think about what I said.", "Kay: And speaking of something worth reaching for, it's none of my business, but, uh, have you tried to contact your parents? Or have you sent them a photo of Joshua?", "Brittany: You know, I have thought about that a million times. But, as you know, things between me and my parents have been bad for a long, long time.", "Kay: Brittany, now, come on, none of us can reach back in the past and change things. But if we're open to it, for heaven sakes, life can seem to be just a series of miracles.", "Brittany: Well, I'm afraid that's about what it would take to get me and my parents back together.", "Kay: Yes, but, I'm willing to bet that one of those miracles could be waiting for you right now upstairs this very minute.", "Brittany: Joshua?", "Kay: Joshua, yes.", "Brittany: You think so?", "Kay: Sure. Do you know a few years ago, I wasn't even aware I had a granddaughter? No. And she came to me in one of the darkest hours of my life. It's true. And, you know, words can't begin to express how much I treasure her. Oh, I think of those years that I lost with her, moments that I lost with her. I wouldn't wish that loss on anyone. Not even your parents. Certainly not little Joshua, who deserves to be surrounded with as big a circle of love that you can give.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nick actually helped you out. There was a problem with the way the computer was programmed.", "Brad: Whose fault is that, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Well, actually, Brad, it's mine. It was designed with a lot of personalized shortcuts, because I was the only one who was going to be running it. And it would've worked pretty slick. But as you recall, I was fired and given about 15 seconds to vacate the premises.", "Nick: That's water over the dam, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Absolutely. Water over the dam. But the way that it was built, it would've been very difficult for somebody else to come in and correct it.", "Brad: That's nonsense. These are machines. And the people we hired can program them to do whatever we want.", "Nick: Except they weren't doing it, Brad.", "Brad: They would have given the time.", "Nick: We didn't have time, because you two are in such a rush--", "Phyllis: Listen, I would love to sit here and listen to you all argue, but I'm exhausted, we've been working all night, and I need to go. Brighten up. I just saved you a lot of time chewing your fingernails. You're welcome.", "Brad: So now we wait.", "Nick: For what?", "Brad: For the whole damn site to blow up, that's what.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Yolanda, how did you sleep?", "Yolanda: Pretty good. The only thing is-- I mean, there's nothing wrong with the room or anything. I haven't slept anyplace this quiet since maybe ever. And the bed was so soft.", "Devon: You'll get used to that, Mom.", "Yolanda: It's awful nice what you folks are doing for me.", "Neil: Well, it's not just for you, Yolanda. It's for your boy, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: You're sure Dad will be okay with this? Okay. All right, bye, Mom.", "Jill: What was that all about?", "Kay: Uh, well, Brittany was simply taking your advice, picking up the pieces of her life.", "Brittany: I've decided to join my parents in New York City.", "Jill: You what?", "Brittany: My mom's actually not unexcited that we're coming. Thank you, mri. Chancellor.", "Jill: What did you say, Mother?", "Kay: Well, I simply reminded her the importance of being a family. I mean, take a look at us.", "Brittany: I need to make a fresh start. And with my parents making a fresh start, the timing seems really right to make the effort with them.", "Jill: But surely, you can stay here.", "Brittany: No, Jill, I have too much history here. I don't want to go backwards. I want to move on. I'm leaving right now.", "Jill: What? Today?", "Brittany: Jill, this is an opportunity for me to start a new life in an exciting new town. And, miracle of miracles, my mom's actually looking forward to helping me with the baby.", "Jill: Don't you want to say your good-byes? I mean, you've got J.T. You've got Mackenzie.", "Brittany: Yes. Yeah, there's J.T. and Mac. They're a couple now. That's the way things are. (Sighs) there's so much I could say to J.T., but it's better that I just... make a clean break. Will you keep an eye on Joshua while I run up and pack?", "Jill: Yes.", "Brittany: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Still, there's no proof that Tom was here to harm Lauren.", "Paul: Well, no, nothing we can take to the police.", "Ashley: You know, that's all the more reason we should find a way to stop him ourselves. And I'm the only one that can get within 10 feet of the man.", "Michael: No, no, no, no. Ashley, I don't want you doing any more. I don't want you getting any deeper.", "Paul: The guy is out on bail with a felony drug rap. Now, come on, that's not the kind of person you wanna associate with.", "Michael: We'll figure out a way to bring him down without putting you at risk. Now I mean it. You stay away from the man.", "Paul: Michael's right. Worrying about your safety is only going to make our job harder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: There's just one problem-- Ashley won't have anything to do with me. At least not right now.", "Sheila: Then you need to try a different approach.", "Tom: Like what?", "Sheila: Well, just hang around until you get close to her. Last resort, you get rough with her.", "Tom: What do you mean?", "Sheila: I'm sure you've slapped around a couple of women in your day, haven't you, Tom?", "Tom: Maybe a long time ago, but I've changed.", "Sheila: Maybe you should change back. As a last resort, of course.", "Tom: Oh, of course.", "Sheila: You can find out what saint Ashley knows. And if she's innocent, well, you scare the hell out of her. She's got something she can tell her grandkids. But if she's not, if she's a part of Michael's plan, don't you think it's best you get her to confess? Any means necessary?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: I am off to work, kids. Babe, you wanna drive in with me?", "Neil: No, thanks, honey. I'll be in shortly.", "Dru: You sure?", "Neil: Yeah, I promised Devon that I would look over an English essay with him.", "Dru: Oh, good. Yolanda, do you have any plans for today?", "Yolanda: Um, my first meeting at the rehab center.", "Neil: Really?", "Yolanda: Yeah.", "Neil: You nervous?", "Yolanda: Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to it.", "Dru: Good for you.", "Yolanda: Don't expect it's gonna be easy, though-- having to admit in front of all these strangers that I'm a drug addict.", "Neil: You know what? Those strangers-- they'll quickly become your friends. Every one of 'em has been through the exact same thing you have.", "Dru: That's right.", "Yolanda: Yeah, thanks for reminding me. I'm gonna go take a shower, if that's okay.", "Dru: Absolutely. We have towels in the closet. Help yourself.", "Yolanda: Okay.", "Dru: All right. Well, I'm gonna get going.", "Neil: Bye, honey.", "Dru: Give me a kiss, baby. All right, take care.", "Devon: Bye-bye.", "Neil: So, Devon, let's have a look at that essay, shall we?", "Devon: Yeah. I'll go and grab it.", "Neil: Cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I am so tired. I'm so tired. (Sighs)", "Jack: So were you able to do what I suggested and mess with the Newman web site?", "Phyllis: I had to rewrite about 3,000 lines of code. Can you believe that? Just beautiful stuff, elegantly written. Now it's just run-of-the-mill stuff any I.T. moron could understand. It was almost worth it when Victoria and Brad walked in the room.", "Jack: What do you mean \"almost worth it?\" Are you telling me you just fixed the web site?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sis, you gotta lighten up.", "Victoria: Lighten up? You let a woman who works for the competition, not to mention, who is sleeping with the C.E.O. of Jabot's parent company, get her mitts on our web site.", "Nick: I didn't just let her. I asked her. I trust Phyllis.", "Brad: Well, I don't. She could've planted a time bomb in our system. It could be weeks before anything shows up. You know, Nick, you're back, what, a week? Already you're making unilateral decisions?", "Nick: Who the hell do you think you're talking to, man?", "Victoria: All right, you two, calm down, please. (Cell phone rings)", "Brad: Carlton. All right, Peter. Hang on a second. I gotta take this. I'll be right back.", "Brad: Yeah.", "Victoria: You know, Nicholas, I really don't appreciate the way you just talked to Bradley.", "Nick: You know, I get it, why this guy's so cocky now.", "Victoria: What are you talking about?", "Nick: Please tell me you are not letting him back into your life again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: I'm gonna miss having that little guy around here, Mrs. C. I stopped Brittany from calling a cab, and I arranged for Robert to pick them up.", "Kay: Oh, that's wonderful, Esther, thank you.", "Brittany: Well, I'll send for the rest of my things once I'm in New York. Will you tell J.T. that... I love him, and I'll really miss him.", "J.T.: You should tell me yourself.", "Brittany: You called him?", "Jill: Yes.", "Kay: Uh, why don't we, uh, let the two of you have some time alone?", "J.T.: Well, you're really leaving town?", "Brittany: Yeah.", "J.T.: Just like that?", "Brittany: No, not just like that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Yes, I fixed it. As I said, well, if I was running it, it wouldn't have needed fixing.", "Jack: I think you know what I'm asking.", "Phyllis: Read my lips. I fixed their web site. Okay? And if there's a problem down the road, I'm sure I'm going to be the one they blame.", "Jack: But did you do something to make sure something goes wrong?", "Phyllis: Jack, computer code is very complex stuff. All I can tell you is everything was running fine when I left the building. I'm exhausted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I don't know why we're talking about my personal life when we should be discussing more important things.", "Nick: Like what?", "Victoria: Like why you would trust Phyllis Abbott to repair something that our internal staff should've handled. I think that Bradley really nailed it when he said--", "Nick: Oh, Brad thinks this. And Brad says that. This guy is so obviously putting the moves on you. And he thinks he can come in here and talk to me like I'm not here at all.", "Victoria: Wait a minute. Putting the moves on me?", "Nick: Victoria, deep down, you know I'm right. Working side by side with this guy and being romantically involved with him? It's a bad idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I wish Jill hadn't have called you.", "J.T.: I don't understand why you'd just sneak outta town without saying good- bye, Brittany.", "Brittany: I already said my good-byes when I thought I was going into witness protection.", "J.T.: Why are you doing this?", "Brittany: There's nothing left here for me anymore.", "J.T.: Is this about... about the fact that I said I was with Mac?", "Brittany: No. No, I mean... yes, I had hoped... but that was silly of me. And, um, what I was asking you to do... it was way too much.", "J.T.: Yeah. I know. I know you're hurting, Brittany. And you feel alone.", "Brittany: Yeah, and you'd like to... ride in on your white horse and rescue me. Right? Because underneath that tough exterior, you're the world's biggest sweetheart. But you can't do that and be with Mac, too.", "J.T.: Hey. We haven't excluded you or anything, right?", "Brittany: No, you've both been great. But you love her. And it was wrong of me to pressure you. I can't believe I did that. Well, I'm glad I have a chance to apologize.", "J.T.: You don't have to apologize.", "Brittany: Yeah, I do. Otherwise your last memory of me would be of this bratty, spoiled princess. And we both know that's not me, right?", "J.T.: No way. Who would ever think that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I'm proud of you on that. Okay, come on, let's go to school.", "Devon: All right. Neil, thanks again for helping me with this essay.", "Neil: Anytime. That's why I'm here.", "Yolanda: You all done?", "Devon: Yeah, yeah. I need to get going to school, though. I'll see you.", "Yolanda: Okay.", "Neil: Be careful out there.", "Devon: I will.", "Neil: Well, I should be going, too. Um... there's more coffee in the pot. Help yourself.", "Yolanda: I heard you talking to my boy about his paper. I think it's really good of you to help him. Where I'm from, people just look out for themselves, you know? No one gives anything to anybody else unless there's some dope in it for them. But, you... you're giving my boy a good education just... just because you think he oughta have it. That's like a miracle to me.", "Neil: Yolanda, Devon's a great kid. He just needs a little guidance. That's all.", "Yolanda: I know, but still, I mean--", "Neil: The way I see it, I've been handed a lot of breaks in my life. I'm just trying to pass 'em along, that's it.", "Yolanda: Devon really lucked out... the day that he met you and your wife.", "Neil: No, no, we're the ones who lucked out. We're grateful to have your son. I wish I could stay and talk to you some more, but I really gotta get to work. I'm late.", "Yolanda: Actually, I might stay and get some of that coffee, you know? I mean, my meeting doesn't start for awhile so...", "Neil: Sure, help yourself to the coffee, what's in the fridge, anything you want. Yolanda, don't stop short of the miracle, okay? And that meeting? Try not to be late.", "Yolanda: I won't.", "Neil: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Lauren finally fell asleep. Uh, Paul, thanks for checking the security tapes.", "Paul: Hey, no problem.", "Michael: Now I just need to find out who posted his bail.", "Paul: I'm already on it.", "Michael: I have my suspicions. I'm just dying to find out who's responsible for putting that loser back on the street.", "Paul: Well, once we find out who it is, it might help us find out what Tom is up to.", "Michael: I just want him the hell out of our lives.", "Paul: I'm glad we were able to convince Ashley to keep her distance.", "Michael: She could've gotten in way over her head.", "Paul: No kidding. That's an understatement.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: I hope Brenda was wrong.", "Tom: But it looked bad. It looked real bad seeing her with Michael all huddled together like that.", "(Thinking) I never bought that junk. Somebody planted it on my bike. I don't want to believe it could've been you, Ashley. But if it was you and now I'm looking at years in prison...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, what are you thinking about? As if I couldn't guess.", "Jack: Sweetheart, there's a lot you don't understand about competition.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Well, all I know is I'm a very tired woman in desperate need of some T.L.C. and if you can't give that to me, I may have to find someone else.", "Jack: No, wait, wait, wait. I got first dibs on that job. I think you need to go to bed.", "Phyllis: Mmm, can't. Can't sleep the day away. I have too much to do.", "Jack: Who said anything about sleep?", "Phyllis: Hmm. Is this an offer I can't refuse?", "Jack: Why don't you follow me and find out?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Come on, Nick, get real. It's not like there's no precedent for office relationships. Besides, Bradley and I haven't slept together.", "Nick: Yet.", "Victoria: It's really none of your business. I have a meeting to get to. You promised me that you would cut Brad some slack. Please do it, okay?", "Brad: Yeah. All right, I'll look into it, and I'll get back to you. Okay. Sorry that took so long.", "Nick: So, Bradley, up to your old tricks again?", "Brad: What tricks would those be, Nick?", "Nick: Well, it seems to me that most of your good luck-- and you've had a lot of it-- comes your way thanks to the women you're involved with. Well, I'm gonna tell you something right now, pal. This time it's not gonna work. Not with my sister.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So you're really gonna do this, huh?", "Brittany: Yep.", "J.T.: Well, at least let me drive you to the airport.", "Brittany: No, J.T.", "J.T.: Why not?", "Brittany: Because I don't want to say good-bye to you at the airport. I don't want to say good-bye to you at all.", "J.T.: All right. Just know I'll... I'll be thinking about you. And I wish you all the happiness in the world. You and your little boy.", "Brittany: You know, I always did want to go to New York.", "J.T.: Yeah, from the time you were a little kid.", "Brittany: So now I'm going.", "J.T.: To the bright lights.", "Jill: I changed him, Brittany. He's dry.", "Esther: Robert's got the car pulled up, and I've loaded the luggage.", "Brittany: Thanks, Esther. And thank you for everything. Joshua's gonna miss you.", "Esther: Oh, me too.", "Brittany: Well... I guess it's time for me to leave then.", "Jill: Brittany, will I be able to see him?", "Brittany: Of course, Jill. You can come and visit whenever you want. I would love that. I owe you so much.", "Jill: Well, good, uh, it'll be hard, though, with work.", "Brittany: Mrs. Chancellor, I don't know where to begin to thank you for everything that you've done.", "Kay: Oh, my darling, you just--you be happy. You raise a very happy, healthy son. That's more than thanks enough for me.", "Brittany: I will.", "Kay: Love you.", "Brittany: Come here, sweetheart.", "Jill: Um, sweetheart, I'm gonna miss you. Yes, I am, so much. Okay, Mom.", "Brittany: He'll miss you, too.", "Joshua: (Cries)", "Brittany: Its okay, sweetheart. There you go. Well... I just wanna tell you that I'll never forget you. And I'll never forget Genoa City.", "Joshua: (Cries)", "Brittany: And all the things that we went through together. But now it's time for me to be Brittany Hodges again. Okay, let's go, sweetie. Bye, Esther.", "Esther: You be careful.", "Brittany: I will.", "J.T.: Good luck, princess.", "J.T.: Godspeed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Well, Ashley... this must be my lucky day. I mean, uh... running into you.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Every decision I make is for the good of this company.", "Brad: You're not running the show here on your own.", "Michael: Why would you agree to go out with him?", "Ashley: Look, I know it's risky, but maybe I can get something out of him.", "Sheila: What if you do find out that Ashley helped Michael set you up?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kay gets a call from her accountant. Billy's spending is out of control! Jill doesn't think that it is a big deal, but Kay does when she learns that Billy has been doing online gambling. Michael and Lauren bring their baby home and are surprised to find Gloria there. They thought that she would be at work, but she took the day off to be with her new grandson. Neil and Dru read the paper and see that they have released the time of death for Carmen. Dru hopes that their lie holds up and keeps them safe. Will and Detective Sullivan look at the evidence and that is the first time that Will get his hands on the envelope that Devon got his hands on. He reads it but decides that in some way it will prove that the Winters are involved in this killing. He prioritizes the testing to start with Dru's clothing. The kids go to Neil and Drucilla and tell them about the envelope. Dru is thrilled as that clearly opens the way of thinking now for the cops. \"The ex-boyfriend could have done it, the wife could have done it.\" Daniel is silent. He knows that even though the evidence is there, if the cops want to read it a different way and make you guilty they can. Michael heads to the DA's office and he shows the motion that he has filed to get a judge to quash the evidence that Will thinks he will find from the warrants. Will is positive that he can get probable cause and shows Michael the videotape. Michael watches and sees when Devon gets on the elevator with Carmen. He finds nothing suspicious about that. The next piece of film that Will shows has Michael nervous though. It shows Devon showing up at Carmen's door with the envelope in his hand. He bangs on the door to alert her. Michael loses his attempt with the judge to get the evidence quashed. Will has probable cause now. He feels that he will find Dru's prints on the envelope and will be able to prove that Dru lured Carmen out somewhere to kill her. Michael calls Neil with the bad news. \"I couldn't get the evidence quashed.\" Dru then overhears Neil on the terrace making a call. \"Get the jet ready to go at a moment's notice.\" She cries. She sees now that Neil thinks that she is guilty. Detective Sullivan returns to Will's office after Michael leaves. \"I found something that you need to see.\" She thought that she saw something funny on the video and she so she blew it up to have a better look This is what I found. Will takes a look at the picture that Sullivan has printed out. It shows Devon knocking on Carmen's door with the envelope in hand, but behind him, at the top of the stairs peering down at Devon is a face that Will recognizes. \"Brad Carleton!\"" ]
[ "Lauren: And this is Mr. Beaverhausen's apartment and, uh, here we are, Honey. This is our home, 190 East Chestnut. And now it's your home. Honey, why aren't you opening the door?", "Michael: Daddy can't find the keys.", "Lauren: Oh, Daddy can't find the keys all the time.", "Michael: Wait, got it. I got it.", "Lauren: Tonight you get to sleep in your own bassinet with no nurses, no other crying babies. Just us!", "Michael: This is gonna be our first peaceful night alone together-- just Mommy and Daddy and Fen.", "Gloria: Welcome home! (Whispers) welcome home... Fenmore Michael Baldwin.", "Lauren: Oh, maybe not so quiet.", "Michael: I thought you'd be at work.", "Gloria: Oh, are you kidding? And Miss my grandson's homecoming? Hello, you little thing. Guess who's going to spend the whole day with you?", "Lauren: The whole day?", "Gloria: Uh-huh.", "Lauren: Great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Yes, thank you for letting me know. Yes, thank you.", "Jill: Good morning.", "Kay: That was my accountant on the phone.", "Jill: At this hour?", "Kay: He thought I should know that Billy, um... has been charging a considerable amount of money on his account at the club.", "Jill: What exactly is a considerable amount?", "Kay: Well, enough to prompt Eli to pick up the phone and bring it to my attention.", "Jill: I'm sure he's just showing off for his friends, Katherine.", "Kay: Which wouldn't be a problem had he paid his bill, but he didn't and it's past due. He's also giving that emergency credit card I gave him quite a workout.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Honors Economics is the only class that's been kicking my butt. The professor is a snore.", "Billy: I got it. It's mine. It's mine. It's mine.", "Jack: Gimme that.", "Billy: No.", "Jack: I picked the place.", "Billy: Yeah, that's great.", "Jack: Okay, I'll get the next one, all right?", "Jack: That sounds great. Hey, this has been fun. We oughta do this more often.", "Billy: Before you take off there was a reason I wanted to see you.", "Jack: Why?", "Billy: I wanted to have a small chat with you about Dad's will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hello.", "Jana: So... did you see the paper?", "Kevin: You mean about Carmen?", "Jana: She was murdered. It's definite.", "Kevin: Whoa. Do they know who did it?", "Jana: If they do, they're not telling, but they know when.", "Kevin: Yeah, the night Indigo opened. We were there.", "Jana: Wrong, Shark Boy. She died the night before.", "Kevin: Yeah, but the body was--", "Jana: How could it be in that alley for that long without anyone noticing? Unless the body was moved. What you got there?", "Kevin: Oh, um... well, it's for you. Open it.", "Jana: For me?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Jana: Oh... you remembered!", "Kevin: Well, you're allergic to roses.", "Jana: Yeah, I sneeze my head off. God, they're beautiful. Thank you.", "Kevin: Sure. And now, for my next surprise... we're going shopping today.", "Jana: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: We know the approximate time of death was between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. On October 26th.", "Sullivan: Right. The day prior to the body being found. 24 hours and some change.", "Will: Yeah, she was dumped. Carmen wasn't killed at the club.", "Sullivan: Well, her hotel room was searched. There was no sign of a struggle.", "Will: She probably wasn't killed there either.", "Sullivan: Well, I wouldn't rule it out. The medical examiner determined that her body was bludgeoned to death.", "Will: Forensics?", "Sullivan: Well, they're still working on the evidence they collected.", "Will: Well, I'm leaning on CSI to come up with some trace evidence from the body. I'm hoping it'll lead us to where the murder took place.", "Sullivan: Well, it's always nice to have a crime scene.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Anything about Carmen there?", "Neil: Oh, yeah. They released her time of death.", "Dru: I am so glad that we came up with that story we told Michael Baldwin, because, heck, no cop can disprove that.", "Neil: We hope.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Tell me the amount, I'll cover it.", "Kay: That's not the point. Billy is not a child now he needs to learn fiscal responsibility if he's going to run Chancellor Industries one day.", "Jill: Why do you think I had him start in the mail room?", "Kay: How many families do you know where all the grandchildren have spent everything. I mean, far too many.", "Jill: You know what? You let me handle this, because he's my son, not yours. Now I need to go and finish getting ready for work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What do you wanna know about Dad's will?", "Billy: You're the executor and can give me cash.", "Jack: What for?", "Billy: I love Mom and Grandma but living with them has driven me nuts. I put a glass on the coffee table and Esther has a fit.", "Jack: Believe me, I know the downside of living with family.", "Billy: You should've seen their faces when I brought a girl over to the house.", "Jack: Yeah, I can imagine.", "Billy: I've been looking for my own place. I found some great condos down on the waterfront.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, wait, you wanna buy a condo now?", "Billy: It would be a good investment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Whoopsie. Oh, you know some babies are just gassy from the day they're born. I mean, take Michael, poor little thing, he suffered so much until we figured out it was allergies.", "Michael: All right, I'm sure Lauren doesn't want to hear about my gassy infancy.", "Lauren: Are you kidding? I live for stories like that. So did we get any good things from the hospital?", "Michael: We got brochures and coupons for diapers, diaper services, clothing samples, baby food. An instructional booklet!", "Lauren: Oh, excellent! Babies come with instructions now! That's great.", "Michael: \"What to do when your baby cries.\"", "Gloria: Well, I certainly hope you don't pick him up every time he whimpers.", "Lauren: Of course I will. I don't believe in letting a baby cry.", "Gloria: Come on, Lauren, that's the way they get you. That's the way they start manipulating you.", "Lauren: Babies don't manipulate, Gloria. I mean, when they're crying, it's because they're wet or hungry or something's going on with the tummy.", "Gloria: Believe you me, it's a power struggle from day one. And I know what I'm talking about, don't I, Michael?", "Michael: Gloria, we're so glad you were here to welcome us, but you really don't have to remain.", "Gloria: Oh, no, no, no, I don't mind. I'm here to help.", "Lauren: I mean, Fen's gonna sleep the whole day anyway.", "Michael: And what about work? I thought you were trying to make a good impression on Mr. Kim.", "Gloria: Nothing is more important than my grandson. I just wish John were here to see him. He'd be so proud. Now listen, you two, I got some of that fabulous European decaf and some nice croissants. So you two go enjoy yourselves. And hand over that little bundle of joy to me.", "Lauren: Oh, he's sleeping. He's fine. I got him.", "Gloria: Okay. But I'm here if you need any help.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "Gloria: You know, actually, this is going to work out very, very well. Since I'm in Fen's room, I'll take the night shift and that way, you can get some rest.", "Lauren: Actually, Fen's gonna be sleeping in a bassinet next to us.", "Gloria: Oh, Honey, you're never gonna get any sleep that way. Well, you'll change your mind in a couple of days.", "Lauren: Actually, Michael, will you go set up the sleep apnea monitor in our room?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Gloria: Monitor? Did you bring that baby home too soon from the hospital?", "Michael: Oh, Gloria, it's just a precaution.", "Lauren: Remember when we were in the NICU and all those alarms went off and we were all flipped out there? Just-- he just needed a little stimulation and then he was breathing fine.", "Gloria: I see. Well, you know, doctors, doctors, doctors. When Michael was born, they said put him on his stomach to sleep. Kevin was born-- put him on his back to sleep. They're always changing their minds. Doctors do not know everything.", "Michael: Believe me, Gloria, we're gonna do what's best for our son.", "Gloria: Yeah, I know.", "Jana: Just love shopping for baby clothes. No, I take that back. I just love shopping.", "Kevin: I know.", "Jana: How do you know?", "Kevin: You're a female. The \"x\" chromosome or something that just makes you wanna-- ow! Hey, you're back already!", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Jana: Congratulations.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Kevin: Where's Mom?", "Michael: Okay, the baby monitor's all set hey!", "Lauren: Shh. Shh.", "Gloria: Mom's in the kitchen.", "Kevin: Look at the little guy. Jana just loves babies.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Jana: Oh, everybody loves babies.", "Lauren: Aw. He's sleeping.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: We're checking on the clothing that we collected from the Winters' last night. Establish if Carmen's DNA is present on any of it.", "Will: When will we have those results?", "Sullivan: A few days.", "Will: What about Carmen's clothes?", "Sullivan: We don't have any DNA samples from the Winters.", "Will: No chance in hell of getting that, not with Michael Baldwin representing them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You know, Neil, I was thinking, it was--it was really nice, you know, having the kids all here together last night. It was like old times.", "Neil: Like old times? Wait a minute. Daniel spending the night in Lily's room-- that's not like old time.", "Dru: Okay, okay, you know what I mean. Maybe you're right. Those days are gone forever, I suppose.", "Devon: You guys cleaned up.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Daniel: Yeah, maybe you guys would like to, uh, come by our place later and help us clean up.", "Devon: Uh, I don't get why, uh...they went through all of our stuff. Do they think that we had something to do with Carmen's death?", "Dru: Baby, I am furious at the DA here, give me the thing. I am furious at the DA running over to your place. It was nothing but harassment.", "Lily: It may be because of something that Devon had.", "Neil: Devon? What does she mean?", "Devon: I, uh, I had an envelope that belonged to Carmen.", "Dru: What was inside?", "Devon: What was inside? It was--it was a-- some kind of report about her past.", "Neil: A report about Carmen? Where is it?", "Devon: I brought it home and the police took it when they searched the place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Thanks. Did you get a chance to read this yet?", "Sullivan: The report we found at the kids' house? No, what's in it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: The report said... Mom, you're gonna wanna hear this one. Carmen had an affair with a married man at her last job-- someone real high up in the company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Looks like his wife found out. Carmen's contract was terminated and, uh... she threatened to sue for sexual harassment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: There was some kind of lawsuit and they cut her a fat check.", "Dru: Why am I not surprised?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Did you talk to the kids about the report?", "Will: No, not yet. I'm hoping the longer we wait, the more nervous they'll get. What I can't figure out is how Devon got a hold of this in the first place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I was with Carmen in the elevator. She dropped it. I shouldn't have brought it back home. I should've turned it in right when I found it. These search warrants were my fault.", "Dru: Oh, no.", "Neil: No, no, hey... they're nobody's fault. It's standard procedure.", "Dru: You know what? I'm--I'm glad-- I'm glad that the police have Carmen's report. She could've been killed by the boyfriend. She could've been killed by the wife. You know, she could've been blackmailed by anybody with all those enemies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Or maybe that's why Devon went to Carmen's hotel room-- to confront her.", "Sullivan: It still doesn't explain how the kid got this.", "Will: Um, Neil Winters hires a PI to dig up dirt on Carmen. Devon might've found the report by accident.", "Sullivan: I'll arrange an interview with the man in this report.", "Will: I wanna be there.", "Sullivan: I'll coordinate it with your office.", "Will: You know, add it to the evidence we already have, my gut tells me somebody in the Winters family is good for this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: It's easy for the DA to twist the evidence 'cause he's a pro. Okay, Devon, you know what happened to me. They thought I was guilty and that was it. I almost wound up in prison. If they think you're guilty, they make it look like you're guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Max, William Bardwell. I want you to prioritize the DNA testing on the Carmen Mesta case. Start with Drucilla Winters' clothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So much for a quiet morning alone with the baby.", "Gloria: Oh!", "Kevin: Hey, that one's from me.", "Lauren: Oh, okay. I'm definitely going to open this. Okay.", "Michael: Yes, you are.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey! That's great!", "Kevin: I was gonna get a mobile for Fen's room, but I wasn't sure what color to get.", "Jana: I told him it didn't matter.", "Michael: That's so not true.", "Lauren: Yeah, it's so true. It is. But I love you and your matchy-matchy self. You have to know that.", "Michael: Baby loves me. It's not true.", "Lauren: Uncle Kevin it is.", "Lauren: Oh, look at the colors.", "Lauren: That was, uh, \"thank you\" in baby.", "Kevin: Well, you're welcome, Fen.", "Jana: Just a little something.", "Lauren: Oh, well...", "Michael: That's my baby.", "Lauren: I can't wait to see.", "Michael: Oh, I'll get it.", "Lauren: Honey, baby. I can do this.", "Lauren: I know you can. There we go! Oh, there we go!", "Michael: Yes, hello?", "Dru: Hey, Michael, listen, I'm so sorry to disturb you. I know you said that you were bringing the baby home, but has there been any word? I am damn mad about what happened last night. Is there any word?", "Michael: My office is working on it.", "Michael: Look, if he can't prove probable cause, I'll have the warrants quashed.", "Michael: Anything they find in your homes is inadmissible in court.", "Michael: You know what? I'm gonna get on this as soon as I can, Drucilla. I promise you.", "Lauren: Michael, you're in the middle of a case. Go.", "Michael: Drucilla, I'll call you back alright?", "Dru: Thank you.", "Lauren: Go on. The Winters family needs you. Go. It's alright.", "Michael: What about my family?", "Kevin: We're all here to help.", "Gloria: That's right, Michael, we'll take very good good care of them.", "Lauren: It's okay. Go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: What do you mean, have I noticed anything?", "Kay: Well, have you... well, like, when you're doing Billy's laundry or you're cleaning his room, have you noticed anything unusual?", "Esther: Like what?", "Kay: I'm asking you that.", "Esther: Well, I'll need a clue of what I'm looking for, Mrs. C.", "Kay: All right, all right, it's, uh, come to my attention that Billy has been spending a great deal of money lately Esther. You think he's doing drugs?", "Kay: Do you?", "Esther: Oh, no, not Billy. I haven't seen anything like that.", "Kay: Fine, though, from now on, just, you know, keep your eyes open and your mouth, uh... closed.", "Esther: You know me, Mrs. C. I never gossip. Not a word to anyone. Cross my heart.", "Kay: Thank you, Esther. Thank you.", "Kay: Yes, hello? Yes. Oh, yes, I see. Well, thank you for calling so quickly. Yeah.", "Jill: Well, I'm off to work. Will I see you later?", "Kay: I asked Eli to research Billy's credit card charges.", "Jill: Oh, Katherine, I'm sure it's nothing.", "Kay: Oh, you won't think it's nothing... when you hear how he spent that money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: The building's loaded. It has a pool, Jacuzzi. It has a gym. The condos are gonna double in five years.", "Jack: I know the property. I was almost an investor when they were developing it.", "Billy: Okay, then you know it's good.", "Jack: Look, being executor isn't always easy. Sometimes you have to make some difficult choices. This happens to be one of them.", "Billy: So you're not gonna give me the money.", "Jack: I'm not gonna give you the money. I think you need to learn to live on the salary you earn.", "Billy: Part-time in the mail room? You're joking.", "Jack: I can offer a monthly stipend if that will help.", "Billy: I can't believe that you're turning me down. I mean, Jack, help me out. We have to come to a compromise.", "Jack: I'll tell you what. Have your realtor call me. We'll see what we can work out.", "Billy: I see. Big brother thinks I need to learn how to handle money, but only hundreds at a time. Buying a condo is way over my head.", "Jack: Look, I do know a thing or two about this. Consulting me would be a wise move.", "Billy: Why does everyone in this family treat me like I'm 10?", "Jack: Billy...", "Billy: Hello?", "Jill: Billy, its Mom.", "Billy: Hey, Mom, what's up?", "Jill: Would you come home, please?", "Billy: I'm right in the middle of something right now. Can it wait till later?", "Jill: I have meetings all day. Come home now.", "Billy: I'm on my way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: What's got you in such a tear, Counsel?", "Michael: This is trash. Where's the evidence for probable cause?", "Will: I have plenty of probable cause.", "Michael: You know what? I have filed a motion to have the warrant quashed and the evidence suppressed.", "Will: I had enough evidence to get the judge to sign the order. I'll gladly provide you with the complaint I filed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Tell him I'm sorry I had to reschedule. Thanks, Elsiann.", "Billy: No fire trucks are outside. What's the emergency?", "Jill: Your grandmother talked to her accountant this morning.", "Kay: Billy, I gave you the credit card for emergency use.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jill: You've been using it for internet gambling.", "Billy: That's it? Look, I must've grabbed the wrong card out of my wallet. I'll pay you back with my next paycheck.", "Kay: I'm not concerned about the money. Where you spend it-- now that really worries me.", "Billy: All my friends gamble on the internet. It's fun.", "Jill: Honey, that is like throwing your money away.", "Billy: Do you know how much it costs to go on a date? I spent less than I would've going out to dinner and to a club.", "Kay: Stop it! Stop I! Do you understand it is the principle of the thing! Now you owe a considerable amount of money at the athletic club. Now you should've paid... don't you understand? You should've paid that first.", "Billy: That's my bad. Okay, I-I thought... I thought that I already had. I will take care of everything. I promise. You guys are the best.", "Jill: Well... that was painless. Are you satisfied now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: What a handsome little bloke you are.", "Gloria: Does he need to be changed, Lauren?", "Lauren: No, he's dry.", "Gloria: Well, he may not be now. And I'll be happy to change him.", "Lauren: I just checked a few minutes ago. He's okay.", "Jana: He really is a beautiful baby.", "Lauren: Oh, thank you.", "Kevin: Beautiful.", "Jana: No, they're not, believe me. I used to work as an au pair.", "Gloria: Really?", "Jana: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: Huh. Now was that here or in Europe, Jana?", "Jana: Oh, all over.", "Kevin: You've never mentioned that before.", "Jana: Oh, well, you know me. I've done a little bit of everything.", "Lauren: Oh, it's okay.", "Gloria: Oh, Honey, Lauren, if you put him over your shoulder and pat him on the backside, he'll go right back to sleep.", "Lauren: Uh, Gloria? This isn't my first baby. Believe it or not, I know what I'm doing. It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You know anything about a videotape?", "Neil: No. Videotape of what?", "Michael: Something the DA has.", "Neil: No clue. So where do we stand?", "Michael: Well, I'm about to go into court and argue that the warrants are baseless.", "Neil: What are our chances?", "Michael: Well, I'm gonna do my damndest to force Bardwell to back off. Slam him now so he doesn't pull this again.", "Neil: All right, well, call me when you get out of court.", "Michael: I will, good-bye.", "Will: We're set up if you wanna see the tape.", "Michael: Uh... lead on, Counselor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I thought you already left. I heard your car.", "Kay: Still here. Sorry to disappoint you.", "Billy: You didn't disappoint me. I'm just surprised.", "Kay: Jill had a meeting. um, I'm not going into town until later. Billy, we need to talk. Come here. Sit down. Sit down. Now... how long have you been gambling online?", "Billy: Not long. It's not like I sit in front of the computer all day. It's entertainment.", "Kay: Strange way to entertain oneself-- sitting alone in front of a computer.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Okay, I didn't budget well. But I'll get better. I promise. Oh! Wow, that's a nice rock. I wonder how much I could get for it. Gotcha.", "Kay: Oh, you!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Morning, Jack.", "Jack: Morning, Jill. Everything all right at home?", "Jill: Everything's fine why?", "Jack: Well when you called", "Jill: Why were you with Billy?", "Jack: He invited me to join him for breakfast.", "Jill: He asked you for money, didn't he?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And all the women in the changing room had their clothes off, so he took all his off.", "Kevin: Mom, please.", "Gloria: And he was running around without a stitch on.", "Jana: I bet he was adorable.", "Gloria: And making friends with everybody. He was a friendly kind of guy.", "Gloria: Oh, Lauren, can I get you anything? Do you need anything?", "Lauren: No, in fact, I'm gonna feed the baby and put him down. Will you excuse me?", "Gloria: Like I'm in the way.", "Kevin: Maybe you are.", "Jana: Kevin, that's a terrible thing to say.", "Gloria: Kevin? I don't want to sound harsh.", "Jana: I'll just give you some privacy.", "Kevin: What? I appreciate Michael and Lauren taking us in after the Abbotts tossed us out. But I'm sleeping on the couch. You're in Fen's room. Now that the baby's here, maybe they need their space.", "Gloria: Yeah, and in a couple of days when they're both exhausted, they're gonna be glad that I'm here to help with that baby.", "Kevin: Oh, have they asked for your help?", "Gloria: No. But take it from someone who's had two newborns, they will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: It smells good.", "Neil: Hey, uh, Devon? Devon? Did the doctor call you back yet?", "Devon: Yeah, I forgot to tell you that I talked to him and he said that he thinks a cochlear implant could really work.", "Dru: Wow! Honey!", "Neil: It needs to be done as quickly as possible.", "Devon: That's what he said-- the same thing.", "Dru: You could hear by Thanksgiving.", "Lily: Now that would be cool.", "Daniel: Yeah, hey, Devon, it would be awesome.", "Dru: Baby... it would be a miracle. And we all could use one around here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: This was in the afternoon, the day Carmen Mesta died.", "Michael: Means nothing. They work for the same employer. You can tell that he didn't follow her into the elevator.", "Will: Okay. Then how do you explain this?", "Will: Still think I don't have probable cause?", "Michael: All right, why would the judge sign a search warrant for Neil and Drucilla Winters' apartment?", "Will: That would be the note we found on Carmen's body.", "Michael: I'm sorry. When were you gonna disclose this information?", "Will: No one's been charged yet. When we do charge someone and if you happen to represent that person, you'll get a copy of everything.", "Michael: And how is this not relevant to the case?", "Will: The note said, \"Come around 5:30. Important.\" On the other side of the note in somebody else's handwriting it said, \"No way in hell.\"", "Michael: So the note is a connection to the Winters?", "Will: Forensics had Mrs. Winters' fingerprints on file from her previous arrest. Her fingerprints were on that note. I'm betting it's her handwriting as well, though I can't prove that yet. I believe Drucilla Winters arranged to meet Carmen the night of the 26th.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Mom, hey, they said you wanted me to... pick up a package. Big brother. Did I just see you guys?", "Jill: I heard what you tried to pull on Jack, Billy.", "Billy: What? We talked about me buying a condo. Come on! I just spent a few hundred online. Perspective check?", "Jill: How come you didn't tell me about this condo?", "Billy: 'Cause I wanted to make sure there was something to tell first.", "Jack: The fact that you owe money to the athletic club and are wasting money on internet gambling rather than paying off your debts tells me I was right. You are not responsible enough to handle your inheritance.", "Billy: Way to go, Mom. Now you got Jack all worked up.", "Jack: I am rescinding my offer of an additional stipend.", "Billy: Of course, you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Well, Fen is very lucky to have such a stylish Grandmum.", "Gloria: Oh, thank you, Jana.", "Kevin: You know, his other grandmother doesn't live in Genoa City, so, Mom, you're it for both sides.", "Gloria: Good! Well, bless you!", "Jana: Oh, God, you know, I think it's the roses, actually.", "Gloria: The roses? That's a shame.", "Kevin: You know what? We should probably get rolling.", "Jana: Yeah. Bye, Mom.", "Gloria: Bye.", "Jana: Please tell Lauren I said good-bye.", "Gloria: I will, Jana.", "Kevin: That's yours.", "Jana: Thank you.", "Kevin: I got it. Mrs. Chancellor, hi.", "Kay: He Kevin.", "Kevin: Come in.", "Kay: Thank you.", "Gloria: Katherine!", "Kay: Gloria.", "Jana: Hello, I'm Jana, Billy's friend.", "Kay: Yes, of course.", "Kevin: Uh, we were just on our way out. We'll see you guys.", "Gloria: Bye-bye.", "Jana: Bye, Gloria. Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Interesting girl.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm, employee, works at Crimson Lights.", "Kay: Aha. Oh, Gloria, I'm so sorry to drop by like this.", "Gloria: No, it's nice to see a friendly face. Lauren's so busy with the baby.", "Kay: Oh.", "Lauren: Katherine, I thought I heard your voice.", "Kay: Oh, Darling, listen, I have a--I have a small gift for a small baby.", "Lauren: Oh, that's so sweet of you. You know, I just put Fen down.", "Kay: Well, he's had a very busy day. I mean...", "Lauren: He has.", "Kay: How's he doing?", "Lauren: Good, thank you. He's gaining weight. His color is good.", "Kay: Oh.", "Gloria: And they brought home a sleep apnea monitor.", "Kay: Monitor? Apnea?", "Lauren: It's just a precaution.", "Kay: Oh, well, I'm glad to hear that.", "Lauren: Thanks. Would you like something to drink?", "Kay: No, thank you, I can't stay. I came to congratulate you.", "Lauren: Don't you wanna see the baby?", "Kay: No, another time, another time.", "Lauren: Really?", "Kay: Yes. Thank you, bye.", "Gloria: Good-bye, Katherine.", "Lauren: Thanks for coming by.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So how'd it go?", "Michael: Uh, the warrants held up. The evidence stays.", "Neil: Why?", "Michael: I'd like to talk to you and Drucilla about several things, uh, which I'd rather not do over the phone.", "Neil: Okay, um, see ya.", "Dru: Honey? What happened?", "Neil: Michael, uh, is coming now.", "Dru: Why?", "Neil: The... the warrants held up. Um, Michael wants to talk to all of us.", "Daniel: Then maybe the police found something.", "Lily: No, there's nothing to find.", "Neil: Excuse me.", "Devon: This is all my fault.", "Dru: No. No, come here. I don't want you kids getting all worked up. The police will turn over every stone. They'll find Carmen's killer.", "Lily: Okay.", "Dru: All right.", "Daniel: Hey... let's finish cleaning up.", "Lily: I'll help.", "Neil: You listen to me. You clear the decks. Whatever you have to do. I want you on standby. Keep the jet gassed up and ready to go at a moment's notice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Oh, that was quick. I thought you were going into the office, Mrs. C.", "Kay: Uh, no, I'm just, uh, too tired. I didn't sleep well last night.", "Esther: Mrs. C., are you sick?", "Kay: No, I said I was tired. I didn't sleep well last evening.", "Esther: Did you have bad dreams?", "Kay: I think so. I don't... I don't remember, Esther. I just don't remember. Oh, God.", "Esther: That's why I keep a pad by the side of my bed. Then whenever I wake up, I just write down my dreams and that way I remember them in the morning.", "Kay: Yeah, well, as you see, some of us don't care to remember our dreams.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Don't tell me-- this is for my own good.", "Jack: Look, you work off your debt. You prove to me you can take this seriously. I will reconsider the monthly stipend.", "Billy: I'll do it.", "Jack: I'm counting on it. See ya.", "Jill: Thanks, Jack.", "Billy: I'm really sorry, Mom. I screwed up.", "Jill: Yeah, well... we all make mistakes.", "Billy: Look, I won't go out with my friends. I'll have Esther pack me a lunch.", "Jill: Oh, Lord! I remember those days, didn't have the money to go to a movie. I didn't have the money to get a pizza.", "Billy: It sucks.", "Jill: All right, now you listen to me. If you promise me, and I mean swear to me, that you will never do this again, I will give you the money to pay off your debts.", "Billy: I swear. This is so cool of you, Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Baby crying)", "Fen: (Cries)", "Gloria: I'll get him.", "Lauren: No, no, I'll get him.", "Gloria: Oh, John... oh, I wish you were here to see my grandson-- our grandson. His name's Fen, short for Fenmore. And he looks exactly like Michael when he was a baby. You know something, Honey? I understand now how much joy and happiness Colleen and Abby brought into your life. I just thought that you'd be here with me for this grandchild... to watch him grow. Michael and Lauren have their little family now. And it looks like Kevin even has somebody in his life. So I'm the only one who doesn't have anybody to share this happiness with. Michael and Lauren don't need my help. They don't even want my help. I'm just feeling a little useless right now, you know, Honey?", "Gloria: Oh, Lauren! Oh, John...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'd like to review the inventory lists from both locations.", "Will: Oh, we've got 'em here.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Will: The conference room across the hall is vacant.", "Michael: Mmm. Oh, what significance is this envelope? The one from the kids' house?", "Will: It contained a very damaging report about Carmen Mesta-- an affair she had in the past with a married colleague.", "[Michael remembering]", "Michael: Yes, yes, I just got the report you messengered over. Yeah, I'm looking at it right now. Oh, man, I can't believe you were able to dig up so much dirt on Carmen. Yeah. Well, Paul, you're amazing. And I don't how to thank you. This is going to help the case enormously--enormously.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: All right.", "Michael: Hi.", "Sullivan: Hi. How'd it go?", "Will: The judge ruled in our favor.", "Sullivan: Well, good. The lab enhanced the hotel surveillance footage. You can clearly see the man in the shadows outside Carmen's door.", "Will: Brad Carlton... now isn't that interesting.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Lily, what's going on? Dru is acting strange -- more strange since Michael called.", "Lily: I know what you're thinking.", "Daniel: I'm not thinking anything.", "Lily: Yes, you are, so why don't you just say it?", "Devon: What--what's... guys?", "Daniel: Do you think... maybe Dru...", "Lily: Oh, Daniel...", "Devon: Dru? Hell no! What are you talking about?! Of course not!", "Dru: Neil, what's up with the jet?", "Neil: The jet? I have a business trip coming up. I can't just walk away from all my obligations.", "Dru: You are a terrible liar. You always have been. Yes, you are and I know what you are thinking.", "Neil: What am I thinking?", "Dru: You think... you think I'm guilty.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: Mr. Kim has put a halt to production of your 'Perfume On The Glo'.", "Gloria: Why?", "Victoria: I would never say anything to threaten your secret--never.", "Dru: He didn't do it. I swear, I know Devon did not do it.", "Neil: I know he didn't do it.", "Neil: I know he didn't." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis again complains about not having enough freedom on work release. They talk about John and she decides she is going to contact John's former cellmate. At Newman, she finds out she will be working with Devon. Noah comes home and doesn't seem to be himself. Jack wonders why the police don't suspect Victor, only him. Later Jack tells Victor about the dog hair and that the police will be looking at him too. They both accuse each other of murder. Victor questions Paul on how the investigation is going. It isn't going well, he does know that Joe was a criminal and covered his tracks well. Victor ignores business issues and focuses completely on Victoria and the Clear Springs investigation. Kevin and Gloria go to see Jana at prison and Jana brings up John's will. Gloria is sure Jack forged the will. Jana promises to poke around and see what she can find out from the Chaplain. Cane still feels responsible for the accident. After telling Maggie that he would respect her mother's wishes, Paul decides he wants to tell Heather he is her father. An investigator comes to Katherine's house to tell her that they know what caused the accident." ]
[ "Chaplain: You're work it's also a privilege.", "Phyllis: Yep. Privilege release doesn't have quite the same ring to it.", "Chaplain: You're there to make a contribution.", "Phyllis: Oh, I am. I am. I'm contributing a lot. The, uh, Clear Springs disaster has me working overtime, really. I mean, not--not that I am working overtime. I would never ask to work overtime. No special privileges here, believe me.", "Chaplain: Some inmates are tempted to try and push the limits of their freedom.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure. I'm determined to keep what little freedom I have.", "Chaplain: I'm confident you'll be a success.", "Phyllis: Thank you. It's difficult-- not being able to see my daughter when I want to.", "Chaplain: I can imagine.", "Phyllis: She--she was in her little sheep costume for Halloween. She looked so cute. Oh, it's just very difficult not to go trick or treating with her for the first time, right? And it just made the ride home a little depressing.", "Chaplain: It must be comforting to come back and have a friend to talk to.", "Phyllis: Yes, it is, thank you. Oh, you mean Jana? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess she's a friend.", "Chaplain: It's rare for inmates to find someone they can trust. When we spoke of John, I was--I was struck by the similarities between your friendship and the one he had with Donovan Berke.", "Phyllis: Really? Well--well, I hope that Jack knew that John wasn't alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, here's Fisher.", "Jack: Hey! Look at that tail go. I think he's happy to see you.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Sharon: Oh, you wanna, uh, lie in bed and watch TV for a little while?", "Noah: No, I'm tired.", "Jack: Probably gonna feel real nice to be back in your own bed, huh?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Sharon: You want Fisher to join you?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Sharon: Okay, well, why don't you two run along?", "Noah: Okay.", "Sharon: You know, if you don't want the dog up there, I can get him.", "Jack: No, it's not that. Every time I see that dog, I'm reminded that I'm a suspect in a homicide investigation. Well, we know that at least one person had a motive and a dog like Fisher.", "Sharon: Victor?", "Jack: Yeah, I'd say he's next on the list.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know, we received a letter from that-- that sweet little girl Sophia, in--in Italy, remember? Remember when she watched you paint? Well, she painted a landscape on her own now. And she would love you to take a look at it.", "Nikki: We could all fly over there together.", "Victor: Yeah. We could do that. She's love to see you.", "Nikki: Wouldn't that be wonderful?", "(Knock on door)", "Paul: Good morning.", "Victor: Good morning.", "Paul: Any change?", "Nikki: Not yet.", "Victor: Can we talk alone?", "Paul: Sure.", "Victor: Find out anything?", "Paul: We're still investigating.", "Victor: What about the NIST report?", "Paul: They can't even tell us when the report is due out.", "Victor: Well, what about the people who were involved in the kickback scheme?", "Paul: The one guy who could answer our questions is dead.", "Victor: You're talking about Joe Boddington, the foreman?", "Paul: Yeah.", "Victor: Well, what about him?", "Paul: Well, I was able to connect him to prior illegal activities.", "Victor: What kind?", "Paul: Construction theft, stolen equipment, substandard materials-- the guy was a pro. His associates won't talk to me yet. He covered his tracks very well.", "Victor: You uncover his tracks, okay? And do it fast.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ahem.", "Kevin: Hello, Zelda.", "Gloria: You look busy.", "Kevin: Just catching up on some work.", "Gloria: Should've done it last night. Oh, that's right, you were much too busy butting into my evening.", "Kevin: I wanted to get to know my new father.", "Gloria: Oh, stop it, Kevin. I'm not fooled by him and you know it. You going to see Jana?", "Kevin: Yeah. Why?", "Gloria: I wanna go with you.", "Kevin: What is this, payback?", "Gloria: No. No. I wanna see her.", "Kevin: I don't think that's a good idea.", "Gloria: Kevin--Kevin, listen to me, listen to me. After the Clear Springs disaster, I realized again how unpredictable life is. And that I should... we all should... just live in the moment.", "Kevin: Are you feeling okay?", "Gloria: I feel fine. I just know that you're in love with Jana. And I accept that. Because I don't wanna be shut out of that part of your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So you're gonna be in the conference room working with Phyllis.", "Devon: What--whoa, hang on, Man. Isn't Phyllis in jail?", "Neil: She was approved for a work release program.", "Devon: Really? So she's working for Newman?", "Neil: Jack.", "Devon: Wow. Wow. That's cool for her.", "Neil: Yeah, I'll tell you all about the rules and guideline she has to follow now that she's on the outside looking in, so to speak.", "Nick: Hey, Fellas.", "Neil: Hey.", "Nick: I could use some good news. You got anything for me?", "Neil: Let me see, what do I have for you? Ah, wait, my son is gonna be working with your wife today.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Nick: Oh, yeah? That's cool. Watch out for her.", "Devon: I will try.", "Neil: So, Nick, how's Victoria doing?", "Nick: She's still unresponsive, but the baby's doing okay.", "Neil: She's gonna do just fine. And she's gonna be the perfect mother.", "Nick: Minus the bossiness.", "Neil: Well, see, the way I'm looking at it, that's gonna help to keep the kids in line, you know? They're gonna be tough, like her. I have seen Victoria go through plenty of hard times. She'll get through it, you know, for the family and for the sake of the baby.", "Nick: Thanks. You know, anytime you wanna come and visit...", "Neil: Oh, I will, I will. I appreciate that. But for you, my friend, I don't want you to even think about work, okay? I'm holding it down. I got it covered. Newman Enterprises is mine. When you're ready, come on back and do your thing.", "Nick: Well, Victoria included. I guess that means extra hours for you.", "Devon: Yeah. It's a good thing I like the boss.", "Neil: And the paycheck. Don't lie, Son.", "Devon: I can't disagree.", "Nick: You know, thanks again for stepping up like this. We won't forget it.", "Neil: Stepping up's my middle name. You're welcome, Man.", "Nick: Have you heard anything about the collapse?", "Neil: I actually scheduled a meeting with Katherine and her grandson. I hope they're gonna have some answers for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: My, my, my, why is it so quiet in here?", "Cane: I got tired of the reporters calling, so I unplugged the phones last night.", "Kay: Yeah? What are you reading?", "Cane: Estimates to clean up Clear Springs.", "Kay: Couldn't find the comics?", "Cane: These numbers don't even register. After being trapped under the rubble, all I can think about is the victims and their families.", "Kay: I don't want you to blame yourself one more time. We need real facts. We need real answers as to who is responsible.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Kay: No, that-- that is my priority.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Oh, Phyllis, you look lovely.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you.", "Jana: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Well, your personal delivery service is about to leave.", "Jana: Well...", "Phyllis: Do you want me to give anything to Kevin?", "Jana: I can do it. He's actually coming to visit me.", "Phyllis: Oh, great. Did he like the gift?", "Jana: He loved it. Thank you. Is there anything I can do for you in return?", "Phyllis: You should've asked me before I made my bunk this morning.", "Jana: Too bad you're not going to be here.", "Phyllis: Believe me, Kevin and I won't miss each other.", "Jana: You could ask him about John's prison stay.", "Phyllis: Why would I do that?", "Jana: Well, I heard you speaking to the chaplain. I could get information for you if you want.", "Phyllis: Don't waste your visit on that. I was just listening to be polite. It's the only thing we have in common.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: How's Noah?", "Sharon: Well, he's asleep, but you know, he's-- he's really quiet.", "Jack: Well, I think he's having trouble talking. It hurts. He's probably exhausted.", "Sharon: Yeah. You're probably right.", "Jack: Oh, careful, don't get any of that dog hair on you. You'll be next on the list.", "Sharon: Why do you suspect Victor?", "Jack: I wanna know why the police don't suspect Victor. They have every bit as much evidence against him as they do against me. That hair could've come from his dog. And we know he went up to Ji Min's room.", "Sharon: Are you sure?", "Jack: I saw it with my own eyes. He was hoping Ji Min's interview would do all this damage to Clear Springs, not to mention his wife and me. When I told him Ji Min had changed his mind, oh, Victor was racing up the stairs to confront him. And given his temper, I mean, it's not hard to imagine it got a little violent. He probably downed the guy with one punch and left. Not knowing he left him dying.", "Sharon: Even if they do find Zapato's hair on the body, how does that make Victor more of a suspect than you?", "Jack: I don't know that it does. I only know one thing-- I didn't kill Ji Min.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hi, Victor, it's Neil. How's Victoria doing?", "Victor: No change.", "Neil: Um, I wanted to stop by, but I figured... I should give you time.", "Victor: No, no, do come by. I want her to be surrounded by as many friends and family as possible.", "Neil: Nick said the baby was okay?", "Victor: The baby's doing well so far, yeah.", "Neil: Uh, listen, Victor, I hate to do this to you, but Mulgrew wanted an answer on the Asian marketing campaign within the hour.", "Victor: I can't do that. I'm not coming back to my office until further notice.", "Neil: Yeah, I explained that to him, but he said he'll deal with you and only you.", "Victor: Uh, just cancel the account, Neil. Um, I'll deal with it another time, all right? I'm just not interested right now.", "Neil: Understood.", "Victor: All I'm concerned about is... my daughter getting well and finding out who the hell is responsible for this disaster.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I got to know everybody on the crew, and they were hard workers and they were good at what they were doing. I mean, they even taught me some things. So why--why didn't they come to me and tell me what was going on?", "Kay: Well, those who knew were a minority. And he probably was paying them off.", "Cane: Which is why we hired J.T.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: And when he went to Boddington, he was offered the hush money. I knew--I knew when the copper wire went missing that something was going on. And when J.T. came to me and he told me they were using substandard materials, I went and I checked every building myself. And I can tell the difference between good work and shoddy work, and they were solid.", "Kay: Yes, yes, yes, yes.", "Cane: And the only cracks that we saw-- the ones that you saw and I saw-- that was the only exception in the parking structure.", "Kay: Cane, Cane, Cane, you see, there you go beating yourself up again.", "Cane: Katherine, if there was substandard materials being used, I will resign and I will accept full responsibility for you.", "Kay: You were not the one who approved Boddington's employment, Dear. I mean, his actions don't reflect you. They reflect on me. Now my very worst fear is looking my dearest friend straight in the eye and telling her that I am personally responsible for her daughter's condition. I don't wanna be put in that position.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Cane: I'll get it.", "Cane: Paul, hey, thank you for coming over.", "Paul: Yeah, no problem.", "Cane: Thanks, Man.", "Kay: You have anything to report, Paul?", "Paul: No specifics.", "Kay: Well, that's not good enough.", "Paul: Well, being summoned to answer questions isn't exactly helping the investigation.", "Cane: Paul, we have a meeting at Newman and we need to tell them something.", "Paul: I'm working on it.", "Kay: Do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this, Paul!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So is the coffee fresh, Ms. Employee?", "Phyllis: Um... yes, it is, Mr. Newman.", "Nick: Pretty sure that, uh... my dream started just like this last night.", "Phyllis: I'll bet it did. How's your sister?", "Nick: Still out.", "Phyllis: It's so crazy that I can't go visit her.", "Nick: I'm gonna take Summer over there later. It'll put a smile on my parent's faces.", "Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. It's gonna light up that whole hospital.", "Nick: So you should, uh, focus on retail calls today.", "Phyllis: Yes, Sir.", "Nick: You know, assure everyone that the buildings are safe.", "Phyllis: Definitely. Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir. Definitely, Sir. You know, I would be with you day and night at the hospital if I could, right?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm glad you're here now.", "Phyllis: Well, for eight hours, at least. For eight hours I get to have a normal life.", "Nick: Define normal.", "Phyllis: No guards, no bars, and no laundry duty?", "Nick: Hm. So does this mean that you're not... gonna pick up my dry cleaning later?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm not gonna be doing anything for you if we keep on visiting like this. So I'd better get back to work or else our next conversation is gonna be behind prison walls.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Kevin! Hi!", "Kevin: Hey.", "Jana: Mrs. Bardwell!", "Gloria: Hello, Jana.", "Kevin: Mom insisted on visiting.", "Jana: Well, the more visitors the better.", "Gloria: So everything okay in here?", "Jana: Well... there was a prison riot a few days ago, but not to worry, I'm the cell block leader now.", "Gloria: How very nice for you.", "Kevin: Mom, she's punking you.", "Gloria: I knew that.", "Jana: I couldn't resist. I'm sorry. I could put it in my stand up.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Jana: Friday nights.", "Kevin: Two shank minimum?", "Jana: A good one.", "Gloria: Captive audience?", "Jana: Better one!", "Gloria: You know, it really is good to laugh after the last few days.", "Jana: Yeah, I know. I've been so glued to the telly watching the news about Clear Springs. Is there anything else you can tell me about it?", "Gloria: Actually, most everyone got out with just a few minor injuries.", "Kevin: Well, not everybody was that lucky. Victoria Newman is in a coma.", "Jana: How sad!", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Jana: Do they know when she'll be coming out of it?", "Gloria: They're not sure.", "Jana: I can't imagine what her family is going through. What about Lauren?", "Kevin: Um, she's, uh, she having a little trouble sleeping.", "Jana: Yeah, I bet the nightmares are probably unbearable. Is it true that Victor saved Senator Abbott?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Gloria: I had a hard time believing that one.", "Jana: I've read that when people are in situations like that, the write their own wills. Even if they've already got one.", "Kevin: Well, if Jack did, I bet you're not in it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Yeah?", "Heather: They did.", "Maggie: You go there a lot?", "Heather: I do.", "Paul: So is this a private conversation?", "Maggie: In front of a private investigator? That would never happen.", "Heather: It's good to see you again, Paul. And, uh, Maggie, I gotta get back to the office.", "Maggie: Okay. You know what? I'll call you if I find out anything else about that case.", "Heather: Definitely.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Heather: Okay. Bye, Guys.", "Paul: See ya.", "Maggie: So you have a minute?", "Paul: For you, anytime.", "Maggie: So what'd you decide about, uh, calling Heather's mom?", "Paul: I called. I talked to April and she told me she had just gotten off the phone with Heather. And Heather told her that, um... she was in a really good place right now. And April didn't think it was a good idea for me to turn her world upside down.", "Maggie: Do you agree?", "Paul: I haven't decided. But since April raised her, I feel obligated to do what she thinks is best.", "Maggie: Well, you'll figure it out. You'll do the right thing.", "Paul: I hope so.", "Maggie: I know so.", "Paul: So listen, what--what case were you guys talking about?", "Maggie: Mm. There's an operation that steals, uh, tires and rims from cars in residential areas. I got this one guy, he goes by \"Rimmy.\"", "Paul: I know that guy. His wife had me follow him around. I took surveillance photos. I've--I've got a week's worth.", "Maggie: From how long ago?", "Paul: Oh, Man, uh... it couldn't be more than... a couple months, maybe?", "Maggie: 'Cause even if the location we need isn't on that file, I'll bet you those pictures would be useful.", "Paul: You could scare him into thinking you have something more.", "Maggie: Exactly.", "Paul: Hey, listen, as long as we're trading information?", "Maggie: Yeah?", "Paul: I could use your help.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Paul: I'm looking for a former associate of Joe Boddington.", "Maggie: That-- the construction foreman in Clear Springs?", "Paul: Right. It turns out he's been involved in other construction scams, and I wanna find out if there's any connection between Joe Boddington and other structural failures.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Paul: This, um... is the guy I haven't been able to locate. Okay?", "Maggie: Okay. I'll see what we have on file. Don't wanna wait for the official report?", "Paul: It's taking way too long. I need answers. And I need them now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Until we know what happened, we can't make informed decisions.", "Jack: We hold off on any clean up efforts until an official report has been made public.", "Kay: Agreed.", "Neil: Any idea when we might hear something?", "Cane: I contacted the NIST office in Madison prior to this meeting. They told me it was still under investigation.", "David: Anything else you care to disclose?", "Kay: Um, not at this time.", "Neil: And why was J.T. Hellstrom working at that site?", "Cane: Man needed a job.", "Jack: He turned in his P.I. badge?", "Cane: He had a falling out with his boss, so the man needed a job.", "Neil: A nice big blowup in public.", "Jack: You saw this?", "Neil: Yeah, it happened at my club. Never bought it for a minute, though. He was investigating something for you. He was working for Chancellor Industries as a P.I.", "Kay: Go ahead. Tell them.", "Jack: Tell us what?", "Cane: I noticed supplies were being stolen. So I hired J.T. to find out what was going on.", "David: But there was more to it than just missing supplies, wasn't there?", "Cane: There was a question of a kickback scam and the possibility that substandard concrete was being used.", "Jack: On which buildings?", "David: In the parking garage?", "Cane: It's under investigation.", "Neil: So you can't tell us if that's what caused this mess?", "Kay: Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please, please, please... now I was trapped in that garage and came very close to not making it out. So I want answers just as much as you do. And if Chancellor is to blame, then I will take full responsibility, but if someone else is at fault, then I assure you, Chancellor Industries will use every resource available to make sure that justice is served.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: You might know the chaplain.", "Kevin: Is his first name Charlie?", "Jana: Funny. No, he--he worked at the prison where your husband served time, Owen Anderson?", "Gloria: I remember. We talked a few times.", "Jana: My cell mate's been speaking to him and figured out the connection to John.", "Kevin: Phyllis is seeking spiritual enlightenment?", "Jana: Didn't he give you the awful news that you'd been cut out of the will?", "Gloria: He was the messenger, Jana. And he said that John had given him that will for safekeeping.", "Kevin: I don't think that Mr. Abbott wrote that version.", "Jana: Well, what makes you say that?", "Kevin: He loved Mom. It was obvious every time they were together.", "Gloria: John Abbott was kind and loving and honest. If he had a problem with me, he would've said so.", "Kevin: Yeah, and there were plenty of times that he did.", "Gloria: But he never would've gone behind my back to change that will.", "Jana: Well, why do you think he did it then?", "Gloria: He didn't. Jack Abbott somehow forged that will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Yes, um, I'm calling for Todd Scheller. He was an inmate at Walworth Co-- oh, okay. All right, thank you.", "Devon: Hey, is this the command center?", "Phyllis: Yeah, um... phone calls, e-mails, the works.", "Devon: Yeah. Uh, Neil wanted me to help out.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Devon: Yes.", "Phyllis: Well, okay. I can handle it. You don't need to.", "Devon: I...", "(Telephone ringing)", "Devon: You sure you don't want the help now?", "Phyllis: I can handle it.", "Devon: Newman Enterprises, Devon Hamilton speaking.", "Phyllis: Phyllis Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh! You have a little visitor.", "Nick: I'm not little. I'm bigger than she is.", "Nikki: Oh, good grief. Pay no attention to him. He thinks he's funny. He can't help himself. Hey! How is my grandbaby today? Oh! What has your father done? Did he dress you with two different socks? He sure did. He sure did. He thinks he's funny.", "Nick: You know, it's her Punky Brewster phase.", "Nikki: He's just silly, huh? But he thinks he's funny. He thinks he's funny. Yes, sweet baby. Wanna sit? Wanna see Victoria?", "Nick: Yeah, she's been bugging me all morning to come see her favorite aunt.", "Nikki: Aw.", "Nick: She is, uh... kinda bossy. Kinda like another Newman woman I know. Yeah, I'm talking about you. No snappy comeback? I heard that Bubba in there is growing real strong while you're catching some extra Zs. Vick, you need to wake up, give the kid a real name, otherwise he's gonna get a complex. And just so you know, Summer's gonna start to, uh, shoot hoops soon. And she's gonna wipe the court with her cousin.", "Summer: (Sniffles)", "Nick: Yeah. Get back at you for all those years you beat me when I was a kid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: How's Noah?", "Jack: Doing better. Resting at home. I came by to see how Victoria is.", "Victor: No change.", "Jack: I am so sorry this is happening to her.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Jack: This may take your mind off things for awhile. I am now a suspect in Ji Min Kim's death.", "Victor: Well, that's not too surprising, considering you were the last one to see him alive.", "Jack: Well, I guess the police found a dog hair on his body. That's what brought 'em to my door anyway.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Guess they'll be knocking on yours next.", "Victor: Why would they knock on my door?", "Jack: Well, I guess the test they ran on this dog hair are not exactly conclusive. Apparently, retrievers share certain attributes.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Jack: Well, this dog hair could as easily have been from your dog.", "Victor: (Laughs) explain that to me.", "Jack: Well, I don't know, maybe the hair fell off your clothing when you fought with Ji Min. After I told you that he was not going to go through with the interview, you raced up to, uh, confront him. Apparently you were the last person to see him.", "Victor: Jack, for your information, when I went up there, knocked on the door, no one answered it. You got it? Probably because you already killed him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I think I'm gonna get some fresh air. And let you two have some time alone.", "Kevin: Thank you.", "Kevin: Ugh. I thought she'd never leave.", "Jana: I'm glad your mum's here.", "Kevin: I think she's finally accepted that you and I are gonna be together.", "Jana: Did we upset her, talking about John?", "Kevin: No. No. I always used to joke around about Mom entering into holy matri-money. But honestly, I think that, uh, I think she really did love John.", "Jana: Why does she think that Jack forged the will?", "Kevin: 'Cause he hates her. And it's easier to think that he was involved rather than face the possibility that John didn't love her and that he cut her out of the will.", "Jana: I think that the chaplain could help answer some questions about that.", "Kevin: How's that?", "Jana: He could've been with John when he wrote it. What if he asked the chaplain for help? Now if we found out that the will was actually forged, then we could prove that John truly did love your mother!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Devon: Do you need some privacy, 'cause...", "Phyllis: Oh, no. No. No. Mnh-mnh. No answer. I don't wanna leave a message.", "Devon: Okay. Uh, I called the--the retailers, just so you know.", "Phyllis: Great.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Uh, do you wanna check those out?", "Devon: Yeah. The press release?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Okay.", "Phyllis: It's a press release.", "Devon: So is there, uh, is there any new, uh, any word about what caused the collapse? Or does nobody know what happened?", "Phyllis: Well, there's no official word, but there are rumors.", "Devon: Like what?", "Phyllis: Like sabotage.", "Devon: Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah. They think whoever did it is responsible for the Newman jet going down.", "Devon: Wow. That's crazy.", "Phyllis: It's insane. Anyway, I have more e-mails. You know, um, I'm not allowed to--to fraternize with the other employees.", "Devon: Yeah, I, uh, I was told about your rules.", "Phyllis: Yes. My rules.", "Devon: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: Talk about crazy.", "Devon: I know, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "(Fax machine beeps)", "Devon: Oh, God, you know what? The fax machine's out of paper.", "Phyllis: Oh, it's always... you know, sticks.", "Devon: Messing around?", "Phyllis: Uh-huh.", "Devon: Yep, it's out.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Devon: Actually, you know what?", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Devon: There's gotta be some in the cabinet.", "Phyllis: Oh. Yeah, I'm sure.", "Devon: Yep. Got it.", "Phyllis: Great.", "Devon: And... it is fixed.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Devon: All right, I'm gonna get some lunch. Can I, uh, can I get you anything while I'm out?", "Phyllis: Oh, um, thank you.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I-I would love a-a sub from Chester's.", "Devon: That's the one all the way on 5th street, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's the best in town.", "Devon: Okay. A sub from Chester's. I'll be back.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Phyllis: Yes, hello, I'm looking for a Todd Scheller? He was an inmate with, um, my friend's father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I heard that Stan Lee has this every time he works on a new comic.", "Noah: I'm not hungry.", "Sharon: You're making some progress there.", "Noah: I guess.", "Sharon: Is that Jack?", "Noah: Yeah, and I'm going to make Grandpa a superhero, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Victor, I did not kill Ji Min Kim.", "Victor: You would say that even if you had, Jack.", "Jack: You would deny it, too.", "Victor: You want me to confess a crime I didn't commit?", "Jack: Detective Sullivan.", "Victor: How are you?", "Maggie: I'm good, thank you. I just came into, uh, check on Noah.", "Victor: He was released.", "Jack: He's resting at home.", "Maggie: Well, that's good.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Maggie: How's your daughter?", "Victor: My daughter, unfortunately, is still comatose.", "Maggie: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Victor: You should visit my grandson. I understand that you were an enormous comfort to him when the garage collapsed.", "Maggie: Actually, I think he comforted us more than anything else.", "Victor: Well, that's nice to hear.", "Jack: By all means, drop by anytime.", "Maggie: I'd like that. I'll be sure to say an extra prayer for your daughter.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Maggie: Uh-huh.", "Jack: See you soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I've been looking into your foreman's previous business deals. I have linked him to two other construction companies. One is out of business. The owner of the second is missing.", "Cane: Well, J.T. reported that, uh, David Chow met with Boddington before the collapse.", "Kay: Any evidence they were working together?", "Paul: I have no record of any calls between the two. But that does not mean it hasn't happened. But right now, we're going to have to assume that their relationship was a professional one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: How's your daughter?", "Nikki: No change.", "David: Do you need company?", "Nikki: Well, I'm gonna go over to Victoria's place and bring her a change of clothes. Um, what did you hear at the meeting?", "David: Cane confirmed that substandard concrete was being used. He stopped short of saying it was in the garage. They're waiting for the NIST report to come out to give an official answer.", "Nikki: All right, well, let me know when you hear anything more.", "David: I certainly will.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "Nick: Was that about the meeting?", "Nikki: Yeah. Hi, Baby. They're still waiting for the official report from NIST, but substandard concrete was used.", "Nick: Who said that?", "Nikki: Cane.", "Nick: That means Katherine knew.", "Nikki: No, not necessarily.", "Nick: Mom, are you kidding me? You don't think she knows what's going on in her own company? Katherine Chancellor is a very shrewd businesswoman, and I don't care how good a friend she is to you, I'm telling you right now, if I find out that her company put Victoria in that bed, I am going to sue until there isn't any Chancellor Industries left.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: I'm so glad you're here. You'll have to come more often.", "Kevin: Well, Mom has an aversion to places like prisons, hospitals, kitchens.", "Gloria: Maybe I'll make an exception.", "Jana: Okay.", "Kevin: Let me know what you find out about John's will from the chaplain, okay? I love you.", "Jana: I love you. And I promise I'll do my best, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: That is it for me. You have no idea how much I would love to stay.", "Devon: Ha ha ha. I bet. I'm actually just gonna take a couple more calls and then call it a day myself.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay, great. Well, see you tomorrow.", "Devon: Actually, um, I don't know if you're gonna see me tomorrow. I have to check my schedule.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Devon: Just letting you know.", "Phyllis: Okay. Well, see you whenever.", "Devon: Yeah. Have a good night.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Devon: Newman Enterprises, Devon Hamilton speaking. Actually, you just missed her. She, uh, she just left for the day. Can I take a message? Sure, hang on. Okay. Now she's not gonna get this until tomorrow, is that okay? All right, perfect.", "Phyllis: I'm a fool. I forgot my purse.", "Devon: Hey, um... you actually just got a phone call. Some woman calling about a guy named Todd Scheller?", "Phyllis: Oh, right. That--that was, um, that was a--", "Devon: Yeah, I told her that you'd get back to her tomorrow, is that okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah, no problem, no problem. This is--this is great. Yeah. Um, it was nice working with you today.", "Devon: You know what? Yeah, it was. It was. Same here.", "Phyllis: Oh, and by the way, I need to pay you back for that sub.", "Devon: It's on me. Don't worry about it.", "Phyllis: Just... well, I--", "Devon: I'm serious. It's fine.", "Phyllis: I have the money.", "Devon: It's okay. Have a good one.", "Phyllis: All right, you, too.", "Devon: Bye.", "Phyllis: (Thinking) Todd is out of town. Will give him your message to call you when he's back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey, Heather, I was just, uh, calling to see if you have any time today.", "Heather: Is this about the Rims case possibly?", "Paul: No, this is, um, this is about something I'd rather not discuss on the phone.", "Heather: Oh, okay. Um, well, does it have to be today? I'm kinda booked with a ton of work.", "Paul: Well, it's not urgent. But, um, it's gonna take more than five minutes.", "Heather: Okay, well, I'll look at my calendar and I will e-mail you with dates.", "Paul: All right, sounds good. I'll talk to you soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: The loft isn't too far. I'm gonna go pick up a few of Victoria's things.", "Victor: I'll call you if there are any changes.", "Jack: Nikki, I want you to know my heart--", "Victor: She's upset.", "Jack: Yeah, understandable, I guess. Listen, I just came by to warn you. The police have as much evidence on you as they do on me.", "Victor: Are you accusing me of murder? I just saved your life. That's the thanks I get?", "Jack: I think I've been quite clear. I'm very grateful for your saving my life.", "Victor: Let me tell you something, if I had to do it all over again, I'd leave you lying in that rubble, choking on the dust.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Cane: Sir, thank you for coming over. Appreciate it. This way. Grandma.", "Man: Mrs. Chancellor?", "Kay: Yes?", "Man: We know what caused the structure to collapse.", "[NEXT_ON]", "David: You haven't heard, have you? They know the reason for the accident.", "Cane: The police have opened an official homicide investigation.", "Nick: Is it true what they're saying on the news?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the ranch, Meggie mumbles to herself that he won't be around for too much longer. Nikki defends Deacon for sneaking liquor into Solidarity. Nikki becomes upset because Victoria hasn't come to visit her. Victor brags to Victoria that his financial records were sent to a higher court for review. Victoria reprimands Victor for keeping her away from Nikki. Heather is on the phone when Paul comes to visit her. Paul warns her about accepting donations from Victor. Heather asks Paul how the race looks. Paul informs her that the last TV ad gave her a little breathing room. Mackenzie tells J.T. that Cane and Lily want to come by to see him, but J.T. has doubts. Dr. Shepherd tells J.T. that he can go home, but he has to follow a strict diet and exercise program. Lily asks Cane what the cattle rustlers want from him. Cane assures Lily that she and the twins will be home soon. Victor puts all the blame on Victoria and this lawsuit for Nikki to start drinking again. Victor comes home much to Meggie's surprise. Victor calls Heather and tells her to stop by. Billy visits Nikki and lets her know what is going on between Victor and Victoria. Victoria calls Billy and finds out that Nikki really does want to see Victoria. Cane talks to Sofia about hiring a James Collier. Sofia has her doubts but finally gives in. Meggie visits Deacon and tells him her plans for Victor. Nikki calls Victor to come visit her. When Victor visits her, Nikki reprimands him for keeping Victoria from seeing her. Victor, once again, puts all the blame on Victoria. Cane meets with a man and tells him that he will get his money. Lily walks in and demands to know what is going on. Heather accepts a hefty contribution from Victor and sets up another campaign TV ad. Paul sees the ad and, once again, warns Heather about Victor.", "" ]
[ "Meggie: Well, you're not gonna be around much longer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Morning.", "Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, hi.", "Deacon: I-I want to apologize for--", "Nikki: I-I wanted to say--", "Deacon: Uh, sorry. You go first.", "Nikki: Um, I-I just wanted to tell you again, I know how hard it was for you to get rid of that alcohol you snuck in here.", "Deacon: You know, you're--you're pretty amazing. You just continue to cut me slack, even when I don't deserve it, especially after last night. I'm really sorry about that.", "Nikki: I--look, I-it's okay. I-I-I think we both realized it was a mistake to go there, so let's just forget the whole thing happened and focus on getting sober.", "Deacon: Doesn't mean we can't have breakfast together.", "Nikki: Oh, I already ate. I got up early. I did not sleep.", "Deacon: Because of last night.", "Nikki: No, no. Uh...", "Deacon: Are you-- are you upset because Victoria hasn't come to see you still?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I never thought my daughter would desert me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi.", "Victor: It might surprise you to know that my financial records have been sent to a higher court for review.", "Billy: Oh, who says money can't buy everything?", "Victoria: You know, eventually, Dad, you're gonna have to open your books.", "Victor: Don't count on it.", "Victoria: I can't believe that you're keeping me away from seeing my own mother when she's in rehab.", "Victor: I have your mother's best interests at heart.", "Victoria: No, as usual, you have your own best interests at heart. How can you do this? Not just to me, but to Mom. I know she wants to see me.", "Victor: No, she does not want to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Uh, yeah, A.D.A. Babcock is, uh, is handling that trial.", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: And it goes to trial-- (whispers) Yeah. (Normal voice) Um, next week. Okay, thanks. Hi.", "Paul: Hi. No rest for the weary candidate, huh?", "Heather: No. (Chuckles) Well, what about you? You've been going nonstop working on my campaign.", "Paul: Well, you know me, your number one supporter.", "Heather: How's the race look?", "Paul: Well, uh, it's tight. That last TV ad got you a little breathing room.", "Heather: I'd love to run another one before Election Day.", "Paul: Amazing you have the funds in this economy. I'm impressed with the amount of, uh, money you've been able to raise.", "Heather: Well, I've had some very generous donors.", "Paul: I bet just one would make a big difference.", "Heather: I think that running another spot will put us right over the top. What do you think?", "Paul: Must be nice to be able to outspend your opponents.", "Heather: Okay, now you sound more like a P.I. than my number one supporter.", "Paul: Both of us want to know if Victor Newman is bankrolling your campaign.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Delivery for Hellstrom.", "J.T.: Oh, hey. Where do I sign?", "Mac: Here. Cane and Lily would like to come by and visit you.", "J.T.: Well, I don't really think I'd be very good company right now.", "Mac: I know you're upset about not being able to join the police force.", "J.T.: Well, I have a heart condition. It's kind of hard to plan for the future, you know?", "Mac: Well, there's one thing that you can plan on, and that's that Reed and me and the baby are all gonna be there.", "(Door opens)", "Dr. Shepherd: May I come in?", "J.T.: Hey, Doc. Got more bad news?", "Dr. Shepherd: Actually, good news. You can go home.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So I had to wake up every two hours last night with Charlie and Mattie.", "Cane: They were tag-teaming you, huh?", "Lily: Oh, yes.", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Lily: And Dad told me to take a break. He didn't have to be in the office until later, so, you know...", "Cane: You know, I'm really glad that Neil's letting you stay with him.", "Lily: Are you kidding me? This is a dream come true for him... although, you know, he's not crazy about the circumstances, obviously.", "Cane: Yeah, neither am I. You know what? The good thing is Neil's building has 24/7 security, and we've got Edward over there, so, uh, we know you're safe.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Yeah. So I know that you were gonna talk to Phillip to see what those cattle rustlers want. Did you have any luck, or what?", "[Cane remembering]", "Cane: How much is it gonna cost me to make you get out of my life for good?", "Man: (Sighs) $5 million.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Cane? Did you find anything out?", "Cane: You know, I don't want you to worry, 'cause I'm gonna take care of this, all right? I promise you, the babies will be home soon.", "Lily: Okay.", "Sofia: Hey, you two.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: How you doin'?", "Sofia: Good. Good. Um, Malcolm told me all about the storm damage at your house and you had to move in with Neil?", "Lily: Uh, yeah. Uh, I mean, hopefully, we won't have to be there for, you know, much longer.", "Sofia: Oh.", "Lily: But, um, I'm gonna get a refill...", "Sofia: Cool.", "Lily: So I'll be right back. Sorry. Excuse me.", "Sofia: (Sighs) Hey, Cane.", "Cane: Hey, um, so, uh, I'm glad I ran into you, because I needed to talk to you about something.", "Sofia: Sounds important.", "Cane: Yeah, it's important.", "Lily: Here you go--for you.", "Sofia: Oh, thank you. Okay, before we get into business, I want a full report on my little niece and nephew.", "Lily: Aw. (Chuckles)", "Sofia: You, y-you don't mind if I call them that, do you?", "Lily: No, of course not. Listen, I know that you and Malcolm aren't married yet, but we think of you as family, okay?", "Sofia: Well, that is so nice to hear because I already feel like I'm a part of the Winters clan, you know?", "Lily: Oh. (Chuckles)", "Sofia: And I love those little munchkins.", "Lily: I know. They're so cute.", "Sofia: They are.", "Lily: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Look at these Halloween pictures. They look adorable. Look.", "Sofia: Let me see. Aw.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Sofia: Look at them--so cute.", "Lily: Aren't they cute in their little outfits? (Laughs)", "Sofia: (Laughs)", "Cane: Lily's already working on their outfits for next year.", "Lily: Oh, of course.", "Sofia: Oh, I hear you, Girl. I would be dressing them up every day.", "Lily: I know, right? (Laughs)", "Sofia: Little matching outfits. (Laughs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Lily: Hold on. It's Mac. Hold on. Sorry. Hey. What's going on?", "Mac: J.T.'s just been released from the hospital, and I'm about to drive him home.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh, that's great. J.T.'s out of the hospital.", "Cane: Oh, that's great. That's good news.", "Lily: Well, can we come by and see him later?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Cane and Lily would like to come by the apartment and visit you.", "J.T.: Um, yeah, yeah. You know, I'm feeling better. I'd like to thank him personally for saving my life.", "Mac: He'd love to see you.", "Lily: Okay, well, we'll see you guys soon.", "Mac: Okay, great. Bye.", "Dr. Shepherd: And again, be sure to follow up with your regular physician. Good luck, both of you.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Mac: Thanks.", "J.T.: (Sighs heavily) Wow. Prescriptions to fill, diet and exercise regimen. (Sighs) Didn't think I'd have to worry about this for a few years.", "Mac: It's just living a healthier life. It's stuff that we should be doing anyway.", "J.T.: Yeah, but it's somebody telling you you have to do it, and that's...", "Mac: Reed and this little guy or girl and I would rather you have to do this than us not having you here at all.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: You know, maybe it's not you that Victoria's avoiding. It--it could be me. You can't blame her for not wanting to see the guy that broke up her marriage.", "Nikki: She doesn't even know you're here.", "Deacon: Nikki, it's very possible that Nick told her.", "Nikki: I made him promise not to tell anybody.", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "Nikki: She's avoiding me. She's either angry or disappointed or both.", "Deacon: Hey, have you stopped to think that maybe she's just confused? You know, she doesn't want to say the wrong thing, doesn't want to make things worse for you.", "Nikki: You really think so?", "Deacon: I don't think you need me to tell you how much your daughter loves you.", "Nikki: Oh, and I love her, too, so much. And she's been through so much lately with her father and losing the baby, and I hate the additional stress I'm giving her. But I sure would love to see her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mom actually said that she didn't want to see me?", "Victor: The lawsuit you have filed against me is a constant source of anxiety for her. She realizes you're the reason this family is falling apart. When she looks at you, she sees the reason she is where she is.", "Victoria: All right, well, if you really believe that, then why don't you just let me make it up to her?", "Victor: You end this lawsuit, Girl. You show her how much you care about this family. And then you can see your mother again.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: I... just... mm.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: 9:00 A.M. tomorrow. Then the offer's off the table.", "Paul: At some point, I want to talk to you about Victor's involvement in your campaign.", "Heather: He's a contributor. I have a lot of those. (Sighs) Okay, maybe he's given more than most.", "Paul: You know, when you were made interim D.A., you said you were going to hold yourself to the highest standards.", "Heather: I haven't done anything illegal.", "Paul: Something doesn't have to be illegal to be unethical.", "Heather: Are you accusing me of something?", "Paul: People are watching you. They are waiting for you to make a mistake. And your association with Victor Newman is gonna be trouble. Mark my words.", "Heather: (Sighs) Give me a little credit. I know what kind of person he is.", "Paul: I thought I did, too. I thought I was a friend. But that didn't stop him from using Patty to get back at Jack now, did it?", "Heather: I've prosecuted worse people than Victor.", "Paul: He's fighting his daughters in court. If he can turn on his own children, just imagine what he might do to you if you cross him. Look, I-I don't know what deal you made with Victor, but get out of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So I have to run just a couple errands before we go to J.T.'s.", "Cane: Listen, why don't you go ahead? I gotta discuss some business with Sofia.", "Lily: Um, okay. I'll meet you there.", "Cane: Uh, it might take a little while. And I-I just don't want to also crowd J.T., so...", "Lily: I-I know. I get it. I'll give him your best, okay?", "Cane: All right, bye, Baby. Mm.", "Lily: Bye. Nice seeing you.", "Sofia: You, too. Kiss those babies for me now.", "Lily: I will, definitely. (Chuckles)", "Cane: Me, too.", "Sofia: So what is this important business you wanted to talk with me about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Front door closes)", "Meggie: Victor, I thought you were gone for the day.", "Victor: Uh, I had a change of plans.", "Meggie: Oh, well, I was just about to go to the market. I can stay here if you need me.", "Victor: No, that's all right. I have a meeting here a little later. I'll do some work in my study. By the way, there were some files here. Do you know where they are?", "Meggie: You put them here.", "Victor: Oh. Thank you. (Sighs)", "Meggie: You okay? You seem kind of tense.", "Victor: (Sighs) Uh, I, um... I ran into my daughter Victoria and that useless husband of hers.", "Meggie: Well, you finally got a little relaxed last night, and you're all stressed out again today.", "Victor: (Sighs) If you have to go somewhere, please do, okay?", "Meggie: Okay, I'll see you later.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Victor: (Sighs) I would like to see you immediately.", "Heather: I can't get away right now.", "Victor: Well, I'll make it worth your while. When can you be here?", "Heather: 30 minutes.", "Victor: All right, I'll be seeing you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Come in.", "Nikki: Billy.", "Billy: Surprise. So...", "Nikki: Oh, my goodness. It--it certainly is.", "Billy: Nice place. It's almost like home, except for your family's not here. That must be tough.", "Nikki: Yeah. Well, Victor's been here and Nicholas. But I miss Victoria.", "Billy: Yeah, well, about her not coming to see you, it's, um--", "Nikki: She must be so disappointed.", "Billy: She is. She is.", "Nikki: Is that why she doesn't want to see me?", "Billy: The reason why Victoria's disappointed is she thinks that you don't want to see her.", "Nikki: What?", "Billy: That's what Victor told her.", "Nikki: Why would he do that? What--how could he do that to her? I--to me?", "Billy: (Purses lips) Because Victoria didn't accept his settlement offer.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Billy, you have to know I would never refuse to see my daughter.", "Billy: Well, Victoria's pretty messed up about all of this.", "Nikki: You call her and tell her what's going on. I'm gonna talk to the administrator. I will decide who gets to visit me.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Hey. Did you solve that emergency at work?", "Billy: I'm at Solidarity House. Victor lied. Your mom wants to see you.", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Whispers) That bastard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I think it's important that we hire an outside consultant for this project. Um, you need someone who has some experience in alternate fuel production as well as international business.", "Sofia: You have someone in mind?", "Cane: James Collier.", "Sofia: Collier. Impressive résumé. I'm surprised I haven't heard of him.", "[Cane remembering]", "Cane: James Collier, August 17, 1973. Is this the Madison County hall of records? Yeah, m-my name is, uh, James Collier, and, uh, I need to order a, uh, replacement birth certificate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Well, he looks great on paper, but I'd like to meet him in person, ask him some questions, see what kind of vibe I get from him.", "Cane: Yeah, um, you know, I generally would agree with you on that, but I think that if we don't jump on this, we might lose this guy.", "Sofia: You feel that strongly about this?", "Cane: Yeah, I feel that strongly about this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Mac: Where's Cane?", "Lily: Um, he had some business to take care of, but he, uh, sends his love. He's gonna call you and see when he can stop by, so...", "J.T.: Well, the schedule's wide-open. The doctors ordered me to take it easy for a while.", "Mac: Or else he has to answer to me.", "J.T.: Yeah. I'm gonna go crazy sittin' around here.", "Lily: Well, that is why I brought you this. It has, uh, books and DVDs, magazines, and some of that caramel corn from that gourmet store on Linden.", "J.T.: How about that?", "Lily: So share with me, okay?", "J.T.: Share? Well, I will. I appreciate that. That's very nice of you.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Yeah. Well, you know, it's the least I could do. I just, you know, I feel really bad that you were hurt on your way to help our family, so...", "J.T.: Lily, you and Cane should be the last people to feel guilty. If you hadn't have come along when you did, you know, I might not be here.", "Lily: Well, now you're home from the hospital, on the road to recovery, so it's gonna be good from here on out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Hey.", "Deacon: What the hell are you doin' here?", "Meggie: I've come to check on Nikki. Did you give her the booze I snuck in?", "Deacon: We had a little change in plans. I, uh, turned that over to a staff member.", "Meggie: Well, uh, how are you gonna make it look like Nikki's trashing her second chance that Victor's giving her if you don't get her to drink?", "Deacon: You worry about winning over Newman, and I'll handle Nikki my way.", "Meggie: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Come in. Oh. (Sighs) Oh, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Mom. (Sighs)", "Nikki: Ohh.", "Victoria: Mom, I've been so worried about you.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm so glad you're here.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Parents are supposed to worry about their children, not the other way around.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, children are supposed to stop giving their parents grief at a certain point, too. Mom, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: Well, don't be ridiculous. This is not your fault.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I had no idea that you were struggling with alcohol again. I-I've just been so wrapped up in my own world, Mom. (Groans)", "Nikki: I don't--I don't want to hear any of this now.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: The important thing is you are here. And I'm so glad you came, because I thought you were upset with me.", "Victoria: Mom... (Sighs) You have been the one person in my life that has never let me down. You fought for Reed when I was in the hospital. You stood up for Billy and me. You have never, ever abandoned me.", "Nikki: Baby, I never would.", "Victoria: And I would never abandon you. I would have been here sooner, but Dad was--", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs heavily) God, just never mind. Forget it. I just...", "Nikki: I know. I-I-I know you're upset with your father. You don't have to hide that from me.", "Victoria: He never should have tried to keep me from you. He never should have done that. And to tell me that you didn't want to see me, that was wrong.", "Nikki: That was-- that was despicable, horrible.", "Victoria: Mom, did you know that he waited right before my meeting to tell me that this was going on? He was trying to use what you were going through to try to get me to settle. He lied and told me that you didn't want to see me, and he tried to convince me that I was the reason you started drinking.", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Honey, that is not true. That is so untrue.", "Victoria: I know. I know.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victoria: But this is why I'm filing the lawsuit, all right? It's not about money. It's not about... I just can't let him control me anymore like this. I just want to get as far away from him as possible. I know you love him. I know that, but, Mom, you need to get away from him, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Why did you want to see me?", "Victor: To thank you for preventing my arrest.", "Heather: Judge Phelps' order forcing you to open the Newman records was overly broad. There was just cause to send it to a higher court.", "Victor: To have such a hardworking, conscientious district attorney-- that's reassuring.", "Heather: (Sighs) You have an amazing ability to see things the way you want to.", "Victor: I have an ability to see things the way they are.", "Heather: I helped a major campaign contributor avoid arrest.", "Victor: You proved to be a good friend. That's another reason that I asked you to come here.", "Heather: What's that?", "Victor: Your ticket to win this election.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: When--when Mac told me that you were being released from the hospital, I just assumed that everything was okay.", "J.T.: I'm just gonna have to take some medication, stay on a diet, follow an exercise program.", "Mac: Which are all things that he should be doing anyway.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Lily: And y-you can't join the police force like you wanted.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, look. This isn't a pity party. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I just wanted you to know what's going on.", "Lily: J.T., you don't have to put on a front. I've been there.", "J.T.: Compared to what you went through, this is nothing.", "Lily: No, that's not true. I mean, you know, you've had a life-changing experience. You're entitled to feel however you want. I mean, you can feel frustrated or depressed, even angry.", "J.T.: Well, then what?", "Lily: You know, you go on, because you have no other choice.", "J.T.: Yeah. I just wish I knew what to expect, you know?", "Lily: Well, I'll tell you what to expect. You expect good things, and hopefully, they'll come.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: So you're asking me to hire someone sight unseen?", "Cane: I'm asking you to trust me.", "Sofia: I've never hired someone I haven't met.", "Cane: Sofia, when you assigned me to this biodiesel technology project, you saved my life. I mean, literally, you saved my life. And there is no one-- there is no one that wants this to succeed more than I do. Now I guarantee you that James Collier is the man that will do that.", "Sofia: Is this personal for you?", "Cane: This is very personal for me.", "Sofia: Okay, Cane. Your man Collier is hired. Have him fill out the necessary paperwork, send it over to human resources, and we'll start depositing paychecks in his account.", "Cane: You're not gonna regret this.", "Sofia: (Laughs) Honey, I'm not gonna regret this, because if this guy doesn't work out, you're gonna be the one who's sorry. You'll have to answer to Tucker and me.", "Cane: It's gonna work out. It's gonna work out.", "Sofia: Good. I love a confident man. Lily is very lucky. See you soon?", "Cane: Sure.", "Cane: We need to meet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: I don't care how you handle Nikki. Just don't screw things up.", "Deacon: You know what, Meggie? Don't worry about me, all right? You got your hands full trying to become the next Mrs. Newman.", "Meggie: Right on schedule there.", "Deacon: Oh, yeah, right. I see that every time Victor comes by to visit Nikki.", "Meggie: Once I get him to Vegas, he won't even remember Nikki.", "Deacon: What are you planning?", "Meggie: Well, I'm gonna make him one of my special cocktails for the big guy, and then once he drinks it, he'll agree to anything.", "Deacon: And, uh, what do you plan on doing once Elvis pronounces you man and wife?", "Meggie: Well, we'll go to the honeymoon suite to seal the deal. But that'll never happen, because he will have had one too many performance pills.", "Deacon: Are you mental? That stuff is dangerous for heart patients.", "Meggie: Poor Victor. He was only trying to satisfy me. If I'd just known that he was taking that medication, he'd still be with us. And, you know, I'll just cry all the way to the bank.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sorry. I had to take that call. So...", "Victor: (Sighs) You haven't taken the check.", "Heather: No.", "Victor: Have you seen your recent poll numbers? You're 2 points ahead of the competition. This will put you over the top.", "Heather: Yeah, I could, uh, use it to buy a final TV ad.", "Victor: What's stopping you?", "Heather: I can't accept your money if it means you can call in a favor whenever you want.", "Victor: (Sighs) How do you think your opponent finances his campaign? Because of help from generous donors like me. Politics is a rough game. This is how it's being played.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Heather: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Victor: You'll make an excellent district attorney.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victoria, I know you're upset with your father.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I'm so--", "Nikki: But I don't want you to confront him.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Mom, I can't just let him get away with this.", "Nikki: Let me deal with it, okay? I don't want him any more angry with you than he is.", "Victoria: Well, I am not gonna stay quiet just because I'm afraid of how he's gonna react.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, can you please just do it then for me? Please?", "(Door opens)", "Billy: Hey, uh, one of the counselors keeps trying to come in here and check on you. I told her to beat it, but I'm pretty sure she's comin' back, so... okay.", "Nikki: Okay, um...", "Victoria: I don't want to leave you.", "Nikki: Honey, it's all right. Um, you can come back tomorrow. And I have my cell phone back. You can call me anytime. (Sighs) I'll be here.", "Victoria: I love you.", "Nikki: Oh, Baby, I love you.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Yes, Sweetheart?", "Nikki: I need to see you, Victor.", "Victor: Everything all right?", "Nikki: Just come.", "Victor: I'll be right there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Mac: Thinking about what Lily said?", "J.T.: Well, she's right. You know, I-I gotta start focusing on the things that are possible, not the things that aren't. When I was layin' around the hospital, I started thinking about all the things I haven't done in my life.", "Mac: Like what?", "J.T.: I-I always wanted to travel, see the world. I never did. You know, now-- now this sounds kind of funny, 'cause the loft was pretty damn cool, but I've never really had a-a real home.", "Mac: Well, we can start looking for a house, but I don't think that's gonna solve your problem.", "J.T.: And before the accident, I didn't even realize I had a problem. But now it feels like something's missing. I'm not sure what it is.", "Mac: Purpose?", "J.T.: That's what the police academy was gonna give me. And now I'm gonna have to find something else to give my life meaning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I wouldn't have gotten to see my mom if it weren't for you. Thank you.", "Billy: Well, I couldn't let Victor get away with the crap he was pulling on you and Nikki.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Think about it. A year ago, I was praying that he would get a new heart, and now I'm so angry with him. (Sighs) How can one person hate their own father so much?", "Billy: Well, Honey, when your father is Victor Newman, I imagine it's pretty easy.", "Victoria: Well, I would love to give him a piece of my mind, but I promised my mom I would let her deal with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Everything all right?", "Nikki: Victoria was here. You kept her away.", "Victor: I was trying to do what was best.", "Nikki: For you, not for me. It really scares me to think that the same person can be so loving and caring and then turn around and be so cruel. Victor, you know how important my family is to me right now, and you kept my daughter away from me.", "Victor: My darling, for your information, it is Victoria who cut herself off from us, all right? She allied herself with that obnoxious Billy Abbott and then tried to sue me.", "Nikki: Perhaps if you had reached out to her, none of that would have happened.", "Victor: Oh, wait a minute now. We really need to talk about this, okay? I made her a more-than-generous offer. She doesn't give a damn about you. You need me now more than ever, for heaven's sake. She tried to put me behind bars.", "Nikki: How dare you say that? How dare you? I hate... (Stomps foot) This lawsuit. I hate... (Stomps foot) What it's doing to all of us.", "Victor: And I'm trying to resolve it.", "Nikki: By using me, by using our daughter's feelings for me.", "Victor: I am trying to hold our family together.", "Nikki: Don't pretend that you're doing anything kind for me, because you're only doing everything for Newman Enterprises. That is the only thing that you have ever been devoted to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: James Collier has a bank account set up in Miami. The first checks will be deposited in a day or so. Here's what you need to get the funds.", "Man: Well, Collier doesn't exist. So how's his work gonna get done?", "Cane: I'll do his job.", "Man: You better, Mate. It is a lovely home you got here. Just--just--just lovely. Bet the wife and kids love it.", "Cane: You'll get your damn money. You stay away from my family.", "Lily: Cane, guess-- hi. Um...", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: What's going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: You thinking what I'm thinking?", "J.T.: (Exhales) Well, I don't know. You thinking that I got a really hot fiancée?", "Mac: (Chuckles)", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Mac: I'm thinking about the job in D.C. I know you weren't interested in moving before. But things have changed.", "J.T.: Well, they'd change a hell of a lot more if we moved out of Genoa City.", "Mac: Maybe for the better.", "J.T.: (Sighs) Well, I guess there is a lot of opportunity in D.C.", "Mac: Mm-hmm. I bet the nonprofit could use you, probably be exactly what you need.", "J.T.: What we both need.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you. So I'm thinking, maybe my dad keeping me from seeing my mom is a good sign.", "Billy: Honey, I can put a positive spin on just about anything, but I think you have me beat here.", "Victoria: Well, maybe it's because he thinks that he's losing the lawsuit. I mean, why else would he resort to such low tactics?", "Billy: Because he's a dirty, rotten S.O.B...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Who doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants. He's Victor.", "Victoria: I think my dad's desperate.", "Billy: (Clears throat) He's showing you who's boss. He got out of being arrested. He got the court order kicked up to an even higher court. These aren't signs of weakness. These are signs of strength.", "Victoria: They're also moves that someone else made.", "Billy: Yeah, the district attorney.", "Victoria: Yeah. You know, Heather's never been a fan of my father's, so why would she start doing him any favors now?", "Billy: I don't know. But I'd like to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I'm Heather Stevens, and I approve this message. How soon can they set up the shoot? Oh, um, can you see if they can do it sooner? I-I really want to get this on the air as soon as possible. Uh, yeah. Let me know.", "Paul: So you're doing a new TV spot.", "Heather: Yes.", "Paul: Where did you get the money?", "Heather: A donor.", "Paul: You didn't hear a word I said, did you?", "Heather: If I want to help people, I need to get elected.", "Paul: No matter the cost? So you would do anything to win this election?", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Is this really what you think? That nothing matters more to me than my company?", "Nikki: That's what it feels like sometimes.", "Victor: Why? Because I wouldn't let Victoria see you?", "Nikki: You used both of us as leverage for your lawsuit.", "Victor: (Sighs) You know damn well that I didn't mean to hurt you.", "Nikki: I know. You never do.", "Victor: (Sighs) All right. (Sighs heavily) All right, Baby, I'm gonna go.", "Nikki: I think that's good, a good idea. (Sobs)", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ronan: Murphy, is that Morse code?", "Kay: Is Ronan right? I mean, is it Morse code?", "Billy: So you're telling me Victor didn't buy his way out of getting arrested? Because that's what it sounds like to me.", "Victoria: There is no way I'm gonna let you take my little boy across state lines--no way." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis argues with Nick about seeing him hug Avery the day she slept with Ronan. Nick insists that he and Avery are just friends. Phyllis thinks about making love to Ronan. When she discovers that he read the e-mail on her computer, she heads to the police station to confront him. As Phyllis searches through Ronan's evidence box, she wonders how he feels about it when she finds the memory card Adam threw in the creek. Phyllis and Ronan put the memory card in his computer and look at it, because Phyllis isn't sure that this is the same memory card with the evidence to clear Sharon. Ricky tells Avery that Adam called him and told him exactly where to be and where to stand to get a good picture of him kissing Heather. Ricky tells Avery that he decided to give the pictures to her instead of selling them, because even though Heather was probably spoiled by Paul and given anything she wanted, it's time she learned that she can't break the rules and get away with it. Chance and Ronan argue again because Chance can't understand why Ronan is scared to get to know Nina and have a relationship with her.", "Sharon feels alone and tells Victor that everyone she cared about has left her. Victor later talks to Nick to try and persuade him to be more supportive of Sharon during her ordeal. Nick asks Victor why he cares so much about Sharon. Victor answers that she has been through a lot in her life and come through it with a good outlook that is admirable. Avery visits the jail and shows Sharon the pictures of Adam and Heather. Avery tells Sharon that Adam set everything up to save her. Heather finally tells Ricky that she didn't grow up with Paul but instead grew up with a stepfather that abused her mother. When her stepfather threatened to harm her (Heather), her mother killed him. Ricky feel guilty and tries to stop her from using the pictures, but Avery tells him that it's too late, because things are already in motion. Heather is nervous because after her earlier talk with Adam she figured out that he intends to let people know what almost happened between them although she doesn't know how he plans to do it.", "" ]
[ "Ronan: I didn't see a photo of it.", "Man: Well, there should have been. You know, I'll go find it.", "Ronan: Yeah, do that. Hey, you know what? Just grab me the actual bracelet.", "Man: You got it.", "Ronan: All right.", "Chance: Morning.", "Ronan: Morning. What's up?", "Chance: I just got word... (Sighs) Atkinson's been transferred to Barwon Prison in Australia.", "Ronan: That's good. That's very good news.", "Chance: Yeah. Plenty of crime lords there to keep him company for a while.", "Ronan: That's right. He'll feel right at home, won't he?", "Chance: (Chuckles) More so than you felt the other night? Dinner with Mom and me? Hmm?", "Ronan: It was fine.", "Chance: Yeah, it was great. It was a blast-- for the five minutes that you were there.", "Ronan: Hey, I mean, duty called.", "Chance: Fine. Let's reschedule.", "Ronan: You need to stop pushing this on me.", "Chance: No, I don't.", "Ronan: Chance, all right, Nina has you, all right? The son, the perfect son, the son every mother could want. There doesn't need to be a relationship between me and her, so just stop it, please. It's a bad idea.", "Chance: The hell it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: (Gasps) What's this?", "Paul: (Chuckles) Well, read the card and find out.", "Nina: Okay. (Gasps)", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Nina: Mm. (Giggles)", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Don't waste your time reading that garbage, Darling.", "Sharon: (Sighs) If you know it's garbage, then that means you must have read it.", "Victor: That reporter had no business speculating about the outcome of your trial. He has not talked to Avery to know anything about her game plan.", "Sharon: You don't have to have insider information to see where things are headed. (Sighs) That's why I don't want you testifying. It... it's most likely not gonna help me, and it could get you in a lot of trouble. I hope that you didn't come here trying to change my mind.", "Victor: I came here because I understand Sam left town unexpectedly, and I don't want you to go to the trial all alone without support.", "Sharon: Thank you. That's so kind of you. But, you know, I am alone, and it's going to be that way for a very long time, so I might as well get used to it.", "Victor: You're not alone, and you know that we will stand by you.", "Sharon: Haven't you noticed, Victor? Everyone but you is gone.", "Victor: That is not true, and I don't want you to think that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I don't know why you're not callin' me back. I hope you haven't taken those pictures of Adam and Heather to another outlet. I would be very disappointed. Listen, um, nobody can give you the exposure that \"Restless Style\" can. No one can do that. I can put 'em up on the blog in seconds. Please, please call me back. If it's about the bonus... we can talk about that. It's negotiable. Anything is negotiable. Please, Ricky, call me as soon as you get this.", "Nick: Ricky? As in Paul's son?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I was just leaving him a message.", "Nick: Yeah, I got that. I just didn't know you two knew each other.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we met the other night.", "Nick: Oh, okay. What'd you need to talk to him about? It sounded pretty urgent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Avery: You got something for me?", "Ricky: Yeah, I do. I actually had it last time we talked. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't give it to you earlier. You'll understand when you see.", "Avery: So it's not just a rumor.", "Ricky: You know what the weirdest part is? Adam called me, told me it would be worth my time to come down to the club. Told me to bring a camera, told me where and when exactly to stand and wait to get the best shot.", "Avery: He set Heather up... for Sharon's sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I gave you a gift, Ricky. Morally, ethically, you are obligated to do everything you can to defend your client, and if you're smart, maybe you'll make a little money on the side. Call me as soon as you get this.", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Oh, good morning.", "Heather: No, not really.", "Adam: Why? Are you nervous about the trial?", "Heather: Uh, actually, I'm--I'm okay in that department, um, as long as nobody finds out what happened, uh, what almost happened between us the other night.", "Adam: I'm surprised you remember, actually. You had quite a bit to drink.", "Heather: Yes, I did, which is the only reason I... it was a lapse in judgment on my part.", "Adam: Well, don't worry about me. I'm--no one's gonna hear anything about this from me.", "Heather: (Sighs) Oh, my God. What have you done?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know that Avery's doing everything she can for you. You know that.", "Sharon: Yeah. That's because that's her job. She's a very committed professional. She is not my friend. She's not family.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: And that's not to say that I don't have any family support. There's been Noah. He's been wonderful, probably far more so than I deserve, but I just-- I don't... (Sighs) I want him to focus on his own life and his career. I don't want him holding my hand. And my mother-- well, you know the story with her.", "Victor: (Sighs) Yeah. I understand that, um, Sam didn't want to leave town.", "Sharon: Yeah. I had to convince him. Can you believe that? He's... he's made so many sacrifices for me, and I-I just started to feel guilty, and--and it just wasn't fair to him.", "Victor: You know what disappoints me the most? That Nicholas hasn't stepped up more. Do you feel the same?", "Sharon: No.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Sharon: I understand, you know? I've--I've done things that he never dreamed or imagined that I could do. I mean, he can't trust me anymore. He doesn't know what to expect from me. So I guess I-I can't expect the same things from him anymore. You know, I can't... I can't assume that he's gonna be there for me like he used to be.", "Victor: You may accept that. I can't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Um, Ricky is a budding journalist, and he was interested in doing some freelancing for us.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I think it's a good idea. I think he has potential.", "Nick: Does his \"Potential\" have anything to do with the fact that he's working on Sharon's trial?", "Phyllis: Well, we are a magazine, and it is a huge story. I think it helps us to have more than one source, and Avery isn't going to be very forthcoming with me.", "Nick: If Avery is not giving out any information, maybe she has a reason for that.", "Phyllis: Eh.", "Nick: Maybe she doesn't want any bad publicity for Sharon's trial.", "Phyllis: Well, that doesn't matter to me.", "Nick: Look, I know you don't care what happens to Sharon, but--", "Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, no, no, no. No, that's not what it is, and that is not what I meant. Bad publicity at this point is not gonna hurt Sharon's trial. It's not. And all the stories that I run on her have basically made her a celebrity. Who told the world that there was a memory card that could basically prove her innocence? I did. Who also told the world that Adam had it in his hot little hands but destroyed it? I did. I have done a hell of a lot more to free Sharon than Avery could possibly do.", "Nick: Avery got her a new trial.", "Phyllis: Which she's blowing, by the way. She's gonna need someone to pull her butt out of the fire along with Sharon. Wouldn't it be rich, wouldn't it be brilliant, if that person happened to be me? (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I think I can get a mistrial with these. I'll need you to testify, of course, verify their authenticity, but are you willing to do that?", "Ricky: Yeah.", "Avery: Are you sure? Heather's your sister.", "Ricky: Well, she's not my sister in the way that you'd normally think about it. We just met for the first time a couple weeks ago. But I still felt enough of a connection that I knew I couldn't sell them.", "Avery: Sell them?", "Ricky: Yeah. Someone made me an offer on 'em.", "Avery: Must have been a good one.", "Ricky: I'm not gonna profit off of them. But that doesn't mean that I owe it to Heather to suppress them, either.", "Avery: No, of course you don't. Look, if she had these feelings for a key witness, she should have never taken the case.", "Ricky: She--she strikes me as the kind of person who--who thinks she can get away with anything-- bending the rules. She was probably spoiled by our father growing up. It's obvious that he thinks she could do no wrong.", "Avery: Well, he's about to find out otherwise, isn't he?", "Ricky: Heather made her choice. Let her live with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Why are you getting so upset? I just told you--", "Heather: Yeah, yeah, one of your slippery, technically true promises. \"Nobody will ever hear about this\" from you. What does that mean?", "Adam: Just what I said.", "Heather: So people will hear about it from somebody else?", "Adam: Heather, you give me too much credit. I'm not as clever as you think I am.", "Heather: I don't understand. Why--why--why would you want to sabotage me? Not me. The case. You changed your mind. (Sighs) You're back on Sharon's side, aren't you?", "Adam: How would this help Sharon if-- well, I guess if people thought you and I were colluding together against her during this entire trial, that could be a problem for you.", "Heather: You bastard!", "Adam: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I hear you got a new job. Congrats. You leaving town soon?", "Chance: (Sighs) Well, when I do, it's not gonna be in the middle of the night without even saying good-bye to Mom.", "Ronan: I'm sure it won't be, because you and her are very close. You have been your whole life. It's a little different situation over here.", "Chance: Ronan, she wants to get close to you, too. And deep down, I truly believe that you want to get to know her better. Otherwise, why would you have shown up the other night?", "Ronan: Well, I was just hungry, Chance.", "Chance: Oh, come on. Ronan, what is holding you back here, Man? I mean, what has you so petrified from opening up just a little bit to Mom?", "Ronan: If you're done playing psychologist on me, I have a case I need to be working on.", "Chance: Okay, yeah, get up. Walk away. That's--that's right. This is the job where you get to ask all the questions, and no one else gets to, right? Huh? Is that how it is? Is that how Ronan operates? You know what? Here's the thing-- maybe the reason why you won't answer mine is because you don't simply have an answer at all. Is that it? I mean, is that why you're so walled off, Ronan? From me? Mom? Everyone? Because if that's the reason, if that's the answer, that's really sad to think about, Man. You're just a detective, a guy with a badge, who doesn't have a clue. (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Well, I have got to watch what I say around you. I mention a play's got good reviews, and now I have tickets.", "Paul: Well, I was thinking we could spend, you know, the whole weekend in Chicago.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Paul: Chance will have already left by then.", "Nina: And Ronan certainly won't miss me, so...", "Paul: Yeah, but, you know... (Sighs) Our children have kept us very busy lately.", "Nina: (Laughs) Yes, they have.", "Paul: And I think that, uh, maybe we've been distracted from some of the conversations we ought to be having.", "Nina: Like what?", "Paul: Well, I'd like to talk about the future, maybe our future.", "Nina: Should I feel guilty about keeping you away from Ricky? I mean, he just got to town.", "Paul: No, not at all. I'll make time for Ricky. Whether or not he'll have time for me, I don't know. (Chuckles)", "Nina: What, is he being standoffish?", "Paul: Oh, no, no, not at all. It's, uh, he's just so involved with this case.", "Nina: Oh, well, thank goodness they're not all like Ronan.", "Paul: I know. I mean, I half expected there to be some--some tension between Ricky and me because I wasn't much a part of his life when he was young.", "Nina: But he understands why. Right?", "Paul: Well, he seems to. I think he's just happy to be getting to know this side of the family better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: Heather.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ricky: You okay? Here, let me call Dad.", "Heather: No, no, please. Don't do that. He will think I'm such an idiot. I am such an idiot. (Sighs)", "Ricky: I'm sure he'll be supportive, whatever it is that's going on. Uh, he's been there for you your entire life. Why would he stop now?", "Heather: You've got the wrong idea about us. I mean, that's not Paul's and my story at all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Great news.", "Sharon: What?", "Avery: I think we're gonna get a mistrial.", "Sharon: (Gasps) How?", "Avery: You can thank Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, something's weird here. Aside from you claiming that you're on this mission to save Sharon--", "Phyllis: I just want to run a hot story. That's all I want. That's all I've ever wanted.", "Nick: And it's also a chance to one-up your sister, which makes it better, right? Yeah, don't deny it. I can actually feel the competitive vibe coming from you.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Is that the vibe you get? What kind of vibe do you get from Avery?", "Nick: Um, that vibe would be strictly professional.", "Phyllis: Really? Yeah, that was professional, what I saw at Crimson Lights when you guys were in each other's arms.", "Nick: So that's why--okay. Okay. She was having a bad day, all right? I guess. I don't know. I was there. What? No. No, no, no. You are not gonna turn this into something it's not, all right? And I don't want you going off and doing something to screw up Sharon's case just 'cause you're pissed at me.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Nick: Don't do that. And as usual, there's a problem in the art department.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, go to it. I'm sure there are a lot of girls there who are stressed out and need a hug. (Sighs)", "Nick: Nothing happened.", "[Phyllis remembering]", "Ronan: I'm a cop.", "Phyllis: I know you are.", "Ronan: Which makes this...", "Phyllis: Very wrong.", "Ronan: Very wrong.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: This is a bad idea.", "Phyllis: Those are always the best ideas, aren't they? The bad ones.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Scribbling on notepad)", "Phyllis: Wait, who's this...", "Phyllis: What?", "(Elevator door opens)", "Phyllis: Ronan. (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: That-- that's an awfully big box for a bracelet.", "Man: All the smaller things were together.", "Ronan: (Sighs) All right, thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Dad. Are you looking for me?", "Victor: As a matter of fact, I am, Son. I came to apologize for getting a court order forcing you to take Faith to see her mother.", "Nick: Okay.", "Victor: I know that you eventually would have come to the conclusion yourself that it was wrong to keep Faith away from Sharon.", "Nick: So you are apologizing, but you still think you were right to do that.", "Victor: I acknowledge that I overstepped, okay? But I'm asking you not to take out whatever anger you have toward me on Sharon.", "Nick: I don't appreciate you characterizing it like that.", "Victor: How else would you describe it, Son? You turned your back on someone you know is innocent.", "Nick: I didn't turn my back on her, Dad.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nick: I told you from the beginning that I would help Sharon any way I could with the magazine.", "Victor: With the magazine.", "Nick: Anything beyond that, I have to establish some boundaries. You might want to look into that.", "Victor: Meaning what?", "Nick: Why do you care so much about Sharon?", "Victor: Isn't it obvious? Why wouldn't I care about the mother of my grandchildren?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Scoffs) Adam set this up?", "Avery: Mm-hmm. He doesn't want to see you convicted, but he doesn't want to put himself in the hot seat, either, and admit Phyllis was right about him having the memory card.", "Sharon: So he... instead does this.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. Well, if the judge declares a mistrial, there's a chance that the D.A. might not want to take your case to court again.", "Sharon: Because it's more trouble than it's worth?", "Avery: That's what Adam is banking on.", "Sharon: (Sighs) But there's no guarantee of that, though.", "Avery: No, my guess is that Spencer will think third time is a charm.", "Sharon: Well, if he does, Adam's off the hook because of these pictures.", "Avery: Right. The judge will never let him testify with this.", "Sharon: So once again, Adam comes out without a scratch, and meanwhile, Heather's career and her reputation are destroyed.", "Avery: You ever have a cat bring you a dead mouse and expect you to be thrilled with it? That's Adam. I'm sure he thinks this is the height of chivalry, he's your hero come to save you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hey, Faith. Hey, you. What you doin'?", "Faith: Scary fingers.", "Adam: (Gasps) Scary fingers! Guess what? Mommy's gonna come see you real soon.", "Faith: Mommy!", "Adam: Mm-hmm. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) I didn't even know Paul growing up.", "Ricky: You didn't?", "Heather: No, I-I grew up with my mother and--and my stepfather. He was definitely a big influence, probably why I became a prosecutor. Definitely why I'm so screwed up when it comes to men. (Sighs) He used to beat my mother up.", "Ricky: I'm sorry. I-I didn't know.", "Heather: It was a big family secret. Nobody knew. Well, some people suspected, but nobody did anything about it.", "Ricky: Did he hurt you?", "Heather: He threatened to, so my mother killed him. I'm actually surprised Avery wasn't more thorough. She didn't have you investigate me.", "Paul: Hey, my two favorite people. How's it going?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Sighs) Okay, well, that's definitely not Victoria's.", "Ronan: Can I help you?", "Phyllis: Don't look at me like that. Please don't even go there.", "Ronan: Well, I won't, because we agreed that neither one of us is gonna go there again. Right.", "Phyllis: Exactly. That's what we agreed. And that's twice as true, especially after what you did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) I know exactly how Heather is going to feel when she sees those photos.", "Avery: Yeah, well, don't feel too sorry for her. It's not the first time she's crossed the line ethically. She's a disgrace to her office, and it's an office she's not gonna have much longer.", "Sharon: And Adam claims another victim.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So you guys have, uh, time to sit and have some coffee?", "Ricky: No. No, no, um, I'm sorry. I've gotta run.", "Paul: Okay, I'll... catch you later. How about you?", "Heather: I'm due into court.", "Paul: What? Sharon's trial?", "Heather: Yeah.", "Paul: Hold on. Are you worried? I mean, from what I read in the paper, everything's going your way.", "Heather: (Sighs) Yeah, but, I mean, everything can change on a dime. I mean, if I let my guard down, Avery is not above using underhanded tactics.", "Paul: You know what? You can handle anything she throws at you. You know that. Don't worry about it. Okay?", "Heather: How's it going with you and Ricky?", "Paul: You're the second person to ask me that today. And I haven't been able to spend as much time with him as I would like because of the trial, but, uh, I'm looking forward to getting to know him better like I did you.", "Heather: Well, it's better late than never.", "Paul: You know, I-I feel awful about all the things I missed out on with you two.", "Heather: Can't change it now.", "Paul: Are you okay?", "Heather: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just--I'm late. Wish me luck.", "Paul: Okay. Good luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sit down, Son. (Sighs) Let me ask you something. Does it really surprise you that I feel partly responsible for what happened to Sharon? That she went to Hawaii because of what I had done to uncover what I had done hiding Skye Lockhart?", "Nick: There's more to this than guilt or family obligation, Dad. I mean, be honest. If this were Phyllis in this situation, would you be reacting the same way?", "Victor: Unlikely.", "Nick: Yeah, you've always had a soft spot for Sharon.", "Victor: Son, who wouldn't have a soft spot for her knowing about her childhood, knowing how tough that was? And then she marries you, time to get all that behind her, only to lose her children and to lose you to Phyllis. And then she gets involved with that psychopath Adam. That's too much for any one person to deal with. She's alone, and it saddens me.", "Nick: Look, if you think you can change Sharon back to the person she used to be, you can't. So give it up. Sharon's changed now. Now whether that was under the influence of Adam, I don't know. But she is reckless, and she is unreliable. Dad, I know you don't want to see that. Hell, I didn't want to see it. But I had no choice. I have children depending on me. They have to be my priority.", "Victor: And I understand that. But you don't think Phyllis is unreliable and reckless? Would you prevent Phyllis...?", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Victor: From seeing her child? Of course you wouldn't. Do you hold Phyllis to the same high moral standards that you do Sharon? You and I both know the answer to that. It's no. And I don't understand that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You had no right to read that e-mail. You had no warrant. You had no right.", "Ronan: I don't need a warrant for something that's in plain sight.", "Phyllis: You don't?", "Ronan: No.", "Phyllis: Okay, so I guess the same follows with you. This is all in plain sight, right? I don't need a warrant...", "Ronan: Phyllis, stop it.", "Phyllis: You know? I can look at anything on your desk.", "Ronan: Just listen. Okay, that's enough. Just stop.", "Phyllis: What's all this? Ooh, evidence.", "Ronan: Stop. Stop it.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Adam.", "Adam: What do you want?", "Avery: Got your photos.", "(Electronic lock beeps)", "Adam: Mm, I don't know what you're talking about.", "Avery: I'll be making a motion for a mistrial within the hour.", "Adam: Thanks for sharing.", "Avery: Even if it's successful, Sharon probably won't go free. At best, it buys me time to figure out how to get that memory card out of the creek and into the hands of the authorities.", "Adam: You violate the attorney-client privileged, and I will have you disbarred.", "Avery: Oh, I don't doubt that for a second. You had no qualms about destroying Heather's career, did you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: They said at your office that you were gonna be here.", "Heather: Uh, yeah, but, um, I kind of have to keep my head in the game right now, so can we just talk later?", "Chance: I'm just checkin' in. You weren't very happy with me last time we saw each other, so, um...", "Heather: Well, I'm gonna get over it, but, uh, right now, I, um--", "Chance: I know. I know. I know. I know. Big case.", "Heather: When your work is all you have, you sort of don't want to blow it, you know what I mean?", "Chance: Yeah. There's no chance of that happening, by the way. Heather, you're an amazing lawyer, and you're an even better person. Everything's gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be great for you.", "Heather: I wish I had that confidence. (Chuckles) Even more than that...", "Chance: What?", "Heather: I just wish I could see myself the way you just described me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Where did that come from?", "Ronan: Why?", "Phyllis: You dredged the creek, didn't you? The--where Diane was killed.", "Ronan: Do you think that this is somehow related?", "Phyllis: No, not to the murder. To something else. Did someone else look at that? I mean, did you see it?", "Ronan: No, I haven't seen this yet. But obviously, you think I should.", "Phyllis: Adam had the memory card from Sharon's camera. He had it for a bit, I think. It has audio proof on it that Sharon was trying to save Skye, not kill her.", "Ronan: I know. I read your blog in \"Restless Style.\" But the chances that this is the same memory card are just--", "Phyllis: Who throws a memory card in a creek? Who does that? A betrayed lover. Adam. I mean, I think that we should look at it. I-it's not gonna kill us to look at it, right? I-I don't even know if it's gonna work, because it's been in water. Should we even try?", "Ronan: Well, there's only one way to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thank you so much.", "Woman: You're welcome. Bye, Faith.", "Nick: Say \"Bye-bye.\" All right, Beautiful, what do you want to do today? Want to play football?", "Faith: (Laughs)", "Nick: No, let's go to the park. Want to go to the park?", "Faith: No.", "Nick: No park?", "Faith: I need to hold your phone.", "Nick: You want my phone? Okay.", "Faith: Mommy lost?", "Nick: Oh, um...", "Faith: Mommy lost?", "Nick: No, Sweetie, that's not mommy.", "Faith: (Sighs)", "Nick: That's not mommy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Ahh.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Listen, Avery was here, and you're never gonna believe what happened. I...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Victor, what's wrong?", "Victor: Nothing.", "Sharon: No, you--you're-- you're concerned about someone. Is it Faith?", "Victor: I don't want you-- I don't want you to be alarmed, okay? I just had some words with Nicholas.", "Sharon: \"Words,\" meaning...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: You argued. Was it about me?", "Victor: And I doubt I got through to him. In fact, I may have made things worse.", "Sharon: I really appreciate that you tried.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: No, no. They're that way on purpose so they don't show the part where I squashed them when I hugged him. (Laughs)", "Chance: (Chuckles) And that is why we can't have nice things.", "Nina: Yeah.", "(Knock on door)", "Nina: Oh, excuse me. You're back.", "Paul: Hi.", "Nina: Hi.", "Paul: How are you?", "Nina: Mwah!", "Paul: Well, I wanted to see Chance before he left, okay?", "Nina: Yeah. Come on in.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nina: Oh, that's mine. I'll be right there.", "Paul: Hey there.", "Chance: Hey. That's a great gift you got her.", "Paul: Well, I hope she likes the play.", "Chance: Eh, it won't even matter. She'll have just as much fun dissecting it if she thinks its crap anyway.", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Chance: Um, by the way, I saw Heather.", "Paul: Earlier?", "Chance: No, uh, just now.", "Paul: How did she seem?", "Chance: She was... emotional, but we talked, and I think she's gonna be just fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I don't want to talk to you right now, Adam.", "Adam: I'm here to give you a heads-up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Ricky: Avery.", "Avery: What is it?", "Ricky: I was so worried I wouldn't catch you in time. I'm sorry. I cannot let you use those pictures. You were right-- I can't do this to my sister.", "Avery: Ricky, this is too late. It's happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Okay. Let's see what we've got.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: I need to see my family. Will you help me?", "Avery: There's a matter that requires your attention.", "Paul: What's goin' on here?", "Adam: Ask your son." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick and Noah discuss the fact that Sharon could have set the fire to Victor's. Sharon lights a match just to watch it burn. At the Athletic Club, confronts Adam about working for Jack Abbott at Newman. Adam congratulates him on his upcoming nuptials. Victor voices some sarcastic remarks about Chelsea and the baby. Adam asserts that Chelsea lost the baby due to Summer. Victor offers his condolences. Nick tries to call Sharon but cannot reach her. At the coffeehouse, Chloe asks Avery for advice about Chelsea joining her and Kevin at TagNGrab. Nikki comes downstairs to show Victor the Fire Marshall's report about the fire at the ranch. Victor reads that it was intentionally set. Nikki immediately asks if Sharon had an alibi for the night of the fire. Victor confronts Nikki about why she didn't tell him that Chelsea lost the baby due to Summer. Adam assures Chelsea that he is behind her her working with Kevin and Chloe. Victor hires his own investigator to investigate the fire at the ranch.", "At the coffeehouse, Chelsea and Chloe talk about their past and their interest in design. Chelsea admits that she dabbled in designs when she was a teenager. Chloe asks to see her designs. Nikki visits Nick and Noah to find out about Sharon's whereabouts. Nikki tells Nick that the fire was intentionally set. Nick informs Nikki that Sharon is out of town. Nikki immediately blames Sharon for the fire and thinks there is nothing left of the Sharon Nick once knew. Sharon dreams of the fire and Victor and Noah. Adam awakens her cautiously to let her know that Dr. Watkins is here to see her. Sharon becomes agitated, doesn't want to see the doctor, and forces her to leave. Nikki lets Nick know what else was in the report. Nikki senses that Nick knows more than he is telling. As Victor looks through the ruins of the house, the investigator determines that the fire was set with his liquor. Dr. Watkins tells Adam that Sharon needs help immediately. Sharon wants to go home to see her children. Adam tells Sharon that everyone may suspect her of setting the fire, but he will fix things for her. Noah finds a message on his phone from Sharon and calls her back. At the Newman mansion, Chloe looks through Chelsea's designs and tells her that she could make a career of design. Chelsea tells Chloe that there is a vacant cottage on the property that she could use as work space. Chelsea begins to look for the keys. Avery and Nick meet at the coffeehouse. She lets him know that they are short handed and it is self serve. Avery and Nick discuss what has been going on lately. Avery invites Nick to dinner at her place. Chelsea and Chloe head for the cottage. Victor recognizes a bracelet found in the rubble as one he gave Sharon. Nikki vows to make Sharon pay.", "" ]
[ "Nick: You don't look like you got much sleep last night.", "Noah: Are you surprised?", "Nick: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up your mom and the fire. It's just speculation.", "Noah: She was here on the scene when the ranch burned down. Unless you have some other explanation for the clothes in her closet that smell like smoke...", "Nick: Yes, but to jump from that to--to starting the fire...", "Noah: Was it arson? Do we know that?", "Nick: Investigator's report's gonna come out today. Look, I know you're worried about your mom.", "Noah: Yeah, well, when you've seen enough of these crises, you just sort of see trouble on the horizon, you know?", "Nick: Maybe she just witnessed the fire and took off 'cause she didn't want to get blamed for it.", "Noah: Or maybe she is to blame.", "Nick: It's a real old house, Son. It could be the wiring. It could be the chimney. It could be a lot of things. Let's not point the finger at anyone right now, especially your mother.", "Noah: Come on, Dad. Are you gonna tell me that you don't think she's capable of it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Does that work for you? Great. Thank you. I appreciate your discretion.", "Adam: Dad, you're looking well. You'd never know you just got out of the hospital.", "Victor: So I understand you're going to work for Jack Abbott.", "Adam: Correct.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: It's one of the few times having the name \"Newman\" did not work to my advantage.", "Victor: Now you're not going to expect that people mistake you for the Newman of Newman Enterprises, do you?", "Adam: Let's hope that payroll doesn't make that same mistake. I'll have to talk to them about that. I'd hate for them to send my paycheck over your way by accident.", "Victor: (Laughs) Yeah. You're right. Very proud of yourself, aren't you, Son? You think you're very clever putting yourself in this position.", "Adam: Well, not all of us can be lucky enough to be a man of leisure like yourself.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: But we'll see how that agrees with you long-term. You don't seem the type to want to take up, uh, gardening or stamp collecting.", "Victor: Don't you worry about me, Son. I've got plenty of things to do.", "Adam: That's right.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Wedding planning. Congratulations for the 148th time. Maybe you can consider turning that into a cottage industry for yourself. I mean, you have so much experience.", "Victor: So how's your wife faring? How's your marriage, Son? Keeping your pregnant wife occupied? What's the matter?", "Adam: It's out of character even for you to be so cruel.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Adam: Chelsea and I lost the baby after Summer ran us off the road.", "Victor: I didn't hear anything about that. I'm very sorry to hear that.", "Adam: You'll get over it. Seems as though the rest of your family already has.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) Wherever your mother is, she is not checking her voice mail.", "Noah: Maybe she's been in touch with Avery.", "Nick: Avery?", "Noah: If she needed legal advice?", "Nick: She wouldn't go to Avery.", "Noah: Isn't she her lawyer?", "Nick: Avery is Newman's corporate counsel. So once your mother left Newman Enterprises, she was no longer represented by Avery.", "Noah: Well, what about when Grandpa had her arrested?", "Nick: She hired Leslie Michaelson.", "Noah: I think she should go back to Avery. I mean, there's no conflict of interest anymore...", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Noah: Now that Jack's her boss, right?", "Nick: Uh, the conflict with Avery would be her principles. She doesn't work with anyone she can't trust. With all the lies your mother told letting us think Dad was dead and stealing the company out from under us...", "Noah: Well, she never had clients lie to her before?", "Nick: Well, if she has, she fired 'em. Avery has integrity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Hey, a large frap, please. (Sighs)", "[Avery remembering]", "Nick: You bake? This is news to me.", "Avery: Well, I am multifaceted. I have many facets.", "Nick: You trip over yourself going up and down stairs. I've seen it.", "Avery: That is true, but you do not see any stairs in my kitchen.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Avery: Here.", "Nick: (Inhales slowly)", "Avery: Oh, what, is a cupcake too froufrou for you?", "Nick: Hey, I am very confident in my masculinity.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: If I want a cupcake, I'll have one. I'm just a little nervous you might have mixed up salt with sugar or, uh, I don't know, toothpaste with frosting.", "Avery: Wow, you're hilarious. Bite it.", "Nick: That is amazing.", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: It's brilliant.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I mean, in the history of baked goods, this is the best cupcake I've ever had. This has officially changed my life.", "Avery: It is delicious, and you know you like it.", "Nick: Yeah, I really do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Nice work. Wait a minute. Do you even work here?", "Chloe: I keep telling myself that no, I don't, but, unfortunately, Kevin needs some help lately, so, yep, here I am.", "Avery: Well, I so need this. (Sighs)", "Chloe: No, no, no, no. You put that away. I will trade you this beverage for some legal advice.", "Avery: All right. If I'd known that, I would have asked for more whipped cream.", "Chloe: Okay, well, if you help me out, I will hook you up with all the whipped cream you can handle.", "Avery: Okay, hit me.", "Chloe: I kinda sorta made a deal with the devil.", "Avery: Oh, well, sometimes if you scour the fine print, you can get out of those.", "Chloe: I don't want out. I want to stay in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: If Summer caused the miscarriage by being reckless, I'm sure that she's heartbroken now.", "Adam: Makes sense that your, uh, concern would be for her. That's not snark. I mean it. It makes sense. The way you see it, no doubt, the universe has thoughtfully arranged to take an eye for an eye.", "Victor: You're talking about Ashley's miscarriage that... you caused? Let me tell you something, Son. I don't wish this on anyone. I want you to give my sympathies to Chelsea, okay?", "Nikki: Hello, Victor.", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: Adam.", "Adam: Excuse me.", "Nikki: Charming as ever.", "Victor: Did you know that Chelsea suffered a miscarriage?", "Nikki: Yes, I did.", "Victor: And did you also hear that Summer may have caused it?", "Nikki: Well, we'll never know for certain, but it seems likely.", "Victor: Why am I only finding out about this now?", "Nikki: I'm sorry, Darling. I-I didn't want to tell you while you were in the hospital, and then the fire happened, and the move--", "Victor: Sweetheart. Sweetheart, do me a favor. Don't ever keep anything like this from me. I don't care how serious it is. But when it pertains to my family, I want to know everything.", "Nikki: I know. I'm sorry. So I came downstairs to bring this to you. It was just delivered.", "Victor: What--what's this?", "Nikki: The fire inspector's report. I haven't opened it yet.", "Victor: Oh, let's take a look. It's arson.", "Nikki: (Sighs) I knew it. I knew it. I didn't want to say anything until we knew that the fire wasn't an accident. Has anybody spoken to Sharon about her whereabouts that night?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So then I suggested that Adam's wife Chelsea take over for him.", "Avery: Does she have the same kind of expertise that he does?", "Chloe: No. But she does have Adam's ear and his connections. And, look, the main advantage is that they just don't take the money out of the company.", "Avery: Were they receptive to that idea?", "Chloe: She was. He wasn't. But they haven't fully rejected the idea yet. I--", "Avery: But it's not looking good.", "Chloe: Look, I am just hoping that there's something in all that legalese that means that he just can't leave us hanging.", "Avery: Well, I gotta tell you, this contract-- the terms are heavily skewed in Adam's favor. No surprise. Everything is his option.", "Chloe: Yeah, we were kind of desperate when we made the deal with him.", "Avery: Well, there's nothing in there that prevents him from taking out his money if that's what he wants to do.", "Chloe: (Sighs) So in other words, we're at the mercy of Adam Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: What's that?", "Adam: (Clears throat) It's a peace offering.", "Chelsea: Hmm. Strudel. I'm not mad at you.", "Adam: Wow, so I picked a really good strudel then, right?", "Chelsea: I just-- I calmed down. And I realized that if you're looking for someone to manage a huge, multimillion-dollar high-tech investment, the candidate with the G.E.D. and a couple bartending stints on her résumé is probably not gonna get the gig. Duh.", "Adam: Don't do that. Don't knock yourself.", "Chelsea: No. What? It's just--it's reality.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Chelsea, you would be perfect for the job. At this stage of the game, it's all people skills. It's convincing the investors they have confidence in the company, laying out the vision for them. You don't think that's in your wheelhouse?", "Chelsea: Oh, no. I would have rocked that.", "Adam: Right?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) But, Adam, then why did you say that I--", "Adam: Kevin and Chloe. Kevin particularly. That, uh, that little boy is paranoid and childish and surly. He's not just that way with me. He was that way with corporate partners, Jabot. So it's one thing if he were that way with me, but if he were that way with you, it would have driven me crazy.", "Chelsea: The web site is still a good idea.", "Adam: Sure it is. It's a very good idea. There are plenty of good ideas out there that you can make money at and you don't feel like ripping your hair out.", "Chelsea: Adam, I am going to have to find something to do. You are gonna be working at Newman long hours. If I just have to sit around here counting the throw pillows, I am gonna go insane.", "Adam: No, you're gonna find something that you're passionate about.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: That's worth your time and effort, and when you do, I will be wildly supportive.", "Chelsea: You got any ideas?", "Adam: I have a few. But I'm gonna keep 'em to myself right now.", "Chelsea: Oh, come on.", "Adam: I want to see what you come up with. I mean, that's half the fun of living with you, you know? You never know what you're gonna get.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah? What's the other half? Oh.", "Adam: Come here.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) There's one. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, there's nothing in here that directly implicates Sharon.", "Nikki: Is there anything that rules her out? Because she had access to the property. You hadn't even changed the locks after you threw her out. And she is bitterly resentful of you.", "Victor: Sweetheart, she's not alone in that, okay? There's a long list of enemies.", "Nikki: Victor, you have business rivals. This was personal. This was somebody deliberately destroying our home that we were planning on living together in, a home that we had so many memories of our family, of the kids growing up, everything. It was personal.", "Victor: I hear what you're saying. But so far, there's no hard evidence in here. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to hire my own investigator.", "Nikki: All right. I'm gonna do some investigating, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hey. How's it going?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) It's good. But I'm... (Sighs)", "Chloe: You had your talk with Adam.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. I was really excited to help you run TagNGrab, but at the-- at the end of the day, he's probably right. It's just not the best move for us.", "Chloe: You know, I had a feeling that's what the answer was going to be. But, honestly, you know, it's really not a big deal, because even if you could have convinced Adam to go with it, I really don't think that Kevin would have gone for it. I mean, not that he has any objection with you in particular.", "Chelsea: Right, no, I get it. It just would have put me in the middle between him and Adam. I get it.", "Chloe: Yeah, it's not a fun place to be. Believe me.", "Chelsea: Well, TagNGrab is still a great concept. I will continue to shop there.", "Chloe: That's if it still exists.", "Chelsea: Well, Adam will-- will make sure he gets you guys another investor, I'm sure.", "Chloe: Maybe. But even if he does, we're not gonna have a say in who that is, and I mean, who knows how they're gonna run it or if they'll push us out? Or... (Scoffs) I'm--I'm really sorry. You know what? This is not your fault. This is my fault, because I recruited Adam, and I'm the one who forced Kevin to make it work. Guess I should have just stuck to my day job.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) I know, right? What do you do at-- at \"Restless Style\" again? You're a writer?", "Chloe: No, I'm-- I'm a stylist.", "Chelsea: No way. How do you become a stylist in Genoa City?", "Chloe: (Laughs) You don't. (Laughs) I lived in New York. Yeah, I was right in the middle of the fashion district.", "Chelsea: You're kidding. Oh, that must have been so cool.", "Chloe: It was. It was a lot of fun.", "Chelsea: I wanted to be a fashion designer growing up. (Giggles) My mom-- my mom and I, we ran this con once. We convinced this guy that I was a high-end model. (Laughs) I, like, created this whole fake wardrobe of mine. I would go into secondhand shops and buy a bunch of stuff, and then I would deconstruct it, and then I would put it back together in different ways. I called myself \"Andie Walsh.\" The guy had no clue, but its Molly Ringwald's character...", "Chloe: \"Pretty in Pink.\"", "Chelsea: In \"Pretty in Pink,\" yeah. She makes her own prom dress.", "Chloe: Yeah, I know. I love that movie.", "Chelsea: Hmm.", "Chloe: Hey, you don't have any pictures of the stuff that you made, do you?", "Chelsea: I do, actually.", "Chloe: I'd love to see them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, it is so nice to have you here within squeezing distance.", "Nick: You're gonna have to resist that urge while he's at work.", "Nikki: Oh, where are you working?", "Noah: Uh, at the club bartending.", "Nikki: No.", "Noah: Yes.", "Nikki: And I'm living there. I'll see you every day. But I promise I won't hug you. I'll just reach across the bar and pinch your cheeks.", "Noah: Excellent. It's much more professional.", "Nikki: (Laughs)", "Noah: Thank you.", "Nick: Dude, she is the best tipper in the world. She's gonna hook you up. Are you here to talk about wedding plans, mom?", "Nikki: Um, no, no. Something else. Thank you.", "Noah: Oh, you know what? I think Faith has been quiet a little too long. I'm gonna go check on her.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Nick: (Sighs) Thanks, Bud.", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nikki: Actually, I'm looking for Sharon. She's not at home.", "Nick: She's out of town.", "Nikki: Really? Since when?", "Nick: You know, I don't know. She left a message for Noah. She didn't say where she was or how long she'll be gone.", "Nikki: So she hasn't been in touch with you? You--you don't have to make arrangements for Faith?", "Nick: You would think. I texted her a picture of Faith dressed up in her Halloween costume. But we found her phone at her house.", "Nikki: (Sighs) All right, I have to tell you something. We got the official word this morning that the fire was deliberately set.", "Nick: And now you're here looking for Sharon.", "Nikki: I know you're going to tell me I'm jumping to conclusions.", "Nick: Actually, the same thought crossed my mind.", "Nikki: It did?", "Nick: I don't want to believe it.", "Nikki: Well, I think if that thought had crossed her mind, there would be nothing to stop her from doing it. And she has no conscience. She has no sense of decency or shame. And she has no remorse for the things she has done to us. In fact, she blames us. I'm sorry, Son. But I don't see anything left of the Sharon that you used to love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Sharon dreaming]", "(Flames crackling)", "Adam: Sharon!", "Adam: Sharon! Sharon!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon? Sharon. Hey, no, we're right here. You were dreaming.", "Sharon: (Gasps) Who is that?", "Adam: Remember I told you I was going to find someone to help you? This is Dr. Watkins.", "Sharon: No notice? What, no warning?", "Adam: Sharon, we agreed.", "Sharon: No, Adam, you did not have my permission to bring her here. You have to leave.", "Dr. Watkins: Where would you like me to go?", "Sharon: Anywhere but here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What else was in that investigator's report?", "Nikki: If you're asking if we have solid proof that Sharon was involved, no, we don't. Not yet. But your father has hired another investigator to look for evidence. If there is something to be found, we will find it. What? Do you know something?", "Nick: There are two people upstairs who don't need to hear any of this.", "Nikki: Honey, I know that. And I am so sorry. Believe me, I am not reveling in this. I mean, obviously, it's awful to think of them finding out about this on top of everything else their mother has done.", "Nick: I appreciate you not bringing it up in front of Noah.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, I just have to say, if it turns out that Sharon was involved, we're only gonna be able to shield them from so much. Now I already think that your father has been way too lenient with Sharon. If she had been locked up like she deserved to be, maybe the ranch would still be standing. But, unfortunately, she is a danger to herself and to everyone around her. We're gonna have to face that and take the appropriate measures, whatever they may be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs) So what do you think, Inspector?", "Man: The char pattern on the carpet indicates the presence of a liquid accelerant. It could be as simple as that.", "Victor: That's my own tequila. Are you suggesting that someone could have used my own booze to burn this house down?", "Man: In my experience, it suggests an unplanned act of passion.", "Victor: Or an act of hatred against me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I have never heard of anything so unprofessional in my entire life-- ambushing someone in her sleep?", "Adam: Sharon, let's be reasonable. It's not an ambush. This is a house call.", "Sharon: Well, I'm sorry we wasted your time.", "Dr. Watkins: I'm sorry we startled you.", "Adam: Look, let's just calm down. We'll have a nice conversation. I can pour some drinks.", "Sharon: No, no. I am way too upset. This is not going to work.", "Dr. Watkins: I'm just gonna leave you my card in case you want to reschedule.", "Adam: (Sighs) Uh, she's had some bad experiences when she was institutionalized last.", "Dr. Watkins: Your instincts were right, Mr. Newman. She does need professional help. And, uh, sooner than later.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Adam, I'm sure you think that I overreacted, and I don't want to seem ungrateful.", "Adam: She was just here to help you, Sharon.", "Sharon: Well, I don't need a psychiatrist. All I need is for this to come to an end so I can go home and hug my kids. You know, this is a very lovely cottage, but it's starting to make me feel like I did when I was in prison.", "Adam: You're here for your own protection, so that you don't end up in prison.", "Sharon: Are the police looking for me?", "Adam: Not that I know of.", "Sharon: Do they suspect that I set that fire? Adam?", "Adam: I heard my father talking with Nikki, and the fire has been ruled arson. Your name did come up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Kiddo, get your shoes on. We'll go feed the ducks. (Sighs)", "Noah: Hey, it's me. Uh, I was hopin' to catch you. I got your text. I guess it was meant for me. It could have been meant for somebody else-- you just got the number wrong. That happens, right? But if it was for me, yeah, I miss you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mom, what are you looking for?", "Nikki: Well, the inspector's not gonna know what belongs here and what doesn't.", "Nick: So you think whoever started this fire would do you the favor of leaving something behind? And if that's Sharon, what's that gonna prove? That she used to live here?", "Nikki: All trace of Sharon was completely gone. I saw to that. Her clothes, her jewelry-- everything was moved out of here. Victor, is your investigator still here?", "Victor: (Sighs) Yeah, he's taking pictures in the other room. So, Son, what do you think about your mother's idea that Sharon started this?", "Nick: I hope she's wrong.", "Victor: Have you talked to her? Does she have an alibi for that night?", "Nick: No.", "Victor: \"No\" what?", "Nick: No, I haven't talked to her.", "Nikki: Sharon left town very suddenly.", "Victor: Really?", "Nick: Well, think how messed up she must have been to do something like this.", "Nikki: That's exactly my point, Son. She shouldn't be roaming around out there in that condition.", "Nick: That is not what I'm saying.", "Victor: What you're saying is that you don't think Sharon could have done this.", "Nikki: Nicholas, I know you don't want to see this, or maybe you can't see it. But there's always been this side to Sharon.", "Nick: Yeah, just like Ashley? Patty? Diane? And what do they all have in common?", "Victor: Son, I think it's time you leave.", "Nick: Yeah, that's a good idea.", "Nikki: No, please wait. Don't go.", "Victor: Leave him be.", "Nikki: (Scoffs) I don't want you two fighting about Sharon. She has caused so much grief for this family. I don't want you fighting about it. It's ridiculous.", "Nick: I'll tell you what's ridiculous is that you're blaming one person for this. And it's Sharon?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: I'm gonna check on the inspector.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You really knew what was going on in the fashion world.", "Chelsea: Ah, yes, that was my Alexander McQueen phase.", "Chloe: Yeah, but that's-- that's not a copy. I mean, you had your own take on it.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Chloe: Wow, how old were you?", "Chelsea: I was like 16 or 17.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Are you kidding me? Are you sure you're not conning me?", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) No. Those are mine. (Laughs)", "Chloe: Okay, because these are really good. These are amazingly good. You know, you could be doing this for a living.", "Chelsea: No. (Laughs)", "Chloe: No, I am serious. You are really talented. I have connections.", "Chelsea: Chloe, I haven't done this in, like, years. (Scoffs)", "Chloe: Oh, okay, but I-- I know that you are still keeping up with it, 'cause I see you reading the magazines. I mean, come on. This isn't like TagNGrab. You don't need some huge investment. I mean, all you need is a sewing machine, some fabric, a place to work at. I mean, you could just use a spare room, and then once you get bigger, you know, rent a studio downtown.", "Chelsea: Actually, we have a cottage on the property that's completely empty. I could use that as workspace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I don't remember anything I did that night. Gosh, someone could have seen me going to the ranch. But for all I know, I could have scrawled my name all over the walls. I wasn't rational.", "Adam: If somebody had seen something, then my father would have eventually found out, and he has not said anything, so at this point, it is just conjecture.", "Sharon: All right. Well, I-I could have left footprints.", "Adam: Now that's easily explainable. You had been staying there. What we need to do is establish an alibi, and that is what I am working on. No one's gonna be able to touch you, Sharon. But in the meantime, I need you to play ball with me. You-- you have to stay in the cottage. No more sneaking up to the house. No more phone calls.", "Sharon: No. No, I-I know. I understand.", "Adam: I want to help you out, but I need your cooperation. You know I'm there for you, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I thought it was in here.", "Chloe: You don't have a spare key to the cottage?", "Chelsea: No. There's a master key around here somewhere.", "Chloe: Even the word \"Cottage\" is, like, straight out of the Brothers Grimm. Its way more creatively inspiring than being stuck in some spare room.", "Chelsea: Mm. Aha! Here it is. Let's go check it out.", "Chloe: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hello?", "(Knocks on countertop)", "Nick: Anybody there?", "Avery: Hey. Why all the yelling, Newman?", "Nick: I really need some coffee.", "Avery: Okay, well, they're a little understaffed, so it's kind of a self-serve honor system kind of day. Everything okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) Ooh, my God. This is just heartless. Whoever did this...?", "Victor: (Sighs) Sweetheart, all of this can be replaced, okay?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I used to feel safe in this house. Can you replace that?", "Victor: I can, and I will.", "Man: I got a picture of this already. Looks expensive. You don't want to leave it here.", "Nikki: Um, it's not mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Well, maybe I shouldn't ask you what's going on until you finish that.", "Nick: You probably shouldn't ask me even then.", "Avery: Oh, okay.", "Nick: For your own sake. Bad moods can be contagious.", "Avery: Oh, you know I don't mind.", "Nick: So you remember the day I had last week that was really, really terrible?", "Avery: Uh, the one where your family lost the company, your father was in the hospital, and the ranch burned down? Yeah, it's kind of hard to forget that.", "Nick: Yeah, well, this one's starting to feel a little worse.", "Avery: Oh, Nick. How can I help? Do you need anything?", "Nick: I need food. I need some lunch. Have you had lunch yet?", "Avery: No, not yet.", "Nick: Then let's go have some lunch. But we're not going anywhere popular, because I don't want to run into anyone I know.", "Avery: Okay, well, I can't do lunch today, but we could meet later for a friendly dinner at a place I know would cheer you up.", "Nick: Where is that?", "Avery: My place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I don't want anyone injured. Find vacant buildings. Make sure no one is inside. You deviate from that plan in any way, and you are not paid. Understood?", "Man: You saying you don't care which buildings I torch?", "Adam: I'll leave that up to you. Just make certain it looks like arson. Use alcohol-- tequila, preferably Capataz. Leave the bottles behind.", "Man: You're setting somebody up.", "Adam: Just the opposite.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, process of elimination.", "Chelsea: Let's try... this one. Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Do you recognize this?", "Victor: Yes, I do. Do you think there's some truth to what... Nicholas was suggesting?", "Nikki: Victor, just tell me.", "Victor: Well... when a crime is committed, one so easily always looks at one person.", "Nikki: Yeah, but what does that mean?", "Victor: Well, maybe... I may be partly responsible for what happened here. I gave this bracelet to Sharon during our brief courtship.", "Nikki: Really?", "Victor: Yep.", "Nikki: So there is only one person responsible for this, and she's gonna pay for it. She's gonna pay for it.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Do you feel that? Like someone's been here?", "Genevieve: I need your help, Tucker.", "Tucker: Bank's closed.", "Genevieve: No.", "Jack: Congratulations, Adam. You will be the acting C.E.O. during my brief absence.", "Phyllis: You're joking." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack and Neil talk about their problems to each other, because they both feel like they could slip and take a drink or a pill. Jack advises Neil not to let Hilary work for him, because he could put his family in danger, and it won't ease his guilt about Rose's death. Cane asks Hilary to stay away from his family and leave town. Hilary agrees to leave town, but Neil arrives to offer Hilary a job working for Jack at Jabot. Adam and Chelsea find out that Connor's transplant was a success. Adam tells Jack that he is afraid Connor won't love him once he grows up and discovers all the bad things he has done. Jack tells Adam that he will be a great father, because Connor will make him a better man. As Adam continues to struggle with guilt about Delia's death, he dreams that he sees her. Kevin visits Michael in prison and admits to him that he blames himself for Delia's death, because if he and Chloe hadn't been separated, he would have been able to protect Delia. Michael advises Kevin to keep loving Chloe even if she pushes him away, because she needs him now.", "Paul informs Lauren that Fen will have to go to prison until his trial. Fen later tells Lauren that he got caught with drugs on purpose, because he wanted to go to jail to pay for killing Carmine. Michael is worried when he sees Fen arrive at the prison and wants to know why his son is there. Jack is glad when Summer comes to his house to check on him and makes him a strawberry jam sandwich with a glass of milk. Jack calls Phyllis and has the nurse put him on speaker phone, so he can tell her that he loves and misses her and that he and Summer are having strawberry jam sandwiches together.", "" ]
[ "Kevin: Geez, Mike, your face.", "Michael: It's nothing. It's just...lousy lighting in here. [Chuckles]", "Kevin: It looks like it hurts.", "Michael: Well, it looks worse than it is, so... you look wiped.", "Kevin: Who did this to you?", "Michael: It's good to see you. It's good to see you, man.", "Kevin: All right. All right. Don't think for a sec--", "Michael: Ow.", "Kevin: Don't think for a second that we're not talking about this.", "Michael: [Sighs]", "Kevin: 10 years is a long time to be locked up, getting the life beaten out of you every day.", "Michael: Carmine's dead. This is the price.", "Kevin: No. Getting beaten up was never part of the deal.", "Michael: It doesn't matter. I'd do it again, no matter what the cost, to keep my wife and son safe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: When can I see Fen again?", "Paul: Well, he'll be brought up soon to be transferred.", "Lauren: Transferred? To prison? Already?", "Paul: The judge's order.", "Lauren: Oh, my -- can't you do something? Can't you do something to help my son?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Connor fussing]", "Adam: Did it work or not? Can my son see?", "Dr. Lintz: Connor's eyes are responding properly to stimuli. There's no sign of corneal rejection.", "Chelsea: So?", "[Fussing continues]", "Dr. Lintz: The transplant was a success.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "[Fussing continues]", "Chelsea: I know. We can't thank you enough, Doctor. [Chuckles]", "Adam: Come here.", "Chelsea: Oh, you got...", "Adam: Oh, Peanut.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: You did great.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: You did just great.", "Chelsea: So, um, what -- what happens next?", "Dr. Lintz: Fill this prescription for eye drops, schedule a follow-up appointment on your way out, and that's it for now.", "Adam: What about the long-term?", "Chelsea: Could Connor lose his sight later?", "Dr. Lintz: Well, you'll have to continue to monitor him until he gets older, but there's no reason to think your son won't be just fine.", "Chelsea: So, we're -- we're done?", "Dr. Lintz: Unless you have more questions.", "Chelsea: No. None. Thank you. Thank you so much.", "[Connor fusses]", "Adam: Let's go home, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: [Sniffles]", "[Knock on door]", "Hilary: Cane. Uh...", "Cane: So, uh, Neil told me about your apology, and he actually believes you're sincere.", "Hilary: Do you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Oh, thanks, Neil.", "Neil: I got here as fast as I could. What's up?", "Jack: Listen, I -- as soon as I hung up, I realized this could be really inconvenient for you, and I-I --", "Neil: Jack, wait. Hold on. There is never an inconvenient time for you to pick up the phone and call me -- never. Okay?", "Jack: I appreciate that. And -- and thank you again for dropping by the other day.", "Neil: You're very welcome. [Sighs] Jack, what's going on?", "Jack: That help you offered -- I need it, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I know that Fen has to pay for what he did, but there has to be some other way besides prison.", "Paul: Not in this case.", "Lauren: He could go back to rehab but for longer this time.", "Paul: Look, Lauren --", "Lauren: Or house arrest.", "Paul: I know you're terrified for your boy.", "Lauren: You have no idea, Paul.", "Paul: Lauren, since Fen copped a plea the first time he was busted --", "Lauren: This is only his second offense!", "Paul: Yes, but he was caught with drugs again, so he's going to have to serve out his sentence that was originally waived.", "Lauren: But with hardened criminals? How is that fair?", "Paul: The quantity of drugs Fen had in his possession constitutes a felony.", "Lauren: I don't care.", "Paul: He was caught with the drugs -- listen to me -- with intent to sell.", "Lauren: But he hasn't even had a trial.", "Paul: He will.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Paul: He will be able to fight the new charges in court.", "Lauren: Okay, while that's pending, he can be at home.", "Paul: That is not a choice here. Fen is going to have to do his waiting in prison.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: When I heard that Fen confessed, I...", "Michael: He's a kid. He was trying to save me when he claimed he killed Carmine.", "Kevin: Has there been any fallout?", "Michael: Christine did her duty as D.A. and questioned Fenmore.", "Kevin: But she didn't charge him.", "Michael: She doesn't think the judge will take his statement seriously. [Chuckles]", "Kevin: The chief still has to follow up, though, right?", "Michael: Paul will follow procedure, but I confessed. My fingerprints are on the gun. I'm hoping this whole mess with Fenmore just goes away soon.", "Kevin: Well, if you need me to talk to him --", "Michael: Hey. Tell me how you're feeling. When I think about Delia, I just -- you know, I'm sorry, Kevin.", "Kevin: [Voice breaking] It's bad. 'Cause she was so little. [Sniffles] Um, and that funeral, Michael -- it was...", "Michael: I wish I had been there. I would stood up for you.", "Kevin: I don't. I'm glad you weren't. I don't wish that funeral on anybody. [Sighs]", "Michael: Do they have any idea...", "Kevin: Who ran her over and left her in the middle of the road? No.", "Michael: What's being done?", "Kevin: It's a top priority for the department, but they don't have very much to go on. And I was banned from the investigation, even though I was trying to help.", "Michael: Oh, that's because you're -- you're Delia's stepfather. You understand that, Kevin, right?", "Kevin: [Sniffles] I don't understand any of this. I just thought if I could -- if I could find her killer, it would make up for my not being able to protect her. [Sniffles]", "Michael: Listen to me. See, I know something about wanting to protect a child, and you had no control over this, Kevin.", "Kevin: I don't know. What if -- what if Chloe and I stayed together?", "Michael: You were the very best stepfather this little girl could ever have had. I mean, you read to her, and you tucked her in, and you kissed her scrapes, and you -- [Chuckles] You gave her more smiles and hugs than any kid could ever have asked for. You made every day fun for her. Delia loved you.", "Kevin: I know. She counted on me. [Sniffles]", "Michael: Listen. If she could be here right now, she would tell you not to blame yourself. She knew that there was nothing that you wouldn't do to help her if you could.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Jack, have you used?", "Jack: No. Not yet. I haven't been tempted by the booze or the pills.", "Neil: But you're worried.", "Jack: That I might? Yeah. [Sighs] I've been hammered lately. I'm -- this -- the shock of finding out that Summer's my daughter, the horror of Phyllis in a coma, Katherine dying.", "Neil: And now Delia.", "Jack: And now Delia. I have held it together all this time 'cause I had to -- 'cause my family needs me.", "Neil: And today?", "Jack: And today, I woke up -- the house is so quiet and empty, and I had this unbearable sense of emptiness, of thinking about Delia, thinking about everyone else we lost. [Sighs] I could barely get out of bed, Neil, and it scared the hell out of me.", "Neil: Well, it should. It's called the crash.", "Jack: The crash?", "Neil: Jack, it's what comes after the trauma. You know, you're forced to deal. You muscle, uh, through comforting your friends and your family, planning -- planning the funeral, making the arrangements, using all your energy just to get through those initial days. Uh, inevitably, reality sets in.", "Jack: Do you know, for the first time in weeks, I woke up this morning, I didn't have anything I had to do. And I just wanted to...", "Neil: Escape.", "Jack: To escape. And I thought, \"Who cares?\" I mean, what difference is it possibly gonna make? A little girl died. I can't change that. I can't fix that.", "Neil: But your family is leaning on you.", "Jack: Yeah, because I told them they could. Never occurred to me that I wasn't up to the job. What if I can't even hold myself together?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I-I don't understand. What do you mean that your boss left early? I mean, what could be more important than this marketing campaign that he's running? Yeah, he's -- he's spending Halloween with his kids. Of course. I'll call back tomorrow. [Exhales deeply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Wow. Look at him. He's looking all over the place.", "Chelsea: Yeah. You can really see the difference now, Connor, can't you? You're really seeing the whole world for the first time.", "Adam: Hi.", "Chelsea: That's so crazy.", "Adam: I've wanted a lot of things in my life but nothing more than to know that he was okay.", "Chelsea: I know. It's crazy. A couple of quick tests by a doctor, and suddenly, his whole world is -- I mean, he can see us. [Chuckles] You know, what else I think is pretty great is how we've gotten through this together. We've come a long way for our son's sake, haven't we?", "Adam: We have.", "Chelsea: And I think, now that Connor is okay, we need to start looking ahead.", "Adam: Meaning what?", "Chelsea: We need to discuss me moving out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: If you think that I would believe that you are sincere or forgive you, then you're actually more delusional than I thought.", "Hilary: Well, I never thought Neil would accept my apology, either... [Chuckles] ...Let alone give me a job, but he did.", "Cane: Well, that's 'cause Neil is coming from a completely different place than Lily and I. 'Cause, see, we don't have any guilt with you.", "Hilary: No. You don't.", "Cane: You insinuated your way into my family.", "Hilary: You're angry, and I can relate.", "Cane: You pretended to care about my wife and my kids, but what you actually intended to do was to drug me, fake having sex with me, then have somebody photograph it, then take the pictures and put them on the internet for everybody to see.", "Hilary: What I did was horrible.", "Cane: Don't. Don't pretend to regret it. I am not just angry at you for what you did to my wife. I'm actually angry at myself because I liked you and I trusted you.", "Hilary: That's because you're a good person.", "Cane: And we made a good team at work.", "Hilary: Is that why you're here -- because of Neil's job offer?", "Cane: I'm actually here to tell you that, despite what my father-in-law wants, I don't want you anywhere near my wife. As a matter of fact, I want you to turn down the job at Jabot, I want you to go and pack your bags, and I want you to leave town.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Jack, don't ever forget how strong you are.", "Jack: Yeah, it doesn't feel like that.", "Neil: Well, wait a minute. You -- you overcame your addiction.", "Jack: Yeah, for a time.", "Neil: A day at a time for months.", "Jack: Why does it feel like I'm slipping, Neil?", "Neil: Because we put the pressure on ourselves to be strong -- you know, feeling like we have to be superman, showing the entire world that we can take whatever is thrown at us.", "Jack: And then we eventually realize we're not superhuman.", "Neil: Right. And then we beat ourselves up.", "Jack: Neil, there is nothing in the world I hate more than feeling weak.", "Neil: Don't mistake weakness for grief.", "Jack: You think that's all this is?", "Neil: Jack, when faced with the death of a little girl, your niece, it's -- it's obvious that you should be hurt and angry and confused.", "Jack: What do I do with that?", "Neil: You're doing it -- right here, right now. You're acknowledging your fears. You're talking it out. And, Jack -- hey, man, I-I shouldn't be the only person that you turn to.", "Jack: You're suggesting I have more than one sponsor?", "Neil: Look around you. It's your house, right? The next time that this house becomes too dark, too empty, check out these pictures surrounding you, remember your family loves you, and you reach out to them. Staying connected with the people that we cherish -- that's the key to staying sober during tough times like this.", "Jack: Thanks. You knew I was gonna need help before I knew it. That's why you dropped by the other day, isn't it?", "Neil: My man, Jack, I had a feeling.", "Jack: Well, I'm glad you did. And I'm glad you're a good-enough friend you can drop everything and come over here and listen to me. Wish I could return the favor.", "Neil: Maybe you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Thanks for saying that about Delia. It helps.", "Michael: Good. I'm glad. I meant every word.", "Kevin: [Sighs] Can you -- can you think of anything that I could say or do to try and make this better for Chloe? 'Cause I'm trying, but...", "Michael: You're probably doing better than you think.", "Kevin: I doubt that.", "Michael: Hmm. Okay. Here's my advice -- no matter what Chloe says, no matter what she does, just keep loving her.", "Kevin: Is that enough?", "Michael: Lauren's love is the only thing that's getting me through this ordeal. I will make it because of that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Lauren: Honey. Thank God. Are you all right?", "Fenmore: I'm okay, Mom.", "Lauren: Can I talk to him for a minute?", "Paul: Yeah, sure. Use the interrogation room. But make it quick. They're going to pick him up soon to take him to prison.", "Lauren: How could you do this? How could you get back involved with drugs? And getting yourself arrested -- what were you thinking?", "Fenmore: At first, I just wanted to get high.", "Lauren: You just got out of rehab.", "Fenmore: Yeah, and, like, five minutes later, I walked in on my dad being sentenced for a crime I committed.", "Lauren: Okay, that's --", "Fenmore: And when I tried to tell the truth, you just kept trying to shut me up. Don't you see how screwed up that is?", "Lauren: We tried to protect you. And Paul told me that the amount of drugs that they found on you constitutes a felony!", "Fenmore: Yeah, well, when I realized I could get my hands on more stuff, I decided to get myself arrested.", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] But why? Why, after everything that your father and I did to protect you?", "Fenmore: Look, because I can't live with getting away with killing Carmine while Dad is just in there suffering. I deserve to be in jail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: We just got this news about our son, and you already want to talk about leaving?", "Chelsea: The only reason you insisted I move in here was because you wanted to keep an eye on me because you didn't trust me. But now that you understand I'm not gonna try to take Connor --", "Adam: I don't understand any of this.", "Chelsea: Adam, we are in a good place. Connor is in a good place. I don't need to live here anymore. We can come up with a fair custody agreement where we split time with our son.", "Adam: You're in a big rush. Makes me think your efforts have been insincere.", "Chelsea: What, exactly, do you think I'm lying about?", "Adam: We finally started acting in good faith with one another. Apparently, all you've been trying to do is appease me.", "Chelsea: How can you even say that?", "Adam: Because you can't wait to leave.", "Chelsea: You may not like the idea of me leaving, Adam, but you don't get to control my life or Connor's.", "[Knock on door]", "Chloe: Hi. You know, I've been calling you because that entire marketing campaign completely is falling apart when... I'm so sorry. I-I-I totally forgot about Connor's appointment today. [Sighs] How is he doing?", "Chelsea: It went perfectly. He can see.", "Chloe: Really? Really? Oh, my God, that is -- that is the best news ever.", "Adam: Chloe. Thank you. Thank you. I'll leave the two of you alone.", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] This means so much to me -- knowing that a part of Delia will live on in Connor. [Sobs, chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So, the person responsible for all those vicious blogs about your family was Cane's assistant?", "Neil: Thanks. Turns out.", "Jack: Where does all this hate and anger come from?", "Neil: Jack, do you remember the bad state that I was in after my wife died?", "Jack: Oh, yeah. It's the state I've been trying very hard to avoid right now.", "Neil: Exactly. One night, I was in a bar, met a woman, got drunk. I left her after she passed out. At least, that's what I thought. Jack, she died.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Neil: If only I hadn't been loaded.", "Jack: Life as an addict is all about regrets, isn't it?", "Neil: Hilary is that woman's daughter.", "Jack: And she wants revenge.", "Neil: See, that's just it. She's remorseful now. She doesn't blame me. We've come to an understanding.", "Jack: What kind of understanding?", "Neil: Jack, I want to help her, so I offered her a job.", "Jack: Oh, well, Neil, I understand you want to do penance here, but you really want to work with this woman? You want this woman working with your children? Are they as forgiving as you are?", "Neil: No, they're really not. As a matter of fact, my daughter, Lily -- she's completely upset about it and threatened to resign. I've asked too much of her.", "Jack: Yeah, I think you ha-- Neil, this woman -- this...", "Neil: Hilary.", "Jack: ...Hilary tried to destroy your lives.", "Neil: But she still wants a fresh start, Jack, and I still want to give her one. She's smart, efficient. I'm wondering if maybe there is a position at Jabot that she might have.", "Jack: Oh, okay, before I answer that, I need for you to ask yourself a question. I know you're trying to do the noble thing here, trying to help the daughter when you couldn't save the mother, but do you really think this is gonna ease your guilt?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: All right, go ahead and say it. Go ahead and tell me that I don't have the right to tell you what to do.", "Hilary: Cane, you have every right.", "Cane: Don't. Don't stand there, and don't try and con me again.", "Hilary: This is called regret, okay? I understand why you want me out of here, why you hate me. You were a good boss to me, a good friend. You let me into your home. You let me get to know your kids. I should have realized that you and your family didn't deserve to be victims of my anger.", "Cane: But you didn't realize. You kept pushing it and pushing it. You didn't stop.", "Hilary: I can't excuse what I did, but I can explain, okay? And I can -- I can apologize.", "Cane: No, you can't apologize, and you can't explain it.", "Hilary: I wasn't thinking straight, Cane. I was still consumed with grief for my mother.", "Cane: Oh, okay. So that makes it okay to hurt Neil and my family, does it?", "Hilary: Have you ever lost someone you love? Hmm? Someone in your family?", "Cane: Yes, I have.", "Hilary: Then you know how it changes you -- the grief. I couldn't handle my mother's death. And the way I dealt with it? Well, I had never been more lost in my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You must be so relieved.", "Chelsea: And we owe it all to you and Billy.", "Chloe: No, it's not --", "Chelsea: Chloe. If you hadn't helped us, Connor would have been blind for the rest of his life. I-I can't express enough gratitude to you for this gift that you've given my son.", "[Connor crying]", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] I think he's hungry. I'm just gonna, um, warm up a bottle. I'll be right back. It's okay.", "[Crying continues]", "Chloe: [Sighs] Shh. Shh. It's okay. No, no, no. Hey.", "[Crying stops]", "Chloe: Hey. Oh, yeah. There you go. Shh. Hi. You hear what your mama just said? [Voice breaking] My little girl gave you a gift and all the beautiful things that you're gonna see. You know, Christmas is right around the corner. You know what? You're gonna see your first Christmas tree and all the lights. [Breathes shakily] And next year, you'll have your first birthday. Yeah. [Sniffles] You're gonna have your first candle on your first birthday cake. And all along the way, there's going to be [Sighs] Snowflakes, flowers [Sniffles] And rainbows, and stars in the sky. You're gonna see so many incredible things, Connor, and we can't take any of them for granted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: My son's transplant was a success.", "Jack: That is excellent! When did you find out?", "Adam: A little while ago.", "Jack: Well, congratulations.", "Adam: Yeah, little Delia's corneas saved my son's sight.", "Jack: Is there something else?", "Adam: Isn't that enough?", "Jack: Well, it just seems to me you just got the best news possible about Connor. So, why are you here now and not with your son?", "Adam: Chloe came by. Chelsea told her the good news about our baby.", "Jack: Oh, that had to be brutal. Chloe loses Delia, and then she has to learn the good news about Connor. [Inhales, exhales deeply] Well...", "Adam: Yeah, that's not the only reason I wanted to get out of there.", "Jack: Why, something else happen?", "Adam: Jack, for the first time in a long time, I'm...I'm happy about something. I'm...truly happy.", "Jack: Uh-huh. But?", "Adam: Chelsea and I -- we -- we're -- started talking about how our son could finally see us.", "Jack: I don't know why that would send you bolting.", "Adam: What I'm saying is I don't deserve this. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve the miracle.", "Jack: Wait. Adam, one thing has nothing to do with the other.", "Adam: Jack, did you hear what I said? We talked about how our son could finally see us. He can see me. He can...see the real me, and I just -- what will he think of me when he finds out what kind of a person I really am?", "Jack: Wait. You're overwhelmed.", "Am: I'm asking you a question.", "Jack: I am answering your question. You are overwhelmed. You find out quite suddenly that you're a father. Seconds later, it seems, you're up to your neck in crisis with your son, spending sleepless nights worrying.", "Adam: No, that's not it.", "Jack: You're strung out, Adam, and, yes, I understand the bigger issue that's frightening you.", "Adam: Trust me. You don't.", "Jack: It's parenthood. It forces us all to hold up the mirror and take a good, long look at ourselves. Adam, you can't change the past. You can't. You can decide if you're gonna be a different person in the future.", "Adam: But you can't erase the things that you've done.", "Jack: Adam, you're gonna be a wonderful father. I know this. Look how protective you are already. You will be your best self for that boy, and over the years, you will watch that reflected in Connor. And he will love you for exactly who you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: And you're gonna go to fashion week with your mom. And you're gonna go see the Great Wall of China on your first school trip. [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] But nothing will compare to the sight of the steam rolling off the lake when the sun rises. And your mommy and daddy are going to watch you discover every sight.", "[Connor fusses]", "Chloe: Hi. I'm sorry. He was crying. I just...", "Chelsea: [Voice breaking] I'm so sorry you won't be able to experience those things with Delia.", "Chloe: You can't be sad. Okay? This is -- this is such an incredible day for you. I-I should just go. [Sighs] [Sniffles] Okay, your mommy's gonna feed you. Just take that look off your face.", "Chelsea: What look?", "Chloe: The guilt. It doesn't look good on you.", "Chelsea: I'm just sad.", "Chloe: Knowing that Delia's death won't be in total vain -- it just makes everything better, okay? I promise. [Sniffles] I love you.", "Chelsea: Love you. [Sighing] Oh, God. [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Okay.", "Michael: [Groans]", "Kevin: I'll make it back here soon.", "Michael: Aw, stay close to Chloe. She needs you more.", "Kevin: [Sighs] It's funny. I thought my showing up here was to take care of you, and you end up looking out for me.", "Michael: [Chuckles] Now, how'd that happen?", "Kevin: Even in here, you're big-brothering me.", "Michael: I always will.", "Kevin: I love you.", "Michael: Love you, too. The pain.", "Kevin: All right. I'm sorry.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You don't know what you've gotten yourself into.", "Fenmore: I've been in jail before.", "Lauren: No. Jail isn't prison. Prison is gonna make that holding cell look like a vacation hotel room.", "Fenmore: Look, I can handle this.", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] It's dangerous, Fen. [Sighs] You just don't know! I don't understand why you would put yourself at risk when you could have been safe at home.", "Fenmore: W--", "Lauren: What did you hope to accomplish?", "Fenmore: Maybe Dad will finally tell the truth now. Look, if I'm already in there, there's no reason for him to stay.", "Lauren: It doesn't work like that. What have you done?", "Paul: The car is here for the transport.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Paul: I'm gonna have to handcuff you, Fen.", "Fenmore: [Sighs]", "Lauren: I love you.", "Fenmore: I love you, too, Mom.", "Lauren: [Sobbing]", "[Sobbing continues]", "Paul: Uh, I know it had to break your heart, watching Fen being led away like that.", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] Of course, it did.", "Paul: But, Lauren, it -- it really didn't have to be like this.", "Lauren: I thought he was doing better. He should have stayed in rehab longer. I-I should have seen that.", "Paul: Oh, Lauren.", "Lauren: He's not strong enough to deal with what -- what he's dealing with here.", "Paul: How is he supposed to deal with anything with his father in prison? I mean, really, the kid is spiraling here. He knows that Michael is innocent. He knows that someone else shot Carmine. Who knows? Maybe Fen killed Carmine himself!", "Lauren: No.", "Paul: Well, if there is another story, please tell me.", "Lauren: You know the real story.", "Paul: And I'm sick and tired of hearing that, too! Something is not right here!", "Lauren: Like what?", "Paul: If you and Michael are covering for Fen, you're not helping him. You should know that by now.", "Lauren: Why are you doing this?", "Paul: Because being your friend obviously hasn't worked, and I'm sick and tired of the three of you trying to manipulate the system, getting yourselves into this mess, and making things worse than they ever had to be in the first place!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Summer.", "Summer: Hey.", "Jack: Hey.", "Summer: I just thought I'd pop in.", "Jack: You're always welcome to pop in here. Hey, by the way, the Abbott family was all thrilled that you were with us for Delia's service.", "Summer: Delia looks pretty proud of herself in this picture.", "Jack: Yeah, I think Billy offered her some ice cream if she'd just sit still for the pho-- ice cream.", "Summer: He left her in the car that night to go get her ice cream.", "Jack: Billy is still struggling with that, and I can't seem to find any way to comfort him.", "Summer: What about you? Who's taking care of you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door closes]", "Kevin: Hi.", "Chloe: Hey. What's up?", "Kevin: Nothing. Just came from seeing Michael.", "Chloe: Was it that bad?", "Kevin: He's holding up.", "Chloe: You know, you can admit that you're worried about him, Kevin.", "Kevin: I am. I'm gonna be until he gets out of there.", "Chloe: I'm sorry you had a rough night.", "Kevin: You know, I'm a little more concerned with how you've been spending yours.", "Chloe: [Sighs] I've just been working.", "Kevin: For how long?", "Chloe: [Scoffs] Hours.", "Kevin: Alone?", "Chloe: No, I left earlier to go see Chelsea and Connor. The transplant worked.", "Kevin: Wow. They know already? That's good news.", "Chloe: [Voice breaking] I know. I'm really happy for them. And I know that Delia is, too.", "Kevin: Yeah. Come here.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Chloe?", "Chelsea: She left.", "Adam: So you were saying about moving out...", "Chelsea: Can we not do this now?", "Adam: You're the one that brought it up.", "Chelsea: I don't want to fight with you tonight, Adam. It's been a great day for Connor. I don't want it to end with us taking swipes at one another.", "Adam: Then let's not.", "Chelsea: Okay. I'm gonna put him down and head to bed myself.", "Adam: All right.", "Chelsea: We'll talk more about this tomorrow.", "Adam: Wait. I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Nice try. But I'm not gonna get conned by you again.", "Hilary: Cane, I don't blame you for not believing me, but it's the truth, okay? I'm not gonna harm you and your family anymore.", "Cane: Then I want you to prove it to me.", "Hilary: How?", "Cane: I want you to leave, and I don't want you to look back.", "Hilary: Well...I don't really have anything to stay for.", "Cane: No, you don't. If you stay, you won't have a happy future in this town, so I want you to leave as soon as possible, okay?", "Neil: Whoa. Hey. Cane, what are you doing here?", "Cane: I just told Hilary to leave town.", "Neil: Hmm. A \"High Noon\" kind of thing. Sounds a little harsh, don't you think?", "Cane: Well, maybe you see it that way. You might -- you might think that forcing her to work with your family is gonna fix things with your guilt, all right, but you need to find another way to forgive yourself, Neil. You need to let Hilary go.", "[Knock on door]", "Neil: Hi.", "Hilary: Hi.", "Neil: I just saw Cane. Um, I understand that you two didn't have a very pleasant conversation.", "Hilary: Well, his feelings are justified. I understand, and I accept the fact that the rest of your family isn't gonna be willing to give me another chance.", "Neil: Yeah, about my family. I should have asked my family before I asked you to come and work with me, so I...", "Hilary: I understand.", "Neil: ...I apologize. It -- it's just way too upsetting for my daughter that --", "Hilary: I'm not gonna accept the job.", "Neil: Well, I was kind of hoping that -- that we'd make a compromise, you know?", "Hilary: What kind of compromise?", "Neil: That you might be willing to consider working in another area of Jabot with my friend.", "Hilary: \"Jack Abbott.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, you are the second person today who has been concerned about me.", "Summer: Only the second? You know, a lot of people are worried about you.", "Jack: And why are you?", "Summer: 'Cause you've been so busy being strong for Billy. That's why I wanted to see for myself how you're really doing.", "Jack: So, you came by to check up on me?", "Summer: Yeah. You're my dad. [Chuckling] So you have to get used to that. And as part of the father-daughter package, I will be making you a strawberry-jam sandwich with milk, 'cause that's the best cure.", "Jack: Is it?", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Well, I will accept on one condition -- you share it with me.", "Summer: Okay. A strawberry jam for two coming up.", "Jack: Uh, hi. This is Jack Abbott again. Which nurse is this? Hi, Millie. I -- I'm fine, thank you. C-- could you put me on speakerphone again? I'd like to just say a few words to Phyllis. Thanks. Hey, Red. It's me. I love you. I miss you. Listen, uh, I just wanted to let you know that I am about to have a, uh, strawberry-jam sandwich with our daughter. Ain't that something?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fenmore: Dad? Dad, w--", "Michael: Fenmore? What are you doing here, Son? What are you doing here?", "Man: Hey! Do you want to get knocked around some more? Follow the rules!", "Fenmore: Dad, I'm gonna be okay. [Exhales deeply]", "Michael: Fenmore! Fenmore! What are you doing here?! Fenmore! [Groans]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You're frustrated? I'm the one with a husband and a son in prison.", "Paul: Because of the choices the three of you made.", "Lauren: Because of Carmine. It's all because of him. He's tormenting us from the grave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: No, I-I need to keep working.", "Kevin: No, no, no. What you need is to sleep.", "Chloe: [Whimpers] You don't understand. If I sleep, then I have nightmares. [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Or worse -- I just have beautiful dreams of Delia, and then I wake up, and I realize that she's never coming back. I'm afraid of the night, Kevin.", "Kevin: What if I'm there next to you, just to make sure you're okay?", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Kevin: Your job is to sleep. My job is just to be there.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Liquid pouring]", "Adam: [Gasps] [Panting] [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: I had divorce papers drawn up.", "Victoria: Where are you going?", "Billy: To find the guy who killed my little girl.", "Victoria: And then what?", "Billy: Then the punishment will finally fit the crime.", "Adam: I'm confessing to the hit-and-run murder of Delia Abbott." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Mattie and Charlie think their Halloween party is boring because their dad keeps checking in on them every few minutes to see if they are having fun Scott meets Faith and she likes him and is impressed by him, Nick's jealousy of Scott grows and he also feels like Victor is going to try to take the Underground from him to teach him a lesson. Nick tells Chelsea that he would rather burn down the Underground before letting his father take it from him. Mariah's feelings for Tessa continue to intensify and she grows more jealous when she sees Tessa with Noah. Ashley tells Billy that the tests she ran on the face cream reveal that the chemicals were extremely toxic and Victoria is very lucky that she wasn't hurt any worse. Ashley tells Billy she thinks this was caused because they used foreign companies that cut corners to rush their products to market. Charlie, Mattie and Reed sneak out of Lily's house and take the party to a closed Underground which Reed opens with his key. Nick is also there because he needs to be alone to think and he lights candles and a Jack O'Lantern for light since he doesn't want people to think the club is open for businesses . Nick goes to his office to think while the youth are wondering if anyone is in there since they hear noises. The Jack O'Lantern tips over and a fire starts at the Underground and everyone inside is unaware of the fire.", "" ]
[ "Cane: Hey! I told you I had it covered, right? I have the whole night planned. And it is going to be [Spooky voice] Awesome!", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "[ Elevator bell dings ]", "Victor: My daughter ends up in the hospital. Her company is close to extinction. That is not what I had in mind when I enlisted your help.", "Billy: Jack's the one that sabotaged the company. He poisoned the face masks. He's responsible for poisoning victoria. But you already know that, don't you? You already have the proof. So why don't we quit this little dance and we get down to business, shall we?", "[ Johnny growls ]", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Devon: You're very welcome.", "Mariah: Sharon went all out this year. Pumpkins everywhere, and goblin cookies, cobwebs.", "Devon: [ Laughs ] I know. I'm very happy we came here to meet tessa and noah before going clubbing.", "Mariah: Why?", "Devon: Well, because we get to see the kids in their costumes and the whole deal.", "Mariah: Yeah, and we get to steal candy out of their bags.", "Devon: [ Laughs ]", "Mariah: Which one?", "Devon: Here, fill the hat.", "Mariah: Yeah? [ Laughs ]", "Devon: Hey! Look at the gruesome twosome here. Nice costumes, guys.", "Noah: What costumes?", "Devon: Very funny.", "Tessa: One bite, and a whole new world will open up to you.", "Devon: [ Chuckles ]", "Noah: Yeah.", "Devon: Is that right?", "[ Laughter ]", "Scott: Did you say anything to zack that might have tipped him off, alerted him to your suspicions?", "Sharon: No, I swear. I do think it's a sign of his guilt, though, that he's on guard and paranoid. But don't worry about that right now. You're gonna meet faith for the first time.", "Scott: Right. Forget about the guy who set me up for murder and just focus on not blowing your daughter's first impression of me. Nothing to worry about here.", "Faith: Mom, are you done with my costume yet? Oh. Hi.", "Scott: Hi.", "Faith: Who are you? Alright, off you go.", "Reed: Mr. Ashby.", "Cane: Happy halloween.", "Reed: Thank you for letting me come to your home.", "Cane: Sure. Uh, let me guess. Uh... you are A... slacker.", "Mattie: Dad!", "Cane: He knows I'm joking. I'm joking, okay? It's fine.", "Reed: All right. My turn.", "Cane: Okay.", "Reed: Corporate drone?", "Charlie: Oh, snap. Mnh!", "Cane: Ooooh. Good one. I like that. Corporate drone. That's nice. Okay. Well, listen, uh, you guys have fun. No drugs, no drinking. Okay?", "Mattie: Oh, my god.", "Cane: All right.", "Reed: There won't be anything like that. Promise I won't do anything to make you mad. Place looks festive.", "Mattie: My dad decorated.", "Reed: Well, thumbs up, sir. It is appropriately spooky.", "Cane: Yeah? Well, you haven't seen anything yet, 'cause I have, like, all the movies queued up on the tv, all the classics.", "Mattie: Actually, we were planning on just listening to music.", "Cane: Okay. [ Doorbell rings ] Hey, I'll get that.", "Charlie: It's okay, dad. Look, we got it. Thank you.", "Cane: All right. Okay. I get it. That's my cue, right? I'm gonna go to the study. [ Whispers ] You won't hear a peep out of me. Not a peep!", "Reed: All right?", "Mattie: Okay. Hi! Happy halloween!", "Charlie: What's up?", "Mattie: Come on in. What's up?", "Mattie: Hi! How are you?", "Reed: How are you doing? Good, how are you?", "Mattie: Hi! Nice to see you.", "[ Indistinct chatter ]", "Scott: It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from your mom.", "Faith: It's nice to meet you, too, scott.", "Scott: Halloween, huh? Big night. Costumes. Candy. It's gonna be super fun! [ Sighs ] So, uh, what are you -- what are you dressing up as?", "Faith: Um... a disco queen.", "Scott: Oh, interesting fact -- the whole style of disco music originated in new york city in the 1970s. The disco movement actually was seen as a reaction against two things -- rock 'n' roll's dominance and criticism of dance music by the counterculture.", "Sharon: Why don't we sit down? Scott is a writer. That's why he knows so many \"interesting facts.\"", "Faith: Ohh. That's so cool. What kind of stuff do you write?", "Scott: When stories break or a big event happens, they're not always black and white. And that's where I come in. Basically, I investigate these stories, and I try to get to the bottom of them so I can weed out the facts and the truth. So once I get the facts straight, I write them up, and i post them online.", "Faith: Oh, so you're a journalist for digital media. Or do you prefer correspondent?", "Scott: Uh... wow. Okay. That is quite a vocabulary you got there.", "Faith: Well, I'm not a little kid. I'm 11.", "Scott: I knew that. Yeah, apologies if i offended you.", "Faith: It's okay. So, how'd you meet my mom?", "Scott: Well [Clears throat] I, uh, recently moved back to genoa city and started working for your grandfather. And I've always enjoyed writing at coffee shops, so I started going to your mom's place. And one day she actually asked me for help with her homework.", "Sharon: Mm... little correction. Um... you offered, and that was after I helped you through a bit of writer's block.", "Faith: [ Scoffs ]", "Scott: In any case, she got an \"a\" on her paper. And I get free refills for coming to her rescue.", "Faith: Um... everyone gets free refills.", "Scott: They do?! Anyway, after that, I found myself going to the coffeehouse whenever I was off the clock just so I could see your mom and talk to her because she's so smart, and passionate about a lot of things. Especially her kids.", "Faith: Well, she's the best mom ever.", "Scott: Not to mention an extraordinary advocate for human rights and injustice all over the world. All the subjects that are near and dear to my heart. Like your mom is now.", "Faith: So... are you her...boyfriend?", "Scott: I guess I am.", "Sharon: He most definitely is.", "Scott: Now, I know this is a lot to take in, but -- and no pressure -- but I want us to be friends.", "Faith: If you really mean that, there's something you can do for me.", "Jack: Mother won't budge. She refuses to come out of her room.", "Ashley: And I wonder why? What did you say to her, that graham's never coming back and he doesn't want to see her?", "Jack: I don't know how she can stand to be in the same room with the man knowing he's lied to her since day one.", "Ashley: Jack, she had a stroke. She doesn't remember. You know that.", "Jack: That would certainly explain her behavior in florida. Happy and at ease. Living the good life. She seemed completely put out when we got there.", "Ashley: I know. She needs you more than ever.", "Jack: She needs us, ash. She needs all of us.", "Ashley: Absolutely. And we are in this together.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Jack: Oh, the cantu report's done.", "Ashley: I have your back at work, too, jack. Even though billy's accused you of sabotaging the facial mask and putting victoria in the hospital.", "Jack: The rantings of a bitter man.", "Ashley: Well, whatever you may think, I'd really love it if you could look me in the eye and tell me that you are not behind it.", "Victor: My people are trying to find out exactly how those face masks became toxic. This could very well be the handiwork of your wonderful brother, jack abbott.", "Billy: Well, I'm glad we see eye to eye. So let's talk strategy.", "Victor: Not until I have the facts.", "Billy: Then this is a dead issue, victor.", "Victor: Is that so?", "Billy: I don't have time to wait and get confirmation, okay? Jack is the one that is guilty. And I want him to pay for what he did to victoria, and what he almost did to this company.", "Victor: Even if you find out it was jack's doing, you don't have the financial wherewithal to launch a lawsuit against him. This will destroy brash & sassy.", "Billy: I'll make it happen.", "Victor: How the hell are you gonna make it happen?", "Victoria: Oh, hi.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. How you doing?", "Victoria: Oh. Well, I've had better days. But basically I'm -- I'm fine. Did I walk in in the middle of something?", "Billy: Your father and I were just discussing ideas on how to clean up this mess.", "Victoria: And how's that going for you?", "Billy: I'll do what I said. I'm gonna take the money that I was gonna buy the 33% of brash & sassy and I'll give it to you.", "Victor: And that's your plan?", "Billy: It's enough to get us on our feet, vick.", "Victor: Whatever piddly amount billy-boy has in his bank account ain't gonna be enough. You need someone with deep pockets, and someone who knows what the hell they're doing.", "Billy: And I wonder who that could be?", "Victor: You bet. My offer still stands.", "Billy: This is me and you. We don't need your father. Tell him.", "Ashley: [ Clears throat ]", "Jack: You really think I'm capable of that -- industrial espionage? Poisoning people?", "Ashley: Well, billy's accusations have to come from someplace, jack.", "Jack: No, exactly. Listen to yourself. \"Billy's accusation.\" Consider the source.", "Ashley: I have to consider every single possible explanation, such as the fact that you're still angry with him for sleeping with phyllis.", "Jack: [ Mutters ]", "Ashley: You are. And I know how cold and calculating you can be, and it does make me question your judgment, jack. So, please. Just look me in the eyes. Tell me the truth.", "Jack: Does it really matter what I say if you can think that of me? [ Cellphone rings ] Ashley. Okay. Thank you. I'll be right there. So, the test results are back on the facial masks. And that means we're gonna find out soon enough.", "Reed: I got you something.", "Mattie: [ Scoffs ] I'm calling it -- time of death, now.", "Reed: [ Chuckles ] Come on, it's not that bad.", "Mattie: That skeleton just yawned.", "Reed: You're not looking at the big picture.", "[ Laughs ]", "Mattie: There isn't one. This is a lame party.", "Reed: Well, we're together. That's something. Here, watch this.", "Mattie: [ Laughs ] Wow! Good one.", "Reed: Yeah.", "Mattie: Let me try.", "Reed: Here.", "Mattie: Ready?", "Reed: Mm-hmm.", "Mattie: [ Laughs ]", "Reed: We can get it. We can get it.", "Mattie: Okay, here --", "Cane: Don't mind me. Just taking a quick trip to the kitchen. Hey, hey, don't -- hey. Don't get any stains on the rug. Your mother will freak out.", "Mattie: Could this party get any worse?", "Reed: Mr. Ashby?", "Cane: Yeah?", "Reed: Um... a couple of my friends are meeting up at crimson lights, and if we're cramping your style, we could always --", "Cane: No, no, no, no, no. You're fine. Stay and have fun, all right? Pretend like I'm not even here.", "Reed: All right.", "Cane: What's up?", "Mattie: If you want to go to the coffeehouse and hang out with your friends, you -- you can.", "Reed: None of my friends are there.", "Mattie: You just told my dad that they were, though.", "Reed: You want to liven up this party? Take it on the road. I know a place we could go.", "Noah: No, I swear, tessa is part vampire. She never sleeps.", "Tessa: Well, when I'm in a creative mode, I don't sleep. And since moving in with noah, i can't stop writing.", "Devon: Well, speaking as your employer, that's music to my ears -- pun intended.", "Noah: Aaah!", "Mariah: Uh...", "Noah: You know what, actually, I wanted to talk to you about booking some more dates for tessa at the underground. You got a minute?", "Devon: Yeah, absolutely. Step into my office and we'll compare calendars.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] You look... amazing.", "Tessa: Thank you. This look on you is... bonkers.", "Mariah: Really?", "Tessa: In a good way. In a really, really good way.", "Mariah: Are you sure you're not messing with me?", "Tessa: Absolutely not.", "Mariah: Yeah, faith came up with it. She's been really into music from the '70s and the '80s. Or, as she likes to call it, \"the olden days.\"", "Tessa: [ Laughs ] Well, who knew, uh, couples costumes could be so fun?", "Mariah: Yeah. You know, we -- [ Sighs ] We haven't had girl time in, like, forever. But I'm -- I'm free later this week. What do you say?", "Scott: Latvia?", "Faith: Riga.", "Scott: Correct. High five. [ Faith chuckles ] You rock when it comes to geography.", "Faith: Have you really been to all those countries?", "Scott: Yeah. My job has taken me all over the world.", "Faith: That's so cool. Maybe I want to be a journalist someday.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Scott: Oh.", "Chelsea: Trick or treat! Hello! [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: Wow! Look at those great costumes!", "Nick: Yeah. You know, that's one of the advantages to living with a top fashion designer.", "Chelsea: No, it was no big deal. I had some materials laying around. I just put some costumes together.", "Sharon: Well, you should be in a superwoman costume.", "Chelsea: Aww. [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Uh, here.", "Chelsea: Okay, buddy. Come here. Come here.", "Nick: Sharon? Listen, abby told me that scott was arrested. I don't want him near my daughter.", "Sharon: Um, well, it's not up to you.", "Faith: Whoa, dad! Far out costume.", "Nick: \"Far out\"?", "Faith: Yeah, it means --", "Nick: Yeah, I know what it means. How do you know what it means?", "Faith: Um, mariah and I have been watching this tv show about the different decades. I'm from the '70s. Can you dig it?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Chelsea: I dig it.", "Faith: Mm. Yours is good, too. You got all the planets in the right order.", "Chelsea: Thanks...", "Nick: Uh... we were just trying to figure out the schedule for trick-or- treating tonight.", "Faith: Oh. I thought we were going to the coffeehouse?", "Sharon: We are.", "Nick: Um... okay. Well, how about if we... you come with us now, you know, the four of us, and then we'll drop you off at the coffeehouse after.", "Faith: Or we all go to crimson lights together so we don't have to split up. And there's gonna be lots of candy there, so we won't miss out.", "Chelsea: That sounds like a great idea. Right, nick?", "Nick: Yeah. Cool.", "[ Dance music playing ]", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "[ Music stops ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ] [ Sighs ] Oh...", "[ Huffs ] ...Was well-suited for a visitation by the supernatural.", "[ Suspenseful music plays ]", "Jack: [ Groans, sighs ]", "Reed: See? You didn't lie to your dad. We are at the coffeehouse. For now.", "Charlie: Yeah, well, I mean, now that we got our butts covered, where are we really headed?", "Reed: You'll find out soon enough. And it will be epic.", "Tessa: I haven't seen you in, like, forever, and I would love to hang... but this week is the worst in the best possible way.", "Mariah: Oh, yeah. No. It's fine. What'S... what's going on?", "Tessa: Well, I've been trying to get new material to devon, so I've been writing day and night because, um... noah and I are going away for the weekend.", "Mariah: Oh. That's, um... that's -- that's incredible. Where are you guys, uh... jetting off to?", "Tessa: Some crazy-cool place. I mean, the hotel is literally in a tree.", "Mariah: That's, uh... that is crazy cool.", "Tessa: Well, maybe when, uh, we get back?", "Mariah: Yeah, sure, whenever.", "Reed: Hey, you two.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Tessa: Hey.", "Reed: Um, do y'all know where noah is?", "Mariah: Uh, yeah. He's over there talking to devon.", "Reed: Oh. Um. I've got something to ask him, but I don't want to interrupt.", "Tessa: Anything important?", "Reed: Not really. Um, I wrote a couple songs that I wanted to try out on my friends. But, of course, I left my guitar at the underground, so...", "Tessa: Oh, well, let's fix that.", "Dina: Oh. [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: Well, I found this ghoul lurking around.", "Reed: Hi.", "Devon: What's going on, reed?", "Reed: Not much.", "Noah: How you doing, man?", "Reed: I'm doing well.", "Devon: See ya.", "Noah: Well, I see that you, uh, put a lot of thought and effort into this costume, here, huh?", "Reed: Yeah, I grabbed the first clean shirt off the floor.", "Noah: Yeah.", "[ Laughter ]", "Tessa: Well, reed's on a mission.", "Noah: Oh, what's up?", "Reed: I left my guitar at the underground, and was wondering if I could borrow the key to get in tonight?", "Noah: What, you re-- you need it tonight?", "Reed: I mean, I was hoping that I could. Um... that it'd be okay.", "Noah: I...don't know...", "Tessa: Oh, come on. He can't play the \"monster mash\" for his friends without it.", "Noah: Quick in and out, okay?", "Reed: Awesome. Thank you.", "Noah: You got it?", "Reed: I got it. I got it. I'll get it back to you first thing tomorrow.", "Tessa: That was sweet.", "Chelsea: Before we hit the sugar rush, I think we need to make sure we get some good photos.", "Sharon: Yeah! Come on, squeeze in. Come on. This is it, then we'll take selfies.", "Chelsea: Okay. Come over here. Ready? Smile! Ready?", "[ Sharon laughs ]", "Nick: You know what, I'm gonna need you to stay away from my daughter.", "Scott: She's sharon's daughter, too.", "Nick: Same goes for the rest of my family. There's too many rumors flying around about you.", "Scott: You have no idea what's going on.", "Nick: I haven't liked you for a long time. You may have everyone else fooled, but not me.", "Faith: Scott, come on! Let's take a selfie! I want to post the butterfly I painted on your face. [ Laughter ] Okay, here. Ready? Let's go. You ready?", "Scott: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.", "Chelsea: Smile!", "Billy: So, have you thought about what you want to do with the company? I gave you a solution. Your father did. We should probably talk about it, don't you think?", "Victoria: Billy, I know that I have a lot to deal with right now, but I just want to enjoy halloween with my kids, okay? Can we just have a happy halloween, please?", "Billy: Yeah, we can do that.", "Johnny: Dad!", "Billy: [ Laughs ] Hey!", "Victoria: Hey! Oh, my gosh.", "Billy: How's it going? Look at you! Where'd you get all that candy from? Hm?", "Johnny: Candy!", "Billy: Candy. That's a lot of candy.", "Johnny: Grandpa!", "Billy: Okay. Let's go. Come on. Say thank you.", "Victor: How are things going?", "Nick: Well, no complaints so far.", "Victor: Mm. You know, I recently found out that you have a hell of a deal with your liquor supplier. You're paying way below market rates.", "Nick: Uh, yeah. Yeah. I've been a good customer for years, so they give me a good discount. Uh, how do you know about that?", "Victor: Well, you know, it so happens that newman enterprises recently purchased a liquor distributorship, and they happen to supply the underground. Isn't that something? [ Nick sighs ] However... seems that the new owner doesn't want to give any discounts, you know?", "Nick: So I guess our truce lasted a long time, huh?", "Victor: Business. Nothing personal.", "Nick: All of a sudden newman enterprises is interested in the liquor business.", "Victor: Right. That's the real world, son.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] You know what, well, uh, hey, thank you for the heads up.", "Victor: You got it.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Where's the rest of the gang?", "Chelsea: Mm. Hannah took them out front to watch the puppet show with katie and johnny.", "Nick: Yeah, I got to hand it to sharon. She did a great job with this place.", "Chelsea: Yeah, she really did. And the kids are gonna be distracted for hours. I wonder if that guy does birthday parties?", "Chelsea: You know, sharon doesn't believe he's guilty. And according to abby, he was actually investigating all the people involved in that sex ring.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. He's a saint. Everyone loves him. Sharon loves him. Faith loves him.", "Chelsea: Is that what this is about?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] It's not just about scott. My dad, he... came at me again.", "Chelsea: I thought everything was cool between the two of you?", "Nick: Yeah, so did I. But this time it wasn't as a dad, it was as a businessman. He would love more than anything to take the underground away from me, to teach me a lesson for having the audacity to turn my back on him. Let me tell you something, chelsea -- I would rather torch the place than let that happen.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Okay. You know what? You seem stressed. Why don't we go? It's fine.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] The kids are having a great time. I don't want to ruin their night. But I'm in a terrible mood, and I just think I need to get out of here. Would you mind bringing them home?", "Chelsea: Of course not. That's fine.", "Nick: I'm sorry. Thank you.", "Chelsea: Of course. You look really beautiful.", "Chelsea: Feel better.", "Noah: [ Chomps ]", "Tessa: Oh! [ Giggles ]", "Noah: Hi.", "Devon: Ready to hit the clubs?", "Mariah: Um... I'm sorry to be a bore, but I'm kind of not feeling up to it.", "Tessa: Load up on caffeine. But the time we hit the clubs, you'll rally.", "Mariah: Yeah, I can'T. I'm just feeling, uh, physically ill.", "Devon: Wha--", "Sharon: Mariah? You okay?", "Reed: [ Chuckles ]", "Mattie: What if we get caught?", "Reed: We're not gonna get caught. Uncle nick shut down the place so he could spend halloween with his family. Noah and tessa are out clubbing. I mean, we got the place to ourselves.", "Mattie: Still, I-it's trespassing.", "Charlie: Just take a doughnut break, fun police. It's probably the coolest thing you've ever done in your nerd-tastic life. You should be all-in.", "Mattie: [ Sighs ] Okay. You know what? Text the others and tell them to stop hiding in the alleyway and get in here. It's time to get this party started.", "[ Keys jingle, door rattles ]", "Reed: Someone's at the main entrance. Go! Go! Go!", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "[ Counter slams ]", "Reed: All right, guys...", "[ Inaudible ]", "Nick: [ Sighs ] My bank account says I have zero funds. Where's all my money?", "Chelsea: Do you really think that he would mess with your entire livelihood like this?", "Nick: I'm giving it all away. Every single last cent from my trust fund will be going to charity.", "Victoria: Donating your money to charity is one thing. But doing what you did just to spite dad, it's certifiable.", "Sharon: Why would you have given away all that money? You don't win the lottery and then give away the jackpot!", "Noah: Was it really such a good idea to piss off grandpa even more?", "Victor: I think it's very foolish. That kind of money, you threw away a lot of protection.", "Nick: Protection from what?", "Victor: Yourself, son.", "Nick: All of a sudden newman enterprises is interested in the liquor business.", "Victor: That's the real world, son.", "Nick: He would love more than anything to take the underground away from me. I would rather torch the place than let that happen.", "Billy: Be back in a second.", "Victoria: Huh?", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Johnny and katie seemed to enjoy themselves out there. I'm glad you took my advice. Focus on the kids.", "Victoria: Well, I would much rather be referring my two kids fighting over candy than my father and my business associate fighting over my company.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm sorry that I brought up the possibility of purchasing brash & sassy, but when billy came up with this ridiculous offer --", "Victoria: It's fine. Listen, I know you meant well. And so did billy. I just have a lot to think about.", "Victor: Come here. I know you do.", "Ashley: So, I had my lab techs run an analysis on your facial mask.", "Billy: And?", "Ashley: I got the results.", "Sharon: How are you doing?", "Scott: Holidays were never my thing, but I have to say, it's different when you have kids, isn't it? They're excitement's infectious. I mean, all parents insist that their children are special, but faith truly is. She's a credit to you.", "Sharon: Aww. And nick.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Sharon: But, um, she's really impressed with you. And your job and all the traveling you've done. Oh, smart move letting her paint your face. I think you've won her over.", "Scott: Which is gonna make this even harder.", "Sharon: What?", "Scott: [ Sighs ] Nick's not wrong to worry. Me hanging out with you and faith, it's -- it's not a good idea. Not because I'm a threat, but... zack is. He's the kind of guy that will look for a weakness, just target what's important to me. The person who's most important to me in the world.", "[ Bottle crashes ]", "Charlie: What's he doing out there?", "Reed: I have no clue.", "Mattie: I don't hear any noises. Maybe he left.", "Reed: Guess I'll go check.", "Mattie: Wait.", "Reed: Don't worry. At least we'll get a good story out of it. Club's empty.", "[ Metal clanking ] [ Sighs ] Great.", "Mattie: Oh, my gosh. What -- what's wrong? What was that noise?", "Noah: Well... we can still go to the clubs.", "Devon: No, no, no, no. I don't want to be a third wheel. You vampires go and party without me.", "Tessa: All right.", "Devon: All right?", "Tessa: See ya.", "Devon: See ya. Have a good one.", "Noah: See ya, man.", "Devon: See ya. Hey, sharon. Have a good night.", "Sharon: Good night.", "Scott: Bye.", "Sharon: You just said that I'm the most important thing in your life. My daughter thinks you're awesome. Let's just hit the pause button right there and leave it at that.", "Ashley: So, victoria was lucky. According to my techs, her symptoms should have been a lot worse.", "Billy: Okay, and what else did you find out?", "Ashley: A lot. That chemical was so toxic that it could have caused irreparable damage.", "Billy: Wow.", "Ashley: I'm a little familiar with these chemical copycats. Companies, well- established ones, actually, turn to sketchy manufacturers that are located outside the U.S. They're risky. They're very illegal because they're not regulated.", "Billy: Yeah. Of course. I can imagine that.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, companies do this, billy, because they want to cut costs, they want to cut corners, they want to rush their product to market. They just want to get it on the shelves. Very much like your facial mask was rushed to market by brash & sassy to get the jump on jabot. So what kind of person would even contemplate this kind of a reckless act?", "Reed: Sounded like somebody just came in the back door.", "Charlie: Yeah, I wonder who left the door unlocked?", "Mattie: Okay, you know what? Well, whoever it is out there, we are totally grounded for life if they find us in here.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ]", "[ Sigh disgustedly ]", "Reed: I don't hear anything. So I guess we're good to go.", "Mattie: Wait. We should just lay low a little longer. We can't risk anybody finding us. If my dad finds out about this, he'll kill me.", "Reed: No, he'd kill me.", "Charlie: No, we'd all be dead.", "Jack: Mother's upstairs resting, traci. No, I don't think she's willing to talk, so... I promise I'll give her the message. Love you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Tessa and Mariah get tatoos for Halloween and then enjoy the Crimson Lights party. Sharon tells Nick once again that they will never get ba k together because she doesn't like the man he has become so he should stop getting the kids hopes up about being a family. The Jabot CEO viote is tied at 3 for Jack Phyllis and Billy and Lauren casts the tie breaking vote for Phyllis so she goes to celebrate with Lauren until Billy tells her to enjoy her time as CEO because she will make a mistake soon and be out of the CEO chair. Jack tells Phyllis that he is the best man for the job but he hopes she will do a great job. Nikki persudes Arturo to fix the broken pipe at the park tomorrow and Jill is happy that he didn't break the statue. Arturo goes to the Crimson Lights Halloween party with Abby and has a good time and everyone forgets their troubles for a while. Kyle also has a good time with Lola she makes him forget that Jack isn't CEO of Jabot. Nikki, Phyllis and Sharon start digging up JT's body.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Phyllis: If we do nothing, the workers fix the pipe, find the body, and we go to prison.", "Sharon: Don't even say it.", "Phyllis: We have to dig up J.T. Move him before it's too late.", "Nikki: Oh, my god.", "Mariah: Okay. Say, \"candy corn!\"", "Faith: Candy corn!", "Mariah: And the family outing, family photos... walk down memory lane. You're not letting nick pressure you into getting back together, right?", "Phyllis: With me as C.E.O., I think it would send out a clear signal to our board, to our hundreds of employees, to our millions of customers, that this is not the same old jabot. That this is new.", "Traci: Okay. Kyle votes for... jack. That leaves us three for jack, three for billy, three for phyllis.", "Jack: The last vote decides. Go ahead, trace. Read it.", "Billy: Let's crown the king.", "Traci: The job goes to... phyllis.", "Lauren: [ Exclaims softly ] [ Gasps ] Long live the queen.", "Jill: Not a single scratch or dent! Wow. You're very good with your hands.", "Arturo: We aim to please.", "Jill: Consider me very well-pleased. I will be sure and call you if i have another job for you.", "Nikki: Or you could just whistle. Arturo, you and your crew can go, and, uh, just start in the morning on the plumbing repair.", "Arturo: Actually, there's been a change in plans. Didn't take as long as we thought to move the sculpture, so, um, we're gonna start working on the busted pipe right now.", "Nikki: No! You can't do that.", "Nick: All right. I am done with this. Let me get in my costume, and then we will meet your mother at crimson lights.", "Faith: Are you sure it's a good idea for all of us to celebrate halloween together?", "Nick: Oh, yeah. We're gonna be the best-dressed family at the halloween party.", "Faith: But we're not really a family.", "Nick: Yes, we are. We're just not together at the moment. But we will be.", "Faith: Are you planning to win back mom tonight?", "Nick: That's what I'm hoping.", "Victoria: Thank you very much. I'll talk to you later. Okay. Sharon! What the hell?", "Sharon: You assistant wasn't at her desk.", "Victoria: What are you doing here?", "Sharon: I wanted to know if you've heard from nikki about removing the sculpture.", "Victoria: I-I know which one. Maybe you should've called first.", "Sharon: You know, I'm getting a little paranoid about all of these calls we've been making to each other. Anyway, I'm here now. So what can you tell me?", "Victoria: Mom texted me a little while ago. Apparently jill ended up in chancellor park right around the time that arturo was about to move the sculpture.", "Sharon: I thought she was in australia.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] The city notified her that the tribute to katherine was about to be moved, so she panicked, and she booked the first flight back here.", "Sharon: Oh, great. That's the last thing we need -- nikki's nemesis snooping around the spot where we buried J.T.", "Victoria: Don't worry about it. Mom has plenty of experience dealing with jill. She said she would notify me when arturo was finished and the coast is clear so we can do what we need to do.", "Sharon: I'm dreading this. [ Sighs ] I can't imagine how you must feel.", "Victoria: I just want to get it done.", "Sharon: If we had some other choice --", "Victoria: Look, they're gonna dig up the ground tomorrow to fix those pipes. If we don't move J.T.'S body... we have to do it.", "Sharon: On halloween, of all nights?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm supposed to be trick-or-treating with billy and the kids.", "Sharon: I'm supposed to be with nick and our kids at the coffeehouse.", "Victoria: Really?", "Sharon: Yeah. Nick wanted us to spend halloween together, as a family.", "Victoria: How do you feel about that?", "Sharon: Almost as terrified as I feel about digging up J.T.'S body. Additional sponsorship", "Jill: [ Chuckles ] Whoa. Who shook the bats loose in your belfry? Or maybe you put some vodka in your cauldron?", "Nikki: Why don't you take off before a house drops on you?", "Arturo: We gonna do these repairs or what?", "Nikki: Oh, arturo, i appreciate you enthusiasm. But, you know, it's getting dark, so why don't you and your crew go and enjoy halloween.", "Arturo: Well, the water is turned off, so we don't have to worry about any more leaking.", "Nikki: Exactly. And you and abby are going to that party at crimson lights, right?", "Arturo: Yeah.", "Nikki: Well, go enjoy yourself. You can just take care of this in the morning.", "Arturo: You sure?", "Nikki: Yeah. I mean, if you could just cordon off the area before you leave so nobody goes through here and does more damage to the ground?", "Arturo: Yeah. Yeah, I got some tape in the truck.", "Nikki: Perfect. Have a great time.", "Arturo: You too.", "Jill: Bye.", "Arturo: Bye.", "Nikki: Ugh! Why are you still hanging around like a bad smell?", "Jill: I've hired some movers who specialize in transporting precious artwork to move katherine's sculpture to storage until the work here is complete.", "Nikki: Jill, it is a tacky piece of tin, not the hope diamond.", "Jill: Oh, my god. You see, someone with lowlife sensibilities like yours would feel that way.", "Nikki: Why don't you go? I will wait for your movers.", "Jill: You know, if anyone else said that to me, I would think they were being kind. But it's you, nikki. So what the hell is up?", "Nikki: Okay. I'm gonna remind you one more time that I own this property. And that makes me responsible for this project, which includes overseeing every aspect of it.", "Jill: Hmmm. Why do I feel like there's something more?", "Nikki: Oh, for heaven's sakes, jill! You're not in town that often. Wouldn't you rather spend time with billy and cane, or somebody who actually likes you?", "Jill: [ Sighs, huffs ] Well... I definitely would not like to spend more time with you.", "Nikki: Good! We agree on something.", "Jill: Don't think that I owe you something for this.", "Nikki: Please. Spending time away from you is a gift I give myself.", "Victoria: Why are you so afraid of spending an evening with nick and the kids?", "Sharon: Well, doctor...", "Victoria: [ Giggles ] I am the last person to be giving any kind of relationship advice, but I think that what you and nick have is pretty rare. It's worth fighting for.", "Sharon: I'm tired of fighting.", "Victoria: Look, I am in no way excusing nick for what he did, but... he loves you, sharon. And I know he had a lot of hopes and dreams for you and christian and faith.", "Sharon: So did I.", "Victoria: Okay, well, just -- I-I hate to see you both throw it all away because of one stupid mistake.", "Sharon: That's what nick calls it, too -- a mistake. But sleeping with phyllis was a horrible reminder of an unbearably devastating loss. The phone call. The hours, the days in the hospital, watching cassie slip away, feeling helpless. After all that, nick turned to phyllis. And I forgave him. I gave him a pass for hurting me in a way that no one has ever hurt me before in my entire life. You know what he did with it? He threw it away. Why? For one night of meaningless sex? I-it -- it made me feel that what we have doesn't mean anything to nick. It isn't worth anything to him. It's not real. And -- and maybe that's actually it. You know, the -- the person nick really is is who he is when he's with phyllis. The man who pretended to be J.T., And who started up dark horse to get back at his father. Phyllis brings those things out in him. I was hoping that he would be the old nick. The one that I fell in love with so long ago.", "Victoria: I think that the boy you fell in love with all those years ago, I think he's still in there.", "Sharon: Well, if he is, i can't see him.", "Victoria: I just want my brother -- and you -- to be happy.", "Sharon: I want that, too. But I don't think that we can find that happiness together.", "Nick: You okay?", "Faith: Yeah. I just [Sighs] Really want this to be a good halloween for christian.", "Nick: Yeah. I want that for the whole family.", "Faith: You keep calling us that -- a family. But you live in your new house with christian, and I live with mom.", "Nick: Faith, I know you're really worried about the future. I'm gonna make you a promise.", "Faith: One you can keep?", "Nick: One I'm going to do everything in my power to keep.", "Faith: [ Sighs ] What is it?", "Nick: First off, we are a family. Okay? Nothing is gonna change that.", "Faith: I know. And I'm gonna do everything -- and I mean everything I can -- to get us all back together.", "Faith: You really believe that could happen?", "Nick: Absolutely. Because when you want something this badly, you don't give up. And I'm just -- I'm not giving up on us. Not ever. Come here.", "Phyllis: Welcome to the new era of jabot. I look forward to putting this tumultuous year behind us and leading the company to an exciting, prosperous future. Meeting adjourned.", "Lauren: Uh, why don't you let me take you out to celebrate while we let it sink in with everybody else? Okay?", "Phyllis: That's good. That's good. Good idea. Have a pleasant evening, everyone.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] I did not see that coming.", "Kyle: Blood abbott clause doesn't look so bad.", "Traci: No, kyle, that's how we got into this mess in the first place.", "Jack: I didn't think things could get any worse.", "Kyle: As usual, billy screwed things up for our family.", "Traci: You can't put all of this on billy.", "Kyle: If he hadn't divided the family vote, we wouldn't be here. My dad would be C.E.O. Bet he regrets it now. Working for phyllis ain't gonna be fun, but it's gonna be a whole lot less fun for billy.", "Billy: Thank you for voting for me.", "Abby: I'm sorry you didn't win. I think you would have killed it as C.E.O.", "Billy: Yeah, well, there is a few people that would disagree with that.", "[ Sighs ]", "Abby: Look, I -- I really hope that losing to phyllis doesn't affect your recovery.", "Billy: No, no, no, no. I got too much to do.", "Abby: What does that mean?", "Billy: It means phyllis won this round, but I'm gonna continue the fight. And I am going to win.", "Tessa: How did I let you talk me into that?", "Mariah: Wha-- the tattoo parlor was your idea.", "Tessa: Yeah, so you could get one.", "Mariah: I did. Just not the one that I was expecting. When your friend said that she would do a tattoo for you, as well, for free, I just thought, you know...", "Tessa: Of getting one that shows how we feel about each other?", "Mariah: Yeah. That.", "Tessa: Well, are you happy with our choice?", "Mariah: Mm, I don't know. I was really hoping to get, like, a giant tramp stamp, like right above --", "Tessa: Hilarious.", "Mariah: No. Ours are... perfect.", "Tessa: Let's see it.", "[ Mariah laughs ]", "Tessa: My two favorite things in the world -- music and you.", "Mariah: In that order?", "Tessa: What do you think?", "Mariah: I'm gonna go with \"no\" and cross my fingers.", "Tessa: Yeah. Well, there's no crossing necessary. You are the most important thing to me in the world.", "Mariah: Ditto.", "Tessa: And to prove it, one heart.", "[ Both giggle ]", "Mariah: Hey! Oh, my gosh! Your costumes are perfect!", "Nick: Where's sharon? We're supposed to meet her here.", "Mariah: I'm not sure.", "Tessa: Why don't I get christian a snack?", "Mariah: Yeah. Thank you.", "Faith: Maybe mom changed her mind.", "Nick: Oh, there's no way. No way she would cancel on you.", "Faith: Even if it was too hard for her to be with you?", "Nick: Look, your mom knows how important this night is to you two, and she's not gonna disappoint you. So, I don't know what is keeping her, but she will be here.", "Jack: You know what, let me buy you a drink. Matter of fact, let's get out of here.", "Billy: Order me a scotch. I'll be right back.", "Jack: Wait, billy --", "Phyllis: To getting what you deserve.", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: Oh, I can drink to that.", "Phyllis: Billy. Why don't you pull up a chair and help us celebrate my victory?", "Jack: I don't think that's a good idea.", "Billy: Oh, come on. Celebration isn't gonna last very long. Let's -- let's all enjoy it.", "Phyllis: Billy, I am so sorry, but C.E.O. Musical chairs at jabot is over. I have grabbed the last seat, and I do not intend to get up.", "Billy: You know what they say about the road to hell.", "Phyllis: That's where you're gonna be spending a lot of your time during my tenure.", "Billy: If you're trying to scare me, it's not gonna happen. I plan on having a front-row seat to watch you implode from a job that you're not qualified to hold.", "Phyllis: I think you're talking about yourself here.", "Jack: Okay, both of you, that's enough.", "Billy: No, I'm actually just getting started.", "Phyllis: No, jack is right. You're finished, just as much as we are.", "Jill: You broke up with phyllis? There is a god!", "Phyllis: Well, well, look who flew in on her broom just in time for halloween.", "Lauren: Hi, sissy.", "Jill: Hi, darlin'.", "Billy: Mom, you didn't tell me you were coming into town.", "Jill: Yeah, and you didn't tell me that you and phyllis had split. That was so cruel of you.", "Billy: My bad.", "Jill: Well, at least you've finally come to your senses, huh?", "Billy: Phyllis sleeping with nick helped.", "Jill: [ Scoffs ] Oh, ho! Congratulations. Another relationship destroyed in spectacular fashion. Although I'm not surprised, darlin'. You always revert to type, don't you?", "Phyllis: You know what, let's discuss reverting to type, shall we, billy?", "Billy: Mom, can I buy you a drink? Come with me. Have fun catching up.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Jill: Okay. What was that all about?", "Tessa: Hey, wait! Mariah! You forgot these. [ Squeals ] Are we even now? I make you endure the pain of a tattoo, and you make me endure [Inhales deeply] Public humiliation.", "Tessa: What are you talking about? You look amazing!", "Mariah: No, you look amazing. I look ridiculous! There's no way -- no way -- that anybody is gonna look at me in this costume and be like, [Whines] \"Oh, that's a cool costume.\"", "Tessa: Like if we would have gone as bonnie and clyde?", "Mariah: Yes! Yes, actually. That would have been cool.", "Tessa: They were bank-robbing murderers!", "Mariah: Allegedly.", "Tessa: Okay. Just wait until we sing our duet. Everyone's gonna love it.", "Mariah: [ Sighs disgustedly ]", "Tessa: Do you really think sharon's gonna bail on them?", "Mariah: No. No, she wouldn't do that to the kids. At least, I hope not. Lola! Hi!", "Lola: Hey.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Tessa: Oh, you look great. Cool costume.", "Lola: Thank you. I like yours, too. It'S...groovy.", "Tessa: I'm, uh, kind of surprised you're here tonight. You know kyle's gonna be here, right?", "Lola: Kyle and I are good.", "Tessa: \"Good\" as in...?", "Lola: Back together.", "Mariah: What?", "Tessa: Ohh!", "Mariah: Okay, we need the details -- and all of them, all right?", "Lola: You mean like the part where kyle told summer he was over her, or the part where he told her that he wanted to be with me, and she burst into fake tears and ran off?", "Mariah: Oh, please tell me you got that recorded.", "Lola: No, but I'm sure she posted a video of herself fake-crying somewhere.", "[ Mariah chuckles ]", "Tessa: I feel kind of bad for her. J-just kind of bad. But our double-dates are back on! Yay!", "Mariah: [ Laughs ] Hey! Look at you. Nice costume.", "Lola: Let me guess. Superman, but when he's clark kent.", "Kyle: After the day I've had, I wasn't in the mood to do the whole costume thing.", "Mariah: What happened?", "Kyle: Thought my dad was a shoo-in for C.E.O. Of jabot. But my family -- I swear, they can't even agree the sky is blue. Half backed my dad. The rest voted for billy.", "Tessa: So a split decision?", "Kyle: Way worse. There was a third candidate, and she won.", "Mariah: Who was it?", "Kyle: Worst possible person on earth.", "Tessa: Oh, god.", "Mariah: Summer? Uh...", "Kyle: Close. Phyllis.", "Mariah: Oh, no. Oh, god.", "Kyle: I know. Un-freaking-believable.", "Lola: Uh, who's phyllis?", "Kyle: [ Sucks teeth ] For starters, summer's mom.", "Lola: Oh. Is she anything like her daughter?", "Tessa: Um...", "Mariah: Everything that summer knows she learned from mommy dearest.", "Tessa: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: That sucks. I'm so sorry.", "Kyle: Yeah, no kidding.", "Lola: But you're not gonna let this little setback slow you down.", "Kyle: You don't know phyllis.", "Lola: I know you, and there's no way you're gonna let somebody else run your family's company. Besides, I know it will be you sitting in that C.E.O. Chair one day. Ah! Not till you embrace the halloween spirit.", "Kyle: I-I'm totally embracing it.", "Lola: Nice try. Where's your costume?", "Kyle: Where am I gonna get one this late?", "Tessa: Well, lucky for you, you have two amazingly creative friends.", "Kyle: Why does that not make me feel good at a all?", "Mariah: Just trust us, okay?", "Kyle: Said every untrustworthy person ever.", "Tessa: Be right back.", "Arturo: I have not worn a halloween costume since I was a kid.", "Abby: Oh, well, I still think you would have made a very handsome prince charming.", "Arturo: No. You know what the guys would have said about me if i showed up here in tights?", "Abby: [ Giggles ] Well, you look very sexy in this outfit.", "Arturo: Well, thank you. I would only wear something like this for you, so...", "Abby: Well, I appreciate that. Especially after the way things went at the board meeting.", "Arturo: Hey, no shop talk, remember?", "Abby: Okay. Well, I might need your help keeping my mind off the awful day I had.", "Arturo: Happy to oblige.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Lola: Is that my brother dressed up in a halloween costume?", "Arturo: Shut it, lola.", "[ Abby laughs ]", "Lola: You said halloween was for kids, and you were done dressing up.", "Arturo: Well... maybe I changed my mind.", "Lola: Just like that?", "Arturo: I could have had a little help.", "Lola: Admit it. Abby's got major influence over you.", "Abby: Mm.", "Arturo: What can I say? I guess a guy would do a lot for a girl he's crazy about.", "[ Laughs ]", "Nick: It is a hook. It'll get you like this. Rrrk! Kkk-kk-kkk!", "Faith: It's getting late. Christian's not gonna be able to stay up much longer. Maybe we should go.", "Nick: Let's give your mom a little more time.", "Faith: Maybe we should just skip trick-or-treating. Mom! You made it!", "Sharon: Of course I did. [ Chuckles ] Sorry I'm late.", "Nick: It's okay. We're just glad you're here.", "Faith: Uh-huh.", "Sharon: Well, I, um... would have been here sooner, but I had to make an important stop. Anyway, here. This is for you.", "Faith: Mom! Aw! Halloween colors! I love it.", "Sharon: Yeah! Good.", "Faith: Oh, thanks, mom!", "Sharon: You're welcome. And I got something for you, too, peter pan.", "Nick: What is that?", "Sharon: Isn't he cute?", "[ Laughter ]", "Nick: I got something for you, too. It's a costume.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, that's sweet of you. But I brought one for myself.", "Nick: Yeah, well, this one matches the rest of ours. You know, it'll complete the family picture.", "Sharon: I'll be right back.", "Nick: Oh! What? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Arturo: I don't think that's how you're supposed to do that.", "Abby: Well, I think it's the only way to do it.", "Arturo: Mmm. You're good at that.", "Abby: What, halloween?", "Arturo: That, too. But now it's my turn.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Happy halloween.", "Faith: Hey, abby. So, are you having fun?", "Abby: We are having a great time. How about you? You guys look adorable.", "Faith: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Yeah, we're just waiting for sharon. You know, she's gonna be wendy.", "Abby: Cute.", "Faith: Yeah. It was dad's idea. He's hoping if we trick-or-treat as a family, my mom will want to be one again.", "Mariah: Ta-da!", "Lola: At least I know you're not afraid to make a fool of yourself.", "Kyle: Fool? What do you mean? I look dope. Legit man of steel.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: Okay. Now I'm regretting making him superman.", "Lola: You know,I can handle him and his ego.", "Kyle: [ Laughs ]", "[ Laughter ]", "Faith: Oh. Mom, you're not in your costume.", "Sharon: Uh, no. Because, um, it didn't fit. Nick, can I talk to you on the patio for a minute?", "Nick: Uh, yeah. Yeah. Abby, can you watch the kids?", "Abby: Yeah, of course.", "Nick: [ Grunts ] Be right back. What's going on?", "Sharon: I can't wear it.", "Nick: Well, why not? I mean... I thought we could, uh, you know, spend some time together as a family.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] We're not a family. And I'm not gonna let you manipulate me into making the kids believe that we are.", "Nick: You agreed that we would all go out together.", "Sharon: And you couldn't just leave it at that, keep it simple. So I'm out, nick.", "Nick: What do you mean, you're out? You're not going trick-or-treating with us?", "Sharon: No. I'm not.", "Nick: Do you know how much that's gonna disappoint the kids?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Not as much as if they thought we were getting back together, because that's never going to happen.", "Nikki: The statue's been removed, and I finally got rid of jill, so [Sighs] We can get to work.", "Victoria: No. [ Sighs ] We can'T. Not yet.", "Nikki: Why not? What's wrong?", "Victoria: I'm still waiting for billy to show up.", "Nikki: I thought you were gonna see him earlier today.", "Victoria: That was the plan, but he hasn't shown up yet.", "Nikki: You'd think he could be an adult once in his life.", "Victoria: He's billy, mom.", "Nikki: Are johnny and katie with you?", "Victoria: Yes, they're in the break room with hannah. But I can't leave until billy gets here.", "Nikki: All right, sweetheart. Just don't worry about it. Get here whenever you can.", "Victoria: Okay. [ Sighs ] I will. But I'm really dreading what we're about to do. And on halloween. It's just -- [ Sighs ] It's so gruesome.", "Nikki: I know, but we have to do it. And the sooner we get going, the sooner it will be finished.", "Jill: Wow. I didn't see that coming.", "Billy: Blindsided doesn't begin to describe it.", "Jill: Yeah, but nick and her -- I mean, that's so predictable, huh?", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Jill: I hope you've learned your lesson.", "Billy: Which one?", "Jill: To listen to your mother.", "Billy: Mm. Yes, it's the first thought i had when I found out that phyllis cheated on me.", "Jill: [ Chuckles ] And how about when she went after the top job at jabot two seconds after you dumped her?", "Billy: Fine. You were right. You happy?", "Jill: [ Sighs ] That you're no longer seeing phyllis, yes. [ Billy snorts ] That you're hurting, no. It makes me very sad.", "Billy: I'm fine, okay? You don't have to worry about me.", "Jill: Honey, it's part of the job description.", "Billy: Well, I'm sorry you have such a crappy job.", "Jill: Oh, my god. Being your mother is the best job I ever had, and I will never quit. No matter what you've done, billy. So what have you done?", "[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh. [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Damn it.", "Jill: What is wrong?", "Billy: I'm supposed to meet victoria and the kids, and I'm late.", "Jill: We're not finished here.", "Billy: I love you, okay?", "Jill: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Can you get that for me, please?", "Lauren: You're taking this better than I anticipated.", "Jack: Board meeting didn't go my way. It happens. It's business.", "Lauren: No hard feelings?", "Jack: Why would there be? You were trying to protect your company. You thought the best way to do that was to elect phyllis.", "Lauren: That doesn't mean that I don't have a lot of respect for you.", "Jack: That goes both ways.", "Lauren: Thank you. Now, I have to run. I'm meeting michael for dinner. Congratulations again. I will see you at the office.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Jack: What did you think I was gonna say to her? She was protecting her company, and you were elected C.E.O. Fair and square.", "Phyllis: You are not upset with the stunt I pulled with kerry?", "Jack: Kerry is an excellent chemist. In fact, I was trying to hire her. But, then, you knew that.", "Phyllis: She met with you both, you and billy, out of courtesy.", "Jack: Well played.", "Phyllis: I thought so. So... [ Sighs ] Why don't you tell me how you really feel now that I'm C.E.O.", "Phyllis: I just find it difficult to believe that you're not furious. And, like your less supportive brother, you think I am destined to fail. Or at least you hope so.", "Jack: I won't lie. I do think I am the right person to run my family's company. Which, of course, brings up the biggest irony in all of this.", "Phyllis: The fact that the blood abbott clause was created for yours truly?", "Jack: I did it to stop cheating spouses, vindictive exes, and potentially hostile entities from taking over a company my father founded.", "Phyllis: And I'm all three rolled into one.", "Jack: Can't help but wonder if this isn't karmic payback for using the blood abbott clause against ashley.", "Phyllis: Regrets?", "Jack: I got a mountain of those. They don't keep me from looking forward, though.", "Phyllis: To the day you're back in charge?", "Jack: This is your time, phyllis. Enjoy it. I wish you luck.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Jack: The sound of urgent business.", "Phyllis: Nothing that can't wait. Um... but you know what, I-I do need to get home. Get some rest before my first day on the job. Goodbye.", "Jill: Okay. I'll see you soon. Mwah!", "Jack: Ooh. Am I too late? I was gonna buy you a drink.", "Jill: Well, now, you shouldn't have wasted your time on that cheating, lying, slut of an ex you share with your brother.", "Jack: Oh, my. Tell me how you really feel about phyllis.", "Jill: Oh, please. I don't give her a second thought since she's not in billy's life anymore.", "Jack: Yeah, I can tell. You sure you can't join me for a drink?", "Jill: I'm sorry, hon. That was cane on the phone. I'm gonna go over there and check on him and the kids. They're have a really rough time now that lily's been transferred so far away.", "Jack: Yeah, I heard about all of that. I -- I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you.", "Jill: Jack, you hang in there. Phyllis is gonna self-destruct. She always, always does.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] Give me a scotch, neat. You know what, make it a double.", "[ Sighs ]", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: I'm sorry I'm late. I lost track of time. But I'm here now, and ready to go trick-or-treating.", "Victoria: Well, I'm not.", "Billy: Okay, well, I can wait. Where are the kids?", "Victoria: They're in the break room with hannah, going through the candy that they collected when I took them around the neighborhood.", "Billy: You already went trick-or-treating?", "Victoria: You're over an hour late! I have things that I need to attend to. So now you can take over.", "Billy: Whoa. And now you're bailing?", "Victoria: Billy, I scheduled my meeting for after our time with the kids.", "Billy: Okay, well, then, you can change it.", "Victoria: No, I can'T. And this wouldn't be an issue if you had just shown up on time.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: Where were you, anyway?", "Billy: At a jabot board meeting. We elected a new C.E.O., And i will not be stepping back into my old job.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I assume that means that jack is taking over.", "Billy: Actually, no. Jack and I split the abbott vote, which left enough room for a third candidate to waltz right in and snap it from the jaws of our divided family.", "Victoria: Who?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Phyllis.", "Victoria: Wow. I...", "Billy: Yeah. Believe me, I was speechless, too. So can you have a little pity on me and come and go trick-or-treating with me and the kids?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I can'T.", "Billy: Yes, you can.", "Victoria: No --", "Billy: It's one night. We can forget our scary lives and go trick-or-treating.", "Victoria: I wish I could.", "Billy: You can, victoria. You just -- you change your meeting till tomorrow morning or something.", "Victoria: There's too much at stake. I'm gonna say goodbye to the kids on the way out.", "Billy: Come on. I'm sorry I'm late.", "Victoria: Billy, I have to go.", "Billy: Please, vick -- vick!", "Sharon: I have to go.", "Nick: No, no, no. Look. You're upset. And you have every right to be. But I know you don't mean it when you say that we can't get past this.", "Sharon: Yes, I do.", "Nick: You just need time, that's all.", "Sharon: Time isn't going to change anything, nick.", "Nick: Look, sleeping with phyllis was stupid, and a terrible mistake, and if I could go back and do things differently, I would.", "Sharon: Our problems go way beyond phyllis.", "Nick: Well, whatever they are, we can get past it. But we have to do it together.", "Sharon: Stop. Please, just stop.", "Nick: Stop what? Fighting for us?", "Sharon: Yes. Because it -- it's exhausting, and it's also pointless. I tried to convince myself that we could get back what we once had. I told myself, if we got married, that things would go back to the way they once were, and that we could recapture the magic we once had.", "Nick: We can.", "Sharon: We are different people, nick. We've both changed.", "Nick: Not where it matters the most -- right here.", "Sharon: See, that's where you've changed the most. The nick I fell in love with all those years ago, he would have never posed as J.T. He would have never wanted to make himself in his father's image, while trying to destroy him at the same time. The nick that I knew would have never wanted a business empire or a huge mansion, and he would have never thought for one second that i would be okay with any of that.", "Nick: You tell me what is wrong with wanting to give a good life to my wife and my kids.", "Sharon: Nothing. If that's what your wife wants, too. But I don't want what's become important to you. I just wanted a good, honest, decent man, and... it turns out you're none of those. It's time for me to move on.", "Nick: [ Scoffs ] To what? To rey? He's married.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] This has nothing to do with him. This is about us, and the love we once shared.", "Nick: The love we still share.", "Sharon: No. It's over. You need to accept that.", "Lola: How drunk were you?", "Kyle: On a scale of one to \"I didn't know where my pants were\"?", "Lola: No!", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I was one very cold vampire. And let me tell you, new york's finest do not have a sense of humor.", "Lola: So you spent the night in jail.", "Kyle: With a devil, marilyn monroe, and two sexy nuns.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lola: Why are you so surprised? That's what you've been waiting for, isn't it?", "Kyle: Yeah, but, um...", "Lola: \"But, uh,\" what?", "Kyle: I just wasn't prepared.", "[ Huffs ]", "Lola: [ Laughs ]", "Kyle: [ Laughs ] I am now. So maybe we should do that again.", "Lola: Go ahead. Wow me with your superpowers.", "Mariah: Must be nice, being able to express your feelings like that.", "Tessa: Yeah. [ Sighs ] I -- I, uh, know what you mean.", "Mariah: No, actually, I don't think you do. Because there's been something I've been trying to say for a while, but I'm not that great with words. Spoken words. I'm -- I'm better with writing.", "Tessa: Mariah, what are you trying to say?", "Mariah: Well, that's just it. I can't say it. So I decided to let this... do the talking for me.", "Tessa: Mariah...", "Mariah: [ Inhales sharply ] We have come a long way since last halloween.", "Tessa: I, um... I didn't make it easy.", "Mariah: But you made it worth it.", "Arturo: I expected you to come as captain underpants tonight.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Sorry, christian. I outed you. [ Chuckles ] You okay?", "Faith: Yeah. I'm just wondering what's keeping mom and dad.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: Not long ago, you were ready to marry me. The night before our wedding, you told me you loved me.", "Sharon: The man I was in love with doesn't exist.", "Nick: I'm right here.", "Sharon: No. You're a part of my past. He is a part of my past. And if you can't accept that, that's your problem, not mine. But you need to find a way to deal with it -- or not. But don't drag our kids into this mess that you've made of your life, and don't try to tell me that I feel something that I don'T. We're done, nick.", "Nick: You're throwing away what could be an amazing life.", "Sharon: I'm still gonna have an amazing life. Just not with you.", "Phyllis: It was smart, blocking off the area. Keep people out of the park tonight, I hope.", "Nikki: Yeah, that was the idea, phyllis.", "Victoria: Where's sharon?", "Nikki: I don't know. She hasn't responded to my text.", "Phyllis: Well, she probably chickened out. It's sharon.", "Nikki: All right. Let's give her a few more minutes.", "Victoria: No. I want to get this over with now.", "Nikki: All right. Let's go." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nick announces his campaign for City Council and he asks Nikki to be his campaign manager but she turns him down saying that he needs to distance himself from the Newman family and their baggage but she does agree to advise him unofficially Amanda tells Nate that the only way he can win the case is with Victor's help but Nate is very angry with Victor and doesn't know that he can 't ask him for his help so Amanda tells him to let her do all the talking. Nate doesn't listen to her advice and lets Victor know exactly how he feels but Victor appreciates his honesty and agrees to take the blame for everything in his statement to the medical licensing board so that Nate won't lose his licensing board. Victor calls his investigator to investigate Amanda Sinclaire. Chelsea is in deep trouble when Simon Black arrives to collect the final payment that Calvin owed him and his associates which they were unable to find in the storage building. Chelsea pleads with Kevin to give her the money back right away but Kevin tells her the feds were investigating the bank and have seized all the accounts so the money is gone.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nate: The state medical licensing board has opened an inquiry into my role into helping falsify victor's death. If they rule against me, they could revoke my license from practicing medicine here in wisconsin.", "Chelsea: Calvin was involved in some questionable business dealings, but I didn't know about any of that until after he passed away. What I do know is that money can't go anywhere until it gets a good wash. You're the only person I trust to handle it properly, so... will you do it for me?", "Nick: Tammy and a few others think I should run for city council because a seat opened up. Everything I've ever said, everything I've ever done is gonna become public knowledge.", "Chelsea: What about my past? I mean, I haven't exactly led a perfect life.", "Nikki: Oh! What's this, candy?", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: For breakfast, no less.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Now that I'm retired, I can eat anything I want, right? Isn't that how it goes?", "Nikki: True. Okay. Yes, indeed.", "Victor: Right?", "Nikki: Well, in that case, take two, they're small.", "Victor: I'm gonna surprise you. I might even watch the price is right.\" Come on down! You know?", "Nikki: Well!", "Victor: I like that.", "Nikki: Drew carey will be thrilled to know that victor newman is one of his viewers.", "Victor: All right. Where you off to?", "Nikki: Uh, nicholas wanted me to stop by. He has something he wants to talk to me about.", "Victor: About what?", "Nikki: If it's what I think it is, we can expect things to get very busy, very fast. Oh, I got to go.", "Victor: What -- wait a minute. What's that supposed to mean?", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Nick: Big day today.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Nick: How do I look?", "Chelsea: Confident. Sexy. Debonair.", "Nick: Mm. What are you doing?", "Chelsea: I'm taking your clothes off, councilman.", "Nick: Uh, chelsea?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm...", "Nick: You know I am always down for this, but I cannot be late to my own press conference.", "Chelsea: Don't worry, this won't take long.", "Nick: Well, how do you know that?", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Relax. We're not having sex.", "Nick: Oh, well, what are we doing, then?", "Chelsea: We're getting out of this ridiculous outfit.", "Nick: This ridiculous outfit was a custom-made suit from italy. I had it made when I started dark horse, and I love it.", "Chelsea: The suit is great. You can wear it one night when you take me dancing.", "Nick: I thought you said --", "Chelsea: You are about to announce your candidacy for city council. You need to be showing the people of genoa city that you are there to work for them, get in the trenches, and fight alongside them. You show up in a custom-made italian suit, no. Sending the wrong message. [ Sighs ] Trust me, nick. I'm right about this.", "Amanda: So he's in the same location? Good. Good. That's very good. Oh, well, I'm glad that everything worked out. We'll be in touch. Right on time. Hello, nate.", "Nate: Amanda.", "Amanda: Let's get started.", "Nate: You don't waste any time, do you?", "Amanda: Well, if I'm gonna take your case with the medical board, we don't have a lot of time to waste.", "Nate: Okay, so, what do we tackle first?", "Amanda: Well, whenever I sit down with a perspective client, I like to figure out a way to win. After all, I have a perfect record to protect. Additional sponsorship", "Nate: There's a part in there that's not --", "Amanda: I'm sorry, I wasn't ignoring you, I just wanted to interpret this letter on my own.", "Nate: So what do you think? And don't feel the need to sugarcoat anything. I don't need to be handled.", "Amanda: I appreciate your honesty. We will definitely make a much better team if we're straight with each other.", "Nate: So...the letter.", "Amanda: Yes, they are serious.", "Nate: No doubt about that.", "Amanda: This letter is their version of events, so now I need to hear yours.", "Nate: I already told you.", "Amanda: Tell me again. Don't leave anything out.", "Nate: [ Clears throat ] I lied for my patient. I, um, helped victor newman perpetuate a fraud by faking his own death. And if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn'T. That's it.", "Amanda: Okay, so, my first instruction to you -- never tell anyone that story ever again except me.", "Nate: Understood.", "Amanda: I also asked you to not leave anything out.", "Nate: I haven'T. What happened is pretty straightforward.", "Amanda: Not according to what you told me yesterday. You said that your decision may have been influenced by your personal relationship with abby newman. Is that still true?", "Nate: I wouldn't have said it if it wasn'T. Why? Does it matter?", "Amanda: It could. I'm just surprised. Are you really the type of man who would throw everything away for a woman?", "Nick: So what you're saying is, the suit makes me look too slick.", "Chelsea: Let your opponent try to spin some phony image. You just be you -- honorable, down-to-earth nicholas newman.", "Nick: In other words, not my dad.", "Chelsea: I didn't say that.", "Nick: Well, in case you were thinking it, let me reassure you, I love where my relationship is with my dad right now, but there aren't two people in this world who are more different than me and him. Better?", "Chelsea: Much.", "Nick: The announcement will be at the coffeehouse, just a few select invites, along with just enough media to put the word out there. I don't want to seem stuffy or over-the-top.", "Chelsea: I agree.", "Nick: And you were right about the suit. It's a good call.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. I told you. It's unfortunate, though, because you did look really sexy in it.", "Nick: Well, I could put it right back on.", "Chelsea: No!", "Nick: I'm kidding.", "Chelsea: You are going to be a huge success today.", "Nick: Let's hope so.", "Chelsea: You can relate to people. You've got a huge heart. The voters are gonna feel that. They'll be lucky to have you.", "Nick: Well, I got to win first.", "Chelsea: Oh, come on. Who's gonna vote against you?", "Nick: Well, let's see. The person who I'm running against, you know, their family could vote against me. Uh, anyone who sees the newman name and runs for the hills. Also anyone who knows about my past and decides that that disqualifies me.", "Chelsea: Or my past.", "Nick: Hey, come on, we talked about that. Your past is a non-issue for me. What I'm really concerned about is people are gonna take one look at the absolutely stunner next to me and say the wrong person is running.", "Chelsea: The right person is definitely running.", "Nick: Well... I just don't want you to worry about it, okay? Will you promise me?", "Chelsea: Okay. I promise.", "Nick: All right. I should get going.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Me, too.", "Nick: I'll, uh, see you at the coffee house later?", "Chelsea: Yes. Absolutely. I need to stop by the grand phoenix, check in with abby, and I need to call connor.", "Nick: Yeah, he wasn't trick-or-treating last night. How come?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Connor is still getting used to living with adam. Frankly, so am I. Um, but I will text you on my way. Does that work?", "Nick: Yeah, great.", "Chelsea: Do you say \"break a leg\" in politics?", "Nick: Well, you do now.", "Chelsea: Okay. Well, go work on that campaign and, uh, keep me posted -- oh! Hello!", "Nick: Oh! Hey.", "Nikki: So it's true. I -- I was hoping this was why you invited me over.", "Nick: Yeah. I'm running for city council today, announcing it.", "Nikki: Nicholas, that is wonderful! I'm so proud of you.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Nick: Thank you, and I can thank you and chelsea for convincing me to do it.", "Chelsea: Well, chelsea is gonna be late. Bye, nikki.", "Nikki: Bye-bye.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Nick: Bye.", "Chelsea: Good luck.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Chelsea: You got this.", "Nick: So you're really happy about this?", "Nikki: [ Scoffs ] I couldn't be any happier.", "Nick: All right, well, another reason why I wanted you to come today was not just to announce that I'm running but also to see if you will help manage my campaign.", "Nikki: Oh! Nicholas --", "Nick: Mom, honestly, I can't think of anyone better. So...will you do it?", "Nikki: Absolutely not.", "Nate: How long have you known me, amanda? Five minutes?", "Amanda: A little longer than that, but go on.", "Nate: To answer your question, no. I'm not the kind of man who throws everything away for a woman. But I won't deny abbywas a factor.", "Amanda: Okay.", "Nate: Along with several other considerations I'd be happy to lay out for you in detail.", "Amanda: That statement i made, it really pissed you off, didn't it?", "Nate: I wouldn't go that far.", "Amanda: I got under your skin, and you responded the way that I was hoping you would.", "Nate: So you did this deliberately?", "Amanda: If I'm gonna go to war with someone, I need to know the type of man I'm defending.", "Nate: Did I pass the test?", "Amanda: You're still mad, aren't you?", "Nick: Yes or no.", "Amanda: What I saw was a man who is not afraid to tell the truth, or defend himself. A straight shooter. How's that?", "Nate: [ Sighs ] So what else do you need to know?", "Amanda: Your background. Is this your first issue with the medical board?", "Nate: Yes.", "Amanda: Any other malpractice or other legal issues?", "Nate: I have a clean record.", "Amanda: Except this.", "Nate: I know my career is on the line, but you don't have to spell it out for me. I'm sorry, uh... I'm a little on edge.", "Amanda: It's understand.", "Nate: No, it still doesn't give me an excuse to put it on you.", "Amanda: Thank you.", "Nate: So what's next?", "Amanda: Uh, victor newman.", "Nate: [ Sighs ] What about him?", "Amanda: Take me back to the moment that you decided to help him with this deception. Help me understand -- no. Make me understand.", "Nate: [ Sighs ] I love being a doctor. It's the only thing I've ever wanted to do for as, uh, far back as I can remember. I used my god-given skill to heal people. Now, I don't mean that to sound noble or superior. And I'm, uh, far from perfect, either as a doctor or a man. But I was always taught and always believed that the patient's welfare comes first. And victor was my patient. So when he came to me with this plan, I was, uh, reluctant. I was hoping he would change his mind. But he was determined. And I, uh, finally decided to go along with it.", "Amanda: Did abby encourage you?", "Nate: Not directly, no.", "Amanda: But she didn't try to talk you out of it, either.", "Nate: I know you want to pin this on my relationship with abby, but it was more than that. Victor was already a very sick man. The medication he was taking was experimental to begigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi there were no guarantees it would work. Then, uh, came the real complications.", "Amanda: Victor's son adam.", "Nate: The two of them were at war with one another, and it got uglier by the day. So adam decided to send a message by altering victor's meds, which would have had catastrophic results if we hadn't caught it in time. That's when victor decided to send his own message.", "Amanda: He wanted adam to believe he was dead, hoping that he would reveal what he had done.", "Nate: Yep. I know I should have called the police or tried hard to talk victor out of it, but... it was that nagging voice in the back of my head that kept saying, \"this man is your patient. His health is your top priority, and he is still in danger.\" So I agreed to lie and present a false case through the authorities. I'm guilty of all of that.", "Amanda: Because, as you saw it, your patient's life depended on it.", "Nate: I wish there was another way to describe it, but that's the truth.", "Amanda: That you knowingly put your entire career on the line for a man's life. That's your defense, nate. That's what we're gonna sell. Hard.", "Nick: That's a pretty harsh \"no,\" mom.", "Nikki: Let me explain. I have my reasons. But I want you to know I'm so honored that you asked me.", "Nick: Honored enough to turn me down.", "Nikki: Tell me this -- are you running as nicholas newman or as a member of the newman family?", "Nick: I'm my own man, you know that.", "Nikki: And that is why I'm turning you down. I mean, I'm proud of our name, I'm proud of our family, but you and I both know what kind of baggage comes with that.", "Nick: Yeah, chelsea and i were talking about that earlier. My plan is just to get out in front of it, answer all the questions before they're asked.", "Nikki: And she agrees?", "Nick: Yeah. She even came up with the idea to lose the fancy suit, you know, to seem more like a man of the people.", "Nikki: Smart girl. I would have said the same thing.", "Nick: You still can.", "Nikki: Nicholas. I love my job at newman. I don't want to give it up. And even I took a short leave of absence to help you with your campaign, can you imagine what the press would do with that? The next thing we would hear is that newman enterprises is taking over local government, and you don't need that. Not after how hard you worked to try to distance yourself from the family's identity. And now is not the time to retreat from that. In fact, it's time to double-down on it.", "Chelsea: Good morning. Excuse me.", "Chelsea: Oh. Hi. [ Laughing ] I'm sorry. Hi! Can I help you? Sorry, I can see you're working", "Chelsea: No, that's okay! That's okay. What can I do for you? My name's simon black.", "Chelsea: It's a pleasure. I'm chelsea. Oh! You don't need to introduce yourself. You are chelsea boudreau. You may not know me, but I am most certainly aware of who you are.", "Nate: You seem pretty confident I can beat this.", "Amanda: Did I mention I've never lost a case?", "Nate: Once or twice. So, what's our next step?", "Amanda: I go to work on building your defense.", "Nate: Okay. I can, uh, talk to devon so you don't have to deal with any --", "Amanda: No, no. Don't worry about devon. The way I see it, there is only one person who's crucial in you retaining your medical license. That's the man who started this scheme in the first place.", "Nate: You want to talk to victor?", "Amanda: Of course.", "Nate: I don't know if I'm ready for that.", "Amanda: Ready for what, nate? This is your career on the line, and he's the one who put you in this position.", "Nate: Listen. I haven't been able to sleep for three nights. And when I do drift off, for an hour or two, victor newman in the man in the middle of my nightmares. I got to be honest with you. I'm afraid of what I might say to him.", "Amanda: Which is why I'll be doing all of the talking. So let's go. You're angry, and you have every right to be. But you need him, nate. He's your best chance at winning.", "Nate: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Nick: Mom, everything you're saying makes sense, up to a point.", "Nick: That point being?", "Nick: Me letting you off the hook so easily.", "Nikki: So you're gonna be a terrier about this, are you?", "Nick: Look, I'm gonna be my own man in this, and I know what that costs. The newman name opens up a lot of doors. The newman money can do a lot of things. And I'm fine with all that, but if it costs me the amazing, fantastic nikki newman...", "Nikki: Okay, nicholas, stop.", "Nick: Mom, come on. You've run for office before. Your advice would be indispensable to me.", "Nikki: And you're not playing fair.", "Nick: Who, me?", "Nikki: Your amazing, fantastic mother is very flattered. And I'm happy to take your calls at any time if you have questions, if you just want to talk somebody. But I'm gonna do that unofficially. Trust me, my name should not come within a country mile of your campaign letterhead.", "Nick: So there's no convincing you?", "Nikki: But it was a very sweet try.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] All right, well, I hope this doesn't mean you're not gonna come to my press conference.", "Nikki: Oh! I don't want to cause bad optics for you.", "Nick: You are the mother of the candidate. You would just be there to cheer me on. And, frankly, I could use another friendly face there. With you and chelsea, I might just be able to get through it.", "Victor: Thank you. Well, now. If it isn'T...", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] Victor. Congratulations. I give you an 8.5, maybe even a 9.", "Victor: Really? I beg your pardon?", "Kevin: At first, I was flattered thinking that chloe and I had inspired you.", "Victor: Mm.", "Kevin: And then I remembered this wasn't your first trip to the fake-your-own- death rodeo.", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] I wouldn't be glib about that, if I were you.", "Kevin: Well, that is a sincere compliment.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: The only reason i didn't give you a perfect score is because adam didn't leave town permanently.", "Victor: Nor did chloe. Well, now, those were the terms of our agreement. I would keep quiet about her being alive, and she would never show her face in this town again.", "Kevin: Well, I figured once adam made his miraculous return and michael got the deal for chloe that our arrangement would be null and void.", "Victor: Oh. You're lucky she's a lousy shot.", "Kevin: You know about that?", "Victor: [ Chuckles ]", "Kevin: Of course you do. You know everything. Well, look, I -- I assure you, chloe's gotten it out of her system. She will not go after adam again.", "Victor: How have people treated her since she has come back?", "Kevin: Well, we were nervous, but everybody's been pretty welcoming.", "Victor: Uh-huh, and no one was upset about being deceived by her?", "Kevin: Chelsea was, but -- but she got over it.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Why? People giving you flak?", "Victor: Been some repercussions, uh-huh.", "Kevin: If there's anything i can do to help you make things right, I owe you.", "Victor: I don't need your kind of assistance, kevin.", "Kevin: I -- I wasn't suggesting anything shady. I've got my job back at the police station. I'm one of the good guys now.", "Victor: Wow. That's like the fox guarding the chicken coop, right?", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Kevin: Excuse me one sec. Well, it took you long enough. I left you, like, 7 messages. That can't be right. No, no, no. If you're joking, it's not funny. Damn it.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry, mr. Black.", "Simon: Oh, no, no, no. Please, call me simon.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Simon. If we've met before, I honestly don't remember where or when.", "Simon: We've actually never met. Though I do know you by reputation. You're the owner of this place, right?", "Chelsea: No. I'm not the majority stakeholder. Abby newman is in charge. I'm just along for the ride.", "Simon: Yeah, well, I really don't care if there are 1,000 owners. You're the only one I'm interested in.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Chelsea: Oh, that's -- well, that's very flattering, simon, but if there's any business you'd like to discuss --", "Simon: No. I think we should keep this all very personal.", "Chelsea: Well, I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much.", "Simon: Agh.", "Chelsea: Agh, yeah. So if there's anything else i can do for you...", "Simon: Actually, yeah, there is. It's the reason I came. You have something of mine, ms. Boudreau, and I'd like it back. So perhaps you could sit down and we could talk about it. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Amanda: Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Well, my goodness. They've talked about your similarity to hilary, but this is astonishing. Please, have a seat.", "Amanda: Yes. You are not the first person to point out my resemblance to devon hamilton's late wife, mr. Newman, but if anyone in this room has come back from the dead, it's not me.", "Victor: So I assume that is why you came by to see me.", "Amanda: Yes. Yes, it is.", "Victor: Nate, I heard about the medical board's decision. I am deeply sorry about that. I'm glad you've reached out to me. I will do anything to help nate, okay?", "Amanda: Well, we are in the process of building our case.", "Victor: Mm.", "Amanda: I'm very confident that we will succeed, but I am not gonna downplay the help that we're gonna need if dr. Hastings is to come through this unscathed.", "Victor: Dr. Hastings is my personal physician, and hence, he is irreplaceable.", "Amanda: Well, I'm glad to hear that we have your support, then.", "Victor: Yes.", "Amanda: The first thing that we are gonna need from you is a statement for the hearing, detailing --", "Nate: You know, victor, none of this would have happened if you hadn't cooked up your crazy scheme to smoke out adam. I'll own my part in it, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life. But everyone else is just collateral damage so you can teach your son a lesson.", "Amanda: Now is not the time, nate.", "Victor: Does this mean you don't need my help?", "Nikki: Councilwoman diamond.", "Nick: Uh, she's gonna make sure you call her tammy. [ Laughs ] It's nice to finally meet you, mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: Well, I understand you're the one who convinced nicholas to run for city council in the first place. I might have twisted his arm a little, but eventually he decided he's the man for the job.", "Nikki: I couldn't agree more. Well, time to prime the press.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Nick: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Nikki: So, are you nervous?", "Nick: I mean, I don't know why I should be. I know exactly what I want to say today. I know what I plan to do if I'm elected.", "Nikki: When! When you're elected.", "Nick: When I'm elected. I guess I'm just sort of awed by this whole thing. I mean, it's not like I've never done anything good before. New hope has given so many families a chance to take theirvery proud of that work. But this -- I mean, this is taking everything I've ever done to a higher level, and I guess I'm feeling some responsibility not to let anyone down.", "Nikki: Oh, nobody would ever think that. Look at all the people who love you, who believe in you.", "Nick: I do hope they have faith in me, but, if I'm being honest, when I look at my life objectively, from the outside, it could seem like... you know, like I'm a job-hopping dilettante who is in this political phase, and he could lose interest in a couple months.", "Nikki: That is ridiculous. I know you're in this for the long haul. You've got a fire in your eyes i haven't seen in quite a while.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] I am passionate about it. You know, when I think about the jobs I've had, the careers I've launched, most of them were to rebel against my father. You know, to let him know that I'm different. I'm not like the rest of the newmans, and it started with me buying crimson lights.", "Nikki: Yeah. He was not thrilled that you were more interested in cappuccinos than corporate finance.", "Nick: Culminated with me trying to beat him at his own game, with dark horse. I spent so much of my life trying to define who I wasn't, and it took me forever to finally figure out who I was. And what makes me happy is not pouring drinks or even building affordable housing. What I really want to do is i want to help people, improve their lives", "Nikki: And that is exactly what you say to prove to those doubters that you are up to the task.", "Nick: [ Inhales sharply ] Yeah. We should get started.", "Nick: Can I have, uh, just a couple more minutes? I really want to wait till chelsea gets here.", "Nikki: Maybe she got delayed.", "Nick: She's gonna be here.", "Simon: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. I'm confident we can resolve this issue cleanly, simply, with no mess left behind. Ms. Boudreau.", "Chelsea: Uh, yeah, sorry, what?", "Simon: Did you hear what i said?", "Chelsea: I did. I did hear what you said. I'm just racking my brain trying to think of what I could have that belonged to you, considering I'd never heard of you or seen you until just now.", "Simon: Well, I find that very surprising because your late husband calvin and I, we were very close.", "Chelsea: You were friends with calvin?", "Simon: Mm, more like a colleague, business associate. Although I do regret not sending you my condolences after his untimely passing. But you've given me a reason to make up for that.", "Chelsea: I don't know what you mean.", "Simon: [ Chuckles ] I think you know exactly what i mean. You see, calvin, he understood obligations. And he always saw to it that those obligations were fully satisfied.", "Chelsea: I still don't know what you mean.", "Simon: The storage unit, ms. Boudreau. You see, when calvin passed away, an associate of mine went down there to collect what we thought was calvin's final obligation paid in full. Instead, all we found was an empty room. Imagine our disappointment. S You let him walk. I guess haVictor: No, no. Let hito suit your nate: Do I want your help?", "Nate: Do I want your help?", "Amanda: Yes. He does.", "Nate: What I want, victor, is for you to understand there are consequences when you decide to play god. We're not just some chess pieces you can move around to suit your purposes. We're people with lives and relationships and careers that you obviously don't care about in the least.", "Amanda: Nate, can I speak to you for a second?", "Victor: No, no. Let him finish.", "Nate: Your son adam tried to kill you. But adam didn't pay for that. There was no justice. You let him walk. I guess having the last name newman still has its rewards.", "Amanda: You're not helping, nate.", "Nate: I was just your doctor who signed on because I thought you were in danger. And now I might lose my license to practice medicine in wisconsin because you felt your money and power made you above the law. I don't know if you and abby talked about how our relationship ended, but it had to do with you and your scheme. You got to rise from the ashes unscathed, but I could lose everything.", "Victor: You done?", "Amanda: God, I hope so.", "Victor: Now, you kindly listen to me. [ Inhales sharply ] I know that I've done a great deal of damage to your career. I'm deeply sorry for that. I'll do anything to help you win this case against the medical board of wisconsin. I will take the blame for it all.", "Nikki: Still no word from chelsea?", "Nick: Well, like you said, uh, she could have got, uh, you know, stuck at the hotel.", "Nikki: Perhaps. Although, I can't imagine what could be more important than being here.", "Nick: What are you implying?", "Nikki: Well, chelsea has said all the right things, but do you know that she truly is happy that you're running for public office?", "Nick: Why wouldn't she be?", "Nikki: Only she can answer that. I'm just saying that when somebody you love asks you to publicly support them, you show up.", "Nick: Mom, come on. Her job at that hotel is to make sure that every guest, every single minute of the day, is happy. If there's a fire to be put out, she can't leave until every flame is extinguished.", "Nikki: Hey, if you're confident of chelsea's support, I'm sure you're right. I don't want to give you any doubts before your speech.", "Nick: Which is why I want to give her a few more minutes to get here.", "Nikki: I think you're making a mistake. You asked for my advice, and I'm giving it to you. I overheard a couple of the reporters say that they're gonna have to move on to another commitment if this doesn't wrap up soon. You don't want to miss out on that publicity. That's why you invited them here.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'm coming. Thank you.", "Nick: Let's do it.", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Nick: Hello. Thank you very much for coming, and, uh, especially for being so patient. We've gotten a bit of a late start this morning, so let's just skip the formalities. I'm nicholas newman, and I'm very proud to announce my candidacy for city council.", "[ Applause ]", "Chelsea: I'm very sorry, simon, if something that belonged to you has gone missing. But you're mistaken if you think I have whatever it is --", "Simon: Is that so?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'd be glad to look through some of calvin's old paperwork. Maybe there's a clue that can point you in the right direction.", "Simon: Hmm.", "Chelsea: But, other than that, I don't know what to tell you. Oh, perhaps try reaching out to calvin's other acquaintances.", "Simon: Well, if you're so sure, I guess there's nothing left to discuss. I am so sorry if I've wasted your valuable time.", "Chelsea: Not at all. I wish I could have been of more help.", "Simon: Nah. Incidentally, I forgot to mention what a beautiful place this is. It's a real gem. You really landed on your feet since calvin's untimely demise. [ Sighs ] Such a sad reminder that life can be too short. Can't it? Are we done pretending now, ms. Boudreau? I fervently hope we are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to let my associates now that we've spoken. We'll pick this up later. We'll get down to all the dirty details. It's been a pleasure.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ]", "Kevin: What's going on? Who was that guy?", "Chelsea: It doesn't matter. I have to talk to you about the money I gave you.", "Kevin: That's why I came here. There's been --", "Chelsea: No, kevin, I need the money back. I need it all back right now. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Hy-a-luronic acid.", "Victor: Ms. Sinclair, a pleasure meeting you. Hope next time our conversation won't be quite as contentious.", "Amanda: Thank you, mr. Newman.", "Victor: And I promise not to make references to your similarity to hilary.", "Amanda: I appreciate that.", "Victor: You're your own woman.", "Amanda: Thank you.", "Victor: And, nate, again, I'm deeply sorry about what happened. Maybe one day, you will appreciate the choices I made after you've had your own children.", "Nate: Maybe.", "Victor: All right. We'll be in touch. Thank you.", "Amanda: Have you gotten that out of your system?", "Nate: Pretty much.", "Amanda: Do you realize how disastrous that could have been?", "Nate: Victor had it right. Some things need to be said, no matter what.", "Amanda: Well, in the future, when you ask me to represent you, let me represent you. That means, when I tell you that I am doing all of the talking, I mean it.", "Victor: Find out everything you can about the lawyer called amanda sinclair, all right? Thank you.", "Nick: When you hear the name newman, I'm sure you think of board rooms and big business dealing, and I've had my fair share of experience in both. I'm extremely comfortable speaking the language of the corporate world. But that is not why I'm doing this, to benefit special interest groups. They have more than enough. I'm doing this for the families that were finally able to get up off the streets and into their own homes, for the single mothers who have two and three jobs and are working paycheck to paycheck just to get food on that table and a roof over their head. And for those kids who are graduating high school, and they're smart enough to go to college but they just can't afford it. And for the senior citizens who quite often have to make a very difficult decision on whether or not to buy medication or food. That's why I'm doing this. I love those people, I love this city. I'm very proud to be from here. And I promise you, I will do everything I can to make this place a better place to live for everyone who calls it home. And that's it. Um, thank you very much for coming and for listening. Um... to my opponents, I wish them good luck, and I will see you on the campaign trail. I'm gonna do this for genoa city. Thank you. [ Applause ] Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [ Sighs ] Thank you. Thank you.", "Nikki: You were fantastic.", "Nick: Thanks, mom.", "Nikki: I'd vote for you, even if you weren't my son.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Nikki: You okay?", "Nick: Yeah, chelsea, uh -- she never came.", "Nikki: I know.", "Nick: I know she knows how important this was to me, and i know she wanted to be here. I just got this feeling that something's wrong, I can't shake it.", "Chelsea: Look, I know this isn't the timeline we discussed, but I'm terminating our investment right away. I need to be liquid, extremely liquid, now.", "Kevin: Okay, chelsea, if you'd just let me --", "Chelsea: I don't care if the money's been properly washed. I just need it in my hands today.", "Kevin: I can't do that.", "Chelsea: What do you mean, you can't do that? Of course you can do that. It's my money. I was always gonna get it back, minus your fee, of course. I'm just changing the timing.", "Kevin: It's gone.", "Chelsea: What?", "Kevin: The money is gone.", "Chelsea: Of course it's not gone.", "Kevin: Chelsea, I need you to listen to me.", "Chelsea: No. No, it can't be gone.", "Kevin: I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: What happened? What did you do?", "Kevin: I didn't do anything. The bank that I was working with --", "Chelsea: Bank? What bank? Where?", "Kevin: It doesn't matter. They were on the level. I've worked with them before. Never any problems.", "Chelsea: I don't care about any of that. What happened to my money, kevin?", "Kevin: The feds. The feds were investigating the bank. They closed in, they seized all assets and accounts.", "Chelsea: The government took my money?", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] Look, I know you trusted me, and I feel terrible. I wish there was a way that i could fix this, but... I can'T. I swear, I wish I could, but... I can'T.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Theo: It's nice to meet you, dina.", "Dina: Did you say \"vanderway?\"", "Kyle: Is she okay?", "Mariah: Yeah, she's fine. Tessa doesn't know it yet, but she's about an hour away from having her mind blown.", "Kyle: Hmm.", "Simon: You have 24 hours to give me the money your dearly departed husband owed me.", "Abby: Please tell me there's not trouble brewing.", "Chelsea: Let me handle it, abby." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lily was troubled by her bad experiences with men and felt she'd never find happiness. Kevin spoke with her, assured her she'd never be hurt again, and apologized for his role in making her feel like a victim. Michael told Lauren about Kevin's challenge, admitted he'd do everything to prevent it, but said he had to be prepared for the possibility of a fight. Jack told Nick there was no money at Jabot to hire Sharon. Nick said he'd pay her salary under the table if Jack got her work. Victor reassured Nikki that he loved her and had rejected Ashley. Brad told Ashley their relationship was definitely over, suggested they both move on, promised to be there for Abby, and said he wouldn't make a divorce difficult. Ash broke down, realizing she'd lost everything. Drucilla arrived at the hospital to find out how Damon was doing. Phyllis told Daniel the story of Elias. Damon's spirit spoke with Elias'. His son told him it wasn't his time to go, that he had too much to live for. Damon's spirit returned to his body, and there was suddenly a pulse. Phyllis hoped he'd live while the doctors got to work." ]
[ "Nurse: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.", "Nurse #2: Epi in.", "Doctor: All right, we're gonna try again.", "Nurse: 1, 2, 3, 4...", "Doctor: Okay.", "Nurse: 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1...", "Doctor: Okay, listen for breath sounds.", "Nurse: 4, 5...", "Nurse #2: Breath sounds good.", "Doctor: Okay, we're gonna need another milligram of epinephrine and atropine.", "Damon: I'm sorry, Phyllis. I never should've dragged you into this.", "Boy: Dad?", "Damon: Elias?", "Damon: Elias?", "Elias: Hey, Daddy.", "Damon: Oh, my baby. Wh--what-- what are you doing here?", "Elias: I heard you calling me.", "Damon: You-- you heard me?", "Elias: Somethin' real bad happened, didn't it? That's why you needed me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I cannot believe you started without me.", "Michael: Hey, beautiful. I'd hug you, but I'm all...", "Lauren: But what?", "Michael: Well, look at me. I'm all sweaty.", "Lauren: Mmm. I love it when you're all sweaty.", "Michael: I'll put that in the memory bank.", "Lauren: Mm, please do. Wha-- don't tell me that you're a little shy with public displays of affection.", "Michael: No. Me shy?", "Lauren: Yeah, well, what was I thinking?", "Michael: Come here.", "Lauren: (Giggles)", "Michael: I would be delighted to be affectionate with you anytime, anyplace, anywhere. And if anyone notices...", "Lauren: Michael.", "Michael: They can just think that-- how did that jerk Baldwin land such-- such an amazing woman?", "Lauren: You know, it's funny 'cause I don't remember you being modest.", "Michael: Well, it seems like a little self-laceration is in these days.", "Lauren: What's going on? Is it Kevin?", "Michael: You know, I wonder if we'll ever have a date where my brother isn't the main topic of conversation.", "Lauren: Yeah, I hear you, but is he in trouble?", "Michael: Hmm, trouble, no. But once again, his problems are becoming mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: Baby, you are so hot.", "Lily: Wait, Alex. I need--I need air. Oh, God. Everything is spinning. Wait...", "Alex: I won't let you fall. Trust me. Everything is gonna be good. Only problem is you won't remember any of it.", "Kevin: Lily? Are you okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hello.", "Victor: Hi.", "Nikki: Where have you been?", "Nikki: Obviously. You went to see Ashley.", "Victor: Yeah. I did.", "Nikki: How is she?", "Victor: The end of her marriage is taking a serious toll on her. And I'm very concerned.", "Nikki: What does that mean? You're gonna start spending more time with her?", "Victor: You know that she and I share a special bond because of Abby. And what I'm about to say now sounds awfully self-serving, but I had no idea how... deep her feelings were for me.", "Nikki: Victor, I told you she wanted you back.", "Victor: You were right.", "Nikki: So what does she want to do now? Ride off into the sunset with you? Does that about sum it up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens and closes)", "Brad: I didn't know you were here. I left some files. Have you talked to Victor?", "Brad: I guess it didn't go as you expected. Hurts, doesn't it, when you base your life on an assumption that turns out to be false?", "Ashley: Yep, it does.", "Brad: It's amazing how you can convince yourself someone's in love with you when they're not.", "Ashley: Does it accomplish anything by making me feel worse?", "Brad: Newman's good at crushing people, isn't he, Ash?", "Ashley: I brought this on myself.", "Brad: Yeah. Yeah, you definitely did.", "Ashley: I had to be honest. I was driving myself crazy with all the lies. I thought that the truth would solve all my problems. Instead, I've lost everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, Nicholas. I'm glad I ran into you.", "Nick: Hey, Jack.", "Jack: Cranberry juice.", "Nick: I just came in for a late workout.", "Jack: Yeah, same here.", "Nick: Hey, did you, uh, get a chance to talk to anyone at Jabot about hiring Sharon?", "Jack: I did. I'm afraid I don't have good news on that front.", "Nick: Really?", "Jack: Yeah, I have a buddy over in finance. I got him to take a little look at the current budget. And not only have they killed the men's line, it looks like they're laying off about 20% of their workforce.", "Nick: Ouch. Sorry.", "Jack: Yeah, I think Jabot is gonna be runnin' lean and mean for the next year. Of course, if that changes...", "Nick: Then they're gonna rehire the layoffs.", "Jack: Exactly. Which is a shame. I think Sharon would be a great spokesperson for Jabot's products.", "Nick: Well, maybe sometime in the future.", "Jack: Yeah. You do know this is a dollars and cents decision? I would happily go to bat for your wife if Jabot could afford it.", "Nick: Right. Well, um... I have an idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So what can I do?", "Michael: Huh. How's your right cross?", "Lauren: My what?", "Michael: Well, apparently, my beloved younger brother has challenged me to a duel. A fight, if you will... over you.", "Lauren: Oh, right. You mean, like, pistols at dawn?", "Michael: He's deadly serious. You know how creative he can be.", "Lauren: Well, I know he was unhappy when he heard about us, but I thought he was handling it.", "Michael: He was putting up a good front. Lauren, I was really proud of him. You know, I thought he was finally acting like a grown-up. But he's still the same childish, immature Kevin. His idea of conflict resolution is to lash out again, you know? Make the other guy pay.", "Lauren: You're not planning on fighting him, are you?", "Michael: (Grunts)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Kevin.", "Kevin: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I was--I was sitting over there, and I-I saw that you looked a little freaked, and, uh, it got me worried.", "Lily: Thanks, but I'm fine.", "Kevin: You sure about that? I know you pretty well, remember? I can tell when you're upset. Something's up.", "Lily: My history teacher always says that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. And that's definitely me.", "Kevin: How so?", "Lily: Just after everything that happened between you and me, I made a decision, you know, to start fresh and stop obsessing about the past.", "Kevin: That's good. That's good.", "Lily: Yeah, well, except the very next time some guy paid me a little attention, I fell for his stupid act without a second thought.", "Kevin: Y-you're talking about Alex?", "Lily: I can't get these horrible memories out of my head. I mean, how could I have been so stupid?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What Ashley said word for word is not important.", "Nikki: But she was hoping that you would leave me.", "Victor: Just drop it, darling. It's not important.", "Nikki: She actually said that, didn't she? She wanted you to end our marriage. I just can't believe that. I mean, assuming that you have been pining for her all these years, you--you just were waiting for a chance to get rid of me?", "Victor: She didn't put it in those words, all right?", "Nikki: I don't care what words she used. The facts... they speak for themselves. I'm gonna go see her right now.", "Victor: No, you will not!", "Nikki: Why not?!", "Victor: Because telling a person you don't feel about them the way they feel about you is not an easy thing to do, all right? She's already hurting enough from my rejection. Don't go twisting the knife.", "Nikki: Your rejection?", "Victor: Don't you understand that you are the love of my life? That'll never change, all right? But she is hurting right now, and obviously, I feel badly about that because I-I can't support her in any way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Ash, you've been acting like you were the center of the universe. It was only a matter of time before you got burned.", "Ashley: Do you know that I really wanted us to work?", "Brad: Wanting things to be a certain way doesn't mean they will be.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, I realize that now. If I could live the last year over again, I--", "Brad: All right, all right. Look, let's not rehash it. Your feelings for Newman have always been obvious.", "Ashley: So have my feelings for you.", "Brad: Yeah, but they weren't enough, were they? And what's done is done.", "Ashley: That sounds so final.", "Brad: It is final. I'm moving on with my life, and I suggest you do the same.", "Ashley: You say that so casually. Is it-- is it really that easy for you?", "Brad: Easy? This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But living in the past gets you nowhere. And maybe now you finally understand that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: You can find me in the E.R. Thanks.", "Dru: Liv, I came as quick as I could. Is there any hope?", "Olivia: It'll take a miracle.", "Dru: Oh.", "Olivia: That's why I called you, honey. I knew how close you were to the man.", "Dru: See, I knew. I sensed something was wrong with this man the last time I saw him, but I never imagined it would end like this. This is unbelievable.", "Olivia: Well, nobody expects a tragedy like this to happen to anybody they know.", "Dru: Not someone like Damon Porter. He--he is one of the most peaceful people I have ever met. I never would've imagined that he was so filled with rage.", "Olivia: He must have kept it bottled up inside.", "Dru: But to meet this kind of violent end? No, this tells me that this world is out of whack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Mom, I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: I can't believe this. Daniel, he's in there, he's dying. This man is dying.", "Daniel: You know, sometimes things just happen that can't be explained.", "Phyllis: Oh, I can explain this. Oh, I can explain this one.", "Daniel: Someday you'll tell me. You know, not now, but...", "Phyllis: No, I'll tell you. Damon had a son. And--and if he would've lived, he would've been your age.", "Daniel: What do you mean, \"if he would've lived\"?", "Phyllis: He died as a child.", "Daniel: Well, I didn't know that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, of course not. That's why he was so hard on you. You reminded him of his son.", "Daniel: Well, I don't know, maybe if I had known, maybe-- maybe I would've treated him a little bit differently.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, maybe you would've. If I would've known it would turn out like this, I would've done a lot of things differently, believe me.", "Daniel: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.", "Nurse: ...2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.", "Doctor: He's exsanguinating. We gotta get more blood in him.", "Nurse #2: I'm gonna start two o-negatives going in and a fresh plasma.", "Nurse: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.", "Doctor: Let's get a good pulse with C.P.R.", "Nurse: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.", "Doctor: Another milligram of epi.", "Nurse #2: Epi is in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thanks. Okay, what's your idea? Let's hear it.", "Nick: Let's say that Jabot hired sharon, only I cover her salary personally, under the table.", "Jack: You want this that badly?", "Nick: I think Sharon really needs it.", "Jack: Nick, I don't know.", "Nick: Look, Sharon's new to the game. She wouldn't expect top dollar. And in the meantime, she'd be doing something worthwhile. You have no idea what this would do for her self-esteem.", "Jack: You do realize, don't you, this could backfire? She'd be mighty upset if she found out you were footing the bill.", "Nick: Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take.", "Jack: Okay, okay. I'll see what I can do.", "Nick: Thanks. If you make this happen, I'm gonna owe you one.", "Jack: I gotta ask this one more time. Are you sure this is worth the risk?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I can't believe you're going along with this.", "Michael: Kevin will not take no for an answer.", "Lauren: Michael, it takes two to have a fight.", "Michael: That's exactly what I said to him. You do want me to walk away from this?", "Lauren: Yes. I-I mean, what's it gonna prove, the two of you trying to pummel each other? It's not gonna help his problem with you being involved with me.", "Michael: Kevin is angry. He wants to vent. He wants to be open and above board and violent, apparently.", "Lauren: But this isn't the way. I mean, you're so much bigger than him. You could hurt him.", "Michael: I have no intention of hurting my little brother.", "Lauren: Yeah? What about his pride?", "Michael: Look, Lauren, you know Kevin. You know that when he makes up his mind to do something, he does it. And unfortunately, he is determined to strike back at me. You know, if I don't face him, he'll come at me anyway, and I'd rather be prepared. And, of course, I will continue to try and talk him out of it.", "Lauren: And if you can't?", "Michael: I have to keep trying. I don't want this to happen. God knows, it's the last thing I want. But I may have no choice in the matter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Lily, you have to put that whole situation out of your mind.", "Lily: I can't. I can't just forget what happened to me.", "Kevin: Is it okay if I sit down?", "Lily: Yeah, sure.", "Kevin: Have you talked to your parents about this?", "Lily: No, no. They would freak out.", "Kevin: Well, you know, uh... you know, when I--when I try not to think about something, it's all I can think about. They key is to trick yourself. You know, think about something else in its place.", "Lily: Believe me, I've tried. I focus on school and I hang out with my friends. But whenever I'm alone, I remember all over again. You know, I've even had nightmares... about Alex coming back to finish what he started.", "Kevin: That isn't going to happen. I promise you, he will never bother you again.", "Lily: How can you say that, though? You don't know.", "Kevin: Look, he's gotta know that the cops are looking for him. The minute that slimeball came anywhere near you, he'd be arrested.", "Lily: You think?", "Kevin: Absolutely. The police will protect you.", "Lily: Yeah, well, they didn't protect me before.", "Kevin: You mean with me?", "Kevin: Look, Lily... I know that I've said this before... but I am so sorry for what I did to you. I was messed up then, you know? But, um, but I'm better now.", "Lily: You know, I think you are, too. I guess you kinda made up for things by saving me.", "Lily: God, I should've known Alex was a snake from the moment I met him. I'm so stupid.", "Kevin: All right, stop it. Stop putting yourself down, all right? The guy was smooth. You couldn't have known that.", "Lily: Why do all the creeps go after me? I mean, tell me the truth, Kevin, out of all the girls in the world, why did you pick me to be your victim?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Gotta get in there.", "Daniel: Mom, there's nothing you can do.", "Phyllis: You hang on. Don't you leave me.", "Damon: Phyllis, my precious girl, I am so sorry. I don't--I don't know, but I think this is how it's supposed to be.", "Elias: No, Dad. It isn't.", "Damon: Elias, what... what do you mean? Aren't you here to take me with you?", "Elias: No. I came because I thought you needed me.", "Damon: I do need you. God, I need you desperately. I've needed you since the day you left me.", "Elias: It wasn't your fault that I died.", "Damon: I couldn't help you. I couldn't save you. I'm supposed to be your protector.", "Elias: You were. You always were.", "Damon: Until that day.", "Elias: I don't blame you. I never blamed you.", "Elias: And, Dad? You shouldn't blame yourself.", "Nurse: Doctor, we've got v-fib.", "Doctor: All right, fibrillator pads. Okay, charge it up.", "Doctor: Clear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You're so cold.", "Brad: What do you want, my sympathy?", "Brad: I told Newman what you wanted. He didn't believe me.", "Ashley: You discussed me with Victor?", "Brad: He sought me out, not the other way around. And I'll tell you exactly what I told him. I've washed my hands of you. Of course, he didn't believe me. In fact, he, uh, he actually asked me to help him make you the strong, independent woman he once knew. And that's just like him, isn't it? Wanting other people to mop up his messes.", "Ashley: Don't blame him. I am responsible for this entire situation.", "Brad: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna argue with that. Your little secret ruined our family. It ruined everything I thought we had, and that doesn't mean I'm letting Newman off the hook, either. He led you on for months, dropping little hints here and there.", "Ashley: You think he manipulated me?", "Brad: You saw what you wanted to see, Ash.", "Ashley: Well, sometimes you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone.", "Brad: Come on, Ash. I was never really more than a stand-in for Newman, was I?", "Ashley: Please believe me when I tell you that I spent some of the happiest moments of my life with you, Brad. If I could turn back the clock, I would. I know what I've lost. I sacrificed my family for a fantasy.", "Brad: What are you saying, Ash? You wish you could have me back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Lily, this is not some horrible pattern that you are gonna keep repeating for the rest of your life, okay? It was a coincidence.", "Lily: I'm 16, Kevin. It's happened twice already. Three strikes and you're out, right? Isn't that what they say? What if the next time is even worse?", "Kevin: There isn't gonna be a next time, okay? Every guy you meet is not going to be a jerk.", "Lily: Yeah, it's easy for you to say.", "Kevin: Look, Alex didn't know anything about you, all right? You know why he picked you? He picked you because you were the prettiest girl there. That's why I was interested, 'cause you're beautiful and you're sweet.", "Lily: No, you mean stupid and naive.", "Kevin: I would hate to think that I was responsible for making you so bitter.", "Lily: You have no idea what it was like... being trapped in that elevator with that creep grabbing at me. I wanted to push him away or punch him, but I... I couldn't move. My muscles wouldn't work. I was so scared. I never wanna feel that way again--never.", "Kevin: I know how that feels, you know, to be weak and afraid.", "Kevin: Look, if I have anything to do with it, you will never feel that way again, okay?", "Lily: You know, for such a long time, I was... so mad that you weren't charged for what you did to me. But I guess that... if you were locked up you wouldn't have been able to save me from Alex. I guess everything worked out the way it was supposed to.", "Kevin: Maybe.", "Lily: Yeah. Anyway, I should probably go home.", "Lily: Thank you... for letting me vent.", "Kevin: Anytime.", "Lily: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I still wanna know what you meant. What kind of support? The kind that only a husband can provide?", "Victor: Darling, you know that Ashley and I have always had a special relationship.", "Nikki: Yeah, but can you continue that, knowing how she feels about you?", "Victor: All I'm asking of you is that you be the bigger person right now and go easy on her.", "Nikki: And you are so concerned about how my actions affect Ashley. What about how her actions affect us? I mean--", "Victor: I know, I know, I know.", "Nikki: Well, she has destroyed a lot of lives-- ours, Brad's, Abby's. I-I-I think that it's time that she learns something about consequences.", "Victor: Can we please not talk about this anymore? Must we rehash everything right now? I'm aware of everything, okay? It's not easy right now.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Victor: Don't you know I love you, hmm?", "Nikki: And I love you. I love you so much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I know it's too late for us. Do I wish things could be different? Of course I do, but I know they can't be.", "Brad: For what it's worth, I wish things could be different, too, if for no other reason than Abby.", "Ashley: Oh, God.", "Brad: She's going to be devastated.", "Ashley: I don't know how I'm gonna find the words to tell her, Brad. I don't know if I have the heart for it.", "Brad: We can't pretend anymore, Ash. Things are the way they are.", "Ashley: Just please, you promise me that you're gonna be there for her, please?", "Brad: Nothing would ever keep me away.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Brad: Look, um... they're going to have to be some decisions made in the next few weeks. And I just want you to know that I have no intention of making things ugly. I want this to be as quick and painless as possible.", "Ashley: Yeah, I feel the same way.", "Ashley: You were a good husband, Brad. You were a wonderful husband, a wonderful father.", "Brad: I better get going.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Brad: I'll talk to you soon.", "Ashley: Okay. (Door closes)", "Ashley: (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Elias: Dad... it's not over. It doesn't have to be for you.", "Damon: To be with you, to walk with you, talk to you, hear you laugh. I do nothing but dream about you, Elias.", "Elias: But you have so much to live for.", "Damon: Do I? I've done nothing but think about you since the day you died-- you and how unfair it was to lose you. I've been so angry. I've been so full of hate.", "Elias: It's time to let that go. It's bad to hate.", "Elias: And you told me that.", "Damon: Yeah, I did.", "Damon: That day just before it happened.", "Elias: She doesn't want you to go.", "Damon: I know.", "Elias: She cares about you.", "Damon: And I care so much about her, but I don't wanna leave you. I do not wanna lose you again.", "Elias: Oh, Dad, you'll never lose me. I'll always be with you... right here. I love you, Dad.", "Damon: I love you, Elias. I love you. I love you. I love you.", "Doctor: He dropped 40 of vasopressin.", "Nurse: Got it, doctor. Vasopressin.", "Doctor: Getting up. Up the bolus.", "Nurse: 3, 4, 5...", "Nurse #2: Got it.", "Nurse: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...", "Doctor: Charging again. Everyone clear? Clear!", "Elias' voice: I'll always be with you, Daddy. You're my hero. It's time to live. I love you.", "Nurse: We've got a rhythm. He's got a pulse.", "Doctor: All right, check the blood pressure. You gotta take him to the O.R. Let's go. Pick up the ambulance bag. Release the gurney. Hook up the oxygen. Get the I.V. Pulse. Get the blood hanging.", "Nurse: We got it, we got it. Blood's going in.", "Doctor: All right, let's move it, guys.", "Nurse: Surgeons are ready.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: You did a really lousy thing, and you're going to get what you deserve. I'm gonna give it to you.", "Victor: Devon, there are a lot of people willing to help you.", "Devon: I've heard that line before, right about the time when people say good- bye." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "JT and Mackenzie talk about Brittany leaving. It seems to have hit JT hard, while Mackenzie deals with things better. She is sad about this too but she is okay with it. She admits that she was happy that Brittany was getting her life together with Bobby, but she still worried that Brittany would keep calling JT every time that she needed to be saved. Mackenzie knows that Brittany is gone now, but she has to still wonder if she and JT will be okay as a couple. He assures her that they will be just fine. Scott returns to the hospital and turns on the charm. He meets up again with Maureen the nurse and tells her that she is looking for proof that an old friend of his used to work there. \"She is an old friend and she worked here years ago. Please help. This will be our little secret.\" The nurse rushes off to the nearest computer and searches the name, \"Brenda Harris\". No one by that name worked at the hospital according the records that she finds. Scott has another idea. \"Is there someone that worked at the hospital for many years who would recognize a picture of her possibly?\" The nurse knows of someone who works in ICU who has been at the hospital forever. \"She will know the answer.\" Maureen runs off and Scott waits. He looks at the picture again. \"Why did you lie to me Brenda? What are you hiding?\" Sheila feels better about her situation now. She called Scott and he is coming over to work on the book with her. The Chinese food deliveryman arrives with the food that she has ordered for herself and Scott and she gladly pays the man. It isn't until she is alone in the room again and putting her change away that she notices that a picture that she always has in her wallet is gone. Sheila pauses. \"What happened to my picture,\" she wonders aloud. Paul has his men do a little checking on Tom now that there is more concern about him and he has been seen on the surveillance cameras at the hospital. Paul tells Michael that he found out who bailed Tom out of jail. \"It was someone named Jennifer Mitchell.\" Michael doesn't know that name. Michael suddenly panics. \"This is not good Paul. This means that Tom has a friend who might be helping him do things when all along we were thinking that he had to have been doing this on his own.\" Ashley wants to help Michael and Paul nab Terrible Tom, but she is warned repeatedly that Tom is at the point where he could turn nasty. Ashley is sure that she has the situation under control. Later when she bumps into Tom, she says that she spoke too soon before and is willing to go out with him again. \"We had a lot of fun together,\" she says. She offers to meet him at the Athletic Club later that night for dinner. It is a date! Ashley tells Michael and Paul what went on and how she will be seeing Tom later that night and they set up a plan to bug the dinner table where Ashley will be sitting to keep her safe. All Ashley will have to do is turn up for the date and Paul will make sure that Gina sends her to the right table with the bug under it. Ashley rushes home to get ready for her date, but all plans are trashed when Tom suddenly shows up at Ashley's house early announcing that he has changed the plans for their date for the evening." ]
[ "Tom: Well, I must be livin' a charmed life, runnin' into you. I mean, what man would not be thrilled to cross paths with Ashley Abbott?", "Ashley: You're such a flatterer, Tom.", "Tom: Hmm. So what brings you here? You, uh, you meetin' somebody?", "Ashley: No.No on my way home.", "Tom: Mm.", "Ashley: You know, long day.", "Tom: Hmm. Well, can I buy you a drink?", "Ashley: Sure. Sure. Um, how 'bout a white wine?", "Tom: Okay. Bartender? White wine for the lady, please, and a scotch for myself. You want to, uh, you wanna grab a table?", "Ashley: Okay.", "Tom: Okay.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Tom: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: So I've been, uh, doing a lot of thinking since the last time we spoke.", "Tom: Oh, you mean when I asked you out again and you turned me down again?", "Ashley: Yeah, I felt bad about that.", "Tom: Oh... is that why you were lookin' so serious last night?", "Ashley: Last night?", "Tom: Yeah, when I saw you sittin' right over there talking to, uh, Michael Baldwin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Yes, I'm calling about a patient that you have there. Lauren Fenmore. She was discharged? When? Thank you.", "Sheila: Damn you, Lauren. Of course, you're fine now. Why couldn't you have been well enough for your wedding? You just have to ruin my plans all the time, don't you? You always do. Well, enjoy your sweet little homecoming with Scott and Michael because it won't last long.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Are you sure you're okay?", "Lauren: Yes, I'm fine.", "Michael: Well, you almost took a header out of the elevator.", "Lauren: Honey, they just-- Scott?!", "Scott: Hey, Mom. Welcome home.", "Lauren: I didn't know you were gonna be here. What a nice surprise.", "Scott: Well, where else would I be? Hey, how are you feeling?", "Lauren: Oh, so overjoyed to be out of that hospital. I can't tell you.", "Scott: You look good.", "Lauren: Well, you know what? I am good, and I keep telling him that, but he won't listen.", "Michael: Look, I am just making sure that, you know, you don't overdo it.", "Lauren: Oh, you're so sweet and not the least bit irritating.", "Scott: Well, anyone thirsty? Why don't I grab us some drinks we'll have our own little celebration?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: That's good.", "Lauren: Yeah, that sounds good.", "Scott: Be right back.", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: Nothing. It's just, you know, good to be home.", "Michael: Is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: (Sighs)", "J.T.: (Sighs) it sure is quiet around here, isn't it?", "Jill: Huh, I remember when that's all I wanted was peace and serenity, a chance to hear myself think. I wanted to get rid of all of you so badly, especially Brittany and that baby.", "Mac: Oh, J.T., I'm so glad you're here. You're never gonna believe what happened. This guy came into the coffeehouse today and asked if we could cater-- something's wrong.", "J.T.: Yeah, it's Brittany and the baby.... they're gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hello, Dad.", "Victor: Hi, my darling.", "Victoria: I, uh... I came by to talk to Mom. Is she around?", "Victor: She went to town to take care of some things.", "Victoria: Oh, okay. Well, I'll just give her a call later.", "Victor: Well, don't go yet. Glad you came by. Wanted to discuss something with you.", "Victoria: Oh, what's up?", "Victor: It's been awhile since you and I have had a chance to talk. I wanted to find out how things are going with your brother since he's come back to work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Why don't you just come out and say it, Nick?", "Nick: Say what?", "Brad: You think I'm using Victoria to get ahead around here.", "Nick: Does that offend you?", "Nick: Well, more than that, I'm offended for your sister. You see, that implies that she can't think for herself.", "Nick: See, there you go again, twisting my words around. You're pretty good at that. Look, here's the deal, all right? If you think you're gonna scheme your way to the top of Newman Enterprises by being Victoria's right hand and start to call the shots around here, well, I'm here to tell you that that is just not gonna happen... not on my watch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Mwah. Mm.", "Lauren: Yes, I am happy to be home, okay?", "Michael: Well, you seemed uncomfortable just now.", "Lauren: Because I am... a little. You know, being here reminds me of what happened the other night, and... (Sighs) it doesn't mean I'm not gonna get past it.", "Michael: We are gonna find the toxin that made you hallucinate.", "Lauren: I hope so.", "Michael: At least you don't have to worry about getting sick again here, not from anything in this place.", "Lauren: Yeah, you had the whole place sanitized, right?", "Michael: Oh, yes. I had everything cleaned while you were in the hospital. Ain't gonna happen again.", "Lauren: Mm. So sweet. Thanks.", "Scott: Here we go. All I could find in the fridge were these beers. Hope they're okay with everyone.", "Michael: No, not this swill. This is Kevin's. You know, we've got wine back--", "Lauren: I'm sure Kevin won't mind. Beer is perfect, honey. Here.", "Michael: Yeah. Look, um... you know what? I'm not so sure you should be drinking.", "Lauren: Really? No, I'm fine. It's a celebration.", "Scott: That's right. Here's to Mom coming home safe and healthy.", "Lauren: Oh, I'll drink to that. Thank you.", "Scott: Mm-hmm. (Cell phone rings)", "Michael: (Coughs) oh, that was good.", "Scott: I should take this. Excuse me.", "Michael: (Coughing) sure.", "Scott: Hey, Brenda, how's it goin'?", "Sheila: Hey, I'm--I'm fine. Um, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.", "Scott: A little. My mom just came home from the hospital.", "Sheila: Well, great. Give her my best.", "Scott: I will.", "Sheila: Look, I, um, I was just wondering if you wanted to get together and-- and do a little writing tonight, but if you're busy with the family...", "Scott: No. No, that's okay. I could come by, but it probably won't be till later.", "Sheila: Great, great. All right, well, just, uh, just call me when you're on your way.", "Scott: I will. See ya. That was Brenda. I think we're gonna try to get together later.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Good. How's the great American novel going?", "Scott: Mm, things are a little complicated right now.", "Michael: With the story?", "Scott: With Brenda, but I'm sure we'll work it out.", "Lauren: Oh, I know you will, because I also know how important this project is to you.", "Scott: I feel really good about it. In fact, a few weeks ago, I sent a treatment to a publishing house.", "Lauren: You did?", "Scott: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: That is so exciting, isn't it?", "Michael: Mm.", "Scott: Yeah, well, I'm not counting on anything. I didn't even tell Brenda because I didn't want her getting her hopes up.", "Lauren: Oh, don't you sell yourself short. I'm sure once they read it, they're gonna love it.", "Michael: Definitely. They're gonna ask you for a first draft, A.S.A.P.", "Scott: Ah, maybe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So you saw me talking with Michael...", "Tom: Mm-hmm, yeah, I got the feeling it had something to do with me.", "Ashley: Tom, not at all. We were discussing the wedding. I was so surprised when it was postponed. I was just curious as to how Lauren was holding up.", "Tom: Mm. Is that all?", "Ashley: What are you getting at?", "Tom: You know how I feel about Michael.", "Ashley: Yeah, you think he set you up.", "Tom: I'm sure of it. The bastard framed me.", "Ashley: Okay, if he did, he hasn't said a word about it to me.", "Tom: Oh, good. See, he's trying to turn people against me, and, uh... I would really hate for you to be one of 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Brittany and the baby are really moving to New York?", "J.T.: Yeah, she's gonna live with her parents. In fact, right now, she's probably at the airport.", "Mac: Wow. I'm stunned.", "J.T.: It's the last thing I would have expected, but...", "Mac: But being with family will probably be good for her.", "Jill: You know what? Uh, I'm gonna go out. If anybody calls for me, I'll be at the club.", "Mac: She's really not taking it well, huh?", "J.T.: She got completely attached to Joshua.", "Mac: Jill and I have a lot of history, most of it bad. But I'll tell you, watching her go through this whole thing, it's really showed me another side of her.", "J.T.: Yeah. I gotta say, though, I'm gonna-- I'm gonna miss Joshua.", "Mac: Me, too. After all, we brought him into this world.", "J.T.: Yeah, what a crazy experience, huh, watching that guy take his first breath?", "Mac: (Laughs)", "J.T.: I'm proud of Brittany. I mean, she, um... she was so scared to be a mom, but she turned out to be a pretty good one.", "Mac: Are you gonna be okay now that she's gone?", "J.T.: Yeah, sure.", "Mac: Are we?", "J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna be fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You see, Brad, I, unlike some other people around here, I haven't forgotten the past. I remember when you and Jack tried to steal this company away from my father.", "Brad: Come on, Nick. Ancient history.", "Nick: Not for me.", "Brad: You know, speaking of your father, I would think you'd be bigger on forgiveness. It wasn't that long ago your own family despised you for stabbing Victor in the back, turning him over to the authorities.", "Brad: Now Victoria and your father have shown a lot of faith in my expertise. They brought me on board here at considerable expense both in terms of money and stock, and they wouldn't have done that if they weren't interested in a long-term commitment. So you can try and convince Victoria all you want that it's a bad idea to keep me around... but since you've joined us back here at Newman Enterprises, I would suggest to you that your energies are better spent buyin' a couple of new suits and some new ties... because I'm not going anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Nicholas and I... we're getting along fine.", "Victor: Uh-huh. I know it must be difficult at times, working with him again.", "Victoria: Well, we've hit a few bumps. I'm sure there'll be more, but we'll figure it out. I'm not worried. (Cell phone ringing)", "Victor: Excuse me. Yes. Yes. When? You're sure about that? All right, thanks for letting me know.", "Victoria: What is it?", "Victor: That was the head of security at Newman Enterprises. Apparently, Phyllis spent all night in my office along with... your brother. Did you know about that?", "Victoria: I did. I did. Nicholas was having major trouble with the web site.", "Victor: Uh-huh. And he called in Phyllis?", "Victoria: Well, she designed it. She knows it better than anyone.", "Victor: Right. You're not too happy about that, are you?", "Victoria: The truth is, Dad, no, I'm not. I think it was a stupid thing to do, but that's between Nicholas and me, and I'd prefer to keep it that way.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Bye, sweetie.", "Scott: Bye.", "Lauren: Thank you for the beer.", "Scott: Oh, you're welcome.", "Michael: Thanks for comin' by.", "Scott: Yeah, no problem.", "Michael: Listen, say hi to Kevin for me, all right?", "Scott: Yeah, I'll tell him.", "Lauren: He's such a good kid.", "Michael: Mm-hmm, he is.", "Lauren: Listen, I wanna talk to you about something.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: Our wedding. I wanna set a new date.", "Michael: No, no, no, no, no. Scott was right. You should get some rest. Come on.", "Lauren: I don't need rest. (Yawns)", "Michael: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Just as I thought. Off to bed with you.", "Lauren: I don't know where this is coming from.", "Michael: Let's go.", "Lauren: Hey, wanna come with me?", "Michael: That would defeat the purpose.", "Lauren: Yeah, I know.", "Michael: Mm-hmm, yes, it would.", "Lauren: Okay, okay. (Doorbell rings)", "Michael: No, wait, hold on. Let me get that.", "Lauren: All right.", "Michael: Paul, come on in.", "Paul: I just stopped by to check up on Lauren. How are ya?", "Lauren: I'm good as new. I've got something in my eye, but I'm fine.", "Michael: She's about to take a nap, though.", "Lauren: I--no, I wanna stay and talk to Paul.", "Michael: That's a good try, but I'm sure Paul won't mind.", "Paul: No, not at all. Go ahead.", "Lauren: Are you sure?", "Paul: Yeah, positive. We'll catch up later.", "Lauren: All right. Thanks for coming by.", "Paul: Okay, you bet.", "Michael: That's my darlin'. Come here. Sleep tight.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Michael: Okay, so what's up?", "Paul: I have the building under surveillance. I have a car out front on the street, and I'm gonna post a man outside this door 24/7.", "Michael: Good, good, that's great. I know Lauren would say I'm getting carried away, but I-I don't wanna take any chances, not with a maniac like Tom around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Michael can say whatever he wants. I think for myself.", "Tom: I'm glad to hear it.", "Ashley: And I'm glad I ran into you because... well, I wanted to talk to you. You know when I turned down your dinner invitation, I had second thoughts.", "Tom: Oh, is that right?", "Ashley: Not that it answers all my questions. I mean, the police did find all those drug materials on your bike. I know you say you had nothing to do with it, they weren't yours.", "Tom: I didn't. They weren't mine.", "Ashley: Okay, and I wanna believe you. I really wanna believe you. I started thinking about how much fun we've had, you know, fishing and... (Laughs) how much I enjoy your company. Anyway, I... I would like to still go out.", "Tom: Well... what about other people's opinions?", "Ashley: I don't care about that.", "Tom: Well, you did the other day.", "Ashley: It's not me, Tom. I've never let other people dictate how I live my life, and I'm not about to start now. Look, I know this is coming from left field, and I wouldn't blame you if you wanted nothing to do with me. Uh, I'd still like to have dinner. The question is, are you still interested?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I stopped by the house after my meeting. Mackenzie told me I would find you here.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Kay: I, uh... was just wondering how you were handling things and...", "Jill: (Scoffs)", "Kay: Now I know.", "Jill: Oh, for God's sake, please don't start with me. I know how you feel about alcohol, but I'm not an alcoholic, all right? And sometimes, it's the only thing that seems to help.", "Kay: Whew. Well, how many times I've told myself the same thing. Have you thought about talking about what you're feeling?", "Jill: Not now, okay? Please. I just wanna be alone right now.", "Kay: Jill, look, I know you're hurting, and I know how much you enjoyed spending time with Brittany and with her baby.", "Jill: God, it was so silly of me to get so attached to that baby.", "Kay: Well, why would you say that?", "Jill: Because it couldn't last, Katherine. He wasn't my own flesh and blood. God, look at me. Look at all this. I'm happy that he's with the Hodges, all right? I'll tell you why. Because even though they have their issues, they are Joshua's family. And in the end, that's all that's important.", "Kay: That's right. That's right. And as I emphasized to Brittany, a family is worth fighting for, Jill. And I hope they pull together for Joshua's sake.", "Jill: God... we get such a short time with the people we love. Mother, if I could just go back and do things over with my boys, if I could have my Phillip-- my firstborn--back with me, if I could even be close to Billy, I would give anything in the world.", "Kay: Jill, you were wonderful for Brittany and for Joshua, even though you had your doubts about them living in the house. But, darling, you gave them so much.", "Jill: It was nothing compared to what they gave me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: All right. I'll check back in about an hour. Thanks. How's Lauren?", "Michael: She's sound asleep. The doctor gave her sedatives. I convinced her to take one. She'll be out for awhile.", "Paul: Okay, um-- (doorbell rings)", "Michael: Oh, hold on.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Michael: Ashley, this is a surprise.", "Ashley: May I come in?", "Michael: Yeah, please, of course.", "Ashley: Oh, great. You're here, too.", "Paul: Hi. Everything okay?", "Ashley: Well, I thought about what we discussed earlier-- how to find out what Tom's really up to-- I know how I can do it.", "Michael: How?", "Ashley: I have a date with him tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Ashley agreed to go out with you?", "Tom: Yeah. She said she had a change of heart.", "Sheila: Oh, God, Tom, tell me you didn't fall for that.", "Tom: What, you still think she set me up?", "Sheila: Don't you?", "Tom: Well, I don't know what to think now. That's why I'm goin' out with her tonight. If she's hiding somethin', I'm gonna find out what it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: Looks like you're hard at work.", "Woman: Hi.", "Scott: How's it goin'?", "Woman: Good. You?", "Scott: I can't complain. My mom's home now.", "Woman: Oh, I know. You must be relieved.", "Scott: Yeah, it's great. Not that she wasn't in excellent hands here.", "Woman: Is there something I can do for you?", "Scott: Now that you mention it, I do have a small favor to ask.", "Woman: I thought so.", "Scott: Okay, I know you're probably really busy, but I was wondering if the hospital keeps records on nurses that used to work here, if there's any kind of database or directory or something.", "Woman: You know, I'm really not supposed to give out that information.", "Scott: (Sighs) look... you know, I'm sorry, I didn't even catch your name.", "Woman: Noreen.", "Scott: Oh, sure. It's right there on your badge. Um, Noreen, listen, you would really be helping me out. It would mean so much, you know? It's this old family friend that I'm trying to track down, and it'd mean so much if I could just get in touch with her.", "Noreen: I'd really like to help, but I-I just--", "Scott: Look, this could just be our little secret. Nobody else has to know about it.", "Noreen: What's the name?", "Scott: Brenda Harris.", "Noreen: Okay. I'll be right back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Okay, I-I have a question for you. What if you do find out that Ashley helped Michael set you up, what then?", "Tom: I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.", "Sheila: You're still hoping I'm wrong.", "Tom: Look, nobody wants to be set up by somebody they know.", "Sheila: I think there's more to it than that. I think you have feelings for the woman.", "Tom: Look, what can I say? You know, it's not every day that a woman like Ashley gives a guy like me the time of day. But she did. She enjoyed being with me. She told me so herself. I sure enjoyed being with her. And when we were together, she... she made me feel like a different guy, a guy I kind of liked. So if there's any way we can work things out, then I'm gonna do it.", "Sheila: That's lovely. Just don't forget you're trying to get information from the woman. Don't let your hormones let you lose sight of that, Tom.", "Tom: I won't.", "Sheila: Good. Or else this--this date has \"bad idea\" written all over it.", "Tom: Look, I know what I need to do. There's just one thing I don't get, though. Look, let's say that Ashley and Michael were in cahoots. It worked, right? They got me right where they want me. The cops think I'm guilty, I'm looking at doing some hard time.", "Sheila: What's your point?", "Tom: Well, why would Ashley have anything to do with me? I mean, why wouldn't she just keep her distance and count the days till I get thrown away?", "Sheila: That's a good question.", "Tom: Yeah... one I'm gonna get an answer to soon enough, I guess. Well, I gotta go get ready.", "Sheila: Tom... just a word of advice. Be careful. You've got a lot at stake. 20 years behind bars-- that's--that's like a lifetime. Remember that, my friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You have a date with Tom?", "Ashley: Look, he asked me out twice and I said no. I ran into him at the athletic club, and we're having dinner tonight.", "Paul: You know, I thought we told you to stay clear of the guy.", "Michael: Why would you agree to go out with him?", "Ashley: I know it's risky, but maybe I can get something out of him.", "Michael: What?", "Ashley: Proof that he was in Lauren's hospital room, maybe why he was there in the first place.", "Michael: Ashley, why would he admit that to you?", "Ashley: He might let something slip, Michael. At least it will confirm your suspicions that he wants to get back at you and your family.", "Michael: Oh, he's just a--", "Paul: We gotta figure out what we're gonna do with Ashley.", "Ashley: What are you talking about? This is the perfect answer.", "Michael: It's the perfect way for you to get hurt.", "Paul: I agree with Michael. This is a terrible idea.", "Ashley: Listen to me, I'm doing this, I'm doing this. It's not just about Lauren. He threatened my father, and I have a right to protect my family.", "Paul: You know, if Tom figures out that you're--", "Ashley: I'll be careful. I promise. If I thought he was suspicious, I wouldn't be having dinner with him.", "Michael: Okay, where are you gonna be?", "Ashley: At the club. We're driving separately and meeting there. Listen, Paul, I thought I could wear a wire, you know? Maybe you could listen to our conversation.", "Michael: No, no, no, no, his radar is already up. I tried to tape record a conversation between him and Gloria, he was on to it right away.", "Paul: Wait a minute, Michael. We could bug the table. I could send an associate over there, get it all set up, and we just have to make sure that Gina knows where to seat you.", "Michael: Okay, I want to be there when that happens.", "Paul: Me, too.", "Ashley: Wait a second. What if he sees you?", "Michael: He won't see me.", "Paul: Okay, look, any sign of trouble, any indication at all, and we're getting you out of there. We agreed?", "Ashley: Yeah. Okay, so we have a plan?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Ashley: All right, well, I'll see you tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I have no intention of coming between you and your brother. But I wish he had consulted you instead of going to Phyllis.", "Victoria: So you agree, it was a stupid thing to do?", "Victor: Not necessarily. If it was an urgent problem, it needed to be dealt with urgently, and as you pointed out, Phyllis is the expert.", "Victoria: Even though she now works for one of our major competitors?", "Victor: Look, what's done is done. I'll deal with this, okay?", "Victoria: I'm really worried about what Phyllis might have done when she was messing around with our computer systems. Whatever. We'll just have to hope that my brother's instincts were right.", "Victor: By the way, sweetheart, there's nothing wrong with a disagreement between you and your brother. I mean, you have to be able to discuss your differences, otherwise, you can't run the company.", "Victoria: Dad, please, you asked Nicholas and me to work together, and we will. But we have to figure out how to do this on our own, without you looking over our shoulders.", "Victor: Now you listen to me... I'm not gonna stop being a father. If my children are at odds with each other, I will always try to help. You got that?", "Victoria: I know, Dad, and I love you for that.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: But you said that you'd trust us to run the company, so please, trust us.", "Victoria: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, thanks, man. Keep me posted. That was Herbie down in I.T. Seems the web site's getting heavy traffic, no glitches.", "Brad: Well, you better hope the whole thing doesn't crash and burn, or all the heat's gonna come down on you.", "Nick: All right, you know what? You need to just let it go. Phyllis fixed whatever was wrong with the system. I avoided a catastrophe by bringing her in here.", "Brad: Yeah, we'll see.", "Nick: Yeah, we will. You should be thanking me.", "Brad: Thanking you?", "Nick: Do you have any idea what would happen if the whole web site went down while we were launching a new consumer product line? Or maybe that's what you would prefer.", "Brad: What I would prefer is for you to stop acting impulsively.", "Nick: Every decision I make is for the good of this company.", "Brad: Exactly. Every decision you make. But you're not running the show here on your own anymore, Nick. You're part of a team, and when you're part of a team, you keep your teammates in the loop.", "Nick: (Chuckles) okay, fine. I should've told Victoria that something was wrong with the web site. You feel better now?", "Brad: No. No, I don't. Because even if you had talked to Victoria, you wouldn't listen to a word she had to say because the only opinion you're interested in is your own.", "Nick: That's not true.", "Brad: Really?", "Nick: No. I care what my sister says. I value her opinion. But I am not about to share control of this company with a backstabbing, power-hungry outsider like yourself.", "Brad: All right, Nick, listen, you can call me all the names you want, you can play this any way you want, but if you think that I am going to roll over and take what you have to dish out, you are mistaken. I was brought in here to make a contribution, and I will do just that.", "Nick: Sounds like you're throwing down the gauntlet.", "Brad: I'm just making sure we understand each other. Now I would prefer it if we can get along to the betterment of this company, I really would. But if all you wanna do is make trouble, Nick, you will find that I'm not one to walk away from a fight.", "Kay: Look, now I'm sure that Brittany is going to send you photographs of Joshua. For heaven's sakes, they live in New York City. It's not that far away.", "Jill: I know, I know.", "Kay: We can plan-- we can plan a trip over the holidays.", "Jill: Good. Good. All right.", "Kay: Now, but not now, no. Not yet. I mean, after all, Brittany is-- she's got to get a life of her own. And so do you. Now I need you to run a company. No, Jabot needs your full attention, and on that note...", "Jill: Wait a minute, Mother. If you're insinuating that I've been neglecting my work at the office because I'm working from home--", "Kay: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, dear, this is all new. I just came from Jack's office.", "Jill: What are these?", "Kay: No, no, wait, listen, listen, before you dive into these, I need to see the woman that I hired to run my company, the C.E.O. with the fire in her belly.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: This is very important to Jabot.", "Jill: Fine.", "Kay: Not only that, Newman Enterprises is on the verge of launching their beauty of nature line. Now I'm not worried about that, not at all. But I am determined to keep Jabot sharp. And though the company is now a part of Chancellor Industries, we need to remind people why Jabot is the best, why they keep coming back to our products year after year. So I need you to get on the stick. Now if you're not interested in handling matters anymore, then I--", "Jill: Oh, just put a sock in it, will you, please? God. You're such a selfish old bat.", "Kay: That's the Jill that I know and love.", "Jill: Oh, just leave me to this, will you? Get away. Shoo.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Part of you must be glad Brittany's gone.", "Mac: Maybe a little. Okay, maybe more than a little.", "J.T.: You two seemed to be getting along... a lot better than you did in high school. Remember those days?", "Mac: Ever since bobby went underground, I saw the way she looked at you... and I didn't like it.", "J.T.: You have to know, Mac, I would've never let Brittany come between us.", "Mac: You wouldn't mean to. But you have that connection, you know? If she called you up in the middle of the night saying that she was depressed or if she needed help with the baby, I don't think you'd be able to tell her no.", "J.T.: You know, I gotta say, Brittany and the baby living with her parents, the four of them in that Manhattan apartment, it kinda worries me.", "Mac: Well, it sounds kind of exciting to me. A new life in a new place with the support of her family. It could be the best thing that ever happened to her.", "J.T.: Yeah. Maybe you're right. Maybe she will find herself again.", "Mac: Did you mean what you said before... about us being okay?", "J.T.: Yes, I did. We're gonna be great. Come here.", "Victor: Phyllis, this is Victor Newman. Something has come up that I need to discuss with you. Would you kindly come out to the ranch? Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noreen: Hey, sorry it took so long.", "Scott: Oh, no problem. What did you find out?", "Noreen: There's no record of a Brenda Harris ever working here.", "Scott: Huh, you're sure?", "Noreen: Sorry. I wish I could've been more help.", "Scott: Mm. Wait, you know what? Maybe you can. Actually, I have-- I have a picture of the woman I'm looking for, but I'm sure it was taken many years ago. Do you know if there's a nurse on the staff that has been here a long time?", "Noreen: Oh, yeah. Do you know what unit she worked on?", "Scott: No. No, I don't.", "Noreen: Hmm. Oh, you know what? We could ask Jean. She's been a nurse forever, and she's worked everywhere.", "Scott: Jean. All right. Sounds great. Is she working today?", "Noreen: Yeah. Oh, but you know what? She's down in I.C.U. and you can't go down there.", "Scott: Oh. Well, I don't suppose I could ask you for another favor?", "Noreen: I'll see when her next break is.", "Scott: Thank you, Noreen. You're the best.", "Noreen: Don't mention it.", "Scott: First you lied to me about never being in Genoa City, now it looks like you changed your name. Why would you do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Whoops, sorry. 10--you got that? 20. There you go. That was it. Thank you.", "Sheila: Where's my picture?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey, Howie. Thanks for getting back to me. That's interesting.", "Michael: What?", "Paul: That was one of my buddies down at the police station. I know who posted Tom's bond.", "Michael: Gloria?", "Paul: No, a woman by the name of Jennifer Mitchell.", "Michael: That name doesn't ring a bell.", "Paul: Me either. I'll see if I can get some background info.", "Michael: Jennifer Mitchell? Jennifer Mitch-- who could she be?", "Paul: Well, she plunked down 50 grand to get Tom outta jail. They gotta be pretty tight.", "Michael: No, Tom doesn't get tight with people, he uses people, he threatens people, he... oh, man.", "Paul: What?", "Michael: If Tom has a friend, as hard as that is to believe, or friends, maybe I've been wearing blinders.", "Paul: I still don't get you.", "Michael: Well, after what happened to Lauren, the bail being paid-- maybe his plans are a lot more extensive than I realized.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hi.", "Tom: Well, you surprised to see me?", "Ashley: Well, yeah. I thought we were meeting at the club.", "Tom: Well, I hope you don't mind, but, uh, there's been a change of plans.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: \"Helping the enemy\" would have a huge negative impact on my career and personal life.", "Michael: I don't put much past Tom, but I never thought he was capable of cold-blooded murder.", "Ashley: Why did we come here on our way to the club?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily is upset that all the trick or treaters had taken all the chocolate caramels. Lauren tells Michael not to give her look because she had just lost two employees. Michael gets a call from Gloria, who wants to see him as soon as possible. Michael wishes that he could be like Victor and leave town. Amber thanks Mac for letting her get their things out of the back. Amber goes off on Billy when Billy walks in. Billy refuses to speak to Amber. Mac lets Billy know that they are not fine. Ashley and Abby have a conversation about Abby's actions from the night before. Abby denies having anything to drink. Noah and Sharon have a discussion about the article in \"Restless Style\" about Victor. Nick assures Victor that he will make him proud of him. Adam walks into Nick's office. Nick orders Adam to stay away from Sharon. Gloria tells Michael that she and Jeff are about to be evicted. Sharon tells Billy that she quits \"Restless Style.\" Ashley assures Nick that Victor has faith in him. Amber tells Abby and Daisy that she had accepted a position at Lauren's boutique.", "" ]
[ "Lily: I can't believe those trick-or-treaters took all the chocolate caramels.", "Cane: (Chuckles) Well, you know, we did buy them for them.", "Lily: Ooh! There's one left.", "Cane: Oh, thank God.", "Lily: Do you want anything?", "Cane: Uh, no. Sugar for, uh, breakfast is not really my style, but I'm just happy you have an appetite.", "Lily: (Chuckles) I remember when Halloween was my favorite holiday as a kid-- a chance to be anything that I wanted.", "Cane: You must have been adorable.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Oh, and all those trick-or-treaters last night were so adorable. That little one with the little pumpkin costume...", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: Was so cute.", "Cane: You okay we missed Billy's party?", "Lily: Yeah. Fine.", "Cane: Okay. Here...", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: You go.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Sighs heavily)", "Lily: I remember when you used to look at me like that all the time. I miss it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Clears throat)", "Lauren: Honey, don't you give me that look.", "Michael: What look?", "Lauren: (Chuckles) The look that ignores the fact that I just lost two employees and I'm already late opening up the store.", "Michael: I don't see any customers at the door.", "Lauren: And what about you? You told me you were totally crazed because Victor left town.", "Michael: (Inhales) Talk about killing a mood.", "Lauren: Oh? Don't you worry, I'll revive it later.", "Michael: I'm gonna hold you to that.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) You better.", "Michael: (Sighs) Why can't I just be more like Victor and leave town when the whole world starts caving in?", "Lauren: You know why, Honey? Because you don't have a \"You\" to clean up that world.", "Michael: (Sighs) I'm not sure even I can get him out of this mess. Thanks to Billy's exposé, the S.E.C. is all over Newman Enterprises for its Cayman bank connections.", "Lauren: I am so aggravated at myself that I didn't pull all my Fenmore ads when Nick and Phyllis quit... (Sighs) And sold \"Restless Style.\" I mean, I just-- I-I hate even remotely, remotely endorsing that kind of garbage.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Michael: (Groans) (Groans)", "Lauren: Your mother?", "Michael: My whole life, she never called me this much.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, I cannot believe that you agreed to help her get all that money that she lost in the Caymans. Honey, it puts you in such a precarious position with Victor.", "Michael: The woman wore me down.", "Lauren: (Scoffs)", "Michael: And now per usual, she expects so much more than I could ever deliver.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I don't know why you're still not answering, but I'm at Crimson Lights, and I need to see you right away. (Scoffs) H's avoiding me.", "Jeff: Mm. You would think... (Sighs) With all the drama surrounding her father-in-law, Phyllis wouldn't have time to write an eviction notice.", "Gloria: (Scoffs) We're not going anyplace. Even if my own son dismisses me, I can feel John. Yes, John...", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Making sure that justice is served, because his son Billy wrote the article that's put us on the road to getting our money back. Who knew? Little Billy Abbott might turn out to be our new favorite person.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: So, um, thanks for letting me get our things from the back.", "Mac: (Chuckles) No problem.", "Amber: Um, you know, Daniel and I are really sorry about setting off the alarm when we left.", "Mac: My night was a bust way before security called and woke me up.", "Amber: Well, I'm sure Daniel going off on Billy about Victoria didn't help much.", "Mac: He wasn't the first.", "Amber: Look, um, I get how you want to see the best in Billy. And maybe with you, he's on his best behavior. But, um, to the rest of the world, he's kind of a jerk. See you later.", "Mac: Bye.", "Amber: (Whispers) See?", "Mac: You could at least have said hello to Amber.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I could, but she hates me. You don't look too thrilled with me, either. Look, I know I've done some stupid things recently, but, uh, well, a whole string of 'em last night.", "Mac: More than what I already know?", "Billy: Nothing you want to hear. Whoa, whoa, whoa. can you just--can you just cut me a break? Tell me we're gonna be fine and that we're just gonna move right past this.", "Mac: But we're not fine, Billy. We're not fine. And I don't know that we ever will be.", "Billy: (Mutters) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Hi. No breakfast?", "Abby: Not if it means another talk about underage drinking, especially because I wasn't drinking.", "Ashley: Only because Amber and Chloe made sure of it, Honey.", "Abby: Can I go now?", "Ashley: I'm worried about you, Abby. I really am. I don't want you to jeopardize your future, Honey.", "Abby: Like you and Dad haven't already done that?", "Ashley: You know what? That's not fair. I know we're getting a divorce, but it doesn't mean we've stopped caring what happens to you.", "Abby: Oh, yeah, Dad, he really cares. Yeah, that's why he's leaving for Europe with Nikki for what, months?", "Ashley: Abby--", "Abby: Mom, if I don't go to school now, I'm gonna be late for first period.", "Ashley: Fine. Come home right after school, Abby. (Exhales)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: (Sighs heavily) Thank God there's no school today.", "Sharon: Rough night?", "Noah: Don't worry, Mom. I stayed out of trouble. Thanks.", "Sharon: Well, I-- I just--I know that things have been a little unsettled lately.", "Noah: You mean because of that \"Restless Style\" story about Grandpa?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Among other things.", "Noah: Mm. I am not looking forward to dealing with kids making digs about him.", "Sharon: I'm sorry about that.", "Noah: It's okay. I'm gettin' kind of used to it. I'm, uh, I'm cool, except for the homework. I got really behind when Grandpa was in the hospital.", "Sharon: Mm.", "Noah: I'm supposed to meet with Eden so she can get me caught up. Oh, I didn't even ask you, were you alone all last night handing out candy? That couldn't have been fun.", "Sharon: No. Actually, I-I wasn't alone. I had some-- visitors came over, and I ended up having a really nice time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Nick: I'm gonna make you proud, Dad.", "Nick: You, too. (Drumming fingers on desk) (Sighs)", "Nick: \"Heard you're the man of the hour now. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Congratulations.\"", "Adam: Nick, you wanted to see me?", "Nick: Yeah, come in.", "Adam: Didn't think I'd set eyes on you for days. Figured you'd be too busy fielding calls from kiss-ups trying to get on your good side.", "Nick: I am busy, Adam, so I'll keep this brief. You need to stay away from Sharon.", "Nick: Sharon's been through enough. She doesn't need to get sucked into another one of your head games.", "Adam: Where is this coming from?", "Nick: Just stay away from her, Adam.", "Adam: Considering you're not her husband anymore and the fact that she can make decisions on her own, I don't think it's your call.", "Nick: Well, I don't really care what you think.", "Adam: Nick, there's nothing going on with us. We are just friends. And despite your opinion of me, I would never hurt her.", "Nick: Hmm. That's probably what you said when you were with Heather, and then you destroyed her life.", "Adam: (Scoffs)", "Nick: Well, lucky for Sharon, you're not gonna get a chance, because you're just gonna be so busy on the Savaneur P.R. junket.", "Adam: Is this because of Sharon, or because you don't want someone looking over your shoulder while you're trying to fill Victor's shoes?", "Nick: Adam, if you want to continue to work here, you're gonna shut up and you're gonna follow orders. Now there's the door.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Adam: Chair feels good, doesn't it? Nobody sits there for long except for Dad. Enjoy it while it lasts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Well, well, well, I was just getting ready to call you... again.", "Michael: (Chuckles) I have a job, you know.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm, and a beautiful home.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Whereas Jeffrey and I are about to become homeless.", "Michael: All right, I'll bite. What are you talking about?", "Gloria: You'd think that your best friend Phyllis might give your mother a break.", "Michael: All right, I'll pay your rent for a month, but you gotta back off of the calls.", "Jeff: We'll take cash.", "Gloria: We don't want a handout.", "Jeff: Who says?", "Gloria: We want justice. Victor Newman came out of that Cayman thing smellin' like a rose while we're being kicked out of a place we could buy 15 times over if he hadn't swindled us.", "Michael: What do you want me to do?!", "Gloria: Nudge the S.E.C., get 'em to care about the victims in this tragedy.", "Michael: If I get any information I can pass along, I will. But I'm not gonna sabotage Victor in the process. Now, oh, I'm late for a meeting.", "Gloria: That meeting wouldn't involve Mr. Newman and the Cayman bank, would it, Mikey? (Chuckles) Run along. Make your mommy proud.", "Jeff: What are you so happy about? From where I sit, \"Sonny boy\" just blew us off.", "Gloria: Michael will never let me down. In fact, this may turn out better than we even imagined.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hey, Hey.", "Amber: Hey. (Sighs) It still gets to me seeing something I created on display.", "Lauren: I'm sorry to say there's about two dozen just like it in the back.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Lauren: And it's not you. It's not you. I told you that. It's this economy. People are just not splurging on luxury items when they're trying to just buy food and gas.", "Amber: (Sighs) You can't have everything, right?", "Lauren: Mm, I might be able to help you, though. Do you remember yesterday when you were asking me about the sales position? Well, I just moved two girls to the Madison store.", "Amber: So--so you're-- you're telling me there's an opening?", "Lauren: Not as a designer, but--", "Amber: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I will take it! I will take it!", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Lauren: Good. Oh, I'm glad. I'm glad.", "Amber: Yeah, me, too. Me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I meant it about the look. We renewed our vows, but we skipped the honeymoon part.", "Cane: Yeah, um, it might be too soon.", "Lily: The doctor said it wasn't.", "Cane: Yeah, still, um...", "Lily: Do I have to make the first move?", "(Knock on door)", "Lily: Let's just-- don't answer it, okay?", "Devon: Lily? Cane?", "Roxanne: Its Roxy and Devon.", "Cane: (Sighs heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: All right, look, you can't hold it against me trying to protect my investment, okay?", "Mac: I can't do this again.", "Billy: Can't do what?", "Mac: Have the same conversation where I tell you that I'm disappointed, and you tell me you're gonna make it right.", "Billy: Look, I am all about moving past this if that means that you are not gonna be mad at me. (Slurping drink)", "Mac: This isn't just about the magazine. I need my life to mean something again, and maybe I came down so hard on you because I was jealous that you have a purpose, even if it's to make a buck no matter who you hurt.", "Billy: Hey, yo, it's not about just making a buck, okay? It's the challenge of making the c--suc--success out of a business that chews up and spits out a different publication every week.", "(Door opens)", "Billy: Hey, Sharon. See, you--you remember how it was when you and Jack had to turn all those cartwheels to keep \"Restless Style\" afloat. I'll bet that's why she's here right now-- can't wait to back to it.", "Sharon: Actually, no, I-I came to quit.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Noah: I didn't expect to see you today.", "Eden: Aren't you grounded?", "Abby: Yeah, well, my mom is completely clueless about the school schedule, so between her being focused on Faith and my dad leaving for Europe, I should be able to coast for weeks.", "Daisy: Hey, Abby.", "Abby: Hey.", "Daisy: Noah.", "Noah: Hello, Daisy.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Are you out on good behavior?", "Abby: Yeah, well, my mom doesn't exactly know. (Laughs)", "Daisy: Oh. (Laughs)", "Eden: What you guys did was stupid.", "Noah: It's not like we didn't crash last year's Halloween party.", "Daisy: I, uh, need caffeine.", "Abby: Yeah, me, too. (Chuckles)", "Daisy: Think they'll throw in a job with my latte?", "Abby: Uh, well, Eden could put in a good word with the owner.", "Eden: Kevin's already got a full staff of people who need jobs, not boarding school kids who just want to score free drinks.", "Daisy: F.Y.I., as, uh, hard as my parents work, they still can't afford to send me to boarding school. I'm on full scholarship at Walnut Grove. And the money I get just isn't enough to cover extras like food and clothes and shoes.", "Eden: God forbid you run out of any of those.", "Abby: You know what? I think it's cool to want to work...", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Abby: To want to stay on top of the fashion scene, unlike some people who think that having absolutely no fashion sense is something to be proud of.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Yeah. Thanks.", "Ashley: Well, don't you look very much at home sitting behind that desk?", "Nick: (Chuckles) Well, I have some... (Sighs) Big shoes to fill.", "Ashley: Your father has faith in you, or he wouldn't have left you in charge.", "Nick: Thanks for saying that.", "Ashley: Sure.", "Nick: Please sit down.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Nick: (Sighs) So what brings you by this neck of the woods?", "Ashley: Well, I'm here because of the quarterly report. I haven't gotten one.", "Nick: Well, I, uh, I wasn't aware that--", "Ashley: That I still have a seat on the board?", "Nick: (Chuckles) Well, your divorce...", "Ashley: (Chuckles) But it doesn't mean I'm walking away from Newman. So whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me.", "Nick: You weren't happy with the way things were handled when Dad first announced your appointment.", "Ashley: You mean the way I was just shoved down the board's throat?", "Nick: That's not the way I was gonna put it, but yes.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, your father overstepped his bounds, which isn't unusual. And the way he unseated Colleen, well, you know, it was shameful. And I'm ashamed of myself for going along with it.", "Nick: Oh, you weren't thinking clearly.", "Ashley: But I am now. And out of respect for Colleen and her dad, I intend to make a difference in this company.", "Nick: Just so you know, nothing Dad did needs to come into play now that I'm in charge.", "Ashley: Nick, I'm not out for revenge if that's what you're worried about.", "Nick: But you're gonna fight me if you don't like my plans for Newman.", "Ashley: Oh, I don't know. What are you plans?", "Nick: Well, you'll find out at the next meeting.", "Ashley: Your dad doesn't like change, you know.", "Nick: I'm not gonna be some figurehead in this position.", "Ashley: So you're spreading your wings.", "Nick: Sounds like you are, too. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you're gonna bring to the table.", "Ashley: Sounds like a whole new direction for Newman.", "Nick: Well, don't you think it's time?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: They said come back in six months. Like I can wait that long.", "Abby: I guess I'll just spring for lattes until you find something.", "Amber: Hey, girls. Why the long faces?", "Abby: Oh, Daisy just got turned down for a job here.", "Daisy: There goes my chance at scoring that new patent hobo.", "Amber: I just may have the perfect gig for a fellow fashionista.", "Daisy: I'm listening.", "Amber: Yeah, I just got hired at Lauren's boutique, you know, at Fenmore's about an hour ago, and as of a half-hour ago, they still had one more slot to fill.", "Abby: Oh, that sounds perfect.", "Amber: In fact, I will even take you over there and introduce you.", "Daisy: You will?", "Amber: As long as you promise no more bar-crashing with fake IDs.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Like I'm ever gonna do that again. Um, would it be totally lame if I went alone?", "Amber: I think you would be totally brave. In fact, I will write down the address for you, hmm?", "Daisy: How do I look?", "Abby: (Sighs) Awesome. (Chuckles)", "Daisy: (Chuckles)", "Amber: Now remember to tell her Amber sent you.", "Daisy: Okay. Lauren Fenmore.", "Amber: Yeah, that's her maiden name. Her married name's Baldwin. You know, I mean, she's amazing. You're totally gonna love her.", "Daisy: Wish me luck.", "Amber: I will--luck.", "Daisy: (Squeals) Cool.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Amber: I'm gonna call Daniel and tell him some good news for a change.", "Abby: Okay.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Eden: That girl is the last thing that Lauren needs.", "Abby: You don't even know her.", "Eden: Neither do you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I stopped by the office yesterday to give you my decision, but with everything that was going on, I didn't get a chance.", "Billy: Oh, so you have a problem with the Victor article, too.", "Sharon: Well, he is my son's grandfather, and Victoria is Noah's aunt, and you trashed both of them for no good reason.", "Billy: No good reason? He still had CeeCee's blood on his hands when he took her heart.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. So is that what this is about then? Revenge? Or do have just some twisted need to cut people down so you can make yourself feel like the big man?", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Sharon: Never mind. Don't answer that. I think I know the answer to that question.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Sharon: What I don't understand is how you can feel justified doing this to not only Victoria and Victor, but the people who love them like Noah and Abby.", "Billy: I never said anything about Noah or Abby.", "Sharon: Well, you may as well have, Billy, with the misery those two kids are gonna have to go through because of this.", "Billy: You are blowing this way out of proportion.", "Sharon: Okay, this is the attitude-- that's the exact reason why I cannot work for you. You know, I-I used to love \"Restless Style.\" In fact, it was my whole life for a long time. But in the course of a week, you have turned it into something that I don't even recognize.", "Billy: Okay. (Sighs) At least I didn't get slapped this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Roxanne: I researched foods that are good for cancer patients, and one site said you need lots of veggies and leafy greens, so this soup has a bunch of them.", "Lily: Yes, the soup. Thank you so much, Rox. That was really sweet.", "Devon: Hey, Cane, how's the bar going, man?", "Cane: The bar is wonderful. It is--it's busy. Thank you.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Roxanne: (Chuckles)", "Lily: Yeah, so, you know, you guys must have like, a, um, a term paper to write or, like, classes to get to, right?", "Devon: No, not at all. We rescheduled so we can relieve Cane and hang out with you.", "Cane: Oh, that's not necessary, but thank you. I appreciate it.", "Roxanne: Oh, Cane, you have been doing 24/7 duty.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Cane: Mm, I don't mind.", "Lily: (Yawns loudly)", "Cane: Well, I, uh, I need to get my wife to bed, but, um, she has to rest.", "Lily: (Sighs) Yeah. Yeah.", "Cane: Okay?", "Lily: So thank you, guys...", "Cane: All right. Thank you.", "Lily: So much for coming by. It was so sweet of you guys.", "Cane: Thank you. Bye. Thank you.", "Devon: Okay.", "Roxanne: Well... (Chuckles) Um, have a nice rest.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Devon: Are you sure everything's cool? You don't need us to stay?", "Lily: No, no, I'm--I'm fine. Or I will be, you know, when I sleep. So thank you for bringing the soup, you guys.", "Cane: Thanks.", "Roxanne: Okay.", "Lily: It was so sweet of you guys. Thank you.", "Devon: Yeah. Mm-hmm.", "Roxanne: (Chuckles) You're welcome.", "Lily: Bye.", "Cane: (Exhales) Mm. Now if someone knocks at that door again...", "Lily: We are not answering.", "Cane: Mm, no we're not.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: Ooh. (Chuckles)", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Lily: Careful.", "Cane: Mm!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm about to run an errand. Do you mind if I-- I'm gonna come back in 15 minutes.", "Daisy: You're her, aren't you?", "Lauren: Excuse me?", "Daisy: Uh, the owner, Lauren Fenmore. Amber said you were gorgeous. And that outfit is just proof you're totally hip, too.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) That's very sweet of you. Y-you know Amber?", "Daisy: I met her last night, um, but I feel like I've known her forever. Oh, my God. This looks like the original cross brooch designed by Chanel in the '20s.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah, it's an homage to that. Very good.", "Daisy: And it works with today's fashions-- vintage yet timeless, you know?", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Now I see the connection to Amber.", "Daisy: She said you were looking for a salesgirl.", "Lauren: Oh, um, yeah. Do you have any experience in retail?", "Daisy: Other than shopping, no.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Okay.", "Daisy: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: Do you think you could work-- or have you had any experience with a register or, you know, steaming a dress?", "Daisy: No on both counts, but I pick things up really fast, and I'm super reliable. I promise if you hire me, you won't be sorry.", "Lauren: All right, well, you know what? Why don't you write down your name and phone number...", "Daisy: Oh, good.", "Lauren: And I'll call Amber, and if she gives you the thumbs-up, you're hired.", "Daisy: Working here would be a dream come true. All clothes, all the time, it's just--", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Daisy: Here.", "Lauren: Perfect. Perfect. Well, I will be in touch. Now come on. You know what I have to do? Give somebody a piece of my mind.", "Daisy: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: Come in.", "Michael: Well, look at you. Are congratulations in order, or are you already on the gangplank waiting to jump?", "Nick: Now that depends on why you're here, doesn't it?", "Michael: Why I'm here... all right. I just came from a preliminary meeting with the S.E.C., and, uh, thanks to Billy's article, yes, they have latched on to the whole Cayman bank issue.", "Nick: (Sighs) (Groans) Yeah, of course they have.", "Michael: Yeah. In their minds, since Victor withdrew company funds right before the collapse, and in their opinion, that exacerbated the collapse, it makes it appear as though he had, uh, insider information.", "Nick: But he didn't.", "Michael: Yeah, well, unfortunately, that's incredibly hard to prove. And while this is not a situation where a lot of innocent people were bilked of their life savings by a crook, per se, there's a lot of public sympathy for those who lost their shirts and a lot of pressure on the S.E.C. to investigate those who didn't.", "Nick: Give me the bottom line.", "Michael: It's gonna cost us, and it's gonna cost us big.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm so glad you stopped by, 'cause I've just been dying to tell somebody what just happened, and you are the first person I thought to call.", "Adam: (Sighs) I'm sensing it was something good.", "Sharon: I quit my job at \"Restless Style.\"", "Adam: Didn't you, uh, didn't you just start?", "Sharon: Yeah. But I couldn't tolerate the way that Billy was gunning for Victor, and I let him know it. You know, he thought he could attack someone who I care about, and I just basically let him have it, and you know what? I feel great. What's wrong?", "Adam: It's just that, uh, anything that Billy has done to Victor is nothing compared to the hell I've put him through.", "Sharon: Oh, well, I'm not saying that that's right, but at least you acknowledge it, and you feel some remorse.", "Adam: You'd better watch it. You keep being kind to me, and Nick is gonna flip out. He, uh, he already called me into his office and warned me against, uh, spending time with you.", "Sharon: He did what?", "Adam: Look, given your history with him and--and my past, I-I can't really say that I blame him. To guarantee that I, uh, steer clear of you, um, I'm being sent out of town on an assignment, which is why I'm here-- to say good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I can't have the company stock quote tank because of negative press. Baldwin, there has to be a way to make this Caymans debacle disappear.", "Michael: Well, I'm afraid the only way would be for you to pay back the money that Victor withdrew, plus interest and penalties. Some of this may funnel down to the people who lost everything in the collapse.", "Nick: That was legitimate Newman money. And where am I supposed to get these funds from? Do I close an entire division? Am I supposed to lay off dozens of people just because some people think Dad might be guilty of something?", "Michael: All right, listen to me. The alternatives are even costlier and would take years to resolve. So if you really want to make this go away now, this is our only option.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Mac: (Sighs)", "Billy: Are you gonna ignore me forever, or...", "Mac: What do you want me to say that Sharon hasn't already covered?", "Lauren: Someone on your staff predicted that you'd be here.", "Billy: Yeah, well, how can I help you?", "Lauren: Yeah, well, I wanted to tell you in person that I will be pulling all future Fenmore ads from \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: (Clears throat) Well, okay. If you're here to berate me about printing the Newman article, you can save your breath, because this magazine has done better in the past few days under my watch than it has in months. And the way that I look at it, Ma'am, you're actually getting a bargain with me.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Oh, yeah, well, bargain or not, you see, I prefer to spend my money with publications that don't appeal to the lowest common denominator.", "Billy: I understand. You're highbrow. I get it.", "Lauren: Oh, excuse me. No, this isn't about highbrow. This is about showing respect for my clientele by not associating with publications that prefer sensationalism over substance.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: And, uh, for the record, you know what you did to Victor and Victoria?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: On a moral issue-- disgusting.", "Billy: Have a nice night. Thank you.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey. Listen, if you're scared, or if you've changed your mind--", "Lily: No, I-- (sighs) It's just that, you know, I'm-- I'm bald, you know? And I have this port in my abdomen where poison gets pumped in. It's just-- I feel like an alien.", "Cane: Shh. Don't say that.", "Lily: I bet that you didn't know that this was an episode of \"Star Trek\" and you're playing Captain Kirk to my Klingon.", "Cane: Mm. Well, if I'm Captain Kirk, you know I'm required to seduce you.", "Lily: Yes, naturally.", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Lily: I guess the good thing is that Klingons never have to worry about birth control ever again, so...", "Cane: Hey. Hey, look at me. Do you know how beautiful you are?", "Lily: (Scoffs)", "Cane: You're beautiful. You're beautiful. You know, being with you like this is a gift I never expected to have again. I don't want to mess this up.", "Lily: You won't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Mm.", "Daisy: Thank you so much. Whatever you said to Lauren totally won her over.", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Daisy: She just called, and I got the job.", "Eden: Whoo-hoo.", "Amber: We need to celebrate. Lattes for everyone.", "Daisy: Oh.", "Abby: Now that you guys are both working at Fenmore's, I'll have to reactivate my account so I can do all of my retail therapy locally.", "Daisy: Uh, that is if you're ever let out of the house again.", "Ashley: I'd like to assume you got your dates mixed up like I did, but somehow, I doubt it. Abby, I remember what it's like to be a teenager, Honey.", "Abby: You so would not be here right now if you did.", "Ashley: I'm trying very hard not to embarrass you in front of your friends.", "Abby: So you're leaving?", "Ashley: We're leaving... right now.", "Daisy: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I thought you were avoiding her.", "Michael: Trust me, she's unavoidable.", "Gloria: Well?", "Michael: Well... there's not much to tell.", "Jeff: We get our dough, or not?", "Michael: It is quite possible that the S.E.C. will expect compensation for the Cayman bank debacle. So it would behoove those who lost a lot of money to be in line when the cash gets handed out.", "Gloria: Yes!", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: I knew this would happen. Lover man...", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: We're not gonna be poor anymore.", "Jeff: No.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: Um... (Chuckles) Aren't you forgetting to thank somebody?", "Gloria: (Sighs) Yeah, that's right.", "Jeff: Hmm?", "Gloria: To the man who made all of this possible...", "(Mugs clink)", "Gloria: Billy Abbott.", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You wanted me to learn a lesson, and I have. Never take on \"The mustache\" and try to win. Do you think God's even on the payroll at Newman, huh?", "Mac: I love you.", "Billy: Really?", "Mac: Yes, because I see you get so excited about something that you nothing about, and jump in with this crazy blind faith that it is all just gonna work out. And some people call that cocky, but I know that it's you being hopeful.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Mac: And... when it doesn't work out, you pretend like, \"Oh, it doesn't matter.\" But I see how hurt you are.", "Billy: Jack would say that's me being foolish, being hopeful. (Scoffs)", "Mac: Well, you've done some foolish things. But when Colleen was in the hospital, you never gave up. You just kept hoping. And I think that if she were here today, she would say that those articles you wrote-- they're not all you are. You just need to see it, too.", "Billy: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Nick: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: Thank you.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Obviously, the power is going to Nick's head, because the idea that he could banish you and send you out of town just so that we can't be friends-- I mean, that's-- that's ridiculous.", "Adam: It's not that big of a deal. Uh, I've been cooped up at the ranch for so long, it'll be nice to get out and experience the world.", "Sharon: Wow. You are being a really good sport about this, because Nick doesn't have a vote in who I spend time with.", "Adam: It's not easy, believe me.", "Sharon: Well, I'll miss you.", "Adam: (Sighs) Uh, I'd better go.", "Sharon: Have a safe trip.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: We renewed our vows.", "Kay: I have a daughter out there somewhere.", "Jill: The one you thought was me.", "Chloe: I just thought that I could be myself around you.", "Phillip: We should go.", "Chance: Yeah, why don't you go ahead and just run? Because that's what you're so good at, right?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily comes home to see Cane with Blake. Lily feels that she knows Blake from somewhere, but Blake denies having seen her at Crimson Lights. Ronan asks Murphy what happened at the Fall Festival. Murphy taps out a code which Ronan realizes is Morse code. Murph taps out D-A-N-G-E-R. Meggie makes plans for her and Victor to go to Las Vegas. At Solidarity, Victor and Deacon have a confrontation over Nikki. When Victor throws up her past to her. Nikki orders Victor to stop. J.T. tells Mackenzie that the director of the non-profit organization offered him a job. Billy lets Victoria know that he is delving into Heather's files. Heather finds out and calls Billy to stop by her office. Heather tries to make a deal with Billy not to divulge the info. Mackenzie contemplates turning down the offer in D.C., but J.T. urges her to take the job. J.T. explains to Victoria that he, Mackenzie and Reed are leaving town. Victoria refuses to let J.T. leave with Reed. Victor tells Meggie about Deacon being at Solidarity with Nikki. Meggie suggests that Victor take a vacation. Victor reluctantly agrees.", "" ]
[ "Cane: Where's your bodyguard, Baby?", "Lily: Uh, outside.", "Cane: What are you doing here?", "Lily: Well, the twins needed warmer clothes, and Dad offered to babysit. And I just was hoping I'd catch you... alone.", "Man: (Sighs) And I spoiled your plans, didn't I? Please forgive me.", "Lily: Who are you?", "Cane: Uh, this is, uh, an old mate of mine from Australia.", "Blake: Blake Joseph. And you must be the fabulous Lily I've heard so much about.", "Lily: You look very familiar.", "Blake: You know what? I get that all the time. I just must have one of those faces.", "Lily: A-are you sure we haven't met?", "Blake: If I'd met you, trust me, I would remember.", "Lily: Did I see you at the coffeehouse? Uh, Crimson Lights, or...", "Blake: Crimson Lights? You know what? I'm afraid I don't even know what that is. Uh, have you ever been to Australia?", "Cane: No, no, she hasn't. She hasn't been to Australia.", "Lily: Uh, does he have anything to do with... you know?", "Cane: Let's, um, let's talk about this later.", "Blake: Listen, Mate, I say we clue her in. I mean, your wife of all people should know the truth, right? (Sighs) I am here because of the trouble Cane got into back home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Murphy is very anxious to tell you what happened at the festival that afternoon.", "Ronan: Is that right? You feelin' better, Murph? You, uh, are you strong enough to do this?", "Kay: That's a yes. He, um, he blinks two for no.", "Ronan: Okay. Okay, well, uh, let's, uh, let's get to it then, huh? So, uh, I'll go nice and easy, okay? Just--just to, uh, get started, that day that you were at the fest... how long's he been doing that?", "Kay: Uh, tapping his finger?", "Ronan: Mm-hmm.", "Kay: A couple of days. Why?", "Ronan: Because I'm not sure, but I think that's Morse code. Murphy, is that Morse code?", "Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven. How did you know?", "Ronan: I, uh, I learned it in Quantico. I haven't used it in years. We're gonna find out how much I remember right now, though. All right, Murph, let's do this, huh? Let's hear what you have to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Yes, we'll need the jet first thing tomorrow. But don't tell Mr. Newman. It's a surprise from his fiancée.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: How dare you show up here? You're the one responsible for my ex-wife being in here. You got that?", "Deacon: Mr. Newman, I'm here for one reason, and that's to get sober, the same as Nikki.", "Victor: You have the impertinence to tell me that you're here to sober up?! You're here to undermine the recovery of my ex-wife! Ain't gonna happen. You do harm to one of my family, you will have to deal with me. You got that?", "Woman: Mr. Newman, please. This is very disturbing to our patients.", "Victor: I understand. This man, for your information, is a con artist.", "Deacon: (Scoffs)", "Victor: He manipulated his way in here to target my ex-wife.", "Woman: I can't have you hurling accusations like this.", "Deacon: It's okay. It's all right.", "Victor: Well, I will do that. Excuse me. I'm sorry. We won't do that. Thank you.", "Woman: Please.", "Victor: Yes.", "Deacon: Victor, I've done nothing to you or to Nikki.", "Victor: I don't want to hear a word out of your mouth, because otherwise, I will do something that both of us will regret. You got that?", "Nikki: Victor, what-- what are you doing? Stop it!", "Victor: Like hell I will!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: I know it was my idea to take the job in D.C., but I'd be leaving my family again. And will Grandma think that I'm deserting her after Murphy's stroke?", "J.T.: You know what? I bet your grandmother would be the first person to tell you you gotta live your own life, you know? Get back to what it is that makes you happy.", "Mac: The nonprofit does great work.", "J.T.: Another pro-- the director for the nonprofit offered me a position.", "Mac: (Gasps) Seriously?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Mac: When were you gonna tell me?", "J.T.: I just did.", "Mac: (Stammers) Did you accept it?", "J.T.: I'm still deciding.", "Mac: What about your physical therapy?", "J.T.: I already called and got a couple of referrals.", "Mac: There's a lot of great reasons to go.", "J.T.: Yeah, there is. The, uh, the only con is telling Victoria I'm taking our son halfway across the country. How can I take Reed away from his mom?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Wow! You drew this for me in school today?", "Reed: It's our family-- you, me, Billy, and Delia.", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh. You made me pretty. Thank you. So, okay, here's you in-- in the middle, so who are these guys over here?", "Reed: Daddy and Mac.", "Victoria: Oh, how about that? So I get to keep this? This is mine? I can put it on our refrigerator at home where I can look at it every day? Every day?", "Reed: Yes.", "Victoria: All right. I love this. It's beautiful.", "Billy: Hey, Buddy. How are you? How was school? (Growls)", "Reed: Fun. We had art.", "Billy: You had art? You had art? Tell you what...", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Billy: You little arty kid. Will you, uh, get us a table? I'll join you in a minute. Ooh, nice jump.", "Victoria: They had art. (Sighs)", "Billy: So, uh, while you were picking up Reed, I was making phone calls. That was my contact at city hall. She's going to e-mail us copies of the papers that Heather filed with the board of elections.", "Victoria: So do you think that we'll find some sort of link between her and Dad that will explain her helping him get out of the court order?", "Billy: I don't know, but we're about to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Okay, um, tell the reporter I might be a little late for our interview, but I will be there. Thanks.", "(Telephone rings)", "Heather: Heather Stevens. Oh, hey, Jen, what's up? Wait, say that again. My campaign files? Uh, who was asking to see them? Billy Abbott. Huh. All right, well, uh, thanks for telling me. I'll--I'll, uh, I'll take care of it.", "Heather: What are you up to, Billy?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Blake: So when he heard there was a price on his head, Cane disappeared. Uh, then out of the blue, he calls me. He tells me these people in Australia that he ran afoul of were making threats. I asked if I could help deal with them, but I wasn't in Canberra. I was in Chicago on business. How's that for a coincidence?", "Lily: Oh, s-so you didn't know that he was in the country?", "Cane: No, I, uh, I had no idea he was in the country.", "Blake: And look, I-I owe Ashby here a favor. So I made some calls to some mates of mine in law enforcement. Trust me, those crooks will not be causing trouble for anybody, especially you folks, any time soon.", "Lily: Is this true?", "Cane: Yeah. I, uh, I didn't want to say anything till I knew for sure. It's, uh, it's true.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: We're safe.", "Lily: Oh, thank God. Oh, it's over. We finally have our lives back. (Sighs)", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: If it were just me, I'd be on a plane already. But Reed needs his mom. What if she fights you for custody again? I don't want to see him suffer.", "J.T.: (Sighs) Yeah, well, I don't want that, either. But we can't let what Victoria might or might not do dictate our lives.", "Mac: I'm calling D.C. and passing.", "J.T.: Hang up.", "Mac: It's the right thing to do.", "J.T.: Mac, do you know how proud I am of you? You've spent your entire life trying to make the world a better place. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna stop you.", "Mac: Maybe when Reed's older.", "J.T.: It's true what they say about dying.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "J.T.: It gives you a completely new perspective. You know, my heart stopped beating, but I'm still here. There's gotta be a reason for that.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "J.T.: I want what's best for our baby and for Reed, okay? So you call 'em and tell 'em you're gonna take this job.", "Mac: But Reed--", "J.T.: We'll work it out. It's time for you and I to start our new lives together.", "Mac: (Sighs) We're doing it. We're moving.", "J.T.: We're moving. (Laughs)", "Mac: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.", "J.T.: We're moving.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "J.T.: Now I just gotta tell Victoria.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Buddy. Tell 'em to keep the change and put it in a bag for you, okay?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Gonna be hard dropping him off with his dad.", "Victoria: I'm, of course, glad that J.T.'s out of the hospital. It just, I don't know, it kind of went by fast.", "Billy: Yeah. I think the same thing every time I drop off Delia.", "Victoria: Yeah. Hey, you remember how I told you J.T. and I discussed, you know, trying to get along better and not push each other's buttons?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Well, that is what I am going to do.", "Billy: Nice.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Takin' the high road.", "Victoria: Yes. Yes.", "Billy: Good for you.", "Victoria: I realized that, you know, sometimes when you come close to losing someone, you realize what's really important.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: Hi. Okay, everybody set?", "Billy: Y-you know what? I'm gonna stay here, check some e-mails, okay?", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Hey, Buddy, I'll see you later. Another high five, please? Ooh, good one.", "Victoria: Well, we'll see you later then.", "Billy: Yes. Yes, you will. Okay, what do we have here? (Sighs) Filing deadlines... (Sighs) Candidacy declaration, write-ins, blah, blah, blah, blah... residency affidavit and-- ooh, here we go-- donor lists. Well, hello, Victor Newman. Buying a new D.A., I see. Huh.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Billy: (Clears throat) You know, I was just thinkin' about you.", "Heather: We should talk. I'm at my office. How soon can you be here?", "Billy: I'm on my way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I can't believe you would cause a scene-- here, of all places.", "Victor: This two-bit hoodlum is the reason you're in rehab in the first place.", "Nikki: No, no. I am the reason why I'm here. I take full responsibility for what I did. I started drinking long before he even came into the picture. I finally found the courage to go back to A.A., and there he was standing there telling everybody his story. He was trying to inspire people. He tried to get me back on track. But the urge to drink, it was just an overwhelming temptation for me. I brought him down, if you want to know the truth. I dragged him down with me, not the other way around.", "Victor: What the hell are you doing with scum like this? I don't understand.", "Nikki: I know. I know you don't understand, and I'm starting to think you never will. Because if you had a clue about what really matters to me, you never would have told Victoria those lies, kept her away from me to punish her. Didn't you stop to think that keeping me away from her was hurting me, as well?", "Victor: Stop using all these damned excuses, will you?", "Nikki: It's true.", "Victor: This is embarrassing, for heaven's sake. Whenever things get tough, you end up in the arms of some lowlife-- Bobby Marsino, David Chow.", "Nikki: What? Oh, my God. (Stomps foots) How dare you?! How dare you throw them in my face?", "Victor: How dare I? Because you need to know it.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: It's a pattern that keeps on repeating itself. Whenever things get tough, you end up in the arms of some jerk. When the hell has that ever helped you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Have a seat.", "Billy: You know, I have to say, you sure do look a whole lot different in person.", "Heather: What are you talking about?", "Billy: All the commercials, Man. They're everywhere. How'd you afford that expensive advertising budget?", "Heather: Well, why don't you tell me since we both know you've been digging into my campaign finances?", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Couldn't help but notice my father-in-law's name on your list of donors.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. So?", "Billy: So the way you've gone after him in the past, I'm surprised he'd be for you gaining any more power, unless, of course, you were to use that newfound power to get him out of a jam, like, say, getting a court order kicked upstairs so he wouldn't get carted off to jail.", "Heather: (Sighs) Okay, I... I had a feeling you might jump to that conclusion. That's--that's why I invited you here to help dispel any suspicions that you might have.", "Billy: So you're telling me Victor didn't buy his way off getting arrested? Because that's what it sounds like to me.", "Heather: The order Vance filed was unnecessarily broad. His accountants don't need access to all of Newman's financial records. I'm sure the higher court judge will agree that the scope should be narrowed.", "Billy: You know, when you put it that way, it sounds logical... except that, um... (Purses lips)", "Heather: What?", "Billy: Well, we are talking about \"Tricky Vic\" here, and he is as untrustworthy as it gets.", "Heather: Okay, um, how about we make a little trade? In exchange for you not blowing this completely out of proportion, I'll make you an offer.", "Billy: What type of offer?", "Heather: Something I guarantee you'll be interested in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Stop! I don't want to hear another word. I want you to get out of here right now!", "Victor: When you open your eyes, if you do, you know where to find me.", "Woman: Mr. Newman was right about you and Mr. Sharpe not being good companions, given that you've fed into each other's drinking before you checked in.", "Nikki: That's a point.", "Deacon: We'll keep our distance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Right, the honeymoon suite. Tomorrow. Just for one night. Thank you. That's all it will take once Mr. Newman and I are hitched.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Reed, I'm really craving some ice cream. Why don't we go get some so mommy and daddy can talk?", "Reed: Is that okay, Mommy?", "Victoria: Yeah, sure. Have fun. I'll see you soon, okay?", "J.T.: (Chuckles) You want to sit down?", "Victoria: Uh, you know, I've been thinking about what we discussed in the hospital, about us getting on a little more amicably, and, uh, if this is about the holidays, then I was thinking that we could--", "J.T.: Victoria, hold on. Hold on a second. Um, Mac and I, uh, we made a decision, and there's something you should know.", "Victoria: Oh, God. Why do I get the feeling I'm not gonna like this very much?", "J.T.: Mac was offered a position in D.C., and, uh, we're gonna leave tomorrow. We're taking Reed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: All right, new word. Um, \"D\"... \"A\"... and that's an \"N\"...", "Kay: Darling, don't. Its fine, Darling. You're doing wonderful. Come on. Come on. You can do it.", "Ronan: That's a-- that's a \"G.\" \"E\"... \"R.\" Danger?", "Kay: That's it. No, I'm making that phone call now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Look, Mac and I got great job offers. That's all this is about. I'm not doing this to hurt you.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, no. No. No, of course not. You're not hurting me. You're just cutting out my heart, that's all.", "J.T.: Victoria--", "Victoria: No, wait a minute. What about your recovery?", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: What about the police... uh, what about the police academy?", "J.T.: That's not an option anymore.", "Victoria: Why not? Why isn't it an option anymore?", "J.T.: Because my heart-- there's damage, okay? Police work is too physical.", "Victoria: Fine, so don't be a police officer. Go manage Jimmy's, or go back to work for Paul. I don't care what you do. I really don't care what you do. You just can't-- you can't skip town with my only child. What are you...? (Sighs) Wha--", "J.T.: Look, I wish things were different, but this is how it has to be, okay?", "Victoria: Why?", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Wh-why? Who's it best for? Is it best for you and Mac? Is that--is that what it is?", "J.T.: And Reed.", "Victoria: Oh, and Reed? Reed? Ripping him away from his mother? How could that possibly be what's best for Reed?", "J.T.: Victoria, look. We'll be super flexible about the visitation, okay?", "Victoria: (Scoffs)", "J.T.: D.C. is a great city. Think about all the things he'll get to experience living in a place like that, all the culture and--", "Victoria: Shut up! I don't want to hear! I don't want to hear about how wonderful this is.", "J.T.: I'm sorry. I know. This is hard for you.", "Victoria: Look at this. Reed... (Sniffles) He made this picture, all right? Look at it. This is how he pictures our family. And I was just--I was hoping that maybe I would be able to picture it this way, too. But I can't do that... I can't do that if you're gonna rip us apart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: And if you win this election?", "Heather: Then Genoa City will have a D.A. who is committed to putting Adam Newman behind bars. It's good news for everyone, including you.", "Billy: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Victor Newman's behind that political epiphany, also, right?", "Heather: (Sighs) Billy. I'm asking you as a friend. Don't go public with your suspicions. And that's all they are. I-I haven't done anything illegal or unethical. But if you publish this story, it will... it will not only destroy my reputation, it will also cost the citizens of Genoa City the best D.A. they've had in years. I-I have a slim lead over my opponent right now. Don't blow this for me. Please.", "Billy: Tell you what, you've given me a lot to think about. I won't publish anything without considering everything that you've just told me, okay?", "Heather: Good. I appreciate that.", "(Telephone rings)", "Heather: Um, let me just get this...", "Billy: Yeah.", "Heather: And then we can continue our conversation.", "Billy: Sure.", "Heather: Heather Stevens. Oh, good, uh, then my assistant did get a hold of you. Yes, I'm looking forward to our interview. At Crimson Lights. Uh, I-I'll be there. Right outside of campus. Thanks. All right, sorry about that. Where were--", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hey.", "Deacon: Hey.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry. Victor's attitude towards you-- I don't know how you were able to stand there and take it without saying anything when he was attacking you.", "Deacon: Something told me that if I opened my mouth, I might be taking a trip to the, uh, emergency room, so...", "Nikki: The whole thing is just appalling.", "Deacon: No, it's... it--it may be for the best that we don't see much of each other, Nikki.", "Nikki: Yeah, I guess. Well, good luck with everything.", "Deacon: Yeah, you, too.", "Nikki: I have, um, a therapy session. I...", "Deacon: Don't-- don't let me keep you.", "Nikki: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: I thought I heard you come in. Victor, what's wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Blake: So the boat tips over, and everything goes, a-absolutely everything-- the food, supplies, the whole thing.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Blake: This one here-- this one here is in his kayak nearby, sees the whole thing happen, reaches into the river, snags my keg out.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Blake: Straightaway, I'm thinking, there is a man that's got his priorities straight.", "Lily: That sounds like you. (Laughs)", "Blake: We've been mates ever since.", "Lily: Aw, that's a sweet story. (Laughs) Well, listen, we cannot thank you enough for your help. Hey, stay for dinner, right? I can go get the twins, and you can meet them.", "Cane: Uh, not tonight. You know, it's their first night home.", "Lily: Okay.", "Blake: Absolutely. You know, thank you, though. A-another time, for sure.", "Lily: Okay, well, you two boys, you figure it out. I'm gonna call my dad and tell him the good news, all right? Excuse me.", "Blake: (Sighs) She is just precious. I can see why you want to protect her.", "Cane: You got your money, okay? You stay away from my home. Don't you ever come near my wife or my kids ever again. Am I clear on this?", "Blake: Well, Lily just seems so happy that you're moving Charlie and Matilda back into their nursery. Oh, and that kangaroo you painted on the wall, Mate, nice touch. It reminds them of where their dad came from.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: How's that ice cream?", "Reed: Good. Can we go home now?", "Mac: In a little while. Mommy and Daddy need to talk.", "Reed: Are they fighting?", "Mac: Sometimes grown-ups need to talk about things that kids can't understand.", "Reed: They used to fight a lot.", "Mac: I know one thing for 100% sure, and that's that your mommy and daddy both love you so much, and they want you to be happy.", "Victoria: Were you gonna even ask me how I felt about this?", "J.T.: I have full custody. I don't have to ask your permission.", "Victoria: So, what? (Stammers) You're leaving? You're just gonna leave tomorrow?", "J.T.: Yeah. Victoria, I wish I could give you more time, but Mac's job starts next week.", "Victoria: Oh, okay, well, just send Mac on ahead. Send her ahead, and-- and then you can follow her. She's such a saint, I'm sure she'll understand, J.T.", "J.T.: You know what, Victoria? I don't want to leave on bad terms.", "Victoria: That's not a problem, because you're not leaving. There is no way I'm gonna let you take my little boy across state lines. No way!", "J.T.: Victoria.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Something's got you in a mood.", "Victor: Thank you. (Sighs) I just came from the rehab center. That obnoxious bartender fellow, Deacon whatever-his-name-is followed Nikki there under the guise of his own recovery.", "Meggie: Are you serious?", "Victor: When I confronted him, Nikki actually defended that man. Unbelievable, considering what he has cost this family.", "Meggie: Well, no wonder you're upset. And who could blame you?", "Victor: Yeah. Things were said that can't be taken back.", "Meggie: You need to relax and get out of dodge, don't you think? You need a vacation. To me, that's the best answer-- perfect answer.", "Victor: Yeah. Uh-huh. And what good would leaving town do? Sounds like running away from everyone and their problems.", "Meggie: (Laughs) Spoken like a guy who spends all of his time taking care of everybody else and no time at all taking care of himself.", "Victor: A trip, huh?", "Meggie: What better time, Victor? You deserve this time away. I mean, why don't you just jump on your jet and go someplace fun? I don't know, uh, Vegas?", "Victor: I can't do that now, not with the lawsuit and Nikki in rehab and...", "Meggie: Well, you said that she didn't want to talk to you right now. Maybe it's a good idea that you guys spend some time apart. You know, give you both a chance to cool off.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Meggie: Hmm?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Maybe a trip is a good idea.", "Meggie: Yeah, you relax. I'll take care of everything. I'll pack your bags, everything.", "Victor: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: What kind of ice cream did you get, Dude?", "Reed: Vanilla.", "J.T.: Oh, I should have guessed. Hey, do me a favor-- drop your gear off in your room, and then come back out. I want to talk to you about something.", "Mac: How'd it go with Victoria?", "J.T.: Three guesses.", "Mac: (Sighs) J.T., are you sure you want to do this?", "J.T.: I'm sure.", "J.T.: All right, take a seat, Pal. Um, do you remember when we took that little adventure to New York?", "Reed: Yeah.", "J.T.: Yeah? Well, we're gonna take another one. Except this time, we're going to Washington, D.C., just the three of us. You, me, and Mac.", "Reed: What about Mommy? Is she coming, too?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Thinking) Sources tell 'Restless Style' that Newman's donations were made in return for bringing baby-napper Adam Newman back to trial once Stevens is in office, but could this also be why yesterday Newman Sr. was able to dodge a court order to hand over his company's books for auditing? Is Heather Stevens as corrupt as Owen Pomerantz thanks to Victor and his dancing checkbook?", "Victoria: What are you talking about, \"No legal recourse,\" Michael? There has to be some way. (Sighs) Okay, listen, I don't want to hear that you're sorry. I want to be able to see my son without having to drive 800 miles. (Sighs)", "Billy: Whoa, what's goin' on?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Okay. (Exhales shakily) J.T. and Mac, they want to move to Washington. (Sighs) And they want to take... they want to take Reed with them.", "Billy: Well, they can't do that. That's not gonna happen.", "Victoria: No, J.T. has custody, okay? I don't know what I can do. I don't know what I can do. I already called Michael, and Michael says that there's nothing that I can do, so...", "Billy: We'll work it out.", "Victoria: No, I just-- this can't be happening. (Voice breaking) I can't lose my little boy. (Sobs) I can't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Charlie and Mattie woke up from their nap and I can get them any time.", "Cane: Good.", "Lily: Um, did Blake leave?", "Cane: Yeah, he, uh, he asked me to say good-bye for him.", "Lily: Okay. He's nice. I like him. I'm glad that you reached out to your friends in Australia. I hope that he wasn't, you know, offended that I wasn't very friendly with him at first.", "Cane: (Chuckles) No. No, um, I don't blame you for being suspicious after everything we've been through.", "Lily: Well, I love you for taking such good care of us.", "Cane: You know I will do anything to protect you.", "Lily: I know.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: And that, my friend, will have to hold you until later.", "Cane: You don't be long.", "Lily: I won't. Well, let me go break the news to Edward. My bodyguard is officially out of a job. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Okay, the Athletic Club...", "Blake: Mm-hmm.", "Woman: Has the best rooms in town. If you don't have the money, there is a Sleep Inn.", "Blake: I'm new in town, so I'm still trying to get a lay of the land.", "Woman: Business or pleasure?", "Blake: Hopefully both with a bit of luck.", "Woman: (Chuckles)", "Blake: I just came across a very lucrative investment opportunity. I just couldn't pass it up.", "Woman: How long are you staying?", "Blake: A while. You see, if things go the way I expect them to, I'm gonna make millions.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Considering your predecessor's misdeeds and the exemplary way in which you've handled yourself since taking over as D.A., uh, this election should be decided already, wouldn't you agree?", "Heather: Uh, the-- the citizens of Genoa City will decide on Election Day whom they feel best serves their interests.", "Woman: What I meant was, I'm surprised your lead isn't bigger. Any reason the voters shouldn't trust you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay. So I have one day... I have one day to come up with some sort of... some legal maneuver to keep Reed in state, and... I'm just not gonna give up hope. I-I...", "Billy: Vance is a shark. Maybe he'd have a suggestion, but, um...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: When you don't have custody, it's, uh...", "Victoria: Yeah, I don't have custody because of my father. That's why. If he hadn't have pulled that stupid stunt with J.T., none of this would be happening in the first place. That's for sure. (Sighs) What is this? \"Victor Newman in D.A. payoff scandal.\" I don't--", "Billy: Yeah, you know, uh, I don't really think I'm running this--", "Victoria: No, no, no. I want to read this. I'm--I would like to read this.", "Victoria: So is this true? Has my father been funding Heather's campaign? Is that why he wasn't arrested?", "Billy: I don't even know if I'm gonna publish it once it's done.", "Victoria: No, I think you should finish it. Finish it and publish it. I want the rest of the world to know exactly what kind of a man my father really is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So mommy's gonna stay here with the rest of her family. But she is gonna come visit all the time, and you can talk to her whenever you want.", "Reed: It won't be the same.", "J.T.: No, it won't be the same, but she's gonna be fine, and so will you.", "Mac: But it's okay to be sad. I'm sad to be leaving my family, too. But it's gonna be awesome. You'll see.", "Reed: Are we ever coming back?", "J.T.: Yeah, sure, Buddy. Genoa City will always be our home. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nikki remembering]", "Nikki: (Gasps)", "Nikki: It fits perfectly.", "Victor: I love you more than you know.", "Nikki: I love you more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door) (Door opens)", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Deacon. I-I thought we agreed that...", "Deacon: Nikki, I'll leave if you want. I just can't ignore the pain you're in.", "Nikki: (Sobs) (sobs)", "Deacon: Hey.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Deacon: Shh. (Whispering) It's okay.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Deacon: It's all right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: (Sighs) About before when I suggested that I tag along on your trip...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Meggie: I-I hope you don't mind, but it just occurred to me that you might need an assistant, you know?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Meggie: Screening for your calls, arranging for the security, dealing with the hotel, whatever you want.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. It's a hell of an idea.", "Meggie: (Sighs)", "Victor: Maybe I'll change reservations.", "Meggie: You relax. I'll take care of it.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Meggie: You deserve this time for yourself. It's gonna be wonderful.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Meggie: I promise.", "Victor: Hmm.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: Do you have any idea what this is doing to Victoria? You are ripping her heart out.", "Heather: This is your own personal war against your father-in-law. You did not have to involve me.", "Meggie: By this afternoon, he'll be my husband. By tonight, I'll be his widow." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kevin and Chloe set a Christmas wedding date although Kevin wonders why Chloe is in such a rush to get married. Chloe explains that she wants them to be a family with Delia at Christmas. Chloe tells Kevin that his bone marrow donation to Delia made her realize how much she truly loves him. Victoria stops by the hospital to see Delia and gets suspicious when she mentions that Santa paid her a visit on Halloween. Kevin tells Victoria that he saw a very old Santa visiting the sick children on Halloween. Billy asks Cane to help him clear his name because he got set up in a scandal in Mien Mar involving drugs. He doesn't remember much about what happened, but he knows he couldn't have done what he is being accused of. When Cane agrees to help him, Billy gives him the name of the girl he needs to find because she knows what happened that night.", "Ricky begs Avery not to use the photos to ruin Heather. Heather later explains to Avery that she and Adam didn't have sex, but she decides to use the photos to get Sharon a mistrial. Ronan and Phyllis burst in with audio from the memory card. After the judge hears it and it is authenticated as being Skye and Sharon on the recording, all charges against Sharon are dropped. The judge gives Sharon time served for her escape from jail after her first trial. Ricky thanks Avery for not using the photos against Heather. Phyllis makes it clear to Sharon that it was she not Avery that saved her, so she owes her a big favor. Sharon and her friends and family celebrate in the courtroom. When Avery and Ricky are putting their files away, they discover that the pictures of Heather and Adam are gone. Phyllis is at the Restless Style office uploading the pictures to the company blog.", "" ]
[ "Heather: Okay, fine. Get it over with. You want to give me a heads-up about what?", "Adam: There are pictures of us, Heather, kissing.", "Heather: But we were in your hotel room. How would anybody even know that we-- (Sighs) You did this, didn't you? You arranged the whole thing. You set me up. Are you aware that this could ruin my entire career?", "Adam: I figured the least I could do was warn you.", "Heather: So I get accused of malfeasance, and you get to help Sharon's case. When? When and where are these photos going to surface?", "Adam: Probably here, and probably today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: If you haven't shown those to the judge yet, we can still stop this. No one has to see those pictures of Heather and Adam.", "Avery: I understand that you're trying to protect your sister in this, but, Ricky, you brought the photos to me. We're gonna use them.", "Ricky: I should have deleted them, destroyed them. Hell, I should have never taken them in the first place.", "Avery: You can't change what your sister did. And the courts should know about this. This is a serious breach of ethics by the assistant district attorney.", "Ricky: No, no, no, not if nothing ever really happened between Heather and Adam.", "Avery: It's our only shot at a mistrial, which we desperately need.", "Ricky: You're an incredible, incredible lawyer, Avery. You're the best. Please, you have to find a loophole. There must be some other way we could win this.", "Avery: I'm doing what's best for my client.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: So... Avery said that I might be granted a mistrial today.", "Victor: That is wonderful news.", "Sharon: Yes. I mean, I'd rather be acquitted, but...", "Victor: At best, the D.A. will decide not to retry the case. And at worst, um, a mistrial will give us enough time to gather evidence to prove your innocence.", "Sharon: Yeah. But, you know, this isn't a done deal yet, Victor.", "Victor: I know. What has Avery-- I mean, what does she plan to do?", "Sharon: Um, well, I really-- I can't say anything more than that right now.", "Victor: You don't want to jinx it?", "Sharon: Well, can you blame me? I mean, I never thought that I would be charged with Skye's murder, much less convicted.", "Victor: What can you tell me?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Just that... if this does happen...", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Sharon: It will be because of... a very interesting source. But I can't let myself get too excited, because it just-- it might not happen.", "Victor: Well, this could be the first day where everything changes for you for the better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, this would be amazing. This would be amazing if this was the evidence that Adam got rid of. Good thing you dragged the creek.", "Ronan: Well, the chances that this is Sharon's memory card are...", "Phyllis: I know they're slim. Press \"Play.\" Nothing.", "Ronan: No. We knew the chances of it being damaged were pretty high.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Sharon: Skye!", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. That's her voice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Muttering)", "Kevin: Whoa, where did all this come from?", "Chloe: Hi, uh, well, my mom wanted to spend some extra time with Delia at the hospital. So I wanted to just do a whole speed-through-- everything wedding. Um, you're still coming with me to the hospital, right?", "Kevin: Sure. Why don't we just do a leisurely nuptial caucus later?", "Chloe: No, no, no, because we have absolutely no lead time. Is this suit to die?", "Kevin: Hmm. So no lea-- how--how little lead time are we talkin'?", "Chloe: I was, uh, I was thinking that we could rock a Christmas wedding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: What's wrong? You look like you need to vent.", "Nick: Rough morning with Dad and Faith.", "Victoria: Oh, okay, well, ahh, vent away, just quietly, please.", "Nick: Ooh, aftereffects from last night's party?", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Groans) You have no idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey. I'm glad you got my message. Come on in.", "Cane: So, uh, why'd you move out of the trailer?", "Billy: Well, that way, Victor will keep thinking that I left town.", "Cane: But this way, you get to keep an eye on Cordelia. She's doing well.", "Billy: Yes, she is, for which I am eternally grateful.", "Cane: Should I be asking about this?", "Billy: (Chuckles) Um, I had to dress up like Santa on Halloween so I could sneak in and see my daughter...", "Cane: Oh.", "Billy: Which is why I called you.", "Cane: I suppose what you need now is an elf, huh?", "Billy: (Chuckles sarcastically) Yeah, actually, I do, one that can help me clear my name.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Hey.", "Sharon: So, um, is everything going as planned?", "Avery: Things look very promising.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Noah: Mom.", "Sharon: Noah! I'm so glad you're here.", "Noah: (Sighs) Look, Dad's supposed to come later.", "Sharon: All right, well, that'll be fine. I-I'm just glad that you're here, you know?", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Maybe you'll be my good luck charm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So you don't think your presence will upset Sharon?", "Adam: I don't think she'll get too bothered today, no.", "Victor: Really? I hope you're right this time, Son.", "Victor: Hey, Paul.", "Paul: Hey.", "Victor: Good to see you.", "Paul: Ricky, how you doin'?", "Ricky: Hey.", "Paul: What's goin' on? Are you all right?", "Ricky: You gonna be able to stick around for a while?", "Paul: Yeah, that's the plan. Why?", "Ricky: It's gonna be, uh, a big day for the trial, probably a hard day for Heather.", "Heather: Could we speak privately for a moment?", "Noah: Adam's here--again.", "Victor: Ignore him, all right?", "Noah: You know, the only reason he shows up is to watch Mom going through hell. I wish we could have him kicked out.", "Sharon: It's all right. It doesn't bother me having Adam here anymore.", "Heather: I'm aware that certain photographs may have come into your possession.", "Avery: Who told you that?", "Heather: Adam warned me.", "Avery: How nice of him.", "Heather: Avery, nothing happened between me and Adam Newman. I'd had a few drinks, and I wasn't feeling well. He let me stay in his room.", "Avery: You don't have to explain.", "Heather: It was a stupid mistake, but certainly not the way it must appear in those photos.", "Avery: Maybe not, but when an assistant district attorney is making out with a major witness--", "Heather: If you'd just let me explain, Avery--", "Man: Court is now in session.", "Judge Morrison: Please be seated.", "Sharon: (Clears throat)", "Judge Morrison: Ms. Clark, I take it the defense is ready to proceed. Shall we bring in the jurors?", "Avery: Not quite yet. There's a matter that requires your attention, your honor.", "Noah: What's happening?", "Victor: I suspect something good is happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, so that's just the first 20 pages of my wedding file. Yep. What do you think so far?", "Kevin: Well, I think it all looked really nice as it was flying by.", "Chloe: I'll just send you a link, and you can review it later. Christmas trees and wedding dresses-- Delia's gonna love it.", "Kevin: Who wouldn't?", "Chloe: And look, it is going to be the polar opposite of you and your wedding-- that weird summer ashram wedding that you had with Jana, and my '20s theme wedding with Billy, so...", "Kevin: It'll be distinctly us.", "Chloe: Yeah. You think I can pull it off in the next couple months?", "Kevin: A pro like you? It'll be a piece of cake.", "Chloe: But...", "Kevin: You know, the proposal was a bit of a shock.", "Chloe: In a good way.", "Kevin: Way good. Way, way good. But now it seems like you want to be married before we've even had a chance to enjoy being engaged.", "Chloe: So you're saying no to Christmas?", "Kevin: I'm just saying that I need to know why. Why does it feel like you're in such a rush to make all this happen?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, God, please tell me I did not make a fool out of myself at the party.", "Nick: No, no, Sis. You were, uh...", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Nick: An effusive host.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) \"Effusive?\" Effusive tipsy or effusive sloppy?", "Nick: No, you didn't do anything to embarrass yourself.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Whew. (Chuckles)", "Nick: Now there was the karaoke, which was really awesome. (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Groans) Why didn't I stop after drink number seven?", "Nick: Did you seriously have that many?", "Victoria: At least.", "Nick: Wow.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: I guess I should have actually made sure you got into the house, instead of just leaving you on the doorstep, huh?", "Victoria: Well, don't feel bad, because Santa helped me in.", "Nick: Oh, good. Wait, what?", "Victoria: Yeah, exactly. That's how trashed I was. Santa Claus paid me a little visit.", "Nick: Man, you hallucinated that Mr. Claus was here? You don't normally drink that much.", "Victoria: Yeah, the last time I was that drunk was in Jamaica with Billy.", "Nick: Well, signing the divorce papers probably set you off.", "Victoria: Probably.", "Nick: You regretting it?", "Victoria: Well, I wish I had a little... a lot less to drink, but I'm glad that I had a party and had fun and went out. I'm, you know, I'm determined to be okay with this divorce.", "Nick: That may take a while.", "Victoria: No, no. No wallowing. I needed to take action, so... so I did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Yeah, I got delayed a little bit. No, no, I'll be there soon. All right. Bye.", "Billy: Hey, um, look, if you just agree to help me, I'll fill you in on the details, and I won't keep you any longer, okay?", "Cane: I kind of want to know why you're coming to me.", "Billy: Well, I read about that sting you ran on your dad, and I thought that you probably earned a lot of connections in the police department, probably higher up.", "Cane: And you need that much leverage?", "Billy: (Sighs) Yeah, maybe.", "Cane: What--what, uh, what kind of trouble are you in, Billy?", "Billy: (Clears throat) Broad strokes? I got railroaded in Myanmar. And, uh, there-- there were drugs.", "Cane: And... what else?", "Billy: And there was a girl.", "Cane: (Sighs) This, um, this doesn't sound like it's gonna be good.", "Billy: No. And if I can't find a way to clear my name, I'm not gonna be able to see my family or even show my face in this town again, so can you just tell me if you'll help me out, Man?", "Cane: (Sighs) Look, you know, I just went through this thing with my dad. You know what I mean? I just--getting tied up in this--this is--", "Billy: Yeah, I-I hear you. I hear you, Cane, but, you know, look, we've both had to sit on a secret that's so big that we made our families feel like we didn't care about 'em just so we could protect 'em. And Victor knows about this, and he's holding it over my head like an ax.", "Cane: How does Victor know about this?", "Billy: (Sighs) He just--he knows. And... (Sighs) If I don't make a move, if I don't, um--", "Cane: Have a preemptive strike, huh?", "Billy: Yeah, I need to cut dad-in-law off at the knees.", "Cane: Let me see that. Tell me everything you know from the beginning.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Billy: Look, I-I don't know what happened that night really. I just... I know I didn't do what they're accusing me of doing. I couldn't do that... and there's gotta be a way to prove it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: The state objects, your honor. We have not had the opportunity to review this new evidence.", "Avery: This isn't evidence, per se.", "Heather: Well, then it has no bearing on this case.", "Avery: But it does require a ruling.", "Judge Morrison: Counsels, approach the bench. What do you have that is so important?", "(Courtroom door opens)", "Ronan: Uh, your honor? Please excuse the, uh, interruption.", "Judge Morrison: Bailiff, remove that man.", "Ronan: Uh, Detective Ronan Malloy. I'm here on urgent business, your honor.", "Judge Morrison: Regarding this case?", "Ronan: Yes, we have evidence here that speaks to the innocence of the accused.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Last year, you, Delia, and I did that joke holiday card.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) What a difference a year makes, right?", "Chloe: Exactly. Now we can be a real family. And we can have the most off-the- charts Christmas... for all of us. I thought... just tell me what you're thinking.", "Kevin: Why the rush?", "Chloe: Because... I ruined it with you last time.", "Kevin: No, that was both of us.", "Chloe: No, you had every right to break up with me.", "Kevin: I overreacted.", "Chloe: I made you the go-to guy, and I should have been letting you know that you are \"No other guy will do\" guy.", "Kevin: Really? No other guy?", "Chloe: No other guy. And after what happened, I have you, and I have Delia. Thanks to you, I have the greatest gift, because when you became Delia's donor...", "Kevin: Let's not talk about that. That--", "Chloe: It really drove home how generous you are...", "Kevin: I'm not, really.", "Chloe: And how you are my best friend, and I love you so much, and I don't want to waste another minute. But if you don't want to do this--", "Kevin: No, no, I didn't say that. I... I love you so much, Chloe. And I want us to be a family. I want to be married just as much as you do, okay? Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs) Sounds like you are well and truly screwed, Man.", "Billy: Yeah, you got that right.", "Cane: I feel for you.", "Billy: But you're gonna turn me down.", "Cane: Look, my problem with all of this is you're asking a hell of a lot from someone that you could, uh, barely even stand up until now.", "Billy: You're absolutely right. So don't do it for me. Do it for my daughter. Do it for Delia.", "Cane: That's not cool.", "Billy: That's not cool? That's not cool. Okay, do it for my mom or any member of my family, or anyone who thinks that I walked out on them, because I need to see my family again. I need help, so I'm asking you here. Please, Cane, will you help me?", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Every day, I try to put my life with Billy and the way that he left farther behind me.", "Nick: How's that working out for you?", "Victoria: So why aren't you in court?", "Nick: Eh, I'm gonna go later.", "Victoria: What? You're gonna miss the opportunity to talk to Sharon.", "Nick: You're funny. I did talk to her the other day, had a pretty blunt conversation with her.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah? Who blunted? You or her?", "Nick: Definitely more me. But I just told her the truth. I told her I didn't trust her, and, uh... I'll probably never look at her the same way I did before she left.", "Victoria: Oh. Ouch.", "Nick: Do you think I should have kept my mouth shut?", "Victoria: No, Nick. Look, I understand how you feel. I do.", "Nick: Well, unlike Dad.", "Victoria: Uh-oh. (Sighs)", "Nick: (Sighs) You know, he has been all over me to stand up for Sharon more and to bring Faith to see her mother more. I mean, you'd think he'd understand how I felt.", "Victoria: Have you met Dad?", "Nick: No, I mean, I've tried to tell him every time Faith sees her mother, she just gets more hurt and more confused. The other day, we were in the coffeehouse. She saw a woman she thought was Sharon. Once she realized it wasn't, I mean, the rest of the day, she was devastated.", "Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry. That's heartbreaking.", "Nick: I mean, it kills me, Vick. It's killin' me. I mean, to hell with what Dad thinks. I'm trying to protect my daughter. If it makes it tougher on her mother... (Sighs) I mean, does that make me a jerk?", "Victoria: No, I think that makes you a good dad. I'm sorry that this is so hard on you.", "Nick: Yeah, I mean, there's really no end in sight, either.", "Victoria: Yeah, I hear the trial isn't going very well.", "Nick: If Avery doesn't have a miracle up her sleeve, Sharon could go to jail for a really long time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Could Mom really be found innocent?", "Victor: She thought something would happen today. But I think she's as shocked as everyone else by the latest development.", "Paul: You know, Ricky mentioned something, too-- that this might be a, uh, a big day for Sharon. He didn't elaborate, but, uh...", "Victor: What is your son doing talking to Adam?", "Adam: So Avery was about to, uh, bring the judge those pictures you and I put together.", "Ricky: Yeah, she was.", "Adam: To be honest, I was surprised that she even had them. It didn't seem like you were gonna follow through.", "Ricky: Get away from me.", "Adam: Hey, you stabbed your sister in the back, but it was all in the name of justice. Am I right?", "Paul: So what's goin' on here?", "Adam: You should ask your son.", "Judge Morrison: This is highly irregular. Ms. Stevens?", "Heather: Uh, no objection yet from the state, your honor. I'm very curious to hear what Detective Malloy has to say.", "Ronan: Your honor, a, uh, memory card was discovered in an ongoing, unrelated investigation.", "Judge Morrison: Now hold on. Hold on. Who are you?", "Phyllis: I'm Phyllis Newman, your honor. I am the editor in chief of \"Restless Style\" magazine. I knew that this piece of evidence would be key in the defendant's case.", "Judge Morrison: Continue.", "Ronan: Well, months ago, Adam Newman and Phyllis Newman searched for a camera recording that would exonerate the defendant.", "Avery: At one point, Adam claimed to have found the memory card from the camera.", "Heather: But he later said that there was nothing useful on it.", "Ronan: And that card was never seen again... until now.", "Sharon: And you found it?", "Phyllis: I found it.", "Avery: There's video on it?", "Ronan: There's no video, but there is an audio exchange between Sharon Newman and the deceased, Skye Lockhart Newman.", "Phyllis: We believe it's the last conversation that Skye had on that volcano in Hawaii.", "Judge Morrison: How can we be certain of the veracity?", "Ronan: Well, you honor, as of right now, Phyllis Newman, who knows both women, has identified their voices.", "Judge Morrison: Well, that's hardly conclusive.", "Ronan: I understand, your honor. I have my lab running an analysis to confirm the authenticity of the voices, but, your honor, I'm sure that you will agree with me when you hear this recording, it will impact the charges that have been brought against the defendant.", "Judge Morrison: Play it.", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily) Try to grab my other hand.", "Skye: It's stuck between the rocks. (Sobs)", "Sharon: (Grunts) Skye, don't look down.", "Skye: (Sniffles) You must hate me for what I did to Adam.", "Sharon: I don't want you to die. We're gonna get you up on this ledge, back to Genoa City. You're gonna clear Adam's name.", "Skye: (Whimpers)", "Sharon: All right.", "Skye: I'm slipping.", "(Rocks falling)", "Sharon: Try to get a foothold.", "Skye: No, I can't hold on!", "Sharon: Aah! Oh, no. Yes, you can!", "Skye: No, it's no use!", "Sharon: Skye, I am not gonna let you die.", "Skye: I wouldn't bet on it.", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily) (Gasps) Aah! (Grunts) Skye! Aah! Oh, no!", "(Steam vent hisses)", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Avery: Yeah.", "Paul: What's going on? Is Adam badgering you?", "Ricky: About what?", "Paul: About you working on Sharon's team?", "Ricky: No.", "Paul: It's a good idea to stay clear of that guy. Keep your distance. He would do anything to undermine Sharon's case.", "Ricky: Save the advice, okay? I understand him better than you think.", "Paul: Okay. I was, um, just looking out for you.", "Ricky: Well, maybe I'm not the one who needs taking care of right now.", "Paul: What do you mean? You talking about Heather? The--the turn the case is taking? Is that what you mentioned earlier? Ricky, tell me what's going on, will you?", "Ricky: I need some air, okay?", "Noah: Look, why won't they tell us what's happening in there?", "Victor: All in due time, Noah.", "Noah: I mean, and where is Dad? He should have been here by now.", "Victor: I agree with you.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What are you doing with the rest of your day?", "Victoria: Oh, well, I guess I'm gonna make myself presentable and then head to the hospital and visit Delia.", "Nick: Good. Give her a hug for me.", "Victoria: I will, and listen, if you need a friendly ear again, I'm here.", "Nick: Same with me.", "Victoria: All right.", "Nick: See you.", "Victoria: Bye.", "Nick: Bye.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Hey, Noah, what's up? What? I'll--yeah, I had to-- okay, uh, I'll be right there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Your honor, I-I need to confer with district attorney Walsh.", "Ronan: Your honor, my lab should have the results shortly.", "Judge Morrison: Then we'll take this to chambers. Ms. Stevens can contact the district attorney from there. Ms. Clark?", "Avery: Yes, your honor?", "Judge Morrison: You were about to bring something to this court's attention before Detective Malloy and Ms. Newman arrived.", "Avery: This new evidence supersedes that matter.", "Judge Morrison: Then let's do this.", "Avery: Hang tight. This could be it.", "Phyllis: I'm gonna take off.", "Ronan: Thanks for your help.", "Phyllis: Oh, you're welcome. Tell Ms. Clark she's welcome, too.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, my God. I never thought this moment would come, and I... and I certainly never thought that you would have anything to do with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So did you have a fun time with Grandma?", "Kevin: Grandma Esther told me you beat her at the color game.", "Delia: Three times.", "Kevin: Three times?!", "Chloe: Wow.", "Kevin: Whoa, way to go, Dee. And you are so your mother's daughter. I mean, look at the way you are rocking that hospital garb-- the color, the swagger. I mean, you are very, very fashion forward.", "Delia: (Giggles)", "Kevin: Isn't she?", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Yes. Yes, she is. I taught her everything she knows.", "Kevin: (Laughs)", "Chloe: So, um, Baby girl, we have some amazing news to tell you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, my God. I can't believe it. I... I might be able to go free. This whole nightmare might be over. (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Here. Here.", "Sharon: Thank you. (Sighs)", "Phyllis: I bet you never thought you'd be sharing this moment with me.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Where did you find that memory card? Because I thought that it was long gone.", "Phyllis: I found it on Ronan's desk. I was over there, and he had evidence on his desk. They dredged the creek to look for evidence for Diane's murder, and there it was, and I thought, I don't know. What if?", "Sharon: So Ronan was just gonna toss it?", "Phyllis: No, I don't think he was gonna toss it. But it would have sat in a file for weeks, months... you're lucky.", "Sharon: I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky that you were there to push Ronan into playing that audiotape, considering how much you can't stand me.", "Phyllis: Well, I knew you weren't guilty.", "Sharon: And that's why you worked so hard on the case?", "Phyllis: Yeah, it is. It was the truth. And Adam shouldn't have hid evidence. That was wrong. I did it for your kids.", "Sharon: Okay, well, whatever the reason, thank you so much.", "Phyllis: You're welcome. I'd say you owe me.", "Sharon: I owe you big.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you do. And I want you to know Ave--Avery didn't do this for you. Avery didn't save you. I did.", "Nick: They haven't reconvened yet?", "Noah: It's about time. This is taking forever.", "Nick: So no update? No word? Nothing?", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Victor: I think Noah already told you what little we know, okay? What's going on?", "Nick: You and Ronan came across some evidence? What was it?", "Man: Court is back in session.", "Phyllis: You're about to find out. I have things to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Okay, all right. I will help you.", "Billy: Thank you. And, uh, this has to stay between us.", "Cane: Listen, this isn't my secret to tell. But I say this to you, all right? I will tell Lily the truth if she gets suspicious, okay?", "Billy: Try not to arouse any suspicion.", "Cane: (Chuckles) What do you need me to do?", "Billy: Um, well, uh, first, it might help if, uh, you find this girl.", "Cane: All you have is a name?", "Billy: That's all I got for right now, yeah.", "Cane: (Sighs) Okay, all right, well, I will, uh, I'll see what I can do, and I'll get back to you.", "Billy: You helping me out means a lot, Cane.", "Cane: Okay.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[Billy remembering]", "Victoria: I love you, Santa.", "Billy: Oh. (Laughs) I love you, too.", "Victoria: Thank you for taking care of me. (Sighs) Billy?", "Billy: (Sighs) Huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: And we have already set a date.", "Chloe: So what do you think about Christmas?", "Delia: Yay!", "Chloe: Oh, she likes it. You know where we got that idea?", "Delia: Because Santa Claus visited me on Halloween.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Hey. Hey, everybody. Hey.", "Chloe: Vicki, hi.", "Kevin: Hi, Victoria.", "Delia: Victoria!", "Victoria: Hey, how are you feeling?", "Kevin: Join--join the party.", "Victoria: Yeah, she looks like she's doing good.", "Chloe: She is doing great. Look at her.", "Victoria: So did I hear something about Santa Claus coming to visit you last night?", "Delia: He came for trick-or-treating.", "Chloe: Yeah, yeah, apparently so. You know, sometimes they make their rounds for the special--special ones.", "Victoria: Wow. Um, that's kind of bizarre because I think I actually saw Santa Claus last night, too. In fact, I-I think he kissed me when I got home last night.", "Kevin: Well, I mean, but you don't really think that that happened, right? (Scoffs)", "Victoria: Uh, no. It's a little fuzzy. Mm, so I thought it was nothing, but if Delia saw Santa Claus, then--", "Kevin: Yeah, I mean, I-I saw him, too.", "Chloe: You--you did?", "Kevin: Yeah, I saw him here when I was getting ready to leave. He was, um, he was jolly, old. He was very, very old.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Oh. Well, I hope that the smooching Santa that you had... (Laughs) Was not as old.", "Victoria: Uh, no, he-- he--he wasn't. At least, I don't think. I...", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Enjoyed yourself at the party last night, did ya?", "Chloe: You know, when I have a little too much fun at parties, I have pretty funny dreams, too.", "Victoria: Right. Well, that's probably all it was, although it does seem kind of like a strange coincidence.", "Kevin: Hmm, eh. Kind of thing happens all the time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Morrison: Ms. Stevens?", "Heather: Uh, in light of the new evidence, which the police have now confirmed to be the final conversation between the accused and the decedent, um, the state proposes that the murder charges against Sharon Newman be dropped.", "Nick: What?", "Victor: My goodness.", "(Applause)", "(Gavel bangs)", "Noah: Yes!", "(Gavel bangs)", "Judge Morrison: Order. Order.", "Heather: However, there is the matter of the defendant's escape and the 5-year penalty for that crime.", "Avery: To further penalize my innocent client would be an injustice, your honor.", "Judge Morrison: Under the circumstances, I will reduce that sentence to time served. All other charges are dropped. Ms. Newman?", "Judge Morrison: You are free to go. Court dismissed.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Yay! (Laughs) Oh, my gosh. Victor, thank you so much... for everything. Noah!", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Sharon: (Laughs) (Sighs)", "Noah: You can really come home now?", "Sharon: Yes! I'm free to go without a guard. And I can see Faith.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Avery: Detective Malloy, thank you so much. (Exhales)", "Ricky: Congratulations.", "Avery: (Sighs) We helped a deserving defendant. That's all I wanted.", "Ricky: And we didn't have to use the pictures, which makes me feel a lot better.", "Avery: I didn't need them. Wait. Where are the photos?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Done. And upload.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Well, right now, you want to devote all your time to your kids, but how long until you abandon them again?", "Sharon: Never!", "Victor: You stay away from her. You got that?", "Paul: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "As Chelsea look through the cottage with Chloe, she gets the feeling that someone has been living here. Sharon hides as she listens to the conversation. Adam walks into Jack's office but he's not there. Adam sits down in Jack's chair when Phyllis walks in and catches him. Jack asks Billy how Victoria's trip is going. When Billy tells him, Jack accuses him of lying and says that he fed him false information, and Billy betrayed his confidence. Lauren joins Michael at the coffeehouse and gives him a kiss. Heather walks in and informs Michael that she needs a leave of absence. Michael becomes upset and doesn't want to give it to her. Christine and Paul have lunch and talk about Paul having to shoot Ricky. At the Athletic Club, Genevieve asks Tucker for help in finding Colin but he refuses. Ronan interrupts them and tells Genevieve that they found a body not too far from there. He then asks her more questions. Heather insists that she will leave anyway. Genevieve cannot believe that Ronan is accusing her of killing this woman instead of trying to find Colin. Jack accuses Billy of going straight to Victoria to give her the information that he falsely fed to him. Jack fires Billy. Genevieve tells Tucker that Colin had this woman murdered and made it look as though Genevieve killed her. Genevieve once again asks for Tucker's help, but he refuses. Jack finds Adam and Phyllis in his office and informs them that, since Billy is no longer there, Adam is going to be the acting CEO until Jack's return. Phyllis cannot believe what she is hearing. Chelsea finds a bag with a woman's belongings in it. Phyllis warns Jack about letting Adam be CEO but he refuses to listen. Sharon calls Adam to let him know that Chelsea is at the cottage. Adam tells her to lay low and he will help to keep her safe.", "Heather tells Paul and Christine that she is going with Christine to help find the videotape that will clear Paul. Jack tells Phyllis and Adam not to let anyone know that he is having surgery. Genevieve comes downstairs with her suitcase and looks around to see where Ronan is. Tucker catches her by the arm, then gives her money and tells her to disappear. At the coffeehouse, Phyllis blasts Billy for quitting Newman. Billy explains that he didn't quit, but rather was fired. Phyllis lets it slip about Jack having surgery. Adam comes home and lets Chelsea know that Jack made him acting CEO. Chelsea holds up the suitcase and asks to who it belongs. When Adam says he cannot tell her right now, Chelsea walks out. Michael and Lauren join Paul, Heather, and Christine. Michael assures Heather that her job will be waiting for her when she returns. Heather and Christine tell Paul good-bye. Tucker sees Jill at the Athletic Club. Billy visits Jack in the hospital, but Jack orders him out. Billy sees Phyllis in the corridor. Paul lets Lauren know his feelings for Christine. Tucker questions Ronan about the dead body that was found. Ronan refuses to give him any information and asks Tucker where Genevieve is. Jack lashes out at Phyllis for letting Billy know about his surgery. Billy calls Victoria to come home, but in the hall, someone puts a cloth across her nose. Chelsea visits the cottage and finds Sharon there.", "" ]
[ "Chelsea: (Sighs) See? It's cute, right?", "Chloe: Cute, bordering on precious. Oh, you know, its okay, though. We can just play up the whole granny-chic thing for photo shoots.", "Chelsea: We haven't even started making clothes yet, and you're already talking about photo shoots?", "Chloe: \"Inside the designer's atelier.\" It's French for \"Workshop.\"", "Chelsea: As in \"Le kick-ass atelier\"?", "Chloe: Exactly. What?", "Chelsea: Adam and I have never used this place before. It's not like we have tons of guests wanting to use our cottage, but I could have sworn everything was covered in sheets before. Do you feel that? Like someone's been here?", "Chloe: I don't know, but it's very brown.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) That's true. It's cozy, though.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Jack. Jackie? Thought you were one of those \"First in the office, last to leave\" kind of-- kind of guys. (Sighs)", "Adam: (Sniffs)", "Phyllis: You know, Adam, go ahead, stay there. Snuggle up in the chair so you can feel closer to daddy. I won't tell anyone, but, um, just some advice. Don't let Jack find you there.", "Adam: This chair has been mine more than once. You've been V.P. of Research and Development... never.", "Phyllis: I'm gonna take an office pool-- how long it takes Jack to realize you're a snake and boot you out of here.", "Adam: (Tsking) Red, Red, Red.", "Phyllis: Junior, Junior, Junior.", "Adam: What do you say we just make peace, lay down our slings and arrows? I intend to stay here. Not going anywhere. I'm gonna make things work, and I'm gonna do what Jack wants. Will you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Bill.", "Billy: Hey, Chief. Whatever you have to say must be extremely sensitive for you to have me come here instead of just meeting me at the office.", "Jack: So how's Victoria doing?", "Billy: She's good. She's a trouper, eating all the gelato in Italy, you know?", "Jack: Gelato. (Chuckles)", "Billy: Mm.", "Jack: It's a nice detail. Kind of takes the lie to the next level.", "Billy: What--what are you talking about?", "Jack: You lied to me, Billy. You sent Victoria to Miami to screw me over. You betrayed me, Brother. And you broke my heart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hi. Your brow is extra furrowed. Let me guess-- Paul's case?", "Michael: What are the chances that the judge will fall sick and another judge will come in and dismiss the case, just like Phyllis's?", "Lauren: I don't think that's a legal strategy you should be counting on.", "Michael: I can't figure out a way to help Paul.", "Lauren: Again, I'm no legal expert, but--", "Michael: If I--if I could just find a way not to prosecute this case, if I could just find a way to avoid putting Paul on trial, I could turn a lose-lose situation into-- not a win-win, exactly, but, you know, a-a hard-fought tie.", "Heather: Michael, I need to talk to you about my dad.", "Michael: You know we can't talk about that case.", "Heather: Remember how you were worried that it would be too hard for me to be A.D.A. and stay away from my dad's case?", "Michael: You said you could handle this.", "Heather: I was wrong. From now on, every second of every day has to be about clearing my dad of murder. I'm requesting a leave of absence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: And at some point, you'll go to Isabella's bungalow on Coronado?", "Chris: Okay, and the bank in Berkeley, but both of those after I go to Ricky's old apartment in Evanston... (Sighs) But, Paul, I know in my heart that Ricky saved that video of Rachel's murder. It exists, I know it, and I will find it.", "Paul: Yeah, well, it's the longest of long shots. I just don't want you putting too much pressure on yourself.", "Chris: I know we hate to say it, but Ricky was a killer. Eden would be dead if you hadn't pulled the trigger, and for them to accuse you and try you in court-- I have to do this. The clock is ticking.", "Paul: Trial starts sooner than I'd like, that's for sure.", "Chris: I will move fast to find that video, but I will find it. Do you trust me?", "Paul: Always and forever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hey, Tucker. Hey, you got a minute? Um, I'd like to buy you a drink.", "Tucker: Oh, no, I better not. Who knows how much that drink would cost me?", "Genevieve: I need your help, Tucker.", "Tucker: Bank's closed.", "Genevieve: No, it's not about money or payback. I need your help to find Colin.", "Tucker: Oh, you want to see your criminal ex again? Well, is this about romance or, uh, did you dig yourself into a brand-new hole?", "Ronan: Um, excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Ronan: I have, uh, some more questions for you about this missing person case.", "Genevieve: You're gonna get the same answer over and over. Find Colin, and you'll find the woman.", "Ronan: You're gonna stick with that, aren't you?", "Genevieve: Yes! It's the truth.", "Ronan: Okay, okay then. I got a call just now about a body found in an alley not far from here, so I'm gonna give you a chance to do this one more time, and hopefully, this time, you can tell me the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You want a leave of absence now?", "Heather: Look, I-I know its short notice.", "Michael: Short notice? It's no notice at all.", "Heather: Right.", "Michael: The reason I have A.D.A.s is so they can pick up the slack when I am entrenched in a case, like Paul's. I need you now.", "Heather: Not as much as my dad does. Chris is gonna follow Eden's leads, and she's gonna prove that Ricky tried to kill Rachel. I mean, he would have done the same thing to your sister. I have to go with Chris, with or without your permission, and if that means that you have to fire me, I totally understand. You brought me back when no one else would have, and I will always be grateful for that. But I can't choose helping my boss and my friend over saving my dad. Excuse me.", "Lauren: (Sighs) She's very brave. Please tell me that you understand that she has to defend her father.", "Michael: Yeah. Let's all take a leave of absence so we can help Paul.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Genevieve: Well done. You found a body in the alley and you waste time on me instead of finding Colin.", "Ronan: Considering the fact that I didn't find his blood in her room, I think I'm--", "Genevieve: Look, he sent that woman here to torture me and my son. Then he got rid of her and he framed me.", "Ronan: Okay, he framed you. Why exactly is he setting all this in motion, then?", "Genevieve: I-I don't know. This is a man who set his own daughter's death into motion. You know, don't ask me to explain why he does what he does. Find him and get the answers for yourself.", "Ronan: I know exactly what Atkinson is capable of, but you were the last one to see the victim. It was your fingerprints found on the bloody weapon inside that room.", "Genevieve: For all you know, that body in the alley is not even the same person.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) Okay. We're gonna make an I.D. on the body and we're gonna do it fast, and I'm gonna come back here with an arrest warrant for you. Don't leave the club.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You set me up. You waved Miami underneath my nose, and you set me up.", "Jack: I gave you a chance, Billy. I asked you to your face if you had come aboard at Newman to help Victoria. You said no. No, it was for your children. For their legacy, you said. What, have you been playing poker so long, you thought you could bluff me like some drunk in a casino? Yeah, I fed you false information. What did you do? You went straight to Victoria with it!", "Billy: I did. I went to my wife, a concept I'm sure you don't understand, because your wives don't stick around that long. You wanted me to... (Chuckles) Give you complete and total alliance like a good little soldier. Did you get that from Victor Newman? That's his move.", "Jack: You could have walked away.", "Billy: It's a little hard when Lurch is telling you that you have to take one for the team in order to save your marriage.", "Jack: Victor was in on this? You let that son of a bitch think you could all put one over on me, your brother?", "Billy: Stop. Please don't do that. Y-you ran your own sister off.", "Jack: I offered Ashley a job.", "Billy: You offered Ashley a demotion. You're the reason why she's in New York City.", "Jack: I should never have talked you into coming to Newman. You were right. You were right. What you and Victoria have makes you every bit as much a Newman as it makes her an Abbott.", "Billy: So what now?", "Jack: You're fired, that's what.", "Billy: So that's it? I'm fired, no discussion?", "Jack: You lied, we talked, you're fired.", "Billy: Thank you. Thank you. No, really, you just did the first decent thing you've ever done for me. Now I can get the hell away from Newman and your silly little war and your obsession and your lectures.", "Jack: Oh, that's right, you're the victim here. You just stabbed me in the back. Now let's start whining about big, bad Jack.", "Billy: Hey, I got an idea. You already cut Ashley. Now me. Why don't you force Traci into working for you so you could fire her, too? You know, it's a real shame that Abby's already--", "Jack: This is about you and me and no one else!", "Billy: I know better than that! I know it's not just about me. It's the fact that I helped Victor Newman's daughter. I didn't want to take this job! I wanted to stay away from Newman and your stupid war, and I told you that and you knew it, and you know what? You just proved me right. And I'll tell you something else, Jack. If Victoria can beat you, if she can get Newman back, then I am all for it, because that might be the only thing that'll save you from you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Tucker. Colin isn't gonna stop. He had that woman murdered so that he could shut her up and lock me away at the same time. He knows that I am the one who helped to put him away, so he wants to return the favor now. It's a game to him. It is, and the stakes are so high, it's-- it's my life, it's my freedom.", "Tucker: Shh, shh, shh. Slow down. You don't even know if it was the same woman.", "Genevieve: (Exhales slowly) Please help me. Please.", "Tucker: I was this close to federal charges. I cannot afford to rumble with the law right now or with your psycho ex.", "Genevieve: I never should have left the states... and I never should have left you.", "Tucker: It's a little late for that pitch.", "Genevieve: (Voice breaking) I know. I'm sorry. I know how much I hurt you, but please... (Normal voice) Oh, Tucker, I've never needed anyone as much as I need you now. Please help me.", "Tucker: I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I can't. I can't do it.", "Genevieve: Tucker...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Exhales slowly) Well, no knives, no blood. That's progress, particularly reassuring as I'm gonna have to be away from the office for a while.", "Adam: Long lunch?", "Jack: Medical procedure.", "Adam: What kind of medical procedure?", "Jack: Oh, you know, precautionary measure. Doctors worry about the least little thing these days. Ideally, Billy would be filling in for me, but he's no longer a part of this company.", "Phyllis: Since when?", "Jack: It doesn't matter. He's not here anymore.", "Adam: Oh, Phyllis, somebody should have started a pool on how soon it would take Billy to split.", "Jack: As such, congratulations, Adam. You will be the acting C.E.O. during my brief absence.", "Phyllis: You're joking, right?", "Jack: Adam, you all right with that?", "Adam: You're trusting me with a great deal, Jack. Thank you. You go do what you have to do. Newman will be in good hands while you're gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I mean, hair stuff, really? (Scoffs)", "Chloe: Yeah, but that stuff's expensive. Yeah, I mean, what is all this-- I don't underst-- oh, I like this color.", "Chelsea: Oh, good. I'm glad you approve. Someone is living in my cottage.", "Chloe: Like a squatter? A vagrant.", "Chelsea: A vagrant who buys $20 lip gloss?", "Chloe: No, more like $30. Maybe it's Genevieve Atkinson. Yeah, I mean, she got kicked out of the mansion. Maybe she just downgraded to here.", "Chelsea: Or there could be an entirely different explanation.", "Chloe: Like what kind of explanation?", "Chelsea: I don't know. Maybe Adam has the answer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So when you say \"procedure,\" you mean surgery?", "Jack: As I said, it's a precautionary measure. Don't worry, I won't be gone long enough for you to get used to this chair.", "Adam: Of course.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Adam: Excuse me, I have to take this.", "Jack: Yeah, go ahead. (Exhales slowly) (Grunting)", "Phyllis: Please tell me this is a setup. You have T.N.T. under the chair and it's gonna explode. You--you can't possibly trust that weasel.", "Jack: Adam is a figurehead to reassure our stockholders. He will have no more power while I'm gone, and I will not be gone that long.", "Phyllis: An hour is too long with that freak in charge.", "Jack: Adam supported my takeover. He has made it very clear he wants this to work.", "Phyllis: Awesome, so he gets a paycheck as a thank-you. You know, I'm not a huge Billy fan, but I would much rather have Billy sitting there in this instance than Adam.", "Jack: That's not an option. Adam's our guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What's up, Chelse?", "Sharon: Adam, Adam, it's me.", "Adam: What are you doing? You're not supposed to be going up to the main house. Chelsea's liable to find you any minute.", "Sharon: Yeah, I know. She almost did at the cottage. She and Chloe walked in and I had to sneak out. Adam, what do I do?", "Adam: Just--just lay low. I'll figure something out.", "Sharon: Adam--", "Adam: I'll keep you safe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You know, I'm stuck. I really hate the idea that I can't leave town and I have to sit by and watch you do my job for me.", "Chris: No, it's my job now. It always was. I never should have gotten so sucked up in that Phyllis thing. Heather was right. When you were arrested, my attention should have been on you and only you. It never should have gotten this far.", "Paul: No, Heather didn't mean anything by it. She was, you know, she just loves her old man, that's all.", "Chris: Oh, we all do.", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "Heather: Hey.", "Chris: Hey.", "Paul: Hi. Just talking about you.", "Heather: Yeah? It's, uh, it's all settled. I'm coming with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: The jig is up, Baby. Jack knows you're in Miami and he promptly fired my ass.", "Victoria: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? How did he know?", "Billy: He set us up. That's why you're not getting anywhere with that Miami department store guy.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I knew it the second I walked into his office. Something seemed off and he handed me a big bag of runaround. I'm so sorry. This is so humiliating.", "Billy: I blew it for you. I'm sorry. No more man on the inside.", "Victoria: How angry was Jack?", "Billy: Oh, he was just a little bit ballistic. Ballistic, I can handle. It was the part where he said that, uh... I broke his heart. That stung.", "Victoria: (Sighs) You wanted to quit and walk away, and I made you stay for my sake.", "Billy: You and the kids trump all. I told Jack that and I'll tell anyone else who asks, so pack your bags, come home. We need you here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You taking off for your procedure?", "Jack: Like I told you earlier, don't get too comfy in my chair, though I don't imagine Phyllis is gonna let that happen.", "Adam: Checks and balances. Just how I like it.", "Phyllis: Well, it doesn't really matter what you like, Adam, 'cause it's not up to you, right?", "Jack: Okay, go at it, you two. Help yourselves. Frankly, I find it a little amusing, but be productive and be professional. Keep the money coming in. If you'll excuse me, I have a doctor to humor.", "Phyllis: I'll get my keys.", "Jack: No, you don't need to drive me, and please God, no vigils in the waiting area. Last of all, no one outside of this room needs to know about this.", "Adam: Agreed. The public doesn't need to know that the new Newman C.E.O. is in surgery.", "Jack: Thank you, Adam.", "Phyllis: Um, I'll wrap things up here and then I'll go to the hospital, okay?", "Jack: I just said--", "Phyllis: I-I--one person is not a vigil, Jack.", "Jack: I'll see you later.", "Adam: You don't appoint an acting C.E.O., especially me, for a little nothing procedure. I think Jack is worried.", "Phyllis: Maybe he realized he hired you.", "Adam: Ha. You know, I enjoy a little playful banter every now and again, a crack or two... but I intend to take this very seriously. What would it take to convince you that I want what's best for Newman?", "Phyllis: Quit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: (Gasps)", "Tucker: Come here. This is a great idea. You gonna skip town? I'm sure your son and his family will appreciate that.", "Genevieve: Actually, they will.", "Tucker: Yeah, and what about the police? They don't appreciate persons of interest taking off. (Whispering) I told you, I've been on the wrong side of the law too much lately.", "Genevieve: What are you gonna do? Are you gonna turn me in? Oh, my God, do you hate me that much?", "Tucker: Shh. Take this. You go, you go now. Don't look back.", "Genevieve: Tucker--", "Tucker: Go.", "Genevieve: Okay. I know how to disappear.", "Tucker: (Normal voice) I know you do.", "Genevieve: (Sniffling)", "Tucker: Take off, Kid.", "Genevieve: I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Seriously?", "Billy: Oh, come on.", "Phyllis: Seriously? Way to go. Quit Newman and leave me to deal with Adam.", "Billy: I didn't jump, Phyllis. I was pushed. My services were no longer required, so I was fired.", "Phyllis: You were fired by Jack? He fired you? What did you do? It must have been horrible to make him mad enough to fire you.", "Billy: Well, I didn't run anyone down with my car, if that's what you mean.", "Phyllis: What'd you do? What'd you do?", "Billy: I betrayed my own brother for my own ends-- nothing that you haven't done to someone time and time again.", "Phyllis: Well, not to Jack. You just can't--you can't-- you can't get the sleaze off of you, can you?", "Billy: Look at the drool on the side of your mouth. You want all the little dirty details, don't you? Well, tough.", "Phyllis: Honestly... (Chuckles) It's sort of like sweet revenge. It kind of makes me feel warm and fuzzy that you got fired by your brother, and you, in fact, fired me from the magazine that I created and built.", "Billy: You truly are a sweetheart, you know that?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I am. You know, and I'm gonna prove to you how sweet I am.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: I don't care what you have to do-- beg, plead, bribe somebody to get your job back at Newman, but I cannot, cannot work with Adam. Please.", "Billy: What do you mean, work with Adam? Jack's in charge.", "Phyllis: He can't run Newman from surgery and recovery.", "Billy: I'm sorry, what? Jack's in surgery?", "Phyllis: Wow, you must have really pissed him off not to tell you that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, when you figure out who crashed here without your permission, you're gonna haul off and you're gonna clock her. Okay, come on, did you come from a whole scary \"Grifter\" past? I mean, come on, you can totally take her.", "Chelsea: Okay, it's-- its fine, all right? I'm sure it's probably nothing.", "Chloe: What did I say about the whole vanilla thing, okay? This is your house. This is your turf. Okay, do you want me to stick around here...?", "Chelsea: (Laughs) No.", "Chloe: When Adam gets home?", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Chloe: Do you want me to be here when you confront him about the uninvited guest?", "Chelsea: I get it. I get it, no vanilla, and I will talk to Adam alone, and thanks for the vote of confidence in my scary grifter self. You're pretty scary, too.", "Chloe: We're not gonna hug now, right?", "Chelsea: God, no.", "Adam: Ah, we have company.", "Chloe: Oh, I was just leaving.", "Adam: Did you find an investor to buy me out of TagNGrab yet?", "Chloe: Oh, yeah, there was this guy on the side of the road. He offered me $15 million, but I didn't like his face. Bye.", "Chelsea: (Clears throat) What are you doing home?", "Adam: Big news. Jack is, uh... well, he's having to step out for a little while, so he's appointed me as acting C.E.O.", "Chelsea: Moving up the ladder. You must be so happy.", "Adam: You seem... not happy. What's going on?", "Chelsea: Who's the woman in our cottage?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Heather, I'm committed to clearing your dad, so if you're leaving your job because you're concerned about that--", "Heather: No, no, no, no, no, I know exactly how dedicated you are. You've been proving that for months, but just-- maybe two of us can work that much faster.", "Paul: You know, between the two of you, with all your skills and credentials, there'll be so many doors you'll be able to open...", "Heather: Yeah, hopefully.", "Paul: But I'm worried about maybe, uh... being able to open a certain safety- deposit box.", "Chris: No, if we find one, we'll open it.", "Heather: Yeah, absolutely.", "Paul: Well... there's a team I can stake my life on. What about your job? What did Michael have to say about all of this?", "Heather: Oh, you know, that I'm, uh, leaving him in a bind, that I should have given him more notice. It's all true.", "Chris: Okay, but is he gonna take you back when it's over?", "Heather: I don't know, but I can live with that.", "Michael: Hey. I'm sorry. Excuse us.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Michael: Uh, you win. Your job will be waiting for you. My, um, better, prettier half reminded me that I failed to make that promise to you before you took off so, uh... I'm here to give you my blessing.", "Paul: Your blessing to trash your case against me.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Well, as his official off-the-record spokesperson, honestly, it couldn't happen fast enough.", "Chris: Uh, we know. We have to go now, really.", "Heather: Yeah?", "Chris: Yeah.", "Heather: Okay. Dad, when we get back, this will all be different.", "Paul: I love you.", "Heather: I love you, too.", "Chris: She's right, it will be.", "Paul: You know, I can't tell you what it means to have you both care the way you do.", "Heather: Hey, take care of him for us, okay?", "Lauren: Yeah, you got it.", "Paul: Thank you.", "Chris: Thank me when we come home with that video.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey.", "Jack: What are you doing here?", "Billy: Oh, just passing through. What do you think? My brother's having surgery.", "Jack: I'm just getting the knife you stuck in my back removed. There's nothing for you to worry about.", "Billy: Ah, well, Phyllis must be confused. She seems to think that you're having a bullet removed from your spine.", "Jack: That was private information she wasn't supposed to share with anyone.", "Billy: Oh, well, the funny thing is, she just didn't seem to think that \"Private\" meant from your own brother.", "Jack: Listen to me. You are not to tell Ashley or Traci or anyone else. You understand?", "Billy: Come on, Jack. You didn't even tell Kyle.", "Jack: I will tell them when I am ready.", "Billy: Fine, not a word.", "Jack: Good. Now you can leave.", "Billy: No, actually, I can't, because my brother's about to get cut into, and I need to be here in case something happens.", "Jack: Nothing's gonna happen. It's a simple procedure.", "Billy: Good, that's the spirit. Keep telling yourself that. I need you to know that I feel awful about what I was doing with Victoria, and I feel even worse today, but right now, I'm gonna try to be a good brother. I'm gonna stay here, I'm gonna tell you some really awful jokes until that--", "Jack: I think I asked you to leave.", "Billy: Come on, Jack. Don't hang up on this. You need your family.", "Jack: I needed my family when I asked you to work for me at Newman. I don't need my family now. Go.", "Billy: I really am sorry, Jack. Be well.", "Phyllis: Hey, hey. What are you doing out here? I sent you in there to be a decent brother for once.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I blew that before I walked in the door, so now it's up to you, Phyllis. You should be here for Jack because, uh... he's certainly not gonna let it be me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: This is not how it looks.", "Chelsea: Then tell me what it is.", "Adam: I can't, not yet.", "Chelsea: I'm your wife, and you can't tell me about the woman living on our property? Then I'll go find out for myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, actually, it feels like I have a shot. I mean, if evidence exists that Ricky was the kind of person he was, I'm sure that Heather and Chris will find it.", "Michael: Well, they better find it fast. Oh, I'm sorry, I've gotta take this.", "Lauren: Yeah, of course.", "Michael: Mm.", "Lauren: (Sighs) You know Michael never wanted to take this case.", "Paul: Hey, the guy's gotta do his job. I mean, there is material evidence. And, uh, to be honest with you, there's, uh, a part of me that felt guilty, you know, down in my soul. I failed as a father and maybe I should have been locked up. I can't tell you how many times Chris has talked me down off that ledge.", "Lauren: Chris, not Nina?", "Paul: (Chuckles) Well, of course, Nina. Chris and Nina, too.", "Lauren: You know, Honey, you have really gone through pure hell the last couple months, and you can't go through something like that without coming out changed, you know, different feelings.", "Paul: Lauren, nothing's changed.", "Lauren: Yeah?", "Paul: Yeah.", "Lauren: With that look in your eye...", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Lauren: And the way you just watched Christine go just now?", "Paul: Oh, that's-- all that was gratitude.", "Lauren: Paul.", "Paul: Okay. (Sighs) Whenever I'm with Chris, it feels like 20 years ago and brand-new at the same time.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Paul: It's wrong, and it's a disaster, but, uh... (Sighs) I think I'm falling for Chris again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Tucker.", "Tucker: Yeah. Anything on that body in the alley?", "Ronan: You got a badge I don't know about?", "Tucker: I'm just trying to help.", "Ronan: Question for you now-- where's your friend Genevieve?", "Tucker: Oh, she's in her room, I suppose.", "Ronan: Okay. Yeah, she's not in her room and she's not down here, and the last person I saw her with was you.", "Tucker: Well, wish I could help. But then, you're the professional.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Well, look who's back, and as glorious as ever. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, are you sedated yet, or should I come back when you are?", "Jack: What did I tell you about keeping your mouth shut regarding the surgery?", "Phyllis: Okay, in all fairness, I knew you were mad at Billy, but I didn't know he was part of the general public who didn't know you were having surgery.", "Jack: Okay, now you know. No one--tell no one.", "Phyllis: He feels awful about what he did, just so you know.", "Jack: Already?", "Phyllis: Just give me the word. Give me the word, I'll bust you out of here if you don't want to do this.", "Jack: You'd actually do that for me?", "Phyllis: Absolutely not. You're having this surgery, but when you're better, out of surgery, you can yell at me about Billy.", "Jack: I'm gonna hold you to that.", "Phyllis: Hey. You're gonna be fine, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Vick. So, uh, news is Jack's going in for surgery, and I admit, I'm a little freaked out... (Clears throat) So I hope you're on the way to the airport, because I could really use seeing your face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Screaming)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, Adam, thank God.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Your sweet little mistress was just trying to defend your honor. Too bad you don't have any.", "Nick: I didn't mean to pry.", "Avery: I want you to pry.", "Victoria: (Grunting)", "(Pounding on door)" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "As the Halloween Benefit continues at the top of Newman Tower, the elevators stop working, and Kevin notices that Paragon is back. Stitch is on his way to join Abby at the party when he notices the fire in the electrical room. He gets caught in it but manages to get out and go upstairs and warn everyone that they must get out now. Luca sees Noah and Marisa making love but pretends he doesn't know that they are lying to him and are still a couple. Hilary doesn't remember that she is married to Devon not Neil, and she seems to hate Devon for some reason while she insists she loves Neil. Christine tries to transfer Adam to prison but is unable to because Stitch refuses to sign his release papers from the hospital. Christine handcuffs Adam to his hospital bed so he won't try to escape. Someone in a devil costume roams the party and knocks out Cane who is climbing the stairs going to tell people that there is a problem with the elevators which is caused by the Paragon computer virus.", "" ]
[ "Paul: All right. Keep it up and -- and keep me", "Mariah: Okay, you guys, let's get up for the parade. Come on. Line up. No? Okay, hi, Mr. Robot, do you mind getting your head out of your laptop so you can help me out here?", "Kevin: Give me just a second.", "Mariah: Really?", "Billy: Hey. So is this the drop-off for the parade?", "Mariah: Oh. More -- more kids. That's -- that's great.", "Kevin: Way to inspire confidence in the people trusting us with their children.", "Mariah: [Scoffs]", "Billy: You sure about this?", "Victoria: Nick says Mariah's tough act is just a cover.", "Billy: Good cover.", "Victoria: Well, Kevin's here. They'll be fine.", "Billy: [Chuckles] So Kevin is the grown-up? Okay.", "Victoria: Okay, yeah, we're here now.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Kevin: Hey, Johnny. Sorry. Simba. How's it going? And who are you, Katherine?", "Mariah: A ladybug.", "Kevin: I was talking to her.", "Mariah: She can't talk.", "Kevin: Yeah, but it's part of what you do with kids. You talk to them.", "Mariah: Do you?", "Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah, you sure you're sure about this?", "Victoria: I'm sure. They'll be fine.", "Billy: Right.", "Lily: Wow. This is gorgeous. I love it.", "Abby: I know. I can't stop looking at it.", "Ashley: It is beautiful, isn't it?", "Lily: Aww. Well, this calls for a toast, definitely.", "Lauren: Oh, my god. Is that what I think it is?!", "Abby: Yes.", "Lily: Yes, Abby's engaged.", "Lauren: Oh, okay, let me look. It's absolutely beautiful.", "Abby: Thank you. [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: Is it working?", "Jack: Is what working?", "Phyllis: Focusing on your bewitching wife? I'm supposed to get you to forget about everything outside of this room, including Adam.", "Jack: Yeah, it's working.", "Phyllis: I think you're lying.", "Jack: You know what? I would worry about anyone who has Victor Newman for a father. Do you know he tried to convince Adam to run?", "Phyllis: Does that surprise you?", "Jack: No, frankly, nothing Victor does anymore surprises me.", "Sage: I want to say thank you for accepting me into your family. I gave you a really hard time when we first met, and I said some awful things.", "Victor: But you have made up for it.", "Sage: I have?", "Victor: Yes.", "Sage: How?", "Victor: You gave your son, my grandson, my name. And that means a hell of a lot to me.", "Sage: Well, I never really had a family, and I know how important yours is to you, so having a son named after his grandfather means a lot to me, too.", "Victor: I appreciate it. Cheers.", "Sage: Cheers.", "Noah: That seems to be going well.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Noah: And, uh, you being here, does that mean things are looking up for my brother, too?", "Nick: You know, Christian's come a long way. He's got a lot longer to go, though. After the parade, we're gonna head back over there and be with him.", "Noah: There's Marisa.", "Nick: Wow. Who's that dude she's with?", "Noah: Her husband.", "Nick: Her what?", "Noah: She's not \"with\" him.", "Nikki: How you doing, Chelsea?", "Chelsea: You mean for someone trying to get used to the idea of living her life alone?", "Nikki: You are not alone. You have Connor, and you have the entire Newman family behind you.", "Chelsea: I appreciate that, Nikki, and I know Adam does, too.", "[Knock on door]", "Michael: Hey.", "Adam: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the benefit with the rest of Genoa city?", "Michael: I wanted to check on you before I headed out to join Lauren.", "Adam: Nice of you. Nice costume.", "Michael: Yeah. It's in the car.", "[Door opens]", "Christine: May I come in?", "Adam: Great.", "[Door closes]", "Christine: I just wanted you both to know that I just spoke with the warden at Walworth, and I told him to expect you tonight.", "Stitch: Devon.", "Devon: Hey. Have you gotten Hilary's test results back in?", "Stitch: They're backed up in the lab.", "Devon: All right. Um, stitch, can you explain something to me? You said when you found her, she had had an iv in her arm and she was out of it, right?", "Stitch: Yeah, that's right.", "Devon: Is that why she's so confused right now? 'Cause someone's been feeding her drugs or something?", "Stitch: Hey, like I told you, I'll know more once I see the tox screen. In the meantime, you got your wife back. It's got to be a huge relief.", "Devon: Yeah, of course it is. It absolutely is. I just -- I wish that I was the one comforting her.", "Dylan: Why is she so afraid of you?", "Hilary: What's going on, Neil? Why am I in the hospital?", "Neil: Hilary, you had an accident.", "Hilary: An accident?", "Neil: Yeah, you did. You went on a hike, and you fell.", "Hilary: Okay. And why are the police here?", "Paul: Hilary, uh, there was a witness that saw you arguing with someone before the fall. Do you remember who it was?", "Adam: You're moving me to prison tonight?", "Christine: Yes.", "Michael: No! He's recovering from major surgery! Less than 24 hours ago, he couldn't breathe on his own!", "Christine: And I realize that, but he seems to be doing a lot better.", "Michael: Here in the hospital.", "Christine: And there's a hospital ward at Walworth.", "Michael: What is the rush to have Adam transferred? No matter when you move him, he'd still be serving 10 years.", "Christine: Michael, your client postponed going to prison for two years. I am not about to let him use his injuries to delay his punishment for one more day.", "Billy: Good evening, everyone, and welcome. I want to take a second to thank you all for being here tonight, for honoring my daughter and giving so generously on behalf of the Delia project. Dee Dee would have been really happy to know that because of her, there is gonna be a lot of kids out there who may not have ever had the opportunity that are gonna get to learn about music and dance and theater and the visual arts, and she would have loved that the money was being raised on Halloween, because this was her favorite night of the year. In fact, if she were here, I think she'd proclaim this the best night ever.", "[Light laughter]", "Billy: And I would have agreed with her. You guys have made this a really special night, and on behalf of the Delia project, I'm very grateful. I want to extend a special thanks to Nikki Newman and to Phyllis Abbott for organizing this evening and also to Victor Newman for clearing out the cobwebs on this ballroom and letting us use it for the event. So, thank you all very much. Speech over. Get back to partying.", "[Applause]", "Jack: Well, I guess I owe you a thank you for helping us honor Delia this way.", "Victor: I adored that little girl. No one is more deserving of this honor.", "Jack: Thank god it's all gone off without a hitch. No sign of the paragon project raising its ugly head.", "Victor: So far.", "Joe: Is it hot in here, or is it just me?", "Lily: Hey. I was looking for you earlier.", "Joe: Yeah? Were you?", "Lily: Yeah, I wanted to say thank you for helping with Mattie and Charlie.", "Joe: My pleasure.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Lily: Cane, hey, I'm at the Delia project event.", "Cane: All right, um, I have news.", "Lily: If it has to do with Hilary...", "Cane: They found her.", "Lily: What? Where? Is she okay?", "Cane: Apparently she was heavily sedated, but she's okay. But until she wakes up, we won't know what happened to her or where she was. Uh, Paul and Dylan are trying to put together loose pieces right now.", "Lily: Did they question you?", "Cane: Wait. You still think I had something to do with this, after I call you to tell you how relieved and happy I am that Hilary's been found?", "Lily: Cane, I didn't say that.", "Joe: No, no, no, what is he saying? Why is he talking to you like that?", "Cane: Hang on a sec. Is that Joe? Is Joe there? Is Joe with you?", "Lily: Yes, he -- [Sighs] It's not what you think. I mean, he's just -- he's just here.", "Cane: Okay, well, then I'm gonna be there soon.", "Lily: No, I told you not to come.", "Cane: Listen, if he's there with my kids, I'm going to be there, as well. I will see you soon.", "Devon: Hilary is obviously confused and disoriented. I'm assuming now that that's common for people who have gone through something like this.", "Dylan: Something like what?", "Devon: Well, everything that she's been through. She's been held and drugged for months. And if she did fall from the cliff like people are saying, she could have had a head injury.", "Stitch: That all can contribute to her current state.", "Dylan: Yeah, but that still doesn't explain why she's scared of Devon. And she doesn't seem to be afraid of Neil.", "Devon: And what are you implying with that, Dylan? Do you think I had something to do with her fall?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Did you?", "Devon: Hilary is everything to me. There is no way in the world I would hurt my wife.", "Paul: Hilary, do you have any memory of being on a hiking trail?", "Hilary: No, I don't.", "Paul: What about arguing with someone or the fall or --", "Hilary: I'm sorry.", "Neil: Do you have to do this right now? Obviously the woman is overwhelmed. She's exhausted.", "Paul: Okay, just a few more questions. Can you tell me where you were being held, where you were kept, who was holding you?", "Hilary: Kept? I-I thought I was on a hike. I --", "Neil: You were on a hike, but after, you went missing. The authorities, everyone -- everyone's been looking for you for the past couple of months.", "Hilary: A couple of months? How is that even possible? Why don't I remember anything?", "Neil: Because you had a head injury and lost your memory.", "Hilary: Okay, this doesn't make any sense. I mean, I was on a hike alone? Why? Where?", "Paul: No, you weren't alone. You were on your honeymoon.", "Hilary: My honeymoon? No. Neil and I, we -- we were too busy with work. We never went on a honeymoon. We had a hot dog and cake in bed, remember? Okay, Neil, what -- what is going on?", "Neil: You -- you and I didn't go on a honeymoon.", "Hilary: Okay, so then why is Paul saying that that's when I fell?", "Neil: Because... you and Devon did.", "Hilary: What?", "Neil: Yeah. That's right. You and Devon -- Hilary, you got married to Devon.", "Hilary: No, why are you saying these things? I'm married to you! I-I love you! I would never marry Devon! through this together.", "Paul: Devon, really, I think maybe you should wait outside.", "Devon: I really think that Neil and I can help Hilary sort through this together.", "Neil: Yeah, I-I agree. That's a good idea. What do you say?", "Hilary: If that's what you want.", "Paul: Okay, I, uh, I'll wait in the hall.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Neil: [Sighs] All right, look, I-I know that this is overwhelming for you, realizing that you lost so much time of your life.", "Hilary: I don't care how much time I lost. I know who my husband is, Neil. It's you.", "Devon: I understand that you're confused, and I don't blame you. But you -- you have to know that we're married.", "Hilary: No, that's not possible.", "Devon: Maybe if I tell you about our wedding day, that might help you remember things.", "Hilary: I can't remember something that didn't happen!", "Devon: Just can you -- can you just hear me out about it?", "Neil: It's okay.", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Devon: We got married on the rooftop of the GCAC, which is where we live together. All of our friends and family were there. Mattie and Charlie were the flower girl and the ring bearer. And you looked so beautiful that day. We both couldn't wait to marry each other. You even cut off the minister mid- ceremony. We said our vows, and we exchanged these rings, these rings that we're wearing right now. We gave those to each other and promised to love each other forever. And then I took you on our honeymoon to the virgin islands.", "Hilary: The virgin islands?", "Devon: You remember something?", "Paul: No, no, I was just surprised. I thought you were going to be at the benefit for the Delia project.", "Christine: I had some business to take care of.", "Paul: Adam Newman business?", "Christine: Yeah, he's awake, he's talking. He's healthy enough to be transferred to prison.", "Paul: Oh.", "Stitch: What? Says who?", "Christine: The state of Wisconsin.", "Stitch: Adam may be a convicted felon, but he's my patient, who was just hit by a car and underwent major surgery.", "Christine: And he's recovering from that.", "Stitch: He could still have underlying issues that haven't surfaced yet.", "Christine: And the prison doctor will tend to him.", "Stitch: It's too soon.", "Christine: [Sighs] I disagree.", "Stitch: Well, with all due respect, it's not your call.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Stitch: [Sighs] I got to go. And I won't be signing Adam Newman's release papers, okay?", "Paul: Look, there is an officer on Adam Newman's door.", "Christine: Okay, and we both know that's not enough to keep Adam from bolting. I will do whatever I have to to make sure he stays right where he is.", "Michael: Christine cannot do anything without your doctor's authorization.", "Adam: I know it seems kind of selfish, but I was hoping to get a little more time before they hauled me off, you know? Hoping Chelsea can bring Connor by one last time. I'd like to see him in his Halloween costume, you know. I'm already gonna miss so much of his life anyway.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: Oh. Sorry. Hey, baby, what's up?", "Lauren: Hi. I was wondering if you were on your way. The children's costume parade is about to start.", "Michael: Look, uh, sweetie, do me a favor. Hang up, and I will call you right back on viewchat, okay?", "Lauren: Okay. Hi. What's going on?", "Michael: [Chuckles] I'm with Adam.", "Lauren: Michael.", "Michael: He just wants to see his son in his Halloween costume.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Billy: And now, ladies and gentlemen, we present the Halloween costume parade.", "[Applause]", "[Cheers and applause]", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Michael: Got to be there somewhere.", "Adam: Yeah.", "[Laughs]", "Michael: Yes!", "Adam: Oh, look, he's a bat.", "Michael: [Laughs]", "Adam: Oh, he's cute.", "Michael: Adorable.", "Adam: Oh, that's great.", "Michael: [Laughs]", "Adam: That's great.", "Michael: Oh, look at them all.", "Lauren: Chelsea! Chelsea, come here.", "Chelsea: What's up?", "Lauren: Michael's with Adam. Your husband wanted to see your son in the parade.", "Chelsea: Thank you. Hi. What'd you think of our boy?", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, he's, um...", "Chelsea: Yeah. He is.", "[Cheers and applause]", "Victor: Kevin. Thank you very much for helping with the children, but do me a favor. Keep an eye on the security system, all right?", "Kevin: I have been. I'll check again when I get back to the break room.", "Victor: Anything wrong, you let me know.", "Kevin: Will do.", "Victor: Okay. Well?", "Chelsea: Hi. Uh, Lauren showed Adam the parade on her phone.", "Victor: How nice. How nice of you.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Lauren: You want to say goodbye? It looks like they want you.", "Chelsea: Sure. Well, um, I'm really glad you convinced me to bring Connor to the party.", "Adam: I'm glad I got to see him in his costume. That's something I'll hold on to for a really long time. Looks like a good time. You should get back to the party, okay? Do me a favor -- give Connor a big hug for me, please.", "Chelsea: I will. Thanks.", "Victor: Thank you, Lauren.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Devon: Sweetheart, we took a helicopter ride over the entire island. You thought it was stunning.", "Hilary: No, stop it! Stop it, all right?! Stop saying these things! They're not true!", "Devon: They are true. They're very, very true, okay? Neil, can you please? Can you -- can you tell her?", "Neil: Yeah. Listen, Hilary, everything he's saying is true. You and I were married, but we got divorced months ago.", "Hilary: I'm not listening to this.", "Neil: You're gonna have to listen to this. We got divorced because you fell in love with this guy. I found out that the two of you were having an affair behind my back.", "Hilary: Neil, I would never cheat on you, okay, especially not with your son!", "Neil: Yes, you -- you did. I caught you red-handed in bed together.", "Hilary: Why? Why would I do that?", "Marisa: [Sighs] Seeing all the children makes me miss my daughter more than ever. Has Kevin had any luck finding her?", "Noah: Not yet. I'm sorry.", "Marisa: I knew -- I knew it would take time. But I just... I want her with me so badly.", "Noah: I know.", "Luca: There you are. Are you crying?", "Marisa: Noah's way of paying me back for leaving him is to be cruel.", "Luca: This is a charity event, Noah. We don't want things to get ugly, do we?", "Noah: Too late.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Abby: Hi.", "Ashley: Wasn't that parade just so adorable?", "Abby: So adorable. It's crazy to think that in a couple years, Ben and I could have a little one in the parade. [Chuckles]", "Ashley: Have you seen him?", "Abby: Uh, no. He should be here any time, though.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Stitch: [Sighs] Hey, Walt. Evening, dr. Rayburn. Gonna have to wait for the elevator. Out of service.", "Stitch: Out of service? Man, how long is it gonna be down for? Well, could be awhile. Long way up, but you could take the stairs.", "Stitch: [Laughs] God. All right, well, I guess I better do it. I don't want to keep Abby waiting any longer than I already have. All right, see you, man. All right, have a nice night.", "Stitch: You, too. Ugh.", "Charlie: Mariah, did you talk to our daddy?", "Mattie: We thought he would be here, but we never saw him.", "Mariah: Well, you know, I'm sure he's on his way. He's probably in the building right now. He just can't get up because of the elevators. Know what? He's probably running up the stairs right now. He's huffing and he's puffing. He's trying to get to you guys. Don't worry about it, okay? Um, did you figure out why the elevators aren't working?", "Kevin: No, not yet. Hey, guys, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna run down the hall for a minute, and if I see your dad, I'm gonna send him in here to see you, okay?", "Charlie: Okay, Kevin.", "Kevin: Cool. Um, I'm gonna go check on the elevators again. Just keep an eye on the kids.", "Mariah: You're -- you're leaving me with these maniacs.", "Kevin: I'll be right back. You're doing great.", "Mariah: Um, okay, everybody. Uh, since you guys did so great in the parade, I am gonna give you guys a reward before you go home with your parents! More candy!", "[Children cheer]", "Mariah: One for you and you and you.", "Cane: Hey, I'm here. Um, I hope I haven't missed the parade. I just had to walk up the stairs 'cause the elevators are down. I'll see you soon.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Kevin: Your kids were just asking about you.", "Cane: Did I miss the parade?", "Kevin: You did, yeah.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Kevin: They were adorable, but lots of people were taking photos and videos, so you'll get to see the whole thing.", "Cane: Is this why the elevators are down?", "Kevin: Uh, it's not unrelated. I just can't figure out why it's happening. Whatever the reason, though, it's not good.", "Cane: I know it's not good. I just almost walked up 20 flights of stairs.", "Kevin: No, it's more than that. There's an override on the system that I can't crack, and if it's on the elevators and the communications system, it could also be on the sprinklers and the alarm, which could be a real disaster for everybody upstairs.", "Cane: Okay, do you want me to go back down and get security?", "Kevin: I don't think there's time. Go upstairs and warn everyone. I'm gonna see if I can crack this code. We have to get people down the stairs, out of the building. Whatever's going on, it's dangerous.", "Cane: [Breathing heavily]", "Victor: I think it's a damn successful party, don't you?", "Nikki: Well, thank you very much, kind sir. And thank you for staving off anything that could have stopped it from being a big success.", "Victor: Well... talking about that, I think we might have had a reprieve so far, but I don't think it's the last we've heard of paragon.", "Nick: Ah, the paragon project, my favorite subject. Thank god we are leaving.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah? What? You going back to the hospital?", "Nick: Yeah, as soon as we say goodbye to Noah and faith.", "Nikki: All right, well, you give that baby a big kiss for me and let me know if there's anything either one of us can do for you, okay?", "Nick: All right.", "Sage: Thank you, Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh, you're welcome, my precious.", "Victor: Sage, nice to see you.", "Nick: Good night, mom, dad. Love you.", "Nikki: Bye, sweetheart.", "Nick: Hey, dude. Uh, you all right?", "Noah: Fantastic.", "Nick: I just haven't seen you around.", "Noah: Well, you know, no need to worry about me. I'm a big boy.", "Nick: Okay, well, let's catch up later, okay?", "Noah: Yeah, of course. Sounds good. Go. Go be with Christian. He needs you.", "Nick: Okay.", "Noah: All right. I can't keep watching you with this pretentious jerk.", "Marisa: It won't be much longer.", "Noah: It's been long enough already.", "Marisa: Noah.", "Noah: I want you. You want me, too. You can't deny it.", "Marisa: Luca --", "Noah: Forget him. Come with me.", "Luca: Have you seen Marisa?", "Victor: Yes, she just left with my grandson.", "Joe: Hey.", "Lily: Hey. Still no message from my dad or Devon.", "Joe: Yeah? Why don't you just give them a call?", "Lily: Because they're with Hilary, and I'm sure they'll call once they know what's going on.", "Joe: That call with cane really stressed you out, huh? I hate seeing you like this.", "Lily: [Sighs] Yeah, I mean, he said he was gonna come here tonight, and I'm really glad he didn't. I know the kids would have loved it, but I don't think I could have handled it.", "Joe: Well, maybe now you can relax and enjoy the evening now that you know cane won't be a problem.", "Stitch: [Breathing heavily] Oh, man. [Sighs] [Sniffs]", "Adam: It was above -- above and beyond your duties as my attorney. I appreciate that.", "Michael: Well, before you give up all hope, listen, I still got a few legal tricks up my sleeve.", "Adam: You know, I appreciate your optimism, but I think it's time we start living in reality, Michael, which is me not seeing my son for the next 10 years.", "Michael: Hmm. Well, will you at least give me permission to file an appeal before you throw in the towel?", "Adam: Why are you willing to risk all the wrath from your friends and family just to help me? What -- what are you doing?", "Michael: Avery bailey Clark. She taught me what it means to do what you feel is right. She also taught me that it's never easy.", "Adam: You know, I've been over that night in my head a million times. [Sighs] And I'm... I don't know why I didn't just calm down before I got in the car, you know? Or -- or why did I have to take that route? What -- I'd give anything to take that back... give Billy and Chloe their daughter back. I'd give anything.", "Michael: Stop. Stop it. No matter what Christine says, what happened to Delia, it was an accident. And I'm never gonna stop trying to prove that.", "Victoria: How's Adam doing?", "Chelsea: He's getting better. Which is kind of good news and bad news. I mean, of course I want Adam well, but...", "Phyllis: Well, I'm sure Christine has all the paperwork done, all the I's dotted and the T's crossed.", "Victoria: She's just doing her job.", "Phyllis: Well, she doesn't need to enjoy it so much.", "Chelsea: Adam is ready to accept his punishment, and he's very grateful that you forgave him, Billy.", "Jack: That was very brave of you, Billy. Dad would have been very proud of you.", "Billy: I did what I needed to do for myself.", "Chelsea: Well, it meant a lot to Adam, and one day, it will mean a lot to Connor.", "Billy: Listen, can I talk to you alone for a minute?", "Chelsea: Sure.", "Billy: Excuse us.", "Jack: Well, it's true what they say.", "Phyllis: Which is what?", "Jack: After a tragedy, things split between before and after. The old Billy is gone.", "Victoria: Yes, but the man he's become is better, stronger. He's more responsible. Those are good things.", "Jack: Yeah, they are, but... you're right. They are.", "Billy: So I was wondering what happens next for you, after Adam goes to prison.", "Chelsea: I just want Connor to have the best life possible. So I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make that happen. It's just gonna be so hard to do without Adam.", "Billy: Well, you know, if there's anything I can do -- sports, father-son stuff...", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Billy: I'd like to be able to do something for you, too, but...", "Chelsea: Billy.", "Billy: No, it's okay. You never got over Adam even when you thought he was dead, so...", "Chelsea: I never meant to hurt you. It's just...", "Billy: You and Adam have the same kind of love that Victoria and I have. It never dies. No matter what life throws at you.", "Stitch: [Groans] [Coughing] [Breathing heavily] [Coughing]", "Marisa: No, we shouldn't. We shouldn't.", "Noah: We definitely should.", "Paul: I know some things that have happened that have cast suspicion on Devon. But I don't believe he's lying about what he knows. The guy was out of his mind with worry.", "Dylan: Okay. All right, if Devon's telling the truth and cane is sticking to his story about not being involved in the kidnapping, now what?", "Paul: [Sighs] Now we wait for Hilary to remember.", "Hilary: Me and Devon? An affair?", "Neil: Yeah. Yeah. It's true.", "Hilary: Why would I cheat on you? And with your son? And you! You slept with your father's wife?! What is --", "Devon: Hilary, Hilary, Hilary. We didn't mean to hurt Neil's feelings, okay? You and I are in love, and we tried to fight it --", "Hilary: Okay, stop saying that, okay?! I don't love you! I love Neil. God, I-I am so sorry for betraying you, Neil.", "Neil: I was hurt and angry at first, but, Hilary, I moved on from there. I'm just so grateful that you're alive and well now. You hear me?", "Devon: We all are. I've been worried like crazy since you've been gone, and now you're back where you belong.", "Hilary: Okay, you need to go.", "Devon: Why do you want me to go?", "Hilary: Because I don't want you here. You need to leave. Now!", "Devon: Hilary.", "Hilary: You need to go!", "Neil: Wait, wait, wait, both of you. Hey, she's gonna need a little bit of time to process.", "Devon: But --", "Neil: No, no, no. You keep pushing her and it's gonna make things worse. I'm gonna stay with her. You go.", "Devon: I'm gonna leave, all right? I will be back.", "Neil: [Sighs]", "Hilary: Neil.", "Christine: So, your doctors say that you're still recovering from your injuries, so you won't go to Walworth tonight. However, as soon as you are physically able, you will be moved.", "Adam: Back to the status quo.", "Christine: With one adjustment.", "Michael: Oh, c-- Christine, is that really necessary?", "Christine: I am not taking any chances. Adam escaped justice before. He's not getting away again.", "Faith: Daddy, did you see me in the parade?", "Nick: How could I miss you? It's the best costume ever!", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: Excuse me.", "Faith: Congratulations, Mariah. Second place.", "Sage: [Laughs]", "Nick: Second.", "Mariah: Oh, that's how it is. Okay. Well, can't argue with that.", "Nick: All right, listen, kiddo, we really need to get back to Christian, so we'll see you in the morning, okay?", "Faith: Mariah's getting ready to tell a scary story. Can you stay for it? Please?", "Sage: It's okay.", "Nick: All right. One story. But it better be good.", "Mariah: It's the best. I am the best. Okay, everybody, why don't you grab a seat and I want you to hold on to your masks, because the Halloween story that I am about to tell you is gonna scare the -- gonna frighten the devil out of you!", "All: Oooh!", "Mariah: All right. Here it goes. So, one night, a mom and her two kids went on vacation, and they were driving down a long, long, windy road in the dark. Suddenly, their car stops.", "Kevin: Paragon's back.", "Mariah: But that doesn't make any sense, because the mom just filled up at the last gas station.", "Luca: Marisa. I found you. I thought you'd wandered off.", "Stitch: [Breathlessly] Abby.", "Abby: Hey, babe. Oh, I love the zombie costume. You missed the kiddie parade, but there's plenty of food still.", "Stitch: No, no, Abby. Abby, t-there's a fire.", "Abby: What?", "Stitch: A fire. Everyone! The building is on fire! We have to get out of here now!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Patty: This is your aunt patty. I'm in town, and I really need to see you. It's important.", "Adam: I'm begging you! Newman tower's on fire! You got to help me get out of here, please!", "Chelsea: I have to get to Connor.", "Jack: Chelsea --", "Chelsea: Let me go!", "Nikki: Oh, my god. What is happening?", "Victor: You stay here. Help is on the way." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nick goes to Abby for advice about how to win Sharon back but he doiesn't like it when she tells him to back off because if he keeps forcing the issue he will just drive Sharon farther away. Phyllis names Lauren as COO asks Billy to take his old mamrketing job and keeps Kyle at his current poisition. Phyllis meets with Kerry and Lauren and they decide that to give Kerry time to develop new products thaey will bring back discontinued products that were not created by Ashley.Phyllis also decides to stock the shelves with hard to find products from around the world. Billy and Kyle call a truce and decide to outsmart Phyllis because neither of them likes having her as CEO. The ladies night group is shocked when they dig at JT's grave site and the body isn't there they wonder if JT could still be alive or if someone else found the bidy and moved it.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Traci: The job goes to... phyllis.", "Lauren: Long live the queen!", "Nick: I'm gonna do everything -- and I mean everything that I can -- to get us all back together.", "Sharon: I just wanted a good, honest, decent man, and it turns out you're none of those.", "Nikki: Three! Go! [ Body thuds ] I killed J.T. We buried his body.", "Victoria: The blackmailer wants $250,000.", "Nikki: We only have two choices -- we either pay it or risk being exposed.", "Victoria: Why are you getting so upset about a broken water pipe?", "Nikki: This particular pipe is in chancellor park, directly underneath the sculpture.", "Victoria: And J.T.", "Phyllis: We have to dig up J.T. Move him before it's too late.", "Nikki: All right. Let's go.", "Nikki: [ Grunting ]", "[ Shovels scraping ] [ Sighs ] Why is tonight taking so much longer?", "Phyllis: You know why? 'Cause we're minus one woman.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Oh, thanks, sharon. Leaving the dirty work to us. And, boy, is it dirty. Where is she?", "Phyllis: [ Coughs ] You know what she's probably doing? She's probably tipping off rey rosales, her new pal, so she can get immunity for J.T.", "Victoria: No, I don't see her doing something like that.", "Phyllis: Phew!", "Victoria: Maybe to you, but not to me and mom.", "Nikki: Ah, don't be so sure. Sharon and I have decades of unresolved issues. And now that I'm not gonna be her mother-in-law again --", "Phyllis: Shh! I hear someone coming. I hear someone coming! [ Footsteps approach ] What, am I the only adult that's not afraid of some [Boldly] Noises in the dark?", "[ Screams ]", "[ Victoria and nikki scream ]", "Phyllis: Oh, my god! Oh, my god!", "Nikki: Oh!", "Phyllis: Oh, my god.", "Nikki: Sharon!", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me?!", "Sharon: What, did you invite someone else?", "Victoria: You scared the hell out of us.", "Sharon: Yeah I gathered that by all the screaming.", "Phyllis: You dress like a serial killer and take your kids out on halloween?", "Sharon: No, I just put this on a few minutes ago. You said to blend in with halloween.", "Sharon: What is the matter with you, sharon? Why are you showing up now?", "Sharon: I was delayed because I had to tell nick once and for all that we're never getting back together. I would have been on time to exhume the corpse that you made us bury if you weren't such a complete slut! [ Nikki gasps ] Sorry I'm late.", "Phyllis: Okay. Don't apologize. Just dig.", "[ Sighs ]", "Sharon: This is about us and the love we shared. It's over. You need to accept that.", "Summer: Mm. Flying solo tonight. Guess even superpowers can't force true love.", "Kyle: Lola and I had a fantastic halloween.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: Together.", "Summer: Mm. Is that why she decided not to stick around?", "Kyle: Shouldn't you be at a party somewhere?", "Summer: I just came from one. And, fyi, it was way cooler than... whatever's happening here.", "Kyle: So cool you ditched it for this place. Gotcha.", "Summer: It ended.", "Kyle: At this hour? Wow! Must have been one hell of a rager.", "Summer: It was. I'm exhausted, and that's why i wanted an espresso before i drove home.", "Kyle: Mm. Is that all?", "Summer: Well, it certainly wasn't to watch you parade around in that skin- tight embarrassment you have on.", "Kyle: As opposed to that salute to modesty you have.", "Summer: So, I guess I'll be hearing from you when you need me.", "Kyle: For what?", "Summer: Guess we can call it career counseling, since my mom is your new boss.", "Kyle: So?", "Summer: So you have two choices. Either you can start sucking up now, or you can spend the rest of your life in the back of a truck making sandwiches. I take that back.", "Kyle: Really?", "Summer: I say you have about two weeks before lola dumps you, because nothing kills romance like a guy in a hairnet.", "Phyllis: You know, nick and I ran into each other by chance the day you broke up.", "Sharon: Um, news flash. We didn't break up.", "Victoria: Okay, listen. I realize that we're outdoors, but indoor voices, please.", "Phyllis: You put your engagement ring on the table for him to see in plain sight. So no matter what language you speak, that is a universal sign for \"the wedding is off.\"", "Sharon: [ Scoffs ]", "Nikki: Ladies, I am begging you. Can you please rehash this in a therapist's office or gc buzz -- anywhere but here? This job [Grunts] Is more crucial than anything.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] You're right. This is a huge problem. And I have the perfect solution. How about phyllis leaves town and takes J.T.'S body with her?", "Victoria: Are we really stopping for this?", "Sharon: No, it's perfect. Just think about it. She can disappear. No one here would ever care if she took off. Because you know what? Nobody respects you, and nobody gives a damn about you. You can go and pimp fenmore's online from anywhere. Why don't you tell me one thing that's actually keeping you here.", "Nikki: Sharon --", "Phyllis: I guess you have been so busy empowering yourself that you haven't been reading any of the headlines.", "Sharon: Let me take a wild guess -- you got your claws into someone else's man?", "Phyllis: No, no. A little bit different. I got my claws into someone else's company. That's right. I was just elected C.E.O. Of jabot cosmetics. So, ladies, you are slinging soil with genoa city's newest power player.", "Nikki: Phyllis, this is halloween, not april fools' day.", "Victoria: No, she's not lying.", "Nikki: Well, then, she's delusional. [ Scoffs ] As if you'd run jabot.", "[ Laughs ]", "Victoria: The board of directors voted, and phyllis won.", "Phyllis: Eh-heh... well, god help jabot.", "Sharon: And all of their employees.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Sharon: Oh!", "Victoria: Oh. It's mine. [ Sighs ] It's billy.", "Phyllis: No, no. Don't answer that.", "Victoria: Hey, billy. How are the kids?", "Billy: Yeah, the kids are awesome. You gonna be done soon?", "Victoria: Uh... [ Sighs ] Not sure. I still have a lot of work in front of me.", "Billy: Okay, well, I just wanted to call you and let you know that johnny and katie should be upstairs sleeping, although they might be up there passing candy back and forth, 'cause these bags are a lot lighter than they should be.", "Victoria: Yeah. I figured they'd be a little frisky before their sugar comas hit. But thanks for calling. Um... [ Sighs ] I got to go.", "Billy: Oh, hold on a second. Listen, don't work too hard, all right? It's halloween. Even adults can have fun.", "Victoria: Heh. Not this one. Uh... I-I'll talk to you later. Bye. I-I-I'll be by to pick up the kids in the morning.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Honey, do you think that was wise?", "Victoria: Mom, he has the kids. If I didn't, it would have been odd. Plus, it establishes an alibi, that I was at newman tower.", "Phyllis: Until the cops triangulate your call and -- and --", "Victoria: Cops?", "Phyllis: Yeah, and they figure out that you weren't anywhere near there.", "Victoria: Well, if they get involved, then it'll be too late.", "Sharon: Hey, somebody get me out of here.", "Nikki: Sharon, come on.", "[ Grunts ]", "Sharon: Okay. Let's get this over with. Okay. I think we've dug down as far as we did last time. Will somebody shine a light in there and see where we're at?", "Phyllis: All right. Just brace yourselves, okay, 'cause it's not like we're gonna be looking on the top of a discreet coffin. Whew...", "Victoria: I can'T.", "Nikki: Uh, here, here. Let me do it. Hold on. [ Gasps ] Oh, my god.", "Phyllis: This is really, really not good.", "Victoria: Where's J.T.?", "Nikki: I have no idea. There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Additional sponsorship", "Victoria: [ Gasps ] [ Grunts ] What are you doing? He still has to be here!", "Sharon: She's right. Let her dig!", "Nikki: No, no. We've dug deep enough.", "Victoria: Well, if that were the case, we would be looking at a corpse right now. So if any of you have some other explanation as to why there's nothing down there...", "Sharon: Could the water from the broken pipe have moved him?", "Phyllis: Please tell me you're joking.", "Sharon: I'm just trying to come up with a reason here.", "Phyllis: That's fine. But come up with a logical one next time.", "Sharon: I don't hear you coming up with any explanations.", "Phyllis: That's because I'm trying to get my mind around your stupidity. Do you really think that the water pressure would move a corpse that big, send it tunneling under the earth like some zombie gopher?", "Victoria: What does it mean? Do you think that somebody moved it already?", "Phyllis: Or the body moved itself.", "Nikki: J.T. Could still be alive.", "Sharon: But how? Where?", "Phyllis: Who's to say? But wherever he is, he's a lot more comfortable since we just wired him $250,000.", "Victoria: No. I refuse to believe that he just dug himself out of the ground.", "Sharon: Okay, as improbable as that seems, J.T. Has the most motive to torment the four of us.", "Phyllis: Okay, look, this was my idea, but that's all it was. Because sending threatening letters and setting up offshore accounts, that's what people do when they are alive. J.T. Was not among them when we put him in here, when we put a lot of soil on top of him.", "Victoria: Okay. What do we do now? What do we do?", "Nikki: Fir-- first we leave. We leave.", "Sharon: We have to. This area of the park is cordoned off, but I know from the station they've got twice as many patrol cars out tonight 'cause it's halloween.", "Victoria: Okay, but first we have to put the dirt back before arturo and his crew...", "Nikki: Okay. Okay.", "Victoria: ...Come here and find an open grave.", "Nikki: That's what we're gonna do. That's what we're gonna do, and fast.", "Phyllis: You know what? Good news. We're not gonna have to move a decomposing corpse.", "Sharon: And the bad news -- the corpse, or whoever has it, is even a bigger threat to us now.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Please just let me eat my breakfast in peace.", "Kyle: We need to talk strategy if you're still planning on working at jabot.", "Billy: Well, I'm not going anywhere. Wouldn't give phyllis the pleasure.", "Kyle: Wonderful. Look. [ Sighs ] We've been at it for months. So much of that is on me, and... I'm sorry. But now, without ashley's patents, the only jabot survives is with abbotts in high-level positions.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, I guess you're right. Just look at all the abbotts that are on the board. Her smartest move is appointing one of us C.O.O. And I want the job.", "Kyle: I want the job.", "Billy: Look, this isn't a slam, kyle --", "Kyle: That sounds encouraging.", "Billy: You're just underqualified for the job.", "Kyle: My résumé says otherwise.", "Billy: Oh, you mean that cushy little thing you were doing in new york?", "Kyle: I worked my ass off.", "Billy: Mm.", "Kyle: Granted, you may have more experience behind a desk, but as far as the C.O.O. Gig goes, the jaboat sailed when phyllis found out you had sex with her daughter.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm aware.", "Kyle: Yet you're still inclined to toss your hat into the ring?", "Billy: Okay. [ Sighs ] I guess you're right. One of us should be C.O.O.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] [ Scoffs ] Phyllis is in for it. She needs key-executive support from the get- go. You know, I wouldn't even want to be C.E.O. Now. This could be jabot's toughest struggle ever.", "Billy: Yeah, that may be true. But I wouldn't underestimate phyllis.", "Kyle: She's a sharp woman, no question.", "Billy: With one glaring weakness -- her hatred for me.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] I hope that feels as good as it looks.", "Phyllis: I think so.", "Lauren: I'm sorry. There was no one to announce me.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, we'll have to make due. Uh, until further notice, I will be starting at the crack of dawn, because all of this will go away if I drop the ball.", "Lauren: So don't drop the ball.-Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Well, I'm gonna need your help on that. As my trusted friend and illiant businesswoman. Look, I meant what I said. Fenmore's is going to remain the critical jewel in jabot's crown.", "Lauren: And I'm delighted to hear that. And also to be a supportive board member whose last name is not abbott.", "Phyllis: Another one of your pluses. A very challenging at this company. I'm gonna be fighting an internal war. Outsiders versus family. And the only way I am going to win is to kick enough ass to silence the negative voices.", "Lauren: Hmm. And I cannot wait to watch it all play out.", "Phyllis: I am asking you to do much more than just watch.", "Nikki: Phyllis is too busy. First day as jabot's C.E.O.", "Sharon: As wrong as that is, J.T. Being alive creeps me out even more.", "Nikki: Possibly.", "Victoria: I convinced myself that there was no possible way he could be, especially after nick admitted he was impersonating J.T. And now --", "Nikki: Honey, I know it's upsetting, but we do have to explore all of the scenarios.", "Sharon: I have gone over this again and again since last night. Even if J.T. Weren't dead, it's to his advantage for us to believe that, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep blackmailing us. He would never do anything to reveal that he's still alive.", "Nikki: Well, that makes sense to me.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Maybe sharon's right. But maybe he's gotten enough money to start a new life, and he wants to dedicate that life to taking revenge on the four of us.", "Abby: Good morning!", "Nick: If you say so.", "Abby: Wow. It sounds like you have a hellacious halloween night. Make that a definite. Did you sleep here?", "Nick: Not very long.", "Abby: Yeah, you look exhausted. Wait, you're not sick, are you? Because I don't want to catch anything.", "Nick: Abby, you don't have to worry about it.", "Abby: Nick, you are my boss and my big brother and my friend. I have every right to worry. Something happened last night, and I get the feeling sharon's involved.", "Nick: I still love her.", "Victoria: \"Exploring every scenario\" means J.T. Being dead, and our blackmailer moving the body.", "Nikki: How is that physically possible with jill's modern-art monstrosity sitting right on top of it?", "Sharon: Maybe the body was discovered before the sculpture was installed. Hell, maybe while it was being installed.", "Victoria: Or maybe it was more recent. Maybe our blackmailer knew that they were gonna dig up the park, and they moved the body to maintain their leverage over us.", "Sharon: It took a team of strong men to displace that sculpture.", "Victoria: Well, something happened! Something very real, and something very dangerous to the four of us. Look, there are only two conclusions that we can draw here. J.T. Is not dead, or he is, and he's buried in one of a million different places.", "Sharon: Shh, shh, shh!", "Rey: Hello, ladies.", "Sharon: Hey, you.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Rey: Oh, wait a minute. I'm -- I'm interrupting another high-level charity meeting, right?", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] Busted.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Sometimes it's easier to accomplish things before a full day of work. And we have really bitten off quite a chunk for ourselves.", "Rey: You know, it's -- it's funny, I just joined the gcpd's activity league. And I-I think your project would be a great way for me to get involved in the community. Tell me, how -- how can i help your cause?", "Summer: Happy first C.E.O. Day, mom! Congratulations again.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Thanks.", "Summer: Um, I have a little office-warming gift for you.", "Phyllis: Well, that's sweet.", "Summer: I am going to hire an interior designer to help eradicate any trace of your predecessors. That way you can put a stamp on the office that you so, so earned.", "Phyllis: That is so thoughtful. Thank you.", "Summer: Yeah.", "Phyllis: That means more to me than you know.", "Summer: Well, uh, it's the least that I could do.", "Phyllis: But I cannot accept that.", "Summer: Why not?", "Lauren: Why not?", "Phyllis: Because I want you to save your money. Pay those credit-card bills. Look, I'd rather what I do make the statement than what furniture I sit on.", "Lauren: Mm, no. No, no. Summer's onto something. This place could definitely use a face-lift. I mean...", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Lauren: ...Seriously.", "Phyllis: Okay. [ Chuckles ] All right, I'll tell you what. Why don't we do a non-surgical beauty treatment, all right? We are very smart, we're creative. And come on. Let's go. Let's go for it.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Summer: Well, there is a lot that can go over here.", "Lauren: Yes. Like there's a lot, immediately.", "Phyllis: Okay. All right. Well, then, let's take turns. Your idea. You go first.", "Summer: All right. How about ashley's innovator of the year award?", "Phyllis: Ohh.", "Lauren: Yes.", "Summer: That can go.", "Phyllis: Okay. Lauren.", "Lauren: Me? Uh, okay. Oh! Well, I'm gonna go with the abbott-family photo.", "Summer: Yeah.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ]", "Lauren: What do you think?", "Summer: That's a good one. And, I'm sorry, but this.", "Lauren: Oh, yes. Yes, yes. Definitely go.", "Summer: I'm gonna help you.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Summer: Careful.", "Phyllis: Okay. [ Laughs ]", "Summer: I'm gonna hand that to you.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay.", "Lauren: Can you -- can you get this?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Lauren: All right.", "Phyllis: I got it. I got this baby.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Phyllis: Morning, gentlemen.", "Billy: Morning.", "Kyle: And to you, too, lauren.", "Lauren: Hi, boys.", "Kyle: Nice to see you, summer.", "Summer: Sure. Thanks. You too.", "Phyllis: Thank you both for coming in so early.", "Kyle: We wouldn't miss this meeting. Right, billy?", "Billy: Never. Here to serve. And I have a pretty good idea what the thrust is. You're gonna dump my jaboutiques. Even though you have a valid reason -- we don't have product for the shelves. Although it's gonna cost a pretty penny to pull the plug.", "Kyle: I already did the cost analysis for ashley.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm not gonna scrap them just because they're you're baby. In fact, they're such a terrific idea, I'm expanding on them.", "Kyle: That's a huge undertaking. You'll need help with that. And as I mentioned, I'm intimately familiar with the project, so I'd love to offer my services as your C.O.O.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] As up as kyle may be on it, jaboutiques are my baby, and I would nominate myself for that job.", "Phyllis: I'm loving the enthusiasm, you guys, really. This team spirit is exactly what I'm looking for. But I have chosen a C.O.O. Already. And to answer your question, yes, that person is here in the room.", "Billy: Wow. Okay.", "Kyle: Who is it? Billy or me?", "Phyllis: Actually, lauren.", "Summer: [ Laughs ] It is?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: And she accepted? Did you?", "Lauren: You better believe i did. And I am thrilled and honored by my dear friend's faith in me. How could I say no? And thank you. I will not let you down.", "Phyllis: That's why I asked. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Sharon: I don't think this is really the right project for you.", "Rey: Well, the activity league asked me to find something to sponsor, so --", "Nikki: We are already so deep in this that there really isn't that much left to do.", "Rey: Well... whatever y'all say. You know, it's -- it's funny, though. Details are my business. But I've never heard once what your charity actually is. Tell me, who's so lucky to have you spending all this time helping?", "Nikki: We're collecting clothes.", "Victoria: For women in need.", "Rey: Oh.", "Nikki: Homeless women.", "Victoria: Sharon's crisis hotline.", "Rey: Which is it?", "Sharon: It's both, actually. Um, at first we were targeting women I got to know from my work at the hotline, but as we got more deeply involved with them and their story, we decided to expand our outreach.", "Rey: Mm.", "Nikki: Full disclosure -- heh -- seeing as our mission statement is \"woman helping women,\" and at the risk of sounding sexist or discriminatory, you don't really fit that profile.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Rey: Yeah.", "Nikki: But I think it's wonderful that you want to help. I'm gonna send you a brochure on new hope, my charity housing project.", "Rey: That's great.", "Sharon: Oh, you know, at the risk of sounding sexist myself, care to walk a girl to her car? We don't want to both be late to the station.", "Rey: [ Sighs ] Love to. Enjoy your day, ladies.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Nikki: Bye-bye. [ Sighs ] I hope we covered that little blunder of ours with him.", "Victoria: I think sharon saved it. But rey is gonna be one of many gigantic problems if we don't find J.T.'S body.", "Nick: I really thought i could get sharon back.", "Abby: Nick, look, I'm on your side, but you did cheat. With phyllis.", "Nick: One bad decision. It shouldn't cancel out this love that sharon and I have for each other.", "Abby: I know it doesn't seem fair, but --", "Nick: I really thought, like, you know, a night together on halloween would remind her of everything we'd be giving up if we stayed apart, or at least nudge her in the right direction.", "Abby: But she didn't give you the chance?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] She thinks I've changed for the worse because of this business I've started, which is complete bull, right?", "Abby: Look, I'm not saying this as a negative, but, yeah, it absolutely was a big change.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] But that's just it. I mean, sharon has had so many big, life- changing moments. I stood by her every time. Why can't she stand by me on this?", "Abby: I'm gonna go back to the torrid night of passion with her nemesis.", "Nick: It was just one night.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Look, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I just have to come up with something else. Something to prove to her how much she means to me. Something bigger and grander and just --", "Abby: Okay, nick, stop. Okay? You can't do that.", "Nick: Then what, abby? Tell me.", "Abby: You need to back off.", "Phyllis: Lauren and I have a meeting in just a few minutes, so I won't leave you in any suspense. Kyle, you are gonna continue in your current role. At the same highly efficient level, I hope.", "Kyle: I'm at your service.", "Phyllis: And you, billy --", "Billy: If you plan on giving me the axe, I'm still on the board.", "Phyllis: What I was going to say is that I think you should stay. We need your talents here, and i would like you to resume your old job in marketing.", "Billy: Okay.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Phyllis: Come in.", "Lauren: Look who I was able to pry out of the lab.", "Phyllis: Kerry! Both of you have met kerry, yes, our amazing new lead chemist?", "Billy: Yes, we go way back.", "Kerry: Hello again. Lauren just told me her incredibly exciting news.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] Yes. We are all in for one hell of an adventure.", "Kerry: Perfect. I could use one.", "Phyllis: Good. Now that we know who's doing what, welcome, everyone, to the new jabot family.", "Kyle: With a brand-new girl-power management style.", "Kerry: Do you have a problem with that?", "Kyle: No. Not if it's equal adventure for the guys on staff.", "Billy: Including the ones with the last name of abbott.", "Phyllis: It is. It's an inclusive company.", "Billy: Good. 'Cause I would hate to see the abbotts being marginalized in their own family business.", "Phyllis: Well, let's not be paranoid, either one of you. I think we have all learned that, uh, possessing a certain brand of blood shouldn't give entitlements that have not been earned.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. Everyone on the board certainly has.", "Kyle: Can we go now? Get the adventure started?", "Phyllis: Yes. Absolutely. Go ahead. Thank you. Oh, billy. Could you take this to the house when you leave tonight? I'm trying to cut costs on messengers. Thank you.", "Lauren: And would you mind closing the door? Thanks, sweetie.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] You telling me to give up on sharon doesn't sound like you're on my side, abby.", "Abby: Look, winning sharon back is going to be a massive, long-term endeavor. And step one is respecting her enough to give her space.", "Nick: It sounds like you're asking me to give up the love of my life.", "Abby: No, the difference is you holding onto the dream and hoping that one day sharon will want the same thing. But that day will never come if you defy her and keep forcing the issue.", "Nick: It's so frustrating! It's killing me. The only reason I was willing to do all this to -- to get my company started, the reason why I was willing to cross lines I never considered crossing before was for her and my kids. It's why I impersonated J.T., Who was abusing and terrorizing our sister, who tried to kill our dad. I just wanted a life of my own, completely free of my dad. And you want to know the thing that really blows my mind? I actually think that, someday, sharon could, in her heart, forgive me for this stupid, selfish night with phyllis. But for everything I did to protect my family, that's gonna be the deal-breaker. That is going to be the reason for our undoing. And I really hope someday it makes a lot more sense than it does right now. I need some air.", "Phyllis: This will be brief. I prefer to bottom-line it. Since almost every big-selling product was developed by ashley abbott, jabot needs replacements, pronto. So, let's get a list of every discontinued product that is non-ashley based, and let's get it back and re-market it.", "Lauren: Right. Why don't we just own it? You know, \"back by popular demand.\" \"Limited-edition classics.\" And, you know, we can even call it something different, like jabot'S... timeless beauty.", "Phyllis: Yeah, no, I love that. And we are gonna have to come up with a vast array of products. Kerry is going to whip up some anti-aging creams and sunscreens and fragrances with similar popular scents and attributes that ashley left town with.", "Lauren: And we release them A.S.A.P. New-and-improved jabot re-brands.", "Phyllis: Unfortunately, A.S.A.P. Is not gonna be enough time for our big launch.", "Lauren: Uh, we need to line shelves, though.", "Phyllis: Well, we will. Just with other companies' products.", "Lauren: What?", "Phyllis: Just...hear me out. I've given this a lot of thought, and it's gonna work. We fill all of the stores with what we can from jabot. The empty shelf space, we pick exclusive, very-difficult-to-find beauty products from around the world. The more variety we have, the bigger customer base we have. We're gonna have a guaranteed audience for kerry's products when she wants to market them. And this all adds up to profits for fenmore's and jabot.", "Lauren: Mm. That, uh... [Chuckles] Is brilliant. It's brilliant.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "[ Laughs ]", "Kerry: It alleviates a ton of pressure off of me and my team.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I figured so.", "Kerry: Look, I plan to use the minimum time required to perfect my formulas. They will be reminiscent of former jabot best-sellers, but they will have their own chemical compositions. And plenty of up-to-the-minute improvements.", "Phyllis: I have complete confidence in you, and whatever requirements you need to move your brilliance from the test tubes straight to our customers, okay? Ladies, let's dig in. Go jabot.", "Rey: You know there may be some female officers who are interested in your clothing drive. I could send them your way.", "Sharon: Sure.", "Rey: Oh, I-I forgot to say that, uh, I'm sorry that I missed you last night. Uh, when I got to the party, you were already gone.", "Sharon: Um... I didn't feel much like celebrating. Nick and I got into it.", "Rey: That's too bad.", "Sharon: Uh... it wasn't easy. Nick...didn't take it well.", "Rey: You told him it was over?", "Sharon: Yeah, in pretty harsh terms. But lately nick feels like he's entitled to whatever he wants, including me forgiving and forgetting, and that's just not gonna happen.", "Rey: Well, if you're sure it's over, it's a good thing you told him.", "Sharon: Well, somebody had to break the cycle. We've just -- we've both changed too much to be together. We want different things. Nick, he may not realize that yet, he's not ready to accept it, but it's still true.", "Rey: Well, you can't force a positive attitude on somebody. I think these are positive steps you're taking.", "Sharon: Thanks. Just doesn't feel so positive right now. Feels more like I'm choosing between two different forms of pain. But they are called break-ups. Feeling broken is just a given.", "Rey: Well, listen, if it ever feels like it's too much and you need some support while you're putting the pieces back together, you know where to find me.", "Sharon: Uh, I've got meetings. Um... so I'll just see you, um, whenever.", "Rey: Yeah.", "Rey: How'd your victim interviews go?", "Sharon: Um, I'm getting the hang of it. But now I need to write these up.", "Rey: I won't disturb you.", "Sharon: You know, when I was talking about nick and me earlier, um, that was not meant to be code that I'm single and available. I'm not looking for any kind of relationship any time soon.", "Rey: You've been very clear. I get it. I was only offering support as a friend.", "Sharon: Thanks for clarifying.", "Rey: I always want us to be clear, open, honest.", "Sharon: Me too. So, is your wife coming to visit you any time soon?", "Rey: Interesting segue. We've been talking. Making slight progress.", "Sharon: Good to hear. Don't be discouraged by what happened to nick and me. I'd still like to believe that love can last forever.", "Billy: I think we can both clearly see how messed up this is. You and I barely like each other, let alone trust each other, yet here we are, the two last abbotts standing at a family business.", "Kyle: And if we want to keep jabot that way, we need to subscribe to my dad's whole \"family unity\" spiel. And we got to live it. At work and everywhere else.", "Billy: I agree. But we have to proceed with caution.", "Kyle: We need to monitor phyllis closely, before she destroys jabot along with her résumé.", "Billy: No playing dirty. I'm serious, kyle. Between what you and ashley and I did in the last year, it's -- [ Clears throat ] It tainted the abbott name and the jabot board, and it divided us just enough to give phyllis enough room to stage the coup, okay? So 100% clean. You hear me?", "Kyle: Absolutely. We have to outsmart her.", "Billy: It's the only sure way to seize what is ours.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, I'm not sure what you expect to find here.", "Victoria: Something. Anything. Some sort of clue visible in daylight. A hint of what happened to J.T., Whether he's dead or alive.", "Nikki: Let's get out of here. We don't want arturo and his crew to find us lurking --", "Victoria: Mom, somebody could be watching us right now.", "Nikki: Honey, imagination and nerves are a bad combination. Besides, we're no worse off than we were before we started digging last night.", "Victoria: I am.", "Nikki: No, you're not.", "Victoria: Mom, it's true. Knowing that J.T. Was dead and buried just a few feet from here was one small perverted sense of security after these past hellish months. Now I can't be sure of anything. None of us can. [ Sighs ] It's so scary.", "Nikki: Oh, baby. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Victoria: Do you think that J.T. Could still be alive? I mean, I keep telling myself that it's too far-fetched, but I just can't let it go.", "Arturo: Well, there's a busted water pipe there. This is official city business.", "Rey: So is this." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Mac advised a hung-over JT that partying and one-night stands was not the way to forget his feelings for Brittany. JT insisted he would never tell her the truth, and it was better that way. Kevin refused Michael's attempts to reason, and insisted they would fight it out with fists very soon. Miss Davis brought Neil and Dru news that Devon would be transferred to a level 12 group home later in the week. Neil refused to budge, even though it was the only way to keep Devon out of the facility. Victor convinced a reluctant Devon to come stay at the ranch, so that Victor would have more time to spend with Nikki. Lily admitted to Kevin that she was having nightmares about men thinking she was a freak. Kevin suggested she see a shrink and apologized for his role in making her so afraid. Mac spoke with Kevin and began to suspect he'd had something to do with the attack on Lily at the rec center, and was now feeling guilty about it. Victor agreed to Michael's bizarre request to let him and Kevin use the rec center, after hours, to have a fist fight over Lauren. Daniel told Christine he was glad Damon was alive because he'd get the chance to apologize for how he'd treated him. Phyllis admitted to Damon that she'd lied about Dominic being dead, but that he was on his way back to prison. Damon told her about his other-worldly encounter with Elias. A man broke into Olivia's apartment, then cornered Drucilla when she stopped by and started to call the cops. As they came face to face she realized it was Malcolm, her presumed-dead brother-in-law." ]
[ "Michael: Thought I'd find you here.", "Kevin: What do you want?", "Michael: You were up early this morning. That's kind of unusual for you. Where did you go?", "Kevin: Why?", "Michael: Can't a guy be curious about his own brother?", "Kevin: I was at the Athletic Club working out.", "Michael: Wow. Really? 2 workouts in 24 hours? Are you training for something?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna beat the hell out of a certain backstabber.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Oh... God.", "Mac: How's it going?", "J.T.: Hey, Mac.", "Mac: Rough night?", "J.T.: I'm all right except for this damn headache.", "Mac: So where did you disappear to after the wedding?", "J.T.: A buddy of mine had a party on campus.", "Mac: You have a good time?", "J.T.: Oh, ow. Yeah. Yeah, I had a great time.", "Mac: What's her name?", "J.T.: Who? Mm, mm. It's, uh, Cindy. No. I don't know. Honestly, I can't remember.", "Mac: J.T., that's horrible.", "J.T.: I knew it last night. I did. I just--I forgot.", "Mac: Well, does she go to G.C.U.?", "J.T.: I think so. I-I-I don't know. Look, I'm sorry I didn't get her life story, all right? To tell you the truth, we didn't really do that much talking.", "Mac: Oh, spare me the details.", "J.T.: You asked.", "Mac: So this is your strategy, huh? You think a couple of one-night stands is gonna help you forget about Brittany? It's not gonna work, J.T.", "J.T.: No, no, that's not what last night was about. I met a girl, we hit it off, one thing led to another, and... this had nothing to do with Brittany.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Morning.", "Daniel: Hi.", "Chris: You didn't sleep too well?", "Daniel: Barely slept at all.", "Chris: I can understand.", "Daniel: Oh, jeez. Did Mom call you?", "Chris: Was she supposed to?", "Daniel: You don't know then. It looks like Damon's gonna make it after all.", "Chris: Oh, that is great news.", "Daniel: Yeah, she called me late last night. Man, you know, they were so sure that he was gonna die.", "Chris: Phyllis must be thrilled. This is wonderful.", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Chris: You seem a little subdued. You are glad that Damon's still alive, aren't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Are you serious? Wow. All right, well, yeah, thanks for calling me. Neil, you will not believe this. Ha! If I never believed in miracles, I do now.", "Neil: What are you telling me?", "Dru: Damon Porter was dead. All right, he was dead. I guess it wasn't his time.", "Neil: You mean he actually pulled through?", "Dru: He was in such bad shape. I swear, that bullet did some serious damage.", "Neil: Well, guess the doctors worked their magic, didn't they?", "Dru: Well, nothing against Memorial doctors, God knows they're good, but I think a higher power had its hand in this one.", "Neil: Maybe Damon knew he had something worth living for, something he had yet to accomplish-- maybe someone he wasn't ready to leave yet?", "Dru: Okay, okay. Are you talking about Phyllis?", "Neil: Well, baby, is that so hard to believe?", "Dru: No, not after what I witnessed last night. She was beside her man. I think I was wrong about them. I believe that there is something special between them. Yes, I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: I'm not asleep.", "Phyllis: The doctors told me that they put enough painkillers in you to knock out a horse.", "Damon: They must be working. I feel like I'm floating.", "Phyllis: Well, the entire hospital is abuzz. They're all saying it was a miracle they saved you.", "Damon: It was. I know. I had an experience last night, Phyllis. While everyone was trying to revive me... I'm not even sure I should try and tell you about it.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Damon: A visitor...", "Damon: One that I can't explain...", "Damon: But I think he saved my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Come in.", "Devon: Hey there, Mr. Newman. I thought you might like some breakfast.", "Victor: Well, Devon, that's very nice of you. Thank you. Before you go, let me, uh, let me ask you something.", "Devon: What's that?", "Victor: About doing me a favor.", "Devon: Really? How?", "Victor: Um... you know that the social worker asked me to watch over you.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: And last time we asked you if you would want to stay out at the ranch, and you didn't like the idea very much. I just was wondering if you would do me a favor and reconsider.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Baby, do you know how late it is?", "Neil: Hey, Lily.", "Lily: Mom, relax. I don't have a class till second period.", "Dru: You look tired.", "Lily: I just didn't sleep well last night.", "Dru: Are you sure that's all, honey?", "Lily: Yes.", "Dru: Okay.", "Neil: Honey, there's some muffins over here if you want one.", "Lily: Oh, no, thanks. Not hungry. I'm just gonna drink this and go. I'll get something at the coffeehouse on my way to school.", "Dru: Okay, coffeehouse, school and home. No other plans, okay?", "Lily: Mom, don't worry. I'm not gonna be abducted by aliens or anything.", "Dru: That's not what I'm worried about, all right?", "Lily: Look, I'll call you if my plans change, okay?", "Dru: Okay.", "Lily: Bye.", "Dru: Bye.", "Lily: Bye, Dad.", "Neil: Bye, baby girl. Have a good day at school.", "Lily: Mrs. Davis.", "Lorena: Good morning, Lily.", "Lily: What are you doing here?", "Dru: Honey, don't you have school?", "Lily: What's going on?", "Neil: We'll explain everything later. Go on, go to school, baby.", "Dru: Yeah, go to school, baby, all right? Take care.", "Neil: I love you.", "Lily: All right.", "Dru: Ms. Davis.", "Neil: Good morning.", "Lorena: Good morning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: So what are you gonna do?", "J.T.: About what?", "Mac: About Brittany. Are you ever gonna tell her how you feel about her?", "J.T.: That would be a no.", "Mac: But, J.T., you guys--", "J.T.: No, Mac, Mac, we talked about this, all right? However I felt or feel about Brittany, it doesn't matter anymore. She's married to Bobby, okay? It's over.", "Mac: All right, if you say so.", "J.T.: What?", "Mac: I didn't say anything.", "J.T.: No, I know, I know, but you're dying to, so let's hear it. Come on.", "Mac: I'm worried about you.", "J.T.: Here we go.", "Mac: You know its okay to admit that you're hurting.", "J.T.: Mm-hmm.", "Mac: It must have been torture standing there next to Brittany watching her and Bobby say their vows. Just know that you can talk to me, okay?", "J.T.: Mac, I know, I know. You're there for me. I know that and I appreciate that, really, I do, but you gotta let it go. Honestly. Look, I'm not gonna mope around and cry because I lost Brittany, especially because it's my fault.", "Mac: What do you mean?", "J.T.: I didn't realize how I felt about her until it was too late.", "Mac: Do you really think that you can be friends with her now?", "J.T.: Yeah, sure. I mean, she's not gonna be living with us anymore. It's not gonna be that hard. It's not like I'll see her every day.", "Mac: Yeah, I know, but--", "J.T.: Mac, I'm running so late for class. I gotta get home and change and clean up, so...", "J.T.: Hey, I'll see you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Of course I'm glad Damon's alive.", "Chris: I know he hasn't been your favorite person.", "Daniel: I never wanted to see him dead.", "Chris: So maybe you're starting to feel differently about him now.", "Daniel: Why would I?", "Chris: I don't know. Sometimes it happens when you think you're gonna lose someone. You start seeing them in a different light.", "Daniel: So that's normal, huh?", "Chris: Yeah.", "Daniel: Did you know that he had a son that died?", "Chris: No.", "Daniel: He'd be about my age now. I guess that's why Damon was in such a big hurry to act like my father.", "Chris: That might not be the only reason.", "Daniel: You mean 'cause I'm such a big pain in the butt, that he was trying to help my mother straighten me out?", "Chris: Yeah, those are your words, not mine.", "Daniel: And you know, I was mad at first, and then last night when I thought he was gonna die, I found out about his kid, and I just started thinking, Damon's just older. He saw that I needed a little advice, and he knew what it was. So he let me have it, not trying to be mean or anything.", "Chris: I can pretty much guarantee that he wasn't trying to be mean.", "Daniel: Yeah. If anyone did that, it was definitely me. You know, I gave him a pretty hard time, and... I just kept thinking I wasn't gonna get a chance to say I was sorry for everything, and I think that bugged me the most.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: I'm not sure that I can make you understand this. I'm not--I'm not sure I understand it myself. Um, I was right there... watching the doctors work on me, and Elias was there, too.", "Phyllis: Your son.", "Damon: We talked. It was real, Phyllis. He, uh... he told me to go back. I was all set to leave, just leave, to leave this world and be with him forever. He said I wasn't finished. The next thing I know, I'm waking up and I got these tubes running out of me.", "Phyllis: Well, however it happened, I'm glad you're alive.", "Damon: I really did see him.", "Phyllis: I believe you.", "Damon: I held his hand. I felt it-- I felt it right here in my hand. You think I'm crazy?", "Phyllis: No, I don't think you're crazy.", "Damon: Tell me something.", "Phyllis: I'll tell you anything.", "Damon: Dominic--I seem to recall you telling me he was dead. Was that the truth?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Thank you.", "Michael: So where were we?", "Kevin: You were about to tell me all the reasons I shouldn't tear you apart.", "Michael: Ah, right. Well, first of all, can we stop with all the Clint Eastwood macho talk, 'cause it's really embarrassing?", "Kevin: Yeah? Wonder if you'll still feel the same way after you're missing a couple of teeth?", "Michael: Are you kidding me with this? Kevin, be serious. You're upset, I get that, but you and I are not gonna have a fistfight.", "Kevin: What's the matter? Are you scared?", "Michael: No, I'm a grownup, and I thought you were one, too.", "Kevin: I am, but sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Don't laugh at me.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I'm not.", "Kevin: Yeah? Then what's so funny?", "Michael: All right, okay, tell me this much. Say we do it, and we have this duel at high noon, where are we gonna duke it out, my living room?", "Kevin: I'll find a place. You just be there.", "Michael: Kevin, wouldn't it be easier if we just sat down and we tried to work this out?", "Kevin: Are you willing to stop seeing Lauren?", "Michael: No.", "Kevin: Then trying to work it out is going to be a waste of time.", "Michael: You really think you can take me?", "Kevin: Definitely.", "Michael: I'm bigger than you.", "Kevin: So what?", "Michael: I'm stronger than you.", "Kevin: Means nothing. I'm smaller and I'm quicker.", "Michael: You can trash talk all you want, Kevin. It doesn't make it so.", "Kevin: You're not talking me out of this, Michael. You did a really lousy thing and you're gonna get what you deserve, and I'm gonna give it to you.", "Michael: I gotta go.", "Kevin: I don't care.", "Michael: Good-bye, Kevin.", "Kevin: I'm not kidding around, Michael.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lorena: There is an opening at a level 12 group home here in Genoa City. Devon is going there.", "Neil: When?", "Lorena: Next week.", "Dru: Wait a minute. I knew that this was gonna happen very soon, but I never imagined this soon.", "Lorena: I'm sorry, Mrs. Winters, it's just the way it is. Unless you two have changed your minds about mentoring the boy? Quite frankly, if you have, I will pull out all the stops to make that happen.", "Neil: Have you heard anything, anything at all, from Devon's father?", "Lorena: I checked into that, as you asked.", "Dru: And...", "Lorena: The man is gone, missing.", "Neil: Missing? How long?", "Lorena: At least four years. He hasn't been seen in Genoa City. Simply put, he's not an option.", "Dru: Neil? Now would be the time to say somethin'.", "Neil: Drucilla...", "Dru: Neil?", "Neil: We really shouldn't be discussing this in front of Ms. Davis, but since you're forcing me to, I'm sorry. I feel for Devon. But we have a daughter who's been through so much, who needs to get back up on her feet. We need to focus on her.", "Lorena: I understand. As Devon's caseworker, I'll break it to him and arrange for his transfer to the new group home.", "Dru: Ms. Davis, would you please keep us posted?", "Lorena: Of course I will, Mrs. Winters, but what I would like to say to the two of you, and I want you to understand when you hear me, this is not the first time Devon has heard \"no,\" not the first time he's been made to feel unworthy, uncared for, so of course, I will keep you posted. I best be leaving.", "Neil: I'll show you to the door.", "Lorena: Thank you.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Good-bye.", "Dru: Well, I guess Devon's run out of options, Neil. I just never imagined it would be because of us.", "Victor: So what do you say? I think you might really enjoy yourself out there.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I really think I might feel kind of weird being there with your family and everything.", "Victor: You don't have to socialize with any of us if you don't want to. Devon, there are a lot of people willing to help you, if you make the effort to help yourself.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah. I've heard that line before, right about the time when people say good-bye. You're not about to cut out of my life, are you?", "Victor: I have no intention of doing that, all right? No one does. So what do you say? Will you do me a favor? Because if you move out there, I can spend some more time with my wife.", "Devon: Yeah, sure.", "Victor: I appreciate that.", "Devon: But let me tell you something-- I don't want you to think that I'm gonna be actin' like it's my home or anything, okay? I know better than that. All right, this is my life. It's not gonna change.", "Victor: All right, Devon, I understand your feeling. But now let me tell you something, and listen to what I'm going to tell you-- you can be whatever you want to be. I started with nothing. You get that? Don't sell yourself short. You're a very bright kid. I know you can be anything you want to. Remember that.", "Devon: Whatever you say, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Thank you for the breakfast.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, can I just get some coffee to go?", "Kevin: Hey, Lily.", "Lily: Hey.", "Kevin: Are you on your way to school?", "Lily: Yeah. I'm just getting some coffee, uh, to wake me up.", "Kevin: Are you feeling any better?", "Lily: Yeah, I guess.", "Kevin: 'Cause you look a little tired. I don't mean that as a put-down. You look good.", "Lily: No, no, don't worry about it. I didn't get much sleep last night.", "Kevin: You still thinking about what happened at the Rec center?", "Lily: That's all I ever think about. And plus, I had another nightmare.", "Kevin: Do you want to talk about it? I mean, you don't have to tell me--", "Lily: No, it's okay. I'll tell you. Uh, I'm just-- I'm at this party, talking to this guy, and he's cute and being really nice. I'm just so scared that I can't move. So I just stand there, frozen, and eventually he just gives up and walks away. Well, then I see him whispering to all his friends, and they're laughing at me.", "Kevin: Well, it's just a stupid nightmare. Don't let it get to you.", "Lily: No, but it's not, though. It's how I really feel. If I'm at school or here at the coffeehouse, I look around and feel like people are just staring at me. Like they can tell that something is wrong with me.", "Kevin: There's nothing wrong with you. Don't say that.", "Lily: Then why do I feel so paranoid? And why can't I just put everything behind me and just get on with my life? When is that gonna happen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Come on, Drucilla, let's not go through this again, all right? Don't be that way.", "Dru: Don't be what way, Neil? The boy is going to a group home, much like a prison. How should I be?", "Neil: I don't like the idea of Devon goin' to that place any more than you do, but our hands are tied. We need to think about Lily here. Our own child has to be our priority.", "Dru: All I know is that time is tickin', and I wish you didn't feel the way that you do.", "Neil: Would you just try to understand where I'm comin' from?", "Dru: See, that's just it. That's just it. I can't understand why you, who says that you-- you like this child, that you sympathize with Devon, you don't even want him in our house.", "Neil: You know, and see, I don't understand why you don't see where I'm comin' from on this. You know, Lily is my flesh and blood, our flesh and blood. She comes from-- how many times do I have to say this to you?", "Kevin: You gotta hang in there, Lily. I know that things are rough right now, but they're gonna get better. They have to, right?", "Lily: Yeah, that's what I tell myself.", "Kevin: Good, good, keep doin' that.", "Lily: I just-- I wanna feel normal again. I mean, sometimes it gets so bad that I'm almost afraid to leave my house. I'm always wondering who's waiting for me around the corner. I... (Sighs) I'm such a mess.", "Kevin: You're not.", "Lily: I am. I'm a total basket case, and I don't know what to do about it.", "Kevin: Well, maybe, I-- maybe you should see someone.", "Lily: What, like a shrink?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I've heard that it can really help. My brother tried to get me to see one when things weren't going that well for me.", "Lily: Yeah, I-I don't know. Look, I have to go.", "Kevin: Okay, Lily, hey, I really am sorry about everything you're going through. I know that sympathy from me is probably worthless, but, um, I wanted to say it anyway.", "Lily: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Wow. (Chuckles)", "Victor: Michael Baldwin.", "Michael: This place is pretty empty. Where is everybody?", "Victor: Well, you should have been here half an hour ago. We just fed 5 dozen kids before they went off to school.", "Michael: No kiddin'.", "Victor: Yeah, now we have a little time to ourselves, and then they all come back, and we start all over again-- school activities and tutoring and all that stuff.", "Michael: And you're funding all this.", "Victor: You bet, but not anymore, because we got some contributions coming in and a little help from the government.", "Michael: Hmm. Place is ready to run itself, then.", "Victor: So what brings you by? You look a little troubled.", "Michael: All right, this may sound a little off-the-wall...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: But my brother, my little brother, has challenged me to a fistfight.", "Victor: (Chuckles) really? To a fistfight? No kidding?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Oh, bad blood between the two of you or what?", "Michael: Yeah, ain't that the truth?", "Victor: Uh-huh. So what is this about?", "Michael: A woman by the name of, uh, Lauren.", "Victor: Huh? It doesn't mean anything to me.", "Michael: As in Lauren Fenmore.", "Victor: You can't be serious?", "Michael: Lauren was, uh, was kind to Kevin. She was sensitive to his feelings, and in his confused mind, he mistook that for something entirely different, and, uh, now he feels that I've stolen his one true love. It's just all very messed up.", "Victor: (Chuckles) confused? Yes. Your young brother and Lauren Fenmore? I'll be damned. No kidding?", "Michael: Now it's to the point he's obsessed with this fight. You know, he wants me to pay for what I've done.", "Victor: So what are you gonna do?", "Michael: I'm gonna prevent it, if I can, uh, tryin' to talk some sense into his thick skull.", "Victor: But to no avail?", "Michael: Unfortunately, no.", "Victor: So what now?", "Michael: I know I have no right to ask this, and I don't want to put you in an awkward position. Um, I know the Rec center's a special place to you, and I'm sure you don't want it used for any, uh, unsavory activities.", "Victor: In other words, you're asking me if I could make this rec center available, so that you and your brother Kevin can have a fight. Isn't that about the gist of it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Hey.", "Kevin: Oh, hey, Mackenzie.", "Mac: Is this seat taken?", "Kevin: Sure--I mean, no. Yeah. Here, sit down.", "Mac: Thanks. Saw you talkin' to Lily. How's she doin'?", "Kevin: Uh, she's not so great.", "Mac: Is she still shook up about what happened with that Alex guy?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, it's really got her spooked. I thought she'd be doing better by now, but she seems to be getting worse. I wish that, um...", "Mac: What?", "Kevin: I-I just wish there was something I could do to help.", "Mac: You okay?", "Kevin: Sure.", "Mac: It just seems like something's on your mind. Want to talk about it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: So are you going back to the hospital?", "Daniel: No, mom said there's no point. She was gonna spend the night there so she could see how he is this morning. (Sighs) maybe I'll go back there later.", "Chris: Like, after school?", "Daniel: I was, uh, gonna take a pass today.", "Chris: Oh, I know this has been a heavy experience, but so is missing school when they're explaining quadratic equations.", "Daniel: Everyone around here just loves tellin' me what to do.", "Chris: I'm not tellin' you what to do. I'm just concerned about you.", "Daniel: Well, Christine, there's no need to be concerned.", "Chris: Exactly, because you're going to school.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I lied. I thought that's what you'd want to hear, since you were dying. Are you okay with that?", "Damon: I don't suppose I have much choice.", "Phyllis: Its better this way, you know it is.", "Damon: I cut him up some, didn't I?", "Phyllis: Yes, you did. He bled a lot. He has all kind of scars to remember you by.", "Damon: It's so hard gettin' used to the feeling of not wantin' him dead.", "Phyllis: Well, I'd rather get used to that than get used to you being a killer.", "Damon: Did you speak to him?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh.", "Damon: You saved his life.", "Phyllis: I don't know what I did. I don't care.", "Phyllis: He's on his way back to prison. Um... listen, I'm gonna let you rest. The doctor told me to keep the visits short. I'm gonna go back out to the waiting room.", "Damon: I love you.", "Phyllis: Get some rest. (Doorknob rattles) (key turning in lock)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Don't get me wrong. I feel terrible about the whole idea of being drawn into this moronic fistfight scenario, but Kevin getting beaten up isn't going to do him any good. But he's so damned determined. I mean, for some bizarre reason, he actually thinks that he will feel better if we have this out, physically.", "Victor: Well, you know, sometimes, getting knocked on your ass is a very sobering experience. It clears the cobwebs out of your head, you know?", "Michael: I told him flat out, it wasn't gonna happen. I'm just afraid if I walk away from this thing, it's just gonna feed into his whole tendency to do something dangerous or underhanded, when he's angry or upset or if there's a full moon. That's the last thing I want. He thinks this is all open and above- board-- you know, fighting it out like real men.", "Victor: So you want the fight to take place right here in the Rec center?", "Michael: That's about the size of it.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Tell you what. If you come here after hours and security lets you in, then you have your fight, and there are no tell-tale signs the next morning, no one will know the better, now will they?", "Michael: (Chuckles) I guess not. Thank you, Victor.", "Victor: I think it's a very funny story, Michael, but don't hurt yourselves, okay? Good luck. Don't leave any blood, no traces. This joint has to be clean. (Telephone rings)", "Victor: Excuse me. (Telephone rings) (Telephone rings)", "Victor: (Closes door)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Are you always this nosey?", "Mac: Sorry, sometimes I ask too many questions. I'll shut up now.", "Kevin: Hey, can I ask your advice about something?", "Mac: Sure. What's up?", "Kevin: Well, um, I have this friend, and he kinda got himself into a sticky situation.", "Mac: Okay.", "Kevin: He did something that he's not proud of, and, uh, and he didn't mean to-- well, what I mean is, um, his intensions were good. But, uh, this thing just kinda spun outta control, and now he doesn't think he can handle it. You know, if he could, he would just go back and undo this whole thing. But--but he can't, so, uh, well, maybe not the whole thing, just--just the part where somebody got hurt.", "Mac: Kevin, Kevin, be honest. This \"friend\" we're talking about, that is you, right?", "Kevin: Well, yeah.", "Mac: And the situation-- does it have to do with lily?", "Kevin: What? No, I- I didn't say that.", "Mac: Well, I know. We were just talking about her, so there's kind of this... assumed...", "Kevin: What?", "Mac: Does this have to do with what happened at the rec center? Kevin, did you have something to do with that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Call 9-1-1. Aah! Aah! Aah! Stop it! No! (Muffled screams) oh, my God! (Breathes heavily)", "Dru: Malcolm!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I'm not sure I'm the right man to talk to about other men and your feelings for them.", "Neil: I'm not gonna turn my back on you.", "Devon: I'll believe it when I see it.", "Dru: Do you have any idea how we grieved you?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Michael learns about Tanya who's identity turns out to be Glo. At the Chancellor's Jill holds court with Cane and Billy regarding Kay's health. Abruptly it is bought to an end as Kay orders the boys to leave so she and Jill can talk about her fate. Lily and Ana try to spend some quality time together but are rudely interrupted by Chloe and her gestational issues. Cane professes his love for Lily and ask is she ready to move on, while Billy tells Chloe to get over him. Nick goes to Paris and Ashley begins her search for Victor." ]
[ "Kay: Now you tell me what this is all about.", "Esther: This is terrible, Mrs. C.", "Kay: Mm.", "Esther: Jill and Billy and Cane--they want you out of the way at Chancellor. They said they might even put you in a home.", "Kay: Did they?", "Esther: We're going to have to leave Genoa City. I-I have some money saved, and--", "Kay: Oh, no, no, no, Darling. No, no, please, please. I'll--I'll handle this.", "Esther: No, Mrs. C., you can't go in there.", "Kay: Shh. Well, so this is your new plan of attack, is it? Discredit me, force me out?", "Cane: Grandma, it's not about forcing you out.", "Jill: Is that what you told her? We were discussing how to help you, Katherine. She can't even eavesdrop properly.", "Esther: I know what I heard. You said \"A home.\"", "Jill: Oh, stop it. You need emotional support and medical care.", "Kay: Oh, my, yes, meaning, uh...", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: Sweep me into a corner, and Chancellor is all yours.", "Billy: Gram--Grandma, let-- let's just get a coffee or--", "Kay: Billy, go. Cane, you, too. I am going to deal with your ringleader one- on-one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ana: So Justine rolled her eyes at Mr. McMullens, and he saw her. Our other friend Stacy-- she cried in gym because her boyfriend likes someone else.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Listen, Ana, I am okay about Chloe and Cane, but I thank you for looking out for me.", "Ana: I think we need to find Stacy a new boyfriend.", "Lily: And I'm guessing you think I do, too?", "Ana: If you're lonely.", "Lily: (Laughs) Well, actually I've been talking to someone-- well, texting, really.", "Ana: You haven't met him?", "Lily: No.", "Ana: You know you should be careful, right?", "Lily: Actually, I do know that. I do, and I am very glad that you do, too.", "(Chuckles)", "Chloe: Hi, um, I'm sorry. Can I just please put my stuff down? I just need to go grab my muffin.", "Ana: I'll go get your muffin.", "Lily: Yeah, sure.", "Chloe: Oh, why, thank you. That is so polite. Most girls your age are rancid mean girls.", "(Chuckles)", "Lily: And some of them turn into rancid mean women.", "Chloe: Oh, I know. Don't you just hate those types? What?", "Lily: Nothing.", "Chloe: Oh, why, thank you.", "Ana: You're welcome.", "Chloe: Um, all right. Well, I guess I'll just shove it in my mouth, and I'll waddle out. (Sighs)", "Lily: Why don't you sit down?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Thank you. I'm telling you, this baby is gettin' heavy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: We all came by to say au revoir.", "Michael: Did you manage to say that to Lowell?", "Eden: Uh, yeah. I spoke to him a little while ago. He sound all pumped and optimistic.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Michael, how was Canada? Find anything about Lowell's case?", "Michael: Well, new leads, a better perspective of how things happened.", "Eden: Wait, for real? 'Cause--'cause I can stay here. I don't have to go on this trip.", "Michael: No, no, no, no. Your father said go. You go. And, uh, you can, um, take this with you.", "Eden: You got me a present?", "Michael: Open it.", "Eden: No way!", "Michael: Well, you promised Lowell that you'd take pictures for him, right?", "Eden: (Squeals)", "Michael: Oh!", "Lauren: I think she likes it.", "Eden: Oh, thanks.", "Michael: Yeah. It's just a little somethin'.", "Eden: I'm gonna go, uh, get the elevator. Ooh, sorry. (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs) \"Just a little somethin',\" huh?", "Gloria: So was Canada a success?", "Michael: (Sighs) We need to talk about that later.", "Gloria: No, Michael, we need to talk about it now. Otherwise, I'm not leaving.", "Michael: Lowell's case is tanking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I need you to fly me to de Gaulle tonight. Yeah, thank you. Call me as soon as you can.", "Victoria: I hate the thought of people reading \"Sophisticate\" tomorrow and believing that this so-called diary of Dad's is real. (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Hmm. Well, these excerpts seem to be in Victor's style.", "Nick: Well, Dad's given a lot of interviews. Anyone can figure out his rhythm.", "Michael: Hey, everyone. The latest news is the magazine refuses to reveal its sources.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Nick: You know, the publisher of \" Sophisticate\" always seemed... (Sighs) Pretty decent.", "Victoria: Well, it's amazing what people do when they think they can make a lot of money.", "Nick: Well, he'd better be prepared to lose a lot of it once we slap him with a fraud and libel suit.", "Michael: Well, that would be assuming Victor presses charges. To do so, he'd be walking into a murder investigation.", "Victoria: Heather Stevens has been hunting him obsessively.", "Michael: Well, life on the run is no life. It pushes men to desperate actions.", "Victoria: The diary was in Dad's handwriting. That's what they said.", "Nick: So whoever forged it has access to his papers.", "Victoria: Well, then again, it could be anyone he ever sent a note to.", "Phyllis: Or somebody he fired who's holding a grudge, right?", "Michael: Or a competitor who's holding a grudge.", "Victoria: Well, let's face it. There's a lot of people who hate Dad.", "Phyllis: Are you talking about Jack?", "Victoria: Or our brother Adam, who won't be happy until he's dancing on Dad's grave. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Uh, puis-je vous aider, Madame?", "Ashley: Uh, pardon moi. Parle vous anglais?", "Man: You are looking for someone?", "Ashley: Ah, oui. I'm here to see Victor Newman.", "Man: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Excusez-moi. Fr. Dominique called Victor's son, and--and Victor's ex- wife...", "Man: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Sent me here.", "Fr. Dominique: I am Fr. Dominique.", "Ashley: Well, hello. I-I'm--I'm Ashley Abbott.", "Fr. Dominique: You are family?", "Ashley: Well, kind of, yeah. Um... we--we have a, uh, a daughter together.", "Fr. Dominique: Mm.", "Ashley: So...", "Fr. Dominique: Très belle. Uh, she's beautiful.", "Ashley: Oh, merci.", "Fr. Dominique: Uh, Nicholas asked me not to speak with anyone about his father.", "Ashley: Well, of course, and he was right to do so, but I'm not here to harm Victor.", "Fr. Dominique: He suffers, and that is the reason I called his son.", "Ashley: Oh, please, just take me to him, please.", "Fr. Dominique: Victor is gone. He was, uh, weak, unwell, but he left.", "Ashley: He left for good? Where did he go?", "Fr. Dominique: I am afraid I do not know. He did not say good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You've had lapses in your memory, and you refuse to see a doctor. Katherine, that was our discussion. How many times do we have--", "Kay: Thank you.", "Jill: You-- this is a family issue. Leave.", "Kay: No, no. Esther wanted to whisk me out of town away from all of you. This woman is loyal. She is compassionate. She is the essence of family.", "Esther: You try to pull anything on your mother, and you'll have to get through me first.", "Jill: Oh, get out.", "Kay: Esther, I'll be fine.", "Jill: (Sighs) Oh, my God. Katherine... (Sighs) Leaving town with Esther is not the answer. Going to a doctor is the answer.", "Kay: Oh, I've been busy.", "Jill: Please? You have enough time to do this willingly.", "Kay: W-what do you mean willingly\"?", "Jill: I've, um, hired an attorney for the stockholders. They're issuing a petition to insist that you submit to testing.", "Kay: I went to a doctor. I told you.", "Jill: It's too late for that. You need a specialist. Look, they're gonna test for Alzheimer's, for dementia, for anything that could explain the lapses in your memory and--", "Kay: Alzheimer's? Dementia? No. No. Because it's you, Jill. You've lost your mind. You have lost your mind if you think for one second I will submit.", "Jill: Mother, you have no choice.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Jill: If you refuse, they'll vote you out of Chancellor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Thank you.", "Chloe: You know, I am telling you, as cute as pregnant clothes can be... (Sighs) It's not like they're just gonna magically turn you back into a size 0. Mm.", "Ana: Well, I think Lily has the perfect figure.", "Chloe: Hmm.", "Lily: Hey, Ana, why don't we see if we can get some emergency mani-pedis?", "Ana: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Uh, do it. Trust me, because one day, you're not gonna be able to see your toes. So you'd better just appreciate it now.", "Ana: Lily has to look great for her new boyfriend.", "Lily: Ana.", "Chloe: Ooh. Who's the new guy?", "Lily: No, he's not a boyfriend.", "Ana: He likes her a lot.", "Chloe: Mm? So tell me about the new boyfriend.", "Billy: Oh, yeah, we'd love to hear. Ana, that is a big piece of cake. Let me, uh, let me help you out with that, come on.", "Ana: I don't think so.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Ana: I see Ja'Lynn. I'm gonna go say hi, and I'll be right back.", "Lily: Okay, go ahead.", "Cane: So look how good you are with kids, Billy.", "Chloe: Yeah, until the kid turns 21, and then \"Cool Uncle Billy\" is taking him out clubbing.", "Billy: Well, as long as I'm \"Cool Uncle Billy\" and not daddy, I'm good with that.", "Cane: So little brothers, but no kids for you?", "Billy: Well, I've had my scares, just like any other heterosexual male, but mercifully, I stand before you merely an uncle.", "Chloe: Not that being a daddy would be the worst thing in the world.", "Lily: Well, Cane will be a great dad.", "Cane: I'm gonna get, uh, Uncle Billy a cup of coffee.", "Billy: Thank you. Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Just the fact that people think that Dad's a murderer-- I mean, it-- it kills me, kills me, and it would destroy Sabrina.", "Phyllis: Listen, Sabrina wouldn't believe it any more than you do, so...", "Victoria: Can we get two coffees, please? Thank you. You know, um, Reed's walking now, and Dad would be taking him on walks all over the ranch with Sabrina, but he does not want to know us anymore and she's gone.", "Phyllis: Listen, listen, listen, listen. Nick is gonna find Victor. He's also gonna find the person who's trying to ruin Victor's name, okay?", "Victoria: Well, speak of the possibility.", "Phyllis: Don't go off on him till you know for sure. Please just keep your cool.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Adam: Hello, Ladies.", "Victoria: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: Hi, Adam. Well, you're smiley. Look at you. I haven't seen you like this since Victor was reported dead and you declared yourself king.", "Adam: (Laughs) Well, I have good reason to be happy today. I just got engaged.", "Victoria: Heather?", "Phyllis: She's supporting you on her A.D.A. salary. Fantastic. I can't wait to see the ring. I'm sure I'll need a magnifying glass.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Adam: Oh, that's nice. Uh, no, you won't need one, actually. I had a change of luck recently.", "Phyllis: Oh, you have a job. Good to know. Good. Good. He has a job.", "Victoria: Oh, that's great.", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: That's excellent. What is it? Give me a hint, please.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Adam: Oh, sorry, I gotta go.", "Victoria: There is no way that anyone that cold-blooded could be excited over an engagement.", "Phyllis: No. Someone like that-- they're excited over money, and they're excited over winning over their enemy.", "Victoria: It was him. Damn it. I just know Adam's behind that journal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I didn't say that you were losing it.", "Kay: Alzheimer's-- that was your word.", "Jill: No, it could be your medications interacting. It could be a chemical imbalance. You take a pill, you're right back on track. Katherine, we won't know how to fix it, though, if we don't know what's wrong.", "Kay: What's wrong? You've exploited a private issue.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: You brought lawyers in on this. It is a power g ab.", "Jill: (Sighs) No, it was a way to try to get you to the geriatric neurologist.", "Kay: Geriatrics? Ha! My God. You say that word like you're saying, uh, garbage.", "Jill: Katherine, you're old, okay? It's a reality, but this is much more than just age.", "Kay: My God. You will be lucky if you live to be my age. All you want me is out of the way. You resent my power. You resent my experience.", "Jill: I resent the way you treat me. I resent the way you have always treated me, yes, and yes, you are a powerful woman. You're also cantankerous and infuriating, and for years, yes, I wanted you out of my way.", "Kay: So you admit it. That's why this is all about.", "Jill: No. What this is all about is the other day when you were waiting for Phillip-- I looked into your eyes, and you weren't there. It was some other woman from some other time.", "Kay: And you are exaggerating.", "Jill: Am I? Katherine, you didn't go to the doctor because you're scared.", "Kay: No, uh, that-- that wasn't it at all.", "Jill: Katherine Chancellor, my mother-- she doesn't run scared, so the fact that it's gone this far has me scared, too.", "Kay: Don't you dare. Don't you dare.", "Jill: I love you. God help us both, I love you. I will not watch you fade away.", "Kay: That is not what is happening.", "Jill: Isn't it? All these lapses-- they're nothing, huh? They're not more frequent and more confusing?", "Kay: Come on, stop.", "Jill: No. How will they end?", "Kay: Just stop it!", "Jill: How bad will they get? What's gonna be left of you when they're over? I am sorry. I am so, so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Perfect timing. Here, give that to me.", "Michael: Oh, thank you.", "Lauren: I got it. Fen just went down for a nap.", "Michael: Good.", "Gloria: Did you or did you not find Marshall? Your father's in prison because of that bastard.", "Michael: He's dead! Gloria. He has been for ten years. That is what I learned in Canada.", "Lauren: What does that mean for River?", "Michael: It means that our best shot at an acquittal, our best shot at reasonable doubt, our best shot at bringing the man who blew up that bank and killed the janitor to justice-- that--that's all dead, too. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I just want my mother back.", "Kay: Your mother?", "Jill: Is there something I'm missing here? I-is there some explanation that I don't know about for all this?", "Kay: No, I don't know if I could answer that.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: And if I could, I don't know if I could trust you with the information.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: I'd like to be alone now.", "Jill: Okay. (Sighs) But you'll keep the appointment?", "Kay: You already said it-- I don't have a choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Listen, I don't know. He's disgusting. I can't believe you guys share genes.", "Victoria: Dad leaves, and Adam still finds a way to make money off of him.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Victoria: And how could e afford an engagement ring?", "Phyllis: Let's find out.", "Victoria: Who are you calling?", "Phyllis: Oh, I am not calling anyone. Adam's assistant is calling the editor at \"Sophisticate.\"", "Phyllis: Yes, uh, I am calling for Adam Wilson. Um, I need to speak with Mr. Drake. It's about the check. It didn't clear. Hi, Mr. Drake, I'm sorry. I lost Mr. Wilson in the car. We're gonna have to get back to you. Thank you. They definitely paid him. They paid him, and it's for the journal, I'm sure.", "Victoria: I've gotta call Nick.", "Phyllis: No, no. No, no, let me--let me do it. Let me do it. This is gonna be a great going away present.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fr. Dominique: Saint Raymond Nonnatus. He is the, uh, patron saint of, uh, unborn children, pregnant women.", "Ashy: Oh. And Victor's wife was pregnant when she was killed.", "Fr. Dominique: Later, he used himself and his money to free prisoners. He went in their place. He guides and protects the... falsely accused.", "Ashley: Father, Victor's in agony, isn't he?", "Fr. Dominique: God will take care of Victor's soul, but he needs someone to look after his health.", "Ashley: Many people have tried, but he--he won't listen, and now I'm here to try, too. I don't know how.", "Fr. Dominique: First, you find him. Then you let your heart decide what is next.", "Ashley: Well, you said he-- he walked out of here without a trace. I don't even know where to start.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Thank you. So I finish my appetizer, and I head over to the Kardashian table. It was fun.", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Cane: Uh, it's, uh, my assistant. I have to take this. I'll come back.", "Ana: Okay, so have you met Tyra? Not--not my mom, the famous one. Do you know her?", "Chloe: Uh, I know all of Tyra's people-- lots of shoots with them, mm-hmm.", "Ana: You did not.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Ana: Wow.", "Chloe: You don't believe me? Look at my pics. Come here. Look.", "Ana: Oh, wow.", "Billy: So, uh, do you want to give me the update about the guy you ditched at my party?", "Lily: Oh. (Scoffs) Sonny? (Scoffs)", "Billy: Yeah, you know, your--your new boyfriend.", "Lily: Okay, he's not my boyfriend. No, Ana is just being protective, and I actually haven't talked to him in a while, so...", "Billy: Since Halloween? Ouch. (Clears throat)", "Chloe: You know, I gotta say, that was a really fabulous party. Cane and I had such a good time, that we went home and surfed the net for baby costumes for next year. (Chuckles)", "Ana: Is it okay if I show Ja'Lynn these pictures?", "Chloe: Yeah, yeah. Just don't let them drool over the Jonas brothers. Anyhow, I mean, I know it's not surfing the net for a date, but they have some really cute baby costumes. Uh, we started to eat candy and then, oh, we started fighting over the caramel ones, but then he let me win, which was really nice. But anyhow, so, um, we were looking at these baby costumes, and they're just so cute, you know? Then there's--we argued over, uh, uh, pumpkin baby, and then there was, uh, lion baby and then, uh, oh, warlock baby. I mean, isn't he just gonna be so cute? Couldn't you just see little baby Cane in a little red suit?", "Lily: What's your point, Chloe?", "Chloe: That warlocks are cute?", "Lily: Listen, I get it, okay? You win. You are having Cane's baby, and you are living in our house, and you have my engagement ring on your finger. So you can stop trying to prove how tight you two are.", "Chloe: I'm the one with the hormones. Why is she all flipped out?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: As if I have no free will. I don't know. Maybe Jill is right.", "Nikki: She's undermined your confidence so now you're second-guessing yourself. (Scoffs) To hell with that. You are still Katherine Chancellor.", "Kay: Yeah, well, what if parts of, um, Katherine Chancellor are slipping?", "Nikki: Have the exam, but do it on your terms. Take control back from Jill and the lawyers and everybody. You're the most formidable woman I know. So step up and make sure you stay that way.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, thank you.", "Gloria: What's all this stuff?", "Michael: Huh? Oh, uh, interviews with witnesses for and against Lowell.", "Lauren: They're prehistoric. Do you think they're still gonna work?", "Gloria: You know, Sweetie, I got an appointment. I gotta go.", "Michael: Okay. See you later.", "Gloria: Bye.", "Lauren: Bye, Gloria. So are you looking for any one in particular here?", "Michael: Yes, \"Tanya.\" She testified against Lowell. He couldn't remember her name.", "Lauren: Hmm. All right, Tanya, bring on the lies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tanya: Yes, I was at the bank, and, yes, I saw Lowell Baldwin with the bomb. You know, he was a wonderful speaker, and he just got the group ready for the action.", "Michael: Wait a minute.", "Lauren: Shh. Shh.", "Tanya: Then he talked about the war machine and how we had to put a stop to it.", "Michael: Now son of a bitch. That--that--that--", "Lauren: What?", "Tanya: And then Lowell Baldwin set off the bomb...", "Michael: That's Gloria. That's Gloria.", "Tanya: That killed that man.", "Michael: That's Gloria. That--\"Tanya\" is Gloria.", "Michael: She gave evidence against Lowell. Gloria testified against my father.", "Michael: Uh, Gloria, call me as soon as you get this. It's very, very, very important.", "Lauren: We don't know that that's really her on the tape.", "Michael: It's her. Gloria is Tanya. (Sighs) She is the reason that Lowell has been on the run all these years, and all that stuff about he ran out on us and he didn't care if we had food to eat or a roof over our head was all made-up. But it doesn't make any sense. Why?", "Lauren: Look, Sweetie, I, um, I really believed River, and I know you did, too, but do you think it's possible that he could be behind the bomb?", "Michael: No, no. Oh, no, not a chance. Not a chance. It's--it's not in him.", "Lauren: Well, maybe-- maybe Gloria believed that he was.", "Michael: If she said it-- and I know she did-- she knew it was a lie. I just-- h-how could someone be so angry? How can you be so vin-- vindict-- mnh-mnh. What am I thinking? Of course, she did. Of course, she could.", "Lauren: I cannot imagine that she would purposefully break up her family.", "Michael: Yeah, well, we-- we just heard proof that she did, and she's gonna tell me why, believe me. No, she's gonna tell me why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: (Chuckles) What, uh, no engagement present?", "Victoria: I know you're behind those lies.", "Adam: I-I don't know what you're talking about.", "Victoria: Why don't you be half of the man that our father is and just admit it?", "Adam: Half of what, half a murderer?", "Victoria: What are you celebrating here? Are you celebrating your engagement, or are you celebrating ruining our father's life?", "Adam: No, no, no, wait a-- wait a second, Victoria. He's not \"Our\" father, remember? Just yours and Nicholas'. Yeah, okay, I-I found the journal. I found it at the ranch after he got back from Mexico, his murder jaunt complete.", "Victoria: He did not kill Walter Palin.", "Adam: (Scoffs)", "Victoria: And he did not write that filth.", "Adam: Victoria, he fled the country in a private jet. You know, the way that guilty rich men do. No, but of--of course. You could never believe that Saint Victor was ever, uh, capable of murder.", "Victoria: That's how twisted you are? Do you know they're gonna hunt him down and drag him home?", "Adam: It's not my problem.", "Victoria: Why are you doing this?", "Adam: He treated me like crap, because you treated me like crap, because Nick treated me like crap. You all did, always making sure I had to know my place, right? The--the lesser Newman, the outsider. You know what? When I found the journal, I said, \"Screw it. If I can't have the family I deserve, I might as well get a little money after.\" So don't blame me for this, okay, Victoria? Blame yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you.", "Nick: (Sighs) I'm dumping \"Restless Style\" in your lap while I'm gone. I should be throwing roses at your feet.", "Phyllis: Well, yeah, you should, but close your eyes.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat)", "Nick: What's my surprise?", "Phyllis: It was Adam who sold the journal to the \"Sophisticate.\"", "Nick: How do you know that?", "Phyllis: I faked out the editor. Evidently, they cut him a check.", "Nick: (Sighs) You are brilliant, and I love you, and now I have to go deal with this.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Victoria's dealing with it. Don't worry about it. You have to find your father in France, and in the meantime, I'm gonna handle things here at \"Res--restless Style.\" We're doing great without you.", "Nick: Oh, you are, huh?", "Phyllis: Yep. Yep, we have, uh, that photo shoot with that beautiful French model Juliet, and, um, you know, it's funny. You might even cross her midway over the Atlantic-- too bad for you.", "Nick: So I can just leave then.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Get out.", "Nick: 'Cause you don't need me anymore.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) Oh, I need you. I need you more than you know.", "Nick: Not as much as I need you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I've very lucky to have you, and I must say, very grateful. Where are you, though? I hear a clock tower in the background.", "Nikki: Oh, um, I'm in London. It--it's nothing. It's business.", "Kay: You're lying. Why?", "Nikki: We're talking about you now, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, you said I was still me, which means, uh, I have every right to know what's going on.", "Nikki: I came to London because I'm worried about Victor.", "Kay: Is he there?", "Nikki: No, but the person I thought could help him is.", "Kay: Oh, God, don't tell me--", "Nikki: I came to her. I went to Ashley and told her that she was my last hope. I practically got on my knees.", "Kay: Well, that must have cost you from the heart.", "Nikki: I went to her, and ad--admitted that she was the only one that--that could save him... (Sighs) That the place she holds in Victor's art is so large and powerful, that she's the only person who could bring him back from the brink. (Sighs)", "Kay: Very brave of you, and selfless, but very brave.", "Nikki: She said she couldn't just drop everything and go looking for Victor, but even if she did go to him... (Sighs) Would it be too late? I-I'm really scared, Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You are thinking obnoxious thoughts really loudly.", "Billy: Oh, so what if you acted like a brat and scared off Lily? Who cares? No big deal.", "Chloe: Listen, I have a right to speak about my life. The world does not revolve around Lily and her precious little feelings, okay?", "Billy: All right, all right, take it easy, Tiger, okay? You have to admit you got a little defensive, insecure, and you probably exaggerated your relationship with Cane just a little bit. I mean, was--was he even in the room when you were looking at these pumpkin costume baby garbage?", "Chloe: Yes, he was... some.", "Billy: Okay, it's still there, you know? This Lily-Cane thing, and it's driving me nuts, too, but, you, you need to get over it, just like you need to finally get over me.", "Chloe: Oh, please. I did, really quickly.", "Billy: Little girl, I can read you, and no, you haven't.", "Cane: So are you guys leaving?", "Lily: Uh, yes, because if I stayed, I might claw Chloe's eyes out.", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Lily: No offense.", "Cane: None taken. What'd she, uh, what'd she do?", "Lily: Just rubbed my face in your marital bliss.", "Cane: We live in separate rooms. We have separate lives. The kid's the only thing we'll ever have in common. She's jealous.", "Lily: Yeah, but she has everything.", "Cane: No, she doesn't. I love you. So, uh, this new, uh, boyfriend...", "Lily: He's not my boyfriend. He's just someone I met online.", "Cane: Do you want to change that?", "Lily: Yeah, I think maybe I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: What did Mrs. Newman say?", "Kay: Well, she told me to take care of myself... (Chuckles) To stay strong and healthy.", "Esther: She loves you, and so do other people. Will you please go to the specialist?", "Kay: But, Esther, what if he tells me the worst, that my mind is turning to dust? What then?", "Esther: No matter what he says, I'll look after you. You're stuck with me forever.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Esther: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What you doing?", "Gloria: Thought I left my gloves here. Did you see 'em?", "Michael: I doubt you'll find them in that box of tapes, \"Tanya.\"", "Gloria: What are you talking about, Michael? Who's Tanya?", "Michael: Lowell's worst nightmare, the name you used when you sold Lowell out to the police. I mean, what was your plan? You were gonna steal the tape before I had a chance to hear you testify against my father, or were you just gonna listen to it again and revel in your success?", "Gloria: I don't know what you're talking about, Michael, and neither do you.", "Michael: I listened to the tape.", "Michael: I know plenty.", "Gloria: I don't care what you think, you know. You know nothin'.", "Michael: No, no, you tell me. You tell me to my face. You did this!", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You trashed the people that Dad respected and the company that he built and because he wouldn't pat you on the head, you want to punish him.", "Adam: \"With everything in me, I held his head underwater.\" Come on, Victoria. Tell me that you couldn't hear Victor's voice when you read those words. Just imagine it. Imagine his hands crushing the life out of that mobster.", "Victoria: We're gonna prove these lies started with you, and we're gonna bury you with 'em.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: I hate it when you leave.", "Nick: You're always right beside me. You're tough, and you're fearless, and that makes me feel like I can do anything. It's like a sense that failure isn't an option because you're with me.", "Phyllis: You're calling me tough and fearless, but I don't feel very tough and fearless.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Father, is there anything at all that you can think of that Victor said? Anything?", "Fr. Dominique: (Sighs) He mostly spoke of the wife he lost, that she lived in Paris.", "Ashley: Well, maybe if he wanted to be near her, he'd go there.", "Fr. Dominique: Take this. Remind Victor that, um, Saint Raymond still listens. You and Victor will be in my prayers.", "Ashley: Thank you from both of us.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Marge: I can't do this.", "Kay: We're just going to have to take more drastic measures.", "Michael: The witness who testified against you-- don't you want to know her identity?", "River: It's Gloria.", "Amber: Where'd you get that money?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily and Cane wake up together. Cane inquires as to how Lily is feeling. Lily asks him can't he tell how she is feeling. Chance catches up with Chloe. Chloe asks Chance where had he been that she hadn't been seeing him. Chloe tells Chance that Billy had kissed Halloween night and she had blew him off. Chance lets Chloe know that he is proud of her. Jill meets with Kay and lets her know how inappropriate that it was of her to announce her return to Jabot. Neil comes in to join Kay and Jill. Paul asks Nina had she seen the article in \"Restless Style' about Patty. Nina replies that she had. Emily comes in to join Paul and Nina. Kay tells Jill and Neil that she is planning on making some acquisitions. Devon tells Roxanne that he is happy because of her and goes on to invite her to a ball game. Emily tells Paul to stay away from Patty. Emily tells Paul that she is going back to Minnesota. Paul tells Nina that Nikki had left town with Victor. Neil visits Lily and finds out that she had been out shopping for supplies to make pot roast. Jill meets with Paul to ask him to find Kay's real daughter.", "" ]
[ "Cane: Morning.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: How are you feeling?", "Lily: Can't you tell? (Chuckles)", "Cane: Mm. Why don't you stay in bed? I'll get up, and I'll make us some breakfast.", "Lily: I don't want breakfast. And I don't want to sleep, either.", "Cane: Hmm.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Hey, Chloe.", "Chloe: Hey. Hey, wait, wait, wait. Wait, um, I've got news. (Chuckles) Actually-- actually, it's old news. Where you--where have you been? I haven't seen you for a little bit.", "Chance: Yeah, well, I've been working a lot lately.", "Chloe: Well, Billy was here on Halloween. And he kissed me. And I blew him off. I did. I did. I just told him that I didn't want to be his consolation prize. (Sighs) And I think that he knew that I was very serious about it. So... (Chuckles) What do you think?", "Chance: That's good.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Yeah, I-I-I know. Right?", "Chance: Yeah. I'm gonna get some breakfast.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: It was entirely appropriate of me to announce my return to Jabot.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, you could have done it without sticking your finger in Jack's eye.", "Jill: Katherine--", "Kay: I read the press release, Jill.", "Jill: No matter how prettily we phrase it, that fact is I am returning to right a sinking ship. Jack has failed in his mission.", "Kay: Well, if you don't find a way to coexist with him, you're going to fail yours. This is not an auspicious beginning.", "Neil: Good morning, ladies.", "Kay: Neil, wonderful. Have a seat.", "Jill: I didn't realize that you'd be joining us.", "Neil: Well, Katherine called and said she wanted to make a change.", "Kay: Indeed. And it involves you both. Sit down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I suppose you have seen the, uh, article in, uh, \"Restless Style.\"", "Nina: Yeah.", "Paul: Just when I thought that, uh, my sister couldn't be exploited any further.", "Nina: Mm.", "Paul: Not that she's aware of it, anyway. Or any other bad thing that's ever happened to her.", "Nina: Just can't face it, huh?", "Paul: (Sighs) It um... it's all just too much for her.", "Nina: Yeah. Well, selective amnesia's, you know, self-protective. Once she gets stronger, she'll start remembering stuff.", "Paul: Yeah, well, I'm not sure I'm wishing for that, either. I mean, right now, she's happy. She is the beaming, blushing newlywed.", "Nina: Oh, you can't be serious.", "Paul: The last time I went to see her, she wanted me to tell Mom that she and Jack wanted sauerkraut and spareribs...", "Nina: (Gasps)", "Paul: The next time they visit.", "Nina: Oh, no. Oh. Well, what about this doctor that--that Patty modeled herself after?", "Paul: Well, um, I've seen them together. They have a very strong bond.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Dr. Peterson.", "Emily: Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: If you're planning on reading that over breakfast, it may spoil your appetite.", "Emily: I already have. Your brother has quite the poisoned pen.", "Jack: My brother cared a great deal about Colleen.", "Emily: I see. And this is his idea of revenge? And Patty's collateral damage again?", "Jack: For what it's worth, I was adamantly against her inclusion in that article.", "Emily: It's hard to tell, based on the outcome.", "Jack: And your opinion of me sinks even lower. I didn't think it was possible.", "Emily: (Sighs) I'm sure you get very different results when you flash that smile.", "Jack: You seem sure about a lot of things where I'm concerned. Let me ask you something. In your time working with Patty, did she make any progress?", "Emily: She made enormous progress.", "Jack: And what about your other patients? Did you--you must have had some success with them.", "Emily: What is the point, Mr. Abbott?", "Jack: My point is, you've made an entire career on the premise that people grow and change, and yet somehow, you don't think I'm capable of that.", "Emily: I haven't judged you.", "Jack: Oh? (Scoffs) I think you've tried and convicted me in your mind. Now could the accused please have a final statement before the sentence is handed down?", "Emily: (Sighs) Fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I am seriously looking to make some acquisitions.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: Well, there's a lot of asset-rich corporations out there floundering in this downturn.", "Neil: It's a great time to go bargain hunting, that's for sure.", "Jill: Yeah, but it's a tough time to raise capital with the credit market still floundering.", "Kay: Well, that's why I'm considering an I.P.O.", "Jill: You want to take the company public?", "Kay: Well, no. Not all of it, no. But certainly a significant percentage.", "Neil: Wow. Chancellor Industries issuing stock to the masses.", "Kay: All right. Now, uh, come on now. This--this has got to remain very confidential. I haven't discussed it with anybody-- anybody at all, except Mitchell Sherman.", "Jill: And what does Mitchell say?", "Kay: Well, he wanted me to do it for years. And, um, he was very annoyed that I didn't-- that I didn't do it before my untimely demise.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Neil: Right. It would have made the disposition of your estate a lot easier if you'd had that liquidity.", "Kay: Well, not to mention the fact that it would have given us freedom to jump on opportunities as they arise.", "Jill: Yeah. You'd have the cash on hand. At the same time, you would have shareholders to please and added regulations and...", "Kay: Mm-hmm. You oppose?", "Jill: No, no, no. I didn't say that.", "Kay: Well, what do you think?", "Jill: You really want to know what I think?", "Kay: Why else would I have asked you here, for heaven sakes?", "Jill: I think we're ready.", "Kay: Neil?", "Neil: Definitely worth investigating.", "Kay: All right. Let's look into it. I want to make this happen. Hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Thank you. This one here's for you.", "Roxanne: Ooh, extra whipped cream. You must be happy with me.", "Devon: I'm happy because of you.", "Roxanne: (Gasps) Oh, Gym Class Heroes are playing at Macalester College.", "Devon: Really? When is that?", "Roxanne: It's tonight.", "Devon: Oh, yeah? Wanna go? Let's go.", "Roxanne: Are you serious?", "Devon: Yeah, I'm serious. Why not? It's only, like, a 3-hour drive. I'll, uh, get you back here before afternoon classes tomorrow.", "Roxanne: Okay.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Roxanne: Yeah. (Laughs)", "Devon: Good. I want to check on Lily, though, first, okay?", "Roxanne: Is she okay?", "Devon: Yeah, I think she's okay. I just got this weird vibe yesterday, 'cause she couldn't-- it--it seemed like she couldn't get us out of the house fast enough.", "Roxanne: Devon--", "Devon: No, I know. You probably think I'm being paranoid, but...", "Roxanne: Lily's fine.", "Devon: Something was off.", "Roxanne: Okay, I-I thought something was wrong, too, until you told me that they just renewed their vows. You wouldn't want visitors on your honeymoon, would you?", "Devon: Oh.", "Roxanne: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs) You know, I've been trying not to think about how much I missed this.", "Lily: I know. Me, too.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: I am yours. All yours.", "Cane: So... what do you want to do today? You know, your wish is my command, don't you?", "Lily: Oh, well...", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Lily: In that case, I should make it good. (Chuckles)", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Um, I don't know. I was just gonna say, let's just go outside and enjoy the fall before it's over.", "Cane: So you want to have, like, a \"Cider and a sweater\" kind of day? We could take Humphrey for a walk. Hmm? Hey. You okay?", "Lily: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: I'm better than okay.", "Cane: Good.", "Lily: (Chuckles) It's, like, how long has it been since I've had to be careful about every single move that I make? You know?", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Its like-- take the right medicine, and don't get too tired, and sanitize everything. And every conversation is, \"How are you feeling?\" And, \"Are you up for company? Is this too much for you?\" (Sighs) It's like that's all I was-- just \"Lily, cancer patient.\" The rest of me was just... gone. But, past couple days, I haven't had to think about any of that. You know, I feel-- I feel good.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: I feel like-- like myself, like just Lily. (Chuckles) And I want to hold onto that for as long as I can.", "Cane: I love you.", "Lily: (Sighs) I love you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: I still don't understand why it matters what I think of you.", "Jack: Because I want to help Patty, and you can tell me how.", "Emily: I have. Stay away.", "Jack: I've already stopped my visits.", "Emily: Good. The visits may ease your conscience, but they fed her delusions.", "Jack: Well, there must be something I can do from the outside.", "Emily: (Sighs) Mr. Abbott, Patty has a team of competent professionals working with her. If they need anything from you I'm--", "Jack: They--they-- you're not saying \"We.\" You're no part of that team?", "Emily: I have to go back to Minnesota tomorrow.", "Jack: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm also, frankly, a little surprised.", "Emily: Well, I have professional obligations.", "Jack: No one has the bond with Patty that you do. You're here in town because you obviously care about her.", "Emily: I do.", "Jack: So what's it gonna take to get you to stay?", "Emily: Hey, we're not gonna have this conversation.", "Jack: You won't even discuss it?", "Emily: Mr. Abbott, I know it's important to you to find a way to alleviate your guilt. But it's not a priority to me. You are not my patient, and you are not my concern.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Thank you. So where are you and Nikki at these days?", "Paul: (Chokes) Are you serious? You haven't heard?", "Nina: What?", "Paul: Nowhere. She left town with Victor.", "Nina: No.", "Paul: Yes.", "Nina: I don't even know what to say about that.", "Paul: Well, apparently, neither did she. She, um... wrote me a very simple e-mail telling me that she was leaving town.", "Nina: (Scoffs) Well, I'm so glad I could lift your spirits like this.", "Paul: (Laughs)", "Nina: What else could I bring up? North Korea. Global warming.", "Paul: (Groans)", "Nina: What?", "Paul: Actually, you do lift my spirits.", "Nina: Oh, God.", "Paul: But, uh, I am supposed to meet somebody.", "Nina: Oh, yeah, sure. (Laughs)", "Paul: No, truly. I am. Hey, Phillip, how you doing?", "Phillip: Hey, Paul, how you doing?", "Paul: Good to see you. Fine. Uh, so let me know when you're free. We can, um, catch a movie.", "Nina: Yeah, sure.", "Paul: A comedy?", "Nina: Yes, a comedy. (Laughs)", "Paul: (Laughs) Okay.", "Nina: Bye, Sweetheart.", "Paul: Bye.", "Nina: Sit.", "Phillip: Mm. So, uh, are you guys goin' out?", "Nina: No, no. We hang out.", "Phillip: Not that it's my business.", "Nina: No, it's okay. And, you know, if you want to tell me about your love life, that would be okay, too.", "Paul: Well, right now, there's nobody special, which is good, because, you know, my priorities should be my son, whether he likes it or not.", "Nina: Wall's not coming down, huh?", "Phillip: Well, to be fair, you know, when he avoids me, he does it in the nicest possible way.", "Nina: Mm.", "Phillip: But I'm not gonna give up.", "Nina: Good.", "Phillip: But I'm not gonna push.", "Nina: No, you shouldn't. Oh, shoot. I meant to bring that photo album of all his school pictures.", "Phillip: Next time.", "Nina: No, just come back to the house with me. I want you to see it.", "Phillip: Nina, what did I just say? I mean, there-- uh, I don't want to push him.", "Nina: He's probably not even there. He works all the time. Come on.", "Phillip: Okay.", "Nina: Come on.", "Phillip: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hey, how was that bagel? Good, uh, great. Let's get back to earlier. Yeah? Uh... wow. (Chuckles) That was just not the response I was expecting. See, you were the one who told me to grow a spine when it came to Billy, and I did, and I told you, and, uh, you know, you just, like, patted me on the head like, \"Attagirl.\"", "Chance: Yeah. You did a good job.", "Chloe: It was actually, like, huge. Huge. (Chuckles)", "Chance: (Sighs) Okay, I'm proud of you, Chloe. I really am.", "Chloe: Thank you. Thank-- well, that's a little bit more like it.", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: So you working today?", "Chance: Um, no.", "Chloe: Good.", "Chance: I'm not working today.", "Chloe: Good, good, good. Um, I have a meeting later, but then I have some free time, and I want to know if you wanted to hang out.", "Chance: Yeah, that's, um, that's not gonna work. Uh, see, I-I'm getting ready to go running right now, and then a little bit later on today I've got, uh, I've got some places that I have to be. So, uh, yeah. I'll see you later, okay?", "Chloe: Okay. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I'll make some discreet inquiries to underwriters.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Get a feel for where they'd want to price the shares. It's a tricky thing. You know, you want to raise capital, but at a price low enough to generate interest.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Get people excited being in on-- on the ground floor.", "Kay: And the two of you have an opportunity for just that. My God, I want you both to benefit from this.", "Jill: You would do this for me?", "Neil: Katherine, um, I-I appreciate the generosity, but I've only worked for you for what, less than a year?", "Kay: You are both family. That's enough said. Enough said.", "Neil: Thank you very much.", "Kay: Well, all right. Get busy with-- with those phone calls.", "Neil: Right away. Right away. Jill.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Kay: (Chuckles) It's, um, it's really something, isn't it? I mean... (Chuckles) The business world is gonna be set on its ear, and it's not even-- not even lunchtime.", "Jill: Katherine?", "Kay: Hmm?", "Jill: Why did you bring me in on this?", "Kay: Well, I-- well, I-I think it just deserves some grand, uh, gestures. You know, after years of this painful tit for tat, I think I should... (Sighs) Uh, I think in some way I could earn your forgiveness.", "Jill: Earn my-- you want my forgiveness?", "Kay: Yes, I do.", "Jill: What about all the things that I have done to you?", "Kay: You know, Jill, I don't know how long I have left. Of course, no one does, but... I mean, look at Lily and--and poor little Colleen. And that--that lit a fire under me, and, well, I want to set things right while I-I'm--I'm still-- still able to do so. You know, with all the people I've--I've--I've-- I've loved, I mean, it's--it's too late. That's where this empty space in my heart can never be filled.", "Jill: Empty? You're surrounded by people who love you.", "Kay: I do have a full house, don't I? But you want to know something? (Sighs) For some reason here of late, I've been conscious of the people who are not here who will never, never know how much they meant to me. I have a daughter out there somewhere.", "Jill: Yeah. The one you thought was me.", "Kay: Well, you know, it is a relief to me to know that you are here, a-and I can do a lot of things for you to make amends. I mean, that is, if you let me.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: No, no. It's--its fine. Uh, Paul and I have a, uh, meeting scheduled.", "Jack: Oh, well, uh, take my seat. My pleasure talking with you. It was, uh, illuminating, to say the least. Paul, if there's anything I can do for Patty, please let me know.", "Paul: I will, indeed.", "Emily: (Sighs)", "Paul: Okay, well.", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "Paul: (Sighs) You know, I really wish you would reconsider your decision to, uh, leave town in a few days.", "Emily: Patty's in good hands.", "Paul: Her doctors are new to her. And there's no way they have the same level of trust as she does with you.", "Emily: I'll stay in close contact with her team, and I will visit when I can.", "Paul: I don't suppose there's any way you would consider relocating?", "Emily: I'm sorry. As much as it breaks my heart for Patty and for you--", "Paul: There are plenty of job opportunities here, you know.", "Emily: It's-- it's not a matter of earning a living, Paul. The work I do is important to me. And finding another position that's going to offer me the same influence with the community-- it doesn't seem likely. I promise you, I will not let Patty fall through the cracks. I just--I need to go home.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So good to see you.", "Roxanne: You, too. I'm gonna go tell Taryn about the concert.", "Devon: All right. All right.", "Neil: Well, well. She seems happy.", "Devon: Yes, and I'm doing everything I can to keep it that way.", "Neil: Good. Seen Lily lately?", "Devon: Mm-hmm, yesterday. Why?", "Neil: I don't know, kid. You know, I'm just trying not to hover.", "Devon: So you're gonna hover vicariously then, huh? She's doin' okay, though.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Cane taking good care of her?", "Devon: Uh, it looked that way.", "Neil: I want to believe it'll last.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So, uh, you're sure this is where you want to be?", "Lily: Yeah, I love it here. The smell and wandering through the stacks. And everyone's so relaxed, you know? It's where you come when you have time on your hands. And that's exactly how I want to feel.", "Cane: Well, okay. You go and wander, and you know where you can find me, okay?", "Lily: Mm, in romance?", "Cane: Romance?", "Lily: Yeah, because wherever you are, that's where romance is.", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Any talk like that, and I'm gonna take you home and get you back into bed.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: (Sighs) Hey. I thought you had a meeting.", "Chloe: So you thought I'd be gone. Hmm, is that what you hoped for?", "Chance: Uh, no.", "Chloe: So what are you doin' now?", "Chance: I'm about to grab a shower. So...", "Chloe: Wait. (Sighs) Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. You told me that if I realized that Billy wasn't good enough for me, that you would be here.", "Chance: Right.", "Chloe: So then I told you. So then why are you acting like this?", "Chance: (Sighs) Chloe... (Sighs) Look, it's a great thing that you stood your ground with Billy, and I know it's not the first time you've done so. I mean, you moved out of his house. You filed your divorce papers, but come on. I mean, you never really let go, did you? I mean, I'm--I'm saying-- I'm just-- I'm hoping that that's what you're doing right now, okay?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: Even if you have to take me out of the picture.", "Chloe: But I don't want you-- I don't want you out of the picture. Come on. I didn't tell anybody that I blew him off, not even my own mother. I don't call people and just tell people things like this. It's just not my style, okay? I wanted to tell you. I've been dying to tell you. I don't even know what that means, but... (Sighs) I just... I don't know. I just thought that you would care, so sorry. It was my mistake. (Sighs) Just... (Sighs) Whatever. I don't-- let's not make this weird.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So, my man...", "Devon: Hmm?", "Neil: Graduating this semester. You still haven't told me what your plans are.", "Devon: Yeah, that's right. Um... well, my plan is to, uh... I'm gonna go after music. I'm gonna start writin' the songs that I got floatin' around in my head and get some kind of job to save up for a studio session.", "Neil: Tell you what. You finish writing those songs. You put together people. I'll cover the studio session.", "Devon: You're serious about that? 'Cause I always thought you wanted me to get a suit job and keep music on the side.", "Neil: Devon, how long did I wait to leave Newman? Hmm? If I had known what was waiting for me at Chancellor-- I've really come into my own there now. And see, if something like that could happen for you, I would prefer for it to happen sooner rather than later. I mean, now--now-- now music is a tough business.", "Devon: Mm.", "Neil: Now I'm not sayin' that I expect instant success.", "Devon: No, I know. But you're sayin' that you believe in me.", "Neil: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm sayin'.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: What do you have there?", "Lily: A cookbook.", "Cane: Oh, is it retro?", "Lily: Yes. It goes with our house. And I got this for you.", "Cane: Oh, where did you find this?", "Lily: Well, I know what you like.", "Cane: Yes, you do. Mm.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: With all Patty's disassociations, she never lost sight on how much you love her.", "Paul: It just doesn't feel like it makes any difference.", "Emily: But it might make all the difference.", "Paul: I hope so. Listen, I have a meeting upstairs in the founders' room with some clients, so, uh...", "Emily: I'll be in touch.", "Paul: Okay. Um, have a great trip. And thank you. Thank you so much for everything.", "Emily: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Emily: Hello? This is Dr. Peterson. Dr. Lambert. (Sighs) There is no need for introductions. It is such a pleasure to speak with you. But how--how did-- I am available at this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I've had people send me flowers. I've had people write me notes of apology. But never, never in my life have I had anyone make a multimillion- dollar stock offering just to get on my good side.", "Kay: Do you know not everything is about you, Jill?", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Kay: It really isn't. Uh, this happens to be a very brilliant business maneuver.", "Jill: I know. We have to handle it very carefully.", "Kay: And not end up like Jack Abbott? Losing control of his company because someone gobbled up too many shares?", "Jill: Right. Obviously, you are gonna retain the major voting rights.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Yes, of course.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "(Door opens)", "Jack: Ah, there you are.", "Kay: Oh, Jack. What can I do for you, my dear?", "Jack: I'm pulling the plug on It was, quite simply, a failed experiment.", "Kay: Mm.", "Jill: Well, I think it's a little soon to say that.", "Jack: Well, I realize it was your brainchild, Jill, but it's a dead end.", "Jill: Sales are up since the redesign. But, you know what? Okay, if you think it's not worth the trouble, okay. We'll shut it down.", "Jack: Well, I'm glad you feel that way.", "Jill: Yeah, well, we'll-- we'll go with your instincts.", "Kay: Anything else?", "Jack: I just had a couple things I wanted to run by you.", "Kay: Okay.", "Jill: Oh, okay. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some things I have to take care of.", "Kay: Yes, of course.", "Jill: And you can catch me up later on this.", "Jack: Am I being fired?", "Kay: Of course not. What are you talking about?", "Jack: She is only that nice to me when she knows something that I don't.", "Kay: (Sighs) Come on. She just feels good about things.", "Jack: Katherine, I could tell the two of you were cooking up something the moment I walked in here.", "Kay: All right, please. Now this is not about Jabot or you, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Roxanne: It's too bad we missed Lily, but at least I got that book for class.", "Devon: That's true.", "Roxanne: What was that for?", "Devon: I just want you to know that I know how damn lucky I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi.", "Neil: Sorry, but I meant to come over sooner.", "Lily: That's okay. We wouldn't have been here. We just got home.", "Neil: Ah. Nice. What are you doing? Grocery shopping?", "Lily: Yeah, went to the farmers' market, and the bookstore and took a walk.", "Neil: (Sighs) You're not overdoing it, are you?", "Cane: She's having a really good day, aren't you, baby?", "Lily: Yes. I just have a lot of energy, and I want to put it to good use.", "Neil: Really?", "Lily: Yes.", "Neil: So what are you up to?", "Cane: She has a hankering for a pot roast.", "Lily: Yes, it turns out that a good pot roast is the secret to a long and happy marriage.", "Cane: Who knew?", "Lily: Well, Mabel knew, okay? Back in like, 1950-something.", "Neil: Oh, wow.", "Lily: Here, listen to this.", "Neil: All right.", "Lily: \"Fill your home with the aroma of this succulent, slow-cooked pot roast, and you'll fill your husband's heart with loving affection.\"", "Cane: Well, you can save yourself the trouble. He's already here.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Mm.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: (Clears throat)", "Lily: We've just been-- we've been getting along really well.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. Just like before.", "Cane: No. No, it's not like before.", "Lily: Dad, I know you don't want to hear this, but our commitment is deeper now. And in fact, we renewed our vows.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi.", "Chance: Hey.", "Chloe: Thought you had places to be.", "Chance: I didn't want to leave things the way they were.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Okay.", "Chance: Chloe, you know exactly where I'm coming from.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Actually, I don't. I don't. You're sort of sending mixed signals.", "Chance: I really like you...", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: But what does that matter if you're not willing to move forward with your life?", "Chloe: Well, you know, I don't--I don't--I just can't snap my fingers like that. I...", "Chance: Okay. Okay. Okay.", "Chloe: \"Okay\"?", "Chance: That's--that's fine. Yes.", "Chloe: \"Okay\"?", "Chance: Yeah. (Sighs) \"Okay\" as in I accept you for where you might be right now in your life.", "Chloe: But you don't want to have to do with any part of it. See, things are really cut-and-dry for you, right?", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: They're just like, \"This is something I can deal with. This is something I can't deal with.\" Very simple.", "Chance: No, that--what? No. Is that what you think about me?", "Chloe: Well, that's really good for you. That's great for you.", "Chance: No--", "Chloe: But guess what? Some of us just aren't like that. We're just not like that. Some of us are really screwed up and messy, okay? It's not like you didn't know. You knew, and I thought that-- I just thought that I could be myself around you, and you would accept me for who I was, but no, you can't. So you're just gonna put me in a box and you're gonna shove it in the back shelf...", "Chance: No, that's not what I'm--no.", "Chloe: With everything else you don't want to deal with.", "Chance: Chloe, that's not-- that's not want I want-- that's not what I want to do!", "Chloe: That's exactly what you do.", "Chance: No, Chloe, this is not what I want, but you can't-- (Sighs)", "Nina: Hi.", "Chance: Hi.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Phillip: We should go.", "Chance: Yeah. Yeah, why don't you guys just go? Why don't you go ahead and just run, because it's what you're so good at, all right? You gutless coward! Get out of here!", "Nina: Phillip--", "Phillip: It's okay. This is bad timing. Uh, just pretend that we weren't here, all right?", "Chance: (Chuckles) Yeah, that'll be easy. You know why? Because you've never been here. Not until it was convenient for you. 20 years too late. What do you want? What the hell are you doing here? I mean, you want to try and be a father now? You want to show me that you actually care?", "Phillip: I always cared about--", "Chance: You never cared! I had a father! His name was Ryan. No, and things didn't work out between he and my mom, but did he run? Did he leave? Did he escape? No, he stayed with me until the day that he actually died. That's a father. That's a man.", "Phillip: Finally. Okay, all right. Okay, this is honesty. This is good, because if we're gonna get to a solid relationship, we need to come here. Okay.", "Chance: Don't even count on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Neil, I know you don't trust me, and I don't blame you for that.", "Lily: Maybe it's too much to ask for your blessing?", "Neil: My blessing?", "Lily: Okay, not that, but you two are the people that I love and rely on the most. I don't want there to be tension when we're together. I mean, can't it be enough that you see that I'm happy? You know, I-I feel better than I have in so long.", "Neil: Yeah, I can see that. I am very happy for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: Well, it is an honor to finally meet you, Dr. Lambert. I have been following your work on schizoaffective disorders for years. G.C. University School of Psychiatry is, uh, fortunate to have you as their dean.", "Dr. Lambert: (Chuckles) It'd be a real coup to have you join us. You were very highly recommended.", "Emily: It's... (Chuckles) It certainly is a tempting offer-- being able to head a new department and counsel patients under your outreach program, and not have to deal with the budgetary restrictions that I've had in the past.", "Dr. Lambert: The foundation endowing this chair has made a long-term commitment.", "Emily: What foundation is that?", "Dr. Lambert: The Abbott family's foundation.", "Emily: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: What are the ideas you want to run past me?", "Jack: Right now, I'm more interested in whatever it is you and Jill are planning.", "Kay: Well, um, what if we were talking about what we were going to have for dinner?", "Jack: Jill has been looking over my shoulder since the day you reinstated her here at Jabot. She wants her finger in every pie. Now all of a sudden, we'll go with my instinct? She'll catch up with me later?", "Kay: Well, I would think you would be relieved.", "Jack: I am petrified. What could be so big as to distract her this way? And what could be so bad that you couldn't tell me about it?", "Kay: Well, did it ever occur to you it's none of your business? Hmm?", "Jack: Neil was here earlier. Is he in on this with you?", "Kay: Oh, for heaven's sake, Jack. Now if you want to take time to engage in speculation, my darling, you just be my guest. But I really... (Tapping wristwatch)", "Kay: I have things to do.", "Jack: I am going to find out about this. You know that.", "Kay: (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I've gotta go.", "Paul: Hi.", "Jill: Paul, thanks for meeting me.", "Paul: Well, you said it was urgent.", "Jill: Yeah, there's somebody I want you to find-- Katherine's real daughter.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Emily: Throwing your money around, buying whatever you want. Not this time, Mr. Abbott, I'm not for sale.", "Nina: Chloe is in love with Billy.", "Paul: I think she likes Chance.", "Cane: Neil, Lily's been admitted to the hospital.", "Neil: What happened?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Paul visits Mackenzie and J.T. and finds out that they are moving to D.C. A man tells Heather that her lead jumped from 2 to 4 points. Vance calls Victoria and tells her that J.T. has every right to take Reed out of state. Meggie calls Deacon and tells him that she and Victor are leaving town for Vegas. Heather lets Paul know that her poll numbers are up. A woman asks Billy if the article about Heather and Victor Newman is true. Mackenzie tells Katherine that she and J.T. are leaving town. Katherine plans a wedding for the twosome. Victoria visits Nikki and lets her know that J.T. is leaving town with Reed. Meggie persuades Victor to go on a vacation. Heather sees an article about her accepting money from Victor. Heather confronts Billy about the article. Victor refuses to go to Vegas, but then agrees to go to Reno. Heather withdraws her candidacy for D.A. Victor and Meggie are married.", "" ]
[ "(Knock on door)", "Paul: Hey.", "J.T.: (Laughs) Hey.", "Paul: (Laughs) Great to see my good buddy out of the hospital.", "J.T.: Oh, Man.", "Paul: How are you feelin'?", "J.T.: Oh, I feel okay. I feel okay. Couldn't spend another day in there, though. Let me tell ya. And I-I appreciate you giving me those \"Sports Greatest Hits.\" It was awesome.", "Paul: (Laughs) No problem. Joe Namath, huh? What'd I say?", "J.T.: Yeah. Oh, how about Wilt Chamberlain scoring 100 on the Knicks? I can't wait to show Reed that.", "Paul: Yeah, no kidding. That was something, too, wasn't it?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Mac: Oh, hey, Paul.", "Paul: Hi, Mac. Hey, what's going on?", "Mac: What's not going on?", "J.T.: Uh, Mac got a job in D.C., so we're moving.", "Paul: Wow. Congratulations.", "Mac: Thank you. I'm really excited.", "Paul: When do you leave?", "Mac: Today.", "Paul: Today? Well, so much for the farewell party, I guess.", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Mac: Yeah, I have to go break the news to Grandma actually right now.", "Paul: Okay. I'll see you before you leave, right?", "Mac: Yeah, absolutely.", "J.T.: Okay. Uh, we need more boxes.", "Mac: Right.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Paul: So, um, you're giving up on the police academy?", "J.T.: Well, I-I kinda had to. There's, uh, heart damage from the accident.", "Paul: I'm so sorry.", "J.T.: Yeah, the, uh, doctor wants me to take it easy. Nothing too physical.", "Paul: Well, it wasn't meant to be. But, um, you would have made a good cop.", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe someday. You know, I-I wanted to--to go into police work because I wanted to do something good with my life. But the--the director from Mac's nonprofit offered me a job, and I figure, what could be better than that?", "Paul: That's awesome. That is awesome.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Paul: Well, just promise me you won't let Reed become a Redskins fan.", "J.T.: (Chuckles) Not on my life, Buddy. (Laughs)", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "J.T.: Well, look, I-I wish I had more time, but I got a list of things a mile long to do before--", "Paul: No, I know you do. I just, uh, I gotta get goin' anyway. I'm--I'm helping Heather with her campaign.", "J.T.: She's gonna be a great D.A., Paul. Tell her I said that. I wish her the best.", "Paul: Yeah, me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Come in.", "Man: Seen the latest poll numbers?", "Heather: No. Have the TV spots had an impact?", "Man: Your lead increased from 2 to 4 points over your opponent.", "Heather: That's fantastic.", "Man: Start thinkin' about how you want to redecorate this office.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Hey. Hey. Who was on the phone?", "Victoria: That was Vance. He said the same thing that Michael said.", "Victoria: J.T. has the right to take Reed out of state.", "Billy: Baby, I'm sorry.", "Victoria: It's okay. (Sniffles) Maybe I could just stay like this forever.", "Billy: (Chuckles) All right, sounds good. We might have to forgo driving and bathing, but I can do it if you can.", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Is that the article on my dad and Heather?", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I took another go at it before I posted it. Your father thinks he can buy his way out of a court order with a campaign contribution. I'm not gonna let him get away with it this time.", "Billy: Hey. (Sighs) Why don't I make you some coffee?", "Victoria: Huh? No.", "Billy: Coffee.", "Victoria: No, no, no. I'm--I'm okay.", "Billy: You know, you didn't sleep very well last night.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. Did I keep you up?", "Billy: Oh, come on. No, you know me. I can sleep through anything.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I just couldn't shut my mind off. I tried, but it was just racing. I just thought that maybe I was havin' a bad dream and I was gonna wake up, and then, I don't know, maybe everything would just be normal again... that J.T. wouldn't be leaving with my little baby.", "Billy: I'll tell you what.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Why don't I stay home today, stay with you? I'll clear my schedule, skip the gym.", "Victoria: No. Just go. Just go do your day, all right? I'm fine. I'm just gonna go visit my mom for a while. (Sniffles) I just want to get out of the house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Deacon: (Quietly) Hello?", "Meggie: I just called to say so long. (Chuckles) Victor and I are off to Vegas. By this afternoon, he'll be my husband. By tonight, I'll be his widow.", "Deacon: Um, that soon? I-I doubt it.", "Meggie: Well, you obviously don't know me well. By this time tomorrow, the Newman fortune will be mine, and you will be handsomely rewarded for distracting Nikki away from him.", "Deacon: Yeah, you know, that's not really my priority right now.", "Meggie: Is anyone there?", "Deacon: Yeah.", "Meggie: Nikki?", "Deacon: Okay. We'll talk in a few days.", "Nikki: What was that about?", "Deacon: Um, work. They just want to know when I want to come back, but, uh, I've gotta make my sobriety come--come first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hello, Meggie.", "Meggie: Good morning. How was the rest of your evening? I hope you didn't stay up too late reading.", "Victor: Made an early night of it.", "Meggie: Then you'll be nice and refreshed for the trip. Coffee?", "Victor: Yeah, thank you.", "Meggie: Everything's all set. The driver is waiting to take us to the jet. Now have you got everything packed? Or would you like me to take care of that for you?", "Victor: You know, I don't think right now is the right time to be taking a trip.", "Meggie: Last night, you thought it was a good idea.", "Victor: Yeah, but... (Sighs) I've reconsidered. Maybe... maybe in a few weeks from now when things have calmed down, you know?", "Meggie: (Chuckles) Excuse me, but when is anything ever calm around here? Every day, there's a crisis. You need to start thinking of yourself for a change.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Excuse me for a minute. Yeah? Um, my file is in my computer in my study, okay? Uh, yeah. Hold on one second. Excuse me for a minute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I-I'm not trying to give her a hard time. If she e-mails anything to do with the campaign to my work account, it's gonna be automatically deleted. I'm a public official.", "Paul: Knock, knock.", "Heather: Come in.", "Paul: Oh, am I interrupting?", "Heather: No.", "Man: I'll see you at the victory party.", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Paul: It's going well?", "Heather: My poll numbers are up.", "Paul: That's great.", "Heather: Gee, you sound so enthusiastic.", "Paul: And you know why.", "Heather: I made it perfectly clear to Victor that I would only accept his money if there were no strings attached.", "Paul: Well, his definition of \"No strings\" might differ from your definition.", "Heather: Trust me. I have this under control.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Is that article about Victor Newman and Heather Stevens true?", "Billy: How long have you known me? I know I'm not a prize-winning journalist, but I don't make stuff up. Look, look, look. I can document Newman's campaign contributions to the acting D.A., and I know for a fact that she interfered with a court order that was served upon him. You add it up.", "Woman: Let's see what Mr. Newman has to say about it.", "Billy: Yeah, well, good luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Yeah, just send the final bill to my e-mail address. Nope, that's it. Thank you. Hey.", "Mac: Hi.", "J.T.: Let me help you. How'd it go with your grandma?", "Mac: It didn't. I couldn't find her.", "J.T.: Did you try the hospital?", "Mac: Yeah, Murphy's room was empty.", "J.T.: Uh, what about Esther?", "Mac: Uh, she wasn't home, and her cell phone went right to voice mail.", "J.T.: Just call Jill. I'm sure she knows what's going on.", "(Knock on door)", "J.T.: Hey, Katherine.", "Kay: Oh, Jeffrey Todd. Oh, I hear Mackenzie's been looking for me.", "Mac: Grandma, I went to the hospital.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Mac: Where's Murphy?", "Kay: Oh, well, Darling, he's, um, been moved to a, uh, hands-on care facility.", "Mac: Why didn't you tell me?", "Kay: Well, I was too busy getting him settled.", "Mac: I'm--I'm surprised that you didn't take him back to the house.", "Kay: Well, not that I didn't want to, but, um, they can give him the kind of care I couldn't. I mean, physical therapy, speech therapy, cognitive therapy, not to mention 24/7 medical attention. (Chuckles) It's all right. He is in the best place for his recovery.", "Mac: But what if--", "Kay: It was the hardest thing that I ever had to do in my life. But it was the right thing. I'm sure of that. What in the hell is going on here?", "Mac: Well, that's why I was trying to find you. I accepted a job at a small nonprofit in D.C.", "Kay: You're taking my-- you're taking my great-grandchild away from me?", "Mac: Well, that was the original plan. But maybe we should reconsider, at least until--", "Kay: (Stammers)", "Mac: Until Murphy's out of the facility.", "Kay: No, no, no, no. That's nonsense. You have found a job, and you love it. You take it, my dear.", "Mac: You're not just saying this to make me feel better?", "Kay: Well, I'm going to miss you terribly, yes. But at least you're not going back to that what-- Darfur thing again.", "Mac: (Laughs)", "Kay: At least I-I can make myself a nuisance, uh, jump on a plane, come and see you anytime.", "J.T.: Well, we will expect that. Not the nuisance part, but...", "Kay: Thank you, Jeffrey Todd. And you-- I'm so proud of you. I really am. Were Murphy here, he would say the exact same thing. (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Did you get it all cried out last night? You feelin' better this morning?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I'm numb. I don't know how I feel.", "Deacon: Hey, that's okay. Listen, um, I've got my, uh, my counselor now, so...", "Nikki: Oh, well, you better go before somebody comes lookin' for you.", "Deacon: (Chuckles) Yeah, we definitely don't want anyone telling Victor that I was here. So, um, I'll check back on you.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Come in.", "Nikki: Oh, Honey. Baby, come here. Come here.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: What is wrong?", "Victoria: (Sighs) I just wanted to see my mom.", "Nikki: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sorry about that.", "Meggie: Did you find what you needed?", "Victor: Well, you know... (Sighs) A business deal fell through. I've been too damned distracted with Nikki's situation and the lawsuit by the girls and...", "Meggie: Mm. Well, I think that just proves that you need time away.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Meggie: A beautiful hotel, clean, fresh desert air will clear your head, recharge your batteries. I'll bet it'll give you a brand-new perspective.", "Victor: Yeah. Tempting.", "Meggie: Do something for Victor for a change. Hey, in the long run, it's the best thing for your company and your family.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Meggie: You know? I mean, if--if anything really important comes up, you're only a phone call away.", "Victor: You're right. That's true.", "Meggie: Well, I know it's none of my business, but when's the last time you had fun?", "Victor: You're right. You talked me into it. I'll do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Thank you. So breakfast is on me. We'll be celebrating your lead in the polls.", "Heather: Mm. We're taping my new commercial this afternoon.", "Paul: So... (Sighs) You know, the omelet special looks good. What are you gonna have?", "Heather: I-is this your way of avoiding talking about my ad campaign?", "Paul: Um... you know how I feel about the way you're financing it. Or maybe I should say who's financing it.", "Heather: You're still gonna vote for me, right?", "Paul: You are a terrific prosecutor, and you're going to make an even better D.A. Really, I mean, look what you've done as interim D.A. you've cleaned up this whole mess, and you have increased the conviction rate. So you know what? Here's to my daughter on the way to becoming the next district attorney, a well-deserved victory. We may have our disagreements, but I am really very, very proud of you.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Heather: Heather Stevens. Uh, no, I haven't read it. What?! Uh, no comment. I'm sorry, that's all I have for you.", "Paul: What is it?", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Paul: \"Victor Newman in D.A. payoff scandal\"?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: I know my taking the job seems impulsive.", "Kay: Well, Darling, you know when something is right. And this is right for the two of you.", "J.T.: Yep, new city, new job...", "Kay: Yeah.", "J.T.: New baby on the way.", "Mac: (Sighs) I just wish we had time to get married in front of our family and friends before we left.", "Kay: So what's stopping you?", "Mac: (Chuckles) Um, packing, a thousand phone calls, saying good-bye to everyone we love.", "J.T.: Oh, that's all doable.", "Mac: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Mm-hmm, it is... if your name is Katherine Chancellor.", "Mac: (Chuckles) No, not even you could pull this off.", "Kay: (Scoffs)", "Mac: (Laughs)", "Kay: (Laughs) Nothing is impossible. Now, my darling, if you want to get married today-- look at me. Do you want to get married today?", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Then I'm going to do everything I possible can to make it happen.", "Mac: What do you think?", "J.T.: I'm game if you're game.", "Mac: Let's do it.", "Kay: (Laughs) Okay. Crazy kids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: And they're leaving today, and there's nothing that I can do about it, Mom.", "Nikki: Have you called Michael?", "Victoria: Yes, I've called Michael. I've called Michael. I've called Vance Abrams, and they both said the same thing. J.T. has full custody. There's nothing I can do. He can go. He can do whatever he wants. I've got no recourse. I can do nothing.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. All right. Okay.", "Victoria: Wait.", "Nikki: All right.", "Victoria: Where are you going? What are you doing?", "Nikki: I-I'm checking out.", "Victoria: No!", "Nikki: J.T. needs a good talking to.", "Victoria: No, Mom, I am not gonna let you jeopardize your sobriety!", "Nikki: Honey--", "Victoria: I'm sorry, but if you slipped, I would feel too guilty. Don't do that.", "Nikki: I need to help you. You cannot do this on your own.", "Victoria: Its okay, Mom. I've got Billy, okay? I've got Billy.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, no disrespect to Billy, but you really need somebody who can advise you.", "Victoria: (Stammers)", "Nikki: I have to say, I think your father could help out in this.", "Victoria: What? Dad? Are you joking? No!", "Nikki: Honey. Honey, listen to me. I really think you should call him.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Here's a list of the Vegas shows. Let me know if you want any tickets.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Meggie: You know what you need? A Bloody Caesar.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? What the hell is a Bloody Caesar?", "Meggie: Oh, it's--its vodka and tomato and clam juice.", "Victor: Isn't it a little bit too early in the day?", "Meggie: You're on vacation.", "Victor: Anything special you want to see?", "Meggie: All of it. I've never been.", "Victor: Really? Well, then you're in for a treat. (Sighs)", "Meggie: I am looking forward to laying in the sun by the pool, unless you need me, of course.", "Victor: I hate to disappoint you, but it's pretty damn cold for lying out in the sun.", "Meggie: (Chuckles)", "Victor: But we'll find something interesting to do.", "Meggie: Oh, I don't want you to worry about me. In fact, I don't want you to worry about anything. Just relax and let me take care of you.", "Victor: Thank you for accompanying me.", "Meggie: Are you kidding? Thank you, Victor, for-- for taking me in when I had nothing and being so wonderful. I hope I can repay the favor someday.", "Victor: You already have. You've been great.", "Meggie: (Chuckles) (Glasses clink)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Clears throat) What, post the truth?", "Heather: Your version of the truth. We had this conversation. I thought you understood. This is a nonissue. You went digging into my campaign finances for your own agenda, and you twisted things around to make it look like I had done something wrong.", "Billy: Really? I-I mean, you're kidding yourself if you think you didn't. You know I'm right, okay?", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Billy: But it's okay. You know how it is dealing with Victor. He's--you want to take a shower afterwards, he's so nasty.", "Heather: This is your own personal war against your father-in-law. You did not have to involve me. Do you have any idea what you've done to my career?", "Paul: Come on, Heather. Let's just walk away.", "Heather: Oh, God, I would love to wipe that smirk off your face.", "Paul: You know what? We--we both know why you want to take Victor Newman down.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Paul: But did you really have to ruin my daughter's reputation?", "Heather: (Scoffs)", "Paul: Especially just before the election?", "Billy: Hey, look, she shouldn't have taken the man's money and then got him out of jail. You know it. I know it. She knows it.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Man: Is it true? Did you get Victor Newman out of a court order because he's financing your campaign?", "Heather: My decision involving the court order had absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Newman's campaign contribution. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I packed up a bunch of Reed's toys. (Sighs)", "Mac: Favorite pillow?", "J.T.: Packed. Any word from your grandma?", "Mac: No. It would be a miracle if she could pull this off. No one can put together a wedding in a couple hours.", "J.T.: Well, it would have helped if we would have gotten our marriage license.", "Mac: I didn't even know I wanted to get married until a couple days ago.", "J.T.: But you do now, right? I mean, you're not just saying yes to me 'cause you feel sorry for me after my accident?", "Mac: (Chuckles) Really, J.T.? A pity marriage?", "J.T.: As much as I love you and want to marry you, if you're not ready for this, I understand.", "Mac: If you try to pull out of this now, I will sue you for breach of contract.", "J.T.: Come here.", "Mac: I'm such an idiot.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Mac: It took almost losing you for me to listen to my heart.", "J.T.: You hear that, little baby? Your mom and I are gonna get married today. And if we don't do it today, it's gonna be really soon. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dad is the last person I would ask for help.", "Nikki: Believe me, I'm furious with him, too. But if he can stop J.T. from leaving with Reed, I-it's worth it. He has connections.", "Victoria: No! No, okay? I know all about his connections. Trust me. I would still have custody of Reed if he hadn't had pulled that stupid stunt with J.T.", "Victoria: If I ever want to have a chance of getting joint custody of Reed, Mom, I need to keep Dad as far away from this as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Groggily) How long before we land?", "Meggie: We should be in Vegas soon.", "Victor: Tell... tell the pilot turn the jet around.", "Meggie: Well, I thought you said that it would be a good idea to get out of town for a while.", "Victor: I know what I said. I don't want to go to Vegas, okay?", "Meggie: But--", "Victor: 'Cause Nikki and I were gonna get married in Vegas, so just tell him to turn the damn thing around.", "Meggie: But you said that--", "Victor: Didn't you hear what I said?", "Meggie: Yes, of course. But why go home when there are so many other places we could go? Like what about Tahoe, or--or Reno? I mean, I hear they're even prettier than Las Vegas, and a lot less crowded.", "Victor: Well, this is... (Sighs) All right, go to Reno. Reno?", "Meggie: Yeah. Oh, poor Victor. This whole thing with Nikki is--has just upset you terribly, hasn't it? You don't deserve to be treated that way.", "Victor: No, I certainly don't.", "Meggie: Nikki didn't appreciate you.", "Victor: Damn right. She never did.", "Meggie: (Sighs) (Chuckles) You need a woman like me.", "Victor: Yeah, maybe I do.", "Meggie: Victor, I do, too.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? You do what?", "Meggie: Well, you just proposed.", "Victor: Oh, did I? (Chuckles)", "Meggie: (Sighs) And I'm saying yes. Yes, I-I'm saying yes. I-I've lo--I've loved you from the beginning. The moment I saw you in my bar.", "Victor: Oh, Baby. I've loved you, too.", "Meggie: (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs) How's my baby? I've loved you, too. Hmm.", "Man: My copilot has changed course to Reno as you requested.", "Meggie: Mr. Newman and I would like to get married as soon as we land.", "Man: A-are you sure about this, Sir?", "Victor: Make the arrangements.", "Man: Yes, Mr. Newman.", "Meggie: You won't regret this.", "Victor: (Moans)", "Meggie: I'm gonna make you the happiest man in the world.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Meggie: I'm gonna make you happier than anybody's ever made you before. And I know you'll take care of me, too.", "Victor: Oh, you bet, Baby. You bet I will.", "Man: I have a chapel in Reno on the line.", "Victor: Oh. Oh, that was fast.", "Victor: Oh.", "Meggie: I'd like to speak with somebody about arranging a wedding ceremony. Well, yes, I think it's-- mm-hmm, yeah, I think it would be better if you came to us. And, uh...", "Victor: Oh, yeah.", "Meggie: Price is absolutely no object.", "Victor: Hell, no. Bring 'em on the plane.", "Meggie: And--and I think we--we'd like the full package, and I'd like to know also if that includes wedding pictures.", "Victor: Wow.", "Meggie: Oh, that sounds perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm just really sorry for dumping this on you. I know you have your own problems right now.", "Nikki: Don't be ridiculous. You can always come to me. That's what mothers are for, even mothers of grown-up children. I just wish I had the power to make this not happen.", "Victoria: So do I, Mom. So do I. You know, it's weird, because I thought that J.T. and I were in a better place after his accident, you know? We were... we were getting along really well. And... and... (Blows raspberry) I was spending more time with Reed. And... (Sighs) I just didn't expect this from him at all. I just want to get in bed and just pull the covers over my head.", "Nikki: We will get through this together. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: So it turns out our temporary housing is for two months instead of one.", "J.T.: Well, that's good. It'll give us plenty of time to find something else.", "Mac: How's the preschool search going?", "J.T.: Uh, pretty good. (Sighs) Um, I checked out two for us to look at with Reed when we get there.", "(Knock on door)", "Mac: Grandma?", "J.T.: No, it can't be. It hasn't been that long. Billy.", "Mac: Hi, Billy.", "Billy: Hey, Guys. Wow. You're really gonna do this, huh?", "J.T.: Yep, we're doin' it.", "Mac: It happened really fast. The job opportunity came out of nowhere. And it was... it was too good to turn down.", "J.T.: We wouldn't be making this move if we thought it was bad for Reed.", "Billy: Yeah, I get it. You're doing what you think is best for your family. Well, I've gotta protect mine. Do you have any idea what this is doing to Victoria? What it's gonna do to Reed? I mean, Buddy, don't kid yourself. Your son's gonna be miserable without his mom. He loves her to pieces, and she loves him, and you are ripping her heart out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) I need to address this before it explodes. Oh, my God.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Heather: (Sighs) The party chairman. Hello. Yes, I read it. I-I-it was a personal attack against Victor Newman by his son-in-law. I-I've done nothing wrong. I accepted a legal campaign contribution. What? You can't be serious. (Scoffs) Um, well, I'm gonna have to get back to you. (Sighs)", "Paul: What did he say?", "Heather: Um, my poll numbers are already plummeting. There's no time to turn this around before the election. Uh, the chairman would like me to renounce my candidacy. The party will no longer stand behind me. (Sighs) What am I gonna do to fight this?", "Paul: Sometimes you can't. Sometimes you just have to know when to give up.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I'm not doing this to punish Victoria. We'll arrange for Reed to come back as often as possible.", "Mac: And you guys can come visit any time.", "J.T.: Yeah, look, D.C.'s only 800 miles away. That's less than a 2-hour plane ride, okay? We'll work it out. We all want what's best for Reed.", "Billy: What's best for Reed is for him to be close to his mom.", "J.T.: I'm gonna finish packing.", "Mac: (Sighs) He's really not trying to take Reed away from his mother.", "Billy: This is killing Vicki.", "Mac: And I can't imagine how difficult it is for her, but once we get settled in and we get a routine, he can come back. She can come visit.", "Billy: Hey, look. I-I really want to be happy for you. I really do. But right now, all I see is the pain this is causing my wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Now you give Reed my love, and tell him I'm very sorry that I couldn't see him before he left, but he can call me anytime. Okay?", "Victoria: Okay, Mom. I will. Thank you.", "Nikki: And you... you call me day or night.", "Victoria: Okay. Thanks, Mom.", "Victoria: I love you.", "Nikki: We're gonna fix this.", "Deacon: Is she all right?", "Nikki: (Gasps) (Sighs) J.T. is leaving town with their son.", "Deacon: Oh. I'm sorry about that, Nikki.", "Nikki: That little boy should not be taken away from his mother.", "Deacon: Well, I mean, can't she stop it?", "Nikki: She doesn't have custody. (Sighs) I told her to call Victor, but she won't do it.", "Deacon: Are-- are you calling him?", "Nikki: Yes. If anybody can stop this, he can. (Sighs) Voice mail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Sign here.", "Victor: Oh, my goodness.", "Man: Do you need a place in town to stay?", "Meggie: No. Actually, we've decided to spend our first night as husband and wife in our own home.", "Victor: (Slurring) Oh, Baby, I love that.", "Meggie: Well, you suggested it, Darling.", "Victor: Oh, I did? (Chuckles)", "Meggie: Mm-hmm. Just before our guests arrived. A little too much celebrating. You'll file this today?", "Man: It's all official. You'll be husband and wife.", "Meggie: Okay. Here you go, Sweetheart.", "Victor: Oh, Boy.", "Meggie: Sign right here.", "Victor: One second here. One second. I gotta be able to see the damn thing.", "Meggie: There you go. Right here.", "Victor: All right. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Oh, my God. I have to get out of here. I-I-I have to figure this out.", "Paul: All right. Are you quitting the race?", "Heather: (Sighs) I-I have no idea. I need time to think.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Heather: Oh, God, it's another reporter. (Sighs) Go ahead. Say, \"I told you so.\"", "Paul: I would never say that. Listen to me. I love you. So whatever you decide, I will support you, okay? All right.", "Heather: All right. Th-thank you. That means a lot to me. (Exhales)", "Woman: Miss Stevens, how do you explain Victor Newman receiving special treatment?", "Heather: Uh, no, there was no special treatment. My office treated his case as it would any other.", "Woman: Are you aware Mr. Newman left town shortly after this story hit the wires?", "Heather: No, I am not awa-- we have not--we have not spoken.", "Man: The latest polls show you've dropped almost 7 points.", "Paul: It's all right.", "Woman: Well, what-- what would you like to say to the voters?", "Heather: (Sighs) I-I have never used the office of the district attorney for personal gain. I have nothing but the utmost respect for our hardworking staff. They are fearless in the pursuit of justice. Although I have done nothing wrong, I believe it is no longer in the best interest of the citizens of Genoa City for me to continue my campaign. Nothing should distract from the importance of electing a district attorney who can restore honesty and integrity to the office. Therefore, I am respectfully withdrawing my candidacy. I would like to offer a congratulations to my opponent.", "Man: Will you continue working for the district attorney's office?", "Woman: And how would you feel about the new D.A. looking into--into accusations against you and Mr. Newman?", "Paul: Look, Miss Stevens has made her statement. That's fine. Thank you.", "Man: Miss Stevens--", "Paul: There are no more questions, please. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Kay: Aha.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Mwah.", "J.T.: Mac, your grandmother's here.", "Mac: Coming.", "J.T.: So we were just saying we understand if you couldn't pull all this off in time.", "Kay: Oh, no, no, no. That's very generous of you, Jeffrey Todd. Very generous.", "Mac: Impossible, right?", "Kay: There's going to be a wedding this afternoon. (Laughs)", "J.T.: Are you kidding me?", "Mac: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! We're getting married!", "J.T.: Oh, that's unbelievable. Thank you. God. You're next. Come here.", "Kay: No, no, a hug will do.", "J.T.: Okay. A hug.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "J.T.: Oh, I can't believe you did this.", "Kay: Mm. You ever doubted me.", "J.T.: Never again.", "Kay: Dear--", "Mac: A dress. I packed all my dresses.", "Kay: No, you don't need a thing. All the two of you have to do is just show up.", "Mac: (Chuckles) We're getting married.", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Mac: We're getting married!", "Kay: You're getting married. (Chuckles) There you go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Billy: We'll figure this out. Okay?", "Victoria: I know that J.T. is convinced that taking Reed to D.C. is the best thing. That's obvious. It's obvious that he's not gonna change his mind about it.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Victoria: I'm not gonna be there for him when he's s-sick, you know? And I'm not gonna be able to bring him here for coffee and hot chocolate after school. I was supposed to take him to the children's museum in Chicago at the holidays.", "Billy: You can still do that.", "Victoria: No. I don't even know where Reed's gonna be at Christmastime.", "Billy: Look, J.T. doesn't want to keep him from you. So we're gonna work all these little things out.", "Victoria: Okay, well, I'm gonna try to make this as smooth for Reed as possible. I'm not gonna let him see how upset I am. But I am never... (Sighs heavily) I am never gonna forgive J.T., ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: The house phone is going to voice mail, too.", "Deacon: Well, what about the office?", "Nikki: He's not in. His assistant is gone for the day. Nobody knows where victor Newman is. You know what it is? He's shutting me out because of the argument last night.", "Deacon: Is there anyone else that you can call?", "Nikki: I don't know. I guess I could call Meggie. Let's see.", "Meggie: This is Meggie McClaine. I'm accompanying Mr. Newman to Nevada for a few days. I will return your call when I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: In sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live.", "Meggie: I do.", "Woman: And do you, Victor, take Meggie--", "Victor: (Slurring) Oh, yeah, I do. I do. I do. (Chuckles)", "Meggie: He does. (Chuckles)", "Victor: (Muttering)", "Woman: Okay, um, then without further ado...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Woman: I pronounce you husband...", "Victor: Oh.", "Woman: And wife.", "Victor: Baby, come here. (Laughs)", "Meggie: (Grunts)", "Victor: Oh, my darling. Oh, Baby.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daisy: I go to a real hospital or baby Romalotti stays behind bars with me.", "Reed: I'm going to be in daddy and Mac's wedding.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. I need a drink." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon has a happy reunion with Noah and Faith. Noah cooks dinner for Sharon and Victor. Nick worries that Sharon will get back together with Adam and abandon her children, but she promises that she will never leave her kids again. Victor warns Adam to stay away from Sharon. and tries to get the DA to arrest him for tampering with evidence. Spencer doesn't have enough proof to arrest Adam. Adam is determined to get back together with Sharon no matter what anyone does to try and keep him away from her. Heather is fired once Spencer finds out about the pictures. Ricky can't help but feel guilty about what he did to his sister. Ricky intends to sue Phyllis and Restless Style for using the pictures without his authorization. Avery is happy to be his lawyer because she thinks Phyllis stole the pictures just to stick it to her. Nick tries to persuade Avery to ask Ricky not to sue but she tells him that he is too late. She is moving forward with the case. Paul confronts Adam about the pictures and he tells him to look for the person who took the pictures because the photographer is the real guilty party. An angry Heather goes to the Restless Style office and shoves Phyllis. Phyllis shouts that she isn't the only one to blame, because Ricky is the person who took the pictures.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Bye-bye, Amy. Say, \"Bye-bye.\" All right. (Sighs)", "Faith: I'm gonna see Mommy?", "Nick: Yeah. Well, guess what? You know how you're always asking about your mommy? Well, tonight, you're gonna get to see her as much as you want, 'cause your mommy is coming home for good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Those stupid reporters at the gate knocking on the car windows. You know, I was tempted to run them down.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, that would be lovely. I get out of jail, and you go in.", "Noah: What, that didn't upset you?", "Sharon: Tonight, nothing could upset me.", "Noah: Mm, don't be so sure.", "Sharon: Why? What do you mean?", "Noah: Um, the--the thing is, I-I wasn't expecting you to get home tonight, and--", "Sharon: Well, trust me, neither was I.", "Noah: Okay, so if the place is just a little bit dirty... well, if it's a lot dirty--", "Sharon: Oh, gosh, I don't care about that. I'm just so happy to be home.", "Noah: All right, just-- just stay here, and I'll run in there, and I'll straighten it up.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Oh, come on. How bad can it really be?", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Get me home.", "(Heavy metal music blaring)", "Noah: (Loudly) Uh, welcome home. Yeah, sorry about the music. I tried to warn you.", "Sharon: (Loudly) Oh, my God!", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Sharon: I... (Sighs) You know, I-I have to admit, any other day, I would have freaked out about this, but...", "(Music turns off)", "Sharon: (Sighs) (Normal voice) Tonight... (Sighs) This is just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Oh, hi.", "Heather: Hey.", "Paul: How are you?", "Heather: Oh, nights like these, I wish I were invisible.", "Paul: Oh, reporters all over you, huh?", "Heather: Yeah, I mean, I can't really blame them. It is big news. It's a high- profile murder trial, and a key piece of evidence appears out of nowhere. The defendant walks.", "Paul: Yeah, well, for what it's worth, I thought you were brilliant in court.", "Heather: (Chuckles) A lot of good it did me.", "Paul: I know it's gotta be frustrating. All that work...", "Heather: Well, in some ways, I'm glad it worked out the way it did.", "Paul: Well, it was--", "Heather: Hey.", "Paul: Hey, Ricky.", "Ricky: Hey, how's it goin', Dad? Heather?", "Paul: How are you? Good to see you. Nice surprise.", "Heather: I invited Ricky to join us.", "Paul: Great.", "Ricky: You sure it's okay, me being here after what happened in court today?", "Heather: We may have been on opposing sides, but you know what? This case taught me something.", "Paul: What's that?", "Heather: How important family is. I'm grateful for always having your support. And thank you for letting me vent and always giving me advice. And, you, thank you for, um, letting me confide in you. When I was upset. I know it was somewhat reluctantly on your part, but still, it meant a lot to me.", "Paul: Well, that's what families are for, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Can you hold for a sec? Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Woman: Hey, I'm getting a lot of calls.", "Phyllis: Oh, about the pictures of Adam and Heather makin' out.", "Woman: Yes, and I'm not sure what to tell them.", "Phyllis: Here. Hello, this is Phyllis Newman of \"Restless Style,\" editor in chief. Ahh, yes, I think the pictures speak for themselves, don't you? No, I can't tell you who took them. E-exactly. I agree. I think that Adam Newman is definitely at the center of every scandal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Vance, this is, uh, Adam Newman. I might be needing your legal services soon. Call me as soon as you get this, please?", "(Tosses down cell phone)", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: (Sighs) You know, I can't be bothered with you right now.", "Victor: Why? Because I finally have proof that you tried to destroy Sharon's memory card?", "Adam: You don't have a damn thing.", "Victor: What's this? Mm-hmm. Were you trying to destroy her or help her?", "Adam: Help her, obviously.", "Victor: Really? Either way, I'm gonna make sure that you never get near her again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Ms. Clark?", "Avery: Yes?", "Man: Dan Sanders, \"Genoa City Chronicle.\" Would you care to comment on your client's release?", "Avery: I believed from day one Sharon was innocent. I'm glad to see justice prevailed.", "Dan: Hmm. Your critics are saying that it was luck. That if the audio from the volcano hadn't turned up, your long winning streak would be over.", "Avery: Well, that's because they never got to hear my defense that I was gonna put up.", "Dan: Your defense? Did it have anything to do with the article \"Restless Style Online\" posted earlier today?", "Avery: What article?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What would make you think that I got rid of the memory card or that I even had it in the first place?", "Victor: It didn't end up in the creek by accident now, did it?", "Adam: That doesn't mean I put it there.", "Victor: Then why did you look so panic-stricken when you learned that the memory card had been found?", "Adam: Did I look panic-stricken? I don't care what you think. I have nothing to hide. And as far as Sharon is concerned, you don't tell me what to do. I can see her if I want. You can't stop me.", "Victor: If I were you, Son, I wouldn't put that theory to the test.", "Adam: Is that supposed to scare me?", "Victor: It should.", "Adam: You don't get it, do you? I can have Sharon.", "Victor: Really?", "Adam: How many times have I disappointed her? Hmm? How many times has she looked past it? Forgiven me? Seen the good in me?", "Victor: Son, it saddens me to tell you that there's no good left in you for her to see.", "Adam: And that's your opinion. But Sharon's different from you. She's a little bit more forgiving than you are, and she sees the real me, the me that sometimes I don't even see. But you, you see a monster that you relentlessly try and portray me as.", "Victor: If you honestly think you can win back Sharon, then you are far more delusional than I thought.", "Adam: Well, I guess we'll see then, won't we?", "Victor: (Sighs) Beware, Son. Sharon is far smarter and stronger than you are giving her credit for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) (Chuckles)", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Sharon: So you sure you don't want me to help? I--", "Noah: No, no, I'm...", "Sharon: (Laughs)", "Noah: I'm almost done.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. This is so surreal. This morning, I woke up in a prison cell. And look at me now.", "Noah: I still can't believe you're free.", "Sharon: Neither can I. You know, there were times when... I thought it wasn't ever gonna happen. I didn't think I'd ever be able to reach out and... hold my son ever again. Noah, I've missed you. I just missed you so much.", "Noah: (Sighs) I missed you, too, Mom.", "(Knock on door)", "Noah: I'll get it.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Noah: Hey, hey, Dad.", "Nick: Hey.", "Noah: Hi, Little Stinker.", "Sharon: (Gasps) (Laughs) Faith!", "Nick: She asked for you the entire drive over here.", "Sharon: You did, \"Bunny\"? Come here. I missed you, Baby.", "Faith: This!", "Sharon: (Gasps) I promise you, Mommy is never gonna leave you again.", "Faith: This, this, this!", "Sharon: (Gasps) Let's play. (Chuckles)", "Faith: Do it again.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Sharon: I have missed these cheeks...", "Faith: Do it again.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Sharon: And these little fingers, and that belly.", "Noah: Look how happy Faith is.", "Nick: Yeah, Son, you know, dad's and brothers are pretty cool, but moms are in a whole other league. (Sighs)", "Sharon: You know, I've had to be so strong for so long. And I just... I don't think I've processed the whole terrible ordeal yet.", "Nick: Sharon, what you've been through you're not gonna be able to forget overnight.", "Sharon: No.", "Faith: (Giggles)", "Sharon: Being with my daughter is a great start, though, Nick. Thank you so much for bringing her.", "(Cell phone vibrates) (Vibrating stops)", "Nick: Yeah, um, she, uh, she pretty much demanded that I drive her over here. She said she was gonna take the keys and drive herself if I didn't do it.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Right, Faith?", "Noah: All right, I'm hungry. What do you want for dinner, Mom?", "Sharon: (Gasps) Well, are you cooking?", "Nick: Wow.", "Noah: Yeah, totally. I can make anything... well, as long as the main ingredient is ground beef. (Chuckles)", "Sharon: (Chuckles) Um, surprise us.", "Noah: Dad, any requests?", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Nick: You gotta be kidding me. Um, you know what, Son? I don't know if I can stay. I'm getting a lot of calls from the magazine. I gotta find out what's going on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: No, that's definitely Heather Stevens. Definitely. Oh, well, you judge for yourself. I'm not gonna go there. Mm. Okay, thanks. Oh, my God. Look at those hits. It's ins--", "Avery: You bitch. You stole those pictures right out from under me, and in a court of law, no less.", "Phyllis: My bad.", "Avery: Is there anything you won't do to get what you want?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Thank you. All right, I'd like to propose a toast. To a woman getting her life back today.", "Heather: Mm.", "Ricky: Hear, hear.", "(Glasses clink)", "Paul: And I'd also like to suggest that if it hadn't been for that memory card showing up, you would have gotten a conviction.", "Heather: (Sighs) I don't know about that.", "Paul: What an experience, huh? To be involved in such a fascinating trial.", "Ricky: Yeah, totally.", "Paul: Bet you learned a lot about how the legal system works.", "Ricky: You have no idea.", "Paul: And what makes a good story, too. And since you want to be a journalist, that, uh, is invaluable, don't you think?", "Heather: You know what? This case was a real wake-up call for me.", "Paul: How so?", "Heather: It really made me want to be a better person. I mean, sure, you know what? It would have been nice to have a win. But that's not what this is really about.", "Paul: It's how you play the game.", "Heather: Only it's not a game. I mean, Sharon Newman's future was at stake.", "Paul: Exactly.", "Heather: And sometimes, I think I get so caught up in prosecuting somebody that I forget why it is I went into this field. But no more. From now on, I am all about integrity, like you. And this guy here-- I mean, come on. Working for the defense, and still able to be friendly with his big sis. I don't know you well, Ricky, but what I've seen, I really like.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Paul: Aw.", "Dan: Excuse me, Ms. Stevens?", "Heather: Dan Sanders, right?", "Dan: Yes, good memory. I was wondering if I could get a quote for \"The Chronicle.\" Um, what's your reaction to the pictures on the \"Restless Style\" web site? The ones of you and Adam Newman?", "Heather: How did you hear about that?", "Dan: I-I didn't hear about it. I-I saw it. Right here.", "Heather: (Whispers) Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: If you had come forward with the memory card in the first place, you wouldn't have had to seduce Heather to help Sharon.", "Adam: If you hadn't faked Skye's death and tried to frame me for her murder, none of this would have happened. Look at you. You're such a hypocrite if there ever was one. This is all your fault, and now you're acting all pious?", "Victor: None of my actions, Son, compare with what you have done.", "Adam: Okay, then. Good talk.", "Victor: You used sex to compromise another woman's reputation for your own gain.", "Adam: What, are you the captain of the moral police now? What do you care what I do to the A.D.A.?", "Victor: The bottom line is, Sharon will never forgive you for withholding evidence that could have freed her from that prison.", "Adam: And if you believed that, you wouldn't be here right now.", "Victor: I'm here for another reason, Son.", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Ahh. If it isn't our illustrious district attorney.", "Spencer: May I come in?", "Adam: Why?", "Spencer: Mr. Newman asked me to stop by.", "Adam: I repeat, why?", "Victor: I'm hoping Mr. Walsh's visit will end in your arrest.", "Spencer: So when did you first have access to the recording of Sharon and Skye the night Skye died?", "Adam: I never said I had access to it.", "Spencer: So what'd you mean when you said early on that the evidence \"Didn't pan out\"?", "Adam: Well, I don't know. It was a long time ago. It was a bit emotional for me, so my memory is a bit fuzzy, you know?", "Victor: If you know what's good for you, Son, your memory will make a very quick recovery.", "Adam: You hear that? My father's quite fond of making threats to me. I hope you took note of that one.", "Spencer: Your father and I are in total agreement. Stop stalling, and just start talking.", "Adam: Okay, as soon as my attorney's present.", "Victor: Now you know he has something to hide.", "Adam: You've railroaded me far too many times. You either arrest me or you get out.", "Spencer: I don't have enough to arrest you. But I suggest you call that attorney of yours.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Victor: I meant what I said about Sharon.", "Adam: She's a big girl. She can make up her own mind.", "Victor: Son, look at me. You stay away from her. You got that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, I sang her a lullaby, and she drifted right off.", "Nick: Yeah, she definitely missed your nighttime ritual. Every time I tried it with her, she always put her hand over my mouth.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) So did you find out what's going on at \"Restless Style\"?", "Nick: Yeah. Apparently, Phyllis posted online some pictures of Adam and... Heather making out. You don't seem surprised.", "Sharon: I'm not.", "Nick: So you knew about them?", "Sharon: Yeah, Avery was seconds away from using them to show prosecutorial misconduct, and then Phyllis and Ronan burst in with that memory card.", "Nick: How did Phyllis know about the pictures, let alone get her hands on them?", "Sharon: (Sighs) You know, you'd have to ask her.", "Nick: I will. I better head over there.", "Sharon: You're not gonna bring Faith back to the nanny, are you?", "Nick: No, not on your first night home.", "Sharon: I appreciate that.", "Nick: I am concerned about the future, though, Sharon.", "Sharon: Why?", "Nick: Well, right now, you want to devote all your time to your kids. But how long until you abandon them again?", "Sharon: What? Nick... never! I mean it.", "Nick: I know you mean that today, but what about tomorrow? Sharon, I mean, you swore to me that you were done with Adam, and then suddenly, you're engaged to him again. For all I know, you could be with him right now.", "Sharon: I swear to you, the only thing that matters to me is my children.", "Nick: You have no idea how much I hope you mean that, because I will not allow Noah and Faith to be hurt any more than they already have been.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Look, Ms. Stevens has no comment. Thank you.", "Dan: Ahh, okay. Well, if you decide you want to go on record, give me a call, okay?", "Heather: Oh, my God. How did those pictures get out?", "Paul: A better question-- what were you doing kissing that jerk?", "Heather: (Sighs) I was drunk. He played on our history to get me up to his room.", "Paul: Hmm.", "Heather: And I was just gonna lie down for a minute until the room stopped spinning. (Sighs) Oh, my God.", "Paul: And you trusted him after everything he's done?", "Heather: I was having a bad day, and I was feeling vulnerable. I promise you, nothing happened between us beyond what you saw in that photograph.", "Paul: Did you know about the pictures?", "Heather: Adam told me that they existed. He said that they might surface in court.", "Paul: To cause a mistrial.", "Heather: Right. But when the new evidence came out proving that Sharon didn't murder Skye, I thought that there was no reason for him to release them. (Sighs) How could I let this happen?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Heather: Oh, my God. It's the D.A. (Ring)", "Heather: Uh, Spencer, hi, I-if this is about those pic-- uh, y-yes, I'm at the Athletic Club. Uh, yes, Sir. I-I'll wait for you here. He's on his way over.", "Ricky: Uh, I've got some wrap-up on the trial.", "Paul: What, now?", "Ricky: Yeah, intern hours. (Sighs) I'll catch you soon.", "Heather: I'm so screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: How did you find out about them anyway?", "Phyllis: Well, your intern wanted to make a little trade. Um, cash, and a job here at \"Restless Style,\" my magazine, for the photographs.", "Avery: Ricky.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: He told me someone wanted to pay him big money. I should have guessed it was you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, Avery, he came to me.", "Avery: Right, but he didn't sell you the pictures. He had a change of heart.", "Phyllis: And your point is?", "Avery: My point is that you couldn't buy them, so you grabbed them when no one was looking, right? And then you put them in your stupid magazine. Now forget the fact that that's completely unethical and that you've ruined a woman's career, as long as you could stick it to me, right?", "Phyllis: Avery, this is not about you.", "Avery: Oh, I think it is about me.", "Phyllis: Oh, I think it isn't. Sweetie, Sweetie, you're not that important to me. I'm sorry. This is business. Business.", "Avery: Bull. I think everything you've done since I got to town is about me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, I'm gonna take off. I'll, uh, check in with you later and make sure you're okay.", "Sharon: Thanks. Nick, I'm... I didn't mean to get defensive earlier, and you know what? I-I have given you reason not to trust me.", "Nick: Yeah, you have.", "Sharon: Nick, I'm not gonna hurt those kids again. Being separated from them was torture for me.", "Nick: Look, Sharon, I know that you are a great mother. But you've made some really terrible decisions.", "Sharon: I know. I know.", "Nick: All right, we got a lot of time to discuss this stuff. Enjoy your night at home with your daughter.", "Sharon: Both my kids.", "Nick: Yeah. In fact, I'm gonna go out the back way and tell him I'm leaving.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Sam: Hello?", "Sharon: Sam, it's me.", "Sam: Sharon?", "Sharon: Guess what?", "Sam: What?", "Sharon: I'm free. I-I-I'm out of jail.", "Sam: What--what--I--how?", "Sharon: Just a little while ago. Phyllis and Ronan found the missing memory card. And when the judge heard the recording of me trying to save Skye, he--he dropped all the charges against me, and he just gave me time served for trying to escape.", "Sam: That's the best news I've heard in a long time.", "Sharon: I mean, yesterday, I'd all but given up hope, and today, I'm in my own home. I'm with my kids. I can sleep in my own bed. (Laughs)", "Sam: Well, if I was there, I-I'd give you a big hug. I would.", "Sharon: I knew that you would be happy for me.", "Sam: Well, you've been given a second chance, you know? I know you won't waste it.", "Sharon: You're right. I won't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Spencer: When I hired you back, you convinced me you'd changed.", "Heather: I have.", "Spencer: Yet here you are, in the middle of another scandal.", "Paul: Spencer, in all fairness, I think--", "Spencer: Don't defend her, Williams. Now I told you the next time you screwed up, you were out.", "Heather: Sir, the last thing I wanted was to embarrass you or the D.A.'s office.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Spencer: It's a shame you can't get your act together. You'd be one hell of a prosecutor.", "Heather: Spencer, is there anything I can say to make you--", "Spencer: No. You were caught kissing a witness. I have no recourse but to fire you.", "Paul: Spencer... (Stammers) Come on, I--", "Spencer: I'm sorry, Paul, but for all her talent, your daughter's become a liability to me.", "Paul: I'm sorry, Sweetheart.", "Heather: How could I have been such an idiot? I should have known that Adam was setting me up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: How could you do this?", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, both of you? Uh, you were a nanosecond from doin' it yourself. What are you talking about?", "Ricky: Those pictures were mine, Phyllis. You printed them without my permission.", "Phyllis: Oops, I... (Sighs)", "Ricky: Oh, I'll give you \"Oops.\" I'm filing a lawsuit against you and \"Restless Style.\"", "Avery: And I will gladly represent you. Expect a process server in your future.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: I don't know how soon I can get back to Genoa City.", "Sharon: Well, you're needed there.", "Sam: I can't wait to see you, especially without a guard watching our every move, you know?", "Sharon: Mm. How are things in New Mexico?", "Sam: It's good to be taking care of my patients again.", "Sharon: You know, you have a real gift with animals.", "Sam: Walkin' out to the barn where you stayed, that, uh, it sure brings back a lot of memories.", "Sharon: Yeah, there were a lot of special memories there-- you and me and Piper and Fanny. (Chuckles)", "Sam: Yeah, sometimes, I wish we could go back.", "Sharon: Me, too. You know, despite what I was going through at the time-- missing my kids and-- and being afraid of being caught, it-- I really had... a lot of special moments there with you in the barn, and I-I felt at peace with you on the ranch.", "Sam: Well, I know you just got out, you know? I'll, uh, I'll give Piper the good news, and maybe we can talk again soon, huh?", "Sharon: Okay. Bye, Sam.", "Sam: Night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Victor! (Chuckles)", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Victor: Something smells so good.", "Sharon: Well, Noah is cooking for me.", "Victor: I hope you didn't have to deal with all those reporters outside the gate.", "Sharon: No, um, you know, there were just a few when we got here, and Noah was able to drive past 'em.", "Victor: Did-- I thought Nicholas might have brought Faith by.", "Sharon: Um, yeah, he did. And--and--", "Victor: He did? Oh.", "Sharon: Yeah, he was gonna stay with us for dinner, but then something came up at work, but, um, he left Faith here with me.", "Victor: I'm glad. That's nice of him.", "Sharon: Victor, I've never been happier in my life. I mean, I can-- I can open a window and smell the fresh air. And I have my son in the kitchen. I have my daughter upstairs asleep. (Sighs)", "Victor: I'm so happy for you.", "Sharon: I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me, for everything you were willing to do.", "Victor: Promise me one thing.", "Sharon: What?", "Victor: You stay away from Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass.", "Adam: You never know who's hiding behind a potted palm with a camera.", "Paul: Why did you do it, Adam? Heather was drunk. A normal person would have called her a cab.", "Adam: Nobody in this town ever accused me of being normal.", "Paul: Yeah, but to set her up like that? To make her look like a fool? She lost her job at the D.A.'s office. You know that?", "Adam: No, I hadn't heard about that.", "Paul: Yeah, well, you destroyed her career. She's devastated.", "Adam: I know how much the position of A.D.A. meant to her. But I'm not the one you should be blaming.", "Paul: Really? Who should I blame?", "Adam: The person who took the pictures. That's who you ought to look for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Ricky: Sharon had already been exonerated. There was no reason to print those pictures.", "Avery: Except vindictiveness and greed.", "Phyllis: Oh, listen to you two hypocrites. You were gonna break out those pictures in court before the memory card showed itse-- by--by the way, I found the memory card, by the way.", "Avery: Yeah, yeah, you mentioned that more than once.", "Ricky: The photos were a last-ditch attempt to save our client.", "Phyllis: Okay, if you have to justify throwing your sister under the bus, that's how you do it.", "Avery: No, no, no, he begged me to find another way.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) Are you kidding me? He took the pictures, Avery.", "Avery: Okay, okay, all personal issues aside, I get it. Trash--you need trash to sell your magazines.", "Phyllis: Okay, so you understand that. No problem. We have no problem.", "Avery: No, the problem is that you stole the photos, and if you think you're gonna get away with it, you're crazy.", "Nick: Whoa, Phyllis stole the photos?", "Avery: Yes, she did. And I hope it was worth it, because we're suing Phyllis and the magazine.", "Nick: No, you can't do that.", "Avery: Oh, really, Nick? Watch us. Come on.", "Phyllis: Don't look at me like that. He came to me with those pictures. He came to me.", "Nick: Ricky. That's why you needed to speak with him the other day.", "Phyllis: Yes. Yes.", "Nick: But he obviously didn't sell them to you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have had to steal them.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Are you kidding me? We're running a magazine here. Are you really taking her side?", "Nick: (Hits desktop) Do you have any idea what kind of jeopardy you put this magazine in? And us?", "Phyllis: Where are you going? Where are you going?", "Nick: I'm going to find Avery to try and do some damage control.", "Phyllis: Of course you are. Of course you are. Let me tell you something, it was a genius move-- a genius move on my part to break the story! You should be kissing my feet. (Throws paper) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I had no idea you were such a good cook.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Victor: That was good.", "Sharon: You know, obviously, I knew you were in Paris, but you never told me you studied at Cordon Bleu.", "Victor: (Sighs) What?", "Noah: Well, it's just spaghetti and homemade meatballs.", "Victor: At Le Cordon Bleu. Wow. Spaghetti and meatballs? Well, this was so good, maybe you should graduate to hamburgers and French fries and then eventually own your own restaurant. What do you think?", "Noah: You know, that is what I've always wanted, Grandpa.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Noah: Not really, though.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Oh, I love this-- just hanging out with my family, laughing.", "Noah: I'm happy you could join us.", "Victor: I wouldn't miss your mother's homecoming for anything.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Noah: Well, um, I'm gonna clear everything then.", "Victor: Yep.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Victor: Thank you.", "Noah: No worries.", "Faith: (Fusses)", "Victor: Is that the baby?", "Sharon: Oh, yeah. I'll be right back.", "Victor: Okay.", "(Telephone rings) (Ring) (Ring)", "Victor: Adam? Don't you ever call here again. You got it?", "Sharon: Okay. Faith had just kicked her blankets off. Who was on the phone?", "Victor: Just a pesky reporter. One of those guys out there trying to get a hold of you, you know?", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs) You're crazy if you think you can keep me away from Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Avery, five minutes. That's all I ask.", "Avery: Why? So you can talk me out of the lawsuit?", "Nick: What Phyllis did was wrong.", "Avery: Well, I doubt your hands are clean.", "Nick: I swear to you, I had nothing to do with that.", "Avery: Ricky has every right to sue.", "Nick: Can't you talk to him?", "Avery: And what? Plead my sister's case? That's not gonna happen.", "Nick: There has to be something I can do to make this right.", "Avery: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Nick. It's too late for that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: Where's Heather?", "Paul: I don't know.", "Ricky: What happened with the district attorney?", "Paul: He fired her.", "Ricky: Damn.", "Paul: I-I'm worried about her, Ricky. When she left here, she was pretty upset.", "Ricky: I'm not surprised.", "Paul: I ran into Adam.", "Ricky: I hope you put him through a wall.", "Paul: The thought crossed my mind. Then he mentioned something that... got me thinking.", "Ricky: What'd he say?", "Paul: He said I should blame the person who took the pictures. Seriously, Ricky. What--what kind of a person would do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I know. Scandalous. I know. Craziness, right? (Gasps) Oh, my-- excuse me! Don't get mad at me. I didn't take the pictures. I didn't take 'em. If you want to get mad at someone, get mad at your brother.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: You and I cannot quit each other. You know that.", "Heather: Tell me that you didn't really take those pictures.", "Avery: By the time I'm done with you, you'll be broke and on your way to prison, but then it wouldn't be the first time." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack and Billy have a long talk and they both admit they love two women. Billy tells Jack that he can't be with both of the women he loves, so he must choose one. Summer tells Victor that the hairbrush he has belongs to her not Faith, so Victor calls the doctor who did the DNA test to ask him if he found any other hair on that hairbrush or if the strands of hair belong to one person. The doctor tells Victor the hair only belonged to one person, so Victor goes to Jack's house to tell him that he knows Sharon's secret. Phyllis takes Sharon to the Athletic Club stairwell and tells her that she must face what happened that night. Sharon remembers talking to Phyllis on that stairwell, and Phyllis telling her that she ruined the life of a young girl with her entire future ahead of her. Kelly asks Billy to tell her if she she has a chance with Jack. Billy advises Kelly not to give up hope for her and Jack's relationship. Noah thinks Kevin has feelings for Mariah but he insists they are just friends. Austin and Summer are happy to spend their first official Halloween together.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: What do you want, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Oh, you did hear me before.", "Sharon: Yes, but I'm not in the mood.", "Phyllis: So, what's it gonna be? Trick or treat?", "Sharon: I really don't have time for games today. Nick and I are getting married.", "Phyllis: I heard.", "Sharon: And I'm not gonna let you ruin it this time.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I am so sorry about your last wedding. It didn't turn out the way any of us expected.", "Sharon: This one will.", "Phyllis: That's why I'm here.", "Sharon: What do you mean?", "Phyllis: This time, your wedding will end up just the way it's supposed to.", "Austin: Hey, boss. Happy wedding day.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Austin: Can I get you a, uh, cold glass of champagne, a little pre-wedding celebration? It's on the house.", "Nick: Oh, that's generous.", "Austin: [Laughs]", "Nick: No, I'm looking for Summer. She texted me, said she wanted to meet here.", "Austin: She did?", "Nick: Yeah. She said she had a present for me, something she wanted me to have at the ceremony.", "Austin: That's weird. She's not here, and from what I know, she wasn't planning to be.", "Nick: Hmm. I wonder where she could be.", "Victor: Sweetheart... this is your hairbrush, right? Not faith's?", "Summer: Yeah. Uh, it's definitely mine.", "Victor: You're positive?", "Summer: Yeah, grandpa. I don't understand. Why do you have my hairbrush, and why do you care who it belongs to?", "Abby: Hmm. She can't seem to catch a break.", "Traci: Kelly?", "Abby: I know. Yes, I know. I've never been her biggest fan.", "Traci: [Chuckles] What a nice way to put that. [Laughs]", "Abby: It's just -- it's hard not to feel bad for her. Her brother kills her dad, she loses her son, marriage falls apart, and just when she seems to find happiness with uncle Jack, Phyllis decides to wake up and add more misery to Kelly's life.", "Traci: I have a feeling that Phyllis will not be successful.", "Kelly: I can't stop thinking about that kiss in your office and where it would have led if Avery hadn't walked in.", "Jack: Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too.", "Kelly: Listen, I know you have a lot to sort out with Phyllis. I mean, now that I know how you feel about me, I just want you to know that I'll be waiting, okay?", "Jack: Uh, I have to call you back, okay?", "Kelly: I love you.", "Jack: I love you, too.", "Billy: Hey, big brother.", "Jack: I thought you were Phyllis. Yeah, she said she was gonna come back here and rest.", "Billy: Oh, well, the, uh, bedroom door's still closed, so I guess she's still sleeping.", "Jack: What do you got there?", "Billy: Just some personal things I'm taking over to Chelsea's.", "Jack: Wow. I didn't realize things were that serious between you two.", "Billy: Oh, you know me. Never too serious about anything. But I'm happy, and moving in with Chelsea is the best decision I've made in a long time.", "Jack: If you say so.", "Billy: So, what about you? Still lost in your own personal Bermuda love triangle?", "Jack: Actually, I've made a decision, too.", "Noah: Hey. Here to pick up that phone order. Oh, and a coffee to go, please. Oh, whatever you do, no pumpkin spice. Thanks.", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Noah: What's up, Kev? What you working on?", "Kevin: Just a little something I believe in.", "Noah: Must be nice having something to believe in.", "Kevin: Are you feeling lost, young Noah? Directionless?", "Noah: Maybe.", "Kevin: I heard your anti-pumpkin spice stance. That's a cause to believe in.", "Noah: Yeah, you know me. Fight the good fight.", "Kevin: Well, if I were you, I would launch a worldwide crusade against cinnamon and nutmeg.", "Noah: So, what's this special thing you're working on here?", "Kevin: Oh, uh... it's not ready. And what is it with people trying to look at things on my personal private laptop?", "Noah: What is it with you being so paranoid? Are you hacking again, Kevin?", "Kevin: No, I just, uh, I would just like for people to mind their own business, that's all.", "Noah: Well, you are in a very public coffee shop typing away at a million miles per minute, drawing some attention to yourself. Relax.", "Kevin: Sorry. Yeah, it's just Mariah was just here asking the same questions, and, um, I'm not ready to share just yet.", "Noah: Wait. Mariah was just here?", "Kevin: Yeah. Why? Is that a problem?", "Noah: It's just -- I left her at the flower shop a few minutes ago, and she was with faith and they wanted to pick up the flowers, and then she sent me here to pick up the cupcakes. She's my sister all of like 10 minutes. She's bossing me around. Pain in my butt.", "Kevin: [Laughs] She is something, all right.", "Noah: Well, I guess I should be glad that she's trying to help with the wedding rather than try to sabotage it.", "Kevin: You're right. You should be grateful. There are enough people trying to stop that wedding.", "Noah: Maybe this time with Mariah on their side, nothing's gonna stop my mom and dad from getting married.", "Nick: No answer.", "Austin: I'm sure she'll be here soon. Knowing Summer, she's probably just doing something crazy for the gift.", "Nick: Sounds about right.", "Austin: You know, I knew that she was planning on doing something special, but I didn't know she was planning on giving it to you today.", "Nick: I don't know if Summer told you or not, but I did invite her to the ceremony.", "Austin: Yeah, she did. Um, you know why she's not coming, though, right?", "Nick: Well, yeah. Having Phyllis back is great, but it does make things real awkward for Summer.", "Austin: Well, we want to take you and Sharon out to celebrate. I mean, you guys have been great to us, and [Chuckles] I just want to show you that we appreciate it.", "Nick: Yeah, let's do it. I mean, we know what it's like when people don't want you together.", "Austin: Yeah. So I heard that, uh, you talked to Phyllis about our marriage?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm sure you figured out by now it is not easy to get Phyllis to change her mind.", "Austin: Yeah. Well, at least you're cool with me. I mean, that's something.", "Nick: It took us awhile to get there.", "Austin: Yeah. I just -- you should know, I'm grateful that you gave me a chance.", "Nick: Well, I owed Summer that much. After everything I've put her through with the paternity test, she forgave me. She let me be a part of her life. I wasn't gonna turn my back on her.", "Austin: You know, Summer never stopped thinking of you as her dad.", "Nick: Well, that's good, because, to me, she will always be my daughter.", "Summer: Grandpa, what is the deal with my hairbrush?", "Victor: Well, faith left it here one night a few weeks ago. And I meant to return it to her.", "Summer: Oh, I think I just left it at Sharon's when I was babysitting. Faith probably meant to put it in her backpack to give back to me.", "Victor: And you're positive this is yours?", "Summer: Yes. Grandpa, what is going on? Is there something wrong?", "Victor: There's something I have to tell you.", "Sharon: What do you mean, my wedding is going to end the way it's supposed to?", "Phyllis: Relax. I'm not here to cause trouble.", "Sharon: Well, that's hard to take at face value. You may not remember, but you live to make trouble for me.", "Phyllis: No, I live to live. Sometimes you're just in the way. But that's not why I'm here today.", "Sharon: Then why?", "Phyllis: I have been enlisted to take you to your wedding.", "Sharon: That's hilarious. You can go now, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: I'm serious.", "Sharon: Who would enlist you to do anything for me?", "Phyllis: Nick.", "Sharon: Okay, well, now I know you're lying because nick and Noah and faith are taking me to the wedding themselves.", "Phyllis: That's what they told you. It was a ploy.", "Sharon: And why would my soon-to-be husband lie to me?", "Phyllis: He wants to surprise you. He's got the whole family there waiting for you to arrive.", "Sharon: The whole family where?", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. What don't you understand about the concept of a surprise?", "Sharon: I understand you and how your mind works. Being nice to me is not part of your brain chemistry.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, then chalk it up to all those cold days in hell people told you about.", "Sharon: Wow. I feel so much better.", "Phyllis: Okay, are you coming with me or not? Because nick promised this was gonna take like 20 minutes.", "Sharon: I'm gonna need a lot more information before I go anywhere with you.", "Phyllis: Fine, but if he is mad at me because I ruined this, I am gonna tell him it was your fault.", "Sharon: Ruined what?", "Phyllis: He's giving you that big wedding he promised you -- the ballroom, the million guests, the ice sculptures, huge wedding cake that is borderline tacky, in my opinion, but -- the works.", "Sharon: Nick planned all of that by himself?", "Phyllis: He's a Newman. He probably had a lot of help. But he asked me to bring you.", "Sharon: Well, I mean, it does sound like nick. He's romantic like that.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] I am regretting that I agreed to help. Look, can we go?", "Sharon: No.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] For God sakes. Why not?", "Sharon: I don't know which sounds less likely -- nick asking you to bring me to our wedding or you agreeing. So spill it, Phyllis. What are you really up to?", "Billy: So, what's this big decision that you've made?", "Jack: I am going to tell Phyllis that Kelly and I are involved.", "Billy: Nice euphemism.", "Jack: Getting into all the details of my relationship with Kelly is not gonna help anything.", "Billy: Well, even without the details, there's gonna be fallout. Are you prepared for that?", "Jack: Right now, I'm just concerned about Phyllis and how she's gonna accept the news.", "Billy: Well, that's what I meant. Are you prepared for how Phyllis is gonna handle it? And might I suggest wearing full body armor.", "Jack: I have to get everything out in the open now. She suspects already that I'm withholding something. She's pushing me. She's pushing everybody to fill her in on what she missed out on.", "Billy: God knows Phyllis can be persistent.", "Jack: Oh, yeah. She got my tablet the other day, determined to learn something on the web.", "Billy: [Scoffs] Good, ol' Phyllis.", "Jack: I hate deceiving her. I hate it. And I hate that everyone that knows about me and Kelly is forced to not tell Phyllis the truth. It's not fair.", "Billy: I am sure that Kelly is thrilled about you passing her off as my mistress.", "Jack: Kelly has been amazing in all of this, and believe me, I know what she's been through.", "Billy: So, what are you gonna tell Phyllis when you drop this little bomb on her?", "Jack: The truth. That I waited months, that I held out hope when the doctors didn't have any hope. And then someone walked into my life. I wasn't looking for it. I wasn't hoping for it, but that person became important to me.", "Billy: Jack, you know that's not gonna be enough. She's gonna want to know how important this other woman is to you.", "Jack: Yeah, and do I love her.", "Billy: And what she's really gonna want to know is, \"do you want to be with her more than you want to be with me?\" What are you gonna say when she asks you that?", "Kelly: Hey, ladies. Everything okay here?", "Traci: Yes, it's fine. Thank you. How are you doing, Kelly?", "Kelly: Oh, I'm fantastic. Couldn't be better.", "Abby: That's surprising, considering Phyllis is back.", "Traci: Abby.", "Abby: I'm just saying. If I were Kelly, after the entrance that hurricane Phyllis made at nick and Sharon's wedding, it would have made me crazy.", "Kelly: Well, you're absolutely right, 'cause it did. But, uh, yesterday Jack and I clarified things, and now I feel much better.", "Traci: Well, I'm glad to hear that.", "Abby: Interesting. Um, 'cause uncle Jack was just in here with Phyllis and Summer, and the three of them looked like one big, happy family. Maybe you misunderstood what he said to you.", "Kevin: Well, have fun today.", "Noah: Thanks. Yeah, we got cupcakes and flowers. According to faith, that's all you need for a good wedding.", "Kevin: I thought the last one was pretty good. Right up until the last bit.", "Noah: Right. Yeah, I think I'm just gonna lock the door to the justice of the peace's office this time, make sure everything goes off without a hitch.", "Kevin: Good idea. Well, good luck, and say hi to Mariah.", "Noah: Say hi to Mariah? First of all, if I ever said anything like that to her, she'd throw something heavy at my head.", "Kevin: [Laughs] She is something, all right.", "Noah: Secondly, you have a thing for Mariah.", "Kevin: No.", "Noah: You sure?", "Kevin: Yeah, we're -- we're friends, that's all. interests.", "Noah: It's too bad. I can see it.", "Kevin: Really?", "Noah: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: You got to be the only person who does, then.", "Noah: See you, Kev.", "Kevin: Hmm.", "Summer: Grandpa, are -- are you okay?", "Victor: You know, it's just that hearing you call me grandpa... means a lot to me, okay? I have never thought of you as anything but a Newman.", "Summer: Thought you did get pretty mad at me when I told you that I wanted Jack to be a part of my life.", "Victor: Well, I only got mad because I knew Jack Abbott was trying to turn you against the Newmans. Never got mad at you.", "Summer: I was just scared that you thought I'd chosen the Abbotts over the Newmans, which I would never do.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that.", "Summer: I love both of my families.", "Victor: Come here. [Sighs] [Sighs deeply] I love you. Don't you ever forget that.", "Summer: As if you would ever let me.", "Victor: [Chuckles] Never would. Anyway, um... you know you have gone through a lot in your short life.", "Summer: Yeah, but I don't want you to have to worry about me, grandpa. It's been an insane year, yes, but I'm in a good place right now. Austin and I are happy. Nick and I are close again. And mom is home. And even though you probably don't want to hear this, I have finally come to think of Jack as my dad.", "Victor: Hmm. Well, you might think of Jack Abbott as your father, but, uh, to me, you'll always be a Newman.", "Phyllis: I don't know why I bother. You are the same old, paranoid, insecure Sharon.", "Sharon: Please. You were always the one who was threatened by me. You were terrified that nick would end up turning to me, and now he has, and you're offering to drive me to the wedding?", "Phyllis: I don't know why I didn't take no for an answer.", "Sharon: Whatever that means.", "Phyllis: I called nick earlier. He covered when you asked him who was on the phone.", "Sharon: That was you?", "Phyllis: He obviously didn't want to upset you.", "Sharon: Okay, so he didn't want me to know that you were on the phone, but he wanted you to drive me to the wedding?", "Phyllis: No. He told me he couldn't talk. He was all crazed trying to pull off the surprise he had planned. He was running way behind schedule, and I offered to help him out.", "Sharon: And he took you up on your offer?", "Phyllis: Actually, he turned me down. But I begged him to let me make up for what happened at your last wedding.", "Sharon: Because you feel so bad that you ruined it.", "Phyllis: What I did was selfish and hurtful. And normally I'd be okay with that, but a lot of people that love me are very upset with me for what I did.", "Sharon: So, you want to make it up to them, but not to me?", "Phyllis: Honestly, yeah. I saw an opportunity to make things right with my loved ones, and I grabbed it.", "Sharon: You're doing something nice for your own purposes. That's not completely impossible. In fact, that's believable.", "Phyllis: Great. Then can we get out of here and get to the ceremony? Because I really don't want to get blamed for screwing up this wedding, too, okay?", "Sharon: Not so fast. I want to call nick first.", "Phyllis: No. You can't do that.", "Traci: Thank you so much.", "Kelly: Sure.", "Traci: Listen, I-I'm sorry about Abby. She didn't --", "Abby: No, aunt Traci. You do not have to make excuses for me. Kelly, I'm not trying to upset you. I just think you should know that awake Phyllis is a much different animal than comatose Phyllis.", "Kelly: Yes, and I figured that out. Look, I am not gonna try to keep Jack from spending time with his daughter and her mother. If anybody understands the importance of a parent-child bond, it's me.", "Traci: Yes, of course you do.", "Abby: But this mother lioness has claws, and she won't hesitate to scratch your eyes out with them.", "Kelly: I'll wear protective goggles. [Light laughter] I'm not gonna try to keep Jack from spending time with Summer. That doesn't mean that things are gonna go back to the way they were with him and Phyllis.", "Abby: Okay, Kelly, what exactly did my uncle Jack say to you to make you feel so confident?", "Traci: Sweetie, what goes on between Jack and Kelly is frankly none of our business.", "Abby: I'm just curious. Because you know Phyllis, and she's not gonna let go of uncle Jack that easily.", "Kelly: Well, neither am I.", "Jack: Honestly, I don't know what I'm gonna tell Phyllis if she asks how important Kelly is to me.", "Billy: Well, you'd better figure it out, because as I recall, Phyllis does not play well with others, especially if they're after her man.", "Jack: It's one of my favorite things about her. She's fiercely loyal.", "Billy: You two have been through a lot together.", "Jack: Oh, boy, have we. For as many years as I can count, I-I knew we were destined to be together. Or destined not to be together.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "Jack: So many times we've almost made it happen, came so close, and then I'd mess it up or she'd blow it, and... seems like the more we failed, the more we fell in love. We finally got it right. We were gonna get married. It was gonna be forever, and then that...damn accident.", "Billy: Enter Kelly.", "Jack: Enter Kelly. Damaged, broken, just like me. I saw the hurt, the pain, and I understood it. I thought if I held her long enough, maybe all of her hurt would go away. Maybe mine would, too. I... I never expected to fall in love. I swear I didn't.", "Billy: I know what it's like when love catches you by surprise, especially when you never thought you could look at another woman again.", "Jack: Do you really?", "Billy: Jack, my marriage to Victoria is over.", "Jack: Yeah, but you still love her.", "Billy: I love Chelsea.", "Jack: That's the problem I'm having. It's possible to love two women at the same time.", "Billy: But you can't be with both of them. You have to choose one, Jack. I have. And eventually, you'll have to, also.", "Victor: I know that you came here to get some reassurance about your mother. Not sure if I can give it to you.", "Summer: Yeah, well, at least I know that she's not suffering any side effects from the treatment. I just wish I knew why she's been so distracted.", "Victor: But she has been going through so much lately. You know, it's gonna be very difficult for her to process this.", "Summer: Yeah, if she ever does.", "Victor: Have you ever known your mother to feel defeated?", "Summer: No, she's just never been through anything like this before.", "Victor: Well, I'm sure she'll deal with it, as you would if you were in the position.", "Summer: Yeah, well, I am a Newman, after all.", "Victor: [Laughing] Yes, you are.", "Summer: All right, I better get going.", "Victor: Okay.", "Summer: I'm gonna take this with me, unless you need it for some weird reason.", "Victor: No, I don't.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Bye, sweetheart.", "Summer: Bye.", "Victor: Okay.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Victor: [Sighs]", "Nick: Still nothing.", "Austin: Yeah, here either. She's probably getting some custom gift-wrap job for the gift, you know. You know Summer. It's always about the presentation.", "Nick: Yeah. Appreciate her going to so much trouble, but I got to get out of here. I can't be late to my own wedding.", "Austin: Well, I'll tell her that you came by. I still don't get why she would send you a message and then just not show up.", "Nick: I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation. I'll just have to find out what it is later. See you.", "Austin: All right.", "Sharon: Why don't you want me to call nick?", "Phyllis: And you think I'm self-centered?", "Sharon: I knew it. You're trying to pull something.", "Phyllis: I don't want you to spoil nick's surprise.", "Sharon: How will calling nick do that?", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Fine. I will spell it out for you. If you call nick and start asking questions, you will blow everything.", "Sharon: I can talk to nick and not let on that I know what's going on, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Can you please just let him feel like he's pulled this off and made you the -- I think I'm gonna barf -- happiest bride ever?", "Sharon: Gee, when you put it that way, no.", "Phyllis: Let's go, then.", "Sharon: I'm only doing this for nick.", "Phyllis: I'm crushed.", "[Door opens]", "Phyllis: Great.", "Sharon: What's wrong?", "Phyllis: You took so damn long making up your mind, the cab I had waiting for me left. Come on. We'll take your car.", "Sharon: Sure. This whole thing's so insane. What's a little more insanity?", "Phyllis: Give me your keys. I'll drive. Since I know where we're going.", "Traci: Um, Kelly?", "Kelly: Hmm? Mm!", "Traci: Hey, I-I'm so sorry about Abby. Sometimes she can be --", "Kelly: It's okay, really. I'm used to her. [Laughs] She's straightforward, but I appreciate that these days.", "Traci: Well, sometimes the direct approach can sting. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.", "Kelly: And that's who you are. So kind and -- and generous. You welcomed me into your family practically the first day we met.", "Traci: Um, maybe that's because I could see that it was really difficult for you to open up to Jack. When you have suffered a loss like you and I have, I think it's really hard to let someone in again.", "Kelly: Well, for a long time, I didn't think I would. Now it's...", "Traci: Listen. Just give Jack some time to sort out his feelings, okay?", "Kelly: Traci, you've known him your whole life. Come on. Just tell me. Do you think Jack and I still have a chance at a future?", "Traci: Honestly? [Sighs] I don't think there's anybody that can answer that question right now.", "Billy: I wish you had a crystal ball, Jack. That might be the only way to tell how things are gonna end up for you.", "Jack: Hopefully once I tell Phyllis about Kelly, I'll be one step closer to knowing what the future holds for me.", "Billy: Well, brace yourself when you drop that bomb.", "Jack: Unfortunately, I don't need a crystal ball to know what her first reaction's gonna be.", "Billy: You're not having second thoughts, are you?", "Jack: No, no. I got to get everything out in the open. Once the dust settles, I could actually have an open, honest conversation with Phyllis.", "Billy: If you're still alive, give me a call. I'd like to hear how that went.", "Jack: Gee, thanks.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Look, seriously, I... I hope that you get all the answers you're looking for.", "Jack: So do I. Because in all this uncertainty, one thing is absolutely sure to me. I can't go on like this.", "Summer: Hi!", "Austin: Hey! You, uh, you just missed nick.", "Summer: I'm gonna see him after the wedding.", "Austin: He said that he was here to pick up the gift you wanted to give him?", "Summer: Wait, the what?", "Austin: He said you messaged him. You wanted to meet him here.", "Summer: I don't even have his gift yet. And even if I did, I wouldn't ask him to come all the way here right before the wedding.", "Nick: I'm back! Sharon? Noah! Mariah? Where is everybody?", "Sharon: Phyllis, what's going on?", "Phyllis: Sorry I ran ahead. We're running late. I wanted to get the elevator. Stupid thing's taking forever. Maybe we should take the stairs to the ballroom. You don't have a problem with the stairs, do you?", "Sharon: No. Let's go.", "Billy: Well, if it isn't two of my favorite ladies on the whole planet. Where you guys off to?", "Traci: Hello. Well, we're headed to the spa for a little pampering. Would you care to join us?", "Billy: Oh, well, as much as I love a good mani-pedi, I'm here to pick up some takeout.", "Abby: Oh, for you and your new roommate? Yeah, Victoria told me you moved in with Chelsea.", "Billy: [Sighs] Well, did she also tell you that I prefer boxers over briefs? I mean, if you're gonna know the details of my personal life, you might as well know all of them, Abby.", "Abby: I just want to know how you can move in with that woman when you might be having a baby with Victoria.", "Billy: And I might not.", "Abby: Oh, you couldn't wait until you found out?", "Traci: Um, we have spa appointments, honey. I think it's time to go.", "Abby: Seriously, Billy, how do you always manage to make the wrong choice?", "Billy: Oh, it's a gift.", "Abby: You're making a huge mistake.", "Billy: Thanks for always sharing your thoughts, Abby. Kick in the head. Still standing? That's something.", "Kelly: Well, I beg your pardon?", "Billy: I just ran into Abby and Traci, so how was that on a scale of somewhat pleasant to unbelievably annoying?", "Kelly: [Chuckles] Well, it pretty much ran the gamut. Abby seems to think challenging Phyllis for Jack's affections is pointless.", "Billy: Well, Abby has a lot of opinions about things that don't concern her.", "Kelly: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Hopefully Traci was a little more pleasant and objective.", "Kelly: She was sweet, as always, and maddeningly neutral.", "Billy: [Chuckles] She's our Switzerland. Every family has one.", "Kelly: So, it's up to you, Billy.", "Billy: What? What's up to me?", "Kelly: I need someone to be straight with me. Should I fight for Jack?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Austin: So, how did it go with your mom? Did you and Jack get her to accept our marriage?", "Summer: I could not even get her to listen to what we were saying.", "Austin: Did she flip out when you brought it up?", "Summer: No, it was weird. Jack and I were ready to defend you, and my mom was completely distracted. It was like she was off on another planet.", "Austin: Well, don't let it get to you.", "Summer: Yeah. You know, I feel better already just being here with you.", "Austin: Oh. Do I get a reward for that, or...?", "Summer: Hmm, actually, you do.", "Austin: Yeah?", "Summer: And I have it with me in my bag.", "Austin: Okay.", "Summer: Ready?", "Austin: Yeah. Okay.", "Summer: Do you like it?", "Austin: Hmm, I like it.", "Summer: Yeah? You like it? Well, I think you're gonna like it even more when I show you what goes with it. It's back at the apartment.", "Austin: Oh, we're talking costumes. Okay. What's it look like? Tell me.", "Summer: Okay, let me give you a hint. There's not much to it.", "Austin: Halloween is officially my favorite holiday.", "Summer: [Chuckles] Good, 'cause I have a mask for you, too.", "Austin: Oh. Well, it's not just because of the costumes. This is gonna be our first official holiday together.", "Summer: Yeah. It is, and it's gonna be a day I'll always remember.", "Victor: Uh, dr. Jorgensen, this is very important to me. Um, did you find more than one person's DNA on the hairbrush? You're sure? And you tested all the strands on that brush? And the source is one person? Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you for your time. My God. It is you, my darling Summer, that Sharon lied about.", "Phyllis: You're sure you don't have a problem with the stairwell?", "Sharon: No. Why would I?", "Phyllis: I don't know. You look kind of freaked out.", "Sharon: I just want to see nick. I just -- I want to get to the ceremony.", "Phyllis: I'm sure you do.", "Sharon: Okay, let's go. Did you hear me? I want to get to the wedding.", "Phyllis: I heard you.", "Sharon: Why aren't you moving?", "Phyllis: I lied.", "Sharon: What?", "Phyllis: I lied. Nick isn't here. No one is.", "Sharon: I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have trusted a word out of your mouth!", "Phyllis: But you did. And here we are, just the two of us...again.", "Kelly: When Phyllis was released from the hospital, I-I moved out of Jack's house. I...I wanted to give her, you know, respect and time and space to recover, get her bearings.", "Billy: Seems prudent.", "Kelly: Yeah, maybe at the time, but then it started to feel like I was just... giving up. It reminded me of how I felt after Sam died. I didn't want to be that person anymore.", "Billy: You wanted to be the fighter that I met in the support group.", "Kelly: So I went to Jack's office. And I told him he had to make a choice. I thought he'd chosen me.", "Billy: Now you're not so sure?", "Kelly: I really believe that what Jack and I have is worth fighting for. Maybe I'm just fooling myself. I need you to tell me, Billy. Do you think I have a chance with Jack?", "Billy: A fighter like you? Absolutely.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Jack: What the devil are you doing here, Victor?", "Victor: It's a family matter, Jack. A very important family matter.", "Summer: All right. Let me see. Oh, that is hot.", "Austin: You said the same thing about a $300 tie.", "Summer: What can I say? You look hot in anything.", "Austin: Well, when I get home, I'll put on the $300 tie.", "Summer: Hmm. Okay. Then I cannot wait.", "Austin: For what?", "Summer: For our celebration.", "Austin: Oh, you want to start right now?", "Summer: [Laughs] No. That is not what I meant.", "Austin: Oh.", "Summer: I want to take a picture of us in our masks, you know? We might forget later, if you know what I mean.", "Austin: What's wrong?", "Summer: I can't find my phone.", "Austin: Did you leave it somewhere or...?", "Summer: Yeah, I-I must've, but I can't imagine where.", "Noah: Hello.", "Nick: There you are.", "Noah: Yeah. I left the flowers up to faith and Mariah. Are they not here yet?", "Nick: I texted them. They're on their way here. Now we just need to find your mother.", "Noah: I thought that she was here.", "Nick: And I was hoping she had met up somewhere with you guys.", "Noah: You haven't heard from her?", "Nick: No, I left the underground, then I came back, she wasn't here. There's no note, nothing.", "Noah: Huh. Wonder where she could have gone.", "Sharon: We were here before? You and me?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Sharon: I-I don't remember.", "Phyllis: Oh, I think you do, Sharon.", "Sharon: No.", "Phyllis: Think back. The night of Nikki's charity event, you followed me here.", "Sharon: No, I-I wouldn't.", "Phyllis: Oh, you did. And you know why.", "Sharon: I don't. I swear.", "Phyllis: It is right there, Sharon. The memory is right there. You've been blocking it out.", "Sharon: I-I want to remember.", "Phyllis: No, you don't. You want to make it go away. But it is time to own up to what you did.", "Sharon: What I did?", "Phyllis: You know what I'm talking about. Face it, Sharon. Face what happened that night right here in this stairwell.", "[Hurried footsteps]", "Sharon: Phyllis! Stop! Please! We need to talk.", "Phyllis: Gee, what would you like to talk about? How you played God with so many lives? A God who sacrificed a young woman just as she's starting out? Her whole future ahead of her?", "Sharon: I remember.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Joe: I'm here to see Avery. I've got something that belongs to you.", "Lily: She said \"expecting.\" Are you?", "Victor: I think I've discovered what Phyllis knows." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Stitch convinces party attendees that the fire is real and not a Halloween trick. Everyone tries their cell phones but no one has reception. Victor and Jack agree that it must be the Paragon Project. Mariah continues to tell her spooky story while Kevin and Nick try to understand the image of the devil on the computer. Sage arrives and tells Nick that she smells smoke in the hallway. When they realize the building is on fire, they tell the kids to line up so they can use the stairs to get to safety. Jack and Ben leave the top of the tower to find the children. Phyllis and Ashley follow them. In the break room, they decide to split up. The ceiling caves in on Ben and Ashley but they make it to the kitchen before being hit with an explosion. Ben's leg is hurt but Ashley won't leave without him. The building shifts, so Jack and Phyllis are unable to leave the break room because the door is jammed. At the top of the tower, a helicopter arrives and Dylan leads a rescue mission, taking women first. Adam hears Paul talking about the fire and convinces Michael to let him leave to rescue his family. He wears a firefighter's outfit to blend in. He finds Connor, then goes to find Chelsea. \"The Devil\" finds him first and knocks him over the head. Cane is still locked in a room. He regains consciousness long enough to call for help once, then falls unconscious again. Victor and Billy leave the top of the tower and find Adam in the stairwell.", "" ]
[ "Mariah: And the mom was really surprised because she had just stopped for gas at the last gas station. It was almost like the gas just disappeared, like someone or something wanted them to stop.", "Charlie: Did a ghost do it?", "Mattie: Maybe it was a hole.", "Mariah: No, no, it definitely wasn't a hole.", "Nick: What you doing, fisher? Scared of a little ghost story?", "Mariah: So the mom stops. She checks to see...", "Nick: What is that?", "Kevin: I was doing what Victor asked me to do -- making sure that the building wasn't being sabotaged, and the elevators go out. Cane goes to check on them, doesn't come back. Now the Wi-Fi's going. My cell phone is out. And then this freaky image comes up on the screen.", "Nick: What the hell do you think that is? You think the paragon project's back?", "Mariah: The kids start walking towards the house to see if they can...", "Sage: Hey, I don't mean to alarm the kids, but I smell smoke in the hallway.", "Stitch: Didn't you guys hear me? There's a fire. We have to get out of the building right now.", "Abby: Good one, hon. You had me going. Everyone, he is just kidding.", "Stitch: Listen to me! This is no joke! There is a fire!", "Billy: We haven't heard any alarms.", "Stitch: I pulled one. It wouldn't work. Look, man, this is real. I was just in the middle of an explosion a few floors down. Ah!", "Abby: Oh, my god. You're hurt.", "Stitch: Okay, look, forget about me. The elevators are out. Try your cell phones.", "Victoria: There's no way to call out.", "Chelsea: What?", "Nikki: Oh, my god. What is happening?", "Victor: This is paragon.", "Jack: What else could it be?", "Chelsea: Oh, my god.", "Jack: Chel-- Chelsea. No, we have to stay together.", "Chelsea: I have to get to Connor.", "Jack: Chelsea --", "Chelsea: Let me go!", "Michael: That -- that is medieval.", "Christine: You know it's the law. A prisoner has to be handcuffed if he's gonna be transferred to the state penitentiary.", "Adam: Which is not happening tonight.", "Michael: No, no, no, no. Your transfer has been postponed until your doctor agrees to release you. In the meantime, it's not like he's capable of making a run for it!", "Christine: I think he's more than capable.", "Michael: He was hit by a car! He almost died on the operating table!", "Christine: Yeah, but he didn't! Not now and not two years ago when the car he was driving crashed and burned. He survived. He escaped. And he got a new face and a new identity. Well, guess what? It's not gonna happen again. Not on my watch.", "Dylan: We finally find Hilary after months of searching, and we still don't know what happened.", "Paul: Right. I'm hoping she's gonna remember something soon.", "Michael: Christine, in what world do you think this man can get out of his bed and do harm to anyone?!", "Paul: Gonna find out what's going on. Wait here.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: Well, you cannot transport him! He is not --", "Dylan: Hello?", "Patty: Hi. Dylan. This is your aunt patty. I'm in town, and I really need to see you. It's important.", "Dylan: You're in town? I thought you were at Fairview.", "Patty: Well, I-I left Fairview for the evening to attend the Delia benefit. Meet me at the top of the tower. It's about Sharon. You'll want to hear what I have to say. Excuse me. Ma'am. Ma'am. The elevators are off limits.", "Patty: Oh, well, I-I forgot my invitation, and I gave a very large donation, so I'm sure they'll have my name on the list upstairs. Yeah, the elevators are out. You can't go up that way.", "Patty: Oh. Okay, well... oh! Well, that's no problem. I'll just take the stairs. I could use the exercise. I've been cooped up recently. Thank you.", "Michael: Physically restraining my client could impede his recovery.", "Christine: Oh, and I forgot. Where did you get your medical degree?", "Michael: All right, Paul, talk to her! Please! My client is not a flight risk!", "Paul: Michael, let's have it quiet. If Chris wants to play this by the book, that is her prerogative. But keeping a prison-bound felon in restraints is certainly standard procedure.", "Michael: Meaning you would like your department included in the lawsuit I plan to --", "Adam: Michael, please. Please. I appreciate you trying to fight the good fight, but... I'm content, okay?", "Michael: What?!", "Adam: Yeah, you know, thanks to you and Lauren, I got to see my little boy at the costume parade tonight at the benefit. And if the chief of police and the DA wanting me manacled like king Kong, then so be it. I tell you what you can do, though, is get me something for the pain that I'm in. I wouldn't mind that.", "Michael: I'll find a nurse.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Christine: Don't think for a second you're not being transferred to the prison hospital.", "Adam: I'm pretty tired.", "Paul: We'll let you get some rest.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Dylan: So, I just got a call from patty. She said she's in town and she wants to speak to me.", "Paul: Patty's in town? What? Is she making crank calls again?", "Dylan: [Chuckles] What? From Fairview?", "Paul: Patty has a history of, uh, fantasies and hallucinations. You can take your pick. Last time she called me from Paris, outside the Louvre.", "Dylan: I don't know her as well as you guys do, but on the phone she sounded normal and she said it was important.", "Paul: Well, it always is. I'll call her doctor just to see what --", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Headquarters. Yeah. Williams. I'll be right over. Newman towers is on fire.", "Christine: What?", "Dylan: Oh, my god.", "Christine: The benefit's there. The restaurant's on the top floor.", "Dylan: The top of the tower. That's where patty said she wanted to meet me.", "Christine: I'm gonna call Fairview right now.", "Paul: Okay. I hope to god she's still in her room. I'm headed to Newman.", "Dylan: I'm going with you.", "Adam: Officer! Officer! Officer, get these cuffs off me. I got to get out of here. My family needs me.", "Nick: We got to get these kids out of here.", "Sage: The smoke is getting worse.", "Nick: We can get them down to the lobby.", "Kevin: That's 20 flights.", "Nick: If we stick together, we can make it.", "Mariah: Without freaking them out? I mean, what if they panic? We'll get caught in the stairwell.", "Kevin: Okay. Hey, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, has anybody, uh, been to Bentley's corn maze on the outside of town, where they set up the corn field to look like a puzzle?", "Faith: Dad took me there last Halloween. It was scary at first, but then fun.", "Kevin: Exactly, okay. That's the kind of game we're gonna play now, except instead of a corn field, we're gonna play it here. Is everybody ready?", "Children: Yeah!", "Mattie: What are the rules?", "Mariah: The rules are everybody grab a jack o' lantern and a buddy and line up, 'cause that's the only way we're gonna get out of the maze.", "Nick: Let's go, let's go, let's go. Okay, now listen, the most important part of this is no matter what happens, we stick together. Hold someone's hand. Ready? Okay, let's go.", "Sage: Here we go!", "Mariah: Here we go!", "Chelsea: Why aren't you listening to me? I need to find my son.", "Jack: Everybody, wait! Everybody, wait! We can't leave! It isn't safe! We have to wait for help to come!", "Victoria: Johnny and Katherine are down there.", "Lily: Yeah, and Mattie and Charlie.", "Chelsea: We have to find them, jack.", "[All shouting]", "Jack: Listen, listen to me! We can't panic right now! We can't all just walk down the stairs! This is a high-rise building! The rules are different. We don't know where the flames have spread. We could all get stuck between floors, overcome with smoke.", "Victor: My son Nicholas and his wife are looking out for the children and grandchildren, all right?", "Stitch: I'll head down to the kids party room, make sure everyone's good.", "Jack: I'm gonna go with you.", "Billy: I'm going with you.", "Jack: No, no, no. Wait, wait. Listen to me. I will look out for the kids. I promise. You have to be here for Victoria, and you have to look after Phyllis for me. I don't know if I'm gonna make it back here. Please? Everybody's counting on you.", "Billy: If you're not back in 20 minutes, all bets are off. 20 minutes.", "Jack: It's a deal.", "Phyllis: Be careful.", "Abby: Don't do anything stupid.", "Stitch: What? Like leave without a kiss?", "Adam: Please, if it were your wife and your kid, would you let anyone keep you away from them? Anything at all? I'm asking you, please. The only place you're going is the state pen.", "Adam: Wait, hold on a second. Come on. O-officer. Damn it! What is the matter with you?! Hey! Get back here!", "Michael: What's all the yelling about? Ask your client. And tell him to pipe down, while you're at it.", "Adam: Hey!", "Michael: I can hear you at the other end of the hall.", "Adam: Listen, even if it breaks all the rules, you got to do something for me.", "Michael: The nurse is gonna be here with your meds any second.", "Adam: You don't understand. Hell with that. Who cares? You got to get me out of here.", "Michael: I'll see if I can speed it up.", "Adam: You're not understanding what I'm saying. Paul got a phone call, all right? Newman tower is on fire. Chelsea and Connor are at Newman tower.", "Michael: I just talked to Lauren.", "Adam: You got to get me out of here, Michael, please.", "Michael: They've got -- look, I'll get to the bottom of this.", "Adam: No, take me with you!", "Michael: Not a chance!", "Adam: Listen, hold on a second! I'm begging you! As a father, listen to me. I'm not trying to avoid punishment. I'm not trying to escape, all right? I'm trying to make sure my wife and my son are okay. Please. And once I get back here, I don't give a damn what the cops do to me. You got to help me get out of here, please.", "Michael: What if you -- what if you collapse, you drop dead?", "Adam: Where's Lauren right now, Michael?! Where is Lauren? She at Newman tower? Huh? Look at me. Look at me. Now, I may be slow, but I know that building like the back of my hand. You take me with you and I can help you. We can do this together, okay? Please. Think about Lauren.", "Nick: Okay, everyone, you're doing great.", "Sage: Nick, it's getting smokier.", "Nick: Okay, we're not gonna run, but we're gonna try and get down the steps a little quicker, okay?", "Sage: Come on, guys.", "Kevin: Let's go, let's go, let's go.", "Sage: [Coughs]", "Kevin: Okay, guys, part of the game we're gonna play is pretend like we're being chased by a pterodactyl. Who knows what a pterodactyl is?", "Faith: I know! It's a dinosaur bird.", "Kevin: [Coughs] That's right. It's a dinosaur bird. So we're being chased by flying dinosaurs, so everybody stay low and move fast.", "Nick: Yeah, stay low or the pterodactyl's gonna get you.", "[All gasp] What's wrong? What's happening?", "Mariah: Um, nothing, nothing, you guys. Guys, turn your pumpkin lights on now. Yeah. There you go. Good job, you guys. And let's keep it moving, okay?", "Nick: Don't let the dinosaur bird get you! Come on!", "[All coughing]", "Mariah: Yeah, let's go, let's go.", "Stitch: The good news is, is they're out of here.", "Jack: Yeah, the bad news is we don't know where they went.", "Stitch: Let's clear this floor, make sure no one's here.", "Jack: Okay, I'm going in this direction. You go in that. We meet back here.", "Stitch: You got it.", "Jack: Nick!", "Stitch: Still not working.", "Jack: [Coughs] Nick! Nick!", "Stitch: Kevin! Nick! Anyone here?!", "[Pounding on door]", "Stitch: Anyone in there?! Oh, damn it.", "Cane: [Groans] [Coughing] Hey! I'm trapped in here! Hey!", "Victor: Stay back, stay back. Stay back! Everyone, listen very carefully. Do not use those stairwells to try to get out of the building. Is that clear? It's filled with smoke. The lights are out. It's completely dark. You stay here. Calm down. Help is on the way.", "Billy: I can't just stand here twiddling my thumbs --", "Victor: Billy, I don't want to listen to you right now. Quiet.", "Victoria: Billy, wait. Hold on. Look, I'm worried about them, too, but if anything happens to you, how's that gonna help? We just have to trust that jack and Ben are gonna be back and they'll let us know that everything's okay with the kids.", "Billy: [Sighs] Okay, fine, look, if they are not back by that deadline, I'm going down to the break room no matter what.", "Nikki: Okay, I found some more candles. I'm gonna start lighting them.", "Lily: All right, I'll look for flashlights in the kitchen.", "Joe: I'll go with you.", "Lily: No, I don't need an escort.", "Abby: There's got to be some flashlights up here.", "Noah: I already got one.", "Luca: Me, too. With this, I can see everything.", "Ashley: What are you doing?", "Phyllis: I'm getting out of here. I'm gonna go find jack.", "Ashley: I'm going with you. I can't just stand here and do nothing.", "Phyllis: Makes two of us.", "Ashley: Let's go.", "Christine: So patty's not in her room? Well, did you check the entire facility? [Sighs] Okay, thank you for the information.", "Michael: I've done everything I can for my client tonight. I'm headed to Newman towers to see if my wife is okay.", "Christine: Michael, hold up. I need you to stay here. Officer Foley, stop him! Sir, stop. Now!", "Christine: [Sighs]", "Nick: Okay, we're almost there!", "Faith: Daddy, I'm tired. Can we rest?", "Nick: No, sweetheart, I'm sorry. We can't stop.", "Faith: Why?", "Kevin: Because, um --", "Faith: Don't say dinosaur birds!", "Nick: We just -- we have to get out of this building. It's not safe.", "[All coughing]", "Charlie: It's not safe for kids?", "Nick: It's not safe for anyone. But don't worry -- I'm gonna keep you safe, okay? I made a promise to all your mommies and daddies that I would protect you, 'cause that's what daddies do. We keep everyone safe, all right? Now, let's just keep going. We're almost there, all right? Let's go, let's go, let's go.", "Mariah: Out this way.", "Nick: There we go. Nice and easy.", "Mariah: Good job.", "[All coughing]", "Mariah: Good job, you guys.", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: Yes?", "Nikki: I know that you're putting on a brave face, but I can tell that you're very concerned.", "Victor: Sweetheart, of course I'm concerned, okay? Everything I've built is going up in flames right now. Let's just make sure no one panics.", "Nikki: Will you make me a promise?", "Victor: What's that?", "Nikki: Please don't do anything rash or reckless. You can't put yourself in danger just because you're concerned.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I can't promise that right now, okay?", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: What are these people doing here?", "Nikki: Please be careful.", "Noah: If smoke comes in through the ventilation system, we're gonna have to break one of these windows.", "Luca: I'll be sure to shield you from any broken glass.", "Marisa: It's lovely of you to make me feel safer.", "Luca: What are husbands for?", "Chelsea: Hey. I'm so scared. I don't know where Connor is, how he's doing, if he's safe.", "Victoria: I'm sure that nick and the others are taking very good care of our kids.", "Chelsea: Including Katie and Johnny. I mean, you must be freaking out, too, right?", "Abby: Ben and uncle jack should have been back by now.", "Billy: You're right. Time's up. I'm going to find my kids.", "Victor: Billy, you be careful.", "Abby: Where's mom? I haven't seen her.", "Nikki: Well, she appears to have left. Along with Phyllis.", "[Both coughing]", "Stitch: Nick and sage must have gotten the kids out.", "Jack: Okay, let's get back upstairs and tell everyone the good news.", "Ashley: [Coughs] Oh, my god.", "Jack: Hey.", "Phyllis: We thought the kids were gonna be here.", "Jack: What the hell are you doing?", "Ashley: Same thing you are -- making sure the kids are okay.", "Stitch: You shouldn't be here.", "Ashley: Why? I mean, why not? Is this room any less dangerous than any other room in this building?", "Phyllis: Should we go upstairs to the ballroom and tell the parents about the kids?", "Jack: Yeah, that was the plan.", "Ashley: Wait, should we go downstairs and send help for the people that are trapped in the ballroom?", "Phyllis: I don't know, but that smoke out there is getting nasty. We have got to make a decision now.", "[Siren wails]", "Ashley: Oh. Okay, that means help's coming.", "Jack: That is the sound of things getting better, folks.", "Stitch: Okay, so how about Ashley and I head back to the ballroom, you two head downstairs and make sure the kids got out all right?", "Jack: That's a good plan. I'll let everyone know where to find you, and we'll get word to you somehow.", "Ashley: Okay. Let's go.", "[Rumbling]", "Phyllis: What was that?", "Jack: Oh, god. Ashley?!", "Ashley: [Gasps, shouts]", "Stitch: Come on! Look out!", "Dylan: Can we get a chopper on the roof?", "Paul: All right, Jim, what's the status? There was just an explosion on 19 -- cut off access to the top floors.", "Paul: Well, there's got to be a way up. Not unless you can fly.", "Dylan: Can we get a chopper on the roof?", "Paul: There's a helipad. There's got to be access to the ballroom somehow. Hold on. Yeah, this is chief Williams. How quickly can you get a rescue helicopter on the roof over here to start evacuating people?", "Nick: Okay, hooray! We made it!", "Sage: Come on. Let's go.", "Dylan: Is this everybody? You okay?", "Nick: Uh, mom, dad, Victoria, and Noah -- they're still upstairs with a bunch of other people.", "Dylan: Hey, Paul, what's ETA on the helicopter?", "Paul: It's on its way. All right, come on, kids, right this way.", "Faith: I don't feel good.", "Nick: Listen, we breathed in a lot of smoke.", "Kevin: We need to get these kids checked at memorial pronto.", "Paul: All right, that's a good idea. Soon as we get their parents out, we'll make memorial the central meeting place.", "Sage: Excuse me. Is there an ambulance or other vehicle we can take these kids to memorial? They're on the way.", "Sage: Thank you. [Sighs]", "Adam: Connor. Hey, come here. Hey, man, how are you? Oh, my gosh, look at you. You're beautiful. I'm so glad you're okay. Look at this, huh? Fancy, little costume. Fireman, right? That's kind of cool, isn't it? You okay? Yeah? My gosh, you're wonderful.", "Kevin: Where's Connor? Has anybody seen Connor?", "Sage: Connor!", "Kevin: What is he doing here?!", "Sage: Adam?!", "Nick: Why aren't you at the hospital?", "Mariah: Or in prison.", "Adam: I heard about the fire. What'd you expect me to do? Sit there and do nothing?", "Paul: You know what? That's not up to you. Tanner! Escort Mr. Newman back to the hospital before he runs off again.", "Adam: The only place I'm running is upstairs to get my wife.", "Paul: Listen, you are a prisoner. There was an explosion. The kids were lucky to get out. Chief!", "Paul: What?", "Sage: I'll take him.", "Adam: You're gonna go with sage, okay? All right? I'm gonna run upstairs. I'm gonna grab your mom and bring her back to you safe and sound, okay? I love you. Take care of him for me? All right?", "Sage: Hi. I'm so sorry I left you. Ambulances are here. Let's get these kids to the hospital.", "Paul: All right, so -- tanner! What the hell are you doing? Where's Newman?!", "Nick: Victor, what could have caused an explosion like that?", "Noah: Could this building collapse?", "Victor: Highly unlikely, son.", "Luca: Meaning it could? It's a possibility?", "Victor: Don't start a panic now.", "Billy: To hell with that. I'm going after my kids.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm going with you.", "Joe: All right, wait for me.", "Lauren: Listen, can you hear that?!", "[Helicopter blades whirring]", "Nikki: Victor, be careful!", "[Wind whistling]", "Dylan: All right, folks, listen up! Give me your attention! We're gonna evacuate everyone here, a few people at a time. There's a ladder that goes up to the helipad right through that exit.", "Lily: Where are the kids?", "Victoria: Did they make it out okay?", "Chelsea: Is Connor safe?", "Dylan: Yes, the kids at the party downstairs made it to the lobby. I saw them with my own eyes. Actually, they're on the way to memorial right now to get checked out.", "Billy: Wait, wait, memorial?", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Abby: Was anyone hurt?", "Dylan: Just a precaution. I can promise you they're all okay.", "Abby: What about my mom and Ben?", "Dylan: What do you mean?", "Victor: Ben and jack went down the stairwell to help with the children.", "Nikki: Ashley and Phyllis followed them.", "Dylan: There was an explosion down there. Look, I know some people made it to the lobby. I just don't know who. I'm sorry.", "Abby: Oh, my god. An explosion. That -- that means...", "Victor: Sweetheart.", "[Both coughing]", "Phyllis: Oh, my god. What was that? What was that?", "Jack: I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. Clearly it is not a little fire with a couple flames. This is a serious problem. I'm gonna see what I can find out. Stay down, okay? Okay?", "Phyllis: I'm okay, I'm okay.", "Jack: [Grunts] The door's jammed.", "Phyllis: Okay, the building shifted. The doorframe's got to be off.", "Jack: Something's holding on the other side. [Grunts] We're gonna have to pray someone comes and rescues us.", "Phyllis: [Hyperventilating]", "Jack: Hey, hey, hey. Hey, we're safe right now. There's very little smoke in here.", "Phyllis: I keep thinking of the people upstairs that are trapped in the ballroom. What about Ashley and stitch? They could be laying out there dead.", "Jack: No, no. Ashley and stitch are strong. They're gonna be okay. They got to be okay. They got to be.", "Stitch: [Groans]", "Ashley: [Gasping]", "Stitch: You okay?", "Ashley: [Winces] I think I'm okay. Are you okay?", "Stitch: Where are we?", "Ashley: Looks like an employee kitchen. A kitchen. Oh, my god! Your leg!", "Stitch: It's okay.", "Ashley: Don't lie to me!", "Stitch: No, it's -- it's all right.", "Ashley: It's not okay!", "Stitch: It's --", "Ashley: Can you move? I mean, did you break it?", "Stitch: Hey, it's fine. Who's the doctor here?", "Ashley: Are you sure?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: Can you move?", "Stitch: Look, you should -- you should get out of here, okay? The smoke's getting dense.", "Ashley: I'm not gonna leave.", "Stitch: Look, it's not gonna get any better, all right? You need to go now.", "Ashley: I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving without you.", "Stitch: Ashley, if you don't go now, you may never get out, and we both die here.", "Ashley: That's not gonna happen, okay? It's not gonna happen 'cause I'm not gonna let it happen.", "Dylan: The chopper can only hold four people at a time.", "Joe: Let's go, lily.", "Dylan: Women first, Joe.", "Joe: Obviously, Dylan. I want her to get reunited with her children.", "Lily: Lauren, come with me.", "Lauren: But what if Michael's on his way up?", "Lily: He's waiting for you on the ground. I'm sure of it.", "Lauren: Okay, let's go.", "Dylan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No, hold on! Wait, wait, wait!", "Victor: No panic, please!", "Dylan: Stop! Stop! We have to keep this orderly! We're gonna get everybody out of here as long as you do exactly what we say, please!", "Nikki: I'm not going without Victor.", "Victoria: Take some of the other people first.", "Dylan: Okay, you and you, let's go. First four, let's go, let's go, let's go. Okay, come on, come on. Come on.", "Victor: Victoria, darling, please come here for a minute. I want all of you to get on the helicopter now.", "Nikki: Victor, no, not without you.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'll be fine. And what will it take to get you to go?", "Abby: Seeing Ben and my mom safe and sound.", "Chelsea: And Phyllis and jack.", "Victor: I will find them now.", "Billy: Not without me, you're not.", "Nikki: Please be careful.", "Billy: Hey. Now that I know the kids are safe, I'm going after Ashley and jack. But you listen to me. When Dylan comes back, I want you to go. I want you to get out of here and be with our kids.", "Victoria: Okay. Just come back in one piece.", "Victor: Here. [Sighs]", "Christine: How can you think", "Christine: How can you think for a minute that helping Adam get away was a good thing?", "Michael: Can we just please deal with this later? I've got to find my wife. I have to make sure my brother is okay. I don't know -- Lauren.", "Lauren: [Gasps] Oh, my god! Oh, my god! You're here! I was so worried!", "Michael: You were worried? What about me? I heard that Newman towers is going up in flames. What am I supposed to think?", "Lauren: I was on the helicopter, and I'm being rescued and you're trapped somewhere...", "Michael: No, I was here. I was here the whole time.", "Lauren: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.", "Michael: You're safe, baby.", "Lily: Oh, my god. Cane was in the building.", "Christine: Wait. You didn't see him there?", "Lily: No, he left me a message, but the service was all messed up, so I'm just now getting it. I have to find my kids.", "Christine: How did you get here?", "Lily: There was a helicopter that evacuated people four at a time from the roof.", "Lauren: Dylan is in charge. He's doing an excellent job.", "Christine: Do you know if people have been injured?", "Lily: Ben Rayburn was caught in a fireball or something. He hurt his arm. I have to find my kids.", "Both: Mommy!", "Lily: Oh, my god, you guys, come here. Come here. Oh, my god. Are you okay?", "Kevin: Everybody checked out just fine.", "Michael: Hey! Including you?", "Kevin: Including me.", "Lily: How did you get out of the building?", "Mattie: Kevin and Mariah made it fun.", "Lily: Fun?", "Charlie: Yeah, we were chased by dinosaur birds.", "Faith: Yeah, like this.", "[Screeching]", "Mattie: Where's daddy?", "Cane: [Coughs] [Pounding] Help! Help. [Coughs] [Groans] [Breathing heavily]", "Jack: [Grunting]", "Phyllis: [Laughing]", "Jack: Hey. What's going on?", "Phyllis: I just keep thinking of the fact that, you know, we've made it out of tougher situations than this, but that's incredibly stupid because I really don't know what is really tougher than this.", "[Both laughing]", "Phyllis: We're trapped. People don't know that we're here. And I think it's only gonna go downhill from here.", "Jack: Well, you know, they could let a tiger loose in the building. [Laughs]", "Phyllis: [Sighs] [Chuckles]", "Jack: We're gonna be all right. We're gonna be okay. I know everything's stacked against us right now. We're gonna be all right. Trust me, okay? Do you trust me?", "Phyllis: I trust you. I trust you.", "Jack: Good. Good. [Sighs]", "[Helicopter blades whirring]", "Phyllis: What was that?", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: I heard something. I think I heard a helicopter. They're coming to get us. It's a helicopter. They're probably on top of the roof right now. They're rescuing people. They're gonna save us. It's gonna be okay.", "Jack: Okay.", "Phyllis: It's gonna be okay.", "Jack: Now we just have to find out how to get to the roof.", "Paul: Yeah, Chris, what's up?", "Christine: Adam escaped, thanks to his attorney, who will be up before the bar on charges if I have my way.", "Paul: Yeah, I know all about it. Adam is here.", "Christine: Well, that's what I figured. Do you have him in custody?", "Paul: Not exactly.", "Christine: What does that mean?", "Paul: Well, as soon as he found out that Connor was okay, he tore up the stairs to find his wife.", "Christine: Why wasn't he arrested?", "Paul: That's a very good question, but listen, I-I got bigger fish to fry right now.", "Christine: [Sighs] Yeah, you do. I talked to Fairview, and that phone call from patty wasn't a hoax. Somehow she slipped out.", "Paul: Oh, god, no. That means she could be in this building. Okay, l-let me think about this. Uh, uh, I'll keep you posted.", "Sage: [Coughs]", "Paul: Oh, what are you guys still doing here? You should be at memorial getting checked out.", "Sage: Paul's right. We need to go to the hospital to be with Christian.", "Nick: I'll get you a ride to the hospital. I can't leave. My family's still up there.", "Sage: Then I'm staying with you.", "Nick: No, it's not safe, sage. I want you to go.", "Sage: I know you're not gonna stand around and wait for good news, nick. The second I leave, you're gonna run up those stairs and try to get your family out. I'm not gonna lose you, okay? So I'm staying with you.", "Adam: [Breathing heavily] Chelsea! Chelsea! Chelsea! Chelsea! Ch-- Chelsea. [Coughs] [Groans]", "[Wind whistling]", "Dylan: [Coughs] Nikki, Chelsea, come on. We're gonna get you -- no arguments. We're gonna get you on the chopper.", "Nikki: No, I'm not going without the girls.", "Abby: I'm not leaving here without Ben.", "Dylan: Victoria, go with your mom. We have time to get everybody out. Come on. Let's go. Chelsea, let's go.", "Luca: Dylan! Do you have room for one more? You need to get out of here. Now.", "Marisa: There are others.", "Noah: Marisa, I agree with Luca. You can't fight us both. You need to go. Now.", "Luca: I promise we'll be together again soon, my love.", "Marisa: [Breathing heavily]", "Dylan: Marisa, let's go, let's go! Up the ladder. We'll get you buckled in. Come on. Let's go.", "[Wind whistling]", "Luca: Don't worry. She'll be safe. And I'll make sure she stays that way. I hope you two enjoyed yourselves. It won't happen again. I'll make sure of it.", "[Both groaning]", "Ashley: Oh. What? What? It's not just your leg, is it? What's wrong?", "Stitch: There's a lot of pain. It's my, um, my ribs. They're either, uh, broken or p-punctured lung. [Breathing heavily] Can't tell if it's an injury or if it's -- it's the air. [Breathing heavily] It's getting thinner, right? Should -- should have got out of here when you had a chance.", "Ashley: They're coming for us. I know they are. I'll bet they're on their way right now.", "Stitch: And if they don't?", "Phyllis: Oh, my god, jack, there's got to be a way out of here. Come on. Ow!", "Jack: Hey, hey. You all right?", "Phyllis: It's hot.", "Jack: You all right? Honey, the door is jammed. Even if it wasn't, we don't know what's right outside the door. Could be more flames. We're safer in here.", "[Thudding]", "Phyllis: [Gasps]", "Jack: Oh, thank god.", "Patty: [Grunts]", "Jack: Patty?", "Billy: [Coughs]", "[Fire extinguisher hisses]", "Victor: Stitch, is that you?", "Billy: God, it's Adam.", "Victor: Adam?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Abby: Mom! Ben! Can you hear me?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack hired a forensic accountant to authenticate the new stolen Newman documents. Phyllis tried to talk Jack out of releasing the documents, but he wasn't interested in her advice. Billy found Natalie drowning her sorrows at the bar. She was upset that she was working for Victor. Billy was intrigued when Natalie mentioned that Travis was having a hard time at Newman. He prodded her for information and she told him that Victor set Travis up. Billy warned Phyllis that Victor was on to her and Jack. Phyllis was skeptical of Billy's motives, but he swore that he was just trying to look out for her and Jack. Phyllis warned Jack that Victor was setting him up, but she was too late – he'd already anonymously dropped the documents off at GC Buzz. Chloe and Chelsea talked about the Christian situation and the pain that was in store for Nick and Dylan. Chelsea worried that Nick would lash out instead of handling things calmly for Christian and Faith's sake. At Chloe's insistence, Chelsea went to be with Nick.", "Nick came to pick up Christian, and tempers flared when Dylan wouldn't let him take the baby. Dylan felt that they should work together and talk things out. Nick told Dylan to arrest Sharon for kidnapping. Dylan refused. Faith came downstairs and said that Sully was crying, then she went back to bed. Chelsea arrived, just after Nick came downstairs with Christian in his arms. Chelsea, Sharon and Dylan tried to convince Nick not to abruptly rip Christian from the house. Nick relented. He gave Christian to Dylan and said he'd come back in the morning. After Chelsea and Nick left, Sharon wanted to talk to Dylan, but he rebuffed her. He told her he'd be sleeping in the nursery with Sully. Sharon listened to Dylan on the baby monitor, and she cried when she heard him promise the baby that he would stay with him all night. Nick took Chelsea home. He was embarrassed about the way he'd acted at Sharon's, because he realized he'd been thinking about himself instead of putting Christian. Chelsea invited him to stay, but he wanted to be alone. Billy and Chloe reminisced about Delia, and she told him that Kevin asked her to move in. Chloe asked if Billy's advice had something to do with what he'd been through with Phyllis, but he didn't want to talk about it. Billy wondered if Chloe was hesitant about moving in with Kevin because she was afraid Bella's dad would show up and come between her and Kevin. Chloe agreed that Billy might be right.", "" ]
[ "Chloe: Hey.", "Chelsea: Yeah?", "Chloe: [Scoffs] Are you just gonna reorganize everything in the apartment?", "Chelsea: Oh, I guess I didn't realize I was doing that.", "Chloe: I know. You're worried about nick. With good reason.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, I have a knot in my stomach. This whole thing is a mess.", "Chloe: Well, that's an understatement.", "Chelsea: How could something like this even happen? I mean, Sharon finds out that sully isn't hers, and she just -- she just keeps it to herself? She just continues to lie to nick, to Dylan, even faith, and then she continues to raise him as her own? It doesn't make -- I mean, who does something like that?", "Chloe: I mean, maybe she didn't have good choices to make, so she just decided to leave it alone.", "Chelsea: Well, it wasn't right. She could have always made another choice. She could have just told the truth.", "Chloe: Yeah, but you know how hard that is, Chelsea. I mean, we can't judge Sharon. We have no idea what was going on in that woman's head.", "Chelsea: Look, I get it. I know I sound like a hypocrite. I certainly have not made the best choices regarding paternity in the past. I'm just saying I don't know how Sharon was able to look herself in the mirror for all of these months.", "Chloe: I wonder who's been screwed over more. Nick or Dylan.", "Chelsea: God. I can't even.", "Chloe: I know. I shouldn't have even said that. I take that back. What they're going through is an absolute nightmare.", "Chelsea: Yeah. My heart really goes out to Dylan.", "Chloe: I know. Mine does, too. I mean, nick -- he gains a son. But Dylan, what he's about to go through, it's -- it's unbearable.", "Chelsea: What they're all about to go through is unbearable. And I just worry. I... if they can't find a kind way to resolve all this, it's gonna get ugly.", "Dylan: Nick, it's late. You can't come charging in here, making demands! We have a lot to wrap our minds around! It's gonna take awhile to figure out!", "Nick: There's nothing to figure out. Sharon kept what wasn't hers, and that's my son. Now, Dylan, I'm sorry that you got caught in the middle of this, but trust me, this only ends one way.", "Dylan: No, you don't get to come in here and decide that!", "Nick: My son has no business being in this house!", "Dylan: Can you listen to yourself?! This is the only home that sully's known!", "Nick: His name is Christian!", "Dylan: For god's sake, will you stop thinking about how you've been hurt and think about that child for one minute?!", "Nick: You listen to me. You -- both of you listen to me. That is my son. He is mine. That is my child with sage. You cannot stop me from seeing him.", "Sharon: Nick, no one is trying to do that. We're just trying to stop you from doing something rash!", "Nick: How can you of all people say \"rash\"? It's been a year. One year! You had to know it was gonna end like this! Now get out of my way! I'm gonna see my son.", "Dylan: No, not like this you're --", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Billy: I heard a rumor you were back in town.", "Natalie: The rumors are true.", "Billy: I see that. Doesn't look like you're celebrating.", "Natalie: You know, I used to only drink wine before I came to this town.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "Natalie: And now you put a glass of something in front of me and I drink it. That's what this place does to people.", "Billy: What's your problem tonight?", "Natalie: This buzz is brought to you by the fine folks at GC buzz.", "Billy: Oh, my gosh. It's true. You're back working with victor, aren't you?", "Natalie: Please. Don't remind me.", "Billy: That good, huh? I got to say, Natalie, you do look miserable.", "Natalie: You know what they say about misery.", "Billy: I sure do. Scotch, please.", "Jack: Get back to me as soon as you can. I don't care how late it is. Yeah, I want it done tonight if possible. Right.", "Phyllis: You wanted to see me? What's going on?", "Jack: I took your advice. I am not releasing the documents we got from Curtis fielding, at least not immediately.", "Phyllis: I think that's wise.", "Jack: You made a good argument for us being cautious, but I am not sitting on this material forever. This kind of stuff gets stale. So I hired a forensic accountant.", "Phyllis: Ooh. Sounds sexy. I like it. So now what happens?", "Jack: He works offsite, goes over all the documents that were in this briefcase that fielding gave you, sees if the information we have about victor's precious metal and real-estate dealings are legit. As soon as I get the confirmation I need, we move ahead with the plan.", "Phyllis: So you're gonna leak it to GC buzz.", "Jack: Tonight if possible. By morning, victor won't know what hit him.", "Phyllis: I don't mean to be a wet blanket.", "Jack: Then don't be.", "Phyllis: And I get it. I get why you're so eager for this to happen. I just would hate to see you rush blindly into something this big. Jack, this is not like you. You're usually more cautious.", "Jack: Sometimes it's possible to be too cautious and let important opportunities slip away.", "Phyllis: I like that you're taking what we got and you're running it by that accountant. I think it's a smart move. But the material doesn't have an expiration date. If it's as damaging to victor as we believe it is, that's gonna be true a month from now as it is today.", "Jack: A month from -- you think I'm gonna sit on something that's this volatile for a month?", "Phyllis: Well, I would hope that you would wait for as long as it takes. For two reasons. One -- that it's really damaging to victor by this news going public. And most importantly that you're not damaging yourself by leaking this information.", "Jack: Okay, let me remind you I let you in on this because you were ready to go for the jugular. Your job is not to look out for me.", "Phyllis: Okay, then why can't it be both?", "Jack: I think you know why.", "Billy: I have done a wonderful job making things hard on myself, but you -- come on. I mean, if you're not happy, you don't have to stay at Newman. You don't have to continue to work for victor.", "Natalie: That fat of a paycheck you don't say no to.", "Billy: Is that right? Receptionists make that much money nowadays?", "Natalie: Instant ramen gets old pretty fast once you let yourself get used to the finer things in life. You ever eat caviar on a private jet?", "Billy: No. How is it?", "Natalie: So much better that way.", "Billy: You make caviar money over at Newman?", "Natalie: [Sighs] Not quite. I sold my soul. Cheaply. At least I'm not alone. [Chuckles] I'll bet Victoria's new boyfriend's feeling like he got hit by a truck right about now.", "Billy: Travis? Why do you say that?", "Natalie: [Scoffs] If he didn't know what he was getting into joining Newman, he certainly got an education. [Chuckles] Ooh. I'm gonna hit the road.", "Billy: Oh, come on. I miss you. It's been awhile. Stay. Come on. I'm buying. Two more shots, please. There we go.", "Chloe: Why don't you sit?", "Chelsea: All right, all right, all right.", "Chloe: Sorry this is tearing you up so badly.", "Chelsea: Yeah, of course it is. I mean, for many reasons. Um, I just -- I feel bad for nick. This whole thing obviously has hit him really hard.", "Chloe: [Sighs] Yeah. I'm sure it did.", "Chelsea: And what about faith? I mean, I just hope that nick doesn't go over there and completely lose it on Sharon right in front of faith. You know, she thinks she has this little brother. They spend so much time together. And I just don't think that anyone has considered what this is gonna do to her.", "Chloe: I know. I mean, it's like you said. It's an epic train wreck.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: With repercussions followed by more repercussions.", "Chelsea: Correct. Oh, I just feel so bad. Dylan has no idea that his whole life is about to obliterated. I mean, nick promised Sharon that he would let her break the news to Dylan and that he would give them one more night alone with their son, the son that they think they were raising.", "Chloe: I don't think that nick is gonna keep that promise. And I hate to say it, but I don't blame him. He thought that he lost that child forever. He's been grieving the death of his son for an entire year. That lives with you. That lives inside of you, and I cannot imagine what it's like to just wake up and realize that you've been dealing with all that pain for what -- for nothing.", "Chelsea: But it wasn't just that nick lost his son. He lost sage, too. I mean, they went through so much together. They leaned on each other. And then suddenly she was just -- she was just gone. And he didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. I mean, you and I both know how -- how painful that is. You went through it with Delia. I went through it with Adam. It just makes it so much worse. I think nick is just very overwhelmed right now, so he doesn't know how to handle all of this. He's feeling very desperate, and he's very angry. So he's not taking into consideration how this is going to affect anybody else.", "Chloe: Especially Christian.", "Sharon: Can we please talk about this rationally and do what's best for that innocent little boy upstairs? What are you doing?", "Nick: I'm just gonna fix this right now. I'm calling my lawyer.", "Sharon: No!", "Dylan: Come on, nick. Stop. That's not gonna -- nick, that's not gonna do any good. We just have to try to stay calm.", "Nick: Is that what you'd be doing right now? Would you be staying calm if you found out your ex-wife stole your son and deprived you from being around him, watched you grieve and suffer? This should have been resolved months ago. Is that what you'd be doing? 'Cause I think you'd be doing exactly what I'm doing.", "Dylan: I'm not saying that you shouldn't be furious! Where I draw the line is you charging in here saying that you're gonna grab a sleeping baby out of his crib and take him away!", "Sharon: Nick, I've said I'm sorry a thousand times today, but I will continue to say it. But please, you need to realize that when all of this started, I was as much in the dark as you were! That little boy has been in this house for months with Dylan and I believing -- with us knowing that this was our baby! We devoted our lives to him!", "Dylan: I love that kid, nick. And he loves us.", "Nick: You keep talking as if you have some claim to him.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Nick: How come no one's said it yet? A crime was committed. A child was kidnapped. Now, yes, Dr. Anderson did it. But right here -- this is her accomplice. You're a cop, and you're just standing there doing nothing. Get out your cuffs and arrest her.", "Billy: Ooh. So... [Clears throat] Whoo! Tell me about Travis.", "Natalie: Travis. [Clears throat]", "Billy: Travis.", "Natalie: What about him?", "Billy: Well, you said that he bit off more than he could chew with victor.", "Natalie: [Sighs] Oh, my God. He did. Totally.", "Billy: I don't understand, though. Isn't, uh, isn't he the golden boy? Wasn't he victor's newest pet?", "Natalie: He was. But then he blew it.", "Billy: Really? How?", "Natalie: It's just a total viper pit, man. It's, like, so political.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Natalie: Especially with these leaks.", "Billy: I know.", "Natalie: It's just like...", "Billy: Too much, eh? Didn't Travis know that going in? I mean, you know, he's always been with the big boys. He lived to tell it. He didn't see that?", "Natalie: He didn't see me coming. I-I taught him a lesson, all right.", "Billy: Natalie, are you the one that -- are you the one that stabbed him in the back? That was you? What happened? Tell me.", "Natalie: [Scoffs] I said too much. And I don't think I should have had that shot last -- last --", "Billy: Oh, no, it's fine. I'm just -- you know, it's interesting to me. I'm fascinated by it. Come on. Tell me about Travis.", "Natalie: Well, when it comes down to it, I didn't have a choice. It was orders from above.", "Billy: What they'd say?", "Natalie: Well... victor told Travis to find whoever gave those papers to GC buzz, right? [Scoffs] And Travis got the bright idea to go after victor's family behind his back, when victor told him not to bother because it wasn't any of them. [Chuckles]", "Billy: What -- what do you mean by \"go after them\"?", "Natalie: Investigate. Accuse. [Scoffs] Travis had no idea it was a test.", "Billy: A test he failed, it sounds like.", "Natalie: Whoo! Big red \"F.\"", "Billy: But I don't understand. Why would -- why would victor be playing Travis? Doesn't he want to find out who the mole is?", "Natalie: Maybe he already knew.", "Billy: You good there?", "Natalie: Little bit.", "Billy: Didn't you say you had enough?", "Natalie: [Clears throat] This stuff's good. You're still buying, right?", "Billy: [Chuckles] Come on. I'm gonna buy you a cab ride home.", "Natalie: Ohh.", "Billy: I think we've both had enough. Come on, sister. You did good.", "Natalie: Thank you...", "Billy: Come on.", "Natalie: ...Very much for your help, sir.", "Jack: I do not need or want your help, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain --", "Jack: You've done enough today. Go home.", "Phyllis: Okay. I have crossed the line a little bit. I am sorry. Please, if you're intending to go ahead with this tonight, then I should be a part of it.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Jack: It's the forensic accountant. He's done. He wants to see me.", "Phyllis: Really? Already? I will grab my purse. We will go together.", "Jack: No, I meant what I said. I can handle everything from here on tonight. Once I have confirmation of everything I think he's going to tell me, I go straight to GC buzz with the information and drop it off anonymously.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on, jack. Wait.", "Jack: Try to remember there is only so far I'm willing to go.", "Phyllis: You begged me to let go of the anger, and I told you I wouldn't. I understand how you feel.", "Jack: Don't do this.", "Phyllis: You have rage inside of you that's eating you alive, and the only way you're gonna stop it is by making that bastard pay.", "Jack: We are nothing alike.", "Phyllis: Oh, we're more alike than you think.", "Jack: So when you swore you had put vengeance behind you for good?", "Phyllis: I lied.", "Jack: You're getting awfully good at that lately.", "Phyllis: So are you, apparently, which is why hell no, I am not gonna talk you out of any of this. I'm gonna join you. We're gonna bring victor down together.", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Chloe: Okay. Well, you clearly need some of this because you are very tense.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Chloe: Look, I know that nick was really upset when he left here, but he has the entire ride to the ranch to calm down. And hopefully while he's on his way, he's gonna realize that if he shows up demanding things, it's not gonna be good for anyone. He is a reasonable person. Everything is gonna be okay.", "Chelsea: Would you be reasonable in this situation?", "Chloe: [Scoffs] Well, that's not a fair question because I'm never a reasonable person.", "Chelsea: You didn't see him when he was leaving here, Chloe. He kept calling Sharon. She wasn't answering. And suddenly his mind went to the worst possible scenario.", "Chloe: She's gonna take off with the baby?", "Chelsea: Or Dylan because that's what he did with Connor.", "Chloe: Okay, well, if that's even possible, then you can't be here with me talking about this. I mean, you have to be with nick.", "Chelsea: Oh, no. No, no, no. That's not my place.", "Chloe: What do you mean, it's not your place? Of course it's your place. You guys are friends. You guys are getting very close. Closer every single day.", "Chelsea: This situation is volatile enough as it is without adding an outsider to the mix. Thank you very much.", "Chloe: Okay, well, that is nuts. You're Sharon's boss. You are Dylan's ex. You are not a stranger to these people. And nick has really been showing up for Connor. I think the least you can do is do him a favor.", "Chelsea: He doesn't want me there.", "Chloe: Look, the way that I see it is that you are the only person that nick might listen to at this point, because you are the only one who doesn't have a personal stake in all of this.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I guess maybe you're right. All right, maybe I should go, see if nick needs support. Bye.", "Chloe: Bye.", "[Door closes]", "Dylan: You're not helping the situation by making ridiculous statements like that.", "Nick: What is ridiculous about it? A crime was committed.", "Dylan: Come on! I'm not arresting Sharon!", "Nick: Okay. Now you know, and that makes you an accessory. You are blocking me from seeing my son. You're the one who's making this worse. You are holding on to something that just isn't yours.", "Dylan: Stop acting like I don't have a connection to that child! Okay, I've held my son when --", "Nick: He is not your son!", "Dylan: Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?! I'm the only father sully has ever known!", "Nick: Christian! That boy's name is Christian! How many more times do I have to say that?!", "Sharon: Nick, please stop! The children!", "Faith: Don't you have the baby monitor on? Sully's been crying! He needs someone.", "Nick: What's the matter? Did you see your little brother? Is he okay?", "Faith: I think so. He just needs to be held. Maybe you should go up, daddy. I know you were upset before. Is that why you're here so late? You're still thinking about little Christian?", "Nick: Uh, yeah. Tonight I've been thinking a lot about Christian.", "Faith: Then you should go up. I know how much you love being around sully. Maybe just seeing him, it'll help.", "Nick: Yeah. Maybe it will.", "Billy: You outed victor. You exposed his slimy ways. You hit him hard. Now he's gonna come back hitting harder.", "Jack: Victor has no proof that was me.", "Billy: You didn't fool me. You think you're gonna fool him?", "Jack: There is no evidence to be found.", "Billy: Not exactly a denial.", "Phyllis: He doesn't owe you one, Billy.", "Billy: What are you gonna do? You gonna just whistle past a graveyard pretending you're innocent in all this? He is going to retaliate. Worse, he's gonna escalate.", "Jack: So what are you telling me? He doesn't deserve this?", "Billy: No, of course he deserves this. You know that, and he knows that, which is why, in his mind, you are gonna be suspect number one.", "Jack: Then what the hell do you care? He got hit. Things are starting to unravel.", "Billy: And you're enjoying every second of it, right?", "Jack: You bet I am.", "Billy: Like I said, going down the wrong path, jack. And trust me, you're not gonna like where this ends.", "Jack: Where is this coming from? Why are you here? You're concerned about victor? You're certainly not concerned about me. Why are you here?!", "Billy: All right, you want the truth? I don't care if you and victor slug each other until you're bleeding and breathless. I don't want to see you drag Phyllis down with you.", "Billy: Thank God I caught you. Where's jack?", "Phyllis: What the hell are you doing here? Where is the guard? How the hell did you get up here?", "Billy: The elevator.", "Phyllis: You know you're not supposed to be on our floors. [Sniffs] Have you been drinking?", "Billy: Yeah, I had a few drinks. What's the big deal?", "Phyllis: A few? You reek of alcohol!", "Billy: Okay, that's not important right now. What I'm about to tell you is.", "Phyllis: Billy, we are not doing this again. I told you. I am trying to make things right with my husband. You and I made a huge mistake, and that is over now.", "Billy: What I'm about to tell you has nothing to do with me and you. It's about you and jack and the land mine you're about to step on.", "Phyllis: Whatever that means.", "Billy: Yeah. Victor's on to you, and he's setting you up. Hmm. Got your attention yet?", "Faith: Maybe just the sound of your voice made him calm.", "Nick: Yeah. Maybe. Yeah.", "Faith: Well, it's pretty late. I'm gonna go back to bed. So, I guess you're going back downstairs?", "Nick: Uh, no, I think I'm just gonna hang out with him for a little while longer.", "Faith: I hope you're feeling better tomorrow, daddy.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Faith: Good night, sully. [Chuckles]", "Nick: Good night. Hi. Hi. Christian. It's me. It's your daddy. Your real daddy. Yeah, it's your real daddy. I'm here for you. I'm always gonna be here for you. I promise. [Sighs]", "Sharon: He's been up there a long time.", "Dylan: Can't hear anything. I'm guessing sully fell back asleep.", "Sharon: Hopefully when he comes back down, he's gonna be a little bit more calm or a little more rational. Maybe spending some time with sully will make him see reason. He'll let the baby spend one night here.", "Dylan: If he doesn't see reason, I'm gonna make him.", "Sharon: Dylan, I don't like when you talk like that.", "Dylan: How do you expect me to feel at a time like this?! He's gonna take our son. His son.", "[Knock on door]", "Dylan: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi. Um, I grabbed a cab and came on over. I thought nick would be here.", "Sharon: Yeah, he's here. He's upstairs.", "Chelsea: Is everything all right? He was pretty worked up when he left my place.", "Dylan: Uh, no, nick is not all right. Nobody here tonight is -- is all right.", "Nick: We're done here. We're leaving.", "Billy: Natalie is working directly with victor. She's in a perfect position to know exactly what that bastard is up to. Yes, we had a few drinks. Her lips got loose, and she told me that she's the one that ratted out Travis, okay? So if what I'm telling you is true, you can understand that it's a pretty big deal.", "Phyllis: It's only big if we assume you're right about jack and me taking victor down, which we're not.", "Billy: Does it sound like we have time to play games right now? Come on, I know that it was you and jack that gave that information to GC buzz, all right? So if you're planning a round two, I'm here to tell you that it's about to blow up in your face.", "Phyllis: Okay, fine. You soaked Natalie in some tequila, and maybe she slipped. All right. And now you think you're connecting the dots. You know, you might be right. You might be wrong. But there's a bigger issue here, and that is your motivation for even coming here.", "Billy: Oh, wow. You're -- you're unbelievable.", "Phyllis: Jack disowned you. He said, \"you are not my brother\" to your face last time you talked. And then you ran into me later right when I told you that I had just signed my divorce papers, and I could see that you were taking yet another stab of pulling me back in. You could see how heartbroken I was, how much pain I was in!", "Billy: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: I am not finished! I shut you down hard that day, and I meant it. But despite all of that, you come in here, you rush in here with a bombshell, claiming that you want to help me. Can you understand why I would be suspicious?", "[Keys jingle]", "Nick: Where's his bag with all his things? Where is it?", "Chelsea: Nick, are you okay?", "Nick: I'm fine. Where's his bag, Sharon?", "Dylan: This is not gonna happen, nick.", "Nick: No, it's happening. I have my son, and I'm leaving with him.", "Dylan: I'm assuming you didn't tell faith.", "Nick: I didn't say a word to her.", "Dylan: Okay, so how do you think that's gonna play out? She wakes up and sully's gone.", "Nick: Stop calling him that!", "Dylan: Nick, what? Are you gonna walk out of here and just leave me to clean up the mess?! I have to sit your daughter down and explain this huge change to her when I can barely comprehend it myself?!", "Nick: Well, if you believe that, then when is he ever gonna get to leave, Dylan? When is the right time for him to go? He never should have been here in the first place! And you. You should have come to me when you found out the truth months ago, but you didn't. You lied! You lied to everyone.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Nick: It's too late. It's too late for \"I'm sorry.\"", "Chelsea: You're really just gonna take Christian? I mean, you're not set up for a baby at your place.", "Nick: It's fine. It's fine. I'll make it work.", "Chelsea: Right now? Right this second?", "Dylan: Nick, we should be making this decision together. That's what I was trying to say since you got here.", "Nick: Well, I'm done listening to you! I'm done. Do you see what's in front of you? A father holding his son. That's right. It's me. And I'm all he has now because his mother is gone! I'm here to do what's right! I'm taking him with me!", "Billy: Phyllis, is it really that hard to believe that I don't want to see you get hurt?", "Phyllis: [Sighs] Nobody has asked for your help.", "Billy: After everything we've been through, you don't think I care what happens to you?", "Phyllis: Look. What about jack? Why are you lifting a finger for him after everything he said to you?", "Billy: Yeah. Jack hates me, all right? There's nothing I can do about that. But it doesn't mean I hate him back. And it doesn't matter how much of a disappointment I am to him. I'm still his brother. We're still family.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna argue with that, although jack sure would.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm sure he would. But believe it or not, I don't want to see him get hurt, either. I came here with what I knew because I felt like I needed to tell you. It's as simple as that.", "Phyllis: You do realize something like this could push jack and me together again.", "Billy: Hmm. Go ahead. Twist the knife. Look. I said my piece, all right? Now it's up to you to stop whatever's about to happen.", "Phyllis: There's somewhere I need to be.", "Chelsea: Okay, I-I think you just need to take a minute and take a deep breath. What can I do for you? How can I help you?", "Nick: It doesn't feel right, you know? Maybe I should... leave him here tonight so he can stay in his own bed. Yeah?", "Chelsea: I-I think that's the right thing to do.", "Dylan: We're -- we're all upset. Letting our emotions run things.", "Nick: Yeah. We just have to do what's best for Christian, right?", "Dylan: That's exactly right.", "Nick: I will be back in the morning.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Billy: You're up late.", "Chloe: Well, I could say the same about you.", "Billy: Yeah, that's true. Is the coffee still on? I know it's about to close up.", "Chloe: Yeah, pretty soon they're gonna start asking me to wipe down the counters, throw the chairs up on the tables.", "Billy: [Chuckles] I would love to see that.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] I'm sure you would.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Well, here we are, huh? [Clears throat] This was her favorite holiday. Thank you.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, that's because her daddy told her so. You know, I think that her favorite was Christmas just like her mommy.", "Billy: Are you saying I was too much of an influence on our daughter?", "Chloe: [Chuckles] No. I'm saying that that kid loved presents.", "Billy: Just like her mother.", "Chloe: [Chuckles]", "Billy: You here alone? [Clears throat]", "Chloe: Yeah. Bella and Connor, they're enjoying a post-Halloween sleepover at my mother's, and my best friend/roommate -- well, she is off putting out a fire.", "Billy: Should I ask?", "Chloe: No, you shouldn't. So... all that was left...", "Billy: You started walking, you ended up here.", "Chloe: Nailed it.", "Billy: Yeah, it was an easy guess. That's what happened to me.", "Chloe: Where are your kids?", "Billy: With Victoria, dreaming of all the Halloween candy they're gonna eat in the morning. I don't have a best friend. If I did, he probably would be busy. So that's why I'm here.", "Chloe: There is more going on with you than just that.", "Billy: Hmm. Maybe. What about you?", "Chloe: Well... I started seeing Kevin again, and he asked me to move in with him, so there's that.", "Billy: Wow. That freak you out?", "Chloe: Well, it was flattering, but yeah. It's kind of scary.", "Billy: Yeah, I can understand that. Just be careful you don't...", "Chloe: Just...just what? Finish what you're saying.", "Billy: Just don't let something great slip through your fingers. Before you realize it could be gone. You can't do anything about it.", "Dylan: I'm gonna put him in his crib. [Sniffles]", "Sharon: Okay. Maybe when you're done, we can talk. I know it's late, but --", "Dylan: Yeah, well, there's really nothing to talk about. You've done enough for a lifetime.", "Sharon: Okay, I'll just turn off the lights. I'll be right up.", "Dylan: Do what you want. I'm sleeping in the nursery with sully.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Billy: You're welcome.", "Chloe: So... I don't mean to pry.", "Billy: Ohh. But you're going to anyway?", "Chloe: Well, listen, I've heard the stories, and, you know, when you said earlier about letting something great slip between your fingers, I can only assume that you were talking about Phyllis.", "Billy: Who?", "Chloe: [Chuckles] Okay, well, thank you for the advice, and I'll consider it.", "Billy: Wonders never cease.", "Chloe: Well, listen, seizing the day isn't as easy as it looks.", "Billy: Something bothering you about Kevin?", "Chloe: I don't know. I'm not sure.", "Billy: Is it Bella?", "Chloe: No. No. He loves Bella.", "Billy: No, I mean is it the thought of Bella's father showing up someday and ruining things between you and Kevin?", "Chloe: [Sighs] Yeah. Maybe. Maybe it is about Bella's father.", "Phyllis: Jack, don't do it!", "Jack: What the hell are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Victor is setting you up.", "Jack: How do you know that?", "Phyllis: It doesn't matter how I know. You cannot give the documents to GC buzz.", "Jack: You're about five seconds too late. I just did it. And now they're behind that locked door.", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Thank you for driving me back. Are you gonna be all right?", "Nick: [Sighs] Eventually. You know, I just... I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe any of it.", "Chelsea: Yeah, it's -- it's gonna take some time to adjust.", "Nick: I'm pretty upset at myself with the way I was at Sharon's. You know, I was making it more about me than Christian. I feel terrible. Um... it means a lot that you came and tried to help.", "Chelsea: For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing, letting Christian sleep in his own bed tonight.", "Nick: Yeah.", "[Keys jingle]", "Chelsea: Um, I mean, you know, you're welcome to come in. Maybe you shouldn't be alone.", "Nick: I think I do want to be alone. I got a lot to think about.", "Chelsea: Well, if you need anything...", "Nick: Thanks.", "[Elevator door closes]", "Dylan: Daddy loves you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be here all night. And when you wake up in the morning... I'm gonna be right here, okay?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Travis: I hate to tell victor that his trusty assistant is leaking company secrets to Billy Abbott.", "Natalie: You wouldn't.", "Travis: Try me.", "Jack: I will do whatever it takes to retrieve the documents.", "Hilary: Jack. Can I help you?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Reed blamed himself because Billy was trapped inside the Underground, and Charlie, Mattie and Cane reassured him. Victoria had every face mask destroyed. Nick, Phyllis and Lily arrived at the Underground. The firefighters informed everyone that the odds were against Billy. Billy was alive, but trapped under debris from the explosion. Reed apologized to Nick for breaking in. Nick wasn't happy with Reed, but he felt that the ordeal he'd been through was punishment enough. Victoria considered letting Victor buy her company out. Victor wanted her to see the bailout as a good thing. He thought they were stronger together. Nick and Phyllis let Victoria and Jack know about Billy. Tom, a firefighter made contact with Billy, but was unable to reach him due to the cave in. Phyllis passed a message to Billy via Tom. Billy asked about his chances, and Tom admitted that a rescue was unlikely. The twins apologized to their parents and admitted Reed got the key to the club. Cane and Lily angrily told Victoria what Reed did. Victor was offended when Nick implied that Victor was behind the fire. Jack and Victor both offered their resources to help with Billy's rescue. Jack talked the fire chief into letting him risk his own life to go into the building. In his own way, Victor encouraged Jack to stay safe.", "Cane and Lily decided to leave. The twins insisted on hugging Reed goodbye. Victor comforted Victoria, who was upset over Billy. Victor offered to pay off Victoria's loans and buy her company with no strings attached. Jack made it to Billy and held his hand. Billy urged Jack to leave before the building collapsed. Billy asked Jack to take care of Johnny and Katie. Jack agreed to placate Billy, but he was adamant that Billy would survive. Billy admitted he cut corners and that he was the reason the face masks were toxic. Billy apologized to Jack for everything, including sleeping with Phyllis while she was married to Jack. Jack admitted he'd been wrong to disown Billy. They reconciled. Jack helped Billy walk out of the building. Victoria looked hurt when Billy's first move was to hug Phyllis. Billy thought Phyllis was ready to make up, but she was still angry with him. Victoria decided to accept Victor's offer and return to Newman. Victoria thanked Billy for saving Reed's life, then she slapped him and fired him for causing the face mask fiasco. Lily admitted Cane was right – Reed was a bad influence. Cane admitted that he'd gained a different perspective tonight. Lily thought that their ability to put the bitterness aside and come together as a family would make the divorce proceedings easier. Cane looked disappointed.", "" ]
[ "Mattie: Hey.", "Reed: Billy's still not out.", "Mattie: They're working as fast as they can.", "Reed: This is all my fault. I'm the reason that he came. I called him. I'm the reason that he's still in there.", "Charlie: Dude, this was all one big accident. I mean, we shouldn't have been in there. That's not even the question, but you had nothing to do with the place getting torched.", "Cane: Charlie's right, reed. Billy saved your life, and he would not regret it for a second.", "Charlie: And he's gonna make it out soon, too.", "Cane: You guys have no idea how many times I've seen billy bounce back from the brink, all right? If anyone's gonna survive this, it's gonna be him.", "Reed: Nick, I'm so sorry that we were in there.", "Nick: Look, I don't care about that right now, reed. Did everyone make it out okay?", "Reed: Billy's still inside.", "Nick: Excuse me. Sir? This is my building, and there's someone in there. What's going on? How's it looking? The place suffered a major internal collapse. At this point, I have to be straight with you. It's not likely anyone survived. Excuse me.", "Victoria: I went to the warehouse to make sure that every single last face mask was destroyed.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you had no other choice.", "Victoria: Well, I owed it to my customers. Someone could have gotten sick just like me or worse.", "Victor: And I'm still concerned about your health.", "Victoria: Dad, there's no reason to be.", "Victor: You just came out of the hospital. Maybe you should still be there.", "Victoria: Listen, I know, but I'm doing fine. The toxins are almost completely out of my body. I'm more concerned about the fate of my company. It's looking pretty terminal right now. So I've been giving this some thought, and I know that I have three choices. I can declare brash & sassy bankrupt, I can bail the company out with my own money, or I can sell it to you.", "Victor: Okay, let's sort this out. Using your own money to bail out your company is a no-no. To declare bankruptcy, you know exactly what that would do to your résumé, right?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: Leaves one alternative, and you were adamantly against that, the idea that I would bail you out.", "Victoria: I know that. In a perfect world, but like i said, I've been considering my options very carefully, and i have to be realistic and pragmatic.", "Victor: And so do I. Do you really think it's a good idea that you and I work together again?", "Victoria: Hold on a second. What are you saying here? I don't understand. Are you rescinding your offer to save me?", "Lily: Oh, my god. Oh, thank god! Oh, my god. I have been so worried. Are you okay?", "Charlie: We're fine.", "Mattie: How did you find out?", "Lily: I got a text from your dad when I landed, and I came right here with phyllis from the airport. I'm glad that you guys are okay.", "Cane: I'm sorry if I scared you.", "Lily: I am so sorry that you had to go through this alone.", "Phyllis: Cane said that billy was here, that he helped save the kids. What -- what's going on? Where is he? I haven't seen him.", "Nick: No one has.", "Phyllis: Well, he -- he pulled reed and his friends out of the building. Shouldn't the emts be looking him over or something?", "Nick: He did get the kids out, but the firefighters haven't been able to locate him yet. He's still in there.", "Phyllis: What? Oh, my god. Billy.", "Billy: [ Coughs ] [ Strained ] Help!", "[ Groans ] [ Breathing heavily ] Help! Help!", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Reed: Nick, um, I swear, I'm so, so sorry that we came here. I mean, it was the dumbest thing I think I've ever done.", "Nick: It's not the time, reed.", "Reed: Really, I-I'm sorry. Just the fact that the thought even crossed my mind, I've been beating myself up about it. And I don't want you to hold back, either.", "Nick: Look, am I pissed off that you and your friends snuck into my bar to party? I absolutely am. But is this the time to lecture you about it?", "Reed: It's not?", "Nick: Look, you just got out of a burning building. How much punishment you looking to fit in tonight?", "Reed: There's one thing that you really definitely need to know. I guarantee you there's no way that we started that fire.", "Nick: Yeah, you don't need to convince me.", "Reed: What do you think caused it?", "Nick: I wish I knew. I'm sure the firefighters will figure that out. Right now you need to get ahold of your mom and tell her what's going on. She needs to know about billy.", "Victoria: So, uh, were you ever intending to help me?", "Victor: [ Sighs ] Do you really need to ask that?", "Victoria: I don't know, dad. I'm just wondering. Is this another one of your infamous tests, which clearly i failed?", "Victor: Sweetheart, it is not a test. Why are you coming to that conclusion?", "Victoria: I'm just wondering what you're looking for from me.", "Victor: It's very simple, my love, okay? I want you to finally acknowledge that if you and i work together, we are stronger together than apart. And if I am to bail out your company, I want you to be happy about it, not resent me for it. [ Cellphone rings ] Excuse me. It's nicholas. Yes?", "Nick: Hey, I'm trying to get ahold of vick, but she won't pick up her phone.", "Victor: Oh, well, she's right here. He wants to talk to you.", "Victoria: Hey, nick, what's up?", "Nick: Listen, reed and the ashby kids were at the underground tonight, and a fire broke out.", "Victoria: What? A fire? Is reed okay?", "Nick: No, he's fine. Everyone got out. Um... but it's billy.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Jack: Hey, phyllis, I know you're just getting back from dallas.", "Phyllis: I'm here. I just got off the plane.", "Jack: Oh, I'm working out of home, and I got a problem. I can't find the materials that we discussed.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Jack: Your notes from the conference.", "Phyllis: I e-mailed you all of that stuff.", "Jack: Okay, maybe your wi-fi wasn't working. I can't find anything here.", "Phyllis: Okay, look, um, i can't deal with this right now with you, jack.", "Jack: Hold on. You seem tense.", "Phyllis: Oh, I apologize. There's a situation.", "Jack: Situation? Are you okay?", "Phyllis: I'm fine. It's billy.", "Jack: Of course it's billy. It's always billy. What has little brother done to screw things up this time? Phyllis? Hey, where are you?", "Phyllis: I'm at the underground. There has been a fire. It's serious. Billy was in there. He is still in there. He might not have survived.", "Billy: [ Coughs ] Help! [ Coughs ] Anybody there?! Ah! Help! I can't move! Anybody! Yeah, I hear you, buddy!", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Okay. Now we're getting somewhere. Who am I talking to? Genoa city fire department.", "Billy: Hey, man. You got a name? Tom. The name's tom.", "Billy: Hey, tom. Nice to meet you, man.", "Tom: I'm guessing you're billy abbott.", "Billy: Yeah. Unfortunately.", "Tom: Hey, billy.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Tom: You're yelling, so that's a good sign. You okay in there?", "Billy: Oh, yeah, man. Never better.", "Tom: Fair enough. Can you give me some idea what it's like where you are?", "Billy: Well, for one thing, this halloween party sucks.", "Tom: [ Chuckles ] Wise cracks. Another good sign.", "Billy: Tom. The kids get out safe?", "Tom: They sure did.", "Billy: All of them?", "Tom: We got three kids in excellent shape. Since you're the reason for that, we've been trying real hard to find you. You're a tough guy to pin down.", "Billy: Yeah, you're not the first person to say that.", "Tom: Just hang tight. We're gonna get you out of there.", "Billy: Easier said than done, man.", "Tom: Yeah?", "Billy: I hope there's more than one of you.", "Tom: Why's that?", "Billy: Well, once again, I've put myself in a hell of a predicament. [ Sighs ] I'm good and stuck in here, man.", "Tom: Okay, copy that. I'm gonna get more help. But in the meantime, do me a favor.", "Billy: Yep.", "Tom: No sudden moves, okay? This place is kind of unstable. We could do without anything else falling in on us.", "Billy: Roger that, man. I got you.", "Charlie: We learned a lesson we're never gonna forget.", "Mattie: And we couldn't be sorrier.", "Charlie: Coming here was a majorly lame move.", "Cane: Uh, my thoughts exactly.", "Mattie: We should have just stayed home and watched horror movies with you.", "Cane: Yeah, you should've.", "Charlie: Instead we ended up living through one.", "Lily: Well, living is the key word here.", "Cane: You know you were lucky this was a close call, right?", "Mattie: Yeah, we know. We're really lucky to be alive.", "Lily: Yeah, and you're luckier that you both weren't seriously hurt.", "Charlie: I hate that we freaked you both out like that.", "Lily: It's fine. Teenagers and freakouts are a package deal.", "Cane: Yeah, but the parents of the other kids are gonna want answers.", "Lily: And the police.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Mattie: The police?", "Lily: Yeah, you broke into a nightclub that burned to the ground.", "Charlie: We didn't break in. We had a key.", "Cane: Hang on a second. How did you get a key to the underground?", "Mattie: Reed got it.", "Lily: Reed?", "Cane: [ Sighs ] We got news.", "Tom: We found your friend billy. He's alive.", "Phyllis: Thank god. Unfortunately, he's trapped in a pretty precarious spot.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, that's, uh, billy's style. He usually can get out of those, though, right?", "Nick: What do you mean, he's trapped?", "Tom: It looks like the ceiling came down on him. Now, once we get more information, we'll pass it along. Right now, I'm going back in with the team.", "Phyllis: O-okay. Can you please give him a message from phyllis? Uh, uh, just tell him that she needs to see him so that we can finish the fight we were having. Okay? He also, uh, he needs to get out of there real soon, okay, or I'm gonna kill him! Verbatim!", "Tom: Yes, ma'am.", "Phyllis: Thank you! He's gonna be all right. I know he is.", "Victoria: Okay, are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?", "Reed: Yes, mom. The emt checked me out. I'm all good.", "Victor: You gave us quite a scare, you know.", "Reed: I know, grandpa. I'm sorry.", "Victor: I'm glad you're all right. That's the most important thing.", "Reed: And I promise not to do anything that stupid ever again.", "Victor: You better not.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Oh.", "Reed: I'm really sorry, mom. I mean, about this whole night.", "Victoria: Look, don't apologize. Don't feel guilty. It wasn't your fault. It was just a freak accident, that's all.", "Lily: Actually, victoria, he does need to apologize. And that's just for starters.", "Cane: Do you want to tell her or should we?", "Victoria: First of all, don't talk to my son that way. I don't know what you heard, but reed didn't start this fire.", "Lily: No, but he's the reason why our kids were all in there when the place burned down.", "Cane: And he's the reason billy's still trapped in there, you see, 'cause he had this great idea to break in and start his own party. Right? Do you want to defend him now? Is that what you want to do?", "Victoria: Is that true?", "Reed: I didn't mean for anything bad to happen.", "Lily: Yeah, well, look how well that turned out.", "Victor: Your building up to fire code?", "Nick: You mean you don't already know? I'm surprised. You've managed to insinuate yourself into every other aspect of my life. I thought you would be pleased with this result.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Are you implying that I had something to do with this?", "Jack: Chief, chief, uh, can you tell me the latest? I'm billy abbott's brother, jack. Mr. Abbott is currently pinned down by substantial debris. Our emergency team is doing their best to release him using extreme caution, but it's slow going given the precarious state of the building. Now, we want to get him out before there's any further collapse, which could be imminent. But the way he's described his leg as being pinned, they may need to take drastic action.", "Phyllis: How drastic? In these situations, it's protocol to call in an orthopedic surgeon. Now, worst-case scenario, if we assess it's the only way to get him out fast and safe, we may need to consider amputating that leg.", "Phyllis: Are you telling me the only way billy is getting out of this building is if he loses a leg?", "Victoria: But that's just speculation, and it's -- it's worst-case scenario, of course.", "Phyllis: Yes, nobody has officially decided this, am i right? I'm saying it's a scenario we may need to seriously consider. Now, we're trying to remove the heavy debris that's pinning him down, but this building is in a highly unstable state. I can't risk anyone else being seriously injured if there's another collapse, so we need to look at the quickest way to get him out of there.", "Jack: There's got to be some other way.", "Victor: Excuse me, chief. Mr. Newman.", "Victor: If there's anything you need, anything you need in terms of resources or special equipment, you let me know. I'll get it to you.", "Jack: That won't be necessary. I am billy's brother. I will see to it you have whatever you need to have the best resources at hand. I appreciate the offers, gentlemen, but there's no time for any of that. We've got to get mr. Abbott out of there fast, before what's left of that building comes down on top of him.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] Thank you for letting me know about this.", "Phyllis: Glad you came.", "Jack: I drove all the way here thinking he might be dead. I never imagined anything like this.", "Phyllis: Well, quite a testament, three of us coming together like this, dropping our own crap, pulling for billy.", "Victoria: Yeah, it's got to count for something, I guess.", "Jack: I sure as hell hope so.", "Nick: Pretty classy move, you offering to help billy like that.", "Victor: You know, times like this, son, illustrate the power of money, how much good it can do, okay, instead of throwing it away on a whim.", "Nick: So even in a life-or-death situation like this, you can still find a way to get in a dig at me.", "Victor: After you implied that I was involved with this? You know how sickening it is that you, my son, accusing me of arson, of wanting to hurt innocent people?", "Nick: I'm just saying, the underground was closed tonight. Should have been empty. Perfect night to torch the place. But don't worry, dad. I'm not gonna be coming to you for any help.", "Victor: You won't get a dime from me. I don't care how far down you sink. Not a dime, okay? Now, go to paul williams and tell him about your cockamamie theory.", "Nick: Chief, uh, any theories on how this fire started? It's too early to say, but we'll leave that to the investigative team, but from my first look, I'd say it started in your bar area.", "Jack: Chief, billy is my only brother. I-I have to see him before... you have to let me in there.", "Billy: [ Breathing heavily ]", "[ Coughs ] [ Debris clatters ] Tom! You there, man?! Talk to me, man! You there?! Tom! [ Thudding ] Tom?!", "Tom: I'm right here, pal.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Oh, man, I was missing you there for a second.", "Tom: Been working on your escape plan. And got some extra motivation to get you out of there.", "Billy: Not sure I need any of that.", "Tom: Trust me. Any guy needs this.", "Billy: What do you got?", "Tom: I got a message for you from a hot blonde named phyllis.", "Billy: Phyllis. That's my girlfriend. Or was, maybe I should say.", "Tom: We figured as much.", "Billy: Is she here? She's supposed to be in dallas.", "Tom: I guess she missed you.", "Billy: [ Breathing heavily ] How's she look?", "Tom: [ Chuckles ] Like a walking fire hazard.", "Billy: That's my girl.", "Tom: She was real clear, billy. She wants me to tell you something.", "Billy: Well, come on, man. Don't leave me hanging here.", "Tom: She needs you to get out of this ashcan as soon as possible.", "[ Debris clattering ]", "Billy: Tom? You got to level with me here. What are my chances of getting out of here? Tom, talk to me, please. Tom.", "Tom: Yeah. I'm still here.", "Billy: Don't sugarcoat this, man. Just tell me what's going on.", "Tom: The fire's caused a lot of structural damage.", "Billy: Yeah, I can see that.", "Tom: With fires of this size and what I saw walking through...", "Billy: Tom, rip the band-aid off, man. Talk to me.", "Tom: There's a good chance this building will collapse in on us any moment.", "Billy: [ Exhales deeply ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: Let me be as clear about this as I possibly can. I am not grandstanding. I'm not trying to manipulate you. I want to go in there and take whatever risk I have to, to get my brother out of there. I believe you, mr. Abbott. But I'm also duty-bound to prevent citizens from risking their lives.", "Jack: You said the fire is out! But what's left of that building is unstable at best. As it is, I'm at the point where I might have to pull my men out of there.", "Jack: Okay, you've made that very clear. Allow me the same thing. I will write whatever check you want for a donation. I will sign a waiver. Anything you ask for. I can't let you go in there, sir.", "Jack: Okay, you're gonna have to restrain me physically. You're not gonna be able to keep me away from my family!", "Nick: Right there with you, jack.", "Phyllis: We all are.", "Reed: I thought billy's brother hated him.", "Victoria: Reed, please stop.", "Jack: No, no, it -- it's all right. It's all right. Billy and I fight. A lot. That happens in some families. In this family, though, when we are facing the unthinkable, we pull together. We face it together. Billy is not gonna be in that building alo-- are you gonna give me a helmet, or am I going in without one? We're clear? You're going in there entirely at your own risk?", "Jack: Absolutely. Absolutely. Everybody, if I decide to sue the gc fire department, you are on the chief's side, right? Understood?", "[ Sighs deeply ]", "Phyllis: I want you to be careful, all right? You tell him to get his lazy butt out here pronto. Okay?", "Victoria: Good luck, jack. Just give him my love.", "Jack: What? No last-minute taunts or insults? This may be your last chance.", "Victor: Our battle won't end tonight. Not like this.", "Jack: Well, thank you. That will give me a little incentive to make it out of there alive.", "Nick: Come on, jack.", "Jack: Yeah. Be very, very careful.", "Jack: Thank you. Thank you.", "Lily: Okay, it's getting late.", "Cane: Yeah, it is. Come on. Let's get you guys home. Come on. Let's go.", "Mattie: No, I need to stay here and be there for reed.", "Cane: Sweetheart, you're exhausted. Just let's go home.", "Lily: Listen, we don't know how late we're gonna be here, okay? We're calling it a night.", "Mattie: Okay, then don't try to stop me, because I'm gonna say goodbye to him.", "Charlie: Yeah, me, too. I'll -- I'll just be a second. Hey, man.", "Reed: Hey.", "Charlie: Look, I just wanted to let you know I got to head out with my parents.", "Reed: It's all right.", "Charlie: And I hope billy makes it out safe.", "Reed: Me, too.", "Charlie: See ya.", "Reed: Really messed up big time, huh?", "Mattie: If you did, then so did charlie and I. I'm really sorry they're making me leave, but I'll be sending you good thoughts all night. Text me if billy gets out, okay?", "Lily: Mattie, come on.", "Victoria: Thank you, dad, for offering to pay for those resources. It was really --", "Victor: I wanted to, okay?", "Victoria: I know. It meant a lot to me. I really can't tell you how much. Does mom know what's going on? I should give her a call.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'll let your mother know everything. Now, listen to me very carefully. You just came out of the hospital. I don't want you to be stressed anymore, all right? I'll do whatever you need.", "Victoria: It's too much, dad. It's just all too much right now. It's too much.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victor: Listen to me.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: I'll take care of everything. If you want to come back to newman enterprises, I'll buy brash & sassy, okay? No strings attached. It's your baby, and I want to save it for you, all right?", "Victoria: You would do that?", "Victor: Yes, I would. Okay? I'll pay off your loans. Employees will be safe. And your company will be solid again, okay?", "Victoria: Thank you. [ Voice breaking ] Thank you, dad.", "[ Sighs ]", "Billy: [ Breathing heavily ] Health department is gonna have your ass, nick. This place is a dump. [ Debris clatters ] Aah! [ Exhales deeply ] Ooh! [ Sighs ] Tom, you out there?! Tom! [ Breathing heavily ] Hell, I'm gonna go there right now. Okay. Tom, you need to hear me here for a second, okay? If this is my last chance, you need to get a message to the people I love! Tom, can you hear me?!", "Jack: You're not gonna die on us, billy. You're not gonna die on us. You hear me? You're gonna have to deal with the people you love face to face.", "Billy: Jack?", "Jack: Even the ones you don't care about.", "Billy: Jack!", "Jack: I'm right here, buddy. I'm right here.", "[ Debris clatters ]", "Jack: Hey. I'm not alone here. Get up here. I need help moving.", "Jack: There's a whole gang of people out there who don't want to lose you.", "Billy: And I don't want them to lose you, jack. Get out of here.", "Jack: No, no, it's too late for that.", "Billy: Listen to me. They just told me the building could come down, jack. You got to get out of here.", "Jack: If you think I'm going out there empty-handed and face the wrath of phyllis, not a chance. He's pinned under debris!", "Jack: Billy, listen to me. Victoria and phyllis are holding hands out there right now, hugging --", "[ Wood thuds ]", "Billy: Hugging. You got to be kidding me. Come on, man. I'm smoke damaged. I'm not delirious.", "Jack: Listen to me. Would I lie to you? In a place like this, would I? [ Sighs ] Even victor is out there, trying to inspire everyone.", "Billy: Really? The mustache? For me? That's a hell-freezing-over moment.", "Jack: Yeah, he's doing the same, old thing -- waving a blank check in front of the fire chief.", "Billy: Yeah? You sure that's not to keep me buried under here? Hurry, hurry! Hey!", "Jack: You might have something there.", "[ Debris clatters ]", "Billy: Ah! I need more guys up here!", "Jack: You okay?", "Billy: Yeah, I'm fine. Jack?", "Jack: Yeah? Talk to me. He's in the office! Across from the restrooms!", "Billy: I need to ask you a favor, okay? I know I'm the last person in the world to ask you a favor, especially when this --", "Jack: Cut the big preamble, okay?", "Billy: It's about -- about my kids -- johnny and katie. You need to take care of them if I don't make it out of here. Okay?", "Jack: Me?", "Billy: Jack.", "Jack: You want me helping victoria take care of your kids?", "Billy: You're the only one that can handle it. I know how much they love you. Just remind them how much I love them. And more importantly, teach them to be better than their old man. Will you do that for me?", "Jack: I'm gonna teach you something right now. You got no business talking like that.", "Billy: I'm serious, jack.", "Jack: You got to save your energy.", "Billy: Listen to me. Just say that you'll do it. I need to hear you say it, jack. Tell me you'll do it.", "Jack: I'll do it. I'll do it. Can we stop talking like this?", "Billy: Yep.", "[ Sighs ]", "Jack: Listen, there's still time for them to get you unpinned and get you out of here.", "Billy: We both know the window's closing by the second. Hurry!", "Billy: You got to get out of here.", "Jack: No. It's too late for that.", "Billy: Jack, get out! My life's not worth risking yours for!", "Jack: Stop -- stop talking like that.", "Billy: No, I'm serious.", "[ Thud ] Hey, I need help moving stuff up here!", "Billy: Your life will be so much easier without me in it. We both know that.", "Jack: No, come on. Stop that.", "Billy: Oh, I've been a disaster since the second i could walk. And it's even worse than you think, jack.", "Jack: Oh, billy, come on.", "Billy: You know those stupid face masks, the ones that i blamed you for? They're my fault. My fault. How's that? I cut corners in the factory, and I put victoria in the hospital, and it could have been worse than that. I could have put thousands of people in the hospital.", "Jack: No, no, no, no. You didn'T. You didn'T.", "Billy: Or put them in the graveyard.", "Jack: You didn'T. They stopped it in time. Victoria's fine. Everything's all right.", "Billy: It's not all right, jack. I asked the fireman to give my loved ones a message, and I was thinking about you the whole time. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. The lying, the spying, the accusations. Most of all, for phyllis, jack. I'm so sorry.", "Jack: Billy, don'T. We don't have to go there, not here, not now.", "Billy: There's no better place than right now, jack. [ Debris clatters ] No place better, right? I'm sorry, jack. [ Breathing heavily ] The way that I got with phyllis while she -- she was still your wife, I've done nothing to make it up to you. Nothing. Aside from my kids, it's my biggest regret. [ Breathing heavily ] And I've done nothing. I'm so sorry. I've done nothing to earn your forgiveness, and that's what sucks the most.", "Jack: Billy... dad taught me a lot of things. The thing I've had the hardest time learning is forgiveness. You think I'd be a whole lot better. Dad showed me again and again. Repeatedly. He forgave me the unforgivable. I'm here because of dad.", "Billy: It's obligation, right?", "Jack: No, no. It's so much more than that. All the hate and recrimination and accusations and anger and... everything we've done to each other for the last year, it's wrong. It's completely wrong. You can't wish a brother away. And...abandoning and hatred and...barring you, none of it makes sense. None of it makes any sense. You're my brother.", "Billy: [ Coughs ]", "Jack: You will always be my brother. And I wouldn't have it any other way.", "Charlie: Can we just go to bed?", "Lily: Not yet. Good night, you guys.", "Mattie: Good night.", "Cane: Thank you for not letting me have it back there.", "Lily: About what?", "Cane: For letting all this go down while I was in charge.", "Lily: No, it's not your fault. They lied to you, said they were somewhere safe. If anything, you should be upset with me.", "Cane: Why?", "Lily: Because I didn't listen. You told me that reed was a bad influence, and you were right.", "Cane: Well, tonight was bad. We were lucky, you know, 'cause we could have lost it all, but we didn'T.", "Lily: I know. Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn't it?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Victoria: It's been too long.", "Nick: You don't know that.", "Phyllis: Well, we don't know anything. They could be pulling bodies out of there for all we know.", "Reed: How am I gonna live with myself? Billy could be dead, and it's all my fault.", "Victor: Reed, listen to me. It was an accident. Stop being so hard on yourself, all right?", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Jack: Don't ever say my brother doesn't know how to close a place down, especially when it's burnt to the ground.", "Billy: Hey, guys.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Phyllis: How's the leg?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] You know the feeling of pins and needles and then your circulation comes back? Times that by a thousand.", "Phyllis: You okay? You're really okay?", "Billy: Well, when I heard there was a hottie named phyllis out here rooting for me, it kind of made my pain go away.", "Phyllis: I've been known to have that effect from time to time.", "Billy: I thought I blew things with you for good.", "Phyllis: Just because you almost died on me doesn't mean that we're good. You are still a bastard, billy abbott, but you're just one damn lucky one.", "Cane: What you said about perspective earlier, I couldn't agree more, you know, 'cause once I realized our family was safe, it made me think about our situation in a different way.", "Lily: That's good. I mean, knowing that we can put the bitterness and petty issues behind us and pull together when we have to... I think it'll make the divorce hearing that much easier.", "Victoria: Well, I've made my decision.", "Victor: And?", "Victoria: Brash & sassy and i are coming back to newman.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Victor: That makes me so happy, my sweetheart.", "Victoria: Thank you, daddy. Me, too. Thank you. Can you excuse me?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Victor: Go.", "Reed: Billy, you were like a total superhero tonight.", "Billy: What do you mean like a superhero? I mean, come on.", "Nick: Whatever. Everybody knows superheroes don't get trapped in buildings.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: Excuse me for a minute. Can I have a minute with billy? Hey, I just wanted to say thank you so much for saving reed's life. I'll never forget it.", "Billy: Right time, right place.", "Victoria: How are you feeling?", "Billy: Honestly, I feel great. What was that for?", "Victoria: For causing the whole face mask fiasco. I know you were behind it. My dad's investigators found you out. Oh, and another thing. You're fired. Dad. Reed.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Let's go.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: It's my duty as a journalist to report the facts, warts and all.", "Chelsea: Is that a threat?", "Nick: This is the second hit this place has taken. Maybe this is fate's way of telling me to move on.", "Abby: Let's do it.", "Zack: Do what?", "Abby: Live together." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "At school, Lily had a mini-breakdown as she became claustrophobic and frightened of the boys in the hallways. Kevin admitted to Mac that he'd set up Lily's attack so he could play hero. Mac insisted he come clean, but he insisted he couldn't do it. However, when Lily showed up nearly a basket-case, Kevin sat her down and told her that he had been responsible for Alex's attack on her. Malcolm explained to Drucilla that he'd been alive in Africa, and that he believed Neil had wanted him dead so he could have a life with Alex Perez. Dru explained that she, not Alex was married to Neil now, and that they'd all grieved him... especially Nate. She chastised Malcolm for not coming forward sooner. He said she didn't know what he'd been through and stormed out. Devon shunned Neil at the rec center, and Malcolm observed the conversation. He later approached Devon, who opened up about how Neil and Dru had taken him in, but Neil had thrown him out. Daniel brought Jack to see Phyllis at the hospital. Daniel visited Damon and said he was glad he hadn't died. Jack comforted Phyllis, they admitted to still having love for one another, and she admitted to doubting her future with Damon. Damon thanked Phyllis for saving his life, but she was oddly quiet, not knowing what to say. Drucilla told Phyllis that Malcolm was alive, and they agreed to hide the truth from Neil, worried he'd start drinking again. Later, Dru broke down and told Neil that his brother wasn't dead. Jack showed up at Phyllis' work with Daniel, and explained that he was taking her home and staying with her." ]
[ "Dru: (Breathing rapidly)", "Malcolm: I didn't mean to hurt you.", "Dru: I-I know. I must--oh, I must be hallucinating, lord, 'cause this man is-- he's dead. You are dead.", "Malcolm: Obviously, I'm not, Dru.", "Dru: Where have you been? I never thought I'd see you again. I-I don't understand this.", "Malcolm: It's a long story.", "Dru: Well, I ain't in a rush.", "Malcolm: I was alive. Layin' on the side of that river in Kenya, I was alive, Dru. Helicopters flyin' around, but they never found me. Yeah, they searched for awhile, and then they left. I remember it like it was yesterday, when they took off and never came back.", "Dru: Well, everyone thought you drowned.", "Malcolm: Right. Right. End of story. End of Malcolm.", "Dru: I never wanted to believe it was true.", "Malcolm: All I know is Neil was there. He sent out a search party, but then he called it off. You know, it didn't really surprise me since he was after my woman at the time.", "Dru: Your woman? What are you talking about?", "Malcolm: Drucilla, you're a smart girl. Figure it out. Neil didn't want me found. Oh, his life suddenly got a hell of a lot easier without me in it. My being dead solved all his problems.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: I love you.", "Phyllis: Get some rest.", "Daniel: Hey, Mom.", "Phyllis: Daniel, unh, why are you not in school?", "Daniel: I, uh, called a friend of ours to tell him what happened, and he thought that we should be here with you, and I agreed.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Jack: Hey. Hear you've been through a pretty rough time.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I got through without a scratch, thanks to Damon.", "Daniel: Uh, do you think it would be all right if I went to see him?", "Phyllis: Yeah, ask the nurse.", "Daniel: What do I say to him?", "Phyllis: I don't know. Start with hello. See where it goes from there. And there's no reason to be awkward.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Jack: He's a good kid.", "Phyllis: He's a work in progress.", "Jack: Aren't we all?", "Jack: I hate the idea of you being in that kind of danger.", "Phyllis: You do?", "Jack: You know I do. How can you even ask that? Tell me about it. Tell--tell me what happened. Tell me the whole story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Did you have something to do with Lily's being attacked?", "Kevin: Listen, Mackenzie, you need to understand, I've made a lot of mistakes in my past, but I've changed. I really--I really have. The problem is nobody would believe me.", "Mac: Well, that kinda thing takes time.", "Kevin: Well, I wanted people to know that I wasn't such a bad guy, so I came up with this plan.", "Mac: To look like a hero.", "Kevin: And I swear, I swear to you, Lily was never supposed to get hurt. It was that jerk Alex that put something in her juice, and then the whole thing went to hell. I saw Lily this morning, and she-- she's all twisted up inside. She thinks that every guy is out to get her now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Boy: Don't push me, man.", "Sierra: I can't come with you guys. I'm so broke. I saw these shoes at Fenmore's. Lily, you would have died. They were so cool.", "Lily: You mean the ones with the polka dots?", "Sierra: Yeah, how'd you know?", "Lily: You've been talking about them all week.", "Sierra: Well, they totally match the shirt you got me for my birthday. The salesman told me they didn't have them in my size--", "Lily: Well, excuse me. (Sound becomes distorted)", "Sierra: I was so bummed, but I tried them on anyways. He said they ran small. Half-size up fit perfectly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Damon?", "Damon: What you got to say, slick? Come on in.", "Daniel: Uh... the nurse said, if you weren't sleeping--", "Damon: I can sleep all the time. Painkillers, you know? How you doin'?", "Daniel: I'm fine. How are you?", "Damon: Nothin' to do but lie here and get better.", "Daniel: Yeah. Man, you almost died.", "Damon: So they say.", "Daniel: What was that like? I mean, were you, like, floatin' around on the ceiling or anything?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Do you actually think that your brother would be happy leaving you dead?", "Malcolm: I don't \"think\" anything. I gotta go.", "Dru: No! No, no, no, listen.", "Malcolm: Dru...", "Dru: No, no, listen. You can't come back three years later and just leave. Why'd you come, anyway?", "Malcolm: Nate.", "Dru: Nate. He's in London, going to school. Liv just left to visit him.", "Malcolm: Where in London?", "Dru: Oh, I can't tell you that. See, when Liv gets back, you have to see her, because you can't go anywhere near Nate. You have no idea what that boy went through over you.", "Malcolm: Drucilla, what's the name of the school?", "Dru: I'm not gonna tell you. Mnh-mnh. And what's the rush? Neil's here, your sister-in-law's here.", "Malcolm: He did it. Neil married Alex.", "Dru: Y-yeah. No, no. He--he remarried me. I-I'm your new sister-in-law.", "Malcolm: What are you talkin' about? You weren't even arou-- what happened to Alex?", "Dru: I don't know. Why are we talkin' about her? I can't believe you're still mad about that. It was some stupid misunderstanding.", "Malcolm: Well, that stupid misunderstanding damn near cost me my life. Months, I laid up in a hut in the middle of Africa, replaying their little conversation over and over again in my head. My brother and my fiancée, sharin' their little secret-- how much they care for each other.", "Malcolm: Drucilla, a true brother doesn't do that. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm not the one who died. My brother did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: What are you doing here?", "Neil: Hi, Devon. I came to see you.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I can't talk right now. I'm busy, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: It's funny you should mention that, man. I did have an experience. It was glorious.", "Daniel: Well, if you don't want to talk about it...", "Damon: Oh, let--no. I'm gonna set you down and give you the whole story. Soon. I'm just a little wiped out at the moment.", "Daniel: I understand.", "Damon: Listen, I do want to tell you about your mother.", "Damon: She risked-- risked her life for me.", "Daniel: But she couldn't stop that guy from shooting you.", "Damon: That's not what I mean. She kept me from becoming a killer.", "Damon: I will always be grateful to her for that.", "Daniel: I-I just want you to know... I'm real glad you didn't die.", "Damon: Why, Daniel, that means a great deal to me.", "Damon: I bet you can't imagine how much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It sounds like you barely got out in one piece.", "Phyllis: Damon pushed me aside just as the gun went off.", "Jack: And he took the bullet?", "Phyllis: Yeah, he managed to put Dominic out of commission. So he-- he essentially saved me twice.", "Jack: You do realize, don't you, you would never have been in that situation if...", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know that. I know--I know that, Jack. I've been trying to wrap my head around this. I mean... what was it worth? All of it? I mean, it helped him get over his hatred, but... at what cost?", "Jack: The fact that you're okay, in my book, means it cost nothing.", "Phyllis: He's a very complicated man.", "Jack: Yeah, or maybe, just a confused man.", "Phyllis: His son was murdered. It wasn't just an accident. When he saw his son shot in cold-blood by this man Dominic--", "Jack: I'm not saying he didn't have a motive. I'm saying different people handle the situation in different ways. He's not the first person to lose a loved one because of gun violence.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Jack: This time, he almost cost you your life.", "Phyllis: I'm exhausted.", "Jack: I'm sorry, I... I came here to be a shoulder to lean on and... no more lessons. No more sermons.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Damon thinks this experience has bonded us for life.", "Jack: What do you think about that?", "Phyllis: I don't know.", "Jack: I'm not sure I'm the right man to talk to about other--other men and your feelings for them. I... maybe ten years from now, I'll be a little more over you than I am right now.", "Phyllis: Except... except you're the only person in my life that I can share my-- my personal thoughts with.", "Jack: I can't help you. I'm not objective.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Phyllis: You know me better than anybody.", "Jack: Better than the back of m-- better than the back of your hand.", "Phyllis: (Giggles)", "Phyllis: How do you tell a man who's-- who's died, who almost lost his life, that... how do you...", "Phyllis: I won't talk to you about this. You're right.", "Jack: Yeah. No more talk about Damon porter.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Phyllis: Oh, can I have that shoulder? (Sighs)", "Jack: Come to Papa.", "Jack: Hey, time's up?", "Daniel: He was getting tired. I could tell.", "Jack: So what do you say we get you home?", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, I have to see Damon again, and I have to go to the office.", "Daniel: Mom.", "Jack: What, are you kidding me?", "Phyllis: Oh, come--I have... the world doesn't stop because people get hurt, guys. Neil's counting on me. You have to get to school, right? So thank you for coming by. I really appreciate it. Your timing is impeccable, as always. I love you.", "Jack: I love you.", "Daniel: I'll see you, Mom.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Jack: Go to the office. Go home. Get some rest.", "Phyllis: Get some rest. I will. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You can't be serious.", "Malcolm: I know what I heard that night.", "Dru: What you heard you misunderstood.", "Malcolm: Good-bye, Dru.", "Dru: No, no, no, you stay right here. I'm gonna call Neil, and he's gonna come and he's gonna explain everything.", "Malcolm: I got nothin' to say to that man.", "Dru: He was devastated behind thinkin' that you were dead. He--he blamed himself. He--he lived the better part of a year in a bottle, nearly drank himself to death.", "Malcolm: Yeah, well, I lived what I lived, and I feel what I feel. There is nothing you can say to make a difference, so save your breath. If I never see Neil again, it'll be too soon.", "Dru: Please don't turn something that should be a joyous occasion into something filled with anger and hatred.", "Malcolm: It is what it is.", "Dru: \"It is what it is\"? Malcolm, if you're going to be pointing the finger and blaming people, then you need to look to yourself.", "Dru: Do you have any idea how we--we grieved you? And Olivia and I, we never thought that Nate was gonna come out of his depression. He'd cry night and day, thinkin' about you. I don't care how much you hated this world. The least you could have done was to let your family know that you were alive on the face of this earth.", "Malcolm: You don't know a damn thing about what I've been through. You don't have a clue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sierra: So now Eli's going out with Madison, and guess who Stacey's with?", "Boy: I hate school, man.", "Lily: Sean?", "Boy #2: So do I.", "Sierra: No, Brian Dougherty. Can you believe that?", "Boy: It's in here somewhere.", "Lily: The, uh... I thought Brian was seeing Makayla.", "Sierra: No, that was last year. Makayla was with Carlos, but then... (Sound becomes distorted)", "Boys: (Laughing)", "Sierra: Don't you remember? Jeremy asked me to go to homecoming with him, and I said yes, and Adam asked me. I really wanted to go with Adam. I already told Jeremy that I'd go with him, and if he finds out-- (sound distortion ends)", "Lily: I-I have to go. (Gasps)", "Boy: Sorry.", "Lily: It's okay.", "Boy: Are you okay?", "Lily: Don't touch me.", "Sierra: Lily, what's wrong?", "Lily: Look, I have to go.", "Sierra: Lily, wait.", "Boy #2: What was that, man?", "Boy: I don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: If I were Lily, I'd be freaking out, too. Kevin, she almost died.", "Kevin: I swear, it wasn't supposed to go down like that. If I ever see that bastard Alex again, I will--", "Mac: But even if he hadn't drugged her, it was still wrong. You have no idea what it's like to be a girl and to think you're about to get raped. I've been there, okay? I know. So even without the drugs, Lily still would have been traumatized by your scheme. It would have left a mark on her that might never go away.", "Kevin: I guess I didn't think about that.", "Mac: No, I guess you didn't. So what are you gonna do about it?", "Kevin: I keep asking myself the same question, you know? I-I feel so bad, you know? And Lily thinks that she's got this terrible karma thing going on, like she brought this on herself and... I don't know what to do.", "Mac: Well, I can think of one thing.", "Kevin: Tell me. Anything.", "Mac: You have to tell Lily the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Am I dreaming? Must be the drugs, because I see the most beautiful woman in the world.", "Phyllis: I'm going to the office.", "Damon: Oh, you are not.", "Phyllis: Yes, I am. I'm going to the office. I don't want to talk about it. Now listen, I want you to do exactly what they tell you and think good thoughts.", "Damon: I'll do that. I'll think about you.", "Phyllis: All right, you do that.", "Damon: Hey. You saved me, Phyllis. This tremendous burden has been lifted off of me. You did that, and I thank you.", "Phyllis: You're welcome. I gotta head out now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Unh-unh, no, no way. I'm never gonna tell Lily. I can't.", "Mac: I thought you wanted to help her.", "Kevin: If I tell her, she's gonna freak out, and I'm gonna go to jail.", "Mac: Well, I really think it would help Lily if she knew why that Alex guy picked her in the first place, not because she looked like easy prey, but because you wanted to be the hero so you set her up.", "Kevin: Well, you're not gonna tell her that, are you?", "Mac: I think it'd be better if you told her. Look, Kevin, if you want people to respect you, you need to behave like somebody that they can respect, somebody that they can trust. Not because you're a hero, but because you do the right thing.", "Kevin: But I finally got people to think that I'm not such a bad guy, and you're telling me just to chuck that and go back to being the town leper. No, no, no, I'm not ready to do that, no.", "Mac: Yes, yes, Kevin, you are, and I think that's why you talked to me in the first place, because you needed a push in the right direction. So tell her the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: You still here?", "Neil: Devon, I was waiting for you to finish whatever you were doing.", "Devon: I was emptying the trash. What's it to you?", "Neil: I told you. I came to see you.", "Devon: All right, well, you've seen me. Is there anything else I could do for you?", "Neil: You know what would be really nice? If you and I could actually have a normal conversation without all this attitude.", "Devon: Yeah, well, life sucks sometimes, you know?", "Neil: Yes, it does. I agree with you on that. Call me crazy, but I was kind of hoping that maybe, you know, you and me, we could-- we could be friends.", "Devon: Yeah, like that's gonna happen.", "Neil: All right, man. I know why you're so angry with me.", "Devon: So you know. So what?", "Neil: You've had one too many people let you down in your life. I'm just another on a long list, starting with your father, right? You never really told me too much about your dad.", "Devon: Yeah, well, there's nothing to tell.", "Neil: Ms. Davis tells me he's not the kind of person that a boy would want for a dad.", "Devon: Ah, well, poor me. But it ain't your problem, is it?", "Neil: Devon, holding a grudge for things that you don't have or wish you had is pointless. It's just another distraction from the important things in life.", "Devon: Like what? Becoming a brain surgeon or something? Come on, man, give me a break.", "Neil: You do realize that you can be anything you want to be in life.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. It's more talk from you.", "Neil: In spite of the way you may feel about me, I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm gonna prove to you that not everybody walks away in life.", "Devon: Yeah, well, you know what? I'll believe it when I see it.", "Neil: Well, then you'd better be prepared to be a believer, 'cause I can be just as stubborn as you can.", "Devon: Whatever, man. Only one person I can count on, and that's number one, all right? Now if you don't mind, I got some stuff to do, okay?", "Neil: Hey, wait a minute, number one, think about what I said, huh?", "Devon: Yeah, sure thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Lily, hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Kevin: It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you.", "Lily: I'm sorry. (Sobbing)", "Kevin: You are really messed up over this Alex thing.", "Lily: I'm just having... I'm having a really bad day.", "Kevin: Okay. Okay, come here. Have a seat. Let me get you something to drink.", "Lily: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, that's okay. I'll get something later.", "Kevin: You must be really messed up if you were willing to ditch school.", "Lily: Yes, I needed... I needed to get out of there.", "Kevin: Why? Why? What happened? What happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Phyllis, what are you doing here?", "Phyllis: I work here.", "Dru: I know that, but why aren't you at the hospital with Damon?", "Phyllis: I can't concentrate. I mean, I feel like I'm in a dream. I don't know the difference between what's real and what isn't.", "Dru: I know the feeling. 24 hours ago I thought I had everything under control, and now I don't know which way is up.", "Phyllis: Why do I have the feeling that this has to do a lot more with just Damon?", "Dru: Oh, it does, big time.", "Phyllis: Okay, I'll bite. Tell me.", "Dru: No, you know, your plate's full. Okay, I'm gonna tell you, but, um, this is the craziest thing you're ever gonna hear. I mean, I could barely believe it myself.", "Phyllis: Stop! Tell me, Drucilla, okay?", "Dru: Malcolm's alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jamal: Can I help you?", "Malcolm: Maybe. What's the deal around here? I was looking for a place to work out.", "Jamal: Oh, okay. Well, it's free. I mean, but there's some rules.", "Malcolm: Anything free usually has rules.", "Jamal: All right, well, you can use whatever you want as long as you put it back. Uh, don't make a mess and don't hog the equipment.", "Malcolm: I can live with that.", "Jamal: Okay, well, enjoy.", "Devon: You looking at me, man?", "Malcolm: Is that a problem?", "Devon: Well, I'm just wondering why you're over there giving me the evil eye.", "Malcolm: I think you're paranoid, kid. I wasn't looking at you. I was just checking this place out.", "Devon: Well, look, I saw you here the other night, but I don't even know who the heck you are.", "Malcolm: Well, that makes us even. I don't know you.", "Devon: What, you trying to be a wise guy with me?", "Malcolm: No. Are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Did you hear what I said?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You said Malcolm's alive.", "Dru: Here in Genoa City.", "Phyllis: How do you know this?", "Dru: I saw him with my own two eyes, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: What?", "Dru: I went up to my sister's apartment to bring her mail, and he was there, nearly scared me half to death. I swear to god I am not making this up.", "Phyllis: I... I'm so baffled. I thought... I thought that they definitely knew that...", "Dru: That he died in Kenya, but he obviously survived the accident.", "Phyllis: Where has he been all this time?", "Dru: He didn't tell me anything. I don't know, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Is he okay?", "Dru: Yes. Physically, yes, but...", "Phyllis: But what?", "Dru: He's just changed from inside. He's filled with bitterness, and he's angry. He doesn't even want to see his brother.", "Phyllis: Why did he come back?", "Dru: Phyllis, are you asking me? Maybe because of Nate. All I know is that he's been through something horrific. It's like he's gone to hell and back.", "Phyllis: Uh, what are you gonna do?", "Dru: I don't know.", "Phyllis: Are you gonna tell Neil?", "Dru: Well, shouldn't I?", "Phyllis: No.", "Dru: Why not?", "Phyllis: You know what happened when Neil came back from Africa. He blamed himself for his brother's death. You know that. It took him months to recover. But, Drucilla, if you tell him that... if you tell him... I can't even say it. If you tell him that his brother is... alive and doesn't want to see him, it's gonna send him right back to the bottle. You know this.", "Dru: Yeah, I know.", "Phyllis: Yeah. So you're not gonna tell him, not yet anyway.", "Neil: Hey, ladies. Hard at work, I see. Am I interrupting?", "Phyllis: No, I was just on my way out.", "Neil: Hi, honey. Phyllis, I think that's terrific news about Damon.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it is, isn't it?", "Neil: Yeah, would you give him my regards?", "Phyllis: I will.", "Neil: Tell him we're thinking about him.", "Phyllis: Thank you. I'll do that.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Bye-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, look, if you're just here to give me a hard time, man...", "Malcolm: Hey, hey, hey, take it easy, tough guy. Like I said, you're paranoid.", "Devon: All right, all right, just forget it, all right? I'm having a weird day, that's all.", "Malcolm: Yeah, you and me both.", "Devon: I'm Devon, in case you care.", "Malcolm: You live around here?", "Devon: Yeah, as a matter of fact, you're standing in my house.", "Malcolm: You live here?", "Devon: Today I do.", "Malcolm: No family?", "Devon: Well, my caseworker's trying to find me a permanent place to crash right now.", "Malcolm: What like a foster home?", "Devon: Yeah, only till I'm 18, though. Then I'm free as a bird. And you can believe me, I'm gonna fly like one, too.", "Malcolm: How long you been living here?", "Devon: Not that long. I had a real cool place, but, uh, things didn't work out.", "Malcolm: I saw you talking to that guy earlier. What was that about?", "Devon: You know, man, you ask a lot of questions, you know?", "Malcolm: So?", "Devon: I barely know that guy.", "Malcolm: It looked pretty heated to me. You don't talk like that to somebody you hardly know.", "Devon: All right, so I know him. His name is Neil Winters. He's the guy who totally messed up my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Hey.", "Kevin: Okay, okay, here we go. See, it's sealed. Here, sit down. Here, have a seat.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Kevin: Let me get that for you. Okay, so what happened? What's going on?", "Lily: I don't know. I just... I feel like I'm being watched all the time, you know, like someone is stalking me. Like you see that guy over there?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Lily: He was looking at me while you were gone.", "Kevin: Hello! Lily, that's because you're beautiful.", "Lily: Well, what if he comes after me when I leave? And what if he tries to rape me? Oh, God. I'm turning into such-- into a total head case.", "Kevin: You are not a head case, okay?", "Lily: Yes, I am. My whole life is screwed up. I don't know what is wrong with me.", "Kevin: Listen, there's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you! Listen to me! Listen to me! The thing with Alex, Lily, it wasn't your fault, okay?", "Lily: Yes, it was.", "Kevin: No, it wasn't. It was mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What are you guys doing here? You following me?", "Daniel: Mom, this is crazy. You should be home by now. You have no business being here.", "Phyllis: I want to keep busy, you know? What else am I gonna do?", "Daniel: Let's just get you out of here, okay? If you want, I'll stay with Christine awhile longer, so you can be alone.", "Phyllis: I don't want to be alone.", "Jack: You won't be alone. You'll be with me.", "Phyllis: What?", "Jack: Come on, I'm taking you home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: How'd this Winters guy mess up your life?", "Devon: Where do I start with it? His wife, she's really cool. She took me in, into their home. And their daughter's real cool, too--Lily. We got along great. For me, it was like being a part of a real family. But this Winters guy, I guess he didn't want me living in his fancy apartment, you know, a kid off the streets.", "Malcolm: And why do you think he felt that way?", "Devon: Probably figured I'd start tagging on his walls or something, be a bad influence on his kid. You know, the guy is just really uptight.", "Malcolm: But you wanted to live there?", "Devon: Hell, yeah, I wanted to live there. It was the best place I'd ever stayed. I mean, you wouldn't believe the stuff that they had there, the food that they ate every day. They had me learning manners while I was there, but I didn't mind that. Mrs. Winters even got me into reading books. But you know something? They all act like they're this big, happy Cosby-like family that sits around the table saying stuff like, \"hi, honey. How was your day?\" \"Fine, sweetheart. How was yours?\" You know what I'm talking about, stuff like that?", "Malcolm: Yeah, yeah, I feel you.", "Devon: But that Winters guy and his wife, they don't see anything the same way. But why are you so interested?", "Malcolm: No reason.", "Devon: Well, I gotta get some homework done. My tutor's on his way.", "Malcolm: All right. Handle your business. See you around.", "Devon: See you, man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Now I liked your last report on the pageant, especially your ideas about the tie-ins. What I was wondering is if you could make some changes, maybe alter a cou-- Dru, are you with me on this?", "Dru: I can't.", "Neil: I'm sorry. I can't-- I can't what?", "Dru: I can't do this. I have something to tell you.", "Neil: Well, girl, you'd better spit it out. What do you have to tell me?", "Dru: Maybe you should have a seat.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, I'm fine standing up right here. This sounds kind of serious. Did something happen with Devon? What's wrong?", "Dru: No, it's not Devon. It's about Malcolm.", "Neil: Mal-- what about him? What?", "Dru: He's alive. Your brother's alive.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Brad: She should stay with me.", "Ashley: Why don't you just spit it out? You want to take my daughter away from me.", "Lily: You are the one that keeps screwing up my life.", "Kevin: No, I know that that's the way it looks, but--", "Lily: That how it is!", "Victor: I thought you were dead." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Michael confronts Glo about Tanya a witness who snitched on Lowell. Kay tells Marge that she has found a rehab and also has another episode that is witnessed by Amber. Ashley is in Paris trying to locate Victor; Nick is also in Paris and realizes that Ashley is also there per Nikki's request. Phyllis is up to her eyeballs in Restless Style issues, Kevin finds a large sum of money that Kay leaves behind and Tyra is asked out on a date." ]
[ "Kevin: First, we need to talk.", "Gloria: Honey, no. You know I'm grumpy until I've had my morning caffeine.", "Kevin: Mom, this is important.", "Gloria: If this is about Michael, I don't know anything about anybody named Tanya.", "Kevin: This--this isn't about Michael. This is about me.", "Gloria: Well, what is it?", "Kevin: Your plan to take over Jabot, what's happening?", "Gloria: Just a matter of time.", "Kevin: All right, well, I hope it's soon, and I better get my share of the windfall.", "Gloria: Honey, are you in some kind of trouble?", "Kevin: No, no, I'm just-- I'm just tired of making do.", "Gloria: (Laughs) You shouldn't have to. You've got two great jobs.", "Kevin: Well, maybe you haven't noticed because you're a multimillionaire, Mom, but the economy is tanking.", "Gloria: Oh, why didn't you just say so? If you want a little cash--", "Kevin: Mom, I don't need a little cash. I need a lot of cash. So why don't you give me my own money, so I can buy my own shares and start my own nest egg?", "Gloria: Forget it. I need every single one of those shares.", "Kevin: Like I would ever vote against you?", "Gloria: Listen to me, you just be patient. Because when I take control of Jabot, you're gonna be the first one on that gravy train with me.", "Kevin: You're not even doing this for the money. You're doing it to get back at Jill for firing you. It's...", "Gloria: I'm doing it for a lot of reasons. Listen, you want my money? Sell me a cup of coffee. Ah, forget it. I'll get it myself.", "Kevin: Hey, Mom? Who's Tanya?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I can't believe you stayed up all night.", "Michael: I'm going through Lowell's case file, trying to find proof that... Gloria is Tanya.", "Lauren: Your mother as a police informant? Come on.", "Michael: You listened to the tape.", "Lauren: Yeah, I mean, it did sound like her, but...", "Michael: It was definitely her. I'd know that voice anywhere.", "Lauren: Honey, why would she rat out River?", "Michael: I'll figure out the whys later. Right now, I just need solid evidence placing her at that police station the date the record-- the date the recording-- well, look, I found something.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Detective Hampton, this is his, uh, case notebook. And there's an entry talking about him picking up Gloria for questioning.", "Lauren: Which is standard procedure, right?", "Michael: She told me she never spoke to the police.", "Lauren: Well, if she did...", "Michael: There'd be a tape or a transcript. And yet, there isn't any.", "Michael: Unless there is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I knocked, but nobody bothered to answer.", "Marge: What's going on?", "Kay: You're drunk.", "Marge: Oh, yeah.", "Kay: You promised!", "Marge: Yeah, well, I couldn't--I couldn't make it. I started getting... getting them jitters.", "Kay: Well, you could've phoned me.", "Marge: Uh... I lost my phone.", "Kay: Oh, no, look at you. You didn't lose your phone, you sold it for booze.", "Marge: I'm weak. I mean... this drinking just got me by the--by the throat. I'm telling you right now I can't do this.", "Kay: Yes, you can. And I'll tell you something, we're just going to have to take more drastic measures.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thank you. So my father stayed here?", "Dominique: For several days.", "Nick: You're obviously worried about him.", "Dominique: Oh, that is reason I called you. I felt he needed his family.", "Nick: What did he say to you?", "Dominique: I am afraid I cannot tell you. It would break the seal of confession.", "Nick: Wow, my father went to confession. I knew he was raised in a catholic orphanage, but...", "Dominique: He is a troubled man, carrying a heavy burden. I told the woman that, too.", "Nick: What woman?", "Dominique: An American. She was here yesterday. But she did not give her name.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Excuse moi.", "Man: Oui, Madame?", "Ashley: Pardon, have you seen this man?", "Man: Mmm. He looks familiar.", "Ashley: Yeah? Has he been in here, you think?", "Man: I believe so.", "Ashley: Okay, and when was he last here? Do you remember?", "Man: It's been a while.", "Ashley: Okay, merci. Where the hell are you, Victor?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyra: Uh, listen to me, I swear, these kids walked away with so much candy, I'm gonna in hock with the dentist forever.", "Devon: Really?", "Tyra: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Maybe you should, uh, ask the boss for raise here.", "Tyra: I like your thinking.", "Neil: It's coming out your pocket, you know that, right?", "Devon: Oh, really? I like this candy.", "Ana: No.", "Devon: Hey! No? Anybody ever teach you how to share?", "Tyra: Yeah, I did, but apparently, she's forgot.", "Neil: Well, that's okay, because it looks like we're gonna have to teach the young lady a lesson in generosity now, aren't we?", "Tyra: Yes.", "Neil: Ready? One, two, three. Go!", "Ana: No!", "Neil: Get that candy.", "Devon: There's no more chocolate left.", "Ana: I get the chocolate! I get the chocolate!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. Hey. How--how do you like your little artist's retreat?", "Amber: We love it. Don't we, Baby?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: You don't find it cramped?", "Amber: No. Who needs space when I have my Daniel?", "Phyllis: Um, I-I just wanted to tell you that Billy is thinking of, you know, renting it out--subletting it. And I wanted to offer it to--to my son.", "Daniel: No, I'm good.", "Phyllis: Good. Good. Good. Good.", "Daniel: Yeah, we actually like where we are now. You know, there's no meddling mothers there.", "Phyllis: Those days are over. You know that. I'm not meddling.", "Daniel: Yeah, I would hate for you to have a relapse. So its fine, you can tell Billy he can have it.", "Phyllis: Okay, cool. I'll do that. See ya.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So Father Dominique wouldn't break Dad's confidence, but get this, there was a woman here looking for him. He said she was younger and beautiful. Who changed his mind? Ashley? Mom, what's Ashley Abbott doing looking for Dad?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: If I find you, Victor, I just hope that I can get through to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Are you on hold?", "Michael: Huh? Yeah. Yeah.", "Lauren: Who are you talking to?", "Michael: Well, I was going through the detective's notes when I found this section on his interview with Tanya and there was a phone number scribbled on the page.", "Lauren: So you called it?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Michigan social services.", "Lauren: Social services?", "Michael: Uh, yes, yes, are you sure? I mean, you checked everything for that year? There's no Tanya Simmons? There's no Tanya in any of their records. Right, I'm sorry, what? Gloria Simmons? Gloria Simmons? Yes, and there's a record that she received financial assistance that year? At the request of who? Detective Hampton. No, yes, yeah, I see. Thank you--thank you very much. You wanna know why she did it? Lowell was on the run, Gloria didn't have any money. She sold phony information to the police.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: All right, I have reserved a bed for you at the new commitment rehab center.", "Marge: Hon, that costs a fortune. I ain't got that kind of money.", "Kay: Well, I do.", "Marge: Well, I'm scared.", "Kay: Yes, I know. But you are going to have to have 24-hour supervision if we're gonna get you well.", "Marge: How am I going to get there?", "Kay: I will drive you.", "Marge: I-I don't know what to say.", "Kay: Say you'll go.", "Marge: Okay.", "Kay: Good.", "Marge: Why are you leaving?", "Kay: Well, yes, I have to go to the bank and, uh, and get some cash.", "Marge: Well, don't them people take checks?", "Kay: Marge, if the press connects my name with a rehab center, you realize the rumor mill is gonna go crazy.", "Marge: What about your crazy daughter?", "Kay: Well, I don't want her knowing anything about it, either. I mean, I have enough grief with her already. Now listen, I want you to park your fanny right there and not move. And I will call you just as soon as I get everything set.", "Marge: How? I mean, Murphy-- they turned his one off. I mean, the poor old guy forgot to pay his bill.", "Kay: Here, take mine. Oh, and I have another appointment, and as soon as I'm through, I'll come by and I'll pick you up.", "Marge: How can I ever thank you, Katherine?", "Kay: Just get sober, Marge. That's all the thanks I need.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone ringing)", "Phyllis: \"Restless Style,\" Phyllis speaking.", "Nick: Well, hey there, \"Phyllis speaking.\"", "Phyllis: Hey, Baby, where are you?", "Nick: I'm in my, uh, Paris hotel room, taking a break.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Good. You know, I want you to take a nap.", "Nick: I don't have time. Did you get a copy of the \"Sophisticate\"?", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, I did. Um, you know, it's just, uh, pictures of your father, a couple things said, you know, what we expected.", "Nick: What's the reaction on the street?", "Phyllis: Uh, nobody's really paying much attention. It's not a big deal.", "Nick: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: It's selling out everywhere.", "Nick: Okay, so that's all the more reason I need to find to my dad.", "Phyllis: Are you having any luck with that?", "Nick: Well, I went to the church Mom told me about, saw the room he was staying in. It was more like a cell.", "Phyllis: Wow. It's that bad, huh?", "Nick: Oh, and get this, I'm not the only person looking for Dad. Mom convinced Ashley Abbott to join the hunt.", "Phyllis: She convinced Ashley, really after everything they've been through through the years?", "Nick: Well, Mom's only concern is Dad. And I guess she thinks Ashley's the one person that can talk some sense into him.", "Phyllis: You sound more worried than when you left.", "Nick: I just-- I think Dad's sinking further into depression.", "Phyllis: How do you know that?", "Nick: A priest took Dad's confession.", "Phyllis: Victor goes to confession?", "Nick: Well, maybe he did when he was in that orphanage growing up, but not since then. I mean, as far as I know.", "Phyllis: He must be desperate.", "Nick: Or feeling guilty.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: So what's so important I had to drop everything and race right over here?", "Michael: Well, last night, you insisted that you were not Tanya.", "Gloria: Yeah. 'Cause I don't even know a Tanya.", "Michael: Well, obviously, it's a phony name.", "Gloria: Whatever you say, Michael.", "Michael: Well, let me play the tape the police made. Maybe you'll recognize the voice.", "Gloria: I doubt it. This was an awfully long time--", "Tanya: You know, he was a wonderful speaker and he just got the group ready for the action. Then he talked about the war machine and how we had to put a stop to it. And then Lowell Baldwin set off the bomb that killed that man.", "Michael: Ring a bell?", "Gloria: No. No. Because that was-- that isn't me.", "Michael: Well, of course not, because you were never questioned by the police, right?", "Gloria: That's right.", "Michael: But then how come... Detective Hampton, who was in charge of investigating the bombing, how come Detective Hampton wrote in his case notebook that he was picking you up and taking you in?", "Gloria: All right, yeah, the police asked me a few questions.", "Michael: Anything else coming back to you?", "Gloria: I don't like the tone in your voice, Michael.", "Michael: I don't like being played.", "Gloria: Excuse me?", "Michael: I called Ann Arbor social services. They have a record of you being provided with help. Help that was requested by-- wait for it-- our friend, Detective Hampton.", "Gloria: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.", "Michael: Really, Tanya? Shall I play the tape again? Because I recognize the voice. I've been hearing it lie and scheme and manipulate all my life.", "Gloria: You don't understand.", "Michael: Don't I? They offered you money to roll over on Lowell and you took it!", "Gloria: It wasn't like that.", "Michael: Really? You purposely destroyed a man's life. Did you really hate him that much?", "Lauren: Honey, calm down.", "Michael: No, no, she knew Lowell wasn't involved! He tried to talk that group out of setting off the confetti bomb! And he certainly sure as hell didn't know anything about the real one! And yet, you lied. You lied. You deliberately lied to the detectives to make him sound guilty.", "Gloria: No! Stop yelling at me.", "Michael: Oh, yelling? You're lucky that's all I do!", "Lauren: All right, Michael!", "Michael: No! No! She knew I was going crazy searching for witnesses. Not once --not once did she tell me about her part in this whole thing! You, it's because of you! Lowell was almost killed in that warehouse! He spent all those years on the run! You are the reason that I grew up without a father! There would've been no terrible tom, no beatings. I maybe wouldn't have run out on a little brother who was getting clobbered! Why? And for what? For what reason? For a couple of lousy bucks?", "Gloria: No, it wasn't like that, Michael! The police didn't help me. They threatened me.", "Michael: Oh, they threatened you with what?", "Gloria: With you. With you. They said I had to choose between protecting your father or protecting you.", "Lauren: Michael.", "Michael: No. No. She had choices. She had legal options.", "Gloria: Michael, I was so young. And I was so afraid. And back then, an unmarried woman with a child", "Michael: Lies! Lies! Lies!", "Lauren: Let her finish her story!", "Gloria: Thank you. Detective Hampton did call social services and a woman came over and she told me that if I didn't cooperate with them, that she was gonna take me away from you, and she was gonna put you in a foster home.", "Michael: What about the money? Huh.", "Gloria: Hampton... after I told him everything he wanted to hear, he told the social worker that Lowell was a fugitive and I didn't have any way to take care of myself or you. He wanted to know if she could do something to help me.", "Lauren: Of course she did. You just handed them their case.", "Gloria: Michael, please, please tell me how do I help Lowell? I'll talk to the prosecutor. I'll tell him my story, and they can get rid of the tape.", "Michael: No, no, no, even if those police officers were still around, there's no way they would confess to wrongdoing.", "Gloria: Put me on the stand. Because the jury will believe me.", "Michael: No! No one will believe you because you will be admitting to lying. And jurors don't like liars.", "Gloria: Would you tell me one thing, Michael? Please don't tell your father I'm Tanya.", "Michael: You were star witness. When you don't testify for the defense, he's gonna know.", "Gloria: Oh, no.", "Michael: Uh-huh.", "Gloria: He can't know that.", "Michael: Oh, yes. One way or another, during the trial he'll know. And I will not have him blindsided.", "Gloria: No, Michael, please not that.", "Michael: No, don't touch me! No, it's time for the truth!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, Kevin? What's wrong?", "Kevin: Um... I just finished doing the books.", "Amber: Crimson Lights isn't going well?", "Kevin: The cost of running this place is skyrocketing. Eating out is becoming a luxury these days.", "Jana: We're getting by.", "Kevin: Honey, I would like to do more than just get by. I mean, come on, wouldn't you like to have enough money to afford a place that's bigger than a shoebox?", "Daniel: You know, I'm gonna tell you the same thing that I told my mom. I love our little shoebox.", "Kevin: Be real, come on, if money fell out of the sky, you would be outta there so fast.", "Daniel: No. First, I guess I'd probably just have to bankroll Amber's clothing line.", "Amber: Aw.", "Jana: If I was suddenly rich, I'd give half my money away to the homeless shelter, and the other half to a food bank. Yep.", "Amber: I would let Daniel take a year off of work and concentrate on his drawing.", "Kevin: You all sound like you're being interviewed for the Miss America pageant. I believe the first thing I would tackle is world peace.", "Daniel: Well, I believe-- what would you buy then, huh?", "Kevin: Classic muscle car, hardtop coupe, rear wheel drive, high-performance options. That's what I would buy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You seem... you seem awfully quiet this morning.", "Karen: Just thinking.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: What you thinking about?", "Karen: Stuff.", "Neil: Stuff.", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: Stuff? Stuff to do with our conversation about not having kids?", "Karen: Do you still wanna be with me knowing that I can't give you a child?", "Neil: You know, how you, uh, how you picture yourself in the future, you envision yourself 5, 10, 15 years down the line and, uh...", "Karen: You have a crystal ball? What did that little crystal ball say?", "Neil: Karen, I have two beautiful kids that I love immensely and a fantastic girlfriend that I also love. You know, what more can I want?", "Karen: More children?", "Neil: I tell you what, if ever we feel the need to have children in our lives, there's always something called adoption, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: So did we clean you out?", "Ana: Put a sock in it and get me some more juice.", "Devon: Oh, really?", "Ana: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Well, your wish is my command, princess.", "Ana: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Hey.", "Ana: Thank you.", "Tyra: You guys bored yet?", "Ana: We're okay.", "Tyra: Yeah?", "Ana: I just wish...", "Tyra: What? What do you wish?", "Ana: That you and Neil would just get married, and then we could be a real family.", "Tyra: Are you serious?", "Ana: Yep.", "Tyra: Listen, Baby, Neil is with Karen, okay?", "Ana: But you do like him, too, right?", "Tyra: Look, he's been wonderful to us, he really has, but he loves Karen and that's it. Stop daydreaming and get your head out of the clouds, okay?", "Ana: Okay. Well, I'm gonna go see if Devon got lost.", "Tyra: Hi. Kids.", "Olivia: I'm sorry, I was eavesdropping.", "Tyra: It's okay. It's okay. I mean, Ana says the craziest stuff.", "Olivia: You don't find Neil attractive?", "Tyra: I mean, not the way Ana was talking about.", "Olivia: I mean, I wouldn't blame you. I mean, he is, you know, he's got a lot going on. And he's a fantastic father. He's fun to be around.", "Tyra: Well, hey, let's just clone him.", "Olivia: Karen's one lucky woman.", "Tyra: Yeah. Well, I'd like to say that Neil is the lucky one to have Karen.", "Olivia: I couldn't agree with you more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: Who is it?", "Phyllis: (Muffled voice) Room service!", "Nick: I didn't order anything.", "Phyllis: Well, that's funny, 'cause, uh, it says that you ordered one smokin' hot redhead.", "Nick: What are you doing here?", "Woman: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Yep?", "Woman: Printer, line one.", "Phyllis: Uh, okay.", "Woman: Checks to sign and articles to proof.", "Phyllis: Great. Hello?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Okay, okay, okay, I get a do-over on my wish list.", "Jana: Well, your foot's already in your mouth. You might as well shove it in further.", "Kevin: I wouldn't buy a muscle car. I would buy two first-class tickets to London so my beautiful bride and I can enjoy England in style.", "Jana: Ah, good save, Darling. Oh, the pastry guy's here. I'll be back in a minute.", "Daniel: Hey, Kevin, a little word to the wise there, even when dealing with pretend money, you might want to include your significant other in there.", "Kevin: You know what I really wish? Is that we never burned up that money last year.", "Amber: You're kidding, right?", "Daniel: Yeah, you wanna go back to jail?", "Kevin: Come on, everybody thought that money burned up in the fire. It was old, it was out of circulation, it was gonna be destroyed anyway. And it's not like we stole it. It fell into our laps.", "Daniel: Yeah, I wanna know what happened to the new Kevin? You know, the guy who had morals? The guy who was searching for spiritual enlightenment?", "Kevin: Oh, him, yeah. Yeah, he's disappearing along with my savings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: Wanna talk about it?", "Karen: Sit down. I told Neil about my hysterectomy.", "Olivia: Well, that must be a relief.", "Karen: Well, according to him, he's fine with our not having any kids.", "Olivia: You don't believe him?", "Karen: What if he's just saying that because he doesn't want to hurt me?", "Olivia: Karen, when Neil says something, he means it.", "Karen: You think?", "Olivia: When that man commits, he commits with his whole heart.", "Karen: Is that how he was with Dru?", "Olivia: You know what? The air around them practically crackled. And yet, they had this... ease in which they related. It was like they were sharing a private joke that... none of us were a part of.", "Neil: Yeah, you know what?", "Tyra: You can't drink like that.", "Neil: That should be-- that should be an automatic.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Yeah, well, when I get back, why don't we do something special and fun? Well, I don't know. Wanna go see \"Billy Elliot\"? Okay. Me, too. Bye, Abby, Sweetie, I love you.", "Victor: I love her. She's my flesh and blood.", "Ashley: I can see that you really do love her. I don't think I... realized how deeply you felt.", "Victor: You know how I feel about you, that I've always felt about you. When I found out that Abby was my child... deep down, I was very happy that you and I shared a child.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Well, if it isn't my favorite author-to-be.", "Kay: Well, I'm looking forward to that, too. Oh, um, I forgot my cell phone. Can I borrow yours?", "Amber: Oh, sure.", "Kay: Oh, good. Uh, would you get me a drink, please? Tea.", "Amber: Be happy to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Marge: Hello?", "Kay: It's me. How we doing?", "Marge: Well, hanging on by the seat of my pants.", "Kay: I know it's difficult, but you know, uh, just stay strong.", "Marge: When you coming back?", "Kay: Well, I've got the money, and I, um, I have a quick doctor's visit.", "Marge: You sick?", "Kay: Oh, no, no, no, it's just that, uh, my daughter's making a big deal out of nothing.", "Marge: Well, how long is it gonna take?", "Kay: Well, I told the doctor I'll give him an hour and not a minute longer. And, uh, then I will be by and take you to the clinic.", "Marge: Yeah. Yippee.", "Marge: Ugh.", "Marge: Oh, what the hell, Marge?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Here you go.", "Kay: Oh, thank you. Um... how much do I owe you?", "Amber: Uh, you already paid me.", "Kay: Did I?", "Amber: Yeah. Uh, here's your change.", "Kay: No, Sweetheart, you keep that.", "Amber: No, no, it's okay. Um, but I will take my cell phone back, if you're done with it.", "Kay: This is yours?", "Amber: You feeling all right, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: Yes, I'm--I'm fine.", "Amber: Okay. Then, um... I have to get back to work, but, um... I'll see you soon.", "Kay: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: The witness who testified against you? I, uh, found out her name was Tanya.", "River: Tanya? Doesn't sound familiar.", "Michael: No, it's no wonder. Tanya doesn't exist. It's an alias used by someone who didn't want to be exposed for the traitor she was.", "River: I see.", "Michael: Don't you want to know her identity?", "River: It's Gloria.", "[Machine buzzer]", "Michael: You knew that the police informant was Gloria?", "River: Before I escaped, the detective told me they had a woman who was close to pointing the finger at me. I knew Gloria was the first person the cops would go to. You have understand, back then, they didn't play fair. She was a naive, hippie chick. I assumed they threatened her with jail.", "Michael: She claims they threatened to take me away from her.", "River: You don't believe her?", "Michael: Should I?", "River: Whatever she did, she did because she couldn't risk losing the thing she loved most. You.", "Michael: When I confronted her earlier, she freaked out at the thought of you finding out.", "River: Poor Glo.", "Michael: You're really not angry with her?", "River: I forgave her a long time ago.", "Michael: That is mighty big of you, considering.", "River: Remember back at the ashram? You told me there wasn't anything you wouldn't do to protect Fen?", "Michael: Yeah.", "River: Why should your mother be any different? Will you do something for me?", "Michael: If I can.", "River: Don't tell her that I've known all along. I don't want to shame her.", "Gloria: You knew? You knew? And you forgive me? (Sobs) Oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Uh, I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly? She won't get on the plane? You're saying no? Uh, I-I--what do I do? Just pull somebody else out of thin air? Yeah. I can't--I can't do this. Okay, all right, we have a problem. Um... we just lost our cover model for tomorrow's shoot.", "Amber: Oh, no.", "Phyllis: Yeah, if, uh, we don't find somebody in 24 hours, we're in big trouble. We don't have a magazine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Would you like some more tea, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: Oh, no, no thanks.", "Kevin: All right, excuse me.", "Kay: Oh, I'm late!", "Kevin: Hey, hey, Mrs. C., you forgot your bag! Mrs. C., you--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I wouldn't blame you if you hated me.", "River: I could never hate you, Glo.", "Gloria: It killed me, having to choose... between you and Michael.", "River: You were protecting our son.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. I just can't believe you forgive me.", "River: When you love someone, like I loved you... like I still do... you find a way.", "Gloria: Oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Wallace: Morning, Ladies.", "Tyra: Thank you. Hey, lawman.", "Wallace: You got a minute, Tyra?", "Tyra: Uh, actually, I do.", "Wallace: It--it's funny, uh, I'm the first one through the door in a hostile situation, pumped with adrenaline, and cool, ready for action, but, uh, I go to ask a woman out and my palms sweat like a teenager.", "Tyra: Are you asking me on a date?", "Wallace: I have a police function I have to attend. I was wondering if you--", "Tyra: I would love to.", "Wallace: Well, that was easy.", "Tyra: I just, you know, I have to make sure I have a sitter for my daughter that night.", "Olivia: Hey, if Devon and Lily can't do it, I'd be more than happy to.", "Tyra: Uh, well, thanks to her, you've got yourself a date, Detective.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I can't believe your singer bailed.", "Amber: Yeah, how hard is it to get on a plane?", "Phyllis: Yeah, right? Oh, wait a second... that's it.", "Daniel: What's it?", "Phyllis: If Mohammed won't come to the mountain...", "Amber: You're going to France?", "Phyllis: Yep. I'm going to France. We'll do the cover shoot there. And I have incentive 'cause Nick is there.", "Daniel: You know, I met a great photographer while I was on tour with Dad.", "Phyllis: Good! You call him. You set it up. You're amazing. This is so great! I'm going to France! I'm going to France! But don't say anything to Nick. It's a secret.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Excuse moi, that picture, may I see it again, please?", "Ashley: Of course. Do you remember when you saw him?", "Man: Ah, he came in several months ago with Sabrina Costelana.", "Ashley: How can you be sure?", "Man: I remember her very well.", "Ashley: Oh, why is that?", "Man: When she was preparing a big exhibition at the Pompidou, she would come in every afternoon for hot chocolate.", "Ashley: Merci. The Pompidou?", "Man: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's like everything I've ever known about my past, uh... just got thrown in a blender.", "Lauren: I know, Baby. But if your mother hadn't lied to the police...", "Michael: I would've ended up in foster care. And you know, given... the outcome... Gloria's in taste in men-- Tom Fisher, blah, blah, blah. Maybe that is not the worst case scenario.", "Lauren: She must've been so tortured. I mean, I can't imagine choosing between you and Fen. It's unthinkable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Oh, my God!", "Amber: Where'd you get that money?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kay: What if those tests should prove...", "Nikki: Then we'll deal with it.", "Marge: Hello?", "Kevin: You left your money here at the coffeehouse.", "Marge: I don't know anything about any money.", "Ashley: Hi, it's Ashley.", "Nikki: Are you in Paris?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki calls Meggie and realizes that she left town with Victor. Nikki realizes that Meggie has been after Victor all along. Meggie and Victor are married and on their way back to Genoa City. At the Chandler home, Chloe and Katherine prepare for Mackenzie's and J.T.'s wedding. Michael asks Lauren to accompany him to Daisy's bail hearing, but Lauren refuses. A woman asks Daisy if she is ready to post bail, but Daisy thinks that Daniel will intervene and help her. Phyllis invites Daniel to have a cup of coffee with her. Phyllis asks Daniel if he knows that Daisy was arrested. Daniel lets her know that he had been there. Lily arrives for the wedding. Heather tells Michael that she dropped out of the race for D.A. Brock arrives for Mackenzie's wedding. Nikki finds out that Meggie and Victor were married. J.T. and Mackenzie are married. Victoria says good-bye to Reed. J.T. and Mackenzie say good-bye to Genoa City. Victor begins to have chest pains. Deacon refuses to abandon Nikki.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: Meggie's voice mail says that she and Victor were going out of town together, I...", "Deacon: Yeah, I know, but maybe it was just business.", "Nikki: Yeah, maybe. But... (Sighs) Maybe I was right all along. Maybe she's after him.", "Deacon: Okay, even if she was, I-- do you honestly believe that he would do that to you?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I don't think so. I mean, he wouldn't get involved with Meggie... would he?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: It's still hard to believe that we're husband and wife.", "Victor: (Slurring) Yeah, Baby.", "Meggie: Well, I've got the marriage license right here to prove it. Hey, Captain, what's up?", "Man: I just wanted to let you and Mr. Newman know that we'll be arriving in Genoa City on schedule.", "Meggie: Would you take a picture of us on my cell phone so that, uh, I don't have to wait for the minister's husband's pictures to be sent, and I can upload to my social network and let everybody see the new bride? Say, \"I do,\" Darling.", "Victor: I do. I do.", "Meggie: Let me see. (Sighs) Oh, that ought to do just fine.", "Victor: That's beautiful.", "Man: Anything else, Mrs. Newman?", "Meggie: \"Mrs. Newman\"-- I love it. No, we're good.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Meggie: Well, Mr. Newman, I have quite a night in store for us. I'm really excited about it.", "Victor: Oh, Boy.", "Meggie: And I know you will be, too. Hope you're ready for it.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Oh, Boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, the dresses, the suits, makeup, curling irons...", "Kay: The suits, right. Right. Right. Right.", "Chloe: Um, cake and flowers are on its way.", "Kay: Uh-huh, um...", "Chloe: And I don't know how \"Mrs. Houdini\" did it, but she pulled a marriage license out of her hat.", "Kay: I just pulled in a favor. That's all I did-- a favor.", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: So I'm gonna take these upstairs. Then we will talk plan of attack for the day, and, uh, ooh, please say thank you to Kevin, because he volunteered to help.", "J.T.: Well, I can only imagine her definition of \"Volunteer.\"", "Kevin: Dude, you have no idea.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Chloe: Okay, be quiet. Let's bring these-- don't mash the dresses.", "Mac: Thank you, Kevin.", "Kay: Watch it, Kevin. You're gonna step on that. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: What's going on?", "Reed: I'm going to be in daddy and Mac's wedding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Great. Good. No. I'm on my way. Thanks.", "Michael: I'm on my way to Heather Stevens. I'm gonna make sure Daisy doesn't get bail. I was hoping you would come with me.", "Lauren: What do you need me for?", "Michael: (Chuckles) As brilliant as I am at what I do, there's something you offer I can't.", "Lauren: A real-life representation of Daisy's crimes? No, thank you. No, thank you. (Sighs) I am through playing victim.", "Michael: Not as long as you stay locked away in this apartment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: (Sighs) Am I getting arraigned today?", "Woman: Are you prepared to post bail if the judge grants it?", "Daisy: No. But, uh, I'm hoping my baby's father will come through for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, Daniel. What are you doin'?", "Daniel: Hey.", "Phyllis: Come have a cup of coffee.", "Daniel: I didn't even see you sittin' there.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: I've actually been meaning to call you.", "Phyllis: Oh, great. Hey, hey, did you hear that they arrested Daisy?", "Daniel: Yeah, I-I was there.", "Phyllis: What?", "Daniel: She broke into my apartment.", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. Did she do anything? Did she try anything with you?", "Daniel: Does claiming that I'm the father of her baby count?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reed: Will you stay, Mommy?", "Victoria: Yes, I would-- I would love to stay and see you all dressed up and handsome and walking down the aisle.", "Esther: You know, Chloe has an awesome suit for someone to try on. Want to see it?", "Reed: Come on, Mom.", "Esther: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay.", "J.T.: Hey, Victoria? Look, I know this isn't easy. I appreciate what you're doing for Reed.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I'm a good mom. I always have been. I wish you'd stop acting so surprised about that.", "Kay: Uh, Billy. Billy.", "J.T.: Well, she is really upset with me for taking Reed to D.C.", "Kay: You both love Reed, and you're going to make him a great life in Washington. But Victoria's entitled to be angry, you know? Surely you both understand that.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Mac: I'll get that.", "Kay: Thank you, Sweetie.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Lily: You're getting married today!", "Mac: I know! Can you believe it?", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Mac: Where's Cane?", "Lily: Uh, actually, he flew to, uh, Chicago for a meeting, so he's gonna be really upset that he missed this.", "Mac: Well, I am glad that you're here because I have a favor to ask you.", "Lily: Yes?", "Mac: Would you be my matron of honor?", "Lily: (Laughs) Listen, after everything that you have done for me, of course I will. I would love to. (Laughs)", "J.T.: Hey, thanks again, Buddy. I appreciate it.", "Kevin: Yeah, no problem.", "Kay: Well, I'm rather surprised to see you here, young man. I thought you'd be preoccupied with Daisy coming back to town.", "Kevin: No, that's got nothing to do with me.", "Kay: No? Well, she nearly, um, killed Jana, destroyed your marriage, and the fact that she is your sister... and you are telling me that you have no feelings about her coming back to Genoa City?", "Kevin: I'm-- I'm just gonna let Michael handle Daisy.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: He'll make sure that she gets locked away for a long time, and that's good enough for me.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey. I appreciate your being able to meet with me. I know how busy you are, what with work and the campaign and...", "Heather: (Sighs) I guess you hadn't heard then.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Heather: I dropped out of the race. I thought I could, uh, do a balancing act with Victor, take his money and not let him use me, but, um...", "Michael: I'm so sorry.", "Heather: Mm. You and me both. (Sighs) All right, um, Daisy Carter's arraignment is today. I plan to ask for remand.", "Michael: Well, we can't let some incompetent judge grant her bail just because she's pregnant.", "Heather: Oh. (Scoffs) Plenty of pregnant inmates.", "Michael: None as dangerous as this one. Listen to me. Daisy has to stay behind bars, not just for my family's safety, but for Lauren's sanity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Lauren remembering]", "Daisy: Sheila didn't raise her twins. Doesn't mean she didn't give birth to them and then pawn them off to someone else. Our mother was too busy with her vendetta against you to give us a thought. If it weren't for you, my brother and I would have had a mother, our real mother. And for that, we are gonna make you suffer, like we did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, this was just gonna be an ordinary day. I was just gonna go to work. Summer was gonna go to school. Maybe get a massage, a manicure. But finding out that I might become a... g-- a g-- a grandmother was not on the agenda.", "Daniel: I'm telling you...", "Phyllis: Daniel--", "Daniel: I did not have sex with Daisy.", "Phyllis: You don't know if you did or you didn't have sex with Daisy. You don't remember. We need to get a court order. We need to find out if that kid is yours.", "Daniel: She already offered to take a paternity test.", "Phyllis: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go! (Sighs) Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Slurring) Where the hell is everybody?", "Meggie: Oh, I called ahead and told the staff they could go home so we could have the house to ourselves.", "Victor: Oh, I like the sound of that.", "Meggie: (Chuckles)", "Victor: I love the sound of that, Baby.", "Meggie: (Laughs) Victor.", "Victor: Mm. Mm.", "Meggie: It's our-- it's our wedding night. I want everything to be perfect.", "Victor: (Laughs) Ooh! Oh, Man. (Sighs) Don't make me wait too long, okay?", "Meggie: No, I'll just... post our wedding photo on Faceplace so everybody can see how happy we are, and then we'll get on with the rest of the night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, Paul. Thanks for coming. Come on in.", "Paul: Yeah, it sounded urgent. What's up?", "J.T.: Yeah, it is. Uh, let's--let's go in here. Well, my friend... (Sighs) I am gettin' married.", "Paul: You and Mac, I know.", "J.T.: No, today. Now.", "Paul: Great. Uh, shoot. What--what can I do to help?", "J.T.: You can be my best man.", "Paul: (Sighs) I would be honored.", "J.T.: Good.", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Mac: I'll get that.", "Kay: Oh, could you, Darling?", "Mac: Yeah.", "Kay: Please. Could be the minister.", "Brock: Hi.", "Mac: Hi!", "Brock: I hear there's a wedding here today.", "Mac: (Laughs) Dad!", "Brock: (Laughs) Oh, congratulations, Sweetheart.", "Mac: Thank you.", "Brock: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Key rattles in lock)", "Michael: Hey, hey.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Michael: Uh, interesting news-- Heather Stevens has decided not to run for district attorney.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: Apparently, she will handle the arraignment, and the new D.A. will take over the prosecution.", "Lauren: All right, good. Hopefully, between the three of you, you can keep Daisy in jail for a very long period of time.", "Michael: Oh, well, the odds of that happening would improve considerably if you spoke at the arraignment today.", "Lauren: No. I-I-I don't want to see her.", "Michael: All right, wait. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. Daisy cannot hurt you if we make sure she stays locked up.", "Lauren: But Ryder is still out there. He--he could be waiting for me to leave the apartment.", "Michael: All right, Sweetheart. Sweetheart, that's not gonna happen.", "Lauren: Daisy said that she would make me pay for taking Sheila away from her and her brother. She wants to hurt me, and she wants to hurt you, and she wants to hurt Fen.", "Michael: All right, Lauren, she's already tried to hurt you. But you defeated her with your strength and your courage.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: You go to that arraignment today. You show her she still can't beat you.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Fax it to my office, all right? Thank you.", "Michael: (Clears throat) Look who came to speak at Daisy's arraignment.", "Heather: Lauren, you have no idea how important it is that you're here.", "Lauren: Well, if it keeps Daisy in jail, then I'm glad I came.", "Daisy: So am I, Lauren. I'm glad you came today.", "Lauren: Why?", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Lauren: So you could scare me? So you could hurt me?", "Daisy: I was a victim of Aunt Sarah's, just like you. I feel terrible about what happened.", "Lauren: You know what? You enjoyed every second that you tortured Jana and me. You caged us like animals. You told us that we would never see our families again. Oh, no. Now you are behind bars, and I'm gonna make sure you stay that way.", "Daisy: Daniel.", "Phyllis: We are here to talk to you and Heather, um, regarding something about Miss Carter.", "Michael: What about her?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) It's not about her, actually. It's about, um, the-- the ba- baby.", "Daniel: She claims it's mine.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: Yours?", "Lauren: What?!", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Listen. Listen. This is not for sure. We're-- we're gonna make sure that-- that--that it's his... or not.", "Michael: Are you willing to do a paternity test?", "Daniel: Absolutely I'm willing to do it.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: All right, I want to do it before the arraignment, though...", "Phyllis: Right.", "Daniel: So we can prove that this kid is not mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hey. (Sighs) Have I told you how much I love you? I'm gonna call you every day, all right? I'm gonna send you lots of hugs and lots of kisses over the phone.", "Reed: It won't be the same as real kisses.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. But... well, I'm gonna come to Washington, D.C., to give you those kisses, okay? And you know what? You're gonna come back here, and you're gonna visit a lot. You'll see me a lot.", "Reed: I'm gonna miss you, Mommy.", "Victoria: Come here. (Sighs) I'm gonna miss you, too, Baby. But you're always gonna be my number... my number one guy, okay?", "Reed: You're always gonna be my number one mommy.", "Victoria: Okay. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Mm... (Chuckles)", "Billy: Hey, Guys, you want to go, uh, stretch your legs a little bit before the ceremony?", "Victoria: Yeah, that's a good idea. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Deacon: I, uh, brought you some tea.", "Nikki: Oh, thanks.", "Deacon: What are you doing?", "Nikki: Oh, I'm just loggin' on to Faceplace. Maybe I'll find somebody whose life is more miserable than mine, cheer myself up.", "Deacon: Any luck?", "Nikki: What?", "Deacon: What's the matter? What'd you find? Somebody put an unflattering picture up or something?", "Nikki: Meggie has changed her status from single to married.", "Deacon: Your assistant?", "Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, my God!", "Nikki: There's a wedding picture of her and Victor.", "Deacon: Let me see that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Sorry it took me so-- is that any way to act on your honeymoon? You know what you need? (Chuckles) A drink. And I happen to know the perfect pick- me-up.", "Meggie: Poor Victor... so tanked.", "Meggie: He felt he had to take a few pills...", "Meggie: Just to perform.", "Meggie: That ought to put you right out of this world... literally.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: She'll do the paternity test if she can check into a hospital and get adequate prenatal care.", "Daisy: And I stay there until the results come back.", "Lauren: There's no way. Michael. Michael. You cannot let this happen.", "Michael: (Stammers) She's already proven she's a flight risk and a threat to Lauren.", "Lauren: And her brother's still out there.", "Phyllis: Lauren, Lauren, I-I understand. I-I totally support you-- totally. But, um, we--we have to find out if that baby is my son's.", "Lauren: Then fine. Do the test in jail. You've got doctors and hospitals.", "Daisy: Forget it. I'm not letting a prison doctor jab me in the n-- stomach with a needle while I'm handcuffed to a bed.", "Heather: W-we can't force Miss Carter to submit to a paternity test. It is up to her.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Daisy: You know my conditions. I go to a real hospital, or \"Baby Romalotti\" stays behind bars with me.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Married? (Sighs) (Stammers) That's unbelievable. When--when they were up in Canada, I know that Meggie came on to him, and when she came down here, I-I-I thought that she might be after him, but he said that he had no interest in her. Oh, my God. I need a drink.", "Deacon: Okay, you know what? That's the last thing you need.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. I know. I know. You're right.", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "Nikki: I-I-I-I just don't understand how something like this could happen. I mean, what, is it because of the-- the fight that we had here the other night? Because I threw him out of here?", "Deacon: I mean, do you really think that he was so upset that he rushed into the arms of another woman? I--", "Nikki: Are you kidding? He does it all the time. Every time something goes wrong between the two of us, there's a whole list of them-- Diane, Sabrina, Ashley. Now we have Meggie. How could he do this? How could he just give up on me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Wake up, Sleepyhead. I made you a special drink. It's gonna help finish the honeymoon with a bang.", "Victor: (Slurring) I've had too much to drink already.", "Meggie: Oh, I went to so much trouble. Don't you want to make your bride happy? She'd do anything to make you happy.", "Victor: Oh, Baby. Oh, Baby. (Groans) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Exhales) (Groans) Oh, Meggie, you're a good wife. (Sighs) You're such a good wife. (Sighs)", "Meggie: Oh, Victor, I can't wait for what comes next.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brock: You be happy.", "Mac: I will.", "Brock: All right.", "Mac: (Chuckles)", "Brock: I've been asked to, uh, cut this short. Um... well, I mean, these last couple of weeks have been, uh, difficult, you know? Pretty tough for the family. So when Mother called and asked if I'd marry you two, uh, I was thrilled. (Chuckles) You know, finally, something to celebrate! What a... what a joyous and hopeful celebration for you two. The love that you have for one another, the life that you plan to... to build together-- simply fantastic. All right, now I believe, Mackenzie, J.T., You have something you want to say to each other.", "Mac: (Sighs) I have traveled the world helping other people, trying to give meaning to my life. I always felt good about what I was doing, but something was missing. It wasn't until I got home that I realized that what was missing had been in my own backyard the whole time... since high school. (Chuckles)", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Mac: We have crossed in and out of each other's lives so many times, I've lost track. But I think somewhere deep inside, I always knew that we would end up here one day. I could have clicked my heels three times and maybe made it happen sooner...", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Mac: But we're here now. We're home. And as long as we're together, we always will be.", "J.T.: (Sighs) That's right. Timing hasn't always been our thing. But we're destined to be a family. And just so I got the message loud and clear, somebody upstairs sent us a little reminder-- the baby you're carrying, our baby.", "Reed: Yeah! I'm gonna be a big brother!", "Esther: (Laughs)", "Brock: (Laughs)", "Brock: Well, let's make this official, huh? Jeffrey Todd, do you take Mackenzie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?", "J.T.: I do.", "Brock: Mackenzie, do you take Jeffery Todd to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?", "Mac: I do.", "Brock: Ring time, Kiddo.", "J.T.: Thanks, Buddy.", "Mac: Oh, the ring.", "J.T.: Okay.", "Brock: By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I do hereby proclaim you husband and wife.", "J.T.: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, go ahead.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Brock: (Laughs)", "Esther: (Laughs)", "Chloe: Whoo!", "Brock: All right.", "Lily: Aw. (Laughs)", "Mac: Thank you so much. This was amazing.", "Chloe: Wait till you see what we did to the car.", "Reed: Can I see it?", "J.T.: Yeah, hey, Buddy, why don't you, uh, help me pack up the rest of your stuff?", "Billy: Thank you.", "Kay: Oh, just what Billy needed.", "Victoria: Um, can I come with you?", "J.T.: Sure. Here.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Billy: Well, hope this wedding goes better than the last one you had here.", "Mac: Yeah, it's destiny-- Victoria's yours, J.T.'s mine.", "Billy: I wish you all the best. I'll always love you.", "Mac: You, too.", "Billy: Mm.", "Kay: My turn.", "Billy: Yes, Ma'am.", "Kay: (Chuckles) All right, now you listen. You promise to come and visit, or I'm gonna be knocking on your door in Washington every time I turn around, especially when this child is born.", "Mac: I promise.", "Kay: I love you, Mac...", "Mac: I love you.", "Kay: So much. Mm. Happiness.", "Lily: My turn.", "Mac: (Laughs)", "Lily: Now listen here, Missy. I planned on spending every day telling you thank you for giving me Charlie and Mattie. Now how am I supposed to do that with you so far away?", "Mac: Well, we're gonna stay in touch, always.", "Lily: (Sighs) Okay.", "Victoria: Did you pack the \"Bumpy\" book that I gave you?", "Reed: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: Uh-huh.", "J.T.: Hey, Buddy, where's that stuffed cow you won at the harvest festival?", "Reed: I left it upstairs.", "J.T.: Okay, go get it. Hey, uh, look, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was insinuating you're not a good mother, 'cause you are a good mother.", "Victoria: Okay. Then why are you taking my little boy away from me?", "J.T.: You'll always be a part of his life.", "Victoria: What? Through phone calls and e-mails? Is that how? That--that's not good enough. I'm his mother, okay? I need to be there for him. I need to be there for him every day, and I need to tell him how much I love him. You have no right to take that away from me. How would you like it if--if somebody took Mac's baby away from her? You wouldn't like that very much, would you? You would hate the person that did that to her. You would never forgive that person. And you know what, J.T.? I'm never, ever gonna forgive you--ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Deacon: Okay, okay. Hey.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Deacon: What Victor did to you is awful, and I-- I get why you want to have a drink, but please don't let him do this to you.", "Nikki: That is easier said than done.", "Deacon: Yeah, well, nothing's easy when you're in recovery...", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Deacon: Which is why we made a pact, right? You remember? You and me, we're gonna get through this together.", "Nikki: I know. (Sighs) Whoever would have thought...? (Sniffles)", "Deacon: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: Us?", "Deacon: Yeah, not me. But I'm glad it happened, because, Nikki, I'm better when I'm with you.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: I just wish that there was something I could do for you.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Well, you could... (Sighs) Wake me up and tell me this is all a dream.", "Deacon: Yeah, right, so you can go running back to that guy and he can hurt you all over again? No way.", "Nikki: (Sniffles) Oh, my God, I am so predictable. (Scoffs) So is he. I mean, he can just be so cruel and so selfish to me and his children and his grandchildren.", "Deacon: I mean, how does he get away treating the people that he cares about like this?", "Nikki: Are you kidding? He doesn't care. He do--he doesn't bother rationalizing any of it, you know? It--it's--it's his way, however it is. If he wants to be with Meggie, well, then we will just accept that or go to hell.", "Deacon: I think he's lucky you even give a damn about him.", "Nikki: I worry about that myself sometimes. What am I doing? But I have to say, he's given me two beautiful children who I adore. And--and we have had... we have had some happy years. (Sighs) (Chuckles) (Sighs) And, you know, he thinks that we're the lucky ones to be in his world. He will die believing that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Something wrong, Sweetheart?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Meggie: Does your chest hurt?", "Victor: (Groans)", "Meggie: Are you feeling a little light-headed, nauseous?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Meggie: Don't worry. It'll be over soon.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Meggie: Very soon.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Lauren, you know I would never, ever, ever do anything to hurt you.", "Daniel: Yeah, we just want to make sure that this baby she's carrying isn't mine.", "Phyllis: Right.", "Lauren: Yeah, and-- and what if it is? Then what? She--she stays out of jail until the baby's born? Come on.", "Heather: We could put, uh, 24-hour surveillance on her. We could handcuff her to the bed.", "Phyllis: Right. Right.", "Lauren: No. No. No.", "Heather: Whatever would make you feel comfortable.", "Michael: Look, the only thing that would make Lauren more comfortable is if Daisy stays in jail.", "Phyllis: Michael. Michael. Michael.", "Michael: Look, I understand your predicament...", "Phyllis: (Groans)", "Michael: But there is too much at risk here. This is a dangerous, conniving woman, and she is trying to use this baby as a \"Get out of jail\" pass. Now if you let her do this, I will fight you.", "Heather: That won't be necessary.", "Lauren: I'm sorry, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Michael: No deal. You can still have a paternity test done in a county facility.", "Daisy: No, thanks. No private hospital, no test. Looks like junior stays behind bars. Bye, Daddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brock: (Sighs) Okay, remember, Thanksgiving, I'll be there to visit you. All right.", "Mac: Okay, we will set you a place at the table.", "Brock: All right, Dear.", "Mac: Ready?", "J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it.", "Mac: Okay.", "Victoria: Hey. Come here for a second. (Sighs) Okay, listen. (Clears throat) You need to button up here. It's a little bit cold out. It's gonna be cold in Washington, too. I wanted to talk to you about, uh, everything we discussed. Do you remember? I need you to brush your teeth every day and every night. And don't forget the back teeth, 'cause they're really important, too. (Sighs) And would you please do me a favor and don't jump on the bed, because you know it makes me so nervous? Right? When you go over to your friend's house, be sure to be polite, and say please and thank you.", "Reed: 'Cause you want to make a good impression.", "Victoria: Yes, that's right. And most importantly, though, just remember that if you ever miss me, you just close your eyes really tight. That's right. And wherever I am, I'll be thinking about you. And I'll be giving you a big hug, all right?", "Victoria: I love you so much.", "Reed: I love you, too, Mommy.", "J.T.: Let's go, Bud. Come on.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Whispers) You gotta go.", "Reed: (Whispers) I love you.", "Victoria: I love you, too. Now go.", "J.T.: All right. (Sighs)", "All: (Cheering)", "Brock: It's gonna be fine.", "Chloe: Whoo!", "Brock: All right, good.", "Mac: We love you!", "Victoria: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Hey, they're showing \"Airplane\" in the media room in ten minutes. Come on, what do you say? We could both use a laugh, right?", "Nikki: No, I-I-I don't feel like it. You go ahead.", "Deacon: I'm not bailing on you.", "Nikki: (Sighs) No, you're not.", "Deacon: No, I'm not.", "Nikki: Thank you... somehow doesn't seem... enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Gasps)", "Meggie: What's the matter, tough guy?", "Victor: (Groans)", "Meggie: Not feeling well?", "Victor: (Groans, coughs)", "Meggie: To call an ambulance, or not to call an ambulance?", "Victor: (Wheezes)", "Meggie: Well, really, I mean, why waste the money? And it is my money...", "Victor: (Groans, coughs)", "Meggie: Or it will be if you could just hurry up and die.", "Victor: (Groans) (Sighs) (Growls)", "Meggie: Aah!", "Victor: What's the rush?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: It's our final divorce decree.", "Kay: Murphy, uh, wh-- Darling, what is it?", "Nikki: Tell me all about your wedding and your new wife." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick gives Sharon permission to take Faith on a trip to rebuild their mother/daughter bond. Sharon takes Faith to New Mexico and is happy to introduce her to Piper. Sam is also thrilled that Sharon has returned to New Mexico because her soul is there. Heather has verbal confrontations with Adam, Ricky and Nick because she thinks all three men are responsible for ruining her career and her life. Heather decides to head to New York to visit her mother while she figures out what to do, since she can't be a lawyer anymore. Paul and Heather have an emotional good-bye. She tells him that Ricky took the pictures of her with Adam. An angry Paul later confronts Ricky and tells him that he is his son but he doesn't know him at all. Ricky tells Avery to sue Phyllis and teach her a lesson she will never forget. Nick and Phyllis have a huge fight because he thinks she posted the pictures on the blog just to make Avery angry. Phyllis gets angry with Nick for taking Avery's side and goes to Ronan's to have sex.", "Avery serves Nick and Phyllis with court papers detailing a civil and criminal lawsuit brought against them and the magazine by Ricky. Nick later goes to Avery's hotel room to tell her he will pay Ricky whatever he wants in order to stop the lawsuit. Avery promises to talk to Ricky. Nick is surprised at how different Avery is from Phyllis. Avery thinks Nick's compliment is sweet. She grabs him and gives him a kiss, which leads to passionate sex. Victor offers Adam a job at Newman Enterprises so that he will stay in town. Adam thinks it's a trick but Victor wants to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. Phyllis and Ronan's passionate sex is interrupted by a phone call. When Ronan puts the phone on speaker, he hears audio of Nick and Diane's argument the night she died in which Nick threatens to kill her if she does anything to hurt anyone in his family.", "" ]
[ "Adam: So much for lawyer-client privilege.", "Avery: Excuse me?", "Adam: I told you about that memory card in confidence, and you went running to the cops, didn't you?", "Avery: Unlike you, I have ethics. I didn't tell anyone, not that I didn't want to.", "Adam: Mm, how did Malloy find out about this?", "Avery: Because they dragged the creek for the Jenkins murder investigation. Call it a hand of fate, Adam. I'm just glad they did it.", "Adam: And this all miraculously came out the day that Sharon's trial resumed? The state bar might be interested to find out about this.", "Avery: You're just upset because you didn't get to be the one to save her from a situation you put her in, and I am so glad about that, 'cause you did not deserve to be her hero.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: This, I think, is the most incredible morning of my life. I woke up in my own bed in my own house and with my wonderful children.", "Noah: Well, you left out \"Brilliant,\" \"Clever,\" and \"Talented.\"", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, those, too.", "Victor: I'm so happy to see you home again.", "Noah: I bet it's pretty intense down at the guardhouse, huh?", "Victor: Well, you know, it's swarming with reporters. They want to get a shot of your mother now that she's free. I'll beef up security for a while, okay?", "Sharon: (Sighs) I just want things to get back to normal.", "Victor: You mentioned that you might want a few days with Faith to go away on vacation. If you still intend to do that, then just know my jet is at your disposal, okay?", "Noah: Well, I think you should do it, Mom. Seriously. You two get away someplace quiet where you can reconnect.", "Sharon: Believe me, your father would never let that happen.", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Come in.", "Noah: Hey, Dad.", "Nick: The gang's all here.", "Victor: Hey, Son.", "Faith: Hi, Daddy.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Sharon: Daddy.", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Victor: That's daddy. That's right.", "Faith: Daddy. Hi, Daddy.", "Victor: Well, Noah and I were just about to take Faith to see the horses.", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Nick: Let's do it.", "Sharon: You want to see the horses? Go with Noah. Your brother's gonna take you to see the horseys.", "Victor: Go with Noah, okay?", "Sharon: Fun.", "Faith: Go see the horseys?", "Noah: The horseys?", "Faith: The horseys. I want to see.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) She's so cute.", "Victor: (Quietly) Um, why don't you bring it up with him? Never know what happens.", "Faith: Go outside.", "Noah: Are you gonna keep me company?", "Faith: Yep.", "Noah: Outside with us? Want to go outside with Grandpa?", "Victor: (Normal voice) There you are.", "Noah: Dad...", "Victor: Let's get this coat.", "Noah: I think it's a good idea.", "Victor: And my coat.", "Nick: Okay.", "Victor: Put it on you, Sweetheart. Here we go. Whoa.", "Noah: Let's do it outside.", "Victor: Oh, outside. Outside. Okay.", "Nick: What's a good idea?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, Faith and I have been separated for a long time, and we need to bond again.", "Nick: So you want more time with Faith?", "Sharon: Yes, but not here. I want to take her away on a trip. I know that you said you don't trust me, but I'm hoping that you will give us this time together, away from the media circus. My daughter and I need each other, Nick. Please say that you'll let us do this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Ronan: My favorite suspect.", "Phyllis: Am I still on your list?", "Ronan: Right on top of it.", "Phyllis: Wow. What's a girl gotta do to get the heat off?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: That picture that's in the paper-- what's the deal with that? I mean, is Heather with... is Heather with Adam?", "Paul: Hell, no. He played her yet again. He bought her drinks, got her to let her guard down. Then he lured her up into his room where he had a photographer waiting.", "Chance: Why?", "Paul: It was his twisted way of getting a mistrial so Sharon could build a defense. If the prosecutor...", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Paul: Was having a fling with one of the state's main witnesses, they--", "Chance: Damn. Damn. Um, so is there any way that this whole thing's gonna blow over for Heather?", "Paul: Spencer already fired her. Heather's devastated, and it's all because of Adam.", "Chance: That would be his specialty, wouldn't it? Wrecking other people's lives.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approach)", "Avery: You okay?", "Ricky: No, no, no, I'm not okay. These pictures are everywhere. Take a look. (Sighs)", "Avery: \"Free... and easy.\" Oh, boy.", "Ricky: When the charges were dropped against Sharon, I thought I could just shred 'em, delete them from my camera. Obviously, Phyllis doesn't care if this is gonna hurt Heather. All she cares about is her damn story.", "Avery: Well, I drew up the paperwork last night if you want to go through with the civil suit.", "Ricky: What are my chances?", "Avery: She published your pictures without your permission. I'd say it's a slam dunk. But if you're gonna pursue this, you have to claim ownership. Everyone will know you took those pictures.", "Ricky: No. No way. Forget it. I can't have Heather ever finding out about this or dad.", "Avery: Could be a huge award.", "Ricky: It's not worth it.", "Avery: All right, it's your call, but if I were you... (Sighs) I would sue.", "Heather: I need to speak with my brother.", "Ricky: What's up?", "Heather: I heard something last night-- something that was so upsetting, I could barely sleep, and I tracked you down so I could hear the truth.", "Ricky: About?", "Heather: Tell me Phyllis was lying, Ricky. Tell me that you didn't really take those pictures.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Keep the change.", "Paul: You know, I hope the day never comes when someone does to your daughter what you and Adam did to mine.", "Phyllis: Oh. Me and Adam? Get your facts straight before you attack me.", "Paul: Oh, really? You're going to deny working with that sleaze? Well, then why don't you explain yourself?", "Phyllis: I didn't work with Ad--I will. I didn't work with Adam. This move is vintage Adam. We were not in cahoots, Paul. You know, I-I never even knew about those photographs until a photographer brought them to me hoping to cash in.", "Paul: Okay, who was the photographer? Give me a name.", "Phyllis: You're the detective. You figure it out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I think I left some files in my room. Excuse me.", "Heather: Phyllis was lying. Right, Ricky?", "Ricky: (Stammers) (Sighs) I never gave her those pictures. She stole them and then she put them on the internet without my permission.", "Heather: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. So she was telling the truth. You took them?!", "Ricky: If you'd just let me explain, we--we--", "Heather: I mean, how could my own brother do this to me?", "Woman: Hey, Karen Dodd with \"The Chronicle.\" Is it true you were having sex with a witness in the Sharon Newman case?", "Man: And who took the photos?", "Ricky: Ms. Stevens has nothing to say about this right now. Now get the hell out.", "Man: Okay.", "Heather: Do you see what you've done? You're as bad as they are. Oh, my God, Ricky, what did-- what did I ever do to you?", "Ricky: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I promise, I'll make this better.", "Heather: No! You can't. You can't make this better. Just-- just get away from me, okay? I can't stand to be near you.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "(Footsteps approach)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Feel free to swing by the tack house and get whatever you'll need for Faith.", "Victor: Son, I'm very glad you're making this possible, all right?", "Nick: Hey, Beautiful, you're gonna go on a trip with mommy, okay? Daddy loves you so much, and I'll see you soon. Mwah! You be a good girl.", "Noah: Hey, Faith, I am gonna make a snack for you and Mom on the plane. You want to help me? You want to help?", "Faith: Mm, yeah.", "Noah: Come on, let's go.", "Victor: Sharon, I'm going to call the pilot, get it ready, okay?", "Sharon: Okay. Um... (Clears throat) I know that you must feel like you're-- you're taking a real chance.", "Nick: Yesterday, I would have felt that way. But today, I know I'm looking at the Sharon I used to know.", "Sharon: Well, Faith is my priority, my only priority.", "Nick: I know you'd never do anything to hurt her. So I want you to have a good trip. You two have a lot of time to make up for.", "Sharon: Thank you. You have no idea what a great gift this is.", "Nick: Well, keep in touch.", "Sharon: All right, every day.", "Nick: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: What in the hell was Heather thinking messing around with Adam Newman?", "Chance: (Sighs) Paul told me that Adam maneuvered the whole thing, trying to force a mistrial so he could help Sharon. No one knew that you were gonna show up at the courtroom with that memory card and save the day, though.", "Ronan: So if the pictures weren't needed anymore, then...", "Chance: Why were they published? Pure sensationalism. I bet the guy that took the pictures-- the guy with the camera-- made a nice little buck.", "Ronan: Where does this leave Heather exactly?", "Chance: (Sighs) Unemployed.", "Ronan: What is it with that girl, huh? I mean, she can't seem to catch a break.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thanks for ruining my life... again. I guess it serves me right for thinking that you could ever have even an ounce of humanity.", "Adam: (Sighs) I didn't have anything to do with those pictures being published.", "Heather: You set me up, Adam. You had my own brother take them. You may not have handed the prints to Phyllis, but you were prepared to expose me in court.", "Adam: This was never about you, Heather.", "Heather: No, of course not, because nothing you ever do is about anyone but yourself. Someday, Adam, all the terrible things that you've done are going to catch up with you. Too bad I won't be around to see it happen.", "Heather: And you-- trashing my career just to sell a few magazines. That was... just plain cruel and unnecessary. The trial was over. Sharon was free. I really thought you were a better man than that, Nick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You take-- you take the orange one, okay? Now let's see. I do the--I-- there we go. You see? There we go. You got everything?", "Sharon: Um, I think so.", "Victor: All right.", "Noah: Hey, Mom, did you remember to pack Lulu?", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh, uh, which one is that?", "Noah: It's the lamb. It's her new favorite. I-I can check the room over at Dad's if you want.", "Sharon: Would you mind?", "Noah: Yeah, sure. Okay, I will be right back.", "Victor: Noah's gonna take you. Noah's gonna take you. That's right.", "Noah: Hey, let's go make sure you have all the animals...", "Victor: Then we'll finish coloring.", "Noah: You want to take with you.", "Faith: My blankie!", "Victor: You want to take it?", "(Voices overlapping)", "Victor: That's right. Can't go without the blankie.", "Faith: I need to color.", "Noah: We're gonna color, too.", "Victor: That's right.", "Faith: I need to color.", "Noah: Can you reach the jacket for me?", "Victor: She's so sweet.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Put on your coat.", "Sharon: Lulu, I mean, I-I should have known about Lulu. I just--I-I've missed so much time with her.", "Victor: You will rectify that now, okay? Once you're ready, I'll have my helicopter take you to the airport. Then you're gonna be on the runway before the press gets wind of it.", "Sharon: I can't thank you enough for standing by me.", "Victor: If you need anything, you'll call, all right?", "Sharon: I know you're the one person I can count on. I'm gonna miss you.", "Victor: I'm gonna miss you, too.", "Victor: Okay.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring) (Ring)", "Adam: Sharon?", "Sharon: Hi. I need to see you right away. Can you come over to my house?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. Wow, 5,000 more hits-- insane. You go, Heather. Go!", "Nick: Yeah, we'll see how proud you are when we're sued into oblivion.", "Phyllis: What, you couldn't change Avery's mind when you went after her last night?", "Nick: I've just seen firsthand the destruction you've wreaked on Heather's life.", "Phyllis: Nick, why did you buy this magazine back from Billy if you don't want to be a success?", "Nick: (Sighs) You crossed the line--again, like you did with the Devon story, and I am tired of being the only person in the room who's aware of the collateral damage that you've caused.", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me? I did not make Heather make out with Adam. I did not make her go into his hotel room.", "Nick: I'm not talking about Heather. I'm talking about what your impulsive behavior has also done to us.", "Phyllis: Wow. Last I knew, my \"Impulsive behavior\" got you kind of hot.", "Nick: There's nothing hot about being reckless with other people's lives.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I hoped you'd call. I'm glad you did.", "Sharon: I know you what did-- setting up Heather with those photos, like some misguided attempt at a mistrial would make up for all the damage you've done.", "Adam: Sharon--I was helping you.", "Sharon: You had nothing to do with my being freed. In fact, I'm positive that it was you who tried to destroy the one piece of evidence that proved I did not kill Skye.", "Adam: That evidence wouldn't have existed if I hadn't gone to Thailand and hunted down Koa. When everyone thought that you were dead, Sharon, including myself, I had every single memory card searched to clear your name. No one else did that. I did. You are free because of that memory card, and that memory card exists because of me.", "Sharon: And how many months did I spend in prison because of your jealousy and your vindictiveness?", "Adam: Why am I here?", "Sharon: Because I wanted to tell you to your face that I'm going out of town, and I don't ever, ever want to see you again.", "Adam: Where are you going?", "Sharon: Somewhere where I can reconnect with my child, the one that you have continuously kept me from. And somewhere where I can find myself again.", "Adam: Like New Orleans? Sharon, if you think you can push me out of your life entirely, then you're kidding yourself. You and I cannot quit each other. You know that, and I know that. Someday, you'll need me.", "Sharon: Never again.", "Adam: And when that day comes, the question will be, will I still be there?", "Sharon: Don't hold your breath.", "Sharon: It's Sharon. I'm ready. We can leave anytime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Let me tell you something, I saved Sharon from a lifetime in prison. I did that solely. You should be thanking me. Instead, you're jumping down my throat.", "Nick: Those pictures that you put online did not exonerate Sharon. It was the memory card that got the charges dropped.", "Phyllis: That I found.", "Nick: The memory card was the story. That's the story, all right? Instead, you stole photographs from a trial from an attorney.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs)", "Nick: And you didn't bother telling me.", "Phyllis: Nick, why are you doing this? We are trying to sell magazines.", "Nick: It's not about magazines!", "Phyllis: We are trying to run a magazine!", "Nick: It's not about magazines. It's not even about Adam and Heather. This is about you stealing from your sister, because you knew it would piss her off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: I'm suing the bitch. I want Phyllis to pay for this.", "Avery: Trust me, she will. In addition to seeking redress for publishing the work without permission or recompense, I think... I think we should tack on emotional pain and suffering for the damage this has caused your relationship with your family.", "Ricky: Right on. I want you to get every nickel you can. I want to teach Phyllis a lesson that she will never forget.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You're leaving town? When?", "Heather: My flight's in a couple of hours.", "Paul: Wow. (Sighs) I, um, well, I guess, um, getting out of town for a bit isn't the worst idea.", "Heather: It's a one-way ticket. I'm not coming back.", "Paul: Oh, Honey--", "Heather: Please, please don't try to talk me out of it, okay? I mean, this town has just been one disaster after another. (Sighs)", "Paul: You know, we can get through this. We can. You know, you, your brother, and I, we're just starting to become a family. We even talked about spending the holidays together, right?", "Heather: After what he did to me, I never want to see him again.", "Paul: What? Wh-what did he do?", "Heather: Well, let's put it this way-- Ricky's idea of being a journalist is joining the paparazzi.", "Paul: Are you telling me that it was Ricky that took the pictures?", "Heather: Yeah. Pretty mind-blowing, huh?", "Paul: A-are you sure? I mean, I-it's not a mistake? Are you sure it was him?", "Heather: When I confronted him about it, he admitted it. What kind of a person does this?", "Paul: I-- I have no idea. I'm so sorry.", "Heather: I just-- I need to get away for a while, clear my head, make a fresh start, figure out what I am gonna do with myself if I can't be a lawyer anymore. Will you at least try to understand?", "Paul: I do. Just don't, um, ask me to be happy about it.", "Heather: Well, I'm not too thrilled with the way things turned out, either.", "Paul: So, um, where will you go?", "Heather: I was thinking of staying with mom for a while. It's a lot easier to be anonymous in New York City than here.", "Paul: Yeah. Is there anything I can do for you on this end?", "Heather: Well... (Sighs) I already sublet the apartment and most of the furniture, but if you could sell my car, that'd be helpful.", "Paul: I'll take care of it.", "Heather: Thanks... for everything.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hey, hold up a second.", "Ricky: What?", "Adam: I'm sorry our, uh, little collaboration didn't go as we'd hoped, but you really delivered, Kid. You can be my go-to guy.", "Ricky: (Scoffs) How about you go to hell? I don't want to be your friend, Adam. I don't want to work with you. I am nothing like you. If it were up to me, I'd never deal with you again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. I cannot believe this. I cannot believe that you are taking that woman's side!", "Nick: Oh, that is enough. That is--lower your voice.", "Phyllis: I cannot believe you!", "Nick: Lower your voice. Guys, can you just... that's enough. That is not what I am doing.", "Phyllis: What are you doing?", "Nick: I'm trying to get you to open your eyes to see how much useless energy you are wasting competing with this woman.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I am competing with her? You have no idea who she is. You have no idea what you are talking about.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Avery: Good, you're here. I have something for you.", "Phyllis: What do you want?", "Avery: Take it. You've just been served. Ricky Williams is suing you for using his work without payment or permission.", "Nick: That is awesome.", "Avery: Well, that's just the beginning, Nick. I'm also filing a criminal complaint. Those photographs were part of a defense exhibit for a murder trial, that you stole out of a courtroom, no less. Good luck finding any leniency with the judge on that one. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be broke and on your way to prison, but then, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?", "Phyllis: I cannot believe that.", "Nick: Really? You can't?", "Phyllis: You have no idea who she is. You have no clue.", "Nick: Avery's not the problem, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Oh, of course she's not the problem! Right?!", "Nick: You never consider the consequences of your actions.", "Phyllis: Consequences? Really? You want some consequences, Baby? Watch this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Chance?", "Chance: Hi.", "Heather: What are you doing here?", "Chance: I, um, I thought maybe you could use a friend.", "Chance: (Sighs) You're leaving?", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Chance: I'm sorry.", "Heather: Me, too. But it's what I have to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sorry, I'm all out of sugar.", "Victor: Sharon told me all about your visit before she left. How does it feel to realize you no longer have any power over her?", "Adam: If you came here to gloat, you can go now.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Just one moment. Now that Sharon is gone and the trial is over and your hedge fund is in limbo, and you probably don't know what the hell to do with your time...", "Adam: You here to tell me to leave town for the 8,000th time?", "Victor: I'm here to give you reason to stay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Avery: Nick.", "Nick: Yeah, sorry for, uh, just stopping by. I should have called first, but I really need to talk to you.", "Avery: I'm gonna guess Phyllis doesn't know you're here.", "Nick: Is there any way we can make this go away without calling the police or taking this to court?", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Nick: Honestly, Ricky can name his price with me, and I will pay him because of those photos.", "Avery: You know, it must be nice for Phyllis having you around to clean up all her messes.", "Nick: I don't approve of what she did, Avery, but \"Restless Style\" is mine, all right? It belongs to me, so I'd like to make this right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: (Gasps) Surprise! (Giggles)", "Sam: Hey.", "Sharon: Faith, can you say hi to Sam?", "Faith: Hi.", "Sam: How are you, Faith? (Stammers) I had no... I mean, I did... (Sighs) Get in here, Woman.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Are you sure that it's okay? I mean, you know, that we're here.", "Sam: Come on. You don't have to ask.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: So what time is your plane?", "Heather: Uh, not till 6:00, but I have to stop by the post office on my way to the airport to ship-- oh. (Laughs)", "Chance: Thank you.", "Heather: To ship all these boxes, so, um, the cab is coming pretty soon.", "Chance: Why don't you cancel it? I'll give you a lift.", "Heather: All right, \"A,\" I'm sure you have better things to do, and \"B,\" I... hate good-byes at the airport.", "Chance: (Chuckles) Fine. We don't have to say good-bye. We could, um, we can say \"Catch you later.\" How about that? Or \"See you soon,\" or something else, something other.", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Chance: All right? And also, we--we can talk. You know, we keep in contact on --on FacePlace and sending e-mails and we can still send those cheesy Christmas cards with the pictures in the hats and...", "Heather: (Laughs) You're a good guy.", "Chance: You, too-- Girl. You--", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Chance: You're a good-- you know what? I'm--you know what I mean, right?", "Heather: I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: When Adam called me, I didn't know it was Heather.", "Paul: When you found out it was your sister, you should have put your camera down and walked away. There never should have been any pictures, because you never should have taken them!", "Ricky: I'll make it up to her.", "Paul: Oh, really? How are you gonna do that? You have destroyed her life here. She's leaving town. She's--she's leaving tonight.", "Ricky: Well, then we gotta stop her.", "Paul: How are you gonna stop her even if you could? You know, there are some things that can't be undone. If you had a shred of decency to're my son. But, really, Ricky? Really, who the hell are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Piper: I rushed right over as soon as my chores were done.", "Sam: Good. You ready for your surprise?", "Faith: (Babbles) Uh-huh. Uh-huh.", "Piper: Sharon!", "Sharon: Hi, Piper.", "Piper: Oh, my gosh. I've missed you so much!", "Sharon: (Chuckles) I missed you, too, Sweetheart.", "Piper: Are you... I mean, is it okay and everything?", "Sharon: Yep, you know what? The charges were dropped, and I'm free, and so I came for a visit.", "Sam: Pretty neat, huh?", "Piper: Awesome. Is this...", "Sharon: This is my daughter Faith. And, um, she likes to color and play with her dolls and her stuffed animals.", "Piper: Hey, Faith. I'm Piper. I love to color, too. You and I are gonna be good friends. Is this your lamb?", "Sharon: This is Lulu.", "Piper: What a pretty name. I have a lamb, too. Well, she's getting to be a grown-up sheep now. Her name's Fanny. Your mom named her. You and Lulu have to come meet her.", "Sam: I understand why you came back. Your soul is here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You want me to stay in town?", "Victor: You come work with me at Newman.", "Adam: If it looks like a trick, it smells like a trick.", "Victor: Uh-huh. No tricks, all right? The offer is genuine.", "Adam: What are you up to, Pop?", "Victor: You know the old saying, Son? \"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I can't make any promises. But I'll talk to Ricky, convey your sincere desire to handle things amicably.", "Nick: Thank you. I appreciate that.", "Avery: You--you're welcome. You're staring.", "Nick: Uh, yeah, I know. Um, I don't know. Sometimes I just have a hard time believing that you and Phyllis are sisters. I mean, you guys are total opposites.", "Avery: Well, I can say the same thing about you and your brother.", "Nick: When I see you doing your thing, you know, this thing that you do, it's really something.", "Avery: Thank you. That's very sweet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings)", "Ronan: (Muttering) Malloy.", "Diane: Get your hands off me, or I'll be the one pressing charges!", "Nick: Shut up. You shut up. I'm sick of you threatening my family. I'm telling you right now, I'm not gonna let it happen anymore. I will kill you before I let you hurt them again. Do you hear me? I'll kill you! I'll kill you... I'll kill you... I'll kill you... I'll kill you...", "[NEXT_ON]", "Woman: Just leave me alone." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack bumps into Hilary and accidentally breaks her phone so he offers and offers to pay for a new phone. Hilary tells Jack she is leaving town because of all the bad things she has done. Jack tries to persuade her to stay because Genoa City is a great place for people who need a second chance. Cane and Lily decide to find a way to work together at a new job, but they have not figured out where they want to work yet. Lily rips into Hilary after she apologizes for hurting her family. Jack defends Hilary and reminds Cane and Lily that they have both gotten several opportunities at a second chance, so they should stop being so hard on Hilary. Chelsea signs the divorce papers that Dylan gives her and hopes that he finds the love and happiness that he deserves.", "Adam and Billy both have a hard time dealing with the guilt they feel about Delia's death. Adam decides to tell Connor what happened the night Delia died. Adam holds Connor as he tells him that the night Delia died, he was distracted thinking that he would never see again, and he shouldn't have been driving a car. Adam tells Connor that he swerved to miss Dash, then got out and saw the dog was okay, so he drove away because he had no idea he hit Delia. Adam then makes a video on his computer admitting that he killed Delia. Billy is so determined to get justice for his daughter that he brings a person that the police have already interviewed and released back to the police station. The man almost presses charges, but Victoria talks him out of it saying that Billy is grieving. The police arrive at Adam's house to talk to him about his car to see if the car was the one that hit Delia.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Billy?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Victoria: Hey. Did you sleep at all last night?", "[Keyboard clacking]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: [Gasps] Sorry.", "Chelsea: Oh, God. Sorry about what?", "Adam: Uh, I'm sorry that...I fell asleep.", "Chelsea: That's what people do at night, Adam. They beds.", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: What's wrong?", "Adam: [Sighs] I fell asleep on the couch, Chelsea. That's it. Nothing's wrong.", "Chelsea: The bad stuff is in the past. Connor can see. Everything is looking up for him. Things are good, Adam. So what is wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I don't know what my dad was thinking, hiring Hilary. The entire staff should resign, to not work around that woman.", "Cane: I don't think she's gonna be an issue anymore. I made it clear to her I don't want her to stay, and I think Neil realizes it, too.", "Lily: Cane, her life has revolved around making our family miserable long? And now she gets to work this closely with my dad? I'm sorry. She's not getting away with this.", "Cane: But she can't hurt us anymore now we know who she is. I mean, why would she even want to stay? What reason does she have?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Yeah.", "Hilary: Ooh. My gosh.", "Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, let me call you back.", "Hilary: It's okay. No harm done.", "Jack: No, I got it. I got it. Oh. Yeah, maybe there is some harm done.", "Hilary: [Chuckles] Wow. I should have seen this coming.", "Jack: Any way I can make it up to you?", "Hilary: How about a new life a million miles away?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Here. Sit. I'll, uh -- I'll grab you a coffee. You want a scone or a muffin? Protein -- I think you should have some protein.", "Chloe: Or maybe you should sit. At least I slept last night.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, but not enough.", "Chloe: Which only you know because you woke up every time that I had a Delia dream or a bad nightmare. [Sighs] I mean, you rubbed my back until I fell asleep. [Sighs]", "Kevin: Well, I told you that you wouldn't be alone. Last night, tomorrow...whenever you kick me out of the Chancellor house. I'm still gonna be there -- a phone call away...hiding in the bushes. You're not alone, Chloe, and you're not going to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Kevin: Hey.", "Dylan: Hey. How you doing? How -- how's, uh, Chloe doing?", "Kevin: Uh, okay. She appreciated the flowers that you sent. Delia was big on bright colors, and, uh, she would have loved those.", "Dylan: Yeah. I just remember the purple sneakers she would always wear. I just wanted to match them.", "Kevin: Uh, I'm trying to get her to eat, so, um, I guess just one of everything.", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. You got it. You got it. [Clears throat]", "Kevin: Hey, is this legal stuff, uh, Crimson Lights related, 'cause I can help you out if you --", "Dylan: Uh, no. That's -- that's actually, uh -- it's not business. The only one who can deal with this is me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I guess it's just a fear hangover. Takes a little while for...good news like this to sink in.", "Chelsea: [Chuckling] Okay. Well, you need to get over that, Adam. I mean, just this morning, I was sitting in bed with Connor, and I was just looking into his eyes. Oh, my God! He has such beautiful eyes! You don't want to miss out on another second of that. You deserve to be happy with your son!", "Adam: I know what I deserve. You can save yourself the energy and stop faking concern for me.", "Chelsea: This isn't fake? Why are you being this way?", "Adam: Do yourself a favor and stop acting like you care, all right? Crisis averted. We're done. It's over. You're moving out, and we're gonna split time with the baby.", "Chelsea: Is that why you're acting this way? Adam, come on. Connor's surgery, his diagnosis -- its good news. We've made it to the other side! This is exactly what we wanted, so I thought we were okay!", "Adam: We? No, no, no, no. There is no \"We,\" all right?", "Chelsea: Well, hold on. Why are you starting an argument with me after everything we've just been through together?", "Adam: You have no idea what we have just been through.", "Chelsea: Excuse me? How can you say something like that? I have been there every step of the way. We wanted the same thing for Connor, and now we've -- we've gotten what we wanted!", "Adam: What I want...what you want -- it doesn't matter. Universe doesn't give a damn what we want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I've been doing research. See? Statistics. Do you know how many kids are killed by a driver every year? Too many. Do you know how many of those drivers just leave the kids on the side of the road? Too many. Do you know what happens to those drivers, those killers, those murderers? Not much. Um...maximum prison sentence, if they find the guy, if they actually get a trial, if they get a conviction -- 25 years. That's nothing. 'Cause, see, Delia -- Delia's gone. Gone. She doesn't get 25 years. She doesn't get 2 years. She doesn't get one week. She gets nothing. So there is no justice, not according to my research. My daughter, my little girl -- she gets no justice.", "Victoria: [Voice breaking] You're right. It's awful. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. And I'm angry, too, okay? But this isn't helping you, Billy. It's -- y-you got to -- I don't know!", "Billy: I'm sorry. What -- get over it?", "Victoria: No. I would never ask you to do that. I'm on your side. It's just that last night, we talked about you figuring out some way to get through this, you know -- some way for you to deal with this pain that you're going through, and you said that you would try to find some help.", "Billy: No, what we agreed on was I couldn't just sit alone in the dark, 'cause that wasn't doing me any good. So I got up, I turned on the light, I pulled out that laptop, and now I know exactly how I'm gonna get through this.", "Victoria: You -- you can't just -- where are you going?", "Billy: I'm gonna find the guy who killed my little girl.", "Victoria: Billy, the police are trying to do that right now!", "Billy: Yeah? Are they? I'm gonna try harder.", "Victoria: And when you find the person -- then what?", "Billy: Well, then the punishment will finally fit the crime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Thanks for letting me use your phone.", "Jack: Oh, the least I could do. Were you able to find a replacement before you got on your flight?", "Hilary: Um, well, no. I was actually just looking for flights when you and I...", "Jack: When worlds collided.", "Hilary: Yeah. [Chuckles] I figured I'd have something booked by the time I got to the airport, but...", "Jack: Booking a ticket on the way to the airport. Uh, you are the spontaneous type.", "Hilary: No. No, no, no. Well, I don't really know what type I am now. But usually, I am a planner, down to the tiniest detail.", "Jack: Well, you will need a phone to get back in planning mode. I'll buy.", "Hilary: No, you don't --", "Jack: No, no. Wait, wait. You buy it. Send me the receipt. I'll take care of it. Here.", "Hilary: Jack Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Sweetheart, the second we found out who Hilary was, she lost all of her power, okay? So, whether she goes back to Europe or stays here, she can't hurt us anymore. So if you want to stay at Jabot, stay at Jabot.", "Lily: Do I?", "Cane: I don't know. Do you?", "Lily: Working in the makeup division isn't as exciting as starting up fashion.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Lily: And, uh, I mean the actual work, not who I was working with.", "Cane: I know you're not talking about Tyler, okay? I know you're a model. I know you love fashion.", "Lily: I don't know. Maybe that's not even the issue. I mean, maybe I just miss working with you.", "Cane: Even when we butt heads?", "Lily: Especially then. I don't know, should we...try it again?", "Cane: I don't know. I kind of like the sound of this. You know, I was at Chancellor -- what? -- A couple of months? I missed you.", "Lily: [Chuckles] So...shall we?", "Cane: What? Mix business and pleasure? Hmm? Well, you know what? We actually put together a pretty successful sting against Hilary, didn't we? Maybe...", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: We should start our own private detective agency.", "Lily: Oh, yes, please, 'cause that worked so well. Yeah. She tried to drug you and then -- what? -- Made it seem like you guys had sex. Yeah, let's do that again! I would love to. [Chuckles]", "Cane: Mm, good point. Good point. But, you know, whatever we do, it's gonna take a lot of energy, if we start something from scratch.", "Lily: Well, we'd be making it our own.", "Cane: Make it something we believe in.", "Lily: I guess it wouldn't really be work, then, would it?", "Cane: Anything that would let me spend more time with you wouldn't be work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: [Grunts]", "Chloe: [Sighs] I'm really not that hungry.", "Kevin: You don't have to eat all of it, but maybe just take a bite out of everything, you know, like a taste test. Make sure Dylan's keeping up standards.", "Chloe: Kevin, I --", "Kevin: Oh, listen to this. There's this show at the museum I've been jonesing to see. It's all on vintage jewelry. What? I love accessories.", "Chloe: I think you're talking about me.", "Kevin: Oh, yeah. I knew it was one of us.", "Chloe: You know, you can't babysit me forever, Kevin.", "Kevin: They have Bakelite. You love Bakelite.", "Chloe: [Sighs] What about your day, your life?", "Kevin: I'm good.", "Chloe: And so am I. At least, I will be for a few hours. You need to let me out of your sight so I can do something. I need to do something for Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Moving in with Connor -- it was the right choice, for all of us. It gave you a chance to see me with him. It gave me a chance to see you with him. It was great for Connor to be with both of us at a time when he really needed us.", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: But he's well now, Adam.", "Connor: [Crying]", "Chelsea: Ohh. He's well, and we're not a couple,'s time for me to move out. You can get as angry as you want, you can call as many lawyers as you want, but it's -- it's what has to happen next.", "Connor: [Fusses]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Connor: [Grunting]", "Chelsea: Hello?", "Dylan: Hey. It's -- its Dylan. I was hoping I could see you today.", "Chelsea: Sure. The coffeehouse?", "Dylan: Is, uh -- is now okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah, of course. I'll be right there.", "Connor: [Crying]", "Chelsea: Oh. Okay. Well, you want some, um, quality alone time with your son?", "Connor: [Cries]", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: Come here.", "Connor: [Fussing]", "Adam: Come here, you. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hi.", "Chelsea: We both love him, Adam.", "Connor: [Crying]", "Adam: Hey.", "Chelsea: Everything we do from this day forward, we just have to...keep that in mind.", "Connor: [Fussing]", "Chelsea: Love you.", "Adam: Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Daddy's here. Daddy's here. Hey, Peanut. You know everything I do, I do because I love you, and I remember that I love you? And when I look in your eyes... I remember.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Well, this is the second time in less than 24 hours.", "Jack: Well, that must be a sign of something. I'm not sure what -- maybe that I owe you a phone.", "Hilary: Neil gave me your card. He suggested that I get in touch with you.", "Jack: Wait a minute. You''re Hilary.", "Hilary: Oh. He told you about me.", "Jack: Yeah, he did.", "Hilary: Well, there you go. That's why I didn't bother calling.", "Jack: I promised Neil I would meet with you.", "Hilary: Did he tell you everything?", "Jack: I trust Neil. And I owe Neil. And he probably figured if someone needs a fresh start, that I would understand.", "Hilary: Yeah, in another country.", "Jack: You're that determined to leave town, huh?", "Hilary: Genoa City... it isn't my home. And if Neil can accept me being here, that's one thing. But... his family's never gonna forgive me.", "Jack: So they're just supposed to hand forgiveness over? You don't have to stick around and earn it?", "Hilary: I didn't say that.", "Jack: Oh. Maybe I misunderstood.", "Hilary: Shouldn't you be encouraging me to go -- I mean, since you know all about me?", "Jack: Well, apparently, you don't know anything about me. I lost my halo a long time ago. There is nothing you could dream of plotting that I haven't already done. You work for me, you'd have a hard time putting one over on me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You know, a daddy... a father, should be a model for his son.", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Adam: I haven't been much of a role model, huh? Not much reason for you to want to follow my lead. Plenty of reasons for you to be angry... ashamed.", "Connor: [Grunts]", "Adam: Yeah. But I love you, Peanut... more than you'll ever know. And these things that I've done recently -- the decisions that I've made -- I've always kept you in mind. And I want you to know that. I need you to know that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Cover two shifts. Is that okay? Okay.", "Chelsea: Hi. Sorry I, um, took so long.", "Dylan: Actually, that was pretty fast. Let's, uh -- let's go over here.", "Chelsea: You -- you look well.", "Dylan: Thank you. Uh, I thought I should go ahead... I had divorce papers drawn up.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Dylan: Uh, there's no point in waiting. You okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. No, I-I'm -- [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. I thought when you called -- when you called, I thought that maybe you had forgiven me, but, of course, obviously, you can't. And never will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Camera chimes]", "Adam: It was a very bad night. It was the night that we found out that -- that you might not be able to see. I had no... reason... to be behind a wheel. But there I was. I was driving. My thoughts were on you. And then a little doggy... damn dog runs across the road. I swerved. I got out of the way. I... I stopped. I-I got out. I looked. I checked. Little doggy was fine. His tail was wagging. He runs off. He was fine. But there was a little girl. A little girl I didn't even know was there. Delia. I swear to you... I had no idea I even hit her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi, Jack. Um, it's Victoria. I was just wondering if Billy was with you. He, um... he was just really angry and worked up, and he ran out of here, and, um... [Sighs] ...Would you just call me if you hear from him? Or even if you don't, just --", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victoria: Okay. Um, yeah. Just call me. Thanks. Chloe. Hi. Uh, come on in.", "Chloe: Is, uh -- is Billy here?", "Victoria: No, he's not. Um... do you want to have a seat?", "Chloe: Do you know when he's gonna be back? I just really need to talk to him.", "Victoria: No, I-I - actually, I'm not sure.", "Chloe: Is everything okay? How's Billy doing?", "Victoria: You know... anger is just -- [Sighs] it's just a lot easier for him than grief, you know? [Scoffs] He's always got to be doing something, so... [Sighs] He thinks that if he can find the driver...Chloe...Billy left here looking for blood.", "Chloe: You say it like it's a bad thing. I hope that he finds that bastard. I hope that he makes him pay. And the only thing that I hope more is that I am there to watch it happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I take two minutes away from Chloe, and I find out you've arrested my nephew? It wasn't enough having my brother locked up?", "Alex: Yeah, that was my fault. Your brother got brought in for homicide. Fen was caught holding.", "Kevin: [Sighs] So, what can be done?", "Alex: Well, the chief's on both cases, so there's nothing we can do. [Clears throat]", "Kevin: I can't get Lauren on the phone. Chloe doesn't want me hovering. You can't get me get involved in Delia's hit-and-run, or give me an order! Tell me what to do! [Sighs] Never mind. Don't --don't do that. Just.. [Sighs] How about some good news? Progress. Tell me you're getting somewhere on finding Delia's killer.", "Alex: We are.", "Kevin: Don't joke with me about this.", "Alex: I'm not. I'm serious. We got a solid new lead on the S.U.V.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I imagine what I'll say to that guy when they find him and lock him up. You know, I think about... the pain and the misery that I will wish on him. [Voice breaking] I think about what I'll say in court during his sentencing.", "Victoria: [Voice breaking] I hope you get the chance to do that. I really do. I hope we all do. But that's not what Billy wants. I mean, he wants to find this guy and do God knows what, and risk everything that he still has.", "Chloe: Yeah, and it's still not gonna bring her back.", "Victoria: I know, but Billy's not there. He's just not there yet. He doesn't get that. I don't know. You seem... \"Better\" doesn't really seem like the -- the right word, but, I mean, how are you doing it?", "Chloe: [Crying] I don't know. You know, when you first hear the news, you think... \"I'll die. There's no way to hurt so much and keep breathing.\" [Crying] But you do. [Sniffles] You know? You breathe. My mom and Kevin -- they're really trying to help. You know, um... there's this game that Delia used to play... on the monkey bars. And she'd say that there were alligators underneath. And she would just try to swing from bar to bar and not get eaten. That's me. I'm just trying to swing from bar to bar and not fall off. So that's why I'm here today. You know, this is my monkey bar. I want to tell Billy that the cornea transplant worked. [Sniffles] Because of Delia, a little boy can see. She's magic... our little girl.", "Victoria: That's really wonderful.", "Chloe: [Crying]", "Victoria: Billy needs to hear that.", "[Telephone rings]", "Victoria: That's Jack. He said he's gonna call if he heard from Billy. [Sniffles] Hello. Yes, this is Billy Abbott's wife. What happened to him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: You know, I don't know how I'm gonna feel about all this next month or next year, but now I-I can't get past the lie. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression on the phone.", "Chelsea: Oh, no. No, no. That -- it's not your fault. It was...pure wishful thinking on my part. So... um, divorce papers. No judge, no courtroom?", "Dylan: Uh, not if we file the petition together, you know? It's not like we shared... uh, property or assets. My attorney said it should be no -- no problem at all.", "Chelsea: Avery.", "Dylan: No. No, it's her partner, Leslie Michaelson.", "Chelsea: She's right. We don't have anything to divide because we didn't share anything.", "Dylan: You know, just have your lawyer look at it.", "Chelsea: No, I don't have to do that. Dylan, you are the most honest person I'll ever meet. And you married the least honest person you'll ever know. The least I can do is sign these -- sign these papers so you can... forget me. [Sniffles]", "Dylan: I-I don't -- I don't hate you.", "Chelsea: What?", "Dylan: I mean, if -- if that's what you're thinking. You know, I can't forgive you about Connor. I'm just -- you know, I'm not -- I'm not ready yet. Uh, but I'm not -- I'm not angry anymore. And I could never hate you.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, I, um -- I just need a pen. [Sniffles] [Rattling] No. [Sigh]", "Dylan: I got it.", "Chelsea: No, I -- its okay. I -- [Crying] I'll never stop being sorry. I'm so sorry. [Sighs, sniffles] Um, but there's something -- uh, there's something that you should know... [Sighs] ...That's gonna make you very happy. He can see, Dylan. Connor -- he can see. His vision's gonna be fine. [Laughs tearfully]", "Dylan: [Chuckles] The transplant worked?", "Chelsea: Yeah. [Laughs] Yeah, he'll be able to see his whole world, everything around him. He's gonna live a -- he's gonna live a great life.", "Dylan: I-I bet it's gonna be one hell of a life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You're gonna hear a million things about me... about the things that I've done. I've affected a lot of people. I've affected families and... kids... [Sniffles] ...Parents. And I did those things anyway. But then your mommy and I -- we, uh... we were gonna have a baby. A little boy. We lost our baby. [Sniffles] But I knew what it was like to hurt for your child. I... Billy and Chloe -- I can't even imagine what... I don't want to imagine... [Sniffles] ...What it would be like... to be without you. I won't imagine it. And that is why I'm here right now with you instead of at the police station. I love you, Peanut.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi. Excuse me. I'm looking for Billy Abbott.", "Alex: Everybody needs to calm down. Is that understood?", "Man: Yeah, I'll calm down when you toss his butt in a cell!", "Alex: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Actually, a number of people have found Genoa City the perfect place to get a fresh start on life.", "Hilary: Well, I appreciate your advice and your job offer. But I've already made up my mind to go.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Hilary: I just --", "Jack: Oh. I got to take this. Um, don't go anywhere. Stick around.", "Cane: So, you, uh, decided to leave town. Good for you.", "Lily: Yeah, and for how long? Until you can find a new way to harass us?", "Hilary: Okay. Neil is right, all right? I am sorry for what I did -- all of it.", "Lily: For -- for what? For drugging my husband and stealing my father's journal? Doing everything you could to tear our family apart -- which, by the way, you failed.", "Hilary: I am glad that you guys both still have each other, honestly. If there is anything that I can do to make it up to you --", "Lily: Hilary, let me tell you something. Saying that does not make any of the horrible things that you did go away. And if you really want to make it up to us, why don't you suffer some public humiliation? Make sure the web knows every dirty, little secret. Better yet, have them be lies, which I'm sure wouldn't even affect you, since you are shameless, soulless --", "Jack: Okay, that's enough, Lily.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: What happened?", "Alex: This gentleman brought in his S.U.V. to the body shop, and Billy followed him in.", "Man: Guy flips out, calling me a murderer in front of my kids?!", "Chloe: Did you check his car?", "Alex: We did. It was on the list, but we interviewed him and alibied, okay?", "Chloe: Well, no one lies about killing a kid.", "Man: Oh, is she serious?", "Kevin: He was in Madison that night. We have proof. It's not him.", "Victoria: I really am so sorry. I mean, have you read the news? That little girl that was run down, that was his little girl, okay? Her name's Delia. He's just hurting, so...can you please just, like, go home to your kids and hug them and just, you know, let them know that you did something kind for somebody that's really hurting inside right now, please?", "Billy: Didn't have to do that.", "Chloe: Billy, stop talking!", "Alex: He doesn't have to press charges for me to lock you up! You understand? I can hold you here for disturbing the peace. I swear, you do that ever again --", "Victoria: He won't.", "Alex: But I want to hear from him!", "Billy: Oh, I won't.", "Alex: Can you pretend like you mean it?", "Billy: You want to lock me up -- how about for assaulting an officer?", "Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey!", "Chloe: He didn't mean it.", "Victoria: Billy, everybody here is just trying to help you, okay, so please just let us help you!", "Alex: I swear, you do that again, you get a cell.", "Billy: It won't happen. I'll get a cell? Go ahead and put me in a cell.", "Chloe: Just get him out of here!", "Alex: Let him go. Let him go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I'll always hate that I hurt you. Being a family with you and Connor... being your wife -- those were the best days I've ever had. Everything about that -- everything about you -- it really made me a better person. I know that there were so many lies. But the woman I am today, the woman that you helped me to become, would never do that now. I know that that doesn't help you, but I-I just need you to know that I'm grateful. And I always will be.", "Dylan: Uh, you changed me, too.", "Chelsea: 'Cause I broke your heart?", "Dylan: Uh, you're the first person who got me to talk about Ara... you know, about what really happened. You were the first person I could be honest with. And, uh, now I'm honest with myself. You know, I'm in therapy, talking to somebody who gets it. And just that whole situation with Connor where, you know, I lost touch with reality -- I'm really working on that, and I'm -- I'm hoping it will never happen again... because I'm not who I was, either.", "Chelsea: When I think of the happiness that you deserve, the peace... I so badly wanted to be the person that gave that to you. Some of the things that I said to you...were lies. But the way that I felt about you, Dylan -- those were not lies. That was all real. And I hope one day you can believe that.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: [Sniffles] [Crying] Find true love, Dylan. Find amazing, happy love and the life that you deserve.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Every single minute, I can't get away from it -- the guilt... the remorse. I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry. [Sniffles] My name is Victor Adam Newman Jr. It is November 4, 2013. And I am confessing to the hit-and-run murder of Delia Abbott. [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, Jack, we have every right and every reason to want her as far away from our family as possible.", "Lily: You know that disgusting blog attacking my father?", "Jack: Hilary was behind that.", "Hilary: You don't need to do this.", "Cane: Yeah, you don't, and you shouldn't.", "Jack: Guys, I have been surrounded by people who are grieving over Delia's death. Grief is powerful stuff. It makes all of us do amazing things to ourselves and to others. Sometimes, that's lashing out. Sometimes...that is seeking revenge. When there's honest remorse, when there's a genuine effort to make amends, to do the right thing -- I have been given a hundred second chances in life. Cane, you've had your fair share, too.", "Lily: Jack, you may think that you know her. And if you think there's remorse there, then you're just seeing what you want to see. Let's go somewhere else.", "Cane: You are making a mistake. And you stay away from my family.", "Jack: Nobody ever said getting forgiveness was gonna be easy.", "Hilary: Well... my mother never raised a quitter. So...why don't you tell me more about that job offer?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: [Voice breaking] Okay, I can't do it anymore, Billy! I can't worry about every time you walk out that door, that you're throwing your life away, I mean literally! You're throwing your life away! Do you know how much I need you?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Victoria: And Johnny -- you have a son upstairs, a son upstairs who needs his father! I know you're grieving, okay? I know that. I get it. But you're gonna have to find a different way to cope! [Scoffs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Thank you for not throwing the book at Billy. You know, I think that he's just -- h-he can be an idiot. And I think that we're all just a bunch of idiots right now. And he's just trying to help you do your job, Alex.", "Alex: Yeah, well, it's not my job to harass people. So, no. He's not helping me.", "Chloe: Well, I don't see the guy that killed my daughter here, so, I mean, what -- do you have any leads at all? What the hell's going on?", "Kevin: Tell her.", "Chloe: Wait, tell me -- tell me what?", "Alex: [Sighs] We found... some physical evidence at the scene. It was a piece of plastic that came from a turn light, and the tests show that it hadn't been there long the night that I found it.", "Chloe: Plastic? Well, that's just riveting. I mean, come on! What? What? If you don't have a-a name tag on it, it's not gonna do anything!", "Kevin: Listen. It's a new type of lens, okay? And it's only used on a handful of expensive SUVs. This is gonna help us narrow down the suspect field a lot. And we will find this guy, Chloe. We are gonna find the guy that took Delia from us. I promise you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What's wrong?", "Chelsea: Well... you should know. Dylan had divorce papers drawn up. I signed them, and now we're done. Where's Connor? How was he?", "Adam: He's asleep. I just put him up in his crib.", "Chelsea: But you had some good father/son time first?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: I'll go peek on him.", "[Knock on door]", "Cop: Adam Newman.", "Adam: What can I do for you?", "Cop: I need to talk to you about your vehicle.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: You abandoned your children! That's an unforgivable mistake!", "Sharon: Dylan, how are you?", "Dylan: Uh, as well as can be expected, I guess.", "Nick: Now you're free to go after Avery.", "Avery: Did you call me because you need a friend?", "Adam: No. I need a lawyer." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At Sharon's home, Nick and Noah cannot figure out where she has gone. Victor pays Jack a visit to talk to Phyllis about what she knows about Sharon's secret. At the Athletic Club dining room, Lily is surprised by Cane, who puts his hand across her eyes and then kisses her. They discuss the dinner that Lily planned for Hilary. When Neil and Hilary arrive, she tells Lily that there is no baby. Devon walks up and listens to the conversation. In the stairwell, Sharon begins to remember what she forgot about Summer and Nick. Victor asks to see Phyllis but Jack refuses. Avery and Dylan are at Crimson Lights as she offers to help him with his lease. Joe comes in and interrupts them and tells her that he has something for her. Jack lies to Victor as to where Phyllis is. Victor lets Jack know that he thinks he found out what Phyllis knows about Sharon's secret. Mariah comes downstairs and lets Noah and Nick know that there is no sign of Sharon. With Phyllis' help, Sharon begins to remember what she forgot. Neil, Hilary, Devon, Cane, and Lily discuss the possibility of Hilary having a child. Victor accuses Jack of abandoning Phyllis for Kelly. Nick is completely beside himself with worry over where Sharon is. In looking around the room, Nick finds something that belongs to Phyllis.", "Sharon remembers changing the DNA tests results of Nick's so it would show that Summer was Jack's daughter. Sharon also remembers Phyllis falling down the stairs. Avery explains to Dylan about the bookmark. Colin catches up to Joe at the Athletic Club and they discuss a business deal. Cane interrupts them and wants to know what is going on. Nick arrives at Jack's and also wants to talk to Phyllis. Jack goes upstairs to check on Phyllis and finds her gone. Victor lets Nick know that Summer is his daughter and that Sharon changed the test results, and she is the cause of Phyllis falling down the stairs. Victor finds out where Phyllis and Sharon are. They all rush to find them. Sharon realizes that Phyllis wants payback for all she did. Colin catches Devon and Hilary going in a room upstairs. Jack, Victor, and Nick catch up to Sharon and Phyllis in the stairwell and want to know what is going on.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Face it, Sharon. Face what happened that night right here in this stairwell.", "Sharon: Phyllis, stop, please! We need to talk.", "Phyllis: Gee. What do you want to talk about -- how you played God with so many lives, a God who sacrificed a young woman just as she's starting out, her whole future ahead of her?", "Sharon: I remember.", "Phyllis: Remember what? Tell me, Sharon. Say the words.", "Noah: You know, you and mom just must have got your wires crossed.", "Nick: How? I told your mother I was gonna come home and drive us all to the courthouse for the ceremony.", "Noah: Maybe she met up with faith and Mariah.", "Nick: Yeah, maybe that's it. Maybe, uh, Sharon was just getting anxious and wanted to get the show on the road. They could be waiting at the justice of the peace for us.", "Noah: Uh, there's a car pulling up.", "Nick: It's just Mariah and faith. Where is your mother?", "Jack: A family matter? How is that possible? No one in your family lives here.", "Victor: I told you this was an urgent matter. I need to see Phyllis.", "Jack: And stir up what kind of trouble?", "Victor: For your information, Jack, trouble is already here, not of my making. I need to control the problem.", "Jack: Ohh. That would be a first.", "Victor: Would you mind?", "Jack: No. I will not let you disrupt my family. I saw how you treated Adam more like a pawn than a son. I'll be damned if I'll let you do the same thing with Summer.", "Victor: For your information, I'm here for the love of my granddaughter.", "Jack: My daughter. My daughter. Over a year ago, everyone learned Nick is not her father. Somehow, you can't seem to grasp that she's my daughter and no relation to you whatsoever.", "Victor: She was raised a Newman, Jack.", "Jack: And that gave you a right to use her?", "Victor: Help her!", "Jack: Use her. You tricked her into gaining consent for Phyllis' medical care. That's a new low even for you.", "Victor: I assure you that Phyllis does not share your outrage. I need to see her.", "Cane: Trick or treat?", "Lily: Uh...trick.", "Cane: Hmm.", "Lily: [Laughs] Mm. What if I'd said, \"treat\"?", "Cane: Same thing without clothes.", "Lily: [Laughs] Okay. Then treat me later.", "Cane: Okay. You got it.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: So, where you been?", "Lily: Uh, with the chef, making a special request for dinner.", "Cane: Oh, really? Something French and spicy?", "Lily: No, something bland and expectant-mother-friendly.", "Cane: Oh, for Hilary.", "Lily: Of course.", "Cane: Okay. So, you think she's pregnant?", "Lily: I know she's pregnant. I know this.", "Cane: Sweetheart...", "Lily: What makes you so sure that she's not? Do you know something I don't?", "Cane: [Chuckles] How would I know something you don't?", "Lily: I just want to show that I sincerely accept her as a permanent fixture in my dad's life. That's it.", "Neil: I know that you're sincere. Believe me.", "Lily: Hi.", "Neil: Hi.", "[Both kiss]", "Neil: You've gone above and beyond to make up for the way you treated Hilary.", "Hilary: Yeah. We both really appreciate it.", "Lily: Did you like the surprise we had waiting for you?", "[Both chuckle]", "Hilary: It was definitely a surprise -- the flowers and the music. It was the last thing I was expecting.", "Lily: Well, now that you brought it up...", "Cane: Actually, no, she didn't bring it up.", "Lily: No. She said, \"expecting.\" Are you?", "Neil: Now wait a minute. Hilary's not pregnant... yet.", "Lily: Really? I was so sure. Dang it.", "Neil: But we are both eager to start trying to make a new baby, aren't we, Hilary?", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Avery: Hey.", "Dylan: Hey.", "Avery: Hi. No luck?", "Dylan: How do you have a company and nobody answers the phone? Whoever's behind this real-estate deal -- it's like they're in the witness protection program.", "Avery: Okay. What have you found out so far?", "Dylan: I found the name of the conglomerate, which apparently isn't being run by humans.", "Avery: Say you're a lucky guy.", "Dylan: Why? Am I about to get luckier?", "Avery: You are lucky because your girlfriend is an attorney with connections.", "Dylan: I do love your connections.", "Avery: Yes. Well, what I meant by that is that I might be able to get a name -- someone in that conglomerate that we can actually speak with.", "Dylan: Before they can destroy my business?", "Avery: Well, it's worth a try.", "Dylan: I mean, how does this even happen? Is it legal? I have a lease.", "Avery: Yeah. I'm afraid so.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Joe: Dylan. Avery. Is everything okay?", "Dylan: Joe. Everything's good. You looking for a cup of Joe?", "Joe: No. No. I'm actually -- I'm here to see Avery. I've got something that belongs to you. Well, after we split up, you moved out, the dust settled, I, uh, noticed something that you left behind.", "Dylan: What is it?", "Avery: It's a bookmark.", "Joe: It's engraved. It says...", "Avery: \"There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or closing the book.\" You kept this?", "Joe: Well, not intentionally. I slipped it into my datebook with the intention of giving it back to you, but then weeks turned into months and months, years. I know how much it meant to you, so we're now coincidentally seeing each other, so I thought I'd give it back to you.", "Dylan: And how you have. Anything else?", "Avery: Thank you, Joe.", "Dylan: What's, uh, so special about the bookmark?", "Avery: It was a wedding gift.", "Victor: I think Phyllis can decide for herself if she wants to speak with me.", "Jack: Sure, she can. She's resting right now. Once she wakes up, I'll be happy to tell her you stopped by.", "Victor: This is very important, okay?", "Jack: And damn the consequences? You've already subjected Phyllis to an experimental drug that risked her life.", "Victor: And if I hadn't done that, Jack, she would still be in a coma. Now let's stop this nonsense. Tell her that I'd like to speak with her.", "Jack: What is the urgency -- some mythical information Phyllis has on Sharon?", "Victor: I think I've discovered what Phyllis knows. If I'm right... it'll have profound consequences... for a lot of people... including you.", "Mariah: So, faith is playing with miss patsy. She's putting on a brave face, but I can tell that she thinks this wedding isn't gonna happen.", "Nick: Oh, it's happening.", "Noah: We thought my mom was with you. Did you happen to see her?", "Mariah: No. We were at the florist's. I've got a car full of flowers but no sign of Sharon.", "Nick: We haven't been able to reach her.", "Mariah: Why am I not surprised?", "Noah: What is that supposed to mean?", "Mariah: It wouldn't be the first time she got a case of cold feet and ran out of a wedding.", "Noah: Why would you even say that?", "Mariah: I-I'm sorry. It didn't sound as mean in my head. I'm just trying to figure out why she would go MIA. It's not crazy to think that she got a case of cold feet.", "Nick: In the last hour? Sharon couldn't wait to get married. She wants this as much as I do.", "Noah: Maybe she just had some last-minute thing that she had to take care of. We'll see her in a minute.", "Mariah: No. She had everything she needed from the last wedding.", "Noah: Would you stop being so negative for me, please? Thanks.", "Mariah: I'm not trying to rain on all the love and the light.", "Noah: Kind of sounds like you are.", "Mariah: I want Sharon and Nick to be happy as much as you.", "Noah: Really?", "Mariah: Yes! Of course I do!", "Nick: Okay, okay. Hey, stop it, you two. Lower your voices. Faith is upstairs.", "Mariah: [Sighs] We can't ignore the fact that Sharon has been freaked the last couple days.", "Nick: Yeah. I blame the psychic for that.", "Noah: Yeah, that didn't help.", "Nick: I told Sharon this wedding is gonna happen. Nothing is going to change my mind about wanting to be with her.", "Sharon: We were arguing about Summer.", "Sharon: She still has her future.", "Phyllis: Not the one she wants! And Jack -- oh, my God. Look what you did to Jack. He finally had his life on track, and you completely jeopardized his sobriety.", "Sharon: He has you to help him with that, and now he has a daughter!", "Phyllis: Nick's daughter! Summer is nick's daughter!", "Phyllis: We were arguing about Summer, all right, and you remember about what, don't you?", "Sharon: It -- it doesn't make any sense. You -- you were saying Summer is nick's daughter.", "Phyllis: Summer is nick's daughter, yes, and you knew it all along.", "Sharon: But how could that be? That -- that -- that's not possible.", "Phyllis: You know exactly how. You're the one who set this all in motion.", "Sharon: No. I-I couldn't. I didn't.", "Phyllis: I heard you admit it that night in the cemetery.", "Sharon: At Cassie's grave?", "Phyllis: You were talking to her.", "Sharon: What I did will set things right, the way they were meant to be. Summer -- she should have been Jack's daughter in the first place. If she had been, Nick never would have married Phyllis.", "Phyllis: You did this, Sharon. You're the reason Nick lost his daughter.", "Lily: Do you not like your food, Hilary?", "Hilary: No, it's just -- it's -- I'm just not very hungry.", "Devon: Sorry, guys. That was business. What did I miss?", "Neil: Hilary's not eating dinner.", "Devon: Why aren't you eating?", "Hilary: I'm fine.", "Lily: Look, please order something else if it's too bland, okay? I made this menu thinking that you were with child, so... [Chuckles]", "Devon: Oh, I'm sorry. I knocked this over.", "Hilary: Oh, thanks.", "Neil: You know what? It sure would be nice to have a pretty little girl who looks just like here mama, you know -- same eyes, sweet smile.", "Lily: You'd brave another daughter after dealing with me? Wow.", "Neil: The horror.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Neil: Let me tell you something, cane -- you better pray and hope that Mattie does not follow in her mother's footsteps. She was hell as a teenager.", "Lily: Hell?", "Cane: Sounds quite terrifying, if you ask me.", "Lily: Uh, excuse you. That's rude.", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait. The thought of little Mattie growing up to be a rebellious teenager doesn't scare you?", "Lily: I wasn't that rebellious, but I'll protect you, honey, okay? I swear.", "Neil: I don't really know what you're talking about, there, Lily. You did test my patience -- you know, typical stuff. But, uh, you came out all right. And I've loved being your father. And you, too, Devon.", "Devon: Thanks, Dad.", "Cane: You okay?", "Devon: Yeah. Fine.", "Cane: Yeah? You're okay, right?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: So, Hilary, what about you? What's your preference?", "Hilary: Um, in what?", "Neil: What do you mean in what? Kids -- a girl or a boy? Or should we just try to have one of each? What do you think? You've always wanted a big family, haven't you?", "Hilary: This is just already more family than I could ever imagine.", "Jack: Well, if you've already figured out what Phyllis knows about Sharon, why do we need to disrupt it?", "Victor: I told you I have very important information. I need to confirm it with her.", "Jack: Before you use it against Nick and Sharon?", "Victor: Don't you concern yourself --", "Jack: That's what this is about. You'll do anything you can to keep Nicholas away from Sharon, to the point of hiring a look-alike of their dead daughter.", "Victor: I took necessary steps, Jack.", "Jack: Is there any lengths you won't go to to control everyone and everything around you?", "Victor: You know what is stunning? You stand here before me, and you have the audacity to pretend you're the moral beacon. You abandoned your fiancée.", "Jack: I did not abandon Phyllis.", "Victor: She languished in a clinic whilst you were cavorting with your brother's mistress.", "Jack: Okay. That's enough. You are in my house, claiming to have information that has dire consequences for me. I have every right to want to know what it is. Now, what did you find out?!", "Nick: There's got to be some reason that Sharon would take off right before the wedding.", "Mariah: There's one big, bad reason I can think of, but you're not gonna like it.", "Nick: What?", "Mariah: Victor.", "Noah: I mean, maybe. Grandpa was just here harassing mom.", "Nick: After dad left, Sharon was more ready than ever to go through with this wedding.", "Mariah: Maybe he came back.", "Nick: And said what? For months, dad was looking for a reason that would make me end this relationship, but he kept coming up empty-handed.", "Noah: Look, I think that we should just go out there and look for her, okay? Something's not right.", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Mariah: Sharon left an earring here.", "Noah: That's weird. Did it just fall off or what?", "Nick: This isn't Sharon's. I bought this for Phyllis years ago.", "Mariah: Phyllis? What was Phyllis doing here?", "Nick: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.", "Sharon: I love Nick. I would never hurt him.", "Phyllis: Well, you hurt Nick in the worst way possible. Somehow, you switched the DNA results to make Nick believe Summer wasn't his daughter.", "Sharon: No. I... Mr. Newman, I'm calling from the diagnostic lab at memorial hospital. The results of your test are in. I'll print it up and send it to you later today.", "Sharon: No. Oh, no.", "Phyllis: You did this, Sharon. You were gonna let Nick live the rest of his life believing that whole lie. You were gonna let him go on grieving the loss of another daughter. I had to tell him the truth.", "Sharon: And I tried to stop you.", "Phyllis: You cannot bear the thought that your precious Nick sees you for the whack job you really are. Now get out of my way, you demented bitch.", "Sharon: You're gonna have to make me.", "Phyllis: Ohh. Okay. We're gonna have to do this the easy way, then.", "Sharon: All right.", "Phyllis: Stop me?! You tried to kill me! You pushed me down the stairs!", "Dylan: I've just -- I've had it with the guy, okay? He wants something. You divorced him a long time ago. All the sudden, he pops up in town, showing you reminders of your marriage. Something's off.", "Avery: No. This bookmark isn't a present from Joe.", "Dylan: You said it was a wedding gift.", "Avery: Yes. My dad gave it to me the day that I married Joe. He said it was to mark the next chapter of my life.", "Dylan: Avery, I'm -- I'm sorry.", "Avery: It's okay. It's okay. My dad kissed my cheek, and he told me that Joe was the luckiest man because he was marrying the most loving, loyal woman in the world. He was so wrong.", "Dylan: No.", "Avery: No. I cheated on Joe. That's not loyal. And I was wrong about my dad. You know, Phyllis was right about him bilking all those people out of their life savings. I was the fool who stood by him.", "Dylan: Not such a great gift. Why did Joe think you'd want it?", "Avery: [Sighs] We were divorced by the time my dad confessed and the truth came out, so he had no way of knowing how betrayed I felt. You know, he didn't do this because he wants something. He was just trying to be nice.", "Dylan: And now that you have it?", "Avery: Well, it doesn't have the same meaning that it did, so I guess there's no reason to hold on to it.", "Colin: Hey, Joe! Hey! Good to run in to you.", "Joe: Yeah. How you doing, Colin?", "Colin: I'd like to talk a bit more about that business we discussed the other day.", "Joe: The downtown development deal?", "Colin: Yeah. Tell me, is that the only land you're thinking of purchasing here?", "Joe: That's the focus at the moment. Why do you ask?", "Colin: Well --", "Cane: Good question, Joe. Yeah, dad. Why are you suddenly so interested in Joe's business? Hmm?", "Colin: [Sighs]", "Victor: Now let us please stop this bickering. I need to see Phyllis.", "Jack: If this life-altering information affects me and my family, I have a right to hear it!", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victor: [Sighs]", "Nick: I need to talk to Phyllis.", "Victor: Good luck, son. Jack here has appointed himself her personal guard dog and won't let anyone speak with her.", "Jack: Sorry, Nick. It's gonna have to wait.", "Nick: No, this can't wait. Phyllis! I'm supposed to be getting married right now to Sharon, but she's taken off and didn't tell anyone where she went.", "Jack: So get her on the phone.", "Nick: She's not picking up.", "Jack: Then what are you doing here?", "Nick: I need to talk to Phyllis.", "Jack: Phyllis and Sharon are not exactly the best of friends. You really think Phyllis knows where she is?", "Nick: Look, earlier, Phyllis was trying to tell me something on the phone, but I hung up before she got the chance.", "Jack: Fine. When she wakes up --", "Nick: I think Phyllis went to my place to finish the conversation. She saw Sharon, and then she said something to Sharon that upset her.", "Victor: What do you think Phyllis wanted to talk about?", "Nick: Dad, I don't care about Sharon's supposed secret. I just need to find her and make sure she's okay.", "Sharon: I didn't push you. You fell.", "Phyllis: You'd say anything to avoid taking responsibility.", "Sharon: That's what happened.", "Phyllis: Not only did you try to kill me...", "Sharon: I didn't push you!", "Phyllis: ...You devastated Nick and Summer with your lies. And Jack -- you let him believe he missed out on being a father to his only daughter?", "Sharon: I never set out to hurt anybody.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] That is the biggest lie of all. How could you not see this coming, Sharon? All of our lives have been turned upside down because of your obsession with Nick!", "Sharon: Nick loves me, and I love him.", "Phyllis: Don't dress it up. You wanted him. You didn't want my sister to have him. You didn't want anything, including my kid, standing in the way of you getting Nick back.", "Sharon: I was off my meds then. I was not in my right mind.", "Phyllis: Stop playing the victim! I am the one who spent over a year in a coma.", "Sharon: Not because I planned it that way or I wanted it. It just happened!", "Phyllis: Because you happened to be insane that day?", "Sharon: You're not listening to me.", "Phyllis: No, you are the one who is not getting it. Do you have any idea what it was like to wake up and find out that the last 12 months of your life was gone... the life I knew was different... that I had missed my daughter's wedding?", "Sharon: I'm sorry I was there for her that day and you weren't.", "Phyllis: Yes, because of you. It should have been me helping my daughter get ready for her special day, but instead, the woman who put me in that hospital bed was there.", "Sharon: It was an accident.", "Phyllis: Yes, you got to spend that special moment with Summer. You cheated me out of all those memories and all that time -- you. What are you doing? Where are you going?", "Sharon: That's why we're here, isn't it?", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Sharon: Here, at the scene of the crime. You want payback, don't you?", "Phyllis: You bet your ass I do.", "Avery: Right -- the real-estate deal involving the crimson lights coffeehouse. Uh-huh. Any chance that, uh, you can get me the name of the broker? Yes, I can hold.", "Dylan: What, you got it just like that?", "Avery: Yes. I'm ready. Go ahead. What? Are you sure? Uh, no. That's -- that's fine. Thank you.", "Dylan: What? Did you run in to more red tape?", "Avery: No. I got the name. Joe Clark.", "Dylan: What?!", "Avery: The one brokering the deal.", "Dylan: Your ex is trying to put me out of business!", "Avery: No, that's not the case.", "Dylan: What do you mean, that's not the case?", "Avery: He's trying to put the whole block out of business.", "Dylan: Is that supposed to make me feel better?", "Avery: I'm just saying that it's a business deal and not a personal attack on you.", "Dylan: Well, it sure feels like it is. I mean, the guy comes in and talks to me personally, trying to get under my skin, brings you a very personal gift. He's not doing that for every store owner on the block.", "Avery: No, I imagine he's not.", "Dylan: So it's personal. And it's gonna get more personal.", "Avery: Where are you going?", "Dylan: I'm gonna get my coat, and then I'm gonna go find Joe.", "Avery: No, you're not! We are gonna handle this together!", "Dylan: No, there's one way to handle a guy like Joe.", "Avery: Yes, there is, and it's through his bank account. Do you really think that he's gonna respond to a threat of being punched in the face?", "Dylan: No, but actually punching him in the face might get me somewhere.", "Avery: Yeah, it'll get you in jail -- again. We need to threaten him with legal action that costs him money and makes this deal less enticing. Look, if he doesn't make a profit, he will walk away.", "Dylan: Okay. Okay. I'm just -- I'm gonna be smart about this. Bet you thought you'd never hear me say that.", "Avery: I hoped.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Avery: Okay, listen to me -- I'm gonna get our coats. You close up the patio. We will go home. I will make us dinner, and we will talk about this calmly and smartly.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Avery: Okay. All right. [Sighs] So, what do you feel like eating? Dylan? Dylan. Dylan!", "Colin: I'd just like a little more insight on the subject. That's all.", "Cane: Yeah? Regarding what?", "Colin: Uh, my wife and her sister are thinking of opening another boutique.", "Joe: Sounds like things are going well for them.", "Colin: I was thinking that, you know, 'cause I'm a partner in this business, if we happen to be looking at the same piece of land that it could turn out to be mutually beneficial.", "Joe: Yeah, it could.", "Colin: Why don't we sit down and crunch a few numbers?", "Cane: You know, dad, I don't think you should discuss the deal, you know, without Jill being here, you know? See, Jill -- that's, you know, his wife -- she doesn't like to be left out of the loop, and my dad knows that.", "Colin: My son also knows that my wife is a consummate business professional. I'm just here to lighten the load.", "Cane: Oh, that's code, 'cause that means he's gonna, like, steal it from underneath her, right?", "Colin: You got to pardon my kid's skepticism here. He thinks everything in this town is up for a takeover. He hasn't got over the fact that Victor stepped in and pulled that coup over at Newman-chancellor. If you want to talk business, give me a call.", "Cane: You know, if I was you, I would not make that call.", "Joe: Yeah? Why is that?", "Cane: 'Cause my father is what you call \"untrustworthy.\" He's a bad investment.", "Joe: Well, it sounds like your old man there has got his son pegged.", "Cane: What, 'cause he said that thing about Newman-chancellor earlier? Please.", "Joe: You know, he's right. You should be heading up a fortune 500, not this hotel. That thing with Victor Newman really messed with your confidence, didn't it?", "Nick: Jack, Phyllis already ruined my wedding once. I am not gonna let her do it again. Please help me. Now, I know you don't want to hurt Sharon, so do it for her.", "Jack: I'll see if I can get Phyllis to come down. In the meantime, please ask your father to leave my home. I will not allow him to interrogate Phyllis.", "Nick: I don't suppose it's gonna do any good to ask you to leave?", "Victor: Son... I have a sneaking suspicion Phyllis isn't even here.", "Nick: What is this?", "Victor: The truth.", "Nick: Subject \"a,\" subject \"B.\" What the hell is this, dad?", "Victor: It's a DNA test I had done, son.", "Nick: What does this have to do with anything?", "Victor: You're subject \"A.\"", "Nick: Are you telling me you took a DNA sample from me without permission? What's the matter with you?", "Victor: You're missing the point, my boy. You're subject \"A.\" Summer is subject \"B.\" Your DNA is a match. You're Summer's father.", "Nick: No. No. I mean -- I You manipulated this.", "Victor: No, son. I didn't manipulate a damn thing. That woman you're about to marry... manipulated your test that you took a year ago. And I have a strong suspicion that she pushed Phyllis down the stairs. That's the secret she's hiding.", "Nick: That's impossible.", "Victor: Son, it's there in black and white.", "Nick: Sharon wouldn't do something like this.", "Victor: She would, and she did.", "Nick: I'm not -- I'm -- I'm not -- I'm not believing that.", "Victor: Believe me.", "Jack: Phyllis isn't in her room.", "Phyllis: Oh, you played it smart, Sharon. Your secret was safe in a mind of someone who may never wake up. I mean, that was pretty convenient. If it weren't for Victor, you would have gotten away with all of this. You would have married Nick, and he would have never had a clue that Summer was his daughter.", "Sharon: But you did wake up.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and I think it's about time you wake up now, too. Now, I'm gonna see to it that your sick little fantasy game comes crashing down all around you.", "Sharon: What are you gonna do, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I'm gonna tell Nick the truth.", "Sharon: No. No. Please. Nick needs to hear this from me. He needs to know how sorry I am.", "Phyllis: You haven't even begun to be sorry.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Jack: What's that?", "Nick: It's nothing.", "Jack: You didn't grab it like it was nothing. What is it?", "Nick: Jack, um...", "Jack: Are you really this upset about Sharon?", "Nick: When you found out about Summer, did you have a test done -- your own test -- to determine paternity?", "Jack: No. There wasn't any point. There were only two options. If you weren't her father, I was, right?", "Victor: Well... it seems Phyllis and Sharon are together.", "Jack: How do you know that?", "Victor: I had someone watch Phyllis.", "Jack: Wait. You've had someone following Phyllis?", "Victor: You bet I have, for her own safety, okay?", "Nick: Where are they, dad?", "Victor: At the Genoa City ballroom.", "Jack: Where Phyllis had her accident.", "Victor: You bet. Son, where she had her \"accident.\"", "[Door closes]", "Nick: Oh, God.", "Cane: Are you saying I'm licking my wounds 'cause Victor's running Newman- chancellor? Is that it?", "Joe: I'm just saying you're wasting your talents.", "Cane: Really? I like to think I'm not wasting my life. I like working with my wife. I like seeing my kids. I like putting my kids to bed at night. I can't do that if I'm a CEO.", "Joe: Look, I'm not trying to insult you, cane. It's just, you know, we could use a guy like you on our team. You know how to get things done.", "Cane: That's right. I know how to get things done, and right now, I choose to get things done right here.", "Joe: Look, I'm not blaming you for taking time off, spending it with your family. Maybe if I'd have paid more attention to mine, things would be different for me.", "Cane: So, that's what happened with Avery, huh?", "Joe: Yeah, it was a big part of it. My work was my priority. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't under the pressure of constantly putting out fires. I thrive under pressure.", "Cane: You know, I would be lying if I did not tell you that I miss the rush of closing a corporate deal.", "Joe: Well, if the opportunity presented itself, would you consider diving back in?", "Cane: I just might.", "Lily: So, I was really hoping that my brother would bring his mystery lady tonight.", "Devon: Lily, don't start this, please.", "Lily: What? I'm only saying that I want to meet her. That's it.", "Neil: Yeah. Me, too. Do you think we're gonna be able to meet her soon?", "Devon: I don't know, 'cause my idea of a fun day doesn't involve interrogation, so...", "Lily: Oh, my God. You are so dramatic. We would only ask her a few questions -- you know, just be polite.", "Devon: Sure, you would.", "Neil: This is very strange. I don't remember a time that you were so secretive about the woman that you were dating.", "Devon: Well, that's 'cause, uh, this woman is special.", "Lily: Whoa! Sounds like love to me.", "Hilary: Yeah, it does.", "Neil: Well, if you ask me, all the more reason we should be meeting her.", "Devon: I'll think about bringing her by soon.", "Lily: When?", "Devon: Sometime.", "Neil: Sometime when?", "Devon: Sometime soon, like I said. That's all you're gonna get out of me, though, all right?", "Neil: Okay.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: Hey, uh, sorry, guys. Um, we should get going. We told the sitter we wouldn't be long, okay?", "Hilary: Do you guys mind dropping Neil home?", "Hilary: I just have to swing by the office and finish a project.", "Neil: Mnh-mnh. No, I certainly don't mind going with you.", "Hilary: No. No. It's okay. I might be late. You know, just go home and get some sleep. Thank you for a wonderful dinner, okay?", "Neil: Hey. Hey. Give me a kiss.", "[Both kiss]", "Noah: Where are you, mom? What could she be thinking right now?", "Mariah: She's all twisted up about how she might hurt Nick. She's even having nightmares about it.", "Noah: Mom told you that?", "Mariah: No. [Sighs] She fell asleep on the couch one day, and she was muttering about Nick not being the father, and Victor thought it might be about faith.", "Noah: You told my grandfather about my mother's nightmares?", "Mariah: It's not that big of a deal.", "Noah: It's not that big -- so, you're back to spying on her for him? Is that right? I thought you were done messing with her head.", "Mariah: I am! I spoke to Victor weeks ago, when all of that crap with Ian was going down, and I just wanted to get my marriage annulled and get the hell out of this town, and Victor offered to help me with that.", "Noah: By paying you to spy. That right? It was a waste of time and money, because all that business with faith -- that was settled years ago. It's just another example of my grandfather not letting go.", "Sharon: Let me break the news to Nick!", "Phyllis: What are you gonna say, Sharon? You gonna claim your illness made you do it?", "Sharon: It did!", "Phyllis: If you think that excuse is gonna make things all better with Nick, you are dead wrong! He is gonna hate you forever!", "Sharon: Phyllis, please.", "Phyllis: There is no coming back from this. He is gonna hate you forever, and I'm gonna make sure of it. No. No.", "Devon: You showed up.", "Hilary: Yeah. The stupid thing's not working.", "Devon: Let me try it. Let me try it.", "Hilary: Okay. Just hurry up.", "Devon: It was torture sitting down there, listening to Neil talk about you guys' future.", "Hilary: Yeah, while I had to sit there and pretend that I have no idea who your mystery girl was. What were you thinking, just talking about how special she is and...", "Devon: I was being honest.", "Hilary: I find that pretty ironic, considering you were lying about everything else.", "[Lock beeps]", "Devon: Are you having second thoughts?", "Hilary: Would I be here if I was?", "Avery: Dylan, wait. Going off on Joe is not gonna help you keep your lease!", "Dylan: That was a lost cause the minute your ex messed with my business. Do you happen to have Joe Clark's room number?", "Joe: Someone looking for me?", "Avery: Dylan. [Gasps]", "Mariah: Sharon is still not picking up.", "Noah: Neither is dad. Where are they? [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Don't you touch my -- aah! Don't touch my hair! Oh! Ow! Come here.", "Sharon: Let go!", "Phyllis: Let you go down the stairs, huh?", "[Footsteps approach]", "Jack: Phyllis!", "Nick: Don't hurt her!", "Jack: What are you doing here?! What's going on?!", "Phyllis: You want to tell them, or should I?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: This is more than a business deal.", "Paul: You think it's revenge?", "Dylan: I know it is.", "Chelsea: That -- that's not important.", "Billy: Something you're not telling me?", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "Phyllis: Whoa, Sharon! Don't want to lose your balance. We wouldn't want you to fall." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Cane and Lily tell Charlie and Mattie how much he loves them but he has to go to work. Lily promises to go and give them some pointers on basketball. Mariah begs the coffeemaker to make coffee while Hilary yells at her for coffee. Kevin interrupts and wants to know what is going on but Hilary keeps yelling at her for coffee. Jack comes up with a plan to get the documents back from Hilary by sweet talking her. Phyllis has her own plan but Jack doesn't want to hear it. At Jabot, Victoria and Billy discuss Travis and how he is investigating her family. Victoria wonders why he cares so much.", "Kevin is leaving GC Buzz when Jack walks in. Jack fingers the papers on the desk when Hilary interrupts him. Hilary wants to know what he wants but he makes up an excuse that it is about the foundation board meetings. Hilary reminds him that he hasn't been there either. Jack spies the blue envelope in Hilary's hand when the smoke alarm goes off and everyone has to evacuate the building. Jack is upset that he didn't get the envelope but Phyllis surprises him by showing that she managed to get the documents while everyone was out of the building. Jack is thrilled and starts to hug her but he draws away suddenly. Victoria meets Travis in the park to discuss Billy's involvement in their lives. Victoria defends Billy and his actions. At Newman, Travis wants to see Victor but Natalie refuses to let him. Travis gets a message from Michelle. Phyllis gets hot coffee spilled on her and it is burning so Jack rips off her blouse.", "" ]
[ "Jack: [Sighs] [Sighs] You're late.", "Phyllis: No. You're early. [Sighs] Double latte with skim milk, piping hot. Thank you. Whoo! Not that I need any caffeine with these nerves of mine. I didn't sleep very well last night. I didn't want to wake summer up. How about you? How'd you sleep?", "Jack: Could we please get to the business at hand?", "Phyllis: I can't believe Victor is setting us up. Actually, I can. I think we should have expected this.", "Jack: You still haven't told me how you found out these leaked documents are fake.", "Phyllis: Well, we are t-minus seconds from total disaster. Those documents are in Hilary's office. If she gets her hot, little hands on those and that goes viral --", "Jack: It won't.", "Phyllis: You sound so sure. But I think Victor could take us down.", "Jack: I had a little chat with Neil. We had a chance to catch up, and then I managed to weave Hilary and Devon into the conversation. It turns out Hilary isn't much of an early riser. She doesn't get to the office before 10:00 A.M.", "Phyllis: Ooh. So sly of you.", "Jack: I have a problem to solve.", "Phyllis: No, we have a problem to solve, and it's a good thing that we have plenty of time to intercept that envelope.", "Both: I have a plan.", "Mariah: [Sighs] Good morning.", "Hilary: I need a coffee, double. Actually, you know what? Make it a triple.", "Mariah: Okay, um, you know, I had some ideas for the tip line --", "Hilary: Coffee first, please.", "Mariah: Well, I can multitask. I was thinking that maybe we should --", "Hilary: Mariah. Your job is not to think. It's to do what I tell you to do.", "Mariah: Coffee. Uh, right. Yeah.", "Hilary: And this time, flat white, please.", "Mariah: Flat white.", "Hilary: Yeah, I am so over the foam.", "Mariah: Okay. [Sighs] Get right on that.", "Hilary: Was that a sigh? Because attitude is critical. You begged me for this job. But if it's beneath you --", "Mariah: No, no, I-I promise you I'm on it. I'm on it.", "Hilary: You still haven't opened the mail?", "Mariah: I was gonna do that right after --", "Hilary: I don't think so. I have told you a hundred times, okay? This is my cup. Only this cup.", "Mariah: Of course. Of course. You are in early today.", "Hilary: Yeah, well, you know what they say. Early bird gets the first scoop.", "Cane: Hey, look who just joined the clean plate club. Huh?", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: Bam.", "Mattie: [Muffled] I'm done, too, daddy!", "Cane: Oh, baby girl! Bam! Can we have Halloween candy now?", "Lily: Uh, maybe later.", "Charlie: I wish every day was teacher conference day.", "Cane: Well, if you don't go to school, you won't be as smart as your mommy.", "Lily: [Chuckles] Or your daddy.", "Charlie: Can we play basketball today?", "Cane: [Sighs] Guys, I would love to shoot hoops with you guys today, all day long, but I can't because daddy's got to go to work.", "Lily: You know what, honey, daddy has a very important job and a lot of people count on him.", "Charlie: Is your job more important than us?", "Travis: [Whistling]", "Natalie: Ow. Was that completely necessary?", "Travis: Hmm. It looks like somebody partied on a school night. Did Victor give you a bonus for ratting me out?", "Natalie: That was a freebie. And I'm glad I did it.", "Travis: Oh, well, maybe he needs to know that his pet hacker's too hung over to do her job.", "Natalie: I can totally do this job. And it's not like I meant to get drunk. But Billy kept ordering more shots.", "Travis: Billy Abbott? Why the hell were you drinking with him?", "Victoria: [Sighs] You're early.", "Billy: I work here. Where else would I be?", "Victoria: Did you get my e-mail? I sent you jabot's print ads. I'd like your opinion on what we should do for a response.", "Billy: You sure you wouldn't rather have cane's opinion?", "Victoria: Just read the e-mail, Billy.", "Billy: Ha! They're perfect.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: Look at these little ones. Your other e-mail.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Yes. Our little sugar demons are so sweet.", "Billy: So cute.", "Victoria: Which reminds me, um, I guess Johnny didn't think you had enough sugar, so he wanted me to bring you this.", "Billy: What? He gave me his favorite candy? What amazing children we have.", "Victoria: We do. We do.", "Billy: I appreciate it, by the way, you including me last night. I had a great time.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah. They wanted their daddy to be there. And it is kind of a tradition, isn't it?", "Billy: It's the best one. What about Travis? Did he have a good time? He seemed a little distracted. Maybe he's not a trick-or-treat kind of guy.", "Victoria: Well, you know, he's been putting in a lot of hours at Newman.", "Billy: Oh, yeah. Working hard to keep that golden-boy shine to him. How's that going, by the way?", "Victoria: You know, Billy, if you have something to say, you should just say it.", "Billy: It's just that sincere thing he does. You know, so earnest like a rock that could be trusted. It's the way he projects himself. Except the whole time, he's investigating your family behind your back. So much for trust.", "Cane: Hey, guys, come here for a second. You know that you guys and your mommy are the most important thing in my life, right? You know that? Yeah?", "Lily: You know daddy has to work. That's what daddies do.", "Cane: And mommies. Mommies work, too, okay?", "Mattie: But we never see you.", "Lily: You know what? I know that you don't see daddy that much right now, but it won't last forever, right?", "Cane: Right. Hey, I have an idea. How about this weekend I play basketball with you, all right? That is my promise to you.", "Lily: I know! Why don't we play basketball today? I could show you guys some pointers.", "Cane: Hey.", "[Both laugh]", "Lily: Hey!", "Cane: Hey, hey! Don't laugh at your mommy. She's an amazing basketball player. She's excellent at horse. You know why? [Whispers] She even beats me, but don't let her know I said that.", "Lily: Well, that's most of the time, but who's counting?", "Cane: Aww.", "Lily: You know what? Your grandpa showed me all his best moves. I'm gonna show them to you, and that way next time you play daddy, you're gonna beat him.", "Cane: You know why? 'Cause your mommy's amazing. Love you.", "Lily: Love you.", "Cane: Hey. You guys have fun. And that's an order. I love you guys.", "Lily: We're gonna have a great time.", "Mariah: Come on, microfoam. Or is it no foam? I need you to do this. I believe in you. You can do this.", "Hilary: Mariah! Coffee!", "Mariah: Uh, c-coming! It's on its way! Just something hot would be great, because between you and me, I don't think she knows the difference between flat white and old-school foam. Oh, yes. Thank you. Thank you. I love you.", "Kevin: Oh, well, I guess you don't need this.", "Mariah: Oh. Hot basic coffee works for me, but my boss needs something flatter, silkier, fresher.", "Kevin: Ah, yes. The flat white. You know, the key is the heating of the milk.", "Mariah: I-I would love that lesson, but not now. Right now el Capitan awaits. What are you even doing here?", "Kevin: Well, this was my subtle way of making sure you were here at your job and not in jail.", "Mariah: I'm fine. You can go.", "Kevin: I know something big is going on.", "Mariah: Kevin, I'm at work.", "Hilary: Mariah!", "Mariah: I'm coming!", "Kevin: Hey, hey, listen, you dropped a -- you dropped a hell of a bomb last night, and then you just walked away. I'm worried about you.", "Mariah: I am worried about keeping my job.", "Kevin: Mariah, talk to me. Let me help.", "Mariah: [Sighs] Not even Og the powerful can fix this one.", "Kevin: All right, whatever is going on, I know that it's huge. Dylan called in sick. Paul is nowhere to be found. If your family is imploding --", "Mariah: Shh! I need you to keep this down. Last thing I need is for this to go viral.", "Kevin: All right, now you're starting to scare me.", "Mariah: Look, I-I know that you want to support me, but there's honestly nothing you can do. There's nothing anybody can do.", "Kevin: I can stand by you.", "Mariah: While I pretend that my life is still normal before nick flips a switch and everything hits the fan? If you want to help me, please just go.", "Kevin: Wait, nick is involved in this, too?", "Mariah: [Sighs]", "Jack: I will drop by GC buzz before Hilary gets there. I will find the envelope, and I will be gone before she even realizes it was on the premises.", "Phyllis: And what if she shows up?", "Jack: I'm told I have a certain charm. I will use it.", "Phyllis: And she has a huge crush on you, so you should take full advantage of that. Flash those baby blues and use that sultry voice of yours, I'm sure she will be melting in your arms. Wouldn't be the first time.", "Jack: Jealousy really isn't appropriate.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm just saying what if Devon walks in on you charming his wife? I mean, how do you see all that playing out?", "Jack: I'm resourceful. I will do whatever it takes to retrieve the documents.", "Phyllis: Really? How far will you go?", "Jack: This question from an expert in going too far.", "Phyllis: All right. So you get there. You have to find the mail. Then you got to steal the envelope. Then you got to hope no one notices you walking out with a big, fat package addressed to GC buzz. That's a lot of ifs. Why not listen to my plan?", "Jack: We don't have time for your plan.", "Phyllis: You don't know if you're still being followed. Just because you caught Travis in the act doesn't mean Victor doesn't have other eyes on you.", "Jack: Eyes on me doing what? Visiting a friend in her workplace?", "Phyllis: Stealing back an envelope that could blow up your life. Excuse me for being worried.", "Jack: I am not your concern any longer. We have a divorce decree to prove that.", "Phyllis: Okay. Grabbing an envelope is not gonna solve our problems. I get it. But we don't know how intricately Victor has planned this setup. I mean, those documents could be step one. Who knows what step two is.", "Jack: Believe me, I know what's at stake. Our first step is retrieving the documents.", "Phyllis: Then hear me out.", "Jack: You want to help? You still haven't told me. How did you find out Victor was setting me up? Who told you? Summer?", "Phyllis: It doesn't matter.", "Jack: I hate that she is caught between her two families again. I hate it. This is the worst part of it. I want to talk to summer.", "Phyllis: No. It's not summer, all right?", "Jack: Then who is it?", "Phyllis: It doesn't matter. What matters is that we got the information and we got it on time. Where's the waiter when you need another cup of coffee?", "Jack: It's Billy, isn't it?", "Victoria: I already know that Travis was investigating my family. He told me everything.", "Billy: And you're okay with that?", "Victoria: I'm not discussing this with you.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Which means you're not okay with that.", "Victoria: You know what, Billy? Someone at Newman was leaking information. My father wanted Travis to investigate.", "Billy: Not the precious Newman family. Your father was setting up Travis, wasn't he? It was all a trick just to watch him go down in flames.", "Victoria: How do you know any of this anyway?", "Billy: I happened to run into your father's receptionist/world class hacker/bar fly last night.", "Victoria: Natalie.", "Billy: Natalie.", "Victoria: And you ambushed her.", "Billy: Ambushed her? No. I sat beside her at the bar.", "Victoria: Yeah, and you made it your business to grill her about Travis and my father.", "Billy: No, we had a few shots, and she started talking.", "Victoria: You got her drunk.", "Billy: I did not get her drunk. She did that on her own. I made sure she got home safe and sound.", "Victoria: Yeah, that's the kind of guy you are.", "Billy: Well, I'm not a guy that gets his butt kicked by your father. Been there, done that. Not fun. That sucks.", "Victoria: So... jabot's new ad is fresh and provocative, so we need to talk about our strategy for our new print campaign when cane gets here. Are you ready for that?", "Billy: Oh, I have ideas, all fresh, all provocative. So, about Travis. Does he wish he was on the high seas right about now?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Billy, you know what? It's really not any of your business. I don't even know why you care.", "Billy: Why do you think I care, Vick?", "Phyllis: So what if it was Billy?", "Jack: I do not need or want my brother's help.", "Phyllis: No, you don't want to owe him for saving your behind.", "Jack: What? I'm supposed to believe him, just trust him? No, those days are over.", "Phyllis: Billy warned us that Victor would hit harder after those documents were leaked. We played right into his hands. If GC buzz runs with those bogus documents, it could take us all down. You, me, Hilary, Devon.", "Jack: If we're to believe what Billy's saying.", "Phyllis: The source is unimpeachable. It's Natalie, okay? Who else has a front-row seat to Victor's games?", "Jack: Wait, wait, Natalie, who double- and triple-crossed how many people during that pass key thing? She's the source of Billy's truth?", "Phyllis: Billy is concerned if those documents go public, Victor is gonna be all too happy to point the finger at you. You paid to get that information. You could go to prison.", "Jack: I'm sure Billy would be all too happy to comfort the new divorcée.", "Phyllis: He's trying to protect you.", "Jack: Or he's trying to sabotage me and my father's company.", "Phyllis: No, no. If he wanted to do that, he would have never told me the information. He would have sat on it just to watch you hang.", "Jack: Who are you kidding? He stepped up for you. I disowned him.", "Phyllis: He didn't disown you.", "Jack: I got to get to GC buzz.", "Phyllis: Let me come with --", "Jack: I've got this.", "[Whirring]", "Natalie: Stop doing that.", "[Whirring stops]", "Travis: I will... as soon as you tell me what you were doing with Billy Abbott.", "Natalie: That's none of your business.", "Travis: I have, uh, 13 more of these.", "Natalie: I'm gonna report this to H.R.", "Travis: Or I could tell Victor that you and Billy Abbott are drinking buddies. How long you think you get to stay behind that desk?", "[Whirring]", "Natalie: Okay. Fine.", "Travis: Spill it.", "Natalie: It was nothing. I ran into Billy at the underground. One shot led to another.", "Travis: Billy liquored you up. To get information about me?", "Natalie: Maybe. I tried not to talk at all, but words kept coming out of my mouth. Tequila. Who knew?", "Travis: Everybody. Now tell me everything you said, exactly what you said. I'd hate to tell Victor that his trusty assistant is leaking company secrets to Billy Abbott, but I will if I have to.", "Natalie: You wouldn't.", "Travis: Try me.", "Natalie: [Sighs] Fine. All I said was that there was a mole... and that Victor tested you... and that you maybe might have possibly, uh, failed. [Clears throat] Because you thought it was a good idea to investigate his family, even though he didn't want you to. So you're kind of, um... screwed. [Sighs]", "Victoria: We agreed that our private lives are off limits. Remember that, Billy? Boundaries.", "Billy: You share a house with somebody that I don't trust. My children sleep under that roof. So you're damn sure that everything Travis does and does not do is going to be my business.", "Victoria: Oh, all in the name of protecting our children?", "Billy: Whatever I have to do, Victoria.", "Victoria: So it's not some excuse to dig around in my personal life? I have an idea for you. Why don't you focus on work for a change and not my personal life, huh? It's a good idea, right?", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Victoria: I have to go.", "Billy: Is it the kids?", "Victoria: No.", "Billy: Is it Travis?", "Victoria: I will be right back.", "Billy: And she's off.", "Cane: Oh, where you going?", "Victoria: Out. Maybe you can get Billy to actually concentrate on some work for once.", "Cane: Ha. Yeah, right. Yo, hey. Before you say a single thing, don't want to know.", "Billy: Honestly, it started off really well.", "Cane: Bet it did. Sorry I'm late. I had to, uh, have breakfast with lily and the kids.", "Billy: It's all right. You're usually the first one here and the last one to leave in the evening. Having a morning off is not a bad thing, especially if it's for the kids. How are they, by the way?", "Cane: They're excellent. They are still coming down from their Halloween sugar high.", "[Both laugh]", "Billy: Look at these two clowns.", "Cane: Aww. Billy, we are lucky men.", "Billy: We are lucky, are we?", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Billy: I just wish I didn't have to share them with another man.", "Mariah: Too cold, too foamy. You're still here. Stop looking at me like that.", "Kevin: Like what?", "Mariah: Like that. Because if you keep looking at me like that, if you keep saying nice things, I'm gonna completely lose it, and I can't do that, so please just go. I need to make her highness's coffee in peace.", "Kevin: I'm a phone call away if you need anything.", "Mariah: I know.", "Hilary: Mariah, this is an office. This isn't a place for you to entertain your posse.", "Mariah: Oh, my god. Please, please, please just go. Go now.", "Kevin: Lord, is she always like that?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Kevin: Good luck.", "Mariah: Kevin?", "Kevin: Yo.", "Mariah: Thank you. It's still hot.", "Jack: Good morning.", "Kevin: No, it isn't.", "Hilary: Jack. Can I help you?", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Travis: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Travis: Thanks for coming. Sorry to pull you away from work.", "Victoria: No, it's okay. I needed the break.", "Travis: Let me guess. You needed the break from Billy.", "Victoria: Well, working with one's ex does present certain challenges.", "Travis: Especially if he's hung over?", "Victoria: No. Why?", "Travis: Billy got Natalie drunk last night so he could pump her for information.", "Victoria: [Sighs] She needs to show more respect for the company. A certain amount of discretion no matter how many shots she's had. That's ridiculous. It's not as if I don't know my father wasn't testing you, anyway.", "Travis: Ah. Okay. So Billy found out, then he went straight to you. What's his problem?", "Victoria: I spoke with him about boundaries.", "Travis: Like that mattered. This guy needs to stay the hell out of my life.", "Billy: [Sighs] I love making pancakes in the morning for them, little bunny pancakes, and cleaning their sticky fingers off.", "Cane: Wait. You make pancakes?", "Billy: I make amazing pancakes. Make sure you ask Johnny next time you see him. Katie ends up usually just playing with them, but they're good.", "Cane: Wow. You rock, huh?", "Billy: Well, thank you very much. Of course, this is all when I get to see them.", "Cane: Yeah. I know exactly what you mean.", "Billy: At least you get to live with your kids. I miss the ins and outs, you know, the getting them up in the morning, getting them dressed, feeding them. Then at the end of the day, you feed them, you get them undressed, you kiss them good night, ask them what the best part of their day way.", "Cane: Nothing better.", "Billy: Nothing better. Until you don't get to do it anymore. That's when you realize how amazing it is.", "Cane: You know, I'm missing some of those moments myself.", "Billy: Yeah. Scheduling nights that I get to see them, dates on the calendar that I get to hang out with them. I always feel like I'm playing catch-up, trying to be relevant to their life.", "Cane: Johnny and Katie love you, and you are their dad, and nothing you do can change that.", "Billy: I promised myself one thing -- going back from when I was in boarding school -- that I wouldn't end up like my mother. That I would be there for them whenever they need me, whenever that is. What am I missing? I mean, the good things, the big things, the small things. Last week Johnny learned the alphabet song. I didn't hear it. I wasn't there for it. Victoria told me about it.", "Cane: I can top that. I missed Mattie and Charlie's first Halloween play.", "Billy: That is unforgivable.", "Cane: I'm the worst. I know. But you know what? What I learned was you cannot be there for your kids 24/7. Even if you're happily married.", "Billy: Guess you just got to do what you can, right? Make the most of whatever time you have with them.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Jack: Wow! Quite an operation.", "Hilary: Yeah, we're pretty proud of it. We're especially proud of everything that we've accomplished.", "Jack: I always knew you were destined to be more than just my assistant.", "Hilary: It's been a really gratifying experience. Except for Victor wanting to sue us. Whatever happened to freedom of the press, huh?", "Jack: I'm confident you'll prevail there, too. I'm just glad you found your niche.", "Hilary: You know, if you like, you can watch me do a run-through, hmm?", "Jack: I would love that, but right now that coffee smells great.", "Hilary: [Chuckles] Okay, give me a minute. Mariah! Mariah?", "Mariah: What I'd do?", "Hilary: If you're not, um, too busy socializing, would it be too much to ask if you can make Jack a cup of coffee, hmm?", "Mariah: Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I can do that.", "Hilary: Not very well. So, Jack, what brings you here so early in the morning? Is it too much to hope that you want to expose yourself as the anonymous tipster that is taking a wrecking ball to Newman enterprises? Because I could put you on camera right now.", "Jack: Much as I would like to take credit for outing Victor's latest criminal behavior, I'm afraid the glory belongs to someone else.", "Hilary: Don't be coy with me, Jack. We are friends, okay? If we go sit down, I get you on the record, I will make you look like a hero.", "Jack: And, of course, ratings have nothing to do with any of this, right?", "Hilary: You know me too well. Hmm. Okay, fine. If you're not here to boost my ratings, then why did you come?", "Jack: It's the foundation. I understand you've missed a couple of board meetings.", "Hilary: And you haven't been to any since you walked out, so why are you checking up on me?", "Jack: Well, Neil's still trying to accomplish quite a lot. He's a friend, and I feel a responsibility.", "Hilary: Okay, I appreciate that. But getting all of this up and running, it's been a lot of work. And it's pretty important, as well.", "Jack: Yeah, well, I can appreciate that.", "Hilary: Mariah, are you gonna be delivering this mail, like, sometime today?", "Mariah: Yeah, I was gonna do that right after my barista duties were finished. But there's no job too small.", "[Fire alarm blares]", "Victoria: Okay, look, Billy might have gone overboard, but that's who he is.", "Travis: So you just let him get away with it?", "Victoria: I think you're overreacting.", "Travis: He was digging up dirt on me, and then he came running to you.", "Victoria: With information that I already knew.", "Travis: No, that's beside the point. He doesn't respect me. He doesn't respect our relationship. I love you. I don't have to prove myself to anybody.", "Victoria: Is your problem with my father for testing you, or is it with Billy for finding out about it?", "Travis: I didn't apologize to your father. I'm not going to. He gave me an assignment. I did what had to be done.", "Victoria: You went behind his back, and you had my family investigated.", "Travis: It wasn't that long ago that your entire family turned on Victor. I get that you've all made amends, okay? It's nothing but love. But it would have been negligent to ignore the possibility that somebody still holds a grudge and wanted to hurt Victor.", "Victoria: Oh, I see, because now you're an expert on my family.", "Travis: It's because I know business. I've been in the trenches. I made the right call.", "Victoria: Oh, I see. Did you make the right call when you slept with your boss's wife?", "Travis: Now we're gonna drag Michelle into this?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Wasn't one of your better business decisions, was it?", "Travis: But you're okay with Billy sleeping with his brother's wife.", "Victoria: I'm not saying that. We're talking about you right now, Travis.", "Travis: So now I'm the bad guy? I've been trying to navigate your father's endless power trip. I've got an ex-husband who takes overprotective to a whole 'nother level. And the kicker is, you encourage him.", "Victoria: As long as you live in the house with Johnny and Katherine, Billy has every right to be concerned about a man who's spending so much time with his children, don't you think?", "Travis: This isn't about parental concern. This has nothing to do with the kids! This is Billy trying to make trouble. And you're giving him free rein to do it.", "Victoria: Okay, this is a new situation for all of us, and Billy is doing the best that he can, Travis.", "Travis: The hell he is! And maybe it's time you stopped defending your ex and this endless downward spiral and you cut your losses.", "Victoria: I will never cut the father of my children out of their lives.", "Travis: [Sighs]", "Billy: Hey, man. It's been awhile.", "Kevin: You're just in time.", "Billy: [Chuckles] A little early, even for me. Thank you.", "Kevin: It's a smoothie.", "Billy: Well, in that case, I'll have one, please. Extra strawberries.", "Kevin: So, how are you?", "Billy: Um, well, anybody that reads a tabloid knows how I am. But I have to say things are calming down, which is nice. Speaking of, I, uh, saw Chloe last night. Sounds like you two are doing well.", "Kevin: Yeah, we're back together, taking things slow.", "Billy: Yeah? Moving in together is taking things slow with you, huh?", "Kevin: She mentioned that?", "Billy: She did.", "Kevin: Well, I love her. Slow, fast, in between -- whatever she wants, I'm game.", "Billy: Does she know what she wants?", "Kevin: Maybe you can tell me.", "Billy: I don't want to overstep.", "Kevin: Well, now you have no choice.", "Billy: She mentioned that she might be a little worried that Bella's father might show up at some point and might make it awkward for the two of you.", "Kevin: A concern she hasn't mentioned to me. Okay, well, thank you for sharing.", "Billy: Yeah, of course. Ah. Thank you. [Clears throat] Hmm. That is good. Good call. Hey, speaking of, do you, uh, do you know anything about Bella's father?", "Kevin: Not a clue. You?", "Billy: No. Not a clue.", "Lily: Okay, the most important part is your eyes. Don't laugh at me. It's your eyes, okay? Look at the basket, all right? And then you take your shot, like this. Yeah! Right? Thank you. Okay. It's your turn. You've got this, dude. You've got this. Use your eyes. Right? Look at the basket first. That's all right. It's okay. Next time, yeah? [Chuckles]", "Cane: Whoo-hoo!", "Both: Daddy!", "Cane: Ahh! You see that?", "Lily: Yeah. Hi.", "Cane: Hey, little buddy. Yeah? You guys having fun?", "Both: Yeah.", "Cane: All right.", "Mariah: Okay, thanks. The building manager says that this is not a drill. We need to evacuate. Everybody, let's go.", "Hilary: No, I don't have time for this.", "Mariah: We don't have a choice.", "Hilary: [Sighs] Uh, Jack?", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, I'm, uh, I'm coming.", "Kevin: Is this how you get over it? Work through it lifting weights?", "Billy: [Chuckles] Just trying to go forward. [Clears throat] Repair relationships, if that's at all possible.", "Kevin: I'm sorry.", "Billy: It's all good, you know? Johnny and Katie are my priority right now. I'm just trying to be a good father.", "Kevin: You got that covered.", "Billy: Best thing that ever happened to me, along with Delia, of course.", "Kevin: It is amazing how much Bella looks like Delia.", "Billy: Right?", "Kevin: Same laugh, but she's her own little person. Total heartbreaker.", "Billy: You don't know anything about Bella's biological father?", "Kevin: Uh, Chloe said that he was a loner, but then she said that he had a complicated life. She hasn't exactly been forthcoming.", "Billy: When is she ever? You know, you never wanted to put those hacking skills to work, get online and look up that birth certificate, try and see if the father's listed?", "Kevin: Uhh, yeah, I can't say that I'm not tempted, but Chloe trusts me not to. I have worked too hard to rebuild this relationship to do anything that could sabotage it.", "Billy: You're a good man.", "Kevin: Hmm. I don't know. I'm a selfish man. I figure if I leave it alone, Bella's biological dad stays out of the picture, and I'm the only father figure she knows. And there's nothing more that I want than to be her dad.", "Billy: Well, fatherhood.", "Kevin: Fatherhood.", "Cane: All right, okay. Now, you are up, my man. I want to see what mommy taught you. Let's do this. Come on.", "Lily: You got this.", "Cane: You got this. You got this! [Cheering] Way to go! All right. Okay. See? Mommy's good. She's amazing. She could be an NBA coach. Huh? And I would play on your team any day. You know that, right?", "Lily: Yeah. [Laughs]", "Cane: All right, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna play a little game of two-on-two. You ready?", "Lily: Oh, no, no, no. This mommy is sitting this one out.", "Cane: Ohhh! Boo!", "Lily: Boo!", "Cane: Boo! I see what's gonna happen. You guys ready for this?", "Lily: Come on, you guys. You can do this.", "Cane: You ready?", "Lily: You can get him.", "Cane: Ohhh!", "Lily: [Laughs] Come on, Charlie.", "Cane: All right.", "Lily: Come on.", "Cane: Come on.", "Lily: Come on, Charlie. You got this.", "Both: Yeah!", "Hilary: Evan gave me a copy. She thinks that she's some sort of real writer. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. It's ridiculous, really. Here. Take a look. Doesn't make any sense.", "Mariah: Okay. \"Deacon Sharpe, the infamous former Genoa city resident, rapscallion, and one of Nikki Newman's multiple ex-husbands, seemed to have fled the city of los angels and taking his scheming and scamming to parts unknown. But we at GC buzz may have the goods on this devious, devilish, dare we say degenerate and his path of destruction. So stay tuned.\"", "Hilary: That wasn't too bad.", "Mariah: You know, or you could just skip all the fancy words and call the snake a snake.", "Hilary: Thank you for your input.", "Mariah: You know, if you want, I could take a look at the copy and see if I have some other suggestions.", "Hilary: Your job is lunch. Sushi with rice paper. No seaweed. Low sodium soy sauce. And can you make sure that the wasabi is not too spicy? Hello. Are you taking this down?", "[Shredder whirring]", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Jack: You can't knock?", "Phyllis: Well, I got hot coffee.", "Jack: Had enough coffee for one day, thank you.", "Phyllis: So? I want to know. Did you get those documents? Did everything go as planned? What happened?", "Jack: No, I did not get the documents.", "Phyllis: Oh. Did your charm backfire, or was Hilary too busy throwing herself at you?", "Jack: The fire alarm went off. We were all evacuated.", "Phyllis: Oh. You didn't go back in?", "Jack: No, Hilary was already suspicious of why I was there in the first place. If I'd gone back in after the alarm, it would have aroused even more suspicion.", "Phyllis: That's a shame. It was a good plan.", "Jack: Okay. Go ahead. Say it. I know you want to.", "Phyllis: Say what?", "Jack: \"I told you so.\" Damn it. I guess I can hope that maybe the sprinkler went off and doused the papers beyond recognition.", "Phyllis: Well, there is another possibility.", "Jack: Oh, right. That GC buzz is airing this stuff as we speak.", "Phyllis: Or someone close to you knows a thing or two about guerilla warfare, going extreme, fire alarms.", "Jack: You did it.", "Phyllis: [Laughs] I did it.", "Jack: [Laughs]", "Mattie: Come on, daddy.", "Charlie: Let's play.", "Lily: Hey. You okay?", "Cane: I'm okay. I'm all right.", "Lily: Okay, don't do the macho thing. You don't have to keep playing.", "Cane: I'm not doing the macho thing. I'm doing the dad thing. I'm okay. I'm all right, baby. I love you. All right. All right, guys, come on. Let's do this. Let's play some horse. Who wants to go first? Come here. You're first, baby girl.", "Mattie: Okay.", "Cane: All right. Come on, sweetheart.", "[Ball dribbling]", "Mariah: Yes to the wasabi. Do you have any that's not too spicy? No. No, I didn't think so. No, no, no, no, no. Yes to the ebi. No to the uni. Sea urchin? God. She would have my head.", "Hilary: \"Or we can just call a snake a snake.\" Perfect.", "Mariah: And can I get a dragon roll with eel sauce?", "Natalie: [Sighs]", "Travis: I want to see Victor.", "Natalie: Well, he isn't in, so you can go away.", "Travis: I have some advice for you.", "Natalie: Not interested.", "Travis: Well, you should be if you want to keep this job.", "Natalie: That's a big \"if.\"", "Travis: Discretion is the key to success. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut.", "Natalie: Does that mean you don't want me to tell you who called?", "Travis: Michelle?", "Billy: Well, I didn't expect you to pick up. I'm worried about you and Jack, what Victor might do. Hopefully I was able to help. Bye. Welcome back. Everything okay?", "Victoria: Everything's fine.", "Billy: It was Travis, wasn't it?", "Victoria: Oh, please. It's none of your concern.", "Billy: He needed somebody to hold his hand? Becoming a habit, isn't it?", "Victoria: Where are we at with jabot's print ads? You've had more than enough time to come up with a strategy.", "Billy: Right here. Top of my list. Counter-campaign geared directly towards the demographic.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Billy: You're welcome. There's a lot of variables, so if you want to discuss it, I have time.", "Victoria: No, it's okay. I'm good.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Jack: It's definitely all here. Any glitches?", "Phyllis: Not really.", "Jack: What does that mean?", "Phyllis: Well, I had to sweet-talk my way past a security guard.", "Jack: Did he recognize you? Could he go to Hilary?", "Phyllis: I played lost. He gave me directions to the nearest exit. The point is, the papers -- they're safe, you're safe. Mission accomplished.", "Jack: I expressly told you I didn't want you involved in this.", "Phyllis: I was trying to help.", "Jack: You've proven once again you can't be trusted.", "Phyllis: Hilary does not have those papers in her hands. You do, okay? I'm not apologizing.", "Jack: I didn't think you would.", "Phyllis: We're gonna get rid of these.", "Jack: No, wait, wait. Maybe we can use these fake documents.", "Phyllis: No, we're not gonna use them.", "Jack: What if we convinced Victor that we --", "Phyllis: I am gonna -- Jack! Aah!", "Jack: What? What?", "Phyllis: Oh! It's burning! It's burning!", "Jack: Let me help!", "Phyllis: It's burning! Aah! [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Curtis: What do you want me to do?", "Victor: I want you to make sure that the Abbotts don't get away with this.", "Hilary: I just need one more big story. There has got to be something juicy going on in this town.", "Nick: This lie has gone on much too long. Today I set things right." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "In an attempt to get some money, Chelsea offered to sell Abby her stake in the hotel, but Abby thought Chelsea was joking. Abby let Rey know his father skipped out on a $3,000 hotel bill, but she refused to let Rey pay it off. Chelsea told Nick she missed his press conference because she'd been swamped with hotel business. Nick and Chelsea were interviewed about his run for office. Simon gave Chelsea 48 hours to get his money. Chelsea called Kevin for help. Jack told Kyle that the DNA test showed Theo was Dina's grandson. Kyle clashed with Jack and Lola over their decision to give Theo a chance. Kyle apologized, but he still felt that Theo was an opportunist. At Theo's request, Jack brought Dina over for a visit. Dina mistook Theo for her son, Eric. He went along with it and assured her Eric had a good family. Rey let Lola know their father left town. Theo told Lola about his visit with Dina and how he wasn't sure who he was anymore. Kyle was angry when Jack vowed to make Theo feel welcome. Sharon told Mariah about her great date with Rey. Mariah worried Adam would interfere, but Sharon was confident that she wouldn't let that happen. Mariah was throwing a surprise anniversary party for Tessa to celebrate living together for one year. Sharon invited Rey to the party, and he accepted.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Jack: Eric vanderway. Born to dina and stuart, raised by ralph and margaret.", "Theo: My dad and you may have been half-brothers?", "Jack: Listen, I'm gonna ask that you take a dna test so that we can compare your dna with dina's, make sure she's your grandmother.", "Lola: He was afraid he was gonna lose his old drinking buddy, but he seems to have gotten over that.", "Kyle: That's what he wants you to think!", "Nikki: Still no word from chelsea?", "Nick: Well, like you said, uh, she could got, uh, you know, stuck at the hotel.", "Simon: You have something of mine, miss boudreau, and I'd like it back.", "Chelsea: I don't care if the money's been properly washed. I just need it in my hands today.", "Kevin: I can't do that. The feds were investigating the bank. They closed in, they seized all assets and accounts.", "Chelsea: Oh, god.", "Chelsea: Nick, I am so sorry I missed your press conference. I really wanted to be there, but something came up. Um, I'll explain when I see you.", "Abby: I'll be sure to pass along the message, and if there's anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please let us know.", "Simon: I certainly will.", "Abby: Great. Hey!", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Abby: Someone was looking for you.", "Chelsea: Oh?", "Abby: A very handsome guest. He was looking for the manager.", "Chelsea: Did he say why?", "Abby: He said he wanted to thank you for making his stay so pleasant.", "Chelsea: Aww. So sweet.", "Abby: Yeah, I told him i would pass along the message.", "Chelsea: Did he say anything else?", "Abby: He said the business that brought him into town was a little more complicated than he thought.", "Chelsea: Oh, so he'll be staying longer.", "Abby: He is not leaving until it's all wrapped up. Good for us, right? [ Laughs ]", "Chelsea: It's great. That's really great.", "Kyle: Hey. I'm not sure why you insisted i come home. We could have talked at the office.", "Jack: I thought it better we do this here.", "Kyle: If it's about theo, it's not gonna change how i feel.", "Jack: I had to tell theo the truth.", "Kyle: You could have left this alone. You chose to tell a guy I can't stand that we might be related.", "Jack: I'm not going to apologize for doing what i thought was right.", "Kyle: We've been past this. So unless you have something new --", "Jack: I do. I have the results of theo's dna test.", "Kyle: Have you shown him what they are?", "Jack: I thought I'd share them with you first.", "Mariah: How's studying going?", "Sharon: Oh, I got distracted.", "Mariah: Flowers on a random monday -- I wonder who they could be from.", "Sharon: Gee, I can't imagine.", "Mariah: \"Thanks for the best halloween treat ever. Love, rey.\" Well, that must have been some date you guys went on last night.", "Sharon: Considering that it didn't end until this morning.", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh, you took the next level to the next level.", "[ Giggles ]", "Sharon: You know, he must have ordered these the minute i left the hotel room.", "Mariah: I haven't seen you this happy since...", "Sharon: Since the last time I was with rey?", "Jack: I have the results of the test.", "Kyle: Just tell me what they say.", "Jack: It's true. Theo is dina's grandson.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Now we know.", "Jack: You want to maybe talk about this?", "Kyle: There's nothing to say.", "Jack: I disagree.", "Kyle: No, you wanted to find out if theo's dad was your half-brother. You got your answer.", "Jack: But it isn't the answer that you wanted.", "Kyle: I'll survive.", "Jack: Kyle, talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking.", "Kyle: That you should go and tell theo the good news. You two can celebrate together", "Lola: Kyle, don't be like this.", "Jack: You know what, it's -- it's okay. This is upsetting for all of us. I will give you time to process this, and then let's talk about this.", "Lola: Babe, please.", "Kyle: I told you not to pursue this. You are going to find out I was right.", "Abby: Last month's numbers are in, and they are even better than I expected. The grand phoenix is turning out to be a real money-maker. Makes me regret bringing on you and phyllis. I could have kept all the profits to myself.", "[ Giggles ]", "Chelsea: Maybe you could have a bigger percentage of them.", "Abby: You have a plan to get rid of phyllis?", "Chelsea: Well, what if you, um, bought my share of the hotel?", "[ Both laugh ]", "Abby: Funny. You're not serious, right?", "Nick: Serious about what?", "Abby: Oh, chelsea was just joking about me buying her out. You were joking, right? Additional sponsorship", "Nick: Well, of course chelsea was kidding. She's not selling her stake in the grand phoenix. She said this is the best investment she's ever made.", "Abby: The numbers prove it.", "Nick: Even if you weren't raking it in, she loves working with everyone here. Well, I guess not everyone.", "[ Laughter ]", "Chelsea: Yes. You and chloe are the best.", "Abby: We make a great team. So no more talk about anybody buying anybody else out, okay? Let's talk about you! It's official, you're running for city council?", "Nick: Yeah, made the announcement this morning.", "Abby: I saw the press conference online -- a very impressive speech. You got my vote.", "Nick: Thanks, sis. I really appreciate the support.", "Abby: I, um -- I need to make sure that we have another happy guest, so excuse me.", "Chelsea: Hey. I'm really sorry. Did you get my voicemail?", "Nick: Yeah, you, uh -- you said you had a lot going on. And I get here, and you and abby are joking around.", "Chelsea: I really wanted to be there, nick.", "Nick: Why weren't you?", "Abby: No need to ask if you and sharon had a good time.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] We had a fantastic time.", "Abby: Good. I love to hear that my guests are happy.", "Rey: Yeah. Well, I didn't run into the one person who could have ruined my stay, so five stars from me.", "Abby: Well, you don't need to worry about adrian.", "Rey: He checked out?", "Abby: This morning. And I hate to say it, but... he didn't pay his bill.", "Sharon: Rey's just so... easy to be with. You know, no games or hidden agendas.", "Mariah: So, like a normal relationship.", "Sharon: Yeah, but not boring. You know, last night was the opposite of boring. It's just so refreshing to be with somebody who's, you know, honest and sweet, and also sexy.", "Mariah: Okay, mom.", "Sharon: No! All right, all right. I'm just -- I'm just filling you in, sharing why I'm excited.", "Mariah: I know. I know, I just -- keep it pg, okay?", "Sharon: Well, you know, this is your fault. I mean, you're the reason why rey and I have had this second chance. I mean, if you hadn't been pushing us together, this might not have happened.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Well, I'm -- I'm glad things worked out.", "Sharon: Are you?", "Mariah: Yes! Of course. It's just --", "Sharon: It's what?", "Mariah: Look, I am behind you and rey, 100%, I promise.", "Sharon: But...?", "Mariah: Now that adam's back, I'm just wondering if he's gonna screw things up for you guys. Like he did before.", "Kyle: You think I was out of line.", "Lola: [ Sighs ] This is hard. And I feel for you. But the way that you spoke to your dad, kyle, that was hard.", "Kyle: I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around the idea that theo and I are related.", "Lola: I know, but you're gonna have to figure out a way to deal with it.", "Kyle: Okay, so some random guy who I've never before is my dad's half-brother, and now i have to welcome theo into our family?", "Lola: What are you afraid of?", "Kyle: I -- I don't know, my whole family being turned upside-down by a manipulative opportunist?", "Lola: Kyle, could you consider for one second that this might actually mean something to theo other than a chance to take advantage of the abbotts?", "Theo: The abbotts, of all people... I mean, 9 million people in new york city, and, what, kyle and I become friends? What are the odds? And then I -- I come here, ending up working with you and abby. I mean, this is insane.", "Jack: I stopped trying to figure out the capricious ways of the world a long time ago.", "Theo: Are you sorry that it turned out to be me?", "Jack: I'm glad the truth came out.", "Theo: I'm sure kyle is, too. Just thrilled.", "Jack: He just needs some time to process.", "Theo: Yeah. Yeah. The rest of his life. So, where do we go from here?", "Jack: I don't know. I don't know that there are any how-to books on handling this, but I figured we'd work through it together.", "Theo: Well, winging it is my specialty.", "Jack: Okay, then you take the lead. I mean, god knows we have a lot of pictures of the abbott family around here. I could tell you stories about dina....", "Theo: There is something you could do for me, and I'd like to do it as soon as possible.", "Chelsea: I really wanted to be at your press conference. But all these problems kept popping up, and I'd put out one fire, and then another one would start, and... abby wasn't here, so I couldn't leave.", "Nick: Well, why didn't you just call or text and tell me what was going on?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I was so involved with what i was doing, I just lost track of time, and by the time i realized how late it was... you had already finished your speech. But, oh, my gosh, I watched it on my tablet. You killed it! You knocked it out of the park!", "Nick: Thanks. Everyone seemed to be pretty happy with how it went.", "Chelsea: Good. See? So -- maybe it's better I wasn't there, you know? Everybody could just focus on you and your agenda.", "Nick: Are you bailing on me?", "Chelsea: Never. Never. I just think -- I just think maybe it's best i stay more in the background, you know, until you get your campaign off the ground.", "Nick: No, chelsea. How is it gonna look if my significant other isn't there to endorse me?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I am always behind you, 100%. But if you put me front and center, you're really taking a risk. I mean, what if that costs you the election?", "Nick: I don't know how many more times I can tell you this. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed at all to have you by my side.", "Chelsea: But you're not the one I need to impress.", "Nick: Once everyone gets to know you, they're gonna love you as much as I do. Which is a lot.", "Chelsea: That's very sweet.", "Nick: Now, I know your job and connor is your priority. But, honestly, I'll take anything you can give me right now because I don't think I can do this without you.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you today. But I'll, uh, make it up to you later, I promise.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ]", "Nick: Actually... you can make it up to me right now.", "Rey: Okay, what's -- what's the damage?", "Abby: $3,000. The credit card that he used when he checked in was declined, and when the front desk clerk called him to get a new card, well, he said he was gonna bring one down, and then -- well, then he left. We never heard from him again.", "Rey: That S.O.B. Never changes.", "Abby: I hate to lay this on you.", "Rey: I'll write you a check.", "Abby: No, of course not. You're not responsible for your father's actions.", "Rey: Well, why should you have to take the loss?", "Abby: It's part of the business.", "Rey: Let me at least pay for some of it.", "Abby: Rey, I'm not accepting your money.", "Rey: Okay. Well, thank you. But if adrian does come back into town, I'm gonna throw his ass in prison for theft.", "Abby: You're a good man, detective rosales.", "Rey: Too bad I didn't come by it honestly.", "Sharon: I basically told adam that I'm not interested in a relationship with him.", "Mariah: And that's different from all of the other times that you've done that, how?", "Sharon: Because I'm different. Because of rey. You know, he honestly trusts that I am not going to allow adam to be a threat to our relationship.", "Mariah: He is a master manipulator. Adam's already roped you into helping out his son.", "Sharon: He pleaded with me to help connor. I said no.", "Mariah: Wait, but i thought --", "Sharon: Rey encouraged me to change my mind. That's how much faith he has in me.", "Mariah: Why would you risk losing such a great guy? There are dozens of licensed therapists in genoa city who could help out adam's son.", "Sharon: That's what I told him, but connor and I, we just have this relationship.", "Mariah: Which adam is using to his advantage.", "Sharon: That can't happen unless I let him, and I won'T. It is not happening. History is not going to repeat itself.", "Mariah: Sounds like you've got this under control.", "Sharon: I do, so there's nothing for you to worry about. Now, let's talk about you. What's going on in your life?", "Mariah: I am throwing a little get-together tonight, and I would very much like for you to come.", "Sharon: Of course!", "Mariah: And bring rey.", "Sharon: Sure!-What's the occasion?", "Theo: Ever since you told me we might be related, I've been thinking about something, and... now that I know it's true... this is really important to me. I'd like to meet my grandmother.", "Jack: Theo, I know you have a lot of questions. I'm afraid dina won't be able to give you the answers you want.", "Theo: I know that she's got alzheimer's --", "Jack: My sister traci and i tried to talk to her about your dad. She couldn't tell us anything about the baby she gave up. The idea that that baby has a-son is something she wouldn't understand.", "Theo: I don't expect her to explain why she gave my dad up for adoption. I just want to meet her. Look, I know that my dad would want me to have the chance that he never got.", "Jack: I'm very sorry about that.", "Theo: Look, I promise, I won't upset her.", "Jack: You sure you're ready for this?", "Theo: Yeah, you know, I've already missed out on so much, and -- and who knows how much longer my grandmother has?", "Jack: Okay. I'll see if dina's up for a visit.", "Theo: Thank you.", "Lola: You assume theo wants something from your family.", "Kyle: Because I know him. He's always working an angle, trying to get somebody to back his crazy schemes or pay his bar tab.", "Lola: You two used to be friends. Maybe this is a sign that you should be again.", "Kyle: No way. I was in a bad place when I met him. It was a blip, a mistake. The guy's a mess. You should have heard him the night he found out we might be related. He couldn't wait to taunt me with it, talking about \"uncle jack.\"", "Lola: You both received some shocking news. You weren't thrilled with it. I'm sure theo was ticked off by your reaction.", "Kyle: Okay, so now I'm the bad guy?", "Lola: No, that's not what i meant. I'm just saying, if you could keep an open mind, maybe you and theo could find some common ground.", "Kyle: Yeah, that's never gonna happen.", "Lola: Kyle, I know that theo made some bad decisions in the past, but he seems to be trying extremely hard to become a better person!", "Kyle: Give me a break, lola!", "Lola: Oh, my god. That night that I felt dizzy, he came, and he cared. He brought that soup!", "Kyle: No, he wasn't doing that to be nice! He's sucking up to you because he knows it'll drive me nuts, and you're falling for his act!", "Lola: Okay, so I'm either stupid or naive?", "Kyle: That's not what I said, lola.", "Lola: Well, that's what it sounded like, kyle! You know, I don't care how you feel about theo. You have no right to treat me like a fool.", "Kyle: Wait -- lola! No, lola!", "[ Door slams ]", "Kyle: Damn it!", "Lola: I have to get back to the restaurant.", "Kyle: Lola, wait. Don't leave like this. [ Sighs ] I -- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you.", "Lola: I get that you're frustrated.", "Kyle: And this whole thing with theo is really messing with head, but I never would want it to come between us.", "Lola: I don't want that, either.", "Kyle: There's no way in a million years I'd ever think you're stupid. I just felt like you were defending theo. I thought you'd be on my side.", "Lola: I am on your side. That's why I'm trying to find out a way for you guys to work things out.", "Kyle: You have the biggest heart. It's always looking for happy endings. That's one of the reasons I love you.", "Lola: Mm, it also drives you crazy.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Please, just -- keep your eyes open where theo's concerned.", "Lola: Cross my big, giant heart.", "Kyle: I love you.", "Lola: I love you, too.", "Kyle: So, we good?", "Lola: We are. But you do owe someone else an apology.", "Dina: Thank you so much.", "Jack: Is that comfortable?", "Dina: Oh, yes, it is.", "Jack: I made some of your favorite tea.", "Dina: Oh! Hibiscus, I hope.", "Jack: Hibiscus.", "Jack: [ Giggles ] Thank you.", "Jack: There you are.", "Dina: Oh, thank you. Mm, yummy, yummy, yummy. This is a lovely home.", "Jack: Thank you. It's been in our family for years.", "Dina: Well...", "Jack: It's nice that you can visit us.", "Dina: Well, it feels good to get out and meet new people.", "Jack: Speaking of that, i have someone I want you to meet.", "Dina: Who?", "Jack: Dina, this is theo vanderway.", "Theo: It's nice to meet you, dina.", "Dina: Oh... did you say \"vanderway?\"", "Jack: Yes. Does that name mean something to you?", "Dina: [ Voice breaking ] Oh.", "[ Breathes deeply ]", "Chelsea: She wants to interview us here?", "Nick: Yes. Her name's pat. She works at the chronicle. She's been doing stories on our families for years, and she is very fair. She doesn't have that tabloid spin. And I know it won't take long. So if you'll do this for me, I would really appreciate it.", "Chelsea: How could I turn you down when you look at me like that?", "Nick: So you'll do it?", "Chelsea: Ugh, fine! Just remember, this was your idea.", "Nick: You are gonna be great. Ah, showtime.", "Abby: I think this is who you're looking for. The amazingly brilliant candidate who will win the next city council election.", "Nick: Thanks, sis.", "Abby: Just make sure you have your victory party here.", "Nick: Done. It's great to see you, pat.", "Abby: I have to go. I have to go meet with the esports organizers. I'm not sure where phyllis.", "Chelsea: Oh, I'll keep an eye on things.", "Abby: All right, great. By.", "Nick: Bye. This is my girlfriend, chelsea lawson. Nice to meet you. I'm anxious to get to know nick's partner in crime.", "Nick: Oh, she's the best. Let's, uh -- let's sit down over here. Where should we get started? Tell me why you're running for city council.", "Nick: Well, it's simple. I believe the people of genoa city deserve to have someone on their side, and i would like to be that person. What makes you a good advocate for working folk?", "Nick: I think everyone knows I've led a very privileged life, but there is more to me than my trust fund, especially I've given most of it away.", "Chelsea: And now he's devoted himself to new hope.", "Nick: Running my own non-profit has been the most satisfying work of my life, and it made me realize that I want to do more for my community, and the way I do that is by running for office. Look, I was born and raised in genoa city. I've lived here my whole life. I have done everything in this city from pouring drinks to having a big desk in a corner office. I've talked to people from all walks of life, and they're all saying the same thing. They want an opportunity to make a good living. They want good schooling for their children and a place to raise their own families, and everyone has a right to that, and I'm gonna fight like hell to make sure that happens. I want genoa city to be a place that people are proud to call home. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Mariah: Do you think that tessa's gonna be upset that i surprised her? Because I know some people hate surprises. Do you think she's gonna hate it? I should cancel it, shouldn't I? I should. I should.", "Sharon: No, no. Mariah, stop. She is going to love that you're throwing a celebration for your anniversary.", "Mariah: You really think so?", "Sharon: Yes! I just can't believe you two have been living together a whole year.", "Mariah: I know. I didn't think that we would make it. You know, all the stuff with her sister and J.T.", "Sharon: You know, that was a real test of your love. You stood by tessa through all of it. Now here you are, a year later, stronger than ever.", "Mariah: It's crazy. Me, in a long-term, healthy relationship. I didn't even have a friend before I came to genoa city.", "Sharon: I'm so proud of you. You know, you -- you put your heart on the line, and you found love. I couldn't be happier for you.", "Mariah: All right. One surprise anniversary party coming up!", "Rey: So, what would you give your brother for a piece of good news?", "Lola: Depends, brother. What kind of good news?", "Rey: Four-course dinner good.", "Lola: Mm, I'd have to hear it first.", "Rey: Dad left town.", "Lola: Yeah, okay. He'll come back.", "Rey: Not unless he wants his butt thrown in jail.", "Lola: Oh, no. What did he do?", "Rey: He stiffed the grand phoenix for 3 grand.", "Lola: He did?", "Rey: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: Oh, my god, no, of course he did. What am I saying? Bailing on his responsibilities is his go-to move.", "Rey: Now abby's the one he screwed over.", "Lola: I can't believe he did this to abby.", "Rey: She refused to let me pay the bill.", "Lola: Well, maybe I can have her take it out of my paycheck.", "Rey: No, no. Why should you have to clean up our dad's mess?", "Lola: [ Sighs ] Because i don't care, as long as he stays away! You know, I already have enough to deal with without worrying he's hanging around, causing more trouble.", "Rey: What else is going on?", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Dina: Eric? I-is that you?", "Theo: Yes. Yes, it's -- it's me, eric.", "Dina: [ Laughing ] Oh! Do -- do they love you?", "Theo: Who?", "Dina: Your parents. Your parents.", "Theo: They do. They do. Very much.", "Dina: Tell me about them.", "Theo: They're good people.", "Dina: Yeah?", "Theo: Kind and caring. They're devoted to making sure i always feel safe and loved.", "Dina: [ Sniffles ] Well, family should take care of each other. That's -- that's what they're supposed to do, look out -- look out for each other. I wish -- I wish I'D... I'D...", "Jack: You wish what? Dina?", "Dina: I'm getting very, very tired.", "Jack: Okay, okay. You rest right here, and I'll take you home in a second, okay?", "Dina: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: I think that's all we're gonna get out of her today.", "Theo: [ Sighs ] It was way more than I was expecting.", "Jack: Yeah. Me, too. You want me to stick around? We can talk some more.", "Theo: No. I'm good for today.", "Jack: You sure about that?", "Theo: Yeah. Yeah. Hey, thank you, jack, for... for this. I really appreciate it.", "Jack: You're welcome.", "Jack: Dina, you ready to go? I'll take you home.", "Dina: Do I know you?", "Jack: I'm jack. I'm your son, mom. I'm family. Let's go. Here you go.", "Rey: I'm not leaving until you tell me what's bothering you.", "Lola: [ Sighs ] For the 10th time, it's nothing. I've just had a lot on my plate these days.", "Rey: No, no, no. You told me you had enough to worry about, like it was something specific.", "Lola: It's work... house-hunting. And kyle's been dealing with some family drama.", "Rey: Is that work or personal?", "Lola: A little bit of both.", "Rey: Well, whatever it is, don't let it come between you two.", "Lola: No, I promised him i wouldn'T.", "Rey: Good.", "Lola: But enough about me. How are you and, uh, sharon doing?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Rey: We're doing good. Scratch that, we're great.", "Lola: Aww! Rey, that makes me so happy! I have had everything crossed for the two of you.", "Rey: Yeah, well, it worked. I'm off to see her now.", "Lola: Well, go! Go!", "Rey: Mwah!", "Lola: You don't want to keep her waiting.", "Rey: Okay, okay. [ Laughs ] I'll catch you later.", "Lola: Bye! Hi.", "Theo: I guess you heard.", "Lola: Yeah.", "Theo: I'm sure kyle had some choice words to describe how he feels about the news.", "Lola: I want to know how you're feeling.", "Kyle: Hi.", "Jack: Hi. I wasn't expecting to find you-here.", "Kyle: I owe you an apology. I was kind of a jackass earlier.", "Jack: Yeah, you got some pretty rough news.", "Kyle: Could have handled it better.", "Jack: Well, it's a big adjustment for all of us.", "Kyle: Guess it's bigger for some than others.", "Jack: Well, we'll have to be more patient with those who are struggling.", "Kyle: Did you tell theo?", "Jack: I did.", "Kyle: He stake out a bedroom yet?", "Jack: His response was more subdued.", "Kyle: Mm. Once the initial shock wears off, I'm sure his theo instincts will kick in.", "Jack: What I saw was a young man who had just gotten life-changing news. Everything he thought he knew about himself had changed.", "Kyle: It won't take him long before he turns that to his advantage. That's his specialty.", "Jack: I've seen how theo operates. I did not get the sense that he hoped to gain anything from this.", "Kyle: Trust me, dad. It won't be long before he starts asking you for things.", "[ Scoffs ]", "Jack: He already did.", "Kyle: I knew it. What'd he want? A credit card, new car?", "Jack: He wanted to meet dina.", "Kyle: Please don't tell me you --", "Jack: I wasn't sure it was a good idea at first, but it went quite well. For both of them.", "Chelsea: Nick will listen to every person he represents because he truly believes every voice matters. That is quite an endorsement.", "Chelsea: Well, it's easy to support somebody you believe in.", "Nick: Thanks. Well, uh, if you have any other questions, uh, please let me know, but... I'll walk you out. Okay.", "Chelsea: Bye. [ Sighs ] Not now, simon.", "Simon: Hey, you should be thanking me. I waited till your boyfriend left.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well, he's gonna be back any minute.", "Simon: Oh! Okay, uh, I'll get right to the point. You have 24 hours to give me the money your dearly departed husband owed me.", "Chelsea: You can't be serious.", "Simon: As a heart attack. [ Laughing ] Sorry. That was a bad choice of words.", "Chelsea: There's no way I can get you that much money that quickly. You know how...delicate a transaction like this is.", "Simon: Well, if calvin were alive, he would tell you I'm not an unreasonable man.", "Chelsea: Good, because I'm gonna need -- I'm gonna need a week, maybe two, to make this happen.", "Simon: Okay. I'll extend your deadline. You have 48 hours.", "Chelsea: And what if I can't come up with the money?", "Simon: Let's not go down that road unless we have to, okay? My drink's ready. It was nice chatting with you.", "Rey: Well, I'd better not send you any more flowers until after your finals.", "Sharon: I'd daydream about you anyway.", "Rey: I'm bad for you.", "Sharon: You are so good for me.", "Rey: Mmm.", "Sharon: So, what's new?", "Rey: You mean since I left you this morning?", "Sharon: Well, you couldn't have flown to miami and back.", "Rey: Yeah, more like it flew to me.", "Sharon: What happened?", "Rey: It's a long, ugly story.", "Sharon: Okay, well, tell me it has a happy ending.", "Rey: Yeah. This chapter. But that's not why I came to see you.", "Sharon: Oh?", "Rey: I was wondering when we could go out again.", "Sharon: Well, your timing is perfect. Mariah is having an anniversary party tonight for her and tessa. I was thinking you could be my plus-one.", "Rey: I'd love to.", "Sharon: Just think -- this time next year, we could be celebrating our anniversary.", "Rey: I'm looking forward to it.", "Mariah: Hey, babe. Yeah, I'm so sorry. It's just, um -- it's a really busy day, but, uh, I'll see you tonight. Okay. Bye.", "Theo: I don't want to put you in the middle of this.", "Lola: I don't know if you noticed, but I can take care of myself.", "Theo: You've made that very clear.", "Lola: Okay, so talk to me. Jack showed you the dna report. Then what?", "Theo: There was only thing I wanted to do -- meet my grandmother.", "Lola: Dina?", "Theo: What, did you think i was gonna ask for my own trust fund?", "Lola: No, I just -- how did it go with dina?", "Theo: [ Sighs ] She thought I was my dad. I went along with it.", "Lola: That must have been really difficult.", "Theo: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. I don't know what I was expecting, but.... not that. You know, I -- I felt this connection with her, and it was amazing. And then it was gone. She was gone. You know, I -- I feel like i lost something I never even had. Like, I know that's stupid...", "Lola: No, hey, it's not stupid at all.", "Theo: I was looking at the family photos at the abbott house, and...", "Lola: What?", "Theo: I had a family. Parents, grandparents, my own pictures, my own memories... I thought I knew who I was. Now... I'm not so sure.", "Jack: I wasn't sure it was a good idea to bring the two of them together, but it actually worked out quite well.", "Kyle: I don't see how dina got anything out of meeting theo.", "Jack: I think she got a sense of peace from it all. When she was looking at theo, i think a lifetime of questions about what happened to that little boy she gave up were answered.", "Kyle: Mm. I'm glad something good came out of it. I still don't trust theo.", "Jack: It's all theo asked for.", "Kyle: Dad, he's not above using my grandmother to score points with you.", "Jack: She's his grandmother now, too.", "Kyle: Just the thought of that is insane.", "Jack: You're gonna have to find a way to accept this, just like the rest of us.", "Kyle: Does that man you're gonna keep reaching out to him?", "Jack: At her most lucid, dina said one thing today. Family has to look out for each other. That's what families are for. Theo is family now, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he feels welcome.", "Nick: I mean, you really won pat over.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Nick: Yeah. You seemed a little nervous at first, but then you killed it.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I think I let my nerves get the best of me there for a minute, but... you know me, I always find a way to land on my feet.", "Nick: You're a boss at it. And now I got to go be a boss at new hope.", "Chelsea: All right. Well, I'll see you at home.", "Nick: Yes, you will.", "Chelsea: Kevin. I need your help." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "JT and Colleen bring Victoria presents. Brad also visits her, and he and JT argue. JT tells him to leave. Neil confirms that the explosion was due to a faulty gas monitor. Sharon asks Jack not to get into a public argument with Victor. Jack sees Maggie and Heather at the coffee shop and reminds them that they should have had a search warrant for the dog hair they took from Fisher. Victor holds a press conference and refuses to take questions. Lily tells Cane that she is glad he is okay. Later Heather invites him to Indigo for a special event they are having. After she leaves, Lily comes back and asks him to the same event and he says no. Noah tells Sharon he has been having nightmares. Jack goes to see Victor and secretly steals some of his dog's fur. He gives it to Maggie who throws it in the garbage.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "J.T.: There you go. Your mom in a plain, dreary hospital room. I think your stuff livens up the place. You know, I was thinking... I could hang some art posters up there. Actually, what I should do is blow up a big picture of me, just in case you wake up and I'm not around. No laughing, all right? You can laugh when you wake up.", "J.T.: All right, I know this isn't your favorite stuff, but it's the stuff you always seem to wear. I remember you said you liked it 'cause it reminds you of the flowers near the stables. All I know is, it reminds me of you.", "Colleen: It really does. I didn't--I didn't mean to intrude. I can come back.", "J.T.: No, no, no, it's all right. Come on in. And you don't have to whisper. We're trying to give her as much stimulation as possible, talk to her as much as we can.", "Colleen: How's she doing?", "J.T.: Still sleeping beauty.", "Colleen: Yeah, she sure is. Well, I, uh, I brought some stuff for her.", "J.T.: Well, we're gonna fill this place up fast.", "Colleen: I love your nightgown.", "J.T.: Yeah, she-- she had to have it. Special ordered it as soon as she found out she was pregnant.", "Colleen: It smells really good in here. That was always my fall-back gift for her.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Colleen: It's really nice-- you putting it on her.", "J.T.: I didn't realize you were there.", "Colleen: Well, aren't you getting the star treatment, huh? Hmm. Leave it up to her to look as beautiful as ever, like she's posing for a painting.", "J.T.: I wish she were.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Come in.", "Neil: Here's some tea. I thought you could use a cup, Victor.", "Victor: Thank you. Thank you, Neil.", "Neil: So listen, I just spoke to our engineering supervisor.", "Victor: What did he say?", "Neil: Well, the team's been all over the drilling site near Clear Springs, and they're in agreement with N.I.S.T. the explosion was caused by an electrical short that ignited a huge pocket of displaced methane. Victor, your miners-- they--they followed every safety regulation and then some. There was no way for anyone to know the gas monitor was defective.", "Victor: That doesn't change the fact that one man is dead and others are critically injured.", "Neil: I realize it doesn't change the outcome, but it was... an accident. I will be in the conference room if you need me, all right?", "Victor: Thank you, Neil.", "Neil: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Listen, a lot of people are affected. I don't want red tape holding up these relief checks. Yeah, do everything in your power to expedite it. Thanks. Stay in touch with me.", "Sharon: Now why can't the press report on this side of Jack Abbott?", "Jack: Oh, because headlines like \"Senator cares about disaster victims\" doesn't sell anything?", "Sharon: I don't know why everyone has to focus on the negative.", "Jack: Because it's easier. Oh, believe me, those reporters are camped outside of Victor's office right now, waiting for him to make a statement. I wonder what carefully crafted lies he's put together by now.", "Sharon: Jack... He did drag you out of that garage.", "Jack: He was trying to save Victoria.", "Sharon: Okay, but still, he did stop and save your life.", "Jack: He has also since told me he wished he'd walked right over me. Look, he's now responsible for a man's death. Does his saving my life somehow cancel that out?", "Sharon: No, of course not.", "Jack: He nearly wiped out our family. What kind of man is so hell-bent on one- upping his wife that he doesn't stop and think about the consequences for anyone else?", "Sharon: Well, Jack, he couldn't have possibly known that this was going to happen. Please do not have a public confrontation with him today. You know, Victor is suffering.", "Jack: Victor should suffer.", "Sharon: Okay, but the two of your personalities together could be very--", "Jack: Very explosive. I agree.", "Sharon: Great, so just try to stay away from him today.", "Jack: I have no plans to see Victor Newman today.", "Sharon: And if you do, just promise me you'll keep things cool.", "Jack: I will try. But I'm not making any promises.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: No, Mr. Newman still has no comment. Thank you. Still has no comment on the N.I.S.T. report. I'll let you know as soon as he's prepared to issue a statement. That--that's Winters-- \"W-I-n-t-e-r-s,\" and I don't have a comment either, I'm sorry. Bye-bye. Wow. Hey, Sunshine, this is a nice surprise.", "Lily: There are, like, a million reporters downstairs.", "Neil: Yeah, well, um, I told security not to let 'em up here.", "Lily: Hi.", "Neil: Hi.", "Lily: Well, they're doing their job. They made me show ID.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Lily: Yeah. I just got out of class. I'm heading to the coffeehouse. Do you need a break?", "Neil: Oh, a break? That sounds great, but things here got a lot more complicated in the last hour.", "Lily: What happened?", "Neil: Well, we found out what caused the collapse. Um, it was a company doing natural gas drilling outside of town. Victor owns it.", "Lily: Victor?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Lily: How--", "Neil: Something about a--an air pocket and a broken methane reader, I don't know.", "Lily: Man, his daughter-- well, so that explains all the reporters. So is--is Newman Enterprises responsible?", "Neil: Victor was doing it all on his own. He's absolutely devastated.", "Lily: Yeah, I bet. Are you okay?", "Neil: Doing a lot better than Victor, Sweetheart.", "Lily: It's all right. Well, so that means that... that Cane wasn't responsible for anything. Well, that's a relief.", "Neil: Hey...", "Lily: Well, no, I just-- I mean, for, uh... for Mrs. Chancellor's company. We're just-- we're--we're friends. Well, I mean, we're--we're more like acquaintances, but... uh, no, he was just telling me how upset she was.", "Neil: Chancellor had nothing to do with it.", "Lily: Yeah. That's--that's good. Um, anyway, I should go, so...", "Neil: All right.", "Lily: Okay.", "Neil: Love you.", "Lily: Bye.", "Neil: Talk to you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Double mocha espresso, please.", "Heather: Successful executives in America never get their own coffee.", "Cane: Oh, really? But you see, when you come from a country that's founded by felons, sometimes you just go crazy and you just do things like that, you know? Not to mention, I'm trying to get out of the office. You know, bloody reporters keep calling and e-mailing. (Cell phone buzzing)", "Cane: Hang on a sec. Oh, now they're even texting me.", "Maggie: Yeah. I could use a break from the press myself.", "Heather: Yeah. Talking to 'em has gotta be tough. Like you're reliving the experience over and over again.", "Maggie: Yeah. And once was enough for me.", "Heather: I can't even imagine being trapped. The thought of it, honestly, it makes me feel like I can't breathe.", "Cane: I just keep thinking about all the people who got hurt and the people who didn't make it out. And I just wanna know why it was them and not me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I was watching the physical therapist do these motion exercises with her? I thought maybe-- maybe I could learn 'em, so doing them more often might help, you know?", "Woman: As the P.T. when she comes in this afternoon.", "J.T.: Okay.", "Woman: I'll be back with her meds in a little while.", "J.T.: Thanks.", "Colleen: Hey, Dad.", "Brad: Hey. Hey, Baby. How is she?", "J.T.: No change since yesterday.", "Brad: I know you don't want miss a moment of this pregnancy. And you waited so long for it. I hope that baby has your smile. And I hope he kicks you really hard, so you'll wake up and come back to us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey, you.", "Lily: Hey. I see that we're on the same caffeine schedule.", "Cane: Well, cheers to that.", "Lily: Cheers. So my, uh, my dad told me the good news-- that your grandmother's company isn't to blame for the accident. I know how worried you were.", "Cane: You know, the funny thing is... I know I'm not responsible, but I got this feeling still in the pit of my stomach that I have to blame myself for it, you know?", "Lily: Yeah. It takes a long time for that feeling to go away. But on the bright side, I think it can make you... kinder and more aware. More grateful. I mean, if that makes any sense.", "Cane: Yeah. I didn't know you were so wise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I know how tough you are better than anyone. And that's why I know you're gonna wake up and be a great mom.", "Colleen: I'm even volunteering babysitting services.", "Brad: You hear that? This kid's gonna be born with an entourage. And I'm gonna be at the head of the line.", "J.T.: You know, the nurses don't really like a lot of people in here at once.", "Brad: I won't stay long.", "Colleen: I'm gonna go get some coffee. You wanna come with me?", "J.T.: No, thanks. I've been living off that stuff. I don't need anymore.", "Colleen: What about you, Dad?", "Brad: No, thanks.", "Colleen: Okay, well, um, I'll be right back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Victor, you wanted to see us?", "Victor: I've made a decision. I wanna make a public statement. I want the two of you to set it up as soon as possible, okay?", "Karen: Uh, no problem.", "Neil: So maybe the best way to spin this is--", "Victor: No spin.", "Karen: You know, he's right. This isn't about spinning. This is really about--", "Victor: All I want you to do is set up a press conference. I'll write the statement myself. Thank you.", "Neil: Sure.", "Karen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, if it isn't my favorite crime-fighting duo.", "Maggie: Thank you, Senator. What can we do for you?", "Jack: Actually, I'm here to help you. I may be able to crack your case.", "Heather: And which one would that be?", "Jack: The one in which I am euphemistically referred to as a person of interest. That is, unless you've upgraded me to a prime suspect.", "Maggie: So you have an alternate theory on how Ji Min Kim was killed?", "Jack: Ever play the game \"Clue\"? My stepson is a wizard at this game. I think he would say the winning answer is, \"Victor Newman, in Ji Min's room, with an uppercut to the throat.\"", "Heather: You think that Victor killed Ji Min?", "Jack: I know he was angry enough to do it. He was hoping that Ji Min would ruin me. When I told him Ji Min had changed his mind about the interview, Victor did what Victor does best-- he twisted arms, or twisted a throat. He went up those stairs to change Ji Min's mind, and Ji Min ended up with a crushed trachea. I saw him go up the stairs myself.", "Maggie: So you said.", "Heather: There's nothing on the security camera.", "Jack: Well, I don't know what's going on with your camera, but someone had to have seen him.", "Maggie: No one we found.", "Jack: Yet. You really don't believe me?", "Maggie: It's not about what I believe. This is about evidence.", "Jack: Victor Newman has told me he went to Ji Min's room, knocked on the door, and no one came. Have you even interviewed him?", "Heather: We don't discuss ongoing investigations.", "Jack: Don't discuss it, do something about it. Victor Newman has a dog with yellow hair. Test it. Test it against what you found on Ji Min's body.", "Maggie: We can't do that.", "Heather: No judge would issue the warrant. Not even close.", "Jack: Well, I always heard that justice was blind. I didn't know it was also deaf. .", "Jack: Wait, you didn't have a warrant when you sampled my dog's hair.", "Maggie: Well, that was different.", "Heather: An exception can be made for evidence in plain sight.", "Maggie: His hair was all over my trousers.", "Jack: With a little help from your right hand, as I recall.", "Maggie: Maybe you should take your dog to the groomer more often, Senator.", "Jack: Maybe you should have gotten a search warrant.", "Heather: Senator, if and when this goes further, feel free to make a motion to suppress.", "Jack: Believe me, I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: All right, I'm ready.", "Karen: Oh, good. We're going out live as a special report to all the local stations.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. I will only say this once, all right?", "Karen: Okay. Well, I've hand-selected all of the reporters, so you shouldn't be hit with too many surprises.", "Victor: I'm not gonna answer any questions.", "Karen: Whatever you prefer. And I can stand up there beside you as a show of support, if you like.", "Victor: Uh, no. I'm gonna do this by myself. Let's go.", "Karen: All right.", "Victor: I'll follow you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Wow, I study a whole chapter of Anthro, look up, and you're still here.", "Cane: Yeah, I was watching you study. I've never seen anybody make it look so intense before.", "Lily: (Laughs) you know, I was actually on my way to Anthro when I heard about the cave-in. And I never made it. I was glued to the TV. I was worried about you.", "Cane: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, like, mess up your studies.", "Lily: I know. Can you think about me before you decide to get buried alive again? 'Cause that would be great. Thanks.", "Cane: There were a few times when I was down there that I didn't think I was gonna make it out.", "Lily: What did you think about?", "Cane: My family, my friends, some of the last conversations I had. You know what's really... surprising about it? I kept thinking to myself, of all the crazy things I've done, this--this is gonna be the way I go?", "Lily: What crazy things?", "Cane: I like to climb. I've climbed some mountains with some really dodgy ropes.", "Lily: Huh. Really?", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: I like that. Well, minus the dodgy ropes, of course.", "Cane: Really? You see, I would've thought you were just a--I don't know-- just a pretty, you know, smart college girl.", "Lily: Yes, that's me-- very smart, very smart. No, I'm--I'm a lot of things. I'm open to a lot of possibilities.", "Cane: I like that.", "Lily: Well, I'm--I'm late. I'm supposed to meet Colleen at the hospital to visit Victoria.", "Cane: Well, um, please make sure you give the family my best.", "Lily: I will. I'm, uh, I'm glad that you're safe.", "Lily: Bye.", "Cane: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I brought you some CDs. Remember how you used to like to dance around the house when you thought no one was watching? I must've watched you for 20 minutes one time before you even noticed. So I have some, uh, vintage rock 'n' roll CDs.", "J.T.: I've been playing jazz for her.", "Brad: I thought she hated jazz.", "J.T.: She loves it. It relaxes her.", "Brad: Really? Hey, um... I was reading an article online about sensory stimulus for coma patients. And apparently, the more the better. Loud noise, uh, even ice on her stomach, if you can believe that?", "J.T.: Ice on her stomach?", "Brad: Yeah, I thought we could talk to her doctor about it.", "J.T.: Can you meet me in the hallway? We need to talk.", "Brad: What's up?", "J.T.: It's really tough being in there.", "Brad: Yeah, it is. But it's tougher not being there.", "J.T.: No, what I'm trying to say is... its tough having you in there. Okay, I know you mean well, and I'm sure she appreciates you being there.", "Brad: You want me to go.", "J.T.: I need to be alone with Victoria right now.", "Brad: I understand. Call me if you need anything at all.", "J.T.: Thanks.", "Brad: I'll be back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: She looks perfect lying there, you know, like any minute she could wake up and smile.", "Lily: Well, could that happen?", "Colleen: Um, yeah, I think so. But the longer she's out...", "Lily: Yeah.", "Colleen: You know, the doctors just keep saying \"Wait and see,\" like that's comforting. And J.T.'s with her almost every second. Which is great, but it's just hard for my dad. Either one of them could be the father. I think they both want to be the father.", "Lily: Well, that definitely does not sound like fun.", "Colleen: Yeah. You know, honestly, Lily, I'm pulling for my dad. I think he would really want this and... I would like that little guy to be my baby brother. It would be nice.", "Lily: Well, then I hope he is, too.", "Colleen: Yeah. Um, anyway, enough depressing talk. Let's talk about you. So what's going on?", "Lily: Um, I saw Cane at the coffee house.", "Colleen: Mm.", "Lily: Yeah. And we talked.", "Colleen: And?", "Lily: Um... and, uh, I was studying and after that he stayed there. And, you know, I think he stayed there because of me. Either that, or I just have a huge ego. Either one.", "Colleen: I would go with the former. What did you talk about?", "Lily: Um, the collapse, and how getting trapped in there changed him. The conversation got really deep. It was--it was weird.", "Colleen: Like a good weird?", "Lily: Yeah. It was easy, you know? And then when I was leaving, I, um... I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. And then... he just looked at me.", "Colleen: And the look said what?", "Lily: I don't know. I ran out of there before I could figure it out.", "Colleen: You know what? I think Cane's just been reminded that life can change in an instant. And he told you about it, so I think a hug and a kiss on the cheek was appropriate.", "Lily: Thank you. What would I do without you to reassure me?", "Colleen: You would be dateless and paranoid.", "Lily: Yeah. Oh, I didn't tell you! Enrique Iglesias is gonna be at Indigo tonight, so, uh, you and Adrian should come with me.", "Colleen: Yeah. I will ask Professor Wounded Hero.", "Lily: Oh, how's his leg?", "Colleen: It's healing. You know what? I'm gonna make an executive decision and say that we are in.", "Lily: Okay. Good. Hey, should I ask Cane?", "Colleen: Yes, you should.", "Lily: Okay.", "Brad: Hey, Sweetheart, Lily.", "Lily: Hi.", "Colleen: Hi.", "Lily: Well, I'm gonna go check and see if I can visit Victoria now, but, uh, it was nice to see you, Mr. Carlton.", "Brad: Good to see you.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Lily: Bye.", "Brad: So listen, uh, I'm gonna head out.", "Colleen: Already?", "Brad: Yeah, J.T. wants some time alone.", "Colleen: He asked you to go, didn't he?", "Brad: Well, he's-- he's going through a rough time.", "Colleen: Yeah, so are you, Dad.", "Brad: Seeing her like that is definitely harder than I thought it would be.", "Colleen: Yeah, for me, too.", "Brad: You know, you're supposed to, uh, pretend like everything's all right. But seeing her lying there like that... wondering if she can hear you, wondering if I'll ever hear her voice again...", "Colleen: Well, keep talking to her, Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Mr. Newman is now ready to make a statement.", "Karen: And please, this is not a press conference, so do not ask any questions at this time. Thank you.", "Victor: Good morning.", "Woman: Good morning.", "Man: Good morning.", "Victor: The explosion at Clear Springs has affected this state, this community, and me personally deeply. I want to assure you that we will investigate this terrible accident thoroughly, to the fullest extent. And we will let you know what we find out. Meanwhile, I want to say to those who were affected by this most deeply, that my heart goes out to them, and I'm asking for your prayers for those who have been hurt and injured severely by this accident. Thank you for coming.", "Woman: What condition is Victoria Newman in?", "Woman: How do you feel about the official N.I.S.T. report?", "Karen: No questions.", "(All talking at once)", "Karen: No questions! Thank you!", "Karen: So what did you think of Victor's statement?", "Neil: What did I think? Actually, I'm not surprised that he didn't claim responsibility for the collapse.", "Karen: You know, those reporters weren't too happy that he refused to answer their questions.", "Neil: I didn't tell you, but you did a fantastic job with those reporters, really.", "Karen: I'm exhausted.", "Neil: Are you?", "Karen: Yeah. Oh, what a day!", "Neil: Yeah, let me see if I can make your day a little easier.", "Karen: Ooh! Oh!", "Neil: Whoa! Feel that right there? You are one big knotted muscle.", "Karen: That sounds attractive, thanks.", "Neil: At some point we're gonna have to get out of here. We're not gonna be any good to Victor. You know what I mean?", "Karen: What did you have in mind?", "Neil: Enrique Iglesias is doing a sold-out show at my club tonight.", "Karen: At your club?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Karen: Tonight?", "Neil: Uh-huh.", "Karen: Think you can get me in?", "Neil: Uh, I have an in with the owner. Maybe even get some free drinks.", "Karen: Oh, okay, okay, I'm there. Anything you say, Boss. Ooh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Did you know Grandpa was gonna be on TV?", "Sharon: No. Um, I'm just as surprised as you are.", "Noah: Did he go on because it was his fault?", "Sharon: Some people think that it is.", "Noah: Is it?", "Sharon: It was a really terrible accident. No one is to blame.", "Noah: I had a nightmare about it.", "Sharon: You wanna talk about it?", "Noah: No. It'll just scare me again.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, if you change your mind, we can talk about it later? Or maybe you'll wanna talk to Jack about it?", "Noah: Can I go play my video game?", "Sharon: Well, you're not afraid to go to sleep, because you might have more nightmares, are you?", "Noah: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Jack: Hello, Victor.", "Victor: How the hell did you get in here without announcing yourself?", "Jack: Well, I guess your first, second and third assistant are busy running around trying to flush out unsatisfied reporters from the building. That was some statement you made. Quite a little tap dance. You oughta get into politics.", "Victor: What do you want?", "Jack: I'm just curious. You ever plan to take responsibility for what happened?", "Victor: Do you ever take responsibility for Ji Min's death?", "Jack: No. And I don't plan to. Because I'm innocent. Zapato! You are a good dog, standing by Victor when no one else will. It's a good thing you can't hear what everyone's saying about him.", "Victor: You're wasting my time, so kindly get out.", "Jack: Good boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Thank you very much for having lunch. I'll get in touch with our lumber supplier and we'll talk about the contract. Thank you.", "Heather: You wheeling and dealing again?", "Cane: Oh, you know, Donald Trump, but with better hair.", "Heather: And a little cuter.", "Cane: Oh, really?", "Heather: Mm-hmm. And you know what else? Even the Donald takes a night off every now and then. Speaking of which, I have two tickets to the Enrique Iglesias concert tonight at Indigo.", "Cane: Oh, so this is an accent thing? This is a fetish, isn't it? Huh?", "Heather: Um, you know what? I'm gonna have to spend more time with you before I can answer that. So is that a yes?", "Cane: Sounds like a fetish. I mean, sorry, it sounds like fun, yeah.", "Heather: Okay, great. Um, I'll text you the details later.", "Cane: Okay.", "Heather: Okay.", "Lily: Hi. Uh, hi, Heather.", "Heather: Hi!", "Lily: Uh, am I-- am I interrupting?", "Heather: Oh, no, no, no, actually, I was, um, I was just leaving. So I'll talk to you later, okay?", "Cane: Okay.", "Heather: Bye.", "Lily: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I watched your statement to the press.", "Victor: Was Noah with you?", "Sharon: Yeah. He had some questions. I told him no one's to blame.", "Victor: That was kind of you. But I don't see it that way.", "Sharon: Well, I said it to Jack, and I will say it to you as many times as I have to. I know that this wasn't your fault, and I know that you are suffering.", "Victor: My pain is not what matters right now. I'm deeply concerned about Victoria. How is my grandson?", "Sharon: He's healing.", "Victor: Tell him I'm sorry that I haven't been by to see him, but I'll come over soon, all right?", "Sharon: All right, I will. Is there anything I can do?", "Victor: No. There's nothing right now, unfortunately. It was very kind of you to call, Sharon. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, listen, you don't have to stay here all day if you've got someplace to go.", "Colleen: I don't mind. Although you're starting to look like you might need that next round of coffee.", "J.T.: I'm fine.", "Colleen: You know, I know it wasn't easy having my dad here.", "J.T.: I talked to him. I told him that I wanted top be alone with Victoria and he understood that. So...", "Colleen: My dad can be pretty understanding sometimes. So maybe you should just...", "J.T.: Ease up?", "Colleen: Yeah. Just a-a little.", "J.T.: I guess I can... give him some time alone with her, if that's what he wants.", "Colleen: You cool with that?", "J.T.: I'm trying real hard to be. That counts for something, right?", "Colleen: Yeah, it does.", "J.T.: I'm glad you're here.", "Colleen: Yeah, me, too.", "J.T.: There was a time when I didn't-- I didn't think I'd ever be able to say those words to you, but... now?", "Colleen: Friends.", "J.T.: Friends.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: He's in his office.", "Brad: Was your little statement to the press healing, Victor? Did it make you feel better?", "Victor: Next time you knock on the door, all right?", "Brad: Maybe it's a good thing she wasn't awake. If anything happens to Victoria, if anything happens to that baby, it'll be because of your obsession, your greed.", "Victor: Listen to me, you self-serving son of a bitch. Do you think that you could tell me anything for one minute what I haven't told myself? Are you here to tell me how to feel? I'm ready to see my daughter. Now get the hell out of here!", "Brad: If Victoria wasn't unconscious, and she knew what you did, she wouldn't even let you in her room.", "Victor: Right. Now kindly get out, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Um, actually, I was hoping that you would still be here.", "Cane: Really?", "Lily: Yeah. In the spirit of appreciating life and what's really important, I have to be honest-- um, I came back to see if you would like to go to the Enrique Iglesias show with me.", "Cane: Oh, um... well, in the spirit of honesty, I would love to. But...", "Lily: There's a \"But?\"", "Cane: Yeah, there's a but. Um, I already said I'll go with someone else.", "Lily: Oh. Oh, with, um, with Heather? Right?", "Cane: If she hadn't asked me--", "Lily: No, it's fine. It's fine, really. I'm actually asking a lot of people, so, um, you'll probably still see me there.", "Cane: Well, you know, next time a pop star comes to town...", "Lily: Yeah. It's a date.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I guess an analyst would have a field day with what's going on in my head. Poor boy made good beyond his wildest dreams. But I guess what has driven me is an enormous sense of competition and anger. I grew up with so much anger. And when your mother humiliated me, I was angry. So I got even. And look what it's gotten me. Because I am responsible partly for this disaster. I don't care how people twist and turn it, I'm responsible in the end because of all of the drilling. I wanted to humiliate your mother. And now all those feelings are gone. It's dissipated. All that is left is an enormous sense of guilt and remorse and sadness. I'll never forgive myself for having done this to you. Sweetheart... when you were born you made me so happy.", "Victor: I hope that one day you can forgive your father. Hm? I love you with all my heart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Senator, I'm very busy. So I hope you didn't call me here to discuss more of your Victor Newman did it theory. 'Cause I've already explained to you--", "Jack: No, I-I heard everything you said. Actually, this meeting is a little more, uh, show than tell.", "Maggie: What is this?", "Jack: The evidence you need to connect Victor Newman to Ji Min's homicide. That is hair from his dog Zapato.", "Maggie: And where did you get this?", "Jack: I happened on it accidentally.", "Maggie: That's good. There's only one little problem. You're not a cop or CSI and we have this little thing called \"Chain of Evidence.\"", "Jack: Yeah, so I've heard.", "Maggie: Oh. Oh, well, then you understand that evidence collected by a civilian, that's not part of this chain, is inadmissible. Now if there's nothing else--", "Jack: Test it. Test it. What do you have to lose? Surely an intrepid investigator like you can find an ethical way to get another sample. If you need it.", "Maggie: Senator, why would I do that?", "Jack: Because you care about the truth.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: There is nothing going on between me and Cane.", "Neil: Let's keep it that way.", "Michael: Sheila cannot hurt you again, right?", "Lauren: She can haunt me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki witnesses one of Kay's episodes while accompanying her to the doctor's office, along with Jill they decide per the doctor's request to have her admitted. Kay pulls another disappearance act though and goes to help out Marge. Ashley has reached a dead end in Paris, while Phyllis prepares to go to Paris to surprise Nick and handle Restless Style business. Kevin's morals are being put to test when he gets a hold of a large sum of money Kay left behind, Amber sees this and grows suspicious. Billy moves into Phyllis's penthouse and under the name Sonny Crawford becomes acquainted with Fallout Girl (aka Lily)." ]
[ "[Humming]", "Nikki: Oh, Katherine, I'm so sorry I'm late.", "Kay: No, that's all right, Darling. We'll leave together.", "Nikki: Well, you're-- you're done seeing the doctor?", "Kay: Oh, I'm done wasting my time for the day. No, I will not be subjected to these court-ordered exams just because my family is losing their minds. No, uh --uh, let's go.", "Jill: Katherine? Nikki?", "Nikki: Hello.", "Kay: Yeah, I asked her here. Now who's he?", "Jill: The attorney for Chancellor.", "Kay: Chancellor? Last time I checked, Chancellor was still my name.", "Jill: Chancellor Industries, Mother. The stockholders, remember, they're concerned about you.", "Kay: Oh, I, um, never felt so loved.", "Jill: None of this would be happening if you hadn't duck out on all those doctor's appointments I scheduled for you. Plus, he will be reporting to the judge.", "Nikki: Judge? What judge?", "Jill: The stockholders demanding a guarantee that Katherine is fit to make decisions.", "Kay: Stockholders, meaning your sons, that you railroaded into supporting you.", "Nikki: Wait, I-I don't understand anything.", "Jill: So what else is new?", "Nikki: Excuse me?", "Jill: Like it or not, this is the price you pay, Katherine. You take a thorough examination and you get cleared by a doctor, or you lose your voting power at Chancellor.", "Nikki: This is your mother.", "Jill: Yes, and she needs help, Nikki. And you would've known that if you'd paid more attention to Katherine instead of using her as a shoulder to cry on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, uh, guys, the master bedroom is upstairs and to the left. Thanks.", "Phyllis: Don't you say that to all married women?", "Billy: Hey, Landlord, how are you?", "Phyllis: Hey. I'm good.", "Billy: What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: I could ask you the same thing.", "Billy: I still had the key Amber let me borrow when I was crashing here, so I thought I'd get a head start on the move.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Well, here's your official key. Yeah. I was gonna give it to the concierge, but, uh, they said you were already here.", "Billy: Hope you don't mind.", "Phyllis: No. No, I don't. But, uh, I suggest you do change the locks, because, um, God knows who Amber invited to the place.", "Billy: Okay.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Yes, I will, uh, look into that. Ahem.", "Phyllis: So is there anything about the place, uh, you wanna ask that you don't already know?", "Billy: We're good. Uh, you know, I'm just happy to have my own place now. And it's a plus that it's furnished.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And I see you brought your own art. There it is. Oh, boy.", "Billy: Yeah, I guess it was a little premature buying all those drawings of Amber, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Where'd all that money come from?", "Kay: Oh, I'm late. I'm late.", "Kevin: Oh, hey, hey, Mrs. C., you forgot your bag. Mrs. C.! You... it's, uh, it's a deposit. Cash receipts.", "Amber: What happened to \"We barely even break even here\"? Weren't you just complaining--", "Kevin: Oh, Amber, come on! Come on, I'm a whiner. You know that. I whine. Hey, Lily.", "Lily: Hey.", "Kevin: What can I get for you?", "Lily: Uh, well, Amber was here first.", "Amber: Oh, no, that's okay. Go ahead.", "Lily: Can I get a coffee? Thanks.", "Amber: Daniel, you are never gonna believe what I just saw. Our friend Kevin is a big fat liar.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Here's your signed lease.", "Billy: Oh, perfect. Thank you.", "Phyllis: I'm fine with month-to-month, but if you want to leave, just give me some good notice, okay?", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, I will, but don't worry about it. It's not gonna happen. I'm here for good.", "Phyllis: But you thought that was for good, too, right?", "Billy: (Laughs) No, never, I mean... we weren't serious.", "Phyllis: I-I just-- I wish you would've been serious with her.", "Billy: Yeah, I heard.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: But she had her heart set on your boy. And it looks like... he had it bad for her, too.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yep, yep, yep. You know, I cannot tell you how profoundly creepy it is for me to have to look at pictures that my son drew of his naked girlfriend.", "Billy: You know, I feel guilty keeping 'em for myself.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Billy: You think Daniel wants to buy 'em back?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, I think he would, except I would hate for him to lose the money.", "Billy: I'd just give 'em to him, but you know, I shelled out so much money for these things.", "Phyllis: You know, I'll buy them from you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Pardon, Monsieur. Do you happen to know this man?", "Man: Monsieur Newman. Yes.", "Ashley: Have--have you seen him recently? Has any--has anybody seen him in the last few days?", "Man: No. Is there a problem?", "Ashley: No, not at all. Um, I just realized that we were in Paris at the same time. I just wanted to catch up.", "Man: He's not been here. I devoutly wish he would come, Madame. All the members of our staff from the curator who replaced his dear wife, down to the janitor would line up to give him condolences.", "Ashley: So you knew Sabrina well?", "Man: She was beautiful and gifted and kind to everyone, a rare individual.", "Ashley: Yeah, I only met her a couple of times, but I know how much she meant to Victor.", "Man: I can only imagine the hell he must be suffering, to lose her, and so young.", "Ashley: He does have a broken heart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I don't have to be glued to Katherine's side to see what you're up to.", "Jill: Yeah. I'm trying to take care of her.", "Nikki: This is a blatant power play, and you have no problem using an innocent memory lapse to shove your own mother aside.", "Jill: Nikki, these are not senior moments. She has had serious lapses in memory.", "Nikki: What?", "Kay: Stop it. Stop it. Now Nikki is here as my guest.", "Nikki: Katherine, don't worry about it. It's fine. Come here. Come here. Look, I know this is exasperating, but just take the damn tests. You'll prove them wrong. She'll look like a fool and the whole thing will be over with. All right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: So why is Kevin going on about being so broke? I mean, this was a bankroll.", "Daniel: Define \"Bankroll.\"", "Amber: Like, a wad, a brick of money, like thousands and thousands.", "Daniel: Hang up the phone.", "Amber: Oh, yeah.", "Daniel: You sure?", "Amber: Yes, I walked in and I saw Kevin standing there with this bag full of cash.", "Daniel: Well, if there was a bag and there was cash, it was probably a bank deposit.", "Amber: Okay, that's what he said, but, Daniel, you didn't see it. I mean, there was a ton of money. Where'd it come from?", "Daniel: I don't know, but \"Big fat liar\" is pretty harsh.", "Amber: Oh, please, like he's never lied before or done anything dishonest?", "Daniel: Okay, just hang on one second there. Like we've never lied before? We've never done anything dishonest? Kevin's gonna get the benefit of the doubt here.", "Amber: Okay. But if it was bank deposit, then forget the starving artist trip. We're opening up a coffee shop.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Honey, I'm home!", "Jana: Oh! How was your day, dear?", "Kevin: Well, I found $75,000. In cash.", "Jana: Oh! Golly gosh! Well, how did that happen?", "Kevin: Dear, sweet old Mrs. Chancellor left it at the coffee shop.", "Jana: Oh! And you sharp enough to spot it, weren't you, Darling? Oh! But why do you still have it?", "Kevin: So I can give it back to her personally, of course.", "Jana: Of course!", "Kevin: After all, it is the right thing to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily's voice: Hey, Sonny. Sorry we didn't connect on Halloween. Something came up, and I had to bail. Forgive me?", "Billy: Oh, Lily, sweet Lily, you are definitely forgiven.", "Billy's voice: Okay. Confession time, you figured out which toad was me and took a pass after one look?", "Lily's voice: No, I love amphibians. I wouldn't have ducked. But I have no idea what you look like. It's the thing I like best about this site--no photos.", "Billy's voice: Me, too. I'm already in love with your fine mind and have my own gorgeous picture to go with it. How am I doing?", "Lily's voice: Well, I'm still typing. You must be doing something right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, girls, it's, uh, been nearly an hour. Can't we reschedule?", "Jill: I'll go talk to the receptionist. See if she knows when the doctor will get here. Watch her, because she's gonna try to sneak out right about now.", "Nikki: What are you talking about?", "Jill: Nikki, I am serious. If you are a friend to her, keep her here.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Kay: I apologize. No, I had no idea I would be putting you in crosshairs.", "Nikki: Don't worry about it. She is right about one thing. I've been a terrible friend. I wish you had called me sooner.", "Kay: About what? I mean, my--I can handle her. For heaven's sakes, I mean, you're busy running Jabot and looking after David.", "Nikki: David?", "Kay: And we both know how difficult it is to fight addiction.", "Nikki: What?", "Kay: Oh, Darling, I promise you, I haven't told a soul about his gambling, but he still have to get into treatment.", "Nikki: Katherine...", "Kay: Well, have you spoken to him about it?", "Nikki: Uh...", "Kay: Darling, you really have no time to lose.", "Nikki: You're--you're right. There--there is no time to lose. You just sit tight and, uh, I'm gonna go see what's keeping that doctor.", "Kay: Go ahead.", "Nikki: Excuse me? Please get Dr. Moritz to come in here now. Mrs. Chancellor needs to see him. Right now.", "Man: Any changes in appetite or sleeping patterns?", "Kay: No.", "Man: Any strange tingling or numbness in any parts of your body?", "Kay: No.", "Man: Anywhere?", "Kay: I said no.", "Man: What year is it?", "Kay: Oh, please. 2008.", "Man: Where do you live, Mrs. Chancellor?", "Kay: 12 Foothill Road, Genoa City.", "Man: Are you married?", "Kay: Not currently.", "Man: Is your friend Nikki married?", "Kay: Not currently.", "Man: Is that what you thought a few minutes ago?", "Kay: I forgot. That's all.", "Man: I understand. So how long did this forgetting go on? A few seconds? A minute? Five minutes? Could you estimate how often these lapses occur? A few times a day? A few times a week?", "Kay: Well, (scoffs) I can't say.", "Man: That's all right. Mrs. Chancellor, I think we need to do a full neurological work-up and a complete physical. My nurse can have you admitted here today.", "Kay: What, to the hospital? No, that's impossible, because I have-- I do have an appointment.", "Jill: Well, we'll cancel the appointment. Thank you, Doctor. Would you make the arrangements?", "Man: I'll handle it right now.", "Kay: Jill, I'm telling you, not today. I mean, I-I don't have the time. Nikki, I want to see my own doctor.", "Jill: You have to see this doctor anyway. It's a court order. And you have to submit to these tests, Katherine. You can't fight this, please.", "Kay: You cannot force me into the hospital.", "Nikki: Jill, could you just give Katherine and me a minute?", "Jill: Yeah, um, I'll make sure you have a private room and your own nurse, okay? Please, get her to see reason.", "Nikki: I know this isn't about seeing your own doctors. You're scared. And I don't blame you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Are you kidding me? I'd love to do another show. I think it's great that people are showing an interest. Well, no, that--that's the thing. I don't know really what I'd put out there right now. Uh, I've been super busy with my job here at the magazine. No, ah, Kenneth, I will. Thank you. Thank you. Amber? Amber?", "Amber: Where else would Kevin get a bag of cash?", "Daniel: You still on this?", "Amber: Yes. You would be too, if you'd see it. It was like a money brick.", "Daniel: Okay, how about this? What if all the bills that you thought were 100s, what if they were all 1s and 5s? How big would that brick be then?", "Amber: I don't know.", "Daniel: You know, if it makes you feel any better, I'll talk to him.", "Amber: Thank you.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm. Hey, I got in touch with that photographer in Paris.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Did you know that, uh, your car is unlocked?", "Daniel: No. Why do you know that?", "Phyllis: Because I left a little present for you in your back seat.", "Daniel: You left me a present?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Those sketches that you took of Amber that Billy bought in New York?", "Daniel: You-- did he give 'em to you?", "Phyllis: Yes, he did, for a price.", "Daniel: You paid money for sketches of Amber and you haven't set them on fire?", "Phyllis: No. And I didn't draw a mustache on her face, nor did I give her underarm hair.", "Daniel: Well, that is very adult of you. What's the catch?", "Phyllis: There's no catch. Nick told me I should be nice about your relationship, so this is me, being nice, okay? Don't push it.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Honey, I'm home.", "Jana: How was your day, lover?", "Kevin: It was busy. Looks like yours was, too.", "Jana: Hmm. I was busy cleaning at the coffeehouse like a good little girl and look what I found in the safe.", "Kevin: Looks like I have to change that combination, don't I?", "Jana: Come on in, the water's fine. So... when were you going to tell me about this?", "Kevin: Who says I was gonna tell you?", "Jana: You mean to tell me you were going to keep all of this to yourself, were you?", "Kevin: I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it. It's Katherine Chancellor's money. She left it sitting on a chair.", "Jana: Well, has she been back for it?", "Kevin: Not yet.", "Jana: Well, maybe she'll forget. She has been doing that recently, hasn't she?", "Kevin: You think I should keep the money?", "Jana: We could keep it. I don't think Mrs. Chancellor will miss it too much. And if she does... we can pretend like we have no idea what she's talking about.", "Kevin: And you would be cool with that?", "Jana: It could work. But if it didn't... we could put the money in the safe, and tell her that we'll return it but... a tragic, tragic fire strikes Crimson Lights.", "Kevin: What?", "Jana: Why not? If it gets you the cash? If it makes you feel good? Isn't that what you've always wanted? Haven't you always loved a good fire?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy's voice: No way love hasn't been good to you. You're too nice.", "Lily's voice: Too nice? My ex-fiancé would disagree.", "Billy's voice: I bet he wouldn't.", "Lily's voice: No, he wouldn't. It was a horrible breakup, but not for the usual reasons. He was a great guy in a lousy situation who did the right thing. Not that he's some martyr. He was down-to-earth, totally easy-going and fun. This is just what you wanted to hear, right? Well, what about you, Sonny? How has love treated you?", "Billy's voice: Like a guy who lent it money. I can't find it anywhere.", "Lily's voice: Nowhere? Never?", "Billy's voice: Well, except once. There was a time I was crazy in love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: No, I'm leaving tonight. I'm very excited. Are you kidding?", "Daniel: Well, I might just see you there.", "Phyllis: All right, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.", "Daniel: Bye-bye.", "Phyllis: Okay. All right, everything is finally perfect with Juliette and her stylist. They are ready.", "Daniel: Well, the photographer-- he, uh, has everything that he needs.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Daniel: And he would love for moi to assist him.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, merci.", "Daniel: I would love to really go. I mean, I could use the inspiration for some new sketches.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm sure you could. I'm sure you could, but I'm going to Paris alone.", "Daniel: You know, you could get me away from Amber for an entire week.", "Phyllis: Hey, I'm not interested in that anymore. It's a new me. If you want to get away from Amber, that's all you, pal.", "Daniel: Wait, wait, what do you mean, that's all me? What--what's going on with you?", "Phyllis: I am surprising my husband in Paris. Need I say more?", "Daniel: I don't want any part of that. I am perfectly capable of entertaining myself for a week in Paris.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you are, okay? I'm sure you are, but we are kind of up to our eyeballs in family and work, with the magazine, Newman, we're upset about Victor. I'm gonna be in the most romantic city with the love of my life and brining my son along? That's kind of, um, a buzz kill.", "Daniel: I am-- I am not a buzz kill. I am a ton of fun. I-I could travel under an assumed name.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Daniel: I could not speak to you the entire time.", "Phyllis: Oh. Oh, no dice.", "Daniel: Wow, you are-- you're--you're shutting me down. You are denying your only son.", "Phyllis: I am. I am. And it's the new me. I'm not meddling anymore. Do you like it? It's good, right?", "Daniel: It's different. I don't know. The jury's still out.", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy's voice: My dream girl will always be a teenager. Let me explain.", "Lily: Please do.", "Billy's voice: We were kids together. We went to the same high school. She was every cliché in the book come to life. She was beautiful and funny and sweet. She cared about other people. She was genuinely kind without being a bore.", "Lily's voice: Sounds like a keeper.", "Billy's voice: She was. I thought for sure we'd end up together.", "Lily's voice: What kept you apart? No, forget I wrote that. It's none of my business.", "Billy's voice: I have nothing to hide. Especially since secrets and lies helped to tank our relationship-- that and a lousy situation that neither of us made but couldn't escape from either.", "Lily's voice: So what happens if love shows up to pay back the loan, Sonny? Any chance you can give it another try?", "Billy's voice: With the right girl? Anything's possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Would you like some water?", "Kay: No.", "Nikki: I could get you some tea or some coffee?", "Kay: No. No thank you.", "Nikki: Why don't you sit down?", "Kay: Oh, stop hovering over me, for heaven's sake! I, uh, I apologize.", "Nikki: No need to apologize.", "Kay: Why, because inappropriate outbursts are expected from people like me?", "Nikki: Oh, Katherine, stop it.", "Kay: Oh, Nikki, what's going to happen? Oh, what if those tests should prove...", "Nikki: Then we'll deal with it.", "Kay: How? How does one really deal with losing one's mind? How does... one justify one's existence at a company that bears their own name? Chancellor has been my life. It's--it's kept me young. It's kept me sharp. And I have been a powerful woman way past the age that most people are forced to retire. If I'm diagnosed, my God, I mean... who is going to listen to me? I'll just be an old dotty lady everyone indulges. No, that's a life I cannot imagine for me.", "Nikki: We, don't image it, because that's not going to be you. Katherine, you have so many friends and family, people who love you. And you're involved in so many things. There's so much you can do.", "Kay: What if-- that's good news, but what if it's bad?", "Nikki: Well, then you'll have a fight on your hands, but at least you'll know what you're fighting and face it head on. No more \"What ifs.\" That--that's a total waste of time. We find answers.", "Kay: Who said that?", "Nikki: A very good friend of mine, every time I wanted to back away from a problem.", "Kay: Hmm. Oh, I so hate it when my own words are thrown back in my face.", "Nikki: Yeah, it stinks, huh?", "Kay: Yeah.", "Nikki: So... you'll have the tests?", "Kay: Yes, I will. But I-I-I do, uh, I need one more day. No, I-I need that time to sort of prepare myself, so if, um... if you could convince the doctor and Jill that, uh... we can do all of this tomorrow?", "Nikki: I'll see what I can do.", "Kay: Nikki?", "Nikki: You know I love you.", "Kay: I love you, too.", "Nikki: It's gonna be all right.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nikki: Hello?", "Ashley: Hi, it's Ashley.", "Nikki: Are you in Paris?", "Ashley: I am, but I've hit a dead end. I've already been every place I could think of that Victor might go. That's a pretty short list. Do you have any more leads I could follow?", "Nikki: No, nothing new. But Victor's so recognizable. Somebody's bound to see him.", "Ashley: Well, somebody already has, a few months ago when he was here with Sabrina. But without something more recent, I mean, some kind of a clue, I honestly don't know where to turn next.", "Nikki: Listen, please don't give up. Even though it seems hopeless, you have to keep going. Please, Ashley, for Victor's sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Telephone ringing]", "Kay: I'm sorry this is taking so long, Marge. Um, no, I'll be leaving soon. What's that? I can't understand you. No, it's not my cell phone. It was in perfect working order when I gave it to you. Oh, God, have you been drinking again? How many have you had? No, no, don't--don't-- don't you move. I-I'm, um, I-I-I will be right there. Don't move. Stay there. All right? All right? I'm--I'm on my way, Marge.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Nikki, it's a stall.", "Nikki: No, I don't think it is. She just wants to have one more night in her own bed to feel normal and prepare for what's ahead. I mean, is that a problem, doctor?", "Jill: Is it a problem, given her condition?", "Man: Well, there's nothing to indicate that this is an emergency. If you want to take Mrs. Chancellor home, I see no harm. The tests can wait a day.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Um, the bakery phoned about the pastry order. Do you want to keep it the same? Kev, you're worried about the money, aren't you?", "Kevin: What?", "Jana: I heard you talking about it with Amber and Daniel.", "Kevin: Oh. Yeah, yeah. I guess I am.", "Jana: Look... I love that you want to provide for me. I do. But you have become more and more obsessed with money since the wedding, and I just-- I don't understand it. We can trust the universe to provide for us.", "Kevin: You can. I have never seen this wonderful universe that you go on and on about, Jana. The universe I grew up with is not a fair place where things just work out.", "Jana: You know, a lot of people feel that way. I didn't just come here overnight, did I? No. It took a lot of faith and an open mind and especially, an open heart.", "Kevin: I don't even know what that means. Sometimes I watch you...", "Jana: What?", "Kevin: I love... I love how you find your true self more every day. I love that. But every day I wake up and I am more and more confused as to who I am. Am I this boring mainstream guy? Am I this screwed-up kid? How am I supposed to figure it out? I mean, don't have a higher power guiding me, right? I wouldn't even know what that is. And faith? Faith? The most faith... that I have ever put into anything is loving you. And every day I wake up and I know that that could disappear.", "Jana: No.", "Kevin: It could disappear at any moment. So... so I say to myself, and I know that you think this is crazy, but I say, \"Give her everything.\" Give her everything and she won't go away.", "Jana: You do. Kevin, you have given me everything that I have ever wanted, and that... does not include money. God... I love you. And that will never, ever change. But you don't believe me, do you? Why can't you...", "Kevin: I don't know.", "Jana: Why don't you just--", "Kevin: I don't know. Because... because-- because it's not my life. In my world, good things don't last. And--and happiness-- happiness is a couple of minutes when the pain stops, maybe. And love? Love is something that beast the crap out of you. Mm. Uh, listen to me. I sound like a little kid locked in a closet right now.", "Jana: You deserve better than that.", "Kevin: Says you.", "Jana: Yes. Says me.", "Kevin: That's why I want to give you everything. Because that's what you've done for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily's voice: I hate to, but I have to stop. The weather's looking bad. I need to finish studying and get home.", "Billy's voice: No problem. I hope the teen angst wasn't too big a bore.", "Lily's voice: That's not how it felt at all. You seem like a great guy. And I'm really sorry I missed you on Halloween. But are you ready to try again? Face to face? No Halloween masks to hide behind?", "Billy's voice: Sure. Let's do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: You are all that I have ever wanted, and all that I will ever want.", "Kevin: All right.", "Jana: And I will keep saying that to you every day until you believe me. We're enough, you and I. If you don't trust the universe, then... trust me. You don't need to go searching for prestige or money. You don't need to go looking anywhere else. Just look right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Murphy: Hey, Marge, you need me to get that?", "Marge: No, I'm almost there. Oh.", "Marge: Hello?", "Kevin: Mrs. Chancellor? It's Kevin.", "Marge: Yeah?", "Kevin: Kevin Fisher. Are you okay?", "Marge: Sure.", "Kevin: Oh, okay. Well, I'm sure you noticed by now, but you left your money here at the coffeehouse. I can bring it back anytime.", "Marge: Really? I don't know anything about any money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: She's not in the restroom.", "Nikki: You're kidding. Where could she be?", "Jill: The receptionist saw her getting on the elevator in a big hurry. Katherine's gone, Nikki. You satisfied?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: False alarm.", "Amber: What is?", "Daniel: Well, I just spoke with Kevin.", "Amber: And?", "Daniel: And your brick of money-- well, it was about $10,000. It was their entire haul for the whole week over at the coffeehouse. Before expenses.", "Amber: Whatever.", "Daniel: No, whatever. Hey, listen, I told Kevin that we were going to go over there and hang out with him and Jana tonight, all right? The storm comes in, if it hits, you know, we'll brave it out with them just like last time. So do me a favor and promise you're not gonna be a pain in the butt.", "Amber: Why do you think Kevin gave you all that detail?", "Daniel: Probably because he doesn't want you bugging him about it. Hey, Mom?", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Daniel: Uh, I got you the last seat on the next flight out before, uh, they're gonna shut down the airport if the storm comes in.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.", "Daniel: Yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome.", "Phyllis: Um, talk to Chloe if you need help with any big decision.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Amber: Have a great time, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Oh, thanks, thanks. Okay, guys, mum is the word if Nick calls. This is a huge surprise, okay? I'm gonna spend a romantic weekend with the love of my life in Paris! I'm so excited! Mwah!", "Daniel: Bon voyage.", "Phyllis: Good French.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: Katherine took off from the doctor's without a word.", "Gloria: Jeffrey saw her in a bar and she was, you know--", "Jack: What are you going to tell the authorities when they ask you about Victor's diary?", "Kay: The money to pay for your rehab. Where the hell could I have left it?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Summer feels like she has lost her best friend and her brother when she sees Noah and Courtney talking. Noah tells her that he starts work at Newman Chancellor today. Summer shares her feelings with Courtney later. Courtney assures her that she and Noah will always be there for her when she needs them. Leslie accidentally sees Nikki's will and finds out that Dylan is her son. Later Avery tells Leslie that she feels badly because she has to keep the information a secret from Dylan. Victor is determined to make sure Nick doesn't get involved with Sharon again, because he thinks that she is a terrible mother. Leslie talks to Nikki and tries to persuade her to tell Dylan the truth and let him decide if he wants to be a part of her life.", "The police don't find any evidence when they look at Adam's car, but the guilt he feels gets worse and he tells Chelsea that she can move out of the penthouse and take Connor with her. Chelsea is surprised at how quickly she finds a new apartment. Nick and Dylan have words after Nick sees that Faith likes Dylan and that Sharon is Dylan's friend. Nick and Sharon get stuck inside the freezer at the Underground while they are looking for snacks for Faith's ballet class. Adam calls Avery and tells her he needs a lawyer and a friend and then he gives her his video confession and asks her to keep it in a safe place until he is ready to tell her what to do with the video. Nikki almost tells Dylan that she is his biological mother but their conversation is interrupted by Summer who wants to talk to Nikki.", "" ]
[ "Avery: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Avery.", "Avery: Dylan.", "Dylan: What's wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You should have called, Sharon. I usually like to put away the matches and the flammable liquids when you're coming over.", "Sharon: I only came by to pick up Faith from her sleepover.", "Victor: Nick says he was gonna pick her up.", "Sharon: Oh, well, he must have misunderstood. I'm taking her to dance class.", "Nikki: Well, it's a pity she has to leave. She's been having such a good time while she's here, maybe because she's in such a loving, stable environment.", "Victor: You can say that again. It would do her good to spend some more time around here.", "Sharon: I think an occasional sleepover is plenty. I wouldn't want her to get spoiled rotten by her over-indulgent grandparents.", "Nikki: I'll go get her.", "Victor: Don't you ever criticize us again in regards to how we deal with Faith, all right? You've been an absolutely dreadful mother to her.", "Sharon: You think you and Nikki could do a better job of raising her?", "Victor: Are you kidding me? She's a far better mother than you could ever be.", "Sharon: Victor, don't go there with me, okay? It's bad enough that Noah has decided to work for you. I shudder at the idea of the hold you might get on him.", "Victor: You shudder all you want. You come between me and my grandson, you will have hell to pay.", "Nick: Don't threaten her, Dad.", "Victor: This is between Sharon and me, okay?", "Nick: Well, Sharon and I share the same concerns about Noah going to work for you. We both know the damage that can be caused if someone doesn't live up to your expectations.", "Victor: Son, Sharon has inflicted more damage on that boy than I ever could.", "Nick: Sharon's a great mother to both our children.", "Victor: How the hell can you say that in good conscience? She has put her own wants and desires above theirs forever.", "Sharon: I love my children, and I have always put them first.", "Victor: Really? You always put them first? Is that what you did when you let them believe that I was dead? When you partnered up with that charlatan McCall and nearly destroyed my company? Or when you burned down their father's childhood home? Is that when you put their interests first?!", "Sharon: I've made some mistakes, but haven't we all? My children are the reason I'm on the path I'm on now.", "Victor: You never cease to amaze me, Woman. You stand there and sort of blithely say you made a mistake, \"Haven't we all?\" You abandon your children! That's an unforgivable mistake!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Uh, nothing's wrong. I'm just going over a difficult case.", "Dylan: Well, can I help? I don't have a law degree, but I think you're gonna be impressed with my instincts for stuff like this, plus I can yell \"I object\" louder than anybody that you know.", "Avery: Good to know. That might come in handy one day. But, uh, I think I've done all I can on this one.", "Dylan: But you can't get it out of your mind?", "Avery: No, I can't.", "Dylan: Well, you could use me as a sounding board.", "Avery: Yes, but that would be unethical and wrong for a lot of reasons.", "Dylan: Uh, we can change the names to protect the innocent.", "Avery: [Laughs] Okay. As much as I would love to see your legendary legal skills put into action, I can't do that.", "Dylan: Okay. I get it. Attorney/client privilege. I just hate seeing you so down.", "Avery: Well, there are a lot of people I know that are going through much worse things right now.", "Dylan: Yeah. Billy and Chloe. They're facing about the worst thing I could ever imagine.", "Avery: My heart breaks for them. And it breaks for you, too. I know losing Connor wasn't easy.", "Dylan: Yeah. Connor. And now Chelsea.", "Avery: So you're going ahead with the divorce?", "Dylan: Chelsea agreed to sign the petition. My marriage is over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I have several automobiles, Officer. Is there one in particular you'd like to talk to me about?", "Officer: Your black S.U.V.", "Adam: What about it?", "Officer: We have reason to believe one like it was involved in a hit-and-run that killed a little girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I know you went into this marriage with high hopes.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah, I didn't think I'd turn out to be a divorce statistic, that's for sure.", "Avery: I don't think anybody does when they get married.", "Dylan: I know, but I grew up believing that marriage is forever. Like my mom and pop. Two people completely devoted to each other, totally just honest, no secret, no lies.", "Leslie: So sorry I'm late. I just got out of court.", "Dylan: That's okay. Avery's been keeping me company.", "Leslie: Oh. Now, that's what I call teamwork.", "Avery: I'm happy to help.", "Leslie: Thanks for meeting me here. I have a lunch appointment with another client, and then I'm heading straight back to court.", "Dylan: This is the perfect place for me to give you the divorce papers because I can go down to the gym and take out my frustrations on the punching bag.", "Leslie: Oh, well, hand it on over so you can start swinging away, Rocky.", "Dylan: Here you go. It's, uh, signed by Chelsea and me.", "Leslie: Okay. Everything looks in order.", "Dylan: I'll let you two get back to work.", "Avery: Uh, Dylan. You know.", "Dylan: Thanks.", "Leslie: It's hard to see someone you care about hurting.", "Avery: Any marriage ending is sad, Leslie.", "Leslie: You know, I really wouldn't know since I've never even been close to taking the plunge.", "Avery: Well, maybe Neil will change that for you.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Leslie: My lunch appointment canceled. Guess I'll just work here until I have to be back in court.", "Avery: Okay, well, I'm gonna go back to the office. I have to work on the Conway hearing for tomorrow.", "Leslie: Okay. Well, I'll talk to you later.", "Avery: Oh, don't forget. We have that deposition. What? What's wrong?", "Leslie: Dylan is Nikki's son?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, here we are all ready for ballet class.", "Sharon: Hi, Sweetheart!", "Nick: Come here.", "Nikki: What do you think, Grandpa? Isn't she the most beautiful ballerina?", "Victor: Well, I think she's the most beautiful ballerina I've ever seen.", "Nikki: I agree.", "Victor: You know, we could take you to your class.", "Sharon: Oh, I'm driving her.", "Nick: I'm doing it.", "Nikki: Oh. Somebody didn't check the schedule.", "Victor: That surprising to you?", "Nick: You know what? It's okay. You can do it.", "Sharon: I mean, if you want.", "Nick: Honestly, I don't mind.", "Faith: You can both take me.", "Nick: You know what? That's a good idea.", "Sharon: Really?", "Nick: Yeah. We'll make it a family affair. Why don't you get your ballet bag and coat right there?", "Sharon: Okay. Let's grab it.", "Nick: All right.", "Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: You have fun, Angel.", "Victor: You have a great time, okay? You have a great time. It was so wonderful to have you.", "Nick: Let's do this.", "Sharon: Bye!", "Faith: Bye.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Hey. So, no taking pictures of pastries and coffee today?", "Noah: What? So you can photo-bomb?", "Summer: Photo-bomb? Okay, I am a professional model. Having me in your photos would be a plus for your career.", "Noah: Yeah, you're right, if I was pursuing a career in photography.", "Summer: What? You're not?", "Noah: Mnh. Trying something different.", "Summer: Wow. [Chuckles] We really have lost touch. When did that happen?", "Noah: Not too long ago.", "Summer: Hmm.", "Noah: Hey.", "Courtney: Hey. Hi, Summer!", "Summer: Hi.", "Courtney: Oh. Skinny chai latte?", "Noah: Yep.", "Courtney: Thanks. So, you ready for today?", "Noah: I better be. I'm meeting him in less than an hour.", "Summer: Who?", "Noah: Grandpa.", "Courtney: Yeah. He's gonna go work for Victor Newman. Isn't that fab?", "Summer: [Chuckles] Yeah, I-I guess.", "Noah: Come on. I expected Mom and Dad to give me a hard time, but I thought you'd be behind me.", "Summer: I'm just surprised that a rule breaker like you would go corporate.", "Noah: I'm giving it a try.", "Summer: Yeah, well, that may be what you think, but once you start working for Newman, Grandpa might not let you walk away so easily.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You said a little girl was killed. Are you talking about Delia Abbott?", "Adam: Of course he is. But, um, Officer...Dubinski can't divulge that information.", "Chelsea: Why would you question Adam about Delia's accident? I mean, there must be a ton of people with a black S.U.V.", "Adam: He's just doing his job. You do have a warrant, do you not?", "Officer: Do I need one?", "Adam: I have nothing to hide. That particular vehicle's parked in space number four downstairs.", "Chelsea: Why are they bothering you about Delia's accident?", "Adam: Police have to follow every lead.", "Chelsea: Well, they should follow their leads to the person that actually hit her. I mean, they're wasting their time looking at your car.", "Adam: They're gonna go down to the garage, and they're not gonna find anything there that's gonna help them solve their case. They're gonna move on to the next dark S.U.V., and I guess that'll be the end of that.", "Chelsea: Well, it's not gonna be over for Chloe until they find Delia's killer. Oh, I just hope and pray that that is soon so Chloe can find some peace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Keep your voice down.", "Leslie: Well, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting to see Dylan's name on Nikki Newman's will as her son.", "Avery: Well, imagine how I felt when she told me.", "Leslie: I didn't even know Nikki was a client of ours.", "Avery: She wasn't -- until she asked me to revise her will.", "Leslie: Okay, why would Nick's mother come to you for legal representation?", "Avery: Because of my connection to Dylan.", "Leslie: Okay, what was she hoping?", "Avery: She was hoping that I would educate her about Dylan and get a read on whether or not she should tell him.", "Leslie: What a terrible position to put you in.", "Avery: Yes, it is. And keeping this secret from Dylan, it's killing me. I mean, everything he's been through with Chelsea and Connor.", "Leslie: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Dylan doesn't know?", "Avery: No. And I can't tell him, not if I want to keep being a lawyer.", "Leslie: It has to come from Nikki.", "Avery: Yes. And she refuses to say anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So, I'm gonna go to yoga, and then after that, I'll do a few laps in the pool. That should satisfy my doctor. And then I'm gonna do a little skydiving.", "Victor: Huh? Uh, I'll see you when you get back, okay?", "Nikki: You haven't heard a word I've said.", "Victor: [Sighs] Sweetheart, my mind is somewhere else.", "Nikki: Yeah. I wonder where.", "Victor: I can't believe that our son is getting involved with Sharon again. Are you kidding me?", "Nikki: His heart is broken. He's vulnerable. It's the perfect chance for his gold-digging ex to make a move on him.", "Victor: Well, she can try. We don't have to let her.", "Nikki: Well, Sharon seems to create her own opportunities. And did you see the way Faith was pushing her parents together? I guarantee you that was Sharon's doing.", "Victor: [Sighs] Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. You know, a child wants a stable home. And Faith is too young to realize that Sharon cannot offer her that. You know, children survive all kinds of things. I grew up in a damn orphanage. Didn't have anyone to guide me. And look what I did. I created a damn empire and I think a pretty damn good family.", "Nikki: But if you had been adopted by two loving parents...", "Victor: Sweetheart, I wasn't, okay? Let's not talk about it.", "Nikki: You're right. I'm sorry.", "Victor: We can't change the past. We certainly can fix the present, can't we?", "Nikki: Do you really think that Nicholas will allow you to force Sharon to stay away from her children?", "Victor: I'm gonna make sure that Sharon is out of all of our lives.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay. Now, your mom and I don't want you to get the wrong idea about us taking you to ballet class together.", "Sharon: Yeah, um, the three of us are still the kind of the family that doesn't live together.", "Nick: We both love you tons. But we're just friends, okay? And we can't always do things together.", "Faith: Don't friends do things together?", "Nick: Well, I mean, of course they do.", "Faith: Dylan!", "Dylan: Hey! Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Keys jingle]", "Chelsea: Are you worried? It's not like you've done anything.", "Adam: And I've never been accused of something I didn't do.", "Chelsea: Okay. Well, you're gonna have to be paranoid all by yourself. I'm going to meet with my realtor. She's come up with a list of apartments for me to look at.", "Adam: Great.", "Chelsea: Good. Okay, then. I'll see you later. [Gasps] Officer Dubinski. Did you find anything suspicious on Adam's car?", "Adam: So, you all done violating my civil rights?", "Officer: Your car looks fine. Nothing out of the ordinary.", "Chelsea: So, you wasted all this time when you could be looking for Delia's real killer.", "Adam: Come on. Thank you, Officer. I hope you find what you're looking for. I know you were taught not to trust the cops, but they are not always the enemy.", "Chelsea: Old habits. But now we can discuss my moving out.", "Adam: No need.", "Chelsea: Adam, I've made up my mind --", "Adam: I think you should move out.", "Chelsea: What?", "Adam: Our son's surgery was a success. His eyesight has been restored. No need for us to live in the same place anymore, so good luck to you.", "Chelsea: So, I can go and take Connor with me?", "Adam: We still have custody issues to work out, but you're free to go.", "Chelsea: Why the sudden turnaround?", "Adam: I'm feeling generous. The feeling won't last long, so you should take advantage of it.", "Chelsea: Okay. I'll let you know when I find a place.", "Adam: Bye, Peanut. Daddy will see you soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Welcome aboard.", "Noah: Thanks. I'm looking forward to working with you, Grandpa.", "Victor: You bet. I hope that means that you'll put down roots at Newman for the rest of your life as I have.", "Noah: [Chuckles] Well, can I put in a couple days at the office before I decide that?", "Victor: [Laughs] Sit down. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It won't be long, son, before you realize that doing something for the good of your family is the best thing you can do in your life, you know? It just gives purpose to what you do.", "Noah: Mm-hmm. Sounds good to me. Even if mom and dad would prefer I didn't work at Newman at all.", "Victor: Ah. I saw them earlier.", "Noah: Oh, and you're all still in one piece?", "Victor: Yeah. Have you noticed that they've been getting along better lately?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Did you see any elves today?", "Sharon: Not since that time you got lost in the woods and Dylan found you, remember? He was your knight in shining armor that day.", "Faith: No, he wasn't. He was court jester.", "Dylan: [Laughs] She's right. You know, that was one of my better days as court jester, 'cause usually I'm just telling stupid jokes and doing a silly dance.", "Sharon: Well, I'd like to see one of those, wouldn't you?", "Nick: Hey, uh, Faith, I think Grace is over there with her mom at the swings. Why don't you go say hi?", "Faith: Bye, Dylan.", "Dylan: Bye. Come here. Hey, if you need any help with those elves or, you know, a silly dance, just give me a call, okay? Okay.", "Sharon: Dylan has been a very good friend to me and Faith.", "Nick: Well, Faith likes Dylan. I don't have a problem with that. She knows who her dad is. Uh, I'm -- I'm sorry. I don't mean --", "Dylan: No, no. Forget it. I know you don't want to talk about paternity problems. What's that saying about people who live in glass houses?", "Sharon: Um, so, Dylan, how are you?", "Dylan: As well as can be expected, I guess.", "Sharon: Oh, that doesn't sound good.", "Dylan: Chelsea and I filed for divorce.", "Sharon: I'm sorry.", "Dylan: Yeah. Me, too.", "Nick: Well, it's not that bad, right? I an, now you're free to go after Avery.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh, hi, Leslie.", "Leslie: Do you have a moment?", "Nikki: Sure.", "Leslie: Okay, please, sit.", "Nikki: What can do for you?", "Leslie: I really don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna come right out with it.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Leslie: You know, um, Avery and I we -- are law partners and we -- we discuss cases with each other.", "Nikki: So?", "Leslie: I know Dylan is your -", "Nikki: Don't. Don't say it out loud.", "Leslie: Dylan has a right to know the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs] I don't want any trouble, Nick. Just crossing through the park, minding my own business. I suggest you do the same.", "Nick: Well, that'd be a hell of a lot easier if you weren't constantly hanging out with the women in my life.", "Dylan: You talking about Sharon? Tell Faith I said goodbye.", "Sharon: I will. Really, Nick?", "Nick: I'm not gonna pretend I like the guy.", "Sharon: Well, Faith and I aren't gonna pretend we don't. Like I told you, he's been a really good friend. I don't have very many of those.", "Nick: Well, Faith has enough friends.", "Sharon: Don't worry. He's not gonna steal her away from you.", "Nick: I'm not worried about that.", "Sharon: Because you're always going to be number one in her heart.", "Nick: Well, not if I don't get her to ballet class on time.", "Sharon: Let's go get her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Avery shouldn't have told you about that.", "Leslie: She didn't. I found out by accident. And normally I would just stay out of it, but I have personal stake in the matter.", "Nikki: What's that?", "Leslie: Avery's not just my colleague. She's my friend. And you've put her in a terrible position. If Dylan finds out that Avery knew, it could ruin any chance she has at a relationship with him.", "Nikki: I know I've put an awful burden on her. But there isn't anyone else who knows Dylan as well as she does.", "Leslie: It's not fair, Nikki.", "Nikki: You have no idea how difficult it is for me.", "Leslie: No, actually, I-I really do. I grew up in a family that was filled with secrets and lies, and each one led to another. They ended up costing my mother her life... and my father 12 years of his.", "Nikki: I know. I've heard about your story.", "Leslie: My brother and I lost our family, our identities, everything.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry.", "Leslie: I just -- I-I wish my parents would have been honest with each other, honest with us. If they had, I-I might have believed my dad when he tried to convince me he didn't kill my mother.", "Nikki: Maybe if they had known how things would turn out, they would have done things differently.", "Leslie: It's way too late for us. Not for you and Dylan.", "Nikki: Ours is a different situation. I wouldn't be giving back Dylan something that he lost. I would be taking something from him. Everything that he believes in about himself and his parents, that would all be gone. And why? Because I want to have a relationship with him.", "Leslie: Don't you want that?", "Nikki: Yes, of course I do. But I don't know if he does, especially after I blow his whole world apart. He could very well hate me for that.", "Leslie: He has a right to know. He has a right to choose how he reacts. You're taking that away from him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Chelsea. Hi.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Avery: How's Connor?", "Chelsea: He's great, actually. We just found out that the cornea transplant was a success.", "Avery: Oh, Chelsea, that's wonderful. I know Adam was really worried.", "Chelsea: We both were. But now that everything's okay, I can move forward with my life without Adam. Or Dylan.", "Avery: Yes. Dylan hired our firm to handle his divorce. Look, I'm really sorry things didn't work out between the two of you.", "Chelsea: Lying to him about being Connor's father was a huge mistake.", "Avery: We all make mistakes that we regret, right? All we can do is move forward.", "Chelsea: That's what I'm trying to do. And Adam's actually cooperating. He's agreed to let me and Connor move out of the penthouse.", "Avery: Really? I'm surprised, 'cause last time I talked to him, he was set on filing for sole custody.", "Chelsea: He's done a complete 180.", "Avery: You'd think Connor's health scare would make him more possessive, not less.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Especially after what happened to Delia. It's -- it's really affected him. Actually, I've never seen Adam so outwardly emotional.", "Avery: That doesn't sound like Adam at all. What do you think's going on with him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: [Sighs] I need to see you. Come to my place as soon as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I think that mom and dad's closeness probably has more to do with Faith than each other. They worked hard to get along for her sake.", "Victor: Seems like she's trying to work through emotional issues.", "Noah: She's trying.", "Victor: Yeah. Been a struggle for her, hasn't it?", "Noah: Well, you know, she was in a bad place for a while. I think the, uh -- the anniversary of Cassie's death hit her hard this year. Harder than usual.", "Victor: Why is that?", "Noah: I don't know. I'm just glad I was there to help her through the worst of it.", "Victor: And you think she's been through the worst of it, yeah?", "Noah: I don't know. But if not, I'll be there to help her.", "Victor: Well, I bet you will. And she's lucky to have you. We're all lucky to have you.", "Noah: Don't say that before I start working for you.", "Victor: Well... [Laughs] Listen, from what I've seen so far, you're very good at what you do. You've very good with people, you know what you want, and you have a sense for business, okay? So you'll do well.", "Noah: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: [Sighs] How long is this meeting gonna take?", "Summer: Have you met my grandpa?", "Courtney: No.", "Summer: Well, he usually has a lot to say, so this could probably take awhile.", "Courtney: [Sighs] I just -- I don't know. I want it to go well for Noah.", "Summer: You really care about him?", "Courtney: I do. I'm sorry, Summer.", "Summer: No. Don't be.", "Courtney: Just... you know, I never really thought of him as, you know...", "Summer: Yeah. And now you do.", "Courtney: You said you were okay with us going out.", "Summer: Yeah, no. Totally. You and Noah make a really cute couple.", "Courtney: Okay. But?", "Summer: \"But\" nothing. Okay, what do you want me to say? That I'm gonna be the maid of honor at your wedding?", "Courtney: No, I want you to tell me the truth.", "Summer: Fine. I miss my best friend. And I miss my brother. You guys were the only two people that I could talk to about anything, and now you're together, and... I'm alone.", "Courtney: I'm still your best friend.", "Summer: Yeah, I know. I really am happy for you and Noah.", "Courtney: You're gonna find somebody, too. Once you get over Kyle. [Chuckles]", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Summer: Is that Noah?", "Courtney: No, um... just family stuff.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I can't believe Faith forgot to give me that note telling me that I'm supposed to be snack mom this week for ballet class.", "Nick: Really? That kid wouldn't wear shoes to school every day unless I reminded her.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Yeah, she kind of reminds me of her...", "Nick: Her mother?", "Sharon: I was gonna say her father.", "Nick: What? I -- me? I'm, like, super-organized. I'm probably too organized.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] That doesn't sound like the Nick Newman I know. But anyway, let's see this freezer. Let's see how organized your snack selection is.", "Nick: I think you're gonna be impressed. Everything is organized alphabetically.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, let's just see. Hopefully you have some kid-friendly snacks for some hungry ballerinas.", "Nick: I got beer-battered chicken.", "Sharon: Ooh, please don't tell me that's all.", "Nick: It's mostly bar food. I mean, we're in a bar.", "Sharon: We're in trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Every minute, every... every single minute, I can't get away from it. [Sniffles] The guilt... the remorse. I'm sorry. [Sniffles] My name is Victor Adam Newman Jr. It is November 4, 2013. And I am confessing to the hit-and-run murder... of Delia Abbott. [Sighs]", "[Doorbell rings]", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Avery: I got your message.", "Adam: Thank you for coming by.", "Avery: Yeah, I'm glad you called. I just heard about Connor's surgery. You must be so relieved.", "Adam: I didn't ask you over so we could chit-chat.", "Avery: You know, I would be offended by your rudeness, but then I remember it's you.", "Adam: You pretend to be irritated, but I know you appreciate the frankness of our exchanges.", "Avery: Okay, I'm worried about you, Adam. How's that for frank?", "Adam: Worried, party of one.", "Avery: That's not true. I just ran into Chelsea. She noticed that you're upset about something.", "Adam: Oh, yeah?", "Avery: Yeah! She said that you're troubled and you won't talk to her. What is this about? Did you call me because you need a friend?", "Adam: No. I don't need a friend right now. I need a lawyer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi.", "Dylan: You're here to chew me out.", "Nikki: About what?", "Dylan: Well, I thought you might have heard about the little altercation Nick and I had.", "Nikki: Altercation?", "Dylan: We exchanged some words.", "Nikki: Well, uh, step up from punches.", "Dylan: Yeah. I don't want to fight with your son.", "Nikki: Well, I'm glad. And I think you'll be glad, too, once you hear what I have to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Is this about Connor's custody?", "Adam: No.", "Avery: Then what? Why are you being so cryptic? What have you done?!", "Adam: Take this.", "Avery: A video camera. Why? What am I supposed to do with this?", "Adam: Hold on to it. Whatever you do, do not watch what is on that tape.", "Avery: Why are you giving this to me? What -- what's happened? Adam, you're scaring me!", "Adam: I was wrong. I need a lawyer, and I need a friend. Please do as I ask. Put that somewhere safe. Hold on to it for me until I-I tell you what you need to do with it.", "Avery: And when will that be?", "Adam: When I'm ready.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Yeah, I did. I just saw the apartment on Homestead. It's great. Safe neighborhood, its right near the park, and it's huge. I mean, there's plenty of room for Connor to play and me to work. Oh. Really? Okay, uh, well, um, that's great news. Let's move forward with it. Okay. Thanks, Linda. Did you hear that? We can move into the apartment right away. Isn't that great news?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I get that you're looking out for your son, but like I said, I don't want any trouble with Nick.", "Nikki: No, I believe you.", "Dylan: So, what is it you want to say?", "Nikki: I-I've tried to bring this up before. I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it. I'm still not.", "Dylan: Well, we won't know until you tell me what it is.", "Nikki: Well, you seem like... truly a-a very good person. Sensitive, uh, hardworking, proud veteran. The kind of man any mother would be proud of.", "Dylan: Well, there were times growing up I don't think my mom would have agreed with that. But now I'd like to think she'd be proud of me.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm sure she would be.", "Dylan: Yeah. And after all this time, I still really miss her.", "Nikki: Actually, about that...", "Summer: Grandma, hi.", "Nikki: Oh! My goodness. Hi, Sweetheart.", "Summer: Um, are you getting coffee?", "Dylan: I think Nikki prefers herbal tea, right?", "Summer: Oh, well, I was just getting a refill, so we can sit and talk if you have a minute. Um, I'm sorry. I didn't know -- you guys in the middle of something?", "Dylan: Oh, no, it's nothing that can't wait. Spend time with your granddaughter. It's all about family, right?", "Nikki: Absolutely.", "Dylan: I'll have someone bring you your drinks.", "Summer: Okay.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Dylan: Yeah. Let me know when you want to finish our conversation.", "Nikki: I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right.", "Sharon: Whoo! Hey. Hurry up. It's freezing in here.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: Um, and I might add, this is not alphabetical.", "Nick: It sort of is. Okay, so we've got wings, fingers, rings. We got some sliders.", "Sharon: Um, do you have anything healthy?", "Nick: All this stuff is healthy at happy hour.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Nick, is there, uh, a vegetable anywhere in here?", "Nick: What do you want to give the kids for a snack? Broccoli?", "Sharon: Well, I mean, it's healthy --", "[Door slams]", "Sharon: [Gasps] Oh, no.", "Nick: Uh, no, that's all right. There's, uh, the safety latches. I think we're locked in.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I know how much Chancellor meant to you.", "Jill: God, I'd love to pull it out from under him.", "Jack: Join the club. I'm gonna teach him a lesson.", "Lauren: It's so dangerous in there, and fen is so young.", "Sharon: I may not get another chance to say this. You need to know what I did." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis and Sharon struggle on the stairwell. Phyllis orders Sharon to tell the men what she's been hiding. The doorbell awakens Nikki from a sound sleep. She quickly hides what's in her hand. Paul comes in and tells Nikki that Ian Ward was arraigned but bail was denied. He inquires if she is all right. Victoria also visits her and wants to know if she is okay. Billy and Chelsea are fighting over the last piece of chocolate candy in the bowl when he sees the brown manila envelope and wants to know what it is. Chelsea denies it being anything. Victor breaks the news to Jack that Nick is Summer's father and urges Sharon to tell the truth. Sharon breaks down and confesses everything to those present -- how she changed the paternity test to show that Summer was Jack's. Victoria asks Nikki what she knows about Ben, but Nikki refuses to tell her anything, Avery asks Joe if he is all right after Dylan hits him. When the two men begin to argue, Paul separates them. Paul pulls Dylan aside to talk to him.", "A woman takes care of Adam and tells him about seeing Chelsea at the church and about her leaving the handkerchief, which she returned. Dylan lets Paul know that Joe wants revenge. Phyllis accuses Sharon of pushing her down the stairs and leaving her but Sharon denies the accusation. Joe tells Avery that he will find Dylan another place for his Coffeehouse. Billy suggests to Chelsea that they burn the handkerchief, but she refuses. Nick wants nothing more to do with her and walks away. Jack comes home, confused by the happenings of the day. Phyllis follows him home, but Jack becomes angry with her when he finds out that she has known about this and didn't told him. Victor comes home and lets Nikki and Victoria know what Sharon did. Jack vows that Summer should be told.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Let go of me!", "Jack: Phyllis!", "Nick: Don't hurt her.", "Jack: What are you doing here? What is going on?", "Phyllis: You want to tell them, or should I?", "Sharon: Damn it, let go of me!", "Jack: Red, I mean it. Turn her loose!", "Phyllis: Not yet -- not until Sharon tells you, all of you, how she's managed to screw up everyone's lives and almost killed me in the process.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Nikki: What? Ohh. Oh, God.", "[Door opens]", "Paul: Hello, bonnie. Are they home? All right. Thank you, bonnie. Hi, Nikki. I hope it's not a bad time.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Paul: Is Victor around?", "Nikki: Oh, no. He -- he's not, but if it's urgent, I-I can get him.", "Paul: No. No, it isn't urgent. I just came by to let you both know that Ian has been arraigned and denied bail.", "Nikki: Oh, thank goodness. I will be thrilled to relay that message to Victor.", "Paul: Actually, I'm glad that he's not here. I really came to see how you're doing. I'm very worried about you.", "Nikki: My God, Paul. How many times have I told you there is absolutely nothing wrong with me?!", "[Door opens, closes]", "Paul: Well, uh, I'm not sure I believe that. Hi, Victoria.", "Victoria: Hey! What's going on? What's, uh -- what's wrong with mom?", "Billy: Raisins? Seriously?", "Chelsea: What is wrong with raisins?", "Billy: Well, nothing if you're baking cookies, but who puts them out for trick-or-treaters? I mean, what kind of self-respecting kid chooses raisins over chocolate?", "Chelsea: All right. Let's see. Oh. I will give you this piece of chocolate. What are you gonna give me, hmm?", "Billy: How about...this? Now...fork it over.", "Chelsea: Oh, no. I don't remember agreeing to your terms of payment. Mnh-mnh.", "Billy: Excuse me?", "Chelsea: This is the last piece of chocolate in this house. You're gonna have to do a lot better than a kiss.", "Billy: Unless it's not the last piece.", "Chelsea: Oh, what do you think you're gonna find in there, hmm? All I see is raisins, bubble gum, lollipops. No chocolate. You're gonna have to up the ante.", "Billy: What's this?", "Chelsea: Oh, that -- that's not important.", "Billy: Chels, something you're not telling me?", "Sage: I brought you some tea to help you sleep, and, uh, the doctor will be here tomorrow morning to check on your progress. Uh, oh, and, uh, I, uh, went into town the other day. Thought you'd want to know that, uh... I paid a visit to your wife.", "Avery: Joe, are you all right?", "Joe: Sure. It's just been a while since I've been suckerpunched. What the hell was that for?", "Dylan: You're out to destroy my business. This is nothing but a cheap attempt at payback.", "Sharon: I understand you want payback, but, please, not like this.", "Jack: What is she talking about, payback?", "Nick: Phyllis, let her go now. I'm warning you.", "Sharon: Nick, I need to talk to you.", "Victor: You need to tell him the truth.", "Phyllis: Whoa! Sharon, don't want to lose your balance. We wouldn't want you to fall.", "Jack: Hey, you're starting to scare me. What is going on? What's gotten into you? Why are we here? Why this place?", "Phyllis: Just ask Sharon.", "Jack: Sharon?", "Sharon: I-I don't feel well. Nick... would you take me home, please?", "Victor: You're not taking anybody.", "Phyllis: It's way past time for the truth to come out.", "Victor: It certainly is.", "Jack: Wh-wh-what truth? I am tired of playing these games. I'm starting to think you and Phyllis have lost your mind. What is going on here?", "Phyllis: You're gonna hate this.", "Jack: Yeah. Let me be the judge of that. Somebody tell me why we are here.", "Victor: You have been duped. You're not Summer's father. Nicholas is.", "Nikki: Victoria, there is nothing wrong with me. Paul just came by to update me on Ian, who is in jail. Good riddance. Thank you so much for reassuring me. I hope you don't mind, but Victoria and I have a lot -- a lot of talking to do. You know, that baby is gonna be here in a few weeks. We have so many plans to make.", "Paul: Don't want to interrupt on mother-daughter time.", "Nikki: [Chuckles]", "Paul: But if you want to talk...", "Nikki: Don't make me tell you again there is nothing to talk about. There is nothing wrong. So, please, give my love to Christine. Good night. Thank you so much.", "Paul: Good night, Nikki. Take care.", "Nikki: I will.", "Nikki: Well, my goodness! What a wonderful surprise this is. Would you like some herbal tea, darling? I know -- a nice glass of cold milk.", "Victoria: Why is Paul concerned about you?", "Nikki: Oh, my God! You are relentless! You are just like your father is what you're like.", "Victoria: Okay. So, answer the question.", "Nikki: Paul wanted to make sure I was doing okay after the sting operation.", "Victoria: And? Are you? I've been wondering the same thing.", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "Victoria: Mom, the last time we spoke on the phone, you said that you had something to tell me about Ben.", "Nikki: I called you?", "Victoria: Yes, you did. And, frankly, you really didn't sound like yourself. You really don't remember calling me?", "Chelsea: This is Adam's mom's handkerchief. Her initials are here -- H.W.", "Billy: Hope Wilson.", "Sage: She had your mother's handkerchief -- the one that you had placed in the nursery.", "Chelsea: Adam gave me this at our first wedding, in Kansas. Since I didn't have anyone standing up for me, he did the honors. I had put it away somewhere. Honestly, I kind of lost track of it, and then it suddenly showed up in Connor's room.", "Sage: The way she held it... I could tell it really meant something to her.", "Chelsea: It definitely took me back to that day. Adam and I, you know, at the time were so happy, so hopeful. Life had so many possibilities. [Sighs] Anyway, um... so, you and I had worked through so much and talked a lot about us, and then you said that you loved me, so I went to church, and I brought the handkerchief.", "Billy: Why church?", "Chelsea: I wanted to go someplace quiet, private, where I could just be alone with my thoughts and have a moment with myself. The truth is, Billy, I wanted to tell you that I love you, but I couldn't. Something was keeping me from doing that, and I knew that I had to... say goodbye to Adam.", "Sage: I couldn't really hear what she was saying, but it seemed like she was saying goodbye.", "Chelsea: So I lit a candle and made peace with my past, and I left.", "Sage: And when Chelsea finished praying, she left the handkerchief there.", "Billy: Thank you. Thank you for sharing that with me.", "Chelsea: I know it sounds silly.", "Billy: No. No, it doesn't. But I am a little confused about something. If you left the handkerchief there, then what's it doing back here?", "Chelsea: That is a mystery. Someone put it in this envelope and slid it under the door.", "Billy: Who would do that?", "Sage: I returned it -- anonymously, of course -- 'cause I know you'd want Chelsea to have it.", "Nikki: Well, of course I remember calling you, for heaven's sake. I'm just confused. I mean, there are so many things that I've had to think about -- you know, your brother marrying Sharon. They've probably already done it. Have you heard anything?", "Victoria: Mom, stop trying to change the subject, okay? You're the one that I'm worried about.", "Nikki: You know, you and Paul should start a club -- I'm worried about Nikki society. I'm sure there'd be standing room only.", "Victoria: You can joke all you want. I'm serious.", "Nikki: Yes, I can see that. Can you just give me some kind of a little hint? What was the phone call about? What did I say about Ben?", "Victoria: Not much, mom. I thought you were calling to tell me that Ben had been arrested, but you just hung up. It was abrupt. And then later, when I spoke to Ben's mom, she told me --", "Nikki: You talked to his mother? Exactly what did she say?", "Chelsea: I've wondered that myself -- how the handkerchief wound up back here.", "Billy: Any theories?", "Chelsea: Um...I don't know. Maybe the pastor saw me with it and thought that I'd left it at the church by mistake, or maybe -- maybe one of the parishioners who knows me just decided to return it.", "Billy: So, you're saying that somebody got through security downstairs, came up here, slid that under the door with no return address, no note saying, \"hey, found this -- thought you might want it back\"? Yeah, see, sorry. That creeps me out.", "Chelsea: Why? Because some thoughtful person found this and decided to return a keepsake without making a big deal out of it? Or are you creeped out that a reminder of Adam found its way back to me?", "Dylan: Aren't you playing it up a bit with the ice pack? It can't hurt that much.", "Joe: What are you saying -- you don't punch that hard?", "Avery: Okay, guys. Instead of shouting and punching and getting thrown out of here, what do you say we discuss this rationally?", "Joe: Look, clearly, Dylan's found out about my real-estate deal. With all due respect, I think you're overreacting, all right? I'm not out to destroy your business.", "Dylan: Oh, yeah? What would you call it, tossing me and my customers in the street?", "Joe: It's an urban-development plan -- okay? -- Not some little scheme that I just cooked up, all right? I had no idea that you own the business that was on that property.", "Dylan: You're claiming that this is a coincidence?", "Joe: It's a multimillion-dollar development deal, okay? Your little cafe is a small piece of the pie.", "Dylan: My little cafe?", "Avery: Okay, Joe. I am willing to accept that when your client came to you about the land, you didn't know, but surely, when you came to town, you knew that crimson lights was Dylan's. You're too detail-oriented not to have studied every inch of that property.", "Joe: As I said before, Avery, this is strictly business, not some vendetta against your boyfriend.", "Dylan: That's a lie. So, you're telling me years after the fact, you happened just to roll in town in your expensive suit and stomp on the livelihood of the guy your wife fell in love with?", "Joe: You're way out of line, pal.", "Dylan: I'm not your pal, and the way you treat people, I'm surprised you have friends at all.", "Joe: You don't know anything about me.", "Avery: Okay, guys.", "Dylan: I know you ignored your wife for years.", "Paul: Hey, hey, simmer down! What the hell is going on here?", "Jack: This doesn't mean a damn thing.", "Victor: Really? It certainly does, Jack.", "Sharon: Nick...", "Phyllis: Jack, it's true.", "Jack: How can it be?! How can any of this be true? I want answers. I want them now.", "Victor: You want answers, you ask her.", "Jack: Sharon, what's going on here? What is this all about?", "Phyllis: What, you can't talk?!", "Jack: Nick, do you believe this story?", "Nick: I think I need to hear it from Sharon.", "Jack: Sharon, honey... tell me the story.", "Sharon: After... after talking to Phyllis today, I-I remember everything -- all of the memories that I lost when I was sick and I had the E.C.T.", "Nick: How?", "Phyllis: I jogged her memory. Come on, Sharon. Tell everyone what your fragile psyche conveniently buried.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry. I hate saying the words.", "Nick: Is it true?", "Sharon: I never meant to hurt anyone.", "Nick: Is it...true?", "Sharon: Nick...", "Nick: Sharon, is it true? Is Summer my daughter?", "Sharon: Yes.", "Avery: Paul Williams, Joe Clark. Joe is a real-estate broker from Chicago who also happens to be my ex-husband.", "Paul: Pleasure. I'm also the police chief of Genoa City, and Dylan happens to be my son. So, obviously, I came in on the tail end of something. Anyone care to explain?", "Joe: It was nothing. Dylan was expressing some frustration about a business deal. I won't be pressing charges.", "Dylan: How magnanimous.", "Paul: So, I assume there won't be any more problems?", "Avery: Absolutely not.", "Dylan: That depends on him.", "Paul: Can I have a word with you? [Sighs heavily] Uh, two beers -- whatever's on draft -- and could you get a new ice pack for the gentleman with the sore jaw over there? Okay. So, who lost it first?", "Dylan: No one lost anything. Matter of fact, I may have gained something.", "Paul: What's that?", "Dylan: His attention. The guy needs a wake-up call. This is more than a business deal, Paul.", "Paul: You think it's revenge?", "Dylan: I know it is.", "Billy: Look, I don't expect you to eliminate every trace of Adam from your life. There's Connor to think of. I get that. But it just bugs me that this handkerchief made its way back here.", "Chelsea: I didn't ask for it to be returned, Billy.", "Billy: And I appreciate that. But someone wanted you to have it. It's just -- it's a bad omen.", "Chelsea: Oh, please. You're superstitious now? Really? [Laughs]", "Billy: If your leaving it at church was meant to be a symbol, then your coming back here is a symbol, too.", "Chelsea: Billy, that's --", "Billy: No. I mean, that's just the way it works with Adam, you know? I mean, he's like the proverbial bad painting. No matter what you do to get rid of it, it just keeps coming back, so... maybe we need to do something radical.", "Jack: Sharon, why would you say something like that? It's not true. There was a paternity test. Nick can't be the father.", "Phyllis: Sharon, make them understand right now.", "Sharon: It's true. Summer's DNA was tested against nicks, and the results proved --", "Jack: The results showed that I'm the father. Yes.", "Sharon: Because I made them that way. I-I switched the results.", "Jack: You did what?", "Sharon: I- didn't plan it, I swear. I-I was at the hospital, walking past the genetics lab, and I... just by chance, I heard that nicks' results were ready, and I knew what that was about, because I heard him talking to Cassie. And so I did what I had to do.", "Nick: How could you do that?", "Phyllis: For the same reason I did... all those years ago, when I was determined to make Daniel Danny's child because I wanted to control who the father was. To hell with whose rights I trampled on. And, you know, I paid a dear price for that when the court took Danny away from me, but I guess Sharon has forgotten about that -- that there'd be consequences. Or maybe she's just too obsessed with you to care.", "Nick: Obsessed with me?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Nick, you don't get it. Sharon wanted you back without obstacles. Never mind you were with Avery. I mean, she figured she could just handle Avery, but Summer -- now there's an obstacle. 'Cause that's a pesky daughter who comes with a pesky mother. So she gave Summer to Jack.", "Sharon: Phyllis, stop it. That's not how it was.", "Phyllis: What part of what I just said wasn't true?", "Jack: Listen to me. You're not well -- either one of you. She's obviously having a relapse. Your head injury is still not completely healed.", "Phyllis: About that head injury -- you care to finish the rest of the story, Sharon?", "Victor: Go on, Sharon. Finish what you started.", "Nick: How'd you learn about this?", "Phyllis: I was at the cemetery.", "Nick: Why?", "Phyllis: Nick, I heard Sharon talking to Cassie. She said out loud Summer was yours. My only thought at that moment was that I had to tell Jack. I was frantic to reach him, so I took off, and Sharon followed me, trying to stop me as I phoned him.", "Jack: Yeah, I remember that call. That was the last time I heard your voice before --", "Phyllis: Yes, before she threw me down the stairs to keep me from telling you and nick the truth.", "Sharon: I didn't throw you down the stairs. Stop saying that.", "Phyllis: You left me for dead at the bottom of those stairs. Sharon, are you going to admit you left me lying unconscious at the bottom of that stairwell?", "Sharon: I didn't push you.", "Jack: Stop this! Stop this, both of you! I don't want to hear any more of this. This is all some horrible mistake.", "Victor: It's no mistake, Jack. I warned you once the truth comes out, a lot of lives will be affected.", "Jack: Stay out of this. Summer is my daughter. We will get another test, and we'll prove it.", "Victor: You can have a dozen tests! You can have 100 tests! Summer and Nicholas' DNA are the same! Not gonna change it. That beautiful girl is a Newman, whether you like it or not!", "Victor: But I got to tell you, I feel kind of sorry for you.", "Jack: It can't be. It can't be.", "Phyllis: Baby, I know you don't want to believe it's true, but it is. Jack. Jack. Come on. Jack.", "Avery: Thank you for not having Dylan arrested. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go join him.", "Joe: Avery, look... I'm not pressing charges because we're still friends. We are still friends, aren't we?", "Avery: A friend wouldn't do what you did to me today.", "Joe: Avery.", "Avery: You came to me less than an hour ago with a sentimental relic from our past, knowing the whole time you were gonna be sticking it to the man I love.", "Joe: You two are taking something that has nothing to do with you and turning it in to making me look like the bad guy. Deals like this happen all the time. Look, there's no hard feelings, all right? I'll make some phone calls, get him a new spot for his coffeehouse, get him a good deal.", "Avery: Okay. That's not gonna happen, Joe.", "Dylan: Is everything okay?", "Avery: Yeah, it's fine.", "Paul: Hey, listen -- why don't you guys take off and, uh, let things cool down?", "Dylan: [Sighs] That's the best idea I've heard all night.", "Paul: Maybe it's time for you to realize when something's over, it's over.", "Sage: In the process of returning the handkerchief, I discovered something. I really wish I didn't have to tell you this, but I think that's why Chelsea needed to say a final goodbye. Billy moved in with Chelsea. He's living with her and Connor right now. Okay. No. You can't move. I need you to sit down. I need you to stop it. You're not ready for this.", "Chelsea: You want to do something radical about hope's handkerchief? What does that even mean?", "Billy: First of all, I just want you to know that I really do appreciate the gesture. You couldn't feel comfortable being with me or even telling me that you love me until you did it. And I know that you can't just wipe away years of loving someone. I realize that. But you and I are living together now, and we have a chance to be really happy and angst-free for the first time in what feels like forever. So, if we're dealing with symbols, then let's really deal with it. Let's get rid of the bad penny once and for all.", "Chelsea: How?", "Billy: Burn it.", "Victoria: Maureen didn't tell me a thing. She just accused me of not loving her son enough and not being as forgiving as she thinks I should have been.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Victoria: I was hoping that maybe you could help me figure out what it is that Ben is holding back. Talking to Maureen did absolutely no good, and... I just kind of get the feeling that maybe she shared something with you.", "Nikki: Like what?", "Victoria: Mom, you really don't remember? Because when we talked earlier, you made it sound like it was something really important.", "Nikki: Oh, well, honey, for heaven's sake. I couldn't remember now. I mean, you know me. I don't remember what I had for breakfast this morning. I-I-I just don't know what that could be, what I could have said about that.", "Victoria: I just really feel for Ben, and I feel like maybe -- I don't know -- maybe there's a chance for us, but only if I truly understand who Ben Russell is and what he's been through. You know something, mom, don't you? What are you not telling me?", "Chelsea: I have to admit, I never thought that I would see this handkerchief again, but I'm not sorry that some kind, generous soul decided to return it to me. And I'm not gonna burn it. But not because of me. I'm gonna keep it for Connor. This belonged to his grandma who he'll never get to meet. I am told hope was a pretty amazing woman. And it's a part of his heritage, so -- who knows? -- Maybe he can give it to one of his own children one day.", "Billy: I understand, and, as much as I would like to, I know that I cannot purge every bit of evidence that Adam was in your life.", "Chelsea: Just like I can't purge every bit of evidence that Victoria was in yours.", "Billy: Mm.", "Victoria: Mom, please -- tell me, okay? If you know something about Ben, I think I should know.", "Nikki: Oh, hi, darling.", "Victoria: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Hi, you two. Glad you're here, Victoria. I have some news...", "Nikki: What is it?", "Victor: ...That will affect our whole family.", "Nikki: What could it be?", "Victor: It seems that about a year ago, when Nicholas took a DNA test to establish whether he was Summer's father... Sharon got ahold of the test and tampered with it.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. So, that -- that means --", "Victor: Yes, it means that Jack Abbott is not Summer's father. She belongs to Nicholas.", "Victoria: She tampered with the test? How is that even possible?", "Victor: For that woman, anything is possible.", "Sharon: Nick... talk to me. Just say whatever you have to say. It's better than the silence.", "Nick: How could you do this to me?", "Sharon: I would have told you the truth a long time ago if I hadn't lost my memory. And even before that, I tried to tell you at least a dozen times, but... we were always interrupted or you would stop me or I just couldn't go through with it. [Sighs] I wish there were something I could say, just [Voice breaking] Some words I could say that would make this easier.", "Nick: You stay away from me.", "[Door opens]", "Phyllis: Jack? Jack. Honey, I'm sorry. I know you're heartbroken. I know, and if I had only been able to tell you the minute it happened -- that's what I was trying to do when I went flying down the stairs. If I could have made it known to you somehow while I was at that clinic, I would have never let Sharon get away with it. Honey, thank God -- thank God -- I woke up when I did. Otherwise, who knows how long it would have taken --", "Jack: Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. You knew...about this when you came out of coma? Why in god's name didn't you tell me right away?", "Phyllis: I needed to be sure. Jack, I told you my mind has been foggy. I needed to hear Sharon confess those words herself.", "Jack: You didn't need Sharon to confess if Victor had the evidence. Victor had the evidence.", "Phyllis: I didn't know that, Jack. This isn't about Victor. This is about the two of us and how I was going to tell you.", "Jack: So, you picked the most showboating, self-serving, theatrical way you could possibly imagine to do it -- not just for me, for the Newmans! Thanks!", "Phyllis: Jack, I wasn't going --", "Jack: Admit it -- you weren't thinking about me. You were thinking about yourself! Your desire for revenge overrode any possible concern you had for the man you say you love.", "Dylan: [Sighs] I'm just trying to see this place through Joe's eyes. All he sees is another coffee joint... little hole in the wall, beat-up furniture, funky decorations... an espresso machine with a mind of its own. But even if it's less than perfect... it still means something to people, you know? It's familiar. It's a part of this town. It's a part of people's lives. Yeah, it can be relocated, but for what -- some developer who doesn't even live here comes in and builds a bunch of offices and condos, spaces that nobody can afford anyway, and turns the streets into valleys where you walk around all day and never get to see the sun? Then what? It's done. Joe goes home... all puffed up and proud that he found a way to make me look like a loser in your eyes.", "Avery: Well, that -- that could never happen. Listen to me. There's got to be a way to fight this. We're gonna do everything we can.", "Joe: My marriage ended long ago. I'm over it. I wish Avery and your son all the best.", "Paul: It's very admirable that you say that, but there are other plots of land, better locations. Why this one?", "Joe: Well, for starters --", "Paul: Crimson lights is a local landmark. You really plan on tearing it down? I mean, seriously... it's not the best way to win over a community when you plan on building there, now, is it?", "Joe: Paul, it's out of my hands. I'm just representing the client. But I'll take your advice into consideration.", "Paul: Yeah, it's chief Williams. I want a background check on a commercial real-estate broker from Chicago. Yeah. Joe Clark.", "Sage: You can't strain yourself right now. You're recovering from another surgery. One slip could set you back months of rehabilitation. Besides, you can't do anything about Chelsea and Billy right now. You just got to be patient. What?", "Adam: A favor?", "Sage: A favor? Yes, of course. What? What do you need?", "Adam: Shut...up.", "Chelsea: Is that a \"touché\" I hear?", "Billy: You're right. You're right. I can't purge Victoria from my life.", "Chelsea: Nor would you want to. Admit it.", "Billy: Fine. Fine. You win. Keep the handkerchief.", "Chelsea: Thanks.", "Billy: You know, I've never really been all that big on symbols anyway. I like things that are more, you know, concrete...", "Chelsea: Hmm.", "Billy: ...Things that are, uh, tangible, that you can touch.", "Chelsea: Oh?", "Billy: Yeah, and hold... feel.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "[Bowl clatters]", "Phyllis: Jack, that psycho tried to kill me. How can you blame me for wanting her to feel a little of the suffering I felt? How can you even suggest that I don't care? What do you think drove me [Voice breaking] To rise up out of that bed and fight my way back here? You!", "Jack: You didn't come straight to me. You got all gussied up, and you crashed nick and Sharon's wedding to torture her and make a big splash.", "Phyllis: I did come to see you, to this very room where I saw the invitation. How do you think I knew about the wedding? Jack, my God -- why are we arguing? Sharon is the one who screwed you over, not me. If you can hurl accusations at anyone, it ought to be her.", "Jack: How could Summer not be mine? Oh, God. Summer doesn't know.", "Phyllis: She'll have to be told.", "Victor: Never thought I'd hear myself say this. I do feel kind of sorry for Jack Abbott.", "Nikki: He must be devastated, finding out that Summer isn't his after all.", "Victoria: And now we know she's nick's daughter and your grandchild.", "Victor: Yeah. She was always a Newman to me.", "Victoria: Of all the horrible things that Sharon has done, for her to deprive nick of his own child for over a year...", "Victor: You can say that again.", "Nikki: I apologize. You were right all along. You knew that Sharon was up to something that would break his heart.", "Victor: Hate to say, \"I told you so.\" And, in some ways, I wish I weren't right. This is doing a really devastating thing to Nicholas. We need to pay a lot of attention to him now.", "Sharon: Nick. Nick, don't go. Nick, please! Nick!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Stitch: I'm ready.", "Victoria: To tell the truth?", "Stitch: I'll tell you everything you need to know.", "Nick: I came to get my things. We have nothing left.", "Phyllis: Summer will always love --", "Jack: I called and asked her to come over. She needs to know the truth about her paternity now, not later." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley wakes up and she and Abby try to revive Stitch. They try to move him but aren't strong enough. Ashley tells Abby to find help. When Abby is gone, Ashley confesses to Stitch that she wanted to hear him say that he loves her. Paul doesn't want to believe that Patty is dead. Dylan wants to go back to save the rest of the people in the building. Paul says he can go back one more time. Adam confronts Ian but Ian is only interested in celebrating his victory over Victor and Newman Enterprises before he disappears. Adam wrestles with Ian and they struggle until wreckage falls on Ian, knocking him unconscious. Adam leaves him there. Abby finds Adam and brings him back to Stitch and Ashley. In the lobby, Victor and Chelsea are relieved to see Adam, Stitch, Abby, and Ashley. At Memorial, Dylan announces that no one was in the ballroom when he looked and the fire is out of control. Sage struggles to accept that Christian has died. She and Nick demand to see him, but Sage is unable to go inside the room. At the top of the tower, Someone approaches Ian and he asks for help. It's Patty and she suggests they help each other.", "" ]
[ "Sage: No, no. My baby is not dead. Where is Christian? Where did you take my son?", "Nurse Stephens: I'm so sorry --", "Sage: Don't say you're sorry to me! Where is my son?", "Nurse Stephens: As I said, the doctor tried to reach you.", "Nick: We were only gone a few hours. He was stable. He was breathing on his own. How is this possible?", "Sage: [Crying] I want to see my son right now. Please.", "Nikki: Honey, wearing a groove in the floor is not going to bring Billy or your father back to us sooner.", "Victoria: I know, I just hate that there's nothing I can do.", "Nikki: Well, we can be grateful. We can have hope. We are lucky to be alive. And the children are safe. We just have to pray that Dylan can work another miracle and bring Billy and your father back to us.", "Victoria: What if we've used up our share of miracles?", "Nikki: Victoria...", "Victor: Hi, baby.", "Victoria: Oh, thank God.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, Victor! Oh...", "Chelsea: Where's Adam? Have -- have you seen him?", "Billy: He was in the ballroom with us.", "Chelsea: Well, what happened? Why isn't he with you now?", "Victor: Someone needed help, and Adam went back in to assist them.", "Victoria: Was it Abby? Where is she?", "Victor: What do you mean \"where's Abby?\" I told Abby to take the helicopter out of here.", "Nikki: Well, she's not here. We haven't seen her. We haven't seen Ashley or stitch, either.", "Abby: [Coughing] Mom? Mom, can you hear me? Come on, mom. You need to wake up. Come on. We have the wedding of the century to plan. I can't do it without you...or the groom. So, mom, mom, please, we have to get out of here. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.", "Ashley: [Coughs]", "Abby: Oh, thank God.", "Ashley: [Coughs]", "Abby: Mom, are you okay?", "Ashley: I think I'm okay. [Coughs]", "Abby: Oh, my God. Here.", "Ashley: Ben? Oh, my God.", "Abby: Mom, here. Drink this. This should help. Oh, my God.", "Ashley: My God.", "Abby: The explosion. He must have used his body to cover yours. Mom, we got to get out of here. Can you do this?", "Ashley: What kind of choice do we have? Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Ben? Oh, my God.", "Jack: She was trapped under a vending machine. We tried to lift it, and we couldn't get her out there.", "Paul: Did she have a pulse?", "Jack: I couldn't find one.", "Paul: You're not certain, then?", "Jack: We were in a hurry. The flames were spreading so quickly. We had smoke everywhere.", "Phyllis: It is not possible she survived.", "Paul: It is possible. Whatever my sister is, she is a survivor.", "Jack: Paul, you can't go up there.", "Paul: I'm all patty has. I got to make the effort.", "Phyllis: Paul, you go up there, you die. Who is that helping? Christine? Is that helping Dylan?", "Paul: What if Avery were up there? Or -- or Tracy? Or Ashley?", "Paul: Come on.", "Jack: Paul! It's suicide! No one can survive up there!", "Ian: [Laughs]", "Adam: I should have known. Of course it's you, right?", "Ian: In all my glory. [Chuckles]", "Adam: What have you done?", "Ian: Oh, we. What we did -- you and I. Paragon.", "Adam: No, Ian. This is not what I wanted.", "Ian: [Laughs] Come on. It's wonderful! It's so much more than I expected.", "Adam: Paragon, Ian, was about bringing down a corporation and destroying profits, not putting innocent people in danger, my family in danger.", "Ian: When did you ever give a damn about anybody but yourself, huh?", "Adam: I care about my son, and I care about Chelsea. They were here tonight. They could have been hurt. Innocent people could be dead!", "Ian: An innocent person is dead. You killed her, remember? That's how this all started -- when you killed that little girl whose picture's about to burn up. When you wanted to destroy your daddy because he didn't love you enough. You lit the match, Adam. It's too late to cry \"fire\" now. [Chuckles] Come on. Before we skedaddle, let's drink a toast to our incredibly wonderful success.", "Adam: You son of a bitch.", "Ian: Me? I'm not the one that wasted perfectly good champagne. And, damn it, I'm parched. It's hot up here.", "Adam: It's gonna be hotter where you're headed, I'll tell you that.", "Ian: What? Am I supposed to be afraid? Buckle up, my boy. You shook hands with the devil.", "Adam: It didn't have to be like this!", "Ian: What happened to you, Adam? We have a common enemy, a common goal -- destroy Victor Newman, make him cry tears of blood. Well, look around! Huh? We succeeded. This is power! This is winning! We did this!", "Adam: No, you did this! Paragon was about bringing down Newman enterprises.", "Ian: Well, was I too literal?", "Adam: Putting innocent people in danger -- that was never part of the plan.", "Ian: Well, sometimes you have to break a few eggs.", "Adam: My God.", "Ian: Hey, I had to think of the big picture for both of us, all right? No half measures, not where Victor Newman is concerned. He has beaten us and humiliated us over and over and over. Now it's out turn. This is our Victory. Embrace it, Adam. Savor it. Victor and everything he is and everything that he stands for is gonna be buried in the rubble of his colossal ego.", "Adam: You put women and children at risk. Chelsea and Connor could have died here tonight. You understand?", "Ian: Oh, will you stop that, man? Dial down the histrionics. Your wife and your kid -- they got out. All the innocent ones, they got out. It's just us, you and me, the evil ones left behind. [Chuckles] It's positively biblical.", "Adam: Little flaw in your plan there, Ian. You know the person you wanted to destroy?", "Ian: No, that we wanted to destroy.", "Adam: Victor. Victor made it out of here.", "Ian: Yes. Disappointing, that. I had a speech and everything. [Chuckles] I should have known that he would turn coward. Should have known it!", "Adam: Coward? While you're up here, burning to hell, thinking that you won, he's out there saving lives. Victor Newman is ten times the man you'll ever be. Ten times!", "Victor: I sent Abby to the chopper. I saw her walk up the stairs. What do you mean you didn't take her? What are you talking about?", "Dylan: Abby was never on the roof.", "Victor: Don't you lie to me!", "Joe: He's telling the truth, okay? Abby wanted to stick around and look for her mom and stitch.", "Victor: I see. I see. You couldn't wait to get your ass on that chopper. So you took my daughter's place.", "Nikki: Victor, please.", "Victor: What kind of a man are you?!", "Lily: No, the choice was Abby's. She obviously didn't want to get on the chopper, so he had every right to that seat.", "Victor: Don't you defend him!", "Lily: What about Cane? Did you see him?", "Dylan: No, I didn't see him.", "Lily: I know he was in the building.", "Dylan: Okay, I know with the smoke and the fire, there's a lot of confusion, but that doesn't mean he didn't find another way out.", "Joe: Look, cane's a strong guy, okay? He's got a family to fight for, lily. I'm sure he's gonna be okay.", "Victoria: Abby's still in there.", "Billy: Hey, hey, hey. Abby just got engaged, okay? She's not gonna let a little fire get in the way of her big day, all right?", "Victoria: And Ashley and Ben.", "Billy: Listen to me. They're gonna make their way back to us. They will. Okay?", "Dylan: We did all we could to get Adam out. It was his choice to turn back and help somebody.", "Chelsea: And, um, his -- his only way out is if he can get to the lobby? Dozens of -- of floors. I mean, earlier, he could barely walk across the hospital room. [Sighs] No, I-I have to think positively. Adam -- he's seen worse than this. He's done the impossible. He'll just -- he'll just have to do it again.", "Nikki: I can't believe you're being so stoic about Adam.", "Billy: Stoic? No, no. He's doing a little Victory dance in his head right now, aren't you?", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "Victor: Don't you listen to that impertinent ass.", "Chelsea: What is Billy talking about?", "Billy: Well, have at it, Victor. Tell them how you saw the fire as the perfect cover for Adam to take off. Tell them how you're not grieving for your son 'cause you're hoping he escaped.", "Jack: Paul, you're in shock. Can you hand over your authority to someone else? We'll get you out of here. Wait! Paul!", "Phyllis: Let him go. Let him go.", "Paul: My sister's up in the boardroom. I have to do something. Whoa. We're standing down. I'm pulling my people out, not sending in more.", "Paul: It's my sister. I'm sorry, Paul. We're clearing out before this place implodes.", "Abby: Are you sure nothing's broken?", "Ashley: I don't think so. I think I'm okay.", "Abby: Good, 'cause we have a hike ahead of us. And a passenger.", "Ashley: Abby, he probably has internal injuries. We can't move him.", "Abby: We stay, we die, okay?", "Ashley: You're right. You're right. Did I hear you say something about planning the wedding of the century?", "Abby: It worked, didn't it?", "Ashley: If we ever get out of here --", "Abby: When we get out of here, okay?", "Ashley: I will make sure that I plan you the biggest wedding, the best wedding ever, okay? I promise.", "Abby: That's why we got to get out of here. I know you will. But first, we need to get down some stairs, okay?", "Ashley: When did my little girl become such a warrior?", "Abby: The truth is I'm freaking out inside, okay? But the two people that I love most in this whole entire world are counting on me. And I can't let you down.", "Ashley: You're not gonna let me down. That could never, never happen. I'm telling you.", "Abby: I promise I'm gonna get us out of here, okay?", "Ashley: Okay.", "Abby: Come on, stitch. Please. Just open your eyes, okay? Come on. If you can hear me, squeeze my hand, okay? The one with a ring on it. We have a whole lot of life to live. We have a future ahead of us. Just open your eyes. Please. Okay, okay, um... so, we -- we carry him down. We carry him down, okay?", "Ashley: Okay.", "Abby: Here. You grab the legs.", "Ashley: [Groans]", "Abby: [Crying] It's not use.", "Ashley: Abby, we don't have any choice. You have to leave us.", "Sage: Where is Christian? Where did you take him?!", "Nick: Sage, she's trying to help --", "Sage: No, stop it! Answer me right now! Where is my son?!", "Nick: Sage...", "Nurse Stephens: I'll get someone to help you, Mrs. Newman.", "Sage: Yes, you do that!", "Nick: Listen, let's go outside.", "Sage: Nick, I don't know -- I shouldn't have left him. I never should have gone anywhere! This isn't happening. Nick, he was fine. He was just here. [Sobbing]", "Sage: How could this have happened? How the hell is this possible? Oh, my God. I never should have left him.", "Nick: No one could have predicted this. I mean, he was -- he was holding his own. He was getting --", "Sage: He was not! No! He wasn't! That's what we told ourselves... to feel better, and we convinced ourselves to walk away from him and let strangers take care of him, nick.", "Nick: Sage, they're not strangers. They're doctors and nurses. They're good people.", "Sage: No, they are - they are not! He was just another baby to them, a case, a number on an incubator, but he was our child! And he fought to be with us every hour, every second, every minute, and we left him when he needed us most. We were not there for him.", "Nick: Sage...", "Sage: We were dancing and laughing at a party! And we weren't there to tell him that we loved him. Did he know? Did he know that we loved him? Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh! Nick! Oh, my God. No. I can't. I can't do it. No. No. Our baby's gone! [Wailing]", "Billy: Well, go on, Victor. Tell them all how you tried to convince Adam to run like hell and start a new life.", "Victor: You were there. You heard Adam say that he wouldn't run, that he would accept his punishment.", "Billy: And I'm supposed to believe that because it came out of Adam's mouth? No, I don't think so.", "Victor: All I'm concerned with is that my son survives this ordeal. I'm also concerned about your brother Jack, about Phyllis, and your sister Ashley. Do you actually know what's happening here?! It's my building that's burning! My tower's coming down! Anything happened to anyone, I'm responsible! But then you, Billy boy, know nothing about responsibility, now do you?", "Billy: Oh, my God. Oh, thank God.", "Jack: Let's get Phyllis a seat here.", "Victoria: I thought you were with Ashley and Ben.", "Phyllis: We got separated.", "Jack: Yeah, we were trapped in the break room.", "Phyllis: We're lucky to be alive.", "Jack: Yes, we are. [Smooches]", "Victor: Do you know if Abby saved Ashley or stitch?", "Dylan: Am I happy to see you.", "Paul: Yeah, it's been a long night.", "Dylan: So, what's the word?", "Paul: They're shutting down the rescue operation. The structure's too compromised.", "Dylan: Wh-what about patty? You were sure she was in the building.", "Paul: Uh... Jack and -- and Phyllis saw her. She -- she didn't make it.", "Dylan: I'm sorry, Paul.", "Paul: She never should have been there.", "Dylan: Patty and the others -- I just -- I wish I could have done more.", "Paul: Don't even think that. Look around. Everybody here is because of you. You saved a dozen lives tonight.", "Dylan: But one person left behind. I failed.", "Victor: Then Dylan, kindly go back in that building and save my daughter.", "Chelsea: You can't give up, yet. I mean, Adam's still in there.", "Jack: Adam? What the hell?!", "Lily: I know cane's alive, and he needs help.", "Chelsea: Adam has a son.", "Lily: Cane cannot die in that...", "[All talking]", "Paul: Please, everyone. I know how you feel. Believe me. My sister is in that tower. But I cannot ask my team to go into a building that could collapse at any moment.", "Victor: Paul, if you won't go, I will.", "Abby: No. Either we all go or we all stay. I'm leaving you.", "Ashley: You listen to me! I'm not saying that you're running away from us. We cannot carry him down the stairs. We're not strong enough.", "Abby: No. I know what you're doing. You're telling me to go get help, but really you're saying goodbye!", "Ashley: You made a promise to us to get us out of here. Now, I'm asking you -- I'm telling you that you have to keep this promise.", "Abby: No, no. I don't want to leave you.", "Ashley: We are running out of air. We are running out of time, okay? We only have hope, and you're it. You go, get us help, Abby. Go and save us. Okay? You have to do this. You go right now. Go. Go!", "Abby: [Crying]", "Ashley: Go.", "Abby: Okay. Stitch, I'm gonna go get us help. When I'm back, we have a crazy lot of life to live, okay? [Sniffles] I love you. I'll see you soon, okay?", "Ashley: Go.", "Abby: [Crying]", "Ashley: Come on. Go, Abby. Go on.", "Abby: [Sobbing, coughing]", "Ashley: No more tears, okay? We're not gonna cry. No more tears. You just go.", "Abby: Okay. I'm -- I'm gonna get us help, okay?", "Ashley: I know you will. I love you.", "Abby: I love you. [Coughs]", "Ashley: [Sobbing]", "Ian: Victor's your hero now?! Oh, man. I did not see that one coming. What happened to all those years of resentment toward him, of hating him, of groveling for his approval and then getting kicked in the teeth? And now that his empire is finally crumbling, that the walls are tumbling down, you're ready to forgive and forget?!", "Adam: Yeah, I wouldn't expect a sociopath like you to understand any of that.", "Ian: [Chuckling] A sociopath?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Ian: Oh, sweetheart, when it comes to sociopath, Victor Newman wrote the book. Hey, if that man gave a damn about you, he wouldn't have left you here to be barbecue.", "Adam: No, no. I chose to stay, understand?", "Ian: Yeah.", "Adam: I told him to leave. I chose to stay here.", "Ian: And he went, didn't he? Huh? Without so much as a glance in the rearview mirror. You find out exactly how much old pops values your life, huh? Step out of it, Adam, will you! Victor deserves every bit of the hell we've unleashed. What do you say that, uh, we move this whole conversation somewhere cooler, huh?", "Adam: No, no, no, no, no. No. I couldn't stop paragon, but I sure as hell can stop you.", "Ian: Hey, don't you have a wife and a kid to get to?", "Adam: That's right. I do. But first, I have to right a wrong, you understand?", "Ian: Oh, right and wrong -- that's a limited concept. Come on. Instead of boohooing that the devil made you do it, you ought to be out trying to find a way to disappear, which is what I intend to do. Aah! What are you gonna do, huh? Call the law?", "Adam: Law? No. Who said anything about the law? I was thinking more along the lines of -- how did you put it, Ian, huh? The big picture?", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Monica: Mr. And Mrs. Newman? Um, Monica Albright.", "Nick: A social worker? We were expecting the doctor.", "Monica: Uh, dr. Greene was called into the delivery room, but she'll be with you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I want to express my condolences for your loss and answer any questions you may have.", "Sage: [Crying] Why did this happen?", "Monica: I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for you. Perhaps you'd like to speak with the chaplain.", "Nick: We just want to know how this could happen. Can we see him?", "Monica: The doctor will answer all of your questions.", "Nick: Please, let us see our baby.", "Monica: In some cases, as in your son's --", "Sage: His name is Christian.", "Monica: Christian. Extraordinary measures are taken in an attempt to save a patient's life. And even if you're prepared, it can be difficult.", "Sage: [Sighs]", "Monica: May I suggest it might be better if your final memory is of when he was alive.", "Sage: Don't warn me about seeing my son, Monica. I didn't get to touch him or hold him once. So, I would like to see my son.", "Nick: We want to see our baby. And I want to see him right now.", "Victor: I will not leave my son and my daughter in that building. Now, I understand it's too dangerous for you and the team to go back in there. But forgive me. It's my building and my responsibility. I will go back.", "Nikki: Look, Paul and his team have been very brave.", "Victor: I understand all that.", "Nikki: He has a responsibility for them. He can't endanger them anymore.", "Victor: I will not leave them alone in --", "Dylan: I-I can try another roof evacuation.", "Paul: Look, there is no way to put a chopper down on that building in these conditions. There is zero visibility. The winds are kicking up. Come on, Dylan. The risk is too high.", "Dylan: I'm just saying if the pilot is willing, so am I.", "Paul: [Sighs] One more trip.", "Chelsea: Yes. Thank you.", "Paul: But when I tell you to get the hell off the roof, I mean it! You damn well better follow my orders.", "Dylan: Okay. Okay.", "Victor: All right. Let's do it.", "Paul: You want to try and talk him out of this?", "Nikki: Victor, you go and you be safe. Bring them home, all right?", "Paul: Let's go.", "Victor: Let's go.", "Billy: You're not doing this without us.", "Paul: You're gonna stay here. That's an order. Only the ballroom. No lower floors. No stairwells. That understood?", "Dylan: Yeah.", "[Cracking]", "Ashley: I don't know if you can hear me. I'm not even sure I want you to hear me. [Chuckles] But I have to tell you something. Listen, because of what you said to me -- I lied. [Crying] I lied when I told you I didn't want to hear it. I really wanted to hear it. So, thank you for telling me. We -- we're all gonna die, right? I mean, it's inevitable. I just -- I didn't see this one coming. [Sniffles] You and me -- crazy, huh? But you know what? If this is how it's supposed to be for you and me... well...then I'm glad I'm with you.", "[Rumbling, clattering]", "Ian: So only one of us lives to tell the tale, huh?", "Adam: Oh, I'll get over it.", "Ian: I hate to break it to you, kiddo, but this is my story to tell and my vision.", "[Thud]", "Ian: Behold my creation in all its glory!", "Adam: You need to be stopped.", "Ian: You gonna kill me?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Ian: Like you killed that little girl? Only this time, you can't call it an accident.", "Adam: Shut up.", "Ian: This time, it's murder.", "Adam: Shut up.", "Ian: Do you want your little boy to remember his daddy that way -- a murderer?", "Adam: Shut up!", "Ian: Is that who you really are?", "Adam: Shut your mouth! Oh, they won't call it murder. They'll call it justice.", "Jack: I should have tried harder to save patty.", "Phyllis: Hey. We did what we had to do. We needed to get out of there.", "Jack: Patty was always a troubled soul. It was our duty to show her some compassion.", "Phyllis: Jack. Come on. Is this -- is this about the fact I punched her in the mouth?", "Jack: No.", "Phyllis: Look, it was a long time ago, but she nearly killed summer and Adam. She tried to strangle me tonight. One punch was compassion.", "Jack: Patty wreaked havoc in a lot of lives. I don't know. Maybe some part of me wanted to leave her behind, hoping that all the awful things she did would die with her.", "Phyllis: Hey. You can't save everyone, not even a superhero like you. You got to know we made the right choice. It was the only choice.", "Jack: It was a choice to keep you safe. I'm so glad we could do that. Everybody else wasn't as lucky.", "Lily: Were the stairwells intact? Is there any way that Cane could have made it to the ballroom?", "Joe: Look, Cane is a very determined man, all right? Dylan's probably loading him up on the chopper right now.", "Jack: Absolutely.", "Lily: No. He has that cast on his arm, which is probably slowing him down. No one has heard from him or seen him. I mean...what am I gonna tell the kids?", "Joe: Look, he's probably gonna be walking through that door any minute now. All right? Speaking of the kids, why don't you just go check on Charlie and Mattie and make sure they're not eating all that Halloween candy.", "Billy: You know, I hate to admit it, but every quality that makes Victor an arrogant pain in the ass also means that he's not gonna give up until he gets what he wants. So, if anybody can find a way to rescue Abby, Ashley, and stitch, it's Victor.", "Nikki: Oh, really? What if that also means bringing Adam home?", "Billy: I'm counting on it, Nikki. Then Adam can finally face the punishment that he deserves.", "Abby: Help! Help! Can anyone hear me?! [Coughs] [Screams] Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there? Can anyone hear me? Help! Oh, my God. Hello? Help! Hello?! Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? [Coughs] Hello? Help! [Coughs] Can anyone hear me? I need help! Help! I need help! Hello! Hello!", "Paul: Victor, you've got to get out of here now. This whole place is coming down. Let's go!", "Victor: We have to die of something, Paul. I sure as hell don't intend for it to be of old age.", "Paul: Dylan! Dylan, do you hear me? Over!", "Dylan: Yeah, I made it.", "Paul: Where are you exactly? Where are you?", "Dylan: At the ballroom.", "Paul: You've got to get out of there now. You've got two minutes, tops. The building has no structural integrity. Dylan!", "Dylan: Adam! Abby! Are you here? Stitch! Ashley! If you can't call out, just hit something. I'll find you!", "Dylan: Stitch! Abby! Can anybody hear me?!", "Paul: Dylan, the wind has shifted. The pilot can't keep the chopper on the roof any longer. You've got to get out now.", "Victor: Have you seen Ashley, Abby, or stitch?", "Dylan: Not yet, but if I had a little more time...", "Paul: No! You've got no more time!", "Victor: What about my son Adam?", "Paul: No! Dylan, listen to me right now! The chopper's leaving. You're gonna be on it!", "[Cracking]", "Dylan: Okay. I'm out of here.", "[Rumbling, clattering]", "Paul: Chelsea, what the hell are you doing here?", "Chelsea: I had to come. I had to see for myself.", "Paul: No, no, no. You've got to get out of here now.", "Chelsea: No! Victor! Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where's Adam? Where's Adam?", "Victor: The rescue people have done all they can, okay?", "Chelsea: No, no. But he -- no, he promised me.", "Victor: Sweetheart...", "Chelsea: He promised me.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm sorry. They have done all they can.", "Chelsea: No. He promised me, though. He promised me.", "[Rustling]", "Abby: [Coughing]", "Ashley: Abby! Abby, I told you to go!", "Abby: No, you told me to get help. I found someone who can help us.", "Adam: Need a hand?", "Ashley: Yes. You can get him out of here.", "Adam: All right. Yep.", "Ashley: Adam?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Abby: Mom, he's gonna help us, mom. He's gonna get --", "Ashley: You could have been safe, Abby. You could have been out of here. You could have been safe.", "Abby: He's gonna get us out of here, mom. That was the deal. I told you -- I'm not gonna leave here without you and stitch, okay?", "Adam: Listen to me. He's got this -- this head injury, his leg. The only way we're gonna be able to get him to the lobby is if we rig some kind of sledge, all right?", "[Cracking]", "Abby: [Screams]", "Ashley: There's no time. Go! Get Abby and get out of here!", "Abby: Mom, I'm not leaving without you!", "Ashley: Go!", "Adam: Listen to me. The only way we get out of here is together, okay? So, grab his legs. Stop arguing and grab his legs.", "Abby: Okay.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Adam: You ready? All right. Let's go. Let's go. Come on.", "Nick: [Sighs] Our little boy was a warrior, just like we knew he would be.", "Sage: No. He was not. He was helpless and alone.", "Nurse Stephens: If you'd like to see your baby... take as much time as you need.", "Nick: We won't go in there until you're ready.", "Sage: I have to see him. I have to see Christian. I won't believe...that he's gone unless I see for myself.", "Nick: Let me go in. I'll be with him.", "Sage: I have to do this. Ever since he -- he was a heartbeat inside me, there was so much joy and love. But I was...scared, superstitious, nick. And the nightmares... the one where he was taken from me... [Sobbing] I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it.", "Dylan: [Sighs] [Sighs]", "Jack: Ashley? Abby? Ben?", "Dylan: I'm sorry. Nobody was there.", "Jack: Adam?", "Lily: No sign of Cane?", "Dylan: [Sighs] I didn't -- I didn't see anybody. The wind was too much. I only had so much time to check the ballroom. I'm sorry.", "Nikki: Honey, you don't have to apologize. You're a hero.", "Victoria: Most of us wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Dylan.", "Billy: Victoria's right.", "Nikki: What about Victor?", "Dylan: He and Chelsea are with Paul. They're safe.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Billy: You know, if you only tackled the ballroom, then there could be a chance that people are making their way to the lobby.", "Dylan: I'm gonna be, uh... I'm gonna be straight with you. This fire is totally out of control and the tower is unstable. And if they're all still in the building, I just don't know if they're gonna make it.", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Ian: [Groans] [Weakly] Help me.", "Patty: You know, maybe we can help each other. What do you say, hot stuff?", "Paul: Okay. Roger that. Listen, time's up. If we wait any longer, there are gonna be three more bodies buried beneath the rumble.", "Chelsea: I'm not leaving. Adam is here because of me.", "Paul: He's not here because of you.", "[Muffled talking]", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "Chelsea: Oh, my God! Oh, thank God!", "Adam: Some help here.", "Paul: All right. Bring him this way.", "Adam: Let's get him down.", "Paul: Okay.", "Victor: Here we go. There we go.", "Adam: He's hurt pretty bad.", "Chelsea: Are you okay? You okay?", "Adam: I'm all right. I'm okay.", "Chelsea: Oh, my God.", "Paul: Stitch...", "Chelsea: Oh, my God.", "Victor: Stitch?", "Paul: Yes.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Christine: Adam Newman, you are now facing addition charges for your escape from custody.", "Jack: But patty seemed lucid when she told us she came to warn Dylan about something.", "Paul: You find a good attorney, because you're gonna need one." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Phyllis informs Billy and Kyle that they need a new marketing campaign by morning. Kyle heads for the door as he has plans with Lola and Phyllis gives him a hard time about wanting to see his girlfriend. Billy tells Phyllis she doesn't know what love means. Nicki and Nick are at the club and Nicki slips that Sharon seemed upset after telling Nick they are finished. Nick presses why and where Nicki had seen Sharon and Nicki sidesteps his questions by telling him that he needs to move on. At the coffeehouse Lola, Mariah and Tessa are talking and Lola mentions cooking dinner for Kyle. It is nearly foiled as Rey and Sharon arrive and Rey tells Lola he invited Sharon. Mariah pulls Sharon aside to ask what sort of signals is she sending Rey. Sharon rethinks her decision and tells Rey they need to remain professional and declines. Lola is relieved her plans with Kyle are back on. Billy shows up at the coffeehouse and sits with Sharon and they talk about their cheating exes. Sharon bashes Phyllis and tells Billy he is brave in dealing with his addiction. Billy asks Sharon why she puts up with Phyllis. Sharon says she won't let Phyllis chase her away from a charity where women need her. Sharon mentions her time with Billy and says she is a different person now.", "Nicki shows up at the Chancellor work site with her payment trying to find out if anything was discovered. Phyllis shows up at Nick's office with carryout. After eating they talk about how successful the other is. Phyllis bashes Sharon and tells Nick that he doesn't let anyone hold him back and if he wants something he grabs it. He then grabs her and they kiss but then stop knowing it isn't right. Phyllis then heads to the elevator. Kyle arrives at Lola's. They are in a near embrace when Rey walks in. He isn't happy to see Kyle and brings up the grave digging. Kyle explains he thought he had legitimate reasons and knows now it was wrong. He offers to hang out with Rey while Lola cooks. Sitting at his desk, Nick suddenly races to the elevator. He goes into the elevator and comes out carrying Phyllis and they head back to his office where the two are all over each other on the desk. Rey gets a phone call and he is heard saying that he wants to shut down the Hellstrom investigation right before the final scene where Arturo picks up a watch in the dirt with ‘Love Mac' inscribed on it.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Mariah: [ Giggles ]", "Tessa: My two favorite things in the world -- music and you.", "Sharon: It's time for me to move on.", "Nick: To rey?", "Sharon: I'm not looking for any kind of relationship anytime soon.", "Rey: You've been very clear.", "Nikki: I talked to arturo and he is going to remove the statue tonight, and then his crew will handle the plumbing repairs tomorrow.", "Sharon: That gives us a window of time to do what needs to be done.", "Nikki: Oh, my god.", "Phyllis: This is really, really not good.", "Victoria: Where's J.T.?", "Phyllis: Billy, I am so sorry, but C.E.O. Musical chairs at jabot is over. I have grabbed the last seat, and I do not intend to get up.", "Kyle: We need to monitor phyllis closely before she destroys jabot along with her résumé.", "Kyle: What is happening with this meeting? The sun is down. I have plans with lola. Nice of you to join us.", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't think you're grasping how this works, kyle. We will meet when it's convenient for me. That has been the same for every C.E.O. In the history of jabot.", "Billy: We serve at the pleasure of the red queen.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that has a nice sound to it. So, buckle up, boys. We are in for a long night.", "Nikki: And your father has picked out the sweetest little pony for christian to ride. Of course, we'll wait until you feel he's ready.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] No, it's not that. Sorry.", "Nikki: Well, what is it, sweetheart?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Well, sharon has made it very clear that it is time for me to back off and us working it out is not gonna happen.", "Nikki: So you listened.", "Nick: Well, everyone has said it's not my call to make. Sharon has made her decision, and I just need to suck it up and move on.", "Nikki: I know how difficult this is for you. This is why I wanted to see you tonight, just to check in because I know how upset sharon was after she told you you two were over.", "Nick: What, you saw her on halloween? What were you two doing?", "Lola: I love the musical theme.", "Tessa: It was my idea.", "Mariah: I thought of it. What?", "Lola: You can add notes for every special occasion. You'll have this epic love song swirling from head to toe.", "Tessa: Oh, yeah, you know what, I hear it right now. Yeah. I can -- no, I got a full orchestration going on. I see strings, some brass, some timpani. Who doesn't love some good timpani? It won't hurt. Much.", "Mariah: Oh, yeah, that's a good -- no.", "Tessa: Okay, just give her some time.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ]", "Tessa: So do you have any big plans tonight?", "Lola: Just trying out some new recipes for my truck.", "Mariah: I volunteer.", "Lola: Well, kyle beat you to it, but we'll be just upstairs. You know, rey's kitchen is so much bigger and better than mine.", "Mariah: So, kyle is meeting the big brother. Aka, \"the protective detective,\" huh?", "Tessa: Mm, trademark pending.", "Mariah: On rey's home turf, no less.", "Lola: What? No. No, no, no. Rey's working, and what rey doesn't know can't hurt him.", "Rey: What?", "Sharon: Junk food fiend.", "Rey: Who, me? Nah.", "Sharon: Yes, you. I know the signs from living with -- I just know the signs. You know, we should do something to try to get better food options here. You know, I always thought that joke about cops and doughnut was that, it was just a joke. But that break room...", "Rey: Have you seen the budget here? I mean, unless you want to donate some brownies from your coffee shop...", "Sharon: We'll exchange brownies for doughnuts? Perfect. Why don't we get lola to bring her truck here twice a week, you know? Get some real good food, food that hasn't been sitting in a vending machine for, like, 12 years? It's a win all around.", "Rey: Lola likes to get a little nuts with the red meat and cheese, but she has some healthy stuff. You know, she's actually trying out some new recipes at my place tonight. I decided to stay here and work on typing up some files, but she's always giving me a hard time about not eating any meals. How about you join us?", "Sharon: Um, well, she will be there, right, cooking?", "Rey: Yeah.", "Sharon: I mean, she might not want someone in her space.", "Rey: No, no, no, no, no. She loves a good cheering section. Come on.", "Sharon: I'm in.", "Rey: Great. The more people lola has at her table, the happier she is.", "Nikki: Don't worry about it, son. I mean, sharon didn't dump a pitcher full of milk over my head, and I didn't call her something I may have called her years ago.", "Nick: But she told you that she and I...", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Nikki: Hi, arturo. How are things going with the repairs?", "Arturo: We're making progress. The damage wasn't as bad as it could have been. My guys are making sure that this place won't be dug up again anytime soon. Should be done by tomorrow.", "Nikki: Well, that's good to hear. I'll be right over with the check. Additional sponsorship", "Tessa: So your plan tonight to hang at rey's with kyle...", "Mariah: Was he supposed to, like, swing by the house and then go to the station or change before dinner?", "Lola: No. Why?", "Mariah: No reason.", "Rey: Hey, runt. You know how you're always worried that you cook too much when you're trying out new recipes? Well, you're gonna have two extra mouths to feed tonight.", "Lola: Wait. What? You're working!", "Rey: Yeah, I changed my mind, and I convinced sharon to join us.", "Lola: Seriously?", "Rey: Yeah.", "Lola: No.", "Rey: Why?", "Lola: Because it's a practice run, and it could go awful.", "Rey: No, calm down. Sharon loves your cooking. She even suggested that you bring your truck by the station a couple days a week, and I feel like a jerk because I didn't think of it at first. You know sharon, she's the nicest person. She's never gonna do anything to make anybody feel bad. That's not who she is.", "Lola: Yeah, I know that. That's not the point.", "Rey: Would you stop worrying? What are you gonna do? You're gonna wait here, or are you gonna put something on the stove? She's gonna be here any minute.", "Lola: Yeah, I just need -- I, um... yeah, hang on.", "Rey: Hey!", "Sharon: Hey!", "Rey: Perfect timing.", "Sharon: Um, is lola ready for me to crash her recipe session?", "Rey: You know, she's a little nervous, and the kid's got nerves of steel. I think she's trying to impress you.", "Mariah: Hey. Sharon? Could we -- just for a second.", "Sharon: Yeah. Um... what's up?", "Mariah: Um, so you're having dinner with rey.", "Sharon: No. Not rey. I mean, yeah, but with lola.", "Mariah: Oh. Okay. Um... just a quick question -- what kind of message do you think you're sending this guy?", "Nikki: I am so sorry about this, but I've got to get to the park to see arturo before he leaves.", "Nick: Well, you still haven't answered my question. What were you and sharon doing? Where'd you run into her?", "Nikki: Oh, sweetheart...", "Nick: It's a normal question, mom.", "Nikki: It's not about the \"what,\" it's about the \"why.\" It's about you needing to know more and more about what sharon is thinking and doing and saying. She's already made it clear to you that she doesn't want to be with you anymore, and I'm sorry as I can be because I know that you still care for her very much.", "Nick: Yeah, and I know that you don'T.", "Nikki: It's not about me or my feelings. It's about you. And you have this wonderful new path in your life. You should embrace it and enjoy it and move on.", "Nick: Well, you're not the first person to say that. It's just frustrating as hell because sharon and I have gotten past stuff like this before. This time, I don't know what's different.", "Nikki: Well, sometimes, there's just one lie too many, and then... you know that it's over. I'm so sorry. When your child is hurting, it's terrible to watch. I know that you'll get past it. I have every faith in you. Oh, darling. You'll get through this.", "Nick: Thanks, ma. Love you.", "Nikki: I love you, too.", "Phyllis: As of this week, we will have enough exclusive luxury cosmetics, skincare products from around the world to line our jaboutique shelves in time for our launch, which is a good thing. That will give kerry enough time to work up her new signature jabot series. Now, I'm gonna need a two-prong marketing attack. One that celebrates our amazing products that we expose to our customers, the other one should be about the customers themselves. We have a wide array of women who love jabot with unique styles and beauty, and that's amazing. We need to show them that our boutiques are a place that they can go, their haven. Their comfort, their pleasure, their experience is all that matters.", "Kyle: Makes sense.", "Phyllis: Good. I'm glad you think so. Now, I need to see marketing campaigns first thing in the morning. They need to be new, so... we have a long night ahead of us.", "Kyle: Uh, the office is cleared out, and I have plans.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, you have a cellphone which means you can cancel your plans. Jabot is in crisis mode. If this takes all night, then that's what it takes.", "Kyle: Which I understand, and I'm happy to stay all night or weekends or whatever, but lola and I were planning on --", "Phyllis: Lola? This is about a woman?", "Billy: We'll come in early in the morning and bang out a new plan.", "Phyllis: And if you're not finished in time? The second we lost those patents, we lost major ground. We made a commitment that our boutiques were gonna open for the holiday rush. We have a hard deadline.", "Billy: Yeah, I understand. I'm the one that made the commitment.", "Kyle: I gave lola my word. She's testing new recipes.", "Phyllis: How does that help me, or the company?", "Kyle: I can't cancel on her last-minute.", "Phyllis: See, there is a difference between \"can't\" and \"won't\" and you're telling your C.E.O. Right now that you can't work because you want to see your girlfriend.", "Kyle: I'll come in at the crack of dawn, but, right now, I have someplace to be.", "Billy: Way to rally the troops.", "Phyllis: I should fire him for that.", "Billy: Yeah, fire one of the last abbotts standing. That'd be great for pr.", "Phyllis: You know what's amazing? The one person who is willing to fight for the abbott family business isn't an actual abbott.", "Billy: Give him a break, phyllis, okay? He's in the rosy part of a new love. Then again, you don't know what loves means.", "Sharon: I can promise you that rey and I have made very firm boundaries. We are colleagues who are also friends, and that's it. He knows that tonight is not about romance.", "Mariah: That's good because he's still married, right?", "Sharon: Uh, and that's one of the reasons why we set those firm boundaries.", "Mariah: Because if you weren'T...", "Sharon: What?", "Mariah: I'm just asking -- if it wasn't married, would you and he...?", "Sharon: Oh! No. No. [ Laughing ] No.", "Mariah: Good, then you're not interested.", "Sharon: Well, I'm not in a position to be interested in anyone right now. I mean, after what happened with nick, it's just all so fresh.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Sharon: You keep saying that.", "Mariah: Well, it's just -- \"being in no position\" is a weird way of saying that you're not interested in the guy that a week ago was digging into your business.", "Sharon: I thought you liked rey.", "Mariah: I do. It's not that. I just -- I worry. Maybe I'm over-protective, hyper-vigilant.", "Sharon: Well, you know what, maybe you're right. Maybe tonight is a mistake.", "Mariah: No, I'm not saying that you can't --", "Sharon: No, no. I want to cancel, just -- i don't want to confuse the issue. Rey.", "Rey: Yeah?", "Sharon: I'm gonna have to cancel for tonight.", "Rey: Why, did something happen with faith?", "Sharon: No. It's me. The deal was to keep things professional, and I know that this was just a friendly invitation and I'm not reading anything into it...", "Rey: Absolutely. I get it. You're right. It was a last-minute idea. Not my best one.", "Sharon: Well, thanks anyway for the invite.", "Rey: Of course. We good?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Rey: All right.", "Rey: Hey, lola.", "Lola: Hey.", "Rey: Turns out you're gonna have a bunch of leftovers after all. Sharon and I had a change of plans.", "Lola: Really? Oh, that's too bad. Well, maybe next time, once i get these recipes down. So I'll see you later?", "Rey: Don't leave any dishes in my sink.", "Lola: Like I ever do.", "Sharon: Where did this come from?", "Mariah: Oh, I have no idea. You know, I think somebody might have given it to somebody else, but I have no idea who.", "Tessa: On one of the most romantic holidays of the year, halloween.", "Sharon: Aww. Who was the lucky recipient?", "Tessa: Oh, uh, it was me, but I don't know who the giver was.", "Sharon: No idea at all.", "Tessa: But it makes my heart flutter. Once I find out who it is, I can say \"thank you.\"", "Mariah: Okay, well, now my cheeks are on fire, and this can stop now.", "Tessa: Only because I have to go check on tables.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: That was adorable.", "Mariah: Are we too much? I think we're a little too much, and usually I would hate people like us, but I just can't stop.", "Sharon: No, why should you? You have waited so long to feel this way and to have somebody in your life like this. I know that in the beginning i had my concerns about tessa, but I see the way she looks at you, and tessa is committed to you. And, you know what, that's as good as it gets.", "Billy: Do you have an iv back there? Or a funnel connected to something, like a keg stand with something high-octane, maybe?", "Mariah: That sounds healthy, and this is where I leave.", "Billy: What? Too intense.", "Sharon: Uh, plain coffee?", "Billy: Or a mug of bourbon.", "Sharon: Would these be work issues or phyllis issues?", "Billy: See, the beauty of that, sharon, is that it's both because she now runs my family company. Best news ever.", "Sharon: Bourbon does seem more sensible, but you do realize you're in the wrong place.", "Billy: Yeah, you're right. I should skip the bourbon. I don't need another vice, do I?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Well, you know, you joke, but you're doing really well dealing with your gambling addiction. You know, you're very brave.", "Billy: Am I, really? I mean, it was either that or lose everything that meant anything to me. Which basically happened anyway.", "Sharon: That's not true. You didn't lose everything. Things that fell away from you were the things that were creating problems. So now you're in a better place.", "Billy: That's what they say about dead people, sharon.", "Sharon: In any case, you know, some people can't face their dark side. They are not brave, and they give in, and those people lose everything. You made a choice. And you have your decency, billy.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, I don't think anybody's ever called me \"decent\" before.", "Sharon: Well, it's true. You are decent and brave. You'll just have to live with it.", "Phyllis: Hey, summer. It's your mom. I was hoping I could lure you back into the office. Well, you and some fast food. But it looks like you are busy with a life. That's fine. To a degree. All right, give me call when you get this. Hi. It's me. What do you think about some burgers and fries?", "Nikki: Well, thank you so much for all your hard work.", "Arturo: It was my pleasure. This park means a lot to the city, and we won't be able to work outside much longer, so it wasn't a bad way to spend the day.", "Nikki: Were there any surprises, any problems I don't know about?", "Arturo: I feel like you're asking me a question you already know the answer to.", "Sharon: Not that I want to hear about phyllis, but...", "Billy: But you want to know about the surreal hellscape that's going on at jabot with her in charge? Her insatiable taste for power and control? Constant carping about how she's the only one that can run the business or cares about the business?", "Sharon: That sounds exhausting. How is it for you? Really.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Look, I've cheated before, okay? I've made mistakes. I -- I don't want to sound like a hypocrite. But when I think about it, it drives me crazy all over again. I mean, we're supposed to get wiser as we get older, right? We're supposed to know that we don't fall into bed with our exes. And I should not be telling you this because you don't want to hear all this.", "Sharon: No, it's making me feel better in a \"misery loves company\" way.", "Billy: Oh, really? Well, I will give you a ton of miserable company.", "Sharon: [ Laughs ]", "Billy: She's my boss now. She ruined our relationship, she took the title that i wanted, and now she gives me orders.", "Sharon: Oh, well, phyllis loves giving orders, even to people who have no reason to take them because she knows best. For some reason, her passion means that her way is the right way. And the ego that it must take to utterly dismiss someone else's idea or suggestion that they might have.", "Billy: Why do you put up with it and this charity thing?", "Sharon: What?", "Billy: I mean, that's the only reason why you deal with her, right, is the charity thing. Why don't you just walk away?", "Arturo: You sure you don't want to wait to give this to me tomorrow once the job's all done?", "Nikki: Oh, no, take it. I trust you.", "Arturo: Cool. Uh, well, me and my crew are done for the night. Let me walk you to your car.", "Nikki: Thanks. I would appreciate that. This is not my favorite place at night.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Nick: Come in!", "Phyllis: Special delivery.", "Nick: [ Chuckling ] Oh! Now that is a vision of beauty.", "Phyllis: I expect a really big tip.", "Lola: Yeah?", "Kyle: I'm downstairs.", "Lola: Come on up! [ Knocks on door ] Your timing is perfect.", "Kyle: Great. [ Groans ] Hey. Oh, you're green.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Yum.", "Lola: Well, this is me creating. It's art, not science.", "Kyle: Your art. So, should I ask about those texts you sent? I was all excited to eat, and then I thought I was getting dumped.", "Lola: Yeah, there was a little glitch, and then -- boom! It went away. And it's okay. But you're here to work, not look at me like that.", "Kyle: Like what?", "Lola: Listen, you can't love everything, okay? You have to have actual opinions. I need to know that I'm on the right track.", "Kyle: I fully support your mission. And I even brought proof.", "Lola: Oh.", "Kyle: May I?", "Lola: Please!", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: So, I suppose this is a standing invitation?", "Rey: Hey, kiddo. I made it. Excuse me.", "Lola: Rey! Hi! Hi! This is... hi!", "Kyle: Kyle abbott.", "Rey: Yeah. I know. The kid who's kissing my sister is also the kid who likes to dig up graves. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Lola: You said you weren't coming to dinner.", "Rey: I live here.", "Lola: Yeah, but you could have told me that you were coming back.", "Rey: I still live here.", "Kyle: Just to be clear, the whole grave-digging thing, it was --", "Rey: An accident? You tripped and fell in a grave with your shovel?", "Kyle: Yes. No. I did it on purpose.", "Rey: Oh, that is reassuring.", "Kyle: But, at the time, I had what I felt was a legitimate reason. I was running on adrenaline thinking I was helping someone out, but, yeah, it was awful and not fun, and given what I know now, the regrets are substantial.", "Rey: He's the reason you didn't want me to come home tonight?", "Lola: I should have told you, but I wanted to wait for you and kyle to meet.", "Rey: Until when?", "Lola: Until the right time.", "Rey: Mm, look at us now. We're meeting.", "Kyle: Hey, this is your place. Your call. But I'd love to stay, if that's okay with you.", "Rey: Smells okay? You didn't go crazy on the garlic this time?", "Lola: I never go crazy on the garlic. I use it as an aromatic. See how far you would go without the garlic? Nowhere. So, if you need to head back to the station, you know, you can, uh...", "Kyle: Or rey and I could hang out while you create.", "Lola: Mm, I --", "Rey: That sounds good to me.", "Nick: I'm just wondering what the C.E.O. Of jabot is doing, you know, with some side work delivering fast food. Don't you have a company to save?", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, I will go ahead and be back there soon enough. Besides, I'd rather spill some ketchup in your office rather than mine.", "Nick: Mm.", "Phyllis: The place is a real dump.", "Nick: Yeah, the view is even worse.", "Phyllis: You did good.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] So did you. I mean, you're in the big chair now. I have no idea how you did that, but I'm impressed.", "Phyllis: Sheer force of will.", "Nick: Like everything else you do.", "Phyllis: Go big or go home.", "Nick: Is there any other way?", "Phyllis: Mm. Yeah, well, I don't think i really pulled it off before, not to this extent, but I think I am hitting my stride, you know? Everything is happening. Fast. And I think I could be terrified that it could just all fall apart, but I'm not. I'm feeling like, \"hey, yeah, bring it. I can handle anything you toss my way.\" And then some.", "Nick: Well, I have no doubt.", "Phyllis: Are you completely horrified with my hubris?", "Nick: No way. I mean, maybe if it was someone else saying, but... you've got the goods to back it up. You always have.", "Phyllis: Thank you. You know what I got to do, though. I got to get my troops just to step it up. I mean, the whole floor checked out when sundown came.", "Nick: Welcome to my world. I've told my staff I want them to all have lives, but maybe they could put their lives on hold until, like, 6:00 instead of 5:00.", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ] To the glamorous life at the top.", "Sharon: As much as phyllis disgusts me, I am not about to let her drive me away from important charity work.", "Billy: You know you pay other people to do that.", "Sharon: I made a commitment to these women, women who need to start over, women who need to move forward, and when I made that promise, I didn't know about phyllis and nick and the one-night stand.", "Billy: I hear you. I do, and I admire you. You made a commitment. But why phyllis? She doesn't care about other people, and I mean that sincerely. You know, I used to give her the benefit of the doubt, but clearly I'm a moron. So why does she do it? Is it to make up for past misdeeds, or is it like a conscience thing? I mean, and this little band that you guys got going on with nikki and vicki, I mean, those are three women that you'd completely rather avoid.", "Sharon: Can I just stop you right there? Because I can't tell you how very little I care about what goes on in phyllis' head. I do not want to think about it at all, not ever. Now, if you want to ask her why she's involved...", "Billy: Yeah, okay. I will shut up. I won't even mention her. I would rather talk about someone who actually knows the difference between right and wrong.", "Sharon: Uh, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm not saint. You know, I've made my share of mistakes, and one of them was with you.", "Billy: Come on. That is ancient history. And we were both in a bad place. It was the night before I was about to marry someone that i did not want to spend the rest of my life with.", "Sharon: Still. We screwed up, and that stayed with me for a long time. But, you know, now when I look back at my life, I understand myself. I know why I made some of the horrible decisions I did.", "Billy: And what?", "Sharon: And I've changed. I had shame and regret, and I'm a different person now.", "Phyllis: So you're supposedly not the man that sharon fell in love with, which I really kind of find convenient because she can blame you for a misguided night where everyone was on a break, but she can also pretend to be noble, righteous, above capitalism, but fyi, she fell in love with you in high school. If you were still that same guy, she would be complaining that you're immature.", "Nick: I mean, that's what I'm talking about. It's ambition. It's making sacrifices, working late, making choices.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that you had to make. I mean, look, she drives me crazy, all right? I just don't ever think that she knew you. I think that she created a fairytale prince in her mind, you know, this stand-up guy who was gonna fight her battles, and you did. You protected her, but you have always, always wanted your independence away from your family. You have this ambition and fire that is inside of you. And now you are letting it out. But it's like, \"oh, no, we can't ask, we can't demand. That's not nice.\" You are a force to be reckoned with. Whatever is inside of you, whatever you see, you take it. And there is nothing -- nothing better than that. You don't let anything hold you back. If you want something, you grab it.", "Nick: Okay. Okay, okay. This is a bad idea. We cannot do this.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, I think we're more than capable, actually.", "Nick: No, I'm saying, the last time we did this, we blew our lives up.", "Phyllis: Well, then that means that we don't have really much more to blow up, unless you think sharon's gonna come in here in a few minutes.", "Nick: Oh, no, she's made it very clear that is not happening, but I don't want to do this rebound thing with you. I mean, I respect you too much.", "Phyllis: It's nice to be respected. It's nice to roll around naked with you, too. I hear you. I do. I hear you. I just -- I think I wanted the burgers and the hang time. I think that's really what i needed. Anything else would have just been a really fun bonus.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm gonna head back to the office. Next time, dinner's on you.", "Rey: So, the only two places you've worked at are, uh, newman and jabot?", "Lola: How's the citrus in this?", "Rey: It's fine.", "Kyle: I had an internship on wall street, but, yeah, my only two paying jobs so far have been with newman and jabot.", "Rey: And you live in the family home?", "Lola: And I live with arturo. What's your point here?", "Kyle: It's great -- family, food, laundry.", "Rey: Mm. Those last two, the staff take care of that, huh? You like spicy food?", "Kyle: Love it! I got education in new york. Indian, thai, ethiopian.", "Rey: That's great. Lo, bring me one of those peppers.", "Lola: What, this?", "Rey: Yeah, just bring me one, please.", "Lola: For what? For kyle? Be serious.", "Kyle: What, is it another taste test? Love it. Let me give it a shot.", "Rey: See? Come on.", "Lola: You're gonna melt your face.", "Kyle: I never liked this face much anyways.", "Rey: You're right, it's -- it's too much. It's too much.", "Kyle: Seriously. No, I'm good to go.", "Rey: You heard the man. Come on.", "Kyle: [ Coughs ] Wow. Is it hot in here?", "[ Coughing continues ]", "Rey: Hey.", "Kyle: Holy --", "Rey: Yeah.", "Lola: Milk! Not water. Are you two proud of yourselves?", "Kyle: [ Coughs ] So proud.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Never prouder. My finest moment. [ Groans, cough ] Ooh! That'll wake you up. Let me do the dishes while you [Coughs] Create.", "Lola: You don't have to do that.", "Kyle: [ Coughing continues ] [ Groans ] It's either this or pass out. Don't let me pass out in front of your brother.", "[ Coughs ]", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Rey: Hey, chief. What's up?", "Mariah: You know, earlier, when I said about not wanting a full body tattoo of our love song on me, I was talking about the tattoo. Not about us.", "Tessa: Yeah, of course i know. Besides, I can sing our song to you whenever I want.", "Mariah: Oh, you've written it?", "Tessa: I write it all day, every day. When you ask me what I'm thinking, I'm writing it. We're writing it together. And I don't ever want it to stop.", "Billy: I meant what I said at the wedding. I owe you for clueing me in.", "Sharon: Hmm, well, I can't really say it was my pleasure, but you're welcome.", "Billy: Cheers to a wedding of misery, and for sparing me one of my own.", "Sharon: That's the spirit.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Isn't this nice? It's like we have our own little broken heart society.", "Sharon: Mm, yeah, but broken, you know, that's kind of brutal.", "Billy: Yeah, but at least it's still beating.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ] That's true. Oh, gosh. What's wrong?", "Rey: J.T. Hellstrom.", "Kyle: Rey took off all fired up. What do you think that call was about?", "Lola: Uh, work, but the timing was perfect. He'd finally stop grilling you, and you didn't pass out. You know, you didn't have to commit suicide by pepper just to have him like you.", "Kyle: I have a confession to make. I might have laid it on a little thick about the peppers. I won more than one bet at frat parties with my asbestos tongue.", "Lola: Huh. Impressive. But not well-thought-out because my brother may tolerate you for now, but I am afraid to kiss you, so win-lose.", "Kyle: [ Groans ] Damn it.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lola: But maybe after dessert?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Rain check? Sorry. I got to head out.", "Lola: For real?", "Kyle: I got to be at the office early tomorrow.", "Lola: Okay. I understand. Thank you, though, for coming tonight and, um, thank you for my apron.", "Kyle: Mm. So, I'm getting mixed mssages here. Your apron's saying \"hurry up,\" but if you're still scared of my fiery hot lips...", "Lola: Oh, no, yeah, I'm terrified. Yeah. Mm.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Rey: The commission wants to shut down the hellstrom investigation.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Billy: So that's it? I mean, this guy terrorizes victoria and who cares? Come on, that guy belongs in jail so he doesn't ever touch victoria again.", "Rey: Well, unless I can find him in the next week, they are shutting me down. It is over.", "Sharon: That's terrible news." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Phyllis tells Nick that she hopes his election campaign won't turn him into Victor. Abby warns Phyllis not to even think about getting back together with Nick. Phyllis tells Abby that so many people are telling her that so she might just have to go after Nick again. Connor has a nightmare and since Adam can't calm him he calls Chelsea and she rushes to the penthouse to calm Connor. Chelsea later tells Nick what happened and that she thinks Connor is manipulating her so she and Adam will get back together. Nick thinks Adam is using Connor to manipulate her into getting back together with hum. Mariah throws Tessa a surprise first anniversary party.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Connor: I like it like this. The three of us. You have 24 hours to give me the money your dearly departed husband owed me.", "Jack: It's true. Theo is dina's grandson.", "Tessa: Visiting and, uh, living somewhere is different.", "Mariah: Would you relax? It's perfect. It's home.", "Sharon: You put your heart on the line. You found love. I couldn't be happier for you.", "Mariah: All right. One surprise anniversary party coming up.", "Mariah: Can't you get somebody else to clean up?", "Sharon: I guess I could. Is that your subtle way of volunteering? I could really use the help around here.", "Mariah: You're not serious, right? Because you know what tonight is.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh. I almost forgot. Yes! I have to put in that big order for coffee beans.", "Mariah: No, no, no.", "Sharon: Kidding.", "Mariah: You know what, we're gonna discuss what constitutes a joke at a later date. But tonight, at my anniversary party, I would really like you to keep the funny to yourself.", "Sharon: Okay. Will do. I'll be there.", "Mariah: Okay. And if there's any opportunity to make a speech or say a few words, could you just corral your thoughts? Because I know tessa and I got off to a rocky start. But tonight, I just really want to focus on the good.", "Sharon: My lips are sealed.", "Mariah: And you're sure she's gonna like the surprise?", "Sharon: [ Scoffs ] Yes. She is going to love this.", "Kyle: You weren't a fan of theo when you first met him. Listen to your instincts. He's the same person he was when he got to town. Finding out you share dna doesn't change who you are at your core. It just changes how you see someone. Look, all I'm asking is that you dig a little. Find out who he really is.", "Chelsea: Abby! Hey. I was just thinking about you.", "Abby: Yeah? What's up?", "Chelsea: Heh... uh, simon black, the guest that checked in earlier. Have you by chance spoken to him again?", "Abby: No. Why do you ask?", "Nick: Yeah, why? Should I be worried?", "Jack: Kyle, theo is family. And as you know, family for me has always been sacrosanct.", "Kyle: I just think you're getting so caught up in the connection to dina's past that you're romanticizing this connection to theo. You're turning a blind eye to who he really is.", "Jack: Or maybe you're allowing your rocky history with theo to cloud your judgment.", "Kyle: It validates my concerns. You cannot ignore his past, dad.", "Jack: He was a different man when he was with dina. Look, we lose nothing in taking a chance.", "Kyle: I just hope I don't have to say, \"I told you so.\"", "Jack: Kyle, I've got a meeting I've got to get to. Can we talk about this later?", "Kyle: Yeah. Good night.", "Chelsea: I heard the guy is connected. A big investor. So I thought maybe he mentioned what brought him to genoa city.", "Abby: Oh. Not to me, but you can check his reservation on the computer if you're interested.", "Chelsea: Oh, I mean, that's okay. I mean, just as a good hotel manager, it's always important to know what's bringing your clientele through the door, so... uh, which brings me to my next question. Are you here to see me?", "Nick: No. [ Laughter ] I'm here to see jack. Uh, I'm gonna get his take on me running for city council.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah?", "Nick: Yeah. He's got a lot of experience in politics.", "Abby: Well, he's the guy to turn to if you're looking for sage advice.", "Jack: Oh, this looks like an interesting conversation. You're already trying to win their votes?", "Nick: Yes.", "Chelsea: Hi, jack.", "Abby: We were just talking about you.", "Jack: Oh? How did I do?", "Abby: Okay. For a campaign advisor.", "Jack: That's why I'm here.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Chelsea: Oh, I should get back to work. Excuse me. I'll see you at home.", "Nick: Okay.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Jack: See ya.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Abby: Is everything okay with chelsea?", "Nick: Yeah. Why?", "Abby: I don't know. I'm just curious. She seems a little off.", "Nick: You know, I think she's just exhausted with work and going back and forth to see connor. I mean, she's trying to spend every minute possible with him.", "Abby: Got it.", "Nick: No worries. She's gonna get her schedule dialed in soon.", "Abby: All right. Well, if you'll excuse me, i have to get back to work. Bye.", "Jack: See ya. Okay. Level with me. How do you really feel about this?", "Nick: Chelsea is doing what every good mother should do. She is completely investing in her son, and I support her.", "Jack: Yeah, but it's adam.", "Nick: Do I think he's gonna try and use this to play on chelsea's emotions? Yes, I do. But he's gonna fail.", "Connor: No!", "Adam: Connor? Hang on, buddy! I'm coming. Additional sponsorship", "Tessa: Oh. It's a little empty. Where's the dinner crowd?", "Mariah: I don't know. I guess it's just us.", "Tessa: Did you... do something?", "Mariah: No. I promise. I did nothing.", "Tessa: Not even a special surprise...for our anniversary?", "Mariah: You remembered.", "Tessa: Of course I did. It's been a year since we moved in together.", "Mariah: Well, in honor of that, uh, very special day, I'm gonna ask you to do me a favor.", "Tessa: Name it. Uh...", "Mariah: Wear these.", "Tessa: A blindfold and some headphones?", "Tessa: Just humor me. You're gonna go chill in abby's office. You're gonna put on these headphones with the music already queued up. And when the music is over, you're gonna come out and join me.", "Tessa: [ Inhales ] Well, one thing about you is that you never disappoint. So I will do anything for you. Including whatever this is.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: Oh. Oh, no.", "Mariah: Happy anniversary, tess.", "Tessa: Hap-- happy anniversary. Oh! Oh, I love this song.", "Mariah: Tessa? Can you hear me? [ Louder ] Can you hear me? [ Snapping ] See me? No?", "Lola: Mariah, I, um... what have you done?", "Mariah: Tessa is in for the biggest surprise of her life.", "Lola: Wait, she doesn't know?", "Mariah: No, she has no clue. She can't see or hear anything. And so I'm gonna put her in abby's office, and we're gonna get to work, okay?", "Lola: We don't have much time.", "Mariah: Is everything done on your end?", "Lola: Yeah. Every dish that has ever curled your toes.", "Mariah: Perfect. Perfect. And, uh, what about the decorations?", "Kyle: Look no further, ladies. The master decorator and party planner extraordinaire is here. She o-okay?", "Mariah: Yeah, she's fine. Tessa doesn't know it yet, but she's about an hour away from having her mind blown.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Mariah: I'll see you guys in a minute.", "Tessa: Hmm? Oh.", "Mariah: Go slow. Okay. This way. Come on, now.", "Tessa: Okay. Oh, gosh. It's so dark.", "Kyle: Hey, baby.", "Lola: Hi.", "[ Tessa yells ]", "Adam: You feel better now?", "Adam: You know what always used to calm me after a nightmare was a little bit of water or some juice, okay? Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna stay right here. Okay? I'm gonna stay by your side. You want me to read to you? I can find a little story that you like. Okay. No problem. Look, we'll just sit, okay? We'll just sit. Daddy's here. It's gonna be okay.", "Nick: Well, you do know how I feel about adam.", "Jack: You're right to be on guard.", "Nick: But this is about connor and chelsea. And being the bigger man, and doing what is best for them, and for christian.", "Adam: No, I've tried everything that I can think of. He won't talk. He won't let me leave his side. So I am out of ideas.", "Chelsea: Just, uh, tell him to hang in there, I love him, and -- and mom's on her way.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Chelsea: Hey. Um... it's connor. I've got to run. If abby comes looking for me, just --", "Nick: Oh, she'll understand.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Nick: Go.", "Chelsea: Thanks. An official message from medicare.", "Kyle: Need a hand? I think we're running out of time.", "Mariah: Is this your way of telling me that I'm doing everything wrong? Because if you would like to take over, then, please, be my guest.", "Kyle: Oh, I do have a reputation to uphold.", "Mariah: Is there anything that you can't do?", "Kyle: Make a certain new family member disappear. But I'm working on that. Don't ask. I promised I wouldn't talk about it tonight.", "Mariah: You know, you can talk to me any time, because I owe you one.", "Kyle: Yeah, you do. 'Cause you don't know the first thing about decorating.", "Jack: So, tell me what your plans are. How far do you want to take this thing? You want to stop at city council, or do you have bigger plans for a higher office in the future?", "Nick: Yeah, I haven't thought that far ahead. I just want to try an be as useful as I can, and do as much good as possible for genoa city.", "Jack: Where's your old man stand on this? Is he supporting your candidacy?", "Nick: Haven't really talked to him about it. But my mother's the one who convinced me to run, and to do it on my own.", "Jack: That's probably good advice. It's sending out the right message. You're not using newman connections. This is not a vanity project. You're gonna stand taller, and separate yourself from the family history.", "Nick: Well, that independent image is gonna bump into a hard, cold reality very soon. I mean, the newman name, its legacy, all the mistakes I've made... I mean, that alone is enough to convince me that this could be an exercise in futility.", "Jack: There is no one in all of politics that is completely without baggage. It's all in how you handle it.", "Nick: They're gonna call me an elitist, privileged.", "Jack: And you're gonna prove to them that you're your own man. You always have been. You could have taken a cushy job in the family company. Instead, you cut yourself free, started your own business. And it was a great success. Yes, you inherited a lot of money. You gave it away to charity. And now you are developing affordable housing for low-income families. You're giving the people of genoa city the chance to have a safe place to live.", "Phyllis: [ Clapping ]", "Adam: Glad you could make it.", "Chelsea: Yeah. What happened? Is he okay?", "Adam: I don't know. He woke up screaming, and I ran to him.", "Chelsea: Did he say anything?", "Adam: He said nothing.", "Chelsea: Uh, could he have seen something that scared him, like a movie?", "Adam: No, nothing.", "Connor: Mom!", "Chelsea: Hi, buddy. Ohh! [ Smooches ]", "Connor: I knew you'd come.", "Chelsea: What's going on, my little man? Here, let's sit down. Let's sit down. What is going on? Your dad tells me that you had a bad dream? How scary was it?", "Connor: Worse than that time we first moved in with calvin.", "Chelsea: Ohhh. I'm sorry. That's no good. But everything's okay. I'm here now. There's nothing to worry about. Plus, what do we do, usually, when we feel scared or worried?", "Connor: Magic eyes.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Yeah! It's been a while, though. Do you remember how it goes? [ Rhythmically ] \"What do you see with those magic eyes? What do you see that's fun? Try to name all the things you love. Let's say them one by one.\"", "Connor: Video games.", "Chelsea: Yes!", "Connor: Christmas eve.", "Chelsea: Oh, that's a good one.", "Connor: And monster trucks.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Connor: Movies and popcorn.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Oh, I like that.", "Connor: Mom. Dad.", "Chelsea: What are mine? An empty beach. Uh, flying a kite. [ Gasps ] Ooh! Warm sand between your toes. Wishing on the shooting stars. A hand to hold. The cool side of a pillow. [ Chelsea and connor chuckle ] People everywhere", "Jack: Phyllis. Would you like to weigh in? How do you feel about nick announcing his candidacy?", "Phyllis: I think it'S... great. Seeing my two favorite ex-husbands talk and, you know, make things happen in my hotel.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Jack: You care to join us?", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't really have the stomach for politics.", "Nick: But you always have an opinion, though.", "Jack: Oh, does she ever. Well, listen. Good luck. And not with the election. Uh, you got that in the bag.", "Phyllis: Wait, with me?", "Nick: [ Chuckling ] Thanks.", "Jack: Well... [ Sighs ] I'll talk to you later.", "Nick: See ya.", "Jack: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Bye, jack. I saw your announcement.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: \"A new man for a new city.\"", "Nick: That's clever.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh. Feel free to use it. Free of charge.", "Nick: Yeah, I'll let you know. You don't seem too keen on this idea. Why?", "Chelsea: He asleep?", "Adam: Like a baby.", "Chelsea: Poor little guy.", "Adam: How did you make everything okay?", "Chelsea: I'm his mom. He needs me.", "Adam: I know that. But -- and forgive me for bringing this up, but it was just a couple days ago he was screaming about not wanting to go back home with you. And now, tonight...", "Chelsea: He knows I'm gonna love him no matter what. He knows there's nothing he can say or do to ever push me away. It's unstoppable, unshakeable, unconditional love. I mean, that's why he as acting out the other day, and that's why he insisted on living here with you. He's testing you. He's testing your love for him. But he knows things are never gonna change between us.", "Adam: [ Clears throat ] Look, chelsea, I know that you weren't completely on board with connor living with me. And I realize that probably hurt you. And I just want you to know, that was not my intention.", "Chelsea: I know. Thank you.", "Adam: Yeah. And the two of you, it's like... you were so symbiotic. You know, you need him. And he needs you. You guys make each other... I don't know. More complete.", "Chelsea: He's my world. I mean, do you have any idea what could have sparked this? Has he said anything?", "Adam: No. There's been nothing as far as I can remember. There's been nothing.", "Chelsea: Could it have been, like, a video game? Has he mentioned anything happening at school? Or -- or someone outside of school. Has anybody said anything to him?", "Adam: No. He hasn't mentioned anything to me. But it sounds like you are worried about something specific. And, chelsea, if it's about our son, I need to know what it is.", "Mariah: Hey!", "Sharon: Hi.", "Rey: Happy anniversary.", "Mariah: Thank you so much. I'm so glad you guys could come.", "Rey: Where's tessa?", "Mariah: She's in abby's office. So, go in, get a drink. Uh, relax. Yeah.", "Rey: Okay. Let's do it.", "Mariah: Go, go, go.", "Abby: Hey.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Abby: I'm not late, am I?", "Mariah: No. You're right on time. And if I haven't said it a hundred times before, thank you so much for letting us use your restaurant for the night.", "Abby: Well, I don't know how you two managed to stay together after everything you've been through. That doesn't happen every day. [ Timer rings ] Oh! It's time. Guys, places! Places! Go, go, go! Go! Hey.", "All: Happy anniversary!", "Tessa: [ Exclaiming ] Am I dreaming? Did you do all of this for us?", "Mariah: Well, with a little help from our friends.", "Tessa: Just when I think i have you all figured out.", "Mariah: The best is yet to come.", "Tessa: Mm. [ Applause ] Wow! \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Phyllis: Listen, I'm not saying you shouldn't run.", "Nick: But?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I'm just afraid that politics will change you.", "Nick: You know, it's interesting.", "Phyllis: What is interesting?", "Nick: I would have thought that you more than anyone would be down for change.", "Phyllis: I thought you re-discovered yourself after you walked away from dark horse.", "Nick: How?", "Phyllis: Uh, okay. You stood to get all your properties back and make millions, thanks to me, and you turned all of that down. You said you didn't want money. Money didn't make you happy. You just wanted to be happy. I thought you were. Why do you want to mess that up?", "Nick: I can't be happy in politics?", "Phyllis: You're too good. And if you get elected -- when or if you get elected, then you have to be a different man. And you have to cater to others and their agendas and all the things that they want you to do. And you -- you want to help people. You have so many ideas for helping people.", "Nick: And I can do that. I can help thousands of people with the decision- making process. I can do it from the inside.", "Phyllis: You're not possibly this naive, are you? [ Sighs ] And -- unh-uh. I'm not gonna go there.", "Nick: Say it.", "Phyllis: No.", "Nick: Say it.", "Phyllis: You're victor newman's son. You have done a really good job not being him. And I am just afraid that, after you've spent a lifetime making your own rules and blazing your own trail... that, finally, it will be politics that turns you into your father.", "Kyle: Hold on a second, people. Let's give credit for this successful coupling where credit is due. If we're going to raise our glasses, let's drink to me.", "Lola: Wow! What did my husband just say?", "Sharon: Yes, remind us. Exactly what did you do?", "Abby: Seriously, kyle.", "Kyle: It's true. If it had not been for my prodigious talent at matchmaking, these two lovebirds would have never fallen in love.", "Lola: Okay. Forgive my husband's modesty.", "[ Laughter ]", "Kyle: And it all started on a warm summer night.", "Mariah: Hey, to be fair, kyle, tessa and I knew each other way before that night.", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Kyle: But you had not clicked until that magical night on the rooftop of the athletic club, where they barely watched a sci-fi film under the stars, because they realized they only had eyes for each other.", "Lola: Wow.", "Kyle: You're welcome.", "Lola: I didn't know that you wanted all the glory for bringing them together.", "Kyle: I'm only saying that if the two of you start a family, naming the kid kyle would be a fitting tribute.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: Okay, how much has he had to drink?", "Kyle: I have a lot invested in this relationship, abby. The long nights spent with mariah as her relationship therapist.", "Abby: You?", "Mariah: There was a lot of quid pro quo going on there, okay?", "Kyle: Is it my fault the course of true love is never smooth?", "Tessa: But somehow we all made it through.", "Mariah: Mm.", "Lola: Okay, I just have to say something. You two are the best friends a girl could have. From spreading the word about my food truck, helping me figure out the riddle that is mr. Kyle abbott... [ Abby chuckles ] ...Being there by my side through the bachelorette and my wedding. And, let's face it, everything else. So, I am so proud to have you both in my life. Congratulations on finding love and making it last.", "Sharon: Okay. I guess it's my turn.", "Mariah: Mom?", "Tessa: Oh, you really don't have to.", "Sharon: Uh, no. I really do.", "[ Abby and lola chuckle ] [ Sighs ] I had my doubts in the beginning.", "Mariah: Yes, you did.", "Sharon: But I have never been happier to have been proven wrong. I am so impressed and enchanted by your love. This relationship has changed both of you. It's taken the rough edges off of you. It's made you more forgiving, more trusting, and mature and creative. Thank you for making me eat my hat. [ Light laughter ] Um... I couldn't be happier to raise my glass to tessa and mariah.", "Rey: To tessa and mariah.", "Kyle: Hear, hear.", "Abby: Proving that true love does exist.", "Mariah: Cheers!", "Rey: Cheers! There you go.", "Tessa: Thank you, all of you, for making this such an unforgettable night.", "[ Sniffles ]", "Mariah: Well... it's not over yet.", "Tessa: It's not?", "Mariah: No. We have actually reached the entertainment portion of our night.", "Abby: Tessa, are you singing?", "Tessa: Uh... uh, I don't think so. Am I?", "Mariah: Nope. Nope, she's not. I know, uh, tessa is usually the one that sparkles in the spotlight, but tonight, for one night only, for a very, very limited engagement... it's me.", "Tessa: [ Gasps ] Seriously?", "Mariah: I hope you're up for one more surprise. Even if it is very, very cheesy.", "Tessa: I'm ready if you are. Holy mother of thin.", "Mariah: With your indulgence, here goes nothing.", "[ Abby chuckles ]", "Mariah: You're my candy corn and cupcakes on halloween.", "[ Laughter ]", "Kyle: Oh, okay.", "Mariah: My everyday ice cream for the in-between. You've got my heart leaping on a trampoline. [ Laughter ] If you were royal, you would be my queen. [ Guests murmur ] Because, tessa, my sugar sweet tessa, you've made a mess-a of my heart. [ Laughter ] Tessa, there ain't no less-A. You ripped my whole coolness apart. With a bridal bouquet and a friendly shove, we were destined forever, we're hand in glove. My heart overflows with hot lava love.", "Abby: Ooh!", "Abby: Ooh!", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: When I oversleep, it's you I'm dreaming of. My tessa. Honey-voiced tessa. Happy anniversary, my love.", "[ Guests clapping ]", "Tessa: That's the sweetest thing ever.", "Mariah: Yeah, I know. It's all your fault.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: Okay, happy anniversary -- first anniversary to this beautiful couple. Here's to many more.", "Sharon: Hear, hear.", "Abby: Cheers!", "All: Cheers!", "Adam: Do you have any idea what might have caused connor's nightmare? 'Cause if you do, please tell me so I can help, chelsea.", "Chelsea: There is something.", "Adam: Okay. Then what is it?", "Chelsea: Video games. Video games. You know, he goes online, and I supervise him as much as I can, but there's only so much I can do.", "Adam: Okay, so, what, you think some other player has been sending him messages, or he's looking at something that is too violent?", "Chelsea: I don't know. Maybe.", "Adam: Okay. Well... [ Sighs ] I will keep an eye out for it.", "Chelsea: Okay. Thanks.", "Adam: Yeah. Anything for connor. Of course.", "Chelsea: You know, I just need to make sure he feels safe. I need to make sure he is safe.", "Adam: What are you -- are you implying that you don't think he's safe here with me?", "Chelsea: No. No, actually. I didn't -- heh. I didn't mean that at all.", "Adam: Okay. Well, then, why don't you please explain?", "Chelsea: I -- heh. I didn't mean that. I meant, I don't want you to get caught up, you know, if this happens again and you can't console him if he's had a nightmare. Although I have no doubt you would have come up with a solution eventually.", "Adam: Look, I understand. I'm a little rusty at the fatherhood thing.", "Chelsea: No. Listen, I-it -- it took me a lot of trial and error to try to figure out how to calm him down when he's feeling overwhelmed, I promise.", "Adam: I thought it was just \"mother magic.\"", "Chelsea: Well, yeah, obviously. I mean, it's a lot of that. But it -- you know... I can give you a secret if you want. You want to learn it? Magic eyes?", "Adam: Yes.", "Chelsea: Okay. So, it goes, \"what do you see\"...", "Adam: \"With those magic eyes?\" Oh, my god. They -- they are magic, aren't they?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Um... so, uh... so, it goes, \"what do you see with those magic eyes? What do you see that's fun?\"", "Adam: Mm-hmm. \"Name everything that you love.\"", "Chelsea: \"List them one by one.\"", "Adam: \"One by one.\" That's right.", "Chelsea: There you -- [ Laughs ] \"Let's list them,\" yeah, \"one by one.\" That's good. You got it.", "Adam: Yeah?", "Chelsea: And then he lists all of his favorite things. It really helps with his anxiety. You know, helps distract him. Gets his mind off of whatever it is that's worrying him.", "Adam: Well, thank you. And I know that I have said this before, but I really want to work with you on the parenting thing. Not against you.", "Chelsea: I believe you.", "Adam: Good.", "Chelsea: Great. Um... all right, well, I should be going.", "Adam: Yeah. Of course.", "Chelsea: just let me know if he needs anything, day or night, okay?", "Adam: I know where to find you.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Adam: Okay.", "Phyllis: I'm dead serious.", "Nick: [ Scoffs ] I can tell.", "Phyllis: Then why are you laughing?", "Nick: Because what you said has been my biggest fear my whole life. That I'd turn into my father. And maybe I've come close a few times, like when i tried to impersonate J.T.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: What pulled you back from the brink?", "Nick: I hated the way it made me feel. I swore I'd never feel like that again.", "Phyllis: Then don'T. Promise me. Please.", "Nick: I promise you. I'm never gonna turn into my father.", "Phyllis: Well, then, great. Well, all I can do is wish you luck. You definitely have my vote.", "Nick: Well, I'm counting on it.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Abby: Don'T...even... think about it.", "Phyllis: Wow. You know, with all of you who are accusing me of trying to make a play for nick, I may just have to give in to peer pressure and hit that. Again.", "Rey: Thank you.", "Sharon: Doubts about tessa? I had nothing but. I was worried that she was just using mariah, and would break her heart. That their involvement was nothing more than a game to her.", "Rey: What changed your mind?", "Sharon: Mariah's unwavering devotion. And realizing that there was nothing I could say or do that would change her mind. So I watched, and I waited and worried, and then... nothing happened.", "Rey: They're happy, hm?", "Sharon: They're... they're really... good for each other.", "Rey: But?", "Sharon: Um... nothing. I, uh -- I'm -- I'm really, really happy for them. I am. Uh, it's just, you know, here's mariah in this serious and committed relationship, and... know, it's -- noah's halfway around the world, and faith's at boarding school, and...", "Rey: These are good things.", "Sharon: Yes. No. I know. Don't get me wrong, they are. It's just... okay, look, it -- it's not them, all right? It's me.", "Sharon: I don't really know how to put my finger on this, but I just feel like my life is getting smaller and bigger at the same time. I mean, personally, professionally.", "Rey: What happened to that master's program you were doing online?", "Sharon: Oh. Um... you'll be happy to know that I'm very close to getting my degree.", "Rey: There you go. That's great. Right? Man, I remember all those nights you stayed up studying when we were living together. Bet you must be happy you're almost finished, huh?", "Sharon: Yeah. Even though my classes will be over, I will never stop learning. You know, every time I think i have things under control, or i finally understand everything...", "Rey: You get hit with a brand-new set of changes.", "Sharon: Exactly. Another growth experience. Better things.", "Rey: Better things? What do you say we work towards that?", "Sharon: How?", "[ Coins clinking ]", "[ Music plays ]", "Rey: May I have this dance? There. That feels better already.", "Mariah: We made it.", "Tessa: First anniversary. And a hundred more to come.", "Mariah: Ooh. I like the sound of that.", "Tessa: We do make beautiful music together.", "Mariah: Did you ever think --", "Tessa: No. I thought love was something that happened to other people. You believe in me. And no one's ever trusted me like you do.", "Mariah: Well, no one has ever looked at me or touched my heart the way that you do.", "Tessa: Call me crazy, but it feels like, the more that I love you, the more I'm me.", "Mariah: Because this is right.", "Tessa: You stood by me when I was far from my best.", "Mariah: I knew there was more to you than your history and your mistakes.", "Tessa: You are easily the best thing that's ever happened.", "Mariah: I know. [ Both laugh ] Well, me and, uh... and that delicious cake that lola made. So good.", "Tessa: So good. What do you say that, uh, we continue this celebration at home?", "Mariah: Mm... I don't know. I'm pretty tired.", "Tessa: Mm. Well, I think I am definitely willing and able to sweep you off your feet.", "[ Both laugh ]", "Mariah: [ Giggling ] All right. Are you seriously keeping that? No! No, no, no. We're tossing it when we get home.", "Tessa: Oh, I'm hanging it up. I'm hanging it on the wall.", "Mariah: We're tossing it when we get home.", "Tessa: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.", "Mariah: That's not fair!", "[ Both laughing ]", "Chelsea: Hey. Sorry I had to rush off like that.", "Nick: Chelsea, you never, ever have to apologize for being there for your son.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: How's connor doing?", "Chelsea: He's fine. Now. He had a nightmare.", "Nick: Adam couldn't handle it?", "Chelsea: He was in over his head.", "Nick: Oh. Well, I'm glad he called you. He really needs you.", "Chelsea: I hate this.", "Nick: I know.", "Chelsea: I -- [ Scoffs ]", "Nick: I know. Connor and I both know that you would move heaven and earth for him.", "Chelsea: I knew you'd understand.", "Nick: Any idea what caused the nightmare?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Not really. But... I do know, I have to fix this.", "Nick: Fix what?", "Chelsea: I do believe he had a bad dream, but... what if connor's pulling a fast one? Pulling at my heartstrings, getting me to go over to his dad's house late at night, making me work with adam so we can make him happy again.", "Nick: You think he's manipulating you?", "Chelsea: What kid doesn't want his parents to be together. Maybe connor thinks he can make us one big, happy family again.", "Nick: Well, it could be. But...", "Chelsea: But what?", "Nick: I don't know. You think that's coming from connor...or from adam?", "Adam: What do you see with those magic eyes?", "Connor: Dad?", "Adam: Hey, bud. Is everything okay?", "Connor: I like it when mom is here.", "Adam: Yeah? So do I." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ... my friends keep me on the go-']
[ "JT is going to settle things with Kevin forever Kay isn't acting right Jill hires a decorator Jill hits the bottle Nikki doesn't want Sharon at the family meeting Michael tries to draw Nick out Colleen really thinks that Kevin is going to get away Kevin logs on Larry has been strangely reserved Jill's sexy butler announces that \"dinner is ready\" Katherine is willing to adjust Colleen tries to physically keep JT from leaving the coffeehouse Lilly's friends can't believe their eyes Nikki agrees that Sharon can stay for the meeting Nick warns Michael that he shouldn't trust Victor Michael thinks that Nick is bluffing a federal investigator is coming to town Lily apologizes", "Lily has a great deal to explain Katherine thinks that Jill will see the light Esther wants Jill on the street Larry and Jill get nasty on the couch Lily understands her friends going to her parents Kevin smiles as he remembers scamming Lily Kevin chats with \"Jessica\" Victoria and Sharon agree on a plan Nick arrives early with special news Jill and Larry's love fest gets interrupted Lily doesn't feel like a kid anymore Victoria freaks out on Nick Nikki reveals the details of the meeting Lily might have to deal with going to court Kevin hits delete after making a date JT surprises Kevin with a visit" ]
[ "J.T.: Hey, Colleen, you're all right, okay? You're safe now.", "Sierra: We won't let anything happen to you.", "Colleen: I know. I'm sorry. I just can't stop crying.", "J.T.: It's all right. Don't worry about it.", "Colleen: I was just so freaked.", "Sierra: Well, who wouldn't be? Going into Gina's like that, seeing Kevin?", "J.T.: Colleen, what were you thinking?", "Colleen: I don't know. It was just something I had to do.", "J.T.: Well, don't ever pull a stunt like that again, okay?", "Colleen: Okay, I won't. I turned around, and he was right behind me.", "J.T.: That freak must have followed you there.", "Colleen: He said he was walking by when he saw me go in.", "Sierra: Yeah, right.", "Colleen: My God, he scared the living daylights out of me.", "J.T.: Did he touch you? Did he lay a hand on you?", "Colleen: No. He said he only wanted to talk, that he didn't mean me any harm, like I'm dumb enough to believe that.", "Sierra: That guy is such a sleaze.", "J.T.: Well, don't worry about it, okay? When I'm through with him, he's never gonna hurt you ever again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Mmm. This is the best prime rib I've had in a long time, Mrs. C.", "Kay: Yes, well, Gina improves the quality of food no matter where she goes.", "Esther: Yeah, but I bet she misses her old place though.", "Kay: I know how she feels.", "Esther: You're just picking at your salad.", "Kay: Esther, for God's sake, I am not hungry.", "Esther: Mrs. C., It is really important that you eat.", "Gina: Hi, ladies. How is everything?", "Esther: Oh, we were just saying, Gina, everything is so much better since you took over.", "Gina: Oh, Esther, thanks.", "Kay: Can't tell you how happy I am that you're managing this.", "Gina: Oh, well, I owe it all to John Abbott. He spoke to the owner. I was even able to bring some of my old staff with me.", "Kay: Hmm.", "Gina: To tell you the truth, Katherine, I didn't know what I was gonna do after the fire.", "Kay: Well, John's a very good friend.", "Gina: Yes, he is.", "Gina: Katherine, what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself.", "Esther: Well, it's no wonder. The poor woman has been forced out of her own home, kicked out by that miserable she-devil. It's a crime is what it is.", "Kay: Esther, please. Moving out was my choice. And I certainly have nothing-- nothing at all-- to complain about.", "Esther: Okay, fine. Then I'll save you the trouble and complain for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: If I had a better idea of exactly what you wanted, ms. Abbott...", "Jill: Brightness. I want this whole room to reflect joy and happiness. I want vivid colors, and I want more modern furniture.", "Man: A complete, radical change.", "Jill: Radical, yes. That's exactly it. And I want it done by the first of the year.", "Man: The whole house?", "Jill: Well, I suppose the bedrooms could wait, but the whole downstairs-- I want it done by Christmas.", "Man: Wouldn't you rather wait until after Christmas? It would be a lot less hectic by then.", "Jill: No. No. This has to be done by then. Now listen, I want you to make this your first priority, okay? Spare the expense.", "Man: Okay, then. Why don't I draw up some sketches, put together some colors and have them ready for you, let's say, the beginning of next week?", "Jill: Oh, that is perfect. Thank you.", "Man: I'll show myself out.", "Jill: Okay. Bye.", "Man: Bye.", "Jill: Well, hello, stranger.", "Larry: Jill, um, what in the hell is going on in here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What did you say?", "Victoria : You heard me, mother.", "Nikki: No. The answer is no.", "Sharon : Nikki, you are being totally unreasonable.", "Nikki: Look, I called this meeting, and that's how I want it.", "Victoria : Why shouldn't Sharon be here?", "Nikki: I don't see any reason for her to be involved.", "Sharon : I'm nick's wife. I am a part of this family, and whether you want to believe it or not, I care very deeply about what happens to it.", "Nikki: Sharon , this is a very personal matter.", "Victoria : Well, maybe if you explain to us what the issue is...", "Nikki: It will all be explained after everyone is here, and not before.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So I'm just being paranoid?", "Nick: That's what I said.", "Michael: Mm. Yeah. Seems to be a lot of that going around lately. Paranoia-- it's like an early winter cold. Everyone seems to have it.", "Nick: I'm outta here.", "Michael: No, hang on, pony boy. You're an executive of this company. You should know this. People are hearing things. They may be imagining things, but they're talking. \"Oh, Nicholas is gonna set off an explosion. Nicholas is gonna burn down the barn. Nicholas is talking about justice and punishment.\" You know, you're causing a great deal of anxiety amongst the masses.", "Nick: It's just you, Baldwin . You're the one who sounds worried.", "Michael: Oh, so tell me, why would I be?", "Nick: You tell me.", "Michael: Oh, we're just going around in circles now.", "Nick: Not really my fault.", "Michael: Oh. Okay. Putting on the lawyer hat. Mr. Newman, let me direct your attention to the evening of the arts council gala. Did you or did you not on that occasion point your spindly little finger at me and say, in a high- pitched voice, \"I'm on to you\"?", "Nick: It really got under your skin, didn't it?", "Michael: Was that your intention, sir, to get under my skin?", "Nick: Could be.", "Michael: Oh. So in other words, you weren't really \"on to me,\" you just wanted me to think that you were, so I could become, what, worried, anxious?", "Nick: Yeah, it doesn't really make sense, does it?", "Michael: No, sir, it doesn't, because I would have to be hiding something, wouldn't I? And you would have to know I was hiding something.", "Nick: But I wouldn't necessarily have to know what that was.", "Michael: Which leads us back to my original question. Do you believe that you know what I am allegedly hiding? Well? Answer the question, please, Mr. Newman. Do you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Where are you going? What are you gonna do?", "J.T.: What do you expect me to do, colleen, stand by and do nothing?", "Colleen: Please, stay here.", "J.T.: That guy sneaking up on you at Gina's like that-- that's it, he's going down.", "Colleen: But I'm fine.", "J.T.: You are now, Colleen. But he wants to hurt you.", "Colleen: But he's not going to, not now. Not with the police watching him.", "Sierra: She's right. They could arrest him any minute.", "J.T.: Well, why haven't they? Why is he still on the street?", "Sierra: They need evidence.", "Colleen: Well, don't hold your breath. Kevin said they didn't find anything.", "Sierra: Come on. What about his laptop?", "Colleen: They gave it back to him, which means whatever it is he's gonna do, he's gonna get away with it.", "J.T.: Oh, the hell he is.", "Colleen: No, J.T.--", "J.T.: Colleen, let me go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Don't give me that garbage. No, I won't hold. I spent ten minutes on hold already, and I'm telling you, this is for real. No, no, no. Let me explain something to you. I'm a taxpayer. You're a public servant. I pay your salary. That means, when I call, you have to do something about it. I don't care that you're busy. You know what? You better follow through with this. Otherwise, I swear, I will sue the entire department.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Care to join me in a drink?", "Larry: No, thank you.", "Jill: I haven't seen much of you lately.", "Larry: I've been busy.", "Jill: Have you been avoiding me, Larry?", "Larry: Now why would you say something like that?", "Jill: I don't know. I just sense that you're a little bit uncomfortable with this new setup.", "Larry: Well, it, uh, seems like you've been pretty busy around here lately yourself.", "Jill: I know. This place is a mess, isn't it? I just can't seem to find a maid.", "Larry: Maybe that's because you insist on your maid being, uh, a guy.", "Jill: Yeah, well, I've been living in a house with all women for far too long. It's time for a change.", "Larry: If you say so.", "Jill: Oh, come on, Larry. Change is good, okay? And now that I am, you know, the mistress of the manor, I want a whole new look for this old mausoleum.", "Larry: Well, you are the boss.", "Jill: I don't want you to think of me like that, okay? We're too close. Or at least we used to be. Now you're all reserved and distant.", "Larry: So, uh, I guess you're trying to get rid of all signs of Mrs. C. Being around here, huh?", "Jill: No, I am not. She's my mother. I'm just-- I'm trying to modernize things. That's all.", "Man: Dinner's ready, Mrs. Abbott.", "Jill: Oh, thank you, Arthur. We'll be two for dinner. I hope there's enough.", "Arthur: Yes, mam. Would you like me to serve in the dining room?", "Jill: No, I don't think so. I think we'll eat right here.", "Larry: Uh, Jill, thank you, but I really don't think I--", "Jill: You are having dinner with me. I insist. And, Arthur, after you've served us, you can go on home. I won't be needing you anymore tonight.", "Arthur: Yes, ma'am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Esther, now I mean it. Relax.", "Esther: I can't help it, Mrs. Chancellor. Jill is using you, and you're too blind to see it.", "Kay: Well, your attitude, dear heart, is one of the reasons-- major reasons-- she wanted us out.", "Esther: Oh, baloney. She loved putting me down. She's probably at the house right now wishing that she had someone to pick on.", "Gina: You know, it just hit me. Where are you living?", "Esther: Well, we could be staying at the Newman ranch.", "Kay: Nikki was kind enough to offer us hospitality, but I figured, what's going on with her and her life right now, a pair of houseguests would be a little bit much. We have a very nice suite at the Genoa City hotel, okay? It's got running water, room service. There's fresh flowers. It's... well, I have to admit, I really am--I'm heart sick, but I'll just adjust.", "Esther: Yeah, while Jill wallows around your house, happy as a pig in slop.", "Kay: My daughter needed space, Esther. She needed space. Now for the hundredth time, would you please be so kind as to shut up?", "Gina: Speaking of Jill, um, how is she doing?", "Kay: I have no idea. No idea.", "Esther: Yeah, because she's probably enjoying her space, and she doesn't have time to call. If you think that this is gonna bring you and Jill closer, Mrs. C.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: J.T., Promise me that you will not go after Kevin. I don't want you getting hurt.", "J.T.: Oh, trust me. I'm not the one who's gonna get hurt.", "Colleen: Okay, but just don't do anything stupid.", "J.T.: Stupid? Me?", "Colleen: I'm serious, okay? I don't want anything bad to happen.", "J.T.: It's a little late for that, Colleen. Something bad already has happened.", "Colleen: Okay, let's not make it worse, okay?", "J.T.: How could things get worse? I mean the guy's out there on the loose, Colleen. And what, we have to sit by and wait till he does something bad again? Next time, we might not be so lucky. I'm not gonna lose you, Colleen.", "Colleen: Don't worry. I'm gonna be really careful, okay?", "J.T.: No, no, you're gonna be more than careful. I'm not letting you outta my sight, not till that guy's put away. That's how it has to be.", "Colleen: Weird, isn't it? He's the bad guy, and we're the ones in prison.", "Lily: Hey, guys. How's it going?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria : Does this have to do with Dad?", "Nikki: Victoria , please--", "Victoria : No, mother, listen. Nicholas is gonna tell Sharon everything anyway. Maybe she can persuade him to lay off dad and be a little supportive for a change.", "Nikki: I can't believe what I'm hearing.", "Victoria : Look, the way that you're talking, it sounds like whatever this is our family's gonna really need to pull together. If she can keep Nicholas calm, then that'll be beneficial for all of us.", "Sharon : I think Victoria understands that I just want to help this family in any way I can.", "Nikki: Okay, fine. I don't care. I'm gonna go change. When Nicholas gets here, make sure he doesn't try to leave before his father arrives.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know what? I'm not on trial here. So I'm not gonna answer any more of your stupid questions.", "Michael: Okay. Fine. I really wish you would though. This is serious business, Nicholas. You're getting on people's nerves.", "Nick: I'm getting on your nerves.", "Michael: Victoria's and your father's, and I suspect your wife's and anyone else--", "Nick: Stop talking about my family.", "Michael: Oh, I hit a little nerve there, didn't I? Come on, Nick. Let's stop beating around the bush.", "Nick: Fine. Why don't you tell me what you think I'm up to? We'll go from there.", "Michael: You have a problem with how Safra got off to such a fast start.", "Nick: Ooh. Big secret.", "Michael: You don't believe in your own products?", "Nick: Safra is just recycled Satine product. We didn't have enough time or manpower to make up new stuff.", "Michael: Still, Safra ain't junk.", "Nick: Tuvia's better.", "Michael: And consumers are fickle, irrational beings.", "Nick: Yeah, and sometimes water runs uphill, Baldwin , but it usually doesn't. Yes, I have a problem with Safra, and I have a problem with my father, and I sure as hell have a problem with the fact that you work for my father.", "Michael: Finally. Finally, we're getting somewhere.", "Nick: What and you think I'm just gonna spill it for your benefit?", "Michael: No, for both our benefits. Come on. Tell me. How much of this is about you and Victor? You know, it's not unusual-- it's not unusual for the prince to want to--to take on the king, take over the kingdom. It's all very oedipal and twisted.", "Nick: That's what you think this is about. That's--that's funny.", "Michael: You're laughing a little too hard, Nick.", "Nick: Yeah, and you're really starting to annoy me, you little punk.", "Michael: I really did hit a nerve, didn't I?", "Nick: Is that what you think?", "Michael: Victor's not such a bad guy really.", "Nick: And what are you, his favorite new flunky?", "Michael: Oh, let's stick to the subject at hand, shall we? Look, you say you have something on me. Come on. Why don't you tell me what it is? Make me sweat, Nicholas. Show me what you got. Shatter me. Terrorize me. Scare me. Just get it over with, huh?", "Nick: You figured it out, man. You called my bluff.", "Michael: I did?", "Nick: Yeah. I already told you. If I had something on you and it could hurt you, trust me, I would have already used it by now.", "Michael: Hmm. Oh, so this whole \"Nicholas is on the rampage\" thing, this \"I'm gonna get you\" trip you're laying on your dad, that's all a bunch of horse hooey, huh?", "Nick: You stay out of my personal life, you got it? You think you know Victor Newman. Trust me, you don't. You got the answer you were looking for. Now go crawl back under your rock.", "Michael: Hmm. He really doesn't know anything.", "Nick: You really didn't think I was gonna tell you anything, did you, you idiot? Why would I? I have a federal investigator to do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sierra: Lily, hi. We didn't see you come in.", "Lily: It's okay. You know what? Maybe I-I shouldn't have come over.", "Sierra: No, wait.", "Colleen: Lily, stay.", "Lily: You sure?", "Colleen: Of course.", "Lily: You know, um, Colleen, I meant to come see you in the hospital.", "Colleen: It's okay. I wasn't there for very long.", "Lily: Yeah, thank God. How are you?", "Colleen: Fine.", "Lily: Really?", "Colleen: Yeah, really. I'm cool.", "Lily: You know, you've been on my mind so much lately.", "Colleen: Same here.", "J.T.: Well, look, you guys got a lot of catching up to do. I'll see you later, all right?", "Colleen: Okay.", "Sierra: This is weird, huh? I mean, here we are, and no one knows what to say.", "Lily: Well, I know I have a lot to get off of my chest. But I won't blame you guys if you don't want to listen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: Well, Katherine, I think once the novelty wears off, jill is gonna find herself to be one lonely woman.", "Kay: Well, and my fear is Jill will decide she loves being alone, in which case I will have to make this temporary arrangement permanent.", "Esther: No. You wouldn't. Haven't you sacrificed enough for that witch?", "Gina: Look, before too long, Jill is gonna realize just how much she misses you.", "Kay: I hope so. I'm not counting on it.", "Gina: Listen, I have to get back to my new job, but I'll you do me a favor?", "Kay: Hmm?", "Gina: I want you to eat, because you've got to get your strength back. I want you to do that for me.", "Esther: Yeah, strength enough to throw Jill out into the street.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Arthur is a marvelous cook. I was lucky to get him.", "Larry: Yeah, he's good. He made one heck of a meal.", "Jill: What?", "Larry: Nothing. Look, you never did answer my question.", "Jill: What question would that be?", "Larry: All of this stuff-- I mean, it looks like a hurricane blew through here.", "Jill: I know. My decorator was here. Ahh, we just went through all the plans.", "Larry: So you are going to go through with it.", "Jill: What redo the house? Of course I am. I want to bring this lovely house into the 21st century.", "Larry: But why the rush, Jill? It just seems a little weird to me.", "Jill: Well, time waits for no man or woman. Isn't that what they say? I just don't see any reason to delay something that's so important to me.", "Larry: I don't think Mrs. Chancellor's gonna be too happy.", "Jill: Well, Mrs. Chancellor will just have to change like the rest of us, okay? She's been living in the past for far too long anyway. How about that drink now?", "Larry: Jill, don't you think you ought to take it a little easy on that stuff?", "Jill: Oh, my God. What is wrong with you? You used to be so much fun.", "Larry: I just--I'm not-- I'm not in a drinking mood tonight, okay?", "Jill: Have I done something to annoy you, irritate you, upset you?", "Larry: Jill, you've been-- how do I say this? Different ever since Mrs. C. Moved out.", "Jill: Yes, I have. For the first time since I can remember, Larry, I feel free.", "Larry: Look, I know what freedom is about, okay? And this--this isn't it.", "Jill: Baby, come on. You worry too much.", "Larry: I just-- I think you're moving too fast, that's all.", "Jill: I am trying to rearrange my life a little bit. Is that so terrible?", "Larry: Your life, maybe. But Mrs. C.'S home?", "Jill: My home, Larry. My home. Don't you see? This place is like a museum. If it stays like this, we're gonna have to start charging admission to the public. I just... I just want it to reflect something of me, that's all.", "Larry: Well, then I guess I have nothing to say about it.", "Jill: Well, good. Because there are much better things we could be doing than arguing, all right? We've got this huge, beautiful house all to ourselves, just the two of us.", "Jill: Come on, baby. Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Wow. I didn't think this would be so hard.", "Colleen: Lily, you don't have to say anything, okay? I mean, it's been a long time since we've all been together.", "Lily: Don't you think that's letting me off easy?", "Colleen: Easy? Lily, you've been through a lot.", "Lily: Me? Colleen, what about you?", "Colleen: I don't blame you, if that helps.", "Lily: I don't know why you wouldn't blame me.", "Sierra: It wasn't your fault. It was your stupid boyfriend. Sorry. I didn't mean to say that.", "Lily: No, why not? It's true. God, you guys, I have so much to apologize for. I mean, especially to you, Colleen. I have been the biggest jerk.", "Sierra: Come on, Lily. You don't need to do this. Right, Colleen?", "Lily: No, no, I need to say this. It's just that for so long, I thought you guys didn't understand me. You know, I thought you were jealous of Kevin and me, and now I see how crazy that was.", "Colleen: Yeah, honey, you only saw what you wanted to see.", "Lily: Yeah, but that's no excuse for the way I treated you. Colleen, you have been nothing but a good friend to me. I mean, you saw Kevin for what he really was the moment you met him.", "Sierra: We tried to tell you.", "Lily: Yeah, but I didn't want to listen, you know, and that was the whole problem. I should have believed you guys. It's like, I just think-- it's like, why did I let Kevin use me like that? You know, I was so convinced that he was the only one who really cared about me... when really it was you guys. I mean, you guys tried everything you could to open my eyes. You even risked our friendship to talk to my parents.", "Sierra: What are friends for?", "Lily: Yeah, but I didn't act like a friend. I do not blame you guys if you gave up on me.", "Colleen: Oh, lily, don't say that.", "Sierra: We care about you.", "Colleen: And we just didn't want to see you get hurt.", "Lily: Yeah, well, too bad I did anyway. God, I feel so stupid.", "Colleen: Look, you shouldn't, okay? This is not like you're the first person this has ever happened to or the first person Kevin has tried to manipulate.", "Lily: Yeah, well, I should have realized what he was up to. You know its like-- I mean, you guys know me, I'm not some silly little girl. I mean, the truth is there's nobody to blame but myself. I walked right into his trap.", "Lily: Trust me, okay? I am not gonna let Colleen wreck things for us. I told you, Kevin. You mean way too much to me.", "Kevin: Yeah?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Kevin: Well if you really feel that way, prove it.", "Lily: How?", "Kevin: You know how. There's only one way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Oh, come on. Talk to me. I know you're interested.", "Kevin: God, this is too easy. Um, \"they're one of my favorite bands, too.\"", "Kevin: \"Once, in Madison .\"", "Kevin: \"Why don't we get together? We can talk about music some more.\"", "Kevin: Oh, you'd like that, huh? \"When can we meet?\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon : Thanks, Victoria .", "Victoria : Don't get too excited. I still have a lot of issues where you're concerned.", "Sharon : Well, I appreciate it anyway.", "Victoria : I want to believe that you're on the level about dad and nicholas. Otherwise, it totally would have been mother's decision to keep you out of the meeting.", "Sharon : I understand.", "Victoria : Don't make me regret it.", "Sharon : I think we're after the same thing, Victoria .", "Victoria : What, world peace?", "Sharon : Well, right now I'll settle for things simmering down between Nicholas and your father.", "(Door closes)", "Victoria : Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon : Hey, sweetie. Lisa's with the kids.", "Nick: I thought that, uh--", "Sharon : Oh, your mother relented about the meeting, thanks to Victoria .", "Victoria : I thought it was important that your wife be here.", "Nick: Well, thanks. Saves me from going to the mat with mom again. Where is she?", "Victoria : She's upstairs changing and Dad should be here any minute.", "Nick: Okay, well, then that will give us a few minutes then. There's something I need to tell you guys.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Come on, Larry. Come on. I'm the same person I was before. I'm your wild little tiger.", "Larry: Look, Jill, I really don't think--", "Jill: Come on, baby. Loosen up. Lordy, you are as tight as a watch.", "Larry: Mmm.", "Jill: Oh. Where is that big, hunky guy that I used to know? Where's the one that used to turn me on and make me beg for more? Come on. Ooh. Is he in there? Hello? Hello? Is he in there? Come on, baby.", "Larry: Ohh.", "Jill: Come on. Come, baby. Yes.", "Larry: Oh, oh, oh. Let me.", "Jill: Oh, sweetheart, let me get that for you. Oh.", "Larry: Mmm.", "Larry: Oh, baby.", "Jill: Ohh.", "Larry: Mmm. (Door closes)", "Larry: Oh, my God.", "Jill: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Lily, come on. Don't do this to yourself.", "Lily: Do what to myself?", "Sierra: All this guilt you're feeling, it doesn't really help anything.", "Lily: I know. I just... I feel so bad. You know like I've let everyone down, especially my parents.", "Colleen: Wow. It's been a long time since you cared about that.", "Lily: Yeah, I know.", "Sierra: So, um, how are things going with your folks?", "Lily: Do you guys have any idea what it feels like... to have your dad look at you and just cry, telling you how bad he feels that he let you down?", "Colleen: So I guess he handled it okay, huh?", "Lily: Yeah, we've had some really good talks... some really serious ones. They've been real supportive.", "Sierra: Cool. I thought you'd be grounded for life or something.", "Lily: No. When you get into the kind of mess like I did, it's kind of like... I don't know, it's kind of like you move to this whole new level. I don't even feel like a kid anymore.", "Colleen: Yeah, but if your parents are working things out, at least something good's come of it.", "Lily: Yeah, one good thing-- realizing at my parents care about me a lot. Which maybe would have happened sooner if it hadn't been for Kevin.", "Sierra: I'm just glad they're not ragging on you.", "Lily: No, they're being great. God, it's like, when I think about what that freak did to me... I used to count the minutes until I could see Kevin again. What I hope and pray that I'll never see him again.", "Colleen: Oh, come here, baby. Shh. It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon : Nick, what's going on?", "Victoria : Does this have to do with mom's meeting?", "Nick: No. Now listen, we don't have much time.", "Victoria : Why are you so intense?", "Nick: Something pretty heavy is gonna go down in the next few weeks. I want you to be prepared.", "Victoria : What do you mean \"pretty heavy\"?", "Nick: I can't get into it anymore.", "Victoria : Are you kidding me? Come on.", "Nick: Victoria , I've been warning you for weeks that this was eventually gonna come to a head.", "Victoria : Nicholas, this has to do with dad. I want to know what's going on.", "Sharon : Nicholas, please.", "Nick: I can't talk about it anymore.", "Victoria : You haven't told us anything. I want to know what you did.", "Nick: I did what had to be done.", "Victoria : What the hell does that mean?", "Sharon : If you have set something in motion that's going to destroy this family, we have a right to know.", "Nick: Well, I'm sorry if this is upsetting you, but this has been a long time coming, and as far as I'm concerned, it's totally justified.", "Victoria : W-wait a minute. You're gonna stand there and tell us what, that you betrayed our father? No way. I am not gonna stand for this. Do you understand me? You cannot play God and then just sit back and let the chips fall. That's not the way it works.", "Victor: What's going on here?", "Victor: What did I just walk in on?", "Nikki: Oh, good, everybody's here. We can start the meeting.", "Victor: Are you sure about this?", "Nikki: Darling, we already discussed this. You were outvoted. Does anybody need anything before we get started? Okay. Well, let's sit down.", "Nikki: Your father has recently discovered something that's unsettling to say the least.", "Nick: What we talked about the other day.", "Nikki: Yes. He wanted to ignore it, but I don't think that that's in his best interest. So I've convinced him that we discuss this as a family before any decision is made.", "Victoria : Well, what is it?", "Victor: I found out that my father is still alive... and your mother wants me to go see him. I don't intend to do that. It's as simple as that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Lily, if you never want to see Kevin again, I think that's one wish that'll come true.", "Lily: What do you mean?", "Colleen: I, uh, I ran into Kevin.", "Lily: What? Where?", "Colleen: Gina's.", "Lily: Colleen, why would you go there?", "Colleen: Look, I know it was a bad idea. Anyway, I ran into him there.", "Lily: Oh, my God. You must have been terrified. Did he do anything to you?", "Colleen: No, no, no. He was acting all nice and innocent. He asked me to give you a message.", "Lily: Yeah? Well, whatever it is, I don't want to hear it. My dad already got a restraining order to keep him away from me.", "Colleen: That's what the message was. He said that he couldn't see you any more.", "Lily: (Snicker) please. Like it's some big tragedy.", "Sierra: Yeah. I wish he'd make one mistake-- just one-- so the police could bust him.", "Lily: My Dad wants to press charges.", "Colleen: You know if you did that, you'd have to testify. Do you think you could handle that?", "Lily: I don't know. I mean, just thinking about it, the whole thing freaks me out. But I do want Kevin to pay for what he did. God, I want him to pay so bad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Sorry, girls, but this is the way it has to be. I can't leave anything behind for Detective Weber to find. You understand.", "Kevin: Not to worry. You will all get to meet \"fishin4luv\" soon. Real soon.", "(Knock on door)", "J.T.: Look, you sick bastard. I warned you to stay the hell away from Colleen, but you didn't listen to me, did you? So now you're going down, man. You hear me? You're going down." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Dru gets ready to go to the Grand Jury. She can see the worry in his eyes. She fears that Devon is going to get thrown under the bus but Neil says they shouldn't' assume that they know everything that Bardwell knows for the hearing. Daniel meets with his mother in the lunchroom. He begs her to go easy on Dru when testifying. Phyllis feels that Dru could be capable of murder. \"Anyone could if placed in the right circumstances.\" Dru wants to just tell the truth at the hearing but Neil reminds he that they could lose all their credibility if they do that and at that point she will have no alibi. When the couple goes to the elevator to exit the building, they see Brad and Victoria there and are shocked to discover they are all going to the same place. Dru immediately thinks that Brad and Victoria believes that she did the murder but Brad assures her that they are just going to answer questions and if there isn't anything to hide, everything should turn out okay. Michael is worried. He will have to do damage control and try his best to keep Dru off the stand. She is too much of a powder keg, ready to go off at any moment. Phyllis is very clear when talking to her son. She understands that Dru is Daniel's mother-in-law and that the woman is Lily's mother but the truth is that when Will asks her what she thinks about Dru, Phyllis will tell that she feels that Drucilla is violent and capable of murder. Colleen talks with Lily at the coffeehouse and after she hears all that has gone on, she has to consider if Devon really killed the woman or not. Neil and Drucilla arrive to meet their kids to head to the Grand Jury. The kids are told to just worry about getting through this day and maybe there won't even be any evidence to go to a trial. When they get there, Brad and Victoria are quickly questioned and then Phyllis goes in. Lauren is with the baby at home but she gets quickly upset and cries. She ends up running out of the apartment shouting to Gloria that she is going out. Michael is surprised but then glad to see his wife there to support him. At the coffeehouse, JT and Professor Korbel talk about music and it is clear that the man is knowledgeable about other things besides Art. JT says that he was just being nice but Colleen is uncomfortable with it. Michael explains to the Winters that they may be asked to give a swab of DNA when in with the Grand Jury and if asked they are to cooperate. Devon isn't paying attention and so when he is asked to give the swab, he has no idea what is going on and freaks out. Michael sends him back in for the swab and then Dru gives her testimony which goes great!" ]
[ "Lauren: Finally...", "Michael: Oh, how's Fenmore?", "Lauren: Oh, he is doing what I wish I was doing -- sleeping.", "Michael: Well, uh, there's coffee. I don't know how much is left in the pot. I'm on my third cup since lunch.", "Lauren: Third cup? Why are you worried? You're a great lawyer. You're prepared and so are your clients.", "Michael: All that preparation won't mean anything if the Winters don't hold up. Bardwell loves a good fight. This is the kind of case he lives for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Mr. Bardwell?", "Will: Detective Sullivan.", "Sullivan: So... what's the latest? Still confident?", "Will: Exceedingly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: The person I'm most concerned about is Drucilla. I mean, she's trying so hard to stay calm, but I know-- I know she's a powder keg waiting to blow.", "Lauren: Are you afraid that that's what she's gonna do in front of the grand jury?", "Michael: And I won't be there to stop her.", "Lauren: Which, you know, it's so odd to me. I do not understand why you can't be in the hearing room with her.", "Michael: Because that's the way it works. This isn't a trial. But one misstep from Drucilla... that's how it'll end up. She'll be indicted for murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yeah, see if we can get together some time next week instead, okay? Yeah, thanks, Joyce. Um, I'll be out the rest of the day. Bye.", "Dru: Neil, do you really think the hearing's gonna take all day?", "Neil: I wanna be ready in case.", "Dru: Oh.", "Neil: How are you feeling?", "Dru: I feel terrible.", "Neil: Yeah? Well...", "Dru: I feel like something's gonna happen.", "Neil: Hey, nothing terrible is gonna happen.", "Dru: Well, maybe not to us, but what about Devon?", "Neil: What about-- what about you?", "Dru: Neil, he's alone. He does not have an alibi. And we cannot give him one 'cause we concocted our own alibi.", "Neil: We can't change our alibi or our story now. It's too late.", "Dru: So what are we gonna do? Just let the D.A. pin a murder rap on him?", "Neil: You listen to me. If I could change our story to help Devon, I would, in a heartbeat, but we can't. Michael made that clear. We don't wanna destroy our own credibility. We don't wanna undermine it.", "Dru: I don't care about our own credibility. I care about keeping our son out of jail. You know I've been there. I know what it's like. He won't survive it.", "Neil: Okay, okay, all right, we just have to hope and pray.", "Dru: Hope for what? Hope the DA is gonna have mercy on our son? How do we know that Bardwell doesn't have our son as a prime suspect? How do we know that he's not building a case against our son and he's using us to build it!", "Neil: Okay, look, do you know what you're doing here? You're jumping to the worst-case scenario. Besides, we don't know what Bardwell has on any of us, do we?", "Dru: Oh, Neil...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I'm scared, Lily.", "Lily: We're all scared, Devon.", "Devon: At least you don't have to worry that you'll get in front of that jury and won't be able to understand the questions. If I mess up and give a wrong answer, somebody could be in a lot of trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, why don't you try this instead?", "Michael: Ah.", "Lauren: Yeah, you wish. You know... I think you're underestimating Dru. I mean, I realize that she's a wild card. But she knows what's at stake. She wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her family. Unless...", "Michael: Unless what?", "Lauren: Unless you really think that she killed Carmen and that her guilt is gonna make her slip up.", "Michael: It is not my job to know whether or not she killed Carmen. It is my job to provide a defense. And the very best defense is never having to go to court in the first place.", "Lauren: But if that happens?", "Michael: I'll bring my best game and hope it's enough.", "Lauren: Are the Winters the only suspects here?", "Michael: I have no idea who else Bardwell is looking at. I have my theories, but I assume he's gonna focus everything on the Winters-- especially Drucilla and Neil. I'm sure he's subpoenaed a busload of witnesses.", "Lauren: And, unfortunately, Drucilla's made more than a few enemies.", "Michael: Oh, yeah. It won't be hard to find someone to pulverize her in front of that jury.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Gosh, what time is it? I have to get to the courthouse.", "Daniel: Mom, before you go...", "Phyllis: Yeah, what is it?", "Daniel: Would you do me a favor and when you're testifying, just go easy on Dru, okay?", "Phyllis: Daniel...", "Daniel: I know that you hate her, but even you have to admit that she isn't capable of murder.", "Phyllis: I don't have to admit that. I think under the right circumstances, people are capable of anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hey, Baby. You ready to go?", "Victoria: I guess so. You know, I still don't understand why we're even subpoenaed.", "Brad: Well, the D.A. may think we're suspicious enough of Dru that we could be helpful to him.", "Victoria: But why? Because I put Dru on a leave when she wouldn't stay away from Carmen?", "Brad: Or he may wanna know more about the lawsuit that Carmen threatened to bring against Newman Enterprises.", "Victoria: I handled that.", "Brad: Exactly.", "Victoria: What do you mean?", "Brad: Well, uh, he may wanna hear about that whole story while he has you under oath.", "Victoria: You don't think the authorities are looking at me as a suspect?", "Brad: I think the authorities are looking at anyone who had a beef with Carmen and that list is fairly long.", "Victoria: Great. Now I'm even more nervous.", "Brad: No, no, listen... you don't have to be nervous, okay? But you do have to be on your toes. We both do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Ready?", "Will: Absolutely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Okay, Baby, I know I have to stay positive.", "Neil: That's damn right you gotta stay positive. And you heard what Michael said. If you feel like you're gonna incriminate yourself, plead the fifth. Come out and talk to Michael. That's all you gotta do.", "Dru: But, Baby, that's just the thing. I don't know when I'm incriminating myself. I'm not a lawyer.", "Neil: When in doubt, stick to our story.", "Dru: Our story's a lie! You know we were not together when Carmen died!", "Neil: Don't say that! Don't say that!", "Dru: I'm getting ready to testify in front of a grand jury.", "Neil: Okay, all right...", "Dru: Okay, that's perjury. I could go to prison.", "Neil: All right, all right, fine. What else do you suggest we do?", "Dru: I was thinking that maybe I should just tell the truth.", "Neil: The truth?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: No, Drucilla, no, we can't do that. No, no, no, no, the last thing that Bardwell or the grand jury should hear is that you were alone at the time of Carmen's murder. We'd be admitting that we lied. And that would be a terrible thing.", "Dru: Okay, but, Neil, I was--", "Neil: Also, it would remove your alibi for the time of Carmen's death. Without it, I don't see what else you have.", "Dru: Wow, um... that kinda sums things up, doesn't it? You think I'm a suspect-- a prime suspect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I wonder if William knew that we were negotiating to pay Carmen off.", "Brad: To drop the lawsuit.", "Victoria: Yes, and don't forget the part about leaving the country, not that that was our doing, but still...", "Brad: It's possible he knows. We have to assume he knows everything.", "Victoria: I'm sure that he's still wondering why you went to Carmen's room right before she was murdered.", "Brad: It was business.", "Victoria: Yeah, but you said he didn't buy that.", "Brad: You know what? Let me worry about Bardwell. I've dealt with guys like him before. Whatever he hits me with, I can handle it.", "Victoria: I know you can. You can do anything. I really believe that about you.", "Brad: Let's go.", "Neil: Yeah, it's gonna be okay.", "Dru: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey. (Clears throat)", "Neil: Hey, Brad.", "Brad: Hey.", "Dru: It's no stress.", "Brad: Well, I assume we're all headed to the same place.", "Neil: I doubt it.", "Brad: No, I think we are.", "Dru: We're headed to the courthouse.", "Brad: Like I said, same place.", "Neil: You've been called before the grand jury?", "Victoria: Yeah. We both have.", "Neil: Why?", "Dru: Why do you think, Neil? They're a part of this master plan the D.A. is putting together against me.", "Victoria: We don't know that.", "Dru: Don't we? Why else are you going?", "Brad: Why don't we find out?", "Dru: Whatever you're thinking, I did not kill Carmen Mesta. Nor did any member of my family.", "Neil: Stop, stop, don't say anything, please.", "Dru: Brad, how far back do we go? I mean, just think about it for a hot second. And you, too, Victoria, how many times have our lives criss-crossed over the years? How could you possibly think that I would have the capacity to kill somebody?", "Brad: Dru, Dru, Dru, just calm down, all right? We're not out to get you. We're gonna answer Mr. Bardwell's questions honestly. I'm sure you're going to do the same. If no one has anything to hide, then no one has anything to worry about.", "Neil: That's right.", "Dru: Neil?", "Neil: Drucilla, what are you doing?", "Dru: Neil... I'm scared.", "Neil: Yeah, I'm scared, too. But we're-- we're in this together, okay?", "Dru: Okay. Together.", "Neil: Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Do you know what kind of evidence the D.A. has?", "Lily: Um, I'm not supposed to say anything.", "Colleen: Right, sorry, I forgot. Michael told you not to say anything.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Colleen: But, um... you know that you can trust me, right? I won't say anything. I won't say a word, I swear.", "Lily: Um... well, the police came to our house with a search warrant. And they took the clothes we were wearing the night Carmen was killed, some duct tape and garbage bags. And plus, there was this envelope that Devon found and it belonged to Carmen, which he never should've held onto, but he did.", "Colleen: What was in the envelope?", "Lily: Uh, a background check my mom's lawyer ran on Carmen. Before the harassment trial. I guess she had an affair with some high-up executive at the last place she worked.", "Colleen: No way! Oh, my gosh!", "Lily: Yeah. And it was this huge thing and Carmen managed to keep it quiet.", "Colleen: Well, but if you guys knew that the envelope belonged to Carmen, why didn't you take it to the police right away?", "Lily: Well, yeah, that's what we should've done. But instead...", "Colleen: Well, instead, they found it while searching your place, right?", "Lily: Yeah, and it was on their list of things to look for.", "Colleen: That's kinda weird. How did they know to look for it?", "Lily: Well, because Devon tried to give it back to Carmen right before she...", "Colleen: Gotcha.", "Lily: And he went to her room at the club and he's on the security tape knocking on her door.", "Colleen: When was this?", "Lily: Like, right before she was murdered. And then after that, he has no alibi.", "Colleen: What did he say?", "Lily: That he was alone, walking around the park. And it's like, I'm so tempted to lie and just say that I was with him, you know? But Daniel says that I shouldn't.", "Colleen: Daniel's right, Lily. I mean, as much as you wanna protect Devon right now, you cannot lie. You can't. It's way too risky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Okay, so that's three house blends. Anything else?", "J.T.: No, that should do it.", "Jana: Okay.", "J.T.: Hey, when did you start selling CDs here?", "Jana: Oh, today, actually. You know, we worked out a deal with that record shop over on union. We just play their CDs and we get a cut of the sales.", "J.T.: Not a bad arrangement.", "Jana: Yeah.", "J.T.: Hey, you know this band? This band?", "Devon: Um, I don't think so.", "J.T.: Oh, they're good. They're really good. They got a song on the radio right now. What's the name of the song?", "Jana: \"Even when it hurts.\"", "J.T.: \"Even when it hurts.\"", "Devon: \"Even when I'm hers\"?", "J.T.: No, \"Even when it hurts.\" Hurts.", "Devon: It hurts?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Devon: That's great. I did it again. I messed up what I thought someone was saying.", "Korbel: Hey, Jana, double espresso, please.", "Jana: Sure, coming right up.", "Korbel: Oh, great CD.", "J.T.: You know Insanity?", "Korbel: Surprise you?", "J.T.: Uh, yeah, just doesn't seem like your kinda music.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: And so it begins.", "Will: Thank you. Where are your clients?", "Michael: Not to worry, they'll be here.", "Woman: Hello, Mr. Bardwell, Mr. Baldwin.", "Will: Ms. Hoffman.", "Michael: Ms. Hoffman.", "Ms. Hoffman: As you can see, my clients are here.", "Brad: And we'd like to get this over with as quickly as possible.", "Will: Well, that depends on how cooperative you are. Ms. Newman, if you're ready?", "Victoria: I am.", "Will: I'll meet you inside.", "Brad: You'll be fine.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Michael: This is a surprise.", "Brad: What?", "Michael: You and Victoria testifying. Bardwell must be using you as character witnesses against Drucilla.", "Brad: Well, you're the attorney. You tell me.", "Michael: Hmm. That Bardwell-- he's good, I'll give him that. But when he smells blood in the water, watch out.", "Ms. Hoffman: Please, don't talk to my client.", "Michael: Yes, Ms. Hoffman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You know, I bet the D.A. doesn't even care that Carmen had an affair at her last job. He probably won't do anything with the information.", "Colleen: Why do you say that?", "Lily: Because he already made up his mind-- someone in my family is guilty.", "Colleen: Aren't you being a little paranoid? I mean, why would the D.A. have it in for your family? It doesn't make sense.", "Lily: Because we all hated Carmen and wished she was dead.", "Colleen: Lily... do you ever think that, um...", "Lily: What?", "Colleen: I'm not even sure I should ask this but...", "Lily: No, just say it.", "Colleen: Well... do you ever think that maybe Devon might have something to do with this?", "Lily: Like, do I think he's...", "Colleen: He might be guilty.", "Lily: No, no, no, absolutely not. None of us are. And I wish the cops would get that through their heads already.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: And make sure you send those figures to accounting. Right, all of 'em. Uh-huh, okay, thanks, Molly. Okay, so what were we talking about?", "Daniel: We were talking about you going easy on Dru.", "Phyllis: Right, right, right. Okay, Daniel, here's the thing. I know you're caught in the middle. She is the mother of your wife. I'll give you that. But when the D.A. asks me what I think of Dru, I'm gonna tell him the truth.", "Daniel: Which is?", "Phyllis: That she's capable of violence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Okay, listen up, remember--Honey, listen. Remember what Michael said. This is a routine investigation, right?", "Neil: That's absolutely right. And depending on how things go, the grand jury might-- might even decide that there's not enough evidence to return an indictment.", "Dru: Okay? All we have to do is get through today.", "Neil: That's right.", "Dru: All of us, right?", "Neil: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Michael: What, no Daniel?", "Phyllis: He's parking the car.", "Michael: (Sighs) Well, good luck in there.", "Phyllis: Thank you. I'll need it, being interrogated by the D.A. and of course, you.", "Michael: Well, you can rest assured, I have to stay out here. You can tear Drucilla apart with impunity. Your dream come true.", "Phyllis: That's not my dream come true, Michael.", "Michael: Okay, fine, I'm just a little on edge.", "Phyllis: I told Daniel this earlier and now I'm going to tell you. I'm not lying on the stand. I'm sorry if everybody's upset by my telling the truth.", "Michael: Are you sure you can separate the truth from your hatred of Drucilla? Can you do that?", "Phyllis: Whoa, wait a second. Wait a second. Dru despised Carmen. Is that or is that not the truth? It was an obsession and it was ugly.", "Michael: Are you sure you're not spinning this out of your own mind?", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me?", "Michael: Did you actually hear any of this?", "Phyllis: The proof is in the videotape.", "Michael: Oh...", "Phyllis: She was violent. You know what Carmen told me? She told me that next time Dru attacks her, she's not backing off.", "Michael: She told you that?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: She told you \"I won't back off\"?", "Phyllis: Yeah, she said, \"I won't back off.\" Yeah, that's what she said to me. And I'm sure that's what happened. Dru went on the attack again and then she didn't back down. And she paid the ultimate price. And let me tell you something, if the D.A. asks me do I think Dru's capable of murder, I'm gonna say yeah.", "Brad: Hey, Sweetheart, how'd it go? Are you finished?", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm finished.", "Will: Mr. Carlton.", "Brad: I'll see you at the club.", "Victoria: I'll see you there.", "Brad: Okay, love you.", "Victoria: Love you.", "Phyllis: How'd it go? Was it intense?", "Victoria: I'd rather not talk about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Korbel: So were you at Summerfest last year?", "J.T.: Oh, no, I wanted to go. I just didn't make it up there.", "Korbel: Oh, amazing lineup.", "J.T.: Mmm, don't tell me you saw Pearl Jam.", "Korbel: With Tom Petty. I wouldn't have missed it. And Three Days Grace, opening for Hoobastank and Nickelback.", "J.T.: Damn. That sounds like fun.", "Korbel: Yeah, well, I got a friend who's a ticket agent. He could, uh, probably put you on the advance list for next year.", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah, cool. I used to be able to do that stuff myself.", "Korbel: You had a contact in the business?", "J.T.: I was in the business. Yeah, Beachfront Records. It, uh, didn't last long, but it was fun while it lasted.", "Korbel: Oh, you were a musician? Who knew?", "J.T.: Yeah, I pick a little, you know, sing.", "Korbel: What happened?", "J.T.: A life.", "Korbel: Yeah, it usually does.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Korbel: Excuse me, I need to take this.", "J.T.: Yeah, sure. Hey.", "Colleen: What's going on?", "J.T.: Oh, what do you mean?", "Colleen: Well, I mean, all of a sudden you and Professor Korbel are best friends?", "J.T.: We're just talking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fen: (Cries)", "Lauren: Gloria? Gloria, I'm going out for a little bit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Michael.", "Michael: Where's Drucilla?", "Neil: Drucilla? She's downstairs. She'll be right up.", "Michael: How is she?", "Neil: She's cool as ice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, I just left you a message.", "Lily: You know, I had my phone off.", "Daniel: Are you okay?", "Lily: As okay as I can be in the middle of a witch hunt.", "Daniel: Hey, don't even talk like that, all right? Everything's gonna be okay. Just take a couple breaths or something--deep breaths. Breathe.", "Lily: God, I'm just so worried about Devon. I mean, the D.A. is gonna eat him alive. I still think I should say we were together.", "Daniel: We already talked about this.", "Lily: No, he has no alibi, Daniel. I have to do something.", "Devon: Lily, you are not going to lie for me. Don't even think about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hello, Neil.", "Neil: I assume you're here to testify against Dru?", "Phyllis: I have no idea why I'm here. I got a subpoena. That's all I know.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: I guess it would be pointless for me to ask you to go easy on my wife.", "Phyllis: Go easy on your wife?", "Neil: Let me just ask you one thing. Do you think-- do you really think that Dru did it?", "Neil: How'd it go?", "Phyllis: Did they dismiss you?", "Brad: Yeah. All I can tell you is, be careful.", "Ms. Hoffman: Brad? You ready?", "Brad: Yeah. Good luck.", "Neil: Yeah, thanks.", "Will: Mrs. Newman?", "Phyllis: Oh...", "Michael: Do what you have to do.", "Lily: She is gonna crucify Mom.", "Michael: All right, people, no matter what happens, I don't care how nervous you get, I don't care how much Bardwell shakes you up, you have to tell the truth.", "Devon: What's the last thing you said?", "Michael: Tell the truth, no matter what.", "Devon: Okay, I got it.", "Michael: Keep your answers honest and simple. And when in doubt, remember to plead--", "Neil: Plead the fifth.", "Michael: Plead the fifth. Exactly. Oh, excuse me. What? What's wrong? Is something wrong with you? Is something wrong with the baby?", "Lauren: No, everything's fine. I'm fine. Fen's fine. Gloria's with him. I just... I got a little stir crazy, so I just, I wanted to come down here and give you moral support.", "Michael: Well, I appreciate that. I'm afraid you might be even more bored here.", "Lauren: Oh, I don't think so. I just... I wanna be with you.", "Michael: Thanks. That means a lot. All right, I gotta go.", "Lauren: Go. Wait, no lip gloss in court. Go, I'll be over here.", "Michael: All right, and just one more thing. Be prepared to give a DNA sample. They're just gonna swab your mouth. It's no big deal. If they ask, don't argue. Just give the sample. If you refuse, you could be held in contempt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hey, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Brad: So... Bardwell knew his stuff, huh?", "Victoria: Yes. And he was impossible to read.", "Brad: Yeah, I thought so, too.", "Victoria: You know, as soon as I had a handle on where he was heading, he would--he would veer off in a completely different direction.", "Brad: Trying to keep you off balance.", "Victoria: Well, it worked.", "Brad: What did he ask you?", "Victoria: A lot of questions about Dru-- what she's like at work, her relationship with Carmen.", "Brad: Me, too.", "Victoria: You know, he really grilled me on where we were the night Carmen was murdered.", "Brad: And you told him...", "Victoria: I told him that we were together, just like we discussed.", "Brad: Good. What else did he ask you?", "Victoria: He wanted to know about you and why you were in the hallway outside of Carmen's suite. And if you make it a habit of visiting your employees after hours.", "Brad: He hammered me about that.", "Victoria: I told him that you don't make it a habit, that you take your work very seriously, and if you were outside of Carmen's hotel room, then it must've been important.", "Brad: Good. Great. It sounds like you handled it perfectly.", "Victoria: Yeah, I hope so. I just want this to be over.", "Brad: I know, Honey. And it will be over. Don't worry. It'll be over soon.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I am trying to get along with Korbel.", "Colleen: Why?", "J.T.: Set a good example? You know, we talked last night and we both agreed that you should try to get along with him. So I figure... I figure, if I can do it, anybody can.", "Colleen: Ah. Don't you think you're going a little overboard there?", "J.T.: What can I say? The guy's got good taste in music. And who knows? Maybe we'll find out some other stuff about this guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: We're gonna take a short break.", "Dru: Okay, I can't do this.", "Neil: Wait, Drucilla.", "Dru: No, I need to get out of here!", "Neil: I'll handle it.", "Lily: Why is this happening to us?!", "Michael: Okay, Lily...", "Lily: Why doesn't everyone just leave us alone?! We didn't kill her!", "Michael: Lily, Lily, you have to calm down.", "Lily: No, it is not fair!", "Michael: I know it's not fair! Look, I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. But you have to do this. You have to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Here. Drink some water.", "Dru: I don't want any water.", "Neil: Listen, you haven't done anything wrong, all right? You have nothing to be afraid of.", "Dru: What are you talking about? We lied about the alibi! We lied, yes, we did.", "Neil: Don't say the word lie. We're in a courthouse, okay?", "Dru: Okay.", "Neil: The only reason why we're stretching the truth is because we don't trust Bardwell. He's going to twist your words to make you look bad. You stick to your story, everything's gonna be just fine.", "Dru: Okay, okay.", "Neil: So, one more time-- let's go over it again.", "Dru: Okay.", "Neil: What time did I leave the office?", "Dru: 5:30.", "Neil: No, 5:00.", "Dru: 5:00, 5:00, I mean, 5:00. That's when I went to Indigo shortly thereafter.", "Neil: Right. Okay, how long were we there?", "Dru: Until after midnight.", "Neil: Good, good, good, good. Good answer. And, um, what did we do while we were there?", "Dru: We were getting Indigo ready for the opening the next night.", "Neil: Excellent. Okay, and, um, what did we do about dinner?", "Dru: Um, we... we were gonna-- oh, man, I forget.", "Neil: What? Are you kidding me? No, you can't do that when you're in there. He'll grill you. Hey, the smallest details are very important.", "Dru: Okay.", "Neil: Always remember that.", "Dru: Okay, Honey.", "Daniel: Hey.", "Dru: Hey.", "Daniel: How's it going in there?", "Neil: Well, your mom hasn't come out yet.", "Dru: Yeah, she's not done nailing me to the cross in front of the grand jury, I guess.", "Daniel: For what it's worth, I tried talking to her. I don't know how much good it did, though.", "Neil: Thanks I appreciate that, Daniel.", "Lauren: Um, I'm sorry. Neil, Michael needs you.", "Neil: I'll be right back. You stay here. Thanks.", "Lauren: Yeah. Hey. Why don't we go to the coffeehouse?", "Dru: Oh, I don't think I should.", "Lauren: Michael said it's gonna be awhile till you're called to testify. So I think you should take a break.", "Dru: I don't know.", "Lauren: Dru, come on. You need some air. Let's go.", "Dru: Oh, are you sure?", "Lauren: Yes, it's okay. Get your coat. Michael has my number. They've got yours. It's all okay.", "Neil: This is stressful on all of us, Lily, which is exactly what Bardwell is hoping for. He wants to take advantage, try to make us trip up so we make a mistake.", "Michael: Your dad's exactly right. The D.A. will use anything he can to convince the jury to send this case to trial.", "Lily: I'm sorry. I'll do better.", "Neil: Okay, thanks, Lily.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Michael: Finished, or on a break?", "Phyllis: No, uh, the D.A. said I could leave.", "Lily: What took you so long to come out? Afraid to face the people you lied about in front of the jury?", "Michael: Lily...", "Neil: Lily, don't.", "Phyllis: Listen, its fine, Neil. Don't worry about it. I did what I thought was right and I'm not gonna apologize for that. I'm going back to the office.", "Daniel: I have to stay here.", "Phyllis: All right, I'm going back.", "Neil: Thanks a lot, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Sure. You're welcome.", "Michael: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: No...", "Michael: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Look... at least you can tell me what the tone is like in the hearing room?", "Phyllis: I can't tell you that.", "Michael: Of course you can tell me that. I mean, you can tell me--", "Phyllis: I can't tell you because I couldn't figure it out. It was very odd. I mean, Will is direct, but he's, at the same time, mysterious. I--it was just very weird and creepy.", "Michael: Well, you do seem a bit shaken up. Maybe that's because you were so brutal in there and now you feel bad?", "Phyllis: Good-bye, Michael.", "Michael: Good-bye, Phyllis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Korbel: You've heard of Simone Martini?", "Jana: Oh, yeah, he's amazing. You know, I saw one of his pieces at the Louvre once. It was, um...", "Korbel: \"The Carrying of the Cross\"?", "Jana: That's it, yeah. He was part of the Sienese School, right? He built on the techniques of, uh, di Buoninsegna.", "Korbel: Well, I am impressed you know that.", "Colleen: Um, Professor Korbel?", "Jana: Oh, hey, Colleen, sorry to hog him. Anyway, I should get back to work. It was lovely talking to you, professor.", "Korbel: Likewise.", "Colleen: I have to go to the athletic club, 'cause my shift starts in 15 minutes. But, um, I just wanna say good-bye.", "Korbel: Okay. Well, I'll see you in class.", "J.T.: I got an idea, man. Why don't you come to dinner some night at our place?", "Colleen: What?", "J.T.: Yeah. You can take a look at my CD collection, tell me what I'm missing.", "Korbel: You know, I just need to check my schedule, but, yeah, I'm sure we could work something out.", "J.T.: All right, cool.", "Dru: May I have some chamomile, please?", "Jana: Yeah.", "Lauren: Yeah, that's good. I'm gonna have some green-- green tea.", "Jana: Sure.", "Lauren: Thanks, Jana.", "Dru: So...", "Lauren: Here we go.", "Jana: Thank you.", "Dru: Okay, let's see it.", "Lauren: Ah, okay! Here he is.", "Dru: Wow. Oh, how precious! Look at all the little tiny fingers and toes.", "Lauren: I know. I know. He's a gift. That's for sure.", "Dru: What's his name?", "Lauren: Fenmore Michael, but we call him Fen.", "Dru: Wow, that's fantastic. Congratulations.", "Lauren: Thanks, Sweetie.", "Jana: Here you are, Ladies.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "Dru: Thank you.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Dru: Oh! Hello? Neil? Lily and Daniel both? Okay, I'm on my way. See, Lauren, I told you we shouldn't have left.", "Lauren: No, it's okay. It's okay.", "Dru: My son is on the stand already.", "Lauren: I got your tea. I got your tea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Ready to go?", "Victoria: No. No, not really. After my interrogation, the last thing I wanna do is go back to the office and try to focus on work.", "Brad: Then don't. Stay here, grab a workout. I'll take care of the work.", "Victoria: Really, you would do that?", "Brad: Of course, I would. Anything for you.", "Victoria: Well, thank you. Thank you.", "Brad: I'll see you later.", "Victoria: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: He's still in there? That's not good. You know, he may not understand the questions.", "Michael: They have a sign language expert.", "Dru: Yeah, but he gets nervous. And when he's nervous, he doesn't understand what people are saying.", "Michael: Drucilla, that's why they brought in a computer for him to read off of. Now he's gonna do fine. You have got to relax.", "Dru: Oh, God.", "Devon: I'm not doing that.", "Neil: Do what? Do what?", "Devon: They're trying to put this swab thing in my mouth. I don't have to let them do that, right?", "Neil: Devon? Don't you remember what Michael said? If the DA asks for a sample of your DNA, you--you have to give it to him.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: When did he say that?", "Dru: Baby, a little while ago, remember?", "Lily: Look, Devon, I had to do it, too.", "Daniel: So did I.", "Will: Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: I know. I know.", "Will: If your client refuses a swab test...", "Michael: He will be held in contempt, thank you.", "Devon: I'll be what?", "Dru: Honey, Baby, don't--don't worry.", "Neil: Yeah, you could be put in jail.", "Michael: Drucilla... Devon, um... I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.", "Dru: I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.", "Michael: But you have to cooperate. You have no choice.", "Michael: Okay. It's gonna be okay.", "Lauren: Okay, Honey, just hang in there, okay?", "Michael: I just don't think things can get much worse for them.", "Lauren: Then you should be smiling 'cause there's only one place to go and that's up.", "Devon: I'm done.", "Will: Mr. Winters?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Victoria: This is Victoria.", "Korbel: Victoria, hi, Adrian Korbel.", "Victoria: Professor Korbel, hello.", "Korbel: Did I catch you at a bad time?", "Victoria: No, not at all. How can I help you?", "Korbel: Well, I'm working on a benefit for the fine arts museum and if you have a few minutes, I was wondering if we could get together. I would love your input.", "Victoria: Oh, I'd be happy to. When would you like to meet?", "Korbel: Well, sometime today would be ideal. But I know its short notice, so...", "Victoria: How about the athletic club in say, um, two hours?", "Korbel: That's perfect.", "Victoria: I'll see you then.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Thanks for the ride.", "J.T.: No problem. Are you still mad at me?", "Colleen: Um, what do you think?", "J.T.: It was just dinner, Colleen.", "Colleen: I know. I know it was, but you just should've asked me first.", "J.T.: Okay, you know what? You want me to cancel, I'll cancel.", "Colleen: No.", "J.T.: I'm sorry.", "Colleen: Hey, I know that you were just trying to help, but sometimes I just feel like I'm seeing too much of Professor Korbel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Neil?", "Will: Final witness. That's you, Mrs. Winters.", "Michael: She'll be right in.", "Michael: You okay?", "Neil: Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm -- I'm fine. I love being fingerprinted in front of a roomful of strangers. It makes my day.", "Michael: They swab your mouth?", "Neil: Oh, yeah, that, too. I've never felt more special.", "Dru: I guess I'm next.", "Michael: Drucilla... these proceedings have been all about this moment. Bardwell has gotten evidence from everybody else so he can stomp you with it.", "Dru: Is that supposed to be my pep talk?", "Michael: Mmm. But you see... you can handle this. You listen carefully to Bardwell's questions. You take all the time in the world you need to answer them. And don't forget, if you need to, you plead the fifth.", "Dru: I'm scared.", "Michael: Do it.", "Neil: Hey... Dru... remember what we talked about, okay? You'll do just fine. Go handle your business. Go on.", "Michael: How'd it go?", "Dru: You were right. He threw everything he had at me. But I didn't let him knock me down. I gave him the DNA but I did not flinch.", "Michael: What did you say to him?", "Dru: What I had to.", "Neil: Good.", "Michael: Oh, my God.", "Dru: (Whispers) Honey?", "Neil: Mmm?", "Dru: I stuck to our story.", "Neil: Good. ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kay: You have a son who is in desperate need of parental guidance.", "Korbel: Are you in a hurry to get home?", "Colleen: Why?", "Korbel: I was hoping you could join me.", "Michael: You're having a really good time while the Winters are sitting at home going through hell!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Everyone is gearing up for the much awaited Enrique Iglesias concert benefiting the Clear Springs Charity. Lauren has flashbacks and trouble breathing. Michael finds out that Victor is responsible for Clear Springs' disaster. Lily is saddened to see Cane with Heather. Neil feels Cane is too old for Lily and lets her know. Heather overhears a conversation between Paul, Maggie, Lauren, and Michael and can't believe what she has heard. Amber lets Daniel know he is her BFF (best friend forever). Devon has a great evening with his date. Paul reminds Heather of their lunch date tomorrow. He plans to tell her the truth. Maggie has stomach pains from a wound she got when all the Sheila stuff was going on, which is what sends Lauren into her flashbacks.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Neil: I'll refer you to the press release.", "Karen: No, Mr. Newman no culpab in the collapse NIST report and we are following up with our own investigation.", "Neil: No, no, no interviews at this time.", "Karen: Yeah, just-- just e-mail it to me. I'd really appreciate that. You have the address, right? Okay, great. I'll speak to you then, thanks.", "Neil: You're welcome. Call me if you need anything else, all right?", "Karen: Okay.", "Neil: Thanks.", "Karen: Next...", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no. Don't--don't even-- don't even think about it.", "Karen: Think? It's not possible at this point.", "Neil: Karen, it's time to get out of here.", "Karen: No, really, really, I just--I just--this one, I've gotta finish this one e-mail.", "Neil: No, no, no, we're leaving. We're off the clock. Tonight is a huge night.", "Karen: Yes, it is. And I cannot believe that I am going to see Enrique Iglesias.", "Neil: Ah. Yeah, you make it sound like, uh, you're gonna enjoy seeing a hot Latin superstar. Uh, I guess you are.", "Karen: And he's doing it for charity.", "Neil: Yeah. That's nice.", "Devon: Ahem.", "Karen: Hey.", "Devon: Hi, how you doing?", "Neil: Hey, Buddy.", "Devon: Hey, Dad. Uh, done and done. There you go.", "Neil: Oh, great! Thank you so much.", "Devon: You are welcome. You mind if I take off? 'Cause I told Roxanne I'd be there, like, ten minutes ago.", "Neil: Good job. I like this. Yeah, good, go ahead.", "Devon: Cool.", "Neil: We're, uh, we're not far behind you. We'll see you there.", "Devon: Okay. I'll, uh, see you guys.", "Neil: Tonight is not gonna be a repeat of the last time when the kids-- somebody's kids-- 'cause they weren't my kids-- were less than welcoming. I mean, they understand that you and I have been hanging out a lot together and they're... believe it or not, they accept it.", "Karen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: I think we better get going. I wanna make sure we get a good table.", "Paul: You seem awfully excited about the entertainment.", "Maggie: Don't worry. I'm not one of those women.", "Paul: Mmm. Which ones?", "Maggie: Well, I-- they used to be called groupies. I don't know what they're called anymore.", "Paul: And you're not one of those?", "Maggie: No, I'm not. I just like his music.", "Paul: Oh, I see.", "Maggie: Why are you giving me such grief?", "Paul: I don't know. It just... what was the name of that song? You seem to know every single word.", "Maggie: You know what? I'll play it for you in the car.", "Paul: Okay.", "Maggie: Okay. You ready?", "Paul: Hmm.", "Maggie: 'Cause we-- we really do have to get-- ow.", "Paul: What's the matter?", "Maggie: Oh, I'm just-- you know, it's my stomach. I just... a little sensitive.", "Paul: Wait a minute, where you were shot?", "Maggie: Yeah. It's been sensitive the last couple days, but I think it's from crawling around underground, you know?", "Paul: I think we should get it checked out.", "Maggie: And spend all night in the E.R.? I have a date.", "Paul: Maggie...", "Maggie: With Enrique. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Dinner and a movie?", "Michael: Hmm.", "Lauren: Or... we go to bed early and I use my new massage oil. What do you think, huh?", "Michael: (Chuckles) you're bad.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: Well... it could be fun.", "Lauren: It could be fun?", "Michael: Mmm.", "Lauren: It could be? I can't believe you just said that to me. What can I say to entice you, huh?", "Michael: Look, as much as I've loved being locked away from the real world with my beautiful wife, I was thinking that maybe... a change of pace could be nice tonight.", "Lauren: Are you sure we're not thinking the same thing?", "Michael: Oh, I don't know. I was thinking... Enrique Iglesias? He's playing at Indigo.", "Lauren: Oh, right.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: That's tonight.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. I know you love him. Oh, you love him.", "Lauren: I do. I do.", "Michael: I wouldn't have bought all those cds for myself.", "Lauren: That's true. But I-I'm not sure.", "Michael: Oh, come on. It'll be fun. Gloria said she'd baby-sit Fenmore.", "Lauren: Baby, I love my idea better.", "Michael: Oh. And I'm gonna take you up on that. We can do both. I'd just don't wanna see you lock yourself away like you did--", "Lauren: Okay, I'm not doing that. I'm not.", "Michael: Mm.", "Lauren: Just--I'm not sure I wanna go out. That's all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: The ice cream truck is here.", "Amber: Go ring the bell. I have ten more minutes.", "Daniel: Why can't you just ask to get off early?", "Amber: I can't. My boss is a total hard-ass.", "Kevin: Lunges. Wanna feel?", "Amber: Ha ha. I think I'll pass.", "Kevin: I wasn't talking to you. Rock solid.", "Daniel: Thank you. The mental image has successfully paralyzed me.", "Kevin: So are you and, uh, sassy here headed to Indigo?", "Daniel: Yes. Me, the girl with no pants and you.", "Kevin: Sorry, Man, business owner. I gotta start playing the part.", "Amber: You've been on the books all day.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. And I will be all pants-- uh, all night.", "Amber: Ha ha ha. Boring. Um, tell him not to be so responsible.", "Daniel: Kevin, don't be so responsible!", "Kevin: It's gonna be all couples there, and--and Jana's warden has this odd idea that she's not allowed to have any dates.", "Amber: We don't have dates.", "Kevin: You have each other, so go have fun.", "Amber: Something you obviously know nothing about.", "Daniel: Hey, you know what? It's okay. Maybe he'll come with us next time you're almost killed.", "Amber: Yeah, maybe.", "Kevin: Nice try. I'm still not going.", "Amber: We are celebrating me being alive. As the person with the most recent near-death experience, I am calling the shots. And you are going.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey. Hey, Heather, um... can you--can you meet me at Indigo? I've got a couple things I have to finish up. Does 20 minutes sound good? Okay, I'll see you there. Hey, listen, um, I'm really glad that you asked me to go. Me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: What are you gonna do here?", "Lily: I'm just gonna sit another minute, okay? My feet hurt.", "Colleen: Lily, you're avoiding Cane. Come on.", "Lily: Yep. For as long as I can.", "Colleen: Why don't you just get it over with? Say hey and move on.", "Lily: And what? Pretend like I don't see him? Uh, no.", "Colleen: Why don't you just wave from across the room like you're acknowledging him, but you're avoiding small talk.", "Lily: Mmm. No.", "Colleen: Whatever happened to the girl who said, \"I don't need a boyfriend\" and \"I'm gonna have a fabulous time.\"?", "Lily: I am. I'm going to.", "Colleen: Then let's go. Come on. I mean, I think this is exactly what we need after seeing everyone suffer, don't you?", "Lily: Ugh. That's right. I didn't even ask you about how your dad and Adrian were.", "Colleen: They're better. You can ask him yourself tonight.", "Devon: Hey. You hiding out back here?", "Colleen: Hey.", "Lily: Um, no, I just came early to help set up. Hi.", "Roxanne: What's up, Lily? I haven't seen you since your party.", "Lily: Yeah, well, Devon doesn't allow me around his dates.", "Devon: That's because you feel the need to share every embarrassing story there is about me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hi, you guys.", "Karen: Hey.", "Paul: Hey.", "Maggie: Hey.", "Neil: How are you?", "Maggie: I'm good. How are you?", "Neil: How you feeling?", "Paul: Pretty good. Pretty good. You know, nothing stops this one. She's a tough cop. She's, uh, you know, got a black belt in Shotokan karate. One-woman crime fighting machine. Let me tell you.", "Karen: We should train together sometime.", "Maggie: Oh, yeah, I'd like that.", "Karen: Yes, yes, yes.", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Karen: Okay, good.", "Neil: Yeah, but if y'all train together, you better watch out for her left-- wah-- roundhouse kick.", "Maggie: That's the on.", "Paul: Oh, somebody get a little bruised? I'm getting the feeling that, um...", "Neil: Yeah, uh, my ego, as well, sure. She dropped me. Twice. Shh. Don't say anything.", "Maggie: Twice?!", "Karen: Yeah, well, no, no, but he's getting a lot better at hitting the ground. I have to say that.", "Neil: Thank you for telling me that. So what about you? Have you ever beat up Paul?", "Maggie: You know, I can't say that I have.", "Paul: See, I'm lucky. I've never been afraid of any woman I've ever gone out with. Oh!", "Neil: Me neither. Me neither. Until now. Oh, no, no, wait, no, I'm lying. Um, there were times when Drucilla actually scared me.", "Paul: Oh, well, there's a force to be reckoned with there, huh?", "Neil: Are you kidding me? Category 5 hurricane coming right at ya.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Kick it up a notch, Kev. My shift's over.", "Kevin: Ten minutes. I have to finish these receipts.", "Amber: Five! Five! Five.", "Daniel: Five.", "Amber: Five! I can't wait! Enrique Iglesias-- oh, I'm so happy you thought about this! Wait, wouldn't it be really cool if we did a duet together, hmm?", "Daniel: I'd pay to see that. You got a great voice.", "Amber: Thank you. I can't wait. I can't wait. It is gonna be so good to just... get away from the news for the night, you know? Oh, if I hear one more thing about government reports or methane fields, just...", "Daniel: Quick.", "Amber: Yeah, right. We need to get out. Hey, thanks for getting the tickets.", "Daniel: No problem.", "Amber: You take good care of me.", "Daniel: Yeah. And you know, it's not easy.", "Amber: Nothing about me is.", "Daniel: Wait a minute, you're not gonna go all Lifetime movie of the week on me, are you?", "Amber: Maybe. I am entitled. You know, you even said so yourself.", "Daniel: Okay, then... give me your best Heather Locklear.", "Amber: Maybe later. Wanna know the first thing that I thought about when I was trapped?", "Daniel: Uh, I got a pretty good idea. Let's see. Mm. One--I'm never gonna be able to shop again. Or better yet, is my hair flat?", "Amber: Stop it! No! I thought... that I was never gonna see a blue sky again. 'Cause it was so dark. And--and I was thinking to myself, \"Is this the way I'm gonna die, really? Trapped in my hunk of a junk piece of car?\" Needless to say, I had a lot of time to reevaluate my life. And just think about all the stuff I messed up. I mean, it's one thing if it just affects you, but when it affects your friends, it's... I got you in a lot of trouble, Daniel. I practically broke up your marriage.", "Daniel: That was all me.", "Amber: Okay, well, either way, I'm sorry. You're my best friend.", "Daniel: B.F.F.S?", "Amber: Don't knock it. You know, most so-called friends-- they stab you in the back at the first chance they have to get ahead. At least that's been my, uh, experience thus far.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, no knives here. Do me a favor, though, would you?", "Amber: Hm?", "Daniel: You look out for yourself, too. 'Cause the way I see it, you deserve the best.", "Amber: Thanks, Baby.", "Daniel: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ahem. Just in case?", "Lauren: Oh, you are relentless.", "Michael: How long have we been married and you're just discovering that?", "Lauren: Honey, I'm trying to interest you in a DVD and homemade popcorn. Your favorite.", "Michael: Oh, popcorn?", "Lauren: Yes.", "Michael: Popcorn? Well, live music sounds so much better.", "Lauren: You want music? Really? May I show you to our lovely stereo over there?", "Michael: Live music. Enrique Iglesias. Romantic setting.", "Lauren: Hm.", "Michael: Come on... we get to hear him in person. You know, that little club, what's its name? That, you know, that club.", "Lauren: You're incorrigible.", "Michael: I know. And I'm a lawyer. I took a whole class in it in school, but I digress. I was about to set the scene.", "Lauren: Oh, please do.", "Michael: All right. You know, a relaxing evening out with friends, 'cause Maggie and Paul said they would join us, a couple of drinks, you would have your husband's undivided attention. And, um, who knows? Look, maybe a dance or two or three? High romance. And the topper is, the proceeds go to charity.", "Lauren: Okay, but you see, my idea... just as romantic, even more, possibly. They already have our money. You don't have to buy tickets. We just stay here.", "Michael: Come on. Let's do this. I don't want you to just lock yourself away like you did the last time.", "Lauren: No, no, no. You really wanna go? Okay. How can I turn down my handsome husband, huh?", "Michael: You can't.", "Lauren: No. Go get your coat.", "Michael: I'll get my coat.", "Lauren: All right.", "Michael: Kiss me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Hmm. A lot of pretty faces.", "Daniel: Take it easy, Tiger. We just got here.", "Amber: Who shall I hit on first?", "Daniel: I don't know, but I got a pretty good idea of which one I'm going after.", "Amber: Who?", "Daniel: That one. She is perfect.", "Amber: Perfect? What if she has a \"Butter face\"?", "Daniel: Come on, she could pull off a dress like that, I am fairly certain that I will like the rest. I will see you later tonight.", "Amber: Hmm.", "Daniel: Maybe.", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Daniel: You gotta be kidding me.", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Kevin: What, what, what, what did I miss?", "Amber: Daniel has the hots for the assistant D.A.", "Kevin: Her?", "Amber: Oh, yeah, she's perfect.", "Daniel: Did I, um, mention that I have a doctor's appointment to get my eyes checked tomorrow?", "Kevin: Oh, that's weak, Man.", "Amber: Well, what are you waiting for, Lover Boy? Go talk to Miss Perfect.", "Daniel: How about I go talk to miss \"Someone I don't hate?\"", "Kevin: It's tough, isn't it?", "Daniel: What?", "Kevin: Hating the one you love. We have a lot in common.", "Amber: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I can't believe the nerve of that guy.", "Devon: Are you surprised he has no sense of judgment?", "Neil: I'm gonna tell him to leave.", "Lily: No, Dad, no, no. It's okay. Daniel doesn't bother me anymore.", "Devon: Oh, that makes one of us.", "Lily: Devon, I've gotten over it, so you should, too.", "Karen: You know, Lily, your dad has told me that you're considering running for student government, right?", "Lily: Um, yeah, yeah, I was thinking about it.", "Karen: Great. Well, if you need some help strategizing, I'm right here.", "Lily: Okay. Thanks.", "Karen: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: I might take you up on that. Um, where's Roxanne?", "Devon: She is over there with, uh, Colleen and Adrian.", "Lily: Okay. I have to ask her a question about bio lab. Devon said that she's taking the same course, so...", "Neil: My daughter-- the devoted student.", "Lily: Well, it's better than your daughter the drug addict.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Lily: All right, have fun, you guys.", "Neil: See you. Hey... you heard her. Let's see a smile and have some fun, all right?", "Lily: Hey. Can I talk to you for a second?", "Roxanne: Yeah, sure.", "Lily: Excuse us. So... I told them I had to ask you a question about bio lab.", "Roxanne: Oh, you have another story about Devon?", "Lily: Yes. Yes, I have tons. But, um... first things first, do you really like him?", "Roxanne: Um... he's the coolest guy I've met a G.C.U.", "Lily: And you're not just saying that?", "Roxanne: No. I've, uh, I've dated a lot of losers. And, uh... well, I could actually see myself staying with him for more than a week.", "Lily: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: It was the best concert I've ever been to.", "Paul: Mine was Steely Dan.", "Michael: Oh, you're dating yourself now, my friend.", "Lauren: I like Steely Dan.", "Paul: I was 4.", "Maggie: (Laughs)", "Michael: Oh, a toddler? A mere lad?", "Paul: 15, maybe.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Lauren: Hi, Gloria. Wait. Oh, did you try in his toy box? She can't find lullaby bear.", "Michael: Tell her to try and look behind our chair in the bedroom.", "Lauren: All right, hold on, I'll be right back. Gloria?", "Paul: Kudos for getting her out of the apartment tonight.", "Michael: Wasn't easy.", "Maggie: She still having a rough time?", "Michael: It varies hour by hour, but you know, this is gonna be really good for her.", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Paul: So how did she handle the whole thing with Victor?", "Michael: What about him?", "Michael: He set up the drilling operation outside of town.", "Michael: What?", "Paul: Well, according to the N.I.S.T. report, it led to the explosion that caused the collapse. He's disputing it.", "Michael: Of course he is.", "Maggie: Are you gonna tell Lauren?", "Michael: No. No. She's dealing with enough. Nikki--Nikki is his wife. How can he do this to his wife? My wife? Everyone who was trapped? Victoria is in the hospital because of her-- because of her father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Victor is responsible for what happened at Clear Springs?", "Neil: Michael, his team is still investigating the reports. We never had any indication this might happen from day one.", "Michael: You knew? You knew about the mining this whole time?", "Neil: Now, Michael, with all due respect, this isn't the place. Now I understand-- I completely understand why you're upset.", "Michael: You cannot begin to understand!", "Neil: Okay, listen to me, I'm sorry. I really am sorry.", "Karen: Neil, the bartender--", "Neil: I'm gonna have to get back out there.", "Karen: Excuse me.", "Neil: It's all right. Michael's asking about Victor's involvement in the building collapse.", "Michael: There's an N.I.S.T. report?", "Karen: Yes, there is. And we're conducting an investigation of our own.", "Michael: Which Victor is paying for, I'm sure.", "Karen: Look, our reports indicate that the drilling company did everything by the book.", "Michael: That book almost killed my wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I lived in Lakeview.", "Lauren: Really?", "Cane: That's near Wrigley Field, isn't it?", "Heather: You know Chicago?", "Cane: I know the Cubs.", "Maggie: Oh, I'm a big fan.", "Paul: Nicely understated.", "Maggie: Oh!", "Paul: Hey!", "Maggie: Ow.", "Paul: Your stomach again?", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Heather: That's not from the parking garage, is it?", "Maggie: It's an old gunshot wound.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Heather: What happened?", "Maggie: A woman named Sheila Carter happened. A long story. I'm fine.", "Heather: Oh, my God.", "Paul: Um, we're still on for lunch tomorrow, right?", "Heather: Yes, we are, 1:00 P.M. sharp.", "Paul: All right.", "Heather: Okay.", "Paul: See you later.", "Heather: Bye, Lauren.", "Lauren: Bye.", "Maggie: Lunch?", "Lauren: Are you planning on telling her?", "Paul: Well, uh... April's against it.", "Lauren: So you're not going to tell her?", "Paul: Well, April's against it, but, um... she's my daughter, too. I think it's time she finally knew the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Cane: I gotta take this. One second.", "Heather: Okay.", "Kevin: Hey, Heather, great dress.", "Heather: Thank you, Kevin.", "Kevin: Uh, listen, do you mind if I ask for your professional opinion on something?", "Heather: Sure, why not?", "Kevin: Okay, so, uh... I know you're the one who put her there, but, um... what are Jana's chances of getting out of Jackson pen?", "Heather: It's an ongoing case. I'm not at liberty--", "Kevin: Okay, okay, okay, uh, hypothetically?", "Heather: Kevin, I don't do hypothetical's. I know the world isn't black and white, but I believe we live in a society with laws for a reason.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. I get it. Uh, to maintain social order, to help people blah, blah, blah.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. So then you probably also get that we can't just let criminals go free because we like them.", "Kevin: I guess you're right. But you know, Jana didn't know what she was doing. She was sick.", "Heather: Okay, so a case could probably, hypothetically speaking, be made for Jana that's she's fit to live in society again. But only if she has a very good lawyer. Know any?", "Kevin: I thought you didn't do hypothetical's? How about I buy you a drink?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Kevin's making his move on your girl. You better get over there.", "Daniel: Shut up! It's not funny.", "Amber: Mm-hmm. Yeah, it is.", "Cane: What a coincidence.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: You look nice. I like your shirt.", "Cane: Thank you. You... you look beautiful. I like your dress.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Cane: So who are you-- who are you here with?", "Lily: Uh, just from friends and colleen. Yeah.", "Heather: Hi.", "Cane: Hey. Hey.", "Heather: Hi.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: I, um, I haven't had a chance to get the drinks yet.", "Heather: Oh, that's okay. Do you want me to grab 'em?", "Cane: No. No, we'll do it together. We'll do it together.", "Lily: Uh, well, you guys have fun.", "Cane: Thanks.", "Heather: Bye.", "Neil: Hi, Honey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Neil: Little chilly out here, huh?", "Lily: Yeah. Thanks.", "Neil: Sure.", "Lily: I just needed to get away from everybody.", "Neil: Yeah. You okay?", "Lily: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just up late last night, working on a paper, so I'm pretty tired.", "Neil: Does it have anything to do with Cane?", "Lily: We're friends.", "Neil: Lily, how long have I known you? Your whole life, right? I saw you talking with Cane.", "Lily: Trust me, we're friends. We were just talking.", "Neil: I can tell that your feelings go way beyond friendship.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh! Where do you get this stuff?", "Neil: This afternoon... Cane was the first person you mentioned when I told you that chancellor industries wasn't responsible for the collapse, remember that?", "Lily: So?", "Neil: So I wondered why at the time. And now I know.", "Lily: Dad...", "Neil: Lily... this really isn't a good idea.", "Lily: Please don't treat me like I'm 12.", "Neil: Well, I'm sorry, I don't mean to do that.", "Lily: Listen, there's nothing going on between me and Cane.", "Neil: Let's keep it that way, huh? Seriously, you and Daniel just broke up. It hasn't been that long. Cane just got divorced. And plus, he is way, way too old for you.", "Lily: Okay, you're getting ahead of yourself. And you're being way, way, way too overprotective.", "Neil: Well, Honey... that's what fathers do.", "Lily: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Cheers.", "Cane: So... tell me how you know Paul.", "Heather: Uh, he's an old friend of my mom's.", "Cane: Really?", "Heather: Yeah, do you remember the other day when I mentioned that stepfather situation?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Heather: Yeah, he helped us out a little bit during that time. I actually lived with his mom for awhile.", "Cane: When you were a kid, right?", "Heather: Mm-hmm. He was really great to me during that time.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, I like Paul. He's a good guy.", "Heather: He is. He's the best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Are you sure you're feeling okay?", "Maggie: I'm fine.", "Paul: Would you tell me if you weren't?", "Maggie: Yes. Why wouldn't I?", "Paul: To get me to stop bugging you.", "Maggie: I don't-- I don't mind you bugging me. I think it's sweet that you're worried.", "Michael: Worried? Worried about what?", "Paul: Sheila Carter. It's just the gift that keeps on giving.", "Michael: Excuse me?", "Paul: Maggie's gunshot wound is acting up a little bit.", "Maggie: It's really no big deal. He's making a big deal out of this. It's no big deal.", "Lauren: I need some air.", "Michael: Let's, uh, Sweetie--.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Here you go.", "Roxanne: Thank you.", "Devon: Feels like we were just here, doesn't it?", "Roxanne: Yes, except I'm having much more fun this time.", "Devon: Oh, that's 'cause I'm not dragging you to work with me.", "Roxanne: No, that's because I'm getting all the dirt on you.", "Devon: The dirt on me? Has Lily been telling you more stupid stories about me?", "Roxanne: (Giggles)", "Devon: No, she hasn't! That girl is gonna pay!", "Roxanne: Is she?", "Devon: She's gonna pay for that!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: You know, we are finally not in a disaster site or a mental institution. So why don't we talk about nice, happy, normal things.", "Kevin: Okay. What do you have in mind? Puppy dogs? Cotton candy? Sex?", "Colleen: Oh, my God!", "Kevin: Sex!", "Colleen: I was setting myself up for that. Mm-hmm. You know what? To being happy.", "Kevin: Here's mud in your eye. No offense to your dad. Here.", "Colleen: Cheers.", "Kevin: Cheers.", "Adrian: Hey, thanks for, uh, keeping my girlfriend company while I was away.", "Kevin: Sure thing. So, hey, why don't you, uh... sit down and, uh, rest your foot?", "Adrian: I am gonna keep my feet firmly on the floor. But I don't think I'll be dancing anytime soon.", "Colleen: Do you wanna go home? 'Cause I-I don't--", "Adrian: No, no, no, no, no, definitely not. Considering what I've been through, I have no room to complain. I'm just happy to be here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Thank you for not letting your dad kill me. I could tell that he really wanted to.", "Lily: No. Actually, he just wanted to throw you out.", "Daniel: Well, I'm still standing here. So your amazing powers of persuasion must still be intact. So how have you been?", "Lily: I've been good. How are you?", "Daniel: Good. You having a good time tonight?", "Lily: Yeah. Yeah, I'm having a great time.", "Daniel: I should probably go.", "Lily: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I mean, can you believe Enrique Iglesias is gonna be here?", "Cane: Yeah, it's quite the coup, isn't it?", "Amber: Major. And it's for a good cause. You know, I'm lucky. I just wish everyone else could have been.", "Cane: You seem to have bounced back.", "Amber: I'm nothing if not resilient.", "Cane: You wore it.", "Amber: Oh, yeah. The pin Kay gave me. I love it.", "Cane: It looks very pretty on you.", "Amber: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Um, are you getting any reception? 'Cause I don't have-- how many bars do you have?", "Daniel: Ah. I get it. Trick question, right? Some kind of covert operation, gonna try and put me away for life this time? Where's your camera?", "Heather: Still paranoid, I see. Okay, never mind.", "Daniel: Wait. My reception is fine. You might wanna try your phone outside. You might have better luck out there.", "Heather: Thanks.", "[Heather goes outside and around the corner she sees Lauren, Paul and Michael]", "Lauren: Oh!", "Michael: Um, tonight was a bad idea. I'm--I'm sorry.", "Lauren: Don't be.", "Michael: No, you--you wanted to stay home. I just--I just kept pushing. Here.", "Lauren: No, no, no, no. No. No. I wanted to come. I mean, I wanted to come. And I was okay. I was--I was just fine. And then, all of a sudden, the walls just started-- they closed in on me and--", "Michael: I had no idea that they would bring her up.", "Lauren: I know. I know. Somewhere between hearing Sheila's name and Maggie's gunshot, I just...", "Michael: All right, you know what? It's over. It's over. Sheila cannot hurt you again, all right?", "Lauren: She can haunt me.", "Michael: All right, we should go.", "Lauren: No.", "Michael: You wanted to see a movie. We can see a movie. That's great.", "Lauren: No, no, no, I'm fine. I--no, I wanna stay. Let me work through this, okay? It's good for me. It's good for me.", "Paul: Hey. Everything okay out here?", "Lauren: Yeah. Fine. Everything's fine.", "Michael: No, she's been on edge ever since the collapse.", "Lauren: Michael.", "Paul: Well, anything I can do?", "Lauren: Nothing. I don't know, hearing... Sheila's name... and Maggie... I-I just--I lost it. You know, I started thinking about that cage and... she wanted to trap me, and then Maggie almost died there.", "Paul: Yeah, but Maggie didn't. She didn't die. She's fine. You know what? I just wish I could've protected you the whole time.", "Lauren: Oh, Paul, it wasn't your fault.", "Michael: Sometimes psychos don't play by the handbook.", "Paul: You're right. I mean, I thought I was one step ahead of her the whole time. But what's a little kidnapping for the better good, right? I'd hold her there, nobody would know, nobody gets hurt. I tell ya, if I had to do it all over again, I would make sure that Sheila Carter never escaped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey, I was worried about you.", "Heather: Yeah, um...", "Cane: What happened?", "Heather: I just got some really shocking news. I...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Well, I was about to send out a search party.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Maggie: How you doing?", "Lauren: I'm better.", "Paul: Breathing's back to normal, huh?", "Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. Panic attack's over. I survived. Hey... don't ever doubt yourself. I-I'm so grateful for everything that you did for me. Now... I'm fine. You can see that. I-I don't wanna ruin your date. Please go back. The concert's about to start. Go on.", "Maggie: Will you join us? Maybe?", "Lauren: Pretend this never happened, okay?", "Maggie: Okay.", "Paul: Okay.", "Michael: What do you wanna do?", "Lauren: Um... I think I wanna stay out here, okay? Is that all right with you?", "Michael: Dancing on the loading dock?", "Lauren: Hmm. Yeah.", "Michael: I'd love to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So everybody's feeling good tonight?", "(Cheers and applause)", "Neil: Okay. All right, good. As you know, all of the proceeds for tonight go towards the Clear Springs relief fund. So I wanna thank all of you-- yeah, you can clap for that. That's good. I wanna thank all of you for coming out and showing your generosity. You've made a real impact into the lives of the people who need the help the most right now. Okay. So now, the moment we've all been waiting for. He's an international superstar, having enjoyed 18-- count 'em-- 18 number one Latin billboard hits. He's here to sing his new single, \"Somebody's me,\" Enrique Iglesias! How you doing?", "Enrique: Good, Man. Thank you! It's great to be here in Genoa City helping with the Clear Springs relief fund. Thank you very much.", "(Playing \"Somebody's me\")", "Enrique: You do you remember me? Like I remember you? Do you spend your life going back in your mind to that time? Because I I walk the streets alone. I hate being on my own, and everyone can see that I really fell, and I'm going through hell thinking about you with somebody else. Somebody wants you somebody needs you somebody dreams about you every single night. Somebody can't breathe without you. It's lonely. Somebody hopes that someday you will see that somebody's me that somebody's me. How how could we go wrong? It was so good and now it's gone. And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross, and what we had isn't lost, 'cause you're always right here in my thoughts. Somebody wants you somebody needs you somebody dreams about you every single night. Somebody can't breathe without you. It's lonely. Somebody hopes that someday you will see that somebody's me. You will always be in my life even if I'm in not in your life, because you're in my memory. You when you remember me and before you set me free. Oh, listen please somebody wants you somebody needs you somebody dreams about you every single night. Somebody can't breathe without you. It's lonely. Somebody hopes that someday you will see that somebody's me", "Man: Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh.", "Enrique: Somebody's me that somebody's me that somebody's me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Colleen: I'm worried about you. I know you're not taking care of yourself.", "J.T.: I'm fine.", "Nikki: What's happening?", "Woman: The machines registered an elevated blood pressure reading.", "Heather: I've love you to come up. I wanna make it up to you. Do you wanna grab a cup of coffee?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Michael tells Fen to pretend that they don't know each other while they are in prison, because if anyone finds out he is the son of the DA, it could get him killed. Paul and Christine try to figure out a way to help Michael and Fen get out of jail. Paul decides to investigate the case, because he closed it too quickly when Michael confessed to killing Carmine. Lauren gets a mysterious call from someone who hangs up when she answers the phone. Devon admits to Jack and Neil that he doesn't know what to do with all his money, and he wants Victor to be his mentor. Jack tells Devon to stay away from Victor, because he will act friendly but later stab him in the back. Jack and Jill decide to team up to take Victor down so he won't get Chancellor Industries. Victor advises Neil to teach Devon the difference between a true friend and someone who wants to be his friend just because he has money.", "Lauren pleads with Christine to move Fen to a safer part of the prison. Christine tells her she will try to help Fen. Nick and Sharon remember the time years ago when they were stuck in a bank vault. Sharon starts to feel the effects of hypothermia and almost tells Nick that she pushed Phyllis down the stairs causing her coma, but Noah arrives to rescue her and Nick from the freezer before Sharon can tell Nick what she did.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Nick? What do you mean, we're locked in?", "Nick: Well, the door, uh, must have, uh, given way. Um... there's a safety release handle.", "Sharon: Oh! Handy! Let's use that.", "Nick: Well...this is it. And it's broken.", "Sharon: Okay, but, I mean, there is another way out, right? We're stuck in here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: All right, Noah. I will have someone send you the projections, and I want you to look at them very carefully, okay? I want you to study them and decipher them. And tomorrow, we'll talk about what you learned.", "Noah: Can't wait to get started, Grandpa. Thank you for going over what I should expect before I start the new job.", "Victor: Very smart of you to ask.", "Noah: I look forward to being challenged and working with you.", "Victor: You know what I'm looking forward to? Welcoming the next generation of Newmans into my company. Together, we'll do great things for Newman- Chancellor.", "Noah: Hi, Jill.", "Jill: Noah.", "Victor: Hello, Jill.", "Noah: Grandpa.", "Victor: Okay, Noah. Nice to see you. I was surprised when the gate called me and said it was you.", "Jill: [Sighs]", "Victor: Come in.", "Jill: Should I thank you for agreeing to see me?", "Victor: You can come see me any day. Terribly sorry about what happened to your family. You must be going through a rough time.", "Jill: Yes, well, I didn't come here to talk about my granddaughter, Victor.", "Victor: What did you come here to talk about?", "Jill: The Newman-Chancellor business.", "Victor: Oh, yeah. That's a very exciting venture -- the merger of my vision with Katherine's.", "Jill: Victor, I will never allow that to happen!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Jack, I really appreciate you finding Hilary a spot in the company -- really. So, when is she gonna be starting?", "Jack: Tomorrow. And I'm glad I could come through for you.", "Neil: You know, um, not e-everyone is gonna be pleased about this, so I think we should table this discussion till later.", "Jack: You got it. Devon! How are you?", "Devon: Good. Very well. I didn't expect to see you two here.", "Neil: Well, we're here and waiting. Why don't you join us?", "Jack: Please!", "Devon: Sure, I will for a while, and then I will, uh, let you guys get back to work.", "Jack: Listen, I'm glad I ran into you -- I was gonna call you later today.", "Devon: About the reward I offered?", "Jack: Yeah. A million dollars is a heck of a lot of incentive.", "Neil: So, have more people come forward offering information about the hit- and-run?", "Devon: Too many, actually. And the cops still don't have anything useful.", "Neil: Well, they will.", "Jack: They will. And the way will be paved by your generous reward.", "Devon: You know I would gladly give away the entire fortune Katherine left me if I knew that it'd help find Delia's killer. I really would. And, hell -- maybe I should just give away the entire fortune anyway.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Ah, the Basco case?", "Paul: Yeah. We got people lining up to confess to this murder, but, sadly, we're not even close to solving it.", "Christine: So what are you hoping to find in that evidence box?", "Paul: The truth. I'm sure as hell not getting it from Lauren or Michael, so, uh... fen? His story seems pretty flimsy.", "Christine: Yeah. Whatever the truth, by them keeping it to themselves, they are certainly succeeding in destroying their family.", "Paul: Yeah. I guess they're leaving it up to me to save them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: [Sighs] I have terrible news.", "Michael: I already know. I saw Fenmore brought in earlier.", "Lauren: What did he say?", "Michael: I only got a glimpse of him. What happened? I thought when he confessed to Carmine's murder, nobody took him seriously.", "Lauren: Well, they didn't. They still think that you killed Carmine. But that is not why he was arrested.", "Michael: Then why?", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] He did something that we can't cover for this time. My husband and my son are both in prison, and there is nothing that we can do to get either one of you out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: I, uh, just met with Fen's lawyer.", "Paul: Any chance of getting the kid out of prison time, at least for now?", "Christine: I can waive possession with intent to deliver or sell.", "Paul: But not the rest.", "Christine: No. I have to move straight forward with possession of a controlled substance. I have no choice.", "Paul: What if Fen were to cut a deal?", "Christine: With what?", "Paul: Like, to offer up evidence of a more serious crime like murder.", "Christine: [Sighs] Look, if the evidence proves that Fen's story is true -- that he killed Carmine, he'll be trading a maximum of 3 1/2 years for a minimum of 10.", "Paul: It would free Michael.", "Christine: Do you think Michael's gonna let his son confess to murder, say, \"Yay for me,\" and just walk away?", "Paul: There is no good answer, Chris!", "Christine: No, there isn't. And we care about Michael and Fen and Lauren, and we want to help them, but how do we do that?", "Paul: [Sighs] We go back to the beginning.", "Christine: You can't do that all by yourself.", "Paul: No, I know. And forensics is backlogged they're not getting to the evidence nearly as quickly as I need them to. Wait a minute.", "Christine: What is it? What?", "Paul: There's evidence missing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Fen is upset for you taking responsibility for killing Carmine. He hates the fact that you're paying for a crime that you didn't do, so our son... naively... commits a crime where he will get imprisoned.", "Michael: Oh... what kind of crime?", "Lauren: He bought drugs.", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: He felt that if he was thrown in jail, that you would no longer have to protect him and would stop lying. Therefore, you would recant your confession, and then you would be free.", "Michael: So he violated the terms of his plea bargain for the drug theft charge.", "Lauren: Right.", "Michael: And they automatically sent him here to finish out his time.", "Lauren: This is such a mess.", "Michael: How big a mess?", "Lauren: He had drugs on him.", "Michael: How much?", "Lauren: A lot.", "Michael: How much? Quantity? What's the quantity we're talking here?", "Lauren: Enough to get convicted of a felony. [Voice breaking] What are we gonna do?", "Michael: We'll get him a lawyer.", "Lauren: I hired Randall Hayes.", "Michael: That's a good one.", "Lauren: That's what you said the last time that you worked with him.", "Michael: What's his defense strategy?", "Lauren: He's going to get rid of all the other charges so Fen only has to serve a month for breaking his plea deal.", "Michael: A month.", "Lauren: Uh-huh.", "Michael: The reason I am here is because I couldn't stand the thought of our son serving even one day in this place.", "Lauren: I know. Can you protect him? Can you help him?", "Michael: Look at me. My son... my son is in this place.", "Cop: Keep it moving.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay. Uh... we can get out of here.", "Nick: How?", "Sharon: Um, you know, we'll just call someone. I, um -- oh, I left my cell phone with my purse out in the bar.", "Nick: Mine's not. But I've got no signal.", "Sharon: What? How can that be? This is your own club.", "Nick: Well, I've never made a call from the freezer before.", "Sharon: [Sighs] Okay. Um, there's got to be something we can do.", "Nick: Well, the staff's gonna show up soon.", "Sharon: And will they come straight to the freezer to start prepping?", "Nick: Well, they're gonna need something out of here eventually.", "Sharon: Eventually. Well, let's give them a reason to open the door right now. Hello?! Hey! Anybody out there?!", "[Muffled pounding]", "Sharon: [Muffled] Help us! Hello!", "[Pounding continues]", "Sharon: Hello!", "[Loud music plays]", "Sharon: Help us! Gosh, the metal door's colder than the air in here.", "Nick: I don't think they're gonna hear you anyway. The walls and the door are six inches of insulated steel.", "Sharon: Now you tell me.", "Nick: It was worth a shot.", "Sharon: [Sighs] You think I should keep yelling?", "Nick: No, I think we should conserve our energy and our limited air supply.", "Sharon: Nick.", "Nick: Don't worry, though.", "Sharon: Too late for that!", "[Both sigh]", "[Laughing]", "Nick: What's so funny?", "Sharon: Us. Here. Only we could manage to get ourselves locked into another steel vault.", "Nick: Oh, go--", "Sharon: [Laughing]", "Nick: The bank vault. How could I forget that?", "Sharon: Yes. You were scouting for a location shoot.", "Nick: Well, that vault was your bright idea.", "Sharon: Well, I don't remember it that way. I just remember we were imagining how the shoot would go, and then the door closed.", "Nick: Yeah. We were in there a really long time.", "Sharon: Yeah. The only difference is this time, it's freezing, and that time...", "Nick: Things got hot... pretty quickly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Music playing loudly]", "Noah: Hey, Mom. It's me. Uh, can you just give me a call as soon as you get this, please? Thanks. Bye. Mason. Mason! Hey.", "Mason: [Gasps] Hey, man. Don't sneak up on me like that.", "[Volume decreases]", "Noah: Hey, is, uh -- is my dad here yet?", "Mason: Uh, wouldn't you know it? Geez. The first time I'm here early, and I don't get the credit for it.", "Noah: [Chuckles] Mm.", "Mason: Is everything all right?", "Noah: Uh, yeah. I hope so. I just got a call from Faith's friend's mom.", "Mason: She okay?", "Noah: Faith? Yeah, I think so. Just, uh -- nobody picked her up after dance class, and so her friend's mom took her back to her house.", "Mason: Well, who was supposed to pick her up?", "Noah: Uh, my mom or dad.", "Mason: Well, they probably just got their wires crossed and figured the other one was gonna do it.", "Noah: Yeah. Yeah, probably. I just -- I can't reach either one of them, so...", "Sharon: It was so hot in that vault, we could barely breathe.", "Nick: [Sighs] We did what we could to keep cool. [Sighs] If I could just find something to lift that safety lever...", "Sharon: That was a long time ago.", "Nick: Look around and see if you can find, like, a screwdriver or an ice pick.", "Sharon: You know, after Cassie was gone, we both moved on with our lives -- you with Phyllis and me with Jack, but... somehow, it just seems like it was yesterday.", "Nick: Well, I wish we could have some of that heat right now. I meant the temperature kind of heat.", "Sharon: No, I-I know what you meant. [Sighs] Yes, we're locked in a room together like we were then, but this is nothing like last time.", "Nick: Like the fact that I own this freezer, and I would do anything if it would malfunction right now?", "Sharon: We were in different places then, emotionally. And what happened in that vault happened because...we were different people.", "[Sharon remembering]", "Nick: I love you. What was wrong with me?", "Sharon: [Chuckles] doesn't do any good to talk about love, okay? It just -- it doesn't solve anything. It just doesn't help.", "Sharon: Anyway, it doesn't do us any good to think about it. We can't go back.", "Nick: [Sighs] I wish I could, uh... I wish we could go back in time.", "[Back to present]", "Nick: Hey! Look what I found!", "[Scraping, clanking]", "Sharon: Oh. Will that work?", "Nick: I hope so. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Well, the good news is you still have time. You don't have to make any decisions right now about what to do with that inheritance.", "Devon: Yeah, that's what you said to me after the reading of the will.", "Jack: Well, it sounds like good advice to me. Take your time. Explore your options. Decide what you want. You don't even have to think about how you're gonna spend the money.", "Devon: That's so hard to do, 'cause I literally -- I think about it constantly -- every day. Every day, I feel like I'm walking around with this big, giant weight on my back.", "Neil: Really? You're not enjoying it at all?", "Devon: I've tried. I'm -- you know, I've -- I've bought some things for myself. I've bought a lot of stuff for Roxanne. I would do more for the twins, but Cane and Lily don't want them spoiled. And, I, uh -- you know, I-I spend what I used to consider a fortune it feels like every day now.", "Neil: And that makes you feel bad?", "Devon: No, it doesn't make me feel bad. It's just -- it's more frustrating. I mean, I'm sure this sounds dumb -- at all, me complaining, but it's -- it's -- it's an overwhelming feeling. It's more money than I could ever spend in a lifetime.", "Jack: Oh, don't be so sure about that. Many a great fortune has been lost by reckless spending, bad investing, and poor planning.", "Neil: Oh, yeah.", "Devon: That's very true. I guess it would be smart of me to have someone in my life to help me manage it all. You know, Victor said to me --", "Jack: Wait, wait. Victor talked to you about this?", "Devon: Yes, he did. He did. He said that he thinks that Katherine leaving him the company and me all this money means that she wanted us to work together. I'm starting to think he might be right. [Sighs]", "Jack: [Inhales deeply]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, it's unfortunate you feel that way, Jill, but you have no say regarding the establishment of my new company.", "Jill: Oh, I'm making it my business.", "Victor: Do I need to remind you that it was Katherine's bequest to me -- Chancellor Industries?", "Jill: See, I would love to know how you hoodwinked her into that one.", "Victor: \"Hoodwinked\"?", "Jill: Well, managed to maneuver her somehow.", "Victor: Now, you know damn well that Katherine couldn't be hoodwinked or maneuvered into anything. She knew very well what she was doing when she --", "Jill: It makes no sense, at all.", "Victor: To you it doesn't make any sense. Katherine had a grand design. She wanted her gifts to mean something to each recipient, although that meaning wasn't always clear.", "Jill: Yes, I understand that. I went all the way to Switzerland to find out the \"Grand design\" for my particular gift, and I what I found out was very enlightening.", "Victor: And what did you find out?", "Jill: That she was not the woman you all think she was.", "Victor: Really? Do I need to remind you that she was a very close friend of mine? She was savvy. She was wily. She was determined. She was strong, very funny, and very generous. So anything you have to say to the contrary, you're dead wrong about.", "Jill: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Devon, you want to go into business with a successful businessman, there's one sitting here right now.", "Devon: You're talking about yourself?", "Jack: I'm talking about your father.", "Neil: Oh, Jack, thanks. I appreciate that, but I-- I've already offered my financial wisdom and advice to this young man once I saw you talking to Victor.", "Devon: Right. Yeah. And I -- you know I appreciate that. I do. And I'm not trying to offend you or anyone else. It's just what Victor said to me about Katherine is really starting to make sense.", "Neil: You're talking about that she somehow meant for you to connect with Victor?", "Devon: Yes. Yeah. And I'm still trying to figure out why, altogether. Because after she made sure that her entire family was taken care of, I mean, she made me her beneficiary.", "Neil: Son, I'm sure Katherine had her good reasons.", "Devon: What were those reasons? I never asked Katherine for one thing. I never asked her for money. She and I never even had a real relationship until a year ago.", "Neil: Okay, so, perhaps that's why. Um, she's trying to make it up to you.", "Devon: Maybe. But I do -- I want to hear from you two. Why -- what do you think the harm is in speaking to Victor?", "Neil: Uh, what did Victor say?", "Devon: He just said that he'd be more than happy to advise me on how to handle the money.", "Jack: I'll give you some advice right now. It won't cost you a cent -- stay far away from Victor Newman. He will extend one hand in friendship, and he will calmly stab you in the back with the other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I hope you're not here to cast further aspersions on Katherine.", "Jill: You know, you all thought that Katherine was a smart, strong, savvy woman, and she was masking her heart of gold with a tough veneer.", "Victor: Sounds about right.", "Jill: It wasn't. Oh, she was smart and savvy, all right, but that veneer -- that wasn't a veneer. She was vindictive to her core.", "Victor: You don't really believe that.", "Jill: Oh, yes, I do believe that.", "Victor: You do? I always thought that, in spite of all of your fights and arguments, you cared deeply for one another.", "Jill: She pretended to care deeply for me.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Well, be that as it may, Jill, um, because we are talking about Katherine and because Chancellor Industries used to belong to her, I will offer you a position at the newly reconfigured company.", "Jill: Excuse me? You are offering me a job?", "Victor: Does that surprise you?", "Jill: [Scoffing] Yeah. That insults me. I used to run Chancellor, Victor, and I ran it damn well. So, no, I won't be taking any orders from you.", "Victor: Well, as you like it. Okay? Now, if you came here to harangue me about a situation not of my own making, I think this business is concluded.", "Jill: You know what? This conversation may be over, but our business -- it's far from concluded.", "Victor: You have a nice day.", "Jill: Yeah, you have a good day, too, Victor.", "[Door slams]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Okay.", "Christine: Hey, wait. Did you find the missing evidence?", "[Door slams]", "Paul: I'm having the property clerk do a search.", "Christine: What, exactly, is missing?", "Paul: The crime-scene photos.", "Christine: Well, that's strange.", "Paul: Everything about this case is strange. I mean, it is possible the forensic team pulled the photos and got so busy they forgot to put them back.", "Christine: And it's not the first time it's happened. Things have gotten misfiled before.", "Paul: I need to find the photos. I'm really anxious to look at them.", "Christine: What are you trying to find?", "Paul: I'm not sure. You see, Chris, after Michael confessed, I-I quickly closed the case, so, the evidence wasn't really fully studied. I just wish that -- what?", "Christine: I-I now see what you're doing. You're blaming yourself.", "Paul: That's not it.", "Christine: No, on some level, you feel responsible for what's happened to Michael and his family.", "Paul: [Sighs] Okay, yeah, I-I do feel somewhat responsible.", "Christine: And that's crazy. You didn't create this or incite it.", "Paul: No, but, Chris, I allowed my friendship with Michael to affect the way I'd handle the case ordinarily, and now it's come back to bite me. It's come back to bite all of us. If I --", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Yeah? Williams. You're sure? All right. Thanks.", "Christine: Bad news?", "Paul: The crime-scene photos were never logged in. There's no record of them. That's absurd.", "Christine: And now they're missing.", "Paul: So, is that just bad police work... or is it something else?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You have to keep Fen safe.", "Michael: Christine pulled strings and got me moved for my own safety. I'm not even in the same part of the prison as he is.", "Lauren: We did this. We tried to protect our son, and it all blew up in our face. How did this happen?", "Michael: It happened because we love each other. It happened because we love Fenmore.", "Lauren: And what if he gets hurt or worse?", "Michael: Listen to me. Lauren, it's you and me and Fenmore. We stick together. We fight for each other. Remember?", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Michael: That's the only thing we have to hold on to.", "Lauren: That is not enough!", "Michael: How did this all start? Fenmore's problems? Carmine? All of it?", "Lauren: With me. It started with me.", "Michael: I love you, but no. It started with us. We forgot how much we love each other, and that can never happen again. So, together, we're gonna figure out a way to get Fenmore and me out of this place and back with you, where we belong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Clinking]", "Nick: [Grunts] Damn it.", "Sharon: [Exhales deeply] Is it getting colder in here? I can't feel my fingers.", "[Clatter]", "Nick: Let me see.", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Nick: I hope you don't have frostbite.", "Sharon: No, it's too soon.", "Nick: Frostbite can happen real fast. We just have to keep your blood circulating, keep you warm.", "Sharon: Well...", "Nick: Here.", "Sharon: What? What are you doing?", "Nick: [Sighs] Here. I want you to put my shirt on.", "Sharon: But, Nick, what about you?", "Nick: I'm gonna be fine, but we have got to keep you warm.", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Nick: Put your hands inside the sleeve.", "Sharon: Okay. Nick, we're in serious trouble, aren't we?", "Nick: No, no, no. We're gonna be fine. Someone's gonna find us.", "Sharon: You're freezing. I mean, without your shirt, you're gonna get hypothermia.", "Nick: Don't worry. It takes at least a half an hour in zero degrees for hypothermia to set in, but once your body temperature gets below 95, things can happen pretty quickly.", "Sharon: Well, I'd be impressed with your vast knowledge of this, but you sound like someone who had two children fall through the ice.", "Nick: [Sighs] Noah and Cassie. Yeah, who would have thought we'd be in a situation where that information would come in handy, but here we are.", "Sharon: [Sighs] Well, since you're the expert, what do we do? How do we get through this?", "Nick: [Sighs] There's really nothing else to wrap ourselves in.", "Sharon: There's body heat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: So, I gave my, uh, two weeks' notice.", "Mason: You're really quitting?", "Noah: I am officially retiring from this saloon to work for my grandfather, which means that you get a few extra shifts.", "Mason: [Chuckles] Thanks, but, um, I don't plan on being here too much longer myself. I'm pursuing a business opportunity of my own.", "Noah: You know what? My dad's never late like this -- not without calling first.", "Mason: So, both your parents are unaccounted for?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Mason: Yeah, that is strange.", "Noah: Extremely strange, especially since they have no reason to be together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: [Weakly] It's hot in here.", "Nick: [Sighs] Sharon.", "Sharon: Hmm? Oh, did I say \"Hot\"? I meant cold.", "Nick: Yeah, the cold's getting to you. All right, I need you to stay with me. I need you to stay awake. Someone's gonna open that door very soon.", "Sharon: [Sighs] Okay. I'm fine.", "Nick: I need you to concentrate, okay? I think you're in the first stages of hypothermia.", "Sharon: [Sighs] First stage?", "Nick: Yeah, delusions and confusion. I just need to keep you warm.", "Sharon: Nick, do you think this is the end?", "Nick: [Exhales deeply] No, of course not. Of course not. It's not, okay? You're just a little delirious.", "Sharon: I might not...get another chance to say this. I better say it now.", "Nick: Oh, don't be silly, Sharon. You're gonna have lots of chances to tell me whatever it is.", "Sharon: I hope you're right. But if you're not, I wanted to say this so many times.", "Nick: Shh. I need you to stay calm. Save your energy.", "Sharon: [Sighs] You need to know what I did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Who would want that evidence to disappear?", "[Knock on door]", "[Door opens]", "Lauren: Hi.", "Paul: Hi.", "Christine: Lauren, hi. How are you? How -- how's Fen doing?", "Lauren: I don't know. They won't let me see him till tomorrow, but I did see Michael.", "Paul: You told him about Fen?", "Lauren: Yeah. But it's so dangerous in there, and Fen is so young. Christine, I know that you were able to move Michael. Is there any possible way that you could do the same for Fen? At least, if they were together...", "Christine: I can try. But, look, the prison officials were willing to move Michael because he was a former district attorney. They wanted to make sure he wasn't gonna get hurt by the criminals he helped put away. Fen -- it's a totally different situation.", "Lauren: Please -- if you could please try and help my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cop: Keep moving.", "Michael: [Sighs]", "Fenmore: Dad?", "Michael: Fenmore.", "Fenmore: Dad, I-I--", "Michael: Shut up. Shut up. Just...quiet. That's the last time you can call me that in here. You hear me? Listen, when somebody mentions my name, you pretend you don't know me. When you see me, you turn the other way.", "Fen: I-I-I don't understand. I'm your son.", "Michael: Yes, and I love you, but being my son in here can get you killed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Jack.", "Jack: Hi.", "Jill: Have you spoken to Billy since the funeral?", "Jack: No, I left a couple messages for him. He's not ready to accept my help.", "Jill: God, I should call Victoria.", "Jack: Oh, Victoria just left two messages for me.", "Jill: [Sighs]", "Jack: She's looking for him, too, hoping he was with me.", "Jill: I am really, really worried about him. And we're all just so busy, you know, running around, throwing ourselves into things to take our minds off what we can't.", "Jack: That's right -- throwing ourselves into work.", "Jill: Yeah. Except in my case, the idea of work, since I'm unemployed.", "Jack: Wait, you won't be joining Newman-Chancellor?", "Jill: Oh, I most certainly will not.", "Jack: That's a shame. I know how much Chancellor meant to you.", "Jill: Yeah. Katherine knew how much it meant to me, too. She should have left it to me. But, as Victor said, it was part of her \"Grand design.\"", "Jack: Yeah, she always was strategic.", "Jill: Yes, she was full of surprises, like leaving her beloved company to Victor, who doesn't deserve it, who will not honor it, who will hack it up and sell it for parts. God, I'd love to pull it out from under him.", "Jack: Join the club.", "Jill: Really?", "Jack: I am not interested in Chancellor, per se, but I just lost a lot of money watching Victor blindside his own son to get that company back. I'm gonna teach him a lesson.", "Jill: Well, if we're going after Victor, you know what they say.", "Jack: They say a lot of things. What, exactly, did you want to say?", "Jill: That there's strength in numbers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Victor.", "Victor: To what do I owe this pleasure?", "Neil: Well, let me get right to the point. Um, Victor, I'm here to talk to you about my son.", "Victor: Oh, what about Devon?", "Neil: I understand you've been giving him some advice.", "Victor: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're now telling me to stay away from giving your son advice? I've heard that this week from someone else.", "Neil: Now, hold on. Not what you think. I'm not here to warn you off Devon. He isn't the only one who needs your advice. I do, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Up-tempo music plays]", "Devon: Hey. Is it too early to get a drink?", "[Volume decreases]", "Mason: I didn't hear you come in, man. What can I get for you?", "Devon: Let me get a scotch, neat.", "Mason: You got it. You're the first customer in today, Devon. We don't have the bank to make change for that yet.", "Devon: I don't need change.", "Mason: That is way too big of a tip. Listen here --", "Devon: This music...", "Mason: It's off the playlist off my phone. You want me to change it?", "Devon: No, no. Don't change it at all. I like it. That's why I produced it.", "Mason: You produced this?", "Devon: I did.", "Mason: Man, you got good taste.", "Devon: Well, apparently, so do you.", "Noah: Hey, I'm getting pretty creeped out here, Dad. Would you give me a call soon, please? Thanks.", "Devon: Thanks, man.", "[Cell phone ringing]", "Noah: Hey.", "[Ringing continues]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, don't talk. The air's getting thinner.", "Sharon: It's important.", "Nick: No, what's important is to stay warm.", "Sharon: Like the vault.", "Nick: Yeah. Like the vault. Just...think about the vault. Pretend we're there. [Sighs]", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Nick: D-do you feel the heat?", "Sharon: Mm. I can feel it.", "[Door opens]", "Nick: Oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Okay, I want to head up Chancellor. You want payback.", "Jack: Which adds up to?", "Jill: Victor ruined.", "Jack: Seems to me a lot of people would be happy about that.", "Jill: I don't care about a lot of people. I care about you and me. I care about a partnership.", "Jack: Us working together?", "Jill: We may kill each other.", "Jack: It's a real possibility, Jill.", "Jill: But until we do, Jack, what do you say we work together to bring Victor down?", "Jack: You got a deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Have a seat, Neil.", "Neil: Thanks, Victor.", "Victor: So, you want my advice on how to advise your son?", "Neil: Well, he obviously respects you as a businessman, apparently more so than he respects his own father.", "Victor: Oh, come on. I doubt that seriously.", "Neil: Okay, come on. Let's -- let's cut the games. You know, you taught me most of what I know about business. And thank you for that. But, in reality, I respect your fathering skills, Victor.", "Victor: [Chuckles] I'm afraid to say you're in the minority.", "Neil: Look at your kids.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Neil: Victoria and Nick -- well-adjusted, smart, good values. Then you've got Abby -- responsible, very clever.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Neil: All three of your kids have more money than they know what to do with, but it's not what defines them. That's what I want for Devon.", "Victor: All right. So, what's your concern?", "Neil: Well, as you know, he's come into this windfall of money, and I believe he's confused about the role that he's playing in the world now. So, I don't know what to say to him. I talked to him a little bit, but how do I help him? What do I say? What do you think?", "Victor: That's a very good question -- a very difficult one to answer. Just know that coming into that much money -- inheriting that much money -- is very difficult psychologically. He'll be surrounded by all kinds of people who will envy him, who will want things from him. So, my suggestion is that he surrounds himself with competent people, but, most of all, teach him how to differentiate between what is a good friend and a bad one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: This is a pretty eclectic list, but I've pretty much downloaded every one of these songs myself.", "Mason: Really?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mason: So, who are you into lately?", "Devon: Uh, I like Aloe Black, uh, Jeff Buckley. Going old-school with Koko Taylor.", "Mason: Then you must be into Valerie June.", "Devon: I must be. [Chuckles]", "Mason: Nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Oh, Lauren, I-I wish there was more we could do for you. Why don't you go home and -- and try and get some sleep?", "Lauren: [Scoffs] Right. You think I could sleep?", "Christine: At least try...for Michael and Fen's sakes.", "Lauren: How could this happen to my family? [Sighs]", "Paul: [Sighs]", "[Door thuds]", "Christine: It is so hard to watch this happen to them.", "Paul: What can I do for her?", "Christine: Well, like you said, you have to go back to the beginning. Where did this all start?", "Paul: [Sighs] Carmine Basco.", "[Button clicks]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Lauren: Hello? Hello? Who's there?", "[Click]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Turn away from me. Do it. Now. Lean against the fence. I want you to listen very carefully to everything I'm about to say to you. Be alert at all times in here. Be respectful. Do not ever express disdain, displeasure, or disgust. Do not pry. Do not ask personal questions. Never borrow anything. Do not brag, and above all, do not say that you're the son of the ex-district attorney. Is that clear?", "Fenmore: Yeah.", "[Whistle blows]", "Michael: We have to go back in now. Remember what I told you. Do not drop your guard even for a second in this place.", "Cop: Inside!", "Prisoner: Don't look so scared. I'll take care of you. [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: You could have died if I hadn't figured out you were here somewhere.", "Sharon: You know what? It was getting scary.", "Nick: I wasn't scared. I knew you'd come and rescue us.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Noah: I'm gonna go see if there's some more blankets in the office.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: [Sighs] You know, we should probably get you to the hospital.", "Sharon: Wh-- no. No. I'm I mean, I-I know that I, uh -- I was getting a little light-headed in the freezer, and -- and I said some things, but...", "Nick: You didn't embarrass yourself.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Nick: I'm just glad you're okay.", "Sharon: Funny -- I -- you know, it felt like life or death when we were in the freezer, but now that we're warm and safe, it just feels like nothing happened.", "Nick: Not a thing.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: Why did you invite this man into our home?", "Nikki: You can assume that I have a valid reason.", "Victor: I don't assume anything!", "Abby: Who's Mariah?", "Tyler: She's my fiancée.", "Chelsea: You keep lying and covering, and I know what it's about." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon asks Nick for forgiveness and blames her actions on her illness, but Nick can't forgive Sharon because she caused Summer too much pain. Nick also tells Sharon that she killed the love he felt for her when she took his daughter away from him for a year and gave her to Jack. Nick moves out of Sharon's house and back to the tack house. Summer is devastated when Jack and Phyllis tell her the truth, since she has grown to love Jack as a father. Jack tells Summer she has a permanent place in his heart and he feels blessed and proud to call her his daughter. Summer and Jack go off to be alone and think. Jack ends up at the Athletic club where he has a drink and runs into Kelly. Summer finds Nick at the tack house where he holds her as she cries.", "Kelly and Stitch decide to fight for love. Stitch tells Victoria that he is ready to tell her the truth if she is ready to listen to him. Victoria heads to Billy's place to tell him about Summer and to ask him if he can ask Chelsea to persuade Jeffrey to drop the lawsuit against Stitch and the hospital. Billy tells Victoria that he is sure Chelsea will do what she can to help, because she has a good heart. Victoria tells Billy that for the sake of the baby, she has decided to put the past behind her and move on with her life just like he has done. Kevin finds Michael at the doctor's office and confesses that he put a tracker on his phone, because he thought he was having an affair. Michael tells Kevin that he isn't having an affair; he has cancer.", "" ]
[ "Jack: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: You know, Summer will always love --", "Jack: I called and asked her to come over. She needs to know the truth about her paternity now, not later.", "Phyllis: Of course. Maybe we should have Nick with us, too?", "Jack: Nick has the rest of his life with her. I'd like some time with my -- with Summer. Besides, Nick has other problems.", "[Door opens]", "Sharon: Oh, thank God. When I got home, there was a note from Noah saying you asked him to keep faith overnight. She must be really confused. I can't imagine what Noah must think. Um... you weren't at the tack house, so I left you a bunch of messages.", "Nick: I took a walk.", "Sharon: All night?", "Nick: Yeah. All night.", "Sharon: But now you're home.", "Nick: I came to get my things. This isn't my home. We have nothing left.", "Michael: If you know the results of the biopsy, why don't you just tell -- yes, I understand. I'll be there. Thank you. It's called knocking.", "Kevin: And I'm called your brother.", "Michael: Is this your new thing? Barging in, looking at laptops?", "Kevin: Yeah. So, listen, I brought you a present.", "Michael: What? More baked goods with accusations?", "Kevin: Stop talking for like two seconds. [Clears throat]", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Michael: You brought me my wife. Thank you.", "Lauren: I am not alone.", "Michael: Fenmore.", "Fenmore: Hey, dad.", "Michael: You're home. Oh! Wait, hold on. What's wrong? What happened?", "Fenmore: Kevin called. He said I had to get back to G.C. Right away.", "Lauren: Even though you'll be back in a few weeks for thanksgiving. Why now?", "Kevin: Well, it had to be today. Otherwise it might be too late.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Billy: Uh, no Johnny. I-I didn't blow a visitation, did I?", "Victoria: No, no. He's -- he's with Hannah. Um...can I come in?", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah, sure. What's up?", "Victoria: Thanks. Uh... [Sighs] I just needed to talk to you. Is Chelsea home?", "Billy: No. It's just me.", "Victoria: Well, um, I came by for two reasons. First of all, I feel like I owe you an apology. I know that you had nothing to do with Ben's arrest. And I'm sorry that I assumed.", "Billy: Well, it wouldn't have been the first time that I went after stitch, but it's like I told you before, I'm done.", "Victoria: Right. And I know that now. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. But, you know, I'm still just trying to piece all this together. So...I have to ask. Did Chelsea have a part in this?", "Billy: If it's not me, then it must be Chelsea, right?", "Victoria: Well, because Chelsea's dad is Jeff, and he instigated the fraud charges, and I just thought maybe she put the idea into his idea, you know?", "Billy: No, there's not a chance. And if she knew anything about this, she would rip Jeff apart, seriously.", "Victoria: He's after money. He's suing the hospital.", "Billy: Well, I will tell Chelsea, and she'll try and talk him down, at least give it her best shot.", "Victoria: You seem really positive. Why do you even want to help Ben?", "Billy: I don't. But clearly it's hurting you, and I'm not okay with that.", "Kelly: Ben?", "Stitch: Kelly, hey.", "Kelly: Hey. Good morning. Uh, what's going on? You here for breakfast?", "Stitch: I'm looking for mom. She's not in her room.", "Kelly: I haven't seen her. Why do you need her?", "Stitch: To talk as soon as possible. I made a decision. Some things are gonna change.", "Kelly: Like what?", "Stitch: Big things, and not just for me.", "Phyllis: Still mad at me? That's stupid. Just -- never mind. You have every right to be about how things came out last night. I have this fury all the time that, uh, was taken from me because of what Sharon did to me and my family. I needed proof. Just blurting it out to you and Summer, I couldn't. I couldn't. I needed to hear Sharon say it first, admit what she did, Jack. Jack, I spent a year in silence. You know what? If I experience another hour of it, I think my head's gonna explode. Not that I am making this about me.", "Summer: Hey. You, uh, you sounded a little weird on the phone. Are you okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Perfect. Physically. Come here. Come here.", "Summer: Something's wrong. What -- what -- what is it?", "Jack: Summer...", "Summer: Okay, now you're both scaring me. Just tell me what's wrong. Dad.", "Victoria: You know, if you could just talk to Chelsea, maybe she could talk to Jeff about withdrawing the suit.", "Billy: You know, she does have a heart, Vick. She will give Jeff the smackdown. That's -- that's their thing.", "Victoria: Ben has a heart, too. Maybe people don't realize that because of what they've heard.", "Billy: Yeah, the word \"murder\" does carry some baggage with it.", "Victoria: I think he's paid for what he's done. Maybe he's paid more than he should have.", "Billy: So you're saying that stitch got the wrong end after killing his own dad.", "Victoria: I'm just saying that we don't know everything. Not yet.", "Billy: Did he confess? What else is there?", "Victoria: There's more after your thorough investigation.", "Billy: Was I wrong, Victoria? Was the guy hiding something?", "Victoria: Stop! Just... we'll stop.", "Billy: On a dime. I'm fast like that.", "Victoria: Yeah, you are. Besides, there's another reason that I came by. There's something else that I have to tell you.", "Billy: Is it about the baby?", "Victoria: No, it's about a child, but not this child. Billy, Jack just got some information that's gonna be really hard for him to deal with, and he's gonna need all of the love and support that he can get from us right now.", "Kelly: Lives will change? Oh, Ben. You've been hopeful before. Is this about Victoria?", "Stitch: It is, but everything else, too. Things are gonna be different this time, and I'm not talking just baby steps. I'm talking the whole nine yards.", "Kelly: Good. I hope you're right.", "Stitch: It's a brand-new world for me, Kel. At least it will be soon enough.", "Kelly: Nice.", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Kelly: That's a good feeling, isn't it?", "Stitch: It is.", "Kelly: Hope.", "Both: Yeah.", "[Both chuckle]", "Stitch: I guess that's a novel experience for the both of us, huh?", "Kelly: Misery is pretty easy to get used to, isn't it? It wears you down. You know, Jack -- he gave me my hope back months ago. Tell you a little secret. I feel it again.", "Stitch: So, the Phyllis situation, it's --", "Kelly: Oh, everybody thinks that he and Phyllis are meant to be and I should just walk away, but you know what? I say too bad for them. I'm gonna stay and fight.", "Stitch: You're tough, Kel. Tougher than anyone knows.", "Kelly: Maybe it's genetic.", "Stitch: Maybe it is. And I'm gearing up for a fight, too. And it won't be easy, that's for sure.", "Kelly: Come on now. Maybe Victoria's ready to forgive.", "Stitch: Maybe she is. But the thing is, in the back of my head, I know that when two people share a kid, that's the -- that's the biggest reason in the world to try and make it work.", "Phyllis: Come on. Let's sit down. Want some iced tea? Are you hungry, baby?", "Summer: Mom, you are not Suzy homemaker. Okay, if something is wrong, just tell me. Dad.", "Jack: Don't.", "Summer: Don't what?", "Jack: Don't call me dad, all right?", "Summer: But I thought you liked when I called you that.", "Jack: I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry. I love it. I love the sound of it.", "Summer: Okay, then I don't understand. Did you and Nick get in another fight about me or -- you guys were getting along so well. Both my dads, I don't --", "Jack: I'm not...", "Summer: You're not what?", "Jack: I'm not your father, Summer. There's been a mistake.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Wasn't a mistake. It was vicious, it was selfish, and it was sick.", "Summer: I don't get what's going on. Just tell me what's happening.", "Phyllis: Baby, um... Sharon changed the paternity test that Nick ran last year. She made the results say that Nick was not your biological father.", "Summer: No, no, no. That does not make any sense. You and Nick came down to Chicago to tell me that --", "Phyllis: It was a lie. It was a lie that Sharon created because she wanted to get her claws into Nick. It was never true. This -- this, here and now, this is -- this is the truth.", "Summer: But if you're not my -- my dad, then...", "Jack: Nick is your father. All this time, it was always him.", "Sharon: Nick, you can't just go.", "Nick: I can get my stuff now or later if you want.", "Sharon: Not like this.", "Nick: Then like what?", "Sharon: We calm down. We talk.", "Nick: And say what? Sharon, we lost Cassie together. We both know what it's like to have that hole carved in your heart because of one awful night, one terrible accident. But you did this to me on purpose. You took Summer from me. We've hurt each other a million different ways, but this...", "Sharon: I know. I know. But I can explain.", "Nick: Do it. Help me understand this.", "Michael: You insisted that he come home now. You do know the boy's in college. He is busy.", "Fenmore: There was no way I was gonna stay once I heard Kevin's message.", "Lauren: Must have been urgent.", "Michael: I doubt that.", "Kevin: Well, only when you consider this urgent. Floor seats, reunion tour, fen's favorite band.", "Fenmore: Oh, that is the exact definition of urgent.", "Lauren: Yeah, so is your education!", "Fenmore: There's no classes today. I brought my books, and I read on the plane.", "Kevin: So it's all good. I don't have to sit alone in the arena like a dork, and you get to visit with your child. Why, yes, I am a hero.", "Michael: You are an interfering pain in the ass.", "Lauren: Michael.", "Fenmore: What's going on with you guys?", "Summer: No. There is -- there is no way. There is no way that someone ever --", "Jack: It's true. Sharon admitted it last night.", "Summer: Well, maybe it's all in her head. You can't take her word for it.", "Phyllis: It's true. I've known about this for a long time. That's why I was running up the stairs. I was looking to tell Jack and everybody else, but Sharon couldn't let that happen.", "Summer: W-w-w-- are you telling me that Sharon tried to kill you?", "Jack: No, she is not saying that.", "Phyllis: Tried to? Maybe not. Almost did? You betcha. I was calling Jack, and she grabbed for my phone, and... we know the rest.", "Summer: No, no, no. The police gave me your phone. And the lipstick in the stair, that was not just Sharon's shade. That was Sharon's lipstick. All this time...", "Jack: I know. I know.", "Phyllis: She knew what she was doing to you and to me. That psycho turned everybody's life upside down.", "Summer: I thought that... I thought that we were...", "Jack: I did, too.", "Sharon: If we could just sit down...", "Nick: I don't want to sit down. I just want you to help me understand this.", "Sharon: For most of my life, I've been in love with you. No matter what we did, what we said, who we were with -- for me in my heart, it was always you. And then I got sick. And this illness, this disorder made it so that I didn't know what was right anymore. I started seeing Cassie, and she was telling me that I needed to protect our bond, that in order for me to remain in your life or remain special to you, I needed to be the only mother of your children.", "Nick: Cassie would never, ever...", "Sharon: No, I know that. You're right. It was my illness. But it made sense to me to trust her. Cassie told us that we were gonna have another daughter one day, and she was right, so I believed her about this, too. She knew how much I needed you.", "Nick: It wasn't Cassie. It was you. You let me think that Summer wasn't mine.", "Sharon: And I felt so guilty and ashamed. And I wanted to tell you so badly. I...I just was afraid of losing you. And at the time, I was seeing Cassie everywhere. I was confused. And then I had the ECT. And after that treatment, all of those memories were gone.", "Nick: All those nights we talked about us and our future and our family...", "Sharon: When we were falling in love again, I had no idea of what I had done.", "Nick: But you did it. It happened.", "Sharon: Yes. I made a terrible mistake because of my illness. But our love, that was real. That was honest. And, Nick, if you could just see that, if you could just see that that wasn't me and I would do anything to take this back... Nick, please. Don't go. Stay. Stay and help me the way that you have before.", "Nick: Help you? Because of your illness.", "Sharon: I know I have to help myself. And I know what I've done. But that part is in the past, Nick. You and I have gone to bed together. We have woken up together. We've sworn that we would love each other forever many times since then. I am a very different person since the ECT. I'm not capable of doing horrible things like that anymore. And of course I have to be cautious. I-I need the right care. But I... I will do that. I have.", "Nick: Yeah, you need to -- you need to be well for our kids' sake.", "Sharon: And for you and for me and for us.", "Nick: There is no us.", "Sharon: There will always be an us, Nick. There will always be --", "Nick: Sharon, you stole my child from me. How many times did you watch me cry because I didn't think Summer was mine? You let Summer fall apart because she thought her whole life was a lie. And you let people blame me because they thought I kept Summer from Jack.", "Sharon: They forgave you.", "Nick: For something I didn't do!", "Sharon: But if they could forgive you for that, then you can forgive me for this.", "Nick: You broke my daughter's heart. You took Noah and faith from her, her family. You made her feel things that she never should have felt. And what you did to Phyllis --", "Sharon: I did not push Phyllis.", "Nick: An entire year was gone. Summer had already lost me, and she was terrified that she lost her mother because of you.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "Nick: Well, that doesn't cut it. Your tears do not make my daughter's pain go away.", "Summer: I'm so sorry. You were so loving and so generous to me, and I'm not even --", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no. Listen to me. I'm the first person that held you when you were born. I loved you ever since. I will love you till the day I die. Nothing will change that. Ever. While you've been with me, I've watched you blossom and grow... fall in love. And I could not be any prouder to call you my daughter.", "Summer: I was so angry in the beginning, and I was so awful to you. I would not have been able to make it through this year without you.", "Billy: But Jack loves Summer. I mean, finding out she was his daughter was like Christmas for him.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. He's gonna need you, which is why I thought I should tell you in person.", "Billy: Even if it meant coming here?", "Victoria: Yeah, well, you know, you definitely win the award for moving on by moving in with Chelsea.", "Billy: I'm moving on? What about your, uh, tattooed ring?", "Victoria: Yeah, um, this, well, it's just makeup, you know, but, um, after the baby's born, then...", "Billy: Then away it goes.", "Victoria: You know, they said they weren't gonna be able to completely remove the ring. It's gonna leave a mark.", "Billy: Everything does, doesn't it? But then I guess it's not all bad, right? I mean, maybe someday you and I can have a conversation without this cloud of tension and guilt and regret.", "Victoria: Yeah. I think the cloud is getting smaller, if that helps.", "Billy: Yeah. [Chuckles] It does.", "Kevin: No, that's fine. Michael's right.", "Lauren: To snap at you like that?", "Kevin: You know, ever since Chloe... since the divorce, I think I've been a little aggressively \"here's some tickets, here's your kid, here's a little slice of joy left in the world.\"", "Fenmore: But truth be told, I am something to be joyful about.", "Lauren: Yes, you are.", "Kevin: Yes, of course. But I think I can ease back on the \"in your face\" aspect, you know? Not be yukking it up all the time.", "Michael: Exactly.", "Lauren: But when we can't find something that makes us smile, it's a good thing, right? Like our son.", "Fenmore: Exactly. The golden child returns.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: Oh. Excuse me. Um, this is a meeting I have to get to.", "Lauren: Now?", "Michael: Yes. This was a wonderful surprise. I'm so glad you're home. I will see you later.", "Lauren: Yeah. Of course.", "Fenmore: I'll walk you out. I'll tell you about the classes I'm failing.", "Lauren: What?!", "Fenmore: I'm joking, I swear.", "Michael: Come on.", "Lauren: So, you lured fen from school. Do you really think that Michael and I are in so much trouble that we need to see our son to remember what's at stake?", "Kevin: What? No, no, no. It was the concert. You and Michael are fine. I thought fen would --", "Lauren: All right. Stop talking. Thank you.", "Fenmore: So, you're okay?", "Michael: Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?", "Fenmore: You're a little jumpy.", "Michael: I have a big verdict coming up. This case, this client -- I need it to go well.", "Fenmore: Dad, it's you.", "Michael: What?", "Fenmore: It's a lock. You always win.", "Michael: Huh. I wish that was true.", "Fenmore: It is. You'll win this one, too.", "Sharon: I will talk to Summer. I'll explain.", "Nick: Yeah? What are you gonna say? That you're sorry you turned her life upside down? That you didn't give a damn who you hurt?", "Sharon: I did care, Nick. I really did. It ate away at my heart and my soul all the time. But at the same time, I needed to know that you and I could find our way back together again, and we did. And you were there for me when I needed you. That's what kept me back from the edge. It was loving you and knowing that you love me. Our love for each other is what made me whole again. Us loving each other is what made our family whole again. The wedding, it was supposed to be for all of us!", "Nick: Including my daughter you shoved right out of my life.", "Sharon: I didn't know what I'd done. I didn't remember. You know how hard I tried. I went to therapy. I went to hypnosis. I even went to Victor for help because the thought of hurting you... you said that you would love me no matter what.", "Nick: [Voice breaking] For anything but this. It was vicious and hateful.", "Sharon: You love me. I know you do. Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't love me.", "Summer: So, Sharon changed the paternity test.", "Jack: Yeah. She confessed it all last night.", "Summer: I just -- I just don't get it. She's been so nice to me this past year. I mean, she acted like a second --", "Phyllis: Second what? Second mother? You listen to me. She is a manipulating bitch...", "Jack: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: ...Who knew what she was doing to you, to Nick, to Jack, to me. Maybe -- maybe she did forget. Maybe she got it zapped out of that blonde bubble she calls a brain. But it was no accident, and it was no mistake.", "Jack: Your -- your mother is angry. We all are angry. But our focus is on you right now.", "Summer: You guys are worried about me? You're just scared that I'm gonna go take pills or drive like a lunatic, but I promise I'm not who I was a year ago. I have Austin.", "Phyllis: That's good, honey, but you need... all of us. And Austin.", "Jack: And we will be here for you. This news does not change that.", "Summer: Okay, but it's not all about me. What about you?", "Jack: I will admit my heart is breaking. It has since last night. Summer, you're a gift. You filled a corner of my heart I didn't know was empty. And I will be forever grateful for that, and -- and I will miss you terribly.", "Summer: No, no, no, no, no. I'm here. Mom -- mom's home, and she's gonna be here. I'm gonna be here all the time. We -- we can still be together. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: Summer.", "Jack: No, no, no. Let her -- let her go. She's got to work this through her own way.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] Hey. Everything we said about being there for her, you know, that's all true for you, too, baby. If you want to talk --", "Jack: No. Right now, I think I need to be alone.", "Billy: Thank you for coming here to tell me about Summer in person.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, it's hard news to deliver by phone.", "Billy: Probably not easier to come here, either.", "Victoria: You know, I've been really angry at you for the last few months. And then I just sort of aimed all of that at Ben. But now I-I don't have the time or energy for any of those feelings. And this baby's coming soon. [Chuckles] And I-I just don't want him or her born into that kind of negativity and bitterness, you know?", "Billy: Yeah. Just sunshine and moonbeams, right?", "Victoria: If you're gonna have that kind of peace, you got to be able to forgive.", "Billy: Well, I've given you a pretty tall hurdle on the road to forgiveness.", "Victoria: It's what people do. They make mistakes. Maybe if we can stop staring at the past, then we can start picturing the future.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah.", "Stitch: Do you ever think about it? How dad died?", "Kelly: What? The fire? Him dying like that? The fact that my own brother... no, Ben. No, I don't think about it. In fact, I try hard not to.", "Stitch: Okay, but you -- you don't think about how it was, how things were for us?", "Kelly: No! What? You mean like troubled home life? Sure. I mean, come on. It was obviously screwed up. Things wouldn't have turned out the way they did. Why talk about it? Why dig up the past? I mean, look, you and I, we're talking. It's nice, like a real brother and sister. I like it. I like having my brother back. So, if that means we leave the past where it is, okay, let's do that.", "Stitch: So, if we're talking about the present again, does that mean we're talking about you?", "Kelly: No. Talk about you. Look, I really -- I really care. I really hope that you and Victoria work things out.", "Stitch: Same goes for you and Jack. Stand and fight.", "Kelly: Thanks. [Chuckles] If I ran, it would really make me look like I was too scared or weak or like I didn't deserve to be happy, right? And I say why not me? [Chuckles] Why not you? Why not me and Jack? Why not you and Victoria? Either -- either you stand and fight for what you want or you curl up and die, right?", "Michael: Hi.", "Sharon: You can't tell me that you don't love me.", "Nick: Sharon, falling in love with you again...was the easiest thing to do in the world. We both said it felt like we were coming home.", "Sharon: We are home, Nick. This is our home! When you told me earlier that no matter what I had done, it wouldn't matter to you, that was very hard for me to believe! It took a leap of faith, but I took it. And now I'm asking you to trust me. We can get through this!", "Nick: I don't want to get through it. Believe me when I say this. I can search my heart and soul for days. And there is nothing left in there for you anymore.", "Sharon: Don't.", "Nick: You killed it. You lied, and then you handed my daughter to another man and said, \"she's yours.\" I don't love you anymore.", "Sharon: Nick, don't -- don't say that.", "Nick: I'll come back later for my stuff.", "Sharon: Wait, what about... what about faith and Noah? Nick, we're a family!", "Nick: We'll figure out... we'll figure out how to deal with them. When I think about what this is gonna do to faith...", "Sharon: Nick, stop. I can't lose you.", "Nick: You already did.", "Fenmore: You late for something?", "Lauren: Not yet. I have a meeting at Jabot in a little bit. But I hate losing time with you. I-I wish I could stay here longer.", "Fenmore: I'll be back for turkey and stuffing in two weeks. Maybe hang out with Summer, get to know this husband of hers. It's weird, right? I mean, she just met the guy, and now she has a husband?", "Lauren: Take it from me. Um, love is always weird. And this is coming from the voice of experience.", "Kevin: Was that her?", "Michael: Kevin.", "Kevin: Was that her?", "Michael: You followed me?", "Kevin: Yes, I gave your wife and son a good excuse, and like a good, little techie, I tracked your phone's GPS. So, is that the woman you're willing to risk everything for? You're not answering me, so I'm going to assume that's a yes.", "Michael: That woman was a receptionist.", "Kevin: So, you came to her place of work to cheat on your wife?", "Michael: I'm not having an affair, Kevin. I have cancer.", "Stitch: Ma, uh, we need to talk. It's time for me to just get everything out there. Call me soon. Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Stitch: Um, I'm ready.", "Victoria: To tell the truth?", "Stitch: Not now. Not like this, though.", "Victoria: You're delaying again.", "Stitch: No, no, no. All that -- all that's over. Tonight, dinner, just you and me. I'll tell you everything you need to know, if you're ready to listen.", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm ready.", "Stitch: I'll see you tonight, then.", "Summer: Dad.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: You have cancer.", "Michael: Which makes it my business, no one else's.", "Kevin: What about your wife?", "Lauren: Don't tell me that you and Jack aren't together.", "Phyllis: Why would you think Jack and I aren't together?", "Sharon: You came here to get your things?", "Nick: I'd like to talk." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victoria makes it clear to her father that she wants a merger between Newman Enterprises and Brash and Sassy, not a buy out. She also wants to name the Chief Operating Officer and let everyone know that she will be the one to take over the company when he is ready to retire. Abby knows that Victoria and Victor are up to something and she is determined to find out what they are hiding from her. When Abby asks Zack to move in with her, he thinks it is too quick at first but in the end Abby persuades him to move in with her. Nick considers not rebuilding the Underground but Phyllis tells him not to quit and he agrees to give it some thought. Phyllis tells Nick that her relationship with Billy has ended. Jack tells Billy he can move back into the Abbott house and Billy accepts but he makes it clear that he will not be there long because he will not give up on Phyllis because she is the only person who understands him. Victoria tells Billy she doesn't trust him anymore and the only thing they share is their children.", "Scott and Sharon try to persuade Paul that Zack is the person behind the sex ring but he says he needs more proof, so Paul decides to see if Crystal will indentify Zack as the ringleader. Chelsea tells Jordan that Hilary wants to expose his past. Since he can't risk that, he tells Jordan to do anything he has to do to stop Hilary from finding out about his past. Jordan tells Hilary that if she exposes his past, he will make sure everyone sees the nude photos that he took of her, because he lied when he told her that he destroyed all copies of the pictures.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Thanks, man.", "Jack: No one else here to pick you up?", "Victoria: Need help?", "Abby: Got it. Oh. Hi.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] How's reed?", "Victoria: Uh, he's doing really well. Thank you.", "Abby: I, uh, I still can't believe that nick's club's gone.", "Victoria: No. Second time that he's been burned recently. When you moved into his house on the ranch and all.", "Abby: Right. Um... so, uh, why are you trolling the halls?", "Victoria: I'm visiting dad.", "Abby: Hmm.", "Victoria: What?", "Abby: Nothing. It -- it just seems odd. You haven't done that in ages.", "Victoria: Well, then I guess I'm overdue.", "Abby: Or you just trying not to tell me the real reason that you're meeting with him?", "Jordan: Caution. The woman that hates you is closer than she appears.", "Hilary: And to think i actually thought you had a sense of humor. But then again, I also thought you were a decent guy. But it turns out you were just using me. I was nothing more than a side go-to while you were waiting for someone better to come along or leave her husband.", "Jordan: Oh, you really want to do this here?", "Hilary: Here? [ Scoffs ] No, definitely not. But you best believe that when i hit back for the way that you treated me, you won't see it coming. No matter how long of a lens you've got.", "Jack: So, where to?", "Billy: My apartment, for starters.", "Jack: You mean phyllis' place?", "Billy: Worth a shot.", "Jack: Does it seem significant at all to you that I'm picking you up this morning and not phyllis?", "Billy: Well, maybe she forgot what a bona fide hero I am.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Sharon: Congratulations. Opening night is a success. This place is amazing, and you're amazing for pulling it off.", "Noah: Genoa city's only the beginning, dad. We can expand our brand throughout the midwest.", "Chelsea: Are you questioning my mixology skills, newman? Grab a shaker. We're having ourselves a good, old-fashioned bartender challenge.", "Noah: Guys and gals, welcome to open mic night at the underground. You are in for a special treat. Give it up for tessa porter.", "Paul: Okay, I'm just not convinced that means anything.", "Sharon: Scott's been doing all the heavy lifting for you. But we're running out of time. He could be facing a murder charge. Zack knew that scott was investigating the sex ring. He was with him at the underground the night before scott woke up next to natalia's body.", "Paul: Okay, sharon, i questioned zack, and he said --", "Sharon: He said that scott was drunk, but he had a few beers.", "Scott: I'm not a lightweight. Two drinks wouldn't do me in. Believe me.", "Paul: He had to help you out of the club and pour you into a cab.", "Scott: And then the next thing I remember is waking up in a motel room.", "Paul: Right, the implication being that zack drugged you and set you up for this girl's murder.", "Scott: Damn right.", "Paul: Right. This is the same zack that is involved with abby and is working with victor newman.", "Sharon: I know how this looks.", "Paul: Then you understand why I have my doubts. This guy does not fit the profile. We need something more than a prostitute advertising herself on a dating site, because that happens every single day of the week. Excuse me.", "Victoria: How is the dating app performing?", "Abby: Exceeding expectations. Are you really interested or you just trying to change the subject?", "Victoria: My goodness, would you please stop being so paranoid? I'm very happy for your success with zack.", "Abby: You are?", "Victoria: Why are you so surprised?", "Abby: Maybe because you advised dad against my incubator project. \"The odds are against you\" were your actual words. You know, how do you even have time for a visit here? You know, with everything going on, reed being trapped in an inferno, billy's heroics, everything going wrong at brash & sassy. It's hard to even keep track anymore. The fda, rumors about your product line, you collapsing on live tv!", "Victoria: I am handling all of that just fine, thank you very much. And none of that is why I'm here to see dad.", "Victor: Well, look who's here. My goodness.", "Victoria: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Nice to see you, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Nice to see you.", "Victor: I'm glad you dropped by. We have a lot to catch up, okay?", "Abby: Oh, great. A catch-up sesh. I'm totally in. We can go have breakfast upstairs.", "Victor: Sweetheart, the, uh, yost conference call is about to start. Why don't you take the lead on that if you don't mind, okay?", "Abby: Of course.", "Victor: All right.", "Victoria: We can have breakfast some other time.", "[ Door closes ]", "Jack: You sure you want to go through with this?", "Billy: It's kind of odd hearing actual concern come from you, particularly when it has to do with me and phyllis. This whole brother thing is gonna take a second to get used to. Is that garbage or the rest of my clothing?", "Phyllis: Is there a difference?", "Billy: You warned me.", "Phyllis: And you're here because...?", "Jack: Figured if there was a witness, you'd be less likely to kill him.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm not homicidal. Yet. Look, like I said yesterday, i am glad that you're okay, but that does not make you any less of a bastard.", "Billy: Admit it. It's what you love about me.", "Scott: There's something else you should know about zack.", "Paul: Okay, I'm listening.", "Scott: According to tessa, he was involved with unlicensed massage parlors back in chicago.", "Paul: Okay, I'll check it out. I'm not promising anything.", "Sharon: The only promise i care about is that scott's name is cleared. If you followed the leads that we gave you about zack, I'm confident that will happen.", "Paul: Okay, like I said, I'll do what I can. Right now I got to go, but I'll be in touch. Given what has happened to you, I suggest you back off and let the experts run the investigation from here on out.", "Sharon: The experts wouldn't know a lead if it bit them in the --", "Scott: Hey, hey, hey. Hey. Paul's doing his best. But it is frustrating.", "Sharon: It's ridiculous. You could be in real trouble.", "Scott: I think your concern is really touching. Truly. If I didn't have you by my side, I don't know how I'd deal.", "Sharon: Now that faith adores you, I guess I kind of have to keep you around. Otherwise you'd be out on your own. Trust me.", "Scott: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Hi, honey.", "Noah: Hi.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry about the fire.", "Noah: Yeah. You know, it could have been a lot worse. Thankfully everybody made it out alive.", "Sharon: Um, why don't I get us some drinks? Tessa, do you want to give me a hand?", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Scott: Hey, any word on the damage?", "Noah: Total loss.", "Sharon: So, paul was here, and we gave him the information you told us about zack.", "Tessa: Did it help?", "Sharon: Well, I'm hoping it'll have the strong enough scent to lead the bloodhounds to zack's front door.", "Tessa: But it might not. God, it just -- it kills me that I can't see or talk to crystal, I mean, let her know how hard we're working and that the end might be in sight.", "Sharon: You know, I couldn't agree with you more. Crystal may be the key to solving this case.", "Hilary: I love this one. Yeah, I am -- I'm sorry that i kept canceling our meeting. Just been a bit...", "Chelsea: Distracted?", "Hilary: Yeah, you could say that. I have one of those jobs where my work and personal life tend to intersect in very challenging ways.", "Chelsea: What does that mean? Are you working on a story that involves devon?", "Hilary: Nope. Not devon.", "Chelsea: Jordan.", "Hilary: He's your friend. I'm not gonna gossip. I will rise above, be professional. Can I get this one in red?", "Chelsea: Yeah, sure. Um... so, did something happen between jordan and lily? I haven't talked to him in a while, so I'm a little behind on all the news.", "Hilary: Lily put him firmly back in the friend zone.", "Chelsea: Ohh.", "Hilary: Yeah. And wouldn't you know it that he came running back to me. When I called him out on it, he clapped back hard. You know, bottom line is, he's a user, and a hurtful one at that. And when I expose his lowdown, dirty tricks and his shady past on my show, it will be a public service to women everywhere.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckling ] Isn't that a little extreme? I mean, jordan's a really great guy once you get to know him.", "Hilary: Well, it's pretty obvious there's a lot I don't know about him. So I'm gonna be digging deep until I find out who the real jordan wilde is.", "Chelsea: Okay, we've been through this before, hilary. Yes, jordan and I have a past, but I'm not discussing it with you.", "Hilary: Well, you should reconsider.", "Chelsea: And why's that?", "Hilary: Because if I hear your side as opposed to getting the facts from someone else, then you get to control the narrative. Otherwise it's my duty as a journalist to report the facts, warts and all.", "Chelsea: Excuse me. Is that a threat?", "Victoria: Thank you so much for giving abby that assignment. For now, folding brash & sassy into newman should be on a need-to-know basis only.", "Victor: I alerted my P.R. Team.", "Victoria: Good. Of course. I want to get them started on the situation right away. I plan on meeting with them to spell out exactly how we should address this toxic face mask story and also how to rebuild faith in my company. I just feel like we should be completely transparent.", "Victor: Well, there's an old saying, you know. If you're able to fake sincerity, that's half the battle.", "Victoria: I think we should accentuate the positive and we should bury the negative. I think that should be the goal. This should not look like a bail- out of brash & sassy. It's just two leading companies who realize that they're stronger together.", "Victor: Only one regret i have.", "Victoria: And what is that?", "Victor: You got to fire billy abbott before I could.", "Victoria: Dad.", "Victor: Too soon?", "Victoria: Moving on.", "Victor: We have a lot of work to do in regard to brash & sassy, so why don't you take your tablet and take copious notes?", "Victoria: You're speaking as if I'm working for you. That's not what I agreed to. I agreed to work with you.", "Victor: Really? You're talking as if we were equals.", "Billy: I know why you're doing this. You're dragging it out. I'm just wondering why. I mean, what's the point? We both know that we belong together. When I hobbled out of the charred remains of the underground, I could see it in your eyes.", "Phyllis: That was soot from the fire.", "Billy: Everybody could tell. Right, jack?", "Jack: I abstain for any number of reasons. Just pretend I'm not here.", "Billy: What do I got to do?", "Phyllis: How about you get a time machine and go back and not betray me?", "Billy: That was business, phyllis.", "Phyllis: That was victoria.", "Billy: I apologized, but i will do it again. I am sorry. I betrayed you. I should have put you first. Trust is paramount.", "Phyllis: You left out the \"blah blah blah blah.\"", "Billy: What is the \"blah blah blah\"?", "Phyllis: You're going through the motions, billy, is what you're doing.", "Billy: I meant it then, and i mean it now.", "Phyllis: No. Nothing is going to change my mind, okay? So you can go now.", "Billy: Hold -- hold on a second.", "Phyllis: No, I am serious. Go, all right? Get out!", "Phyllis: Easy. Okay, hold on a second. Now, just one more thing --", "Jack: Where to now, sport?", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Hilary: If you had been a fly on the wall when jordan laid into me, you would be more than willing to help me put him in his place. After all, sisters should stick together.", "Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Sisters. Is that what sisters do? Do sisters blackmail each other when they feel jilted and want to lash out?", "Hilary: Okay, well, i never --", "Chelsea: Because I will tell you something. That is a surefire way to blow up this partnership.", "Hilary: I am sorry if you got the wrong idea before, but that was not my intention, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Look, hilary, you're a friend of mine. But so is jordan. So I'm not gonna stand here and be forced to pick sides. Quite frankly, I'd appreciate it if you just kept me out of it.", "Hilary: Okay. Done.", "Chelsea: My past needs to stay in the past. Yes, jordan and I, we did some things that I am not particularly proud of, but it was a long time ago. I'm an adult now. I'm a mom now. And I'm in a really great relationship. So I am not gonna let anything or anyone screw up what I have worked so hard to build. Choose what you want from the collection. I'll send someone to gather the rest of it later.", "Tessa: I don't know, sharon. Is -- is this the approach we take?", "Sharon: Well, think about it for a second. If zack is really behind the sex ring, who better to id him than crystal? At least let me run it by paul.", "Tessa: Just wait, wait, wait. Let's slow down for a sec. She may have never even met zack. Guys like him are smart. He probably kept his distance, used alice as a go-between. I mean, odds are, she probably did most of the dirty work.", "Sharon: Remember, what zack did to your sister he's still doing to other girls. Innocent girls.", "Tessa: Okay. Do it. Call paul.", "Sharon: Yeah?", "Tessa: Yeah. Let's nail this creep.", "Mariah: Hey, sharon, I was...", "Tessa: Hey.", "Sharon: Mariah, uh, you're just in time. Uh, could you help me get some cups from the --", "Noah: Hey. I didn't know you were coming. Should we all grab a table?", "Zack: There is the sexiest girl in the room.", "Abby: I doubt scowls are sexy.", "Zack: Only on you. Though I wouldn't mind seeing some of that genuine abby newman smile.", "Abby: As my father is so fond of saying, \"ain't gonna happen.\"", "Zack: Well, I am a patient man. Okay, so what's got you so locked into that tablet?", "Abby: My sister.", "Zack: Victoria?", "Abby: I don't trust her. She stopped by to see my dad. She claimed it was an impromptu visit.", "Zack: Aren't daughters allowed to do that from time to time?", "Abby: No, not when she's so obviously skulking behind my back. And I can only speculate what this is about since they closed the door in my face yet again. Only to remind me where I stand on the newman family totem pole. I am the lowest of the low.", "Zack: Well, for what it's worth, I think that you are the one that's got your father's ear.", "Abby: Maybe a tiny portion of it when it suits him.", "Zack: Oh, stop it with the paranoia. It doesn't suit you. You're the one he's been trusting more and more to conduct important family business. Look at how he let you run with our app. Don't let one dumb meeting make you feel insecure, take away from all that you accomplished. You know, I think that I finally realized why I was put on this planet.", "Abby: And what's that?", "Zack: To get your mind off of boring things and remind you about the things that matter most, starting with me and you. And you.", "Abby: Okay. [ Laughs ] Okay. You win. What would I do without you?", "Victoria: I did not come back to newman with my tail between my legs. I have a lot to offer, and you know that.", "Victor: You know what you've got? A company that is sinking faster than the titanic. I'm the one who bailed you out. Did you have any other options?", "Victoria: I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm not. And I know you didn't make this offer out of the kindness of your heart.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Victoria: Yeah. Brash & sassy is still a valuable asset. And we both know that the prize in this acquisition, the real prize, is me.", "Victor: Is that so?", "Victoria: That is so.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Victoria: I could have signed over my company to you and walked away. I've done it before.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: All right.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa. One second here. Let's assume I agree. What are your stipulations?", "Victoria: I want a title, a meaningful one. C.O.O. Chief operating officer.", "Victor: So, uh, in other words, not vice president, but my right hand.", "Victoria: I think that it tells the story that I'm not some lackey but I am a power player.", "Victor: What else?", "Victoria: I want a meaningful seat at the table. Pure and simple. Not just any seat. A seat that makes it clear that I am the heir apparent. Nicholas made his wishes clear. Noah was here, and he walked away. And adam... well...", "Victor: You know, abby may be upset about this.", "Victoria: In your opinion, do you think that abby will ensure your legacy better than I will?", "Victor: I love abby, but she is not you.", "Victoria: No, she's not. I'll take care of abby. Do you agree to my terms?", "Victor: Welcome back to newman enterprises.", "Victoria: It's important that this is seen as a merger, not an acquisition.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: That it's the two of us at the helm.", "Victor: All right. So the next thing we do is have our P.R. Team craft a statement, a public release.", "Victoria: No, not yet. I'm gonna make the choice of when we go public with this.", "Victor: [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: Well, it sets the tone for everything in the future. Don't you agree?", "Victor: Well, I'll take it under consideration, okay?", "Victoria: No, dad. For this to work, you can't second-guess me. And you can't be reluctant to give up any power.", "Victor: My sweet, little girl seems a little too eager to grab some of that power. But, you know, might be interesting. Might be fun.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Thank you.", "Jack: You needed a place to stay.", "Billy: I can only imagine what ashley's gonna say about this.", "Jack: Well, we'll run it by dina first and see where to go from there.", "Billy: Dina is living here, too?", "Jack: Yeah, ashley and I were finally able to get her away from that leech graham.", "Billy: Look, jack, you got a full house. Maybe it's easier --", "Jack: There's plenty of room. And after what you said last night at the underground...", "Billy: Well, I was dying, so I panicked.", "Jack: Look, it's just a fact. Phyllis is always going to be that thing between us. At least after last night, we have a better understanding of it all.", "Billy: So much so that i dragged you along to grovel at her feet.", "Jack: My opinion may be tainted, and I know it's a little weird that I'm giving you advice on this, but maybe it's time you finally realize you're better off without phyllis. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jordan: I got your call. What's up?", "Chelsea: Hilary's on the warpath.", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] I figured as much. We had words right here, in fact. I called her a joke, and she threw her -- threw her drink in my face.", "Chelsea: Well, she's willing to go a lot farther than throwing drinks.", "Jordan: How do you mean?", "Chelsea: I saw her earlier at her studio, and she was asking a ton of questions about us and our grifter says.", "Jordan: Man!", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. And that wasn't the first time, actually.", "Jordan: You're kidding.", "Chelsea: I wish I was kidding. The first time she was trying to scare lily off by exposing all of your secrets, and now she's going for you directly. I don't want to get caught in her crosshairs. I told her to leave my past alone, that that is off limits, but who knows what that chick will do.", "Jordan: I'm telling you, this chick is overreacting. Big time.", "Chelsea: That may be so, but I am already way more involved in this than I want to be. So I'm telling you, do whatever you need to do, but shut this down.", "Noah: So the investigator said that the fire may have been started deliberately.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ]", "Mariah: That's horrible.", "Sharon: Who would do something like that?", "Tessa: Just hard to wrap my head around. I mean, everyone loved that place.", "Sharon: So, what's the next step now for you and your dad?", "Noah: I don't even know. We haven't had a chance to figure it out. Our day so far has been filled with fire officials and insurance agents and, um, you know, reporters. But, you know, the funny thing is, I can't help thinking -- i don't know, maybe dad feels the same way, but perhaps there's an upside to this fire. I know. But just listen. Hear me out. We get a chance to rebuild, right? We can make it better than it was, and we can fix some things we let slide over the years. And we can take that model and we apply it to the new locations once we expand. So, we got knocked down, but we're not out.", "Phyllis: Need a hand?", "Nick: [ Scoffs ] With that? You got a bulldozer on you?", "Phyllis: How you doing?", "Nick: I don't know. Feels like a dream, and not a good one.", "Phyllis: So, a nightmare? Nick.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] This is the second hit this place has taken, the second time I'm facing a major rebuild. And I just... [ Sighs ] ...I can't stop wondering if i still have the passion for this, you know, if this is something i still...something I still want. I don't know. Maybe this is fate's way of telling me to move on.", "Phyllis: What about noah?", "Nick: That is the question.", "Phyllis: Okay, so are you telling me you're ready to give up on the underground? Is that what you're saying?", "Billy: I didn't expect to see you here.", "Victoria: It really wasn't that hard to track you down.", "Billy: Really? It couldn't have been that easy. I mean, does it mean anything?", "Victoria: It means that I'm here to check on the father of my children. Do you want to sit down?", "Billy: Sure.", "Victoria: So, ever since you ran into that burning building, people are tossing around the word \"hero.\"", "Billy: Really? Well, if that's the case, I'd appreciate if you referred to me as \"hero dad.\"", "Victoria: Too bad I can't call you \"hero employee.\" [ Sighs ] When I think about the fact that I could have lost reed, you know that's my worst nightmare.", "Billy: Did you talk to J.T.?", "Victoria: I left a few messages, but I can't track him down. I really am grateful, billy.", "Billy: Grateful enough that i don't have to look for another job?", "Victoria: Looking for another girlfriend, I'm guessing.", "Billy: It's not the first time. I'll start from scratch.", "Victoria: Well, at least jack took you in.", "Billy: Yeah. Hell's a little bit colder this morning.", "Victoria: I heard that you two worked through some issues when you thought... when you were trapped.", "Billy: Funny how lying under a collapsed building can really get a conversation started.", "Victoria: Well, jack welcomed you home. Maybe he would welcome you back to jabot.", "Jack: There's a limit to my generosity. Besides, after what he did to brash & sassy, I'm not sure I'd let him near my company.", "Victoria: Well, he did his fair share of damage, but i think we'll survive.", "Jack: Funny. That's not what I heard.", "Victoria: Then you heard wrong.", "Jack: I don't know. My sources are pretty good. Things were precarious.", "Victoria: Yes, they were.", "Billy: Hold on. You turned things around overnight at brash & sassy?", "Victoria: Maybe all it took was getting rid of you.", "Zack: Well, I'm sorry to hear about the underground. I hope your brother and his son are able to bounce back.", "Abby: Your concern is very sweet. And you are an impeccable listener. Thank you for letting me vent about victoria.", "Zack: Any time.", "Abby: But proof or no proof, I still in my gut feel like victoria's up to something, and I am gonna be up all night trying to figure this one out.", "Zack: Well, if you get antsy or need another distraction, shoot me a text. Better yet, call me. It doesn't matter what time. We can talk about anything you want for however long you want.", "Abby: Okay, well, if that's the case, you might want to up those minutes on your cellphone.", "Zack: [ Scoffs ] Believe me, I already did after last month.", "Abby: Oh, my god. Do I really talk your ear off that much?", "Zack: Well, luckily for me, I've got two, so when one goes numb, I can just switcheroo to the other.", "Abby: Oh, okay, okay. Thank you. [ Chuckles ] Can you imagine how much we would save on those overages if you and I spent every night together?", "Zack: We would save on time and gas. Instead of being across town, I'd be just across the apartment or bed, ready to talk you down, help you sleep.", "Abby: Let's do it.", "Zack: Do what?", "Abby: Live together.", "Zack: [ Chuckles ] Okay, that -- that sounds...", "Abby: Fantastic!", "Zack: I was gonna say too quick.", "Noah: Hey! Hold up.", "Mariah: Something wrong?", "Noah: I was gonna ask you the same thing.", "Mariah: Why?", "Noah: Oh, you know, just the way you were acting, kind of the opposite how you usually are with tessa. You guys are usually laughing and riffing off each other and stuff. Just not today.", "Mariah: Well, I mean, you, uh, you just lost the underground. I didn't want to be all hyper and excited around you.", "Noah: Mm-hmm. That, or you're jealous.", "Mariah: Sorry. What? What do you mean?", "Noah: Ever since tessa and i moved in together, I know I've been monopolizing her time, and you don't have that many friends, so...", "Mariah: That was an unnecessary observation.", "Noah: If I'm the reason that you guys haven't been hanging out as much, then I'm sorry. It's not my intention, so... you need your tessa time, too.", "Nick: I don't want to sound irrational, but this is about more than just me, you know. I have to think about how this is gonna affect noah. But maybe it's an opportunity, you know, for a reset.", "Phyllis: Give up, don't give up. I-I'm not in a position to tell you what to do. That would make me a hypocrite, so... I'm done with billy.", "Nick: Really? Didn't seem like that last night.", "Phyllis: It's two different things.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: The way you described it was one thing, but to see it firsthand, I...", "Nick: Real pretty, huh?", "Phyllis: Hey, I'll let you two talk. Bye.", "Nick: Phyllis. You okay?", "Phyllis: Always am.", "Victoria: The truth is, I've got a handle on all the bad press. I've put my company's finances in order. And I've assured all the buyers that all is well.", "Billy: You did all that in 12 hours?", "Victoria: Never underestimate a newman.", "Billy: You mean the power of the mustache, because let's be honest. Your father's behind this, right? He bail you out?", "Victoria: I'm done confiding in you, billy. We share kids, and that's it. Thank you for what you did for reed.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours? Nick, you're starting to scare me. What -- what are you thinking about?", "Nick: What if I did this?", "Chelsea: Did what?", "Nick: The fire. What... what if I caused it?", "Chelsea: Okay, I think that you're in shock, and I think that we need to go home.", "Nick: I was here last night.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Nick: I was at the bar. You know, I was having a drink. And there was a book of matches there. I lit a candle, and I was... I was kind of playing with the matches. You know, I would light one and put it out. But what if one wasn't completely out?", "Chelsea: No, nicholas, it's --", "Nick: There were kids here. My sister's kid was here. What if I --", "Chelsea: Stop. You have to stop. I'm sure this is not your fault. The investigators, they are all over it. They -- they -- they'll figure out what happened.", "Nick: What if I walked away from this? What if I didn't reopen? What if I didn't expand?", "Chelsea: Because this has been noah's dream, not yours? I think you need to decide what you want. And no matter you decide, I'll be here for you.", "Hilary: We will lead with the underground fire. Our crew shot some fabulous footage.", "Jordan: Wrap it up.", "Hilary: I'll call you back, theo.", "Jordan: Stay out of my past.", "Hilary: I see you've been talking to chelsea.", "Jordan: And now I'm talking to you.", "Hilary: You know, I was wondering what would happen to your career if some of the things that you've done became public.", "Jordan: Yeah, I wonder. But maybe in that case, you might want to wonder what would happen to your career if some of those x-rated photos I took of you were made public.", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ] Nice try. I think you've forgotten I'm the one with the memory card with those photos.", "Jordan: It's called being a pro, baby. I always make sure that I have backups. And if you push me, I'll expose you, all of you.", "Jack: More where that one came from.", "Billy: Thank you. It's not every day that not only one, but two of your exes remind you what a screw-up you are.", "Jack: Day's still young. You have other exes in town. They may drop by.", "Billy: Pep talk's not your forte. This is hard to admit, but they're right. I didn't mean to hurt them. The opposite, in fact. You know, jack, you're probably not gonna want to hear this. But I'm not gonna give up on phyllis. Not yet. She's the only one, the only one that's really gotten me.", "Jack: I know we agreed to bury the hatchet, but, uh, too soon.", "Billy: Well, I won't be crashing here for very long.", "Jack: Ah, we've been through this.", "Billy: No, this is more about me. I need some time and space to think about everything that's happened, to acknowledge how badly I messed up and to figure out how to make it right.", "Victoria: So, have you considered my proposal?", "Victor: Well, I think your idea about the timing of the announcement is acceptable.", "Victoria: Great. I'll check in with P.R. After one technicality.", "Victor: What technicality?", "Victoria: I had this drawn up. It's a contract for me, well, outlining everything that we've agreed to so that we don't have any issues in the future.", "Victor: Really? All right. Let me take a look.", "Scott: So, what do you think?", "Paul: You're positive you want to do this?", "Sharon: More than positive.", "Paul: Okay. I think it's a good plan. Let me make some calls, and I'll arrange for you to talk to crystal as soon as possible. If she is able to id zack as the figure behind this sex trafficking ring, we just might have our man.", "Abby: I'm sorry. I thought that you were sending me a signal.", "Zack: I thought that you were just joking about me moving in with you.", "Abby: Yes, yes, it is quick, but I don't know, on the other hand, who even makes those rules?", "Zack: The ubiquitous \"they.\"", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] All relationships are different. That's been the case for me, at least. You know, sometimes you have to move slow. Sometimes circumstances make you move slow. And then sometimes you just have to grab the reins, and I feel like this is one of those times.", "Zack: Seriously?", "Abby: Give me one good reason why you wouldn't want to wake up next to me every morning.", "Zack: Um... [ Chuckles ] I guess I can'T.", "Abby: Then we're doing this?", "Zack: Hand me those reins.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: We're so close, paul. Tell me we're gonna get this guy in time.", "Paul: I'll do my very best.", "[NEXT_ON]", "\"the young and the restless\"...", "Phyllis: Is that better?", "Jordan: Much.", "Cane: I don't want to get divorced from you! I love you, baby!", "Dina: You're just another floozy whose only skill is how good you are between the sheets.", "Jack: Mother! Setting, you know, hey, let's go hop on one of the atvs and just go cruise. Bo is me. Tate! Oh, my gosh! Dad, I was sitting right there <", "Billy: Thanks, man.", "Jack: No one else here to pick you up?", "Victoria: Need help?", "Abby: Got it. Oh. Hi.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] How's reed?", "Victoria: Uh, he's doing really well. Thank you.", "Abby: I, uh, I still can't believe that nick's club's gone.", "Victoria: No. Second time that he's been burned recently. When you moved into his house on the ranch and all.", "Abby: Right. Um... so, uh, why are you trolling the halls?", "Victoria: I'm visiting dad.", "Abby: Hmm.", "Victoria: What?", "Abby: Nothing. It -- it just seems odd. You haven't done that in ages.", "Victoria: Well, then I guess I'm overdue.", "Abby: Or you just trying not to tell me the real reason that you're meeting with him?", "Jordan: Caution. The woman that hates you is closer than she appears.", "Hilary: And to think i actually thought you had a sense of humor. But then again, I also thought you were a decent guy. But it turns out you were just using me. I was nothing more than a side go-to while you were waiting for someone better to come along or leave her husband.", "Jordan: Oh, you really want to do this here?", "Hilary: Here? [ Scoffs ] No, definitely not. But you best believe that when i hit back for the way that you treated me, you won't see it coming. No matter how long of a lens you've got.", "Jack: So, where to?", "Billy: My apartment, for starters.", "Jack: You mean phyllis' place?", "Billy: Worth a shot.", "Jack: Does it seem significant at all to you that I'm picking you up this morning and not phyllis?", "Billy: Well, maybe she forgot what a bona fide hero I am.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Sharon: Congratulations. Opening night is a success. This place is amazing, and you're amazing for pulling it off.", "Noah: Genoa city's only the beginning, dad. We can expand our brand throughout the midwest.", "Chelsea: Are you questioning my mixology skills, newman? Grab a shaker. We're having ourselves a good, old-fashioned bartender challenge.", "Noah: Guys and gals, welcome to open mic night at the underground. You are in for a special treat. Give it up for tessa porter.", "Paul: Okay, I'm just not convinced that means anything.", "Sharon: Scott's been doing all the heavy lifting for you. But we're running out of time. He could be facing a murder charge. Zack knew that scott was investigating the sex ring. He was with him at the underground the night before scott woke up next to natalia's body.", "Paul: Okay, sharon, i questioned zack, and he said --", "Sharon: He said that scott was drunk, but he had a few beers.", "Scott: I'm not a lightweight. Two drinks wouldn't do me in. Believe me.", "Paul: He had to help you out of the club and pour you into a cab.", "Scott: And then the next thing I remember is waking up in a motel room.", "Paul: Right, the implication being that zack drugged you and set you up for this girl's murder.", "Scott: Damn right.", "Paul: Right. This is the same zack that is involved with abby and is working with victor newman.", "Sharon: I know how this looks.", "Paul: Then you understand why I have my doubts. This guy does not fit the profile. We need something more than a prostitute advertising herself on a dating site, because that happens every single day of the week. Excuse me.", "Victoria: How is the dating app performing?", "Abby: Exceeding expectations. Are you really interested or you just trying to change the subject?", "Victoria: My goodness, would you please stop being so paranoid? I'm very happy for your success with zack.", "Abby: You are?", "Victoria: Why are you so surprised?", "Abby: Maybe because you advised dad against my incubator project. \"The odds are against you\" were your actual words. You know, how do you even have time for a visit here? You know, with everything going on, reed being trapped in an inferno, billy's heroics, everything going wrong at brash & sassy. It's hard to even keep track anymore. The fda, rumors about your product line, you collapsing on live tv!", "Victoria: I am handling all of that just fine, thank you very much. And none of that is why I'm here to see dad.", "Victor: Well, look who's here. My goodness.", "Victoria: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Nice to see you, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Nice to see you.", "Victor: I'm glad you dropped by. We have a lot to catch up, okay?", "Abby: Oh, great. A catch-up sesh. I'm totally in. We can go have breakfast upstairs.", "Victor: Sweetheart, the, uh, yost conference call is about to start. Why don't you take the lead on that if you don't mind, okay?", "Abby: Of course.", "Victor: All right.", "Victoria: We can have breakfast some other time.", "[ Door closes ]", "Jack: You sure you want to go through with this?", "Billy: It's kind of odd hearing actual concern come from you, particularly when it has to do with me and phyllis. This whole brother thing is gonna take a second to get used to. Is that garbage or the rest of my clothing?", "Phyllis: Is there a difference?", "Billy: You warned me.", "Phyllis: And you're here because...?", "Jack: Figured if there was a witness, you'd be less likely to kill him.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm not homicidal. Yet. Look, like I said yesterday, i am glad that you're okay, but that does not make you any less of a bastard.", "Billy: Admit it. It's what you love about me.", "Scott: There's something else you should know about zack.", "Paul: Okay, I'm listening.", "Scott: According to tessa, he was involved with unlicensed massage parlors back in chicago.", "Paul: Okay, I'll check it out. I'm not promising anything.", "Sharon: The only promise i care about is that scott's name is cleared. If you followed the leads that we gave you about zack, I'm confident that will happen.", "Paul: Okay, like I said, I'll do what I can. Right now I got to go, but I'll be in touch. Given what has happened to you, I suggest you back off and let the experts run the investigation from here on out.", "Sharon: The experts wouldn't know a lead if it bit them in the --", "Scott: Hey, hey, hey. Hey. Paul's doing his best. But it is frustrating.", "Sharon: It's ridiculous. You could be in real trouble.", "Scott: I think your concern is really touching. Truly. If I didn't have you by my side, I don't know how I'd deal.", "Sharon: Now that faith adores you, I guess I kind of have to keep you around. Otherwise you'd be out on your own. Trust me.", "Scott: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Hi, honey.", "Noah: Hi.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry about the fire.", "Noah: Yeah. You know, it could have been a lot worse. Thankfully everybody made it out alive.", "Sharon: Um, why don't I get us some drinks? Tessa, do you want to give me a hand?", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Scott: Hey, any word on the damage?", "Noah: Total loss.", "Sharon: So, paul was here, and we gave him the information you told us about zack.", "Tessa: Did it help?", "Sharon: Well, I'm hoping it'll have the strong enough scent to lead the bloodhounds to zack's front door.", "Tessa: But it might not. God, it just -- it kills me that I can't see or talk to crystal, I mean, let her know how hard we're working and that the end might be in sight.", "Sharon: You know, I couldn't agree with you more. Crystal may be the key to solving this case.", "Hilary: I love this one. Yeah, I am -- I'm sorry that i kept canceling our meeting. Just been a bit...", "Chelsea: Distracted?", "Hilary: Yeah, you could say that. I have one of those jobs where my work and personal life tend to intersect in very challenging ways.", "Chelsea: What does that mean? Are you working on a story that involves devon?", "Hilary: Nope. Not devon.", "Chelsea: Jordan.", "Hilary: He's your friend. I'm not gonna gossip. I will rise above, be professional. Can I get this one in red?", "Chelsea: Yeah, sure. Um... so, did something happen between jordan and lily? I haven't talked to him in a while, so I'm a little behind on all the news.", "Hilary: Lily put him firmly back in the friend zone.", "Chelsea: Ohh.", "Hilary: Yeah. And wouldn't you know it that he came running back to me. When I called him out on it, he clapped back hard. You know, bottom line is, he's a user, and a hurtful one at that. And when I expose his lowdown, dirty tricks and his shady past on my show, it will be a public service to women everywhere.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckling ] Isn't that a little extreme? I mean, jordan's a really great guy once you get to know him.", "Hilary: Well, it's pretty obvious there's a lot I don't know about him. So I'm gonna be digging deep until I find out who the real jordan wilde is.", "Chelsea: Okay, we've been through this before, hilary. Yes, jordan and I have a past, but I'm not discussing it with you.", "Hilary: Well, you should reconsider.", "Chelsea: And why's that?", "Hilary: Because if I hear your side as opposed to getting the facts from someone else, then you get to control the narrative. Otherwise it's my duty as a journalist to report the facts, warts and all.", "Chelsea: Excuse me. Is that a threat?", "Victoria: Thank you so much for giving abby that assignment. For now, folding brash & sassy into newman should be on a need-to-know basis only.", "Victor: I alerted my P.R. Team.", "Victoria: Good. Of course. I want to get them started on the situation right away. I plan on meeting with them to spell out exactly how we should address this toxic face mask story and also how to rebuild faith in my company. I just feel like we should be completely transparent.", "Victor: Well, there's an old saying, you know. If you're able to fake sincerity, that's half the battle.", "Victoria: I think we should accentuate the positive and we should bury the negative. I think that should be the goal. This should not look like a bail- out of brash & sassy. It's just two leading companies who realize that they're stronger together.", "Victor: Only one regret i have.", "Victoria: And what is that?", "Victor: You got to fire billy abbott before I could.", "Victoria: Dad.", "Victor: Too soon?", "Victoria: Moving on.", "Victor: We have a lot of work to do in regard to brash & sassy, so why don't you take your tablet and take copious notes?", "Victoria: You're speaking as if I'm working for you. That's not what I agreed to. I agreed to work with you.", "Victor: Really? You're talking as if we were equals.", "Billy: I know why you're doing this. You're dragging it out. I'm just wondering why. I mean, what's the point? We both know that we belong together. When I hobbled out of the charred remains of the underground, I could see it in your eyes.", "Phyllis: That was soot from the fire.", "Billy: Everybody could tell. Right, jack?", "Jack: I abstain for any number of reasons. Just pretend I'm not here.", "Billy: What do I got to do?", "Phyllis: How about you get a time machine and go back and not betray me?", "Billy: That was business, phyllis.", "Phyllis: That was victoria.", "Billy: I apologized, but i will do it again. I am sorry. I betrayed you. I should have put you first. Trust is paramount.", "Phyllis: You left out the \"blah blah blah blah.\"", "Billy: What is the \"blah blah blah\"?", "Phyllis: You're going through the motions, billy, is what you're doing.", "Billy: I meant it then, and i mean it now.", "Phyllis: No. Nothing is going to change my mind, okay? So you can go now.", "Billy: Hold -- hold on a second.", "Phyllis: No, I am serious. Go, all right? Get out!", "Phyllis: Easy. Okay, hold on a second. Now, just one more thing --", "Jack: Where to now, sport?", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Hilary: If you had been a fly on the wall when jordan laid into me, you would be more than willing to help me put him in his place. After all, sisters should stick together.", "Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Sisters. Is that what sisters do? Do sisters blackmail each other when they feel jilted and want to lash out?", "Hilary: Okay, well, i never --", "Chelsea: Because I will tell you something. That is a surefire way to blow up this partnership.", "Hilary: I am sorry if you got the wrong idea before, but that was not my intention, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Look, hilary, you're a friend of mine. But so is jordan. So I'm not gonna stand here and be forced to pick sides. Quite frankly, I'd appreciate it if you just kept me out of it.", "Hilary: Okay. Done.", "Chelsea: My past needs to stay in the past. Yes, jordan and I, we did some things that I am not particularly proud of, but it was a long time ago. I'm an adult now. I'm a mom now. And I'm in a really great relationship. So I am not gonna let anything or anyone screw up what I have worked so hard to build. Choose what you want from the collection. I'll send someone to gather the rest of it later.", "Tessa: I don't know, sharon. Is -- is this the approach we take?", "Sharon: Well, think about it for a second. If zack is really behind the sex ring, who better to id him than crystal? At least let me run it by paul.", "Tessa: Just wait, wait, wait. Let's slow down for a sec. She may have never even met zack. Guys like him are smart. He probably kept his distance, used alice as a go-between. I mean, odds are, she probably did most of the dirty work.", "Sharon: Remember, what zack did to your sister he's still doing to other girls. Innocent girls.", "Tessa: Okay. Do it. Call paul.", "Sharon: Yeah?", "Tessa: Yeah. Let's nail this creep.", "Mariah: Hey, sharon, I was...", "Tessa: Hey.", "Sharon: Mariah, uh, you're just in time. Uh, could you help me get some cups from the --", "Noah: Hey. I didn't know you were coming. Should we all grab a table?", "Zack: There is the sexiest girl in the room.", "Abby: I doubt scowls are sexy.", "Zack: Only on you. Though I wouldn't mind seeing some of that genuine abby newman smile.", "Abby: As my father is so fond of saying, \"ain't gonna happen.\"", "Zack: Well, I am a patient man. Okay, so what's got you so locked into that tablet?", "Abby: My sister.", "Zack: Victoria?", "Abby: I don't trust her. She stopped by to see my dad. She claimed it was an impromptu visit.", "Zack: Aren't daughters allowed to do that from time to time?", "Abby: No, not when she's so obviously skulking behind my back. And I can only speculate what this is about since they closed the door in my face yet again. Only to remind me where I stand on the newman family totem pole. I am the lowest of the low.", "Zack: Well, for what it's worth, I think that you are the one that's got your father's ear.", "Abby: Maybe a tiny portion of it when it suits him.", "Zack: Oh, stop it with the paranoia. It doesn't suit you. You're the one he's been trusting more and more to conduct important family business. Look at how he let you run with our app. Don't let one dumb meeting make you feel insecure, take away from all that you accomplished. You know, I think that I finally realized why I was put on this planet.", "Abby: And what's that?", "Zack: To get your mind off of boring things and remind you about the things that matter most, starting with me and you. And you.", "Abby: Okay. [ Laughs ] Okay. You win. What would I do without you?", "Victoria: I did not come back to newman with my tail between my legs. I have a lot to offer, and you know that.", "Victor: You know what you've got? A company that is sinking faster than the titanic. I'm the one who bailed you out. Did you have any other options?", "Victoria: I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm not. And I know you didn't make this offer out of the kindness of your heart.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Victoria: Yeah. Brash & sassy is still a valuable asset. And we both know that the prize in this acquisition, the real prize, is me.", "Victor: Is that so?", "Victoria: That is so.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Victoria: I could have signed over my company to you and walked away. I've done it before.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: All right.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa. One second here. Let's assume I agree. What are your stipulations?", "Victoria: I want a title, a meaningful one. C.O.O. Chief operating officer.", "Victor: So, uh, in other words, not vice president, but my right hand.", "Victoria: I think that it tells the story that I'm not some lackey but I am a power player.", "Victor: What else?", "Victoria: I want a meaningful seat at the table. Pure and simple. Not just any seat. A seat that makes it clear that I am the heir apparent. Nicholas made his wishes clear. Noah was here, and he walked away. And adam... well...", "Victor: You know, abby may be upset about this.", "Victoria: In your opinion, do you think that abby will ensure your legacy better than I will?", "Victor: I love abby, but she is not you.", "Victoria: No, she's not. I'll take care of abby. Do you agree to my terms?", "Victor: Welcome back to newman enterprises.", "Victoria: It's important that this is seen as a merger, not an acquisition.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: That it's the two of us at the helm.", "Victor: All right. So the next thing we do is have our P.R. Team craft a statement, a public release.", "Victoria: No, not yet. I'm gonna make the choice of when we go public with this.", "Victor: [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: Well, it sets the tone for everything in the future. Don't you agree?", "Victor: Well, I'll take it under consideration, okay?", "Victoria: No, dad. For this to work, you can't second-guess me. And you can't be reluctant to give up any power.", "Victor: My sweet, little girl seems a little too eager to grab some of that power. But, you know, might be interesting. Might be fun.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Thank you.", "Jack: You needed a place to stay.", "Billy: I can only imagine what ashley's gonna say about this.", "Jack: Well, we'll run it by dina first and see where to go from there.", "Billy: Dina is living here, too?", "Jack: Yeah, ashley and I were finally able to get her away from that leech graham.", "Billy: Look, jack, you got a full house. Maybe it's easier --", "Jack: There's plenty of room. And after what you said last night at the underground...", "Billy: Well, I was dying, so I panicked.", "Jack: Look, it's just a fact. Phyllis is always going to be that thing between us. At least after last night, we have a better understanding of it all.", "Billy: So much so that i dragged you along to grovel at her feet.", "Jack: My opinion may be tainted, and I know it's a little weird that I'm giving you advice on this, but maybe it's time you finally realize you're better off without phyllis. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jordan: I got your call. What's up?", "Chelsea: Hilary's on the warpath.", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] I figured as much. We had words right here, in fact. I called her a joke, and she threw her -- threw her drink in my face.", "Chelsea: Well, she's willing to go a lot farther than throwing drinks.", "Jordan: How do you mean?", "Chelsea: I saw her earlier at her studio, and she was asking a ton of questions about us and our grifter says.", "Jordan: Man!", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. And that wasn't the first time, actually.", "Jordan: You're kidding.", "Chelsea: I wish I was kidding. The first time she was trying to scare lily off by exposing all of your secrets, and now she's going for you directly. I don't want to get caught in her crosshairs. I told her to leave my past alone, that that is off limits, but who knows what that chick will do.", "Jordan: I'm telling you, this chick is overreacting. Big time.", "Chelsea: That may be so, but I am already way more involved in this than I want to be. So I'm telling you, do whatever you need to do, but shut this down.", "Noah: So the investigator said that the fire may have been started deliberately.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ]", "Mariah: That's horrible.", "Sharon: Who would do something like that?", "Tessa: Just hard to wrap my head around. I mean, everyone loved that place.", "Sharon: So, what's the next step now for you and your dad?", "Noah: I don't even know. We haven't had a chance to figure it out. Our day so far has been filled with fire officials and insurance agents and, um, you know, reporters. But, you know, the funny thing is, I can't help thinking -- i don't know, maybe dad feels the same way, but perhaps there's an upside to this fire. I know. But just listen. Hear me out. We get a chance to rebuild, right? We can make it better than it was, and we can fix some things we let slide over the years. And we can take that model and we apply it to the new locations once we expand. So, we got knocked down, but we're not out.", "Phyllis: Need a hand?", "Nick: [ Scoffs ] With that? You got a bulldozer on you?", "Phyllis: How you doing?", "Nick: I don't know. Feels like a dream, and not a good one.", "Phyllis: So, a nightmare? Nick.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] This is the second hit this place has taken, the second time I'm facing a major rebuild. And I just... [ Sighs ] ...I can't stop wondering if i still have the passion for this, you know, if this is something i still...something I still want. I don't know. Maybe this is fate's way of telling me to move on.", "Phyllis: What about noah?", "Nick: That is the question.", "Phyllis: Okay, so are you telling me you're ready to give up on the underground? Is that what you're saying?", "Billy: I didn't expect to see you here.", "Victoria: It really wasn't that hard to track you down.", "Billy: Really? It couldn't have been that easy. I mean, does it mean anything?", "Victoria: It means that I'm here to check on the father of my children. Do you want to sit down?", "Billy: Sure.", "Victoria: So, ever since you ran into that burning building, people are tossing around the word \"hero.\"", "Billy: Really? Well, if that's the case, I'd appreciate if you referred to me as \"hero dad.\"", "Victoria: Too bad I can't call you \"hero employee.\" [ Sighs ] When I think about the fact that I could have lost reed, you know that's my worst nightmare.", "Billy: Did you talk to J.T.?", "Victoria: I left a few messages, but I can't track him down. I really am grateful, billy.", "Billy: Grateful enough that i don't have to look for another job?", "Victoria: Looking for another girlfriend, I'm guessing.", "Billy: It's not the first time. I'll start from scratch.", "Victoria: Well, at least jack took you in.", "Billy: Yeah. Hell's a little bit colder this morning.", "Victoria: I heard that you two worked through some issues when you thought... when you were trapped.", "Billy: Funny how lying under a collapsed building can really get a conversation started.", "Victoria: Well, jack welcomed you home. Maybe he would welcome you back to jabot.", "Jack: There's a limit to my generosity. Besides, after what he did to brash & sassy, I'm not sure I'd let him near my company.", "Victoria: Well, he did his fair share of damage, but i think we'll survive.", "Jack: Funny. That's not what I heard.", "Victoria: Then you heard wrong.", "Jack: I don't know. My sources are pretty good. Things were precarious.", "Victoria: Yes, they were.", "Billy: Hold on. You turned things around overnight at brash & sassy?", "Victoria: Maybe all it took was getting rid of you.", "Zack: Well, I'm sorry to hear about the underground. I hope your brother and his son are able to bounce back.", "Abby: Your concern is very sweet. And you are an impeccable listener. Thank you for letting me vent about victoria.", "Zack: Any time.", "Abby: But proof or no proof, I still in my gut feel like victoria's up to something, and I am gonna be up all night trying to figure this one out.", "Zack: Well, if you get antsy or need another distraction, shoot me a text. Better yet, call me. It doesn't matter what time. We can talk about anything you want for however long you want.", "Abby: Okay, well, if that's the case, you might want to up those minutes on your cellphone.", "Zack: [ Scoffs ] Believe me, I already did after last month.", "Abby: Oh, my god. Do I really talk your ear off that much?", "Zack: Well, luckily for me, I've got two, so when one goes numb, I can just switcheroo to the other.", "Abby: Oh, okay, okay. Thank you. [ Chuckles ] Can you imagine how much we would save on those overages if you and I spent every night together?", "Zack: We would save on time and gas. Instead of being across town, I'd be just across the apartment or bed, ready to talk you down, help you sleep.", "Abby: Let's do it.", "Zack: Do what?", "Abby: Live together.", "Zack: [ Chuckles ] Okay, that -- that sounds...", "Abby: Fantastic!", "Zack: I was gonna say too quick.", "Noah: Hey! Hold up.", "Mariah: Something wrong?", "Noah: I was gonna ask you the same thing.", "Mariah: Why?", "Noah: Oh, you know, just the way you were acting, kind of the opposite how you usually are with tessa. You guys are usually laughing and riffing off each other and stuff. Just not today.", "Mariah: Well, I mean, you, uh, you just lost the underground. I didn't want to be all hyper and excited around you.", "Noah: Mm-hmm. That, or you're jealous.", "Mariah: Sorry. What? What do you mean?", "Noah: Ever since tessa and i moved in together, I know I've been monopolizing her time, and you don't have that many friends, so...", "Mariah: That was an unnecessary observation.", "Noah: If I'm the reason that you guys haven't been hanging out as much, then I'm sorry. It's not my intention, so... you need your tessa time, too.", "Nick: I don't want to sound irrational, but this is about more than just me, you know. I have to think about how this is gonna affect noah. But maybe it's an opportunity, you know, for a reset.", "Phyllis: Give up, don't give up. I-I'm not in a position to tell you what to do. That would make me a hypocrite, so... I'm done with billy.", "Nick: Really? Didn't seem like that last night.", "Phyllis: It's two different things.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: The way you described it was one thing, but to see it firsthand, I...", "Nick: Real pretty, huh?", "Phyllis: Hey, I'll let you two talk. Bye.", "Nick: Phyllis. You okay?", "Phyllis: Always am.", "Victoria: The truth is, I've got a handle on all the bad press. I've put my company's finances in order. And I've assured all the buyers that all is well.", "Billy: You did all that in 12 hours?", "Victoria: Never underestimate a newman.", "Billy: You mean the power of the mustache, because let's be honest. Your father's behind this, right? He bail you out?", "Victoria: I'm done confiding in you, billy. We share kids, and that's it. Thank you for what you did for reed.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours? Nick, you're starting to scare me. What -- what are you thinking about?", "Nick: What if I did this?", "Chelsea: Did what?", "Nick: The fire. What... what if I caused it?", "Chelsea: Okay, I think that you're in shock, and I think that we need to go home.", "Nick: I was here last night.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Nick: I was at the bar. You know, I was having a drink. And there was a book of matches there. I lit a candle, and I was... I was kind of playing with the matches. You know, I would light one and put it out. But what if one wasn't completely out?", "Chelsea: No, nicholas, it's --", "Nick: There were kids here. My sister's kid was here. What if I --", "Chelsea: Stop. You have to stop. I'm sure this is not your fault. The investigators, they are all over it. They -- they -- they'll figure out what happened.", "Nick: What if I walked away from this? What if I didn't reopen? What if I didn't expand?", "Chelsea: Because this has been noah's dream, not yours? I think you need to decide what you want. And no matter you decide, I'll be here for you.", "Hilary: We will lead with the underground fire. Our crew shot some fabulous footage.", "Jordan: Wrap it up.", "Hilary: I'll call you back, theo.", "Jordan: Stay out of my past.", "Hilary: I see you've been talking to chelsea.", "Jordan: And now I'm talking to you.", "Hilary: You know, I was wondering what would happen to your career if some of the things that you've done became public.", "Jordan: Yeah, I wonder. But maybe in that case, you might want to wonder what would happen to your career if some of those x-rated photos I took of you were made public.", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ] Nice try. I think you've forgotten I'm the one with the memory card with those photos.", "Jordan: It's called being a pro, baby. I always make sure that I have backups. And if you push me, I'll expose you, all of you.", "Jack: More where that one came from.", "Billy: Thank you. It's not every day that not only one, but two of your exes remind you what a screw-up you are.", "Jack: Day's still young. You have other exes in town. They may drop by.", "Billy: Pep talk's not your forte. This is hard to admit, but they're right. I didn't mean to hurt them. The opposite, in fact. You know, jack, you're probably not gonna want to hear this. But I'm not gonna give up on phyllis. Not yet. She's the only one, the only one that's really gotten me.", "Jack: I know we agreed to bury the hatchet, but, uh, too soon.", "Billy: Well, I won't be crashing here for very long.", "Jack: Ah, we've been through this.", "Billy: No, this is more about me. I need some time and space to think about everything that's happened, to acknowledge how badly I messed up and to figure out how to make it right.", "Victoria: So, have you considered my proposal?", "Victor: Well, I think your idea about the timing of the announcement is acceptable.", "Victoria: Great. I'll check in with P.R. After one technicality.", "Victor: What technicality?", "Victoria: I had this drawn up. It's a contract for me, well, outlining everything that we've agreed to so that we don't have any issues in the future.", "Victor: Really? All right. Let me take a look.", "Scott: So, what do you think?", "Paul: You're positive you want to do this?", "Sharon: More than positive.", "Paul: Okay. I think it's a good plan. Let me make some calls, and I'll arrange for you to talk to crystal as soon as possible. If she is able to id zack as the figure behind this sex trafficking ring, we just might have our man.", "Abby: I'm sorry. I thought that you were sending me a signal.", "Zack: I thought that you were just joking about me moving in with you.", "Abby: Yes, yes, it is quick, but I don't know, on the other hand, who even makes those rules?", "Zack: The ubiquitous \"they.\"", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] All relationships are different. That's been the case for me, at least. You know, sometimes you have to move slow. Sometimes circumstances make you move slow. And then sometimes you just have to grab the reins, and I feel like this is one of those times.", "Zack: Seriously?", "Abby: Give me one good reason why you wouldn't want to wake up next to me every morning.", "Zack: Um... [ Chuckles ] I guess I can'T.", "Abby: Then we're doing this?", "Zack: Hand me those reins.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: We're so close, paul. Tell me we're gonna get this guy in time.", "Paul: I'll do my very best.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: Is that better?", "Jordan: Much.", "Cane: I don't want to get divorced from you! I love you, baby!", "Dina: You're just another floozy whose only skill is how good you are between the sheets.", "Jack: Mother!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...', 'provided by ...']
[ "Cane Mattie and Charlie hewants to move closer to Lily and they tell him its okay but later when they tell Devon the news he gets them to admit that they don't want to move away. Devon talks to Cane and gets him to ask himself one simple question if the situation were reversed what would Lily do? Cane realizes that he can't take Mattie and Charlie away from their home. Jack fins Phyllis' Jabot ID badge from Jabot on the couch at Nick's office at dark horse. Jack feels hurt and a little jealous and later he drops by Jabot ajnd Phyllis makes it clear that he has no right to stick his nose in her personal business.Phyllis tells KYle that if he wants tp succeede at the company he should distance himself from Billy and make sure to never cross her. Arturo finds JT's watch at the park and carries it with him all day intending to drop it off at the police station later. Abby sees Rey at Crimson Lights amd persudes Arturo to invite his brother to sit down and Arturo tells Rey about the watch. Rey takes the watch and the brothers argue a bit because Rey assumes that Arturo was going to keep the watch because he got in trouble for stealing when he was a teen. Rey takes the watch because he tells Arturo it could be evidence in a case. Rey is looking through his case file on JT when he finds a picture of JT andvMac in which JT is wearing the watch.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nick: I don't want to do this rebound thing with you. I mean, I respect you too much.", "Mattie: Where are they sending you?", "Lily: Lakewood correctional center.", "Mattie: That's hours away.", "Lily: We'll e farther away, so we won't see each other as often, but we can write, you know? We can talk on the phone.", "Charlie: This sucks!", "Victoria: Where's J.T.?", "Rey: The commission wants to shut down the hellstrom investigation. Unless I can find him in the next week, they are shutting me down. It is over.", "Abby: Hey! What do you got?", "Arturo: Uh, it's a watch. I found it.", "Abby: What are you gonna do with it?", "Arturo: I think I'm gonna take it to the police station.", "Abby: Hmm. Nice.", "Arturo: Someone is gonna be really grateful to me.", "Christine: Shouldn't you be working on the hellstrom case, detective?", "Rey: D.A. Williams.", "Christine: Guess you haven't heard. The clock's ticking on your investigation.", "Rey: I heard. The commission wants to pull the plug.", "Christine: Well, you better get to back to work. I won't keep you.", "Rey: Actually, I wanted to pick your brain about something.", "Christine: Until you have a solid case, there's really nothing I can do to help.", "Rey: I...was thinking we could help each other.", "Abby: Okay. We'd better go. We're gonna be late.", "Arturo: Yeah. Yeah. I guess I'll just turn this in later. It's not like someone's sitting at the station, waiting for it.", "Abby: Oh, hold the elevator! Thank you, uncle jack.", "Jack: Abby!", "Abby: Hi.", "Jack: Hey, arturo.", "Arturo: Jack.", "Jack: You're both here early.", "Abby: Oh, yeah. Been putting out a lot of fires since nick's wedding fiasco. Been keeping the P.R. Team very busy.", "Jack: Well, at least he's keeping a low profile.", "Abby: Which allowed me to take some time off last night.", "Jack: Oh, I hope you had some fun.", "Arturo: Depends what your idea of fun is.", "Abby: I took arturo to a pop-up restaurant -- caribbean food.", "Jack: Well, that sounds like fun.", "Abby: Well, uh, we'll never know, since the restaurant was closed down. The health inspector closed it down before we got there.", "Jack: Ah, too bad.", "Abby: Yeah. Claimed they didn't have any permits. So, arturo and I ended up eating hoagies in the back of his truck -- again.", "Arturo: You say it like that's a bad thing.", "Abby: It was okay.", "Arturo: Oh, come on. You loved it.", "Abby: The hoagies or the back of your truck?", "Jack: Oh, it's a shame you two lovebirds can't take the day off.", "Abby: Oh, no. I got way too much to do.", "Jack: Yeah, me, too.", "Abby: What's first on your agenda?", "Jack: A meeting with nick.", "Nick: Yeah. So, that noise we heard outside was the sound of people coming in to work this morning.", "Phyllis: What, you don't think I can blend in with the rest of the crowd?", "Nick: Well, unless it's come to work naked day.", "Phyllis: Ohh! I'm gonna have to try that at jabot!", "Nick: Yeah. I bet your board would really like that. Seriously, you need to get up, get dressed, and get out of here.", "Phyllis: First of all, I am the C.E.O. Of jabot cosmetics, all right? I sell sex. So why should I be afraid of the world to see me openly and proudly embracing my sexuality?", "Nick: Yeah, I don't know about the rest of the world, but this is not a good time for my employees to find out about this.", "Phyllis: That's all right. I'll protect your reputation... after I do this.", "Abby: I feel like we've stopped on every floor.", "[ Elevator doors open ]", "Jack: Another day, another dollar.", "[ All chuckle ]", "Arturo: Hey, uh, I need to stop by nick's -- pick up some specs before I head out to the site.", "Jack: Yeah. Let him know i got a couple quick things to do before I meet with him.", "Arturo: Will do.", "Abby: Lunch later?", "Arturo: I wanted to try and stop by the police station on my break.", "Abby: Mm. Whoever lost that is going to be very happy to get it back.", "Arturo: Yeah. Yeah. It looks nice, huh? Definitely expensive.", "Abby: You never told me where you found it.", "Nick: I'm gonna go grab some coffee.", "Phyllis: Well, you don't have to clear the way for me.", "Nick: You know, you may not care what people think about you, but I do.", "Phyllis: Well, that's very sweet but unnecessary. I can take care of myself.", "Nick: You don't have to tell me.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, I think it's time the rest of the world get that message.", "Nick: Why don't you go easy on the rest of the world today? They may not be ready for fired-up phyllis.", "Phyllis: Well, they need to buckle up and get ready.", "Abby: It was just laying there in chancellor park?", "Arturo: [ Sighs ] Near the dig site.", "Abby: Well, if nobody claims it, maybe you'll get to keep it.", "Arturo: Mnh. Too rich for my blood.", "Abby: Text you about lunch later.", "Arturo: Okay.", "Arturo: Ohh!", "Phyllis: Okay. You dropped your watch.", "Arturo: Yeah. nick around?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah. He should be. This is his office.", "Arturo: Um, yeah. I just thought, um --", "Phyllis: What?", "Arturo: Nothing.", "Phyllis: Okay. Good. Additional sponsorship", "Cane: Hey. Listen, I'm gonna take a shower, and then I'm gonna make breakfast for you and your sister, okay?", "Charlie: Yeah. You missed a call while you were out -- someone named farrah dubose.", "Cane: Uh, did you take a message?", "Charlie: Yeah. She said she'd e-mail you the rental prices for the house.", "Mattie: Wait. We're -- we're moving?", "Charlie: I don't know. Are we?", "Cane: [ Sighs ] You know, I want us to be close to your mom.", "Jack: Hey. I thought you were heading to a jobsite.", "Arturo: Yeah, I'm on the way now. Have you seen nick?", "Jack: Yeah. I just saw him outside my office.", "Arturo: Huh. He must have had an early meeting.", "Jack: He said it was his first meeting of the day, yeah.", "Arturo: Hmm.", "Jack: \"Hmm\" what?", "Arturo: Um, nothing.", "Jack: Oh, come on. Something's obviously on your mind. What is it?", "Arturo: Everyone's entitled to their own privacy, and I'm the last person to judge. I got to get going. Have a good one, jack.", "Jack: Yeah, you, too. Hmm.", "Kyle: Morning, boss.", "Phyllis: Kyle, I'm busy, so if you have something for me --", "Kyle: The marketing plan you wanted. Got here early this morning. Came up with something I think you'll like. If you want to swing by my office, I can show it to you.", "Phyllis: That's gonna have to wait. I have some business to take care of this morning. Get ted to put you on the list, all right?", "Kyle: You said it was important. I thought you'd want to see it right away.", "Phyllis: I do, but when we meet, it'll be in my office, not yours.", "Kyle: Sure. Of course. You're the boss.", "Phyllis: Good. You keep that in mind, we're gonna get along just fine. I want you to treat me like any other C.E.O. That you've worked for.", "Kyle: It's just you're the first --", "Phyllis: First? Go ahead and finish that sentence.", "Kyle: Non-abbott.", "Phyllis: Well, then, you're just gonna have to get used to that. I'm here to stay. Let's do this.", "Cane: So, um, they're all, uh, 15 minutes from lakewood, and they're all rentals, so, you know, nothing's permanent, and after your mom's sentence is done, then we can all move back here to genoa city.", "Mattie: When were you thinking about making the move?", "Cane: Well, I was thinking the sooner, the better. They have really good schools. I've looked in to transferring your credits, so the transition should be smooth. And, uh, anyway, we can stay on track to start college in the fall as we planned, huh?", "Charlie: Yeah, but we'd still be leaving our friends and family behind.", "Cane: Yeah, well, I mean, you know, nate, devon, and neil can come visit, and, uh, you can stay in touch with your friends with texting and video-chatting. We can come back here and, you know, do trips on the weekend, so...", "Mattie: What about your job?", "Cane: Uh, I was gonna talk to jill about running chancellor remotely.", "Charlie: What if she doesn't let you?", "Cane: Well, I could take a leave of absence. You know, um... look, you know, your mom -- her sentence is gonna be done in like 10 months, you know, and she might get out sooner for good behavior, you know? All right, listen, I know this isn't easy, all right? But, you know, we need to do this for your mom. You understand that, right?", "Mattie: Yeah. Of course we do.", "Cane: Okay.", "Charlie: Mom comes first. No questions.", "Cane: I knew I could count on you. All right. Well, I will call farrah, and i will tell her that we're moving ahead with this.", "Mattie: [ Sighs ]", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] This is...", "Mattie: Crazy? Yeah. But we don't have any choice.", "Rey: It would be a big mistake for the commission to shut down my investigation. I am close to busting this thing wide open. I just -- I just need a little more time.", "Christine: More time, yeah. I've heard that before.", "Rey: You're smart. I'm sure you could see bringing hellstrom to justice would be, a big boost for your career, maybe even get you in the running for state attorney or a judgeship.", "Christine: While I appreciate your appealing to my perceived ambition, I think your time would be better spent focusing on the case at hand. Like I said, the clock's ticking.", "Phyllis: Yeah, let's set up a meeting with kerry johnson and tell her that I want to discuss products and services for jaboutique openings, all right? Now, if we haven't heard from kyle yet, let's set up a time for he and billy to come in and discuss their marketing ideas. Well, call billy and tell him to get his butt into work. You know what? A double latte with skim would be amazing right now. Okay.", "[ Exhales sharply ]", "Jack: I crunched the numbers on those downtown warehouses. I think we can get them for under market value and turn a pretty good profit.", "Nick: Sounds good. I'll, uh, think about it.", "Jack: Okay. That's all I got.", "Nick: Hey, before you go, i just wanted to let you know how sorry I was to hear about how the jabot vote went. Selfishly speaking, I'm very glad you're still here with us at dark horse.", "Jack: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.", "Nick: Well, at least you know your company's in good hands.", "Jack: Maybe.", "Nick: You don't think phyllis is up to the job?", "Jack: We'll see. Speaking of phyllis, actually... maybe you can return this to her when you see her next.", "Nick: Where'd you get this?", "Jack: On your sofa, under the blanket. I bumped in to arturo when i came into the office. He was acting strangely, and, uh, I found the badge, put two and two together, and... well, I thought you'd appreciate me letting you know before tongues start wagging.", "Nick: Yeah. I'll, uh... make sure she gets it back. As far as I'm concerned, we are two single adults.", "Jack: Of course. I am a little surprised you moved on so quickly, and with the person who ruined your wedding.", "Nick: Yeah, you and I talking about phyllis -- I don't think it's a good idea.", "Jack: Yeah, you're probably right. I-I am curious, though. The last we spoke on the subject, you were determined to win sharon back.", "Nick: Sharon's made it very clear that we are done, and I am not going to spend the rest of my life chasing after her.", "Jack: I get that. Why phyllis?", "Nick: I mean... do you have to ask?", "Jack: No, I guess not.", "Nick: Look, jack, what phyllis and I may or may not be doing... is none of your business.", "Jack: You're right. I ju-- you're right. Let me know about those warehouses.", "Phyllis: Victoria? It's me. I was wondering if you've spoken to the others about what happened on halloween. Since we came up empty, I was wondering if you had any thoughts about what we should do next. Call me -- soon.", "Arturo: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] The owner of that watch is gonna be dead before you return it.", "Arturo: Ah. My meeting ran long. I'm actually not even gonna be able to stay for lunch. I'll drop by the station after work.", "Abby: Well, it is nice.", "Arturo: I told you, it's not my style.", "Abby: You could hock it.", "Arturo: You really think that I'd --", "Abby: Let's ask him to join us.", "Arturo: No.", "Abby: Arturo, you can't go on fighting with your brother forever.", "Arturo: Abby, not speaking is the opposite of fighting.", "Abby: You keep telling me how important family is.", "Arturo: You can't fix this.", "Abby: You also told me that, next time, we do what I want. I want him to join us. Please?", "Arturo: That's not fair, and do not look at me with those eyes.", "Abby: You won't regret it.", "Arturo: I already do.", "Abby: Rey! Join us?", "Devon: Jack.", "Jack: Hey!", "Devon: Would you like some company?", "Jack: Please. I hate drowning my sorrows alone.", "Devon: I'll have what he's having, please. So, neil told me about the board vote at jabot and how ashley is moving to paris.", "Jack: Yeah. Kind of feels like karmic payback for ever creating that blood abbott clause, which was never to be used against my sister, by the way.", "Devon: And yet it was.", "Jack: And yet it was. I wouldn't blame you for taking ashley's side. I really wouldn'T.", "Devon: Well, jack, I'm not trying to take any sides at all. I just feel bad -- thank you. I feel bad about what's happened to your family. That's all.", "Jack: Ashley's leaving has left a huge hole in the family.", "Devon: I know the feeling very well.", "Jack: Lily.", "Devon: Yeah. It's a 4-hour drive to visit her in lakewood. I can take the jet whenever i want to, but cane and the kids -- they have lives going on here, so it's difficult. It's been very difficult for them and lily to not be able to see each other as often. [ Cellphone chimes ] Sorry. It's charlie. He needs me for something.", "Jack: Hope everything's all right.", "Devon: Me, too. Um, real quick, out of curiosity, how's phyllis doing in the new C.E.O. Position?", "Jack: [ Sighs ] Red is approaching this job like she does everything else in her life -- with determination and passion.", "Devon: No holds barred?", "Jack: No holds barred.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Phyllis: I'm busy!", "Nick: Even for me?", "Phyllis: Nick, what are you doing here?", "Nick: I just wanted to come by and see you in action. It's impressive.", "Phyllis: The way I sit behind a desk?", "Nick: It suits you. The board made the right choice.", "Phyllis: Well, I think a few people would disagree with you and the board.", "Nick: Well, they don't know you like I do.", "Phyllis: I imagine you have to get back to work.", "Nick: Yeah. There's another reason I came by. You left something in my office this morning.", "Phyllis: I was wondering where that thing went. Thank you.", "Nick: Well, it's not all good news. Um...the person who found it was jack... on the couch in my office. I'm sure you can imagine his reaction. You okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's unfortunate that jack had to find out about us the way he did, but, like I said, I -- I am not embarrassed at all by anything.", "Nick: So, no regrets?", "Phyllis: No. You?", "Nick: I think it's time we all move on.", "Phyllis: I couldn't agree more.", "Nick: So, I'll see you soon.", "Phyllis: Yes. [ Telephone rings ] Ted? Thank you. I've been waiting for this call from hong kong.", "Nick: Life at the top. I get it. See ya.", "Phyllis: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Mr. Yu. Thank you for making time for me. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Devon: So, your text sounded important. What's going on?", "Charlie: want to...?", "Mattie: Well, we just wanted to let you know that we won't be able to intern at hamilton-winters any longer.", "Devon: Okay. Okay. I get that. Have a seat. I know that you're in the middle of school right now, and between that and scheduling to go see your mom. I get it.", "Charlie: That's not why we're quitting.", "Devon: Why are you quitting, then?", "Mattie: We're moving.", "Charlie: Just so we can be closer to mom.", "Devon: When are you moving?", "Charlie: As soon as dad arranges everything.", "Devon: What's your dad thinking?", "Mattie: He's trying to do what's best for our family.", "Devon: But you're in the middle of your senior year of high school.", "Mattie: Well, he's looking at houses in great school districts. Charlie and I have already looked up a few high schools online.", "Charlie: And plus my dad talked to the dean at walnut grove. There won't be any problem transferring our credits.", "Devon: Yeah, but high school is not only just academics, charlie. You're a star runner on your cross-country team.", "Charlie: The season's almost over.", "Devon: Then you got basketball coming up. And you have yearbook and debate.", "Mattie: I can join at my new school.", "Devon: You're not gonna be the team captain. You have senior prom coming up. I know you've been looking forward to that.", "Mattie: Well, we might have to make a few sacrifices, but we have to do this. It's what's best for mom.", "Devon: And you think she would want you to leave behind your home and your family and your friends? And shauna -- what about shauna?", "Charlie: I mean, we'll keep in touch. I don't know. We're not moving that far away.", "Devon: Okay. I'm gonna ask you guys a question, and I want you to think before you answer me. Do you feel like you'd be letting your parents down if you did not go along with this?", "Charlie: [ Sighs ]", "[ Knock on door ]", "Phyllis: Come in, ted!", "Kyle: It's me. Ted asked me to give you this.", "Phyllis: Delivering coffee? Not a very good use of your time.", "Kyle: I tweaked my marketing plan for the jaboutiques. Billy's going over it now. He'll be in later for our meeting.", "Phyllis: And you came to tell me that, bring me my coffee?", "Kyle: I also want to apologize. Working for a C.E.O. Who isn't family is gonna take some getting used to, but I will.", "Phyllis: Sooner rather than later will be good.", "Kyle: Absolutely. I just want a chance to prove myself... an equal chance.", "Phyllis: Is there something you'd like to tell me, kyle?", "Kyle: Billy and I get the feeling you're trying to send us a message.", "Phyllis: I am. I expect loyalty and respect from all of my employees.", "Kyle: The kind you're getting from summer?", "Phyllis: I was voted in as C.E.O. By a slim margin. I need people around me that i can trust. My daughter has proven that she deserves more responsibility. Billy was a competent C.E.O., But he let his demons get the best of him. He made grievous errors that caused this company great damage which, right now, I am repairing, so if he wants to make an impact at jabot and be part of top management, he's gonna have to prove himself, just like you.", "Kyle: So, the way you're treating billy and I has nothing to do with summer?", "Phyllis: Billy is where he is because he put himself there. And I am not blaming him or treating him any differently because of what he did with my daughter, which, by the way, was disgusting. You know, I have two pieces of advice for you if you'd like to succeed.", "Kyle: I'm listening.", "Phyllis: One, separate yourself from billy, and, two, never cross me. We're done.", "Rey: Thank you. That's a nice watch. You get that for arturo?", "Abby: This? No, no. Arturo found it.", "Rey: You found it, huh?", "Arturo: Yeah. I was gonna drop it off at the station later.", "Rey: I'll save you the trip.", "Arturo: No. I found it. I'll turn it in.", "Rey: Don't be stupid, arturo. I'm going there anyway.", "Arturo: Great. So am I.", "Rey: Just give it to me, arturo.", "Arturo: Why? You think I'm gonna steal it?", "Abby: Of course he doesn'T.", "[ Scoffs ]", "Rey: [ Sighs ] Wouldn't be the first time you stole something.", "Arturo: All right. Great. It was only a matter of time before you brought that up. What -- what did it take you -- a month, six weeks? [ Scoffs ] Unbelievable.", "Rey: You don't want abby to hear the story? You afraid it says something about you?", "Abby: Okay, what story?", "Rey: When we were kids, our neighbor's bike disappeared from his front yard.", "Arturo: I borrowed the bike to go to the drugstore to pick up a prescription for our mom. Rey had to blow the whole thing up into something that it wasn'T.", "Rey: That bike belonged to someone else. And you took it without asking. But... that's what you do, isn't it?", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Abby: Uh... I'm sorry. I-I have to take this. You two, play nice, please. It's just a watch. Hi.", "Arturo: Give it back, bro.", "Rey: It's inscribed.", "Arturo: Yeah. It says, \"love, mac.\" I don't know who that is.", "Rey: I might.", "Charlie: Switching schools and making friends is nothing compared to what mom's going through.", "Mattie: We can't keep living our lives, knowing that she's in that new prison all alone.", "Devon: Listen, we all feel bad for your mom, okay? But you guys only get to do your senior year one time. You're not gonna sacrifice that because of her situation.", "Mattie: But we love her so much.", "Devon: I know you do. I love her, too. All right? But you guys have to be honest with your dad about how you feel.", "Mattie: I don't think I can do that.", "Charlie: He's counting on us. [ Doorbell rings ] Is that him?", "Devon: Yeah, it is.", "Charlie: I don't know what to say to him!", "Devon: I'll help you. Okay? Hey.", "Cane: Hey, man.", "Devon: Hey. How you doing?", "Cane: Okay. Uh, got your text.", "Devon: Yeah.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Cane: Okay. Um, what's going on?", "Devon: Charlie and mattie told me about what you're planning.", "Cane: What? You mean the move?", "Devon: Yeah, the move. And I understand why you want to do this for lily. But I think there is a few things that you haven't considered.", "Cane: Uh, okay. I thought you guys were all right with this, no?", "Devon: Hey. Will you two let me talk to your dad for a second?", "Mattie: Yeah.", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Cane: All right. So, what -- they came to you and complained and you were in support of them?", "Devon: No, the opposite, actually, 'cause those kids would do anything you ask them to do for the sake of this family.", "Cane: Okay. Then why are you encouraging them to fight me on this?", "Devon: I'm not. I'm trying to get you to see that there's five people in your family you need to consider and not just one.", "Jack: I thought maybe we could grab some lunch together. You can fill me in on how things are going with your new boss.", "Kyle: I don't get a lunch break, which probably gives you a pretty good idea of how things are going.", "Jack: Well, you got to give her some credit. She convinced kerry johnson to come on board.", "Kyle: Yeah, people are pretty excited about her heading up r&D.", "Jack: Kerry is the real thing. In fact, I've been thinking if I'd been the one to bring her before the board, they might have voted for me. Wow. I cannot believe she is C.E.O.", "Kyle: Yeah. If you'd been in her office with me earlier, you'd believe it.", "Jack: Yeah? She giving you hard time?", "Kyle: Not just me. She's an equal-opportunity hardass.", "[ Door opens ]", "Jack: Phyllis!", "Phyllis: Jack. What are you doing here?", "Kyle: He dropped by to see me.", "Jack: I guess I missed the chance to say hello to you earlier -- at dark horse.", "Phyllis: Kyle, isn't there something you should be doing?", "Kyle: Yeah. Lots.", "Phyllis: Let's talk in my office.", "Jack: Sure.", "Phyllis: Something wrong?", "Jack: I spent the better part of my life working out of this office. You're sitting behind a desk that not only I but my father sat behind. I guess I'm allowed some kind of reaction, aren't I? Reflection, at least, of decades of family history.", "Phyllis: Reflecting is fine. But if you resent my being here, then we have a problem.", "Rey: I'm gonna need to take this down to the station.", "Arturo: What, you don't think I can handle turning it in?", "Rey: Not everything's about you.", "Arturo: No, of course not. It's about you.", "Rey: Get over yourself, arturito. This could be an important piece of evidence. I'm gonna handle it.", "Arturo: Evidence in connection with what? [ Scoffs ] You want to know why I can't get along with my jerk of a brother? Because he hasn't changed one bit since we were kids. at humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.", "Abby: Thank you. At least now you have time for lunch.", "Arturo: Lost my appetite.", "Abby: It's just a watch. What difference does it make who turns it in?", "Arturo: I could care less about the watch. It's rey. He always has to be in charge. He acts like he's the only one who can handle anything.", "Abby: He's just doing his job. You heard him. It could be evidence.", "Arturo: He probably made that up. He just bugs the crap out of me, I swear.", "Abby: Okay. Look on the bright side. Now you don't have to go down to the station, so now you have an hour to kill -- an hour that you can spend with me.", "Arturo: Oh.", "Abby: Mm-hmm, and I think i have just what you need to make you feel better -- a lot better.", "Cane: My family is all I've thought about since the day this nightmare started. I have a baby, I have two teenagers in their last year in high school, and I have a wife who I miss and I love so much, I can barely breathe. And I'm trying to do what is best for all of them, especially lily, 'cause we still have each other, and she has no one. She has nothing.", "Devon: I understand. Have you spoken to her about what you're planning to do?", "Cane: No, 'cause I want to make sure everything's in place before I tell her what i planned.", "Devon: Okay. And how do you think she's gonna respond when she finds out you're planning to uproot the family to be closer to her?", "Cane: I have to do something.", "Devon: This isn't the thing to do, though. This is not the thing. All right? I-I get it. I know that you feel powerless right now and you're trying to control a bad situation, right? You try to make a big, grand, selfless gesture to show lily that you're helping out. This is not how you do it. You haven't thought it through. You're just pushing ahead blindly without considering everyone involved, including lily.", "Cane: I'm just lost without her. And I'm just trying to do what is best for everyone, and I just have no idea what that it is.", "Devon: If the situation was reversed, how do you think lily would act? What would she do?", "Cane: [ Inhales deeply ] [ Exhales sharply ] Hey, guys, can you, uh -- can you come down here for a minute, please? Come on.", "[ Sniffles ]", "Charlie: Are you mad at us?", "Cane: I'm not mad at you. I love you too much to be mad at you, okay?", "Mattie: We love you, too, and if you want to go...", "Cane: No. We're not gonna go anywhere, okay? Yeah. Okay. I love you guys.", "Mattie: Love you, too.", "Charlie: I love you, too.", "Cane: All right.", "Jack: We're not done.", "Phyllis: Jack, I am busy.", "Jack: You invited me into your office. At least I should get equal time to defend myself against these charges.", "Phyllis: Fine. Go ahead.", "Jack: I don't know where these accusations of my resenting you are coming from.", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you wanted the job here.", "Jack: I never denied that. Look, I-I wished you well. Did you think I was lying?", "Phyllis: I think you're human -- human enough to want me to fail.", "Jack: My father founded this company. I worked most of my life trying to build and protect his legacy. I want jabot to succeed every bit as much now as then.", "Phyllis: You are so good. You say all the right things. That's one of your many talents. But it's what you're not saying, jack.", "Jack: And what would that be?", "Phyllis: The real reason you're here.", "Jack: What, taking my son to lunch?", "Phyllis: Nick came by earlier. He dropped off my I.D. Badge.", "Jack: Oh, good! You got it back.", "Phyllis: You think I missed that comment you made about missing me at dark horse? If you're trying to rattle me, it didn't, because I am not only the C.E.O. Of jabot, but I am a grown woman, which includes having a relationship with whoever I want.", "Jack: I stand in no judgment.", "Phyllis: I can feel your disapproval in this room.", "Jack: You are a grown woman with her own life to live. Isn't that what you just said? Why would you care what I think?", "Phyllis: I don'T. But I have one question for you -- where do you get off thinking that my personal life is any of your business?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lauren feels that now that the book is a ‘go', she should be able to get more details about it. Scott tells her that he would like to keep that secret until he has spoken to Brenda about this. \"She has no idea that I even submitted it for publishing. She is very private mom and I don't know how she is going to feel about this.\" Lauren assures him that when she finds out that she is going to be a celebrity she will not care that Scott put the manuscript out without her knowledge. Michael has a feeling that his mother knows what happened with Tom's bail and she isn't telling. \"Gloria! Does the name, ‘Jennifer Mitchell' mean anything to you,\" he asks. She tells him ‘no'. She denies having any knowledge of this person or how Tom's bail got paid. He feels that she is lying and warns her that this person has been helping Tom hurt Lauren and that if anything should happen to her, she will be sorry. Jack comes to the Chancellor mansion smug. The Newman launch is going to happen the next day, but he is confident that it will not be a success. Jill wants to know how he knows that. He says at first that he has no idea of anything that may happen, but later admits to Jill that Phyllis had her hands on the Newman website, in their offices all night. Jill panics. She wants to win against the Newman's but not like this. She feels that Jack doesn't believe in her skill as CEO. He keeps doing underhanded tricks to get one over on Newman and that takes away her chance at doing her job. She orders him to get over to Phyllis and make her repair whatever damage that she has done before anything happens. Jill warns that her mother will not be happy if she finds out that Jack and Phyllis did this. Tom has got Mackenzie trapped in the coffeehouse. She asks him to leave repeatedly as she doesn't think that she should get involved in Tom's issue with Kevin. Tom will not leave. He wants Mackenzie to promise that she will help him get Kevin to help him with his frame up. Lauren shows up hoping to get a coffee before the place closes. She gets angry when she sees Tom there bullying Mackenzie. She shouts at him to get out of there as no one wants him there. That is when Michael shows up and rushes to the group. Tom tells Michael that nothing is wrong and not to get excited, but that is just a ruse to get his guard down. The first chance that Tom gets, he punches Michael knocking him to the ground. Lauren attacks him next as Mackenzie watches." ]
[ "Mac: All right, you go home. Get a good night's sleep.", "Kevin: I don't mind staying. I can help you finish up the inventory.", "Mac: No, I got it. Besides, you have to come back early in the morning to start that computer scan, remember?", "Kevin: Oh, yeah, the computer scan. All right, partner. Hey, um, don't forget to lock up the patio, okay?", "Mac: Will do.", "Kevin: See you tomorrow.", "Mac: All right.", "Kevin: Bye.", "Mac: Good night, Kevin. (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: All right, Michael. I wanna know what's going on right now. What was all that business back at the house before?", "Michael: Uh... I don't think I wanna get into that with you.", "Gloria: Well, look, you and Paul Williams are obviously worried sick about Ashley, and from what I gathered, it had something to do with Tom.", "Michael: Well, doesn't everything lately?", "Gloria: Oh, dear god, did he do something to her? Please, is that why you--", "Michael: No, no, Ashley's safe... at home. I'm a lot more concerned about another woman he's been spending time with.", "Gloria: Who?", "Michael: Jennifer Mitchell. Tell me, Gloria, does that name mean anything to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: Just initial here and then sign by the \"X.\"", "Scott: I'm really gonna be published.", "Adrian: Well, look, if the rest of it is as good as the first few chapters and the treatment that you sent us, it could even be a best seller.", "Scott: You honestly think it's that good?", "Adrian: Look, your heroine has been terribly wronged. I mean, to have her child taken away? It's a moving, human story. I think people are really gonna feel for her.", "Scott: Yeah, I know I do. That's why I was interested in the story in the first place. (Knock on door)", "Scott: Excuse me.", "Lauren: Hi, honey.", "Scott: Mom. Hey, what are you doin' out so late? Where's your bodyguard?", "Lauren: (Laughs) parked in the street. Hey, oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company.", "Scott: No, no, your timing's perfect, actually, mom. This is Adrian Wylie. He's a representative for Harwell-Berg Publishing. Mr. Wylie, my mother, Lauren Fenmore.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Adrian: It is lovely to meet you, Ms. Fenmore.", "Lauren: And you, as well. Publisher, hmm? Does that mean...", "Scott: They just bought my book.", "Lauren: Oh...", "Scott: How great is that?", "Lauren: My goodness! That's incredible! Oh, honey!", "Adrian: You must be very proud of this young man and his writing partner. It's quite a story they've got.", "Lauren: Yeah, I'll bet it is. See, my son is very secretive. So maybe you could finally tell me what the plot of this book is.", "Scott: Um...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: This is a nice surprise, but aren't you sleeping at your dad's tonight?", "Abby: Uh-huh, but I forgot some things.", "Ashley: Uh-oh.", "Brad: Somethin' about a pink dress.", "Abby: Yeah, it's my favorite. I wanna wear it to my birthday party tomorrow.", "Ashley: Honey, it's in the very front of your closet, okay, and don't forget the hair thingamajiggie that goes with it in case you wanna wear that, too.", "Abby: I won't.", "Brad: Hair thingamajiggie.", "Abby: Be right back.", "Brad: Very important. Get me a hair thingamajiggie. I might...", "Ashley: Very front of the closet. It's, like, the first couple dresses.", "Abby: Very front.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: (Chuckles) she's been talking about the birthday nonstop. I told her she has to wait for her present till tomorrow.", "Ashley: Oh, why is that, because it's still at the store?", "Brad: No, it's not at the store. I got the present, uh-huh. Been debating, do I give it to her tomorrow or Christmas?", "Ashley: Well, why don't you just give her the doll and the books now and then save the rest?", "Brad: Because then there would be a naked doll...", "Ashley: (Gasps)", "Brad: For a month and a half, heaven forbid.", "Ashley: Oh, my gosh. Thank God that it comes in an outfit.", "Brad: Only one outfit all the way till December?", "Ashley: Well, think of everything Santa can bring-- there's the clothes, there's the furniture, there's all those accessories.", "Brad: Ah, yes, you women and your accessories.", "Ashley: Well, no matter what you start with, I know Abby's gonna love it. I wish I could be there when you give it to her. You know, Brad, it's not gonna be easy for her... to wake up on her big day and not have both of us there.", "Brad: No, I'm, uh, sure it's not... but, unfortunately...", "Ashley: I know. How do we tell her?", "Brad: Well, she's handled the separation really well so far.", "Ashley: This is not the same, having your mommy and your daddy tell you that they are definitely getting divorced.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Ah, dinner was wonderful, wasn't it?", "Kay: Mm-hmm. Yes, indeed. Esther outdid herself on the salmon tonight, oh.", "Jill: Well, actually, I was talking about the peace and serenity, although the food was lovely, too.", "Kay: Oh, come on, jill, you're not fooling me. You miss Brittany and you miss Joshua.", "Jill: (Sighs) all right, I have to admit it. I find myself listening for the baby all the time. I-I walk by his old room, and I have to stop myself from looking in on him. But I'm sure these feelings will pass, won't they?", "Kay: Well, you do have your job to keep you busy.", "Jill: Thanks to all those files you dumped in my lap this afternoon. Do you know how long it took me to go through those?", "Kay: I want you up to speed. No, Jabot is gonna face many challenges, and I want you at the top of your game.", "Jill: Mother, I promised you that I wouldn't let you down, and I won't.", "Kay: And I have every confidence in you. (Doorbell rings)", "Kay: Oh, God, well, um, Esther! Yes, of course. Esther, I'll get it! I will get it! Ooh!", "Kay: Jack.", "Jack: Hello, Katherine. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.", "Kay: No, no, no, dear. We just finished dinner. Come in, come in.", "Jack: Thank you. Jill.", "Jill: Hello, Jack.", "Kay: So what brings you by?", "Jack: Well, I wanted to drop by with the report you requested. All the figures are there, as you wished.", "Kay: Well, thank you, but you could've brought it by tomorrow morning.", "Jack: I also wanted to tell the two of you not to lose any sleep tonight.", "Kay: Hmm?", "Jack: Well, as you know, Newman Enterprises is launching its new cosmetics line tomorrow, and, uh, I'm sure they think they have a big winner on their hands. Rest assured, Jabot has nothing to be concerned about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So Victoria tells me you did some work on our web site.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. I can't believe that Victoria and Brad are giving me so much grief for this. I have a lot to lose. I work at Jabot, I have a relationship with Jack. So I think it goes without saying that \"helping the enemy\" would have a huge negative impact on my career and on my personal life.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Then why did you do it? (Doorbell rings)", "Nick: Hey, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hey, Nicholas. Come in.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Um, I wasn't expecting you.", "Nick: Well, I haven't seen you since you did that work for me on the web site. I figured it was time I paid you a visit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: I'm keepin' the story under wraps until the book's finished. That's the way Brenda prefers it.", "Lauren: All right.", "Adrian: But once it hits the stores, I want you and your partner on the publicity trail.", "Lauren: This is so exciting.", "Adrian: Okay, I mean, we're talking interviews, book signings, talk shows-- the works.", "Scott: I don't know what to say.", "Lauren: And it's not every day my son is speechless, believe me.", "Adrian: If everything goes the way that I hope, we might even get this optioned for a movie.", "Scott: Oh, man. I can't wait to tell Brenda about this.", "Adrian: Look, much as I would love to stay and chat, I have to be back at the convention. I'm moderating a panel on first-time authors. I'll send you a transcript.", "Lauren: That'd be great.", "Scott: Yeah, cool, cool.", "Adrian: Good. Um, look, here's my card.", "Scott: All right.", "Adrian: And, um, I'll be in touch soon.", "Scott: Yeah, thank you.", "Adrian: Yeah.", "Scott: Thanks so much, Mr. Wylie.", "Adrian: Oh, it's my pleasure. And, Scott, keep up the good work, all right?", "Scott: Yeah, I will.", "Adrian: Okay. I'll let myself out.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Scott: Okay.", "Lauren: Nice to have met you.", "Adrian: You, too. Thank you. Good luck.", "Scott: Oh, my head is spinning.", "Lauren: I'm sure.", "Scott: I mean, I was hoping someone would just at least look at the book, but all the rest of this, I mean, man.", "Lauren: Honey, I am so thrilled for you. And Brenda-- she's gonna be ecstatic.", "Scott: Well, I hope so. I didn't even tell her I was sending the treatment to anybody.", "Lauren: Well, I'm sure she's gonna forgive you when she realizes what the response is.", "Scott: (Sighs) well, it could get a little uncomfortable, I mean, with all this hoopla. You know, she trusted me enough to tell me her story, but she's a pretty private person.", "Lauren: Honey, she's gonna be a celebrity. Once this book comes out, everyone's gonna know who she is. Who wouldn't love that, huh?", "Scott: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jennifer Mitchell, you say? I'm sorry. I have no idea who the woman is.", "Michael: Oh. Hmm. Think real hard, Gloria. Are you sure that name doesn't ring a bell?", "Gloria: I said it didn't. What's this about, anyway?", "Michael: She's the woman who paid Tom's bail. She's to blame for releasing the beast from his cage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Sorry, we're closed.", "Tom: My name's Tom Fisher.", "Mac: What do you want?", "Tom: I'm here about Kevin.", "Mac: You just missed him.", "Tom: Yeah, I know. I-I saw him go.", "Mac: Please leave.", "Tom: You know, I-I've tried reasoning with my son, but he won't listen to me. I need a better way to get through to him.", "Mac: Why tell me?", "Tom: Well, I think you're it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Let's get through the worst of it with our lawyers.", "Ashley: Before we tell Abby.", "Brad: No need to spoil her holidays.", "Ashley: Yeah, I agree.", "Brad: Then we'll figure out a good time and, uh, we'll sit down together.", "Brad: What do you think?", "Ashley: Well, it's just strange, you know? It's really strange.", "Brad: What is?", "Ashley: We've been apart for a really long time, and now to make it official, it's...", "Brad: It's time, Ash.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Brad: Listen, Abby's gonna be down any second, and you've already made your feelings about my personal life crystal clear.", "Ashley: No, I don't want to argue. I don't want to argue with you. I mean, we have more important things to concentrate on, like how to celebrate our daughter's birthday.", "Brad: Well, at least that's one thing we won't be fighting about.", "Ashley: Oh, do you have to go there? I mean, you're the one that wants to rush this divorce so you can date Victoria, right?", "Brad: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Oh, trust me, Jack. I'm not worried about Newman's new line. Even if it performs well, I know what Jabot has in the works.", "Jack: And you like what you've seen?", "Kay: Oh, yes, indeed, I do. (Chuckles) all those new television and print ads --wonderful. I expect some great things from the company this quarter. And I don't want you resting on your laurels. That includes you.", "Jill: Mother, don't worry. We intend to keep up our momentum well into the New Year when we launch our own new line.", "Kay: My thoughts exactly. And on that note, I'm going upstairs, read this report and, uh, good night.", "Jack: Good night, Katherine.", "Jill: Good night, Mother.", "Kay: Good night, children.", "Jack: What?", "Jill: Well, you and Katherine might not be nervous about tomorrow, but I am.", "Jack: Well, don't be. Just relax.", "Jill: Jack, what if beauty of nature is a huge hit?", "Jack: It won't be.", "Jill: How do you know that?", "Jack: I just know.", "Jill: Okay, come clean. Usually you're foaming at the mouth when there's the slightest chance that victor may beat you. But look at you, all casual. Now why is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What's in the bag?", "Nick: It's for you.", "Phyllis: What is it?", "Nick: Well, why don't you open it up and find out? It's harmless. I promise.", "Phyllis: Brownies.", "Nick: Double chocolate chip.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Nick: Well, that night when we were working on the web site, you ate every dessert I ordered. I didn't get one. So I figured you must really like chocolate.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, chocolate gets you through the night. You know...", "Nick: Well, it's my little way of saying thank you. I appreciate your help. Daniel can help you finish them off. Is he around?", "Phyllis: Uh, no. He's--he's out with a friend.", "Nick: How's he doing?", "Phyllis: You really want to know?", "Nick: I asked.", "Phyllis: Um... well, I mean, he's okay... now. It's... been--been tough. But the kids at school are finally accepting him. I mean, it's been really, really rough... on him. You know, changing schools and, um... anyway, he's doing a lot of community service, talking to--to kids about underage drinking and-- and, um, the repercussions.", "Phyllis: Here.", "Nick: Oh, thanks. I'm glad to hear it.", "Phyllis: Yeah. So, um, how's the web site going?", "Nick: It's running great. But that hasn't stopped some people from giving me a hard time for enlisting your services.", "Phyllis: Oh, I figured you'd have to deal with that.", "Nick: I guess it's to be expected. Everyone's so anxious for the launch tomorrow. I keep telling them there's no reason to worry.", "Phyllis: I get the feeling you've been telling yourself that, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Kevin: Okay, so do either of you care to tell me why you're both grinning from ear to ear?", "Lauren: Um, Scott will fill you in.", "Scott: (Laughs) oh, what, you're leaving already?", "Lauren: Yeah, I'm gonna go by the coffeehouse and get a couple of cappuccinos for Michael and me and then just head home.", "Kevin: Oh, hey, we, uh, we closed early tonight.", "Lauren: Really?", "Kevin: But you know what? Mac's still there. I'm sure she'll open up for one of our favorite customers.", "Lauren: Okay, I'll go by. Anyway, honey, congratulations.", "Scott: Thanks.", "Lauren: I'm so happy for you. It's great.", "Scott: Thank you.", "Lauren: Good-bye, Kev.", "Kevin: Good-bye, Laur. (Laughs) so are you gonna tell me what's happened or do I have to drag this out of you?", "Scott: Kevin, you're not gonna believe this, but somebody actually wants to publish my novel.", "Kevin: Get out. Are you serious?", "Scott: Dude, I got the signed contract to prove it.", "Kevin: Man, that is fantastic.", "Scott: (Laughs)", "Kevin: Well, here is to a great day.", "Scott: All right. You know what, though? Looks like I'm not the only one having a great day.", "Kevin: Just a regular day at work. Nothing spectacular happened.", "Scott: Just with Mackenzie.", "Kevin: With Mackenzie. You know what? Going into business with her is the best decision I have ever made. Finally, something is going right for me. Mmm. Ahh. I just wish I could say the same for the rest of my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I'm sorry, Michael. I can't help you.", "Michael: Oh, you're sure about that?", "Gloria: Of course I am. Don't you look at me like that! I'm not the one who bailed Tom out of jail.", "Michael: That doesn't mean you weren't involved in some way.", "Gloria: All I want is for that horrible man to be out of our lives.", "Michael: He would've been if that mystery woman hadn't showed up with the cash to set him loose. Now are you absolutely certain you know nothing about Jennifer Mitchell?", "Gloria: Michael, I just told you, I--", "Michael: I know what you told me, but I don't believe you. If you're lying to me, if you know anything-- absolutely anything-- about Jennifer Mitchell, you may be partly responsible for what happened to Lauren, and she could still be in danger because of you. Now you think about that... and perhaps it'll jog what little memory you do have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: What do you mean, you think I'm \"it\"?", "Tom: You may be the only person who can get through to Kevin, make him see that he should lend his old man a hand.", "Mac: He doesn't have any money to give you.", "Tom: I don't want money. I need his help. My freedom is on the line here. Now look, we both know that I'm no saint, but... to lock me up for a crime I didn't do? No. That isn't right.", "Mac: What does Kevin have to do with it?", "Tom: Kevin knows the truth. He knows who set me up. And I'm... I'm thinking he may have talked to you about it.", "Mac: You know, he bar-- he barely mentioned it. I really think that--", "Tom: Mackenzie... just hear me out. Okay? Thank you. I'm innocent. I haven't done drugs since I was a kid. Now all I'm asking for...", "Tom: I'm just askin' for somebody to believe in me... the way you did with my son after all the trouble that he was in.", "Mac: Now comes the part where you tell me how you're a changed man.", "Tom: I have a chance... at some real happiness in this life. Now I know what you've heard about me. But, Mackenzie, that stuff wasn't mine. It wasn't. I don't know anything about crystal meth. I have never done it. I sure as hell don't know how to make it.", "Mac: Then why did the police find those chemicals in your belongings?", "Tom: Because Michael Baldwin planted them there. Now he's got it in for me. He wants to punish me for things I did a long time ago, when he and his brother were kids. And I will admit, I was... I was a terrible father to Kevin. But my boy... I mean, he's grown up, he's--he's made something of himself. He's become a real decent person. Now to--to let Michael drag him into this, to force him to lie... to send an innocent man to prison, his own father? That's the real crime. And I don't want Kevin to have to live with that burden.", "Mac: I've heard what you have to say. But I'm not the one that you beat up and locked in a closet. However Kevin wants to deal with you, that is his decision. And I don't think that I should get in the middle of it.", "Tom: Mackenzie--", "Mac: I'd really like you to leave, please.", "Tom: I'm being honest with you here. I'm being completely honest with you. Now what is it gonna take? Tell me. What's it gonna take? 'Cause I'm not leaving here-- I'm not leaving here until you believe in me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Ash, if you wanna argue about Victoria, we can.", "Ashley: Not particularly.", "Brad: Good. So what's the deal with Abby's party?", "Ashley: I've taken care of everything. We're all set.", "Brad: Great. Thank you. I know she'll have a ball.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, I had a really good time putting it together.", "Brad: I appreciate you taking care of it.", "Ashley: My pleasure. I know how frantic you've been, getting ready for the big rollout tomorrow.", "Brad: Yeah, well, frantic is definitely the word.", "Ashley: Yeah? So you all set?", "Brad: Yeah.", "Ashley: Mm. Well... from one enemy to another... good luck.", "Brad: Thanks, Ash. That's, uh, very gracious of you. I know there are certain people who will remain nameless that are hoping we'll fall flat on our faces. But I'll tell you, I have a pretty darn good feeling about tomorrow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Actually, there's no mystery to it. I just don't think this beauty of nature line is going to be the great success everyone else does.", "Jill: Based on what?", "Jack: Based on facts. Newman rushed this line to market. You and I both know how long it takes to launch a line of this magnitude. They left little margin for error. The first thing goes wrong, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.", "Jill: You seem to be counting on that.", "Jack: Well, let's just call it an educated hope.", "Jill: Why, Jack? What have you done?", "Jack: Sweetheart, you ask too many questions. Just relax, enjoy the ride. I know I will.", "Jill: You listen to me. I am the C.E.O. of Jabot Cosmetics. Anything that happens affects my company--", "Jack: Okay, settle down, settle down. Actually, it isn't technically anything I've done. We owe Phyllis for this little piece of handiwork.", "Jill: Go on.", "Jack: It seems the folks at Newman were having some serious problems with their web site. Nicholas, not knowing who to call--", "Jill: Called Phyllis?", "Jack: And Phyllis spent the whole night on the Newman computer system.", "Jill: Oh, my God. I cannot believe that-- they know that Phyllis works for us. What the devil were they thinking? Phyllis should never have gone over there in the first place.", "Jack: Actually, Phyllis didn't want to. I talked her into it.", "Jill: Jack...", "Jack: How could she not go there? Full and complete access to the Newman computer system? It's a golden opportunity.", "Jill: Oh, my God. Are you telling me that Phyllis sabotaged their program?", "Jack: Well, let's just call it an early Christmas present to the folks at Newman from their friends at Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Phyllis, I'm not worried about you working on the web site.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Nick: But it would make me feel better if you gave me some reassurance--", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. I know what this is about. You come here bearing gifts, and then you accuse me of doing something dirty.", "Nick: I put my faith in you. When Cassie died, you told me to let you know if there was anything you could ever do for me. I assumed that meant we could trust each other.", "Phyllis: You can trust me. Why don't you believe that?", "Nick: You work for the competition. There's a lot of history between Newman and Jabot.", "Phyllis: So I work for the competition. Automatically, I would do something underhanded?", "Nick: I want to believe that you didn't, but just in case, I have to ask. Did you leave some little time bomb that's scheduled to go off sometime tomorrow?", "Phyllis: No, no. I didn't do anything to the web site. You can rest easy. This is the coolest day of my life.", "Nick: You being straight with me?", "Phyllis: I didn't do anything to the web site. You have my solemn promise.", "Nick: All right, thanks. I hated even having to ask.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. But you asked anyway.", "Nick: That's that whole Newman vs. Jabot thing. It's easy to get sucked in.", "Phyllis: Yeah, too bad it has to be like that.", "Nick: Well, I'm hoping things will be different in the future.", "Phyllis: Right. You think they can be different?", "Nick: I do. It's one of the reasons I came back. I'm going to change things. I'm gonna make it a better place to work.", "Phyllis: Wow. How unVictor-like of you.", "Nick: Oh, don't get me wrong. My father's a hell of a leader. He has a real gift for business. But I also know that he's had to run over a lot of people through the years to accomplish some of the things he's accomplished. Victoria and i don't wanna be like that.", "Phyllis: Oh. I'm surprised to hear you say that.", "Nick: Why, because of what happened last year?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You were determined to get back at your dad.", "Nick: I let vengeance run my life... and what did it get me? No peace, no satisfaction. And you warned me that that was gonna happen. But I didn't listen. I'm not gonna be that guy again. That's why I came here, to square things with you. Because I figured if you and i can trust each other, anyone can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I cannot believe that you let Phyllis mess around with Newman's web site. Do you know how easily that could come back to haunt us?", "Jack: I'm sure Phyllis was very good at covering her tracks. Besides, we're talking about computers here. Servers break down, sites crash.", "Jill: That is not the point. This is so far over the line, I don't even know where to start. Is this really what you think of me?", "Jack: Wait a minute. What are we talking about now?", "Jill: You have so little faith in me running Jabot that you have to resort to nasty little tricks.", "Jack: This has no reflection on the job I think you're doing.", "Jill: Then why don't you let me do my job? Why are you always butting in?", "Jack: Nobody's butting in.", "Jill: Oh, the hell you aren't. My God, you hire people, you make important decisions and then you tell me after the fact. Jack, you have to let me be able to function, or the company will suffer. Or maybe that's what you want.", "Jack: Okay, now you've really lost me.", "Jill: Tell me the truth. Are you trying to get rid of me?", "Jack: Don't be ridiculous.", "Jill: Then prove it. You tell Phyllis to go back and undo what she did.", "Jack: Sweetheart, it's a little late for that now.", "Jill: No. Phyllis is a very clever woman, okay? She's more than clever. She can find a way.", "Jack: You think about this. Are you sure this is what you want?", "Jill: It most definitely is. 'Cause this is not the way we're gonna play the game. And I'm sure my mother would agree with me. Get the message?", "Jack: Okay. You win.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Man, how cool is this? My roommate is gonna be a famous author.", "Scott: Yeah, well, you know, I'm not gonna start spending my money until the book's finished and the check's in my hand.", "Kevin: Smart man. (Telephone rings)", "Kevin: Mm. Literary department.", "Michael: Kevin?", "Kevin: Hey, Mikey, what's up?", "Michael: Uh, Lauren left me a note saying she was going to see Scott.", "Kevin: Uh, yeah, she's, uh, she's already come and gone.", "Michael: Oh, I thought she'd be back by now.", "Kevin: She said she was gonna go to the coffeehouse. Don't worry, big brother. I'm sure she'll be home soon.", "Michael: Oh, thanks, Kevin. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: You seem sincere. Maybe you're telling the truth. Maybe you were set up.", "Tom: I'm telling you, Mackenzie, Michael planted that stu--", "Lauren: Mac, what's going on?", "Tom: The lady and I were just having a little polite conversation.", "Lauren: Are you all right?", "Mac: I'm fine. He just wants me to convince Kevin to help him somehow.", "Lauren: Okay. I want you to walk out the back door and you go to the gray sedan in the parking lot and you tell my bodyguards what's going on in here.", "Tom: All right, now, now, now, Lauren, there's no reason to frighten the lady.", "Lauren: Go to the car!", "Tom: We aren't finished here, are we?", "Lauren: Oh, yes, you are. Come on. We're getting out of here.", "Tom: Nobody is goin' anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Kevin: Hey, so are you gonna tell me how much you're gettin' paid or what?", "Scott: You want me to spot you some rent money or something?", "Kevin: Hi, Mom. What brings you to our neck of the woods?", "Gloria: Oh, do I need a reason to visit my son? Hello, Scott.", "Scott: Oh, hi, Mrs. Abbott. Must be our night for mothers.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah, Lauren was here?", "Scott: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, you just missed her.", "Gloria: Oh.", "Scott: Well, I'm gonna go work in my room for awhile.", "Scott: All right, buddy. Keep those magical words flowing.", "Scott: Ah, yes. It was nice seeing you, Mrs. Abbott.", "Gloria: Nice seeing you, too, Scott. I'm sorry to just show up like this, Kevin.", "Kevin: Uh, you're not looking well, Mom. Is everything all right? Is it the stress with Tom or...", "Gloria: Now why would you say that? Did your brother say something to you?", "Kevin: About?", "Gloria: Now I just came from Michael, and he practically accused me of--", "Kevin: Accused you of what?", "Gloria: Never mind. He's probably just upset. You know, Lauren being... poisoned... postponing the wedding. Which is why I'm here.", "Kevin: Uh, okay, I'm not following.", "Gloria: Were you able to take care of that little bookkeeping problem we discussed?", "Kevin: \"Little bookkeeping problem,\" Mom? Hiding 80 grand--do you know how difficult that was?", "Gloria: Kevin, did you do it? Has it been handled?", "Kevin: I cannot believe what that scum--my father-- has driven you to. Deceiving your husband-- the man that you love--", "Gloria: Just tell me that I don't have anything to worry about. That's all I want to hear.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, for now. But how long do you think that's gonna last? Tom will not stop putting the screws to you until you put a stop to this, for good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Mackenzie, tell Lauren it doesn't have to be this way. We were just starting to get somewhere.", "Lauren: Oh, listen, you jerk. What are you trying to do, bully Mackenzie so you can get to Kevin? And you think I'm gonna walk away? That's not gonna happen. She doesn't want you here. None of us want you here! Don't you get that?!", "Michael: What the hell's goin' on?", "Lauren: Now move out of my way! (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Okay, so you have everything you need for tonight?", "Abby: Uh-huh.", "Ashley: Okay. This is the plan for tomorrow. I am going to pick you up as soon as school lets out, and we're going straight to the coffeehouse.", "Abby: Great.", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Abby: Daddy.", "Brad: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: I know you have a really busy day tomorrow, but you're gonna be there for my birthday party, right?", "Brad: Of course I am.", "Abby: Cross your heart, hope to die?", "Brad: Cross my heart, hope to die, I promise.", "Ashley: Okay. So... you have a good night, and I'll see you tomorrow. All right?", "Brad: What is it, honey?", "Abby: Well, I was just thinking mom could come home with us. That way, when I wake up on my birthday, we'd all be together like we used to when we were a family.", "Brad: Listen, sweetie, we are still a family. All right? It's just that Mommy doesn't live with us anymore.", "Abby: I know. But I wish she did.", "Ashley: Okay. Tomorrow morning... as soon as I wake up, I'm calling you. And I'm gonna wish you the happiest birthday ever.", "Brad: And then before you know it, we'll all be together at your party.", "Ashley: I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you so much, honey.", "Abby: I love you, too... Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, I should get going.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: I need to get home. (Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: Just a second.", "Jack: Hey, gorgeous.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Jack: How are you? What took you so long to get to the door? Nicholas.", "Nick: Jack. I was just leaving.", "Jack: Well, don't leave on my account.", "Nick: No, it's gettin' late. I gotta go. Thanks for the talk.", "Phyllis: Sure.", "Jack: So what's that about? Cozying up to the enemy now?", "Phyllis: Nick came by to thank me. He brought me brownies.", "Jack: Really? Well, I wouldn't eat any of them. I'm sure he's gonna want 'em back once the Newman web site crashes and burns tomorrow.", "Phyllis: Do you want a drink?", "Jack: Come on. You're killin' me here. You got into the Newman web site. I wanna know what you did. I want details.", "Phyllis: Jack, I talk about computers all day long. Don't we have something better to do with our time?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Now you can see for yourself what I've done. These records show that the money John allocated for your use went to wedding expenses.", "Gloria: Honey, you're a genius.", "Kevin: $80,000? Mom, did you really give him that much?", "Gloria: Of course not.", "Kevin: Well, then where did it all go?", "Gloria: Some of it went for wedding expenses.", "Kevin: Okay, but not that much. You still owe a bundle.", "Gloria: All right. Bags and shoes and designer outfits-- it adds up.", "Kevin: It still boggles the mind, Mom, how you blew through all that cash.", "Gloria: All right, all right. But this makes it look like I paid the wedding vendors for their services, right?", "Kevin: Yeah. Now what are you gonna do when those bills are due and your account is tapped out?", "Gloria: I'll worry about that when the time comes.", "Kevin: Well, I guess you know I had to be pretty creative here--", "Gloria: I know, I know. But this looks legitimate, right?", "Kevin: On the surface, yeah. But there is no guarantee that if John's accountant goes through that with a fine-tooth comb...", "Gloria: He could figure it out.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. Who knows? I did the best I could, but you are way over the top on your spending.", "Gloria: All right. Kevin, I had my reasons.", "Kevin: All right. Okay. Fine. What's done is done. But this is your problem from now on because I'm not doing this again. That's it.", "Gloria: Well, let's just hope that I won't need you to.", "Kevin: No, no, no, there is no hoping about it, mom. You're not hearing me. Not doing it again. Done.", "Gloria: I understand.", "Kevin: Yeah, and another thing. I was happy to help you out of this little jam, but I'm pretty sure that most of that money went right into Tom's pocket, which means that I was helping him. Do you know how sick that makes me?", "Gloria: No one will ever know. I promise you that.", "Kevin: Fine. Well, whatever happens, just keep my name out of it, 'cause the last thing I want is for Mr. Abbott to know that I helped you cheat him.", "Gloria: I wasn't trying to cheat him.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I know. You were stuck in a bind. Blah, blah, blah. You can't keep cheating your husband, mom. You're gonna get caught.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Gloria: Thank you, Kevin.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Hey, there's no need to get all heated here, Mike. We're just having a little talk, that's all.", "Michael: What happened? What was going on? Oh! Aah! (Groans)", "Lauren: You son of a bitch!", "Tom: Get back where you belong.", "Lauren: Aah!", "Michael: Aah!", "Lauren: No! Michael!", "Michael: You had to come back! You had to come back!", "Lauren: Michael, stop it!", "Michael: You had to come back!", "Lauren: Michael!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: Jack's hoping that the Newman rollout is going to crash and burn.", "Jack: That does have kind of a nice ring to it.", "Victoria: No matter what happens, I won't blame you.", "Nick: But I will.", "Tom: Why don't you write me one of those babies?", "Gloria: Why don't you go to hell?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "A waitress spots Professor Korbel coming in at the door. She tells Colleen that the cutest guy ever is entering the Athletic Club. Colleen looks over and sees Professor Korbel there. She thinks about their kiss. Professor Korbel enters and sits at the bar alone. He hasn't seen Colleen yet. Colleen keeps watching and sees that he is there to meet Victoria, her stepmother. She turns her back on them quickly. Gloria is cooking dinner that night and there are going to be dinner guests. Michael thinks that it is too soon for that after having the baby arrive home but Lauren thinks that it is a good thing. Nick and Phyllis arrive and bring flowers. Michael and Phyllis snip at each other over their differences regarding their feelings for Drucilla. Soon Kevin and Jana arrive for the dinner as well. Gloria makes dinner for the entire group. She goes exotic and drums up Middle Eastern appetizers. Nick has a bite as do the others and soon they are all choking. Phyllis senses that there is a tad too much garlic in the recipe than should be. Turns out that Gloria has misread the recipe and put in way too much garlic. Gloria takes the plates of appetizers away promising that dinner will be a much better experience. Colleen takes Adrian and Victoria's order and asks where her father is. She learns the man is at work. She asks her professor why he didn't tell her that he was having dinner with her stepmother. He said that he made the appointment with Victoria after they had spoken earlier. Colleen sticks around while they talk and Adrian sternly turns to her, asking if there is anything else that he can help her with, giving her a hint that she is staring. Victoria ends her meeting soon and leaves. Professor Korbel asks Colleen if she is up to working now that her shift is over. She doesn't think that it is a good idea but soon changes and meets Professor Korbel at a table in the club. They start talking about work but it is clear that Professor Korbel's mind is on other things. He suddenly gets up from the table and says that now isn't a good time to work and he walks out on Colleen. As Lauren and Gloria clean up, they struggle over a plate and Gloria loses her balance knocking some things over. Lauren gets upset with her when the baby starts crying. Gloria offers to go and take care of the child but Lauren tells her 'no'. \"You will probably break him too!\" Michael finds Will and Jill having dinner at the Athletic Club and he marches over there to tell the man that he is sanctimonious. \"You sit here with her having a peaceful dinner while the Winters are at home worrying about how their lives are going to change." ]
[ "Michael: Sitting in the grand jury room all day was not my idea of a good time.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, does having guests sound like a good time?", "Michael: Guests?", "Lauren: Yes, yes, your mother wanted to take your mind off of work, so she planned a little dinner party-- nothing too fancy.", "Michael: I can't believe you want company so soon after you had a baby.", "Lauren: Actually, I think it'll be good for me.", "Michael: No, you know, you just had a baby and I know you're exhausted. We can cancel. Just cancel, please, cancel.", "Lauren: Look, your mother wants to do something nice, okay? I couldn't say no to a home-cooked meal.", "Michael: A home-cooked meal?", "Gloria: Okay, you two, dinner's almost ready.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Don't look now, but the hottest guy just walked in.", "Colleen: Okay, you say that like five times a day.", "Woman: I do not. He's, uh, getting his coat checked.", "Colleen: And I care because?", "Woman: Because I heard him say he's eating at the bar.", "Colleen: I have a boyfriend, remember?", "Woman: So? Its okay to look, just don't touch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, it looks like you're going out.", "Jill: That's right.", "Kay: With Mr. Bardwell?", "Kay: Don't start.", "Jill: I thought you liked William.", "Kay: I do.", "Jill: Then what's your problem?", "Kay: My problem is you have a son who is in desperate need of parental guidance.", "Jill: Billy is out with friends. I don't expect him back till very late.", "Kay: Well, I hope he's not out gambling away more money that he doesn't have.", "Jill: Katherine, Katherine, I have spoken to Billy and I have the situation under control. Now please get off my back.", "Kay: He is headed down a very dangerous path.", "Jill: I have heard this lecture before and it's getting old.", "Kay: Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you.", "Jill: I'm so glad I'm going out tonight. Because frankly, I am in need of a lot less parental guidance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Welcome, welcome!", "Phyllis: Hey! Something for the new mommy.", "Lauren: Thank you, that's so sweet. What is it? Ooh, body lotion and bubble bath! Honey!", "Nick: Also for you.", "Lauren: They're beautiful.", "Nick: I picked 'em out just for you.", "Michael: Let me take that.", "Lauren: Look, I know we didn't have the most pleasant conversation last time we spoke to Phyllis.", "Michael: But you wrong about Drucilla", "Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey, don't start. I'm not wrong about Drucilla. Okay? Don't start with me. Because, uh, if you ruin everything, don't think I won't tell Lauren that you started it.", "Michael: Okay, but you are an infuriating person.", "Phyllis: Takes one to know one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Don't you have anything better to do than stare at me, Katherine?", "Kay: Well, I am in my own living room and you are in front of me. (Doorbell rings)", "Jill: Feel free to be in one of your other 26 rooms.", "Kay: Esther?", "Esther: Yeah, I'll get it. Oh, Mr. Bardwell, my, how handsome you look this evening.", "Will: Thank you, Esther.", "Esther: Come in, please.", "Jill: Right on time.", "Will: You look lovely.", "Jill: Oh, you're so good for my ego.", "Will: Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Always a pleasure, William.", "Jill: Don't wait up.", "Kay: Oh, not a chance. Esther and I are going out ourselves.", "Jill: Really, where?", "Kay: Well, we're going to grab a quick bite and then we're off to a performance of \"The Tempest.\"", "Esther: Mm-hmm. It's the premiere of an amateur Shakespeare troupe.", "Will: Well, that sounds like fun.", "Kay: I certainly hope so. I've been disappointed in so much of what I have seen lately.", "Will: Well, you never know. You might discover the next Richard Burton or, um, Lawrence Olivier.", "Jill: You know what? We really should go, if we wanna make our reservation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I'm... I'm sorry.", "Professor Korbel: Uh, don't... don't apologize.", "Colleen: No, I shouldn't have done that. I really shouldn't have.", "Professor Korbel: You were upset. It's--its okay.", "Colleen: No, you are my professor. I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend.", "Professor Korbel: Hi.", "Victoria: Hi, nice to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Mrs. C.?", "Kay: Yes, Esther, what is it?", "Esther: If you want to skip the play, I'll understand.", "Kay: Why would I want to skip the play?", "Esther: Because it's gonna be a late night.", "Kay: Oh, Esther, Dear, I have been known to stay up past 10:00 once or twice in my lifetime.", "Esther: Well, I'm worried about you.", "Kay: Why?", "Esther: Because you haven't been sleeping well lately.", "Kay: How would you know that?", "Esther: I heard you moaning last night.", "Kay: Well, I would love to say that I had a man in bed, but... the truth is, uh... yes, yes, I'm still having those bad dreams.", "Esther: Do you remember what they were about?", "Kay: Oh, you know, sort of fuzzy. But you are right. I really think you are. I mean... how you thought those bad dreams are triggered by those distressful fights that Jill and I have been having over Billy.", "Esther: I can relate to that. Jill's given me plenty of nightmares over the years.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I can't believe that woman's loose in our kitchen.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: I mean, she doesn't know what a saucepan is.", "Lauren: Are you okay?", "Michael: I'm being serious. This woman's never cooked a meal in her life. Are you sure you're really up for this?", "Lauren: Well, of course, you know me, I love a good party.", "Michael: I just don't want to see you wearing yourself out even more.", "Lauren: Honey, I'll be fine. Better when the food is served.", "Michael: I wonder when it will be.", "Jana: It was so sweet of you to include me, Kevin.", "Kevin: Well, why wouldn't I include you; you're my girlfriend now. Wherever I go, you go.", "Jana: Attached at the hip now, are we?", "Kevin: Hey, there's an idea.", "Jana: Oh.", "Gloria: Lauren, Lauren, please, could you come help me with the appetizer?", "Lauren: Sure.", "Kevin: Hey, guys.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Hey. So, uh, tell me, how's its been with a new baby in the house?", "Kevin: Uh, well, uh, no offense to my new nephew, but, uh, Jana and I are actually gonna look for a place of our own.", "Nick: That's cool.", "Phyllis: Good, good, very cool. Congratulations.", "Jana: Thank you.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "Nick: What part of town?", "Jana: Well, we're actually still looking. We've been scouring the classifieds.", "Kevin: Yeah. Hopefully, we'll find something soon.", "Jana: Yeah.", "Nick: You will.", "Gloria: Okay, everyone! Here we go! Please, everyone, sit down.", "Michael: Everything's set.", "Gloria: And I must say that this was inspired by me hearing that Lauren and Phyllis love Middle Eastern food.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's true, we do.", "Lauren: Yes, we do.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Kevin: What is it?", "Gloria: Oh, a little secret recipe I found on the internet.", "Phyllis: Oh, uh, yeah, that's Humus, right?", "Gloria: That's Humus. Exactly right! It's a garlic Humus with pita bread. And then we'll be moving on to Lemon Chicken, exotically seasoned vegetables and dill rice.", "Phyllis: Mmm.", "Lauren: Sounds good.", "Nick: That does sound good.", "Jana: I love Humus.", "Gloria: Well, come on!", "Kevin: Will I?", "Lauren: Yes, Kev, there is life beyond peanut butter.", "Gloria: Come on, everybody, dig in!", "Phyllis: Okay, I don't mind if I do.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Kevin: So when did Mom start making Middle Eastern food?", "Michael: When did she start making any food?", "Phyllis: Wow.", "Nick: What? What?", "Phyllis: Wow.", "Gloria: What? What, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: It... that's, um... that's, uh, got, um, some garlic.", "Gloria: What?!", "Michael: How much garlic did you put in this?!", "Gloria: One clove!", "Michael: Are you sure it was just one clove?", "Gloria: Well, it was pretty big.", "Lauren: That's not one clove. That's an entire head.", "[Fen crying]", "Gloria: Oh, I'll get him.", "Lauren: No, no, I'll go.", "Michael: Please, let me help you.", "Lauren: No, he's hungry. He needs me.", "Gloria: All right, forgive the goof. I'm sorry. The main course is coming up. But garlic is good for you.", "Nick: I'm sure it's fine.", "Phyllis: It was fine. It was good.", "Michael: Oh I hope she remembers to take the feathers off the chicken.", "Nick: I don't do Humus.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: And for how many people?", "Jill: Hello, Victoria.", "Victoria: Oh, hi, Jill.", "Jill: Hi.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Professor Korbel: Why does that man look familiar?", "Victoria: Oh, well, you've probably seen him on the news.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah? Who is he?", "Victoria: That's William Bardwell, the district attorney.", "Professor Korbel: Oh.", "Will: There you go.", "Jill: Thank you.", "Will: Excuse me.", "Jill: Thanks.", "Will: Thank you. I am so delighted that you could join me tonight.", "Jill: Well, you owed me dinner at the club. I just had no idea you'd pay up so soon.", "Will: I always pay my debts. If you don't believe me, you can run a credit check.", "Jill: I'll take your word for it.", "Will: I'll tell you one thing, I really need this.", "Jill: What?", "Will: The company of a beautiful woman, a good dinner, some down time.", "Jill: Yeah, you do seem a little wound up. I mean, in a good way.", "Will: Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to fall right into place?", "Jill: Not lately.", "Will: Its like-- it's like the planets are aligned just right.", "Jill: Oh, that's right, you've been busy with the grand jury all day-- that Carmen Mesta murder.", "Will: Yeah.", "Jill: How's that going?", "Will: That remains to be seen. I'd rather talk about you. How was your day?", "Jill: Let's just say I'm real glad it's over.", "Will: Well, technically, it's not over yet.", "Jill: Believe me, I need this as much as you do.", "Will: You mentioned there was some conflict between you and your mother.", "Jill: Yeah, unfortunately. But I'm not gonna bore you with my problems.", "Will: You could read me the phone book and I wouldn't be bored.", "Jill: Well, you are just full of it tonight, aren't you?", "Colleen: So, have you guys decided on dinner yet?", "Victoria: Um... the special's fine, I think. Yeah.", "Professor Korbel: Make it two.", "Colleen: Sounds good.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Colleen: Um, Victoria, where's my dad?", "Victoria: Oh, he's working late tonight.", "Colleen: Okay. I'm kinda surprised you didn't tell me that you were having dinner with Victoria.", "Professor Korbel: When?", "Colleen: Oh, when I saw you at the coffeehouse this afternoon?", "Professor Korbel: Well, I didn't know. After I saw you, I phoned Victoria to see if she'd be willing to work with me on the fundraiser for the fine arts museum.", "Victoria: And since I was already here and I had the free time, I, um, thought we might discuss it over dinner.", "Colleen: Oh, you guys are working together? That's great.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Professor Korbel: So... let's get to work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, the chicken looks good.", "Michael: I'd reserve my opinion till you've had a taste.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: Oh, Fen is so cute! He is so adorable!", "Lauren: Even though he has really bad aim.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Lauren: Sit down and enjoy.", "Gloria: You got a plate right there. I made it.", "Lauren: You did? That's so sweet.", "Nick: Here you go, darlin'.", "Lauren: Oh, thank you.", "Gloria: That's so sweet. That's so sweet.", "Nick: I try.", "Lauren: Thanks. All right, let's just hope this baby sleeps so we can enjoy dinner.", "Gloria: Bon appétit, everybody!", "Jana: It looks wonderful, Gloria.", "Michael: Mm. Mmm.", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: Um, no, um... I-I think you may have overcooked the rice a little bit, unless--unless-- unless it's supposed to be this sticky?", "Gloria: Oh. What about the chicken?", "Lauren: Well...", "Phyllis: Um, hey, uh, it's the thought that counts.", "Gloria: Is it all terrible?", "Jana: Well, you know, it's very brave to try something new, especially for company.", "Gloria: Thank you very much, Jana. Michael, come on, how's the chicken?", "Michael: When I was in prison, you could get shanked for a meal like this. I had a rubber ducky when I was a kid. I just used to chew on that. That reminds me of that now.", "Lauren: Well, he still chews on his rubber ducky.", "Nick: Wow, um... this is truly awful. I'm sorry. I'm sorry,", "Phyllis: Okay, just eat. No, he likes it. He likes it.", "Nick: It was a good effort.", "Gloria: Just say it a little bit louder, Nick. I admit it. I'm sorry I ruined the meal.", "Michael: It's really, really bad.", "Phyllis: Listen, listen, I have made things for Nick that have sent him to the hospital. Right?", "Nick: Right the Moussaka was...", "Phyllis: My Moussaka was horrid.", "Michael: You know, I have an idea, I will go and get us all take-out.", "Phyllis: Yet!", "Lauren: Yet! Whoo-hoo!", "Nick: I will come with you.", "Michael: Thank you, Nick.", "Phyllis: Gina's lasagna", "Michael: You're reading my mind.", "Nick: I'm buying.", "Michael: Yeah, well, Gloria..", "Phyllis: Bye, Baby.", "Nick: Bye, Wife.", "Lauren: I'm gonna help you throw out this food.", "Gloria: I am so sorry. I wanted to do was a nice dinner but instead it was a disaster. Now what am I gonna do?", "Kevin: Go have Jana write down her detox diet. I'll make a copy for everybody.", "Gloria: I heard that, young man.", "Phyllis: You said that out loud.", "Kevin: I said it pretty loud.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: I'll get that right away for you.", "Will: Thanks, I'm starved.", "Jill: Not bad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So, um, how does black tie sound?", "Professor Korbel: Like the price just went up 50 bucks.", "Victoria: Oh, no, more like $100. Nothing wrong with that.", "Professor Korbel: No.", "Victoria: um, I was thinking, uh...How about a silent auction?", "Professor Korbel: I love it.", "Victoria: Yeah, and I'm sure that we can get some of the local galleries to donate some artwork.", "Professor Korbel: You've done this before, haven't you?", "Victoria: What have I done? Or fundraisers.", "Victoria: Yes, well, something about the name \"Newman\" inspires people to, uh, call on you for help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I read about the Australian wine country. Now there is a trip I would love to take.", "Will: Yeah. I vacationed there.", "Jill: Mmm?", "Will: Years ago.", "Jill: In Australia?", "Will: Yeah, and New Zealand. Um, you can get a break from work here.", "Jill: Really?", "Will: Yeah. Of course, it's... so much more enjoyable when you have someone to share it with.", "Jill: Whoa, if that's an invitation, I accept.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: How is everything?", "Victoria: Oh, it's delicious. Speaking of which, um, food? Should we do, uh... a sit down, buffet?", "Professor Korbel: Whatever inspires the greatest level of philanthropy.", "Victoria: Aha! The way to a man's wallet is through his stomach.", "Professor Korbel: I'm sorry, was there something else, Colleen?", "Colleen: Oh, no, just, um... let me know if you need anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: So when are you due, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Thanksgiving, around Thanksgiving.", "Jana: Oh, what a lovely time to bring a new baby into the world.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know.", "Jana: Well, look, if you ever need a sitter, I'm an expert at changing nappies.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Kevin: Better you than me.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, I'll keep you in mind.", "Jana: Oh, please do.", "Gloria: Listen, uh, can I get anybody anything to tide over?", "Kevin: No! No!", "Gloria: Cheese crackers?", "Phyllis: No, thank you, no. No, it's--we're good. We'll wait for the guys.", "Lauren: What do you want to do with this?", "Gloria: You know, Honey, why don't you just give it to me and go and visit with your guests.", "Lauren: No...", "Lauren: What you doing?", "Lauren: Oh, there goes the baby.", "Gloria: Please, let me go take care of the baby Lauren.", "Lauren: No, what are you gonna do? Break him too? Forget it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Great, thank you.", "Nick: Eight? Leftovers?", "Michael: Phyllis counts for two.", "Nick: I'm gonna tell her you said that.", "Michael: Don't tell her I said that.", "Victoria: Oh, would you excuse me for a moment? My brother's here and I'd like to say a quick hello to him.", "Professor Korbel: Sure.", "Victoria: All right, I'll be right back.", "Nick: Here comes trouble.", "Victoria: That's right. That's me.", "Michael: Oh, should I run for cover?", "Nick: Maybe.", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: Hey!", "Michael: She's right.", "Nick: Sisters can be such a pain.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Well, this is the most attentive service I've ever had.", "Colleen: It's all about the tips.", "Professor Korbel: I'm really glad you introduced me to your stepmother.", "Colleen: Yeah, you two seem to get along well.", "Professor Korbel: Well, we have a lot in common.", "Colleen: Well, you connected with JT over music and Victoria over art. I have to tell you, though, I never expected that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So aside from the whole dinner fiasco, how's Lauren doing?", "Michael: Well... it is an adjustment, having a newborn in the home.", "Victoria: But you love it, don't you?", "Michael: Yeah, all right. I admit that sometimes we just stand over his crib and listen to him breathing. And if he burps, we think he is the cleverest fellow on the planet.", "Victoria: Aw.", "Nick: I remember doing that with Noah when we first got him home. I mean, we must've gone through I don't know how many cameras.", "Victoria: Three, one of 'em was mine.", "Nick: Sorry.", "Michael: Um, excuse me.", "Nick: I'll pay you back.", "Victoria: Oh, right.", "Nick: Uh-oh, our friendly neighborhood prosecutor.", "Victoria: Oh, joy.", "Nick: So how was it today, testifying in front of the grand jury?", "Victoria: Nerve-wracking.", "Nick: I'll bet.", "Victoria: You know, the whole thing is such a big mess, but I told the truth. So it's out of my hands.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You callous son of a bitch!", "Jill: Michael!", "Will: Well, hello, to you, too, Counselor.", "Michael: Are you two enjoying yourself? Enjoying your meal? You're having a good time, while the Winters are sitting at home going through hell because of you! You should be ashamed of yourself!", "Jill: Stop it.", "Will: This really isn't the time or place, Baldwin.", "Michael: Oh, I'm sorry it's inconvenient for you. What was that all about today? You terrorized that family.", "Nick: Uh-oh.", "Will: If the physical evidence doesn't match, the Winters have nothing to worry about.", "Michael: Why don't you tell me what you think you have?", "Will: I haven't arrested anybody yet. I don't have to reveal anything to you.", "Michael: If you just cared more about justice than another notch on your belt!", "Jill: Michael!", "Michael: Another conviction--", "Nick: Baldwin, Baldwin, let's go. Let's go.", "Michael: Have a lovely evening.", "Nick: Let's go.", "Professor Korbel: What was that all about?", "Victoria: Opposing counsel in a murder case.", "Professor Korbel: Oh, Carmen Mesta?", "Victoria: Yes, mm-hmm. I, uh, I wanted to introduce you to my brother, but maybe another time.", "Professor Korbel: Sure.", "Victoria: Yeah. I have never seen him like that.", "Will: Yeah, and he thinks I'm taking this case too personally?", "Jill: You know let's just go.", "Will: Yeah, let's.", "Michael: That was bad, wasn't it? Wow. That's not like me. I didn't mean to lose it like that. I guess this whole thing with the Winters... it's finally getting to me.", "Nick: I guess so.", "Michael: You know their son Devon? I mean, it's not bad enough that he just lost his hearing. Now he's gotta deal with this whole horrible situation. And he is frightened out of his mind. I mean, there's so many things that I hate about this case, but seeing him struggling, trying to handle everything... that is a big part of it.", "Nick: Well, the timing sure is terrible. I mean, you're having to deal with your premature son and, you know, bringing him home has gotta be tough.", "Michael: I'm so worried. I'm worried about Fenmore. I'm worried about Lauren.", "Nick: Yeah, Lauren didn't really seem herself tonight.", "Michael: She's dead on her feet. I mean, she knows I'm all involved in this case. And she would never dream of complaining, but she is so overwhelmed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Well, I certainly made a mess out of this whole evening.", "Jana: Oh, now come on. Think of how dull the world would be if everything always went perfectly.", "Gloria: Oh, Jana, you are so sweet, but you heard Lauren. She's not gonna forgive this.", "Kevin: Mom, she's just strung out.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's just a -- a case of mother-itis. It'll calm down when, uh, she gets some sleep-- probably.", "Jana: See? Cheer up. By tomorrow it'll all be forgotten.", "Gloria: Oh.", "Lauren: What will be forgotten?", "Kevin: Mom thinks that you're all freaked out because she knocked over a stupid card table.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, and woke Fen up again? That would be pretty accurate.", "Gloria: Honey, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?", "Lauren: You know what? Let's just not talk about it, okay?", "Kevin: Uh, Mom, I just remembered we have, uh, that finance report due tomorrow.", "Gloria: No, we don't.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, we do. I guess you didn't get the memo, but now it's due tomorrow. We should skip out.", "Lauren: Oh, you don't have to.", "Kevin: Yeah, sure thing, Honey.", "Jana: Thank you so much for having us, Lauren. It was lovely company.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Jana: Phyllis, it was so nice to see you again.", "Phyllis: Good to see you, too.", "Phyllis: Are you okay?", "Lauren: I am now, thanks to Kevin. Love his mother, I do.", "Phyllis: I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Well, if you'll excuse me, Ladies, I'm going to go check my messages.", "Victoria: Sure.", "Colleen: It's too bad my dad had to work tonight.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. But, um, testifying took a huge chunk out of his day.", "Colleen: I know, I talked to Lily on the phone. She said that they're all pretty messed up.", "Victoria: Understandable. The DA seems to be all over that family.", "Colleen: I know. I don't understand it. It's crazy.", "Victoria: By the way, Colleen, your professor said some very nice things about you.", "Colleen: Professor Korbel? Like what?", "Victoria: He told me that you're very organized.", "Colleen: Organized? Wow.", "Victoria: Well, that's very important in a research assistant. In fact, Adrian said that you are one of the best assistants that he's ever had.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's gonna be your turn soon, you know? Luckily, you're a man of experience.", "Nick: Yeah, well, it's been a long time since Noah was a newborn.", "Michael: Well, let's hope it's like riding a bike.", "Nick: You know, being around you and Lauren tonight reminded me of all the craziness that goes on when you bring a newborn into the house. I mean, the no sleeping, always--always worrying if it's okay or not.", "Michael: It's amazing. It is amazing how a little person who can't even talk can bring two grown-ups to their knees.", "Nick: Yeah, but... I wouldn't give up being a father for anything.", "Michael: Neither would I.", "Phyllis: Okay, here you go. Here is some tea to calm your nerves.", "Lauren: Aw, you're so sweet.", "Phyllis: Ah, no problem. No problem.", "Lauren: I'm sorry I was snapping. Lack of sleep, food and...", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Lauren: Oh, I have not had a good shower since Fen was born.", "Phyllis: I know. We understand. We understand. I know.", "Lauren: I shouldn't have taken it out on Gloria. You know, but... the woman makes me insane sometimes.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. She--she tends to go overboard.", "Lauren: And living with her?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I can imagine.", "Lauren: Oh... you cannot believe the stuff that she does. I mean, like... the newspaper comes in the morning, right?", "Phyllis: Right.", "Lauren: She takes it into her room. I can't even see the headlines. And orange juice-- it's always the last of the orange juice and she takes it and doesn't even think to replace it.", "Phyllis: Right, right, right", "Lauren: I sound like a crazy person, don't I?", "Phyllis: Ah, completely certifiable.", "Lauren: And you and Nick have this to look forward to.", "Phyllis: Yeah, thank you, but, no thanks.", "Lauren: Seriously, I know she was just trying to help.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I guess so.", "Lauren: Right?", "Phyllis: I mean, she's a mother, too, right?", "Lauren: Yeah, she's a mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mom, let's sit over here.", "Jana: I'll go check to see to see what there is to make sandwiches with.", "Gloria: Thank you, Jana. Oh, thank you. Lauren's probably thrilled that you came up with that deadline to get me out of there.", "Kevin: Mom, you do know it's not you she's really mad at. It's the situation.", "Gloria: Honey, I am the situation.", "Kevin: Okay don't get all down on yourself alright?", "Gloria: Maybe I should buy Jana's trailer and move out to the woods away from Lauren, and the baby.", "Kevin: Mom, can it.", "Gloria: All right, all right, Lauren thinks I'm in it. Mr. Kim has canceled my 'Perfume On The Glo'.", "Kevin: Cheer up, okay? You're just--you're in a funk.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Kevin: It happens to the best of us.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Kevin: Things will get better, you'll see", "Gloria: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Alone at last", "Will: Definitely an improvement.", "Jill: Boy, I can't get over Michael tonight.", "Will: You know, I think we can find better things to talk about than Baldwin's public tantrum.", "Jill: Personally, I think talking is highly overrated anyway.", "Will: Do ya? Well, I couldn't agree more.", "Esther: Well, I know the acting was--", "Jill: Katherine!", "Kay: Um, truly, we didn't mean to interrupt.", "Will: Ladies. I'll be on my way. I'll call you.", "Jill: Okay.", "Esther: I'll be in my room if you need me, Mrs. C.", "Jill: What are you doing here?", "Kay: I live here.", "Jill: I live here, too. How could you embarrass me that way?", "Kay: I didn't know you were going to be home. For heaven's sakes, you should've warned me.", "Jill: Well, I shouldn't have had to. You were supposed to be at the damn play!", "Kay: Oh, please, that was the worst performance of \"The Tempest\" I have ever seen! We had to leave during intermission.", "Jill: Great, great, the one night I bring a date back.", "Kay: Well, had I known what was going on here, my dear, I would've stayed and suffered through that lousy performance. And it was a lousy performance. It really was a lousy--", "Jill: You should've seen your face.", "Kay: Well, my face? You should've seen yours.", "Jill: My mother catches me on the couch necking.", "Kay: Oh, come on, don't tell me Elizabeth never walked in on you and a date and a got an eyeful. I knew you as a teenager. Don't forget that.", "Jill: Well, I guess I still have a wild streak, don't I?", "Kay: Well, except for the surprise ending, how was your date?", "Jill: At the club? It was terrific at the club, except that we had to leave right after we ordered.", "Kay: Why on earth would you have to leave?", "Jill: You aren't the only one determined to kill the mood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, that was so good.", "Phyllis: Yeah, nobody does Italian like Gina.", "Michael: So, um... you guys were talking while we were gone?", "Lauren: Yes, some girl talk.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: Uh-huh.", "Lauren: You know... this and that.", "Michael: Well, that must've done the trick, because you seem very happy.", "Lauren: You know what? It really did do the trick. 'Cause all is forgiven. I feel better.", "Michael: Good.", "Nick: You know what? Tonight was great, but, uh, we gotta get out of here.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Oh!", "Lauren: You're not leaving because of me?", "Nick: No, no.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, m just--I'm tired that's all.", "Lauren: Well, next time I promise I'm gonna be in better spirits.", "Nick: We're friends. It's all good.", "Lauren: Oh, well, that's awfully nice, thank you. I appreciate that.", "Michael: I will get the coats!", "Lauren: All right.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Lauren: Okay, all right.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Okay, thanks. Yeah, okay, bye.", "Nick: See ya. Thanks for having us.", "Michael: Don't trip. Have a nice fall. Well, that was an eventful evening.", "Lauren: Yes. And aside from all that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?", "Michael: Oh, come on, relax. Everything turned out fine.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, I should call your mother I should apologize.", "Michael: No, no, oh, please. This is the first time we've had the apartment to ourselves since we brought Fenmore home. Let's just enjoy it.", "Lauren: I know, I know, but she was really upset.", "Michael: Oh, come on. We'll splash her with a little water, she'll dissolve right away. You will see, in a few days, she will be back to her old self. We should be fine.", "Lauren: Oh, really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Yes. See?", "Lauren: Okay. I'm enjoying this, I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: So then I bent over to pick it up and he pinches me right on the bum. I mean, can you believe that?", "Kevin: Where is he? I will knock him out.", "Jana: Oh, I can handle blokes like that. Trust me, I've had lots of experience.", "Kevin: Well, you probably spent most of your life fighting guys off.", "Jana: I know one guy that I wouldn't fight off.", "Gloria: Aw, you two are so cute. Kevin, you are so lucky to have somebody like Jana. Who knows...One day I may have another daughter-in-law.", "Kevin: Mom!", "Gloria: Uh-huh. Oh, my, my, my, maybe the evening isn't a complete loss.", "Kevin: What did you say?", "Gloria: William!", "Will: Hello, Gloria.", "Gloria: Hello.", "Will: And, Kevin, right?", "Kevin: Yes. Hi, nice to see you.", "Gloria: And his beautiful girlfriend, Jana.", "Will: Oh, Jana knows me.", "Gloria: Oh.", "Jana: Tall, extra shot mocha, no whip, right?", "Will: See?", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Kevin: Well, you know, we should, uh, probably get started on the books, huh?", "Jana: Yeah.", "Kevin: All right, you kids have fun.", "Gloria: So is that why you're here to have an extra tall, double shot of something or other?", "Will: No, no, uh, a bite to eat.", "Gloria: Oh, so you haven't had dinner yet? Well, neither have I. So please, join me. Then I don't have to eat by myself.", "Will: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So finally, my shift is over. My gosh, I thought this night would never end. I am so out of here.", "Professor Korbel: This is great.", "Victoria: I think that we made a lot of progress tonight.", "Professor Korbel: Well, thanks to you. I mean, you've really got some first- rate ideas.", "Victoria: Well, good I'm glad they work for you. That's great.", "Professor Korbel: Oh, no, no, dinner is on me.", "Victoria: Thank you, Adrian. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.", "Professor Korbel: I look forward to it.", "Victoria: All right, night. Good night, Colleen.", "Colleen: Good night. Um, say hi to Dad for me.", "Victoria: I will.", "Colleen: All right.", "Professor: I'd like some more coffee please?", "Colleen: Um, my shift just but I'll have someone else bring it by.", "Professor Korbel: Are you in a huge rush? I was thinking you could join me.", "Colleen: You were?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, those photographs you've been cataloguing, I have some ideas on how we might simplify the process.", "Colleen: Um... thanks, but you know what? I better not. I still have to ring out and I have to change my clothes. And I'm sure that you don't wanna wait, so it's okay.", "Professor Korbel: I don't mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Mr. Bardwell, you went through that like a truck driver.", "Will: You could tell I was hungry, huh? Yeah, well, look who's talking.", "Gloria: Yeah, that's true. I was famished. But at least it was my own fault.", "Will: Why is that?", "Gloria: Oh, nothing, just a dinner party gone wrong.", "Will: Oh, I'm sorry.", "Gloria: It's okay. But you must be working very hard if you're eating this late at night.", "Will: Well, like you, my evening didn't go as expected.", "Gloria: I'm sorry. But I bet your day went well.", "Will: Why do you say that?", "Gloria: Well... whatever happened at the grand jury today sure has Michael concerned.", "Will: Oh, well... your son's a pretty sharp lawyer. He can more than hold his own.", "Gloria: Oh, believe me, I know that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: It looks like your mum's feeling better.", "Kevin: I think she has a crush on the district attorney.", "Jana: You know, it looks mutual.", "Kevin: Uh, listen, I wanna apologize about the weirdness back at the apartment.", "Jana: I've come to find I'm going to have to go with the flow if I intend on hanging out with your family.", "Kevin: Well, you ain't seen nothing yet.", "Jana: Bring it on!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I'm glad you decided to come here and not straight home.", "Nick: Well, once our little girl gets here, we're not gonna be able to do this anymore.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you know, um, I felt bad for Lauren. I guess she's overwhelmed. The baby cries a lot. She's totally wiped out.", "Nick: Yeah, and it's our turn next.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no. Our child is never gonna cry like that. Our child is gonna sleep on schedule and, um, never fuss and never get, you know, cranky.", "Nick: Mmm. And I suppose she's gonna change her own diapers, too?", "Phyllis: You laugh at me. As for me, I'm never gonna lose my temper. And I'm gonna lose my baby weight in a week.", "Nick: Of course you will.", "Phyllis: Of course I will. Absolutely. Why are you laughing at me? It's not gonna be all sunshine and roses, maybe, but, are you up for this?", "Nick: I am so up for this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You didn't have to do the dishes.", "Michael: Hey, what is a domesticated husband to do?", "Lauren: Aw... well, all I wanna do is I wanna soak in a bath and I wanna go to sleep. It's a fantasy.", "Michael: No, I plan on drawing your bath and tucking you in.", "Lauren: Are you kidding? What about the baby?", "Michael: Oh, please. Look, I will tuck him in and draw his bath and you're gonna get those earplugs and you're gonna let me take care of little Fenmore.", "Lauren: Don't you have to be at work early tomorrow?", "Michael: Don't argue with me, woman. I'm gonna give my son a bottle and then I am gonna read to him from \"The Law Review.\" He'll love it.", "Lauren: He'll go to sleep?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: You know what? You're the greatest.", "Michael: Yeah?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Thank you. Has, um... anyone told you that you're a workaholic?", "Professor Korbel: Is that how I strike you?", "Colleen: Well, you were just sitting here working with Victoria and now you want me to stay so what we can work some more. Um, by the way, do I need a notepad so I can write stuff down? 'Cause I can get one from behind the counter, unless you do have a spare computer cleverly stashed up your sleeve?", "Professor Korbel: You know what? I didn't realize how late it's gotten. I should go. You should, too.", "Colleen: But I thought that, um...", "Professor Korbel: Good night, Colleen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I thought you'd gone to bed.", "Kay: Um, have you seen that book I was reading?", "Jill: What book?", "Kay: Ah, here it is, exactly where I put it. Well, is it, uh, safe for me to walk around or... no more surprises around the corner?", "Jill: I think you made your point.", "Kay: I hope I have.", "Jill: What exactly do you mean?", "Kay: Well, I just hope that you will try to exercise better judgment in the future.", "Jill: You're talking about when you barged in on William and me?", "Kay: Well, Jill, what would've happened had that been Billy that walked in on you instead of me?", "Jill: Billy? If that had been Billy, he would've said, \"Way to go, Mom.\"", "Kay: You find this amusing?", "Jill: Oh, don't be such a prude. Besides, Billy's out for the evening.", "Kay: As Esther and I were out for the evening.", "Jill: You know what? You're right. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.", "Kay: Oh, Jill, you are Billy's mother. What sort of example do you think you're setting for that boy when you act so irresponsibly?", "Jill: Irresponsibly? Because I was kissing a man?", "Kay: Oh, more than kissing was about to happen.", "Jill: Well, if that were the case, Katherine, and I'm not saying that it was, we would've taken it upstairs.", "Kay: Oh, romping around the living room like a dog in heat.", "Jill: A dog-- why are you attacking me this way?", "Kay: I'm not attacking you.", "Jill: The hell you're not!", "Kay: It's just that you get caught up in the moment where men are concerned.", "Jill: What?!", "Kay: It's true! You never stop to think of how your actions affect others.", "Jill: Where the hell do you get off talking to me this way?", "Kay: History, history, history speaks for itself.", "Jill: What history?", "Kay: Oh, you having an affair with my husband?", "Jill: Oh, no! Oh, not that again! That happened decades ago! Why are you dredging it up now?!", "Kay: Because it is the best example to show how utter disregard you have for other people that's why.", "Jill: You wait just one minute!", "Kay: Oh, I mean, your behavior-- totally unacceptable. Wretched! Wretched!", "Jill: Says the queen of wretched behavior! You call me a bad parent? When you were no parent to me at all?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: So Jack Abbott is up to his old tricks?", "Colleen: Victoria asked me to help out with the museum benefit you two are working on.", "Professor Korbel: Well, I wish you'd said yes.", "Kay: I don't know what you're going to do to regain my trust, and by God, you better find a way." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Karen and Neil get closer. Succumbing to their passion, they break down and make love, with no regrets. Heather realizes that she has to uphold the law and go after Paul for Sheila's kidnapping. Lauren still not quite herself has a full blown panic attack while Maggie and Paul are over the apartment sparking Michael to tell her Victor was behind the explosion.", "At the hospital Victoria is visited by Adrian and Colleen; Nikki, JT and Victor are informed that Victoria is not out of the woods when the doctor tells them her blood pressure has gone up. He explains that they will be monitoring her vital signs more frequently in the next few hours; which will provide more information.", "Feeling alone, Lily goes over to confide in Colleen, while Cane declines Heather's advances. After Lily explains her loneliness to Colleen and Adrian, she receives a late night phone call from none other than \"the Adonis from Down Under\" who has just called to tell her the title of the Enrique Iglesias and Lionel Richie duet. Needless to say when she hangs up, both parties are on cloud nine, and Lily's stoked because Cane dropped off Heather and called her.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Neil: Here we are. One dirty martini.", "Karen: Thank you, thank you.", "Neil: You're welcome.", "Karen: You know, you must have made money tonight. You think?", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, actually, more than I expected. It's great to see people giving from their hearts to such a good cause.", "Karen: I know. I agree. And you know, somehow this disaster has caused the entire community to kind of count its blessings I think.", "Neil: Yeah, come together, right?", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: \"There by the grace of God.\"", "Karen: Yeah. And I think everyone needed this kind of sort of stress relief. I think they needed this night.", "Neil: You know what else was cool?", "Karen: Mm?", "Neil: Enrique Iglesias. Wasn't he off the chains?", "Karen: Oh, so hot! So hot! I have got to go get his album.", "Neil: So hot? Look at you. I saw. You were practically melting on the floor.", "Karen: Yes. Well, practically, yeah.", "Neil: You and all the other women.", "Karen: We were just having fun. It was really fun. The night has been fun.", "Neil: Yeah. Too bad it's over.", "Karen: What do you mean, over? You turn into a pumpkin after midnight or something?", "Neil: Nothing that dramatic.", "Karen: No?", "Neil: No, the guy who usually closes up, he got sick halfway through his shift.", "Karen: Oh. So now it's your shift.", "Neil: The perks of being the boss.", "Karen: Well, you need some help? I mean, I'll stick around.", "Neil: Oh, no, no, no, no, I-I couldn't ask you to do that.", "Karen: You didn't ask me. I'm offering.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: (Laughs) yeah, I missed that one.", "Lauren: Only when...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Heather remembering]", "Paul: I thought I was one step ahead of he the whole time. But what's a little kidnapping for the better good, right? I'd hold her, I'd keep her there, nobody gets hurt. I tell ya, if I had to do it all over again, I would make sure that Sheila Carter never escaped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Ahem.", "Cane: Hey.", "Heather: Hey.", "Cane: Do you want another drink?", "Heather: Yeah. You know what? I, um, I could definitely use one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Why don't you guys come back to our house for a drink?", "Michael: Yeah, come back.", "Maggie: Oh.", "Paul: Oh, really? It's kinda late, isn't it?", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Lauren: Oh, come on! The party's just started.", "Paul: Mags?", "Maggie: Well...", "Michael: Come on, come on, come on, come on.", "Maggie: Well, if you make it coffee, I'm in.", "Lauren: Fine! Absolutely.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Lauren: Excuse me. I have to go to the powder room.", "Maggie: Oh, I gotta go, too.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Michael: Hurry back.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Paul: Are you sure this is a good idea?", "Michael: I never argue with the wife.", "Paul: Well... I mean, after the little episode and the dream she had the other night, are you a little...", "Michael: Worried about her? Yeah, Paul, I'm worried about her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: The explosion was caused by an electrical short that ignited a huge pocket of displaced methane. Victor, your miners-- they--they followed every safety regulation and then some.", "Victor: That doesn't change the fact that one man is dead and others are critically injured.", "Neil: I realize it doesn't change the outcome, but it was an accident.", "Man: Mr. Newman? I'm finished with your office. You can go back in now.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So remember last month you were telling me about this chapel in Milan. It had a funny name. I can't remember it. But your girlfriend sent pictures from her vacation. And you fell in love with the stained glass.", "J.T.: Yeah, she told me about that. It bothered you that the roof was falling apart.", "Nikki: That's right.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Nikki: And I had no idea that you donated money to fix it. The only reason I know is because they sent a lovely thank you note. Yes, I did open your mail and I read it. I'm sorry. You can deal with me later. But now... you have great incentive to go back. You can see it all refurbished.", "J.T.: We'll take the baby. We'll make a trip out of it.", "Nikki: Yeah! That's great.", "J.T.: You can show us all around the country.", "(Monitor beeping)", "Nikki: What is that?", "J.T.: I don't know.", "Nikki: Well--", "J.T.: I don't--I don't--", "Nikki: Get somebody!", "J.T.: I'm gonna go get a nurse. Nurse?! Nurse?!", "(Monitor beeping)", "Nikki: What's happening?", "Woman: The machines registered an elevated blood pressure reading.", "J.T.: How elevated? What--what does that mean?", "Woman: There's nothing to worry about.", "Nikki: There's nothing to worry about? After that alarm?", "Woman: Sometimes the digital units malfunction. Her blood pressure's normal.", "J.T.: Oh, thank God.", "Woman: I'll replace this unit with a new one and I'll have the doctor check her out, just in case.", "Nikki: Thank you. (Exhales)", "J.T.: I don't know how much more of this I can take. My heart almost stopped right there.", "Nikki: All right, just take deep breaths. She's okay. She's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey. What did you think of the concert?", "Cane: I thought it was great. Your dad must have some pretty good connections to get Enrique here.", "Lily: Yeah, my dad knows a guy who knows a guy who books acts.", "Cane: Now that explains it.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm actually trying to think of the song that he did a few years back. It was a duet with Lionel Richie? My dad used to play it all the time. Do you know which song I'm talking about?", "Cane: No.", "Lily: No? Okay.", "Cane: No. Thanks. Um... I'll see you.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: Okay.", "Heather: Oh, thanks.", "Cane: Sure.", "Heather: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: (Laughs)", "Neil: It's true, though.", "Karen: Is it?", "Neil: Yeah. You have very soft hands.", "Karen: I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hi.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Colleen: How is she?", "Nikki: Hi.", "J.T.: No change. No change. How's your leg?", "Adrian: It's getting better every day.", "Nikki: Look who's here, Sweetheart. Adrian and Colleen.", "Adrian: We thought you guys might be hungry for something you can't find in the cafeteria.", "Colleen: Well, you might be able to find it, but it won't be good. Um, I brought your favorite-- meatball sandwich with extra cheese.", "J.T.: Yeah, thanks. I'm fine.", "Adrian: When was the last time you ate?", "J.T.: I don't know.", "Colleen: You don't want Victoria to wake up to a withered fiancé, do you?", "J.T.: Honestly, I don't even know if I can keep it down after what just happened.", "Adrian: What happened?", "Nikki: Her blood pressure alarm went off. It scared us to death.", "Colleen: Is she okay?", "J.T.: Where's Dr. Ryan?", "Woman: I put in a call. I haven't heard back yet. I'm so sorry. Visiting hours are over.", "Colleen: Yeah, we were just bringing food.", "Adrian: We won't stay long.", "Nikki: How is her blood pressure?", "Woman: Let's see.", "Woman: Right where it should be.", "Nikki: All right, well, I don't care if it's where it should be, I need to see the doctor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Bring the car around. I'm going to the hospital, okay? Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey. I just want you to know I'm really glad you were the one that was with her down there.", "Adrian: Well, she kept me going. Told me that her loved ones would move heaven and earth to rescue us. She told me this story about skywriting.", "Nikki: Oh, yes. When she was a kid she decided to run away after some family argument and Victor hired a skywriter with very serious recommendations of what to do and directions how to get home and it worked.", "J.T.: I love that story.", "Adrian: It convinced me that the Calvary was coming.", "J.T.: Sounds like she was pretty brave down there.", "Adrian: Hate to admit it, but she kept me sane.", "Nikki: Hey, you hear that, Baby? You're a hero.", "Adrian: Yep. She never gave up hope. You know, if--if you have to be buried in a pile of concrete and twisted metal, this is the person you want with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: This is the last of the decaf. I hope that's all right.", "Maggie: Oh, uh, oh, thank you. That's perfect.", "Michael: Here.", "Maggie: Yeah, I just don't want anything to keep me up.", "Michael: You having trouble sleeping?", "Maggie: Yes. And usually my head hits the pillow and I'm out.", "Lauren: Okay. So Fen and Gloria are out like lights. One of them is drooling, I'm not naming names.", "Paul: Well, we'll keep our voices down.", "Michael: Oh, that's all right. Those two could sleep through an air raid.", "Lauren: Mm. You know, I remember stories that my mom used to talk to me about --air raids. People would go into shelters underground, you know, when the sirens went. Oh, I can't even imagine something so horrible, living like that.", "Michael: You're shivering. You cold?", "Lauren: It's chilly in here, isn't it?", "Paul: Actually, I think it's kinda warm.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Maggie: Oh, you can't-- you can't go off him. He's a walking furnace.", "Michael: Look, how 'bout I get you a sweater?", "Lauren: All right, thank you.", "Michael: Okay.", "Lauren: I'm a total mess these days. I'm freezing all the time. I can't sleep.", "Maggie: Yeah. I-I was just saying that. I haven't been able to sleep either. If I do get to sleep, I wake up at 3:00 A.M. in cold sweats.", "Paul: Well, next time that happens, just call the walking furnace. I'll warm you up. You know what? You need to cut yourself a little slack. You've been through a trauma, right? Your body reacts. It's normal.", "Lauren: Normal, huh?", "Paul: Yeah.", "Lauren: I just-- I don't want the baby to pick up on my anxiousness. They're so sensitive.", "Paul: Oh, you just told me the little guy's sound asleep. Trust me, he's not-- he's not picking up on anything.", "Lauren: Yeah, I just-- I mean, you're right. I don't want him out of my sight either. It's not logical.", "Paul: Lauren, Lauren, stop beating yourself up.", "Maggie: Yeah, we just... we all have to accept that it's gonna take awhile before we're back to normal.", "Lauren: Are we ever gonna be normal?", "Paul: Yes, we will. All of us.", "Michael: Here we go. I fished this one out.", "Lauren: Uh, o-okay.", "Michael: I thought this was your favorite.", "Lauren: It--it's fine. Thank you.", "Michael: Okay.", "Maggie: You know what helps me when I can't sleep?", "Lauren: Hmm?", "Maggie: I have a hot bath and some chamomile tea.", "Michael: Ah, see?", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Michael: And add to that the willing-- dare I say eager-- husband's patented massage technique on all knotted muscles. Which--I dare say-- has been proven to send her right to dreamland.", "Lauren: It's true.", "Paul: You know what works for me? Late night TV--infomercials? Ten minutes of those, I am like... snoozing.", "Michael: Unlike my mother, who, uh, you know, instead of snoozing, calls and buys anything they're selling, right, Honey?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: You know what?", "Lauren: Hm?", "Michael: What about some warm milk? You know, that calcium works on the nerves. It helps you to relax.", "Lauren: You want me to drink warm milk?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: I'm not a baby.", "Michael: You are a baby. You'll always be my baby. I'll be right back.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Maggie: Yeah, you could-- you could always go by that old standby-- counting sheep.", "Paul: You know, what is it with the sheep anyway?", "Maggie: What?", "Paul: I mean, why isn't it, like, cows, or--or pigs, or even electric guitars, for that matter?", "Maggie: Or--or, like, the ultimate satisfaction-- perps that we have busted. Okay, that would be--", "Paul: Sort of like, armed robber number one--", "Lauren: I can't--my sweater!", "Paul: What's the matter, Sweetheart?", "Lauren: I can't get my sweater off!", "Paul: No, no, no, it's fine.", "Lauren: I can't breathe!", "Michael: Oh, I'm here. I've got it. Just pull it.", "Lauren: I can't breathe!", "Michael: We'll unzip it. We'll get rid of it. That's it.", "Lauren: Okay!", "Michael: Don't pull. Don't pull. There, there, there.", "Lauren: Oh--oh, my God!", "Michael: Just-- just look at me. Hold on. Hold on, right?", "Lauren: Oh, my God!", "Michael: All right.", "Lauren: I can't--", "Michael: I got you. Just look at me and breathe.", "Lauren: I can't breathe.", "Michael: Paul, her medication's in the bedroom on the nightstand, all right? Breathe with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You still seem upset from the call you got from work.", "Heather: Oh, God. I'm sorry. I'm not very good company right now, am I?", "Cane: It's okay. Do you wanna-- do you wanna tell me what's bothering you?", "Heather: Hypothetical question?", "Cane: Sure.", "Heather: Okay. So say you had a friend and you found out that they had dome something illegal.", "Cane: Well, it depends on how good the friend is and how illegal--", "Heather: A very, very, good friend.", "Cane: Okay.", "Heather: I mean, someone you've admired for years. The last person you ever would've thought would commit a crime.", "Cane: Is it a big crime or is a little crime?", "Heather: Big. Very big.", "Cane: Well, I mean, you know, every job has a certain level of accountability and... you're a...", "Heather: So you mean, if I was a secretary, then maybe I could let it go.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Heather: But since... I'm a prosecutor...", "Cane: Right. And as an assistant district attorney, you have... well, I suppose, one of the highest levels of accountability there is. Right?", "Heather: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Is it helping at all, Sweetie? Is it?", "Lauren: No. I feel like I'm gonna-- I'm gonna die.", "Michael: All right, I know you feel like you're gonna die, but you're not. I'm here. I'm here. You're safe here with me. All right? Just...", "Maggie: Michael, how long does it take for the medicine to kick in?", "Michael: 20 minutes. It's usually 20 minutes. It should be kicking in any minute now. She should be getting better.", "Paul: Look. Here, look at me. Short breath in, long breath out. Do it again. In. Out. That's it.", "Michael: I forgot, you've dealt with this before.", "Paul: Try it again. She made it through when we were trapped, she's gonna make it through now. Right? There we go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So I'm chasing this guy.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: I finally catch him. I tackle him. I wrestle him to the ground and I grab his gun. It's a squirt gun.", "Heather: Oh, no! Oh, my gosh! Um, I had no idea you were a bounty hunter.", "Cane: I did that and, uh, I was also a skip tracer. Whichever one paid more. It generally just depended on the level of danger in the job.", "Heather: Well, I'm sure the squirt gun guy really, um, paid you a lot.", "Cane: Yeah, well, not really. I think I paid my phone bill that month with his money.", "Heather: So do you want, um, let's get out of here. Yeah?", "Cane: I'd like that, yeah.", "Heather: Okay, mmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Screaming. And I thought something really bad was happening. Turned out, her cat--", "Lily: Hey.", "Karen: Hey.", "Lily: Um, do you wanna get something to eat?", "Neil: Oh, can't, Baby. Gotta close up.", "Lily: Oh, okay, then I'll just help you.", "Neil: Sure, why not? With the three of us working, um, it'll go a lot faster.", "Lily: Oh, three?", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: Yeah, Karen offered to help.", "Lily: Oh, okay, well, then you guys don't need my help then.", "Karen: No, no, no, of course we need your help. I mean, just stay. It'll be fun. We can clean up, and then we'll go out for a bite to eat afterwards, and I'll treat.", "Lily: Um, thank you, but I think I'm kinda tired. I'm just gonna go home and crash.", "Neil: Lily, you sure?", "Lily: Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah. Um, good night.", "Karen: Good night.", "Neil: Good night. I love you, Baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: Hey, it's me, your disaster buddy. I don't want you to worry about Clear Springs. Most of the structures you were restoring are still intact. And I talked to the committee. They're gonna let me fill in for you till you're back on your feet. I will make sure that they keep your vision.", "Nikki: We appreciate that.", "Colleen: I'm worried about you. I know you're not taking care of yourself.", "J.T.: I'm fine.", "Colleen: J.T., you've barely left the room, and you can't even remember what you ate before this.", "J.T.: Listen, I know you mean well, but save it, all right?", "Colleen: It won't do Victoria much good if you're in here for exhaustion, okay?", "J.T.: I wanna be here when she wakes up.", "Adrian: We should go. We promised the nurse we wouldn't stay long.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Adrian: If either of you need anything, please don't hesitate to call.", "Nikki: Thank you. Thank you.", "J.T.: I'll walk you guys out.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Nikki: I'm not going anywhere.", "Victor: How is she doing?", "Nikki: We had a minor scare earlier. We thought her blood pressure had elevated, but it was just the machine malfunctioning. She's fine.", "Victor: And other than that?", "Nikki: No change.", "Victor: What does the doctor say?", "Nikki: Hasn't been in yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I'm sorry.", "Paul: For what?", "Lauren: For freaking everyone out.", "Michael: Look, if anybody understands, they do.", "Lauren: Yes. I'm very frustrated that I need a pill just to feel normal.", "Michael: Hey, hey, better living through chemistry. I'm all for it. Now stop beating yourself up.", "Paul: So what caused the attack?", "Maggie: You said something about your sweater being too tight?", "Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, I just started to feel claustrophobic. And then my mind went to what if this building collapsed, and I couldn't get to Fen and... it just--it came on.", "Maggie: Yeah. Once it comes on, it's hard to stop it, right?", "Lauren: I tried.", "Michael: It is okay. It is eminently sane.", "Paul: You went through a trauma. You're traumatized.", "Maggie: Mm.", "Lauren: How do we know that what happened in Clear Springs couldn't happen here? You know, terrible things happen. You feel like you're in control one time, your--your life is going fine. And then the next... what if I couldn't get to Fen?", "Michael: It's totally unrelated. Totally unrelated situation.", "Lauren: No, it really isn't. It really isn't because multi-leveled parking structures don't just collapse as--as any-- any apartment buildings do.", "Paul: No, no, no, our collapse was caused by an explosion.", "Lauren: Explosion?", "Paul: Yes.", "Lauren: From what?", "Maggie: A build up of underground methane gas, from the drilling operation.", "Lauren: Well, who would drill near a construction site?", "Paul: It wasn't near, it was out of town. But it caused a chain reaction.", "Maggie: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Who was drilling?", "Michael: Victor Newman.", "Lauren: Victor? Victor is responsible for this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrian: Thanks.", "Colleen: Poor Victoria. So sad, seeing her lying there like that.", "Adrian: If I hadn't gotten that rebar stuck in my leg, she wouldn't have been helping me, and she would've gotten out sooner.", "Colleen: Just please stop, okay? It's not your fault. You have to stop doing this to yourself.", "Adrian: Yeah, I-I know. I know that. My heart is breaking for that family. And J.T.", "Colleen: Victoria wants that baby so much.", "Adrian: Yeah, she told me. When we were waiting to be rescued, we talked about a lot of things. Things we never would've confided in each other under different circumstances.", "Colleen: It's crazy, isn't it? That life can change without warning and all those day to day things seem so... unimportant.", "Adrian: While we were down there, I-I just thought about how I worry about the smallest things. The things that--that mean... nothing when you think you're about to die.", "Colleen: It could've been you in that coma.", "Adrian: No, don't. Just--", "Colleen: I can't help it. I mean, you said you were coming out together, and if the timing had been different, the concrete might've hit you.", "Adrian: Look, Victoria is gonna pull through this, okay? And until then, we just have to focus on what's good that's in front of us.", "Colleen: What?", "Adrian: Just the whole time that I was trapped down there, I... I just prayed that I'd get to look in your eyes again. Hold you in my arms, kiss those lips.", "(Knock on door)", "Lily: Colleen, can you please open up? I have to talk to you.", "Adrian: She sounds upset.", "Lily: Please?", "Adrian: Go ahead.", "Colleen: Hey.", "Lily: Hey. I'm sorry. I'm--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just barge in on you guys.", "Colleen: It's okay. What's--what's going on?", "Lily: I know this is gonna sound extremely pathetic.", "Colleen: Lily, tell me. It's okay.", "Lily: I don't know, I just... I just feel... so alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: Right here, right now, what are you thinking about?", "Neil: You really wanna know?", "Karen: I don't know, do I?", "Neil: Mm-hmm. No, you know, uh, you know what I was thinking about?", "Karen: Mm?", "Neil: The fact that there are so many people on this planet-- millions of people-- and somehow, some way, the two of us found each other, here tonight, dancing, having the time of our lives.", "Karen: And what a dancer you are.", "Neil: Are you kidding me? I have two left feet.", "Karen: No, you don't.", "Karen: Was there something else you wanted to say?", "Neil: It's funny. Um... if you'd have told me that I'd be here with this gorgeous lady, who would be you, and I couldn't take my eyes off, I'd have said, you're absolutely crazy.", "Neil: I still-- I can't believe... that I'm here.", "Karen: Neil... just take your time. No pressure, okay?", "Neil: Right. No pressure.", "Karen: I mean, we'll know when the time is right, right?", "Karen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: The miracle of paper bags, huh? Who would've thunk it?", "Michael: And a new sweater.", "Lauren: You know what? I'm--I'm gonna go outside. I need some fresh air, okay?", "Michael: I'll go with you.", "Lauren: Oh, no, no, Honey, stay.", "Michael: Whoa. Where you go, I go. Please, Guys, don't leave. Can you keep an ear out for Fenmore in case Gloria doesn't hear him, all right?", "Maggie: Oh, okay", "Paul: Everything's under control.", "Michael: Good. Good. Thank you, thank you.", "Lauren: We won't be long.", "Maggie: Oh, take your time.", "Paul: Okay.", "Maggie: Lauren's pretty special to you, isn't she?", "Paul: Well, we go back a long way. Nothing romantic--", "Maggie: Oh, no, no. Not to worry. I find it reassuring that you're on such good terms with an ex-wife. Most divorces make people really bitter towards each other.", "Paul: Bitter?", "Maggie: Bitter.", "Paul: Not a chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I don't know, it's weird. It's like I was at Indigo and I was fine. And then later on, it just... hit me.", "Adrian: What--what did?", "Lily: That I'm alone. And I was looking around and I see that my dad has Karen, and Cane has Heather and you guys have each other and Daniel's moved on. It's like everywhere I look, all I see are couples. And--and trust me, I'm happy for you guys, I am. I love you guys. But it's just... I just feel like everywhere I look, it's like... everyone has someone except for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Well, thanks for coming with me tonight. I had fun.", "Cane: It was my pleasure.", "Heather: I'm so sorry if that mood swing ruined any part of it.", "Cane: No, no, no, no, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. It's fine. It's fine.", "Heather: I'd love you to come up. I wanna make it up to you. Do you wanna grab a cup of coffee?", "Cane: Uh... I...", "Heather: Clear Springs?", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah.", "Heather: Okay.", "Cane: The clean up's got me working crazy hours. I gotta get up early in the morning. I'm--", "Heather: No, it's okay. Don't worry about it. I understand. We'll, um... do it next time.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Heather: Yeah. Okay, good. Um...", "Cane: No, let me-- let me walk you up.", "Heather: No, no, it's okay. Don't worry about it. Just stay in here and make sure I get inside, okay? All right?", "Cane: Okay.", "Heather: Okay, good night.", "Heather: I'll talk to you later.", "Cane: Sure.", "Heather: Okay.", "(Car door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: The doctor's on his way.", "Nikki: What is it?", "J.T.: Her hands.", "Nikki: Her hands?", "Victor: What's the matter with her hands?", "J.T.: Her hands are swollen. They weren't like that an hour ago.", "Nikki: He's right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: You okay?", "Neil: Yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't I be?", "Karen: Well... you were so quiet, I thought... maybe you were having some regrets, you know?", "Neil: About this?", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: No, no, no, not a chance.", "Karen: Well, it wouldn't be the first time you've been skittish.", "Neil: I know. I'm sorry about that.", "Karen: It's all right. You've always been really straight with me, Neil.", "Neil: You know, Karen, after I lost my wife, the only thing that kept me going was... my two kids. They'd already lost one parent. I had to be there for them.", "Karen: That's what makes you a great dad.", "Neil: Mmm. Thanks for saying that. I try. I really try. But Dru-- she--she was so involved in their lives. There's absolutely no way that I can replace her.", "Karen: Well, no one can. You know, I think that's why the kids resent me. They think I'm trying to replace her somehow.", "Neil: The kids-- they would resent any woman that I'm with.", "Karen: But you know, being with me doesn't mean you didn't love your wife.", "Neil: I don't feel the same way they do.", "Karen: You know she'd want you to be happy, right?", "Neil: Can I tell you something? Right now I am happy. I haven't experienced happiness like this in so long. And you made me realize that my life isn't over.", "Karen: Oh.", "Neil: And there's still a lot of years left. And I don't wanna spend them alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Danielle? Hi, it's Heather. I need you to do me a favor. When you get in tomorrow morning, pull all the files we have on Sheila Carter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: There's no more decaf.", "Michael: Hey, hey.", "Maggie: Oh.", "Paul: Oh. You feel better?", "Lauren: Yeah, I do.", "Paul: You look better.", "Lauren: Yeah, I feel much better. Such a beautiful night. The stars were so clear.", "Paul: Oh.", "Maggie: You're a stargazer, too?", "Lauren: Yeah. I don't know, I find it strangely calming.", "Maggie: Oh, yeah.", "Michael: I may have to buy you a telescope.", "Lauren: So, Guys, if I had to have a meltdown, I'm really glad I was with you.", "Paul: Sure. I mean, after what the three of us have been through?", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Paul: We understand.", "Maggie: Don't want you to feel like you have to pretend in front of us.", "Lauren: Thank you. I really appreciate that.", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Lauren: Um, I'm gonna go check on the baby.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Michael: Yeah? Okay. For months, she was doing so much better. And we made all that progress and now because of the collapse, she's right back where she started.", "Paul: I know it seems like that--", "Michael: It is like that. She can't even put on a sweater without having a panic attack. Thanks to Victor. I'm sorry, but that... that's not acceptable. I mean, the man has to take responsibility for what he's done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Lily: It's him.", "Adrian: Him, who?", "Colleen: Uh, the Adonis from down under. Who else has she been--?", "Lily: Shh. Shh. Shh. Hello?", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey, um, it's--it's--it's me. It's Cane.", "Lily: Yeah--yeah, I recognized your voice. Actually, I'm lying. I have caller I.D.", "Cane: \"To Love a Woman.\"", "Lily: What?", "Cane: \"To Love a Woman.\" Remember... you asked me the name of that song that, um, Enrique sang with Lionel Richie. It's... it's \"To Love a Woman.\"", "Lily: Oh. Yeah. Um, yeah, did it just come to you, or...?", "Cane: No, no, actually, I, um, I had to call a buddy of mine, he looked it up on the internet for me.", "Lily: Oh, well, you didn't have to... go to all that trouble.", "Cane: No. Well, you know, it was... it was driving me crazy. I had to, you know, find out what it was.", "Lily: Well, now I know who to go to for all my music questions. I'll get a guaranteed answer.", "Cane: Anytime.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Well, good night.", "Lily: Good night.", "Lily: It was Cane.", "Colleen: Yes, I gathered that when you told me that.", "Lily: Yeah, I asked him this question earlier at Indigo and he didn't know the answer.", "Colleen: Was he with Heather?", "Lily: No, I don't think he was. I think he actually took her home right after the concert.", "Adrian: So why'd he call you?", "Lily: Well, to answer the question I asked him earlier.", "Colleen: What did you ask him?", "Lily: Who cares? I just asked him to make conversation so he would get away from Heather. And he didn't know the answer, so he actually went and looked it up.", "Colleen: I told you he likes you.", "Adrian: From total despair to floating on air.", "Lily: I just... I can't believe it. That means he dropped Heather off and he called me. He called me.", "Colleen: Yeah.", "Lily: You guys, thank you! Thank you!", "Colleen: It's okay. It's okay.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Lily: I'm gonna go now.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Lily: Bye.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Lily: Thanks again.", "Colleen: I'm happy for you.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: Okay. Go ahead, say it.", "Adrian: What? That your friend's a fruit loop? I'll pass. Besides, I don't wanna sleep on the couch tonight.", "Colleen: Oh, smart man. Um, she's just a little worked up. I'm gonna go text J.T. and see how Victoria's doing.", "Adrian: Yeah, let's-- let's hope that blood pressure thing was a fluke.", "Colleen: Now I don't know a lot about pregnancy, but, I mean, like, high blood pressure can't be good for the baby, right?", "Adrian: You really want this kid to be your brother, huh?", "Colleen: Odds are he is.", "Adrian: How's your dad? He must be worried sick.", "Colleen: Yeah. So is J.T. I mean, you saw him. He's a total wreck. Oh.", "Adrian: What did he say?", "Colleen: Um, he's with the doctor, and he'll call me back.", "Adrian: Well, let's hope its good news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Ryan: You run a test on Ms. Newman's urine for protein levels and increase the frequency of her B.P. readings.", "Woman: Yes, Doctor.", "Victor: Has her blood pressure gone up?", "Dr. Ryan: Yes.", "Nikki: Well, what does that mean? She's gonna be okay, right?", "J.T.: I thought the nurse said it was the cuff.", "Dr. Ryan: That very well may have been. Her blood pressure has been relatively stable all day.", "Nikki: Did you see her hands?", "Dr. Ryan: Yes. There's a bit of swelling.", "Victor: Which means what?", "Dr. Ryan: I'd rather not speculate, Mr. Newman. But I'm glad you called me in.", "J.T.: This is serious, isn't it?", "Dr. Ryan: We'll be monitoring her vital signs very closely over the next few hours. That ought to tell us more. If you'll excuse me.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: I'm gonna go back in.", "Victor: That doctor hasn't said a damn thing, has he?", "Nikki: He doesn't want to speculate. That means he doesn't wanna scare us. Is that what you're thinking?", "Victor: I am gonna call every specialist in the world if it takes that to get Victoria better.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Heather: I wanna talk to you about Sheila Carter.", "Lauren: Is she back?", "Phyllis: They're insinuating that you had something to do with your father's new will.", "Nikki: I am tired of waiting for those alarms to go off! I need to know what we're facing!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis is hurt when she finds Nick in Avery's room at the Athletic Club. He admits to her he slept with Avery but says it just happened -- he didn't intend to hurt her. Phyllis tells Nick all the women that hate her always sleep with him, and he slept with Avery because he was angry with her. Phyllis thinks Nick doesn't protect her in any situation. She came to tell him Ronan got a call from someone who played his argument with Diane the night she died. When Ronan questions him, Nick doesn't say anything about the recording but wonders why Ronan and Phyllis are spending so much time together. Ronan admits he enjoys Phyllis's company. Phyllis is angry when she learns that Avery will be staying in town because she has another case. Phyllis tells Avery that she came to town to dispense her own kind of justice because she is still angry with her because she left home. Avery and Phyllis argue because Phyllis thinks her father was responsible for stealing money from some people who expected to spend their retirement at a facility and now they can't because of their father. Avery thinks the facility used their father as a scapegoat, and he wasn't to blame for the situation. Phyllis warns Avery not to come after her children or she will have a war on her hands. Avery calls Daisy to tell her that she will do whatever it takes to reunite her with her daughter just like she reunited Sharon with Faith.", "Adam negotiates a deal with Victor to have the same authority at Newman Enterprises as Victoria. Victoria is angry with Victor for letting Adam back inside the company. She later warns Adam she will be watching him. Victoria privately tells Victor that Adam fell for her act. Victor thinks that is very good. Jack, Ashley, Tucker, and Victoria plan a benefit for burn victims sponsored by Jabot and Newman Enterprises. Genevieve buys Myrna a veil to cover her face and brings her home from the hospital. Myrna gets very nervous when she sees Jack and runs upstairs to her room. Jack asks Genevieve if she thinks Myrna would speak at the benefit. Genevieve doesn't think so because Myrna is shy around people. Jack thinks he can persuade Myrna to speak at the benefit once she gets to know him better. Once Jack has left Genevieve's house, Myrna comes downstairs and tells Genevieve she didn't want Jack to see her face. Myrna takes off her veil and reveals she is really Patty Williams.", "" ]
[ "Avery: That was a very interesting negotiating style you have, Mr. Newman.", "Nick: (Sighs) (sighs) Well, the first rule of a successful negotiation is to only accept a creative outcome.", "Avery: Then by that standard, I'd say we were very successful. No one could have predicted this outcome.", "Nick: Yeah. (Sighs)", "Avery: So what's next?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[From speakerphone]", "Nick: I'll kill you... I'll kill you... I'll kill you... I'll kill you...", "Ronan: Who is this?", "Phyllis: That--that--", "Ronan: Who is this?", "Phyllis: That couldn't have been what it sounded like. There's no way. Wait. No, no. Who are you calling?", "Ronan: I'm calling my C.S.I. department to track that call.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Um, should I wait outside?", "Woman: No, come in, I was just gettin' ready to remove her bandages.", "Myrna: No, you're not.", "Woman: She's concerned about the way she'll look.", "Genevieve: Because of the burns. But it will heal faster if it's open to the air, right?", "Myrna: I don't want anyone to see me.", "Genevieve: Well, then I've got good news for you, Myrna. They've finished the work on the lake house. I'm moving back in today, and I can bring you with me. You'll have total privacy there. Hardly anyone ever comes to visit me, except for Jack, of course, and you're used to having him around.", "Myrna: No! Just leave me alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Tucker: You're welcome.", "Jack: What is this? You got my coffee?", "Ashley: Don't get used to it.", "Jack: Oh, believe me, we can find better ways to use your time and talents at Jabot.", "Tucker: Uh, hold on a minute, Jack. We still have a wedding and a honeymoomin' up.", "Jack: You start whenever you like.", "Ashley: Actually, I've already kind of started. I'm meeting Victoria, you know?", "Jack: To discuss the charity fund-raiser we're cosponsoring?", "Ashley: Yes, here she is. Hi.", "Victoria: Hello, hi.", "Jack: Hey. Hello there.", "Victoria: Hello there.", "Jack: Good to see you.", "Victoria: Good to see you.", "Jack: The one Newman I can always work with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know, I'll never forget the remark you made after the first board meeting when you said to me that if I'd kept you on, Newman Enterprises would have benefitted.", "Adam: You've been mulling that over all this time, have you? Even while you were busy kicking me off the board?", "Victor: Board members are outsiders, you know. They're allowed to approve or disapprove of what I do but they have no role in long-term planning.", "Adam: And I would?", "Victor: If you accept my offer, yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't have a real great track record when it come predicting what happens next.", "Avery: So we just let this ride, see what happens?", "Nick: If you're cool with that.", "Avery: So far, it's working pretty well where are you going?", "Nick: Don't worry. I'll be back.", "(Water turns on)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Avery: (Sighs)", "(Ring) (Ring)", "Avery: Hello, Phyllis. It's Avery. You're looking for Nick?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I'm looking for Nick. That's why I called his phone, Avery.", "Avery: Uh, he just stepped away or a minute.", "Phyllis: Where is he?", "Avery: My room at the club.", "Phyllis: Okay. Can you--can you keep him there? I need to talk to him.", "Avery: Yeah, I can do that.", "Phyllis: I'll be right over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What did you find out? Can you tell me?", "Ronan: No, I can't. But I'd very interested to hear your theory about what we just heard.", "Phyllis: I think somebody is trying to misdirect you, obviously, by steering you away from who the real killer is, making it look like Nick was--", "Ronan: Threatening Diane?", "Phyllis: Oh, come on, Detective. That's so easy to do. Just splice up a recording. I mean, that's what Adam does all the time. He's a pro at that. Talk to Ashley.", "Ronan: You know, you're right. Ashley may know somethin about that phone call. You wouldn't happen to know where Nick is right now, would you?", "Phyllis: All the thoughts of Nick just were driven right out my head by you.", "Ronan: (Sighs) About that-- that thing... that kind of thing-- it really needs to wait until I catch Diane's murderer.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: You know, I'm not above a little feminine vanity. But you must be realistic. You can't stay hidden 24/7.", "Myrna: Just when you have company.", "Genevieve: (Sighs)", "Myrna: I wouldn't want to drive Jack out of the house.", "Genevieve: Your face wouldn't drive Jack away. Come on now. Take a look.", "Myrna: (Sighs) It's perfect. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I like that idea-- the proceeds going to burn victims.", "Ashley: You've seen firsthand what it's like to go through something like that, right? With Genevieve's housekeeper.", "Jack: Yeah, I wonder if we could get her to talk about it at the event.", "Victoria: Yeah, it could be very powerful, bring in lot of donations.", "Tucker: You know, McCall, Unlimited would be very happy to cosponsor this shindig, if no one objects.", "Ashley: I think we'd love that right?", "Victoria: Yeah, of course.", "Jack: Well, it goes to show you we can be fierce competitors in business and still work together when it counts.", "Ashley: Well, especially since we are related by marriage.", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Uh... (Sighs)", "Ashley: What?", "Victoria: Uh, well, this really may not be the best time to bring this up, but it doesn't look like Billy's coming back anytime soon, and as sad as it makes me, I-I feel that it's time for me to move on.", "Ashley: That makes me really sad, too. Billy was at his very best with you, Vicki.", "Victoria: Thank you for saying that.", "Ashley: It's true.", "Victoria: Yeah, thank you. I can't believe that, uh, that he's done this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What are you up to?", "Victor: You know, you kept telling me that I robbed you of the opportunity to prove yourself in the business world. Now it's time to put up or shut up.", "Adam: Meanwhile, you'd be setting me up?", "Victor: You must have more confidence in yourself and your value to the company.", "Adam: My value would depend entirely upon my authority. I have no interest in being Victoria's underling.", "Victor: That's not what I had in mind, Adam.", "Adam: Okay, well, at the very least, if we're actually talking about this...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: I would need to have equal footing with Victoria.", "Victor: Why don't you come to my office and we'll discuss the details? How's that?", "Adam: Um, no, there's no point in that. Not if you can't meet my terms. Will my role at the company be on par with Victoria's?", "Victor: All right. If it's that important to you, then, um, the answer's yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Here we are.", "Myrna: (Sighs) How pretty.", "Genevieve: Oh, where did that come from?", "Myrna: Well, here's a card.", "Genevieve: Oh", "Jack: Hey, perfect timing.", "Genevieve: Jack I didn't see your car outside.", "Jack: Yeah, I came in the back door. I stopped to get some groceries.", "Genevieve: Oh, thank you. That's so thoughtful.", "Jack: Oh, well, I just picked up a few essentials. How are you doing, Myrna? I'm--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.", "Genevieve: Uh, she's just little tired. That's all. I mean, it was quite an ordeal getting those bandages off, wasn't it?", "Jack: Hey, I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you'll tell me if there's any way I can help you at all.", "Genevieve: Um, is the basket from you?", "Jack: Yeah, it's for Myrna.", "Genevieve: Oh. (Chuckles)", "Jack: I hope you like it.", "Genevieve: Wow. How is it possible that a man as wonderful as you is still single?", "Jack: I don't know. I guess you're just lucky.", "Genevieve: I guess I am.", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Genevieve: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: And I also want my seat on the board back.", "Victor: Possibility. We can discuss that down the road if all goes well.", "Adam: So what are you proposing? That I be on some kind of probationary status at first?", "Victor: Well, obviously, there are... there are certain limits in regard to the risks I'm willing to take. But if you prove yourself to the company and prove your loyalty to me, then we can expand those limits.", "Adam: You're not the only one taking a risk here. So I hope you'll understand that I might want to micromanage this, uh, this contract.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Adam: I need to mess with it myself. I don't want you injecting anything tricky in there.", "Victor: (Chuckles) I have a feeling both of our lawyers are going to take a very close look.", "Adam: I think this'll be a very interesting chess game.", "Victor: Hopefully a productive one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Humming)", "Adam: Hey, Sis.", "Victoria: What are you doing here?", "Adam: Uh, there were no offices available.", "Victoria: I'm calling security and having you thrown out.", "Adam: You're gonna be disappointed, 'cause they're not gonna do that, seeing as I work here. Yeah, Dad, uh, he figured he needed a little more help than you could provide.", "Victoria: Dad hired you?", "Adam: Mm-hmm, just now.", "Victor: Are you serious? He said that? Well, kindly remind him that Newman Enterprises has a better credit rating than that puny country is worth, all right? You do that.", "Victoria: Please tell me it's not true. You didn't just hire Adam.", "Victor: I did.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I wish you didn't have to go.", "Nick: Well, you may have wrapped up your case, but I still have deadlines to meet. So what'd you do with my shirt?", "Avery: Oh, let's retrace your steps. Where were you when I last ripped it off your body?", "Nick: Maybe it was over here.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: Did you order room service?", "Avery: Unh-unh.", "Nick: Are you expecting someone?", "Avery: No.", "Nick: Aha.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Oh, so I got a hold of my friend I told you about, the sommelier.", "Tucker: Uh-huh. Did he recommend a champagne for the wedding?", "Ashley: Yeah, yeah. This one right there. What do you think?", "Tucker: This one. Let's see. Oh, yeah. Good choice.", "Ashley: I thought so.", "Tucker: So what else is there left to do?", "Ashley: Um... (Sighs) Oh, I was gonna ask Billy to walk me own the aisle with Jack, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.", "Tucker: Well, you never know about Billy boy. He might just surprise you.", "Ashley: Mm. Well, at least Jack's being supportive, right?", "Tucker: Mm. Its funny how less objectionable I am now that I sold him Jabot.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) It's not just you. He's in love with the whole world now. He's been living with that burden for so long-- losing Jabot. Now it's been lifted.", "Tucker: Yeah, he's a new man.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Tucker: It's good to see.", "Ashley: It is good to see. Jack and I have both been given fresh starts... because of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, is Myrna okay?", "Genevieve: She's fine.", "Jack: Hey, did I just say anything to upset her? I--", "Genevieve: No, she is just very self-conscious about her face right now. We got her the veil, but still... she was always shy to begin with.", "Jack: Wow, how am I ever going to get her to reveal all your dirty little secrets if she won't even talk to me?", "Genevieve: Your mission if you choose to accept it, is to discover my dirty little secrets on your own.", "Jack: Ooh, on my own?", "Genevieve: Mm. (Laughs)", "Jack: I mean, seriously, I was going to ask her if she'd be willing to speak at this fund-raiser we're planning. What do you think chances are?", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Don't get your hopes up. She's more open with me now, since we've been through this crisis together, but strangers? I think that's a very different story.", "Jack: I bet I could talk her into it.", "Genevieve: Oh, you think so, do you?", "Jack: No, I'd wait till she got to know me better.", "Genevieve: Uh-huh. And if it didn't happen?", "Jack: Well, I mean, come on once she gets to know me what's not to love?", "Genevieve: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Please have a seat, Darling. I'll explain", "Victoria: I am not gonna have a seat. What is going on here? I don't understand. What did he do? Did he blackmail you?", "Victor: Nothing like that.", "Victoria: How can you even think about hiring him back here, Dad?", "Victor: Listen, I'm tired of having to worry about what that boy is up to when he's out there on his own, all right? I want him here where I can keep an eye on him.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) You're giving him access. He's just gonna sabotage us again. Do you remember what he did last time? He made an anonymous phone call to the S.E.C. to report me. I may not be able to prove it, but I know it was him.", "Victor: And I understand all of your objections, and I agree with them. But I have a feeling we'll make him a productive member of this company.", "Victoria: It's not worth it. It's not worth the risk. And you know what? I won't work with him.", "Victor: As long as you work for me, you have no choice about that.", "Victoria: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Avery: I'm gonna go downstairs.", "Nick: You don't have to do that.", "Avery: Uh, it's okay. It's checkout time, and there are some things I need to talk to them about. You two talk.", "Phyllis: Are you still gonna tell me nothing's going on between you two?", "Nick: Well, actually, when I told you that, it was true.", "Phyllis: You didn't waste any time making it untrue, did you? What are you doing? I guess you're gonna tell me it's my fault, aren't you? And, you know, I think it is my fault. I think it is, because I told you I had issues with Avery. And you seem to find that irresistible in a woman.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Phyllis: I'm talking about all of these women, all of them-- Sharon, Diane, Avery. They all have two tings in common-- they hate me and they all seem to have sex with you.", "Nick: This is not about you.", "Phyllis: It's entirely about me! It is all about me, all of this. You're angry at me, so you lash out like this. (Sighs)", "Nick: No, no, no.", "Phyllis: Yes, yes. Yes. There's--there's no way you could have hurt me more than this. There is no way. My God, given—given our history and our marriage... (Sighs)", "Nick: No one set out to hurt you. It just...", "Phyllis: No one set out to hurt me? Really? Because I gave you a phone call. I called you, and Avery picked up. She told me exactly where you were, and where to find you. I said I was on my way over here, and she said, \"Okay, sure.\" She didn't do that to hurt me? You have no idea what you're talking about regarding her. No idea. But you probably get off on this, don't you? You probably really get off on this--somebody hurting me.", "Nick: All right, that's enough. That's enough.", "Phyllis: Somebody twisting--", "Nick: That's enough!", "Phyllis: No, it's not enough! I'll tell you when it's enough! (Sighs)", "Nick: Why-- why'd you even call?", "Phyllis: Why'd I call? You know why I called? I called because I was calling to help you. (Voice cracks) I was calling to help you. (Normal voice) I'm an idiot. No more. You're on your own", "Nick: Look, say what you gotta say.", "Phyllis: I was with Ronan, and... (Scoffs) You know what? No. I'm not gonna leave. You don't have my back. You never have my back-- ever, ever. At the magazine, in our marriage, never. I'm gonna say this to you now. You got it? You don't protect me! You don't care, obviously! (Sighs) You don't protect me with the story about Devon, the pictures of Adam and Heather. You don't care. And I came here to tell you that you've just jumped up a few notches on Ronan's suspect list. Yeah, that's what I came here to tell you. Somebody sent him the audio of you threatening Diane. How about that?", "Nick: He told you that?", "Phyllis: No, I was in his office. I heard it on speakerphone.", "Nick: (Sighs) I should have been straightforward with Ronan from the beginning like Michael told me to. Did you tell him the whole story?", "Phyllis: No, I didn't tell him the whole story. I protected you. Don't expect that to continue.", "Nick: Are you-- part of the reason I was in that park arguing with Diane was 'cause she attacked you. Did you forget that part?", "Phyllis: Oh, you're so lovely, Nick. You're so noble and wonderful. Thank you. I suppose you're gonna tell me that, uh, you killed Diane for me, and I wouldn't put it past you right now.", "Nick: I was not the one chasing her with a rock that night. Did you forget that part? Did you? Did you tell Ronan that? Did you tell Ronan about the footage in the warehouse?", "Phyllis: No, I didn't.", "Nick: Then don't. Look, I appreciate you telling me that Ronan got that call. I do.", "Phyllis: Go to hell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ashley: Hi. Is everything okay?", "Nick: Ronan got a call like the one I've been getting.", "Ashley: So he heard the voice mail?", "Nick: Yes.", "Ashley: Oh, no. Um, I can't talk right now, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Ronan: Hey, Nick. Just saw Phyllis n the lobby. She told me I could find you here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Hey. You know what? Our wedding is gonna be great. No matter who walks you down the aisle, no matter what we serve, it's gonna be great.", "Ashley: If Diane could find a way to reach up from hell and somehow destroy my wedding day, she would do it.", "Tucker: Why are you bringing her up?", "Ashley: How did you get that poison sumac again?", "Tucker: I told you, I fell into it. What-- what are you asking me?", "Ashley: I'm not asking you anything. I'm sorry. Forget it. Forget it. I'm so sorry.", "Tucker: No, no, no, no. Listen, Darlin', listen. Come here. You want me to give you a play-by-play again? I will. I'll do that for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Thank you.", "Avery: Finished with Nick?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm finished. You can have my sloppy seconds. I really don't care. Too bad you're leaving town. I have some old shoes that I need to get rid of.", "Avery: Oh, but I'm not leaving town.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I thought you were checking out.", "Avery: So did the front desk. That's why I had to go talk to them about extending my stay until my new place is ready.", "Phyllis: Your new place?", "Avery: I'm staying in Genoa City... permanently.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Ronan: So Phyllis told you, I assume, about that call I got, right?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Ronan: Yeah. Do you care to explain?", "Nick: I can't. I don't know where it came from.", "Ronan: Then how about this? You tell me what you do know, and maybe I can help you find the answer to that.", "Nick: How about this? I'm not gonna answer anything else until I get my lawyer here.", "Ronan: Of course. (Chuckles) I finally understand what that call you made to Ashley was about on the night of the murder. That recording I heard, that was what you left on her voice mail, right? And then someone else got a hold of it when Ashley lost her phone.", "Nick: What were you doing with Phyllis? And why would you put a call like that on speakerphone in front of a journalist?", "Ronan: Come on, Nick. I gave your magazine an exclusive. Are you complaining?", "Nick: It's not really like you to be cooperative with the press. I mean, you and Phyllis worked so hard to free Sharon. Now you're sharing evidence with her in a murder investigation. She used to be a suspect. Is she detective now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I was right. You didn't come her for Sharon's trial.", "Avery: Oh, why did I come here, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: You came here for me, to deliver your own brand of justice because I left...", "Avery: (Scoffs)", "Phyllis: That freak show that was our home.", "Avery: Okay, you may tell yourself that...", "Phyllis: I left that betrayal.", "Avery: To rationalize leaving us, but that as not how it went down, and you know it.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, you are so brainwashed by them. I... (Sighs) Are you--are you telling me...that you believe him? Are you telling me that you believe he's innocent?", "Avery: He--he was innocent.", "Phyllis: And you don't believe that she turned a blind eye?", "Avery: There is no way that Daddy bilked those people out of their life savings.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Yes, he did. Yes, he did, Avery, amongst many other things. And those people are innocent, vulnerable people who believe that they were gonna live the rest of their life in comfort and security in that facility, and because of our father, they were not allowed to.", "Avery: Dad was a scapegoat. It was the facility. They're to blame.", "Phyllis: Oh, I cannot believe you. No, the evidence was overwhelming.", "Avery: The evidence was circumstantial.", "Phyllis: I-I-I can't talk to you about this.", "Avery: No, no, no.", "Phyllis: I can' talk about this.", "Avery: Because--that's why. Because you turned your back on him when he needed you the most, making it look all the worse. His own daughter didn't believe him.", "Phyllis: Of course I didn't believe him, 'cause he's crazy.", "Avery: You know what? I-I find it fascinating that you are so deeply ashamed that our father was accused of theft, yet you go and you steal photographs. I wonder how your kids are gonna feel when they find out what you've done.", "Phyllis: A-a-all right. You're crossing the line. You're crossing the line. You know that?", "Avery: I've made a career out of it, a good career.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you have, Sweetie. You've made a huge career out of it, haven't you? A huge career, but in your entire career, you have never, ever... (Voice breaks) Come across someone like me. You have never. (Normal voice) You want to go after me? Fine. Bring it. I don't really care. I can take it. But if you go after my children, I--look at me-- it is war.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: So don't get me wrong. I am excited about the attention that we'll receive from the benefit. I just don't like the idea of sharing it with Beauty of Nature.", "Jack: Well, I mean, that is the point of the whole thing. The cause is bigger than the rivalry.", "Genevieve: Mm, well, maybe I can come up with some sort of a subtle way that we could upstage them.", "Jack: Well, does it maybe help if you think of it as just another division of Jabot?", "Genevieve: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Hopefully with a little time, that's exactly what Beauty of Nature is going to be.", "Genevieve: Once you take them over?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So... what'd Dad have to say?", "Victoria: He said to suck it up and find a way to deal with you.", "Adam: Look, I don't think that, uh, anyone is under any illusion that you and I are gonna become BFFs, but if you give me a chance, give me a little time, you'll see that I'll make a valuable contribution here.", "Victoria: Hmm. Possibly, if we had any babies that needed kidnapping or deaths that needed faking. But as it is, we don't have use for someone with your skills around here.", "Adam: Touché. But Dad disagrees with you.", "Victoria: Well, Dad is out of his mind for letting you back in the building, let alone the company.", "Adam: Mm. You should tell him that in those words. Better yet, you could resign in protest.", "Victoria: No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be right here looking over your shoulder, watching every move that you make. Say hello to your new shadow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Obviously I don't think that you killed Diane. It's just that this investigation is ragging on and on and on, and it's casting a pall on what should be a wonderful time, and I'm just frustrated.", "Tucker: Okay.", "Ashley: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That was stupid, and I shouldn't have vent--", "Tucker: No, no, no, no.", "Ashley: I shouldn't have brought it up.", "Tucker: Don't even mention it.", "Ashley: (Sighs) Diane has already created so much turmoil in my life she's not gonna ruin my wedding day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: What are you getting at?", "Nick: It's hardly... professional, you letting a reporter get this involved in a murder investigation, especially when she's supposed to be a suspect.", "Ronan: What if the time I spend with Phyllis has nothing to do with the investigation? What if I just enjoy her company?", "Nick: Am I supposed to believe there's something going on between you two?", "Ronan: If there were, how would that make you feel? Jealous? Angry? Yeah. Anger. But obviously, not as much anger as you felt towards Diane. Right? I don't know. Maybe you just like to beat up on defenseless women. Okay. I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you, Nick. (Sighs) Oh, and, uh, and Phyllis, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: If you'd let me finish, I'm staying in town because I have another case.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Avery: That's my client now. I have to take this.", "Phyllis: I mean it, Avery watch your step.", "(Ring)", "Avery: Hello, Daisy.", "Daisy: Congratulations on getting Sharon set free.", "Avery: Thank you. Now let's work on making the same thing happen for you and get you back together with your daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I think it'll be good for you shadowing me. It'll be an education on how things in the business world are supposed to be one, kind of like an internship.", "Victoria: I'm gonna get you fired before the ink on your contract is even dry.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: How did it go?", "Victoria: He fell or it.", "Victor: Good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: So you're ready to make your move on Beauty of Nature?", "Jack: I am on my way to the office right now to focus on just that.", "Genevieve: I wish I could go with you, but--", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no. You stay here and get Myrna settled in.", "Genevieve: Okay.", "Jack: We'll talk later?", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Mm.", "Genevieve: (Giggles)", "Genevieve: Myrna? Jack is gone. You know, Jack was really concerned that he had upset you.", "Myrna: No, it's not that. I'm just... embarrassed to have him see me like this.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Avery has filed a lawsuit against you.", "Angelina: What Angie wants, Angie gets. I... want... Kevin." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Michael tells Victor that since there was another fire set at a warehouse with the same modus operandi as the fire at his house, it is unlikely that Sharon could have set the fire at his house. Victor advises Michael not to discard Sharon as the suspect of his house fire. Kevin pleads with Michael to let him borrow or help him raise the five million dollars needed to buy Adam's share of TagNGrab, but Michael says he can't raise that kind of money. Kevin thinks that Michael never wanted him to be successful and they argue about it at the coffee house. Michael gets word that Gloworm has burned to the ground and is puzzled when Kevin says that Jeffrey and Gloria have a huge insurance policy, and they will be fine.", "Sharon is very nervous before her first meeting with Dr. Watkins and almost doesn't let the doctor see her at the cottage. Dr. Watkins tells Adam that she is very worried about Sharon after reading the file of the last mental facility where she was committed. Adam tells the doctor that Sharon could hurt herself or others. Victor asks Adam to talk to the Newman board and tell them that he wants Jack out of the company. Adam has plans to help Jack make the company stronger then ever. Jack's operation is successful and his doctor advises him to get a lot of rest and do physical therapy, but Jack is anxious to get back to work. Victor visits Jack at the hospital and tells him to watch out for Adam, because Adam is a lot like him. Victor also warns Jack that if he or Billy had anything to do with Victoria's disappearance, they will be very sorry. Jack is even more worried after his talk with Victor and tells Phyllis that he must figure out a way to get back to work as soon as possible.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Hey.", "Jack: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey. Welcome to the land of the living.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: How do you feel?", "Jack: (Groans) Sore, a little groggy.", "Phyllis: Okay, that's normal after a major surgery. Can you move your legs?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I'm sorry if I woke you earlier.", "Chelsea: No, you didn't. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?", "Adam: Uh, I'm gonna grab a bite at the office. Thanks.", "Chelsea: At least have a cup of coffee with me. We can sit on the porch.", "Adam: I would love to, Babe.", "Chelsea: But you have to go.", "Adam: It is a big day. I am headed in as acting C.E.O., uh, while Jack is laid up.", "Chelsea: He's gonna be back soon, though, right?", "Adam: Maybe. Who knows? This is spinal surgery we're talking about, so even if everything goes well, you never know.", "Chelsea: Are you sure this is a good idea?", "Adam: What, me taking over for Jack?", "Chelsea: I mean getting involved in your family business.", "Adam: I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life-- that is, of course, except for marrying you.", "Chelsea: I barely saw you when you were at TagNGrab. Now I'm never gonna see you.", "Adam: I'll make sure that does not happen. Hey, um... I'm gonna stop by the cottage, check in on Sharon, if that is-- that's all right with you.", "Chelsea: Sure. No problem. I said that I would support you, and I will. (Chuckles)", "Adam: Okay, well, I will see you tonight.", "Chelsea: Okay. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Wait a minute. I know that face.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Didn't you work for me?", "Michael: It seems like more than two lifetimes ago, victor.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Michael: I heard about the fire at the ranch.", "Victor: Yep.", "Michael: How are you and Nikki doing?", "Victor: Well, kind of adjusting, you know? How's the arson investigation going?", "Michael: Preliminary still, but the warehouse fire seems to have a similar M.O. to the one at the ranch. Same long-handled fireplace starter found on the scene. Couple of empty bottles of tequila, too.", "Victor: Really?", "Michael: I know Nikki suspects Sharon may have burned down your home.", "Victor: Have you talked to Nikki?", "Michael: No. Ronan mentioned it. It's looking less and less likely now.", "Victor: I respectfully disagree. I think Nikki is right. Sharon has done some damned irrational things lately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You look good.", "Sharon: I do?", "Adam: Yeah, it's nice to see the color back in your cheeks.", "Sharon: Hmm. How's Chelsea?", "Adam: She's good.", "Sharon: Hmm. Well, I hope she knows how much I appreciate her letting me stay here, especially after everything that's happened.", "Adam: Well, Chelsea and I don't exactly have spotless pasts either, Sharon.", "Sharon: I wouldn't blame her if she kicked me to the curb.", "Adam: No, come on. We're gonna focus on the future, all right? Sit down. Gotta get you well, get you strong again. Speaking of which, Dr. Watkins is gonna be here later this afternoon, um, for the first session.", "Sharon: Oh, God, so soon?", "Adam: There's nothing to be afraid of.", "Sharon: Well, that's easy for you to say. It's not your head she's shrinking.", "Adam: (Chuckles) Yeah. Um, promise me one thing.", "Sharon: What's that?", "Adam: You're gonna be honest with her. She is not here to judge you. She's here to help you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: (Exhales sharply)", "(Telephone rings)", "Chelsea: Hello.", "Chloe: Hey, it's me.", "Chelsea: Chloe. Hey, what's up?", "Chloe: I was just curious if you confronted Adam.", "Chelsea: About the woman's overnight bag. You were right. It was completely innocent.", "Chloe: So who did it belong to?", "Chelsea: Our housekeeper. (Laughs) Yeah. Adam told her she could stay in the guesthouse while she had her apartment painted. Things have been so crazy lately, he just forgot to tell me.", "Chloe: Well, I figured that's what it was. So you two lovebirds are okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah, totally.", "Chloe: So, uh, we still on for today?", "Chelsea: Sure. Um, I'm just a little busy right now. Can you come by a little later?", "Chloe: Yeah. Okay, I'll see you then.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Tell me something, Chloe.", "Chloe: What?", "Kevin: How is it that you and Chelsea Newman are suddenly B.F.F.S?", "Chloe: What? I like her. We actually have a lot in common.", "Kevin: I can't imagine what.", "Chloe: Well, I accidentally learned that she has a real talent. Like, a real gift.", "Kevin: She can touch her nose with her tongue?", "Chloe: Well, I don't know anything about that, but I do know that she can take vintage clothes, tear them apart, put 'em back together, and make 'em look like they just walked off the runway.", "Kevin: Hmm.", "Chloe: I mean, Chelsea is actually, like, a born designer.", "Kevin: Gives you something to talk about, I guess.", "Chloe: Oh, I was thinking of doing something more than just talking.", "Kevin: Like what?", "Chloe: Maybe start a business.", "Kevin: We already have a business-- more than one, actually.", "Chloe: I know, but... (Sighs) I--okay, Babe, I love TagNGrab, but we lose Adam, and then if we don't get any new investors, then I'm sorry, but we're sunk.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) So--so what, do you want to just give up, move on to greener pastures?", "Chloe: No, I was thinking more like learning from our mistakes and rebooting.", "Kevin: I have worked like a madman on this. I am not gonna just throw it away because Chelsea's husband is a jerk.", "Chloe: I loved TagNGrab. It was our baby.", "Kevin: W-what--what do you-- what is this \"Was\"? \"Is,\" it is. I am gonna find a way to save it, and it absolutely blows my mind that you have already given up on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, um, there you go.", "Jack: (Chuckling) I told you. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: That's a relief.", "Jack: I told you. Mamie always said the Abbotts have strong legs. Hey. Hey, what's going on?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I have to be honest with you. I was just so nervous. That whole time you were in surgery, I kept on thinking something was gonna go wrong and that you would be stuck in that chair again. (Sighs)", "Jack: You never let on.", "Phyllis: No, of course not. Someone has to be strong. (Chuckles)", "Jack: Wow.", "Doctor: I see you've started the examination without me.", "Jack: Hey, Doctor, it looks like you've got the magic touch.", "Doctor: It's not magic, Mr. Abbott, just years of training. Can you feel that?", "Jack: Uh-huh.", "Doctor: How about this?", "Jack: Yep.", "Doctor: This?", "Jack: Oh! Boy, I definitely feel that.", "Doctor: Well, no apparent paralysis, critical sensitivity good. With some physical therapy, I see no reason why you shouldn't make a complete recovery.", "Phyllis: Oh, and back to your super-fun self. Good.", "Jack: (Laughing)", "Doctor: You'll have to take things very easy. You need to give your body a chance to heal.", "Jack: (Exhales slowly)", "Phyllis: All right, you hear that? Do you hear him, Mr. \"I gotta get back to work\"?", "Doctor: I should warn you there'll be significant pain for some time.", "Jack: I have an abnormally high tolerance for pain.", "Doctor: Nonetheless, I'll prescribe some painkillers.", "Jack: Thank you, Doctor. I mean it. You gave me back my future.", "Doctor: Well, you're welcome, Mr. Abbott. I just hope all of my patients had an outcome like yours.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Jack: Ohh. Boy, old smiling Jack is on a roll these days, isn't he?", "Phyllis: Will you now call your family?", "Jack: Yeah, you know what? Kyle's with Ashley and Traci right now. They don't need to be dragged into this. Really, we're through the worst of it. The doctor just said I'm gonna be like new.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. Um, I know your brother would like to hear from you.", "Jack: Billy is the last person I want to talk to right now.", "Phyllis: Okay, you should know this. He was here during the entire surgery. He was very, very worried about you. He loves you very much.", "Jack: I love him very much, too. I just don't happen to like him very much right now.", "Phyllis: Okay, that's fair. Kind of how I feel about my sister. I get it.", "Jack: Besides, my siblings are just gonna try to talk me into convalescing for weeks on end. That is not an option.", "Phyllis: Okay, I get this, I get this. It's gonna interfere with, uh, your grand plan or whatever it is at Newman.", "Jack: My grand plan includes having a very productive V.P. of research and development. I think it's time you get back to Newman. I want you up to speed so that we can hit the ground running when I get back.", "Phyllis: Okay, I'll go, but only because I think Adam's up to something.", "Jack: You worry too much.", "Phyllis: You don't worry enough.", "Jack: I'm pleased you're so concerned about me, but--", "Phyllis: I don't want to see you get hurt.", "Jack: I won't get hurt. Adam and I make a great team. Add you to the mix-- I'm telling you, we are unstoppable.", "Phyllis: You only like Adam because he hates Victor as much as you do.", "Jack: Adam doesn't hate Victor. Adam is constantly trying to prove himself. That's what drives him, not hatred.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Sharon: Hi, Chelsea. Is something wrong?", "Chelsea: (Laughs) W-what could possibly be wrong? My husband's ex is living in our guest cottage. Isn't that every wife's dream?", "Sharon: I don't understand. I thought Adam said--", "Chelsea: Uh, I'm the one doing the talking now, Sharon. If you want to stay here, it's gonna be on my terms, not yours.", "Sharon: Of course. Whatever.", "Chelsea: Look, I don't know if this little breakdown of yours is for real or part of some agenda, but don't even think of sinking your fangs back into my husband.", "Sharon: Chelsea, I swear I have no intention of causing any trouble for you and Adam.", "Chelsea: Why should I believe you?", "Sharon: Well, because when he first invited me to stay here, I begged him to tell you everything. I really didn't like the sneaking around.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Sharon: Yeah, I-- ask him yourself. I-I mean, I really didn't want you to find out this way.", "Chelsea: He was trying to protect me. It's your motives that I question.", "Sharon: Well, I just want to feel like a human being again and get back to my kids.", "Chelsea: If you're telling the truth, I hope that happens for you. But if you're lying, you will be sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Clears throat) (Exhales slowly) Okay. (Exhales sharply)", "Michael: I'm glad you called, Brother-man. I missed you.", "Kevin: I need your help, Mikey.", "Michael: Okay. You only call me \"Mikey\" when you need something. All right, I'll bite. What is it?", "Kevin: $15 million.", "Michael: (Laughs) Whew, I thought it was something big. I'll rush off and grab my checkbook.", "Kevin: I'm--I'm not-- I'm not kidding.", "Michael: (Laughs) $15 million? W-what kind of dream world are you living in?", "Kevin: Adam is pulling out his investment. It's gonna destroy the company. He doesn't care.", "Michael: That's--that's-- what do you expect? What do you expect when you go into business with a hack like that?", "Kevin: Can you just save your I told you so's for later? This is crunch time for me.", "Michael: Okay. (Exhales sharply) Sure. Sorry. Um... $15 million. Go.", "Kevin: Okay. Our web business is growing every day. The potential is tremendous, but if Adam yanks his money out now, we're screwed, and this isn't just about Chloe and me. We have investors-- Mom, Katherine.", "Michael: What do you expect me to do? I don't have that kind of cash.", "Kevin: What about Lauren?", "Michael: No.", "Kevin: Well, it doesn't have to be one person. There could be a group of investors.", "Michael: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to go to 15 of my closest friends and ask them to loan my kid brother $1 million each?", "Kevin: No, no, no, it wouldn't be a loan. They would be investors. They would be investors. They would have a stake in the company. Come on, man, you know a lot of high rollers.", "Michael: No one I'm comfortable enough to approach with something like this.", "Kevin: (Exhaling sharply) You enjoy seeing me fail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: If your theory is right and Adam is only seeking approval from Victor, then what better way to get that than betray you?", "Jack: Not gonna happen.", "Phyllis: How can you be so sure?", "Jack: Because Adam will never admit that he needs his father's approval. It's a vicious cycle, one I know all too well.", "Phyllis: So you're transferring your daddy issues to Adam?", "Jack: Every son wants to make his father proud whether he's 4 or 40, but eventually, you realize you can't live your life for someone else.", "Phyllis: And he did that by selling you the Newman stock.", "Jack: Exactly.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Jack: If he wanted to make brownie points with daddy dearest, all he had to do was give him his Newman stock, and this takeover never would have happened.", "Phyllis: Okay. I get what you're saying. I still don't trust him.", "Jack: Then trust me. Adam is desperate to prove to Victor that he's a real player in the business world. That alone is going to keep him honest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I just heard that Jack Abbott was in the hospital. Thought I might find you here.", "Adam: He appointed me acting C.E.O. while he's out of commission.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Adam: Smart move on his part, actually.", "Victor: If I didn't know better, if I didn't know that Jack Abbott was lying in the hospital with a bullet next to his spine, I would have suspected you arranged for his absence.", "Adam: I can always count on you to expect the worst of me, Dad.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. It must make you feel good to sit behind that desk.", "Adam: I'm very busy, Dad. What do you want?", "Victor: To offer you one last chance to do right by your family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You can't say that to me. You can't say that to me. I have helped you out of so many jams, I've lost count.", "Kevin: Not without making me feel like an idiot.", "Michael: Well, maybe I'm not the one making you feel that way.", "Kevin: See? That, that. That is exactly what I'm talking about. I come to you with this kick-ass idea, and you put me down.", "Michael: I do not, I--", "Kevin: Yes, you do. You discourage me, you make me feel like a loser.", "Michael: I do not, I do not! Sometimes, maybe, I-I try and guide you now and then, but that's what big brothers do. I am, and I always will be-- I'll be your biggest fan.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Forget it. I never should have come here. I should have known you weren't gonna help me.", "Michael: Kevin, of course you've gotta come here. I'm your brother, I'm the one you're supposed to come to!", "Kevin: Thanks for nothing.", "Michael: Kevin!", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: If I could get your amazing fashion ideas to the right designers, make some sort of deal, you know, and if that doesn't work, then maybe Adam can front us the cash and start up a small business. I mean, who better to invest in than his own wife, right? Hello? Are you listening to me?", "Chelsea: Yes, yes. Sorry, I'm... I-I just--you're moving a little too fast, Chloe. I don't know if I even want to design clothes.", "Chloe: Something upset you. What's wrong?", "Chelsea: I'm just a little bit overwhelmed.", "Chloe: Yeah. It hasn't been long since you lost the baby.", "Chelsea: Yeah, and I just-- I have this killer headache, and all this talk about starting a business, it's, um... do you think maybe we could just delay it a day or two?", "Chloe: Of course, absolutely. Why didn't you say something to me?", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Chloe: I'll--look, I'll-- I'll see my way out and, um, put a cold compress on the back of your neck. It always helps me-- followed by a cocktail.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) Thanks. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: As acting C.E.O., you could meet with the board, then let the shareholders know that you want Jack out.", "Adam: That is most certainly not my plan.", "Victor: Son, I know you have issues with me, but do you really have to be this vindictive?", "Adam: One of the many traits I must have inherited from you.", "Victor: Certainly not from your mother, I can assure you. She'd be appalled at your behavior.", "Adam: Leave the mother guilt trips at the door. This is just business. (Chuckles) \"This is just business.\" Wonder how many times you've said that over the years.", "Victor: You really find all this amusing, don't you?", "Adam: I don't. Don't worry, Dad. I won't destroy this company that you built. I plan on making it great.", "Victor: It was already great.", "Adam: Why are you so interested in Newman Enterprises? You dumped it on your other children. You challenged them to fight for it. Do you find it ironic that the one child that you've always treated as an afterthought is the one sitting in this chair now?", "Victor: Don't get too comfortable sitting in there, okay?", "Phyllis: What are you doing back here?", "Victor: When I saw you earlier, you didn't tell me that Jack was in the hospital.", "Phyllis: Mm, no, I didn't. Um, I chose not to, but you seem to have found out on your own.", "Adam: Thanks for stopping by, Dad.", "Adam: How's Jack doing?", "Phyllis: He's doing great. The surgery was successful.", "Adam: That's really good to hear.", "Phyllis: He's very anxious to get out of the hospital and back in that chair.", "Adam: Is he worried that I will, uh, run the company into the ground?", "Phyllis: Or steal it out from under him. What was your father doing here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Sirens wailing)", "Kevin: Go away, Michael.", "Michael: Not until we talk. I don't like the way we left things.", "Kevin: There's nothing to talk about. You made yourself perfectly clear.", "Michael: Look, just because I can't help you raise this money doesn't mean I'm not being supportive.", "Kevin: Well, you have a backwards way of showing it.", "Michael: Look, I know you're upset, but come on. If the company tanks, it's not the end of the world.", "Kevin: It is to me.", "Michael: I mean, you are a smart, creative person. You can find something else to put your energy into.", "Kevin: Oh, shut up, Michael. I don't need one of your asinine pep talks!", "Michael: Do you know who's being asinine right now? Right there, Buddy!", "Chloe: What is going on right now? Guys, the entire place can hear you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Don't look at me like that, Phyllis. It's not as if I invited my father to come pay me a visit.", "Phyllis: I bet he was surprised to see you at the Newman throne.", "Adam: If he was, he didn't let on.", "Phyllis: But he was happy to see you there, I bet.", "Adam: Mm, overjoyed. He squealed like a little schoolgirl. Can't you just picture it? What do you want?", "Phyllis: Did you tell Victor that Jack was in the hospital?", "Adam: He already knew. He finds things out. That's what he does. But, uh... he did ask me to betray Jack.", "Phyllis: Of course he did. What did you say?", "Adam: I said I'll do it. What do you think I said? I made my decision when I sold my stock to Jack.", "Phyllis: I wish I could take your word as gospel.", "Adam: Why is it that you still see me as the enemy?", "Phyllis: Because you're a liar. You lie and you cheat as easily as you breathe.", "Adam: You paint a wonderful self-portrait, Phyllis. Get over yourself. We're on the same team. We have the same goal-- to catapult Newman Enterprises to the next level.", "Phyllis: Ohh, wow. I wish I could believe what you say, Adam.", "Adam: Frankly, I don't care what you believe, but I do care if you want to talk about preliminary developmental ideas, discuss anything like that.", "Phyllis: Oh, gosh, thank you. Uh, no, I think I'm gonna wait until Jack gets out of the hospital and run it by my boss.", "Adam: (Exhales slowly)", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Adam: Chelsea. What are you doing here? Are you okay?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) Everything's okay now.", "Adam: Now?", "Chelsea: Chloe was asking questions about the overnight bag she and I found in the guest cottage.", "Adam: What'd you say?", "Chelsea: Don't worry. I covered for Sharon.", "Adam: I appreciate that.", "Chelsea: You look very impressive sitting behind your father's desk.", "Adam: This isn't his desk anymore. I'm sorry, I...", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: I'm sorry. I had a minor run-in with my father here earlier, and his radiant personality always leaves a sour taste.", "Chelsea: Hmm. Well, you can wash the bad taste out of your mouth by taking me to lunch.", "Adam: Lunch sounds good.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Adam: Adam Newman. Yes--oh, okay. Uh, well, why don't we meet at my house first? All right, sounds good. I'll see you soon.", "Chelsea: Who will you be seeing soon?", "Adam: That was Dr. Watkins. She's now gonna go see Sharon. Being that this is the first time, I feel I should be there, initially.", "Chelsea: So much for lunch.", "Adam: Well, would you settle for... a romantic dinner instead?", "Chelsea: Sounds even better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Grunts)", "Victor: You need some help?", "Jack: How'd you know I was here?", "Victor: I'm on the hospital board, and my name is on the pediatric wing. Why the hell wouldn't I know where you are?", "Jack: Sorry to disappoint you. (Grunts) I'm gonna live.", "Victor: I'm sure you are. Only the good die young. Where's my daughter Victoria?", "Jack: Why would I know that?", "Victor: You know exactly why you would know that. You sent her on a wild goose chase to Miami, didn't you? She hasn't returned yet, nor has she returned the calls.", "Jack: I haven't sent Victoria anywhere. That was Billy, stealing confidential information and feeding it to his wife. Maybe she's embarrassed, hanging out until it blows over.", "Victor: Anything happens to her, Jack, I'll hold you and your brother responsible.", "Jack: Nothing's gonna happen to her. She's a Newman.", "Victor: Talking about Newman's, you're focusing on the wrong one.", "Jack: Oh, if you're talking about Adam, yeah, he's on my team now.", "Victor: Of course he is on your team.", "Jack: Well, as long as he doesn't put up a portrait of himself to stare at all day, I'll be fine.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. I would be very careful if I were you. He is more like me than you think.", "Jack: Well, if it does your ego good to think of him as a clone, well, knock yourself out. I'll tell you this much. He wants nothing to do with you.", "Victor: This has nothing to do with my ego. I'm just warning you. He has my D.N.A. Watch him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Watkins: Sharon's very lucky to have such a strong support system.", "Adam: Well, my wife and I just want her to get well. She has children that need her.", "Dr. Watkins: I've retrieved Sharon's records from the last psychiatric facility she was in. After reviewing her history, I'm even more concerned now.", "Adam: What do you mean, Dr. Watkins?", "Dr. Watkins: Mr. Newman, tell me something. Do you think that Sharon is a danger to herself or others?", "Adam: (Exhales slowly) She could be, yes.", "Dr. Watkins: Then there's no time to waste. I need to begin treating her immediately.", "[Sharon remembering]", "Adam: Remember I told you I was going to find someone to help you? This is Dr. Watkins.", "Sharon: No notice? What, no warning?", "Adam: Sharon, we agreed.", "Sharon: No, Adam, you did not have my permission to bring her here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) Ohh. I can't do this! Okay, pull yourself together, Sharon. You want to end up in that mental hospital? Why do I agree to this? Why did I agree to this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: First I find you at Newman Enterprises, now here.", "Victor: (Chuckles) I think you're stalking me, aren't you? Anyway, I should go. Oh, Jack, um, if I were you, I'd get the hell out of that bed as quickly as I could, you know? Get back to work. Oh, but then I forget, you don't have my powers of recuperation, now do you? So be careful. Don't overdo it. Just get--get well, all right?", "Jack: What was he talking about? What was he doing at Newman?", "Phyllis: He was in your office, talking to Adam.", "Jack: Talking about what?", "Phyllis: Adam claims he was trying to lure him to team Newman.", "Jack: I'm getting out of--", "Phyllis: No, Jack, no! You are not going anywhere.", "Jack: Oh!", "Phyllis: Please. The doctor said take it easy. Jack, stop it, please. You're gonna rip open your stitches.", "Jack: Ohh. Red, I have got to figure a way to get out of here in a hurry. (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I can't believe you. 2 men acting like 2 year olds.", "Kevin: Stay out of it, Chloe. You're just as bad as he is.", "Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, what is this about, TagNGrab?", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: What?! What? When? Was anybody hurt? Well, that's a blessing. Yeah, yeah, uh... (Sighs) Keep me posted.", "Michael: Well, there's been another fire.", "Chloe: Where?", "Michael: Gloworm. It's gone. Burned to the ground.", "Kevin: That's terrible, but Gloria and Jeffrey have a huge insurance policy.", "Michael: Really, Kevin? That's the first place you go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Sharon?", "Sharon: The doctor isn't here, isn't she? She--she decided not to come?", "Adam: No, no, no, she's--she's here. She's just outside.", "Sharon: Ohh.", "Adam: What's--what's wrong?", "Sharon: Um, nothing. I'm--I'm just nervous.", "Adam: I-I understand. I mean, there's no need to be. I mean, everything's gonna be fine.", "Sharon: Why didn't she come in with you? What's wrong?", "Adam: Sharon, nothing's wrong. What--what... I just wanted to come in and make sure that everything's fine.", "Sharon: Fine, fine-- why do you keep saying that? Fine, fine, fine! Everything is not going to be fine, Adam, ever again, and I only have myself to blame for that.", "Dr. Watkins: Hello, Sharon.", "Sharon: Hello.", "Dr. Watkins: Would it be all right to sit? We're just gonna talk.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dr. Watkins: (Sighs) I know you've been having some problems.", "Sharon: Sure. People always say that, but the reason that they say it is because it's easier to say that than, you know, \"That person has problems,\" than looking at themselves, am I right? I mean, tell me I'm right. I don't know what's wrong with me.", "Dr. Watkins: You're ill. It's the same as having a disease or a broken arm. You didn't want this to happen, and nothing you did made this happen.", "Sharon: I really need help.", "Dr. Watkins: Admitting that is the first step toward recovery.", "Sharon: I want to get better more than anything in this world, I do... but I'm scared.", "Dr. Watkins: Don't be. You're my patient now. Everything you say to me is confidential. But I'm gonna need you to be truthful with me. That's the only way I can help you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Is Sharon with the doctor?", "Adam: Mm-hmm. Something happened. I saw her before I went to work, and she seemed much better and... I don't know, she's fallen back into a dark place.", "Chelsea: Well, isn't that normal for someone who's had a breakdown, to be up one minute and down the next?", "Adam: Yeah, this isn't, uh, this isn't about a mood swing. Something happened between then and now, something that caused her to relapse.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: I'm getting a little worried about Victoria.", "Ronan: Why?", "Sharon: I've done some horrible things, and I'm afraid of getting caught.", "Chelsea: Sharon caused the fire at Newman ranch, didn't she?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Dylan visits Nikki at the Newman ranch which unnerves Victor to no end. Nikki overhears Victor lashing out at Dylan and telling him to stay away from his family. Chelsea brings Connor downstairs and finds Adam looking out the window. She asks him why he is trying to force her and Connor out. Victoria awakens and reaches out for Billy but finds that once again, he is not asleep beside her. She goes downstairs and finds him on the computer trying to find Delia's killer. At the Abbott house, Cane comes to visit Jack and Jill to find out what they are up to concerning Victor and the merger between Chancellor Industries and Newman Enterprises. Nikki interrupts Victor and Dylan to say that she invited Dylan there to help her with the Veteran's Day celebration. Nikki sends Dylan into the kitchen for some coffee while she and Victor talk. Victor and Nikki argue over Dylan and her charity work. Victor even accuses her of keeping things from him. Victoria tries to get through to Billy about his problems when there is a knock on the door, and it is Victor. Victoria tries to get Billy to stay, but he tells her that he has some things to do. Jack and Jill vow revenge on Victor. Hilary appears which unnerves Jill to no end. Cane is also surprised. Abby and Tyler have a run in the park, and she celebrates when she wins. Abby lets Tyler know all about Delia and how much she had enjoyed the holidays. Tyler gets a text message which sends Abby into a frenzy when she finds out that it is from his fiancée. Chelsea tells Adam that she and Connor will not move out until she finds out what is going on with him. Adam still refuses to tell her anything or open up to her.", "Nikki apologizes to Dylan for Victor's actions. Dylan refuses to get involved in Nikki's plans for Veteran's Day. Jill urges Jack to listen to Cane about what Hilary has done. Hilary reminds Jill of some of the things that she did herself. Jack reminds Jill that Hilary works for him and that is that. Victor and Victoria discuss work to get her mind off of Billy and Delia's death. Victoria begins to cry and seeks comfort from Victor. Nikki lets Dylan know about her drinking and how her family stood by her. Nikki also tells him about her Multiple Sclerosis. Abby and Tyler argue but Tyler lets her know that he loves her and she loves him. Chelsea tells Adam that he is afraid of being a father and that is why he has been so upset. Chelsea tells Adam that they will stick around for a while. Billy visits Chelsea and Adam to check on Connor. Billy refuses to hold Connor. Chelsea begs Adam to help find Delia's killer. Victor gets some interesting news concerning Delia's hit and run. Victor advises Nikki to stay away from Dylan.", "" ]
[ "[Alarm ringing]", "[Ringing stops]", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Victoria: Billy. No.", "Billy: What?", "Victoria: You can't keep doing this. You need to get some sleep.", "Billy: I don't need sleep.", "Victoria: Everybody needs sleep, okay?", "Billy: People with nothing on their minds need sleep. I've got stuff to do, so could you just...", "Victoria: Listen, I had to go down to the police station and beg a stranger not to press charges against you. Because you're not thinking clearly, because you need some rest right now. Okay?", "Billy: He -- I'll get some sleep.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Billy: As soon as I find the son of a bitch who killed my daughter, I will get some sleep.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Look at all the trees and the buildings and all the playgrounds. You are gonna love the swings and the slides, and you are gonna see it all thanks to a wonderful little girl named Delia. Yeah.", "Adam: Did you remind the realtor that you wanted a place with a view?", "Chelsea: I already saw one overlooking Chancellor Park.", "Adam: When do you move in?", "Chelsea: You know, you were so annoyed at the thought of me moving out, and now you're practically shoving me out the door. Why do you suddenly want me gone?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Come in. Come in.", "Cane: Thank you. Thank you.", "Jill: Cane, can I fix you some coffee, Darling?", "Cane: Look at you two with your heads together. Now, this is gonna be ominous.", "Jill: Ominous? No. This is wonderful.", "Jack: And very productive. Cane, I know you left Chancellor for a reason. You didn't want to live under Victor Newman's thumb.", "Jill: So Jack and I thought that Chancellor deserved to be liberated, too.", "Cane: Are you two going to war against Victor Newman?", "Jill: No. We merely don't want to see this merger happening between Chancellor and Newman.", "Jack: And if it happens to ruin Victor, well, you know, these things happen.", "Cane: Okay. Now, if you're asking me to join the battle, I'm sorry. I'm just...not interested.", "Jill: Victor just cheated you out of this role that Katherine chose for you.", "Cane: Yes, he did. And I was angry about that. But now I'm realizing that change is good. It opens horizons.", "Jill: Such as?", "Cane: Whatever it's gonna be, it's gonna be better than spending my days under Victor Newman's thumb.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Knock on door]", "Victor: Bonnie, would you get that for me?", "[Door opens, closes]", "Dylan: Morning.", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Dylan: Um, I came because, uh, Mrs. Newman -- she --", "Victor: What the hell are you doing here? After what you have done to my family and after what you have done to my son's boy, don't you ever get near them again!", "Nikki: Victor, why are you threatening my guest? Thank you for coming. I-I'm sorry about this.", "Victor: Don't you apologize for me, all right? Why did you invite this man into our home?", "Nikki: You can assume that I have a valid reason, can --", "Victor: I don't assume anything.", "Nikki: Would you like some coffee?", "Dylan: Uh, no. Actually, I have a lot of that at work. Actually, I'm curious on why you asked me over here, too.", "Nikki: I am organizing an event for Veterans Day honoring real servicemen like you and Dr. Rayburn.", "Victor: What are you talking about? You're honoring a kidnapper? Is that what you intend to do?", "Nikki: Victor, could I have a word with you? Um, Dylan, please, just go right into the kitchen and get some coffee. Right in there. Bonnie will help you.", "Victor: I don't want this punk in my house. You got that?", "Nikki: Well, Victor, it's my house, too. I know that you resent him over what happened between Nicholas and Avery.", "Victor: I don't want someone like this in my house. Also, what he has done to my grandson. Are you kidding?", "Nikki: There were extenuating circumstances there...", "Victor: What?!", "Nikki: ...And he's clearly remorseful. Now, you can say all you want, but I'm going to have this event.", "Victor: Listen to me. I'm getting a little tired of your charity work, all right? It's stressing you out. I don't like it.", "Nikki: It is not stressing me out. Look at me. I am perfectly fine.", "Victor: Nonsense. You changed your will. You're keeping something from me, and I don't like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I have always thought of Chancellor as a standalone company. Doesn't deserve to be merged with Newman or any other company. If we play our cards right, you will get exactly what you want, both of you, without having Newman's thumbprint on your head.", "Cane: Oh, so, this is you doing us a favor? 'Cause I know you have no vested interest in Chancellor, Jack, right?", "Jack: I just lost a bundle divesting myself of Newman Enterprises. I would like a chance to recoup.", "Cane: There it is.", "Jill: Oh, please. You just hate losing to Victor.", "Jack: I hate losing. Especially to Victor. And, yes, beating him puts a certain spring in my step.", "Jill: You see how much fun this is gonna be? Join us.", "Cane: I can't join you 'cause I'm taking Katherine's advice. I'm gonna find balance between work and family.", "Jill: Katherine's advice?", "Cane: Yes.", "Jill: I'm the one who said that first, but, of course, Katherine gets all the credit.", "Cane: Okay, you both said it first. Is that better?", "Jill: Darling, if you're worried about the weight of Chancellor on your shoulders, I told you I'd help relieve you of that.", "Cane: Oh, and I thought you were just jealous 'cause Katherine put me in charge.", "Jill: Well, maybe a little bit of that. But come on. You know I love you and your family. I want you to have more time with them.", "Cane: I'm not gonna join this fight, okay? Because I am not gonna let anything come between Lily, the kids, and me. I've learned that.", "Hilary: I guess I'm not the only one learning big life lessons recently.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: [Grunts] Oh! [Laughs] Oh, yeah! I won! All right. All right.", "Tyler: You cheated.", "Abby: Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! I'm sorry. I did what?", "Tyler: You took off before I could say \"Go.\"", "Abby: Oh, and who made you in charge of \"Go,\" huh? Because you're a man? Because you're ripped and pumped and gorgeous and studly.", "Tyler: Yeah, all of that and because I was in charge of \"Go.\"", "Abby: I'm pretty sure I had my own \"Go\" thing going on. I won fair and square. Which means... uh-huh. All right. Uh-huh. Whoo! Whoo!", "Tyler: Admit it!", "Abby: [Laughing]", "Tyler: Go ahead. Say it, you cheater. \"I, Abby Carlton Newman, am a big old cheater.\"", "Abby: Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. were in charge of \"Go.\"", "Tyler: Oh, what was that? Huh? Huh? How was it again? Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. I won.", "Abby: Okay, Dork. No, it's more like this. Uh-huh.", "Tyler: Oh, like that?", "Abby: Yeah, bigger circles.", "Tyler: What about this one? Uh-huh.", "Abby: Whoo! Whoo!", "[Both laugh]", "Tyler: You know, I forgot that you could laugh.", "Abby: I forgot that there were reasons to. These past few weeks with Delia have just been...", "Tyler: Yeah. It takes a while to feel like you can smile. Well, who knew all it would take was me letting you win? Oh!", "Abby: [Laughing] Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: [Sighs] You told the detective that you were gonna stop going after strangers, that you were gonna let the cops try to find the driver of the S.U.V. You remember that?", "Billy: And what have they found, huh? Nothing. Ah, but if they find this guy -- if they find him --", "Victoria: I don't -- listen, you told me about the statistics yesterday. I remember.", "Billy: These...people are killers. They're murderers. But if they go to jail, if, they get a slap on the wrist. They get nothing.", "Victoria: So, we'll lobby the D.A.'s office for the harshest possible sentence, okay?", "Billy: We're gonna lobby the D.A.'s office? That never works. And besides, they have to find the guy first, and these people can't even find their own --", "Victoria: Okay, Billy, listen. The police are looking, and you know that, and you need to sleep. You need to reset your brain right now.", "Billy: I need to reset my brain? For what? To forget my kid? Is that what I'm supposed to do?", "Victoria: No. God, no. That's not what I'm saying. Do you remember that New Year's Eve you trusted me? I held out my hand to you, and you took it. You have to trust me now. Please.", "Billy: They go free, Vick. And the person that took my kid from me...I'm not gonna let him walk away from this. So, you need to trust that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You said it was time for you to move out.", "Chelsea: Yeah. And you were mad about that.", "Adam: You found a place, so sign the lease.", "Chelsea: I'm not ready yet.", "Adam: You need help with the deposit?", "Chelsea: I have my own money, Adam.", "Adam: So, what's the issue? Suddenly you want to pretend like we're a happy little family and you want to drag this out for our son even longer, make it harder on him when you finally do move away?", "Chelsea: All this time, and you still think that you can con the con artist? You can't push me away by being a jerk. Connor and I are here, Adam, and we are not moving out until you tell me what is going on with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Jack, it's time you invested in a decent security system, like a moat with some piranhas.", "Cane: I warned you, Jack. You don't know what you're getting into.", "Jill: Excuse me? You invited her here?", "Jack: Hilary works for me.", "Cane: That is a bad idea.", "Jill: She's a liar and a cheat and a snake in the grass.", "Cane: He knows this. He knows this, okay? He just doesn't care.", "Jill: Jack, people like that don't deserve a second chance. They deserve to be serving 5 to 10.", "Jack: Are you both done? Because I'm done listening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, how many times do I have to tell you -- the will was strictly a formality because of Katherine.", "Victor: Nikki, you lied to me about the fact that you were ill in the first place. Now you blame me for wondering if you're telling the truth?", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Do we have to talk about this now? I have a guest waiting.", "Victor: Want me to throw him out?", "Nikki: No! Please, no! Stop this. I only have a week to put this thing together. I'm not gonna let you slow me down.", "Victor: You sure about this?", "Nikki: Completely.", "Victor: Oh.", "Nikki: Please let it go.", "Victor: [Smooches] For now.", "Nikki: Okay. Victor.", "[Door closes]", "Nikki: Oh, I am so sorry about that. Once he gets an idea in his head, it's hard to make him see sense.", "Dylan: Maybe he's right... about me and your event, at least.", "Nikki: Not at all. Genoa City needs to have a face to go with veterans' issues, and yours is perfect.", "Dylan: [Sighs] It's a -- it's a great cause, and it's really close to my heart. But I can't be a part of this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What were you expecting? For me to insist you stay here forever?", "Chelsea: You're not gonna make me angry so that I can forget that you're acting strangely, so just stop.", "Adam: You know what? Relief has finally set in, okay? He can see. He'll be fine. That would explain my demeanor, and it's time for you to move along.", "Chelsea: You don't want to be around Connor? Since the second you found out that he was your son, you have wanted to be the best father possible, doing anything for him, doing anything to find corneas for him.", "Adam: Anything, huh? It feels like a lifetime ago.", "Chelsea: You're terrified, Adam. And I know why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Kids just murdered. People that do it -- they get away with it. They always get away with it.", "Victoria: I know. I know, Billy, and I'm so sorry. I know that. But you know what? If life were fair, Dee Dee would be here right now. And she would be begging you to let her play games on your tablet or she'd be trying to convince us that jelly doughnuts were healthy because they had fruit in the middle, you know?", "Billy: Yeah. That kid -- she really could negotiate.", "Victoria: She could. She could do just about anything.", "Billy: Not anymore.", "Victoria: She wouldn't want to see you like this. You know, you're not yourself. [Sighs]", "Billy: Well, she's not here to see it.", "Victoria: No. She's not. But I am. I am, and I love you. Okay? And I saw what losing Cassie did to Nick and Sharon, and I'm here. Billy, I'm here. And Reed's gonna visit again.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Victoria: And Johnny's upstairs. And Jack and Tracy and Abby -- we all need you. And did you hear the news about Connor? He can see again. He can see because of Dee Dee, because she did that.", "Billy: Is that so?", "Victoria: Because she was a gift to you and Chloe and me and Kevin. And the world. She was a gift to the world, okay? And she's never really gonna be gone from you. She would never want you to leave us. Never. She would never want that.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hey. Listen, um, now's not really a good time, okay?", "Victor: Oh.", "Billy: Actually, now's a fine time. I have something I have to deal with.", "Victoria: Billy, please, hold on a second.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Jack, please listen to Cane. That woman will always have an agenda.", "Jack: How touching -- protecting poor, naive, just-off-the-boat Jack.", "Cane: She will surprise you. You can count on it.", "Jack: Cane.", "Jill: Well, it's a shame that your suits are so expensive, 'cause you're gonna have to toss one when she stabs you in the back.", "Hilary: Cane has excellent suits, too. That didn't stop you from asking me to spy on him when you wanted to take over Chancellor.", "Cane: [Chuckles]", "Jill: Wrong, little miss. You see, I approached you to see if you could be trusted, and lo and behold, my instincts were correct. Although you do lie with great skill. I also told you to keep your claws out of Cane. You didn't listen to me there, either, did you? I am your punishment. I'm gonna be in your face forever.", "Jack: Okay, okay. That's enough, Jill. Hilary works for me. End of story. Let's get back to the issue at hand -- making sure Victor pays for what he's done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: We need to brand the new lifestyles division, just really highlight it as a driving force in fashion and cosmetics. [Sniffles] So, I'm thinking some sort of a media tie-in, maybe, um, a concert, know, uh... sponsorship --", "Victor: You know something? Your mother's right. You and I have a lot in common. Whenever we have certain emotional problems, we submerge ourselves in work.", "Victoria: That's not what I'm doing, Dad, okay?", "Victor: Well, Sweetheart, Delia's death must have hit you very hard.", "Victoria: Well, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to just forget about work?", "Victor: Please sit down.", "Victoria: I'm fine, all right? I'm fine. I just --", "Victor: Sweetheart.", "Victoria: [Crying] I just -- I'm more concerned about Billy, okay? I'm just trying to get through to him, and I can't.", "Victor: Come here.", "Victoria: No, Dad. The lifestyles division -- I need to work on that. [Sobbing] Okay? I don't know what to do. I don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: If this is about what Victor said, please ignore him. This event is to honor all veterans. You served your country. You deserve to be recognized.", "Dylan: Yeah, I just -- you know, I can't get up in front of a bunch of people and pretend that I was a hero.", "Nikki: You protected your country. You put yourself in harm's way. That is the definition of a hero.", "Dylan: With all due respect, Mrs. Newman, you don't really know me or what happened on my tours. But if you're looking for someone to honor -- Stitch. That's your guy. There's nobody better than him. But if you're looking for someone to stand up there with him, you need to find somebody who's earned it, who's not as messed up as I am.", "Nikki: Dylan, Dylan, please. Listen to me. I-I hear what you're saying, but we're all damaged. We're all broken, and whatever tape or glue is holding us all back together, that's nothing to be ashamed of. The way to fight that inner war is to take our weaknesses and face them head on. We're all heroes. We just get up every day and try it again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I love this time of year. I always missed it when I was in L.A. with my mom. You know, the holiday season means coats and gloves and parties. But Abbott get-togethers won't be the same. You know, Delia was always the life of the party.", "Tyler: [Laughs]", "Abby: She always had some new song to sing or some adorable outfit. She made a big deal about everything. She was just so excited.", "Tyler: [Chuckles]", "Abby: Kids are awesome that way.", "Tyler: Yeah.", "Abby: Do you have any plans?", "Tyler: Leslie and I -- we -- we usually keep things low key.", "Abby: Oh, my God. I-I wasn't even thinking. This is your first holiday since you lost your dad.", "Tyler: Uh, I mean, we lost him a long time ago, around the same time that we lost my mom. Just not in the same way. It's...", "Abby: I'm still -- I'm sorry. It's not fair.", "Tyler: Yeah.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Abby: You can get that.", "Tyler: No. It's -- it's not important.", "Abby: Are you sure? Who's Mariah?", "Tyler: She's my fiancée.", "Abby: A fiancée? What? Wait. You have a fiancée?", "Tyler: Ex. Ex-fiancée. Obviously.", "Abby: Obviously. Yeah, yeah. And I would know that the same way that I knew you were engaged, which I didn't know at all, so does she know this? Or is this news to her, as well?", "Tyler: She knows. It was a few years ago.", "Abby: And everything's all cuddly now? She calls you?", "Tyler: Okay, you know what? It was a really ugly breakup. And I heard from her a while ago. I haven't heard from her since things got...ugly.", "Abby: To tell you she was getting married? Extend an olive branch? What?", "Tyler: She wanted to get back together.", "Abby: Yeah. And -- and -- and you couldn't just say, \"Hey, Abs. Hey, yeah, I know that you just had a death in the family, but when you're done crying in your cereal, we need to talk\"?", "Tyler: What? When did I ever say --?", "Abby: You said that you loved me. You said that. But you're still involved with your ex. So, is there anything else you haven't told me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, you know, it's hard to tell what people in this town know about each other. I get the feeling you're not really the type of guy that goes in for gossip.", "Dylan: Uh, no. No, Ma'am. Not interested.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] Well, this isn't gossip. This is just truth. I'm an alcoholic. I'm sober now. Um, I have been for a long time now. I've had my bad moments. And my family has suffered along with me all these years. We thought we had...gotten through the worst part, and then I got my diagnosis for M.S., multiple sclerosis, and that is what your friend Stitch is helping me with.", "Dylan: Oh. I-I'm sorry to hear that. But you're in good hands.", "Nikki: Yeah. I think I am. But what you just saw there with Victor -- he...worries that I'm not being completely frank with him because I didn't tell him about my diagnosis right away 'cause I didn't want my family to worry. But that was a mistake, because I really needed them, and they needed me. But we're all damaged. We can't do it alone. Nobody can. And it takes a lot of courage to seek out help.", "Dylan: Um, I'm definitely learning that.", "Nikki: Takes a while to sink in.", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Especially when you're stubborn.", "Nikki: [Chuckling] Oh. I can certainly...", "[Glass rattling]", "Nikki: ...Um, understand that. [Chuckles] Anyway, um, very seriously, if there is anything that you need, anything at all --", "Dylan: I-I appreciate that, but after the raking over the coals I got by your husband, I doubt the rest of your family would be on board with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm so sorry. [Sniffles] That was just out of nowhere.", "Victor: It's okay. You know I'll always be here for you. Hmm?", "Victoria: Yeah. [Sniffles]", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: Yeah. I just -- I can't let Johnny see me like this. You know [Clears throat] He's just starting to open up to the world. He's laughing and he's talking and playing and...I mean, he can't do those things with Billy right now, so I'm just trying to make things as normal as possible.", "Victor: I think children can always feel when something is awry between their parents, when they're having troubles. You and Nicholas certainly could tell when your mom and I had difficulties.", "Victoria: I can't dwell on my emotions right now, okay, because they're just so raw and they're really messy. And that's just not gonna do anybody any good, you know? It's -- it's no good. And I just -- I'm just gonna smile for Johnny, and I'm just gonna...wait for Billy to talk to me. That's all.", "Victor: Well, is he pushing you away or what?", "Victoria: Oh, he's just pushing the world away right now, okay? Not just me. [Sighs] If he would just turn to me, you know? If we could just turn to each other...", "Victor: [Sighs]", "Victoria: I mean, my heart is just hurting so much right now. Maybe if I could figure out a way to...heal my heart, then maybe I could figure out a way to help heal Billy's, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I'm afraid of absolutely nothing.", "Chelsea: You keep lying and covering, and I know what it's about. You're afraid of becoming a father, a real parent. It's a big deal. It's a lifelong commitment. I mean, every day from here on out, Connor is going to need us to nurture him, to love him, to protect him. It's a big deal, and it's scary. I mean, I know you had your mom's husband as a father figure. And then you found out that Victor was your real father, and you couldn't count on him. That really changed you, Adam, but you're always gonna be there for Connor. You're not gonna be anything like Victor. I'm not gonna be anything like Anita. But it doesn't mean we know what we're doing at all in any way.", "Adam: I'm hearing fear in your voice.", "Chelsea: Of course I have fear. I thought it would go away once we...realized he's healthy, but now it's the day-to-day stuff that freaks me out. There are gonna be problems, Adam. But I just -- I just need you to be his dad. I need you to be present with our son. And you can't be acting the way you've been acting these past couple weeks.", "Adam: And you think staying here is gonna be good for me?", "Chelsea: I think it's gonna be good for him. The apartment will always be there, and if not, we'll find something better, but for now, if you're not planning to shove me out the door...Connor and I will stay for a little longer.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Chelsea: Billy. Hi.", "Billy: Bad time? Too soon? Chloe told me that the surgery, um...", "Chelsea: No, uh, of course not. No. Please, come in. Please. He's, um -- he's right over here. The doctor said that his eyes shouldn't be bothering him anymore. Watch this.", "[Toy rattles]", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] He can see.", "Billy: That's great. That's great.", "Chelsea: Do you want to hold him?", "Billy: No. I don't. Thank you. But that's, uh...that's great.", "Chelsea: How are you?", "Billy: Oh, I'm okay. [Chuckles] You know, except for the cops -- they can't find my kid's killer, and...the courts -- they go easy on these killers, and not to mention the actual killer. But, no. We're -- we're good. We're good. Thanks.", "Adam: GCPD have any leads?", "Billy: No. They don't. But I'm looking for him now. And I'm gonna find him. And when I do, he'll wish that I hadn't. [Voice breaking] I'm very happy for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: Look, there's been no lies, Abby, not one.", "Abby: It's called a lie of omission, Tyler, and being engaged to some chick named Mariah -- that's a huge one.", "Tyler: [Sighs] All right. Listen to me. I never told Mariah about my parents. She didn't know that my mother was murdered and that my father was locked up for it. [Sighs] Now, she and I were engaged, yeah. But... it wasn't this. You and me -- it was nowhere near this. So, if I didn't mention Mariah before, it's not because it was some huge thing that I couldn't fess up to. It's because that was before. Right now, you know exactly who I am and who I love.", "Abby: No. You can't just use the \"l\" word and make everything better.", "Tyler: Oh, you think that's who I am? A liar? You think this hasn't been real? [Scoffs] What, you think you just leave my bed and I don't think about you all morning and all afternoon... [Chuckles] ...Waiting until I can see you again? I don't wear some dumb shirt just because you say it looks good? You know, and the lava lamp at the apartment -- every time I look at it, I smile thinking about how you barged in talking about we need you.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Tyler: Yeah. That's what you said -- that sassy blond girl pushing her way into my place. I did need you. I didn't know it that day. Hey. I do now.", "Abby: This Mariah girl -- she broke your heart?", "Tyler: Yeah. But you fixed it.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Tyler: Look, Mariah can call me all she wants. That does not mean that I'm gonna pick up. All right? Because you are it. I love you. I'm not just saying that to make something go away. I'm saying that, Abby, because it's true.", "Abby: I love you, too. I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Now, back to the agenda at hand.", "Jill: Ah. There's the word -- \"Agenda.\" Could give us your lying, scheming, cheating expertise on the word --", "Jack: Jill, I --", "Hilary: It's okay. It doesn't bother me.", "Jill: Well, then, I must be doing it wrong.", "Cane: All right. Listen. I'm gonna let you guys hash this out, as I have no interest in rumbling with Victor Newman, especially with someone that I don't trust.", "Jill: Ah. My thoughts exactly. Let's walk him out, Jack.", "Jack: Cane, listen.", "Cane: There is nothing that you can say that's gonna make me change my mind.", "Jill: Well, how about helping me change his mind?", "Cane: I wish you both very good luck with this.", "Jill: How can I be in a partnership with you when you trust somebody like that? I don't understand.", "Jack: What you don't understand is I am doing a favor for Neil -- Neil, who deserves a favor from me. She works for me now. Get over it. And you're right. I am smart -- smart enough to know that she is an asset.", "Jill: Well, I hope you're right, because you just chose her over a very valuable asset.", "Jack: I guess the question is what are you going to choose, retribution with Victor or a chance to stick it to Hilary again?", "Jill: I want Chancellor, so I'll manage both.", "Jack: Well, good. Why don't we sit down and see if we can make that happen.", "Hilary: I've been thinking, and I have an idea.", "Jill: Oh, goodie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You can say it. You like my ideas. I know your face, even when you're trying to be unreadable.", "Victor: This is very good, Sweetheart. You obviously have been working hard.", "Victoria: Yeah. Once Johnny goes to sleep, Billy goes online, and I just imagine a Newman/Chancellor empire worthy of you and Katherine.", "Victor: What do you mean Billy goes online? Is he pushing you away or what?", "Victoria: Dad, you're not actually gonna go there right now, are you?", "Victor: You don't think I know what he's doing? I did the same thing. When you were kids, whenever things became overwhelming for me, I...turned my back on you and your mother.", "Victoria: Yeah. You did. And it was pretty terrifying for us. But we understand now that that's how you grieve.", "Victor: And if you're wise, you'll give Billy all the room he needs now, okay? Although he doesn't deserve you in the first place.", "Victoria: Oh, boy. You just had to slide that in there, didn't you?", "Victor: I couldn't help it.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, thank you for your vote of confidence. I'm glad you like my ideas.", "Victor: I love them. They're wonderful.", "Victoria: All right. So, I'm gonna continue to refine the specifics of the merger.", "Victor: But you know something? The hard work will start when we try to implement all that. You know that.", "Victoria: I know that. And, honestly, I can't wait.", "Victor: We'll need your full attention.", "Victoria: I am so excited to feel needed again.", "Victor: Yes!", "Victoria: [Laughs]", "Victor: We'll do it.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Victor: Okay? Bye, Sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Maybe I shouldn't have asked Billy to hold the baby. It helped Chloe, so I just thought --", "Adam: Billy's mind is elsewhere. He should just leave it to the police.", "Chelsea: Yeah, but the police are gonna go by the book, go by the rules.", "Adam: That would be the point.", "Chelsea: When you were desperate to find donor corneas for Connor, you didn't want to play by the rules. You wanted to take things into your own hands, take charge.", "Adam: And I failed.", "Chelsea: You have contacts, Adam -- guys who...take care of things. Maybe someone knows about an S.U.V. being repaired off the books. It's a way we can give back and thank Delia's parents for this huge sacrifice. I mean, we owe them, Adam. You could help find Delia's killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You think you have a way to deal with Victor? The floor is all yours.", "Hilary: I used proximity as Cane's assistant to gain his trust. I used his trust to identify his weak points.", "Jill: Completely, totally brazen.", "Hilary: So, all we need is someone on the inside, someone close enough to Victor that could tell us where the chink in his armor is.", "Jack: No. Approaching someone on the inside is too risky, but a plant, like you --", "Jill: If I may...", "Jack: Yeah, if you're not gonna go after Hilary.", "Jill: Who? No. I was going to say I have the perfect mole to burrow his way into Victor's lair.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I'm very sorry that you can't come, but I do understand.", "Dylan: I appreciate that. And, uh, Stitch -- well, Dr. Rayburn will hook you up with all the right people at the V.A.", "Nikki: Thanks. And listen, if you should change your mind, please come, even as a guest, at the very least. It's just gonna be an evening about gratitude and hope.", "Dylan: Thank you.", "Nikki: You're welcome.", "Victor: You're planning to honor a doctor with wartime experience. I think that's wonderful. But don't you waste another minute with this guy.", "Nikki: Now, Victor, he deserves our respect and thanks as much as anybody else. This isn't about just one person. It's about the thousands of men and women who have risked everything and received precious little in return. And I'm running out of time. I only have one week to coordinate the honorees.", "Victor: And I promise you, you'll find enough honorees. But do not waste another minute with that man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria:, Okay, so, if you won't sleep, then at least have something to eat.", "Billy: Yeah. I-I-I will.", "Victoria: [Sighs] You know, what I said before about being needed -- I meant work.", "Billy: Yeah, I know.", "Victoria: Okay, good. Because, you know, Adam's -- he's been such a jerk squeezing me out and it just feels kind of good to be back on the inside. And, you know, I love work, and I love that company. But I really love you and Johnny more, so if you need me, then this is where I belong.", "Billy: You haven't accepted the job yet?", "Victoria: No. No, it's all still really preliminary.", "Billy: You should take the job, Vick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Black market is not the supermarket. You just don't go to a guy about corneas and then ask what aisle auto-repair stuff happens to be on the down low.", "Chelsea: You know gamblers. You know cons. You know guys that could get black- market corneas, so I'm pretty sure you might know somebody who might know about the car.", "Adam: I don't know.", "Chelsea: Adam, Delia is a part of our son. She is the reason he can see. Remember after I had my miscarriage how awful that was, how sad we were? Can you even imagine being Billy and Chloe right now with this huge loss and not having anyone to blame? What if this was our family?", "Adam: I'll make the call.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Adam: Don't expect a miracle.", "Chelsea: It's too late. We already got our miracle -- Connor can see. Now Billy and Chloe deserve one, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Listen, my man. For the amount of money I pay you as a retainer, you should do far better than the police at trying to find Delia's killer, all right? So, what have you got? Well, that's interesting. Really?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Alex: You're pretty invested in the case, right? 'Cause you have a personal stake in it.", "Sharon: [Laughs] You ain't seen nothing yet. [Gasps]", "Michael: I'm not going back to my cell! I'm not -- [Grunts]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Cane tears a ligament in his knee playing basketball with his twins and must have surgery; but without Lily's knowledge, he tells Stitch that he can't have surgery now because he can't take time off work. Ashley launches a new app called Jabot Go that allows customers to see how makeup will look on them before they buy it. Chelsea thinks that they should tell Nick that Adam is Christian's father, but Victor persuades her not to say anything, because Adam wanted Nick to raise Christian. Victor persuades Curtis Fielding to tell GC Buzz he was the mole that passed the show false information, and everyone is shocked. Dylan wants to share custody of Christian, but Nick tells Dylan and Sharon that if they don't let him take Christian home, he will call the police and accuse them of kidnapping. Dylan and Sharon say an emotional goodbye to Christian.", "" ]
[ "Dylan: Pretty fun sleepover we had last night, huh? Promised I'd be there when you woke up this morning...and who did you see first thing? You saw me. Ohh. Bud, I hate to say this. I may not be able to promise that again. Whatever changes... this will always be true... that I love you more than anything, and I'm so proud of you, and being your dad has been, without a doubt, the greatest privilege of my life. But you know what? Nothing's set in stone, and, uh, we still have a chance that we can all be together.", "Paul: Hey, there! How are my two favorite guys?", "Dylan: Hey. Ohh.", "Paul: So, uh, since you didn't return my call, I thought I'd see if you're sticking to your favorite routine.", "Dylan: The park is where it's at. Right, sully?", "Paul: I bet, huh? So, how's my precious little grandson today?", "Chelsea: Nick?! You here?!", "Sharon: Oh, Chelsea. You're looking for nick, too?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I was worried about him after the state he left in last night.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, he's not at the house. Maybe I'm gonna call him again and see. Mnh. No. That went straight to voicemail.", "Chelsea: Out of curiosity, what happens when you do find him?", "Sharon: I don't know. Maybe just try to convince him somehow to spare my family.", "Nick: [Sighs] He's coming home, sage. Our son is coming home.", "Victor: Chelsea, would you kindly call me as soon as you get this message? Thank you.", "Abby: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Abby: Mmmmmwah!", "Victor: Have a seat.", "Abby: That sounded important. Why do you need to talk to Chelsea?", "Victor: Why? Because I was scheduling a visit with Connor.", "Abby: Ah.", "Victor: So... any reaction to the new leak I planted?", "Abby: Not yet. But, dad, what if you set up uncle jack for nothing? Maybe he's not the one behind it.", "Victor: [Chuckling] Yeah. Are you serious? I knew from the beginning what board member leaked information to jack and Phyllis, and they drew first blood. And I have every right to defend myself, okay?", "Ashley: What the hell is this?!", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Cane: Ahh! Ohh! [Breathing heavily] Hey, guys. Just give daddy a sec, all right? You guys are wearing me out.", "Lily: Hey, hey. Why don't you guys go practice your dribbling skills while I help daddy recharge, okay?", "Cane: [Groans]", "Lily: Hey. Are you okay? Is it your ankle?", "Cane: No, no, no, no. It's not my ankle. It's my knee. I feel like I've sprained it.", "Lily: We should take you to the E.R.", "Cane: I don't want to go to the E.R. I'm okay. Just let me walk it off.", "Lily: Walk? Cane, you can barely put weight on it. Listen, what if moving around makes it worse? We should at least get it checked out, okay? Please.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Lily: Come on.", "Cane: All right. Okay. All right. I'll go to the hospital.", "Hilary: Deacon Sharpe, former Genoa city resident and one of Nikki Newman's ex-husbands, has fled los Angeles and taken his scheming to parts unknown. Now, we at \"GC buzz\" -- we have the goods on this devious, devilish, dare we say degenerate? Or maybe we should just call a snake a snake. Stay tuned for his path of destruction, and in the meantime, keep buzzing, G.C.", "Devon: There's my brilliant wife.", "Hilary: Aww. No, stop it.", "Devon: No, it sounded good. The \"call a snake a snake\" line -- I like that.", "Hilary: Thank you. Thank you. I've been working really hard on it.", "Devon: I can tell.", "Hilary: But I don't think that it's gonna be the ratings grabber that we were hoping for.", "Devon: Yeah. Kind of hit a lull, haven't we?", "Hilary: We just need one more big story. There has got to be something juicy going on in this town.", "Nick: This whole time, I thought Christian was with you. I'm so grateful, knowing that you knew...the truth before you left this earth. Must have given you some peace. Or maybe it made you a little more crazy, up in heaven, furious with me 'cause I hadn't seen the light. Well, I've seen it now. This lie has gone on much too long. No more. Today... I set things right.", "Abby: Dad, what if the second leak never surfaces? The IRS could crack down on you any minute.", "Victor: I'm well aware of that, my sweetheart, and that's why I've launched phase 2.", "Abby: Oh, wow. How very \"mission: Impossible\" of you.", "[Telephone rings]", "Victor: Isn't it? Excuse me. Yeah? Send him in.", "Abby: \"Him\" who?", "Victor: Him.", "Abby: Okay. I will leave you two to talk.", "Victor: Okay, sweetheart.", "Abby: Bye, dad. Bye.", "Curtis: Bye.", "Victor: So, Curtis, what can I do for you?", "Curtis: [Chuckles] Well... it was a, uh, difficult decision, to say the least, but due to some...personal issues, I've decided to leave the board.", "Victor: Do these personal issues by chance have to do with you selling me out... to jack Abbott? How much did he pay you for that? Was it worth it?", "Curtis: [Chuckles] Uh, Victor, I, uh -- [Clears throat]", "Victor: From where I'm sitting, you have two options. You can either watch your life disintegrate before your very own eyes, or you can do what I'm asking you to do.", "Curtis: And what do you want me to do?", "Victor: I want you to make sure that the Abbotts don't get away with this.", "Jack: We had a little mishap.", "Phyllis: I spilled coffee all over my blouse.", "Ashley: Oh. So, of course, you just had to take it off.", "Phyllis: It was scalding.", "Ashley: And yet look -- you don't seem to be scalded.", "Jack: Here.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Okay. I have some dry-cleaning in my office. Excuse me.", "Ashley: Really?", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: You're really gonna buy that? \"Oh, I spilled coffee on myself! I just had to take my shirt off!\"", "Jack: You honestly think she risked personal harm trying to make --", "Ashley: Absolutely! Let's not forget what she's capable of.", "Jack: I couldn't if I tried. Honestly, it was an accident. I assume there's some reason you stopped by my office.", "Ashley: Well, it certainly wasn't for a peep show.", "Jack: Okay, ash. What's up?", "Ashley: I found a way to keep brash & sassy! From blowing us out of the water.", "Dylan: This kid is a force of nature.", "Paul: He sure is! Look at him there.", "Dylan: He's strong enough to overcome any challenges that come his way.", "Paul: Yeah. So is his dad. So, how are you doing? You doing okay?", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. How could I not be great? I mean, I'm out here in the park with this kid in the sunshine. How are you doing?", "Paul: I'm doing all right. I, uh -- I went to visit patty.", "Dylan: Oh, yeah?", "Paul: Yeah. She, uh... has got a lot going on, I guess. Uh... she was able to talk about the night she killed Dr. Anderson for the first time. She claims it was self-defense. Dr. Anderson was trying to prevent her from revealing a secret. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?", "Dylan: Uh, I mean, how could anybody know what's going through patty's mind?", "Paul: Yeah. Boy, you know something? I sure wish I knew you when you were that age. I was probably too young to appreciate it. Look at that pumpkin, huh?", "Dylan: At least you know I had a great childhood...", "Sully: [Babbles]", "Dylan: ...Raised by a man who loved and protected me without a single drop of blood connecting us.", "Paul: There's not a day that goes by that I'm not... grateful to him. Terry, right?", "Dylan: Yeah. I was lucky to have him then.", "Paul: Funny how life works out. I'm sure glad we found each other. I'll tell you that.", "Dylan: Yeah. Me, too.", "Paul: Terry knew what he was doing, I guess, huh? He raised a kind, honorable man. That is not easy in this day and age.", "Dylan: Yeah. Well, a father's a father, period. Doesn't matter what road led you there.", "Chelsea: Well, nick's not in the back, either, so... I don't know. It's probably for the best. He probably needs his space.", "Sharon: Chelsea... um, I just want to thank you for last night -- you know, for the way you calmed nick down and you got him to see how traumatic it would be to take sully. Our home is the only home he's ever known.", "Chelsea: Well, sure, I got nick to reconsider, but you have to know that that's temporary.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, I appreciate it anyway.", "Chelsea: Please -- please don't thank me, Sharon.", "Sharon: I was wondering if maybe you could help us now, you know -- make nick understand that ripping sully away from his parents is not what's best for him.", "Chelsea: No. I'm sorry. I can't do that.", "Sharon: Chelsea, I'm asking you mother to mother.", "Chelsea: Mother to mother? What you did was far from maternal, Sharon, and it had nothing to do with what is best for that little boy.", "Devon: That one there. Hey! Whoa!", "Lily: Hey.", "Devon: Ohh! I don't remember hiring two new staff members. Where did you guys come from?", "Hilary: Yeah. Neither do I.", "Lily: I tried to reach dad. None of our sitters are available.", "Devon: That's okay. What's going on with you?", "Lily: Well, cane hurt his knee while playing basketball with the kids, and he's telling me not to freak out, but I just want someone to look at it.", "Devon: Where is he right now?", "Lily: He's in the car. He can barely walk.", "Devon: Okay. Take him to the hospital. I'll watch the kids.", "Lily: You sure?", "Devon: Uh, yeah, I'm sure.", "Hilary: Yeah. Yeah. We got this.", "Lily: Okay. Thank you. Hopefully it's nothing, but just in case. Okay. Be good for uncle Devon and aunt Hilary, and I'll be back soon to get you, all right? I love you. Thank you.", "Devon: Of course. Thank you for being cool with watching them.", "Hilary: Yeah. Just try and remember that we have a show to finish, okay?", "Devon: I know. The kids won't be any trouble.", "Charlie: [Giggles]", "Mattie: Come back!", "Hilary: [Chuckles sarcastically]", "Ashley: Even with tying up the original manufacturing plant, brash & sassy's! New perfume continues to fly off the shelves.", "[Knock on door]", "Jack: Come in. Yeah, that is definitely a problem.", "Ashley: Yeah, one that you haven't even tried to solve.", "Jack: Am I mistaken, or did I assign that task to you?", "Ashley: Am I mistaken, or are you the C.E.O.? You're supposed to be thinking about this company's welfare always. Instead, you're taking potshots at Victor with your partner in crime here.", "Jack: Okay. For the millionth time, that is not what we are doing.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. So, what was in that envelope?", "Jack: What envelope?", "Ashley: The one you tried to hide after Phyllis left.", "Jack: Ash...", "Ashley: You know what? Save it. I don't want to hear another one of your stupid excuses. I am so done with this whole thing. While you've been distracted with your top-secret revenge plot, I've been doing things that really matter, like trying to put jabot back on top, where it belongs.", "Sharon: I love my son. For a long time, I believed that he was my flesh and blood, that he was mine. I fed him. I changed him. I bathed him. I sang him to sleep. We made the connection that only a mother and a child can make. I know that you know what I'm talking about.", "Chelsea: Of course I believe that you loved him, Sharon.", "Sharon: Dylan, he was the happiest man in the world when that baby was placed in his arms. To finally get to raise a child after...", "Chelsea: After I lied to him and told him Connor was his. Okay. That's fair. I did that, and it was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life, but at the time, I thought I was protecting my son. Christian didn't need protection from nick. Nick is an amazing father.", "Sharon: I agree with you.", "Chelsea: You could have lessened his pain, Sharon. You could have lessened his grief.", "Sharon: Well... that's a regret I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life, just like you will regret lying to Dylan about Connor. You know, we all have our ways of justifying our mistakes. But in the end, don't we have to put that aside? Isn't that innocent child what's most important?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Dylan: Water -- check. Snack -- check. Am I missing something? Duh. What's a snack without our favorite tune, huh? You ready for our jam?", "[Toy winding]", "Dylan: 'Cause here we go. Ah. Just too good, huh? Come on. I know you want to dance, buddy. Yeah. There we go. [Exhales sharply] What lesson are we on, huh? What are we up to now? [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Let's call it, um... lesson 127, \"how to grow up to be a decent guy.\" Never be to macho to dance with your own kid. It's important.", "[Knock on door]", "Dylan: [Sighs] I guess we should see who that is. [Clears throat] Let's go see.", "Nick: I'm here for my son.", "Stitch: Hey. You all right?", "Abby: Yeah. I'm -- I'm fine. Sorry. I-I probably should have called and not just stopped by. You'd think with my family history, I would know the dos and don'ts of divorce.", "Stitch: Not a pro yet, huh?", "Abby: Not yet. I was pulling out my winter shoes, and, um, well, I found this, and it felt wrong keeping it, 'cause I know it's your favorite. Okay. Well, um... I'm gonna go back to work. I'll let you do the same.", "Stitch: Yeah. See you around, Abby.", "Abby: See you.", "Lily: Stitch, hey.", "Stitch: Oh, hey.", "Lily: Cane needs help.", "Cane: I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm fine, all right?", "Stitch: Okay. All right. Well, first things first. Let's get you to a room. Come on. Come on.", "Nick: Look, Dylan, um... I'm sorry. I wish there was some other way.", "Dylan: [Exhales sharply] Uh, Sharon's not home, and I think she needs to be before anything happens.", "Nick: We all know what has to happen. And why isn't Sharon here? Is there anything more important than this?", "Dylan: I don't know.", "Nick: So, she just took off? She didn't tell you where she was going?", "Dylan: We haven't spoken since last night.", "Nick: Look, I don't want to drag this out.", "Dylan: Okay. Nick, that's not what I'm doing.", "Nick: I did what you asked. I let Christian stay the night here. I gave you more time. But I don't think giving you any more time is gonna make this any easier.", "Dylan: All right. I get that. That's why --", "Sharon: Nick. Uh...I was looking for you. I was hoping that we could talk.", "Nick: I don't want to talk anymore.", "Sharon: Well, can you at least hear me out? Okay. Last night, you were able to see reason. You put sully first.", "Nick: His name is Christian.", "Sharon: Well, this is his home. And he has routines here. And even the tiniest changes -- it can upset him. Like, last week, we tried to move his crib to the other side of the room, and forget it. He -- he -- he couldn't fall asleep. And he's got to have his loveys.", "Nick: I can buy him some of those.", "Sharon: But not just any kind. You know, he has his favorites. And then if those aren't washed in the right detergent, then it's over. He throws those on the floor. Please, nick. We know these things.", "Nick: I will learn.", "Sharon: It's not the same. The thought of him waking up in a strange room and in an unfamiliar house --", "Nick: Yes, it is going to be an adjustment period. But I already know a lot about him. I know what kind of diapers he wears. I know what food he likes. I even know what kind of music he likes to go to sleep to.", "Sharon: That's not enough. He's going to be traumatized.", "Nick: And whose fault is that? Is it mine? None of this would have happened if you had just come forward when you found out the truth months ago.", "Dylan: Nick, I agree. But maybe there's another possibility. I don't know. Maybe... uh, we could split time -- share custody.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Victor: Hi, Chelsea. So... I guess what you said is true -- that Sharon has been raising my grandson.", "Chelsea: I can hardly believe it, but...yeah.", "Victor: So, why hasn't Nicholas taken that boy, and why hasn't he told the rest of the family about this?", "Chelsea: I think it's just very complicated.", "Victor: I don't think it's complicated at all. I think Nicholas should raise that boy as his son.", "Chelsea: Well, that is what nick wants.", "Victor: So? Excuse me.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Nicholas is on the way to Sharon's right now.", "Chelsea: What, are you having him watched?", "Victor: You bet. I don't trust Sharon at all. Never have. And I'm not gonna have her run away with my grandson. Ain't gonna happen. Yep. If I could, I would have the cops at her doorsteps right now.", "Chelsea: Ah. But you can't, because if you get the courts involved, then they might ask for a DNA test, which would show that the baby was never nick's but really Adam's.", "Victor: Exactly.", "Chelsea: I don't know. I mean, maybe the truth should come out... because if it doesn't, then, I mean, aren't we just as bad as Sharon?", "Chelsea: I listened to you yesterday, and I agreed. Adam would want nick to raise his son.", "Victor: Something changed your mind.", "Chelsea: No. Nothing's changed. I'm just -- I'm just torn. That baby boy is Connor's half-brother.", "Victor: Yeah, and if Nicholas raised him, they would be cousins. What's wrong with that? Better than growing up a McAvoy.", "Chelsea: And we just continue to lie? They never find out the truth?", "Victor: What's the alternative -- Sharon raises Adam's son? He wouldn't want that.", "Chelsea: I know, but all of the lying...", "Victor: Sweetheart, we've been over this, okay? It was Adam's wish that Nicholas raise Christian as his son, as it was his wish to, you know, be a father for Connor. He trusted him.", "Chelsea: I'm not arguing that.", "Victor: I don't want this boy to grow up as an orphan. Not gonna happen. And think of Nicholas. Think of the losses he has suffered. If he now found out that Christian was not his son, it'd be devastating to him.", "Phyllis: You know, I have to say it sounds pretty good.", "Ashley: I'm actually not interested in your opinion, Phyllis. I'm interested in my brother's. What better way to steal the spotlight back from brash & sassy!?", "Jack: This would definitely win us new market share.", "Phyllis: Something jabot desperately needs right now.", "Jack: You put a lot of time into this already. This thing's practically ready to roll.", "Ashley: There's no \"practically\" about it, Jackie.", "Jack: Well, when were you doing this? You doing all-nighters left and right?", "Ashley: Well, you know, like I said, when there's no distractions, you know, it's a plus.", "Phyllis: And it shows. Nice work.", "Ashley: Is there some reason why you're still here, injecting yourself into our conversation?", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm done. I know when it's time to leave.", "Jack: Phyllis, wait.", "Devon: Okay. No, I get it. I will be right in. Thank you. Uh, honey, I need to go to the club.", "Hilary: Wh-what?", "Devon: There's a mini crisis with this annual event that we have booked, and lily would usually take care of it, but she's at the hospital right now.", "Hilary: Okay, but isn't there someone else that can...?", "Devon: I wish there was, but it's a longtime client, and I really should handle it personally, so... I won't be gone long. Mind watching the kids for me?", "Hilary: That's what family's for, right?", "Devon: Indeed. All right, guys. Hey. Don't give Hilary any trouble, or you have to answer to me, okay?", "Charlie: Score!", "Mattie: Yeah!", "Hilary: Mariah... hey, you know, I-I need to finish, um, perfecting the segment for tonight, and I can't do that if I'm babysitting, so, um, see those two terrors over there? They are all yours.", "Mariah: That's so sweet, the way you talk about them. I would love to, but twinsitting -- it's not in my job description.", "Hilary: It is now.", "Mariah: Okay, then. All right, guys! Come here. Do you guys want to go play?", "Mattie: Did you know aunt Hilary used to be our grandma?", "Mariah: What? She did?! That's crazy! Well, you know what? We're gonna give granny here some peace and quiet. Let's go. Come on. Move it! Move it!", "Dylan: Nick, I know it sounds out there.", "Nick: Out there? It's ridiculous. I can't even believe you would ask me that. It's not happening.", "Dylan: We could keep this whole mess quiet.", "Nick: It's not a mess I created.", "Dylan: Okay. We can stop the press from descending on us like vultures. Think of the trauma that we can spare faith and sully.", "Sharon: Yes. You know... this could work. Why turn our lives upside down even more than they already are?", "Nick: Because it's wrong and it's a lie and I'm not doing it.", "Sharon: But look at faith. I mean, she goes between our two homes, and she's doing really well. She's a happy and well-adjusted little girl.", "Nick: Are you seriously comparing those two things right now? Sharon, we are divorced, and we are sharing custody of our daughter. You're asking me to just pretend to be uncle nick to my son?", "Sharon: You would be spending as much time with him as us.", "Nick: What do you think the world is gonna say when this gets out? What do you think our families are gonna do? How 'bout Christian? Aren't we supposed to be putting him first?", "Sharon: We are putting him first. This is putting him first!", "Dylan: We can figure this out together. It's gonna be years before he even knows what's going on.", "Nick: Exactly. Now is the time for the clean break. He is too young to understand any of this. He won't even know that he used to have other parents. And I'm sorry if that's painful to hear, but it's the truth. The window to make this as easy as possible on my son is now, and I'm taking it.", "Sharon: Nick, you're not listening.", "Nick: I am listening to you. I just don't agree with you.", "Sharon: Come on. There are all kinds of blended families out there, nick. Just at least consider this.", "Nick: No.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Nick: Because that boy had a mother. She was beautiful and kind and amazing, and she dreamed of a future with her son, and he deserves to know about her. And you know what? Sage deserves it, too. And I will not erase her just to keep you happy.", "Sharon: That is not what I'm asking you to do.", "Nick: It is, and I'm not doing it.", "Sharon: Nick.", "Nick: He's gonna be raised by me, his father, the way he should have been raised since the day he was born. Both of you listen to me. Just watch what happens if either one of you tries to stop me from doing that.", "Ashley: You know, with all due respect -- actually, without any respect at all -- I'm not comfortable having our conversation with her here.", "Jack: I understand that.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: Phyllis and I still have some things to finish up.", "Ashley: Oh. Regarding Victor, perhaps?", "Jack: Let's move full speed ahead with your idea and issue a press release immediately.", "Ashley: Jack, I've already scheduled a press conference.", "Jack: Of course you have. Well, I would say, \"good luck,\" but you don't need it. Go make shockwaves.", "Ashley: Yeah. I'm on it. Jack...", "Jack: Got it. Thank you.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Phyllis: Got to thank you. Got to thank you for sticking up for me with Ashley. I knew you'd still realize we make a good team.", "Jack: That's not why I asked you to stay.", "Lily: Hey.", "Stitch: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: So, how bad is it?", "Stitch: It's not great. You tore your ACL.", "Lily: ACL?", "Stitch: The anterior cruciate ligament.", "Lily: So, does he need surgery?", "Stitch: Only if he wants to get back to his regular activities.", "Cane: Which I do. Which I do.", "Stitch: Then we need to reconstruct that knee.", "Lily: Well, what's the recovery like?", "Stitch: You put in the work with rehab and home exercises, you can be back on your feet in no time.", "Lily: Yeah, that's good. You can do this.", "Cane: Okay. All right. All right. Let's do it.", "Stitch: I checked with our top orthopedic surgeon. It could happen as soon as this Thursday.", "Cane: All right. Sign me up. Oh, wait. Does Thursday work with your schedule?", "Lily: Yeah, no. I mean, the sooner we do this, the quicker you're healed.", "Cane: Okay. All right. All right. Let's do it.", "Stitch: Sounds like a plan. I'll get the paperwork going.", "Cane: Thanks.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Cane: Thanks, mate.", "Lily: It's not the news that we wanted to hear, but it could have been worse.", "Cane: Can you pass me my computer, baby? I got to check on some work stuff.", "Lily: What? Cane, no. You need to be taking it easy.", "Cane: Baby, I don't need my knee to check e-mails, okay? It'll keep me busy while you pick up the kids.", "Lily: [Sighs] Fine. I'll be back, okay?", "Cane: Hey... it's gonna be okay.", "Lily: I know.", "Hilary: Okay. Let's get this show on the road, shall we? All right. Hello, there. We are back with -- uh, Mariah?!", "Mariah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I tried -- okay. Get out of here. Get out of here. Sorry. I -- they got away from me, and they're slippery little suckers.", "Hilary: If you can't handle two 6-year-olds, how do you expect to handle this job?", "Mariah: Hey, unclench, would you? I have some good news.", "Hilary: What?", "Mariah: That juicy story you were looking for -- I found it.", "Nick: Please tell me you're not here to try and talk me out of taking Christian.", "Chelsea: I just -- I came to help any way I can.", "Nick: Well, thanks. I could use some help with Christian's things.", "Sharon: You're really gonna do this now, right this second?", "Nick: I gave you time to prepare.", "Sharon: What about faith? What, she's gonna come home and her little brother's gone? She's not gonna understand.", "Nick: Well, we're gonna have to help her understand it. I think it's best if we all do everything we can to keep this as private as possible until we get a chance to talk to faith and the rest of our families.", "Sharon: Nick, please don't do this.", "Nick: This is happening.", "Sharon: Your house isn't even set up -- not for a baby.", "Nick: I was up all night making sure my place was ready. Now, if there's anything you two want to give me to help with this transition, I will certainly take it, but it's time.", "Dylan: What if I say no?", "Nick: Then you leave me no choice. If you don't let me walk out of here right now with my son, then I'm filing charges for kidnapping. So either say your goodbyes now... or I'm calling the police.", "Cane: Hey, listen, I got to call you back.", "Ashley: I am so proud to announce that jabot has purchased and is releasing a new makeup app called jabotgo. This revolutionary program allows people to try our cosmetics on a selfie taken with their phones. No more sending away for colors or shades that aren't you. Now you can find out up close and personal what works and what doesn't work from the comfort of, well, just about anywhere.", "Stitch: All right. Surgery's all set for Thursday.", "Cane: Um, I'm gonna have to reschedule with you.", "Stitch: Okay. You got another date in mind?", "Cane: Um, let me get back to you, okay? Just right now is not a good time for me to take some time off work.", "Jack: Listen, I want to be very clear on where I stand. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings.", "Phyllis: That sounds smart.", "Jack: I appreciate everything you've done to help me bring down Victor, but it doesn't change anything.", "Phyllis: I know that, jack.", "Jack: I don't want you misinterpreting what happened here earlier. I don't forgive you. I don't want you back.", "Abby: So... how'd the launch of phase 2 go?", "Victor: The mole knew he was trapped... and, as a result, he's gonna plug all the leaks. Now let's see what \"GC buzz\" does with the whole thing.", "Hilary: And you never told me how you snagged this interview.", "Mariah: Well, I wish I could say that I dug up the dirt myself, but a shovel wasn't necessary. The guy came in. He was ready to spill everything.", "Hilary: Well, far be it for me to stop him. Okay. We got to get this guy on camera now. So...are we ready? Hmm? Okay. So, just follow my lead. It's just like we're having a conversation, okay?", "Curtis: Okay.", "Hilary: Hello, everyone. Now here with me today is ex-Newman enterprises board member Curtis fielding. Now, let's just cut to the chase, because this is why you're here, right? Now, I heard that you have a confession to make.", "Curtis: I'm the leak from Newman enterprises. I went behind Victor Newman's back and sold company documents, except, uh, they weren't actual company documents.", "Hilary: What do you mean?", "Curtis: They were fake. It was all just one big lie -- my lie.", "Nick: You know keeping my son from me is a crime. A simple DNA test will prove Christian is mine.", "Chelsea: No. I don't think anyone wants to get the police involved. Plus that's not a fair way for Paul to find out about his grandson.", "Dylan: Nick's right.", "Sharon: Nick... I am begging you... please, just give us a little more time, a few more days.", "Dylan: A few more days is not gonna -- it's just gonna make things harder, Sharon.", "Sharon: How? What could be harder than this?!", "Dylan: Sharon! It's over. Ohh, man. Hey, buddy. No more fighting and screaming, okay? Everything's gonna be okay. I'm not worried about you at all. You see that guy? Your uncle nick? We're gonna be trading places. He's gonna be your dad, and I'm gonna be your fun uncle. Nick's an honest guy. He's gonna love and protect you as much as I have. Because I love you more than anything. [Crying] I do. Don't forget about us all, okay? [Sniffles] You got to wind this up. He loves to dance to it. Do you want to say goodbye?", "Sharon: Yeah. That's exactly what I want to do. I want to say goodbye to my heart and my soul -- my little boy.", "Dylan: This is hard enough.", "Sharon: [Crying] I can't. I don't know how. I can't. Oh, my God.", "Dylan: Oh, man. [Sighs] [Sniffles] There you go.", "Nick: That took guts... and grace. The only thing that makes this even slightly bearable is knowing my son had you to raise him for a year. Everything you said was true. He'll be happy.", "Dylan: I know.", "Nick: I'm sorry. Let's go home.", "Dylan: [Sighs] [Sniffles]", "Sharon: [Crying]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: Exactly how long did you lie and cover for Sharon?", "Faith: Did you just find out this morning? When did you know he's not sully?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jordan threatened to release Hilary's nude photos if she kept investigating his past. Hilary convinced Phyllis to distract Jordan while she searched for the copies of the compromising pictures. Neil admitted he was bored at work. Devon suggested that Neil become CEO of the new PR firm that Hamilton-Winters just acquired. Chelsea offered to update Neil's wardrobe so that he wouldn't look out of place at the more youthful company. Mattie was in a bad mood because Cane and Lily's divorce would be finalized tomorrow, but she refused to discuss her feelings with Lily. Lily told Charlie that she still loved Cane. Charlie didn't understand why Lily would divorce someone she loved. Lily told Devon and Neil that she wasn't sure a divorce would make her happy. Billy moved into the Chancellor mansion. Juliet was concerned that Billy and Cane under the same roof would cause too much stress for her and the baby, but they assured her that they'd be civil. Cane and Billy got drunk and bonded over their failed relationships, then they decided to go fix things. Phyllis took Jordan to her place and flirted with him while Hilary broke into his suite. Billy showed up at Phyllis's and caused a scene. Jordan left. Billy told Phyllis that he loved her. A neighbor called the police and Billy got arrested. Hilary found what she was looking for, and she discovered that Jordan had several fake IDs.", "A tipsy Cane went to Lily's and begged for forgiveness, but she wouldn't open the door. The police arrived and took Cane away. Lily looked at her wedding photo. Jordan stared at a photo of himself with Lily. Dina took it upon herself to raise Jabot's wholesale prices, which caused trouble with the distributors. When Jack confronted her, she said cruel things to him. Gloria came to Jack's defense and Dina and Gloria argued. Jack was conflicted because he realized he had to fire Dina for her own good, but he was worried about what it would do to her state of mind.", "" ]
[ "Devon: Hey, I'm here. I know I'm late.", "Neil: Hmm. Look at you. Missed that meeting.", "Devon: I am aware. A new york minute turned into a whole series of back to back meetings, and the plane just landed. Drove straight here.", "Neil: And your phone?", "Devon: Was in my pocket while I was sleeping on the plane. I'm really sorry that I missed this meeting, man. How did it go?", "Neil: Well, I closed the deal.", "Devon: Dude, congratulations.", "Neil: Thank you, thank you. Power communications is now part of hamilton- winters. How'd you do in new york?", "Devon: It was great. I'm exhausted, but it couldn't have gone better. I, uh, I must have hit probably 10 clubs in one night.", "Neil: Good. Good.", "Devon: The music was exceptional.", "Neil: I like that. Good.", "Devon: And there's definitely a few artists I found that we'll be signing to the label.", "Neil: Nice job.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Neil: I am so happy for you.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Neil: You know, man, I-I just wish that I...", "Devon: What's wrong?", "Neil: I just wish that I had something that I was passionate about like you have, you know, about your music.", "[ Music blaring ]", "Lily: Charlie, turn that down!", "Charlie: That's not me! That's all mattie!", "Lily: What?", "Charlie: She says she's evolving or something.", "Lily: Mattie! [ Music turns off ] Hey, what are you doing?", "Charlie: I'm setting the table.", "Lily: Really? Without being asked? And you should be helping him.", "Mattie: Why do women always have to set the table while guys take out the garbage? It's sexist.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] Just let it go. She's bummed.", "Lily: Yeah, because I won't let her see reed.", "Charlie: No. 'Cause the divorce hearing's tomorrow.", "Juliet: Oh, my god. You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here?", "Billy: I'm moving in. What are you doing here?", "Juliet: I live here.", "Gloria: Yes, believe me, we will look into it, and I will have mr. Abbott get right back to you. Thank you very much. I've been trying to reach you. The phone has been ringing off the hook since you left for your meeting. I sent texts.", "Jack: What's up? Is the press asking for more glowing comments about my brother's heroism?", "Gloria: The west coast buyers.", "Jack: Why are they calling this hour?", "Gloria: Because somebody in this company has taken it upon themselves to jack up jabot's wholesale prices.", "Jack: I didn't authorize that. Did they say who's responsible?", "Dina: Oh, jack, my darling! You are going to be so proud of what I have done for you!", "Jordan: I'm not bluffing. I do have copies of those nude photos.", "Hilary: [ Scoffs ] I am still kicking myself for being naive enough to believe that you actually gave me the only digital copies.", "Jordan: Can't help it. I'm convincing.", "Hilary: So what was it, hmm? Did you have your camera programmed to automatically back up your photos to your hard drive?", "Jordan: I told you. A pro always has a backup plan just in case something goes wrong. So are you gonna back off and stop digging in my past? If you try to take me down or mess with me in any way, those photos will be released to the world for them to enjoy. And those dreams that you have of establishing a serious rep or following in julie chen's footsteps, you can kiss those goodbye.", "Hilary: [ Sighs ]", "Neil: Hey. My man.", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: She's over there. I'm over here. Remember me?", "Devon: I know. I'm sorry. I'm all ears. I'm all ears.", "Neil: I wouldn't trade working with you for anything in the world.", "Devon: But?", "Neil: I'm just not stimulated.", "Devon: You're not happy?", "Neil: I didn't say that. I'm fine.", "Devon: Except?", "Neil: Except I'm watching you out there in the big world, you know, as you're hitting up clubs and you're scouting your talent and...", "Devon: What is it? You bored?", "Neil: To be honest with you, yeah, I am.", "Devon: Right.", "Neil: At this point in my life, I figured I'd be sitting on a tropical beach somewhere, you know, watching the sunset. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love the fact that we got this new venture together, and I'm very excited about the opportunities, but what I don't want is to be stuck in the back room somewhere missing out on all the fun. You got that?", "Devon: Yeah. For sure I understand that. You're not thinking about leaving, though, right?", "Neil: No, no, no. No way. That's not the answer.", "Devon: Good. 'Cause I wouldn't let you do that, you know? I want you to have as much fun as I'm having. We're in this whole thing together, right? Tell me about the meeting that i missed.", "Neil: Good. I'm glad you asked. Okay. This P.R. Firm?", "Devon: Yeah?", "Neil: Best acquisition yet. Every piece of power communications is eclectic and diverse. We're talking about the work space, the client space, the staffing. They're marketing everyone from mom-and-pop shops to high-end wall street firms. And -- get this -- music, too.", "Devon: Nice.", "Neil: They're the perfect fit. Only downside is, the C.E.O. -- Walking away. So it's gonna be up to us to find someone that's competent to run the company, you know?", "Devon: Sounds like we, uh, need to find somebody who's pretty special.", "Neil: I think all they need are a few lucrative clients to beef up their, you know, bottom line, so I believe that we can help them with that.", "Devon: Why don't you do it?", "Neil: [ Chuckles ] What are you talking about, man?", "Devon: I'm dead serious, man. You haven't sounded this enthusiastic about something since we started our company. You just told me you feel like you're in a rut, so why don't you roll up your sleeves, take control of our newest acquisition hands on? Bring the fun back in your life.", "Phyllis: I definitely want to snag some clothing, okay, from the spring collection.", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Phyllis: I will wear that around town.", "Chelsea: I'm sure I can snag you some samples.", "Phyllis: Good. I love knowing the boss.", "Chelsea: Oh, look, should we go say hi?", "Phyllis: Yes, of course we should.", "Chelsea: Hi, guys.", "Phyllis: Devon, neil. Hi.", "Devon: How are you?", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Chelsea: Nice to see you.", "Devon: Good to see you, too. Would you, uh, care to join us?", "Chelsea: We actually just finished dinner, but I wouldn't mind staying for a cocktail.", "Phyllis: I have to rain check, unfortunately, but enjoy your dinner, okay? And we'll talk later?", "Chelsea: Yes, definitely.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Chelsea: Good to see you.", "Neil: Bye.", "Chelsea: Are you sure I'm not interrupting?", "Neil: No, no, no. Not at all. In fact, we were just about to party and celebrate.", "Chelsea: Ohh! I love a good party.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Chelsea: What are we celebrating?", "Devon: Well, hamilton-winters just acquired power communications.", "Chelsea: The P.R. Firm?", "Devon: That's right. And neil here is gonna run it.", "Chelsea: That's -- wow. That's -- that's great.", "Neil: I see that look on your face. You kind of look surprised.", "Chelsea: No, I'm not surprised. I just... it's just power communications is pretty progressive and edgy and --", "Neil: Edgy, progressive, and you're saying I'm not?", "Billy: So cane gave you permission to move into my mother's house? Does she actually know that you're here?", "Juliet: I have no idea. I should have asked. You know, but it doesn't matter now because you're moving in and I will move out, and I will leave right now.", "Billy: Hold on a second. Okay, juliet, I apologize. I'm sorry. That was not very nice of me, okay? You should stay here, all right? You should be here. I insist.", "Juliet: What about your mom? For all I know, she could come back tomorrow.", "Billy: She's not gonna kick you out, trust me. You're pregnant. She'll give me the boot way before she gives you the boot. It's all good. It's a big house. We'll cohabitate.", "Juliet: How is that supposed to work?", "Billy: You get a room, I get a room. Not a big deal.", "Juliet: And you're forgetting somebody.", "Cane: What's going on?", "Jack: Mother, I gave you a very straightforward assignment.", "Dina: Oh, yes, you did, to check the west coast profit and loss margins, which I did.", "Jack: All you were supposed to do was see that the department stores had ample product for their shelves. I said nothing about a price hike.", "Gloria: Coffee, anyone? And for you, dina. Just the way you like it.", "Dina: No, thank you, dear.", "Gloria: Okay. Well, you two carry on. Carry on about your business. Just pretend I'm not here.", "Dina: The reality of you not being here is what I would like.", "Gloria: Oh, my.", "Jack: Gloria, thank you for the coffee.", "Gloria: Just let me pour you some coff--", "Jack: I'll pour it myself. Thank you very much. What are you doing, going behind my back, making decisions that, frankly, you have no business making?", "Dina: I ran a corporation of my own for decades. I thought at least that would carry a small amount of autonomy.", "Jack: Negating contracts, adjusting prices is no part of your job.", "Dina: You were the one who invited me to work here, to benefit from my deep experience! You're supposed to be making profits, not running a charity! What the hell is wrong with you?!", "Lily: We all know this divorce is gonna change our lives. We have to be honest with each other.", "Mattie: Why do we have to analyze this to death? In a few years, charlie and i will be off to college living our own lives. You and dad getting divorced will have a minimal impact on us.", "Lily: Mattie, that's not true. This is gonna affect your lives not just now but years from now, whether you're with me or with your dad, where you spend weekends or holidays.", "Mattie: Are we done yet?", "Lily: Mattie, come on. I'm trying to talk to you. [ Sighs ] I hate seeing her so bitter and upset. I feel like I let you and mattie down.", "Charlie: This isn't on you. You didn't start this. It's all dad.", "Lily: Look, your dad, he made a mistake, and he regrets it. But the divorce is my decision. I just -- I can't forgive him.", "Charlie: Do you still love dad?", "Lily: Yeah. I do.", "Charlie: Well, then doesn't it seem like kind of a waste? I mean, you love him, he loves us. And we were happy. Sure, he messed up. Now we're less happy. But I don't see how divorce solves anything.", "Billy: You got a job. Why don't you find somewhere else to live?", "Cane: 'Cause I haven't had time. I've been too busy keeping an eye on juliet and the baby.", "Billy: What does that mean? Is everything okay with the baby?", "Juliet: There have been some problems.", "Cane: Okay, so now you understand. I have to stay here and make sure she's all right.", "Juliet: Well, I am not all right staying here and living with both of you. There's too much tension. I don't need it, and neither does the baby, so I am moving back into the athletic club.", "Cane: Hang on, hang on. Don't go, don't go. Stay.", "Billy: No, you're right. You're better to stay here. It's much more comfortable for you.", "Juliet: Yeah, with you two hacking at each other all the time? No, thanks.", "Cane: No hacking. We're not gonna hack anymore, right? We're gonna be civil.", "Billy: We don't want to stress you out.", "Cane: No stress.", "Juliet: You can't help it. And I'm not going to put myself and my baby in jeopardy because you can't act like grownups.", "Billy: No, that's not -- you know, it's fine, okay? This baby's much more important than anything that's gone down between cane and me.", "Cane: We may not act like it all the time, but, you know, we are responsible parents who love our kids, and, uh, for that, we are -- we're gonna make this work, right? Okay?", "Juliet: [ Sighs ] Well, I'm -- I'm too tired to pack tonight, anyway. But if you start up like this again tomorrow --", "Billy: We won'T. I promise.", "Cane: Seriously. What he said. We won't do it. All right? Let me get you your milk, all right, 'cause, uh, I want you to sleep well. There you go. Okay.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ] [ Sighs ] Oh, cane. [ Clears throat ] Why don't you explain to me how this is gonna go. You're gonna live with your baby mama while your wife and kids continue their life without you?", "Cane: You know what? You can have some little swings and stuff. It's okay. I'm not gonna have a fight with you, billy.", "Billy: Why is that? Because I'm on crutches?", "Cane: No, 'cause I owe you. 'Cause you saved my kids' lives, and that is a debt, my friend, that I will never be able to repay.", "Phyllis: How explicit are these photos? Ohh.", "Hilary: Yes, which is exactly why I need to get my hands on jordan's backup drive.", "Phyllis: Okay. How?", "Hilary: Well, he must keep it in his room right here at the club.", "Phyllis: All right. Then you got to get in there, snatch that hard drive when you know he's gonna be gone for a while.", "Hilary: How am I supposed to do that?", "Phyllis: You call housekeeping. You ask for turndown service. While said maid is inside...", "Hilary: I sneak in. It's simple, but it's genius. Okay, now I just need to figure out a distraction to keep him away while I search.", "Phyllis: Okay. What's a guaranteed way to keep him occupied? No.", "Hilary: Come on.", "Phyllis: No.", "Hilary: Jordan cannot resist a sure thing.", "Phyllis: He's easy on the eyes, I will tell you that, but I'm still getting over the whole billy thing, so no.", "Hilary: I'm not asking you to marry the guy, okay? Just -- just go and have a fun evening with him.", "Phyllis: An entire evening?", "Hilary: Just as long as it takes for me to get the backup drive and get out. You might actually like it. Win/win.", "Phyllis: Dinner with a smart, talented, sexy guy versus, you know, being at home alone, watching tv. I don't know.", "Hilary: Well, if billy just so happens to find out that you had dinner with jordan, might be a golden opportunity to remind him what he lost.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, he knows what he lost. The problem is the lunkhead just doesn't understand why.", "Chelsea: What I was trying to say is you are brilliant and obviously very capable --", "Neil: What you're trying to say is that I'm boring. Is that it?", "Chelsea: I did not say that.", "Neil: Okay.", "Devon: You thought it, though, huh?", "Neil: You two -- wow. You're on the same page as she is? Thank you.", "Devon: No. I'm just --", "Neil: Yeah, I don't have to be 25 and hip to head up a company that's staffed by people under 30 years old. As a matter of fact, everyone should feel lucky that I've got the experience that I do!", "Chelsea: But they're not gonna be able to find that out if they can't get past your clothes. [ Chuckles ] Like, you know, it's all about projecting the right image. Well, let's just put it this way. You in a three-piece suit doesn't exactly project the hip look of power communications.", "Neil: Right, this is an italian suit, and you're -- right now you're offending me, really, and you're trying to make me feel 100 years old.", "Chelsea: No!", "Neil: I should just get my walker and stagger out of here.", "Chelsea: That's not what i was --", "Devon: There's nothing wrong with your three-piece suits when we're having meetings for hamilton-winters, right? But when you're about to be the face of a company that has a very youthful brand, you know --", "Neil: I'm supposed to wear hipster clothes, those earrings that are big in my ears like that?", "Chelsea: Nobody really uses the word \"hipster\" anymore, either. Um, here's the thing. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to dress the part because you know somebody that does.", "Neil: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm in.", "Hilary: Yes!", "Phyllis: I have one question.", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: How do I get him down here?", "Hilary: Oh, well, that is simple. See, jordan left this behind. I'm sure that poor guy is just gonna be frantic without it. Call his room. Sure he'll be more than grateful.", "Jack: Mother, where is this coming from?", "Dina: The question itself confirms that you have no idea what your business is all about.", "Jack: More than anyone else, I do.", "Dina: Oh, come on. Nikki newman, spending all that time with her, and letting jabot fail.", "Jack: Jabot is not failing!", "Dina: And you are not your father, nor will you ever be! John would be ashamed with how you are ruining his company.", "Gloria: How dare you.", "Dina: Excuse me?", "Gloria: You are not only ignorant. You are cruel for saying that jack doesn't measure up to john.", "Jack: Gloria, I have this handled --", "Gloria: Do you have any idea how many phone calls I have fielded today from stores complaining about the aggressive and ridiculous conversations with this one?! And don't even get me started on the e-mails you sent trying to change contracts that have been in place for months, even years!", "Dina: There's always time for re-negotiation, something that a mere receptionist wouldn't know a clue about.", "Jack: Mother, you can't talk like --", "Gloria: You are threatening to draw their business away from jabot!", "Jack: I have this. Please.", "Gloria: Stop blaming your son for your mistakes, lady!", "Dina: And who are you to presume to instruct me?", "Gloria: I would be glad to show you exactly who I am!", "Dina: Oh, no need, deary pie. I've already assessed that you're just another floozy whose only skill, apparently, is how good you are between the sheets.", "Jack: Mother!", "Gloria: At least I am loyal to the men I sleep with.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ]", "Gloria: As opposed to you, hurting and betraying them every chance you have.", "Jack: That's enough. That's --", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Door closes ]", "Dina: Ooh! Wow. I thought nikki was bad. But you're a very weak man, jack, for letting someone like gloria run your life.", "Devon: Hey, she is right, man. I think image is everything. And who knows more about creating an image than chelsea here?", "Chelsea: What? Are you offering me a job?", "Devon: Would you like a job? Want to style this guy and give him a look that better reflects the new company?", "Neil: Hello. I can hear you. I'm sitting right here. Look, I don't know how I feel about being dressed up like a mannequin, you two changing my style. I mean, I don't want to walk around feeling self-conscious about some new suits, some new clothes that you two want to put me in.", "Chelsea: No.", "Devon: Dad, before she sat down, you were just telling me that you were bored and looking for fun. Here's your chance to find that fun. All you have to do is just lighten up a little bit to better reflect the brand.", "Neil: I know you like the relaxed look. I understand that. As a matter of fact, I remember when you instituted casual fridays at jabot a long time ago. You remember that? Well, I didn't agree with that then, and I'm not sure I agree with all this right now.", "Devon: I remember all that. I remember what you said, and i learned from you, and there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't benefited from your example.", "Neil: Thank you. Okay. But then why are you trying to change this?", "Chelsea: I think all devon is suggesting is that you have a new look to go with your new company, you know? Be distinctive, stand out from the crowd. He's not trying to change you. Just the image.", "Neil: So, why does working with a group of youngsters require me to change my clothes?", "Devon: Neil, you wanted something to be passionate about, right?", "Neil: Yeah, I do.", "Devon: This could be that project, where you put your whole heart and soul into it and it consumes you and just nothing else matters, right? You could have that, or you could keep wearing your same suits because it's safe and it's familiar, you know?", "Chelsea: It's okay, devon. Maybe neil's more comfortable just, you know, staying like he is.", "Neil: Okay, wait. Both of you. You got me. Okay?", "Chelsea: [ Laughing ] Yeah!", "Neil: All right? Yeah, when do I start?", "[ Devon and chelsea laugh ]", "Devon: That's what I'm talking about. That's it.", "Neil: You two, I swear.", "Billy: So does this new attitude of yours mean that you're not gonna give me a hard time for screwing up with the masks?", "Cane: No, no, just victoria firing you and, uh, phyllis kicking you out.", "Billy: Look, what can you say? Karma, right?", "Cane: Yeah. Karma. Cheers. Come here. [ Glasses clink ] And you know what? As a man who hit rock bottom and is now fortunate enough to be the C.E.O. Of chancellor industries --", "Billy: I thought you said you were done rubbing it in.", "Cane: No, no, I'm not rubbing it in. I would like to help you out.", "Billy: Yeah, right.", "Cane: Billy abbott, I am in dire need of a secretary.", "Billy: Cane, that is so sweet. I am touched. Thank you so much for the offer. Unfortunately, I can't accept.", "Cane: Why? You're no good at dictation, or...?", "Billy: Yeah, that's what it is.", "Cane: You know, the one thing that we actually, uh, seem to have in common is we kind of succeed at trashing our lives, huh?", "Billy: Well, you're still married, at least.", "Cane: Until tomorrow. Hey, at least your kids are too young to hate you.", "Billy: Look at that. We're still competing even in this place. It's kind of lame, isn't it?", "Cane: You know what? I never thought you would hear these words coming out of my mouth, but... I think that you and I might actually be alike.", "Billy: No. No, no. Not at all. I'm a much classier screw-up than you.", "Cane: That is very true. And I am more charming.", "Jordan: I don't like being in debt, but I am forever in yours, phyllis. Thank you so much.", "Phyllis: I am always leaving mine somewhere. I should have it surgically attached to my body.", "Jordan: And let a doctor tamper with all that perfection?", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ]", "Jordan: Don't do it.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Hey, you know what? Maybe it's fate.", "Jordan: What makes you say that?", "Phyllis: Well, now with brash & sassy most likely going under, fenmore's is in need of a very good photographer. Would you like to discuss it over a drink?", "Jordan: I never turn down work, but only under one condition.", "Phyllis: What's that?", "Jordan: You let me buy. I mean, that's the least that i can do.", "Phyllis: Okay. I never turn down a free drink. The great barrier reef? [ Chuckling ] Are you kidding me? Were you searching for hidden treasure?", "Jordan: More like trying not to drown while photographing half-naked models underwater.", "[ Laughs ]", "Hilary: [ Sighs ]", "Jordan: I cannot believe you're pals with malcolm winters. He is one of the best photographers around.", "Phyllis: That's what they say about you.", "Jordan: Hmm. Ah.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Is that better?", "Jordan: Much.", "Phyllis: You know, it's like when you see that perfect angle.", "Jordan: And it's just taunting you.", "Phyllis: Right?", "Hilary: [ Sighs ]", "Jordan: Billy is such a loser to let you go.", "Phyllis: Well, I let him go. I was never his first priority.", "Jordan: Hmm. Like I said, the guy's a loser. Another round?", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Hmm.", "Jordan: Must be serious.", "Phyllis: You know, I did not ask you, what did you ever do when that model refused to pose because the doughnuts were gone?", "Jordan: That's a great story. How about I tell it to you upstairs? In my room. Over more drinks. Or not.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. I just -- this text reminded me that there is a file I have forgotten to send lauren, you know, from my laptop. Why -- why don't you come back with me to my place? I'll send the file, and we can have that nightcap.", "Jordan: Uh, check, please. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Billy: You know, I was supposed to be victoria and brash & sassy's go-to guy. Night and day, day and night, 365, not let it conflict with phyllis. I thought it was gonna be easy.", "Cane: I thought that I could lie about juliet because my love with lily was strong enough for us to stay together. That's what I thought.", "Billy: Doesn't seem like it worked out for either one of us, does it?", "Cane: No. Because this time tomorrow, I'm gonna be divorced.", "Billy: Phyllis was supposed to take me back when she realized that I ran to a burning building to save children.", "Cane: Phyllis loves you.", "Billy: Lily still loves you. What are we doing? Seriously? Honestly? What... ah! This is pathe-- this is -- this is just --", "Cane: Sad.", "Billy: It's sad.", "Cane: Sad.", "Billy: This is sad. What are we doing, man? We're not sad. We're not sad! Come on! We're men! We're -- give me your phone. We're gonna call a couple cabs, because we, me and you, we're men of action, okay? We're gonna -- we're gonna take some action right now.", "Cane: All right.", "Billy: It's what we're gonna do.", "Cane: Whoa, hang on. Wait. I got you, man. All right. We're men of action.", "Billy: Get my jacket.", "Cane: Get your jacket.", "Lily: Can I get a white wine, please? Thank you.", "Neil: Hey.", "Devon: Looks like you can use a couple wingmen.", "Lily: Well, you read my mind. I almost called to see if you're working late.", "Neil: Why didn't you?", "Lily: Well, 'cause blubbering to my father and brother didn't seem very adult. Thank you.", "Neil: Oh, now, come on. You know you can do that any time.", "Devon: Especially tonight. Is the hearing still --", "Lily: Yeah, it's still on. By this time tomorrow, I will be divorced.", "Devon: Well -- well, I'm sorry, lily. I know that ending a marriage can be devastating.", "Lily: Yeah. And you mentioning that doesn't really make me feel any better, but...", "Devon: Sorry.", "Neil: How are the kids?", "Lily: Uh, well, mattie's barely speaking to me. Charlie thinks I should rethink the whole thing. I mean, seeing their faces every day, I hate what this is doing to them.", "Devon: You having doubts about it?", "Lily: At first I was convinced I was doing the right thing, I... I don't know if ending my marriage will make me happy.", "Neil: What do you think will?", "Lily: I wish I knew.", "Neil: Hey. Maybe this will make you feel better. Hmm? It's gonna be okay.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Phyllis: You're gonna like this.", "Jordan: You know, what if we skip the drinks?", "Phyllis: Well, they're already poured. That would be silly to waste them.", "Jordan: All right.", "Phyllis: Yeah, let's relax. Come. Hmm. Yeah, tasty, huh?", "Jordan: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Okay, how about some music? Let's get some music. [ Slow music plays ] How about something a little bit more upbeat?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Jordan: No, no, no, no, no. That's just -- that's fine.", "Billy: Phyllis?!", "Phyllis: Oh, no. [ Pounding on door ] Phyllis! Open the door! I'm not going anywhere until you let me in!", "Cane: Lily? I'm sorry, baby. Baby, I'm so sorry. Lily? Baby? nothing more than a simple misunderstanding. There has been no price point change. That's right. Thank you very much for your patience.", "Dina: [ Scoffs ] You know, you're being foolish by depleting your profits and --", "Jack: Mother, go home. Take some time off.", "Dina: And do what? Watching you run jabot into the ground?", "Jack: Mother, I probably brought you back to work too soon. You need more time to recover from your stroke.", "Dina: I am not sick!", "Jack: Go! Please.", "Dina: Are you -- are you going to fire me?", "Jack: Go home, mother. We'll talk about this later.", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Pounding on door ]", "Billy: Phyllis!", "Phyllis: Mrs. Gregg, thank you so much for calling. No, no, no, you don't need to do that at all. I'm gonna go ahead and take care of it. Yes, I am so sorry, again, for the disturbance. Okay. All right, you don't live here anymore!", "Billy: What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: He's invited. You're not. Go. Please.", "Billy: You making moves on my woman, jordan?", "Phyllis: I am not your woman anymore!", "Billy: Shh! Hmm?", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: [ Gasps ] What are you doing?! What are you doing?! Go!", "Jordan: This guy needs to sleep this off. I'm out of where.", "Billy: You go.", "Phyllis: This is a horrible mis-- I would like you to stay. I would like him to go. Please.", "Jordan: Some other time. I don't need this hassle.", "Billy: Run along, jordan!", "Phyllis: What the hell are you doing?", "Billy: What are you doing? Come on. I love you!", "Phyllis: You're drunk!", "Billy: You are so beautiful. Yes! Okay? I am drunk. Fine. But I love her!", "Cane: I didn't mean to get juliet pregnant, baby. [ Voice breaking ] I don't even remember sleeping with her! And I don't want to get divorced from you! I want to spend the rest of my life with you 'cause you're my sexy wife! I love you, baby! Lily? I love you! Ah!", "[ Sighs ]", "Gloria: [ Sighs ] I'm heading out. Jack? Jack! Anything you need before I go?", "Jack: I can't risk having my mother work here anymore. She can't handle the stress. But without work to occupy her, I worry she's gonna slip right back into depression.", "Gloria: Yeah. Well, I'm less worried about dina than I am about the effect she's having on you.", "Jack: If I have learned one lesson in this life, it is this. Loving someone always comes with hurt. It's inevitable. Another day I go to sleep the hurting face within my dreams oh, oh, for a little, just a little just enough till you come back to me come back to me I hear a voice it speaks to me it sounds so warm it feels so free it's more than I can handle, I can handle you're not here and I can barely breathe breathe ohhh, ohh won't you come back to me? Come back to me it pushes down I feel the weight but I can't drown before I wake I'm stuck in the middle, in the middle without you here I can't find my way ohhh, ohh won't you come back to me?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Counselor, where's your client?", "Lily: Yeah, that's what i would like to know.", "Paul: Can I help you with something?", "Jordan: I need to report a burglary.", "Hilary: We're doing a live show. I need you in the studio pronto.", "Noah: Rebuilding. When do we start?", "Nick: Never." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Summer persuades Phyllis to allow Kyle to work with her on the virtual dressing room project to promote Jabotique and she is happy that he cancels a date with Lola to work on the new project. Phyllis proudly tells Jack and Billy that she slept with Nick last night and she doesn't care how they feel about it and she wants to get out in the open with both of them. Billy tells Jack that he's worried about his future with Jabot because he thinks Phyllis is trying to push he and Kyle out of the company.", "Jack and Kyle both try to figure out the new product line that Kerri jus trying to create for Jabot but Kerri catches to their tactic and says she won't spill any secrets so that he and Kyle can try tho push Phyllis out of the company. Billy tells Sharon that Phyllis and Nick are sleeping buddies and offers his moral support but saying she can call him anytime she needs to talk or wants to do anything fun. Sharon and Victoria with that their secret might be exposed when Mac arrives to identify J.T.'s watch that Arturo found in Chancellor Park. Ray tells Arturo that he must stop working on the broken water pipe at the park because the park is now a crime scene.", "" ]
[ "Announcer: Previously on \"The Young and The Restless\"...", "Kyle: This may come as a shocker to you, but I'm not interested.", "Nick: You need to get up, get dressed, get out of here.", "Phyllis: First of all, I am the CEO of J'abot Cosmetics, alright? I sell sex. So why should I be afraid of the world to see me openly and proudly embracing my sexuality?", "Mac: I keep calling J.T. hoping that he'll answer, that he'll explain, but there's nothing. No matter what you told the police, please tell me the truth, do you know where he is?", "Abby: It was just laying there in Chancellor Park?", "Arturo: Near the dig site.", "Rey: It's inscribed.", "Arturo: Yeah. It says Love, Mac. I don't know who that is.", "Rey: I might.", "Lauren: Look who I was able to pry out of the lab?", "Phyllis: Kerry. Both of you have met Kerry, yes, our amazing new lead chemist. You know, I have two pieces of advice for you if you'd like to succeed, one, separate yourself from Billy. And two, never cross me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Well, hey, look at that, the exact person I needed to see.", "Kyle: What do you want, Summer?", "Summer: I had some ideas about the J'abot-Fenmore Synergy Project, and we really shouldn't let it slip through the cracks.", "Kyle: Call me later, we'll set up a time. Right now, I need the elevator.", "Summer: Okay, well, didn't you tell me that we needed to set our personal differences aside and work together?", "Kyle: You said my time here was limited because your mother's now the boss.", "Summer: Okay, well, I was enjoying her victory.", "Kyle: She's making that slightly difficult for anyone named Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I don't know why we're discussing your personal life at all.", "Phyllis: I could tell you exactly why, 'cause your family is looking for any excuse to dismiss me, in every sense of the word. You wanna undermine my credibility before I even make it though the first of CEO.", "Jack: If you don't want people harping on your private affairs, I suggest you conduct them in private. Get a hotel room. Oh, that's right, you already live in one.", "Phyllis: Let me set you straight, okay? What I do, where I do it, and whom I do it with, that is none of your business. And I cannot play games, not when there is so much at stake for me and this company. And I will do whatever it takes, I will be as blunt as I need to be to make you stop living in the past.", "Jack: You're sleeping with your ex-husband. I'm living in the past?", "Phyllis: Get out.", "Jack: Before I go, do not push the Abbots out, there are thousands of people depending on us to save this place and their jobs.", "Phyllis: Correction, they're depending on me. Now, you may still hold a role on the board here, but I am in charge. And I will do whatever it takes to ensure this company turns a profit. You and your family may not believe me, or support me, but you do have to get the hell out of my way.", "Jack: I don't wanna upset you anymore.", "Billy: Oh, I thought you preferred her as a redhead.", "Jack: Oh, that was a long time ago. I'm moving on.", "Phyllis: You know what, why don't you take your brother with you. I'm busy.", "Billy: No. We got a ton of work to do, so whatever the problem is ...", "Jack: No, it isn't even worth motioning.", "Phyllis: Like you're not gonna tell him.", "Billy: Tell me what?", "Jack: Never mind.", "Billy: No ...", "Jack: Let's get a cup of coffee.", "Billy: What's going on?", "Phyllis: I slept with Nick last night. Jack disapproves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I thought by now we would've heard something from whomever moved J.T.'s body from the park.", "Sharon: Me too. But Phyllis has a point. Knowing the location of the body is the only leverage the blackmailer has. If they learned about the broken pipes, as we did, they would wanna protect their source of cash by moving it.", "Victoria: Do you think that J.T. could still be alive? I mean, I keep telling myself that it's too farfetched, but I just can't let it go.", "Sharon: If they're smart enough to pull all of this off, they'd be tormenting us from as far away as possible.", "Victoria: All of the threat letters were postmarked Genoa City.", "Sharon: Maybe they're working with someone?", "Victoria: Well, that's just as scary. Has Rey gotten any other leads about J.T.?", "Sharon: If he had, the police station wouldn't be terminating the investigation.", "Victoria: But are they?", "Sharon: I work right beside him now.", "Victoria: No, I know that, but he's a pro at lying and covering things up. Maybe you can take a look at his files again, his correspondence and see if there's anything that we really need to be worried about.", "Sharon: Last time I tried that I got caught.", "Victoria: But you covered.", "Sharon: I think I did", "Victoria: Can't you just try one more time? I don't know about you, but I can't go on like this. All of this fear and paranoia. It's just consuming my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Wanna bite? Now, wouldn't you rather be sitting here with me, doing this, than turning in some random watch to the police station?", "Arturo: You are so right.", "Abby: Just so you know, I get why Rey bugs you. You were planning on turning it in all along.", "Arturo: Yep, I'm used to it. He works there, makes sense... I hope they figure out who lost it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Can we work now?", "Phyllis: As long as you don't have a problem with how I spent my evening last night.", "Billy: Why would I?", "Jack: You can still go with me, you coming or not?", "Phyllis: We have a lot of work to do here.", "Jack: Have at it!", "Phyllis: I got your email on Kyle's marketing plan, plus your notes", "Billy: You shouldn't have done that", "Phyllis: What?", "Billy: Dragging Jack into our battle", "Phyllis: He inserted himself, and we are not battling. It's over, we're done.", "Billy: Now you got the last word right?", "Phyllis: Excuse me?", "Billy: Pay me back for sleeping with Summer you go and do it again with Nick?", "Phyllis: Let me help you out. I didn't sleep with Nick for revenge, I was not manipulating him. You were no where near my thoughts last night.", "Billy: That's why I was the first thing that came out of your mouth when I walked in?", "Phyllis: You still think my world revolves around you, even now. Of course you think that about everyone. But for you to imagine that I give a damn about your opinion of me, when you used my daughter the way you did, that just makes you a clueless, epic narcissist. You know what? I can't do this, if you're gonna sit there and spew garbage at me. I've got a business to run so I'm gonna review the marketing plans, and I will send you and Kyle instructions. You can go now.", "Billy: It's gonna be like that?", "Phyllis: No Billy, it is like that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Thank you for lunch", "Victoria: Don't mention it. Sharon, wait. When you said Rey caught you before, that was nothing.", "Sharon: I pretended that I was looking for something else, that excuse won't fly twice.", "Victoria: I know. I know that, but you took this job so that you could monitor Rey's investigation.", "Sharon: Partly, but we also wanted to help people, which I am, every day. Look, if Rey get suspicious of me, it will backfire on all of us.", "Victoria: Look, I am desperate right now. I can barely sleep at night, every noise makes me think that J.T. is coming back to make me pay, and what if there's a small amount of truth to that? What if he's somewhere close by? We need to know. So that we can protect ourselves and our families.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Hi, I'm Mackenzie Hellstrom. Detective Rosales is expecting me?", "Rey: Ms. Hellstrom. I'm Detective Rosales.", "Mac: Mac.", "Rey: [Sighs] Thank you for going thought all the trouble to meet me here.", "Mac: I was considering a trip back anyway. I was gonna see if you were making any progress, and if I could help.", "Rey: You probably thought your ex-husbands trail'd gone cold. I admit I was worried, too.", "Mac: Wait, you mean there's new information?", "Rey: And if it's what I think it is, it could be a significant lead. I just -- I need you to confirm it for me.", "Mac: I will do whatever I can. Detective, I really need some answers, for my kid's sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Special new project? Color me intrigued.", "Phyllis: Well, since the virtual dressing room app worked so well for Fenmore's, lets adapt it. For J'aboutique.", "Summer: I love it.", "Phyllis: Right? We are gonna drive traffic into the retail stores and we are gonna help the customer just shop faster", "Summer: And spend more money?", "Phyllis: Yes, I knew you would understand. So, come up with how you think the virtual dressing room can work best for the boutiques using the J'abogo app.", "Summer: Okay, you know you may wanna pull Kyle on this too, he's like a wiz with cost benefit analysis.", "Phyllis: If only I could trust him...", "Summer: Okay, well, just think about it though. If you put Kyle on this with me and he rocks the hell out of it and you reward him for his efforts, I think that it'll help show him that he could still have a really bright future here, and make him and Jack really happy.", "Phyllis: I'm done trying to placate the Abbotts.", "Summer: Yeah, but I mean still...", "Speaker 27: Still what?", "Summer: I think that you need to either fire Kyle or give him something real to do.", "Speaker 27: Why?", "Summer: Because if you don't, you're going to have a very intelligent, but very bitter guy with a lot of time on his hands, and what he does with that is not going to help the new CEO or her vision for Jabot... he might do the opposite.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kerry: Hi! Lunch meeting?", "Kyle: I was going to get takeout, then head back to the office.", "Kerry: Well, I'm about done here but you're welcome to join me for a few minutes.", "Kyle: I'd love to. I've been wanting to get to know you better...", "Kerry: Hmm.", "Kyle: Everyone's raving. My dad, Billy, buzz around the office....", "Kerry: Well, I've been told some fascinating things about you, too.", "Kyle: I'm sure you have, but don't believe everything you hear.", "Kerry: Oh, I've seen quite a bit, too. Like everyone watching GC Buzz the day you and Billy promoted J'abot's new sunscreen.", "Kyle: One of the most successful product launches in product history: Birthday Suit.", "Kerry: And you capped it by appearing in yours, live.", "Kyle: So, speaking of videos, I stumbled onto one this morning that made me think of you.", "Kerry: Oh?", "Kyle: A viral clip, of this rock climber scaling a 300-foot wall without any ropes or harnesses.", "Kerry: What? You're afraid one wrong move by me and J'abot goes tumbling?", "Kyle: You don't strike me as someone who makes wrong moves.", "Kerry: You're right.", "Kyle: However, that rock climber was facing the same degree of difficulty as your assignment: improving and replacing Birthday Suit, and the other products Ashley won't let us sell anymore. So, if you need anything to make your job easier, just say the word.", "Kerry: Where did you get your chemistry degree from again?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Mac?", "Mac: Hi.", "Sharon: Um, what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?", "Mac: Um, actually I'm --", "Rey: Just a few routine questions on my end. Um, Ms. Hellstrom, if you'd follow me, please.", "Sharon: Mackenzie is at the police station, with Rey.", "Victoria: What? Why would -- Okay, you know what? This is probably just Rey covering his bases, just one last ditch effort to keep the investigation open. Don't you think? Sharon?", "Sharon: I don't know.", "Victoria: What is it?", "Sharon: It just seemed like, there's more to it.", "Victoria: What do you mean \"more\"?", "Sharon: Mackenzie seemed upset, like something happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Harvard might not have prepared me for the chemical side of the company, but that's where my Aunt Ashley came in handy. Whenever I would visit, she would let me spend time in the lab and answer any questions I had. Then, once I joined J'abot, she continued to do the same. From a business standpoint, she felt it could only help a company to have some idea where the science is going.", "Kerry: That makes sense", "Kyle: Now, I know you and I aren't related, but J'abot is its own family, extending way beyond the Abbotts, so I don't see why you and I can't have the same kind of relationship.", "Kerry: As you and your aunt. I guess that would be quite special, wouldn't it? Are you proposing the two of us conspire to take down Phyllis the same way you and Ashley went after Billy? Or, would I just be feeding you secrets so you could stage your own coup.", "Kyle: I -- I wasn't implying anything like that. I respect and admire Phyllis, enormously", "Kerry: Oh! What a relief, because I do, too. Don't worry, I'll be sure to explain our entire conversation to Phyllis, so she doesn't misconstrue anything. Bye-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: That's really been the hardest part: the questions. I mean, if I can't give me children answers, they're gonna come up with their own.", "Rey: They blame themselves.", "Mac: It's what kids do. No matter how much we try to prevent it. Look, I know that whatever the truth turns out to be, its gonna be tough to explain, and even tougher for them to accept. I mean, J.T. is their father. But it beats never knowing, right?", "Rey: And I'm committed to finding those answers. And after finding this, I think I'm closer.", "Mac: Oh, my God.", "Rey: So you recognize it?", "Mac: It was an anniversary present to J.T. back when we still felt like celebrating. He loved it. Even when things hit the skids, he still wore it till he moved out. Where did you find this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Skinny and sweet.", "Summer: Thank you", "Billy: You're welcome, but I was asking about one of these.", "Summer: You know what you were really asking for? I guess the question is whether it's hot enough to scald the sleeves right off of you, but there's a bit of a build-up, so I'd say no.", "Billy: [Chuckles]You know we still have to work together, Summer.", "Summer: No, I work for Fenmore's, unless my mom transferred you over to their men's department. What is it, the big and tall jerk aisle?", "Billy: I really thought you'd be in a better mood. Doesn't every kid of divorced parents want Mommy and Daddy back together?", "Summer: My mom and my dad. Okay, since when?", "Billy: Oh, I don't know, I don't have the details, thank goodness for that... but you can ask your mother about it she's pretty open. In fact, I'm sure she'll issue a memo about it.", "Summer: Okay, well, I doubt they're serious about one another.", "Billy: [Scoffs]", "Summer: Everything recent and still going on, I think it's a pretty off time to be rekindling ancient history, right?", "Billy: Oh, I don't know are you asking me? No, I have no clue. But I mean, you were instrumental in ruining both those relationships, so...", "Summer: No, I was not.", "Billy: Okay. Whatever you say, but I figure you like it. Then, again, there's no obvious angle for you to milk for your own personal advantage, and that's kinda your M.O., isn't it?", "Summer: Okay, what about you? Horizontal revenge? Who's next? Oh, you know, I know, You can get back at my dad by seducing Grandma Nikki. How about that?", "Jack: Okay, what the Hell was that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cellphone Rings]", "Kyle: [Sighs] Hi, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: FYI, I just spoke to Kerry. She just gave me a full report.", "Kyle: Already? She didn't waste one second.", "Phyllis: I know, right? She's brilliant. She just came up with more formulas for our first cornerstone products to replace what Ashley took off with. She just called me from the lab a few hours ago.", "Kyle: A few hours ago?", "Phyllis: I am late for a lunch across town, so I need you to listen. Billy made some notes to your marketing plan, and I did the same and added some details from Kerry. We just sent you the email.", "Kyle: Perfect. I guess then --", "Phyllis: I'm not done talking. If it seems like Billy does not have a lot of feedback, that's because I deleted anything that I did not agree with. So, it may have been his concept, the boutique and all, but we have to make sure all of the stores are profitable, from day one.", "Kyle: We, as in...?", "Phyllis: Meet me in my office when I get back. I have another assignment for you. It is parallel and pretty major, if you can handle it.", "Kyle: Try me.", "Phyllis: I think I just said I was. This is your chance to show me what you got. Don't blow it. You won't get a second one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Summer's bitter, and I don't know what Phyllis is telling her over mothedaughter pedicures.", "Jack: It sounded like you were going to retaliate for what happened with Nick and Phyllis by sleeping with Summer's grandmother.", "Billy: Well, I was already married to Victoria, and Victor is not my type, so...", "Jack: Well, I was a little more concerned that you retaliate in another way, by getting involved in a high stakes poker binge.", "Billy: No, Jack, no way. Okay? Phyllis' sex life is not my concern.", "Jack: Even if it's with Nick? Her ex-husband.", "Billy: You know, at the office you seemed more upset about it than I was.", "Jack: All motivated by my desire to keep everything that is happening from triggering your addiction.", "Billy: Honestly, unemployment will probably trigger it first, really, I don't know about my future at Jabot, but it's looking grimmer by the minute. I don't think Phyllis and I can work together. Not at the way she is, she's so upset at me still.", "Jack: Okay, help me understand this. I feel like there's something I'm not getting here.", "Billy: Well, I broke up with her, and I displayed a lot of attitude doing it.", "Jack: Well, because she cheated on you with her ex-husband.", "Billy: Yeah, but she still didn't like it, and she's Phyllis, so...", "Jack: Well, we both know Phyllis has a temper, but the way you're talking, she's acting like you did something just as bad, if not worse.", "Billy: What could be worse than Phyllis and Nick spending the night together in bed? Doing it on my favorite Egyptian cotton sheets? No I'm serious. I don't know this for certain, but when I moved in after our little break, they disappeared, okay? Hey! Kerry!", "Kerry: Hey!", "Jack: I just dropped by Jabot to visit, and the door to the lab was locked.", "Kerry: : Well, let's talk now! Excuse us, Billy.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Kerry: I'll take a coffee to go, thank you.", "Jack: Hey, what is this?", "Kerry: : Your son. He's put in some solid time chatting me up at the athletic club.", "Jack: Okay, Kyle obviously went a little too far... He can be a little flirtatious. He's seeing someone right now.", "Kerry: Oh, he's not after me. What he's trying to score is information.", "Jack: About what?", "Kerry: My work at the lab, the projects I'm developing. Please don't act surprised. Are you a father-son tag team?", "Jack: What? No!", "Kerry: Because you just admitted you tried to get into the lab today.", "Jack: Yes, to visit you, to see how you were adapting, to see if maybe there was something I could do to...", "Kerry: To what? \"Make my job easier?\" Kyle's exact words. You know, I really resent the two of you putting on this phony show of support.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, wait, we do support you, and that includes Billy. We are very confident in what you bring to the table.", "Kerry: You Abbot's are a confident bunch. You think squeezing intel out of me is going to help you make sure Phyllis fails.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, thank you for coming. When Sharon said you were in town, I was hoping that you could squeeze in a meeting.", "Mac: No problem. How about Sharon? Graduating college working as a victim's liaison? I'm really impressed.", "Victoria: Yeah, I am, too. It's great for her.", "Mac: So, since your dad was one of J.T.'s victims, does that Sharon's been able to help your family keep tabs on the investigation?", "Victoria: No, not really. I mean she would, but Detective Rosales has been pretty tight-lipped.", "Mac: I noticed that. He asked me so many questions but wouldn't tell me much.", "Victoria: What did he ask you about?", "Mac: He wanted me to ID a watch with \"Love, Mac\" engraved on the back. It was an anniversary present that I gave J.T..", "Victoria: Well, that's so weird. Where did he find it?", "Mac: He wouldn't say. My guess is, J.T. probably pawned it somewhere. Maybe he listed an address, or left another clue that'll help the police track him down... I don't know it seemed Detective Rosales thought so.", "Victoria: Why's that?", "Mac: He told me the watch was a significant lead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Okay, I am not hoping for Phyllis to fail, secretly or otherwise. After everything she and I have been through, I still consider her a friend. What Jabot needs right now are successes, especially now that Ashley has taken off with our product.", "Kerry: Which is why I am in the lab, working day and night to fill those shelves. Even when I'm not there, I am thinking of ways to streamline the process.", "Jack: Okay, obviously Kyle came on too strong. He's a very enthusiastic young man. Our commitment to you, our appreciation for you, is as real as it gets.", "Kerry: Thank you, but Phyllis needs that, too. Jack, like it or not, right now she is Jabot. You can't claim to support one but not the other.", "Jack: Okay, I'm listening.", "Kerry: You're the head of the family. So make them listen to you. Look, If you have your doubts about Phyllis' qualifications, or her abilities, just keep them for now, but pledge to not undermine her leadership, and all of the other Abbotts and board members will follow you. And then, we will see what she, and I, and Kyle, and Billy, and all of the other talented employees who work there can really do.", "Jack: You make a good argument. I hope Phyllis values your loyalty.", "Kerry: I hope you give her the opportunity to value yours. They need me back at the lab.", "Jack: I'm parked outside. I'm heading in that direction. Let me give you a ride.", "Kerry: As long as this isn't you taking a stab at snooping around my workplace.", "Jack: You know I have very important work to do at Dark Horse, my actual job. I was talking about dropping you off in front of Jabot.", "Kerry: Of course, forgive me for even suggesting as much. I am deeply ashamed.", "Jack: Somehow I doubt that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I know this is a place to see and be seen. I'm impressed you got a table without a reservation, but wouldn't your own office be quieter, and a little more comfortable? Just curious.", "Billy: Quieter? Yes. More comfortable? Not so much, not after the morning I had with Phyllis.", "Sharon: What did she do now?", "Billy: Oh, boy.", "Sharon: It's that bad?", "Billy: I don't want to be the one to tell you, but if I don't, Phyllis will, and that's really gonna suck.", "Sharon: Phyllis will what?", "Billy: Announce that Nick is her new sex buddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So how are Becca and DJ holding up?", "Mac: They're okay. Unless, of course, DJ brings up J.T. and starts asking questions.", "Victoria: Gosh, this whole situation is just so unfair for the kids.", "Mac: Trust me, I look forward to explaining that to J.T. in great detail some day.", "Victoria: You know, after all these months, we might need to manage our expectations that he will ever be found.", "Mac: I was thinking the exact same thing, but after talking to Detective Rosales, I don't know... He just seemed so confident and determined. Honestly, I think now we will get the answers we want, and maybe very soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Hey.", "Summer: Hey. Uh...Mom's not back?", "Kyle: She's still at a lunch thing, but how's this for freaky? You're the exact person I wanted to see.", "Summer: Huh. I didn't think that you wanted to see me unless I had an appointment.", "Kyle: Well, things change. Phyllis liked my marking plan for the boutiques and gave me a new assignment.", "Summer: Did she say what it was for?", "Kyle: I came here to find out. But, she texted me, said her meeting is running over. She said you have all the details, about adapting Fenmore's virtual dressing room for the boutiques?", "Summer: Yeah, yeah, for sure. It's kind of a top priority rush thing. She wants to have a version in place by the time the opening of the stores happen,", "Kyle: That's roughly a week away.", "Summer: I know, which is why I asked her to pull you in on this. But I mean, she's the boss. It was just a suggestion", "Kyle: No, no, no, an amazing one for me. The sooner I can show Phyllis and Lauren how much I can do, the better. I'm a little shocked you recommended me for this.", "Summer: Come on, its high pressure, quick results... It's totally in your wheelhouse.", "Kyle: Yeah, but I was such a jerk to you earlier, paranoid about Phyllis declaring all Abbotts the enemy. I can't imagine you'd want to be stuck with me for a week doing this.", "Summer: Well, I want to help my mom with her big boss gig, so....", "Kyle: And I want to do the same thing.", "Summer: Right! And the part about being \"stuck\" together... I don't really want to get in your way, so my mom asked me to write up some ideas about getting virtual dressing rooms into the boutique, so I'm just gonna go do that.", "Kyle: No, no, no, no, we will do that together, after we talk to Digital. Then we can send Phyllis a real proposal, with specific features... sometime late tonight? Unless you have plans tonight?", "Summer: No, no, I canceled everything from now until the boutique's launch, so...", "Kyle: That's smart. Lola and I had talked about a possible movie, but this is my golden opportunity. She'll understand. I'll call her now. Then I need a crash course on Virtual Dressing Room. Grab your computer, meet me in my office.", "Summer: If you insist.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, its no contest, your situation is worse than mine.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: Phyllis broke your heart, then she took your job at Jabot, which I'm assuming is where you heard about Nick and Phyllis. And its so vindictive. What, now she's gonna continue punishing you because you dumped her? You sure you wanna work in an atmosphere like that?", "Billy: Oh, I think it's going to be temporary. Phyllis at Jabot, I mean... She'll flame out as CEO. And this thing with Nick, I think it'll have about the same amount of lifespan.", "Sharon: I don't care about Nick and Phyllis", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: What? No, when I told Nick that it was over, I meant it. Does it sting to learn that he's so eager to move on? Sure, but I have no claim on him, and I have no reason to expect anything different.", "Billy: Hold on a second, I'm gonna stop you right there because you're just giving Nick excuses. And ever since you found out that he cheated on you, he's been spinning a web of crap. \"It means nothing. Don't overreact. Phyllis means nothing to me, don't ruin our family, it'll never happen again,\"... He's been lying, that's all he's doing, Sharon. To be honest, you deserve a lot better. A whole lot better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Thank you, come again", "Billy: You know, I gotta hand it to you.", "Sharon: What?", "Billy: You're handling this whole Nick and Phyllis news amazingly.", "Sharon: Maybe it's like you said. Nick making me question my own judgment, because it's true. I've had more than a couple sleepless nights wondering if I did the right thing putting Christian and Faith through another breakup. But finding out that Nick got back together with Phyllis, that erased any lingering doubts. In a funny way, it's a relief.", "Billy: Okay, but please just don't say that they did us a favor, okay? I don't want to hear that", "Sharon: Oh, gosh, thinking of the two of them together, like that? It's repulsive.", "Billy: Grosses me out, too. But I get it. You're a mother... you're a businesswoman. You gotta stay positive, you gotta, you know, stay optimistic and mature and yada yada yada. Of course. Me, too. But, if it ever gets too much, and you wanna howl at the moon, or shake it up a little bit, or any other kind of hell-raising that's in the same ballpark as that, well, you know who to call, right? You have my number, right?", "Sharon: I sure do.", "Billy: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey! Just had the most productive meeting with Lauren.", "Summer: So did Kyle and I. So, what's up with you and Dad?", "Phyllis: [Sighs] I, uh...I wish I knew. I'm not even sure myself. How do you feel about it?", "Summer: I don't know. I mean, the timing is unfortunate. You both just ended pretty major relationships.", "Phyllis: You could say it-- we got dumped.", "Summer: So it's a double-rebound situation?", "Phyllis: I have a close, deep relationship with your father.", "Summer: Okay, so doesn't that just mean that you have more to lose?", "Phyllis: Sweetie.", "Summer: Mom, I want you to move on from Billy, and have a life filled with nothing but happiness. But are you really sure this is the way to go about it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: That was great seeing you again.", "Mac: You, too. If you hear anything at all from the police, keep me posted? I'll do the same.", "Victoria: Okay, I will.", "Mac: Thanks.", "Victoria: Take care, Mac.", "Mac: You, too.", "Abby: Hi! Was that Mac? Why is she back in town?", "Victoria: Uh, she's here to identify a watch the police found. It's J.T.'s, but Rey wouldn't tell her where or how he discovered it.", "Abby: Wow, that was J.T.'s watch?", "Victoria: You know about it?", "Abby: Of course, yeah, yeah. Arturo found it, and he was gonna turn it in as lost property, but then when Rey saw it, he insisted on handling it himself. Wow, Arturo is not gonna believe this.", "Victoria: Where did he find it?", "Abby: Chancellor Park. His crew is repairing a water line for Nikki, and they found it just lying in a pile of dirt. How bizarre, huh? How would J.T.'s watch get buried in the park?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Arturo: Hey, what's going on?", "Rey: Hey. Your crew told me they were gonna finish here by dark?", "Arturo: I promised them beer and pizza if they finished the job by tonight.", "Rey: Good news, I saved you a big bill at Zelatis.", "Arturo: What's the bad news?", "Rey: Crew's gotta go. I'm taking over this site.", "Arturo: That's not possible. There's a busted water pipe there. This is official city business.", "Rey: So is this." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Theo struggles to find new clients and to also get used to his new family. Jack gives Theo some information he and Traci gathered for him about his grandfather Stuart and Dina he also tells him stories about them both and tells him that it is up to him how much he wants to be a part of the family. Theo bonds with Lola and he admits he is a little overwhelmed by all of this since he comes from a working class background. Billy tells Victoria what Jill told him about Katherine's will and he thinks Cane is running a con on Devon and it is working like a charm. Billy warns Kyle to keep his guard up with Theo because he is a threat just like Cane is to Devon. Victoria tells Nikki about Billy's alter ego and that she is afraid his alter ego could return and Nikki advises her not to ignore her instincts.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Victoria: It was hard for me watching you go through that psychological battle with yourself. I thought I was gonna lose you again.", "Billy: Hey. I almost thought I was gonna lose myself, okay? But I didn't, because of you.", "Kyle: Dina had another baby?", "Traci: Adopted by the vanderways, and they named him eric.", "Kyle: E.V.", "Theo: That's my dad. Eric vanderway. I thought I knew who I was. Now? I'm not so sure. It's nice to meet you, dina.", "Dina: Did you say \"vanderway?\"", "Theo: We would have made some team.", "Kyle: Wouldn't you love that?", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Jack: Well, there is a sight for sore eyes. Hi, nikki.", "Nikki: Well, hello! What brings you by here at the crack of dawn?", "Jack: Oh, I'm early for a breakfast meeting. What about you? Working on nicholas' campaign there?", "Nikki: Ah, well, I've given him a little bit of advice, but he wants to do this without family interference. I assume that's why he brought you into consult?", "Jack: Whatever his reason, I'm happy to oblige. And, between the two of us, we bring a wealth of knowledge to the table.", "Nikki: Indeed, we do.", "Jack: Two completely different perspectives. The, uh, winning candidate, the losing candidate.", "Nikki: [ Groaning ] Oh! I figured it was only a matter of time before you brought up our senate race.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ]", "Nikki: No, I don't think nicholas should run his campaign the way either of us did.", "Jack: Eh, too many dirty tricks.", "Nikki: And, as I recall, didn't you resign in disgrace?", "Jack: Oh, why did I bring this up at all?", "Nikki: [ Giggles ] Well, we learned a lot. We're different people now.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ]", "Nikki: Would you like to join me while you're waiting for your meeting?", "Jack: Uh...sure, thanks.", "Nikki: Nicholas is so pleased that you support him. I mean, clearly, he is made for public office, and, uh, I do think he's right to distance himself from the family name.", "Jack: Yeah, it's probably good advice, given that victor's rise from the dead is still fresh in everyone's mind...", "Nikki: Oh, my god. Jack, I am so, so sorry about that.", "Jack: Yes, you put on quite a performance yourself.", "Nikki: I understand it was important that we deceived people, but I also understand you must be so angry with me.", "Jack: Angry, no. Stung, maybe. Truth be told, when I found out victor was still alive and kicking, I did have a certain odd sense of relief.", "Nikki: Really? Well, then I will remind you of that the next time you're furious with him.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] I am sorry for what this whole episode, uh, revealed about adam. I'm sorry for what it put all of you through.", "Nikki: It put a terrible strain on the family. And I did hate lying to you and to summer. I mean, even victoria believed that her father was dead for a while because we couldn't get ahold of her, and she had just brought billy back, and I know that was a difficult time for them.", "Jack: Yeah, from what I hear, it was.", "Nikki: So, how is he doing?", "Jack: Much better. He seems to be doing a lot better. In fact, the whole family's doing very well.", "Nikki: Jack, you can tell me the truth.", "Jack: I'm sorry?", "Nikki: If you want to talk about it... I know.", "Billy: And please hold all the boss's calls. We have, uh, urgent business to discuss.", "Victoria: [ Laughs ] Really? What business?", "Billy: Yes. Mergers, acquisitions, but mostly just mergers.", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Jack: When you say you know, I'm not sure what you mean.", "Nikki: Theo vanderway, your newly discovered family member?", "Jack: Yeah, that's true. H-how do you know about that?", "Nikki: Well, victor still has ears and eyes around town.", "Jack: That man has too much time on his hands in his retirement. He needs a hobby.", "Nikki: Well, I can understand why he would be interested in this. I mean, anything having to do with theo has to do with his granddaughter, and you know how close victor is with summer.", "Jack: I understand your curiosity, I'm just not sure i want to discuss this. We're trying to keep everything to ourselves for right now, for reasons I'm sure you understand.", "Nikki: I am not pressing you for details. I'm just saying, if you want to talk about it, I can be very discreet.", "Jack: Thank you. It would be nice to confide in somebody who isn't family.", "Nikki: Well, I'm always here for you.", "Jack: All this news is toughest on kyle. He and theo knew each other in new york, and he'd gone there at a very dark place, trying to get over his breakup with summer and wanting to put it all behind him, and... not always in the healthiest of ways.", "Nikki: I get the gist.", "Jack: Theo was kyle's sidekick and partner in crime. Then kyle came back to genoa city and met lola and wanted to put all of that behind him. And I think theo feels left behind. Of course, now they're family, and I'm left mediating, walking a very fine line, trying to respect my son's feelings, and, at the same time, trying to honor the fact that theo is a link to our family's past, a part of our family history that... was buried, lost forever, until we made this discovery.", "Nikki: I can see how important this is to you, and you want to dig into it. But have you thought about what theo wants?", "Theo: You've seen my client list, right? Good. The point is, I think you'd fit right in. You're fresh, unique, ready to break out. All you have to do is be you, and I'll worry about the rest. No, I know you've been doing great on your own. What -- so why do you need me? Well, good question.", "Kyle: Whoa. You're already leaving? This was for you.", "Lola: Thank you.", "Kyle: I was hoping I could have a few minutes to prove I'm not actually as big of a jerk as I was last night.", "Lola: You don't have to prove anything to me. I know who you are, and I know that this isn't easy for you.", "Kyle: So... we're good?", "Lola: Yes, of course. I'm sorry I left the party like that last night.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] So how about a little breakfast in bed?", "Lola: I still need to get to society, but if you're feeling apologetic, maybe you should give that flower to theo. Additional sponsorship", "Billy: Mmm.", "Victoria: Mmm. I have to work.", "Billy: Oh, you just let me do all the work.", "Victoria: No, but -- I know. I, um -- it's not that I don't want to, but... I am the boss now.", "Billy: Oh, yes, I know. You are the boss lady, aren't you?", "Victoria: And I have to set a good example.", "Billy: Okay. You just tell me how you want it. You can lead the way.", "Victoria: What if somebody comes in that door?", "Billy: If you're trying to pour cold water on this, it's not working. It's having the opposite effect for me.", "Victoria: [ Giggles ] Okay. [ Sighs ] I love you.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] And I need you to remind me that my wife is amazing and that my life is wonderful and to help me forget that the world is unjust and unfair.", "Victoria: Oh, no. Why? Billy, what's going on?", "Billy: I talked to my mother, and she informed me that katherine chancellor's will is fraudulent, and that all of devon's money...", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: ...Is cane'S.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: And devon decided to honor his grandmother's wishes and give cane billions of dollars.", "Victoria: Just like that?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: After all these years.", "Billy: Exactly, because devon's a decent guy, and cane isn'T.", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh. Well, I mean... if he is -- is the legitimate heir, I mean... you can't really blame him.", "Billy: Yeah, I can blame him. Look at devon's year. He lost his wife, he lost his father, and now he's gonna lose his money? Cane should just, you know, refuse it.", "Victoria: It's a very complicated situation...", "Billy: Well...", "Victoria: ...And I don't know why you're getting so worked up about it.", "Billy: Because it's cane, and I'm sure he's conning devon somehow.", "Victoria: Do you have evidence of that?", "Billy: No, but, you know, it's cane, like I said.", "Victoria: Well, devon is smart, and I'm sure he made sure everything checked out before he gave up his entire inheritance.", "Billy: Well, you know, it's cane, so he doesn't deserve it.", "Victoria: But that's not for you to decide, and getting angry about it doesn't change anything, billy.", "Billy: Yeah, I know, but that's why I came to see you, to try and funnel some of the energy into a, you know, positive place.", "Victoria: So you didn't just come here for romantic reasons...", "Billy: Well...", "Victoria: I'm your distraction.", "Billy: You get me talking, and I get to look into this beautiful eyes of yours, and i feel better, and my blood pressure's lowered about 10 points, so good job.", "Victoria: Oh, good.", "Billy: Yeah, so how about we try and raise it back up again, yeah?", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Billy: Can we do that?", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Mm. 7, 8... 9...", "Jack: I don't really know how theo feels. This has been a lot for us all to process, the fact that he's a member of our family.", "Nikki: How did he find out?", "Jack: Well, traci and I made the discovery. We were doing research for a book we're writing about the abbott family, and we spoke to dina, who, unfortunately, is having fewer and fewer moments of lucidity. Anyway, she suddenly blurted out the name \"stuart brooks.\" Yes. That stuart brooks. And she said it in such a way that it brought up all kinds of questions. Eventually, we were dealing with the revelation that she and stuart had a baby that dina gave up for adoption.", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] What? Oh, my god, what a bombshell! That is -- I assume you had a dna test.", "Jack: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And to theo's credit, the first thing he asked for when he found he was an abbott was a chance to meet dina.", "Nikki: Whoa. Well, that's awful sweet. How did that go?", "Jack: I informed him about her illness, tried to temper his expectations, but the moment he said the name \"vanderway,\" it was like a light went on in her mind.", "Nikki: So she acknowledged that she had a child, that theo was her grandson?", "Jack: Not exactly. She mistook him for theo's father, eric. Anyway, it was powerful, it was intense, and I think it had quite an impact on theo.", "Nikki: Wow, and for dina, too. I mean... deep down, even if she didn't articulate it... keeping a secret for that long, I mean, that must be excruciating.", "Jack: Yeah, you're probably right. She told no one. Still one more reason for her to feel alone.", "Nikki: And I'm sure she wondered if her child had been cared for or loved. I mean, that's how I felt when i gave up dylan. Being separated from your child creates an ache that never goes away.", "Jack: My mother had more pain in her life than I ever realized when I was young.", "Nikki: I suppose we all do, if we make it as far as we have.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] Life is just full of surprises, isn't it?", "Nikki: Mm.", "Jack: Well, the good news is, theo was raised by two loving parents. He doesn't feel like he missed anything.", "Nikki: Well, that's what he says now. You never know, down the road, he could see things in a more complicated way.", "Jack: Yeah, you're probably right about that.", "Nikki: He has a long journey ahead.", "Jack: It's just so much information for him to process in such a short period of time... you're probably right, it's gonna be a bumpier road than i thought.", "Nikki: The good news is, he's gonna have you right by his side.", "Theo: You've gotten too successful to keep doing it alone, and that's a good thing. Now, picking the right agency for where you are in your career is key. Now, you go with one that's too big, you risk falling through the cracks. You go with one that's too small, and they won't get you to the next level. You know, it's kind of like goldilocks and the three bears, and my agency is \"just right.\" Hmm? I -- yeah, no problem. Give the bigger place a try. But, hey, if they don't give you the attention you deserve, circle back to me, and hopefully I still have a spot for you on my roster. Okay.", "Theo: I know, dad, nothing comes easy. [ Cellphone rings ] Hey, jack.", "Jack: Hey! I was wondering if you had a few minutes later today.", "Theo: Um, I'm pretty booked, but, uh, let me check my schedule. Yeah. Yeah, I think I can make that work.", "Jack: Great. Meet me at society. Text me when you're on your way.", "Theo: Okay, uh, will do.", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Billy: Mmm.", "Victoria: Okay, listen, we really have to stop because i have a meeting that I have to prepare for in 10 minutes.", "Billy: No, no, come on. You can push it.", "Victoria: No, but, after that, I'm meeting my mother, and...", "Billy: Oh, really? Bringing up the mother. Well-played. Cold water thrown.", "Victoria: I'm sorry.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: I'll make it up to you, tonight, I promise.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. What if I'm not into it tonight?", "Victoria: Oh, you'll be into it tonight, I'm gonna make sure.", "Billy: Okay. I will keep the fire stoked just thinking about that all day. [ Sighs deeply ] What could have been.", "Victoria: [ Laughs ]", "Billy: And you -- you lucked out this time, old man.", "Kyle: Theo's a reminder of a time I want to forget. It wasn't until I met you that i realized who I'd become, and i didn't like the guy I saw in the mirror.", "Lola: I know. But I also think you're being very hard on yourself. You know, even though i acted tough in the beginning, I knew that I loved you since the moment we met.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You know, once we got together, I started feeling good about the direction my life was going, about the future, about myself.", "Lola: And then theo showed up.", "Kyle: With a definite agenda. He wanted one thing -- to drag me back to that time, to being that guy, to drive a wedge between you and me.", "Lola: He doesn't have the power to do that.", "Kyle: He managed to plant some doubts in your mind. We both know that's true.", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: Lola, theo being a part of our family changes everything, but I don't know if it will change him.", "Lola: It might.", "Kyle: If there's another side to him that wants to be a better person.", "Lola: You know, I'm not saying there is, I just hope you can keep an open mind.", "Kyle: If it were anyone else, I'd be excited that my dad and traci found dina's grandson, to have another cousin to love and support and vice versa, but theo tried to hurt me. And us. So... I'm hoping you're right, that we can turn some kind of corner, but I'm not gonna take it on faith. I can'T.", "Lola: I understand.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Jack: Hey! Your timing is perfect. I just finished my meeting.", "Theo: And you caught me between mine.", "Jack: Well, thank you for squeezing me in. Have a seat.", "Theo: You know, I was kind of surprised by your call, given how we left things last night.", "Jack: I know we said we were gonna play it by ear, and I hope you don't feel pressured.", "Theo: Oh, not at all. I appreciate you going to the trouble of gathering the family to meet me.", "Jack: While the evening didn't go exactly as planned, it wasn't that bad.", "Theo: Except for the \"kylephant\" in the room.", "Jack: You know what, the abbotts are like every other family -- we bicker, we fight, we say things to each other that no one wants to hear. But we show up because we are bound in a way that can't be broken. Yes, we fight with each other, but we fight for each other, to the end.", "Theo: You're saying you're protective of your family.", "Jack: Absolutely.", "Theo: And you're worried I'm a threat to it.", "Nikki: The real estate division increased its revenue 10% this month.", "Victoria: Oh, good.", "Nikki: I sent you the numbers.", "Victoria: Great.", "Nikki: But we are having a little problem with our property in chicago. It's gonna need your attention.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Nikki: Because it fell into lake michigan.", "Victoria: What?", "Nikki: What is wrong?", "Victoria: I-I'm sorry, I'm -- I'm just a little distracted.", "Nikki: By...?", "Victoria: Um... billy stopped by earlier, and he's fine. He's great, really. He's been very sweet and attentive lately.", "Nikki: But...?", "Victoria: But nothing. I mean, not really.", "Nikki: Darling, what is the problem?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I already said there's -- there's no problem.", "Nikki: Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise to keep it just between us.", "Victoria: Billy was upset because he just found out that there's an issue with katherine's -- with her will. It turns out that the majority of her estate was supposed to go to cane and not devon.", "Nikki: What? I mean, how can that be?", "Victoria: I don't know the details.", "Nikki: Well, katherine and cane were close, but, my god, devon was her grandson. This makes no sense.", "Victoria: And billy felt the same way, but he wasn't just confused. [ Sighs ] He was angry.", "Nikki: Well, the two of them were never close, so that's understandable.", "Victoria: Maybe, but it's like hearing the news triggered this pent-up frustration. I know, I know, I'm probably just being paranoid. I mean, I have no reason to believe that anything's wrong.", "Nikki: I'm not so sure about that.", "Billy: You're here bright and early.", "Kyle: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: I like it.", "Kyle: Right.", "Billy: Yeah, no, it's good. I -- I appreciate, you know, the work ethic.", "Kyle: Look, wherever you're going with this, get to the point. I didn't dot an \"I\" or cross a \"t,\" or my tie is the wrong color.", "Billy: I'm not busting your chops, okay? I know you're going through this thing with theo, and I just want to say that you have my sympathies.", "Kyle: Really?", "Billy: Yeah. I'm as suspicious of theo as you are, okay? I don't know what his M.O. Is, but I don't have a good feeling about it.", "Kyle: I'm hoping he doesn't have one, and him being a part of the family is just something I'll have to get used to.", "Billy: [ Exhales sharply ] Do you think maybe he targeted you years ago?", "Kyle: What?", "Billy: You know, back in new york, when you guys were doing your thing, and he attached to you because you're an abbott?", "Kyle: I don't know. I mean, we kind of fell into the same circles.", "Billy: Yeah, but he does come from more of a working-class background.", "Kyle: Yeah, but he made his own way.", "Billy: And then, years later, suddenly and coincidentally, he is part of a very wealthy family. I guess dreams do come true.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I don't know if even could have planned that. I mean, my dad and traci were the ones that discovered the truth. He never would have known he was dina's grandson if it weren't for them.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I guess I'm more skeptical than others. But I think you're right to keep your guard up.", "Jack: Wow, you -- you misunderstood what I said. I didn't ask you hear to issue a warning.", "Theo: We both know that kyle has an issue.", "Jack: No, that's my whole point. Whatever problems you two have, it's not a deal-breaker, it's something we all have to work through. I want you to be as much a part of this family as you want to be. This is your family.", "Theo: I appreciate that, but... like I said last night, I already have a family. My parents are the ones who loved and raised me.", "Jack: And no one wants to take that from you. We're all happy you have that, but... I'm talking about filling in some of the blanks. Look... for all of us! The abbotts and the brooks missed out on knowing your father. I don't want to miss out on knowing you. Think about it, we could have gone an entire lifetime without knowing about this connection. I don't want to waste that opportunity.", "Theo: I hear you, okay? But, for me, it -- it still doesn't seem real.", "Jack: I understand that. Maybe I can help you make it more real, and not to replace your parents or anything like that. Just to familiarize you with the family you've just discovered.", "Theo: Okay. Yeah, I'm open to that.", "Jack: Okay, cool. So, um... why don't I start by telling you about your grandfather?", "Theo: Sure.", "Jack: Stuart brooks was a big man in this town. He was a journalist and a publisher of the genoa city chronicle for, wow, for decades. Very well-liked. Much admired. Real straight arrow.", "Theo: Wow. This apple fell pretty far from the tree.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ]", "Theo: From the stories I've heard, I feel like I'm a bit more like dina. Maybe you can tell me more about her.", "Jack: Oh, I could tell you stories about dina for days, if you only had the time.", "Theo: [ Chuckles ] I can make the time. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: Dina was an amazing woman for her time. She rebelled against what was expected of a woman back then.", "Theo: Being a housewife?", "Jack: That was part of it. She loved ashley, she loved traci, she loved me, we knew that. But she had a mind that needed to be challenged. She wanted a bigger life, a more glamorous life.", "Theo: Well, now that I can understand.", "Jack: Yeah, I do, too. Now. When I was younger, it was a bit harder because she wasn't there a lot of the time that I thought she should be. She was restless. She needed to scratch that itch, and, eventually, she left us. Left the country. It was a pretty tough time for all of us. But, after that, she accomplished so much. She was the head of an international conglomerate in a world where men ruled everything, and she made it a quite success.", "Theo: That's impressive.", "Jack: Oh, it is impressive. There's nothing predictable, nothing typical about her.", "Theo: Well, I hope i inherited some of her entrepreneurial spirit.", "Jack: Yeah, it seems to me, you did. Oh, you'd have gotten a kick out of her in her prime.", "Theo: I can picture me and gram knocking back whiskey and smoking cigars.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] In her good old days, she would drink you under the table! Listen, uh, traci and I compiled a file for you of, uh, some of your grandfather's family. In here is contact information about your aunts. Let's see -- leslie, laurie, chris, and peggy. All their stuff is in there, and they'd probably love to hear from you, be happy to answer any questions.", "Theo: Thanks.", "Jack: Also in there are some articles written by stuart and some pieces from business journals about dina at mergeron.", "Theo: Interesting reading, for sure.", "Jack: I also included the adoption papers for your father. They're yours now, to do with whatever you will.", "Theo: Thank you for this.", "Jack: I know it's a lot. But my door is always open. When you're ready.", "Kyle: You and my dad have two very different perspectives on theo.", "Billy: Well, I would say your dad is a little too forgiving sometimes. He sees the past through rose-colored glasses. Me, I see it for what it actually is.", "Kyle: Mm, what do you mean?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Okay. A few years ago, uh, I dealt with something like this, except it wasn't a random cousin, it was a random brother. Except the whole thing was a con. Cane lied his ass off, and, yet, the chancellor family welcomed him in with open arms...", "Kyle: Ow. Gotcha.", "Billy: Yeah. Now he's doing it again. He targeted katherine's will, screwing devon out of $2.5 billion. My mom seems to think it was legit. I don't think so. People say lightning can't strike twice. Well, there you go. Once again, cane is king of the world.", "Kyle: Uh-huh.", "Billy: But back to theo because it looks like he is actually part of the family, unlike cane. It doesn't mean he's innocent.", "Kyle: You may be right, but I'm less worried about theo because we know exactly who he is.", "Lola: You look deep in thought.", "Theo: [ Sighs ] Yeah.", "Lola: How are you doing?", "Theo: Jack gave me my homework -- the history of my grandparents.", "Lola: That's cool of him. And also very jack. You know, he flew to miami to get my mom to come to my wedding. He's a family man through and through.", "Theo: Well, I wish he'd passed along some of those warm family feelings to kyle. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm not trying to open that door.", "Lola: No, it's okay. I know it's a lot to absorb.", "Theo: Yeah, I'm taking it in bit by bit. But kyle's not making it easy.", "Lola: I know.", "Theo: And I'm not sure his anger is just about the family thing.", "Lola: Well, what else would it be about?", "Theo: Well, I mean, clearly, he has a problem with me being around you. He think it's just another way I'm trying to mess with him.", "Lola: Is it?", "Theo: No. And I hope you don't think that.", "Lola: I'm capable of making my own decisions about people.", "Lola: Kyle is not proud of the way he behaved last night. He knows that he overreacted, and he should have handled things a lot better.", "Theo: Well, I don't even blame him. You know, if I were in his shoes, I might have reacted the same way.", "Lola: This is a lot for him to take in, too.", "Theo: Well, I get the feeling he thinks I'm not good enough, you know, for him or his family.", "Lola: No, I don't think that's it.", "Theo: He's always seen me a certain way. You know, like I'm not exactly on his level because I didn't come from money.", "Lola: Neither did I, and he married me. Kyle's not like that. I think you're just a little paranoid.", "Theo: No, it's there. I can feel it. Again, I'm -- I'm not judging him for it, but... it's a fact. We came from two totally different backgrounds, and we see things differently.", "Lola: That's not always a bad thing.", "Theo: But he could never fully understand where I was coming from. You know, I couldn't fall back on my family financially when i was starting out. It was all me. So every decision counted, you know? The good ones could propel me forward, and the bad ones could set me back. And when you're doing it entirely on your own...", "Lola: The stakes are higher and it means much more.", "Theo: Nothing feels better than success, and nothing feels worse than failure.", "Lola: [ Sighs ] Okay. Don't tell kyle that I told you this, but when we first started dating and I was running my food truck, he couldn't understand why I was so obsessed with my work.", "Theo: Because everything was riding on your shoulders, and you had to hustle for everything you got.", "Lola: Yes, I was dealing with vendors and customers, competitors, and the city. Everything needed tending to, and I never slept.", "Theo: But you did it on your own. You built a business and a reputation, and look where you are now with the restaurant. You should be proud.", "Lola: Thank you.", "Theo: My father would have been impressed by you. And so am I.", "Kyle: I admit, I was knocked to my heels when I first heard about theo being my cousin, especially because it came at a time when I was trying to cut ties with him. Our lives are moving in a different direction, and i wasn't into partying and being an ass anymore.", "Billy: Ah, yes, I know that feeling -- the regret sundae sprinkled with a little bit of shame and embarrassment.", "Kyle: Exactly.", "Billy: Takes me back to my gambling days.", "Kyle: Unlike gambling, I can't quit theo.", "Billy: Well, you can keep your distance from him. Best way to make sure that he doesn't take a central role in the family is get through to your daddio.", "Kyle: I've made my reservations very clear to daddio. But he's being naive.", "Billy: Jack. He's open arms, big heart when it comes to family. That's the way he's gonna be. But some people take advantage of that. Like cane. Just make sure theo doesn't get that far.", "Nikki: Well, given your history with J.T., It's natural for you to wonder if billy has anger issues.", "Victoria: Billy is not like J.T. He would never hurt me.", "Nikki: Well, no, not deliberately, but he has caused a lot of pain over the years. You're the one who does all of the emotional lifting there, so you probably feel it's your responsibility to solve his problems.", "Victoria: It's not one-sided. He was my rock during dad's illness.", "Nikki: But, darling, if your gut is telling you something is wrong, you can't ignore that.", "Victoria: I don't want to think the worst, but billy has -- he's had a few struggles.", "Nikki: Well, whatever they are, you -- you can tell me. I'll keep it just between us.", "Victoria: It all started when adam came back to town.", "Nikki: Yes, I know that brought back a lot of painful memories for billy.", "Victoria: It's worse than most people knew.", "Nikki: Honey, I may know more than you think. Your father told me that billy was driving the car that nearly hit adam.", "Victoria: Oh.", "Nikki: I didn't want to bring it up with you until I knew that you were comfortable talking about it.", "Victoria: And that was billy's lowest moment.", "Nikki: Well, I don't believe that billy truly wanted to kill adam.", "Victoria: I don't know about that. I mean... he was battling bitterness and anger for weeks. It was torturing him. He couldn't sleep. He started hearing delia's voice. He was an emotional wreck. And then, finally, he had a total break from reality.", "Nikki: What? What do you mean?", "Victoria: Mom, I don't know, it was like he was two different people -- the man that I love, the caring father, and this... completely unrecognizable person, devoid of emotion, capable of...", "Nikki: Of what? Are you worried it's not over?", "Theo: I commend you for being able to hold on to your identity now that you're married to kyle.", "Lola: Well, it does help when you're in love.", "Theo: Maybe that's why I feel like an outsider. The abbotts either see me as a guy trying to cash in or some kind of charity case.", "Lola: Well, I don't know who you're talking about, but you can't control what people think. You can only be yourself and show them who you really are.", "Theo: So young and yet so wise.", "Lola: Okay, hotshot. My mistake, trying to help you out.", "Theo: Hey. Thank you.", "Kyle: You really think cane is bilking devon out of his money?", "Billy: I don't know 100%, but I do know cane's capable of it, and I don't trust him, just like I don't trust theo. He'll work his way into the family, gain everyone's trust, and then he'll rob us blind.", "Kyle: He's definitely a shark when it comes to business, but I'm not so sure how far he'll go when it comes to family.", "Billy: Look, there's nothing we can do about him being related by blood. That's a fact. But we can control how we react.", "Kyle: I'm on top of it. And I'll stay on top it. Who knows, maybe theo will have an epiphany and not try to take advantage of the situation.", "Billy: Huh.", "Kyle: Or he'll try to scam us and shoot himself in the foot. Remains to be seen. But... I don't think he's as dangerous as you do. I see him more as A... nuisance that can be handled.", "Billy: I think that's a mistake, kyle. Mark my words. He's a threat.", "Victoria: You know what, I think maybe I'm overreacting. Billy has gotten control of his feelings, and he's reclaimed his life.", "Nikki: Well, if he is in denial, it doesn't help that you're in denial, too.", "Victoria: I'm not. Look, he's going to therapy, he's working on his issues. He doesn't want to stew in this anger, and he's taking steps to make sure that he doesn't slip up again.", "Nikki: So then why do you still have concerns?", "Victoria: I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm still working through my feelings about J.T.", "Nikki: I'm not sure you should shrug off your concerns about billy.", "Victoria: I shouldn't have brought it up. Billy and I are doing well, and he's in a good place. Forget I said anything." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "John asks Gloria for the receipts that she said she would have ready for him to forward to the accountant. Gloria gives him a file folder. John is not pleased. \"I told you that I wanted actual receipts Gloria. What is this?\" She explains that she ran into some problems when the wedding was canceled and that there will be more bills. She is out of money. He will not give her another cent until she shows that these expenses were accounted for. The telephone rings. It is Gina. She tells John that she needs to be paid for her services thus far. John is furious to lean that she hasn't been paid yet. He turns angrily to Gloria and hands her the telephone. Gloria assures Gina that she will be over with the money later that morning. She then turns to John and tells him that she really needs a cheque to cover Gina's expenses at least. John gives in and writes a cheque, but he assures her that this is the last on until his gets more supporting documents about her expenses. Gloria takes the cheque and looks at it. It is enough to pay off about 3 of the people that she owes, but the rest will have to wait until she gets her money back from Tom's bail. Later when she drops the cheque off to Gina, Tom is nearby and sees the transaction in the Athletic Club. He comes over to Gloria afterwards asking for one of those cheques for himself. \"I have a defender that doesn't care about my case, and I need money to get someone who will do a better job.\" Gloria doesn't care about that. \"That is not my problem Tom. I mean it. I am done. If you threaten me, I will go to the judge and tell him that you are threatening me and he will put you back in jail right now. Maybe if you behave yourself you will get 10 years instead of 20.\" Tom sees that he can't push her right now and he leaves. Tom is losing it. He has a violent reaction when his public defender poo-poo's his claim that he has been framed by his stepson. The defender wants to go ahead with the trial trying to ask for leniency for Michael on the basis of what he sees as the plain facts instead of the fantasy that Tom has that he has been framed. Tom grabs the guy and eerily makes it clear that he will not go to prison for 20 years for something that he didn't do. Michael almost killed Tom when he found him at the coffeehouse harassing Lauren and Mackenzie. Lauren demands to know why he got that way. Michael tells that he has information that he didn't want to tell Lauren about before now. \"Tom was in the hospital the night that you had your most recent hallucination. He was on the surveillance cameras that night.\" Lauren can't believe this. \"He tried to kill me Michael. He had his hands around my neck.\" Lauren realizes something else though. Tom was in jail the night that she had her first episode on the roof. Michael says that is true but he has a friend apparently that sympathizes with him. Michael has some detective work to do. Gloria has denied that she knows anything about the woman who bailed Tom out of jail. Michael doesn't believe her. He will find out about this woman on his own. He has an idea. Gina is the center of Genoa City. Due to her contacts running restaurants, she knows quite a lot of people. Michael takes a chance and calls her asking if she knows anyone by the name of Jennifer Mitchell. She sure does know Jennifer. She tells how that was the woman that saved Gloria's life the night of the engagement party. She can't give Michael the address of the woman but she will look out for her. She also agrees not to tell anyone of their conversation. The Newman launch is going as planned. The projections are bigger than Brad and Victoria had anticipated. They have even started getting new orders for shelves that have been cleaned out. Now it is time to get Sharon into the fray. She gets ready to deliver her live web cast by internet. Brad does the countdown. \"5 4 3 2 \" Nothing! The monitors are blank. The website fails. Something is wrong. Brad looks up at Nick and Nick looks back at him uncomfortably. The launch has been ruined." ]
[ "Brad: Just take care of what you need to. Uh-huh.", "Victoria: I love it.", "Brad: All right.", "Victoria: Make sure that they know that.", "Brad: Okay. I got it.", "Victoria: Great. We'll be waiting for that. Just give us a call.", "Brad: Oh, great. Thank you.", "Victoria: All right. Okay, we'll talk later. Bye-bye.", "Brad: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Brad: What's the good word?", "Victoria: Sandra's checked in with the department stores and all of our point- of-purchase enhancements are up.", "Brad: Ah, so they're open for business.", "Victoria: They certainly are.", "Brad: Great. How are you feeling?", "Victoria: Excited. Nervous. I'm terrified, actually.", "Brad: (Chuckles) I'm right there with you.", "Victoria: This is the biggest day of my career, Brad. For both of our careers. Everything depends on the success of this launch.", "Brad: It's going to be a great day. There are people out there hoping we fail, but that's not going to happen. We've worked too hard.", "Victoria: Okay. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I won't blame you.", "Brad: (Chuckles)", "Nick: No, but I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I'm glad you like the bacon.", "Gloria: Ohh. Oh, my. Goodness gracious.", "John: Well, good morning. We didn't expect you two here.", "Daniel: Well, I didn't expect to be here, but let's just say that the quality of my mom's cooking--", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Daniel: My mom just wants me to join her here.", "John: Ohh.", "Phyllis: I hope you don't mind, John.", "John: Oh, goodness, not at all. Glad you're here.", "Gloria: So how's the little birthday girl this morning? Where is she?", "Ashley: She's good. She spent the night at Brad's.", "John: Uh-huh, and what's the plan for Abby's` big day?", "Ashley: Well, we're gonna have a little party for her at the coffeehouse with some of her friends. I'm gonna take her there after school.", "Gloria: Oh, no offense, but that sounds a little dull for a 7-year-old. How about pony rides, a magician?", "Phyllis: A chocolate fountain?", "Ashley: No. No. Abby wants more than anything just to spend time with her friends and be there with her mommy and dad, you know.", "John: That sounds perfect to me.", "Jack: Well, I just heard from my east coast source. Beauty of nature is open for business.", "Ashley: Any word on sales?", "Jack: Not yet, but the day is still early, right, babe?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, what's the big emergency?", "Michael: Um...", "Lauren: Thanks.", "Michael: Tom paid a visit to the coffeehouse last night.", "Lauren: While Mackenzie was alone.", "Kevin: Did he hurt her?", "Lauren: Its okay, sweetie. Mac's fine.", "Michael: He never touched her.", "Lauren: But your brother and Tom got into a fight.", "Kevin: You did?", "Michael: Don't worry about me.", "Kevin: All right, well, what aren't you telling me? Do you think he's gonna try and hurt Mac?", "Michael: Well, desperate people do desperate things, and Tom is pretty desperate now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: All right, well, thanks a lot. Bye-bye. How about we run lines?", "Sharon: Would you mind?", "Dru: Not at all. Which script?", "Sharon: In the red binder.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: I am just so nervous about this webcast. I've never been on live TV before.", "Dru: Stop it. You're gonna be fabulous. Are you kidding me? Don't worry about the millions of viewers that'll be watching you. Millions.", "Sharon: Oh, thank you for reminding me of that.", "Dru: Stop it. You are going to be fabulous. You've practiced for hours, right? Now it's time to shine and dazzle 'em. I know you can.", "Sharon: Well, I just hope the sales are good, and in that way, I won't have to use this other script.", "Dru: You and me both. Let's keep our fingers crossed, huh?", "Sharon: You know what's ironic?", "Dru: What?", "Sharon: Here we are, the two of us, and we're so excited about today.", "Dru: I know, I know.", "Sharon: And our husbands have been so pessimistic about this rollout.", "Dru: That's because men never want to be wrong. And let's hope that is the case because if they're right, we're all gonna be looking for a job.", "Sharon: You really think that could happen?", "Dru: Absolutely, Sharon. I've never felt this kind of tension here before. Ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Wait a minute, Clausen. You were assigned to defend me. You're tellin' me you don't believe I was framed?", "Will: All I said, Mr. Fisher, is where's the proof?", "Tom: I'm workin' on gettin' it.", "Will: Yeah, I've heard that one before.", "Tom: Not only did this guy set me up--", "Will: Your stepson.", "Tom: Yeah, my stepson. He also tried to strangle me last night.", "Will: Any witnesses?", "Tom: Yeah, but... nobody who will testify.", "Will: If I remember correctly, your preliminary hearing is--", "Tom: The hell with the preliminary hearing! I am not goin' to prison for 20 years for something I didn't do, you got that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: If that bastard so much as looks at Mac--", "Michael: Settle down, settle down.", "Kevin: Settle down?! I'm gonna kill him if he goes anywhere near him!", "Michael: You're not going to do anything crazy! You're going to keep your wits about you!", "Kevin: Oh, oh, like you did?!", "Michael: I had my reasons, okay?", "Kevin: When is that son of a bitch going to jail, Michael? He shouldn't be walking the streets!", "Michael: He hasn't even had his preliminary hearing yet. He could be out on bond for awhile.", "Kevin: So that's it. There's nothing we can do?", "Michael: Well, legally speaking, our hands are tied, so you just have to sit tight, and you're gonna promise me you're gonna do that. Promise me!", "Kevin: Okay. Fine. For now. I have to get to the coffeehouse. Thanks for cluing me in. (Door shuts)", "Lauren: You know, if my bodyguard hadn't come in when he did and pulled you off of him, I think you would have killed Tom.", "Michael: And done the world a huge favor.", "Lauren: Look, I know you despise the man, and so do I, but that part of you that comes out when you're around him, scares the hell out of me. Now what on earth set you off last night?", "Michael: Besides the cheap shot to the back? Look, I don't want to get you any more upset than you already are, but I have reason to believe that Tom is responsible for poisoning you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You know what, Dru? You're right. You can cut the tension around here with a knife, and I think it's gotten worse since Nick came back.", "Dru: Yeah, Sharon, I've picked up on that myself. It seems like Nick has it in for Brad.", "Sharon: It's not just about business, either.", "Dru: Why do you say that?", "Sharon: I just think the reason why my husband came back when he did is because Brad and Victoria are getting closer.", "Dru: Okay. Does that bother you?", "Sharon: I hope they're happy.", "Dru: But...", "Sharon: But nothing. It's not like I'm threatened by their relationship or anything. Look, let's just run the speeches.", "Dru: Let's do it! Let's do it. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Look, Nicholas, if you're gonna be negative, you can just leave right now because we don't need that in here.", "Nick: I'm not being negative. I'm just going on record. If beauty of nature bombs, it's on you.", "Brad: Mmm, well, I'll keep that in mind, Nick.", "Nick: Do that. Have you talked to Dad?", "Victoria: No, but I've been sending him regular updates to the ranch. I don't want him coming into the office and looking over our shoulders.", "Nick: (Laughs) good luck.", "Victoria: Oh, he'll stay away as long as he knows that we have everything under control and that we're all getting along. And I've assured him that I'm going to do everything in my power to make that happen.", "Brad: Let's get back to the matter at hand, shall we? Neil, have you checked in with Memphis?", "Neil: Yes, I have. The warehouse down there is all surplus product.", "Brad: Excellent. Let's keep track of its distribution so we can restock those shelves.", "Neil: Isn't that being a little premature?", "Nick: I agree. We haven't even gotten any sales figures yet.", "Victoria: Ohh, yes, we have. I just got our first results from online orders.", "Brad: Whoa.", "Nick: Can that be right?", "Victoria: I don't want to jinx this, but if web sales are any indication...", "Brad: We have got one big hit on our hands.", "Victoria: I'm gonna call Dad, give him the good news.", "Brad: Anything you'd like to say to me now, Nick?", "Nick: Looks like it's a good thing we got our web site up in time, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: The day's just starting.", "Gloria: Why are you two so interested in the competition?", "Ashley: Jack's hoping that the Newman rollout's going to crash and burn. Right, Jack?", "Jack: Hey, that does have kind of a nice ring to it.", "John: Well, I must say, I was rather impressed with Bradley's campaign he orchestrated.", "Jack: Yeah, wait till you see what Phyllis has done with our web site.", "John: Well, Jack, I may be old-school, but I still like a product sample in my hands.", "Gloria: So do I, sweetheart.", "Jack: Well, face it, Dad. You are old-school.", "John: Oh.", "Phyllis: I think a combination of the two is best, John.", "John: Thank you, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: What do you think, Daniel?", "Daniel: Well, speaking for my generation, life really just isn't worth living without a laptop.", "Jack: There, I rest my case. Oh, Ash, by the way, I got two new computer games for Abby for her birthday.", "Ashley: Well, that was nice of you. She's gonna love that.", "Jack: Listen, I am gonna stop by Jabot on my way to Chancellor. What do you say you go with me? We can watch a bit of the Newman webcast together?", "Phyllis: Um, I have to take Daniel to school and run a few errands.", "Jack: Okay, have it your way. Daniel, I'm glad you could make it.", "Daniel: Yeah, it's good to be here. It's good to see you, Jack.", "Jack: Have a good day, all.", "Ashley: Right behind you, Jackie.", "John: Bye, Jack.", "Ashley: Bye, Daddy.", "John: Bye, honey.", "Ashley: See you all later.", "Daniel: Bye. So should we roll, too?", "Phyllis: I have to finish breakfast.", "John: Oh, Gloria, do you have those receipts that I asked you for?", "Gloria: Yeah, I do. They're right in the living room.", "John: All right. Will you excuse us? You two stay as long as you like and enjoy your breakfast.", "Phyllis: Oh, thanks.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Gloria: Here you go, sweetheart. A full accounting of everything I've spent on Michael and Lauren's wedding.", "John: Gloria, what on earth is this?", "Gloria: You asked for a complete record.", "John: I asked for some receipts, not a fully prepared accounting.", "Gloria: Well, honey, I just didn't want to bother the accountant with something, you know, so minor.", "John: Gloria, the amount of money you're spending on this wedding I would hardly consider minor. (Telephone rings)", "John: Excuse me. Abbott residence. Oh, hi, Gina. What? What do you mean you haven't been paid? That's impossible. Gloria?", "Gloria: Gina, hi, it's Gloria. Yes, Gina, I'm aware of that. And actually, I was on my way over right now. So I'll see you in a little bit. Bye.", "John: Now I thought you said that all the bills for this wedding have been paid.", "Gloria: What I said was that I was running a little short because of all the cancellations.", "John: Now what difference would that make? I mean, you've budgeted the money. You knew way in advance what everything was gonna cost.", "Gloria: All right, there's something I didn't tell you. I changed suppliers late in the game because I wasn't happy with the service I was getting.", "John: Gloria...", "Gloria: Honey, honey, everyone is going to get paid. I promise. And you will know, to the penny, where all of your money's been spent. But just for right now, could I have a little extra to cover these additional, unexpected charges?", "John: Now I told you time and time again, that I am reluctant to give you any more cash until I've had a chance to review what you've already spent.", "Gloria: All right. All right, um... could I have a little more just to make sure that Gina's vendors get paid?", "John: Oh, boy, I tell you. All right, fine, fine. I'm only going to do this because it's Gina.", "John: And, Gloria, I mean it. Not a penny more until my accountant's had a chance to review all of your expenses. Now this should cover it.", "Gloria: Of course, thank you.", "John: I'll see you tonight.", "Gloria: Well, this should cover the photographer, the florist. Everybody else is just gonna have to wait till I get my $50,000 back from Tom's bail. But this is gonna work. It is all going to be just fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Kevin, do you mind if I start if I start decorating for my daughter's birthday party?", "Kevin: Sure, go ahead.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Kevin: Hey, Ashley?", "Ashley: Yeah?", "Kevin: Um, you know, you strike me as somebody who has good judgment.", "Ashley: What's that supposed to mean?", "Kevin: Why are you still spending time with Tom?", "Ashley: I can handle Tom. Don't worry.", "Kevin: Yeah, a lot of people have thought that. And they were wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Poisoned me? Tom? How is that possible?", "Michael: I don't know yet. But the kind of hallucinations you had don't come from bad sushi.", "Lauren: But why do you suspect him?", "Michael: Why? 'Cause it's Tom. Because he's itching to get back at me.", "Lauren: Does this have something to do with what you and Ashley were planning? You know, he accused you of setting him up--", "Michael: No, look, you know, Tom is delusional.", "Lauren: Is he?", "Michael: Look, we know for a fact that Tom was in your hospital room the night you had your final hallucinations.", "Lauren: Wait a minute. Wait... you're telling me he was there that night?", "Michael: Paul checked the hospital surveillance tapes. They catch Tom arriving and departing from the parking garage about the same time.", "Lauren: Oh, my God. I wasn't imagining it. But that means that... Tom's hands were around my neck, and... which means...", "Michael: Which means Tom was trying to kill you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I really wish you hadn't of called the house and spoken to John, Gina.", "Gina: I'm sorry, Gloria. I just assumed John knew about the unpaid bills.", "Gloria: Yeah, he knew. But he's also a very busy man, and he doesn't need to be bothered with such trivial details. So from now on, if you'll just contact me directly. This should take care of everything.", "Gina: Thanks for the money.", "Gloria: My pleasure.", "Tom: Why don't you write me one of those babies?", "Gloria: Why don't you go to hell?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Honey?", "Dru: Hey, hon.", "Neil: Internet and department store sales both look good.", "Dru: How good? Let me see.", "Neil: See for yourself.", "Dru: Wow, honey! This is excellent!", "Neil: Yeah, wanted to give you the news myself since this whole project was your idea to begin with. Now you can breathe a little easier.", "Dru: Well, I don't know about all that. I think I'm gonna wait. Wow.", "Neil: You're gonna wait? You okay?", "Dru: Well, um, here, I... I don't know. Kinda concerned about all the frayed nerves around this place.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, I hear you. It'll get better after today.", "Dru: Yeah, I don't know about that. I pray it will. I'm just glad that we don't bring our work home. It would be so easy to do that.", "Neil: I'm not sure what you're referring to, but did you just talk to Sharon?", "Dru: What?", "Neil: Sharon--did you--", "Dru: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I talked to Sharon. You know, I think something's going on with her and Nick.", "Brad: Hey, you.", "Sharon: Hi, uh, I hope I'm not interrupting.", "Brad: Oh, of course not. You look fantastic.", "Sharon: Thank you. That's because I'm wearing beauty of nature products.", "Brad: Good response. You ready for the webcast?", "Sharon: I'm as ready as I'll ever be.", "Brad: You're gonna knock 'em dead. This is a real coup for Newman Enterprises. We're streaming live video into stores and people's houses on the day of the rollout. It's like a gigantic personal appearance.", "Sharon: The best part is I didn't even have to leave town for it.", "Brad: That's true.", "Victoria: Okay, that was Sandra again. Sales on the east coast are still strong. It looks like numbers in the Midwest are higher than we expected, too.", "Brad: That's great.", "Sharon: Really? So beauty of nature is a huge success?", "Brad: Well, I wouldn't call it a huge success quite yet, but we're well on our way.", "Sharon: Wow, that's great! I'm thrilled for all of us.", "Victoria: Let's go over to the computers, Sharon. There's a couple of things that I want to show you before the webcast.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, you ready to go?", "Phyllis: Yeah, sure.", "Daniel: Mom? What's going on?", "Phyllis: What do you mean?", "Daniel: Well, we came here to see Jack, didn't we? And you didn't even want to be alone with him.", "Phyllis: Oh. Um... you know how you do some things impulsively because you think it's going to be okay? And then you, um, realize it wasn't such a hot idea?", "Daniel: Does this have something to do with what we were talking about last night?", "Phyllis: Sort of.", "Daniel: Working on the Newmans' computers?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Mom, if you did anything you're having any doubts about, just make it right.", "Phyllis: Right. It'll work out the way it'll work out. You know, we'll just, uh, cross our fingers and hope for the best. (Door closes)", "Phyllis: Hey. What are you doing here?", "Jack: Hey. Forgot my cell phone.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Daniel: Well, I gotta go.", "Jack: Don't you, uh, have to drive him?", "Phyllis: Um, we have separate cars. Uh, I gotta go.", "Jack: Hey. Why do I get the feeling you're trying to avoid me this morning?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You need something?", "Brad: You and I need to talk.", "Nick: Now's not a good time.", "Brad: It's the perfect time. Why do you have such a problem with me, Nick? Is it because I came into this company, recognized a good project and made it happen? Is that what has your shorts in a bunch?", "Nick: Nobody needed you to tell them this project was a winner.", "Brad: Really? Come on now. You and I both know beauty of nature wouldn't have gotten off the ground if it weren't for me. We'd still be having meetings and running tests. Victoria and i took the initiative and ran with it.", "Nick: And now you plan to take all the credit for that, right?", "Brad: You know, it's really not so much about the credit. Quite simply, I was hired to do a job. But that doesn't seem to matter to you. You're just determined to be suspicious of me.", "Nick: Just trying to figure out what it is you're really after.", "Brad: What I'm after is what's best for this company.", "Nick: As long as that's also what's best for you.", "Brad: You know, Newman, you are really starting to annoy me. You've been on my case from the day I came back to this company. And on top of that, there's your sister. She's been busting her butt for months-- stepping in for you, running this company when you needed time away.", "Nick: I appreciate everything Victoria's done.", "Brad: Well, you have a funny way of showing it. All you can do is complain and accuse. You're making things pretty unpleasant around here, and I'm sick of it. And so is everyone else, including your wife.", "Nick: You leave my wife out of this.", "Brad: I wish I could, but I can't. She's smack dab in the middle. And she shouldn't be. She's been through enough pain already.", "Neil: Okay, thanks. Appreciate that. Bye. Uh, Vick? I just got a call from our distribution center. They're starting to get re-orders from the stores. Should I tell 'em to start filling or what?", "Victoria: Yeah, uh, go ahead. And then call the plants and tell them that we need to ramp up production. We might have to add a third shift.", "Neil: Okay, I'll get right on it. Hey, listen, Vicki.", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Neil: I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry for doubting your decision to expedite the rollout. Judging from these numbers, you were right to move so quickly.", "Victoria: I appreciate that, Neil. Do me a favor and say all that to my brother, will you?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Sharon: Victoria?", "Dru: Victoria?", "Sharon: Dru and I were just going over my copy here. And we wondered how you felt about this small change here.", "Victoria: That's perfect. Go with it. That's fine.", "Dru: Okay, good.", "Victoria: So are you all set for the webcast?", "Sharon: Yeah, think so.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Victoria: There won't be any glitches, will there?", "Dru: Not if Phyllis does what Nick asked her to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Jack, I have to go now. I have things piling up on my desk.", "Jack: Well, let 'em pile up. With all you've done for Jabot lately, you deserve a break.", "Phyllis: Don't you want me to show you the Newman webcast?", "Jack: Oh, I know what's gonna happen. I want to spend time with you.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, you're the C.E.O. You can take off. I'm just a peon.", "Jack: A gorgeous, crafty, clever peon, and that's why why I'm so crazy about you.", "Phyllis: Jack, you have all these expectations--", "Jack: Okay, you want to change the subject? Fine, change the subject. I know what I need to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You have no clue how much my wife has suffered.", "Brad: Well, actually, I do. After Cassie died, you took off. I was here. I saw firsthand what Sharon was going through. And I know how much this new job means to her. Being spokesmodel for the cosmetics line gives Sharon a reason to get up in the morning. She's gonna travel the world. She's gonna meet new people.", "Nick: Yeah, what's your point?", "Brad: My point is, she's finally happy again. And the only dark cloud is the tension between all of us.", "Nick: Everything was fine in my family until you entered the picture.", "Brad: You know what, Nick? You can feel about me however you want, but as I told you, I'm not going anywhere. Just don't deprive your wife of the passion and enthusiasm she has for the new job.", "Nick: It's so amazing to me.", "Brad: What's that, Nick?", "Nick: How you find a way to make yourself indispensable to so many women. There's Sharon and Victoria. And let's not forget the Abbotts. First Traci, then Ashley. Is that why you're spending so much time with my sister? You got big plans for her, slick? (Door opens)", "Sharon: Good, you're both here. Uh, we're about to start the webcast. You wanna be there?", "Brad: I know I do. Let's get this show on the road.", "Nick: Sharon, could you stick around for a second?", "Brad: Don't be late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: You don't seem to understand, Glo. I'm not going anywhere. I need money. My public defender is a joke.", "Gloria: Well, that's not my problem, is it? See, I bailed you out of jail. But I'm not responsible for you anymore.", "Tom: Like hell you aren't. Your bastard son set me up.", "Gloria: Yeah, so you say.", "Tom: So I know.", "Gloria: So prove it. But I ain't giving you another dime.", "Tom: You might wanna think twice about that, Glo. Because you know I can, uh, blow your marriage sky high anytime I want.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah? Why don't you go ahead and try? And I'll call the judge, and he'll revoke your bail and you will be back in jail so fast.", "Tom: Sweetheart, I'm not going to jail for 20 years for something I didn't do.", "Gloria: Well, maybe if you behave yourself, the judge will be lenient and only give you ten. Mean it, Tom. I'm done with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I didn't tell you this to frighten you.", "Lauren: You just told me that Tom tried to kill me.", "Michael: I haven't proven it yet, but I will.", "Lauren: But if Tom was at the hospital, then what about that night on the roof? I mean, with Sheila? Is that possible?", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no, no. Sheila is locked in a mental institution in California. Remember? We saw her with our own eyes.", "Lauren: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm freaking out here. Sheila Carter has hated me for years. She has wanted me dead. And now you are telling me that someone else wants me dead. What if he tries again?", "Michael: I'm not gonna let it happen.", "Lauren: Okay, we're gonna call the police.", "Michael: And tell them what? That I have a gut instinct? They don't arrest people on instinct. You need evidence.", "Lauren: Well, thank God you have those bodyguards.", "Michael: Yeah, I also have a lead-- tracking down this friend of Tom's.", "Lauren: What friend?", "Michael: The woman who put up his bail.", "Lauren: A woman posted his bail?", "Michael: Yes, but I'm fairly certain that she was just a front for Gloria.", "Lauren: I don't believe this.", "Michael: Look, it's because of Gloria Tom is on the loose and you're in danger, yes.", "Lauren: She should have left him to rot in jail where he belongs.", "Michael: Okay, come here. Come here, baby. Look, those bodyguards are watching you every minute. And I don't want you going anywhere without them. You promise me?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: And also you're gonna have to lay low for awhile till I get a handle on this lady friend of Tom's. Right, you promise me that, too.", "Lauren: All right, so not only do we have to keep a watch out for Tom, but now this accomplice, whoever the hell she is.", "Michael: Listen to me. You don't have to be afraid. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I really should be getting back to the conference room.", "Nick: This won't take long. I just wanted to say how proud I am of you.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, thank you. That means a lot to me.", "Nick: I had reservations about you taking this spokesmodel position, but I can see that it brings out the best in you.", "Sharon: Yeah, this job's changed my whole life.", "Nick: I hope it doesn't change too much. You know, when you're famous and everyone's recognizing you all the time.", "Sharon: I'll still be the same person I've always been. You're the one who's different now. Let's not keep the customers waiting.", "Victoria: I still-- I can't believe these figures. We didn't just meet projections, we obliterated them!", "Brad: Well, let's hope it lasts till Christmas.", "Victoria: Oh, it will. It will.", "Brad: I like your confidence.", "Victoria: I spoke to my dad. He wanted me to tell you congratulations.", "Brad: I appreciate that. I'm glad he's happy.", "Victoria: We should celebrate. What do you say? Tonight, you and me, expensive bottle of champagne?", "Brad: You know what? I would love to, but I have to--", "Neil: Guys, it's almost time. Has anyone seen Sharon?", "Brad: Uh, she's with Nick. She'll be here any second.", "Neil: Dru went downstairs to meet with the I.T. people. I talked to our west coast rep. You know, our stores have opened out there.", "Brad: Great. That means we can get started.", "Victoria: So this is really it.", "Brad: There's the star of our show!", "Sharon: I'm not late, am I?", "Brad: No, no, not at all. Come on, I'll get you situated. Get you ready for your national debut.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You're not welcome here, you got that?", "Tom: Wait--wait a second. I just came by to say how sorry I am about our misunderstanding last night.", "Kevin: Oh, you call what you did last night a misunderstanding?", "Tom: What I did? Hell, your brother tried to strangle me.", "Kevin: Yeah, and if you go near Mackenzie again, I'm gonna finish the job.", "Tom: You know, not everybody in this town thinks I'm a monster, Kevin. I do have friends.", "Kevin: Yeah, it boggles the mind, doesn't it?", "Tom: I'm not gonna cause any trouble, okay? I just... I just want a cup of coffee.", "Kevin: Make it quick. The sight of you makes me sick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I'm just gonna make some more tea. It may calm my nerves. Do you want some?", "Michael: No.", "Lauren: Okay. (Telephone rings)", "Gina: Athletic club dining room. Gina speaking.", "Michael: Gina, Michael Baldwin. Look, I know this is probably a long shot, but I figure you know everybody in town.", "Gina: Who you looking for?", "Michael: I'm looking for a woman named Jennifer Mitchell.", "Gina: Jennifer?", "Michael: Yeah, you know her?", "Gina: Well, yes. But you do, too.", "Michael: What?", "Gina: Michael, she was the waitress who saved your mother's life the night she was choking.", "Michael: (Whispers) Gloria. (Normal voice) uh, may I have her address, please?", "Gina: Well, I can't help you there. The address on her résumé was incorrect.", "Michael: I need to talk to her right away.", "Gina: Well, I'll let you know the next time she comes in.", "Michael: Uh, Gina, don't let her know that I'm looking for her.", "Gina: Okay. I gather this is important.", "Michael: Yes, it's a matter of life and death. Thanks, Gina. Bye. Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom. You're going down. And I'm that much closer to making it happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Hey.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Tom: Looks like somebody's having a party.", "Ashley: Yeah, it's my daughter's birthday.", "Tom: Oh, tell Abby happy birthday for me.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Tom: She sure is a great kid.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, she thought you were nice, too. So how are you?", "Tom: Oh, I'm doing okay. I met with my lawyer today. Looks good that I'm gonna beat these, you know, these trumped-up charges.", "Ashley: Well, you said from the very beginning that you were innocent.", "Tom: I am.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, I'm glad things are working out for you.", "Tom: I guess you know you're... you're the reason I've stuck around this town so long.", "Ashley: Well, I hope when all this court stuff is through, we can pick up where we left off.", "Tom: You know, that's what keeps me going.", "Ashley: Tom, I know that there's a lot of people against us. I think you're an incredible man.", "Tom: I just wanna... make you happy, give you everything you want.", "Ashley: All I really want is you.", "Kevin: Okay, time's up. You've overstayed your welcome. Now beat it. Hey, I mean it. I want you out of here now.", "Tom: I heard you the first time.", "Tom: (Thinking) it will be like that, Ashley. It will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You're a hard guy to say no to.", "Jack: You know, it's funny. My first girlfriend said that to me a long time ago.", "Phyllis: What am I gonna do with you?", "Jack: Oh, I could think of a lot of things. What? Why shouldn't I celebrate this brilliant day with the most gorgeous woman in the world?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay! This is it, everyone. We're about to go live to all of our stores and every computer around the globe.", "Neil: It's about time.", "Brad: How you holding up, Sharon?", "Sharon: Let's do it!", "Brad: That's my girl. All right, here we go. Let's have everyone quiet. Sharon, on my count. All right, in five, four, three, two... what the...", "Dru: What happened? (Telephone rings)", "Victoria: Bradley, what's going on?", "Brad: The screen just went blank.", "Neil: Pull that back up, can you?", "Dru: Oh, my God. That was the I.T. department. We have no webcast. Our entire computer system's crashed! It crashed!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You're throwing out all these compliments because you think I have a plan that you can exploit.", "Jack: Okay, you wanna play innocent? Fine, play innocent. I know what you've done. And I love you all the more for it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Damn you, Phyllis.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: Are you telling me something's wrong with the Newman computers?", "Jill: Oh, please don't play innocent with me.", "Sheila: This is my life. I don't want it out there for public consumption.", "Michael: I'm not playing games. Lives could be at stake." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor and Nikki read a message from Carmen's brother that speaks of her untimely death and how he and the family wishes that she had taken the job in Asia with The House of Kim. Maybe she would have been alive today. Victor and Nikki are surprised. They knew nothing of a job offer from The House of Kim. Victor decides that he will find out more. He calls Mr. Kim and invites him to breakfast that morning. Mr. Kim is only too glad to accept the invite. Jack overhears the call and is not happy to see that Mr. Kim isn't being cautious about spending time with Victor. \"The man has a way of getting information out of you without you knowing that he is doing it.\" Kay is looking for her book. It is a very expensive one and she was reading it the night before. Esther, Kay and Jill look all over for the item but it can't be found anywhere. Kay suddenly thinks that Billy has something to do with this and she runs to the boy's room to search it. Jill is furious. When Kay returns she doesn't have the book but she does have something just as interesting. \"It is a pawn ticket for my $20,000 book. You better take care of this Jill cause if you don't, I will!\" Billy arrives home and sees the pawn ticket on the table. Kay appears and he knows that he has been busted. He tries to explain but she will not hear it. She tells him that if he wants her trust back and wants to remain under her roof, he will have to work at it. Mr. Kim has his meeting with Victor at breakfast and they discuss the companies and Jack's involvement in them. When Victor gets too curious about the offer made to Carmen Mesta, Mr. Kim gets uncomfortable and hurries off. Nikki meanwhile, talks with Sharon who drops the information about Jack telling her that he had a business deal for NVP to deal with in Belize. Billy comes home and sees the pawn ticket in the living room. He tries to explain but Katherine will not hear it. Jack comes to see Billy after hearing of the shenanigans he has been up to. \"You stole from your grandmother? That is the lowest of the low.\" Jack decides to make a boy a deal. \"You go to Hong Kong and take a job with Mr. Kim, I will pay your debts off.\" Billy takes the deal. Jill arrives home and learns the boy is leaving. \"I will make you proud mom.\" They have a tearful goodbye. Victor and Nikki meet at the Club, and Nikki tells about Belize. They know of the corporation that Jack had set up to try to buy Jabot back and they figured that the corporation was established in Belize. Victor is upset that Sharon is being used. \"Nikki, we have to find out just how involved Jack is with all that has been going on.\"" ]
[ "Kevin: There you go, Mom. Do you want something to eat?", "Gloria: No.", "Kevin: Can't multitask, huh? Sorry, I won't interrupt fashioned magazine time again.", "Gloria: I'm reading about the upcoming release of my product line.", "Kevin: \"'Perfume On The Glo',\" I thought Mr. Kim halted production.", "Gloria: Yeah, he did, a few days ago. But Carmen set up this article long before that and they talk about everything. I mean, the different styles of jewelry, the array of perfumes, the inspiration behind the lines and the fact that I was doing this in loving memory of my husband. I've got to be able to use this to change Ji Min's mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What's that you're reading?", "Victor: It's a letter from Carmen Mesta's brother.", "Nikki: Oh. Is it upsetting?", "Victor: Well, it's a response to the letter of condolence that I'd written to her family.", "Nikki: Well, that was sweet.", "Victor: But you'll be surprised to hear what he has to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Good morning.", "Jill: I didn't know you were still here. I'll be gone soon.", "Kay: Well, I stayed because I wanted to apologize.", "Jill: To me?", "Kay: I shouldn't have attacked you the way I did last evening.", "Jill: Well, apology accepted.", "Kay: I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately.", "Jill: Really? Why's that?", "Kay: I have a lot on my mind and believe it or not, I'm genuinely concerned about Billy's money problems.", "Jill: So your insomnia is caused by Billy.", "Billy: Mom!", "Jill: I thought you'd be at work already.", "Billy: I was making my lunch in the kitchen. I'm brown-bagging it. Saving pennies.", "Kay: Well, you've got a long way to go if you're only pinching pennies. You're already late for work and you're losing money as we speak.", "Billy: I'll stay an extra half-hour. Don't sweat it. I better get going.", "Jill: Bye, Darling, I'll see you at the office.", "Kay: I really pray you'll get through to him.", "Jill: Katherine, I have made it very clear that I will not tolerate his irresponsible behavior. Billy is now making an itemized list of all his debts. And all of his spending will be run by Jack and me.", "Kay: And you think that is enough to keep him out of trouble?", "Jill: I don't know. But for his sake, I hope so. I hope so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I just had a second cup.", "Victoria: Mmm, third.", "Colleen: Now I understand why Professor Korbel keeps making fun of us.", "Victoria: Yeah. Speaking of Adrian, I have a proposition for you.", "Colleen: What is it?", "Victoria: The benefit that we're planning for the fine arts museum, I was wondering if maybe you would be interested in helping with the planning.", "Colleen: Um did Professor Korbel say it was okay?", "Victoria: Well, I haven't actually spoken with him about it, but I'm sure he'll be thrilled. The way he went on and on last night about what a great assistant you are.", "Colleen: Um... you know what? I... I can't.", "Victoria: Why not?", "Colleen: I'm sorry. I just think it's a really bad idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: \"Dear Mr. Newman, it's been a struggle for all of us who loved Carmen to come to terms with her death. My parents and sister are too distraught to deal with the police at this point, but I'll be following the investigation from Houston. Although we believe that everything happens for a reason, we desperately wish Carmen had taken the job with House of Kim in Hong Kong sooner. Maybe she would still be alive today. Then again, I was surprised she would consider leaving Genoa City. She loved her work there and spoke very highly on your company and all the Newmans. Thank you again for your kind note. I'll be in touch as the investigation continues. Regards, Antonio Mesta.\"", "Nikki: What a tragedy. My heart goes out to that family. I just can't even imagine having your child killed.", "Victor: Did you realize that Carmen had been made an offer by House of Kim?", "Nikki: No.", "Victor: I'm hoping to have a business meeting later on with Mr. Kim. Perhaps he can shed some light. This is becoming very interesting, isn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mr. Kim: Ji Min speaking.", "Victor: Mr. Kim, this is Victor Newman.", "Mr. Kim: Victor Newman. This is a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?", "Victor: I am planning to have some breakfast at the Genoa City Athletic Club. Would you care to join me?", "Mr. Kim: Breakfast sounds great. I'll be there shortly.", "Victor: All right, looking forward to it.", "Mr. Kim: As am I, Victor.", "Jack: I tell you to avoid Victor Newman, and, what, now you're buttering his toast for him?", "Mr. Kim: Well, I can't hold him off forever, Jack.", "Mr. Kim: Everything will be fine.", "Jack: No, no, you keep your guard up. Don't trust a thing that man says. He has a way of sucking people in and getting information without them even knowing it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I know that you're busy with school and your research assistant job.", "Colleen: Oh, don't forget waiting tables.", "Victoria: Uh-huh. But maybe this would be something you could get someone to cover a couple of your shifts for.", "Colleen: Look, Gina's already made the schedule through the New Year.", "Victoria: Well, that's really too bad. Because I think this would be a very good opportunity for you to do some networking.", "Colleen: What do you mean?", "Victoria: Well, I'll be working very closely with the curators, deciding which pieces should be publicized and displayed. We'll also have gallery owners and, uh, serious art collectors working on various committees. You know, if you're going to major in art history, these are the kinds of people you wanna be meeting.", "Colleen: Sounds neat.", "Victoria: And it would be very good for your résumé. And if all goes well, it could lead to a job for you down the line. You never know.", "Colleen: Okay, I'll do it.", "Victoria: Great! That's good. I'll, uh, I'll talk to Adrian about it.", "Colleen: You know what? On second thought, I just, uh, I am so grateful for the opportunity, but I just can't. I don't wanna overextend myself.", "Victoria: Okay. Sure, um... if you change your mind, the offer will still be on the table. And I really think that you're the best person for the job and I'm sure Adrian would agree with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: What are you doing?", "Kay: I am looking for my book and I don't know where I put it. Esther?", "Esther: Yes, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: I, uh, I can't find my book, Dear. Would you mind looking in the dining room and then try the kitchen?", "Esther: Oh, what's it called again?", "Kay: It's called \"The Thirteenth Tale. All right...", "Jill: Katherine?", "Kay: Now where is it?", "Jill: Katherine, I'll buy you another book! Could we just focus on Billy for a moment?", "Kay: I'm not talking about the book. I'm talking about my scrimshaw piece. It was right there. Esther!", "Esther: I didn't find the book.", "Kay: Oh, well, never mind the book, for heaven's sakes. Have you, or can you remember seeing my antique scrimshaw piece recently?", "Esther: Uh, I'm pretty sure I saw it this past Friday, but after that..", "Kay: What could've happened to it?", "Esther: We haven't had any guests or repairmen since Friday, except William.", "Jill: I doubt the district attorney is a thief, Esther.", "Kay: Well, no one else has been here except the three of us and Billy.", "Esther: I'll check in the other room.", "Jill: Maybe Billy moved it.", "Kay: Uh, well, I hope that's all he did with it.", "Jill: Are you implying that he stole it?", "Kay: Believe me, I would like to be wrong about this, but after seeing him go to Esther for cash...", "Jill: Are you kidding me?!", "Kay: Well, let's just see for ourselves.", "Jill: And how are we gonna do that?", "Kay: Search his room.", "Jill: No, Katherine.", "Kay: Oh, please...", "Jill: No, that's an invasion of his privacy.", "Kay: No.", "Jill: Katherine, don't you dare!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: If we pursue this, we will want to pitch it to the more upscale travel magazines.", "Sharon: I think we should. I think that this is a great idea. \"A day in the life of an NVP Spa-go-er.\" Something to really entice the reader to come and check out our resorts first hand.", "Nikki: Yeah, at least a 2-page photo spread and we should include an incentive. That always works well.", "Sharon: Um... a free custom facial with any spa service over $100 or more or something like that?", "Nikki: Wait a minute, here's another idea. Why don't we include you in the whole thing? We could follow you through the spa so that we hit all the high points.", "Sharon: Sounds great to me. As long as I'm going someplace warm and sunny.", "Nikki: Hey, see, that's one of the perks of being a spokesmodel.", "Sharon: Yeah, it really is.", "Nikki: Oh, boy, I didn't really realize until now how much work Carmen did here.", "Sharon: Yeah, you know, I, uh... I hated what she was doing to Dru, but, um... she knew her stuff.", "Nikki: It's just heartbreaking to think that if she had left town one week earlier, she might still be alive.", "Sharon: Yeah, yeah, um, it's awful.", "Nikki: Did you know about that offer from House of Kim?", "Sharon: Oh, Jack just told me about it yesterday.", "Nikki: Oh. He say anything else about it?", "Sharon: Just that he tried to convince Carmen to leave a week earlier. you know, it's too bad that she didn't.", "Nikki: Terrible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I thought that anything that benefits my company benefits yours. In fact, it benefits the industry as a whole.", "Mr. Kim: \"A rising tide lifts all boats.\"", "Victor: How well put. That is, by the way, why I initiated the tie-in between NVP and Jabot Cosmetics because I thought Jabot needed a boost after that scandal involving the Glo Again line.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I hope you know I intend to make Jabot successful again.", "Victor: And I'm very glad to hear that. You know who came up with the original concept for NVP? Do you know what it stands for?", "Mr. Kim: It's a play on words, isn't it? \"Most valuable player?\" Who's the most valuable?", "Victor: Well, actually, all three of us are. It stands for \"Nikki, Victor and Phyllis.\"", "Mr. Kim: Now where does the \"J\" fit in for \"Jack?\"", "Victor: Well, Jack is respectful of the notion that it all started with the three of us, you know?", "Mr. Kim: I'm surprised that you were able to let go of something so meaningful.", "Victor: Well, that is surprising. Jack is a man of passion, a man of leadership. The company is in excellent hands.", "Mr. Kim: And you've never regretted your decision?", "Victor: Not for a moment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mom? Mom, what's wrong?", "Gloria: I'm just mad, Kevin. If this had been anybody else's project, it would've been full-steam ahead. But because it's mine, because it's mine, it's in the garbage.", "Kevin: Look, it was a bad decision. They shouldn't have cut it.", "Gloria: Would you tell Ji Min that?", "Kevin: I don't wanna upset you even more, but, um...", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: Well, I did a small test run of the jewelry line on the web site. You know, full price, but with a \"Be the first on your block\" twist.", "Gloria: You did that?", "Kevin: And it sold out in a couple hours.", "Gloria: Oh, Honey, I could kiss you.", "Kevin: Not here, you can't.", "Gloria: I mean it! I knew it! This product is a hit and now we've got proof! I gotta go see Ji Min right away.", "Kevin: No, I thought he was supposed to be a smart businessman. How could he not see how much promise this has?", "Gloria: You know something? I say the reason just walked in.", "Kevin: What are you doing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Well? Did you find your little book stashed away in Billy's room?", "Kay: Oh, I found something far more disturbing.", "Jill: What is that? No!", "Kay: Yes. He sold my beautiful antique scrimshaw to a pawn shop. Now that was worth at least $20,000 and he didn't even get half for it.", "Jill: I can't believe he would do this.", "Kay: But I warned you all along, didn't I? I mean, you ignore that behavior, it just gets worse.", "Jill: Katherine, enough! I get it!", "Kay: Oh, yeah? Oh, you get it after my scrimshaw has been stolen and pawned? Now... I don't know how you are going to handle this with Billy. But if you don't, I promise you, I will", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: But he is a very lucky man to have found someone by the way, um... I was curious about something. Why did you offer Carmen Mesta a job at House of Kim?", "Mr. Kim: You know, I'm still in shock over her death.", "Victor: Yes, we all are. But why did you make her that offer?", "Mr. Kim: Well, I was very impressed with Carmen's abilities.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Mr. Kim: Frankly, I also thought she might be welcome the chance to leave town, considering the difficulties she's had with this Drucilla Winters.", "Victor: My goodness, yes. And was she welcoming?", "Mr. Kim: Of course. She accepted the job. She said she was looking forward to the change.", "Victor: Wow. Did she talk to anyone else about this offer?", "Mr. Kim: You know, I'm not certain. I couldn't say for sure. But if you'll excuse me, Victor, I just realized I'm actually late for another appointment.", "Victor: Well, of course. Listen, next time we meet, perhaps you'll come out to the ranch and I'll show you some of my prize Arabians.", "Mr. Kim: Perhaps.", "Victor: Thank you for stopping by.", "Mr. Kim: Thank you, Sir.", "Victor: Have a nice day.", "Mr. Kim: It's a pleasure.", "Victor: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I wanna focus heavily on the Caribbean in the coming year. I think the exotic locale is very appealing.", "Sharon: Yeah, it would be nice to get away.", "Nikki: Are you thinking about Jack?", "Sharon: I was just remembering our trip to the Antigua retreat. It was the nicest time that I've had in months.", "Nikki: Oh. Because of the locale?", "Sharon: Um, both. Oh, Nikki, uh, we had a very relaxing time and that's it. Except for that little unexpected trip to Belize.", "Nikki: Oh, really? How long did you stay there?", "Sharon: Well, it was only one day. Jack just needed to fit in one more important business meeting.", "Nikki: Ah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: The fact that Victor's so curious about Carmen's job offer has me nervous.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I doubt anyone realized that Carmen figured out your real connection to Jabot.", "Jack: Well, they will if you keep talking about it. And I suggest you have a really bad headache if Victor does invite you out to feed his horses.", "Mr. Kim: Rough morning?", "Jack: Yeah. By the way, Gloria should be stopping by to see you today.", "Jill: Jack? I'm sorry to interrupt. Do you know where Billy is?", "Jack: No.", "Mr. Kim: Jack, why don't we continue this later?", "Jack: Yeah, we'll talk. Hey, what is it?", "Jill: Katherine found a pawn ticket in Billy's bedroom. He stole one of her antiques to raise cash.", "Jack: Obviously, we didn't get through to him the other day.", "Jill: She's furious and with good reason.", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait, does she know about...", "Jill: About the bookies in Miami who are after him? No. She has no idea how bad things really are. Billy is out of control and in danger and I don't know what to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, you're home early.", "Billy: Yeah, I...", "Kay: Good thing I got to, uh, the pawn shop on time. Another antique collector almost outbid me on my own artwork. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?", "Billy: I swear I was gonna return it.", "Kay: I don't wanna hear it. I don't wanna hear it, Billy. In fact, I'm gonna go out for awhile.", "Billy: Wait, just... can we talk?", "Kay: No. No. No talking. I want you to stand here and reflect on what you have done. I can only imagine what your father would think. And I feel he would be none too proud. Billy, I don't know what you're going to do to regain my trust, but let me tell you one thing. If you intend to live under my roof, then by God, you better find a way. `", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Good book?", "Colleen: It's fine.", "Professor Korbel: You're upset.", "Colleen: No, I'm not. There's nothing to be upset about.", "Professor Korbel: Last night? Look... you were right. It was too late to keep working. I'm sorry I rushed off, but I guess I hit a wall without realizing it.", "Colleen: Victoria asked me to help out with the museum benefit you two are working on. But unfortunately, I had to pass.", "Professor Korbel: Really?", "Colleen: Mm-hmm.", "Professor Korbel: Oh, well, it would've been, um...", "Colleen: A great opportunity? Yeah, I just-- I have a lot going on.", "Professor Korbel: Well, I wish you'd said yes.", "Colleen: Why?", "Professor Korbel: It would've meant less work for me.", "Colleen: Oh, right. Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I have to go.", "Brad: I'll see you later.", "Victoria: Okay. Hi, JT.", "JT: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "JT: Security report.", "Brad: Hey, JT, hang on a second.", "JT: What, did I miss something?", "Brad: What do you think about this, uh, Professor Korbel?", "JT: Why?", "Brad: I'm curious.", "JT: Well, I thought he was a jerk at first, but it turns out he's a pretty cool guy.", "Brad: How does Colleen feel about him?", "JT: Well, he orders her around and can be pretty sarcastic at times, but, you know, she always says how much she learns in his class. Why do you wanna know?", "Brad: I just can't help wondering about this stranger who's suddenly so close with my wife and daughter and who also happens to be an expert in the field of medieval art.", "JT: Well, Colleen took the job as his research assistant. And he got intrigued with Victoria because of the Newman art collection. I mean, that guy's an art teacher it makes sense to me.", "Brad: Well, I need to be sure. So I want you to find out everything there is to know about Adrian Professor Korbel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Victoria and I are meeting with the head curator of the museum to discuss details, go behind the scenes, see where the proceeds will be going.", "Colleen: Cool.", "Professor Korbel: Until this benefit's over, things might get a bit hectic. I may have to reschedule some of our sessions.", "Colleen: Sure. Whatever.", "Professor Korbel: Working with Victoria is gonna be such a great experience. She's already shown me some of the finer points on how to pry open the wallets of the local cognoscente. The concept of marketing seems far less vulgar when it's associated with supporting the arts.", "Colleen: Is anyone famous going to be there?", "Professor Korbel: So far just the museum benefactors, local gallery owners and collectors. Oh, maybe you can work with Victoria on the guest list, lure in some celebrity to wow the philanthropics. What? It's a funny word?", "JT: Hey, Sexy, how you doing?", "Colleen: Hi.", "JT: Can I sit with you guys or is this teacher/assistant time?", "Professor Korbel: Please, pull up a seat. We were just discussing the museum benefit that I'm working on with Victoria. Colleen bailed on helping us.", "JT: Good. You've taken too much of her time already.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Mr. Kim, do you have a minute?", "Mr. Kim: Sure, Mrs. Abbott, make it quick.", "Gloria: I'd like to talk to you about 'Perfume On The Glo'. I'm hoping that you will reconsider your decision.", "Mr. Kim: Well, it was based on production costs.", "Gloria: What if I could prove that our profits are going to be ever bigger than we first thought?", "Mr. Kim: Now, Mrs. Abbott, you can't guarantee anything.", "Gloria: Mr. Kim, we did a limited test on the web site. The line sold out in a matter of hours. People are raving about it. If you don't believe me, you can check it out for yourself.", "Mr. Kim: I'll take that in consideration.", "Gloria: And you might also wanna read this article. With all due respect, Mr. Kim, I'm gonna fight for this line. Now I know that you respect the Abbotts' opinion. And I know that you know that they don't think very much of me. But we're all on the same team here. We all want Jabot to succeed. And I believe we've got a winner right there. But in the end, you're the boss. So it's your reputation that's at stake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Burglars don't usually return to the scene of the crime.", "Billy: You already heard?", "Jack: If you're thinking of stopping by the house to pawn a few family heirlooms, I chained them all to the table.", "Billy: Don't you wanna hear my side of the story, Jack?", "Jack: It doesn't change the fact that you stole from your grandmother. It doesn't get any lower than that.", "Billy: Look, you, Mom and Grandma cut me off. What am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to pay off the bookies with my so-called salary at Jabot? It would take me 40 years.", "Jack: So stealing was the best answer you could come up with?", "Billy: I was gonna get it back before anyone even noticed.", "Jack: Your plan is full of holes, Pal. The good news is, I'm here to help.", "Billy: How?", "Jack: I'm gonna cover your gambling debts on one condition. You're gonna take a job with House of Kim in Hong Kong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Flowers! Oh, my! What's this for?", "Brad: I was hoping I could convince you to take a little break with me.", "Victoria: Oh, Brad...", "Brad: Hey, listen, um... you know, by the way, I wanted to apologize for the way I reacted earlier. Think it's great that d an are working on this project together.", "Victoria: I do, too. I'm really excited about it.", "Brad: Well, you should be. What's better than the combination of art and charity?", "Victoria: What's better? My husband in a tux?", "Brad: Damn it, where's a tux when you need one?", "Victoria: I think you look pretty good in what you have on right now.", "Brad: I'm sure, did you say what I have off?", "Victoria: Off, yes. I said, \"off.\" That's exactly what I said. (Telephone buzzing)", "Brad: No, no, no.", "Victoria: Yes, M olly? Um, yes, tell them I'll be with them in a moment. All right. It's the conference call. But the sooner I take care of it, the sooner we can take a little break together. How would you feel about going home for lunch today?", "Brad: Mmm. Okay, now you're talking. I'll have the car brought around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: You know, I really wanna go to Coachella sometime.", "Professor Korbel: Palm Springs?", "JT: Yeah.", "Professor Korbel: I was there a couple years ago.", "JT: No, really?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, awesome line-up. They had, uh, The Cure, Radiohead, Wilco, The Pixies.", "JT: Are you serious?", "Professor Korbel: Music is fantastic. Maybe you two should go next year.", "JT: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We should do that.", "Colleen: Oh, hey, you know, I wouldn't go making plans. You have work and stuff.", "JT: Well, yeah. It was just a thought but it would be fun.", "Colleen: Oh, uh, you know what? I'm gonna go grab some. I have class in a few minutes.", "JT: All right. Can you get it?", "Colleen: It's gonna be a process.", "Professor Korbel: Take your time.", "Colleen: Back in the trenches again?", "Kevin: Excuse me?", "Colleen: Well, yeah, things didn't go so well at Jabot. So you're back here wiping down counters.", "Kevin: I own this place in case you've forgot. Thanks. I'm covering for Jana, not that it's any of your business. Now, what can I get for you?", "JT: Hey, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to cancel those dinner plans we made.", "JT: Yeah. You know how girls are. They like to plan things in advance.", "Professor Korbel: It's no big deal. You and I can always grab a bite, uh, when Colleen's busy.", "JT: Yeah, yeah, let's do it.", "Kevin: Here you go. Hey, uh, what's the deal with you and, uh, Professor Korbel?", "Colleen: What do you mean?", "Kevin: I mean, whenever you're around him lately, you seem different. Even, uh --uh... your boyfriend.", "Colleen: Don't you have tables to clean? 'Cause you better get back to work. Bye.", "Kevin: See ya.", "Colleen: All right, well, um, I better get going.", "JT: I'll walk you out.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Professor Korbel: It was nice chatting with you.", "JT: You, too. See you around.", "Professor Korbel: I'll see you in class, Colleen.", "Colleen: Yeah, see ya.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Well, I'm available right away. Today? Yeah, will do. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Mr. Kim. Right, yeah, I'll be in touch.", "Jill: Katherine called me and told me you were here. Baby, how could you? How could you steal from your grandmother?", "Billy: I had no choice.", "Jill: You always have a choice, Billy. You could've come to me.", "Billy: Come on, Mom. You wouldn't have listened to me, just like Grandma didn't.", "Jill: Your grandmother and I have very different views on this.", "Billy: Mom, it doesn't make a difference. I'm leaving.", "Jill: You're leaving? Where to?", "Billy: Mr. Kim offered me a position at his company in Hong Kong. Jack said that he'd pay for my debt if I took the job.", "Jill: Jack told me that he would help. He didn't say he was sending you thousands of miles away.", "Billy: He's helping me out. Don't get mad at him.", "Jill: When are you going?", "Billy: Today. Look, there's no sense in just sticking around. Grandma's not gonna be sad that I'm leaving, not after what she said to me", "Jill: What did she say to you?", "Billy: Basically, that Dad would be ashamed of me.", "Jill: Don't you ever believe that, Billy.", "Billy: This is the best for all of us.", "Jill: Not for me. I'm your mother. I want you here.", "Billy: Don't cry. I'm gonna make you proud.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So how was your workout?", "Victor: Exactly what I needed.", "Nikki: Good.", "Victor: You know I love to work out.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: By the way, I was intrigued by your phone call. Did Sharon say anything about Jack?", "Nikki: I got her to talk about their trip to Antigua. Jack had lots of business meetings, but here's what's interesting. There was also an unscheduled stop in Belize.", "Victor: For NVP?", "Nikki: Sharon didn't know. But Jack never said anything to me about a meeting in Belize.", "Victor: So this trip took place in September just before Jabot was sold.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm, you think it had anything to do with the sale?", "Victor: Katherine told me that the Raaz Corporation wanted to buy out Jabot. But it turned out that Jack had set up a dummy corporation to buy out Raaz.", "Nikki: And what better place than Belize to set up a new corporation.", "Victor: So Jack Abbott is up to his old tricks. And because of my mental condition I was naive enough to believe that he had changed.", "Nikki: Victor, I'm so sorry.", "Victor: Yeah. I must say. What doesn't sit well with me at all is the fact that Sharon got involved with Jack Abbott so soon after her divorce.", "Nikki: Me neither.", "Victor: I think he's using her to cover up his lies. I don't think he really gives a damn about her. I don't think there are any real feelings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You've made me very happy, Sharon. I don't know how I would've gotten through these last few months without you.", "Sharon: Well, you almost... sound like you're saying good-bye.", "Jack: No, no, I... I just... I want you to know how much you mean to me.", "Sharon: Oh, well... the feeling is mutual. I was just... a mess after the divorce and I don't know how I would've gotten through that without you.", "Sharon: Hey, guess what? There is a possible Caribbean trip in my business future. You have any interest in joining me?", "Jack: Well, that's the best idea I've heard all day.", "Sharon: Okay, good. Because Nikki and I were talking about potential locations for my appearances and I had mentioned our trip to Antigua and Belize.", "Jack: Oh?", "Sharon: She wanted all the details.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Billy, where are you?", "Jill: He's gone.", "Kay: Back to work?", "Jill: Gone. As in, for good, Katherine.", "Kay: What are you-- what are you talking about?", "Jill: Billy accepted a job at House of Kim. As we speak, he's boarding a plane for Hong Kong. So you got what you wanted.", "Kay: Well, I wanted him to get his act together, yes. But I don't recall suggesting he go to another country to do it.", "Jill: Well, it's too late now, isn't it?", "Kay: Well, I can't believe he would leave without saying good-bye to me.", "Jill: Oh, my God. How could he face you? How could he face you after what you said about how disappointed in him his father would be.", "Kay: Well, it's true.", "Jill: It's true, but how could you say it while he was still grieving? How cruel could you be? Your constant badgering is what drove him away. He thought that nobody was on his side.", "Kay: What are you saying?", "Jill: I'm saying that there is no excuse for what he did. I know that. But when I think of how you treated him, it makes me sick. How could you not know you were pushing him away? My son is gone. Billy's gone, Katherine, and it's your fault.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Wait, so the samples all sold?", "Mr. Kim: Within a day. From all indications, 'Perfume On The Glo' would be a best-seller.", "Jack: Oh, the idea of Gloria being in charge of such a big project...", "Mr. Kim: How do you want me to handle it?", "Jack: I need some time to think about it.", "Mr. Kim: Well, we better make it quick. Gloria's not gonna stop hounding me until you've-- until I've made a decision.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I'm proud of you, Mom.", "Gloria: Yeah?", "Kevin: Yeah. You went in there and you stood up for something you believe in.", "Gloria: Yeah. John taught me how. I owe it all to him.", "Gloria: It's Mr. Kim.", "Kevin: Take it.", "Gloria: Hello, this is Gloria.", "Mr. Kim: Gloria, its Ji Min. I've thought about what you said earlier, and I've given it some careful consideration.", "Gloria: And?", "Mr. Kim: And I agree. I think your product has tremendous potential. But it needs to be run by somebody who has a little more experience, like Ashley.", "Gloria: I see...", "Mr. Kim: Well, of course, you'll be still working on the project. Ashley will just oversee everything. Mrs. Abbott?", "Gloria: Yeah, I'm--I'm here. Thank you very much for the call, Mr. Kim.", "Kevin: What happened? Did he turn you down?", "Gloria: I think its worse. He's put Ashley in charge of production.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mr. Kim: Well, that was easier than I thought.", "Jack: And now we have Billy taking the job in Hong Kong.", "Mr. Kim: Which has gone from Gloria to Carmen to your brother.", "Jack: Yeah, we'll have to find some other way to take care of Gloria.", "Mr. Kim: Your brother seemed excited about it. You think he can handle it?", "Jack: Yeah, I think he can handle it. He's an Abbott.", "Mr. Kim: And it shows the police and everyone else that I was serious about getting that position filled. It wasn't just a payoff to Carmen.", "Jack: Exactly. Maybe now I can get a little breathing room from the DA and from Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I cannot stop thinking about Carmen Mesta. I mean... didn't she tell anyone about her offer to work for House of Kim?", "Nikki: Besides her family.", "Victor: But it doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't she tell anyone at the company she works for?", "Nikki: I don't know. I know she loved her job. She told me that numerous times.", "Victor: That's the impression I got.", "Nikki: Do you really think that her decision to leave was based solely on the situation with Drucilla?", "Victor: Well, she would've left months ago. She wanted to see the trial through.", "Nikki: That's true. She wanted Drucilla to pay. I think it's very odd that she would cut and run before the trial.", "Victor: Something isn't right here. And I wonder to what degree Jack Abbott is involved. I guess it's time to find out, isn't it?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: What do you want?", "Carmen: What's your family worth to you?", "Jack: You're gonna blackmail me?", "Carmen: That's such an ugly word -- blackmail.", "Paul: She had motive. She had the means.", "Neil: You don't have an alibi.", "Victoria: You'll be considered a prime suspect.", "Brad: You'll be a suspect, too." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victoria's condition is getting worse and the family wants answers. Paul is looking forward and dreading telling Heather all at the same time. Heather is going to each Shelia victim and asking a ton of questions.", "Kevin and Jana work on some inside info to get info about John's will. Michael gets good news about Phyllis' appeal. Paul tells Heather she is his daughter. She is speechless." ]
[ "Jana: So what's it like, working at the, uh, Newman building-- knowing that Victor was responsible for the explosion?", "Phyllis: It was the drilling that caused the explosion, Jana.", "Jana: Yeah, but he's the one who approved it, right?", "Phyllis: They passed all the safety regulations. I think there's some investigation right now. Anyway, Victor's spending all his time at the hospital.", "Jana: So sad for his daughter. I know exactly how he feels. Causing pain to those he loves. And being responsible for a death.", "Phyllis: Um, Jack is working on some relief efforts for the victims.", "Jana: Why? So he can atone for all of his sins?", "Phyllis: He's a good man, Jana.", "Jana: No one's all evil. But he did have his father write Gloria out of the will.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, that was never proven. Ah. Yay. Yay. See you later.", "Jana: Excuse me? Um, I would like to make an appointment with the chaplain.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Is there any change?", "Victor: Right now, nothing. But if she has two readings of 190/40, there's a problem.", "Nick: You better not be stressing about work.", "Nikki: They've ordered additional tests.", "Nick: What kind of tests?", "Nikki: A urinalysis, to check for protein. He said that... that would mean... the high blood pressure was damaging her kidneys.", "Nick: How long will that take?", "J.T.: What'd the doctor say? A formal test takes 24 hours, but they can get an idea by checking every 6?", "Nikki: Right.", "Nick: Can they give her any medication?", "J.T.: The doctors don't know exactly what kind of meds to give her right now, and they won't know that until--", "Nick: Till they get the test results back. What about the baby?", "Nikki: The baby is great.", "Victor: He's as strong as his mother. He's a Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Still no answer. It went to voice mail again.", "Maggie: Yeah, well, J.T. probably keeps his phone off while he's in the room.", "Paul: Yeah. Well, I'm stopping by later, so...", "Maggie: You could leave quicker, if--if you need to go, I'll understand.", "Paul: Well, I just wanna make sure I have enough time.", "Maggie: For what? Another woman?", "Paul: Yeah, I guess. Heather.", "Maggie: Are you gonna tell her she's your daughter?", "Paul: Today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thank you. Ahem.", "Kevin: So why do you look so busy? You should have plenty of time on your hands now that you're not trying to lock me up.", "Heather: Hmm. Somehow I'm sure I'll have more opportunities for that.", "Kevin: Nice. So what are you working on? Maybe I can help?", "Heather: Oh, I'm just, uh, catching up on some of William's old case work.", "Kevin: Sheila Carter?", "Heather: Apparently, a pretty notorious case around here.", "Kevin: Uh, notorious nut job, you mean.", "Heather: Yeah, I was, um, I was reading in her file that last time she was here she shot Detective Sullivan.", "Kevin: Yeah. That's not all she did. She kidnapped my nephew, she made Lauren's life a living hell. I tell you, when Lauren shot her in self-defense, she did the whole world a favor.", "Heather: Is there anything else you can tell me?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, we are all better off with Sheila Carter dead and buried.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. I couldn't wait. How's your sister?", "Nick: Oh, we're waiting on some test results.", "Phyllis: What's wrong?", "Nick: Her blood pressure spiked. Look, I don't want you to get caught, but I will call you as soon as I have any news, okay? I don't know if I'm gonna be able to come into the office today.", "Phyllis: Oh, no problem. Listen, I understand. Stay with your family. My--my thoughts are with Victoria.", "Jack: Bad news?", "Phyllis: You scared me.", "Jack: I'm sorry. Was that Nicholas?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Victoria's still in a coma. Her--her blood pressure is elevated.", "Jack: What does that mean?", "Phyllis: They're waiting to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Good morning. What's the news?", "Dr. Ryan: Well, her blood pressure is normal.", "Nikki: What about the urinalysis?", "Dr. Ryan: Good news, as well. The test results show no sign of protein. Both are excellent indicators.", "J.T.: Thank God.", "Victor: But why did her blood pressure go up and fluctuate?", "Dr. Ryan: Well, I've scheduled another M.R.I. I wanna make sure there's no swelling or bleeding causing the elevation. We'll continue to monitor and let you know what we find.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Nikki: Doctor? I want more information.", "Dr. Ryan: Well, I'm sorry. There's nothing else I can tell you at this point. I know waiting can be frustrating.", "Nikki: I want you to do everything you can to find out what's wrong, all right? I want you to run every test you think might tell you something. And then I want you to run every test that you might think will tell you something. Because I am tired of waiting for those alarms to go off! I need to know what we're facing before it affects my daughter and her baby. Do you understand?", "Dr. Ryan: I do. I'll order a C.B.C. and a full chemistry panel. Okay?", "Nikki: Okay. Thank you.", "Nikki: (Sobbing) oh, dear God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Heather, I don't know how else to say it, I'm your father.", "Maggie: No way! That is so great! That's the best news ever!", "Paul: You know, somehow, I just don't think she's going to share your joy.", "Maggie: Oh, why not? Having a P.I. as a dad? That's great! Okay, okay, okay, okay. How about-- oh, you send her a singing telegram.", "Paul: Boy, you're whip-smart today. I do thank you for trying to make me relax, though.", "Maggie: Hey... if you need backup, I'm a phone call away.", "Paul: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Why don't you sit down?", "Heather: Thank you.", "Lauren: What can I do for you?", "Heather: Uh, there's just a few loose ends on some of William's old files. I'm trying to tie them up.", "Lauren: Ah, I see. You find my police record?", "Heather: Kind of.", "Lauren: What?", "Heather: I wanna talk to you about Sheila Carter.", "[Lauren remembering]", "Sheila: You shot the wrong one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, my God. Is she back?", "Heather: Back?", "Lauren: Uh, please... please tell me... that you did not find her, that she's not alive!", "Heather: No! No! No! No! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. It's-- it's just that I want some additional information for the file.", "Lauren: I know. Okay.", "Heather: I'm so sorry to have upset you.", "Lauren: No, no, no, it's just that just hearing her name sends chills down my spine.", "Heather: Well, after reading the case file, I can certainly understand why.", "Lauren: She wanted and took both of my children.", "Heather: It can help sometimes to talk about the traumatic event. There's a few victims that I've spoken to that actually feel a sense of relief after they've shared their experience. You know, as if they own the ordeal, instead of the other way around.", "Lauren: What do you wanna know?", "Heather: Do you feel comfortable talking about what happened most recently?", "Lauren: Um... okay. Sheila got plastic surgery to look like Phyllis. She then kidnapped Phyllis, her daughter and my son.", "[Lauren remembering]", "Lauren: I was able to track them down at a retirement home. And by the time I got there, they were both fighting over a gun. Ugh! Don't either of you move! When I came in, I couldn't tell them apart. Stand up! Don't you move! The babies were crying and there was-- there was so much noise and confusion, I-I-I... I couldn't think. Which one of you is Phyllis?", "Sheila: Me.", "Phyllis: I am.", "Lauren: They both tried to convince me that they were Phyllis.", "Sheila: Lauren, I'm Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Lauren, ask me anything. Ask me about Nick. Ask me about Michael. I am Phyllis!", "Sheila: Don't listen to her. This is a trick.", "Phyllis: I am!", "Sheila: Lauren, this is a trick! Don't fall for it.", "Lauren: Quiet!! Quiet! I can't hear. I can't think. And then Sheila reached for one of the babies.", "Sheila: Summer, come to Mommy.", "Lauren: Stop it!", "Phyllis: No! No! Point the gun at me. Don't go near the babies. Point the gun at me! Lauren, point the gun at me! No!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Phyllis never would've put those babies in jeopardy.", "Heather: You were a hero.", "Lauren: I protected my family.", "Heather: There was just one more thing about a cage that I remembered--", "Michael: Hey, hey.", "Lauren: Hi. Hi.", "Michael: Oh. What's going on?", "Lauren: Um, Heather was just asking about Sheila.", "Michael: That is not a topic my wife is comfortable talking about.", "Heather: I only had some questions about the warehouse, that's all.", "Michael: Well, we don't have time right now. The contracts for your stores are ready for you to review.", "Heather: Okay. Well, maybe you and I could meet later and finish discussing the rest of the story.", "Michael: Well, I'll, uh, get your coat. This is it.", "Heather: That's it. Thank you.", "Lauren: Bye.", "Michael: Here you go.", "Heather: Thank you very much.", "Michael: Of course.", "Michael: You okay?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: Why was she asking about Sheila?", "Lauren: She said she was going through a file and just was tying up loose ends.", "Michael: Uh, assistant district attorneys don't make house calls to tie up a loose end.", "Lauren: Paul, hi, it's Lauren. Listen, can you call me as soon as possible? It's really important. Thanks. Bye.", "Michael: Sure. Sure. I'm on my way. All right, duty calls. Unless... you need me?", "Lauren: No. I'm good. Promise.", "Michael: Okay.", "Lauren: So what are you working on?", "Michael: Oh, um, I filed a motion to rehear Phyllis' appeal. And I am...", "Lauren: Yeah?", "Michael: Cautiously optimistic.", "Lauren: Oh, my God, that's so great! That's great! I'm gonna see her later.", "Michael: Oh, could you not mention it? Uh, after what happened last time, I don't wanna get her hopes up.", "Lauren: Yeah, I understand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I'm glad you called.", "Nick: I wish I had news for you, but we're still waiting on the test results.", "Phyllis: How are your parents doing?", "Nick: They're trying to stay positive, but it's starting to wear everyone down.", "Phyllis: Are you taking care of yourself?", "Nick: Oh, yeah, three squares a day-- red, yellow and orange gelatin.", "Phyllis: I'm serious.", "Nick: Don't worry about me. Just get back to work.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'll talk to you later.", "Jack: These are requests from various media outlets.", "Phyllis: Jack... please tell me you're not gonna try to kick Victor when he's down.", "Jack: I'm not gonna try to kick Victor when he's down.", "Phyllis: Good! Good! Because you are better than that.", "Jack: It's a shame he isn't. But since his company is clearly responsible for this tragedy, he's probably suffering enough. Though, when Victoria gets out of that hospital--", "Phyllis: He saved your life.", "Jack: Yeah, and then told me if he had a chance to do it again, he'd step right over me. Whatever plagues befall the house of Newman, Victor Newman is not gonna change his evil ways.", "Phyllis: You know, a friend of mine once told me, no one is all evil.", "Jack: There is such a thing as situational kindness. The moment presents itself and people help. Victor Newman does not go out of his way to help anyone but Victor Newman. I'm sure he wishes he was still on his spiritual journey.", "Phyllis: Even if he's not on a spiritual journey anymore, I'm sure he's praying as hard as the rest of the family.", "Jack: Speaking of that, uh, you still seeing the chaplain these days?", "Phyllis: Yes, I am. He's been of great help to me. He's the only one who completely understands what I'm going through. I don't know what I'd do without him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: I was surprised when Mrs. Bardwell came to visit.", "Chaplain: How did that go?", "Jana: It went really well. I, um, I think she's beginning to see that I'm remorseful.", "Chaplain: You've made remarkable strides, Jana.", "Jana: You know, she mentioned that she knew you.", "Chaplain: I don't recall a parishioner by that name.", "Jana: Well, you would know her as Gloria Abbott.", "Chaplain: Oh, yes, John's wife. He would go on and on about her all day if we'd let him.", "Jana: Really? Ah, well, what did he say?", "Chaplain: Oh, what a breath of fresh air she was, how much he adored her.", "Jana: It's a real shame about the will biz, though, don't you think?", "Chaplain: It was unfortunate.", "Jana: Did he tell you why he was so cross with her?", "Chaplain: I can't discuss private conversations with you.", "Jana: I know. I'm--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overstep. It's just that... well, Gloria so wanted to know she'd done to make him hate her. She still has a hard time dealing with it.", "Chaplain: She needs closure.", "Jana: Exactly! And since you can't discuss personal information, do you know if there's anyone else that might able to help?", "Chaplain: John did have a confidante.", "Jana: And, um... what's his name, so I can tell Gloria?", "Chaplain: Todd Scheller.", "Jana: Right. I will let her know. Don't you have another appointment to get to? I don't want to keep you waiting.", "Chaplain: I do. Take care.", "Jana: You, too.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kevin: Jana?", "Jana: Hello, Love. I've just been chatting up the chaplain.", "Kevin: Find anything out?", "Jana: Oh, only the name of John's best mate.", "Kevin: Uh, hold on a sec. Okay.", "Jana: Todd Scheller.", "Kevin: Todd Scheller.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: And the Morley case?", "Maggie: That was a bar fight gone wrong. The bartender hit a patron.", "Heather: He was a repeat offender, right?", "Maggie: Oh, yeah. Yeah, we busted him four other times.", "Heather: Wow. And speaking of repeat offenders, this one's, uh, the big leagues. Sheila Carter?", "Maggie: Yeah, I-I never encountered anyone quite like her.", "Heather: How'd you find her?", "[Maggie remembering]", "Maggie: G.C.P.D.!", "Sheila: Help me!", "Maggie: I, uh, thought I saw Phyllis Newman in a strange part of town, so I followed her into a, uh, warehouse.", "Sheila: Please come quick before he comes back!", "Maggie: Okay. Before who comes back?", "Sheila: I don't know. I just woke up here.", "Maggie: Before who comes back?", "Sheila: I don't know!", "Maggie: Okay.", "Sheila: I don't know.", "Maggie: Okay, okay, calm down. You don't know who did this to you?", "Sheila: No. Please--please just unlock me.", "Maggie: Okay, okay. It's okay. I'm with the police. It's okay. It's okay.", "Sheila: Thank you so much.", "Maggie: We've got it all now, okay?", "Sheila: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: And it turned out to be Sheila Carter. She caught me off guard and choked me out. I... she shot me and let me to die. I-I don't know how Paul found me, I'm just glad he did, because, um... he stayed with me until the paramedics arrived and made sure I was comfortable.", "Heather: Right. 'Cause you were in a cage? Right?", "Maggie: Right.", "Heather: Yeah.", "Maggie: Why the Carter case?", "Heather: Oh, I'm preparing a report on repeat offenders. And one of my goals is to keep 'em off the streets.", "Maggie: Well, citing that particular criminal should make your case.", "Heather: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Monitor beeping)", "Nick: What is that?", "Nikki: It's the blood pressure alarm. Get the doctor! Get the doctor! Nurse?", "Woman: She's okay. We've set the monitor to notify of any changes. She's at 125/70.", "Nikki: Well, that's-- that's not as high as it was.", "Woman: No, it isn't. And that could be a good sigh.", "Nikki: Good. Okay, that's good, Baby. Everything's gonna be fine. We're right here.", "Victor: Stars that shine in heaven so bright keep my children safe tonight.", "[J.T. and Nick leave the room]", "Nick: You all right?", "J.T.: You know, right before Victoria goes to bed, she, uh... she has this little ritual. And if you call me out on this, Man, I'm gonna kill you, but... she picks her clothes out, brushes her hair, and she rubs that, uh, cocoa butter lotion all over her stomach. You know, the stuff that prevents stretch marks? And the whole time she's doing it, she recites that... she recites that poem your dad just said.", "Nick: Yeah, he'd say that to us when he'd tuck us in at night.", "J.T.: I had to get out of there, Man. I didn't want Victoria to see me lose it.", "Nick: No need to explain, Man.", "J.T.: This is the third time her blood pressure's gone up like this. Your mom's trying to stay positive, but... I-I can't, you know? The nurse tells us don't worry about it, you know? Everything's normal, but these up and down numbers-- Man, they... they can't be good.", "Paul: Where is she?", "J.T.: Her blood pressure spiked a few times, so they took her for more tests.", "Paul: Oh. Um, is there anything I can get for you guys?", "Victor: That's very kind of you. We just have to wait it out. But to be frank with you, to see her lying here unconscious, one feels so utterly disconnected from her. I think it's the worst pain I ever felt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What can I do for you?", "Heather: I've been looking into Sheila Carter's last crime spree.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Heather: Long story short, so I can better understand the way a repeat offender thinks and operates.", "Phyllis: Well, it's in the file. You should take a look at that.", "Heather: What about the fake nursery?", "Phyllis: I never saw it. She came to me. I opened the door and saw myself. I freaked out. Sheila tricked Lauren into bringing her son over.", "[Phyllis remembering]", "Sheila: Keep moving down the hall.", "Phyllis: What is this? Do you know someone who lives here?", "Sheila: Enough. Shut your mouth. Shut up. Open the door.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Lauren came in, she couldn't tell the difference between the two of us. She made a very difficult decision, but thank God it was the right one. She shot and killed Sheila Carter. End of story.", "Heather: So I've been told.", "Phyllis: Anymore questions?", "Heather: Uh, no. Not right now. Thank you.", "Phyllis: You know, Ms. Stevens, you should remember this little exchange when my parole comes up. I cooperated with you after you made it your mission to put me behind bars. That's gotta be worth something, don't you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Who's your favorite son?", "Gloria: Now you know that I don't play favorites.", "Kevin: Okay, fine. Who is your favorite son who does your dirty deeds?", "Gloria: Ah. Well, I guess that would be you.", "Kevin: Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay, so I have some highly sought after information courtesy of my amazing, amazing girlfriend. Who happens to be your new best friend?", "Gloria: Hey, hey, hey, don't push it. One visit at a time.", "Kevin: What if I told you that she was talking to the chaplain about John?", "Gloria: Why would she do that?", "Kevin: To figure out the will. When you were talking about it being forged, she decided to investigate. Well, Mom, the chaplain was around when John was acting all crazy and getting into fights.", "Gloria: So maybe the chaplain knows why John cut me out of his will?", "Kevin: Exactamundo.", "Gloria: So what'd she find out?", "Kevin: Well, it turns out while your hubby was in the pen, he had a confidante. I have his name.", "Gloria: Kevin!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: We should see if the chaplain wants to participate in the relief effort.", "Jack: Yeah. That--that'd be fine if he wants to help.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It would be great. He helped your father, didn't he?", "Jack: Yeah, I think he was a-a great comfort to Dad while he was in prison.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Your dad was-- he was sort of losing it at the end, wasn't he?", "Jack: That was mostly due to the wrong medication.", "Phyllis: I've been hearing rumors.", "Jack: Oh?", "Phyllis: They're insinuating that you had something to do with your father's new will.", "Jack: They? Who would \"They\" be?", "Phyllis: Come on, Jack. Jack, come on. You know you could've written a new one.", "Jack: A new will for my father? Version 2.-- Oh, my God, I finally got that money-grubbing witch out of his life? Yeah, I could have.", "Phyllis: Did you?", "Jack: My father wrote that will, Phyllis. If I had any influence, it was my constant campaign to get the gold digger out of our family's life. I guess he finally saw things my way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, how many are left?", "Kevin: Three.", "Gloria: Wouldn't it be wonderful to find out that John never meant to hurt me?", "Kevin: Well, don't update your blog just yet.", "Gloria: I know, I know. But if John did talk to this man, and he has information to prove that Jack manipulated his father, then the whole world will know what kind of man Senator Abbott really is. Call the next one, I'm feeling lucky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: All right. I'll give it to her right away. Thanks.", "Phyllis: All righty.", "Jack: Oh, you just missed it. Todd Scheller left a message for you.", "Phyllis: Oh, you spoke to him?", "Jack: Well, just long enough to tell him you weren't here and to get his name and number.", "Phyllis: Oh, great. Good. Good. I'll, uh, call him back.", "Lauren: Hi!", "Jack: Hey.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hey. Oh, what are you doing here?", "Lauren: Well, do you always greet volunteers that way?", "Jack: I asked Lauren to come by and help us with our relief efforts.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Oh. Great.", "Lauren: Yeah, so I'm on business.", "Phyllis: Okay!", "Jack: I'm, uh, gonna be tied up with a couple of phone calls. Why don't the two of you, uh, start to work?", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Ah, yes.", "Jack: I'm gonna close the door.", "Lauren: Would you?", "Phyllis: Let's do some work.", "Lauren: Okay, so we're working.", "Phyllis: Yeah, let's have some work.", "Lauren: Working away.", "Phyllis: Address some of these.", "Lauren: Oh, envelopes!", "Phyllis: So it looks like we're doing something.", "Lauren: Excellent. Excellent.", "Phyllis: Okay. So how's it going?", "Lauren: Well, uh... I miss my friend. Especially since your family's having such a rough time.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Lauren: I'm not supposed to touch you, okay?", "Phyllis: I know.", "Lauren: Can I touch your hand?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, Mom? Mom, hold on a second.", "Nikki: What?", "Nick: How'd it go?", "Nikki: Good. Great. Uh, we do have to... set the alarm thing, though, again.", "Nick: Oh, so more waiting?", "Nikki: Um... yeah, but you know, that baby was kicking like crazy, trying to wake his mommy up.", "Nick: Hey, do you think... we should call Brad, let him know what's going on?", "Nikki: No, no, no, no. No, not right now. Let's--let's just wait for the results to get back. Right now I wanna focus on Victoria and the baby. And all that kicking-- that's activity. That's gotta be something good, right?", "Nick: It would be a whole lot better if she'd just wake up.", "Nikki: She will wake up. Nicholas, she will wake up. She will be here to welcome that little boy into this world, I know that.", "Nick: Yeah. I'm glad you're staying so positive, Mom. You're really keeping everyone going.", "Nikki: (Sobs) no, I'm not.", "Nick: Yes, you are. Yes, you are.", "Nikki: (Sobbing) all right, look...", "Nick: Here.", "Nikki: No, don't tell anybody. Thank you. Don't mention this to anyone, okay? I'm... I'm fine.", "Nick: I know you are. I won't.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I just got three more companies to sign on to help with medical expenses and any other financial needs of the victims.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's a cool idea.", "Lauren: Oh!", "Jack: Isn't it? I've also decided I am going to sponsor five workers and their families. I'm going to invite them to the state of the state address and they can meet the governor.", "Lauren: Well, it's good to be senator.", "Phyllis: You know, I'm gonna put that on the web site.", "Jack: No. No. No. I don't want this to be a publicity stunt or anything like that. Let's just keep this between us, all right?", "Phyllis: All right. That's great.", "Jack: Oh. You dropped Todd Scheller's message.", "Phyllis: I'm not gonna need that after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Okay, great, thanks. I, uh, I appreciate the information. Bye-bye.", "Gloria: Well?", "Kevin: Oh, well, I-I found him.", "Gloria: And does he remember John?", "Kevin: Well, he was out. But I spoke to the roommate who says that we're not the only ones looking for him. Apparently, he's pretty popular lately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Hi. Uh, I'm just checking in to see how things went with your daughter.", "Paul: Well, uh, I'm running a little late. I haven't met with her yet. And, uh... you know what? I should probably go, 'cause, uh, I don't see her. I should look for her.", "Maggie: Good luck.", "Paul: All right, thanks. I'll call you later.", "Heather: Looking for me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: When I was at the loft, I saw your Christmas list. She starts it earlier every year, I'm telling ya.", "Nick: Ooh, Vick is gonna be mad. You remember what she did when she found out I read her journal?", "Nikki: Mmm.", "J.T.: What did she do?", "Nick: She wrote a bunch of lies in there. Said that Mom and Dad were gonna send me to military school.", "Victor: Oh, that's right. I remember you were petrified they would shave your head.", "Nikki: She said it would be so very weird to have a bald brother.", "Dr. Grant: Hello, I'm Dr. Eve Grant. I have your daughter's test results.", "Nikki: Where's Dr. Ryan?", "Dr. Grant: He's in surgery. I'm the resident assigned to assist Dr. Ryan.", "Victor: Excuse me, Dr. Grant, but you haven't finished medical school and you're in charge of my daughter's life?", "Dr. Grant: Sir, I'm a fourth year. I'm more than capable. The test results are very straightforward.", "Victor: Uh-huh. What did they say?", "Dr. Grant: Well, the M.R.I. showed no bleeding in the head, and no swelling. Her elevated blood pressure was not caused by any head trauma. Her liver functions are normal and her urinalysis was clean.", "Nikki: Well, what is going on with her then?", "Dr. Grant: We are doing everything possible to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kevin: Hello? Yes, I was trying to get in touch with Mr. Todd scheller? Oh, this is his secretary? How are you? Uh, fine, thanks. I, uh, I was calling in regards to, um, Mr. John Abbott? Does that name ring a bell? Did Mr. Scheller ever mention him? Oh--oh, he did? Uh, that's great. Yeah, no, that's great. Um, would you mind having him give me a call back when he gets back in town? Okay, thank you. All right, take care.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It was a category 5 tornado by the time it hit Barneveld. It did incredible damage. Dad donated 10% of all Jabot products sold in Wisconsin to the relief effort.", "Phyllis: John was very generous.", "Jack: I always admired how committed he was to the community.", "Lauren: You know what? I think it's time for me to go home.", "Michael: Hey, hey, hey!", "Lauren: Oh, my goodness! Hi!", "Phyllis: Hey, look at you, you look happy.", "Lauren: He does.", "Michael: Well, seeing my lovely wife and lovely friend always makes for a better day. Hello, Jack.", "Jack: Baldwin.", "Lauren: All right, so what put you in this mood?", "Michael: Uh, your appeal is going to be reconsidered by the appellate court.", "Lauren: Oh, my God!", "Phyllis: No, is it really?", "Michael: Yes!", "Phyllis: Are you serious?", "Michael: Yep.", "Phyllis: Oh, Michael, you are the best. You are the best! You are the best.", "Lauren: Of course he is! Oh, I knew you could do it! I knew it!", "Jack: Well, maybe we'll get the right outcome this time, huh?", "Michael: Hm.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jack: Oh, that's my Madison office. We will celebrate later, huh?", "Phyllis: Okay. Wow. Really?", "Michael: Yes.", "Phyllis: This is huge. This is huge!", "Michael: Okay... this is also good news, remember?", "Phyllis: I know. It's good news. I just--I-I wanna be able to-- to celebrate with my husband.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey. He'll call soon. You can tell him then, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, definitely. Definitely. I mean, he--he has all his focus on his sister right now, and he should.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Boy, this, um... this really isn't easy for me. Uh... what I have to tell you... is gonna change both our lives. I've wanted to do it for some time and, uh... it's never--", "Heather: Go ahead.", "Paul: When I was a teenager... the thing I was most interested in was having a good time. Especially with the girls, if you know what I mean. And, um... I got this one girl pregnant. And I didn't step up and do the right thing the way I should've. We tried the family thing. I, um... got married. But I was really young and I couldn't-- I couldn't... it was really too much for me. I couldn't handle it. And we both decided that the best thing for the child would be... if she was raised without me. And, um... they moved away. I got updates, you know, from her mother every so often. And every now and then, I-I would see her. And I was hoping that, uh... when she looked in my eyes, she would remember the few times that--that I held her in my arms and I rocked her to sleep. But she didn't. I struggled, you know, wanting to tell her the truth time after time. But I made a promise that I wouldn't do that. And I-I kept my promise. Until now. Heather... you're my daughter.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: Keep an eye out for random spot checks in the next couple of days.", "Phyllis: Because that is the assistant D.A. we all know and love.", "Heather: It is my duty to report you.", "Paul: If Heather comes after me--", "Michael: We'll all go down with you!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Gloria puts together a plan to get Angelo to give her money to help with Glowworm since all of her employees have left since she doesn't have money to pay them. Gloria persuades Devon to help Angelo's daughter Angelina prepare for a talent competition that will be held in town. Angie wants Devon to persuade Kevin to go out with her and she makes it clear to Devon that she always gets what she wants and she wants Kevin. Kevin tells Devon that he will never go out with Angie but Devon tells Angie that Kevin thinks she is really something. Gloria's plan works and Angelo gives her a large check which Gloria thinks is a loan but Angelo wants to be her business partner and Kevin overhears the conversation between Gloria and Angelo and doesn't look happy. Cane asks Ronan to help him find Chelsea Lawson the girl that Billy met in Myanmar that could help clear his name Ronan puts Cane in touch with a contact who says that he can't find Chelsea and that Billy was never in prison in Myanmar. Cane later tells Billy that he thinks Victor set him up and paid people not to say anything. Cane decides to go to Myanmar and look for Chelsea and he later tells Lilly that he is helping a friend get out of trouble and he has to leave the country for a few days. Lily remembers her earlier talk with Jill and Victoria in which they advises Lily to trust Cane and give him a chance to explain before she decides not to trust him. Lily tells Cane that she will be there for him when he returns and they kiss goodbye.", "Billy sees Victoria in the park but Victoria doesn't see Billy and Billy becomes even more determined to return to his family. Phyllis and Lauren come to an understanding and become friends again. Michael tells Phyllis that a civil suit is being brought against her for stealing the pictures. Michael also finds out that Avery is visiting Daisy at the prison so Phyllis and Michael head to the prison where Phyllis and Avery have a heated argument where Avery tells Phyllis that she will do everything she can to reunite Daisy with Lucy. Ronan arrests Phyllis because she also has criminal charges pending against her for stealing the pictures of Heather and Adam. Phyllis leaves Lucy with Daniel who gets a call from Daisy saying that Lucy will be with her real mother soon thanks to his Aunt Avery.", "" ]
[ "Lily: (Chuckles) What's this?", "Cane: Um, you know, it looks suspiciously like a butter croissant.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Which I know when you lived in, uh, Paris you would get one every day from, uh, that little boulangerie, uh, Le Grenier Pain.", "Lily: Oh, wow, you remembered.", "Cane: I remember everything.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Cane: Excuse me", "(Ringing stops)", "Cane: (Clears throat)", "Lily: What's wrong?", "Cane: Nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Cane, its Billy. It's been a couple of days. Uh, I was wondering I you... found that girl that a, uh, met in Myanmar. (Sighs) Come on, Man. I need to find this girl. I need to clear my name, put my life back together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Victoria.", "Victoria: Hi. How are you, Jill?", "Jill: (Sighs) Are you taking the day off?", "Victoria: Uh, no. I'm just working from home. And, uh, sometimes, it gets a little quiet around the house. It's a little empty, so I just-- you know, I like to get out. (Sighs)", "Jill: Here. Lauren won't mind.", "Victoria: Oh, thank you. Thanks.", "Jill: Well, it's the least I can do for my daughter-in-law. Huh?", "(Blows into cup)", "Victoria: Not for long. I signed the divorce papers.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Jill: Oh, I'd like to get my hands on that son of mine.", "Victoria: So would I. I just keep thinking it's gonna get easier. But it really just gets worse and worse.", "Jill: Sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Those drinks are coming right up and two Cobb salads. One more minute.", "Gloria: Oh, Kevin, thank heavens. Here, quick. Put this on.", "Kevin: Where is everybody? Oh, wait, I know-- working somewhere they probably get paid.", "Gloria: Listen, I do not need to ear a lecture now about \"How could you trust Jeffrey with your money?\" What I need is a cola, a house red, and a Manhattan.", "Kevin: I am not working here.", "Gloria: Now.", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Devon! You sweet thing. Oh, thank you for coming.", "Devon: Hey, how are you? Mwah, ah, of course. Of course. I was a little bit surprised to get your call. What's going on, though?", "Gloria: Yeah, well, um, you remember my big friend Angelo? You met him at Victoria's, um, Halloween party.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Yeah, I remember, with the-- the guy with the daughter, right?", "Gloria: Yeah, the daughter-- Angelina...", "Devon: Right.", "Gloria: The one you promised to help with her singing career.", "Devon: I--what are you talking--I didn't promise to do anything.", "Gloria: Devon could do it, though, couldn't you? You could, hmm? You know, hone her talent.", "Devon: Gloria, she doesn't have any talent.", "Gloria: Shhh, shh, shh. They're here. Hello. (Laughs)", "Angelo: Devon.", "Devon: Hey.", "Angelo: So, Mr. Big shot record producer, you ready to make my Angie a star?", "Devon: You know what, Angelo? About that--", "Angelo: Ahh, no worries, Kid. I got ya covered.", "Angelo: Showtime!", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Wait for it. I think my sister just made a decent cup of coffee. I am so proud. I could not be prouder.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Very good.", "Eden: You are--you are hilarious. You're funny.", "Michael: Well, I am funny because I'm your brother. Now that is funny.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) Hey, everybody.", "Michael: Hey. Uh, well, has there been some sort of journalist strike?", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) No, the nanny was sick, so Lucy is spending the whole day with mom-- with me.", "Daniel: Could I, um, get a café anything?", "Eden: Yeah, yeah, sure.", "Daniel: (Clears throat)", "Michael: So it's just a day with mommy and Lucy. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Yea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: You said you wanted to talk?", "Avery: That's right-- about getting you out of here.", "Daisy: Back together with my daughter?", "Avery: Interested?", "Daisy: Curious. I mean, you already got me visitation rights. Why go the extra mile?", "Avery: It's what I do. And now that Sharon's case is over, I have more time to right a wrong that's been far too long in coming.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I've missed, uh, watching you enjoy one of those. It's very, uh, sexy.", "Lily: Fattening, yes, I know.", "Cane: Sexy.", "Lily: I have to do an extra lap around the park now, thank you very much. So do you want to join me?", "Cane: Uh... I'd love to, but I've got something I need to do.", "Lily: Work?", "Cane: Sort of. Maybe we can get together later.", "Lily: Uh, yeah, maybe uh, have to go, so...", "Cane: Well, it was-- it was good to see you.", "Lily: Yeah, you, too.", "Cane: (Sighs) Will you do me a favor and call me once and I'll call you back when I can?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Cane, Man, I'm going stir-crazy here. Did you find that girl from Myanmar? Chelsea?", "Cane: No, I-I-I gotta meet someone later today who can maybe help us out.", "Billy: \"Maybe\"? Man, I need more than \"Maybe.\"", "Cane: Well, maybe you, uh, should maybe find someone else who can bail you out then.", "Billy: Look... (Clears throat) Cane, um, I'm sorry. I just... the sooner we find this girl, the sooner I can come out of hiding and I can be there for my family, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I really just don't understand how it's possible for someone to just get on a plane to Hong Kong and the just disappear into the ether.", "Jill: It is strange that Billy has stayed out of touch for this long.", "Victoria: What if something's...", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I mean, I realize that Billy has never messed up on this level before, but, see, Billy just can't stand guilt. All right? So I'm sure he's, like, got his head buried in the sand on some tropical island and won't come back until he thinks we've forgiven him. (Sighs) Lord, if only I'd spent more time with him when he was growing up, maybe he'd a better man.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Jill: But then again, he's a man... (Chuckles) Isn't he?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Jill: And most lie and cheat and break your heart and--", "Lily: I think you're right.", "Jill: I hope you're not talking about Cane, Lily.", "Lily: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Clearly your aunt used emotional and physical threats to control you. I'm gonna request a full psych evaluation. Any medical conditions that I should know about? Anything that might impact the case?", "Daisy: No. Oh, well, actually, I-- I've been having these awful headaches, dizzy spells.", "Avery: Anything in particular bringing them on?", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Yeah, I was trying to stop an inmate from punching Sharon, and I took one to the head myself.", "Avery: Anything else?", "Daisy: Uh, no, I don't think so.", "Avery: Okay, well, before we go any further with this, you should know something about me and Phyllis.", "Daisy: Uh-oh. You're BFFs?", "Avery: She's my sister.", "Daisy: Wow, okay, uh, so I take it you and the grandma from hell aren't exactly close.", "Avery: We're not anything, but if you don't want me to be your lawyer--", "Daisy: No, no, no. I mean, obviously, if you're here, it means you have some serious beef with your sister, and you might work twice as hard in court to kick her butt.", "Avery: My taking you on as a client has nothing to do with Phyllis.", "Daisy: Whatever you say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: She's so messed up. I mean, Lucy thinks that her grandma is her mom, and her dad, I-I'm what? Her brother? (Scoffs) (Chuckles)", "Michael: Want anything else?", "Lauren: No, I'm fine.", "Michael: Okay.", "Phyllis: (Makes silly noises)", "Lauren: I think, uh, Lucy dropped this.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you. You want that down?", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: (Clears throat)", "Lauren: She's so pretty... and happy. It's hard to believe there's any Carter blood in her at all.", "Phyllis: Well, I-I exorcised that family out of her.", "Lauren: How is that possible now that Avery has gotten Daisy visitation rights?", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) Yeah. Every time I take her to that place, she freaks out. She cries. She clings to me. She wants nothing to do with Daisy. Sort of like how you want nothing to do with me.", "Lauren: I was so angry at you for going after custody of Lucy.", "Phyllis: Was?", "Lauren: I still am, Phyllis. I don't know, just-- for the longest time, all I could see is you helping that girl who tortured me.", "Phyllis: I-I know. I know. I know. But I wasn't helping her. I had to get her rights reinstated, Lauren. I had to do that, or she would have done it herself and challenged the adoption. I couldn't risk Lucy ending up with that psychotic.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Why does that actually sound logical now?", "Phyllis: It is logical.", "Lauren: Well--", "Phyllis: That's what I was doing. You understand, don't you?", "Lauren: I-I... I'm trying. I'm-- I'll tell you what I don't understand is what your sister is doing.", "Phyllis: Oh, I understand hat.", "Lauren: Really? 'Cause you-- could you explain it to me? I mean, why would she help Daisy?", "Phyllis: She is trying to ruin my life.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Ladies.", "Phyllis: Detective.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat)", "Michael: I, uh, I just got a message from a colleague that works down at the courthouse. Apparently, Avery Bailey Clark has filed a lawsuit against one of my clients. You.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And if there is anything else--", "Angelina: The hottie over here. Who is he?", "Gloria: Mm, that is my gorgeous, very sexy, very smart, young son Kevin who broke a million hearts last week when he got engaged. Mm-hmm.", "Angelo: To Chloe. You remember. At Jimmy's on Halloween.", "Gloria: Mm. He looks a lot different out of that silly costume.", "Angelina: I'll say.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Okay, I'll be back in a jiffy with something for you-- delectable oysters, fresh from New Zealand.", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Kevin: What are you doing?", "Gloria: I am working an idea. If I utter up Angelo with lots of appetizers and champagne gratis, he may give me lots of cash.", "Kevin: No. Not gratis. The guy is a loan shark. The vig alone is 20% a week.", "Gloria: The vig? You mean the dog.", "Kevin: God. Mom, if you need money, call Michael, ask him for money. What's--", "Gloria: Absolutely not, because I can hear it now. \"Really, Gloria? Really? Fen would have had better sense than to trust Jeffrey with all your money.\"", "Kevin: Right, and a verbal smack down from Michael is way worse than say, dancing on the bottom of a river wearing cement shoes.", "Gloria: You watch too much TV, angel. (Chuckles) Cement shoes. Silly. Put that jacket on.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Man: (Sighs)", "Angelo: Prepare to be wowed. (Chuckles) My love. Here. Please allow me.", "Angelina: (Giggles) Thanks, Daddy.", "(Piano playing \"Frankie and Johnny\")", "Angelina: Frankie and Johnny were sweethearts. They had a quarrel one day. Johnny he vowed that he would leave her said he was goin' away, you're gonna miss me, Honey, in all the years to come. Johnny dashed down the stairway when Frankie reached for her gun Frankie pulled out her 44 five shots and the deed was done as Johnny fell you'd hear Miss Frankie yell send for 1,000 policemen lock me down in a cell me Johnny's dead and I killed him but I miss him and I wish him well never comin' home ever more to roam (Giggles)", "Angelo: Yeah! (Chuckles) Huh?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Angelo: She's somethin', huh? Know what I mean?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So, um, I need a favor from you. A friend of mine's in trouble, and he's looking for a girl that he thinks might be able to help him out.", "Ronan: Aren't we all?", "Cane: The only catch is, this one's in Myanmar.", "Ronan: That's a tough place to find people.", "Cane: Yeah, it is. I've, uh, I've tried on my own, but I haven't had much luck, so, uh, I'm wondering if you might know some government types?", "Ronan: Well... (Chuckles) Mean, over there, you can't tell the government types from the non-government types. And even if you could, there's no guarantee that they're gonna help.", "Cane: Yeah, I know, but I gotta try.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Billy remembering]", "Victoria: I totally do.", "Billy: (Laughs) Really?", "Victoria: Yeah, honest. I swear. Swear.", "Billy: That's awesome.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Do you?", "Billy: (Laughs) Do I? What, do I, uh, honor and cherish and-- yeah, both of 'em. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You stole those pictures from your sister...", "Phyllis: I didn't steal them. No.", "Michael: And tried to-- you tried to sell them online.", "Phyllis: I did not. I did not. Ricky offered to-- to sell them to me.--", "Lauren: So why didn't you buy them?", "Phyllis: Because Avery got to him first, so technically-- technically, she stole them from me.", "Michael: I have a feeling it is about a lot more than stolen property for her.", "Phyllis: Oh, believe me, it's a lot more for her.", "Michael: You know, I'd like to see what she's up to.", "Lucy: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Lucy: Yeah.", "Michael: Yes, hello. Michael Baldwin for Ms. Clark, please. Really? She's at the state women's prison visiting an inmate? Well, um...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Michael: I was just about to head up there. Uh, maybe I can catch up with her. Do you have any idea the-- the name of this inmate? Oh, okay, thank you.", "Phyllis: She's with Daisy.", "Michael: They could be meeting about a lot of things.", "Phyllis: I can't-- I can't believe this. I gotta go. I gotta go.", "Michael: Phyllis, no. You don't have to go.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. Yes, I do. I have to go. I have to take care of this.", "Michael: Phyllis, you don't have to.", "Lucy: Bye.", "Phyllis: Uh, Daniel, uh, can you take care of Lucy for me just for a bit, please? Please?", "Daniel: Whoa, this is your deal, remem--", "Phyllis: Please, please, please do this for me. It's important. You have no idea. Please help me out.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: All right, you be good for Daniel, pretty girl. You be good for Daniel. Here's her hat and her mittens.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Phyllis: Okay? Oh, all right, thanks.", "Michael: Let's go.", "Phyllis: Let's go. (Sighs)", "Daniel: Guess it's just you and me, huh, Kddo? Okay. (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I just thought that Cane and I were just past all the secrets and the lies. But when I saw him earlier, I just got this feeling that he was keeping something from me-- again. And I just--I can't live like this, you know? Always wondering. It's like, if he says he's going to the market, maybe he is just buying groceries. I don't know.", "Jill: Look, I understand why you'd feel that way, okay? But Cane really is a good man.", "Lily: I know. I know.", "Victoria: You know, if I had another shot with Billy, I'd at least give him a chance to explain.", "Jill: Maybe that's what you should do. Maybe you should confront Cane with these questions.", "Lily: Yeah, I have, though. (Sighs)", "Victoria: Yeah? What'd he say? I", "Lily: That there's one thing that I can always be sure of, and that's... his love for me.", "Jill: Are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Yeah, she's uh, American. Her name's, uh, Chelsea Lawson. Um, she was in, uh, Myanmar this year between august 4th and September 9th. ... No, she was just visiting. Well, I don't think she was on business, but I know she had a run-in with the police. Think you have nothing on her? Okay. All right. I understand. Um, let me ask you another question, though. Do you have anything on an American who spent some time in a prison there? His name is Billy Abbott. Well, you have to have something on him, because he just spent time in a jail up there recently. Uh, no, no. I think you're mistaken. (Sighs) Okay. All right. I, uh, I understand. I appreciate your time. Thank you.", "Ronan: Hmm. That sounds like somebody's hiding something.", "Cane: Yeah, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Okay, how about we do the hair next? We'll use this one. This one is...", "Lauren: (Chuckles) That is orange.", "Daniel: This one is \"Macaroni and Cheese.\"", "Lauren: Oh, jeez.", "Daniel: You know, we used to call it \"Orange\" when I was a kid.", "Eden: (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs) It is orange.", "Daniel: Apparently, we have to complicate everything these days.", "Lauren: Right.", "Eden: Aw, you're really good with her.", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, well, I'm just pinch-hitting here, but... I guess we kind of click.", "Lauren: You're missin' out, Daniel.", "Lucy: (Babbles)", "Lauren: You both are.", "Daniel: Look, I didn't want to be a father when I was married to Amber, and I didn't want to be a father when Daisy told me that she was pregnant. What makes you think any of that's gonna change?", "Lauren: Her.", "Lucy: Uh-huh.", "Lauren: Yeah, you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hi, Daisy.", "Daisy: What are you guys doing here? Is Lucy okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah, Lucy is fine. Um.", "Michael: We're just here to check in, make sure you're happy with the way your visits with Lucy are going.", "Daisy: You drove all the way down here from Genoa City to... (Chuckles) Oh, I guess you found out.", "Michael: Found out what?", "Avery: That I'm working on getting Daisy released and back with her daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: One sweet release.", "Angelina: Ever had one?", "Kevin: No, I don't think I have.", "Angelina: You should try it sometime. It's real satisfyin'.", "Kevin: (Clears throat) You know who I think would like one? Uh, Chloe. Chloe, my fiancée. You remember her?", "Angelina: Chloe. No, doesn't ring a bell.", "Kevin: Sure it does. She's really hot and super talented. You know, she's a fashion consultant, and she helps people in need with their makeup and clothing.", "Angelina: (Chuckles) I consult myself on those matters. (Chuckles)", "Kevin: (Stammers) You do a--you do an... you do a nice job.", "Angelina: (Scoffs) Yeah. Presentation--10! (Giggles) But, you know, Devon says I need to get more comfortable performin' in front of an audience. Maybe you could come over. I could practice on you.", "Devon: You know, music-- I-it's a tough business, and your daughter, she might want to think about pursuing another career than just this.", "Angelo: She wants to sing. What my Angie wants, she gets.", "Devon: Right, but--", "Angelo: No \"Buts. There's a big singing competition comin' up, and the auditions are in G.C. it would break my little princess' heart if she didn't in.", "Gloria: Nobody wants that do they, Devon?", "Devon: I can't control the judges.", "Angelo: (Chuckles) I got faith in you, Kid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I mean, I want to trust Cane. I do.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. So what's stopping you?", "Lily: I'm just... (Sighs) I'm afraid of getting hurt, I guess.", "Victoria: Worse than you're now?", "Jill: Look, I know that he's kept stuff from you in the past. But what if he isn't this time?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I-I don't-- I-I don't get it. Why did they say that I wasn't locked up there?", "Cane: Well, according to Ronan, sketchy stuff goes on in that part of the world.", "Billy: Ronan. Great. How much did you tell Malloy?", "Cane: I didn't tell him much. I just said you were in jail and that I'm helping you out of a jam.", "Billy: Well, maybe I was right. Maybe--maybe Victor did have me locked up in that Asian hellhole.", "Cane: Or he paid them to forget about you so no one could find you.", "Billy: I'm goin' back to Myanmar.", "Cane: Wait. Wait. You gonna do that so Victor can get rid of you once and for all? That's what he'll do.", "Billy: I gotta do something, Man. I gotta chance it, cause if I don't find Chelsea, I can't clear my name. What am I gonna do?", "Cane: Well, it looks like I'm goin' to Myanmar to find her, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, you self-serving, vindictive--", "Michael: No, no, no, no. You listen to me. You will never win this.", "Avery': We'll see about that.", "Michael: She kidnapped and tortured my wife.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "Daisy: I tried to explain that. Sarah made me do that.", "Avery: Daisy--", "Phyllis: Shut up. Shut up. Do you hate me so much-- so much that you would risk hurting an innocent child to get your way?", "Avery: We don't know that Daisy's a risk. We don't--we have no idea.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "Avery: She's never had a chance to be a mother.", "Phyllis: Because she didn't care, Avery. She didn't care about that child herself.", "Avery: What Daisy did was selfless. You, on the other hand, you used Lucy to lure her out of hiding. You pretended to be her friend, said you were there for her, and the minute you got what you wanted, you dumped her. And you want to tell me that Daisy is dangerous?", "Michael: You will never win her freedom!", "Phyllis: You will never win her freedom. Exactly. And even if you do-- even if you do, there is not a judge on the planet that would give a child to someone with her history.", "Avery: Well, the same thing could be said about you.", "Phyllis: Really? What is that supposed o mean, Avery? What is that suppose mean?", "Michael: Whoa, whoa. Calm down. Calm down!", "Avery: You'll find out.", "Michael: Phyllis!", "Phyllis: (Groans) Oh, God! (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Look, Cane, you're just starting to get things put back on track with Lily. Are you sure you want to do this?", "Cane: Yeah, 'cause I know what it's like to get caught up n something that's not your fault.", "Billy: Okay. I will make a list of places I visited in Myanmar, and I'll e-mail them to you. When will you leave?", "Cane: As soon as I talk to Lily.", "Billy: She's gonna wonder why you're leavin' town, Man.", "Cane: Well, uh, you send me that list, and I'll talk to her, all right?", "Billy: Okay.", "Cane: You got it.", "Billy: All right. What was the name of that bar I, uh...", "Billy: (Sighs) \"Number of tourist arrests in Myanmar rise dramatically. Sharp increase in number of foreigners accused of crimes.\" (Sighs) \"No apparent reason for the spike. Most claim innocence. Westerners targeted.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Are you sure there's nothing else I can get you?", "Angelo: Your secret. Every time I see you, you look younger.", "Gloria: (Laughs) Well, you know what they say-- working yourself to death can take years of. (Chuckles)", "Angelo: I think it's the 180 pounds you dropped.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah, Jeffrey. (Chuckles) Yeah, that did change my life. Changed all our lives. Look at my poor little boy over there having to serve drinks here when he should be running his own business. You know, if I could just get my hands on some money... (Southern accent) I wouldn't have to rely on the kindness of strangers.", "Kevin: I'm not a stranger, Mom. I'm your son, unfortunately.", "Gloria: (Normal voice) Which makes it even worse.", "Jill: Hello. I've been standing at the entrance waiting to be seated at a clean table, please.", "Gloria: Oh, for heaven sakes, Jill, you act like you're the Queen of England.", "Angelo: Well, this seat's available. No waiting. All clean.", "Jill: Well, a gentleman. How refreshing.", "Devon: (Sighs) Okay, I, uh, I guess just practice these and, uh, try and sing 'em in the right key if you can.", "Angelina: Listen, this whole \"Star making\" thing ain't gonna take up all your time. Got another job for ya.", "Devon: Huh? What?", "Angelina: (Chuckles) Hook me up with your buddy.", "Devon: With Kevin? He's engaged.", "Angelina: Didn't you hear daddy? What Angie wants, Angie gets. I... want... Kevin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I'll make sure you have appropriate clothes for court.", "Daisy: (Sighs) What if Phyllis is right? What if there's no way to get Lucy away from her?", "Avery: Leave that to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Did you see Avery?", "Michael: She was visiting with Daisy.", "Lucy: (Babbling)", "Lauren: She's gonna try and get her released, isn't she?", "Phyllis: No, she-- it's not gonna happen. She's not gonna do that. There's no way Daisy is gonna get anywhere near this kid.", "Daniel: Well, you know, if you'd just left everything alone, none of this would be happening.", "Phyllis: Oh, are you kidding me?", "Daniel: No.", "Michael: All right, all right, all right, all right. Listen to me. Phyllis. Phyllis, Avery is going to try to make Daisy look like a better mother than you. Go figure you're already in trouble for the stolen photos. Please do not give her any more ammunition. All right?", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Ronan: Phyllis, can Daniel watch Lucy for a while?", "Phyllis: Why?", "Lucy: (Babbles)", "Ronan: Criminal charges have been filed against you for stealing the photos of Heather that you published.", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me? You're kidding, right?", "Ronan: I'm here to arrest you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: All right, look, Man, I get the impression that it's not a good idea to cross anyone in Angelo's family, okay?", "Kevin: Dude, I am not taking Angelina out. Not now, not ever.", "Devon: Kev? (Sighs)", "Angelina: So?", "Devon: Hey. (Sighs)", "Angelina: What'd he say?", "Devon: He... thinks that you're somethin'. Yeah. (Sighs)", "Gloria: Angelo, I need to talk to you.", "Angelo: Sure, but first, let me give you this.", "Gloria: Hmm? Angelo, I don't know how I could ever pay this back especially with that 20% I gotta give the, uh, you know, for the dog.", "Angelo: Vig?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Don't I have to give you something for him if a get a loan from you?", "Angelo: Doll face, this ain't a loan. The money's yours.", "Gloria: What?", "Angelo: We're partners.", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You're kidding me, right? It was just a couple pictures. That's all.", "Michael: Okay, Phyllis, let's not make matters worse, okay?", "Phyllis: Michael--", "Michael: Just go. Go. All right?", "Phyllis: Can you take Lucy, Daniel?", "Daniel: Yeah. (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: Here, her toy. Can--hey, Baby Girl. All right, I'll be back tonight, okay? Tonight.", "Michael: All right, listen to me. I'm gonna see to bail. I'll meet you at the station. Do not say anything. Hello? Yes. Yes.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, you think I hurt you before? You haven't seen anything!", "Ronan: No. Okay, okay, okay come on. Come on.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Daniel: Hello?", "Daisy: Hear the news?", "Daniel: Daisy?", "Daisy: Lucy's gonna be back with her real mommy soon.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "Lucy: (Babbles)", "Daniel: I wouldn't, uh, count on that. It's never gonna happen.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) You really don't know your aunt.", "Daniel: What?", "Daisy: Avery Clark.", "Daniel: What are you talking about?", "Daisy: Didn't you know? She's your mom's sister.", "Lucy: (Babbles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Look, Cane, I don't know why you're not answering my phone call, but I'm gonna head over to Lily's. If you need to find me, I'm gonna--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Sighs) (Exhales)", "Cane: Hey, I'm--I'm-- I'm glad I found you.", "Lily: What's wrong?", "Cane: (Sighs) I gotta leave the country for a while.", "Lily: Wh-why?", "Cane: I have a friend who's in some trouble, and--and the mistakes he's made could cost him everything. Uh, look, I wish I could tell you more. But the secrets I'm keeping aren't mine.", "Lily: It sounds so dangerous. (Sighs)", "Cane: I just want to know you trust me.", "Lily: (Sighs) Cane, yeah, I-I do trust you. I do. I just... I'm afraid that you could get hurt.", "Cane: You tell me you'll wait for me. I promise you, I'll come back.", "Lily: (Sighs) (Sighs) Yeah, I'll-- I'll be here.", "Cane: I'm gonna come back to you, I promise. I love you, Baby.", "Lily: I love you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: How is it I never knew I had an aunt?", "Chris: He's your son.", "Paul: He's also Isabella's.", "Phyllis: If you drop the charges, this all goes away. Okay?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam tells Chelsea that Sharon set the Newman house on fire and the only reason that he is helping her is to make amends for the awful things he has done in the past. Chelsea is hurt that he put Sharon ahead of her grief over the miscarriage, but Adam assures her he loves her and that he will never put Sharon ahead of their marriage. Chelsea tells Adam to do what he has to do in order to help Sharon, but she asks him not to break her heart by making her lose her trust in him. Eddie G calls Billy and asks for a two-million dollar ransom for Victoria and warns him not to tell the police or her family or Victoria will die. Billy writes an e-mail from Victoria's e-mail account pretending it is Victoria telling her family she has gone to Europe to follow a lead about getting back Newman Enterprises. Billy promises to bring Victoria home and then calls Nikki to come over and asks for her help.", "Phyllis gives Summer some makeup from the Newman cosmetics line and they start to bond again until Avery interrupts them and she tells Summer she came by to give her the cupcake recipe. Summer leaves to see Fen. Avery and Phyllis have a confrontation about Phyllis seeing Nick and Avery kissing at the gym. Phyllis wants Avery to admit she has feelings for Nick. Avery almost admits it until Nick interrupts them. Phyllis leaves and heads for the gym where she sees Ronan. She kisses him and tells him that she wants to go back to her place with him. Avery tells Nick they need to talk about the kiss they shared at the gym.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Well, it seems like there's a serial arsonist on the loose. I mean, Gloworm, the warehouse, the ranch. Sharon couldn't have set the fire at Gloworm, which means she probably didn't set the one at the ranch either.", "Nikki: I suppose.", "Nick: You almost sound disappointed.", "Nikki: Well, why did she leave town so suddenly?", "Nick: She left because she probably feels like everyone in this town hates her.", "Nikki: Well, she brought that on herself. Maybe she didn't set the fires, but she's done enough to deserve our scorn.", "Dr. Watkins: Sharon, what's on your mind?", "Sharon: How scary this feels. I-I didn't mean that-- that I'm scared. I'm not. I have no reason to be.", "Dr. Watkins: Either way, it's okay. Nothing you say here is right or wrong.", "Sharon: And if I blurt out something that sounds nuts?", "Dr. Watkins: I'll listen, help if I can. There is no judgment here.", "Sharon: There's always judgment.", "Dr. Watkins: From whom?", "Sharon: All of them. They'll never forgive me.", "Dr. Watkins: For what?", "Sharon: All the awful things I did. I can't even understand them myself.", "Adam: What could have set Sharon off like that?", "Chelsea: Well, you know, meeting with a psychiatrist could spook anybody. And if this doctor is as good as you think she is, she'll be able to get through to Sharon.", "Adam: Not many wives would be this supportive.", "Chelsea: Not so fast. First you have to satisfy my curiosity.", "Adam: Okay. About?", "Chelsea: How did you know Sharon needed help? It's not like you two were talking all the time at that point, were you?", "Adam: (Sighs) she called me, Chelsea, out of the blue. She sounded desperate.", "Chelsea: So you went to her place? Adam.", "Adam: She was at my father's house.", "Chelsea: Why?", "Adam: She begged for my help. She sounded panicked, okay?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) when was this?", "Adam: Right after our accident.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) you said that your engine caught fire. You c--you came home smelling like smoke.", "Adam: I didn't want to drag you into it, okay?", "Chelsea: Sharon called you from victor's panicked? She's the one who set that fire, isn't she?", "Phyllis: I thought we could hang out together for a little while.", "Summer: Um, yeah, any other time would be great.", "Phyllis: Oh, are you on your way out?", "Summer: Yeah, I'm meeting fen at the coffeehouse right now.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, you might want to call fen and reschedule and open this instead. (Chuckles)", "Summer: What's that?", "Phyllis: Um, this is the winter collection of Newman cosmetics-- makeup, nail polish, the works.", "Summer: For me? It's not even my birthday.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) well, let's just call it, uh, a mother-daughter truce day, and we can commemorate it with, uh, manicures and makeovers and pedicures-- the works. Everything.", "Summer: Yeah, um, that's unnecessary, mom. I told you I'm over being mad at you.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, if you really meant that...", "Summer: I did.", "Phyllis: All right. Good. So let's start now.", "Summer: Now?", "Billy: Thanks for coming.", "Ronan: Yeah, you got it. What'd you need?", "Billy: Well, uh, I'm gettin' a little worried about Victoria.", "Ronan: Why?", "Billy: She left on a business trip to Miami, and I haven't heard from her since yesterday.", "Ronan: And-- pardon me-- that's unusual?", "Billy: Yeah, for me to leave a bunch of messages and for her not to call me back, that's just not how we do things.", "Ronan: Okay. Well, I gotta ask. How were things before she left?", "Billy: (Sighs) we had a small fight about business, but...", "Ronan: So she left mad, and she's probably still mad.", "Billy: It--it--I mean, it wasn't such a big deal that she wouldn't call me.", "Ronan: I would say give it another 24 hours.", "Billy: No, I--24 hours? Just listen to me, okay? Victoria would never be so upset with me that she wouldn't check in on her son.", "Ronan: She hasn't called the nanny?", "Billy: No, she hasn't called the nanny, and I'm trying not to freak out, man, but this is strange. This is weird.", "Ronan: All right. All right, hold on a second. Just give me a couple more details here. Where's she, uh, where's she staying at?", "Billy: Um, I've-- I've got all that in here.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Billy: (Sighs) this is embarrassing. Um, false alarm. This is Victoria. (Chuckles) how's that for timing?", "Ronan: It's crazy, actually. So she's okay?", "Billy: Yeah, she's-- she's fine. Totally--totally fine.", "Ronan: 'Cause you still seem a little nervous.", "Billy: Yeah, I am, man. It-- she's very upset with me. You were right. That's good detective work.", "Ronan: You better hurry and get back to her then.", "Billy: Yeah, I plan to. Hey, look, thanks for coming by. Man, I-I'm sorry I wasted your time.", "Ronan: No waste at I'm glad she's okay.", "Billy: Yeah, me, too.", "Ronan: All right. Yeah.", "Billy: Have a good day. Thanks for coming.", "Ronan: Take care.", "Eddie: Go to the following link.", "Nikki: Sharon made choices that affected everyone around her. How does she expect us to react?", "Nick: What do you think, mom, I'm gonna defend her?", "Nikki: Son, sometimes you are entirely too softhearted when it comes to that woman.", "Nick: Well, that woman no longer bears any resemblance to the woman I used to love. I just wish I knew what happened to her.", "Nikki: Well, I'll tell you what happened to her. Her true colors emerged.", "Nick: No, it's not that. It was too sudden. It's like she snapped.", "Nikki: Why can't you just accept the fact that she's just not a very nice person?", "Nick: Because she is the mother of two of my children. Now whether Sharon's having a breakdown or she's lashing out, everything she does affects them.", "Nikki: How are Noah and faith?", "Nick: Faith asks about her mom every day. Every day. Noah's-- he's rollin' with it.", "Nikki: And summer?", "Nick: Summer's doing a lot better. Phyllis completely tanked that relationship.", "Nikki: I know how heartbreaking it is to see your children suffer. I'm very proud of how you're handling it.", "Nick: I get angry and frustrated and say some things I wish I hadn't, but I'm just trying to be fair to Sharon and Phyllis for the kids.", "Nikki: That's very generous of you.", "Nick: Well, it doesn't mean it's not hard.", "Sharon: My emotions are all over the map.", "Dr. Watkins: Tell me more about how that feels.", "Sharon: Like a roller coaster.", "Dr. Watkins: Huge highs and lows?", "Sharon: Yeah. One moment I'll feel energized, organized, and in control, and the next, something hits me and--and I-I just hit tilt.", "Dr. Watkins: I've reviewed your history, and you appear to have gone through severe periods of depression before.", "Sharon: Yeah, but... I've always managed to find my way back, find my way home back to my kids, back to myself. It's just, um, this time, I'm-- I'm not sure, and that's what scares me.", "Dr. Watkins: Is it a general feeling of fear?", "Sharon: I suppose.", "Dr. Watkins: Or could there be a more specific reason for your anxiety?", "Sharon: Yeah. I, uh, I've done some horrible things, and, um... I'm afraid of getting caught.", "Dr. Watkins: Horrible in what way?", "Sharon: No, I-I don't want to talk about it.", "Dr. Watkins: I think you do, or else you wouldn't have brought it up. What is it that you've done, Sharon?", "Dr. Watkins: What is said here stays between us. This is a safe place.", "Sharon: I can't.", "Dr. Watkins: You're here because someone cared enough about you to bring you to me.", "Sharon: That was so nice of Adam and you. But I can't.", "Dr. Watkins: I know how isolating this must seem. But I promise you, Sharon, you are not alone.", "Sharon: (Sighs) I burned down victor Newman's house. 3q you disgust me.", "Chelsea: I have got an arsonist living on my property that my husband put there. I think I have a right to know why.", "Adam: Now I've already explained it to you as best I can, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: What'd she say?", "Adam: What?", "Chelsea: Sharon--when she called you, what did she say?", "Adam: I don't know what you want from me. You want me to tell you what she said word for word?", "Chelsea: Well--well, it must have been memorable, to say the very least.", "Adam: I already told you. She sounded very upset.", "Chelsea: She sounded upset. Okay. Okay. I had lost a baby. She had lost her mind. I don't understand how that's equally upsetting to you, but I guess you think--", "Adam: And I don't understand why you're making this a competition.", "Chelsea: Didn't you? I would call you when you were with her, and I'd get ignored. She would call you when you were with me, and you'd just go running.", "Adam: Chelsea--", "Chelsea: So she was upset, Adam. Who cares?! I had lost a baby. I was grief- stricken. You might be her friend, but you are my husband.", "Adam: That's right. That's right. Listen to what you just said. I'm your husband.", "Chelsea: Sharon caused the fire at Newman ranch, didn't she?", "Adam: Yes.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) and you have been covering for her?", "Adam: When I showed up there...", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: Sharon wasn't even aware that she had started a fire. That's how crazy things were.", "Chelsea: She's still responsible, Adam. She's a criminal!", "Adam: I understand that she is, but she was alone! What did you want me to do, leave her in the fire to burn?!", "Chelsea: How could you do this? With everything that we've been dealing with, how could you do this to us?!", "Adam: I know that this bothers you.", "Chelsea: Bothers me?", "Adam: Yes.", "Chelsea: I'm worried about you. Do you realize how much trouble you will be in?", "Adam: But you don't need to worry about me. Everything is going to be fine.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god, that is something people say right before they are carted off to jail, Adam.", "Adam: But just trust me on this. Please, baby. Everything-- everything is gonna be fine.", "Chelsea: How could you do this?", "Adam: Do what? Help somebody who is in trouble?", "Chelsea: How could you risk everything that you have, everything that we share, for Sharon?", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Oh, my goodness.", "Summer: When did you say this line's coming out?", "Phyllis: Uh, not for three weeks, so...", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Summer: Viveca is gonna be so jealous.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Summer: I mean, look at my lashes.", "Phyllis: I know. You're amazing.", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Phyllis: Amazing. Look how incredible you look. (Laughs)", "Summer: Thanks, mom.", "Phyllis: You're welcome. You're welcome. You know what? We should--we should go out and show ourselves off. What do you think? Have lunch?", "Summer: Thanks, mom, but fen...", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, right. Right, okay.", "Summer: You know, if he wasn't waiting for me, I would go, but--", "Phyllis: Yeah, I understand. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I-I'm glad you're not mad at me. I mean, it's just-- it's something else, you know, your forgiving me.", "Summer: Can't it be that I just made plans? Or does everything have to be about you?", "Phyllis: No, no, it--it-- it doesn't have to be about me. You're right. Go have fun with fen. I want you to.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: I want you to know that I'm-- I-I deeply, deeply regret all the mistakes I made, and I love you very much.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: And if I, um, could do anything to make it up to you, I definitely would do that. Definitely, if there was anything I could do.", "Summer: There's not one thing you can do, but-- (knock on door)", "Phyllis: But? Um, uh, okay. Listen, I'll get rid of that person, all right? (Chuckles) we'll finish.", "Phyllis: What a surprise.", "Sharon: I was drunk out of my mind when I set that fire. I didn't even remember it the next day.", "Dr. Watkins: A blackout?", "Sharon: I don't know if it was the alcohol, or maybe I just didn't want to remember because I couldn't face what I had done.", "Dr. Watkins: Well, you're facing it now, aren't you? What is it that led you to set fire to that house?", "Sharon: The Newmans, all of them. I guess it was because of the way they shunned me.", "Dr. Watkins: Made you an outcast.", "Sharon: Yeah, they made me feel like I was stupid, like I wasn't good enough to breathe the same air they breathe. So I wanted to take as much from them as they'd taken from me.", "Dr. Watkins: And afterwards?", "Sharon: What I had done-- it was so much worse.", "Dr. Watkins: Tell me, Sharon.", "Sharon: Victor and his family, I... I destroyed their company. It wasn't just that I destroyed their house, I ruined their lives.", "Dr. Watkins: How do you feel now about what you did?", "Sharon: Sad. I feel... frustrated.", "Dr. Watkins: Why frustrated?", "Sharon: Because as much as I want to, I can't take it back.", "Nikki: You have the patience of a saint to have dealt with Sharon and Phyllis.", "Nick: Well, I have certainly made my mistakes, too, mom.", "Nikki: Minimal in comparison, and your children know that you will always have their best interests first.", "Nick: Well, I'm just following your example.", "Nikki: Well, that's very sweet of you to say.", "Nick: I mean it. You've always been there. You've always looked out for me and Vick. I can't say the same for dad.", "Nikki: Have you heard from your sister?", "Nick: Not in the last few days.", "Nikki: It's not like her to not call me, even though she is out of town.", "Nick: Maybe she is embarrassed about the wild goose chase she went on.", "Nikki: (Scoffs) yeah, which was orchestrated by jack. I can't believe he sent the mother of a young child halfway across the country. I'm surprised she didn't call me just to curse his name.", "Nick: Well, you know Victoria. She probably got all fired up. She's doing anything she can to find a lead to get jack out of there.", "Nikki: Yeah, maybe.", "Nick: Look, I'm sure we're gonna hear from her soon. (Cell phone rings)", "Billy: Hello?", "Eddie: Have I got your attention?", "Billy: You let my wife go, you son of a bitch.", "Eddie: (Laughs) easy, Billy, easy. You're not calling the shots here, man.", "Billy: I promise you, if you hurt her--", "Eddie: If you want to see her again, shut up and listen. Good boy. I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I got out 26 months early. Good behavior, right? (Laughs) go figure, man. So, uh, I plan on collecting that debt you owe me, and we'll call it a million even.", "Billy: You want a million dollars? I only owed you $100,000 when you went down.", "Eddie: Well, that's what they call juice, Billy. It's been running the whole time. Accrued interest to a-- to a 3-piece suit guy like yourself.", "Billy: Eddie, this isn't right.", "Eddie: (Laughs) well, if you don't like that, you're really gonna hate this. I also plan on collecting a penalty from you.", "Billy: Why?", "Eddie: Because you're the one who ratted me out and got me locked up so you wouldn't have to pay me.", "Billy: Eddie, I-I didn't--", "Eddie: Deny it, and this conversation's over.", "Billy: How much?", "Eddie: Another million dollars.", "Billy: Eddie, be reasonable here.", "Eddie: (Scoffs) what, you think I don't pay attention? You think I don't know how much you and the missus are worth? I think you're gettin' off easy, Billy. $2 million by next week. Don't go to the cops. Don't go to your wife's family, anyone. If you do, she dies.", "Avery: That makeup looks great on your coloring. Mm-hmm.", "Summer: Uh, do you want some of this nail polish? My mom just got it for me.", "Avery: Oh, uh, I don't think that I could get away with that in the courtroom, but thank you. (Laughs)", "Summer: Uh, do I really look nice, aunt Avery?", "Avery: Oh, you look beautiful, honey. And what's really cool is to see you spending time with your mom.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's great. I thought she would like these products. So, um, listen, uh, we'd like to continue with our mother-daughter time. If you're here to see nick--", "Avery: Uh, no, actually, I'm here to see summer.", "Summer: Uh, oh. Well, what's up?", "Avery: Uh, I wanted to give you the recipe for the cupcakes that we baked the other day.", "Phyllis: Oh, what a sweet auntie.", "Summer: That cake was superlative.", "Avery: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: So if you just whip out that recipe, then you can just run along, and we can continue with our private time.", "Summer: You know what? No, it's, um, it's okay. I should probably get going. Fen's been texting me a bunch.", "Phyllis: Well, okay, but we were-- (sighs) we were talking about--", "Summer: I know, but I don't want to blow him off again. But we'll talk later, though. Thank you for the makeup and everything.", "Phyllis: Sure.", "Summer: Bye, aunt Avery.", "Avery: Bye.", "Avery: Uh, I should-- I should go, too.", "Phyllis: What about that yummy recipe that must be shared?", "Avery: Uh, you know, it's no big deal. It can certainly wait.", "Phyllis: Oh, please, Avery. Just admit you were here to see nick.", "Avery: (Sighs) Phyllis, how many times do I have to tell you? Nick and I are just--", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not friends. I saw you kissing nick. There was nothing friendly about it.", "Nick: What's going on with my sister?", "Billy: You didn't know she was out of town?", "Nick: Yeah, I heard about the trip to Miami. I heard it was also a bust.", "Billy: Yeah, too bad about that, huh?", "Nick: She hasn't called me, Billy. That's weird. She also hasn't called my parents.", "Billy: Hey, man, what can I say? I imagine she's busy.", "Nick: When is she coming home?", "Billy: Uh... (sighs) actually, Victoria left for Europe. She's hoping to find some more information there.", "Nick: For Newman?", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how she is about the company.", "Nick: How come she hasn't mentioned that trip to anyone else?", "Billy: It was last minute, spontaneous. I guess she counted on me to spread the word, and I failed there.", "Nick: Is there more to this?", "Billy: Like what, nick?", "Nick: I don't know, Billy. You tell me.", "Billy: (Sighs) okay, yeah, there's-- there's a little more. She was not happy with me over this Miami debacle, and we got into a bit of a fight, so she left upset. And you know how your sister is. When she gets mad, she gets mad. So... she left. And I guess you could see why I wouldn't want to get into it with the whole Newman clan.", "Adam: I haven't risked anything.", "Chelsea: If the police question you or me, I don't--", "Adam: I would never put Sharon above our marriage or your safety. We're gonna be fine, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: You don't know that.", "Adam: I-I do. Sharon's not gonna get caught.", "Chelsea: Because you say so?", "Adam: Because I covered her tracks, that's why.", "Chelsea: Covered how? How far are you willing to go for this woman, Adam?", "Adam: Listen, I understand that you're angry, okay? And I in--I understand...", "Chelsea: I am terrified!", "Adam: That you're angry, but you don't need to turn this into something that it is not.", "Chelsea: Well, then what is it? Please tell me. What is going on with you two?", "Adam: It's a case of me just needing to help Sharon, because it seems that she needed it. This is not gonna come back on us.", "Chelsea: Well, when the police find out--", "Adam: They're not gonna find out. They're not even asking. If they thought that Sharon had started that fire, they would have sent out some massive search party for her. They're not even asking about her.", "Chelsea: Are you sure?", "Adam: Everybody believes that she's just having some time to herself.", "Chelsea: How long are we gonna have to be involved in this?", "Adam: (Sighs) as long as it takes for her to get better, or at least she shows signs of getting better, and then she can go back to her house and her life, and we can have our lives back, and it will be as if nothing ever happened.", "Chelsea: What? She's still gonna be guilty, Adam. Do you think the police are just gonna throw up their hands and stop looking for the person who burned down victor Newman's place?", "Adam: No, of course they're not.", "Chelsea: You think victor and Nikki are just gonna stop looking?", "Adam: No, I don't.", "Chelsea: What did you mean when you said, \"cover her tracks\"?", "Adam: I did what I had to do to make sure that this doesn't come back on Sharon or us.", "Chelsea: What?", "Adam: The less you know, the better.", "Dr. Watkins: (Sighs) I think this was an excellent start.", "Sharon: Is that doctor speak? Because from where I'm sitting, nothing's changed.", "Dr. Watkins: You can have the benefit of my professional opinion, if you want it.", "Sharon: Please.", "Dr. Watkins: After speaking with you today and having read your background, I feel confident that you're going to pull through this, Sharon.", "Sharon: Really?", "Dr. Watkins: You just have to believe that your confidences are safe with me, because they are.", "Sharon: What else?", "Dr. Watkins: You have to want to get better.", "Sharon: I do. I really do. I want to know how I got to this place so that I can stop it from happening again.", "Dr. Watkins: Yeah, we'll work on that.", "Sharon: But, dr. Watkins, um, you have to tell me-- what's wrong with me? Wow...", "Nick: All right, Billy, if you hear from her, let me know.", "Billy: Yeah, man, the way things are going, you'll probably hear from her first.", "Nick: Probably?", "Billy: Thanks for coming by.", "Billy: Okay. (Sighs)", "Billy: \"Hi, Billy, nick, mom, and dad. Sorry I haven't been in touch, but I am following a lead that may help us get Newman back\"...", "Billy: \"And it's taking me to Europe.\"", "Chelsea: (Sighs) we might as well stop talking about this.", "Adam: But if you still have questions, Chelsea--", "Chelsea: Adam, nothing you are saying is making me feel any better.", "Adam: Why not, Chelsea? Hey, look at me. Chelsea, look at me. What we have-- you and me, this marriage-- it is everything to me.", "Chelsea: Is it? Still?", "Adam: Baby, you're gonna have to trust me. This is as much about Sharon as it is about us.", "Chelsea: (Scoffs) Adam--", "Adam: No, you're gonna listen to me now, okay? I have done some things in my past that are reprehensible. And I regret them, and there's no way to make them go away. There's no do-overs, but the best I can do is try and rectify things, try and start with a clean slate for you and me so that maybe we don't have things between us. We can start fresh. No more bad karma. This is about us.", "Chelsea: (Sniffles) (sighs) (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Okay, so, um, lay it on me. (Clears throat) tell me--tell me-- tell me what happened. Give me some legal account of, uh, why my sister was kissing my soon-to-be-ex-husband.", "Avery: Um, okay. It--it--it just happened. I went to the gym to work out. I didn't know that nick was going to be there, and I--", "Phyllis: Oh, my god, are you kidding me? I cannot believe that you're playing it like this.", "Avery: I'm not playing. I'm not playing or pretending.", "Phyllis: Then own it. Own it. You don't want to just be friends with nick, do you? You want nick. (Door opens)", "Phyllis: Um, I came to see summer.", "Nick: Is she upstairs?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. No, she left. Uh, it was--it was a good visit. You know, it wasn't perfect, but it's the best, um, it's been. You know?", "Nick: I'm glad.", "Avery: Uh, I just came by to drop off a recipe for summer.", "Nick: Well, Noah will probably make her whip that up tonight. He practically inhaled that last cupcake.", "Avery: (Chuckles)", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Um, I have somewhere I have to be.", "Adam: So how'd it go?", "Dr. Watkins: I had a very good session with Sharon. Beyond that, it's up to her how much she wants to share with you.", "Adam: What happens next?", "Dr. Watkins: I'd like to see her again, preferably at my office.", "Adam: We'll see what we can do. Thanks for making a special trip.", "Dr. Watkins: Hopefully, Sharon feels encouraged to continue the process.", "Adam: Mm. Thanks again, doctor.", "Dr. Watkins: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: (Sighs heavily) so a good session. Maybe this is gonna work out after all.", "Chelsea: You should go see Sharon. I-I know you want to talk to her.", "Adam: We can both go together.", "Chelsea: No, that's okay. I don't think I'm ready to see her again. (Sighs) plus I'm sure she'll be more open with you if I'm not there.", "Adam: You sure?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Go deal with her. Help her. Take care of this. I get it now. Just don't...", "Adam: What.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) don't end up breaking my heart, Adam.", "Adam: Never.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) (sighs heavily)", "Billy: I am so sorry, Victoria. This is my fault. This is my fault. I promise I'm gonna bring you home.", "Billy: Hi. Could you come see me, please? It's urgent.", "Sharon: I, um, I felt really safe with her.", "Adam: That's good. So you want to continue with this therapist? Sharon, what-- what's wrong?", "Sharon: Dr. Watkins told me some things that... I wasn't expecting. ú How far will people go to relieve their sore throat? let's go to my place, me in here, the oven.", "Phyllis: (Grunts) (exhales sharply)", "Ronan: Whoa. Burnin' off carbs or hostility there?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Let-- let's go to my place, and we can burn off a little bit of both. You want to do that? Let's go to my place.", "Avery: Okay, all done. Uh, it's pretty simple, and summer can call me if she has any questions, so...", "Nick: Okay. I don't know why she would have to. This is, like, the most detailed instructions I've ever seen.", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: Did you used to work for NASA or something?", "Avery: Uh, no, but, you know, baking is an exact science, so, you know, one mistake, and--blech, bad cupcakes. Or--or worse, bland cupcakes. So you want to make sure that you get everything right.", "Nick: Okay, can you-- okay, can you just take a breath? (Chuckles)", "Avery: (Exhales) okay, I lied.", "Nick: You sabotaged the cupcakes, didn't you?", "Avery: No. No, I didn't come here to see summer.", "Nick: Okay.", "Avery: I came to see you.", "Nick: Okay.", "Avery: Because of what happened at the gym.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: I think we need to... I think we need to talk about that.", "Nick: About the kiss?", "Avery: Yeah, the kiss.", "Sharon: Dr. Watkins thinks that I need medication.", "Adam: I suppose that makes sense. I mean, a lot of people do. It helps them cope.", "Sharon: Yeah, but taking medication every day for the rest of my life? I mean, what--that-- that's terrifying.", "Adam: Why?", "Sharon: Because it-- what does that say about my mind? Dr. Watkins must think I have some very serious disorder that isn't going to go away.", "Adam: Maybe it's only temporary.", "Sharon: But what if it isn't? I mean, what if I have to live like this with all these emotions for the rest of my life?", "Adam: Come here.", "Victoria: (Sighs) (doorknob rattles)", "Eddie: (Sighs) hope you like Cuban.", "Victoria: You don't know what you've done or to whom.", "Eddie: Honey, I know who you are. That's why you're here, ms. Newman.", "Victoria: My dad is not gonna let you get away with this.", "Eddie: Well, if your husband's a smart man, your father won't know about this.", "Victoria: And if Billy tells my dad?", "Eddie: Not smart. But then... it won't matter.", "Billy: I'm out of options, and I don't know what to do. (Scoffs) you're actually the only person that can help us, and I'm gonna tell you-- I'm scared.", "Nikki: Is this about Victoria? What's happened?", "Billy: She's been kidnapped.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: We're looking at a settlement of $7 million.", "Billy: He wants money. I never paid him what I owed him.", "Nikki: You son of a bitch!", "Nick: I'm not even sorry we kissed. It doesn't mean that it wasn't a mistake, though." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nick and Chelsea bring Christian home for good. Chelsea keeps quiet about him being Adam's son. Dylan goes into Sully's room and begins to pack up all of his things, but Sharon tries to stop him. Dylan tells her to go back downstairs if she isn't going to help. Faith yells for Sharon. At GC Buzz, Hilary gets the lead on a new story involving Newman Enterprises. Devon walks up and asks what she is doing. Hilary tells him about the story, but Devon puts a lid on it and won't allow to let it be published. Sharon and Dylan begin to explain things to Faith about Sully not really being theirs but Nick's and Sage's. Nick marvels at Christian and the fact that he is really alive. Hilary tries to get Devon to change his mind about the story but he refuses. Faith gets so upset over the fact that Sully is really Christian that she runs out to go and see Nick. Dylan also leaves Sharon alone. Kevin and Chloe have a talk about Sharon and what Mariah has been hiding from him. Kevin begs Chloe to open up to him and let him know the truth about what is going on. Chloe tells him all about Sharon and what she has been hiding. Kevin hurries out to talk to Mariah. Dylan goes to the batting range to hit some balls. Kevin visits Mariah at GC Buzz to confront her about what's going on. Hilary watches them but cannot hear what they are saying. Faith asks Nick if he hates Sharon for what she did, but he says that he cannot ever hate Sharon.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Look at you, man. You're home! Your mom and I, we prayed for this moment so many times. I didn't think it'd happen like this. Doesn't matter. You're home. Tonight, you're gonna sleep in your own bed. I'm gonna tell you stories. Yeah, about your mom. I just wish she was here with us. Yeah.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Dylan. Dylan, please don't do this. This is his room.", "Dylan: No, Sharon. He's not coming back. Sully's not coming back because he never existed.", "Sharon: Please, don't say that. He is real. He -- he loves us, we love him. Dylan, please don't -- don't get rid of his things.", "Dylan: Just go back downstairs! Okay? If you're not gonna help, just go back downstairs!", "Faith: Mom?", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "Hilary: And I need you to get me a graphic, something that pops, something like \"pants on fire\" or --", "Mariah: Does that pop?", "Hilary: Something like that, okay? Something that's gonna turn heads, like... I got it. \"Newman traitor tells all.\"", "Mariah: Okay.", "Hilary: And you know what? I need you to get me a quick bio on this Curtis fielding guy. Nobody really cares about him, but at least it'll show that we did our homework.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Hilary: Okay, run along.", "Mariah: Okay!", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Hilary: Hey, did you get my message about the Newman show? Oh, my God. You just missed the source, but we are going into editing right now, and we are gonna have this show ready for tonight.", "Devon: And this board member, he claims that he falsified all of Newman's financials as part of a big plan, just to make Victor look bad?", "Hilary: Yeah. Amazing, right? He clearly had it out for Newman and he just wanted to come clean. [Sighs] Oh, gosh. Devon, this is what great television is made out of. I cannot wait to see the ratings.", "Devon: The ratings are going to be zero because we're not going to air the interview. If we do that, we might as well kiss this whole operation goodbye.", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Kevin: And I'm gonna keep pinging and texting and annoying you until you talk to me, Mariah, so please, call me back. [Sighs]", "Chloe: Hey. You okay? You look --", "Kevin: I feel --", "Chloe: Well, what's going on? Talk to me. Is it work?", "Kevin: No, it's Mariah. This whole mess with Dylan and Sharon and nick. She's shutting down and she's worried about how it's gonna shake out -- for her, too.", "Chloe: Wait, Mariah knows about the whole baby debacle? [Scoffs] So much for that secret. I mean, who doesn't know at this point?", "Kevin: Um, me.", "Chloe: What just happened? You sounded like you knew.", "Kevin: I knew there was something, but I didn't know about a baby debacle. What is that?", "Chloe: [Scoffs] Come on, Kevin.", "Kevin: No, you come on! Look, Mariah is freaked out about Sharon and Dylan. It's this existential crisis. I want to understand.", "Chloe: Well, I could tell you, but that doesn't mean that you would understand.", "Kevin: If you know, why don't I know?", "Chloe: Because Chelsea told me in confidence.", "Kevin: So she knows, too.", "Chloe: This is very personal stuff, Kevin.", "Kevin: Except all these people know about it, except me.", "Chloe: Believe me. You don't want to know.", "Kevin: I'm worried about my friend. Tell me what's going on, please.", "Chloe: You know, this really sucks because I'm about to break a confidence.", "Kevin: I understand, and I will owe you.", "Chloe: [Sighs] It's bad. It's really bad for everyone involved. I mean... there is a happy ending, sort of -- well, at least I hope so.", "Chelsea: Well, I should leave you two to have some father-son bonding time.", "Nick: Yeah, that's us, isn't it? Father, son. Yeah.", "Chelsea: Are you sure you don't want me to, you know, check and make sure you have enough of everything?", "Nick: No, honestly, I think we're good. I mean, it seems like faith was just a baby a week ago. [Chuckles]", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Nick: But, um, you know, you don't have to go. In fact, I think if you do, then I'll probably just start crying, and I think it's a little early in the game for him to see his dad crying.", "Chelsea: There's nothing wrong with shedding a few tears.", "Nick: I think it'd be more than a few.", "Chelsea: I mean, this is huge, nick. There's no way around it. Look at you, you're holding your son in your arms. The way that you lost him and the way you got him back, this whole thing is a miracle. But, of course, it's gonna be a shock to the system.", "Nick: Yeah, for both of us. I mean, there's snacks and baths and toys and -- I mean, where do you start? You want to do it all at once.", "Chelsea: Well, that's just it -- you don't have to do it all at once. You have time, nick. You have a lifetime now with your son.", "Nick: Yeah. I do, don't I?", "Faith: What's wrong? Is sully okay?", "Dylan: This is, uh, really complicated. And hard to understand for all of us, but... you need to know that, um... sully isn't who we thought he was.", "Faith: Who -- who is he?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Well, he, uh, he's not our son. He is, uh, your dad and sage's little boy.", "Faith: No. Sully is sully! Christian died in the hospital! We had a service! Daddy was so sad!", "Dylan: I know, I know, like I said, it's complicated. But things that we thought were true -- they're not.", "Sharon: Do you remember dr. Anderson, who cared for me at Fairview? Well, she did a very mean thing. And she let your daddy think that his son had died. And then she gave me the baby and she tricked me to make me think that it was mine, mine and Dylan's.", "Faith: Why would she do that?", "Dylan: Because some people do things... and we'll never understand why.", "Faith: But we know sully. We love him. He's my brother. Maybe this is the trick. Maybe the doctor's lying now.", "Dylan: No, faith. Nobody's lying anymore.", "Sharon: He's still your brother, baby, right? I mean, he's your daddy's son. That means he's still your brother and he lives just a short walk away at your daddy's house now.", "Faith: Sully is gone? He's not here? You can't just give him away!", "Dylan: Faith, that's not what happened. I swear to you -- we're always gonna love him. But your dad and... Christian need to be together.", "Faith: Christian?", "Sharon: We did some tests, and it turns out he is the baby that your daddy and sage thought they lost, and his name is Christian.", "Faith: But he thinks his name is sully.", "Dylan: I know he does. He's just a baby. There's gonna be things that he won't remember when he gets older.", "Faith: Will he remember any of his time here?", "Dylan: [Sighs] He'll remember what a great sister you are.", "Faith: But he was sully this morning. You can't just change his name in one day and let him go away! Did you just find out this morning? When did you know he's not sully?", "Chloe: You know, nick was handed this miracle. I mean, there's no other way to put it, but his ex-wife lied to him this entire time, along with the rest of the planet. So who knows what's next, considering that Sharon knew this whole time.", "Kevin: You said she was drugged?", "Chloe: Yeah, she was drugged at first, so she didn't know anything, but then she did and she decided not to say anything.", "Kevin: Except to Mariah. There's been this tension and a secret between the two of them, and Mariah's been freaked out, worried about her mom that things were all gonna fall apart.", "Chloe: You said that she was worried about being in trouble, so she obviously knew that Sharon was hiding something.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, that has to be it. She protected her mom and kept the secret, but I don't know why.", "Chloe: Because sometimes, it's just hard to tell the truth, and it's easier to lock it all up. I mean, listen, I am not giving Mariah a pass by any means, but she loves her mom.", "Kevin: Well, Mariah could go to jail for this.", "Chloe: For what?", "Kevin: Fraud, aiding and abetting?", "Chloe: But Sharon is still a mother to faith and to Noah. Do you really think that nick would press charges?", "Kevin: It may not be up to him. If enough people know about this -- I mean, sully is the chief's grandson.", "Chloe: Christian.", "Kevin: Huh?", "Chloe: The baby's name is Christian.", "Kevin: Right. Christian. Geez. This is crazy. I have to go.", "Chloe: Wait, wait. Just please don't run around spilling this, okay? Be better than me, please.", "Kevin: Thank you for telling me -- I mean it. I have to find Mariah.", "Hilary: Curtis fielding, he gave us a bombshell. We can build an entire episode around his confession, and the audience will eat this up. They have been begging for a follow-up.", "Devon: The audience is begging for juicy gossip. So find another story. Not this one, okay?", "Hilary: So then he can go to another show? No! No way! This is our scoop, no one else's. Devon, we made news when we broke that Newman story, and we can do that again, okay? This is a legitimate story. It's not some cheap gossip. I -- I thought that this is what you wanted.", "Devon: This piece, honey, clears Victor and it incriminates us. It proves we didn't vet the source, and all it is is ammo for Victor in court. This footage needs to disappear, be locked in a vault. Mariah, forget your ever saw it.", "Hilary: No.", "Mariah: What footage?", "Hilary: You're wrong, okay? This is going to clear us. This is gonna show that we were used, too.", "Devon: We allowed ourselves to be used, which is not something we should brag about. This fielding guy lied to everybody and we helped him do it. I'm not gonna expose you or the crew or this show to the heat that that could generate. And I'm not just gonna put Katherine's legacy on the line for him to take it in court. All right? So, Mariah, shred the notes on this. This footage does not go to editing because it will not see the light of day.", "Hilary: Why are you just standing there? We have a show to make.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Nick: I missed so many things.", "Chelsea: You did.", "Nick: A million moments. I'll never get them back. Even when I was with sully, Sharon always made me feel like I was interrupting or she was doing me a favor.", "Chelsea: It doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is that he's here now, with you.", "Nick: That's right. We're together, bud. We're gonna make our own firsts. We got our first words ahead of us.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Nick: School. Sports. Oh! Dude, the sports we are gonna play together! Baseball. Soccer. Hockey. I mean, are you ready for this?", "Chelsea: Well, I think I -- I think I just heard him say, \"yes, dad. I'm ready.\" I think he said that.", "Nick: He is gonna call me \"dad,\" isn't he?", "Chelsea: Of course. Because that's what you are.", "Nick: Yeah. It's you and me, man. Just two Newman men against the world. Chelsea, you okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'm just listening.", "Nick: I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: You -- you have nothing to be sorry about.", "[Laughter]", "Nick: Adam will never have those moments, and, uh... Connor deserved to have more time with his father. And so did you.", "Dylan: I know it's complicated and confusing, but we're gonna try to make some sense out of this.", "Faith: He couldn't be sully before I got on the bus this morning but Christian went I got off.", "Sharon: I know. It's really hard to understand, and it just -- it doesn't feel real yet.", "Dylan: Your dad and I, um... we found out last night about who sully really was. And you were asleep, and you know, it was time for the grown-ups to talk through it.", "Faith: You all found last night?", "Sharon: I didn't know this when we brought him home from the hospital, no. But I did not find out last night. It was a few months ago. And we had all been together for so long, and we were a real family by then. And it didn't feel right to me to split us up, so I -- I didn't say anything to anyone then.", "Faith: But daddy was so sad. And you could have fixed it.", "Sharon: I made a mistake. You know, I was afraid of saying goodbye to sully. And I was afraid of how hurt everyone would be by this. You know, the truth is, I just wasn't brave or strong enough. And I feel very ashamed about that.", "Faith: Mommy. Are you sick again?", "Sharon: No, I'm not sick. I just made a mistake. I made the wrong decision. But I knew what I was doing. Honestly, my heart broke when I realized that sully wasn't mine. Just the thought of breaking everyone else's heart -- and sometimes, even when you try to do the right thing, the best thing for everyone, it still turns out to be wrong.", "Faith: Daddy took sully already. Is he mad at you?", "Dylan: Sometimes, uh, being mad is more about being sad. Wishing things didn't happen the way they did.", "Faith: You miss sully.", "Dylan: I do. He's my, uh -- he was my little buddy. You know, we had a routine just like you two.", "Faith: I didn't get to say goodbye.", "Sharon: Baby, you're never -- you're never gonna have to say goodbye. Sully is still your brother, and that's not going to change. Sully -- Christian is still close. He's just a short walk away.", "Faith: I should have been here when he left. You didn't tell me until it was too late! I want to see him.", "Sharon: You will. You will. You'll see him.", "Faith: No. I want to see him now. I have to see him.", "Sharon: Oh, she needs time. Just let her go.", "Dylan: Yeah, I'm not -- I'm not following faith.", "Sharon: Where are you going?", "Nick: You know, when you were about to leave, I couldn't help but think how hard this must be for you. I mean, I'm getting something that Adam won't.", "Chelsea: You deserve this, nick. To have your son at home with you.", "Nick: Must have killed sage to know we grieved for nothing. She and Adam will never see their sons grow up. It's not fair to them. Not to Christian or Connor, either. Which is why you'll do what I do with Connor. You're gonna tell Christian stories about sage, you are gonna remind him how much she loved him, how in the short time they had together, he was the center of her universe. You will make sure he knows how special sage was. Just like I -- I will make sure Connor knows how special Adam was. I will tell him.", "Nick: You don't think Connor's gonna remember his father?", "Chelsea: You know, he might have images in his head or he might think he remembers what he looks like because now we look through photos together, but truly, actually remember how amazing his dad was? I --", "Nick: Well, then we're not gonna let that happen. We're gonna work our tails off to make sure of it. We will form our own little private single parents support group.", "Chelsea: And we'd be pretty awesome at it.", "Nick: Yeah, we will! Hey! What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong?", "Faith: Daddy. Mommy told me about sully.", "Hilary: Now, since we have two segments to fill, I want you to go down to editing and see what they have for filler, and puppy videos are a last resort. This is a nightmare. I cannot believe we have nothing for tonight's show.", "Kevin: I know, bad timing, but I need to speak with Mariah.", "Mariah: Terrible time. I have lots of important work to do. Can I call you later?", "Kevin: No, really, respectfully, this can't wait.", "Mariah: Kevin --", "Kevin: This is important. We just need a minute. That's all.", "Hilary: Say what you need to say and then bye-bye.", "Kevin: Is there somewhere we can talk?", "Hilary: [Scoffs] Just hurry up already.", "Mariah: You can't do that. You can't barge in here and tell my boss that you need to talk to me. I know it's only TV, but this is an actual job, Kevin.", "Kevin: Okay, you want this fast? Fine. Exactly how long did you lie and cover for Sharon?", "Nick: See? Christian's doing just fine. I mean, we've got the nap thing already locked down.", "Faith: It's like he's a different baby, but he looks the same.", "Nick: Yeah. Did you talk to your mom?", "Faith: And Dylan, too. They're really sad.", "Nick: Yeah, I bet they are. How about you? How are you doing?", "Faith: It's confusing.", "Nick: I know. It's just gonna take time for everyone to get used to this. But that little guy out there, crashed out over there, he's still your little brother. And that means you can boss him around, you know, you can kick him out of your room, do all the things that big sisters do.", "Faith: Mom lied to you. A big lie.", "Nick: Well, someone lied to her first. Yes, your mom wasn't honest, but she was in a really bad situation, faith, and she thought the best way to keep everyone from getting even more hurt was to lie.", "Faith: Do you hate her now?", "Nick: Come here. I could never hate your mother. Not ever. You know why? Because she gave me you and Noah. Your mom is the reason I became a dad. And that means more to me than you will ever, ever know.", "Mariah: You know about the baby. Who else knows?", "Kevin: Nope. No, we're talking about you right now.", "Mariah: No, we're talking about a family imploding. Who else knows?", "Kevin: I could have helped you, because this is the thing that's been driving you nuts, isn't it? All those times you said you needed a friend, but you couldn't open up. You've known about sully all this time?", "Mariah: Define \"all this time.\" Because when that little boy came home from Fairview, I knew nothing. And then, yes -- yes, I found out, and I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell everyone, but I couldn't because Sharon wasn't ready, and then she still wasn't ready, and all this time went by and she was in too deep. Anything she said, anything she did... but she is my mother, Kevin. She needed me. I was the only person she could trust. So I made a decision, and my stomach has been in knots about it ever since. Sharon had me to lean on, and I had no one. I think I have an ulcer, don't even get me started about the insomnia because I know what I did. So you don't have to tell me. Or, you know what? If -- if you want to tell me, go right ahead, if that's what makes you feel better, but please make it fast because I have to get back to my job.", "Kevin: I'm not judging you. Look at me. I'm not. But I need the details.", "Mariah: What good are details gonna do?", "Kevin: Mariah, if you've broken the law, we need to figure this out.", "Devon: Hey. What are you doing?", "Hilary: I'm just watching the best new show on television. I just can't figure out what they're saying.", "Devon: Are you spying on them? What's wrong with you?", "Hilary: What? No, I am not spying on them. They are standing in front of a camera. What is wrong with them? Look, this is what I'm thinking. Kevin is telling Mariah about a case that he's working on. Look! Look at their faces. The GCPD is onto something big. And since you've killed my Newman story, unless you want to watch puppies rolling around in fall leaves, I need to pursue this. [Gasps] Oh, my --", "Devon: What?", "Hilary: You can read lips. You can tell me what they're saying!", "Devon: I'm not gonna read their lips. I'm not gonna invade their privacy.", "Hilary: Come on. It's not that private. They wouldn't be talking about it here. Come on, come on. Just take a look. Please.", "Devon: I haven't read lips since I got my hearing back. I'm not gonna do that.", "Hilary: Devon, I don't have anything -- nothing -- for tonight's show, okay? And this story -- it's staring us in the face. I just need something tiny to go on.", "Devon: You're killing me. You really are.", "Hilary: I really need this.", "Devon: [Sighs] I'm a little rusty, but... he said something about a baby.", "Hilary: Okay, okay. \"Baby\" is good. Come on. Those faces -- they're telling a story. There's got to be more.", "Devon: Yeah, honey, why don't you just ask Kevin's what up? If he can tell Mariah, he'll tell you.", "Hilary: Because this way, I can track down my own sources. I can confirm things, just like you want. Devon, I love you, but your fear of Victor Newman has cost me my story, so I am asking you -- no, I am begging you -- pay me back.", "Mariah: Dr. Anderson was obsessed. She was crazier than any patient she ever met.", "Devon: That was really fast. Something \"Anderson.\" Something -- maybe dr. Anderson?", "Hilary: Oh! Okay, okay. That's good. That's good. \"Baby\" and \"dr. Anderson.\" Okay, it could be a medical malpractice. Oh, that would be a heart tugger, right? Or it could be something positive, a feel-good story. Okay. What else, what else, what else?", "Devon: Honey, I got to go. I'm late for a meeting with the lawyers.", "Hilary: Oh, come on. They work for you. They can wait. Come on.", "Devon: Honey. No, it's okay. I'll be back to check on the show, okay? I promise. I love you.", "Hilary: Yeah. Love you, too.", "Mariah: I can't do this here. I'm sorry, but I have to repeat mindless notes to the editor and get snapped at by my boss.", "Kevin: Well, tell Hilary that you've got food poisoning. Let's go talk to Michael and find out what your options are.", "Mariah: My options are gonna be the same tomorrow as they are today.", "Kevin: So you'll talk to Michael tomorrow?", "Mariah: I -- I'm not gonna do anything before I check in with Sharon. If I talk to Michael now, that's gonna be one more person that knows.", "Kevin: Michael's not gonna say anything. Attorney-client privilege!", "Mariah: This is up to Dylan, nick, and my mom. It's however they want to let it play out.", "Kevin: What about you, Mariah? This is your life, your future. A story like this is gonna come out. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when!", "Chloe: You're back.", "Chelsea: I am. What's wrong?", "Chloe: Um... [Sighs] It's bad.", "Chelsea: What's bad?", "Chloe: My big, fat mouth. I am so -- I am so, so sorry. I was -- I was with Kevin earlier, and he was talking like he knew about sully/Christian, so the upshot he knows about sully/Christian. But he was talking about how he was worried about Mariah, so I thought he -- I don't even have an excuse. You confided in me, and I blew it, and I'm really sorry.", "Chelsea: It's okay. Mariah would have told Kevin eventually anyway.", "Chloe: But she didn't, and I did.", "Chelsea: Chloe. It's okay.", "Chloe: I bet nick wouldn't back you up on that.", "Chelsea: Uh, nick has plenty of other things on his mind right now, trust me.", "Chloe: But I broke your trust. And I need you to know that I would never do that on purpose.", "Chelsea: I do know that. I promise, nothing has changed between us. I know I can trust you with all my heart.", "Sharon: It's getting a little cold for baseball, don't you think? The house is so empty. I had to come and find you. I don't know how to do this, Dylan. I don't know how to say goodbye to sully. And I know you don't know how, either, but maybe we could try to find a way to do it together. I'm so sorry.", "Dylan: What does sorry -- what does sorry do, Sharon? I mean, exactly what does it accomplish? Forget it -- just forget about me for a second. What's a judge gonna do with your apology, your regret, your remorse, for the lie that you told over and over again?", "Sharon: Nick isn't gonna press charges, not now that he has sully.", "Dylan: It's Christian! That's his son! It's Victor's grandson. You don't think Victor's gonna go to the D.A. With this? Come on.", "Sharon: You know, this really isn't anybody else's business. We can just keep this quiet.", "Dylan: What happens when they notice that nick has a kid now, and Sharon and Dylan don't?", "Sharon: We don't owe anyone any explanation.", "Dylan: Are you being serious right now? People grieved a baby that died, and now the baby is back! You don't think people are gonna want answers? Come on, Sharon! Everybody's gonna know! Everybody! Please tell me you understand that. Please. I know that's one of the reasons you kept the secret about sully. Because you did not want people to know that you were lying.", "Sharon: No, that's not why I didn't tell. Because you deserved to be happy, you deserved to raise a child.", "Dylan: And nick didn't? That's not your call to make. You don't get to play God with an innocent child.", "Sharon: That's not what I was doing. I wanted you to be happy.", "Dylan: Stop! This is not something a rational person does! You swore to faith that you weren't sick. I mean, do you see what's going on? Do you hear yourself right now? Maybe you do need professional help.", "Faith: He's still asleep. I wanted to say goodbye. I know it's not really goodbye. But still.", "Nick: Easy. Why don't you just stay till he wakes up? I'll make sure it's okay with your mom.", "Faith: I can help with the baby -- what sounds make him laugh, what songs he likes.", "Nick: Yeah. Hey, you know what would be super awesome? Is if you sing to him while you're here. Even when you're not here, you can video chat, sing to him. We're really gonna need you, faith. You're gonna have to help us through this.", "Faith: Sully might be scared and lonely when he wakes up.", "Nick: Well, then it's gonna be up to us to make him feel loved and safe. But, sweetheart, you're gonna have to start calling him by his name, and that's Christian. I know you used to call him sully, and it's gonna be hard, and I'm not mad about it, but sage and I, we picked out a name just special for him, and it's Christian. Now and for always.", "Faith: Okay. Christian.", "Sharon: It's really not fair, Dylan, for you to tell me that I need professional help and walk away. I'm the one who was locked away from all the people I love. I'm the one who was drugged and manipulated. When I was vulnerable, someone I trusted took advantage of me and turned my life upside- down. Dr. Anderson. When she put that baby in my arms and she told me that was mine, that's all I knew! You're sad now? So is nick, so is faith, and so am I! Giving up sully -- he is my heart and my soul, and now he's gone. I'm sad, too! I'm a victim, too!", "Dylan: You're not a victim! You stopped being a victim the day you found out he wasn't ours! And you kept me in the dark every step of the way. And don't tell me it was for my own good, to make me happy, because you made the choice that was good for you! Sharon, you knew -- you knew what was right. You knew what was wrong. You knew the truth and a lie, and you chose to lie! You chose to do the wrong thing. And now you want me to forgive you?", "Chelsea: Nick bought baby supplies. I mean, he's -- he's planning everything. I mean, this is their life now.", "Chloe: Yeah, but eventually, he's gonna have to get out of the house and go into the world. I mean, he's gonna call that baby Christian, and it's gonna all be out there.", "Chelsea: Right. Right. And then everyone will know about this mix-up.", "Chloe: Well, calling it a mix-up makes it sound like I went into the closet and I grabbed your coat instead of mine.", "Chelsea: You're right. \"Mix-up\" is the wrong word. But I don't think that people automatically just know that Sharon's been lying for so long. I think that this will stay buried for a while. Which, to everyone involved, will be a relief.", "Hilary: Oh, look! Your visitor's gone! Hmm?", "Mariah: I let Kevin know that my job was my priority. Being a dedicated employee is my one true joy in life.", "Hilary: I'm gonna ignore your tone because it seemed like whatever he came to say was important.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Hilary: Oh! Hello? Hilary Hamilton. Yes, we take story tips. Really? Okay. Go on. Go on. Yes, yes. I -- I got that. \"Dr. Anderson.\" Okay. Hello? Hello? [Scoffs] God. They hung up. [Sighs] I hope they call back. They said that there was a good story there. Something about a baby and a dr. Anderson.", "Mariah: What?", "Hilary: Why? Do you know dr. Anderson?", "Mariah: No. No, um... maybe a doctor had a baby. Should alert the media. They did. They called you. I have to go. I have to run an errand for a producer, and I think I need to get medicine for food poisoning.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: I'm here to get your story out there.", "Paul: I'm sure your son's gonna want him.", "Dylan: He's not my son.", "Nikki: How dare you!", "Sharon: Get out of my house." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Noah is hurt that Nick doesn't want to ebuild the Underground or move ahead with the club expansion but Nick tells Noah that he can do the club expansion asnd rebuilding on his own since he has his own money, Noah thinks Nick is pushing him away just like he did with the rest of the Newman family. Hilary does a live episode of the Hilary hour to espose two of Jordan's identities from hiis con man days and ask her audience to help her find out about Jordan's past. Paul finds out Crystal ran away from the safe house but is unaware that Sharon has agred to hide her since Crystal is afraid that the sex ring leader will find her and kill her. Sharon shows Crystal a picture of Zack whom she identifies as the leader of the sex ring. Lily al,most postpones the divorce hearing when Charlie shows up to ask her to give Cane another chance. but changes her mind when Juliet shows up top apologize for all the pain she has caused and ask her to give Cane another chance. Juliet starts to cramp and bleed and Charlie rushes into the courtroom to ask for help before the judge can finalize Cane and Lily's divorce.", "" ]
[ "Lily: [ Sighs ] So, this is how my marriage ends. Cane over there, me over here, and the judge in between.", "Michael: Lily, you fought the good fight. You stood by cane much longer than most women would have in your position.", "Lily: Well, I loved him.", "Michael: Which is how I know that this is so difficult for you.", "Lily: Yeah, this is not what I wanted. But I know that cane won't give up hope until it's official. Last night was proof of that. [ Sighs ] Don't ask. I just know that my family's in limbo, and it's not healthy. For any of us. I just -- I want to get this over with.", "Michael: Counselor, where is your client?", "Lily: Yeah, that's what i would like to know.", "Paul: Is that for me?", "Cane: Paul. Paul. Paul. Come on, man. What is taking so long? I have somewhere I have to be, all right? Billy got out first thing. Please.", "Paul: That's because somebody paid his bail.", "Cane: Well, I called esther ages ago.", "Paul: Maybe you should have called your wife.", "Cane: Oh, no. God, no. She's the last person I want knowing about this.", "Paul: Sorry, cane. It's out of my hands, really.", "Cane: All right, well, just let me call my attorney, okay? Right now. I guarantee you, he's probably wondering where I am even as I speak.", "Paul: You know you already had your call. I can't do that. I'm not gonna give you any special treatment, right?", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Paul: I have to treat you the same way as I do every other detainee. There you go.", "Cane: All right, listen, I screwed up my marriage. Don't make me screw up my divorce. Please! [ Sighs ] What? You judging me? Please don't judge me, okay? I did what any married man would do trying to save his marriage, and I was just trying to let my wife know how much I loved her, okay, and it went sideways. You know, there was a time where, if I was caught up in a tough spot like this, there was a lot of people I could depend on, but... not anymore.", "Juliet: Actually, there's still one person who has your back. And eventually, someday, there will be two.", "Paul: How could you let that happen?! Okay [Stammering] I don't want to hear your excuses! Your slip-up cost us the best lead we have in the sex- trafficking case. And the girl could be in danger!", "[ Door rattles forcefully ]", "Tessa: I-I still can't believe it.", "Noah: Yeah, I know. Seeing the place burned down like that...", "Tessa: You and nick worked so hard. But you'll get through this.", "Noah: Yeah...", "Tessa: Is he still meeting us here?", "Noah: I sent him a text and voicemail. W-we haven't really talked since the fire.", "Tessa: Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it.", "Noah: Maybe he just doesn't want to tell me what's going on in his mind.", "[ Nick and noah sigh ]", "Nick: Hell of a thing, huh?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Tessa: Hi.", "Nick: Hi, tessa. I'm surprised you, uh, went by there, you know? I didn't think you'd want to see the place like that.", "Noah: Well, I could only put it off for so long.", "Nick: Yeah, we should probably have a conversation about that.", "Noah: Yeah. Yeah, like, about rebuilding. When do we start?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Honestly? Never.", "Jordan: [ Knocks ] Chief williams?", "Paul: Yeah?", "Jordan: Jordan wilde. What is lily ashby's almost-ex doing behind bars?", "Paul: Can I help you with something?", "Jordan: I need to report a burglary.", "Paul: Okay. The desk sergeant can help you with that.", "Jordan: Look, sir, I know that you're busy, but please just hear me out for one minute. And if you feel like I'm wasting your time, I'll head to that desk sergeant.", "Paul: Okay. You got your minute.", "Jordan: Thank you. Um... okay. Here's the thing. I'm staying at the gcac. Someone got into my room, trashed the place, could have helped themselves to some very expensive equipment, and who knows what else. It took me over an hour just to find my keys in the mess.", "Paul: You know what, the club has their own security.", "Jordan: They claim that their surveillance cameras didn't capture anything. I'm wondering if it was an inside job.", "Hilary: We're doing a live show. I need you in the studio pronto.", "Mariah: I'm just grabbing coffee.", "Hilary: Which we have here. Move it.", "Mariah: Well, the queen has summoned me. I got to go. Sorry.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. Well, have a nice day.", "Mariah: Yeah, not likely. Thank you.", "[ Rustling ] Additional sponsorship", "Lily: You guys didn't have to come here.", "Devon: Oh, of course we did.", "Neil: Oh, yes, we did. We're not gonna let you go through this alone.", "Devon: You're stuck with us. And afterwards, we'll go get lunch. Maybe the liquid kind.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] Well, thank you for being here.", "Neil: Hey, sweetheart, what you're going through, it's really hard, and there's no way around it. This is one of many chapters in your life. The next one is just about to begin. If you're ready.", "Lily: I am ready. I thought cane was, too, but... I had no idea what I was gonna say to him face-to-face, but it looks like he found a way around that. For all we know, this could be his last-ditch effort to stall the divorce.", "Cane: Thank you. Hey, listen, thank you again for coming down here, okay? I really appreciate it.", "Juliet: Esther filled me in.", "Cane: What, she knew and she didn't come herself?", "Juliet: She wanted you to sit and stew for a while. Learn from you mistakes. According to her, that's what mrs. C. Would want.", "Cane: Well, I learned a lot. Last night was a disaster.", "[ Sighs ]", "Juliet: Here. You'll need this for court.", "Cane: Oh. Thanks. Listen, uh, I owe you. Let's just hope the judge doesn't ask me why I'm late.", "Juliet: Do you think lily will tell him?", "Cane: Uh, I don't know. I don't think she knows about last night. Let's hope it stays that way.", "Juliet: It's a painful day after -- after a rough night. So, I'm -- I'm really sorry that you're going through any of this.", "Cane: Yeah, yeah. You and me both. Um, listen, uh, I got to get out of here, okay? Um, thanks.", "Sharon: Wow. [ Sighs ] You gave me quite the scare.", "Crystal: Sorry. But I needed to see you. And I had to get in before anyone noticed me.", "Sharon: Crystal, it's not safe for you to be out of police protection. I've got to call paul.", "Crystal: No! No, please. I can't go back there. I think they found me. I could swear that I saw alice out the window, across the street.", "Sharon: Crystal, alice left town terrified for her own life. I don't think she's working for those people anymore.", "Crystal: You don't know them. They could've gotten to her and pulled her back in. And it's not just alice. I saw the same car parked out front of the house a couple of times.", "Sharon: It could've been a neighbor.", "Crystal: Or it could've been the boss. Or leon, or god knows who else, but I just can't sit there waiting for them... to do whatever they're gonna do next. I... I'm a threat that they'll want to be rid of. Ugh. You probably think that I'm paranoid.", "[ Sighs ]", "Sharon: No. I think that you're scared. As anyone would be after what you've been through. I don't know why you didn't tell the police what you thought you saw. They're the ones that can protect you.", "Crystal: Or not.", "Sharon: What does that mean?", "Crystal: I don't trust anyone but you or tessa.", "Noah: I get that this is a lot to process. Once we get the insurance money, there's gonna be plenty to get started again. We can make it just the way we want to -- you know, with a decent sprinkler system at the top of our priority list.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Look, I appreciate your energy and your optimism, but... I just can't do it.", "Noah: Why?", "Nick: Because I'm done with that place.", "Tessa: I'm so sorry, noah, but I-I have to go.", "Noah: Okay.", "Tessa: Okay. Um...", "Noah: Yeah. I'll talk to you later?", "Tessa: I'll leave you guys to it.", "Nick: Sure.", "Noah: Okay.", "Tessa: Bye.", "Nick: Bye.", "Tessa: Bye.", "Noah: This is just gonna take a little bit of time. I mean, you -- look, I can oversee the construction. That way you can focus on the new locations. That -- that makes it easier.", "Nick: It doesn'T.", "Noah: Dad, the original location is gonna be our flagship, okay, but better than ever, all right?", "Nick: Look, you're not hearing me, okay? When I say I'm done with that place, it means the underground in all its forms, okay? That means this one and the other locations.", "Noah: Dad, you can't do this, okay? You can't do this to me.", "Michael: Have you been in touch with you client? I'm sure I'll hear from him soon.", "Michael: In other words, you have no idea when or even if he'll be here?", "Neil: Michael, anything?", "Michael: Sorry. Nothing. No word, and possibly no show.", "Lily: If he doesn't show up, the hearing will be delayed, and then we'll continue to be in limbo. I can't keep jerking the kids around and tell them, \"oh, well. Dad didn't show up.\" It's not fair to them or me to drag this out.", "Michael: That's not gonna happen. As long as cane's attorney is here, we can proceed. In fact, without him here, it'll go all the more quickly.", "Cane: All right. I'm here. I'm -- I'm sorry I'm late. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay? All right, listen. I-I didn't mean to worry you, okay?", "Devon: It's not about worrying anyone. It's about having enough respect for my sister to be on time.", "Neil: Cane, where you been?", "Cane: Something came up. Okay?", "Devon: That's it? That's all you got?", "Lily: Okay, can we stop, please? It doesn't matter where cane was or where he's going after this. Let's just proceed as planned.", "Tessa: If someone was outside the safe house -- are you sure you weren't followed?", "Crystal: I was careful.", "Sharon: I'm the only one who knows she's here. And I'm keeping the place closed for now.", "Tessa: That doesn't mean that zack can't figure out a way to track her down. I mean, he could have someone on the payroll that we have no idea about.", "Crystal: Who's zack?", "Sharon: He's the one we think is running the sex ring. Using a legitimate dating app as a front for a prostitution ring. The one that you were forced into.", "Tessa: Show her the picture.", "Crystal: That's him. That's the boss.", "Noah: You're still in shock over what happened, okay? Now is not the time to be making decisions like no more underground or no more chains. So [Scoffs] You want to hold off on rebuilding, that's fine. We'll hold off. But the other locations are in perfect condition. There's no reason to bail on them.", "Nick: Look, son, I'm sorry. I just -- I can't do it. My heart's not in it anymore.", "Noah: Because of the fire? That -- that doesn't mean we walk away --", "Nick: This is the second time that that place has gone to hell. It's the second time that people's lives were at risk. I don't need the universe to keep hitting me over the head, all right? That building, this business model, it's not working.", "Noah: It's not the universe. It's -- it's fire. That's it. That's all. It's a setback. It happens in business.", "Nick: Okay. You want to look at it from a pure business point of view, let's do that. The return on the investment will be negligible for a very, very long time. Every day that the underground is closed, we are losing money. It'll take forever to catch up.", "Noah: Since when was this ever about just making money?", "Nick: You're right. It never was. You know, I always wanted my own spot, you know, my own nightclub. I didn't have to wear a suit, and I didn't have to sit in any boring board meetings. It was awesome. But it's not fun anymore. I don't find it exciting or liberating anymore, and I'm ready to move on.", "Noah: [ Scoffs ] Fine. So we don't rebuild. But that doesn't mean we abandon the other locations.", "Nick: It's not gonna work.", "Noah: Is this because you don't have your trust fund? You know, because [Scoffs] That wasn't the fire, dad. That was your choice.", "Nick: You're right, that was my choice to give away my money to charity, and I'm glad I did it. Because my life is not about being victor newman's son. And he is not backing off. Do you know that he bought our liquor distributor? He bought it. And he's gonna raise the prices so high just to let us know that he is still in control.", "Noah: So we get our vodka from somewhere else. These are just logistics. Who cares?", "Nick: He is never gonna let me run that place in peace. I mean, you have to understand, that is why we hit so many dead ends in all those other cities. It was dad putting up road blocks.", "Noah: So then we find a way around him. I mean, come on! This is --", "Nick: Look, I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life reacting to my father, dodging bullets, all right? You have had your run-ins with him. You know what it's like. But it is different with me, okay? You being even one generation apart is a huge difference. Look, when I broke free, my dad saw that as a betrayal. In his mind, I just... I betrayed him, and he's never gonna let me forget it or forgive me. He's never gonna let me off the hook. The only thing I can do is look forward. I'm not looking back. That is why I gave away the money, is to be my own man, to take control of my life. Because it's mine. I hope you understand that.", "Mariah: I'm here. I'm dressed. So can you tell me why we're doing a live show instead of using the one that we have in the can?", "Hilary: Because this is too juicy. Too time-sensitive. It is about dating someone with a secret life.", "Mariah: So, like every reality show on television. Why is it time-sensitive?", "Hilary: Because when someone finds out that they're being played for a fool and lied to by the person that they're dating, it takes some urgency, don't you think?", "Mariah: Well, I don't know. Some people keep secrets for good reasons. You know, they don't want to cause any pain. Which is a novel concept to someone like you, who hands out misery like halloween candy. But some people aren't soulless monsters. They prefer to leave the people they care about in peace and keep their mouth shut.", "Hilary: Oh, touched a nerve, have we? Are you lying to devon, or is devon lying to you?", "Mariah: No, I never said --", "Hilary: Oh, please. That was rhetorical. I don't actually care. But I will take you getting all fired up as a sign that I am on the right track. Today's show will touch a big, raw, pulsing nerve as I shine a light on some ugly lies.", "Tessa: Zack was always a creep. Even when I knew him back in chicago. He's just making more money than he did before. [ Sighs ] I mean, I even... talked to him about you recently.", "Crystal: You did?", "Tessa: Yeah. When I couldn't track you down. He acted like he didn't know a damn thing.", "Crystal: How did you know him? Did he ever, um...?", "Tessa: He tried. But just more low-key. Some massage-parlor stuff. I mean, he's slicker now, with the clothes and the car and the app, just pretending he's legit.", "Sharon: Is zack the one who recruited you?", "Crystal: Mnh-mnh. I hardly ever saw him. And it wasn't until later. I didn't even know his name was zack. In the beginning, it was all alice. \"You remind me of myself at your age. I'll look out for you.\" [ Sighs ] \"We all need a friend sometimes.\" That sort of thing. Like she was doing us a favor. By the time I realized what was actually happening, it was too late for me to get out.", "Tessa: Are you sure that maybe zack didn't send alice out to get you? I mean, after I took off on him, maybe he just wanted a replacement.", "Sharon: Tessa, if you're thinking that this is your fault --", "Tessa: Two sisters? Do you think that's a coincidence?", "Crystal: Who knows why alice picked me? It was probably because I was stupid enough to listen.", "Tessa: Hey, you're not stupid. Don't say that.", "Sharon: I think we need to call the police and let them know that crystal can I.D. Zack.", "Crystal: No, we can'T. You don't know what it's like. They have people everywhere. Oh, god. Like I said, the only two people I trust are in this room.", "Sharon: I understand, but do you really think the police can't help?", "Crystal: Once somebody knows where I am, the news is out. I know zack is looking for me. I can feel it. That's why I had to leave the safe house. If I keep moving, he can't catch me.", "Tessa: Sh-she's right. We can't risk it. Not after natalia.", "Crystal: What about natalia? Where -- where is she?", "Sharon: Um... I'm sorry, crystal, but natalia's dead. She was murdered.", "Crystal: What?! All she wanted was a better life. I told you. He won't stop until he finds me and he shuts me up. Look, no one can know that I'm here. Please.", "[ Knock on patio door ]", "Sharon: Oh. Suddenly people don't understand what a \"closed\" sign means. I-I'll deal with it.", "Tessa: Okay. It's gonna be okay.", "[ Knocking continues ]", "Sharon: Oh, paul. Hi. Um, sorry about that.", "Paul: That's okay. Hey. Uh... you're usually open by now. Is there a problem?", "Sharon: Uh, yeah, it's the pipes. Same thing that happened when dylan owned the place. You know how it goes.", "Paul: Well, we have to do this privately, anyway. Uh, I have to talk to you about what's going on with crystal.", "Noah: So is this what you really want? To be done with our business, with our partnership?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] It's not just for me, bud, all right? It's for you, too.", "Noah: [ Scoffs ] I'm not the one that wants out.", "Nick: Well, I'm the one with the target on my back. Your grandfather still wants you to succeed. So if you would like to go ahead with this expansion and the rebuild, then go for it.", "Noah: Doing this alone was never part of the plan.", "Nick: Look, this was always... this was always you, man. You were the brains and the heart of this operation. I was just the wallet. [ Noah scoffs ] And you have your own money, noah. And when this insurance money comes in, you can have every penny of that, too. It's yours. Take it. So if you want to go ahead with this expansion, then you keep your dream alive.", "Charlie: Mom? Dad?", "Lily: Charlie! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school.", "Charlie: Look, you guys don't have to do this. You don't have to be here right now. Try one more time.", "Lily: Listen, I know that you are upset, and it kills me to see you that way, but we talked about this. It's time.", "Cane: All right, just let him finish. Say what you were gonna say, bud.", "Charlie: Look, you screwed up, and I thought I was never gonna forgive you. That night at the fire... look, if things had been different, I wouldn't be here right now. And the point is, the only thing that mattered that night were the four of us. I'm just asking why can't that be the only thing that matters today, too?", "Cane: Charlie, it still does matter, okay? Sweetheart, you and these kids, you are my world, and we have survived worse than this. And I came to the house last night to tell you, but I -- I screwed it up.", "Lily: Cane, we agreed. For you to do this right now, in front of charlie, you can't do that!", "Cane: I know we did. I know, I know, I know. But you are a fighter. And you beat cancer. And the doctor said you couldn't have a baby, but you did. You made it happen. And you've protected our family every day ever since. I know why. I'm just asking you -- I'm begging you, just -- just fight for us one last time. That's all I'm asking you to do.", "Neil: Okay, look, cane. This lady here, she's done the fighting. She's earned the right to say \"no more,\" you hear me?", "Cane: And you are right, okay? So, sweetheart, I will do the fighting for us. I'll do it. All you have to do is say yes. And, sweetheart, that's what I will do. I will fight for us. Just say yes.", "Devon: Cane, have you not done enough, man? I mean, really, we're in this room right now because of all the stuff you've pulled.", "Cane: I know.", "Devon: You don't have to guilt-trip my sister. If you really want to do something good, let her live her life.", "Charlie: This isn't just about them. This is about all of us.", "Neil: Charlie, your mother deserves peace, and if this is how she finds it, then we need to respect that.", "Cane: It's okay.", "Lily: Michael... uh, maybe we should postpone and -- \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Hilary: Oh, my bees. Now, do I have a question for you today. What would you do if you were dating a guy who seemed to be perfect -- he was thoughtful, sexy, talented -- but it turns out that he was hiding a secret? A secret so deep that he locked you out of his life and kept you in the dark?", "Mariah: I, for one, have no clue, because my boyfriend -- maybe you know him -- he is all of those good things, but especially honest.", "Hilary: Yes, but not all men are devon hamilton. And only one of us can say that from experience. Now, I'm sure all of you remember jordan wilde -- or at least his abs. He was the fashion photographer hot enough to step out in front of the camera. Now, how jealous would you be if you found out that jordan and i were dating for months? Yes, that's right.", "Mariah: I'm sensing past tense.", "Hilary: Past and sometimes very tense. We are no longer seeing each other, which is a big relief, because jordan was keeping a secret. A deep, dark one. Jordan wilde of new york is also marcus jones of illinois, and jason hightower of california. Now, I need to ask myself, is jordan wilde even his real name? Or is he someone else entirely?", "Lily: Did you really invite juliet to our divorce hearing?", "Cane: No, I didn't invite her here.", "Lily: Well, here she is.", "Cane: Not 'cause I want her to be here.", "Lily: No. O-of course she thinks it's okay to be here. Of course. She's living in jill's house with you, she's carrying your child, gonna be a part of your life for the next 50-odd years because you slept with her and you lied about it and now here we are. Is this judge ever gonna get this thing started?", "Michael: You said something about postponing?", "Lily: No, I'm over it. Let's do this.", "Charlie: Mom, please!", "Lily: Charlie, I am sorry. This is how things have to be.", "Cane: All right, my suit, you bailed me out, I appreciate it, but you don't have to turn up here. Why are you here?", "Juliet: I wanted to talk to lily.", "Michael: Oooh, um...", "Juliet: Apologize. Ask her to give you another chance.", "Lily: You are amazing. Inserting yourself into our personal business. Do you think that after what you did to my marriage that you have the right to ask me for anything, ever? Are you that clueless, or are you just selfish? Why are you really here? Did you want to get a ringside seat, make sure everything goes as planned? Put the final nail in the coffin? You know what, I don't care why you do what you do anymore, because after today, you're cane's problem, and I plan to forget that you exist.", "Cane: Juliet, you need to leave, please.", "Juliet: I never meant to cause any trouble.", "Cane: What did you think was gonna happen, okay? I'm making progress with lily, and you ruined that like you ruined my marriage.", "Juliet: This took two of us. Even if you want to pretend that it didn'T. And I know that you are upset, but that does not give you the right to yell at me, especially when I was the only one who was willing to bail you out of jail.", "Lily: You did what?", "Juliet: I never meant for any of this. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "Juliet: [ Sniffles ] I know. Your mom hates me, and your dad wants me gone. You don't have to repeat the message.", "Charlie: It's not your fault.", "Juliet: What?", "Charlie: The divorce. It was never just about you. Look, cheating's bad enough. But my dad lied and made it worse. He knows he screwed up. But it's easier to take it out on you than to just own it. He was out of line. It's not just because, you know, you're...", "Juliet: You're a good kid. I hope this ba-- -- aah!", "Charlie: Are you okay?", "Juliet: [ Exhales sharply ] Yeah, I'm fine.", "[ Breathing deeply ]", "Charlie: Are you sure? I mean, you look kind of a funny color. Can I call someone?", "Juliet: Uh, no. It's -- it's a cramp. It's just a part of the package. Ooh... it'll pass in a moment. And then I will be out of everyone's way. Aah! Phew! Cane --", "Cane: Just -- sweetheart, listen. It's not as bad as it sounded.", "Lily: Really?", "Cane: Listen, I came to the house last night, and -- and i was drunk, and the cops hauled me off because I was outside and I was begging you to take me back.", "Lily: Yeah, I know. I was home.", "Cane: And you didn't come to the door?", "Lily: No, I didn'T. But I heard you. And obviously our neighbors did, too, because somebody called the police. I see these people every morning. Our kids hang out with theirs.", "Cane: I love you so much i can't think straight. And charlie was right -- it doesn't have to be this way. Cane, please.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Since all parties are present, I'm calling this hearing to order.", "Sharon: So, what are you saying? Where did she go? Did someone grab her or did she run away?", "Paul: Well, all indications are that crystal left the safe house on her own. I mean, this young girl trusted us up to a point, and clearly we let her down, and now she's out on her own again.", "Sharon: Oh, I hate to think of crystal scared and on the run.", "Paul: I suspect she's gonna come to your or tessa soon. So if you hear from her, you need to contact me immediately. So, sharon, one way or another, we're gonna bring this trafficking ring down. But in order to do that, we need to work together on this. I can count on you, right?", "Sharon: Of course.", "Paul: Good.", "Sharon: Um... I'll let tessa know right away.", "Paul: Okay.", "Sharon: And, paul, we're so grateful. I hope you know that.", "Paul: Oh, yeah. Um... one more thing you should know. I never got a chance to ask crystal if she could I.D. Zack. Hopefully she's gonna be back in police protection very soon, and we can find out if he is involved.", "Sharon: If zack is the one who's behind this...", "Paul: Then he is as dangerous as you and scott think he is. Take care.", "Noah: Taking over the underground on my own?", "Nick: Making it exactly what you want. Your ideas. Your vision. No compromise.", "Noah: Yeah, I got a trust fund, sure. What I don't have is the experience. Not like you.", "Nick: The best way to get experience is to jump right in. Your mom and I learned that years ago with the coffeehouse.", "Noah: You really think I can do this?", "Nick: You can do anything you want. Set your own pace. Do what works for you. And no one says you can't take on another partner, you know.", "Noah: I had one. My dad. Meant a lot to me.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] That was definitely the best part for me, too. Look, you know, we tried. Now we're gonna go do something else. You have way more sense than i did at your age. You know, you have the -- you have the energy and the time and the focus to make this business or anything else you decide to do whatever you want.", "Noah: I already had what I wanted. Anything else just feels like a step backward.", "Nick: Don't look at it like that, you know? Yeah, we're on different paths, but we're moving forward. It's a leap of faith. I'm ready for that. Are you?", "Hilary: With the internet and shows like mine, it is almost impossible to keep a secret these days. That's why I'm sure that many of you were as stunned as I was when I first came across this.", "Mariah: I have to admit, i know a thing or two about keeping secrets, and even I'm shocked by this.", "Hilary: Now, this is where you, my lovely and loyal buzzy viewers come in. If you know anything about this man -- jordan, marcus, jason, or whatever he calls himself -- drop us a line. These I.D.S are gonna be posted on our website later today. Take a look. Forward the link to your family and friends. This is crowdsourcing at its best. We need to look out for each other. As we wrap up this very special edition, I leave you with this -- if there is one thing I know about my bees, sometimes we're all about the honey... but sometimes we're all about the sting.", "Paul: Oh, mr. Wilde. An officer's going to be getting in touch with you regarding the details of your burglary.", "Jordan: Oh, not necessary, chief. Um... it was a misunderstanding. Turns out someone that I know borrowed my equipment without asking. So no harm, no foul. Sorry for wasting your time.", "Tessa: Thank you, sharon. I know paul is like family to you.", "Sharon: But so are you now. Both of you. Crystal, I know, when you're scared, you run. Even when you're with people who don't want to hurt you. I can't let that happen again, so I need for you to trust me. If you don't want the police to know where you are, I won't be the one who tells them. I'm gonna do everything I can to help you. But I know we're all wondering the same thing. [ Sighs ] When will this nightmare really be over, and when will you be truly safe?", "Noah: Maybe we can just talk about this later, you know.", "Nick: Well, you never told me, you know -- are you gonna make a go at it or what?", "Noah: [ Scoffs ] To be honest, I really don't know what I'm gonna do right now.", "Nick: I did throw a lot at you at once. So take some time, do what's best for you. But just know, whatever you think that is, you have my support. Always.", "Noah: Yeah, you say that.", "Nick: I mean it, son.", "Noah: Yeah. You know [Scoffs] I got to tell you, it feels like you're just pushing me away like you have the rest of the newman family.", "Nick: Well, it may feel like that right now, but I promise you, that is not what I want. And I hope in time you realize that.", "Charlie: Let me get someone.", "Juliet: No, please. This happens. You are sweet to worry, but it will be fine. I will leave just as soon as I -- aah!", "Charlie: Juliet! Juliet! Juliet? Hey! J-juliet... Any other issues before we finalize the matter?", "Michael: No, your honor. I think that's everything.", "Charlie: I need help. It's juliet. It's --", "Cane: Charlie, is that blood?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dina: Now that you've lost victor, any rich young man would be happy to have a free lap dance.", "Cane: What happened?", "Lily: They rushed her into surgery. She's losing too much blood. Either we get this baby out now or we lose them both." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lola brings some sandwiches by Jabot along with some delivery menus to prome her food truck's new luch delivery service which is free of charge. Lola meets Kyle later at Crimson Lights before they go to the movies and tells Kyle, Mariah and Tessa about her plans to have a La Vida Lola resturant in ten years if her business plan works out. Kyle is impressed and wants to invest in her plans now and get other investors so she can have her resturant even sooner but Lola tells him she likes him for who he is not his wallet and she wants to do this on her own even though it will take a little longer to achieve her dream. Nick and Phyllis decide to have a fun casual relationship with no labels but Phyllis tells Nick that Billy, Jack and Summer all know about their night of sex in the dark horse office. Sharon walsk into Crimson Lights and sees them sitting together and blasts them for trying to make her jealous which isn't going to work. Rey steps in and tells Nick and Phyllis to leave and takes Sharon to his apartment to calm her down and he tells her that she has a heart of gold and Nick was an idiot for not taking care of their relationship and hurting her in such an awful way. Sharon and Rey almost kiss but they stop themselves just before Rey's phone rings to tell him to get down to the plice station because there is a break in the case.", "Mariah thinks its time she and Tessa move in together so she asks Tessa the question and nervously waits for Tessa to give her an answer The ladies night group has been nervous all day wondering what evidence Rey has on JT's case. Mariah and the ladies night group are frustrated because all Rey will say on the subject is no comment. All of Geneoa City watches in shock when Rey announces at a press conference that the JT Halstram case is no longer considered a disapperance but is now a murder investigation.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lola: You have a shot, but I'm still gonna make you work for it.", "Mariah: We have come a long way since last halloween.", "Tessa: I didn't make it easy.", "Mariah: But you made it worth it.", "Sharon: Rey and I have made very firm boundaries. We are colleagues who are also friends.", "Mariah: I'm just asking -- if he wasn't married, would you and he...?", "Sharon: No. No! [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: I thought by now we would have heard something from whomever moved J.T.'S body from the park. Do you think that J.T. Could still be alive?", "Rey: I'm taking over this site.", "Arturo: That's not possible. There's a busted water pipe there. This is official city business.", "Rey: So is this.", "Mariah: I'm mariah copeland reporting from chancellor park. What you're witnessing behind me is no ordinary day at the park, though. As you can see, law enforcement is on the scene and they're cordoned off a small area of the park. Here is what we know so far. Local law enforcement has brought in a criminal forensics team, and they seem to be searching the area with a fine- tooth comb. What they've found or what they're looking for is anyone's guess. I'll pass along the details of this investigation as they become available. I'm mariah copeland for gc buzz.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: Hey.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victoria: Have they found anything?", "Nikki: No, not that I can tell. The police called me this morning to tell me that they would be digging around out here. They wouldn't say why -- not to me, not to mariah.", "Victoria: I've been in contact with phyllis and sharon. They know why.", "Nikki: What?! Why didn't you say anything?", "Victoria: Mom, it was late. There was nothing we could do except worry.", "Nikki: Victoria, what do you know?", "Victoria: Please, mom. Don't let them see you lose your cool. There are cops everywhere. While the repair crew was in there fixing the pipes, they found J.T.'S watch. And who knows what else?", "Kyle: It's a little early for our date, isn't it? Besides, wasn't the plan to meet at the coffeehouse?", "Lola: We're still on. I just thought you might enjoy a little taste of la vida lola.", "Kyle: Oh! You brought me lunch?", "Lola: I brought everyone a little bit of lunch today.", "Kyle: You made all that?", "Lola: Menus and free samples for my new delivery service. Place an order and get fast, free delivery right to your office door.", "Kyle: This is incredible.", "Lola: Yeah. This is how I make my dreams come true.", "Kyle: When did you come up with all of this?", "Lola: A girl's got to have some secrets.", "Kyle: Lunch delivery is definitely going to be a hit around here.", "Lola: I hope so. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some deliveries and some taste buds to excite.", "Phyllis: Oh, boy. Here we go. \"...Still no official word about the police presence in chancellor park... \" crime scene...\" \"police remain silent on investigation.\"", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Sharon: Hello, I'm just returning your call that i received -- um, I'm gonna have to call you back.", "Victoria: Apparently arturo found a watch while he and his crew were fixing the pipe that was buried underneath the sculpture, and somehow it ended up in rey's hands.", "Nikki: I don't understand. Why do they think the watch belonged to J.T.?", "Victoria: Because there was an inscription on the back -- \"love, mac.\" So rey did some detective work. He tracked down mackenzie, and he brought her in for questioning.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. What do we do?", "Victoria: The only thing we can do. We just have to act like it's another day. Business as usual, right?", "Nikki: Yeah, uh, I suppose.", "Victoria: Mom, you have to hold it together. We can't fall apart. There's nothing that we can do here.", "Nikki: No, there is. I have a responsibility to this park. I'm going to stay and see what i can find out.", "Victoria: All right. Just let me know if you hear any more news or if anything at all.", "Nikki: You'll be my first call.", "Mariah: Uh, nikki! Nikki, do you have a second?", "Nikki: Oh, uh, now probably isn't the best time.", "Mariah: It'll be really quick, I promise. Most of you know the woman beside me as genoa city's own nikki newman, but what most of you don't know is mrs. Newman is the owner of chancellor park, which, until yesterday, was an oasis, a place for calm and quiet reflection. Nikki, do you have any statements on today's events?", "Nikki: I'm afraid I'm as much in the dark as you are, mariah. I wish I could help you.", "Mariah: Thank you for your time.", "Nikki: Certainly.", "Mariah: Oh! Detective rosales! Detective rosales, um, can you make a statement on the police presence in the park today? Additional sponsorship", "Rey: I have nothing to say at this time.", "Mariah: You'd be doing a public service by setting the record straight. Please, just a couple words.", "Rey: Sure. No comment.", "Mariah: I'm just trying to do my job.", "Rey: Me, too. When I know more, you'll know more, okay?", "Mariah: Okay. Okay, let's go.", "[ Car door shuts ]", "[ Car engine starts ]", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] Um...", "Rey: Nikki. I'm glad I caught you.", "Nikki: Is everything all right?", "Rey: I need a word.", "Phyllis: You aren't ted.", "Kyle: So I've heard.", "Phyllis: Why aren't you working on the project I gave you yesterday?", "Kyle: I am. I'm waiting on a call from the west coast, and I need their numbers before I can complete the spreadsheet. No one's in their offices for the next two hours.", "Phyllis: I expected you to be further along.", "Kyle: So did I.", "Phyllis: Look, if there's a reason you can't get this job done, or if it's too much for you to handle...", "Kyle: I thought you'd rather have it done thoroughly into a high standard as opposed to fast.", "Phyllis: I'm sure there's a way to accomplish all three at once. So get on it.", "Lola: Well, well, I'm guessing you're here to tell me how amazing my samples were.", "Kyle: I was just getting some last-minute guidance from my boss.", "Lola: Ah, yes. Congratulations! I heard about the big news.", "Phyllis: Thank you, lola.", "Lola: I know you're very busy, but I wanted to hand this to you personal, courtesy of la vida lola. Try our new delivery service. Fast, free, and fantastic.", "Phyllis: Thank you very much.", "Lola: One bite, and you'll be transported.", "Phyllis: Well, I need that. Thank you. I trust you'll get your work done.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "[ Door opens ]", "Phyllis: Don't you have a job to do?", "Nikki: I don't see how anything I have to say could assist in a police investigation.", "Rey: You are the park's owner.", "Nikki: Well, yes, but --", "Rey: You're privy to certain information that's going to help me put a few of the missing pieces together.", "Nikki: Such as?", "Rey: Who does the park's landscaping, upkeep? Who created the sculpture?", "Nikki: I really wish I could help you, but I'm really not involved in the day- to-day details.", "Rey: Well, maybe somebody in your office.", "Nikki: You know, if you could tell me what you're looking for and why, I'm sure that I could narrow things down for you.", "Rey: I can't say anything until I have all the facts. So you'll get that information for me?", "Nikki: As soon as I head to the office.", "Rey: Name of the companies, their employees, dates of services -- everything.", "Nikki: I'll put my best people on it.", "Rey: Thank you, nikki. I look forward to hearing from you.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Sharon: Nikki, where are you, and what is going on?", "Nikki: Rey wants to know everything about the park, like who tends to the garden, who maintains the sculpture. Do you know that they have put a tent --", "Sharon: Victoria told you about the watch.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Yes. I find it hard to believe that this whole place is crawling with police over a little watch.", "Sharon: It's evidence of a man who's presumed missing. Of course there's going to be an investigation, but with any luck...", "Nikki: If we had had any luck, we would have been the ones to find that watch when we dug up that empty grave.", "Sharon: Look at the big picture. There's no reason to believe that they have any evidence that we had anything to do with J.T. Going missing. And without a body, there is no murder.", "Nikki: Until one shows up!", "Sharon: Do you think that J.T. Is really alive, and he's out there planting this incriminating evidence against us?", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] I don't know. We don't have time to speculate on that. You're the one who works at the station. You're friends with the lead investigator. We need answers, and you are the one in the best position to get them.", "Phyllis: Double skim latte. Please.", "Tessa: Uh, is that with or without cyanide? Well, I'm just assuming you have a death wish coming in here, where there's about a 90% chance you're gonna run into sharon.", "Phyllis: She's not here now.", "Tessa: She will be soon.", "Phyllis: How much for the coffee without an attitude?", "Tessa: So I'm assuming you're taking it to go?", "Phyllis: I'm gonna be taking it right over there. Thank you.", "Nick: Hey. How's it going?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Little miss millennial is getting a little too big for her britches without sharon to keep her on track. How about you?", "Nick: I've just been following the news at chancellor park. You know anything about that?", "Phyllis: Mm, small talk. You a little nervous to be seen with me since we spent last night together?", "Nick: Let's sit down.", "Phyllis: It's not like we planned for that to happen. Again.", "Nick: Right.", "Phyllis: Even if we did, you know, I would have chosen another place besides your office.", "Nick: Could have gone to a nice hotel room.", "Phyllis: Yeah, where we wouldn't have gotten busted like a couple of teenagers.", "Nick: And if we had done that, then maybe jack wouldn't have found your jabot id that you left on the couch.", "Phyllis: Jack isn't the only one who knows.", "Nick: Who else?", "Phyllis: Billy. Summer.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] So it's out there.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's scandalous.", "Nick: Yeah, but why? Why is it scandalous? We're both consenting adults. We can do whatever we want. With whoever we want.", "Phyllis: It's good. It's therapeutic. It's aerobic. All-together fun.", "Nick: Definitely fun. Uh, you know, if you ever want to grab dinner, you know, maybe we do something a little more upscale than the heartburn-y cheeseburgers and chili fries. You know? If you do, then just hit me up.", "Phyllis: Nick newman, are you asking me out on a date?", "Kyle: Hey, tessa.", "Tessa: Hey yourself! What brings you by?", "Kyle: Looking for lola. Have you seen her?", "Tessa: Uh, not yet.", "Kyle: Huh. We're supposed to meet up here before we go out.", "Tessa: Oh.", "Kyle: Ah!", "Lola: I hope you weren't waiting too long. I had to go back home and change. Hi, tessa.", "Tessa: Hi! You look great. Doesn't she, kyle?", "Kyle: Um... beautiful. Yeah. Hi.", "Lola: Thanks.", "Kyle: We have a while before the movie starts. Can I get you anything?", "Lola: Something warm.", "Tessa: Say no more.", "Kyle: Everybody at jabot is raving about your samples.", "Lola: Yeah?", "Kyle: Yeah, they couldn't get enough.", "Lola: I got so many thumbs up on my website. I couldn't believe it.", "Kyle: You have a website?", "Lola: Yeah, it needs some tweaks here and there, but it is the biggest thing that I've done since I got my truck.", "Kyle: Instant success.", "Lola: So, how was the rest of your day?", "Kyle: Pretty good, thanks to you.", "Lola: What did I do?", "Kyle: The way you stepped in with your free food samples and saved me from phyllis. Pretty smooth.", "Lola: Well, it's the power of good food.", "Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm.", "Lola: Is she an okay boss to work for?", "Kyle: Eh. I think of it more as working with her. She's new to the C.E.O. Game, I'm an abbott, so it's only natural that she looks to me for some guidance. Some expertise in marketing and the day-to-day operations of jabot. Once our new stores open, she can step back, see what she needs to change. I'm sure I'll be a top candidate for the C.O.O. Position.", "Lola: Kyle, you know you don't have to impress me, right?", "Kyle: I wasn't trying to --", "Lola: I like you already. For you, for who you are. Not where you work. So just be kyle. That's enough.", "Kyle: I have never met anyone like you.", "Lola: No?", "Kyle: Mnh-mnh. I've spent most of my life with people who say one thing and do the opposite, who judge a person by who they know, how many followers they have, or how much money they make. And when they get close and they pat you on the back, they're only doing it so they know where to stick the knife.", "Lola: Horrible. How do you survive that?", "Kyle: By putting up a front. Never let them close. Don't let them get in.", "Lola: Well, it sounds exhausting.", "Kyle: You have no idea.", "Lola: So let's try this again, okay? Be real. How was the rest of your day?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Not bad. Had an amazing lunch, hand-delivered by the nicest woman. You should meet her. You would like her. [ Chuckles ] And that big project I told you about, it is actually a big deal, but I found out that I didn't get it on my own merit.", "Lola: You were recommended.", "Kyle: Summer. She put in a good word with my boss.", "Lola: Who also happens to be her mom.", "Kyle: That's right. I told you already.", "Lola: Yes. You did.", "Kyle: I'm sorry to bring her up again. I swear, there's nothing more than that.", "Lola: No, I know. That conversation that i overheard of you and summer convinced me. Besides, I'm not one of those women who need constant reassurance.", "Kyle: Where have you been all my life?", "Tessa: How about I get you guys something to go?", "Nick: Actually, we're good. Thank yo-- okay, uh, about the date...", "Phyllis: Backpedal away.", "Nick: No, I wasn't asking you on a date. I'm just saying if you wanted to, you know, hang out, it could be fun.", "Phyllis: We do have fun.", "Nick: We do have fun. Why don't you come check out my new bricks? I'll give you the grand tour. Or we could just go grab dinner somewhere.", "Phyllis: [ Gasps ] And be seen in public together? That'll give them something to talk about.", "Nick: Let them talk.", "Phyllis: And you don't mind sharon seeing us keep company?", "Nick: Sharon's made it very clear that we are done.", "Phyllis: Oh. So I'm your rebound girl.", "Sharon: Hey. What are you doing here?", "Mariah: Oh, I was, um -- I was just gonna see if you needed anyone to hang out with faith tonight, in case you're working late on this big case.", "Sharon: No, uh, I mean, I've got it handled. Thanks, though.", "Mariah: Anytime.", "Sharon: You know, for a minute, I wondered if maybe you came all the way down here to see if you could get the latest scoop.", "Mariah: What? No! Why can't I just want to hang out with -- detective rosales! Hi! What a coincidence. It's crazy.", "Rey: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were following me.", "Mariah: Well, then, thank goodness you are a better detective than that, you know, because technically I got here first, so who's following who? But, um, now that fate has brought us together again, I was wondering if there are any new developments, anything you want to comment on.", "Rey: She always like this?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Rey: Like I told you when you asked me before. When I find out something, i hope you will be front and center at the news conference. But, right now, it is too early to make statements, okay?", "Sharon: Stay there. I'll be right back.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Rey: It has been like this all day -- news outlets, social media, people in the street pumping me for information about what's going on in the park.", "Sharon: Can you blame them? It's big news. I -- I got to be honest. I'm just as intrigued as everyone else is, especially after I saw you talking to mac yesterday.", "Rey: Just between the two of us... this thing at the park could be a significant clue into J.T.'S disappearance. The csi team that's working this is the best in the business. If there's even the slightest piece of evidence there, they are going find it. That's great, right?", "Sharon: Yeah. That's great. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Phyllis: All I'm saying is that it's good to be clear what this is or what this isn'T.", "Nick: How many different kinds of sex are there?", "Phyllis: An infinite amount. There's sex with an ex, there's revenge sex, tiramisu sex...", "Nick: Ooh, tira-- what is that?", "Phyllis: It's delicious, decadent, complex, and layered. Makes you want to come back for seconds and thirds.", "Nick: Oh, okay.", "Phyllis: Then there's gravitational sex. That's when you're in the same orbit as someone, and you have an irresistible pull, and you just have to give into it, and the earth shakes and the stars collide, and it's powerful, and like, \"oh!\" Out of this world.", "Nick: Well, I don't know what it was, but it wasn't revenge sex.", "Phyllis: You didn't want to get back at sharon just a little bit?", "Nick: No. It's because of that look in your eye. It made me just wanna...", "Phyllis: Tiramisu?", "Nick: Yeah, something like that.", "Phyllis: I did. I did get a kick out of telling billy that we slept together after what he --", "Nick: What? What did billy do? Did he do something to you?", "Phyllis: It's not important. What you need to know is that i will always have your back. No matter what.", "Nick: Ditto. And what a sexy back.", "Sharon: What the --", "Mariah: No, please --", "Sharon: On what planet is it okay for you to show up to my place of business with this wrecking ball?", "Nick: That's not how this happened.", "Sharon: No, uh, spare me the details. Billy already told me \"how it happened\" the other night. Phyllis, nice to see you're keeping it classy.", "Phyllis: That's right. I forgot, you are so much better than I am.", "Sharon: Well, at least I have morals, and when given the choice between right and wrong, I don't choose another woman's man.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's right. Sanctimonious sharon. You would never cross that line. That would be beyond you, but don't forget we all have dirt under our fingernails.", "Mariah: You know what, sharon, please don't let her drag you down to her level, all right?", "Nick: I swear to you, we did not plan this. I didn't even know she was here.", "Sharon: She is here, and you stayed. Why, so that you can rub it in my face, try to make me feel jealous? It's not gonna work!", "Phyllis: Okay, just slow the roll.", "Sharon: She doesn't even know what it feels like to actually be in love with somebody else.", "Phyllis: You don't know one thing about me.", "Sharon: Well, what I do know, I loathe. You know what, I hope you do fall in love, phyllis. I really do. Head over heels, heart and soul, and then I hope someone comes and takes him away from you, and I want a front-row seat to that, your heart breaking in ways that you never even imagined!", "Nick: Okay. No, no, no, no. All right, we're leaving. We're leaving. Get your stuff. We're leaving. Sharon, I never --", "Rey: Go. Just go, nick. There's -- there's nothing left to be said.", "Rey: Hey. I was gonna step in and help, but it looked like you were doing a hell of a job all by yourself. You okay? Come with me. Come on.", "Mariah: Wait.", "Tessa: I have been trying to get those two to leave all afternoon.", "Mariah: It's not your fault. It would have happened eventually. Oh, hey.", "Esther: Hi.", "Tessa: Hi!", "Esther: Mariah, I caught your gc buzz report today. It was so compelling!", "Mariah: Oh! Thank you so much. Have you two met before?", "Esther: Oh, yes. I know tessa. She always has my afternoon latte waiting.", "Tessa: Oh! Yeah. Yep. I am right on it.", "Mariah: Well, I'm glad that you liked the show. You know, we're trying to take it in a new direction, you know, get in the field a bit more.", "Esther: I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. And then I had an idea. Now, what if -- okay, I'm just throwing this out there, okay? But what if we filmed a few segments where you interview me, and then I can reminisce about my life an times with mrs. C., And I can talk about chancellor park and what a phenomenal, unbelievable woman she was. Because it's really important for young people to know her contribution to genoa city. Mrs. C. Was bigger than life, and I want to make sure that she gets all the honor and respect that she deserves. So what do you think?", "Mariah: Yeah. Yes. Uh, well, I -- I think that those are really great ideas, and I, uh -- I think I should get back to you on that and just, you know, try to figure out what direction we're -- we're gonna go in.", "Esther: It's the only direction, mariah.", "Mariah: Right.", "Esther: Oh! Let me --", "Tessa: Oh, no, no, no. It's on the house.", "Esther: Thank you. I've always known that this one was destined for greatness. So I'll talk to you, soon, right?", "Mariah: Right.", "Esther: Yeah. Ta-ta!", "Mariah: Bye.", "Kyle: Hey, we saw nick and phyllis blow out of here.", "Lola: And then my brother and sharon took off.", "Kyle: What the hell happened in here?", "Sharon: I'm so embarrassed.", "Rey: Oh, don't be.", "Sharon: I just don't like people seeing me like that.", "Rey: What, ticked off?", "Sharon: Weak.", "Rey: By not backing down, facing your problems head on? That's not weak.", "Sharon: You're just being kind.", "Rey: No, no, I'm being honest. You're passionate. You know what you want. That's -- you should never apologize for that.", "Sharon: I should have known better than to let those two get under my skin.", "Rey: You know, I never understood how people could walk away from a promise to love somebody forever.", "Sharon: Well, I need to walk away from that, but now I don't know how.", "Rey: I think you start by asking yourself -- what do you want?", "Sharon: Well, I want to live my own life. I want to be happy. I want to do what I want when i want, and I -- I don't want to feel guilty about it.", "Rey: I think you're holding on to old dreams, expectations. It's time you let go and you make room for new things. New people.", "Tessa: First, phyllis comes in, and I try to get her to leave, and then nick comes, and then I try to get them both out the door. I knew sharon would be coming in eventually, they knew she was gonna be here.", "Mariah: And they stayed?", "Tessa: Yeah, they didn't bat an eye. And I saw you coming trough the window, and I started waving my arms like crazy trying to warn you.", "Mariah: Well, then my mom and I came in, and of course she saw them snuggled up together, and she went ballistic.", "Lola: Who wouldn't? Too soon, you know?", "Mariah: And then rey came in and he shuffled everybody to their respective corners, but not before every customer in here got an eyeful of my mother's private life.", "Kyle: Got to be good for business. Come for the coffee, sta for the cat fight.", "Lola: Hey...", "Mariah: Ha, ha, very funny. I'm just glad rey was here. I mean, he's been so supportive of my mom. First, the job, and now with nick.", "Kyle: Oh! Before I forget. I want to make sure you have a few of these.", "Lola: Where did you get my menus?", "Kyle: I copied the one you gave me at work. You don't mind, do you?", "Lola: No, but --", "Mariah: What are these?", "Lola: My new delivery menu.", "Tessa: What? No way!", "Lola: Yeah, I started today, handed out some samples at jabot, and they ate it up -- literally.", "Mariah: This is amazing, lola. First, the food truck, and now delivery?", "Lola: And it's only the beginning, okay? I'm starting out small, you know, primarily in the area, just lunch, but soon I'll do dinners and catering for events and parties and meetings, and eventually, I'll have my very own la vida lola restaurant, you know, featuring my cuban fusion and building on what the truck has to offer but with the elegance of a sit-down dinner. Intimate setting with fun, flavorful food.", "Mariah: You are really building your brand.", "Lola: Up to the stars. And I know it won't be easier and it won't happen overnight, but I have plans drawn out, strategies.", "Tessa: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: You have the talent and the dream. Now you just need the financing.", "Lola: And luck.", "Tessa: But, lucky for you, you have friends who can pass these out and get you some new customers.", "Mariah: That's us. We're the friends.", "Tessa: Mm-hmm.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: Oh! And if you need any extra hands, I'm your girl.", "Lola: You're on, but it is going to be long hours and hard work, and it could be tough on a couple.", "Mariah: Hey! Bring it on. We love tough, right?", "Tessa: Yeah, we make beautiful music together.", "Mariah: We do.", "Nick: Maybe if we hadn't been at crimson lights. You know, it's a little close to home.", "Phyllis: So, what, we walk on eggshells because she decides to end it?", "Nick: For my kids' sake, i just don't want them growing up seeing me and sharon at each other's throats.", "Phyllis: She made it abundantly clear that she wanted you out of her life. That's her choice. But she does not get to tell you who you can choose to let into yours. She can't have it both ways, nick.", "Nick: Yeah, but if this gets back to faith and christian...", "Phyllis: You protect yourself, you protect your kids, and you cut sharon loose. You give her what she wants.", "Rey: People think that relationships are this abstract thing. But they're not. They're -- they're as real as this plant. You both need to take care of it, tend to it. Water it, give it sunlight. If one of you thinks you can just stick it in the corner and forget about it and act like it's gonna take of itself, it'S... it's not gonna survive. It takes work. Every day. But when it succeeds, it is beautiful. It blossoms, grows. It may change over time, but in a good way.", "Sharon: You can't be the only one who cares.", "Rey: Mnh-mnh. You need a partner. Someone who gives you 100%, respects you, brings out the best in you. You deserve nothing less.", "Sharon: Rey's a romantic.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Sharon's got a heart of gold.", "Sharon: I like talking to you like this and being here with you.", "Rey: Me, too. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Sharon: Uh, no. No, it was me. I just --", "Rey: No, I didn't -- I shouldn't have --", "Sharon: I wasn't thinking. I don't know where my head went.", "Rey: No, we're fine.", "Sharon: Are we?", "Rey: Always. [ Cellphone rings ] Rosales. I'm on my way.", "Sharon: Is everything okay?", "Rey: It's a break in the case. Um, stay here as long as you need to. My place is technically yours. Wish me luck.", "Sharon: Yeah. [ Sighs deeply ] I need all that luck for me.", "Kyle: That was fun, just hanging out.", "Lola: But you still owe me a movie.", "Kyle: As long as your brothers aren't chaperoning.", "Lola: Oh, but they have to. It's in the family tradition, if I'm with a boy in the dark, they have to be within 25 feet away. Arturo's been chilling in that corner all night.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] The way you say things, you just make me believe you. Like your business plans for la vida lola. I really think you can make that happen.", "Lola: I will. Eventually.", "Kyle: I want to help.", "Lola: How?", "Kyle: All you need is money. I have some. My family, my friends. What if I organize a group of people to invest in you? Not eventually. Now.", "Lola: I mean, that's really generous, kyle, but I -- i can'T.", "Kyle: Well, why not?", "Lola: I mean, what if we stop seeing each other? What if we keep seeing each other and we don't agree how the business should run?", "Kyle: I want to help make you dreams come true.", "Lola: And they will. And it won't happen overnight, and I know it's going to be hard, but... I like you. And money changes everything. So I don't want your money. I'll make my own.", "Kyle: Then tell me -- what do you want that I can give you?", "Lola: Tonight, you can walk me home and maybe let me wear your jacket 'cause it's freezing, and this -- I don't know how you stand it.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Guess I'm just used to it.", "Lola: Perfect. Just what I needed.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Tessa: Oh! There are such a cute couple.", "Mariah: Are you still spying on them?", "Tessa: I just think it's cool when two people that you never pictured together end up being the perfect couple.", "Mariah: Like us?", "Tessa: Well, I know I'm happier than I ever thought i would be.", "Mariah: I am, too. I, um... never mind.", "Tessa: No, no. What's wrong?", "Mariah: Nothing. There's just something that I've been wanting to say to you all night.", "Tessa: Okay, well, whatever it is, you know you can talk to me. Just say it. No. No. I hate -- okay. You can't just start saying something and then brush it off. I hate when people do that.", "Mariah: It's totally understandable if you say no.", "Tessa: Say no to what? Come on, just say it. Hey. Just breathe, and say it.", "Mariah: What if we lived together?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Theo gets a ghostly visit from his dad Eric who advises him to go with his gut about his new family situation because his gut has never steered him wrong. Eric also tells his son that he should let people see that he is a good man. Simon continues to threaten Connor and Chelsea persuades Adam to take Connor on a trip to Hope's farm in Kansas. Adam knows Chelsea is hiding something from him although she denies that there is any trouble. Devon returns from his trip to Thailand where he found Tucker in a commune and Tucker told him that he didn't forge the will because he doesn't care about money anymore. Elena tells Devon that the lesion on Jett's vocal cord was not cancerous and she wonders if its time Jett give up his singing career. Amana talks to someone on the telephone and says that the GPS tracker they are using to track someone is working great and now she won't have to ask this person everyday about the other person's location. Cane talks to Charlie on the phone and tells him about Katherine's will and the trust fund he has set up for him and Mattie. Cane finishes his call with Charlie and is shocked to see Chance burst through the door of the hotel room and Chance punches Cane in the face.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Kyle: \"E.V.\"?", "Theo: That's my dad. Eric vanderway.", "Kevin: I'm agent keane. This is agent moore. We're here on official government business.", "Chelsea: Wha-what type of business?", "Kevin: We're looking for a man named simon black. We believe you can help us.", "Simon: You stole from me, chelsea, and now you're gonna make me whole again.", "Chelsea: That picture is from this morning.", "Simon: Calvin so cherished that boy. I'm sure you do, too.", "Elena: I don't blame you for being worried about tucker, but I really do think this whole will situation is a scam.", "Devon: It'd sure be nice to confirm that if he wasn't on his spiritual journey. But when it comes to the bulk of what katherine left me, I'm gonna give it to cane, 'cause that was katherine's wish, and I want to honor it.", "Devon: Honey? Are you home?", "Elena: Hey!", "Devon: Hey.", "Elena: You're home!", "Devon: [ Chuckles ]", "Elena: I missed you so much!", "Devon: Not as much as i missed you.", "[ Both groaning happily ]", "Elena: I know you've only been gone a few days, but it feels like forever.", "Devon: Well, I'm home now. I'm here. I'm staying put.", "Elena: Okay. Well, come on. Sit down.", "Devon: Huh?", "Elena: Tell me everything.& Tell me about your trip --", "Devon: Hang on. Hang on.", "Elena: What?", "Devon: I know you want to know everything about tucker, and I promise, I will tell you. But I just want to look at you.", "Elena: Just want to look?", "Devon: No. Not at all.", "Cane: Yeah, I'm aware it's a lot of money. No, I have this, uh, attorney who's dealing with those aspects of the inheritance. Uh, her name is amanda sinclair. Okay. Listen, I just want to talk to you about the, uh, investing of it, 'cause I want to make sure it's done right. 'Cause this is a huge windfall. Okay. Bye.", "Nate: You're not wasting any time, are you?", "Amanda: The gps tracker signal on his car is clear and strong, which means I won't need to call you every day for his location. I'll always know exactly where he is. Yes. [ Sighs ] You have no idea how relieved I am.", "Theo: Hi. One black coffee, please.", "Adam: You're theo vanderway, right?", "Theo: Yeah.", "Adam: I'm adam --", "Theo: I know who adam newman is. I'm a little surprised I'm on your radar.", "Adam: Well, I make it my business to find out about all the new players in town. Especially if one of them happens to be dina mergeron's grandson.", "Theo: Long-lost, as they say. And this, uh, matters to you why, exactly?", "Simon: Looking for someone?", "Chelsea: Does it amuse you, sneaking up on people?", "Simon: You know, I find in my line of work, the element of surprise is crucial. Now, are we ready to clear up that nasty little financial issue?", "Chelsea: As much as we've all enjoyed having you stay here with us at the grand phoenix, I think it would be wise for you to check out immediately.", "Simon: Now, why on earth would I do that, ms. Boudreaux?", "Chelsea: My name is chelsea lawson, you son of a bitch.", "Simon: I'm sure poor calvin would be disappointed to know you didn't keep his name.", "Chelsea: The fed are on to you, simon.", "Simon: Are they, now?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Simon: [ Chuckling ]", "Chelsea: Which is why I'm telling you, you should get out while you still can. The clock is ticking.", "Simon: Yeah. Yeah, it is. But I'm afraid it's ticking for you and not for me. Those two people you hired, they put on a very convincing performance. Bravo. But only an idiot would believe they were federal agents, and I am not an idiot. And I'm beginning to lose my patience with you, ms. Boudreaux. Or lawson. Or whatever you're calling yourself these days. Now, I am not leaving here without my money. That was our deal. So you give it to me, and I will leave you and your charming son alone. Now, we're past the deadline, and I'm beginning to think you're not taking me seriously. What am I gonna have to do to prove to you, I'm a very serious man?", "Chelsea: I think you're the one who doesn't realize who you're dealing with.", "Simon: [ Chuckles ] Oooh! An actual threat. How delightful.", "Chelsea: No threat. I'm telling you straight up -- you ever even mention my son again, you will see exactly what I am capable of. You like surprises, simon?", "Simon: Mm.", "Chelsea: 'Cause I'll give you one. And you will have no idea what hit you. Additional sponsorship", "Nate: I think devon got screwed.", "Cane: Okay. I mean, do you think I'm the person that screwed him here or something?", "Nate: Well, we won't know for sure until all the dust settles. In the meantime, I'm asking you to be a little more sensitive to devon's side of this.", "Cane: Okay. Look, I understand this inheritance is very personal to him, all right? It was very difficult for him to give up the money.", "Nate: It's more than just the money. Devon's had a lot of losses in life you can't put a price tag on.", "Cane: I'm very well aware of that.", "Nate: So, when you're on the phone talking about windfalls, and --", "Cane: First of all, listen. That was a private conversation with my investment banker, okay? That wasn't flaunting the cash around. And second, the truth of the matter is that that money was intended for me. So, nate, it's up to me how I intend on using it.", "Nate: I suppose you're only doing what any reasonable person would do in your place. It's just [Sighs] Seeing devon going through all this, knowing how proud he was to be given katherine's legacy... it's tough.", "Cane: I understand. And I'm sorry to see him suffering. But I'm not the person that you should be angry with.", "Nate: That would be tucker. If he hadn't forged the will in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation.", "Cane: Right. But he's doing exactly what you're doing right now, and that's protecting his family.", "Nate: But he wasn'T. Now devon's caught up in all the lies, and tucker was messing around with his own mother's last wishes.", "Cane: You know what, there are no limits to what people do to get what they want. Whether they're family or otherwise.", "Adam: This really shouldn't surprise you, theo.", "Theo: I'm not surprised, just curious.", "Adam: Well, it's simple, really. Now that you have ties to the abbott clan and I know that, it makes you officially interesting to me.", "Theo: Should I be worried about that?", "Adam: Mnh-mnh. I'm not trying to mess with you, if that's what you're thinking.", "Theo: Well, yeah, that thought did kind of cross my mind, considering.", "Adam: Considering what, my checkered past?", "Theo: You've had a colorful few months.", "Adam: Mm. Well, I wouldn't concern myself with any of that. I'm actually just here to give a little piece of unsolicited advice. You know, I found out I was part of the newman family when I was around your age. So I know what it's like to suddenly find out you're part of this powerful family. It can roll right over you if you're not careful. Tricky business.", "Theo: I'm finding that out.", "Adam: I mean, of course, the abbotts are a norman rockwell painting compared to my clan, but they, uh, have their issues. [ Clears throat ] Now you have become one of them.", "Theo: I don't want to be anybody's \"issue.\" I'm not here to cause any drama. I've had enough of that in my own life. Or what I used to consider my own life.", "Adam: That's good. That's good. I'm glad to hear that. Jack is a good guy, by the way. And I do consider him a friend, so whatever your \"lane\" is... tread lightly.", "Theo: Well, treading lightly isn't necessarily my style.", "Adam: Theo, you're playing in the big leagues now, okay? So you might be inclined to take advantage of certain people or situations. And this will be my second piece of cheap advice -- don'T.", "Simon: I admire your grit, chelsea.", "Chelsea: I meant what I said.", "Simon: Oh, I'm sure you did. Mama bear protecting her cub. [ Chuckles ] You're adorable. Just like your son. You see what I did just now? I mentioned connor and nothing happened. You know why? Because we both know who's in control here.", "Chelsea: No one controls me. And I swear to god, if you --", "Simon: Stop. Stop. Sh. My threats are not just empty words. Right now, connor is walking the halls of walnut grove academy, and he has no idea what his mother has gotten herself into. I do not want to bring the boy into this. I don'T. It would give me no pleasure. But make no mistake -- if I am pushed too far, I will do the unthinkable. This is your final warning. Do you really want to risk your life, your son's life, over some money? [ Sighs ] Think about it.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] [ Breathing shakily ] Adam, it's me. Can we meet? No. No, I'll come to you.", "Devon: Mmph.", "Elena: Oh, you haven't held me like this in forever.", "Devon: Yeah, I know. That's my fault.", "Elena: No. I'm not blaming you, devon. I know how stressed out you've been.", "Devon: Yeah, but, I mean, nothing should ever come at the expense of our relationship, honey. It's the most important thing to me. I don't want you to feel like I ever take it for granted.", "Elena: What I feel is loved. And sometimes I just wish we could freeze time, and stay like this forever. And even though the world comes knocking... we won't answer.", "Devon: That sounds great.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Elena: Mm-hmm. So? [ Sighs ] You ready to tell me what happened?", "Devon: I'm as ready as I'll ever be.", "Nate: There's one thing about katherine's will I don't get.", "Cane: Hm?", "Nate: Why did she leave the bulk of her estate to you?", "Cane: Phew...", "Nate: You're not family, you're not blood.", "Cane: Uh, that's, uh -- that's kind of complicated.", "Nate: I got some time.", "Cane: Mmkay. Well, I mean, we weren't family in the classic sense of the word 'cause we weren't related, but, I mean, katherine and I, we were very close. You don't know the story, do you, of what happened?", "Nate: Uh, bits and pieces.", "Cane: Okay. All right. When I came to town, I was running away from this disaster of a life. And I, uh, did a favor for a friend of mine, and I, uh -- I kind of assumed his identity.", "Nate: Phillip chancellor iii.", "Cane: Mm-hmm. You see, jill and katherine thought he was dead. And he kind of wanted it to stay that way, but he felt guilty, so he asked me if I could step into his life. I know it sounds crazy, but...", "Nate: [ Scoffs ] And they just accepted you?", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, 'cause we concocted this story that there was a mix-up when phillip was born, and I was really jill's biological son and she was thrilled that I was alive. But katherine... for the first time in my life, someone loved me, and they were kind to me. And it was overwhelming. It was like I was this -- this walking miracle.", "Nate: Made a pretty soft landing for yourself, too.", "Cane: [ Exhales deeply ] Yes, I did. Yes, I did. And then they go ahead and they ruin this greedy fantasy of mine by making me fall in love with them. Then, all the sudden, the power and the money and the name, it meant nothing. I just wanted to be the best phillip chancellor that I could be.", "Nate: Until they found out.", "Cane: Yep. And you know what they did when they found out? Katherine forgave me. And she and jill, they showed this faith in me. And for the first time in my life...I had faith in myself.", "Nate: Family.", "Cane: Family.", "Nate: [ Sighs ]", "Cane: So, nate, you trust me when I tell you that I want to make katherine proud. And I want to do good things with this money. Things that she would have done. I need you to do one other favor, okay? Will you please go and tell devon that I will not disappoint him?", "Nate: I'm glad we had this conversation.", "Adam: What's up?", "Chelsea: Um, just touching base about connor.", "Adam: Oh, I thought it might have been something else. You sounded a little frantic on the phone.", "Chelsea: No. Everything's fine. I'm just a little anxious, is all.", "Adam: Mm.", "Chelsea: But I called connor. He said that everything was fine. But lately you spend more time with him, so... how do you think he's doing?", "Adam: Uh, he's had a little bit of trouble sleeping, that's all.", "Chelsea: Ohh. More nightmares?", "Adam: No. No, nothing like that. I read to him for a little while, and he drifted off. And then everything this morning was right on time. He ate his breakfast, didn't forget anything in his backpack, and then we made it to school on time.", "Chelsea: Aww. That's nice.", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, it was a great start to the morning.", "Chelsea: Good. Good. I hope you have plenty more of those.", "Adam: Mm. Yeah, you've been really generous about this, chels, and I just, uh, want you to know I appreciate it. You know, you were right. Connor does need both of us. Obviously we have a long way to go, but [Sighs] I think we're making progress.", "Chelsea: Hmm. Yeah. I just want what's best for him.", "Adam: I know you do.", "Chelsea: Which brings me to my main reason for stopping by this morning.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Ah, yes. I had a feeling there was more to this visit.", "Chelsea: No, no, no, no, no. Don't misunderstand. This is good. This is actually genius. I think you're gonna love it.", "Adam: Okay. I'm all ears.", "Chelsea: What would you say to, um, taking connor out of town for a few days? A trip, just the two of you?", "Adam: I would say, \"that sounds great.\"", "Chelsea: Yeah. See? I knew you'd love it.", "Adam: And then I would ask you, \"what's really going on, chelsea?\" I'm bad.", "Theo: Dad, can you believe this?", "Eric: That's some story, isn't it, son?", "Amanda: Cane. Hello.", "Cane: Hey.", "Amanda: Come on in.", "Cane: Thanks.", "Amanda: Now, before we get down to business, I... I have to ask about your ex- wife.", "Cane: You know, lily's okay. She's a little rattled from seeing you, but she's -- she's fine.", "Amanda: Usually it just irritates me to hear how much i look like hilary, but... the way that lily reacted, it made me feel almost guilty for having her face.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Well, you see, she's come to terms and what happened to hilary, so I think seeing youkind of just, you know, brought it all back up.", "Amanda: Yeah. I'm sorry.", "Cane: You don't have to be sorry. She's not angry with you, okay, she just feels for devon, and, uh... but she understands what this inheritance means for my family.", "Amanda: Which bring me to the trusts that I've established for your children. Please, take a seat.", "Cane: Ah, thank you. You know, it's, uh -- it's kind of fitting that you're doing this, considering you're the one who discovered the forged documents in the first place.", "Amanda: I was just the emissary. Chance is the one who discovered the fraud.", "Cane: So, have you, uh -- have you seen him? Heard from him?", "Amanda: No. And I don't expect to, either. My work with him is complete.", "Cane: You sound, uh, like i can hear some relief in your voice.", "[ Chuckles softly ]", "Amanda: Yes, I am glad that it's over. It was one of the most frustrating cases I have ever worked on. But in the end, everyone was quite respectful. Even devon apologized for taking his anger out on me. But at the end of the day, justice was done. Katherine chancellor's wishes were realized, and you are as rich a man as you would have been six years ago.", "Cane: I'm extremely grateful for this, I am. You know, it means I can secure my kids' future, which is -- you know, it's a priority to me.", "Amanda: Yes, of course.", "Cane: So, uh, I assume the necessary paperwork has been done, right?", "Amanda: Yeah, I am working on them.", "Cane: And?", "Amanda: There's a slight problem.", "Elena: The biopsy on the lesion on jett's vocal chord came back negative, so no cancer.", "Devon: That's great. Right?", "Elena: Yeah, it's great. But he's got a long road to recovery. So ana's taking him to arizona for a little sun and relaxation, but he's already to hit the road again.", "Devon: Well, I'm sure. He's a -- he's a performer.", "Elena: [ Huffs ] Yeah, maybe -- maybe not anymore.", "Devon: Why do you say that?", "Elena: Jett just got over one medical issue, and now this? It's too much. Jett's not young anymore. And I keep getting worried that one day he's gonna push himself too hard and --", "Devon: Baby, don't -- don't worry like that, okay? He's gonna be fine. I wouldn't be quick to count him out. He's a warrior.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] Yeah, but he's a stubborn warrior.", "Devon: Hey, whatever ends up happening to him, we'll be able to take care of him. Okay? I promise you that.", "Elena: Have I told you today how much I love you?", "Devon: Yeah, you told me many times. And you did a really great job of showing me, too.", "Elena: Mm-hmm?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Elena: All right. [ Sighs ] Now it's your turn. Tell me what's going on. What happened with tucker?", "Devon: Oh. I don't even know where to begin.", "Elena: Devon. You wouldn't tell me what happened on the phone because you said I had to hear it in person.", "Devon: Right.", "Elena: Well, here I am in person.", "Devon: Uh, well, let's just say, whatever I was expecting, I wasn't prepared for what I found. (Man) I'm craving... \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Chelsea: I thought you'd be thrilled to take connor on a trip.", "Adam: Uh, normally, I would be. But it's just the suddenness of it that's a little baffling to me. And not to mention, it was the way that you sounded on the phone.", "Chelsea: Stop it. You read too much into things.", "Adam: Okay, I think I read you pretty well, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Well, not this time. I mean, look at you. I'm trying to do this nice, generous thing, and you're acting like I have an ulterior motive.", "Adam: Uh, I'm actually just curious. I mean, knowing that you don't like to be apart from connor, that you would want me to take him away, especially now... I mean, knowing that you like to check in with him every day.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. I can check in on him. There are these things called telephones. And, uh, texting. I'm just trying to take myself out of the equation. Put connor first. I think it would be great for you guys to take a little road trip. You can focus on building your relationship. And, well, there are just so many fun places you could go. I mean, it's entirely up to you what you decide, but I'm thinking there's one in particular.", "Adam: And where's that?", "Chelsea: When I tell you, you're gonna want to pack your bags immediately.", "Theo: You don't know how badly I wan to talk to you again.", "Eric: You can talk to me any time, theo.", "Theo: It's been so long.", "Eric: Too long. Like your hair, kid. You could use a trim.", "Theo: [ Chuckles sadly ] You know I used to hate it when you told me that.", "Eric: I know.", "Theo: I don't hate it anymore. In fact, I miss it. I miss you.", "Eric: I'm right here, son.", "Theo: Did you know this is who you are?", "Eric: That isn't me. I'm ralph and margaret vanderway's son. They're the people that raised me, loved me, made me who I was. That's my family. The same as your mom and me were yours. My only regret is that we weren't around longer for you.", "Theo: It hasn't been easy, not having you guys in my life. You know, I've felt alone a lot of the time. I could really use your advice right now. I don't know what to do.", "Eric: [ Sighs ]", "Theo: I mean, suddenly I'm becoming a part of this huge family, and... some people are telling me to embrace them, and other people are telling me to back off. Yeah. Everyone has an opinion. But there's only one that matters -- yours.", "Cane: [ Laughing ] Your printer froze. That was the problem. Okay. My, uh -- my heart nearly did a tap dance for a minute.", "Amanda: Machines don't like me. They never have.", "Cane: [ Chuckles ] Okay.", "Amanda: Wait, you thought there was something wrong with the trusts? Well, there isn'T. I hope you don't mind, I just have to go down to the business center and print these out.", "Cane: That's okay.", "Amanda: There are a lot of pages.", "Cane: All right.", "Amanda: Okay, well, um, the tv remote's right over there, and you are welcome to anything you like in the fridge.", "Cane: Okay.", "[ Sucks teeth, chuckles ] [ Grunts ] Hey! You got a minute to talk to your dad? No, everything's fine. Actually, everything's better than fine. Um... hey, listen, do me a favor and just -- just sit down for a sec, 'cause there's something I want to tell you, and I kind of would like you to hear it from me personally.", "Elena: So, tucker was in thailand?", "Devon: That's where I tracked him down. He was in some secluded ashram or commune. I couldn't figure out which one it was.", "Elena: Wow. How did he seem?", "Devon: [ Sighs ] He was surprised to see me. Um... but I think he was happy that i was there. But every time I tried to steer the conversation to the will, he would tell me to take deep breaths and focus on the nature that surrounded us.", "Elena: Was he trying to play you?", "Devon: I -- [ Sighs ] I don't know. But I confronted him about forging the will and letting me live a lie this whole time.", "Elena: And what did he say?", "Devon: He denied it.", "Elena: Do you believe him?", "Devon: I kind of do. Because he seemed sincere. And when I asked him why he just took off and left all of his responsibilities behind, he got this gleam in his eye and started talking about needing to find inner peace and divest himself from the material world, because money didn't matter to him anymore.", "Elena: I thought your father was a tycoon.", "Devon: [ Scoffing ] Yeah. He is. He'S... I mean, I thought I knew all of his moves, so if he's trying to scam me, this is something new.", "Elena: So where does this leave you?", "Devon: It leaves me nowhere, 'cause I went all the way across the world to get answers and get an explanation, and I came back with nothing to show for it.", "Nate: Amanda. Just the person I was looking for.", "Amanda: I'm kind of in the middle of something. Is this important?", "Nate: Uh, yes. Promise it'll only take a minute, though.", "Nate: Hey, are you -- you all right?", "Amanda: Uh... sorry. Uh, what were you -- what were you saying?", "Nate: I was asking if you were okay, but clearly you're not.", "Amanda: What are you talking about? I'm fine.", "Nate: You looked upset when you saw that guy.", "Amanda: Yeah, I just -- I mistook him for someone else.", "Nate: Someone who seemed to frighten you. You can talk to me, amanda. I opened up to you about practically everything in my life. You can do the same.", "Eric: You know what I'm gonna tell you, theo. Same thing I always did.", "Theo: \"Go with your gut.\"", "Eric: Mm-hmm. And hopefully the values your mom and I gave you will lead you in the right direction.", "Theo: [ Snorts softly ] You make it sound so easy.", "Eric: I never said that. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. But you got a good head on your shoulders, and a good heart.", "Theo: A lot of people around here would disagree with you.", "Eric: Well, they don't know you like I do. Maybe if you gave them a chance, they'd see who you really are. My son is a good man.", "Theo: No, dad. Please don't go. Look, I have so much more I want to talk to you about.", "Eric: You have other things to be focused on right now.", "Theo: Please, just a minute. Like -- like did you know that dina never stopped thinking about you, that she wanted you to have a good life?", "Eric: I had a good life. And I want you to have the same. Remember that.", "Adam: Okay, now I'm curious. Where is this special place you have in mind for connor and me?", "Chelsea: Hope's farm.", "Adam: The farm?", "Chelsea: You can finally show connor where you grew up. I mean, it's your roots, adam. It's connor's roots, too. It's perfect.", "Adam: Huh. Well, uh... I did tell him about my mother. But, uh, for him to actually see where we lived --", "Chelsea: Yeah. Exactly. Connor can run through the fields you grew up running through, and you can show him the -- the crops and the animals and -- oh, and kansas is so beautiful this time of year! It would -- it would just be so much fun.", "Adam: Hmm. I mean, there are some other things that I could share with him, too.", "Chelsea: [ Inhales sharply ] You mean us?", "Adam: We did get married there. We were happy there, too. Hmm.", "Chelsea: Seems like a lifetime ago.", "Adam: Not to me. Anyway, I'm not gonna go there right now. Um... [ Clears throat ] Back to this trip.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: You're starting to convince me. You're right, it would be... special.", "Chelsea: You could show connor a whole other side to you. I really believe it would bring you guys closer. Plus, it would maintain this great momentum you've got going.", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I can't argue with that. Uh, you make a very convincing case to take off to kansas. There's just one thing missing.", "Chelsea: What's that?", "Adam: You.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, I can't go.", "Adam: Why not?", "Chelsea:'s -- [ Chuckles ] Well, I-it's -- it's not a father/son trip if I'm tagging along.", "Adam: Okay, look, connor and I, we can take other trips another time. I mean, you said it yourself -- hope's farm is a very special place. It's a very special place to me. It's a very special place to you.", "Chelsea: That's really sweet, adam, but I -- I-I just don't think I should go.", "Adam: What are you talking about? Connor would want you to go, chelsea. Come to think of it, having you close is exactly what he needs, especially after the nightmare the other night.", "Chelsea: Are you nervous about this?", "Adam: No, I'm not nervous about this at all.", "Chelsea: Okay. Because I have no doubt, if connor gets upset or has another nightmare, you can handle it. I mean, you can always call me. But I think it's important for him, you know, to see that you can be there for him just as much as I am. You guys are gonna have a blast. You don't need me around.", "Adam: Are you afraid of what nick's gonna think? Is that why you don't want to do this?", "Chelsea: No, of course not.", "Adam: 'Cause you've spent the night here before, chelsea.", "Chelsea: I promise, that has nothing to do with this.", "Adam: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: I just thought it was a good idea.", "Adam: And I think it would be much better if you joined us. But I won't push.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Adam: Do you know what I said earlier about being able to read you? Well, I am reading something right now, and I'm starting to get a little worried, chelsea.", "Chelsea: I...can't possibly know what that is.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Chelsea... everything that you said about me, connor, and the farm, that makes sense. But you not wanting to go when you know the best thing for connor is us being together does not make any sense. So, you say it's not nick. Okay. I believe you. But there is something that you're not telling me. And I really need to know what that is. Wow!", "Chelsea: Well... you can't say I didn't try.", "Adam: What -- what is that supposed to mean?", "Chelsea: Okay, I come to you with this terrific idea in order for you to spend some more quality time with your son, and you spend the whole time making me feel like I have ulterior motives. Why can't you just take what I'm saying at face value?", "Adam: Because, chelsea, I know you.", "Chelsea: No, it's because you don't trust me.", "Adam: Oh, chelsea. I'm learning to. And it's the same way that you're learning to trust me again. But you know what, we have a long way to go on that. So I'm gonna ask you one more time. Is there a reason that you want both of us out of town while you stay behind? Are you up to something?", "Chelsea: Okay, adam.", "Adam: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: You got me. You found me out. This is what I'm up to -- my plate is so full at the grand phoenix that it is spilling over. I have so many fires to put out, I-I -- I wish it would rain. I'm dealing with nick's campaign. I've got a dozen other reasons for you, but that will have to do for now. I don't get it. I'm trying to do something nice for you, and you are interrogating me like I'm a criminal.", "Adam: Okay, well, that's not my intention.", "Chelsea: Well, that's what it feels like. I am confused. I really thought that you would jump at an opportunity to take this trip with connor. A trip that he will always remember. [ Sighs ] But now you just don't want to do it?", "Adam: No, that's actually not what I'm saying at all, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Then go. Be with your son. Of course I'll miss connor. But this will be good for both of you. Can't you just accept that?", "Adam: You're right. You're right. You're so right. It would be really, really nice to take a vacation with connor.", "Chelsea: Good. So that's a yes?", "Adam: I'll tell him when he's out of school. We can be on the farm by bedtime.", "Chelsea: Ohh. That's wonderful.", "Adam: Yeah. Well, I better start packing, then.", "Chelsea: All right, well... I'll let you get to it.", "Adam: Chelsea? Thank you.", "[ Door opens, closes ]", "Amanda: I'm sorry, nate. Um...heh... I appreciate the offer, but I have nothing to confide to you or anyone else.", "Nate: You looked scared, amanda. Like you saw a ghost.", "Amanda: Look, I was just distracted, and that's it. I have another case that i took on here in town, and, um, I just -- I realized that I let something fall through the cracks, that's all.", "Nate: So, a new client?", "Amanda: Yes, that's right.", "Nate: Sounds like you might be settling in genoa city.", "Amanda: I don't know about that. I expect both cases to wrap up pretty quickly.", "Nate: And then?", "Amanda: And then we'll see. But before we got off track, you said that there was something that you wanted to talk about?", "Nate: Yes. I just heard from the medical board, and my hearing date has been set for next week.", "Amanda: Okay, great. We'll be ready.", "Nate: Yeah, I hope so.", "Amanda: I don't deal in hope, nate. You and I are gonna walk into that hearing room, we're gonna tell your side of the story, and when victor newman falls on his sword and takes complete responsibility, you will be exonerated, and you can put this nightmare in your rearview mirror.", "Nate: Because you never lost a case.", "Amanda: I've never lost a case. After I finish what I'm working on --", "Nate: Oh, you mean the task I interrupted?", "Amanda: Yes, well... I'm sorry that I was so brusque with you earlier. But, um, I'll call you when I'm free, and we'll go over everything, okay?", "Elena: I'm really sorry, honey.", "Devon: Oh, don't be sorry, baby. It's okay.", "Elena: Well, you went all that way and came back with nothing.", "Devon: Just means I have to, uh, start from square one. Take it from the top.", "Elena: You know, I can't stop thinking about chance.", "Devon: What about chance?", "Elena: Well, everyone says he's this boy scout, but look what he's done. He hired a lawyer to contest the will -- one who looks exactly like hilary. I mean, that sounds like a personal attack.", "Devon: I know. None of it makes sense, though. None of it makes any sense. And I haven't seen the guy in a long time, but nothing I have ever known about him would suggest that he'd pull something that sick.", "Elena: Yeah, but people change. Especially when there's a lot of money involved.", "Devon: Yeah. You are right about that. People do change. Maybe he's not the boy scout everybody thinks he is.", "Cane: Yeah. Listen, I know you're worried about devon, okay? I know. Me too. But listen, this was his decision, okay? 'Cause we had no legal right to katherine's inheritance. So he's just doing what she would have wanted. You know, fulfilling her wishes. Listen, I'm gonna do good things with this money, okay? I'm gonna take care of you, your sister, sam. No. I, uh... I, uh, spoke to your mom. She wants nothing to do with the money. Okay. Okay. All right, listen, um... I know you got to go, so... I'll talk to you soon, okay? [ Door slams ] Chance?! Oh, ho... Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Ashley: Come work for me. In paris.", "Amanda: Chance chancellor?", "Chance: You must be my lawyer.", "Adam: You're gonna have to shoot me before I leave this hotel without my family.", "Simon: You want to be a hero? Okay." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ... my cholesterol is borderline.']
[ "Michael wonders about Drucilla and the confrontation she had with Carmen in the lunchroom. She is on tape and so that is something tangible that the jury will look on to help them make a decision about her. Neil replays that video in his mind but still maintains that his wife is innocent. Michael and Paul are not so sure Neil doesn't care about the evidence. He knows that no one in his family did this. He points out to Michael he was alone the day of the murder at the time of death, so the light could easily be shined on him instead of Drucilla. Michael remembers the meeting with Carmen where he put his cards on the table and showed her the report. It went well at the time, but what if she waited for him in the parking lot later and lost her mind over it. Michael would be fed up with her ranting in his ear and push her just a little too hard so that she would hit her head on the concrete and instantly die. Michael has questions about that Brad Carleton. \"He has always weirded me out a little bit,\" Michael says. He turns to Paul knowing that the man did a background check on Brad once. Paul will not talk about that information with Neil ad Michael. That wouldn't be right. \"Just tell me something. Do you think that he could kill a person?\" Paul gets quiet and thinks about the time that he actually witnessed Brad squeeze a man to death. It was much like one getting out the last of the toothpaste, but instead of using fingers, he used his thighs. \"I think that given the right circumstances anyone could kill,\" is all that Paul will say. Brad and Victoria remember when they realized that Carmen could have heard about Brad's secrets. At first Victoria thinks that her husband is just being paranoid when he over-obsesses about the DA and what he might dig up. He isn't just worried for himself, but for her too. \"If I become a suspect, then you become a suspect too.\" She hadn't thought about it that way. She had her portfolio stolen. What if Victoria discovered that Carmen stole it and she took it back. She might have confronted the young woman, and Carmen would have said something like, \"I was going to sell it to the highest bidder, Mrs. Kaplan!\" That could have sent Victoria into a vicious rage and she could have killed the woman with her own tire iron Jana too could have been involved; Brad and Victoria realize when she serves them. She could have been the one who had stolen the portfolio maybe. Then Carmen could have realized that and threatened to tell Victoria about it. Jana would have to act quickly but she could have" ]
[ "Michael: Now the, uh.. prosecution is gonna be investigating everything Drucilla read or said, wrote, or bought or... everything, before and after Carmen's murder.", "Neil: And everywhere she went.", "Michael: Probably everything she ate. Look, Neil, we need that kind of investigation. But we need an investigation that's focused on the murder and not exclusively on Drucilla.", "Paul: Is that what you want?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Paul: You realize that if your wife is guilty...", "Neil: She's not guilty.", "Paul: Neil, you have to look at it as the police see it. Dru wanted to avoid jail time. She wanted to remove a threat to her marriage.", "Neil: Carmen was not a threat to our marriage.", "Michael: Neil, the prosecution can come up with at least a dozen witnesses who will testify that Drucilla though that your relationship with Carmen had gone beyond... kissing.", "Neil: Are you kidding me? You two are sitting-- you don't believe me?", "Paul: We're not talking about what we believe. Your wife's state of mind not something you can contest.", "Michael: The jury will also see the videotape of Drucilla attacking Carmen.", "[Neil remembering the videotape]", "Dru: No, no, no, no no, I'm gonna take it up with you, bitch, 'cause I got a problem with you!", "Carmen: Watch it, Dru.", "Dru: Well, let's do it. Let's draw some blood.", "Carmen: No, this conversation is over!", "Dru: No, it's over when I say it's over!", "Carmen: Dru!", "Dru: Bitch!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: And anyone who sees that tape will believe that she's physically capable of killing Carmen. She had move. She had the means.", "Neil: But not the opportunity. She was with me the night that Carmen was murdered.", "Michael: Allegedly with you.", "Paul: As you were allegedly with her.", "Michael: I know what I do on cross-examination to spouses who provide each other's alibis. Trust , the prosecution is gonna have a field day with that.", "Neil: What are you doing here, huh? If you set out to depress me, you've totally succeed.", "Michael: Then there's the note in Drucilla's handwriting-- \"Come to the apartment around 5:30.\" I know, not meant for Carmen but...", "Neil: Now, my wife-- my wife would never, ever invite Carmen to our place. And if she wanted to go to Carmen s place, she'd write, \"Meet me at your house.\"", "Michael: Carmen's hotel suite is not even in consideration, because Carmen was not murdered at her hotel suite. And they'd know that. Look, a murder that brutal would leave evidence in a confined space.", "Neil: Okay. So there must be some evidence somewhere.", "Paul: Maybe where no one is looking. Where it will be contaminated or completely obliterated by foot traffic or vehicular traffic.", "Neil: So then maybe, uh... a parking lot at a shopping mall.", "Paul: I'm guessing closer to home.", "Michael: You know, Carmen always said that she would fight back if Drucilla came at her again. What if the confrontation happened at Newman?", "Paul: The parking structure where sooner or later, feet and tires will contaminate every single inch where security cameras aren't coving every location 24/7 and where there is plenty of privacy.", "[Paul, Michael and Neil imagining what could of happened]", "Dru: Carmen, Carmen, I need to talk to you in the worst way.", "Carmen: Talk to the DA.", "Dru: No, no, no, no. Okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need to ask you to think about my kids. Not me. They'll never survive with me in jail.", "Carmen: Yeah, I know what's best for your kids. And what's best for me, you in prison. You know, I expect a thank you card from Lily and Devon for getting you out of their lives.", "Dru: No, no they don't feel that way.", "Carmen: No they love having a jealous mother controlling unstable monster for a mother.", "Dru: Why do you have to be so selfish?", "Carmen: Back off unless you want a face full of pepper spray.", "Dru: No, no, I'm just trying to be reasonable.", "Carmen: You don't have it in you to be reasonable. You're not even sorry for what you did.", "Dru: I am. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. My son is about to go and have surgery.", "Carmen: Yeah, and your grandma is dying and the dog ate your homework. Yeah, so what.", "Dru: You can't do this to me. You cannot hurt my family.", "Carmen: I'm calling the police for violating the protection order.", "Dru: No!", "Carmen: Again you gave the prosecutor another reason to get you off the streets.", "[Dru looks over at the wall and sees a piper, she picks it up and hits Carmen on the head with it]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Oh, come on now. You seriously don't believe that Drucilla is capable of murder. Do you?", "Paul: I didn't say that. I was simply playing devil's advocate.", "Michael: Prosecutor's advocate to be more exact. But I have to agree with Paul, Drucilla would be the very top of the DA list.", "Neil: Okay, listen to me. If you want to speculate anybody could of done it. Paul's version isn't the only one that makes sense. You could of done it. Where were you the night Carmen was killed?", "Michael: Okay, I'll play. I was at work till 5 pm.", "Neil: 5 pm?", "Michael: 5 pm and than I went home to change and than I went to the hospital.", "Neil: Whoa. Whoa, wait a minute. Hold on, hold on. You just said, you went home to change. You don't have an alibi.", "Michael: You're good. You're good.", "Paul: I'm perfectly willing to accept hypotheticals. Michael had the opportunity. But if I were to steer the prosecution in his direction. What would be Michael's motive.", "Michael: Please don't expend to much energy steering the prosecution in my direction.", "Neil: No hear me out here. He wouldn't need a motive if it were accidental. Maybe Carmen was angry when you gave her Paul's report.", "[Michael remembering when he confronted Carmen with Paul's report]", "Michael: Oh, Ms. Mesta. Michael Baldwin, I'm representing the Drucilla Winters.", "Carmen: I know. It must be like working for animal control. I hope you have a pretty strong leash in that courtroom.", "Michael: I don't know about a leash, but I will have this in the courtroom.", "Carmen: Give it to the prosecutor.", "Michael: I want you to see it first.", "Carmen: Okay. Excuse me.", "Michael: I was hoping we could keep the content's to ourselves. I would hate to have to tell the jury that this isn't the first affair you had with a married man.", "Carmen: I didn't have an affair with Neil Winters.", "Michael: You see. Just like as you never had an affair with the married executive at your previous place of employment. Which resulted in your speedy exit from that company. You see, I'm thinking this kind of stuff might undermine your façade as the innocent victim. It might even make you look like what? A predator.", "Carmen: This coercion. This is illegal.", "Michael: Shh. This information doesn't have to be made public. In fact, you are totally in control how widely it's decimated. And any other pertinent data that might surface like the big award that you squeeze out of your last employer.", "Carmen: You're scum.", "Michael: Do not confuse me with the people who oppose me in court. Where my job sometimes require rubber gloves and disinfectant for when I bury them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It was a very controlled exchange.", "Neil: Maybe she didn't want to confront you than. And the more she thought about it the angrier she got. Until she couldn't hold back. And situation got ugly.", "[Michael, Neil and Paul imagining what could of happened] Carmen is seen pacing by the elevator and Michael gets off the elevator.", "Carmen: Have you ever been a victim?", "Michael: Good-bye Carmen.", "Carmen: Yeah, I didn't think so. You wouldn't be protecting Drucilla Winters. You wouldn't be discrediting me. I'm the victim. You're just trying to treat me as a guilty party.", "[Carmen starts punches Michael in the shoulder]", "Michael: What is wrong with you?", "[Michael pushes Carmen off of him and she hits the stairwell with her head]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: And I take the corpse and I stuff it in the trunk of the car and than I go to the hospital and visit Lauren and Fenmore. And than I take the body and dump it off at the club the next day. And ooh lucky for me nobody notices.", "Neil: I'm saying Dru cannot be the only suspect. Okay there are plenty of people with their own agenda and their own reasons for wanting Carmen dead.", "Michael: You know what? You're instincts are correct, Neil. Because if the prosecutor files charges against anyone in your family. Part of my job will be to come up with alternatives for the jury to consider.", "Neil: Okay, good so let's find any possible suspect.", "Michael: Hmm. You know, I would kill to know why the district attorney spent so much time questioning Brad Carlton. Brad. Kill, well metaphorical. Yeah, there's something about Brad, there always has been. I have never hm You know, what? Victor asked you to do more than a routine background check on Brad. Didn't he?", "Paul: Michael. You know I can't talk about my cases anymore than you can talk discuss your clients.", "Michael: Okay. Okay. Okay. Alright, in your opinion do you feel Brad has it in him to kill someone?", "[Paul remembering Brad killing the man who killed his family]", "Paul: I think under the correct circumstances anyone can be a killer. But what would be Brad's motive.", "Michael: Hmm. Well, when Carmen had an affair at her last company she asked for a huge buyout to leave. Same thing could of happened at Newman. Brad could of considered it extortion. Maybe she pushed him too far. Maybe he felt he had to prove his loyalty to the Newman's by protecting them.", "[Michael, Neil and Paul imagining what could of happened]", "Carmen: I assume you're here with the big payoff.", "Brad: Carmen, you're not being realistic. You're asking to much.", "Carmen: It's a seller's market. And you just convinced me what I'm selling is worth more than what I'm asking. So add another zero to the figure I gave you before.", "Brad: You're not going to blackmail us.", "[Brad shoves Carmen against a brick wall and she falls down]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: It's hard to believe he would kill her over money. I mean it's not a very strong motive. When you're as wealthy as the Newmans.", "Michael: Maybe Carmen had something on Brad.", "Neil: Something like what?", "Michael: Exactly like what?", "[Paul remembering]", "J.T.: It looks like you're safe.", "Brad: I better be. I've worked to hard to protect my mother and myself all these years to slip up now.", "Paul: Look Brad I know you're worried there might be someone else out there seeking revenge.", "Brad: There's a possibility, Paul.", "Paul: We did everything we can. I can't guarantee that if someone goes out there digging that they might not find something.", "Brad: That's what concerns me. If the wrong person looks to hard this whole thing may surface again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: The DA went out of his way to tell me that a security camera recorded me going to Carmen's suite.", "Victoria: But that same camera would of established that you never went inside. You didn't did you?", "Brad: It shows I don't.", "Victoria: They can't seriously suspect you. Are we getting to paranoid?", "Brad: It's not possible for me to be to careful.", "Victoria: What I meant is as far as the police are concerned you have no motive to kill Carmen.", "Brad: Not as far as they know. Listen, I'm sure they told me about that security tape to see how I would react. But, I've been hiding in plain sight for so long. It was easy for me not to react.", "Victoria: You're still worried what Carmen knew.", "Brad: Oh yeah. Aren't you?", "[Victoria and Brad remembering]", "[Carmen sees Paul walk out of Victoria's office]", "Carmen: Excuse me?", "[Brad closes the office door]", "Victoria: Okay, well, let's hope it was an ordinary robbery. And we're just being paranoid.", "Brad: When you have lived under an assumed identity as long as I have. You're never paranoid. Just realistic.", "[Brad looks at the office phone and sees the speakerphone light on]", "Brad: The speakerphone's been on. Carmen outside by the desk.", "Victoria: Do you think she heard us?", "Brad: She could have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: If Carmen left any indication that she knew your real identity wouldn't have the police found it by now?", "Brad: If I were Carmen I would of written down what I knew and hid it as a form of insurance. Just to protect myself on the chance we didn't meet her payment demands.", "Victoria: If something like that were to surface you'd be considered a prime suspect.", "Brad: If the police start digging into my background you'll be a suspect too.", "Victoria: I would never show up on the DA's radar.", "Brad: You think you're above suspicion?", "Victoria: I am above suspicion.", "Brad: Sweetheart, to the police we're all hypothetical killers. You told them you were at home the night Carmen was murdered. But no one saw you there, so you don't have an alibi. And people that know she was demanding a buyout from you that seemed like extortion.", "Victoria: Brad, Honey, there's a big difference between vigilance and paranoia.", "Brad: My point is that even a little bit of evidence like her severance pay, points to you. They could shine a light on that until they'd believe you are guilty.", "Victoria: You're paranoid.", "Brad: Everyone says I'd do anything to protect my family. I feel that way. You feel that way.", "Victoria: Of course I do. I see where you are going with this.", "Brad: If Carmen found out we were hiding my identity it's not to much a stretch to think that whoever stalked my family could of planted her here. Or what if she stole your portfolio and you found out about it? And you were afraid for the artwork she'd find out more about me.", "[Brad and Victoria imagining what could of happened]", "Victoria: Are you looking for this? Why was this in your trunk?", "Carmen: I found it and I brought it here to return it.", "Victoria: I think you stole it.", "Carmen: You're welcome to try to prove it, Mrs. Kaplan.", "Victoria: What do you want?", "Carmen: How about you just cut right to the chase? I'm having the information appraised right now.", "Victoria: Don't be coy. What do you want?", "Carmen: I wasn't being coy. You're about to join a bidding war with people who want to know what I have to tell them. You're welcome to make the first offer. What's your family worth to you?", "Victoria: You're in over your head.", "Carmen: I don't need advice. I don't need a threat. Just an offer. Call me when you have one.", "[Carmen turns to leave and goes to her car. Victoria takes a tire tool out of the back of the car and hit Carmen over the head with it]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: All these years of hiding has given you a very fertile imagination.", "[Jana brings out Victoria's coffee]", "Jana: Well, here we are Ms. Newman.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Jana: You know I've been so busy lately I haven't been able to take up your very kind offer to see some of the Newman collection.", "Victoria: Oh, well whenever you have the time you can arrange it through my assistant.", "Jana: Thank you very much.", "Victoria: Sure.", "[Jana leaves]", "Victoria: I cannot believe you're seriously suggesting that Carmen was some kind of secret operative.", "Brad: Okay, maybe I'm to suspicious. Or maybe you're to trusting.", "Victoria: I did a background check on Carmen and she spent her entire career in public relations.", "Brad: It could of just as easy been the perfect cover.", "Victoria: And you could just as easy been suggesting that our waitress is working undercover.", "Brad: Our waitress?", "Victoria: Yeah. She's also the one who found my stolen jewelry. Maybe she found it because she stole it and if she stole it maybe she stole my portfolio too.", "Brad: And how does Carmen fit into this?", "Victoria: Hypothetically.", "Brad: Get serious.", "Victoria: Carmen knew what my portfolio looked like.", "[Victoria remembering]", "[Victoria is looking at pictures in her portfolio. Carmen comes in]", "Carmen: Victoria I need to speak with you. Is now a good time?", "[Victoria drops some of the pictures on the floor, Carmen helps pick up some of the pictures off the floor]", "Victoria: It's okay I got them.", "Carmen: I didn't mean to startle you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: And she knew it was stolen. What if hypothetically she found Jana with it?", "[Victoria and Brad imaging what could of happened]", "Carmen: Hello? I'd like to place an order.", "[Jana is in the back room of the coffeehouse looking at the portfolio pictures]", "Carmen: Jana? What are you doing with that? Doesn't that belong to Victoria Newman?", "Jana: Does it? I wonder whose that was.", "Carmen: It was stolen from her car. Where did you get it?", "Jana: Somebody left it on the table in the main room. I'll phone Victoria right off. After I get you order.", "[Victoria's voice: And what if Jana panicked out of fear]", "[Jana grabs a poker from the fireplace]", "[Jana hits Carmen over the head]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: If our waitress was a thief and Carmen could expose her. Murdering Carmen could protect her cover. But they are pretty big ifs. Against some very long odds.", "Brad: Yeah, but I'm starting to like the way you think. It seems I've infected you with my paranoia.", "Victoria: After learning your history I suspect everyone of carrying around secrets.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: You know I can't stop thinking about this murder.", "Kevin: I could imagine someone in the Winters' family doing it. Drucilla's a no brainier. She's volatile even on a good day.", "Jana: I don't know. I mean I'm starting to think it wasn't a crime of passion. Look at the way the body was moved. I wonder if she was killed by a serial killer.", "Kevin: Okay. So than who was killed before and after Carmen in these serial killings.", "Jana: We wouldn't know that till after he's caught now would we? Serial killers don't usually stand out you know. Their personal, their charming. Take Ted Bundy for instants. Educated, handsome, friendly.", "Kevin: I never thought he was handsome.", "Jana: They don't even know how many women he's killed. Thirty at least.", "Kevin: So who's Genoa City's only Ted Bundy?", "Jana: Well, let's think who's handsome.", "Kevin: I am.", "Jana: Oh come on, shush. Educated, friendly, a ladies man. If I were the police I'd be looking at someone like Professor Korbel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: This starting to sound like a game of Clue. I think it was Professor Korbel in the library with a lead pipe.", "Jana: You know what? I'm serious Kevin that man could fit the profile of a serial killer. He's a charmer. Carmen was a single attractive young woman. Maybe they meet right here in the coffeehouse.", "[Jana imaging what could of happened] Maybe she found him attractive. Maybe he said all the right things. Or maybe they made arrangements to see each other again. Or maybe he decided to accidentally run in to her where she worked. Her defenses would have be down. And the last thing she would be afraid of being sought by a new friend.", "Professor Korbel: What are the odds of this happening?", "Carmen: What are you doing here?", "Professor Korbel: Well, I could say I have an appointment. Which I do. But obviously fate intended for us to meet again. It was meant to be. What are you doing for dinner?", "Carmen: I would love to go out, but I have to much work. Definitely a raincheck?", "[Carmen turns to leave and Professor Korbel takes a crowbar out of his trunk and hits Carmen with it]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You got a twisted mind.", "Jana: Oh come on, Kevin. Everybody in Genoa City is looking at everybody else. Thinking could you be the one, could you be the one.", "Kevin: Okay. Okay, yeah, I do wonder about some people. You know, putting it at the club makes everyone in the Winters family look suspicious.", "Jana: Yeah.", "Kevin: You know, remind me to check with you before I'm planning my next felony.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: It makes me so crazy that anyone in the Winters family could be accused of murder.", "Professor Korbel: It makes you crazy because they might be accused, or it makes you crazy because they may have committed the crime?", "Colleen: None of them could have done it.", "Professor Korbel: Well, from what I read in the papers, any one of the Winters could've killed her.", "Colleen: That's because the police take innocent acts and twist them.", "Professor Korbel: I'm sure our officers of the law have higher priorities.", "Colleen: It's not a priority, but they do have to solve a case. Look, Devon is deaf and sometimes to communicate with him his family writes him notes. So his mom wrote him a reminder for an appointment. Something like, uh, \"Come to the apartment by 5:30.\" Okay, no big deal. But then, Devon ran into Carmen, had a hard time understanding her, so he pulled out something for her to write on.", "Professor Korbel: The same note.", "Colleen: On which Carmen wrote something 'no way in hell', So anyway, the note was found with Carmen's body. And it just, it looks really terrible for Devon and his mother.", "Professor Korbel: Were you present when the young man gave the note to the victim?", "Professor Korbel: Then you should've qualified that whole story.", "Colleen: It is not a story.", "Professor Korbel: By saying, the Winters claim they gave a note to Devon, who claims he sought Carmen out, gave her the note, but kept it for herself. Seen you hold to certain articles of faith that you shouldn't recite aloud for fear of appearing naive. One of which is the insistence t o you happen to like.", "Colleen: Let's say one of the Winters did it. Why would they drop the body at a club owned by Neil?", "Professor Korbel: Because it makes no sense for them to dispose of the corpse there. Wait, didn't--didn't you tell me that your young friend saint Lily was a recipient of a subpoena the very day Carmen was murdered?", "Colleen: So?", "Professor Korbel: Well, didn't you tell me she called and left a nasty message on the victim's phone?", "Colleen: Okay, yelling at the woman is a long way from murdering her.", "Professor Korbel: Well, maybe it was just a prelude. Maybe your young friend decided leaving a message wasn't sufficient. Maybe she wanted to castigate Ms. Mesta in person. Maybe Saint Lily intended to commit murder, or maybe she just wanted to cause injury, but even if she just wanted to relieve herself verbally of the hatred and vitriol, maybe things got out of hand.", "[Professor Korbel and Colleen imagining what could of happened]", "Lily: I'm talking to you!", "Carmen: Lily, go home!", "Lily: You should be disgusted with yourself.", "Carmen: Why do you have to be such a brat?!", "Lily: I'm not!", "Carmen: The hell you aren't!", "Lily: Yes, you are!", "Carmen: You don't know what the hell you're talking about.", "Lily: Yes, I do!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: And all 110 pounds of Lily just tossed the body behind the club?", "Professor Korbel: It was a supposition.", "Colleen: Well, then suppose about someone else. I suppose... Kevin Fisher did it. He's a homicidal maniac. He tried to kill me.", "Professor Korbel: The owner of this place?", "Colleen: Yes.", "Professor Korbel: Why isn't he in jail?", "Colleen: Because there weren't any witnesses.", "Professor Korbel: What about you as an eyewitness?", "Colleen: I didn't see him. But, no, you know what? Believe me, I know it was Kevin Fisher. So I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin killed Carmen. Kevin is a better candidate than any of the Winters. Anyone who comes in here alone is at risk and late afternoon can be a slow time in here.", "[Colleen and Professor Korbel imagining what could of happened]", "Kevin: Bad day?", "Carmen: Yeah, bad day. Bad couple of months.", "Kevin: Well... a woman as beautiful as you should never had a bad day. That's better. See, with a guy like me, that smile would always be there.", "Carmen: Look, I'm sure you're a really nice person, but I'm not looking for--", "Kevin: You think about me?", "Carmen: What? No.", "Kevin: I think about you all the time.", "Carmen: This is the last thing I need right now.", "Kevin: Come on, come on, don't say no without sampling the goods.", "Carmen: No!", "Kevin: Come on.", "Carmen: Get away!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Well, clearly you have a low opinion of Kevin Fisher, but it wouldn't be any stranger for the killer to be a relative stranger.", "Colleen: Well, I am thoroughly depressed, but I did enjoy talking to you.", "Professor Korbel: Well, the pleasure was all yours. Let me help you here.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Professor Korbel: You got it?", "Colleen: Bye.", "Professor Korbel: Bye.", "Lily: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey.", "Devon: You look like you're ready to kill somebody.", "Colleen: Yeah, well, Professor Korbel was just trying to irritate me.", "Daniel: Devon, Professor Korbel was trying to irritate her and it looks like it worked.", "Colleen: Well, you know--", "Devon: How? What did he say?", "Colleen: He was going on and on about how anyone could've killed Carmen and then came up with a story about how you did it.", "Lily: Me?", "Colleen: Right.", "Devon: Lily what a jerk.", "Daniel: You know what? He has a point. I mean, I was almost convicted in Cassie's death. It would be easy for the police to think that any one of us did it. You know, that one of us killed Carmen. We gotta be realistic. You know, none of us have alibis for where we were that night she was murdered.", "Devon: We are stuck with no alibis. But at least you two weren't caught on security camera pounding on Carmen's door. It wasn't enough to tell the police that I took a walk in the park to cool off after I realized she wasn't home. That was a really stupid thing to say.", "Lily: Yeah, but why?", "Devon: Why? Because it's like saying that I was really upset when I went there. And then they're gonna say, \"The only reason why he claims to have taken a walk in the park is 'cause he can't explain what else he was doing.\" Which was, I don't know, stalking her or something.", "[Devon remembering]", "Devon: Do you realize that Drucilla saved my life, Carmen? If she and Neil hadn't taken me in, I could've ended up in jail or a morgue.", "Carmen: And I'll end up in the hospital or a morgue if she's not put away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: It's ridiculous to think that one of my kids could've done it.", "Paul: Unless you were there, how would you know?", "Neil: I know because I know my children.", "Paul: Having faith in them is not the same as knowing what happened to Carmen. Everyone has to be investigated.", "Neil: Okay, listen, I'm only suggesting", "Paul: Neil, I can't tell you how many clients are shocked and appalled by what a family member did.", "Neil: Excuse me, I've gotta take this call. It's one of my vendors.", "Michael: Well... it's good to know that more than a homicide investigation is going on in this city. You're playing your cards awfully close to the vest.", "Paul: Yeah, well, I'm wondering if Neil's tension is caused by worry or guilt.", "Michael: Well that's irrelevant to my side of the situation. It wouldn't be the first time I've been hired by a guilty person. That's the way our system works.", "Paul: -- The trauma of his wife facing prison-- I think he feels responsible for what happened. Even if Carmen initiated the relationship, Neil responded. Anyone who saw Neil when Carmen walked into a room saw him light up like a Christmas tree. Dru saw it, too. He knows that if he didn't respond to Carmen, history would be different. Maybe he felt it was on his shoulders to... to fix the problem. Maybe he took steps in the wrong direction to resolve his guilt.", "[Paul and Michael imagining what could of happened]", "Carmen: Here we go. Let me guess, you're here to say, \"Oh, Carmen, why are you doing this to my beloved wife? Why are you doing this to my family? You're punishing them for something they didn't even do. And besides, my boy is about to undergo surgery.\" Did I leave anything out?", "Neil: Just this.", "[Neil hits Carmen over the head with a club]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: What about Jack Abbott?", "Paul: What about him?", "Neil: He has done some pretty despicable things to get his way, hasn't he?", "Michael: Amen to that.", "Michael: Did you know that he and Carmen dated.", "Paul: It didn't last long.", "Neil: Maybe she dumped him. He was resentful.", "Paul: I'm sure she won't be the last.", "Neil: The DA spent a lot of time questioning Jack he was under the spotlight because of his relationship with Carmen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Of course we talked about Carmen, but he's left me alone since then. I'm beginning to believe he bought my story about facilitating Carmen's job offer from House of Kim.", "Mr. Kim: Well, the DA was still keenly interested in it when he interrogated me.", "Jack: To tell you the truth, I'm less worried about him suspecting me of murder than I am of him finding out that I own Jabot.", "Mr. Kim: We, then we're lucky. The only other person who knows about our arrangement is your sister. And you trust her:", "Jack: Who my sister?", "Kim: Well, you didn't trust Carmen to keep a secret.", "Jack: Carmen was a blackmailer.", "Mr. Kim: A blackmailer who you were... romantically involved with.", "Jack: What... are you asking... you think I killed her?", "Mr. Kim: I'm thinking from a prosecutor's perspective. And you were alone when she was murdered.", "Jack: Oh, it's a lot worse than you know, Partner. Left several phone messages for Carmen that the prosecutor has characterized as \"Increasingly frantic.\"", "Mr. Kim: So from a police perspective...", "Jack: I could've gone looking for Carmen, found her, engaged in some sort of reprehensible behavior with regrettable results.", "[Jack imagining what could of happened]", "Carmen: Jack.", "Jack: What, you don't answer your cell phone anymore?", "Carmen: I told you I don't feel like moving to Hong Kong. I like it here.", "Jack: By here, you mean the United States?", "Carmen: I mean Genoa City. Plus, why would I leave so many untapped financial resources?", "Jack: I don't think you know how much Jabot can help you.", "Carmen: Oh, I do. That's why I'm why I'm staying.", "Jack: You think you can blackmail me?", "Carmen: That's such an ugly word--blackmail. Think of me as your silent partner.", "Jack: Okay. I think of you as silent.", "[Jack hits Carmen over the head with a weapon]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mr. Kim: Jack?", "Jack: You think I'm confessing right now? That kind of behavior would be uncharacteristic of me.", "Mr. Kim: Well, let's hope the DA doesn't have as active an imagination as you do.", "Jack: You know what? You're right. See... I remember vividly what you said after they found the body. Well, as always, a pleasure doing business.", "Mr. Kim: And in regards to Ms. Mesta, don't sweat it, Jack. She won't be a problem anymore.", "Jack: I'm not sure why I remember those words so vividly, but, well, it just seemed to me that you knew more than you were sang.", "Mr. Kim: What I meant was that Carmen had already called the Hong Kong office and I knew she was leaving the country.", "Jack: Oh, well, yeah, I'm sure that is what you meant. It's just if the DA knew that you and I colluded in a major business fraud, he might suspect that you meant to shut her up by different means.", "Mr. Kim: That I killed her?", "Jack: I'm talking about the DA's perspective, not mine. Frightened as you were of exposure, it's hard for me to imagine you brutally murdering the woman.", "[Jack and Ji Min imagining what could of happened]", "Carmen: Ji Min, I'd be shooting myself in the foot to tell anyone of Jack's involvement in Jabot. I'm looking forward to living in Hong Kong.", "Mr. Kim: Good. I just wanted to be certain so that there are no misunderstandings.", "[Mr. Kim hits Carmen over the head with a weapon]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mr. Kim: Now I'm certain. I wouldn't risk a life sentence to avoid a few years in jail for fraud.", "Jack: Well, that would be reasonable, but people aren't always reasonable when they're are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.", "Mr. Kim: Money isn't always motive. We don't know the secrets that people carry.", "Jack: We do know, that Carmen's secrets were being laid bare even before she was killed. Paul Williams was investigating her, digging up all kinds of dirt about her past.", "Mr. Kim: She must've been furious.", "Jack: Furious enough to confront him?", "Mr. Kim: And if she did?", "Jack: If she did, it might not have gone smoothly. In fact, one or both of them could've done something regrettable.", "[Jack and Mr. Kim imagining what could of happened]", "Carmen: I can have you investigated, too, you know?", "Paul: Okay, fine, feel free. Feel free to have me investigated.", "Carmen: If you have ever done anything embarrassing or illegal, I will find out about it and I will bury you with it.", "Paul: You know what be my guest.", "Carmen: No, you are not immune. I bet you break the law every single night.", "Paul: I do not.", "Carmen: No, my life, my business is none of your business!", "Paul: Stop !", "Carmen: You have no right to make me look like I'm—", "[Paul pushes her away and she hits the wall]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: No, don't tell me nothing. I wanna help.", "Paul: The best thing the kids can do is keep their noses clean", "Neil: That's like telling someone to drive safely when a cop is behind them. You become so self-conscious you make mistakes you never made before.", "Paul: Well, then try a act like you're not self-conscious about being self- conscious. And don't talk about the case.", "Michael: Too late.", "Paul: Don't talk about the case anymore. And don't give interviews without Michael's approval or outside of his presence.", "Michael: Approval denied.", "Paul: My focus has to be on getting information that will incriminate anyone outside of the family. So if you have anything you feel is... relevant, u tell me, and me alone.", "Michael: Uh, me, too.", "Paul: Of course. Neil, I gotta reiterate, if I find out that you or anyone else in your family is guilty, I am off the case.", "Neil: That's not gonna happen.", "Paul: I hope so!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy visits Mac to try to talk some sense into her about her having Cane and Lily's baby. At the hospital, Nina gives Philip an update on Chance's condition. Chloe sits by Chance's bedside and tells him that he is under her skin. Chance wakes up and hears her remark. Nina interrupts Chance and Chloe to see how Chance is doing. Michael and Lauren tells Eden how good it is to see her across the breakfast table. Eden tells them that now is when her and Noah study. Ashley tells Abby her plans for the day and reminds Abby that she is grounded. Abby sneaks out of the house and goes to the coffeehouse where she meets up with Ryder. Michael confronts Abby as to why she isn't in school. Ashley has a talk with Abby's guidance counselor. Daniel signs the marriage license. Amber comes in to join them. Daisy asks Amber will her wedding dress be black or red. Amber lets her know that it will be white all the way. Ashley catches Abby at the coffeehouse. Mac refuses to change her mind about having Cane and Lily's baby.", "" ]
[ "Billy: I come in peace. All right, look, now that we've both slept on it, there's no reason we should be fighting about you having Cane and Lily's kid. That's just--", "Mac: (Sighs)", "Billy: Hey, yo. Oh, okay. Hi. Okay! (Laughs)", "Mac: That is the last thing we should be fighting about right now.", "Billy: I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew you would see how insane that idea was.", "Mac: Me?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Mac: You're--I-- you're, uh, you're not here to apologize?", "Billy: Why-- why would I apologize? There's nothing-- you're still thinking about doing it, aren't you? Fine.", "Mac: Where are you going?", "Billy: I am going to go make a pot of coffee, because if I have to stay here all night long, I'm gonna make you see just how crazy that idea is. Just... (Grunts)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Phillip: We're at the hospital, huh? Yeah. He awake?", "Nina: I--he opened his eyes for a few seconds a couple times, but then fell back to sleep.", "Phillip: The doctor said that he might not be totally lucid until morning.", "Nina: Yeah, and he also said that the first 24 hours is critical.", "Phillip: She's been here all night.", "Nina: Yeah. Well, so have you. It means a lot to me. And it's gonna mean everything to our son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: That's some good night's sleep you're getting there, soldier. You know, I haven't had one of those in, wow, since Delia's been born. You know, she's here. She's here. She missed you this morning at breakfast. (Sighs) You know, this isn't fair. (Groans) This isn't fair. You can't get underneath my skin like this and then check out on me. It isn't fair.", "Chance: I'm getting under your skin, am I?", "Chloe: Hey. Hi. Good morning.", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Hi. (Laughs)", "Chance: I would have woken up sooner if you'd said that hours ago.", "Chloe: (Laughs) Hi.", "Chance: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's nice to see you across the table for a change.", "Lauren: (Laughs) I was beginning to forget what you looked like.", "Eden: You guys act like I'm never home.", "Lauren: Well...", "Michael: You're usually running out the door grabbing a bagel.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Eden: You should talk.", "Lauren: Oh! She's right.", "Eden: Besides, morning's when Noah and I study.", "Noah: You mean, when you help me study.", "Eden: I couldn't have aced that Calculus midterm without you.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Michael: It sounds like you're a good influence on each other.", "Eden: Despite earlier predictions of doom?", "Noah: Mostly from my mom who--who still feels bad about that.", "Lauren: How is your mom? You two settling in?", "Noah: You mean, now that we've stopped sleeping in hospital waiting rooms?", "Michael: Hmm. Yes. It does seem like your family's spent a great deal of time at Memorial during the last year.", "Noah: Mm. Hopefully, that's all over now, with Grandpa on the mend and Summer starting to show signs of improvement. But I don't think we'll ever really be past what happened to Grandpa and Colleen. But I do feel like my family's in a semi-good place right now.", "Eden: Most of your family. (Sighs)", "Noah: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Abby... you're grounded. Have you forgotten?", "Abby: I was just gonna go study with Noah and Eden at the coffeehouse.", "Ashley: Honey, the only place you're going after my parent/teacher conference is to school. Noah and Eden can come here to study.", "Abby: Fine.", "Ashley: (Sighs) So after my meeting with your teacher, I've got to stop by Jabot and pick up a few things. And Adam's not gonna be home until late tonight, because he's out of town on business. Honey, don't get any ideas, okay? The staff knows to call me if you try to leave.", "Abby: You're the one who's always saying that we need to learn to stand on our own two feet, not let anyone tell us how to live our lives. That means you, too, Mom.", "Ashley: I love you, Honey. Have a nice day.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Well, I just signed the marriage license, so I guess there's no turning back now.", "Kevin: (Laughs) Were you considering it?", "Daniel: No. Hey... (Laughs) No, I'm just happy to have crossed something off of a very long to-do list.", "Amber: Did you sign?", "Daniel: Yes, it's done.", "Amber: (Squeals) 1 down, 1,000 to go. Mm.", "Daniel: 1,000? Really? Awesome.", "Amber: Yes-- flowers, cake, clothes, guest list, music.", "Daniel: Okay. Okay. Slow down.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Amber: Oh, it must be the dove wrangler. (Gasps, squeals)", "Daniel: Can you get me out of here?", "Kevin: (Laughs) Dude, do you think I wanted to get married in an ashram?", "Daniel: Mm.", "Kevin: I didn't. But what I learned is that the wedding day is all about the bride. We're just there to say \"I do\" and dance the first dance.", "Daniel: You got to be kidding me.", "Kevin: No, it's true. Ask any groom.", "Daniel: No, I can't believe that guy's still working here.", "Kevin: \"That guy\" is my brother, and he's trying to start his life over.", "Daniel: He almost cost me mine. You keep on giving him a break, it's only a matter of time before he ruins yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Hey, how's the patient?", "Chance: Feeling better than last night.", "Nina: Oh.", "Chance: Hi.", "Nina: No more playing hero, okay?", "Chance: Yeah. (Groans)", "Nina: Oh, don't hurt yourself.", "Chance: (Groans) Mom, I served three tours in Iraq, okay? I think I can take some punk... (Groans) With a butter knife. (Inhales sharply)", "Chloe: (Inhales sharply)", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Nina: Yeah, well, that \"Punk\" put you in the hospital.", "Cordelia: (Cries)", "Chloe: Oh, I know.", "Chance: (Sighs) Shh.", "Nina: The doctor wants to do some more tests. The nurse is gonna come in to prep you, okay?", "Chloe: I think, uh, we'll get out of here for that part, right?", "Chance: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.", "Chloe: Yeah?", "Chance: You're coming back, right?", "Chloe: Yeah. You can't get rid of me now...", "Phillip: Hi, Baby.", "Chloe: Right?", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Making kissing noises) Check you later. (Speaking baby talk)", "(Door opens)", "Phillip: I'll be back. (Clears throat)", "(Door closes)", "Chance: (Sighs) I can't believe he's still here.", "Nina: He didn't leave your side.", "Chance: Neither did Chloe.", "Nina: I'm so glad you're all right. I don't know what I would do if I lost you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hi, Mrs. McGuire.", "Mrs. McGuire: (Sighs) Nice to see you, Mrs. Newman.", "Ashley: Uh, actually, it's Ms. Abbott again.", "Mrs. McGuire: Oh, I see.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Mrs. McGuire: I knew that Mr. Newman was recovering from heart surgery, but I didn't realize... oh, well, that-- that certainly explains a lot. Please, have a seat.", "Ashley: Thank you. I'm sure Abby's schoolwork is reflecting what's going on at home. You know, she lost her adoptive father and, unfortunately, her older sister, and now her parents are divorcing. She's had a very difficult year.", "Mrs. McGuire: Clearly. And while it's normal for a student's grades to slip during stressful times, I'm concerned Abby's backsliding at an alarming rate.", "Ashley: Really? I mean, it's--it's that dire?", "Mrs. McGuire: Frankly, it is. She has made no effort to finish the work that she missed when her father was in the hospital. When she's not daydreaming in class, she's picking fights with her fellow students or even me. She's also been skipping class.", "Ashley: Well, she is a teenager. I mean, I'm not trying to excuse her behavior, believe me...", "Mrs. McGuire: (Sighs)", "Ashley: But isn't that kind of par for the course? I mean, really?", "Mrs. McGuire: Maybe. But if Abby doesn't bring up her grades by next week's midterm, she could fail the entire semester, and I would hate to see her hit rock bottom like that.", "Ashley: You know, it--it's just, um, you're making her sound like she's some kind of a drug addict dropout.", "Mrs. McGuire: (Sighs) I realize that this isn't easy to hear.", "Ashley: And I'm not sure it's--it's necessary. I mean, I think Abby needs somebody who supports her and not someone who's expecting the worst from her.", "Mrs. McGuire: I am trying to be realistic.", "Ashley: Well, this is not my reality, and it's not my daughter's. Thank you very much. I'll take it from here.", "Mrs. McGuire: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: After the doves fly in, that's when the orchestra's gonna play \"When a man loves a woman.\" Hmm? (Squeals)", "Abby: Oh, you guys are planning your wedding?", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "Daisy: I bet you'll wear something daring like red or black.", "Amber: Oh, no. Been there, done that. It is white all the way. Hmm.", "Abby: Have you picked out your bridesmaid colors yet?", "Daisy: (Laughs)", "Amber: No.", "Eden: Hey, we gonna do this, or what?", "Abby: (Sighs) I'd better go before the hall monitor busts me.", "Daisy: Me, too.", "Amber: So here. Let me show you. Look. See? Help me pick this.", "Noah: (Sighs) I told you she would show up to study.", "Abby: (Laughs) Oh, well, who said I was gonna study?", "Daisy: (Laughs)", "Eden: Mm-hmm.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Eden: Do you even want to graduate?", "Abby: I'm not living for that moment like some people. (Scoffs)", "Noah: Well, you can't get grounded again. Otherwise, you won't be able to say yes when Kyle Wilkens asks you out.", "Daisy: Oh, my God. He's, like, one of the hottest guys at Walnut Grove.", "Abby: I am so over high school boys. I want somebody older and more worldly.", "Ryder: (Sighs) He wants me gone, doesn't he?", "Kevin: Who?", "Ryder: Your friend Daniel. Every time I see him, I want to disappear.", "Kevin: Just let it go.", "Ryder: Look, how can I when it puts you in the awkward position of having to choose between your best friend and--and the brother you never even knew you had.", "Kevin: Don't sweat it. I've spent most of my life in awkward positions.", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "Michael: Morning, gentlemen.", "Kevin: Oh, good. It looks like he's in lawyer mode.", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "Michael: It's nothing bad. We have a trial date-- February 5th.", "Kevin: That's great. That's great. And if we can verify your alibi by then, it may not even go to trial, right?", "Michael: Mm.", "Ryder: Look, uh, on-- on second thought, I-I think I'd rather take my chances with the jury.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Why would you do that when you could just tell them where you were the night of the shooting?", "Ryder: Look, just-- just leave it alone, okay?", "Kevin: (Sighs) I know what you're thinking.", "Michael: What? I didn't say a word.", "Kevin: But you want to.", "Michael: I promised you I would give him the benefit of the doubt.", "Kevin: Even if you don't think he deserves it?", "Noah: \"Worldly\" isn't exactly how I would describe a guy out on a bail.", "Eden: For murder.", "Abby: You guys don't even know if he's guilty.", "Daisy: (Inhales sharply) You can do better. And what's wrong with high school boys, anyway, right, Eden?", "Eden: Right.", "Noah: We should probably get to school.", "Daisy: You coming?", "Abby: I'll catch up.", "Daisy: Be careful.", "Noah: Let's go.", "Eden: (Sighs)", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Michael: Thank you.", "Abby: Hey again. We didn't really get a chance to chat last time I was here, so... maybe we can now?", "Ryder: (Laughs)", "Michael: The truth? I don't think you should put your faith in someone who won't even tell you what their alibi is.", "Kevin: Here we go again.", "Michael: I get that you want to give him a chance. I did the same with River, and I got conned because I ignored the alarms going off.", "Kevin: Who says I'm hearing alarms?", "Michael: (Sighs) No. Give him a chance. Just be prepared it might not be the happy ending you and I had.", "Kevin: (Sighs) if I just knew why he wouldn't tell me who his alibi is... well, obviously, you have a theory.", "Michael: In my experience, it's either one of two things. He's protecting someone...", "Kevin: Who? Uh, Tom's dead. It can't be Deacon. What would be the other reason?", "Michael: He's guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Okay. Come on down. Pull up a chair. I cannot wait to hear why you think it's a good idea to help out that con man.", "Mac: This isn't just about Cane. It would be Lily's baby, too. Don't you want her to have something wonderful to look forward to when she comes out of chemo?", "Billy: Absolutely. As long as that \"Something wonderful\" isn't carried by you for nine months.", "Mac: So it's okay for you to buck the system and go after what you want, but when I want to do it--", "Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no, no. Buying a magazine is not the same as carrying somebody else's kid.", "Mac: I told you, I need my life to mean something.", "Billy: Well, join the Peace Corps. No, I'm serious. I can't sit around and watch you for nine months get huge and chase after weird food combinations at odd hours of the night knowing the whole time that you're doing it for a kid that's gonna be handed off to some \"'Crocodile' Dundee\" wannabe. No, no. You weren't here when Chloe was pregnant with a kid that he pretended to think was his, okay? You didn't have to watch that phony S.O.B. drool over the woman who was having my kid.", "Mac: Yeah, but that's the thing-- this isn't gonna be your kid. That's what's bothering you, isn't it, that the first time I give birth, it's gonna be to a baby that isn't yours?", "Billy: (Clears throat) Like an awful lot of stuff.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Hey, you two.", "Amber: Hi.", "Lauren: So what'd I miss?", "Amber: (Singsong voice) Oh, the wedding is gonna be fabulous!", "Daniel: My head's spinning. Yeah, yeah, you-- you tell her fabulous. Fabulous is code for \"It's gonna cost a lot of money.\"", "Amber: (Normal voice) No, it's not. No, it's not. I'm gonna design all my own dresses, and you said you could get me a really good deal on--on the materials.", "Lauren: Of course.", "Amber: And Mrs. C. said that--that she would lend me the mansion, you know, all--all the grounds. And--and since I still have friends in L.A. in the biz, the Kings of Leon are gonna play at our reception.", "Lauren: Are you kidding?", "Amber: (Squeals) Yeah!", "Daniel: Wait, wh-what-- what about the deejay?", "Amber: Well, can't I have both? Oh, oh, oh, oh, get this-- for the bang-up finish, what do you two think of this? Hang gliding off the roof of the Chancellor mansion?", "Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, no way.", "Amber: (Laughs) Okay, I know. I know.", "Lauren: It's a little--", "Amber: It sounds like a lot, but I just want it to be, like, something that screams \"Daniel and Amber.\"", "Daniel: Daniel and Amber will be screaming-- as we go off of that roof.", "Amber: You know, maybe our forever means more to me than it does to you.", "Lauren: You know, I'm gonna go call Eden's teacher. Good luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: So when are you gonna give me your number?", "Ryder: Hmm, we're back to this again.", "Abby: That is unless you have a problem if the girl calls first.", "Ryder: \"The girl\" meaning you?", "Abby: (Scoffs) Who else?", "Ryder: (Scoffs) Yeah.", "Kevin: Um, the espresso machine you said you'd fix is still on the fritz.", "Abby: Excuse me, I'm kind of talking here.", "Kevin: Um, excuse me, Ryder's supposed to be working. And if I'm not mistaken, you're supposed to be in school.", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Dude, are you nuts? Your freedom's on the line, and you're flirting with jailbait?", "Lauren: You did what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phillip: I thought your mom and Chloe would still be here.", "Chance: Chloe went to go get more formula, and Mom-- Mom's probably grilling the doctor right now.", "Phillip: I'll let you rest.", "Chance: Phillip, you don't have to go.", "Phillip: I should get the coffees to your mom before it gets too cold.", "Chance: I'm not gonna bark at you again or--or bite your head off. I promise.", "Phillip: Good to hear. I thought maybe you got stabbed on purpose to avoid the breakfast that we were supposed to have.", "Chance: (Chuckles) (Moans) (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Here you go.", "Nina: You know, you don't have to stay. Yeah, Phillip and I are here in case Chance needs anything.", "Chloe: What, are you afraid that I'm gonna seduce your son and rupture his spleen-- again?", "Nina: I heard what you said to Katherine last night.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Nina: Maybe you do care. That doesn't mean you're over Billy.", "Chloe: Well, I am, and I'm gonna prove it.", "Phillip: Get a doctor! Doctor? Oh, good. Doctor!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Mac: I'm right, aren't I? You don't want to see me give birth to a baby that isn't yours? But that's the thing-- it wouldn't be mine, either. It's just a gift that I could give two people who were unbelievably kind to me when I first got back from Darfur.", "Billy: I-I-I-I completely understand Lily. I do. Hell, I'd do it myself for her if I could, but not Cane, not the guy who conned my entire family, your grandmother.", "Mac: Okay, maybe he did con a lot of people, but it's not like he ran off to Sydney with an inheritance that wasn't his. In fact, he refused to accept it.", "Billy: Only because he knew he was about to get nailed.", "Mac: I'm not changing my mind on this.", "Billy: I'm gonna fall in love with it. I will fall in love with that baby because you're carrying it. And there's no way in hell that I'm gonna let a baby that I've fallen in love with be handed off to a guy that I can't stand to be in the same room with, because once was enough. You don't understand that, then I can't help you.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: Dude, will you chill? I was not flirting with that girl.", "Kevin: All right, I'm sorry. Look, I just-- I know how much our father screwed me up when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex, okay? I pulled some crazy stuff off on girls who did not deserve it. But I was lucky. I had someone to show me how wrong I was.", "Ryder: Wait, let me get this straight, so--so you're saying that because you acted like a jerk, you think I'll, what? Look, we may be blood, we're not twins, all right?", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Do you think he's doomed to make the same mistakes I made?", "Lauren: No.", "Kevin: Well, that's a switch.", "Lauren: Not really. I mean, even if he's not interested in Abby doesn't mean that I've changed my mind about him. In my book, he's still a rat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phillip: (Exhales) (Shuddering)", "Nina: Don't worry, okay? He was just low on painkillers. They had to hang another I.V. bag.", "Phillip: If you would have seen him double over...", "Nina: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Phillip: Oh, I'm sorry. Of course you've seen him double over, or something like that, when he was a kid-- when he fell off a bike, when he got hit by a baseball. You--you're used to that. I'm not. It's--it's my fault.", "Nina: I-I don't think you ever really get used to it. You just learn to cope without going completely out of your mind.", "Phillip: What you said last night-- you were right-- that I always run.", "Nina: I was upset. I just--", "Phillip: With ev-- with every reason to be upset. When I came back, I just expected that you and Chance would let me in your little family, a family that I left hanging, hurting all those years ago. And then when Chance wasn't there with open arms, I just-- instead of giving him space so that he could get to know me, I-I started to complain about it. I complained to you, of all people.", "Nina: I'm sure it wasn't easy on you, either.", "Phillip: No. No, don't make any excuses for me. No, I had no right to expect a second chance. I should have known that this was something that I was gonna have to earn. And with everything that's going on, I don't even know if that's a possibility.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Look at you. Oh, you're so pretty. Guess what? Mommy finally admitted that I got under her skin. You know, it's about time she fessed up, huh? It took her long enough.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Chance: I've been trying and trying.", "Chloe: Well, you know what? It's about time for this, too.", "Chance: What's that? Hey.", "Chloe: I wanted to bring this to you last night before that creep's knife got in the way. And Kay told me that I would get the chance, and I'm glad that I am. So... the divorce papers-- well, photocopies of the divorce papers-- but look right there. I finally signed it. I'm officially no longer Mrs. Billy Abbott.", "Chance: I see that. Hey.", "Chloe: Well, I didn't see what was in front of me. But I do now, and it's what I've always wanted. (Laughs)", "Chance: Yeah, it's hard not to go for the guy who almost died, huh?", "Chloe: Knife or no knife, you're it for me. (Laughs) You're it. (Whispering) Oh, shh. Don't look.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, and now just sign this last page, and the deed to the ranch is yours.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Ashley: So have things calmed down a little bit since Victor left?", "Michael: Mm, even when he's not here, he's still here.", "Ashley: Mm, tell that to my daughter.", "Michael: Abby having trouble with the two of you separating?", "Ashley: That's putting it mildly.", "Michael: Well, if it helps, Eden has been snarky to me since the day she got here.", "Ashley: I find that very hard to believe. When Noah was living here, he only had the nicest things to say about your relationship with Eden, and she spoke very highly of you.", "Michael: Really?", "Ashley: Yeah, really.", "Michael: Huh. Still, it took her forever to crack a smile at the dinner table, let alone want to be there.", "Ashley: You know what's really troubling me, though? Abby and I have always had a great relationship. It's only been recently that she's started to act out. I mean, I grounded her. I don't think its helping.", "Michael: (Sighs) (Groans) Sometimes, Lauren tells me that shouting and putting my foot down is not the solution. Instead of, uh, making my point, I should try to listen to hers.", "(Door closes)", "(Footsteps approaching)", "Abby: I thought you were going to Jabot.", "Ashley: I got a call that you left the house.", "Michael: All right, I am finished here.", "Ashley: Thank you for your input, Michael.", "Michael: Of course. I will call you. Hello, Abby.", "Ashley: (Sighs) Why aren't you in school?", "Abby: The only classes I'm missing are gym and study hall. It's no big deal.", "Ashley: It's a very big deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I'll just, uh, I'll tell the Kings of Leon and the dove wrangler to just forget about it, and we will have a run-of-the-mill, \"Do you?\" \"I do,\" \"Kiss the bride,\" \"Eat some cake\" wedding.", "Daniel: Look, I want everyone to know that we're forever, too, okay? I just don't think that we need to stage some kind of spectacle to prove our point.", "Amber: Yeah, that's really easy for you to say. The entire town didn't just see you walk down the aisle dressed for a funeral about to say \"I do\" to someone you hated. I want this wedding, the wedding to the man I love and want to have ten kids with, to be polar opposite of that.", "Daniel: \"Ten kids\"?", "Amber: Well...", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Amber: You know, look, I-I know I'm going a little bit over the top, but, well, the truth is, we've both said these vows before. And I just want everyone to know that this time, it's for keeps.", "Amber: Mm.", "Daniel: Mm. In that case, you can have whatever you want.", "Amber: Ohh.", "Daniel: Come here.", "Lauren: Okay, now this is more like it.", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Lauren: Very good. And I just downloaded some dress designs that I want you to see...", "Amber: Oh, oh, oh! Oh, no, no, no, no. Daniel can't see.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Amber: Okay.", "Lauren: All right. Well, then come with me.", "Amber: Okay. Okay. Bye!", "Kevin: Hey, we need to talk.", "Daniel: Look, if it's about Ryder, I don't--", "Kevin: They set his trial date.", "Daniel: I don't care.", "Kevin: Well, look, if his alibi is concrete, then you're gonna end up back in the defendant's seat. Yeah, which means either way, someone that I care about is gonna be on trial for murder.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey. How's he doing?", "Nina: He's already doing better than expected.", "Billy: Good. Um, is Delia here?", "Phillip: Yeah. Chloe thought that she'd lift Chance's spirits.", "Billy: Yeah? Well, I could use my spirits lifted, too.", "Nina: They're in there.", "Billy: Thank you, Ma'am.", "Chloe: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh, ooh. (Giggling) Hey. Funny little girl, happy girl. Yeah, I know. Hi! (Making kissing sounds)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I had an interesting conversation with Mrs. McGuire.", "Abby: The woman hates me for no reason.", "Ashley: Abby, she doesn't hate you. If anything, she's concerned, and so am I. Sit down for a second.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Now look, I know it's been one thing after another lately. I want you to talk to me like you used to. I miss those days, Honey.", "Abby: You mean, before you started locking yourself in the bedroom and crying all day?", "Ashley: If you need to attack me to get things out, that's okay. You--", "Abby: Can I just go?", "Ashley: Abby, I want you-- I really want to help you with what you're going through, Honey.", "Abby: I don't need help.", "Ashley: Your teacher told me that if you don't pass your midterms, your whole future could be on the line.", "Abby: So?", "Ashley: Abby, what's gotten into you? Tell me!", "Abby: You're the one who's trying to be my friend instead of my mother.", "Ashley: I love you! So does your father.", "Abby: Which one? The one who's dead, or the one you drove out of the country?", "Ashley: Why are you trying to hurt me this way?", "Abby: Whatever.", "Ashley: Abby, come back here and talk to me. Abby! (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Thank you.", "Michael: Aren't you supposed to be in school?", "Noah: Eden left her backpack.", "Eden: It's got all my notes in it for class.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Michael: I'll keep an eye out for it.", "Eden: Thanks, Michael.", "Michael: Sure, anything for my little sister.", "Amber and Lauren: (Speaking indistinctly)", "Lauren: Do you like that--", "Amber: Hi! (Chuckles)", "Lauren: Well... you just can't enough of me, can you?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. You know it.", "Lauren: Mm. Mm.", "Michael: Actually, I'm back to meet with a potential client.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: Oh, there she is.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Hmm. Oh, Eden, I'm glad you're still here, because I just got off the phone with your teacher, and, um, we definitely need to talk.", "Mac: Thank you. And thank you for meeting me on such short notice.", "Michael: Well, your, uh, your message sounded a little urgent. Everything's okay with Katherine, I hope?", "Mac: Yeah. No, she's fine. I just wanted to talk to you about surrogate motherhood.", "Michael: Oh. All right. You and Billy have decided to hire a surrogate?", "Mac: No, I want to be a surrogate. Uh, I just need to talk to you about the legalities involved.", "Michael: Um, up front, it's a very difficult process. There are a ton of things you need to concern yourself with before you go ahead with it, the most important thing being your relationship with the parents that you are going to be acting as a surrogate for, and not to mention the people in your life who will be affected by all this.", "Mac: They are already affected, believe me.", "Michael: Hmm. Well, um, you'll need a support team in place before, uh, this all happens. And I'd be happy to sit down with whoever it is that's gonna take care of you through this.", "Mac: Uh, there's no one. I'm doing this on my own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: See? That was fun, wasn't it?", "Billy: There you are. I hear you and Mommy are playing \"Florence Nightingale.\"", "Chloe: She got her sleep. I brought her from home this morning, right? (Whispers) Yeah!", "Billy: Yeah? You actually left the hospital?", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Normal voice) What do you want, Billy?", "Billy: Uh, I-I just-- you know, I feel bad for Chance getting stabbed like he did. It's horrible.", "Chloe: Well, he's doing really well.", "Billy: Glad to hear that. (Silly voice) I'm glad to hear that. (Growls)", "Chloe: So, um, is that it? 'Cause Chance was just in the middle of telling Delia war stories, right? (Giggles)", "Billy: Isn't she a little young for war stories?", "Chloe: Well, he's leaving out the gory details.", "Billy: Yeah. You know, I just don't feel comfortable with my daughter--", "Chloe: What?", "Cordelia: (Laughs)", "Billy: I don't like my daughter being so comfortable with another guy.", "Chloe: Well, you're always gonna be her father. And I think that you're gonna have to accept the fact that sooner or later, there may be a stepfather in the picture, just like I have to accept a stepmother. I'm not your wife anymore, Billy, not anymore. (Sighs)", "Phillip: Hi.", "Nina: Everything okay?", "Chloe: Well, if it isn't, it's not my problem. How you doing, soldier?", "Nina: He really needs his rest.", "Chloe: (Laughs)", "Nina: Hello, baby.", "Chloe: Well, so does Delia. She needs a nap. But, um, we'll come back later, okay?", "Chance: (Weakly) Okay.", "Chloe: You want to say good-bye to Uncle Chance? (High-pitched voice) Say bye. Bye, Uncle Chance.", "Chance: Bye.", "Nina: Now I know you're too old for me to tuck you in, but it's in \"the parent's handbook.\" Whenever a child has a brush with death, Mom and Dad get to hover, right, Phillip?", "Chance: He left again, didn't he?", "Nina: He'll be back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So Ms. Mathieson said you argued for an entire hour on the real meaning of \"The Bell Jar.\"", "Eden: I just don't think that there's one way to interpret what Plath was trying to say.", "Lauren: Okay. Um, but then what is the, \"You want to abolish Columbus Day as an American holiday\"? What--", "Eden: Because technically, he didn't discover this country. At least I care, unlike some people.", "Noah: Abby's just going through a rough time.", "Eden: She's headed for trouble if she doesn't get it together.", "Lauren: What has she done that's so bad?", "Eden: For starters, she's hitting on Kevin's brother.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Eden: Noah already gave her the heads-up of him being accused of murder. Of course, that doesn't stop her from trying to hook up.", "Lauren: You know what? I'll be back in a minute.", "Daisy: (Slams hand on countertop) Stay away from her.", "Ryder: Who?", "Daisy: Abby Carlton. Unless you want to see how guys found guilty of statutory rape are treated in the state pen.", "Michael: Hey. Mwah! This is gonna take a little longer than I thought, but at least it's a paying client.", "Lauren: That's so great, Honey.", "Michael: You did hear what I said, right? It's not pro bono. Money, money, money.", "Lauren: Do you remember when I told you about that new girl I just hired at the boutique?", "Michael: Yeah, uh, a friend of Amber's?", "Lauren: Right, right. Well, she just did something so impressive and unexpected.", "Michael: You said you had a good feeling about her.", "Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. And it's only getting better.", "Daniel: If the guy won't tell you his alibi, it's probably because he doesn't have one, which means he's guilty.", "Kevin: Not necessarily. He could be protecting someone.", "Daniel: Like who?", "Kevin: I don't know.", "Ryder: Deacon and I were told that Kevin had access to the hiding place.", "Kevin: What? You think I'm right?", "Daniel: No. I think that if Ryder does somehow manage to slip away, there's not gonna be any \"Happily ever after\" for anyone.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: Could I talk to you a second?", "Adam: Sure. Newman business?", "Ashley: Something entirely different.", "Michael: I think you're guilty, and you're lying about this alibi, or you're covering for someone.", "Daniel: And I do have something that I gotta tell you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor and Diane share a table and some small talk. Michael becomes upset when he finds out that Lauren kept Fen home from school. Michael realizes that Lauren is still afraid to leave the house. Phyllis visits Daisy to strike up a deal with her. Daniel thanks Abby for meeting him after all the things that happened. Abby tells Daniel that she couldn't deal with Daisy being pregnant with his child. Daniel insists that he is not the father of Daisy's child. Jeff tells Kevin that he cannot come up with the money by tonight. Michael cautions Jeff to keep his voice down. Gloria asks what is going on. They both say, \"nothing.\" Gloria notices that they are acting suspicious. Chloe reminds Gloria about her profile for \"Restless Style.\" Diane tells Victor about the article in \"Restless Style\" that Phyllis wrote and how it ruined her life. Phyllis promises Daisy that she will get her out of jail.", "Abby tells Daniel that maybe Daisy is telling the truth about the baby. Phyllis lets Michael know that she had seen Daisy. Abby visits Daisy. Daisy lets Abby know that Daniel is the father of her baby. Chloe ditches Gloria to go with Kevin. The police pull Kevin over. After talking to Phyllis, Lauren agrees to let Daisy go to the hospital for the amniocentesis. The man finds gambling evidence in Kevin's car. Kevin lets him know that it is not his. Chloe and Kevin are arrested. Chloe begs to see Ronan. Daisy gets transferred to Genoa City Memorial. Abby tells Daniel that they should stop seeing each other. Kevin calls Michael to get him and Chloe out of jail. Michael, leaving the house again unnerves Lauren. Daisy asks Phyllis to see Daniel.", "" ]
[ "Diane: There's a bar full of empty tables, Victor. You don't have to sit here.", "Victor: Some reason I shouldn't?", "Diane: Oh... because you hate me?", "Victor: Oh, that's a little harsh, don't you think?", "Diane: Really?", "Victor: Mm.", "Diane: Even after all the hell we've put each other through over the years?", "Victor: I just gave you a ride on my plane, didn't I?", "Diane: (Laughs) Indeed, you did. I half expected you to push me out.", "Victor: You're the least of my problems right now.", "Diane: It's funny. I feel the same way about you.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Diane: So to, um...", "Victor: Mm-hmm?", "Diane: Strange bedfellows. (Glasses clink)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Mm.", "Michael: Uh-oh. Looks like, uh, somebody's playing hooky.", "Fen: Mommy let me stay home.", "Michael: Did she now? Well, I'm glad you had fun, Kiddo, but, uh, we need to get you to school.", "Lauren: You know what, Honey? Will you put that in your room?", "Lauren: Fen and I had a great morning. We did. We made cookies. We read books.", "Michael: You want to tell me what's going on?", "Lauren: I didn't feel like going into the store.", "Michael: Meaning you're still afraid to leave the house.", "Lauren: (Sighs) I went to the police station, didn't I?", "Michael: Yeah, you know what? I know how difficult it was to see Daisy, and I'm proud of you. I am really proud of you.", "Lauren: So then why are you making me feel guilty for spending the morning with our son?", "Michael: The morning-- because you and I and our son need to keep living our lives. And there's really no room for a recluse in the picture, is there?", "Lauren: (Scoffs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Daisy: (Humming \"Greensleeves\")", "Phyllis: (Clears throat) Thank you.", "Daisy: (Continues humming)", "Phyllis: Hi, Daisy.", "Daisy: Baby's restless. I've been humming a lullaby to calm him. So if you're here to upset me--", "Phyllis: No, definitely not. I'm not here to upset you. I just, uh, thought maybe we could work something out. My son needs to know if... that is his child.", "Daisy: I already told you, no paternity test until I'm in a private hospital.", "Phyllis: That's not likely, Daisy. So maybe we can work something out.", "Daisy: If you can't get me out of this cell, we have nothing to say to each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Abby: Hey.", "Daniel: Oh, hey. Here. Look, thank you for agreeing to meet me. Um, it was a little uncomfortable the way we left things.", "Abby: Yeah, I'm sorry. I-I just-- Daisy showing up with her stomach out to here saying that you're gonna be a dad... I just couldn't deal.", "Daniel: I told you, I'm not the father.", "Abby: You think that she's still scamming you?", "Daniel: She has to be. Trust me, there's no way that kid's mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: We can't scrape together 10 grand to give to Hogan by tonight. It's impossible.", "Kevin: Well, then you are gonna have the most expensive watch in the morgue.", "Jeff: Hey, it's not my fault your mother found the money and then spent it on extravagant gifts.", "Kevin: Keep your voice down.", "Jeff: Oh, I sent Adam on an errand. The last thing we need is that opportunist stumbling upon our problem.", "Kevin: Your problem. You're the one who got us into this mess. You're gonna get us out.", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: So what are you two up to?", "Together: Nothing.", "Gloria: Well, you're acting very suspicious.", "Chloe: You know, Gloria...", "Gloria: Hmm?", "Chloe: We haven't finished discussing your profile in \"Restless Style.\"", "Gloria: I'm all yours.", "Kevin: Listen, Jeffrey. I know you. There is no way you don't have some money stashed away somewhere.", "Jeff: I might have a little put aside for a rainy day.", "Kevin: Uh, well, hello? This is about as rainy as it gets.", "Jeff: (Sighs) I had plans for that money.", "Kevin: Well, boohoo. Go get it so you can get us out of this mess. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: Well, who'd have guessed having cocktails and making small talk with you would be the high point of my day?", "Victor: What's wrong?", "Diane: If you must know, it's been a lousy day-- a disastrous interview topping off a hellacious week.", "Victor: What happened?", "Diane: Well... after reading Phyllis' trash article about me in \"Restless Style,\" my son is barely speaking to me. Tucker rescinded his job offer.", "Victor: Really?", "Diane: Need I go on? (Chuckles)", "Victor: (Chuckles) So you're feeling sorry for yourself because the universe dealt you a rotten hand?", "Diane: The universe didn't do this to me. Phyllis did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I'm not the bad guy here. I actually sympathize with you.", "Daisy: You do?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I do. I do. Why do you think I fought so hard to keep you out of here?", "Daisy: So I'd agree to do the D.N.A. test.", "Phyllis: No. No, no, no, no. There's more to it than that.", "Phyllis: You know, I'll tell you a secret. I know how alone you feel. I got pregnant when I was very, very young, too.", "Daisy: With Daniel.", "Phyllis: Yeah, with Daniel. Nobody was there for me. Nobody cared about me. I want to be here for you.", "Daisy: Even after all the terrible things my Aunt Sarah made me do?", "Phyllis: Listen, you know what? You were a victim, Daisy. You're a victim, just like Lauren and Jana and Daniel. They're victims.", "Daisy: You know, I don't care about me. But this baby never hurt anyone.", "Phyllis: No. No.", "Daisy: He doesn't deserve this.", "Phyllis: No, he doesn't. Absolutely not. Daisy, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? I'm gonna see what I can do.", "Daisy: (Sniffles)", "Phyllis: And I'll be back, hopefully soon, with good news, okay?", "Daisy: Okay.", "Daisy: (Sighs) (Sighs) You better come through for us, Phyllis. (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: God, you are so in denial.", "Daniel: I am not.", "Abby: Has it occurred to you that maybe Daisy is telling the truth?", "Daniel: Okay, you know what? I know that you live for this kind of drama, but don't project it on me.", "Abby: Oh, no, no. I like drama that I can control, not some nutcase claiming that you have knocked her up.", "Daniel: Hey, you just admitted it. She's a total crazy person.", "Abby: Yeah. Yeah. She is crazy, but she's not stupid. She knew that if she showed up at your house she would wind up in jail.", "Daniel: So?", "Abby: So why would she do that to herself?", "Daniel: I don't know. Maybe because she and her family, they-- they get off on causing me grief.", "Abby: Well, it's not like they're targeting you personally.", "Daniel: (Laughs) What do you call setting me up for murder?", "Abby: Okay, okay. But nobody gets pregnant just to ruin somebody's life.", "Daniel: You know what, Abbs? I don't know what to tell you. I'm not in Daisy's head.", "Abby: Well, it's just that none of this makes any sense.", "Daniel: You know, if you're so desperate for answers, why don't you go ask Daisy yourself?", "Abby: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hey. Still warm.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Want one?", "Michael: All right. We need to address this.", "Lauren: (Sighs) You know, it's not like I'm just being paranoid, Michael. Daisy's real. She is here.", "Michael: Oh, and she's locked up.", "Lauren: Yeah, but her brother isn't. And Ryder... Ryder could be anywhere. He could be in a motel room. He could be outside our apartment, or--or Fen's school.", "Michael: All right, you just listen to me. I have alerted the police. I have alerted the staff at the school. I have alerted his teachers. They all have their eyes on Fenmore.", "Lauren: And it takes one second-- one second. Someone gets distracted--", "Michael: All right, listen to me. You're talking about Ryder. There's not even any indication that Ryder is anywhere around here, and there's no reason our son shouldn't live a normal life. This is his education we're talking about.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Fen?", "Fen: What, Mommy?", "Lauren: Hey, Baby. Um, why don't you put on your shoes? Daddy's gonna take you to school.", "Fen: Aw, do I have to?", "Lauren: (Chuckles) What do you think, Buddy?", "Michael: Fenmore, shoes. Come on. Come with us.", "Lauren: I can't.", "Michael: Please come with us.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Daisy--Daisy kidnapped me and she tortured me. I thought I was going to die. Until I know why she is here and what she is doing, I can't go anywhere.", "Michael: I need you to come with us.", "Lauren: Thank you. Thank you for being so understanding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Phyllis remembering]", "Phyllis: Oh, this has turned out to be such an incredible day, Honey. Looks like your daddy's finally coming around. I sure hope so. That would be the answer to all of mommy's prayers. (Sighs) Still, I can't take my chances. I have to deal with that nasty, nasty old Brian. (Sighs) I have to find that paternity test. (Sighs) (Scoffs) Where is it?", "Phyllis: Don't worry, Sweetheart. We're going to be a family, a real family. Yes. Somehow, mommy will make that happen, Honey. Oh, I'm not giving up. I am not giving up. No. Your mommy and daddy are going to have a real marriage, in every sense of the word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approach)", "Michael: May I?", "Phyllis: Sit.", "Michael: Oh, really? Maybe you should switch to decaf, dial it back a little. You're sounding like Lauren.", "Phyllis: I just saw Daisy.", "Michael: Well, still trying to change her mind about the paternity test?", "Phyllis: It's the hospital or nothing.", "Michael: All right, look at.", "Phyllis: Michael--", "Michael: I know you're in a tough spot, but there's no way I'm going behind Lauren's back and filing a petition to get her rel--", "Phyllis: Somebody--somebody-- somebody has to bend. Somebody has to bend.", "Michael: No! No. What-- what does Jack think?", "Phyllis: It doesn't matter what Jack thinks. It doesn't matter. We're on a break. It doesn't matter.", "Michael: A break? Oh. How come?", "Phyllis: He wants to spend more time with Kyle. (Sighs)", "Michael: Oh, I get it. So you're focusing on Daisy so you don't have to think about your love life.", "Phyllis: Michael, um, this child that she's carrying could be my...", "Michael: Grand--grandchild. Say it--grandchild.", "Phyllis: No, I don't want to say it.", "Michael: All right, listen to me.", "Phyllis: Grandchild, all right? I have to know.", "Michael: Lauren is not gonna change her mind. It's all about the anxiety.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Michael: She's using Fenmore as a security blanket these days.", "Phyllis: I understand, okay? Listen. Listen. Listen. I understand. I understand that she wants to--to keep her in jail. I get it. That Smithe clan --they did horrific things to her. There's an innocent child involved.", "Michael: Oh.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: Daisy's tuggin' at your heartstrings, is she?", "Phyllis: No.", "Michael: She's starting to sway you.", "Phyllis: She's not. (Sighs) There are some similarities between Daisy and I. When I was younger, I was somewhat like her... which is all the more reason she gets no sympathy from me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: Ow. You're not even born yet, and you're already a brat. God. (Grunts) (Sighs)", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Woman: Ten minutes.", "Abby: Thanks.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) What are you doing here?", "Abby: I came to see for myself how full of it you really are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Um, so a successful businesswoman running, well, the hottest club in town and, uh, selling real estate on the side.", "Gloria: Oh, no, no, no. It didn't happen overnight. Believe me, I paid my dues.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles) Mm-hmm. Well, uh, what--what-- so what do you think, um, what would you like to tell young women, um, you know, who are trying to improve themselves like you did? What--what would you say to them?", "Jeff: (Sighs) This is not fair.", "Kevin: I don't want to hear it, Man.", "Daniel: Oh, Kevin.", "Kevin: Hey, uh--", "Daniel: Um, I-I need to talk to you about your sister.", "Kevin: Look, I can't. I can't deal with it right now. I gotta go.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Gloria: And last, but not least, you just have to keep believing in yourself.", "Chloe: Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Uh, there's-- there's an emergency, um, at the magazine. But we will pick this up later. Thank you so much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs) Well, thanks for ditching me.", "Kevin: No, get out, Chloe.", "Chloe: No.", "Kevin: Yes. This isn't some sort of Andie and Duckie sequel. Hogan means business.", "Chloe: You think I don't know that?", "Kevin: Look, I will not risk you getting hurt or worse.", "Chloe: Okay, if he is actually that dangerous, I'm not gonna let you go alone with that creep, so let's go.", "Kevin: No. I'm not going any--", "(Siren wails)", "Kevin: (Sighs) Great, the cops.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: (Sighs) Do not say a single word. I mean it.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Okay.", "Man: Do you know your registration's expired?", "Kevin: Uh, sorry, Officer. I-I have the new sticker at home. I guess I just forgot to put it on.", "Man: Hmm.", "Chloe: Uh, do we-- do we really need to get a citation? 'Cause we're actually-- we're kind of in a hurry.", "Man: Where you headed?", "Chloe: A movie.", "Kevin: We're going to see the new action film with what's-his-name.", "Chloe: You two were in a pretty heated argument. What was that about?", "Kevin: Politics.", "Chloe: Justin Bieber.", "Man: Stay put. I'll be back.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Did I not just say that I would do the talking?", "Chloe: I'm sorry. I was nervous.", "Kevin: Justine Bieber?!", "Chloe: Well, we have to hide the cash, okay? Oh.", "Man: Must be an expensive movie.", "Kevin: Oh, that? That's, um, that's the deposit, uh, deposit from the club I work at. We were gonna-- we were gonna stop by the bank first.", "Man: Would you both step out of the vehicle, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Sorry for the mess. Fen stayed home from school this morning.", "Phyllis: Oh, was he sick?", "Lauren: (Scoffs) Why can't I just enjoy a morning with my son without everyone making a big deal about it?", "Phyllis: Lauren, it was just a question. I didn't mean anything.", "Lauren: Yeah, I'm--I'm sorry. I'm--I'm on edge.", "Phyllis: Because of Daisy?", "Lauren: Everyone expects me to be strong, you know? But, um, they didn't know what it was like to be in that cage.", "Phyllis: I can't imagine.", "Lauren: But, you know, it, uh, it was my fault. It's my fault.", "Phyllis: Why is it your fault?", "Lauren: Because once I got rid of Sheila, you know, I let my guard down. I-I started to relax, and--and then the nightmare started again, and instead of one psychopath, I was facing three.", "Phyllis: Lauren. Lauren. Sarah's dead.", "Lauren: Yeah, but Sheila's kids aren't, which means I will never, ever have any peace.", "Phyllis: Yes, you will. Yes, you will. As soon as this is over, you will have peace.", "Lauren: You really think this is ever gonna be over?", "Phyllis: I will--absolutely.", "Lauren: You do?", "Phyllis: I do. Of course I do. Ryder and Daisy will get theirs, and we'll be done with this. We'll move on. We will. But first... first, we have to get Daisy out of jail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Just tell me the truth, okay? No games, no bull.", "Daisy: After all the lies I've told, why would you ever believe me? Okay, I-I used you as a cover when I came to town. Nothing personal. I just needed an in at Walnut Grove.", "Abby: And Ryder?", "Daisy: He took advantage of your crush on him to get supplies for the hostages.", "Abby: And Daniel?", "Daisy: It's not like I slept with him to hurt you. Last I heard, he was with Amber. How could I ever know that my only friend in Genoa City fell in love with the father of my baby? But you did, and he is the father.", "Abby: Why should I believe you?", "Daisy: Why on earth would I come back here? I knew they had a warrant out for my arrest.", "Abby: Look, you're trying to manipulate me.", "Daisy: Look, Abby, can't you see? I'm telling you the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: Phyllis didn't waste any time making my life hell.", "Victor: So she still has a lot of anger toward you?", "Diane: (Chuckles) Her article made me out to be some kind of monster. And if it was just me, I could handle it, but poor Kyle. And I wasn't even there to soften the blow. I had to try to explain things to him over the phone.", "Victor: But he knew none of these stories?", "Diane: Very little.", "Victor: Huh.", "Diane: You have no idea how sickening it is to tell your child that you have done unforgiveable things. But what happened between Phyllis and me happened a long time ago. I'm a completely different person now. And she clearly hasn't changed a bit. I was in town, what? All of ten minutes? And she was dreaming up ways to ruin my life. It's like the last seven years hadn't even happened.", "Victor: Was it that long ago?", "Diane: And I had created a new life for myself, you know? A good one, a peaceful one, free of all the old ghosts.", "Victor: Why'd you come back to Genoa City?", "Diane: Well, because I-I'd hoped that enough time had gone by that my son could finally get to know his father. But I'd barely unpacked when it all hit the fan.", "Victor: My, oh, my, oh, my. Things are that bad, huh?", "Diane: Well, what does it tell you when the one person I can confide in is an ex-husband...?", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Diane: Who once upon a time wished I would drop dead?", "Victor: (Laughs) Mm, ironic, isn't it? What'd you expect?", "Victor: What did you think would happen when you showed up in Genoa City again?", "Diane: I thought that people might have mellowed.", "Victor: You haven't.", "Diane: Excuse me?", "Victor: You're incorrigible, aren't you? I mean, from day one, you have snooped around me. Then you taunted Nikki. And you've traded insults with Phyllis.", "Diane: (Clicks tongue) Victor, that's an exaggeration, don't you think?", "Victor: I don't think so. Not really.", "Diane: When I was in Genoa City in February...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Diane: Things were tense, but everybody was civil, and that gave me hope, you know? That people could be more forgiving, especially because children are involved.", "Victor: Yep. I know whereof you speak, when those closest to you turn against you. That's very disappointing, isn't it?", "Diane: You do understand.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Diane: What happened, Victor? Why are you in New York?", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I actually thought you were my friend.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? I am.", "Lauren: Then why are you doing this to me?", "Phyllis: Have you forgotten? Sarah tried to kill me, too, Lauren. She tried to kill me, too.", "Lauren: Well, if Daisy is in the hospital, then Ryder could be free to help her escape.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. You give them too much credit.", "Lauren: And maybe you're not giving them enough credit.", "Phyllis: Sarah is dead. She was the brains. They are nothing without her. They're just little children without her, vindictive and angry. They're running blind. They don't have a plan.", "Lauren: (Scoffs) I don't--I don't know.", "Phyllis: Okay, listen. Listen. It's--it's so easy...", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: It's so easy. Just let Michael petition the court. That's it. And-- and once those test results are back in, I-I don't care if that girl rots in jail.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Hand--hand me the telephone.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Where'd Kevin disappear to?", "Jeff: I don't know, Peaches. Hey, Michael.", "Michael: Where is Kevin?", "Gloria: Mikey, I've been meaning to call you. How's Lauren?", "Michael: Uh, not good.", "Gloria: You want me to take Fen for a few days?", "Michael: Mm, I can ask her, but--", "(Cell phone rings)", "Michael: Oh, sorry. Hold on. Yes, Lauren? How's it going? Everything okay?", "Lauren: Uh, yeah. Go ahead and file the petition to have Daisy moved to the hospital.", "Michael: Are you sure?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: All right. I will go see the judge right now, and then I will come straight home.", "Lauren: All right. Hurry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I hope to hell you know what you're doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What's that?", "Man: Book making tickets. Point spreads and upcoming games and races.", "Man: Evidence of a gambling operation.", "Man: Mr. Fisher, care to amend your story regarding this deposit?", "Kevin: That's-- that's not mine.", "Man: How original.", "Chloe: Officers, um, I'm-- I'm a mom, and my daughter, she's in preschool. Can I please--?", "Man: Should have thought about that before you got involved with a bookie.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Seriously?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I looked for you at Crimson Lights.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, I came here to talk to Kevin about Daisy, and he blew me off, so what does that tell you?", "Abby: I have no idea.", "Daniel: The girl's his half sister. Even he doesn't think she's worth talkin' about.", "Abby: (Sighs) You know, I don't think you'd be so cocky if you actually spoke to her yourself.", "Daniel: Did you go and talk to her?", "Abby: Hello? You told me to.", "Daniel: Look, I was being sarcastic. I didn't think that you'd actually go and do it.", "Abby: God, why are you so pissy?", "Daniel: I'm pissy because you're supposed to be taking my side. Why are you humoring this lunatic?", "Abby: Honestly, it's because after my visit, I believe she's telling the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs) You know--you know, you're making a mistake. I want to see Ronan Malloy.", "Man: He's out on assignment.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I--you know, I-I know people. I know the Chancellors. I-I know the Abbotts. I... (Groans) (Sighs)", "Daisy: Why are you in here?", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Will you just--will you leave him alone, please?", "Daisy: I don't blame you for wanting nothing to do with me. But you're still the baby's uncle. I just... I just felt a little kick. I think the little one knows you're family.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Okay, well, that-- that's just stupid.", "Kevin: Let me see.", "Daisy: Feel it.", "Kevin: We may have the same father, Daisy, but we're not family. I'm nothing like you and your brother.", "Daisy: Maybe this is where all Tom Fisher's kids eventually end up.", "Woman: Got your wish.", "Daisy: What?", "Woman: You're being transferred to Genoa City Memorial.", "Daisy: Good luck, Kevin. I mean, that.", "Chloe: Hey. Hey. Don't let her get to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Diane: You really won't tell me the reason you're in New York?", "Victor: (Sighs) I'm not baring my soul over tequila so that you can feel better about yourself.", "Diane: Don't you trust me?", "Victor: (Laughs) Mm, I've learned the hard way whatever I tell you, whatever I say to you will be held against me eventually.", "Diane: Come on. Just a little hint?", "Victor: (Laughs) No.", "Diane: Is it Adam?", "Victor: Mnh-mnh. Don't waste your breath.", "Diane: (Clicks tongue) Is it the lawsuit that I've been reading about? The ones your daughters filed against you?", "Victor: Mnh-mnh.", "Diane: Hmm. Okay, then how about-- how about Nikki? Maybe a little spat with her about the floral arrangements for the big day?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Diane: I'm just trying to help.", "Victor: Hmm. I don't need your help, Diane. Self-pity is for the weak, you know.", "Diane: You are so right.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Diane: We're better than this.", "Victor: If anyone controls their own destinies, it's you and me.", "Diane: Damn straight. (Chuckles) Well, it's sure nice to know we can spend an hour together without killing each other.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Diane: What room are you in?", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Diane: (Laughs)", "Victor: (Sighs) Do you think I'm gonna invite you up for a nightcap? Mnh-mnh.", "Diane: No, I don't think so.", "Victor: Mnh-mnh. Why press our luck, right?", "Diane: Right.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Diane: Anyway, I... (sighs) Have to catch the, um, the return flight back to Genoa City, so...", "Victor: All right.", "Diane: Thank you... for everything.", "Victor: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Hi. You're looking more comfortable than the last time I saw you.", "Daisy: I don't know how you pulled this off.", "Phyllis: Your amniocentesis is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.", "Daisy: So soon?", "Phyllis: Yeah. That was our deal.", "Daisy: No, I-I know. I'm not gonna back out. I just--it's really nice to be on a real bed and have doctors and nurses that care about us.", "Phyllis: Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.", "Daisy: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Yes?", "Daisy: One more thing.", "Phyllis: What's that?", "Daisy: I want to see Daniel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Believe whatever you want, Abby. You're gonna anyway.", "Abby: You know, if you looked her in the eye--", "Daniel: Mm, mnh-mnh. You know, I'm done talking about Daisy, all right? Why don't we just go get some Chinese food? We'll go back to my place and--", "Abby: Are you serious?", "Daniel: What? Do you want to get pizza? We'll get pizza instead.", "Abby: No, we--we can't-- we can't go back to the way things were.", "Daniel: Why not? You did a strip tease in the middle of Gloworm.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Daniel: You rode a horse in the Athletic Club. And I got over that.", "Abby: I'm sorry, what does that have to do with--?", "Daniel: You also--you also starred me in your little fake sex tape, and you didn't tell me about it. And was I pissed off? Yeah, I was pissed off, but I got over that, too.", "Abby: What is your point?", "Daniel: I guess my point is, I expect a little loyalty from my girlfriend.", "Abby: You know, I don't want to argue with you.", "Daniel: You are taking the word of a crazy person that locks people in cages over mine.", "Abby: I think we should stop seeing each other.", "Daniel: What are you talking about?", "Abby: You have to deal with this Daisy thing, and I have my lawsuit.", "Daniel: Wait a minute. Wh--are you breaking up with me?", "Abby: Oh, come on, Daniel. We were never a couple. Not really.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Okay. I'm gonna go change for my open house, and if you hear from Kevin--", "Jeff: Mm.", "Gloria: What are you doing?", "Jeff: Oh, just seeing how long to the dinner rush.", "Gloria: Uh-huh. Try to stay out of trouble, okay?", "Jeff: Oh, Man, where are you, Kevin? You should have been back by now.", "Hogan: Where the hell is that kid with my 10 grand?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hogan must have been furious when I didn't show up.", "Chloe: This is so ridiculous. I mean, we shouldn't be in here. It's not like we're trafficking guns or anything like that. (Sighs) What kind of role model am I for my daughter?", "Kevin: Hey.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: I'm gonna get us out of here. I promise. I am not going back to prison. I would rather die.", "Chloe: What happened to you in there?", "Kevin: You don't want to know.", "Chloe: Hey, \"Duckie,\" you still got me.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Man: Fisher, time for your phone call.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "(Doorknob rattles)", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: Lauren, the deadbolt-- the deadbolt is thrown. (Knock)", "Lauren: Oh, thank God. Okay. Oh, thank God it's you. Thank God.", "Michael: What? Did something happen since we spoke?", "Lauren: No. Oh, it's just I'm jumping every time I hear a noise.", "Michael: All right. Um, well, here. I know how hard it was for you to agree to let Daisy out of jail, but once that test is over, I promise you, I'm gonna lock her away somewhere she can never hurt you again. I-I don't know what else I can do. Um, do you want me to cancel all my appointments? You want me to reschedule my court dates? I can just sit here with you until all this is over if that's what you want.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Michael: Hello?", "Kevin: It's Kevin.", "Michael: Yeah?", "Kevin: Chloe and I are in jail.", "Michael: Well, of course you are.", "Kevin: Can you come down to the station?", "Michael: This is a really bad, bad time.", "Kevin: You gotta get us out of here.", "Michael: All right, you know, Kevin, just take a-- take a deep breath and...", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Michael: Kevin and Chloe are in jail.", "Lauren: You're-- you're not leaving.", "Michael: Listen, I'll straighten things out. I'll be right back.", "Lauren: (Whimpers) You just promised.", "Michael: I know I did. I feel horrible. (Sighs) Do you want me to see if a neighbor will sit with you?", "Lauren: No. I want my husband.", "Michael: Yeah. I'm sorry. I'll be right back. I'm sorry.", "Lauren: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Man: Tell us what you know about Mark Hogan.", "Lauren: If I have to drag myself to the courthouse, and it means that that bitch stays behind bars for the rest of her life, then I'm gonna do it.", "Jana: Hello, Daisy." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Chris, Paul, and Michael remember the ordeal Isabella put them all through when she framed Chris for murder and then almost killed her. Paul wonders if Ricky has any of his mom's insanity inside of him. Nina and Chris encourage Paul to talk to Ricky and find out why he betrayed Heather. Paul later sits down with Ricky over coffee to try and get to know his son. Billy tries to persuade Cane not to go to Myanmar to look for Chelsea Lawson because he could end up in prison like many American tourists. Cane tells Billy that he is going because it's time that Victor stopped keeping him away from Delia and Victoria. Cane gets a visa from Ronan and leaves for Myanmar. Daniel tries to get answers from Phyllis about her family but she refuses to tell him about her family because she insists that he, Summer, and Lucy are her family. Daniel tries to get answers about his family from Avery but she doesn't tell him anything either. Nick and Daniel both think Avery came to town to get revenge on Phyllis, and Nick refuses to be a part of her games.", "Nick persuades Ricky to talk to Phyllis so he heads to the police station with Michael. Phyllis apologizes to Ricky for using the pictures without his permission. Phyllis confirms what Nick told Ricky earlier that Avery is using him to get back at her. Ricky refuses to drop the charges against Phyllis. Michael gets Phyllis out on bail and she and Nick call a truce and promise each other they will get through this latest professional and personal crisis together. Nina, Chance, and Chris confront Ronan at the police station and demand to know why he left town so suddenly after his liver transplant.", "" ]
[ "Ronan: I've got it from here.", "Phyllis: This is crazy that I'm being arrested. You know it's crazy. They're photographs. (Chuckles) Come on, they're photographs-- of Heather and Adam, no less. (Sighs) You can make this go away, right?", "Ronan: I would love to make this go away, but how exactly am I supposed to do that? With my time machine? Go back, keep you from stealing photos from the middle of a courtroom? Maybe crash your server so that you can't put them online?", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. It's not about the photographs. You know that. It's about Avery getting back at me. She put me here so I'll lose custody of Lucy. Come-- she's gaming the system.", "Ronan: If she is gam--", "Phyllis: If? If she is?", "Ronan: She's doing a very good job of it. Until she pulls those charges back, my hands are tied.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, e-mail me anything you think may be of use. I'm headed to work out Phyllis' bail right now.", "Nick: Wait, what?", "Michael: All right.", "Nick: Phyllis is on bail?", "Michael: Um, okay. Yes. Thank you. Bye. Uh, yes, Phyllis was arrested for stealing those compromising Heather/Adam photographs.", "Nick: Avery pressed charges.", "Michael: And since Avery is representing Daisy with the plans of reuniting her with Lucy, I think it's safe to assume that none of this happened by coincidence. Now I gotta get moving on this bail, all right? Excuse me.", "Nick: Hold on.", "Michael: Huh? What?", "Nick: That might not be necessary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: (Clears throat) Hey.", "Avery: Hello.", "Daniel: How is it I never knew I had an aunt?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi.", "Nina: Hi.", "Chloe: Oh, look who it is.", "Chance: Hey, there, Princess.", "Delia: Hi, Chance.", "Nina: Look how cozy your room is.", "Chloe: Yes, well, we won't be here much longer, right? 'Cause we're gonna go home, and we're gonna try on flower girl dresses for the wedding.", "Nina: (Gasps) Oh, I'll bet all the boys are gonna fight to dance with you.", "Chance: Wow.", "Delia: Will Daddy dance with me?", "Chloe: Um, you know what, Sweetie? He's not going to be able to make it.", "Delia: Why not?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Buddy.", "Cane: Seriously, Billy, you're here?", "Billy: Yeah, I am, and you're staying here. I can't let you go to Myanmar to clean up my mess.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Oh, it's always a perk when justice department business brings me back here. But I know you and Nina have been going through a lot. Thank God Chance is back. But stuff with Ronan...", "Paul: We still don't have any idea where he was all those months or why he came back. It drives Nina crazy.", "Chris: How is Heather holding up after the \"Restless Style\" exposure?", "Paul: Uh, she left, Chris. And I don't think it's just to clear her head. It's --it's for good this time.", "Chris: I'm really sorry for both of you.", "Paul: Yeah, I don't know what's worse-- having my daughter leave because she feels as though she has to escape or knowing that my son is part of the reason.", "Chris: Ricky? He's here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: Nick, what can I do for you?", "Nick: I wanted to give you a tip on a new story-- young, wannabe journalist gettin' played by his boss. It turns out the boss just wanted him to help her get back at her sister, make her sister lose her kid.", "Ricky: Phyllis and Avery are sisters?", "Nick: I guess you didn't do any research, did you, Ricky?", "Ricky: Phyllis stole pictures that I took-- theft. And then she printed them without my permission-- copyright infringement.", "Nick: So you don't care at all about the part about you gettin' played? You know what, Ricky? You should forget about journalism. Just keep bein' a professional pawn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: We've gone through this already, okay? Arrangements have been made. It is now too late to back out.", "Billy: True, but it's becoming painfully obvious that if you go over to Myanmar and start sniffing around, you might end up in my old jail cell, Man.", "Cane: Victor is keeping you away from your daughter. My father tried to take my kids, and I say to hell with that. This is your daughter we are talking about, and every day you spend away from her is a day you will not get back.", "Billy: I know that. I know that. But since you just got your foot back in the door with Lily, maybe you should listen to me and say, \"You know what, Billy? You're right. I'm not gonna go.\" Because if you leave the country, Lily's gonna cut you loose.", "Cane: Uh, no, because, uh, she knows I have to go. I did not tell her why, and, uh, she didn't push, 'cause she trusts me. So it looks like you just have to accept my help.", "Billy: Mm.", "Cane: Mm.", "Billy: (Clears throat) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Yes, I'm your mom's sister.", "Daniel: And it's been this huge secret, even from me?", "Avery: It wasn't my place.", "Daniel: Feel free to fill me in.", "Avery: Daniel, there's a lot, and I really think it should come from Phyllis.", "Daniel: Well, she's my next stop. Hey, maybe there's something you can help me understand. Why would you press charges against your own sister? Why would you defend Daisy Carter? I mean, she's-- she's not Sharon Newman. Daisy has done everything that she's been accused of and more.", "Avery: You know what I see when I look at Daisy? A young woman who has been used as a weapon from the second she was born, abandoned by her mother, tainted by her father, manipulated by her aunt, and then left alone and confused, abandoned by her brother, the one person that she thought she could count on. Phyllis said that she would help her and support her, but Phyllis just wanted to steal her baby.", "Daniel: Mnh, mnh, mnh. That's not exactly how it happened.", "Avery: Daisy has rights to justice, to dignity, and certainly to her own child.", "Daniel: (Scoffs) I don't really think of Lucy as a consolation prize for Daisy's crappy childhood, but... (Chuckles) I guess--I guess this isn't really about Lucy, and it's not really about Daisy, is this? This is about sticking it to my mom. But nice job with that whole \"Truth and justice\" thing. That was well-played.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What about the public's right to know, Ronan? What about that?", "Michael: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Michael.", "Michael: Phyllis. Detective.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Can you get me out of here?", "Michael: Well, I'm working on bail now, but we may be able to get the charges dropped.", "Phyllis: Good. Thank you.", "Ronan: Please, give it your best shot.", "Michael: If I may?", "Ronan: Hmm. Bringing in the victim. That's not exactly in the handbook. Are you here on your own volition?", "Ricky: Came in on my own two feet and everything.", "Phyllis: Uh, you know, I can actually talk to Ricky without an audience.", "Ronan: And I need coffee.", "Michael: All right, I'm right behind you. Play nice.", "Phyllis: Okay, Ricky. I am very, very sorry. I just want to start by saying that. I'm sorry for taking those photographs. I was all in the \"Get.\" I overstepped.", "Ricky: Actually, I want to hear more about how your sister's using me. Is that true?", "Phyllis: Um, my sister? Yeah. Well, um, she has an agenda regarding me. She probably didn't mention that we were sisters, did she? No, of course she didn't, because then you would realize that she was using you. In fact... (Sighs) Um, Avery is trying to take Lucy away from me.", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: And she's going about it two ways-- by trying to prove that I'm an unfit mother, and by defending the birth mother, who is, by the way, a vicious, psychotic criminal who should never, ever be out of prison, ever. With me out of the picture, Lucy could very well grow up without a mother, sort of like you did. Those were your photographs, Ricky. I'm truly sorry. I mean, if you drop the charges, this all goes away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Thank you.", "Paul: Thanks. Yeah, um, Ricky knows he screwed up with those pictures, and, uh, he let things get out of control.", "Chris: But for Heather to leave now, thi-- this can't have been what Ricky intended.", "Paul: When you say \"Can't,\" do you mean \"Maybe so\"?", "Chris: No, no. (Sighs) No. He's--he's your son.", "Paul: Yeah, he's my son. But he's also Isabella's son.", "Chris: I know. (Sighs) He must have such complicated feelings-- growing up the way he did, away from you. How much does Ricky know about his mom?", "Paul: I don't have a clue. That's just it, Chris. He's my son, and I don't know him. I don't know him at all. I don't see Isabella in him.", "Chris: There was no way of knowing anything was off with Isabella just by looking at her.", "Paul: No, you're right. I mean, when I think about the first time I saw her in my office... she seemed like the most innocent person in the world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Paul remembering]", "Isabella: As you can probably tell, I'm rather upset.", "Paul: Well, why don't you sit down? We can talk about it.", "Paul: So it's, uh, Ms. Brana, wasn't it?", "Isabella: Isabella Brana, my maiden name. I started using it even though my husband and I haven't divorced.", "Paul: Any special reason? I mean, you said you were in trouble. Why don't you tell me exactly what kind of trouble?", "Isabella: I think I'm being followed. And if that's true, I'm afraid my life could be in danger.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs) You know, all she had to say was she needed my help, and boom. (Snaps fingers) I was there. She sucked me right in. But I-Isabella played to my vanity. I had to be the hero.", "Chris: You were the hero.", "Paul: I was a fool. I should have seen the signs. I should have seen all the secrets. I mean, the way she treated you was...", "[Paul remembering]", "Paul: Isabella's gone. She disappeared.", "Chris: What?", "Paul: There was blood all over the living room. There were signs of a struggle and a-a big, heavy candlestick.", "Chris: Oh, my God.", "Paul: No--no body. Just blood. The police are investigating, but it looks bad, Chris. It looks very bad, like she might have been murdered.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: She made me question who I was, wonder if I was capable of taking a life. No matter what Isabella did, there was no regret, no remorse. And that look in her eyes... (Sighs) It was as if her soul was damaged somehow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: Did you know that my sister lost her job and left the state because of those pictures you posted?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I do. I do, Ricky. I do. I'm sorry about that. That wasn't my intention. It--it really wasn't. (Sighs) You know those pictures were going to come out. You know Avery was going to use those pictures. I mean, had I not found that memory card that cleared Sharon, she was gonna get those-- she was gonna try to get a mistrial with those pictures.", "Ricky: (Scoffs) Right, right. Yeah, so-- so that makes it okay? The fact that you disrespected your source and now Heather might never speak to me again, that's--that's--", "Phyllis: No, no, that's not what I'm saying. That's not what I'm saying.", "Ricky: The charges against you stand. Good luck.", "Phyllis: Ricky.", "Ronan: Looks like you're status quo.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Michael, I gotta get home to my kids. I--", "Michael: You will, you will. Bail has been handled.", "Phyllis: It has? Thank you. Thank you for dragging him here, even though it turned out to be a bust.", "Michael: Well, actually, the only reason Ricky was here was because Nick talked him into it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Do you get it now? That article is pretty clear. You do not want to get busted in Myanmar.", "Cane: Are you sure about your description of the girl?", "Billy: Chelsea? Yeah. And if you find her, don't let her pretty face pull you in. Her friends are just as bad as Aussie mobsters, I guarantee you.", "Cane: Okay, all right. Listen, I need to go see Ronan and get my visa. And you're sure you don't have a picture of Chelsea?", "Billy: No, I don't have a picture. Victor probably does, and if I ask him nicely, I'm sure he'll give it to me. Or I could steal it.", "Cane: Nah, it's not worth the risk of getting caught.", "Billy: You'll have it in your in-box by the time you land.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Oh, Chloe, Delia looks wonderful. When will you know if she's in full remission?", "Chloe: Oh, you know, I mean, it could be any day.", "Nina: Yeah.", "Chloe: It could be a week. It could be two.", "Nina: (Sighs) Minutes feel like forever in this place, don't they?", "Chloe: Hey, Ronan's okay. He made it through.", "Nina: Yeah, I know. Just--still no answers. Has he ever said anything to you about why he left the way he did after the operation?", "Chloe: (Scoffs) He said that he has his reasons...", "Nina: (Scoffs)", "Chloe: And that's it. Since then...", "Nina: Yeah. I'm sorry. You've got enough on your plate. You don't need this.", "Chloe: I have Kevin back, and I'm not stupid enough to blow it again. (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nina: Oh. Ahh, yes, don't let the good ones get away. Yes, Mr. Williams?", "Paul: Hey, I have a surprise. One Christine Blair...", "Nina: (Gasps)", "Paul: At Gloworm is ready to visit with you. What do you think?", "Nina: That's wonderful. We have the lady who might have some answers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Is this for Pinkerton? I don't know. I tell you, why don't you pull that out? And let's find out. (Gasps) (Chuckles) Look at that. Well, ponies can't hold wands, so I guess that's for you.", "Delia: Is this a dream, like when Daddy came?", "Chance: You know, Delia, dreams are the best, because when you close your eyes, you can see whoever you love, whoever you miss. And every time you think about your dad, just know that he's thinking about you, too. Missing somebody is just another way of saying \"I love you.\" You understand? Yeah? Okay. Delia, I may have to go away again for my job, but I am crossing my fingers that it's not gonna be until after you come home, okay? But in case I do have to leave, I just want you to know that I am gonna miss you every day, and I am gonna miss you very, very much, which you know means I love you.", "Delia: Like Daddy?", "Chance: Yeah. Just like daddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Oh, it's so good to see you.", "Chris: (Chuckles) You, too.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Paul: So why don't you join us?", "Michael: I think I will. Thank you. I was watching you when I came in. You looked like you were having fun catching up.", "Paul: Oh, well, we were reminiscing about Isabella.", "Michael: Oh, really? Well... I'd say I'm sorry again, but it didn't seem adequate the first hundred times. I can't imagine it would be now.", "Chris: Neither of you had any idea what Isabella was capable of. (Sighs) No one did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Nick.", "Nick: You got a second?", "Avery: Yeah, come on in. I'm sorry about the impact on \"Restless Style,\" but we couldn't let it slide. Phyllis stole those photographs and published them without Ricky's permission.", "Nick: So this was all for Ricky's sake?", "Avery: Yes.", "Nick: I'm not buyin' that, but we'll talk more about that later. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how you operate.", "Avery: I think I-- I'm pretty straightforward.", "Nick: Really? So when you invited Phyllis over so she would get here just as we were getting out of bed, what was that? Because to me, it looks like a pretty slick, backdoor way of twisting the knife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, it's all good. I'm back. I'm bad. (Sighs) How did Lucy do when you dropped her off with Amy? Was she okay?", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Good. Good. Okay. (Sighs) Michael's gonna take care of this. He got me bail. I'm glad. I gotta fight this insanity. This is so crazy. (Sighs) Ricky and Avery are just power drunk on getting Sharon cleared, which happened because of me, thank you very much.", "Daniel: Avery?", "Phyllis: Yep.", "Daniel: Avery Clark?", "Phyllis: Yep, Avery Clark.", "Daniel: Your sister? When exactly were you planning on telling me about her? If I, um, if I ever asked about my grandparents, you know...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Daniel: You dodged the question, and I got the message, and I stopped. But never once did you let it slip that you had a sister. I mean, to undo an entire lifetime, that takes some serious lying.", "Phyllis: I wasn't really lying. You are my family. Summer is my family. Lucy is my family.", "Daniel: Yeah, we're your family now. What--what about the past? I mean, you know, most people, they can manage a past and a present.", "Phyllis: Okay, you know, if it were my choice, Lucy would never know about Daisy. You know why? Because a child needs to be protected and loved.", "Daniel: I-I-I don't get it. I-is Avery like Daisy? A-are you saying that Avery was like some kind of psycho and did something to you? Chased you off? Wh- what?", "Phyllis: I had to leave, Daniel. I was old enough to leave, so I left.", "Daniel: You wouldn't let Lucy stay with Billy and Victoria because you said she was family. But you couldn't wait to run far enough away from your own sister. I'm trying to understand why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I'm a lawyer doing my job. If you think I have other motives, then clearly, you've been spending too much time around Phyllis.", "Nick: You know, from the second I found out you and Phyllis were sisters, you've played it like you're just the kid sis who wants to be buds, but you have an ax to grind.", "Avery: Phyllis doesn't want a sister. I've accepted that. What happened between us here, it was great, and I thought that we both wanted it to happen again, and it was my understanding that you and Phyllis are no longer together, so I don't know what it is that we're supposed to hide.", "Nick: This is not about what you and I did together. It's about what you did to Phyllis. You're playing games, and you can count me out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You okay?", "Chris: Yeah, yeah, I... I don't have nightmares anymore, but still, I-it's hard to forget.", "Michael: Well, how did we land on this cheerful subject?", "Paul: Chris asked about Ricky, and old memories came up.", "Michael: Oh. It'd be a lot more convenient if we could all forget.", "Chris: Yeah, what-- whatever's happened with Ricky so far, it... it's nothing like what happened with Isabella.", "[Chris remembering]", "Isabella: Hello, Christine. Are you enjoying your nice, warm bath?", "Chris: (Gasps) Isabella. I must be imagining this. You can't be real.", "Isabella: Oh, but I'm very real.", "Paul: No. Oh, God, Chris.", "Paul: (Breathing rhythmically)", "Paul: (Sighs) Come on, Chris. Chris, come on, Sweetheart. (Breathing rhythmically) (Performing rescue breathing)", "Isabella: No! No! No!", "Michael: Go on! Go on!", "Isabella: Michael, no!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Chris: I wouldn't be here now if it weren't for the two of you.", "Michael: (Chuckles) Uh, showing up doesn't absolve me. I brought the woman to Genoa City.", "Chris: Oh.", "Michael: Isabella is my fault.", "Chris: Uh, she was broken when she got here. No one's responsible for that.", "Paul: I'd like to think that a part of her wasn't broken. You know, the part that's in Ricky now.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Nina: Hello.", "Paul: Hey. Hey.", "Chris: Oh, my gosh, thank you.", "Nina: How are you?", "Chris: I could use a smile. I'm good.", "Nina: Oh, why?", "Michael: Here. Sit. Here.", "Nina: What's goin' on? Thank you.", "Paul: Well, um, we were just talking about Ricky and how much I really don't know him.", "Nina: Ahh, well, shades of Ronan and me.", "Michael: Oh, they don't have that in common. I mean, as far as mothers go.", "Nina: Is that what this is about? Ricky and Isabella? Why? You don't think that he somehow is like her, do you?", "Chris: No. There's no reason to think that.", "Nina: You know, Paul, if you've got questions, just talk to Ricky. I mean, he's not Ronan. You might get some answers, and those answers might help to ease your mind.", "Paul: And what if they don't?", "Chris: Then we'll deal with it together.", "Michael: I'd say you have substantial backup.", "Paul: All righty, then.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Paul: No time like the present.", "Nina: Oh, good.", "Paul: I'll do it now.", "Nina: Okay.", "Michael: (Applauds)", "Paul: See you later.", "Nina: Bye.", "Chris: See ya.", "Nina: Just try and ditch us. (Chuckles)", "Michael: Good luck.", "Chris: Oh, hi.", "Chance: Hey, hi. How are you?", "Nina: Hey, hi! How you doin'?", "Chance: I'm good.", "Nina: Good.", "Chance: Uh, Michael.", "Michael: Hey.", "Chance: Chris, I didn't know you were in town. It's good to see you.", "Chris: I know. You, too, and I won't say how worried sick your mother was while you were away.", "Nina: Yeah, well...", "Michael: Oh, I'm sure she hasn't heard that before-- oh, well, he hasn't heard that before.", "Nina: (Laughs) Well, one son's disappearance accounted for. The other one... you know, Chance and I deserve some answers about what Ronan did and why. Will you help us?", "Chris: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Ronan: I called in a lot of favors for you on this one, and I had damn little information to give my contacts. Do not let this visa come back to bite me.", "Cane: I gave you all the information I could.", "Ronan: Billy Abbott.", "Cane: That's right. And he can't go anywhere near his daughter till I clear this up. I know you care about Delia. I know you care about her mother, okay?", "Ronan: Listen, just hurry up and stay safe, and don't make me regret that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: What the hell happened to you that you'd just delete your entire history?", "Phyllis: I made a choice for a new life. I made a choice. You made a choice not to raise Lucy. I respect that. Let's move on, okay?", "Daniel: We can't move on. We're talking about my aunt here. We're talking about my family, my grandparents.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Don't get so-- don't get so sentimental. They really don't deserve that, okay? Trust me. Didn't I give you enough love for an entire family? Didn't I do that?", "Daniel: Did Dad know about this?", "Phyllis: No, Danny did not know. He didn't need to know. You don't need to know. No one needs to know.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "Phyllis: No one needs to know any of this, okay? We have a really good life. We have complications in our relationship. We have problems. That's normal. But we have a good life. We don't need to remember anything from my past. Please, Daniel, we don't need to. Please.", "Daniel: I do. I do, and if you're not willing to help me out here and tell me what I need to know, then, um, maybe my Aunt Avery will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: People say that you're feisty because of me. But that twinkle in your eyes-- that's all Billy. (Sighs) I love that twinkle. Your dad not being here... (Sighs) Really ticks me off. You were the one thing that he got right, and he knows that. But if Billy knew that you needed him, he would be here. Wherever he is, Chance is right. He's loving you. He's loving you, and he's missing you like crazy cakes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: All right, so, uh, send me the picture of Chelsea when you get it.", "Billy: When I find it, I'll send it to you.", "Cane: Everything's gonna be all right.", "Billy: This is about my kid. If I could take care of this myself, I would take care of it myself.", "Cane: Listen, don't worry about that. You'll have Cordelia back next week. Just do me a favor-- don't be an idiot and go out in public again.", "Billy: Don't be a jackass and screw this up.", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: Daniel.", "Daniel: I had a little talk with my mom, and obviously, since it went so well, here I am.", "Avery: (Sighs) Come on in. Of course you want information. This is your family, too.", "Daniel: Yeah, yeah. My point exactly. So what can you tell me?", "Avery: I can't tell you anything.", "Daniel: Come on. You gotta be kidding me. Look, I'm not a little kid that needs to be protected, all right?", "Avery: I know that. You're a grown man who deserves answers. I really wish things were different. I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Phyllis: Thank you, uh, for getting Ricky to talk to me. I appreciate it.", "Nick: Did he back off?", "Phyllis: No. Michael took care of the bail. (Sighs)", "Nick: So then the magazine's still in a bind.", "Phyllis: Yep, it's still in a bind. Because of me is what you meant to say, right?", "Nick: It's absolutely because of you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, of course. Absolutely because of me. We've been through worse. (Sighs) \"We\" meaning \"The magazine.\"", "Nick: Maybe we've reached our limit. It's hard to tell.", "Phyllis: Are you speaking as the owner of \"Restless Style,\" or as the man who was in Avery's bed?", "Nick: How long do you think you can stay out of trouble this time?", "Phyllis: Well, I don't know, Nick. I'm not really sure. Let me figure it out. Give me some time. Of course, I'm not the one that Ronan overheard threatening a woman who ended up dead. Maybe we've reached our limit. (Sighs)", "Nick: Well, I hope not.", "Phyllis: You do?", "Nick: \"Restless Style\" has a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in it. I'm not gonna let it get ruined by a couple of photographs.", "Phyllis: And the other stuff?", "Nick: Well, like you said, we've been through worse.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we have. Truce?", "Nick: Sure. Truce. But that implies neutrality. So that's how you feel? Neutral?", "Phyllis: I've felt a lot of things about you... but neutral's not one of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So thanks for coming.", "Ricky: Yeah, well, I can always use a jump start. (Sighs)", "Paul: I, uh, thought maybe we should talk about some things.", "Ricky: That sounds serious. I might need more than coffee.", "Paul: Well, some things have happened since you've been into town. You've done some things. And, uh, I would like to understand why, Ricky. Can you help me with that?", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Ronan: Hey, hey.", "Chance: Hey.", "Ronan: What are you here for? The Atkinson case?", "Chance: I'm not here about work.", "Ronan: (Sighs) I guess I should have broke out some party hats.", "Chris: I understand you've dodged important questions for months now. That time is over. Now you're gonna talk.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: You're my son. I barely know you.", "Ricky: I barely know you, either.", "Avery: I don't want you to think that I was with you because of Phyllis. Nothing could be further from the truth.", "Ronan: What in the hell are you doin' here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Fen tries to persuade Summer to stop bullying Jamie just to get revenge on Ronan, because sooner or later she could get in big trouble, but Summer doesn't take Fen's advice. Jamie tells Ronan what his FacePlace friend Brittni did, telling everyone on FacePlace that he broke into his mother's boyfriend's house and trashed it. Ronan tells Jamie to let this go and don't give this girl the satisfaction of knowing that he is upset. Ronan suspects Summer is behind the bullying and questions Fen but he says there are 20 girls named Brittney at his school. Michael suspects Kevin burned Gloworm because he is very anxious to get Gloria to invest the 7.5 million dollar settlement she will get into TagNGrab. Gloria tells Kevin she won't invest in TagNGrab because it is a business that Chloe is excited about. When he finds something he is passionate about, she will be happy to invest in his project. Michael worries that Kevin is falling back into the old habits he had before he met Chloe.", "Victor and Adam argue at the gym about the fact that Adam refused to help him save Newman Enterprises and is now working for Jack. Nikki is able to get the 2 million dollars Billy needs to pay Victoria's ransom by telling her and Victor's banker that she is planning a surprise gift for Victor. Billy calls Eddie G and tells him that he will have his money tomorrow so Eddie G allows him to talk to Victoria. Eddie G tells Billy that he will call him back tomorrow to let him know where to drop off the money. Billy tries to talk to Jack about his problem, but Jack can only think about Newman Enterprises. Jack persuades Phyllis to move into his guesthouse to take care of him since that is the only way the doctor will let him get out of the hospital. Jack can't stand the pain in his back and takes a pain pill. Nick tells Avery he wants to clean up his life before he starts a relationship with her, but he changes his mind later and tells Avery he is tired of thinking too much and gives her a kiss. Ronan refuses to have revenge sex with Phyllis who tells him that she isn't interested in that. To prove it, she accepts Ronan's dinner invitation.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Yeah, that kiss. It was...", "Avery: Uh, a mistake. Right? It was--it was impulsive and, uh, inappropriate, and it was just--it was stupid. It was stupid, is what it was.", "Nick: Avery--", "Avery: No, you're right. I-I was frustrated and I was angry at Phyllis, and I-I-I took advantage of our friendship.", "Nick: I do consider you my friend.", "Avery: I know you do, and I crossed a line, right? And I-I don't blame you for being mad at me, so you can just-- you just say it. I screwed up.", "Phyllis: Okay, let's-- so let's go back to your place, all right?", "Ronan: No.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, then my place. (Chuckles)", "Ronan: No, I'm not going to hook up with you like this.", "Phyllis: Like what?", "Ronan: Like this, like how I just saw you hitting that bag.", "Phyllis: I-I'm working out.", "Ronan: What you're working out is some serious anger issues right now, and I think that you're gonna take me back to your place and do the same. Listen to me. I don't want revenge sex with you.", "Gloria: I just don't understand why anybody would target my restaurant. I was good to my staff, customers...", "Lauren: Here.", "Gloria: Love me, and the food was excellent.", "Jeff: Now, honey bunny, you can't get inside the mind of somebody who's turned on by torching random buildings.", "Lauren: Yeah, \"random\" is the key word there.", "Michael: Gloworm was only number three on the firebug's list.", "Jeff: Yeah? Well, it makes you wonder who's next, doesn't it?", "Kevin: Shh. What does the insurance policy say?", "Gloria: Oh, what does that matter?", "Kevin: Well, it matters, of course it matters. It's the point of having insurance in the first place.", "Michael: All right, all right, quiet. Um, all right, so with damage to the building, destruction of all of its contents, and your projected loss in income, we're looking at a settlement of, uh, $7 million.", "Gloria: Did you say $7 million?", "Jack: (Exhales slowly) come on. Ohh. (Exhales sharply) ohh.", "Jack: Ohh! Damn it.", "Nikki: Victoria's been kidnapped? Oh, my god, we've gotta go to the police!", "Billy: No, no, no cops.", "Nikki: Well, I'm calling victor.", "Billy: No, no, we cannot-- we can't tell anyone.", "Nikki: Why? W-what-- her life is in danger. We need help, Billy.", "Billy: We cannot risk telling anybody. Will you listen to me?", "Nikki: Why not? What did they say?", "Billy: They just want their $2 million.", "Nikki: $2 million. I-I-I only know one person who has that kind of cash on hand. We have to tell victor.", "Billy: Going to victor is the worst thing we can do.", "Nikki: Listen. If this is one of his enemies, he will know how to handle him.", "Billy: It's not, it's not.", "Nikki: What do you m-- you know who's holding Victoria?", "Billy: He's not from victor's past. He's from mine.", "Nikki: Yours?", "Billy: From my gambling days. He just got out of prison and he snatched Victoria in Miami.", "Nikki: But--but--but why? What--what is your connection to this guy? What does he want from you?", "Billy: He wants money. I never paid him what I owed him.", "Nikki: You son of a bitch! My daughter is in danger because you didn't pay off a gambling debt?", "Billy: Yeah, I know, I am a son of a bitch. It's my fault, okay?", "Nikki: Oh, my god.", "Billy: And that's why I have to get her back myself. I can take care of this.", "Nikki: No, you can't.", "Billy: Yes, I can.", "Nikki: You cannot do this yourself. We need people who know what they're doing. We need the FBI. We need hostage negotiators.", "Billy: He said he'd kill her if I told anybody.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. What are we gonna do?", "Billy: I wouldn't have brought you into this, except for I don't have access to Victoria's accounts, and I need some help getting my hands on that type of cash.", "Nikki: If this man is as dangerous as you say...", "Billy: He's as dangerous as I say, and we have to do what he says.", "Nikki: I'll see what I can do.", "Billy: We're gonna keep this between us?", "Nikki: I'll call you.", "Gloria: I am going to get $7 million because some sicko got off on watching Gloworm go up in flames?", "Michael: Yeah, it's, um, more like $7.5 million, but yeah.", "Gloria: Then I'll rebuild, and then some!", "Jeff: I'm gonna buy a boat.", "Lauren: Don't start spending the money just yet, Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Lauren's right. She's right. There will be other opportunities, other things you could spend your money on.", "Michael: And the insurance company will want to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure that no fraud was involved.", "Gloria: Are you suggesting that we torched our own restaurant to get the insurance money?", "Michael: (Chuckles) no, not you two.", "Kevin: You think I did?", "Gloria: Of course not, honey. Don't listen to him.", "Kevin: Thank you, mom. I'm really sorry that this happened to you, but since it did, we should start to talk about what you're gonna do with all that cash. What? In this economy, it's not a good idea to reinvest in the restaurant business.", "Michael: Really, Kevin? Kevin, so obvious?", "Kevin: Look, just because you don't want to help me, doesn't mean mom doesn't.", "Gloria: Help you with what, angel?", "Kevin: Mm, you would be helping both of us becoming extremely, extremely rich, and all I need from you two is $15 million.", "Gloria: (Scoffs)", "Jeff: (Exhales sharply)", "Nick: I'm not mad at you.", "Avery: You're not?", "Nick: Nope. I'm not even sorry we kissed.", "Avery: Really?", "Nick: Doesn't mean that it wasn't a mistake, though.", "Avery: Okay, now I'm-- you've lost me.", "Nick: Avery, I like you... a lot, but it's not the best time for me to be involved with anyone.", "Avery: Oh, no, I-I-I totally get that. I mean, you're going through a divorce, right? And you're--you're trying to figure out your life and what you're gonna do, and you have your kids to think about, and I-I--", "Nick: Yeah, it's-- it's a lot to deal with.", "Avery: Right, the last thing you need is me jumping your bones, so--I mean--", "Nick: (Laughs) it--it was just a kiss...", "Avery: Right. (Clears throat)", "Nick: An amazing kiss...", "Avery: Okay, okay.", "Nick: But that's probably as far as we should let things go.", "Avery: I totally understand.", "Nick: My crazy life isn't the only reason we shouldn't be together right now. Your sister would be very unhappy with us.", "Avery: Uh, she might already be.", "Nick: Did she say something to you?", "Avery: She saw us kiss.", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me? You really think that I would-- I would use you to work off some built-up rage?", "Ronan: Phyllis, are you gonna try to deny that you--", "Phyllis: Uh, no, actually, I'm actually insulted by it.", "Ronan: You're insulted by it?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Ronan: Oh. You stop it right now. Cards on the table. Do you want a serious relationship with me?", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Ronan: Do you?", "Phyllis: You were all for this the other day.", "Ronan: And you weren't, because you wanted to work on a relationship with your daughter, so what's changed? What has nick done now?", "Phyllis: Forget you. Move.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Thank you for meeting me here, David. I didn't want to risk coming into the bank.", "David: Why not?", "Nikki: Well, not a risk, really. I-I just would rather keep this between the two of us. I need to make a large withdrawal.", "David: Well, how much are we talking?", "Nikki: $2 million cash.", "David: Well, I don't mean to pry, but why do you need that kind of money?", "Nikki: David, please don't ask any questions, and whatever you do, don't say anything to victor.", "Victor: Hello. What don't you want David to tell me?", "Nikki: Well, what on earth are you doing here at this hour?", "Victor: Well, now what are you doing here with our banker?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: I mean, I'm on the way to the gym. What is it that you don't want David to let me know?", "Nikki: It's impossible to keep a secret from you.", "Victor: Well, you know that.", "Nikki: (Laughs)", "Victor: Yes?", "Nikki: Well, I am trying to plan a surprise for you...", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nikki: And David is going to help me with the payment.", "Victor: Uh-huh. It's not my birthday. Christmas is a ways off.", "Nikki: Will you stop? Now you're gonna ruin everything. No more questions.", "Jack: What's with the death stare? You're the one that betrayed me.", "Billy: When you gettin' out of here?", "Jack: Tomorrow. You didn't answer my question.", "Billy: I will when it's all over.", "Jack: When what's all over? Did something happen at Newman?", "Billy: Jack, that is all you think about, isn't it?", "Jack: What the hell has gotten into you?", "Nick: I don't want Phyllis blaming you for our breakup.", "Avery: Oh, well, it would be pretty hypocritical of her, considering she's been sleeping with Ronan for weeks. Sorry.", "Nick: You know, I've been thinking about it, about her cheating on me, and... feels like it's kind of payback.", "Avery: What do you mean?", "Nick: Avery, I don't have the best track record when it comes to staying faithful, and I think, this time, it might have caught up with me.", "Avery: So you think not getting involved with me completes the payback?", "Nick: We rushed into things, and if we're gonna get together again... I'd like to do it right this time, so let me clean up my life first. We can start over fresh.", "Avery: Okay, well... you know where to find me when you're ready. Oh, and for the record, uh, that kiss earlier-- it was okay. It was okay, but... I will bet you a chocolate cake you can do a whole lot better.", "Victor: You've not heard from Victoria, have you?", "Billy: She sent us all an e-mail.", "Victor: Oh.", "Billy: Yeah, you should have gotten it by now. Check your phone.", "Kevin: Adam is bailing on TagNGrab. He's pulling out his entire investment.", "Gloria: $15 million?", "Kevin: I know, I know it sounds like a lot of money.", "Michael: That's because it is a lot of money.", "Kevin: Just-- you would be full partners. I guarantee an immediate return on your investment. The site is already up and running. We have dozens of retailers who have signed on, and our traffic has doubled.", "Michael: Sounds like you'd have investors lined up out the door.", "Kevin: I came to you first. It's a great opportunity. I didn't want you to miss out on it.", "Gloria: And that was very sweet of you, honey, thank you, but internet businesses really aren't my thing. I am a people person. We are people people.", "Jeff: So would this full partnership entitle us to some sort of profit participation?", "Kevin: Absolutely. Yes, definitely.", "Gloria: Well, that's very nice, but we're not interested.", "Jeff: Um, buttercup, I think we should discuss this in private.", "Gloria: There is nothing to discuss. Sorry.", "Kevin: You got to her, didn't you? Told her not to get involved. I am such an idiot for thinking that my family might want to come through for me.", "Michael: That is all I've ever done, is come through for you.", "Kevin: Except now, the one time I need you to.", "Gloria: Stop it, both of you! Because I don't need this right now.", "Kevin: Well, then tell him to stop being such a selfish jerk! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You cannot do that, because you are the most selfish person I have ever met.", "Lauren: Oh, my god. When it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,", "Phyllis: Um, uh, white wine, please. Thanks. Um, have you checked on your brother since the surgery?", "Billy: I'm ashamed to say that I've been a little busy and I haven't had the opportunity.", "Phyllis: Watching Nikki? (Chuckles) what's going on with that?", "Billy: Why don't you try minding your own business?", "Phyllis: Okay. Nice talking to you, too. Such a great talk with you.", "Ronan: Is it safe to stand here? You're not gonna mistake me for a punching bag, are you?", "Phyllis: You're the FBI agent, and you're asking me if it's safe?", "Ronan: I am.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: I'm sorry. I'm sorry about earlier.", "Phyllis: I-I... (sighs) nick is not the reason I asked you back to my place. Nick is not the reason. You don't believe me.", "Ronan: I want to.", "Phyllis: How can I prove it?", "Ronan: Have dinner with me tonight.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Ronan: Okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Ronan: Okay.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Ronan: I'll pick you up at 8:00.", "Nick: Hey, you done studying with fen?", "Summer: Yeah. Um, I saw aunt Avery leave as I came through the gate.", "Nick: Yeah, she came by here to see you.", "Summer: Yeah, she was here a long time after I left.", "Nick: Don't read anything into that.", "Summer: Come on, dad. She likes you, you like her. Why fight it?", "Avery: (Sighs) (exhales slowly)", "Nick: Do I butt in to your love life?", "Summer: Oh, so you admit that aunt Avery is part of your love life?", "Nick: Okay, we're done. I'm gonna check on faith.", "Summer: (Laughs) okay. (Sighs) (cell phone rings)", "Fen: What's up?", "Summer: Jamie just de-friended me--I mean, Brittni.", "Fen: He's here, showed up just after you left. He's with Ronan, and neither of them looks too happy.", "Victor: (Breathing heavily)", "Adam: Maybe I should find somewhere else to go work out.", "Victor: (Breathing heavily) maybe you should, son. You worried about something? 3q it's time to change the way we clean.", "Billy: Just calm down, okay?", "Nikki: Well?", "David: I'll have the money for you first thing in the morning. But, Nikki, if you're in some kind of trouble, you should really--", "Nikki: I'll--I'll call you to arrange a pickup time.", "David: All right.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Billy: (Clears throat) so how'd that go?", "Nikki: I'll have the money tomorrow. What happens after that?", "Billy: I'm not sure.", "Nikki: What do you mean you're not sure, Billy?", "Billy: Just calm down, okay? Eddie hasn't called me yet, but he will, and then he'll tell us how we're gonna get Victoria back.", "Nikki: (Sighs) this better work. If it doesn't, if anything happens to Victoria, victor will never forgive us.", "Gloria: Kevin. I want to talk to you.", "Kevin: You said you had no interest in backing me, mom. There's nothing else to say.", "Gloria: It is not you that I can't get behind. It's this--it's this project. I mean, come on, a shopping web site? Kevin, you are far too creative, far too intelligent to be wasting your time on something that is so Chloe.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) thanks for the pep talk.", "Gloria: Listen, you ask me to invest in something that you feel passionately about, I will back you 100%.", "Kevin: Thank you, mom. I'll keep that in mind for when TagNGrab tanks.", "Gloria: Well, maybe it needs to tank. Maybe you need to tank. Maybe then, you will finally realize your full potential.", "Kevin: Well, that is great advice, mom. Thank you. (Scoffs) get out of here. Get out of my uncreative, uninspired coffeehouse, and take your $7 million with you.", "Gloria: You arrogant little-- you call me selfish? The business I spent years building is in a pile of ashes, and all you care about is how much you can get your grubby little hands on? Too much, Kevin.", "Michael: I'm worried about Kevin.", "Lauren: Do you really think that TagNGrab is gonna go under?", "Michael: Mm, it's just the symptom. It's not the problem.", "Lauren: Mm. So what's the diagnosis, doctor?", "Michael: You've seen the way he's behaving. He's tense, short-tempered, irrational. He's behaving like an idiot.", "Lauren: Actually, it seems like a bad case of old Kevin.", "Michael: Huh. Since Chloe and Delia came into his life, I forgot there ever was an old Kevin.", "Lauren: You know, the new Kevin wouldn't have gotten sucked into moving a dead body and then lying to the police about it.", "Michael: I really have tried to help him.", "Lauren: I know you have. But, you know, there's only so much that you can do.", "Michael: What am I supposed to do, turn my back on him?", "Lauren: Of course not. No. But, you know, there are other people that need your attention... like your son.", "Michael: He has been behaving a bit defiant lately.", "Lauren: (Laughs) oh, is that what you call it?", "Michael: (Clears throat) sometimes he reminds me of--", "Lauren: No, don't say it.", "Michael: Well, maybe we've been too easy on him. Maybe it's time to tighten up the rules.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?", "Jamie: It's nothing. (Sighs) fine. There's this girl.", "Ronan: Preaching to the choir now. So what is it now? What, are you into her?", "Jamie: We met online.", "Ronan: That's fine. A lot of people meet that way these days.", "Jamie: Yeah, well, don't... unless you want to be the joke of the school.", "Ronan: What happened?", "Jamie: Brittni asked me to friend her on FacePlace. She acted like she wanted to get to know me, asked me all these questions. I-I told her about the trouble I got into with the cops, and the next thing I know, everybody on FacePlace is talking about... Jamie the juvie.", "Ronan: Hey, man, listen to me. Kids can be jerks, okay? They find somebody who's different, or in your case, somebody that made a couple mistakes, and-- and then they go after them, they-- and for some stupid reason, it makes them feel like big shots.", "Jamie: Look, it doesn't matter.", "Ronan: It does matter. It obviously matters, but that's okay. You just--you just gotta learn to let them go, get over them.", "Jamie: I am.", "Ronan: Who is this girl?", "Jamie: Look, it might not even be a girl. People set up fake accounts all the time. I should have seen it. I mean, nobody's ever wanted to be my friend, so...", "Summer: Hey.", "Fen: What took you so long?", "Ronan: What about summer Newman? It seems like you guys were becoming good friends.", "Jamie: Yeah, she's, uh... she's pretty cool.", "Phyllis: Wow. You're being released tomorrow? How did you work that out?", "Jack: I'm jack Abbott.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) you know what? Being fast and then speeding through life-- it's not all it's cracked up to be, you know? Sometimes you have to... (sighs) stop and smell the jell-O.", "Jack: No can do, sweetheart. I got an empire to run.", "Phyllis: Listen, if you're worried about Newman, don't be. Adam and I have it all under control.", "Jack: Wow, sounds like you don't want me back. You and junior planning a coup?", "Phyllis: I don't want you-- I-I want you to take care of yourself, okay? Don't --don't be an idiot and--and screw things up. Just... take care of yourself.", "Jack: I will. But I gotta get out of here. Somehow, I gotta get out of this hospital.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, you can't do that alone, I-I--", "Jack: You're right. I'm glad you're so concerned. Why don't you move in with me?", "Adam: Worried, huh? Swing and a miss, dad.", "Victor: Maybe envious then, son.", "Adam: Envious of you?", "Victor: Envious of what I have accomplished on my own. I built all this on my own. What have you done with your life?", "Adam: I have a feeling this is the part where you're gonna tell me.", "Victor: You bet. Do you realize that you stepped right into all this? Huh? Without doing a damn thing. You stepped right into what I have worked very hard to build up all my life, okay? You have no idea what it took. You have no idea what this company is worth.", "Adam: I made something of myself...", "Victor: Really?", "Adam: By myself, at Harvard and on wall street without the Newman name, and I'm not the son who walked away from your family business.", "Victor: But you're the son that helped jack Abbott steal the company from me.", "Adam: Look, it was time for you to step aside, dad. Stop rooting against me and help me continue your legacy.", "Victor: Don't tell me to step aside, son. I'll do that on my own time, and by the way, that's Victoria's job.", "Adam: Yeah, okay. Then why isn't she here, fighting for it?", "Victor: You know damn well why she isn't here. She's in Miami, doing jack Abbott's dirty work. She was sent on a goose chase. That's why she isn't here.", "Adam: I think that says more about Victoria than it does about jack, personally. Let me hold the bag for you.", "Victor: (Breathing rhythmically)", "Summer: Could you hear what they were saying?", "Fen: No, and I don't care. I'm done, summer.", "Summer: Done what?", "Fen: Going after some innocent guy so you can get back at your mom's boyfriend. It's stupid.", "Summer: Okay, why do you care about some juvie loser?", "Fen: Wow. Um, I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.", "Summer: Why? Okay, it's true. That kid got arrested. He's a total freak.", "Fen: Look, I get that you're pissed, I do-- at your mom, Malloy, the whole world-- but what you're doing to Jamie isn't right.", "Summer: Are you wussing on me, fen?", "Fen: Just stop, okay? Bullying someone is stupid and it's gonna get us both in trouble.", "Summer: You know, fine. I don't need your help anyways.", "Fen: Summer.", "Ronan: Hey.", "Jamie: Hmm?", "Ronan: Take it easy, all right? Keep your head up.", "Jamie: All right. See you.", "Ronan: All right.", "Ronan: Fenmore.", "Fen: Agent Malloy. What's up?", "Ronan: I don't know. Why don't you tell me what's up? I saw you and summer out here getting into it. What's that about?", "Fen: Oh, girls... (chuckles) am I right?", "Ronan: Speaking of girls, do you know this girl in your school named Brittni?", "Fen: Um, I think there are like 20 Brittneys. Which one?", "Ronan: 20 Brittneys?", "Fen: Yeah.", "Michael: Fenmore. There you are.", "Fen: Great, great. First the cop's hassling me, now my dad.", "Michael: What did the cop ask you?", "Fen: Ask him.", "Michael: What did you say to my son?", "Ronan: Tut, tut, tut, tut. No, no, someone is harassing a young man I mentor, all right? They're giving him a really rough time.", "Michael: What makes you think he knows anything about it?", "Ronan: 'Cause he knows summer very well, and I think she has something to do with it.", "Phyllis: Y-you want me to move in with you?", "Jack: In the guesthouse. Doc says I can go home tomorrow if I have someone who knows me to stay with me for a while.", "Phyllis: Um, listen, I-I, um, I know you and Billy are having a hard time--", "Jack: No, no, no, not-- not Billy. Kyle's doing his internship in new York. I won't see him till after thanksgiving.", "Phyllis: Ashley and Traci.", "Jack: They have their own lives.", "Phyllis: Right. I don't have a life.", "Jack: No, no, no, I'm--I'm--", "Phyllis: It's true, I don't.", "Jack: They live back east. I can't exactly expect them to drop everything and come look after me.", "Phyllis: Okay, you-- you expect me to?", "Jack: No. Look, I don't expect anything. I'm just hoping. Red, the truth is, none of those people would show up if I asked them to. I mean, it's been reported I'm in the hospital. I haven't heard from any of them.", "Phyllis: I told you, you have to call them.", "Jack: And I will. I need your help. We've always been able to count on each other. Can I count on you for this?", "Adam: (Grunting) (cell phone rings)", "Billy: Eddie.", "Eddie: Give me some good news, Billy.", "Billy: I've got your money tomorrow.", "Eddie: Smart. I'll call you back then.", "Billy: No, no, do not hang up, I want-- I want to talk to Victoria.", "Eddie: Aw, Billy, that is so sweet. Let me see if she's available, brother.", "Eddie: Don't get cute, okay?", "Victoria: Billy?", "Billy: Hi, baby. Look, don't--don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of this.", "Victoria: Who is this guy?", "Billy: It doesn't matter. It's all gonna be over tomorrow.", "Victoria: Are you sure?", "Billy: I swear, I swear, I'm gonna make this right, I'm gonna get you out of there. I just need you to be strong for just a little while longer.", "Victoria: How's Johnny?", "Billy: He's great. He misses you. I miss you. I love you.", "Victoria: Billy, call my dad. Call my dad--", "Eddie: All right, here we go. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'll be in touch, and, um, Billy... no games.", "Victor: Did you finish your business with David?", "Nikki: Yeah, everything's all set.", "Victor: Uh-huh. But what about my surprise?", "Nikki: Well, I can't tell you that. You're not even supposed to know there is a surprise.", "Victor: Sweetheart, now that I know, I'm curious.", "Nikki: Well, you'll have to be patient.", "Victor: That's not my strong suit. You know that. But what is my strong suit is reading people. You look worried.", "Nikki: I am.", "Victor: About what?", "Nikki: I'm--I'm afraid you're pushing yourself too much. I'll bet you overdid it in the gym just now.", "Victor: Baby, I feel stronger than ever. I'm ready for action.", "Nikki: I just want you to be careful. That's all.", "Victor: Okay. (Doorknob clicking)", "Phyllis: How do I get into these kind of situations?", "Jack: Wait, wait, is that a yes?", "Phyllis: I will spring you from this place under one condition-- that you don't push yourself too hard.", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, I promise.", "Phyllis: You're a horrible liar. (Laughs) all right, I'll see you tomorrow.", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait, you gotta leave so soon?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I have an appointment.", "Jack: An appointment at this hour? That sounds more like a date.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I guess you could call it a date.", "Jack: You and nick trying to put things back together?", "Phyllis: Unh-unh. Nick has made it clear that he's moving on with... he's moving on, and I'm moving on, too.", "Jack: So who's the lucky guy?", "Phyllis: Um, I'll be here first thing in the morning, okay?", "Jack: Hey. Thank you for pushing me to have this surgery.", "Phyllis: What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there to push you off the ledge?", "Jack: God. (Grunts) (breathing heavily) (exhales slowly) (Groans) (Exhales sharply)", "Nick: I cannot believe you tried that trick on me.", "Avery: What are you talking about?", "Nick: You left your gloves at my place.", "Avery: You have them! I was wondering where they were.", "Nick: Oh, just stop, okay? You're embarrassing both of us.", "Avery: Oh, you think I left them on purpose? Like it's completely out of the realm of possibility that I, of all people, absentmindedly forgot something?", "Nick: It seems very suspicious.", "Avery: Nick, I spent ten minutes this morning looking for my glasses.", "Nick: Oh, where were they?", "Avery: I was wearing them.", "Nick: Okay, all right, maybe--maybe it was an honest mistake. Was it?", "Avery: Well, I don't know. I can't remember that far back.", "Nick: All right, here you go.", "Avery: Thank you, but this is one glove.", "Nick: Yep. You know what that means.", "Avery: Yeah, it means one of my hands will be toasty warm, and the other one, not so much.", "Nick: No, it means, because you tried this very obvious trick on me, I reserve the right to come by and give you the other one anytime I want.", "Avery: What? That's not fair.", "Nick: Oh, it's completely fair, and this gives me an excuse to pop in to see you whenever I want.", "Avery: An excuse? What exactly are you gonna do when you pop in? (Laughs) I'm sorry. (Laughs)", "Nick: What are you laughing at?", "Avery: I'm not, I'm just-- I feel like I'm in junior high and I have a--I have a crush on a really hot guy.", "Nick: And you want that really hot guy to take you behind the bleachers, kiss you?", "Avery: Something like that.", "Avery: Mm, mm, mm, wait. I thought--", "Nick: Yeah, I thought, too, but then I realized that's my problem. I'm always thinking too damn much.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Hiding an ex-wife arsonist in a cottage does call for the good stuff.", "Noah: Did you burn down grandpa's house?", "Adam: Your job was to play firebug. When did I ever tell you to torch Gloworm?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Hilary remembers kissing Devon the night before her wedding to Neil, but she tells gun that was a mistake and she loves Neil. Gwen slips and almost tells Devon what he did to Hilary, but she covers and tells him that Neil worked hard to help him find Hilary. Dylan has questions for Dr. Anderson and confronts her about Sharon and Patty. Dr. Anderson tells Dylan that Patty was obsessed with Sharon and thought she was her enemy. Dr. Anderson shows Dylan a sonogram of the baby and lets him see Sharon sleeping in her room. After Dylan leaves Fairview, Dr. Anderson allows Sharon to video chat with Dylan and tell him that they are having a baby boy. Dylan notices that Sharon is distracted and wonders if she is okay, so Sharon assures him that she and his son are fine. Sage lashes out at Nick and everyone around her, because her grief over the loss of baby Christian is so deep that she refuses to have a memorial service for the baby. Stitch tells Ashley he loves her, but she insists that he marry Abby, because they can make each other happy.", "" ]
[ "Devon: Morning.", "Hilary: You're back.", "Devon: Yeah. Of course I am. How are you feeling today?", "Hilary: Better.", "Devon: Have you remembered anything at all about us or the accident, where you been?", "Hilary: No. No.", "Devon: That's okay. I'm sure it'll come back to you soon.", "Hilary: Maybe.", "Devon: I know it will, just like I know that you'll remember what we shared.", "Hilary: Actually... I already have.", "Neil: I have to get going.", "Gwen: Can't you stay and finish coffee? I've barely seen you the past couple days.", "Neil: Yeah. Well, I want to go to the hospital and check on Hilary. If she's starting to remember, you know, I just -- I want to be there.", "Gwen: I thought once Hilary woke up that this would all be over with. I'm sorry. I just -- I didn't expect for things to play out like this.", "Neil: Well, I'm just as shocked as you are by her memory loss.", "Gwen: I'm not talking about that, Neil. I'm talking about the fact that she's still in love with you.", "Billy: Ash!", "Ashley: Billy!", "Billy: Hey! Ohh! You here to see stitch?", "Ashley: Yeah. I mean, Abby spent the night here with him, and I just wanted to see if she needed anything.", "Billy: Oh. So, how did the nurse say that he's doing?", "Ashley: Well, he's stable, but, you know, he hasn't woken up yet.", "Billy: And how are you doing?", "Ashley: I'm worried about Abby, you know, and Ben, of course. I mean, I know he's in good hands, but, still, it's --", "Billy: Ash, I asked how you're doing. I mean, last night must have been nerve-racking. You could have died.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, Ben and I are alive today because of Abby.", "Billy: Yeah, and Adam.", "Ashley: Right. I'm alive this morning because of Adam Newman. I don't think it gets any scarier than that, right?", "Billy: It must have been pretty scary waiting for Abby to bring back help. I mean, Abby's great and all, but depending on her to save your life -- not so much.", "Ashley: Well, I actually wasn't planning on her coming back. I just wanted her to save herself.", "Billy: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to light of it.", "Ashley: No, it's okay. It's all right. I mean, you know... I guess when you face the end, it gives you perspective.", "Billy: What do you mean?", "Ashley: When you're faced with your mortality, you start asking questions about... things -- life and stuff.", "Billy: Abby and stitch's engagement?", "Ashley: Why would you say that?", "Billy: Well, I mean, you know, you've had your reservations about their marriage, and it makes sense it'd be weighing on you, so...", "Ashley: Yeah. I thought about a lot of things.", "Billy: Just not things you're gonna share with me, huh?", "Ashley: What difference does it make, Billy? I mean, honestly. Abby found us. I mean, she came back, we're alive, and that's the only thing that matters, right? Nothing before that.", "Billy: Right. Yeah. So... what did happen between you and stitch in that building?", "Stitch: Abby.", "Abby: Hi. Hi. [Laughs] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're -- you're awake.", "Stitch: [Exhales sharply]", "Abby: I've been waiting all night for you to open your eyes, and... now you have. Oh, my God. Um... I-I have so much to tell you. I-I don't even know where to start. Um... we're all okay. I'm okay. I look terrible, I'm sure, but I'm okay, and my mom -- she's okay. We're all okay.", "Stitch: Abby, I, uh -- I have something I have to tell you. Om", "Victoria: Oh. Hey. I brought you some coffee.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Victoria: Can I get you anything else? You want some breakfast?", "Nick: No.", "Victoria: I wish there was something I could do for you. Have you talked to sage?", "Nick: She's asleep. They gave her a sedative. She's been out all night... which is good, you know, since... Christian died.", "Victoria: Nick...", "Nick: I really need to start thinking about some... arrangements.", "Victoria: I'll handle everything for you.", "Dr. Anderson: [Gasps] Dylan. What are you doing here?", "Dylan: What do you mean? I've been calling you all morning. I left a dozen messages telling you that I'm coming to see Sharon.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, I've been seeing patients all day.", "Dylan: Okay. Well, I'm here, and I'd like to see my fiancée.", "Dr. Anderson: Nothing's changed. Sharon still doesn't want to see visitors.", "Dylan: Look, I don't care what Sharon said. I need to see her.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, I'm afraid my patient's wishes take precedence over your needs.", "Dylan: Okay. Just stop, because I have a lot of questions about what's going on around here, starting with how my fiancée is doing.", "Dr. Anderson: I told you. I can't dis--", "Dylan: Yeah, and I told you that I need to see for myself.", "Dr. Anderson: Dylan, I understand your concern --", "Dylan: No, I don't really think you do understand my concerns, because I have some serious problems with the standards of this facility.", "Dr. Anderson: Our patients receive the highest-quality care available. Their well-being is our top priority.", "Dylan: Yeah? Then how did patty Williams escape and end up dead?!", "Dr. Anderson: We are looking into that. But what happened to patty has nothing to do with Sharon or the treatment she's receiving.", "Dylan: That may be. But I'm starting to feel like this is the last place Sharon should be.", "Abby: Here.", "Stitch: Abby, I need to tell you --", "Abby: Shh. I know what you're gonna say. My mom already told me.", "Stitch: She did?", "Abby: When you were trapped and you thought that you were gonna die, you poured your heart out.", "Stitch: Abby, I --", "Abby: Shh. Hey. I think it's sweet how you told my mom how much in love you were with me and how you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with me. And I can't wait for us to get married now more than ever.", "Stitch: [Chuckles softly]", "Ashley: What exactly are you asking me about Ben?", "Billy: Nothing. It just sounded like things got pretty intense when you were trapped together.", "Ashley: Well, yeah. We were fighting for our lives.", "Billy: Well, we were all fighting for our lives. Look, I just got the feeling that it meant more to you, and maybe that's why you don't want to talk about it.", "Ashley: I was terrified out of my mind. I never thought I was gonna see my daughter or anybody else that I loved ever again. Excuse me if I don't feel like rehashing the experience.", "Billy: Okay. Okay. I didn't mean to make you upset.", "Ashley: [Sighs] Let's just be grateful, okay, that we're alive, you know? I mean, Ian ward -- he could have killed everybody in that building.", "Billy: I think that's exactly what he was trying to do. Thank God he failed. As of this morning, there's no evidence that paragon is wreaking any more havoc, so that's good.", "Ashley: Yeah, but why doesn't that make me feel any better? He might be dead. We don't have any idea what he's put in motion for the future.", "Billy: Well, we've got our IT. Guys on high alert.", "Ashley: Keep at it, because paragon has cost us too much already. We can't afford to lose anything else.", "Victoria: I'll speak to reverend Wilkins, and I'll arrange everything with him, and the flowers and the music, and I'll notify everyone. You and sage won't have to do anything.", "Nick: [Sighs] Look, I appreciate the help, but...", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: ...I just don't think sage is gonna be up for some big church service. [Sighs]", "Victoria: Okay. That's fine. I mean, it can be small. You know what? We can have it right here in the hospital chapel. That's probably for the best -- something small and intimate before she's discharged.", "Nick: It's awfully soon. Vick, I don't know what's right.", "Victoria: No right or wrong in these situations. It's so overwhelming. [Sighs] Why don't you just let me help you and sage through this phase of it and then you can heal at your own pace?", "Nick: I guess if all this was done when we left the hospital... when we got home, we could... begin to try and move forward.", "Victoria: You want me to get started?", "Nick: Yeah. I'll talk to sage.", "Victoria: If there's anything else I can do for you...", "Nick: There isn't anything anyone can do.", "Dr. Anderson: I understand you're upset about what happened to your aunt.", "Dylan: Yeah, I am upset. And my father's devastated.", "Dr. Anderson: Look, patty was a very troubled person. She was suffering from a number of psychiatric issues.", "Dylan: Yeah, but she was getting better. That's why they transferred her from the prison psych ward.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, yes. She was improving. But then she began to resist treatment, refusing to participate in therapy sessions, take her meds. She became very combative. I mean, it's the complete opposite of Sharon.", "Dylan: I know Sharon isn't anywhere near as sick as patty was.", "Dr. Anderson: Sharon is committed to getting better. And she is.", "Dylan: Good. Then let me see her.", "Dr. Anderson: Look, I have to respect my patients' wishes. Sharon does not want any visitors.", "Dylan: I want to hear that from Sharon.", "Neil: Hey, Gwen, unh-unh. Hilary's not in love with me.", "Gwen: Somebody should tell her that.", "Neil: I have. And so has Devon.", "Gwen: Yet she still insists that she's Mrs. Neil winters...", "Neil: [Sighs heavily]", "Gwen: ...Which I'm starting to think that you don't mind.", "Neil: Oh, come on. Of course I mind.", "Gwen: I keep wondering why you wouldn't leave with me when we had the chance.", "Neil: Don't you think it would have been suspicious if we'd have disappeared at the same time Hilary turned up? I know this hasn't been easy for you. I never should have involved you in the first place.", "Gwen: I wanted to be involved, Neil, because I wanted to prove your innocence so we could be together.", "Neil: That's the plan.", "Gwen: What about Hilary? How does she fit into our plan?", "Neil: She doesn't. She loves my son. He loves her. If anyone knows that, it's me. She may have repressed feelings for my son, but they're gonna come back to her.", "Devon: What exactly do you remember?", "Hilary: I remember... kissing you in chancellor park the night before I married Neil.", "Devon: Yeah, that's right. Even then, you knew that you were in love with me.", "Hilary: No. Kissing you was a mistake. That's why I married Neil, okay? I love Neil. Whatever I felt for you I just some brief infatuation.", "Devon: No. Hilary, what you and I have... is very, very real. You love me, and I love you.", "Hilary: You keep saying that, and so does Neil, so I guess I have to accept it, but I don't feel anything for you, Devon. I'm sorry. I love Neil.", "Devon: Listen, I, uh -- I know that this is a lot for you to take in, so... you just need to take as much time as you need to digest it. I know that your memory's gonna come back to you. Maybe if you get out of here and you spend some time with me, it might help with --", "Hilary: If you think I'm gonna go home with you... just [Sighs] Forget it.", "Devon: Well, where are you gonna stay?", "Hilary: I don't know, okay? I'll figure it out.", "Devon: I'm not gonna let you figure anything out. At least just stay at the athletic club. I'll give you your own suite -- no strings.", "Hilary: That's very generous of you. I'll think about it. Okay. Right now, I just -- I need", "Devon: All right. I'll go. Um... but, Hilary, just please know that everything that I'm telling you about the love that we share and -- and the life that we planned to have together --'s true.", "Hilary: I know, okay? I know that it might be true, but I can't pretend that everything is the way that it used to be just because you want me to.", "Devon: Yeah, I understand that. But you need to know that I'm never gonna give up on believing that we're gonna get back what we used to have. Okay? 'Cause I believe in us. I believe in these.", "Dr. Anderson: Look how soundly she's sleeping.", "Dylan: Yeah. She does look peaceful. The last few months, she's been tossing and turning all night.", "Dr. Anderson: Mm. Well, the pregnancy's been very taxing on her. That's why it's important we let her rest and not be disturbed. Also, I have a little something that might put your mind at ease.", "Dylan: What?", "Dr. Anderson: Our staff ob-gyn ran a sonogram.", "Dylan: What? What I-- is -- is the baby okay?", "Dr. Anderson: Yeah. Heartbeat's normal. The weight is good. The organs are developing. Everything looks great.", "Dylan: Wow. Look at that. [Chuckles softly] Little fingers. Little face. Man, this is really happening.", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles] There's no turning back now.", "Dylan: Thank you... for showing me that. I just -- I wish I could have been here for it.", "Dr. Anderson: Dylan, I know this isn't the ideal way to experience Sharon's pregnancy, but don't let that diminish your happiness over this child.", "Dylan: Nah, nothing -- nothing could do that.", "Dr. Anderson: Do you want to know the sex of the baby?", "Dylan: Uh...only if -- if Sharon -- if Sharon wants to.", "Dr. Anderson: Okay. Well, I'll ask her, and I'll let you know.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Dr. Anderson: Now if you'll excuse me --", "Dylan: Okay. Yeah. Just, um -- just one more thing.", "Dr. Anderson: Oh, I'm sorry. I really have to be going.", "Dylan: No, I know, but it's only gonna take a second. Right -- uh, right before patty died, she told Jack Abbott that she had to warn me.", "Dr. Anderson: Warn you? About what?", "Dylan: Well, uh, I don't know. But she risked everything to tell me that I couldn't trust somebody. Her exact words were, \"he can't trust her.\" So, why was it so important for patty to give me that message? Who does she mean by \"her\"? I mean, come on. You're her doctor. You have to have some insight into what she was talking about.", "Dr. Anderson: You're right. I do. Dylan, there are some things you need to know.", "Sage: Nick.", "Nick: Hey. How you feeling?", "Sage: I just had the worst nightmare. Please... [Voice breaking] Tell me that's what it was -- just a bad dream.", "Nick: [Sniffles]", "Sage: [Crying] No. No, no, no! No! Don't say it!", "Nick: He's gone.", "Sage: No. No.", "Nick: Our little boy's gone.", "Sage: [Crying]", "Billy: You talk to your parents?", "Victoria: Yeah. They're worried about Nick and sage... and about what's gonna happen with Newman Enterprises.", "Billy: And, speaking of that, have you heard an assessment from the building inspector?", "Victoria: Not yet, but dad is convinced that it's sound.", "Billy: Of course he is.", "Victoria: It's gonna be a while before we're back on track, and even then it might be too late. Newman's already in financial shambles because of paragon. I don't know how we're gonna salvage things.", "Billy: Well, you're in luck. I might have an idea how to fix that.", "Victoria: You do?", "Billy: Yeah. William Abbott to the rescue, which, ironically, might also be the problem and the solution.", "Dr. Anderson: I-it makes perfect sense.", "Dylan: What does?", "Dr. Anderson: Well, patty's feelings about Sharon. I didn't think much of it. We have problems with patients not getting along all the time.", "Dylan: What, patty had a problem with Sharon?", "Dr. Anderson: Patty was paranoid and delusional. She kept insisting that Sharon was the enemy.", "Dylan: So, you think patty was trying to warn me about Sharon?", "Dr. Anderson: Patty has a history of obsessive behavior. Sharon had become the object of her latest obsession.", "Dylan: And you're just telling me this now?", "Dr. Anderson: I was bound by doctor/patient confidentiality.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Dr. Anderson: Look, we did the best we could to keep the two women apart. We even put patty in isolation.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, a lot of good that did.", "Dr. Anderson: Listen, what happened to patty was tragic, but she wasn't able to harm Sharon or anyone else.", "Dylan: Well, does Sharon know about what happened last night -- the fire, with patty?", "Dr. Anderson: I-I think it's best that we keep it from her for now.", "Dylan: Yes. Knowing Sharon, she'd probably blame herself for patty's death. But I still want to talk to her.", "Dr. Anderson: I'll see what I can do.", "Dylan: No, just -- just make it happen, okay? Or I will.", "Dr. Anderson: [Sighs]", "Ashley: Hey.", "Abby: Hi! Hi! Ben's awake.", "Ashley: Oh, that's amazing!", "Abby: I know, right?", "Ashley: Yeah!", "Abby: The doctor's in with him now.", "Ashley: How did he seem?", "Abby: Really good, you know, considering.", "Ashley: Yeah. I know you were so worried.", "Abby: I was, yeah. I was afraid he wasn't gonna wake up, and now that he has, I'm just so grateful and relieved and so happy. I want to, like, yell off of a rooftop.", "Ashley: What's wrong?", "Abby: I just realize that not everyone's as fortunate as me -- Paul lost his sister, Nick and sage and what they're going through, and dad with Newman.", "Ashley: You can't feel guilty about that, honey. I think everybody's gonna be so thrilled that Ben is okay.", "Abby: Yeah. I just -- I feel bad for everyone else.", "Ashley: Well, at times like this, you just have to be grateful for your good fortune, you know? And just do whatever you can for those who are suffering.", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Victoria: Okay. So, that's your plan? All of us -- the Newmans and the Abbotts, together in one building?", "Billy: We're not talking about another merger here -- just, you know, sharing office space.", "Victoria: I don't know, Billy.", "Billy: Newman Enterprises occupies multiple floors themselves. That way your dad and I would never see each other. I mean, hell, the Newmans and the Abbotts probably wouldn't even cross paths. But the close proximity would allow for us to work together to try and eliminate the paragon threat.", "Victoria: It's a generous offer, and it's very sweet.", "Billy: And so you accept?", "Victoria: You know I would accept in a heartbeat, but you also know that it's not my decision.", "Billy: I know. We got to go through snidely.", "Victoria: And dad doesn't like accepting help from anyone, especially not the Abbotts. However, if I pitch it to him just right --", "Billy: Actually, I think there's only one person who could convince your dad to go along with this.", "Victoria: Who?", "Billy: You just keep working on arranging the memorial, and I'll take care of that.", "Sage: I don't know how to do it. I can't imagine living without our son. I can't do it.", "Nick: We just have to. You got to take it one step at a time.", "Sage: It hurts to breathe.", "Nick: I know. But we're gonna get through this.", "Sage: How?", "Nick: Together. That's the only way. The first thing we got to do is a memorial.", "Sage: What? A-a memorial? You want me to make plans to bury our son?", "Nick: No. No. Vick will take care of everything. You don't have to do anything.", "Sage: Our son has not been gone one day... and you're ready to say goodbye?", "Nick: Sage, we need to do this.", "Sage: I don't want to talk about this, Nick! I don't want to talk about funerals and arrangements! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why is Victoria pushing this?!", "Nick: Because she wants to help.", "Sage: I don't want her help!", "Nick: Look... we don't have to decide anything right now, okay? It's -- it's okay. Listen... I'm gonna let the nurse check you out. I'll be right outside.", "Sage: I'm sorry.", "Nick: It's okay. It's okay.", "Sage: I-I can't do it. I can't do this. Please, not yet.", "Nick: I understand.", "Sage: I'm sorry.", "Nick: No, it's okay. Just get some rest, okay? We'll -- we'll talk later. Okay. It's okay. I'll be right outside.", "Ashley: Abby told me you're awake.", "Stitch: Ashley...", "Ashley: I just wanted to thank you -- you know, for saving my life, probably more than once.", "Stitch: Why'd you lie to Abby about what I told you last night?", "Ashley: I thought we were gonna die. A lot of things were said that we didn't mean.", "Stitch: I meant every word I said.", "Ashley: You don't have to do that.", "Stitch: I love you, Ashley.", "Neil: Hi.", "Hilary: Neil. I was hoping that you'd pass by.", "Neil: Here I am. So, how you feeling?", "Hilary: Mm, better.", "Neil: Has your memory started to return at all?", "Hilary: Uh, bits and pieces. But, uh, the doctor gave me some good news. He said I can go home today... even though I have no idea where that is.", "Neil: Well, I'm sure that Devon would like to have you stay with him.", "Hilary: I already told him that I can't move in with him.", "Neil: You could stay with me until you, you know, figure things out -- where you want to go.", "Hilary: That's really nice of you, but I heard that you're seeing someone.", "Neil: Yeah. Gwen. Uh, we've been seeing each other for a while now. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you at a time like this.", "Hilary: No. No. I-I know you would never do that. Just... I don't know how we got to this place. How could I betray you the way that you said that I did?", "Neil: I know it's hard for you to accept this reality right now.", "Hilary: But... I have no choice? Is that what you're trying to say?", "Devon: It's a little early for that, huh?", "Gwen: But it's not too early to nag me about it?", "Devon: I don't mean to nag you. I'm just...trying to help.", "Gwen: I got al the help I need. Thanks.", "Devon: Believe me, I'm thinking about joining you, 'cause I just got back from seeing Hilary at the hospital.", "Gwen: Is she still living in an alternate universe?", "Devon: Yeah. I tried to tell her how much I love her, but she doesn't want to hear... that or anything I have to say. All she can think about is Neil and how much she loves him. It's like their marriage never ended.", "Gwen: Well, it did. And she's gonna have to deal with that.", "Devon: It must be so weird for Neil, having loved her as much as he did, and now Hilary wants things to go back to the way they were, like when they first got married.", "Gwen: They can't. She doesn't get to have him back -- not after what Neil and I went through to make sure she got home to you.", "Sharon: What are you doing?", "Dylan: I'm sorry, man.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Dylan: Is there anything I can do for you?", "Nick: Yeah. We can talk about something else.", "Dylan: Uh, okay.", "Nick: How's Sharon?", "Dylan: Uh, actually, I just came from Fairview, and she was sleeping. I didn't really get to talk to her, but she looked, uh -- she looked good -- better than I thought she would. She's -- she's really starting to show, and I got to see the ultrasound -- sorry.", "Nick: No, don't, you know? You're, uh -- [Sighs] You're gonna be a dad. You should be excited.", "Dylan: In that case, uh, everything's -- everything's good.", "Nick: I'm glad.", "Dylan: You know, I didn't -- I didn't tell Sharon. I wasn't sure how she'd react, so...", "Nick: Yeah, that's a good call. Sharon shouldn't get upset at this stage of her pregnancy.", "Sharon: What were you doing just now?", "Dr. Anderson: I was, uh, putting the blanket back on. You kicked it off. I didn't want you and the baby to get a chill.", "Sharon: Oh. Thank you.", "Dr. Anderson: I noticed it earlier when Dylan was checking in on you.", "Sharon: Dylan was here?", "Dr. Anderson: Yeah, he was here. We talked. You know, something that came up was that he didn't want to know the sex of the baby unless you did.", "Sharon: I definitely want to know.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, then I'll tell you, and you can share the news with Dylan.", "Sharon: You think I should see him?", "Dr. Anderson: It's time. And what better topic for you to discuss than your baby?", "Sharon: So, tell me... what am I having -- a boy or a girl?", "Sage: Why are you here, reverend?", "Reverend Wilkins: I'm so sorry for your loss, sage. I know this is diff--", "Sage: Have you ever lost a child?", "Reverend Wilkins: No.", "Sage: Then you have no idea how difficult this is for me. Don't tell me to feel better. I don't want to feel better. I want you to leave my room. Get out!", "Nick: What's -- what's going on?", "Reverend Wilkins: I-I didn't mean to upset your wife. Victoria asked me to perform your son's memorial today.", "Sage: What?! Nick, today?! You want me to bury my son today?!", "Ashley: We shared a very traumatic experience. It was very confusing.", "Stitch: I am not traumatized or confused. I know exactly how I feel. I love you.", "Ashley: Just stop saying that. That's not real. You love Abby. And she loves you. So, you can't be in love with me.", "Stitch: Why not?", "Ashley: I know how happy you make each other, and you're gonna have a long and happy life together.", "Stitch: I want to be with you, and I know you want to be with me.", "Ashley: You're gonna forget everything that happened between us.", "Stitch: Can you do that?", "Ashley: Yes. And so can you.", "Devon: What exactly do you mean, everything you had to go through with Neil to make sure Hilary got back safe to me?", "Gwen: I'm just frustrated. That's all. And I've had -- I've had too many of these.", "Devon: Right, but that doesn't exactly explain what you meant.", "Gwen: It's just... Neil spent so much energy trying to help you, and he was consumed by the search for Hilary, and he was just worried sick about what would turn out, and... that's all.", "Devon: Okay. So, now that she's back, everything should be fine, right?", "Gwen: Yeah. It should. But listen to me, Devon. Don't give up, okay? Keep fighting for your wife.", "Neil: So, you should get some rest.", "Hilary: Do you have to leave?", "Neil: Yeah. Um, I'll check back later, okay? And if you should decide to go to the club... I'll help you get settled in to your suite, all right?", "Hilary: Okay. Thanks.", "Neil: Yeah. [Smooches] You take care.", "Victoria: I'm gonna make sure that everything's ready in the chapel.", "Billy: Okay. I'll be back for the service.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Ash, hey. I was just gonna look for you. Hey. Hey. Is this about stitch?", "Ashley: No. He's fine.", "Billy: Well, you're not.", "Ashley: Listen...", "Billy: Ash, what is going on with you?", "Ashley: ...I'm emotional, okay? I've just been through a lot. That's all. I'm just glad that my little girl wants a future with Ben and she's happy, and I want to do everything I can to make sure she gets that.", "Billy: Hey. It's okay.", "Abby: Open them. Ta-da!", "Stitch: Bridal magazines.", "Abby: Yeah! I thought we should start planning our wedding.", "Stitch: I didn't realize you wanted to dive in to this so soon.", "Abby: I was ready to dive in as soon as you put this ring on my finger. I just want to give my family something to look forward to, something to be happy about. My mom is ready to plan the wedding of the year, so I thought we could start going over things while you're recovering -- you know, venues, menus, color schemes, the cake. A lot of people aren't doing traditional cakes anymore. They're doing, like, cupcakes.", "Stitch: Mm.", "Abby: I'm sorry. [Chuckles] Is this too much for you?", "Stitch: No, no. Its, uh... it's gonna be great. It's -- it's great. It's gonna be great.", "Abby: Yay!", "Sharon: Hi!", "Dylan: Hey. It's good to see you. I wish it was in person, but I guess I'll, uh -- I guess I'll have to settle for this.", "Sharon: I couldn't wait to tell you my news.", "Dylan: Well, I want to hear it, but I want to know how you're feeling first.", "Sharon: I feel... better. Rested.", "Dylan: That's good. I'm glad to hear that.", "Sharon: Dr. Anderson told me you saw the sonogram.", "Dylan: [Chuckling] Yeah. It was -- it was amazing.", "Sharon: That's why I'm calling, Dylan. We're having a boy.", "Dylan: Uh... a boy? Well, that's -- I-I can't believe we're having -- we're having a boy.", "Sharon: Isn't that exciting?", "Dylan: Yeah, it is. It's exciting. It's incredible.", "Sharon: Well, I wanted to give you the news myself and to let you know that your son and I are doing fine and there's nothing for you to worry about.", "Dylan: Sharon is somebody there with you?", "Sharon: No. I'm alone.", "Dylan: Okay. You seem a little distracted.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. You have my full attention.", "Dylan: Are you sure everything's okay?", "Sharon: Yes. It's fine -- perfectly fine.", "Nick: I didn't know Vick had gotten in touch with reverend --", "Sage: Don't blame Victoria! You just told me that you wanted to go ahead with the memorial!", "Nick: I also said that -- that we didn't have to make any final decisions.", "Sage: Which means that you decide and I go along with what you want!", "Nick: No.", "Sage: But that's how it always is, Nick, because I didn't want to go to the party last night, and you convinced me to go, and I left Christian, and he died alone, without his mommy, and now you're rushing to bury our son?!", "Nick: [Voice breaking] I would never want that.", "Sage: Well, I'm sure you're glad about that, though, right? Then you won't have to be married to me anymore. You can go on with your life without you.", "Nick: That's not what I want.", "Sage: Yes, it is. Well, you got your wish, didn't you? So go. Get out! Leave me alone!! Nick, I -- Nick! Come back! [Crying] Oh, God.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Adam needs his rest. This isn't a good time right now.", "Christine: It's time to go to prison.", "Luca: My family would like to offer their assistance with your recovery.", "Phyllis: You want to save the man who put me through intense humiliation. Why in the hell would you want to save Victor?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Dylan tells Paul that Sully is really Christian and later Paul asks Nick to allow Dylan to remain a part of Christian's life. Nick tells Nikki the whole story and she wants to make Sharon pay for hurting both him and Dylan, but Nick asks her to leave Sharon alone. Nikki goes to talk to Victor and tells him about Christian. She is surprised that Victor agrees with Nick that she shouldn't go after Sharon. Hilary researches Dr. Anderson and later goes to visit Patty. When Patty assumes that Hilary is her new lawyer, Hilary questions her about her secret and Patty tells her the whole story. Victor tells Devon that he will drop the lawsuit if he puts the interview with Curtis Fielding on the air. Mariah almost goes on the air with the story because Devon can't find Hilary, and then Hilary arrives seconds before air time. Hilary tells Devon that she was working on a big story about Dr. Anderson and a baby. Mariah overhears Hilary talking to Devon about her big story.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Should we go with the regular applesauce? You want to get a little edgy with the banana, hmm? Banana or regular? I know it's a tough choice. Oh! It's all right. We'll figure it out soon, bud. Get the rest of our lives to get to know each other, and I can't wait.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Nick: [Gasps] Who's that? Who's that? I bet I know who that is. Let's go check. Let's go check.", "Nikki: Good morning, Nicholas.", "Nick: Yep. I was right. Hi, Mom.", "Nikki: Sully, my goodness! Hello, sweetheart. I didn't expect to see you over here.", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Nikki: Oh, so that's why you invited me over, huh? You got roped into babysitting and had to call good, ol' mom, right? What is going on in the kitchen?", "Nick: Well, uh, no. No, he's not visiting, and I'm not babysitting. He lives here now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, Dylan. What's up?", "Dylan: Is Paul in?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Paul: Hey! I was just gonna call you. Come on in. Sully left this little guy at the park, and I'm sure your son's gonna want him.", "Dylan: He's not my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: We had a deal.", "Curtis: I know.", "Victor: You were to follow my instructions to the letter.", "Curtis: I did.", "Victor: But you didn't. Therefore the deal is null and void.", "Curtis: But our deal was that --", "Victor: Listen to me. You're gonna have to face all those corporate espionage charges on your own.", "Curtis: Victor, please. I did as instructed. I went to GC Buzz and shot the interview with Hilary just like you said. I took full responsibility for the leaked documents and told her they were fake. They were in a big rush to run it.", "Victor: Why didn't they?", "Curtis: I don't know!", "Victor: I'll find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Oh, my God. Hello, Dr. Anderson. [Scoffs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Mariah: Who else is home?", "Sharon: No one. The house is empty.", "Mariah: Faith? Is she okay?", "Sharon: She's upset.", "Mariah: I'm sure.", "Sharon: She decided to have dinner at her friend's, Kayla's.", "Mariah: She's not gonna say...?", "Sharon: No, she won't say anything. Shouldn't you be at work?", "Mariah: I am. I was. But... I needed to tell you this, and I didn't want to send it over text.", "Sharon: What? Tell me what's wrong.", "Mariah: I don't know how it happened, but Hilary got a call at work, a tip about Dr. Anderson and a baby. And then she started fishing for my take on it.", "Sharon: What did you tell her?", "Mariah: I-I didn't say anything about Patty or -- or the doctor or the whole situation, but I know Hilary. She's going to keep digging until she hits dirt, and when she does...", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. This is gonna be all over the news. When?", "Mariah: Probably soon.", "Sharon: It's gonna devastate Dylan and faith. And Nick, the baby.", "Mariah: And you.", "Sharon: Why did it have to be Hilary? This is an agonizing personal ordeal. She's gonna turn this into a media circus.", "Mariah: With you in the center, right?", "Sharon: She's not gonna give any thought at all to my innocent little boy who does not deserve to have people gossiping about him and judging the people who love them.", "Mariah: We all kind of expected this.", "Sharon: Eventually. We could be invaded by photographers, questions, accusations by the end of the day.", "Mariah: How are you gonna handle it?", "Sharon: I don't know.", "Mariah: Dylan? How mad is he?", "Sharon: He's -- he's pretty upset. He, uh, tried to convince Nick that we should come up with a shared custody arrangement, but Nick wouldn't do it.", "Mariah: It was worth trying.", "Sharon: Dylan fought hard for it. So hard that Nick threatened to call the police if we didn't give him Sully. We had no choice.", "Mariah: I'm so sorry, Sharon.", "Sharon: This is a nightmare watching Nick walk out with Sully, having to explain to faith why her little brother doesn't live here anymore. Dylan's storming off like I'm the worst person in the world. I-I really don't think he's ever gonna look at me the same way again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I'm so sorry, son.", "Dylan: Uh, no, I'm sorry. 'Cause when we ran into you in the park, it was the last time that you'd be his grandfather.", "Paul: Look, don't do this to yourself. I understand why you didn't say anything. I mean, you -- you had to process this whole thing. Give yourself a break.", "Dylan: You know what I was really doing? I was holding out hope. What a joke. I'm sitting in the park, looking in his face, seeing myself as I always have, and he's not even... just -- I don't know how to make it real in my head, Paul. I-I mean, Sully's Christian? How can that even be possible? And Sharon, my wife...", "Paul: Yeah.", "Dylan: My wife -- she hid it from me for months.", "Paul: I know. You're angry at her.", "Dylan: Yeah, wouldn't you be angry?", "Paul: I would.", "Dylan: Yeah, and she's been living in denial, and every day... every day I was falling more in love with that little boy.", "Dylan: I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you. Always.", "Dylan: He was mine, Paul. He was mine, and now he's not mine. I swear to you, when I handed Sully to Nick... I just felt like a part of me died.", "Paul: I wish... look, it's all so raw right now, and -- and I really can't see that Nick is gonna cut you out of that little boy's life completely.", "Dylan: I don't know. I don't know. He might think it's confusing that I'm around. He's gonna want to keep his distance.", "Paul: Right. For a while. And it's probably best. And it's important that you understand the reason why.", "Dylan: Yeah, I do. I just don't know how I'm gonna live with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: This is Christian? And he has been alive all this time?", "Nick: It kind of feels like a miracle. Like getting something back in your life that you thought was lost forever. It's a lot of emotions.", "Nikki: Yes. I'm sure there is.", "[Christian shouts]", "Nikki: Ohh, yes! Euphoria over finally having him. But sadness and rage over the time that you've lost.", "Nick: Yeah, it's a lot to get through, but we'll get there. Christian and I, we're gonna focus on the euphoria and table the rest for now. It's really important I get to build a relationship with my son.", "Nikki: Yeah, a relationship that you were robbed of. And now Dylan has been robbed, as well. The child that he loves has been torn away from him.", "Nick: I can't think about that.", "Nikki: Well, I hope you were kind to him, weren't you?", "Nick: I got to put Christian first.", "Nikki: I understand that, but Sharon lied to all of us for months.", "Nick: We're looking forward here. I don't want to look back. I don't want to be consumed with any negativity.", "Nikki: Well, I think it's great that you can do that.", "Nick: I really want you to follow my lead. Mom, Sharon has suffered enough because of her lies. I don't want you to blame her anymore.", "Nikki: She has betrayed both of my sons.", "Nick: I'm asking you to stay out of it. Please. For me.", "Nikki: I love you, son. But that's precisely why I will not stay out of this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: May I help you?", "Hilary: I'm here to see Patty Williams.", "Man: Oh, you must be the lawyer. She's been hoping to see you.", "Hilary: Is she in there?", "Man: Let me have a peek.", "Hilary: Thank you. Hello, Patty.", "Patty: Hi. Who are you? A doctor?", "Hilary: I'm here to ask you some questions about Dr. Anderson.", "Patty: [Gasps] Oh! You're the one! The lawyer that Paulie sent to help me get out of this place, right?", "Hilary: I'm here to get your story out there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Oh, Devon. May I have a word?", "Devon: Mr. Newman. Is there a problem?", "Victor: You know there's a problem. It has come to my attention that a former member of my board of directors, Curtis Fielding, has admitted to having leaked falsified documents. Why hasn't that been aired yet?", "Devon: Because it hasn't been vetted yet.", "Victor: Or is it that you knew his interview would prove that you hadn't fact- checked the last report?", "Devon: Well, that is a mistake that I don't intend to make again.", "Victor: So we have a deal?", "Devon: Absolutely Let's negotiate, please.", "Victor: All right. Now, Devon, I'm gonna sue you for every penny you have.", "Devon: Unless?", "Victor: Unless you have that son of a bitch retract that report.", "Devon: Absolutely. So we air the interview and you drop the lawsuit?", "Victor: You got it.", "Devon: It's done.", "Victor: See to it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mariah: What do we do now?", "Sharon: There's nothing I can do about the story. Nick is furious, and Faith and Dylan, they asked me if I was sick again. So if you're having any lingering doubts --", "Mariah: No, no, I-I don't. I know you're taking your meds. I know that you're stable.", "Sharon: Okay, good. At least there's one person who believes me. I wish the rest of them would understand that I just... You know, I did this out of love.", "Mariah: And fear.", "Sharon: Terror. You know, Dylan and I, we just have such a perfect little family. You and Sully and Faith. And I just... I was trying to hold on to that and keep that together for all of us. Now my perfect little family's falling apart.", "Mariah: It wasn't perfect. You were constantly lying to Dylan, to Nick, to -- to everyone. And the guilt has been eating at you more than it's been eating at me. Deep down, you must be relieved that you don't have to keep up the act anymore.", "Sharon: Yeah. But Sully's gone.", "Mariah: And I am heartbroken about that. But I'm glad it's over, because I couldn't keep it up any longer.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry for all the pressure that I put on you in all of this, and I'm also incredibly grateful and proud of how you stood by me.", "Mariah: You're my mom. If I can't ride for you, then who? I'm just worried about the fallout now for both of us. [Sighs] Okay. I got to get back to work. I'm gonna try to suss out what Hilary's figured out.", "Sharon: All right. Be careful.", "Mariah: I've got to be. Hilary's sneaky. Bye.", "Sharon: Oh, wait. Mariah. I am going to do everything I can to protect you in this. I'm your mother, and I'm always gonna stand by you.", "[Door opens, closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I should get out of here, let you get back to work.", "Paul: No, no, no. You're exactly where you should be. You want my advice? Don't give up on your brother. Give Nick some time.", "Dylan: I feel -- I feel like I've given him everything. Now I got to give him some time?", "Paul: It's really the only thing that's gonna help the situation.", "Dylan: He's got my son!", "Paul: I know.", "Dylan: It's not like he lives out of the country or in another state or even across town! I can see his place from my driveway! The last thing I want to do is give him time! I want to get my son back, Paul!", "Paul: I know you do. But because you love your son, you won't do that.", "Dylan: No, I'm not going to do that.", "Paul: Um... about Sharon.", "Dylan: Yeah, Sharon. That's -- that's where I need -- I need some time. I just feel like it's running out.", "Paul: You're gonna have to prepare yourself. She might be arrested for kidnapping.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Come on. I know what she did was illegal, but Nick's got his son back now. He's not gonna press any charges.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. I really don't think Nick is gonna be your problem. But Victor might be.", "Dylan: What -- what about Christine? I mean, is Christine gonna go after Sharon?", "Paul: Well, once this gets out there, there could be a lot of pressure on her to pursue --", "Dylan: Well, I know. That's her choice, right, and your choice?", "Paul: I won't make promises I can't keep.", "Dylan: Okay. That's great. Thanks for the advice.", "Paul: No, no. Dylan. Please. I can't control the entire situation, all right? But I promise you I will do whatever I can.", "Dylan: Sorry. I didn't -- I didn't mean to --", "Paul: No, it's fine.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Whatever you can do, I appreciate it, okay? Sully's been through enough already.", "Paul: You both have.", "Dylan: We all have.", "Paul: Dylan. I love you.", "Dylan: [Nods and leaves]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Sharon: Do you knock?", "Nikki: Are you even capable of telling the truth once in your life? Just one time?", "Sharon: Dylan's not here, Nikki, so you can turn right around.", "Nikki: You denied Nicholas his child, a boy who would have been a great comfort to him when he lost his wife. And you decided Dylan, a man who has been nothing but kind to you, devoted to you. You didn't deserve any of that.", "Sharon: Are you done?", "Nikki: Oh, yes. I am done. I am done allowing you to get away with breaking both of my sons' hearts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: [Sighs] Hillary, where the hell are you? Can you please call me? 'Cause I need you back here as soon as possible. [Sighs] Um, Mr. Newman, as soon as we get ahold of Hilary, we'll get this all going.", "Victor: Just know that that minor detail could become a major problem if you don't deliver on your promise.", "Devon: Absolutely. Absolutely. Hey, I need you to be on camera.", "Mariah: What?", "Devon: You're gonna go on camera, okay? We're gonna throw away the recorded show for today, and we're gonna go live.", "Mariah: Uh, no, no, no, no. I-I-I get coffee. I-I-I take notes.", "Devon: I'm expanding your resume, 'cause I need you to go on air, okay? Hey, can somebody get her miked? Please?", "Mariah: W-w-w-wait, wait, wait, wait. Where's -- where's your wife?", "Devon: I don't know where she is. Just look over these notes and you'll be fine. Okay? Mr. Newman, um, we are going to air the piece with your approved copy, just as promised.", "Victor: Devon, I'll be watching.", "Devon: All right.", "Victor: You have a good day.", "Devon: You, too.", "Mariah: D-Devon.", "Devon: Yeah? Hey, listen. You are really helping me out here, and I'm not exaggerating, 'cause this is a very important piece.", "Mariah: No, I know. I-I don't want to let you down.", "Devon: You won't let me down.", "Mariah: No, but I-I work behind the camera, not in front of it. Y-you got to get somebody else, somebody who wants to be a part of the big story.", "Devon: Mariah, there's no one else. It has to be you, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Yeah?", "Kevin: Hey, Chief. I saw Dylan take off a little while ago. I was wondering if I could grab you for a minute.", "Paul: Well, I'm about to take off myself. What is it?", "Kevin: Uh, I wanted to let you know I finished the surveillance setup for Detective Meyers.", "Paul: Great. Is that it? [Opens drawer]", "Kevin: No, there's something else I was wondering about. Uh, about another case that's kind of like this case.", "Paul: Kevin...", "Kevin: Do you remember that guy we were tracking because we thought he robbed that jewelry store, and then it turned out it was his friend who committed the crime, and the guy that we were watching just knew about it and didn't say anything? Whatever happened with that?", "Paul: Well, the guy we had under surveillance was, uh, charged with accessory after the fact.", "Kevin: Right, but it's not like the DA threw the book at him, right, since he didn't commit the crime?", "Paul: Obstruction of justice is a crime, Kevin.", "Kevin: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I really don't give a damn what you think of me, Nikki. I stopped caring about that years ago. And I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you judge me! I love Dylan! I care very much about Nick, and I never meant to hurt --", "Nikki: \"Either one of them.\" But that's what you always do, Sharon! Every good man that you get your claws into. And for some reason, you are obsessed with the men in my family!", "Sharon: My husband is the only man --", "Nikki: And you will do anything to keep them. That's exactly why you didn't tell Dylan that Sully wasn't his because you cannot bear to be alone!", "Sharon: Oh, who are you to --", "Nikki: And you knew that your marriage was based on nothing other than some vision that Dylan had in his head about you all being this wonderful family. Well, without the child, what would be left?", "Sharon: You have the audacity to judge me?", "Nikki: After what you've done? Yeah!", "Sharon: Talk about a women who can't stand to be without a man no matter what the cost!", "Nikki: What the hell are you talking about? Victor and me? We have history!", "Sharon: You and Victor? Oh, you do? You have a history? Like hell you do. What you two share is a decades-long mind game!", "Nikki: Ha! Says the champion of mind games. I remember when you tortured Nicholas over Summer's paternity. And now you do this?! Dylan is devastated. He has lost the best thing that has ever happened to him, and I'm not referring to you, honey! Because you are only a manipulative, selfish bitch!", "Sharon: Really? I'm a selfish bitch? Why is that? Because I wanted to keep my baby?!", "Nikki: Don't you mean Sage's baby?", "Sharon: Unlike some people who drop the kids off at church and never look back?", "Nikki: How dare you. How dare you!", "[Glass shatters]", "[Vase shatters]", "Sharon: You get out of my house, you vindictive --", "Dylan: Hey! Stop! Stop!", "Nikki: Don't you push me!", "Dylan: Stop!", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Dylan: I'm assuming that you know?", "Nikki: Yes, darling, I know. And I am deeply sorry about Sully. If only the woman you had married could at least, for once --", "Dylan: Nikki, Nikki. I can't -- I can't deal with this right now, okay? Our emotions are running high. Can you just... Can you just go?", "Nikki: I understand. And I'll be around to talk or -- or anything that you might need. And you are welcome to come stay at the main house in case you decide you just can't tolerate her anymore. Okay?", "[Door closes]", "Dylan: [Sniffs] You okay?", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine. She's got bad aim. Where have you been?", "Dylan: Uh... I went to tell my dad the news.", "Sharon: Oh. How did Paul take it? Was he really upset?", "Dylan: He confirmed something for me. Charges can be filed against you if this gets out past the family.", "Sharon: It already has. Someone gave a tip to the GC Buzz.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: And that is why I had to stop Dr. Anderson.", "Hilary: What you endured, it's horrible. But just so that I'm absolutely clear, you said that Dr. Anderson wanted to get rid of you because of a secret?", "Patty: Secrets and lies. You can tuck them away in your pocket, but they always come out in the wash.", "Hilary: Just so that everyone can understand, maybe we should explain your secret. Every detail matters.", "Patty: Especially when one of the details happens to be a baby.", "Hilary: A baby? They are precious, aren't they? Just like little kittens.", "Patty: I love kitties.", "Hilary: Doesn't everyone? So, what does Dr. Anderson have to do with a baby?", "Patty: She was just evil. She took Nick and Sage's baby and gave him to Sharon and -- and Dylan to raise.", "Hilary: She stole a baby from his parents and no one knew?", "Patty: I mean, Sharon knew, but... I mean, well, later she knew. But not at first. She kept a secret.", "Hilary: Just like you, right?", "Patty: No. No, not like me. I just -- I-I kept quiet because Sharon promised she would get me out of here and she lied. So that's why Nick knows.", "Hilary: This is very interesting.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Mariah: Kevin.", "Kevin: Hey, I'm glad I caught you.", "Mariah: I can't talk now. I'm busy. I will call you later.", "Kevin: This is important!", "Devon: Hey. Are you ready?", "Mariah: Ready to throw up.", "Devon: You're not gonna throw up. Just breathe. Take a breath.", "Mariah: Look, I really think you need somebody else to handle this. Grab one of the hipsters that's always hanging around. The guy with the beard, he'd be perfect. He's perfect.", "Devon: Mariah, you are going to be perfect, okay? I promise you. I have a good feeling about this. I really do. You're gonna be fine, okay?", "Hilary: What the hell is going on?", "Devon: There you are.", "Hilary: What -- what -- what are you doing?", "Devon: Your job. An emergency came up, and you were nowhere to be found, so we're going live in 30 seconds.", "Hilary: Okay, well, talk fast.", "Devon: Victor agreed to drop the lawsuit if we aired the interview with the board member.", "Hilary: The one that I wanted to --", "Devon: The one that you wanted to air, yes. You can be right later. Right now we have to do this.", "Hilary: Okay, well, give me that mike and get out of my way.", "Devon: You sure you want to do this?", "Hilary: Yes. I'm sure. No, Bill. Get out of here. [Sighs]", "Devon: Keith, make sure you frame it tight when she starts, okay? You good?", "Hilary: Yes, yes, I'm good, I'm good.", "Devon: All right.", "Hilary: [Sighs] Five more seconds.", "Devon: All right.", "Hilary: Okay.", "Devon: Here we go. All right, we're going live in five, four, three, two...", "Hilary: What's Buzzing, GC? Victor Newman, that's who. Now, we did him wrong with the last story on Newman enterprises, and we're sorry. We're really very sorry, Mr. Newman, and that's from all of us here at the GC Buzz team. We were tripped up by an ex-Newman board member. Here's that rat now, Curtis fielding, setting the record straight. I understand you have a confession to make.", "Curtis: I'm the leak from Newman Enterprises. I went behind Victor Newman's back and sold company documents, except they weren't actually company documents.", "Hilary: What does that mean?", "Curtis: They were fake. It was all just one big lie. My lie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. My baby. So?", "Nikki: Um... I have something to tell you. I-I don't even know how to say it.", "Victor: What is it?", "Nikki: It's about Sully. As it turns out... he's not Dylan's child. He's actually Nicholas' son. He's Christian.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I assume you've heard?", "Paul: Yeah. Um... I was hoping I could see Christian.", "Nick: I just put him down for a nap.", "Paul: Oh, well, I certainly don't want to disturb him. It's -- it's good that he's still on a schedule. But there is another reason I-I came by.", "Nick: I assumed there was. You're worried about Dylan.", "Paul: Yeah, there are a few things I'd like to say on his behalf and a couple of things of my own, and I hope that you'll hear me out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: That's all Mariah told me. That's all that she knew. We don't know when the story will break, but we know that it will. Look, I know you're really upset, but just say something or yell or something rather than sitting there in silence.", "Dylan: I'm just trying to look at it from every angle. I can only see one way out.", "Sharon: You think I should run?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: We'll be back tomorrow with more of what you can't live without. Until then, keep on buzzing, GC.", "Devon: And we're out.", "Hilary: I think I did a pretty good job on no notice.", "Devon: You handled it like a pro.", "Hilary: Let's not make any more mistakes on who does what around here.", "Mariah: You think I wanted to do that? It was all Devon! Ask him!", "Hilary: Yeah, don't worry. I certainly will.", "Devon: Hey, guys, thank you for pulling everything together so quick. I really appreciate it.", "Hilary: And you should be on your way, too.", "Mariah: Okay, I'll get my stuff.", "Devon: Hey. You don't get to be upset about almost being replaced when I was calling you nonstop, okay? Where were you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I want you to know how, uh, how much I appreciate how graciously you've handled all of this.", "Nick: You mean by not getting the police involved.", "Paul: Well, that, and giving Dylan a chance to, uh, digest all this and say goodbye before moving the child out. Your brother is suffering. And, um, I don't have to tell you how much he loves that kid. And that's not gonna change.", "Nick: What are you saying?", "Paul: What could be better for a child than to surround him with as many people as possible that love him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I will not abandon Mariah and Noah and Faith and -- and Sully. Assuming that there's some small chance that Nick lets me be around him again.", "Dylan: I'm not telling you to run, Sharon. That would be bad for the media. The media would jump all over that. Law enforcement would have to get involved. That would be hell for you. It would be hell for everybody.", "Sharon: So then what are you suggesting?", "Dylan: Before, I asked that you get professional help.", "Sharon: And I told you no!", "Dylan: I'm not -- now I'm not asking! I'm telling you, Sharon. You need to check yourself into a facility.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, I've got to say, I couldn't be happier for Nicholas.", "Nikki: Well, it was wonderful to see a father and son together.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: But my heart breaks for Dylan.", "Victor: I know, I know, I know. I understand that. I find it commendable on Dylan's part that he turned over the child to Nicholas, you know? But you and I know that once this gets out, they're gonna be talking about kidnapping.", "Nikki: Well, only for Sharon. Dylan didn't do anything. He was deceived by her, just like Nicholas was. Now Dylan's life is in shambles.", "Victor: How's Nicholas handling all this?", "Nikki: Amazingly well. But I think he is probably still in shock, because when I voiced my upset about what Sharon had done, he insisted that I stop. He doesn't want to go after her. He just wants to focus on Sul-- on Christian.", "Victor: [Sighs] Well, that's understandable.", "Nikki: Well, perhaps, but I intend to see Sharon pay for what she has done. I'm sure you agree.", "Victor: I think this time perhaps we should stay out of it.", "[Coffee pours]", "Nikki: You hate Sharon as much as I do.", "[Carafe thuds]", "Victor: Yep. [Sighs]", "Nikki: Where is this really coming from?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Look, Paul, we've been friends a long time, but I don't appreciate you coming into my home and suggesting I share custody of my son with Dylan.", "Paul: Nick. I swear to you, that's -- that's not what I meant. And I apologize if that's what you thought I said. Look, you and Dylan are brothers. And Dylan is still related to Christian. So now matter what Sharon has done, however this plays out with her, please do not cut Dylan out of your life. Or Christian's. You and Dylan are still family. You need to hold on to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Sharon.", "Sharon: You may think that I need to be locked in a facility like Patty, but you're wrong.", "Dylan: Can't you see that I'm trying to help you?", "Sharon: By having me committed?", "Dylan: If you checked yourself in and you seek treatment for what you've done, you can't be charged.", "Sharon: Well, that's just a chance I'm gonna have to take. Do you know what happened last time I went to Fairview? This happened! This! You need to understand that I will never, ever go back to one of those facilities again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not suggesting that we should forget or even forgive the kind of havoc that Sharon has wreaked on this family. I'm not saying that at all, okay? I mean, but think about the fact that she is already paying a price -- the loss of the child, her compromised relationship with her husband, and then now, you know, with Nicholas.", "Nikki: Okay, but that wouldn't have been enough for you in the past.", "Victor: [Sighs] Let me just say that things have changed, all right?", "Nikki: Adam.", "Victor: Yeah. Nicholas has chosen to take the high road. I think we should take the high road, as well, because if we don't, this will affect our children and grandchildren. And I think they have been affected enough already. Baby. Let's count our blessings. You still have a beautiful grandchild, and I now have another grandson.", "Nikki: I knew you'd be happy about that.", "Victor: So we'll take the high road.", "Nikki: If you say so.", "Victor: Let's not do anything to fan the flames, all right?", "Nikki: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Do you remember that little tidbit about Dr. Anderson which you were uncomfortable with me pursuing? Well, I pursued it.", "Devon: Hilary.", "Hilary: You should be proud of me, Devon, because I've got an incredible interview and the story of a lifetime.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Travis: Don't interfere. Victoria and I are in a good place right now, and there's nothing you can do about it.", "Michelle: I am here to see my long-lost friend Ashley Abbott.", "Ashley: Hi!", "Hilary: Sharon McAvoy -- does she belong behind bars or back in her old room at Fairview?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']